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Such a basis is not hard to find. | 首先,我們應該接受 2000 年 9 月的聯合國千年宣言,實現當時制定的共同發展目標。 這些的共同點並不難找。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
由前蘇聯總統戈爾巴喬夫和旺加里 ‧ 馬塔伊教授等發起的地球憲章就是很好的例子。 旺加里 ‧ 馬塔伊積極發起了名為“綠帶運動”的非洲植樹活動, 2004 年因此獲得諾貝爾和平獎。 | Its inspiration can be the Earth Charter, which, launched in 2000, was initiated by, among others, former USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev and Wangari Mathaai, who received the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts in the Green Belt Movement, a pan-African tree-planting initiative. | 翻譯成中文。 |
The climate problem does not stop at borders. | 氣候問題不分國界。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
In the next few decades, a low-lying country like the Netherlands will need to invest billions of euros to intensify its age-old struggle against rising water. | 在今後的幾十年裡,一些低海拔的國家,例如荷蘭,將投資數十億美元,用於應對多年以來不斷上漲的海平面。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
而對其他一些國家而言,洪水實際行已經淹沒了堤壩。 對於那些缺乏資金自救的國家尤其甚之。 | But in many other countries, the water is already flooding over the dikes, both literally and figuratively. | 翻譯成中文。 |
它們無法應對不斷上漲的海平面,持續的乾旱和災難性的風暴。 而這些國家往往不是工業化國家,無端成了氣候問題的無辜受害者。 | Climate change affects particularly those countries that lack the money needed to take adequate measures against rising sea levels, persistent droughts, or devastating storms, even though they had nothing to do with the primary cause of these problems – industrialization in the developed countries. | 翻譯成中文。 |
除此之外,基礎設施的改進等其他重大的舉措也都十分必要。 | Apart from the necessary, often infrastructural adaptations to survive the effects of climate change, enormous efforts to prevent even worse things from happening are required. | 翻譯成中文。 |
我們必須在農林業和能源開發上投入鉅額資金。 | Large investments in forestation, agriculture, and energy supply are called for. | 翻譯成中文。 |
婦女應該在其中擔當重要角色。 | In devising solutions, the role of women should be the main focus. | 翻譯成中文。 |
女性通常首先發現這些自然界問題,她們有能力承擔起領導角色,找到解決人類生存問題的良方。 | Women are often the first people who have to address the problem of gaining access to natural resources, and they are capable of playing a major role as pioneers in finding solutions to climate change and the way humankind should adapt to it. | 翻譯成中文。 |
簡而言之,未來的世界應該是低碳可持續發展的社會。 | In the short term, the world should become a sustainable global society of low CO2 emitters. | 翻譯成中文。 |
這是我們全人類的任務,狹隘的愛國主義和國家聯盟的思維在這裡沒有市場。 | This is a mission for all humankind, in which patriotic feelings and thinking in terms of power blocs have no place. | 翻譯成中文。 |
要想達到低碳可持續發展的社會,我們還需��做出巨大的努力。 | The pursuit of a sustainable global society of low CO2 emitters requires a tremendous effort. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Precisely for this reason, it also requires a broadly shared ethical basis. | 這就要求我們有著共同的道德基礎。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
This would guide the negotiating parties in such a way that they look not only for solutions to a part of the problem, but first and foremost at a comprehensive solution to the entire problem. | 這樣才能避免片面的理解,找到一個對所有問題的全面性的解決方法。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
氣候問題已不僅僅是政治領袖的事情。 | The climate change issue is too important to be left in the care of politicians. | 翻譯成中文。 |
在哥本哈根,不僅在國家層面,商界和市民社會也應該一起都行動起來,共同拯救我們的地球,這不僅僅是學術討論,而是關乎道德層面的問題。 | In Copenhagen, it is therefore imperative that not only nation states, but the business community and citizens combine their efforts to save our planet’s climate. That is not only a scientific necessity; it is an ethical imperative. | 翻譯成中文。 |
沒有共產主義的共產黨 | A Communist Party without Communism | 翻譯成中文。 |
普林斯頓--俄國總統普京欽點梅德韋捷夫在明年三月本應民主的總統選舉後繼承總統職位,這標明俄國領導人並未做出任何改變。 | PRINCETON – Russian President Vladimir Putin’s anointment of Alexander Medvedev to succeed him in what is supposed to be a democratic presidential election next March shows that Russia’s leaders have not changed a whit. | 翻譯成中文。 |
