Sgt. Manabu: "Excuse me for interrupting, but I'm gonna announce it one more time. The winner of the third game, Friendly Hide-and-Seek, is..." Sgt. Manabu: "Group C! The game is over!" Kei: "Huh?! How?! We found their hider first, didn't we?" Sgt. Manabu: "That's true. Group K did find the other team's hider first." Kei: "So we're the winners, then." Sgt. Manabu: "Oh, but that's not the only way for a team to win, right?" Kei: "N-No way!" Juzo: "Sorry, guys." Juzo: "I pushed the give-up button." Yuichi: "It can't get any worse." Yuichi: "This is the worst thing that could have happened." Yuichi: "Hey, Hyakutaro, nobody else is nearby, right?" Hyakutaro: "Y-Yeah, I think they all went looking for Mikasa." Yuichi: "Okay. We should get started, then." Hyakutaro: "Huh?" Yuichi: "The truth is, the moment you switched teams, our victory became certain." Yuichi: "I really didn't want to have to win this way, is all." Yuichi: "This really is the worst thing that could have happened, Hyakutaro." Juzo: "Hello?" Yuichi: "This is Katagiri Yuichi. I don't have much time, so I'll get straight to the point." Yuichi: "Please push the give-up button." Juzo: "Are you screwing with me?" Juzo: "There's no way I'll push it." Yuichi: "In that case, I'm going to punch Hyakutaro until you push it." Juzo: "Y-You're bluffing!" Yuichi: "I'm sure you'd like to believe that, but I've run out of options." Yuichi: "First punch. Here we go." Yuichi: "And the second!" Yuichi: "Third!" Yuichi: "Fourth!" Yuichi: "Fifth!" Juzo: "Stop! It won't work!" Juzo: "You're crazy if you think you can break me with a bluff like this." Yuichi: "I'll keep going then. Sixth!" Juzo: "I-If you really were punching him, then why isn't Hyakutaro making any sound?" Yuichi: "Yeah, that surprised me, too. He sure is tough." Yuichi: "Do you want to hear his voice?" Hyakutaro: "I'm f-fine, Captain. It's a bluff, just like you said." Hyakutaro: "Don't push the button!" Juzo: "T-The waver in his voice..." Juzo: "Is he really..." Reiko: "What do you mean, "monster"? Katagiri Yuichi... This guy is the devil." Yuichi: "Seventh!" Juzo: "Sorry, Hyakutaro!" Juzo: "It won't be long before Kei and the others find their hider. Just hold on until then." Hyakutaro: "This is a breeze. A breeze. I mean, he isn't really hitting me anyway." Yuichi: "Here I go. Eighth!" Juzo: "Damn it!" Yuichi: "At this rate, it is starting to look like he can really take it. Well, in that case, I'll have to break something that can't be fixed." Juzo: "W-What's that supposed to mean?" Yuichi: "I heard about you guys." Yuichi: "You're all on the same basketball team, right? Hyakutaro-kun told me about it. In the last tournament, he kept missing shots and ended up getting you injured." Yuichi: "He practiced his shots like crazy after that." Juzo: "What the hell are you planning?!" Yuichi: "Please push the button. If you don't..." Yuichi: "I'll break Hyakutaro's finger." Yuichi: "You can't make shots in basketball without a delicate touch, right? Once a finger is broken, even if you recover and rehabilitate it..." Juzo: "Y-You piece of shit!" Yuichi: "You have ten seconds. Ten, nine, eight," Juzo: "W-Wait a minute!" Yuichi: "seven, six, five, four..." Hyakutaro: "Hey! What the hell—" Yuichi: "I'm gagging you so that you can't bite your tongue." Yuichi: "Three, two, one..." Juzo: "Maybe he didn't really... break it? No, I'll never forget that sound. It sounded just like when it happened to me." Juzo: "I'm sorry, Hyakutaro!" Yuichi: "Which finger shall I do next?" Juzo: "You can't be serious..." Yuichi: "Of course I can. I'll keep breaking fingers until you push the button. Really." Juzo: "Stop it! You scum!" Yuichi: "No, you're the scum. I mean, you were the one who started all this, weren't you?" Juzo: "What did you... say?" Yuichi: "You're the reason your team is playing the Tomodachi Game in the first place." Yuichi: "Your debt is what started it." Kei: "So you knew." Yuichi: "Well, yeah." Yuichi: "It seemed like a taboo topic in Group K." Yuichi: "But none of the three I talked to knew whose debt it was. At first, I thought the one with the debt was the youngest, Kei, but then I realized the power dynamics went the other way." Yuichi: "Basically, it made sense to assume the debt belonged to the captain." Yuichi: "I learned about you from Hyakutaro." Yuichi: "You're willing to put your life on the line for people. But you also can't handle it if you're responsible for someone else getting hurt." Juzo: "My family business was drowning in debt. It got so bad, I was going to have to quit high school and start working. But I wanted to play one last tournament with everyone, and then Kei said he'd help me pay it off, on the condition that I obeyed his every word." Juzo: "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you, guys." Juzo: "This is all my fault. But even though that's true," Juzo: "I'll never forgive you for what you did!" Juzo: "I will never..." Juzo: "ever forgive..." Juzo: "a cowardly piece of shit like you!" Hyakutaro: "Stop! That's enough!" Juzo: "Why are you stopping me?!" Hyakutaro: "It's really not a big deal!" Juzo: "B-But your finger... He broke your finger!" Juzo: "B-But that sound I heard was clearly..." Juzo: "M-My god, did you..." Juzo: "You broke your own finger?!" Yuichi: "We had reasons why we absolutely couldn't lose. That's why I chose to— No, that isn't it." Yuichi: "I just couldn't think of any better way." Yuichi: "I guess I really am a cowardly piece of shit." Juzo: "Hyakutaro, why didn't you tell me?" Hyakutaro: "Well, he said he'd let you hit him as much as he hit me." Juzo: "We've lost this match." Kei: "Oh, no we haven't. There's no way I'm settling for that. We lost? Speak for yourself. You're the one who lost, blockhead." Hyakutaro: "Come on, Kei!" Kei: "Shut the hell up! The rest of you held me back just as much as he did." Kei: "My plan was perfect. But still, you were completely useless." Banri: "Th—" Kei: "Whap! What are you doing, Banri-niichan?!" Chisato: "Banri... niichan?" Banri: "I'm not his real brother. We grew up together. I was like the typical neighborhood "older brother."" Hyakutaro: "I had no idea." Banri: "Give it up, Kei. Your strategy didn't account for this situation, so you lost. And Juzo made the right choice in pressing the button." Kei: "Why's that?" Banri: "Because if he had thrown Hyakutaro under the bus," Banri: "I would have lost all respect for him." Chisato: "That makes sense. I guess I would have, too." Hyakutaro: "And then we would have lost the next game no matter what." Banri: "Kei. One day, "having tasted defeat" will make us even stronger." Kei: "Yeah, what's that line from?" Banri: "It's from my bible." Kei: "But what are we going to do now? We still have the debt. We might never be able to see each other again after this." Juzo: "I'll have them pass all of the remaining debt to me." Sgt. Manabu: "Bye-bye!" Juzo: "And I'll ask them to make sure you guys at least don't get split up." Hyakutaro: "Captain..." Kei: "Are you really okay with that? What about your dream for us to play in one last tournament?" Juzo: "It's all right." Juzo: "We did get to play one last, great match together." Kei: "Oh." Maria: "U-Um, Yuichi-kun? I was wondering, did you know about me?" Yuichi: "Yeah. You work for the management, right? I figured it out." Maria: "O-Of course you did." Tenji: "Huh?!" Yuichi: "For the weak and insecure girl you were trying to play, you followed my difficult instructions a little too perfectly." Maria: "I see." Yuichi: "And since I knew you were with the management, I pushed you off that cliff without guilt." Maria: "Rude!" Maria: "Then, your reaction when I betrayed you was also..." Yuichi: "It was all an act to make Group K think they were winning, so they'd leave me behind." Maria: "You had me eating out of the palm of your hand, huh?" Yuichi: "Pass this message along to your bosses: "I will absolutely crush all of you."" Maria: "You bet!" Tenji: "Can you stand?" Yuichi: "Yeah. Ouch!" Tenji: "Yuichi, you said you were a cowardly piece of shit," Tenji: "but I don't think you are." Tenji: "You don't always have the nicest ideas, but take a look. You didn't destroy their friendship after all." Tenji: "I don't care what anyone else says. I know you're a good person." Yuichi: "Thanks, Tenji. But... if he was any slower pushing that button," Yuichi: "I really might have broken Hyakutaro's finger." Yuichi: "The old me would have broken it without flinching." Yuichi: "If you knew about that side of me, would you still tell me I'm a good person?" Yuichi: "Would you still think of me as a friend?" Manabu-Kun: "Congratulations on clearing the third game! There's a little time left before the fourth game begins, so I'll let you leave for a while. Of course, don't tell anyone about this, and don't try to run away. If you try anything like that, the others will be in real trouble." Tenji: "We're back." Yuichi: "Yeah. Let's go and find Sawaragi right now." Tenji: "At this hour, we might be able to catch Shiho-chan alone. She was always the first one at school." Yuichi: "Always the stalker." Tenji: "Let's go and find out the truth." Yuichi: "K-Kokorogi?" Yutori: "Yuichi?!" Yuichi: "What the hell happened here?" Yutori: "Shiho-chan and Shibe-kun have disappeared!" Manabu-Sensei: "Since you three are exempt from the third game, I'll let you go home temporarily. But you can't talk to anyone about the game, and you'd better not run away." Shiho: "Why would you even think we'd do that? There's too much going on that we don't understand, and we won't run or hide until we do understand." Manabu-Sensei: "That's my Shiho-sama, always ready with the cool one-liners. In that case, I'll tell you something nice before you go. Right now, Group C's total debt amount is 10.8 million yen." Shiho: "10.8 million?" Shibe: "Shiho, what's wrong?" Shiho: "N-Nothing at all." Shiho: "We shouldn't listen to what Manabu says, anyway." Shibe: "Why not?" Shiho: "Because we all know it's all just lies intended to poison our friendship." Manabu-Sensei: "Well, believe me or don't, that's up to you. But incidentally, Yuichi-kun and Tenji-kun both already know about it." Shiho: "Oh. They must have asked..." Tenji: "Yuichi, there's no mistake, then. Shiho-chan's secret got out and she ran." Yutori: "Secret? I d-don't really understand, but there was a reason why Shiho-chan disappeared." Shiho: "No matter what, try to act natural. If we seem shaky and weird, people might start asking questions." Shibe: "Y-Yeah." Yutori: "Mm-hmm." Shiho: "Morning, everyone!" Michiru: "Hey, Sawaragi-san." Shiho: "Hanamiya-san?" Michiru: "As class vice president, I'll get right to the point. You were the one who stole the class trip funds, weren't you?" Michiru: "Don't people usually save money like that in an account?" Michiru: "The other classes said they did. Sensei said that you insisted on collecting it in cash." Michiru: "No matter how you look at it, you seem really suspicious." Shibe: "Calm down, you guys!" Shibe: "Shiho isn't the thief. Because the thief is—" Shiho: "Don't, Shibe!" Shiho: "It has to do with that game. You shouldn't say too much." Shibe: "O-Oh, right." Michiru: "You should also know, Shibe, that we think you're an accomplice." Shibe: "You've got to be kidding. Do you know how rich I am?" Michiru & Students: "Huh?" Shibe: "Come on, two million isn't enough to cry over. All right, about that two mil..." Shibe: "I'll lend you the whole amount!" Yuichi: "That's a bad move." Tenji: "Yeah, that would have pissed everyone off." Yuichi: "No, that's not what I mean. Kokorogi," Yuichi: "did some kind of big incident happen after that?" Yutori: "H-How did you know? Well, two days after that, Shibe-kun's dad got arrested. It seems like the police found out about all the stuff that was exposed in the second game." Tenji: "Then does that mean..." Yuichi: "Yeah, Shibe talked. He told his dad about the Tomodachi Game. Not even Shibe could get two million yen without an adult's help." Yutori: "Shibe-kun came to school the next day and apologized to everyone, saying he couldn't get the money, but then everyone started really bullying him. Shiho-chan tried to stand up for him, but then she stopped coming to school, too." Student A: "Y-You guys!" Student B: "Why are you at school? I thought you'd be with Shibe." Yuichi: "What are you talking about?" Student A: "Something's going down at Shibe's place." Man: "Isn't this Shibe Masakazu's home?" Woman: "The council member they arrested?" Man: "There's a body?" Woman: "Suicide? I heard it was murder." Man: "Murder? Who did it? It was..." Yuichi: "Shibe's dad was..." Tenji: "Murdered?" Man: "Hey, they're coming out." Yuichi: "Shibe! W-Why is this happening? Shibe! Shibe! What the hell's going on?!" Shibe: "Yuichi? Tenji? No! This isn't right. It isn't! I wanted Shiho to—" Wataru: "You'd better not say too much." Tenji: "That man..." Tenji: "It's Shiho-chan's father." Wataru: "Tenji-kun? Why are you—" Tenji: "M-My father... Were you the one—" Yuichi: "Calm down, Tenji! There's no proof yet! Um, we're friends of Shibe Makoto-kun, and we wanted to know what happened." Wataru: "Is that right? Sorry, I can't talk about it in detail. The police are sworn to confidentiality. And..." Wataru: "You don't want to get involved in this. If there's anyone or anything you care about, don't stick your nose into others' business. You don't want to lose what's precious to you, do you?" Yuichi: "That basically means nothing to me." Yuichi: "I don't have family or anything else to care about, really. So your threats aren't going to work." Yuichi: "What I mean is that if you want to stop me, you'll have to come straight at me." Tenji: "What is going on, anyway?" Yuichi: "For now, all we can do is find out more about Shibe." Tenji: "Yuichi, do you think Shiho-chan is tied up in this, too?" Yutori: "W-What do you mean?" Tenji: "Kokorogi-san." Yutori: "W-What do you mean? What did Shibe-kun do?! What does Shiho-chan have to do with it?!" Tenji: "Well, we don't really know all the—" Yutori: "You're lying! You're both hiding something from me, aren't you?! You were acting weird this morning, too! And after all that in the second game, you trust each other now?! And Yuichi's hurt! Come on, tell me! What are you hiding?" Tenji: "We can't..." Yuichi: "Why the hell would we tell you? As soon as the second game ended," Yuichi: "I was through with you." Yuichi: "You looked at me like I was a monster, didn't you? You didn't say a word to me before I went to the third game. That's not what I'd call a friend." Yutori: "I was just scared, because they said you were a murderer. But I waited! I waited to find out the truth. Even though I was scared, I waited for you both to come back." Yuichi: "That's only because Sawaragi told you to, right? You only do what people tell you to do. Quit talking to me like I owe you something! Kokorogi, let me make this crystal clear for you. People like you, who can't decide a single damn thing on their own... There's nothing in the world I hate more!" Yuichi: "Get lost. I'm done with you." Yutori: "What about the Tomodachi Game? Won't you be in trouble without me?" Yuichi: "Nah, you're useless." Yuichi: "I guess you didn't notice how much of a burden you are for everyone else." Yutori: "O-Of course I knew... I could tell that from the start! That's why I always did what you guys told me. I didn't want to be in the way!" Yuichi: "Yeah, and I'm telling you that you're in the way right now." Yuichi: "Kokorogi, you're a stranger to us now." Tenji: "Was that the right thing to do?" Yuichi: "It's not about right or wrong. Lives are on the line. We should leave Kokorogi out of it." Yuichi: "If we tell the management that we'll take on Kokorogi's debt, they shouldn't complain." Tenji: "Unknown caller?" Tenji: "Hello?" Man On Phone: "Sorry to surprise you, but we're going to start a special Tomodachi Game right now. Katagiri Yuichi-kun is there too, right? Is it true that threats don't work on you because there's nothing and nobody you care about?" Yuichi: "What are you trying to say?" Yuichi: "Kokorogi?!" Man On Phone: "The game rules are super simple, man. All you have to do is choose between two options: show up, or don't. If you do show up, you'll have a really terrible time. If you don't, Kokorogi Yutori will have a little bit of a terrible time. The game you two are playing this time is The Weak Win Game, got it?" Yuichi: "The weak win?" Man On Phone: "For example, if two different people suffer the exact same amount of pain, one with self control won't scream. A weak person, however, will immediately start screaming." Man On Phone: "You'd think the strong person is superior, right? But you know, in our world, people will say the person who screamed is a "poor thing" and go easy on them. That's outrageous, isn't it? If self control is a disadvantage in this world, it's almost as if the weak win." Man On Phone: "Yuichi-kun, if you're showing up, come to the designated location alone. If you bring anyone else, you'll never see Kokorogi Yutori again. And if you do show, I promise you'll have a much worse time than Kokorogi Yutori." Man On Phone: "Basically, if you don't show up, you'll end up objectively less injured... but what do you wanna do?" Yuichi: "If you do anything to Kokorogi," Yuichi: "I will kill you." Tenji: "Are you going, Yuichi?" Yuichi: "We got Kokorogi caught up in this thing, so I think I have to." Yuichi: "On top of that, this one..."
