“Reply when questioned on the safety of the polio vaccine he developed:It is safe, and you can't get safer than safe.”
Jonas Salk
[ "biology", "funny", "health", "humor", "medicine", "polio-vaccine", "safe", "science", "vaccine" ]
“What would Golan Do? That way I can ask myself before I do anything. Before I take a dump. How would Dr. Golan want me to take this dump? Should I bank it off the side or go straight down the middle? What would be the most psychologically beneficial dump I could take?”
Ransom Riggs,
[ "funny", "golan", "humor", "jacob", "peculiar", "quotes" ]
“You realize people like you and Trav are going to fight, right?" America said, filing her nails as she chewed the huge wad of gum in her mouth.I turned over on the bed. "You are officially fired. You are a terrible conscious.”
Jamie McGuire,
[ "abby-abernathy", "best-friends", "funny", "new-adult", "travis-maddox" ]
“While you’re singing something romantic, I can’t get the lyrics to ‘Love and Marriage’ out of my head, and that tune always reminds me of the jingle from Jeopardy.”
E.A. Bucchianeri,
[ "funny", "gadfly", "humor", "humourous-situations", "jeopardy", "jingle", "love", "love-and-marriage", "love-song", "lovers", "lyrics", "marriage", "marriage-humor", "music", "romance", "romantic", "singing", "song-lyrics", "songs" ]
“I had a dream about you. At first you were a mannequin, and I was a fashion designer. Then, inexplicably, we switched roles and I became the mannequin. But instead of putting clothes on me, you laughed at my nakedness, and you sold me to the owner of a sex shop. 
Dark Jar Tin Zoo,
[ "dreaming", "dreams", "funny", "humor", "life", "relationships", "sleep", "sleeping" ]
“I had a dream about you. You were you, but you were many—a multitude of mannequins, each named Manny. And I was me, but I was Dark Jar Tin Zoo, and as such I made love to you—all of you. Then I woke up alone, naked, cuddling a mannequin I named after you who smells like you, because I spray it with the same fragrance you used to wear. Is that crazy? No, I didn’t think so either. 
Dora J. Arod,
[ "dreaming", "dreams", "funny", "humor", "life", "relationships", "sleep", "sleeping" ]
“I… have an unnatural fondness for him, Duchess. One might even say that I love him. As a man should love a woman, really.” “Well, I would imagine the mechanics of that would be different.”
Rhys Ford,
[ "funny", "m-m-romance" ]
“Liberace was certainly master and commander of the ivories ~ he is the only pianist I can watch or listen to without suffering a case of 'Stagefright Sympathy Sickness'.”
E.A. Bucchianeri
[ "classical-music", "concerts", "entertainers", "entertainment", "funny", "gifted-people", "humor", "humorous", "humour", "liberace", "master", "mastery", "music", "musician", "musicians", "pianist", "pianists", "piano", "show-business", "showbiz", "stage", "stagefright", "talented-people" ]
“...space flight still had a long way to go to catch up with the safety record of the milkshake industry.”
Kevin Fong
[ "funny", "science", "space" ]
“I had a dream about you. You had no skin or muscle on your face, and to try to conceal your bare skull you liberally applied lipstick and makeup. Your birthday was coming up, and I knew you were probably sensitive about parties that emphasize the aging process, so I decided to box up your gift in a coffin and wrap it with black wrapping paper. I got you the best gift ever too—a hooker, who happened to be dead, because that enabled me to procure a sizeable discount.
Dora J. Arod,
[ "dreaming", "dreams", "funny", "humor", "life", "relationships", "sleep", "sleeping" ]
“One of the fundamental rights of mankind should be that of wearing as many or as few clothes as one likes inside one's own home.”
Sachin Kundalkar,
[ "clothes", "funny", "nude", "tanay" ]
“How rude of me, we haven’t even introduced ourselves. We’re the Andersons. I’m Evan, the lovely size-zero lass in the floppy sun hat is my wife Amy, and these are our best friends/children, Evan and Amy Jr. As you can see, we’re very fit and active. You know what our family’s average percentage of body fat is? Three. Yes, really. We got it tested last year when we all became organ donors.You may have noticed that I’m carrying Amy on my back. We do that a lot. At least once a day, and not just when we’re in fields like this; we do it on beaches and in urban environments as well. That’s what happens when your love is deep and playful like ours. You should also know that we also dab frosting on each other’s noses every single time we eat cupcakes, which is both mischievous and very us. Do you guys even eat cupcakes?”
Colin Nissan
[ "family", "funny", "humor", "perfection", "satire" ]
“I had a dream about you. We were in a canoe, and we were paddling across the desert. You said you were thirsty, and I pointed to the sand that surrounded us and said, “No, I will not urinate in your mouth.” At that point I woke up, because I realized I really had to pee—and get a drink of water.