現在看來越發可能我們將會在今後幾十年中見到同樣的名字,正如在伯列日涅夫統治時期一樣。 | It looks increasingly likely that, as under Leonid Brezhnev, we will see the same names in the news for decades to come. | 翻譯成中文。 |
According to Gleb Pavlovsky, the Putin regime’s leading ideologist, the current Russian system is perfect in all respects but one: it doesn’t know its enemies. | 普京政權的首席意識形態官員巴普洛夫斯基說,俄國目前的體制除了不知道其敵人是誰意外在各方面都完美無缺。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
確實,看起來克里姆林宮的每個人都在閱讀納粹法學家施密特的著作。 施密特教誨說,指出你的敵人是政治的中心使命。 | Indeed, it seems as if everyone in the Kremlin is reading Carl Schmitt, the Nazi legal theorist who taught that naming your enemy is the central mission of politics. | 翻譯成中文。 |
In the spirit of Schmitt, Putin’s men designated a liberal party, the Union of Right Forces, as their ur-enemy. | 根據施密特的精神,普京的人馬設計了一個自由派政黨即右翼力量聯盟作為他們的敵人。 該黨的公開集會被武裝警察驅散; | 翻譯成英文。 |
其領導人被捕和遭到毆打; 普京把它的支持者們稱為“小狼”。 | Its public meetings were broken up by armed police; its leaders arrested and beaten; Putin called its supporters “coyotes.” | 翻譯成中文。 |
令人驚訝的是,這一咄咄逼人的舉動是在沒有可以見到的危險的情況下發生的。 | What is surprising is that this aggressive behavior occurred in response to no visible danger. | 翻譯成中文。 |
普京的支援率就像石油價格一樣在上漲。 | Oil prices are soaring, as are Putin’s approval ratings. | 翻譯成中文。 |
His appointees control everything that matters, from Gazprom to the Central Electoral Committee. | 他所任命的官員控制所有重要部門,從俄國天然氣石油公司到中央選舉委員會。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
近年來用暴力和補貼平息車臣叛亂,拘捕和驅逐幾個資金不菲的反對者並且最近幾年在巴普洛夫斯基親自監督下進行大幅度“社會投資”。 這一投資收買了俄國人民,沒有令人信服的力量可以嚴重挑戰普京的人馬。 | Since the pacification of Chechnya with violence and subsidies, the incarceration or emigration of a few financially viable opponents, and the massive “social investments” of recent years, which, under Medvedev’s personal supervision, have bribed the population, no credible force can seriously challenge Putin’s men. | 翻譯成中文。 |
但是他們的政權處於危機之中,而且他們也知道這一點。 | Yet their regime is in crisis, and they know it. | 翻譯成中文。 |
俄國經濟現在比以往更為依賴於天然氣和石油。 | Russia’s economy is more dependent on gas and oil than ever before. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Military reform has been reversed. | 軍事改革已經逆轉。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
儘管收入增加,俄國人的教育和健康都不如普京剛剛掌權之時; 他們依舊過早去世。 | Despite increasing incomes, Russians are less educated and less healthy than they were when Putin came to power; they still die at a shockingly young age. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Russian involvement in world affairs is tainted by poison and corruption. | 俄國參與世界事務也是充斥著敵視和腐敗。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
State monopolies undo what private businesses created. | 國家壟斷把私有經濟創造的東西化為烏有。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
教育水平低下的官僚們有了更多的錢就任用更多的沒文化的官僚。 結果,這一政權無法治理國家。 | With more money, ill-educated bureaucrats hire more ill-educated bureaucrats; as a result, the regime fails to rule the country. | 翻譯成中文。 |
The country is unruly, and its rulers know it. | 俄國混亂不堪,而其統治者們知道這一點。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
So they panic. | 所以他們就緊張不安。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Putin’s aim was to subject all power to the control of Russia’s security forces. | 普京的目標是把所有的權力都歸於俄國安全力量的控制之下。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
His generation of KGB officers watched the collapse of the Communist Party and all the governmental bodies that it “directed and controlled,” including the KGB. | 他的時代的克格勃官員目睹了共產黨和及其“指導和控制”的所有政府機關的崩潰,包括克格勃在內。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Under Putin, the security service has had its revenge. | 在普京統治下,安全力量進行報復。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
它們的人馬變得權力龐大、自負以及鉅富。 | Its people have become powerful, arrogant, and enormously rich. | 翻譯成中文。 |
他們也變得不停從調遣。 | They have also become disobedient. | 翻譯成中文。 |
