The American Ornithology Foundation recently released the report `` The State of American Birds, '' and they believe that global warming is prompting birds to adjust their biological clocks and lay eggs earlier, and these changes will make these birds unable to make their own The progeny that break out of the shell provide enough food. For example, the blue-crowned tit mainly feeds on the larvae of moths and butterflies. The moth and butterfly's spawning time has not been advanced accordingly. Hunger continued for several days.
Which of the following, if true, would best support an appealing argument?
[ "UK's average temperature has been rising in the last 40 years.", "The laying period of many birds is indeed early.", "Blue-crowned tit rarely eats food other than larvae of moths and butterflies.", "Moths and butterflies have different spawning periods." ]
A new treatment for a disease has improved significantly in 68% of patients in 12-month clinical trials, of which 43% have recovered. However, the commonly used treatments can also be used within 12 months.38% of patients are completely cured. Because the new treatment mainly selects those with more severe symptoms, some people think that the new treatment is more effective than the commonly used treatment.
If the following are true, the most powerful questions that can be raised about these views are:.
[ "After the emergence of new therapies, patients with this disease still tend to use the original therapy.", "The disease is often severe in the early stages but is relatively easy to treat.", "Through lifestyle changes, many people can improve their condition and even recover even without medication.", "Common therapies use four drugs in combination, but the new therapy uses only two drugs." ]
If a city wants to build a garden or build a pond, there are the following four assumptions: a bridge is needed to build a pond; a garden cannot be built when a bridge is built; a tree must be planted to build a garden;.
Based on this it is impossible to introduce:.
[ "Finally, there is a pond.", "There must be a bridge in the end.", "There may be a garden in the end.", "Pond and garden cannot exist at the same time." ]
The characteristics of synthetic amino acids are different from the standard amino acids in 20, and the integration of these synthetic amino acids into proteins can systematically change the structure and biological characteristics of proteins. However, researchers have so far only been able to integrate one synthetic amino acid into one Protein, so you can only change one characteristic of a protein at a time.
Which of the following is a prerequisite for the above discussion?
[ "Changing the structure of a protein can change its biological characteristics.", "Researchers can only change the structure of one protein at a time.", "A synthetic amino acid can only change one structure of a protein.", "A synthetic amino acid can only change one characteristic of a protein." ]
A country's football magazine reported that the country's football league champions have been decided by fake balls for 30 years. The magazine also gave evidence that a player who asked not to be named told reporters that he and his teammates A $ 200,000 bribe was collected and they kicked a fake ball in a crucial match that eventually won another team; however, the president of the country's football league refuted the report.
If the following are true, what would best support the chairman:.
[ "The football magazine has published false reports on several occasions.", "The national football league has imposed severe penalties for fake kicks, so there are generally no fake kicks.", "Even if the fake kick event in that match is true, it cannot be concluded that the championship of the League A was decided through fake kicks, otherwise, the league will not be held for 30 years.", "Through a recent national investigation, there were no cases of fake balls affecting the ownership of the championship." ]
"Flash marriage" refers to the fact that men and women marry within half a year of love. A research institute has investigated all divorce cases tried by a city court. The results show that the proportion of flash marriage couples suing for divorce within three years is much higher than non-flash marriage couples. The research agency believes that flash marriage is an important reason for the current divorce of couples.
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?
[ "Survey finds that couples with the fastest divorce are often not flash couples.", "Agreement divorce cases handled by the civil affairs department accounted for 70% of the total number of divorce cases in the city.", "Survey shows that flash marriage couples have more harmonious relationships after marriage.", "Survey shows that couples who have been in a long relationship have a higher divorce rate than flash marriage couples." ]
Knowledge-skilled talents are people who have both a high level of professional theoretical knowledge and a high level of operational skills. They can use their theoretical knowledge to guide production practices, work creatively, and be distributed in high-tech industries. And emerging career areas.
According to the above definitions, Which of the following are knowledge-skilled talents:.
[ "Western-style pastry chef.", "Courier salesman.", "EMU driver.", "Color Matcher." ]
Community, as the basic unit of social life, refers to a regional living community composed of a certain number of residents, with internal interactions and cultural sustaining power. The region, population, organizational structure, and culture are the basic elements of community composition.
According to the above definitions, Which of the following belong to the community:.
[ "All patients in a hospital inpatient department.", "An industry with multiple local offices breaks.", "All rural residents living in a natural village.", "A sub-district office in charge of residential affairs." ]
The emergency plan refers to emergency management, command, rescue plan, etc. in the face of emergencies such as natural disasters, major accidents, environmental hazards, and man-made damage. It should generally be based on comprehensive disaster prevention planning. Public incidents refer to emergencies that occur suddenly, cause or may cause significant human death, property damage, damage to the ecological environment and serious social hazards, and endanger public safety.
Based on the above definitions, Which of the following successfully applied emergency plans are:.
[ "After the torrential flash flood erupted, City A immediately formulated a rescue plan to rescue the trapped people.", "Typhoon in Province B. Due to the accurate forecast of the meteorological department, the people prepared for protection in advance, and the overall loss was small.", "Sudden hostage hijacking in a kindergarten in C City, more than 50 teachers and children were trapped, rescue workers were in distress, and the crisis was successfully resolved with the collective wisdom.", "The accident of leakage of toxic chemicals in a large chemical factory suddenly occurred in Ding City, and the government immediately conducted public rescue and rescue in accordance with the planned plan." ]
Product improvement strategy is also called "product re-launch" strategy, that is, a certain part of the product will be significantly changed in order to attract new customers and maintain the marketing strategy of old customers.
According to the above definitions, Which of the following are not part of the product improvement strategy:.
[ "A TV station changed the hosting style of a show to increase ratings.", "An electronic watch manufacturer turns the electronic watch movement on a necklace into a necklace electronic watch.", "A fashion magazine agency changed the magazine from quarterly to monthly according to readers' requirements.", "A brand home power plant launched an air-conditioning trade-in event." ]
The epidemic is a common mental state, manifested by mutual infection or imitation of members of a society or group in the short term due to the pursuit of a certain lifestyle.
According to the above definitions, Which of the following are not epidemic phenomena:.
[ "There are young people full of cowboys everywhere in the street.", "When chatting online recently, many people are using the word \"囧\".", "Spring is here and many people go to the countryside.", "er the D. APEC meeting, many foreigners like Chinese costumes." ]
Geological heritage resources refer to precious, non-renewable, formed and developed and preserved due to internal and external dynamic geological effects during the long geological history of the earth's evolution. Develop and utilize natural heritage that generates economic value to enhance human current and future welfare.
According to the above definitions, Which of the following are geological heritage resources:.
[ "Geological monument established somewhere.", "Scenic caves in a certain place.", "Land and Resources Museum specializing in geological specimens.", "Grand Canal with a long history and beautiful scenery." ]
DM advertising is direct mail advertising, that is, sending promotional items to consumers, homes or companies through mailings, gifts, etc.
According to the above definitions, Which of the following are not DM advertisements:.
[ "Sunscreen lotion samples presented at cosmetics counters in department stores.", "Commercial property leaflets distributed on crowded streets.", "Coupon received from a large fast-food restaurant in an e-mail box.", "Two free mobile phone foils when you buy a mobile phone at an electronics store." ]
Climate geomorphology is a discipline that studies the formation and evolution of geomorphology under different climate conditions and is an important branch of geomorphology. Climate geomorphology mainly studies various physical, chemical, and biological factors that reflect the causes of climate geomorphology; The development process of various landforms under different climatic conditions.
According to the above definitions, Which of the following are not included in the scope of climate geomorphology:.
[ "how to divide the global cold regions, mid-latitude forest regions, arid regions, and hot and humid regions.", "Why do glacial areas and desert areas only appear in certain climate zones?", "Characteristics of the landform shaping process in mid-latitude forest areas.", "Climate characteristics and changes in various periods since the formation of the earth and in the future." ]
Aversion therapy is a way to help people combine the behavior or symptoms that they want to quit, with some kind of disgusting behavior or punitive stimulus, and achieve the purpose of a or reducing the behavior through the aversion type conditioning.
According to the above definitions, Which of the following are aversion therapy:.
