Question about a learningobject.
Vprašanje o učnem predmetu.
Allows the user to import the ELSTER jobs.
Omogoča uporabniku, da uvozi opravila ELSTER.
Parts for shavers and hair clippers with a self-contained electric motor
Deli za električne brivnike in naprave za nego las
Other supporting services for road transport
Pomožne storitve v cestnem prometu, razen pretovarjanja
5.XVI.147020 violation of moral copyright - Par. 2
5.XVI.147020 kršitev moralnih avtorskih pravic - od. 2
Computer Equipment and Software Supplier
Computer Equipment and Software Supplier
Prints all metadata values, available in the given file(s).
SKrij ogled
Download payment file
Prenesi datoteko plačila
TANH(0.8) equals 0.66403677
TANH( 0, 8) je enako 0, 66403677
readiness condition
stanje pripravljenosti
This field contains the identifying number that the program assigns to the outbound BizTalk document. The program uses this field to keep track of the outbound documents.
V polju je prikazana identifikacijska številka, ki jo program dodeli odhodnemu dokumentu BizTalk. Program uporablja to polje, da bi sledili odhodnim dokumentom.
Command Line
Ukazna vrstica
photographic plane
ravnina filma
By default, Friends, Work, and Family categories are created. You can delete these categories.
Privzeto so ustvarjene kategorije »Prijatelji«, »Delo« in »Družina«. Te kategorije lahko izbrišete.
Lactic acid, tartaric acid, citric acid and their salts and esters
Kisline, citronska, mlečna, vinska, soli in estri
Guru (all of the debug messages you can get)
Guru (vsa sporočila ki se jih da dobiti pri razhroščevanju)
(GMT +10 DST/N) Guam, Port Moresby
(GMT +10 DST/N) Guam, Port Moresby
Transfers 'decalcomanias', vitrifiable
Izdelki za preslikavanje, za steklo
In 2014,pricesdecreased the most in electricity (by 9.7%) and in manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and preparations (by 2.9%).
V letu 2014 so senajbolj znižale cenev oskrbi z električno energijo (za 9,7%) ter v proizvodnji farmacevtskih surovin in preparatov (za 2,9%).
is an online service that lets you use a single e-mail address and password to sign in to any -participating website or service. A account allows to identify you and retrieve your settings no matter where you access the Internet.
je spletna storitev, ki vam omogoča uporabo e-poštnega naslova in gesla za vpis v katero koli spletno mesto ali storitev, ki sodeluje v programu . Račun omogoča ju, da vas prepozna in pridobi vaše nastavitve ne glede na to, od kod dostopate do interneta.
Mounted (trailed) sugar beer harvesters
Kombajni za sladkorno peso - priključni
Varus deformity, not elsewhere classified, lower leg
Upognjenost navznoter (deformacija varus), ki ni uvrščena drugje, spodnji ud
Next Year
Naslednje leto
Via Cal Longa Z.I. - 31028 Vazzola (TV) - ITALY
Via Cal Longa ZI - 31028 Vazzola (TV) - ITALIJA
Diesel Exhaust Emissions
Emisije izpušnih plinov iz dizelskih motorjev
compound nucleus
zbirno jedro
Textile wall coverings
Tapete iz tekstilnih materialov
Make any other changes that you want to the objects.
Če je treba, spremenite predmete.
Metered Internet connections
Internetne povezave z omejenim prenosom podatkov
Machining centres
Centri za strojno bdelavo
Other paperboard (other than that of a kind used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes), coated with kaolin or with other inorganic substances
Drug karton (razen grafičnega), premazan s kaolinom ali drugimi anorganskimi snovmi
munic.wastes not otherwise specified
drugi tovrstni odpadki
Customer segment code:
Koda segmenta stranke:
Now your customized toolbars are incorporated into your template .mnu menu file.
Vaše prilagojene orodne vrstice so postale del predloge menijske datoteke .mnu.
Diseases of the nervous system
Bolezni živčevja
81 cm
81 cm
The prices of vegetables were on average lower by 0.4%, of fruits by 10.9%, of industrial plants by 7.5% and of wine by 13.2%.
Cene zelenjadnic so bile nižje za 0,4 %, cene sadja za 10,9 %, cene industrijskih rastlin za 7,5 % in cene vina za 13,2 %.
odpraviti varovanje tajnosti
Is sysadmin
Je sistemski skrbnik
whereas, in particular and among many other sectors, it creates changes and opportunities in the post-trade value chain, in retail financial services, in the technologies used to ensure and check compliance with regulation (so-called RegTech) and in the insurance sector;
ker posamezno in med številnimi drugimi sektorji ustvarja spremembe in priložnosti v vrednostni verigi po trgovanju, maloprodajnih finančnih storitvah, tehnologijah, ki se uporabljajo za zagotavljanje in preverjanje skladnosti z ureditvijo (tako imenovana regulativna tehnologija), in zavarovalniškem sektorju;
+device +situps
+naprava +trebušnjaki
Artificial flowers, foliage and fruit and parts thereof
Umetno cvetje, listje in sadeži in njihovi deli
That's all there is to it, and you should now be able to set up your own connection to a server with PAP authentication. CHAP is not much different. You can see the & Linux; Network Administrators Guide for a chap-secrets file format, and the pppd arguments used, and the rest should be simple.
To je zaenkrat vse. Sedaj bi si morali biti sposobni nastaviti vašo lastno povezavo s strežnikom s PAP identifikacijo. CHAP ne bi smel biti veliko drugačen. Poglejte & Linux; Network Administrators 'Guide za chap- secrets datotečni format in uporabljene pppd argumente. Ostalo bi morala biti samo navlaka, vendar... vaš cilj, ah saj veste za ostalo.