Dora J. Arod,
[ "dreaming", "dreams", "funny", "humor", "life", "relationships", "sleep", "sleeping" ]
“You Sure this is it?" I said. "It looks empty.""Empty? No way, there's loads of shit in there," worm replied”
Ransom Riggs,
[ "funny", "haunted-house", "hilarious" ]
“Beauty is a sacrifice. -MeBaby, I INVENTED scrawny! -Leo ValdezI will NEVER leave you or forsake you. -GodNo one can make you feel inferior, unless you consent. -Eleanor RooseveltBe careful, Seaweed Brain. -Annabeth Chase”
Clarice Belnavis
[ "favorites", "funny", "greeks", "inspiration" ]
“I don't regret saying something," I said as he pulled down the street.He glanced at me."Well, I regret not punching him in the face."My lips twitched."Sorry. I couldn't let that happen.""I'm sure I'll get another opportunity," He muttered, squinting out the windshield.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout,
[ "funny", "jennifer-l-armentrout", "punches", "the-dead-list" ]
“I glanced over and saw Wyatt glaring at me. Journey’s “Lovin’ Touchin’, Squeezin’” was playing on the radio.“What?” I asked.“You secretly hate me, don’t you.” He gestured toward the radio. “You can’t stand the thought of me taking a much needed nap and leaving you to drive without conversation. You’re torturing me with this sappy stuff.”“It’s Journey. I love this song.”Wyatt mumbled something under his breath, picked up the CD case, and started looking through it. He paused with a choked noise, his eyes growing huge.“You’re joking, Sam. Justin Bieber? What are you, a twelve-year old girl?”There’s gonna be one less lonely girl, I sang in my head. That was a great song. How could he not like that song? Still, I squirmed a bit in embarrassment.“A twelve-year old girl gave me that CD,” I lied. “For my birthday.”Wyatt snorted. “It’s a good thing you’re a terrible liar. Otherwise, I’d be horrified at the thought that a demon has been hanging out with a bunch of giggling pre-teens.”He continued to thumb through the CDs. “Air Supply Greatest Hits? No, no, I’m wrong here. It’s an Air Supply cover band in Spanish.” He waved the offending CD in my face. “Sam, what on earth are you thinking? How did you even get this thing?”“Some tenant left it behind,” I told him. “We evicted him, and there were all these CDs. Most were in Spanish, but I’ve got a Barry Manilow in there, too. That one’s in English.”Wyatt looked at me a moment, and with the fastest movement I’ve ever seen, rolled down the window and tossed the case of CDs out onto the highway. It barely hit the road before a semi plowed over it.I was pissed. “You asshole. I liked those CDs. I don’t come over to your house and trash your video games, or drive over your controllers. If you think that will make me listen to thatDubstep crap for the next two hours, then you better fucking think again.”“I’m sorry Sam, but it’s past time for a musical intervention here. You can’t keep listening to this stuff. It wasn’t even remotely good when it was popular, and it certainly hasn’t gained anything over time. You need to pull yourself together and try to expand your musical interests a bit. You’re on a downward spiral, and if you keep this up, you’ll find yourself friendless, living in a box in a back alley, stinking of your own excrement, and covered in track marks.”I looked at him in surprise. I had no idea Air Supply led to lack of bowel control and hard core drug usage. I wondered if it was something subliminal, a kind of compulsion programmed into the lyrics. Was Russell Hitchcock a sorcerer? He didn’t look that menacing to me, but sorcerers were pretty sneaky. Even so, I was sure Justin Bieber was okay. As soon as we hit a rest stop, I was ordering a replacement from my iPhone.”
Debra Dunbar,
[ "air-supply", "comedy", "demon", "funny", "jorney", "justin-bieber", "music", "radio" ]
“Soak blanket in gravy and make a delicious brick wrap. Serve in All Gravy Room at the Mandrake Hotel.”
Christoph Fischer
[ "blanket", "brick", "brick-and-blanket", "brick-and-blanket-test", "creative", "creativity", "delicious", "funny", "gravy", "hospitality", "hotel", "humor", "serve", "service", "yummy" ]
“You named the chicken, Chicken?" She looked embarrassed. "When we decided not to kill it, I got attached.”