[ "Xiao Wang is fat and still likes to eat chocolate. His friends suggested that he would get tired once and lose interest in chocolate in the future.", "Xiao Zhou is afraid of the sound of a finger scratching the whiteboard. The therapist uses a tape recorder to continuously play this sound all day to reduce Xiao Zhou's fear.", "Lao Zhao does not like to do housework and drinks, his wife stipulates that as long as he is drunk, he must take care of all the housework the next day.", "Lao Wu wants to quit smoking. Every time he wants to smoke, he keeps meditating in his heart, \"Smoking is unhealthy. \"." ]
Hallucinations refer to a kind of real and vivid perception without objective stimuli acting on the corresponding senses. Hallucinations are a type of perceptual disorder. They mainly include hallucinations, hallucinations, hallucinations, etc. , and they mostly occur in mental illness Under normal conditions, normal people may also appear under conditions such as tension, fatigue, and high fever.
According to the above definitions, Which of the following are hallucinations:.
[ "The patient perceives the clouds in the sky like a flying fairy through imagination.", "The sun tends to look bigger in the morning than at noon.", "When timid Xiaolu was walking at night, he saw trees in the distance and thought it was a robber.", "As soon as mom left for work, Xiaofeng watched TV at home, but always felt that she heard her mother's footsteps from time to time." ]
There are 7 children in someone's house, from big to small: A. B, C, D, E, F, G, A have three sisters; B has an older brother; C is a girl, she has two sisters; D has Two younger brothers; F is also a girl.
It can be inferred from this:.
[ "A is a girl.", "B is a girl.", "D is a boy.", "E is a boy." ]
A newspaper with a very large circulation actually stopped publishing because the readers it had were older men with low socioeconomic status, and this segment of the population had low consumption power, so the advertising effect was very unsatisfactory, making advertisers lose confidence in it Without the advertiser, it can no longer be done.
From this we can infer:.
[ "Distribution is not the only condition for newspapers to earn advertising revenue.", "Newspaper circulation is not attractive to advertisers.", "Women prefer advertising over men.", "Relying on advertising revenue to run newspapers is not conducive to the development of the newspaper industry." ]
University of Oklahoma State University professor Michael Caspari said a previous survey showed that global warming can mutate ants, and their length will be one-third of the length before the mutation. He warned: Smaller ants reproduce faster and expand their territory more easily, so the number of ants will increase dramatically in the context of global warming.
From this we can infer:.
[ "Ant reproduction is closely related to heredity and temperature.", "Individual ants are more adapted to high-temperature environments.", "Global warming will reduce the number of big ants.", "The number of ants will not increase if global temperatures no longer rise." ]
There are many creative inventions that are produced or practically used in war. Therefore, some people claim that war is a necessary link to promote the progress of human society.
If the following items are true, which of the following can most refute the above view is:.
[ "War can cause irreparable harm to humanity.", "Creativity and invention in war are not very useful in daily life.", "Good external conditions in peaceful times are more conducive to scientific and technological exchanges and integration of ideas.", "A good science and technology atmosphere in peacetime is more conducive to the creation and practical application of creative inventions." ]
A polygraph has been shown to be sometimes deceived. If the subject does not know that he is lying, when he actually tells a lie, the polygraph is worthless.
According to this:.
[ "Polygraphs are often inaccurate.", "Polygraph is of little value in design.", "Some liars can easily fool a polygraph.", "Polygraphs sometimes require the subjective judgment of the user." ]
An American zoologist put a large mirror in front of a chimpanzee's cage to observe their response. They can recognize themselves from the mirror and often look for the part of their body that they can't usually see in the mirror. Close relatives have no such ability.
From this we can infer:.
[ "Chimpanzees are more capable than gorillas in some ways.", "Chimpanzees and gorillas are closer, but they still have better intelligence.", "This ability of the chimpanzee is related to the environment in which it lives.", "There are other animals in the animal kingdom that have this ability." ]
Aggressive children are prone to an aggressive behavior after taking too much sugar, so doctors in the United States often use sugar reduction methods to treat children with aggressive behavior.
From this we can infer:.
[ "Banning children from sugar is the best way to treat children's tendency to attack.", "Changing people's behavior can sometimes be achieved by changing their diet.", "Children who eat more sugar are more aggressive.", "The sweetness of sugar can stimulate people's aggressiveness." ]
A research survey shows that in the general population, people who sleep less than 4 hours a night are at a 73% higher risk of developing obesity than those who sleep 7-7 hours a night, compared with an average daily People who sleep for only five hours have a 50% higher risk. The researchers, therefore, concluded that lack of sleep can easily make people obese.
If the following are true, the above conclusions are most supported:.
[ "Lack of sleep is associated with an increased incidence of diabetes, and most people with diabetes are obese.", "Lack of sleep can easily lead to chronic fatigue syndrome, which makes people unwilling to participate in physical exercise.", "People with insufficient sleep have the same diet and exercise habits as those who sleep between 7 and 9 hours a night.", "Insufficient sleep can lead to a decrease in the concentration of lipoproteins in the human body, which has the function of suppressing appetite." ]
Recently affected by abnormal weather, the grape production in Turpan has been reduced, and the price has increased by 50% compared with the same period last year, which has greatly increased the cost of the winemaking industry. It is estimated that the price of wine will increase significantly from last year.
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the above point:.
[ "The wine production process has been greatly improved in recent years.", "The price of grapes last year was the lowest ever.", "Climate has less impact on grape production than experts estimate.", "In addition to Turpan, grapes can also be provided in other regions." ]
The factors that affect the nutrition and pharmacological quality of tea, in addition to the content of trace elements and the soil components in the tea-producing area, the amino acid content of its main components is closely related to meteorological conditions. Research analysis shows that the amino acid content of fresh leaves is related to the temperature during the tea harvest period, sunshine It is negatively correlated with precipitation and air relative humidity.
If the following are true, the conclusions that can weaken the above analysis are:.
[ "Most regions in northern China have low temperatures and little rain in spring, and tea grows slowly.", "Alpine cloud mist tea increases with increasing latitude.", "Famous teas are mostly grown in clouds, humid air, and mild climates.", "In the Pingchuan area in summer, the sunshine time is long, the rainfall is abundant, and the amino acid content of fresh leaves increases." ]
The psychological contract refers to the implicit responsibilities and expectations of the two parties between the individual and the organization that is not expressly stipulated.
According to the above definition, which of the following is measures to establish a psychological contract?
[ "In order to increase employee motivation, the best monthly performers can enjoy double pay.", "To resolve employee worries, sign lifetime contracts with outstanding employees.", "In order to attract outstanding talents, promise to provide employees with interest-free loans for housing purchases.", "Combining the company's development blueprint to provide employees with career design." ]
Hospice care refers to providing medical, nursing, psychological, social and other multi-faceted care for end-of-life patients so that each patient's life is respected, symptoms are controlled, and quality of life is improved.
Based on the above definitions, which of the following is not considered hospice?
[ "Lao Zhao has advanced liver cancer, and doctors do their best to treat it and extend their life at all costs.", "Pharaoh hopes to return to his hometown in the late stages of renal failure, he was agreed to be discharged after receiving pain management.", "Lao Li's late stage of leukemia, doctors treat him conservatively, with appropriate painting and music therapy.", "Old Liu has advanced gastric cancer, and a university organizes volunteers to chat with him every day." ]
The confession arbitrariness rule means that only true statements based on the free will of a criminal suspect, confessing guilt, have the power of evidence.
According to the above definition, which of the following is practices that comply with the confession arbitrariness rule?
[ "Interrogation should be suspended to avoid false statements.", "The guilty statement of the suspect must be consistent with the collected evidence.", "The criminal suspect claims that he is not guilty and can not bear the burden of proof.", "Condition of light punishment in exchange for a guilty plea of the criminal suspect." ]
Imprint learning refers to learning behaviors that occur in the early stages of animal life and are formed by direct impressions. Although imprint learning behaviors occur early, they also have a certain impact on later behaviors.
According to the above definitions, which of the following is not imprinted learning behaviors?
[ "The sheep approaches and tries to stay with the owner who has fed it.", "Zebra finches fed by people will court their fingers.", "Ewe marks her offspring with tongue lamb.", "A newborn mallard follows a moving object." ]
The survey shows that 59.4% of the public feel that the phenomenon of "reverse elimination" is widespread in the current society, and 18.8% of them feel "very much. " The so-called "reverse elimination", in short, means that bad elimination is good, and poor quality is eliminated Outstanding, mediocre elimination and other phenomena.
According to the above definition, which of the following is the following is the phenomenon of reverse elimination?