{ "raw_title": "Tomodachi Game Episode 11 – Do You Really Have Nothing You Care About?", "parsed": [ "Tomodachi Game", "11", "Do You Really Have Nothing You Care About?" ] }
Yutori: "Yuichi!" Yuichi: "Kokorogi!" Yuichi: "Manabu? Or not." Kuroki: "I'll serve as MC for this special edition of Tomodachi Game." Kuroki: "The name's Kuroki." Kuroki: "All right, I'll explain the rules of the Weak Win Game one more time." Yuichi: "Hold it! I'm not going to listen to a thing you say until you let Kokorogi go!" Kuroki: "Is that so?" Yuichi: "You piece of—" Kuroki: "Hey, now. Do you understand the position you're in right now? If you want, I could expose that secret of yours that you've never told anyone." Yuichi: "You think... you know that much about me?" Kuroki: "Huh? You want me to spill, for real? If Yutori-chan hears about it, saving her will be the least of your worries." Kuroki: "Are you listening now, Katagiri Yuichi-kun?" Kuroki: "Yuichi-kun will be subjected to three rounds of physical pain. If he can endure the pain, we'll let him and his friend both go. But a game that doesn't test their friendship wouldn't be much of a Tomodachi Game, would it? So, there's one way for Yuichi-kun to escape the violence." Yutori: "What?" Kuroki: "It's you. You can take the pain instead of Yuichi." Kuroki: "Yutori-chan gets to choose which one of them suffers. The point here is that if Yutori-chan chooses herself, her pain will be lighter than Yuichi-kun's." Yuichi: "Hey, Kokorogi—" Kuroki: "Ah, but Yuichi-kun isn't allowed to talk." Kuroki: "If Yuichi-kun speaks while she's deciding, they both suffer." Kuroki: "Ultimately, Yutori-chan is the one who'll decide who gets hurt. Basically, it's a question of whether or not she's selfless enough to protect Yuichi-kun." Kuroki: "Okay, let's go ahead with the first round of pain." Kuroki: "You'll get punched by our very own Hercules, Goriki-kun. Yeah." Kuroki: "If Yutori-chan chooses herself, she gets one hit. If she chooses Yuichi-kun, he gets three hits." Kuroki: "By the way, Goriki-kun is just as strong as he seems. For a little girl like you, even one punch could rearrange your face." Kuroki: "You have five seconds to choose. If you don't choose in that time, Yuichi-kun will be selected automatically." Kuroki: "Okay, five, four, three..." Yutori: "I..." Kuroki: "two, one." Yutori: "Yu-Yuichi?" Kuroki: "Aw, I should've said you can't move, either." Kuroki: "But, oh well. In honor of Yuichi-kun's beautiful self-sacrifice this first round, I'll let you have it." Kuroki: "Yutori-chan, take a close look. What happens next is the result of your actions. First hit!" Kuroki: "Second hit!" Kuroki: "Last one!" Yuichi: "Man, I keep getting beat up these days. At least this guy didn't hit as hard as that gorilla Captain." Yutori: "Are you okay, Yuichi? I'm... I mean... um... I can take the next one. I'm so sorry, Yuichi." Kuroki: "There you go! Now that's what I call friendship! So we're going with Yutori-chan for the next round of pain, right?" Yutori: "Yeah." Kuroki: "Okay. Put your hand right here." Kuroki: "The pain this time is fingernail removal. Yeah." Kuroki: "You think you can handle it, Yutori-chan? Oh, right. This time I'll give you the chance to switch to Yuichi-kun, if you want. But... If Yuichi-kun does it, he'll lose three fingernails. He'd get three times the pain you would. So? Which one will it be?" Kuroki: "All right, here we go." Yutori: "Yuichi! W-What should I do, Yuichi?! It hurts! It really, really hurts!" Kuroki: "You heard her, Yuichi-kun." Kuroki: "Oh? You mad, Yuichi-kun? Or maybe just a little scared, huh?" Yuichi: "Stop talking. Shut up and do it." Yuichi: "Sounds good! As requested sir, I'll pull them all at once!" Yuichi: "One! Two! Three!" Yuichi: "How was that? Yuichi-kun, how you feelin', buddy? How you feelin', Yutori-chan?" Yutori: "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." Yuichi: "Hey, you guys..." Yuichi: "Why is this piece of shit your leader?" Kuroki: "Huh?" Yuichi: "Do you see anything good in him at all? Any way you look at it, Goriki-kun is a stronger fighter. As for this perverted, sadistic ass," Yuichi: "even his face looks like a nasty snake." Kuroki: "You don't get it at all, do you? The most important thing for a leader isn't strength. It's this. This! I'm the smartest guy in the room." Kuroki: "You can't raise a finger against me now, right? I'm the only one here who can pull that off." Kuroki: "And I've got guts. No matter what happens, nothing shakes me. Last of all, and this is the most important, I never sell my friends out." Yuichi: "Okay. So you have brains, you have guts, and you don't betray your friends, and that qualifies you to be leader. Right?" Kuroki: "Yeah, that's right. Let's get back to the game, then. But before that, let's mix things up for the last one. If Yutori-chan chooses herself, well make her dance totally naked!" Gang: "Yeah!" Kuroki: "I guess it's more like emotional pain this time. It'd be damn humiliating to have this many guys drooling over every inch of your body. But no one here wants to see Yuichi-kun naked, so if he gets picked," Kuroki: "I'll gouge his hand with this three times instead." Kuroki: "I'll give you a minute this time. You should talk it over. Ain't much to talk about, though. It's either the girl gettin' humiliated, or the guy gettin' hurt real bad three times over. Is there really any room for discussion?" Yutori: "You... You can decide, Yuichi." Kuroki: "Holy shit! You serious, Yutori-chan?! Shouldn't you volunteer this round?!" Yuichi: "Kokorogi, tell me how you honestly feel." Yutori: "B-But, I... I know I should do it this time, I know that... but I can't decide. I can't get the words out!" Kuroki: "Five seconds left!" Yutori: "So, y-you decide, Yuichi!" Kuroki: "Four, three," Yutori: "I promise to do whatever you say!" Kuroki: "two, one..." Yuichi: "Okay. I'll do it." Kuroki: "Oh, you're bad! You're the worst, Yutori-chan! Can't handle anything, can't make up your damn mind... You're the weakest of the weak, Yutori-chan. But thanks to all that, you got away without a scratch. The weak really do win, Yutori-chan!" Kuroki: "Let's get started. I won't even tie your hand down. Show us what you're made of!" Kuroki: "Even tough guy Yuichi-kun screamed that time!" Kuroki: "Are you hearing this, Yutori-chan?" Kuroki: "Last one!" Kuroki: "Nice work! And that concludes our special edition of the Tomodachi Game. You're free to go home. Though I doubt you'll feel like leaving together after this." Yuichi: "Yeah, I'm definitely pissed." Yuichi: "I seriously snapped. I haven't been this angry in a long time." Kuroki: "I know, right? Yutori-chan really is a piece of shit." Yuichi: "Hey now, don't get it twisted." Kuroki: "Huh?" Yuichi: "This stupid child's play won't make me forget who's to blame. My anger is all for you, asshole! Kuroki! Don't worry, Kokorogi. I'm not mad at you at all." Yuichi: "This is a play that kidnappers often use. They say, "If you don't accept my demands, the hostages will get hurt." Then the kidnappers manipulate the people who refuse their demands into doing something bad. But if you think about it, the real bad guys are the kidnappers who started the whole thing. Like these jerks here." Yuichi: "You're only a victim. There's no reason for you to feel guilty. It's basically my fault you were targeted in the first place. I'm sorry, Kokorogi." Yutori: "I'm so sorry, Yuichi! I... I..." Yuichi: "You aren't scared of me anymore?" Yutori: "I don't know what you were like in the past, but you've been really, really kind to me, so I'm... I'm going to trust the Yuichi I know. I trust you!" Yuichi: "All right. Thanks, Kokorogi." Yuichi: "Can you get back by yourself? I have unfinished business here." Yutori: "Then I'll stay, too." Yuichi: "You sure? You'll end up seeing something scary." Yutori: "It's okay. I've made up my mind to trust you, Yuichi." Yuichi: "All right. I'll get started, then." Yuichi: "Hey, Kuroki-kun. You wanna play another game with me?" Kuroki: "A game? Are you kidding? What would I get out of that?" Yuichi: "10 million yen." Yuichi: "If you win, I'll give you 10 million yen in cash." Punk In Background 1: "10 million?!" Punk In Background 2: "Seriously?!" Punk In Background 3: "Then let me play!" Kuroki: "C'mon, man. I doubt you have that much in the first place." Yuichi: "Huh? You said you knew about my past, right?" Yuichi: "Then you must know I have more than that in loose change." Kuroki: "Ah, yeah, sure. Fine, then. Tell me about this game." Yuichi: "It's simple. Rock Paper Scissors." Kuroki: "Rock Paper Scissors?" Yuichi: "One round of Rock Paper Scissors. If you win, you get 10 million yen. If you lose, how about... I cut off your fingers." Yuichi: "If you throw paper and lose, I'll cut off all five. If you throw scissors and lose, I'll cut off two. If you throw rock, I won't cut off any. So you risk nothing." Yuichi: "Let's call it Rock Paper Fingers." Yuichi: "Doesn't that sound like fun? Ah, but you can relax. You've got a huge advantage." Yuichi: "'Cause I can only throw rock or paper with this hand." Yuichi: "Let's do it. First one is rock—" Kuroki: "Just wait a second! I didn't say I was gonna—" Yuichi: "Huh? Even with that massive advantage, you aren't gonna play? No way. Oh man, don't tell me... you're scared? Fine! If Kuroki wins, I'll give everyone here one million yen each. As a bonus!" Punk In Background 4: "Seriously?!" Punk In Background 5: "One million each!" Punk In Background 6: "Wahoo!" Yuichi: "This game gives Kuroki a massive advantage! Would someone with brains and guts really turn this down?! Let's give your loyal leader a little support, here!" Punks In Background: "Yeah! All right! Do it! Do it!" Yuichi: "Getting interesting, huh, Kuroki?" Kuroki: "You little shit. Fine. I'll play your damn game! Bleh!" Kuroki: "Yeah, I'll play your game. There's no way I can lose." Kuroki: "If you lay out the moves, this is what you get. To win against the low-risk rock, you need to use the high-risk paper. It's a surprisingly smart game. But here's the main point: He can only throw rock or paper. If I throw paper, there's no way I'll lose. At the very worst, it'll be a tie." Kuroki: "Hmm?" Kuroki: "Hey. What happens if we tie?" Yuichi: "Tie? I really doubt that'll ever happen. But if it does, we'll just end the game with no penalty." Kuroki: "No penalty? Is he hoping for a tie? He must know I'll throw paper. Since he can only throw rock or paper, his only choice is paper... So if I throw scissors, I'll win?!" Kuroki: "Is that what you expected me to think, idiot? Scissors do have a good chance of winning, but there's also a chance they might lose. I can't reach out and grab the prize dangling in front of me if there's even a 0.1% chance of losing!" Yuichi: "You're planning to throw paper, aren't you?" Kuroki: "So what if I was?" Yuichi: "I don't really care. It's just... that would show us exactly how pathetic you are." Kuroki: "You tryin' to taunt me? You ain't gonna make me change my throw! Your only choice is to throw paper anyway!" Yuichi: "Nope, I'm not going to throw paper." Kuroki: "Huh?" Yuichi: "Let's do this! First one is rock," Kuroki: "Don't be fooled! If he really doesn't throw paper, all he's got is rock!" Yuichi: "Rock, paper..." Kuroki: "So I've gotta throw paper! Paper, paper, paper!" Yuichi: "Scissors." Kuroki: "H-He..." Kuroki: "His left hand?!" Kuroki: "You lying piece of shit! That isn't what we agreed!" Yuichi: "The hell it isn't!" Yuichi: "I told you I wouldn't throw paper." Kuroki: "That's not what I mean! You said you could only use rock or paper!" Yuichi: "Yeah, with my right hand. But no one said I couldn't use my left." Kuroki: "You think I'm gonna fall for that bullshit excuse?! Guys! Teach this guy a lesson!" Punk: "Uh? Huh?" Different Punk: "What about the game?" Kuroki: "It doesn't count! I told you to get him!" Tsukino: "Stop right there!" Tsukino: "Restrain them all!" Punk 4: "Ugh!" Punk 6: "What?!" Punk 2: "Gah!" Goriki: "Like hell, you bitch!" Punk 5: "Ow, ow, ow!" Punk 3: "Whoa!" Tsukino: "The Tomodachi Game management will be taking over from here!" Reiko: "Hmph!" Maria: "Cheers!" Yuichi: "That was miraculous timing, Tenji." Tenji: "Sorry. I got here a little while ago, but they wouldn't let me barge in." Tsukino: "You're the leader of this group, correct? And the man impersonating the Tomodachi Game?" Kuroki: "W-Why?" Tenji: "I followed Yuichi's instructions and called the real ones." Kuroki: "Huh?!" Tenji: "Yuichi got a bad feeling about that first call. Even though you tried to act like Manabu, you sounded a lot trashier than the real one." Tenji: "So I contacted the real ones and gave them the location you told us." Tsukino: "Now you're coming with me. I'll show you what happens to someone who impersonates us." Yuichi: "Hold on. I can't let you snatch my prize." Yuichi: "I've still got important business with this guy." Yuichi: "So, Kuroki-kun, you haven't forgotten about your promise to me, right?" Kuroki: "P-Promise?" Yuichi: "You threw paper and lost." Yuichi: "You owe me five fingers!" Kuroki: "I... I said I wasn't buying that! This is bullshit!" Tsukino: "Would you mind hurrying it up, then? We're busy too, you know." Yuichi: "Make up your mind, Kuroki." Kuroki: "Shit! Get your shoe off me!" Yuichi: "So, which finger goes first?" Kuroki: "Hey! Someone stop this psycho asshole!" Yuichi: "Oh, c'mon. If you won't choose, how about I pick for you?" Yuichi: "Which finger should go first?" Kuroki: "Please stop!" Yuichi: "Oh. That's right. I can stop if you want." Kuroki: "Y-You can?" Yuichi: "As long as you pick one of your friends to take your place. But I'll only cut off one of their fingers." Kuroki: "H-Hey! You guys hear that? If it isn't me, you'll get off with one-fifth the injury! Yeah, someone come take my place! Hey, c'mon. We're all pals, right? Someone step up and take it! Now! C'mon!" Kuroki: "Sons of bitches! You dumb assholes won't follow my orders?! It's five fingers! Five! That's worth more than one of your shitty fingers! What the hell, you freakin' cowards?! You gonna cry over one goddamn finger?! Huh?! I won't forget this, you assholes—" Tsukino: "Kuroki." Kuroki: "I-I'm sorry! Please forgive me this time! I'll never impersonate the Tomodachi Game again!" Tsukino: "Don't worry. The game has already ended." Tsukino: "Katagiri Yuichi has passed out." Tenji: "Yuichi!" Yutori: "Yuichi! Yuichi!" Kuroki: "God damn it! I still don't buy it. Pretending he won after that childish trick..." Tsukino: "Childish? You don't have a clue, do you?" Tsukino: "Under the rules for Rock Paper Fingers, what hand did you think was superior?" Kuroki: "Obviously either paper, which couldn't lose, or scissors, which had a good chance to win." Tsukino: "Right. Because of what he said." Kuroki: "Huh?" Yuichi: "'Cause I can only throw rock or paper with this hand." Tsukino: "But that was exactly Katagiri Yuichi's plan. He intended to use scissors from the start. Given that, how could he be absolutely sure to at least tie, and not lose?" Kuroki: "To make me think rock wasn't an option..." Tsukino: "Yes. What he, what Katagiri Yuichi did," Tsukino: "was use a truly cold and calculating method that ensured he wouldn't lose." Kuroki: "Even, even if that's true, he ran out of strength and I got away with all my fingers and didn't lose a thing!" Tsukino: "You really are a complete idiot." Kuroki: "Huh?" Tsukino: "The game revealed three facts about you, and made you lose one very big thing. It revealed that you have no brains, have no guts, and that you easily betray your friends. As expected, when I talked to the other members about dealing with you, they said, "That guy means nothing to us anymore." "Do whatever you want with him." In just one game of Rock Paper Scissors, he destroyed all of your connections to other people." Tenji: "Yuichi! Are you okay? Hang on!" Yutori: "Yuichi! Yuichi!" Maria: "Yuichi! Yuichi!" Yutori: "Who are you, exactly?" Maria: "I'm the girl Yuichi dumped." Reiko: "Move over!" Maria: "Meow!" Reiko: "What's happened here? It's amazing he stayed conscious after losing this much blood. Emergency transport! Stretcher! Hurry!" Suited Men: "Right!" Tenji: "Are you going to save him?" Reiko: "Don't get the wrong idea! During the game, you're our products. We can't let him die a boring death like this." Tenji: "As long as you save him, I don't care! We'll stay by his side!" Maria: "Wow, Tenji. You guys sure are good to him." Tenji: "Of course we are! Yuichi's our friend!" Yutori: "Yeah!" Maria: "In that case, don't you have another friend who needs you even more right now?" Maria: "That's right. Shibe Makoto, the murderer." Maria: "If you participate in the next game, you might be able to save Shibe!" Tenji: "Really? In that case—" Maria: "However, you'll get saddled with another 500 million in debt." Tenji: "What—" Yutori: "F-Five hundred million?!" Maria: "Poor Shibe got stuck with a 500 million yen debt that was left when his father died." Maria: "So, what will you choose? Your money or your friend?" Shiho: "Yuichi!" Shibe: "Yuichi!" Yuichi: "You've got to go!" Tenji: "Yuichi!" Yuichi: "Are we going to leave the game like this, before we find out the truth?" Yutori: "Yuichi!" Yuichi: "The most important thing to me isn't money, anyway." Yuichi: "Friends..." Tenji: "Yuichi!" Yutori: "Yuichi! Yuichi!" Reiko: "Looks like he won't be able to participate. Take him away." Suit A: "Yes, ma'am." Tenji: "It's all right, Yuichi. I promise to bring Shibe home." Yutori: "Me, too. I'm still scared and hurt and I wish I could run away, but I'm done being a stranger!" Tenji: "Kokorogi-san." Yutori: "There was so much going on, I didn't really know who I could trust, but Yuichi risked his life to protect me, so I decided that I would only trust him. So... So that's why... Since I know Yuichi has faith in you, I'll go with you, Mikasa-kun." Judge Manabu: "Silence! Silence! Bring the defendant Shibe Makoto into the courtroom." Judge Manabu: "The charge is patricide."
