2 values
import requests import re class MyCrawler: def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Mobile Safari/537.36' } def download(self, url): r = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers) return r.text def extract(self, content, pattern): result = re.findall(pattern, content) return result def save(self, items): with open(self.filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: for item in items: # f.write(item[0] + " " + item[1] + " " + item[2] + # " " + item[3] + " " + item[4] + " " + item[5] + "\n") f.write(" ".join(item) + "\n") def crawl(self, url, pattern, headers=None): if headers: self.headers.update(headers) content = info = self.extract(content, pattern) # 爬爬b站排行版 # url = "" # b_crawler = MyCrawler("bilibili.txt") # pattern = '<a\shref="//([^"]*?)"\starget="_blank"\sclass="title">(.*?)</a>.*?</i>[\s]+(.*?)[\s]+.*</i>[\s]+(\d+)[\s]+</span>.*</i>[\s]+(.*?)[\s]+</span>.*<div class="pts"><div>(\d+)</div>' # b_crawler.crawl(url, pattern) # 一招制敌: 放全部request header # copy as curl, and use tools to convert code to python code # 没登陆基本不需要cookies # url = "" # 说明豆瓣只验证user agent # headers = { # 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Mobile Safari/537.36' # } # response = requests.get('', # headers=headers) # print(len(response.text)) # print("神经网络与深度学习" in response.text) # print(response.text) # NB. Original query string below. It seems impossible to parse and # reproduce query strings 100% accurately so the one below is given # in case the reproduced version is not "correct". # response = requests.get('^%^E7^%^A5^%^9E^%^E7^%^BB^%^8F^%^E7^%^BD^%^91^%^E7^%^BB^%^9C', headers=headers, cookies=cookies)
''' The purpose of this package is to provide asynchronous variants of the builtin `input` and `print` functions. `print` is known to be relatively slow compared to other operations. `input` is even slower because it has to wait for user input. While these slow IO operations are being ran, code using `asyncio` should be able to continuously run. ainput and aprint ------------------ With `aio_stdout`, the `aio_stdout.ainput` and `aio_stdout.aprint` functions provide easy to use functionality with organized behaviour. ```python import asyncio from aio_stdout import ainput, aprint async def countdown(n: int) -> None: """Count down from `n`, taking `n` seconds to run.""" for i in range(n, 0, -1): await aprint(i) await asyncio.sleep(1) async def get_name() -> str: """Ask the user for their name.""" name = await ainput("What is your name? ") await aprint(f"Your name is {name}.") return name async def main() -> None: await asyncio.gather(countdown(15), get_name()) if __name__ == "__main__": ``` Example output: ``` 15 What is your name? Jane 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Your name is Jane. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ``` Notice that while the prompt `"What is your name? "` is being waited for, the `countdown` continues to `aprint` in the background, without becoming blocked. The `countdown` does not, however, display its results until the `ainput` is completed. Instead it waits for the `ainput` to finish before flushing out all of the queued messages. It is worth noting that with naive threading, a normal attempt to use `print` while waiting on an `input` leads to overlapping messages. Fixing this behavior requires a lot more work than should be needed to use a simple `print` or `input` function, which is why this package exists. To remedy this problem, queues are used to store messages until they are ready to be printed. IO Locks --------- Although the asynchronization behaviors of `ainput` and `aprint` are nice, sometimes we want to be able to synchronize our messages even more. IO locks provide a way to group messages together, locking the global `aio_stdout` queues until it finishes or yields access. ```python import asyncio from aio_stdout import IOLock, ainput, aprint async def countdown(n: int) -> None: """Count down from `n`, taking `n` seconds to run.""" async with IOLock(n=5) as io_lock: for i in range(n, 0, -1): await io_lock.aprint(i) await asyncio.sleep(1) async def get_name() -> str: """Ask the user for their name.""" async with IOLock() as io_lock: name = await io_lock.ainput("What is your name? ") await io_lock.aprint(f"Your name is {name}.") return name async def main() -> None: await asyncio.gather(countdown(15), get_name()) if __name__ == "__main__": ``` Let's try the example again now using the new locks: ``` 15 14 13 12 11 What is your name? Jane Your name is Jane. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ``` Notice that this time the `countdown` does not immediately yield to the `get_name`. Instead, it runs 5 messages before yielding control over to `get_name`. Now, after the `ainput` finishes, it does not yield to `countdown`. Instead, it runs its own `aprint` first. In the meantime, `countdown` continues to run in the background and flushes all of its buffered messages afterwards. Flushing --------- Since messages may be delayed, it is possible for your asynchronous code to finish running before all messages are displayed, producing confusing results. As such, the best recommended practice is to flush from `main` before terminating. ```python from aio_stdout import flush async def main() -> None: async with flush: pass ``` Common Gotchas --------------- - Using `input` or `print` instead of `ainput` and `aprint` will push a message immediately to the console, potentially conflicting with `ainput` or `aprint`. - Using `ainput` or `aprint` instead of `io_lock.ainput` and `io_lock.aprint` may produce **deadlock** due to having to wait for the lock to release. As such, the `io_lock` is equipped with a default `timeout` limit of 10 seconds to avoid deadlock and explain to users this potential problem. ''' from __future__ import annotations from asyncio import Queue from enum import Enum from functools import partial from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, Generic, IO, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypedDict, TypeVar import asyncio import logging import sys __all__ = ["IOLock", "ainput", "aprint", "flush"] T = TypeVar("T") # Make `asyncio.Queue` generic for type-hinting. if sys.version_info < (3, 9): class Queue(Queue, Generic[T]): """ A queue, useful for coordinating producer and consumer coroutines. If maxsize is less than or equal to zero, the queue size is infinite. If it is an integer greater than 0, then "await put()" will block when the queue reaches maxsize, until an item is removed by get(). Unlike the standard library Queue, you can reliably know this Queue's size with qsize(), since your single-threaded asyncio application won't be interrupted between calling qsize() and doing an operation on the Queue. """ __slots__ = () async def get(self: Queue[T], /) -> T: """ Remove and return an item from the queue. If queue is empty, wait until an item is available. """ return await super().get() def get_nowait(self: Queue[T], /) -> T: """ Remove and return an item from the queue. Return an item if one is immediately available, else raise QueueEmpty. """ return super().get_nowait() async def put(self: Queue[T], item: T, /) -> T: """ Put an item into the queue. Put an item into the queue. If the queue is full, wait until a free slot is available before adding item. """ return await super().put(item) def put_nowait(self: Queue[T], item: T, /) -> T: """ Put an item into the queue without blocking. If no free slot is immediately available, raise QueueFull. """ return super().put_nowait(item) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PrintKwargs(TypedDict, total=False): sep: Optional[str] end: Optional[str] file: IO flush: Any IOQueueType = Queue[Tuple[bool, Optional[asyncio.Event], Tuple[str, ...], PrintKwargs]] class IOLock(asyncio.Lock): """ The `IOLock` may be used to control the order with which `ainput` and `aprint` are scheduled. The `IOLock` blocks new IO requests from directly entering the `IO_QUEUE` by moving them to the `UNLOCKED_QUEUE` instead. Use `IOLock.ainput` and `IOLock.aprint` to within its context block to schedule locked IO requests. Attributes ----------- Construct an IOLock using: >>> io_lock = IOLock(n=..., timeout=...) By default, `n = None` and `timeout = 10`. n: The number of io requests that can be queued at a time before letting other io requests go through. timeout: The number of seconds the io lock can sleep before letting other io requests go through. See `help(IOLock.n)` or `help(IOLock.timeout)` for more information. Example -------- Use it as a context manager to ensure you can't have printed messages in-between them. >>> async with IOLock() as io_lock: ... name = await io_lock.ainput("What is your name? ") ... await io_lock.aprint(f"Your name is {name}.") ... What is your name? (...) Your name is (...). WARNING -------- Using `aprint` with `block=True` or `ainput` inside of an `io_lock` block will cause deadlock, preventing your program from continuing. Use `io_lock.ainput` and `io_lock.aprint` instead. Using `aprint` with `block=False` inside of an `io_lock` block will delay the `aprint` until the `io_lock` block is finished. With the default `io_lock.timeout` however, such deadlocks only hold for 10 seconds. """ _class_is_finished: ClassVar[asyncio.Event] = asyncio.Event() _class_queue: ClassVar[Queue[Tuple[Optional[float], IOQueueType, asyncio.Event, asyncio.Event]]] = Queue() _i: int _is_awake: asyncio.Event _is_finished: asyncio.Event _n: Optional[int] _queue: IOQueueType _timeout: Optional[float] __slots__ = ("_i", "_is_awake", "_is_finished", "_n", "_queue", "_timeout") # Finished running IO because there's nothing being ran yet. _class_is_finished.set() def __init__(self: IOLock, /, *args: Any, n: Optional[int] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = 10, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if n is not None and not isinstance(n, int): raise TypeError(f"n must be an integer or None, got {x!r}") elif timeout is not None and not isinstance(timeout, (int, float)): raise TypeError(f"timeout must be an positive number or None, got {timeout!r}") elif n is not None and not n > 0: raise ValueError(f"n must be greater than 0, got {n!r}") elif timeout is not None and not timeout > 0: raise ValueError(f"timeout must be greater than 0, got {timeout!r}") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._i = 0 self._is_awake = asyncio.Event() self._is_finished = asyncio.Event() self._n = n self._queue = Queue() self._timeout = float(timeout) if isinstance(timeout, int) else timeout # The lock is not sleeping because it's not being executed. self._is_awake.set() # Finished running IO because there's nothing being ran yet. self._is_finished.set() async def __aenter__(self: IOLock, /) -> IOLock: """Acquire the lock and return itself.""" await super().__aenter__() return self async def acquire(self: IOLock, /) -> Literal[True]: """ Acquire a lock. This method blocks until the lock is unlocked, then sets it to locked and returns True. This prevents other `ainput` or `aprint` from running. """ await super().acquire() # Once the lock is acquired, add it to the queue. self._is_finished.clear() await type(self)._class_queue.put((self.timeout, self._queue, self._is_awake, self._is_finished)) # Restart the class executor if necessary. if type(self)._class_is_finished.is_set(): type(self)._class_is_finished.clear() asyncio.create_task(type(self)._execute_io()) # The lock is sleeping because there's nothing being ran yet. self._is_awake.clear() def release(self: IOLock, /) -> None: """ Release a lock. When the lock is locked, reset it to unlocked, and return. If any other coroutines are blocked waiting for the lock to become unlocked, allow exactly one of them to proceed. When invoked on an unlocked lock, a RuntimeError is raised. There is no return value. """ super().release() self._is_finished.set() # Use a new `is_awake` event. self._is_awake = asyncio.Event() self._is_awake.set() # Use a new `is_finished` event. self._is_finished = asyncio.Event() self._is_finished.set() # Collect future IO in an empty queue. if not self._queue.empty(): self._queue = Queue() @classmethod async def __exhaust_queue(cls: Type[IOLock], io_queue: IOQueueType, /) -> None: """Helper method to exhaust a queue.""" # Otherwise the io lock is not sleeping and the io queue should be exhausted. while not io_queue.empty(): # Get the next io request. is_print, event, args, kwargs = await io_queue.get() # Execute the io request in `asyncio`'s default thread. if is_print: try: await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None, partial(print, *args, **kwargs)) except Exception as e: if event is None: logger.exception(e) else: PRINT_EXCEPTIONS[event] = e else: try: INPUT_RESULTS[event] = (False, await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None, partial(input, *args))) except Exception as e: INPUT_RESULTS[event] = (True, e) # Signal the io request was completed. if event is not None: event.set() io_queue.task_done() @classmethod async def __wait_event(cls: Type[IOLock], event: asyncio.Event, message: str, /) -> str: """Helper method to wait until an event occurs.""" await event.wait() return message @classmethod async def _execute_io(cls: Type[IOLock], /) -> None: """Helper method for executing IO requests.""" while not cls._class_queue.empty(): timeout, io_queue, is_awake, is_finished = await cls._class_queue.get() is_finished_task = asyncio.create_task(cls.__wait_event(is_finished, "finished")) task_type = "awake" # Wait for the queue to be finished. while task_type == "awake": # Otherwise the io lock is awake and the io queue should be exhausted. await cls.__exhaust_queue(io_queue) # Sleep once all tasks are done. is_awake.clear() tasks = [is_finished_task] tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(cls.__wait_event(is_awake, "awake"))) if timeout is None: as_completed = asyncio.as_completed(tasks) else: as_completed = asyncio.as_completed(tasks, timeout=timeout) # Wait until one of the tasks is done. for task in as_completed: try: task_type = await task except asyncio.TimeoutError: task_type = "timeout" break del tasks[0] for task in tasks: task.cancel() for task in tasks: try: await task except asyncio.CancelledError: pass cls._class_queue.task_done() # Wake up if finished. if task_type == "finished": is_awake.set() # Finish the remaining io requests. await cls.__exhaust_queue(io_queue) # Otherwise it timed out and needs to be re-added it to the queue. else: # Warn the user if they timed out after 10 seconds and other IO is waiting. if None is not timeout >= 10 and not (cls._class_queue.empty() and IO_QUEUE.empty()): print( "An `io_lock` timed out after 10 seconds or more.", "This is likely due to the use of `aprint` or `ainput`", "instead of `io_lock.aprint` or `io_lock.ainput` while", "inside of an `io_lock` block." ) # Insert the global queue into the class queue. global_queue = Queue() for _ in range(IO_QUEUE.qsize()): global_queue.put_nowait(IO_QUEUE.get_nowait()) global_is_finished = asyncio.Event() global_is_finished.set() await cls._class_queue.put((None, global_queue, asyncio.Event(), global_is_finished)) await cls._class_queue.put((timeout, io_queue, is_awake, is_finished)) # Signal no io lock is executing. cls._class_is_finished.set() # Restart the global executor if necessary. if IS_FINISHED.is_set(): IS_FINISHED.clear() asyncio.create_task(_execute_io()) def _schedule_io(self: IOLock, is_print: bool, event: Optional[asyncio.Event], args: Tuple[str, ...], kwargs: Optional[PrintKwargs], /) -> None: """Helper method for scheduling IO requests.""" # Insert the next IO request. self._queue.put_nowait((is_print, event, args, kwargs)) # Update the lock counter. self._i += 1 # Refresh the lock if necessary. if None is not self.n <= self._i: self._i = 0 # The current queue is finished. self._is_finished.set() # Use a new `is_awake` event. self._is_awake = asyncio.Event() self._is_awake.set() # Use a new `is_finished` event. self._is_finished = asyncio.Event() # Use a new `queue`. self._queue = Queue() # Re-add it to the class queue. type(self)._class_queue.put_nowait((self.timeout, self._queue, self._is_awake, self._is_finished)) # The io lock is no longer sleeping, if it was. else: self._is_awake.set() async def ainput(self: IOLock, /, *args: Any) -> str: """Locked version of `ainput`. See `ainput` for more details.""" # Perform early type-checking on args. if len(args) > 1: raise TypeError(f"ainput expected at most 1 argument, got {len(args)}") # Require the io lock to be locked. elif not self.locked(): raise RuntimeError(f"ainput used before the lock was acquired") # Wait for the io to finish. is_completed = asyncio.Event() # Schedule the `input`. self._schedule_io(False, is_completed, (*[str(arg) for arg in args],), {}) # Wait for the `input` to finish. await is_completed.wait() # Collect the result. had_exception, response = INPUT_RESULTS.pop(is_completed) if had_exception: raise response else: return response async def aprint(self: IOLock, /, *args: Any, block: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Locked version of `aprint`. See `aprint` for more details.""" # Perform early type-checking on kwargs. for kwarg, value in kwargs.items(): if kwarg in ("sep", "end") and value is not None and not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError(f"{kwarg} must be None or a string, not {type(value).__name__}") elif kwarg == "file" and not isinstance(value, IO): raise TypeError(f"file must be an IO instance, not {type(value).__name__}") elif kwarg not in ("sep", "end", "file", "flush"): raise TypeError(f"{kwarg!r} is an invalid keyword argument for aprint()") # Require the io lock to be locked. if not self.locked(): raise RuntimeError(f"ainput used before the lock was acquired") # Wait for the io to finish depending on `block`. event = asyncio.Event() if block else None # Schedule the `print`. self._schedule_io(True, event, (*[str(arg) for arg in args],), kwargs) # Wait for the `print` to finish. if block: await event.wait() # Wait at least once before returning so that the print can start running. else: await asyncio.sleep(0) @property def n(self: IOLock, /) -> Optional[int]: """ The number of io requests that can be queued at a time before letting other io requests go through. If `None`, then it blocks until all locked io requests go through. """ return self._n @property def timeout(self: IOLock, /) -> Optional[float]: """ The number of seconds the io lock can sleep before letting other io requests go through. If `None`, then it blocks until all locked io requests go through. """ return self._timeout class Flush(Enum): """Use `async with flush: ...` to flush all io before exiting.""" flush = () async def __aenter__(self: Flush, /) -> None: pass async def __aexit__(self: Flush, /, *args: Any) -> None: """Waits until all IO is flushed.""" await IOLock._class_is_finished.wait() await IS_FINISHED.wait() flush: Flush = Flush.flush INPUT_RESULTS: Dict[asyncio.Event, Union[Tuple[Literal[False], str], Tuple[Literal[True], Exception]]] = {} IO_QUEUE: IOQueueType = Queue() IS_FINISHED: asyncio.Event = asyncio.Event() PRINT_EXCEPTIONS: Dict[asyncio.Event, Exception] = {} # Finished running IO because there's nothing being ran yet. IS_FINISHED.set() async def _execute_io() -> None: """Helper function for executing IO requests.""" # Exhaust all of the io requests. # Stop if an `IOLock` is currently being used. while not IO_QUEUE.empty() and IOLock._class_is_finished.is_set(): # Get the next io request. is_print, event, args, kwargs = await IO_QUEUE.get() # Execute the io request in `asyncio`'s default thread. if is_print: try: await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None, partial(print, *args, **kwargs)) except Exception as e: if event is None: logger.exception(e) else: PRINT_EXCEPTIONS[event] = e else: try: INPUT_RESULTS[event] = (False, await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None, partial(input, *args))) except Exception as e: INPUT_RESULTS[event] = (True, e) # Signal the io request was completed. if event is not None: event.set() IO_QUEUE.task_done() # Signal no io requests are being executed. IS_FINISHED.set() def _schedule_io(is_print: bool, event: Optional[asyncio.Event], args: Tuple[str, ...], kwargs: Optional[PrintKwargs], /) -> None: """Helper function for scheduling IO requests.""" # Insert the next IO request. IO_QUEUE.put_nowait((is_print, event, args, kwargs)) # Restart the executor if necessary. if IS_FINISHED.is_set() and IOLock._class_is_finished.is_set(): IS_FINISHED.clear() asyncio.create_task(_execute_io()) async def ainput(*args: Any) -> str: """ An asynchronous version of `input`, which runs in a thread. Blocks the current coroutine from progressing until `input` is given. WARNING: Using `ainput` inside of an `io_lock` block will cause deadlock, preventing your program from continuing. Use `io_lock.ainput` instead. With the default `io_lock.timeout` however, such deadlocks only hold for 10 seconds. NOTE: Since `ainput` only queues a prompt to be printed evantually, it may not print anything if the `asyncio` loop terminates first. In order to flush out all remaining `aprint`s and `ainput`s, use >>> async with flush: ... pass # Main code. ... at the end of the main code to wait until all other code gets to print. """ # Perform early type-checking on args. if len(args) > 1: raise TypeError(f"ainput expected at most 1 argument, got {len(args)}") # Wait for the io to finish. is_completed = asyncio.Event() # Schedule the `input`. _schedule_io(False, is_completed, (*[str(arg) for arg in args],), {}) # Wait for the `input` to finish. await is_completed.wait() # Collect the result. had_exception, response = INPUT_RESULTS.pop(is_completed) if had_exception: raise response else: return response async def aprint(*args: Any, block: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ An asynchronous version of `print`, which runs in a thread. By default, `block=False`, which schedule the `print` but returns immediately. If `block=True`, schedule the `print` and wait for it to be ran. For example, if an `aprint` occurs after an `ainput`, it will wait until the `ainput` is completed to `print` the message, but code using the `aprint` has the option to wait for this or not. Use `block=True` only if you need the `print` to go through before continuing, such as when printing to a file. WARNING: Using `aprint` with `block=True` inside of an `io_lock` block will cause deadlock, preventing your program from continuing. Use `io_lock.aprint` instead. Using `aprint` with `block=False` inside of an `io_lock` block will delay the `aprint` until the `io_lock` block is finished. With the default `io_lock.timeout` however, such deadlocks only hold for 10 seconds. NOTE: Since `aprint` only queues a message to be printed evantually, it may not print anything if the `asyncio` loop terminates first. In order to flush out all remaining `aprint`s and `ainput`s, use >>> async with flush: ... pass # Main code. ... at the end of the main code to wait until all other code gets to print. """ # Perform early type-checking on kwargs. for kwarg, value in kwargs.items(): if kwarg in ("sep", "end") and value is not None and not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError(f"{kwarg} must be None or a string, not {type(value).__name__}") elif kwarg == "file" and not isinstance(value, IO): raise TypeError(f"file must be an IO instance, not {type(value).__name__}") elif kwarg not in ("sep", "end", "file", "flush"): raise TypeError(f"{kwarg!r} is an invalid keyword argument for aprint()") # Wait for the io to finish depending on `block`. event = asyncio.Event() if block else None # Schedule the `print`. _schedule_io(True, event, (*[str(arg) for arg in args],), kwargs) # Wait for the `print` to finish. if block: await event.wait() if event in PRINT_EXCEPTIONS: raise PRINT_EXCEPTIONS.pop(event) # Wait at least once before returning so that the print can start running. else: await asyncio.sleep(0)
''' Banner endpoint handler (defined in swagger.yaml) ''' from app import metrics import os from PIL import Image,ImageFilter import subprocess from dataclasses import dataclass import logging from connexion.lifecycle import ConnexionResponse from connexion import NoContent from prometheus_client import Counter from flask import make_response def str2bool(v): return v.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1") @dataclass class Font: base_from_a: bool font_width: int font_height: int rows: int characters_per_row: int filename: str fonts = { "carebear": Font(filename='fonts/carebear.jpg', base_from_a=False, font_width=26, font_height=26, characters_per_row=12, rows=5), "cuddly": Font(filename='fonts/cuddly.jpg', base_from_a=True, font_width=32, font_height=32, characters_per_row=10, rows=5), "knight4": Font(filename='fonts/knight4.jpg', base_from_a=False, font_width=32, font_height=25, characters_per_row=10, rows=7), "tcb": Font(filename='fonts/tcb.jpg', base_from_a=False, font_width=32, font_height=32, characters_per_row=10, rows=6) } SELECTED_FONTS = Counter('font', 'font', ['name']) @metrics.summary('generate_by_status', 'generate Request latencies by status', labels={ 'code': lambda r: r.status_code }) def generate(message: str, fontname: str, width: int) -> str: ''' Render the banner message in a fontname with the given terminal width ''' logger = logging.getLogger() output = "" if len(message) > 0: out_folder = "./out" banner = str.upper(message) if fontname not in fonts: SELECTED_FONTS.labels("error").inc() return "Unsupported font", 400 selected_font = fonts[fontname] # increment font selection counter SELECTED_FONTS.labels(fontname).inc() font_width = selected_font.font_width font_height = selected_font.font_height rows = selected_font.rows characters_per_row = selected_font.characters_per_row font = banner_width = len(banner) * font_width #font.rotate(45).show() out_image ="RGB", (banner_width, font_height)) letters={} character=' ' if selected_font.base_from_a: character='A'"Cut", extra={"selected_font": selected_font, "banner": message}) for cursor_y in range(0, rows): for cursor_x in range(0, characters_per_row): coords = (cursor_x * font_width, cursor_y * font_height, (cursor_x * font_width) + font_width, (cursor_y * font_height) + font_height) #print(character + " " + str(coords)) #letter = font.crop(corrds) #letters[character] = letter letters[character] = coords character = chr(ord(character) + 1) cursor_x = 0 for letter in banner: coords = letters[letter] letter_image = font.crop(coords) #print(letter + " " + str(coords)) out_image.paste(letter_image, (cursor_x * font_width, 0)) cursor_x += 1 if not os.path.exists(out_folder): os.makedirs(out_folder) banner_file = os.path.join(out_folder, 'banner.jpg') docker = False if 'DOCKER' in os.environ: docker = str2bool(os.environ['DOCKER'])"DOCKER found in environment {docker}", extra={"docker": docker}) if width == 0: width = banner_width"Render", extra={"banner_file": banner_file, "banner": message, "width": width}) if docker: completed =["jp2a", "--width=" + str(width), "--colors", "--color-depth=24", "--fill", banner_file], capture_output=True) else: completed =["jp2a", "--width=" + str(width), "--invert", banner_file], capture_output=True) if completed.returncode != 0: logger.error(f"Error running jp2a", extra={"stderr": completed.stderr}) return "Failed to process", 503 output = completed.stdout.decode("ascii")"Output", extra={"length": len(output)}) # ensure that the response is not quoted response = make_response(output, 200) response.mimetype = "text/plain" return response @metrics.summary('supported_fonts_by_status', 'supported fonts Request latencies by status', labels={ 'code': lambda r: r.status_code }) def supported_fonts() -> list: ''' Return list of available fonts ''' return(list(fonts.keys()))
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2020 Computer Vision Center (CVC) at the Universitat Autonoma de # Barcelona (UAB). # # This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. # For a copy, see <>. """ This module is responsible for the management of the sumo simulation. """ # ================================================================================================== # -- imports --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ================================================================================================== import collections import enum import logging import carla # pylint: disable=import-error import sumolib # pylint: disable=import-error import traci # pylint: disable=import-error from .constants import INVALID_ACTOR_ID # ================================================================================================== # -- sumo definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ================================================================================================== # class SumoVehSignal(object): """ SumoVehSignal contains the different sumo vehicle signals. """ BLINKER_RIGHT = 1 << 0 BLINKER_LEFT = 1 << 1 BLINKER_EMERGENCY = 1 << 2 BRAKELIGHT = 1 << 3 FRONTLIGHT = 1 << 4 FOGLIGHT = 1 << 5 HIGHBEAM = 1 << 6 BACKDRIVE = 1 << 7 WIPER = 1 << 8 DOOR_OPEN_LEFT = 1 << 9 DOOR_OPEN_RIGHT = 1 << 10 EMERGENCY_BLUE = 1 << 11 EMERGENCY_RED = 1 << 12 EMERGENCY_YELLOW = 1 << 13 #,_Vehicle_Types,_and_Routes.html#abstract_vehicle_class class SumoActorClass(enum.Enum): """ SumoActorClass enumerates the different sumo actor classes. """ IGNORING = "ignoring" PRIVATE = "private" EMERGENCY = "emergency" AUTHORITY = "authority" ARMY = "army" VIP = "vip" PEDESTRIAN = "pedestrian" PASSENGER = "passenger" HOV = "hov" TAXI = "taxi" BUS = "bus" COACH = "coach" DELIVERY = "delivery" TRUCK = "truck" TRAILER = "trailer" MOTORCYCLE = "motorcycle" MOPED = "moped" BICYCLE = "bicycle" EVEHICLE = "evehicle" TRAM = "tram" RAIL_URBAN = "rail_urban" RAIL = "rail" RAIL_ELECTRIC = "rail_electric" RAIL_FAST = "rail_fast" SHIP = "ship" CUSTOM1 = "custom1" CUSTOM2 = "custom2" SumoActor = collections.namedtuple( 'SumoActor', 'type_id vclass transform signals extent color') # ================================================================================================== # -- sumo simulation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ================================================================================================== class SumoSimulation(object): """ SumoSimulation is responsible for the management of the sumo simulation. """ def __init__(self, args): self.args = args host = args.sumo_host port = args.sumo_port if args.sumo_gui is True: sumo_binary = sumolib.checkBinary('sumo-gui') else: sumo_binary = sumolib.checkBinary('sumo') if args.sumo_host is None or args.sumo_port is None:'Starting new sumo server...') if args.sumo_gui is True:'Remember to press the play button to start the simulation') traci.start([ sumo_binary, "-c", args.sumo_cfg_file, '--step-length', str(args.step_length), '--lateral-resolution', '0.25', '--collision.check-junctions' ]) else:'Connection to sumo server. Host: %s Port: %s', host, port) traci.init(host=host, port=port) # Structures to keep track of the spawned and destroyed vehicles at each time step. self.spawned_actors = set() self.destroyed_actors = set() # Creating a random route to be able to spawn carla actors. traci.route.add("carla_route", [traci.edge.getIDList()[0]]) # Variable to asign an id to new added actors. self._sequential_id = 0 @staticmethod def subscribe(actor_id): """ Subscribe the given actor to the following variables: * Type. * Vehicle class. * Color. * Length, Width, Height. * Position3D (i.e., x, y, z). * Angle, Slope. * Speed. * Lateral speed. * Signals. """ traci.vehicle.subscribe(actor_id, [ traci.constants.VAR_TYPE, traci.constants.VAR_VEHICLECLASS, traci.constants.VAR_COLOR, traci.constants.VAR_LENGTH, traci.constants.VAR_WIDTH, traci.constants.VAR_HEIGHT, traci.constants.VAR_POSITION3D, traci.constants.VAR_ANGLE, traci.constants.VAR_SLOPE, traci.constants.VAR_SPEED, traci.constants.VAR_SPEED_LAT, traci.constants.VAR_SIGNALS ]) @staticmethod def unsubscribe(actor_id): """ Unsubscribe the given actor from receiving updated information each step. """ traci.vehicle.unsubscribe(actor_id) @staticmethod def get_net_offset(): """ Accessor for sumo net offset. """ offset = traci.simulation.convertGeo(0, 0) return (-offset[0], -offset[1]) @staticmethod def get_step_length(): """ Accessor for sumo simulation step length. """ return traci.simulation.getDeltaT() @staticmethod def get_actor(actor_id): """ Accessor for sumo actor. """ results = traci.vehicle.getSubscriptionResults(actor_id) type_id = results[traci.constants.VAR_TYPE] vclass = SumoActorClass(results[traci.constants.VAR_VEHICLECLASS]) color = results[traci.constants.VAR_COLOR] length = results[traci.constants.VAR_LENGTH] width = results[traci.constants.VAR_WIDTH] height = results[traci.constants.VAR_HEIGHT] location = list(results[traci.constants.VAR_POSITION3D]) rotation = [ results[traci.constants.VAR_SLOPE], results[traci.constants.VAR_ANGLE], 0.0 ] transform = carla.Transform( carla.Location(location[0], location[1], location[2]), carla.Rotation(rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2]) ) signals = results[traci.constants.VAR_SIGNALS] extent = carla.Vector3D(length / 2.0, width / 2.0, height / 2.0) return SumoActor(type_id, vclass, transform, signals, extent, color) def spawn_actor(self, type_id, attrs=None): """ Spawns a new actor. :param type_id: vtype to be spawned. :param attrs: dictionary with additional attributes for this specific actor. :return: actor id if the actor is successfully spawned. Otherwise, INVALID_ACTOR_ID. """ actor_id = 'carla' + str(self._sequential_id) try: traci.vehicle.add(actor_id, 'carla_route', typeID=type_id) except traci.exceptions.TraCIException as error: logging.error('Spawn sumo actor failed: %s', error) return INVALID_ACTOR_ID if attrs is not None: if self.args.sync_vehicle_color and 'color' in attrs: color = attrs['color'].split(',') traci.vehicle.setColor(actor_id, color) self._sequential_id += 1 return actor_id @staticmethod def destroy_actor(actor_id): """ Destroys the given actor. """ traci.vehicle.remove(actor_id) def synchronize_vehicle(self, vehicle_id, transform, signals=None): """ Updates vehicle state. :param vehicle_id: id of the actor to be updated. :param transform: new vehicle transform (i.e., position and rotation). :param signals: new vehicle signals. :return: True if successfully updated. Otherwise, False. """ loc_x, loc_y = transform.location.x, transform.location.y yaw = transform.rotation.yaw traci.vehicle.moveToXY(vehicle_id, "", 0, loc_x, loc_y, angle=yaw, keepRoute=2) if signals is not None and self.args.sync_vehicle_lights: traci.vehicle.setSignals(vehicle_id, signals) return True def tick(self): """ Tick to sumo simulation. """ traci.simulationStep() # Update data structures for the current frame. self.spawned_actors = set(traci.simulation.getDepartedIDList()) self.destroyed_actors = set(traci.simulation.getArrivedIDList()) @staticmethod def close(): """ Closes traci client. """ traci.close()
import os import httpx CAST_SERVICE_HOST_URL = 'http://localhost:8002/api/v1/casts/' url = os.environ.get('CAST_SERVICE_HOST_URL') or CAST_SERVICE_HOST_URL def is_cast_present(cast_id: int): r = httpx.get(f'{url}{cast_id}') return True if r.status_code == 200 else False
# Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (C) 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the Google name nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import atexit import os import logging import re import sys import time from webkitpy.common.system.crashlogs import CrashLogs from webkitpy.common.system.systemhost import SystemHost from webkitpy.common.system.executive import ScriptError, Executive from webkitpy.common.system.path import abspath_to_uri, cygpath from import ApplePort _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class WinPort(ApplePort): port_name = "win" VERSION_FALLBACK_ORDER = ["win-xp", "win-vista", "win-7sp0", "win"] ARCHITECTURES = ['x86'] CRASH_LOG_PREFIX = "CrashLog" POST_MORTEM_DEBUGGER_KEY = "/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/AeDebug/%s" previous_debugger_values = {} def do_text_results_differ(self, expected_text, actual_text): # Sanity was restored in WK2, so we don't need this hack there. if self.get_option('webkit_test_runner'): return ApplePort.do_text_results_differ(self, expected_text, actual_text) # This is a hack (which dates back to ORWT). # Windows does not have an EDITING DELEGATE, so we strip any EDITING DELEGATE # messages to make more of the tests pass. # It's possible more of the ports might want this and this could move down into WebKitPort. delegate_regexp = re.compile("^EDITING DELEGATE: .*?\n", re.MULTILINE) expected_text = delegate_regexp.sub("", expected_text) actual_text = delegate_regexp.sub("", actual_text) return expected_text != actual_text def default_baseline_search_path(self): name = self._name.replace('-wk2', '') if name.endswith(self.FUTURE_VERSION): fallback_names = [self.port_name] else: fallback_names = self.VERSION_FALLBACK_ORDER[self.VERSION_FALLBACK_ORDER.index(name):-1] + [self.port_name] # FIXME: The AppleWin port falls back to AppleMac for some results. Eventually we'll have a shared 'apple' port. if self.get_option('webkit_test_runner'): fallback_names.insert(0, 'win-wk2') fallback_names.append('mac-wk2') # Note we do not add 'wk2' here, even though it's included in _skipped_search_paths(). # FIXME: Perhaps we should get this list from MacPort? fallback_names.extend(['mac-lion', 'mac']) return map(self._webkit_baseline_path, fallback_names) def operating_system(self): return 'win' def show_results_html_file(self, results_filename): self._run_script('run-safari', [abspath_to_uri(SystemHost().platform, results_filename)]) # FIXME: webkitperl/ installs /usr/lib/apache/libphp4.dll on cycwin automatically # as part of running old-run-webkit-tests. That's bad design, but we may need some similar hack. # We might use setup_environ_for_server for such a hack (or modify def _runtime_feature_list(self): supported_features_command = [self._path_to_driver(), '--print-supported-features'] try: output = self._executive.run_command(supported_features_command, error_handler=Executive.ignore_error) except OSError, e: _log.warn("Exception running driver: %s, %s. Driver must be built before calling WebKitPort.test_expectations()." % (supported_features_command, e)) return None # Note: win/DumpRenderTree.cpp does not print a leading space before the features_string. match_object = re.match("SupportedFeatures:\s*(?P<features_string>.*)\s*", output) if not match_object: return None return'features_string').split(' ') # Note: These are based on the stock Cygwin locations for these files. def _uses_apache(self): return False def _path_to_lighttpd(self): return "/usr/sbin/lighttpd" def _path_to_lighttpd_modules(self): return "/usr/lib/lighttpd" def _path_to_lighttpd_php(self): return "/usr/bin/php-cgi" def _driver_tempdir_for_environment(self): return cygpath(self._driver_tempdir()) def test_search_path(self): test_fallback_names = [path for path in self.baseline_search_path() if not path.startswith(self._webkit_baseline_path('mac'))] return map(self._webkit_baseline_path, test_fallback_names) def _ntsd_location(self): possible_paths = [self._filesystem.join(os.environ['PROGRAMFILES'], "Windows Kits", "8.0", "Debuggers", "x86", "ntsd.exe"), self._filesystem.join(os.environ['PROGRAMFILES'], "Windows Kits", "8.0", "Debuggers", "x64", "ntsd.exe"), self._filesystem.join(os.environ['PROGRAMFILES'], "Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)", "ntsd.exe"), self._filesystem.join(os.environ['ProgramW6432'], "Debugging Tools for Windows (x64)", "ntsd.exe"), self._filesystem.join(os.environ['SYSTEMROOT'], "system32", "ntsd.exe")] for path in possible_paths: expanded_path = self._filesystem.expanduser(path) if self._filesystem.exists(expanded_path): _log.debug("Using ntsd located in '%s'" % path) return expanded_path return None def create_debugger_command_file(self): debugger_temp_directory = str(self._filesystem.mkdtemp()) command_file = self._filesystem.join(debugger_temp_directory, "debugger-commands.txt") commands = ''.join(['.logopen /t "%s\\%s.txt"\n' % (cygpath(self.results_directory()), self.CRASH_LOG_PREFIX), '.srcpath "%s"\n' % cygpath(self._webkit_finder.webkit_base()), '!analyze -vv\n', '~*kpn\n', 'q\n']) self._filesystem.write_text_file(command_file, commands) return command_file def read_registry_string(self, key): registry_key = self.POST_MORTEM_DEBUGGER_KEY % key read_registry_command = ["regtool", "--wow32", "get", registry_key] value = self._executive.run_command(read_registry_command, error_handler=Executive.ignore_error) return value.rstrip() def write_registry_string(self, key, value): registry_key = self.POST_MORTEM_DEBUGGER_KEY % key set_reg_value_command = ["regtool", "--wow32", "set", "-s", str(registry_key), str(value)] rc = self._executive.run_command(set_reg_value_command, return_exit_code=True) if rc == 2: add_reg_value_command = ["regtool", "--wow32", "add", "-s", str(registry_key)] rc = self._executive.run_command(add_reg_value_command, return_exit_code=True) if rc == 0: rc = self._executive.run_command(set_reg_value_command, return_exit_code=True) if rc: _log.warn("Error setting key: %s to value %s. Error=%ld." % (key, value, rc)) return False # On Windows Vista/7 with UAC enabled, regtool will fail to modify the registry, but will still # return a successful exit code. So we double-check here that the value we tried to write to the # registry was really written. if self.read_registry_string(key) != value: _log.warn("Regtool reported success, but value of key %s did not change." % key) return False return True def setup_crash_log_saving(self): if '_NT_SYMBOL_PATH' not in os.environ: _log.warning("The _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable is not set. Crash logs will not be saved.") return None ntsd_path = self._ntsd_location() if not ntsd_path: _log.warning("Can't find ntsd.exe. Crash logs will not be saved.") return None # If we used -c (instead of -cf) we could pass the commands directly on the command line. But # when the commands include multiple quoted paths (e.g., for .logopen and .srcpath), Windows # fails to invoke the post-mortem debugger at all (perhaps due to a bug in Windows's command # line parsing). So we save the commands to a file instead and tell the debugger to execute them # using -cf. command_file = self.create_debugger_command_file() if not command_file: return None debugger_options = '"{0}" -p %ld -e %ld -g -noio -lines -cf "{1}"'.format(cygpath(ntsd_path), cygpath(command_file)) registry_settings = {'Debugger': debugger_options, 'Auto': "1"} for key in registry_settings: self.previous_debugger_values[key] = self.read_registry_string(key) self.write_registry_string(key, registry_settings[key]) def restore_crash_log_saving(self): for key in self.previous_debugger_values: self.write_registry_string(key, self.previous_debugger_values[key]) def setup_test_run(self): atexit.register(self.restore_crash_log_saving) self.setup_crash_log_saving() super(WinPort, self).setup_test_run() def clean_up_test_run(self): self.restore_crash_log_saving() super(WinPort, self).clean_up_test_run() def _get_crash_log(self, name, pid, stdout, stderr, newer_than, time_fn=None, sleep_fn=None, wait_for_log=True): # Note that we do slow-spin here and wait, since it appears the time # ReportCrash takes to actually write and flush the file varies when there are # lots of simultaneous crashes going on. # FIXME: Should most of this be moved into CrashLogs()? time_fn = time_fn or time.time sleep_fn = sleep_fn or time.sleep crash_log = '' crash_logs = CrashLogs(, self.results_directory()) now = time_fn() # FIXME: delete this after we're sure this code is working ... _log.debug('looking for crash log for %s:%s' % (name, str(pid))) deadline = now + 5 * int(self.get_option('child_processes', 1)) while not crash_log and now <= deadline: # If the system_pid hasn't been determined yet, just try with the passed in pid. We'll be checking again later system_pid = self._executive.pid_to_system_pid.get(pid) if system_pid == None: break # We haven't mapped cygwin pid->win pid yet crash_log = crash_logs.find_newest_log(name, system_pid, include_errors=True, newer_than=newer_than) if not wait_for_log: break if not crash_log or not [line for line in crash_log.splitlines() if line.startswith('quit:')]: sleep_fn(0.1) now = time_fn() if not crash_log: return (stderr, None) return (stderr, crash_log) def look_for_new_crash_logs(self, crashed_processes, start_time): """Since crash logs can take a long time to be written out if the system is under stress do a second pass at the end of the test run. crashes: test_name -> pid, process_name tuple of crashed process start_time: time the tests started at. We're looking for crash logs after that time. """ crash_logs = {} for (test_name, process_name, pid) in crashed_processes: # Passing None for output. This is a second pass after the test finished so # if the output had any logging we would have already collected it. crash_log = self._get_crash_log(process_name, pid, None, None, start_time, wait_for_log=False)[1] if crash_log: crash_logs[test_name] = crash_log return crash_logs def find_system_pid(self, name, pid): system_pid = int(pid) # Windows and Cygwin PIDs are not the same. We need to find the Windows # PID for our Cygwin process so we can match it later to any crash # files we end up creating (which will be tagged with the Windows PID) ps_process = self._executive.run_command(['ps', '-e'], error_handler=Executive.ignore_error) for line in ps_process.splitlines(): tokens = line.strip().split() try: cpid, ppid, pgid, winpid, tty, uid, stime, process_name = tokens if process_name.endswith(name): self._executive.pid_to_system_pid[int(cpid)] = int(winpid) if int(pid) == int(cpid): system_pid = int(winpid) break except ValueError, e: pass return system_pid
from urllib.parse import urljoin from scrapy import Request from product_spider.items import RawData from product_spider.utils.spider_mixin import BaseSpider class AcanthusSpider(BaseSpider): name = "acanthus" allowd_domains = [""] start_urls = ["", ] base_url = "" def parse(self, response): prd_urls = response.xpath('//ul[@class="products"]/li//div[@class="prod-detail"]//h2/a/@href').extract() for prd_url in prd_urls: yield Request(prd_url, callback=self.detail_parse) next_page_url = response.xpath('//a[@class="next page-numbers"]/@href').get() if next_page_url: yield Request(next_page_url, callback=self.parse) def detail_parse(self, response): tmp_xpath = '//span[@class="spec" and contains(text(), {0!r})]/following-sibling::span//text()' raw_mf = response.xpath(tmp_xpath.format("Molecular Formula")).extract() en_name = response.xpath('//h1[contains(@class, "product_title")]/text()').get(default="").strip() cas = response.xpath(tmp_xpath.format("CAS Number")).get(default="N/A").strip() d = { 'brand': "acanthus", 'cat_no': response.xpath(tmp_xpath.format("Product Number")).get("").strip(), 'en_name': en_name, 'prd_url': response.request.url, # 产品详细连接 'cas': cas == "NA" and "N/A" or cas, 'mf': ''.join(raw_mf), 'mw': None, 'info1': response.xpath('//div[@class="tags"]/a/text()').get("").strip() or None, 'stock_info': "".join( response.xpath('//div[@class="row"]//div[contains(@class, "stock-opt")]//text()').extract()).strip(), 'parent': response.xpath(tmp_xpath.format("Parent Drug")).get("").strip(), 'img_url': urljoin(self.base_url, response.xpath('//div[@class="row"]//img/@src').get()), } yield RawData(**d)
import sys import shlex sys.path.append('..') bamsnap_prog = "src/" from src import bamsnap # import bamsnap # bamsnap_prog = "bamsnap" cmdlist = [] cmdlist.append(""" -bam ./data/test_SV1_softclipped_1.bam \ -title "Clipped read" \ -pos chr1:37775740 chr1:37775780 chr1:37775783 chr1:37775785 chr1:37775789 \ -out ./out/test_SV1-7_proc1 \ -bamplot coverage read \ -margin 100 \ -no_target_line \ -show_soft_clipped \ -read_color_by interchrom \ -zipout \ -save_image_only """) cmdlist.append(""" -bam ./data/test_SV1_softclipped_1.bam \ -title "Clipped read" \ -pos chr1:37775740 chr1:37775780 chr1:37775783 chr1:37775785 chr1:37775789 \ -out ./out/test_SV1-7_proc2 \ -bamplot coverage read \ -margin 100 \ -no_target_line \ -show_soft_clipped \ -read_color_by interchrom \ -zipout \ -process 2 \ -save_image_only """) def getopt(target_option): flag = False value = "" for opt1 in sys.argv: if flag: if opt1[0] == '-': break else: value += ' ' + opt1 if opt1 == target_option: flag = True return value.strip() def test_run(): for cmd in cmdlist: # cmd = cmdlist[-1] cmd = bamsnap_prog + " " + cmd.strip() sys.argv = shlex.split(cmd) print(' '.join(sys.argv)) # print(cmd) bamsnap.cli() out = getopt('-out') assert bamsnap.util.is_exist(out + '.zip') == True if __name__ == "__main__": test_run()
# # Copyright (C) [2020] Futurewei Technologies, Inc. # # FORCE-RISCV is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES # OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO # NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from riscv.EnvRISCV import EnvRISCV from riscv.GenThreadRISCV import GenThreadRISCV from base.Sequence import Sequence class MainSequence(Sequence): def generate(self, **kargs): random_instructions = [ "ADDW##RISCV", "SRLI#RV64I#RISCV", "ADDI##RISCV", "SLLI#RV64I#RISCV", "LUI##RISCV", ] ldstr_instructions = ["LD##RISCV", "SD##RISCV"] addr_size = 48 alignment = 8 if self.getGlobalState("AppRegisterWidth") == 32: random_instructions = [ "ADD##RISCV", "SRLI#RV32I#RISCV", "ADDI##RISCV", "SLLI#RV32I#RISCV", "LUI##RISCV", ] ldstr_instructions = ["LW##RISCV", "SW##RISCV"] addr_size = 32 alignment = 4 for _ in range(10): for _ in range(self.random32(0, 5)): self.genInstruction(self.choice(random_instructions)) (opt_value, opt_valid) = self.getOption("FlatMap") rand_VA = 0 if opt_valid: rand_VA = self.genVA( Size=addr_size, Align=alignment, Type="D", Bank="Default", FlatMap=opt_value, ) else: rand_VA = self.genVA(Size=addr_size, Align=alignment, Type="D", Bank="Default") self.notice("gen target VA={:#x}".format(rand_VA)) self.genInstruction(self.choice(ldstr_instructions), {"LSTarget": rand_VA}) MainSequenceClass = MainSequence GenThreadClass = GenThreadRISCV EnvClass = EnvRISCV
# Copyright (c) 2010 Citrix Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Stubouts, mocks and fixtures for the test suite.""" import pickle import random import sys import fixtures import mock from os_xenapi.client import session from os_xenapi.client import XenAPI from nova import test from nova.virt.xenapi import fake def stubout_session(test, cls, product_version=(5, 6, 2), product_brand='XenServer', platform_version=(1, 9, 0), **opt_args): """Stubs out methods from XenAPISession.""" test.stub_out('os_xenapi.client.session.XenAPISession._create_session', lambda s, url: cls(url, **opt_args)) test.stub_out('os_xenapi.client.session.XenAPISession.' '_get_product_version_and_brand', lambda s: (product_version, product_brand)) test.stub_out('os_xenapi.client.session.XenAPISession.' '_get_platform_version', lambda s: platform_version) def _make_fake_vdi(): sr_ref = fake.get_all('SR')[0] vdi_ref = fake.create_vdi('', sr_ref) vdi_rec = fake.get_record('VDI', vdi_ref) return vdi_rec['uuid'] class FakeSessionForVMTests(fake.SessionBase): """Stubs out a XenAPISession for VM tests.""" def host_call_plugin(self, _1, _2, plugin, method, _5): plugin = plugin.rstrip('.py') if plugin == 'glance' and method == 'download_vhd2': root_uuid = _make_fake_vdi() return pickle.dumps(dict(root=dict(uuid=root_uuid))) else: return (super(FakeSessionForVMTests, self). host_call_plugin(_1, _2, plugin, method, _5)) def VM_start(self, _1, ref, _2, _3): vm = fake.get_record('VM', ref) if vm['power_state'] != 'Halted': raise XenAPI.Failure(['VM_BAD_POWER_STATE', ref, 'Halted', vm['power_state']]) vm['power_state'] = 'Running' vm['is_a_template'] = False vm['is_control_domain'] = False vm['domid'] = random.randrange(1, 1 << 16) return vm def VM_start_on(self, _1, vm_ref, host_ref, _2, _3): vm_rec = self.VM_start(_1, vm_ref, _2, _3) vm_rec['resident_on'] = host_ref def VDI_snapshot(self, session_ref, vm_ref, _1): sr_ref = "fakesr" return fake.create_vdi('fakelabel', sr_ref, read_only=True) def SR_scan(self, session_ref, sr_ref): pass class ReplaceModule(fixtures.Fixture): """Replace a module with a fake module.""" def __init__(self, name, new_value): = name self.new_value = new_value def _restore(self, old_value): sys.modules[] = old_value def setUp(self): super(ReplaceModule, self).setUp() old_value = sys.modules.get( sys.modules[] = self.new_value self.addCleanup(self._restore, old_value) class FakeSessionForVolumeTests(fake.SessionBase): """Stubs out a XenAPISession for Volume tests.""" def VDI_introduce(self, _1, uuid, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, _11): valid_vdi = False refs = fake.get_all('VDI') for ref in refs: rec = fake.get_record('VDI', ref) if rec['uuid'] == uuid: valid_vdi = True if not valid_vdi: raise XenAPI.Failure([['INVALID_VDI', 'session', self._session]]) class FakeSessionForVolumeFailedTests(FakeSessionForVolumeTests): """Stubs out a XenAPISession for Volume tests: it injects failures.""" def VDI_introduce(self, _1, uuid, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, _11): # This is for testing failure raise XenAPI.Failure([['INVALID_VDI', 'session', self._session]]) def PBD_unplug(self, _1, ref): rec = fake.get_record('PBD', ref) rec['currently-attached'] = False def SR_forget(self, _1, ref): pass class FakeSessionForFailedMigrateTests(FakeSessionForVMTests): def VM_assert_can_migrate(self, session, vmref, migrate_data, live, vdi_map, vif_map, options): raise XenAPI.Failure("XenAPI VM.assert_can_migrate failed") def host_migrate_receive(self, session, hostref, networkref, options): raise XenAPI.Failure("XenAPI host.migrate_receive failed") def VM_migrate_send(self, session, vmref, migrate_data, islive, vdi_map, vif_map, options): raise XenAPI.Failure("XenAPI VM.migrate_send failed") # FIXME(sirp): XenAPITestBase is deprecated, all tests should be converted # over to use XenAPITestBaseNoDB class XenAPITestBase(test.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(XenAPITestBase, self).setUp() self.useFixture(ReplaceModule('XenAPI', fake)) fake.reset() def stubout_get_this_vm_uuid(self): def f(session): vms = [rec['uuid'] for rec in fake.get_all_records('VM').values() if rec['is_control_domain']] return vms[0] self.stub_out('nova.virt.xenapi.vm_utils.get_this_vm_uuid', f) class XenAPITestBaseNoDB(test.NoDBTestCase): def setUp(self): super(XenAPITestBaseNoDB, self).setUp() self.useFixture(ReplaceModule('XenAPI', fake)) fake.reset() @staticmethod def get_fake_session(error=None): fake_session = mock.MagicMock() session.apply_session_helpers(fake_session) if error is not None: class FakeException(Exception): details = [error, "a", "b", "c"] fake_session.XenAPI.Failure = FakeException fake_session.call_xenapi.side_effect = FakeException return fake_session
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Port Scanner # Copyright (c) 2015 # Scharpf, Jonas # # All rights reserved. # # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- import serial import platform from import list_ports import threading import time import sys import datetime class myThread (threading.Thread): myThreadFlag = 0 def __init__(self, functionToCall, name="", *args): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = name self.functionToCall = functionToCall self.functionArguments = args def run(self): if is not "": print "Starting " +, time.sleep(1) #newCom.print_working() #newCom.find_port(9600, 1) self.functionToCall(*self.functionArguments) if is not "": print + " done" class Communication(object): """docstring for Communication""" def __init__(self): self.truePorts = [] def print_working(self): while not workingThread.myThreadFlag: print("."), time.sleep(1) if workingThread.myThreadFlag: newCom.printPorts() def find_port(self, baud, timeout): if platform.system() == 'Windows': ports = enumerate_serial_ports() elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': ports = [i[0] for i in list_ports.comports()] else: ports = glob.glob("/dev/ttyUSB*") + glob.glob("/dev/ttyACM*") + glob.glob('/dev/ttyS*') for port in ports: try: s = serial.Serial(port) s.close() self.truePorts.append(port) except (OSError, serial.SerialException): pass #print(self.truePorts) workingThread.myThreadFlag = 1 def printPorts(self): print(self.truePorts) class Connection(object): """docstring for Connection""" def __init__(self): super(Connection, self).__init__() self.port = serial.Serial( port="/dev/cu.wchusbserial620", baudrate=9600, timeout=3.0) def sendCmd(self): print "sendCmd", self.port.write("n") def readPort(self): print "reading..." doIt = True while doIt: lineRead = str(self.port.readline()) print (lineRead) if len(lineRead) > 0: print "done reading", doIt = False sys.exit() if __name__=='__main__': newConnection = Connection() readThread = myThread(newConnection.readPort) readThread.start() time.sleep(5) newConnection.sendCmd() # newCom = Communication() # # Create new threads # workingThread = myThread(newCom.print_working) # scanningThread = myThread(newCom.find_port, "Scan", 9600, 1) # # Start new Threads # workingThread.start() # scanningThread.start() # #print(threading.enumerate())
from unittest import TestCase from approvaltests import approvals class TestSubdirectories(TestCase): def test_subdirectory(self) -> None: approvals.verify("xxx")
import isdhic import numpy as np from isdhic import utils from isdhic.core import take_time from isdhic.model import Likelihood from scipy import optimize from test_params import random_pairs class Logistic(isdhic.Logistic): """Logistic Python implementation of Logistic likelihood. """ def log_prob(self): y, x =, self.mock.get() return - np.logaddexp(np.zeros(len(x)), self.alpha * (x-y)).sum() def update_derivatives(self): y, x =, self.mock.get() self.grad[...] = - self.alpha / (1 + np.exp(-self.alpha * (x-y))) def log_prob(x, params, likelihood): params['coordinates'].set(x) likelihood.update() return likelihood.log_prob() if __name__ == '__main__': ## create universe universe = utils.create_universe(n_particles=1000, diameter=4.) coords = isdhic.Coordinates(universe) forces = isdhic.Forces(universe) ## create parameters params = isdhic.Parameters() ## create contact data n_data = 100 pairs = random_pairs(universe.n_particles, n_data) data = np.random.random(n_data) * 10. mock = isdhic.ModelDistances( pairs, 'contacts') logistic = Logistic('contacts', data, mock, params=params) logistic2 = isdhic.Logistic('contacts2', data, mock, params=params) for param in (coords, forces, mock, logistic.steepness): params.add(param) mock.update(params) with take_time('evaluating python version of logistic likelihood'): lgp = logistic.log_prob() print 'log_prob={0:.3e}'.format(lgp) with take_time('evaluating cython version of logistic likelihood'): lgp = logistic2.log_prob() print 'log_prob={0:.3e}'.format(lgp) with take_time('evaluating derivatives of python version'): logistic.update_derivatives() with take_time('evaluating derivatives of cython version'): logistic2.update_derivatives() forces.set(0.) logistic.update_forces() ## numerical gradient f = lambda x, params=params, likelihood=logistic: \ log_prob(x, params, likelihood) x = coords.get().copy() forces_num = optimize.approx_fprime(x, f, 1e-5) print 'max discrepancy={0:.5e}, corr={1:.1f}'.format( np.fabs(forces.get()-forces_num).max(), np.corrcoef(forces.get(),forces_num)[0,1]*100)
import os import numpy as np from PIL import Image # import util import cv2 import random import torchvision.transforms as transforms import torch import import pyclipper import Polygon as plg from yacs.config import CfgNode as CN from .bounding_box import BoxList # from __main__ import opt ''' def read_config_file(config_file): f = open(config_file) opt = CN.load_cfg(f) return opt cfg = read_config_file(opt.config_file) train_data_dir = cfg.ADDRESS.DETETECTION.TRAIN_DATA_DIR train_gt_dir = cfg.ADDRESS.DETETECTION.TRAIN_GT_DIR ''' class ICDAR2013Dataset( CLASSES = ( "__background__", "text" ) def __init__(self, cfg, use_difficlut=False, transforms=None): # data_dirs = [train_data_dir] # gt_dirs = [train_gt_dir] self.root = cfg.ADDRESS.DETETECTION.TRAIN_DATA_DIR # data_dirs self.anno_dir = cfg.ADDRESS.DETETECTION.TRAIN_GT_DIR # gt_dirs self.keep_difficlut = use_difficlut self.transforms = transforms image_list = os.listdir(self.root) self.ids = [image[:-4] for image in image_list] self.id_to_img_map = {k: v for k, v in enumerate(self.ids)} cls = ICDAR2013Dataset.CLASSES self.class_to_ind = dict(zip(cls, range(len(cls)))) def __len__(self): return len(self.ids) def get_groundtruth(self, index): img_id = self.ids[index] gt_path = os.path.join(self.anno_dir, 'gt_' + img_id + '.txt') anno = self._preprocess_annotation(gt_path) return anno def _preprocess_annotation(self, gt_path): boxes = [] gt_classes = [] difficult_boxes = [] gt_list = open(gt_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8').readlines() for gt_ele in gt_list: gt_ele = gt_ele.replace('\n', '').replace('\ufeff', '') gt = gt_ele.split(',') if len(gt) > 1: gt_ind = np.array(gt[:8], dtype=np.float32) gt_ind = np.array(gt_ind, dtype=np.int32) words = gt[8] gt_ind = gt_ind.reshape(4, 2) xs = gt_ind[:, 0].reshape(-1) ys = gt_ind[:, 1].reshape(-1) xmin = np.min(xs) xmax = np.max(xs) ymin = np.min(ys) ymax = np.max(ys) boxes.append([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]) gt_classes.append(self.class_to_ind['text']) difficult_boxes.append(0) # size = target.find("size") # im_info = tuple(map(int, (size.find("height").text, size.find("width").text))) res = { "boxes": torch.tensor(boxes, dtype=torch.float32), "labels": torch.tensor(gt_classes), "difficult": torch.tensor(difficult_boxes), "im_info": None, } return res def __getitem__(self, index): img_id = self.ids[index] im_path = os.path.join(self.root, img_id + '.jpg') img ="RGB") im = cv2.imread(im_path) ''' try: img ="RGB") im = cv2.imread(im_path) except Exception as e: print(im_path) raise ''' anno = self.get_groundtruth(index) anno["im_info"] = [im.shape[0], im.shape[1]] height, width = anno["im_info"] target = BoxList(anno["boxes"], (width, height), mode="xyxy") target.add_field("labels", anno["labels"]) target.add_field("difficult", anno["difficult"]) target = target.clip_to_image(remove_empty=True) if self.transforms is not None: img, target = self.transforms(img, target) return img, target, index def map_class_id_to_class_name(self, class_id): return ICDAR2013Dataset.CLASSES[class_id] class ICDAR2015TRAIN( CLASSES = ( "__background__ ", "text" ) def __init__(self, cfg, use_difficult=False, transforms=None): self.root = data_dir self.anno_dir = cfg.ADDRESS.DETETECTION.TRAIN_GT_DIR # anno_dir self.keep_difficult = use_difficult self.transforms = transforms image_list = os.listdir(self.root) self.ids = [image[:-4] for image in image_list] self.id_to_img_map = {k: v for k, v in enumerate(self.ids)} cls = ICDAR2015TRAIN.CLASSES self.class_to_ind = dict(zip(cls, range(len(cls)))) def __getitem__(self, index): img_id = self.ids[index] im_path = os.path.join(self.root, img_id + '.jpg') img ="RGB") im = cv2.imread(im_path) anno = self.get_groundtruth(index) anno["im_info"] = [im.shape[0], im.shape[1]] height, width = anno["im_info"] target = BoxList(anno["boxes"], (width, height), mode="xyxy") target.add_field("labels", anno["labels"]) target.add_field("difficult", anno["difficult"]) target = target.clip_to_image(remove_empty=True) if self.transforms is not None: img, target = self.transforms(img, target) return img, target, index def __len__(self): return len(self.ids) def get_groundtruth(self, index): img_id = self.ids[index] # anno = ET.parse(self._annopath % img_id).getroot() gt_path = os.path.join(self.anno_dir, 'gt_' + img_id + '.txt') anno = self._preprocess_annotation(gt_path) return anno def _preprocess_annotation(self, gt_path): boxes = [] gt_classes = [] difficult_boxes = [] # TO_REMOVE = 1 gt_list = open(gt_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8').readlines() for gt_ele in gt_list: gt_ele = gt_ele.replace('\n', '').replace('\ufeff', '') gt = gt_ele.split(',') if len(gt) > 1: gt_ind = np.array(gt[:8], dtype=np.float32) gt_ind = np.array(gt_ind, dtype=np.int32) words = gt[8] gt_ind = gt_ind.reshape(4, 2) xs = gt_ind[:, 0].reshape(-1) ys = gt_ind[:, 1].reshape(-1) xmin = np.min(xs) xmax = np.max(xs) ymin = np.min(ys) ymax = np.max(ys) boxes.append([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]) gt_classes.append(self.class_to_ind['text']) difficult_boxes.append(0) # size = target.find("size") # im_info = tuple(map(int, (size.find("height").text, size.find("width").text))) res = { "boxes": torch.tensor(boxes, dtype=torch.float32), "labels": torch.tensor(gt_classes), "difficult": torch.tensor(difficult_boxes), "im_info": None, } return res def get_img_info(self, index): img_id = self.ids[index] im_path = os.path.join(self.root, img_id + '.jpg') # img ="RGB") im = cv2.imread(im_path) # anno = self.get_groundtruth(index) # anno["im_info"] = [im.shape[0], im.shape[1]] return {"height": im.shape[0], "width": im.shape[1]} def map_class_id_to_class_name(self, class_id): return ICDAR2015TRAIN.CLASSES[class_id]
# TODO: set first card in the pile # Check for illegal move on the client side itself. from Cards import Card, cards import random class Game: def __init__(self, id): # Which player's turn is it? Initially player 1 self.turn = 0 # Are both players connected? self.ready = False # game ID = id # deck self.deck = cards random.shuffle(self.deck) # player 1 cards self.p1Cards = self.deck[0:7] # player 2 cards self.p2Cards = self.deck[7:14] # In UNO only the last move matters self.lastMove = self.deck[14] # 7 distributed to each player + 1 on top of pile self.numCardsAssigned = 15 # Two players self.wins = [0,0] def getLastMove(self): return self.lastMove def play(self, player, move: Card): """ @Param: player- which player's move is this? No error checking in this function. Implement before. """ if move.ability != None: """ In case the move has an ability, the turn is retained. No need to switch turns. """ if move.ability == "d2": if player == 0: self.p2Cards.append(self.deck[self.numCardsAssigned]) self.p2Cards.append(self.deck[self.numCardsAssigned + 1]) else: self.p1Cards.append(self.deck[self.numCardsAssigned]) self.p1Cards.append(self.deck[self.numCardsAssigned + 1]) self.numCardsAssigned += 2 # Other abilities simply retain the turn. No need for special checking else: self.turn = (player + 1) % 2 try: if player == 0: index = self.findCard(move, player) if index != None: del self.p1Cards[index] else: index = self.findCard(move, player) if index != None: del self.p2Cards[index] except error as e: print("ran into error while playing move") self.lastMove = move def connected(self): return self.ready def findCard(self, card: Card, player): listOfCards = "" if player == 0: listOfCards = self.p1Cards else: listOfCards = self.p2Cards for index in range(0, len(listOfCards)): if listOfCards[index] == card: return index return None def draw(self, player): """ @Param: player- which player's move is this? No error checking in this function. Implement before. """ if player == 0: self.p1Cards.append(self.deck[self.numCardsAssigned]) else: self.p2Cards.append(self.deck[self.numCardsAssigned]) self.numCardsAssigned += 1
import sys, os from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np import sys, os sys.path.append('../') from import Dataset import pandas as pd from hateXplain.Preprocess.dataCollect import collect_data,set_name from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from os import path from gensim.models import KeyedVectors import pickle import json class Vocab_own(): def __init__(self,dataframe, model): self.itos={} self.stoi={} self.vocab={} self.embeddings=[] self.dataframe=dataframe self.model=model ### load embedding given a word and unk if word not in vocab ### input: word ### output: embedding,word or embedding for unk, unk def load_embeddings(self,word): try: return self.model[word],word except KeyError: return self.model['unk'],'unk' ### create vocab,stoi,itos,embedding_matrix ### input: **self ### output: updates class members def create_vocab(self): count=1 for index,row in tqdm(self.dataframe.iterrows(),total=len(self.dataframe)): for word in row['Text']: vector,word=self.load_embeddings(word) try: self.vocab[word]+=1 except KeyError: if(word=='unk'): print(word) self.vocab[word]=1 self.stoi[word]=count self.itos[count]=word self.embeddings.append(vector) count+=1 self.vocab['<pad>']=1 self.stoi['<pad>']=0 self.itos[0]='<pad>' self.embeddings.append(np.zeros((300,), dtype=float)) self.embeddings=np.array(self.embeddings) print(self.embeddings.shape) def encodeData(dataframe,vocab,params): tuple_new_data=[] for index,row in tqdm(dataframe.iterrows(),total=len(dataframe)): if(params['bert_tokens']): tuple_new_data.append((row['Text'],row['Attention'],row['Label'], row['Post_id'])) else: list_token_id=[] for word in row['Text']: try: index=vocab.stoi[word] except KeyError: index=vocab.stoi['unk'] list_token_id.append(index) tuple_new_data.append((list_token_id,row['Attention'],row['Label'], row['Post_id'])) return tuple_new_data def createDatasetSplit(params): filename=set_name(params) if path.exists(filename): ##### REMOVE LATER ###### #dataset=collect_data(params) pass else: dataset=collect_data(params) if (path.exists(filename[:-7])): with open(filename[:-7]+'/train_data.pickle', 'rb') as f: X_train = pickle.load(f) with open(filename[:-7]+'/val_data.pickle', 'rb') as f: X_val = pickle.load(f) with open(filename[:-7]+'/test_data.pickle', 'rb') as f: X_test = pickle.load(f) if(params['bert_tokens']==False): with open(filename[:-7]+'/vocab_own.pickle', 'rb') as f: vocab_own=pickle.load(f) else: if(params['bert_tokens']==False): word2vecmodel1 = KeyedVectors.load("Data/word2vec.model") vector = word2vecmodel1['easy'] assert(len(vector)==300) dataset= pd.read_pickle(filename) #X_train_dev, X_test= train_test_split(dataset, test_size=0.1, random_state=1,stratify=dataset['Label']) #X_train, X_val= train_test_split(X_train_dev, test_size=0.11, random_state=1,stratify=X_train_dev['Label']) with open('Data/post_id_divisions.json', 'r') as fp: post_id_dict=json.load(fp) X_train=dataset[dataset['Post_id'].isin(post_id_dict['train'])] X_val=dataset[dataset['Post_id'].isin(post_id_dict['val'])] X_test=dataset[dataset['Post_id'].isin(post_id_dict['test'])] if(params['bert_tokens']): vocab_own=None vocab_size =0 padding_idx =0 else: vocab_own=Vocab_own(X_train,word2vecmodel1) vocab_own.create_vocab() padding_idx=vocab_own.stoi['<pad>'] vocab_size=len(vocab_own.vocab) X_train=encodeData(X_train,vocab_own,params) X_val=encodeData(X_val,vocab_own,params) X_test=encodeData(X_test,vocab_own,params) print("total dataset size:", len(X_train)+len(X_val)+len(X_test)) os.mkdir(filename[:-7]) with open(filename[:-7]+'/train_data.pickle', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(X_train, f) with open(filename[:-7]+'/val_data.pickle', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(X_val, f) with open(filename[:-7]+'/test_data.pickle', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(X_test, f) if(params['bert_tokens']==False): with open(filename[:-7]+'/vocab_own.pickle', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(vocab_own, f) if(params['bert_tokens']==False): return X_train,X_val,X_test,vocab_own else: return X_train,X_val,X_test
#!/usr/bin/env python segments = 200 r = 30000 for x in range(-r/2, r/2, r / segments): if x < -r/4 or x > r/4: y = r / 2 else: y = -r / 2 print(str(x) + " " + str(y))
def func(*args, **kwargs): print(args) print(kwargs) idade = kwargs.get('idade') if idade != None: print(idade) else: print('Não foi possível encontrar a idade.') lista = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] lista2 = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] func(*lista, *lista2, nome='Luiz', sobrenome = 'Miranda')
import discord import datetime import random import os import re import sys import time import asyncio import json import hashlib import sqlite3 import struct from urllib.request import * from urllib.error import * current_time_min = lambda: int(round(time.time() / 60)) SELF_BOT_MEMBER = None SELF_BOT_SERVER = None db_mng = None client = discord.Client() shutdown_watch_running = False running_State = True debug_mode = False class ServerDatabase: global debug_mode global current_time_min #Stores and obtains friend codes using an SQLite 3 database. def __init__(self): self.recover = sys.argv self.conn = sqlite3.connect('data/fc.sqlite') print('Addon "{}" loaded\n'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) def __del__(self): global running_State self.conn.commit() self.conn.close() print('Addon "{}" unloaded\n'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) if (running_State and not debug_mode): print("Unexpected interpreter exit at {}, rebooting.".format(str( os.execv(sys.executable, ['python3'] + self.recover) # based on def verify_fc(self, fc): try: fc = int(fc.replace('-', '')) except ValueError: return None if fc > 0x7FFFFFFFFF: return None principal_id = fc & 0xFFFFFFFF checksum = (fc & 0xFF00000000) >> 32 return (fc if hashlib.sha1(struct.pack('<L', principal_id)).digest()[0] >> 1 == checksum else None) def fc_to_string(self, fc): fc = str(fc).rjust(12, '0') return "{}-{}-{}".format(fc[0:4], fc[4:8], fc[8:12]) async def warn_set(self, memberid, value): c = self.conn.cursor() if(value == 0): c.execute('DELETE FROM usr_warns WHERE userid = ?', (int(memberid),)) return rows = c.execute("SELECT * FROM usr_warns WHERE userid = ?", (int(memberid),)) for row in rows: c.execute("UPDATE usr_warns SET warns = ? WHERE userid = ?", (value, int(memberid))) return c.execute('INSERT INTO usr_warns VALUES (?,?)', (int(memberid), int(value))) async def fact_add(self, memberid, fact): c = self.conn.cursor() c.execute('INSERT INTO facts VALUES (?,?)', (int(memberid), fact)) async def fact_delete(self, id): c = self.conn.cursor() c.execute("DELETE FROM facts WHERE rowid = ?", (id,)) async def fact_deleteuser(self, memberid): c = self.conn.cursor() c.execute("DELETE FROM facts WHERE userid = ?", (int(memberid),)) async def fact_userreg(self, memberid): c = self.conn.cursor() rows = c.execute("SELECT * FROM facts WHERE userid = ?", (int(memberid),)) for row in rows: return True return False async def fact_get(self, withid): c = self.conn.cursor() rows = [] if (withid == True): rows = c.execute("SELECT rowid,* FROM facts") else: rows = c.execute("SELECT * FROM facts") ret = [] for row in rows: ret.append(row) return ret async def fact_get_byrow(self, row_id): c = self.conn.cursor() rows = c.execute("SELECT * FROM facts WHERE rowid = ?", (row_id,)) ret = [] for row in rows: ret.append(row) return ret async def fact_getuser(self, memberid): c = self.conn.cursor() rows = c.execute("SELECT * FROM facts WHERE userid = ?", (int(memberid),)) for row in rows: return row[1] return None async def warn_get(self, memberid): c = self.conn.cursor() rows = c.execute("SELECT * FROM usr_warns WHERE userid = ?", (int(memberid),)) for row in rows: return int(row[1]) return 0 async def warn_get_all(self): c = self.conn.cursor() rows = c.execute("SELECT * FROM usr_warns") return rows async def schedule_add(self, messageid, dest_id, amountmin, text): c = self.conn.cursor() c.execute('INSERT INTO sched_msg VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)', (int(messageid), int(dest_id), current_time_min(), amountmin, text)) async def schedule_get(self): c = self.conn.cursor() rows = c.execute("SELECT * FROM sched_msg") return rows async def schedule_del(self, messageid): c = self.conn.cursor() c.execute("DELETE FROM sched_msg WHERE botmsgid = ?", (int(messageid),)) async def schedule_del_confirm(self, messageid): c = self.conn.cursor() rows = c.execute("SELECT * FROM sched_msg WHERE botmsgid = ?", (int(messageid),)) return_code = -1 for row in rows: return_code = 1 c.execute("DELETE FROM sched_msg WHERE botmsgid = ?", (int(messageid),)) return return_code async def mute_apply(self, memberid, amountmin): c = self.conn.cursor() rows = c.execute("SELECT * FROM usr_mute WHERE userid = ?", (int(memberid),)) for row in rows: c.execute("UPDATE usr_mute SET start = ?, amount = ? WHERE userid = ?", (current_time_min(), amountmin, int(memberid))) return c.execute('INSERT INTO usr_mute VALUES (?,?,?)', (int(memberid),current_time_min(), amountmin)) async def mute_get(self): c = self.conn.cursor() rows = c.execute("SELECT * FROM usr_mute") return rows async def mute_remove(self, memberid): c = self.conn.cursor() c.execute('DELETE FROM usr_mute WHERE userid = ?', (int(memberid),)) async def bug_add(self, authorid, explain, botmessage): c = self.conn.cursor() c.execute('INSERT INTO bugs VALUES (?,?,?,?)', (int(authorid), explain, int(, 1)) async def bug_close(self, botmessageid): c = self.conn.cursor() rows = c.execute("SELECT * FROM bugs WHERE botmsgid = ?", (int(botmessageid),)) for row in rows: if(row[3] == 1): c.execute("UPDATE bugs SET state = ? WHERE botmsgid = ?", (0, int(botmessageid))) return row else: return [] return [] async def bug_count(self): c =self.conn.cursor() cursor = c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bugs") (tot_t,)=cursor.fetchone() cursor = c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bugs WHERE state = 0") (clo_t,)=cursor.fetchone() ope_t = tot_t - clo_t return [ope_t, clo_t] # Based on kurisu from homebrew discord server async def fcregister(self, message, fc, notify): """Add your friend code.""" fc = self.verify_fc(fc) if not fc: await client.send_message(, '{}, that\'s an invalid friend code.'.format( return if (notify.lower() == "true"): notify = True elif (notify.lower() == "false"): notify = False else: await client.send_message(, '{}, invalid command syntax, `(notify)` must be `true` or `false`.'