The US five-star Admiral MacArthur commanded a million male divisions, galloping on the battlefield, but he was troubled by his young son who did not listen to discipline, read books, and hoped that he would not be able to enter the West Point military academy. How can he be an ordinary person? Adolescents and MacArthur's sons have different times and different ideas, but their degree of "rebellion and unrulyness" is inferior and it is becoming more and more difficult to discipline.
This passage mainly supports the view that?
[ "It is a common phenomenon that young people are difficult to discipline.", "No U. S. admiral can care about children, let alone ordinary people.", "No one is perfect, you can't care about your children, don't blame yourself.", "Different methods of discipline for children of different ages." ]
The advent of the Internet has made people more courageous to express their ideas boldly, because "on the Internet, no one knows that you are a dog. " As a result, Internet communication has also promoted the popularity of fast food culture, and the audience no longer calmly researches works, but only Pursuing visual stimuli, the information they usually see on the Internet is the same today, and tomorrow is another. If this is the case, the audience will develop a sense of impatience and distrust of the information on the network.
What fits the text's central idea most?
[ "Network culture is one of the typical manifestations of fast food culture.", "Subjective concealment causes negative effects on network culture and its spread.", "In the long run, online culture should be a bubble culture.", "The harm that the internet brings to traditional culture is self-evident." ]
Ancient poems of flowers drew colorful descriptions of the natural attributes of flowers. The front end of the petals of the spring chrysanthemum was irregularly jagged, like a cut out lace, and was described as "Who cuts the wind knives with thin knives, knowing that there are many achievements "Washing plum plums to decorate the Taoist dress, the sandalwood heart reveals purple sachets. " "Tourist dressing" indicates that the perianth is yellow in general and grows on the sagging torus and has a base. There is a purple halo, so it is called "tan heart lightly exposed purple sachet". It is written that camellia "flowers in the snow until the Spring Festival Evening, and the world is durable like a king", and the wild rose is "like a brocade, and even spring opens in summer".
What does this text say?
[ "People appreciate the humanistic connotation and description of natural attributes of ancient flower chanting poems.", "In ancient times, people had a detailed and in-depth observation of flowers and expressed their conciseness.", "Ancient poems on flowers have wonderful descriptions of flower shape, flower color, and flowering time.", "Ancient Chinese poets watched and chanted flowers, leaving countless ancient poems." ]
As the owner of the manor in Jane Eyre, Rochester is a wealthy man, and he speaks to Jane Eyre, who is low in status and ugly: "I have the right to despise you!" But Jane Eyre, who has a strong personality and longs for equality: "Do you think I'm poor and not good-looking, so I don't have self-esteem? No! We are equal in spirit! Just like you and I will eventually stand before God on an equal footing through the grave. " These words strongly shocked Luo Chester.
What does this text mainly express?
[ "Respect can earn the respect of others.", "Don't cower in front of someone better than yourself.", "Don't be arrogant in front of people who are weaker than yourself.", "In real life, people need to respect each other." ]
The complex modern nation-state system reminds every backward country trying to rise from weak to strong: the strengthening of the country's hard and soft power is not first a question of external competition, but a question of internal rationalization. As long as a country has many internal problems, Not only does it ignore the construction of basic economic mechanisms, but it also ignores the serious choices of political regimes, and it also destroys the value recognition of social culture, then such a country will always be in a weak position of ethnic-state competition, even if it occasionally gets an opportunity to become a moment Large countries and even powerful countries have serious short-term maintenance capabilities.
This passage mainly supports such a point?
[ "A country's soft power is more decisive than hard power.", "Internal issues of the country are more important than external issues.", "Economic, political, and cultural decisions determine national strength.", "No country can remain strong for long." ]
For enterprise management risk, network security is just one of the links, and security is not always better the better. You can improve a bank by scrutinizing everyone at the door. Security and risk management, but if this approach is adopted, it will greatly affect business interests. Therefore, all these companies are looking for a reasonable security balance. This situation has opened up other companies and enterprises. New markets: In order to attract and retain new customers while implementing security, they need to choose specific computer security solutions based on their environment and the industry they work in.
The following item is in line with the meaning of the text.
[ "Online transactions will disappear.", "Network security is relative.", "Under certain circumstances, companies should abandon online transactions.", "Do your best to ensure network security." ]
The portraits of the twelve students were originally on the 12 stone platform of the fan-shaped pool water fountain in front of the Haiyan Church in the Yuanmingyuan. These portraits are human heads, the head is copper, the body is stone, and the hollow is connected to the water spray pipe. Every other The hour, the portrait of the child representing that hour, sprayed water from his mouth; at noon, the fountain of twelve portraits burst into the mouth at the same time. First, this batch of national treasures has been lost overseas for more than a century.
According to this text, the actual use of the portraits of the twelve lives is ().
[ "Adjust the humidity of the garden air.", "Water spraying device in fan-shaped pool.", "Role of reporting time.", "Luxury ornamentals in the Royal Gardens." ]
Sinology, also known as Parkology, refers to the study of Confucian studies based on Confucian studies, which flourished in the Qianjia era of the Qing Dynasty; Song studies refer to the Confucianism of the Cheng Zhu and Lu King schools of the Song Dynasty (including Yuan and Ming dynasties). The latter focuses on the principle of righteousness, and the restrictions on the portal are very strict.
In the above discourse, the author discusses ().
[ "Difference between Sinology and Songology.", "Differences between Cheng Zhu School and Lu Wang School.", "Differences between textual evidence and morality.", "The battle between Han Confucianism and Song Confucianism." ]
The Grand Prismatic Hot Spring (also known as the Grand Rainbow Hot Spring) located in Yellowstone National Park is the largest hot spring in the United States and the third largest in the world. The beauty of the Grand Prismatic Hot Spring is that the color of the lake changes with the season. In spring, the lake surface changes from green to brilliant Orange-red, this is due to microorganisms such as algae and pigment-containing bacteria living in mineral-rich waters. The ratio of chlorophyll and carotenoids in their bodies will change with the seasons, so the water bodies will appear different. color.
According to this text, the reason for the color change of the Grand Prismatic Hot Spring Lake is ().
[ "Changes in algae and pigmented microorganisms.", "Changes in the ratio of chlorophyll and carotenoids in water.", "Microbes such as algae and pigment-containing bacteria live in water.", "Minerals are rich in water." ]
The Tibetan Mastiff is a world-renowned large mastiff. It is native to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It has a resolute character and a fierce force. It is the only dog in the world who dares to fight with wild animals. Therefore, it is given the reputation of "Oriental God Dog". The mount of the living Buddha. Although fierce, the Tibetan Mastiff is particularly loyal to the owner, guarding the Tibetans, looking after the house, and guarding the courtyard. The Tibetan Mastiff is a plateau breed that evolved from the Himalayan giant ancient mane dog more than 10 million years ago. The only ancient living fossil in the canine world that has not been changed by time and environment. It was once a wild beast that traversed the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It was only domesticated by humans 6,000 years ago. The ancients called it the "Tengu".
According to this text, one of the following incorrect descriptions of the Tibetan mastiff is ().
[ "The mount that the Tibetan Living Buddha traveled on was a domesticated Tibetan Mastiff.", "Ancient Tibetan Mastiff was a wild beast that traveled across the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 6000 years ago.", "Tibetan mastiff is the only ancient living fossil in dogs that has not been changed by time and environment.", "The Tibetan Mastiff evolved from the Himalayan giant ancient mane dog more than 10 million years ago." ]
Of course, effective management of an enterprise or industry cannot be separated from scientific management guided by general management rules based on industry development laws and objective economic laws, which is based on a standardized system. But this does not mean that every industry or enterprise needs to follow Identical, uniform laws become replicas without individuality and difference in the cultural industry social pipeline. On the contrary, the mobile advertising industry, as a cross-emerging category of modern cultural industry and service industry, has its own development and model exploration. Own specialities. These specialities require managers to pay attention to the objective reality of the mobile advertising industry and develop differentiation on the basis of standardization.
This text is mainly emphasized.