{ "raw_title": "Tomodachi Game Episode 12 – What's Most Important to Me Is...", "parsed": [ "Tomodachi Game", "12", "What's Most Important to Me Is..." ] }
Yuichi: "Shibe! You have the hots for Sawaragi, right? Do you want to know?" Yuichi: "Hey, Sawaragi, your face is bright red!" Yuichi: "Hmm? How about you, Tenji?" Yuichi: "Do you want me to tell you? Fine, but only if you ask out loud and say, "Tell me, please." As if. There's no way you'd say it," Yuichi: "'cause if you did, the debt you worked so hard to lower would all come back." Yuichi: "I can see right through you. One of you is trying to dump the debt all on Kokorogi." Yuichi: "But that won't work. Since I talked, my debt is now doubled. Basically, I'm the one with the most debt now, no question." Yuichi: "And if this is game over, the traitor's gonna be the big loser, here." Yuichi: "It was written on my question card. "Rule change: The last place penalty will go to the person with the least debt."" Maria: "Huh? No way!" Tsukino: "Of course he's bluffing." Maria: "Oh, right! Nobody would believe that." Tsukino: "Are you sure about that? Imagine you're the traitor. Think about it carefully." Tsukino: "You've succeeded in reducing your debt and are poised to win. Now you just have to aim the last place penalty at your target. It makes you feel just like a hunter. But what if, at the moment you're about to pull the trigger," Tsukino: "you learned that you were the one being hunted?" Tsukino: "You mustn't speak. If you do, you'll be hunted down. Caught in Katagiri Yuichi's trap, speaking out would be the same as confessing that you have the least debt. So, you cannot speak. You cannot move. You have to wait in silence." Yuichi: "As if! It's a joke! Just a joke." Yuichi: "I only wanted to change the mood." Yuichi: "There's no traitor here. I trust all of you. Okay, let's get back to the game. I think the question was, "Will we always be friends?" It's a no-brainer. The answer is obviously "yes." Right?" Tsukino: "That look... it's his final warning." Tsukino: "Let's make this a "yes." Otherwise the traitor will be the one who dies." Maria: "It'll be fun to see if the traitor falls for his bluff or not! I'm so excited!" Manabu: "Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san, if you are present, please tell us the answer." Manabu: "Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san, if you are present, tell us the answer." Manabu: "Yes! Correct answer! You've cleared the Kokkuri-san game!" Maria: "Oh, my God!" Tsukino: "With wit and courage like that, he doesn't seem like an ordinary high schooler. However, he paid quite a price to clear the game. Suspicion really does beget monsters. In order to clear the game," Tsukino: "Katagiri Yuichi planted the seed of doubt that one of them is a traitor." Yuichi: "I have to uncover the traitor before the second game." Yuichi: "And to do that... Guys, how much debt do you have now?" Tenji: "We should all have the same amount. The first game took 400,000 off our 4 million debt, so it's 3.6 million now." Makoto: "M-Me too, of course." Shiho: "I haven't lost more than anyone else." Tenji: "Should we show the back of our name tags?" Yuichi: "Not a chance. Your debt would double." Shibe: "But you already have..." Shiho: "...because you just talked." Yuichi: "No, I'm at 3.6 million, too. It did double when I talked, but I'd already cut it in half," Yuichi: "so it ended up even." Yuichi: "In the first game, I bet our answers didn't match because we were nervous. Let's start over fresh in the second game and trust each other." Manabu: "Hey, are you done? You talk too much." Yuichi: "Uh... yeah." Manabu: "Okay, let's go, then!" Yuichi: "Oh, sorry. My shoelace." Manabu: "Huh? We'll go without you." Yuichi: "Yeah, I'll catch up in a sec." Yuichi: "Everyone has the same debt? Sorry, but I can't believe that." Maria: "Oh, he noticed!" Tsukino: "Yes. The question cards are the only things that show the conditions for reducing debt. If you check those, you'll understand how the amounts changed in the game." Yuichi: "The text is disappearing!" Tsukino: "Too bad. We used a special ink for certain parts, so the text would disappear after a fixed amount of time." Yuichi: "Damn!" Shiho: "Yuichi?" Shiho: "What's wrong? You look upset." Yuichi: "O-Oh, it's nothing. What's up, Sawaragi?" Shiho: "I wanted to talk to you alone." Shiho: "What do you think about this situation, Yuichi?" Shiho: "Do you really think one of us is a traitor?" Shiho: "I think so." Shiho: "You agree, right? If you know who the traitor is, tell me!" Shiho: "At least tell me who you suspect!" Yuichi: "The one I suspect the most is you, Sawaragi." Shiho: "No way! Why me?!" Yuichi: "Before the game started, you said..." Shiho: "Given the circumstances, I don't think we should try and figure out whose debt it is." Yuichi: "The Sawaragi Shiho I know would never forgive the thief who stole the school trip fund and put us in this game. Especially if it was a friend." Shiho: "Sorry, Yuichi. I have to apologize about something." Shiho: "I thought you were the one who stole the money." Yuichi: "Huh?! B-Because I'm poor? You pitied me because I'm poor and my parents are gone? That's why you didn't question me?" Shiho: "No! It wasn't that at all!" Yuichi: "What other reason is there, then?!" Shiho: "I-It's..." Yuichi: "What is it?!" Shiho: "It's because... I like you, Yuichi." Yuichi: "Eh?" Yuichi: "Huh?!" Shiho: "It isn't pity or anything." Shiho: "It's because I like you, Yuichi. So..." Yuichi: "It's okay. I get it. I get it now." Yuichi: "So, do you still suspect me?" Shiho: "Nope. You aren't the thief, Yuichi. But I have to apologize about one more thing." Shiho: "Actually, my debt right now isn't 3.6 million." Shiho: "It's 7.6 million." Yuichi: "Her debt should be half, but it's double?!" Shiho: "Remember when I almost yelled? I guess I made a little sound." Yuichi: "And you were so surprised, you lied about it?" Shiho: "Mm-hmm. In that fifth question, I think you were trying to protect Yutori, but the one you really protected was me." Shiho: "Yuichi, I won't betray you, no matter what. I'll believe you, no matter what. Let's beat the Tomodachi Game together." Yuichi: "All right. Let's cooperate." Tsukino: "Katagiri Yuichi. When money's involved, he becomes a sharp judge of character, but that isn't enough to win the Tomodachi Game." Tsukino: "Because there are still others willing to destroy that friendship." Shibe: "W-Where are we?" Yuichi: "The roof? I thought we were indoors." Manabu: "All righty, everyone!" Shibe: "Huh? Manabu-kun?" Manabu: "You gotta call me Manabu-sensei now, you dumbass." Manabu: "All right, listen up! You're keeping secrets from each other, aren't you? Today, I want you to spill all the beans!" Manabu: "The gods are also watching over you from up in the big, blue sky." Manabu: "Let's get started!" Manabu: "The second game is Bad-Mouth Sugoroku!" Shibe: "Sugoroku? So these are spaces?" Manabu: "In Bad-Mouth Sugoroku, you win by taking your friends out and sending them straight to hell." Yuichi: "Send our friends to hell?" Manabu: "Yeah. Otherwise, it's just normal Sugoroku. Those are the detailed rules. Read them carefully!" Shibe: "I don't get it at all." Manabu: "All right, want to try it out, then?" Manabu: "You go into the private room one at a time and write trash about someone. Bad-mouth someone on a bad-mouth card, then put it in the box. I'll collect the cards from the box and then read them. Ta-da! "Kokorogi Yutori is actually a G cup." "Shibe Makoto wears a wig."" Shibe: "Hey! That's not true!" Manabu: ""Sawaragi Shiho has athlete's foot." "Mikasa Tenji wears fake glasses just for the looks." "Katagiri Yuichi is actually rich." Once everyone's bad-mouthing is read, we do a survey with the gods, the viewers funding the Tomodachi Game." Shibe: "Viewers?" Yutori: "Are we being turned into a show?" Manabu: "And the survey says..." Manabu: "That's how we decide how many spaces you move. You move the number of spaces you get and then follow the instructions." Tenji: "So, the survey determines popularity and unpopular people score higher?" Manabu: "Yeah, but the first person to reach the goal will suffer a massive loss." Tenji: "What's that supposed to mean?" Manabu: "When at least one person reaches the goal, you clear the game. Each person will get a 400,000 yen reward. But anyone left on the board when the game ends gets an additional one million. They won't have to play the third game, and they can go home for a while." Text: "Go home!!" Yutori: "W-We can go home!" Manabu: "Spill all your friends' secrets and keep bad-mouthing them until someone falls into that hell of a goal. And that's Bad-Mouth Sugoroku! Doesn't it sound fun?" Shiho: "It doesn't sound fun at all! There's no way we can do that!" Manabu: "Just turn in a blank card, then." Shibe: "But what if everyone's bad-mouth card is blank?" Manabu: "Then we don't survey the gods, and everyone moves one space." Shibe: "Okay, so if nobody writes anything, we'll all reach the goal together." Manabu: "Yeah. But then you just get a two million yen reward, and everyone will be forced to play the third game." Shiho: "That isn't a problem at all." Manabu: "Oh? But if one person betrays you, everyone who left it blank will be at a huge disadvantage." Yuichi: "Sawaragi, don't worry. We're friends. We won't betray each other." Shiho: "Yuichi..." Shibe: "That's right! We're besties!" Shiho: "Let's all reach the goal together, guys. That's the only way to protect our friendship." Maria: "Yeah, let's all reach the goal together!" Maria: "It's just like a marathon. But no one's ever running all together at the end." Tsukino: "That's true. Humans are very calculating creatures. I wonder how many spaces they'll last together if it only disadvantages them." Manabu: "Okay. The first submissions have been collected. And... zero bad-mouthing! They were all blank cards. So, everyone move one space together like friends." Shiho: "Minus 100,000 yen?" Shibe: "No way! You didn't tell us about that!" Manabu: "Huh? Sure I did. I said it was normal Sugoroku otherwise." Yuichi: "If we get 100,000 more debt per space, we'll end up with six million yen!" Manabu: "The second round of cards were all blank, too. Okay, everyone, move forward one space." Yuichi: "F-Five hundred thousand?" Manabu: "Why would they all be one hundred?" Manabu: "Oh, dear. You look a little pale, guys. I guess you did just add 600,000 of debt in two moves. I've got some great advice for you, though! Yup! Right now, with 600,000 each from five people, you can add three million to someone else's debt! Now do you see why it's stupid for you to finish together?" Shiho: "Don't let him manipulate us!" Shibe: "Yeah, we get it, Shiho." Shiho: "Thanks, Shibe." Manabu: "And the results of the third submissions... One card is not blank!" Tsukino: "That was faster than I expected." Maria: "I hope it's a really huge exposé!" Tsukino: "Even a small one is good at first. While it might look trivial from the outside, for them it could be explosive enough to destroy their relationship." Manabu: "And it says... "Sawaragi Shiho likes Katagiri Yuichi."" Yutori: "Huh?" Shibe: "S-Seriously?" Shiho: "W-Why..." Manabu: "Wait, there's more. "And the same Sawaragi Shiho used to date Mikasa Tenji."" Tsukino: "The most popular way to destroy friendship between a man and a woman is with romance." Tsukino: "Of course, there's no reason to attack someone for who they like or once dated. But it's still a tough issue to parse." Manabu: "And the result of the god survey is here!" Yuichi: "Plus-minus zero? So sometimes there's no change." Shibe: "Yuichi, how can you be so chill?" Yuichi: "Huh?" Shibe: "You didn't know Shiho liked you, did you?" Shibe: "What the... You knew I liked her. Were you both mocking me?" Tenji: "Cut it out. Jealousy isn't becoming of a man." Shibe: "This doesn't involve you!" Tenji: "Yes, it does. I'm Shiho-chan's ex. I know her very well." Shiho: "Stop it, Tenji! Don't say it in a way people will misunderstand." Shibe: "Misunderstand?" Shiho: "I didn't tell anyone, but Mikasa-kun and I were childhood friends. My dad is a police officer and Mikasa-kun's dad is a public prosecutor. They were in the same class in college, so our families were very close." Shiho'S Dad: "Tenji-kun is the only husband for Shiho." Shiho: "They decided between themselves that we should get engaged..." Tenji'S Dad: "It'd be great if Shiho-chan became my daughter!" Shiho: "So we pretended to date, for our parents..." Shiho: "until Mikasa-kun's dad died two years ago. Then Mikasa-kun changed schools. It was by chance that we met again last year in high school." Shibe: "And you call that dating? That's a lie, right?" Manabu: "Hmm. I'm not so sure. If they had no romantic feelings at the time, then it might be a lie." Shiho: "Yes, neither of us—" Tenji: "I really did like you." Tenji: "Even now, I'm still in love with you." Tenji: "That's why you've always pissed me off, Shibe!" Tenji: "I couldn't stand your thoughtless statements and attitude toward Sawaragi-san!" Yuichi: "Tenji..." Shibe: "Then you should have just told me you liked her and to keep my hands off!" Tenji: "How could I? I knew Sawaragi-san liked Yuichi." Shibe: "Th-That's still no reason to write it on the bad-mouth card!" Tenji: "Huh? You've got to be the one who wrote it!" Shibe: "Bullshit! How would anyone else know about your and Shiho's past?" Tenji: "You're such a simpleton. That would make me the number one suspect. There's no way I wrote it. Shibe, try to think about it a little. You're starting to look like an idiot." Shibe: "Then why would a smart ass like you think it's me, Tenji-kun?" Tenji: "You're jealous. You must have at least heard rumors about Sawaragi-san's connection to me and Yuichi. You wanted to see if it was true. You're jealous of the special connection we have. You're the only one who's literally "just a friend."" Tenji: "Right?" Shibe: "Tenji!" Yuichi: "Stop, you idiots! Break it up!" Yuichi: "You both like Sawaragi, right?" Yuichi: "Then quit doing things that upset her." Yutori: "So, Shiho-chan, you like Yuichi, don't you?" Shiho: "Y-Yeah." Yutori: "And not just Shibe-kun, but Mikasa-kun, too..." Shiho: "Yutori...?" Yutori: "The boys all fall for you, Shiho-chan. I bet Yuichi will, too." Maria: "Yay! What an absolute mess!" Tsukino: "It is quite interesting. Playing dumb in the midst of all that carnage. Whoever wrote that card is lying through their teeth." Yuichi: "I'll go in first." Yuichi: "Okay, I left mine blank. You're next." Shiho: "All right. I've got this." Yuichi: "All right. Are they all blank?" Manabu: "This time there are three submissions!" Maria: "As expected!" Makoto: "Shibe Makoto took baths with his mother until junior high." Manabu: "Katagiri Yuichi once didn't take a bath for a week. Actually, Sawaragi Shiho has had plastic surgery." Manabu: "And the results of the survey are..." Shibe: "Of course the plastic surgery one's a lie, right Shiho?" Shiho: "So what if it is true?" Shiho: "If I'd had plastic surgery, would you still have liked me? Would we even have become friends?" Shibe: "Th-That's not..." Maria: "If you liked someone of the opposite sex who had plastic surgery... Well, I doubt that would destroy the friendship, too." Tsukino: "I don't think that's the case. Friendship is even more calculating than romance." Maria: "Oh?" Tsukino: "People make friends to have fun together, to stop getting bullied, to get money..." Maria: "You don't want a friendship that has no advantages!"
