“Yes it is" Eragon said before his courage left him "just like you”
Christopher Paolini,
[ "embaracing", "funny" ]
“Underwater, bubbles erupted before my eyes as a swift hand snatched my arm and pulled me to the surface. I gasped for air, coughing and gagging at the amount of water I sucked into my lungs by pure shock. What was up with me and breathing in water? I needed to grow some gills or something.”
Laura Kreitzer,
[ "fantasy", "fiction", "funny", "gills", "humor", "kreitzer", "timeless-series", "water" ]
“Love is as we will it to be." ~ Amunhotep El Bey”
Amunhotep El Bey,
[ "comedy", "funny", "humorous-quotations", "inspirational-quotations", "lol", "motivational-quotations", "philosophical-quotations", "poetry" ]
“In my book an erection constitutes personal growth.”
Amunhotep El Bey,
[ "comedy", "fun", "funny", "funny-quotations", "humor", "humorous-quotations", "lol" ]
“I'm sure the other kids wouldn't mind not being lectured by another toddler over the virtues of sharing and the mental benefits of toy blocks.”
Hayden Thorne,
[ "funny", "toddlers", "young-adult" ]
“Your kids pissing you off is an inborn instinct. It's nature's way of getting you to kick them out when they turn 18!Okaaay. ~sigh~ Due to the times, you can kick them out between the ages of 28-38. Can someone please dramatically reduce the cost of housing, already?~SHEESH~”
Dakota Dawn
[ "funny", "humor", "inspirational", "life", "truth" ]
“It’s complicated,” I said in defense, hands going up to show surrender.“Talk slowly,” Jenna retorted derisively.“Okay, I deserved that,” I admitted.”
Laura Kreitzer,
[ "angels", "fantasy", "fiction", "funny", "humor", "jenna-moretti", "joseph-carter", "keepers", "novella", "timeless-series", "ya" ]
“I'm English. We're about as tactful as a hot poker up the bum, most of the time.”
L.H. Thomson,
[ "english", "funny", "giggles", "humor" ]
“It just doesn't seem right to spend your entire life drinking, when you could be exploring the world.""Or," Zhy said as he hefted a mug to his lips, "it doesn't seem right to be risking your life running down warlocks when you could be sitting on a nice, warm bar stool.”
Martin D. Gibbs
[ "fantasy", "funny", "the-spaces-between", "zhy" ]
“So what are you planning to do with the rest of your life?Develop a drinking problem. More Scotch, please.”
Daniel Silva,
[ "alcohol", "funny", "humor" ]
“Whole new theories of money were growing here like mushrooms: in the dark and based on bullshit.”
Terry Pratchett,
[ "funny", "ideas" ]
“Now me,” said Mr. Vandemar.“What number am I thinking of?” “I beg your pardon?” “What number am I thinking of?” repeated Mr. Vandemar. “It’s between one and a lot,” he added, helpfully.”
Neil Gaiman,
[ "funny", "wordplay" ]
“Piers looked up at him. 'You're new. What's your name?' 'Neythen, my lord.''Sounds like a terrible illness. No, more like a bowel problem. I'm sorry, Lord Sandys, your son has contracted neythen and won't live a month. No, no, there's nothing I can do. Sandys would have preferred hearing that to syphilis.”
Eloisa James,
[ "funny", "hilarious", "make-fun-of", "teasing" ]
“Sneaky would be a lime-green Volkswagen. Nobody would suspect the assassins in the lime-green Volkswagen.”
Adam Rex,
[ "cars", "funny", "sneaky" ]
“As Confucius once said, "He who does nothing is the one who does nothing."'Gabby pondered the words, the furrowed her brow. 'did Confucius really say that?'Sunglasses in place, Stephanie managed the tiniest of shrugs. 'No, but who cared? The point is, they handled, and most likely they found some sort of self-satisfaction in their industrious-ness. Who am I to deprive them of that?'Gabby put her hands on her hips. 'Or maybe you just wanted to be lazy.'Stephanie grinned. 'Like Jesus said, "Blessed are the lazy who lie in boats, for they shall inherit a suntan."''Jesus didn't say that.''True,' Stephanie afreed, sitting up. She removed her glasses, stared through them, then wiped them on a towel. 'But again, who cares?”