[ "A company has a leading satellite phone technology with high voice quality and wide coverage, but the maintenance cost of the technology is high. Later the company made ends meet and declared bankruptcy.", "Some expensive cough medicines in the market are not as effective as commonly used medicines at low prices, but in fact, commonly used medicines have a small market share.", "Many companies have people who complain about their work. As a result, any company that has complained about their work must be more successful than a company without such people.", "A graduated from a prestigious university and B who graduated from an ordinary university entered a well-known international company at the same time, but A has not been promoted, but B has gradually been recognized by the company." ]
Reverse service is after the product (service) is sold, the company provides customers with services to realize the value of the product (service).
According to the above definitions, which of the following is are not reverse services?
[ "A telecom operator launched a preferential activity of \"send phone calls to send mobile phones\".", "An air conditioner manufacturer provides customers with free on-site repair services for life.", "An online store can offer free returns and exchanges within 7 days after the sale of goods.", "A car 4S shop provides customers with second-hand car valuation and transfer services." ]
Some products are carefully designed to make the products convenient and efficient, can bring customers a sense of comfort, and do not need to read complicated instructions or ask others for help when using them. Some products, on the contrary, do not take into account the user's habits and needs. People will encounter difficulties or puzzles during use. This type of product is known as the Norman product.
According to the above definition, which of the following is Norman products?
[ "The quality of the bottom pulley of a large wooden wardrobe is poor, and it is difficult for users to pull the door open.", "It is difficult to clear a certain online game. Many players ask for help online to crack the levels.", "The shape and size of the car radio button and other device switches are the same, it is difficult for users to distinguish which one is the radio button.", "There is a 300-page manual attached to the precision experimental equipment of a technology company. Most people think that there are too many terms in it and it is difficult to read." ]
Self-construction refers to an individual's behavioral performance to show that he is consistent with the established social identity or social image in the minds of others.
According to the above definition, which of the following is self-constructed?
[ "The 16-year-old girl Huan Huan often imitates the performances of Repertory Theatre actors and gets up early to practice as she does. She herself hopes to become a play actor in the future.", "A company set a corporate mission to serve society at the beginning of its establishment. Later, it established a number of hope primary schools in remote mountain areas, which established a good image of the company's enthusiasm for social welfare.", "Some entrepreneurs often wear expensive suits and sit in limousines. Some people think this is \"show off their wealth\", but they think that if it is not the case, they will not be recognized by their peers.", "Different airlines require our flight attendants to wear different uniforms. They think that the image of employees will affect the company's image in the minds of passengers." ]
Agricultural subsidies usually refer to the financial or financial support provided by the government of a country's agricultural product producers or operators, including cash subsidies, price support or other preferential policies to make its agricultural products in the international, domestic market and Gain a competitive advantage over similar subsidized products.
According to the above definition, which of the following is agricultural subsidies?
[ "In order to stabilize the price of agricultural products, in addition to the reduction and exemption policy of the stall rent of the farmers' market operators, a city government also stipulates that if the stall rent is lower than the specified amount, the operator can be granted a subsidy ranging from 10% to 40%.", "In the market of country A. the government purchases corn grown by farmers at a price higher than the international market and sells it at a low price to encourage farmers to plant corn. A company in the country uses corn as the main feed to cultivate broiler chickens and then exports it to country B in large quantities.", "Area A is mainly grassland, and the grassland is degraded due to overgrazing. According to the situation in the area, the national government grants herders 8 to 10 years of subsidies and asks them to reduce the livestock and livestock raised, which leads to higher prices of beef and lamb in the market Up.", "The government of a country matches the farmers and the Rice Research Institute so that farmers in the country plant new varieties of rice. The quality and yield of this type of rice has been greatly improved, making the country's rice export prices almost the same as those on the international market." ]
Policy loss refers to the loss caused by the state price limit in the process of producing and operating a certain commodity in order to ensure the coordinated development of the national economy and the stability of people's lives. Such losses are reasonably compensated by the financial department after review.
According to the above definition, which of the following is policy losses?
[ "In 2012, the direct subsidy for a certain grain increased to 120 yuan per mu, and the subsidy funds will be distributed to the grain farmers through the \"Provincial Finance Agricultural subsidy one book pass\" to compensate the farmers for the increased grain cost.", "The state has issued a policy to increase the minimum wheat purchase protection price. A grain and oil company snapped up wheat in order to explore the market, and sold a large amount of flour below the market price, resulting in losses.", "In order to achieve the goal of agricultural modernization, the government increased its capital investment in agricultural production and transformation. Under this situation, an agricultural machinery company expanded its production scale and caused losses, and received tax refund compensation.", "Grain purchase and sale enterprises in a county in the process of parity grains and oils regulated by the government, due to high national grain protection prices but low sales prices of grain and oil products, the financial department gave a fixed subsidy." ]
Evaporative cooling refers to the fact that a liquid absorbs heat during the process of evaporation into a gas, thereby reducing the surrounding temperature to achieve a cooling effect. The evaporative cooling effect refers to the value of a group in a social group composed of people with the same purpose or similar interests. The overall temperature is similar. When higher value members leave the community, the average value of the community itself will decrease.
According to the above definition, which of the following is evaporative cooling effects?
[ "After the head of a hip-hop club of a college graduated and left school, the club did not get a better place in the hip-hop competition.", "A singer of a well-known pop music singing group died unexpectedly, and a large number of fans believe that the singer's departure caused the group's overall singing level to be greatly reduced.", "Some teachers of an educational institution left the institution to start their own education company, making the situation of the institution's competition in the market more severe.", "The number of film review groups on a social networking site was small at the beginning and the quality of film reviews was high. Later, a large number of people joined this group to upload film reviews, which reduced the overall quality of film reviews here." ]
Freelance mode refers to the conversion of some people's wisdom, knowledge, abilities, and experience into actual gains through the Internet. They solve problems in science, technology, work, work, and learning on the Internet to allow knowledge, experience, and skills. Generate economic value.
Based on the above definitions, which of the following is a freelance model?
[ "A non-profit website set up by a college student to answer primary and middle school students' free questions have been well received by students and parents. A local educational institution sponsored the expansion of this website to help more students.", "An IT technician started a small company in his spare time, mainly helping others repair computers remotely on the network.", "A university graduate opened a clothing store on a B2C website and used his network resources to make the online store quickly profitable.", "The photographic work on a film artist's personal website attracted a large number of netizens to browse and forward it. Later, the photographer relied on publishing photographic equipment ads on the website to bring a lot of income." ]
The traditional view is that although the depleted uranium used to make depleted uranium bombs is low in time, it can still cause damage to human chromosomes, which can cause tumors or cancer. However, in a recent study, researchers reported that veterans exposed to depleted uranium bombs were discharged. The blood cells of the veterans have been studied. So far, no chromosome breaks and duplications have been detected, and no negative health effects caused by exposure to depleted uranium bombs have been found. Therefore, relevant researchers believe that low-depleted uranium depleted bombs will not be harmful to human health Make an impact.
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken a researcher's conclusion?
[ "Residents of a certain place have filed a lawsuit with the court, claiming that the country's military test of depleted uranium bombs has affected the health of the residents of the place.", "Many image experts in the world are working to solve the radioactivity problem of depleted uranium bombs.", "Data show that the offspring of these veterans have a higher rate of birth defects than normal.", "People who have not been exposed to depleted uranium bombs can also have tumors or cancer." ]
The media have powerful and irresistible power. The information they convey is like a bullet hits the body and the medicament is injected into the skin on the recipient. The audience is completely passive, waiting passively and receiving various ideas infused by the media. , Feelings, knowledge, personality differences of the audience's response to the information provided by the mass media can be ignored.
If the following are true, what will most weaken the above point?
[ "A person must inevitably cause a specific response to a specific stimulus.", "Adhering to the needs of readers does not create maximum benefits for the audience.", "Society is generally worried about the vulgarization of TV programs.", "Abolition of the film rating system has not affected the number and composition of its audience." ]
Researchers have bred some kind of fry in normal seawater and seawater containing twice the carbon dioxide concentration. The fry grows up and is put into a maze. Whenever they encounter obstacles, the fish that hatch in normal seawater will choose the right one, However, fish that hatch under high carbon dioxide concentrations randomly choose to turn left or right, so that this fish has less chance of survival when it encounters natural enemies. Therefore, researchers believe that in high carbon dioxide environments Hatching fish will weaken their ability to survive.
Which of the following, if true, cannot support that conclusion?
