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Administrative Warehouse Associate
We are looking for new talent to join our Administrative Department to fill the Assistant position - a specialist ready to help with distributing the corporate equipment and maintaining the warehouse. Room 8 Group is a uniting force of Room 8 Studio, Dragons Lake, Massive Black, Solid Bash, and PUGA – international leaders, providing worldwide game development and art production services. We oversee the companies' corporate life and business processes, while experts of the industry work with 7/10 top global publishers supporting all aspects of game creation. Join the phenomenal team of professionals and deliver creative and tech services, bringing games to the next level together with Room 8 Group. **The next great challenge is coming!** We are looking for new talent to join our Administrative Department to fill the Assistant position - a specialist ready to help with distributing the corporate equipment and maintaining the warehouse. **Superpowers you have:** 1 year of experience in a similar position; An ability to implement practical solutions based on a variety of requirements; Knowledge of business ethics; Knowledge of PC and office equipment; An ability to work in a team; Experience working with Google Docs; Competent oral and written use of language; An ability to independently schedule time and set priorities; Organizational skills; Pedantry and love of order; Knowledge of normative and methodical materials on the warehouse organization; Knowledge and compliance with standards for storing equipment and components. **Becoming part of Room 8 Group, you will:** Maintain the work of the warehouse with corporate equipment; Collect and analyze equipment information following the company requirements; Structure existing documents and databases; Maintain an inventory register of equipment; Negotiate with equipment suppliers; Process requests from structural units for the purchase of corporate equipment; Accept equipment from suppliers and distribute it within the warehouse; Maintain the balance and formation of the order for purchasing equipment. **Join the team of inspiring game dev professionals, and get even more:** Competitive financial reward (yes, we are fair enough); Challenges to raise your XPs score (professional training and conferences, internal mentorship, English courses); Health insurance benefits, paid vacation, and sick leave; A culture of diversity and inclusion to unite the most outstanding talents; Community of people who understand and share your passion for games. **Together we will bring games to the next level. Exactly with you.** Room 8 Group jednoczy siły Room 8 Studio, Dragons Lake, Massive Black, Solid Bash i PUGA - liderów świadczących usługi w zakresie tworzenia gier i produkcji grafiki na całym świecie. Nadzorujemy korporacyjny ład i procesy biznesowe naszych firm, podczas gdy nasi eksperci z branży współpracują z 7/10 czołowych światowych wydawców wspierających wszystkie aspekty tworzenia gier. Wspaniały zespół profesjonalistów, jakość wyników, z których jesteśmy dumni i zaangażowanie we wszystko co robimy to nasze credo. Dołącz do fenomenalnego zespołu profesjonalistów i dostarczaj kreatywne i techniczne usługi, przenosząc gry na wyższy poziom wraz z Room 8 Group. **Nadchodzi kolejne wielkie wyzwanie!** Poszukujemy nowych talentów do naszego Działu Administracyjnego na stanowisko Asystenta - specjalisty gotowego pomóc naszemu dużemu zespołowi w rozwiązywaniu problemów organizacyjnych i administracyjnych. **Supermoce, które posiadasz to:** 1 rok doświadczenia na podobnym stanowisku; Umiejętność wdrażania praktycznych rozwiązań opartych na różnorodnych wymaganiach; Znajomość etyki biznesu; Znajomość sprzętu komputerowego i biurowego; Umiejętność pracy w zespole; Doświadczenie w pracy z Google Docs; Umiejętne posługiwanie się językiem w mowie i piśmie; Umiejętność samodzielnego planowania czasu i ustalania priorytetów; Umiejętności organizacyjne; Pedanteria i umiłowanie porządku; Znajomość materiałów normatywnych i metodycznych dotyczących organizacji magazynu; Znajomość i przestrzeganie standardów magazynowania sprzętu Średni poziom znajomości języka angielskiego. **Stając się częścią zespołu Room 8 Studio, będziesz:** Dbać o pracę magazynu ze sprzętem firmowym; Zbierać i analizować informacje o sprzęcie zgodnie z wymaganiami firmy; Strukturyzować dokumenty i bazy danych; Prowadzić rejestr inwentarzowy sprzętu; Negocjować z dostawcami sprzętu; Przetwarzać wnioski na zakup sprzętu firmowego; Przyjmować sprzęt od dostawców i dystrybuować go w magazynie; Utrzymywać odpowiedni poziom zasobów magazynowych i realizować ich zakup **Dołącz do zespołu inspirujących profesjonalistów i zyskaj jeszcze więcej: Rozwój zawodowy:** Możliwość zostania częścią silnego zespołu i rozwijania swojej wiedzy; Możliwość korzystania z firmowej biblioteki online do samodzielnej nauki i rozwoju; Naukę i możliwość doskonalenia swojego poziomu języka angielskiego: kursy korporacyjne od poziomu podstawowego do zaawansowanego; Adekwatny poziom motywacji finansowej, ubezpieczenie zdrowotne, płatny urlop, zwolnienia chorobowe; Nowoczesne biuro i bogata kultura korporacyjna! **Razem przenosimy gry na wyższy poziom. Z tobą.** Room 8 Group — це об’єднана сила Room 8 Studio, Dragons Lake, Massive Black, Solid Bash та PUGA — міжнародних лідерів, які надають послуги з розробки та створення візуалізації ігор по всьому світу. Room 8 Group забезпечує розвиток студій та корпоративні функції, в той час, як експерти галузі працюють із 7/10 провідними світовими видавцями, підтримуючи всі аспекти створення ігор. Приєднуйся до феноменальної команди професіоналів та надавай творчі та технічні послуги, щоб вивести ігри на новий рівень разом із Room 8 Group. **Наближається наступне велике випробування:** Ми шукаємо новий талант у наш адміністративний відділ на посаду асистента - спеціаліста, готового допомогти нам в розподділі корпоративного обладнанням та з обслуговуванням складу. **Нам потрібні твої надзвичайні здібності:** 1 рік досвіду роботи на аналогічній позиції; Здатність впроваджувати ефективні рішення на основі різноманітних вимог; Знання ділової етики; Знання ПК та офісної техніки; Вміння працювати в команді; Навички роботи з документами через Google Docs; Грамотне усне та письмове мовлення; Вміння самостійно планувати час та розставляти пріоритети; Організаторські здібності; Педантичність та любов до порядку; Знання нормативних та методичних матеріалів з питань організації складського господарства; Знання та дотримання стандартів та технічних умов для зберігання техніки та комплектуючих. **Ставши частиною команди Room 8 Group, ти будеш:** Контролювати роботу складу з корпоративною технікою; Збирати та аналізувати інформації по техніці відповідно до вимог компанії; Структурувати існуючі документи та баз даних; Займатися інвентаризаційним реєстром обладнання; Вести переговори із постачальниками техніки; Комунікувати з іншими відділами, вирішувати питання щодо повсякденної адміністративної діяльності; Приймати техніку від постачальників, займатися її розподіленням на склад;. Контролювати залишки та формування замовлення на закупку обладнання. **Приєднуйся до команди надихаючих професіоналів у галузі розробки ігор та отримуй ще більше:** конкурентна фінансова винагорода; виклики для підвищення вашого балу XP (професійні тренінги та конференції, внутрішнє наставництво); медичне страхування, оплачувана відпустка та лікарняний; різноманітна та інклюзивна культура для об’єднання найвидатніших талантів; спільнота людей, які розуміють вашу пристрасть до ігор **Разом ми виведемо ігри на новий рівень. Саме з тобою!**
Room 8 Studio
Administrative Worker
___About The Role___ The Cold Start team is seeking a dedicated, self-driven Executive Assistant with strong communication skills to support its Leadership team. This role requires outstanding planning, time management, and a passion for organization. Superior attention to detail, great judgement, and the ability to meet tight deadlines while juggling multiple requests across global teams is critical. The Executive Assistant acts as a seamless extension of the Leadership team. In addition, you will work closely with the entire Cold Start team to offer comprehensive support for a highly-distributed global organization. ___What You’ll Do___ - Thoughtfully manage complex calendars and scheduling for Cold Start leadership in multiple locations and time zones - Coordinate domestic and international travel itineraries as needed - Track and help drive completion of key deliverables and follow up on outstanding items - Organize, execute, and assist with team activities (staff meeting agendas, all hands, and other team events) - Work closely with leadership to provide holistic support to the organization ___What You’ll Need___ - Experience with executive level calendar management - Experience with domestic and/or international travel coordination - 2+ years of professional experience - Experience with Microsoft Office Products - Expert level English - Ability to work predominantly on Eastern Standard Time working hours ___Preferred Qualifications___ - Strong analytical skills and demonstrated ability to improve process and efficiency - Strong organizational, problem solving, communication and interpersonal skills - Ability to quickly learn organizational structure and team objectives - Team oriented philosophy and a commitment to supporting and developing others - Highly motivated, organized individual able to deliver results with minimal supervision in a sometimes ambiguous environment BA/BS Degree The above job description is meant to describe the general nature and level of work being performed; it is not intended to be construed as an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, duties, and skills required for the position. Cold Start is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to providing all employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment. We celebrate diversity and welcome applicants from every background and life experience.
Cold Start
Depdiko is an algorithmic trading company. Systems engineering, statistics, computer science, and finance lay the foundation of our success. We are a fully remote team of outstanding engineers and mathematicians who have built a stable, profitable trading system during the last 7 years. Responsibilities: • Managing an active calendar of appointments and scheduling meetings • Taking meetings’ minutes and creating tasks • Conducting research and preparing statistical reports • Arranging travel plans and respective financial reporting • Managing incoming and outgoing mail and deliveries • Supporting team and organizing corporate activities Required skills: — Excellent written and verbal communication skills — Upper-intermediate English — Strong problem-solving skills and a keen eye for detail — Experience in document management and task tracking tools We offer: Full-time remote job Salary in USD Excellent opportunity for career and skills growth 18 working days a year of paid leave
Project Description: Internal Mobility (IM) is the practice for building employees' career path, providing professional development. It's a process of an employee's transfer from his/her current position to another one (vertically or horizontally) or to the same position in another department, project or location within the Company. Responsibilities: - Maintaining and organizing reporting for IM (Internal mobility practice) - Moderation of the IM page on corporate site - Updating IM processes and procedures - Preparation of presentations by request - Other administrative functions related to IM process Mandatory Skills Description: - Advanced skills in using Excel, Power point, Outlook - Excellent communication skills, including presentation - Organizational skills - Ability to quickly respond to changes - English: writing - advanced, speaken - intermediate Nice-to-Have Skills:- Languages: English: B2 Upper Intermediate
Responsibilities: As an Assistant, you are responsible for: Providing general support to Sales Department; Execution of personal tasks from Management Team; Working with native English speakers on a daily basis Preparing documentation Others tasks. Qualifications: The successful candidate has: English - Upper-intermediate level and higher University degree; Computer literacy Verbal and written articulacy Excellent communication and organizational skills; A team-player; Willing for constant learning; The exclusive responsibility, educability, initiative, attention to details; Confident, dynamic, reliable, effective, easy-going, and open-minded; Business acumen and curiosity over business environment. any experience as a personal assistant is a plus; What we offer: We provide training and support; Flexibility: Ability to set your own schedule within an M-F, 9 am to 6 pm timeframe, including working remotely and/or from home. Collaboration with a small, but passionate and highly-experienced team in an enjoyable working environment, with numerous opportunities for professional development Generous benefits including paid time off paid holidays; Paid certification.
Advanced Communities
Administrator/Business Manager for an International E-commerce Website
**Brand:** IMbesharam.com (Learn about us www.bigfishbrownpond.com ) **Want to know more about Besharam:** Take a look here http://bit.ly/imbesharam **Work Location:** Work from Home **Hours:** M-F: 09am-18.00pm UA time & Sat: 10am-2pm (Total 49 hours/week) **Pay:** 15,000-20,000 UAH based on your experience/knowledge **Training:** Unpaid & Mandatory training of 10hrs provided before PAID time starts. **Start Date:** immediately - June 2020 **Interview Dates:** Kiev Hello everybody, We are a startup, Team of 12 and operate an International Webstore headquartered in Atlanta,GA and satellite offices in Delhi & Mumbai, India. We already have TWO employees working for us in Ukraine. We have strong online presence, a popular brand, high traffic and excellent social media presence (250k+ fans/followers on FB, Twitter & Instagram).We have been written in several news media and Sunny Leone is the face of our brand. We are seeking to hire an Administrator/Business Manager/Asst Operations Manager to assist the US Operations Manager with various tasks related to managing operations, assisting with supervising team tasks, placing orders and maintaining trackers. The Administrator will be trained by the US operations manager and the tasks will be explained and demonstrated on the go. The details are listed below. **The absolute basic requirements are:** - 2 years+ Sales/Customer Service experience in a competitive work environment - Extremely organized and able to communicate intelligently and professionally - Can multi function and manage Time very efficiently - Is Internet savvy, knowledge of computers, ecommerce/online shopping trends - Very proficient in Email management, Microsoft Office Word and Excel (Google Docs) - Able to work on multiple customer applications - Freshdesk, LIVE Chat and Phone (will train) - Happy going Work attitude and positive approach to feedback, improvement and growth **Your role and responsibility would be:** - US1 Inventory Management: Placing Orders, Transfers & Updating Trackers. Update Subs & Update DSR Tracker - Supervising Operations Processes: Scan & Report Sales, Scan OM, Review SLA & Ticket Management & Tier 3 Customer Support - Supervising Fulfillment Processes: Order Assignment, Label, Shipping, Tracking & Delivery - Conversion Improvements: Live Chat/Abandoned Cart Tracking, Analysing & Improvising - Admin Tasks: CreditCard Payment Reconciliation (Airpay & PlanetPayment), Bank Stats Reconciliation, COD orders processing & reconciliation. - Website Catalogue Management - Add, Update & Improve Products - Project Management - Assign Tasks to team and Follow Up & Update. - US Operations Assistant - Answer Emails, Attend to Skype Chats & Q’s, HubStaff Check, Create labels and assist with Shipping Matters - Review and Sign of Team POA & EOD on daily basis - Admin Assistant - Assist with Admin Duties from Time to Time.
Project Manager
Administrator - Coordination of Courier Deliveries
Job Title: Courier Delivery Coordinator (remote 5 days a week as a start) Company Overview: Our courier delivery company is a fast-growing business in London with a strong reputation for providing exceptional customer service. We are committed to providing efficient, reliable and timely courier services to our clients. We are currently seeking a highly organized and proactive Courier Delivery Coordinator to join our team. Job Overview: The Courier Delivery Coordinator will be responsible for managing the day-to-day courier delivery operations of the company. This includes coordinating with drivers, monitoring delivery schedules, and ensuring that all deliveries are completed on time and to the satisfaction of our customers. The Coordinator will also be responsible for maintaining accurate records and ensuring that all deliveries are properly documented. Responsibilities: Coordination of Courier Deliveries Coordinate with drivers to ensure that all delivery schedules are met 1. Assign and dispatch deliveries to drivers; 2. Monitor delivery progress to ensure timely completion of deliveries 3. Work closely with the customer service team to resolve any issues or concerns related to deliveries 4. Ensure that all deliveries are completed on time and to the satisfaction of our customers 5. Manage delivery schedules and prioritize deliveries based on urgency and importance 6. Manage driver schedules and make necessary adjustments to ensure timely deliveries 7. Documentation and Record-Keeping 8. Maintain accurate records of all deliveries, including delivery dates, times, and locations 9. Ensure that all deliveries are properly documented with the appropriate paperwork and signatures 10. Process all delivery paperwork in a timely and accurate manner 11. Maintain accurate records of driver schedules and availability 12. Create reports and analyse data to identify areas for improvement Customer Service 13. Act as the primary point of contact for customers regarding delivery-related issues and concerns 14. Work closely with the customer service team to resolve any issues or concerns related to deliveries 15. Provide exceptional customer service to ensure customer satisfaction 16. Team Management 17. Supervise and manage a team of drivers 18. Provide support and guidance to drivers as needed 19. Conduct performance evaluations and provide feedback to drivers Identify areas for improvement and implement training programs to improve driver performance 20. Schedule of a Next Day Deliveries with subcontractors 21. Taking orders over the phone / email / whats app / web bookings 22. Maintaining close relationship with all clients Additional help to the CEO 1. Cold Calling / Marketing Emailing - to scale up 2. Reporting to CEO every week on a performance Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in business administration, logistics, or a related field 2-3 years of experience in courier delivery operations or logistics management Strong organisational skills and attention to detail Ability to manage multiple tasks and priorities in a fast-paced environment Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal Strong customer service skills Ability to work independently and as part of a team Proficient in Microsoft Office and other relevant software applications Familiarity with courier delivery software and GPS systems Ability to work flexible hours, including evenings and weekends as needed If you are a highly organised and proactive individual with a passion for customer service and logistics management, we encourage you to apply for this exciting opportunity to join our team as a Courier Delivery Coordinator.
Administrator/DevOps engineer for Atlassian solutions
**Requirements** - Atlassian domain knowledge and experience in administration and support of the Atlassian solutions: Jira, Confluence, Bamboo, Bitbucket and Crowd. - General technical DevOps knowledge: configuration management, automation of infrastructure, continuous integration. - Good spoken and written English. **Will be a plus**: expertise in Java, XML, SQL, JavaScript, content Management system experience (or) SAP/ERP MM module, PIM Systems (Stibo STEP), Jira. **Responsibilities** We are looking for Atlassian Consultants to join our team performing administration, support, maintenance, automation, and integration of our company-wide Atlassian solutions: Jira, Confluence, Bamboo, Bitbucket and Crowd.
