a wooden block is pushed across a sheet of sandpaper & an object being pushed across another object causes their surfaces to move against each other -> the surfaces of a wooden <mask> and sandpaper are moving against each other
a wooden block is pushed across a sheet of sandpaper & an object being pushed across another object causes their surfaces to move against each other -> the surfaces of a wooden block and <mask> are moving against each other
a wooden block is pushed across a sheet of sandpaper & an object being pushed across another object causes their surfaces to move against each other -> the surfaces of a wooden block and sandpaper are <mask> against each other
the surfaces of a wooden block and sandpaper are moving against each other & friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other -> <mask> occurs when the wooden block is moving against the sandpaper
the surfaces of a wooden block and sandpaper are moving against each other & friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other -> friction <mask> when the wooden block is moving against the sandpaper
the surfaces of a wooden block and sandpaper are moving against each other & friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other -> friction occurs when the wooden <mask> is moving against the sandpaper
the surfaces of a wooden block and sandpaper are moving against each other & friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other -> friction occurs when the wooden block is <mask> against the sandpaper
the surfaces of a wooden block and sandpaper are moving against each other & friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other -> friction occurs when the wooden block is moving against the <mask>
when friction occurs between two objects, both objects' temperatures increase & friction occurs when the wooden block is moving against the sandpaper -> <mask> will cause the temperature of the wooden block to increase
when friction occurs between two objects, both objects' temperatures increase & friction occurs when the wooden block is moving against the sandpaper -> friction will <mask> the temperature of the wooden block to increase
when friction occurs between two objects, both objects' temperatures increase & friction occurs when the wooden block is moving against the sandpaper -> friction will cause the <mask> of the wooden block to increase
when friction occurs between two objects, both objects' temperatures increase & friction occurs when the wooden block is moving against the sandpaper -> friction will cause the temperature of the wooden <mask> to increase
when friction occurs between two objects, both objects' temperatures increase & friction occurs when the wooden block is moving against the sandpaper -> friction will cause the temperature of the wooden block to <mask>
smooth is a kind of texture & texture is a property of objects and includes ordered values of smooth or rough -> <mask> can be used to describe the texture of an object
smooth is a kind of texture & texture is a property of objects and includes ordered values of smooth or rough -> smooth can be <mask> to describe the texture of an object
smooth is a kind of texture & texture is a property of objects and includes ordered values of smooth or rough -> smooth can be used to <mask> the texture of an object
smooth is a kind of texture & texture is a property of objects and includes ordered values of smooth or rough -> smooth can be used to describe the <mask> of an object
smooth is a kind of texture & texture is a property of objects and includes ordered values of smooth or rough -> smooth can be used to describe the texture of an <mask>
matter in the solid phase has definite volume & one sample is a solid sample of aluminum -> the <mask> aluminum has definite volume
matter in the solid phase has definite volume & one sample is a solid sample of aluminum -> the solid <mask> has definite volume
matter in the solid phase has definite volume & one sample is a solid sample of aluminum -> the solid aluminum has definite <mask>
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume & one sample is a liquid sample of aluminum -> the <mask> aluminum has definite volume
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume & one sample is a liquid sample of aluminum -> the liquid <mask> has definite volume
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume & one sample is a liquid sample of aluminum -> the liquid aluminum has definite <mask>
the solid aluminum has definite volume & the liquid aluminum has definite volume -> both <mask> have definite volume
the solid aluminum has definite volume & the liquid aluminum has definite volume -> both samples have definite <mask>
the oceans are located on earth & the oceans contain liquid water -> <mask> water is located on earth
the oceans are located on earth & the oceans contain liquid water -> liquid <mask> is located on earth
the oceans are located on earth & the oceans contain liquid water -> liquid water is <mask> on earth
the oceans are located on earth & the oceans contain liquid water -> liquid water is located on <mask>
liquid water is located on earth & water is in the liquid state , called liquid water , for temperatures between 273 / 32 / 0 and 373 / 212 / 100 k / f / c -> <mask> in the liquid state is located on earth
liquid water is located on earth & water is in the liquid state , called liquid water , for temperatures between 273 / 32 / 0 and 373 / 212 / 100 k / f / c -> water in the <mask> state is located on earth