[ "About one-third of the carbon dioxide produced by humans burning fossil fuels is absorbed by the oceans on Earth, which makes the seawater gradually acidify, which will soften the shell and bones of marine life.", "Low oxygen levels in marine areas with high levels of carbon dioxide. Less oxygen makes it difficult for marine life to breathe, foraging, avoiding predators, and breeding offspring become more difficult.", "Carbon dioxide is an important nutrient for many marine plants. They convert the carbon dioxide absorbed by the leaves and the water transported by the roots into sugar, starch, and oxygen under sunlight.", "The clownfish juveniles are raised in seawater with high carbon dioxide concentration, and the sounds made by natural enemies are played. As a result, the group of small fishes cannot hear the sound." ]
The researchers completed two memory experiments. In the first experiment, the participants learned 40 groups of words. In the second experiment, the participants learned a series of finger signals. In both experiments, only half of the participants were told that they would be tested after 10 hours. All participants on the test will be tested. Only a part of the participants will take a nap between learning and testing. It was found that the participants in the sleeping group performed better than those who did not sleep; participants who were told to test in advance The test scores were also high, so researchers believe that sleep helps the brain store memory information that will be useful in the future.
If the following are true, which of the following is the most rebuttable conclusion?
[ "The participants in Experiment 1 are all young people with good memory and studying in a language major.", "Some participants who were told to take the test did not fall asleep when they were napping, and they unconsciously reviewed what they had learned in their brains.", "Participants who arrange napping time are younger teenagers, and it is well known that people have a better memory in their teenage years.", "Some of the participants who took a nap in Experiment 2 took the test with a relaxed attitude and achieved good results." ]
The affluent generation of Chinese parents is still in the "primary stage" of family education. They are accustomed to satisfying material desires, and "snatch away" with money to help children "win at the starting line. " Let go to express your love for children and the importance of education. Happiness is really simple for a simple child. Caring parents do n’t have so many expectations and requirements, let go of their anxiety, not so much for the society, the system, the grievances of others, simply stay with the children, create a safer environment for them, and spend a happy and beautiful day together.
Can it be launched from this?
[ "Caring for children will bring them more happiness than money.", "Letting children \"win at the starting line\" is a wrong idea.", "Satisfying the child's material desires is also a way to love children.", "Children want their parents to accompany rather than send them to cram school." ]
A unit will evaluate all employees at the end of the year, and there are five awards, including the best professional award, the best creative award, the best collaboration award, the best writing award, and the star award of the year. The annual star award can no longer select the best creative award and the best professional award; if the collaborative award is selected, the writing award can no longer be obtained; if the professional award is selected, the collaborative award can no longer be obtained. Each person can get up to two awards There are a total of 3 employees in the Comprehensive Department, all of which have won all awards, but each award is different. It is known that Employee A received the Star Award, and some of Employee B and Employee C received the Writing Award.
It follows that the following guess must be correct?
[ "If B wins the writing award, he also receives a professional award.", "If B wins the collaboration award, B and C each receive two awards.", "If B wins the Writing Award and the Creativity Award, then A must receive only one award.", "If C wins the collaboration award, then B must not win the professional award." ]
Tree branches and the stalks of many plants often contain large amounts of difficult-to-decompose lignin, so the efficiency of using them to refine biofuels is greatly reduced. Currently, a bacterium called Rhodococcus is found. The ability of lignin in other plants, therefore, it is believed that Rhodococcus can be widely used in previously discarded stalks, thereby greatly improving the utilization of biofuels.
Which of the following, if true, would best support the above conclusion?
[ "Rhodococcus can secrete an enzyme that has the ability to decompose lignin, it seems that its secretory ability shows periodic cross-talk.", "Some fungi also have the ability to break down lignin, and studies have found that the growth of these fungi requires specific temperatures and humidity.", "Rhodococcus is easy to culture. Currently, Rhodococcus has been genetically sequenced, so Rhodococcus can be used to produce lignin-degrading enzymes on a large scale.", "Lignin is a high-quality polymer material. So far, more than 95% of the essential elements have been directly discharged into the river or concentrated and burned, and rarely used effectively." ]
All wars and confusions occur when there is no negotiation and no reason to speak. Reasoning and negotiation are inseparable from language. However, where there is no language, there is automatic reasoning. Where there is language, there must be freedom to have it. Reasonable.
Can it be launched from this?
[ "All wars and chaos occur because there is no freedom.", "Not all wars and chaos occur when negotiation is unreasonable and unreasonable.", "Without freedom and reason, war and chaos may occur.", "Where there are language and freedom, there is no war." ]
Scientists have found that childhood exposure to bacteria and germs is one of the main reasons for the dramatic increase in diabetes cases in people under the age of 5 in recent years, and that children living in rural areas have more opportunities to interact with pets due to earlier exposure to infectious substances The chances of getting rid of allergies, asthma, and eczema are very low, so an environment that destroys bacteria too thoroughly may actually harm children's health.
Which of the following, if true, would strongly support the above conclusion?
[ "Newborn baby's body and body are sterile, but after starting to drink milk and drinking water, the bacteria will take the opportunity to enter the body.", "Bacteria on human skin mostly protect and create a unique body odor for everyone.", "Most bacteria are good for your health, and people's health and longevity cannot be separated from normal flora.", "Many harmful bacteria are usually safe with the human body. When the body's immunity decreases, the bacteria begin to invade the human body." ]
Researchers believe that obesity is related to the parasitism of certain microorganisms that can produce specific gases in the human body. These microorganisms make the breath they exhale more unpleasant. The CS Medical Center in Los Angeles, California analyzed the breath of 792 physical examiners and found that exhaled methane and hydrogen The high-bodied person has a height and body mass index (BMI) 2.4 points higher than that of normal people, which means that they are obese.
Cannot be inferred from the above description:.
[ "Fatty people may be parasitic in certain gas-producing microorganisms.", "Whether the breather is obese can be determined by whether the gas is difficult to treat.", "People with high methane and hydrogen content in exhaled breath are fatter than normal people.", "The mixture of methane and hydrogen tastes bad." ]
Low-calorie foods are foods that contain smaller carbohydrates such as starch and sugars. By eating low-calorie foods, you can effectively control your energy intake and prevent excess energy from being stored in the body in the form of fat. If your weight is already heavy People who eat low-calorie foods can achieve weight loss while maintaining satiety. In addition, many people believe that low-calorie foods are also very beneficial for patients with diabetes.
Which of the following is true and best supports the above inference?
[ "Changing to low-calorie foods needs to be carried out gradually, otherwise, it will cause metabolic disorders in the body.", "Studies show that a low-calorie diet can reduce fat deposition in the pancreas and restore insulin secretion.", "Low-calorie food can appropriately increase the amount of food to satisfy satiety and enjoy the pleasure of fullness.", "Low-calorie foods can reduce the weight of people who are overweight or diabetic but need to be supplemented with other nutrients." ]
Carbon credit, also known as carbon right, means that under the conditions of certification by the United Nations or a United Nations-recognized emission reduction organization, a country or enterprise reduces carbon emissions by increasing energy use efficiency, reducing pollution or reducing development, so that it can enter the carbon trading market. A unit of carbon emissions measurement, one carbon credit is equivalent to one ton of carbon dioxide emissions.
The carbon emissions of a coal-fired power plant last year exceeded the standard. According to the above definition, the corresponding practice of the power plant does not include:.
[ "Relocate the plant from the suburbs of the city to the seafood side.", "Reduce the total power generation of the plant throughout the year.", "Improve equipment to improve heat source conversion efficiency.", "Buy carbon credits to achieve emissions standards." ]
Administrative inaction is an administrative illegal act by an administrative organ for a qualified application of a citizen, legal person, or other organization that should perform a certain act or performs a certain statutory duty, but refuses to perform or delay the performance without justified reasons.
According to the above definitions, the actions of administrative organs in the following options are not administrative inactions:.
[ "Wang asked the local transportation bureau to inform about the car maintenance fee-charging standards, but he did not reply for three months.", "Chen worked for a city construction bureau for many years and met the application for title evaluation, and the application for title evaluation was rejected.", "Lin complained that a city pharmaceutical company sold counterfeit drugs, and a city drug regulatory bureau rejected it because it was not in charge.", "He was injured because of stopping the construction of illegal buildings, and the public security organs ignored the illegal buildings." ]
Anti-social personality crimes are crimes committed by perpetrators based on anti-social metamorphosis. Perpetrators are characterized by ① no obvious defects in intelligence and mentality, no delusions or other thinking obstacles; ② most have inferior records, how many Second, there are many types of disciplinary, illegal, and criminal behaviors; ③ impulsive behavior, lack of thoughtfulness and clear motivation; ④ no regret and self-blame, after the correction or serving a sentence, the crime is still as usual, and it is difficult to control.