{ "raw_title": "Tomodachi Game Episode 2 – You Have a Lot to Say to Me, Don't You?", "parsed": [ "Tomodachi Game", "2", "You Have a Lot to Say to Me, Don't You?" ] }
Manabu: "This time there are three submissions!" Makoto: "Shibe Makoto took baths with his mother until junior high." Manabu: "Katagiri Yuichi once didn't take a bath for a week. Actually, Sawaragi Shiho has had plastic surgery." Shibe: "Of course the plastic surgery one's a lie, right Shiho?" Shiho: "So what if it is true? If I'd had plastic surgery, would you still have liked me? Would we even have become friends?" Shibe: "Th-That's not..." Maria: "If you liked someone of the opposite sex who had plastic surgery... Well, I doubt that would destroy the friendship, too." Tsukino: "I don't think that's the case. Friendship is even more calculating than romance." Maria: "Oh?" Tsukino: "People make friends to have fun together, to stop getting bullied, to get money..." Maria: "You don't want a friendship that has no advantages!" Tsukino: "Right. While there is unconditional love, there's no such thing as an unconditional friendship." Manabu: "Oh? There's only one submission this time. But this one's a real doozy. Kokorogi Yutori engaged in compensated dating in junior high." Manabu: "Wow! As your teacher, I'm shocked! Who would've guessed that Yutori-chan went on compensated dates in junior high?" Yutori: "W-Why? Why did you do this, Shiho-chan?!" Shiho: "No! It wasn't me! I didn't write it!" Yutori: "Liar! Shiho-chan, you're the only one who knew!" Shibe: "Yutori did compensated dating?" Shibe: "You mean, she sold her body to adult men?" Shibe: "For someone who isn't a virgin, you sure seem innocent." Tenji: "Shibe!" Shibe: "What the hell are you doing, Tenji?!" Tenji: "Shut the hell up. Don't say another word!" Tenji: "Yuichi, can you look after Kokorogi-san?" Yuichi: "Y-Yeah, but... I don't know what I can do for her." Tenji: "Don't be stupid. Just keep her company." Yuichi: "Kokorogi..." Tenji: "Yuichi, you really are a sinful man." Tenji: "Let's give Kokorogi-san some space until she calms down." Shiho: "Y-Yeah." Manabu: "It looks like you're in the middle of something, but here are the results! Makes sense, given that Yutori-chan was the only one bad-mouthed. Oh? And the comments are all unspeakable!" Manabu: "You're all spread out now, so look here to see your positions. Let's review the rules, too. If anyone reaches the goal, you all win the game, and you each get a 400,000 yen prize. Those who clear without reaching the goal get an additional one million reward." Manabu: "But remember what I said? In Bad-Mouth Sugoroku, the first person to reach the goal will suffer a massive loss." Manabu: "Whoever reaches the goal takes on all of the debt everyone else got during the game. For example, if someone reached the goal now," Manabu: "four of you would get a 1.4 million yen reward. Shiho-sama alone would receive everyone else's debt, and after subtracting the 400,000 reward, would be left carrying 5.5 million in debt." Manabu: "But for right now, it looks like you're more worried about something besides debt." Yuichi: "Are you okay, Kokorogi?" Yutori: "Y-Yuichi..." Yuichi: "Yeah?" Yutori: "I really, really needed the money." Yutori: "The bullying now doesn't compare to what happened in junior high. Every day, they did horrible things to me, but I didn't want to cause any trouble for my mom, so I just put up with it, and kept going to school." Yutori: "My friends abandoned me. My teacher wouldn't help at all, either." Yutori: "But... I did find one way to stop the bullying." Bg: "You're so cute. We're friends, aren't we? We're great friends. I'm your friend, yeah? Yeah!" Yutori: "I could give them money. The people who always did horrible things to me would smile when I gave them money. They'd treat me nicely. Money's the only thing that protected me!" Yuichi: "Kokorogi... You..." Yutori: "I really needed money," Yutori: "but I didn't get enough allowance." Yutori: "I tried to think of a way to earn money..." Yutori: "And then, I realized... At first, he just wanted to talk, but soon, he started taking me to dinner," Yutori: "and then karaoke..." Yutori: "and then cosplay, but that's something I'd always liked, anyway..." Yutori: "Then, he wanted to take pictures of me in an outfit he liked." Yutori: "But, I mean, taking pictures of cosplay is totally normal, right? And then... Then, he said, "I want to touch you."" Yutori: "Just touching?" Man: "Yeah, just touching. Have I ever lied to you?" Yutori: "I guess... not." Man: "So it's okay, right?" Yuichi: "Kokorogi..." Yuichi: "And then, you..." Yutori: "No, I was okay. I got scared partway through and ran away." Manabu: "Now, that's not believable at all, Yutori-chan." Yutori: "I-It's the truth! I did compensated dating, but I never went that far with it! Yuichi! Believe me, Yuichi! I-I'm still a virgin! Yuichi!" Yutori: "If you abandon me, too, I'll be all alone." Maria: "A girl's virginity... Do you think it's important, Senpai?" Tsukino: "The only people who get upset about that are stupid virgins themselves." Tsukino: "Well, I am half-joking..." Maria: "Half?" Tsukino: "In general, for both men and women, the more "immaculate" someone is, the more they fixate on others' filth." Maria: "An immaculate... human?" Tsukino: "Put simply, humans who convince themselves that they aren't dirty. They live pure and righteous lives, and see people who can't do that as aberrations, as filth, and as unforgivable. Humans who have never once stepped out of line in their lives, and who convince themselves they never will, can't forgive the smallest mistake in others. Ultimately, whether or not he can forgive or believe her" Tsukino: "will depend on how aware he is of his own impurity." Yuichi: "Kokorogi, it isn't about whether or not I believe you." Yuichi: "No matter what happened to you in the past, I'll never leave you." Yutori: "Y-Yuichi?" Maria: "Aw!" Yuichi: "Because I..." Yuichi: "And so..." Yuichi: "Sorry for saying something so weird." Yuichi: "But maybe now you'll believe me when I say I won't leave you." Maria: "Huh? What, what?! Was that a love confession? I couldn't hear it!" Tsukino: "Given the context, it appeared so," Tsukino: "but it may have been something entirely different." Tsukino: "Either way, one thing is totally clear now. He wasn't fazed at all. He forgave Kokorogi Yutori. In other words, Katagiri Yuichi is aware that he is impure." Tsukino: "There must be something in his past..." Yuichi: "Can you keep going, Kokorogi?" Yutori: "Yeah." Yutori: "As long as you stay with me, Yuichi." Yuichi: "Okay, I will." Yutori: "But right now, I want to stay far away from Shiho-chan." Shiho: "Wh-Why?! I told you, it wasn't me!" Yutori: "Maybe so. I want to believe that's true... But right now... I just can't." Tenji: "Sawaragi-san. It can't be helped." Shiho: "But, still..." Tenji: "Did you really know about all that?" Shiho: "Well, yeah. Not everything, but I did know about it. Shortly after we got into high school," Shiho: "I saw Yutori surrounded by some students from another school." Shiho: "Obviously, I defended her. But right when I tried to take Yutori and run... one of them said..." Hoodlum A: "She ain't worth protecting. A chick like that'll do anything for cash." Shiho: "I was worried, so I asked, and she told me she did compensated dating in junior high. I didn't want to dig any deeper, and promised I wouldn't tell anyone. I asked if she wanted to be friends." Shiho: "I never break my promises to my friends!" Tenji: "I know. Even when you were little, you were the same way." Shiho: "Mikasa-kun..." Tenji: "You've always been straightforward and honest, and you always put your friends first." Tenji: "I believe you." Shiho: "Thank you for believing me, Tenji-san!" Tenji: "No problem! We're childhood buddies. I know you better than anyone!" Shiho: "Yeah." Maria: "Wow! Everything's getting messy in so many ways!" Tsukino: "It is. And it turns out we do have one." Maria: ""One" what?" Tsukino: "A human who's deliberately trying to destroy the friendships in this group, of course." Tsukino: "Maybe that one didn't start the Tomodachi Game to bury the others in debt. The true goal might be to destroy the friendships between the five of them." Maria: "In that case, do you think Shibe's the most suspicious? He was obviously jealous of the relationship between Yuichi-kun and Shiho-chan, and now he's off sulking all by himself." Tsukino: "He certainly does appear to be wealthy, so he would probably prioritize love and friendship over money." Maria: "Right? And the next most suspicious one is Tenji-kun. It looks like he didn't know about Yutori-chan's compensated dating, but I bet he did know that Shiho-chan likes Yuichi-kun, and that she'd had plastic surgery before." Tsukino: "If you think about it from that perspective, isn't there someone who's even more suspicious?" Maria: "Huh? Even more... suspicious? Oh! It's Shiho-chan! She knew about the compensated dating, her own time dating Tenji-kun, and of course, her own feelings for Yuichi-kun." Tsukino: "Yeah. It's possible to bad-mouth yourself on a bad-mouth card." Maria: "In that case, Shiho-chan is the most suspicious after all." Tsukino: "Conversely, if you think about what happened in the first game, we can't let Katagiri Yuichi off the hook yet." Maria: "Either way, it seems like Yutori-chan is the most unlikely, especially after all that crying." Processed Voice: "Break..." Processed Voice: "Break..." Processed Voice: "Break..." Processed Voice: "Break..." Processed Voice: "Break!" Processed Voice: "Break!" Processed Voice: "You'll break into pieces!" Processed Voice: "That's why I stole the two million yen." Shiho: "Hey, guys. You all turned in your class trip fee, right?" Student: "Oh, really? That's so crazy!" Shiho: "Hey, everyone! It's independent study time, not free time! Can't you be a little quieter?" Student: "Who cares?" Yuichi: "You're the loudest one here, Sawaragi." Shiho: "Huh? Quit nitpicking," Shiho: "or I'll beat you up!" Yuichi: "You already did." Shiho: "I need to hurry over to the teachers' room." Girl 1: "Hey, Shiho." Shiho: "Huh?" Girl 1: "Matsuda-sensei's calling for you. You need to go to the third floor multimedia room now." Shiho: "Huh? That's totally in the opposite direction. Right now?" Girl 1: "It sounds like it." Shiho: "Oh, well." Shiho: "I won't be gone long." Shibe: "Hey, man, would you let me copy your math homework?" Boy: "Huh? Ask Katagiri. You're friends, right?" Shibe: "Yuichi? No way. He's been working his butt off. Look at him." Shibe: "You wouldn't wanna wake him up, would you?" Boy: "Fine, then. Here." Shibe: "Oh! Thank you! Hey, guys! I need to concentrate! Don't talk to me!" Boy: "No one was gonna, trust me." Yutori: "Ow, ow, ow..." Processed Voice: "Sorry, Kokorogi-san." Yutori: "No, it was my fault. Oh!" Girl 2: "Kokorogi-san, are you okay?" Kokorogi: "Y-Yeah, I'm fine! Don't worry about me!" Kokorogi: "Um, did... you see?" Kokorogi: "You did, didn't you?" Kokorogi: "I've been drawing manga." Kokorogi: "I don't have ambitions to become a pro, or anything. I just have a really active imagination, and I wanted to try drawing it out, since I love manga." Kokorogi: "I was keeping it a secret, but now you know. Oh, sorry! I talk too much. Were you doing something?" Processed Voice: "It's okay. I'm already done." Kokorogi: "Oh, you're bleeding near your eye!" Kokorogi: "I-I'm sorry! My fountain pen went flying and must have cut you. You'd better get it treated or it might leave a scar." Processed Voice: "It's okay. I don't think anyone will notice." Processed Voice: "Oh, man. What a nasty face you're making, Shibe!" Processed Voice: "When you found out the girl you like had plastic surgery, did you lose interest? Well, she did get plastic surgery, but it wasn't cosmetic. She had to do it to cover the facial scar she got in junior high." Processed Voice: "I'm the only one who knows the truth. And the person who wrote that, of course," Processed Voice: "is me." Processed Voice: "It's not just that, either. I know it all. Everything." Shiho'S Friend: "Did you see the TV drama?" Shiho: "Oh, I haven't seen it, so don't spoil anything." Shiho: "See you later." Shiho'S Friend: "Bye!" Processed Voice: "Because I was always watching." Processed Voice: "I know where you kept your spare locker key..." Shiho: "An anti-theft alarm? Thanks! I'll keep it on my bag." Processed Voice: "Because I was always listening." Yutori: "That's why... That's why I..." Yutori: "I had to start compensated dating..." Shiho: "Don't worry. I promise to keep it a secret." Processed Voice: "Even private conversations..." Shiho: "Oh, is that a cut?" Shiho: "You'd better treat it or it'll leave a scar. Take those off and show me." Shiho: "Yeah, that's definitely a cut." Yutori: "My fountain pen went flying and must have cut you. You'd better get it treated." Processed Voice: "It's okay. I don't think anyone will notice." Tenji: "Yeah, maybe." Tenji: "Break... Break... Break..." Tenji: "Shiho-chan's relationships will all break into pieces! And when you're left alone, all by yourself, I'll say sweet things to you." Tenji: "And then, Shiho-chan, how will you react? What will you say to me then?"
{ "raw_title": "Tomodachi Game Episode 3 – There's No Way I'd Believe That", "parsed": [ "Tomodachi Game", "3", "There's No Way I'd Believe That" ] }
Shiho: "I'm really not the one who told Yutori-chan's secret..." Tenji: "Shiho-chan..." Shiho: "Please, will you believe me, Tenji-san?" Tenji: "Of course I will." Tenji: "After all, I'm the one who revealed it. I wrote both the first secret, and the second one, too. As for the other two, Shibe likes Shiho-chan, and Yuichi said he would cooperate with her, so they both probably bad-mouthed each other to get her out of first place. But I'm the one who told the biggest secrets, and I did it all to destroy her friendships!" Text: "thief parent and child crooks" Maria: "They've all stopped." Tsukino: "Yes, but this is how Bad-Mouth Sugoroku is meant to be played." Tsukino: "The seeds of doubt sown in the first game are beginning to sprout. Soon, they'll all hate each other. And if there is a traitor in the group, it will be nearly impossible to restore their friendships." Shiho: "Tenji-san, you believed me when I said I didn't bad-mouth Yutori, right?" Tenji: "Yeah, that's right." Shiho: "Who do you think bad-mouthed her, then?" Tenji: "Shiho-chan! If you start looking for a villain too, we'll never be able to restore our friendships!" Shiho: "I-I'm sorry." Tenji: "I was already expecting that question." Tenji: "Kokorogi-san's feelings toward Shiho-chan are already destroyed. Next, I have to destroy Shiho-chan's feelings toward Kokorogi-san." Tenji: "But since you're being set up, I can understand why you'd worry about it. You know, and I'm just saying this because I'm on your side," Tenji: "but what if Kokorogi-san wrote that herself?" Shiho: "N-No way!" Tenji: "Of course that's just a guess, and I don't want to believe it's true either," Tenji: "but looking at that, it makes you wonder." Tenji: "You might have already noticed, but I think Kokorogi-san likes Yuichi, too." Tenji: "And now she's figured out that you also like him. Kokorogi-san has no self-confidence, and she knows that Shibe and I like you, too." Tenji: "She knows that she'd never win Yuichi if she's up against you. So maybe she revealed her own secret and cried like that to elicit sympathy from Yuichi." Tenji: "Then she accused you of writing it, making you look bad." Shiho: "T-That's really overthinking it." Tenji: "Yeah, you're right. Sorry." Tenji: "But if it's true, I'd feel bad for Yuichi." Shiho: "Huh?" Tenji: "Yuichi is really innocent and sweet, right? If a weak girl started pleading for his help, I doubt he'd be able to refuse," Tenji: "even if he really liked someone else." Tenji: "For Yuichi, that would be really unpleasant." Shiho: "You might be right, but then why would you tell me something like that?" Tenji: "I told you why. I'm on your side, Shiho-chan. I don't want to see you get hurt any more. That's all." Shiho: "Okay. I'll think about it." Tenji: "That might not be enough to blow up your friendship with Kokorogi-san, but I think the fuse is lit, at least. Still, Yuichi, you truly are wicked. Not only are you putting Shiho-chan through this, you're forcing me to feel this way!" Manabu: "Hey, cut out the PDA. Hurry up and get back to the game!" Yuichi: "Yeah, you're right." Yuichi: "Sorry Tenji, but could you go first?" Tenji: "Huh? Oh, sure." Tenji: "Oh, well. It would only draw suspicion if I seemed reluctant." Tenji: "Let's see, what should I write next? Now that I've lit the fuse, maybe something to fan the flames of Shiho-chan's anger and totally destroy her friendship with Kokorogi-san... No, wait— Currently I'm so far behind I stand out," Tenji: "and they might suspect something because I haven't gotten a single bad-mouth yet. Should I write something about myself this time? As long as I track our rankings and stay mindful of who I write about, I shouldn't raise suspicion. And maybe I can use this bad-mouth to my own advantage..." Tenji: "Oh. The three minutes aren't up yet. I'm done—" Yuichi: "That's enough!" Tenji: "Yuichi... slapped Shiho-chan?!" Yuichi: "S-Sorry, Sawaragi, but that's your bad." Yuichi: "How could you say that Kokorogi wrote that one herself?" Yuichi: "There's no way!" Tenji: "She told Kokorogi-san the same thing I told her?" Shiho: "You don't get it, Yuichi." Shiho: "When a woman really wants something, she'll play dirty to get it." Shiho: "Isn't that right, Yutori?" Yutori: "You're right." Yutori: "Like the way some people use plastic surgery to get pretty!" Tenji: "Just look at this!" Shiho: "Huh. So you're going to keep on about that? I kept quiet because I really didn't want to remember it, but I didn't get plastic surgery to "get pretty." I got into trouble a long time ago and got a scar on my face. The surgery was to cover it up." Shibe: "I-Is that what happened?" Shiho: "Yutori, if you don't believe me, then I don't care anymore. But if you keep attacking me like this, then I'll stop trusting you, too!" Yutori: "Fine. I don't care as long as Yuichi still believes me." Yutori: "You promised that you'd believe me no matter what, right, Yuichi?" Yuichi: "Uh, yeah." Shiho: "Yuichi!" Tenji: "It's over now. Kokorogi-san and Shiho-chan's friendship has totally collapsed. And Yuichi and Shiho-chan's relationship is showing strain, too. I didn't expect this to happen when I wasn't looking. Lucky me!" Tenji: "Sorry, Shiho-chan. I shouldn't have said that much." Shiho: "No, that's not it." Tenji: "But..." Shiho: "I wanted to talk to her to clear things up, but she wasn't having it, and it pissed me off. It's fine, though. I don't want to talk to Yutori or Yuichi anymore." Tenji: "Shiho-chan! Since Yuichi says he'll believe Kokorogi-san no matter what," Tenji: "then I'll believe you, no matter what!" Tenji: "So cheer up! I know I probably can't replace Yuichi, though." Shiho: "That isn't true. I'm really grateful." Tenji: "Oh, this is great! Shiho-chan's heart is starting to turn away from Yuichi and toward me! Now my next setup will be even more effective!" Maria: "Shiho-chan was supposed to like Yuichi-kun, but now things are looking good with Tenji-kun." Tsukino: "Women are sensible creatures. No matter how much they like someone, they can fall out of love in an instant. Especially if they connect with someone else who understands them even better." Manabu: "Hey, guys! Only Tenji-kun has submitted a card so far. Who's up next?" Yutori: "Ah, I guess I'll go." Yuichi: "I'll go next." Manabu: "Did you all turn them in?" Manabu: "This time there are two exposés." Tenji: "Two? One is mine, but who wrote the other?" Manabu: ""Sawaragi Shiho actually usually wears men's boxers." "They're usually either grey or black."" Shiho: "Yutori!" Tenji: "Shiho-chan, calm down! I see. That must be Kokorogi-san's revenge." Manabu: "And the other one is... Oh, this is pretty interesting." Manabu: "Mikasa Tenji is actually lying about his age." Yuichi: "T-Tenji, is that true?" Tenji: "Well, "lying" is a bit of an exaggeration, but I am one year older than you guys." Tenji: "After I graduated from junior high, I went to a different high school. But I had problems and skipped almost the whole year, so I dropped out." Tenji: "After that, I entered our school and started over from first year. Sorry, I didn't mean to keep it a secret. I just didn't want to bring it up." Yuichi: "You don't need to apologize for that." Tenji: "Although the thing that surprises me is... Shiho-chan and I were childhood friends, so I thought she was the only one who knew." Shiho: "Huh..." Shiho: "Huh?!" Shibe: "Shiho..." Yuichi: "Sawaragi..." Yutori: "This again?" Shiho: "N-No! It wasn't me, Tenji-san!" Tenji: "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to doubt you or anything. Like I said, I trust you." Shiho: "Then..." Tenji: "It's just..." Tenji: "You've probably noticed this too, but you're becoming isolated." Tenji: "Of course, I will absolutely never betray you. I can't speak for the others, though." Tenji: "From now on, I want you to stay close to me. Don't do anything on your own." Shiho: "Okay." Tenji: "Thanks." Tenji: "Perfect. Now Shiho-chan will have to listen to everything I say!" Manabu: "So, here's the result of the god survey!" Manabu: "And here is the current status." Manabu: "Uh-oh! What will Shiho-sama get while she's that far in the lead?" Manabu: "Ta-da!" Shiho: "Special chance?" Tenji: "Nominate one of us five?" Manabu: "The person nominated here will get a bombshell exposé" Manabu: "that we investigated in the Tomodachi Game office!" Manabu: "We'll then collect votes on whether that info is forgivable or not. That person can zip ahead based on the percentage of the response. Basically, it's a special chance for a huge turnaround!" Tenji: "Chance?" Tenji: "This..." Tenji: "This puts me in a bind!" Tenji: "If I get picked, the fact that I stole the two million..." Tenji: "that I applied to play the Tomodachi Game..." Tenji: "There's a good chance they'll both be revealed!! If that gets out, everything I've planned will be for nothing!" Manabu: "Well then, Shiho-sama, who will you pick? Will it be Yutori-chan, now that she's gotten so cocky? Or Shibe, simply because he's safe in last place? Of course if you're up for self-sacrifice, you can choose yourself. Ah, but aren't you interested in hearing your beloved Yuichi-kun's secrets? Tenji-kun seems like your ally now, so maybe you shouldn't pick him." Tenji: "Yes! That's exactly right!" Manabu: "On the other hand, picking the person you trust most might be the best move because there's a good chance he isn't guilty of anything." Tenji: "W-Why, you..." Manabu: "If he's truly innocent, we wouldn't be able find anything no matter how deep we dig." Shiho: "If there's nothing to expose, then nobody will be hurt, right?" Tenji: "O-Oh, no! I built up so much trust, it's backfiring!" Shiho: "Then, Tenji-san..." Shibe: "Pick me for this, Shiho!" Tenji: "Shibe?!" Shiho: "W-Why you?" Shibe: "Well, I gave it some thought." Shibe: "I've been thoughtless and have said some awful things to you all... I know this won't make up for all that," Shibe: "but I want to stay friends with you guys." Shiho: "Shibe..." Tenji: "I see. Now that he knows she didn't have cosmetic surgery, he wants to score some points with her." Shibe: "And I'm confident. I'm not hiding anything that can hurt me. Not a thing!" Shiho: "Are you sure?" Shibe: "Of course! Don't hold back." Shiho: "I'll choose Shibe, then." Manabu: "Okay!" Tenji: "That was close!" Manabu: "So, Shibe, you really don't have anything to hide?" Shibe: "Like I said, no chance!" Manabu: "Too bad! You do!" Shiho: "I've seen that person somewhere..." Shibe: "D-Dad?" Manabu: "Yup! That's your dad, the city council member Shibe Masakazu. According to our investigation, he's had trouble with women, abused and sexually harassed his secretary, and has taken bribes from business and criminal organizations. Recently, he's been throwing money around to cover up some scandal. In other words, Shibe's dad is... a total scumbag." Maria: "I didn't think they'd go after his family! But those aren't his crimes, yeah? In his shoes, I wouldn't care." Tsukino: "That's a very childish way of thinking." Maria: "Huh?" Tsukino: "What would you do if your child was friends with the son of a criminal?" Maria: "W-Well..." Tsukino: ""You can't play with kids from that family." Wouldn't you say something like that?" Maria: "Y-Yeah, if it was my kid, I'd probably think about it." Tsukino: "That's how the great majority would react. No matter how pure their friendship is, society wouldn't accept it, and if the parents are aware of that," Tsukino: "they wouldn't want to put their child through hell." Shibe: "My dad is..." Tenji: "I can use this!" Shiho: "Shibe, I'm really sorry." Shiho: "But that's about your dad. I don't hold it against you." Shibe: "S-Shiho..." Tenji: "Shiho-chan, keep away from Shibe! Look Shibe, is your dad really the only one who did something bad?" Shibe: "Huh?" Tenji: "Well, isn't it strange? Why would you volunteer like that?" Shibe: "W-What do you mean?" Tenji: "No matter how conscious you are of trying to live a squeaky-clean life, I'm wondering if you still might have done something that you just don't remember." Tenji: "It just isn't normal to volunteer like that. Don't you guys think so? But you did anyway. You even insisted that you had nothing to hide. If you're that sure of yourself, maybe you have done something, and you just had your dad cover it up" Tenji: "with the power of his money!" Shiho: "That's going too far!" Tenji: "Shiho-chan, do you really think he had only good intentions? He wanted to show off for you once he found out you didn't have cosmetic surgery." Shiho: "I-Is that true, Shibe?" Tenji: "It never made sense to me. How could students like us get 20 million yen in debt?" Manabu: "You'll be able to repay your 20-million-yen debt in a jiffy!" Tenji: "And what else did Manabu say? That your dad's been throwing around cash to try to cover up some big scandal. Maybe that scandal has something to do with you." Yutori: "Shibe-kun..." Shibe: "Yutori! Yuichi! W-Wait a minute!" Tenji: "Shiho-chan, we should keep our distance until this is cleared up." Shibe: "Shiho!" Shibe: "W-Wait, guys! Listen! Listen to me!" Shibe: "Yuichi! Yutori! Shiho!" Shibe: "Listen... to... me..." Tenji: "Sorry, Shibe. That worked even better than I expected. I'm a little surprised." Tenji: "It probably felt good when you jumped up like a hero to volunteer." Tenji: "How awkward. You really are awkward and stupid, you adorable little thing." Shibe: "W-Why is this happening to me?" Manabu: "Shibe, you're so lame." Manabu: "Here's the result of the special chance! Shibe moved nine spaces and danced into second place." Tenji: "Shibe is isolated enough, but maybe I'll finish him off with the next one to make sure he can't get close to Shiho-chan again." Manabu: "Let's see. This time there was one bad-mouth card." Manabu: "Huh?" Manabu: "Shibe, seriously? If this is real, that's so cringe. "Shibe Makoto has actually" "killed a person."" Tenji: "What's the meaning of this?" Tenji: "I didn't write anything like that! I mean, I didn't even write anything this time! At first, I wanted to write something to finish Shibe off," Tenji: "but I've already stirred up so much trouble. If I messed up, I thought it'd look suspicious, so I left my card blank! And Shibe killed someone? Is that true? No, whether it's true or not, that card... Who was it, and why?!" Tenji: "Wait... That look..." Tenji: "Yuichi, no way! You again?" Maria: "Senpai, look at this!" Tsukino: "Yes, it seems he's starting something again. Katagiri Yuichi versus the traitor... We can't take our eyes off this now." Tsukino: "Katagiri Yuichi must have already been setting something up. Do you remember?" Tsukino: "If you were watching closely, you must have noticed."
