conductivity is a property of an element & an electrical conductor is conductive -> an electrical <mask> is an element that is conductive
conductivity is a property of an element & an electrical conductor is conductive -> an electrical conductor is an <mask> that is conductive
an electrical conductor is an element that is conductive & wiring requires an electrical conductor -> <mask> requires an element that is conductive
an electrical conductor is an element that is conductive & wiring requires an electrical conductor -> wiring <mask> an element that is conductive
an electrical conductor is an element that is conductive & wiring requires an electrical conductor -> wiring requires an <mask> that is conductive
feeling is when an living thing senses through touch & soft is a kind of touch sensation -> soft is a <mask> of feeling
feeling is when an living thing senses through touch & soft is a kind of touch sensation -> soft is a kind of <mask>
soft is a kind of feeling & feathers are usually soft in sensation -> a <mask> feels soft
soft is a kind of feeling & feathers are usually soft in sensation -> a feather <mask> soft
the intensive property of something is the same for the things of same kind & hardness is an intensive property -> <mask> of a something is the same for the things of same kind
the intensive property of something is the same for the things of same kind & hardness is an intensive property -> hardness of a something is the same for the <mask> of same kind
the intensive property of something is the same for the things of same kind & hardness is an intensive property -> hardness of a something is the same for the things of same <mask>
the statue is made of a kind of marble & the table is made of the same kind of marble -> the <mask> and the table are made the same kind of marble
the statue is made of a kind of marble & the table is made of the same kind of marble -> the statue and the <mask> are made the same kind of marble
the statue is made of a kind of marble & the table is made of the same kind of marble -> the statue and the table are <mask> the same kind of marble
the statue is made of a kind of marble & the table is made of the same kind of marble -> the statue and the table are made the same <mask> of marble
the statue is made of a kind of marble & the table is made of the same kind of marble -> the statue and the table are made the same kind of <mask>
hardness of a something is the same for the things of same kind & the statue and the table are made the same kind of marble -> the <mask> of the statue and the table is the same
hardness of a something is the same for the things of same kind & the statue and the table are made the same kind of marble -> the hardness of the <mask> and the table is the same
hardness of a something is the same for the things of same kind & the statue and the table are made the same kind of marble -> the hardness of the statue and the <mask> is the same
measuring the hardness of minerals requires scratching those materials & comparing requires measuring -> to <mask> the hardness of minerals requires scratching those materials
measuring the hardness of minerals requires scratching those materials & comparing requires measuring -> to compare the <mask> of minerals requires scratching those materials
measuring the hardness of minerals requires scratching those materials & comparing requires measuring -> to compare the hardness of <mask> requires scratching those materials
measuring the hardness of minerals requires scratching those materials & comparing requires measuring -> to compare the hardness of minerals <mask> scratching those materials
measuring the hardness of minerals requires scratching those materials & comparing requires measuring -> to compare the hardness of minerals requires <mask> those materials
measuring the hardness of minerals requires scratching those materials & comparing requires measuring -> to compare the hardness of minerals requires scratching those <mask>
a mineral is a kind of object & the luster of an object can be determined by looking at that object -> the <mask> of a mineral can be determined by looking at it
a mineral is a kind of object & the luster of an object can be determined by looking at that object -> the luster of a <mask> can be determined by looking at it
a mineral is a kind of object & the luster of an object can be determined by looking at that object -> the luster of a mineral can be <mask> by looking at it
a mineral is a kind of object & the luster of an object can be determined by looking at that object -> the luster of a mineral can be determined by <mask> at it
nails are usually made of metal & metal is sometimes magnetic -> <mask> nails are sometimes magnetic
nails are usually made of metal & metal is sometimes magnetic -> metal <mask> are sometimes magnetic
metal nails are sometimes magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals -> a <mask> nail will most likely be attracted to a magnet
metal nails are sometimes magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals -> a metal <mask> will most likely be attracted to a magnet
metal nails are sometimes magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals -> a metal nail will most likely be <mask> to a magnet
metal nails are sometimes magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals -> a metal nail will most likely be attracted to a <mask>
a magnet attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism & an object is attracted to a magnet -> the <mask> is made of a magnetic material
a magnet attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism & an object is attracted to a magnet -> the object is <mask> of a magnetic material
a magnet attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism & an object is attracted to a magnet -> the object is made of a magnetic <mask>
the object is made of a magnetic material & metal is sometimes magnetic -> the <mask> is likely made of metal
the object is made of a magnetic material & metal is sometimes magnetic -> the object is likely <mask> of metal
the object is made of a magnetic material & metal is sometimes magnetic -> the object is likely made of <mask>
iron nails are made of iron & iron is always magnetic -> <mask> nails are magnetic
iron nails are made of iron & iron is always magnetic -> iron <mask> are magnetic
iron nails are magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals -> a <mask> will attract an iron nail
iron nails are magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals -> a magnet will <mask> an iron nail
iron nails are magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals -> a magnet will attract an <mask> nail
iron nails are magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals -> a magnet will attract an iron <mask>
a refrigerator door contains iron & iron is always magnetic -> a <mask> door is magnetic
a refrigerator door contains iron & iron is always magnetic -> a refrigerator <mask> is magnetic