liquid water is located on earth & water is in the liquid state , called liquid water , for temperatures between 273 / 32 / 0 and 373 / 212 / 100 k / f / c -> water in the liquid <mask> is located on earth
liquid water is located on earth & water is in the liquid state , called liquid water , for temperatures between 273 / 32 / 0 and 373 / 212 / 100 k / f / c -> water in the liquid state is <mask> on earth
liquid water is located on earth & water is in the liquid state , called liquid water , for temperatures between 273 / 32 / 0 and 373 / 212 / 100 k / f / c -> water in the liquid state is located on <mask>
arctic environments contain ice & arctic environments are located on earth -> <mask> is located on earth
arctic environments contain ice & arctic environments are located on earth -> ice is <mask> on earth
arctic environments contain ice & arctic environments are located on earth -> ice is located on <mask>
ice is located on earth & water is in the solid state , called ice , for temperatures between 0 / -459 / -273 and 273 / 32 / 0 k / f / c -> <mask> in the solid state is located on earth
ice is located on earth & water is in the solid state , called ice , for temperatures between 0 / -459 / -273 and 273 / 32 / 0 k / f / c -> water in the <mask> state is located on earth
ice is located on earth & water is in the solid state , called ice , for temperatures between 0 / -459 / -273 and 273 / 32 / 0 k / f / c -> water in the solid <mask> is located on earth
ice is located on earth & water is in the solid state , called ice , for temperatures between 0 / -459 / -273 and 273 / 32 / 0 k / f / c -> water in the solid state is <mask> on earth
ice is located on earth & water is in the solid state , called ice , for temperatures between 0 / -459 / -273 and 273 / 32 / 0 k / f / c -> water in the solid state is located on <mask>
earth's atmosphere contains water vapor & earth's atmosphere is located on earth -> <mask> vapor is located on earth
earth's atmosphere contains water vapor & earth's atmosphere is located on earth -> water <mask> is located on earth
earth's atmosphere contains water vapor & earth's atmosphere is located on earth -> water vapor is <mask> on earth
earth's atmosphere contains water vapor & earth's atmosphere is located on earth -> water vapor is located on <mask>
water vapor is located on earth & water is in the gas state , called water vapor / steam , for temperatures between 373 / 212 / 100 and 100000000000 k / f / c -> <mask> in the gas state is located on earth
water vapor is located on earth & water is in the gas state , called water vapor / steam , for temperatures between 373 / 212 / 100 and 100000000000 k / f / c -> water in the <mask> state is located on earth
water vapor is located on earth & water is in the gas state , called water vapor / steam , for temperatures between 373 / 212 / 100 and 100000000000 k / f / c -> water in the gas <mask> is located on earth
water vapor is located on earth & water is in the gas state , called water vapor / steam , for temperatures between 373 / 212 / 100 and 100000000000 k / f / c -> water in the gas state is <mask> on earth
water vapor is located on earth & water is in the gas state , called water vapor / steam , for temperatures between 373 / 212 / 100 and 100000000000 k / f / c -> water in the gas state is located on <mask>
water in the liquid state is located on earth & water in the solid state is located on earth & water in the gas state is located on earth -> <mask> in the liquid, solid, and gas state is located on earth
water in the liquid state is located on earth & water in the solid state is located on earth & water in the gas state is located on earth -> water in the liquid, solid, and <mask> state is located on earth
water in the liquid state is located on earth & water in the solid state is located on earth & water in the gas state is located on earth -> water in the liquid, solid, and gas <mask> is located on earth
water in the liquid state is located on earth & water in the solid state is located on earth & water in the gas state is located on earth -> water in the liquid, solid, and gas state is <mask> on earth
water in the liquid state is located on earth & water in the solid state is located on earth & water in the gas state is located on earth -> water in the liquid, solid, and gas state is located on <mask>
matter in gas phase takes the shape of the entire container & the item takes the shape of the entire container -> the <mask> is a kind of matter in the gas phase
matter in gas phase takes the shape of the entire container & the item takes the shape of the entire container -> the item is a <mask> of matter in the gas phase
matter in gas phase takes the shape of the entire container & the item takes the shape of the entire container -> the item is a kind of <mask> in the gas phase
matter in gas phase takes the shape of the entire container & the item takes the shape of the entire container -> the item is a kind of matter in the <mask> phase
matter in gas phase takes the shape of the entire container & the item takes the shape of the entire container -> the item is a kind of matter in the gas <mask>
the item is a kind of matter in the gas phase & air is a kind of gas -> the <mask> is most likely air
the item is a kind of matter in the gas phase & air is a kind of gas -> the item is most likely <mask>
matter in the gas phase has variable volume & matter in the gas phase has variable shape -> <mask> in gas phase has variable volume and shape