[ "Enterprises should conduct standardized scientific management.", "Enterprises or industries should follow the law of uniformity.", "Mobile advertising industry should develop differentiation based on standardization.", "Scientific management will help enterprises achieve effective management." ]
The increase in wealth is not necessarily proportional to the decline of morality, but if the increase in wealth cannot be paralleled with the fair distribution of wealth, if the general moral level of the society can not only be increased correspondingly, but it will continue to decline, then it is not necessary With substantive freedom and equality, society cannot become a better society.
The main purpose of this text is ().
[ "Increased wealth leads to higher moral standards.", "Fairness and happiness in the whole society should be reflected in the fair distribution of wealth and the improvement of moral standards.", "Improving moral standards should be based on the fair distribution of social wealth.", "The premise of a better society is an increase in wealth." ]
Space debris, also known as space trash, is the waste of human space activities and the main source of pollution of the space environment. With the increasing frequency of space activities, space debris is increasing day by day, posing a serious threat to spacecraft in near-Earth space. Falling into the atmosphere will pose a serious threat to the safety of life and property on the ground. In particular, when a nuclear-powered spacecraft falls, it will cause chemical and radioactive pollution to the environment, with serious consequences.
The focus of this passage is ().
[ "What is space debris.", "Why space debris is increasing.", "Space debris is a major source of pollution of the space environment.", "Space debris concept and its serious harm." ]
Gomoku is called "Renju" in Japan. According to Japanese historical records, Gomoku was first transmitted from China to North Korea, and then from North Korea to Japan. At first, it was mainly popular among the imperial palace and the noble family. After continuous changes, mainly the change of rules , Renju Gomoku gradually became more complicated and standardized, eventually becoming today's professional Renju Gomoku, and also becoming an international competition.
According to this text, the development and changes of Gomoku mainly go through.
[ "Normalization from simple to complex.", "Changes in regions and rules of the game.", "Changes in epidemic scope.", "Changing rules and status." ]
The media influences the audience's value choices. From the perspective of the audience s theoretical and cultural norms, the reason why the mass media can indirectly affect people's behavior is that the information it sends can form a normative force of moral culture. People do nt know Unconsciously interpret social phenomena and facts according to the "reference framework" gradually provided by the media, and express their views and opinions, so the content of the communication can promote changes in objects.
This text mainly wants to express ().
[ "People's behavior is influenced by the media.", "Social phenomena rooted in the mass media.", "Social moral culture comes from the media.", "The influence of the media is cumulative." ]
The young students who come to Barcelona for "pilgrimage" are endless all year round. They are not so much drawn from the sights of the Middle Ages as they were attracted by the work of Antonio Gaudi, a modernist master. Although Picasso was born in Magal, At the Aguila Palace in Barcelona, you can see a wide range of his works chronologically displayed from the age of 8. Dali was fascinated by the ocean in his early years and spent most of his life in a fishing village with white powder walls, but he was surreal. The genius of the doctrine of art is treasured in this artistic mecca--the place where he was born and rested.
This passage mainly supports such a view, that is ().
[ "Modernist works attract young artists.", "Barcelona is a temple of painting.", "The painter's work may not be preserved in his place of birth.", "Young students \"pilgrimage\" Barcelona not to hang out on medieval sights." ]
People walking through the city are not only walking in space, but also crossing time. The completeness of time series is the context and spectrum of a city. "It" is tied to the blood and temperament of a city. Capital and technology can make cities change rapidly. It is tall, but it cannot make the city long. A modern handicraft made of many gold and silver jewellery may not be as valuable as a simple and even slightly damaged Song Dynasty porcelain vase. The value between them is only It's time.
"It" in this passage refers to (it).
[ "Space.", "Time.", "The context and spectrum of the city.", "Complete timing." ]
Happiness education is the education in which teachers and students play the subject's creativity. In happiness education, teachers and students are the creators of educational activities. Whether teachers and students are active or passive in educational activities, whether they are creative activities or mechanical activities, directly determine education The state and realm of happiness. Without the play of the subjective initiative of the educator, the subjectivity of the educator, and the creativity of the educator, it is difficult for happiness education to reflect the lofty ideals.
What question does this passage address?
[ "Happiness education is a creative education.", "How happiness education embodies lofty ideals.", "Happiness education comes from the creativity of educators.", "Happiness education should be mechanical activities." ]
The individual in Chinese society first of all lives naturally in a network that he cannot choose for himself. His joy and sorrow, his success and failure are always embedded in his social network and are difficult to enjoy. When not planning to own a social network, someone else is morally a potential resource for him, and whether he is willing or not, he is also an available person for others.
This text mainly talks about ().
[ "The importance of social networks to the Chinese.", "Chinese people live in the online world.", "China's potential private resources.", "Foundations for the Development of Chinese Societies." ]
The yellow eyes tilted by yellow people may be related to the windy sand in central Asia, because this structure can protect the eyes. Just like the hair of white people is linen, and a little transparent, this makes it easy for the scalp to absorb the heat of the sun and adapt The severe cold in high latitudes; black hair is more black and curly, which is good for blocking the heat brought by sunlight and protecting the brain.
This text is talking about ().
[ "Appearance characteristics of various races.", "Differences in appearance characteristics of different races.", "Human appearance protects humanity itself.", "Human appearance is the product of human adaptation to the natural environment." ]
Psychological problems are one of the important contents of sub-health, and improper treatment can develop into mental disorders and mental illnesses, and psychological problems are important factors that induce sub-health problems. Therefore, psychological regulation is very important to solve sub-health problems. Alternative role.
What the author is likely to discuss next is ().
[ "The nature of psychological regulation.", "Psychological impact on sub-health.", "Psychological problems in sub-health.", "How to conduct psychological adjustment." ]
The role of silver iodide in artificial rainfall is meteorologically called cold cloud catalysis. When heated, silver iodide forms extremely fine (only one to one-thousandth of the hair diameter) silver iodide when heated. Particles.1g of silver iodide can form tens of trillions of microparticles. These particles will enter the cloud with the movement of airflow, generating tens of trillions to trillions of ice crystals in cold clouds. Therefore, the use of silver iodide to catalyze rainfall does not require airplanes, equipment It is simple, with very little usage and low cost, and can be promoted on a large scale.
Based on this text, we can speculate that the reason why silver iodide catalyzes rainfall without the need for an airplane is ().
[ "Silver iodide particles move into the cloud with the airflow.", "Silver iodide will form silver iodide particles as long as it is heated.", "Cold cloud catalysis enables silver iodide to form tens of trillions of particles.", "Particles can generate trillions to trillions of ice crystals in cold clouds." ]
Some people always start from scratch, some people rise from the bottom of society, and some legends climb from the trough of life to the peak of their career. So there is a long-lasting inspirational slogan called: Misery makes life. But Let us not forget that there are so many people who are annihilated by suffering. Those who rise are always the best. Suffering is often just a catalyst for character. It makes the stronger, the weaker, the wiser, and the stupid.
The author's view of suffering is ().
[ "Suffering can change destiny.", "Suffering can keep the enthusiasm of life.", "Suffering determines human character.", "Suffering does not make life." ]
Zircon is extremely resistant to high temperatures, with a melting point of 2750 㠃, and is resistant to acid corrosion.80% of the world's zircon is directly used in casting, ceramics, glass industry and the manufacture of refractory materials. A small amount of zircon is used in ferroalloys, medicine, paint, Tanning, abrasives, chemical and nuclear industries. A very small amount of zircon is used to smelt metal zirconium. ZrO 266% -66% zirconium quartz sand is directly used as foundry iron metal due to its melting resistance (melting point above 2500 橮 Mold material.
The main purpose of this passage is to tell us.
[ "Zircon is extremely resistant to high temperatures.", "Industrial applications of zircon.", "Zircon is resistant to acid corrosion.", "Special properties of zircon." ]
In the late Qing and early Ming dynasties, a group of Westerners ran to the mountainous areas of southwestern China for scientific expeditions or poaching activities. Some of them found a small tailed bear in the mountainous area, because the locals called it "mountain bear" or "cat bear" "They also called it" Panda "in the article. Why did" Panda "later be called" Panda "? After the Republic of China, some traditional books and periodicals were changed from vertical to horizontal. Some people read "Panda" as "Panda" due to the difference in left and the right writing. However, the fundamental reason is that the zoology community has not clearly classified it.