Tracey Garvis-Graves,
[ "funny", "sweet" ]
“I’m looking for Fat Hoochie Prom Queen,” I declared.He did not respond.“It’s a book,” I said. “Not a person.”Nope. Nothing.“At the very least, can you tell me the author?”He looked at his computer, as if it had some way to speak to me without any typing on his part.“Are you wearing headphones that I can’t see?” I asked.He scratched at the inside of his elbow.“Do you know me?” I persisted. “Did I grind you to a pulp in kindergarten, and are you now getting sadistic pleasure from this petty revenge?Stephen Little, is that you? Is it? I was much younger then, and foolish to have nearly drowned you in that water fountain. In my defense, yourprior destruction of my book report was a completely unwarranted act of aggression.”Finally, a response. The information desk clerk shook his shaggy head.“No?” I said.“I am not allowed to disclose the location of Fat Hoochie Prom Queen,” he explained. “Not to you. Not to anyone. And while I am not StephenLittle, you should be ashamed of what you did to him. Ashamed.”
Rachel Cohn,
[ "funny" ]
“Stupid bitch," he spits, and that's when I mentally punch him in the face.Except it isn't just mentally—it's for real, my closed fist is actually moving. It hits him square in the nose with a sickening crunch."Oh my God," Laney breathes from behind me."Oh my God," Jake says from the floor.My eyes widen. "Oh my God.”
Hannah Harrington,
[ "funny" ]
“Show some respect. They were your grandparents. -BatmanJust names and dusty frames on the wall to me. -DamienI take exception to that. There is not a speck of dust collecting on those portraits. -Alfred”
Peter J. Tomasi,
[ "batman", "comic-book", "funny", "graphic-novel", "robin", "superhero" ]
“No problem. Just drop it back off before you go," he says, procuring a brass key. "And if he puts on Bowie's early stuff and starts sweet-talking, dammit, you run. You run as fast as you can.”
Hannah Harrington,
[ "funny" ]
“FatherMichael has entered the room Wildflower: Ah don’t tell me you’re through a divorce yourself Father? SureOne: Don’t be silly Wildflower, have a bit of respect! He’s here for the ceremony. Wildflower: I know that. I was just trying to lighten the atmosphere. FatherMichael: So have the loving couple arrived yet? SureOne: No but it’s customary for the bride to be late. FatherMichael: Well is the groom here? SingleSam has entered the room Wildflower: Here he is now. Hello there SingleSam. I think this is the first time ever that both the bride and groom will have to change their names. SingleSam: Hello all. Buttercup: Where’s the bride? LonelyLady: Probably fixing her makeup. Wildflower: Oh don’t be silly. No one can even see her. LonelyLady: SingleSam can see her. SureOne: She’s not doing her makeup; she’s supposed to keep the groom waiting. SingleSam: No she’s right here on the laptop beside me. She’s just having problems with her password logging in. SureOne: Doomed from the start.Divorced_1 has entered the roomWildflower: Wahoo! Here comes the bride, all dressed in . . . SingleSam: Black. Wildflower: How charming. Buttercup: She’s right to wear black. Divorced_1: What’s wrong with misery guts today? LonelyLady: She found a letter from Alex that was written 12 years ago proclaiming his love for her and she doesn’t know what to do. Divorced_1: Here’s a word of advice. Get over it, he’s married. Now let’s focus the attention on me for a change. SoOverHim has entered the room FatherMichael: OK let’s begin. We are gathered here online today to witness the marriage of SingleSam (soon to be “Sam”) and Divorced_1 (soon to be “Married_1”). SoOverHim: WHAT?? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE? THIS IS A MARRIAGE CEREMONY IN A DIVORCED PEOPLE CHAT ROOM?? Wildflower: Uh-oh, looks like we got ourselves a gate crasher here. Excuse me can we see your wedding invite please? Divorced_1: Ha ha.SoOverHim: YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY? YOU PEOPLE MAKE ME SICK, COMING IN HERE AND TRYING TO UPSET OTHERS WHO ARE GENUINELY TROUBLED. Buttercup: Oh we are genuinely troubled alright. And could you please STOP SHOUTING. LonelyLady: You see SoOverHim, this is where SingleSam and Divorced_1 met for the first time. SoOverHim: OH I HAVE SEEN IT ALL NOW! Buttercup: Sshh! SoOverHim: Sorry. Mind if I stick around? Divorced_1: Sure grab a pew; just don’t trip over my train. Wildflower: Ha ha. FatherMichael: OK we should get on with this; I don’t want to be late for my 2 o’clock. First I have to ask, is there anyone in here who thinks there is any reason why these two should not be married? LonelyLady: Yes. SureOne: I could give more than one reason.Buttercup: Hell yes. SoOverHim: DON’T DO IT! FatherMichael: Well I’m afraid this has put me in a very tricky predicament. Divorced_1: Father we are in a divorced chat room, of course they all object to marriage. Can we get on with it? FatherMichael: Certainly. Do you Sam take Penelope to be your lawful wedded wife? SingleSam: I do. FatherMichael: Do you Penelope take Sam to be your lawful wedded husband? Divorced_1: I do (yeah, yeah my name is Penelope). FatherMichael: You have already e-mailed your vows to me so by the online power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. Now if the witnesses could click on the icon to the right of the screen they will find a form to type their names, addresses, and phone numbers. Once that’s filled in just e-mail it off to me. I’ll be off now. Congratulations again. FatherMichael has left the room Wildflower: Congrats Sam and Penelope! Divorced_1: Thanks girls for being here. SoOverHim: Freaks. SoOverHim has left the room”
Cecelia Ahern,
[ "funny", "love", "rosie" ]
“And even if we did, which we didn't, it's none of your business.""Okay.""I just wanted you to know.""Okay.""If you say okay one more time, I'm going to punch you in the solar plexus."His eyebrows jump. "The solar plexus, huh?""Yes," I say. "I'm not exactly sure where that is, but I will find out. And then I will punch you there. Hard.”
