cookware is used for cooking & cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food -> cooking <mask> requires adding heat energy to the food using cookware
cookware is used for cooking & cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food -> cooking food <mask> adding heat energy to the food using cookware
cookware is used for cooking & cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food -> cooking food requires <mask> heat energy to the food using cookware
cookware is used for cooking & cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food -> cooking food requires adding <mask> energy to the food using cookware
cookware is used for cooking & cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food -> cooking food requires adding heat <mask> to the food using cookware
cookware is used for cooking & cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food -> cooking food requires adding heat energy to the <mask> using cookware
cookware is used for cooking & cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food -> cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food <mask> cookware
cookware is used for cooking & cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food -> cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food using <mask>
cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food using cookware -> <mask> food requires cookware to be able to transfer heat
cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food using cookware -> cooking <mask> requires cookware to be able to transfer heat
cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food using cookware -> cooking food <mask> cookware to be able to transfer heat
cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food using cookware -> cooking food requires <mask> to be able to transfer heat
cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food using cookware -> cooking food requires cookware to be able to <mask> heat
cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food using cookware -> cooking food requires cookware to be able to transfer <mask>
cooking food requires cookware to be able to transfer heat & a thermal energy conductor transfers heat -> <mask> requires the cookware to be a thermal conductor
cooking food requires cookware to be able to transfer heat & a thermal energy conductor transfers heat -> cooking <mask> the cookware to be a thermal conductor
cooking food requires cookware to be able to transfer heat & a thermal energy conductor transfers heat -> cooking requires the <mask> to be a thermal conductor
cooking food requires cookware to be able to transfer heat & a thermal energy conductor transfers heat -> cooking requires the cookware to be a <mask> conductor
cooking food requires cookware to be able to transfer heat & a thermal energy conductor transfers heat -> cooking requires the cookware to be a thermal <mask>
texture is a property of objects & hardness is a property of a an object & taste is a property of an object -> hardness, taste, and <mask> are properties of an object
texture is a property of objects & hardness is a property of a an object & taste is a property of an object -> hardness, taste, and texture are <mask> of an object
texture is a property of objects & hardness is a property of a an object & taste is a property of an object -> hardness, taste, and texture are properties of an <mask>
density is a measure of mass of an object divided by volume & an object has a small volume and large mass -> that <mask> will likely have a high density
density is a measure of mass of an object divided by volume & an object has a small volume and large mass -> that object will likely have a <mask> density
density is a measure of mass of an object divided by volume & an object has a small volume and large mass -> that object will likely have a high <mask>
as the mass of an object increases , the weight of that object will increase & the rock has the greatest mass among four collected rocks -> the <mask> has the greatest mass has the greatest weight
as the mass of an object increases , the weight of that object will increase & the rock has the greatest mass among four collected rocks -> the rock has the greatest <mask> has the greatest weight
as the mass of an object increases , the weight of that object will increase & the rock has the greatest mass among four collected rocks -> the rock has the greatest mass has the greatest <mask>
the rock has the greatest mass has the greatest weight & heaviest means greatest mass / weight -> the <mask> with greatest weight feels the heaviest
the rock has the greatest mass has the greatest weight & heaviest means greatest mass / weight -> the rock with greatest <mask> feels the heaviest
the rock has the greatest mass has the greatest weight & heaviest means greatest mass / weight -> the rock with greatest weight <mask> the heaviest
melting means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy & gold melts -> <mask> changes from solid state to liquid state
melting means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy & gold melts -> gold <mask> from solid state to liquid state
melting means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy & gold melts -> gold changes from <mask> state to liquid state
melting means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy & gold melts -> gold changes from solid <mask> to liquid state
melting means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy & gold melts -> gold changes from solid state to <mask> state
melting means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy & gold melts -> gold changes from solid state to liquid <mask>
gold changes from solid state to liquid state & as state of matter changes , mass will not change -> the <mask> of gold will not change
