class label
12 classes
Yeah, I was because, you know, she. Well, you know, that I mean, I really like Dave, I think that is really good. And, and, and, and I would, I would, I would, I would, I would like to keep on seeing him but that she disapproves of him. And I find it really hard. It's just proof of him.
Yes, I can see that really causes you more anxiety as well that this is happening and yeah, you feel criticized by your mom and perhaps torn a bit between your mom's view and David? Yeah, I do. You talk to him.
While she doesn't, she doesn't want me to talk to him. about it because she doesn't want him to know that she doesn't like him. And then you know, he doesn't really like her as well, because she thinks he thinks that she's a snob. And so it's really hard. You know, I just feel like I'm sort of, sort of in the middle and like in between the two of them. Yeah. But
so felicity. I'm very pleased that you didn't have a panic attack last week. Yeah. And and so are you. Yeah. And I'm hoping that the work that we did today, in looking at a couple more techniques of how you can manage the anxiety has been helpful to you.
Yeah, I think I'll be able to give it a practice this
week. Good. And we've discussed your homework. Yes. So expert welding perhaps if we wrap up for today.
All right. What did it do? I tell you that I had an argument with my mom on Thursday.
yeah, an argument with mom and it was really bad because she was just yelling, yelling, yelling in your with about Dave. I've told you about Dave before because she doesn't like Dave and she was having a got me for the drug. You know, cuz he takes the drugs and she was just yelling at me because she doesn't like that he takes the drugs, but the student doesn't understand that. I mean, I just want to be with you. And so but because she doesn't like him see, you know, sister, she was yelling at me about that on Thursday,
I can see that this is very upsetting for you. felicitated is an issue that you've raised before. So I'm wondering whether we should decide that for next week, we'll start to discuss these issues that you're having with your mom so that we can work out a plan when we've got our next session. How would that be?
Well, this one, this one, I mean, the argument was, when she was saying she was saying to me that I should leave him. And she was saying, you know, that I could do a lot better and that I really shouldn't be with him. And I should just leave she was saying, but you know, and then she wouldn't let me you know, because I wanted to talk to him about it, and she wouldn't let me talk to him about it. And because I really don't like each other, I just I'm really sort of stuck in the middle.
And I can see that that's a really big issue. So I think we definitely will put this on a number one agenda for next week. Okay. And so We'll work on a theme because this is clearly very important to you. Yeah. And I think that we're going to need a good chunk of time to be able to help you to resolve some of these issues with your mom. I can't How about during the week on? In addition to the other homework you have, you have to think about what the issues are that you would like to raise with me next week about this.
Okay. All right. So we can spend, we can spend most the next session talking about it.
It sounds like that's going to be a very important thing to do, because I can see how distressed This makes you feel. Okay, ready?
Yeah. Yeah. All right. Okay.
Okay. So we'll meet again, same time next week. Thanks Felicity.
Okay, Felicity, before we start to talk about what you've come here to see me for today, I just wanted to raise an issue with you. I think we both realized when you walked in here that we've seen each other before.
Yeah, I'm Jake's mom. I've seen you at kindy.
That's right. That's right. We do run into each other, a fair bit at the kindergarten. So I suppose what that brings up for me is that I'm a psychologist, and there is certain boundaries that I have to uphold with my clients. And I think that we need to talk about what we're going to do about this, that we we do see each other quite often and how we're going to manage that in terms of, you know, keeping those appropriate boundaries within therapy and outside the therapy room.
Okay. Yeah.
So how I say this, we have a few different options. The first one is that we could decide not to engage in therapy together. Given that, you know, there could be some issues when we see each other outside of therapy. Okay, how would that option sit for you?
Well, um, I guess, part of the problem for me is that I really, I feel that I really need to talk to someone about what's going on for me and I don't really, there's no one else in town I can talk to okay.
Yeah, psycho psychology services are quite limited in this area. Yeah. Okay. So you really feel that you need the help and this is the only option that you've got. So given that that's the case. How do you think we could manage this one we do run into each other outside of the therapy rooms so that we don't cross over you know, the boundaries of therapists and clients. So if I see you at the kindergarten shall we acknowledge each other and you know, keep walking or how would you like to manage it?
No, I mean, I think I think it's good if you know if we can, like say hi and stuff, but I mean, I probably Probably wouldn't want to talk to you at kindy about what we do here in case other people hear it.
Sure, sure. And I'm really glad that you brought that point up, because I think that, given that we will run into each other quite a bit at the kindergarten, it's fine for us to acknowledge each other, but we do need to keep the therapeutic issues that we talk here in therapy for therapy. Yeah, yeah. I'm glad that you think that it that would not be appropriate.
Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, you wouldn't, you wouldn't tell anybody other moms, would you?
No, no, I'm, I would definitely keep it confidential, that we're in a therapeutic relationship together. Nobody else needs to yet be aware of that. Okay.
So it's kind of like, we've got therapy for in here, but then out there. We're just mums.
That's exactly right. So if we could just keep it at you know, those things separate then I don't think we should run into any problems in therapy. Yeah, but perhaps we could check in from time to time to see you know, whether that It's becoming a problem for
Yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah, that sounds good.
Do you think that sounds okay? Yep. All right. So now that we've discussed that issue, yeah. Let's talk about why you've come in to talk to me today.
Jasmine Hi, my name is Heidi I'm your counselor today. We're going to meet in a room to our left something a bit more private in this area and here.
Yeah, let's go.
So we're just going to go up the hole and to the right and then there's a room on the left. Should I go first?
Come in Jasmine. This is the room. That will be Meeting in today and if you come back again, we'll be in this room again. What I want you to do first is perhaps have a look around and choose where you would like to sit. where you'd like to be. Just the big chair over there. Yeah, so when you're ready, just make your way over to the chair. And I'll close the door. And from where you're sitting now, where do you think you'd like me to be in the room?
Which chair would you like me to sit in? That's, that's okay.
Okay. So what invite you year to look around, look around the room. Take in this new space. You've never been here before. See if there's something your eyes want to rest on or if there's anything pleasant to your eyes ever really good sticky baked around the room. Most people most time to come into new environments. We want to have a good sticky bacon. We don't and you can in here. Now imagine it's pretty tough for you to be here. Yeah. Yeah. What would help you to spend a moment here?
What's it like to have that pillow against your tummy?
Its Nice
Yeah. What's it like to have your hands holding tight? They're like that.
How did you how did you get here?
My mom dropped me here here.
She's still here.
No, she's not here.
Is there an arrangement to pick you up?
Yeah, yeah.
Man, you're looking at the time. So what time did you arrange for mom to pick you up?
I'm like, half an hour
In half an hour. So notice you're looking around a little bit more now. helps a bit more with that pillow doesn't it? That was a good idea for you to put the pillow there. So how long do you think you'd like to be here? If you had a choice of how long you were going to be here with me in this conversation, how long would it be?
15 minutes, maybe another 15 minutes.
Okay, maybe, maybe
Yeah, I feel better.
Feel better. Yeah. You can just call mom and tell her that the first session is shorter. Yeah. Because it's enough hearts really confronting to be here. A lot of people find it confronting to come here because of the name of the agency. The issues that we may talk about in the future. It's pretty good. confronting. So just getting used to being here is a pretty big deal. And you're doing a great job. You're doing really well. Yeah. And I'm here with you
Such as the police interview that
Yeah, it's hard
like to go into so much detail. Yeah.
good events trying to get you back back into the room with me. Okay, so just look around the Can you see me this painting that's up here? What do you say to me other paintings?
Oh, yeah. Yeah, cool. Okay.
I just want you to catch this for me so we can throw it back to me. Okay, this fell back to me I see that's a good good start back to me. Good Practice saving stay here and stay here in the room with me here. Yeah. And also get your character on that's it. Okay, so just just want you to just to keep in the room with me a bit and sometimes it's a bit bit stressful and overwhelming. Okay, but we're still connected. Okay, you're back there. Okay. How you feeling? Yeah,
okay. Yeah, really, it was really hard. Talk about that stuff.
completely understand why things are really, really tough moment. And that sort of conversations with a place in town could be very stressful for you. Yeah. I get Yeah. So maybe a feeling now, where you are? Yeah. Okay, so maybe just want to keep talking. Just remember that we're connected. Okay. And you're here with me. Yeah. Yeah. So tell me a little bit more. So your mom came to, to the to the statement?
Oh, yes. So um, so mom was with me. Yeah. They came over. And they were two detectives. Yeah. And they, yeah, they just wanted to know everything and it took like hours.
And how are you feeling now after you've done it all?
Like, I'm glad it's over and done with. I didn't realize how hard it would be to talk about it. Yeah, yeah. For some reason I was thinking it was. It was all over and done with no. Yeah. Okay, now
it was really understandable. It's completely, you know, understandable that sometimes it's difficult to talk. And sometimes you can afford back to tough times. Yeah. So we just keep talking. I would keep talking like this
Hello, Sophia.
Hi. How are you doing today?
I'm good. How are you?
I'm doing well. Thanks for asking.