This text is mainly:.
[ "Discuss how pandas have entered the field of research.", "Introducing the origin of the word \"panda\".", "Show that the scientific classification of pandas should be dealt with.", "Explain the long-standing misrepresentation of \"Panda\"." ]
China is one of the countries with the most abundant biological species in the world, and higher plant and wild animal species account for about 10% of the world. However, environmental pollution and ecological damage have caused damage to the living environment of animals and plants, and the number of species has decreased sharply. Some species Extinct. According to statistics, about 200 species of higher plants have become extinct in the past 50 years, and an average of 4 species are extinct each year; about 400 species of wild animals are in an endangered or threatened state.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "The rate of extinction of animals and plants is increasing year by year.", "Endangered animals or plants due to environmental degradation.", "China's animal and plant species are relatively abundant.", "Higher plants need more protection than wild animals." ]
Animal skulls contain calcium, which is difficult to dissolve in water. Some people have done experiments that used 5 kg of pork bones and 5 kg of water and boiled in a pressure cooker for 10 hours. As a result, the calcium content in a bowl of bone soup was only 10 Milligrams, less than 1/20 of the calcium content of a bag of milk. There is also a large amount of bone fat dissolved in bone soup, which can cause other health problems when consumed regularly. Therefore, drinking bone soup may not be the best dietary treatment for osteoporosis. It is important The focus is on diet diversification, and more intake of calcium-rich foods such as milk, tofu, shrimp skin, laver, etc.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "There are pros and cons to drinking bone soup.", "Calcium prevention is the key to prevent osteoporosis.", "How to supplement calcium scientifically and effectively.", "Diversified diet is the most scientific in daily life." ]
Roves had held a senior position in the Navy before taking office. One of his good friends asked him about the Navy's plan to establish a submarine base on an island. Roosevelt looked around mysteriously and asked in a low voice. "Can you keep it a secret?" "Of course I can!" The friend was very sure. "So," Roosevelt said with a smile, "I can too. ".
This text tells us:.
[ "Detours can also achieve the goal.", "Humor can subtly solve problems.", "Adherence to principles and flexibility are not contradictory.", "Don't do anything to others." ]
The earliest foundation of Beijing City was Youzhou City in the Tang Dynasty. In the following thousand years, Beijing has had four large-scale developments, or expansions, or new repairs, respectively in the Yuan Dynasty in the Jin Dynasty and in the Yuan Dynasty. In Dadu, the inner city built in the early Ming Dynasty and the outer city built after the middle of the middle period, this is how Beijing's convex-shaped city walls were completed. The Qing Dynasty inherited Beijing from the Ming Dynasty, and did not change the overall layout of the city until modern times.
According to this text, the following statement is correct:.
[ "The first large-scale development of Beijing was in the Yuan Dynasty.", "Beijing City expanded the outer city in the early Ming Dynasty.", "The convex-shaped city wall of Beijing City was formed in the Ming Dynasty.", "The overall layout of Beijing City has not changed significantly in history." ]
The brain is the most complex structure and function of the body, and it is also a superb, sophisticated and perfect information processing system. The total number of nerve cells in the human brain is about 1012, which is equivalent to the total number of galaxies.10 to 50 times more glial cells. The brain controls human language, thinking, feeling, emotion, movement and other advanced activities, which are closely related to the topology of neurons or clusters of neurons in the brain network It essentially determines the function of the entire brain.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "The physiological structure of the brain provides the basis for processing complex information.", "The brain is rich in nerve cells and glial cells.", "The topology of the brain network determines overall brain function.", "The structure of the brain is exquisite, perfect, powerful and complex." ]
In the Internet era, individual intellectuals were attacked because of public expression, and once felt aggrieved. In the process of self-defense, they often mentioned the intellectual basis of their claims. In the process of interacting with the public, they relied solely on intellectual authority. A public platform such as the Internet is not a single field of academic communication, and the criticism of a viewpoint depends not only on its distance from an academic authority, public sentiment, historical tradition, and other factors. It will also have an impact. It is bound to drift away from the people.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "Intellectuals now have difficulty defending themselves with knowledge.", "Social elites must identify with public sentiment and follow historical traditions.", "Social elites should avoid confrontation with the masses by advocating knowledge and reason.", "Popular sentiment, historical tradition determines whether personal views can be accepted." ]
A microgrid is a cluster that includes localized semi-autonomous power, load and electric thermal energy storage facilities. Compared to a large grid, it is self-contained and controlled separately, and can be connected to the large grid and run on or off the grid. It operates on its own in an island mode. As a feature that provides two-way benefits to participants and traditional grids, the microgrid reflects the development direction of distributed power systems and also opens up a new path for the development of the grid.
The following statements are consistent with the original:.
[ "The microgrid is a localized grid that operates in \"island mode\".", "The microgrid is a cluster that runs on the grid with traditional grids.", "The emergence of microgrids has dispersed the benefits of traditional grids.", "Large grids may benefit from running in parallel with microgrids." ]
The open character and strong national strength of the Datang Empire had a strong impact on the surrounding countries. The various daily necessities and handicrafts, which are handicraft products of the Tang Dynasty, have a magnet appeal to overseas countries. The chase of silk, porcelain and other items is just like the trendy people's enthusiasm for Apple mobile phones and iPads. Tang Sancai is also wrapped in this torrent to cross the sea and take root.
What this paragraph is most likely to discuss next is.
[ "Tang Dynasty's huge influence on neighboring countries.", "Various manifestations of advocating Tang dynasty items outside the territory.", "Transportation routes and methods of Tang Dynasty goods.", "Tang Sancai's Spread and Influence Outside the Territory." ]
With the invention and improvement of econometrics, academic research is becoming more and more rigorous, and data and methods explain everything, especially data is the most important. However, this academic development trend has hidden dangers. The depth of the study has been daunting, and one of the tasks of this discipline is to look for correlations between economic variables through large sample studies, and then draw certain policy conclusions from them. This large sample study is abstract. Some important information is likely to be discarded during this process. If you are indulged in the huge charm of the form of the measurement method and can't see the implied flaws, you will be easily deceived by the false sense of security brought by the data.
The most accurate summary of the gist of this text is:.
[ "Emphasis on the absolute status of econometric methods in academic research.", "Criticizing the academic research trend of blindly superstitious econometric methods.", "Explain the importance of improving sample selection for econometrics.", "Explain how to draw policy conclusions through an analysis of economic variables." ]
Trees can grow to towering lingyun but are still lush and green, relying on xylem ducts to transport water absorbed by the roots to the treetops. According to the latest research results, botanists have issued a warning that some regions due to climate change It threatens the supply of groundwater, and also damages the xylem's ability to transport water, putting the forest in a dangerous state. Researchers say that under drought conditions, trees will try to absorb water from the ground, and in the process, there will be too much Many air bubbles that will be sucked into the xylem. When these air bubbles are blocked in the duct, they will block the water supply and cause the tree to die without water.
According to this text, the latest findings are:.
[ "The thicker the xylem of a tree, the better it is for water supply.", "Extreme weather can break the biological structure of tree xylem.", "Humid climate conditions are more conducive to the growth of towering trees.", "The presence of a large number of air bubbles in the duct will block the tree's water supply." ]
In a transitional China full of complex fluidity, the novelist's grasp of the integrity of the era will become increasingly impossible, and any attempt and impulse to name the era as a whole will have to eventually become a ridiculous hall. But this also provides a new idea for writing. Since it is impossible to grasp the big age, then you can carefully look at the small in the lives of modern people who are obscured by the big age, and let literature really return to its origin. ----- Literature is anthropology. Literature should pay attention to the existence of the individual in this world, pay attention to the issues of dignity, freedom and alienation related to the existence of individual life. Related basic questions.