.format( return c = self.conn.cursor() rows = c.execute('SELECT * FROM friend_codes WHERE userid = ?', (int(,)) for row in rows: # if the user already has one, this prevents adding another await client.send_message(, "{}, please delete your current friend code with `@HyperMario fcdelete` before adding another.".format( return c.execute('INSERT INTO friend_codes VALUES (?,?,?)', (int(, fc, notify)) if notify: info_str = ". You will be notified whenever someone requests your code." else: info_str = "" await client.send_message(, "{}, your friend code has been added to the database: `{}`{}".format(, self.fc_to_string(fc), info_str)) self.conn.commit() async def fcquery(self, message): global SELF_BOT_MEMBER global SELF_BOT_SERVER """Get other user's friend code. You must have one yourself in the database.""" c = self.conn.cursor() member = None for m in message.mentions: if m != SELF_BOT_MEMBER: member = m if not member: await client.send_message(, "{}, no user or invalid user specified.".format( return rows = c.execute('SELECT * FROM friend_codes WHERE userid = ?', (int(,)) for row in rows: # assuming there is only one, which there should be rows_m = c.execute('SELECT * FROM friend_codes WHERE userid = ?', (int(,)) for row_m in rows_m: if ([-1:] == "s"): suffix = "\'" else: suffix = "\'s" await client.send_message(, "{}{} friend code is `{}`".format(, suffix, self.fc_to_string(row_m[1]))) try: if (row_m[2]): await client.send_message(member, "{} in {} server has queried your friend code! Their code is `{}`.".format(,, self.fc_to_string(row[1]))) except discord.errors.Forbidden: pass # don't fail in case user has DMs disabled for this server, or blocked the bot return await client.send_message(, "{}, looks like {} has no friend code registered.".format(, return await client.send_message(, "{}, you need to register your own friend code with `@HyperMario fcregister` before getting others.".format( async def fcdelete(self, message): #Delete your friend code. if (type(message) is discord.Message): c = self.conn.cursor() c.execute('DELETE FROM friend_codes WHERE userid = ?', (int(,)) await client.send_message(, "{}, your friend code has been removed from database.".format( self.conn.commit() elif (type(message) is discord.Member): c = self.conn.cursor() c.execute('DELETE FROM friend_codes WHERE userid = ?', (int(,)) self.conn.commit() async def get_cookie(self, user): c = self.conn.cursor() rows = c.execute("SELECT * FROM cookies WHERE userid = ?", (int(user),)) for row in rows: return row[1] return 0 async def add_cookie(self, user, amount): c = self.conn.cursor() rows = c.execute("SELECT * FROM cookies WHERE userid = ?", (int(user),)) for row in rows: calc = row[1] + amount if (calc < 0 ): calc = 0 c.execute("UPDATE cookies SET amount = ? WHERE userid = ?", (calc, user)) return if (amount < 0): amount = 0 c.execute('INSERT INTO cookies VALUES (?,?)', (int(user), amount)) return async def set_cookie(self, user, amount): c = self.conn.cursor() rows = c.execute("SELECT * FROM cookies WHERE userid = ?", (int(user),)) if (amount <= 0): amount = 0 for row in rows: c.execute("UPDATE cookies SET amount = ? WHERE userid = ?", (amount, user)) return c.execute('INSERT INTO cookies VALUES (?,?)', (int(user), amount)) return async def top_ten_cookie(self): c = self.conn.cursor() return c.execute("SELECT * FROM cookies ORDER BY amount DESC limit 10") async def delete_cookie(self, user): c = self.conn.cursor() c.execute('DELETE FROM cookies WHERE userid = ?', (int(user),)) return def get_retry_times (): try: with open("data/retry.flag", "r") as f: data = ret = int(data) return ret except: set_retry_times(0) return 0 def set_retry_times(amount): with open("data/retry.flag", "w") as f: f.write(str(amount)) def is_channel(message, ch_id): return ( == ch_id) def get_role(roleid): global SELF_BOT_SERVER roles = SELF_BOT_SERVER.roles for rol in roles: if( == roleid): return rol return None def get_from_mention(mention): global SELF_BOT_SERVER global SELF_BOT_MEMBER memberid = re.sub("\D", "", mention) return client.get_server(SERVER_ID()).get_member(memberid) def int_to_emoji(num): num = int(num) eml = NUMBER_EMOJI(); if (num == 0): return eml[0] retstr = "" while (num != 0): retstr = eml[num % 10] + retstr num = int(num/10) return retstr def int_to_rps(num): num = num % 3 if (num == 0): return ":punch:" elif (num == 1): return ":hand_splayed:" return ":v:" async def game_numberguess(user, machine, diff, message): global db_mng mach1 = int_to_emoji(int(machine/10)) mach2 = int_to_emoji(machine % 10) i = 0 game_message = await client.send_message(, "{}, you guessed: {} , I guessed: :question::question:".format(, int_to_emoji(user))) randsec = random.randint(1, 3) while (i < randsec): await asyncio.sleep(1) i = i + 1 game_message = await client.edit_message(game_message, "{}, you guessed: {} , I guessed: {}:question:".format(, int_to_emoji(user), mach1)) randsec = random.randint(1, 3) while (i < randsec): await asyncio.sleep(1) i = i + 1 game_message = await client.edit_message(game_message, "{}, you guessed: {} , I guessed: {}{}".format(, int_to_emoji(user), mach1, mach2)) if (user == machine): if diff == 0: game_message = await client.edit_message(game_message, "{}, you guessed: {} , I guessed: {}{} . **You won 10 <:yoshicookie:416533826869657600>!**".format(, int_to_emoji(user), mach1, mach2)) await db_mng.add_cookie(, 10) elif diff == 1: game_message = await client.edit_message(game_message, "{}, you guessed: {} , I guessed: {}{} . **You won 50 <:yoshicookie:416533826869657600>!**".format(, int_to_emoji(user), mach1, mach2)) await db_mng.add_cookie(, 50) elif diff == 2: game_message = await client.edit_message(game_message, "{}, you guessed: {} , I guessed: {}{} . **You won 100 <:yoshicookie:416533826869657600>!**".format(, int_to_emoji(user), mach1, mach2)) await db_mng.add_cookie(, 100) else: game_message = await client.edit_message(game_message, "{}, you guessed: {} , I guessed: {}{} . **You lost 1 <:yoshicookie:416533826869657600>.**".format(, int_to_emoji(user), mach1, mach2)) await db_mng.add_cookie(, -1) return async def game_rps(bot_ch, usr_ch, message): ##0 - rock; 1 - paper; 2 - scissors state = 0 #0 lose; 1 match; 2 win bot_ch = bot_ch + 3 usr_ch = usr_ch + 3 winstr = "**You lost 1 <:yoshicookie:416533826869657600>.**" if (bot_ch == usr_ch): state = 1 winstr = "**That's a match.**" elif (bot_ch % 3) == (usr_ch - 1) % 3: state = 2 winstr = "**You won 2 <:yoshicookie:416533826869657600>.**" await db_mng.add_cookie(, 2) else: await db_mng.add_cookie(, -1) await client.send_message(, "{}, your choice: {} , my choice: {} . {}".format(, int_to_rps(usr_ch), int_to_rps(bot_ch), winstr)) return async def game_coin(bot_ch, usr_ch, message): choice_str = "head" if (usr_ch == 1): choice_str = "tails" bot_str = "head" if (bot_ch % 2 == 1): bot_str = "tails" if (bot_ch == 145): await client.send_message(, "{}, you guessed: **{}** , the coin landed on its **side**. **How lucky! You won 500 <:yoshicookie:416533826869657600>.**".format(, choice_str)) await db_mng.add_cookie(, 500) elif(bot_ch % 2 == usr_ch): await client.send_message(, "{}, you guessed: **{}** , the coin landed on its **{}**. **You won 1 <:yoshicookie:416533826869657600>.**".format(, choice_str, bot_str)) await db_mng.add_cookie(, 1) else: await client.send_message(, "{}, you guessed: **{}** , the coin landed on its **{}**. **You lost 1 <:yoshicookie:416533826869657600>.**".format(, choice_str, bot_str)) await db_mng.add_cookie(, -1) return def help_array(): return { "fcregister": ">@HyperMario fcregister (friendcode) (notify)\r\nAdds your friend code to the server database. If notify is \"true\", you will be notified whenever someone queries your friend code, otherwise set it to \"false\".", "fcquery": ">@HyperMario fcquery (user)\r\nGets the friend code from the specified user (you need to have your own friend code registered). If the specified user has the notify option enabled, your friend code will be sent to them as well.", "fcdelete": ">@HyperMario fcdelete\r\nRemoves your friend code from the server database.", "ping": ">@HyperMario ping\r\nPings the bot.", "membercount": ">@HyperMario membercount\r\nDisplays the member count of the server.", "rules": ">@HyperMario rules\r\nShows the server rules.", "getwarn": ">@HyperMario getwarn\nSends your warning amount in a DM.", "getmute": ">@HyperMario getmute\nSends your muted time in a DM.", "fact": ">@HyperMario fact (factID)\nDisplays a random fact. If factID is specified, the fact with that id will be displayed. (Use listfact to get all fact IDs.)", "addfact": ">@HyperMario addfact (fact)\nAdds a fact (only one per user). The format is the following: base;opt1, opt2, etc; opt1, opt2, etc; etc... any instance of {} will be replaced by a random choice. You must have the same amount of {} as ; otherwise it won't work properly.\n\nExamples:\n{} is number {}; Mario, Luigi, Yoshi; NUMBER:1:3\nI {} {} {}; hate, love; cheese, apples, USER; :wink:, :weary:\n\nNUMBER:X:Y -> Random number between X and Y\nUSER -> Random server member.", "delfact": ">@HyperMario delfact\nRemoves your own fact.", "listfact": ">@HyperMario listfact\nDisplays all facts.", "communities": ">@HyperMario communities\nShows the main CTGP-7 communities.", "game": ">@HyperMario game (gamemode) (options)\nPlays a game.", "report": "!report (Explanation)\nReports a bug with the given explanation. Can only be used in #bugs_discussion.", "bugcount": ">@HyperMario bugcount\nShows the amount of open and closed bugs." } def staff_help_array(): return { "say": ">@HyperMario say (channel/user) (text)\r\nSends a message in the specified channel or a DM if it is a user.", "edit": ">@HyperMario edit (messageid) (text)\r\nEdits the specified message. Can only edit recent bot messages in the server.", "release": ">@HyperMario release (version) (tag)\r\nAnnounces the release of the specified version (data taken from github) in #announcements. If (tag) is 1, it will tag @everyone (only tag everyone for major releases)", "restart": ">@HyperMario restart\r\nRestarts the bot.", "stop": ">@HyperMario stop\r\nStops the bot, once stopped is has to be manually started again from a terminal, so no way to start it from discord.", "mute": ">@HyperMario mute (user) (amount)\r\nMutes an user for a certain amount. The amount can be m (minutes), h (hours), d (days) and y (years). For example: 2h, 12m, 7d, etc", "unmute": ">@HyperMario unmute (user)\r\nUnmutes a muted user.", "warn": ">@HyperMario warn (user) [Reason]\nGives a warning to an user. Reason is optional.", "setwarn": ">@HyperMario setwarn (user) (amount) [Reason]\nSets the warning amount of an user. Reason is optional.", "getwarn": ">@HyperMario getwarn\nGets all the warned users.", "getmute": ">@HyperMario getmute\nGets all the muted users.", "delfact": ">@HyperMario delfact (id)\nDeletes specified fact.", "change_game": ">@HyperMario change_game\nChanges the current playing game to a new random one.", "closebug": ">@HyperMario closebug (bugID) [Reason]\nCloses the specified bug with the specified reason.", "schedule": ">@HyperMario schedule (channel/user) (time_amount) (text)\nSchedules a message to be sent in/to the channel/user specified after time_amount has passed. (Works the same way as mute time amount).", "cancel_schedule": ">@HyperMario cancel_schedule (scheduleid)\nCancels the specified scheduled message. The schedule id can be obtained from the id of the message sent by the bot." } def game_help_array(): return { "guessanumber": ">@HyperMario game guessanumber (easy/normal/hard) (number)\nGuess a number game.\n\neasy: Guess a number between 0 and 10 (Win: +10 yoshi cookies).\nnormal: Guess a number between 0 and 50 (Win: +50 yoshi cookies).\nhard: Guess a number between 0 and 99 (Win: +100 yoshi cookies).\nLose: -1 yoshi cookies.", "rps": ">@HyperMario game rps (rock/paper/scissors)\nRock-Paper-Scissors.\n\nWin: +2 yoshi cookies.\nMatch: nothing.\nLose: -1 yoshi cookies.", "coin": ">@HyperMario game coin (head/tails)\nFlip a coin.\n\nWin: +1 yoshi cookies.\nLose: -1 yoshi cookies.", "showcookie": ">@HyperMario game showcookie\nShows your amount of yoshi cookies.", "top10": ">@HyperMario game top10\nShows the top 10 users with the highest amount of yoshi cookies." } def staff_game_help_array(): return { "showcookie":">@HyperMario game showcookie (user)\nShows the amount of yoshi cookies of the specified user.", "setcookie": ">@HyperMario game setcookie (user) (amount)\nSets the amount of yoshi cookies of the specified user." } #All the ids def ch_list(): return { "ANN": "163072540061728768", "STAFF": "382885324575211523", "FRIEND": "163333095725072384", "DOORSTEP": "339476078244397056", "BOTCHAT": "324672297812099093", "BUGS": "315921603756163082", "BUG_REPORTS": "426318663327547392" } def NUMBER_EMOJI(): return [":zero:", ":one:", ":two:", ":three:", ":four:", ":five:", ":six:", ":seven:", ":eight:", ":nine:"] def PLAYING_GAME(): return ["CTGP-Revolution", "CTGP-Universe", "CTGP-7", "Super Smash Bros. for Wii U", "Super Mario Galaxy", "Super Mario Galaxy 2", "Mario Kart 8 Deluxe", "Super Mario Universe", "Super Smash Bros. 5"] def MUTEROLE_ID(): return "385544890030751754" def SERVER_ID(): return "163070769067327488" COMMUNITIES_TEXT = "```Here are the main CTGP-7 communities:\n\nCustom Tracks: 29-1800-5228-2361\nCustom Tracks, 200cc: 52-3127-4613-8641\nNormal Tracks: 02-5770-2485-4638\nNormal Tracks, 200cc: 54-0178-4815-8814\n\nMake sure you are in 0.17.1 or greater to play in those communities.```" async def send_rules(user, newusr): global client try: with open("data/rules.txt", "r") as f: if (newusr): await client.send_message(user, "Welcome to the CTGP-Revolution server! :3\nHere are the rules: ``` {} ```".format( else: await client.send_message(user, "Here are the rules: ``` {} ```".format( except: print("Failed opening rules file.") async def shutdown_watch(): global db_mng global client global shutdown_watch_running global running_State if (shutdown_watch_running): return shutdown_watch_running = True while True: await asyncio.sleep(5) if os.path.isfile("data/stop.flag"): running_State = False os.remove("data/stop.flag") print("Manually stopping by terminal.") del db_mng await client.close() with open("data/stopped.flag", "w") as f: f.write("dummy") try: sys.exit(0) except: pass async def parsetime(timestr): try: basenum = int(timestr[0:-1]) unit = timestr[-1:] except: return [-1, -1, " "] if(unit == "m"): return [basenum, basenum, "minutes"] elif(unit == "h"): return [basenum * 60, basenum, "hours"] elif(unit == "d"): return [basenum * 60 * 24, basenum, "days"] elif(unit == "y"): return [basenum * 60 * 24 * 365, basenum, "years"] else: return [-1, -1, " "] async def punish(member, amount): global client if(amount == 2): try: await client.send_message(member, "**CTGP-7 server:** You have been muted for 2 hours.") except: pass await mute_user(, 120) elif(amount == 3): try: await client.send_message(member, "**CTGP-7 server:** You have been kicked and muted 7 days, you may join again.") except: pass await mute_user(, 7*24*60) try: await client.kick(member) except: pass elif(amount >= 4): try: await client.send_message(member, "**CTGP-7 server:** You have been banned.") except: pass try: await client.ban(member, 7) except: pass async def mute_user(memberid, amount): global db_mng global client global SELF_BOT_SERVER muted_user = get_from_mention(memberid) await db_mng.mute_apply(, amount) mute_role = get_role(MUTEROLE_ID()) await client.add_roles(muted_user, mute_role) async def unmute_user(memberid): global db_mng global client global SELF_BOT_SERVER muted_user = get_from_mention(memberid) await db_mng.mute_remove( mute_role = get_role(MUTEROLE_ID()) try: await client.send_message(muted_user, "**CTGP-7 server:** You have been unmuted.") except: pass await client.remove_roles(muted_user, mute_role) def checkdestvalid(dest_id): channel_id = re.sub("\D", "", dest_id) channel_obj = client.get_channel(channel_id) if (channel_obj != None): return channel_obj else: return get_from_mention(dest_id) async def sayfunc(dest_id, text, channel): channel_id = re.sub("\D", "", dest_id) channel_obj = client.get_channel(channel_id) if (channel_obj != None): await client.send_message(channel_obj, text) await client.send_message(channel, "Message successfully sent in {}.".format( else: member_obj = get_from_mention(dest_id) if (member_obj != None): try: await client.send_message(member_obj, text) await client.send_message(channel, "Message successfully sent to {}.".format( except: await client.send_message(channel, "Can't send message to member (not in the server or blocked the bot).") else: await client.send_message(channel, "Invalid channel or member specified.") async def parse_fact(s1): global SELF_BOT_SERVER s2 = re.split("[;]", s1) base = s2[0] del s2[0] final = [] for rep in s2: final.append(re.split("[,]", rep)) for f in final: id = random.randint(0, len(f) - 1) f[id] = f[id].strip() f[id] = f[id].replace("==", " ") foundNum = 0 foundUsr = 0 while (foundNum != -1 or foundUsr != -1): foundNum = f[id].find("NUMBER") foundUsr = f[id].find("USER") random.seed() if (foundNum != -1): special = f[id][foundNum:] special = special.split()[0] special = re.split("[:]", special) try: replacement = str(random.randint(int(special[1]),int(special[2]))) except: replacement = "" f[id] = f[id].replace(special[0]+":"+ special[1]+":"+special[2], replacement, 1) elif (foundUsr != -1): memberlist = list(SELF_BOT_SERVER.members) replacement = memberlist[random.randint(0,len(memberlist) - 1)].name replacement.replace("USER", "user") f[id] = f[id].replace("USER", replacement, 1) base = base.replace("{}", f[id], 1) return base async def isfact_dynamic(s1): s2 = re.split("[;]", s1) if (len(s2) == 1): return False else: return True async def muted_task(): global db_mng global current_time_min while True: await asyncio.sleep(60) rows = await db_mng.mute_get() for row in rows: timeleft = (row[1] + row[2]) - current_time_min() if(timeleft <= 0): await unmute_user(str(row[0])) tobedeleted = [] rows = await db_mng.schedule_get() for row in rows: timeleft = (row[2] + row[3]) - current_time_min() if(timeleft <= 0): tobedeleted.append(row[0]) staffchan = client.get_channel(ch_list()["STAFF"]) await sayfunc(str(row[1]), row[4], staffchan) for delitm in tobedeleted: await db_mng.schedule_del(delitm) async def perform_game_change(): names = PLAYING_GAME() name = names[random.randint(0, len(names) - 1)] await client.change_presence(game=discord.Game(name=name)) return name async def change_game(): while True: await perform_game_change() await asyncio.sleep(600) @client.event async def on_ready(): print("\n-------------------------\n") global db_mng global SELF_BOT_SERVER global SELF_BOT_MEMBER global debug_mode if(os.path.isfile("debug.flag")): print("Debug mode enabled.") debug_mode = True SELF_BOT_SERVER = client.get_server(SERVER_ID()) SELF_BOT_MEMBER = SELF_BOT_SERVER.get_member( db_mng = ServerDatabase() asyncio.ensure_future(shutdown_watch()) asyncio.ensure_future(muted_task()) asyncio.ensure_future(change_game()) print("Bot running: {}".format(str( print('Logged in as: {} in server: {}'.format(, print('------\n') set_retry_times(0) @client.event async def wait_until_login(): await client.change_presence(game=discord.Game(name='something goes here')) @client.event async def on_member_join(member): global SELF_BOT_SERVER global client global db_mng door_chan = SELF_BOT_SERVER.get_channel(ch_list()["DOORSTEP"]) await client.send_message(door_chan, "Everybody welcome {} to the server! Make sure to check the rules I've sent to you in a direct message.\nWe are now {} members.".format(member.mention, SELF_BOT_SERVER.member_count)) await send_rules(member, True) rows = await db_mng.mute_get() for row in rows: if (row[0] == int( timeleft = (row[1] + row[2]) - current_time_min() if (timeleft > 0): await mute_user(, timeleft) @client.event async def on_member_remove(member): global SELF_BOT_SERVER global db_mng global client door_chan = SELF_BOT_SERVER.get_channel(ch_list()["DOORSTEP"]) await client.send_message(door_chan, "See ya **{}**. We are now {} members.".format(, SELF_BOT_SERVER.member_count)) await db_mng.fcdelete(member) @client.event async def on_message(message): global db_mng global SELF_BOT_SERVER global SELF_BOT_MEMBER global COMMUNITIES_TEXT global client global running_State global debug_mode global current_time_min if (client.user == None) or (SELF_BOT_SERVER == None) or (SELF_BOT_MEMBER == None): print("Error, some variable is None") return None try: random.seed() bot_mtn = message.content.split()[0] if (get_from_mention(bot_mtn) == client.user) and ( != client.user): #@HyperMario try: bot_cmd = message.content.split()[1] if bot_cmd == 'mute': if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): tag = message.content.split() if (len(tag) != 4): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + staff_help_array()["mute"] + "```") return muted_member = get_from_mention(tag[2]) if(muted_member != None): mutemin = await parsetime(tag[3]) if (mutemin[0] == -1): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid time amount.".format( return await mute_user(tag[2], mutemin[0]) await client.send_message(, "{} was muted for {} {}.".format(, mutemin[1], mutemin[2])) try: await client.send_message(muted_member, "**CTGP-7 server:** You have been muted for {} {}.".format(mutemin[1], mutemin[2])) except: pass return else: await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid member.".format( return elif bot_cmd == 'unmute': if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): tag = message.content.split() if (len(tag) != 3): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + staff_help_array()["unmute"] + "```") return muted_member = get_from_mention(tag[2]) if(muted_member != None): await unmute_user(tag[2]) await client.send_message(, "{} was unmuted.".format( else: await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid member.".format( elif bot_cmd == 'getmute': tag = message.content.split() if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): if (len(tag) != 2): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + staff_help_array()["getmute"] + "```") return rows = await db_mng.mute_get() retstr = "--------------------- \n" for row in rows: retstr += "{}: {}m\n".format(get_from_mention(str(row[0])).name, (row[1] + row[2]) - current_time_min()) retstr += "---------------------" await client.send_message(, "Muted users:\n```{}```".format(retstr)) else: if (len(tag) != 2): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + help_array()["getmute"] + "```") return await client.send_message(, "{}, I've sent your muted time in a DM".format( rows = await db_mng.mute_get() for row in rows: if (str(row[0]) == try: await client.send_message(, "**CTGP-7 server:** You are muted for {} minutes.".format((row[1] + row[2]) - current_time_min())) except: pass return try: await client.send_message(, "**CTGP-7 server:** You are not muted.") except: pass elif bot_cmd == 'closebug': if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): tag = message.content.split(None, 3) if not (len(tag) == 4 or len(tag) == 3): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + staff_help_array()["closebug"] + "```") return try: bug_entry = await db_mng.bug_close(tag[2]) except: bug_entry = [] if (len(bug_entry) == 0): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid ID specified or bug is already closed.".format( return bug_reports = SELF_BOT_SERVER.get_channel(ch_list()["BUG_REPORTS"]) bugs = SELF_BOT_SERVER.get_channel(ch_list()["BUGS"]) bot_msg = await client.get_message(bug_reports, tag[2]) if (len(tag) == 4): try: await client.edit_message(bot_msg, "```State: Closed\nReason: {}\n------------------\nReported by: {}\nExplanation: {}\nID: {}```".format(tag[3], get_from_mention(str(bug_entry[0])).name, bug_entry[1], except: pass await client.send_message(bugs, "{}, your bug with ID: `{}` has been closed. Reason: ```{}```".format(get_from_mention(str(bug_entry[0])).mention,, tag[3])) else: try: await client.edit_message(bot_msg, "```State: Closed\nReason: No reason given.\n------------------\nReported by: {}\nExplanation: {}\nID: {}```".format( get_from_mention(str(bug_entry[0])).name, bug_entry[1], except: pass await client.send_message(bugs, "{}, your bug with ID: `{}` has been closed. Reason: ```No reason given.```".format(get_from_mention(str(bug_entry[0])).mention, await client.send_message(, "{}, closed successfully.".format( elif bot_cmd == "bugcount": tag = message.content.split() if (len(tag) != 2): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + help_array()["bugcount"] + "```") return count_bug = await db_mng.bug_count() await client.send_message(, "**Bug stats:**```Open: {}\nClosed: {}\n\nTotal: {}```".format(count_bug[0], count_bug[1], count_bug[0] + count_bug[1])) elif bot_cmd == 'communities' or bot_cmd == 'community': tag = message.content.split(None) if (len(tag) != 2): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + help_array()["communities"] + "```") return await client.send_message(, COMMUNITIES_TEXT) elif bot_cmd == 'change_game': if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): tag = message.content.split(None) if (len(tag) != 2): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + staff_help_array()["change_game"] + "```") return retgame = await perform_game_change() await client.send_message(, "{}, changed current playing game to: `{}`".format(, retgame)) elif bot_cmd == 'warn': if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): tag = message.content.split(None, 3) if (len(tag) < 3): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + staff_help_array()["warn"] + "```") return warn_member = get_from_mention(tag[2]) warnreason = "" if(len(tag) == 3): warnreason = "No reason given." else: warnreason = tag[3] if(warn_member != None): warncount = await db_mng.warn_get( warncount += 1 await db_mng.warn_set(, warncount) await client.send_message(, "{} got a warning. {} warnings in total.".format(, warncount)) try: await client.send_message(warn_member, "**CTGP-7 server:** You got a warning. Toatal warnings: {}.\nReason:\n```{}```".format(warncount, warnreason)) except: pass await punish(warn_member, warncount) else: await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid member.".format( elif bot_cmd == 'setwarn': if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): tag = message.content.split(None, 4) if (len(tag) < 4): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + staff_help_array()["setwarn"] + "```") return warn_member = get_from_mention(tag[2]) warnreason = "" try: warncount = int(tag[3]) except: await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid amount.".format( return if(len(tag) == 4): warnreason = "No reason given." else: warnreason = tag[4] if(warn_member != None): await db_mng.warn_set(, warncount) await client.send_message(, "Set {} warnings to {}.".format(, warncount)) try: await client.send_message(warn_member, "**CTGP-7 server:** You now have {} warnings.\nReason:\n```{}```".format(warncount, warnreason)) except: pass await punish(warn_member, warncount) else: await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid member.".format( elif bot_cmd == 'getwarn': tag = message.content.split() if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): if (len(tag) != 2): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + staff_help_array()["getwarn"] + "```") return rows = await db_mng.warn_get_all() retstr = "--------------------- \n" for row in rows: retstr += "{}: {}\n".format(get_from_mention(str(row[0])).name, row[1]) retstr += "---------------------" await client.send_message(, "Users with warnings:\n```{}```".format(retstr)) else: if (len(tag) != 2): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + help_array()["getwarn"] + "```") return await client.send_message(, "{}, I've sent your amount of warnings in a DM".format( warncount = await db_mng.warn_get( try: await client.send_message(, "**CTGP-7 server:** You have {} warnings.".format(warncount)) except: pass elif bot_cmd == 'release': if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): tag = message.content.split() try: d = urlopen("" + tag[2]) except HTTPError as err: await client.send_message(, "Release tag invalid. (Example: v0.14-1)\r\nError: " + str(err.code)) else: json_data = json.loads("utf-8")) ch = client.get_channel(ch_list()["ANN"]) #announcements try: if tag[3] == "1": await client.send_message(ch, "@everyone\r\n" + json_data["name"] +" (" + json_data["tag_name"] + ") has been released! Here is the changelog:\r\n```" + json_data["body"] + "```") except IndexError: await client.send_message(ch, json_data["name"] +" (" + json_data["tag_name"] + ") has been released! Here is the changelog:\r\n```" + json_data["body"] + "```") elif bot_cmd == 'cancel_schedule': if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): tag = message.content.split() if (len(tag) != 3): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + staff_help_array()["cancel_schedule"] + "```") return try: retcode = await db_mng.schedule_del_confirm(int(tag[2])) if (retcode == -1): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid schedule id specified.".format( return else: await client.send_message(, "{}, the schedule was cancelled successfully.".format( return except: await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid schedule id specified.".format( return elif bot_cmd == 'schedule': if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): tag = message.content.split(None, 4) if (len(tag) != 5): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + staff_help_array()["schedule"] + "```") return timeamount = await parsetime(tag[3]) if (timeamount[0] == -1): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid time specified.".format( return messagedest = checkdestvalid(tag[2]) if (messagedest == None): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid user or channel specified.".format( return messagesent = await client.send_message(, "{}, the message will be sent in {} {} to {}".format(, timeamount[1], timeamount[2], await db_mng.schedule_add(,, timeamount[0], tag[4]) elif bot_cmd == 'say': if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): tag = message.content.split(None, 3) if (len(tag) != 4): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + staff_help_array()["schedule"] + "```") return await sayfunc(tag[2], tag[3], elif bot_cmd == 'edit': if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): tag = message.content.split(None, 3) if (len(tag) != 4): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + staff_help_array()["edit"] + "```") return for chan in SELF_BOT_SERVER.channels: try: msg = await client.get_message(chan, tag[2]) if ( == client.user): try: old_content = msg.content new_msg = await client.edit_message(msg, tag[3]) await client.send_message(, "**Edited successfully:**\nOld: ```{}```New:```{}```".format(old_content, new_msg.content)) return except: await client.send_message(, "**Couldn't edit message:** Internal error.") return else: await client.send_message(, "**Couldn't edit message:** Not a bot message.") return except: pass await client.send_message(, "**Couldn't edit message:** Message not found (may be too old).") return elif bot_cmd == 'restart': if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): await client.send_message(, "The bot is now restarting.") print("Manually restarting by {} ({})".format(, running_State = False del db_mng await client.close() os.execv(sys.executable, ['python3'] + sys.argv) elif bot_cmd == 'stop': if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): await client.send_message(, "The bot is now stopping, see ya.") print("Manually stopping by {} ({})".format(, running_State = False del db_mng await client.close() try: sys.exit(0) except: pass elif bot_cmd == 'ping': tag = message.content.split() if (len(tag) != 2): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + help_array()["ping"] + "```") return msg_time = message.timestamp now_dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow() delay_time = now_dt - msg_time await client.send_message(, "Pong! ({}s, {}ms)".format(delay_time.seconds, delay_time.microseconds / 1000)) elif bot_cmd == 'membercount': if not ( await client.send_message(, "We are now {} members.".format(SELF_BOT_SERVER.member_count)) else: await client.send_message(, "This command cannot be used here.") elif bot_cmd == 'fcregister': if is_channel(message, ch_list()["FRIEND"]): tag = message.content.split() if not (len(tag) == 3 or len(tag) == 4): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + help_array()["fcregister"] + "```") return if (len(tag) == 4): await db_mng.fcregister(message, tag[2], tag[3]) else: await db_mng.fcregister(message, tag[2], "true") else: await client.send_message(, "{}, friend code related commands can only be used in {}".format(,SELF_BOT_SERVER.get_channel(ch_list()["FRIEND"]).mention)) elif bot_cmd == 'fcquery': if is_channel(message, ch_list()["FRIEND"]): tag = message.content.split() if (len(tag) != 3): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + help_array()["fcquery"] + "```") return await db_mng.fcquery(message) else: await client.send_message(, "{}, friend code related commands can only be used in {}".format(,SELF_BOT_SERVER.get_channel(ch_list()["FRIEND"]).mention)) elif bot_cmd == 'fcdelete': if is_channel(message, ch_list()["FRIEND"]): tag = message.content.split() if (len(tag) != 2): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + help_array()["fcdelete"] + "```") return await db_mng.fcdelete(message) else: await client.send_message(, "{}, friend code related commands can only be used in {}".format(,SELF_BOT_SERVER.get_channel(ch_list()["FRIEND"]).mention)) elif bot_cmd == 'rules': await client.send_message(, "{}, I've sent you the rules in a private message.".format( await send_rules(, False) elif bot_cmd == 'fact': tag = message.content.split() if not (len(tag) == 2 or len(tag) == 3): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + help_array()["fact"] + "```") return final_text = "" if (len(tag) == 2): fact_text = await db_mng.fact_get(False) fact_id = fact_text[random.randint(0, len(fact_text) - 1)][1] try: final_text = await parse_fact(fact_id) except: print("Error parsing: " + fact_id) raise return else: try: fact_text = await db_mng.fact_get_byrow(int(tag[2])) fact_id = fact_text[0][1] except: await client.send_message(, "Invalid id specified.") return try: final_text = await parse_fact(fact_id) except: print("Error parsing: " + fact_id) raise return await client.send_message(, "```" + final_text + "```") elif bot_cmd == 'listfact': tag = message.content.split() if (len(tag) != 2): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + staff_help_array()["listfact"] + "```") return fact_text = await db_mng.fact_get(True) retstr = "```\n----------\n" if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): for row in fact_text: retstr += str(row[0]) + " - " + get_from_mention(str(row[1])).name + " - " + row[2] + "\n----------\n" retstr += "```" await client.send_message(, retstr) else: for row in fact_text: try: final_text = await parse_fact(row[2]) text_isdyn = "(dynamic)" if await isfact_dynamic(row[2]) else "(static)" retstr += str(row[0]) + " - " + text_isdyn + " - " + final_text + "\n----------\n" except: print("Error parsing: " + fact_id) retstr += "```" await client.send_message(, "{}, I sent you all the facts in a DM.".format( await client.send_message(, retstr) elif bot_cmd == 'delfact': if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): tag = message.content.split() if (len(tag) != 3): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + staff_help_array()["delfact"] + "```") return try: await db_mng.fact_delete(int(tag[2])) except: await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid id.".format( return await client.send_message(, "Fact {} deleted.".format(tag[2])) else: tag = message.content.split() if (len(tag) != 2): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + help_array()["delfact"] + "```") return await db_mng.fact_deleteuser( await client.send_message(, "{}, your fact has been removed.".format( elif bot_cmd == 'addfact': if not is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): if(await db_mng.fact_userreg( await client.send_message(, "{}, you can only have one fact registered. Use `@HyperMario delfact` to delete the existing one.".format( return tag = message.content.split(None, 2) if (len(tag) != 3): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + help_array()["addfact"] + "```") return try: dummy = await parse_fact(tag[2]) except: await client.send_message(, "{}, error parsing fact, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + help_array()["addfact"] + "```") return await db_mng.fact_add(int(, tag[2]) await client.send_message(, "Fact added: \n```{}```".format(await parse_fact(tag[2]))) elif bot_cmd == 'help': if is_channel(message, ch_list()["BOTCHAT"]) or is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]) or tag = message.content.split() if (len(tag) > 2): if tag[2] == "game": if (len(tag) == 3): help_str = "Here is the help for the specified command:\r\n```" + help_array()["game"] + "```" help_str += "Here is a list of all the available game modes:\n\n" for index, content in game_help_array().items(): help_str += "`" + index + "`, " help_str = help_str[:-2] help_str += "\n\nUse `@HyperMario help game (gamemode)` to get help of a specific command." await client.send_message(, help_str) if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): help_str = "\nHere is a list of all the available game staff commands:\n\n" for index, content in staff_game_help_array().items(): help_str += "`" + index + "`, " help_str = help_str[:-2] help_str += "\n\nUse `@HyperMario help game (gamemode)` to get help of a specific command." await client.send_message(, help_str) return else: if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): if tag[3] in staff_game_help_array(): await client.send_message(, "Here is the help for the specified game mode:\r\n```" + staff_game_help_array()[tag[3]] + "```") return if tag[3] in game_help_array(): await client.send_message(, "Here is the help for the specified game mode:\r\n```" + game_help_array()[tag[3]] + "```") else: await client.send_message(, "Unknown game mode, use `@HyperMario help game` to get a list of all the available game modes.") return if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): if tag[2] in staff_help_array(): await client.send_message(, "Here is the help for the specified command:\r\n```" + staff_help_array()[tag[2]] + "```") return if tag[2] in help_array(): await client.send_message(, "Here is the help for the specified command:\r\n```" + help_array()[tag[2]] + "```") else: await client.send_message(, "Unknown command, use `@HyperMario help` to get a list of all the available commands.") else: help_str = "Here is a list of all the available commands:\n\n" for index, content in help_array().items(): help_str += "`" + index + "`, " help_str = help_str[:-2] help_str += "\n\nUse `@HyperMario help (command)` to get help of a specific command." await client.send_message(, help_str) if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): help_str = "\nHere is a list of all the available staff commands:\n\n" for index, content in staff_help_array().items(): help_str += "`" + index + "`, " help_str = help_str[:-2] help_str += "\n\nUse `@HyperMario help (command)` to get help of a specific command." await client.send_message(, help_str) else: await client.send_message(, "`@HyperMario help` can only be used in <#324672297812099093> or DM.") return elif bot_cmd == "game": if (is_channel(message, ch_list()["BOTCHAT"]) or is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"])): tag = message.content.split() if (len(tag) < 3): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + help_array()["game"] + "```") return if (tag[2] == "guessanumber"): if (len(tag) != 5): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + game_help_array()["guessanumber"] + "```") return if (tag[3] == "easy"): try: guessed = int(tag[4]) if not guessed in range(0, 11): raise ValueError("Number out of range.") except: await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid number specified. (Must be between 0 and 10)".format( return result = random.randint(0, 10) await game_numberguess(guessed, result, 0, message) return elif (tag[3] == "normal"): try: guessed = int(tag[4]) if not guessed in range(0, 51): raise ValueError("Number out of range.") except: await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid number specified. (Must be between 0 and 50)".format( return result = random.randint(0, 50) await game_numberguess(guessed, result, 1, message) return elif (tag[3] == "hard"): try: guessed = int(tag[4]) if not guessed in range(0, 100): raise ValueError("Number out of range.") except: await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid number specified. (Must be between 0 and 99)".format( return result = random.randint(0, 99) await game_numberguess(guessed, result, 2, message) return else: await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid difficulty specified. (easy/normal/hard)".format( return elif (tag[2] == "rps"): if (len(tag) != 4): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + game_help_array()["rps"] + "```") return bot_ch = random.randint(0, 2) usr_ch = 0 if (tag[3] == "rock" or tag[3] == "r"): usr_ch = 0 elif (tag[3] == "paper" or tag[3] == "p"): usr_ch = 1 elif (tag[3] == "scissors" or tag[3] == "s"): usr_ch = 2 else: await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid choice (rock/paper/scissors).".format( return await game_rps(bot_ch, usr_ch, message) return elif (tag[2] == "coin"): if (len(tag) != 4): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + game_help_array()["coin"] + "```") return bot_ch = random.randint(1, 500) usr_ch = 0 if (tag[3] == "head" or tag[3] == "h"): usr_ch = 0 elif (tag[3] == "tails" or tag[3] == "t" or tag[3] == "tail"): usr_ch = 1 else: await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid choice (head/tails).".format( return await game_coin(bot_ch, usr_ch, message) return elif (tag[2] == "showcookie"): if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): if (len(tag) != 4): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + staff_game_help_array()["showcookie"] + "```") return cookie_member = get_from_mention(tag[3]) if (cookie_member != None): cookie_amount = await db_mng.get_cookie( await client.send_message(, "{} has {} <:yoshicookie:416533826869657600> .".format(, cookie_amount)) return else: await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid member specified.".format( else: if (len(tag) != 3): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + game_help_array()["showcookie"] + "```") return cookie_amount = await db_mng.get_cookie( await client.send_message(, "{}, you have {} <:yoshicookie:416533826869657600> .".format(, cookie_amount)) return elif (tag[2] == "top10"): if (len(tag) != 3): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + game_help_array()["top10"] + "```") return rows = await db_mng.top_ten_cookie() retstr = "Users with most <:yoshicookie:416533826869657600> .