gold changes from solid state to liquid state & as state of matter changes , mass will not change -> the mass of <mask> will not change
gold changes from solid state to liquid state & as state of matter changes , mass will not change -> the mass of gold will not <mask>
a quartzite is a kind of metamorphic rock & sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock -> <mask> is a kind of sedimentary rock and quartzite is a kind of metamorphic rock
a quartzite is a kind of metamorphic rock & sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock -> sandstone is a <mask> of sedimentary rock and quartzite is a kind of metamorphic rock
a quartzite is a kind of metamorphic rock & sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock -> sandstone is a kind of sedimentary <mask> and quartzite is a kind of metamorphic rock
a quartzite is a kind of metamorphic rock & sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock -> sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock and <mask> is a kind of metamorphic rock
a quartzite is a kind of metamorphic rock & sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock -> sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock and quartzite is a <mask> of metamorphic rock
a quartzite is a kind of metamorphic rock & sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock -> sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock and quartzite is a kind of metamorphic <mask>
sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock and quartzite is a kind of metamorphic rock & class is a property of a rock and includes values of sedimentary / metamorphic / igneous -> <mask> is in the class of sedimentary rock and quartzite is in the class of metamorphic rock
sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock and quartzite is a kind of metamorphic rock & class is a property of a rock and includes values of sedimentary / metamorphic / igneous -> sandstone is in the <mask> of sedimentary rock and quartzite is in the class of metamorphic rock
sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock and quartzite is a kind of metamorphic rock & class is a property of a rock and includes values of sedimentary / metamorphic / igneous -> sandstone is in the class of sedimentary <mask> and quartzite is in the class of metamorphic rock
sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock and quartzite is a kind of metamorphic rock & class is a property of a rock and includes values of sedimentary / metamorphic / igneous -> sandstone is in the class of sedimentary rock and <mask> is in the class of metamorphic rock
sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock and quartzite is a kind of metamorphic rock & class is a property of a rock and includes values of sedimentary / metamorphic / igneous -> sandstone is in the class of sedimentary rock and quartzite is in the <mask> of metamorphic rock
sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock and quartzite is a kind of metamorphic rock & class is a property of a rock and includes values of sedimentary / metamorphic / igneous -> sandstone is in the class of sedimentary rock and quartzite is in the class of metamorphic <mask>
sandstone is in the class of sedimentary rock and quartzite is in the class of metamorphic rock & a rock changes from sandstone into quartzite -> the <mask> changes class from sedimentary rock to metamorphic rock
sandstone is in the class of sedimentary rock and quartzite is in the class of metamorphic rock & a rock changes from sandstone into quartzite -> the rock <mask> class from sedimentary rock to metamorphic rock
sandstone is in the class of sedimentary rock and quartzite is in the class of metamorphic rock & a rock changes from sandstone into quartzite -> the rock changes <mask> from sedimentary rock to metamorphic rock
sandstone is in the class of sedimentary rock and quartzite is in the class of metamorphic rock & a rock changes from sandstone into quartzite -> the rock changes class from sedimentary <mask> to metamorphic rock
sandstone is in the class of sedimentary rock and quartzite is in the class of metamorphic rock & a rock changes from sandstone into quartzite -> the rock changes class from sedimentary rock to metamorphic <mask>
the rock changes class from sedimentary rock to metamorphic rock & as the class of a rock changes , the mass of the rock will stay the same -> the <mask> of the rock will remain the same
the rock changes class from sedimentary rock to metamorphic rock & as the class of a rock changes , the mass of the rock will stay the same -> the mass of the <mask> will remain the same
the rock changes class from sedimentary rock to metamorphic rock & as the class of a rock changes , the mass of the rock will stay the same -> the mass of the rock will <mask> the same
matter in the solid phase has definite shape & definite shape means the shape of an object stays the same when moved to different spot -> <mask> object will have the same shape when moved to a different spot
matter in the solid phase has definite shape & definite shape means the shape of an object stays the same when moved to different spot -> solid <mask> will have the same shape when moved to a different spot
matter in the solid phase has definite shape & definite shape means the shape of an object stays the same when moved to different spot -> solid object will have the same <mask> when moved to a different spot
matter in the solid phase has definite shape & definite shape means the shape of an object stays the same when moved to different spot -> solid object will have the same shape when <mask> to a different spot
matter in the solid phase has definite shape & definite shape means the shape of an object stays the same when moved to different spot -> solid object will have the same shape when moved to a different <mask>