Administrator for governance events
**Project Description** Looking for new members of Reporting & Governance Office with excellent organizational skills and proven experience to coordinate TOP level corporate governance meetings The job purpose is to organize and coordinate preparation and conducting the executive management and cross-departments collaboration to run the regular governance processes, collecting the data and storing the outcomes in a well-structured form **Responsibilities** • Organize and conduct the regular executive management meetings • Build collaboration across departments to be prepared with inputs, topics for discussions, collect and store outputs, MOMs • Maintain the standard reports together with analytics to be used during the meetings • Manage mail groups, access rights to the spaces, keep the agenda, work with strictly confidential information • Drive initiatives to improve the processes and performance in the regular governance activities **Mandatory Skills** • 3+ years of relevant experience • University degree • Ability to formulate ideas using any documents in a laconic and convincing way • High proficiency with event organization or project coordination • Skills list: Data Collection, Microsoft Excel, Logical Thinking, Autonomy, Self-motivated, Presentation Skills, Effective written communication, Project Coordination, Microsoft PowerPoint Nice to have skills Analytical thinking, Confluence, BI Dashboards **Languages** Russian: C2 Proficient,English: C2 Proficient,German: B2 Upper Intermediate
Administrator for Governance events
The job purpose is to organize and coordinate preparation and conducting the executive management and cross-departments collaboration to run the regular governance processes, collecting the data and storing the outcomes in a well-structured form Responsibilities • Organize and conduct the regular executive management meetings • Build collaboration across departments to be prepared with inputs, topics for discussions, collect and store outputs, MOMs • Maintain the standard reports together with analytics to be used during the meetings • Manage mail groups, access rights to the spaces, keep the agenda, work with strictly confidential information • Drive initiatives to improve the processes and performance in the regular governance activities Skills Must have • 3+ years of relevant experience • University degree • Ability to formulate ideas using any documents in a laconic and convincing way • High proficiency with event organization or project coordination • Skills list: Data Collection, Microsoft Excel, Logical Thinking, Autonomy, Self-motivated, Presentation Skills, Effective written communication, Project Coordination, Microsoft PowerPoint Nice to have Analytical thinking, Confluence, BI Dashboards Languages Russian: C2 Proficient English: C2 Proficient German: B2 Upper Intermediate
Administrator for Operations Department
You are fluent in English. You are good in self-management, you stay on task and very detail-oriented. You are efficient in managing the Operations Manager's calendar of events, priorities and deadlines. You are tech-savvy, highly adaptable, and will easily learn and upgrade your skills to improve productivity and efficiency of the operations department. This job operates in the US time zone (EST - NYC) **Your tasks will include : ** - Primary documentation analysis : orders, receipts, billing, invoices, etc. - Daily correspondence with clients and vendors - Accounting transaction analysis and recording - Logistics supervision - Fedex, USPS, DHL accounts' management **Who you are :** - You have strong verbal / written communication skills in English (Your English must sufficient to maintain official correspondence between the office and external bodies) - You have a bachelor's degree or equivalent work history as Administrative Assistant - You are a proficient Microsoft Office user; you are familiar with GSuite, Slack, Zoho and Quickbooks or willing and motivated to learn how to use these platforms - You have strong organizational skills to maintain the operational records, keep track of inventory stocks, and compile reports - You are detail-oriented and require little to no supervision to carry out your duties for the smooth running of the department - You are curious and adaptable
Roon Labs
Administrator (Jira )
What is required: Experience with Groovy/Python or other Scripting programming languages; Network administration experience; Experience in JIRA and Confluence administration; Experience with DigitalOcean, VMware, (AWS would be a plus.); Experience with Git, (Bamboo, Lever would be a plus); Experience in using API data and WebHooks, creating reports. Responsibilities: Skills understand scripting, scripting from scratch. JIRA administration, WorkFlows and execute scripts on ScriptRunner. Finding solutions for integrating tools and automation. Administration of internal and external services. Solve problems at the L2-L3 level About us: Provectus is an Artificial Intelligence consultancy and solutions provider, helping businesses achieve their objectives through AI. We are recognized by industry analysts as a leading provider of AI solutions in specific business domains, driven by sophisticated IT service management and tech innovation. Provectus is a value driver and a trusted partner for our clients and employees. We are waiting for you to become a part of our team!
Administrator Manager in Office
Responsibilities: - Execution of orders of the head; - Perform administrative tasks in support of the office; - Keep the office tidy and clean; - Coordinate indoor activities like holiday party, summer picnic, etc.; - Procure stationery and equipment and maintain adequate inventory levels; - Creation of presentations and other reports at the control level on demand. Requirements: - Excellent computer skills, including a high level of proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint; - Ability to multitask and prioritize tasks; - Excellent organizational skills; - Effective written and oral communication skills; - English at the Intermediate level. Our offering: - Professional and personal growth; - Democratic management style and friendly environment; - Corporate Perks (English courses, corporate events/team buildings); - Paid sick leaves and vacation days; - Cozy office.
Administrator Manager in Office
Необхідні навички • 1+ year of experience in any administrative management role or office manager • You are positive and honest person, attentive to the details • Excellent communication and negotiation skills • Completed higher education • Advanced PC user — MS Office • Good time management, organizational and communication skills • Being a team player • At least basic level of written and spoken English Буде плюсом • Experience in the IT industry Пропонуємо We can offer you more than just a good salary: — Friendly colleagues and a very solid team in general; — Really interesting projects in the world of 3D printing; — Opportunity to work closely with 3D printers (We have more that 6 active machines in our office and the real laboratory); — Possibility to grow together with the company and implement your ideas; — Competetive non-financial motivation ;) — Comfortable and flexible working schedule; — Social benefits, paid vacations and sick-leaves; — Free fruits and sweets, unlimited milk-tea-coffee; — English classes. — 24-day paid vacation and 100% paid sick leave — Health insurance — Parking on the territory of the business center Обов’язки •Helping with HR activities •Helping during the hiring process •Control of office correspondence and document workflow •Ensure the trouble-free office work •Organization of office facilities purchase, negotiating with contractors and other service providers •Making all necessary orders for office needs (stationery, food, water, furniture, etc) •Manage relationships with vendors, service providers, and landlord, ensuring that all items are invoiced and paid on time •Keep updated records of the office expenses and costs •Manage office budget, ensure accurate and timely reporting •Keep a stock of office supplies and place orders when necessary •Support and improve office conditions •Organize office operations and procedures •Arrange and be responsible for some of the company benefits (insurance, birthday presents, English classes for employees, etc) •Handle parking •Address employees’ queries regarding office management issues •Maintain the office condition and arrange necessary repairs •Provide general support to visitors •Provide and track office entrance cards, security guidance •Organize relaxing areas in the office •Provide support with office assets inventory process in cooperation with Sys Admin and HR Lead Про проект EnvisionTEC is a leading global provider of 3D printing solutions for the rapid manufacture of customized products utilizing its proprietary consumables across a variety of markets.
EnvisionTEC GmbH
Administrator/Moderator Crm
**Smart Property Investment **is the first Ukrainian licensed real estate agency in Dubai with 9 years of experience! We work with top developers and help to acquire the best real estate both for personal use and for investment purposes. The SPI team are the best brokers leading the world of real estate in Dubai, always listening and satisfying the needs of clients **We are looking for CRM Administrator** **We will definitely match if you:** - Have experience with Excel spreadsheets and CRM - Fluent in English - Responsible attitude to work, assiduous and executive - Ability to work with large volumes of textual data - Ability to analyze text - Are you able to work in a team - You have a good memory for details **What we expect from you:** - monitoring the work of brokers with clients in CRM - conducting analytics - process optimization - submission of weekly reports
Administrator (office) Manager
**28SOFTWARE **is focused on creating high-quality and immersive solutions in the various business verticals across mobile, VR/AR, and other interactive platforms of the future. We are pushing new interactive entertainment mediums up to their limits with new products and new ways of interaction between users. Currently, we are looking for an experienced **Administrator Manager (Office Manager)** to join our office in Warsaw on a full-time basis. The Administrator Manager will be expected to effectively manage office administration, and office financials, overseeing subcontracts and local vendor agreements. **Requirements**: Over 1 year of experience in a similar function/role Proven experience in management and program planning Love working with people Ability to work within tight deadlines and in a fast-changing environment Strong organizational skills and attention to detail Ability to maintain focus and complete high-quality work while under the pressure of multiple tasks. Spoken and written language proficiency in English, Polish, and Ukrainian **Tasks**: Be responsible for WOW level of comfort in the office Oversee office financials, administration, procurements, and local vendor agreements Assist with the onboarding process Assist with guest relations management Supervise courses and Sports corporate programs Conduct monthly and daily petty cash reconciliation **What's in it for you**: A challenging function, with a lot of responsibility in a unique business environment State-of-the-art, cool, centrally located office with excellent atmosphere and superior working conditions Competitive salary Vacation 20 calendar days Corporate health programs Kitchen with healthy snacks, coffee, and fruit days Corporate events Free bicycle parking Relocation assistance for nonlocal candidates
Administrator/Personal Assistant
Requirements: Proficient PC user Excellent with Excel, Word, Power Point, Google Docs English — Upper Intermediate Good organisational skills Being able to work in a fast-paced environment Being proactive and learn fast Competent written and spoken communication; Responsible attitude to any task; Responsibilities: Preparation of additional information for the daily meetings and appointments; Formation of documents, lists, tables according to information from the chef; Control of the changes in Google documents and tables; Manage databases and fill systems; Implement and maintain procedures and administrative processes; Provide different reports, presentations and briefs; Communicate with other executives on behalf of the manager. Managing different administrative tasks for Head of department and PMO team What you will get: Opportunities for professional growth and development; Salary according to your skills; Professional, friendly and a little bit crazy team; English courses compensation; Variety of interesting and challenging tasks; Professional development opportunities; internal training activities on a regular base; Opportunity to attend paid seminars, training and conferences.
Wow-How Studio
Project Manager
Administrator security
Skills: - Кnowledge of Linux (Unix System). - Knowledge of Git version control systems. - VPN understanding of the principles of work Offer: - Great opportunity to take part in creating a new unique product platform, which has no analogues in the world; - Ability to influence project technologies; - Team of professionals & continuous self-improvement - Really friendly team with no hierarchy inside; - Fully paid sick leaves and 18 days paid vacation; - Education expenses coverage, English classes, corporate events; - Competitive compensation.
Administrator ServiceNow
Requirements: • ServiceNow System Administrator experience. • Excellent communication skills, written and verbal. • High level English skills, both Written and verbal. Will be a plus: • Hands on with Service Now HR, Legal, and IT Service Delivery platforms • Experience working in an Agile project environment with emphasis on frequently delivering functional software releases at a sustainable pa We offer: • Cutting-edge engineering stack • Team of strong IT professionals working in a vibrant product environment • Perspective to take part in creating a complex and useful product from scratch using modern approaches • Best practices application • Practices we follow: TDD, DI, CI\CD\CT • Usage of all the needed newly-updated tools • Centrally located office near Poshtova Square metro station with a great view from our terrace • Competitive salary, reasonable and fair working conditions, flexible schedule • Medical insurance, English classes, lunches Responsibilities: • Create, maintain and enhance future connections between ServiceNow and other internal system such crm and HR system. • Support the discovery, requirements gathering, from customers. • Complete and manage administration configurations in ServiceNow • Collaborate with developers and business analysts in an Agile development environment • Lead the vision for dashboards, metrics, etc. and provide the concepts to create reports for different business usage. • Support testing, configuration, change. • Maintain responsibility for completion and accuracy of work products- Confirm that new developments comply with user usage. Maxitech is a R&D office of large international holding, building a portfolio of products linked to each other with the business goals they are addressing. Maxitech R&D team’s target is developing software solutions maximizing the performance of the core business. Current team size is 200+ employees. We are looking for experts ready to bring their knowledge and contribute to building the new, best-in-the class software product. Our company headquarter is in Israel. We also have offices in 8 locations worldwide. R&D team is fully concentrated in Kiev. We don’t do outstaff or outsource, we don’t have a “client” and don’t sell any service. We make qualitative software products to enable the business become more efficient and successful. If you feel the confidence and strength to apply your previous experience to join trending product development with highly-skilled opinion allies as Maxi people, contact us at once!
Business Analyst
Administrator (Yerevan)
Duties: - Working in the jira system. - Review of serviceability and malfunctions, in work areas, offices, meeting rooms, kitchens, restrooms, warehouses and utility rooms, lighting, heating, ventilation. - Purchase of household and office supplies, purchase of medicines. - Organizing meals for the employees, fruit ordering, lunches, making requests to the suppliers, ordering coffee, tea and other related products, water, etc. - Organization of office landscaping, plants purchasing - Assistance in organization of holidays and events, employees' birthdays. - Organisation of workspace and places for employees. Benefits: - Paid vacations (20 working days/ year); - Fully paid sick leaves according to the company’s policy; - English courses; - Professional development and educational events (within your personal training budget); - Sessions with corporative psychologist.
Admin Manager for PMI
**We invite those who fired up to:** - Deal with all administrative questions about the office; - Support budgeting and bookkeeping procedures; - Review and approve supply requisitions; - Keep stock of office supplies and place orders when necessary; - Assign and monitor clerical function; - Conduct travel support (tickets/hotels booking, pass cards for managers who visit Cyprus, invitations for partners); - Organize events; - Assist colleagues whenever necessary. **Essential professional experience:** - High education; - 1+ years in administrative and office managing sphere; - Advanced English; - Able to make a research and work with local suppliers. **Desirable skills and personal features:** - Excellent networking and interpersonal skills; - Friendly looking; - Customer-focused. **We care of your:** **Health** - 100% paid sick leaves; - Benefits Cafeteria (gym/stomatology/psychological service & etc.). **Wealth** - Competitive salary and сonstant encouragement for your efforts and contribution; - Annual salary review; - OKR-based bonus system; - Gifts for significant life events (marriage, childbirth). **Personal and professional growth** - Individual annual training budget with an opportunity to visit paid conferences, training sessions, English lessons, workshops, etc.; - Personal development plan; - Feedback culture. **Work-life balance** - 20 working days of paid vacation; - Flexible schedule; - Corporate events and team-building activities; - PM Clubs; - PM Foundation Activities.
Parimatch Tech
Admin Specialist
**Altamira.ai** is a digital transformation company that provides consulting services, including innovative strategies and bespoke technology solutions, to customers interested in business transformation. Altamira.ai is headquartered in Bratislava (Slovakia) and uses design thinking and innovative technologies to develop digital solutions to help our customers. Through its subsidiaries in Slovakia and Ukraine, the company is a sought-after business partner with a world-class team of talented professionals. Altamira.ai is backed by SARS Capital. **Job Description:** We are looking for an experienced Аministration Specialist who will provide an excellent experience for our employees and clients through fruitful collaboration. We are looking for a reliable and strong specialist who will create complete orders around him at GBKSOFT. **Qualifications:** – Higher education. – 3-5 years of relevant administrative experience. – Attentiveness to details and responsible attitude. – Strong analytical skills. – Open-minded, willing to learn and develop. – Problem-solving skills and effective orientation in unexpected situations. – Easy to communicate and establish both inside-team and connections. – Literate and fluent English, Ukrainian. – Proficient MS Office user (Excel, Word, PowerPoint). – Experience in working with task managers. **Nice to have:** – PA experience is a plus. **We offer:** – Competitive salary, room for development and growth; – Loyal management, interesting tasks, constant support; – Medical insurance; – Paid vacations, sick leaves, regular salary reviews; – Flexible schedule and ability to manage your working hours; – Support of your personal growth and skills upgrading; – Healthy deadlines; – Great environment inside the team, support of initiatives, ability to contribute to the common goal; – Work remotely or in our space in the heart of Kyiv. We will be a happy offer to your cooperation with us.
Admin System avec knowledge of WSO2 API Management
Founded in 1990, API is a Swiss IT services company specializing in IT consulting and services. It offers its clients a large number of quality services such as Management Consulting, Information Systems, Infrastructure and the provision of specialized consultants. Work is on-site, so if you are already in Switzerland or Europe that would be a great advantage. Otherwise, candidate should be open for relocation (the other restrictive details will be discussed). More information is available upon request and in phone conversation.
Ad Monetization Manager
Requirements: - 2+ years of experience as Ad Monetization Manager (big advantage!) - Work experience in analytics - Structural approach to data with strong quantitative and qualitative analysis skills - Advanced working knowledge of Excel, Tableau, PowerBI SQL — a must! - Methodological approach to data & the ability to present data clearly and efficiently to support business decisions - Strong written and verbal communication skills in English - A people person. Positive, full of initiative, curious, independent, and a quick learner - Personal gaming background — an advantage Responsibilities: - Daily traffic monitoring and prompt response to emergency situations - Interaction with project teams — User Acquisition departments and analytics to collect, analyze and improve the monetization metrics of projects - Providing reports on a regular basis and upon request - Perks and Benefits - Comfortable office (m.Poznyaky) - Competitive wage; - Work/Life balance (everyone needs private space); - Career development (coaching or mentoring programs from Leads; training; conference tickets); - Health insurance (because we care about our employees); - Flexible schedule (remote work for lockdown period); - Wellness programs (we have our own sports center FREE for employees); - Lunches, coffee, cookies, and fruits (we want to keep our team strong and healthy); -Employee reward programs (holidays' gifts, parties, branded swag, a variety of bonuses). -Whaelapp treats each employee as a family member. For us, family always comes first.
Ad Monetization Manager
**SKILLS AND QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED:** - Passionate about mobile gaming, apps and the gamedev industry; - Practical knowledge of ads monetization and ads management, optimizations of mediation solutions. Experience within the games industry is a plus; - Experience in reading and interpreting technical documentation of ads networks (SDK and API docs); - Understanding of ad networks operation, reading and interpreting data to communicate to developers; - Fluent English (minimum Upper-Intermediate, Advanced a strong plus); - Excellent verbal and written communication skills; - Good organizational skills, goal orientation, reporting skills are crucial; - Able to plan, develop, manage relationships and sales (B2B/B2C); - Advanced MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, Google Docs). **KEY RESPONSIBILITIES:** - Manage Ad monetization campaigns and recommend strategies for future optimizations; - Identify and advocate initiatives that will improve Ad revenue generated through ad network partners; - Segmenting users to optimize Ad targeting; - Measure results of the Ad campaigns and optimize the assets and experiments; - Identify new user engagement opportunities with mobile advertisements; - Manage existing and create new business relationships with ad network partners; - Work closely with other departments to improve Ad monetization performance. **WHAT WE OFFER:** - Full-time position, a flexible work schedule; - Formal employment, full social package; - Friendly team members and open-to-everyone working environment; - English language courses; - Gym and fitness classes for employees.
