local spell = {} spell = {} spell["numericaltype"] = [[Absolute Value]] spell["element"] = [[Almighty]] spell["cost"] = 99 spell["desc"] = [[I'll show you my true power! Empties HP and SP to near-null but deals massive damage to the enemy *CHAOS ONLY*]] spell["numberofhits"] = 5 spell["conditional"] = [[if battle.end REMOVE Chaos FROM party]] spell["hitchance"] = 100 spell["target"] = [[All Enemy]] spell["passive"] = false --a function: statuschance spell["name"] = [[Chaos!]] --a function: status spell["targetattribute"] = [[HP]] spell["numericalvalue"] = 9999999 spell["costtype"] = [[HP/SP(%)]] function spell.activate() state.context.cost(spell.costtype, spell.cost) state.context.attack(spell, nil, state.battle.participants[]) end return spell
util.AddNetworkString("OCRP_UpdateLootingTable") sound.Add( { name = "OCRP_LootingSound", channel = CHAN_BODY, volume = .1, pitch = {95, 110}, sound = "physics/body/body_medium_scrape_rough_loop1.wav" } ) function PMETA:LootItem(item) self:StopSound("OCRP_LootingSound") local target = self.LootingEntity if not target or not target:IsValid() or not target.Lootable then return end if not target.player or not target.player:IsValid() or target.player:Alive() then return end if not self:HasSkill("skill_loot", GAMEMODE.OCRP_Items[item].LootData.Level) then return end if not target.player:HasItem(item, 1) then return end local chance = math.random(1,2) if chance == 2 then self:Hint("Looting failed.") return end target.player:RemoveItem(item, 1) local DropedEnt = nil if item == "item_radio" then DropedEnt = ents.Create("ocrp_radio") else DropedEnt = ents.Create("item_base") end DropedEnt:SetNWString("Class", item) DropedEnt:SetNWInt("Owner",self:EntIndex()) DropedEnt.Amount = 1 DropedEnt:SetPos(target:GetPos() + Vector(0,0,30)) DropedEnt:SetAngles(Angle(0,self:EyeAngles().y ,0)) DropedEnt:Spawn() if DropedEnt:GetPhysicsObject():IsValid() then DropedEnt:GetPhysicsObject():ApplyForceCenter(self:GetAimVector() * 120) end self:StoreItem(item, 1) SV_PrintToAdmin(self, "LOOT-ITEM", "looted 1 " .. item .. " from " .. target.player:Nick() .. "'s body.") self:Hint("Successfully looted 1 " .. GAMEMODE.OCRP_Items[item].Name) net.Start("OCRP_UpdateLootingTable") net.WriteTable(target.player.OCRPData["Inventory"]) net.Send(self) end net.Receive("OCRP_LootItem", function(len, ply) ply.NextLoot = ply.NextLoot or CurTime() if CurTime() < ply.NextLoot then return end local item = net.ReadString() ply.NextLoot = CurTime() + (GAMEMODE.OCRP_Items[item].LootData.Time or 2) ply:LootItem(item) end) net.Receive("OCRP_BeginLooting", function(len, ply) ply:EmitSound("OCRP_LootingSound", 40, 100) end)
#!../../bin/exe/lua -- setup some default search paths, require("apps").default_paths() local pack=require("wetgenes.pack") local wstr=require("wetgenes.string") local wwin=require("") local posix=require("posix") --find device in /proc/bus/input/devices ? local fp=assert("/dev/input/event12", posix.O_NONBLOCK + posix.O_RDONLY )) local hist={} local deadzone=24 while true do wwin.sleep(0.0001) -- local,16) -- 32bit local,24) -- 64bit hax --print(pkt) if pkt then local Isecs,Imicros,Itype,Icode,Ivalue if #pkt==24 then,"u32",0),"u32",8),"u16",16),"u16",18),"u16",20) elseif #pkt==16 then,"u32",0),"u32",4),"u16",8),"u16",10),"u16",12) end if Itype==3 then if Ivalue>128-deadzone and Ivalue<128+deadzone then Ivalue=128 end end local key=Itype..":"..Icode local v=hist[key] if v and (v ~= Ivalue) then v=false end if not v then -- *new* values only, ignore most junk packets hist[key]=Ivalue local Itime=Isecs+(Imicros/1000000) print(Itime,Itype,Icode,Ivalue) end end --[[ struct input_event { struct timeval time; unsigned short type; unsigned short code; unsigned int value; }; ]] end
module('') function getActiveSourceCount() end function getDistanceModel() end function getDopplerScale() end function getSourceCount() end function getOrientation() end function getPosition() end function getVelocity() end function getVolume() end function newSource() end function pause() end function play() end function resume() end function rewind() end function setDistanceModel() end function setDopplerScale() end function setOrientation() end function setPosition() end function setVelocity() end function setVolume() end function stop() end
function filterSubSections(txt) if txt == '' then return '' else return '<div id="subsections">\n<h3>Subsections</h3>\n' .. txt .. '\n</div>' end end
vim.cmd([[ augroup auto_read autocmd! autocmd FocusGained,BufEnter,CursorHold,CursorHoldI * \ if mode() == 'n' && getcmdwintype() == '' | checktime | endif autocmd FileChangedShellPost * echohl WarningMsg \ | echo "File changed on disk. Buffer reloaded!" | echohl None augroup END function TwoSpacesSoftTabs() set tabstop=2 set shiftwidth=2 set softtabstop=2 set expandtab endfunction function EightSpacesHardTabs() set tabstop=8 set shiftwidth=8 set softtabstop=8 set noexpandtab endfunction function EightSpacesSoftTabs() set tabstop=8 set shiftwidth=4 set softtabstop=8 set expandtab endfunction function FourSpacesSoftTabs() set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set softtabstop=4 set expandtab endfunction function FourSpacesHardTabs() set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set softtabstop=4 set noexpandtab endfunction function OpenSystemFile() call system(join('open', expand('%:p'), ' ')) endfunction " ============================================================================= " Set filetypes for some extensions " ============================================================================= augroup FILETYPE_SETTINGS autocmd! autocmd BufRead *.plot set filetype=gnuplot autocmd BufRead *.md set filetype=markdown autocmd BufRead *.lds set filetype=ld autocmd BufRead *.rb set filetype=ruby autocmd BufRead *.tex set filetype=tex autocmd BufRead *.trm set filetype=c autocmd BufRead *.xlsx.axlsx set filetype=ruby autocmd BufRead *.h,*.c,*.cc,*.cpp,*.C,*.ino set filetype=c autocmd BufRead *.tex,*.sty set filetype=tex autocmd BufRead *.yml,*.yaml,Sakefile set filetype=yaml autocmd BufRead CHANGELOG setlocal filetype=text autocmd BufRead *.pl set filetype=prolog autocmd BufRead *.tex set filetype=tex autocmd BufWrite *.tex call CompileAndLoad() autocmd BufReadPost *.jpg call OpenSystemFile() autocmd BufReadPost *.png call OpenSystemFile() autocmd BufReadPost *.gif call OpenSystemFile() autocmd BufReadPost *.pdf call OpenSystemFile() augroup END augroup FILE_SPACINGS autocmd! autocmd FileType c call FourSpacesSoftTabs() autocmd FileType java call TwoSpacesSoftTabs() autocmd FileType python call FourSpacesSoftTabs() autocmd FileType tex call FourSpacesSoftTabs() autocmd FileType sh call FourSpacesHardTabs() autocmd FileType perl call EightSpacesHardTabs() autocmd FileType html call TwoSpacesSoftTabs() autocmd FileType haskell call TwoSpacesSoftTabs() autocmd FileType scheme call TwoSpacesSoftTabs() autocmd FileType yacc call FourSpacesHardTabs() augroup END augroup FILE_LEADERS autocmd! autocmd FileType tex let maplocalleader = "\<Space>" augroup END ]])
--[[ [{ "pos": { "x": 100, "y": 200, "z": 300 }, "name": "", "push": false, "pull": true, "radius": 120 }] --]] local jumppoints = {} local old_calculate_power = jumpdrive.calculate_power jumpdrive.calculate_power = function(radius, distance, sourcePos, targetPos) for _, jumppoint in ipairs(jumppoints) do -- check pull distance local pos_distance = vector.distance(targetPos, jumppoint.pos) if jumppoint.push then -- check push distance pos_distance = vector.distance(sourcePos, jumppoint.pos) end if pos_distance < jumppoint.radius then return 0 end end return old_calculate_power(radius, distance, sourcePos, targetPos) end local load_data = function() local path = minetest.get_worldpath().."/jumppoints.json"; local file = path, "r" ); if( file ) then local data = file:read("*all"); local jp = minetest.parse_json(data); file:close(); if jp then jumppoints = jp local count = 0 for _, jumppoint in ipairs(jumppoints) do print("[pandorabox_custom] jumppoints '" .. .. "', pos: " .. minetest.pos_to_string(jumppoint.pos) .. ", radius: " .. jumppoint.radius) count = count + 1 end print("[pandorabox_custom] Loaded " .. count .. " jumppoints") else return false end else print("[pandorabox_custom] Error: Savefile '" .. path .. "' not found.") end return true end load_data() minetest.register_chatcommand("jumppoints_reload", { description = "reload jumppoints.json", privs = { server = true }, func = function(name, param) if load_data() then return true, "reload successful" else return true, "error, could not load jumppoints.json" end end })
---@module PlayerAnimation 枪械模块:玩家的动画控制类 ---@copyright Lilith Games, Avatar Team ---@author Sharif Ma local PlayerAnimation = class('PlayerAnimation') ---PlayerAnimation类的构造函数 ---@param _gun GunBase function PlayerAnimation:initialize(_gun) self.gun = _gun = _gun.animationId self.player = _gun.character ---玩家的右肩骨骼点 self.bone_R_UpperArm = _gun.character.Avatar.Bone_R_UpperArm ---动画配置初始化 GunBase.static.utility:InitGunAnimationConfig(self) ---设置动画的播放层级 self.player.Avatar:SetBlendSubtree(Enum.BodyPart.UpperBody, self.animationTree) self.shoulderRayMinDistance = GunConfig.GlobalConfig.ShoulderRayMinDistance ---当前是否处于不可射击状态 self.noShootingState = false end function PlayerAnimation:Update(_dt) ---奔跑状态下进行持枪状态,站立状态下进行瞄准 if self.player.State == Enum.CharacterState.Walk or self.noShootingState then self.player:StopAim() else self.player:Aim(world.CurrentCamera.Rotation.x * -1, 2) end ---是否靠近一个东西导致不可开枪检测 if self.bone_R_UpperArm then local raycastResults = Physics:RaycastAll( self.bone_R_UpperArm.Position, self.bone_R_UpperArm.Position + self.player.Forward * self.shoulderRayMinDistance, false ) local state = false for k, v in pairs(raycastResults.HitObjectAll) do if v.Block and not ParentPlayer(v) and v.CollisionGroup ~= 10 then ---前方有阻挡 state = true end end self.noShootingState = state end end function PlayerAnimation:FixUpdate(_dt) end ---装备武器的动作 function PlayerAnimation:EquipWeapon() if self.equip and #self.equip > 0 then local speed = self.equip[2] and tonumber(self.equip[2]) or 1 self.player.Avatar:PlayAnimation(self.equip[1], self.animationTree, 1, 0, true, false, speed) else self.player:Equip(1) end end ---换子弹的动作 function PlayerAnimation:MagazineLoadStarted() if self.magazineLoadStarted and #self.magazineLoadStarted > 0 then local speed = self.magazineLoadStarted[2] and tonumber(self.magazineLoadStarted[2]) or 1 self.player.Avatar:PlayAnimation(self.magazineLoadStarted[1], self.animationTree, 1, 0, true, false, speed) else self.player:Reload(1) end end ---拉枪栓结束 function PlayerAnimation:PumpStopped() if self.pumpStopped and #self.pumpStopped > 0 then local speed = self.pumpStopped[2] and tonumber(self.pumpStopped[2]) or 1 self.player.Avatar:PlayAnimation(self.pumpStopped[1], self.animationTree, 1, 0, true, false, speed) else end end ---开火动作 function PlayerAnimation:Fired() if self.noShootingState then return end if self.fired and #self.fired > 0 then local speed = self.fired[2] and tonumber(self.fired[2]) or 1 self.player.Avatar:PlayAnimation(self.fired[1], self.animationTree, 1, 0, true, false, speed) else self.player:Attack(1, 1) end end ---空仓动作 function PlayerAnimation:EmptyFire() if self.emptyFire and #self.emptyFire > 0 then local speed = self.emptyFire[2] and tonumber(self.emptyFire[2]) or 1 self.player.Avatar:PlayAnimation(self.emptyFire[1], self.animationTree, 1, 0, true, false, speed) else end end ---拉枪栓动作 function PlayerAnimation:PumpStarted() if self.pumpStarted and #self.pumpStarted > 0 then local speed = self.pumpStarted[2] and tonumber(self.pumpStarted[2]) or 1 self.player.Avatar:PlayAnimation(self.pumpStarted[1], self.animationTree, 1, 0, true, false, speed) else end end ---开火后 function PlayerAnimation:FireStopped() if self.fireStopped and #self.fireStopped > 0 then local speed = self.fireStopped[2] and tonumber(self.fireStopped[2]) or 1 self.player.Avatar:PlayAnimation(self.fireStopped[1], self.animationTree, 1, 0, true, false, speed) else end end function PlayerAnimation:Destructor() ClearTable(self) self = nil end return PlayerAnimation
object_building_mustafar_particle_must_lava_fire = object_building_mustafar_particle_shared_must_lava_fire:new { } ObjectTemplates:addTemplate(object_building_mustafar_particle_must_lava_fire, "object/building/mustafar/particle/must_lava_fire.iff")
--[[ TPB (Transaction Parameter Block) structure: encode the options for creating transactions encode(tpb_options_t) -> TPB encoded string. USAGE: - pass the encoded TPB to to isc_start_multiple() to start a transaction. - table reservation options occupy the array part of tpb_options_t, one numerical index for each table that you want to reserve. the format for reserving a table is {table_reservation_mode_code, table_reservation_lock_code, table_name}. example: {'isc_tpb_shared','isc_tpb_lock_read','MYTABLE'} ]] module(...,require 'fbclient.module') local pb = require 'fbclient.pb' local codes = { -- access mode: read | write isc_tpb_read = 8, --true: read only access isc_tpb_write = 9, --true: read/write access -- isolation level: consistency | concurrency | (read_commited + (rec_version | no_rec_version)) isc_tpb_consistency = 1, --true: repeatable reads but locks the tables from updating by other transactions isc_tpb_concurrency = 2, --true: repeatable reads without locking: gets the best out of MVCC isc_tpb_read_committed = 15, --true: see commited changes from other transactions isc_tpb_rec_version = 17, --true: pending updates don't block reads; use along isc_tpb_read_committed isc_tpb_no_rec_version = 18, --true: pending updates do block reads; use along isc_tpb_read_committed -- lock resolution: wait | nowait isc_tpb_wait = 6, --true: in case of deadlock, wait for isc_tpb_lock_timeout seconds before breaking isc_tpb_nowait = 7, --true: in case of deadlock, break immediately isc_tpb_lock_timeout = 21, --number: use this timeout instead of server's configured default; fb 2.0+ -- other options: --isc_tpb_verb_time = 12, --?: intended for support timing of constraints. not used yet --isc_tpb_commit_time = 13, --?: intended for support timing of constraints. not used yet isc_tpb_ignore_limbo = 14, --true: ignore records made by limbo transactions isc_tpb_autocommit = 16, --true: commit after each statement isc_tpb_restart_requests = 19, --true: automatically restart requests in a new transaction after failure isc_tpb_no_auto_undo = 20, --true: refrain from keeping the log used to undo changes in the event of a rollback } local table_reservation_mode_codes = { isc_tpb_shared = 3, isc_tpb_protected = 4, isc_tpb_exclusive = 5, } local table_reservation_lock_codes = { isc_tpb_lock_read = 10, isc_tpb_lock_write = 11, } -- parameter: {'isc_tpb_ shared/protected/exclusive', 'isc_tpb_lock_ read/write', <table_name>} -- note: the reason for creating this special encoder is because this is an array of sequences of options. local function encode_table_reservation(t) local mode_opt = assert(table_reservation_mode_codes[t[1]], 'table reservation mode string expected at index 1') local lock_opt = assert(table_reservation_lock_codes[t[2]], 'table reservation lock string expected at index 2') local table_name = assert(t[3], 'table name expected at index 3') --NOTE: the IB6 Api Guide is wrong about this sequence (see CORE-1416) return struct.pack('BBc0B',lock_opt,#table_name,table_name,mode_opt) end local encoders = { isc_tpb_read = pb.encode_none, isc_tpb_write = pb.encode_none, isc_tpb_consistency = pb.encode_none, isc_tpb_concurrency = pb.encode_none, isc_tpb_read_committed = pb.encode_none, isc_tpb_rec_version = pb.encode_none, isc_tpb_no_rec_version = pb.encode_none, isc_tpb_wait = pb.encode_none, isc_tpb_nowait = pb.encode_none, isc_tpb_lock_timeout = pb.encode_uint, --isc_tpb_verb_time = nil, --isc_tpb_commit_time = nil, isc_tpb_ignore_limbo = pb.encode_none, isc_tpb_autocommit = pb.encode_none, isc_tpb_restart_requests= pb.encode_none, isc_tpb_no_auto_undo = pb.encode_none, } -- in addition to encoding the options in the codes table, we encode the array part of opts, which -- is used for table reservation. function encode(opts) -- encode table reservation options, if any local res_opts = '' if opts then for i,v in ipairs(opts) do res_opts = res_opts..encode_table_reservation(v) end end -- encode normal options and glue them with table reservation options return pb.encode('TPB', '\3', opts, codes, encoders)..res_opts end
--[[ Title: Draw Our client-side draw functions ]] --[[ Function: csayDraw Draws a csay text on the screen. Parameters: msg - The message to draw. color - *(Optional, defaults to 255, 255, 255, 255)* The color of the text duration - *(Optional, defaults to 5)* The length of the text fade - *(Optional, defaults to 0.5)* The length of fade time Revisions: v2.10 - Added fade parameter ]] function ULib.csayDraw( msg, color, duration, fade ) color = color or Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) duration = duration or 5 fade = fade or 0.5 local start = CurTime() local function drawToScreen() local alpha = 255 local dtime = CurTime() - start if dtime > duration then -- Our time has come :'( hook.Remove( "HUDPaint", "CSayHelperDraw" ) return end if fade - dtime > 0 then -- beginning fade alpha = (fade - dtime) / fade -- 0 to 1 alpha = 1 - alpha -- Reverse alpha = alpha * 255 end if duration - dtime < fade then -- ending fade alpha = (duration - dtime) / fade -- 0 to 1 alpha = alpha * 255 end color.a = alpha draw.DrawText( msg, "TargetID", ScrW() * 0.5, ScrH() * 0.25, color, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "CSayHelperDraw", drawToScreen ) end
---@type table<string,TagTooltipData> UI.Tooltip.TagTooltips = {} UI.Tooltip.HasTagTooltipData = false ---@class TagTooltipData ---@field Title TranslatedString ---@field Description TranslatedString local TagTooltips = UI.Tooltip.TagTooltips ---@type TranslatedString local ts = Classes.TranslatedString local chaosDamagePattern = "<font color=\"#C80030\">([%d-%s]+)</font>" ---@param character EclCharacter ---@param status EclStatus ---@param tooltip TooltipData local function OnStatusTooltip(character, status, tooltip) if Features.ReplaceTooltipPlaceholders or Features.FixChaosDamageDisplay or Features.TooltipGrammarHelper then for i,element in pairs(tooltip:GetElements("StatusDescription")) do if element ~= nil then if Features.ReplaceTooltipPlaceholders then element.Label = GameHelpers.Tooltip.ReplacePlaceholders(element.Label, character) end if Features.TooltipGrammarHelper then element.Label = string.gsub(element.Label, "a 8", "an 8") local startPos,endPos = string.find(element.Label , "a <font.->8") if startPos then local text = string.sub(element.Label, startPos, endPos) element.Label = string.gsub(element.Label, text, text:gsub("a ", "an ")) end end if Features.FixChaosDamageDisplay and not Data.EngineStatus[status.StatusId] then local statusType = Ext.StatGetAttribute(status.StatusId, "StatusType") local descParams = Ext.StatGetAttribute(status.StatusId, "DescriptionParams") if statusType == "DAMAGE" and not StringHelpers.IsNullOrEmpty(descParams) and string.find(descParams, "Damage") and not string.find(element.Label:lower(), LocalizedText.DamageTypeHandles.Chaos.Text.Value) then local startPos,endPos,damage = string.find(element.Label, chaosDamagePattern) if damage ~= nil then damage = string.gsub(damage, "%s+", "") local removeText = string.sub(element.Label, startPos, endPos):gsub("%-", "%%-") element.Label = string.gsub(element.Label, removeText, GameHelpers.GetDamageText("Chaos", damage)) end end end end end end end local FarOutManFixSkillTypes = { Cone = "Range", Zone = "Range", } ---@param character EclCharacter ---@param skill string ---@param tooltip TooltipData local function OnSkillTooltip(character, skill, tooltip) if Vars.DebugMode and SharedData.RegionData.LevelType == LEVELTYPE.CHARACTER_CREATION then print(skill, Common.Dump(Ext.StatGetAttribute(skill, "MemorizationRequirements"))) end --print(Ext.JsonStringify(tooltip.Data)) if Features.TooltipGrammarHelper then -- This fixes the double spaces from removing the "tag" part of Requires tag for i,element in pairs(tooltip:GetElements("SkillRequiredEquipment")) do element.Label = string.gsub(element.Label, "%s+", " ") end end if Features.FixRifleWeaponRequirement then local requirement = Ext.StatGetAttribute(skill, "Requirement") if requirement == "RifleWeapon" then local skillRequirements = tooltip:GetElements("SkillRequiredEquipment") local addRifleText = true if skillRequirements ~= nil and #skillRequirements > 0 then for i,element in pairs(skillRequirements) do if string.find(element.Label, LocalizedText.SkillTooltip.RifleWeapon.Value) then addRifleText = false break end end end if addRifleText then local hasRequirement = character.Stats.MainWeapon ~= nil and character.Stats.MainWeapon.WeaponType == "Rifle" local text = LocalizedText.SkillTooltip.SkillRequiredEquipment:ReplacePlaceholders(LocalizedText.SkillTooltip.RifleWeapon.Value) tooltip:AppendElement({ Type="SkillRequiredEquipment", RequirementMet = hasRequirement, Label = text }) end end end if Features.ReplaceTooltipPlaceholders or (Features.FixChaosDamageDisplay or Features.FixCorrosiveMagicDamageDisplay) or Features.TooltipGrammarHelper then for i,element in pairs(tooltip:GetElements("SkillDescription")) do if element ~= nil then if Features.TooltipGrammarHelper == true then element.Label = string.gsub(element.Label, "a 8", "an 8") local startPos,endPos = string.find(element.Label , "a <font.->8") if startPos then local text = string.sub(element.Label, startPos, endPos) element.Label = string.gsub(element.Label, text, text:gsub("a ", "an ")) end end if Features.FixChaosDamageDisplay == true and not string.find(element.Label:lower(), LocalizedText.DamageTypeHandles.Chaos.Text.Value) then local startPos,endPos,damage = string.find(element.Label, chaosDamagePattern) if damage ~= nil then damage = string.gsub(damage, "%s+", "") local removeText = string.sub(element.Label, startPos, endPos):gsub("%-", "%%-") element.Label = string.gsub(element.Label, removeText, GameHelpers.GetDamageText("Chaos", damage)) end end if Features.FixCorrosiveMagicDamageDisplay == true then local status,err = xpcall(function() local lowerLabel = string.lower(element.Label) local damageText = "" if string.find(lowerLabel, LocalizedText.DamageTypeHandles.Corrosive.Text.Value) then damageText = LocalizedText.DamageTypeHandles.Corrosive.Text.Value elseif string.find(lowerLabel, LocalizedText.DamageTypeHandles.Magic.Text.Value) then damageText = LocalizedText.DamageTypeHandles.Magic.Text.Value end if damageText ~= "" then local startPos,endPos = string.find(lowerLabel, "destroy <font.->[%d-]+ "..damageText..".-</font> on") if startPos and endPos then local str = string.sub(element.Label, startPos, endPos) local replacement = string.gsub(str, "Destroy","Deal"):gsub("destroy","deal"):gsub(" on"," to") element.Label = replacement..string.sub(element.Label, endPos+1) end end return true end, debug.traceback) if not status then Ext.PrintError(err) end end if Features.ReplaceTooltipPlaceholders == true then element.Label = GameHelpers.Tooltip.ReplacePlaceholders(element.Label, character) end end end end if Features.FixFarOutManSkillRangeTooltip and (character ~= nil and character.Stats ~= nil and character.Stats.TALENT_FaroutDude == true) then local skillType = Ext.StatGetAttribute(skill, "SkillType") local rangeAttribute = FarOutManFixSkillTypes[skillType] if rangeAttribute ~= nil then local element = tooltip:GetElement("SkillRange") if element ~= nil then local range = Ext.StatGetAttribute(skill, rangeAttribute) element.Value = tostring(range).."m" end end end end --- @param skill StatEntrySkillData --- @param character StatCharacter --- @param isFromItem boolean --- @param param string local function SkillGetDescriptionParam(skill, character, isFromItem, param1, param2) if Features.ReplaceTooltipPlaceholders then if param1 == "ExtraData" then local value = Ext.ExtraData[param2] if value ~= nil then if value == math.floor(value) then return string.format("%i", math.floor(value)) else if value <= 1.0 and value >= 0.0 then -- Percentage display value = value * 100 return string.format("%i", math.floor(value)) else return tostring(value) end end end end end end Ext.RegisterListener("SkillGetDescriptionParam", SkillGetDescriptionParam) ---@param status EsvStatus ---@param statusSource StatCharacter ---@param target StatCharacter ---@param param1 string ---@param param2 string ---@param param3 string local function StatusGetDescriptionParam(status, statusSource, target, param1, param2, param3) if Features.StatusParamSkillDamage then if param1 == "Skill" and param2 ~= nil then if param3 == "Damage" then local success,result = xpcall(function() local skillSource = statusSource or target local damageSkillProps = GameHelpers.Ext.CreateSkillTable(param2) local damageRange = Game.Math.GetSkillDamageRange(skillSource, damageSkillProps) if damageRange ~= nil then local damageTexts = {} local totalDamageTypes = 0 for damageType,damage in pairs(damageRange) do local min = damage.Min or damage[1] local max = damage.Max or damage[2] if min > 0 or max > 0 then if max == min then table.insert(damageTexts, GameHelpers.GetDamageText(damageType, string.format("%i", max))) else table.insert(damageTexts, GameHelpers.GetDamageText(damageType, string.format("%i-%i", min, max))) end end totalDamageTypes = totalDamageTypes + 1 end if totalDamageTypes > 0 then if totalDamageTypes > 1 then return StringHelpers.Join(", ", damageTexts) else return damageTexts[1] end end end end, debug.traceback) if not success then Ext.PrintError(result) else return result end elseif param3 == "ExplodeRadius" then return tostring(Ext.StatGetAttribute(param2, param3)) end end end if Features.ReplaceTooltipPlaceholders then if param1 == "ExtraData" then local value = Ext.ExtraData[param2] if value ~= nil then if value == math.floor(value) then return string.format("%i", math.floor(value)) else if value <= 1.0 and value >= 0.0 then -- Percentage display value = value * 100 return string.format("%i", math.floor(value)) else return tostring(value) end end end end end end Ext.RegisterListener("StatusGetDescriptionParam", StatusGetDescriptionParam) ---@param character EclCharacter ---@param stat string ---@param tooltip TooltipData local function OnStatTooltip(character, stat, tooltip) end local tooltipSwf = { "Public/Game/GUI/LSClasses.swf", "Public/Game/GUI/tooltip.swf", "Public/Game/GUI/tooltipHelper.swf", "Public/Game/GUI/tooltipHelper_kb.swf", } local function ApplyLeading(tooltip_mc, element, amount) local val = 0 if element then if amount == 0 or amount == nil then amount = tooltip_mc.m_Leading * 0.5 end local heightPadding = 0 if element.heightOverride then heightPadding = element.heightOverride / amount else heightPadding = element.height / amount end heightPadding = Ext.Round(heightPadding) if heightPadding <= 0 then heightPadding = 1 end element.heightOverride = heightPadding * amount end end local function RepositionElements(tooltip_mc) --tooltip_mc.list.sortOnce("orderId",16,false) local leading = tooltip_mc.m_Leading * 0.5; local index = 0 local element = nil local lastElement = nil while index < tooltip_mc.list.length do element = tooltip_mc.list.content_array[index] if element.list then element.list.positionElements() end if element == tooltip_mc.equipHeader then element.updateHeight() else if element.needsSubSection then if element.heightOverride == 0 or element.heightOverride == nil then element.heightOverride = element.height end --element.heightOverride = element.heightOverride + leading; element.heightOverride = element.heightOverride + leading if lastElement and not lastElement.needsSubSection then if lastElement.heightOverride == 0 or lastElement.heightOverride == nil then lastElement.heightOverride = lastElement.height end --lastElement.heightOverride = lastElement.heightOverride + leading; lastElement.heightOverride = lastElement.heightOverride + leading end end --tooltip_mc.applyLeading(element) ApplyLeading(tooltip_mc, element) end lastElement = element index = index + 1 end --tooltip_mc.repositionElements() tooltip_mc.list.positionElements() tooltip_mc.resetBackground() end local lastItem = nil local function AddTags(tooltip_mc) if lastItem == nil then return end if UI.Tooltip.HasTagTooltipData then local text = "" for tag,data in pairs(TagTooltips) do if lastItem:HasTag(tag) then local tagName = "" if data.Title == nil then tagName = Ext.GetTranslatedStringFromKey(tag) else tagName = data.Title.Value end local tagDesc = "" if data.Description == nil then tagDesc = Ext.GetTranslatedStringFromKey(tag.."_Description") else tagDesc = data.Description.Value end tagName = GameHelpers.Tooltip.ReplacePlaceholders(tagName) tagDesc = GameHelpers.Tooltip.ReplacePlaceholders(tagDesc) if text ~= "" then text = text .. "<br>" end text = text .. string.format("%s<br>%s", tagName, tagDesc) end end if text ~= "" then local group = tooltip_mc.addGroup(15) if group ~= nil then group.orderId = 0; group.addDescription(text) --group.addWhiteSpace(0,0) else Ext.PrintError("[LeaderLib:TooltipHandler:AddTags] Failed to create group.") end end end lastItem = nil end local replaceText = {} local function FormatTagText(content_array, group, isControllerMode) local updatedText = false for i=0,#content_array,1 do local element = content_array[i] if element ~= nil then local b,result = xpcall(function() if element.label_txt ~= nil then local searchText = StringHelpers.Trim(element.label_txt.htmlText):gsub("[\r\n]", "") local tag = replaceText[searchText] local data = TagTooltips[tag] if data ~= nil then local finalText = "" local tagName = "" if data.Title == nil then tagName = Ext.GetTranslatedStringFromKey(tag) else tagName = data.Title.Value end local tagDesc = "" if data.Description == nil then tagDesc = Ext.GetTranslatedStringFromKey(tag.."_Description") else tagDesc = data.Description.Value end if tagName ~= "" then tagName = GameHelpers.Tooltip.ReplacePlaceholders(tagName) finalText = tagName end if tagDesc ~= "" then tagDesc = GameHelpers.Tooltip.ReplacePlaceholders(tagDesc) if finalText ~= "" then finalText = finalText .. "<br>" end finalText = finalText .. tagDesc end if finalText ~= "" then element.label_txt.htmlText = finalText updatedText = true end --print(string.format("[%s] htmlText(%s) finalText(%s)",, element.label_txt.htmlText, finalText)) end -- if Vars.DebugMode then -- PrintDebug(string.format("(%s) label_txt.htmlText(%s) color(%s)", group.groupID, element.label_txt.htmlText, element.label_txt.textColor)) -- end end return true end, debug.traceback) if not b then Ext.PrintError("[LeaderLib:FormatTagText] Error:") Ext.PrintError(result) end end end if updatedText and group ~= nil then group.iconId = 16 group.setupHeader() end end UI.FormatArrayTagText = FormatTagText local function FormatTagTooltip(ui, tooltip_mc, ...) local length = #tooltip_mc.list.content_array if length > 0 then for i=0,length,1 do local group = tooltip_mc.list.content_array[i] if group ~= nil then --print(string.format("[%i] groupID(%i) orderId(%s) icon(%s) list(%s)", i, group.groupID or -1, group.orderId or -1, group.iconId, group.list)) if group.list ~= nil then FormatTagText(group.list.content_array, group, false) end end end end end local function OnTooltipPositioned(ui, ...) if UI.Tooltip.HasTagTooltipData or #UIListeners.OnTooltipPositioned > 0 then local root = ui:GetRoot() if root ~= nil then local tooltips = {} if root.formatTooltip ~= nil then tooltips[#tooltips+1] = root.formatTooltip.tooltip_mc end if root.compareTooltip ~= nil then tooltips[#tooltips+1] = root.compareTooltip.tooltip_mc end if root.offhandTooltip ~= nil then tooltips[#tooltips+1] = root.offhandTooltip.tooltip_mc end if #tooltips > 0 then for i,tooltip_mc in pairs(tooltips) do if Features.FormatTagElementTooltips then FormatTagTooltip(ui, tooltip_mc) end InvokeListenerCallbacks(UIListeners.OnTooltipPositioned, ui, tooltip_mc, false, lastItem, ...) end end end end end ---RootTemplate -> Skill -> Enabled ---@type table<string,table<string,boolean>> local skillBookAssociatedSkills = {} ---@param item EclItem ---@param tooltip TooltipData local function OnItemTooltip(item, tooltip) if tooltip == nil then return end if item ~= nil then --print(item.StatsId, Ext.JsonStringify(item.WorldPos), Ext.JsonStringify(tooltip.Data)) lastItem = item local character = Client:GetCharacter() if character ~= nil then if Features.FixItemAPCost == true then local apElement = tooltip:GetElement("ItemUseAPCost") if apElement ~= nil then local ap = apElement.Value if ap > 0 then for i,status in pairs(character:GetStatuses()) do if not Data.EngineStatus[status] then local potion = Ext.StatGetAttribute(status, "StatsId") if potion ~= nil and potion ~= "" then local apCostBoost = Ext.StatGetAttribute(potion, "APCostBoost") if apCostBoost ~= nil and apCostBoost ~= 0 then ap = math.max(0, ap + apCostBoost) end end end end apElement.Value = ap end end end if item.RootTemplate ~= nil and not StringHelpers.IsNullOrEmpty(item.RootTemplate.Id) then local skillBookSkillDisplayName = GameHelpers.Tooltip.GetElementAttribute(tooltip:GetElement("SkillbookSkill"), "Value") if not StringHelpers.IsNullOrEmpty(skillBookSkillDisplayName) then local savedSkills = skillBookAssociatedSkills[item.RootTemplate.Id] if savedSkills == nil then local tooltipIcon = GameHelpers.Tooltip.GetElementAttribute(tooltip:GetElement("SkillIcon"), "Label") local tooltipSkillDescription = GameHelpers.Tooltip.GetElementAttribute(tooltip:GetElement("SkillDescription"), "Label") for i,skill in pairs(Ext.GetStatEntries("SkillData")) do local icon = Ext.StatGetAttribute(skill, "Icon") if tooltipIcon == icon then local displayName = GameHelpers.GetStringKeyText(Ext.StatGetAttribute(skill, "DisplayName")) local description = GameHelpers.GetStringKeyText(Ext.StatGetAttribute(skill, "Description")) if displayName == skillBookSkillDisplayName and description == tooltipSkillDescription then if skillBookAssociatedSkills[item.RootTemplate.Id] == nil then skillBookAssociatedSkills[item.RootTemplate.Id] = {} savedSkills = skillBookAssociatedSkills[item.RootTemplate.Id] end skillBookAssociatedSkills[item.RootTemplate.Id][skill] = true end end end end if savedSkills ~= nil then for skill,b in pairs(savedSkills) do if b then OnSkillTooltip(character, skill, tooltip) end end end end end end if Features.ResistancePenetration == true then -- Resistance Penetration display if item:HasTag("LeaderLib_HasResistancePenetration") then local tagsCheck = {} for _,damageType in Data.DamageTypes:Get() do local tags = Data.ResistancePenetrationTags[damageType] if tags ~= nil then local totalResPen = 0 for i,tagEntry in pairs(tags) do if item:HasTag(tagEntry.Tag) then totalResPen = totalResPen + tagEntry.Amount tagsCheck[#tagsCheck+1] = tagEntry.Tag end end if totalResPen > 0 then local tString = LocalizedText.ItemBoosts.ResistancePenetration local resistanceText = GameHelpers.GetResistanceNameFromDamageType(damageType) local result = tString:ReplacePlaceholders(GameHelpers.GetResistanceNameFromDamageType(damageType)) --PrintDebug(tString.Value, resistanceText, totalResPen, result) local element = { Type = "ResistanceBoost", Label = result, Value = totalResPen, } tooltip:AppendElement(element) end end end --print("ResPen tags:", Ext.JsonStringify(tagsCheck)) end end if UI.Tooltip.HasTagTooltipData then for tag,data in pairs(TagTooltips) do if item:HasTag(tag) then local finalText = "" local tagName = "" local tagDesc = "" if data.Title == nil then tagName = Ext.GetTranslatedStringFromKey(tag) else tagName = data.Title.Value end if data.Description == nil then tagDesc = Ext.GetTranslatedStringFromKey(tag.."_Description") else tagDesc = data.Description.Value end if tagName ~= "" then tagName = GameHelpers.Tooltip.ReplacePlaceholders(tagName) finalText = tagName end if tagDesc ~= "" then tagDesc = GameHelpers.Tooltip.ReplacePlaceholders(tagDesc) if finalText ~= "" then finalText = finalText .. "<br>" end finalText = finalText .. tagDesc end if finalText ~= "" then tooltip:AppendElement({ Type="StatsTalentsBoost", Label=finalText }) local searchText = finalText:gsub("<font.->", ""):gsub("</font>", ""):gsub("<br>", "") replaceText[searchText] = tag end end end end if Features.TooltipGrammarHelper then local requirements = tooltip:GetElements("ItemRequirement") if requirements ~= nil then for i,element in pairs(requirements) do element.Label = string.gsub(element.Label, "%s+", " ") end end end if item:HasTag("LeaderLib_AutoLevel") then local element = tooltip:GetElement("ItemDescription") if element ~= nil and not string.find(string.lower(element.Label), "automatically level") then if not StringHelpers.IsNullOrEmpty(element.Label) then element.Label = element.Label .. "<br>" .. LocalizedText.Tooltip.AutoLevel.Value else element.Label = LocalizedText.Tooltip.AutoLevel.Value end end end if Features.ReduceTooltipSize then --print(Ext.JsonStringify(tooltip.Data)) local elements = tooltip:GetElements("ExtraProperties") if elements ~= nil and #elements > 0 then for i,v in pairs(elements) do if StringHelpers.IsNullOrEmpty(StringHelpers.Trim(v.Label)) then elements[i] = nil tooltip:RemoveElement(v) end end local result = GameHelpers.Tooltip.CondensePropertiesText(tooltip, elements) if result ~= nil then local combined = { Type = "ExtraProperties", Label = result } tooltip:AppendElement(combined) end end end end end local debugTooltipCalls = { "tooltipClicked", "tooltipOut", "tooltipOver", "showItemTooltip", "showTooltip", "hideTooltip", "setTooltipSize", } Ext.RegisterListener("SessionLoaded", function() Game.Tooltip.RegisterListener("Item", nil, OnItemTooltip) Game.Tooltip.RegisterListener("Skill", nil, OnSkillTooltip) Game.Tooltip.RegisterListener("Status", nil, OnStatusTooltip) Game.Tooltip.RegisterListener("Stat", nil, OnStatTooltip) ---@param ui UIObject -- Ext.RegisterUITypeInvokeListener(44, "updateTooltips", function(ui, method, ...) -- print(ui:GetTypeId(), method, Common.Dump{...}) -- end) -- Ext.RegisterUITypeInvokeListener(44, "showTooltipLong", function(ui, method, ...) -- print(ui:GetTypeId(), method, Common.Dump{...}) -- end) Ext.RegisterUITypeInvokeListener(44, "addTooltip", function(ui, method, text, xPos, yPos, ...) for i,callback in pairs(UIListeners.OnWorldTooltip) do local status,err = xpcall(callback, debug.traceback, ui, text, xPos, yPos, ...) if not status then Ext.PrintError("[LeaderLib:OnWorldTooltip] Error invoking callback:") Ext.PrintError(err) end end end, "After") -- Ext.RegisterUITypeInvokeListener(44, "addFormattedTooltip", function(ui, method, ...) -- print(ui:GetTypeId(), method, Common.Dump{...}) -- end) -- for i,v in pairs(debugTooltipCalls) do -- Ext.RegisterUINameCall(v, function(ui, call, ...) -- print(ui:GetTypeId(), call, Common.Dump{...}) -- end) -- end Ext.RegisterUINameInvokeListener("showFormattedTooltipAfterPos", function(ui, ...) OnTooltipPositioned(ui, ...) end) -- Ext.RegisterUITypeCall(104, "showTooltip", function (ui, call, mcType, doubleHandle, ...) -- end) -- Ext.RegisterUITypeInvokeListener(Data.UIType.examine, "update", function(ui, method) -- print(ui:GetTypeId(), method) -- local main = ui:GetRoot() -- local array = main.addStats_array -- if main ~= nil and array ~= nil then -- for i=0,#array do -- print(i, array[i]) -- end -- end -- end) -- Ext.RegisterUITypeInvokeListener(Data.UIType.examine, "updateStatusses", function(ui, method) -- local main = ui:GetRoot() -- local array = main.status_array -- if main ~= nil and array ~= nil then -- local handleDouble = array[0] -- if handleDouble ~= nil then -- local character = Ext.GetCharacter(Ext.DoubleToHandle(handleDouble)) -- if character ~= nil then -- print(character.MyGuid, handleDouble) -- end -- end -- for i=0,#array do -- print(i, array[i]) -- end -- end -- end) -- Ext.RegisterUITypeInvokeListener(Data.UIType.contextMenu, "updateButtons", function(ui, method) -- print(ui:GetTypeId(), method) -- local main = ui:GetRoot() -- if main ~= nil and main.buttonArr ~= nil then -- for i=0,#main.buttonArr do -- print(i, main.buttonArr[i]) -- end -- end -- end) -- Ext.RegisterUITypeCall(Data.UIType.contextMenu, "buttonPressed", function(ui, ...) -- print(Common.Dump({...})) -- end) end) local function EnableTooltipOverride() --Ext.AddPathOverride("Public/Game/GUI/tooltip.swf", "Public/LeaderLib_543d653f-446c-43d8-8916-54670ce24dd9/GUI/tooltip.swf") Ext.AddPathOverride("Public/Game/GUI/LSClasses.swf", "Public/LeaderLib_543d653f-446c-43d8-8916-54670ce24dd9/GUI/LSClasses_Fixed.swf") --Ext.AddPathOverride("Public/Game/GUI/tooltipHelper_kb.swf", "Public/LeaderLib_543d653f-446c-43d8-8916-54670ce24dd9/GUI/tooltipHelper_kb_Fixed.swf") Ext.Print("[LeaderLib] Enabled tooltip override.") end if UI == nil then UI = {} end ---Registers a tag to display on item tooltips. ---@param tag string ---@param title TranslatedString ---@param description TranslatedString function UI.RegisterItemTooltipTag(tag, title, description) local data = {} if title ~= nil then data.Title = title end if description ~= nil then data.Description = description end TagTooltips[tag] = data UI.Tooltip.HasTagTooltipData = true end -- Ext.RegisterListener("ModuleLoading", EnableTooltipOverride) -- Ext.RegisterListener("ModuleLoadStarted", EnableTooltipOverride) -- Ext.RegisterListener("ModuleResume", EnableTooltipOverride) -- Ext.RegisterListener("SessionLoading", EnableTooltipOverride) -- Ext.RegisterListener("SessionLoaded", EnableTooltipOverride)
