During World War II, a volunteer named Dock, who assisted the hospital in the field hospital to help the death and help the wounded, wrote a sentence on the wall in order to drive away the dark clouds in the heart of the wounded and give the wounded the power to overcome the pain: Here it is dead. This sentence has brought countless wounded the power to overcome the pain. After the end of World War II, Dock became a postman. He firmly believed that in addition to bringing mail to people, he could also pass on happiness to people. Therefore, he always took a lot of notes with words of encouragement: "Don't worry, today is a good day", "Smile with a smile", etc. Everywhere he went, people felt happy. Ke was not a performing artist or a writer, but he did what a performing artist and a writer might not necessarily do.
What is the main point of this passage?
[ "Volunteers and artists, writers.", "Giving someone a rose.", "Passing happiness.", "Helping others is a loving dedication." ]
Mencius once said in "On the Confession": "The joy of the righteousness is my heart, and the joy of the concubine is my mouth. " This is a truthful, subtle, and quite inspiring mind. The practice of life has also been repeated Tell us that the "reasonableness" of "pleasant heart" is always easy to explain in simple terms, such as "church", which is a food like "mutton" such as beef and mutton, otherwise, it is likely to be a speaker, a listener, Or the speaker is hoarse and the listener is drowsy. After all, the infection is not relying on loud voices or the power of the microphone, but it should be as dazzling as a peacock opening the screen, grab the eye, and give people a beautiful enjoyment. Inspiration.
What does this text emphasize?
[ "Rely on infection, please be happy with infection.", "The first essence of reason is state the truth.", "Only true reason can make people believe.", "Talk about art and make the reasoning easy to accept." ]
Staff members of the state organs use the common language of the state to perform official duties, which is conducive to showing their solemnity, seriousness, and the professional characteristics of obeying the law, law enforcement, and serving the public. At the same time, it also reflects the modern and open atmosphere and requirements. People speak Mandarin well, and using standardized words is not only a requirement of work, but also a manifestation of their own quality, taste and image.
What is the main emphasis of this text?
[ "correct, standardized use of common language, is accurate, funny need to perform official duties.", "Correct and standardized use of common languages is necessary to ensure the smooth flow of government orders.", "The correct and standardized use of common languages is an example for the society.", "Correct and standardized use of common language is the need for staff's national awareness and legal awareness." ]
In the past two years, as the prices of energy and resource products in the international market have continued to rise sharply, the manufacturing costs of manufacturing have continued to rise, making the prices of various types of manufactured products in fiercely competitive international markets also gradually rising, and price increases have begun to move from upstream to upstream. Downstream transmission. At the same time, the rise in international commodity market prices has also begun to be passed to countries, especially the sharp rise in energy and agricultural product prices has gradually promoted the rising consumer price index in various countries.
What is the emphasis of this text?
[ "International commodity market prices are beginning to pass to countries.", "Price increases begin to pass from upstream to downstream of manufacturing.", "Impact of Manufacturing Production Costs on Consumer Price Indexes in Various Countries.", "Impact of the prices of energy and resource products in the international market on domestic consumer prices." ]
Ecological civilization is the goal of cultural change put forward after deep reflection on the meaning of human activities in the context of an increasingly serious ecological crisis. As early as the 19th century, Engels made a prophecy of guarding against retaliation in nature And said: "Only a conscious social production organization that systematically produces and distributes in it can promote humans from the rest of the animals in terms of social relations, just as general production once lifted humans out of species relations. The rest of the animals ascended. ".
What's the point of this text?
[ "Ecological problems are actually the relationship between people and nature, and ecological problems are closely related to social problems.", "The social root of ecological damage is that the social production organization does not consciously carry out production and distribution in a planned way.", "The construction of ecological civilization is actually to strengthen environmental protection and promote harmony between man and nature.", "To solve the problem of the construction of ecological civilization, the basic position of Dialectics of Nature must be used as the theoretical basis." ]
In the animal world, each animal is a potential food for other animals. When an animal observes another animal entering its field of vision, it must "determine" whether it is "offensive", "still in place" or "Escape". Choosing an attack can make the opponent's own food. Choosing "Do not move" can watch time changes, but it may also miss the opportunity to attack or escape. Choosing "Escape" is the most secure strategy, but if the other party is not dangerous, and "escape" is not necessary. If the other party is weak, choosing "escape" will make you lose the chance to get food. ,.
What does this passage say?
[ "Behavioral choices for animals.", "Every animal s decision is related to its survival.", "If it is a carnivore, it may become the food of the other party.", "Animal behavioral selection is instinctive, it is the result of evolution." ]
Urban slogans should be expressed in the most concise, accurate, infectious and comprehensible language, and excavate the city's unique spiritual connotation and terroir. In other words, concise, incisive, general, and profound, this should be formulated The most basic characteristics and requirements of a city tagline in terms of language expression. On the other hand, the city taglines prepared in some cities in China are not redundant and far-fetched. Luo Zhi, or too far-fetched in quality mining, gives people a deliberate, blind or even impetuous feeling.
What's the point of this text?
[ "Urban slogans should highlight urban characteristics.", "Ambiguous, difficult to reflect the style of the city.", "Climbing the affiliate meeting, dilute the personality of the city.", "Forced redundancies, blindly causing urban characteristics." ]
The current annual output of formaldehyde in China is very large, and the occupational hazards of formaldehyde are very wide, such as used in the production of resins, the manufacture of plastics and coatings, fabric finishing and the production of industrial chemicals. Formaldehyde can not only cause nasal cancer and sinuses Cancer, and may cause leukemia. Because the current evidence on leukemia is limited to epidemiological findings, it is not yet possible to analyze the mechanism of leukemia canceration. The "formaldehyde carcinogenic analysis" released by the World Health Organization was contaminated by 26 experts. Results of reviews in 10 countries.
What does this text say?
[ "Formaldehyde has been identified as a carcinogen.", "Don't take \"formaldehyde pollution\" like a breeze.", "Attention should be paid to formaldehyde pollution.", "Experts' advice to prevent formaldehyde pollution." ]
Cost refers to the material or energy paid to achieve a certain purpose, or some trade-offs, pays, inputs, and consumptions, such as doing more with the least cost.
What does the following mean for this price?
[ "Costs were seen in daily life.", "People seek maximum profit in economic life at the least cost.", "Cost is a measure of reason.", "The price is the inherent inevitability of human development based on history, and the subject of social practice is the realization of the dominant development goal and the further reasonable development of the entire society." ]
Cactus is a leafless, knotty, thorny "evergreen plant" and "guardian plant", whether it is born in deserts, cliffs, inaccessible places, parks, roadsides such as rivers, She can be calm and carefree, and welcome the sunrise and sunset with a smile. Whether it is fat like a hill or thin as a lone peak, she can relax and lose weight without worry; Do not think of sorrow inside to nourish, it is a little "Mo Si endless things outside, and the limited cup before his life" taste.
This text describes mainly:.
[ "The cactus is open-minded, and the style of the cactus is beautiful.", "The cactus is broad-minded and the spirit of the cactus is noble.", "The life of the cactus is strong, and the taste of the cactus is natural.", "Cactus is an ordinary \"vase\", but it is an unusual \"thorn\"." ]
If the foundation is solid, there will be branches and leaves and fruit. If the foundation is shallow, the branches will inevitably become weak and the wind will not help. The mountain does not explain its height and does not affect its towering clouds; the sea does not explain its depth, and Does not affect its ability to accommodate Baichuan; the earth does not explain its thickness, but no one can replace it as a place to nurture all things. In life, we often come up with the idea of explaining something. However, once we explain it, we find that any explanation is the same Pale and weak.
The text tells us the truth:.
[ "Boiling water does not sound.", "Those who want to succeed must be strict.", "Being low-key is a wisdom.", "Redundant and embarrassing explanations." ]
Seeing an old spinning wheel at the corner of the interior, my ears seemed to sound that buzzing sound all night; seeing the old loom, the past seemed to come to mind in the rhythmic weaving sound. Ancient traditional techniques, male farming and female weaving, natural justice. The homespun cloth is often used as a dowry for rural girls and a testament to their ingenuity. Farmer women sit by the loom and weave their colorful lives and dreams innocently. Snowy or flowery homebrew.
The main expression of this text is:.
[ "Return to the original state of mind, return to Park.", "The true feelings of the world are hidden in the homespun.", "Old things and folk customs.", "The glitz of the past passes through." ]
Some people say: Those who do not enjoy some kind of social service are like a large desert, those who enjoy this kind of social service are like an oasis in the large desert, the desert is always engulfing the oasis, and the only way to protect the oasis is Turn the desert into an oasis as soon as possible.
This text explains:.
[ "Law of Large Numbers.", "Desert effect.", "Oasis effect.", "The rule of elimination." ]
During the foraging process, hundreds or thousands of ants come and go between the anthill and the place where the food is located, and eventually they can get food in a relatively short time, but there is never any congestion. German scientist Huerbing It was found that avoiding road congestion is based on communication between ants. When congestion may occur on one road, the returning ant sends a pheromone to the oncoming companion and lets it choose another road. He believes that humans can take the same approach. Reduce vehicle congestion.
This text explains mainly:.