G5 Entertainment
Ad Monetization Manager
**What will you do:** 🎮 Be responsible for Waterfall Management 🎮 Conduct full-cycle negotiations with partners on both ad-hoc matters (bugs, discrepancies, creative quality, SDK updates) and long-term strategic ones (being aware of partners pipeline, new features, ad formats, beta-programs) 🎮 Monitor product data on all ad-related features (eCPM, ARPDAU, Ads/DAU, etc) 🎮 Identify growth points and strategy for the Ad Monetization part from a SDK optimization standpoint **What we are looking for:** 🎮 Experience within Ad Monetization 🎮 An understanding on how ad networks operate, as well as up-to-date knowledge on the best practices of global waterfall optimizations 🎮 The ability to work on manual tasks, digging deep into data and finding the ways for better optimizations 🎮 Excellent presentation skill to show your findings, thoughts and ideas to upper-management and build a plan for the execution of projects within and outside of your direct responsibilities 🎮 A passion for games and product development 🎮 Data driven, even if sometimes things are obvious 🎮 An eagerness to grow as a professional together with the company **Why you will love Popcore:** **Grow with us** We want to enable you to take charge of your career and embark on opportunities that will challenge, motivate and grow you. Our learning and development budget will is one of our ways to help you achieve this. **Be part of the team** Join an international team of highly qualified and deeply motivated creative and technical people **Work your way** Set your own work hours, schedule. It’s your work, your choice **Join the tech hub** Learn and work with the latest tools and technology, and connect with the best talent in the industry **Relocation aid** Relocate seamlessly, we take care of visas, accommodation and support you with paper work **Health and Wellbeing** Your wellbeing comes first! Get secure health insurance and wellbeing package included as standard **Hybrid/Remote working** We can embrace this working environment and can be available depending on location and role **Vacation days** You deserve a well earned break! We offer up to 37 days holiday (inc public holidays) **Planning ahead** We offer a company pension as standard **Office ** When traveling to the office we cover your BVG or bike/e-scooter rental along with free daily lunches and onsite snacks **If this sounds like it ticks all your boxes, stop reading and apply now!**
Ad Monetization Manager
Необходимые навыки 2+ years of experience as Ad Monetization Manager (big advantage!) Work experience in analytics Structural approach to data with strong quantitative and qualitative analysis skills Advanced working knowledge of Excel, Tableau, PowerBI SQL — a must! Methodological approach to data & the ability to present data clearly and efficiently to support business decisions Strong written and verbal communication skills in English A people person. Positive, full of initiative, curious, independent, and a quick learner Personal gaming background — an advantage Предлагаем Nice and modern office filled with amenities — next to the Poznyaky metro station Competitive wage Great work/life balance Career development possibilities (Coaching and mentoring programs from Leads; training; tickets to conferences) Health insurance Flexible schedule (Remote work during lockdown period) Wellness programs (In-office sports center FREE for our employees) Lunch, coffee, and snacks included (Keeping our employees happy and healthy!) Обязанности Daily traffic monitoring and prompt response to emergency situations Interaction with project teams — User Acquisition departments and analytics to collect, analyze and improve the monetization metrics of projects Providing reports on a regular basis and upon request
Adobe AEM Developer
The role requires you will participate in all aspects of the software development lifecycle which includes technical design, implementation, documentation, testing, deployment, and support of the application. Requirements: - 2+ years of experience implementing Adobe AEM 6.4 and later required; AEM 6.5 is a plus. Design, develop and support AEM components, integrations and applications. - Minimum of 3+ years with J2EE programming experience required - Experience integrating Adobe Analytics or Google Analytics with AEM is a plus - Experience implementing web content management systems in a large corporate environment - Experience with object-oriented design and design patterns - Experience building, deploying and supporting Internet-facing applications - Superior problem solving, organizational, decision-making, written, oral and interpersonal skills - Ability to work as web producer to add new pages and update content using AEM component Nice to have: - Experience working in AEM Cloud Service - Experience with Editable Templates, Experience Fragments, and Content Fragments - Adobe Certified Expert (Developer, Lead Developer, and/or Architect) Job Type: Full-time Schedule: 8-hour shift Work Location: Ukraine (remote) Benefits: - Employee assistance program - Employee discount - Flexible Schedule - Paid time off - Professional development assistance - Referral program
Kozak Group
Adobe After Effects Plugin Developer
**The Company:** Founded in 2006, P-product is an international US-based software development company proficient in Web, mobile, and desktop development and support, as well as having extensive expertise in digital signal processors (DSPs). We are now looking for an **Adobe After Effects plugin Developer** to join our Kharkiv RnD center with a unique family-like atmosphere and sophisticated projects. **The Customer:** Our Customer well known in the personalization market has a suite of products for creative design that plugin into Adobe tools. **Requirements:** • 2 years of development experience with ExtendScript, HTML, CSS, JavaScript is a must. • Experience in writing Adobe After Effects plugins using Adobe Common Extensibility Platform (CEP) • Experience in writing After Effects expressions • Passion to develop great products • Excellent English **Will be a plus:** o NodeJS o Typescript o React.JS o Photoshop/Illustrator scripts o MAC working knowledge o AWS **We offer:** Environment encouraging to thrive in Smart, friendly and talented colleagues Challenging tasks Opportunities for professional growth Remote/Work from home option (during quarantine) and flexible working schedule Adequate management, minimum bureaucracy Paid vacation and sick leave Paid medical insurance English lectures with an experienced language instructor Full PE accounting and support Regular corporate parties and events (online during quarantine) Cozy office in the center Gym membership compensation A variety of snacks and drinks Performance evaluation reviews
Adobe After Effects Plugin Developer
What we are looking for? • 2 years of development experience with ExtendScript, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, NodeJS -- a must. • Experience in writing Adobe After Effects plugins using Adobe Common Extensibility Platform (CEP) • Experience in writing After Effects expressions • Excellent English • Experience in the following is an advantage o Typescript o React.JS o Photoshop/Illustrator scripts o MAC working knowledge o AWS Key Responsibilities • Play an active role in the design and implementation of new features for the Video product, mostly in After Effects • Review and maintain existing code to improve performance and reliability
Adobe Analytics Developer, Financial Systems
About the vacancy One of the largest professional certification associations in the finance industry globally uses DataArt as its primary technology partner. This highly prestigious and recognizable organization has thousands of certified members worldwide. Technology excellence is one of the strategic foundations of the organization. Their IT landscape is diverse and contemporary, including Azure, .NET, Salesforce, SiteCore, NetSuite, and Selenium. The Adobe Analytics Developer is the primary technical expert responsible for the implementation of the client's behavioral analytics tracking. This role collaborates with the Marketing, Data, and Development functions within the organization to define, deploy, and manage the required Adobe Analytics scripts and coordinate reporting and analysis of data collected via the Adobe Launch platform. We hire people not to a project, but to the company. If the project (or your work in it) is over, you go to another project or to a paid “Idle”. Responsibilities Understand behavioral analytics measurement design requirements and translate these business requirements into a written data collection implementation guide Follow best practices to install configure and use the Adobe Analytics web analytics tools and tag management systems Develop, customize, QA, and troubleshoot data collection code in complex environments with consistent use of tag management systems, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS Identify data collection issues and gaps Maintain established data collection audit standards and as needed lead audits to provide a guide that fully describes existing data quality and steps for improvement Recommend and implement analytics tracking code needed for ongoing reporting and analysis activities Must have 4+ years of experience in Adobe Analytics and Adobe Launch DTM 2+ years in web development skills including JavaScript, HTML, and JQuery Strong project management ability with attention to detail Bachelor’s degree or a degree in Computer Science Information Systems Business Engineering Marketing or a related technical discipline Excellent interpersonal skills including a professional and diplomatic demeanor Excellent communication skills including written, verbal, listening, and presentation High level of organizational and time management skills Problem-solving, and analytical skills Ability to handle confidential and sensitive information with a high degree of professionalism Fluent English
Business Analyst
Adobe analytics expert
Responsibilities Consultant (m/f/d): - Contact person for the internal Adobe Analytics team - Strategic further development of Adobe Analytics Responsibilities Digital Analyst (m/f/d): - Implementation, execution and evaluation of analyses - Quality assurance Please note: We need experts in Adobe Analytics. Knowledge with other tools (e.g. Google Analytics) is not sufficient here.
MSV Multicall
Business Analyst
Adobe Analytics Lead
**WE ARE** An American company that develops software for businesses to help manage their networks, systems, and information technology infrastructure. It is headquartered in Austin, Texas, with sales and product development offices in a number of locations in the United States and several other countries. The team is working on the company`s websites which are the primary marketing channel for convincing IT professionals to purchase the products. The goal is to support the sites, timely and effectively update the content and enable the sales department. The key responsibility is making sure the websites (scroll down for the list) are operational and the key functionality works and implementation of reusable components and templates on the websites. **YOU ARE** Web Analytics Analyst with excellent knowledge of Adobe Analytics Role Overview Supporting and leading Web Analytics to drive Adobe Analytics adoption within the Marketing organization. Responsibilities Reporting - Defining and creating standard sets of reporting within Adobe platform with the Web Analytics team - Reviewing existing reporting - Building methodologies and framework for Web Reporting in Adobe Analytics - Work with Marketing Analytics to standardize Web KPIs - Partner with content creation to create standards for tracking on the website (Useful naming conventions, naming on click tracking objects etc..) - Aligning with business logic for segmentation of the data - Utilizing best practices in visual reporting: BANs Speaking to specific audiences Providing Context Consistency across different reports Skills - An expert in developing and maintaining reporting in Adobe Analytics - Prior experience of reviewing and implementing Web Analytics Reporting solutions - Awareness of tag management Preferred but not required - Knowledge of Data Warehousing / Data Visualisation Tooling (Tableau / PowerBI) is a plus. **YOU WANT TO WORK WITH** Administration - User Access Auditing - Assist with SSO implementation Data Governance - Enhance Data Collection Strategy - Data Democratization to enable users to utilize reporting - Documenting KPIs - Data Health Validate against other systems of record Validate automated processes for imports/exports
Adobe Campaign Manager
**Requirements** Adobe Analytics Adobe Classic Jira **Would be a plus** automotive industry experience **Responsibility** - Review briefing, project planning, update campaign ticket according project progress - Creation, maintenance and check campaign workflows and deliveries - Target group selection in AC - Adaptation of existing newsletter template/modules (HTML), integration of final content (assets, texts) - Integration of final campaign template into the campaign workflow, automation - Metadata integration in deliveries (tracking), monitoring tracking (parsing) for the campaigns - Set up A/B testing, splits (subject line, header, send out time, no content test), 1 test split per campaign - Compatibility and quality checks (display test via tool litmus, link testing, tracking test) - Test dispatch (internal, external) - Review & validation of journeys & automation process - Scheduled dispatch/push of delivery in AC, monitoring of dispatch - Tool know-how: Adobe Classic, Jira, Adobe Analytics
GeeksForLess Inc.
Adobe Commerce (Magento) Front-End Developer
Numerous new and ongoing projects ranging from enterprise content solutions, mobile apps, and data services to experience-driven enterprise e-commerce, user experience, and marketing. Global opportunities to work with different industry verticals: retail & luxury, financial, healthcare, travel & hospitality, automotive, media & entertainment. Valtech is an Adobe Platinum Solution Partner with the highest achievable status. We have delivered Adobe/Magento solutions to more than 120 clients, such as Danone, BMW, Heineken. **The ideal candidate's skills include:** / Good experience with Javascript / Knowledge of jQuery/ RequireJS/ Knockout / 3+ years of Magento front-end development experience / Knowledge of HTML, CSS / Magento 2 platform knowledge / Semantic and valid coding / Cross browsers and cross-platform development / Responsive (adaptive), retina / Preprocessors (Sass, Less, etc.) / Knowledge of Grunt / Gulp / Knowledge of Git / SVN / Experience in Agile, Scrum / Knowledge of JIRA, Confluence / Upper-Intermediate English level / Accountability, strong communication, collaboration, and time-management skills / Strong desire to learn more about business every day **Optional:** / knowledge of Webpack/ CommonJS/ React/ will be a plus. **The Role** As a **Frontend Developer** within our organization, you will be part of the team building eCommerce solutions for our clients that need to handle the daily challenges of scaling, resilience, and performance. You will work in an agile way in cross-functional global teams to deliver exceptional user experiences. You will participate in developing large-scale web-based projects on Magento 2.x. platforms. Work with back-end developers to ensure proper implementation of website data and functionality. Evaluate code to ensure that it is valid, properly structured, meets industry standards, and functions correctly across targeted browsers. Identify problems uncovered by testing, automated & user feedback, system logs, etc. and correct or refer to appropriate personnel for correction. Help manage projects through the design, development, and QA processes. Mentoring junior & middle Front-end consultants. As a consultant, you are expected to develop expertise both in technology and in communicating complex concepts and rationale to non-techies. We’ll encourage and support this with frequent opportunities to share ideas internally. We also have consultants who frequently deliver at regional, national and global conferences. **Benefits** **Mental and physical health:** / Medical insurance / Sports reimbursement budget / Home office support / A number of free psychological and legal consultations / Maternity & paternity leave support **Personal and professional development:** / Internal workshops & learning initiatives / English language classes compensation / Professional certifications reimbursement / Participation in professional local & global communities / Growth Framework to manage expectations and define the steps to move towards the selected career / Mentoring program with the ability to become a mentor or a mentee to grow to a higher position **Valtech Ukraine** has a system of progressive benefit packages in place – the longer you stay with the company – the more benefits you get. For us, at **Valtech** our main priority has always been people. Valtech has created **One Fund** to support Ukrainian colleagues who have found their lives turned upside down in these tough times. You can not only become a part of constant evolution but can lead the change. The more we grow – the more opportunities there are to take responsibility, implement your creative ideas, be the innovator and driver rather than the task executor. **Say hello to your future. Apply!**
Adobe Commerce (Magento) PWA Frontend Developer (Middle, Senior)
We are looking for an Adobe Commerce PWA Frontend Developer to join our growing global team. Numerous new and ongoing projects ranging from enterprise content solutions, mobile apps, and data services to experience driven enterprise e-commerce, user experience, and marketing. Valtech is an **Adobe Platinum Solution Partner** with the highest achievable status. We have delivered Adobe/Magento solutions to more than 120 clients, such as Danone, BMW, Heineken. **The ideal candidate's skills include:** / Commerce experience with **Adobe Commerce (Magento) PWA** / 2+ years of **Magento front-end** development / Strong experience in **API** integrations / Strong Javascript knowledge with 3+ years experience / Strong knowledge of React.js / Redux state management / Knowledge of GraphQL / Knowledge of Workbox / Experience with CSS compilation with Webpack / Preprocessors (Sass, Less, etc.) / Knowledge of Git / SVN / Semantic and valid coding / Upper-Intermediate English level / Accountability, strong communication, collaboration, and time-management skills / Strong desire to learn more about business every day **Optional** / Leadership and mentorship experience / Component Library / UI Design system (Storybook) experience / Understanding of SEO standards and best practices **The Role** As an **Adobe Commerce Frontend Developer with PWA** experience within our organization, you will be part of the team building e-commerce solutions for our clients that need to handle the daily challenges of scaling, resilience and performance. You will work in an agile way in cross-functional global teams to deliver exceptional user experiences. You will participate in developing large-scale web-based projects on Adobe Commerce 2.x. platforms both headless and monolithic. As a consultant you are expected to develop expertise both in technology and in communicating complex concepts and rationale to non-techies. We’ll encourage and support this with frequent opportunities to share ideas internally. We also have consultants frequently deliver at regional, national and global conferences. **Recruitment process** — **HR interview**: we could be getting to know the profile and getting a clear understanding of what you are looking for. We will offer you our opportunity and tell you more about projects and the company. Also, you could ask specific questions about your role and team (language: Ukrainian, English); — **Technical interview**: We would like to see how you think and solve problems. We evaluate your technical level and send an invitation to the final interview to candidates who suit the open position (language: Ukrainian, English); — **Final interview**: Hiring Manager and People Partner will tell you more about our values and project details. We could be getting a clear understanding of your experience, expectations, and important things (language: Ukrainian, English). — **Job offer**: If all above goes well you will get an e-mail with the job offer. **Benefits** **Mental and physical health:** / Medical insurance / Sports reimbursement budget / Home office support / A number of free psychological and legal consultations / Maternity & paternity leave support **Personal and professional development:** / Internal workshops & learning initiatives / English language classes compensation / Professional certifications reimbursement / Participation in professional local & global communities / Growth Framework to manage expectations and define the steps to move towards the selected career / Mentoring program with the ability to become a mentor or a mentee to grow to a higher position **Valtech Ukraine** has a system of progressive benefits packages in place – the longer you stay with the company – the more benefits you get. For us, at Valtech our main priority has always been people. Valtech has created One Fund to support Ukrainian colleagues who have found their lives turned upside down at these tough times. You can not only become a part of constant evolution but can lead the change. The more we grow – the more opportunities there are to take responsibility, implement your creative ideas, be the innovator and driver rather than the task executor. **Say hello to your future. Apply!**
Adobe Developer
We are seeking a talented and motivated Adobe Developer to join our dynamic team. As an Adobe Developer, you will play a pivotal role in developing and enhancing our suite of software applications and solutions that leverage Adobe technologies. Your primary responsibility will be to design, implement, and maintain innovative and efficient solutions that meet our clients’ specific needs. Requirements: — Proven experience as an Adobe Developer, with a strong portfolio of successful projects leveraging Adobe technologies — Proficiency in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) and other Adobe products like Adobe Analytics, Adobe Target, and Adobe Campaign — Solid understanding of web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and responsive design principles — Familiarity with Java or other programming languages commonly used in Adobe development — Experience integrating Adobe applications with RESTful APIs and backend systems — Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to troubleshoot complex technical issues — Upper-Intermediate level of English is a must Responsibilities: — Collaborate with cross-functional teams to analyze business requirements and translate them into technical specifications for Adobe-based applications — Develop and customize web applications, websites, and mobile applications using Adobe technologies, including Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), Adobe Analytics, Adobe Target, and others. — Implement and integrate Adobe solutions with third-party systems, APIs, and databases to ensure seamless functionality and data flow — Optimize the performance and scalability of Adobe applications to deliver a superior user experience — Stay up-to-date with the latest Adobe product updates, trends, and best practices to recommend innovative solutions to the team — Troubleshoot and debug issues related to Adobe applications and provide timely resolutions — Collaborate with UX/UI designers to ensure visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces We offer: — Providing freedom and initiative for decision-making — Courses and education — English courses twice a week — Convenient and bright office located in Kyiv with generator and Starlink — Strong corporate management and transparent strategy — Unlimited area for self-development and personal growth — A set of benefits like video games, flexible working hours and high salary — Regular team buildings
Devox Software
Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Back-end Developer
Elogic Commerce is looking for an Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Back-end Developer to join our team of professionals. Required skills: 2+ years developing and deploying AEM projects and solutions 2+ years of experience with Java Good spoken and written English We offer: Challenging projects and tasks, cutting edge technologies; Great opportunities for professional and career growth; Competitive salary and taxes compensation; 12 sick leaves and 18 paid vacation business days per year; Medical insurance; Convenient office; Flexible home/office work schedule; Corporate English lessons; Professional certification; Experience implementing professional ecommerce solutions for US and Western Europe Refer a friend program; Integration events.
Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) developer
**Required skills:** • Familiarity with the latest technologies and concepts of AEM 6.0+ • Good understanding of OOP/OOD • Good knowledge of the latest UI development frameworks and related technologies (Java, HTML, SASS, LESS, CSS, HTML5 and JavaScript, JSON, XML); • Experience with Git, Jira • Intermediate spoken and written English and higher level **We offer:** • Open management and friendly dynamic team • Projects that use advanced, cutting-edge technologies • Certification Programs • Professional development opportunities • Medical insurance • Flexible working hours and adjustable work/life balance • Ongoing Performance Review • Language classes (English) • Cozy and convenient workplace
IT Service Ukraine
Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Developer
**About us:** TMG is a technology & e-commerce focused business. We take pride in delivering great products and creating partnerships with our clients and we’re a place where the technologists drive the work and flow. We’re a tight-knit group with a great culture (lots of flexibility & lots of great perks!) We love what we do and look to build partnerships with others that are passionate about their work! **You should have experience in:** 2+ years developing and deploying Adobe Eperience Manager projects and solutions; 3+ years Java; 2+ years HTML/CSS/JavaScript; Good verbal, written English skills. **Nice to have:** e Campaign; e Target; e Analytics; e I/O; e Sensei; AEM Forms. **What you will be doing:** - Experience developing e Experience Manager templates and components; - Develop new capabilities based on best practice architectures for multi-tenant, multi-brand environments; - Provide input into our agile Scrum and Kanban plans and develop features based on defined sprint goals; - Turn requirements into implementations; - Support the release management process, promotion of capabilities through environments Ability to handle multiple competing priorities. **What makes us special?** — We do love what we do! — We provide and support freedom, flexibility, and work-life balance in TMG: Working remotely. You can work from anywhere and whenever! Flexible schedule — so you may adjust your work schedule to your personal business. Unlimited vacation, sick days, and personal leave at TMG; we trust our people to be professional and responsible. 0% bureaucracy culture — we do not have specific roles, we have responsibilities. Medical and sport reimbursement program. — A friendly and supportive atmosphere is guaranteed! **About Techmates Group** Techmates Group — is a team of certified Hybris Commerce professionals with years of experience successfully delivering both B2B and B2C projects on the SAP Hybris platform. We love what we do and look to build partnerships with others that are passionate about their work!
Techmates Group
Adobe Experience Manager Developer
What you will do: - Design, develop, deploy and support digital consumer experiences based on AEM components, integrations, and applications for a major international company from the Fortune 500 list; - Design, build and maintain efficient, reusable, and reliable code; - Discuss and translate business requirements and technical specifications into fully functioning features. Propose the most optimal development approach; - Review, estimate, and provide a critical approach to the assigned tasks – don’t be shy to point out gaps, mistakes or simply propose a better approach; - Diagnose and solve technical problems related to content management implementation; - Adopt and utilize iterative / Agile methodology as needed or requested; - Analyze, scope, and estimate work in a complex environment; - Closely collaborate with a cross-functional team (PM, BA, QA, as well as other developers). The team may be distributed across different time zones and even continents. Your knowledge and skills: - Expert level knowledge of Adobe AEM 6.x and Java -- delivering solutions in production environments; - 2+ years of experience implementing AEM 6.x (Adobe Experience - Manager/Adobe CQ). Adobe AEM 6.3/6.4 required; AEM 6.5 is a plus; - 4+ years of J2EE development experience required; - Strong AEM experience with architecture/Design understanding; - Proficiency in Day CQ / Adobe AEM foundational concepts including the use of core frameworks such as Apache Sling and Apache Felix, a solid understanding of all of the related building blocks (including templates, components, dialogs, widgets, etc.), and the Adobe AEM development and deployment process; - Expertise in Adobe Experience Manager related technologies: OSGi, Java - Content Repository, Apache Sling, HTL, Maven, OSGI, Node & NPM, REST based services; - Experience in Adobe AEM APIs; - Experience with object-oriented design and design patterns. Proven understanding of MVC architecture; - Experience with git and GitHub to manage and share source code; - Working in Agile Teams using Scrum/Scrumban methodology; - Knowledge of the end-to-end software development lifecycle, web content management, and content publishing/deployment/delivery processes; - Excellent problem-solving skills and ability to think logically; - Good spoken and written English level (B1 or higher); Technologies and tools: - Adobe Experience Manager 6.3-6.5; - Java 8 (Java 11 optional); - AEM Templates, AEM components, AEM Bundles, AEM Workflow, HTL, - OSGi, Java Content Repository, Apache Sling, Sling API, Sling Models, JCR API, AEM dialogs, AEM Content Fragments, AEM Experience Fragments, AEM Touch UI, AEM Clientlibs, Live/Language copies; - Eclipse/IntelliJ, Maven; - SQL2, xpath; - Basic experience with JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS; - Git ; - Jira, Confluence. Will be a plus: - Experience in leading team; - Experience working with geographically separate project teams; - Experience implementing web content management systems in a large corporate environment; - AEM Forms experience; - Experience consuming and developing XML and JSON web services; - Strong communication, interpersonal, collaboration and leadership skill; - Manage risk and change with an agile approach; - Experience integrating AEM Cloud Services is a+ (Test & Target, Analytics); - Familiar with DevOps best practices a+; - Experience in Integrating AEM applications with other Adobe suite of products like Analytics, Target, Forms and Others is desirable; - Experience in working with Jenkins and other DevOps tools for Automated - Build and Deployment; - Jenkins; - Experience with front end development frameworks (React, Angular). We offer: - Competitive salary in USD; - Open management and friendly dynamic team (awesome team of professionals always ready to help); - Projects that use advanced, cutting-edge technologies; - Professional development opportunities; - Flexible working hours and adjustable work/life balance; - Language classes (English); - Remote work - our team has been successfully operating all over the world; - Compensation for accounting support; - Paid vacations and sick leaves.
Adobe Experience Manager / Solution Architect
Project Description: Our client is a leading global Financial Market data provider who runs several change programs to deliver high-quality software that connects Financial Markets across the globe in a real-time, high frequency, and low-latency data management chain. The projects are technically challenging in a very engaging environment making the most of cutting-edge technologies covering the domains of Real-Time, Big Data, Cloud, and Machine Learning. Responsibilities: • Work with Business Stakeholders, Product Owners, Business Analysts to understand functional and non-functional requirements and interact with other cross-functional teams. • Provide AEM solution architecture guidance and direction to internal teams for maximizing their digital marketing effectiveness. • Ensure all architects working in the domain understand the architecture principles, policies, and standards to produce function-specific reference architectures and solutions, and ensures all architects working in the domain adhere to these • Define the end-to-end solution & design covering all involved systems, data, integration, security and non-functional requirements involved any in project or change • Manage the quality and work throughput of a team of architects across the Corporate technology domain to define and deliver end to end architecture solutions aligned to the strategy and roadmaps • Ensure all solutions follow Corporate Technology and enterprise solution standards, align with the overall roadmap, have good quality documentation, and follow all relevant governance steps • Help project team to size & estimate project implementation and identify resources and skillset needed for delivery of the solution. Mandatory Skills Description: Experienced in architecting, delivering, and supporting of following: - Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) - Must have - Adobe Managed Services - Adobe Analytics - Adobe Target - Adobe Audience Manager - Dynamic Media and Search&Promote - Adobe Experience Platform & CDP (Customer Data Platform) - Digital and Marketing Technologies - Cloud platforms like AWS Detailed knowledge on Solution Architecture, Technology Strategy, Cloud and Security Expertise and understanding in the following languages and technologies: HTML, HTML5, JavaScript, XML, Java, WCM, ReactJS, AngularJS, headless CMS, services-based architecture, REST, Web analytics, content targeting Expertise and understanding of end-to-end DevOps tools and processes Knowledge of current digital marketing trends and best practices on topics such as personalization, cross channel marketing, mobile, data-driven optimization of experiences System integrations at application, data, and network architecture domains Appreciation of InfoSec practices as applied in a regulated environment Strong technical acumen Nice-to-Have Skills: Proficiency in AGILE methodologies of the development process Knowledge in using MVC (Model View Controller) architecture for designing and developing enterprise applications, through hands-on experience. Effective verbal and written communication skills and excellent interpersonal skills Strong analytical and dynamic troubleshooting skills combined with excellent communication skills and ability and comfortability to successfully perform individually, as a leading role, or as a contributing team member.
Adobe Expert
TalentsToday is #looking for **Adobe Specialist** (Adobe Launch and Adobe Analytics expertise) for #outstaff project. Start Date: Sept 01/2023 Duration: 6+ months with possuble extension Capacity: 100% Timezone: US Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) A contractor resource with Adobe Launch and Adobe Analytics expertise is needed to support analytics implementation, configuration, QA, site launch, client training, and project closure. **Responsibilities:** - Client facing (strong written and verbal skills) includes Adobe Analytics training. - Complete all necessary Adobe Launch and Adobe Analytics tasks and configurations - Conduct quality assurance of tagging and related data layer, ability to provide detailed feedback to engineering teams for troubleshooting, resolution - Ability to interpret detailed technical Analytics specification documents for Engineering and Analyst teams - Support new site launch activities as related to tag manager, Analytics **Requirements:** - Strong technical analytical skills - 5+ years of experience with Adobe Analytics on an ecommerce site - 8+ years of experience with Adobe Launch, data layer requirements and structure - Good knowledge of Javascript, HTML, CSS
Adobe InDesign Automation Engineer
Our **client**develops tailor-made software products and components for integration into existing systems — individually and specifically for specific sectors. Innovative and intelligent software solutions for the health care sector, pharmaceutical companies, and the printing industry. We are looking for a talented Adobe InDesign Automation Developer for implementing high-quality software systems. **Requirements:** • Experience with InDesign Server and Scripting • Knowledge of .Net (C#) • Experience in developing Adobe InDesign scripting using JavaScript, • Knowledge of SOAP, XSL, XML, InDesign SDK • At least upper-intermediate level of English, good speaking and writing skills Responsibilities: • Design description using Javascript • Algorithm development to automate the process of graphic elements creation **We offer:** • Flexible working hours • A competitive salary and good compensation package • Best hardware • A masseur and a corporate doctor • Healthcare & sport benefits • An inspiring and comfy office **Professional growth:** • Challenging tasks and innovative projects • Meetups and events for professional development • An individual development plan • Mentorship program **Fun:** • Corporate events and outstanding parties • Exciting team buildings • Memorable anniversary presents • A fun zone where you can play video games, foosball, ping pong, and more
Adobe Multi-Solution Architect, Global Media Commerce Company
About the vacancy Our client is a global media company specializing in travel. Their unique travel deals are valued by more than 25 million of members all over the world. These days they are initiating an unprecedented transformation of their technology landscape moving from a combination of fully custom developed products to a solution built based on modern robust platforms such as Adobe Experience Manager, which is expected to become the core of their future solution. Responsibilities - Work closely with the client's and internal teams to translate business requirements into technical details; - Work as a part of the architecture team to define the future state of the client's application landscape; - Advise and guide development teams to meet the defined objectives; - Participate in estimation and release planning activities; - Take an active part in the establishment and ongoing improvements of the software development process. Must have - 7+ years of development experience in Java ecosystem - 3+ years of experience working with Adobe Experience Manager (or other JCR-based content management system) - Consultants mindset (focusing on how to solve problems instead of getting a task done) - Deep understanding of AEM platform architecture - Enterprise-grade web app design and development - Excellent verbal, interpersonal and written communication skills - Strong business analysis and requirements elicitation skills - Hands-on experience with Adobe Experience Cloud products (AEM, Launch, Analytics, Target) Would be a plus - Experience establishing the digital transformation strategy for the organization; - Prior experience of successfully delivered migration projects (from/to Adobe stack) - Passed Adobe certifications (Architect-level) - Hands-on experience with Adobe Campaign - Being familiar with hospitality/media business - Experience with SF integration
Adobe Target Developer
**Responsibilities:** • Translate & build design requirements into new or existing client webpages and web/digital applications served through Adobe Target. • Develop front-end and back-end architecture for responsive client webpages and other digital services (HTML, JavaScript, CSS). • Design and document customized Adobe Target tracking specifications for digital content and partner with technology teams to ensure proper implementation. • Collaborate with our technology teams to add, update and verify implementation of Adobe Target code/SDKs on websites and native mobile app. • Collaborate with Adobe Product Owners and other key stakeholders to define and implement requirements as needed. • Diagnose and troubleshoot Target platform configuration issues, including and not limited to plug-ins, server call types, cookies, Link Tracking, visitor ID service, eVars, s.props, success events, merchandising variables, raw data feeds, pathing/fallout, segmentation and marketing channels. • Complete user acceptance tests (QA and reporting confirmation) of new & modified implementation plans and/or products. • Write functional specifications and technical documentation on concurrent activities. • Assess levels of risk and effort of proposed development tasks. **Preferred Qualifications** • At least 5+ years of experience with marketing technology tools including Adobe Analytics/Google Analytics, Adobe Target, DTM/Launch/Tealium/Ensighten, and marketing pixels. • Functional knowledge of client-side development in JavaScript and/or native mobile apps, and front-end debugging. • Experience with debugging using packet analyzers or sniffers such as Charles Debugger, Fiddler or similar tool. • Agile experience and familiarity with JIRA and Confluence. • History of successful technical consulting and/or architecture engagements with large-scale customers or enterprises. • Experience with usability, conversion analysis, and multivariate testing. • Ability to handle multiple responsibilities/projects on strict deadlines with minimal supervision/direction. • Ability to work effectively in a structured and detail-oriented role. • Hands-on experience on Adobe Target and Adobe Analytics reporting. • Good to have understanding / exposure to cross product integration ( i.e. Target – Campaign, Target – AAM etc..).
IT Service Ukraine
Ad operation/Account Manager
**Responsibilities: ** - Working with Video/RTB servers - Daily communication with the team, Supply/Demand partners - Creating/implementing tags/EPs - Preparing reports **Requirements:** - Strong analytical skills and ability to work with analytical tools (at least Excel) - Experience with working on oRTB/Video platforms - Good communication skills
AD Operation Executive
Are you an Ad Operations professional looking for a new challenge? Azerion is recruiting! We have a fantastic team and company culture and will provide training on internal and external systems to ensure you succeed. The Ad Operations Executive is responsible for activating, delivering and reporting on all advertising campaigns that run across a growing network of publishers for some of the world's biggest brands and advertisers. **Responsibilities include**: ● Oversee the management of all campaigns to ensure 100% delivery ● To test all 3rd party tracking, including viewability and brand safety vendors ● Liaise with the relevant departments to ensure good communication, transparent processes and reasonable measures of delivery are in place ● Proactively optimise all campaigns at regular intervals and communicate delivery concerns ● Deliver campaign reports and regular metric-based reporting to all areas of the business ● Identify, troubleshoot, and escalate issues ahead of time to help reduce financial implications ● Reconcile delivery figures and handle any additional billing queries ● Manage and prioritise own workload, take ownership of all assigned tasks and provide output within pre-agreed deadlines **Requirements** ● An interest in digital ad operations ● Work independently as well as part of a team ● Strong attention to detail, accuracy, and quality of work ● Proactive personality and able to handle multiple high-priority requests ● Good troubleshooting skills, a natural problem solver. ● Good verbal and written communication skills. ● English Upper-Intermediate, Advanced ● Knowledge of Microsoft Office **Education / Experience:** ● At least 6 months – 1-year experience, we will provide everything to ensure you succeed! ● Analytical skills and a willingness to learn and develop your career. ● Interest in software, technology and media. **We offer:** ● Official salary and transparent bonus ● Medical insurance ● Flexible working hours and paid vacation ● Challenging tasks and professional development, knowledge & best practice sharing, training, and conferences paid for by the company ● International team and experience
Azerion Ukraine
Ad Operation Manager
Requirements: Understanding the structure of JSON, XML; Knowledge of REST API; Knowledge of Javascript, HTML, CSS; Understanding the work of IFrame English at the level of reading documentation Sociability and openness; Attentiveness. Duties: Customer CRM technical support Connecting affiliate APIs to the system Verification of advertising JavaScript codes Work with advertising servers and RTB-platforms Full employment; Office in the center of Kiev
AdEx Network
Ad Operations Coordinator
**Key Areas of Responsibility:** • Set up campaigns and collaborate with Operations, Account, Media and Development teams, • Clients and Publishers to ensure campaigns are running properly • Maintain high volume campaigns and assist with any technical issues • Traffic creative and campaign assets to publishers and troubleshoot technical issues, where necessary • Create pixels and provide client direction for placing on the client’s site or in Google Tag Manager • Prepare reports and data in a presentable fashion for Clients, Publishers and internal staff • QA reporting dashboards • Update publisher specs and make campaign adjustments in our lead management platform and adserver • Assist with reporting dashboard creation • Address reporting and billing discrepancies • Monitor our lead system for errors and address where need. • Readiness to work in the office from 15:00 till 23:00 in order to have an optimal overlap of work hours with USA based teams. **Qualifications:** • Proficient in English, written and verbal • Proficient in all MS Office products • Ability to learn and understand technical applications • Basic knowledge of HTML, a plus • Experience with adservers such as Google Campaign Manager, a plus **We offer:** • Comfortable working place; • Medical insurance after the trial period ending; • Team-building activities; • 24 paid vacation days per year; • 5 paid sick leave days per year.
Ad Operations Coordinator Lead
Our company is a full-service, integrated, media planning and buying agency. We are media agnostic – aligning the most successful and efficient media strategies with the goals of our clients, regardless of channel. As an Ad Ops Coordinator Lead, you will be accountable for managing the ad campaign life cycle from campaign setup to ongoing campaign maintenance to help achieve client and company goals. You will also be responsible for leading, training and onboarding the Ukraine team. **Key Areas of Responsibility:** • Set up and maintain campaigns in our adserving platforms • Effectively collaborate with internal and external teams to ensure campaigns are running properly • Troubleshoot ad serving errors, report discrepancies and creative issues • Review and QA the work of other team members • Train new and existing employees and ensure they are following the proper processes • Provide support, direction and assistance to team members • Work alongside other employees, supervise and lead by example • Provide training support and participate in the onboarding process • Assist manager with supervising and directing tasks • Reports staffing, morale, work methods, issues and procedure problems to the management team **Qualifications:** • 2+ years work experience in an operational or supervisory role • Proficient in English, written and verbal • Proficient in all MS Office products • Ability to learn and understand technical applications • Basic knowledge of HTML, a plus • Experience with Google products such Campaign Manager, Tag Manager, Analytics, a plus • Readiness to work in the office from 15:00 till 23:00 in order to have an optimal overlap of work hours with USA based teams **We offer:** • Great office location 3 minutes from Pecherska metro station and great office conditions; • Comfortable working place; • Medical insurance after the trial period ending; • Team-building activities; • 24 paid vacation days per year; • 5 paid sick leave days per year.
