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So that strategy might not work. That's something you've been tossing around though, this idea of isolating a little bit more, and drinking a little less. Seems like all your options here kind of grim. Yeah, that's just that's just me doesn't seem that way to you too.
Now that I'm like
talking through it, yeah.
I'd like don't think I have any choice really
have any choice? What's going to happen is going to happen?
I don't know.
All right. So let's start with the lead now. Pick up with me now. You don't want to make it bad impression in this whole court proceeding with a DUI. What do you think you could do that would make a bad impression?
Um, go to court drug
I would do it.
Get another DUI in the meantime, that was not good either.
So you want to avoid those behaviors for sure. So you know, for sure you don't want to have sex? Would it be acceptable those things anyway?
I mean, not really. I mean, I think I should avoid does not like drunk driving enough. Or maybe not during the day of my court date,
So would you appreciate those skulls like avoiding those situations I go in the court truck
Goals that you could get behind
I mean, I can try I guess to like think about it and Charlie get out now I'm gonna be stressed out ate my court date. It's gonna be hard to like not drink that day.
You're not striking me as overly enthusiastic about this idea.
this is really tough for you is the outcome. The marriage laws are important. Yeah, this whole this book, do you I think it's really just encroached on something you had going on that you enjoyed. Yeah. So is this an inconvenience that you can move past or is this a major life with fat that is gonna change things
I don't know because I don't know any other like way around it then just dealing with it. I mean, if I like don't go to court or anything that's like a worn out for me like I can't, I can't avoid this situation.
But if there's a condition of your treatment, the judge says no more drinking is no more marijuana period. We can see that that if you obey those rules or word, jail
now, I couldn't get to that. I know it possibly could probably well, but I was I don't know.
I would think it almost certainly would have happened. Yeah.
I don't know what I'm gonna do.
back a couple of steps. How long have you been using the alcohol marijuana?
For about like, six years, six years.
Have you ever until now with the DUI, have you ever envisioned stopping? Now, what's your plan? Like pre d? Why was your plan and all this?
I just had dinner like the jerking kind of has gotten worse.
Yeah. So without this or something you would have continued using?
Yeah, I didn't really have any like
until now. Yeah. Could this be a strange way like an opportunity?
I mean, I guess if I had if I wanted to stop by this would be a way for me to stop or reason for me to stop.
If you really wanted to stop because your stuff
I don't know.
you could give a shot. You're just not sure you could. You could actually do it.
Yeah, I mean, I've never tried to before so I don't know.
It's just unknown.
Yeah, yeah.
So where do you want to go from here you have this to you, I imagine a hearing or some type of Coming up here to see me. What can I do to help you?
like a like a place in terms of your thinking like your mentality.
Okay, you want to work on that? Yeah. So between now I'm gonna see you again. Do you have any hearings or anything coming up? Now they're not for like a few more weeks, few weeks. So I'll see you again. And I have the IEP and everything here. second week. Let's pick up with that. They think changes we're hearing is moved up to slumping, okay. Okay.
Thanks for helping.
Thank you.
Hello Kathy, how are you today?
I know when we spoke last time, you had some goals you want to talk about this time? You're ready to do that?
I need to Yeah, yeah.
What do you have in mind?
I just keep thinking about you know, losing this weight and I just really want to do it. I just I just can't get there and I don't know why. too frustrated. Its ridiculous
frustated Trying to lose the weight. Now you'd said before that you had a specific number of pounds of specific amount of weight to lose. You still have that in mind?
I would like 20 pounds 20 pounds. I mean, I would like more but I, I've tried to do more in the past and I don't even get past couple of days. So I can do 20 that would be great.
Right, and you tried before? And what do you think got in the way?
I don't know. I guess it wasn't convenient. You know.
Just like something always gets in the way, you know, and then I lose focus. I'm not very good at staying focused on stuff like that.
Loss of focus. So you start trying to lose the weight and your focus gets disrupted.
And I forget and then I make you know, spaghetti casserole for six people and then I eat a lot of it and that's carbs and cheese and fat and then I, you know, will eat with my kids don't eat and then it's just like I forget that I'm supposed to be making healthy choices.
Alright, so you know, how to lose weight. And you know, you can lose weight. But your focus is a little off when you're trying and that's causing the problem. Could we break that goal of losing 20 pounds down into smaller units? Like say, five pounds
Do you think?
It's just something you can do.
I am so busy
for once a week.
I probably do once a week
You mentioned the loss of focus is one problem. How about motivation, you feel motivated to move through all those steps like five pounds and five pounds and so on.
Right now, yes. I think I would need something to keep me going. You know, week to week,
a little bit of that something extra to help you stay motivated.