Nicholas Sparks,
[ "funny" ]
“I don't know,' he said irritably. 'Is it meant to improve you?'She swiveled toward him, eyes wide with shock.'Because nothing could,' he added. Her mouth dropped in astonishment. Blotchy scarlet rushed her complexion. One would have thought he'd shot her.Oh dear God!He realized belatedly how wrong it had sounded.'No! God... that is to say.. nothing is necessary to improve you. Nothing could possibly make you better... than you already are.”
Julie Anne Long,
[ "funny", "hilarious", "wrong" ]
“Although initially only few in numbers, it seems my gray hairs have launched an effective peer-pressure campaign intended to convert the others.”
Steve Maraboli,
[ "convert", "funny", "gray-hair", "humor", "peer-pressure" ]
“Is he following? Can you have a flaming gay moment or something and check?""Why do I have to be the flaming gay one?”
Finn Marlowe,
[ "contemporary", "funny", "intense", "m-m-romance", "supernatural" ]
“Sexton: I think the whole world's gone mad.Death: Uh-uh. It's always like this. You probably just don't get out enough.”
Neil Gaiman,
[ "funny" ]
“Then it suddenly and theatrically began to clean itself in the way cats do when they want you to know what a big deal you aren't.”
Adam Rex,
[ "cats", "funny" ]
“She had a knack for relieving the tension in a room by pretending my rudeness away with cooking. Many, many chickens had given up their lives to cover my conversationalist shortcomings.”
Molly Harper,
[ "funny" ]
“I found her lying naked on the lawn at midnight, can I keep her?”
R.J. Anderson,
[ "funny" ]
“I would never say snog. I would say osculate.” She looks at me as if to say: why do you exist?”
Joe Dunthorne,
[ "funny", "kissing" ]
“She'll soon forget.""Caddy," said Saffron impatiently, "she is headmistress of the private school! She's probably never forgotten anything in her whole life!”
Hilary McKay,
[ "forget", "funny", "teachers" ]
“So you're here by yourself?"“Yes."“Seems like an odd place to come by yourself."“I needed to get away."“Woman trouble? That's another of my father's expressions."“No, actually. I poisoned my neighbor's dogs."After a moment she said, “How drunk are you?"“Quite."“Is that true?"“What?"“That you poisoned your neighbor’s dogs."“I’m afraid it is."“I have dogs."“Well, keep them away from me.”
David Gilmour,
[ "death", "funny" ]
“This is no time for drinking a mug of water - which you would do nowhere else in the world. A mug of water! You just don't drink water from mugs, do ya? Except on the telly. Water out of a mug! Should be a hot drink... mug of water.”
Russell Brand
[ "crazy", "funny", "humor", "interview", "thoughts" ]
“"Joss""What?""What?" Dylan asked back."You just said my name.""No I didn't""Sorry that was me."I sat up, banging my head on the roof. "Who is that?""Hey, stay down here where the air is good, okay?" Dylan pulled me gently back down. "Hows your head?""Not good, I think.""Um, okay, so you here me. Heather's right, you do think loud. I mean, I've never heard you before, but my Talent seems to be a lot more selective than her's. But now that she's got me turned in to you-""Who are you?""It's still me, Marshall. It's Dylan. I'm right here.""My name's Joel.""Joel?""Joss, what are you talking about?" He took my face in his hands. "Who's Joel?""The voice in my head, I guess.""Jesus.”
Susan Bischoff,
[ "bischoff", "chronicles", "curfew", "funny", "heroes", "susan", "talent", "til" ]
“Tim and Raine are coming in.""Are they insane?""Apparently.”