---@type cohashf local cohashf = require "colibc.hashf" return cohashf
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") require(ReplicatedStorage.Shared) print("Client")
local M = {} -- M.UPDATE_MODE_DEFAULT = hash("DEFAULT") -- M.UPDATE_MODE_LATE = hash("LATE") -- M.UPDATE_MODE_MANUAL = hash("MANUAL") local hyper_fmath = require("hyper_trails.fmath") local hyper_geometry = require("hyper_trails.geometry") -- -- Helper functions for trail_maker.script -- -- 'self' is trail_maker.script instance -- local EMPTY_TABLE = {} local VECTOR3_EMPTY = vmath.vector3() local VECTOR3_ONE = vmath.vector3(1) -- Based on function M.queue_late_update() physics.raycast_async(VECTOR3_EMPTY, VECTOR3_ONE, EMPTY_TABLE) end function M.create_texture(self) self._tex_buffer = buffer.create(self._tex_w * self._tex_h, { { name = hash("rgba"), type = buffer.VALUE_TYPE_UINT8, count = 4 } }) self._tex_stream = buffer.get_stream(self._tex_buffer, hash("rgba")) end function M.draw_trail(self) M.encode_data_to_texture(self) M.update_uv_opts(self) M.update_texture(self) end function M.encode_data_to_texture(self) local p = vmath.vector3() for i = self._data_w, 1, -1 do local d = self._data[i] M.write_vectors(self, i, p + d.v_1, p + d.v_2) M.write_tint(self, i, d.tint) p = p + d.dpos end end function M.fade_tail(self, dt, data_arr, data_from) local m = math.min(data_from + self.fade_tail_alpha - 1, self._data_w) local j = 0 for i = data_from, m do local w = j / (m - data_from) if data_arr[i].tint.w > w then data_arr[i].tint.w = w end j = j + 1 end end function M.follow_position(self, dt) local data_arr = self._data local new_pos = M.get_position(self) local diff_pos = self._last_pos - new_pos self._last_pos = new_pos local prev_point, head_point = M.get_head_data_points(self) local new_point = nil local add_new_point = true if self.segment_length_min > 0 then if head_point.dlength < self.segment_length_min then diff_pos = diff_pos + head_point.dpos add_new_point = false new_point = head_point head_point = prev_point end end if add_new_point then new_point = data_arr[1] -- shift data array in left direction by one position for i = 1, self._data_w - 1 do data_arr[i] = data_arr[i + 1] end end for i = 1, self._data_w do data_arr[i].lifetime = data_arr[i].lifetime + dt end new_point.dpos = diff_pos new_point.dlength = vmath.length(diff_pos) new_point.angle = M.make_angle(diff_pos) new_point.tint = vmath.vector4(self.trail_tint_color) new_point.width = self.trail_width new_point.lifetime = 0 new_point.prev = head_point M.make_vectors_from_angle(self, new_point) data_arr[self._data_w] = new_point M.split_segments_by_length(self) local data_limit = self._data_w if self.points_limit > 0 then data_limit = self.points_limit end local data_from = self._data_w - data_limit + 1 if self.shrink_length_per_sec > 0 then M.shrink_length(self, dt, data_arr, data_from) end if self.fade_tail_alpha > 0 then M.fade_tail(self, dt, data_arr, data_from) end if self.shrink_tail_width then M.shrink_width(self, dt, data_from, data_arr, data_limit) end if data_from > 1 then M.pull_not_used_points(self, data_arr, data_from) end end function M.get_head_data_points(self) return self._data[self._data_w - 1], self._data[self._data_w] end function M.get_position(self) if self.use_world_position then local pos = go.get_world_position() local scale = go.get_world_scale() pos.x = pos.x / scale.x pos.y = pos.y / scale.y return pos else return go.get_position() end end function M.init_data_points(self) self._data = {} for i = 1, self._data_w do local tint = vmath.vector4(self.trail_tint_color) tint.w = 0 self._data[i] = { dpos = vmath.vector3(), -- vector3, difference between this and previous point dlength = 0, -- length of dpos angle = 0, -- radians tint = tint, -- vector4 width = self.trail_width, -- trail width lifetime = 0, -- used for fading prev = self._data[i - 1] -- link to the previous point } M.make_vectors_from_angle(self, self._data[i]) end end function M.init_props(self) assert(, (self.points_count - 1)) == 0, "Points count should be 16, 32, 64 (power of two).") if self.points_limit > self.points_count then self.points_limit = self.points_count end end function M.init_vars(self) self._tex_h = 8 self._tex_w = self.points_count self._tex_w4 = self._tex_w * 4 -- optimization, see write_vectors self._data_w = self.points_count self._resource_path = go.get(self.trail_model_url, "texture0") self._tex_header = { width = self._tex_w, height = self._tex_h, type = resource.TEXTURE_TYPE_2D, format = resource.TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGBA, num_mip_maps = 1 } model.set_constant(self.trail_model_url, "tex_size", vmath.vector4(self._tex_w, self._tex_h, 0, 0)) self._last_pos = M.get_position(self) end function M.make_angle(diff_pos) return math.atan2(-diff_pos.y, -diff_pos.x) end function M.make_vectors_from_angle(self, row) local a = row.angle - math.pi / 2 local w = row.width / 2 row.v_1 = vmath.vector3(math.cos(a) * w, math.sin(a) * w, 0) row.v_2 = vmath.vector3(math.cos(a + math.pi) * w, math.sin(a + math.pi) * w, 0) -- Trying to prevent crossing the points -- TEMPORARILY DISABLED -- if row.prev ~= nil and row.prev.v_1 ~= nil then -- local prev = row.prev -- local intersects = hyper_geometry.lines_intersects(row.v_1, prev.v_1 + row.dpos, row.v_2, prev.v_2 + row.dpos, false) -- if intersects then -- local v = row.v_2 -- row.v_2 = row.v_1 -- row.v_1 = v -- end -- end end function M.pull_not_used_points(self, data_arr, data_from) local last_point = data_arr[data_from] last_point.dpos.x = 0 last_point.dpos.y = 0 for i = 1, data_from - 1 do local d = data_arr[i] d.dpos.x = 0 d.dpos.y = 0 d.dlength = 0 d.width = 0 d.tint.w = 0 M.make_vectors_from_angle(self, d) end end function M.shrink_length(self, dt, data_arr, data_from) local to_shrink = self.shrink_length_per_sec * dt for i = data_from + 1, self._data_w - 1 do local d = data_arr[i] if d.dlength ~= 0 then if d.dlength > to_shrink then d.dlength = d.dlength - to_shrink d.dpos = vmath.normalize(d.dpos) * d.dlength break else to_shrink = to_shrink - d.dlength d.dpos.x = 0 d.dpos.y = 0 d.dlength = 0 end end end end function M.shrink_width(self, dt, data_from, data_arr, data_limit) local j = 1 for i = data_from, self._data_w do data_arr[i].width = self.trail_width * (j / data_limit) M.make_vectors_from_angle(self, data_arr[i]) j = j + 1 end end function M.split_segments_by_length(self) if not (self.segment_length_max > 0) then return end local data_arr = self._data local _, head_point = M.get_head_data_points(self) while head_point.dlength > self.segment_length_max do local next_dlength = head_point.dlength - self.segment_length_max local normal = vmath.normalize(head_point.dpos) head_point.dlength = self.segment_length_max head_point.dpos = normal * head_point.dlength local new_point = data_arr[1] -- shift data array in left direction by one position for i = 1, self._data_w - 1 do data_arr[i] = data_arr[i + 1] end new_point.dpos = normal * next_dlength new_point.dlength = next_dlength new_point.angle = M.make_angle(new_point.dpos) new_point.tint = vmath.vector4(self.trail_tint_color) new_point.width = self.trail_width new_point.lifetime = 0 new_point.prev = head_point M.make_vectors_from_angle(self, new_point) data_arr[self._data_w] = new_point _, head_point = M.get_head_data_points(self) end end function M.update_texture(self) resource.set_texture(self._resource_path, self._tex_header, self._tex_buffer) -- DO NOT REMOVE -- if write_texture then -- print("Write data.png") -- local rgba = buffer.get_bytes(self._tex_buffer, hash("rgba")) -- local bytes = png.encode_rgba(rgba, self._tex_w, self._tex_h) -- local f ="hyper_trails/textures/data/texture.png", "wb") -- f:write(bytes) -- f:flush() -- f:close() -- -- + flip vertical! -- write_texture = false -- end end function on_input(self, action_id, action) if action_id == hash("profile") and action.pressed then"@system:", "toggle_profile") elseif action_id == hash("physics") and action.pressed then"@system:", "toggle_physics_debug") end end function M.update_uv_opts(self) if self.texture_tiling then model.set_constant(self.trail_model_url, "uv_opts", vmath.vector4(1, 0, 1, 0)) else local count = self.points_count local offset = 0 if self.points_limit > 0 then count = self.points_limit offset = -(self.points_count - self.points_limit) end model.set_constant(self.trail_model_url, "uv_opts", vmath.vector4(0, 1, count, offset)) end end function M.write_tint(self, p_x, tint) local s = self._tex_stream local p_y = 5 local i = (p_y - 1) * self._tex_w4 + (p_x - 1) * 4 + 1 s[i + 0] = tint.x * 255 s[i + 1] = tint.y * 255 s[i + 2] = tint.z * 255 s[i + 3] = tint.w * 255 end function M.write_vectors(self, p_x, v_1, v_2) local s = self._tex_stream local w4 = self._tex_w4 local i = (p_x - 1) * 4 + 1 hyper_fmath.encode_rgba_float_to_buffer(v_1.x, s, i) i = i + w4 -- next line hyper_fmath.encode_rgba_float_to_buffer(v_1.y, s, i) i = i + w4 -- next line hyper_fmath.encode_rgba_float_to_buffer(v_2.x, s, i) i = i + w4 -- next line hyper_fmath.encode_rgba_float_to_buffer(v_2.y, s, i) end return M
AddCSLuaFile() Profiler = Profiler or {} function Profiler:PlayerAllowedToProfile(ply, action) //Override this using functions from your favourite admin return true end function Profiler:ShallowCopy(tbl) local copy = {} for k,v in pairs(tbl) do copy[k] = v end return copy end PROFILER_DOMAIN_PREFIX = PROFILER_DOMAIN_PREFIX or "asset://garrysmod/addons/gmod-prof/html/" include("networking/sh_init.lua") include("hooks/sh_init.lua")
--[[ Copyright 2017-2018 "Kovus" <[email protected]> Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. death_marker.lua - Create a death marker at player death location. @usage require('modules/common/deathmarker') --]] local deathmarkers = {} function deathmarkers.init(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] if not global.death_markers then global.death_markers = {counters = {}, markers = {}, lines = {}} end global.death_markers.lines[] = {} end local function removeCorpseTag(entity) local player = game.players[entity.character_corpse_player_index] if not player then return end local tick = entity.character_corpse_tick_of_death local position = entity.position local markers = global.death_markers.markers for idx = 1, #markers do local entry = markers[idx] if entry and entry.player_index == player.index and entry.death_tick == tick then if entry.tag and entry.tag.valid then for i, line in pairs(global.death_markers.lines[]) do if line.corpse and line.corpse == entity then rendering.destroy(line.line) table.remove(global.death_markers.lines[], i) end end if player.connected then player.print({'death_marker.removed', entry.tag.text}) end entry.tag.destroy() end table.remove(markers, idx) return end end end function deathmarkers.playerRespawned(event) local plidx = event.player_index local player = game.players[plidx] local position = player.position local surface = player.surface local lines = global.death_markers.lines[] for i, line in pairs(lines) do local corpse = surface.find_entity("character-corpse", line.corpse_position) if corpse and corpse.type == "character-corpse" then local newline = rendering.draw_line { surface = player.surface, from = player.character, to = corpse, players = {player.index}, color = {r = 1, g = 0, b = 0}, width = 3.2, gap_length = 5, dash_length = 8, time_to_live = 60 * 60 * 5 } line = newline else table.remove(lines, i) end end end function deathmarkers.playerDied(event) local plidx = event.player_index local player = game.players[plidx] local position = player.position local surface = player.surface local force = player.force local counters = global.death_markers.counters if counters[plidx] then counters[plidx] = counters[plidx] + 1 else counters[plidx] = 1 end -- cannot localize the marker text, as it's a map entity common to all -- players, and not a gui element or player-based output message. local text = table.concat({'RIP ',, ' (', counters[plidx], ')'}) local tag = force.add_chart_tag(surface, { position = position, text = text, icon = {type = 'item', name = 'power-armor-mk2'} }) table.insert(global.death_markers.markers, {tag = tag, player_index = plidx, death_tick = event.tick}) table.insert(global.death_markers.lines[], {corpse_position = position, line = {}}) for index, cplayer in pairs(player.force.connected_players) do if cplayer.surface == surface then cplayer.print({ 'death_marker.message',, text, position.x, position.y }) end end end function deathmarkers.corpseExpired(event) removeCorpseTag(event.corpse) end function deathmarkers.onMined(event) if event.entity.valid and == 'character-corpse' then removeCorpseTag(event.entity) end end return deathmarkers
-- tiled Plugin template -- Use this as a template to extend a tiled object with functionality local M = {} local function newSlice(options) local slice = {} options = options or {} local filename = options.filename local border = options.border or 32 local top = or border local left = options.left or border local right = options.right or border local bottom = options.bottom or border local width = options.textureWidth or 256 local height = options.textureHeight or 256 -- Image Sheet needs to be set like this... -- +----+-----+-----+ -- | 1 | 2 | 3 | -- +----+-----+-----+ -- | 4 | 5 | 6 | -- +----+-----+-----+ -- | 7 | 8 | 9 | -- +----+-----+-----+ local sheetOptions = { sheetContentWidth = width, -- width of original 1x size of entire sheet sheetContentHeight = height, -- height of original 1x size of entire sheet frames = { -- frame 1, upper left corner { x = 0, y = 0, width = left, height = top, }, -- frame 2, top { x = left, y = 0, width = width - left - right, height = top, },-- frame 3, upper right corner { x = width - right, y = 0, width = right, height = top, }, -- frame 4, middle left { x = 0, y = top, width = left, height = height - top - bottom, },-- frame 5, center { x = left, y = top, width = width - left - right, height = height - top - bottom, }, -- frame 6, middle right { x = width - right, y = top, width = right, height = height - top - bottom, },-- frame 7, bottom left corner { x = 0, y = height - bottom, width = left, height = bottom, },-- frame 8, bottom { x = left, y = height - bottom, width = width - left - right, height = bottom, },-- frame 9, bottom right corner { x = width - right, y = height - bottom, width = right, height = bottom, }, } } = top slice.left = left slice.right = right slice.bottom = bottom slice.width = width slice.height = height slice.sheetOptions = sheetOptions slice.sheet = graphics.newImageSheet( filename, sheetOptions ) function slice:render(options) local sliceGroup = display.newGroup() options = options or {} local x = options.x or 0 local y = options.y or 0 local width = options.width or 512 local height = options.height or 512 -- Guide image (debug only) -- local guide = display.newRect(x,y,width,height) -- guide.alpha = 0.2 local topLeft = display.newImageRect(sliceGroup, self.sheet, 1, self.left, ) topLeft.anchorX, topLeft.anchorY = 0,0 topLeft.x, topLeft.y = x, y local top = display.newImageRect(sliceGroup, self.sheet, 2, width - self.left - self.right, ) top.anchorX, top.anchorY = 0,0 top.x, top.y = x + self.left, y local topRight = display.newImageRect(sliceGroup, self.sheet, 3, self.right, ) topRight.anchorX, topRight.anchorY = 0,0 topRight.x, topRight.y = x + width - self.right, y local left = display.newImageRect(sliceGroup, self.sheet, 4, self.left, height - - self.bottom ) left.anchorX, left.anchorY = 0,0 left.x, left.y = x, y + local middle = display.newImageRect(sliceGroup, self.sheet, 5, width - self.left - self.right, height - - self.bottom ) middle.anchorX, middle.anchorY = 0,0 middle.x, middle.y = x + self.left, y + local right = display.newImageRect(sliceGroup, self.sheet, 6, self.right, height - - self.bottom ) right.anchorX, right.anchorY = 0,0 right.x, right.y = x + width - self.right, y + local bottomLeft = display.newImageRect(sliceGroup, self.sheet, 7, self.left, self.bottom ) bottomLeft.anchorX, bottomLeft.anchorY = 0,0 bottomLeft.x, bottomLeft.y = x, y + height - self.bottom local bottom = display.newImageRect(sliceGroup, self.sheet, 8, width - self.left - self.right, self.bottom ) bottom.anchorX, bottom.anchorY = 0,0 bottom.x, bottom.y = x + self.left, y + height - self.bottom local bottomRight = display.newImageRect(sliceGroup, self.sheet, 9, self.right, self.bottom ) bottomRight.anchorX, bottomRight.anchorY = 0,0 bottomRight.x, bottomRight.y = x + width - self.right, y + height - self.bottom for i = sliceGroup.numChildren, 1, -1 do sliceGroup[i]:translate(-width/2, -height/2) end return sliceGroup end return slice end function if not instance then error("ERROR: Expected display object") end if not instance.filename then error("ERROR: Expected display object with filename parameter") end instance.alpha = 0.2 local panel = newSlice({ border = instance.border or 32, textureWidth = instance.textureWidth, textureHeight = instance.textureHeight, filename = instance.filename, left = instance.left, right = instance.right, top =, bottom = instance.bottom }) local parent,x,y,w,h = instance.parent, instance.x, instance.y, instance.width * instance.xScale, instance.height * instance.yScale display.remove(instance) instance = panel:render( { width = w, height = h } ) parent:insert(instance) instance.x, instance.y = x,y return instance end return M
-- luacheck: new globals ngx -- Add path for openresty modules: package.path = "/usr/local/openresty/lualib/?.lua;" .. package.path package.cpath = "/usr/local/openresty/lualib/?.so;" .. package.cpath describe ("resty-redis-mapper", function () local Redis, redis before_each (function () Redis = require "resty.redis" redis = Redis:new () assert (redis:connect ("redis", 6379)) redis:flushall () end) after_each (function () redis:close () end) it ("can perform # commits per second", function () assert.are.equal (redis:dbsize (), 0) local Module = require "resty-redis-mapper" local i = 0 local start = os.time () repeat local module = Module { host = "redis", } local Type = module / "type" local _ = Type {} module () i = i + 1 until os.time () - start >= 5 print ("Can perform " .. tostring (i/5) .. " commits per second.") end) it ("can run the example of the documentation", function () -- Import the module: local Rrm = require "resty-redis-mapper" -- Instantiate the module with a specific configuration: local rrm = Rrm { host = "redis", port = 6379, } -- There are some other configuration fields. -- Create a data type named "type": local Type = rrm / "type" -- The type name defines the type of objects. -- It must be unique within the application. -- Feel free to add any method to the type, -- but do **not** change `__index` and `__newindex`, -- as they are implemented by `resty-redis-mapper`. function Type:do_something () self.value = 42 end -- A default `__tostring` is defined, but it can be overwritten safely: function Type:__tostring () return tostring (self.value) end -- Create an object of type `Type`, -- and get its unique identifier as second result: local object, id_object = Type {} -- Update the object as a standard Lua table, -- even creating references to objects within: object.myself = object object.t = { a = 1, b = true, } object:do_something () assert (tostring (object) == "42", tostring (object)) -- Warning: all data put within a table is copied, -- except references to objects. -- This differs from the semantics of tables in the Lua language. -- Commit all changes done since the module instantiation: rrm () -- If the commit fails, an error is throws. -- There is thus no need to wrap commit within an `assert`. -- The module instance becomes unusable after commit, -- in order to prevent inconsistencies: assert (not pcall (function () local _ = Type {} end)) -- If you need to perform other changes, -- create a new instance of the module. rrm = Rrm { host = "redis", port = 6379 } -- The type must be registered again, -- because it is defined per instance of the module: Type = rrm / "type" -- This statement does not load the methods defined earlier. -- In practice, users can create a function that registers all types, -- and their associated methods. -- And the object previously created can be loaded using its identifier: object = rrm [id_object] assert (object.myself == object) assert (object.t.a == 1) assert (object.t.b == true) -- `resty-redis-mapper` uses transactions. -- If an object has been modified by something else -- between its loading and commit time, the commit fails: object.c = "c" do local o_rrm = Rrm { host = "redis", port = 6379 } local _ = o_rrm / "type" local o_object = o_rrm [id_object] o_object.c = nil o_rrm () end -- This following commit fails, -- because the object has been modified in the block above. -- The local copy is thus in a inconsistent state with the reference. rrm () -- Each commit is transactional: -- either everything is updated, or nothing. -- `resty-redis-mapper` allows to concurrently read objects. -- There can also be one write to an object, that is read. rrm = Rrm { host = "redis", port = 6379 } Type = rrm / "type" object = rrm [id_object] object.c = "c" do local o_rrm = Rrm { host = "redis", port = 6379 } local _ = o_rrm / "type" local _ = o_rrm [id_object] o_rrm () end -- This following commit is successful, -- because the object has been modified by only one instance -- of the module. rrm () -- It is possible to delete an object using the usual Lua notation: rrm = Rrm { host = "redis", port = 6379 } Type = rrm / "type" object = rrm [id_object] rrm [object] = nil -- rrm [id_object] = nil works as well rrm () end) end)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CLASS DECLARATION -------------------------------------------------------- local _DK = {}; _DK.__index = _DK; local DirtyKeys = {}; --[RequestUUID,KQK] -> DocRoot function _DK.SetDirty(self, kqk, data) local ruuid = ngx.var.RequestUUID; if (DirtyKeys[ruuid] == nil) then DirtyKeys[ruuid] = {}; end if (DirtyKeys[ruuid][kqk] == nil) then LT('Replication:SetDirty: R: ' .. ruuid .. ' K: ' .. kqk); DirtyKeys[ruuid][kqk] = data.__root; return true; end return false; end function _DK.UnsetDirty(self, kqk) local ruuid = ngx.var.RequestUUID; LT('DirtyKeys:UnsetDirty: R: ' .. ruuid .. ' K: ' .. kqk); DirtyKeys[ruuid][kqk] = nil; end function _DK.GetDirtyKeys(self, ruuid) return DirtyKeys[ruuid]; end function _DK.DropDirtyKeys(self, ruuid) DirtyKeys[ruuid] = nil; end return _DK;
local Snowflake = require('containers/abstract/Snowflake') local Resolver = require('client/Resolver') local ArrayIterable = require('iterables/ArrayIterable') local json = require('json') local format = string.format local Emoji, get = require('class')('Emoji', Snowflake) function Emoji:__init(data, parent) Snowflake.__init(self, data, parent) self.client._emoji_map[self._id] = parent return self:_loadMore(data) end function Emoji:_load(data) Snowflake._load(self, data) return self:_loadMore(data) end function Emoji:_loadMore(data) if data.roles then local roles = #data.roles > 0 and data.roles or nil if self._roles then self._roles._array = roles else self._roles_raw = roles end end end function Emoji:_modify(payload) local data, err = self.client._api:modifyGuildEmoji(self._parent._id, self._id, payload) if data then self:_load(data) return true else return false, err end end function Emoji:setName(name) return self:_modify({name = name or json.null}) end function Emoji:setRoles(roles) roles = Resolver.roleIds(roles) return self:_modify({roles = roles or json.null}) end function Emoji:delete() local data, err = self.client._api:deleteGuildEmoji(self._parent._id, self._id) if data then local cache = self._parent._emojis if cache then cache:_delete(self._id) end return true else return false, err end end function Emoji:hasRole(id) id = Resolver.roleId(id) local roles = self._roles and self._roles._array or self._roles_raw if roles then for _, v in ipairs(roles) do if v == id then return true end end end return false end function return self._name end function get.guild(self) return self._parent end function get.mentionString(self) local fmt = self._animated and '<a:%s>' or '<:%s>' return format(fmt, self.hash) end function get.url(self) local ext = self._animated and 'gif' or 'png' return format('', self._id, ext) end function get.managed(self) return self._managed end function get.requireColons(self) return self._require_colons end function get.hash(self) return self._name .. ':' .. self._id end function get.animated(self) return self._animated end function get.roles(self) if not self._roles then local roles = self._parent._roles self._roles = ArrayIterable(self._roles_raw, function(id) return roles:get(id) end) self._roles_raw = nil end return self._roles end return Emoji
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Handler.......... : onLessDown -- Author........... : -- Description...... : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function JPSpriteSample.onLessDown ( bDown ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this.bLessDown ( bDown ) if ( bDown ) then this.decreaseStep ( ) this.postEvent ( 0.5, "onDecreaseStep" ) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
lu = require('luaunit') lua_react = require('lua_react') function component1(props) return { type="flow", children={ {type="label", text=props.text}, {type="textfield", value=props.value}, {type="button", text="ok"} } } end function component2(props) return { type="flow", children={ component1({text="t1", value="11"}), component1({text="t2", value="22"}), component1({text="t3", value="33"}), } } end function test11(a) lua_react. lu.assertEquals(2,2) end function test1(a) lu.assertEquals(2,2) end function test2(a) lu.assertEquals(2,2) end os.exit( )
return { -- generic generator, from sequential list of layers: sequence = function(layers, layer2params) return function(params, input) for i,layer in ipairs(layers) do local paramsi = layer2params[i] if paramsi then input = layer(params[paramsi], input) else input = layer(input) end end return input end end }
-- color manipulation functions. function rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b) -- scale. r, g, b = r / 255, g / 255, b / 255 local max, min = math.max(r, g, b), math.min(r, g, b) local h = 0 local s = 0 local v = max local d = max - min if max ~= 0 then s = d / max end if max ~= min then if max == r then h = (g - b) / d if g < b then h = h + 6 end elseif max == g then h = (b - r) / d + 2 elseif max == b then h = (r - g) / d + 4 end h = h / 6 end return h, s, v end function hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v) local r, g, b local i = math.floor(h * 6); local f = h * 6 - i; local p = v * (1 - s); local q = v * (1 - f * s); local t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s); i = i % 6 if i == 0 then r, g, b = v, t, p elseif i == 1 then r, g, b = q, v, p elseif i == 2 then r, g, b = p, v, t elseif i == 3 then r, g, b = p, q, v elseif i == 4 then r, g, b = t, p, v elseif i == 5 then r, g, b = v, p, q end return r * 255, g * 255, b * 255 end function rgb_to_hsl(r, g, b) r, g, b = r / 255, g / 255, b / 255 local max, min = math.max(r, g, b), math.min(r, g, b) local h = 0 local s = 0 local l = (max + min) / 2 local d = max - min if max ~= min then if l > 0.5 then s = d / (2 - max - min) else s = d / (max + min) end if max == r then h = (g - b) / d if g < b then h = h + 6 end elseif max == g then h = (b - r) / d + 2 elseif max == b then h = (r - g) / d + 4 end h = h / 6 end return h, s, l end function hsl_to_rgb(h, s, l) local r, g, b = l, l, l if s ~= 0 then function hue2rgb(p, q, t) if t < 0 then t = t + 1 end if t > 1 then t = t - 1 end if t < 1/6 then return p + (q - p) * 6 * t end if t < 1/2 then return q end if t < 2/3 then return p + (q - p) * (2/3 - t) * 6 end return p end local q if l < 0.5 then q = l * (1 + s) else q = l + s - l * s end local p = 2 * l - q r = hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1/3) g = hue2rgb(p, q, h) b = hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1/3) end return r * 255, g * 255, b * 255 end return { rgb_to_hsv = rgb_to_hsv, hsv_to_rgb = hsv_to_rgb, rgb_to_hsl = rgb_to_hsl, hsl_to_rgb = hsl_to_rgb }
local component = require("component") local color = require("color") local image = require("image") local buffer = require("doubleBuffering") local GUI = require("GUI") local MineOSCore = require("MineOSCore") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if not component.isAvailable("geolyzer") then GUI.alert("This program requires a geolyzer to work!"); return end if not component.isAvailable("hologram") then GUI.alert("This program requires a hologram projector to work!"); return end component.gpu.setResolution(component.gpu.maxResolution()) buffer.flush() local bufferWidth, bufferHeight = buffer.getResolution() local resourcesDirectory = MineOSCore.getCurrentScriptDirectory() local earthImage = image.load(resourcesDirectory .. "Earth.pic") local onScreenDataXOffset, onScreenDataYOffset = math.floor(bufferWidth / 2), bufferHeight local onProjectorDataYOffset = 0 local scanResult = {horizontalRange = 0, verticalRange = 0} local mainContainer = GUI.fullScreenContainer() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function getOpenGLValidColorChannels(cykaColor) local r, g, b = color.integerToRGB(cykaColor) return r / 255, g / 255, b / 255 end local function createCube(x, y, z, cykaColor, isVisThrObj) local cube = component.glasses.addCube3D() cube.set3DPos(x, y, z) cube.setVisibleThroughObjects(isVisThrObj) cube.setColor(getOpenGLValidColorChannels(cykaColor)) cube.setAlpha(0.23) return cube end local function glassesCreateCube(x, y, z, cykaColor, text) local cube = createCube(x, y, z, cykaColor, true) cube.setVisibleThroughObjects(true) local floatingText = component.glasses.addFloatingText() floatingText.set3DPos(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, z + 0.5) floatingText.setColor(1, 1, 1) floatingText.setAlpha(0.6) floatingText.setText(text) floatingText.setScale(0.015) end local function createDick(x, y, z, chance, isVisThrObj) if component.isAvailable("glasses") and math.random(1, 100) <= chance then createCube(x, y, z, 0xFFFFFF, isVisThrObj) createCube(x + 1, y, z, 0xFFFFFF, isVisThrObj) createCube(x + 2, y, z, 0xFFFFFF, isVisThrObj) createCube(x + 1, y + 1, z, 0xFFFFFF, isVisThrObj) createCube(x + 1, y + 2, z, 0xFFFFFF, isVisThrObj) createCube(x + 1, y + 3, z, 0xFFFFFF, isVisThrObj) createCube(x + 1, y + 5, z, 0xFF8888, isVisThrObj) end end local function progressReport(value, text) local width = 40 local x, y = math.floor(bufferWidth / 2 - width / 2), math.floor(bufferHeight / 2) GUI.progressBar(x, y, width, 0x00B6FF, 0xFFFFFF, 0xEEEEEE, value, true, true, text, "%"):draw() buffer.drawChanges() end local function updateData(onScreen, onProjector, onGlasses) local glassesAvailable = component.isAvailable("glasses") if onScreen then buffer.clear(0xEEEEEE) end if onProjector then component.hologram.clear() end if onGlasses and glassesAvailable then component.glasses.removeAll() end local min, max = tonumber(mainContainer.minimumHardnessTextBox.text), tonumber(mainContainer.maximumHardnessTextBox.text) if min and max then local horizontalRange, verticalRange = math.floor(mainContainer.horizontalScanRangeSlider.value), math.floor(mainContainer.verticalScanRangeSlider.value) for x = -horizontalRange, horizontalRange do for z = -horizontalRange, horizontalRange do for y = 32 - verticalRange, 32 + verticalRange do if scanResult[x] and scanResult[x][z] and scanResult[x][z][y] and scanResult[x][z][y] >= min and scanResult[x][z][y] <= max then if onScreen then buffer.semiPixelSet(onScreenDataXOffset + x, onScreenDataYOffset + 32 - y, 0x454545) end if onProjector and mainContainer.projectorUpdateSwitch.state then component.hologram.set(horizontalRange + x, math.floor(mainContainer.projectorYOffsetSlider.value) + y - 32, horizontalRange + z, 1) end if onGlasses and mainContainer.glassesUpdateSwitch.state and glassesAvailable then glassesCreateCube(x, y - 32, z, mainContainer.glassesOreColorButton.colors.default.background, "Hardness: " .. string.format("%.2f", scanResult[x][z][y])) os.sleep(0) end end end end end end end local oldDraw = mainContainer.draw mainContainer.draw = function() updateData(true, false, false) oldDraw(mainContainer) end local panelWidth = 30 local panelX = bufferWidth - panelWidth + 1 local buttonX, objectY = panelX + 2, 2 local buttonWidth = panelWidth - 4 mainContainer:addChild(GUI.panel(panelX, 1, panelWidth, bufferHeight, 0x444444)) mainContainer.planetImage = mainContainer:addChild(GUI.image(buttonX, objectY, earthImage)) objectY = objectY + mainContainer.planetImage.image[2] + 1 mainContainer:addChild(GUI.label(buttonX, objectY, buttonWidth, 1, 0xFFFFFF, "GeoScan v2.0")):setAlignment(GUI.ALIGNMENT_HORIZONTAL_CENTER, GUI.ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL_TOP) objectY = objectY + 2 mainContainer.horizontalScanRangeSlider = mainContainer:addChild(GUI.slider(buttonX, objectY, buttonWidth, 0xFFDB80, 0x000000, 0xFFDB40, 0xBBBBBB, 4, 24, 16, false, "Horizontal scan range: ")) mainContainer.horizontalScanRangeSlider.roundValues = true objectY = objectY + 3 mainContainer.verticalScanRangeSlider = mainContainer:addChild(GUI.slider(buttonX, objectY, buttonWidth, 0xFFDB80, 0x000000, 0xFFDB40, 0xBBBBBB, 4, 32, 16, false, "Vertical show range: ")) mainContainer.verticalScanRangeSlider.roundValues = true objectY = objectY + 4 mainContainer:addChild(GUI.label(buttonX, objectY, buttonWidth, 1, 0xFFFFFF, "Rendering properties")):setAlignment(GUI.ALIGNMENT_HORIZONTAL_CENTER, GUI.ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL_TOP) objectY = objectY + 2 mainContainer.minimumHardnessTextBox = mainContainer:addChild(GUI.input(buttonX, objectY, 12, 3, 0x262626, 0xBBBBBB, 0xBBBBBB, 0x262626, 0xFFFFFF, tostring(2.7), nil, true)) mainContainer.maximumHardnessTextBox = mainContainer:addChild(GUI.input(buttonX + 14, objectY, 12, 3, 0x262626, 0xBBBBBB, 0xBBBBBB, 0x262626, 0xFFFFFF, tostring(10), nil, true)) objectY = objectY + 3 mainContainer:addChild(GUI.label(buttonX, objectY, buttonWidth, 1, 0xBBBBBB, "Hardness min Hardness max")):setAlignment(GUI.ALIGNMENT_HORIZONTAL_CENTER, GUI.ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL_TOP) objectY = objectY + 2 mainContainer.projectorScaleSlider = mainContainer:addChild(GUI.slider(buttonX, objectY, buttonWidth, 0xFFDB80, 0x000000, 0xFFDB40, 0xBBBBBB, 0.33, 3, component.hologram.getScale(), false, "Projection scale: ")) mainContainer.projectorScaleSlider.onValueChanged = function() component.hologram.setScale(mainContainer.projectorScaleSlider.value) end objectY = objectY + 3 mainContainer.projectorYOffsetSlider = mainContainer:addChild(GUI.slider(buttonX, objectY, buttonWidth, 0xFFDB80, 0x000000, 0xFFDB40, 0xBBBBBB, 0, 64, 4, false, "Projection Y offset: ")) mainContainer.projectorYOffsetSlider.roundValues = true objectY = objectY + 3 local function setButtonColorFromPalette(button) local selectedColor = GUI.palette(math.floor(mainContainer.width / 2 - 35), math.floor(mainContainer.height / 2 - 12), button.colors.default.background):show() if selectedColor then button.colors.default.background = selectedColor end mainContainer:drawOnScreen() end local function updateProjectorColors() component.hologram.setPaletteColor(1, mainContainer.color1Button.colors.default.background) end local color1, color2, color3 = component.hologram.getPaletteColor(1), component.hologram.getPaletteColor(2), component.hologram.getPaletteColor(3) mainContainer.color1Button = mainContainer:addChild(GUI.button(buttonX, objectY, buttonWidth, 1, color1, 0xBBBBBB, 0xEEEEEE, 0x262626, "Projector color")); objectY = objectY + 1 mainContainer.color1Button.onTouch = function() setButtonColorFromPalette(mainContainer.color1Button) updateProjectorColors() end mainContainer.glassesOreColorButton = mainContainer:addChild(GUI.button(buttonX, objectY, buttonWidth, 1, 0x0044FF, 0xBBBBBB, 0xEEEEEE, 0x262626, "Glasses ore color")) mainContainer.glassesOreColorButton.onTouch = function() setButtonColorFromPalette(mainContainer.glassesOreColorButton) end objectY = objectY + 2 mainContainer:addChild(GUI.label(buttonX, objectY, buttonWidth, 1, 0xBBBBBB, "Projector update:")) mainContainer.projectorUpdateSwitch = mainContainer:addChild(GUI.switch(bufferWidth - 8, objectY, 7, 0xFFDB40, 0xAAAAAA, 0xFFFFFF, true)) objectY = objectY + 2 mainContainer:addChild(GUI.label(buttonX, objectY, buttonWidth, 1, 0xBBBBBB, "Glasses update:")) mainContainer.glassesUpdateSwitch = mainContainer:addChild(GUI.switch(bufferWidth - 8, objectY, 7, 0xFFDB40, 0xAAAAAA, 0xFFFFFF, true)) objectY = objectY + 2 mainContainer:addChild(GUI.button(bufferWidth, 1, 1, 1, nil, 0xEEEEEE, nil, 0xFF2222, "X")).onTouch = function() mainContainer:stopEventHandling() createDick(math.random(-48, 48), math.random(1, 32), math.random(-48, 48), 100, true) end mainContainer:addChild(GUI.button(panelX, bufferHeight - 5, panelWidth, 3, 0x353535, 0xEEEEEE, 0xAAAAAA, 0x262626, "Update")).onTouch = function() updateData(false, true, true) end mainContainer.scanButton = mainContainer:addChild(GUI.button(panelX, bufferHeight - 2, panelWidth, 3, 0x262626, 0xEEEEEE, 0xAAAAAA, 0x262626, "Scan")) mainContainer.scanButton.onTouch = function() scanResult = {} local horizontalRange, verticalRange = math.floor(mainContainer.horizontalScanRangeSlider.value), math.floor(mainContainer.verticalScanRangeSlider.value) local total, current = (horizontalRange * 2 + 1) ^ 2, 0 buffer.clear(0x0, 0.48) for x = -horizontalRange, horizontalRange do scanResult[x] = {} for z = -horizontalRange, horizontalRange do scanResult[x][z] = component.geolyzer.scan(x, z) current = current + 1 progressReport(math.ceil(current / total * 100), "Scan progress: ") buffer.drawChanges() end end mainContainer:drawOnScreen() updateData(false, true, true) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- buffer.clear(0x0) mainContainer:drawOnScreen() mainContainer:startEventHandling()