[ "Smart Ants Inspire Humans to Solve Traffic Congestion.", "Solve problems and find ideas from ants foraging.", "Interchange situation, bypass can avoid encountering congestion.", "Non-congestion of ants and human vehicle congestion." ]
The three monks met in the ruined temple. "This temple's desertion must be a monk's piety. " Monk A said. "Must be a monk who is not industrious. " B monk said. "It must be a monk disrespect. " C monk said. The three dispute No matter what, I decided to stay and do my best. So Monk A chanted the Buddhist scriptures, Monk B organized the temple affairs, Monk C preached the preaching script, and the incense was getting stronger. It gradually disappeared again.
The text tells us the truth:.
[ "All successes and failures depend on time, place and people.", "The phrase \"three monks have no water to eat\" makes sense.", "Success is popular, failure is popular; gain is popular, loss is popular.", "Division of responsibility." ]
Kai trees, oval fruits, red, delicate wood. According to legend, this tree was first grown next to the tomb of Confucius, with tall and straight trunks and leafy branches. It seems to be an example of many trees. Mould trees, green in spring, and red in blood in summer, It turns white in autumn and black in winter. Because of its pure color, "unstained by dust" is also an example of trees. According to legend, this tree first grew next to Zhou Gong's tomb. These two trees are called "kai" and " 1. "Model" is a metaphor for people, so people's exemplary behavior is called "model".
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "\"kai\" and \"mo\" are the names of two trees.", "The word \"model\" has the word \"wood\".", "\"Model\" originally referred to two trees.", "Kai trees, mold trees have aura." ]
On December 2, 2008, CCTV's "News Broadcasting" broadcasted content about the "cottage phenomenon", and 50% of netizens were optimistic about "cottage products". "Cottage style" has been popular in the folk for a long time, and it has been deeply rooted in grassroots innovation. The imprint of the wisdom of the masses, it ran all the way on the path of imitating and surpassing the intestines, and finally broke into the perspective of mainstream culture. It initially targeted only low-end consumer groups, but slowly broke through the limitations and evolution of low-income consumer groups. For a popular fashion.
The main expression of this text is:.
[ "Why did the cottage wind get into the news webcast?", "Interpretation in the sense of cottage pop culture.", "\"The cottage style\" sent seemingly high-end products to the hands of ordinary people.", "Analyze the path of copycat style from the perspective of economic consumption." ]
The numbers in idioms are used a lot. For example, they are full of vigor and prosperity. Non-integer numbers have also entered idioms, such as half-way, half-dominated. There are two idioms: kill two birds with one stone and kill two birds with one stone. "Two" and "double" are numbers "2" Different representations. Most idioms are composed of four words, and numerals are sometimes "used together", such as five brilliant colors, three heads and six arms. There are also idioms composed of numerals purely, such as three three two, one fifty one ten.
The most suitable for this text title is:.
[ "The relationship between idioms and numbers.", "Idioms.", "Number Idioms and Idiom Numbers.", "Idioms with numbers." ]
Among the pre-Qin Confucian schools, Confucianism and Taoism are the two most influential, and Confucianism and Taoism are the two main lines of traditional Chinese culture. The Analects and Lao Zi are the main representative works of Confucianism and Taoism. With the source of Taoist thought seized, it is easier to grasp the ins and outs of traditional Chinese culture, and it is also possible to avoid a one-way understanding of traditional Chinese culture, and it is easy to compare the two ideas of Confucianism and Taoism.
The gist of this text is:.
[ "To promote Chinese traditional culture, you must first understand The Analects and Lao Tzu.", "The Analects and Lao Tzu have had a broad and far-reaching influence on Chinese politics.", "In Chinese traditional culture, the most classic originals are The Analects and Lao Zi.", "Reading the Analects and Lao Tzu will lay a good foundation for spreading Chinese culture." ]
A British newspaper once held a prize-winning campaign titled: Three people were carried on a hot air balloon. One is an environmental expert who can save people from the bad luck of environmental pollution; the other is a nuclear expert who has the ability to prevent a global nuclear war; the third is a food expert who can save tens of millions of people from famine. At this moment the hot air balloon is about to crash. One person must be dropped to reduce the load. Who should be left? The answer letter flew like snowflakes, and as a result, the winner of the huge bonus was a little boy. His answer was: go fattest.
The correct interpretation of this text is:.
[ "This is an example of more solutions than problems.", "This is an example of simplification of complex problems.", "This is the option to get things done quickly.", "This is the story of a small puck solving a big problem." ]
Although there are autumn wind and autumn frost, cabbage is flourishing. There are not many new greens in late autumn. At this time, the field flowers are dying, and the cabbage is still watery. Lifting your face joyfully in the sun makes life hopeful. The white cabbage is as beautiful as the yellow of pumpkin and the red of pepper.
The words that best summarize this text are:.
[ "Frost is a kind of experience for plants.", "The extreme beauty of home-made cabbage.", "Sweetened cabbage with aftertaste.", "Cabbage overflows the true flavor of life." ]
On the bus, a man opened his mouth and yawned. A few people around him could not help but yawned. Some people did not yawn because they were not implied. Who is implied? It can be checked through a simple test. Have a person extend his hands horizontally, palms facing up, and close his eyes. Tell him that he now has a hydrogen balloon tied to his left hand and keeps floating upwards; a piece is tied on his right-hand Big rock, falling down. After three minutes, look at the gap between his hands, the greater the distance, the more suggestive.
This text explains mainly:.
[ "People are often lost in themselves, forming a certain degree of herd mentality.", "People are easily susceptible to information from the outside world, which leads to deviations in self-perception.", "It is easy to believe that a general, general personality description is particularly suitable for him.", "In daily life, it is impossible for people to always observe themselves as an outsider." ]
The word "post-80s" first appeared in online forums in 2001, referring to a group of poets born in the 1980s who were active in online forums. Since 2003, it has more to refer to a group of commercial A well-known writer born after 1980. At the end of 2004, with the emergence of "post-80s writers" in batches, the term was gradually used to refer to the entire group of young people born in the 1980s.
The most suitable for this text title is:.
[ "\"Hopeful\" Generation.", "Origin of \"post-80s\".", "A rational view of the \"post-80s\" from a new perspective.", "The \"post-80s\" cause widespread concern in society." ]
Huangshan pine grows in a hard-to-see environment of the Huangshan rock clumps. It is 1,670 meters above sea level, and the age of the famous pine is hundreds of years. These pine trees are resistant to wind and frost. The leaves are short and thick, the crown is flat and sharp, the green is deep, the branches are tough and flexible, and one plant looks vibrant and very tenacious. Yingke Song stands up beside the green lion stone. For more than a thousand years, two giant arms greeted guests from all over the world.
This passage makes people realize:.
[ "Pine and stone are closely connected with the outside world.", "Between pine and stone, there is no longer me without you, you die and I live.", "People and the environment, people and people, turn a disadvantage into reciprocity and achieve harmony in competition and competition.", "From many people, things, things, insight into a wonderful world that others cannot understand." ]
There was a sudden fire in a theater full of spectators, and those eager to escape were eager to escape from the limited emergency exit as soon as possible, but when everyone crowded into a group, it was bound to affect the escape due to mutual crowding and trample on each other Speed. In this emergency situation, the best solution is that everyone adopts a cooperative strategy at the same time and pass the emergency exit in an orderly manner according to certain rules.
The main emphasis of this text is:.
[ "The parties will harm both their own interests and the interests of others.", "Self-interest strategies often fail to achieve the goal of maximizing their own returns.", "Protecting your own interests requires cooperation and paying a price.", "Cooperation strategies are more conducive to maximizing the utility of the parties than self-interest strategies." ]
The reason why the financial crisis has spread to the whole world is largely because each economy has experienced an "economic prosperity" period of 6 to 7 years of extraordinary expansion in financial scale, unprecedented development of financial innovation and its financial derivatives. Under this model, the prices of various assets are constantly and irrationally pushed up. The key to managing the crisis is to return various assets that have been speculated to high prices to their reasonable price levels. A period of asset depreciation is inevitable This is a "debt repayment" for past rapid appreciation.
The exact summary of this text is:.
[ "Proactive fiscal policy and appropriate loose monetary policy should be adopted to stimulate the economy.", "Stimulate the economy and squeeze the \"bubble\".", "The goal of stimulating the economy is to make the economy work properly.", "Maintaining high levels of asset prices through government action or government advocacy." ]
American economist Paul Federman always buys donuts for every research contract he gets. Later, he developed the habit of putting a basket of donuts in the office every weekend for everyone to eat. In order to recover the cost He put a basket next to the bread basket with the recommended price. As a result, this unattended collection basket recovered 95% of the bread money. Later, he resigned to sell doughnuts. Every morning, he took the doughnuts and the collection basket. After a few years, Federman made as much money as when he was a research analyst.
The most suitable for this text title is:.
[ "An experiment on honesty.", "A story of making money by wisdom.", "Generation of a new sales method.", "Treating business as an economic experiment." ]
When a person leaves your sight and disappears for only a few seconds, you will give him a comment, but it will not work when faced up. Smart people must see their back more important than their front face. This back is one of their own. Statue. The sculpture is operated by others, and the materials and scale are provided by ourselves. We don't expect to make everyone perfect, but at least "walk over" ourselves and don't let others poke the backbone.
The most suitable for this text title is:.