Susan Bischoff,
[ "bischoff", "chronicles", "curfew", "funny", "heroes", "susan", "talent", "til" ]
“Even Dad likes it," said Caddy, and her father agreed that he did. In a way. Being a broad-minded, tolerant, artistic sort of person. Or so people told him..."Oh, yes?" said Saffron, rolling her eyes."Yes," said Bill, sounding a little bit peeved. "So you thank your lucky stars, my girl, because in some families you would have come home to very big trouble! A nose stud! At your age! If you come down with blood poisoning, don't blame me!”
Hilary McKay,
[ "fathers-and-daughters", "funny", "piercings" ]
“Same as you, Arthur. I hitched a ride. After all, with a degree in maths and another in astrophysics it was either that or back to the dole queue on Monday. Sorry I missed the Wednesday lunch date, but I was in a black hole all morning.”
Douglas Adams,
[ "funny", "hhgttg", "maths", "physics", "radio" ]
“Very helpful, I must say. Look at them in the eye and shout, and they understand every word..." (Mr. Warbeck in Sienna, talking about local Italians.)”
Hilary McKay,
[ "funny", "tourist" ]
“Sorry I'm late," Ms. Egami said to the class. She dropped her papers, which scattered in that special way papers do when one is running late.”
Adam Rex,
[ "funny", "late", "papers", "school", "teacher" ]
“Stealing is good, honest work," Said the theif, puffing out his chest. "Well, not honest, strictly speaking," he admitted after a moment. "Or actually good.”
Adam Rex,
[ "funny" ]
“It’s true—there are only, like, two songs about rainbows, including that one. He should be asking why there are so few songs about rainbows.”
Cheryl Cory,
[ "comedy", "funny", "humor", "kermit", "muppets", "music", "rainbows", "song-lyrics", "songs" ]
“Wait a minute, hold on... The dude dies, and the girl cries so hard that she gets turned into a fountain?”
Caroline Goode,
[ "funny", "humor", "mythology" ]
“The Freemen have 987 levels of membership, the first three of which are achieved merely by filling out an application. The 8th level is granted upon full acceptance into the local lodge, the 13th following Initiation, the 21st at the end of the Initiate's second week, and the 89th the first time he brings snacks.”
Adam Rex,
[ "funny" ]
“I am a teacher. Pay close attention - this will be on the test. You don't wreck buildings. You don't take children hostage. And you don't threaten people with violence. Okay class dismissed. Looks like you fail!”
[ "funny", "gurren-lagann", "yoko" ]
“Screw sharks; a Transformer could be stretching up on its tippy toes and would still have a mile of cover to eat me.”
Emma McLaughlin & Nicola Draus,
[ "funny", "ocean" ]
“He spun out enough toilet paper to vandalize a house and carefully cleaned the seat.”
Adam Rex,
[ "funny" ]
“Theatres are curious places, magician's trick-boxes where the golden memories of dramtic triumphs linger like nostalgic ghosts, and where the unexplainable, the fantastic, the tragic, the comic and the absurd are routine occurences on and off the stage. Murders, mayhem, politcal intrigue, lucrative business, secret assignations, and of course, dinner.”
E.A. Bucchianeri,
[ "acting", "actors", "dinner", "drama", "dramatic", "fantastic", "food", "funny", "humor", "i-love-the-theater", "i-love-the-theatre", "murder", "mysteries", "nostalgia", "opera", "opera-house", "plays", "playwrights", "politics", "satire", "secrets", "theater", "theatre", "theatre-of-the-absurd" ]
“But you see, a rich country like America can perhaps afford to be stupid.”
Barack Obama,
[ "funny", "irony", "irrelevant-nowadays" ]
“(About sweeping)....What he was in FACT doing was moving the dirt around with a broom, to give it a change of scenery and a chance to make new friends.”
Terry Pratchett,
[ "funny", "humorous", "ironic", "irony", "laughable" ]
“Most animals show themselves sparingly. The grizzly bear is six to eight hundred pounds of smugness. It has no need to hide. If it were a person, it would laugh loudly in quiet restaurants, boastfully wear the wrong clothes for special occasions, and probably play hockey.”