Yeah. Like, when your kid does \their homework early, you can give them a special treat for dessert like that helps, you know, keep it going.
Okay. So some sort of activity or item that you enjoy, that you could reserve for when you reach that goal of say that the first five pounds
I would love I mean, I've just been so embarrassed, you know,
All right. Do you have the activity or item in mind? We could put in place as something you could reward yourself with?
Like after the first five pounds?
Well, there's a few ways we could do it. We could do that. So you reach five pounds. And then you can give yourself that reward work could be for something you do every day. If that day you're successful in eating the way you want, he would you think would motivate you more?
Maybe something every day.
Yes, you know, each and every day as you're trying to lose weight. You're aware. When that day comes to close if you had a successful night, they were a less than successful day, right? If you have a successful day, then you could engage in an activity or receiving items that we work out in advance that, you know, would motivate you.Right?
And that could be, you know, maybe watching like a favorite TV show. Okay, you know, because I don't watch TV at night, because I'm so busy cleaning up and everything. Maybe I could just take some time for myself, because I did something good. You know, I just watch a TV show.
So let's let's do that. On a day, you know, towards the evening. When you know, you have had a successful day and by what time would you know, in the evening?
Probably as I'm preparing dinner, if I prepare food dinner, or if I prepare fun food for my kids, but I don't eat it like chicken nuggets and french fries and stuff.
Let's say some Okay, say so by 7pm at that point in terms of the day being successful or less than successful, you know, okay, right at 7pm, you're aware. And at that point, if you have met your call, then you have a you have a TV show that you maybe it's recorded on a TV or something you would watch, okay? And if you were not as successful you would write. So I'd be like something to keep you motivated about the day because you really want to watch that show. Right? A lot of fun. Do you think that structure, that kind of behavioral strategy would give you enough motivation to have successful days so it's process?
I don't know honestly, but it would probably be the way right now
And this is something you could also track. Right? You could write down days that are successful days or lessons less than successful. And we could look at if there's any patterns, maybe weekends are harder, because they're easier or something where we can identify days that have maybe more triggers or we're less motivated.
Yeah, I didn't think about that. Because right every day would be different.
Okay, there's the potential for every day to be different with what you're exposed to, and what temptations in terms of different foods, what your schedules like maybe for busier things easier. So we can We can look at those different patterns. And we can add levels to this plan. Okay, but for now we'll go with the TV show that you'll watch sometime after seven, seven, you evaluate how you did, sometime after that. watch the show, okay? That's like a plan.
So that's leading up to the five pounds. Right? Right. Okay,
day by day, okay, this and five pound increments, okay, four times to get to your goal. 20 pounds. Okay. Sounds good. So far. So, we'll give that a shot. And we'll take a look at the pattern that emerges, support everything. I say, write everything down. Okay, probably at around seven is a good time. When you know kind of day ahead, write down kind of what happened that day and whether you've had success or not. And bring that in. I'll see you again week. So give us I'll give you seven, seven days to work with. Okay? And we'll look at that log of events. And we'll reevaluate each week.
So I could start tonight
starts tonight, okay.
All right.
So we'll give that a shot and I'll see it a week.
Okay, thanks, Kevin.
people your age, it's very different for this generation who do have a lot of it figured out. So, if I asked you, how would you describe yourself, and it can be on any dimensions, how would you describe yourself?
How do you know that?
Okay. It would be good for me just to stop and ask you what, what is your ethnic and racial background?
My father's of Latino descent mother's African American, okay.
So after that encounter nets, third grade, your dad goes, he's Latino. Goes to pick up your report card and to pick you up. How are you treated differently after that?
Well, the next day I went to school at a note embed They staple it to show. So when I got home, of course, my mother had to know, they went to parent teacher conference. And when we got there, I was actually the room. And when I got the gist of it, I told my parents how me being mixed race ways to learn or by having two different parents at the time could be a bad thing for me, because I went to a predominantly African American but he's obese something so like, you know, apples and oranges don't mix. You know, Black Black Black History Month came around. And you know, you had a chance to pick some who wants to be a pick Harriet Tubman. No, and I was like, Oh, you're not black enough to be her and they had pictures on the wall. And look at her. She's black. You know what, when you put black paint on your face, and you don't always like to be a slave and things like that. So it became up. I wasn;t hurt and it was I didn't understand that.
And I'm sure none of it hurt at that point.
I don't think it was. I just didn't understand what a pity party No, but at times, but it just sort of get to yours because there's age where the kids get sort of meaner about the teasing and aren't really even High School thinking. High School, the same thing came up, just put in a Cinco de Mayo. And of African American students are probably one of the Latino students had a problem with it's when I'm caught in the middle.