Ad-operations manager
**Responsibilities:** Create and manage advertising campaigns (including content management) Monitoring, analyzing and optimizing the performance of ad campaigns to meet campaign goals/KPIs Reporting Develop effective media buying strategies Test new traffic channels Manage to the KPI, timelines, and budget to drive results **Skills: ** Basic understanding of Digital Marketing and Online advertisement Proficiency in Microsoft Excel (the ability to process large amounts of data) Good organizational and reporting skills; quick learner Strong analytical skills Upper-Intermediate English level; Excellent written and verbal communication skills Bachelor's degree **What we offer: ** Competitive salary in currency Full-time position with a flexible work schedule Paid Vacation, Sick Days, Referral Programs A professional and friendly team members Career growth opportunities Cozy office in the very center of Kyiv (with lounge zone; VR games and sports equipment) Comfortable workplace Happy hours; Team Building activity and Lunch **Please send your CV in English.**
Ad-operations manager
We are seeking an operations manager to work full-time from our Dnipro office to provide sales support and subject matter expertise. This role will deal primarily in applying NetSuite technology to our business needs. The individual will work with Sales team to assist in the sales cycle. The individual must be competent to work with CRM and Google Ad Manager and possess a background in ERP (including finance, and inventory management), and CRM. JOB DUTIES • Understand the business requirements of company and industry-specific needs; • Serve as a business technology resource for the sales team; • Update sales records and opportunities in the NetSuite CRM system; • Work with marketing, operations and sales for cross-functional projects. EXPERIENCE/QUALITIES DESIRED • Minimum 3 years of sales solutioning experience with 1C or NetSuite, or a competitive ERP; • Experience in the Google Ads products is a plus; • Thorough knowledge of NetSuite sales process is a plus; • Team-oriented, yet able to work independently; • Great interpersonal skills and comfortable communicating with individuals and teams at all levels; • Four-year college degree or equivalent work experience; • Intermediate/ Upper Intermediate level of English. We are ready to offer you: • work in team of creative people; • dynamic projects; • specious office with convenient conditions of work. Do not hesitate to contact us if you are ready to work in a team of real professionals!
Motorsport Network
Ad Operations Manager
About the Company At Insticator, we’re on a mission to create a smart, unified platform built to collect, aggregate and monetize all of a publisher’s first-party data. Our suite of engagement products empowers publishers and consumers alike to amplify their voices and express their opinions in safe, interactive environments. From our Commenting Platform backed by hybrid AI and human moderation to our Trivia & Polls Unit which enables audiences to interact with content that speaks directly to them, Insticator reaches and pulls insights from over 350 million users monthly. Our vast roster of partners includes Gannett, USA Today, Major League Baseball, Ancestry, WebMD, and countless others. Challenges and Opportunities Opportunity to be an owner of the processes when it comes to operations and publisher management. Ability to impact on a company product pipeline and having access to the large assets of data to help you with decision making. You can become a part of a growing team, contributing to a lot of processes designed from scratch according to company goals and your vision. 100% remote position with working hours in EST time zone. Responsibilities and Duties Outreach to potential clients with an objective to onboard and implement our products and services. Managing GAM, Header Bidding, to set up ad optimization and constantly test and review results with the objective of increasing yield. Helping users get acquainted with our product and optimizing their ad layouts and use other services. Resolving Customer Queries while displaying deep industry knowledge. Building a knowledge base and Canned Responses for common queries. Coordinate with internal teams to resolve their issues. Helping users understand the tool/product better. Ensuring users are able to use Insticator optimally and optimizing their ad layouts, demand, and ultimately yield.\ At least 6+ months experience with HeaderBidding and SSP management on publishers side Professional Competencies An understanding of analytics, ad networks (AdSense, AdX and DFP) and A/B testing; customer support and SaaS. An understanding of the basics of HTML, JS and Ad Operations. Experienced with header bidding Ability to design & set the process that are clear to other people Basic understanding on how to check or find technical issues/inefficiencies on the websites Efficient with MS Excel and Google Spreadsheets Great attention to details, structured and analytical approach, critical and logical thinking Highly motivated self-starter that can own the process and work independently Benefits We offer a diverse package and the chance to grow financially with the company, including: Competitive Salary Health, Dental and Vision Insurance Paid Time Off Flexible work schedule
Ad Operations Manager
**About the Role** Insticator is looking for a new Ad Operations Manager to join the TAM (Technical Account Management) team where you will report directly to the Technical Account Management Team Lead. Your role will include ensuring smooth roll-out of Insticator products, including ad serving. Dealing with ad hoc publisher queries and issues relating to performance. The end goal is to be a first line of support for internal teams and provide first class service to help the company move twice as fast. Ideal candidate would be an open-minded person, focused on results with attention to details. A bonus qualification if a candidate can briefly explain complex things and handle communication with various stakeholders. This role is 100% remote with working hours in the EST time zone. **Responsibilities and Duties ** -Maintaining client onboarding while helping account management team -Communicate (both verbal and written) with clients and internal teams to explain products and implementation schedules -Assess technical feasibility stemming from sales/client requests and translate that feedback to Product -Respond to ad hoc technical concerns & problems as well as ensuring smooth implementation & launch -Help identifying partner issues related to the ad performance -Collaborate cross-functionally with the Account management team to achieve upsell initiatives -Contribute to internal documentation furthering development of the department as a whole **Qualifications ** **Professional Competencies ** -A minimum of 2 years experience in a client-facing role with a background in advertising technology preferred (Google Ad Manager) -Experience using Aniview video platform, technical setup and ad-ops, including an understanding of VAST integration -Experienced in web site architecture and front-end development (i.e. HTML, CSS, JavaScript) -Basic understanding of Product/Project Management fundamentals -Efficient with Google Suite platform (Docs, Sheets, Slides, Gmail) -Strong organization and time management skills -Excellent written and oral communication -Experience in using Chrome developer tools & Chrome publisher console -Experience using Kibana, tableau will be an added advantage **Cultural Competencies ** -Detailed orientated -Collaborative mindset and great teamwork skills -Skilled at receiving feedback, as well as providing it -Transparent & communicative, patient -Curious, research-minded, data-informed -Ability to set deadlines and deliver results -Multitasking **Benefits ** We offer a diverse package and the chance to grow financially with the company, including: -Competitive Salary -Annual Performance Bonus -Paid Time Off
Ad Operations Manager
Company Description We are a private, internet-based travel technology service provider dedicated to helping individuals with their travel documentation needs, providing a fundamentally improved mechanism for pleasure and business travelers to acquire travel visas and travel authorization. GovAssist is driven by a sophisticated method of technology that is unified into every step of the visa and travel authorization request procedure. Job Description The Ad Operations Manager will be first and foremost responsible for diversifying the sources of traffic for the company’s websites, which currently have a dependency on a single marketing channel. This person will also be responsible for testing and launching ad creatives, monitoring delivery to perform necessary optimizations, and reporting to the Director of Operations. To ensure the success of the digital media plans and meet the company’s objectives, the chosen candidate will be required to assess and grow its marketing team. Key Responsibilities ● Drive the day-to-day execution of the digital ad delivery with a constant focus on the benefits and value for the target audiences ● Break down complex issues into simple, manageable, and result-focused tasks for its team members ● Ensure the ad creatives adhere to technical specifications and troubleshoot issues that affect implementation, tracking and/or reporting ● Use best practices to pace budget and optimize for performance where necessary ● Provide recommendations and solutions to quickly resolve technical issues with the programming team ● Address problems and identify opportunities that increase the effectiveness of the advertising campaigns Qualifications ● 3-4 years of experience with proven results in a similar position (Reference letter) ● Tech skills with knowledge of web analytics tracking preferred ● Strong Attention to detail with exceptional problem solving and analytical skills ● Excellent written and verbal communication skills
GovAssist LLC
Ad Operations Manager
Job Description The Ad Operations Manager will be first and foremost responsible for diversifying the sources of traffic for the company’s websites, which currently have a dependency on a single marketing channel. This person will also be responsible for testing and launching ad creatives, monitoring delivery to perform necessary optimizations, and reporting to the Director of Operations. To ensure the success of the digital media plans and meet the company’s objectives, the chosen candidate will be required to assess and grow its marketing team. Key Responsibilities ● Drive the day-to-day execution of the digital ad delivery with a constant focus on the benefits and value for the target audiences ● Break down complex issues into simple, manageable, and result-focused tasks for its team members ● Ensure the ad creatives adhere to technical specifications and troubleshoot issues that affect implementation, tracking and/or reporting ● Use best practices to pace budget and optimize for performance where necessary ● Provide recommendations and solutions to quickly resolve technical issues with the programming team ● Address problems and identify opportunities that increase the effectiveness of the advertising campaigns Qualifications ● 3-4 years of experience with proven results in a similar position (Reference letter) ● Tech skills with knowledge of web analytics tracking preferred ● Strong Attention to detail with exceptional problem solving and analytical skills ● Excellent written and verbal communication skills
GovAssist LLC
Ad Operations Manager
Our company series of projects for American customers in digital marketing. This is World’s Most Comprehensive Interactive Solution For Online Advertising That Drives Higher User Engagement, Better Data Collection And Improved ROI. The platform matches advertising demand and supply. Now we are looking for Ad Operations manager who can join the team. Requirements: - Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Business, Marketing, Computer Science; - At least 1,5 -3 years of experience in e-commerce / internet marketing; - Good knowledge: • principles of Internet marketing (CPA, CPC, CPI); • A / B testing’ • Google Ad products ( Ad Manager, AdSense); • Ad Server management: waterfall ad tags settings etc; • SSP, DMP, Programmatic and Direct deals; • MS Excel and experience with statistics; - Experience with one of the banner rotation systems (for example, AdFox, AdRiver, Advertserve, Epom, Google DFP, internal programs etc); - Basic knowledge of HTML / CSS / JS; - Analytic skills and Creative thinking. Job Responsibilities: - Launching campaigns; - Analysis of the advertising market; - Work with data; - Definition and configuration of target segments; - VIP campaigns management: targeting, creatives, etc We offer: - Competitive compensation depending on skills and experience level; - Long-term project with attractive salary; - Your ability to focus on your work: a lack of bureaucracy and micromanagement; - Friendly atmosphere; - English classes inside the office; - Different corporate events; - Flexible schedule depends on project’s needs; - 15 working days of vacation; - 10 working days per year are allowed to be “no show days” due to personal reasons.
Business Automatics, Wellnessliving
Ad Operations Manager
Primary requirements: — 1-2 years of experience as AdOps — Deep understanding AdTech ecosystem: DSP, SSP, DMP etc. — Knowledge of SQL and Tableau — Understand the difference between CPM, CPC, CPA, CTR, CR, viewable impression — A/B testing in your experience is required Responsibilities: — Scope, architect and deploy the next stage of the technology offering, ensuring alignment with the advertiser’s business requirements, partners in accordance with company and commercial goals — Ensure MGID advertising operations is optimized organizationally for campaign management, programmatic direct management, third party revenue and yield & analysis — Ensuring the advertising platform is future proofed against industry trends, competition and regulatory issues such as GDPR and forthcoming ICO rulings — Continually identify and implement opportunities for improvement within team processes, supporting systems and communication channels — Deliver weekly reporting to key stakeholders regarding the efficiency of inventory usage, conversions, eCPM, sellthrough, viewability and other agreed KPIs — Knowledge of and experience working with third parties in the area that directly affect publishers such as viewability, ad blocking and other third party monetization-related vendors — Work with MGID sales leadership to ensure a smooth and effective relationship with our sales teams that maximises our potential for campaign planning, optimization and reporting. Set and agree parameters for escalation and resolution — Work with our Partner Site management team to develop further knowledge and new possibilities of our inventory across MGID Network partner SSPs — Work with stakeholders to identify, schedule and be responsible for key engineering programs that benefit our brands’ revenue and efficiency — Understand and implement how our first party data segments can inform our campaigns — Develop knowledge of market needs and possibilities — new ad executions, partners, industry trends, threats and opportunities
Ad Operations Manager
Requirements: Good English level Attention to details, good analytical skills Power user of Office - Excel skills Experience with Video/oRTB Background working with 3rd-party ad servers, DSPs, SSPs Responsibilities: Creating video ad-tags and endpoints, both on supply and demand side Analyze big volumes of data, working in Excel. Performance / campaign optimizations
ZipporMedia LTD
Ad Operations Manager
**Responsibilities** · Being the main point of contact for all campaigns in your name, from receipt of IO to end-of-campaign reporting. · Managing delivery and performance, for both direct and programmatic campaigns. · Providing agencies/clients/sales with regular and ad-hoc reporting. · Sending end-of-campaign reports for campaigns under your name within a week of the end date. · Managing sales expectations and informing them of campaign delivery. · Checking and monitoring campaign setup, whether that be changing dates, budget or adding sites. · Carrying out discrepancy checks for campaigns where we bill off agency stats. · Checking and troubleshooting 3rd party tracking provided by agencies/clients. · Testing creative functionality with the 3rd party tracking implemented when a campaign goes live. · Optimise campaigns to meet specific KPI’s. · Liaise with various departments (Client Success, Integrations, Design, Sales), whether it be to resolve technical issues, troubleshoot display issues or give delivery updates. · Troubleshooting any pacing/delivery/performance issues that may arise. **Experience** · 1+ years’ experience in an Ad Operations role. · Microsoft Office proficient, especially Excel (Pivot Tables, VLOOKUPs etc.) · Experience with DSPs and SSPs. Ideally with the following: DV360, theTradeDesk, Index Exchange · Experience specifically with rich media would be a bonus. **We Offer** • Official salary and transparent bonus • Medical insurance • Flexible working hours and paid vacation • Challenging tasks and professional development, knowledge & best practice sharing, training, and conferences paid by the company • International team and experience
Мануфактура Україна ( subsidiary Inskin Media Ukraine)
Ad Operations Manager
Responsibilities: - Lead the integration process of new supply and demand partners; - Monitor daily performance and improve buying & selling strategies; - Communicate closely with our partner's integration teams & account managers to maximize the revenue and optimize the performance; - Reports filling; - Statistics analysis. Will be a plus: Understanding of the mechanism of buying/selling online traffic (programmatic, RTB, ad exchange, etc.). We are international team with offices at Israel and Kharkov; our partners - companies from all over the world, so your English must be at a strong Intermediate level at least. If it's all about you - send us your CV.
Ad Experts Media
Ad Operations Manager (AdOps for AdTech Product)
We're looking for a full-time remote-based candidate. **Required skills:** Understanding of the digital advertising market Experience in digital ad operations Fluent knowledge of the Russian language (C1+) English: Upper-Intermediate/Intermediate or higher (B1+) Strong knowledge of MS Excel and Google Docs Extremely proactive, self-organized, and responsible person with great attention to details Proven ability to work as a team-player **Nice to have:** Experience of working at ad networks. Basic knowledge of HTML/CSS/JS Publisher-facing ad operations experience Experience in working remotely **Responsibilities:** You will be a part of the Publishers Team, working closely with Customer and Support Managers to drive revenue growth and customer retention. Assistance in onboarding, account setup, testing of various ad networks and types of ads as per Customer Manager request Monitoring the quality and effectiveness of Publisher account setup: troubleshooting, monitoring performance, reporting & analytics. Compensation: We offer highly-competitive compensation that depends on your working experience and performance level. The baseline for the position is $500 per month. However, it may be negotiated during the hiring procedure if the candidate's skills and experience are exceeding expectations. ‍
Ad Operations manager (GAM360)
**Primary requirements:** - 2-5 years of experience as AdOps. - 2 years of experience working in GAM360. - deep understanding of the AdTech ecosystem: DSP, SSP, DMP etc. - Experience organizing and analyzing data sets using BI tools (Tableau, Looker, Power BI, Data Studio, etc). - Experience using QA, troubleshooting and debugging tools, including Google Developer Tools. **Will be a plus:** - Basic understanding of core web technologies (Javascript, HTML/CSS) and web tracking technologies (beacons, pixels). - Demonstrable and scalable experience with programmatic media platforms, including DFP (Doubleclick for Publishers) and AdExchange (ADX). - Ability to organize and multi-task effectively in a fast-paced environment. - A passion for problem-solving and turning challenges into opportunities for business growth. **Responsibilities:** - Develop and retain the client relationship as part of MGID Yield & Optimization service and continually add value through your ad operations expertise, guidance and recommendations. - Act as the point person for the publisher development team on inquiries, concerns, escalations and requests related to the ongoing delivery of the Yield & Optimization services on the publisher's side. - Setup & Manage PMP deals on Gam360. - Act as the point person for the sales team on inquiries, concerns, escalations and requests related to the ongoing delivery of PMP deals. - Provide project management to help customers initiate, plan, launch and run successful ad stacks while adhering to delivery deadlines. - Daily campaign monitoring based on the client’s specific needs and requests. - Execute DFP configuration, management, QA and troubleshooting. - Analyze performance data regularly to communicate key findings and action items tied to the publisher’s advertising strategy. Identify a problem or opportunity and then help solve it. - Add new demand sources to continually increase the publisher’s revenue, working with Yield groups in GAM360. - Investigate and proactively communicate reporting discrepancies and serve as a point of contact for all technical issues. - Develop industry and ad ops expertise by staying current with industry best practices and KPIs, and continuing to build knowledge and apply learnings through ongoing research, education and professional development. - Participate in Services team meetings, initiatives and projects and contribute to team goals and objectives. - Participate in weekly meetings with Product & Engineering to identify areas of product improvement.