Hannah Harrington,
[ "funny", "humor" ]
“Before you eat the elephant, make sure you know what parts you want to eat.”
Todd Stocker,
[ "calendar", "funny", "time-management", "to-do-list" ]
“I know it’s technically goodwill to all men, but in my mind, I drop the men because that feels segregationist/elitist/sexist/generally bad ist.Goodwill shouldn’t be just for men. It should also apply to women and children, and all animals, even the yucky ones like subway rats. I’d evenextend the goodwill not just to living creatures but to the dearly departed, and if we include them, we might as well include the undead, thosesupposedly mythic beings like vampires, and if they’re in, then so are elves, fairies, and gnomes. Heck, since we’re already being so generous in ourbig group hug, why not also embrace those supposedly inanimate objects like dolls and stu”
Rachel Cohn,
[ "funny", "inspirational" ]
“Now I really feel sorry for her. Your hand is as bad as Rob’s paddle,” Cassie shuddered.“Thank you.”“I didn’t mean it as a compliment!”
Breanna Hayse,
[ "bdsm", "bdsm-daddy", "erotic-romance", "funny", "kinky", "spanking" ]
“Why had his mother gone to the trouble of bringing him into the world if the most exciting moment in his life was having been made lame by a bayonet?”
Félix J. Palma,
[ "ambition", "boredom", "child-labor", "excitement", "funny", "humorous", "war" ]
“There is a funny story I always tell my students...when I came for the first time to the US. I didn’t speak English (Only Spanish) & I saw on every door the word “exit” which in Spanish means Success = Exito. And then I said :”No wonder Americans are winners ,every door they take leads to success” ~smile :)”
[ "exito", "funny", "humor", "opportunity", "success" ]
“Seth turns to Laney and I. "Three months ago, I'm in Detroit protesting a free trade conference, right? Some pig shoves me, I go flying into another, next thing I know I'm on the ground with a Taser in my back. I get thrown in city jail, no money and one phone call. So I call Jake. You know what this fucker did? He dropped everything, drove up and bailed me out, no questions.""Like I could just leave you," Jake says. "You're too pretty. You're a delicate flower. They would've ripped you apart in there.”
Hannah Harrington,
[ "funny" ]
“I lost myself immediately in one of the books, only emerging when the phone rang.“Dashiell?” my father intoned. As if someone else with my voice might be answering the phone at my mother’s apartment.“Yes, Father?”“Leeza and I would like to wish you a merry Christmas.”“Thank you, Father. And to you, as well.”[awkward pause][even more awkward pause]“I hope your mother isn’t giving you any trouble.”Oh, Father, I love it when you play this game.“She told me if I clean all the ashes out of the grate, then I’ll be able to help my sisters get ready for the ball.”“It’s Christmas, Dashiell. Can’t you give that attitude a rest?”“Merry Christmas, Dad. And thanks for the presents.”“What presents?”“I’m sorry—those were all from Mom, weren’t they?”“Dashiell …”“I gotta go. The gingerbread men are on ”
Rachel Cohn
[ "funny", "sad" ]
“It was like watching an angsty hormone-fueled train wreck and firmly cemented my resolve to be at least twenty-five before I considered getting hitched.”
Stacey Jay,
[ "engaged-underage", "funny" ]
“You’re not going to campus. You’re going out to get drunk and play with other ladies’ boobies.” - Kye”
Krista Alasti,
[ "fantasy", "funny", "humor", "paranormal", "paranormal-romance", "shifters", "urban-fantasy", "werewolves" ]
“We should go swimming," Anna says, out of the blue. (...)Danny looks at her like she just suggested knocking over the closest liquor store. Which wouldn't be such a bad idea, on second thought, considering how fast Laney, Seth and Anna are working through the tequila bottle. "Uh sure, if catching pneumonia's your idea of a fun time. I don't want to freeze my balls off. I'm rather attached to them. Literally and figuratively.”