\n\n---------------------------------\n" for row in rows: cookie_member = get_from_mention(str(row[0])) if cookie_member != None: retstr += "**{}** = **{}** <:yoshicookie:416533826869657600>\n---------------------------------\n".format(, row[1]) else: await db_mng.delete_cookie(row[0]) await client.send_message(, "{}".format(retstr)) elif (tag[2] == "setcookie"): if is_channel(message, ch_list()["STAFF"]): if (len(tag) != 5): await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + staff_game_help_array()["setcookie"] + "```") return cookie_member = get_from_mention(tag[3]) try: amount = int(tag[4]) except: await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid amount specified.".format( return if (cookie_member != None): await db_mng.set_cookie(, amount) await client.send_message(, "Set {} <:yoshicookie:416533826869657600> to {} .".format(, amount)) return else: await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid user specified.".format( return else: await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid game mode specified. Use `@HyperMario help game` to get a list of game modes.".format( return return else: await client.send_message(, "`@HyperMario game` can only be used in <#324672297812099093>.") return else: await client.send_message(, 'Hi {}! :3\r\nTo get the list of all the available commands use `@HyperMario help`'.format( except IndexError: await client.send_message(, 'Hi {}! :3\r\nTo get the list of all the available commands use `@HyperMario help`'.format( elif ( and not == client.user): staff_chan = SELF_BOT_SERVER.get_channel(ch_list()["STAFF"]) await client.send_message(staff_chan, "{} sent me the following in a DM:\n```{}```".format(, message.content)) elif (is_channel(message, ch_list()["BUGS"]) and ( != client.user) and bot_mtn == "!report"): tag = message.content.split(None, 1) if (len(tag) > 1): notif_msg = await client.send_message(, "{}, adding your bug report: ```{}```".format(, tag[1])) bug_reports = SELF_BOT_SERVER.get_channel(ch_list()["BUG_REPORTS"]) bot_msg = await client.send_message(bug_reports, "Processing...") await client.edit_message(bot_msg, "```State: Open\n------------------\nReported by: {}\nExplanation: {}\nID: {}```".format(, tag[1], if (bot_msg != None): await db_mng.bug_add(, tag[1], bot_msg) await client.edit_message(notif_msg, "{}, adding your bug report: ```{}```**Success**".format(, tag[1])) else: await client.edit_message(notif_msg, "{}, adding your bug report: ```{}```**Fail**".format(, tag[1])) else: await client.send_message(, "{}, invalid syntax, correct usage:\r\n```".format( + help_array()["report"] + "```") except: if(debug_mode): raise else: pass try:[1]) except: if (running_State): print("Got exception at {}, restarting bot in a while.".format(str( retryam = get_retry_times() if(retryam < 30): time.sleep(30) elif(retryam < 180): time.sleep(300) else: print("Retried too many times, exiting.") running_State = False del db_mng raise print("Retry count: {}\n".format(retryam)) set_retry_times(retryam + 1) running_State = False del db_mng os.execv(sys.executable, ['python3'] + sys.argv) else: pass
""" Ibutsu API A system to store and query test results # noqa: E501 The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.13.4 Generated by: """ import unittest import ibutsu_client from ibutsu_client.api.login_api import LoginApi # noqa: E501 class TestLoginApi(unittest.TestCase): """LoginApi unit test stubs""" def setUp(self): self.api = LoginApi() # noqa: E501 def tearDown(self): pass def test_activate(self): """Test case for activate """ pass def test_auth(self): """Test case for auth """ pass def test_config(self): """Test case for config """ pass def test_login(self): """Test case for login """ pass def test_recover(self): """Test case for recover """ pass def test_register(self): """Test case for register """ pass def test_reset_password(self): """Test case for reset_password """ pass def test_support(self): """Test case for support """ pass if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.10.1 on 2016-12-01 17:35 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('polls', '0002_auto_20161128_0904'), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name='bettoride', name='success', field=models.NullBooleanField(default=None, verbose_name='betSucess'), ), ]
from import Report def report_to_tsv(report: Report) -> str: rows: list[tuple[str, str, str]] = [] start_row = ("start", str(report.start_time), str(report.start_time)) rows.append(start_row) for task in report.tasks: task_row = (, str(task.start_time), str(task.end_time)) rows.append(task_row) end_row = ("end", str(report.end_time), str(report.end_time)) rows.append(end_row) lines = map(lambda row: "\t".join(row), rows) return "\n".join(lines)
# Copyright (c) Nuralogix. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license. # See LICENSE.txt in the project root for license information from setuptools import setup setup( name='dfx-apiv2-client', version='0.8.0', packages=['dfx_apiv2_client'], install_requires=[ 'aiohttp[speedups]', 'dfx-apiv2-protos @', ], setup_requires=['wheel'], description='dfx-apiv2-client is an async client for the DeepAffex API.', )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """QGIS Unit tests for QgsFieldValidator. .. note:: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. """ __author__ = 'Alessandro Pasotti' __date__ = '31/01/2018' __copyright__ = 'Copyright 2018, The QGIS Project' # This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = '176c06ceefb5f555205e72b20c962740cc0ec183' import qgis # NOQA from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QVariant, QLocale from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import QValidator from qgis.core import QgsVectorLayer from qgis.gui import QgsFieldValidator from qgis.testing import start_app, unittest from utilities import unitTestDataPath TEST_DATA_DIR = unitTestDataPath() start_app() class TestQgsFieldValidator(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """Run before each test.""" testPath = TEST_DATA_DIR + '/' + 'bug_17878.gpkg|layername=bug_17878' self.vl = QgsVectorLayer(testPath, "test_data", "ogr") assert self.vl.isValid() def tearDown(self): """Run after each test.""" pass def _fld_checker(self, field): """ Expected results from validate QValidator::Invalid 0 The string is clearly invalid. QValidator::Intermediate 1 The string is a plausible intermediate value. QValidator::Acceptable 2 The string is acceptable as a final result; i.e. it is valid. """ DECIMAL_SEPARATOR = QLocale().decimalPoint() OTHER_SEPARATOR = ',' if DECIMAL_SEPARATOR == '.' else '.' validator = QgsFieldValidator(None, field, '0.0', '') def _test(value, expected): ret = validator.validate(value, 0) self.assertEqual(ret[0], expected, "%s != %s" % (ret[0], expected)) if value: self.assertEqual(validator.validate('-' + value, 0)[0], expected, '-' + value) # Valid _test('0.1234', QValidator.Acceptable) # Apparently we accept comma only when locale say so if DECIMAL_SEPARATOR != '.': _test('0,1234', QValidator.Acceptable) # If precision is > 0, regexp validator is used (and it does not support sci notation) if field.precision() == 0: _test('12345.1234e+123', QValidator.Acceptable) _test('12345.1234e-123', QValidator.Acceptable) if DECIMAL_SEPARATOR != '.': _test('12345,1234e+123', QValidator.Acceptable) _test('12345,1234e-123', QValidator.Acceptable) _test('', QValidator.Acceptable) # Out of range _test('12345.1234e+823', QValidator.Intermediate) _test('12345.1234e-823', QValidator.Intermediate) if DECIMAL_SEPARATOR != '.': _test('12345,1234e+823', QValidator.Intermediate) _test('12345,1234e-823', QValidator.Intermediate) # Invalid _test('12345-1234', QValidator.Invalid) _test('onetwothree', QValidator.Invalid) int_field = self.vl.fields()[self.vl.fields().indexFromName('int_field')] self.assertEqual(int_field.precision(), 0) # this is what the provider reports :( self.assertEqual(int_field.length(), 0) # not set self.assertEqual(int_field.type(), QVariant.Int) validator = QgsFieldValidator(None, int_field, '0', '') # Valid _test('0', QValidator.Acceptable) _test('1234', QValidator.Acceptable) _test('', QValidator.Acceptable) # Invalid _test('12345-1234', QValidator.Invalid) _test('12345%s1234' % DECIMAL_SEPARATOR, QValidator.Invalid) _test('onetwothree', QValidator.Invalid) def test_doubleValidator(self): """Test the double with default (system) locale""" field = self.vl.fields()[self.vl.fields().indexFromName('double_field')] self.assertEqual(field.precision(), 0) # this is what the provider reports :( self.assertEqual(field.length(), 0) # not set self.assertEqual(field.type(), QVariant.Double) self._fld_checker(field) def test_doubleValidatorCommaLocale(self): """Test the double with german locale""" QLocale.setDefault(QLocale(QLocale.German, QLocale.Germany)) assert QLocale().decimalPoint() == ',' field = self.vl.fields()[self.vl.fields().indexFromName('double_field')] self._fld_checker(field) def test_doubleValidatorDotLocale(self): """Test the double with english locale""" QLocale.setDefault(QLocale(QLocale.English)) assert QLocale().decimalPoint() == '.' field = self.vl.fields()[self.vl.fields().indexFromName('double_field')] self._fld_checker(field) def test_precision(self): """Test different precision""" QLocale.setDefault(QLocale(QLocale.English)) assert QLocale().decimalPoint() == '.' field = self.vl.fields()[self.vl.fields().indexFromName('double_field')] field.setPrecision(4) self._fld_checker(field) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
from flask import abort, Flask, jsonify, request from flask_restful import Resource, Api from translation_engine import decode, encode app = Flask(__name__) api = Api(app) class Encoder(Resource): def post(self): if not request.json or not 'message' in request.json: abort(400) msg = request.json['message'] enc = encode(msg) return jsonify({"message": enc}) class Decoder(Resource): def post(self): if not request.json or not 'message' in request.json: abort(400) msg = request.json['message'] try: dec = decode(msg) except ValueError as e: return str(e), 400 return jsonify({'message': dec}) class Hello(Resource): def get(self): return 'Hello World!' api.add_resource(Encoder, '/v1/encode') api.add_resource(Decoder, '/v1/decode') api.add_resource(Hello, '/') if __name__ == '__main__':
from neural_network import neural_network import numpy as np from sklearn import preprocessing from sklearn.datasets import fetch_mldata # Retrieve MNIST data and prep valid/test set size_training_data = 5500 size_validation_data = 500 mnist = fetch_mldata('MNIST original') input_data = preprocessing.scale(np.c_[]) target_class = np.concatenate(np.c_[],axis=0).astype(int) random_indices = np.arange(len(input_data)) np.random.shuffle(random_indices) training_values = random_indices[0:size_training_data-1] validation_values = random_indices[size_training_data:size_validation_data+size_training_data-1] training_inputs = input_data[training_values] training_outputs = target_class[training_values] validation_inputs = input_data[validation_values] validation_outputs = target_class[validation_values] # Define input and output dimensions input_dim = training_inputs.shape[1] output_dim = 10 # TODO develop unit testing and get comments on the current design # to further develop the code # Todo learn about different optimization approaches and the use of solvers like ADAMS # Todo Implement hyperparameter optimization numberOfNeurons = [[output_dim],[15],[25],[10,10],[10,10,10]] # Todo Read on annotation in python 3.6 # How to determine the number of iterations? for network_arch in numberOfNeurons: ann = neural_network() # Gradient descent parameters, play with these and see their effects ann.configure_classifier(input_dim,output_dim,hidden_layers =network_arch,activation_function_type='relu', batch_size=500,epsilon = 1e-4) ann.load_data(training_inputs,training_outputs) model = ann.train_model(num_iterations=1000) predicted_outputs = ann.predict(validation_inputs) error = sum((predicted_outputs-validation_outputs) != 0) print("The error rate with " + str(network_arch) + "neurons is " + str(error*100/size_validation_data) +"%")
from django.db import models from transactions import constant class Transaction(models.Model): transaction_id = models.IntegerField(unique=True) brief_description = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=False) description = models.CharField(max_length=255) amount = models.FloatField(default=0.0) transaction_type = models.IntegerField(choices=constant.TRANSACTION_TYPE, default=1) classification = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="Utility") date = models.DateField()
class NonGameScreen: def __init__(self, screen): self.screen = screen def draw_text(self, text, font, color, cntr): phrase = font.render(text, 0, color) phrase_rect = phrase.get_rect(center=cntr) self.screen.blit(phrase, phrase_rect)
while True: n = int(input()) if n == 0: break cards = [] for i in range(n): cards.append(i + 1) discarded_cards = [] while len(cards) > 1: x = cards.pop(0) y = cards.pop(0) discarded_cards.append(x) cards.append(y) print("Discarded cards:", end="") for x in discarded_cards: print("",x,end="") print() print("Remaining card:", cards[0])
import random import pytest from app.utils import graph as m from tests.utils.utils import random_lower_string class TestYmirNode: def test_create_ymir_node(self): d = { "id": random.randint(1000, 2000), "name": random_lower_string(10), "hash": random_lower_string(10), "label": "Model", } node = m.YmirNode.from_dict(d) assert node.label == "Model" assert == d["id"] assert["name"] == d["name"] assert["hash"] == d["hash"] @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def mock_redis(mocker): mocker.patch.object(m, "StrictRedis") class TestGraphClient: def test_query(self, mocker): mock_graph = mocker.Mock() mocker.patch.object(m, "Graph", return_value=mock_graph) q = random_lower_string() client = m.GraphClient(redis_uri=None) client.user_id = 2 client.query(q) mock_graph.query.assert_called_with(q) def test_add_relationship(self, mocker): mock_graph = mocker.Mock() mocker.patch.object(m, "Graph", return_value=mock_graph) client = m.GraphClient(redis_uri=None) client.user_id = 2 client.add_relationship( {"id": 1, "label": "Dataset"}, {"id": 2, "label": "Model"}, {"id": 3, "label": "Task"}, ) mock_graph.query.assert_called()
import unittest import os from simian.config import Configuration class ConfigTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) self.config_file_path = os.path.join(dirname, 'config/config.ini') self.config = Configuration(self.config_file_path) self.test_image_assets_path = os.path.join(dirname, 'assets/images') self.test_audio_assets_path = os.path.join(dirname, 'assets/audios') def test_constructor(self): self.assertEqual(self.config.IMAGE_ASSETS_PATH, self.test_image_assets_path) self.assertEqual(self.test_audio_assets_path, self.config.AUDIO_ASSETS_PATH)
# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0 # which is available at # import logging import socket from typing import Dict, Tuple, List, Union from volatility.framework import exceptions from volatility.framework import objects, interfaces from volatility.framework.objects import Array from volatility.framework.renderers import conversion vollog = logging.getLogger(__name__) def inet_ntop(address_family: int, packed_ip: Union[List[int], Array]) -> str: if address_family in [socket.AF_INET6, socket.AF_INET]: try: return socket.inet_ntop(address_family, bytes(packed_ip)) except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError("This version of python does not have socket.inet_ntop, please upgrade") raise socket.error("[Errno 97] Address family not supported by protocol") # Python's socket.AF_INET6 is 0x1e but Microsoft defines it # as a constant value of 0x17 in their source code. Thus we # need Microsoft's since that's what is found in memory. AF_INET = 2 AF_INET6 = 0x17 # String representations of INADDR_ANY and INADDR6_ANY inaddr_any = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, [0] * 4) inaddr6_any = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, [0] * 16) class _TCP_LISTENER(objects.StructType): """Class for objects found in TcpL pools. This class serves as a base class for all pooled network objects. It exposes some functions which return sanity-checked members. Substructures referred to by a pointer may appear valid at first glance but will throw an InvalidAddressException on access. This is not a problem when objects are validated via their `is_valid()` method, but when scanning for semi-corrupted data this check will not be performed. Be mindful that most of those methods return `None` when they would access invalid data. If you want to process the raw data access the attributes directly, e.g. via `network_object.InetAF` instead of `network_object.get_address_family()`. """ MIN_CREATETIME_YEAR = 1950 MAX_CREATETIME_YEAR = 2200 def __init__(self, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, type_name: str, object_info: interfaces.objects.ObjectInformation, size: int, members: Dict[str, Tuple[int, interfaces.objects.Template]]) -> None: super().__init__(context = context, type_name = type_name, object_info = object_info, size = size, members = members) def get_address_family(self): try: return self.InetAF.dereference().AddressFamily except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return None def get_owner(self): try: return self.member('Owner').dereference() except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return None def get_owner_pid(self): if self.get_owner().is_valid(): if self.get_owner().has_valid_member("UniqueProcessId"): return self.get_owner().UniqueProcessId return None def get_owner_procname(self): if self.get_owner().is_valid(): if self.get_owner().has_valid_member("ImageFileName"): return self.get_owner().ImageFileName.cast("string", max_length = self.get_owner().ImageFileName.vol.count, errors = "replace") return None def get_create_time(self): dt_obj = conversion.wintime_to_datetime(self.CreateTime.QuadPart) if isinstance(dt_obj, interfaces.renderers.BaseAbsentValue): return dt_obj # return None if the timestamp seems invalid if not (self.MIN_CREATETIME_YEAR < dt_obj.year < self.MAX_CREATETIME_YEAR): return None else: return dt_obj def get_in_addr(self): try: local_addr = self.LocalAddr.dereference() if local_addr.pData.dereference(): inaddr = local_addr.inaddr return inaddr else: return None except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return None def dual_stack_sockets(self): """Handle Windows dual-stack sockets""" # If this pointer is valid, the socket is bound to # a specific IP address. Otherwise, the socket is # listening on all IP addresses of the address family. # Note the remote address is always INADDR_ANY or # INADDR6_ANY for sockets. The moment a client # connects to the listener, a TCP_ENDPOINT is created # and that structure contains the remote address. inaddr = self.get_in_addr() if inaddr: if self.get_address_family() == AF_INET: yield "v4", inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, inaddr.addr4), inaddr_any elif self.get_address_family() == AF_INET6: yield "v6", inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, inaddr.addr6), inaddr6_any else: yield "v4", inaddr_any, inaddr_any if self.get_address_family() == AF_INET6: yield "v6", inaddr6_any, inaddr6_any def is_valid(self): try: if not self.get_address_family() in (AF_INET, AF_INET6): return False except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return False return True class _TCP_ENDPOINT(_TCP_LISTENER): """Class for objects found in TcpE pools""" def _ipv4_or_ipv6(self, inaddr): if self.get_address_family() == AF_INET: return inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, inaddr.addr4) else: return inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, inaddr.addr6) def get_local_address(self): try: inaddr = self.AddrInfo.dereference().Local.pData.dereference().dereference() return self._ipv4_or_ipv6(inaddr) except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return None def get_remote_address(self): try: inaddr = self.AddrInfo.dereference().Remote.dereference() return self._ipv4_or_ipv6(inaddr) except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return None def is_valid(self): if self.State not in self.State.choices.values(): vollog.debug("invalid due to invalid tcp state {}".format(self.State)) return False try: if self.get_address_family() not in (AF_INET, AF_INET6): vollog.debug("invalid due to invalid address_family {}".format(self.get_address_family())) return False if not self.get_local_address() and (not self.get_owner() or self.get_owner().UniqueProcessId == 0 or self.get_owner().UniqueProcessId > 65535): vollog.debug("invalid due to invalid owner data") return False except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: vollog.debug("invalid due to invalid address access") return False return True class _UDP_ENDPOINT(_TCP_LISTENER): """Class for objects found in UdpA pools""" class _LOCAL_ADDRESS(objects.StructType): @property def inaddr(self): return self.pData.dereference().dereference() class _LOCAL_ADDRESS_WIN10_UDP(objects.StructType): @property def inaddr(self): return self.pData.dereference() win10_x64_class_types = { '_TCP_ENDPOINT': _TCP_ENDPOINT, '_TCP_LISTENER': _TCP_LISTENER, '_UDP_ENDPOINT': _UDP_ENDPOINT, '_LOCAL_ADDRESS': _LOCAL_ADDRESS, '_LOCAL_ADDRESS_WIN10_UDP': _LOCAL_ADDRESS_WIN10_UDP } class_types = { '_TCP_ENDPOINT': _TCP_ENDPOINT, '_TCP_LISTENER': _TCP_LISTENER, '_UDP_ENDPOINT': _UDP_ENDPOINT, '_LOCAL_ADDRESS': _LOCAL_ADDRESS }
from datetime import datetime import json from typing import Type from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from sqlalchemy import create_engine, or_, and_, inspect, Table, MetaData, Column from iupdatable.util.weixin.models import Article from iupdatable import Status, Logger, File import requests from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning import re from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs class WeiXinCrawler(object): _wei_xin_name: str _seed_url: str _template_url: str _sqlite_session: None _db_file_url: str _max_count: int def __init__(self): Logger.instance().config(log_file_full_path="WeiXinCrawler.log") def _init_db(self, db_path): db_path = db_path.strip() if not File.exist(db_path): url = "sqlite:///" + db_path engine = create_engine(url) session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) self._sqlite_session = session() Article.metadata.create_all(engine) def start(self, wei_xin_name="", seed_url="", max_count=-1, db_path=""): """ 开始抓取任务 :param wei_xin_name: 微信公众号的名称 :param seed_url: 种子链接 :param max_count: 最多抓取多少页,默认:-1,表示抓取所有历史消息 :param db_path: 用于保存的数据库文件路径 :return: """ try: Logger.instance().info("开始任务...") if wei_xin_name == "": Logger.instance().error("请填写微信公众号名称!") return None if seed_url == "": Logger.instance().error("请填写种子链接!") return None if "offset=" not in seed_url: Logger.instance().error("种子链接填写错误!") return None db_path = db_path.strip() if db_path == "": self._db_file_url = "sqlite:///微信公众号历史消息.db" else: if not File.exist(db_path): Logger.instance().warning("首次使用,创建数据库文件:{0}".format(db_path)) self._init_db(db_path) self._db_file_url = "sqlite:///" + db_path self._template_url = re.sub("(?<=offset=)(?:[0-9]{0,3})", "{0}", seed_url) self._seed_url = seed_url self._max_count = max_count self._wei_xin_name = wei_xin_name engine = create_engine(self._db_file_url) session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) self._sqlite_session = session() can_continue = True offset = 0 while can_continue: if offset > self._max_count != -1: break grab_result = self._grab_articles(offset) if grab_result == Status.retry: grab_result = self._grab_articles(offset) if isinstance(grab_result, dict): can_continue = grab_result["continue"] if can_continue: offset = grab_result["next_offset"] else: Logger.instance().info("全部抓取完毕!") break else: Logger.instance().error("多次重试失败!") break Logger.instance().info("任务完成,已退出!") except Exception as e: Logger.error(repr(e), is_with_debug_info=True) return -1 def _grab_articles(self, offset): try: url = self._template_url.format(offset) headers = { "User-Agent": "MicroMessenger" } requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=False) if response.status_code == 200: json_result = json.loads(response.text) if json_result["errmsg"] == "ok": new_json = json.loads(json_result["general_msg_list"]) general_msg_list = new_json["list"] for i, msg in enumerate(general_msg_list): comm_msg_info = msg["comm_msg_info"] release_time_unix = comm_msg_info["datetime"] if "app_msg_ext_info" not in msg: continue app_msg_ext_info = msg["app_msg_ext_info"] article = self._dict_to_model(app_msg_ext_info, release_time_unix) if article: add_result = self._add_or_update_record(article, "articleId", Article) if add_result: log = "{0} - {1}. {2}".format(article.releaseTime, article.index, article.title) Logger.instance().info(log) for j, sub_msg in enumerate(app_msg_ext_info["multi_app_msg_item_list"]): article = self._dict_to_model(sub_msg, release_time_unix) if article: add_result = self._add_or_update_record(article, "articleId", Article) if add_result: log = "{0} - {1}. {2}".format(article.releaseTime, article.index, article.title) Logger.instance().info(log) if json_result["can_msg_continue"] == 1: result = { "continue": True, "next_offset": int(json_result["next_offset"]) } return result else: result = { "continue": False } return result else: return Status.retry else: return Status.retry except Exception as e: Logger.error(repr(e), is_with_debug_info=True) return Status.retry def _add_or_update_record(self, record, compare_property_name: str, entity: Type[declarative_base]): """ 增加或更新一条数据库记录 :param record: 一条 entity 类型的记录实例 :param compare_property_name: 要比较的字段名称,注意:该值为 entity 中的名称,不是数据库的字段名 :param entity: 数据库的实体类,确保其基类为 declarative_base :return: 插入:Status.added,更新:Status.existing,异常:Status.failed """ try: skip_column_list = ["id"] query_result = self._sqlite_session.query(entity) \ .filter(getattr(entity, compare_property_name) == getattr(record, compare_property_name)).first() if query_result: for member in inspect(entity).attrs: member_name = member.key column_name = member.expression.key if column_name in skip_column_list: continue setattr(query_result, member_name, getattr(record, member_name)) self._sqlite_session.commit() return Status.existing else: self._sqlite_session.add(record) self._sqlite_session.commit() return Status.added except Exception as e: Logger.error(repr(e), is_with_debug_info=True) return Status.failed @staticmethod def _get_url_param_value(url: str, param_name): parsed_uri = urlparse(url) return parse_qs(parsed_uri.query)[param_name][0] def _dict_to_model(self, msg: dict, release_time_unix): article = Article() article.url = msg["content_url"] if "mid" not in article.url: return None mid = int(self._get_url_param_value(article.url, "mid")) article.index = int(self._get_url_param_value(article.url, "idx")) article.articleId = mid * 10 + article.index article.title = msg["title"] article.digest = msg["digest"] article.releaseTime_unix = release_time_unix article.releaseTime = "{0}".format(datetime.fromtimestamp(release_time_unix)) article.delFlag = msg["del_flag"] article.copyrightStatus = msg["copyright_stat"] = msg["author"] article.fileId = msg["fileid"] article.account = self._wei_xin_name article.cover = msg["cover"] article.sourceUrl = msg["source_url"] return article
# coding: utf-8 ############################################################################## # Copyright (C) 2020 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries. # # Subject to your compliance with these terms, you may use Microchip software # and any derivatives exclusively with Microchip products. It is your # responsibility to comply with third party license terms applicable to your # use of third party software (including open source software) that may # accompany Microchip software. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER # EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, # INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR EXPENSE OF ANY KIND # WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF MICROCHIP HAS # BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE. TO THE # FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN # ANY WAY RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE WILL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF ANY, # THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR THIS SOFTWARE. ############################################################################## pic32mxBm83BtadbComponentIDList = ["drv_i2c", "i2c1", "sys_time", "core_timer"] pic32mxBm83BtadbAutoConnectList = [["audio_codec_ak4954", "DRV_I2C", "drv_i2c_0", "drv_i2c"], ["drv_i2c_0", "drv_i2c_I2C_dependency", "i2c1", "I2C1_I2C"], ["sys_time", "sys_time_TMR_dependency", "core_timer", "CORE_TIMER_TMR"]] pic32mxBm83BtadbPinConfigs = [{"pin": 67, "name": "SDA1", "type": "SDA1", "direction": "", "latch": "", "opendrain": "", "abcd": ""}, # RA15 {"pin": 66, "name": "SCL1", "type": "SCL1", "direction": "", "latch": "", "opendrain": "", "abcd": ""}, # RA14 {"pin": 91, "name": "STBYRST", "type": "GPIO", "direction": "Out", "latch": "High", "opendrain": "true", "pullup": "true", "abcd": ""}] # RA6 pic32mx_bm83_bluetooth_audio_dev_bd = bspSupportObj(pic32mxBm83BtadbPinConfigs, pic32mxBm83BtadbComponentIDList, None, pic32mxBm83BtadbAutoConnectList, None) addBSPSupport("BSP_PIC32MX_BM83_Bluetooth_Audio_Development_Board", "PIC32MX_BM83_BTADB", pic32mx_bm83_bluetooth_audio_dev_bd)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Script name: ShpToZip # # Description: A Python module to automate the conversion of .shp files to .zip # archives. # # Shp_to_Zip_README file includes the following information: # Project information - Script description - Software framework # Version control - Executing - Contributors - Licence - References # # Meta information: v.02.01 | 21 OCT 2017 | deepVector (author) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Import system module(s) import sys import os import glob import zipfile # Folder and file management: def ShpToZipInDir(dirOut): # Check that the input folder exists if not os.path.exists(dirOut): print "ERROR: Input folder '%s' does not exist" % dirOut return False # If the output folder does not exist, create it dirOut_Zip = (dirOut + '_Zip') if not os.path.exists(dirOut_Zip): os.makedirs(dirOut_Zip) # Loop through .shp files in the input folder for inShp in glob.glob(os.path.join(dirOut, "*.shp")): # Build the .zip filename from the .shp filename outZip = os.path.join( dirOut_Zip, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inShp))[0] + ".zip") # Convert the .shp files to .zip files zipShp(inShp, outZip) return True # Zipping: def zipShp(inShpFile, newZipFN): # check if the input .shp exists if not (os.path.exists(inShpFile)): print " ERROR: '%s' does not exist" % inShpFile return False # if the output .zip exists, delete it if (os.path.exists(newZipFN)): os.remove(newZipFN) # If the output .zip still exists, exit if (os.path.exists(newZipFN)): print " ERROR: Unable to delete '%s'" % newZipFN return False # Open zip file object zipobj = zipfile.ZipFile(newZipFN, 'w') # Loop through .shp components for infile in glob.glob(inShpFile.lower().replace(".shp", ".*")): # Skip .zip file extension if os.path.splitext(infile)[1].lower() != ".zip": # Zip the .shp components zipobj.write(infile, os.path.basename(infile), zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) # Close the .zip file object zipobj.close() return True # To run the script standalone, uncomment and enter the path to 'dirOut': # if __name__ == "__main__": # dirOut = "C:\\01\\output" # ShpToZipInDir(dirOut)
''' A message containing letters from A-Z is being encoded to numbers using the following mapping: 'A' -> 1 'B' -> 2 ... 'Z' -> 26 Given an encoded message containing digits, determine the total number of ways to decode it. For example, Given encoded message "12", it could be decoded as "AB" (1 2) or "L" (12). The number of ways decoding "12" is 2. TODO: do it again ''' class Solution(object): def numDecodings(self, s): """ :type s: str :rtype: int """ if len(s)<1: return 0 if len(s)==1 and str(s)<=26 and str(s)>=1: return 1 result=0 i=len(s)-1 lookupTable=[0 for x in range(len(s)+1)] # initialize the lookupTable lookupTable[len(s)]=1 if s[i]!='0': lookupTable[i]=1 i=i-1 while i>=0: if s[i]!='0' and int(s[i:i+2])<=26: lookupTable[i]=lookupTable[i+1]+lookupTable[i+2] elif s[i]!='0' and int(s[i:i+2])>26: lookupTable[i]=lookupTable[i+1] i-=1 return lookupTable[0] if __name__=="__main__": solution = Solution() testCase1='12' result1=solution.numDecodings(testCase1) print(str(result1)) testCase2='27' result2=solution.numDecodings(testCase2) print(str(result2))
import urllib import time import urllib.request import json from import Player import numpy as np from src.config import * class ReversiRandomPlayer(Player): """ 随机AI """ def play(self, board): legal_moves_np =, board) # 获取可行动的位置 legal_moves = [] for i in range( ** 2): if legal_moves_np[i]: legal_moves.append(i) # print('legal moves: ', list(map(lambda x: (x //, x %, legal_moves))) action = -1 if len(legal_moves) != 0: # 无子可下 action = legal_moves[np.random.randint(len(legal_moves))] return action, # it's a tuple class ReversiGreedyPlayer(Player): """ 基于贪心的 AI """ def __init__(self, game, description="", greedy_mode=0): """ greedy mode =0 可贪心使得当前转换棋子数量最大 =1 可贪心使得对方行动力最小(哭了哭了,太假了) """ super().__init__(game, description) # 贪心策略 self.greedy_mode = greedy_mode def play(self, board): legal_moves_np =, board) # 获取可行动的位置 legal_moves = [] for i in range( ** 2): if legal_moves_np[i]: legal_moves.append(i) action = -1 if len(legal_moves) != 0: # 有子可下 if self.greedy_mode == 0: # 贪心使得当前转换棋子数量最大 max_greedy = ** 2 for i in legal_moves: board_tmp, _ =, i, board) sum_tmp = np.sum(board_tmp) # print((i //, i %, ' greedy: ', sum_tmp) if max_greedy < sum_tmp: max_greedy = sum_tmp action = i # print((action //, action %, ' max greedy: ', max_greedy) else: # 贪心使得对方行动力最小 max_greedy = ** 2 for i in legal_moves: board_tmp, _ =, i, board) # 对方可移动位置 legal_moves_tmp =, board_tmp) sum_tmp = np.sum(legal_moves_tmp[:-1]) # print((i //, i %, ' greedy: ', sum_tmp) if max_greedy > sum_tmp: max_greedy = sum_tmp action = i # print((action //, action %, ' max greedy: ', max_greedy) return action, # it's a tuple class ReversiHumanPlayer(Player): """ 人类AI,即手动操作 """ def play(self, board): legal_moves_np =, board) # 获取可行动的位置 legal_moves = [] for i in range( ** 2): if legal_moves_np[i]: legal_moves.append((i //, i % print(legal_moves) while True: try: x, y = map(int, input().split()) if len(legal_moves) == 0 and x == -1: return -1, # it's a tuple else: action = x * + y if legal_moves_np[action]: return action, # it's a tuple else: print("error!") except Exception as e: print(e) class ReversiBotzonePlayer(Player): """ Connects to Botzone """ def __init__(self, game, description="", args=default_args): super().__init__(game, description) self.matches = {} self.is_finished = False self.args = args def init(self, referee=None): super().init(referee=referee) self.matches = {} self.is_finished = False self.fetch(self.SomeKindOfMatch) class Match: has_request = False has_response = False current_request = None current_response = None matchid = None def new_request(self, request): self.has_request = True self.has_response = False self.current_request = request # TODO:定义一种特化的对局数据类,比如存储棋盘状态等 class SomeKindOfMatch(Match): def __init__(self, matchid, first_request): self.has_request = True self.current_request = first_request self.matchid = matchid # 从 Botzone 上拉取新的对局请求 def fetch(self, matchClass): req = urllib.request.Request(self.args.botzone_local_api) for matchid, m in self.matches.items(): if m.has_response and m.has_request and m.current_response: print('> Response for match [%s]: %s' % (matchid, m.current_response)) m.has_request = False req.add_header("X-Match-" + matchid, m.current_response) while True: try: res = urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=None) botzone_input = lines = botzone_input.split('\n') request_count, result_count = map(int, lines[0].split(' ')) for i in range(0, request_count): # 新的 Request matchid = lines[i * 2 + 1] request = lines[i * 2 + 2] if matchid in self.matches: print('> Request for match [%s]: %s' % (matchid, request)) self.matches[matchid].new_request(request) else: print('New match [%s] with first request: %s' % (matchid, request)) self.matches[matchid] = matchClass(matchid, request) for i in range(0, result_count): # 结束的对局结果 matchid, slot, player_count, *scores = lines[ request_count * 2 + 1 + i].split(' ') if player_count == "0": print("Match [%s] aborted:\n> I'm player %s" % (matchid, slot)) else: print( "Match [%s] finished:\n> I'm player %s, and the scores are %s" % (matchid, slot, scores)) self.is_finished = True self.matches.pop(matchid) except (urllib.error.URLError, urllib.error.HTTPError): # 此时可能是长时间没有新的 request 导致连接超时,再试即可 print( "Error reading from Botzone or timeout, retrying 2 seconds later..." ) time.sleep(2) continue break return self.is_finished def play(self, board): resp = dict() last_action = self.referee.get_last_action() for mid, m in self.matches.items(): if last_action is None: # 第一次的时候 break if last_action >= ** 2 or last_action < 0: resp['x'] = -1 resp['y'] = -1 else: resp['x'] = int(last_action % resp['y'] = int(last_action // m.current_response = json.dumps(resp) # 将自己的动作存入 m.current_response,同样进行一步模拟 m.has_response = True if not self.is_finished and self.fetch(self.SomeKindOfMatch): """ 如果对局已经结束,发生这种情况一般 current_request 没有接收到的下一步,因此我们得自行走最后一步 容易证明,如果当前可走,则这一步走完以后游戏必定结束 1. 假设我有多于 1 的行动力,且对局已经结束则说明对方无法在该步后做出行动,然而再下一步我依然可以行动,此假设不成立 2. 假设我只有 1 的行动力,同上对方无法行动,则该步结束后游戏结束,假设成立 3. 假设我无法行动,该步并不会做出任何动作,游戏结束,假设成立 """ legal_moves_np =, board) # 获取可行动的位置 for i in range( ** 2): # 找到可行动的位置 if legal_moves_np[i]: print("本地最后一次弥补:", (i //, i % return i, # it's a tuple action = -1 for mid, m in self.matches.items(): # 使用 m.current_request 模拟一步对局状态,然后产生动作 botzone_action = json.loads(m.current_request) action = int(botzone_action['y']) * + int(botzone_action['x']) # self.fetch(self.SomeKindOfMatch) return action if 0 <= action < ** 2 else -1, # it's a tuple class ReversiRLPlayer(Player): """ 基于强化学习的 AI(正在制作中) """ def __init__(self, game, choice_mode=0, nnet=None, check_point=None, args=default_args): """choice_mode 代表 AI 在运行时如何选择走法(0 代表挑选最优点,1 代表按 pi 概率挑选)""" super().__init__(game) # from import NNetWrapper as NNet from import NNetWrapper as NNet from src.lib.mcts import MCTS self.n1 = NNet(, args) if nnet is None else nnet self.choice_mode = choice_mode self.args = args self.mcts1 = MCTS(, self.n1, self.args) # 临时操作 if check_point is not None: # print('loading ... checkpoint: ', format(check_point)) self.n1.load_checkpoint(check_point[0], check_point[1]) def init(self, referee=None): super().init(referee) def play(self, board): counts = self.mcts1.get_action_probility(board, temp=1) action = -1 if self.choice_mode == 0: # 以预测胜率最大的点为下一步行动点 action = np.argmax(counts) else: # 按预测胜率为分布进行挑选 try: action = np.random.choice(len(counts), p=counts) except Exception as e: # print('Error: ', e) pass return action, counts # it's a tuple if __name__ == "__main__": pass