[ "Be optimistic about your back.", "Back view is more important than the front face.", "People stay in the name, geese stay in the voice.", "Back view is a person's virtue and reputation." ]
There is a pointy grass on the African grassland, which is the tallest thatch there, but its growth process is very special. In the first half of the year, it was almost the shortest grass on the grassland, only an inch high, but after half a year of rain Once it arrived, it was like magic, after three or five days, there was a height of one meter six to two meters. It turned out that in the first six months, the spike grass was not long, but it was always in the roots, before the rainy season. Although it shows an inch, it takes root more than 28 meters underground.
This text inspires people:.
[ "One cannot grow up just above the ground.", "The stronger a person's foundation, the greater the development potential.", "The earliest start, not necessarily the best developed.", "People can't look, and seawater can't fight." ]
Mei Lanfang is not instantly forgotten like most stars who have become popular because of media packaging. He was not loved by new screenwriters such as Wisp and Jail, but because of being in the performances of traditional operas such as `` Drunken Concubine '', `` Farewell My Concubine '' and `` Fenhewan '', they not only abide by the rules, but also surpass their predecessors. Although inspired by the mass media, they have experienced a period of hustle and bustle in addition to old ones. Return to traditional style and become a generation of masters.
This text mainly states:.
[ "Mei Lanfang was a media hero in China during the first half of the 20th century.", "Mei Lanfang's art tree is evergreen because of his deep traditional art accumulation.", "The success of Mei Lanfang is the success of China's Peking Opera.", "How Mei Lanfang became the most outstanding performing artist in the eyes of Peking Opera audiences." ]
The so-called "using the IP address or network name as the defendant" is actually only for the pre-filing procedure. In this way, the plaintiff of the network infringement can apply to the people's court to investigate the relevant information of the defendant's identity, and can verify the formal filing of the trial. From this, it can be seen that this is actually the plaintiff requesting the court to use its investigative power to find out the person behind the IP address or network name, and to transfer the power of investigation to verify the "defendant's specific identity" to the court. Without special investigative powers, most of the public also do not have the technical means to conduct online tracking. If the court still cannot find out after the intervention, it will still not be accepted. As long as there is no clear defendant, the plaintiff's lawsuit will be meaningless ----- -Not to mention that during the trial, the "defendant" could not defend, even if the plaintiff won the lawsuit, there was no responsible person to bear the corresponding civil liability.
The most accurate summary of the main point of this text is:.
[ "Introduce the plight of legal issues in the Internet age.", "Analysis of the plaintiff's disadvantaged position in online infringement cases.", "Analysis of the importance of the identification of the defendant in the case.", "Explain the way of identifying defendants in online infringement cases and their significance." ]
Due to the combination of heaven and earth, the inner and outer walls are all rounded forward. The main buildings are round, and the outer walls of the Qiuqiu and the outer walls of the Qi Nian Temple are square, symbolizing the place of heaven. The cypress, a green sea, eliminates all interference from the field of vision. Put yourself in the hills, look up at the heavens, look around the green earth, the solemn atmosphere, and lead to the realm of imperial power, the union of heaven and earth, and the dialogue between man and heaven. The double columns of the inside and outside of the twelve columns symbolize December and twelve hours. The ceiling is soaring, and the dragon is in awe. The cigarettes are misty and the music is loud during the sacrifice, which strengthens the reverence and belief in heaven.
This text mainly introduces the Temple of Heaven:.
[ "Artistic mood.", "artistic style.", "Layout Features.", "Design philosophy." ]
"Unknown Lacquerware" was unearthed at the Tomb of Ruyin Houzao in the Western Han Dynasty in Fuyang, Anhui Province in 1977. It has been verified that it is the earliest existing guillema in the world with a definite date. The display, using the shadow cast by its north ear at noon, can indicate the arrival of the winter solstice, spring equinox, summer solstice, and autumn equinox. The geographic latitude of this type of table is fixed, and it has been calculated that the tomb of Ruminghou Qi The applicable latitude of the Gui watch is exactly in the area from Changan to Ruming Hou Kingdom in the Han Dynasty. The subtlety of this Gui watch is that the positions of the four solar terms are not indicated by scales, but are implicitly embedded in wooden blocks and lacquerware. Some special patterns and positions.
Regarding this table, which of the following statement is correct:.
[ "May indicate twenty-four solar terms.", "The age of use is unknown.", "Applicable to specific geographic locations.", "The table is marked with a detailed time scale." ]
The latest data shows that there are currently about 13,000 new cases of malignant melanoma in the UK each year, compared to just 1,800 in 1975. In terms of prevalence, 17 out of every 10,000 British people now have the disease The prevalence rate 40 years ago was three ten-thousandths. Malignant melanoma kills more than 2,000 people in the UK each year, making it the fifth leading cancer killer. The British Cancer Research Association believes that the increase in the prevalence of this skin cancer is related to People's lifestyles are related, such as not paying attention to sun protection, the increasing popularity of sunbathing, and the "artificial tanning" that is gradually emerging. Experts from this research society remind that people must pay attention to sun protection while enjoying the sun, and sunburn itself is in the skin cells. A hallmark of DNA damage, the long-term accumulation of this damage increases the risk of skin cancer.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "The root cause of sunburn is damaged DNA in skin cells.", "Neglect of sun protection causes a sharp rise in skin cancer in the UK.", "Long-term accumulation of sunburn increases skin cancer risk.", "The current prevalence of malignant melanoma in the UK is more than 50 times that of 40 years ago." ]
Since 1990, sea levels have risen by an average of about 18 centimeters. The threat from melting glaciers not only puts some well-known cities at risk of being submerged, but as the Arctic glaciers accelerate to melt, the distribution of Earth's gravity will also be directly affected. In addition, the Arctic's receding glaciers and melting water are leaking methane on a large scale, which will have a significant impact on the global climate.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "Climate change in the Arctic has increased significantly in the last century.", "Melting glaciers will pose many potential dangers to the planet.", "Governing methane leaks in the Arctic will be a major challenge for humanity.", "Melting glaciers will put more and more cities at risk." ]
Swiss psychologist Jung said: "Every culture is precipitated as a personality. It is not Goethe who created Faust, but Faust who created Goethe. " What he called "Faust" is no longer a specific The person's name refers to the collective personality of the nation to which he belongs, which is also a symbol of culture. This collective personality has long existed, and Goethe just showed it.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "Literary works carry the mission of expressing cultural characteristics.", "The complex cultural connection between writer and work.", "The accumulation of culture forms a specific collective personality.", "Faust's cultural symbolism is far higher than its cultural value." ]
Transgenic phytase gene corn is mainly used for feed processing. The contained phytase can decompose phytate phosphorus in feed and release inorganic phosphorus that can be used by animals. At the same time, it can reduce the content of phosphorus in animal manure and reduce Environmental pollution; it can also reduce the investment in plant, equipment and energy when producing phytase by industrial fermentation. Therefore, the phytase produced with corn as a carrier is directly used for feed processing, which realizes environmentally-friendly and energy-saving agriculture The dream of producing "green" phosphorus by production methods has huge industrial advantages and application prospects.
The correct understanding of this text is:.
[ "Maize feed processing technology with phytase gene is quite mature.", "Using phytase gene corn processing feed is in line with the environmental protection concept of modern green agriculture.", "Planting phytase gene corn has less investment and great returns.", "Corn-based phytase production will replace modern industrial fermentation methods." ]
17 copper coins unearthed today in Xiji County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, located in the north section of the East Road of China's Silk Road, were identified as "Guishuang Dynasty" coins left over from the ancient Silk Road. Rising from Central Asia's slavery country, it developed into its heyday from 105 to 250 AD. It was considered to be one of the four great powers of Europe and Asia at that time. It was tied with the Han Dynasty, Rome, and rest. A type of coin with important historical value, manufactured by Greek pressing method, with a texture of gold, silver, copper and other materials. The front of the coin is often designed with the same emphasis on characters, characters and patterns, and the shape is approximately circular or oval. Dozens of Guishuang coins have been unearthed in the Hotan area.
The following statements are consistent with the original:.
[ "For the first time in China, precious coins have been discovered.", "Guishuang Dynasty emerged around the first century AD.", "Guishuang Dynasty was involved in the trade of the ancient Silk Road.", "Guishuang coin uses the most popular minting technology at the time." ]
For ordinary people, it's not just about how much the price has gone up or down, but to wonder if the money they have paid is unjust and reasonable. The reason why consumers are so sensitive to fluctuations in the price of resources such as electricity prices To some extent, this type of price is set by the government, and the operators are mostly state-owned monopolies. The costs are not disclosed, and the pricing is not transparent. Will the operating companies rely on monopoly status to obtain huge profits? It is precise because of the asymmetric information that it is easy for consumers to have doubts about the reform of resource prices.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "The public is relatively sensitive to fluctuations in the prices of resources.", "Reform of resource prices should give the public the right to know.", "Monopoly is the real reason why the price of resource products is difficult to reform.", "The government should withdraw from the pricing mechanism for resource products." ]
Scientists believe that the absorption of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by the ocean temporarily eases the rise of carbon dioxide concentration, and once this mitigation effect fails, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will increase at a faster rate. So, will the increased carbon dioxide cause the atmospheric temperature to rise? Although most scientists believe the answer is yes, this is a long process with many variables, so climate change skeptics have been writing on this point, trying to convince ordinary people that carbon dioxide concentration is not necessarily related to atmospheric temperature. This strategy is so effective that many people today still refuse to believe that human activities are responsible for global warming, and therefore refuse to participate in reducing emissions.