This passage is intended to illustrate literary creation:.
[ "Thinking should change from holistic to individual.", "The environment has changed dramatically.", "Originally related to individual life.", "Themes should be diversified." ]
Academic writings must have annotations, and annotations also strive to overcome subjectivity. One of the important ways to strive for the fairness, rationality, and acceptability of academic opinions is itself the collateral nature of the academic dialogue carried out in the body of the argument However, it is necessary to realize that the normative requirements of annotations are not independent and not just a set of technologies, but are consistent with the normative requirements of academic demonstration.
The text is intended to emphasize:.
[ "Academic writings must reflect objectivity.", "Annotation to Academic Papers to Overcome Subjectivity.", "Annotations must conform to academic norms.", "Academic texts are as important as notes." ]
When the Gun Management Law was passed, one of the offensive weapons prohibited by the law was the Soviet-style semi-automatic rifle A. K47. This model alone had 1 million American civilians at that time. Recently In the past 20 years, vicious gun machine incidents have continued to occur in U. S. campuses, and have been seen in major media around the world, and have led to a big discussion about the "Gun Management Law. " After reading a lot of similar reports, Chinese people will definitely think why the United States allows citizens to own guns.
What is most likely to be introduced next is:.
[ "Views of the U. S. on the Gun Management Act.", "Characteristics of various shootings in the United States in recent years.", "The current U. S. government management system for civilian firearms.", "U. S. laws of various periods on citizen ownership of firearms." ]
The person who loses the perception of the natural sound is the most sad. When someone says "the scenery is as beautiful as a painting", the realm is lower, because the painting is static, the natural scenery is alive and moving; According to nature, nature also provides a variety of sounds. This dual combination enables nature to transcend the realm that humans can create. There are countless artists in the world who all draw inspiration from nature, but no matter how good an artist is, it is not always possible. Capturing the soul of nature, because nature has a picture with sound, or is alive, changing all the time.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "Appreciating nature requires a comprehensive experience of sight and hearing.", "Nature provides endless materials for artists.", "Natural scenery beyond the realm of human beings.", "Natural methods can create outstanding works." ]
Domestic dogs are good friends of humans. Although they are very different from each other, these different groups of domestic dogs have a common ancestor-the gray wolf. The gray wolf is very extensive in the global branch, but domestic dogs everywhere are not It has evolved from gray wolves everywhere. By starting with the genome D. NA. and comparing the genetic diversity of domestic dog populations from different regions, the researchers found that the domestic dog population from southern East Asia has the highest diversity. At the same time, the structure of the phylogenetic tree also supports the common origin of domestic dogs. On the phylogenetic tree, the end of each branch represents a group, and the more closely related groups will be closer to the tree. In this study, domestic dog samples from southern East Asia were located at the base of the phylogenetic tree.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "Domestic dogs originate from the very widely distributed gray wolf.", "Genome D. NA. Study addresses domestic dog origin.", "Domestic dogs with different temperaments and shapes have the same origin.", "Phylogenetic tree principle provides support for animal evolution research." ]
Whether the public loves academics directly affects the ups and downs of academics themselves; while scholars do not arouse the Chinese consciousness of academics, "wende" cannot be shared with the people, then "civic virtue" will fall, and "wende" itself will also Turning into water of no source and no root, there is no basis for ascension. In order to better transform "wende" into "mingde", Cai Yuanpei put forward the idea of using the university as a social and cultural center.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "University is the center of Wende.", "Mingde \"is the origin of\" Wende \".", "Two-way relationship between \"wende\" and \"mingde\".", "\"Wende\" promotes \"Mingde\"." ]
How did the fall of the main body of China's FA. ST "500-meter Spherical Radio Telescope" arouse warm attention at home and abroad? The reason lies in its three high-energy stunts. One is to look far. According to the current largest radio telescope, FA. ST can theoretically receive electromagnetic signals beyond 13.7 billion light years. The second is very flexible. The structure of the cable network can change with the movement of the celestial body, which drives 4450 reflection units on the cable network to form a 300-meter-diameter instantaneous paraboloid in the direction of the radio power source, which greatly improves the observation efficiency. The third is of high accuracy. The 500-meter FA. ST radio telescope The structure has millimeter-level accuracy requirements everywhere; the processing accuracy of each of the more than 7,000 arm-thick steel cables used to weave the cable net is controlled within one millimeter; the final 500-meter antenna accuracy is 3 millimeters, and the precision of each small panel is 1.5 millimeters. All of this means that we will be able to observe the more hidden mysteries of the universe.
The most appropriate title for this text:.
[ "A better way of analyzing human interaction.", "FA. ST walking into China deep into the universe.", "China's FA. ST has three advantages.", "Listen to the sounds from deep in the universe together." ]
As society enters the era of screen-reading, advocating more Chinese characters for reading and writing, "Chinese character dictation" is undoubtedly a meaningful good thing. However, once everything is over, good things often become bad things. The competition emphasized the lonely words, and the contestants demonstrated "Chinese-style education" in the competition by strengthening their memory. Even the father of Han Pinyin, Mr. Zhou Youguang, also believes that the number of common Chinese characters is now increased to more than 8,000. It's a bit too much. Lenovo has been thinking about the simplification of Chinese characters in recent years and the launch of the reform plan for the entrance examination of middle and high schools. It is not difficult to find that every one's attention to Chinese characters is getting deeper and deeper. The motivation of the mother tongue is increasing.
From this text, it can be seen that the author's attitude is:.
[ "Too many Chinese dictations will cause people to worry about writing and forgetting.", "Chinese Character Dictation in the Screen-Reading Age Speeds Up the Reform of Language Education.", "Chinese Character Dictation Competition in the New Era.", "Chinese-style education and strengthening memory are necessary means of Chinese education." ]
There are more than 30 petroglyph sites in the existing list of thousands of World Heritage sites. At present, petroglyphs have been found in more than 150 countries and regions on five continents. According to research, at least these pictures left in caves on rocks have been It has a history of 30,000 to 40,000 years. In today's perspective, they are more like children's works, exuding all the rotten observations and thoughts of human beings in childhood, and the most authentic writing of humans before there is no text. China is the world One of the areas with the most abundant rock art remains, but before that, none of them became a World Heritage Site. "Zuojiang Huashan Rock Art Cultural Landscape" makes up for this deficiency.
From this text, it can be seen that the author's intention is:.
[ "Rock art is a work of human childhood, a cultural code of dialogue with ancient people.", "There are a considerable number of petroglyph sites in the existing World Heritage List.", "\"Zuojiang Huashan Rock Painting Cultural Landscape\" is China's first World Heritage of Rock Painting.", "Petroglyphs are spread all over the world, of which China is one of the most abundant areas." ]
Water sucks into the trachea, and the lungs are cyanotic. If you only put some water in a person's nose without letting him in, he will not cyanosis. An elephant is an example. If you observe carefully, you will It was found that when the elephant drank, he first sucked a little water with his nose (and did not suck it into his lungs), then raised his head and put the water in his nose into his mouth to drink. In the process, it just used his nose as A tool for absorbing water without using the nose as a drinking organ.
This passage is to demonstrate such a point:.
[ "You must observe carefully.", "Elephant's nose is a tool for water.", "Elephants like to take a little water with their nose and put it in their mouth to drink.", "Water is drawn into the trachea and the lungs go cyanotic." ]
Banknote books are both tangible material preparation and a writing technique. You can also develop a good habit of reading and thinking. Why not? However, there are also pitfalls, as Zhou Zuoren reminded, "Learn "I am sick". "Wen Zhi Gong" needs to have its own value standards and aesthetic standards, otherwise, who won't take the banknote? Who can't make it into an excuse for laziness or even plagiarism. The reason why the ancients talked about this time "Banknotes", of course, is sent with feelings. People reading books today are generally too floating, such as dragons and water, not as ancient people dive and play. This is because there is too much to read now, no time, so I have to read ten lines at a time. They all "know". Another thing is that before the May Fourth Movement, we respected the ancients too much; after the May Fourth Movement, we despised the ancients too much. We all want to open up the world, and there are no ancients before. It is too late to write our own books. Banknotes for others' books?