import numpy as np def assert_array_shape(a, ndim=None, shape=None, dims={}): if not type(a) is np.ndarray: raise TypeError("Provided object type (%s) is not nunpy.array." % str(type(a))) if ndim is not None: if not a.ndim == ndim: raise ValueError("Provided array dimensions (%d) are not as expected (%d)." % (a.ndim, ndim)) if shape is not None: if not np.all(a.shape == shape): raise ValueError("Provided array size (%s) are not as expected (%s)." % (str(a.shape), shape)) for k, v in dims.items(): if not a.shape[k] == v: raise ValueError("Provided array's %d-th dimension's size (%d) is not as expected (%d)." % (k, a.shape[k], v)) def assert_array_non_negative(a): if np.any(a < 0): raise ValueError("Provided array's contains negative elements.") def assert_positive_int(i): if not type(i) is raise TypeError("Provided argument (%s) must be" % str(type(i))) if not i > 0: raise ValueError("Provided integer (%d) must be positive." % i)
from django.conf.urls.defaults import * urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'new/(?P<item_id>[\d]+)/$', 'reviewclone.views.create_review', name='create_review'), url(r'relations/$', 'reviewclone.views.relations_list', name='relations'), url(r'relations/new/$', 'reviewclone.views.create_relation', name='create_relation'), url(r'relations/delete/$', 'reviewclone.views.delete_relation', name='delete_relation'), url(r'clones/$', 'reviewclone.views.similar_list', name='similar_list'), url(r'movies/$', 'reviewclone.views.items_list', name='items_list'), url(r'movies/(?P<letter>[-\w]+)/$', 'reviewclone.views.items_list', name='items_list_letter'), url(r'review/(?P<review_id>\d+)/$', 'reviewclone.views.after_review', name='after_review'), url(r'user/(?P<user_id>[-\d]+)/$', 'reviewclone.views.user_reviews', name='user_reviews'), url(r'dashboard/$', 'reviewclone.views.dashboard', name='dashboard'), )
from typing import Any, Optional from pydantic import BaseModel, StrictBool, validator from app.db.session import Base class UserBase(BaseModel): username: str profile: str email: str disabled: StrictBool = False class UserCreate(UserBase): password: str @validator("username") def validate_username(cls: Any, username: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: if len(username) <= 4: raise ValueError("Username can't be empty") return username @validator("email") def validate_email(cls: Any, email: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: if len(email) == 0: raise ValueError("An email is required") return email @validator("profile") def validate_profile(cls: any, profile: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: if len(profile) == 0: raise ValueError("A profile is required") return profile class User(UserBase): id: Optional[int] = None class Config: orm_mode: bool = True class UserInDB(User): hashed_password: str class Users(User): id: int class UserUpdate(UserBase): password: Optional[str] class Config: orm_mode: bool = True class UserPassword(BaseModel): password: Optional[str] = None # pass
def palindrome (kata, h, z): if h == z//2 : return 'Yes, it is a palindrome' elif z % 2 == 0: if kata[z//2 - h - 1] == kata[z//2 + h]: return palindrome (kata, h + 1, z) else: return 'No, it is not a palindrome' else: if kata[z//2 - h - 1] == kata[z//2 + 1 + h]: return palindrome (kata, h + 1, z) else: return 'No, it is not a palindrome' while True: x = input('kata? ') print(palindrome(x,0,int (len(x))))
import subprocess import json import time import urllib.request import os pem="scripts/Vertx.pem" jar_file="target/WebChatVertxMaven-0.1.0-fat.jar" groupName="VertxCluster" count=1 def url_is_alive(dns): """ Checks that a given URL is reachable. :param url: A URL :rtype: bool """ request = urllib.request.Request("http://%s:8080" % dns) request.get_method = lambda: 'HEAD' try: urllib.request.urlopen(request) return True except urllib.error.URLError: return False def run(pem, dns, jar_file): print("RUNNING %s" % dns) outfile = open('logs/%s-log.log' % dns, 'w')"./scripts/ %s %s %s &" % (pem, dns, jar_file), shell=True, stdout=outfile, stderr=outfile) with open(os.devnull, "w") as f:"./scripts/ node_%s %s &" % (dns, dns), shell=True, stdout=f, stderr=f)"rm haproxy/haproxy.cfg", shell=True) res=json.loads(subprocess.Popen("aws ec2 describe-instances --filter Name=\"\",Values=\"%s\"" % groupName, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) have_master=False nodes = [] master = None for instance in res['Reservations'][0]['Instances']: node= dict() node['DNS'] = instance['PublicDnsName'] node['PRIVATE_IP'] = instance['PrivateIpAddress'] node['PUBLIC_IP'] = instance['PublicIpAddress'] # ONLY FIRST if not have_master: have_master = True"sed 's/$INTERFACE/%s/' src/main/resources/base.xml > src/main/resources/cluster.xml" % instance['PrivateIpAddress'], shell=True) print("Running: mvn install")"mvn install", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) run(pem, node['DNS'], jar_file) node['isMaster'] = True master = node # OTHERS else: node['isMaster'] = False nodes.append(node) with open('logs/instances.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(nodes, outfile) while True and len(nodes) > 0: print("DEPLOYING MASTER ...") if url_is_alive(master['DNS']): break time.sleep( 10 ) print("Master UP") for node in nodes: if not node['isMaster']: run(pem, node['DNS'], jar_file) for node in nodes: if not node['isMaster']: while True and len(nodes) > 0: if url_is_alive(node['DNS']): break time.sleep( 10 ) print("NODE: "+node['DNS']+" is UP") # outfile_ha = open('logs/haproxy.txt', 'w') #"haproxy -f haproxy/haproxy.cfg", shell=True, stdout=outfile_ha, stderr=outfile_ha)
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse_lazy from django.utils.text import slugify def generate_article_link(title, url=None): if url is None: url = reverse_lazy('article-detail', kwargs={'slug': slugify(title)}) return "[{0}]({1})".format(title, url)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. Algorithm class: Convert a ProjectScene from one type to another. """ from copy import deepcopy from sumo.semantic.project_object import ProjectObject from sumo.semantic.project_object_dict import ProjectObjectDict from sumo.semantic.project_scene import ProjectScene from sumo.threedee.compute_bbox import ComputeBbox from sumo.threedee.voxelizer import Voxelizer class ProjectConverter(object): """ Convert a ProjectScene from one type to another. The converter only supports converting from more complex types to less complex types. Specifically: meshes -> voxels voxels -> bounding_box meshes -> bounding_box """ allowed_conversions = [("meshes", "voxels"), ("meshes", "bounding_box"), ("voxels", "bounding_box")] def __init__(self): pass def run(self, project, target_type): """ Convert an in-memory project to the target type Inputs: project (ProjectScene) - input project target_type (string) - voxels or bounding_box Return: new_project (ProjectScene) - a project with the target project type Exceptions: ValueError - if target_type is not allowed for the given input project. See above for allowed conversions. """ if (project.project_type, target_type) not in self.allowed_conversions: raise ValueError("Invalid target_type ({}) for \ project with type {}".format(target_type, project.project_type)) new_settings = deepcopy(project.settings) new_elements = ProjectObjectDict() for element in project.elements.values(): new_element = self.convert_element(element, target_type) new_elements[] = new_element new_project = ProjectScene(project_type=target_type, elements=new_elements, settings=new_settings) return new_project def convert_element(self, element, target_type): """ Convert <element> to <target_type> track. Makes a copy of the element. Inputs: element (ProjectObject) - element to convert target_type (string) - destination project type Return new_element (ProjectObject) - converted element See above for allowed conversions. """ if (element.project_type, target_type) not in self.allowed_conversions: raise ValueError("Invalid target_type ({}) for element with type \ {}".format(target_type, element.project_type)) source_type = element.project_type if target_type == "bounding_box": if source_type == "voxels": bounds = element.voxels.bounds() elif source_type == "meshes": bounds = ComputeBbox().from_gltf_object(element.meshes) else: raise ValueError("Invalid target type") # this should not be possible new_element = ProjectObject.gen_bounding_box_object(, bounds=bounds, pose=deepcopy(element.pose), category=element.category, symmetry=element.symmetry, score=element.score ) elif target_type == "voxels": voxelizer = Voxelizer() voxels = new_element = ProjectObject.gen_voxels_object(, bounds=voxels.bounds(), voxels=voxels, pose=deepcopy(element.pose), category=element.category, symmetry=element.symmetry, score=element.score ) else: raise ValueError("Invalid target type") # this should not be possible return new_element
# From from scipy import optimize import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def f(x): return x**2 + 10 * np.sin(x) x = np.arange(-10, 10, 0.1) plt.plot(x, f(x)) result = optimize.minimize(f, x0=0) print("\n{}\nresult\n{}".format('-' * 80, result))
import planckStyle as s from pylab import * g=s.getSinglePlotter() roots = ['base_omegak_planck_lowl_lowLike_highL','base_omegak_planck_lowl_lowLike_highL_lensing','base_omegak_planck_lowl_lowLike_highL_lensing_post_BAO'] params = g.get_param_array(roots[0], ['omegam', 'omegal', 'H0']) g.setAxes(params, lims=[0, 1, 0, 1]) g.add_3d_scatter(roots[0], params) g.add_2d_contours(roots[1], params[0], params[1], filled=False) #g.add_2d_contours(roots[2], params[0], params[1], filled=True) g.add_line([1, 0], [0, 1], zorder=1) g.export('Omegam-Omegal-H0') g.newPlot() g.setAxes(params, lims=[0.2, 0.5, 0.5, 0.8]) g.add_3d_scatter(roots[0], params) g.add_2d_contours(roots[1], params[0], params[1], filled=False, zorder=1) g.add_2d_contours(roots[2], params[0], params[1], filled=True, zorder=2, alpha=0.85) g.add_line([1, 0], [0, 1], zorder=0) g.add_legend(['+lensing','+lensing+BAO']) g.export('Omegam-Omegal-H0_zoom')
# coding: utf-8 import logging from marshmallow import Schema, fields, pre_load, post_dump, validate, ValidationError from src.exceptions import InvalidUsage from flask import jsonify import json class LoginSchema(Schema): email = fields.Email(required=True) password = fields.Str(load_only=True, validate=validate.Length(min=1), required=True) name = fields.Str(dump_only=True) surname = fields.Str(dump_only=True) token = fields.Str(dump_only=True) createdAt = fields.DateTime(attribute='created_at', dump_only=True) lastSeen = fields.DateTime(attribute='last_seen', dump_only=True) type = fields.Str(dump_only=True) @pre_load def make_user(self, data, **kwargs): data = data.get('user') return data def handle_error(self, exc, data, **kwargs): """Log and raise our custom exception when (de)serialization fails.""" raise InvalidUsage(exc.messages) @post_dump def dump_user(self, data, **kwargs): return {'user': data} class Meta: strict = True class UserSchema(Schema): name = fields.Str(validate=validate.Length(min=1)) surname = fields.Str(validate=validate.Length(min=1)) email = fields.Email() token = fields.Str(dump_only=True) createdAt = fields.DateTime(attribute='created_at', dump_only=True) lastSeen = fields.DateTime(attribute='last_seen', dump_only=True) children = fields.List(fields.Nested(lambda: ChildSchema()), dump_only=True) parents = fields.List(fields.Nested(lambda: UserSchema(exclude=("children", "parents", "token"))), dump_only=True) ehrid = fields.Str(dump_only=True) type = fields.Str(dump_only=True) timer = fields.DateTime(dump_only=True) rewards = fields.List(fields.Nested(lambda:RewardSchema())) @pre_load def make_user(self, data, **kwargs): data = data.get('user') return data def handle_error(self, exc, data, **kwargs): """Log and raise our custom exception when (de)serialization fails.""" raise InvalidUsage(exc.messages) @post_dump def dump_user(self, data, **kwargs): return {'user': data} class Meta: strict = True class RegisterUserSchema(Schema): name = fields.Str(validate=validate.Length(min=1), required=True) surname = fields.Str(validate=validate.Length(min=1), required=True) email = fields.Email(required=True) password = fields.Str(load_only=True, validate=validate.Length(min=1), required=True) confirmPassword = fields.Str(load_only=True, validate=validate.Length(min=1), required=True) token = fields.Str(dump_only=True) createdAt = fields.DateTime(attribute='created_at', dump_only=True) lastSeen = fields.DateTime(attribute='last_seen', dump_only=True) type = fields.Str(dump_only=True) @pre_load def make_user(self, data, **kwargs): data = data.get('user') return data def handle_error(self, exc, data, **kwargs): """Log and raise our custom exception when (de)serialization fails.""" raise InvalidUsage(exc.messages) @post_dump def dump_user(self, data, **kwargs): return {'user': data} class Meta: strict = True class DiabetesInfoSchema(Schema): measurements= fields.Int(validate=validate.Range(min=1, max=20), required=True) SU_LO= fields.Float(validate=validate.Range(min=0, max=15), required=True) SU_HI= fields.Float(validate=validate.Range(min=0, max=15), required=True) class ObesityInfoSchema(Schema): goalweight = fields.Int(validate=validate.Range(min=40, max=60), required=True) class RegisterChildSchema(Schema): name = fields.Str(validate=validate.Length(min=1), required=True) surname = fields.Str(validate=validate.Length(min=1), required=True) email = fields.Email(required=True) password = fields.Str(load_only=True, validate=validate.Length(min=1), required=True) confirmPassword = fields.Str(load_only=True, validate=validate.Length(min=1), required=True) gender = fields.Str(validate=(validate.OneOf(["MALE", "FEMALE", "UNKNOWN", "OTHER"])), required=True) dateofbirth = fields.DateTime(format="iso", required=True) disease = fields.Str(validate=(validate.OneOf(["DIABETES", "OBESITY"])), required=True) token = fields.Str(dump_only=True) createdAt = fields.DateTime(attribute='created_at', dump_only=True) lastSeen = fields.DateTime(attribute='last_seen', dump_only=True) diseaseInfo = fields.Nested(DiabetesInfoSchema()) type = fields.Str(dump_only=True) @pre_load def make_user(self, data, **kwargs): data = data.get('user') if data.get('disease')=="OBESITY": self.declared_fields.update({'diseaseInfo': fields.Nested(ObesityInfoSchema())}) self.load_fields.update({'diseaseInfo': fields.Nested(ObesityInfoSchema())}) self.fields.update({'diseaseInfo': fields.Nested(ObesityInfoSchema())}) self.dump_fields.update({'diseaseInfo': fields.Nested(ObesityInfoSchema())}) elif data.get('disease')=="DIABETES": self.declared_fields.update({'diseaseInfo': fields.Nested(DiabetesInfoSchema())}) self.load_fields.update({'diseaseInfo': fields.Nested(DiabetesInfoSchema())}) self.fields.update({'diseaseInfo': fields.Nested(DiabetesInfoSchema())}) self.dump_fields.update({'diseaseInfo': fields.Nested(DiabetesInfoSchema())}) return data def handle_error(self, exc, data, **kwargs): """Log and raise our custom exception when (de)serialization fails.""" raise InvalidUsage(exc.messages) @post_dump def dump_user(self, data, **kwargs): return {'user': data} class Meta: strict = True class RewardSchema(Schema): nameOf = fields.Str() description = fields.Str() reward = fields.Str() endDate = fields.Date() startDate = fields.Date() ehrid = fields.Str() @pre_load def make_reward(self, data, **kwargs): data = data.get('reward') return data class RegisterRewardSchema(Schema): nameOf = fields.Str(required=True) description = fields.Str(required=True) reward = fields.Str(required=True) endDate = fields.Date(required=True) startDate = fields.Date(required=True) ehrid = fields.Str(required=True) @pre_load def make_reward(self, data, **kwargs): data = data.get('reward') return data def handle_error(self, exc, data, **kwargs): """Log and raise our custom exception when (de)serialization fails.""" raise InvalidUsage(exc.messages) class ChildSchema(Schema): name = fields.Str(dump_only=True) surname = fields.Str(dump_only=True) email = fields.Email() ehrid = fields.Str() createdAt = fields.DateTime(attribute='created_at', dump_only=True) lastSeen = fields.DateTime(attribute='last_seen', dump_only=True) type = fields.Str(dump_only=True) timer = fields.DateTime(dump_only=True) rewards = fields.List(fields.Nested(lambda:RewardSchema())) @pre_load def make_user(self, data, **kwargs): data = data.get('user') return data def handle_error(self, exc, data, **kwargs): """Log and raise our custom exception when (de)serialization fails.""" raise InvalidUsage(exc.messages) @post_dump def dump_user(self, data, **kwargs): return {'child': data} class Meta: strict = True class ParentSchema(Schema): name = fields.Str(dump_only=True) surname = fields.Str(dump_only=True) email = fields.Email(dump_only=True) createdAt = fields.DateTime(attribute='created_at', dump_only=True) lastSeen = fields.DateTime(attribute='last_seen', dump_only=True) type = fields.Str(dump_only=True) @pre_load def make_user(self, data, **kwargs): data = data.get('user') return data def handle_error(self, exc, data, **kwargs): """Log and raise our custom exception when (de)serialization fails.""" raise InvalidUsage(exc.messages) @post_dump def dump_user(self, data, **kwargs): return {'child': data} class Meta: strict = True login_schema = LoginSchema() register_user_schema = RegisterUserSchema() register_child_schema = RegisterChildSchema() user_schema = UserSchema() user_schemas = UserSchema(many=True) child_schema = ChildSchema() child_schemas = ChildSchema(many=True) parent_schemas = ParentSchema(many=True) register_reward_schema = RegisterRewardSchema() reward_schema = RewardSchema()
from django.shortcuts import render from django.views.generic import TemplateView from .models import * from django.conf import settings from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.http import JsonResponse from rest_framework import viewsets from .serializers import * class ReactTemplateView(TemplateView): template_name = 'index.html' class ServicesViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): queryset = Service.objects.all() serializer_class = ServiceSerializer class BannersViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): queryset = Banner.objects.filter(status='Y') serializer_class = BannersSerializer class FooterDataViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): queryset = ContactUs.objects.all()[:1] serializer_class = ContactUsSerializer
import datetime import cloudscraper import colorama from termcolor import colored import time import json import random import pickle from cryptography import fernet import os import bs4 import sys import shutil import requests, uuid, hashlib, hmac, urllib, string from pathlib import Path from colorama import Fore # Turn off InsecureRequestWarning from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) # The urllib library was split into other modules from Python 2 to Python 3 if sys.version_info.major == 3: import urllib.parse colorama.init() key = b'HzodHGhHL2l4MjeYNm1k_FJa1QUemTKimQIKLpTtStY=' class P_InstaAPI: def __init__(self, creds): self.username = creds['username'] self.password = creds['password'] sessionpath = Path(f"sessions/{self.username}.session") mainlogin = P_InstagramLogin(self.username, self.password, Path("./sessions")) api = mainlogin.api if not api.isLoggedIn: print(colored(f"[{time.ctime()}] API: login failed", "red")) try: os.remove("secrets.pickle") except: pass try: shutil.rmtree("sessions/") except: pass exit() self.api = api class P_InstagramAPI: API_URL = '' DEVICE_SETTINGS = {'manufacturer': 'Xiaomi', 'model': 'HM 1SW', 'android_version': 19, 'android_release': '6.4'} USER_AGENT = 'Instagram Android ({android_version}/{android_release}; 320dpi; 720x1280; {manufacturer}; {model}; armani; qcom; fr_FR)'.format(**DEVICE_SETTINGS) IG_SIG_KEY = '4f8732eb9ba7d1c8e8897a75d6474d4eb3f5279137431b2aafb71fafe2abe178' EXPERIMENTS = 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SIG_KEY_VERSION = '4' def __init__(self, username, password): m = hashlib.md5() m.update(username.encode('utf-8') + password.encode('utf-8')) self.device_id = self.generateDeviceId(m.hexdigest()) self.isLoggedIn = False self.LastResponse = None self.PATH = "" self.s = requests.Session() self.username = username self.password = password self.uuid = self.generateUUID(True) def sendMessage(self, target_user, msgText): target_user = f'[[{",".join([target_user])}]]' url = 'direct_v2/threads/broadcast/text/' data = { 'text': msgText, '_uuid': self.uuid, '_csrftoken': self.token, 'recipient_users': target_user, '_uid': self.username_id, 'action': 'send_item', 'client_context': self.generateUUID(True) } return self.SendRequest(url, data) def login(self, force=False): if (not self.isLoggedIn or force): if (self.SendRequest('si/fetch_headers/?challenge_type=signup&guid=' + self.generateUUID(False), None, True)): data = {'phone_id': self.generateUUID(True), '_csrftoken': self.LastCookies['csrftoken'], 'username': self.username, 'guid': self.uuid, 'device_id': self.device_id, 'password': self.password, 'login_attempt_count': '0'} if (self.SendRequest('accounts/login/', self.generateSignature(json.dumps(data)), True)): self.isLoggedIn = True self.username_id = self.logged_in_user_pk self.rank_token = f"{self.username_id}_{self.uuid}" self.token = self.LastCookies["csrftoken"] self.syncFeatures() self.autoCompleteUserList() self.timelineFeed() self.getv2Inbox() self.getRecentActivity() return True def syncFeatures(self): data = json.dumps({'_uuid': self.uuid, '_uid': self.username_id, 'id': self.username_id, '_csrftoken': self.token, 'experiments': self.EXPERIMENTS}) return self.SendRequest('qe/sync/', self.generateSignature(data)) def autoCompleteUserList(self): return self.SendRequest('friendships/autocomplete_user_list/') def getRecentActivity(self): activity = self.SendRequest('news/inbox/?') return activity def timelineFeed(self): return self.SendRequest('feed/timeline/') def getv2Inbox(self, limit=50): inbox = self.SendRequest( 'direct_v2/inbox/?persistentBadging=true&use_unified_inbox=true&limit={}'.format(limit)) return inbox def generateSignature(self, data, skip_quote=False): if not skip_quote: try: parsedData = urllib.parse.quote(data) except AttributeError: parsedData = urllib.quote(data) else: parsedData = data return 'ig_sig_key_version=' + self.SIG_KEY_VERSION + '&signed_body=' + self.IG_SIG_KEY.encode('utf-8'), data.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest() + '.' + parsedData def generateDeviceId(self, seed): volatile_seed = "12345" m = hashlib.md5() m.update(seed.encode('utf-8') + volatile_seed.encode('utf-8')) return 'android-' + m.hexdigest()[:16] def generateUUID(self, type): generated_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) if (type): return generated_uuid else: return generated_uuid.replace('-', '') def SendRequest(self, endpoint, post=None, login=False, wait=20): verify = False # Don't show request warning if (not self.isLoggedIn and not login): raise Exception("Not logged in!\n") self.s.headers.update( {'Connection': 'close', 'Accept': '*/*', 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', 'Cookie2': '$Version=1', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US', 'User-Agent': self.USER_AGENT}) while True: try: if (post is not None): response = + endpoint, data=post, verify=verify) else: response = self.s.get(self.API_URL + endpoint, verify=verify) break except Exception as e: print('Except on SendRequest (wait 60 sec and resend): ' + str(e)) time.sleep(60) if response.status_code == 200: self.LastCookies = response.cookies try: self.logged_in_user_pk = json.loads(response.text)['logged_in_user']['pk'] except: pass return response.status_code, json.loads(response.text) else: if response.status_code != 405: print(colored(f"[{time.ctime()}] API: login failed", "red")) try: os.remove("secrets.pickle") except: pass try: shutil.rmtree("sessions/") except: pass exit() try: self.LastCookies = response.cookies try: self.logged_in_user_pk = json.loads(response.text)['logged_in_user']['pk'] except: pass return response.status_code, json.loads(response.text) except: pass return False def default_data(self): return {"_uuid": self.uuid, "_uid": self.username_id, "_csrftoken": self.token} class P_InstagramLogin(object): def __init__(self, username, password, folder=Path("./")): encrypt_creds = fernet.Fernet(key) self.username = username self.password = password self.path = Path(str(folder) + "/" + username + ".session") if not os.path.exists(str(folder)): os.mkdir(folder) if not os.path.exists(self.path): self.api = P_InstagramAPI(self.username, self.password) try: self.api.login() except KeyError: # logged_in_user -> couldn't login shutil.rmtree("sessions/") exit() self.api.password = encrypt_creds.encrypt(str.encode(self.password)) pickle.dump(self.api, open(self.path, "wb")) self.api.password = encrypt_creds.decrypt(self.api.password) else: self.api = pickle.load(open(self.path, "rb")) self.api.password = encrypt_creds.decrypt(self.api.password) if not self.api.isLoggedIn: self.api.login() if self.api.isLoggedIn: pickle.dump(self.api, open(self.path, "wb")) class Scraper: def __init__(self, accept): self.banner() self.scraper = cloudscraper.create_scraper() = '' self.login_url = '' self.time = int( response = self.scraper.get( try: self.csrf = response.cookies['csrftoken'] except: self.csrf = "bguzeiugege" self.acceptRequests = accept if os.path.exists("accept.json"): self.acceptRequests=False self.csrf_token = None self.username = None self.password = None self.new_requests = 0 self.pending_users = {} self.accepted = [] self.totalProgress = [] self.save_login_credentials() self.payload = { 'username': self.username, 'enc_password': f'#PWD_INSTAGRAM_BROWSER:0:{self.time}:{self.password}', 'queryParams': {}, 'optIntoOneTap': 'false' } self.login_header = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) ' 'Chrome/49.0.2623.112 Safari/537.36', "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest", "Referer": "", "x-csrftoken": self.csrf } # Maintaining the acquired login session self.scraper = cloudscraper.CloudScraper() self.login() self.remove = "0" self.p_ = ["0"] self.period = 50 for e in range(self.period): self.p_.append(".") self.start = time.perf_counter() def progress(self, user, e, total): total_max = total total = total_max - 1 try: p = "".join(self.p_) percentage = round(e / total * 100, 2) now = time.perf_counter() - self.start num = str(now).split("e")[0] perc = float(num) if int(percentage) > 0: time_remaining = 100 * perc / round(percentage) sys.stdout.write("\r" + colored(round(time_remaining - now, 5), 'magenta') + "|t/s| processing users: " + user + " " + "[" + colored(p.split(self.remove)[0], "magenta") + colored( str(percentage) + "%", "yellow") + p.split(self.remove)[1] + " ]" + "time remaining: " + str( + datetime.timedelta( seconds=round(time_remaining - now)) - sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.3) iter_index = round(e / total * self.period) current_position = self.p_.index(self.remove) self.p_.pop(current_position) if e == total - 2 or e == total or e == total - 1: self.p_.append(str(percentage) + "%") else: self.p_.insert(iter_index, str(percentage) + "%") self.remove = str(percentage) + "%" except: percentage = "0" def save_login_credentials(self): encrypt_creds = fernet.Fernet(key) if os.path.exists("secrets.pickle"): with open("secrets.pickle", "rb") as f: decrypt_pickle = pickle.load(f) decrypt_cryptography = encrypt_creds.decrypt(decrypt_pickle) decrypt_pickle2 = pickle.loads(decrypt_cryptography) self.username = decrypt_pickle2.get("username", "specify a username") self.password = decrypt_pickle2.get("password", "specify a password") self.p_api = P_InstaAPI({"username": self.username, "password": self.password}) else: print(colored("[+] Creating credentials file", "green")) self.username = input("Enter username: ") self.password = input("Enter password: ") credentials = {"username": self.username, "password": self.password} pickled_credentials = pickle.dumps(credentials) encrypted = encrypt_creds.encrypt(pickled_credentials) with open("secrets.pickle", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(encrypted, f) self.p_api = P_InstaAPI(credentials) def login(self): # Logging the user in login_response =, data=self.payload, headers=self.login_header) # print(login_response, login_response.text) json_data = json.loads(login_response.text) # print(json_data) if json_data.get("authenticated"): print(colored("\n[+] Successfully logged in", "green")) cookies = login_response.cookies cookie_jar = cookies.get_dict() self.csrf_token = cookie_jar['csrftoken'] print("csrf_token:", self.csrf_token) session_id = cookie_jar['sessionid'] user_id = cookie_jar['ds_user_id'] print("session_id:", session_id) else: print(colored(f"[{time.ctime()}] cloudscraper: login failed {login_response.text}", "red")) try: os.remove("secrets.pickle") except: pass try: shutil.rmtree("sessions/") except: pass exit() try: time.sleep(random.randrange(2, 5)) user = self.scraper.get(f"{self.username}/") logged_user = str(bs4.BeautifulSoup(user.text, 'lxml').title.text).split('•')[0] if "is on Instagram " in logged_user: print(colored(f"\n[+] {time.ctime()} logged in as {logged_user.replace('is on Instagram', '')}", "blue")) else: try: print(colored(f"\n[+] {time.ctime()} logged in as {logged_user.replace('is on Instagram', '')}", "blue")) except: print(colored(f"\n[+] {time.ctime()} logged in as {logged_user}", "blue")) except Exception: print(colored(f"\n[+] logged in as {self.username}", "blue")) self.user_id = json_data['userId'] self.uuid = self.generateUUID(True) def pending_requests(self): # Get the pending users parameter = {"variables": {"fetch_media_count": 0, "fetch_suggested_count": 30, "ignore_cache": True, "filter_followed_friends": True, "seen_ids": [], "include_reel": True}} t = json.dumps(parameter) time.sleep(random.randrange(1, 4)) headers = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, ' 'like Gecko) Mobile/15E148 Instagram (iPhone11,8; iOS 12_3_1; en_US; en-US; ' 'scale=2.00; 828x1792; 165586599) ' } r = self.scraper.get("", headers=headers) print(f"\n{('═'*48)}\n\n[+] Pending follow requests") pending = [] pending_total = 0 for e, data in enumerate(r.json()['users']): e += 1 print(f"[{e}] {data['username']}") pending.append(data["username"]) pending_total += 1 self.totalProgress.append(data) if self.acceptRequests: # Accept the obtained requests user_num = 1 for user in pending: self.accept_request(user, user_num) self.accepted.append(user) pending_total -= 1 user_num += 1 try: for pending_user in self.accepted: pending.remove(pending_user) except: pending.clear() self.pending_users.update({f"username": pending, "total_requests": [pending_total]}) def process_users(self): if os.path.exists(f"{self.username}_pending_users.json"): total_pending = 0 newRequest = 0 processed_users = [] f = open(f"{self.username}_pending_users.json", "r") data = json.load(f) for e, user in enumerate(self.pending_users["username"]): self.progress(user, e, len(self.pending_users['username'])) if user in data["username"] or user in self.accepted: pass else: newRequest += 1 print(colored(f"[+] New request from {user}", "green")) processed_users.append(user) if user in data["username"]: processed_users.remove(user) if len(self.pending_users["username"]) >= 200: # If pending requests are more than 200 add to previous data count total_pending += data["total_requests"][0] + newRequest else: total_pending += self.pending_users["total_requests"][0] # Use this to get the rate of users self.new_requests = newRequest print(f"\n{self.username} has {total_pending} pending follow requests") f.close() f2 = open(f"{self.username}_pending_users.json", "w") if self.acceptRequests: json.dump({"username": self.pending_users['username'], "total_requests": [total_pending], "accepted": self.accepted}, f2, indent=4, sort_keys=True) f2.close() else: json.dump({"username": data["username"] + processed_users, "total_requests": [total_pending], "accepted": self.accepted}, f2, indent=4, sort_keys=True) f2.close() else: with open(f"{self.username}_pending_users.json", "w") as f: json.dump(self.pending_users, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True) print(f"\n{self.username} has {self.pending_users['total_requests'][0]} pending follow requests") total_pending = self.pending_users["total_requests"][0] self.send_msg(total_pending) def get_user_id(self, username): # Get the users info id = self.scraper.get(f"{username}/?__a=1") id_data = id.json() user_data = id_data["graphql"]["user"] full_name = user_data.get("username") user_id = user_data.get("id") return {"id": user_id, "username": full_name} def accept_request(self, accept_user, current_user): # Called to accept the parsed user headers = { 'content-length': '0', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, ' 'like Gecko) Mobile/15E148 Instagram (iPhone11,8; iOS 12_3_1; en_US; en-US; ' 'scale=2.00; 828x1792; 165586599) ', "x-csrftoken": self.csrf_token } requested_user = self.get_user_id(accept_user) id = requested_user.get("id") username = requested_user.get("username") accept ="{id}/approve/", headers=headers) if 'status":"ok' in accept.text: print(colored(f'[+] Accepted: @{username}', 'green')) else: print(colored('[-] Failed to accept user', 'red')) def accept_all(self): if self.acceptRequests: sys.stdout.write("\r[+] Accepting pending follow requests") sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) while True: if len(self.pending_users['username']) < 200: sys.stdout.write("\r[+] No more pending follow requests to accept") sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) self.acceptRequests = False break else: self.pending_requests() self.process_users() time.sleep(1) f = open("accept.json", "w") json.dump({'accept': False}, f) f.close() print("\n") else: pass def generateUUID(self, type_): generated_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) if (type_): return generated_uuid else: return generated_uuid.replace('-', '') def send_msg(self, total_pending): try: self.p_api.api.sendMessage( self.user_id, f"Pending follow requests: {total_pending}\n\n" f"Date: {time.ctime()}\n\n" f"User: @{self.username}\n" f"User ID: {self.user_id}" ) except Exception as e: print("Unable to send DM ->", e) print(self.p_api.api.LastResponse) def run(self): self.waiting = random.randint(3600, 4200) def runScraper(): while True: if self.new_requests >= 50: self.waiting = random.randint(2400, 3000) if self.new_requests >= 100: self.waiting = random.randint(1800, 2400) if self.new_requests >= 150: self.waiting = random.randint(900, 1200) self.pending_requests() self.process_users() self.remove = "0" self.p_ = ["0"] self.period = 50 for e in range(self.period): self.p_.append(".") self.accept_all() print(colored(f"[{time.ctime()}] Next run in {round((self.waiting/60))} minutes", "blue")) time.sleep(self.waiting) runScraper() def banner(self): print(colored(''' ██████╗ ███████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗███████╗███████╗████████╗ ███████╗ ██████╗ █████╗ ███╗ ██╗███╗ ██╗███████╗██████╗ ██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔═══██╗██║ ██║██╔════╝██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝ ██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗████╗ ██║████╗ ██║██╔════╝██╔══██╗ ██████╔╝█████╗ ██║ ██║██║ ██║█████╗ ███████╗ ██║ ███████╗██║ ███████║██╔██╗ ██║██╔██╗ ██║█████╗ ██████╔╝ ██╔══██╗██╔══╝ ██║▄▄ ██║██║ ██║██╔══╝ ╚════██║ ██║ ╚════██║██║ ██╔══██║██║╚██╗██║██║╚██╗██║██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗ ██║ ██║███████╗╚██████╔╝╚██████╔╝███████╗███████║ ██║ ███████║╚██████╗██║ ██║██║ ╚████║██║ ╚████║███████╗██║ ██║ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝ ╚══▀▀═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚══════╝ ╚═╝ ╚══════╝ ╚═════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ''', "blue"), end="\n") if __name__ == "__main__": ''' To accept follow requests -> Scraper(accept=True) ''' Scraper(accept=False)
import floobits # code run after our own by other plugins can not pollute the floobits namespace __globals = globals() for k, v in floobits.__dict__.items(): __globals[k] = v # Vim essentially runs python by concating the python string into a single python file and running it. # Before we did this, the following would happen: # 1. import utils # 2. from ycm import utils # 3. utils.parse_url # references the wrong utils ...