What this text is most likely to say next is:.
[ "Climate change has little to do with carbon dioxide concentration.", "Ocean's ability to absorb carbon dioxide is getting weaker.", "Human activity causes an increase in carbon dioxide concentration.", "Human activity is the main cause of global warming." ]
There is nothing wrong with studying the West, but it is wrong to treat the West as "truth". China does not reject other civilizations and values, but Chinese culture itself must become the subject. In the process of learning the West, because there is no subject consciousness, China Culture loses its dominant position. The problem is that Western discourse dominated by Western culture cannot explain everything in China. Today, more and more people have realized that Western discourse cannot explain themselves. However, few people create or invent This situation does not change. China will never have its own words, its own concepts and its own theories, let alone cultural soft power.
The most accurate summary of the main point of this text is:.
[ "The main position of Chinese culture should be established first when studying the West.", "Both Chinese and Western cultures should have independent value systems.", "Only when you are strong can you have the right to speak in cultural communication.", "Cultural creation or innovation in Chinese-Western communication should take a different approach." ]
Almost everyone in life understands that they must not cut their feet to fit. However, there are a lot of people who change their characters for the sake of their profession. Do you really need to adapt to the huge cost of changing your character? This is a typical upside-down. Why is it so simple in daily life that it takes us years, even decades, to really understand?
The text is intended to emphasize:.
[ "Consider your personality when looking for a job.", "Pay attention to strengths and avoid weaknesses in life and work.", "Career success depends on a love of career.", "A real understanding of the simple truth also takes time." ]
Confucius said, "Fifty knows the destiny", Zhu Xi notes: "Destiny, that is, the endowment of heaven, is given to food, of course, it is also the reason. Knowing this knows very well, but it is not confusing and indecision. " Speaking of destiny from heaven, but inhumane terms, "knowing destiny" is a half-life life quest, knowing the limitations of one's life, knowing what can be done, and taking it as inappropriate, because this "knowledge" not only generates self-will A profound change in behavior, but also a major transformation in the relationship between self and the world.
The text is intended to:.
[ "Interpretation of \"knowing destiny\" from a humanitarian perspective.", "b. Explain that \"knowing the destiny\" can control self-will.", "Demonstrate that \"knowing destiny\" requires a certain life experience.", "Discrimination of \"knowledge of destiny\" of different stream parties." ]
People have free will, that is, subjective judgments, personal preferences, and choices. From the perspective of psychological research, the harder you succeed, the happier you are; the more success you need to think about, the happier you are. ; The more satisfied you are through self-control, the happier you are. The tracing experiments of psychologists have found that the more able to endure their impulsive children, the easier it is to get into college, get married, and get a doctorate. Children who cannot help meeting their desires immediately are more likely to drop out of school, more likely to divorce, and more likely to be frustrated.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "People's efforts to succeed are directly proportional to their happiness.", "The degree of control over free will determines how happy people are.", "Happiness as a subjective experience can be explored with psychological methods.", "Cultivating a child's self-control ability from an early age is essential for his growth." ]
In the Louvre in reality, you need to wait dozens of minutes outside the Mona Lisa to get close to the yellowish painting for a moment. The virtual museum can now be effective: the throbbing crowd is gone, The distance is gone, and only the highly restored exhibition hall and 7 billion pixels of infinitely detailed details and textures are pushed in front of the eyes. Although the museum has a rich collection and long-term exhibitions, due to the limited space, not all works will be displayed at the same time In the exhibition hall, but in the digital exhibition hall, you can view those rare artworks at any time.
This text mainly introduces:.
[ "Advantages of Digital Museum.", "Future directions for museums.", "Technical limitations of traditional museums.", "Importance of building a digital museum." ]
There is a certain lack of security in the heart of the world, and there is a need to overcome this inherent insecurity. People call this resulting instinctual desire "salvation. " Western culture reflects the nomadic people. The feelings of the ancestors, so when the existing aquatic weeds are used, the way out is always to seek an external oasis. On the contrary, Chinese culture reflects the feelings of the ancestors of mainland farmers. It is to start from self-employment on the spot, such as building irrigation pipes, improving soil and seeds, etc. , with a view to improving the quality and quantity of crops in the coming year.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "Historical background that forms the difference between Eastern and Western concepts of \"redemption\".", "The difference between the Eastern and Western concepts of \"redemption\" stems from their different cultural connotations.", "Eastern and Western cultures have different perceptions of \"redemption\".", "Self-improvement is the right way to \"redeem\"." ]
Contemporary anthropological research believes that culture has a certain personality temperament. It often chooses one temperament or integrates several related temperaments, and "arbitrarily" rubs this choice into every aspect of social life, and in academics and art The field performance is particularly outstanding. This theory of cultural temperament provides new ideas and references for the study of Chinese aesthetics. If our vision extends from "aesthetics" to "aesthetic culture" and it is assumed that Chinese aesthetic culture has a certain temperament, then The exploration and identification of this type of temperament type, structure, cause, background, etc. will undoubtedly expand new academic territory.
"New academic territory" in this passage most likely refers to:.
[ "Cultural roots of Chinese aesthetics.", "Changes in Chinese aesthetic culture.", "Differences between Chinese and Western aesthetic culture.", "Impact of Western Aesthetics on China." ]
In the past 50 years, the use of non-standard languages has caused a serious debate. One side is a normist who believes that people need to be instructed on how to speak and write; the other is a descriptive who believes that we can only discuss the current language. Usage. Normativeists believe that some usages are correct and some are wrong. Promoting correct usages is to uphold the truth and respect the essence of civilization. To condone errors is to encourage relativism, vulgar populism, and simplification of literature. Descriptivism the author believes that the correct specification is a mandatory rule, language is the creative organic activity of human beings, and people should have the freedom to write as they please.
The following statements fit the descriptivist point of view:.
[ "The civilianization of language should become the mainstream of the media.", "Internet hot words can be used on a larger scale.", "Normative language holds people's minds.", "Language should advance with the times." ]
When we no longer think about things with a utilitarian attitude, when we no longer face life with a professional perspective, when we introduce amateur gaming spirit into offices and classrooms, aesthetics loosens the stereotypically repetitive everyday life. We can find more aesthetic pleasure in it, and realize the deeper true meaning of life. Lao Tzu put forward a classic proposition of Taoist aesthetics, "Clean up Xuanjian", "Clear up" is to make the mind empty and quiet, and to abandon those desires and Prejudice, so that you can "Xuanjian", that is, to see deep things. This proposition has later evolved into a series of important categories and propositions of Chinese aesthetics, such as Zhuangzi's "Xinzhai", "Sat forget", and Zong Bing's "Cheng Huaiguan Tao "and so on.
The text refers to the ideas of Lao Tzu and Zhuang Tzu to explain:.
[ "Relationship between aesthetics and daily life.", "What makes Chinese aesthetics unique.", "The sublimation effect of non-utility aesthetics on daily life.", "History of Chinese aesthetics." ]
Due to the unique chemical characteristics of silk, it is difficult to preserve embroidery for a long time in the humid climate of Sichuan, so there are very few embroideries found in Sichuan archeology, and it is impossible to trace the origin of Shu embroidery by archeological methods. However, Shu embroidery is still retained in other forms A gilt piece of the feather was removed. In 1986, a bronze statue of about 4800 years ago was unearthed at the Sanxingdui site in Chengdu. Body moire and thunder. At the level of textile technology at the time, these decorative patterns could not be woven by a textile machine. Because the performance of the pattern is the same as that of the Western Zhou embroidery unearthed in Baoji, Shaanxi in 1974, it is most likely to be Embroidered by the lock embroidery method, this inference traces the history of Shu embroidery to the ancient Shu Sanxingdui civilization that was contemporary with the civilization of the Central Plains Xia Dynasty.
The following statements are consistent with the original:.
[ "Lock embroidery originated from Shu embroidery.", "Early Shu embroidery was mostly used for making costumes.", "Bronze Liren is most likely wearing an embroidered costume.", "It is difficult to infer its age through the manufacturing process of the unearthed embroidery." ]
With the economic development, the social structure of the city is undergoing profound changes. The originally harmonious and harmonious relationship between the neighbors gradually collapsed because of the icy reinforced concrete forest. The traditional neighborhood relationship is not only worth thinking about, but it may not be worthy of unconditional respect. To some extent, the interpersonal communication method that uses familiarity as the yardstick and the depth of friendship as the standard of conduct is contrary to the spirit of modern society that pays more attention to contracts and the rule of law. At the moment when market awareness is deeply rooted in people's hearts, people's awareness of rights and interests continues Improving the protection of personal privacy is also increasingly strengthened. It is reasonable to use a door to block outside disturbances and snooping from others. Objectively speaking, adapting to the rules of society of strangers is a must for modern urban people. Quality.
Indifferent to the neighborhood relationship, the author's attitude is:.