a refrigerator door is magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism -> a <mask> can attract to a refrigerator door
a refrigerator door is magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism -> a magnet can <mask> to a refrigerator door
a refrigerator door is magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism -> a magnet can attract to a <mask> door
a refrigerator door is magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism -> a magnet can attract to a refrigerator <mask>
a magnet attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism & a paper clip is often made of magnetic metals -> a <mask> can attract a paper clip
a magnet attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism & a paper clip is often made of magnetic metals -> a magnet can <mask> a paper clip
a magnet attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism & a paper clip is often made of magnetic metals -> a magnet can attract a <mask> clip
a magnet attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism & a paper clip is often made of magnetic metals -> a magnet can attract a paper <mask>
a magnet can attract a paper clip & an unknown object can attract a paper clip -> an <mask> object and a magnet can both attract a paper clip
a magnet can attract a paper clip & an unknown object can attract a paper clip -> an unknown <mask> and a magnet can both attract a paper clip
a magnet can attract a paper clip & an unknown object can attract a paper clip -> an unknown object and a <mask> can both attract a paper clip
a magnet can attract a paper clip & an unknown object can attract a paper clip -> an unknown object and a magnet can both <mask> a paper clip
a magnet can attract a paper clip & an unknown object can attract a paper clip -> an unknown object and a magnet can both attract a <mask> clip
a magnet can attract a paper clip & an unknown object can attract a paper clip -> an unknown object and a magnet can both attract a paper <mask>
an unknown object and a magnet can both attract a paper clip & the ability to attract a paper clip is a kind of property -> the <mask> object has the same property as a magnet
an unknown object and a magnet can both attract a paper clip & the ability to attract a paper clip is a kind of property -> the unknown <mask> has the same property as a magnet
an unknown object and a magnet can both attract a paper clip & the ability to attract a paper clip is a kind of property -> the unknown object has the same <mask> as a magnet
an unknown object and a magnet can both attract a paper clip & the ability to attract a paper clip is a kind of property -> the unknown object has the same property as a <mask>
the unknown object has the same property as a magnet & a magnet is magnetic -> the <mask> object is magnetic
the unknown object has the same property as a magnet & a magnet is magnetic -> the unknown <mask> is magnetic
iron is always magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals through magnetism -> a <mask> will attract iron
iron is always magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals through magnetism -> a magnet will <mask> iron
iron is always magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals through magnetism -> a magnet will attract <mask>
sand is always nonmagnetic & a magnet will not attract nonmagnetic materials -> a <mask> will not attract sand
sand is always nonmagnetic & a magnet will not attract nonmagnetic materials -> a magnet will not <mask> sand
sand is always nonmagnetic & a magnet will not attract nonmagnetic materials -> a magnet will not attract <mask>
a magnet will attract iron & a magnet will not attract sand & the mixture is made of unknown particles and sand -> <mask> is likely the element attracted by the magnet
a magnet will attract iron & a magnet will not attract sand & the mixture is made of unknown particles and sand -> iron is likely the <mask> attracted by the magnet
a magnet will attract iron & a magnet will not attract sand & the mixture is made of unknown particles and sand -> iron is likely the element <mask> by the magnet
a magnet will attract iron & a magnet will not attract sand & the mixture is made of unknown particles and sand -> iron is likely the element attracted by the <mask>
iron is always magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals -> a <mask> will attract iron
iron is always magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals -> a magnet will <mask> iron
iron is always magnetic & a magnet attracts magnetic metals -> a magnet will attract <mask>
a magnet will attract iron & the mixture is made of iron nails and aluminum nails -> a <mask> will attract the iron nails in the mixture
a magnet will attract iron & the mixture is made of iron nails and aluminum nails -> a magnet will <mask> the iron nails in the mixture
a magnet will attract iron & the mixture is made of iron nails and aluminum nails -> a magnet will attract the <mask> nails in the mixture
a magnet will attract iron & the mixture is made of iron nails and aluminum nails -> a magnet will attract the iron <mask> in the mixture
a magnet will attract iron & the mixture is made of iron nails and aluminum nails -> a magnet will attract the iron nails in the <mask>
a magnet will not attract nonmagnetic metals & aluminum is always nonmagnetic -> a <mask> will not attract aluminum
a magnet will not attract nonmagnetic metals & aluminum is always nonmagnetic -> a magnet will not <mask> aluminum
a magnet will not attract nonmagnetic metals & aluminum is always nonmagnetic -> a magnet will not attract <mask>
a magnet will not attract aluminum & the mixture is made of iron nails and aluminum nails -> a <mask> will not attract the aluminum nails in the mixture
a magnet will not attract aluminum & the mixture is made of iron nails and aluminum nails -> a magnet will not <mask> the aluminum nails in the mixture
a magnet will not attract aluminum & the mixture is made of iron nails and aluminum nails -> a magnet will not attract the <mask> nails in the mixture
a magnet will not attract aluminum & the mixture is made of iron nails and aluminum nails -> a magnet will not attract the aluminum <mask> in the mixture
a magnet will not attract aluminum & the mixture is made of iron nails and aluminum nails -> a magnet will not attract the aluminum nails in the <mask>
a magnet will attract the iron nails in the mixture & a magnet will not attract the aluminum nails in the mixture -> a <mask> can separate the mixutre of iron nails and aluminum nails
a magnet will attract the iron nails in the mixture & a magnet will not attract the aluminum nails in the mixture -> a magnet can <mask> the mixutre of iron nails and aluminum nails
a magnet will attract the iron nails in the mixture & a magnet will not attract the aluminum nails in the mixture -> a magnet can separate the mixutre of <mask> nails and aluminum nails
a magnet will attract the iron nails in the mixture & a magnet will not attract the aluminum nails in the mixture -> a magnet can separate the mixutre of iron <mask> and aluminum nails