Inconsistent with the text is:.
[ "Must be a book with information and aesthetic value.", "Thinking while writing notes.", "Reading books today is not as careful as the ancients.", "Only by studying the method of ancient banknotes can we overcome the prevailing trend." ]
As the U. S. presidential campaign has intensified, a political ad appeared on an anti-Bush democratic political group website called "Go Forward", comparing Bush to Nazi leader Hitler, which has aroused the anger of Republicans and American Jewish groups. In fact, this controversial ad is just one of the entries in the "Bush 30 Seconds" political advertising contest launched by the "Go Forward" website, and as many as 1512 ads have been attacked against Bush's wrong policy.
The main message of this text is:.
[ "Bush attacked by the opposition in growing presidential campaign.", "Anti-Bush political groups liken him to Nazi Head Hitler.", "Bush's Wrong Governance Slammed by As many as 1,512 Advertisements.", "Malicious attack on Bush has stirred anger among Republicans and American Jewish groups." ]
The citizens of an independent rich country are very civilized, while a nation full of violence and hatred cannot be civilized, but some rich Middle Eastern countries are full of violence and hatred.
From this we can see:.
[ "Some rich Middle Eastern countries are full of violence and hatred caused by the ethnic policies of some major powers;.", "The war in the Middle East has caused some rich Middle Eastern countries to be filled with violence and hatred;.", "Some Middle Eastern countries have lost their independence;.", "Without democracy, there is no self-confidence." ]
There are more girls than boys in the law school, and more than half of the students who failed the law school in the 2004 final semester math exam.
From this we can see:.
[ "Girls fail more than boys fail.", "Girls fail more than boys.", "Girls pass more than boys.", "Girls pass more than boys." ]
All Anxi people are vegetarians, and all Zhenyuan people are ascetic, ascetic and vegetarian are incompatible, and Guo Shu is ascetic.
From this we can see:.
[ "Guo Shu is from Zhenyuan.", "Guo Shu is not from Zhenyuan.", "Guo Shu is Anxi.", "Guo Shu is not Anxi." ]
The men only drank Maotai or Wuliangye at the celebration party, and all the women drank yogurt.
From this we can see:.
[ "No men drink yogurt, no women drink Maotai.", "Some men did not drink yogurt or Maotai.", "Some men drank both Maotai and yogurt.", "No man drinks both yogurt and Maotai." ]
All poor countries have had plague epidemics, and all democratic countries have never had plague epidemics, so all democratic countries are not poor countries.
Which is similar to the above inference structure:.
[ "All animals are creatures, all creatures are selective, so all animals are selective.", "All corruption is a crime, all Changji people are not criminals, so all corruption criminals are not Changji people.", "All lies are not true, and the truth is true, so all truth is not a lie.", "All vegetables are nutritious and all clover is not nutritious, so those who eat clover are undernourished." ]
All Asian and Austrian countries are democratic countries, all Asian and Austrian countries are also religious countries, and some religious countries are polytheistic countries.
and so:.
[ "Some Asian Olympic countries are polytheistic.", "Some democracies are polytheistic.", "Some democracies are religious.", "Some democracies are not polytheistic." ]
People who do not have integrity do not know how to respect themselves, and people who do not know how to respect themselves cannot earn respect from others.
From this we can see:.
[ "People who do not understand self-respect are not honest;.", "People who cannot win the respect of others do not know how to respect themselves;.", "People who can win the respect of others have integrity.", "What cannot be respected is someone who does not have integrity." ]
The peace of Asia and Africa is guaranteed, then the peace of the world is guaranteed, and the peace of the world can only be guaranteed if terrorism is completely eradicated. But in fact, terrorism is constantly causing trouble in the Middle East.
From this we can see:.
[ "If peace in Asia is guaranteed, peace in Africa will also be guaranteed;.", "Peace in Africa is not yet guaranteed;.", "There is no guarantee of peace in Asia;.", "If peace in Asia is guaranteed, then peace in Africa is not yet guaranteed." ]
During the National Games, there were 8 athletes living in Building F. One of them was Heilongjiang, two were northerners, one was Cantonese, two were track and field athletes, and three were main athletes. Arrived at all 8 athletes in the F building.
Which of the following contradicts the information stated in the question?
[ "Heilongjiang athletes are not main players;.", "Track and field athletes are not main players;.", "Cantonese are the main players;.", "The main players are all Southerners." ]
Ei, Oman, and Derby are one of Asia, one of Europe, and one of Africa. Eye is not the same as the European country among them and is smaller than the African country among them. Big.
Then the order of the three countries from big to small is:.
[ "Ey, Oman, Derby;.", "Ey, Derby, Oman;.", "Derby, Aye, Oman;.", "Oman, Aye, Debbie." ]
Corrupts are wealth-loving, everyone is wealth-loving, and all corruption criminals are short-sighted.
From this we can see:.
[ "Everyone is a corruption criminal;.", "Some people who love money are short-sighted;.", "Short-sighted is all corruption offenders;.", "Those who love money are all corrupt criminals." ]
As long as a person is honest, he must be a law-abiding citizen,.
Which of the following would constitute the most disprove of this?
[ "Most honest people comply with the law.", "Some offenders are dishonest.", "Mu Lao, who never lied, was arrested for illegal logging.", "Dishonesty is an illegal act in itself." ]
If Brazil or Japan become permanent members, then both India and Germany will become permanent members.
From this we can see:.
[ "If India becomes a permanent member, then Germany will also become a permanent member.", "If India becomes a permanent member, then Japan will also become a permanent member.", "If India has not become a permanent member, then Germany has not become a permanent member.", "Japan has not become a permanent member if India has not become a permanent member." ]
China is a large agricultural country. Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. To reduce the burden on farmers, we must protect and motivate farmers, and promote the development of agriculture, rural economy, and the national economy. Carrying out various fund-raising and apportioning will definitely hurt farmers' enthusiasm for production.
This sentence supports an argument, namely:.
[ "To develop the economy, especially rural infrastructure, it is necessary to increase the burden on farmers.", "There is no contradiction between developing the economy and reducing the burden on farmers, and they are mutually reinforcing.", "Failure to reduce the burden on farmers will affect rural social stability.", "In the future, the state will no longer collect money from farmers." ]
When old types of arts such as novels, dramas, etc. are gradually leaving the center of attention and giving way to new arts such as film and television, cultural poverty is shrouded in various criticisms. Facing a strong "industrial culture", cultural criticism has almost become a "promotional advertisement".
In this passage, " cultural poverty is shrouded in criticism", meaning:.
[ "The poverty of culture makes criticism impossible.", "Declining taste of various cultural criticisms.", "Cultural poverty has been criticized.", "Critics are threatened by poverty." ]
Precipitation usually occurs when a high-pressure peak encounters a low-pressure peak. Meteorologists measure the speed of two peaks moving towards each other to determine when and where they meet to predict precipitation.
From this we know:.
[ "Meteorologists are responsible for predicting precipitation.", "Low pressure peaks always move towards high pressure peaks.", "Precipitation does not necessarily require the appearance of low pressure peaks.", "Some precipitation predictions are based on the general response of high and low pressure peaks." ]
It is strange that Rococo style first appeared in France. Louis XIV's rule lasted too long, and the era of over-religion to the old dynasty finally came to an end, and the majestic and noble Versailles no longer forced people to participate in boring celebrations. Since then, people have gathered in the exquisite salons of the Paris mansions. At first, Rococo was a new type of decoration, serving the elegant, intelligent society that loves adventure, exoticism, whimsy, and nature. This lightness, The exquisite style is most suitable for modern apartments. The rooms are small but have valuable uses. Rococo is very cautious when entering the country with the baroque style.
The correct inference from this passage is:.