Which of the following options are correct for the mental intelligence of the perpetrators. Among them, the ones that best meet the characteristics of anti-social personality crime are:.
[ "Chen often suspects that someone is tracking himself, and Li will stab himself after walking one day after work.", "Lin was late for work many times and was scolded by the leader in public. Lin felt humiliated and severely injured the leader.", "Wu has a history of theft, and one day he was robbed from work, and the robber was disabled in the fight with the robber.", "Wang strolled on the street and suddenly stabbed a stranger, Guo, and then smashed a car parked on the side of the road." ]
"Citizen participation" is a planned action. It allows citizens to participate in the administrative decision-making process and prevents and resolves the relationship between citizens and government agencies and development units, citizens and citizens through two-way communication between government departments and the public. conflict.
Which of the following options does not conform to the above definition?
[ "A city's propaganda department issued a proposal calling on all citizens to \"green travel\", and 100,000 people responded to support.", "A municipal government publicly proposed a new landfill site selection plan and deferred after receiving 100,000 objections.", "A county government plans to introduce two tea seed oil production lines in the industrial park, and organize a discussion among nearby villagers.", "Residents have repeatedly complained to a city's people's congress on the approval of the project by the Planning Bureau, and the project was stopped before implementation." ]
The principle of proximate cause is that the insurer assumes insurance liability for losses caused by the insured incident that is the direct and closest cause, and is not liable for losses caused by causes outside the scope of insurance. According to this principle, liability is not It depends on the proximity in time or space, but on whether the risk accident leading to the loss of the subject-matter insured is within the scope of coverage. If there are multiple reasons for the loss of insurance, the most direct and effective is the determining factor, and The cause of the unavoidable accident is the proximate cause.
According to the above definition, Which of the following reasons are not proximate:.
[ "Zhang accidentally fell while hunting at night, and died of pneumonia caused by a cold while waiting for rescue. The cause of his death was a fall.", "Wang's insurance vehicle suffered from heavy rain soaking into the cylinder, and the engine was damaged when he forced to start the vehicle. The reason for the damage was heavy rain.", "Storm call pole collapsed, a short circuit caused sparks to ignite the warehouse, inventory goods burned out, and the loss was due to the storm.", "Water entering the ship, the water contained in the leather rots, and the rotting odor causes the tobacco in the adjacent cabin to deteriorate. The reason for the damage to the ship is the water entering the ship." ]
The environmental mark is also called the green mark and ecological mark. It means that a government department or public organization issues a certificate to the relevant manufacturer according to certain environmental standards to prove that the production, use, and disposal of its products all meet environmental protection requirements, which is harmless or harmful to the environment. A specific mark that is very rare and is also conducive to the regeneration and recycling of resources. The only certification body for environmental labels in China is the China Environmental Product Certification Committee and its secretariat.
According to the above definition, Which of the following options do not meet the requirements of environmental labeling:.
[ "Company A's products are not within the scope of China's environmental labeling product certification, but it still has the right to report to the certification body an environmental labeling product category proposal form.", "Sports shoes produced by Company C received environmental label certification in 2012. According to the timeliness of the environmental label, the label still needs to apply for environmental label certification after 3 years.", "Company B's pollutant emissions do not meet national emission standards, but as long as its energy-saving fluorescent lamps meet the certification conditions, its products can still obtain environmental label certification.", "The company has the right to use the certified environmental label graphics on its products and packaging that have obtained environmental label certification, and it can also use the graphics in advertising of certified products." ]
The elements of poverty include not only indicators of material and income levels, but also capacity indicators, that is, the deprivation of basic human capabilities and rights. Poverty in rights is a state of poverty that lacks basic human rights in politics, economy, culture, and society. Poverty in rights is the core of poverty Material poverty is a specific manifestation of poverty, and rights poverty is the root cause of material poverty.
According to the above definition, Which of the following options are not considered to be rights-poor:.
[ "Zhang graduated from university and became a member of the \"ant family\" in Beijing with low income.", "Xin's house was forcibly demolished, leaving a family without a place of residence. His complaint was repeatedly detained during the petition.", "Li worked in a private company in Shenzhen for many years, but lost his ability to work due to an injury, but he did not receive any compensation.", "Wang was kindly rescued but was blackmailed because he had no evidence to prove innocent and was ordered to bear all medical expenses." ]
Transaction cost refers to the sum of various resources that need to be paid to reach cooperation in transactional activities such as negotiation, negotiation, and performance of agreements. As long as transaction activities exist, transaction costs exist, and it has become an integral part of human society.
Which of the following options are not part of transaction costs:.
[ "It took two days for a company to search for transaction information.", "Pharaoh paid 5,000 yuan to the agent for the contract in the purchase of the house.", "A factory spends 500,000 yuan to purchase patents in order to develop production.", "A company pays five million yuan for breach of contract." ]
Social dialect is a language variant formed by the different nature of social groups. It is a language used in a social group, social class or subcultural group. It is composed of different occupations, social status, political beliefs, and education. Degree factors or the linguistic differences formed by the community communication habits of these factors. The main differences are the language style and expression, and the use of some special words.
According to the above definition, Which of the following options are not part of the social dialect:.
[ "Noble language.", "Student cavity.", "Legal terms.", "Hakka." ]
Symbols are markers that people collectively agree to refer to a certain object. It can include all phenomena that show meaning in any form through feeling. In these phenomena, something that can be felt is the embodiment of the object's meaning.
According to the definition above, Which of the following options are consistent:.
[ "Tongue coating observed during TCM diagnosis.", "Compass used by people in the wild.", "Traffic lights for crossroads.", "The smell of human body when search-and-rescue dog rescue people." ]
A new U. S. study has found that the rhythm of the human body's physiological response is consistent with the day and night, and once this rhythm is disrupted, the immune system's resistance to disease will decrease.
If the following are true, the above view can be weakened most:.
[ "Jets to different time zones are prone to headaches and nausea.", "Staying up late can cause excessive gastric acid secretion and induce gastric ulcer.", "Drinking plenty of water immediately after long-distance running can easily destroy the metabolic balance in the body and cause disease.", "Patients with birth defects of the immune system, even with a normal diet, have a high probability." ]
The study found that small changes in water temperature in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans are closely related to the area of fires in the Amazon rainforest area in South America. Building a mathematical model of this relationship can be used to predict fire conditions in the Amazon rainforest area in the coming year.
Which of the following, if true, would best support this view?
[ "Atlantic seawater temperature rises by 0.2 ° C, and the area under fire in the Amazon rainforest increases by 11% the following year.", "Increased seawater temperature will cause water evaporation, resulting in reduced precipitation, drought or fire.", "Although seawater temperature changes are small, they may have important impacts on tropical rainforest ecosystems.", "Water temperature in the Arctic Ocean and other areas can predict the incidence and area of Siberian rain forest fires nearby." ]
Mosquitoes can transmit a variety of diseases, such as malaria, filariasis, Japanese encephalitis, etc. Some people worry that when a mosquito bites an HIV-infected person, the HIV present in the mosquito will be transmitted from person to person when it bites the next person. Researchers point out that such fears are unnecessary.
If the following are true, which most supports the researcher's point is:.
[ "HIV-infected people do not always have high levels of HIV in their bloodstream.", "Mosquito bites HIV-infected person may not immediately bite the next person.", "Mosquitoes inhale blood through the esophagus, this blood inhalation is always one-way.", "Children are susceptible to mosquito bites, but they rarely have HIV infections." ]
Researchers have discovered that bacteria are like simplified versions of humans. They have self-awareness, have their own language, live in groups, make friends and make enemies, like to peek into the privacy of neighbors, and pass on rumors, even kill hands and feet. Each of them performs their duties and cooperates with each other to promote the stability of the club.
If the following are true, the above questions can be questioned most:.