[ "Regrets, reflecting the separation between people in the process of urbanization.", "Agree, think this is of great significance to cut off the human bond in China.", "Understand that this is in line with the protection of privacy in modern society and the requirements of the rule of law.", "Helpless, I think this is an unavoidable price in the process of urbanization." ]
The reality of the development of children's films in China is indeed not optimistic: China produces 40 to 50 children's films every year. Of these, 1/10 is of good quality, but it lacks specialized personnel or institutions for market promotion and promotion. It s hard to let elementary and middle school students know, so there are very few children's movies that can be screened, and even if they are released, it is difficult to escape the one-day movie theater tour. Does that mean that children's films are dead in China? The data shows that the number of minors in China has reached 367 million, which is a huge audience. At present, most parents are in the 70s and 80s. Many of them have movie viewing habits and movie complexes, and with the continuous improvement of living standards Watching movies has become an increasingly important spiritual need for people. Therefore, it is also a popular trend to take children to watch movies.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "The status quo of the development of children's films in China is very bleak.", "China's children's film market is actually promising.", "Film quality has become a major factor hindering film development.", "Improved living standards help expand the film market." ]
Today, with diverse interests and a highly developed information network, the government can't do without the participation of the public. Building a car behind closed doors and doing what we do can easily diverge from the public and have to face pressure from social public opinion, stability considerations, and even higher authorities. In the sense that distrust of the government is often caused by a lack of awareness and understanding of decision-making, which affects the credibility of the government, in this sense, the introduction of public participation is a necessary choice for the government in the governance process.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "How to protect the public's right to know.", "The need for public participation in government governance.", "How to ensure the effectiveness of government.", "The importance of transparency in government decision-making processes." ]
Chinese society, which is in the process of high industrialization and urbanization, is facing many governance problems such as energy tension, traffic congestion, and environmental pollution, and solving these problems will require a long and difficult process. In contrast, the food and drug industry Governance will be easier and more effective. Compared with western developed countries, the main food and drug safety risks in Chinese society are the risks caused by artificial fraud and adulteration and the risks from the environment. The government can comprehensively use administrative supervision, judicial proceedings, economic rewards and punishments Governance by various means such as standard construction.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "Governance of food safety may be effective in the short to medium term.", "The government's ability to govern food safety must be comprehensively improved.", "Food and Drug Safety Governance is a long and complex systematic project.", "Food and medicine should be integrated into the comprehensive system of safety management." ]
What is magic realism? To put it simply, to put reality on a singular magic coat, but not to damage the reality. This is the most important genre of novels in Latin America in the 20th century. It originated in the 1930s and was mainly manifested in American Indians and blacks in the early days. The discovery of myths and legends has evolved into a deep reflection on the reality of Latin American society after the 1940s. Through the appearance of various mythical prototypes to show the mix of Latin American culture and social malformations, the reason why magical realism can take root in Latin America is related to this. The unique civilization and social realities of the block continent are inseparable.
What is likely to be introduced next is:.
[ "How Latin American writers embody their longing for national destiny and real life in their works.", "Representative authors and works of magic realism that reflect the reality of Latin American society.", "Latin American literature flourishes with the rise of magic realism.", "Impact of Latin American civilization and social characteristics on magical realism." ]
Kuznets's inverted U curve theory states: "In the early stages of economic growth, although people's income did not decrease, social income distribution became unequal; as the economy continued to grow, the degree of unequal income distribution After the economic growth reached a higher level, income distribution became equal again. "This theoretical hypothesis is to a certain extent consistent with the historical reality of economic growth in developed western countries, but he also pointed out that repeating the previous model of developed countries, he thought Income inequality has promoted economic growth, and it is necessary for less developed countries to strengthen current income inequality, which is a "dangerous analogy. " In the practice of western economic development, solving the issue of equity is not a natural transition, but rather through active intervention by the government and society to eliminate the adverse effects of industrialization and urbanization, increase the proportion of the general public's income in the country's growing income, and create legal and political pressure on high-income people, thereby making social income distribution Turn to justice.
The following statement most closely matches this passage:.
[ "Economic growth will not spontaneously promote a fair distribution of social income.", "The state can effectively monitor and guarantee social equity through macro-control.", "The income distribution model of developed countries follows the principle of efficiency first.", "The inverted U curve theory is not suitable for the economic growth model of less developed countries." ]
Today, books and information are vast. On the surface, readers have unlimited freedom and can choose freely in the vast sea of books. But in fact, they have virtually become captives of the mass media. Mass media has a powerful agenda setting function. Book advertisements, reading rankings, book reviewer recommendations, targeted pushes to books, and what finally appears in front of readers are often just a narrow reading menu. Under the new media environment, this kind of targeted push is even more commonplace. New In a way, the media is a giant book search engine. Everyone is using the new media to catch books, and the results are mostly homogeneous. That is to say, reading in the new media environment is easy. Reduced to "formatted" reading: Not only the selected reading content is formatted, but even the reading method, reading interest will also be "formatted". And this "formatted" reading has a lot of concealment, Not easy to find.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "Mass media and new media have a strong influence on reading.", "Formatted reading is easy for readers to form a mindset.", "The book market should provide readers with multiple reading options.", "Readers should take a reasonable look at the reading menu pushed by the media." ]
The authority of the law comes from people's inner support and sincere belief. With good law, if it is not strictly implemented, it will form a "broken window effect", damage the dignity of the law, and shake the foundation of the law. However, when emphasizing the legal system, many people, However, we intentionally or unintentionally exclude the "people". The so-called "rule of law is not governing the people, but governors. " Indeed, we talk about governing the country according to law, governing according to law, and administering according to law, mainly for those exercising power. It is required to earnestly grasp the "key minority" of leading cadres. However, whether it is governing the country, ruling or administration, the cooperation of citizens is required. Citizens need to act as the result of obeying the relevant powers of their counterparts, and need to pass various channels in accordance with statutory regulations. And form, and participate in "managing national affairs, managing economic and cultural undertakings, and managing social affairs". Therefore, on the one hand, it is necessary to emphasize that party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, play a leading role, and on the other hand, they must adhere to the rule of law and the masses. Cultivate citizens 'law-abiding consciousness. To make people truly understand and keep in mind that citizens' failure to perform their legal obligations is the same as the failure of administrative subjects to perform their legal duties. Violation of public interests and the legitimate rights and interests of others; illegal or improper personal conduct and sanctions should be corrected according to the law.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "Establish a sound government decision-making mechanism based on compliance with existing laws.", "Timeliness of law implementation depends on citizen participation.", "Law is the consensus of all people.", "Illegal or improper use of power should be sanctioned and corrected." ]
Scientific research on microorganisms requires more than conventional research ideas and tools. When it comes to tools, many people will definitely think of microscopes first. But microscopes are only suitable for observation. If you want to perform biochemical analysis, the role of agar is more important. If you have been In the microbiology laboratory, you will find that the most commonly used experimental tool is a petri dish, which is covered with a layer of nutrient-rich agar. Each bacteria can grow on the surface of the agar alone with a visible flora. Each flora It contains thousands of exactly the same bacteria, which is called a "clone" in biological terms. Because agar is semi-solid, the location of the bacteria is fixed, and it is impossible to move freely between the flora. It is equivalent to cloning and expanding a bacterium to a large enough amount without being contaminated by other bacteria. Only in this way, scientists can perform biochemical analysis on it.
This text mainly states:.
[ "Microscopy has a limited role in microbiological research.", "Agar plays an important role in biochemical analysis.", "\"Cloning\" technology makes the biochemical analysis more operable.", "How do scientists perform biochemical analysis in the laboratory." ]
China is setting off a 3D. printing investment boom. Facing the broad prospects of 3D. printing, 3D. printing industrial parks have been established in various places and various preferential policies have been introduced. But the development of 3D. printing as an emerging technology is not enough with enthusiasm In the 3D printing industry chain, the constraints of key technologies, materials, and software need to be broken through.3D. Printing technology is still in its infancy. If enterprises and capital inflow in large quantities, it will not produce benefits in a short time.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "D. The application scope of printing needs to be fully explored.", "D. The development of printing technology encountered a bottleneck.", "Policies should be introduced to encourage 3D. Development of printing technology.", "Funds should not be poured into 3D blindly. Printing." ]
The theory of monopoly competition believes that companies can reduce the impact of competition on enterprises to a certain extent by catering to differences in consumer tastes. Difference strategies prevent other companies' products from perfectly replacing their own products. To form a difference is to For those who spend money, companies using differential strategies need to raise product prices to make up for their higher production costs. However, even if the cost of adopting differential strategies is high, companies in oligopolistic markets can still make money by increasing product prices Take high profits.
The most accurate summary of the main point of this text is:.
[ "Monopoly competition will have a great impact on companies.", "Enterprises make up for production costs by raising prices.", "Monopoly companies can make profits through different strategies.", "Different strategies are difficult to improve corporate competitiveness." ]
Online languages, especially some of the current trendy online languages, promote or hinder the development of Chinese, is the essence or dross of Chinese culture, and must be tested by time and practice in constant conflicts. In order to protect Chinese, Ensuring its inherent purity and blindly abandoning and suppressing certain online languages with negative effects, and even formulating relevant prescriptive provisions to restrict the development of online languages, sometimes not only cannot be suppressed, but it will have the opposite effect.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "The development of online language should not be interfered by administrative means.", "The inheritance of Chinese cannot be separated from the continuous innovation of network language.", "The vitality of online languages depends on time to test.", "New online language may affect the purity of Chinese." ]
From the perspective of the history of social development, freedom and equality are the two basic values of human aspirations and pursuits, and the process of media development is also the process of people's pursuit of freedom and equality of communication. The competition between different media is essential to satisfy people. The competence of these two inherent needs. With the development of new media, the pursuit of freedom and equality as a new communication concept has become more and more clearly presented in front of people, satisfying the audience in a highly humane way. Demand is also becoming the core content of competition between media.
