plastic is a kind of material & glass is a kind of material -> glass and plastic are two <mask>
glass and plastic are two materials & fiberglass is made of glass and plastic -> <mask> is made of at least two materials
glass and plastic are two materials & fiberglass is made of glass and plastic -> fiberglass is <mask> of at least two materials
glass and plastic are two materials & fiberglass is made of glass and plastic -> fiberglass is made of at <mask> two materials
glass and plastic are two materials & fiberglass is made of glass and plastic -> fiberglass is made of at least <mask> materials
glass and plastic are two materials & fiberglass is made of glass and plastic -> fiberglass is made of at least two <mask>
fiberglass is made of at least two materials & composite materials are made of two more more materials -> <mask> is a kind of composite materials
fiberglass is made of at least two materials & composite materials are made of two more more materials -> fiberglass is a <mask> of composite materials
fiberglass is made of at least two materials & composite materials are made of two more more materials -> fiberglass is a kind of <mask> materials
fiberglass is made of at least two materials & composite materials are made of two more more materials -> fiberglass is a kind of composite <mask>
metals usually have higher melting points than nonmetals & metals usually have greater conductivity than nonmetals -> <mask> usually have higher melting points and greater conductivity than nonmetals
metals usually have higher melting points than nonmetals & metals usually have greater conductivity than nonmetals -> metals usually have higher <mask> points and greater conductivity than nonmetals
metals usually have higher melting points than nonmetals & metals usually have greater conductivity than nonmetals -> metals usually have higher melting <mask> and greater conductivity than nonmetals
metals usually have higher melting points than nonmetals & metals usually have greater conductivity than nonmetals -> metals usually have higher melting points and greater <mask> than nonmetals
metals usually have higher melting points than nonmetals & metals usually have greater conductivity than nonmetals -> metals usually have higher melting points and greater conductivity than <mask>
color is a kind of physical property & color is a property of an object -> <mask> is a physical property of an object
color is a kind of physical property & color is a property of an object -> color is a physical <mask> of an object
color is a kind of physical property & color is a property of an object -> color is a physical property of an <mask>
color is a physical property of an object & an apple is a kind of object -> <mask> is a physical property of an apple
color is a physical property of an object & an apple is a kind of object -> color is a physical <mask> of an apple
color is a physical property of an object & an apple is a kind of object -> color is a physical property of an <mask>
carbon dioxide is a kind of substance & color is a property of a substance -> <mask> is a kind of property of carbon dioxide
carbon dioxide is a kind of substance & color is a property of a substance -> color is a <mask> of property of carbon dioxide
carbon dioxide is a kind of substance & color is a property of a substance -> color is a kind of <mask> of carbon dioxide
carbon dioxide is a kind of substance & color is a property of a substance -> color is a kind of property of <mask> dioxide
carbon dioxide is a kind of substance & color is a property of a substance -> color is a kind of property of carbon <mask>
colorless is a kind of color & carbon dioxide is colorless -> <mask> dioxide is colorless in color
colorless is a kind of color & carbon dioxide is colorless -> carbon <mask> is colorless in color
colorless is a kind of color & carbon dioxide is colorless -> carbon dioxide is colorless in <mask>
color is a kind of property of carbon dioxide & carbon dioxide is colorless in color -> being colorless is a <mask> of carbon dioxide
color is a kind of property of carbon dioxide & carbon dioxide is colorless in color -> being colorless is a property of <mask> dioxide
color is a kind of property of carbon dioxide & carbon dioxide is colorless in color -> being colorless is a property of carbon <mask>
a ratio is a measure of one value divided by another value -> the <mask> of an object's mass to volume is a measure of its mass divided by its volume
a ratio is a measure of one value divided by another value -> the ratio of an object's <mask> to volume is a measure of its mass divided by its volume
a ratio is a measure of one value divided by another value -> the ratio of an object's mass to <mask> is a measure of its mass divided by its volume
a ratio is a measure of one value divided by another value -> the ratio of an object's mass to volume is a <mask> of its mass divided by its volume
a ratio is a measure of one value divided by another value -> the ratio of an object's mass to volume is a measure of its <mask> divided by its volume
a ratio is a measure of one value divided by another value -> the ratio of an object's mass to volume is a measure of its mass <mask> by its volume
a ratio is a measure of one value divided by another value -> the ratio of an object's mass to volume is a measure of its mass divided by its <mask>
the ratio of an object's mass to volume is a measure of its mass divided by its volume & density is a measure of mass of an object divided by volume -> the <mask> of an object's mass to its volume is a measure of the object's density