solid object will have the same shape when moved to a different spot & an eraser is a kind of solid -> an <mask> will have the same shape when moved to a different spot
solid object will have the same shape when moved to a different spot & an eraser is a kind of solid -> an eraser will have the same <mask> when moved to a different spot
solid object will have the same shape when moved to a different spot & an eraser is a kind of solid -> an eraser will have the same shape when <mask> to a different spot
solid object will have the same shape when moved to a different spot & an eraser is a kind of solid -> an eraser will have the same shape when moved to a different <mask>
tearing means changing a whole into pieces & a paper bag is ripped into pieces & ripping means tearing -> the <mask> bag has changed from a whole into pieces of paper
tearing means changing a whole into pieces & a paper bag is ripped into pieces & ripping means tearing -> the paper <mask> has changed from a whole into pieces of paper
tearing means changing a whole into pieces & a paper bag is ripped into pieces & ripping means tearing -> the paper bag has <mask> from a whole into pieces of paper
tearing means changing a whole into pieces & a paper bag is ripped into pieces & ripping means tearing -> the paper bag has changed from a <mask> into pieces of paper
tearing means changing a whole into pieces & a paper bag is ripped into pieces & ripping means tearing -> the paper bag has changed from a whole into <mask> of paper
tearing means changing a whole into pieces & a paper bag is ripped into pieces & ripping means tearing -> the paper bag has changed from a whole into pieces of <mask>
the paper bag has changed from a whole into pieces of paper & a piece of an object is smaller in size than the entire object / whole object -> <mask> of the paper bag are smaller than the whole bag
the paper bag has changed from a whole into pieces of paper & a piece of an object is smaller in size than the entire object / whole object -> pieces of the <mask> bag are smaller than the whole bag
the paper bag has changed from a whole into pieces of paper & a piece of an object is smaller in size than the entire object / whole object -> pieces of the paper <mask> are smaller than the whole bag
the paper bag has changed from a whole into pieces of paper & a piece of an object is smaller in size than the entire object / whole object -> pieces of the paper bag are smaller than the <mask> bag
the paper bag has changed from a whole into pieces of paper & a piece of an object is smaller in size than the entire object / whole object -> pieces of the paper bag are smaller than the whole <mask>
seeing small things with bare eye is difficult & hair is thin -> <mask> a hair with bare eyes is difficult
seeing small things with bare eye is difficult & hair is thin -> seeing a <mask> with bare eyes is difficult
seeing small things with bare eye is difficult & hair is thin -> seeing a hair with <mask> eyes is difficult
seeing small things with bare eye is difficult & hair is thin -> seeing a hair with bare <mask> is difficult
seeing a hair with bare eyes is difficult & texture of an object can sometimes be told by looking at the object -> <mask> the texture of a hair with bare eyes is difficult
seeing a hair with bare eyes is difficult & texture of an object can sometimes be told by looking at the object -> seeing the <mask> of a hair with bare eyes is difficult
seeing a hair with bare eyes is difficult & texture of an object can sometimes be told by looking at the object -> seeing the texture of a <mask> with bare eyes is difficult
seeing a hair with bare eyes is difficult & texture of an object can sometimes be told by looking at the object -> seeing the texture of a hair with <mask> eyes is difficult
seeing a hair with bare eyes is difficult & texture of an object can sometimes be told by looking at the object -> seeing the texture of a hair with bare <mask> is difficult
seeing the texture of a hair with bare eyes is difficult & magnifying makes seeing small things easier -> <mask> can help study the texture of a hair
seeing the texture of a hair with bare eyes is difficult & magnifying makes seeing small things easier -> magnifying can <mask> study the texture of a hair
seeing the texture of a hair with bare eyes is difficult & magnifying makes seeing small things easier -> magnifying can help <mask> the texture of a hair
seeing the texture of a hair with bare eyes is difficult & magnifying makes seeing small things easier -> magnifying can help study the <mask> of a hair
seeing the texture of a hair with bare eyes is difficult & magnifying makes seeing small things easier -> magnifying can help study the texture of a <mask>
friction causes the temperature of an object to increase & friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other -> when <mask> occurs between two objects, both objects' temperatures increase
friction causes the temperature of an object to increase & friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other -> when friction <mask> between two objects, both objects' temperatures increase
friction causes the temperature of an object to increase & friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other -> when friction occurs between <mask> objects, both objects' temperatures increase
friction causes the temperature of an object to increase & friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other -> when friction occurs between two objects, both objects' <mask> increase
friction causes the temperature of an object to increase & friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other -> when friction occurs between two objects, both objects' temperatures <mask>
a wooden block is pushed across a sheet of sandpaper & an object being pushed across another object causes their surfaces to move against each other -> the <mask> of a wooden block and sandpaper are moving against each other