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """OAuth Token views.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals from flask import Blueprint, abort, flash, redirect, render_template, url_for from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _ from flask_login import current_user, login_required from .models import Token blueprint = Blueprint('oauth.token', __name__, url_prefix='/oauth/tokens', static_folder='../../static') @blueprint.route('/') @login_required def home(): """Token landing page.""" if not current_user.is_admin: abort(403) tokens = Token.query.all() return render_template('oauth/tokens/home.html', tokens=tokens) @blueprint.route('/delete/<int:token_id>', methods=['GET', 'DELETE']) @login_required def delete(token_id): """Delete token.""" if not current_user.is_admin: abort(403) token = Token.query.get(token_id) if not token: abort(404) else: token_id = token.delete() flash(_('Successfully deleted OAuth2 Bearer token "%(token_id)s".', token_id=token_id), 'success') return redirect(url_for('oauth.token.home'))
# Copyright 2019 VMware, Inc. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause import argparse import os import network_insight_sdk_generic_datasources.common.yaml_utilities as yaml_utilities from network_insight_sdk_generic_datasources.archive.zip_archiver import ZipArchiver from network_insight_sdk_generic_datasources.common.constants import TABLE_JOINERS_KEY from network_insight_sdk_generic_datasources.common.constants import WORKLOADS_KEY from network_insight_sdk_generic_datasources.common.constants import PACKAGE_HANDLER_KEY from network_insight_sdk_generic_datasources.common.constants import RESULT_WRITER_KEY from network_insight_sdk_generic_datasources.common.constants import GENERATION_DIRECTORY_KEY def parse_arguments(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Collect cli data from physical device') parser.add_argument('-d', '--device', action='store', help='Physical Device Type e.g. Cisco') parser.add_argument('-m', '--model', action='store', help='Physical Device model e.g. N5k') parser.add_argument('-s', '--device_type', action='store', help='Software installed on device') parser.add_argument('-i', '--ip_or_fqdn', action='store', help='IP or FQDN') parser.add_argument('-u', '--username', action='store', help='Username for login') parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', action='store', help='Password for login') parser.add_argument('-z', '--self_zip', action='store', help='Self Zip the Project', default='false') parser.add_argument('-P', '--port', action='store', help='Specific port to connect', default='22') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_zip', action='store', help='Output zip file to create with CSVs') args = parser.parse_args() return args def main(): import network_insight_sdk_generic_datasources.common.physical_device as physical_device args = parse_arguments() dir_path = "routers_and_switches/{}".format(args.device) # yaml_definition_file_name = "{}_{}_command_map.yml".format(args.device, args.model) yaml_definition_file_name = "{}.yml".format(args.device) self_zip = True if args.self_zip == 'true' or args.self_zip == 'True' else False with open("%s%s%s%s%s" % (os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.sep, dir_path, os.path.sep, yaml_definition_file_name)) as f: configuration = yaml_utilities.altered_safe_load(f) table_joiner = configuration[args.model][TABLE_JOINERS_KEY] if TABLE_JOINERS_KEY in configuration[ args.model] else None generation_directory = configuration[GENERATION_DIRECTORY_KEY] + '/' + args.ip_or_fqdn physical_device = physical_device.PhysicalDevice(args.device, args.model, configuration[args.model][WORKLOADS_KEY], args, table_joiner, configuration[args.model][RESULT_WRITER_KEY], generation_directory) physical_device.process() if PACKAGE_HANDLER_KEY in configuration: zipper = ZipArchiver(self_zip, args.output_zip, generation_directory) zipper.zipdir() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
class Solution: """ @param nums: A set of numbers. @return: A list of lists. All valid subsets. """ def subsetsWithDup(self, nums): # write your code here if not nums: return [[]] nums = sorted(nums) res = [] self.helper(res, [], nums, 0) return res def helper(self, res, part, nums, pos): res.append(list(part)) for i in range(pos, len(nums)): # todo if i != pos and nums[i] == nums[i - 1]: continue part.append(nums[i]) self.helper(res, part, nums, i + 1) part.pop() def subsetsWithDup(self, nums): # write your code here if not nums: return [[]] nums = sorted(nums) res = [] visited=[0]*len(nums) self.helper(res, [], nums, 0,visited) return res def helper(self, res, part, nums, pos,visited): res.append(list(part)) for i in range(pos, len(nums)): # todo if i>0 and visited[i - 1] == 0 and nums[i] == nums[i - 1]: continue visited[i] = 1 part.append(nums[i]) self.helper(res, part, nums, i + 1,visited) part.pop() visited[i]=0 s=Solution() s.subsetsWithDup([])
if __name__ =='__main__': N = int(input("Enter Number of Commands ")) L =[] for i in range(0,N): tokens = input("Enter command ").split() if tokens[0] == "insert": L.insert(int(tokens[1]), int(tokens[2])) elif tokens[0] == "print": print(L) elif tokens[0] == 'remove': L.remove(int(tokens[1])) elif tokens[0] == "append": L.append(int(tokens[1])) elif tokens[0] == "sort": L.sort() elif tokens[0] == "pop": L.pop() elif tokens[0] == "reverse": L.reverse()
#execute: python3 script_path image_path min_wavelet_level max_wavelet_level erosion_times R_script_path output0 output1 import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pywt,cv2,sys,subprocess,homcloud,os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt args = sys.argv image_path = args[1] #jpg file min_wavelet_level = args[2] #int max_wavelet_level = args[3] #int erosion_times = args[4] #int R_script_path = args[5] #path of RTDA.R output0 = args[6] #txt file output1 = args[7] #txt file def preprocess(image_path, coordinate_data_path, min_wavelet_level=3, max_wavelet_level=10, erosion_times=5): imArray = cv2.imread(image_path) #trim the image to 1200*1400 imArray = imArray[0:1200,0:1400] #transform to grayscale imArray = cv2.cvtColor(imArray, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #transform to float (0~1) imArray = np.float32(imArray) imArray /= 255 #calculate wavelet coefficients (Haar base) mode = "haar" coeffs=pywt.wavedec2(imArray, mode, level=10) #abandon coefficients of specified levels coeffs_H=list(coeffs) if 0 < min_wavelet_level: coeffs_H[0] *= 0 for i in range(11): if (i < min_wavelet_level or i > max_wavelet_level): coeffs_H[i] = tuple([np.zeros_like(v) for v in coeffs_H[i]]) #reconstruct the image imArray_H=pywt.waverec2(coeffs_H, mode) imArray_H *= 255 imArray_H = np.uint8(imArray_H) #binarize the image using Otsu's method _,thr = cv2.threshold(imArray_H,0,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY+cv2.THRESH_OTSU) #morphological operations #set the kernel kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_CROSS,(3,3)) #erode the white region several times binary_image = cv2.erode(thr, kernel, iterations = erosion_times) #get coordinates of white pixels y,x = binary_image.nonzero() white_pixels = np.array([x,y]) white_pixels = white_pixels.T #output np.savetxt(coordinate_data_path, white_pixels,fmt="%.0f",delimiter=",") preprocess(image_path, coordinate_data_path,min_wavelet_level, max_wavelet_level, erosion_times)"Rscript " + R_script_path + " " + coordinate_data_path + " " + output0 + " " + output1, shell = True)
# coding: utf-8 # Copyright (c) 2016, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # This software is dual-licensed to you under the Universal Permissive License (UPL) 1.0 as shown at or Apache License 2.0 as shown at You may choose either license. from oci.util import formatted_flat_dict, NONE_SENTINEL, value_allowed_none_or_none_sentinel # noqa: F401 from oci.decorators import init_model_state_from_kwargs @init_model_state_from_kwargs class PrivateEndpointDetails(object): """ Note: Deprecated. Use the new resource model APIs instead. OCI Private Endpoint configuration details. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Initializes a new PrivateEndpointDetails object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class): :param compartment_id: The value to assign to the compartment_id property of this PrivateEndpointDetails. :type compartment_id: str :param vcn_id: The value to assign to the vcn_id property of this PrivateEndpointDetails. :type vcn_id: str :param subnet_id: The value to assign to the subnet_id property of this PrivateEndpointDetails. :type subnet_id: str :param id: The value to assign to the id property of this PrivateEndpointDetails. :type id: str """ self.swagger_types = { 'compartment_id': 'str', 'vcn_id': 'str', 'subnet_id': 'str', 'id': 'str' } self.attribute_map = { 'compartment_id': 'compartmentId', 'vcn_id': 'vcnId', 'subnet_id': 'subnetId', 'id': 'id' } self._compartment_id = None self._vcn_id = None self._subnet_id = None self._id = None @property def compartment_id(self): """ Gets the compartment_id of this PrivateEndpointDetails. The `OCID`__ of the compartment to contain the private endpoint. __ :return: The compartment_id of this PrivateEndpointDetails. :rtype: str """ return self._compartment_id @compartment_id.setter def compartment_id(self, compartment_id): """ Sets the compartment_id of this PrivateEndpointDetails. The `OCID`__ of the compartment to contain the private endpoint. __ :param compartment_id: The compartment_id of this PrivateEndpointDetails. :type: str """ self._compartment_id = compartment_id @property def vcn_id(self): """ Gets the vcn_id of this PrivateEndpointDetails. The `OCID`__ of the VCN where the Private Endpoint will be bound to. __ :return: The vcn_id of this PrivateEndpointDetails. :rtype: str """ return self._vcn_id @vcn_id.setter def vcn_id(self, vcn_id): """ Sets the vcn_id of this PrivateEndpointDetails. The `OCID`__ of the VCN where the Private Endpoint will be bound to. __ :param vcn_id: The vcn_id of this PrivateEndpointDetails. :type: str """ self._vcn_id = vcn_id @property def subnet_id(self): """ Gets the subnet_id of this PrivateEndpointDetails. The `OCID`__ of the customer's subnet where the private endpoint VNIC will reside. __ :return: The subnet_id of this PrivateEndpointDetails. :rtype: str """ return self._subnet_id @subnet_id.setter def subnet_id(self, subnet_id): """ Sets the subnet_id of this PrivateEndpointDetails. The `OCID`__ of the customer's subnet where the private endpoint VNIC will reside. __ :param subnet_id: The subnet_id of this PrivateEndpointDetails. :type: str """ self._subnet_id = subnet_id @property def id(self): """ Gets the id of this PrivateEndpointDetails. `OCID`__ of a previously created Private Endpoint. __ :return: The id of this PrivateEndpointDetails. :rtype: str """ return self._id @id.setter def id(self, id): """ Sets the id of this PrivateEndpointDetails. `OCID`__ of a previously created Private Endpoint. __ :param id: The id of this PrivateEndpointDetails. :type: str """ self._id = id def __repr__(self): return formatted_flat_dict(self) def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other
import os import pandas as pd import pytest import clustereval as ce @pytest.fixture def data(): return pd.read_csv('clustereval/data/testdata.csv.gz') def test_vanilla_cluster_louvain(data): ce.cluster.run_full_experiment(reduction = data, alg = 'louvain', k=30, global_pruning_jac_threshold=None, local_pruning_dist_threshold=None, quality_function='RBConfigurationVertexPartition', cluster_kwargs={}, n_perturbations=0, edge_permut_frac=None, weight_permut_range=None, min_cluster_size=10, experiment_name='clusterEval', verbosity=0 ) def test_louvain_prune(data): ce.cluster.run_full_experiment(reduction=data, alg='louvain', k=30, global_pruning_jac_threshold='median', local_pruning_dist_threshold=3, quality_function='ModularityVertexPartition', cluster_kwargs={}, n_perturbations=0, edge_permut_frac=None, weight_permut_range=None, min_cluster_size=10, experiment_name='clusterEval', verbosity=0 ) def test_louvain_alt_quality_function(data): ce.cluster.run_full_experiment(reduction=data, alg='leiden', k=30, global_pruning_jac_threshold=None, local_pruning_dist_threshold=None, quality_function='RBConfigurationVertexPartition', cluster_kwargs={}, n_perturbations=0, edge_permut_frac=None, weight_permut_range=None, min_cluster_size=10, experiment_name='clusterEval', verbosity=0 ) def test_vanilla_cluster_leiden(data): ce.cluster.run_full_experiment(reduction=data, alg='leiden', k=30, global_pruning_jac_threshold=None, local_pruning_dist_threshold=None, quality_function='RBConfigurationVertexPartition', cluster_kwargs={'resolution_parameter': 1.0, 'n_iterations':5}, n_perturbations=0, edge_permut_frac=None, weight_permut_range=None, min_cluster_size=10, experiment_name='clusterEval', verbosity=0 ) def test_leiden_prune(data): ce.cluster.run_full_experiment(reduction=data, alg='leiden', k=30, global_pruning_jac_threshold=.2, local_pruning_dist_threshold=3, quality_function='RBConfigurationVertexPartition', cluster_kwargs={ 'resolution_parameter': 1.0, 'n_iterations': 5}, n_perturbations=0, edge_permut_frac=None, weight_permut_range=None, min_cluster_size=10, experiment_name='clusterEval', verbosity=0 ) def test_leiden_alt_quality_function(data): ce.cluster.run_full_experiment(reduction=data, alg='leiden', k=30, global_pruning_jac_threshold=None, local_pruning_dist_threshold=None, quality_function='ModularityVertexPartition', cluster_kwargs={'n_iterations': 5}, n_perturbations=0, edge_permut_frac=None, weight_permut_range=None, min_cluster_size=10, experiment_name='clusterEval', verbosity=0 ) def test_edge_perturb(data): ce.cluster.run_full_experiment(reduction=data, alg='louvain', k=30, global_pruning_jac_threshold=None, local_pruning_dist_threshold=None, quality_function='RBConfigurationVertexPartition', cluster_kwargs={}, n_perturbations=1, edge_permut_frac=.05, weight_permut_range=None, min_cluster_size=10, experiment_name='clusterEval', verbosity=0 ) def test_weight_perturb(data): ce.cluster.run_full_experiment(reduction=data, alg='leiden', k=30, global_pruning_jac_threshold=None, local_pruning_dist_threshold=None, quality_function='RBConfigurationVertexPartition', cluster_kwargs={ 'resolution_parameter': 1.0, 'n_iterations': 5}, n_perturbations=2, edge_permut_frac=None, weight_permut_range=(.5,1.5), min_cluster_size=10, experiment_name='clusterEval', verbosity=0 ) def test_dup_row_error_fails(): data = pd.read_csv('clustereval/data/testdata.csv.gz', index_col=0) try: ce.cluster.run_full_experiment(reduction=data, alg='leiden', k=30, global_pruning_jac_threshold=None, local_pruning_dist_threshold=None, quality_function='RBConfigurationVertexPartition', cluster_kwargs={ 'resolution_parameter': 1.0, 'n_iterations': 5}, n_perturbations=2, edge_permut_frac=None, weight_permut_range=(.5, 1.5), min_cluster_size=10, experiment_name='clusterEval', verbosity=0 ) assert 1==2 except ce.cluster.DuplicateRowError: pass # def test_umap(data): # clu_obj = ce.cluster.ClusterExperiment(data ,verbosity=2) # clu_obj.buildNeighborGraph(knn=10, nn_space='l2', # local_pruning=True, global_pruning=True, jac_std_global='median', dist_std_local = 3) # embedding = clu_obj.run_UMAP() def test_unsorted_metric_input_fails(data): metrics, labels, pertubations = ce.cluster.run_full_experiment(reduction=data, alg='leiden', k=30, global_pruning_jac_threshold=None, local_pruning_dist_threshold=None, quality_function='RBConfigurationVertexPartition', cluster_kwargs={ 'resolution_parameter': 1.0, 'n_iterations': 5}, n_perturbations=2, edge_permut_frac=None, weight_permut_range=(.5, 1.5), min_cluster_size=10, experiment_name='clusterEval', verbosity=0 ) labels = labels.sample(labels.shape[0]) try: ce.metrics.calculate_metrics(labels, pertubations) except: pass return
import re from django.contrib.auth.backends import ModelBackend from .models import User def jwt_response_payload_handler(token, user=None, request=None): """ 由于我们的jwt 响应的数据只有token  当时我们需要用户名和id所以我们需要让django框架取认识我们自定义的响应 自定义状态保持的响应内容 :param token: token :param user: 用户名 :param request: 请求对象 :return: token,username,id """ return { 'token': token, 'user_id':, 'username': user.username } def get_username_mobile_account(account): """ 跟据帐号获取user对象 :param caaount: 用户名或者手机号 :return: user对象或者None """ try: if re.match(r"1[3-9]\d{9}", account): user = User.objects.get(mobile=account) else: user = User.objects.get(username=account) except User.DoesNotExist: return None return user class UsernameMobileLogin(ModelBackend): """ 由于我们需要多张好登录 所以需要重写JWT的认证  ModelBackend的方法authenticate """ def authenticate(self, request, username=None, password=None, **kwargs): """重写父类的认证""" user = get_username_mobile_account(username) if user is not None and user.check_password(password): return user
import re from functools import reduce from django.template import Template, Context from django_grapesjs.settings import NAME_RENDER_TAG __all__ = ('ApplyRenderTag', ) REGEX_RENDER_TAG = '<%s>(.*?)</%s>' % (NAME_RENDER_TAG, NAME_RENDER_TAG) class ApplyRenderTag(object): def apply_tag_init(self, string): strings_to_render = re.findall(REGEX_RENDER_TAG, string) replace_to_strings = map(lambda t: t.render(Context({})), map(Template, strings_to_render)) return reduce(lambda s, r: re.sub(REGEX_RENDER_TAG, r, s, 1), replace_to_strings, string) def apply_tag_save(self, string): return string
import rdkit import rdkit.Chem as Chem from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix from scipy.sparse.csgraph import minimum_spanning_tree from collections import defaultdict from rdkit.Chem.EnumerateStereoisomers import EnumerateStereoisomers, StereoEnumerationOptions from vocab import Vocab def get_mol(smiles): mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) if mol is None: return None Chem.Kekulize(mol) return mol
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from datafield import DataFieldForm, NamedDataFieldForm from dataset import DataSetForm from robot import RobotForm from urlsource import URLSourceForm
from operator import itemgetter def isPlayerWon(board, champ): if (board[0] == champ and board[1] == champ and board[2] == champ or board[3] == champ and board[4] == champ and board[5] == champ or board[6] == champ and board[7] == champ and board[8] == champ or board[0] == champ and board[3] == champ and board[6] == champ or board[1] == champ and board[4] == champ and board[7] == champ or board[2] == champ and board[5] == champ and board[8] == champ or board[0] == champ and board[4] == champ and board[8] == champ or board[2] == champ and board[4] == champ and board[6] == champ): return True else: return False def avail(board): return [int(i) for i in board if (i != 'X' and i != 'O')] def minmax(board, champ): availablePlaces = avail(board) if isPlayerWon(board, 'X'): return 0, -100 elif isPlayerWon(board, 'O'): return 0, 100 elif availablePlaces == []: return 0, 0 validMoves = [] for i in availablePlaces: board[i] = champ if champ == 'O': score = minmax(board, 'X')[1] validMoves.append((i, score)) elif champ == 'X': score = minmax(board, 'O')[1] validMoves.append((i, score)) board[i] = i if champ == 'X': return min(validMoves, key=itemgetter(1)) elif champ == 'O': return max(validMoves, key=itemgetter(1)) def drawBoard(board): # for i in range(3): # print(board[3*i : 3*i+3]) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if board[i*3 + j] != 'X' and board[i*3 + j] != 'O': print(' ', end=' | ') else: print(board[i*3 + j], end=' | ') else: print() print('-' * 11) def main(): board = [str(i) for i in range(9)] # print(board) human = 'X' bot = 'O' drawBoard(board) while True: # print(board) humanMove = int(input('Enter the position: ')) if((humanMove < 0 or humanMove > 8) or board[humanMove] == 'X' or board[humanMove] == 'O'): print('Invalid Move!! Try again!!') continue board[humanMove] = human botMove = minmax(board, bot)[0] print(botMove) board[botMove] = bot drawBoard(board) if isPlayerWon(board, 'X'): print('You Won') break elif isPlayerWon(board, 'O'): print('You Lose') break elif avail(board) == []: print('Tied') break if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django_jinja.base import Library import jinja2 register = Library() @register.filter @jinja2.contextfilter def datetimeformat(ctx, value, format='%H:%M / %d-%m-%Y'): return value.strftime(format) @register.global_context def hello(name): return "Hello" + name
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from common_functions import load_data if __name__ == '__main__': X, y = load_data('ex2data1.txt') x1, x2 = X.T f_y = y.ravel() plt.plot(x1[f_y==0], x2[f_y==0], 'yo') plt.plot(x1[f_y==1], x2[f_y==1], 'bx') lr = LogisticRegression(C=100), f_y) theta = np.array([lr.intercept_[0], lr.coef_[0, 0], lr.coef_[0, 1]]) x1_boundery = np.array([np.min(x1)-2, np.max(x1)+2]) x2_boundery = (-1/theta[2])*(theta[1]*x1_boundery + theta[0]) plt.plot(x1[f_y==0], x2[f_y==0], 'yo') plt.plot(x1[f_y==1], x2[f_y==1], 'bx') plt.plot(x1_boundery, x2_boundery) print 'Train Accuracy: {}%'.format(lr.score(X, y)*100)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ /*************************************************************************** ---------------------- Date : November 2014 Copyright : (C) 2014 by Detlev Neumann Dr. Neumann Consulting - Geospatial Services Email : [email protected] ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ """ __author__ = 'Detlev Neumann' __date__ = 'November 2014' __copyright__ = '(C) 2014, Detlev Neumann' # This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = '176c06ceefb5f555205e72b20c962740cc0ec183' import os.path import math from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import QIcon from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QVariant from qgis.core import (QgsApplication, QgsExpression, QgsFeature, QgsFeatureRequest, QgsFeatureSink, QgsField, QgsFields, QgsGeometry, QgsProcessing, QgsProcessingException, QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSink, QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSource, QgsProcessingParameterField, QgsProcessingParameterNumber, QgsPoint, QgsPointXY, QgsWkbTypes) from processing.algs.qgis.QgisAlgorithm import QgisAlgorithm class KNearestConcaveHull(QgisAlgorithm): KNEIGHBORS = 'KNEIGHBORS' INPUT = 'INPUT' OUTPUT = 'OUTPUT' FIELD = 'FIELD' def name(self): return 'knearestconcavehull' def displayName(self): return'Concave hull (k-nearest neighbor)') def shortDescription(self): return'Creates a concave hull using the k-nearest neighbor algorithm.') def icon(self): return QgsApplication.getThemeIcon("/algorithms/mAlgorithmConcaveHull.svg") def svgIconPath(self): return QgsApplication.iconPath("/algorithms/mAlgorithmConcaveHull.svg") def group(self): return'Vector geometry') def groupId(self): return 'vectorgeometry' def __init__(self): super().__init__() def initAlgorithm(self, config=None): self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSource(self.INPUT,'Input layer'))) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterNumber(self.KNEIGHBORS,'Number of neighboring points to consider (a lower number is more concave, a higher number is smoother)'), QgsProcessingParameterNumber.Integer, defaultValue=3, minValue=3)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterField(self.FIELD,'Field (set if creating concave hulls by class)'), parentLayerParameterName=self.INPUT, optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSink(self.OUTPUT,'Concave hull'), QgsProcessing.TypeVectorPolygon)) def processAlgorithm(self, parameters, context, feedback): # Get variables from dialog source = self.parameterAsSource(parameters, self.INPUT, context) if source is None: raise QgsProcessingException(self.invalidSourceError(parameters, self.INPUT)) field_name = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.FIELD, context) kneighbors = self.parameterAsInt(parameters, self.KNEIGHBORS, context) use_field = bool(field_name) field_index = -1 fields = QgsFields() fields.append(QgsField('id', QVariant.Int, '', 20)) current = 0 # Get properties of the field the grouping is based on if use_field: field_index = source.fields().lookupField(field_name) if field_index >= 0: fields.append(source.fields()[field_index]) # Add a field with the name of the grouping field # Initialize writer (sink, dest_id) = self.parameterAsSink(parameters, self.OUTPUT, context, fields, QgsWkbTypes.Polygon, source.sourceCrs()) if sink is None: raise QgsProcessingException(self.invalidSinkError(parameters, self.OUTPUT)) success = False fid = 0 # Get unique values of grouping field unique_values = source.uniqueValues(field_index) total = 100.0 / float(source.featureCount() * len(unique_values)) for unique in unique_values: points = [] filter = QgsExpression.createFieldEqualityExpression(field_name, unique) request = QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterExpression(filter) request.setSubsetOfAttributes([]) # Get features with the grouping attribute equal to the current grouping value features = source.getFeatures(request) for in_feature in features: if feedback.isCanceled(): break # Add points or vertices of more complex geometry points.extend(extract_points(in_feature.geometry())) current += 1 feedback.setProgress(int(current * total)) # A minimum of 3 points is necessary to proceed if len(points) >= 3: out_feature = QgsFeature() the_hull = concave_hull(points, kneighbors) if the_hull: vertex = [QgsPointXY(point[0], point[1]) for point in the_hull] poly = QgsGeometry().fromPolygonXY([vertex]) out_feature.setGeometry(poly) # Give the polygon the same attribute as the point grouping attribute out_feature.setAttributes([fid, unique]) sink.addFeature(out_feature, QgsFeatureSink.FastInsert) success = True # at least one polygon created fid += 1 if not success: raise QgsProcessingException('No hulls could be created. Most likely there were not at least three unique points in any of the groups.') else: # Field parameter provided but can't read from it raise QgsProcessingException('Unable to find grouping field') else: # Not grouped by field # Initialize writer (sink, dest_id) = self.parameterAsSink(parameters, self.OUTPUT, context, fields, QgsWkbTypes.Polygon, source.sourceCrs()) if sink is None: raise QgsProcessingException(self.invalidSinkError(parameters, self.OUTPUT)) points = [] request = QgsFeatureRequest() request.setSubsetOfAttributes([]) features = source.getFeatures(request) # Get all features total = 100.0 / source.featureCount() if source.featureCount() else 0 for in_feature in features: if feedback.isCanceled(): break # Add points or vertices of more complex geometry points.extend(extract_points(in_feature.geometry())) current += 1 feedback.setProgress(int(current * total)) # A minimum of 3 points is necessary to proceed if len(points) >= 3: out_feature = QgsFeature() the_hull = concave_hull(points, kneighbors) if the_hull: vertex = [QgsPointXY(point[0], point[1]) for point in the_hull] poly = QgsGeometry().fromPolygonXY([vertex]) out_feature.setGeometry(poly) out_feature.setAttributes([0]) sink.addFeature(out_feature, QgsFeatureSink.FastInsert) else: # the_hull returns None only when there are less than three points after cleaning raise QgsProcessingException('At least three unique points are required to create a concave hull.') else: raise QgsProcessingException('At least three points are required to create a concave hull.') return {self.OUTPUT: dest_id} def clean_list(list_of_points): """ Deletes duplicate points in list_of_points """ return list(set(list_of_points)) def find_min_y_point(list_of_points): """ Returns that point of *list_of_points* having minimal y-coordinate :param list_of_points: list of tuples :return: tuple (x, y) """ min_y_pt = list_of_points[0] for point in list_of_points[1:]: if point[1] < min_y_pt[1] or (point[1] == min_y_pt[1] and point[0] < min_y_pt[0]): min_y_pt = point return min_y_pt def add_point(vector, element): """ Returns vector with the given element append to the right """ vector.append(element) return vector def remove_point(vector, element): """ Returns a copy of vector without the given element """ vector.pop(vector.index(element)) return vector def euclidian_distance(point1, point2): """ Returns the euclidian distance of the 2 given points. :param point1: tuple (x, y) :param point2: tuple (x, y) :return: float """ return math.sqrt(math.pow(point1[0] - point2[0], 2) + math.pow(point1[1] - point2[1], 2)) def nearest_points(list_of_points, point, k): """ Returns a list of the indices of the k closest neighbors from list_of_points to the specified point. The measure of proximity is the Euclidean distance. Internally, k becomes the minimum between the given value for k and the number of points in list_of_points :param list_of_points: list of tuples :param point: tuple (x, y) :param k: integer :return: list of k tuples """ # build a list of tuples of distances between point *point* and every point in *list_of_points*, and # their respective index of list *list_of_distances* list_of_distances = [] for index in range(len(list_of_points)): list_of_distances.append((euclidian_distance(list_of_points[index], point), index)) # sort distances in ascending order list_of_distances.sort() # get the k nearest neighbors of point nearest_list = [] for index in range(min(k, len(list_of_points))): nearest_list.append((list_of_points[list_of_distances[index][1]])) return nearest_list def angle(from_point, to_point): """ Returns the angle of the directed line segment, going from *from_point* to *to_point*, in radians. The angle is positive for segments with upward direction (north), otherwise negative (south). Values ranges from 0 at the right (east) to pi at the left side (west). :param from_point: tuple (x, y) :param to_point: tuple (x, y) :return: float """ return math.atan2(to_point[1] - from_point[1], to_point[0] - from_point[0]) def angle_difference(angle1, angle2): """ Calculates the difference between the given angles in clockwise direction as radians. :param angle1: float :param angle2: float :return: float; between 0 and 2*Pi """ if (angle1 > 0 and angle2 >= 0) and angle1 > angle2: return abs(angle1 - angle2) elif (angle1 >= 0 and angle2 > 0) and angle1 < angle2: return 2 * math.pi + angle1 - angle2 elif (angle1 < 0 and angle2 <= 0) and angle1 < angle2: return 2 * math.pi + angle1 + abs(angle2) elif (angle1 <= 0 and angle2 < 0) and angle1 > angle2: return abs(angle1 - angle2) elif angle1 <= 0 < angle2: return 2 * math.pi + angle1 - angle2 elif angle1 >= 0 >= angle2: return angle1 + abs(angle2) else: return 0 def intersect(line1, line2): """ Returns True if the two given line segments intersect each other, and False otherwise. :param line1: 2-tuple of tuple (x, y) :param line2: 2-tuple of tuple (x, y) :return: boolean """ a1 = line1[1][1] - line1[0][1] b1 = line1[0][0] - line1[1][0] c1 = a1 * line1[0][0] + b1 * line1[0][1] a2 = line2[1][1] - line2[0][1] b2 = line2[0][0] - line2[1][0] c2 = a2 * line2[0][0] + b2 * line2[0][1] tmp = (a1 * b2 - a2 * b1) if tmp == 0: return False sx = (c1 * b2 - c2 * b1) / tmp if (sx > line1[0][0] and sx > line1[1][0]) or (sx > line2[0][0] and sx > line2[1][0]) or\ (sx < line1[0][0] and sx < line1[1][0]) or (sx < line2[0][0] and sx < line2[1][0]): return False sy = (a1 * c2 - a2 * c1) / tmp if (sy > line1[0][1] and sy > line1[1][1]) or (sy > line2[0][1] and sy > line2[1][1]) or\ (sy < line1[0][1] and sy < line1[1][1]) or (sy < line2[0][1] and sy < line2[1][1]): return False return True def point_in_polygon_q(point, list_of_points): """ Return True if given point *point* is laying in the polygon described by the vertices *list_of_points*, otherwise False Based on the "Ray Casting Method" described by Joel Lawhead in this blog article: """ x = point[0] y = point[1] poly = [(pt[0], pt[1]) for pt in list_of_points] n = len(poly) inside = False p1x, p1y = poly[0] for i in range(n + 1): p2x, p2y = poly[i % n] if y > min(p1y, p2y): if y <= max(p1y, p2y): if x <= max(p1x, p2x): if p1y != p2y: xints = (y - p1y) * (p2x - p1x) / (p2y - p1y) + p1x if p1x == p2x or x <= xints: inside = not inside p1x, p1y = p2x, p2y return inside def extract_points(geom): """ Generate list of QgsPoints from QgsGeometry *geom* ( can be point, line, or polygon ) Code taken from fTools plugin :param geom: an arbitrary geometry feature :return: list of points """ multi_geom = QgsGeometry() temp_geom = [] # point geometry if geom.type() == 0: if geom.isMultipart(): temp_geom = geom.asMultiPoint() else: temp_geom.append(geom.asPoint()) # line geometry if geom.type() == 1: # if multipart feature explode to single part if geom.isMultipart(): multi_geom = geom.asMultiPolyline() for i in multi_geom: temp_geom.extend(i) else: temp_geom = geom.asPolyline() # polygon geometry elif geom.type() == 2: # if multipart feature explode to single part if geom.isMultipart(): multi_geom = geom.asMultiPolygon() # now single part polygons for i in multi_geom: # explode to line segments for j in i: temp_geom.extend(j) else: multi_geom = geom.asPolygon() # explode to line segments for i in multi_geom: temp_geom.extend(i) return temp_geom def sort_by_angle(list_of_points, last_point, last_angle): """ returns the points in list_of_points in descending order of angle to the last segment of the envelope, measured in a clockwise direction. Thus, the rightmost of the neighboring points is always selected. The first point of this list will be the next point of the envelope. """ def getkey(item): return angle_difference(last_angle, angle(last_point, item)) vertex_list = sorted(list_of_points, key=getkey, reverse=True) return vertex_list def concave_hull(points_list, k): """ Calculates a valid concave hull polygon containing all given points. The algorithm searches for that point in the neighborhood of k nearest neighbors which maximizes the rotation angle in clockwise direction without intersecting any previous line segments. This is an implementation of the algorithm described by Adriano Moreira and Maribel Yasmina Santos: CONCAVE HULL: A neighborhood_k-NEAREST NEIGHBORS APPROACH FOR THE COMPUTATION OF THE REGION OCCUPIED BY A SET OF POINTS. GRAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications; pp 61-68. :param points_list: list of tuples (x, y) :param k: integer :return: list of tuples (x, y) """ # return an empty list if not enough points are given if k > len(points_list): k = len(points_list) # the number of nearest neighbors k must be greater than or equal to 3 kk = max(k, 3) # delete duplicate points point_set = clean_list(points_list) # if point_set has less then 3 points no polygon can be created and an empty list will be returned if len(point_set) < 3: return None # if point_set has 3 points then these are already vertices of the hull. Append the first point to # close the hull polygon if len(point_set) == 3: return add_point(point_set, point_set[0]) # make sure that k neighbors can be found kk = min(kk, len(point_set)) # start with the point having the smallest y-coordinate (most southern point) first_point = find_min_y_point(point_set) # add this points as the first vertex of the hull hull = [first_point] # make the first vertex of the hull to the current point current_point = first_point # remove the point from the point_set, to prevent him being among the nearest points point_set = remove_point(point_set, first_point) previous_angle = math.pi # step counts the number of segments step = 2 # as long as point_set is not empty or search is returning to the starting point while (current_point != first_point) or (step == 2) and (len(point_set) > 0): # after 3 iterations add the first point to point_set again, otherwise a hull cannot be closed if step == 5: point_set = add_point(point_set, first_point) # search the k nearest neighbors of the current point k_nearest_points = nearest_points(point_set, current_point, kk) # sort the candidates (neighbors) in descending order of right-hand turn. This way the algorithm progresses # in clockwise direction through as many points as possible c_points = sort_by_angle(k_nearest_points, current_point, previous_angle) its = True i = -1 # search for the nearest point to which the connecting line does not intersect any existing segment while its is True and (i < len(c_points) - 1): i += 1 if c_points[i] == first_point: last_point = 1 else: last_point = 0 j = 2 its = False while its is False and (j < len(hull) - last_point): its = intersect((hull[step - 2], c_points[i]), (hull[step - 2 - j], hull[step - 1 - j])) j += 1 # there is no candidate to which the connecting line does not intersect any existing segment, so the # for the next candidate fails. The algorithm starts again with an increased number of neighbors if its is True: return concave_hull(points_list, kk + 1) # the first point which complies with the requirements is added to the hull and gets the current point current_point = c_points[i] hull = add_point(hull, current_point) # calculate the angle between the last vertex and his precursor, that is the last segment of the hull # in reversed direction previous_angle = angle(hull[step - 1], hull[step - 2]) # remove current_point from point_set point_set = remove_point(point_set, current_point) # increment counter step += 1 all_inside = True i = len(point_set) - 1 # check if all points are within the created polygon while (all_inside is True) and (i >= 0): all_inside = point_in_polygon_q(point_set[i], hull) i -= 1 # since at least one point is out of the computed polygon, try again with a higher number of neighbors if all_inside is False: return concave_hull(points_list, kk + 1) # a valid hull has been constructed return hull