{ "raw_title": "Tomodachi Game Episode 4 – Seriously? That's So Cringe", "parsed": [ "Tomodachi Game", "4", "Seriously? That's So Cringe" ] }
Tenji: "I have the right to take everything from Shiho-chan." Tenji: "Her smile, her trust, her friends..." Tenji: "Because she robbed me of the most important thing in this world. Yuichi, if you try to get in my way, I'll crush you with all of my strength!" Manabu: "Hey, hey, Shibe, is it true that you've actually killed a person?" Shibe: "How could it be?! It has to be a lie!" Tenji: "Yeah... probably. Thinking about it, regardless of what his dad did, there's no way a guy like Shibe could kill someone. So Yuichi is undoubtedly the one who bad-mouthed him..." Tenji: "Does that mean he has some kind of plan?" Shibe: "Manabu-sensei! That bad-mouth is a lie! That means the person who wrote it gets a penalty!" Manabu: "Oh? Is that right?" Tenji: "That's it! If Yuichi gets slapped with a penalty, we'll know he's the one who wrote it." Manabu: "Okay, if you say it's a lie," Manabu: "then prove it to us." Shibe: "Huh?" Tenji: "What?!" Shibe: "P-Prove it? I'm telling you I didn't do it!" Manabu: "That's what they all say. Are you dumb?" Shibe: "Um, fine. So find out if I have a record, then!" Manabu: "Huh? Even when there's a good chance you had your papa cover up the crime? How would that prove anything?" Shibe: "Then how can I..." Manabu: "Well, if the person who wrote the lie comes forward, it's a different story. Oh! Okay! When you're in a pinch, ask the gods!" Manabu: "Let's take a god survey to decide if we believe Shibe. If the "Believe" side gets over 50% percent, we'll call that proof." Shibe: "I didn't do it! Believe me, gods! Why would I have any reason to kill someone? My life honestly hasn't been that hard so far. Whenever I've had trouble, my dad's taken care of everything for me!" Tenji: "Idiot." Manabu: "Too bad!" Manabu: "With that, Shibe moves five spaces and jumps into the lead!" Maria: "Yikes! What a way to put it!" Tsukino: "Well, they probably wouldn't have believed Shibe no matter what he said." Tsukino: "Nothing smells as fishy as an excuse from a rich person. In this country, the speaker is more important than their words." Tenji: "So you can't really prove anything's a lie without clear evidence. Could Yuichi have calculated that far ahead?" Yuichi: "Don't worry, Shibe. I believe you." Yuichi: "There's no way you could kill someone." Shibe: "Yuichi..." Yuichi: "But this bad-mouth made it clear." Yuichi: "One of us is a traitor, and is deliberately trying to destroy our friendship." Yuichi: "And I've figured out who that is." Tenji: "What?! Did he catch me?" Yuichi: "That culprit's written all of the really nasty bad-mouthing so far." Tenji: "No way. Are you..." Yuichi: "So can we stop fighting among ourselves, guys?" Yuichi: "It's all a single person's fault." Tenji: "I see now. He's trying to blame it all on the traitor to bring everyone together." Tenji: "If he does..." Shibe: "Who's the traitor, then?!" Yuichi: "I can't tell you yet." Tenji: "So, you were bluffing after all? Most likely. I haven't made any mistakes." Yuichi: "Well, to be more precise, there's no need to say any more," Yuichi: "because I figured out a strategy to win the game." Tenji: "A winning strategy for this kind of game?!" Yuichi: "One thing's been bugging me since we started: The fact that this game isn't fair at all." Yuichi: "In the first few rounds, we trusted each other and kept pace together." Yuichi: "But after just two spaces, our total debt went over 3 million yen. For a game that only gives 2 million yen for winning, that was totally unfair." Yuichi: "Of course, we're the ones in debt. We have to deal with some of it being unreasonable." Yuichi: "But a game that's totally unfair is boring to watch." Yuichi: "The Tomodachi Game has an audience. It's the management's job to make it fun for the audience." Yuichi: "If the game isn't fair on some level, it won't be fun. Games are fun because you don't know how they'll end." Yuichi: "All of that leads me to one conclusion." Yuichi: "Do you remember what happened in the sixth period?" Yuichi: "That was the first time we got a space that lowered debt. Kokorogi's debt went down 200,000 yen." Yuichi: "And remember what Manabu said at the start? Other than the bad-mouthing to get ahead, "It's just normal Sugoroku." Normal Sugoroku would have spaces that are positive and negative. If that's how the game keeps things fair and interesting, then if you make it from start to finish in Bad-Mouth Sugoroku, shouldn't your wins and losses balance out at the end?" Maria: "Bingo! In Bad-Mouth Sugoroku, to discourage people from moving in sync, the negatives are mostly in the first half. But in the second half, positive spaces increase. It's just like he said. If you add up all the spaces on the board, you come out even! But... so what? You figured it out too late." Shiho: "I think you're probably right, Yuichi, but doesn't that just mean it's hard to get more debt in the second half?" Tenji: "That's right. Even if we turn in blanks and move space by space now, it won't close the gaps. Shibe will reach the goal alone and the game will end." Yuichi: "The trouble with this game is that you don't know who wrote what. But, what if we made it so you could? Listen. From here on, all of us except the person in the lead, should bad-mouth ourselves. If we promise to play the rest of the game so that everyone except the leader only writes about themselves, then if the traitor breaks that promise and writes about Shibe," Yuichi: "this will happen." Yutori: "Yuichi's the only one who isn't bad-mouthed." Yuichi: "Right. This way you'd immediately know I'm the traitor. Basically, if we promise to play the game like that, it's essentially the same as signing our votes. The traitor won't be able to betray us any more!" Shiho: "I get it! That's why we don't need to say who the traitor is." Yuichi: "This way, we'd have to move one space at a time. If we follow each other in order and share our own secrets, it should be possible to catch up to the same space." Shibe: "Possible, you say..." Yuichi: "Yeah. It's not a perfect strategy. But at least..." Yuichi: "we could stop trying to hurt each other." Yuichi: "I know we've all been through a lot, but can we try to work together one more time? Our debt shouldn't increase from here on out." Yuichi: "Wouldn't it suck if our friendship ended like this?" Shiho: "When you put it that way, Yuichi..." Tenji: "I'm against it!" Yuichi: "Why, Tenji? Everyone else is on board. Or... is there some reason why it wouldn't work out for you?" Tenji: "Yuichi, do you really know who the traitor is?" Yuichi: "O-Of course I do. Why are you so intent on asking?" Tenji: "Then spit it out! That way everyone can concentrate their votes on the traitor and make them finish first. Isn't that the best strategy?" Yuichi: "B-But then, I know he's the traitor, but he'll be sent to the third game alone. That's too cruel—" Tenji: "Don't be dense!" Tenji: "Yuichi, at this point, I think it's stupid to trust anyone." Tenji: "We're getting into the final rounds. If we waste a valuable period on this strategy and it doesn't work, I'm gonna make you tell us who the traitor is." Yuichi: "Y-Yeah." Tenji: "And! If you identify the traitor without any kind of proof, I'm never listening to you again. Is that all right with you?!" Yuichi: "That's fine with me." Tenji: "Is it?" Tenji: "Okay." Yuichi: "Did everyone bad-mouth yourselves? Except Shibe, since he's in first." Yutori: "Yeah." Shiho: "Of course." Yuichi: "Good. There should be exactly four bad-mouth cards. Even if there aren't that many, we should know right away who didn't write one." Manabu: "Let's see, this time there are..." Manabu: "ten cards in total!" Yuichi: "Ten... cards?" Manabu: "There were ten cards in the box!" Yuichi: "Ten cards?" Tenji: "Sorry, Yuichi. There were holes in your plan from the start." Manabu: "I'm honestly disappointed in you, Yuichi. I was surprised when you said you had a strategy, but your plan was so weak! Sure, if you could only write one card each time, your strategy would work, but you have to remember the rules. One of you probably put in a whole lot of cards. Yuichi-kun, you're pretty dumb, aren't you?" Tenji: "I saw this coming, but you said you were confident, so I thought you had something up your sleeve." Yuichi: "No, I had no idea this would happen!" Tenji: "Fine. No turning back now. You promised. This will be our final duel, Yuichi! Which one of us is the traitor?" Yuichi: "It's..." Tenji: "If you say my name, you'll win. But if you say nothing, I'll be the victor of Bad-Mouth Sugoroku!" Yuichi: "I-I'm sorry. I was bluffing. I don't even know if there's a traitor or not." Tenji: "Let's go, Shiho-chan." Shiho: "But Yuichi did all of that to help us..." Tenji: "You always say things like that! That's why you keep getting hurt, over and over!" Shiho: "I-I'm sorry." Tenji: "You have to accept it." Tenji: "Our friendship is already totally ruined!" Tenji: "If we stay in denial, we're just going to keep getting beaten." Tenji: "Don't worry, though. I'll keep protecting you, no matter what. Come with me." Shiho: "Yeah." Tenji: "I've won!" Tenji: "Now there's no one standing in my way." Tenji: "It's been two years since you stole what was most precious to me. Finally. Finally. I've been waiting for this chance for a long, long time." Tenji: "I've waited so long for vengeance..." Tenji: "Now, all I have to do is set the stage to lay you open for everyone to see!" Maria: "Senpai, it looks like Group C is finished, doesn't it?" Tsukino: "Yes, you might be right. The rest of the game horribly slogged on. Nobody spoke to or even looked at anyone else. The game proceeded as the traitor had likely intended." Manabu: "Aw, you're back in first place again, Shiho-sama." Manabu: "And you're only one space from the goal! By the way, to reach the goal you have to jump off the edge. Don't worry! It's a little scary, but you won't die." Tenji: "I'm sorry, Shiho-chan! I wasn't strong enough to protect you." Tenji: "If only I had given up on trusting everyone sooner, this wouldn't have happened. Come on, let me hear it. Tell me how you really feel now that you're backed into a corner!" Maria: "Aw, this group ended up just like the others. It was all over too soon." Tsukino: "That's true. At this point, no matter what people write, they'll never catch up to Shiho. Even if they're all blank, she has to move one space. Sawaragi Shiho is the single confirmed loser of this second game. The traitor's persistence beat out Katagiri Yuichi's wit. But what is this?" Tsukino: "Something in the image doesn't feel right..." Tsukino: "Quick! Rewind the video!" Maria: "Huh? Okay." Tsukino: "It can't be. Could this really have..." Tsukino: "We may have let a human abomination play the game." Tsukino: "The game isn't over yet!" Yuichi: "Hey." Yuichi: "I might have an idea." Tenji: "Sorry, Yuichi, but I have no interest in hearing you out." Yuichi: "Even so..." Tsukino: "I just thought of a way to make the traitor expose themselves." Shibe: "Are you serious, Yuichi?" Yuichi: "Yeah. This time it'll totally work." Tenji: "Yuichi, are you going to talk crap and try to confuse us again?" Yuichi: "No way. Confused or not, even if we figure out who it is now, we can't stop Sawaragi from reaching the goal." Tenji: "W-Well, I guess you're right." Shibe: "But why would you want to figure out the traitor now, then?" Yuichi: "Well, that's because..." Yuichi: "You remember there's a penalty if you're caught lying, right? And if you combine that with my earlier strategy to only bad-mouth yourself, everyone except the traitor will be able to go to the next game." Shibe: "Seriously?" Maria: "Everyone except the traitor reaches the goal? Can they really do that?" Yuichi: "This will be our last round of bad-mouthing, so... We use these bad-mouth cards with names on them and all write the exact same thing." Tenji: "The same thing?" Yuichi: "There's only one person it'll be true for—" Yuichi: "the traitor." Tenji: "Can a bad-mouth can do that?" Yuichi: "Sure, it can. Just write this on the bad-mouth card: "I'm the one who applied to play Tomodachi Game." I'm sure the traitor chose to play the game in order to destroy our friendship." Yuichi: "Basically, the applicant must also be the traitor." Shibe: "Y-You're right!" Yuichi: "So if we all write the same card with our names attached, the real traitor will actually have written the truth, and won't get a penalty. But the others will be penalized for lying. As a result, everyone except the traitor will be forced to the space after Sawaragi and will reach the goal." Shibe: "That makes sense! No wonder you waited until Shiho was right in front of the goal." Tenji: "B-But how are you going to prove the lie? If you can't—" Yuichi: "Not a problem. This way, we don't need to prove the lies." Tenji: "W-What?" Yuichi: "We're talking about whoever applied to play Tomodachi Game." Yuichi: "Management obviously already knows who that is." Yuichi: "Isn't that right, Manabu-sensei?" Manabu: "Hmm. Yeah, I guess." Yuichi: "If possible, I wanted us all to reach the goal together. But it's been such a mess so far, I figured it's better to leave the traitor in this game, and clear it without him." Yuichi: "Then only true friends will be left to play the third game together." Tenji: "W-Wait! You can't guarantee everyone will write the same thing!" Yuichi: "If someone doesn't write it, we'll know he's the traitor." Tenji: "Huh?!" Yuichi: "If we keep going like this, Sawaragi will move on to the third game alone. Anyone okay with that is just as bad as the traitor." Yuichi: "Right, Shibe?" Shibe: "Y-Yeah! I'll totally write it." Yuichi: "Don't you agree, Tenji?" Yuichi: "You said you're on Sawaragi's side no matter what, right?" Tenji: "O-Of course I am!" Yuichi: "All right. Why don't you go first, then?" Tenji: "Huh?!" Yuichi: "Sawaragi trusts you more than anyone. Better to reassure her sooner rather than later, right?" Shiho: "Tenji-san..." Tenji: "Fine." Tenji: "God damn it! I'm screwed! I never saw that coming! I'm out of time! There's gotta be a way out of this!" Tenji: "I know!" Tenji: "I'll write the card like he said. When they figure out I'm the traitor, I'll feed them a conspiracy theory! I'll admit that I applied, and then say that someone else blackmailed me into doing it." Tenji: "It'll take some effort, but it's already half-true. I can take my time figuring out a good excuse later." Tenji: "I wrote it." Shibe: "Great! I'm up next. I'll do it just right." Tenji: "What's with him?" Yuichi: "Okay. You all wrote that you were the applicant, right?" Tenji: "Now it's just a matter of my acting. The instant they realize it was me, I'll start crying! I'll weep, cling to them, have a total breakdown... Yuichi's so dense, I'm sure he'll at least listen to me." Manabu: "All right. Are you ready for the final round?" Tsukino: "Pay close attention. We should see something very interesting happen." Manabu: "Let's see. In total, this time there were..." Tenji: "There have to be five! Hurry it up! I can't hold back the tears!" Manabu: "What? There's just one. The rest are all blank." Tenji: "Huh?" Manabu: "And it says, ahem, "I am the one who applied to play Tomodachi Game. —Mikasa Tenji"" Tenji: "W-Why... Why am I the only one who turned one in?!" Yuichi: "Tenji, didn't I tell you? "I thought of a way to make the traitor expose themself."" Tenji: "E-Expose? No, I'm not..." Tenji: "Damn it! I have to cry to get their sympathy! I-It's not like that..." Tenji: "Will you just hear me out, please?!" Yuichi: "Don't cry, Tenji." Tenji: "You really are dense! Yui—" Yuichi: "You can make all the excuses you want later." Yuichi: "But for now, you'd better spit it out." Yuichi: "The truth was gonna come out sooner or later." Yuichi: "Let's hear your answer to my question, Tenji." Tenji: "W-What the hell is this?" Tenji: "Is this the same Yuichi?!" Yuichi: "Are you the one who applied to play the Tomodachi Game?" Tenji: "You're scaring the hell out of me!" Tenji: "Y-Yes." Tenji: "I applied to play the Tomodachi Game." Maria: "What's going on?! Did Katagiri Yuichi realize that Mikasa Tenji was the traitor?" Tsukino: "If you rewatched from the start of second game, you'd understand, too. There were three clear abnormalities. You should be able to find three traps." Maria: "Three traps?" Tsukino: "Yes."