-------------------------------------------------- local action = _ACTION local options = _OPTIONS local cfg = premake.config -------------------------------------------------- if action == "clean" then os.rmdir("build") os.exit(1) end -------------------------------------------------- if action == "gmake2" then if nil == options["cc"] then print("Choose a C/C++ compiler set.") os.exit(1) end end -------------------------------------------------- workspace "gui-sdk" location( "build/project/" .. _ACTION ) characterset "MBCS" staticruntime "On" omitframepointer "On" -------------------------------------------------- configurations { "Debug", "Release" } filter { "configurations:Debug" } defines { "DEBUG" } symbols "On" filter { "configurations:Release" } defines { "NDEBUG" } optimize "On" -------------------------------------------------- filter {"system:windows"} platforms { "x64" } defines { "TARGET_OS_WINDOWS", "WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN" } entrypoint "mainCRTStartup" filter {"system:linux"} platforms { "x64", "arm32", "arm64" } defines { "TARGET_OS_LINUX" } filter {"platforms:arm*"} defines { "TARGET_OS_LINUX_ARM" } -------------------------------------------------- filter {"platforms:x64"} architecture "x86_64" filter {"platforms:arm32"} architecture "arm" --gccprefix "armv7a-linux-gnueabihf-" filter {"platforms:arm64"} architecture "aarch64" --gccprefix "aarch64-linux-gnueabi-" -------------------------------------------------- group "libs" include "libs/glfw" include "libs/imgui" include "libs/ofx" group "" include("main/premake5.lua") --------------------------------------------------
-- hide join/enter messages for custom chat channels? CSU_HideJoinEnter = true -- hide all system messages that contains one of the following substrings CSU_HideSystemContains = { ["Autobroadcast"] = true, } -- enable anti spam feature? CSU_MuteSpam = true -- use anti spam per user? (true recommended) CSU_MuteSpam_PerUser = true -- max spam messages to appear in each channel CSU_MuteSpam_MaxCount = { CHAT_MSG_SAY = 1, CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL = 1, CHAT_MSG_PARTY = 2, CHAT_MSG_RAID = 3, CHAT_MSG_YELL = 1, CHAT_MSG_WHISPER = 1, CHAT_MSG_EMOTE = 1, CHAT_MSG_TEXT_EMOTE = 1, } -- max mute duration of spam CSU_MuteSpam_Duration = { CHAT_MSG_RAID = 1.0, CHAT_MSG_PARTY = 2.0, CHAT_MSG_SAY = 5.0, CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL = 5.0, CHAT_MSG_YELL = 5.0, CHAT_MSG_WHISPER = 5.0, CHAT_MSG_EMOTE = 5.0, CHAT_MSG_TEXT_EMOTE = 5.0, } -- cleanup interval, just leave it to 1 minute CSU_Cleanup_Interval = 60
resource_manifest_version '05cfa83c-a124-4cfa-a768-c24a5811d8f9' client_script "@NativeUI/NativeUI.lua" client_script "MenuExample.lua"
return { scenario = { obtain_stone = { fool = "愚者の魔石を手に入れた!", king = "覇者の魔石を手に入れた!", sage = "賢者の魔石を手に入れた!" }, three_years_later = "三年の月日が経ち、あなたは再びノースティリスに降り立った。", } }
-- mdotengine - conf file function love.conf(t) t.window.title = "mdotengine" t.window.icon = "lib/sprite/logo.png" t.console = true t.window.fullscreen = false t.window.width = 600 t.window.height = 600 t.window.vsync = false t.window.resizable = false t.modules.joystick = false t.modules.physics = false end
local hudLines = {} function hudLines:update(dt) end function hudLines:draw() / 2 - 150, 0, / 2 - 150, / 2 + 150, 0, / 2 + 150, / 2 - 150, 0, / 2 + 150, 0) / 2 - 150,, / 2 + 150, if GameVars.second then / 2 - 650, 0, / 2 - 650, / 2 - 350, 0, / 2 - 350, end end return hudLines
local feature = require('fur.feature') local lsp = feature:new('lsp') lsp.source = 'lua/features/lsp.lua' lsp.plugins = { 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig', { 'folke/trouble.nvim', requires = 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons', config = function() require('trouble').setup({}) end, }, -- lsp signature } lsp.setup = function() -- local signs = { Error = "", Warning = "", Hint = "", Information = "" } local signs = { Error = '✗', Warning = '‼', Information = '!', Hint = '!' } -- also used by "nvim.trouble" for sign, text in pairs(signs) do local hl = 'LspDiagnosticsSign' .. sign vim.fn.sign_define(hl, { text = text, texthl = hl, linehl = '', numhl = '' }) end end lsp.mappings = { { 'n', '<leader>xx', '<cmd>TroubleToggle<cr>', { silent = true } }, -- { "n", "<leader>xw", "<cmd>Trouble lsp_workspace_diagnostics<cr>", { silent = true } }, -- { "n", "<leader>xd", "<cmd>Trouble lsp_document_diagnostics<cr>", { silent = true } }, { 'n', '<leader>xl', '<cmd>Trouble loclist<cr>', { silent = true } }, { 'n', '<leader>xq', '<cmd>Trouble quickfix<cr>', { silent = true } }, } local lspui_ext = feature:new('lspui_ext') lspui_ext.plugins = { { 'ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim', config = function() require('lib.lsp').add_on_attach(function(_, _) require('lsp_signature').on_attach({ bind = true, handler_opts = { border = 'none' } }) end) end, }, { 'RishabhRD/nvim-lsputils', requires = { { 'RishabhRD/popfix' } }, config = function() vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/codeAction'] = require('lsputil.codeAction').code_action_handler vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/references'] = require('lsputil.locations').references_handler vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/definition'] = require('lsputil.locations').definition_handler vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/declaration'] = require('lsputil.locations').declaration_handler vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/typeDefinition'] = require('lsputil.locations').typeDefinition_handler vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/implementation'] = require('lsputil.locations').implementation_handler vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/documentSymbol'] = require('lsputil.symbols').document_handler vim.lsp.handlers['workspace/symbol'] = require('lsputil.symbols').workspace_handler end, }, } lsp.children = { lspui_ext } return lsp
-- Various home electronics local S = homedecor.gettext homedecor.register("speaker", { description = S("Large Stereo Speaker"), mesh="homedecor_speaker_large.obj", tiles = { "homedecor_speaker_sides.png", "homedecor_speaker_front.png" }, groups = { snappy = 3 }, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), on_punch = function(pos, node, puncher, pointed_thing) minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "homedecor:speaker_open", param2 = node.param2}) end }) homedecor.register("speaker_open", { description = S("Large Stereo Speaker, open front"), mesh="homedecor_speaker_large_open.obj", tiles = { "homedecor_speaker_sides.png", "homedecor_speaker_driver.png", "homedecor_speaker_open_front.png", "homedecor_generic_metal_black.png" }, groups = { snappy = 3, not_in_creative_inventory=1 }, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), on_punch = function(pos, node, puncher, pointed_thing) minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "homedecor:speaker", param2 = node.param2}) end }) local spk_cbox = { type = "fixed", fixed = { -3/16, -8/16, 1/16, 3/16, -2/16, 7/16 } } homedecor.register("speaker_small", { description = S("Small Surround Speaker"), mesh="homedecor_speaker_small.obj", tiles = { "homedecor_speaker_sides.png", "homedecor_speaker_front.png" }, selection_box = spk_cbox, walkable = false, groups = { snappy = 3 }, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) homedecor.register("stereo", { description = S("Stereo Receiver"), tiles = { 'homedecor_stereo_top.png', 'homedecor_stereo_bottom.png', 'homedecor_stereo_left.png^[transformFX', 'homedecor_stereo_left.png', 'homedecor_stereo_back.png', 'homedecor_stereo_front.png'}, groups = { snappy = 3 }, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) homedecor.register("projection_screen", { description = S("Projection Screen Material"), drawtype = 'signlike', tiles = { 'homedecor_projection_screen.png' }, wield_image = 'homedecor_projection_screen_inv.png', inventory_image = 'homedecor_projection_screen_inv.png', walkable = false, groups = { snappy = 3 }, sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(), paramtype2 = 'wallmounted', selection_box = { type = "wallmounted", --wall_side = = <default> }, }) homedecor.register("television", { description = S("Small CRT Television"), tiles = { 'homedecor_television_top.png', 'homedecor_television_bottom.png', 'homedecor_television_left.png^[transformFX', 'homedecor_television_left.png', 'homedecor_television_back.png', { name="homedecor_television_front_animated.png", animation={ type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=80.0 } } }, light_source = default.LIGHT_MAX - 1, groups = { snappy = 3 }, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) homedecor.register("dvd_vcr", { description = S("DVD and VCR"), tiles = { "homedecor_dvdvcr_top.png", "homedecor_dvdvcr_bottom.png", "homedecor_dvdvcr_sides.png", "homedecor_dvdvcr_sides.png^[transformFX", "homedecor_dvdvcr_back.png", "homedecor_dvdvcr_front.png", }, inventory_image = "homedecor_dvdvcr_inv.png", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.3125, -0.5, -0.25, 0.3125, -0.375, 0.1875}, {-0.25, -0.5, -0.25, 0.25, -0.1875, 0.125}, } }, groups = { snappy = 3 }, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) local tel_cbox = { type = "fixed", fixed = { -0.25, -0.5, -0.1875, 0.25, -0.21, 0.15 } } homedecor.register("telephone", { mesh = "homedecor_telephone.obj", tiles = { "homedecor_telephone_dial.png", "homedecor_telephone_base.png", "homedecor_telephone_handset.png", "homedecor_telephone_cord.png", }, inventory_image = "homedecor_telephone_inv.png", description = "Telephone", groups = {snappy=3}, selection_box = tel_cbox, walkable = false, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) minetest.register_abm({ nodenames = "homedecor:telephone", label = "sfx", interval = 30, chance = 15, action = function(pos, node) minetest.sound_play("homedecor_telephone_ringing", { pos = pos, gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = 5 }) end })
for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if player.Name ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then workspace.Remote.Damage:FireServer(workspace[player.Name].Humanoid, 0) end end wait(6) for _, corpse in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do if corpse.Name == "Corpse" then corpse:MoveTo(workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].Torso.Position +,10),0,math.random(-10,10))) end end
if not Utils:IsInGameState() then do return end end if not Network:is_server() then UT.showMessage("host only", UT.colors.error) do return end end local amountOfAlivePlayers ="mission_ended", true, amountOfAlivePlayers) game_state_machine:change_state_by_name("victoryscreen", {num_winners = amountOfAlivePlayers, personal_win = true})
--Custom specialization for planters / seeders that put down chemical --Fixes the double fertilizing bug and allows herbicide to work --Almost entirely a copy of the default FertilizingSowingMachine HerbicidalSpec = {} function HerbicidalSpec.initSpecialization() print("HerbicidalSpec.initSpecialization()!") HerbicidalSpec.spec_sowingMachine =g_specializationManager:getSpecializationByName("sowingMachine") HerbicidalSpec.spec_sprayer =g_specializationManager:getSpecializationByName("sprayer") end function HerbicidalSpec.prerequisitesPresent(specializations) return SpecializationUtil.hasSpecialization(SowingMachine, specializations) and SpecializationUtil.hasSpecialization(Sprayer, specializations) end function HerbicidalSpec.registerOverwrittenFunctions(vehicleType) SpecializationUtil.registerOverwrittenFunction(vehicleType, "processSowingMachineArea", HerbicidalSpec.processSowingMachineArea) SpecializationUtil.registerOverwrittenFunction(vehicleType, "getUseSprayerAIRequirements", HerbicidalSpec.getUseSprayerAIRequirements) SpecializationUtil.registerOverwrittenFunction(vehicleType, "getAreEffectsVisible", HerbicidalSpec.getAreEffectsVisible) end function HerbicidalSpec.registerEventListeners(vehicleType) SpecializationUtil.registerEventListener(vehicleType, "onLoad", HerbicidalSpec) end function HerbicidalSpec:onLoad(savegame) self.needsSetIsTurnedOn = Utils.getNoNil(getXMLBool(self.xmlFile, "vehicle.herbicidalSowingMachine#needsSetIsTurnedOn"), false) self.spec_sprayer.needsToBeFilledToTurnOn = false self.spec_sprayer.useSpeedLimit = false end function HerbicidalSpec:processSowingMachineArea(superFunc, workArea, dt) local spec = self local specSowingMachine = self.spec_sowingMachine local specSpray = self.spec_sprayer local sprayerParams = specSpray.workAreaParameters local sowingParams = specSowingMachine.workAreaParameters local changedArea, totalArea self.spec_sowingMachine.isWorking = self:getLastSpeed() > 0.5 if not sowingParams.isActive then return 0, 0 end if not self:getIsAIActive() or not g_currentMission.missionInfo.helperBuySeeds then if sowingParams.seedsVehicle == nil then if self:getIsAIActive() then local rootVehicle = self:getRootVehicle() rootVehicle:stopAIVehicle(AIVehicle.STOP_REASON_OUT_OF_FILL) end return 0, 0 end end -- stop the sowing machine if the fertilizer tank was filled and got empty -- do not stop if the tank was all the time empty if not g_currentMission.missionInfo.helperBuyFertilizer then if self:getIsAIActive() then if sprayerParams.sprayFillType == nil or sprayerParams.sprayFillType == FillType.UNKNOWN then if sprayerParams.lastAIHasSprayed ~= nil then local rootVehicle = self:getRootVehicle() rootVehicle:stopAIVehicle(AIVehicle.STOP_REASON_OUT_OF_FILL) sprayerParams.lastAIHasSprayed = nil end else sprayerParams.lastAIHasSprayed = true end end end if not sowingParams.canFruitBePlanted then return 0, 0 end -- we need to use fertilizer as spraying type because fertilizer is the final blocking value local sprayTypeIndex = SprayType.FERTILIZER if sprayerParams.sprayFillLevel <= 0 or (spec.needsSetIsTurnedOn and not self:getIsTurnedOn()) then sprayTypeIndex = nil end local startX,_,startZ = getWorldTranslation(workArea.start) local widthX,_,widthZ = getWorldTranslation(workArea.width) local heightX,_,heightZ = getWorldTranslation(workArea.height) if not specSowingMachine.useDirectPlanting then changedArea, totalArea = FSDensityMapUtil.updateSowingArea(sowingParams.seedsFruitType, startX, startZ, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, sowingParams.angle, nil, sprayTypeIndex) else changedArea, totalArea = FSDensityMapUtil.updateDirectSowingArea(sowingParams.seedsFruitType, startX, startZ, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, sowingParams.angle, nil, sprayTypeIndex) end self.spec_sowingMachine.isProcessing = self.spec_sowingMachine.isWorking sowingParams.lastChangedArea = sowingParams.lastChangedArea + changedArea sowingParams.lastStatsArea = sowingParams.lastStatsArea + changedArea sowingParams.lastTotalArea = sowingParams.lastTotalArea + totalArea -- remove tireTracks FSDensityMapUtil.eraseTireTrack(startX, startZ, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ) self:updateMissionSowingWarning(startX, startZ) return changedArea, totalArea end function HerbicidalSpec:getUseSprayerAIRequirements(superFunc) return false end function HerbicidalSpec:getAreEffectsVisible(superFunc) return superFunc(self) and self:getFillUnitFillType(self:getSprayerFillUnitIndex()) ~= FillType.UNKNOWN end
local json_encode = require('').encode local parse_accept_header = require('httoolsp.headers').parse_accept_header local render_to_string = require('app.views.helpers').render_to_string local ngx_say = ngx.say local ngx_exit = ngx.exit local ngx_req = ngx.req local ngx_header = ngx.header local ngx_HTTP_OK = ngx.HTTP_OK local REASONS = { [400] = 'Bad Request', [403] = 'Forbidden', [404] = 'Not Found', [405] = 'Method Not Allowed', [413] = 'Payload Too Large', [411] = 'Length Required', [500] = 'Internal Server Error', [501] = 'Not Implemented', [502] = 'Bad Gateway', } local MEDIA_TYPES = { 'text/html', 'application/json', 'text/plain', } local DEFAULT_MEDIA_TYPE = MEDIA_TYPES[1] local error_page_cache = {} local error_handler = function() local args = ngx_req.get_uri_args() local status = tonumber(args.status or ngx.status) ngx.status = status local description = args.description local content_type local accept_header = ngx_req.get_headers()['accept'] if type(accept_header) == 'table' then accept_header = accept_header[1] end if accept_header then content_type = parse_accept_header(accept_header):negotiate(MEDIA_TYPES) end if not content_type then content_type = DEFAULT_MEDIA_TYPE end ngx_header['content-type'] = content_type if content_type == 'text/plain' then ngx_say('ERROR: ', description or status) return ngx_exit(ngx_HTTP_OK) elseif content_type == 'application/json' then ngx_say(json_encode{ error_code = status, error_description = description, }) return ngx_exit(ngx_HTTP_OK) else -- do not cache error pages with arbitrary descriptions local cacheable = not description if cacheable then local cached = error_page_cache[status] if cached then ngx_say(cached) return ngx_exit(ngx_HTTP_OK) end end local content = render_to_string('web/error.html', { title = status, status = status, reason = REASONS[status], description = description, }) if cacheable then error_page_cache[status] = content end ngx_say(content) return ngx_exit(ngx_HTTP_OK) end end return { REASONS = REASONS, error_handler = error_handler, }
QznnbHallCcsView = class("QznnbHallCcsView") QznnbHallCcsView.onCreationComplete = function (slot0) ClassUtil.extends(slot0, BaseGameHallCcsView, true) BaseGameHallCcsView.onCreationComplete(slot0, "common/QznnbHallItem.csb", 50, 100, 100, 50) ClassUtil.extends(slot0, BaseGameAniamtionView, true, { { fromAlpha = 0, node = slot0.layerList, fromPos = cc.p(0, -50) } }) end QznnbHallCcsView.onHide = function (slot0) BaseGameAniamtionView.onHide(slot0) BaseGameHallCcsView.onHide(slot0) end QznnbHallCcsView.onShow = function (slot0) slot0.model:setIsShowingRoomTxt(true) slot0.model:setIsShowingBtnBack(true) slot0.model:setIsShowingBtnHelp(true) slot0.model:setIsShowingLogo(false) slot0.model:setIsShowingPlayerInfo(false) slot0.model:setIsShowingMainScore(false) slot0.model:setIsShowingQuickStart(true) BaseGameAniamtionView.onShow(slot0) BaseGameHallCcsView.onShow(slot0) end QznnbHallCcsView.onBtnClick = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) return end QznnbHallCcsView.destroy = function (slot0) BaseGameAniamtionView.destroy(slot0) BaseGameHallCcsView.destroy(slot0) end return
local item_width = THEME:GetMetric("OptionRow","ItemsStartX") + scale( SCREEN_WIDTH, 960, 1280, SCREEN_RIGHT-300 + 30, SCREEN_RIGHT-20 + 30) return Def.ActorFrame{ Def.Quad{ OnCommand=cmd(x,223;zoomto,item_width,35;diffuse,{0,0,0,0.6}; fadeleft,0.2;faderight,0.2;); }; Def.Sprite{ OnCommand=function(self) (cmd(x,223;diffuse,{1,1,1,0}; fadeleft,0.1;faderight,0.1;))(self) local isFocus = self:GetParent():GetParent():GetParent():HasFocus( GAMESTATE:GetMasterPlayerNumber() ) if isFocus then self:playcommand("GainFocus") end end; --cmd(x,223;y,-34.5/2;zoomto,0, 0;diffuse,{1,1,1,1}; fadeleft,0.1;faderight,0.1;); GainFocusCommand=function(self) self:Load(THEME:GetPathG("OptionRow","FG")) if self:GetParent():GetParent():GetParent():HasFocus( PLAYER_1 ) then self:diffuseleftedge(PlayerColor(PLAYER_1)) else self:diffuseleftedge({1,1,1,0}) end if self:GetParent():GetParent():GetParent():HasFocus( PLAYER_2 ) then self:diffuserightedge(PlayerColor(PLAYER_2)) else self:diffuserightedge({1,1,1,0}) end self:stoptweening():decelerate(0.2):diffusealpha(0.7) end; LoseFocusCommand=cmd(stoptweening;decelerate,0.2;diffusealpha,0); }; Def.Quad{ OnCommand=function(self) (cmd(x,223;y,-34.5/2;zoomto,0, 0;diffuse,{1,1,1,1}; fadeleft,0.1;faderight,0.1;))(self) local isFocus = self:GetParent():GetParent():GetParent():HasFocus( GAMESTATE:GetMasterPlayerNumber() ) if isFocus then self:playcommand("GainFocus") end end; --cmd(x,223;y,-34.5/2;zoomto,0, 0;diffuse,{1,1,1,1}; fadeleft,0.1;faderight,0.1;); GainFocusCommand=cmd(stoptweening;decelerate,0.2;zoomto,item_width, 2); LoseFocusCommand=cmd(stoptweening;decelerate,0.2;zoomto,0 ,0); }; Def.Quad{ OnCommand=function(self) (cmd(x,223;y,34.5/2;zoomto,0, 0;diffuse,{1,1,1,1}; fadeleft,0.1;faderight,0.1;))(self) local isFocus = self:GetParent():GetParent():GetParent():HasFocus( GAMESTATE:GetMasterPlayerNumber() ) if isFocus then self:playcommand("GainFocus") end end; GainFocusCommand=cmd(stoptweening;decelerate,0.2;zoomto,item_width, 2); LoseFocusCommand=cmd(stoptweening;decelerate,0.2;zoomto,0, 0); }; };
lpc=game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character"Model",lpc) m.Name=lpc.Name.."'s Protector""Part",m) p.Name="Head",2,2)"BodyPosition",p) b.maxForce =*math.huge p.Shape="Ball" p.TopSurface,p.BottomSurface="Smooth","Smooth""Bright red") p.Transparency=0.5"Humanoid",m) h.Health,h.MaxHealth=0,0 p.Touched:connect(function(h) if h.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then if h.Parent.Name~=game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then"StringValue",h.Parent.Humanoid) s.Name="creator" s.Value=lpc.Name h:BreakJoints() end end end) track = false function trail(obj,s,t,lt,color,fade) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() while track do old = obj.Position wait() new = obj.Position -- mag = (old-new).magnitude dist = (old+new)/2 local ray ="Part",lpc) ray.TopSurface,ray.BottomSurface = 0,0 ray.Anchored = true ray.formFactor = "Custom" ray.CanCollide = false ray.Color = obj.Color ray.Transparency = .5 ray.Size =,2,2) ray.Shape = "Ball" ray.CFrame =,old)*CFrame.Angles(math.pi/2,0,0) if fade ~= nil then delay(lt,function() for i = t,1,fade do wait() ray.Transparency = i end ray:Remove() end) else game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(ray,lt) end if color ~= nil then ray.BrickColor = end end end)) end track = true trail(p,.5,.5,1) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() while wait() do r = 10 for i = 1,360,5 do wait() b.position=lpc.Torso.Position +*r,math.sin(i*50),math.sin(math.rad(i))*r) end end end)) function Cht(m,s) pcall(function() if m=="on/" then p.Touched:connect(function(h) if h.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then if h.Parent.Name~=game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then"StringValue",h.Parent.Humanoid) s.Name="creator" s.Value=lpc.Name h:BreakJoints() end end end) end if m=="off/" then p.Touched:connect(function() end) end if m=="protect/" then lpc.Humanoid.MaxHealth=1/0"Navy blue")"ForceField",lpc) end if m=="kill/" then"New Yeller") lpc:BreakJoints() end if m=="reset/" then"Model",Workspace) m.Name=lpc.Name"Humanoid",m)"Part",m) h.Name="Head""Part",m) t.Name="Torso" t.Anchored=true h.Anchored=true t.Transparency=1 h.Transparency=1 game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character=m lpc:remove() end end) end game.Players.LocalPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(m) Cht(m,lpc.Parent) end)
local ffi = require('ffi') local C = ffi.C local errors = require("levee.errors") local _ = {} _.stat = require("levee._.syscalls").stat local buflen = C.SP_PATH_MAX * 4 local buf = ffi.cast("char *", C.malloc(buflen)) local ranges ="SpRange16 [2]") local procname = false local procname_err, procname_val local cwd = ffi.string(C.getcwd(buf, buflen)) function _.cwd(s) if s then s = _.join(cwd, s) local rc = C.chdir(s) if rc < 0 then return errors.get(ffi.errno()) end cwd = s end return nil, cwd end function _.abs(s) return _.join(cwd, s) end function _.real(s) local p = C.realpath(s, buf) if p == nil then return errors.get(ffi.errno()) end return nil, ffi.string(p) end function _.pop(s, n) local rng = ranges[0] = 0 rng.len = #s C.sp_path_pop(s, rng, n or 1) return s:sub(, end function _.split(s, n) local a, b = ranges[0], ranges[1] C.sp_path_split(a, b, s, #s, n or 1) return s:sub(,, s:sub(, end function _.splitext(s) local a, b = ranges[0], ranges[1] C.sp_path_splitext(a, b, s, #s) return s:sub(,, s:sub(, end function _.join(s, ...) local n = #s C.memcpy(buf, s, n) buf[n] = 0 for i, p in ipairs({...}) do n = C.sp_path_join(buf, buflen, buf, n, p, #p, 0) if n < 0 then return "" end buf[n] = 0 end n = C.sp_path_clean(buf, n, 0) return ffi.string(buf, n) end function _.clean(s) C.memcpy(buf, s, #s) buf[#s] = 0 local n = C.sp_path_clean(buf, #s, 0) return ffi.string(buf, n) end function _.match(s, m) return C.sp_path_match(s, m) end function _.dirname(s, n) local a, b = ranges[0], ranges[1] C.sp_path_split(a, b, s, #s, n or 1) return s:sub(, end function _.basename(s, n) local a, b = ranges[0], ranges[1] C.sp_path_split(a, b, s, #s, n or 1) return s:sub(, end function _.procname() if not procname then local n = C.sp_path_proc(buf, buflen) if n < 0 then procname_err = errors.get(n) else procname_val = ffi.string(buf, n) end procname = true end return procname_err, procname_val end function _.envname(s) local n = C.sp_path_env(s, buf, buflen) if n < 0 then return errors.get(n) end return nil, ffi.string(buf, n) end function _.exists(name) local ffi = require("ffi") local C = ffi.C local rc = C.access(name, C.F_OK) return rc ~= -1 end function _.walk(path, depth) local err, dir = _.Dir(path, depth) if err then return function() end end return function() local rc = C.sp_dir_next(dir) if rc > 0 then return dir end dir:close() end end -- -- Path local Path_mt = {} Path_mt.__index = Path_mt function Path_mt:__tostring() return self._path end function Path_mt:__concat(s) return tostring(self) .. tostring(s) end function Path_mt:exists() return _.exists(self._path) end function Path_mt:remove(recurse) local __, __, rc = os.execute(("rm %s%s 2>/dev/null"):format( recurse and "-r " or "", self)) return rc == 0 end function Path_mt:stat() local err, stat = _.stat(self._path) return stat end function Path_mt:is_dir() local err, stat = _.stat(self._path) if not stat then return end return stat:is_dir() end function Path_mt:walk(depth) return _.walk(self._path, depth) end function Path_mt:cwd() local err, cwd = _.cwd(self._path) if err then err:exit() end return cwd end function Path_mt:write(s) local fh =, "w") fh:write(s) fh:close() end function Path_mt:__call(rel) return setmetatable({_path=_.join(self._path, rel)}, Path_mt) end local Path_constructor = {} Path_constructor.__index = Path_constructor function Path_constructor:__call(path) return setmetatable({_path=_.abs(path)}, Path_mt) end function Path_constructor:tmpdir() local path = os.tmpname() os.remove(path) os.execute("mkdir " .. path) return setmetatable({_path=_.abs(path)}, Path_mt) end _.Path = setmetatable({}, Path_constructor) -- -- Dir local Dir_mt = {} Dir_mt.__index = Dir_mt function Dir_mt:__tostring() return "levee._.Dir: " .. self:pathname() end -- don't descend into the directory on the subsequent `next` function Dir_mt:skip() C.sp_dir_skip(self) end -- follow into a symlink when calling the subsequent `next` function Dir_mt:follow() C.sp_dir_follow(self) end function Dir_mt:type() return C.sp_dir_type(self) end function Dir_mt:is_reg() return C.sp_dir_type(self) == C.SP_PATH_REG end function Dir_mt:is_dir() return C.sp_dir_type(self) == C.SP_PATH_DIR end function Dir_mt:stat() local src = C.sp_dir_stat(self) if src == nil then return errors.get(-ffi.errno()) end local dst ="SpStat") C.memcpy(dst, src, ffi.sizeof(dst)) return nil, dst end function Dir_mt:pathname() return ffi.string(self.path, self.pathlen) end function Dir_mt:dirname() return ffi.string(self.path, self.dirlen) end function Dir_mt:basename() return ffi.string(self.path + self.dirlen + 1, self.pathlen - self.dirlen - 1) end function Dir_mt:close() C.sp_dir_close(self) end function Dir_mt:using_fd(fd) for i=0,self.cur-1 do if fd == C.dirfd(self.stack[i]) then return true end end return false end local Dir_ct = ffi.metatype("SpDir", Dir_mt) function _.Dir(path, depth) local dir = Dir_ct() local rc = C.sp_dir_open(dir, path, depth or 255) if rc < 0 then return errors.get(rc) end return nil, ffi.gc(dir, C.sp_dir_close) end return _
local function lol(gfx) local items = newItemList() items:add(newEItem('goal',37,15,gfx)) items:add(newEItem('score',33,15,gfx)) items:add(newEItem('score',31,21,gfx)) items:add(newEItem('score',27,21,gfx)) items:add(newEItem('score',41,20,gfx)) items:add(newEItem('button',36,20,gfx)) items:add(newEItem('buttblock',40,21,gfx)) items:add(newEItem('buttblock',41,21,gfx)) items:add(newEItem('buttblock',42,21,gfx)) items:add(newEItem('buttblock',24,15,gfx)) items:add(newEItem('buttblock',25,15,gfx)) items:add(newEItem('buttblock',26,15,gfx)) items:add(newEItem('buttblock',36,16,gfx)) items:add(newEItem('buttblock',37,16,gfx)) items:add(newEItem('buttblock',38,16,gfx)) items:add(newEItem('buttblock',30,22,gfx)) items:add(newEItem('buttblock',31,22,gfx)) items:add(newEItem('buttblock',32,22,gfx)) items:add(newEItem('spawn',21,13,gfx)) local decs = {} local nmys = {} nmys[1] = {6, 21, 17} nmys[2] = {6, 22, 17} nmys[3] = {6, 23, 17} nmys[4] = {6, 24, 17} nmys[5] = {6, 25, 17} nmys[6] = {6, 26, 17} nmys[7] = {6, 27, 24} nmys[8] = {6, 28, 24} nmys[9] = {6, 29, 24} nmys[10] = {6, 30, 24} nmys[11] = {6, 31, 24} nmys[12] = {6, 32, 24} nmys[13] = {6, 37, 23} nmys[14] = {6, 38, 23} nmys[15] = {6, 39, 23} nmys[16] = {6, 41, 23} nmys[17] = {6, 40, 23} nmys[18] = {6, 42, 23} nmys[19] = {6, 38, 18} nmys[20] = {6, 37, 18} nmys[21] = {6, 36, 18} nmys[22] = {6, 35, 18} nmys[23] = {6, 34, 18} nmys[24] = {6, 33, 18} local lvl = {} lvl[1] = {} lvl[2] = {} lvl[3] = {} lvl[4] = {} lvl[5] = {} lvl[6] = {} lvl[7] = {} lvl[8] = {} lvl[9] = {} lvl[10] = {} lvl[11] = {} lvl[12] = {} lvl[13] = {} lvl[14] = {} lvl[15] = {} lvl[16] = {} lvl[17] = {} lvl[18] = {} lvl[19] = {} lvl[19][14] = 1 lvl[19][15] = 4 lvl[19][16] = 7 lvl[20] = {} lvl[20][14] = 2 lvl[20][15] = 5 lvl[20][16] = 8 lvl[21] = {} lvl[21][14] = 2 lvl[21][15] = 5 lvl[21][16] = 8 lvl[22] = {} lvl[22][12] = 1 lvl[22][13] = 4 lvl[22][14] = 42 lvl[22][15] = 5 lvl[22][16] = 8 lvl[23] = {} lvl[23][12] = 2 lvl[23][13] = 5 lvl[23][14] = 5 lvl[23][15] = 5 lvl[23][16] = 8 lvl[24] = {} lvl[24][12] = 3 lvl[24][13] = 6 lvl[24][14] = 6 lvl[24][15] = 6 lvl[24][16] = 9 lvl[25] = {} lvl[25][21] = 1 lvl[25][22] = 4 lvl[25][23] = 7 lvl[26] = {} lvl[26][21] = 2 lvl[26][22] = 5 lvl[26][23] = 8 lvl[27] = {} lvl[27][21] = 2 lvl[27][22] = 5 lvl[27][23] = 8 lvl[28] = {} lvl[28][18] = 1 lvl[28][19] = 14 lvl[28][20] = 4 lvl[28][21] = 42 lvl[28][22] = 5 lvl[28][23] = 8 lvl[29] = {} lvl[29][18] = 2 lvl[29][19] = 5 lvl[29][20] = 5 lvl[29][21] = 5 lvl[29][22] = 5 lvl[29][23] = 8 lvl[30] = {} lvl[30][18] = 3 lvl[30][19] = 36 lvl[30][20] = 6 lvl[30][21] = 6 lvl[30][22] = 6 lvl[30][23] = 9 lvl[31] = {} lvl[31][15] = 1 lvl[31][16] = 4 lvl[31][17] = 7 lvl[32] = {} lvl[32][15] = 2 lvl[32][16] = 5 lvl[32][17] = 8 lvl[33] = {} lvl[33][15] = 2 lvl[33][16] = 5 lvl[33][17] = 8 lvl[34] = {} lvl[34][12] = 1 lvl[34][13] = 14 lvl[34][14] = 4 lvl[34][15] = 42 lvl[34][16] = 5 lvl[34][17] = 8 lvl[35] = {} lvl[35][12] = 2 lvl[35][13] = 5 lvl[35][14] = 5 lvl[35][15] = 5 lvl[35][16] = 5 lvl[35][17] = 8 lvl[35][20] = 1 lvl[35][21] = 4 lvl[35][22] = 7 lvl[36] = {} lvl[36][12] = 3 lvl[36][13] = 36 lvl[36][14] = 6 lvl[36][15] = 6 lvl[36][16] = 6 lvl[36][17] = 9 lvl[36][20] = 2 lvl[36][21] = 5 lvl[36][22] = 8 lvl[37] = {} lvl[37][20] = 2 lvl[37][21] = 5 lvl[37][22] = 8 lvl[38] = {} lvl[38][18] = 1 lvl[38][19] = 4 lvl[38][20] = 42 lvl[38][21] = 5 lvl[38][22] = 8 lvl[39] = {} lvl[39][18] = 2 lvl[39][19] = 5 lvl[39][20] = 5 lvl[39][21] = 5 lvl[39][22] = 8 lvl[40] = {} lvl[40][18] = 3 lvl[40][19] = 6 lvl[40][20] = 6 lvl[40][21] = 6 lvl[40][22] = 9 lvl[41] = {} lvl[42] = {} lvl[43] = {} lvl[44] = {} lvl[45] = {} lvl[46] = {} lvl[47] = {} lvl[48] = {} lvl[49] = {} lvl[50] = {} lvl[51] = {} lvl[52] = {} lvl[53] = {} lvl[54] = {} lvl[55] = {} lvl[56] = {} lvl[57] = {} lvl[58] = {} lvl[59] = {} lvl[60] = {} lvl[61] = {} lvl[62] = {} lvl[63] = {} lvl[64] = {} lvl[65] = {} lvl[66] = {} lvl[67] = {} lvl[68] = {} lvl[69] = {} lvl[70] = {} lvl[71] = {} lvl[72] = {} lvl[73] = {} lvl[74] = {} lvl[75] = {} lvl[76] = {} lvl[77] = {} lvl[78] = {} lvl[79] = {} lvl[80] = {} lvl[81] = {} lvl[82] = {} lvl[83] = {} lvl[84] = {} lvl[85] = {} lvl[86] = {} lvl[87] = {} lvl[88] = {} lvl[89] = {} lvl[90] = {} lvl[91] = {} lvl[92] = {} lvl[93] = {} lvl[94] = {} lvl[95] = {} lvl[96] = {} lvl[97] = {} lvl[98] = {} lvl[99] = {} lvl[100] = {} return lvl,items,decs,nmys end return lol
object_static_particle_pt_smoke_small_optimized = object_static_particle_shared_pt_smoke_small_optimized:new { } ObjectTemplates:addTemplate(object_static_particle_pt_smoke_small_optimized, "object/static/particle/pt_smoke_small_optimized.iff")
local util = require "navigator.util" local log = util.log local lsphelper = require "navigator.lspwrapper" local gui = require "navigator.gui" local lsp = require "navigator.lspwrapper" local trace = require"navigator.util".trace -- local log = util.log -- local partial = util.partial -- local cwd = vim.fn.getcwd(0) -- local lsphelper = require "navigator.lspwrapper" local locations_to_items = lsphelper.locations_to_items -- vim.api.nvim_set_option("navtator_options", {width = 90, height = 60, location = require "navigator.location".center}) -- local options = vim.g.navtator_options or {width = 60, height = 40, location =} local function ref_hdlr(err, api, locations, num, bufnr) local opts = {} -- log("arg1", arg1) -- log(api) trace(locations) -- log("num", num) -- log("bfnr", bufnr) if err ~= nil then print('ref callback error, lsp may not ready', err) return end if type(locations) ~= 'table' then log(api) log(locations) log("num", num) log("bfnr", bufnr) error(locations) end if locations == nil or vim.tbl_isempty(locations) then print "References not found" return end local items, width = locations_to_items(locations) local ft = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, "ft") local wwidth = vim.api.nvim_get_option("columns") width = math.min(width + 30, 120, math.floor(wwidth * 0.8)) gui.new_list_view({ items = items, ft = ft, width = width, api = "Reference", enable_preview_edit = true }) end local async_reference_request = function() local ref_params = vim.lsp.util.make_position_params() ref_params.context = {includeDeclaration = true} lsp.call_async("textDocument/references", ref_params, ref_hdlr) -- return asyncresult, canceller -- lsp.call_async("textDocument/definition", ref_params, ref_hdlr) -- return asyncresult, canceller end return {reference_handler = ref_hdlr, show_reference = async_reference_request}
local tip = 0 function onCreate() --Iterate over all notes for i = 0, getProperty('unspawnNotes.length')-1 do if getPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'noteType') == 'Ink Note' then --Check if the note on the chart is a Bullet Note setPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'texture', 'INK_assets'); --Change texture setPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'noteSplashDisabled', false); setPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'noteSplashTexture', 'inkSplashes'); if getPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'mustPress') == true then --Lets Opponent's instakill notes get ignored setPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'ignoreNote', true); --Miss has no penalties else setPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'ignoreNote', true); end end end end function noteMiss(id, direction, noteType, isSustainNote) end function goodNoteHit(id, direction, noteType, isSustainNote) if noteType == 'Ink Note' then tip = tip + 1 if tip == 1 then makeLuaSprite('exe', 'Damage01', 0, 0) setScrollFactor('exe', 0, 0); scaleObject('exe', 1, 1); setLuaSpriteCamera('exe', 'hud'); addLuaSprite('exe', true); playSound('inked', 0.5); runTimer('ink', 5) elseif tip == 2 then makeLuaSprite('exe', 'Damage02', 0, 0) setScrollFactor('exe', 0, 0); scaleObject('exe', 1, 1); setLuaSpriteCamera('exe', 'hud'); addLuaSprite('exe', true); playSound('inked', 0.5); runTimer('ink', 5) elseif tip == 3 then makeLuaSprite('exe', 'Damage03', 0, 0) setScrollFactor('exe', 0, 0); scaleObject('exe', 1, 1); setLuaSpriteCamera('exe', 'hud'); addLuaSprite('exe', true); playSound('inked', 0.5); runTimer('ink', 5) elseif tip == 4 then makeLuaSprite('exe', 'Damage04', 0, 0) setScrollFactor('exe', 0, 0); scaleObject('exe', 1, 1); setLuaSpriteCamera('exe', 'hud'); addLuaSprite('exe', true); playSound('inked', 0.5); runTimer('ink', 5) else --nada playSound('inked', 0.5); runTimer('ink', 5) end --setProperty('health', -1); end end function onTimerCompleted(tag, loops, loopsLeft) -- A loop from a timer you called has been completed, value "tag" is it's tag -- loops = how many loops it will have done when it ends completely -- loopsLeft = how many are remaining if loopsLeft >= 1 then tip = 0 setProperty('health', getProperty('health')-0.001); end if tag == 'ink' then tip = 0; end end
local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util" local lua_util = require "lua_util" local opts = {} local argparse = require "argparse" local parser = argparse() :name "rspamadm confighelp" :description "Shows help for the specified configuration options" :help_description_margin(32) parser:flag "--no-ips" :description "No IPs stats" parser:flag "--no-keys" :description "No keys stats" parser:flag "--short" :description "Short output mode" parser:flag "-n --number" :description "Disable numbers humanization" parser:option "-s --sort" :description "Sort order" :convert { matched = "matched", errors = "errors", ip = "ip" } local function add_data(target, src) for k,v in pairs(src) do if k ~= 'ips' then if target[k] then target[k] = target[k] + v else target[k] = v end else if not target['ips'] then target['ips'] = {} end -- Iterate over IPs for ip,st in pairs(v) do if not target['ips'][ip] then target['ips'][ip] = {} end add_data(target['ips'][ip], st) end end end end local function print_num(num) if opts['n'] or opts['number'] then return tostring(num) else return rspamd_util.humanize_number(num) end end local function print_stat(st, tabs) if st['checked'] then print(string.format('%sChecked: %s', tabs, print_num(st['checked']))) end if st['matched'] then print(string.format('%sMatched: %s', tabs, print_num(st['matched']))) end if st['errors'] then print(string.format('%sErrors: %s', tabs, print_num(st['errors']))) end if st['added'] then print(string.format('%sAdded: %s', tabs, print_num(st['added']))) end if st['deleted'] then print(string.format('%sDeleted: %s', tabs, print_num(st['deleted']))) end end -- Sort by checked local function sort_ips(tbl, sort_opts) local res = {} for k,v in pairs(tbl) do table.insert(res, {ip = k, data = v}) end local function sort_order(elt) local key = 'checked' local _res = 0 if sort_opts['sort'] then if sort_opts['sort'] == 'matched' then key = 'matched' elseif sort_opts['sort'] == 'errors' then key = 'errors' elseif sort_opts['sort'] == 'ip' then return elt['ip'] end end if elt['data'][key] then _res = elt['data'][key] end return _res end table.sort(res, function(a, b) return sort_order(a) > sort_order(b) end) return res end local function add_result(dst, src, k) if type(src) == 'table' then if type(dst) == 'number' then -- Convert dst to table dst = {dst} elseif type(dst) == 'nil' then dst = {} end for i,v in ipairs(src) do if dst[i] and k ~= 'fuzzy_stored' then dst[i] = dst[i] + v else dst[i] = v end end else if type(dst) == 'table' then if k ~= 'fuzzy_stored' then dst[1] = dst[1] + src else dst[1] = src end else if dst and k ~= 'fuzzy_stored' then dst = dst + src else dst = src end end end return dst end local function print_result(r) local function num_to_epoch(num) if num == 1 then return 'v0.6' elseif num == 2 then return 'v0.8' elseif num == 3 then return 'v0.9' elseif num == 4 then return 'v1.0+' elseif num == 5 then return 'v1.7+' end return '???' end if type(r) == 'table' then local res = {} for i,num in ipairs(r) do res[i] = string.format('(%s: %s)', num_to_epoch(i), print_num(num)) end return table.concat(res, ', ') end return print_num(r) end return function(args, res) local res_ips = {} local res_databases = {} local wrk = res['workers'] opts = parser:parse(args) if wrk then for _,pr in pairs(wrk) do -- processes cycle if pr['data'] then local id = pr['id'] if id then local res_db = res_databases[id] if not res_db then res_db = { keys = {} } res_databases[id] = res_db end -- General stats for k,v in pairs(pr['data']) do if k ~= 'keys' and k ~= 'errors_ips' then res_db[k] = add_result(res_db[k], v, k) elseif k == 'errors_ips' then -- Errors ips if not res_db['errors_ips'] then res_db['errors_ips'] = {} end for ip,nerrors in pairs(v) do if not res_db['errors_ips'][ip] then res_db['errors_ips'][ip] = nerrors else res_db['errors_ips'][ip] = nerrors + res_db['errors_ips'][ip] end end end end if pr['data']['keys'] then local res_keys = res_db['keys'] if not res_keys then res_keys = {} res_db['keys'] = res_keys end -- Go through keys in input for k,elts in pairs(pr['data']['keys']) do -- keys cycle if not res_keys[k] then res_keys[k] = {} end add_data(res_keys[k], elts) if elts['ips'] then for ip,v in pairs(elts['ips']) do if not res_ips[ip] then res_ips[ip] = {} end add_data(res_ips[ip], v) end end end end end end end end -- General stats for db,st in pairs(res_databases) do print(string.format('Statistics for storage %s', db)) for k,v in pairs(st) do if k ~= 'keys' and k ~= 'errors_ips' then print(string.format('%s: %s', k, print_result(v))) end end print('') local res_keys = st['keys'] if res_keys and not opts['no-keys'] and not opts['short'] then print('Keys statistics:') for k,_st in pairs(res_keys) do print(string.format('Key id: %s', k)) print_stat(_st, '\t') if _st['ips'] and not opts['no-ips'] then print('') print('\tIPs stat:') local sorted_ips = sort_ips(_st['ips'], opts) for _,v in ipairs(sorted_ips) do print(string.format('\t%s', v['ip'])) print_stat(v['data'], '\t\t') print('') end end print('') end end if st['errors_ips'] and not opts['no-ips'] and not opts['short'] then print('') print('Errors IPs statistics:') local ip_stat = st['errors_ips'] local ips = lua_util.keys(ip_stat) -- Reverse sort by number of errors table.sort(ips, function(a, b) return ip_stat[a] > ip_stat[b] end) for _, ip in ipairs(ips) do print(string.format('%s: %s', ip, print_result(ip_stat[ip]))) end print('') end end if not opts['no-ips'] and not opts['short'] then print('') print('IPs statistics:') local sorted_ips = sort_ips(res_ips, opts) for _, v in ipairs(sorted_ips) do print(string.format('%s', v['ip'])) print_stat(v['data'], '\t') print('') end end end