Craig Childs,
[ "animals", "bear", "funny", "grizzly-bear" ]
“I never lie. I believe everything I say, so it's not a lie.”
Mark Wahlberg
[ "believe", "funny", "honesty", "lies", "mark-wahlberg" ]
“Hollywood is like Picasso's bathroom.”
Candice Bergen
[ "funny", "hollywood", "humorous", "picasso" ]
Terry Goodkind,
[ "bad", "book", "curse", "funny", "humor", "magic", "wizard", "word", "zedd" ]
“By the time I'm nine I know the world is a dangerous place.  I've heard whispers about razorblades in apples, about Charlie Manson and his family.  But no one is offering any clear information.”
Nick Flynn
[ "funny" ]
“Inconvenience in progress, work is regretted.”
Aravind Adiga,
[ "adiga", "aravind", "funny", "humor", "humour", "last", "man", "tower" ]
“I’m the sexiest of them all! - Carol”
Matthew Harvel Leeth,
[ "book", "funny", "horror", "matthew-leeth", "me", "she-was-different" ]
“You'll see. I have a collection of fine waistcoats and a handsome face." He stepped back to let her take in the full effect of both and her smile spread to the edge of a laugh.”
Meljean Brook,
[ "funny" ]
“Hey, he's not using a holster," I said, glancing at Alex's on the dresser. He laughed out loud. "Yeah, I guess he must want something shooting off. It'd be so great if these things were true to life - the next scene would show him at hospital like, clutching himself in agony."'Angel - L.A.Weatherly”
L.A.Weatherly ,
[ "angel", "comedy", "funny" ]
“It would be the last thing he did if he beat my dog.”
Holly Hood,
[ "funny", "irony", "sarcasm" ]
“You're a big boy, No. You'll figure something out. Just make sure it includes the groveling." -AbbyIt come to all of us. Especially those of us foolish enough to fall in love with women who have minds of their own. If you will recall, your own sister had a few things she had to forgive me for before we could move on with our relationship." -RuleThere's a big difference between a little kidnapping and what he did." -Abby"You did not call it a 'little' anything at the time, sweet. You were furious with me. Believe me, the groveling does do wonders." -Rule”
Christine Warren,
[ "funny", "realtionship-problems" ]
“You get a promotion?""I got a polite, but firm suggestion to be a team player. [...]""You got off easy. One of my commanding officers once threw a paperweight at me.""We're a bit more subtle.”
Nelson DeMille,
[ "funny", "witty" ]
“Your wife is a big hippo! My face is melting! My face is meltinnnnggg!”
Terry Pratchett,
[ "funny", "humor", "jokes" ]
“It was a little difficult to take him seriously when he sang along to a song about a woman taking another woman's man.”
Holly Hood,
[ "funny", "humor" ]
“GOD. Sometimes I think there might be a god out there, and that every once in a while he tunes in to see what we're up to, and have a good laugh at how we like to dress him up in various costume. Robes, thorny crowns, yarmulkes and curls, saris and butt-hugging yoga pants. Male, female, a genderless reincarnation factory; a Mother Earth or a withholding Father Christmas. I would think it would amuse the hell out of him. That we're all idolaters, worshiping figments of our own creation who bear no resemblance to him.Maybe he's sitting in some alternate dimension somewhere, saying, 'Shit, I didn't even create the world! I was just cooking my dinner, not paying attention to the heat, and suddenly here was this big band and a few hours later, a bunch of dinosaurs...”
Suzanne Morrison,
[ "big-bang-theory", "funny", "god" ]
“I really hate it when people want to kill me. It makes me think they don't want to be friends. - Raven from Blood of Prey”
R.J. Dennis
[ "funny", "humor" ]
“Hey, I am thinking of it myself, in this part of world (East), we all do endeavors in praying and are sweating (white liquid) and this is our situation, frustrated , but on the other part of world (West) ,they are enjoying in party and drinking liquor (white liquid) but their situation is that, successful, I do not know that the problem relates to the type of liquid or the way of drinking!!”