{ "raw_title": "Tomodachi Game Episode 5 – Yuichi-kun, You're Pretty Dumb, Aren't You?", "parsed": [ "Tomodachi Game", "5", "Yuichi-kun, You're Pretty Dumb, Aren't You?" ] }
Tsukino: "Pay attention. It looks like he's going to lay his cards on the table." Tenji: "Yuichi! What the hell have you done?!" Yuichi: "I had a plan, even before the second game started, to set traps to smoke out the traitor." Yuichi: "After that one bad-mouth in the third period..." Manabu: ""And the same Sawaragi Shiho used to date Mikasa Tenji."" Yuichi: "After that came out, Sawaragi and I decided to work together without the others knowing." Tenji: "Without us knowing? How could... There wasn't any way for you two to talk it over." Yuichi: "You're right. That's why we planned it mostly without speaking to each other." Yuichi: "I gave Sawaragi instructions using the bad-mouth cards." Tsukino: "Yes. This is the first trap Yuichi set." Tsukino: "Look closely at this footage from the fourth period." Maria: "Hmm?" Maria: "Oh! He took two cards!" Tsukino: "Correct. And after that?" Maria: "He's holding a pen. So what?" Tsukino: "Try to remember what happened. What did he say when he came out of the room?" Yuichi: "Okay, I left mine blank." Tsukino: "Yes. He said he put in a blank card, but he was holding a pen." Maria: "That does contradict what he said!" Tsukino: "You can see in the video that he was using the bad-mouth cards for some other purpose." Tenji: "Now I see. The cards!" Tenji: "That's when he handed her one." Tenji: "And then Shiho-chan read it when she was in the room." Tenji: "But how could you trust Shiho-chan so easily? There was a chance she was the traitor, too." Yuichi: "Obviously, I didn't trust her right away. I made her pass a test first." Tenji: "A test?" Yuichi: "The first instructions I wrote on the card were, "Do you remember that old secret between just the two of us?" "Use that to bad-mouth me in this period."" Shiho: "You have to tell me a secret, something that the other three don't know." Yuichi: "It was a secret I told Sawaragi after she got in the fight with Shibe... And it was... "Katagiri Yuichi once didn't take a bath for a week."" Yuichi: "It was our secret." Yuichi: "Sawaragi and I are the only ones who could have written it. So the big exposés written by the traitor in the fourth period must not have come from Sawaragi." Yuichi: "That's when I first trusted Sawaragi to be on my side." Yuichi: "Next, I wanted to determine if Kokorogi was the traitor or not." Kokorogi: "Yeah." Tenji: "Hold on. In order to find the traitor, you were checking us one by one?" Yuichi: "That's right. I found out who the traitor was" Yuichi: "through a process of elimination." Yuichi: "In the fifth period, I quietly passed a bad-mouth card to Kokorogi, too. It said, "Sawaragi is on our side," "but keep pretending to fight with her so we can smoke out the traitor." "And in the next period," "submit a secret about Sawaragi that only you know."" Tenji: "That's when she read it!" Yuichi: "The card Kokorogi submitted in the sixth period said," Manabu: ""Sawaragi Shiho actually usually wears men's boxers."" Yuichi: "If there was another big exposé that seemed to come from the traitor, it would clear Kokorogi." Yuichi: "And there was." Manabu: "Mikasa Tenji is actually lying about his age." Yuichi: "There were only two left who could have written that. It was either you or Shibe." Yuichi: "I used the cards to tell Sawaragi how things were going, of course." Tenji: "I stayed close to Shiho the whole time after that period." Tenji: "You didn't have the chance to pass her a card!" Yuichi: "Sure I did. Just three minutes." Tenji: "Y-You can't mean..." Tenji: "Right then?!" Tsukino: "That was his second trap." Maria: "Whoa!" Tsukino: "The order that people use the room isn't supposed to make a difference in the game." Yuichi: "Okay, I left mine blank. You're next." Tsukino: "But, very nonchalantly..." Yuichi: "Sorry Tenji, but could you go first?" Tsukino: "Again and again..." Yutori: "Ah, I guess I'll go." Tsukino: "He controlled the order they went in." Tsukino: "In other words, it was all calculated." Yuichi: "The only ones left were you and Shibe, but that was easy to decide." Yuichi: "The special chance. Since the management knew who applied to play Tomodachi Game," Yuichi: "it would have been too risky for the traitor to volunteer." Yuichi: "So that left only you, Tenji." Tenji: "That means the fighting between Shiho-chan and Kokorogi-san was all an act?" Shiho: "Well, I might have taken it a little seriously." Yutori: "Me, too. Sorry." Tenji: "So that strategy was..." Yuichi: "Listen. From here on, all of us except the person in the lead, should bad-mouth ourselves." Tenji: "That was part of your plan, too?" Yuichi: "Yeah. I knew that strategy had holes in it from the start." Yuichi: "Do you remember what I said?" Yuichi: "Our debt shouldn't increase from here on out. That gave me the final confirmation— whether you betrayed us for money, or for something else. You didn't back off then, so it looked like it was something else." Tenji: "W-Why didn't you reveal that I was the traitor right away?" Yuichi: "We still had the second half to play. If you knew you got caught, you might have gone wild and written a bunch of other things. I wanted to avoid that." Yuichi: "So I kept you barely in check..." Yuichi: "All right. Why don't you go write first, then." Tenji: "Huh?!" Yuichi: "and in the last period, when you went in the room, I told everyone else to put in blank cards." Tenji: "But that doesn't make sense. It doesn't!" Tenji: "You said you used a process of elimination to smoke me out. But everyone can write as many cards as they want. Your process of elimination wouldn't work!" Tsukino: "Yes, thus his third and final trap." Tsukino: "His boldest and most cunning one yet." Yuichi: "Smart as always, Tenji. That's exactly right. Since anyone could write as many cards as they wanted, even the first time with Sawaragi, I couldn't clear her with that alone. And so, when I tested them, I made them give me proof of their friendship." Tenji: "Proof of their friendship?" Yuichi: "Didn't you notice? Isn't there something different?" Tenji: "T-Their..." Tenji: "Their name tags are missing!" Yuichi: "Bingo. People do it all the time, trading valuables with someone else as proof of friendship." Yuichi: "I told them I'd trust them if they let me hold on to their precious name tags. They weren't traitors, so they immediately handed them over." Tenji: "T-That's..." Yuichi: "Would you have expected Kokorogi to suddenly believe Sawaragi was on her side? I gave her a note. It said, "I have Sawaragi's name tag. She won't betray us."" Yuichi: "Then Kokorogi gave me her name tag, and finally Shibe did, too." Maria: "Your debt doesn't double if you just hand the tag to someone. I'm impressed he figured that out!" Tsukino: "It seems he tested it." Tsukino: "At one point before the fourth period, his name tag was missing. He probably secretly handed it to Sawaragi, most likely while Shibe and Mikasa were fighting." Maria: "You're right." Tsukino: "And then he got his name tag back when he handed her the card." Maria: "There's an eye-tracking camera built into the screen on the tag, so it can tell if they looked at the back or not." Tsukino: "After testing it, he wrote a note to Sawaragi telling her to hand him her name tag. See? Right here, she isn't wearing hers." Maria: "Heh. Bold and cunning, indeed." Tsukino: "In order to keep them from betraying him and writing multiple cards, he kept their name tags hostage. It's as if he was telling them, "If you hand over your tag, I'll trust you." "If not, I won't."" Tsukino: "Sawaragi must have known she absolutely couldn't refuse." Tsukino: "And then like a chain reaction, they all had to hand them over. They knew that if they didn't, they'd be isolated. Only a very devious mind can prey on the weakness of others like that." Tsukino: "He knows all about human weakness, and about the power and terror of money. His thought process is similar to the way that religious cults and pyramid schemes operate." Maria: "But at the end, everyone was able to finish the game with a smile on their face," Yuichi: "Here, I'll return these. I didn't look at the backs, of course." Yutori: "Yeah." Maria: "so didn't it all turn out okay?" Tsukino: "It's the opposite. The fact that they're still smiling after handing over their name tags, which are the lifeblood of this game, is absolutely chilling." Tsukino: "This expert liar, who tricked the others and still left them smiling..." Tsukino: "Who is this man, really?" Tenji: "Yuichi... Tell me one last thing. Why... Why me? You started with the friends you trusted and made them allies one by one. That means you always thought I was the most suspicious, right?" Tenji: "Did I... Did I make a mistake somewhere?" Yuichi: "Well, not exactly a mistake. I think I know you guys pretty well." Yuichi: "So..." Yuichi: "It was suspicious when you weren't acting like yourself during the game." Tenji: "I wasn't... like myself?" Yuichi: "The Tenji I know is smart and calm. If we start arguing, you step in to break it up." Yuichi: "But at the start of the game, you picked a fight with Shibe." Yuichi: "You said it was Shibe who wrote that bad-mouth. Do you seriously think that would happen?" Yuichi: "Bad-Mouth Sugoroku is about leaking your friends' secrets." Yuichi: "But it'd be impossible for Shibe to bad-mouth us." Tenji: "You can't mean..." Yuichi: "Yup. None of us have told Shibe any secrets." Shibe: "Huh!?" Yuichi: "Don't tell the others. Especially Shibe." Yuichi: "That's what I said when I told you my secret. Right, Sawaragi?" Shiho: "Yeah, it is." Yuichi: "And Kokorogi, you really don't want Shibe to know your secrets, right?" Yutori: "Yeah." Shiho: "I mean, Shibe has such a big mouth." Yuichi: "Shibe's an awkward idiot." Yuichi: "Even that bad-mouth in the fourth period..." Manabu: "Shibe Makoto took baths with his mother until junior high." Yuichi: "He probably wrote it himself in order to protect Sawaragi." Shibe: "That is correct!" Yuichi: "And when Kokorogi's secret was revealed, you were just trying to cheer her up, right?" Shibe: "For someone who isn't a virgin, you sure seem innocent. Of course I was! I was trying to compliment her." Yuichi: "See? That was his idea of cheering her up. He's really an idiot. And he's always like that, so I wasn't sure when to tell him." Yuichi: "I knew he'd have trouble acting the part. I finally told him in the last period when you were in the room, but even then, he acted weird." Tenji: "Huh. Was that why? No wonder. Shibe's an idiot." Tenji: "I tried to put the blame on someone who'd be too dumb to pull it off anyway." Tenji: "That would be suspicious." Tenji: "To think I got tripped up by an idiot like Shibe..." Shibe: "Are they, like, totally making fun of me?" Yutori: "It's okay." Shiho: "Yeah, you're a nice idiot." Manabu: "Hey, sorry to break up your teenaging, but can we get back to the game? It ain't over yet." Manabu: "It's fine that you found the traitor, but Shiho's still going to lose alone. Are you okay with that?" Yuichi: "Right, right. I still have to wrap things up. Got a second?" Manabu: "Huh? Tee-hee... what are you doing? Oh, Yuichi-kun!" Yuichi: "Manabu-sensei, I..." Manabu: "Huh?!" Tsukino: "Find out if that's true immediately!" Maria: "Y-Yes!" Shibe: "Hey, Yuichi. You've got some secret plan to make everything work out, right?" Yuichi: "Of course. A perfect method that won't get anyone in trouble." Tsukino: "Katagiri Yuichi... This is..." Tsukino: "Manabu, it's the truth." Manabu: "Huh?! S-Sorry to cut things short, but the game is over!! I'm calling the game for Katagiri Yuichi. He reaches the goal alone, and the game's been cleared!" The Other Four: "Huh?!" Shibe: "The game is over?" Yutori: "Yuichi reached the goal alone?" Shiho: "Why? What do you mean?!" Manabu: "Yuichi wrote a false bad-mouth in the seventh period. He just confirmed it himself." Tenji: "Yuichi told... a lie?" Manabu: "So he gets a penalty from the gods and moves one space ahead of Shiho-chan. In other words, to the goal." Shiho: "Yuichi!? There's no way this is a "perfect method"!" Yuichi: "No, this is how it should be. This is our best option." Shibe: "If you reach the goal alone, what happens to Tenji? This guy betrayed us all! Are you gonna let him get away with that?!" Yuichi: "Right, you're probably wondering why Tenji did this. You guys should ask him about it while I'm playing the third game." Tenji: "Yuichi..." Yuichi: "Decide if you'll forgive him or not without me." Yuichi: "I don't have any right to judge Tenji, anyway." Shibe: "What's that supposed to mean?" Yuichi: "Kokorogi, remember what I said to comfort you when you were in shock?" Yutori: "Y-Yeah. "What you did doesn't even compare to..."" Yuichi: "...the horrible things I've done in the past. Yeah. I've done some horrible things, and I've kept them a secret from you guys." Yuichi: "I thought if you knew, we wouldn't be able to stay friends." Yuichi: "In a sense, I've betrayed you in a much worse way than Tenji did." Shiho: "W-What happened then, in your past—" Yuichi: "In the seventh period, I wrote a bad-mouth that said, "Shibe killed someone in the past." That was a lie." Yuichi: "The truth... The truth is..." Yuichi: "It was me. I'm the one who's killed people." Shiho: "Yuichi is a killer?" Tsukino: "I thought we'd find something, but to discover that Katagiri Yuichi sent three people to their deaths... He isn't just a human abomination. He's an absolute monster." Manabu: "Pfft! You sure are dumb, Yuichi-kun, trying to go to the third game alone." Yuichi: "You got a problem with that?" Manabu: "The third game is super rough. It's almost impossible to clear alone. You might feel like a hero for sacrificing yourself, but I bet you're gonna regret it!" Yuichi: "I wonder who's going to regret it more." Manabu: "What's that supposed to mean?!" Yuichi: "For me, friends were just a safety to keep me living a clean life." Yuichi: "I didn't want to show them who I really was." Yuichi: "But for the next game, the safety is released." Yuichi: "In other words, I can let loose." Yuichi: "I'm going to use the third game to destroy you and the management. You'd better be ready for me." Manabu {Kid Voice}: "Ooh, so scary." Manabu {Sensei Voice}: "You're acting so scary," Manabu {Kid Voice}: "everyone's recoiling from you." Manabu {Both Voices}: "Yuichi-kun, you killer." Yutori: "That's a lie, right Yuichi?" Shibe: "If management gave him a penalty, doesn't that mean it's true?" Shiho: "But wait... "killed?" It must've been an accident. Some unfortunate accident." Manabu {Sensei Voice}: "It was no accident. Yuichi-kun is a straight-up murderer." Manabu {Kid Voice}: "And he killed three people, even." Shibe: "You killed three people and it wasn't an accident... Doesn't that make you a serial killer?" Shibe: "And you still studied and played and laughed with us like a normal person. To think that I spent time hanging out with a murderer..." Shibe: "It honestly makes me sick." Tenji: "Cut it out, Shibe. Sometimes people have reasons for doing things that they can't talk about." Shibe: "Tenji... that's rich, coming from you. You gonna say you had reasons for what you did, too?!" Tenji: "A brat with an easy life like you would never understand! You can thank your dad and his crimes for that!" Shibe: "You asshole! You can't say that to me!" Tenji: "I only said what's on my mind, like you always do!" Shiho: "What are you doing? Stop it, both of you!" Yutori: "I can't take this! I want to go home!" Shiho: "Yuichi, say something to them! They need to hear the truth from you, Yuichi!" Shibe: "There's no excuse for murder!" Tenji: "Shut the hell up!" Yutori: "Mom... Dad!" Shiho: "Say something, Yuichi!" Shibe: "What the hell?!" Tenji: "Try using your head for once!" Shiho: "Calm down, both of you! Quiet! You too, Shibe!" Shibe: "Huh?! I'm thinking clearly, you traitor!" Yuichi: "I knew it would end up like this." Yuichi: "Enough already." Manabu {Sensei Voice}: "Hmm?" Yuichi: "If it means I have to put up with this noise," Yuichi: "I don't need friends anymore." Yuichi: "Manabu, I jump here to get to the third game, right?" Manabu: "Yeah, that's right. But Yuichi-kun, are you really going to help them by going to the third game alone?" Yuichi: "Well, honestly, they're dragging me down and I don't want more debt, so I'd rather leave them behind." Yuichi: "This "believe your friends" crap is getting to be a pain." Shiho: "Is it really that easy for you to abandon your friends, Yuichi?" Yuichi: "A long time ago, someone told me..." Mother: "There is something more important than money in the world— your friends." Yuichi: "Even now, I honestly don't understand why friends are supposed to be that important. I still wanted to treasure what she said, though," Yuichi: "because I loved her." Yuichi: "I think I've had enough, though." Yuichi: "If it's this much of a pain, I'd rather be alone." Manabu: "Hey, are you all okay with this? He's gonna go alone, guys! At least say something to encourage him before he goes to that hellish third game. If any of you still call yourselves his friend, that is." Manabu: "Aw, too bad." Manabu: "Looks like nobody wants to be friends with a murderer, after all." Yuichi: "Well, that's a relief. Now you guys can forget about me, and I'll forget all about you." Yuichi: "I guess this was the only way I could protect them." Yuichi: "I'm sorry, Mother." Tenji: "Wait a minute!" Tenji: "I can't let Yuichi go on alone." Yuichi: "Tenji!" Tenji: "Manabu-sensei." Manabu: "Yeah?" Tenji: "I told a lie during the game. You need to penalize me, as well." Manabu: "What? You're telling me this now?" Tenji: "There was a bad-mouth in the third period saying I dated Shiho-chan, right? Do you remember what you said then?" Manabu: "If they had no romantic feelings at the time, then it might be a lie." Tenji: "I've never had any romantic feelings toward Shiho-chan." Manabu: "Huh? Huh?! What do you mean?!" Shiho: "Tenji-san..." Tenji: "The reason I tried to destroy everyone's friendships is because I wanted to keep someone all to myself." Manabu: "And that was Shiho-sama, right?" Tenji: "No!" Tenji: "The one I really like..." Manabu: "Huh?" Tenji: "...is Yuichi!" All: "Huh?!" Tenji: "I've always liked Yuichi. I wanted Yuichi to look at me..." Manabu {Kid Voice}: "Hold it! You can't just say random stuff out of desperation! You made that up to get to the goal, right?!" Tenji: "Fine. You want me to prove it." Tenji: "Okay, Yuichi. Is this your first time?" Yuichi: "Huh? For what?" Tenji: "It is for me. I don't really know how to do it. Let me take off my glasses..." Yuichi: "Huh?" Manabu {Kid Voice}: "Squee!" Manabu {Kid Voice}: "Okay! Proof accepted! The two of you may proceed to the third game together. Happily ever after!" Tenji: "Let's go, Yuichi. As long as we're together, I know we can fight the true darkness of this Tomodachi Game." Shibe: "Tenji!" Shiho: "Yuichi!" Maria: "Well, that was a big twist!" Tsukino: "Yes, but it seems he must still have his own objective."