# date: 2021.03.29 # author: Han Tran ([email protected]) import os import re import openml as oml ##################################################################### ''' *** Function: write a proto file with a given regconized ID in OpenML *** Input: dataID from OpenML, name and location for the output file *** Output: filename.proto (default: "model.proto") ''' ##################################################################### def write_proto(dataID, file_name=f'model.proto', output_folder=''): output_file = os.path.join(output_folder, file_name) try: df = oml.datasets.get_dataset(dataID).get_data()[0] except: print(f'No data with ID {dataID}') with open(output_file, 'w') as f: f.write('syntax = "proto3";\n\n') f.write(f'option java_outer_classname = "Data{dataID}Proto";\n') f.write('option objc_class_prefix = "KC";\n\n') f.write(f'package{dataID};\n\n') f.write(f'service Data {{ \n') f.write('\trpc PullData(Empty) returns (Response);\n') f.write('}\n\n') f.write(f'message Empty {{\n}}\n\n') f.write(f'message Response {{\n') f.write(f'\tstring label = 1;\n') f.write(f'\tFeature feature = 2;\n') f.write('}\n\n') f.write('message Feature {\n') label = 'class' try: df_label = df.loc[:, [label]].shape[1] except: df_label = 0 if df_label == 1: df = df.drop(label, axis=1) else: print('No label ("class" name) found in the dataset') type_ser = df.dtypes types = [str(m) for m in type_ser] for k, c in enumerate(types): text = c if c!='category' else "string" f.write(f'\t{text:8} {type_ser.index[k].capitalize():30} = {k+1};\n') f.write('}') print(f'Done writing {dataID} into {output_file}')
#!/usr/bin/env python import os.path from django.db import models from django.utils.timezone import now from panda.models.user_proxy import UserProxy class BaseUpload(models.Model): """ Base class for any file uploaded to PANDA. """ filename = models.CharField(max_length=256, help_text='Filename as stored in PANDA.') original_filename = models.CharField(max_length=256, help_text='Filename as originally uploaded.') size = models.IntegerField( help_text='Size of the file in bytes.') creator = models.ForeignKey(UserProxy, help_text='The user who uploaded this file.') creation_date = models.DateTimeField( help_text='The date this file was uploaded.') title = models.TextField(max_length=256, help_text='A user-friendly name for this file.') class Meta: app_label = 'panda' abstract = True def __unicode__(self): return self.filename def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.creation_date: self.creation_date = now() if not self.title: self.title = self.original_filename super(BaseUpload, self).save(*args, **kwargs) def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): """ When deleting an upload, it will attempt to clean up its own associated files. """ try: os.remove(self.get_path()) except: pass super(BaseUpload, self).delete(*args, **kwargs) def get_path(self): """ Get the absolute path to this upload on disk. """ return os.path.join(self.file_root, self.filename)
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt filepath = '/home/jp/opensourcecode/OpenSourceORBVIO/tmp/'; biasa = np.loadtxt(filepath+'biasa.txt'); plt.figure(1); p11, =plt.plot(biasa[:,0]-biasa[0,0],biasa[:,1]); p12, =plt.plot(biasa[:,0]-biasa[0,0],biasa[:,2]); p13, =plt.plot(biasa[:,0]-biasa[0,0],biasa[:,3]); plt.title('bias-acc'); plt.legend([p11,p12,p13],["x","y","z"]); plt.savefig(filepath+"biasa.eps", format="eps") #plt.legend(p12,'y'); #plt.legend(p13,'z'); scale = np.loadtxt(filepath+'scale.txt'); plt.figure(2); [p21,p22] = plt.plot(scale[:,0]-scale[0,0],scale[:,1:3]); plt.title('scale'); plt.legend([p21,p22],['aftopt','befopt']); plt.savefig(filepath+'/scale.eps', format="eps") condnum = np.loadtxt(filepath+'condnum.txt'); plt.figure(3); plt.plot(condnum[:,0]-condnum[0,0],condnum[:,1]/condnum[:,6]); plt.title('condnum'); plt.savefig(filepath+'condnum.eps', format="eps") biasg = np.loadtxt(filepath+'biasg.txt'); plt.figure(4); p41, =plt.plot(biasg[:,0]-biasg[0,0],biasg[:,1]); p42, =plt.plot(biasg[:,0]-biasg[0,0],biasg[:,2]); p43, =plt.plot(biasg[:,0]-biasg[0,0],biasg[:,3]); plt.title('bias-gyr'); plt.legend([p41,p42,p43],["x","y","z"]); plt.savefig(filepath+"biasg.eps", format="eps");
from . import db, login_manager from import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash from flask_login import UserMixin from datetime import datetime @login_manager.user_loader def load_user(user_id): return User.query.get(int(user_id)) class Pitch(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'pitches' pitch_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) pitch_author = db.Column(db.String(255)) pitch_title = db.Column(db.String(350)) pitch_category = db.Column(db.String(255)) pitch_message = db.Column(db.String(2000)) date_published = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow) upvotes = db.Column(db.Integer) downvotes = db.Column(db.Integer) user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('users.user_id')) comments = db.relationship('Comment', backref = 'pitch', lazy ="dynamic") def __repr__(self): return f'Pitch {self.pitch_message}' class User(UserMixin ,db.Model): __tablename__ = 'users' user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) username = db.Column(db.String(255)) email = db.Column(db.String(255), unique = True, index = True) user_bio = db.Column(db.String(600)) user_profile_pic_path = db.Column(db.String) pass_secure = db.Column(db.String(255)) pitches = db.relationship('Pitch', backref='user', lazy="dynamic") comments = db.relationship('Comment', backref='user', lazy="dynamic") @property def password(self): raise AttributeError('You are not authorized to read password attribute') @password.setter def password(self, password): self.pass_secure = generate_password_hash(password) def verify_password(self, password): return check_password_hash(self.pass_secure, password) def __repr__(self): return f'User {self.username}' class Comment(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'comments' comment_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) comment_message =db.Column(db.String(1000)) date_posted = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow) user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('users.user_id')) pitch_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('pitches.pitch_id')) def save_comment(self): db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() def __repr__(self): return f'Comment {self.comment_message}'
from sls.completion.item import CompletionItem, CompletionItemKind from .argument import Argument class Event(CompletionItem): """ An individual service event with its arguments. """ def __init__(self, name, description, args): self._name = name self._description = description self._args = args @classmethod def from_hub(cls, name, event): args = {} if 'arguments' in event: for arg_name, arg in event['arguments'].items(): args[arg_name] = Argument.from_hub(name=arg_name, argument=arg) description = event.get( 'help', 'No description available' ) return cls( name=name, description=description, args=args, ) def name(self): return self._name def args(self): return self._args.values() def arg(self, name): return self._args.get(name, None) def to_completion(self, context): return self.completion_build(, detail=f'Event {}', documentation=f'Event doc: {}', completion_kind=CompletionItemKind.Unit, context=context, )
from setuptools import setup setup( name='nzpaye', version='0.1.1', description='NZ Paye Summary', long_description="""Calculate the NZ Paye Summary based on the hourly rate and the number of hours worked.""", url='', author='Anuj Sharma', author_email='[email protected]', license='MIT', packages=['nzpaye'], install_requires=['tabulate==0.8.7'], classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'Intended Audience :: Financial and Insurance Industry', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8', ], test_suite='nzpaye.test', tests_require=[ 'mock' ], entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'nzpaye = nzpaye.__main__:main', ] } )
from agent import Agent import random class SimpleAgent(Agent): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) def name(self): return "Simple" def move(self, board): op_piece = self.piece % 2 + 1 valid_moves = self.valid_moves(board) if len(valid_moves) == 0: return None for col in valid_moves: if self.check_if_winning(self.drop_piece(board, col, self.piece), self.piece) or \ self.check_if_winning(self.drop_piece(board, col, op_piece), op_piece): return col return random.choice(valid_moves)
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Wedge import numpy as np from config_space_angular_constraints import plot_config_space def path_figure(theta_matrix, robot_arm, show=True): """ Arguments: theta_matrix - A set of theta column vectors robot_arm - An object of the RobotArm class Returns: None, but plots the configuration of each theta vector as subplots """ # Check input arguments num_of_destinations = robot_arm.destinations.shape[1] if not theta_matrix.shape == (robot_arm.n, num_of_destinations): raise ValueError(''' The number of joint positions does not match the number of destination points ''') # Set up plot style options'ggplot') fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3) np.ravel(axes)[-1].axis('off') axes = np.ravel(axes)[:-1] for ax in np.ravel(axes): set_axis_options(ax, robot_arm) # Plotting content of each subplot for index, theta in enumerate(theta_matrix.T): plot_position(np.ravel(axes)[index], theta, robot_arm) if show is True: #plt.savefig('figures/inequality.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=500) return fig def set_axis_options(ax, robot_arm): ax.set_autoscale_on(False) ax.set_aspect('equal') if robot_arm.angular_constraint is not None: plot_config_space(robot_arm.config_space_points, ax) ax.axhline(y=0, color='grey') ax.axvline(x=0, color='grey') # Padding a = 1.1 max_x = abs(max(robot_arm.destinations, key=lambda p: abs(p[0]))[0]) max_y = abs(max(robot_arm.destinations, key=lambda p: abs(p[1]))[1]) m = max(max_x, max_y, robot_arm.reach) ax.set_xlim(-a*m, a * m) ax.set_ylim(-a * m, a * m) def plot_position(axis, theta, robot_arm): joint_positions = robot_arm.joint_positions(theta) x = np.hstack((0, joint_positions[0, :])) y = np.hstack((0, joint_positions[1, :])) axis.plot(x, y, '-o') # Plot all the points that shall be reached for index, p in enumerate(robot_arm.destinations.T): point, = axis.plot(p[0], p[1], 'x') axis.text(p[0], p[1], str(index + 1), fontsize=14, color=point.get_color()) # Plot configuration space of robot if robot_arm.angular_constraint is None: configuration_space = Wedge( (0, 0), r=robot_arm.reach, theta1=0, theta2=360, width=robot_arm.reach - robot_arm.inner_reach, facecolor='grey', alpha=0.3, edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.6 ) axis.add_patch(configuration_space)
#!/usr/bin/python3 '''''' import pgzrun SPEED = 6 WIDTH = 800 HEIGHT = 300 PLAYER_XPOS, PLAYER_YPOS = 75, HEIGHT-60 ANI_SPEED = 4 JUMP = 18 GRAVITY = 1.0 PLAYER_IMG = 'bot' bg = [] bg.append(Actor('ground', anchor=('left', 'bottom'))) bg.append(Actor('ground', anchor=('left', 'bottom'))) player = Actor(f'{PLAYER_IMG}0', anchor=('left', 'bottom')) player.vy = 0 player.frame = 0 bg[1].x = WIDTH bg[0].y = HEIGHT bg[1].y = HEIGHT def reset(): ''' set starting positions ''' player.x = PLAYER_XPOS player.vy = 0 player.y = PLAYER_YPOS def update_bg(): ''' scroll the background images ''' bg[0].left -= SPEED bg[1].left -= SPEED if bg[0].x < -WIDTH: bg[0].x = WIDTH if bg[1].x < -WIDTH: bg[1].x = WIDTH def update_player(): ''' handle animation and score player ''' uy = player.vy player.vy += GRAVITY player.y += (uy + player.vy) / 2 if player.y > PLAYER_YPOS: player.image = f'{PLAYER_IMG}{player.frame // ANI_SPEED}' player.y = PLAYER_YPOS player.vy = 0 else: player.image = f'{PLAYER_IMG}up{player.frame // ANI_SPEED}' player.frame = (player.frame + 1) % (3*ANI_SPEED) def tap(): ''' react to taps ''' if player.vy == 0: player.vy -= JUMP def on_key_down(): ''' react to key presses ''' tap() def on_mouse_down(): ''' react to mouse clicks ''' tap() def update(): ''' pgzero function to update game objects ''' update_bg() update_player() def draw(): ''' pgzero function to establish objects ''' bg[1].draw() bg[0].draw() player.draw() reset() pgzrun.go() #End
from celery import shared_task from grandchallenge.archives.models import Archive from grandchallenge.cases.models import Image @shared_task def add_images_to_archive(*, upload_session_pk, archive_pk): images = Image.objects.filter(origin_id=upload_session_pk) archive = Archive.objects.get(pk=archive_pk) archive.images.add(*images.all())
from markdown import markdown def yup(): return markdown('A **long** time ago in a galaxy far, **far** away...')
#twitterclient import twitter from configuration import configuration class twitterclient: def __init__(self): config = configuration("config.ini") self.api = twitter.Api(consumer_key=config.getTwitterConsumerKey(), consumer_secret=config.getTwitterConsumerSecret(), access_token_key=config.getTwitterAccessToken(), access_token_secret=config.getTwitterAccessTokenSecret()) def tweet(self, message): self.api.PostUpdate(message)
from datetime import datetime, timedelta import airflow from airflow import DAG from airflow.contrib.operators.kubernetes_pod_operator import KubernetesPodOperator # Task arguments task_args = { "depends_on_past": False, "email_on_failure": True, "owner": "filippoberio", "email": ["[email protected]"], } dag = DAG( "sdt", default_args=task_args, description="run at a specified time of day", start_date=, schedule_interval= None, #start_date=datetime(2018, 12, 19), #schedule_interval= '0 4 * * *', catchup=False ) def assign_task_to_dag(target_dag): # Define your docker image and the AWS role that will run the image (based on your airflow-repo) IMAGE = "" ROLE = "airflow_sdt" task_id = "sdt-data-update" return KubernetesPodOperator( dag= target_dag, namespace="airflow", image=IMAGE, labels={"app": dag.dag_id}, name=task_id, in_cluster=True, task_id=task_id, get_logs=True, annotations={"": ROLE}, ) task = assign_task_to_dag(dag)
""" Inference demo """ import numpy as np from bcipy.signal.model.inference import inference from bcipy.signal.model.mach_learning.train_model import train_pca_rda_kde_model import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('TkAgg') import matplotlib.pylab as plt dim_x = 5 num_ch = 1 num_x_p = 100 num_x_n = 900 mean_pos = .8 var_pos = .5 mean_neg = 0 var_neg = .5 x_p = mean_pos + var_pos * np.random.randn(num_ch, num_x_p, dim_x) x_n = mean_neg + var_neg * np.random.randn(num_ch, num_x_n, dim_x) y_p = [1] * num_x_p y_n = [0] * num_x_n x = np.concatenate((x_p, x_n), 1) y = np.concatenate(np.asarray([y_p, y_n]), 0) permutation = np.random.permutation(x.shape[1]) x = x[:, permutation, :] y = y[permutation] k_folds = 10 model, _ = train_pca_rda_kde_model(x, y, k_folds=k_folds) alp = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'Y', 'Z', '<', '_'] num_x_p = 1 num_x_n = 9 x_p_s = mean_pos + var_pos * np.random.randn(num_ch, num_x_p, dim_x) x_n_s = mean_neg + var_neg * np.random.randn(num_ch, num_x_n, dim_x) x_s = np.concatenate((x_n_s, x_p_s), 1) idx_let = np.random.permutation(len(alp)) letters = [alp[i] for i in idx_let[0:(num_x_p + num_x_n)]] print(letters) print('target letter: {}'.format(letters[-1])) lik_r = inference(x_s, letters, model, alp) plt.plot(np.array(list(range(len(alp)))), lik_r, 'ro') plt.xticks(np.array(list(range(len(alp)))), alp)
import pub.settings as s import json, requests import pub.response.wrap as wrapper import pub.response.error as e import pub.client.auth_handler as auth_handler import re auth_url = '' \ + s.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID + '&state=' access_token_url = '' info_url = '' def begin_login(session): return wrapper.jump(auth_url+session) def handle_callback(request, _): try: code = request.GET.get('code') session = request.GET.get('state') # \ # + '?client_id=' + s.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID \ # + '&client_secret=' + s.GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRETS \ # + '&code=' params = {'client_id': s.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID, 'client_secret': s.GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRETS, 'code': code} headers = {'accept': 'application/json'} res =, data=params).text #return e.json_err_text(res) try: access_token = re.match(r'access_token=(.*?)&', res).group(1) #return, 511, access_token, res) except Exception as e1: return, 501, e1, res) url = info_url + access_token headers = {"Authorization": "token " + access_token} res2 = requests.get(url, headers=headers).text #return, 502, 'id?', res2) try: result = json.loads(res2) except Exception as e2: return, 502, e2, res2) data = {'openid': result['id'], 'nickname': result['login'], 'headimg': result['avatar_url'], 'session_id': session, 'authprovider': s.AUTH_PROVIDER_GITHUB} return auth_handler.login_user(request, data) except Exception as d: return,500,"x",d)
from django.shortcuts import render ,redirect from rest_framework.views import APIView from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework import status from rest_framework.exceptions import AuthenticationFailed from .models import UserDetail ,Profile ,HotelDetail import os from django.conf import settings from import Client import random import jwt from userapi.serializers import UserDetailSerializer ,HotelDetailSerializer # Create your views here. otp = random.randint(100000,999999) def index(request): name = settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS[0] context = { "name":name } return render(request,'index.html',context) class Register(APIView): # def send_otp(self , phone ,otp): # print("send_otp is called") # # Find your Account SID and Auth Token at # # and set the environment variables. See # account_sid = 'ACcd0432425fbd8f4d1e87fb25e9fce7b6' # auth_token = '05cc64529a27dd4392d887a81d8e80af' # client = Client(account_sid, auth_token) # # message = client.messages \ # .create( # body=f'Your login otp is {otp}', # from_='+14352161497', # to='+918400842036' # ) # print(message.sid) # return None def post(self,request): name =['name'] email =['email'] phone =['phone'] check_phone = UserDetail.objects.filter(phone = phone).first() check_email = UserDetail.objects.filter(email=email) if check_phone: return Response({'message':'This mobile number already exist'}) if check_email: return Response({'message':'This email already exist'}) serializer = UserDetailSerializer(data = if serializer.is_valid(): return Response({'status':'true','message':'you are registered succesfully'},status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED) # self.send_otp(phone,otp) # profile = Profile(phone = phone ,otp = otp) # # request.session['phone'] = phone # redirect('OtpVerification') return Response(serializer.errors, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) class OtpVerification(APIView): def post(self,request): phone = request.session['phone'] otp_check =['otp'] user = UserDetail.objects.filter(phone = phone).first() profile = Profile.objects.filter(phone = phone).last() if otp_check != profile.otp: return Response({'status':'False','message':'otp is wrong'}) else: #return Response({'status':'True','message':'otp verified'}) payload = { 'id', 'phone' } token = jwt.encode(payload ,key = "donottellanyone",algorithm='HS256') # print(token.decode('utf-8')) # print(type(token)) response = Response() response.set_cookie(key='jwt',value = token, httponly = True) detail = { 'name', 'phone', 'email' } = { 'status':'True', 'jwt':token, 'message':'otp verified', 'detail':detail } return response # return Response({'message':'Saved succesfully in database'}) class Login(APIView): def send_otp(self , phone ,otp): print("send_otp is called") # Find your Account SID and Auth Token at # and set the environment variables. See account_sid = 'ACcd0432425fbd8f4d1e87fb25e9fce7b6' auth_token = '05cc64529a27dd4392d887a81d8e80af' client = Client(account_sid, auth_token) message = client.messages \ .create( body=f'Your login otp is {otp}', from_='+14352161497', to='+918400842036' ) print(message.sid) return None def post(self,request): phone =['phone'] phone_check = UserDetail.objects.filter(phone = phone).first() if phone_check is None: return Response({'message':'This number is not registered'},status = status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) self.send_otp(phone,otp) profile = Profile(phone = phone ,otp = otp) request.session['phone'] = phone return Response({'status':'true','message':'otp is send to you'}) class HotelDetailView(APIView): def get(self,request): # token = request.COOKIES.get('jwt') # print(token) # if not token: # raise AuthenticationFailed('Unauthenticated') # try: # payload = jwt.decode(jwt = token ,key="donottellanyone",algorithms = ['HS256']) # except jwt.ExpiredSignatureError: # raise AuthenticationFailed('Unauthenticated') hotel = HotelDetail.objects.all() serializer =HotelDetailSerializer(hotel ,many=True) return Response( class Logout(APIView): def post(self,request): response = Response() response.delete_cookie('jwt') ={ 'message': 'Succesfully Logout' } return response
from decimal import Decimal class BaseSymbolDTO(object): def __init__(self, symbol: str): self.symbol = symbol @property def symbol(self) -> str: return self._symbol @symbol.setter def symbol(self, value: str): self._symbol = value class BaseOrder(BaseSymbolDTO): def __init__( self, symbol: str, orderId: int, clientOrderId: str, price: float, origQty: float, executedQty: float, cummulativeQuoteQty: float, status: str, timeInForce: str, type: str, side: str, ): super().__init__(symbol) self.orderId = orderId self.clientOrderId = clientOrderId self.price = price self.origQty = origQty self.executedQty = executedQty self.cummulativeQuoteQty = cummulativeQuoteQty self.status = status self.timeInForce = timeInForce self.type = type self.side = side @property def orderId(self) -> int: return self._orderId @orderId.setter def orderId(self, value: int): self._orderId = int(value) @property def clientOrderId(self) -> str: return self._clientOrderId @clientOrderId.setter def clientOrderId(self, value: str): self._clientOrderId = value @property def price(self) -> Decimal: return self._price @price.setter def price(self, value: float): self._price = Decimal(value) @property def origQty(self) -> Decimal: return self._origQty @origQty.setter def origQty(self, value: float): self._origQty = Decimal(value) @property def executedQty(self) -> Decimal: return self._executedQty @executedQty.setter def executedQty(self, value: float): self._executedQty = Decimal(value) @property def cummulativeQuoteQty(self) -> Decimal: return self._cummulativeQuoteQty @cummulativeQuoteQty.setter def cummulativeQuoteQty(self, value: float): self._cummulativeQuoteQty = Decimal(value) @property def status(self) -> str: return self._status @status.setter def status(self, value: str): self._status = value @property def timeInForce(self) -> str: return self._timeInForce @timeInForce.setter def timeInForce(self, value: str): self._timeInForce = value @property def type(self) -> str: return self._type @type.setter def type(self, value: str): self._type = value @property def side(self) -> str: return self._side @side.setter def side(self, value: str): self._side = value class PairInfo(BaseSymbolDTO): def __init__( self, symbol: str, status: str, baseAsset: str, baseAssetPrecision: int, quoteAsset: int, quotePrecision: int, orderTypes: list, icebergAllowed: bool, filters: list, ): super().__init__(symbol) self.status = status self.baseAsset = baseAsset self.baseAssetPrecision = baseAssetPrecision self.quoteAsset = quoteAsset self.quotePrecision = quotePrecision self.orderTypes = orderTypes self.icebergAllowed = icebergAllowed self.filters = filters self._extractFilters() @property def status(self) -> str: return self._status @status.setter def status(self, value: str): self._status = value @property def baseAsset(self) -> str: return self._baseAsset @baseAsset.setter def baseAsset(self, value: str): self._baseAsset = value @property def baseAssetPrecision(self) -> int: return self._baseAssetPrecision @baseAssetPrecision.setter def baseAssetPrecision(self, value: int): self._baseAssetPrecision = int(value) @property def quoteAsset(self) -> str: return self._quoteAsset @quoteAsset.setter def quoteAsset(self, value: str): self._quoteAsset = value @property def quotePrecision(self) -> int: return self._quotePrecision @quotePrecision.setter def quotePrecision(self, value: int): self._quotePrecision = int(value) @property def orderTypes(self) -> list: return self._orderTypes @orderTypes.setter def orderTypes(self, value: list): self._orderTypes = value @property def icebergAllowed(self) -> bool: return self._icebergAllowed @icebergAllowed.setter def icebergAllowed(self, value: bool): self._icebergAllowed = bool(value) @property def filters(self) -> list: return self._filters @filters.setter def filters(self, value: list): self._filters = value @property def minPrice(self) -> Decimal: return self._minPrice @minPrice.setter def minPrice(self, value: float): self._minPrice = Decimal(value) @property def maxPrice(self) -> Decimal: return self._maxPrice @maxPrice.setter def maxPrice(self, value: float): self._maxPrice = Decimal(value) @property def tickSize(self) -> Decimal: return self._tickSize @tickSize.setter def tickSize(self, value: float): self._tickSize = Decimal(value) @property def minAmount(self) -> Decimal: return self._minAmount @minAmount.setter def minAmount(self, value: float): self._minAmount = Decimal(value) def _extractFilters(self): price = None notional = None for item in self.filters: if item["filterType"] == "PRICE_FILTER": price = item continue if item["filterType"] == "MIN_NOTIONAL": notional = item continue if not price: InsufficientDataException( 'Unable find filter "PRICE_FILTER" for pair: {}'.format(self.symbol) ) if not notional: InsufficientDataException( 'Unable find filter "MIN_NOTIONAL" for pair: {}'.format(self.symbol) ) self.minPrice = Decimal(price["minPrice"]) self.maxPrice = Decimal(price["maxPrice"]) self.tickSize = Decimal(price["tickSize"]) self.minAmount = Decimal(notional["minNotional"]) class Order(BaseOrder): def __init__( self, symbol: str, orderId: int, clientOrderId: str, price: float, origQty: float, executedQty: float, cummulativeQuoteQty: float, status: str, timeInForce: str, type: str, side: str, stopPrice: float, icebergQty: float, time: int, updateTime: int, isWorking: bool, ): super().__init__( symbol, orderId, clientOrderId, price, origQty, executedQty, cummulativeQuoteQty, status, timeInForce, type, side, ) self.stopPrice = stopPrice self.icebergQty = icebergQty self.time = time self.updateTime = updateTime self.isWorking = isWorking @property def stopPrice(self) -> Decimal: return self._stopPrice @stopPrice.setter def stopPrice(self, value: float): self._stopPrice = Decimal(value) @property def icebergQty(self) -> Decimal: return self._icebergQty @icebergQty.setter def icebergQty(self, value: float): self._icebergQty = Decimal(value) @property def time(self) -> int: return self._time @time.setter def time(self, value: int): self._time = int(value) @property def updateTime(self) -> int: return self._updateTime @updateTime.setter def updateTime(self, value: int): self._updateTime = int(value) @property def isWorking(self) -> bool: return self._isWorking @isWorking.setter def isWorking(self, value: bool): self._isWorking = bool(value) class BookTicker(BaseSymbolDTO): def __init__( self, symbol: str, bidPrice: float, bidQty: float, askPrice: float, askQty: float, ): super().__init__(symbol=symbol) self.bidPrice = bidPrice self.bidQty = bidQty self.askPrice = askPrice self.askQty = askQty @property def bidPrice(self) -> Decimal: return self._bidPrice @bidPrice.setter def bidPrice(self, value: float): self._bidPrice = Decimal(value) @property def bidQty(self) -> Decimal: return self._bidQty @bidQty.setter def bidQty(self, value: float): self._bidQty = Decimal(value) @property def askPrice(self) -> Decimal: return self._askPrice @askPrice.setter def askPrice(self, value: float): self._askPrice = Decimal(value) @property def askQty(self) -> Decimal: return self._askQty @askQty.setter def askQty(self, value: float): self._askQty = Decimal(value) class TradeResult(BaseOrder): def __init__( self, symbol: str, orderId: int, clientOrderId: str, transactTime: int, price: float, origQty: float, executedQty: float, cummulativeQuoteQty: float, status: str, timeInForce: str, type: str, side: str, fills: list, ): super().__init__( symbol, orderId, clientOrderId, price, origQty, executedQty, cummulativeQuoteQty, status, timeInForce, type, side, ) self.transactTime = transactTime self.fills = fills @property def transactTime(self) -> int: return self._transactTime @transactTime.setter def transactTime(self, value: int): self._transactTime = int(value) @property def fills(self) -> list: return self._fills @fills.setter def fills(self, value: list): self._fills = value class Ticker(BaseSymbolDTO): def __init__( self, symbol: str, priceChange: float, priceChangePercent: float, weightedAvgPrice: float, prevClosePrice: float, lastPrice: float, lastQty: float, bidPrice: float, askPrice: float, openPrice: float, highPrice: float, lowPrice: float, volume: float, quoteVolume: float, openTime: int, closeTime: int, firstId: int, lastId: int, count: int, ): super().__init__(symbol) self.priceChange = priceChange self.priceChangePercent = priceChangePercent self.weightedAvgPrice = weightedAvgPrice self.prevClosePrice = prevClosePrice self.lastPrice = lastPrice self.lastQty = lastQty self.bidPrice = bidPrice self.askPrice = askPrice self.openPrice = openPrice self.highPrice = highPrice self.lowPrice = lowPrice self.volume = volume self.quoteVolume = quoteVolume self.openTime = openTime self.closeTime = closeTime self.firstId = firstId self.lastId = lastId self.count = count @property def priceChange(self) -> Decimal: return self._priceChange @priceChange.setter def priceChange(self, value: float): self._priceChange = Decimal(value) @property def priceChangePercent(self) -> Decimal: return self._priceChangePercent @priceChangePercent.setter def priceChangePercent(self, value: float): self._priceChangePercent = Decimal(value) @property def weightedAvgPrice(self) -> Decimal: return self._weightedAvgPrice @weightedAvgPrice.setter def weightedAvgPrice(self, value: float): self._weightedAvgPrice = Decimal(value) @property def prevClosePrice(self) -> Decimal: return self._prevClosePrice @prevClosePrice.setter def prevClosePrice(self, value: float): self._prevClosePrice = Decimal(value) @property def lastPrice(self) -> Decimal: return self._lastPrice @lastPrice.setter def lastPrice(self, value: float): self._lastPrice = Decimal(value) @property def lastQty(self) -> Decimal: return self._lastQty @lastQty.setter def lastQty(self, value: float): self._lastQty = Decimal(value) @property def bidPrice(self) -> Decimal: return self._bidPrice @bidPrice.setter def bidPrice(self, value: float): self._bidPrice = Decimal(value) @property def askPrice(self) -> Decimal: return self._askPrice @askPrice.setter def askPrice(self, value: float): self._askPrice = Decimal(value) @property def openPrice(self) -> Decimal: return self._openPrice @openPrice.setter def openPrice(self, value: float): self._openPrice = Decimal(value) @property def highPrice(self) -> Decimal: return self._highPrice @highPrice.setter def highPrice(self, value: float): self._highPrice = Decimal(value) @property def lowPrice(self) -> Decimal: return self._lowPrice @lowPrice.setter def lowPrice(self, value: float): self._lowPrice = Decimal(value) @property def volume(self) -> Decimal: return self._volume @volume.setter def volume(self, value: float): self._volume = Decimal(value) @property def quoteVolume(self) -> Decimal: return self._quoteVolume @quoteVolume.setter def quoteVolume(self, value: float): self._quoteVolume = Decimal(value) @property def openTime(self) -> int: return self._openTime @openTime.setter def openTime(self, value: int): self._openTime = int(value) @property def closeTime(self) -> int: return self._closeTime @closeTime.setter def closeTime(self, value: int): self._closeTime = int(value) @property def firstId(self) -> int: return self._firstId @firstId.setter def firstId(self, value: int): self._firstId = int(value) @property def lastId(self) -> int: return self._lastId @lastId.setter def lastId(self, value: int): self._lastId = int(value) @property def count(self) -> int: return self._count @count.setter def count(self, value: int): self._count = int(value) class InsufficientDataException(RuntimeError): """ Exception when data from response is not enough to init DTO object """ pass
from __future__ import annotations from spark_auto_mapper_fhir.fhir_types.uri import FhirUri from spark_auto_mapper_fhir.value_sets.generic_type import GenericTypeCode from spark_auto_mapper.type_definitions.defined_types import AutoMapperTextInputType # This file is auto-generated by generate_classes so do not edit manually # noinspection PyPep8Naming class SearchEntryModeCode(GenericTypeCode): """ SearchEntryMode From: in valuesets.xml Why an entry is in the result set - whether it's included as a match or because of an _include requirement, or to convey information or warning information about the search process. """ def __init__(self, value: AutoMapperTextInputType): super().__init__(value=value) """ """ codeset: FhirUri = "" class SearchEntryModeCodeValues: """ This resource matched the search specification. From: in valuesets.xml """ Match = SearchEntryModeCode("match") """ This resource is returned because it is referred to from another resource in the search set. From: in valuesets.xml """ Include = SearchEntryModeCode("include") """ An OperationOutcome that provides additional information about the processing of a search. From: in valuesets.xml """ Outcome = SearchEntryModeCode("outcome")
import datetime, random, requests import pytz data={ "tempInternal" : random.randint(40,100), "humInternal" : random.randint(0,100), "tempCab" : random.randint(40,100), "humCab" : random.randint(0,100), "batteryV" : random.uniform(12,16), "batteryIP" : random.uniform(0,50), "batteryIN" : random.uniform(0,50), "SoC" : random.uniform(0,100), "PVV" : random.uniform(12,21), "PVI" : random.uniform(0,8), "lightPWM" : random.randint(0,100), "bInverter" : 0, "bUVLO" : random.randint(0,1), "bFridge" : random.randint(0,1), "generatedTimestamp" :'US/Pacific')) } r ='http://localhost:8000/possumTrack/telemetry', data = data) print(r.content)
import torch import torch.distributed as dist from .pairwise import PairwiseCommTrainer class GossipingSGDPullTrainer(PairwiseCommTrainer): """ Gossiping SGD - pull variant. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(GossipingSGDPullTrainer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def compute_comm_updates(self): if (self.peer is None) and (not self.requesters): return self.logger.debug('Computing gossiping sgd (pull) updates') self.comm_updates = [] with self.on_cpu_for_comm(): for param in self.model.parameters(): self.logger.debug('Sending and receiving param(s)') # A container to hold async requests and param sets requests = [] buffer = torch.zeros_like( if self.peer is not None: self.logger.debug('Initiating irecv request with own ' 'peer: rank %s' % self.peer) requests.append(dist.irecv( tensor=buffer, src=self.peer )) for peer in self.requesters: self.logger.debug('Initiating isend request with ' 'requesting peer: rank %s' % peer) requests.append(dist.isend(, dst=peer )) # Wait for all the requests to complete for r in requests: r.wait() self.logger.debug('Requests complete') if self.peer is None: continue # Then compute the Gossiping SGD update. s = - buffer s /= 2 self.comm_updates.append(s) self.logger.debug('Finished computing average ' 'for parameter set') self.logger.debug('Done computing gossiping sgd (pull) updates') return
import os import json __location__ = os.path.realpath( os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__))) with open(os.path.join(__location__, 'para_whitelist.json')) as data_file: whitelist = json.load(data_file)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*- ''' @Description: @Author: Zpp @Date: 2019-09-02 16:04:11 @LastEditTime: 2019-09-12 11:27:19 @LastEditors: Zpp '''
"""Test speed initialization by a map of speeds and their corresponding ratios.""" import numpy as np from flatland.envs.rail_env import RailEnv from flatland.envs.rail_generators import complex_rail_generator from flatland.envs.schedule_generators import speed_initialization_helper, complex_schedule_generator def test_speed_initialization_helper(): np.random.seed(1) speed_ratio_map = {1: 0.3, 2: 0.4, 3: 0.3} actual_speeds = speed_initialization_helper(10, speed_ratio_map) # seed makes speed_initialization_helper deterministic -> check generated speeds. assert actual_speeds == [2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2] def test_rail_env_speed_intializer(): speed_ratio_map = {1: 0.3, 2: 0.4, 3: 0.1, 5: 0.2} env = RailEnv(width=50, height=50, rail_generator=complex_rail_generator(nr_start_goal=10, nr_extra=1, min_dist=8, max_dist=99999, seed=1), schedule_generator=complex_schedule_generator(), number_of_agents=10) env.reset() actual_speeds = list(map(lambda agent: agent.speed_data['speed'], env.agents)) expected_speed_set = set(speed_ratio_map.keys()) # check that the number of speeds generated is correct assert len(actual_speeds) == env.get_num_agents() # check that only the speeds defined are generated assert all({(actual_speed in expected_speed_set) for actual_speed in actual_speeds})