Hannah Harrington,
[ "funny" ]
“It dawned on him that he really could be a cop if he wanted to, and it dawned on him that he'd had this revelation while eating a donut, and it that wasn't a sign, he didn't know what was.”
Doug Dorst,
[ "funny" ]
“Listen, I'd rather lie naked in a plowed field under an incontinent horse for a week than have to read that paragraph again!”
Diane Ackerman,
[ "funny", "humor", "humorous" ]
“For the hackneyed art of lying without injury to anyone, Rushbrook, to his shame, was proficient.”
Elizabeth Inchbald,
[ "funny", "humorous", "lying" ]
“There is little more I can add short of dissecting the man, or going into intimate details such as the modest proportions and slight southeasterly curvature of his manhood.”
Félix J. Palma,
[ "description", "funny", "humorous", "writing" ]
“So where did you get your information? Werewolves for Dummies? No, wait, you watched Underworld? Or maybe you were raised by wolves? Stop mewhen I’m warm.” - Shella”
Krista Alasti,
[ "funny", "humor", "paranormal", "paranormal-romance", "shifters", "urban-fantasy", "werewolves" ]
“Principal Totty was one of those people who frown while they’re speaking, and then smile at the end of each sentence. It was weird. It was like there were two different people inside her brain.”
Ferguson Fartworthy,
[ "funny" ]
“Like some huge, mutant chicken–I sat there hatching a gas-egg the size of a planet.”
Ferguson Fartworthy,
[ "boys-humor", "funny", "funny-words" ]
“Amy Bellini and Sasha Tibbles traipsed down the aisle and wriggled into the back seat, Amy right next to me. Her damp brown hair flicked in my face as she turned to make herself more comfortable. I didn’t mind. I wouldn’t admit this to ANYONE, but I think she’s not quite as weird as the rest of the girls.”
Ferguson Fartworthy,
[ "boys-humor", "funny", "funny-words" ]
“It's delicious,’ he announces, chewing my sandwich. 'I would like to stay here forever and die with you in my arms.' 'I don't know. I think it's too cold for forever,' I say, smiling.”
Joanna Mazurkiewicz
[ "cute", "date", "funny", "romantic" ]
“If water was beer I'd be a teetotaler”
Benny Bellamacina,
[ "english", "funny", "humor", "humour", "philosophical", "pub-talk", "wit" ]
“So his flunkies are what, pirates?”
Susie M. Hanley,
[ "funny" ]
“You know what they say, Two pairs a company, cheese a croud”
Annoying Orange
[ "funny", "humour", "laughter" ]
“Uh- you shouldn't mock orange if I were you - Why not?*everyone sings* He will He will mock youHe will He will mock you*orange starts singing*Hey buddy bannanaYou live in a habanayou small like a cabanabut sdon't worry it's gonna be great somedayReally?Orange: Nope..Not really*Everyone sings*He will He will mock youHe will He will mock you.”
Annoying Orange
[ "funny" ]
“Holly's forgiven you?" "Almost mostly. But she still gives me slack about it when she's sick. I take it as a husbandly badge," he said, puffing out his chest. "Sick? You told me she was fully immortal." "Yeah, but she still throws up some, because, well, the thing of it is... Ah, fuck, Rydstrom, I knocked her up." "You're going to be a father?" Gods help the world. I'm going to be an uncle? "I got Holly, like, on the first shot. Nix is calling me Bull's-eye and the Womb Raider.”
Kresley Cole,
[ "cade", "funny", "holly-s-pregnancy", "kresley-cole", "rydstrom" ]
“Evil influence is like a nicotine patch, you cannot help but absorb what sticks to you.”
E.A. Bucchianeri,
[ "bad", "bad-company", "bad-influence", "catholic", "catholic-author", "christian", "drugs", "evil", "evil-people", "evil-thoughts", "funny", "gadfly", "humor", "humour", "influence", "influences", "nicotine", "sad-but-true", "sticky-situations" ]
“Shaga: How would you like to die, little man?Tyrion: In my bed, at the age of eighty with a belly full of wine and a woman's mouth around my cock.”
Geogre R.R. Martin
[ "funny", "game-of-thrones", "geogre-r-r-martin" ]
“The workshop door opened and Skulduggery emerged. "Ryan," he said, "stop leaning on my car.”
Derek Landy,
[ "funny", "pleasant", "skulduggery" ]
“jace's clothes had been clean,stylish,ordinary. Sebastian had been wearing a long black wool trench coat that had looked expensive. Like an evil Burbeery ad, Simon said when she was done.”
Cassandra Claire
[ "funny", "simon" ]
“Ah college years, those were the days. Pure freedom ... leaving home for the first time…the parties…”"What about the tutorials, the lectures, the large building with all the books called the ‘library’?”“Is that what those were?” Gerry blithely replied.”