{ "raw_title": "Tomodachi Game Episode 6 – I Really Can't Be Friends with a \"Murderer\"", "parsed": [ "Tomodachi Game", "6", "I Really Can't Be Friends with a \"Murderer\"" ] }
Mother: "Are you counting money again?" Child Yuichi: "I gotta. We need to live on this for two weeks." Mother: "Money certainly is important. But you know, Yuichi... There is something more important than money in the world—" Mother: "your friends." Child Yuichi: "What do you mean by "friends," ma'am?" Mother: "Hey! I'm your mother now. Come on, come on." Child Yuichi: "M-Mother..." Teacher: "How's she doing?" Child Yuichi: "Oh, Sensei." Teacher: "Yuichi-kun, do you know what the most important thing in the world is?" Child Yuichi: "Yeah, I know." Child Yuichi: "It's money, right?" Tenji: "Yuichi!" Tenji: "Are you okay, Yuichi?" Yuichi: "T-Tenji?" Yuichi: "Where are we?" Tenji: "I don't know." Manabu-Kun: "Hey, guys! Good morning!" Yuichi: "Is that Manabu?" Manabu-Kun: "To prepare for the start of the third game, you both have to stay in this cave for three days." Manabu-Kun: "So have fun for the next 72 hours, you two!" Yuichi: "Water?" Yuichi: "Only this much for three days?" Tenji: "Yuichi." Yuichi: "What?" Tenji: "Well... about what just happened," Tenji: "I only did it so I could follow you. I thought that, with you, I could talk about why I betrayed everyone and explain everything. You know, Yuichi," Tenji: "this is my second Tomodachi Game." Yuichi: "S-Second? What is going on?" Tenji: "It's all Shiho-chan... Sawaragi Shiho's fault." Yuichi: "Sawaragi?" Tenji: "She stole from me... She stole... the most precious thing I had in this world." Tenji: "It began in junior high." Tenji: "Back then, I had two very close best friends." Tenji: "Do you want to go into business together?" Tenji: "I've saved up a million yen. We can use this and raise more, so I can start a business before I'm 18." end B: "That does sound like a great idea, but..." end A: "Are you sure you wanna share all this money with us?" Tenji: "Don't be stupid. You're the only ones I'd do this with. We had the strongest friendship on campus. As long as we were together, nothing could stop us." Tenji: "Or so we thought." Shiho: "Tenji-san, good morning!" Tenji: "Shiho-chan? Oh, that's right, you're in junior high now." end A: "H-Hey, Tenji, who's that girl?" Tenji: "Sawaragi Shiho-san. She's—Well, we've been friends since we were kids." Shiho: "Nice to meet you!" end A: "Oh..." end B: "Nice to meet you." Tenji: "After that day, we began to have trouble managing our funds, for some reason." end B: "Hey, Tenji." end A: "Are you dating Sawaragi-san?" Tenji: "Huh? What are you talking about? Right now, our investments need—" end B: "No, this is more important." Tenji: "W-Well, our parents are trying to arrange our marriage, but we don't want that. We aren't dating. I'd had my suspicions for a while," end A: "Is that the truth?" end B: "Can we trust you?" Tenji: "but it seems like they both liked Shiho-chan. Of course you can. We were able to start managing our funds together again, and we still had that money when we entered high school together." end A: "Hey, wanna play a game? We could split the three million yen we have now three ways and invest it separately. Once the total reaches 20 million, whoever made the most profit gets to be the CEO of our new company." Tenji: "Yeah, that could be interesting." end A: "He'll also get the right to propose to Sawaragi!" end B: "Sounds good! I'm all for it!" Tenji: "I honestly had no idea what he was thinking, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship, so I played it off as a joke. That was the day we were kidnapped, taken to the Tomodachi Game site," Tenji: "and learned the truth that one of us was 10 million yen in debt." Manabu-Kun: "Too bad! It's game over in the third game for Group B. Tenji-kun is confirmed as the sole loser. You get everyone's combined debt of 20 million yen all to yourself." Manabu-Kun: "Since you're still a minor, I'll take 20 million yen worth of your life." Tenji: "Two days later, I was set free under the condition that I would never tell anyone what happened. Hey! Why'd you betray us?! Where the hell is our money?!" end A: "I-I used all of it for S-Sawaragi-san." Tenji: "For Shiho-chan?" end A: "Gimme a break, Tenji! If I say any more, they'll erase me, too!" Shiho: "Tenji-san, wanna walk home together?" Shiho: "You seem down these days, Tenji-san. Is it because your friends transferred?" Shiho: "Hey, Tenji-san, have you seen them recently?" Tenji: "No." Shiho: "You sure? Someone said they saw you talking to one of them." Tenji: "I d-don't think so..." Shiho: "Hey. What did you talk about?" Shiho: "Like, did you talk about me?" Tenji: "I broke my promise to the management and spilled everything" Tenji: "to the most precious thing..." Tenji: "the most important person to me in the world." Yutaka: "What's up, Tenji?" Tenji: "My father, who raised me on his own." Tenji: "For me, he was like a living textbook." Yutaka: "I'm really glad you told me, Tenji." Tenji: "Dad..." Yutaka: "I'm sure it was hard keeping that to yourself. Let me take care of everything from here." Tenji: "Uncle! Why... Why is Dad..." Wataru: "We don't know the details yet, but it's safe to say it was a suicide." Tenji: "A suicide? That can't be right. My dad was..." Yutaka: "Tenji, this might be a big deal. I'm going to Sawaragi's house to ask Shiho-chan about it directly." Tenji: "B-But..." Yutaka: "Hey, don't worry. If anything happens, Wataru will be there. He's my best friend in the world. I know he'll have my back." Tenji: "I couldn't trust anyone. But Sawaragi Shiho was clearly at the center of everything that was happening." Tenji: "After that, I decided to investigate Shiho-chan thoroughly." Tenji: "But that didn't go well, either." Yuichi: "What do you mean?" Tenji: "I got an email from an unknown sender." Tenji: "So I decided to gamble. It was all or nothing. I'd play the Tomodachi Game to corner her and make her show her true colors." Yuichi: "And that's the real reason you applied?" Tenji: "That's right." Yuichi: "But then I screwed up your plan, huh?" Tenji: "No, not really. Shiho-chan told one really big lie." Yuichi: "A lie?" Tenji: "Yeah. And once you hear about it, you should believe that Sawaragi Shiho was the real traitor, too." Tenji: "The key is the fact that our total combined debt right now is 10.8 million yen." Yuichi: "10.8 million? That doesn't add up." Tenji: "Yeah. To be exact—" Yuichi: "Wait a second! How would you know the total debt amount?" Tenji: "It's the same as when I played before. Once you clear the second game, the management will tell you the total debt." Tenji: "Manabu-kun! Tell us the total debt amount again." Manabu-Kun: "Fine, whatever. The current total debt amount for Group C is 10.8 million yen." Yuichi: "If we take everyone at their word, it looks like this. That's 8 million off from 10.8 million yen." Tenji: "Which means someone's lying about their debt." Yuichi: "Yeah, it does..." Tenji: "By the way, I also told a lie at the end of the first game." Tenji: "My question card actually said I could cut my debt in half. So at the end of the first game, I was at minus 1.6 million yen, and my real debt right now is 2.1 million yen." Yuichi: "Then it's likely Shibe got the same thing." Tenji: "Shibe's current debt amount is probably 200,000 yen." Yuichi: "But even if we correct both of your amounts... We're still off by 4 million. Right. Sawaragi's 6.2 million debt is too high." Tenji: "If we assume she didn't get a penalty, she'd have 2.2 million yen in debt." Yuichi: "You're right. That way, everything adds up." Tenji: "I feel bad, but I eavesdropped on you two." Tenji: "Yuichi, what if everything she said was a lie?" Tenji: "What would you think of Sawaragi Shiho then?" Yuichi: "That she's quite the scam artist." Tenji: "Yeah. Can you imagine how dark she really is, deep inside?" Yuichi: "If you're telling the truth, that is." Yuichi: "The only thing any of us can be sure about is our own debt." Yuichi: "No matter how convincing it sounds, I can't trust anything one hundred percent." Yuichi: "You must have realized by now. We thought we knew each other, but we're basically strangers. You didn't know what kind of person I was," Yuichi: "like that I was a killer, right?" Yuichi: "But you still followed me. Why?" Tenji: "That's..." Tenji: "because you said you were going to destroy the Tomodachi Game. I have only one goal: to avenge my father's death. And the key to that is the Sawaragi family and this Tomodachi Game. Yuichi, I want you to fight with me." Yuichi: "Do you really mean that?" Tenji: "I think you're probably a really dangerous person." Tenji: "I saw the face of true evil in you. But you do have strength, right? The strength to truly destroy the management? We can't fight fair. We won't be able to beat them unless we take some risks!" Yuichi: "No way. Like I just said, talk like that is meaningless now." Tenji: "You're right." Tenji: "My debt right now is 2.1 million. Yuichi, trust me!" Yuichi: "Idiot! Stop it!" Tenji: "Fine, I won't ask you to join my fight anymore." Tenji: "But at least let me follow you on yours. I swear I won't get in your way! I don't care if you use me like a tool! So Yuichi, I beg you..." Tenji: "You're... You're my last and only hope!" Yuichi: "We have three days." Yuichi: "Let me think it over in that time. Now get up and stop begging. Please." Yuichi: "Hey, Tenji. What do "friends" mean to you?" Tenji: "I have no idea. I stopped thinking about it after my best friends betrayed me." Yuichi: "So regardless of Sawaragi, Kokorogi and Shibe are just people you met while planning your revenge. Like strangers?" Tenji: "I guess so." Yuichi: "I don't believe you. If they were nothing but strangers, why did you pick them for the Tomodachi Game?" Yuichi: "You must have thought they had some feelings for you." Tenji: "Those two had no idea they were being used and thought I was their friend." Tenji: "They're just... real idiots." Yuichi: "Tenji, promise me one thing." Tenji: "Hmm?" Yuichi: "When we get back, apologize to them." Tenji: "Even if I did, there's no way they'd forgive me." Yuichi: "It doesn't matter. Apologize anyway." Yuichi: "If there's at least some part of you that feels guilt, do it." Tenji: "Okay." Yuichi: "All right. If you're going to keep that promise, I'll make one, too." Yuichi: "I'm going to clear this third game, no matter what it takes." Manabu-Kun: "Three days are up! Come on outside." Yuichi: "Let's go, Tenji. We have to make it back to everyone." Tenji: "Yeah." Sgt. Manabu: "Ah, you've both come out." Tenji: "Manabu-kun... is that you?" Sgt. Manabu: "Fool! Who are you calling Manabu-kun?!" Sgt. Manabu: "I'm the one and only Sergeant Manabu!" Reiko: "The third game is starting." Tsukino: "Yes. It looks like they're up against your group." Reiko: "That's right! And how's your Group C?" Reiko: "Huh? There are only two left? The game's over before it even started." Tsukino: "I wonder about that." Reiko: "Huh? In the third game, the bigger team always has the advantage." Tsukino: "Wanna bet?" Reiko: "I'm in." Sgt. Manabu: "All right, let's get started, you pigs!" Sgt. Manabu: "The third game..." Sgt. Manabu: "Friendly Hide-and-Seek!" Juzo: "Just two? That's brutal." Chisato: "And both dudes, too. What a waste." Kei: "It's rude to call them a waste, Senpai." Banri: "Your battle power is a mere five, huh? Piece of trash!" Hyakutaro: "Huh?! You wanna piece of dis?" Yuichi: "Who the hell are they?" Sgt. Manabu: "Let me say, first of all, that this game is held in..." Sgt. Manabu: "competitive battle format!" Sgt. Manabu: "The winners will clear the third game. For the losers, it's game over." Tenji: "Wait a minute! Isn't the Tomodachi Game supposed to test friendships within the group?" Sgt. Manabu: "Mm-hmm. It will test your true friendship precisely because you have opponents. For instance, what if your teammate is a jerk who betrayed everyone by bad-mouthing them..." Sgt. Manabu: "But the opposing team has five friends who all cooperated with each other?" Sgt. Manabu: "Then the grass looks greener on the other side. Wait, it actually is greener! You'll start comparing yourselves to them, you'll get jealous," Sgt. Manabu: "and then, how do you think it'll all end?" Tenji: "It... It'll..." Yuichi: "Trusting your friends will start to look like a dumb idea." Tenji: "Yuichi?" Sgt. Manabu: "Correct! This game will make you battle against that kind of feeling. No matter how hard it is, you have to trust your friends, and then you wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and keep waiting... That's the game! That's Friendly Hide-and-Seek!" Sgt. Manabu: "From here on, you will all play hide-and-seek in this vast forest. Each team will choose one hider who will hide somewhere in the forest. The remaining team members will be the seekers." Yuichi: "I see. That's why you said the third game can't be cleared alone." Sgt. Manabu: "That's right. And the team that finds the other's hider first wins." Tenji: "Wait a minute. With two people, we have only one seeker. That's totally..." Sgt. Manabu: "Right! In this game, the smaller team is at a huge disadvantage. But that's just the way it goes." Sgt. Manabu: "This is the Tomodachi Game. Your team had a huge argument. Obviously, a team that gets along will have an advantage." Sgt. Manabu: "I'll explain again later, but here are the rules." Sgt. Manabu: "Take a close look." Tenji: "What's this "change sides" one?" Sgt. Manabu: "If it looks like your team is about to lose, the seekers can switch sides to the enemy team. But even if the team you switch to wins, you won't go on to the fourth game." Tenji: "Is there any point to switching, then?" Sgt. Manabu: "Of course there is. If you're on the winning team when the game ends, the personal debt that you would have gained from failing to clear can all be passed to the losing team." Yuichi: "So even if they fail to clear, the person who switched can end the game with no debt." Tenji: "Do you choose friends or money? That's what the Tomodachi Game is really about." Sgt. Manabu: "In particular, when there's only two on a team, if one person switches, the game immediately ends." Sgt. Manabu: "So be careful!" Tenji: "Don't worry. I have no intention of switching." Yuichi: "I really hope not. That would suck." Chisato: "But even on a five-person team..." Banri: "It's possible for four to switch, leaving all of their debt on the one hider." Juzo: "So that is an option." Yuichi: "What happens if you switch but still lose?" Sgt. Manabu: "In that case, the traitor will receive an amount of debt equal to the average debt of the losing team. They then return to their original team, and continue to the fourth game." Kei: "If someone betrays their team but then returns with even more debt..." Hyakutaro: "That'd be unforgivable, huh?" Sgt. Manabu: "Ah!" Sgt. Manabu: "And just so you know, trading name tags is prohibited this time." Sgt. Manabu: "All right! Now all we have to do is choose the hiders. But first, I have some exclusive information for the two in Group C!" Sgt. Manabu: "There's a player from another group who made it to the third game alone. Do you want to add them to your team? Only if you say it's okay, of course." Tenji: "W-Why would we ever accept—" Yuichi: "Are they a girl?" Sgt. Manabu: "Huh? Yeah, she's a cute girl." Yuichi: "In that case, it's okay." Manabu: "Huh? What? Really? It's okay if it's a girl?" Tenji: "Yuichi! It's too dangerous to let an outsider in!" Sgt. Manabu: "You're such a perv, Yuichi-kun!" Tenji: "If she betrays us, we're finished!" Yuichi: "I know. But it would be almost impossible for the two of us to win." Sgt. Manabu: "You're sure? Are you sure, then? You guys are such a pain. I'll get her." Sgt. Manabu: "Please come over!" Sgt. Manabu: "All right, please introduce yourself!" Maria: "I'm Mizuse Maria." Group K: "Wow!" Reiko: "That's the guy who said he'd destroy the operation? When the higher-ups were alerted, they decided to send Maria in to keep an eye on him. I was wondering what he'd be like," Reiko: "but if he let her in that easily, he can't be that deep. Besides trusting your friends, there is one other way to clear the Tomodachi Game." Reiko: "Do you know what that is?" Tsukino: "It's..." Reiko: "To lead your group with overwhelming charisma! And... My Group K has that charisma. In fact, it has a genius. I'm sure you'll figure out which one the genius is eventually." Tsukino: "I wonder about that." Tsukino: "I doubt very much that even a genius could kill a monster." Juzo: "Listen up. I'm gonna hide, and you don't have a snowball's chance in hell," Juzo: "because I'll never give up. Even if it kills me." Tenji: "Yuichi." Tenji: "I'll be the hider." Yuichi: "Are you sure?" Tenji: "It's got to be me. I can't make you sit still. And I hate to say it, but we can't give her the option to give up." Yuichi: "You're right. Sorry, man." Sgt. Manabu: "It seems both teams have chosen their hider. I'll give you two hours to find your hiding spots. First, proceed in opposite directions, west or east. All right. Third game, start!"