[ "Lightweight, exquisite Baroque interior style in French fashion during Louis XIV.", "The rococo style first appeared in France because the French love adventure and whimsy.", "Modern apartments are all Rococo, so their rooms are not large but they have precious uses.", "Compared to the Baroque style, the Rococo style does not seek to be majestic and noble." ]
All countries that have a good market economy are due to better legal order. In fact, it is not difficult to establish a market. Once liberalized, people are driven by interests and the market can be formed quickly. However, once an unordered market is formed, It is very difficult to rectify it again.
This sentence supports an argument, namely:.
[ "To establish a market economy system, we must attach great importance to the construction of the legal system.", "Market regulation is an \"invisible hand\", and the market is spontaneously in a stable and balanced state.", "The advantage of a market economy is that it enables people to be driven by their interests, thus motivating people.", "The market can only be formed by relying on the legal system." ]
As a result of human cognition, knowledge is a very extended concept. It generally includes four levels or aspects, that is, common sense, a generalization of experience, scientific knowledge, and philosophical knowledge. The so-called common sense mainly includes aphorisms, proverbs and other commonly known knowledge It is often not an understanding of the nature of things and their laws. Scientific knowledge is a theoretical system that is logical and systematic.
This sentence supports an argument, namely:.
[ "Scientific knowledge is absolute truth and beyond doubt.", "Compared with scientific knowledge, common sense has a lot of scrutinies, that is, it contains many errors.", "Common sense is not credible.", "Scientific knowledge contains common sense." ]
In the process of policy implementation, there is still a lack of strong institutions from top to bottom, which are responsible for inspecting and monitoring the implementation of various policies. Often, when a problem needs to be solved, a document is issued and some new regulations are made. Or set up a new organization and pay less attention to the implementation of these policies. Due to the lack of supervision and guarantee system for the implementation of laws, regulations or policy documents, the implementation or non-implementation is the same. As time goes by, it will not work, and the endless wind will naturally Prevalent.
This sentence supports an argument, namely:.
[ "Prohibition must be made.", "The need to strengthen policy implementation.", "The construction of policy enforcement agencies must be strengthened.", "The supervision and inspection of policy implementation must be strengthened." ]
Scientific and technological workers are respected by society for fulfilling their moral obligations. If individual scientific and technological workers depart from the conscience of truth, goodness, and beauty, and make scientific and technological behavior choices that endanger the society, such as serving the fascist war of aggression, they will be subject to public opinion. Condemnation must be punished by society. There is also a type of improper scientific and technological behavior, such as illegal possession of the achievements of others, which should also be condemned and sanctioned. To prevent similar things from happening, the conscience of scientific and technological personnel has a very large role.
This sentence supports an argument, namely:.
[ "Heavy penalties for those who plagiarize others' achievements.", "The ethics of scientific and technological personnel should be higher than ordinary people.", "The development and progress of science and technology requires the improvement of the moral quality of science and technology workers.", "It is necessary to standardize scientific research by using a legal system." ]
Since its establishment in 1974, the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption has vigorously combated corruption, investigating more than 2,200 corruption and bribery cases, and prosecuted 1,355 government officials involved in crimes. In Hong Kong, there are so many investigations and so many people involved. However, it has not hindered Hong Kong's economic development and prosperity.
This sentence supports an argument, namely:.
[ "The anti-corruption struggle will affect economic construction.", "The fight against corruption itself will not affect economic construction.", "Corruption in Hong Kong is very serious.", "Hong Kong's economic development and prosperity are largely due to its clean and efficient civil service." ]
When people leave culture, the creation and accumulation of culture, and the value and meaning of the cultural world, they naturally lose the meaning of the actual cultural value, and it is impossible to truly realize the essence of man. Conversely, if culture leaves man , It has become the water of no source.
This sentence supports an argument, namely:.
[ "Culture and the realization of human nature are interdependent relationships.", "If a person has no culture, he is not qualified.", "Culture can only reflect human activities.", "Without culture, man can realize human nature through other means." ]
A survey was conducted to understand the attitude of university students to the dormitory in the school. The survey was conducted in two parts. One was to persuade and publicize half of the students beforehand, hoping to live in the dormitory, and then to conduct a questionnaire survey. The other half of the students were not asked to do anything. Explanation: Direct investigation. Before the investigation, a few of the college students strongly opposed the idea of living in the dormitory on campus. As a result of the investigation, the number of opponents of the half of the students who had persuaded and publicized beforehand increased.
This sentence supports an argument, namely:.
[ "Living on campus is bad.", "Half of the students support the idea of living on campus, and half of them disagree.", "Persuasive propaganda before the investigation caused rebellious psychology among college students.", "The conditions of dormitories on campus are worse than those on dormitories off campus." ]
A nation must have its own self-confidence, self-esteem, and cohesion in order for this nation to be able to stand on its own. If these are lost, this nation has no hope, and its self-esteem, self-confidence, and its cohesion are based on culture. It is only when the fine traditions are known and understood that they have begun to emerge.
This sentence supports an argument, namely:.
[ "As long as a nation inherits its own tradition, it will naturally have cohesion.", "To enhance self-confidence, self-esteem, and cohesion, a nation must first strengthen the education of outstanding ethnic culture and traditions.", "To enhance self-confidence, self-esteem, and cohesion, a nation must first develop its economy.", "The excellent traditional culture of the nation has been rooted in the members of the nation, and it can be recognized by its members without external efforts." ]
Nature is the environment for the development and continuation of human life. At the same time, production labor, which is the intermediary between the exchange of human and natural material, is the starting point for the formation and development of human social relations. Human relations-production relations, and thus form complex social relations such as national, class, and family.
This sentence supports an argument, namely:.
[ "Man can survive and develop only if he is passively adapted to nature.", "The relationship between man and man is based on the relationship between man and nature.", "People's social relations have their inherent development rules, which can exist and develop independently.", "People are part of nature because people are animals." ]
So far, researchers have found that there are as many as 40 types of growth factors contained in embryos and thymus tissues, many of which have been proven to be the target tissues for skin growth, and have important regulatory and promoting effects on skin cell metabolism and division and reproduction. If these growth factors can be filled into the skin tissue of middle-aged people by applying a cream, it will have a certain effect on maintaining the health of skin tissue and delaying skin aging.
An accurate understanding of this text is:.
[ "Creams containing growth factors have the potential to maintain skin health.", "Researchers find more than 40 growth-protecting growth factors.", "Middle-aged people are most effective with creams containing growth factors.", "An effective way to delay skin aging is to apply a cream containing growth factors." ]
People in primitive society can always realize that they do nt have any real enjoyment. In order to survive, they must take up the weapons that transform nature. The transformation of nature has objectively been rid of the gods, but it is extremely difficult to transform nature. These successes depend to a large extent on chances. In this case, the ancients, on the one hand, achieved certain victories by their own strength, and on the other hand attributed the victory to the gods.
The main points supported by this passage are:.
[ "The worship of deities is widespread in primitive society.", "The worship of gods in primitive society is due to the poor living environment.", "In primitive society, people often pinned their hopes of success on god blessings.", "The concept of gods is due to the low productivity of people in primitive society." ]
Changes in language elements are sometimes not waiting for changes in social life-that is, even if social life has not changed significantly, vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar may change quietly, and the changes in vocabulary are relatively obvious.
The point directly supported by this passage is:.
[ "Changes in language elements are not completely dominated by social life.", "The development and change of language elements are often present.", "When social life develops and changes, changes in language elements are more obvious.", "Generally speaking, changes in vocabulary are more pronounced than changes in speech." ]
Scientific research shows that the sun is a celestial body with constantly changing energy output. It is these changes that have caused strong disturbances of the state of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere.
The following conclusions can be drawn:.
[ "The sun is a celestial body with constantly changing energy output, and its changes cause changes in space weather.", "The constant change of solar energy output causes strong disturbance of the state of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere, which is the root cause of severe disasters.", "The continuous output of solar energy will cause drastic changes in the Earth's space environment.", "The continuous change of solar energy is a direct factor and direct cause of natural disasters." ]
As a teacher, whether you realize it or not, you are half an actor, some have a stronger sense of role, some are weaker; some have stronger acting ability, and some are weaker. With the same knowledge and insight, the teaching effect The degree is reflected in the difference in performance awareness and performance ability.