In 2004, General Viktor Cherkesov, then Putin’s representative in northwest Russia, published an essay that glorified the KGB as the only unspoiled authority in a corrupted country. | 在2004年,當時擔任普京駐俄國西北方代表的切爾克索夫將軍發表文章,把克格勃美化成為腐敗國家中唯一清廉的權力部門。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
這一文章要比任何東西都要確定普京的第二任期的性質。 | This essay, more than anything else, defined Putin’s second term. | 翻譯成中文。 |
2007年10月,切爾克索夫(現在是最為不為人所知以及權力強大的部門聯邦反毒品局局長)發表了另一篇文章,痛斥其同僚的墮落。 他抱怨說,武士變成了商人。 | In October 2007, Cherkesov (now chief of one of the most obscure and powerful services, the Federal Anti-Drug Administration) published another essay in which he lamented his colleagues’ degradation: warriors had turned into traders, he complained. | 翻譯成中文。 |
早先,與其爭鬥的聯邦安全域性的將軍們因“非法竊聽”逮捕了切爾克索夫的副手。 | Earlier, generals from a competing service, the FSB, had arrested Cherkesov’s deputy for “illegal bugging.” | 翻譯成中文。 |
In a public gesture of despair, Cherkesov admitted the failure of Putin’s project to reanimate Russian governance by subordinating it to the security services. | 切爾克索夫公開表示絕望,承認普京通過把俄國政府置於安全部門控制之下來創新振作政府是失敗的。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Cherkesov’s deputy remains in prison. | 切爾克索夫的副手還呆在牢裡。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
大多數人相信普京無力干預為其辯護。 | Most believe that Putin is unable to intervene in his defense. | 翻譯成中文。 |
在沒有共產黨控制的情況下,這些安全官員背叛了他們的企業倫理,參與交易,並且在交易不順利的時候施加力量。 | In the absence of Communist Party control, these security officers betrayed their corporate ethic and engaged in horse-trading, applying force when a trade did not go well. | 翻譯成中文。 |
That this happens to ordinary Russians is clear; what Cherkesov revealed was that Putin’s circle also confronts this situation. | 這發生在普通俄國人身上是明顯的; 切爾克索夫揭露的是普京圈子裡的人也對抗這一局面。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
當以前的克格勃人馬自相殘殺的時候該怎麼辦呢? | What is to be done when ex-KGB warriors turn their swords and bugs against one another? | 翻譯成中文。 |
Cherkesov’s case exemplifies Putin’s nightmare. | 切爾克索夫的情況就是普京惡夢的例子。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
但是如果你的本能背叛你,你就會進入更深的本能。 | But if your instincts betray you, you go back to even deeper ones. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Now that Putin’s people have left their predecessors’ neo-liberal ideas behind and feel disenchanted with the ex-KGB clique, the task is to recreate an omnipresent political party that controls the security services, the administration, business, and much else. | 現在,普京的人馬已經拋棄了其前任新自由派觀點,並且對前克格勃的結黨營私感到不滿。 現在的任務就是創新組織一個控制安全部門、政府、商界以及更多其他東西的無處不在的政黨。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
This party will be centralized under personal leadership and will reduce the state to a legal fiction. | 這一政黨將是個人領導下的集權體系,並且把國家削弱為一個法律虛構而已。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
其主管們灌輸民族主義,相信其無所不能,而不是克格勃風格的專業精神和社團主義。 | Preaching nationalism, its managers will believe in their universal competence, as opposed to KGB-style professionalism and corporatism. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Boris Yeltsin forbade party cells in state-controlled institutions by decree. | 葉利欽通過命令禁止政黨存在於國家控制機構之中。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Putin’s lawyers will reverse that decision; the party will have cells or committees in every factory, corporation, military unit, university department, etc. | 普京的律師們將會推翻這一決定。 政黨可以在任何工廠、公司、軍事單位、大學院系等等擁有組織或者委員會。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Integrated by the leader’s charisma and party discipline, party members will direct and unify the desolated country. | 黨員將在領導人魅力和黨紀的融合下指導和團結這一荒涼的國家。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
This is Putin’s plan. | 這就是普京的計劃。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
唯一的另一個統治俄國的克格勃是安德羅波夫。 普京像���一樣將成為該黨的總書記。 | Like former Soviet leader Yuri Andropov, the only other KGB man to rule Russia, Putin will become the party’s general secretary. | 翻譯成中文。 |