I saw you last time a week ago. And I know you've had some concerns with employment working on employment. The first before we get into that I wanted to check in and see how you're doing emotionally. I know from last week, on a scale of one to 10 you said you were suffering from depression at about seven. Yeah. How is it today?
It's been it's been up and down. I think today, it's probably a seven again. But you know, I've been back down to a nine lately. I guess maybe I feel a little better because I'm coming here. And I know, we'll get to talk about it a little bit. But I guess you know, last time we were talking about me trying to get a job and live full time job. And I think I just realized last week that it's really hard for me to work full time right now. You know, I'm doing the part time thing with the work program, and they want us to do volunteer work in the afternoon, if we haven't found a full time job by a certain week. And I just, you know, just thinking about it, and I just don't think I can do that. I just don't think I can work for eight hours every day. It's just too much.
So you're having some concerns about full time work and that level of energy, you'd have to exert that commitment. Alright, so we'll be okay today, if we kind of structured, what we're going to do sure for for this session. So, if it's okay with you, I'd like to talk about that. Okay. All right and and get some more details about kind of what's going on this week and your feelings surrounding that. And we touched on this a little bit in the last session. But I'd like to talk about kind of your core beliefs, your central beliefs that might be contributing some of these feelings of depression. Yeah. And then, for the last part, we'll work on like we did before, interventions to try to help you with with what's going on at work and with your depressed mood. And we can make changes to this as needed. I just want to start with an outline that we can, we can have going in okay. So make sense. Okay. Anything you want to add or take away from that?
No, I mean, that makes sense.
Okay. So, tell me a little bit more about what's going on with the work.
Well, I mean, I don't really know why it is. I know I'm always tired because I just I have so much trouble sleeping, as I told you before. It's just It doesn't matter how tired I am, I can't sleep, but it's just I go, I go in the morning, you know, eight to noon, but then in the afternoon, it's just like, it's so hard to keep going on. It's just such a long amount of time. And I just feel like, I don't know if I can really do it. And especially in the winter, you know, if you work eight hours, by the time you get out of work, it's dark out and it just makes my depression so much worse.
So, the latter part of the day is more of a struggle for you.
Yeah, a lot of hard work day.
So getting up in the morning and getting to work on time. You do okay with that.
It's hard. It's hard, but I feel like I'm better at that. I'm better at it. I'm already up anyway. So, you know, I know I gotta get up. I gotta do what I have to do.
So the work program you're in now, you work in the morning?
What hours are you there?
Eight to noon.
And there's some work you have to do in the afternoon.
Well, yeah, since I've been there for what is it eight weeks. And I haven't found a job yet. They want us to volunteer in the afternoon and they find us our own place of volunteer. So that's good. I don't have to find that myself. But I guess they want to get you used to doing something for eight hours a day and maybe you have something to put on your resume. And guess what? have like a big gap in your resume that doesn't look good either. So haven't been able to say a work tear even though I didn't make money. But just thinking about it, it's so exhausting. And you know, I get out of the work program and I think if I did go to, I can barely make it home. It's just so all I want to do is go home.
Thinking about it's exhausting. Can you tell me what type of thoughts you're having?
I just don't think I can do it. Like, I just don't think I'm the kind of person that can work eight hours a day. And it just makes me feel like what's the point like, I'm going to work eight hours a day.
I don't think I can just there's just too many hours.
So, can you think of another case you're working on another family different than the one that we've initially talked about? Where you've made a decision that seemed like was fairly clear caught like one you would have made before and yet you're, you're thinking about it replaying it?
Yeah, I have this case. You know recently where it's a single dad, the mom passed away and I go in and check on him and his son, you You know, things are going well, but, you know, I think the dad has a hard time so it's not like it was before when the mom was there. Not that I wasn't there before that but you can just tell that like, things are a little different. But you know, obviously, my decision is that things are going well for the kid, you know, they're gonna he's gonna stay there. Dad is stable, but I just worried like, is the dad under too much stress? Is he really taking care of the kid as good as you know, what if he's just cleaning up the house and doing the right things on there while I'm not there? You know, does he have the energy to take care of his kid? Or is everything really the way I it appears? Or is there more going on? I just don't know.
Right. So you're handling it to the best of your ability. But there's still these these thoughts that are coming out. Kind of encouraging you to second guess your judgment?
Yeah. And it's like, I can't let it go. Like, I saw him like two weeks ago. And I still wonder if I have other cases like that. It's like, they're all running through my head. And I have these thoughts like, Did I do the right thing? Can I do the right thing?
Maybe what if, what if the worst happens?
And I didn't see it. Like, what if something terrible happens? And I should have known better.