[ "By releasing a substance, bacteria can call cluster members to perform various tasks.", "Bacterial life is extremely monotonous. Instead of eating alone, you are self-reproducing.", "Newly developed drugs that block bacterial communication can replace common antibiotics.", "Cholera, pneumonia, and food poisoning are actually the consequences of the accumulation of various bacteria." ]
Science is the process of continuously approaching the truth, and we are convinced that a large part of the unquestionable things will expire, and all who understand this understand that the constant update of knowledge in the development process is the right way for scientific progress. However, this process sometimes Confusing and disturbing.
If the following are true, the above questions can be questioned most:.
[ "Should babies sleep on their backs or on their backs? Is it safe for pregnant women to smoke and drink? The answer is different from one generation to the next.", "Medical school teachers will tell students that half of what they have learned in five years will not apply.", "I always thought the name \"Thunder Dragon\" was correct, but then I realized that there is no Thunder Dragon at all.", "Smoking is harmful to health is confirmed by a lot of scientific research and facts, this conclusion is difficult to change so far." ]
Mineral exploration personnel have observed that although different colors and shapes of mineral crystals have different names and appearances, they may be crystals of the same chemical composition under different physical and chemical conditions, and generally have different structures. Physical characteristics: So different mineral types can have the same chemical composition.
Which of the following options best support the above assertions:.
[ "Carbon dioxide and dry ice have different names and appearances.", "Mineral crystals of different colors change color when exposed to air.", "Analytical instruments can quickly determine the chemical composition of mineral crystals.", "Silica can have 12 different mineral crystals." ]
Psychological studies abroad have shown that when you encounter someone who offends you, if you choose to forgive the offender, the offender will be more likely to feel psychological remorse and have internal guilt. Therefore, the possibility of similar offensive behavior occurring Will be greatly reduced.
Based on the above points, we can introduce:.
[ "Offenders forgiving offenders may help to influence offenders.", "If you do not forgive the offender, similar offenses will inevitably increase.", "Frequent forgiveness of offenders may reduce your chances of being offended.", "Forgiveness is the only way to avoid recurrence." ]
According to the latest research by economists, when the annual income is below $ 10,000, the happiness of family members will increase significantly with the increase of family income. However, once the annual income reaches more than $ 10,000, even if the economy continues to prosper, the family income continues to increase, but family members' happiness increases slowly.
Based on the above points, we can deduce:.
[ "Families with less than $ 10,000 in annual income may be happier.", "Studies show that there is no direct relationship between happiness and money.", "Survey shows that happiness increases with annual household income.", "Families earning more than $ 10,000 will face a crisis of well-being." ]
Relevant research shows that mobile phones are more harmful than computers. Because the screen of a mobile phone is small, the mobile phone is more devoted to attention, and the eyes are not clear, so it hurts the eyes. When using a computer, people's limbs can still move, but "mobile phone control "Often there is little activity, which is more detrimental to physical and mental health.
If the following are true, the above conclusions can be weakened most:.
[ "During the use of the computer, the display screen will emit electromagnetic and ionizing radiation.", "The computer background light is more likely to cause users' vision loss and headaches than mobile phones.", "Scientific research shows that using cell phones has nothing to do with the incidence of brain tumors and cancer.", "People who use computers for a long time are prone to \"computer diseases\" such as mouse hands and cervical spondylosis." ]
Irregular demand refers to a demand situation where the market demand for certain goods or services fluctuates greatly in different seasons, different days of the week, or even different times of the day.
According to the above definition, which of the following is an irregular requirement?
[ "Taxis are in short supply in the morning and evening rush hours.", "An electric store celebrates a discount.", "A museum introduces a group of Van Gogh paintings touring, and tourists flock.", "A toothbrush of a certain brand is divided into soft, hard, and three types to target different consumers." ]
Sports participation refers to the attitude and behavioral performance of actively participating in sports activities. People who often participate in sports activities can cultivate and develop their interests and hobbies in sports. Form the habit of physical exercise and make sports activities an important part of life. Participation in sports in the school field requires students to have an attitude and behavior that actively participates in physical activities, master the knowledge and methods of scientific fitness, and develop the habit of insisting on physical exercise.
According to the above definition, Which of the following are involved in sports:.
[ "Xiaoqiang has a weak constitution. In order to strengthen his physique, he began to participate in sports.", "To nurture a child's interest, the niche father often takes him to swim.", "Xiao Zhang is passionate about tennis matches and will often watch various tennis matches.", "Xiao Li loves running, as long as he has time, he will participate in the marathon." ]
The red leaf theory believes that the success of a person's career does not lie in the number of red leaves, but in whether he has a particularly large red leaf. This particularly large red leaf is not innate and requires continuous efforts based on personal advantages. To get.
According to the above definition, which of the following can be explained by the red leaf theory?
[ "Although Liu is occasionally late, he is responsible for his work and has a team spirit.", "Xiao Zhang studied math in his undergraduate program, but he felt that the math program was boring, so he chose to study for a master's degree in economics.", "Li's sales ability and financial level are average, but he is particularly sensitive to the market. He worked hard to develop this advantage and finally became an entrepreneur.", "Xiaowen is an English student, but her spoken language is not good. She minored in international law and eventually became an excellent lawyer." ]
Biological studies have found that most of the ants in the swarm are very hardworking, looking for and carrying food scrambled, while a few ants look away. When the food source is cut off or the ant nest is destroyed, those industrious ants are helpless. The ant "comes forward" and leads its partners to the new food source it has already detected. This is the so-called lazy ant effect.
According to the above definitions, Which of the following are the lazy ant effects:.
[ "Communications engineers are well paid, working hours are free, and they are good at solving technical problems.", "In the financial crisis, a foreign trade company has overcome difficulties by means of diversified operations.", "An automobile company encourages employee innovation and allows employees to delve into technology during work hours.", "A manager employs eclecticism and values tenacity and integrity, not academic background." ]
The alternative causality means that two or more perpetrators have performed dangerous acts that may cause harm to others and have caused the consequences of the harm, but it is impossible to determine who is the perpetrator.
According to the above definitions, Which of the following causal relationships are optional:.
[ "A poisons B in B's drinking water. After B drinks, he quarrels with C because of trivial matters before the poisoning. C Yi stabs B with a knife while angry.", "A and B have kidnapped C together. A is responsible for asking C's family for a ransom. In order to avoid being recognized by C, B cruelly kills C.", "A and B people caused damage to the goods due to improper operation during the unloading process.", "A. B, and C went out hunting with the same shotgun and bullets. A and B saw a prey appearing near C. Both shot at the same time, and one of them shot C." ]
"Climate refugees" refers to people whose lives are threatened by special climatic factors such as climate warming. This is a growing ethnic group. A report published by a foundation states that in the next 40 years, about 500 to 600 million people will be globally Everyone is in danger of becoming a "climate refugee. ".
Those who are forced to migrate in the following description are not "climate refugees":.
[ "Hurricane Katrina flees many residents off the coast of Mexico.", "Indian Ocean tsunami led to the forced migration of residents in India, Thailand and other countries.", "The desertification of the land has destroyed the once prosperous Loulan country, and the people have relocated.", "Rising sea levels allow Maldivian leaders to find another shelter for their citizens." ]
The primary group refers to a social group formed by face-to-face interaction with intimate interpersonal relationships and strong emotional colors; the second group refers to members whose members come together for a specific purpose and are bound by clear rules and regulations. Social groups that form formal relationships.
Based on the above definitions, Which of the following relate to subgroups:.
[ "Xiao Zhao is going to school in a big city, and the folks in the mountains all go to the village entrance to see him off.", "After 20 years, Xiao Zhang's childhood companion established a WeChat group.", "Friends and relatives came to the scene to cheer Xiao Li.", "Xiao Wang was admitted to graduate school, and colleagues of the company celebrated him together." ]
Stem cells are found throughout the body and have fascinated scientists because of their ability to become any type of cell, which means that they have the potential to repair or replace damaged tissues. Laser stimulation of stem cell growth is likely to achieve tissue growth, so research People believe that laser technology may be a transformative tool in the medical field.
Which of the following, if true, would best support the above conclusion?
[ "The principle of the action of lasers of different wavelengths on body tissues is unclear.", "Cases have shown that lasers can damage children's retina and affect vision.", "Currently, the laser stimulated growth method has not been tested on the human body, and the risk has yet to be evaluated.", "Using a laser to treat molars with cavities, the damaged dental tissue can gradually recover." ]
It is reported that due to a large number of greenhouse gases emitted by human beings, global temperature has continued to rise over the past 150 years. However, compared with 1970 to 1998, the rate of increase in global average surface temperature has slowed significantly since the past 15 years. The rise in temperature is not significant, so global warming is not so severe.