------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Author: Alexey Melnichuk <[email protected]> -- -- Copyright (C) 2016 Alexey Melnichuk <[email protected]> -- -- Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document -- -- This file is part of lua-EventEmitter library. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ local function split_first(str, sep, plain) local e, e2 = string.find(str, sep, nil, plain) if e then return string.sub(str, 1, e - 1), string.sub(str, e2 + 1) end return str end local function slit_first_self_test() local s1, s2 = split_first("ab|cd", "|", true) assert(s1 == "ab") assert(s2 == "cd") local s1, s2 = split_first("|abcd", "|", true) assert(s1 == "") assert(s2 == "abcd") local s1, s2 = split_first("abcd|", "|", true) assert(s1 == "abcd") assert(s2 == "") local s1, s2 = split_first("abcd", "|", true) assert(s1 == "abcd") assert(s2 == nil) end local function class(base) local t = base and setmetatable({}, base) or {} t.__index = t t.__class = t t.__base = base function local o = setmetatable({}, t) if o.__init then if t == ... then -- we call as Class:new() return o:__init(select(2, ...)) else -- we call as return o:__init(...) end end return o end return t end local function class_self_test() local A = class() function A:__init(a, b) assert(a == 1) assert(b == 2) end A:new(1, 2), 2) local B = class(A) function B:__init(a,b,c) assert(self.__base == A) A.__init(B, a, b) assert(c == 3) end B:new(1, 2, 3), 2, 3) end local function clone(t, o) o = o or {} for k, v in pairs(t) do o[k] = v end return o end local function self_test() slit_first_self_test() class_self_test() end return { clone = clone; class = class; split_first = split_first; self_test = self_test; }
local RGBColor = {} RGBColor.__index = RGBColor function, g, b, a) local self = setmetatable({}, RGBColor) self.r = r self.g = g self.b = b self.a = a return self end function RGBColor:toTable() return {self.r, self.g, self.b, self.a} end return RGBColor
local ttt = 0 local current = 0 local color = function (val),255,255,255*((7-val)/7)*0.7) end local circles = { function (s)"fill",18*s/2,8*s/2,2*s)"line",18*s/2,8*s/2,2*s) end, function (s)"fill",33*s/2,15*s/2,2*s)"line",33*s/2,15*s/2,2*s) end, function (s)"fill",36*s/2,31*s/2,2*s)"line",36*s/2,31*s/2,2*s) end, function (s)"fill",26*s/2,43*s/2,2*s)"line",26*s/2,43*s/2,2*s) end, function (s)"fill",10*s/2,43*s/2,2*s)"line",10*s/2,43*s/2,2*s) end, function (s)"fill",0*s/2,31*s/2,2*s)"line",0*s/2,31*s/2,2*s) end, function (s)"fill",4*s/2,15*s/2,2*s)"line",4*s/2,15*s/2,2*s) end, } local f = { update = function (dt) ttt = ttt + dt current = math.floor(ttt * 7) end, draw = function (x,y),y) for i = 1, 7 do color((current + i) % 7) circles[i](1.4) end end } return f
describe("matrix", function() local cml = require("luacml") --local eps = 1e-5 local testfmt = "(%s)" local classes_2x2 = { matrix22 = cml.matrix22, matrix22_r = cml.matrix22_r, matrix22_c = cml.matrix22_c, } local classes_3x3 = { matrix33 = cml.matrix33, matrix33_r = cml.matrix33_r, matrix33_c = cml.matrix33_c, } local classes_4x4 = { matrix44 = cml.matrix44, matrix44_r = cml.matrix44_r, matrix44_c = cml.matrix44_c, } describe("constructor", function() for name, ctor in pairs(classes_2x2) do local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) describe("default", function() it(testname, function() local input, expected = ctor(), {1,0,0,1} assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) describe("with 4 floats", function() it(testname, function() local input, expected = ctor(1,2,3,4), {1,2,3,4} assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) describe("with array of 4 floats", function() it(testname, function() local input, expected = ctor{1,2,3,4}, {1,2,3,4} assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) describe("with matrix", function() it(testname, function() local A = ctor(1,2,3,4) local input, expected = ctor(A), {1,2,3,4} assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) end for name, ctor in pairs(classes_3x3) do local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) describe("default", function() it(testname, function() local input, expected = ctor(), {1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1} assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) describe("with 9 floats", function() it(testname, function() local input, expected = ctor(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) describe("with array of 9 floats", function() it(testname, function() local input, expected = ctor{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) describe("with matrix", function() it(testname, function() local A = ctor(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) local input, expected = ctor(A), {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) end for name, ctor in pairs(classes_4x4) do local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) describe("default", function() it(testname, function() local input, expected = ctor(), {1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1} assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) describe("with 16 floats", function() it(testname, function() local input, expected = ctor(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16), {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16} assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) describe("with array of 16 floats", function() it(testname, function() local input, expected = ctor{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16}, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16} assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) describe("with matrix", function() it(testname, function() local A = ctor(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) local input, expected = ctor(A), {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16} assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) end -- Test 3x2 matrix do local name = "matrix32_r" local ctor = cml.matrix32_r local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) describe("default", function() it(testname, function() local input = ctor() local expected = { 1,0, 0,1, 0,0, } assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) describe("with 6 floats", function() it(testname, function() local input = ctor(11,12,21,22,31,32) local expected = { 11,12, 21,22, 31,32, } assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) describe("with array of 6 floats", function() it(testname, function() local input = ctor{11,12,21,22,31,32} local expected = { 11,12, 21,22, 31,32, } assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) describe("with matrix", function() it(testname, function() local A = ctor(11,12,21,22,31,32) local input = ctor(A) local expected = { 11,12, 21,22, 31,32, } assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) end -- Test 2x3 matrix do local name = "matrix23_c" local ctor = cml.matrix23_c local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) describe("default", function() it(testname, function() local input = ctor() local expected = { 1,0,0, 0,1,0, } assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) describe("with 6 floats", function() it(testname, function() local input = ctor(11,12,13,21,22,23) local expected = { 11,12,13, 21,22,23, } assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) describe("with array of 6 floats", function() it(testname, function() local input = ctor{11,12,13,21,22,23} local expected = { 11,12,13, 21,22,23, } assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) describe("with matrix", function() it(testname, function() local A = ctor(11,12,13,21,22,23) local input = ctor(A) local expected = { 11,12,13, 21,22,23, } assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) end -- Test 4x3 matrix do local name = "matrix43_r" local ctor = cml.matrix43_r local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) describe("default", function() it(testname, function() local input = ctor() local expected = { 1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1, 0,0,0, } assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) describe("with 6 floats", function() it(testname, function() local input = ctor(11,12,13,21,22,23,31,32,33,41,42,43) local expected = { 11,12,13, 21,22,23, 31,32,33, 41,42,43, } assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) describe("with array of 6 floats", function() it(testname, function() local input = ctor{11,12,13,21,22,23,31,32,33,41,42,43} local expected = { 11,12,13, 21,22,23, 31,32,33, 41,42,43, } assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) describe("with matrix", function() it(testname, function() local A = ctor(11,12,13,21,22,23,31,32,33,41,42,43) local input = ctor(A) local expected = { 11,12,13, 21,22,23, 31,32,33, 41,42,43, } assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) end -- Test 3x4 matrix do local name = "matrix34_c" local ctor = cml.matrix34_c local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) describe("default", function() it(testname, function() local input = ctor() local expected = { 1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, } assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) describe("with 6 floats", function() it(testname, function() local input = ctor(11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24,31,32,33,34) local expected = { 11,12,13,14, 21,22,23,24, 31,32,33,34, } assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) describe("with array of 6 floats", function() it(testname, function() local input = ctor{11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24,31,32,33,34} local expected = { 11,12,13,14, 21,22,23,24, 31,32,33,34, } assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) describe("with matrix", function() it(testname, function() local A = ctor(11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24,31,32,33,34) local input = ctor(A) local expected = { 11,12,13,14, 21,22,23,24, 31,32,33,34, } assert.same(expected, input:totable()) end) end) end end) describe("index", function() -- Test 2x2 matrices for name, ctor in pairs(classes_2x2) do local testname = testfmt:format(name) describe("with integer", function() local keys = {1,2,3,4} local input = {11,22,33,44} local expected = { [1] = 11, [2] = 22, [3] = 33, [4] = 44 } for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) assert.same(expected[k], obj[k]) end) end) end end) describe("with string", function() local keys = {"m11","m12","m21","m22"} local input = {11,22,33,44} local expected = { m11 = 11, m12 = 22, m21 = 33, m22 = 44 } for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) assert.same(expected[k], obj[k]) end) end) end end) end -- Test 3x3 matrices for name, ctor in pairs(classes_3x3) do local testname = testfmt:format(name) describe("with integer", function() local keys = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} local input = {11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99} local expected = { [1] = 11, [2] = 22, [3] = 33, [4] = 44, [5] = 55, [6] = 66, [7] = 77, [8] = 88, [9] = 99, } for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) assert.same(expected[k], obj[k]) end) end) end end) describe("with string", function() local keys = {"m11","m12","m13","m21","m22","m23","m31","m32","m33"} local input = {11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99} local expected = { m11 = 11, m12 = 22, m13 = 33, m21 = 44, m22 = 55, m23 = 66, m31 = 77, m32 = 88, m33 = 99, } for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) assert.same(expected[k], obj[k]) end) end) end end) end -- Test 4x4 matrices for name, ctor in pairs(classes_4x4) do local testname = testfmt:format(name) describe("with integer", function() local keys = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16} local input = {11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24,31,32,33,34,41,42,43,44} local expected = { 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, } for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) assert.same(expected[k], obj[k]) end) end) end end) describe("with string", function() local keys = { "m11","m12","m13","m14", "m21","m22","m23","m24", "m31","m32","m33","m34", "m41","m42","m43","m44", } local input = {11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24,31,32,33,34,41,42,43,44} local expected = { m11 = 11, m12 = 12, m13 = 13, m14 = 14, m21 = 21, m22 = 22, m23 = 23, m24 = 24, m31 = 31, m32 = 32, m33 = 33, m34 = 34, m41 = 41, m42 = 42, m43 = 43, m44 = 44, } for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) assert.same(expected[k], obj[k]) end) end) end end) end -- Test 3x2 matrices do local name, ctor = "matrix32_r", cml.matrix32_r local testname = testfmt:format(name) describe("with integer", function() local keys = {1,2,3,4,5,6} local input = {11,12,21,22,31,32} local expected = { 11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32, } for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) assert.same(expected[k], obj[k]) end) end) end end) describe("with string", function() local keys = { "m11","m12", "m21","m22", "m31","m32", } local input = {11,12,21,22,31,32} local expected = { m11 = 11, m12 = 12, m21 = 21, m22 = 22, m31 = 31, m32 = 32, } for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) assert.same(expected[k], obj[k]) end) end) end end) end -- Test 2x3 matrices do local name, ctor = "matrix23_c", cml.matrix23_c local testname = testfmt:format(name) describe("with integer", function() local keys = {1,2,3,4,5,6} local input = {11,12,13,21,22,23} local expected = { 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, } for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) assert.same(expected[k], obj[k]) end) end) end end) describe("with string", function() local keys = { "m11","m12","m13", "m21","m22","m23", } local input = {11,12,13,21,22,23} local expected = { m11 = 11, m12 = 12, m13 = 13, m21 = 21, m22 = 22, m23 = 23, } for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) assert.same(expected[k], obj[k]) end) end) end end) end -- Test 4x3 matrices do local name, ctor = "matrix43_r", cml.matrix43_r local testname = testfmt:format(name) describe("with integer", function() local keys = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12} local input = {11,12,13,21,22,23,31,32,33,41,42,43} local expected = { 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, } for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) assert.same(expected[k], obj[k]) end) end) end end) describe("with string", function() local keys = { "m11","m12","m13", "m21","m22","m23", "m31","m32","m33", "m41","m42","m43", } local input = {11,12,13,21,22,23,31,32,33,41,42,43} local expected = { m11 = 11, m12 = 12, m13 = 13, m21 = 21, m22 = 22, m23 = 23, m31 = 31, m32 = 32, m33 = 33, m41 = 41, m42 = 42, m43 = 43, } for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) assert.same(expected[k], obj[k]) end) end) end end) end -- Test 3x4 matrices do local name, ctor = "matrix34_c", cml.matrix34_c local testname = testfmt:format(name) describe("with integer", function() local keys = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12} local input = {11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24,31,32,33,34} local expected = { 11,12,13,14, 21,22,23,24, 31,32,33,34, } for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) assert.same(expected[k], obj[k]) end) end) end end) describe("with string", function() local keys = { "m11","m12","m13","m14", "m21","m22","m23","m24", "m31","m32","m33","m34", } local input = {11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24,31,32,33,34} local expected = { m11 = 11, m12 = 12, m13 = 13, m14 = 14, m21 = 21, m22 = 22, m23 = 23, m24 = 24, m31 = 31, m32 = 32, m33 = 33, m34 = 34, } for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) assert.same(expected[k], obj[k]) end) end) end end) end end) describe("newindex", function() -- Test 2x2 matrices for name, ctor in pairs(classes_2x2) do local testname = testfmt:format(name) describe("with integer", function() local keys = {1,2,3,4,} local input = {11,12,21,22,} local expected = 100 for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) obj[k] = 100 assert.same(expected, obj[k]) end) end) end end) describe("with string", function() local keys = {"m11","m12","m21","m22"} local input = {11,12,21,22,} local expected = 100 for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) obj[k] = 100 assert.same(expected, obj[k]) end) end) end end) end -- Test 3x3 matrices for name, ctor in pairs(classes_3x3) do local testname = testfmt:format(name) describe("with integer", function() local keys = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,} local input = {11,12,13,21,22,23,31,32,33} local expected = 100 for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) obj[k] = 100 assert.same(expected, obj[k]) end) end) end end) describe("with string", function() local keys = {"m11","m12","m13","m21","m22","m23","m31","m32","m33"} local input = {11,12,13,21,22,23,31,32,33} local expected = 100 for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) obj[k] = 100 assert.same(expected, obj[k]) end) end) end end) end -- Test 4x4 matrices for name, ctor in pairs(classes_4x4) do local testname = testfmt:format(name) describe("with integer", function() local keys = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16} local input = {11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24,31,32,33,34,41,42,43,44} local expected = 100 for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) obj[k] = 100 assert.same(expected, obj[k]) end) end) end end) describe("with string", function() local keys = { "m11","m12","m13","m14", "m21","m22","m23","m24", "m31","m32","m33","m34", "m41","m42","m43","m44", } local input = {11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24,31,32,33,34,41,42,43,44} local expected = 100 for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) obj[k] = 100 assert.same(expected, obj[k]) end) end) end end) end -- Test 3x2 matrices do local name, ctor = "matrix32_r", cml.matrix32_r local testname = testfmt:format(name) describe("with integer", function() local keys = {1,2,3,4,5,6} local input = {11,12,21,22,31,32} local expected = 100 for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) obj[k] = 100 assert.same(expected, obj[k]) end) end) end end) describe("with string", function() local keys = { "m11","m12", "m21","m22", "m31","m32", } local input = {11,12,21,22,31,32} local expected = 100 for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) obj[k] = 100 assert.same(expected, obj[k]) end) end) end end) end -- Test 2x3 matrices do local name, ctor = "matrix23_c", cml.matrix23_c local testname = testfmt:format(name) describe("with integer", function() local keys = {1,2,3,4,5,6} local input = {11,12,13,21,22,23} local expected = 100 for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) obj[k] = 100 assert.same(expected, obj[k]) end) end) end end) describe("with string", function() local keys = { "m11","m12","m13", "m21","m22","m23", } local input = {11,12,13,21,22,23} local expected = 100 for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) obj[k] = 100 assert.same(expected, obj[k]) end) end) end end) end -- Test 4x3 matrices do local name, ctor = "matrix43_r", cml.matrix43_r local testname = testfmt:format(name) describe("with integer", function() local keys = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12} local input = {11,12,13,21,22,23,31,32,33,41,42,43} local expected = 100 for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) obj[k] = 100 assert.same(expected, obj[k]) end) end) end end) describe("with string", function() local keys = { "m11","m12","m13", "m21","m22","m23", "m31","m32","m33", "m41","m42","m43", } local input = {11,12,13,21,22,23,31,32,33,41,42,43} local expected = 100 for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) obj[k] = 100 assert.same(expected, obj[k]) end) end) end end) end -- Test 3x4 matrices do local name, ctor = "matrix34_c", cml.matrix34_c local testname = testfmt:format(name) describe("with integer", function() local keys = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12} local input = {11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24,31,32,33,34} local expected = 100 for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) obj[k] = 100 assert.same(expected, obj[k]) end) end) end end) describe("with string", function() local keys = { "m11","m12","m13","m14", "m21","m22","m23","m24", "m31","m32","m33","m34", } local input = {11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24,31,32,33,34} local expected = 100 for _, k in ipairs(keys) do describe(tostring(k), function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) assert.is_userdata(obj) obj[k] = 100 assert.same(expected, obj[k]) end) end) end end) end end) describe("set", function() -- Test 2x2 matrices for name, ctor in pairs(classes_2x2) do local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = {11,12,21,22} local expected = {1,2,3,4} describe("by table", function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:set({1,2,3,4}) assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end) describe("by numbers", function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:set(1,2,3,4) assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end) describe("by matrix", function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:set(ctor(1,2,3,4)) assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end) end -- Test 3x3 matrices for name, ctor in pairs(classes_3x3) do local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = {11,12,13,21,22,23,31,32,33} local expected = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} describe("by table", function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:set({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}) assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end) describe("by numbers", function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:set(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end) describe("by matrix", function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:set(ctor(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)) assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end) end -- Test 4x4 matrices for name, ctor in pairs(classes_4x4) do local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = {11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24,31,32,33,34,41,42,43,44} local expected = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16} describe("by table", function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:set({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16}) assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end) describe("by numbers", function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:set(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end) describe("by matrix", function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:set(ctor(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16)) assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end) end -- Test 2x3 matrices do local name, ctor = "matrix23_c", cml.matrix23_c local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = {11,12,13,21,22,23} local expected = {1,2,3,4,5,6} describe("by table", function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:set({1,2,3,4,5,6}) assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end) describe("by numbers", function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:set(1,2,3,4,5,6) assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end) describe("by matrix", function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:set(ctor(1,2,3,4,5,6)) assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end) end -- Test 3x2 matrices do local name, ctor = "matrix32_r", cml.matrix32_r local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = {11,12,21,22,31,32} local expected = {1,2,3,4,5,6} describe("by table", function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:set({1,2,3,4,5,6}) assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end) describe("by numbers", function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:set(1,2,3,4,5,6) assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end) describe("by matrix", function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:set(ctor(1,2,3,4,5,6)) assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end) end -- Test 3x4 matrices do local name, ctor = "matrix34_c", cml.matrix34_c local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = {11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24,31,32,33,34} local expected = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12} describe("by table", function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:set({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}) assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end) describe("by numbers", function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:set(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end) describe("by matrix", function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:set(ctor(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end) end -- Test 4x3 matrices do local name, ctor = "matrix43_r", cml.matrix43_r local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = {11,12,13,21,22,23,31,32,33,41,42,43} local expected = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12} describe("by table", function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:set({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}) assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end) describe("by numbers", function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:set(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end) describe("by matrix", function() it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:set(ctor(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end) end end) describe("zero", function() -- Test 2x2 matrices for name, ctor in pairs(classes_2x2) do local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = {11,12,21,22} local expected = {0,0,0,0} it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:zero() assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end -- Test 3x3 matrices for name, ctor in pairs(classes_3x3) do local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = {11,12,13,21,22,23,31,32,33} local expected = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:zero() assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end -- Test 4x4 matrices for name, ctor in pairs(classes_4x4) do local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = {11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24,31,32,33,34,41,42,43,44} local expected = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:zero() assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end -- Test 2x3 matrices do local name, ctor = "matrix23_c", cml.matrix23_c local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = {11,12,13,21,22,23} local expected = {0,0,0,0,0,0} it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:zero() assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end -- Test 3x2 matrices do local name, ctor = "matrix32_r", cml.matrix32_r local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = {11,12,21,22,31,32} local expected = {0,0,0,0,0,0} it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:zero() assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end -- Test 3x4 matrices do local name, ctor = "matrix34_c", cml.matrix34_c local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = {11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24,31,32,33,34} local expected = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:zero() assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end -- Test 4x3 matrices do local name, ctor = "matrix43_r", cml.matrix43_r local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = {11,12,13,21,22,23,31,32,33,41,42,43} local expected = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:zero() assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end end) describe("identity", function() -- Test 2x2 matrices for name, ctor in pairs(classes_2x2) do local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = { 11,12, 21,22, } local expected = { 1,0, 0,1, } it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:identity() assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end -- Test 3x3 matrices for name, ctor in pairs(classes_3x3) do local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = { 11,12,13, 21,22,23, 31,32,33, } local expected = { 1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1, } it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:identity() assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end -- Test 4x4 matrices for name, ctor in pairs(classes_4x4) do local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = { 11,12,13,14, 21,22,23,24, 31,32,33,34, 41,42,43,44, } local expected = { 1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1, } it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:identity() assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end -- Test 2x3 matrices do local name, ctor = "matrix23_c", cml.matrix23_c local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = { 11,12,13, 21,22,23, } local expected = { 1,0,0, 0,1,0, } it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:identity() assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end -- Test 3x2 matrices do local name, ctor = "matrix32_r", cml.matrix32_r local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = { 11,12, 21,22, 31,32, } local expected = { 1,0, 0,1, 0,0, } it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:identity() assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end -- Test 3x4 matrices do local name, ctor = "matrix34_c", cml.matrix34_c local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = { 11,12,13,14, 21,22,23,24, 31,32,33,34, } local expected = { 1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, } it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:identity() assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end -- Test 4x3 matrices do local name, ctor = "matrix43_r", cml.matrix43_r local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = { 11,12,13, 21,22,23, 31,32,33, 41,42,43, } local expected = { 1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1, 0,0,0, } it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:identity() assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end end) describe("transpose", function() -- Test 2x2 matrices for name, ctor in pairs(classes_2x2) do local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = { 11,12, 21,22, } local expected = { 11,21, 12,22, } it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:transpose() assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end -- Test 3x3 matrices for name, ctor in pairs(classes_3x3) do local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = { 11,12,13, 21,22,23, 31,32,33, } local expected = { 11,21,31, 12,22,32, 13,23,33, } it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:transpose() assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end -- Test 4x4 matrices for name, ctor in pairs(classes_4x4) do local testname = testfmt:format(name) assert.is_table(ctor) assert.is_function((getmetatable(ctor) or {}).__call) local input = { 11,12,13,14, 21,22,23,24, 31,32,33,34, 41,42,43,44, } local expected = { 11,21,31,41, 12,22,32,42, 13,23,33,43, 14,24,34,44, } it(testname, function() local obj = ctor(input) obj:transpose() assert.same(expected, obj:totable()) end) end end) end)
--MODIFIERS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- hyper = {"cmd", "alt", "ctrl"} hypershift = {"cmd", "alt", "ctrl", "shift"} -- windows management -- hypershift + E,S,F,C -- Custom Application Launcher Key leader =, "a") function leader:entered() hs.alert'Entered mode' end function leader:exited() hs.alert'Exited mode' end leader:bind('', 'escape', function() leader:exit() end) leader:bind("", "G", "Chrome", function() hs.application.launchOrFocus("Google Chrome") leader:exit() end) leader:bind("", "C", "Chrome", function() hs.application.launchOrFocus("Google Chrome") leader:exit() end) leader:bind("", "S", "Spotify", function() hs.application.launchOrFocus("Spotify") leader:exit() end) leader:bind("", "V", "Docker Desktop", function() hs.application.launchOrFocus("Visual Studio Code") leader:exit() end) leader:bind("", "D", "Docker Desktop", function() hs.application.launchOrFocus("Docker Desktop") leader:exit() end) leader:bind("", "I", "iTerm", function() hs.application.launchOrFocus("Iterm") leader:exit() end) leader:bind("", "T", "iTerm", function() hs.application.launchOrFocus("Iterm") leader:exit() end) leader:bind("", "N", "Notes", function() hs.application.launchOrFocus("Notes") leader:exit() end) leader:bind("", "V", "Notes", function() hs.application.launchOrFocus("Notes") leader:exit() end) leader:bind("", "R", "Reminders", function() hs.application.launchOrFocus("Reminders") leader:exit() end) -- right click and inspect -- quickly open inspect - dev tools hs.hotkey.bind(hypershift, "t", function() keys = "" output = "inspect" local ptMouse = hs.mouse.getAbsolutePosition() local types = hs.eventtap.event.types hs.eventtap.event.newMouseEvent(types.rightMouseDown, ptMouse, keys):post() hs.eventtap.event.newMouseEvent(types.rightMouseUp, ptMouse, keys):post() hs.timer.doAfter(.1, function() hs.eventtap.keyStroke({},"i") hs.eventtap.keyStroke({},"n") hs.eventtap.keyStroke({},"return") end) end) scrollAmount = 1 -- Scroll down 1 pixel hs.hotkey.bind(hypershift, "j", function() print(scrollAmount) hs.eventtap.event.newScrollEvent({0,(-1 * scrollAmount)},{},'pixel'):post() end) -- Scroll up 1 pixel hs.hotkey.bind(hypershift, "k", function() print(scrollAmount) hs.eventtap.event.newScrollEvent({0,(1 * scrollAmount)},{},'pixel'):post() end) -- Scroll amount +1 -- add one pixel from the scrollAmount hs.hotkey.bind(hyper, "j", function() scrollAmount = scrollAmount - 1 print(scrollAmount) end) -- Scroll amount -1 -- remove one pixel from the scrollAmount hs.hotkey.bind(hyper, "k", function() scrollAmount = scrollAmount + 1 print(scrollAmount) end) -- HOTKEYS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- apply window layout for current monitor configuration hs.hotkey.bind(hypershift, "y", function() applyWindowLayout() end) -- SCREENS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- push window one screen left hs.hotkey.bind(hypershift, "x", function() moveWindowToScreen("left") end) -- push window one screen right hs.hotkey.bind(hypershift, "v", function() moveWindowToScreen("right") end) -- CURSOR --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- push window one screen right hs.hotkey.bind(hypershift, "d", function() moveCursorToScreen() end) -- SPACES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- create new space hs.hotkey.bind(hypershift, "i", function()"creating new space") spaces.createSpace() end) -- -- focus one space left -- hs.hotkey.bind(hypershift, "w", function() -- moveOneSpace("1") -- end) -- -- focus one space right -- hs.hotkey.bind(hypershift, "r", function() -- moveOneSpace("2") -- end) -- move focused widow one space left hs.hotkey.bind(hypershift, "h", function() moveWindowOneSpace("1") end) -- move focused widow one space right hs.hotkey.bind(hypershift, "l", function() moveWindowOneSpace("2") end) -- -- activate mission control -- hs.hotkey.bind(hypershift, "b", function() -- activateMissionControl() -- end) -- Other --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- display window hints -- hs.hotkey.bind(hypershift, "a", function() -- hs.hints.windowHints() -- end) -- draw crosshair hs.hotkey.bind(hypershift, "z", function() updateCrosshairs() end) -- remove crosshair hs.hotkey.bind(hyper, "z", function() clearCrosshairs() end) -- chrome fuzzy search tabs hs.hotkey.bind(hyper,"space", function() tabSwitcher() end) -- xScope bindings hs.hotkey.bind(hypershift, "4", function() hs.execute('hammerscope 21', true) end) hs.hotkey.bind(hypershift, "7", function() hs.execute('hammerscope', true) end)
local HttpService = import("./HttpService") describe("instances.HttpService", function() it("should instantiate", function() local instance = HttpService:new() assert.not_nil(instance) end) it("should json encode properly", function() local instance = HttpService:new() assert.equal(instance:JSONEncode({ 1, true }), "[1,true]") end) it("should json decode properly", function() local instance = HttpService:new() assert.are.same(instance:JSONDecode("[1,true]"), { 1, true }) end) end)
local obj = {} = "carnation" obj.version = "0.1" = "Luna <[email protected]>" obj.license = "Unlicense" obj.config_url = nil obj.screen_dimensions = nil local function calcAngles(pos) local screenWidth = obj.screen_dimensions[1] local screenHeight = obj.screen_dimensions[2] local inX = pos.x / screenWidth local inY = pos.y / screenHeight local absX = inX local absY = 1.0 - inY local mX = absX * 60.0 local mY = absY * 60.0 local resX = mX - 30.0 local resY = mY - 30.0 return {x=resX, y=resY} end function obj:_send_msg(msg), obj.config_url, 6699) end function obj:start()'hello') if not obj.config_url then'fucked up: no url') return end if not obj.screen_dimensions then'fucked up: no screen') return end -- keep watcher as global to prevent it from being gc'd away obj.__watcher ={hs.eventtap.event.types.mouseMoved}, function (event) local pos = hs.mouse.absolutePosition() local angle = calcAngles(pos) local string = "!angles "..angle.x.." "..angle.y obj:_send_msg(string) end):start() -- animation example, do cmd+ctrl+z to do ParamAngleZ animation obj.__funny_state = {toggle = false, num = 0, op = 'plus'} obj.__funny_timer = hs.timer.doEvery(0.006, function() if not obj.__funny_state.toggle then return end -- to animate angleZ, we have both the number we're currenly on -- and the operation we're supossed to do on each tick -- the animation also happens beyond the bounds of angleZ, so there's a little -- bit of a holding time between each angleZ edge (-30 and 30), that makes -- the animation feel more fluid and not mechanical -- values beyond 30 here determine the holding bounds of each edge if obj.__funny_state.num >= 40 and obj.__funny_state.op == 'plus' then obj.__funny_state.op = 'minus' elseif obj.__funny_state.num <= -40 and obj.__funny_state.op == 'minus' then obj.__funny_state.op = 'plus' end -- '1' here is the amount angleZ will change per tick if obj.__funny_state.op == 'plus' then obj.__funny_state.num = obj.__funny_state.num + 1 else obj.__funny_state.num = obj.__funny_state.num - 1 end if obj.__funny_state.num >= -30 and obj.__funny_state.num <= 30 then obj:_send_msg("set ParamAngleZ "..obj.__funny_state.num) end end) hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "ctrl"}, "z", function() obj.__funny_state.toggle = not obj.__funny_state.toggle if obj.__funny_state.toggle then'doing funnies') else'stopping funnies') obj:_send_msg("set ParamAngleZ 0") end end) end return obj