E.A. Bucchianeri,
[ "books", "college", "colleges", "funny", "humor", "humour", "humourous", "leaving-home", "libraries", "library", "party", "partying", "student-days", "students", "studying", "university", "university-of-life" ]
“You were at the party on Friday night, weren't you?" I didn't mentioned I'd followed him into the woods.He leaned back in his chair, his legs sprawled out. His boots nudged the bottom ruffle of my skirt. "Aye."Aye? Seriously? Could he be any hotter?Unless he had been looking for his girlfriend at the party.Not hot."I was supposed to meet my cousin," he elaborated, "but I didn't find her,"Hot again.”
Alyxandra Harvey,
[ "funny", "jo", "lol", "rock-guy", "stolen-away" ]
“Awesome ends with me; but Ugly starts with u...”
[ "funny", "random", "silly" ]
“An hour later, a nameless, cold-faced man returned with a tray of fresh pasta, warm bread, and a few bags of brand new comfort clothes: yoga pants, tees, a few sports bras, and...pink thong underwear? Well, of course. Wouldn't want to be held prisoner and have panty lines.”
Mimi Jean Pamfiloff,
[ "funny" ]
“I know what party you’re talking about. I might have to swing through. Especially if you’re going to be there in a costume.” He winked and leaned back in his seat.“I’m going as a homeless person.”“Sexy.”
Chanelle Gray,
[ "banter", "funny", "humor", "romance" ]
“We were kissing.I thought: This is good.I thought: I am not bad at this kissing. Not bad at all.I thought: I am clearly the greatest kisser in the history of the universe.Suddenly she laughed and pulled away from me. She wiggled a hand out of her sleeping bag and wiped her face. "You slobbered on my nose," she said, and laughed.”
John Green
[ "funny", "kissing", "love" ]
“Are you scared of going in to see the raghnaid [the council]?” asked a gray female pup. “Are you cag mag [crazy]? If a bear was his Milk Giver, you think he’s scared of the raghnaid?”
Kathryn Lasky,
[ "bears", "funny", "motherhood", "wolves" ]
“Llamas can drive... they just don't know it yet...”
Llama Queen
[ "drive", "funny", "know", "llama", "llama-queen", "llamas", "queen" ]
“Mira, I'm about to be naked," Blue said as he whipped off his belt and tossed it on the floor. "So watch out. Well, in my underwear.""I've seen you in your bathing suit," Mira said. "It's the same thing.""It is not the same thing," Blue said. "When it's accompanied by seventies porn music, it's an X-rated strip show." Blue yanked off his shirt. "Freddie, you're kind of slow on the uptake. Eine kleine porn music, please.”
Sarah Cross,
[ "blue", "funny", "humor" ]
“Adam pressed his hand to his face. Sighed. "Right. It's just that… He died. And I'm so freaking pissed off, I swear I'd punch him in the face if he were standing right here.”
Kristina McBride,
[ "death", "funny", "grief", "humor", "humour" ]
“(The Mona Lisa), that really is the ugliest portrait I’ve seen, the only thing that supposedly makes it famous is the mystery behind it,” Katherine admitted as she remembered her trips to the Louvre and how she shook her head at the poor tourists crowding around to see a jaundiced, eyebrow-less lady that reminded her of tight-lipped Washington on the dollar bill. Surely, they could have chosen a better portrait of the First President for their currency?”
E.A. Bucchianeri,
[ "art", "artwork", "da-vinci", "funny", "gadfly", "george-washington", "humor", "masterpiece", "mona-lisa", "money", "mystery", "portrait", "presidents", "sad-but-true", "sarcastic-quotes", "ugly-art" ]
“Dont talk to the crazy kids. I longed to shout back that we weren't crazy. I'd mistaken her kid for a ghost, that's all.”
Kelley Armstrong
[ "funny", "ghost", "the-summoning" ]
“I was so high, I needed a stepladder to scratch my own ass.”
Kinky Friedman
[ "detective-novels", "funny" ]
“I guess it was what my friend Phoolendu at the yoga studio would call kismet. That's like fate, but much more dramatic.”
Robin Palmer,
[ "fate", "funny", "kismet" ]
“... there was one new metallic monstrosity stacked in one corner that she hadn’t seen the last time she was a visitor to his strange chamber, it appeared to be a mass of hard drives all fused together, but they looked too sophisticated to be merely hard drives.“What on earth is that?” “That’s my Kung Fu,” he said proudly, patting the top of the futuristic-looking stack.“Is that what you wanted to show me?”“No, but it’s impressive, isn’t it?”“If you say so.”Steves sighed and shook his head, so few people could appreciate the intellectual complexity of an almost untraceable hacking device.”