Ad Operations Manager (looking for Ukrainian/Russian speaking candidates)
Membrana Media is the largest Ukrainian video advertising platform. We are developing, the geography is expanding, so strengthening the Client Success team is a must. **Responsibilities:** Analyze advertising yield performance of the key clients and communicate suggested improvements; Measure and track financial performance of the key clients, ensuring financial healthiness of business operations; Collaborate closely with internal cross-functional stakeholders to facilitate product fixes, improvements, or adjustments to ensure success in client deals; Effectively communicate the status of campaigns, technical issues, launch delays, delivery issues, etc. to client contacts; Assist with documenting, updating, and maintaining trafficking and work-flow procedures for client accounts; **Requirements:** **Hard Skills:** 1-3+years experience in Clients relationships manager in Tech companies Experience with DFP and AdX / multi-SSPs / multi ad networks configurations is required Knowledge of modern advertising technologies, online ad landscape including header bidding, open bidding etc Understanding and technical knowledge of digital analytics and investigation tools (i.e. Google Analytics, Fiddler/Charles proxies, Web Developer Tools and etc.) Expert Excel (look-up functions, pivot tables, advanced functions, statistics) **Will be a plus:** Knowledge of the js/html/css **Soft Skills:** Communication skills to communicate with clients, stakeholders, and internal teams verbally and in writing. Detail-oriented, exceptionally organized, and have the ability to multi-task in a fast-paced work environment **We Offer:** 20 business days of vacation 100% paid sick leaves Fully remote cooperation, flexible working schedule Compensation of up to 100% of the cost of education Regular Performance and Salary Review Regular online and offline company events
Membrana Media
Ad Operations Specialist
Company is looking to hire a full time Ad Operations Specialist in our New York City office or remotely in the US. Ad Operations Specialists are responsible for managing the trafficking, delivery, optimizations, and reporting of digital ad campaigns for multiple publisher clients within a team environment. You will work with ad ops team members and cross functional groups to address and resolve all ad ops issues in a timely manner. You will also work very closely with our demand and supply teams on a regular basis to ensure effective delivery. **RESPONSIBILITIES:** — Perform all duties of ad operations including trafficking, troubleshooting, campaign optimizations, and reporting; — Effectively communicate status of campaigns, technical issues, launch delays, delivery issues, etc. to client contacts; — Communicate internally with both demand and supply team to maximize performance; — Monitor and analyze performance; — Assist with documenting, updating and maintaining trafficking and work-flow procedures for client accounts; — Identify workflow inefficiencies and address ideas to improve the ad ops process; — Assist with ad hoc projects as needed. **QUALIFICATIONS:** — At least 2 years of ad operations and client service experience, especially with programmatic platforms; — Experience trafficking ads for CTV and video platforms; working with DSPS and SSPs is a big plus; — Programmatic trafficking experience; — Must be technically adept within the digital ad space and be able to troubleshoot issues as they arise; — Attention to detail, strong organizational and follow-through skills; — Excellent interpersonal, communication, and client service skills; — Ability to collaborate well with teams and proactively manage multiple tasks; — Proficiency with Excel, especially with pivot tables; — BA/BS degree preferred.
Ad Operations Specialist
**Key Areas of Responsibility:** • Manage Creative assets being sent from our clients to Trading team • Manage Creative upload and distribution into our various different Demand Side platforms • Support the Trading team with the execution of client reporting • Build relationships with client ad operations team to increase work flow • Provide support to the trading team on various tasks from client screen shot decks to Client slide development and reporting • Develop an understanding of programmatic buying • Learn to work with and support clients' needs on traders campaigns • Readiness to work in the office from 15:00 till 23:00 in order to have an optimal overlap of work hours with USA based teams. **Qualifications:** • 0-1 years' experience • BA/BS degree preferred. • Proven self-starter with ability to work independently and collaboratively with minimal supervision. • Ability to perform in a fast paced environment with dynamic job responsibilities and priorities. • Advanced knowledge of MS Excel (Pivots and Macros a plus). • Understanding of how the Web functions. **We offer:** • Great office location 3 minutes from Pecherska metro station and great office conditions; • Comfortable working place; • Medical insurance after the trial period ending; • Team-building activities; • 24 paid vacation days per year; • 5 paid sick leave days per year.
Ad Operations Specialist
Our client is a leading provider of advertising and marketing services with a special focus on LinkedIn. They continuously innovate our approach to help their clients achieve their business goals. Our client follows a foundational strategy to advertise for their clients and ensure that their brand message reaches the right audience. Their team of experts is committed to delivering exceptional results and driving revenue growth for our clients. The Ad Operations Specialist role is a non-customer-facing position that reports to an Account Manager located in the USA. As such, we require a candidate who can quickly adapt to their systems and processes. This is a great opportunity for an experienced professional to make a meaningful impact on their team and grow their career path within the company **RESPONSIBILITIES:** - Set up and configure advertising campaigns for clients with a focus on LinkedIn marketing; - Collaborate with the team to identify and execute campaigns that align with clients’ objectives; - Creatively approach to customer’s campaign configuration requirements, such as target audience portraits and other assets, provide valuable input to them and work collaboratively with an ad strategist to craft detailed campaign settings; - Work with the creative team to ensure all ad assets meet specifications and are delivered on time; - Run campaigns for multiple accounts, managing at least 25+ customers per month; - Monitor campaign performance and provide regular reports to stakeholders; - Troubleshoot campaign issues and provide timely resolutions to ensure campaign success; - Stay up-to-date with industry trends and changes in ad operations best practices. **QUALIFICATIONS:** - The ideal candidate should have at least two years of experience in B2B marketing for SMBs in tier 1 and tier 2 markets; - A strong understanding of PPC advertising is required; - Proficiency in at least two popular B2B marketing instruments such as email marketing, Facebook ads, Google Ads, or LinkedIn ads; - Familiarity with A/B testing methodology and similar to optimize campaign performance will be a plus; - Ability to create reports using Google spreadsheets and built-in platform tools; - Strong analytical skills to interpret and draw insights from campaign data; - Quick learner and has the potential for growth within the company; - Knowledge of the latest trends and best practices in B2B advertising and marketing; - Proactivity and the ability to contribute to improving campaign results are essential qualities; - A project-oriented mindset is important, and the candidate should be able to work independently while coordinating with a team; - Excellent written and verbal communication skills to effectively collaborate with cross-functional teams. **Why would you consider this role?** This role offers the opportunity to work with a dynamic global team and contribute to the success of the company’s advertising and marketing campaigns. The (Ad Operations Specialist) will have the chance to develop their skills in campaign optimization and LinkedIn PPC advertising, while also being able to work on multiple accounts at once. Additionally, the potential for growth within the company and the quick onboarding process make this role an attractive option for those looking to further their career in the advertising and marketing industry. Pioneering new technology: The successful candidate will be joining a company that is at the forefront of developing new technology for automated outreach and nurturing. You will have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge projects and be part of a team that is pushing the boundaries of what is possible in this space. **It is necessary to live in Odesa**
Ad Operations Specialist
**Requirements:** - At least 2 years of experience in ad operations working with display, video or mobile ad serving platforms; - Knowledge of online advertising, measurement methods and technologies; - Operational knowledge of DoubleClick products including DFP, DCM and DBM a plus; - Experience troubleshooting technical ad issues including browser built-in tools; - Knowledge of HTML / CSS / Javascript a plus; - Detail-oriented, with excellent organizational skills; - Self-motivated, able to work independently and as part of larger team; - Strong analytical background and problem-solving skills; - Ability to multi-task and work in a fast-paced environment; - Excellent written and verbal communication skills. **Responsibilities: ** - Collaborate with implementation teams to onboard advertisers and publishers; - Participate in discovery sessions to understand campaign requirements; - Set up campaigns, including tag creation, scheduling, targeting, landing pages and tracking; - Provide technical support. Troubleshoot and resolve issues; - Follow Ad Operations workflow and guidelines and suggest enhancements to the process; - Provide training to customers on creating and maintaining their own campaigns; - Contribute feedback to the product team on improving the platform; - Test and perform quality assurance on ad tags and creatives to ensure specifications are met ahead of a campaign launch.
Ad Operations Specialist
The **BidMind** is looking to hire a full time Ad Operations Specialist. **BidMind** is the world’s a programmatic advertising platform with access to premium inventory across connected tv, audio, mobile and desktop environments. We offer a suite of targeting, measurement, and automated optimization technology designed to drive conversions, revenue, site visits and more. Our mission is delivering the high-quality and fresh advertising solutions to target client's audiences. **RESPONSIBILITIES:** - Perform all duties of ad operations including trafficking, troubleshooting, campaign optimizations, and reporting; - Effectively communicate status of campaigns, technical issues, launch delays, delivery issues, etc. to client contacts; - Communicate internally with both demand and supply team to maximize performance; - Monitor and analyze performance; - Assist with documenting, updating and maintaining trafficking and work-flow procedures for client accounts; - Identify workflow inefficiencies and address ideas to improve the ad ops process. **QUALIFICATIONS:** - At least 3 years of ad operations and client service experience, especially with programmatic platforms; - Experience trafficking ads for CTV and video platforms; working with DSPS and SSPs is a big plus; - Programmatic trafficking experience; - Must be technically adept within the digital ad space and be able to troubleshoot issues as they arise; - Excellent interpersonal, communication, and client service skills; - Ability to collaborate well with teams and proactively manage multiple tasks; - Proficiency with Excel, especially with pivot tables. **What we offer:** - the opportunity to gain professional experience in a team of specialists; - a decent level of income, indexed to the dollar rate; - compensation of 50% of the cost of foreign language courses and sports classes; - corporate health insurance (the company compensates 50% of the cost); - paid vacation and sick leave.
Ad Operations Specialist
We are looking for an Ad Operations Specialist Location: Odessa, Ukraine, remote. 3-6 months office in Odessa will be opened, there will be an opportunity to work from the office Client: Impactable, USA About Client: Impactable officially LLC’d in February of 2019 and has continuously grown into one of the leading experts in LinkedIn advertising. Our founder, Justin Rowe, decided to start a business based on a LinkedIn marketing process that landed him over $1 Million in investments so he could start a franchise. He then took that knowledge and created Impactable, now a leading LinkedIn Marketing agency. Impactable was recently acquired by a data-heavy investor in 2021 and has been on a high growth path ever since. Join a team of humans that won’t make you want to gouge your eyes out on the daily and will actually care and support you in your role. Product/service name: https://blueshift.com/blog/the-customer-data-activation-platform/ The target audience: B2B Team members: USA: Campaign Strategists, Account Managers, Jonathan - business manager; the specialist will interact with 1 or 2 Account Managers, Strategists. Each Account Manager has 25 clients and 8 campaigns Meetings: Daily, then 3 times a week with Senior Operations Strategist Communication channel: Google Chat The goals of this position, what you will first need to work on: Advertising campaign Level of English: B2 Interview steps: Initial call (15 minutes) our side Interview with Joshua (Digital Ads Strategist) Final interview Work schedule: Flexible Project: The opportunity is to build a unified platform for automated outreach and nurturing. Impactable is now LinkedIn centric and based on this unique capability, we seek to expand the channels LinkedIn advertisers are effectively utilizing. They have built the capability to move LinkedIn audiences to other channels such as digital display, Facebook, Twitter and email. The next step is to automate that process as much as possible and to build in logic based decisioning..."if this happens, do that next". Once it is validated that a multi-channel outreach program produces an improved ROI, we add other outreach channels into the automation sequence. These might be mixed and matched based on the end user client needs, but the potential channels most applicable to B2B use cases we can automate are the following: LinkedIn Connections LinkedIn Advertising and Retargeting LinkedIn Paid Messaging Account Based Digital Display Targeting Email Facebook Twitter SMS LinkedIn Voice Messaging Voice Mail “Drops” Direct Mail Phone Calls There is a growing category of software based solutions for Sales Engagement and most of them automate some part of this list of channels. There are some mature solutions out there, so it would be tough to go directly head-to-head with those at our early stage of maturity. But they all have the same goal ... Account Based Marketing to build awareness and bring prospects through the sales funnel. There are also data sources many people use and there are data sources many people aren't familiar with. For example, at WhosMailingWhat (WMW), we are able to identify about 35% of our anonymous site visitors, including businesses visiting our site and individual Work-from-home (WFH) site visitors. We match all of these to third party databases and end up with about a third of those as being good fits for our service, so about 12% of our anonymous site visitors are identified and qualified to feed the top of the funnel (and most have LinkedIn profiles we append). LinkedIn is a good source of prospect data, but there are "in market/intent based" audiences and numerous other top of funnel data options. The best Sales Engagement platforms know this and have lots of data partnerships. And, there are no good vendors serving the SMB market. So the opportunity is to create an automation platform that orchestrates everything Impactable does now, adds additional channels currently not covered by Impactable, adds additional data sourcing options, and then to bring all of that capability to the SMB community as a turnkey solution, both via managed services and self-serve options. There is a question of what to call this. It seems it is not wise to go to market with an immature solution labeled the same as the mature solutions. So Sales Engagement needs to wait. I am suggesting we use a term like "B2B Data Activation Platform" for the near term. This is not a commonly used phrase, but there is one mature solution out there: https://blueshift.com/blog/the-customer-data-activation-platform/. This web page is a good one to learn from. The centerpiece of the platform needs to be a CDP (Customer Data Platform)... it would be better to use a robust existing tool that can be branded and that we can give customers access to, such as the Pimcore CDP. Then we wrap cool features around that, starting with Impactable's existing service and channels. Then add things not easily available elsewhere, such as automated LinkedIn voice messaging using our clients' own voice, personalized to each recipient using AI (we have figured out the technology to achieve this). Then we add in a Machine Learning based decision engine that selects the right message for the right channel to improve campaign performance (we just need a lot of messaging history). And, eventually, you have a state-of-the-art Sales Engagement platform that covers more channels than the others, plus you have the managed services component front and center (where others depend on partners or add this as an afterthought) and you recategorize yourself from being a Data Activation vendor to a top choice as a Sales Engagement vendor.
Ad Operations Specialist (Google Ads focus)
**JOB OVERVIEW** Our client is a leading provider of advertising and marketing services with a special focus on LinkedIn. The company continuously innovates its approach to help its clients achieve their business goals. The client’s foundational strategy is to advertise for their customers and ensure that their brand message reaches the right audience. As a team of experts, they are committed to delivering exceptional results and driving revenue growth for the clients. **RESPONSIBILITIES:** - Conduct keyword research for client accounts, with a focus on Google Ads. - Organize keywords into campaigns and ad groups, ensuring effective ad account structure. - Set up and configure Google Ads campaigns for clients, aligning with their marketing objectives. - Collaborate with the team to identify and execute Google Ads campaigns that drive client success. - Work with the creative team to ensure all ad assets meet specifications and are delivered on time. - Manage and run campaigns for multiple accounts, handling at least 25+ customers per month. - Monitor campaign performance and provide regular reports to stakeholders, utilizing Google Ads reporting tools. - Stay up-to-date with industry trends and changes in ad operations best practices, particularly in relation to Google Ads. **QUALIFICATIONS:** - Minimum of two years of experience in B2B marketing for SMBs in tier 1 and tier 2 markets. - Strong understanding of PPC advertising, with a focus on Google Ads. - Proficiency in Google Ads setup and configuration, with hands-on experience in optimizing campaigns. - Familiarity with A/B testing methodology and similar techniques to optimize campaign performance will be a plus. - Ability to create reports using Google spreadsheets and utilize built-in platform tools for campaign analysis. - Strong analytical skills to interpret campaign data and draw actionable insights. - Quick learner with the potential for growth within the company. - Knowledge of the latest trends and best practices in B2B advertising and marketing, specifically in relation to Google Ads. - Proactive approach and the ability to contribute to improving campaign results. - Project-oriented mindset, capable of working independently while coordinating with a team. - Excellent written and verbal communication skills to effectively collaborate with cross-functional teams. Join the team of dedicated professionals and play a crucial role in driving the clients’ success through effective Google Ads campaigns. Apply now and take your career to new heights with us!
Ad Operations Specialist (Programmatic)
We are looking for a Programmatic Ad Operations Specialist to manage our ever-growing network of demand and supply partners. As a member of the CTV/RTB team, you will be managing the advertising campaigns, trafficking, tagging and optimizing to maximize the profit. We are looking for **Programmatic Ad Operations Specialist** to manage our ever-growing network of demand and supply partners. As a member of the **CTV/RTB** team, you will be managing the advertising campaigns, trafficking, tagging and optimizing to maximize the profit. **Your daily work will include:** - Contacting new partners and setting up relations with them. - Setup of new campaigns - Monitor and Manage running campaigns - Optimize existing campaigns. **Responsibilities:** - Manage ad ops running on various ad serving technologies such as Adtelligent, Cedato etc; - Outbound sales (active search for new partners on LinkedIn, forums and other platforms); - Communicate with demand and supply partners on a daily basis, to maximize potential on both sides; - Analyzing and optimizing different types of campaigns: video in-app, CTV (Click through rate, View completion rate, fill rate, Profit Margin and etc); - Support technical and non-technical issues and helping resolve them by liaising with internal teams. **SKILLS:** - Relevant experience of o **RTB and/or SSP, and/or DSP** from 2+ years; - Knowledge and understanding of programmatic advertising and ad tech Result-oriented with good problem-solving and prioritization skills Good communication skills; - Level of English B2 +; - Possess an analytical mind. Good knowledge of google sheets and Excel. Excellent networking and relationship management skills; - Analytical, Entrepreneurial with hands-on mentality; - Ability to handle various tasks and manage priorities; - Experience with the different **Ad servers (Adtelligent,,Cedato, Aniview)** or similar.
Ad Operations (support)
The Ad Operations assistant is responsible for activating, delivering and reporting on all advertising campaigns that run across a growing network of publishers for some of the worlds biggest brands and advertisers. ● Oversee the management of all assigned direct and programmatic campaigns to ensure 100% delivery ● To test all 3rd party tracking, including viewability and brand safety vendors ● Liaise with the relevant departments to ensure good communication, clear processes and reasonable measures of delivery are in place ● Proactively optimise all campaigns at regular intervals and communicate delivery concerns ● Deliver campaign reports and regular metric-based reporting to all areas of the business ● Troubleshoot any technical issues ● Reconcile delivery figures and handle any additional billing queries ● Manage and prioritise own workload, take ownership of all assigned tasks and provide output within pre-agreed deadlines ● Identify and escalate issues ahead of time to help reduce financial implications **REQUIREMENTS** ● An interest in digital ad operations ● Work independently as well as part of a team ● Strong attention to detail, accuracy and quality of work ● Pro-active personality and able to handle multiple high priority requests ● Good troubleshooting skills, a natural problem solver. ● Good verbal and written communication skills ( English Upper-Intermediate, Advanced) ● Knowledge of Microsoft Office Education / Experience: ● No experience required, we will provide everything to make sure you succeed! ● Analytical skills and a willingness to learn and develop your career. ● Interest in software, technology and media. **We offer:** • Official salary and transparent bonus • Medical insurance • Flexible working hours and paid vacation • Challenging tasks and professional development, knowledge & best practice sharing, training, and conferences paid by the company • International team and experience
Мануфактура Україна ( subsidiary Inskin Media Ukraine)
**Our customer:** An experienced team of digital advertising professionals has developed a full-featured technology solution for the digital advertising ecosystem. This product attracts the attention of major publishers who use a comprehensive set of video and mobile advertising tools to reduce costs, maximize revenue and create access to new sources of demand. **Responsibilities:** Schedule and launch online ad campaigns into client-specific ad serving platforms; Work closely with client contacts to provide ad operations support and communicate status of campaigns, technical issues, launch delays, delivery issues, etc.; Monitor and analyze campaign performance to ensure customer satisfaction and provide suggestions for optimization. **Required experience and skills:** Prior ad operations and client service experience; Utilize Excel Pivot tables and wrangle massive sets of data; Have experience with CTV digital advertising; Regularly monitor and analyze reporting to ensure optimal campaign delivery and performance; English - Upper-Intermediate. **Working conditions:** 5-day working week, 8-hour working day, flexible schedule; All public holidays are days off; Vacation covered by the company; Remote work.