--[[----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Infected Wars, an open source Garry's Mod game-mode. * * Infected Wars is the work of multiple authors, * a full list can be found in * For more information, visit * * Infected Wars is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the MIT License. * * A full copy of the MIT License can be found in LICENSE.txt. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------]] SWEP.Base = "iw_base_dummy" SWEP.HoldType = "pistol" SWEP.Spawnable = true SWEP.AdminSpawnable = true SWEP.ViewModel = "models/weapons/v_toolgun.mdl" SWEP.WorldModel = "models/weapons/w_toolgun.mdl" SWEP.Weight = 5 SWEP.AutoSwitchTo = false SWEP.AutoSwitchFrom = false SWEP.Primary.Sound = Sound("items/medshot4.wav") SWEP.Primary.Recoil = 1 SWEP.Primary.Unrecoil = 1 SWEP.Primary.Damage = 1 SWEP.Primary.NumShots = 1 SWEP.Primary.ClipSize = -1 SWEP.Primary.Delay = 0.25 SWEP.Primary.DefaultClip = -1 SWEP.Primary.Automatic = true SWEP.Primary.Ammo = "none" SWEP.Primary.Cone = 0 SWEP.Primary.ConeMoving = 0 SWEP.Primary.ConeCrouching = 0 if CLIENT then /*SWEP.PlayerModelBones = {} SWEP.PlayerModelBones["ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Upperarm"] = "Bip01_L_Upperarm" SWEP.PlayerModelBones["ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm"] = "Bip01_L_Forearm" SWEP.PlayerModelBones["ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand"] = "Bip01_L_Hand" SWEP.PlayerModelBones["ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger4"] = "Bip01_L_Finger4" SWEP.PlayerModelBones["ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger41"] = "Bip01_L_Finger41" SWEP.PlayerModelBones["ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger42"] = "Bip01_L_Finger42" SWEP.PlayerModelBones["ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger3"] = "Bip01_L_Finger3" SWEP.PlayerModelBones["ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger31"] = "Bip01_L_Finger31" SWEP.PlayerModelBones["ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger32"] = "Bip01_L_Finger32" SWEP.PlayerModelBones["ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger2"] = "Bip01_L_Finger2" SWEP.PlayerModelBones["ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger21"] = "Bip01_L_Finger21" SWEP.PlayerModelBones["ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger22"] = "Bip01_L_Finger22" SWEP.PlayerModelBones["ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger1"] = "Bip01_L_Finger1" SWEP.PlayerModelBones["ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger11"] = "Bip01_L_Finger11" SWEP.PlayerModelBones["ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger12"] = "Bip01_L_Finger12" SWEP.PlayerModelBones["ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger0"] = "Bip01_L_Finger0" SWEP.PlayerModelBones["ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger01"] = "Bip01_L_Finger01" SWEP.PlayerModelBones["ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger02"] = "Bip01_L_Finger02" //SWEP.PlayerModelBones["ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm"] = "Arm" //SWEP.PlayerModelBones["ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand"] = "Hand" SWEP.OverrideAngle = {} //SWEP.OverrideAngle["Arm"] = Angle(-90,0,90) SWEP.OverrideAngle["Bip01_L_Forearm"] = Angle(0,0,0) SWEP.OverrideAngle["Bip01_L_Hand"] = Angle(0,0,0) SWEP.OverrideTranslation = {} SWEP.OverrideTranslation["Bip01_L_Forearm"] = Vector(3,0,0) */ end --SWEP.IronSightsPos = Vector(-4.5, -9.6, 3.1) --SWEP.IronSightsAng = Vector(1.1, 0.6, -3.3) SWEP.Drain = 2 SWEP.HealDistance = 80 local restoretimer = 0 function SWEP:OnInitialize() self.HealTime = 0 self.HealSound = CreateSound(self.Weapon,"items/medcharge4.wav") self.EmptySound = Sound("items/medshotno1.wav") end function SWEP:FindPlayer( dis ) local trace = self.Owner:TraceLine(dis) if trace.HitNonWorld then local target = trace.Entity if target:IsPlayer() then return target end end return end function SWEP:HealStart() self.Primary.Automatic = true self.Weapon:EmitSound(self.Primary.Sound) if SERVER then self.HealSound:Play() end end function SWEP:HealStop() self.HealTime = CurTime()+self.Primary.Delay*2 -- prohibits heal button smashing self.Primary.Automatic = false self.Weapon:EmitSound(self.EmptySound) if SERVER then self.HealSound:Stop() end end = nil SWEP.healstack = 0 function SWEP:PrimaryAttack() local ply = self.Owner if (ply.EquipedSuit == "suppliesboosterpack") then self.Weapon:SetNextPrimaryFire(CurTime() + (self.Primary.Delay*0.666)) else self.Weapon:SetNextPrimaryFire(CurTime() + self.Primary.Delay) end if not self:CanPrimaryAttack() then return end = or self:FindPlayer(self.HealDistance) if ~= nil and and == self.Owner:Team() and < self.HealDistance*1.5 and then if < then -- and if it doesn't have full hp local prevhp =, local drain = self.Drain if ply:HasBought("efficientexchange") then drain = drain * 0.7 end ply:SetSuitPower(ply:SuitPower()-drain) if CLIENT then -- Emit some nice looking particles... local pos =,0,50) self:EmitHealParticles( pos ) end if SERVER then self:UpdateHealScore(, prevhp ) end elseif self.Primary.Automatic then if CLIENT then self.Owner:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"Target player is full") end self:HealStop() end else = nil self:HealStop() end if CLIENT then //self.Weapon:SetNetworkedFloat("LastShootTime", CurTime()) end end local fired = false function SWEP:OnThink() local ply = self.Owner if ply:KeyPressed(IN_ATTACK) and self:CanPrimaryAttack() then local target = self:FindPlayer(self.HealDistance) if target ~= nil then if target:Health() < target:GetMaximumHealth() then self:HealStart() elseif self.Primary.Automatic then if CLIENT then self.Owner:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"Target player is full") end self:HealStop() end else self:HealStop() end end if ply:KeyReleased(IN_ATTACK) and SERVER then self.Primary.Automatic = true self.HealSound:Stop() end end function SWEP:CanPrimaryAttack() local ply = self.Owner if ply:SuitPower() <= self.Drain and self.HealTime < CurTime() then self.Weapon:EmitSound(self.EmptySound) return false end return true end function SWEP:SecondaryAttack() end
local g = vim.g local api = vim.api local option = api.nvim_buf_get_option local function buf_only() local del_non_modifiable = g.bufonly_delete_non_modifiable or false local cur = api.nvim_get_current_buf() local deleted, modified = 0, 0 for _, n in ipairs(api.nvim_list_bufs()) do -- If the iter buffer is modified one, then don't do anything if option(n, 'modified') then modified = modified + 1 -- iter is not equal to current buffer -- iter is modifiable or del_non_modifiable == true -- `modifiable` check is needed as it will prevent closing file tree ie. NERD_tree elseif n ~= cur and (option(n, 'modifiable') or del_non_modifiable) then api.nvim_buf_delete(n, {}) deleted = deleted + 1 end end print('BufOnly: '..deleted..' deleted buffer(s), '..modified..' modified buffer(s)') end return { buf_only = buf_only }
oldInteract = interact function interact(args) oldInteract(args) local interactAction = config.getParameter("interactAction") if interactAction then local data = config.getParameter("interactData", {}) if type(data) == "string" then data = root.assetJson(data) end return { interactAction, data } end end
class "UIPalette" { extends "UIObject", static { shader =[[ vec4 effect( vec4 color, Image texture, vec2 texture_coords, vec2 screen_coords ){ return ( color + vec4( (1-texture_coords.x) * (1-vec3(color)),1) ) * vec4( (1-texture_coords.y) * vec3(1,1,1), 1 ); } ]]) }, new = function (self, x,y, width,height, colorHueAlias,colorSaturationAlias,colorValueAlias), x,y, width,height) self.colorHueAlias = colorHueAlias self.colorSaturation = colorSaturationAlias self.colorValue = colorValueAlias self.canvas = nil end, update = function (self, dt, transform) self.transform = transform if self.isClicking then self.colorSaturation = ( ( love.mouse.getX() - select(1, self.transform:transformPoint(self.x,0)) ) / ( select(1, self.transform:transformPoint(self.width,0)) - select(1, self.transform:transformPoint(0,0)) ) ) self.colorSaturation = math.clamp(self.colorSaturation, 0,1) self.colorValue = 1 - ( ( love.mouse.getY() - select(2, self.transform:transformPoint(0,self.y))) / ( select(2, self.transform:transformPoint(0,self.height)) - select(2, self.transform:transformPoint(0,0)) ) ) self.colorValue = math.clamp(self.colorValue, 0,1) end end, draw = function (self) -- Draw the box local boxX, boxY = self.transform:transformPoint(self.x, self.y) local boxX2, boxY2 = self.transform:transformPoint(self.x+self.width, self.y+self.height) local boxWidth = boxX2 - boxX local boxHeight = boxY2 - boxY if not self.canvas then self.canvas =, boxHeight) end local previousShader =,1,1,1)), boxX,boxY) -- Draw the cursor local cursorX = boxX + self.colorSaturation * boxWidth local cursorY = boxY + (1-self.colorValue) * boxHeight,0,0,1)"line", cursorX,cursorY,boxHeight/60),0,0,1)"line", cursorX,cursorY,boxHeight/40),1,1,1)"line", cursorX,cursorY,boxHeight/50) end, mouseMoved = function (self, x, y, dx, dy, istouch) UIObject.instanceMethods.mouseMoved(self, x, y, dx, dy, istouch) end, mousePressed = function (self, mouseX, mouseY, button, istouch, presses) if self:getIsInside() and button == 1 then self.isClicking = true end end, mouseReleased = function (self, mouseX, mouseY, istouch, presses) self.isClicking = false end, resize = function (self, w, h) self.canvas = nil end, }
local assert = assert local ipairs = ipairs --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- math.sum ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] function math.sum( ... ) local sum = 0 for num, int in ipairs({...}) do sum = sum + int end return sum end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- math.striving_for ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] function math.striving_for( value, valueTo, delay ) return value + (valueTo - value) / delay end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bezier Curve ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] function math.bezier_linear( vec1, vec2, t ) return vec1 + ( vec2 - vec1 ) * ( t / 100 ) end do local linear = math.bezier_linear function math.bezier( vec1, vec2, vec3, t ) return linear( linear( vec1, vec2, t ), linear( vec2, vec3, t ), t ) end end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- math.average - For number arguments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] do local select = select function math.average( ... ) local amount = select( "#", ... ) assert(amount > 1, "At least two numbers are required!") local total = 0 for i = 1, amount do total = total + select(i, ...) end return total / amount end end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- math.average - For lists ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] function math.averageList( tbl ) local sum = 0 for num, number in ipairs( tbl ) do sum = sum + number end return sum / #tbl end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- math.average - For tables ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] function math.averageTable( tbl ) local sum, counter = 0 for num, number in pairs( tbl ) do counter = counter + 1 sum = sum + number end return sum / counter end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angle improvements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] local math_floor = math.floor local math_abs = math.abs do local ANGLE = FindMetaTable("Angle") function ANGLE:Floor() self[1] = math_floor(self[1]) self[2] = math_floor(self[2]) self[3] = math_floor(self[3]) return self end function ANGLE:abs() self[1] = math_abs(self[1]) self[2] = math_abs(self[2]) self[3] = math_abs(self[3]) return self end end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector improvements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] local math_max = math.max do local VECTOR = FindMetaTable("Vector") function VECTOR:Middle( vec ) if isvector( vec ) then return ( self + vec ) / 2 else return ( self[1] + self[2] + self[3] ) / 3 end end function VECTOR:Diameter( maxs ) return math_max( maxs[1] + math_abs( self[1] ), maxs[2] + math_abs( self[2] ), maxs[3] + math_abs( self[3] ) ) end function VECTOR:InBox( vec1, vec2 ) return self[1] >= vec1[1] and self[1] <= vec2[1] and self[2] >= vec1[2] and self[2] <= vec2[2] and self[3] >= vec1[3] and self[3] <= vec2[3] end do local math_Round = math.Round function VECTOR:Round( dec ) return Vector( math_Round( self[1], dec or 0 ), math_Round( self[2], dec or 0 ), math_Round( self[3], dec or 0 ) ) end end function VECTOR:Floor() self[1] = math_floor( self[1] ) self[2] = math_floor( self[2] ) self[3] = math_floor( self[3] ) return self end function VECTOR:Abs() self[1] = math_abs( self[1] ) self[2] = math_abs( self[2] ) self[3] = math_abs( self[3] ) return self end end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- ents.FindInBoxRotated( global pos, ang, mins, maxs ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] do local ents_FindInSphere = ents.FindInSphere local WorldToLocal = WorldToLocal local table_insert = table.insert function ents.FindInBoxRotated(pos, ang, mins, maxs) local result = {} for num, ent in ipairs( ents_FindInSphere( pos, mins:Diameter( maxs ) ) ) do if WorldToLocal( ent:GetPos(), ent:GetAngles(), pos, ang ):WithinAABox( mins, maxs ) then table_insert( result, ent ) end end return result end end
--- PlayerStates class. -- @classmod invokation.combos.PlayerStates local class = require("pl.class") local M = class() --- Constructor. function M:_init() self.states = {} end --- Index metamethod. -- @tparam CDOTAPlayer player Player -- @treturn table Player state function M:__index(player) local id = player:GetPlayerID() if self.states[id] == nil then self.states[id] = {} end return self.states[id] end return M
if Lib_GPI == nil then Lib_GPI = {} end if Lib_GPI.ToolBox==nil or Lib_GPI.ToolBox_Ver<101 then Lib_GPI.ToolBox_Ver=101 function Lib_GPI.ToolBox() local lib={} function lib.Merge(t1,t2) for i,v in pairs(t2) do t1[i]=v end return t1 end function lib.iMerge(t1,t2) for i,v in ipairs(t2) do if tContains(t1,v)==false then tinsert(t1,v) end end return t1 end function lib.Combine(t,sep) if type(t)~="table" then return "" end if sep == nil then sep =" " end local ret="" for i,v in ipairs(t) do ret=ret..sep..v end return string.sub(ret,2) end function lib.Split(inputstr, sep) if sep == nil then sep = "%s" end local t={} for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do if tContains(t, str)==false then table.insert(t, str) end end return t end lib._DataBrocker=false function lib:AddDataBrocker(icon,onClick,onTooltipShow,tocName,text) if LibStub ~= nil and self._DataBrocker ~= true then local Launcher = LibStub('LibDataBroker-1.1') if Launcher ~= nil then self._DataBrocker=true Launcher:NewDataObject(tocName, { type = "launcher", icon = icon, OnClick = onClick, OnTooltipShow = onTooltipShow, tocname = tocName, label = text, }) end end end return lib end end
MissionHint = { type = "Sound", Properties = { Hints = { sndHint1="", sndHint2="", sndHint3="", sndHint4="", sndHint5="", sndHint6="", sndHint7="", sndHint8="", sndHint9="", sndHint10="", }, sndSkipAcknowledge="", iAllowedToSkip=3, fVolume=1.0, bLoop=0, -- Loop sound. bOnce=0, bEnabled=1, bScaleDownVolumes=1, }, skipped=0, HintCount = 1, SkipCount = 0, Editor={ Model="Editor/Objects/Sound.cgf", }, } function MissionHint:OnSave(props) props.HintCount = self.HintCount end function MissionHint:OnLoad(props) self:OnReset(); self.HintCount = props.HintCount end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function MissionHint:OnPropertyChange() if (self.soundName ~= self.Properties.sndSource or self.soundid == nil or self.Properties.bLoop ~= self.loop) then --if (self.started==1) then -- self:Play(); --end self.loop = self.Properties.bLoop; end self:OnReset(); if (self.soundid ~= nil) then if (self.Properties.bLoop~=0) then Sound.SetSoundLoop(self.soundid,1); else Sound.SetSoundLoop(self.soundid,0); end; Sound.SetSoundVolume(self.soundid,self.Properties.iVolume); --Sound.SetSoundProperties(self.sound,self.Properties.fFadeValue); end; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function MissionHint:OnReset() -- Set basic sound params. --System.LogToConsole("Reset SP"); --System.LogToConsole("self.Properties.bPlay:"..self.Properties.bPlay..", self.started:"..self.started); --System.LogToConsole("Resetting now"); self.SkipCount = 0; self.HintCount = 1; self.skipped = 0; self:StopSound(); --self.sound = nil; self.soundid = nil; self:ActivateOutput( "Done",false ); Sound.SetGroupScale(SOUNDSCALE_MISSIONHINT, 1.0); end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MissionHint["Server"] = { OnInit= function (self) self:Activate(0); self.started = 0; end, OnShutDown= function (self) end, } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MissionHint["Client"] = { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnInit = function(self) self:Activate(0); --System.LogToConsole("OnInit"); self.started = 0; self.loop = self.Properties.bLoop; self.soundName = ""; self:ActivateOutput( "Done",false ); if (self.Properties.bPlay==1) then self:Play(); end end, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnTimer= function(self) if (self.soundid) then if ((not Sound.IsPlaying(self.soundid)) or (g_localActor:IsDead())) then --System.Log("sound stopped - sound scale to normal"); Sound.StopSound(self.soundid) self.soundid = nil; Sound.SetGroupScale(SOUNDSCALE_MISSIONHINT, 1.0); else -- Sound still playing. -- set another timer. self:SetTimer(0, 1000); end end end, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnShutDown = function(self) self:StopSound(); end, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnSoundDone = function(self) self:ActivateOutput( "Done",true ); --System.LogToConsole("Done sound"..self.Properties.soundName); end, } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function MissionHint:Play() --System.LogToConsole("\005 Now playing with "..self.SkipCount.." skip and "..self.HintCount.." hint"); System.Log("Now playing with "..self.SkipCount.." skip and "..self.HintCount.." hint"); if ((self.Properties.bEnabled == 0 ) or (self.skipped == 1) ) then do return end; end if(self.soundid~=nil and Sound.IsPlaying(self.soundid) )then Sound.StopSound(self.soundid); Sound.SetGroupScale(SOUNDSCALE_MISSIONHINT, 1.0); self.SkipCount = self.SkipCount+1; end --System.Log("Now playing 2 "); self.soundid = nil; if (self.SkipCount > self.Properties.iAllowedToSkip) then if (sndSkipAcknowledge ~= "") then self.skipped = 1; --self.soundid = Sound.LoadSound(self.Properties.sndSkipAcknowledge); self.soundName = self.Properties.sndSkipAcknowledge; --System.Log("Now playing 3 "..self.soundName); end else if (self.soundid == nil) then self:LoadSnd(); --if (self.soundid == nil) then --return; --end; end end local sndFlags = SOUND_2D; --sndFlags = bor(sndFlags, SOUND_LOOP); if (self.Properties.bLoop~=0) then sndFlags = bor(sndFlags, SOUND_LOOP); --Sound.SetSoundLoop(self.soundid,1); --else --Sound.SetSoundLoop(self.soundid,0); end; --Sound.SetSoundVolume(self.soundid,self.Properties.iVolume); self:SetTimer(0, 1000); --Game:PlaySubtitle(self.soundid); --System.Log("Try to play 4 "..self.soundName); self.soundid = self:PlaySoundEvent(self.soundName, g_Vectors.v000, g_Vectors.v010, sndFlags, SOUND_SEMANTIC_DIALOG); --System.Log("Now playing 4 "..self.soundid); --Sound.PlaySound(self.sound); --Sound.PlaySoundFadeUnderwater(self.sound); --System.LogToConsole( "Play Sound" ); if (self.Properties.bScaleDownVolumes==1) then Sound.SetGroupScale(SOUNDSCALE_MISSIONHINT, SOUND_VOLUMESCALEMISSIONHINT); end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function MissionHint:StopSound() if (self.Properties.bEnabled == 0 ) then do return end; end -- if (self.soundid ~= nil and Sound.IsPlaying(self.soundid) ) then if (self.soundid ~= nil ) then Sound.StopSound(self.soundid); --System.LogToConsole( "Stop Sound" ); self.soundid = nil; end self.started = 0; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function MissionHint:LoadSnd() if (self.Properties.Hints["sndHint"..self.HintCount] ~= "") then --self.sound = Sound.LoadSound(self.Properties.Hints["sndHint"..self.HintCount]); self.soundName = self.Properties.Hints["sndHint"..self.HintCount]; self.HintCount = self.HintCount + 1; end --self.soundName = self.Properties.Hints["sndHint"..self.HintCount]; --System.Log("Now playing Count: "..self.soundName ); end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Stop Event ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function MissionHint:Event_Stop( sender ) self:StopSound(); --BroadcastEvent( self,"Stop" ); end function MissionHint:Event_Play( sender ) self:Play(); --BroadcastEvent( self,"bPlay" ); end function MissionHint:Event_Enable( sender ) self.Properties.bEnabled = true; --BroadcastEvent( self,"Enable" ); self:OnPropertyChange(); end function MissionHint:Event_Disable( sender ) self.Properties.bEnabled = false; --BroadcastEvent( self,"Disable" ); self:OnPropertyChange(); end MissionHint.FlowEvents = { Inputs = { Play = { MissionHint.Event_Play, "bool" }, Stop = { MissionHint.Event_Stop, "bool" }, Enable = { MissionHint.Event_Enable, "bool" }, Disable = { MissionHint.Event_Disable, "bool" }, }, Outputs = { Done = "bool", }, }
-- CCDIKController -- Dthecoolest -- December 27, 2020 local Debris = game:GetService("Debris") -- for debugging local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local VectorUtil = require(script.VectorUtil) local Maid = require(script.Maid) --Axis angle version still here for testing purposes local function fromToRotation(u, v, axis) local dot = u:Dot(v) if dot > 0.99999 then -- situation 1 return elseif dot < -0.99999 then -- situation 2 return CFrame.fromAxisAngle(axis, math.pi) end -- situation 3 return CFrame.fromAxisAngle(u:Cross(v), math.acos(dot) * 0.8) end --Quaternion rotation version from Egomoose --The cooler version (⌐□_□) local function getRotationBetween(u, v, axis) local dot, uxv = u:Dot(v), u:Cross(v) if dot < -0.99999 then return CFrame.fromAxisAngle(axis, math.pi) end return, 0, 0, uxv.x, uxv.y, uxv.z, 1 + dot) end --[[ Amount is in radians rotate vector around an axis ]] local function rotateVectorAround(v, amount, axis) return CFrame.fromAxisAngle(axis, amount):VectorToWorldSpace(v) end local CFNEW = local CFLOOKAT = CFrame.lookAt local ZEROVEC = local DOWNVECTOR =, -1, 0) --local motor6d ="Motor6D") --Dictionary of how to setup the axis constraints local hipJoint ="Motor6D") local kneeJoint ="Motor6D") local constraintsTemplate = { [kneeJoint] = { ["ConstraintType"] = "Hinge", ["UpperAngle"] = 45, -- same as HingeConstraint [-180,180] degrees ["LowerAngle"] = -45, ["AxisAttachment"] = nil, --Automatically tries to find first child an attachment with the part0Motor6dName..AxisAttachment ["JointAttachment"] = nil, }, [hipJoint] = { ["ConstraintType"] = "BallSocketConstraint", ["UpperAngle"] = 45, -- same as BallSocketConstraint [-180,180] degrees ["TwistLimitsEnabled"] = false, -- yep same as roblox constraints ["TwistUpperAngle"] = 45, ["TwistLowerAngle"] = -45, ["AxisAttachment"] = nil, --Automatically tries to find first child during .new() setup but you can manually input it ["JointAttachment"] = nil, }, } local CCDIKController = {} CCDIKController.__index = CCDIKController function, Constraints) local self = setmetatable({}, CCDIKController) self.Maid = self.Motor6DTable = Motor6DTable --resets the rotation of the Motor6D automatically --Prevents C0 orientated models like R6 from spinning wildly --Not needed anymore, was due to C0 and C1 orientations not being 0 --Fixed with new C0 formula -- for i, motor6D in pairs(Motor6DTable) do --local newC1Orientation = motor6D.C1 * motor6D.C0:Inverse() --newC1Orientation -= newC1Orientation.Position --motor6D.C0 = + motor6D.C0.Position --motor6D.C1 = newC1Orientation + motor6D.C1.Position -- end self.Constraints = Constraints self.JointInfo, self.JointAxisInfo = self:SetupJoints() -- Creates instances make sure to clean up via :Destroy() self.EndEffector = Motor6DTable[#Motor6DTable].Part1:FindFirstChild("EndEffector") if not self.EndEffector then local endEffector ="Attachment") endEffector.Name = "EndEffector" endEffector.Parent = Motor6DTable[#Motor6DTable].Part1 self.EndEffector = endEffector self.Maid:GiveTask(endEffector) end self.DebugMode = false self.LerpMode = true self.LerpAlpha = 0.9 self.ConstantLerpSpeed = true self.AngularSpeed = math.rad(90) self.FootOrientationSystem = false self.FootRaycastParams = self.RaycastLengthDown = 50 self._RayResultTable = {} --additional feature self.UseLastMotor = false return self end --[[ Sets up the attachments to find the Motor6D joints position in world space, also tries to find the constraint axis ]] function CCDIKController:SetupJoints() local joints = {} local jointAxisInfo = {} for _, motor in pairs(self.Motor6DTable) do --In order to find the joint in world terms and index it fast, only thing that needs to be destroyed local attachment ="Attachment") attachment.CFrame = motor.C0 attachment.Name = "JointPosition" attachment.Parent = motor.Part0 joints[motor] = attachment self.Maid:GiveTask(attachment) if self.Constraints then local motorConstraints = self.Constraints[motor] if motorConstraints then --If it doesn't already have an axis attachment, find one, if not motorConstraints.AxisAttachment then local AxisAttachment = motor.Part0:FindFirstChild(motor.Part0.Name .. "AxisAttachment") motorConstraints["AxisAttachment"] = AxisAttachment elseif typeof(motorConstraints.AxisAttachment) == "string" then local AxisAttachment = motor.Part0:FindFirstChild( motorConstraints.AxisAttachment .. "AxisAttachment" ) motorConstraints["AxisAttachment"] = AxisAttachment end --same here for joint attachment if not motorConstraints.JointAttachment then local JointAttachment = motor.Part1:FindFirstChild(motor.Part0.Name .. "JointAttachment") motorConstraints["JointAttachment"] = JointAttachment elseif typeof(motorConstraints.JointAttachment) == "string" then local JointAttachment = motor.Part1:FindFirstChild( motorConstraints.JointAttachment .. "JointAttachment" ) motorConstraints["JointAttachment"] = JointAttachment end end end end --self.JointInfo = joints --self.JointAxisInfo = jointAxisInfo return joints, jointAxisInfo end --[[ Adds constraints settings from Roblox constraint instances already inside the model. ]] function CCDIKController:GetConstraints() if not self.Constraints then -- construct the constraint table if none self.Constraints = {} end for _, motor in pairs(self.Motor6DTable) do local motorPart0: Part motorPart0 = motor.Part0 local hingeConstraint = motorPart0:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("HingeConstraint") local ballSocketConstraint = motorPart0:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("BallSocketConstraint") if hingeConstraint then self.Constraints[motor] = { ["ConstraintType"] = "Hinge", ["UpperAngle"] = hingeConstraint.UpperAngle, -- same as HingeConstraint [-180,180] degrees ["LowerAngle"] = hingeConstraint.LowerAngle, ["AxisAttachment"] = hingeConstraint.Attachment0, ["JointAttachment"] = hingeConstraint.Attachment1, } elseif ballSocketConstraint then self.Constraints[motor] = { ["ConstraintType"] = "BallSocketConstraint", ["UpperAngle"] = ballSocketConstraint.UpperAngle, -- same as BallSocketConstraint [-180,180] degrees ["TwistLimitsEnabled"] = ballSocketConstraint.TwistLimitsEnabled, -- still have no idea how to do ["TwistUpperAngle"] = ballSocketConstraint.TwistUpperAngle, -- so yeah no twist limits for now ["TwistLowerAngle"] = ballSocketConstraint.TwistLowerAngle, ["AxisAttachment"] = ballSocketConstraint.Attachment0, --Automatically tries to find first child during .new() setup but you can manually input it ["JointAttachment"] = ballSocketConstraint.Attachment1, } end end end --[[-------------------------------------------------------- Same as GetConstraints except uses :FindFirstChild() to find the roblox constraint and sets settings accordingly ]] function CCDIKController:GetConstraintsFromMotor(motor: Motor6D, constraintName: string) if not self.Constraints then -- construct the constraint table if none self.Constraints = {} end local constraint = motor.Part0:FindFirstChild(constraintName) if constraint:IsA("HingeConstraint") then self.Constraints[motor] = { ["ConstraintType"] = "Hinge", ["UpperAngle"] = constraint.UpperAngle, -- same as HingeConstraint [-180,180] degrees ["LowerAngle"] = constraint.LowerAngle, ["AxisAttachment"] = constraint.Attachment0, ["JointAttachment"] = constraint.Attachment1, } elseif constraint:IsA("BallSocketConstraint") then self.Constraints[motor] = { ["ConstraintType"] = "BallSocketConstraint", ["UpperAngle"] = constraint.UpperAngle, -- same as BallSocketConstraint [-180,180] degrees ["TwistLimitsEnabled"] = constraint.TwistLimitsEnabled, -- still have no idea how to do ["TwistUpperAngle"] = constraint.TwistUpperAngle, -- so yeah no twist limits for now ["TwistLowerAngle"] = constraint.TwistLowerAngle, ["AxisAttachment"] = constraint.Attachment0, --Automatically tries to find first child during .new() setup but you can manually input it ["JointAttachment"] = constraint.Attachment1, } end end --[[ Internal function for CCDIK Iteration step ]] function CCDIKController:_CCDIKIterateFoot(step) local constraints = self.Constraints local motor6DTable = self.Motor6DTable local footJoint = motor6DTable[#motor6DTable] footJoint.C0 *= footJoint.Transform self:OrientFootMotorToFloor(footJoint, step) footJoint.Transform = CFNEW() if constraints then local jointConstraintInfo = constraints[footJoint] if jointConstraintInfo then if jointConstraintInfo.ConstraintType == "Hinge" then self:RotateToHingeAxis(footJoint, jointConstraintInfo) end if jointConstraintInfo.ConstraintType == "BallSocketConstraint" then self:RotateToBallSocketConstraintAxis(footJoint, jointConstraintInfo) end end end end --[[ Performs one iteration of the CCDIK step regardless of the end condition ]] function CCDIKController:_CCDIKIterateStep(goalPosition, step) local constraints = self.Constraints local useLastMotor = self.UseLastMotor and 1 or 0 --Makes it so that it iterates the only one motor in the table for i = #self.Motor6DTable - 1 + useLastMotor, 1, -1 do local currentJoint = self.Motor6DTable[i] currentJoint.C0 *= currentJoint.Transform -- apply animations to C0 self:RotateFromEffectorToGoal(currentJoint, goalPosition, step) currentJoint.Transform = CFNEW() if constraints then local jointConstraintInfo = constraints[currentJoint] if jointConstraintInfo then if jointConstraintInfo.ConstraintType == "Hinge" then self:RotateToHingeAxis(currentJoint, jointConstraintInfo) end if jointConstraintInfo.ConstraintType == "BallSocketConstraint" then self:RotateToBallSocketConstraintAxis(currentJoint, jointConstraintInfo) end end end end end --[[------------------------------ Iterates only if goalPosition is not yet reached ]] function CCDIKController:CCDIKIterateOnce(goalPosition, tolerance, step) local endEffectorPosition = self.EndEffector.WorldPosition local distanceToGoal = endEffectorPosition - goalPosition local tolerance = tolerance or 1 if distanceToGoal.Magnitude > tolerance then self:_CCDIKIterateStep(goalPosition, step) end --Always attempt to orientate foot to floor if self.FootOrientationSystem then self:_CCDIKIterateFoot(step) end end function CCDIKController:CCDIKIterateOnceDebug(goalPosition, tolerance, step) -- local endEffectorPosition = self.EndEffector.WorldPosition -- local distanceToGoal = endEffectorPosition-goalPosition -- local tolerance = tolerance or 0 self:_CCDIKIterateStep(goalPosition, step) --Always attempt to orientate foot to floor --not for the debug mode -- if self.FootOrientationSystem then -- self:_CCDIKIterateFoot(step) -- end end -- Same as Iterate once but in a while loop function CCDIKController:CCDIKIterateUntil(goalPosition, tolerance, maxBreakCount, step) local maxBreakCount = maxBreakCount or 10 local currentIterationCount = 0 local endEffectorPosition = self.EndEffector.WorldPosition local distanceToGoal = endEffectorPosition - goalPosition local tolerance = tolerance or 1 while distanceToGoal.Magnitude > tolerance and maxBreakCount >= currentIterationCount do currentIterationCount += 1 self:_CCDIKIterateStep(goalPosition, step) if self.FootOrientationSystem then self:_CCDIKIterateFoot(step) end end end local function worldCFrameToC0ObjectSpace(motor6DJoint, worldCFrame) local part1CF = motor6DJoint.Part1.CFrame local c1Store = motor6DJoint.C1 local c0Store = motor6DJoint.C0 local relativeToPart1 = c0Store * c1Store:Inverse() * part1CF:Inverse() * worldCFrame * c1Store relativeToPart1 -= relativeToPart1.Position local goalC0CFrame = relativeToPart1 + c0Store.Position return goalC0CFrame end local function calculateGoalFromToC0CFrame(motor6DJoint, u, v, axis) local rotationCFrame = fromToRotation(u, v, axis) local part1CF = motor6DJoint.Part1.CFrame local c1Store = motor6DJoint.C1 local c0Store = motor6DJoint.C0 --calculate goal world CFrame local goalWorldCFrame = rotationCFrame * part1CF --do the New C1 Inversing local relativeToPart1 = c0Store * c1Store:Inverse() * part1CF:Inverse() * goalWorldCFrame * c1Store --maintain original C0 position relativeToPart1 -= relativeToPart1.Position local goalC0CFrame = relativeToPart1 + c0Store.Position -- local goalC0CFrame = relativeToPart1 return goalC0CFrame end function CCDIKController.rotateJointFromTo(motor6DJoint, u, v, axis) local goalC0CFrame = calculateGoalFromToC0CFrame(motor6DJoint, u, v, axis) motor6DJoint.C0 = goalC0CFrame end local tweenInfo = function CCDIKController.rotateJointFromToTween(motor6DJoint, u, v, axis) print("Tweeen") --alternative calculation method local goalC0CFrame = calculateGoalFromToC0CFrame(motor6DJoint, u, v, axis) local tween = TweenService:Create(motor6DJoint, tweenInfo, { C0 = goalC0CFrame }) tween:Play() tween.Completed:Wait() end --Controls the primary CCDIK Method but instead of going fully towards the goal it lerps slowly towards it instead function CCDIKController:rotateJointFromToWithLerp(motor6DJoint: Motor6D, u, v, axis, step) --print("Rotateting") local goalC0CFrame = calculateGoalFromToC0CFrame(motor6DJoint, u, v, axis) local lerpAlpha = self.LerpAlpha local currentC0 = motor6DJoint.C0 if step and self.ConstantLerpSpeed then local angularDistance = VectorUtil.AngleBetween(currentC0.LookVector, goalC0CFrame.LookVector) local estimatedTime = self.AngularSpeed / angularDistance lerpAlpha = math.min(step * estimatedTime, 1) end motor6DJoint.C0 = currentC0:Lerp(goalC0CFrame, lerpAlpha) end --[[------------------------------ Primary joint movement method which performs the CCDIK algorithm of rotating a joint from end effector to goal ]] function CCDIKController:RotateFromEffectorToGoal(motor6d: Motor6D, goalPosition, step) local motor6dPart0 = motor6d.Part0 local part0CF = motor6dPart0.CFrame local jointWorldPosition = self.JointInfo[motor6d].WorldPosition --local jointWorldPosition = (motor6d.Part0.CFrame*motor6d.C0).Position --Faster to use attachments local endEffectorPosition = self.EndEffector.WorldPosition local directionToEffector = (endEffectorPosition - jointWorldPosition).Unit local directionToGoal = (goalPosition - jointWorldPosition).Unit if self.DebugMode then self.VisualizeVector(jointWorldPosition, endEffectorPosition - jointWorldPosition, BrickColor.Blue()) self.VisualizeVector(jointWorldPosition, goalPosition - jointWorldPosition, BrickColor.Red()) self.rotateJointFromToTween(motor6d, directionToEffector, directionToGoal, part0CF.UpVector) return --skip the rest since debug mode lol end if self.LerpMode ~= true then self.rotateJointFromTo(motor6d, directionToEffector, directionToGoal, part0CF.RightVector) else self:rotateJointFromToWithLerp(motor6d, directionToEffector, directionToGoal, part0CF.RightVector, step) end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- This function constraints the rotation of the part1 to the hinge axis of the part0, then also does local EulerAngle constraints Dictionary to setup the constraint information: [motor6d] = { ["ConstraintType"] = "Hinge"; ["UpperAngle"] = 45; -- same as HingeConstraint [-180,180] degrees ["LowerAngle"] = -45; ["AxisAttachment"] = nil; --Automatically tries to find first child during .new() setup but you can manually input it ["JointAttachment"] = nil; }; ]] function CCDIKController:RotateToHingeAxis(motor6d: Motor6D, jointConstraintInfo) local motor6dPart0 = motor6d.Part0 local part0CF = motor6dPart0.CFrame local axisAttachment = jointConstraintInfo.AxisAttachment local jointAttachment = jointConstraintInfo.JointAttachment local hingeAxis = axisAttachment.WorldAxis local currentHingeAxis = jointAttachment.WorldAxis --Enforce hinge axis, has to be instantaneous self.rotateJointFromTo(motor6d, currentHingeAxis, hingeAxis, part0CF.RightVector) --Then enforce hinge constraints local axisCFrame = axisAttachment.WorldCFrame local jointCFrame = jointAttachment.WorldCFrame local upperAngle = jointConstraintInfo.UpperAngle or 180 local lowerAngle = jointConstraintInfo.LowerAngle or -180 local localCFrame: CFrame localCFrame = axisCFrame:ToObjectSpace(jointCFrame) local x, _, _ = localCFrame:ToEulerAnglesXYZ() --print(math.round(math.deg(x)),math.round(math.deg(y)),math.round(math.deg(z))) -- yep x is the rotation local constrainedX = math.clamp(math.deg(x), lowerAngle, upperAngle) constrainedX = math.rad(constrainedX) local constrainedJointCFrame = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(constrainedX, 0, 0) local newWorldJointCFrame = axisCFrame:ToWorldSpace(constrainedJointCFrame) local newPart1CFrame = newWorldJointCFrame * jointAttachment.CFrame:Inverse() -- Uhh only works with attachments -- local goalCFRotation = motor6d.Part0.CFrame:Inverse() * newPart1CFrame -- goalCFRotation = goalCFRotation - goalCFRotation.Position local goalCFRotation = worldCFrameToC0ObjectSpace(motor6d, newPart1CFrame) motor6d.C0 = goalCFRotation end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- This function constraints the rotation of the part1 to the hinge axis of the part0, then also does local EulerAngle constraints Dictionary to setup the constraint information: [motor6d] = { ["ConstraintType"] = "BallSocketConstraint"; ["UpperAngle"] = 45; -- same as BallSocketConstraint [-180,180] degrees ["TwistLimitsEnabled"] = ; -- still have no idea how to do ["TwistUpperAngle"] = -45;-- ["TwistLowerAngle"] = -45; ["AxisAttachment"] = nil; --Automatically tries to find first child during .new() setup but you can manually input it ["JointAttachment"] = nil; }; ]] local function twistSwing(cf, direction) local axis, theta = cf:ToAxisAngle() local w, v = math.cos(theta / 2), math.sin(theta / 2) * axis local proj = v:Dot(direction) * direction local twist =, cf.y, cf.z, proj.x, proj.y, proj.z, w) local swing = twist:Inverse() * cf return swing, twist end function