If the following are true, what will most weaken the above argument?
[ "Ocean and climate system adjustment processes allow ocean surface heat to be transported to the deep ocean.", "This phenomenon occurred in the 1950s and 1970s, and then began to accelerate warming.", "UN climate experts point out that carbon dioxide concentration in the air is at its highest point in 800,000 years.", "Many natural disasters caused by climate warming in recent years." ]
The theory holds that antimatter is the anti-state of normal matter. When positive and antimatter meet, the two sides will annihilate each other, explode, and generate huge energy. Some people believe that antimatter exists because there is no evidence so far that antimatter is nonexistent.
Which of the following is the same as the argument in the stem?
[ "Interrogators of Joan of Arc told her that we have no evidence that God had a dialogue with you, that you may be making up or being mentally disordered.", "The theory of animal evolution is correct. For example, Archaeopteryx is a type of creature in the evolution of land creatures to birds.", "Since it is not possible to prove that a parallel world does not exist, a parallel world exists.", "There are monsters in Tianchi, Changbai Mountain because someone has seen the traces of the monsters' activities in Tianchi." ]
It is impossible for a person who does not have a certificate of first-class in Mandarin to become a moderator because the moderator cannot pronounce substandardly.
Which of the following premise is needed for the above argument?
[ "People who do not have a first-class certificate will have poor pronunciation.", "Moderators who do not pronounce well may not have first-class certificates.", "A person with a bad pronunciation may get a first-class certificate.", "A non-pronounced moderator cannot be a popular moderator." ]
In order to develop a strategy of strengthening the city with culture, in 2008, two libraries have been built in 2008 and 2010. At the end of 2008, a total of more than 70,000 citizens 'library cards were processed, and by the end of 2010, a total of 130,000 citizens' library cards were applied. In 2003, the city established a third library in the new district, which was completed and opened in early 2012. As of the end of 2012, the city had handled more than 200,000 citizen library cards. The city government believes that this measure is effective Because, in just 4 years, the number of citizens patronizing the library has almost tripled.
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the conclusion?
[ "The library has to constantly purchase new books, and the maintenance cost is also high, which will affect the construction of other cultural facilities in the city.", "There are two colleges and universities in the city, and many students have also applied for library debit cards from these three libraries.", "Many citizens who have applied for the first library card have also applied for two other libraries.", "The city's new district construction is developing rapidly, and a large number of immigrants have poured into the new district in 4 years." ]
The X molecule has a Y structure, and a large number of atoms are connected in series. A substance composed of the molecule has a strong thermal conductivity in the same type of substance. Obviously, the inclusion of a large number of atoms in the molecule makes the substance extremely strong. Essential for thermal conductivity.
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the conclusion?
[ "Some molecules have other structures, they also have a large number of atoms in series, and have strong thermal conductivity.", "Some substances do not have strong thermal conductivity, but their molecules contain a large number of atoms.", "Some substances have strong thermal conductivity, but their molecules do not have a Y structure.", "Some substances do not have strong thermal conductivity, but their molecules have similar structures." ]
Alcohol itself has no significant carcinogenicity, but many epidemiological investigations have found that drinking is positively correlated with the risk of multiple cancers--that is, the incidence of multiple cancers has increased among people who drink alcohol.
Which of the following, if true, would best support the above findings?
[ "Alcohol, the metabolite of alcohol in the body, can stably attach to DNA molecules, causing cancer or mutation.", "Sweet and hard alcohol is widely consumed in Eastern Europe, where the incidence of esophageal cancer is high.", "Tobacco contains a variety of carcinogenic components, and its metabolites in humans are similar to those of alcohol in humans.", "Some scientists estimate that 80% of digestive tract cancers can be avoided if Americans quit smoking and drinking." ]
In a library, history books related to the Republic of China are only stored in the professional library on the second floor, and foreign books are stored only in the rare reading room on the third floor. A foreign language history book.
From this, you can launch a book borrowed by Kobayashi ___________.
[ "It is a collection of books related to the Republic of China.", "Not a collection of books related to the Republic of China.", "is a rare book.", "Not a rare book." ]
Data mining (Datamining) refers to the use of methods, such as statistics, information retrieval, pattern recognition, online analysis and processing, and expert systems (depending on past experience), from a large amount of stored data. Information processing is potentially useful information and knowledge.
According to the above definitions, Which of the following are not part of data mining applications:.
[ "A university requires teachers to use an online teaching management system to enter the final exam results of students in order to inform students of their results with the help of SMS group sending software.", "An international express and logistics company uses RFID (radio frequency identification) technology to monitor and adjust the temperature of drug shipments across borders at different points in time.", "In a large online bookstore, when customers purchase a book, they launch columns such as \"The user who bought the product also bought\", thereby increasing considerable revenue.", "A global retail company launched a \"diaper beer\" promotion after analyzing last year's consumer shopping behavior, resulting in a significant increase in sales of both." ]
Non-love behavior refers to the non-love plunder of people close to you in the name of love, that is, contrary to the subjective will of others, to enforce spiritual and behavioral control, forcing the other party to act and do things according to the wishes of the controller Behavior often happens between the closest people, such as couples, lovers, parents, and children.
According to the above definition, Which of the following are non-love behaviors:.
[ "According to Yishu, Zhang asked her daughter to do traction every three hours to eliminate pain.", "Lin forced his son to practice the piano for 3 hours a day in order to get good results in the piano competition.", "To prevent a mentally ill daughter from escaping, she was locked in the basement to prevent her from entering or leaving.", "Lee asked his son to go to the hospital to accompany the seriously ill mother in accordance with the rotating care agreement." ]
The sharing economy refers to the use of online third-party platforms to realize the socialization of production factors based on the temporary transfer of idle resource use rights, improve the use efficiency of existing assets to create more value, and promote the sustainable development of society and economy.
According to the above definition, Which of the following economic activities are not part of the sharing economy:.
[ "Wang orders a car to the airport on a network platform, convenient and quick.", "Li borrowed stocks on a certain online platform and got expected income.", "Book a homestay on a certain internet platform before traveling, and check in after arrival.", "Zhang buys takeaway food on an online platform and enjoys delicious food at home." ]
Self-efficacy is an individual's subjective expectations and inferences about whether he or she can successfully perform a certain behavior to achieve a certain expected effect. When facing difficult tasks, people with low self-efficacy are more concentrated on the problem than those with high self-efficacy. Obstacles, failure effects, and personal defects.
According to the above definition, Which of the following options are low self-efficacy:.
[ "Sinking the boat.", "Painting bread.", "Anxious.", "Seeing things sad." ]
Logical thinking is the stage of human rational cognition. It is the process of human understanding of the nature and laws of things. Logical thinking involves both the form of logical thinking and the rules of logical methods, as well as the basic rules of logical thinking. The forms of logical thinking and rules of logical methods refer to The natural language is abstracted as a formal language, forming initial symbols or rules, used to study concepts, judgments, and inferences, and only works in a local scope; the basic laws of logical thinking are the basic principles and basic basis for humans to carry out correct logical thinking, which is generally applicable to people's thinking.
According to the definition above, Which of the following options violate the rules of logical thinking and logical methods:.
[ "Confusion between different concepts or changing the meaning of the same concept.", "Think of two conflicting or opposing ideas as true.", "There is a mistake in classifying a concept when dividing it.", "Use of unproven hypotheses as sufficient prerequisites for argument." ]
Psychological anthropology is an interdisciplinary discipline between cultural anthropology and psychology. It mainly studies and understands the psychological mechanism of culture's influence on members of its society, and finds psychological variables at the individual level and culture, society at the overall level. The relationship between economic, ecological and biological variables.
Based on the above definitions, Which of the following options fall into the category of psychological anthropology:.
[ "Comparison of Poetic Styles Before and After May 4th.", "Social mainstream values in contemporary popular discourse.", "Grassland civilization and the development of Mongolian national character.", "Changes in the author's attitude towards father from The Back." ]
One study showed that participants were first involved in learning to eliminate prejudice, and the subjects were played with the sounds associated with the elimination of that prejudice learning, and then subjects were put into a deep sleep while repeating those related plays. The linked voice has reactivated learning to eliminate this prejudice. It was found that the prejudice was significantly reduced compared to before sleep, and the higher the quality of sleep, the more the prejudice was reduced. The researchers speculated that sleep intervention can reduce social prejudice and discrimination.