The most accurate summary of the main point of this text is:.
[ "Human development needs affect media communication ideas.", "The development of new media has changed the main way of media competition.", "The development of media meets the basic needs of human communication.", "The core of media competition is to meet the human pursuit of basic values." ]
The distribution of opportunities not only has an important impact on the results of the income distribution, but also directly affects the efficiency of economic development of the society. Under the unfair distribution of opportunities, some people will get development opportunities for some special reasons, but these people who get the opportunity It is likely that they lack the ability to take advantage of development opportunities to engage in social labor and creativity, which will inevitably lead to a decline in the productivity of the labor or business projects they engage in, and then affect the efficiency of economic development of the entire society. Putting the right people in the right positions is the basis for the healthy operation of the economic system. Only by achieving equal opportunity can we maximize social vitality and human enthusiasm, initiative, creativity, and improve social labor productivity and productivity development.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "Gaps in income distribution are mainly caused by unequal distribution of opportunities.", "The hallmark of the healthy functioning of the economic system is fair opportunity distribution.", "Equitable distribution of opportunities helps improve the efficiency of socio-economic development.", "Opportunity distribution is indispensable for maintaining social fairness and justice." ]
The modern media ecology exhibits a "micro" quality. Fragmented information is connected and combined through chain systems such as social networks. For the media to survive, it is necessary to grasp the communication opportunities in each "micro chain" and create possibilities. Therefore, in addition to competing for the "exclusive interpretation power" of information, modern media must line up in a complex "micro-chain" world and become a key node organizer and disseminator; The organization of the report is no longer the previous "one size fits all", but "unblocks" and "guides" on countless central nodes. Especially in emergencies, the characteristics of this new method of public opinion guidance are more prominent.
In this text, the author emphasizes that the more needed capabilities of modern media are:.
[ "Building a unique chain-like propagation system.", "Public opinion guidance at key nodes.", "Pay close attention to social network information trends.", "Fighting for the \"exclusive right of interpretation\" of information." ]
In the past, when discussing the phenomenon of uncivilized travel of Chinese people, the reason was often attributed to the failure of the national quality to keep up with the pace of economic development. As for the countermeasure, in addition to strong public condemnation, it is recommended to impose heavy penalties. Although such a cause analysis and countermeasure suggestion are not It makes no sense, but we ignore the fact that few tourists really want to be a model of uncivilization, and no one wants to deliberately discredit the image of the country and nation. Whether it is government departments, travel agencies, or civilization Publicity and reminders in tourism are basically "zero", and most tourists are unintentional.
Based on this text, the following will explain:.
[ "There may be misunderstandings about the impression that people form uncivilized travel.", "Whether Chinese people can develop the habit of traveling out of civilization is related to the overall quality of the nation.", "The effects of condemnation and heavy punishment for uncivilized tourism behavior are only temporary.", "Cultivating the awareness of Chinese people's civilization and tourism needs to increase publicity and education and guidance." ]
From the first Yu'ebao, to later P2P, to various crowdfunding models, it has to be acknowledged that Internet finance is changing traditional industries and is also subverting people's lives. Taking crowdfunding as an example, it not only allows ordinary people One more channel to participate and obtain excess returns, while also giving young people with dreams the possibility to realize their dreams at a low cost.
The article is most likely to elaborate next:.
[ "Development Process of the Internet Finance Industry.", "How the Internet is changing people's investment philosophy.", "Differences between crowdfunding and other models.", "How crowdfunding can help investors realize returns." ]
If only in terms of the value of cultural relics, the paper version of ancient books is indeed not suitable for large-scale opening to readers, otherwise, frequent reading and the bacterial invasion caused by it will definitely affect their preservation to a large extent. However, if it is viewed from the value of historical materials, it should have been open to society, because only in this way, the value of ancient literature can be fully realized, and academic research can also make great progress.
This paragraph focuses on ancient literature:.
[ "Requires public participation in research.", "Protection technology needs to be improved.", "Whether opening is a problem.", "Cultural relic attributes should be paid more attention to." ]
One of the greatest achievements of the digital revolution is the use of a multi-stakeholder management system instead of state-based institutions to manage important global resources. The Internet itself belongs to this important management system. Its composition, operation and management are made It was done by a group that once dared to imagine. This group includes individuals, social organizations, companies, and local governments. However, no single government, state, monopoly company, or government-controlled institution can control the entire Internet.
This passage mainly says:.
[ "Relationship between the Internet and the government.", "Management characteristics of the Internet.", "The economic model of the Internet.", "The fruits of the digital revolution." ]
In recent years, China's commercial drones have gradually emerged in professional fields such as mapping, military police, agriculture, and emergency response, but the demand for these professional-level markets has not grown rapidly, and there are industrial levels and institutional constraints behind it. For example, China's modern agriculture The level is not high, and drones are not making rapid progress in agricultural operation promotion. Due to the lack of understanding of drones or the lack of willingness to invest in agricultural operations, the source of funds is not guaranteed, so this potential market demand cannot be converted into transactions. The lack of operating talents also restricts the promotion of drones in the agricultural market. To achieve the best spraying effect for drone agricultural operations, this requires high aircraft control and is difficult for ordinary farmers to master. To overcome these obstacles, only It is not easy to rely on the strength of the company itself.
The text is intended to emphasize my country:.
[ "The ability and speed of enterprises to develop the drone market need to be improved.", "Current economic level is not suitable for large-scale promotion of drone technology.", "Lack of professional and technical personnel limits the spread of drones in agriculture.", "Commercial drones fail to fully develop in the professional-grade market for a variety of reasons." ]
The designer has made it possible to create a new world of dreams, in which goods are considered magical items at your fingertips, not products made in factories. It is also these designers that give these products a streamlined shape. The integrated plastic shell hides its different and irregular parts. Countless technically complex products are transformed into artworks by strongly unified visual characteristics, and the product's operating processes are all covered up, becoming a kind of Product with a distinctive personality. Due to the use of molding to make plastic products, they often have a curved shape, which is why they have promoted the trend of streamlined style and made them synonymous with modern fashion.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "Designers use plastic to make products an art.", "Fashion and industrialization together lead to plastic products.", "Product practicality and aesthetics should be organically combined.", "Industrialized products need vitality through design." ]
Most of the folk cultures that have been in the grassroots for a long time are difficult to have a continuous written record. The institutionalization requirements of "non-heritage" declarations make the declaration itself a difficult and exhausting process. In the end, the forms may be filled in neatly, video It is also exquisitely done, but to a certain extent, it is a process of formalizing the original living culture. In this way, the original meaning and purpose of applying for "non-heritage" are lost.
The text is intended to emphasize:.
[ "China's folk culture lacks a systematic and continuous heritage.", "The \"non-heritage\" declaration system is not compatible with the characteristics of folk culture.", "Folk culture encountered great resistance when applying for \"non-heritage\".", "Dogmatic evaluation standards inhibit the vitality of folk culture." ]
Regardless of the reason, the vulgarization of online languages has caused harm to the construction of online civilization, and will even go from offline to offline, reducing the level of civilization of the entire society. At present, the development path of online languages is already clear: entering from virtual space Oral expression and then written language may eventually precipitate into all aspects of language application. If the vulgar language of the Internet is allowed to develop, over time they will become established idioms, and its negative effects cannot be ignored.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "The negative effects of vulgarization of online languages have begun to highlight.", "The vulgarization of online language will affect social civilization.", "Be wary of the possibility of the conversion of online language to idioms.", "Urgent measures are needed to address the vulgarization of online languages." ]
Researchers analyzed the microbes in the panda's intestine and found that although the original carnivorous pandas switched to bamboo for food between 2.4 million and 2 million years ago to adapt to food scarcity, and evolved a strong Jaws, but they have not evolved a longer digestive tract or the ability to secrete specific digestive enzymes, so they cannot effectively break down bamboo cellulose.
The most suitable for this text title is:.
[ "Mouth is abdominal.", "Bamboo and Panda.", "Unfinished evolution.", "Adapt to the environment or change yourself." ]
In recent years, cross-border e-commerce has continued to develop at a rapid rate, but the proportion of taxes such as value-added tax on imported goods in the total national tax has continued to decline, and the tax on imported goods in 2015 has dropped by nearly 200 billion yuan compared with 2014. Not only has it failed to grow simultaneously with the development of cross-border e-commerce, but it has seen a significant decline. The new tax policy for cross-border e-commerce has helped to promote the integration of cross-border e-commerce with the general trade tax system, and has also helped to form related Normal tax growth mechanism.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "Import taxation is closely related to the development of cross-border e-commerce.", "New tax policy for cross-border e-commerce helps to increase taxes.", "How to integrate cross-border e-commerce with the general trade tax system.", "How to establish a normal growth mechanism for cross-border e-commerce taxation." ]
The decline of the countryside and the disappearance of the hometown are the issues raised by media in recent years. The observations of scholars and the attention of critics have caused the rural areas that are undergoing drastic changes to be moved into the focus area of the public opinion platform. Hot search words on social media. But during this ten-year rural topic discussion period, writers were absent. Although there is a view that the best way for writers to speak to society is the work, many people think that Writers cannot assume social responsibility simply by writing fictional works. Foreign writers such as Balzac, Hugo, and Tolstoy often express their opinions on public affairs and social issues through actions and public speaking.