Ali shariati
[ "death", "faith", "funny", "humor", "life", "love", "philosophy", "politics", "relationship", "religion", "science", "war" ]
“The moonlight caught the glint of his lip ring, which he was now fondling with the tip of his tongue as he stared down at me. It was a bit awkward.”
Holly Hood,
[ "funny", "life", "love", "new" ]
“Nona needs a very dry martini.”
Holly Hood,
[ "funny" ]
“Look at your eyes. You've got bigger bags than Louis Vuitton.”
Matt Dunn,
[ "funny", "humorous", "louis-vuitton" ]
“I used to have Santa and the whole coal thing, but between Wade and their father, the little shits get whatever they want. They no longer feel like they need the fat bastard!”
Ethan Day,
[ "funny", "humor" ]
“Count yourself fortunate." He made an elegant sweep of his hand toward the sun. "Daylight does not make them turn to ash, but they become bloody damn infants, whinging on about irritated eyes and sluggish limbs and so forth.”
Lynn Viehl,
[ "funny", "humor", "vampire" ]
“I thanked the lucky stars for my great metabolism, because Karsen had showed me pictures of her mom once and it was scary the transformation she underwent after popping three kids out. She went from a small, dainty beauty to a giant pineapple blob of a body.”
Holly Hood,
[ "funny", "life" ]
“You there, you look like a well-rounded lady, oh yes, and I mean well-rounded”
[ "funny" ]
“Are you coming back to campus or you sticking around here with the prick?”
Holly Hood
[ "funny", "love", "love-hurts" ]
“Dammit. I think I’m in like with the naked man I met today.”
RJ Gonzales,
[ "funny", "like", "love", "romance" ]
“Oh, this is the most TRAGICAL thing that ever happened to me!”
L.M. Montgomery
[ "funny" ]
“Poetry destroyed? Genius banished? No! Mediocrity, no: do not let envy prompt you to the thought. No; they not only live, but reign, and redeem: and without their divine influence spread everywhere, you would be in hell--the hell of your own meanness.”
Charlotte Brontë,
[ "funny", "genius", "meanness", "mediocrity", "poetry" ]
“At least one way of measuring the freedom of any society is the amount of comedy that is permitted, and clearly a healthy society permits more satirical comment than a repressive, so that if comedy is to function in some way as a safety release then it must obviously deal with these taboo areas. This is part of the responsibility we accord our licensed jesters, that nothing be excused the searching light of comedy. If anything can survive the probe of humour it is clearly of value, and conversely all groups who claim immunity from laughter are claiming special privileges which should not be granted.”
Eric Idle
[ "comedy", "freedom", "funny", "humor", "humour", "repressive", "satire" ]
“I thank God daily for the good fortune of my birth, for I am certain I would have made a miserable peasant.”
C.S. Forester,
[ "funny" ]
“Asia is an entertainment, Europe is a dream, America is an imprisonment and Rest is a nightmare.”
Santosh Kalwar
[ "america", "asia", "countries", "europe", "funny", "joke", "poetry-quotes" ]
“I came in several times and spoke, but perhaps you were asleep when I thought you were awake.''You are very considerate to explain it this way,' Sugreeva said, 'but I was drunk”
R.K. Narayan,
[ "drunk", "funny", "ramayana" ]
“Nay, 'twill be this hour ere I have done weeping. All the kind of the Launces have this very fault. I have received my proportion, like the prodigious son, and am going with Sir Proteus to the Imperial's court. I think Crab, my dog, be the sourest-natured dog that lives. My mother weeping, my father wailing, my sister crying, our maid howling, our cat wringing her hands, and all our house in a great perplexity, yet did not this cruel-hearted cur shed one tear. He is a stone, a very pebble stone, and has no more pity in him than a dog. A Jew would have wept to have seen our parting. Why, my grandam, having no eyes, look you, wept herself blind at my parting. Nay, I'll show you the manner of it. This shoe is my father. No, this left shoe is my father. No, no, this left shoe is my mother. Nay, that cannot be so neither. Yes, it is so, it is so -- it hath the worser sole. This shoe with the hole in it is my mother, and this my father. A vengeance on't! There 'tis. Now, sir, this staff is my sister, for, look you, she is as white as a lily and as small as a wand. This hat is Nan, our maid. I am the dog. No, the dog is himself, and I am the dog -- O, the dog is me, and I am myself. Ay, so, so. Now come I to my father: 'Father, your blessing.' Now should not the shoe speak a word for weeping. Now should I kiss my father -- well, he weeps on. Now come I to my mother. O, that she could speak now like a wood woman! Well, I kiss her -- why, there 'tis: here's my mother's breath up and down. Now come I to my sister; mark the moan she makes. Now the dog all this while sheds not a tear nor speaks a word!”