CCDIKController:RotateToBallSocketConstraintAxis(motor6d, jointConstraintInfo) local motor6dPart0 = motor6d.Part0 local part0CF = motor6dPart0.CFrame local axisAttachment = jointConstraintInfo.AxisAttachment local jointAttachment = jointConstraintInfo.JointAttachment local centerAxis = axisAttachment.WorldAxis local currentCenterAxis = jointAttachment.WorldAxis local angleDifference = VectorUtil.AngleBetween(currentCenterAxis, centerAxis) local constraintUpperAngle = math.rad(jointConstraintInfo.UpperAngle) or math.rad(45) --out of bounds constrain it to world axis of the socket if angleDifference > constraintUpperAngle then local axis = currentCenterAxis:Cross(centerAxis) local angleDifference = angleDifference - constraintUpperAngle local newCenterAxisWithinBounds = rotateVectorAround(currentCenterAxis, angleDifference, axis) self.rotateJointFromTo(motor6d, currentCenterAxis, newCenterAxisWithinBounds, part0CF.RightVector) end --Now enforce twist limits if jointConstraintInfo.TwistLimitsEnabled then local axisCFrame = axisAttachment.WorldCFrame local currentJointCFrame = jointAttachment.WorldCFrame local twistSwingAxis = axisAttachment.WorldAxis local jointRelativeCFrame = axisCFrame:ToObjectSpace(currentJointCFrame) local swing, twist = twistSwing(jointRelativeCFrame, twistSwingAxis) local axis, angle = twist:ToAxisAngle() local axisSign = math.sign(axis:Dot(twistSwingAxis)) axis, angle = axisSign * axis, axisSign * angle --make the signs relative to twist axis angle = math.deg(angle) local upperAngle = jointConstraintInfo.TwistUpperAngle local lowerAngle = jointConstraintInfo.TwistLowerAngle local notConstrained = false if angle > upperAngle then angle = upperAngle elseif angle < lowerAngle then angle = lowerAngle else notConstrained = true end if not notConstrained then angle = math.rad(angle) local newTwist = CFrame.fromAxisAngle(axis, angle) local newConstraintedRelativeCFrame = newTwist * swing local newJointWorldCFrame = axisCFrame * newConstraintedRelativeCFrame local part1CF = newJointWorldCFrame * jointAttachment.CFrame:Inverse() -- local goalCF = motor6d.Part0.CFrame:Inverse() * part1CF -- old to object space method local goalCF = worldCFrameToC0ObjectSpace(motor6d, part1CF) motor6d.C0 = goalCF end end end --[[ Finds the attachments in the part1 foot and the raycasting params the system uses ]] function CCDIKController:SetupFoot(attachmentNameTable: table, raycastParams) local motor6DTable = self.Motor6DTable local footJoint = motor6DTable[#motor6DTable] local footPart = footJoint.Part1 local footAttachmentTable = {} for i, attachmentName in pairs(attachmentNameTable) do footAttachmentTable[i] = footPart:FindFirstChild(attachmentName) end self.FootAttachmentTable = footAttachmentTable self.FootRaycastParams = raycastParams self.FootOrientationSystem = true end function CCDIKController:OrientFootMotorToFloor(motor6d: Motor6D, step) local attachmentTable = self.FootAttachmentTable local lengthToFloor = self.RaycastLengthDown local rayResultTable = self._RayResultTable local raycastParams = self.FootRaycastParams for i = 1, 3 do local attachment = attachmentTable[i] local rayOrigin = attachment.WorldPosition local rayDown = -attachment.WorldCFrame.UpVector * lengthToFloor rayResultTable[i] = workspace:Raycast(rayOrigin, rayDown, raycastParams) end local raycastNilCheck = (rayResultTable[1] and rayResultTable[2] and rayResultTable[3]) == nil local footCFrame = self.EndEffector.WorldCFrame local newUpVector = raycastNilCheck and footCFrame.UpVector or (rayResultTable[2].Position - rayResultTable[1].Position):Cross( rayResultTable[3].Position - rayResultTable[1].Position ).Unit local currentFootUpVector = footCFrame.UpVector --fixes the ? foot inverting issue if raycastNilCheck == false then self:rotateJointFromToWithLerp(motor6d, currentFootUpVector, newUpVector, footCFrame.UpVector, step) end --Then enforce constraints local constraints = self.Constraints if constraints then local jointConstraintInfo = constraints[motor6d] if jointConstraintInfo then if jointConstraintInfo.ConstraintType == "Hinge" then self:RotateToHingeAxis(motor6d, jointConstraintInfo) end if jointConstraintInfo.ConstraintType == "BallSocketConstraint" then self:RotateToBallSocketConstraintAxis(motor6d, jointConstraintInfo) end end end end function CCDIKController:InitDragDebug() local lastPart1 = self.Motor6DTable[#self.Motor6DTable].Part1 self.LerpMode = false local dragMe ="Part") dragMe.CanCollide = false dragMe.Anchored = true dragMe.Size =, 1, 1) dragMe.BrickColor = BrickColor.random() dragMe.Position = lastPart1.Position dragMe.Name = "DragMe!: " .. lastPart1.Name dragMe.Parent = workspace RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() self:CCDIKIterateOnce(dragMe.Position) end) end function CCDIKController:InitTweenDragDebug() local lastPart1 = self.Motor6DTable[#self.Motor6DTable].Part1 self.DebugMode = true --self.JointInfo[motor6d].WorldPosition for i = 1, #self.Motor6DTable - 1 do print("test") local motor1 = self.Motor6DTable[i] local motor2 = self.Motor6DTable[i + 1] local t1 = self.JointInfo[motor1].WorldPosition local t2 = self.JointInfo[motor2].WorldPosition local position = t1 local direction = t2 - t1 local wedgePart ="WedgePart") wedgePart.Size =, 0.1, direction.Magnitude) wedgePart.CFrame = CFLOOKAT(position, position + direction) *, 0, -direction.Magnitude / 2) wedgePart.CanCollide = false local weldConstraint ="WeldConstraint") weldConstraint.Part0 = wedgePart weldConstraint.Part1 = motor2.Parent weldConstraint.Parent = motor2.Parent wedgePart.Parent = workspace wedgePart.Name = "I am a limb vector" end for i, Motor in pairs(self.Motor6DTable) do Motor.Part1.Transparency = 0.75 Motor.Part0.Transparency = 0.75 end local dragMe ="Part") dragMe.CanCollide = false dragMe.Anchored = true dragMe.Size =, 1, 1) dragMe.BrickColor = BrickColor.random() dragMe.Position = lastPart1.Position dragMe.Name = "DragMe!: " .. lastPart1.Name dragMe.Parent = workspace spawn(function() while true do wait() --eh self:CCDIKIterateOnceDebug(dragMe.Position) end end) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- Reverse Humanoid:BuildRigFromAttachments Finds Motor6D's and places where the joints are located as attachments Usefull for creating HingeConstraints and BallSocketConstraints to visualize and orientate the attachments Pretty necessary in fact to create the attachment axis and decide the upper angle or lower angle ]] function commandBarSetupJoints(model) local modelDescendants = model:GetDescendants() for _, motor6D in pairs(modelDescendants) do if motor6D:IsA("Motor6D") then --In order to find the joint in world terms local Part0Name = motor6D.Part0.Name local AxisAttachment ="Attachment") AxisAttachment.CFrame = motor6D.C0 AxisAttachment.Name = Part0Name .. "AxisAttachment" AxisAttachment.Parent = motor6D.Part0 local JointAttachment ="Attachment") JointAttachment.CFrame = motor6D.C1 JointAttachment.Name = Part0Name .. "JointAttachment" JointAttachment.Parent = motor6D.Part1 end end end --Same as the above function but follow RigAttachment naming rule function commandBarSetupRigAttachments(model) local modelDescendants = model:GetDescendants() for _, motor6D in pairs(modelDescendants) do if motor6D:IsA("Motor6D") then --In order to find the joint in world terms local motor6DName = motor6D.Name local AxisAttachment ="Attachment") AxisAttachment.CFrame = motor6D.C0 AxisAttachment.Name = motor6DName .. "RigAttachment" AxisAttachment.Parent = motor6D.Part0 local JointAttachment ="Attachment") JointAttachment.CFrame = motor6D.C1 JointAttachment.Name = motor6DName .. "RigAttachment" JointAttachment.Parent = motor6D.Part1 end end end --[[ Utility function spawning a wedge part to visualize a vector in world space ]] function CCDIKController.VisualizeVector(position, direction, brickColor) local wedgePart ="WedgePart") wedgePart.Size =, 0.1, direction.Magnitude) wedgePart.CFrame = CFLOOKAT(position, position + direction) *, 0, -direction.Magnitude / 2) wedgePart.Anchored = true wedgePart.CanCollide = false wedgePart.BrickColor = brickColor or BrickColor.random() wedgePart.Parent = workspace Debris:AddItem(wedgePart, 0.75) end --[[ Do cleaning destroys all the instances made by this object ]] function CCDIKController:Destroy() self.Maid:DoCleaning() self = nil end return CCDIKController
local a = 1; -- A comment --[[ A multiline comment that takes a lot of space :) ]]
local Modules = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.AvatarEditorInGame.Modules local Roact = require(Modules.Packages.Roact) local UIBlox = require(Modules.Packages.UIBlox) local ImageSetButton = UIBlox.Core.ImageSet.Button local withStyle = UIBlox.Style.withStyle local Images = UIBlox.App.ImageSet.Images local CloseViewButton = Roact.PureComponent:extend("CloseViewButton") local IMAGE = Images["icons/actions/previewShrink"] local IMAGE_SIZE =, 36) local IMAGE_PADDING =, 12) function CloseViewButton:render() return withStyle(function(stylePalette) local theme = stylePalette.Theme return Roact.createElement(ImageSetButton, { AnchorPoint =, 1), BackgroundTransparency = 1, Position =, -IMAGE_PADDING.X, 1, -IMAGE_PADDING.Y), Size =, IMAGE_SIZE.X, 0, IMAGE_SIZE.Y), Image = IMAGE, ImageColor3 = theme.IconEmphasis.Color, ImageTransparency = theme.IconEmphasis.Transparency, [Roact.Event.Activated] = self.props.onActivated, }) end) end return CloseViewButton
local utils = require("utils") local drawableSpriteStruct = require("structs.drawable_sprite") local jautils = require("mods").requireFromPlugin("libraries.jautils") local customKevin = {} local fillColor = jautils.getColor("62222b") = "FrostHelper/SlowCrushBlock" customKevin.depth = -9000 jautils.createPlacementsPreserveOrder(customKevin, "horizontal", { { "width", 16 }, { "height", 16 }, { "directory", "objects/FrostHelper/slowcrushblock/" }, { "chillout", false }, { "crushSpeed", 120.0 }, { "returnSpeed", 60.0 }, { "returnAcceleration", 160.0 }, { "crushAcceleration", 250.0 }, { "axes", "horizontal" } }) jautils.addPlacement(customKevin, "vertical", { { "axes", "vertical"} }) jautils.addPlacement(customKevin, "both", { { "axes", "both" } }) local axesToBlockIndex = { none = "0", horizontal = "1", vertical = "2", both = "3", } function customKevin.sprite(room, entity) local sprites = { jautils.getFilledRectangleSprite({x=entity.x + 2, y=entity.y + 2, width = entity.width - 4, height = entity.height - 4}, fillColor) } for _, value in ipairs(jautils.getCustomBlockSprites(entity, "directory", "block0" .. axesToBlockIndex[entity.axes or "none"], "objects/FrostHelper/slowcrushblock/block00")) do table.insert(sprites, value) end local giant = entity.height >= 48 and entity.width >= 48 and entity.chillout table.insert(sprites, drawableSpriteStruct.fromTexture(giant and "objects/crushblock/giant_block00" or "objects/crushblock/idle_face", entity):setPosition(entity.x + (entity.width / 2), entity.y + (entity.height / 2))) return sprites end function customKevin.selection(room, entity) return utils.rectangle(entity.x, entity.y, entity.width, entity.height) end return customKevin
--[[ Description: Dummy initializer to avoid dependency resolution errors on client or server Author: Sceleratis Date: 1/9/2022 --]] --// Initializer functions return { Init = function(Root, Packages) end; }
local constants = require "kong.constants" local kong_session = require "kong.plugins.session.session" local kong = kong local _M = {} local function load_consumer(consumer_id) local result, err = kong.db.consumers:select { id = consumer_id } if not result then return nil, err end return result end local function authenticate(consumer, credential_id, groups) local set_header = kong.service.request.set_header local clear_header = kong.service.request.clear_header set_header(constants.HEADERS.CONSUMER_ID, if consumer.custom_id then set_header(constants.HEADERS.CONSUMER_CUSTOM_ID, consumer.custom_id) else clear_header(constants.HEADERS.CONSUMER_CUSTOM_ID) end if consumer.username then set_header(constants.HEADERS.CONSUMER_USERNAME, consumer.username) else clear_header(constants.HEADERS.CONSUMER_USERNAME) end if groups then set_header(constants.HEADERS.AUTHENTICATED_GROUPS, table.concat(groups, ", ")) ngx.ctx.authenticated_groups = groups else clear_header(constants.HEADERS.AUTHENTICATED_GROUPS) end if credential_id then local credential = {id = credential_id or, consumer_id =} set_header(constants.HEADERS.ANONYMOUS, true) kong.client.authenticate(consumer, credential) return end kong.client.authenticate(consumer, nil) end function _M.execute(conf) local s = kong_session.open_session(conf) if not s.present then kong.log.debug("session not present") return end -- check if incoming request is trying to logout if kong_session.logout(conf) then kong.log.debug("session logging out") s:destroy() return kong.response.exit(200) end local cid, credential, groups = kong_session.retrieve_session_data(s) local consumer_cache_key = kong.db.consumers:cache_key(cid) local consumer, err = kong.cache:get(consumer_cache_key, nil, load_consumer, cid) if err then kong.log.err("could not load consumer: ", err) return end -- destroy sessions with invalid consumer_id if not consumer then kong.log.debug("failed to find consumer, destroying session") return s:destroy() end s:start() authenticate(consumer, credential, groups) kong.ctx.shared.authenticated_session = s end return _M
PluginInit = { pluginID = "at.homebrew.lrdavinci", }
local handler = require 'kong.plugins.signalfx.handler' local helpers = require "spec.helpers" local cjson = require "cjson" local tostr = require 'pl.pretty'.write local fmt = string.format for _, strategy in helpers.each_strategy() do describe(fmt("Aggregation (%s)", strategy), function() local proxy_client, admin_client local service_one, route_one local service_two, route_two setup(function() local bp = helpers.get_db_utils(strategy) service_one ={}) route_one = bp.routes:insert({ hosts = { "myhost" }, service = service_one }) assert(bp.plugins:insert { name = "signalfx", route_id =, }) service_two ={}) route_two = bp.routes:insert({ hosts = { "myotherhost" }, service = service_two }) assert(bp.plugins:insert { name = "signalfx", config = { aggregate_by_http_method = false }, route_id =, }) assert(helpers.start_kong({ path = os.getenv("PATH"), lua_package_path = os.getenv("LUA_PATH"), database = strategy, nginx_conf = "/opt/kong-plugin-signalfx/spec/custom_nginx.template", plugins = "signalfx" })) proxy_client = helpers.proxy_client() admin_client = helpers.admin_client() end) teardown(function() if proxy_client then proxy_client:close() end if admin_client then admin_client:close() end helpers.stop_kong() end) it("Aggregates as expected with http method", function() for i=1, 1000 do local res = assert(proxy_client:send { method = "GET", headers = { ["Host"] = "myhost", } }) assert.res_status(200, res) end ngx.sleep(1) local res = assert(admin_client:send { method = "GET", path = "/signalfx", }) local body = assert.res_status(200, res) local json = cjson.decode(body) assert.same(json.database, {database_reachable = true}) assert.is_number(json.server.connections_accepted) assert.is_number(json.server.connections_active) assert.is_number(json.server.connections_handled) assert.is_number(json.server.connections_reading) assert.is_number(json.server.connections_waiting) assert.is_number(json.server.connections_writing) assert.is_number(json.server.total_requests) local hdler = handler() local expected_message = { service = service_one, route = route_one, request = { method = 'GET' } } local expected_key = hdler:get_context_key(expected_message, { aggregate_by_http_method = true }):sub(6) local metric_val_string = json.signalfx[expected_key] assert.is_string(metric_val_string) local request_count, _, _, _, _, _, statuses = hdler:decode_metrics(metric_val_string) assert.is_equal(request_count, 1000) assert.is_equal(statuses["200"].count, 1000) end) it("Aggregates as expected without http method", function() for i=1, 1000 do local res = assert(proxy_client:send { method = "GET", headers = { ["Host"] = "myotherhost", } }) assert.res_status(200, res) end ngx.sleep(1) local res = assert(admin_client:send { method = "GET", path = "/signalfx", }) local body = assert.res_status(200, res) local json = cjson.decode(body) assert.same(json.database, {database_reachable = true}) assert.is_number(json.server.connections_accepted) assert.is_number(json.server.connections_active) assert.is_number(json.server.connections_handled) assert.is_number(json.server.connections_reading) assert.is_number(json.server.connections_waiting) assert.is_number(json.server.connections_writing) assert.is_number(json.server.total_requests) local hdler = handler() local expected_message = { service = service_two, route = route_two, request = {} } local expected_key = hdler:get_context_key(expected_message, { aggregate_by_http_method = false }):sub(6) local metric_val_string = json.signalfx[expected_key] assert.is_string(metric_val_string) local request_count, _, _, _, _, _, statuses = hdler:decode_metrics(metric_val_string) assert.is_equal(request_count, 1000) assert.is_equal(statuses["200"].count, 1000) end) end) end
Locales['fr'] = { ['you_paid'] = 'vous avez payé ~g~$%s~s~', ['go_next_point'] = 'Allez vers le prochain passage !', ['in_town_speed'] = 'Entrée en ville, attention à votre vitesse ! Vitesse limite : ~y~', ['next_point_speed'] = 'Allez vers le prochain passage ! Vitesse limite : ~y~', ['stop_for_ped'] = 'Faite rapidement un ~r~stop~s~ pour le piéton qui ~y~traverse', ['good_lets_cont'] = '~g~Bien!~s~ continuons!', ['stop_look_left'] = 'Marquer rapidement un ~r~stop~s~ et regardez à votre ~y~gauche~s~. Vitesse limite : ~y~', ['good_turn_right'] = '~g~Bien!~s~ prenez à ~y~droite~s~ et suivez votre file', ['watch_traffic_lightson'] = 'Observez le feu rouge, puis allez tout droit', ['stop_for_passing'] = 'Marquez le stop pour laisser passer les véhicules !', ['hway_time'] = 'Il est temps d\'aller sur la rocade, prenez la deuxième sortie ! Vitesse limite : ~y~', ['go_end'] = 'Retournons en ville, prenez la première sortie', ['gratz_stay_alert'] = 'Bravo, restez vigiliant! Retournons à l auto-école', ['passed_test'] = 'Vous avez ~g~réussi~s~ le test', ['failed_test'] = 'Vous avez ~r~raté~s~ le test', ['theory_test'] = 'Examen du code', ['road_test_car'] = 'Examen de conduite voiture', ['road_test_bike'] = 'Examen de conduite moto', ['road_test_truck'] = 'Examen de conduite camion', ['driving_school'] = 'Ecole de conduite', ['press_open_menu'] = 'Appuyez sur ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ pour ~b~ouvrir le menu', ['driving_school_blip'] = 'Auto-école', ['driving_test_complete'] = 'Test de conduite terminé', ['driving_too_fast'] = 'Vous roulez trop vite, vitesse limite: ~y~%s~s~ km/h!', ['errors'] = 'Erreurs : ~r~%s~s~/%s', ['you_damaged_veh'] = 'Vous avez endommagé votre véhicule', ['yourpoor'] = 'Vous n\'avez pas assez d\'argent', }
class "ZombiesTeamManager" local g_Logger = require("__shared/Logger") function ZombiesTeamManager:__init() self.m_PlayerKilledEvent = Events:Subscribe("Player:Killed", self, self.OnPlayerKilled) --self.m_PlayerRespawnEvent = Events:Subscribe("Player:Respawn", self, self.OnPlayerRespawn) self.m_IsInGameChangedEvent = Events:Subscribe("Logic:IsInGameChanged", self, self.OnIsInGameChanged) self.m_InitTeamsEvent = Events:Subscribe("TeamManager:InitTeams", self, self.OnInitTeams) self.m_SelectZombieEvent = Events:Subscribe("TeamManager:SelectZombie", self, self.OnSelectZombies) self.m_IsInGame = false end -- Event for getting when IsInGame is changed function ZombiesTeamManager:OnIsInGameChanged(p_IsInGame) self.m_IsInGame = p_IsInGame end function ZombiesTeamManager:OnInitTeams() self:InitTeams() end function ZombiesTeamManager:OnSelectZombies() self:SelectZombie() end -- Event when a player gets killed function ZombiesTeamManager:OnPlayerKilled(p_Victom, p_Inflictor, p_Position, p_Weapon, p_RoadKill, p_HeadShot, p_VictomInReviveState) -- Check to see if we are in game, if not skip the anouncing of messages if self.m_IsInGame ~= true then return end -- Ensure the attacker and victom are valid if p_Victom == nil then return end if p_Inflictor == nil then return end s_VictomTeam = p_Victom.teamId s_AttackerTeam = p_Inflictor.teamId -- Send a debug message each time a zombie gets killed by a human if s_VictomTeam == TeamId.Team2 and s_AttackerTeam == TeamId.Team1 then g_Logger:Write("Zombie " .. .. " was killed!") ChatManager:SendMessage("Zombie " .. .. " was killed!") end -- If a human gets killed via a zombie, infect the player if s_VictomTeam == TeamId.Team1 and s_AttackerTeam == TeamId.Team2 then self:InfectPlayer(p_Victom) end end -- This should only be called on player killed function ZombiesTeamManager:InfectPlayer(p_Player) -- Ensure that our player is valid if p_Player == nil then return end -- Change the players team p_Player.teamId = TeamId.Team2 -- Send out notification to all players ChatManager:SendMessage("Human " .. .. " has been infected!") end -- Event for when players spawn/respawn function ZombiesTeamManager:OnPlayerRespawn(p_Player) -- if p_Player == nil then -- return -- end -- local s_PlayerTeam = p_Player.teamId -- -- If the player that spawned is on the zombies team, give them extra health -- if s_PlayerTeam == TeamId.Team2 then -- local s_Soldier = p_Player.soldier -- if s_Soldier == nil then -- return -- end -- s_Soldier.maxHealth = 200 -- --s_Soldier.physicsEnabled = false -- end end -- This function goes through and moves all players to the human side (Team1) function ZombiesTeamManager:InitTeams() -- Get all of the players s_Players = PlayerManager:GetPlayers() for s_Index, s_Player in ipairs(s_Players) do -- If we are not on the human team kill if s_Player.teamId ~= TeamId.Team1 then -- Attempt to kill the player if s_Player.alive ~= true then goto continue end if s_Player.soldier ~= nil then print("init kill") s_Player.soldier:Kill(false) end ::continue:: -- Set the player to the human team s_Player.teamId = TeamId.Team1 end end end function ZombiesTeamManager:SelectZombie() s_PlayerCount = PlayerManager:GetPlayerCount() if s_PlayerCount == 0 then return end s_SelectedIndex = math.random(0, s_PlayerCount - 1) --print("select 1") s_Players = PlayerManager:GetPlayers() --print("select 2") for s_Index, s_Player in ipairs(s_Players) do -- If we do not have our lucky winner, skip if s_Index ~= s_SelectedIndex then goto zcontinue end -- If the player is already dead, just change the team if s_Player.alive ~= true then goto changeteams end -- Get the soldier if they are alive s_Soldier = s_Player.soldier if s_Soldier ~= nil then print("killing player " .. .. " to become zombie") s_Soldier:Kill(false) end ::changeteams:: -- Switch the team to zombies s_Player.teamId = TeamId.Team2 -- Echo out our message ChatManager:SendMessage("WATCH OUT " .. .. " IS THE NEW ZOMBIE! RUN!") ::zcontinue:: end end return ZombiesTeamManager
addEvent("saveKilometer",true) addEventHandler("saveKilometer",getRootElement(),saveKilometer) addEvent("loadVehiclesKilometer",true) addEventHandler("loadVehiclesKilometer",getRootElement(),loadVehiclesKilometer)
-- Zorks round texture animation testmod local function createme(h,tex,circle,x,y,size,dur,degree) local t = h:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND",nil,-8) t:SetPoint("CENTER",x,y) t:SetSize(size,size) t:SetBlendMode("ADD") if circle then SetPortraitToTexture(t, "Interface\\AddOns\\rGalaxy\\"..tex) else t:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\rGalaxy\\"..tex) end if dur then local ag = t:CreateAnimationGroup() local anim = ag:CreateAnimation("Rotation") anim:SetDegrees(degree) anim:SetDuration(dur) ag:Play() ag:SetLooping("REPEAT") end return t end local h = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,UIParent) h:SetPoint("CENTER",0,0) h:SetSize(64,64) local a = createme(h,"bob",true,70,70,128) local b = createme(h,"bob",false,-70,70,128) local c = createme(h,"bob",true,70,-70,128,15,360) local d = createme(h,"bob",false,-70,-70,128,15,360) local e = createme(h,"bob",true,70,-140,128,15,-360) local f = createme(h,"bob",false,-70,-140,128,15,-360) local g = createme(h,"galaxy",true,210,70,128,15,360)
object_tangible_loot_creature_loot_collections_broken_lightsaber_hilt_003 = object_tangible_loot_creature_loot_collections_shared_broken_lightsaber_hilt_003:new { } ObjectTemplates:addTemplate(object_tangible_loot_creature_loot_collections_broken_lightsaber_hilt_003, "object/tangible/loot/creature/loot/collections/broken_lightsaber_hilt_003.iff")
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local Events = replicatedStorage.Events local eventModule = require(script.EventModule) Events.playerEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, Type) if Type == "Archway" then eventModule.Archway(player) end if Type == "VoidSphere" then eventModule.Void(player) end if Type == "FireBall" then eventModule.FireBall(player) end if Type == "JumpKick" then eventModule.JumpKick(player) end end)
local npcConfig = require "config.npcConfig" local ItemModule = require "module.ItemModule" local IconFrameHelper = require "utils.IconFrameHelper" local playerModule = require "module.playerModule" local QuestModule = require "module.QuestModule" local NpcChatMoudle = require "module.NpcChatMoudle" local UserDefault = require "utils.UserDefault" local View = {} function View:Start(data) self.view = SGK.UIReference.Setup(self.gameObject); local init_obj = CS.UnityEngine.GameObject.Instantiate(SGK.ResourcesManager.Load("prefabs/base/CurrencyChat.prefab"), self.view.transform) self.rewardQuest_topic_id=nil local relation = StringSplit(self.friendCfg.quest_up,"|") self.firstStageQuest = tonumber(relation[2]) self.npcCfg=data.npcCfg self:initData() print("zoe npcChat",self.firstStageQuest,sprinttb(relation)) self:loadChatRecord(true) self:reappearChat(, self:init() --NpcChatMoudle.GetNpcRelation(self.npcCfg.npc_id) end function View:initData() self.npcTopicCfg = npcConfig.GetnpcTopic() self.npcDialogCfg = npcConfig.GetnpcDialog() self.relation_value = ItemModule.GetItemCount(self.friendCfg.arguments_item_id) end function View:loadChatRecord(bool) local allNPC_Chat_Record = UserDefault.Load("NPC_Chat_Record",true) --UserDefault.Clear() if not allNPC_Chat_Record[self.npcCfg.npc_id] then allNPC_Chat_Record[self.npcCfg.npc_id]={} --print("zoe111111111") UserDefault.Save() end self.NPC_Chat_Record = allNPC_Chat_Record[self.npcCfg.npc_id] --print("zoe查看记录长度",#self.NPC_Chat_Record) if #self.NPC_Chat_Record > 0 then print("zoe查看记录",sprinttb(self.NPC_Chat_Record)) end if bool then if #self.NPC_Chat_Record == 0 or self.NPC_Chat_Record[#self.NPC_Chat_Record].isOver then self.view.chooseItem.gameObject:SetActive(true) self.view.chatItem.gameObject:SetActive(false) else self.view.chooseItem.gameObject:SetActive(false) self.view.chatItem.gameObject:SetActive(true) end end end function View:reappearChat(tempObj,trans) for i=1,#self.NPC_Chat_Record do --print("2222222",i,sprinttb(self.NPC_Chat_Record[i])) if self.NPC_Chat_Record[i].right then local obj=SGK.UIReference.Setup(CS.UnityEngine.GameObject.Instantiate(tempObj,trans))[CS.InlineText].text = self.npcDialogCfg[self.NPC_Chat_Record[i].storyId]["reply"..self.NPC_Chat_Record[i].replyId] --IconFrameHelper.Hero({pid = playerModule.Get().id},obj.Right.icon) --print("PLayer",sprinttb(module.playerModule.Get())) obj.Right.icon.transform.localScale=UnityEngine.Vector3(0.8,0.8,1) IconFrameHelper.Create(obj.Right.icon,{pid = playerModule.GetSelfID()})[UI.Text].text=playerModule.Get().name obj.Right.gameObject:SetActive(true) obj.gameObject:SetActive(true) end if self.NPC_Chat_Record[i].left then local obj=SGK.UIReference.Setup(CS.UnityEngine.GameObject.Instantiate(tempObj,trans))[CS.InlineText].text = self.npcDialogCfg[self.NPC_Chat_Record[i].storyId].text local npc_cfg = self.npcCfg obj.Left.icon[UI.Image]:LoadSprite("icon/"..npc_cfg.icon) obj.Left.icon.transform.localScale=UnityEngine.Vector3(1.05,1.05,1)[UI.Text] obj.Left.gameObject:SetActive(true) obj.gameObject:SetActive(true) end if i == #self.NPC_Chat_Record then if self.NPC_Chat_Record[i].left then self.rewardQuest_topic_id = self.NPC_Chat_Record[i].rewardId self:UpPlayerItem(self.NPC_Chat_Record[i].storyId) end if self.NPC_Chat_Record[i].right then for i=1,3 do self.view.chatItem["item"..i].gameObject:SetActive(false) self.view.chatItem["item"..i][UnityEngine.CanvasGroup].alpha=0 end local next_story_id = self.npcDialogCfg[self.NPC_Chat_Record[i].storyId]["reply_npc"..self.NPC_Chat_Record[i].replyId] self.rewardQuest_topic_id = self.NPC_Chat_Record[i].rewardId if next_story_id == 0 then self:finishChat() else[UI.Text].text="对方正在输入中..." self.view.chatItem["item4"].gameObject:SetActive(true) self.view.chatItem["item4"][UnityEngine.CanvasGroup]:DOFade(1,0.4):SetDelay(0.1):OnComplete(function () self.view.chatItem["item4"][UnityEngine.CanvasGroup]:DOFade(1,0.1):SetDelay(1.7):OnComplete(function () self:UpNpcDialog(tempObj,next_story_id) end) end) end end end end end function View:init() self.view = SGK.UIReference.Setup(self.gameObject);[UI.Text] for i=1,4 do local _npcTopicCfg = self.npcTopicCfg[self.npcCfg.npc_id][i] local last_npcTopicCfg = self.npcTopicCfg[self.npcCfg.npc_id][i-1] --print(i,sprinttb(_npcTopicCfg)) local npcTopicCfg = nil -- for k,v in pairs(_npcTopicCfg) do -- if not module.QuestModule.Get(v.reward_quest) or module.QuestModule.Get(v.reward_quest).status == 0 then -- npcTopicCfg = v -- break -- end -- end -- local checkFlag = true -- if not npcTopicCfg or npcTopicCfg.story_begin == 0 then -- checkFlag = false npcTopicCfg = self.npcTopicCfg[self.npcCfg.npc_id][i][1] -- end --print(i,sprinttb(npcTopicCfg)) local _view=self.view.chooseItem["item"..i] _view.Text[UI.Text].text=npcTopicCfg.topic local onClickFlag = true if self.relation_value >= npcTopicCfg.condition then if last_npcTopicCfg and #last_npcTopicCfg > 0 and QuestModule.Get(last_npcTopicCfg[#last_npcTopicCfg].reward_quest) and QuestModule.Get(last_npcTopicCfg[#last_npcTopicCfg].reward_quest).status == 1 then _view.mask.gameObject:SetActive(false) else if i ~= 1 then _view.mask.Text[UI.Text].text="<color=#FFC300FF>上个话题未完成</color>" _view.mask.gameObject:SetActive(true) onClickFlag =false end end if onClickFlag then CS.UGUIClickEventListener.Get(self.view.chooseItem["item"..i].gameObject).onClick = function () if #_npcTopicCfg > 0 and _npcTopicCfg[1].story_begin ~= 0 then -- self.rewardQuest_topic_id = npcTopicCfg.reward_quest -- self.view.chooseItem.gameObject:SetActive(false) -- self:UpPlayerDialog(,npcTopicCfg.story_begin,1) -- self.view.chatItem.gameObject:SetActive(true) self.view.chooseItem.gameObject:SetActive(false) self:UpLittleTopic(_npcTopicCfg) self.view.littleTopic.gameObject:SetActive(true) else showDlgError(nil,"暂未开放") end end end else --_view.Text.gameObject:SetActive(false) _view.mask.Text[UI.Text].text="<color=#FFFFFFFF>好感度"..npcTopicCfg.condition.."解锁</color>" _view.mask.gameObject:SetActive(true) end end local stageNum = module.ItemModule.GetItemCount(self.friendCfg.stage_item) local relation = StringSplit(self.friendCfg.qinmi_max,"|") local relation_desc = StringSplit(self.friendCfg.qinmi_name,"|") local relation_value = ItemModule.GetItemCount(self.friendCfg.arguments_item_id)[CS.UGUISpriteSelector].index = stageNum local relation_Next_value = relation[stageNum+2] or "max" if relation_Next_value == "max" then[UI.Text].text = relation_Next_value[UI.Scrollbar].size = 1 else[UI.Text].text = relation_value.."/"..tonumber(relation_Next_value) if relation_value > tonumber(relation_Next_value) then[UI.Scrollbar].size = 1 else[UI.Scrollbar].size = relation_value/math.floor(relation_Next_value) end end end function View:UpLittleTopic(_npcTopicCfg) CS.UGUIClickEventListener.Get(self.view.littleTopic.back.gameObject).onClick = function () self.view.chooseItem.gameObject:SetActive(true) self.view.littleTopic.gameObject:SetActive(false) end --print("xxxxxxxxx",sprinttb(_npcTopicCfg)) self.view.littleTopic.ScrollView[CS.UIMultiScroller].RefreshIconCallback = function (go,idx) local obj = CS.SGK.UIReference.Setup(go) local onClickFlag = true local npcTopicCfg = _npcTopicCfg[(idx+1)] local LastNpcTopicCfg = _npcTopicCfg[(idx)] obj.Text[UI.Text].text = _npcTopicCfg[(idx+1)].topic_small --print(sprinttb(QuestModule.Get(npcTopicCfg.reward_quest))) if LastNpcTopicCfg and QuestModule.Get(LastNpcTopicCfg.reward_quest) and QuestModule.Get(LastNpcTopicCfg.reward_quest).status == 1 then if QuestModule.Get(npcTopicCfg.reward_quest) and QuestModule.Get(npcTopicCfg.reward_quest).status == 1 then obj.mask:SetActive(true) obj.mask.Text:SetActive(false) else obj.mask:SetActive(false) end else if idx == 0 then if QuestModule.Get(npcTopicCfg.reward_quest) and QuestModule.Get(npcTopicCfg.reward_quest).status == 1 then obj.mask:SetActive(true) obj.mask.Text:SetActive(false) else obj.mask:SetActive(false) end else obj.mask:SetActive(true) obj.mask.Text:SetActive(true) onClickFlag = false end end if onClickFlag then CS.UGUIClickEventListener.Get(obj.gameObject).onClick = function () if not QuestModule.Get(npcTopicCfg.reward_quest) or QuestModule.Get(npcTopicCfg.reward_quest).status == 0 then self.rewardQuest_topic_id = npcTopicCfg.reward_quest self.view.littleTopic.gameObject:SetActive(false) self:UpPlayerDialog(,npcTopicCfg.story_begin,1) self.view.chatItem.gameObject:SetActive(true) else self:MoveToTopic(npcTopicCfg.story_begin) end end end obj.gameObject:SetActive(true) end self.view.littleTopic.ScrollView[CS.UIMultiScroller].DataCount = #_npcTopicCfg end function View:MoveToTopic(story_id) self:loadChatRecord() local index = 0 for i=1,#self.NPC_Chat_Record do if self.NPC_Chat_Record[i].storyId == story_id then index = i break end end local height =[UnityEngine.RectTransform].sizeDelta.y local targetHeight = local viewHight =[UnityEngine.RectTransform].rect.size.y - height - targetHeight, 0.3) --local value = (height - math.abs(targetHeight))/height --local _value =[CS.UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar].value -- for i=1,10 do -- SGK.Action.DelayTime.Create(0.015*i):OnComplete(function() --[CS.UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar].value = (value/10)*i -- end) -- end end --IconFrameHelper.UpdateHero({pid = pid,sex = _PlayerData.Sex,headFrame = _PlayerData.HeadFrame},PLayerIcon) function View:UpPlayerDialog(tempObj,story_id,reply_id,desc,role_id) local obj=SGK.UIReference.Setup(CS.UnityEngine.GameObject.Instantiate(tempObj, local next_story_id = nil if reply_id ~= nil then --print("zoe npcChat",sprinttb(self.npcDialogCfg[story_id]))[CS.InlineText].text = self.npcDialogCfg[story_id]["reply"..reply_id] next_story_id = self.npcDialogCfg[story_id]["reply_npc"..reply_id] end obj.Right.icon.transform.localScale=UnityEngine.Vector3(0.8,0.8,1) IconFrameHelper.Create(obj.Right.icon,{pid = playerModule.GetSelfID()})[UI.Text].text=playerModule.Get().name obj.Right.gameObject:SetActive(true) obj.gameObject:SetActive(true)[CS.UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar].value = 0 for i=1,3 do self.view.chatItem["item"..i].gameObject:SetActive(false) self.view.chatItem["item"..i][UnityEngine.CanvasGroup].alpha=0 end self.NPC_Chat_Record[#self.NPC_Chat_Record+1]={storyId = story_id,left = false,right = true,replyId = reply_id,isOver = false,rewardId = self.rewardQuest_topic_id} UserDefault.Save() if next_story_id == 0 then self:finishChat() else[UI.Text].text="对方正在输入中..." self.view.chatItem["item4"].gameObject:SetActive(true) self.view.chatItem["item4"][UnityEngine.CanvasGroup]:DOFade(1,0.4):SetDelay(0.1):OnComplete(function () self.view.chatItem["item4"][UnityEngine.CanvasGroup]:DOFade(1,0.1):SetDelay(1.7):OnComplete(function () self:UpNpcDialog(tempObj,next_story_id) end) end) end -- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() -- Sleep(2.0) -- self:UpNpcDialog(tempObj,next_story_id) -- end)) end function View:UpNpcDialog(tempObj,story_id,role_id)[UI.Text] self.view.chatItem["item4"].gameObject:SetActive(false) self.view.chatItem["item4"][UnityEngine.CanvasGroup].alpha=0 local obj=SGK.UIReference.Setup(CS.UnityEngine.GameObject.Instantiate(tempObj,[CS.InlineText].text = self.npcDialogCfg[story_id].text local npc_cfg = self.npcCfg obj.Left.icon[UI.Image]:LoadSprite("icon/"..npc_cfg.icon) obj.Left.icon.transform.localScale=UnityEngine.Vector3(1.05,1.05,1)[UI.Text] obj.Left.gameObject:SetActive(true) obj.gameObject:SetActive(true)[CS.UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar].value = 0 self.NPC_Chat_Record[#self.NPC_Chat_Record+1]={storyId = story_id,left = true,right = false,replyId = 0,isOver = false,rewardId = self.rewardQuest_topic_id} UserDefault.Save() self:UpPlayerItem(story_id) end function View:UpPlayerItem(story_id) --print("zoezoe",self.rewardQuest_topic_id,sprinttb(self.npcDialogCfg[story_id])) local CompaleCount = 0 for i=1,3 do if self.npcDialogCfg[story_id]["reply"..i] ~= "" then self.view.chatItem["item"..i].Text[UI.Text].text =self.npcDialogCfg[story_id]["reply"..i] CS.UGUIClickEventListener.Get(self.view.chatItem["item"..i].gameObject).onClick = function () self:UpPlayerDialog(,story_id,i) end self.view.chatItem["item"..i].gameObject:SetActive(true) else self.view.chatItem["item"..i].gameObject:SetActive(false) CompaleCount=CompaleCount+1 end end if CompaleCount == 0 then for i=1,3 do self.view.chatItem["item"..i][UnityEngine.RectTransform].sizeDelta=UnityEngine.Vector2(687.1,93) self.view.chatItem["item"..i][UnityEngine.CanvasGroup]:DOFade(1,0.5):SetDelay(0.2) end elseif CompaleCount == 1 then for i=1,2 do self.view.chatItem["item"..i][UnityEngine.RectTransform].sizeDelta=UnityEngine.Vector2(687.1,113) self.view.chatItem["item"..i][UnityEngine.CanvasGroup]:DOFade(1,0.5):SetDelay(0.2) end elseif CompaleCount == 2 then self.view.chatItem["item"..1][UnityEngine.RectTransform].sizeDelta=UnityEngine.Vector2(687.1,128) self.view.chatItem["item"..1][UnityEngine.CanvasGroup]:DOFade(1,0.5):SetDelay(0.2) elseif CompaleCount == 3 then self:finishChat() end end function View:finishChat() if not self.NPC_Chat_Record[#self.NPC_Chat_Record].isOver then --print("zoezoe",self.rewardQuest_topic_id) QuestModule.Accept(self.rewardQuest_topic_id) if QuestModule.Get(self.rewardQuest_topic_id) and QuestModule.Get(self.rewardQuest_topic_id).status == 0 then QuestModule.Finish(self.rewardQuest_topic_id) end self.NPC_Chat_Record[#self.NPC_Chat_Record].isOver = true UserDefault.Save() --QuestModule.Finish(self.npcTopicCfg[self.npcCfg.npc_id][self.rewardQuest_topic_id].reward_quest) --showDlgError(nil, "对话完成") end end -- function View:Update() -- print( -- end function View:OnDestory() --print("zoe npcChat界面destory") end function View:listEvent() return { "QUEST_INFO_CHANGE", } end function View:onEvent(event,data) if event == "QUEST_INFO_CHANGE" then print("zoe npcChat QUEST_INFO_CHANGE",sprinttb(data)) if == self.rewardQuest_topic_id then if data.status == 1 then self:initData() self:loadChatRecord(true) self:init() else QuestModule.Finish(self.rewardQuest_topic_id) end end if data and == self.firstStageQuest then if data.status == 1 then self:initData() self:init() end end end end return View;
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot, function () triggerServerEvent("removeText",localPlayer) end )