matter in the gas phase has variable volume & matter in the gas phase has variable shape -> matter in <mask> phase has variable volume and shape
matter in the gas phase has variable volume & matter in the gas phase has variable shape -> matter in gas <mask> has variable volume and shape
matter in the gas phase has variable volume & matter in the gas phase has variable shape -> matter in gas phase has <mask> volume and shape
matter in the gas phase has variable volume & matter in the gas phase has variable shape -> matter in gas phase has variable <mask> and shape
matter in the gas phase has variable volume & matter in the gas phase has variable shape -> matter in gas phase has variable volume and <mask>
matter in gas phase has variable volume and shape & matter with variable volume and shape expands to fill the shape and size of its entire container -> <mask> will expand to fill the shape of the container
matter in gas phase has variable volume and shape & matter with variable volume and shape expands to fill the shape and size of its entire container -> gas will <mask> to fill the shape of the container
matter in gas phase has variable volume and shape & matter with variable volume and shape expands to fill the shape and size of its entire container -> gas will expand to <mask> the shape of the container
matter in gas phase has variable volume and shape & matter with variable volume and shape expands to fill the shape and size of its entire container -> gas will expand to fill the <mask> of the container
matter in gas phase has variable volume and shape & matter with variable volume and shape expands to fill the shape and size of its entire container -> gas will expand to fill the shape of the <mask>
gas will expand to fill the shape of the container & air is a kind of gas -> <mask> will expand to fill the shape of the container
gas will expand to fill the shape of the container & air is a kind of gas -> air will <mask> to fill the shape of the container
gas will expand to fill the shape of the container & air is a kind of gas -> air will expand to <mask> the shape of the container
gas will expand to fill the shape of the container & air is a kind of gas -> air will expand to fill the <mask> of the container
gas will expand to fill the shape of the container & air is a kind of gas -> air will expand to fill the shape of the <mask>
a bubble is made of pockets of gas trapped inside a liquid or solid & soap bubbles are made of air trapped inside soap liquid -> <mask> is inside the soap bubbles
a bubble is made of pockets of gas trapped inside a liquid or solid & soap bubbles are made of air trapped inside soap liquid -> air is <mask> the soap bubbles
a bubble is made of pockets of gas trapped inside a liquid or solid & soap bubbles are made of air trapped inside soap liquid -> air is inside the <mask> bubbles
a bubble is made of pockets of gas trapped inside a liquid or solid & soap bubbles are made of air trapped inside soap liquid -> air is inside the soap <mask>
matter in the liquid phase has variable shape & matter in the liquid phase has definite volume -> <mask> in the liquid phase has definite volume and variable shape
matter in the liquid phase has variable shape & matter in the liquid phase has definite volume -> matter in the <mask> phase has definite volume and variable shape
matter in the liquid phase has variable shape & matter in the liquid phase has definite volume -> matter in the liquid <mask> has definite volume and variable shape
matter in the liquid phase has variable shape & matter in the liquid phase has definite volume -> matter in the liquid phase has definite <mask> and variable shape
matter in the liquid phase has variable shape & matter in the liquid phase has definite volume -> matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and <mask> shape
matter in the liquid phase has variable shape & matter in the liquid phase has definite volume -> matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and variable <mask>
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and variable shape & indefinite means variable -> <mask> in the liquid phase has definite volume and indefinite shape
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and variable shape & indefinite means variable -> matter in the <mask> phase has definite volume and indefinite shape
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and variable shape & indefinite means variable -> matter in the liquid <mask> has definite volume and indefinite shape
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and variable shape & indefinite means variable -> matter in the liquid phase has definite <mask> and indefinite shape
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and variable shape & indefinite means variable -> matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and indefinite <mask>
a compound is a kind of substance & substances are made of matter -> a <mask> is made of matter
a compound is a kind of substance & substances are made of matter -> a compound is <mask> of matter
a compound is a kind of substance & substances are made of matter -> a compound is made of <mask>
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and indefinite shape & a compound is made of matter -> a <mask> in the liquid phase has definite volume and indefinite shape
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume and indefinite shape & a compound is made of matter -> a compound in the <mask> phase has definite volume and indefinite shape