AdOps and Programmatic Specialist
Responsibilities: - Developed optimization strategy connecting advertisers with relevant publishers to increase revenue and performance; - Identifying valuable campaign opportunities (as well as discrepancies) to improve and drive overall operational goals; - Work in various directions (both on RTB and with VAST tags); - Effective work with SSP and DSP to establish valid working redirects; - Confident communication with clients and internal cross-functional teams as it pertains to campaign delivery, issues, testing, escalation process, and collaboration; - Solving daily questions, problems, statistics monitoring, testing of new bundles, optimizing incoming and outgoing traffic. Qualifications & Experience: - Upper-intermediate English level is a MUST; - Knowledge and understanding of the programmatic market, work experience with different RTB platforms and the ability to work with VAST tags — at least 1 year - Ability to establish effective work with partners (both publishers and advertisers) and various auxiliary systems for checking creativity and traffic quality; - Conducting research to identify new market places and advertisers needs; - Ability to work with various types of traffic and advertising (display, video, CTB, etc.) We Offer: - Interesting projects and challenging tasks - Enormous opportunities for self-realization, professional and career growth 5-day work-week in friendly and supportive company environment - Flexible working hours - Monthly bonuses depending on performance - 24 paid vacation days and paid sick leaves - Professional training program and corporate library - English language courses - Various corporate events and activities - Corporate discounts program - Comfortable working conditions, office in the center of the city (Odessa) or remote
AdOps & Customer Projects Manager
**[About the project]** **Project team size** : 4 **Project Industry** : Mobile Media & Entertainment **Type of company** : IT Product company **[Must have]** **3+** years experience with Google Ads, Google Analytics 1+ years of running performance campaigns Data processing skills for campaign optimization Fluent spoken and written English, Ukrainian, Russian **[Nice to have]** Proven Project Management experience in the area of marketing **[In this role you will]** Google Ads campaign creation and maintenance Analytics of Google Ads campaigns to find the route to optimize it Running A/B tests to determine improvements Identifying needs to cover all segments of target audiences with creative materials Maintaining relations with customers as Project Manager Conducting customer requirements and managing engagement projects Preparing customer reports **[Work Conditions]** **Job type** : Full-Time, permanent **Location** : Odessa, Ukraine **Possibility of remote work** : WFH during the quarantine **[Working with us you will get an opportunity to customise your social package the way you like by mixing/combining items below]** - insurance (life and health) - sports plans (flexible conditions)
Bemobi Ukraine
AdOps Engineer
**Key responsibilities:** — Monitor existing ad integrations: ensure correctness of the implementation and traffic flow, troubleshoot as needed; — Analyze reports on key performance metrics: revenue, fill rate, CPMs, viewability; — Based on the reports optimize revenue: suggest changes that should lead to revenue improvements; — Prove your thinking: run experiments, test hypotheses, verify results; — Manage and guide new ad integrations both in mobile and web domain. **Requirements:** — 2+ years of experience in AdTech or similar field; — Good understanding of online advertising mechanics and landscape; — Experience in setting up and running mobile and web ad integrations in Google Ad Manager: Inventory setup; Delivery setup: Mediation, Yield Groups, Open Bidding, Ad Networks, Direct Deals, House Ads; Reporting; Optimizations — Similar experience with MoPub; — Understanding of the in-app bidding concept and experience with one of the in-app bidding flavors: Prebid, Amazon TAM, Open Bidding etc. — Good understanding of AdTech jargon and concepts. e.g. you should be able to explain to a 5-year old such concepts as CPM, fill rate, Open Measurement SDK, OpenRTB, ads.txt, TCF, etc. — Hands-on experience with troubleshooting tools (analyze Charles proxy sessions, use GAM troubleshooting tools); — Excellent written and spoken English. **Will be a plus:** — Familiarity with other ad servers and mediation platforms (AdMob, Appodeal, etc.); — Video ad integrations; — Hands-on coding/programming experience in any relevant PL (JS, Swift, Kotlin, Dart etc.)
AdOps Engineer
We are looking for an ambitious, energetic, and motivated **AdOps Engineer** for Digital Advertising expert that will help to disrupt the digital advertising industry for connected devices and mobile use cases. Main responsibility is to run a monetization operation to make sure the business will be growing according to the plan. A top performer that has the capability and self-confidence to get in front of the decision makers to drive company success. **What will you do** - Ensuring the success in monetizing connected customers, setting up and managing customer’s inventory on supply side platform. - Monitor publishers/media owners connected inventory, ensuring the optimal ads fill rate for our customers. - Set the requirements to product team to maximize the profit of the business - Work closely with internal and external stakeholders to understand customer requirements at operational level, to ensure maximization of customers monetization - Ensures that all departments involved in a process cooperate with each other, encouraging correct communication **Requirements** - Solid understanding of online media industry, IAB standards, Programmatic Advertising - Experience with third-party ad servers and supply-side platforms - Ability to lead and mentor a team in the future - Strong analytical ability - A strong team player and excellent written and spoken communication skills - Full proficiency in English **It would be a plus** - A Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in economics or computer science **What you get** - Unlimited WFH and flexible working hours - Highly skilled & friendly team with an excellent work ethic - Paid vacation and sick-period - Long term employment - Covering costs of professional events and English lessons **Product & Client** **The Qt Company** is a global software company with a strong presence in more than 70 industries and is the leading independent technology behind 1+ billion devices and applications. Qt is used by major global companies and developers worldwide, and the technology enables its customers to deliver exceptional user experiences and advance their digital transformation initiatives. Qt technology is used by approximately one million developers worldwide. They enable a single software code across all operating systems, platforms, and screen types, from desktops and embedded systems to business-critical applications, in-vehicle systems, wearables, and mobile devices connected to the Internet of Things. The Qt Company is developing a completely new set of components and services for Qt developers allowing the smooth integration of the advertising technologies into the products developed using the Qt/QML embedded technology.
AdOps manager
Ad Experts Media is looking for an AdOps manager (full time work remote job). Responsibilities: - Work on our platform with data and analytics - Interaction and communication with account managers Requirements: - Ability to work in Excel - Ability to work with a large amount of information and numbers - Attention to details We offer: - Freindly working atmosphere - Interesting projects and challenging tasks - Opportunities for self-realization, professional and career growth - 5-day work-week in a friendly work environment - Flexible working hours
Ad Experts Media
AdOps manager
Requirements: - 2+ years in online advertising - Strong knowledge of modern advertising technologies, online ad landscape including header bidding, behavioral targeting, cookie matching and exchanges - Strong understanding and technical knowledge of digital analytics and investigation tools (i.e. Google Analytics, Web Developer Tools and etc.) - Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, along with an ability to collaborate cross-functionally and learn quickly - Detail-oriented, exceptionally organized, and have the ability to multi-task in a fast-paced work environment Nice to have's: - Deep experience with DFP and AdX / multi-SSPs / multi ad networks configurations is required - Expert Excel (look-up functions, pivot tables, advanced functions, statistics)
AdOps Manager
We are looking for an AdOps Manager to effectively measure and optimize our programmatic advertising activities. This is an exciting opportunity for anyone with experience in programmatic techniques, looking to do so at the highest level. What you'll do: - Set up and lead media sales activities on proprietary ad-serving platform - Be the first point of contact for partners, providing technical insights and troubleshooting programmatic activities - Monitor actively programmatic activities on a daily basis, flag errors, discrepancies with partners and escalate more complex issues to internal tech teams when necessary - Analyze, optimize and provide recommendations of areas for improvement for all media sales through optimization strategies, controlling quality of inventory etc - Resolve tracking and reporting discrepancies with analytics tools/partners - Understand programmatic bidding behaviours, traffic allocation processes and ad delivery logic to suggest relevant pricing recommendations, identify errors and achieve best results possible for all parties - Prepare performance reports and analysis - Provide best in class service (incl meetings/calls) to build strong and long-term relationships with partners, and promote Xe products when possible - Work with our technology team by recommending enhancements to ensure the constant improvement of the platform - Collaborate with the Account Manager and Sales to ensure media sales are structured in a way to produce top performance outputs - Participate in team meetings/calls, document all learnings, and share knowledge efficiently Your essential skills: Knowledge of programmatic ad technology market Deep expertise with notions such as AdTech/SSP/DSP/publisher/CPM/bid/impression ad serving etc Experience in sales/business development/account management/customer service English proficiency is a must Strong communication and negotiation skills Proven problem solving/critical and analytical skills & thinking Self-starter with proactive attitude and ready to seize opportunities
AdOps Specialist
Customer: https://adapex.io/ Description of the technical stack + day to day duties: Should have adops background with Account Management experience to manage the publishers. Daily activities include new publisher onboardings, Optimizations, & troubleshooting. Project description: Publisher Management, To help our clients to maximize their revenues, do regular site audits, and provide suggestions to the clients. Working conditions (working hrs/day-offs/ holidays) - 8 productive hrs a day (+1hr break), standard weekly Offs (Sat & Sun). 10 holidays per year.
Make it in Ukraine
AdOps Specialist
We welcome an AdOps Specialist to join our constantly growing team, which provides the best services for our customers. If you want to start or continue your career in an international IT company - here we are. Our support team is constantly growing and looking for new members to join and provide the best service for our customers. Our client is a company that helps advertisers and publishers create more memorable connections with consumers through relevant, rewarding and impactful advertising. Also, the Client benefits from a wide range of research, innovation, and access to mobile operators which helps it deliver better outcomes to clients and make the unimaginable possible. The project is in the Advertising domain, where high-impact audiences, inventory, and creative advertising solutions are created. Responsibilities Develop actionable insights and make recommendations to the internal team Utilize Excel Pivot tables, VLook Up and wrangle massive sets of data Understand key performance advertising indicators, including VCR, CTR, ROAS, Conversions Regularly monitor and analyze reporting to ensure optimal campaign delivery and performance Work with the team to improve deal performance Set up, calibrate, manage, and optimize programmatic PMP buys Traffic across DSPs and AdServers (DCM, TTD, DV360, Yahoo, Internal DSP) Set up pixels and tests to isolate and troubleshoot key blockers for campaigns Analyze data and implement optimization tactics to execute advertising campaigns based on client goals Requirements Previous experience in account management, campaign management, ad operations, publisher operations, deal desk, or similar function at a digital advertising company At least Upper-Intermediate level of English
Sigma Software
AdOps Tech
Key Responsibilities • Maintaining regular, positive and proactive relationships with customers over email • Assist with daily management of campaigns, monitoring daily activity • Assist in any other aspect of the work of the Company as reasonably required. Requirements: • High level of Hebrew speaking and written, English (intermediate) • Ability to forward plan, priorities, achieve deadlines and adapt to a challenging and varied workload. • Willingness to learn, positive and proactive attitude to manage a high volume of work and deadlines. Advantages: • Digital designing (basic) • HTML (basic)
Ads Associate / Junior Media Buyer
**Who are we?** AK MEDIA is a performance marketing team. We specialize in lead generation and e-commerce through social media and search ads execution, custom landing pages, creative production, and post-production. "Boiling that down": We create relatable ads that get social media and search websites users’ attention and make them interested, we build informative landing pages that get them to convert, and we analyze the data on all of that to continuously improve our efforts. **Whom do we need?** We are looking for an ads associate, junior media buyer who can help us with day-to-day FB ads creation and management. Some of the challenges include but are not limited to: - Drafting campaigns/ad groups/ads in FB Ads Manager across multiple accounts; - Ads/competition research; - Ads performance analysis; - Miscellaneous tasks related to media buying. Additional skills that would be helpful: - Experience working with FB Ads Manager; - Be able to communicate in English with the team. **What do we offer?** A full-time position with a flexible schedule. We offer competitive compensation with reviews every quarter. Mentorship and professional growth. Work with challenging but exciting tasks. No bureaucracy.
Ads Manager: Facebook & Google
**You can enjoy your role full of purpose, passion and growth in a German software company. You can be a valuable contributor by advertising our b2b SaaS product overseas** **Requirements** - 2+ years of proven work experience in media buying/targeting, which can be confirmed by certain results: audience growth, CPM, CTR, successful deals etc. - Experience in setting up and optimizing campaigns on Google and Facebook - Strong grasp of current marketing tools and strategies and be able to lead integrated digital marketing campaigns from concept to execution - English B1+2 - Solid understanding of market research and data analysis methods - Experience with A/B and multivariate experiments - Analytical mindset that makes decisions based on numbers, not gut-feelings - Positive team-player who can convey complex information in an easy way - Up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in E-marketing **Nice to have** - Hands-on experience promoting software products, Consulting, or IT services - Understanding marketing and sales funnels, conversion, traffic channels **Responsibilities** - Plan, setup, and coordinate ads across multiple platforms first of all Google and Facebook - Create reports which contain performance trend analysis, recommendations, and next steps - Calculating the required marketing budget based on strategy - Measure and report performance of all digital marketing campaigns, and assess against goals (ROI and KPIs) - Search for new channels and sources to attract a targeted audience and grow them - Analyze existed audience behaviour to find new ideas and vectors for future product development - Instrument conversion points and optimizes user funnels - Budget management **We offer** - Awesome colleagues and pleasant working atmosphere - Amazing and accessible CEO who is ready to help - Challenging but exciting tasks and all needed tools to achieve them - 8-hours working day, paid holidays, and sick leaves - Opportunity to attend professional events financed by the company - Ability to focus on your tasks — lack of bureaucracy and micromanagement - Corporate celebrations and fun activities, some of them unforgettable - Possible international on-site visits **About us:** We are 20 years old German software company. Our teams manage automated solutions for any IT environment and infrastructure. Our software reduces production risks and keeps costs reasonable. We value each of our talents and give them maximum freedom regarding ideas and creativity that is the driving force of our Agile company. Our customers and users include private and public companies, enterprises, and corporations from the energy, financial, IT, service, and other sectors. **How to apply:** send your CV in English
Life Vision
Ads Monetization manager
Murka is looking for an Ads monetization manager for our team in the Dnipro or Kyiv office (remote is also possible). Our efficient user acquisition and retention running enable us to keep strong positions on the market. App Promotion Summit awarded the company for the strongest Google App campaign in 2020. RESPONSIBILITIES - Manage Ad monetization campaigns and recommend strategies for future optimizations; - Identify and implement initiatives that will improve Ad revenue generated through ad network partners; - Segment users to optimize Ad targeting; - Measure results of the Ad campaigns and optimize the assets and experiments; - Reading and interpreting the documentation to communicate with developers; - Work with the QA/Dev teams to implement new solutions and solve technical issues; - Manage existing and create new business relationships with advertising partners; - Work closely with other departments to improve Ad monetization performance. REQUIREMENTS Passionate about mobile gaming, apps, and the game dev industry; 1+ years working experience in Online Marketing in the game dev. industry (Ad Monetization and User Acquisition would be a plus); Strong understanding of Mobile Marketing; Understanding of ad monetization and ad management, optimizations of mediation solutions; Understanding of ad networks operations; English (Upper-Intermediate or above); Excellent verbal and written communication skills; Analytical mindset and logical thinking; Attentiveness, patience, and stress resistance. Nice to have: experience in the game dev industry YOU’LL GET: Competitive salary and performance-based reviews Guaranteed paid vacations, main national holidays, and sick leaves Employment benefits, such as partial compensation of sports and English lessons; medical insurance; bonuses on the occasion of marriage; "baby bonuses", and protection of workers with family responsibilities Comfortable centrally located offices with snacks, a well-equipped gym, and weekly fun activities Opportunity for professional growth: attending training programs, certifications, and conferences Corporate celebrations and team buildings
Ads Monetization Manager
At **PlayMe Studio** we are creating an interactive dating sym game MeChat - Love Secrets. This game is a new generation game, aimed to bring positive emotions, a sense of fulfillment and love to our users all over the world. Our efficient user acquisition and retention running enable us to keep strong positions on the market - we are TOP-5 interactive story game right after 1+ year of developering. Our next goal is to become Tinder in the dating sym games. And we need you to make this step. Come and join our team in the role of **Ads Monetization Manager**! You will be responsible for creating the advertising monetization strategy of our games. You will work with our product team and our monetization partners to drive growth through in-game advertising. With your analytical mindset, you’ll test different set-ups, learn and apply the best-performing ones. **RESPONSIBILITIES** * Organize and support the transfer to a new infrastructure (build / test, document, communicate with developers and other teams). * Manage Ad monetization campaigns and recommend strategies for future optimizations. * Identify and implement initiatives that will improve Ad revenue generated through ad network partners. * Segment users to optimize Ad targeting. * Measure results of the Ad campaigns and optimize the assets and experiments. * Work with the QA/Dev teams to implement new solutions and solve technical issues. * Manage existing and create new business relationships with advertising partners. * Work closely with other departments to improve Ad monetization performance. **REQUIREMENTS** * 1+ years working experience in Online Marketing in the game dev. industry (Ad Monetization and User Acquisition would be a plus). * Analytical mindset and logical thinking. * Experience with ad campaigns and ad networks. * Experience building a network of partners and keeping in regular contact with them. * Great organizational and communication skills (written, verbal, presentational). * Advanced skills with Excel (other BI tools are a plus). * Attentiveness, patience, and stress resistance. * Passionate about mobile gaming, apps, and the game dev industry. **YOU’LL GET:** * Competitive salary and performance-based reviews. * Guaranteed paid vacations, main national holidays, and sick leaves. * Full remote job.