This passage mainly supports the view that:.
[ "Teachers should use the classroom as a stage and treat themselves as actors.", "Teachers' performance consciousness and ability affect teaching effectiveness.", "Teachers with strong performing skills often have good teaching results.", "Knowledge, insight, performance, etc. are required courses for teachers." ]
The cost of running an independent college refers to the various expenses incurred by the school in the process of cultivating students' comprehensive qualities such as knowledge, skills, and skills. Specifically, it includes the salary expenses of the faculty and staff of the college, and the administrative expenses of the various departments of the college. The school guarantees the normal operation of all kinds of business expenditures required for the normal conduct of school activities, campus school building maintenance and repair expenditures, fixed assets purchase and construction and user fees, etc. Appropriate classification of school running costs can provide specific costs for school running cost accounting. Accounting index requirements, on the other hand, also provide a more useful information index system for the comprehensive and effective control of school running costs.
The author is most likely to introduce next:.
[ "The characteristics of independent colleges.", "Effective Ways to Control Costs of Independent Colleges.", "Classification of independent college running costs.", "How to calculate the running costs of independent colleges." ]
Decision theory emphasizes that management is decision-making, which has certain scientific significance. However, it believes that management has nothing but decision-making. The concept of decision-making is defined as a unified concept of management, so that management is limited to a relatively narrow area. The general concept is complete. The concept of management includes not only decision-making, but also basic work such as accounting and statistics, and more of the lower-level personnel need to do "business decisions".
The text mainly states:.
[ "Limitations of decision theory.", "Decision theory emphasizes the scientific significance of decision-making.", "The relationship between management and decision-making.", "Management includes decision." ]
Surgical treatment of abnormal brains is not a new subject for the medical community. The original intention of psychosurgery is to change people's abnormal mental activities and behaviors through surgical means.
The author is most likely to introduce next:.
[ "What are the surgical methods used early?", "Risks of surgery.", "Changes to the abnormal brain after surgery.", "Definition of modern psychosurgery." ]
If a society allows only a "success/failure" binary opposition context, society is problematic. In fact, this arbitrary binary opposition model should not be used to make value judgments. Some people are willing to succeed. It is understandable to be up and out of the way, but it is also necessary to allow some people to be dazed, dream, and have a little life without many pursuits. Each person's personality and growth experience are different, not everyone has to go, either success or failure These two roads, and between them, there are N roads leading to success as everyone understands.
This passage mainly supports such a view:.
[ "Everyone has different standards, and success cannot be unified.", "Those who are dazed and dreamers will never succeed.", "People with dual views of \"success and failure\" are problematic.", "Judge a person's success with his personality and experience." ]
Anthropologists have repeatedly proven how valuable this cultural comparison is in research on primitive nations. Formal customs of a tribe maybe 90% the same as those of neighboring tribes, but they just deny the core basic institutions. Arrangements, no matter how small their ratio, on the whole, could make the future of the nation in a unique direction.
The text is intended to emphasize:.
[ "In primitive ethnic studies, cultural comparison is the most important research method.", "There are both similarities and essential differences between the formal customs of nearby tribes.", "Basic institutional arrangements account for a small percentage of the tribal formal customs.", "Basic institutional arrangements may determine the development direction of a nation." ]
An important sign that modern industrial civilization has replaced traditional agricultural civilization is that large-scale socialized production has replaced traditional small-scale production and natural economy. This is not only a change in the mode of production, but also inherently includes a change in cultural models. Because, large-scale socialized production The fundamental principles of the operation mechanism and organization of the company are the rational and scientific principles provided by the cultural model of rationalism, as well as modern organizational principles that reflect the spirit of rationality.
The correct understanding of this text is:.
[ "Traditional small production and natural economy make agricultural civilization stagnate for a long time.", "The core of socialized production is the transformation of rationalist cultural models and production methods.", "Changes in production methods and cultural models have promoted the progress of human civilization.", "The change of cultural model has fundamentally brought modern industrial civilization to human beings." ]
The creation of Ci Fu in the Han Dynasty was based on lyrical Fu. The representative works are Jia Yi's "Drag Qu Yuan Fu" and "Peng Niao Fu". In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, Ci Fu and Lyrical Fu became mainstream. It ends with a lyrical fu, and its trajectory is drawn in a circle. However, Jia Yi's lyrical fus are all saucy, apparently inherited from Chu Ci. The lyrical fu in the late Eastern Han Dynasty is both sauertic and scattered. The style, as well as the four-character poetry style, presents a diverse pattern in the style of the work.
The correct understanding of this text is:.
[ "The overall development trajectory of Ci Fu in the Two Han Dynasties is a circle, which mainly inherits the style of Chu Ci.", "Sao style, prose style and four-character poetry form the literary world of the Han Dynasty.", "Lyrics are the mainstream of Ci Fu in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, and various styles coexist, showing a diverse pattern.", "Jia Yi is a representative figure of lyrical fu in the Han Dynasty, and his works are romantic." ]
If it is in a static environment, although environmental protection will indeed increase the cost of the enterprise in the short term, under the conditions of dynamic competition, strict environmental protection can trigger innovation and offset costs in the long run. This will not only increase the cost of the enterprise, Instead, it may generate net income and make the company more competitive in the international market. Therefore, the implementation of appropriate environmental protection will not only hurt the competitiveness of the company, but will be beneficial to it.
The text is intended to explain:.
[ "Static environmental protection and dynamic environmental protection have different impacts on enterprises.", "Dialectical view of the relationship between short-term environmental protection and corporate development.", "Strengthen environmental protection and find ways to offset the cost of environmental protection.", "Reasonable environmental protection measures can enhance the competitiveness of enterprises." ]
We have found that the difference between the original and counterfeit is aesthetically important, which does not mean that the original is necessarily better than the counterfeit. An inspired reproduction may be more rewarding than an original painting; a damaged one The original may have lost most of its previous advantages; an image printed from a worn-out etching plate may be aesthetically inferior to a previously printed image than a good photographic reproduction.
One thing that cannot be derived from this text is:.
[ "The fundamental difference between the original and the fake is the aesthetic superiority and uniqueness.", "The pros and cons between the original and the fake are not necessarily clear-cut.", "If an original is damaged, it may be far worse than a better preserved copy.", "Good photographic reproductions are sometimes more valuable than images printed on etched plates." ]
In recent years, mobile phone A. PP has been widely developed and applied, which has played an important role in promoting economic and social development and serving people's livelihood. Some A. PP collects and uses personal information, which is too broad in content and scope, and some information is not necessary for the development of safe, efficient, and convenient services. In fact, only those who are required to collect related services must not collect and do not collect information that cannot meet user service needs should be collected. Personal information collected in order to accumulate big data to accurately distribute advertisements and promote products is irrelevant to the current needs of users and exceeds the necessary limit for collection.
The text is intended to emphasize:.
[ "Mobile phone A. PP It is not necessary to collect a large amount of user information.", "Mobile phones A. PP should not collect information that has nothing to do with user needs.", "Mobile phones A. PP operators should limit the scope of information collection.", "Mobile phone A. PP brings many conveniences to people's daily life." ]
Basic research is the source of the entire scientific system and the foundation of building a strong country through science and technology. In 2018, China's total social research and experimental development (R & D. ) Funding was about 1.94 trillion yuan, and the total number of R & D personnel is expected to be 4.18 million. Reasonable allocation can achieve more. According to the 2017 Statistical Bulletin of National Science and Technology Funding Inputs, in 2017, China's basic research funding was 97.55 billion yuan, accounting for 5.5% of R & D. Although the scale and intensity have increased in recent years However, because the input intensity has been too low for a long time, the utilitarian nature of basic research resource allocation has been intensified, and the problem of lack of technology sources has become increasingly prominent. In the future, it is necessary to substantially strengthen the multi-input system of basic research to improve resource allocation and use efficiency.
Which is this text is most likely to tell next:.