As in the Soviet era, state and governmental officials will be reduced to party ciphers – the role that President Medvedev will play under General Secretary Putin. | 就像在蘇聯時期一樣,國家和政府官員將會被變成黨的暗號,這就是梅德韋捷夫總統在普京總書記領導下所扮演的角色。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
而且當然,總書記沒有任期限制。 | And, of course, being General Secretary carries no constitutional term limit. | 翻譯成中文。 |
In the end, Putin has what history left him: not ideas, just a faction yearning to consolidate its grip on power. | 最後,普京有的只是歷史留給他的東西。 沒有觀念,只有渴望鞏固權勢的派系。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
Lenin and Trotsky needed a party to make their ideology a reality; Putin and Medvedev are devising an ideology to solidify their party. | 列寧和托洛斯基需要一個政黨來把他們的意識形態變成現實; 普京和梅德韋捷夫則正在設計一個意識形態來鞏固其政黨。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
這是一個奇怪的意識形態。 | It is a bizarre ideology. | 翻譯成中文。 |
把武士指責為商人,把商人指責為賊,它拋棄了共產主義本源。 | Accusing warriors of being traders and traders of being thieves, it shuns its Marxist origins. | 翻譯成中文。 |
It will subordinate all who really do work – traders, warriors, journalists, and others – to party ideologues whose sole job is to search for enemies. | 它將把所有作實際工作的人,也就是商人、武士、記者以及其他人統統置於政黨理論家之下,而這些理論家唯一的工作就是尋找敵人。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
巴勒斯坦問題的聯邦制解決方案 | A Confederal Solution for Palestine | 翻譯成中文。 |
LONDON – Last month, while in New York City, I happened to be staying in the same hotel as Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. | 倫敦——上個月在紐約時,我碰巧與以色列總理本雅明·內塔尼亞胡同住在一家酒店。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
To accommodate his security needs, the hotel had been converted into a fortress, much like Israel itself. | 為照顧內塔尼亞胡的安全需要,這家酒店幾乎被武裝成一座堡壘,這與以色列本身頗有幾份相似之處。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
內塔尼亞胡要在美國參加另一輪中東和平談判。 | Netanyahu was in the United States for yet another round of Middle East peace talks. | 翻譯成中文。 |
The US offered various sweeteners to induce Israel to freeze its West Bank settlement construction for another 90 days. | 美國開出種種優惠條件,目的是誘使以色列再凍結西岸定居點的建設九十天。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
以色列拒絕合作,談判再度陷入僵持局面。 | The Israelis refused; another impasse was reached. | 翻譯成中文。 |
What, then, might be the prospects of a negotiated peace between two peoples with claims to the same land? | 那麼,對同一塊土地提出領土要求的兩群人究竟有著怎樣的談判前景? | 翻譯成英文。 |
The answer is: very poor. | 答案只有一個: 談判前景極其黯淡。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
All peace efforts since the Oslo accords of 1993 have been based on the “two-state solution,” according to which Israel is supposed to turn over the occupied territories to a Palestinian state, the Palestinians are supposed to renounce any claims on the Jewish state, and everyone is supposed to live happily ever after. | 1993年《奧斯陸協議》後所有的和平努力都以“兩國制”為前提,在這樣的前提下,以色列應該向巴勒斯坦國歸還被佔領土,而巴勒斯坦國則應承認猶太國家的主權,而後雙方應該從此過上幸福的生活。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
A negotiated “land for peace” solution still remains official Western doctrine. | 通過談判達成“以土地換和平”協議迄今仍是西方的主流理論。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
正如美國國務卿希拉里·克林頓在最近一次講話中提到的那樣,“為兩國人民分別建國”是實現“公正、持久、全面和平”的基礎。 | As US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton put it in a recent speech, “a just, lasting, and comprehensive peace” has to be based on “two states for two peoples.” | 翻譯成中文。 |
Meanwhile, the two main parties to the dispute, Palestine and Israel, are searching for unilateral alternatives to the stymied “peace process.” | 與此同時,中東衝突的兩大主體巴勒斯坦和以色列都在不停尋找阻礙“和平程序”的單方解決方案。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
The Palestinians are pushing for international recognition of their statehood, while the Israelis are using their settlement policy to preempt a Palestinian state. | 巴勒斯坦人不斷要求國際社會承認其獨立國家地位,而以色列則意圖藉助定居點政策搶先佔領巴勒斯坦。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