Ads Monetization Manager (Ducky)
Now we are looking for an **Ads monetization Manager** for external (non-Genesis) product company — **Ducky**, whose main tasks will be to create and customize monetization campaigns for new projects. **Ducky** — is the fastest hyper-casual publisher. We find game developers, help them test their projects with a live audience. If the test is successful, the developer completes the game and we release it to the market. The main value of our company is the speed of decision-making, testing, and analysis. **Your tasks will be:** - Managing ad monetization campaigns and recommend strategies for future optimization; - Conducting A / B optimization tests for current projects; - Communication with ad network managers; - Measuring the results of advertising campaigns; - Creating reports; **Requirements:** - Have a minimum of 6 months working experience; - Knowledge of MAX mediation and ad network dashboards; - Confident use of Excel / Google sheets; - Understanding the basic metrics of the mobile industry; - English level - Intermediate + **Ducky provides:** - Fully remote work; - Flexible working hours; - Opportunity to be a part of creating a product from scratch; - Paid sick leaves and vacation. **Join our team!**
Flyer One Ventures
Ads Operation Specialist
We are looking for a Rockstar Account Manager to manage our ever-growing network of demand and supply partners. As a member of the CTV/RTB team, you will be managing the advertising campaigns, trafficking, tagging and optimizing to maximize the profit. Your daily work will include: Contacting new partners and setting up relations with them. Setup of new campaigns Monitor and Manage running campaigns Optimize existing campaigns. Responsibilities • Manage ad ops running on various ad serving technologies such as Adtelligent, Cedato etc • Outbound sales (active search for new partners on LinkedIn, forums and other platforms) • Communicate with demand and supply partners on a daily basis, to maximize potential on both sides. • Analyzing and optimizing different types of campaigns: video in-app, CTV (Click through rate, View completion rate, fill rate, Profit Margin and etc). • Support technical and non-technical issues and helping resolve them by liaising with internal teams. SKILLS • Relevant experience of oRTB and/or SSP, and/or DSP from 2+ years • Knowledge and understanding of programmatic advertising and ad tech • Result-oriented with good problem-solving and prioritization skills • Good communication skills • Level of English B2 + • Possess an analytical mind. Good knowledge of google sheets and Excel. • Excellent networking and relationship management skills. • Analytical, Entrepreneurial with hands-on mentality • Ability to handle various tasks and manage priorities. • Experience with the different Ad servers (Adtelligent,,Cedato, Aniview) or similar
VSK Consulting
Ads Policy Specialist
Main Responsibilities As a part of a dynamic international team that works across all strategic ad product initiatives. Your key responsibilities will include: Become the expert on our platforms ad policies and enforcement guidance; Provide clear guidance on policy interpretation and enforcement to the clients; Quickly and successfully answer questions about advertising policies to the clients; Approve ads and creative materials for the clients, guide them on the necessary improvements; Train and educate the clients on Ads policy principles and rules; Handle incoming queries about advertising policy areas with clear, helpful, and complete responses; Continuously evaluate, propose, and execute improvements for existing processes and to meet Ads policy requirements in successful way Requirements: Experience in sales support management in an environment that includes digital campaign management, banner sales and design, mobile advertising, and extended reach networks. An outgoing personal style that promotes great communication and professional relationship-building. Ability to multitask, prioritize and stay focused in a fast-paced, deadline driven and team-oriented environment. Exceptional organizational skills and ability to work collaboratively. Experience with ad serving platforms. Solid project management skills. Proven track record of meeting deadlines and deliverables. Fluent English Benefits Work in a dynamic team in a fast-paced industry of an international company with multi-cultural teams around the world ranging from Argentina to Vienna to Hong Kong Learn from the best: Work with innovative tech solutions Manage the most prestigious agencies and brands Competitive salary, medical and dental insurance plans, classes of English etc.
Ads Specialist
Responsibilities: Campaign Management: Manage and optimize paid marketing operations, from initial strategy and roadmapping/budgeting, to creative development, testing, delivery, and evaluation. Daily campaign maintenance and optimization for client accounts. Ensure client goals are met and work to constantly improve on key objectives. Develop and manage budget and content roadmaps on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis across ad & email campaigns. Data & Reporting Management: Provide accurate and insightful reporting for clients and internally for the Human Agency team. Utilize real-time performance data to inform strategy, budget allocation, and creative asset development. Analyze key performance metrics to adjust and optimize campaigns providing regular and easily understood reports to clients. Stay informed and actively research new platform updates, channels, and performance methods to provide insight for clients and the Human Agency team. Support Sales Pipeline: Support sales team to develop ad delivery goals and strategies for potential clients. Provide regular updates to our sales team on effective ad campaigns and promotion-worthy statistics and case-studies. Assist in the development and proposition of holistic digital strategies and recommend proper platform/channel use when appropriate. This could be the job for you if you: Have 2-4 years of paid acquisition, media planning, or growth marketing experience at agency or on within an organization or political campaign. Have prior experience with eCommerce & direct-to-consumer marketing Know how to use a test driven approach to problem solving (scientific method, A/B testing, tests for statistical significance, randomized controlled trials). Have experience with pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and search engine marketing (SEM) Demonstrate proficient understanding of marketing attribution, tracking, and Pixel implementation. Are a team-player with high-energy and a desire to help improve internal processes and contribute to startup growth beyond your day-to-day tasks. Desire to learn, grow, and get in on the ground floor of a high-growth startup while launching your career. Are able to work independently in an entrepreneurial, start-up environment - we give you something, you’re able to get creative, think scientifically, and run with it. This job is definitely for you if you: Have deep experience with ad technology platforms, analytics and business intelligence tools, and A/B testing tools. Have a working knowledge of HTML, CSS, responsive design, and email testing tools for QA’ing email templates & website landing pages. Are extremely well-versed with Google Sheets and Google Analytics. Are familiar with data visualization software such as Tableau, Google Data Studio, etc. Have exceptional attention to detail and enjoy experiment design. Are very comfortable working with numbers and have the ability to present and analyze data in various ways. Have an unwavering willingness to learn and go above and beyond what is asked of you.
Human Agency
Ad Tagging Specialist
As an Ad Tagging Specialist, you will use tools and methodologies to identify, classify, track and tag advertisements. As an Ad Tagging Specialist, you will use tools and methodologies to identify, classify, track and tag advertisements. Duties and Responsibilities: • Daily viewing of the U.S. broadcast stream to locate ads; • Identify advertisers; • Research their new ads; • Tag the ads using the advertisement tracking software. . We will provide the necessary training. Requirements: • Good English listening skills – MUST Have • Attention to detail • Microsoft Office • Internet knowledge Work Schedule: Monday-Friday: 11:00-19:00 You can wake up in the morning very late! What We Offer: • We’re investing in your growth through meetups, webinars, training, certificates; • Minimum bureaucracy and micromanagement; • Competitive salary; • English courses (study and practice) ; • Positive and friendly office culture, open-minded team, and quick decision-making management; • The ability to change projects (depends on tech stack, the ability to try yourself in different roles) ; Про компанію Right&Above Right&Above is a full-service technology solutions provider based in the Washington, DC metropolitan area with offices in Kiev, Ukraine. We are working with clients in various industries, including Security, Telecommunications, Healthcare, Internet, FinTech, Real Estate, Consumer Electronics, and many more. Our services include, but not limited to, Software Development, Mobile Applications Development, Infrastructure Management, Systems & Database Administration, Systems Integration, Electronics Engineering, Graphic Design, IT Administration, Hosting and Private Cloud Solutions.
AdTech Client/Account Manager
**The tasks of the Client/Account Manager are very different, but the sequence of actions is approximately the same. We will expect you:** - tracking and control over the statistics and performance metrics/KPIs of the platform - ad operations of the onboarded companies (adjustment of the settings, black/whitelisting, endpoints management, etc) - direct communication with Smartyads tech and business team in order to detect and solve technical issues related to the platform or integrations - direct communication with onboarded partners (SSPs, DSPs or publishers) in order to troubleshoot the daily activity - platform activity improvement in terms of traffic and demand optimization with the partners in the scope **Our ideal candidate:** Has fluent English; Has good analytical and problem-solving skills; Is tech savvy and willing to work in a team; Is self-motivated and responsible; Experience in Customer Support/Client Management in digital advertising industry (as a plus); **Our company can offer:** High salary; Help with relocation in Kiev and adaptation in new city; Possibilities for growth: Work in a strong team with the possibility of professional development; Compensation for professional learning (courses, conferences, master classes), attending various seminars / trainings, learning within the company; Library for employees - electronic library; Corporate events: Offsite corporate parties twice a year, celebration of all common holidays (New Year, Halloween, etc.); Once a month we arrange colorful "team building in teams"; Participation in sporting events: tennis and soccer tournaments; Corporate gifts and bonuses, congratulations from the company with personal and family events; Social package: Regular salary review based on work performance (every 6 months); Paid vacation; Paid all sick leaves; Medical insurance; Up to 7 extra days (not documented) paid per year; Comfortable work conditions: Modern, stylish office near the "Klovska"; Coffee, tea, juices, fruits, biscuits, snacks; Places for recreation, board games;
AdTech Product Owner
We are looking for a Product Owner to join our growing team to develop and manage our AdTech product portfolio. **Responsibilities:** - Identify and evaluate market opportunities and customer needs - Create and organize product backlogs - Describe, validate and prioritize product features - Scope, create and execute of product requirements and roadmaps - Co-own solution design and integration - Build and lead delivery teams - Secure successful product launches - Drive analysis and improvement of products’ performance - Identify and forge product partnerships **Qualifications:** - Bachelor’s degree or above - High degree of knowledge and industrial expertise in AdTech - Deep understanding of AdTech ecosystem, data analysis and collaboration, identity solutions and privacy regulations - Understanding of AdTech market potential and economics - Experience working in an agile environment - Ability to build strong collaborative internal and external partnerships - Ability to generate creative ideas and solutions - Strong presentation and communication skills - Understanding of Big Data concepts and techniques will be a plus **We offer:** - A unique experience of working for the largest and most beloved mobile operator in Ukraine - Remote work with possibility to visit the office - A competitive salary - Annual bonus - Paid sick leave and vacation - Flexible working hours - Medical and life insurance - Great possibilities for professional development and career growth - Friendly & collaborative environment
Product Manager
Adtech Recruiter
About Insticator At Insticator, we’re on a mission to create a smart, unified platform built to collect, aggregate and monetize all of a publisher’s first-party data. Our suite of engagement products empowers publishers and consumers alike to amplify their voices and express their opinions in safe, interactive environments. From our Commenting Platform backed by hybrid AI and human moderation to our Trivia & Polls Unit which enables audiences to interact with content that speaks directly to them, Insticator reaches and pulls insights from over 350 million users monthly. Our vast roster of partners includes Gannett, USA Today, Major League Baseball, Ancestry, WebMD, and countless others. Headquartered in New York City, Insticator’s global footprint spans offices in Miami, Canada, India, the Philippines, Ukraine and the United Kingdom. **About the Role ** Insticator is hiring a US Internal Recruiter to join the team. We are looking for a talented Internal Recruiter who will be key in driving the growth of the company’s technical department across multiple countries and help the development of Insticator’s market leading product suite. You will work closely with technical leaders and hiring managers to plan and execute innovative hiring strategies. This role will involve full-cycle recruiting that includes sourcing, outreach, arranging interviews and closing candidate offers. This role will report directly to the Chief of Staff and work alongside the People Ops team for a smooth hiring process for all candidates. **Responsibilities and Duties. **Building and implementing sourcing strategies Helping to develop talent pipelines and execute on market research, referral generation and sourcing Finding and engaging active/passive candidates through various channels, as well as adopting alternative search techniques Work with hiring managers to help define role details and process Manage and engage talent pools of appropriate candidates Implement sourcing/recruiting methods **Qualifications.** **Professional competencies** Agency or relevant in-house experience in sourcing top of the market tech talent 5+ years of experience hiring across multiple disciplines within Technology, such as Software Engineers, QA and Product. Deep understanding of the tech hiring landscape and complexity of global talent markets Ability to communicate effectively and concisely with candidates at the beginning of the recruitment process Results driven with proven experience sourcing top talent at scale A high level of ownership, confidentiality and attention to detail. **Cultural competencies** Creative confidence Collaborative mindset and great teamwork skills Skilled at receiving feedback, as well as providing it Entrepreneurial & adaptable; great learning skills Transparent & communicative, patient Curious, research-minded, data-informed **Benefits** We offer a diverse package and the chance to grow financially with the company, including: Competitive Salary Bonus for placements made/candidates hired Flexible work schedule **The Insticator Values** **We recruit, promote, and reward based off of our three core values: ** Sleeves Up - At Insticator we provide the autonomy and creativity needed to own your role, iterate where needed and drive impact on a massive scale. 100% Viewability - Insticator is passionate about open feedback at all levels of the company. This allows us to fail fast, create in real time and build an open company culture. Be Defiantly Great - We are defiant, that’s in our lifeblood, we accomplish what other people think are impossible. Challenging the status quo is our lifeblood.
Ad tech specialist developer
**About us ** Connected-Stories is the first Creative Management Platform built to transform your video into data-driven actionable creatives to deliver personalized consumer experiences in real-time, at scale. The company’s mission is to bring together Advertisers, Creatives, Data and Media Professionals to create engaging, informative and relevant data-driven video advertising strategies for every stage of the consumer journey. Connected-Stories implements a patented model to produce video ads in real-time and at scale. The platform synchronizes videos and interactive widgets using multiple layers orchestrated by machine-learning algorithms. **Our team ** The following is a description of an average member of our team: ● Quite young it is just an indication that we like to invest on young talents regardless of the years of experience they have. ● Driven by great passion for technology: the ones who love their job perform better with less effort ● Knowledge cruncher, the world runs fast and you have to stay up to date, read a lot and learn from those who have already faced a problem before you is definitely the right path to take ● Passionate about everything around programming ● Beer lover, it helps to think better :) **Job Description ** Looking for a smart person who is strongly result oriented and able to achieve it analytically. This role requires a person who has strong development skills that helps us to build the next generation platform of connected stories. An Ad Tech specialist must be aware of all technologies and standards involved in the Ad distribution ecosystem. The candidate should know standard IAB specifications and all best practices in order to continuously evolve and adapt our system (VPAID, VPAID4, VAST, MRAID, Safe Frame, trackings, etc). The candidate should also know some of the major tools and services usually involved in the digital advertisement distribution ( Ad servers, DSP, SSP, DMP, etc.). Training will be provided to assist the candidate. You responsibility would be: ● Design and development of software with the use of the most advanced technologies. ● Coordinate work and cooperate with the team. ● Use of TDD paradigm to develop new features. ● R&D on top noch standards and technology on the Ad ecosystem. ● Conduct anomalies analysis directly on publisher’s properties. ● Support the research and innovation of the software introducing new technologies/frameworks in order to better be compliant on the ad market. ● Work directly with the CTO on all developments and innovations regarding Ad distribution workflow. **What we provide ** ● Hardware ● Annual budget for training and certifications **Our working stack ** **Project management ** Issue tracking: Atlassian JIRA Team communication: Slack, Google meet Methodology: Agile-Scrum **Development ** Version Control Software: GIT Platforms: Bitbucket **Frontend** framework: Angular language: TypeScript **Backend ** topology: multiple services framework: nodejs, express, nest, typeOrm, sequelize language: TypeScript, Javascript, Python **Architecture ** Cloud services: GCP, AWS Containerization: Docker, Cloud Run, ECS, Kubernetes Engine Persistence: Redis, MySQL **Traits we value** ● Knowledge of javascript and all modern tools around it is a must. ● Computer science or engineering degree ● Open source contributor ● Personal github repository ● Experience/certification with Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud Platform. ● Academic papers published **Location:** Remote (preferably europe/ mid east)
Pure digital
Advanced admin / Junior Devops in shifts
Unauthorized accounts, compliance violations, brand impersonation, malware, spyware, account takeovers, and/or fake accounts may all go unnoticed, magnifying digital risks that can lead to brand damage, reputational harm, loss of revenue, massive fines & penalties, and litigation expense. US-based company provides a single SaaS solution to manage the full spectrum of digital risk protection, enabling enterprises to gain visibility to their digital footprint, detect threats, and respond to cybersecurity attacks in real time – while automating information governance and compliance. With best-in-class machine learning algorithms and a customizable policy engine, the platform empowers security, risk, and compliance professionals to protect their social and digital channels outside the perimeter of enterprise IT, while enabling the adoption of these technologies across the business Without Fear. Good knowledge for: 1. Understanding network technology’s- CIDR, public & private network, NAT, Proxy, DHCP, DNS. 2. Linux Core (basic commands) 3. Monitoring tools for infrastructure ( Perfmon, zabbix, Grafana, Prometheus) Basic knowledge: 4. Docker & Kubernetes orchestrator ( dockerfile , images , container , docker exec , docker run , networks, volumes ) 5. Ansible ( inventory , groups , roles , handlers) 6. Cloud technologies (AWS) 7. GIT (basic) 8. Terraform (basic) 9. CI/CD (basic) English level: at least Intermediate Job Responsibilities: Environments maintenance/patching/provisioning PROD/UAT deployments Existing CI\CD enhancement and support Setup performance and availability monitoring Establish security solutions Support product team Environments troubleshooting Work in shifts
Advanced Android Developer
**ABOUT THE CLIENT** Our client works with the world’s biggest device manufacturers and carriers - like Samsung, Sprint, T-Mobile, Orange, Huawei, and Hutch. The Product is about an Onboarding experience where apps and services can be recommended to users the first time they turn on their devices after the purchase. You will be responsible for building our new product - an app that will be installed on all our client’s devices by default. This app gives the user the ability to easily manage the device life cycle. You will work with top-notch technologies and the most qualified engineers on the market. The app will serve on the millions of people devices from the first release. **RESPONSIBILITIES** - Work as part of agile team, working in high velocity, delivering great quality - Design solutions, evaluate architecture options, set technical direction and quality standards, guide implementation - Work closely with the product, architects, DevOps and automation team - Innovate, Learn and Teach. **REQUIREMENTS** - 4+ years of experience in native Android applications development. - 4+ years of coding experience in OO languages (Java, C#, etc.). - Experience with Kotlin. - Strong understanding of OOP concepts and design. - Strong understanding of Android architecture. - Experience using Google Play Services and 3rd party libraries. - Understanding of client-server architecture. - Excellent written and verbal communication skills. - Upper-Intermediate written and verbal English. - Contribution to one or more open-source projects. - Experience in deploying apps to the Play Store. - Experience in SDK development. **WHAT WE LOVE ABOUT INNOVECS** - An environment that allows you to maximize your productivity and gives you the freedom to think and collaborate beyond the next line of code or deadline; - We like to have fun, we love what we do, we relax when we need to, we are a great team and we deliver; - High-level compensation and regular performance based salary and career development reviews; - Medical insurance (health), employee assistance program; - Paid vacation, holidays and sick leaves; - Gym 24/7, personal fitness instructor; - Massage in the office, personal wellness consultant; - English classes with native speakers and partially or fully reimbursed personal trainings and conferences; - Referral program; - Team building and a lot of fun to take a break, relax, and give you the freedom to think beyond the next line of code.