The most suitable for the text title of this paragraph is:.
[ "Why are rural themes no longer popular today?", "Marginalization of writers in modern public opinion topics.", "Writers' aphasia in rural decay.", "Chinese and foreign writers respond to differences in social affairs." ]
In history, words have a tendency to be sacred, and institutionalized education basically takes the knowledge recorded in manuscripts, prints, and prints as the core. The word-of-mouth knowledge formed by the people over thousands of years has not been available for a long time. Due attention. In today's education system and knowledge system, although there are subjects such as folklore and cultural anthropology that focus on people's knowledge and culture, generally speaking, this tendency has not been effectively corrected. From the middle of the 20th century At the beginning, more and more scholars realized that in the past, the tendency to focus on written culture and despise oral tradition has brought many disadvantages and restrictions to the overall grasp of the human civilization process and knowledge system. This cognitive change has formed the humanities and academics.1. Some new trends and new fields in the field, such as "oral history" and "oral poetics".
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "Academia is changing the importance of oral tradition.", "The tendency of the text to be sanctified needs further correction.", "Folk culture should be integrated into modern education systems and knowledge systems.", "Oral culture is the new trend and new field of humanities and academic development." ]
In the classical period of Adam Smith, economics originally had a coincidence between wealth growth and human happiness, that is, the rational self-interest choice of rational people tending to avoid harm was subject to economic ethics. It was the self-interest under the premise that Pareto improved the conditions without harming others. But economics itself assumed the task of maximizing the interests of the subject, and it continued to introduce mathematical tools and analytical methods of abstract logical deduction, which made economics more Increasingly, it has become a discipline where instrumental rationality prevails, and it is moving towards the trend of "neutral", "non-value" judgment, and "non-moral" choice.
From this text, we can know:.
[ "Economic ethics is becoming less restrictive on economics.", "Classical economics does not use the method of abstract logical deduction.", "In the time of Adam Smith, economics was a discipline dominated by instrumental rationality.", "The introduction of mathematical tools breaks the connection between wealth growth and human happiness." ]
Most of the national studies understood by the world are "inherent or traditional academic culture in China. " Chinese culture since the late Qing dynasty can be easily excluded because it has been baptized by Western studies. This is also the study of national universities in many universities. The subject is to draw the border to the sake of the Revolution of 1911. In this way, Chinese learning has become a "museum culture"-very elegant and beautiful, but farther and farther from real life. How to make Chinese culture "bloodline" again "Through-through" is something that every scholar who cares about the fate of Chinese learning must seriously consider.
The text argues that Chinese studies should:.
[ "Ancient and modern.", "Western-style.", "Rough and fine.", "Trace the source." ]
For a long time, due to China's defensive national defense policy, in the design of theater space, it is basically based on local and offshore defenses, and it is built in accordance with the model of "guarding the territory and defending the territory. " The military tentacles rarely extend beyond the territory. The crisis of development will be far greater than the crisis of survival. To meet the new requirements for maintaining national security and development interests, peripheral, overseas, and new security areas should be included in the theater's strategic scope, and the theater's mission functions should be further expanded to make it more outward-looking. Openness and enthusiasm. Especially with the rapid development of multipolarization, globalization and informatization, the national traditional security field has begun to expand into space, network, information, electromagnetic and other fields. Space expansion and extension, focusing on forming a strong and powerful multi-dimensional three-dimensional theater space situation.
The text is intended to show that my country:.
[ "The scope of national defense should be expanded.", "National Defense faces a severe development crisis.", "New challenges in the field of traditional security.", "The strategy of defense theater must conform to the requirements of the times." ]
For the protection of film culture, museums, archives, libraries, audiovisual materials and private collections all share some of the protection functions. It seems that everyone is fighting to protect the cultural heritage of films, but it actually reflects the fragmentation of protection. Each institution protects a little, there is a lack of communication and exchange between institutions, and a lack of unified management based on the protection dimension. This fragmented protection is very inefficient, because the lack of communication will inevitably lead to the uncertainty of the family of the object of protection, resulting in some The protected objects are in an unprotected state. The dispersion of protected objects greatly increases the difficulty of the reasonable use of the heritage, and the meaning and value of protection will be greatly reduced.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "Decentralization of protection subjects makes film protection difficult.", "Communication is the solution to the fragmentation of film culture protection.", "Without a unified protection system, film cultural heritage is difficult to inherit.", "Fragmentation of labor management is not conducive to the protection of film cultural heritage." ]
The era of big data is beyond doubt. In this case, data becomes an intangible resource, but few people know how to "monetize" such assets. For an ordinary enterprise, the enterprise not only has valuable Customer data also has supplier data as well as internal financial, design, manufacturing, management and other data. In the past few decades, many Chinese companies have completed informatization applications step by step. Operational data. But few companies really get more valuable information from complicated data, and data has become an asset, which has actually remained on the surface for a long time.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "Enterprises should use informatization tools to realize the digitalization of operations.", "Enterprises should further tap the potential value of data assets.", "Turning data into assets is the main purpose of enterprise big data applications.", "Existing data models are difficult to meet the needs of enterprise operations data." ]
In the past, the size of cities depended on the amount of food that can be produced in the surrounding areas. Therefore, the most densely populated cities are distributed in watershed areas, such as the Nile River Basin and Crescent Fertile Land. With the development of the Industrial Revolution and the establishment of factory systems, Large numbers of people are pouring into the new industrial centers. A large number of people in the new cities are supported by food from around the world. Advances in technology and medicine can adequately supply clean water, improve centralized drainage systems and waste treatment systems, and ensure adequate The advancement of food supply and the prevention and control of infectious diseases have made urban life more comfortable, and cities around the world have begun to develop at an extremely fast pace.
The text mainly says:.
[ "The industrial revolution has driven urbanization around the world.", "The occurrence of the Industrial Revolution has changed the way people live.", "Expansion of food access channels leads to rapid urban population growth.", "Advances in technology and medicine have improved people's living standards." ]
Do ancient Chinese cities have walls? In people's previous impressions, ancient cities seemed to have city walls, especially capital cities. The towering city walls showed the supremacy of imperial power, and the fall of the city walls often meant the end of the empire. Beijing City in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Dadu, Northern Song Dynasty The city, the Chang'an city in the Sui and Tang dynasties, and the Luoyang city in the eastern capital . The layout of the inner squares and the tall city on the outskirts of these cities constitute the most vivid physical and chemical representation of the imperial capital.
The most likely next paragraph of this text is:.
[ "Evolution of the Imperial Capital.", "The role of the walls of the ancient capitals.", "The relationship between imperial power and urban structure.", "Ancient Chinese cities without walls." ]
The "organic movement of newspapers and periodicals" is a process theory proposed by Marx on the reporting of newspapers and magazines. It is popularly interpreted as the fact that news is a dynamic process. Many times, in the early stage of the incident, there is not enough news because of the in-depth reporting. Source, the information that news conveys to the audience is often one-sided, and the judgment of the audience is based on this one-sided fact. This is a characteristic of news communication, whether it is a professionally trained journalist or now active in various "Citizen reporters" on social platforms are not capable of observing events from a "God perspective". Moreover, news reports are not judgments that give a final conclusion, but descriptions of news facts that occur at a stage.
The text is intended to emphasize:.
[ "News truth is a process of continuous evolution of objective reality.", "News should fully tap the source of the news for in-depth reporting.", "News reporting is a process of getting closer to the truth.", "Is it difficult for professional journalists and citizen journalists to achieve true news?" ]
The island nation of the South Pacific A. The country has fresh air and beautiful surroundings, and each person enjoys $ 35,000 of government pocket money each year, and people do not need to work. However, it is unimaginable that people living here, high blood pressure, heart Disease and stroke are among the highest in the world, with 37% of people suffering from diabetes, the highest in the world. Only 1.3% of people in the country live to 60 years, which is the country with the shortest life expectancy.
What does this text mainly express?
[ "The price of wealth.", "Born in sorrow, died in peace.", "Comfort is the killer of our lives.", "Pampering, comfort, and comfort A. Chinese." ]
In 923, the preparatory conference for the unified national language decided to adopt the Beijing phonetic standard, which was implemented throughout the country. Languages and dialects are not only communication tools, but also cultural carriers. Now, the shrinking of dialects is the fading of one culture. Coexistence is conducive to maintaining cultural diversity, and at the same time as promoting Mandarin, it should also allow dialects to have a certain expression space. Moreover, dialects not only apply to one land, but also enrich the color of common languages, such as Cantonese, pay, Words such as Lanweilou have entered the common vocabulary and have developed.
What's the point of this text?
[ "Promoting bilingualism is conducive to maintaining traditional and local cultural characteristics.", "b. Common language recognition is conducive to improving the cultural level and technological development of the whole nation.", "Promote bilingualism, dialects, national languages and common languages.", "Any common language is based on some dialect." ]
If we compare life to a circle in a geometric figure, on a circle that has already been drawn, it is difficult to find where the starting point is and where it ends, but you have to find out how long the radius is. It is relatively easy. A circle has a radius, and a life has a radius. The width, thickness, and severity of life are determined by your life radius. The larger the life radius, the greater the space of your life.