from aqt import mw from aqt.utils import showInfo, showWarning from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QAction, QMenu from aqt.qt import * from sqlite3 import connect from os.path import dirname, join, realpath import webbrowser from .Ui import start_main all_data = "" this_version = "v2.2" ###MENU### def About(): showInfo("""<h2>Chinese Words Finder %(version)s</h2><br>This add-on uses the <a href="">CC-CEDICT</a> dictionary. It is licensed under the <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License</a>. <br>The HSK list can be downloaded <a href="">here.</a><br>The results of 'Chinese Word Finder' are ordered by frequency based on the results of the BCC corpus. The complete wordlist can be downloaded <a href="">here.</a><br> <a href="">More info about the corpus.</a><br><br>The code for this add-on is available on <a href=''>GitHub. </a>Licensed under the <a href=''>MIT License.</a><br><br> If you like this add-on, rate and review it on <a href=''>Anki Web</a>, or contribute code on GitHub.</b><br><div>Icon made by <a href="" title="Freepik">Freepik</a> from <a href="" title="Flaticon"></a></div><br><b>©Thore Tyborski 2020</b>""" % {'version':this_version}, title='About') def github():'') def Main(): mw.wordfinder = start_main() mw.wordfinder.raise_() mw.wordfinder.activateWindow() def add_menu(Name, Button, exe, *sc): action = QAction(Button, mw) action.triggered.connect(exe) if not hasattr(mw, 'menu'): = {} if Name not in add = QMenu(Name, mw)[Name] = add mw.form.menubar.insertMenu(mw.form.menuTools.menuAction(), add)[Name].addAction(action) for i in sc: action.setShortcut(QKeySequence(i)) add_menu('&CWF',"&Start", Main, 'Ctrl+W') add_menu('&CWF',"&Make a feature request or report a bug", github) add_menu('&CWF',"&About", About)
import from orio.main.util.globals import * import time import itertools import math class Direct( def __init__(self, params):, params) # rate-of-change self.K_roc = .5 # Difference between the current minimum and the "guessed" absolute minimum # such that f* <= fmin - epsilon fmin self.epsilon = 1e-4 def searchBestCoord(self, startCoord=None): # We are in a hyperrectangle. Initialization: take the whole parameter space. rectangle = [[0, self.dim_uplimits[i]] for i in range(self.total_dims)] info("initial rectangle %s" % str(rectangle)) fmin = float('inf') rectangles = [rectangle] minpoint = self.dim_uplimits start_time = time.time() runs = 0 # Keep the rectangles that are of the same measure # key: measure (half longuest diagonal length) # value: list of tuples ( rectangle, value at the center ) ) rect_sizes = {} # initialize center = self.__getCentroid(rectangle) cost = self.getPerfCost(center) fc = sum(cost) / len(cost) dist = 0 for c in rectangle: dist = max(dist, self.__distance(c, center)) rect_sizes[dist] = [(rectangle, fc)] while True: if rectangles == []: break rectangle = rectangles.pop(0) runs += 1 # Trisect the rectangle along the longuest dimension longuest_len, longuest_dim = max((x, i) for i, x in enumerate([i[1] - i[0] for i in rectangle])) if 0 == int(round(longuest_len / 3)): break rec1 = rectangle[:] rec1[longuest_dim] = rectangle[longuest_dim][:] rec1[longuest_dim][1] = rectangle[longuest_dim][0] + int(round(longuest_len / 3)) # DIRTY corners = list(itertools.product(*rec1, repeat=1)) cor1 = [list(c) for c in corners] r1 = (rec1, cor1) rec2 = rectangle[:] rec2[longuest_dim] = rectangle[longuest_dim][:] rec2[longuest_dim][0] = rectangle[longuest_dim][0] + int(round(longuest_len / 3)) rec2[longuest_dim][1] = rectangle[longuest_dim][0] + int(round(2 * longuest_len / 3)) corners = list(itertools.product(*rec2, repeat=1)) cor2 = [list(c) for c in corners] r2 = (rec2, cor2) rec3 = rectangle[:] rec3[longuest_dim] = rectangle[longuest_dim][:] rec3[longuest_dim][0] = rectangle[longuest_dim][0] + int(round(2 * longuest_len / 3)) corners = list(itertools.product(*rec3, repeat=1)) cor3 = [list(c) for c in corners] r3 = (rec3, cor3) info("Dividing rectangle " + str(rectangle) + " into " + str(rec1) + " AND " + str(rec2) + " AND " + str(rec3)) info("With corners " + str(cor1) + " AND " + str(cor2) + " AND " + str(cor3)) # Select the potentially optimal rectangles new_fmin = fmin fstar = (1 - self.epsilon) * fmin for rec, cor in r1, r2, r3: info("working in rectangle: " + str(rec) + " corners " + str(cor)) # Take the center center = self.__getCentroid(cor) # Evaluate the perf at the center cost = self.getPerfCost(center) fc = sum(cost) / len(cost) dist = 0 for c in cor: dist = max(dist, self.__distance(c, center)) info("fc " + str(fc) + " dist " + str(dist)) # Add it to the dictionnary if dist in rect_sizes: rect_sizes[dist].append((cor, fc)) else: rect_sizes[dist] = [(cor, fc)] s = sorted(rect_sizes.keys()) if dist in rect_sizes: i = s.index(dist) else: for i in s: if i > dist: break # rectangles smaller than the current one I1 = {k: v for k, v in list(rect_sizes.items()) if k in s[:i]} # rectangles larger than the current one if i < len(list(rect_sizes.keys())): I2 = {k: v for k, v in list(rect_sizes.items()) if k in s[i + 1:]} else: I2 = {} # rectangles as big as than the current one if dist in rect_sizes: I3 = rect_sizes[dist] else: I3 = [] opt = True # equation (6) if I3 != []: for i in I3: if i[1] < fc: opt = False if opt == False: # Not optimal continue # equation (7) maxI1 = 0 for i in I1: for r in I1[i]: value = abs((r[1] - fc) / (i - dist)) if value > maxI1: maxI1 = value minI2 = float('inf') for i in I2: for r in I2[i]: value = abs((r[1] - fc) / (i - dist)) if value < minI2: minI2 = value if maxI1 > minI2: opt = False continue # equation (8) if fmin != 0: value = (fmin - fc) + dist * minI2 value /= abs(fmin) if value < self.epsilon: opt = False continue # equation (9) else: if fc > dist * minI1: opt = False continue # If we are still here, the conditions are fulfilled. The rectangle is potentially optimal. # Add it (it will be divided later). info("potentially optimal rectangle found: " + str(rec)) rectangles.append(rec) # do we have the minimum? if I1 == {}: if fc < new_fmin: new_fmin = fc minpoint = center # Remove the big rectangle from the dictionnary for r in rect_sizes[dist]: if r[0] == rectangle: rect_sizes[dist].remove(r) break fmin = new_fmin search_time = time.time() - start_time return minpoint, fmin, search_time, runs def __distance(self, p1, p2): d = 0 for c1, c2 in zip(p1, p2): d += (c1 - c2) * (c1 - c2) d = math.sqrt(d) return d def __getCentroid(self, coords): '''Return a centroid coordinate''' # if self.have_z3: # model = self.getCentroidZ3(coords) # point = self.z3ToPoint(model) # return self.perfParamToCoord(point) total_coords = len(coords) centroid = coords[0] for c in coords[1:]: centroid = self.addCoords(centroid, c) centroid = self.mulCoords((1.0 / total_coords), centroid) return centroid
import uuid from django.db import models FLAVOR_TYPES = ( ('', ''), ('ovh.ssd.cpu', 'ovh.ssd.cpu'), ('', ''), ('ovh.cpu', 'ovh.cpu'), ('ovh.ssd.ram', 'ovh.ssd.ram'), ('ovh.vps-ssd', 'ovh.vps-ssd'), ('ovh.ram', 'ovh.ram'), ) OS_TYPES = ( ('linux', 'linux'), ('windows', 'windows'), ) VISIBILITY = ( ('private', 'private'), ('public', 'public'), ) IMAGE_STATUS = ( ('active', 'active'), ) IP_TYPES = ( ('private', 'private'), ('public', 'public'), ) IP_STATUS = ( ('active', 'active'), ) INSTANCE_STATUS = ( ('active', 'active'), ) class Account(models.Model): username = models.CharField(max_length=30, primary_key=True) class Service(models.Model): id = models.CharField(max_length=32, primary_key=True) description = models.TextField(max_length=1000) creation_date = models.DateTimeField() class Region(models.Model): id = models.CharField(max_length=5, primary_key=True) continent_code = models.CharField(max_length=3) datacenter_location = models.CharField(max_length=3) name = models.CharField(max_length=20) volume = models.CharField(max_length=10, default='UP') image = models.CharField(max_length=10, default='UP') network = models.CharField(max_length=10, default='UP') instance = models.CharField(max_length=10, default='UP') class Flavor(models.Model): id = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4) region = models.ForeignKey(Region) name = models.CharField(max_length=50) type = models.CharField(max_length=20, choices=FLAVOR_TYPES) os_type = models.CharField(max_length=20, choices=OS_TYPES) vcpus = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField() ram = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField() disk = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField() outbound_bandwidth = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField() inbound_bandwidth = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField() available = models.BooleanField(default=True) class Image(models.Model): id = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4) user = models.CharField(max_length=20) name = models.CharField(max_length=64) type = models.CharField(max_length=20, choices=OS_TYPES) visibility = models.CharField(max_length=7, choices=VISIBILITY) flavor_type = models.CharField(max_length=20, choices=FLAVOR_TYPES, null=True, blank=True) status = models.CharField(max_length=15, choices=IMAGE_STATUS, default='active') region = models.ForeignKey(Region) plan_code = models.CharField(max_length=64, blank=True, null=True) min_disk = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(default=0) min_ram = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(default=0) size = models.FloatField() creation_date = models.DateTimeField() class SshKey(models.Model): id = models.CharField(max_length=24, primary_key=True) name = models.CharField(max_length=64) regions = models.ManyToManyField(Region) public = models.TextField(max_length=2000) class IpAddress(models.Model): id = models.CharField(max_length=24, primary_key=True) type = models.CharField(max_length=24, choices=IP_TYPES) status = models.CharField(max_length=24, choices=IP_STATUS) ip = models.GenericIPAddressField() class Instance(models.Model): id = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4) name = models.CharField(max_length=64) region = models.ForeignKey(Region) flavor = models.ForeignKey(Flavor) image = models.ForeignKey(Image) plan_code = models.CharField(max_length=64, blank=True, null=True) status = models.CharField(max_length=20, choices=INSTANCE_STATUS) created = models.DateTimeField() ssh_key = models.ForeignKey(SshKey, null=True, blank=True) monthly_billing = models.BooleanField(default=False) ip_addresses = models.ManyToManyField(IpAddress, blank=True)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import scrapy from scrapy_rss import RssItem class SomeSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = 'second_spider' start_urls = [''] custom_settings = { 'FEED_TITLE': 'New shop categories', 'FEED_FILE': 'feed2.rss' } def parse(self, response): for category_name in response.css('.list-group-item ::text'): item = RssItem() item.title = category_name.extract() yield item
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Author: Chieh-Han Lee # @Date: 2015-08-05 19:40:44 # @Last Modified by: Chieh-Han Lee # @Last Modified time: 2016-10-31 23:26:00 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Created on 2012/4/11 @author: KSJ ''' import numpy as np from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist as scipy_cdist def idw_est( x, y, z, x_est, y_est ,power = 2): x, y, z, x_est, y_est =\ map( lambda x : np.array( x, ndmin = 2 ), ( x, y, z, x_est, y_est ) ) #dist_matrix = np.linalg.norm( # np.hstack((x.T - x_est, y.T - y_est)) , axis=0 ) + 10**-10 dist_matrix =\ np.sqrt( ( x.T - x_est ) **2 + ( y.T - y_est ) **2 ) + 10**-10 weight_matrix = np.reciprocal( dist_matrix ** power ) up_matrix = weight_matrix * z.T up_matrix = up_matrix.sum( axis = 0 ) #sum column down_matrix = weight_matrix.sum( axis = 0 ) #sum column z_est = up_matrix / down_matrix return z_est def idw_est_coord_value(coord, value, coord_est, power = 2): ''' coord: a 2d array, r x d, row is data count, column is dimension value: a 2d array, r x 1, row is data count, column is value coord_est: dito coord ''' coord_matrix = scipy_cdist(coord_est, coord) #coord_est by coord weight_matrix = np.reciprocal(coord_matrix**power) # remove dupliacted localtion (Set 0 wieght) weight_matrix[np.isinf(weight_matrix)] = 0. up_matrix = weight_matrix * value.T up_matrix = up_matrix.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) #sum column down_matrix = weight_matrix.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) #sum column value_est = up_matrix / down_matrix return value_est def idw_kdtree( grid_s, grid_v, grid_s_est, nnear=10, eps=0, power=2, weights=None, leafsize=16 ): ''' Inverse distance weighting (IDW) method using KDtree Syntax interp = idw_kdtree( grid_s, grid_v, grid_s_est, nnear=10, eps=0, power=2, weights=None, leafsize=10 ): Input grid_s: [r1 x d]. Coordinates in grid format. grid_v: [r1 x 1]. grid_s_est: [r2 x d]. nnear: integer. The list of k-th nearest neighbors to return. f k is an integer it is treated as a list of [1, ... k] (range(1, k+1)). Note that the counting starts from 1. eps: nonnegative float. Return approximate nearest neighbors;the k-th returned value is guaranteed to be no further than (1+eps) times the distance to the real k-th nearest neighbor. power: integer. Power parameter. Greater values of p assign greater influence to values closest to the interpolated point, with the result turning into a mosaic of tiles (a Voronoi diagram) with nearly constant interpolated value for large values of p weights: []. Weighted matrix. leafsize: positive integer. The number of points at which the algorithm switches over to brute-force. Output interp: [r2 x 1].Interpolation result of IDW. ''' tree = KDTree(grid_s, leafsize=leafsize) distances, indices = tree.query(grid_s_est, k=nnear, eps=eps) interp = np.zeros( (len(grid_s_est),) + np.shape(grid_v[0]) ) iternum = 0 for dist, idx in zip(distances, indices): z0 = grid_v[idx[0]] if nnear == 1: weighted_v = grid_v[idx] elif dist[0] < 1e-10 and ~np.isnan(z0): weighted_v = grid_v[idx[0]] else: ix = np.where(dist==0)[0] if ix.size: dist = np.delete(dist, ix) idx = np.delete(idx, ix) ix = np.where(np.isnan(grid_v[idx]))[0] dist = np.delete(dist, ix) idx = np.delete(idx, ix) weight_matrix = np.reciprocal( dist ** power ) if weights is not None: weight_matrix *= weights[idx] weight_matrix /= np.sum(weight_matrix) weighted_v =, grid_v[idx]) interp[iternum] = weighted_v iternum += 1 return interp if __name__ == "__main__": x = np.random.random(5) y = np.random.random(5) z = np.random.random(5) x_est = np.random.random(7) y_est = np.random.random(7) print idw_est( x, y, z, x_est, y_est) grid_s = np.random.random((100,2)) grid_v = np.random.random((100,1)) grid_s_est = np.random.random((7000,2)) print idw_kdtree( grid_s, grid_v, grid_s_est )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Test metering and floating behaviors of DRM Library. """ from time import sleep from random import randint from datetime import datetime, timedelta from re import search import pytest @pytest.mark.minimum def test_metered_start_stop_short_time(accelize_drm, conf_json, cred_json, async_handler): """ Test no error occurs in normal start/stop metering mode during a short period of time """ driver = accelize_drm.pytest_fpga_driver[0] async_cb = async_handler.create() activators = accelize_drm.pytest_fpga_activators[0] activators.reset_coin() activators.autotest() cred_json.set_user('accelize_accelerator_test_02') async_cb.reset() conf_json.reset() drm_manager = accelize_drm.DrmManager( conf_json.path, cred_json.path, driver.read_register_callback, driver.write_register_callback, async_cb.callback ) try: assert not drm_manager.get('license_status') activators.autotest(is_activated=False) activators[0].generate_coin(1000) drm_manager.activate() sleep(1) activators[0].check_coin(drm_manager.get('metered_data')) assert drm_manager.get('license_status') activators.autotest(is_activated=True) activators[0].generate_coin(10) activators[0].check_coin(drm_manager.get('metered_data')) drm_manager.deactivate() assert not drm_manager.get('license_status') activators.autotest(is_activated=False) coins = drm_manager.get('metered_data') assert coins == 0 async_cb.assert_NoError() finally: drm_manager.deactivate() def test_metered_start_stop_short_time_in_debug(accelize_drm, conf_json, cred_json, async_handler): """ Test no error occurs in normal start/stop metering mode during a short period of time """ driver = accelize_drm.pytest_fpga_driver[0] async_cb = async_handler.create() activators = accelize_drm.pytest_fpga_activators[0] activators.reset_coin() activators.autotest() cred_json.set_user('accelize_accelerator_test_02') async_cb.reset() conf_json.reset() conf_json['settings']['log_verbosity'] = 1 drm_manager = accelize_drm.DrmManager( conf_json.path, cred_json.path, driver.read_register_callback, driver.write_register_callback, async_cb.callback ) try: assert not drm_manager.get('license_status') activators.autotest(is_activated=False) drm_manager.activate() sleep(1) assert drm_manager.get('metered_data') == 0 assert drm_manager.get('license_status') activators.autotest(is_activated=True) activators[0].generate_coin(10) activators[0].check_coin(drm_manager.get('metered_data')) drm_manager.deactivate() assert not drm_manager.get('license_status') activators.autotest(is_activated=False) assert drm_manager.get('metered_data') == 0 async_cb.assert_NoError() finally: drm_manager.deactivate() @pytest.mark.long_run def test_metered_start_stop_long_time(accelize_drm, conf_json, cred_json, async_handler): """ Test no error occurs in normal start/stop metering mode during a long period of time """ driver = accelize_drm.pytest_fpga_driver[0] async_cb = async_handler.create() activators = accelize_drm.pytest_fpga_activators[0] activators.reset_coin() activators.autotest() cred_json.set_user('accelize_accelerator_test_02') async_cb.reset() conf_json.reset() drm_manager = accelize_drm.DrmManager( conf_json.path, cred_json.path, driver.read_register_callback, driver.write_register_callback, async_cb.callback ) try: assert not drm_manager.get('license_status') activators.autotest(is_activated=False) drm_manager.activate() start = license_duration = drm_manager.get('license_duration') assert drm_manager.get('license_status') assert drm_manager.get('metered_data') == 0 activators.autotest(is_activated=True) activators[0].generate_coin(10) activators[0].check_coin(drm_manager.get('metered_data')) for i in range(3): wait_period = randint(license_duration-2, license_duration+2) sleep(wait_period) start += timedelta(seconds=license_duration) new_coins = randint(1,10) activators[0].generate_coin(new_coins) activators[0].check_coin(drm_manager.get('metered_data')) drm_manager.deactivate() assert not drm_manager.get('license_status') activators.autotest(is_activated=False) async_cb.assert_NoError() finally: drm_manager.deactivate() @pytest.mark.minimum def test_metered_pause_resume_short_time(accelize_drm, conf_json, cred_json, async_handler): """ Test no error occurs in normal pause/resume metering mode during a short period of time """ driver = accelize_drm.pytest_fpga_driver[0] async_cb = async_handler.create() activators = accelize_drm.pytest_fpga_activators[0] activators.reset_coin() activators.autotest() cred_json.set_user('accelize_accelerator_test_02') async_cb.reset() conf_json.reset() drm_manager = accelize_drm.DrmManager( conf_json.path, cred_json.path, driver.read_register_callback, driver.write_register_callback, async_cb.callback ) try: assert not drm_manager.get('session_status') assert not drm_manager.get('license_status') activators.autotest(is_activated=False) drm_manager.activate() start = assert drm_manager.get('metered_data') == 0 assert drm_manager.get('session_status') assert drm_manager.get('license_status') session_id = drm_manager.get('session_id') assert len(session_id) > 0 activators.autotest(is_activated=True) lic_duration = drm_manager.get('license_duration') assert drm_manager.get('metered_data') == 0 activators[0].generate_coin(10) activators[0].check_coin(drm_manager.get('metered_data')) drm_manager.deactivate(True) assert drm_manager.get('session_status') assert drm_manager.get('license_status') assert drm_manager.get('session_id') == session_id activators.autotest(is_activated=True) # Wait right before license expiration wait_period = start + timedelta(seconds=2*lic_duration-2) - sleep(wait_period.total_seconds()) assert drm_manager.get('session_status') assert drm_manager.get('license_status') assert drm_manager.get('session_id') == session_id activators.autotest(is_activated=True) # Wait expiration sleep(4) assert drm_manager.get('session_status') assert drm_manager.get('session_id') == session_id assert not drm_manager.get('license_status') activators.autotest(is_activated=False) drm_manager.activate(True) assert drm_manager.get('session_status') assert drm_manager.get('session_id') == session_id assert drm_manager.get('license_status') activators.autotest(is_activated=True) drm_manager.deactivate() assert not drm_manager.get('session_status') assert not drm_manager.get('license_status') activators.autotest(is_activated=False) assert drm_manager.get('session_id') != session_id async_cb.assert_NoError() finally: drm_manager.deactivate() @pytest.mark.long_run def test_metered_pause_resume_long_time(accelize_drm, conf_json, cred_json, async_handler): """ Test no error occurs in normal start/stop metering mode during a long period of time """ driver = accelize_drm.pytest_fpga_driver[0] async_cb = async_handler.create() activators = accelize_drm.pytest_fpga_activators[0] activators.reset_coin() activators.autotest() cred_json.set_user('accelize_accelerator_test_02') async_cb.reset() conf_json.reset() drm_manager = accelize_drm.DrmManager( conf_json.path, cred_json.path, driver.read_register_callback, driver.write_register_callback, async_cb.callback ) try: assert not drm_manager.get('session_status') assert not drm_manager.get('license_status') activators.autotest(is_activated=False) async_cb.assert_NoError() drm_manager.activate() start = assert drm_manager.get('metered_data') == 0 assert drm_manager.get('session_status') assert drm_manager.get('license_status') session_id = drm_manager.get('session_id') assert len(session_id) > 0 lic_duration = drm_manager.get('license_duration') activators.autotest(is_activated=True) coins = drm_manager.get('metered_data') for i in range(3): new_coins = randint(1, 100) activators[0].generate_coin(new_coins) activators[0].check_coin(drm_manager.get('metered_data')) drm_manager.deactivate(True) async_cb.assert_NoError() assert drm_manager.get('session_status') assert drm_manager.get('license_status') assert drm_manager.get('session_id') == session_id # Wait randomly nb_lic_expired = int(( - start).total_seconds() / lic_duration) random_wait = randint((nb_lic_expired+2)*lic_duration-2, (nb_lic_expired+2)*lic_duration+2) wait_period = start + timedelta(seconds=random_wait) - sleep(wait_period.total_seconds()) drm_manager.activate(True) start = assert drm_manager.get('session_status') assert drm_manager.get('session_id') == session_id assert drm_manager.get('license_status') activators.autotest(is_activated=True) drm_manager.deactivate() assert not drm_manager.get('session_status') assert not drm_manager.get('license_status') activators.autotest(is_activated=False) assert drm_manager.get('session_id') != session_id async_cb.assert_NoError() finally: drm_manager.deactivate() @pytest.mark.minimum @pytest.mark.no_parallel def test_metering_limits(accelize_drm, conf_json, cred_json, async_handler, ws_admin): """ Test an error is returned and the design is locked when the limit is reached. """ driver = accelize_drm.pytest_fpga_driver[0] async_cb = async_handler.create() activators = accelize_drm.pytest_fpga_activators[0] activators.reset_coin() activators.autotest() cred_json.set_user('accelize_accelerator_test_03') # Test activate function call fails when limit is reached async_cb.reset() conf_json.reset() accelize_drm.clean_metering_env(cred_json, ws_admin) drm_manager = accelize_drm.DrmManager( conf_json.path, cred_json.path, driver.read_register_callback, driver.write_register_callback, async_cb.callback ) try: assert drm_manager.get('license_type') == 'Floating/Metering' assert not drm_manager.get('license_status') drm_manager.activate() assert drm_manager.get('drm_license_type') == 'Floating/Metering' assert drm_manager.get('license_status') assert drm_manager.get('metered_data') == 0 activators[0].generate_coin(999) activators[0].check_coin(drm_manager.get('metered_data')) sleep(1) drm_manager.deactivate() activators[0].reset_coin() assert not drm_manager.get('license_status') drm_manager.activate() assert drm_manager.get('license_status') activators[0].check_coin(drm_manager.get('metered_data')) activators[0].generate_coin(1) activators[0].check_coin(drm_manager.get('metered_data')) sleep(1) drm_manager.deactivate() assert not drm_manager.get('license_status') with pytest.raises(accelize_drm.exceptions.DRMWSReqError) as excinfo: drm_manager.activate() assert 'License Web Service error 400' in str(excinfo.value) assert 'DRM WS request failed' in str(excinfo.value) assert search(r'\\"Entitlement Limit Reached\\" with .+ for [email protected]', str(excinfo.value)) assert 'You have reached the maximum quantity of 1000. usage_unit for metered entitlement (licensed)' in str(excinfo.value) assert async_handler.get_error_code(str(excinfo.value)) == accelize_drm.exceptions.DRMWSReqError.error_code async_cb.assert_NoError() finally: drm_manager.deactivate() print('Test activate function fails when limit is reached: PASS') # Test background thread stops when limit is reached async_cb.reset() conf_json.reset() accelize_drm.clean_metering_env(cred_json, ws_admin) activators.reset_coin() drm_manager = accelize_drm.DrmManager( conf_json.path, cred_json.path, driver.read_register_callback, driver.write_register_callback, async_cb.callback ) try: assert drm_manager.get('license_type') == 'Floating/Metering' assert not drm_manager.get('license_status') drm_manager.activate() start = assert drm_manager.get('drm_license_type') == 'Floating/Metering' assert drm_manager.get('license_status') assert drm_manager.get('metered_data') == 0 lic_duration = drm_manager.get('license_duration') sleep(2) activators[0].generate_coin(1000) activators[0].check_coin(drm_manager.get('metered_data')) # Wait right before expiration wait_period = start + timedelta(seconds=3*lic_duration-3) - sleep(wait_period.total_seconds()) assert drm_manager.get('license_status') activators.autotest(is_activated=True) sleep(5) assert not drm_manager.get('license_status') activators.autotest(is_activated=False) # Verify asynchronous callback has been called assert async_cb.was_called assert 'License Web Service error 400' in async_cb.message assert 'DRM WS request failed' in async_cb.message assert search(r'\\"Entitlement Limit Reached\\" with .+ for [email protected]', async_cb.message) assert 'You have reached the maximum quantity of 1000. usage_unit for metered entitlement (licensed)' in async_cb.message assert async_cb.errcode == accelize_drm.exceptions.DRMWSReqError.error_code drm_manager.deactivate() assert not drm_manager.get('license_status') activators.autotest(is_activated=False) finally: drm_manager.deactivate() print('Test background thread stops when limit is reached: PASS') @pytest.mark.on_2_fpga @pytest.mark.minimum def test_floating_limits(accelize_drm, conf_json, cred_json, async_handler): """ Test an error is returned when the floating limit is reached """ driver0 = accelize_drm.pytest_fpga_driver[0] driver1 = accelize_drm.pytest_fpga_driver[1] async_cb0 = async_handler.create() async_cb1 = async_handler.create() cred_json.set_user('accelize_accelerator_test_04') conf_json.reset() async_cb0.reset() drm_manager0 = accelize_drm.DrmManager( conf_json.path, cred_json.path, driver0.read_register_callback, driver0.write_register_callback, async_cb0.callback ) async_cb1.reset() drm_manager1 = accelize_drm.DrmManager( conf_json.path, cred_json.path, driver1.read_register_callback, driver1.write_register_callback, async_cb1.callback ) assert not drm_manager0.get('license_status') assert not drm_manager1.get('license_status') try: drm_manager0.activate() assert drm_manager0.get('license_status') with pytest.raises(accelize_drm.exceptions.DRMWSError) as excinfo: drm_manager1.activate() assert search(r'Timeout on License request after .+ attempts', str(excinfo.value)) is not None assert async_handler.get_error_code(str(excinfo.value)) == accelize_drm.exceptions.DRMWSError.error_code async_cb1.assert_NoError() finally: drm_manager0.deactivate() assert not drm_manager0.get('license_status') async_cb0.assert_NoError() try: drm_manager1.activate() assert drm_manager1.get('license_status') with pytest.raises(accelize_drm.exceptions.DRMWSError) as excinfo: drm_manager0.activate() assert search(r'Timeout on License request after .+ attempts', str(excinfo.value)) is not None assert async_handler.get_error_code(str(excinfo.value)) == accelize_drm.exceptions.DRMWSError.error_code async_cb0.assert_NoError() finally: drm_manager1.deactivate() assert not drm_manager1.get('license_status') async_cb1.assert_NoError()
"""An uncomplicated implementation of single-linked lists.""" from __future__ import annotations from itertools import chain from typing import List, Optional, Union, Iterator, Reversible, Final, Any from csbasics.datastructure import DataStructure, ValueT, RefT MAX_LENGTH_DISPLAY_LIST = 10 class _EOL: pass EOL = _EOL() def hopn(node: LinkedList, n: int) -> LinkedList: assert n >= 0 i = n while i > 0 and is not EOL: # type: ignore i -= 1 node = node.tail # type: ignore if i > 0: raise KeyError(n) return node class LinkedList(DataStructure[int, ValueT]): always_ordered: bool = False data: Union[ValueT, _EOL] tail: Optional[LinkedList[ValueT]] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[ValueT]: node = self while is not EOL: # type: ignore yield # type: ignore node = node.tail # type: ignore def __init__(self, elems: Optional[Reversible[ValueT]] = None) -> None: next_node = None data: Union[ValueT, _EOL] = EOL if elems is not None: for e in chain(reversed(elems)): node = self._make_node(data, next_node) next_node = node data = e self.tail = next_node = data @classmethod def _make_node( cls, elem: Union[ValueT, _EOL], tail: Optional[LinkedList[ValueT]], ) -> LinkedList[ValueT]: assert (tail is None and elem is EOL) or \ (tail is not None and elem is not EOL) node = cls() = elem node.tail = tail return node @property def length(self) -> int: ll = self i = 0 while (ll := ll.tail) is not None: # type: ignore i += 1 return i def insert(self, val: ValueT) -> int: new_node = self._make_node(, tail=self.tail) = val self.tail = new_node return 0 def delete(self, pos: int) -> ValueT: node: LinkedList[ValueT] = hopn(self, pos) if == EOL: raise KeyError(pos) ret = = # type: ignore node.tail = node.tail.tail # type: ignore return ret # type: ignore def at(self, pos: int) -> ValueT: node = hopn(self, pos) if == EOL: raise KeyError(pos) return # type: ignore def search(self, val: Any) -> List[int]: return [i for (i, e) in enumerate(self) if e == val] def __str__(self) -> str: node = self elems = [] i = 0 while is not EOL and i < MAX_LENGTH_DISPLAY_LIST: elems.append(str( node = node.tail # type: ignore i += 1 if node.tail is not None and is not EOL: elems[-1] = "…" return f"LinkedList[{' → '.join(elems)}]"
import argparse import os from os import path import glob from import storage def copy_local_directory_to_gcs(local_path, bucket, gcs_path): for local_file in glob.glob(local_path + '/**'): if not os.path.isfile(local_file): continue remote_path = os.path.join(gcs_path, local_file[1 + len(local_path) :]) blob = bucket.blob(remote_path) blob.upload_from_filename(local_file) def deploy_model(modelPath, remoteGCSBucket): print("Getting the model from {}".format(modelPath)) remote_path = 'tarsanmodel2' storage_client = storage.Client() bucket = storage_client.bucket(remoteGCSBucket) copy_local_directory_to_gcs(modelPath, bucket, remote_path) """ print("Model files") for fn in os.listdir(modelPath): full_fn = os.path.join(modelPath, fn) print("Copying {}".format(full_fn)) blob = bucket.blob(os.path.join(remote_path, fn)) blob.upload_from_filename(full_fn) """ return "gs://{}/{}".format(remoteGCSBucket, remote_path) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--modelPath', type=str, help='path to the model', required=True) parser.add_argument('--DestGCSBucket', type=str, help='gcs bucket to copy the model to', required=True) parser.add_argument('--endpointOutFile', type=str, help='path to output file with the endpoint URL in it', required=True) parser.add_argument('--DestGCSPath', type=str, help='path to output file with the full gcs path of the model', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() print("Creating output dirs to return output variables") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(args.endpointOutFile), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(args.DestGCSPath), exist_ok=True) model_url = deploy_model(args.modelPath, args.DestGCSBucket) with open(args.endpointOutFile, "w") as f: f.write(model_url) with open(args.DestGCSPath, "w") as f: f.write(model_url)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd import as web import yfinance as yf from talib import RSI, BBANDS start = '2022-01-22' end = '2022-04-21' symbol = 'TSLA' max_holding = 100 price = web.DataReader(name=symbol, data_source='quandl', start=start, end=end, api_key='-L1XxfzbhH1Zch7QzZ-y') # price ="TSLA", start="2022-01-06", end="2022-04-21", interval="1d") print(price) price = price.iloc[::-1] price = price.dropna() close = price['Close'].values # up, mid, low = BBANDS(close, timeperiod=20, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, matype=0) rsi = RSI(close, timeperiod=14) print("RSI (first 10 elements)\n", rsi[14:24]) def bbp(price): up, mid, low = BBANDS(close, timeperiod=20, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, matype=0) bbp = (price['AdjClose'] - low) / (up - low) return bbp holdings = pd.DataFrame(index=price.index, data={'Holdings': np.array([np.nan] * index.shape[0])}) holdings.loc[((price['RSI'] < 30) & (price['BBP'] < 0)), 'Holdings'] = max_holding holdings.loc[((price['RSI'] > 70) & (price['BBP'] > 1)), 'Holdings'] = 0 holdings.ffill(inplace=True) holdings.fillna(0, inplace=True) holdings['Order'] = holdings.diff() holdings.dropna(inplace=True) fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(12, 8)) ax0.plot(index, price['AdjClose'], label='AdjClose') ax0.set_xlabel('Date') ax0.set_ylabel('AdjClose') ax0.grid() for day, holding in holdings.iterrows(): order = holding['Order'] if order > 0: ax0.scatter(x=day, y=price.loc[day, 'AdjClose'], color='green') elif order < 0: ax0.scatter(x=day, y=price.loc[day, 'AdjClose'], color='red') ax1.plot(index, price['RSI'], label='RSI') ax1.fill_between(index, y1=30, y2=70, color='#adccff', alpha='0.3') ax1.set_xlabel('Date') ax1.set_ylabel('RSI') ax1.grid() ax2.plot(index, price['BB_up'], label='BB_up') ax2.plot(index, price['AdjClose'], label='AdjClose') ax2.plot(index, price['BB_low'], label='BB_low') ax2.fill_between(index, y1=price['BB_low'], y2=price['BB_up'], color='#adccff', alpha='0.3') ax2.set_xlabel('Date') ax2.set_ylabel('Bollinger Bands') ax2.grid() fig.tight_layout()
def julian_is_leap(year): return year % 4 == 0 def gregorian_is_leap(year): return year % 400 == 0 or (year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0) def solve(year): month = '09' day = '13' if year <= 1917: is_leap_year = julian_is_leap(year) elif year == 1918: day = '26' is_leap_year = False else: is_leap_year = gregorian_is_leap(year) if is_leap_year: day = '12' return '{}.{}.{}'.format( day, month, year, ) input_year = int(input().strip()) print(solve(input_year))
import random class BotPlayer: """ Your custom player code goes here, but should implement all of these functions. You are welcome to implement additional helper functions. You may wish to look at to see what functions are available to you. """ def __init__(self, gui, color="black"): self.color = color self.gui = gui def get_current_board(self, board): self.current_board = board def get_move(self): score = [[100, -20, 10, 5, 5, 10, -20, 100],\ [-20, -50, -2, -2, -2, -2, -50, -20],\ [ 10, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, 10],\ [ 5, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, 5],\ [ 5, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, 5],\ [ 10, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, 10],\ [-20, -50, -2, -2, -2, -2, -50, -20],\ [100, -20, 10, 5, 5, 10, -20, 100]] moves = self.current_board.get_valid_moves(self.color) values = [score[move[0]][move[1]] for move in moves] self.current_board.apply_move(moves[values.index(max(values))], self.color) return 0, self.current_board
import base64 from email.mime.text import MIMEText import httplib2 from django.core.mail import EmailMessage from django.core.mail.backends.base import BaseEmailBackend from django.conf import settings from googleapiclient import errors class GMail(BaseEmailBackend): def send_messages(self, email_messages): r_http = settings.DELEGATED_CREDENTIALS.authorize(httplib2.Http()) for m in email_messages: message = MIMEText(m.body) message['to'] = ','.join( message['from'] = m.from_email message['subject'] = m.subject settings.GMAIL_SERVICE.users().messages().send(userId='me', body={'raw': base64.urlsafe_b64encode(message.as_string())}).execute(http=r_http) # def send_email(): # m = EmailMessage(subject='Test Email', # body='Test Email', # to=['[email protected]'], # from_email='[email protected]') # # message = MIMEText(m.body) # message['to'] = ','.join( # message['from'] = m.from_email # message['subject'] = m.subject # r_http = settings.DELEGATED_CREDENTIALS.authorize(httplib2.Http()) # # try: # message = (settings.GMAIL_SERVICE.users().messages().send(userId='me', body={'raw': base64.urlsafe_b64encode(message.as_string())}) # .execute(http=r_http)) # print 'Message Id: %s' % message['id'] # return message # except errors.HttpError, error: # print 'An error occurred: %s' % error