the ratio of an object's mass to volume is a measure of its mass divided by its volume & density is a measure of mass of an object divided by volume -> the ratio of an object's <mask> to its volume is a measure of the object's density
the ratio of an object's mass to volume is a measure of its mass divided by its volume & density is a measure of mass of an object divided by volume -> the ratio of an object's mass to its <mask> is a measure of the object's density
the ratio of an object's mass to volume is a measure of its mass divided by its volume & density is a measure of mass of an object divided by volume -> the ratio of an object's mass to its volume is a <mask> of the object's density
the ratio of an object's mass to volume is a measure of its mass divided by its volume & density is a measure of mass of an object divided by volume -> the ratio of an object's mass to its volume is a measure of the object's <mask>
helium is less dense than air & a balloon is a kind of container & a balloon is filled with helium gas -> a <mask> filled with helium is an example of a container contains a substance less dense than air
helium is less dense than air & a balloon is a kind of container & a balloon is filled with helium gas -> a balloon <mask> with helium is an example of a container contains a substance less dense than air
helium is less dense than air & a balloon is a kind of container & a balloon is filled with helium gas -> a balloon filled with <mask> is an example of a container contains a substance less dense than air
helium is less dense than air & a balloon is a kind of container & a balloon is filled with helium gas -> a balloon filled with helium is an <mask> of a container contains a substance less dense than air
helium is less dense than air & a balloon is a kind of container & a balloon is filled with helium gas -> a balloon filled with helium is an example of a <mask> contains a substance less dense than air
helium is less dense than air & a balloon is a kind of container & a balloon is filled with helium gas -> a balloon filled with helium is an example of a container <mask> a substance less dense than air
helium is less dense than air & a balloon is a kind of container & a balloon is filled with helium gas -> a balloon filled with helium is an example of a container contains a <mask> less dense than air
helium is less dense than air & a balloon is a kind of container & a balloon is filled with helium gas -> a balloon filled with helium is an example of a container contains a substance <mask> dense than air
helium is less dense than air & a balloon is a kind of container & a balloon is filled with helium gas -> a balloon filled with helium is an example of a container contains a substance less dense than <mask>
a balloon filled with helium is an example of a container contains a substance less dense than air & if a container contains a substance with less density than air then that container may move upward -> the <mask> filled with helium may move upward if released
a balloon filled with helium is an example of a container contains a substance less dense than air & if a container contains a substance with less density than air then that container may move upward -> the balloon <mask> with helium may move upward if released
a balloon filled with helium is an example of a container contains a substance less dense than air & if a container contains a substance with less density than air then that container may move upward -> the balloon filled with <mask> may move upward if released
a balloon filled with helium is an example of a container contains a substance less dense than air & if a container contains a substance with less density than air then that container may move upward -> the balloon filled with helium <mask> move upward if released
a balloon filled with helium is an example of a container contains a substance less dense than air & if a container contains a substance with less density than air then that container may move upward -> the balloon filled with helium may <mask> upward if released
a balloon filled with helium is an example of a container contains a substance less dense than air & if a container contains a substance with less density than air then that container may move upward -> the balloon filled with helium may move upward if <mask>
less dense particles in liquids float on liquids that are more dense & silt particles are floating in water -> <mask> particles are less dense than other particles in water
less dense particles in liquids float on liquids that are more dense & silt particles are floating in water -> silt <mask> are less dense than other particles in water
less dense particles in liquids float on liquids that are more dense & silt particles are floating in water -> silt particles are <mask> dense than other particles in water
less dense particles in liquids float on liquids that are more dense & silt particles are floating in water -> silt particles are less dense than other <mask> in water
less dense particles in liquids float on liquids that are more dense & silt particles are floating in water -> silt particles are less dense than other particles in <mask>
wood is usually sturdy & wood is a kind of natural material -> <mask> is a sturdy natural material
wood is usually sturdy & wood is a kind of natural material -> wood is a sturdy <mask> material
wood is usually sturdy & wood is a kind of natural material -> wood is a sturdy natural <mask>
a table is a kind of furniture & making furniture requires sturdy materials -> <mask> a table requires sturdy materials
a table is a kind of furniture & making furniture requires sturdy materials -> making a <mask> requires sturdy materials