---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (c) 2012 Klei Entertainment Inc. -- All Rights Reserved. -- SPY SOCIETY. ---------------------------------------------------------------- local array = include( "modules/array" ) local util = include( "modules/util" ) local simdefs = include( "sim/simdefs" ) local simquery = include( "sim/simquery" ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Level script local level_events = { EV_UI_INITIALIZED = 1, EV_UNIT_SELECTED = 2, EV_HUD_MAINFRAME_TOGGLE= 4, EV_HUD_CLICK_BUTTON = 6, EV_CLOSE_SHOP_UI = 8, EV_CLOSE_LOOT_UI = 9, EV_FINAL_ROOM_INTERRUPT = 10, EV_TALKING_HEAD_CLOSED = 11, } local script_hook = class() function script_hook:init( script, name, hookFn, noSkip ) self.script = script = name self.noSkip = noSkip self.waitEvents = {} self.waitTriggers = {} self.hookFn = hookFn -- Merely for later identification self.thread = coroutine.create( hookFn ) end function script_hook:addHook( hookFn, noSkip, ... ) self.hookCount = (self.hookCount or 0) + 1 local name = string.format( "%s [%d]",, self.hookCount ) return self.script:addHook( name, hookFn, noSkip, ... ) end function script_hook:removeHook( hookFn ) for i, hook in ipairs( self.script.hooks ) do if hook.hookFn == hookFn then self.script:removeHook( hook ) break end end end function script_hook:removeAllHooks( exceptHook ) if exceptHook then array.removeElement( self.script.hooks, exceptHook ) end while #self.script.hooks > 0 do self.script:removeHook( self.script.hooks[1] ) end if exceptHook then table.insert( self.script.hooks, exceptHook ) end end function script_hook:queue( event ) self.script:queue( event ) end function script_hook:clearQueue( skip ) self.script:clearQueue( skip ) end function script_hook:checkpoint() self.script.sim:dispatchEvent( simdefs.EV_CHECKPOINT ) local retryCount = self.script.sim:getTags().retries if retryCount > 0 then -- Retrying checkpoint, automatically insert a fadeIn event. self:queue( { type="fadeIn" } ) self:waitFrames( 60 ) end self.script.sim:getTags().retries = 0 -- Return retryCount in case script cares to handle it as a special case. return retryCount end function script_hook:restore() self:queue( { type="restoreCheckpoint" } ) -- Once a restore is pushed, lock any changes so it can't be undone inadvertantly. self.script.lockQueue = true end function script_hook:waitFrames( frameCount ) -- This is a BLOCKING delay. assert( type(frameCount) == "number" ) self.script.sim:dispatchEvent( simdefs.EV_WAIT_DELAY, frameCount ) end function script_hook:waitFor( ... ) -- Clear old waits. for triggerType, v in pairs( self.waitTriggers ) do self.script.sim:removeTrigger( triggerType, self ) end self.waitEvents = { ... } self.waitTriggers = { } if #self.waitEvents > 0 then for _, waitEv in ipairs( self.waitEvents ) do if waitEv.action then self.waitTriggers[ simdefs.TRG_ACTION ] = waitEv.priority or 0 elseif waitEv.trigger then self.waitTriggers[ waitEv.trigger ] = waitEv.priority or 0 elseif waitEv.uiEvent then self.waitTriggers[ simdefs.TRG_UI_ACTION ] = waitEv.priority or 0 else assert( false, util.stringize( waitEv )) end end -- Add hook as handler to requisite wait triggers (a post-step because we need to avoid dupes) for triggerType, priority in pairs( self.waitTriggers ) do local trigger = self.script.sim:addTrigger( triggerType, self ) if priority ~= 0 then trigger.priority = priority end end -- When this hook is triggered by the UI event in question we will resume. return coroutine.yield() end end function script_hook:onTrigger( sim, triggerType, triggerData ) --simlog( simdefs.LOG_TUTORIAL, "onTrigger( %d ) == %s", triggerType, util.stringize( triggerData, 1 )) local abort = nil for _, waitEv in ipairs( self.waitEvents ) do if triggerType == simdefs.TRG_ACTION then if (waitEv.action == triggerData.ClassType or waitEv.action == "") and waitEv.pre == triggerData.pre then if waitEv.fn == nil then abort = (self:resumeHook( waitEv, triggerData ) == false) break else local result = { waitEv.fn( sim, unpack(triggerData) ) } if result[1] then abort = (self:resumeHook( waitEv, unpack( result )) == false) break end end end elseif triggerType == simdefs.TRG_UI_ACTION and waitEv.uiEvent == triggerData.uiEvent then self:resumeHook( waitEv, triggerData.eventData ) elseif triggerType == waitEv.trigger then if waitEv.fn == nil then abort = (self:resumeHook( waitEv, triggerData ) == false) break else local result = { waitEv.fn( sim, triggerData ) } if result[1] then abort = (self:resumeHook( waitEv, unpack( result )) == false) break end end end end if triggerData and abort then triggerData.abort = true -- It's up to the trigger source to handle what this means. end end function script_hook:resumeHook( ... ) self:waitFor( nil ) local args = { ... } local ok, result repeat ok, result = coroutine.resume( self.thread, unpack(args) ) assert( ok, tostring(result) .. "\n" .. tostring(debug.traceback( self.thread ) )) if self.thread == nil then break -- Resuming actually caused us to be destroyed() already. elseif coroutine.status( self.thread ) == "dead" then self.script:removeHook( self ) return result -- if result == false, the hook wants the sim to 'abort' whatever it is currently doing. elseif result then -- If there's a return value, it's a simevent simply needing to be dispatched from the main sim coroutine. args = { self.script.sim:dispatchEvent( result.eventType, result.eventData ) } end until not ok or result == nil end function script_hook:onScriptEvent( game, eventType, eventData ) --simlog( simdefs.LOG_TUTORIAL, "onScriptEvent( %d ) == %s", eventType, util.stringize( eventData, 1 )) for i, waitEv in ipairs( self.waitEvents ) do if waitEv.uiEvent == eventType and (waitEv.fn == nil or waitEv.fn( self.script.sim, eventData )) then -- This is the UI event we're waiting for! Encapsulate this in a trigger action, which will resume the hook. game:doAction( "triggerAction", simdefs.TRG_UI_ACTION, { uiEvent = eventType, eventData = eventData } ) break end end end function script_hook:destroy() self:waitFor() self.thread = nil end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- local script_mgr = class() function script_mgr:init( sim ) self.sim = sim self.hooks = {} self.scriptEvents = {} self.eventQueue = {} self.scripts = {} end function script_mgr:loadScript( filename, ... ) local res, script = pcall( reinclude, filename ) if res then table.insert( self.scripts, script( self, self.sim, ... )) else simlog( "LEVEL SCRIPT: '%s'\n%s", filename, script ) end end function script_mgr:destroy() self.scripts = nil self:clearSpeech() while #self.hooks > 0 do self:removeHook( self.hooks[1] ) end end function script_mgr:queue( event ) if self.lockQueue then return end assert( event ) table.insert( self.eventQueue, event ) end function script_mgr:clearQueue( skip ) if self.lockQueue then return end util.tclear( self.eventQueue ) if skip then -- In addition to clearing the queue, this skips/aborts whatever is currently being processed. self.sim:dispatchEvent( simdefs.EV_CLEAR_QUEUE ) end end function script_mgr:getQueue() return self.eventQueue end function script_mgr:queueScriptEvent( eventType, eventData ) assert( eventType ) table.insert( self.scriptEvents, eventType ) table.insert( self.scriptEvents, eventData or false ) -- false is just a dummy value so that this remains an array without nil entries end function script_mgr:dispatchScriptEvents( game ) assert( not game:isReplaying() ) while #self.scriptEvents > 0 do local eventType = table.remove( self.scriptEvents, 1 ) local eventData = table.remove( self.scriptEvents, 1 ) for _, hook in ipairs( self.hooks ) do hook:onScriptEvent( game, eventType, eventData ) end end end function script_mgr:addHook( name, hookFn, noSkip, ... ) local hook = script_hook( self, name, hookFn, noSkip ) table.insert( self.hooks, hook ) hook:resumeHook( hook, self.sim, ... ) return hook end function script_mgr:removeHook( hook ) hook:destroy() array.removeElement( self.hooks, hook ) end ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Level loader local function loadLevel( params ) local filename = "sim/"..params.levelFile local lvldata = include( filename ) assert(lvldata) package.loaded[ filename ] = nil -- Do not cache this lua file. if lvldata.onLoad then lvldata:onLoad( params ) end return lvldata end return util.extend( level_events ) { script_hook = script_hook, script_mgr = script_mgr, loadLevel = loadLevel, }
-- ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== -- Copyright (c) 2017 Lukas Grünwald -- License MIT License -- ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== require( "pgbase" ) require( "pgdebug" ) require( "pgevents" ) require( "pgcommands" ) require( "pgbasedefinitions" ) require( "pgstatemachine" ) require( "pgstorymode" ) require( "pgspawnunits" ) -- libraries: require( "libErrorFunctions" ) require( "libDebugFunctions" ) require( "libPGGenericFunctionLibrary" ) -- new classes: require( "cGalacticConquest" ) function Definitions() StoryModeEvents = { InitialiseGalacticConquestEvent = InitialiseGalacticConquest } -- Kad 24/06/2017 14:04:31 - Required globals: cGCThread_EvaluateOwner = nil cGCThread_EvaluateOwner_TimeStamp = nil cGCThread_RefreshGUI = nil cGCThread_RefreshGUI_TimeStamp = nil cGCThread_FiscalUpdate = nil cGCThread_FiscalUpdate_TimeStamp = nil cGCThread_EvaluateFleets = nil cGCThread_EvaluateFleets_TimeStamp = nil cGCThread_ServeEvents = { } cGCThread_ServeEvents_TimeStamp = { } cGCThread_ThreadListener = nil cGCThread_ThreadListener_TimeStamp = nil GalacticConquest = nil end function InitialiseGalacticConquest( message ) if message == OnEnter then GalacticConquest = cGalacticConquest.New( "SANDBOX_EQUAL_FOOTING" ) GalacticConquest:Initialise() StartGalacticConquest() -- DEBUGGING: Unnecessary code below: -- GalacticConquest:FlashCapitalPlanets() GalacticConquest:RegisterEvent( "EVENT_TYPE_SPAWNUNITS", { ReinforceStructID = "SPAWN_THRAWN", ReinforcePositionTable = { FindPlanet( "Coruscant" ), }, OwnerObject = Find_Player( "Empire" ) } ) GalacticConquest:RegisterEvent( "EVENT_TYPE_SPAWNUNITS", { ReinforceStructID = "TEST_STRUCT", ReinforcePositionTable = { FindPlanet( "Coruscant" ), FindPlanet( "Kuat" ) }, OwnerObject = Find_Player( "Empire" ), Timer = 85, } ) GalacticConquest:FlashCapitalPlanets() local thrawnRef = Find_First_Object( "Admonitor_Star_Destroyer" ) local trawnType = GalacticConquest.ObjectManager:GetCGameObjectTypeByReference( Find_First_Object( "Admonitor_Star_Destroyer" ) ) GalacticConquest:RegisterEvent( "EVENT_TYPE_DIPLSTARTDIPLOMATICMISSION", { GameObjectTypeLUAObject = thrawnType, GameObjectReference = thrawnRef, PlanetLUAObject = GalacticConquest.Planets["Coruscant"], Timer = 28, } ) GalacticConquest:RegisterEvent( "EVENT_TYPE_PDORBITALBOMBARDMENTBEGIN", { TargetPlanet = GalacticConquest.Planets["Coruscant"], BombardingFaction = GalacticConquest.Planets["Coruscant"]:GetOwner(), Timer = 10, } ) local cPln = GalacticConquest.Planets["Coruscant"]:GetPlanetInReach( GalacticConquest.Planets["Coruscant"]:GetOwner() ) cPln:AddPlanetHighlight( "FINAL_PLANET" ) Sleep( 5.0 ) cPln:Destroy() Sleep( 5.0 ) cPln:RemovePlanetHighlight( "FINAL_PLANET" ) -- GalacticConquest:FlashCapitalPlanets() -- local DiplVal = GalacticConquest.Planets["Coruscant"]:GetDiplomaticRating() -- local DipValRaw = GalacticConquest.Planets["Coruscant"]:GetCurrentDiplomaticInfluenceOwnerRaw() -- debugFactionRawMilitaryStrength( DipValRaw, DiplVal ) -- GalacticConquest:RegisterEvent( "EVENT_TYPE_DIPLTURNPLANET", { PlanetLUAObject = GalacticConquest.Planets["Kuat"], FactionLUAObjectNewOwner = GalacticConquest.Factions["Rebel_Alliance"], Timer = 180 } ) -- Sleep(1.0) -- DiplVal = GalacticConquest.Planets["Coruscant"]:GetDiplomaticRating() -- DipValRaw = GalacticConquest.Planets["Coruscant"]:GetCurrentDiplomaticInfluenceOwnerRaw() -- debugFactionRawMilitaryStrength( DipValRaw, DiplVal ) -- Sleep(1.0) -- DiplVal = GalacticConquest.Planets["Coruscant"]:GetDiplomaticRating() -- DipValRaw = GalacticConquest.Planets["Coruscant"]:GetCurrentDiplomaticInfluenceOwnerRaw() -- debugFactionRawMilitaryStrength( DipValRaw, DiplVal ) -- Sleep(1.0) -- DiplVal = GalacticConquest.Planets["Coruscant"]:GetDiplomaticRating() -- DipValRaw = GalacticConquest.Planets["Coruscant"]:GetCurrentDiplomaticInfluenceOwnerRaw() -- debugFactionRawMilitaryStrength( DipValRaw, DiplVal ) -- Sleep(1.0) -- DiplVal = GalacticConquest.Planets["Coruscant"]:GetDiplomaticRating() -- DipValRaw = GalacticConquest.Planets["Coruscant"]:GetCurrentDiplomaticInfluenceOwnerRaw() -- debugFactionRawMilitaryStrength( DipValRaw, DiplVal ) -- Sleep(1.0) -- Sleep(1.0) -- GalacticConquest.Planets["Coruscant"]:TakeDamage( 8765 ) -- GalacticConquest:HighlightAllEmpirePlanets() -- GalacticConquest:HighlightAllRebelPlanets() -- GalacticConquest:HighlightAllUnderworldPlanets() elseif message == OnUpdate then elseif message == OnExit then end end -- ========= ========= MAIN LOOP THREADING ========== ========== --- Starts the GC framework in a multi-threaded environment. -- @see cGCThreaded_EvaluateOwner -- @see cGCThreaded_RefreshGUI -- @see cGCThreaded_EvaluateFleets -- @see cGCThreaded_ServeEvents function StartGalacticConquest( ) local OwnerTick = require( "configGlobalSettings" ).gSetting_Eval_OwnerTick local GUIRefreshTick = require( "configGlobalSettings" ).gSetting_Eval_GUIEventTick local MaintenanceTick = require( "configGlobalSettings" ).gSetting_Global_FiscalCycle local FleetTick = require( "configGlobalSettings" ).gSetting_Eval_FleetsTick local EventTick = require( "configGlobalSettings" ).gSetting_EventHandlerTick cGCThread_EvaluateOwner = Create_Thread( "cGCThreaded_EvaluateOwner", OwnerTick ) cGCThread_RefreshGUI = Create_Thread( "cGCThreaded_RefreshGUI", GUIRefreshTick ) cGCThread_FiscalUpdate = Create_Thread( "cGCThreaded_FiscalUpdate", MaintenanceTick ) cGCThread_EvaluateFleets = Create_Thread( "cGCThreaded_EvaluateFleets", FleetTick ) -- Kad 24/06/2017 14:00:54 - Creates EventHandler worker threads. They don't know about each other and the GalacticConquest keeps them completely decoupled. local evtHndCnt = require( "configGlobalSettings").gSetting_Global_EventHandlerCount for i = 1, evtHndCnt, 1 do local tab = { EventTick, i } if i > 1 then Sleep( EventTick/evtHndCnt ) end cGCThread_ServeEvents[i] = Create_Thread( "cGCThreaded_ServeEvents", tab ) end local ThreadWatchdogTick = require( "configGlobalSettings" ).gSetting_Global_ThreadWatchdogTick cGCThread_ThreadListener = Create_Thread( "cGCThreaded_ThreadListener", ThreadWatchdogTick ) end --- Starts the owner evaluation loop. function cGCThreaded_EvaluateOwner( newOwnerTick ) while true do cGCThread_EvaluateOwner_TimeStamp = GetCurrentTime() GalacticConquest:EvaluatePlanetsContested() GalacticConquest:EvaluatePlanetOwners() GalacticConquest:EvaluatePlanetBuildings() Sleep( newOwnerTick ) end end --- Starts the fleet evaluation loop. function cGCThreaded_EvaluateFleets( newFleetsTick ) while true do GalacticConquest:EvaluateGalacticFleets() Sleep( newFleetsTick ) end end --- Starts the selected planet evaluation. function cGCThreaded_RefreshGUI( newSelectTick ) local guiHandler = GalacticConquest.GUIHandler while true do cGCThread_RefreshGUI = GetCurrentTime() guiHandler:UpdateSelectedPlanet() guiHandler:ProcessGUI() Sleep( newSelectTick ) end end --- Starts the first event handler. function cGCThreaded_ServeEvents( table ) local newEvtTick = table[1] local handlerIndex = table[2] local evtHandler = GalacticConquest.EventHandler[handlerIndex] while true do cGCThread_ServeEvents_TimeStamp[handlerIndex] = GetCurrentTime() evtHandler:ServeEvents() Sleep( newEvtTick ) end end --- Starts the Unit maintenance cycle. -- Fetches the required gSettings each time; which allows for enabling/disabling the maintenance on-the-fly. (Hopefully...) function cGCThreaded_FiscalUpdate( newEventTick ) Sleep( 0.5 ) -- Kad 23/06/2017 12:51:29 - In case of some other message that also deems itself important enough. GalacticConquest:UpdateTimedHolochronLogs() -- Kad 23/06/2017 12:50:35 - Run once at the beginning, to initialize the holochron. Sleep( newEventTick - 1.0 ) while true do cGCThread_FiscalUpdate_TimeStamp = GetCurrentTime() local PlayerMaintenance = require( "configGlobalSettings" ).gSetting_Feat_MaintenancePC local AIMaintenance = require( "configGlobalSettings" ).gSetting_Feat_MaintenanceAI GalacticConquest:MaintenanceCycle( PlayerMaintenance, AIMaintenance ) GalacticConquest:UpdateTimedHolochronLogs() Sleep( newEventTick ) end end --- If a thread crashes, we'll restart it. -- TODO: Fix this piece of sh*t. It's still not correctly re-spawning all workers. function cGCThreaded_ThreadListener( newEventTick ) local maxTimeOutMult = require( "configGlobalSettings" ).gSetting_Global_ThreadWatchdogTimeoutMult local OwnerTick = require( "configGlobalSettings" ).gSetting_Eval_OwnerTick local GUIRefreshTick = require( "configGlobalSettings" ).gSetting_Eval_GUIEventTick local MaintenanceTick = require( "configGlobalSettings" ).gSetting_Global_FiscalCycle local FleetTick = require( "configGlobalSettings" ).gSetting_Eval_FleetsTick local EventTick = require( "configGlobalSettings" ).gSetting_EventHandlerTick while true do local CurrTime = GetCurrentTime() if CurrTime - cGCThread_EvaluateOwner_TimeStamp > maxTimeOutMult * OwnerTick then ThrowThreadCrashedError( "TEXT_LUA_OBJECT_TYPE_THREAD_OWNEREVAL" ) cGCThread_EvaluateOwner = Create_Thread( "cGCThreaded_EvaluateOwner", OwnerTick ) end CurrTime = GetCurrentTime() if CurrTime - cGCThread_RefreshGUI_TimeStamp > maxTimeOutMult * GUIRefreshTick then ThrowThreadCrashedError( "TEXT_LUA_OBJECT_TYPE_THREAD_GUI" ) cGCThread_RefreshGUI = Create_Thread( "cGCThreaded_RefreshGUI", GUIRefreshTick ) end CurrTime = GetCurrentTime() if CurrTime - cGCThread_FiscalUpdate_TimeStamp > maxTimeOutMult * MaintenanceTick then ThrowThreadCrashedError( "TEXT_LUA_OBJECT_TYPE_THREAD_GUI" ) cGCThread_RefreshGUI = Create_Thread( "cGCThreaded_RefreshGUI", GUIRefreshTick ) end CurrTime = GetCurrentTime() if CurrTime - cGCThread_EvaluateFleets_TimeStamp > maxTimeOutMult * FleetTick then ThrowThreadCrashedError( "TEXT_LUA_OBJECT_TYPE_THREAD_FLEETS" ) cGCThread_EvaluateFleets = Create_Thread( "cGCThreaded_EvaluateFleets", FleetTick ) end for i, timeStamp in pairs( cGCThread_ServeEvents_TimeStamp ) do CurrTime = GetCurrentTime() if CurrTime - timeStamp > maxTimeOutMult * EventTick then ThrowThreadCrashedError( "TEXT_LUA_OBJECT_TYPE_THREAD_EVTHANDLER" ) cGCThread_ServeEvents[i] = Create_Thread( "cGCThreaded_ServeEvents", { i, EventTick } ) end end Sleep( newEventTick ) end end
-- stable sorting of string keys -- keys corresponding to optional values are sorted first -- after this, keys are sorted alphabetically local function stableKeys(data) local keys = {} for key in pairs(data) do table.insert(keys, key) end table.sort(keys, function(key0, key1) local opt0 = data[key0].default ~= nil local opt1 = data[key1].default ~= nil if opt0 ~= opt1 then return opt0 end return key0 < key1 end) return keys end return stableKeys
local iconwidth = 25; local dragging = false; local typename = "dice"; local sourcenode = nil; local entries = {}; local descriptionwidget = nil; local shadowwidget = nil; local dieboxidentity = nil; function onInit() DieBoxManager.registerControl(self); registerMenuItem("Clear dice", "erase", 4); end function onDragStart(button, x, y, draginfo) dragging = false; return onDrag(button, x, y, draginfo); end function onDrag(button, x, y, draginfo) if table.getn(entries) > 0 then if not dragging then if table.getn(getDice()) > 0 then draginfo.setType(typename); draginfo.setDescription(getDescription()); draginfo.setDieList(getDice()); draginfo.setDatabaseNode(sourcenode); dragging = true; if PreferenceManager.getValue("interface_cleardicepoolondrag") then resetAll(); end return true; end end end end function onDragEnd(draginfo) dragging = false; end function onDrop(x, y, draginfo) if PreferenceManager.getValue("interface_cleardicepoolondrag") then Debug.console("Campaign Option interface_cleardicepoolondrag set"); end if not dragging then -- Dice if draginfo.isType("dice") then local dielist = draginfo.getDieList(); if dielist then setDescription(draginfo.getDescription()); for k, v in pairs(dielist) do addDie(v.type); end end end -- Chit if draginfo.isType("chit") then if draginfo.getCustomData() == "lightside" then -- Upgrade PC dice or downgrade NPC dice. if User.isHost() then DieBoxUpgradeDowngradeButtonPress("dieboxupgradedifficulty"); else DieBoxUpgradeDowngradeButtonPress("dieboxupgradeability"); end elseif draginfo.getCustomData() == "darkside" then -- Downgrade PC dice or upgrade NPC dice. Debug.console("TODO: Darkside destiny token code."); if User.isHost() then DieBoxUpgradeDowngradeButtonPress("dieboxupgradeability"); else --DieBoxUpgradeDowngradeButtonPress("dieboxupgradeability"); end end -- WFRP3 --if draginfo.getCustomData() == "fortune" then -- addDie("dFortune"); --elseif draginfo.getCustomData() == "corruption" then -- addDie("dChallenge"); --end end -- Action if draginfo.isType("action") then local dielist = draginfo.getDieList(); if dielist then if PreferenceManager.getValue("interface_cleardicepoolondrag") then resetAll(); end setType(draginfo.getType()); setDescription(draginfo.getDescription()); setSourcenode(draginfo.getDatabaseNode()); for k, v in pairs(dielist) do addDie(v.type); end end end -- Characteristic if draginfo.isType("characteristic") then local dielist = draginfo.getDieList(); if dielist then if PreferenceManager.getValue("interface_cleardicepoolondrag") then resetAll(); end setType(draginfo.getType()); setDescription(draginfo.getDescription()); setSourcenode(draginfo.getDatabaseNode()); for k, v in pairs(dielist) do addDie(v.type); end end end -- Skill if draginfo.isType("skill") then local dielist = draginfo.getDieList(); if dielist then if PreferenceManager.getValue("interface_cleardicepoolondrag") then resetAll(); end setType(draginfo.getType()); setDescription(draginfo.getDescription()); setSourcenode(draginfo.getDatabaseNode()); for k, v in pairs(dielist) do addDie(v.type); end end end -- Specialisation if draginfo.isType("specialisation") then local dielist = draginfo.getDieList(); if dielist then if PreferenceManager.getValue("interface_cleardicepoolondrag") then resetAll(); end setType(draginfo.getType()); setDescription(draginfo.getDescription()); setSourcenode(draginfo.getDatabaseNode()); for k, v in pairs(dielist) do addDie(v.type); end end end -- Shortcut if draginfo.isType("shortcut") then local class, recordname = draginfo.getShortcutData(); -- skill if class == "skill" then local dice = {}; local modifiers = {}; local recordnode = DB.findNode(recordname); if recordnode then if PreferenceManager.getValue("interface_cleardicepoolondrag") then resetAll(); end setType("skill"); local namenode = recordnode.getChild("name"); if namenode then setDescription(namenode.getValue()); end setSourcenode(recordnode); DicePoolManager.addSkillDice(recordnode, dice, modifiers); addDice(dice); addDice(modifiers); end end -- actions if class == "blessing" or class == "melee" or class == "ranged" or class == "social" or class == "spell" or class == "support" then local dice = {}; local modifiers = {}; local recordnode = DB.findNode(recordname); if recordnode then if PreferenceManager.getValue("interface_cleardicepoolondrag") then resetAll(); end setType("action"); local namenode = recordnode.getChild("name"); if namenode then setDescription(namenode.getValue()); end setSourcenode(recordnode); DicePoolManager.addActionDice(recordnode, dice, modifiers); addDice(dice); addDice(modifiers); end end -- specialisation if class == "specialisation" then local dice = {}; local modifiers = {}; local recordnode = DB.findNode(recordname); if recordnode then if PreferenceManager.getValue("interface_cleardicepoolondrag") then resetAll(); end setType("specialisation"); local namenode = recordnode.getChild("name"); if namenode then setDescription(namenode.getValue()); end setSourcenode(recordnode); DicePoolManager.addSpecialisationDice(recordnode, dice, modifiers); addDice(dice); addDice(modifiers); end end end -- and return true return true; end end function addDice(dice) if dice then for k, v in ipairs(dice) do addDie(v); end end end function addDie(type) local entry = {}; entry.type = type; entry.icon = addBitmapWidget(type .. "icon"); table.insert(entries, entry); updateIcons(); end function removeDie(index) local dice = {}; for i = 1, #entries do if i ~= index then table.insert(dice, entries[i].type); end end resetEntries(); addDice(dice); if #entries == 0 then resetAll(); end end function findDieOfType(dietype) for k, v in pairs(getDice()) do if v == dietype then return k; end end return 0; end function replaceDie(dielistindex, dietype) local entry = {}; entry.type = dietype; entry.icon = addBitmapWidget(dietype .. "icon"); table.insert(entries, dielistindex, entry); removeDie(dielistindex + 1); updateIcons(); end function updateIcons() if table.getn(entries) > 0 then local position = 0 - (iconwidth * (table.getn(entries) - 1)) / 2; for k, v in ipairs(entries) do if v.type then v.icon.setPosition("", position, 0); position = position + iconwidth; end end end if shadowwidget then shadowwidget.bringToFront(); end if descriptionwidget then descriptionwidget.bringToFront(); end -- Update any remote clients viewing this diebox. Only send GM info if reveal is on. if User.isHost() then if not ChatManager.gmDieHide() then DieBoxManager.sendPlayerDicepool(getDice(), getDescription()); end else DieBoxManager.sendPlayerDicepool(getDice(), getDescription()); end end function resetEntries() if table.getn(entries) > 0 then for k, v in ipairs(entries) do v.icon.destroy(); end entries = {}; end end function getDice() local dielist = {}; for k, v in ipairs(entries) do if v.type then table.insert(dielist, v.type); end end return dielist; end function setDice(dielist) resetEntries(); --for k, v in ipairs(dielist) do addDice(dielist); --end end function onDoubleClick(x, y) if table.getn(entries) > 0 then local controlwidth, controlheight = getSize(); -- calculate the x position relative to the entries local entrieswidth = table.getn(entries) * iconwidth; x = x - ((controlwidth - entrieswidth) / 2 ); -- determine if the x value falls into the entries if x > 0 and x < entrieswidth then local index = math.floor(x / iconwidth) + 1; removeDie(index); end end end function onMenuSelection(...) resetAll(); end function setDescription(description) if description and description ~= "" then if descriptionwidget then descriptionwidget.setText(description); else descriptionwidget = addTextWidget("hotkey", description); end if shadowwidget then shadowwidget.setText(description); else shadowwidget = addTextWidget("chatfont", description); end descriptionwidget.setPosition("",0,0); shadowwidget.setPosition("",1,1); end end function resetDescription() if descriptionwidget then descriptionwidget.destroy(); descriptionwidget = nil; end if shadowwidget then shadowwidget.destroy(); shadowwidget = nil; end end function getDescription() if descriptionwidget then return descriptionwidget.getText(); end return ""; end function resetAll() resetType(); resetDescription(); resetSourcenode(); resetEntries(); resetIdentity(); -- Update any remote clients viewing this diebox DieBoxManager.sendPlayerDicepool(getDice(), getDescription()); end function setType(type) typename = type; end function resetType() typename = "dice"; end function setSourcenode(node) sourcenode = node; end function resetSourcenode() sourcenode = nil; end function setIdentity(actoridentity) dieboxidentity = actoridentity; end function resetIdentity() dieboxidentity = nil; end function onDieboxButtonPress() local sourcenodename = ""; -- type --local type = "dice"; local type = typename; -- description local description = getDescription(); -- modifier local modifier = "0"; -- source node name if sourcenode then sourcenodename = sourcenode.getNodeName(); end -- gm only --local gmonly = PreferenceManager.getValue("interface_gmonly"); local gmonly = ChatManager.gmDieHide(); -- build the dice table local dice = getDice(); -- verify the identity - use the user if no identity has been set via setIdentity msgidentity = dieboxidentity; if msgidentity == "" then msgidentity = msguser; end -- throw the dice ChatManager.throwDice(type, dice, modifier, description, {sourcenodename, msgidentity, gmonly}); resetAll(); end function DieBoxUpgradeDowngradeButtonPress(controlname) --Debug.console("diebox.lua: DieBoxUpgradeDowngradeButtonPress(). Controlname = " .. controlname); local dietoreplace = ""; local dietochangeto = ""; local keepupgrading = false; if controlname == "dieboxupgradedifficulty" then dietoreplace = "dDifficulty"; dietochangeto = "dChallenge"; keepupgrading = true; elseif controlname == "dieboxdowngradechallenge" then dietoreplace = "dChallenge"; dietochangeto = "dDifficulty"; elseif controlname == "dieboxupgradeability" then dietoreplace = "dAbility"; dietochangeto = "dProficiency"; keepupgrading = true; elseif controlname == "dieboxdowngradeproficiency" then dietoreplace = "dProficiency"; dietochangeto = "dAbility"; end --Debug.console("diebox.lua: DieBoxUpgradeDowngradeButtonPress(). Looking to replace " .. dietoreplace .. ", with " .. dietochangeto); local dietoreplaceindex = findDieOfType(dietoreplace); if dietoreplaceindex > 0 then replaceDie(dietoreplaceindex, dietochangeto); elseif keepupgrading then -- No more dice found to upgrade, but this is an upagrade process that can keep going! Add another die. addDie(dietoreplace); end end function onHiddenButtonPress(control) Debug.console("diebox.lua: onHiddenButtonPress. Button state = " .. control.getValue()); if control.getValue() == 0 then DieBoxManager.readDicepool(); ChatManager.gmRevealDieRolls(true); elseif control.getValue() == 1 then DieBoxManager.sendPlayerDicepool({}, ""); ChatManager.gmRevealDieRolls(false); end end = 'SetFaction' CMD.description = 'command.setfaction.description' CMD.syntax = 'command.setfaction.syntax' CMD.permission = 'assistant' CMD.category = 'permission.categories.character_management' CMD.arguments = 2 CMD.player_arg = 1 CMD.aliases = { 'plytransfer', 'charsetfaction', 'chartransfer' } function CMD:get_description() local factions = {} for k, v in pairs(Factions.all()) do table.insert(factions, k) end return t(self.description, { factions = table.concat(factions, ', ') }) end function CMD:on_run(player, targets, name, strict) local faction_table = Factions.find(name, (strict and true) or false) if faction_table then self:notify_staff('command.setfaction.message', { player = get_player_name(player), target = util.player_list_to_string(targets), faction = }) for k, v in ipairs(targets) do v:set_faction(faction_table.faction_id) v:notify('notification.faction_changed', { faction = }, faction_table.color) end else player:notify('error.faction.invalid', { faction = name }) end end
local item = require("../item") local image = require("../image") return { name = "Get more rats", amount = 5, weight = 0.5, condition = function (state) return state.coins >= 5 and state.ratLevel >= 1 end, description = "The sketchy trenchcoat man returns. For only $5, you may get 4 more rats to sell.", heads = { effectDescription = "+4 rats", effect = function (state) for i = 1,4 do table.insert(state.items, item.rat) end return { description = "The man hands you 4 rats. Now go and sell these rats", image = image.rat4, } end }, tails = { effectDescription = "+1 rat (50%) ??? (50%)", effect = function (state) local p = love.math.random() if p < 0.5 then table.insert(state.items, item.rat) return { description = [[The man hands you 4 rats... but only 1 of them is real! You try to demand your money back, but he's already gone...]], image = image.rat, } else if state.ratLevel == 1 then state.ratLevel = 2 return { description = [[The man approaches you closer and whispers, "how would you like to join the rat gang?" You agree, and graduate to a level 2 rat dealer!]], image = } else for i = 1,4 do table.insert(state.items, item.rat) end return { description = [[The man looks at you. "I thought you've moved up from dealing rats..?" He says as he hands you 4 rats anyway.]], image = image.rat4, } end end end }, beg = { effectDescription = "-5 hp", effect = function (state) state.hp = state.hp - 5 return { description = [[You stare at the man, unanswering. Suddenly a rat jumps out of his trenchcoat and bites you. You lose 5 hp.]], image = image.ratAngry, } end } }
local t = require( "taptest" ) local ltrim = require( "ltrim" ) t( ltrim( "" ), "" ) t( ltrim( " " ), "" ) t( ltrim( " " ), "" ) t( ltrim( "a" ), "a" ) t( ltrim( " a" ), "a" ) t( ltrim( "a " ), "a " ) t( ltrim( " a " ), "a " ) t( ltrim( " a " ), "a " ) t( ltrim( " ab cd " ), "ab cd " ) t( ltrim( " \t\r\n\f\va\00b \r\t\n\f\v" ), "a\00b \r\t\n\f\v" ) t()
--[[ This is the module system - see for discussion. ]] local Module = {} --[[ Creates a module of the given name. Arguments: * `name` - string; the full name of the module. Returns: a new Module object; the created module. Example: local M = classic.module(...) M:class("ClassA") M:class("ClassB") M:submodule("utils") return M ]] function Module:_init(name) classic._notify(, name) rawset(self, '_name', name) rawset(self, '_submodules', {}) rawset(self, '_classes', {}) rawset(self, '_moduleFunctions', {}) package.loaded[name] = self end --[[ Return this module's fully-qualified name as a string. ]] function Module:name() return self._name end --[[ Declares that this module contains a submodule with the given name. Arguments: * `name` - name of the submodule being declared. ]] function Module:submodule(name) if name == nil then error("Submodule name is missing.", 2) end if type(name) ~= 'string' then error("Submodule name must be a string.", 2) end if self._submodules[name] ~= nil then error("Already declared submodule " .. name .. ".", 2) end classic._notify(, self, name) self._submodules[name] = true end --[[ Declare that this module contains a class with the given name. Arguments: * `name` - name of the class being declared. ]] function Module:class(name) if name == nil then error("Class name is missing.", 2) end if type(name) ~= 'string' then error("Class name must be a string.", 2) end if self._classes[name] ~= nil then error("Already declared class " .. name .. ".", 2) end classic._notify(, self, name) self._classes[name] = true end --[[ Declare that this module contains a function with the given name. Arguments: * `name` - name of the function being declared. ]] function Module:moduleFunction(name) if name == nil then error("Function name is missing.", 2) end if type(name) ~= 'string' then error("Function name must be a string.", 2) end if self._moduleFunctions[name] ~= nil then error("Already declared module function " .. name .. ".", 2) end classic._notify(, self, name) self._moduleFunctions[name] = true end --[[ This creates an iterator like pairs(), but which looks up each key in a separate object. Arguments: * `obj` - object in which to look up keys. * `tbl` - table from which to draw the keys. Returns: Lua iterator over `(name, obj[name])` for each name in the keys of `tbl`. ]] local function keyLookupIterator(obj, tbl) local iter = pairs(tbl) local _, name return function() name, _ = iter(tbl, name) if name then return name, obj[name] end end end --[[ Returns an iterator over submodules of the given module. The iterator will yield pairs of (name, submodule). ]] function Module:submodules() return keyLookupIterator(self, self._submodules) end --[[ Returns an iterator over classes in the module. The iterator will yield pairs of (name, submodule). ]] function Module:classes() return keyLookupIterator(self, self._classes) end --[[ Returns an iterator over functions in the module. The iterator will yield pairs of (name, function). ]] function Module:functions() return keyLookupIterator(self, self._moduleFunctions) end --[[ Lists the contents of this module. This is a shortcut for classic.list(); see that function for details. ]] function Module:list() assert(self ~= nil, "Module:list() needs to be called with a ':', not a '.'!") classic.list(self) end --[[ This is where we define the metamethods for Module objects. In particular, we have special handling for indexing into a module. ]] local Metamodule = {} --[[ This handles looking things up in the module object. There are several types of data that can live in a module: submodules, classes, functions, and other data. In the first three cases, we allow them to be loaded lazily, which can be convenient for large modules that have a lot of dependencies. ]] function Metamodule.__index(self, key) if Module[key] then return Module[key] end local submodules = assert(rawget(self, "_submodules"), "missing _submodules") local classes = assert(rawget(self, "_classes"), "missing _classes") local functions = assert(rawget(self, "_moduleFunctions"), "missing _moduleFunctions") if submodules[key] then local submodule = require(self._name .. "." .. key) if not classic.isModule(submodule) then error(tostring(key) .. " is not a module", 2) end rawset(self, key, submodule) return submodule end if classes[key] then local class = classic.getClass(self._name .. "." .. key) rawset(self, key, class) return class end if functions[key] then local func = require(self._name .. "." .. key) if not type(func) == 'function' then error(self._name .. "." .. tostring(key) .. " is not a function", 2) end rawset(self, key, func) return func end error("Module " .. self._name .. " does not contain '" .. key .. "'.", 2) end --[[ This allows setting of functions and data in the module. Functions are name-checked and noted in the _moduleFunctions table; other data are allowed to pass freely. ]] function Metamodule.__newindex(self, key, value) if Module[key] then error("Member name '" .. key .. "' clashes with the general classic module" .. " function of the same name.", 2) end if self._moduleFunctions[key] then error("Overwriting function " .. key .. " in module " .. self._name, 2) end if self._submodules[key] then error("Overwriting submodule " .. key .. " in module " .. self._name, 2) end if self._classes[key] then error("Overwriting class " .. key .. " in module " .. self._name, 2) end if type(value) == 'function' then if key == nil then error("Function name should not be nil!", 2) end self._moduleFunctions[key] = value end rawset(self, key, value) end --[[ String representation of the module object. ]] function Metamodule.__tostring(self) return "classic.module<" .. self._name .. ">" end --[[ This is a flag marking the object as being a classic module object, which can then later be used for checking whether or not something is one. ]] Metamodule.classicModule = true --[[ We can create a new module object by calling local my_module = Module(name) But users should create modules via classic.module(). ]] setmetatable(Module, { __call = function(self, namespace) local module = {} setmetatable(module, Metamodule) module:_init(namespace) return module end }) return Module