William Shakespeare,
[ "clown", "crab", "fool", "funny", "humor", "launce", "monologue" ]
“I'm still furious with you," she murmured, kissing a line down his chest."Oh, God, please don't be furious," he choked out quickly. "Every female I know is furious with me. Rosalyn throws tantrums, and Charlotte hasn't spoken to me or written since you left." He moved his hands to unbutton her gown. "The morning I thought you'd sailed out of my life I started drinking and didn't stop until I'd finished two bottles. For three days I had a blistering headache, and Nedda couldn't for the life of her stop banging things." He groaned. "And I can't even begin to tell you about your sisters.”
Adele Ashworth,
[ "angry", "funny", "love", "sarcastic" ]
“Caroline's lips thinned, her face flushed. "My husband, sir, has more secrets in his tiny, insignificant mind than the entire British War Department has had on file since its inception." She huffed with pure, disgusted outrage, lowering her gaze to the floor to murmur, "I'll kill him.”
Adele Ashworth,
[ "funny", "husband-and-wife", "sarcastic" ]
“I wanted to play with death, like a child with a new toy, I wanted to push all the buttons and see what would happen.”
Holly Hood,
[ "death", "funny", "life", "love", "witty" ]
“Sometimes, when it’s going badly, she wonders if what she believes to be a love of the written word is really just a fetish for stationery. The true writer, the born writer, will scribble words on scraps of litter, the back of a bus tickets, on the wall of a cell. Emma is lost on anything less than 120gsm.”
David Nicholls,
[ "emma-morely", "funny", "stationary", "writer", "writing", "written-word" ]
“I feel like I’m going to die,’ he says.‘Could we talk for a few minutes before you die?’‘Only if you do it quietly.’‘I met this girl last night. I need your advice.’‘Come back later.’‘No. You might be dead.”
Doug MacLeod,
[ "funny", "humor" ]
“Katie purred in pleasure as she licked the beating vein in Jared’s neck.”
Jodie B. Cooper,
[ "dragon", "elf", "fantasy", "funny", "sidhi", "teenage-love", "vampire" ]
“Is he about to kiss me? Did he eat garlic too or was I the only one? 'Cause if Ric didn't eat garlic then my breath's gonna stink and he'll think... Oh for fuck sake, shut up internal dialogue!”
Zathyn Priest,
[ "funny", "humor" ]
“I wish the Fallen would just come to us for a change.”Ironically, Fallen Angels dropped from the sky and surrounded us.“I wish I had a chocolate cake!” I exclaimed, staring up.No cake appeared, though I did get a few wry glances. Andrew’s body shook with silent laughter while Lucia gaveme raised eyebrows.“What? It worked for the Fallen Angels.”
Laura Kreitzer,
[ "funny", "joke", "timeless-series" ]
“And you are going to close the gates, because I told you to close the gates.”
Hilari Bell,
[ "authority", "funny", "jiaan" ]
“If a tie is like kissing your sister, losing is like kissing your grandmother with her teeth out.”