E.A. Bucchianeri,
[ "computer-hackers", "computers", "funny", "geek", "geek-humor", "humor", "humour", "machines", "nerd", "nerd-humor", "science" ]
“It would actually constitute more than a miracle, he realised. It would take divine intervention plus luck, plus some unknown element of cosmic wizardry.”
David Baldacci,
[ "books", "divine", "funny", "miracle", "shaw", "truth", "whole" ]
“We'll never find that one, and I'll be blamed," announced Edd Tollett, the dour grey-haired squire everyone called Dolorous Edd. "Nothing ever goes missing that they don't look at me, ever since that time I lost my horse. As if that could be helped. He was white and it was snowing, what did they expected”
George R.R. Martin
[ "funny" ]
“That´s the problem with planning a late night supper after the opera, not only does the hero or the heroine die singing, but you end up famished after the last notes of the finale.”
E.A. Bucchianeri,
[ "arts-and-humanities", "dinner", "finale", "finales", "food", "funny", "humor", "humorous", "humour", "late-night-supper", "late-nights", "life", "life-and-death", "music", "opera", "opera-singers", "operas", "prima-donna", "singers", "singing", "supper", "theater", "theatre", "theatre-of-the-absurd", "when-plans-go-wrong" ]
“All trademarks, company names, registered names, products, characters, mottos, logos, jingles and catchphrases used or cited in this work are the property of their respective owners and have only been mentioned and or used as cultural references to enhance the narrative and in no way were used to disparage or harm the owners and their companies. It is the author's sincerest wish the owners of the cited trademarks, company names, etc. appreciate the success they have achieved in making their products household names and appreciate the free plug.”
E.A. Bucchianeri,
[ "authors", "company-names", "copyright", "creative-process", "culture", "culture-identity", "culture-making", "disclaimer", "free-advertising", "free-plug", "funny", "gadfly", "household-name", "humor", "humour", "jingle", "logo", "logos", "mottos", "trademarks", "writing" ]
“She grinned, looking for all the world like a sticky-mouthed little girl who had just convinced her gullible mother that she really did drop the first piece of candy into the storm drain and would need another.”
Wendy Corsi Staub,
[ "candy", "child", "funny" ]
“Se trata del proceso de separación de los Dundas [...]. El marido era abstemio, no existía otra mujer, y el comportamiento del que se quejaba la esposa consistía en que el marido había adquirido la costumbre de rematar todas sus comidas quitándose la dentadura postiza y arrojándosela a su esposa, lo cual, estará usted de acuerdo, no es la clase de acto que se le suele ocurrir a un novelista corriente.”
Arthur Conan Doyle,
[ "funny" ]
“Sir Henry fixed him with a keen eye.'Odd name, Tom Skatt - eh?''Thats right''You don't think we could be related?'Tom looked up at his great-great-great-uncle and smiled.'I don't think so''No,' grinned Sir Henry "no, of course not”
Henry Chancellor,
[ "adventure", "funny", "good", "secrets", "time", "travel" ]
“What's the matter, fairy boy? Pissed because Chrys rather kiss me?" - Essence (Nymphs of Macedonia Trilogy #1)”
Racheal McGillivary
[ "essence", "funny" ]
“I never hear about dear Mike. I wrote Ellen Greene and asked about him and she replyed and never mentioned Mike but told me all about her roomatism. As if I cared about her roomatism.”
Emily of New Moon
[ "cat", "emily-of-new-moon", "funny", "mike" ]
“I love Mormon boys!”
Hailey Larsen
[ "funny" ]
“Self-doubt is a persuasive mistress; careful not to shag her or you’ll never get your balls back.” - Simon Hunt”
Dannika Dark,
[ "balls", "careful", "dannika-dark", "funny", "humor", "mageri", "mistress", "paranormal", "self-doubt", "shag" ]
“The only way to make sure that the Hand didn't get to you would have been to kill your brother. I could've done it, but I didn't. I just gave him some drugs.""You gave an addict in rehab drugs, and you want credit for it?""Of course it sounds bad when you put it that way.”
Ilona Andrews,
[ "addict", "audrey", "fate-s-edge", "funny", "ilona-andrews", "kaldar", "the-edge" ]
“So, if I'm no cheerleader of sports, why write a chapter about it? Sports do have some positive impact on society. They solve problems, such as how to get inner-city kids to spend $175 on shoes. They serve as a backdrop for some of our most memorable commercials. And they remain the one and only relevant application of math. Not only that, but we have sports to thank for most of the last century's advances in manliness. The system starts in school, where gym class separates the men from the boys. Then those men are taught to be winners, or at least, losers that hate themselves.”
Stephen Colbert,
[ "funny" ]
“The smell of burning firewood and the molding of organic, earthy substances reminded her of jumping wildly into the enormous leaf piles of autumns past and she suddenly wished that it was appropriate for someone her age to do such a thing.”