What does this text mean?
[ "It's not uncommon for young people to live far better than older people.", "Although life is a variable thing, it is also measurable.", "There is value in life, and it is not worth it the longer you live.", "To measure life, you should first measure what you think, what you say, what you do, what you do." ]
One farmer, for the convenience of tying cattle, hooped an iron ring on the trunk of an elm tree in the manor. As the elm tree grew, the iron ring slowly grew into the tree body, leaving a deep layer on the skin of the elm tree. Scars. A year later, the local elm disease occurred, and all elm trees that were tens of miles away died. Only the elm tree, which was hooped and left deep scars, survived. Botanist research found that it started from The rusted iron ring absorbs a large amount of iron before it becomes immune to the fungus.
What is the truth of this text?
[ "a. Strong life can turn harm into wealth and strength.", "Life creates amazing miracles in adversity.", "Scars can sometimes become a nourishment for life.", "Life is stronger, more energetic and hopeful in injury." ]
As a specific form of folklore, the New Year's paintings reflect the people's cultural psychology and aesthetics through the ingenious combination of points, lines, faces, and colors. In the long-term life practice, the public's aesthetic taste is red and beautiful. To be beautiful, to be called to be beautiful, and to be beautiful as norms, are fully reflected in the artistic characteristics of New Year's paintings. In rural areas, the meaning of auspiciousness contains people's longing for a good life and many meanings of wishes, expectations, appreciation and praise.
What does this text say?
[ "New Year pictures convey the aesthetic form of Chinese folk.", "New Year pictures reflect the aesthetic taste of the people.", "New Year pictures are a beautiful wish formed by people in their long lives.", "New Year pictures reflect the cultural psychology and aesthetic taste of the people." ]
As you know, although the Wenchuan earthquake is very harmful, destructive, and the losses are very serious, there are almost no rumors that are not conducive to earthquake relief and social stability. An important reason is that The reason is that the government information is open and transparent, that the government released the news of the Wenchuan earthquake to the country at the first time, and announced the truth about the earthquake to the people. The truth went ahead of the rumors. Naturally, the rumors did not have the soil to survive, there was no Space to spread.
This passage mainly supports such a point?
[ "The information devastated by the Wenchuan earthquake was not widely disseminated in society.", "Earthquake rumors are far more harmful than the earthquake itself.", "My government has handled the Wenchuan earthquake information in a timely manner.", "Transparent information and timely publication can prevent the generation and spread of rumors." ]
0 years ago, Japan encountered an energy crisis. This resource-poor island nation was not passively responding to it-restraining consumption when oil prices rose, and resuming inexhaustible consumption when oil prices were low, but turning the energy crisis into a way to improve the national economic competitiveness The "Golden Opportunity" is a nationwide effort to save energy, and the government has played a series of "policy and environmental protection" cards, making the country's energy use efficiency continuously improving and becoming a global role model. Now, high oil prices not only have a limited impact on the Japanese economy, but instead plan ahead The established low resource consumption development model makes Japanese companies have a competitive advantage in the era of high oil prices, and Japanese products such as low fuel consumption cars are all over the world.
It can be inferred that Japan's proactive strategy to deal with the energy crisis is?
[ "Control consumption when oil prices rise, and resume inexhaustible consumption when oil prices are low.", "Changing the way energy is used and replacing scarce energy with non-scarce energy.", "Adjusting the point of strength for economic growth and changing the shortcomings of over-reliance on energy.", "Change consumption concepts, strengthen environmental awareness, and improve energy efficiency." ]
Once upon a time, the Internet was regarded as a distribution center of words and origin of hearsay. These old understandings of the Internet are being gradually abandoned with the development of the Internet. Today, the number of Internet users in China has exceeded 150 million, and the Internet has fully penetrated into the Chinese. In daily life, the network culture industry is catching up with and surpassing the scale of the traditional culture industry, the network culture is becoming increasingly rich, and the power of network rationality is becoming mainstream, especially affecting the younger generation. Viewpoints, with the increasing development of information technology today, are contrary to historical materialism.
It can be inferred that the author's attitude towards the network?
[ "definitely.", "negative.", "Neutrality.", "Unclear." ]
Hainan Hongyuan Biotechnology Co. , Ltd. introduced advanced technology from Japan, independently developed and produced Hongyuan bacteria and mastered related application technologies. In ordinary environments, it uses ordinary feeding feed, plus Hongyuan bacteria and related microbial application technologies to produce. Produce pork, chicken and other products that meet the national green food standards, effectively solving the four major problems of traditional pig breeding: high drug residues, environmental pollution on pig farms, poor taste of pork, and products that do not meet export requirements. The Quality Supervision Inspection and Testing Center has tested that all indicators of pork, chicken and other products produced by Hainan Hongyuan Biotechnology Co. , Ltd. have reached the national green pork and poultry quality standards.
This passage mainly supports the view that Hainan Hongyuan Biotechnology Company?
[ "Pay attention to international cooperation and solve many problems by introducing Japanese technology.", "Developed green meat and solved several problems that have plagued us for a long time.", "The meat developed has been tested by authoritative departments and all meet the green standards.", "The independent research and development technology of green meat has reached the international advanced level." ]
The purpose of showing off is to hope for success at a certain level. If someone does have money, is indeed beautiful, does have literary talent, and has eloquence, then you show off and use the current word: show. You can always get Partial success, but the cost is too great, while others recognize you, they also deprive you of some other virtues, such as stability, such as humility. The world always believes, look at his nasty energy!
It can be inferred from the above text that "show off"?
[ "Stage for show.", "Catalyst for success.", "\"Double-edged sword\".", "Beyond Jinyu, defeat." ]
Specific social development stages frame the corresponding social culture, and specific social culture determines the corresponding wealth culture, and specific wealth culture determines the corresponding wealth concept. Only the wealth concept that is taken from the people and used by the people has become When the society's more common value judgment and value pursuit of wealth, Gates-style entrepreneurs who are enthusiastic about charity will truly emerge in a batch that truly understands and agrees with the wealth philosophy of "thousands of gold are scattered and returned".
This passage mainly supports the view that?
[ "Chinese entrepreneurs do not possess Gates-like charity.", "Stages of social development determine specific charitable entrepreneurs.", "Wealth view is correct in different countries.", "The \"blowout\" of philanthropists needs a corresponding wealth culture." ]
From a management perspective, the supervisor should be strong, "a group of sheep led by a lion" will easily defeat "a group of lions led by a sheep". Operation and management is like leading a war. As the leader of a team leader, it definitely needs stability. Military heart, to bring up the team's "primary backbone", whether spiritual or material. Without strength, the team lacks morale and fighting spirit. The strength of a team is determined by whether the team's supervisor is strong-Hu Xiao Zhen Shan Gang, The lion roars beasts!
This passage mainly supports the view that?
[ "The management ability of the team leader determines the combat effectiveness of this team.", "The strength of a team is directly related to the strength of the team leader.", "The biggest difference between \"lion\" and \"sheep\" lies in different leaders.", "Only when the team is strong can its leader establish prestige." ]
"Doctrine" is easy to understand. It is common sense and common sense. It is easy to recognize whether it is "reasonable" or not. Either they are historical laws. These are things that ordinary people do not understand. In the face of "truth", the people are in an absolute low position. Only the elites above have instilled in them the knowledge of "truth. " "They don't know.
It can be inferred that the above text is intended to explain?
[ "Why \"truth\" is more authoritative than \"reason\".", "Why \"truth\" is harder to understand than \"reason\".", "Reasons why \"truth\" is more than \"reason\".", "Reasons why \"truth\" is more deceptive than \"reason\"." ]
China's food problem still depends on itself, which is determined by China's national conditions as a country with a large population. Food prices are the objective result of the process of market creation. Really make great efforts in agricultural infrastructure and agricultural technological progress, cherish every inch of land, make good use of every factor input, and maintain a stable increase in food production and a suitable level of food self-sufficiency. On this basis, it is possible to have " Regardless of the wind and waves, it is more like a walk in leisure court. ".
What does the underlined "this basis" mean?
[ "Introduce foreign advanced agricultural technology and change agricultural production structure.", "Increasing the sales price of grain and motivating farmers to grow grain.", "Improving agricultural production factors to ensure adequate food production.", "Strengthening macro-controls to prevent food markets from falling into blind misunderstandings." ]
Japanese culture has been affecting the West in a subtle way after the war, and now it has become an increasingly important part of mainstream culture. Takashi Murakami, Michi Nara and Haruki Murakami have become prominent symbols of world popular culture; in The Matrix Wait for a batch of Hollywood blockbusters to clearly see the shadow of Japanese anime. And in these Japanese cultures that affect the world (including China), we are not seeing very superficial things like "chrysanthemum and sword", It's something more essential. Some things need to be carefully considered to really understand.
This text mainly explains?
[ "Japanese culture has penetrated into the cultural field of many countries in the world.", "\"The Matrix\" shows the trend of orientalization in American culture.", "Japan has changed its strategy and we must guard against deep cultural aggression.", "To resist the attack of foreign cultures, we need to improve our analytical capabilities." ]