George Brett
[ "funny", "sports" ]
“As it happens, I’m a terrible dancer. Bears are simply not made for dancing. We’re much better at sitting and sleeping and singing. But there are humans who catch bears and force us to dance. It’s agony. And there are other humans who pay to watch us.’Hannah sighed. ‘I suppose you’re right to distrust humans.’‘And that is why I must eat you,’ said the bear forlornly. ‘For the benefit of the entire bear population of the world. I’m awfully sorry about this.’‘That’s all right.’ Hannah shrugged her shoulders. ‘Is there any point in my trying to run away?’‘None. We bears may not be able to dance but we are experts when it comes to chasing things.’‘What if I climb a tree?’‘I’ll climb up after you, or push the tree over. It all depends on what sort of tree you choose to climb. Either way, you’ll end up eaten.’‘So be it,’ said Hannah. ‘How should I prepare myself?’‘I beg your pardon?’‘Will you eat me with my clothes on?’‘Of course. Otherwise it would be bad manners.”
Doug MacLeod,
[ "funny", "inspirational", "random" ]
“Don’t be hating on my peacock. It’s just not right. - Kye”
Krista Alasti,
[ "dark-fantasy", "fantasy", "funny", "krista-alasti", "shifters", "taming-shadows", "urban-fantasy", "werewolves" ]
“Famous people steal my quotes all of the time without knowing; none of it is ever very interesting though.”
Robert DeCoteau,
[ "celebrities", "celebrity", "funny", "humor", "humorous", "quotes" ]
“No one here is allowed to die without my permission.”
Doug MacLeod
[ "funny" ]
“101 Reasons Why its great to be a woman : We have three times the amount of potential sick leave. Take into account all those days you are unable to work owing to pre, during and post menstrual tension.”
Summersdale Publishers
[ "funny", "humor", "woman" ]
“Dear Literary World, Sorry for breaking down your door...I'll pay for that!!! Since I'm here and planning to stay a while, let me tell you some stories!!”
CK Webb
[ "books", "ck-webb", "funny", "humor", "literature", "stories" ]
“If I tell you another seven hundred times, maybe one of these days you might turn your clothes right side out when you put them in the hamper, eh?”
Jodi Picoult,
[ "funny", "humor", "laundry" ]
“I rolled my eyes, trying to keep my eyes off his body, just the sight of his abs or arms was enough to make me want to get naked and let Carlo take over anything he wanted.”
Holly Hood,
[ "funny", "love", "witty" ]
“We tend to get a little information before we off people. It’s not a play by ear sort of deal.”
Holly Hood,
[ "death", "funny", "life" ]
“You don’t understand,’ I said. ‘I need to be with her. With every fibre of my being I ache for her. I’m in love.’‘I do understand,’ said Zoran. ‘It was same for me with Mrs Zoran when I first meet her. But the feeling goes away after few hours.”
Doug MacLeod,
[ "funny", "romance" ]
“I’m sure all of that’s true. Especially the anal bit--Marshall’s always been an ass--but I don’t see how this is relevant, unless of course I’m mistaken, and you really are comparing me to a crumb that needs sweeping. - Shella”
Krista Alasti,
[ "dark-fantasy", "fantasy", "funny", "krista-alasti", "shifters", "taming-shadows", "urban-fantasy", "werewolves" ]
“Sorry for your loss' Gordan said.His extended hand was immediately rejected with an if-looks-could-kill stare from Shelly's father, who was, as of yet, oblivious to the fact that we had stolen the last of his daughter.'Right. Well,fuck you too.”
Ty Roth,
[ "funny", "so-shelly" ]
“I’m not scared any more,’ said Midge. ‘Thank you, Kevin. Sometimes you can be very kind.’‘Yes,’ said Kevin. ‘And if you tell that to any of the other trolls I will pull off your nose and feed it to a bear.”
Doug MacLeod
[ "funny" ]
“You sound like you're mentally deficient. And possibly Chinese.”
Heidi Hall,
[ "funny" ]
“There ain't no "baby mama drama" up in this Vortex, homie!”
Esther Hicks
[ "abraham-hicks", "channeling-woo", "funny" ]