EESC-2016-02574-00-00-ETU-TRA (EN) /
EESC-2016-02574-00-00-ETU-TRA (EN) /
Figure 33-3: The Menu Bar tab of the Menu _Customization dialog box.
Slika 33-3: Kartica Menijska vrstica v pogovornem oknu za prilagajanje menijev
Grigule Iveta
Grigule Iveta
Adult Jersey Sporter
Telovnik za odrasle Sporter
NCAs should accept summary applications that contain a minimum set of information in relation to the alleged cartel.
NOK bi morali sprejeti skrajšane prijave, ki vsebujejo minimalni nabor informacij v zvezi z domnevnim kartelom.
mature industry
zrela panoga
European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau
Evropski urad za celovito preprečevanje in nadzor onesnaževanja
Preparations of Goose or duck liver
Gosja ali račja jetra, pripravljena ali konzervirana
Woven fabrics containing >= 85% artificial staple fibres by weight, printed
Tkanine iz 85% ali več umetnih, rezanih vlaken, tiskane
Energy accounts upgrade basic energy statistics as they show the physical flow of energy from the environment into the economy and households and back to the environment.
Energetski računi nadgrajujejo bazne energetske statistike, saj prikažejo fizični tok energije iz okolja v gospodarstvo in gospodinjstva ter nazaj v okolje.
Unspecified fibroblastic disorder, hand
Motnja veziva, neopredeljena, roka
Poly'methyl methacrylate', in primary forms
Polimetilmetakrilat (PMMA)
wastes not otherwise specified
Drugi tovrstni odpadki
Bus occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, driver, nontraffic accident
Oseba v avtobusu, poškodovana pri trčenju z dvo- ali s trokolesnim motornim vozilom, voznik, poškodovan v neprometni nezgodi
We have designed the production and organization of our services around customer solutions.
Proizvodnjo in organizacijo storitev smo zasnovali okoli rešitev za stranko.
Ischaemic infarction of muscle, shoulder region
Ishemični infarkt mišice, ramenski predel
africa. kgm
This ensures that users see relevant keywords in a dynamic keyword insertion ad, so that they continue to see relevant ads overall.
S tem zagotovimo, da uporabnik v oglasu z dinamičnim vstavljanjem ključnih besed vidi ustrezne ključne besede in se mu posledično vedno prikazujejo ustrezni oglasi.
Photographic film 'incl. instant print film', in rolls, sensitised, unexposed, without perforations, width <= 105 mm, for colour photography 'polychrome' (excl. that of paper, paperboard or textiles)
Fotografski filmi v zvitkih, neosvetljeni, za barvno fotografijo (večbarvno)
4.XXXII.332041 pollution and destruction of environment - Par. 4 in resp. of. par. 1
4.XXXII.332041 obremenjevanje in uničevanje okolja - od. 4 v zvezi z od. 1
This photo is the album cover photo.
Ta fotografija je naslovna fotografija albuma.
empty slot on foundation
prazno polje na osnovnem talonu
Extendable VR glasses
Raztegljiva VR očala
Domestic rabbits, live
Domači kunci, živi
joint use of equipment or storage facilities;
skupna uporaba opreme ali skladiščnih prostorov;
benefit from the PHARE programme
biti vključen v program PHARE
Year in which implementation of the proposal starts.
Leto začetka izvajanja predloga.
Slovenia’s population is also growing Slovenia’s population is less than 0.03% of the world’s population.
Tudi število prebivalcev Slovenije raste Prebivalci Slovenije predstavljamo manj kot 0,3 promila svetovnega prebivalstva.
To: %1
Do:% 1
Static converters (excluding polycrystalline semiconductors, converters specially designed for welding, without welding equipment, accumulator chargers, rectifiers, inverters)
Drugi statični pretvorniki
Women's or girls' briefs and panties of man-made fibres, knitted or crocheted
Spodnje hlače, ženske in dekliške, pletene, kvačkane, umetna in sintetična vlakna
4.XVIII.163010 insult to the Republic of Slovenia - Par. 1
4.XVIII.163010 sramotitev Republike Slovenije - od. 1
WP Tools
Orodja DP-ja
Plain woven fabrics of cotton, containing >= 85% cotton by weight and weighing > 200 g/m2, unbleached
Tkanine, bombažne, nebeljene, mase nad 200 g/m2, v platnovi vezavi
120 degree
120 stopinj
Obs. Astronomico de Madrid
Observatorij Astronomico de MadridCity name (optional, probably does not need a translation)
Propylene glycol (propane-1.2-diol)
Propilenglikol (propan-1,2-diol)
The value of construction put in place in October 2017 higher than in October 2016 In comparison with October 2016, the value of construction put in place in October 2017 increased by 29.5%.
Vrednost opravljenih gradbenih del v oktobru 2017 višja kot pred enim letom Vrednost v oktobru 2017 opravljenih gradbenih del je bila na letni ravni višja za 29,5%.
Bolezen predelovalcev konoplje
whereas equality between men and women is a fundamental right that presupposes a guarantee of equal opportunities and equal treatment;
ker je enakost moških in žensk temeljna pravica, ki predpostavlja, da so zagotovljene enake možnosti in enaka obravnava;
8.XVI.131 violation of equality
8.XVI.131 kršitev enakopravnosti
Electrical apparatus for protecting electrical circuits for a voltage <= 1 kV and for a current > 125 A (excluding fuses, automatic circuit breakers)
Druge naprave za varovanje električnih tokokrogov, za napetosti <= 1 000 V, jakost toka > 125 A