Which of the following, if true, would best support the above argument?
[ "It is difficult for ordinary people to get sleep interventions to eliminate biased learning.", "People who sleep well and sleep well are less likely to develop prejudice and discrimination than others.", "Discrimination in height is significantly reduced after sleep intervention.", "Some of the subjects receiving sleep interventions were not significantly prejudiced or discriminated against." ]
Improving energy efficiency and encouraging flexible use of energy is a necessary link in the UK's policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It requires the use of management smart technologies, including the use of smart meters to send energy use information from demanders or customers to energy companies. This information is available for the development and implementation of more efficient energy use regulations, British consumers have different attitudes because when the technology is used to monitor and support energy-efficient use, energy data of residents and households must be passively shared. Passive sharing of personal energy-related data may become a major obstacle to the promotion of smart technologies.
Which of the following, if true, would best support the above argument.
[ "0% of respondents said they are unwilling to reduce personal energy use due to passive data sharing.", "0% of respondents believe that passive sharing of data greatly increases the risk of personal privacy violations.", "0% of respondents said that those who care about climate change are more likely to accept passive sharing of data.", "0% of respondents believe that data cannot be shared, otherwise smart technology cannot be applied." ]
A British study found that as long as people drink a 500 ml glass of water half an hour before each meal and persist for 3 months, they can lose 2 to 4 kg of weight. The research team invited 84 overweight adults and randomly divided them into 2 rents. Among them, 41 were required to drink 500 ml of water before meals, and 43 lived as usual. After 3 months, the team found that the average weight of people who drank water before meals had dropped by 4.3 kg: and those who did not drink water before meals People, the average weight only dropped by 0.81 kg, the researchers said. The group of people who did not drink water had an "average amount of exercise" higher than those who drank before meals, which means that drinking proper water before meals can really lose weight.
Which of the following, if true, would best support the above conclusion?
[ "The group who drink water before meals also pays attention to diet control.", "Some people who did not drink water before meals lost 4 kg.", "Except for drinking water before meals, the other two groups are the same.", "People who do not drink water before meals will drink more soup and drinks during meals." ]
Many parents think that if the child is disobedient, "shit" will punish the child, at least it will make the child notice that they have misbehaved and become more obedient. There are still some people who insist on the tradition of "not strictly controlling the church's spoiled children" Believe that "spanking" is good for children. Researchers have studied the experience of 160,000 children in the past 5 years, and analyzed the metadata of "spanking" behavior and found that: As children grow up, they have many negative effects, such as low IQ and highly aggressive behavior.
Which of the following, if true, best supports the above conclusion?
[ "A recent survey shows that most children with relatively low IQs are often spanked by parents.", "Children who are disobedient and are more likely to cause trouble are more likely to be severely punished by their parents.", "Research reports that about 80% of parents worldwide have experienced spanking to discipline their children.", "Children who are confused by spanking only know how to do as parents ask, not think independently." ]
The automotive industry, as a representative of the high technological content, intelligence, and industrial concentration in the manufacturing industry, has become the first place for Germany's "Industry 4.0". The Chinese automobile manufacturing industry, which has been in 2.0 industrial thinking for a long time, must have a place in the world It is indispensable to carry out technological innovation and change and senior talents with rich experience, and high salaries and benefits have become a winning magic weapon for attracting talents.
It can be inferred from this:.
[ "The reform of China's auto manufacturing industry can succeed if it can attract senior talent.", "High salaries and benefits are an important focus for many Chinese workplaces when choosing a career.", "Without technological change, China's automobile manufacturing industry cannot have a global presence.", "German automotive industry has a pivotal position and influence in the world's automotive industry." ]
Dutch researchers have been trying to simulate the soil conditions of the moon and Mars for crop cultivation experiments. They have carried out a preliminary analysis of small carrots, peas, rye and tomatoes grown in this experiment. The results of the experiments are promising. Safe and possibly healthier than crops grown on soil on the planet. British media say that edible crops can be planted on Martian soil and hope of colonizing Mars is a step forward.
Which of the following, if true, cannot be questioned by British media:.
[ "Mars soil's proportion of heavy metals is not the same as Earth's soil.", "The potato grows badly in another similar experiment.", "There is a long way to go from experiment to actual implementation.", "Moon, Mars, Earth's climatic conditions are very different." ]
A research institute proposed that wet sand was the key to the ancient Egyptians to carry huge stones and statues in the desert. Researchers pointed out that the ancient Egyptians placed heavy stones after the skid and laid a layer of wet before the skid This kind of handling method has an unexpected effect. In the experiment, the researchers used a rheometer to test the hardness of the sand to confirm how much traction is needed to deform a certain amount of sand, and based on this The traction model was designed on it, and it was found that it is easier to move heavy objects when the wet sand is spread before the skid, and the moisture content of the sand determines the hardness and traction of the sand.
Which of the following, if true, would best support the above conclusion.
[ "In a mural of an ancient Egyptian tomb, a man stands in front of a skid and seems to be watering.", "Traction force is inversely proportional to the hardness of the sand, and the hardness of the wet sand is twice that of the dry sand.", "The experiment proves that the wet sand laid before the skid is easy to accumulate, forming a large sliding resistance.", "A laboratory version of the Egyptian skid was successfully constructed, which can simulate the actual conditions of an ancient Egyptian construction site." ]
If you want to accumulate more than 3.200 billion tons of CO2 emissions from the atmosphere, then by the end of this century, the threshold for controlling the temperature rise to within 20C will not be maintained. Some scientists believe that in order to achieve the goal of controlling the temperature rise to within 20C, only CO2 is restricted It is not enough. It is necessary to carry out large-scale atmospheric CO2 recovery operations on a global scale so that the degree of atmospheric pollution can be effectively controlled and mitigated.
To make the above scientists' ideas work, which of the following needs to be added as the premise most?
[ "Universal scientific knowledge on climate change worldwide.", "Governments introduce effective policies to control CO2 emissions.", "The scientific community integrates resources to support the development of geoengineering technology.", "Mechanisms are in place to effectively recover and store CO2." ]
Precision medicine refers to the analysis and identification, verification and application of biomarkers for large sample populations and specific disease types based on personalized medicine based on genome, proteomics and other technologies to accurately find the cause and treatment of diseases. Target, and ultimately achieve personalized and precise treatment of diseases and specific patients.
Based on the above definitions, Which of the following options are not part of precision medicine:.
[ "A suffers from cancer, doctors comprehensively test its genes and determine treatment options.", "B has recent abnormal dizziness, and the doctor prescribed it over-the-counter after asking for symptoms.", "Bing claimed that he was allergic to a certain drug when he sought medical treatment, and the doctor designed a medication plan based on his allergy.", "Ding had insomnia and went to the Chinese hospital for treatment. The doctors treated according to the concept of \"same disease but different treatment, different disease, and same treatment\"." ]
Before the decision, the value of each thing is roughly similar to the decision maker's mind, and it is difficult to determine the advantages and disadvantages; but after making a choice, the decision maker's attitude evaluation of these things has changed. effect.
According to the above definition, Which of the following phenomena are post-decision effects:.
[ "A staff member has no idea how to stay. After some consideration, he thinks that staying will face many complex relationships. It is better to reopen a new world.", "A lady is difficult to choose between two brands of mobile phones that have their own advantages and disadvantages. In the end, she considers choosing one of them from an economic point of view.", "A teacher is hesitant to choose A or B to participate in the competition. The class leader recommends choosing B. Afterwards, the teacher thinks that choosing B is completely correct because B eventually won the championship.", "A student hesitated to report to University A or University B when he volunteered. In the end, he followed the teacher's suggestion and chose University A. Since then, he feels that University A is better than University B." ]
Emotional advertising is an advertising strategy that appeals to consumers' emotions or emotional reactions to convey the added value or emotional satisfaction that products bring to them. The value of such emotions in the minds of consumers may far exceed the product itself, thus making Consumers develop a positive brand attitude.
According to the above definitions, Which of the following slogans are not emotional ads:.
[ "A slogan for a brand beverage: \"×× Coke, the Chinese's own Coke!\".", "The slogan of a brand of beer entering the Southeast Asian market: \"Okay, hometown water. \".", "A brand diaper slogan: \"Baby is in a good mood every day, and mother must be more beautiful. \".", "A brand body lotion slogan: \"For the skin to be soft and smooth, please use ×× lotion. \"." ]