巴勒斯坦總統馬哈茂德·阿巴斯已經表示,如果最近一次和談失敗,他將敦促聯合國以1967年邊界為基礎承認巴勒斯坦國。 | Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has said that, if the latest peace talks collapse, he will press for UN recognition of a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders. | 翻譯成中文。 |
This month, Brazil and Argentina recognized “Palestine,” and a cascade of Latin American countries is expected to follow. | 巴西和阿根廷這個月承認了“巴勒斯坦”,預計將引發一連串拉美國家的紛紛仿效。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
阿巴斯現在將目光釘住歐洲,並將要求土耳其扮演中間人的角色。 | Abbas is now setting his sights on Europe, and would ask Turkey to serve as a go-between. | 翻譯成中文。 |
其目的是利用國際輿論對獨立巴勒斯坦國的承認向美國施壓,迫使其改變幾乎無條件支援以色列的政策。 | The game is to use international recognition of an independent Palestinian state to pressure the US to retreat from its almost unconditional support for Israeli policy. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Israel’s main concern continues to be security. | 安全問題仍是以色列主要的關注目標。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
The official Western doctrine is that Israel’s long-term security depends on the success of the “peace process.” | 主流的西方理論仍然是以色列的長期安全取決於“和平程序”能否成功。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
In practice, Israel has been taking other measures to secure its future. | 事實上,以色列已經為保證未來安全採取了很多其他舉措。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
其中最受媒體關注的非“安全牆”莫屬,這種方法確實有效減輕了暴力活動。 | Media attention has been focused on the “security wall,” which has certainly succeeded in reducing the level of violence. | 翻譯成中文。 |
But, to the hawks who now control Israeli politics, the key to Israel’s security depends on depth of defense, for which expansion of the settlements is indispensable. | 但在目前把持以色列政局的鷹派人物看來,以色列安全與否直接取決於防禦深度,因此擴建定居點成為必不可少的一步。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
The hawks’ recipe for survival is threefold: continued military and economic support from the US, defensible frontiers through a strategic settlement program, and the carve-up of the Palestinian West Bank into disconnected bantustans, or subordinate authorities, incapable of concerted opposition to Israeli policy. | 鷹派提出了層層推進的三重生存計劃: 繼續爭取美國的軍事和經濟支援、藉助戰略定居點計劃修建可防禦邊界、以及將巴勒斯坦西岸地區割裂成互不相連的班圖斯坦,或者是無力聯合反對以色列政策的孤立政權。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
於是,在阿巴斯爭取對巴勒斯坦國的國際支援,力求製造“既成事實”的同時,以色列的克敵之道則是釜底抽薪,讓建立巴勒斯坦國的願望不可能實現。 | Thus, while Abbas seeks to create a new “fact on the ground” by drumming up international support for a Palestinian state, Israel aims to trump him by making such a state unviable. | 翻譯成中文。 |
不追求兩個國家、而建立擁有統一政治經濟制度的聯邦制國家才是上述兩種戰略的理想替代方案。 | The ideal alternative to both strategies is a peace process that aims not to create two states, but rather to establish the political and economic basis for a single confederal state. | 翻譯成中文。 |
事實上,分別建國的解決辦法從來都無法實現。 | Indeed, the two-state solution was always an illusion. | 翻譯成中文。 |
There was never enough land to satisfy the passionate possessiveness of all those with claims to it. | 有限的土地資源從來無法滿足各方強烈的佔有��願。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
And, over time, Israeli settler disengagement from the West Bank and East Jerusalem has become just as impossible as any attempt by Israel to expel its remaining Arabs. | 而且,隨著時間一點一滴的流逝,讓以色列定居者從西岸和東耶路撒冷地區撤離和從該地區驅逐剩餘阿拉伯人的企圖都已經無法實現。 | 翻譯成英文。 |
以色列猶太人註定要待在西岸和東耶路撒冷,而以色列阿拉伯人也註定要在以色列的本土上繁衍。 | Israeli Jews are bound to stay in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and Israeli Arabs are bound to stay in Israel proper. | 翻譯成中文。 |
這就是“不得不面對的現實”,它打破了巴勒斯坦人獨立建國的希望,而以色列人建立純粹猶太國家的夢想也同樣因此而破滅。 | These are the “facts on the ground” that doom Palestinian hopes for a sovereign Palestinian state no less than Israeli hopes for a wholly Jewish state. | 翻譯成中文。 |
Moreover, land for peace never made sense from an economic point of view. | 此外,從經濟的角度講,以土地換和平從來就是行不通的解決方案。 | 翻譯成英文。 |