Abby Slovin,
[ "autumn", "funny", "humor" ]
“I say if a novelty Christmas song is funny one time, then it is funny every time. - Calvin”
Bill Watterson,
[ "bill-watterson", "calvin", "calvin-and-hobbes", "funny", "song" ]
“Audrey turned to him, a sly little spark hiding in her eyes. "THe only man who gets to call me'love' would be waking up next to me after a very, very fun night. Fun night. Oh yes."Guess what?" She leaned closer. "You will never be that man.”
Ilona Andrews,
[ "audrey", "fate-s-edge", "fun", "funny", "ilona-andrews", "kaldar", "the-edge" ]
“I may not always be right, but when I am, I admit it”
Ken Murray
[ "advice", "funny" ]
“And I meant to tell you: that was a one-in-a-thousand shot."She raised her hand. "Don't.""It was awesome," George confirmed. "It really was," Jack said. "His head exploded.”
Ilona Andrews,
[ "audrey", "fate-s-edge", "funny", "george", "ilona-andrew", "jack", "kaldar", "shot", "the-edge" ]
“Parker, I'm old," She said matter-of-factly. "I get away with these things." She continued to wave and smile wildly. "People treat me like an idiot so I'm allowed to act like one from time to time. It's one of the perks.”
Abby Slovin,
[ "funny", "humor", "old-age" ]
“Look, if I were straight, you'd be grandparents before your time. You should be relieved that I'm gay. Aren't you grateful?”
Hayden Thorne,
[ "funny", "gay", "young-adult" ]
“Breaking into the house in the middle of the night just wasn't his style. He did his best work in plain view, and, usually, his tongue was doing most of it.Now that was an interesting thought. Heh.”
Ilona Andrews,
[ "fate-s-edge", "funny", "ilona-andrews", "kaldar", "the-edge", "tongue" ]
“Fuck You!' [Oskar said] 'Exuse me!' [His mom said] 'Sorry. I mean, screw you.' 'You need a time-out!' 'I need a mausoleum!”
Jonathan Safran Foer,
[ "funny", "jonathan-safran-foer", "oskar-schell", "sad" ]
“A forest," William said, his expression distant. "Where the ground is dry soil and stone. Where tall trees grow and centuries of autumn carpet their roots. Where the wind smells of game and wildflowers.""Why, that was lovely, Lord Bill. Do you ever write poetry? Something for your blueblood lady?""No.""She doesn't like poetry?""Leave it."Hehe. "Oh, so you have a lady. How interes--”
Ilona Andrews,
[ "bayou-moon", "cerise", "funny", "ilona-andrews", "the-edge", "william" ]
“She put her hand on her hip. "Where are you going?""To the boat. You called me Lord Bill again. That means we're cool."Cerise slapped her forehead with the heel of her hand and followed him.”
Ilona Andrews,
[ "bayou-moon", "cerise", "funny", "ilona-andrews", "lord-bill", "the-edge", "william" ]
“If everyone listened to me, the world would be a better place.”
Aviva Moore
[ "funny", "humor", "inspirational" ]
“We losers don't fear death. For us it's the end of a lifelong losing spell.”
Dakota Dawn
[ "funny", "life", "truth", "wisdom" ]
“I know what you mean. I usually take it out on my older sister. You can lease her for a weekend or something if you need a psychological punching bag. I'll even give you a discount.”
Hayden Thorne,
[ "funny", "siblings" ]
“An evil spark flared in his eyes. "Trade: raccoon for some answers.”
Ilona Andrews,
[ "fate-s-edge", "funny", "ilona-andrews", "kaldar", "raccoon", "the-edge" ]
“I mean really, how could an artistic individual stay grounded in the nitty-gritty of how many minutes per pound meat has to stay in the oven when trying to fathom the creative philosophy behind the greatest artistic minds of the world?”
E.A. Bucchianeri,
[ "art", "artists", "artsy", "being-practical", "cooking", "creativity", "food", "funny", "gadfly", "humor", "humour", "keep-your-feet-on-the-ground", "meat", "oven", "philosophical", "philosophy", "philosophy-of-life", "practicality" ]
“Peace cannot be achieved; they have to be plucked out of their pod.”
A.G. Phillips
[ "conflict", "funny", "humor", "peace", "peas", "quote", "random" ]
“Excuse me,” she said, her voice tight. “But if I’d known there was going to be a firearms examination at the end of the kidnapping, by God, I would have studied for it!”
Tara Janzen,
[ "funny", "humour", "romance", "romantic-suspense" ]
“Rina’s always claimed that I expect too little from life,” Standard said.“Then at least you’ll never be disappointed.”
James Sallis,
[ "drive", "funny", "james", "quote", "sallis" ]