[ "Problems in basic research in China.", "Progress made in basic research in China.", "How to solve the problem of missing technology sources.", "How to strengthen diversified investment in basic research." ]
The thickness of the ice cap of the Earth's Antarctic reaches 4.8 kilometers. The pressure of the ice layer can reduce the freezing point of the water. The temperature at the bottom of the ice cap can allow the existence of liquid water. The radar wave can detect the liquid water below the Antarctic ice cap. And it receives reflected echoes. Electromagnetic waves of different frequencies have different penetrating capabilities. The lower the frequency, the greater the depth of penetration. When the electromagnetic waves are transmitted down through the ice, they will be reflected back at the interface between different substances. Waves, such as the interface between ice and bedrock, water-containing sediment, and liquid water bodies, will all reflect echoes, and the radar will advance along the flight track to continuously measure and obtain underground images.
Which of the following statements is consistent with the original:.
[ "Radar is the most basic means of detecting underground objects.", "The frequency of electromagnetic waves is inversely proportional to the penetration depth.", "There must be life at the bottom of the Antarctic ice sheet.", "The reflection of the electromagnetic wave is the same between different materials." ]
Whether it is Douyin s slogan Recording a Better Life or Quick Hand s slogan Recording the World to Record You, we always emphasize the recording function of short videos. In this sense, short videos have similar functions to documentaries. From a micro perspective Judging from the fact that short videos record only some fragmented content, but from a macro perspective, short videos record the overall style of an era. Unlike documentaries, short video records are a jigsaw-like record that aggregates Yu collaged the fragmented records of ordinary individuals' moments in life, and combined the rich and diverse perspectives to record the overall style of an era.
The text is intended to emphasize:.
[ "Differences between short videos and documentaries.", "Both short videos and documentaries have recording capabilities.", "Short video records the overall look of an era.", "Short videos record fragmented content." ]
Ancient Chinese has a comprehensive education program in primary and secondary schools in China, and arts and other non-literary majors have reached the master's degree, but this lacks the necessary qualitative requirements. Although some universities continue to teach ancient Chinese, only As an elective course, the setting of foreign language courses runs from compulsory courses from the child stage to the master's and doctoral degrees. The imbalanced curriculum setting has caused serious imbalances in a foreign language and ancient Chinese teaching, leading to the trend of ancient Chinese The edge of teaching.
The point expressed in this passage is:.
[ "Ancient Chinese should be included as a compulsory course in the teaching of postgraduate students such as art.", "The ancient Chinese education plan for primary and secondary schools should be improved.", "Graduating foreign language compulsory courses for graduate students.", "Chinese teaching should be included as an elective course in art courses." ]
The four major human troubles are not only "life", "old", and "dead" that no one has escaped, and even "illness" cannot be eradicated. Mankind has its own invention of "medicine". "When the" medicine "is not very effective, the spirit, the guidance, and the wish (ancient psychotherapy) will regain its attractiveness (such as the internal dysfunction of the external dysfunction and the internal dysfunction of the external dysfunction. Out of desperate cancer patients), but they can't get rid of vassal status.
This passage aims to emphasize:.
[ "Some fundamental human troubles are inevitable.", "When \"medicine\" fails, humans turn to other methods.", "\"Medicine\" is the basic means of treating human disease.", "The relationship between \"disease\" and \"medicine\" is both opposite and interdependent." ]
In the course of more than 5,000 years of civilization development, the Chinese nation has created a broad and profound and splendid culture. At present, how to "live the cultural relics stored in the Forbidden Palace, the heritage displayed on the vast earth, and the words are written in ancient books" It has become a real problem that we must face. Imagine that if a traditional culture loses its connection with the times and lacks emotional communication and spiritual rapport with modern people, "only a few people admire each other in the study", that and one What's the difference between piles of scattered symbols and dull materials? Only by starting from "sleeping" and moving from "house world" to "big world" can we cultivate a more contemporary cultural confidence with innovative characteristics.
The text is intended to emphasize:.
[ "The Chinese nation has a broad and profound traditional culture.", "How to \"live\" cultural relics is a problem we must face.", "Cultural relics should go out of the closed state and open to the public.", "Traditional culture should strengthen its connection with the times." ]
Some people say that the fundamental problem hindering the process of urbanization in China is the underdevelopment of rural education. Even farmers with low levels of cultural knowledge can only engage in the simplest physical labor, and the higher the degree of urbanization, the lower the quality of labor. The requirements are also higher, and eventually, most of the farmers still have to withdraw from the cities. However, the backwardness of rural education is precisely the fault of the government, which must not be used to delay the household registration reform and urbanization.
The text is intended to emphasize:.
[ "Underdevelopment of rural education hinders China's urbanization.", "The degree of urbanization is directly proportional to the requirements for labor quality.", "Urbanization must not be delayed because of backward rural education.", "The backwardness of rural education is directly related to the government's fault." ]
When culture cannot express life, but suppresses it, the tension of life increases. At this time, it is necessary to change the old culture and create a new culture to re-express life. But the transformation of culture does not have to start with culture, sometimes, directly Expressing the tension and crisis of life, this expression itself forms a new culture.
The text mainly states:.
[ "One of the functions of culture is to express life.", "Culture can both express and suppress life.", "The conflict between life and culture may give birth to a new culture.", "Culture sometimes directly expresses the tension and crisis of life." ]
Like philosophers, writers do not directly question the meaning of life or the existence of the word universe, but through the specific fate of the characters, through the depiction of natural sceneries, to touch on deep metaphysical issues. On the surface, this seems to make us Stay away from metaphysics. In fact, this kind of emotional experience brings us closer to metaphysics.
The text mainly states:.
[ "Writers generally do not touch on deep metaphysical issues.", "Writers and philosophers have metaphysical thinking.", "The author's way of experiencing emotionally will keep us away from metaphysics.", "Writers help us approach metaphysics." ]
Reinforcement refers to the process and method of enhancing, weakening or eliminating a certain behavior by changing the stimulating factors of the environment. Among them, direct reinforcement refers to the process in which an individual is strengthened by directly showing the behavior that should be strengthened. Alternative reinforcement refers to the individual The process of being strengthened by observing the actions of others. Self-reinforcement refers to the process of strengthening an individual's behavior with a remuneration that he can control when his or her behavior reaches a set standard.
According to the above definitions, the following are alternative enhancements:.
[ "People and Clouds.", "Kill a hundred.", "On merit rewards.", "Small punishment and great commandment." ]
The two things have opposite characteristics in terms of nature, size, appearance, etc. When people recognize one thing, they think of the other from the opposite side. This kind of association is called contrast association.
Based on the above definitions, the following associations are used in the following verses:.
[ "Liu Yuxi's Wuyi Lane: \"In the old days, Wang Xietang swallowed up and flew into the homes of ordinary people. \".", "Su Shi's \"Niannujiao Chibi Nostalgia\": \"Going to the east of the river, the waves are gone, and the people of all ages are popular. On the west side of the old base, the humane is the Three Kingdoms Zhoulang Chibi. \".", "Li Yu, \"When is Yu Meiren's Spring Flowers and Autumn Moons?\": \"The carvings and jade blocks should still be there, but Zhu Yankai. How sad is it to ask Jun? It's like a river springs to the east. \".", "\"The Book of Songs Guan Guan\": \"Guan Guan Zhuo Qiu, in the river's continent, a lady, a gentleman is good. \"." ]
Inheritance refers to all the property and other property rights that can be inherited by the law when the inherited person dies. According to the relevant provisions of China's inheritance law, the inheritance must meet three characteristics: it must be the inheritance left at the death of the citizen; it must be an individual citizen Of all property; it must be legal property.
Based on the above definition, the following statements are true:.
[ "Li still has no word after one year's declaration of disappearance by the court, his personal property can be regarded as a heritage.", "After the death of Zhang, the common property of his husband and wife are not both of Zhang's legacy.", "Zhao said to his family that the more than ten thousand yuan gambling debts owed by Qian to his family can be used as his legacy.", "Wang died of an industrial injury, and his death benefit can be distributed as an inheritance." ]