a table is a kind of furniture & making furniture requires sturdy materials -> making a table <mask> sturdy materials
a table is a kind of furniture & making furniture requires sturdy materials -> making a table requires sturdy <mask>
wood is a sturdy natural material & making a table requires sturdy materials -> <mask> would be the best for make a table
wood is a sturdy natural material & making a table requires sturdy materials -> wood would be the <mask> for make a table
wood is a sturdy natural material & making a table requires sturdy materials -> wood would be the best for <mask> a table
wood is a sturdy natural material & making a table requires sturdy materials -> wood would be the best for make a <mask>
paper is a kind of object & as the thickness of an object increases , the resistance of that object to tearing will increase -> as the <mask> of paper increases, the resistance of the object to tear will increase
paper is a kind of object & as the thickness of an object increases , the resistance of that object to tearing will increase -> as the thickness of <mask> increases, the resistance of the object to tear will increase
paper is a kind of object & as the thickness of an object increases , the resistance of that object to tearing will increase -> as the thickness of paper increases, the <mask> of the object to tear will increase
paper is a kind of object & as the thickness of an object increases , the resistance of that object to tearing will increase -> as the thickness of paper increases, the resistance of the <mask> to tear will increase
paper is a kind of object & as the thickness of an object increases , the resistance of that object to tearing will increase -> as the thickness of paper increases, the resistance of the object to <mask> will increase
paper is a kind of object & as the thickness of an object increases , the resistance of that object to tearing will increase -> as the thickness of paper increases, the resistance of the object to tear will <mask>
as the thickness of paper increases, the resistance of the object to tear will increase & a greeting card requires paper that does not tear easily -> the <mask> of paper should be considered when making a greeting card
as the thickness of paper increases, the resistance of the object to tear will increase & a greeting card requires paper that does not tear easily -> the thickness of <mask> should be considered when making a greeting card
as the thickness of paper increases, the resistance of the object to tear will increase & a greeting card requires paper that does not tear easily -> the thickness of paper should be <mask> when making a greeting card
as the thickness of paper increases, the resistance of the object to tear will increase & a greeting card requires paper that does not tear easily -> the thickness of paper should be considered when <mask> a greeting card
as the thickness of paper increases, the resistance of the object to tear will increase & a greeting card requires paper that does not tear easily -> the thickness of paper should be considered when making a <mask> card
as the thickness of paper increases, the resistance of the object to tear will increase & a greeting card requires paper that does not tear easily -> the thickness of paper should be considered when making a greeting <mask>
the new material will last longer & if something lasts longer then that something will not have to be replaced for a long time -> <mask> new materials requires less replacements
the new material will last longer & if something lasts longer then that something will not have to be replaced for a long time -> using new <mask> requires less replacements
the new material will last longer & if something lasts longer then that something will not have to be replaced for a long time -> using new materials <mask> less replacements
the new material will last longer & if something lasts longer then that something will not have to be replaced for a long time -> using new materials requires <mask> replacements
the new material will last longer & if something lasts longer then that something will not have to be replaced for a long time -> using new materials requires less <mask>
using new materials requires less replacements & replacement of materials requires using money to buy new materials -> <mask> new material will use less money on replacement
using new materials requires less replacements & replacement of materials requires using money to buy new materials -> using new <mask> will use less money on replacement
using new materials requires less replacements & replacement of materials requires using money to buy new materials -> using new material will <mask> less money on replacement
using new materials requires less replacements & replacement of materials requires using money to buy new materials -> using new material will use <mask> money on replacement
using new materials requires less replacements & replacement of materials requires using money to buy new materials -> using new material will use less <mask> on replacement
using new materials requires less replacements & replacement of materials requires using money to buy new materials -> using new material will use less money on <mask>
metal is an electrical conductor & metals usually have higher conductivity than nonmetals -> <mask> is the material that has a higher conductivity than other materials
metal is an electrical conductor & metals usually have higher conductivity than nonmetals -> metal is the <mask> that has a higher conductivity than other materials