{ color0=0x113077, color1=0xaaaaaa, color2=0, name="F2", faction=8, blueprints={ {data={name="F2_0",author="F2_0_0",color0=0x113077,color1=0xaaaaaa, wgroup={0, 0, 2, 0}}, blocks={ {800,{0,0},0}, {834,{4.9992,15},1.5708}, {834,{4.9992,-15},-1.5708}, {855,{18.7492,10},-1.5708}, {855,{18.7492,-10},1.5708}, {815,{21.6658,28.3333},2.3562}, {815,{21.6658,-28.3333},-2.3562}, {855,{-0.0008,28.75},0}, {855,{-0.0008,-28.75},0}, {837,{24.8567,10},2.3562}, {801,{9.9992,29.9999},1.5708}, {801,{9.9992,-29.9999},-1.5708}, {834,{-5.0008,42.5},-1.5708}, {834,{-5.0008,-42.5},1.5708}, {801,{-10.0008,57.5},3.1416}, {801,{-10.0008,-57.5},3.1416}, {801,{9.9992,39.9999},3.1416}, {801,{9.9992,-39.9999},3.1416}, {801,{10,0},0}, {801,{19.9992,39.9999},-1.5708}, {801,{19.9992,-39.9999},1.5708}, {844,{37.0746,20.0044},0}, {844,{37.0746,-20.0044},0}, {834,{59.1456,15.0044},1.5708}, {834,{59.1456,-15.0044},-1.5708}, {801,{-0.0008,57.5},0}, {801,{-0.0008,-57.5},0}, {834,{-25.0008,42.5},-1.5708}, {834,{-25.0008,-42.5},1.5708}, {801,{-40.0008,37.5},0}, {801,{-40.0008,-37.5},0}, {832,{-40.0008,27.5},-1.5708}, {832,{-40.0008,-27.5},1.5708}, {849,{-30.0008,22.5},-1.5708}, {849,{-30.0008,-22.5},1.5708}, {837,{18.3322,48.3329},0}, {801,{-20.0008,57.5},-1.5708}, {801,{-20.0008,-57.5},1.5708}, {801,{9.9992,49.9999},3.1416}, {801,{9.9992,-49.9999},3.1416}, {803,{-35.9588,47.5},0}, {803,{-35.9588,-47.5},0}, {806,{-10.0008,90.216},-1.5708}, {806,{-10.0008,-90.216},1.5708}, {805,{21.767,51.7677},-2.3562}, {805,{21.767,-51.7677},2.3562}, {803,{-42.9588,27.5},0}, {803,{-42.9588,-27.5},0}, {803,{-10.0008,118.89},-1.5708}, {803,{-10.0008,-118.89},1.5708}, {804,{-38.5238,47.5},0}, {804,{-38.5238,-47.5},0}, {803,{-10.0008,120.806},-1.5708}, {803,{-10.0008,-120.806},1.5708}, {803,{24.2121,54.2128},-2.3562}, {803,{24.2121,-54.2128},2.3562}, {805,{26.6573,56.658},-2.3562}, {805,{26.6573,-56.658},2.3562}, {805,{-10.0008,124.264},-1.5708}, {805,{-10.0008,-124.264},1.5708}, {804,{-41.7378,47.5},0}, {804,{-41.7378,-47.5},0}, {803,{-44.3028,47.5},0}, {803,{-44.3028,-47.5},0}, {803,{29.1024,59.1031},-2.3562}, {803,{29.1024,-59.1031},2.3562}, {803,{-46.2188,47.5},0}, {803,{-46.2188,-47.5},0}, {803,{-44.8748,27.5},0}, {803,{-44.8748,-27.5},0}, {806,{-10.0008,154.48},-1.5708}, {806,{-10.0008,-154.48},1.5708}, {806,{-10.0008,209.912},-1.5708}, {806,{-10.0008,-209.912},1.5708}, {803,{30.4572,60.4579},-2.3562}, {803,{30.4572,-60.4579},2.3562}, {805,{32.9024,62.9031},-2.3562}, {805,{32.9024,-62.9031},2.3562}}}, {data={name="F2_1",author="F2_1_1",color0=0x113077,color1=0xaaaaaa, wgroup={0, 0, 2, 0}}, blocks={ {800,{0,0},0}, {879,{3.5355,16.0355},3.1416}, {879,{3.5355,-16.0355},3.1416}, {835,{-8.75,0},-1.5708}, {829,{8.5355,11.0455},0}, {829,{8.5355,-11.0455},0}, {856,{-13.9645,21.0255},0}, {856,{-13.9645,-21.0255},0}, {856,{-23.9545,51.0255},3.1416}, {856,{-23.9545,-51.0255},3.1416}, {850,{-38.9645,16.0355},1.5708}, {850,{-38.9645,-16.0355},-1.5708}, {881,{3.1165,61.0155},-0.7854}, {881,{3.1165,-61.0155},0.7854}, {827,{-51.9459,13.7907},-2.8198}, {828,{-51.9459,-13.7907},2.8198}, {846,{-41.4545,41.0355},1.5708}, {846,{-41.4545,-41.0355},-1.5708}, {802,{3.1165,75.444},-2.3562}, {829,{-46.4545,36.0355},3.1416}, {829,{-46.4545,-36.0355},3.1416}, {834,{-58.9545,41.0355},0}, {834,{-58.9545,-41.0355},0}, {889,{-68.9545,28.5355},-1.5708}, {889,{-68.9545,-28.5355},1.5708}, {801,{10.1875,80.1575},2.3562}, {801,{10.1875,-80.1575},-2.3562}, {834,{21.0355,16.0455},-1.5708}, {834,{21.0355,-16.0455},1.5708}, {834,{-68.9545,61.0355},0}, {834,{-68.9545,-61.0355},0}, {844,{27.2585,61.0155},-0.7854}, {844,{27.2585,-61.0155},0.7854}, {801,{27.2585,43.9445},0}, {801,{27.2585,-43.9445},0}, {834,{-58.9545,81.0355},1.5708}, {834,{-58.9545,-81.0355},-1.5708}, {856,{54.3295,71.0055},3.1416}, {856,{54.3295,-71.0055},3.1416}, {850,{79.3295,76.0055},1.5708}, {850,{79.3295,-76.0055},-1.5708}, {890,{-103.0965,51.0355},2.3562}, {890,{-103.0965,-51.0355},-2.3562}, {840,{99.3295,71.0055},0}, {840,{99.3295,-71.0055},0}, {828,{12.8305,48.9445},1.5708}, {827,{12.8305,-48.9445},-1.5708}, {840,{-0.4191,90.7642},2.3562}, {840,{-0.4191,-90.7642},-2.3562}, {862,{42.2584,38.9546},2.3562}, {862,{42.2584,-38.9546},-2.3562}, {856,{68.4689,33.952},0.7854}, {856,{68.4689,-33.952},-0.7854}, {805,{-125.4708,35.7323},0.7854}, {805,{-125.4708,-35.7323},-0.7854}, {805,{4.1772,95.3604},-2.3562}, {805,{4.1772,-95.3604},2.3562}, {805,{-46.4545,76.0355},3.1416}, {805,{-46.4545,-76.0355},3.1416}, {804,{-70.5615,76.0355},0}, {804,{-70.5615,-76.0355},0}, {805,{-33.9645,3.5355},1.5708}, {805,{-33.9645,-3.5355},-1.5708}, {804,{99.3295,65.3985},1.5708}, {804,{99.3295,-65.3985},-1.5708}, {803,{-53.9545,91.9935},-1.5708}, {803,{-53.9545,-91.9935},1.5708}, {804,{7.0812,98.2644},-2.3562}, {804,{7.0812,-98.2644},2.3562}, {804,{-81.3537,36.3638},2.3562}, {804,{-81.3537,-36.3638},-2.3562}, {804,{-6.5553,70.6873},-0.7854}, {804,{-6.5553,-70.6873},0.7854}, {803,{-13.458,0},0}, {803,{-127.9159,33.2872},0.7854}, {803,{-127.9159,-33.2872},-0.7854}, {806,{-53.9545,120.6675},-1.5708}, {806,{-53.9545,-120.6675},1.5708}, {804,{-53.9545,149.9905},-1.5708}, {804,{-53.9545,-149.9905},1.5708}, {804,{74.3295,64.3985},1.5708}, {804,{74.3295,-64.3985},-1.5708}, {804,{-53.9545,153.2045},-1.5708}, {804,{-53.9545,-153.2045},1.5708}, {805,{9.9853,101.1685},-2.3562}, {805,{9.9853,-101.1685},2.3562}, {806,{74.3295,113.7215},-1.5708}, {806,{74.3295,-113.7215},1.5708}, {803,{74.3295,142.3955},-1.5708}, {803,{74.3295,-142.3955},1.5708}, {804,{30.6515,33.9546},0}, {804,{30.6515,-33.9546},0}, {803,{-8.369,72.501},-0.7854}, {803,{-8.369,-72.501},0.7854}, {804,{74.3295,144.9605},-1.5708}, {804,{74.3295,-144.9605},1.5708}, {805,{74.3295,149.0675},-1.5708}, {805,{74.3295,-149.0675},1.5708}, {806,{74.3295,179.2835},-1.5708}, {806,{74.3295,-179.2835},1.5708}, {804,{80.2118,22.2091},2.3562}, {804,{80.2118,-22.2091},-2.3562}, {804,{54.3295,54.3985},1.5708}, {804,{54.3295,-54.3985},-1.5708}, {806,{-136.2302,91.2403},-0.7854}, {806,{-136.2302,-91.2403},0.7854}, {803,{-129.2707,31.9324},0.7854}, {803,{-129.2707,-31.9324},-0.7854}, {805,{26.0355,3.5455},1.5708}, {805,{26.0355,-3.5455},-1.5708}, {805,{-157.5961,112.6062},-0.7854}, {805,{-157.5961,-112.6062},0.7854}, {803,{-130.6255,30.5776},0.7854}, {803,{-130.6255,-30.5776},-0.7854}, {804,{-10.1827,74.3147},-0.7854}, {804,{-10.1827,-74.3147},0.7854}, {804,{99.3295,62.1845},1.5708}, {804,{99.3295,-62.1845},-1.5708}, {803,{-160.0412,115.0513},-0.7854}, {803,{-160.0412,-115.0513},0.7854}, {804,{44.3395,54.3985},1.5708}, {804,{44.3395,-54.3985},-1.5708}, {803,{82.0255,20.3954},2.3562}, {803,{82.0255,-20.3954},-2.3562}, {804,{-132.4392,28.7639},0.7854}, {804,{-132.4392,-28.7639},-0.7854}, {805,{-53.9545,157.3115},-1.5708}, {805,{-53.9545,-157.3115},1.5708}, {804,{-53.9545,161.4185},-1.5708}, {804,{-53.9545,-161.4185},1.5708}, {804,{-53.9545,164.6325},-1.5708}, {804,{-53.9545,-164.6325},1.5708}, {804,{-161.8549,116.865},-0.7854}, {804,{-161.8549,-116.865},0.7854}, {804,{-164.1275,119.1376},-0.7854}, {804,{-164.1275,-119.1376},0.7854}, {803,{14.4005,75.9446},2.3562}, {803,{14.4005,-75.9446},-2.3562}, {803,{-165.9412,120.9513},-0.7854}, {803,{-165.9412,-120.9513},0.7854}, {803,{74.3295,207.9575},-1.5708}, {803,{74.3295,-207.9575},1.5708}, {805,{-168.3864,123.3965},-0.7854}, {805,{-168.3864,-123.3965},0.7854}, {805,{74.3295,211.4155},-1.5708}, {805,{74.3295,-211.4155},1.5708}, {803,{21.3005,43.9445},0}, {803,{21.3005,-43.9445},0}, {805,{-171.9219,126.932},-0.7854}, {805,{-171.9219,-126.932},0.7854}, {805,{99.3295,58.0775},1.5708}, {805,{99.3295,-58.0775},-1.5708}, {804,{37.7225,80.9955},0}, {804,{37.7225,-80.9955},0}, {803,{-42.9965,76.0355},3.1416}, {803,{-42.9965,-76.0355},3.1416}, {804,{-134.7118,26.4913},0.7854}, {804,{-134.7118,-26.4913},-0.7854}, {805,{-175.4574,130.4675},-0.7854}, {805,{-175.4574,-130.4675},0.7854}, {805,{74.3295,216.4155},-1.5708}, {805,{74.3295,-216.4155},1.5708}, {803,{-177.9025,132.9126},-0.7854}, {803,{-177.9025,-132.9126},0.7854}, {805,{-180.3477,135.3578},-0.7854}, {805,{-180.3477,-135.3578},0.7854}, {805,{74.3295,221.4155},-1.5708}, {805,{74.3295,-221.4155},1.5708}, {804,{-183.2517,138.2618},-0.7854}, {804,{-183.2517,-138.2618},0.7854}, {804,{99.3295,53.9705},1.5708}, {804,{99.3295,-53.9705},-1.5708}, {804,{-185.5243,140.5344},-0.7854}, {804,{-185.5243,-140.5344},0.7854}, {805,{-188.4284,143.4385},-0.7854}, {805,{-188.4284,-143.4385},0.7854}, {804,{-191.3324,146.3425},-0.7854}, {804,{-191.3324,-146.3425},0.7854}, {803,{74.3295,224.8735},-1.5708}, {803,{74.3295,-224.8735},1.5708}, {803,{74.3295,226.7895},-1.5708}, {803,{74.3295,-226.7895},1.5708}, {805,{-194.2365,149.2466},-0.7854}, {805,{-194.2365,-149.2466},0.7854}, {804,{-197.1405,152.1506},-0.7854}, {804,{-197.1405,-152.1506},0.7854}, {804,{-88.4248,72.7784},-2.3562}, {804,{-88.4248,-72.7784},2.3562}, {803,{-198.9542,153.9643},-0.7854}, {803,{-198.9542,-153.9643},0.7854}, {805,{-201.3994,156.4095},-0.7854}, {805,{-201.3994,-156.4095},0.7854}, {804,{-33.9445,67.6325},-1.5708}, {804,{-33.9445,-67.6325},1.5708}, {806,{-222.7653,177.7754},-0.7854}, {806,{-222.7653,-177.7754},0.7854}, {804,{74.3295,229.3545},-1.5708}, {804,{74.3295,-229.3545},1.5708}, {805,{-244.1312,199.1413},-0.7854}, {805,{-244.1312,-199.1413},0.7854}, {805,{99.3295,49.8635},1.5708}, {805,{99.3295,-49.8635},-1.5708}, {805,{-247.6667,202.6768},-0.7854}, {805,{-247.6667,-202.6768},0.7854}, {805,{74.3295,233.4615},-1.5708}, {805,{74.3295,-233.4615},1.5708}, {806,{74.3295,263.6775},-1.5708}, {806,{74.3295,-263.6775},1.5708}, {806,{-269.0326,224.0427},-0.7854}, {806,{-269.0326,-224.0427},0.7854}, {803,{83.3803,19.0406},2.3562}, {803,{83.3803,-19.0406},-2.3562}, {803,{-69.9125,36.0355},0}, {803,{-69.9125,-36.0355},0}, {805,{-41.4545,61.0155},0}, {805,{-41.4545,-61.0155},0}, {804,{-136.9844,24.2187},0.7854}, {804,{-136.9844,-24.2187},-0.7854}, {804,{-289.767,244.7771},-0.7854}, {804,{-289.767,-244.7771},0.7854}, {805,{13.5208,104.704},-2.3562}, {805,{13.5208,-104.704},2.3562}, {806,{74.3295,319.1095},-1.5708}, {806,{74.3295,-319.1095},1.5708}, {805,{99.3295,44.8635},1.5708}, {805,{99.3295,-44.8635},-1.5708}, {805,{-53.9545,168.7395},-1.5708}, {805,{-53.9545,-168.7395},1.5708}, {804,{74.3295,348.4325},-1.5708}, {804,{74.3295,-348.4325},1.5708}, {803,{74.3295,350.9975},-1.5708}, {803,{74.3295,-350.9975},1.5708}, {803,{-33.9645,26.9935},-1.5708}, {803,{-33.9645,-26.9935},1.5708}, {804,{74.3295,353.5625},-1.5708}, {804,{74.3295,-353.5625},1.5708}, {805,{-292.6711,247.6812},-0.7854}, {805,{-292.6711,-247.6812},0.7854}, {803,{74.3295,356.1275},-1.5708}, {803,{74.3295,-356.1275},1.5708}, {806,{-314.037,269.0471},-0.7854}, {806,{-314.037,-269.0471},0.7854}, {805,{-335.4029,290.413},-0.7854}, {805,{-335.4029,-290.413},0.7854}, {805,{-338.9384,293.9485},-0.7854}, {805,{-338.9384,-293.9485},0.7854}, {803,{99.3295,41.4055},1.5708}, {803,{99.3295,-41.4055},-1.5708}, {805,{-53.9545,173.7395},-1.5708}, {805,{-53.9545,-173.7395},1.5708}, {805,{-342.4739,297.484},-0.7854}, {805,{-342.4739,-297.484},0.7854}, {805,{74.3295,359.5855},-1.5708}, {805,{74.3295,-359.5855},1.5708}, {805,{-346.0094,301.0195},-0.7854}, {805,{-346.0094,-301.0195},0.7854}, {804,{74.3295,363.6925},-1.5708}, {804,{74.3295,-363.6925},1.5708}, {803,{-15.374,0},0}, {804,{-348.9134,303.9235},-0.7854}, {804,{-348.9134,-303.9235},0.7854}}}, {data={name="F2_remainder",author="F2_remainder_2",color0=0x113077,color1=0xaaaaaa, wgroup={0, 0, 2, 0}}, blocks={ {800,{0,0},0}, {841,{-5.0008,15},-1.5708}, {841,{-5.0008,-15},1.5708}, {805,{-17.5008,20},0}, {805,{-17.5008,-20},0}, {803,{-20.9588,20},0}, {803,{-20.9588,-20},0}, {803,{-22.8748,20},0}, {803,{-22.8748,-20},0}, {804,{-0.0008,26.607},-1.5708}, {804,{-0.0008,-26.607},1.5708}, {803,{-10.0008,25.958},-1.5708}, {803,{-10.0008,-25.958},1.5708}, {805,{-0.0008,30.714},-1.5708}, {805,{-0.0008,-30.714},1.5708}}}}}
local util = require("spec.util") describe("config type checking", function() it("should error out when config.include is not a {string}", function() util.run_mock_project(finally, { dir_structure = { ["tlconfig.lua"] = [[return { include = "*.tl" }]], [""] = [[print "a"]], }, cmd = "build", generated_files = {}, popen = { status = nil, exit = "exit", code = 1, }, cmd_output = "Error loading config: Expected include to be a {string}, got string\n", }) end) it("should error out when config.source_dir is not a string", function() util.run_mock_project(finally, { dir_structure = { ["tlconfig.lua"] = [[return { source_dir = true }]], [""] = [[print "a"]], }, cmd = "build", generated_files = {}, popen = { status = nil, exit = "exit", code = 1, }, cmd_output = "Error loading config: Expected source_dir to be a string, got boolean\n", }) end) end)
-- -- It looks just like AE2's Molecular Assembler, and has the same function too. -- local cluster_devices = assert(yatm.cluster.devices) local cluster_energy = assert( local Energy = assert( local assembler_yatm_network = { kind = "machine", groups = { dscs_assembler_module = 1, energy_consumer = 1, item_consumer = 1, item_producer = 1, machine_worker = 1, }, default_state = "off", states = { conflict = "yatm_dscs:assembler_error", error = "yatm_dscs:assembler_error", off = "yatm_dscs:assembler_off", on = "yatm_dscs:assembler_on", }, energy = { capacity = 4000, startup_threshold = 200, network_charge_bandwidth = 100, passive_lost = 0, -- assemblers won't passively start losing energy }, } local function refresh_infotext(pos, node) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local infotext = "Assembler\n" .. cluster_devices:get_node_infotext(pos) .. "\n" .. cluster_energy:get_node_infotext(pos) .. " [" .. Energy.meta_to_infotext(meta, yatm.devices.ENERGY_BUFFER_KEY) .. "]\n" meta:set_string("infotext", infotext) end function assembler_yatm_network:work(ctx) return 0 end local assembler_node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.4375, -0.4375, -0.4375, 0.4375, 0.4375, 0.4375}, -- NodeBox1 {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.375, 0.5, -0.375}, -- NodeBox2 {0.375, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.375}, -- NodeBox3 {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.375, 0.5, 0.5}, -- NodeBox4 {0.375, -0.5, 0.375, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, -- NodeBox5 {-0.375, 0.375, 0.375, 0.375, 0.5, 0.5}, -- NodeBox6 {-0.375, 0.375, -0.5, 0.375, 0.5, -0.375}, -- NodeBox7 {-0.5, 0.375, -0.5, -0.375, 0.5, 0.5}, -- NodeBox8 {0.375, 0.375, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, -- NodeBox9 {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.375, -0.375}, -- NodeBox10 {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 0.5, -0.375, 0.5}, -- NodeBox11 {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.375, -0.375, 0.5}, -- NodeBox12 {0.375, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.375, 0.5}, -- NodeBox13 } } local assembler_selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, } local groups = { cracky = 1, yatm_dscs_device = 1, yatm_data_device = 1, yatm_network_device = 1, yatm_energy_device = 1, } local assembler_data_interface = {} function assembler_data_interface.on_load(self, pos, node) end function assembler_data_interface.receive_pdu(self, pos, node, dir, port, value) -- end yatm.devices.register_stateful_network_device({ basename = "yatm_dscs:assembler", codex_entry_id = "yatm_dscs:assembler", description = "Item Assembler", groups = groups, drop =, use_texture_alpha = "opaque", tiles = { "", }, use_texture_alpha = "clip", drawtype = "nodebox", node_box = assembler_node_box, selection_box = assembler_selection_box, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", yatm_network = assembler_yatm_network, data_network_device = { type = "device", }, data_interface = assembler_data_interface, refresh_infotext = refresh_infotext, }, { on = { tiles = {{ name = "yatm_assembler_side.on.png", animation = { type = "vertical_frames", aspect_w = 16, aspect_h = 16, length = 1.0 }, }}, }, error = { tiles = {"yatm_assembler_side.error.png"}, } })
local PANEL = {} AccessorFunc( PANEL, "m_Material", "Material" ) AccessorFunc( PANEL, "m_Color", "Color" ) AccessorFunc( PANEL, "m_Rotation", "Rotation" ) AccessorFunc( PANEL, "m_Handle", "Handle" ) function PANEL:Init() self:SetColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) ) self:SetRotation( 0 ) self:SetHandle( Vector(0.5, 0.5, 0) ) self:SetMouseInputEnabled( false ) self:SetKeyboardInputEnabled( false ) self:NoClipping( true ) end function PANEL:Paint() local Mat = self.m_Material if ( !Mat ) then return true end surface.SetMaterial( Mat ) surface.SetDrawColor( self.m_Color.r, self.m_Color.g, self.m_Color.b, self.m_Color.a ) local w, h = self:GetSize() local x, y = 0, 0 surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated( x, y, w, h, self.m_Rotation ) return true end function PANEL:GenerateExample( ClassName, PropertySheet, Width, Height ) local ctrl = vgui.Create( ClassName ) ctrl:SetMaterial( Material( "brick/brick_model" ) ) ctrl:SetSize( 200, 200 ) PropertySheet:AddSheet( ClassName, ctrl, nil, true, true ) end derma.DefineControl( "DSprite", "A sprite", PANEL, "DPanel" ) -- Convenience function function CreateSprite( mat ) local sprite = vgui.Create( "DSprite" ) sprite:SetMaterial( mat ) return sprite end
local source = ... if _VERSION == "Lua 5.1" then load = loadstring end assert(load("return " .. source, '=(EVAL)'))
function exporttable(t) local s = "table =\n{\n" for row, r in ipairs(t) do s = s .. "\t{" for column, v in ipairs(r) do s = s .. v .. "," end s = s .. "},\n" end s = s .. "}" return s end function savetable(f) love.filesystem.write("save" .. f .. ".bly", exporttable(table)) end function loadtable(f) if not love.filesystem.exists("save" .. f .. ".bly") then return end love.filesystem.include("save" .. f .. ".bly") end function loadsave(f) if savemode == "save" then savetable(f) elseif savemode == "load" then loadtable(f) end end function load() love.filesystem.require("tables/nice.lua") -- start table love.filesystem.require("notes/sfxr.lua") -- music notes -- colors... darkGrey =,51,51) text =,200,200) white =,255,255) lightGrey =,100,100) grey =,68,68) curRow = 1 -- currently played row dtSum = 0 -- dtSum counts time dtLimit = .25 -- dtLimit controls speed -- cannels! yay! I bet this won't work! -- games have too loud a volume always :( volume = .3 -- since there seems to be no getVolume() cursorX = 0 -- cursor x position cursorY = 0 -- cursor y position cursorField = {} -- the field currently 'inhabited' by the cursor help = false -- controls help showing helpUsed = false -- controls help help showing savemode = "" end function update(dt) dtSum = dtSum + dt -- stack the time cursorField = updateCursorField() if dtSum > dtLimit then -- if enough time is stacked... dtSum = dtSum - dtLimit -- 'clear' dtSum for i, v in pairs(table) do -- for each column in table... if v[curRow] > 0 then -- if the row's volume is > 0... notes[i]:setVolume(v[curRow]) -- apply current row's volume[i]) -- play it end end if curRow == 16 then curRow = 1 else curRow = curRow + 1 end -- next row end end function draw() for i, v in pairs(table) do -- for each column in table... for j, w in pairs(v) do -- for each row in table... if j == curRow or (cursorField[1] == i and cursorField[2] == j) then -- if current row is played or cursor is in field... -- set color to background rectangle light grey else -- set color to background rectangle grey end, 32*(j-1)+8, 32*(i-1)+8, 24, 24) -- draw background rectangle if w > 0 then-- if field is > 0... -- set color to foreground rectangle white, 32*(j-1)+8, 32*(i-1)+8+24-24*w, 24, 24*w) -- draw note rectangle end end end -- help and help help drawing -- set color to help text black if helpUsed == false then"help/hide this: hold H", 16, 26) end -- draw help help the first 4 seconds if help then"enable/disable: Mouse Button (Left)\nincrease/decrease: Mouse Wheel Up/Down\nclear: Backspace\nmaster volume: +/-\nquit: Q, Esc\nsave/load to ./love/belly: s/l",16,26) end if savemode ~= "" then"press function key to save (F1-F12) to that slot", 16, 26) end end function updateCursorField() cursorField = {} -- set to nil, in case we find nothing cursorX = love.mouse.getX() -- update cursor x value cursorY = love.mouse.getY() -- update cursor y value for i, v in pairs(table) do -- for each column. if cursorY >= 32*(i-1)+8 and cursorY <= 32*i then -- if cursor y position is in the column... for j, w in pairs(v) do -- for each row if cursorX >= 32*(j-1)+8 and cursorX <= 32*j then -- if cursor x position is in the row... return {i, j} end end end end return {} -- the 'currently hovered field' if there is none end function mousepressed(x,y,button) if cursorField[1] ~= nil then -- if there is a 'currently hovered field' local a, b = cursorField[1], cursorField[2] -- less type = good if button == love.mouse_left then -- on left click... if table[a][b] > 0 then -- if field is active... table[a][b] = 0 -- disable it else table[a][b] = 1 -- enable it 100% end elseif button == love.mouse_wheelup then -- on wheel up... if table[a][b] < 1 then -- if field is less than 100% active... table[a][b] = table[a][b] + .25 -- add a quarter of power to it end elseif button == love.mouse_wheeldown then -- on wheel down... if table[a][b] > 0 then -- if field is active... table[a][b] = table[a][b] - .25 -- reduce it's power by 1/4 end end end end function keypressed(key) if key == love.key_escape or key == love.key_q then love.system.exit() elseif key == love.key_backspace then love.filesystem.include("tables/empty.lua") elseif key == love.key_h then help = true helpUsed = true elseif (key == love.key_plus or key == love.key_kp_plus) and volume < .91 then volume = volume + .1 print(volume) elseif (key == love.key_minus or key == love.key_kp_minus) and volume > 0.01 then volume = volume - .1 print(volume) elseif key == love.key_f1 then loadsave(1) savemode = "" elseif key == love.key_f2 then loadsave(2) savemode = "" elseif key == love.key_f3 then loadsave(3) savemode = "" elseif key == love.key_f4 then loadsave(4) savemode = "" elseif key == love.key_f5 then loadsave(5) savemode = "" elseif key == love.key_f6 then loadsave(6) savemode = "" elseif key == love.key_f7 then loadsave(7) savemode = "" elseif key == love.key_f8 then loadsave(8) savemode = "" elseif key == love.key_f9 then loadsave(9) savemode = "" elseif key == love.key_f10 then loadsave(10) savemode = "" elseif key == love.key_f11 then loadsave(11) savemode = "" elseif key == love.key_f12 then loadsave(12) savemode = "" else savemode = "" end if key == love.key_l then helpUsed = true savemode = "load" elseif key == love.key_s then helpUsed = true savemode = "save" end end function keyreleased(key) if key == love.key_h then help = false end end
local ICloneable = require("api.ICloneable") local I18N = require("api.I18N") --- @classmod DateTime local DateTime = class.class("DateTime", ICloneable) --- @function DateTime:new --- @tparam[opt] int year --- @tparam[opt] int month --- @tparam[opt] int day --- @tparam[opt] int hour --- @tparam[opt] int minute --- @tparam[opt] int second function DateTime:init(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) self.year = year or 0 self.month = month or 0 = day or 0 self.hour = hour or 0 self.minute = minute or 0 self.second = second or 0 end --- Returns the date in hours. Used in various places for time --- tracking purposes. --- --- @treturn int function DateTime:hours() return self.hour + * 24 + self.month * 24 * 30 + self.year * 24 * 30 * 12 end --- @tparam int hours --- @treturn DateTime function DateTime:from_hours(hours) hours = math.max(hours, 0) local hour = hours % 24 local day = math.floor(hours / 24) % 31 local month = math.floor(hours / 24 / 30) % 12 local year = math.floor(hours / 24 / 30 / 12) return DateTime:new(year, month, day, hour, 0, 0) end function DateTime:__tostring() return string.format("%d/%d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d", self.year, self.month,, self.hour, self.minute, self.second) end function DateTime:format_localized(with_hour) local text = I18N.get("", self.year, self.month, if with_hour then text = text .. .. I18N.get("ui.date_hour", self.hour) end return text end -- TODO figure out a generalized cloning mechanism for class instances function DateTime:clone() return DateTime:new(self.year, self.month,, self.hour, self.minute, self.second) end return DateTime
return { summary = 'Attach attributes from another Mesh onto this one.', description = [[ Attaches attributes from another Mesh onto this one. This can be used to share vertex data across multiple meshes without duplicating the data, and can also be used for instanced rendering by using the `divisor` parameter. ]], arguments = { mesh = { type = 'Mesh', description = 'The Mesh to attach attributes from.' }, divisor = { type = 'number', default = '0', description = 'The attribute divisor for all attached attributes.' }, attributes = { type = 'table', description = 'A table of attribute names to attach from the other Mesh.' }, ['...'] = { type = 'string', description = 'The names of attributes to attach from the other Mesh.' } }, returns = {}, variants = { { description = 'Attach all attributes from the other mesh.', arguments = { 'mesh', 'divisor' }, returns = {} }, { arguments = { 'mesh', 'divisor', '...' }, returns = {} }, { arguments = { 'mesh', 'divisor', 'attributes' }, returns = {} } }, notes = [[ The attribute divisor is a number used to control how the attribute data relates to instancing. If 0, then the attribute data is considered "per vertex", and each vertex will get the next element of the attribute's data. If the divisor 1 or more, then the attribute data is considered "per instance", and every N instances will get the next element of the attribute data. To prevent cycles, it is not possible to attach attributes onto a Mesh that already has attributes attached to a different Mesh. ]], related = { 'Mesh:detachAttributes', 'Mesh:drawInstanced' } }
-- this bit of code modifies the default chests and furnaces to be compatible -- with pipeworks. minetest.override_item("default:furnace", { tiles = { "default_furnace_top.png^pipeworks_tube_connection_stony.png", "default_furnace_bottom.png^pipeworks_tube_connection_stony.png", "default_furnace_side.png^pipeworks_tube_connection_stony.png", "default_furnace_side.png^pipeworks_tube_connection_stony.png", "default_furnace_side.png^pipeworks_tube_connection_stony.png", "default_furnace_front.png" }, groups = {cracky = 2, tubedevice = 1, tubedevice_receiver = 1}, tube = { insert_object = function(pos, node, stack, direction) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos) if not timer:is_started() then timer:start(1.0) end if direction.y == 1 then return inv:add_item("fuel",stack) else return inv:add_item("src",stack) end end, can_insert = function(pos,node,stack,direction) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() if direction.y == 1 then return inv:room_for_item("fuel", stack) else return inv:room_for_item("src", stack) end end, input_inventory = "dst", connect_sides = {left = 1, right = 1, back = 1, front = 1, bottom = 1, top = 1} }, }) minetest.override_item("default:furnace_active", { tiles = { "default_furnace_top.png^pipeworks_tube_connection_stony.png", "default_furnace_bottom.png^pipeworks_tube_connection_stony.png", "default_furnace_side.png^pipeworks_tube_connection_stony.png", "default_furnace_side.png^pipeworks_tube_connection_stony.png", "default_furnace_side.png^pipeworks_tube_connection_stony.png", { image = "default_furnace_front_active.png", backface_culling = false, animation = { type = "vertical_frames", aspect_w = 16, aspect_h = 16, length = 1.5 }, } }, groups = {cracky = 2, tubedevice = 1, tubedevice_receiver = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = 1}, tube = { insert_object = function(pos,node,stack,direction) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos) if not timer:is_started() then timer:start(1.0) end if direction.y == 1 then return inv:add_item("fuel", stack) else return inv:add_item("src", stack) end end, can_insert = function(pos, node, stack, direction) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() if direction.y == 1 then return inv:room_for_item("fuel", stack) else return inv:room_for_item("src", stack) end end, input_inventory = "dst", connect_sides = {left = 1, right = 1, back = 1, front = 1, bottom = 1, top = 1} }, }) minetest.override_item("default:chest", { tiles = { "default_chest_top.png^pipeworks_tube_connection_wooden.png", "default_chest_top.png^pipeworks_tube_connection_wooden.png", "default_chest_side.png^pipeworks_tube_connection_wooden.png", "default_chest_side.png^pipeworks_tube_connection_wooden.png", "default_chest_side.png^pipeworks_tube_connection_wooden.png", "default_chest_front.png" }, groups = {choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2, tubedevice = 1, tubedevice_receiver = 1}, tube = { insert_object = function(pos, node, stack, direction) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() return inv:add_item("main", stack) end, can_insert = function(pos, node, stack, direction) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() return inv:room_for_item("main", stack) end, input_inventory = "main", connect_sides = {left = 1, right = 1, back = 1, front = 1, bottom = 1, top = 1} }, }) minetest.override_item("default:chest_locked", { tiles = { "default_chest_top.png^pipeworks_tube_connection_wooden.png", "default_chest_top.png^pipeworks_tube_connection_wooden.png", "default_chest_side.png^pipeworks_tube_connection_wooden.png", "default_chest_side.png^pipeworks_tube_connection_wooden.png", "default_chest_side.png^pipeworks_tube_connection_wooden.png", "default_chest_lock.png" }, groups = {choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2, tubedevice = 1, tubedevice_receiver = 1}, tube = { insert_object = function(pos, node, stack, direction) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() return inv:add_item("main", stack) end, can_insert = function(pos, node, stack, direction) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() return inv:room_for_item("main", stack) end, connect_sides = {left = 1, right = 1, back = 1, front = 1, bottom = 1, top = 1} }, })
-- Here is an example of the most common used configuration functions -- For more in-depth use of premake, refer to the online documentation: -- -- Add additional defines: -- defines { "DEFINE1", "DEFINE2" } -- Remove existing defines: -- undefines { "DEFINE1", "DEFINE2" } -- Add files to the project: -- files { "foo/**.cpp", "foo/**.h", "bar/file.lua" } -- Remove files to the project: -- removefiles { "foo/**.h", "bar/file.lua" } -- Add include directories: -- includedirs { "foo/", "bar/" } -- Remove include directories: -- removeincludedirs { "foo/", "bar/" } -- Link libraries: -- links { "libname", "lib2" } -- Remove libraries: -- removelinks { "libname", "lib2" } -- Add libraries directory -- libdirs { "foo/", "bar/" } -- Remove libraries directory -- removelibdirs { "foo/", "bar/" } local enchantedForest = "./" include(enchantedForest .. "Premake/EnchantedForestProject") solution "EnchantedForest" platforms { "Win32", "x64" } configurations { "Debug", "Debug Optimized", "Release", "Final" } startproject "VacuumApp" filter "action:vs2015" location ("Project/VisualStudio2015/") objdir("Project/VisualStudio2015/Obj/%{cfg.buildcfg}_%{cfg.platform}_%{}") filter {} includeEnchantedForest(enchantedForest) -- projects EnchantedForestProject("EnchantedForestApp", enchantedForest) targetname ( "EnchantedForest" ) -- //////////// COMMON SETTINGS //////////// defines { "ENCHANTEDFOREST" }
kode = kode or {} local encode, decode local ok if ENVIRONMENT__ == "product" then ok = pcall(function() local cjson = require "cjson" encode = cjson.encode decode = cjson.decode end) end if not ok then local simplejson = require "kode.helpers.simplejson" encode = simplejson.encode decode = simplejson.decode end kode.json = {} function kode.json.encode(tbl) local ok, result = pcall(encode, tbl) if ok then return result end error("json encode failed") end function kode.json.decode(str) local ok, result = pcall(decode, str) if ok then return result end error("json decode failed") end
-- bot.lua -- Use this with `bin/telegram-cli -s bot.lua` -- 2 seconds between commands (say, `!ping`) should be enough to avoid botloops -- Of course the other bot could wait 2 seconds between pings, but... TIMEOUT = 2 -- We shouldn't reply as much if we are busy. BUSY_TIMEOUT = 10 BUSY_REPLIES = { ["Question"] = "Answer" } GENERIC_BUSY_REPLY = "I am currently busy - try again later :)" DEFAULT_CHAT = nil -- (chat|channel)#id<ID> DEFAULT_SHOO = nil -- @<USERNAME> DEFAULT_SPAM = "/start" LOG_MESSAGES = true LOG_FILE = "log" RUN_CRON_EVERY = 60.0 started = false logfile = nil our_id = 0 blacklist = {} in_timeout = {} busy = false ignore_commands = false -- Dispatch tables [command] -> function (peer, params, message) own_commands = {} commands = {} -- Use `register_command` or `register_own_command` with `(command, func)` -- to add commands to the tables. function ok_cb(extra, success, result) end function should_we_not_reply(msg) -- Given a telegram message `msg` this checks whether the sender of the -- message has been blacklisted or is in timeout. If neither applies this -- updated the *last time replied to* of the user in the `in_timeout` table -- and returns false. from = msg.from.peer_type .. "#id" .. msg.from.peer_id -- Ignore blacklisted users if blacklist[from] then return true end -- Ignore users in timeout local timeout = TIMEOUT if busy then -- We have a different timeout when we are busy - we don't want to -- reply with ten messages to people talking with us in private. -- I wonder if this is really necessary. timeout = BUSY_TIMEOUT end if (in_timeout[from] ~= nil) and ( - in_timeout[from]) < timeout then return true end -- Update last message replied to time in_timeout[from] = return false end function user_string(peer) -- Given a telegram peer `peer` it returns a string containing a textual -- representation of the peer, according to the following format -- specification. -- -- ## Format Specification -- -- ```bnf -- <TYPE> "#id" <ID> " - " <NAME> -- -- <NAME> := ["@" <USERNAME> " - "] <FIRST_NAME> [" " <LAST_NAME>] -- | <TITLE> -- <TYPE> := "user" | "group" | "channel" -- ``` local result = "" result = result .. peer.peer_type .. "#id" .. peer.peer_id .. " - " if peer.peer_type == "user" then if peer.username then result = result .. "@" .. peer.username .. " - " end result = result .. peer.first_name if peer.last_name then result = result .. " " .. peer.last_name end else result = result .. peer.title end return result end function describe_message(msg) -- Given a telegram message `msg` it returns a string containing a textual -- representation of the message, according to the following format -- specification. -- -- ## Format specification -- -- ```bnf -- "[" <DATE> "] [" <FROM:USER> "] [" <TO:USER> "]" <MESSAGE:MESS> -- -- <DATE> := <YEAR> "-" <MONTH> "-" <DAY> " " <HOUR> ":" <MINUTES> ":" <SECONDS> -- <USER> := <PEER_TYPE> "#id" <PEER_ID> " - " <PEER_NAME:NAME> -- <NAME> := ["@" <PEER_USERNAME> " - "] <PEER_FIRST_NAME> [<PEER_LAST_NAME>] -- | <PEER_TITLE> -- <MESS> := ": " <MESSAGE_TEXT> -- | " [media: " <MESSAGE_MEDIA_TYPE> "]" -- | "[" <MESSAGE_ACTION_TYPE> [": " <MESSAGE_ACTION_USER:USER>] "]" -- <PEER_TYPE> := "user" | "group" | "channel" -- ``` local now ="[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]", local result = now .. " [" .. user_string(msg.from) .. "] [" .. user_string( .. "]" if msg.text then result = result .. ": " .. msg.text end if then result = result .. " [media: " .. .. "]" end if msg.action then result = result .. " [" .. msg.action.type if msg.action.user then result = result .. ": " .. user_string(msg.action.user) end result = result .. "]" end return result end function log_message(msg) -- Given a telegram message `msg` it appends to `logfile` the textual -- representation of `msg` returned by `describe_message`, plus a newline. logfile:write(describe_message(msg) .. "\n") end function register_command(command, func) commands[command] = func end function register_own_command(command, func) own_commands[command] = func end function handle_our_own_message(msg) -- Given an outbound telegram message `msg` this handles the commands -- exclusive to ourselves. local peer = .. "#id" .. -- This is "bugged" - it doesn't handle accented letters in commands -- Also, I don't really understand how Lua patterns work :-/ local command, params = msg.text:match("^(!%a*)%s?(.*)$") if command then if own_commands[command] then own_commands[command](peer, params, msg) end end end function to_whom_should_we_reply(msg) -- Given a telegram message `msg` it returns whether this is a private -- chat and the id of the peer we should reply to. if ( == our_id) then -- This is a private chat - `from` holds the sender, `to` our id -- Don't reply to ourselves, that'd be silly. return true, msg.from.peer_type .. "#id" .. msg.from.peer_id else -- The message was sent to a group - reply in the group return false, .. "#id" .. end end function handle_busy(msg, peer) -- Given a telegram message `msg` and a peer id `peer` (which will always -- be an user id), this replies with either a generic busy reply or with -- a reply taken from the `BUSY_REPLIES` table according to the message -- received. if busy_replies[msg.text] then -- Oh-ho! We matched the message with something from the table! send_msg(peer, BUSY_REPLIES[msg.text], ok_cb, false) else -- Generic bot-ty reply which makes us looks like bots send_msg(peer, GENERIC_BUSY_REPLY, ok_cb, false) end end function on_msg_receive(msg) if not started then return end -- Log the message to file if LOG_MESSAGES then log_message(msg) end -- Handle outbound messages if msg.out then handle_our_own_message(msg) return end -- Ignore blacklisted users or users in timeout if should_we_not_reply(msg) then return end local is_private_chat, peer = to_whom_should_we_reply(msg) if busy then if is_private_chat then -- If somebody messages us in a private chat when we are busy, -- autoresponder FTW. handle_busy(msg, peer) end return end if ignore_commands then return end -- See `handle_our_own_message` local command, params = msg.text:match("^(!%a*)%s?(.*)$") if command then if commands[command] then commands[command](peer, params, msg) end end end function on_our_id (id) our_id = id end function on_user_update(user, what) end function on_chat_update(chat, what) end function on_secret_chat_update(chat, what) end function on_get_difference_end() end function cron() -- Insert here the code to run every `RUN_CRON_EVERY` seconds. postpone(cron, false, RUN_CRON_EVERY) end function on_binlog_replay_end() if LOG_MESSAGES then logfile = assert(, "a")) end postpone(cron, false, RUN_CRON_EVERY) started = true print("We are online.") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Own commands -- Says "Sciò" to somebody. Extremely silly. register_own_command("!shoo", function(peer, params, msg) if #params == 0 then params = DEFAULT_SHOO end send_msg(peer, params, ok_cb, false) postpone(function () send_msg(peer, "Sciò", ok_cb, false) end, false, 2.0) end) -- Spams a message 10 times - silly, prone to abuse and prolly badly written. register_own_command("!spam", function(peer, params, msg) if #params == 0 or params:match("!spam") then params = DEFAULT_SPAM end for i=1,10 do postpone(function () if not ignore_commands then send_msg(peer, params, ok_cb, False) end end, false, i) end end) --[[ -- Old, spammy version of the command - use this coupled with !spam (!spam)* to -- absolutely flood a chat with messages. -- No, this wasn't really what I wanted. register_own_command("!spam", function(peer, params, msg) if #params == 0 then params = DEFAULT_SPAM end for i=1,10 do postpone(function () send_msg(peer, params, ok_cb, False) end, false, i) end end) ]] -- Ignore commands - global. register_own_command("!shtap", function(peer, params, msg) ignore_commands = true end) -- Accept commands again - global. register_own_command("!go_for_it", function(peer, params, msg) ignore_commands = false end) -- Sets `busy` to true - the bot will ignore commands and reply to private -- messages with strings from the busy messages table. register_own_command("!busy", function(peer, params, msg) busy = true end) -- Sets `busy` to false - the bot will now reply to messages and stop replying -- to private messages. register_own_command("!free", function(peer, params, msg) busy = false end) -- Self-destructing messages -- Doesn't work with private chats or normal groups -- Didn't test it on supergroups --[[register_own_command("!sd", function(peer, params, msg) postpone(function () delete_msg(, ok_cb, false) end, false, 5.0) end)]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Commands accessible by other users -- Take care with these, as they are very prone to abuse -- Reply to `!ping` with `pong` - yes, silly and prone to abuse register_command("!ping", function (peer, params, msg) send_msg(peer, "pong", ok_cb, false) end)
local pnode = cat.require"module/game/scene/node/position_node" local image = cat.class("image",pnode){ assets_name = nil, } function image:__init__(path,x,y,r,sx,sy) pnode.__init__(self,x,y) self.assets_name = path self.r = r or 0 = sx or 1 = sy or 1 end function image:draw(),self.position.x,self.position.y,self.r,, end return image
-- init.lua -- -- Global Variables (Modify for your network) ssid = "strawberrybush" pass = "" -- Configure Wireless Internet wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION) -- print('set mode=STATION (mode='..wifi.getmode()..')\n') -- print('MAC Address: ',wifi.sta.getmac()) -- print('Chip ID: ',node.chipid()) -- print('Heap Size: ',node.heap(),'\n') -- wifi config start wifi.sta.config(ssid,pass) -- wifi config end -- Run the main file dofile("main.lua")