{ "raw_title": "Tomodachi Game Episode 7 – I'll Take 20 Million Yen Worth of Your Life", "parsed": [ "Tomodachi Game", "7", "I'll Take 20 Million Yen Worth of Your Life" ] }
Tenji: "We still have some time. We've got to find a perfect hiding spot." Yuichi: "You're right. Especially because this game has such specific rules." Sgt. Manabu: "All right then, I'll explain each of the rules. Drumroll... Ta-da! Let's start with the things you simply cannot do." Sgt. Manabu: "One: Violence. You can't use violence against the other team to force them to give up the hider's location. That's forbidden." Sgt. Manabu: "That should be obvious. Two: Moving the hider. Once the hider has settled on a spot, they are forbidden from moving. You can't leave that spot until the game is over." Tenji: "It's really harsh that we can't move after choosing a hiding spot." Yuichi: "Yeah. There are surveillance cameras all over the place. If you move even a little..." Sgt. Manabu: "If you do something you're not allowed to, there's a penalty. Your team's debts will all double, and you will instantly lose. So be careful!" Tenji: "I'd hoped we'd be able to investigate Tomodachi Game a bit now that we made it all the way to the third round." Yuichi: "This game might make that difficult." Yuichi: "Especially since this is the only way we can contact each other." Sgt. Manabu: "Next, the things you can do. I'll give each of you one cell phone." Sgt. Manabu: "One: Contact. Every player of this game can contact anyone else, friend or foe," Sgt. Manabu: "so if you get into trouble, call for help, okay?" Yuichi: "He said we can call anytime," Yuichi: "but unless there's a serious emergency, I don't think you'll hear from me." Yuichi: "Tenji!" Yuichi: "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Tenji: "Y-Yeah. Just a little dizzy." Yuichi: "I'm not surprised. We haven't eaten in three days." Tenji: "Damn it. They could have let us eat something before the game started." Sgt. Manabu: "Two: Food. Right in the middle of the forest, there's a stash of food ready for you. Once the game starts, you can eat as much and as often as you want." Sgt. Manabu: "Huh, Group C hasn't eaten anything yet." Sgt. Manabu: "Oh, and the searchers have to bring food to the hiders. Remember, the hiders aren't allowed to move!" Tenji: "Sorry. I'm better now." Yuichi: "Are you sure? Maybe you should rest more." Tenji: "No, it's okay. If I let something like this slow me down, we'll never beat this thing." Sgt. Manabu: "The next one is a right that is given only to the hider. That's three: Give up. This game is actually harder for the hiders." Chisato: "Well, yeah, they're stuck alone and bored." Hyakutaro: "Sittin' still for a long time kinda wears you out." Sgt. Manabu: "Yeah. So in case you're waiting forever, but your searcher can't find the other team's hider, and you can't take it anymore," Sgt. Manabu: "you have a give-up button! It's just what it sounds like. Press this, and your group will immediately lose. It's not your fault if your teammates are cruel and incompetent." Sgt. Manabu: "By the way, it only counts if the owner presses it." Sgt. Manabu: "Finally, the fourth one is changing sides." Sgt. Manabu: "I already explained that, so we're good." Sgt. Manabu: "All right, each team, please choose your hiders." Tenji: "I'm not worried about you, Yuichi, but that girl could be trouble." Tenji: "She's a total stranger." Tenji: "There's a good chance she could choose to lose and drop out by herself." Yuichi: "Well, that's on her. I bet she feels helpless alone, though." Yuichi: "All right, nobody should find you here. Especially with that pit in the back." Tenji: "Where's the girl?" Yuichi: "Don't worry. Just to be safe, I left her waiting far away. She won't know where this is." Tenji: "Yuichi, remember what you said?" Yuichi: "But it would be almost impossible for the two of us to win." Tenji: "Can we win with three? The other team will still have twice as many people searching for me." Yuichi: "Even with three, if we play clean, it's probably impossible." Tenji: "So basically, if we don't play clean, we might be able to pull it off?" Yuichi: "If we don't play clean, it'll all depend on how much you can handle. Probably." Yuichi: "No matter what I do, you've got to hold on, hold on, and keep holding on... As long as you don't push the give-up button, we definitely have a chance to win." Tenji: "Don't worry, Yuichi. I won't give up, no matter what." Yuichi: "Tenji..." Tenji: "Like I said, you're the last hope I have to avenge my father." Tenji: "I'll do anything to regain your trust." Yuichi: "All right. That's a relief, then." Yuichi: "I'm sure we can win!" Yuichi: "Okay, it's almost been two hours. I didn't really get a chance to explain my plan," Yuichi: "but it's too risky to stay here, so I'd better go." Tenji: "Got it. I'm counting on you." Yuichi: "I'll finish and come back as soon as I can, so just trust me and wait, Tenji." Tenji: "Yeah, I'll trust you and be waiting, Yuichi." Tenji: "But after that..." Tenji: "Yuichi didn't come back for two full days." Tenji: "Why hasn't Yuichi come back yet? Is it that hard to find someone in this huge forest?" Tenji: "There's no sign of the other team looking for me, either. We might be in for a really long fight." Tenji: "But even so..." Tenji: "Even so, couldn't he just bring me some food and water?" Tenji: "Wouldn't that be okay?" Tenji: "Or maybe... has Yuichi betrayed me?! If that's the case, maybe he already switched teams and is leading them here now..." Tenji: "No, that still wouldn't take this much time." Tenji: "Why, then? Why hasn't Yuichi come back? It's starting to feel like I'm being abused—" Tenji: "Wait, abused? Is Yuichi trying to abuse me? I totally betrayed everyone in the second game, but then when he called a truce, I let my guard down..." Tenji: "He's been waiting for a chance to get revenge in the third game! Right now, Yuichi's probably relaxing and eating with that girl, laughing at me while he imagines me suffering! Isn't he?" Tenji: "No, I've got to calm down!" Tenji: "I'm so hungry, I can't even think straight." Tenji: "That's right! I still have this! I thought about calling after one day had passed," Tenji: "but I held off because I didn't want it to look like I doubted Yuichi." Tenji: "And now I've been waiting two full days. Maybe if I called saying I was worried something happened to him, it wouldn't sound strange." Tenji: "Why aren't you answering?! Yuichi! Yuichi! Shit, I'm so thirsty! I'm so hungry! Shit! Shit! Shit!" Tenji: "Hello, Yuichi? You didn't come back, so I was starting to worry. How are things over—" Kei: "Uh, sorry, this is a member of Group K." Tenji: "What? What do you want?" Kei: "Um, this is a little hard to say," Kei: "but Katagiri Yuichi-san is planning to abandon you." Tenji: "There's no way he'd do that. I know he's searching like crazy for your hider right now." Kei: "I hate to break it to you, but he hasn't gone out searching even once." Kei: "He's just been relaxing with that girl, eating and sleeping. Yuichi-san said, "Mikasa Tenji totally screwed us over in the second game," "and I'll absolutely never forgive him." If you don't believe me, I'll pass him the phone and you can ask him yourself. He's right here with me." Tenji: "I can talk to Yuichi?" Tenji: "That isn't necessary. If he needs to, I know Yuichi will contact me directly. I'll always trust him. I'm going to keep waiting." Kei: "Is that so? Well, when you've really had enough, please be sure to press the give-up button." Kei: "Otherwise, you'll die." Tenji: "Hurry... Hurry up and come back, Yuichi!" Hyakutaro: "How is he? What kind of shape is their hider in?" Kei: "Well, I can tell he's trying to bluff, but he sounds like a mess." Chisato: "He hasn't eaten for a total of five days, right? That would be rough." Hyakutaro: "And while he's holding his breath and hiding from us, he's gotta keep believing in his friend. That's gotta be totally screwing with his head." Kei: "Poor thing. No matter how hard he tries, it's pointless." Kei: "Because our guy came up with a perfect strategy." Juzo: "I have a strategy to win this Friendly Hide-and-Seek." Hyakutaro: "S-Seriously, Captain?" Juzo: "Yeah. We'll definitely win." Hyakutaro: "I knew you would, Captain! We'll never go wrong if we listen to you!" Chisato: "You're always trying to flatter the captain like that, Hyakutaro. At least listen to his plan first." Hyakutaro: "You shut your face!" Kei: "Well, Senpai, the captain's instructions have helped us clear everything so far." Kei: "Isn't that right, Banri-senpai?" Banri: "No problem. Everything's fine." Kei: "So, what's the strategy?" Juzo: "It should become obvious when you think about the essence of the game." Kei: "Essence?" Juzo: "To begin with, this hide-and-seek game isn't about luck or probability." Juzo: "This is still part of the Tomodachi Game. It tests friendships." Kei: "In other words, it's not simply that we have a better chance of finding their hider because we have more people? That isn't the strategy?" Juzo: "Correct. Think carefully. What did Manabu explain about the game rules?" Sgt. Manabu: "From here on, you will all play hide-and-seek in this vast forest." Juzo: "Where exactly does this vast forest begin, and how far does it go?" Hyakutaro: "Huh?! How far?" Chisato: "It does look like a really huge forest. Whether you had two or four people searching, it would be nearly impossible to find someone." Juzo: "Exactly. You've got to realize that since he used the vague words "vast forest," the game isn't about blindly searching for someone who's hiding." Chisato: "How do you find the other team's hider, then?" Juzo: "The important point is..." Sgt. Manabu: "The searchers have to bring food to the hiders." Juzo: "The rule that searchers have to carry food to the hiders, because the hiders can't move." Kei: "Oh, I get it." Chisato: "Huh..." Banri: "I've solved all of the mysteries." Hyakutaro: "Huh? Huh?!" Chisato: "Hyakutaro, you seriously still don't get it?" Hyakutaro: "Huh?! No way!" Kei: "But Captain, if we're doing that," Hyakutaro: "The hell?! Of course I get it!" Kei: "shouldn't we put someone at the food station right away?" Juzo: "Yes, we should." Kei: "Oh, but I'm one of the slowest runners here." Juzo: "In that case, Hyakutaro and Chisato," Juzo: "you two have the fastest legs on the team, so go ahead to where the food is." Hyakutaro: "Y-Yes, sir!" Chisato: "Roger." Juzo: "Kei and Banri, go find a hiding place for me. You have good eyes for that sort of thing, so I'm sure you'll pick somewhere I won't be found." Juzo: "All right! Before we get going, let's do the usual thing!" Chisato: "Huh? Are we really going to do it here?" Hyakutaro: "Shut it, Chisato. C'mon and huddle." Kei: "Right, here we go. One, two—" All Five: "Fast fight! Swift win! Solid walls! Strong team! We are! The best!" All Five: "Victory!" Reiko: "Well, did you see that? Their team has perfect unity. After two games, they're totally in sync thanks to the guidance of their genius leader." Tsukino: "I'll admit their unity is impressive." Tsukino: "It's kind of gross, though." Reiko: "Huh?!" Tsukino: "But instead of five typical friends, they're more like a single team." Reiko: "That's right! They're all members of the same sports club. They're teammates. Some of them were childhood friends, but they're all different ages and have a rigid age-based hierarchy. That's exactly why you could say that they're linked by the strong bonds of discipline and order, moreso than any equal friendship." Tsukino: "Bonds, huh?" Reiko: "W-What? That isn't to your liking?" Reiko: "Fine. Here's your advance warning. This game will be over in three days. And, of course, my Group K will be the victors. I know because they've truly figured out a perfect strategy for winning. And it's one that only the five members of Group K can use." Tsukino: "It's the third day. You said you'd win." Tsukino: "You really think the winner will be decided today?" Reiko: "Of course. Take a look at Mikasa Tenji and that expression on his face." Reiko: "He's bound to press the give-up button. The strategy for Friendly Hide-and-Seek is extremely simple. When the hider can't stand the thirst and hunger anymore, and a searcher goes to take him food, the other team just has to follow. Just like they were saying in Group K, it would be next to impossible to find someone hiding in this forest. When someone gets lost, even if they want to be rescued, even with many more people searching, it's still very difficult to find them. The trick is to always be in a position to tail the other team, and then to make sure they don't lose you when you do. Group K won't have any trouble with that. First of all, they have four people to watch two. If they work in shifts, they'll be ready to follow at any time. Second, they're athletes and really tight teammates. The other two won't be able to run fast enough to get away. Basically, if Group C moves right now, they'll be tailed, and their hider will be spotted. Their defeat is a matter of course. And if they don't move, the hider will eventually succumb to hunger and thirst and push the give-up button." Reiko: "Either way, they're bound to lose. And it's impossible the other way around. Even if only three from Group K go to deliver food, the other two won't be able to follow. Also, compared to someone who's been eating properly, a person who hasn't eaten for three days has a massive handicap to begin with." Reiko: "By my estimate, he'll reach his breaking point tonight. Either they lose when Katagiri Yuichi is followed, or they lose when Mikasa Tenji gives up. It's a matter of time." Yuichi: "Sorry to keep you waiting, Tenji." Tenji: "Y-Yuichi..." Yuichi: "Thanks, Tenji. I'm glad you trusted me and waited." Tenji: "Of course I did. I said I'd trust you." Reiko: "W-What's this? What is happening? Who in the world is he talking to?" Tsukino: "He's probably hallucinating due to extreme stress and hunger. He's envisioning the thing he most wants to see." Reiko: "How dreadful. Even if it is hopeless, you'd think his teammate could at least search for the other hider or call to cheer him up. But to do absolutely nothing like this... For two days, this jerk hasn't left the food station at all and has just been eating and sleeping." Reiko: "He's also been blabbing all sorts of info about his team to the other side." Reiko: "Does he really intend to abandon Mikasa Tenji after all?" Reiko: "Hey, is Maria just going to sit there silently the whole time? She might just be an observer for now, but she is still supposed to act as a member of Group C, right?" Tsukino: "Yes, but she did send me just one report." Tsukino: ""Katagiri Yuichi is even more of a crazy asshole than I thought," she said." Tsukino: "It seems he's started something while we've been talking." Yuichi: "Hey guys, I have a request to make of Group K." Yuichi: "I want to switch to Group K." Tenji: "Yuichi, this rice ball... looks delicious..." Maria: "Katagiri Yuichi... This guy really is..." Maria: "the worst."
{ "raw_title": "Tomodachi Game Episode 8 – It's a Game Where You Wait, and Wait, and Wait... and Keep Waiting", "parsed": [ "Tomodachi Game", "8", "It's a Game Where You Wait, and Wait, and Wait... and Keep Waiting" ] }
Reiko: "Switch sides? What the hell is he saying?! I-It's got to be a bluff! There's no way he's serious about switching." Tsukino: "I wonder about that. I tend to think Katagiri Yuichi would be comfortable doing something like that to achieve his goal." Tsukino: "So, if he honestly does want to switch sides, would you accept it?" Reiko: "Well, of course I would. If he joins our side, victory is all but inevitable." Tsukino: "That's true, if you think about it... normally. If this goes the way I think it will, the game will really start to move depending on if they accept Katagiri Yuichi's switch." Yuichi: "Well? Will you allow me to switch sides or not?" Chisato: "Hmm. What made you want to switch sides now?" Yuichi: "It's like I said... Tenji destroyed our friendships in the second game. I decided to use the third game to make him suffer as much as possible, and then switch sides." Chisato: "Well, I guess that tracks." Yuichi: "Then hurry up and allow it. You remember how to do it, right?" Sgt. Manabu: "About switching sides, I'll always be in the center area where the food is, so come and make a formal announcement with someone from the other team. If at least one person from the other team agrees, it's settled. But be careful, because you can't switch again and go back to your original team." Chisato: "What do you think? I'm okay with letting him in." Hyakutaro: "Usually, I'd never want a guy like this on our side. But to help us win? In that case..." Chisato: "M'kay, if there are no objections..." Kei: "Hold on, please. Until now, whenever we had a choice to make, we always asked Captain to decide. So, why don't we ask him now too, just to be safe?" Chisato: "Aw, it's fine. Why bother?" Hyakutaro: "You asshole! Captain's decisions are absolute! He's the reason we've gotten this far! I can't believe what I almost did!" Chisato: "Okay, fine, I get it." Chisato: "What? What do you think is so funny?" Yuichi: "My bad. I didn't mean it. It's just..." Yuichi: "It's ridiculous that you guys can't make a simple decision like this by yourselves. You can't seriously have been asking your precious Captain-sama's permission for every single move up until this point? "Captain-sama, shall we go left or right?" "Captain-sama, will we have bread or rice for breakfast?" "Captain-sama, may I please go pee-pee?" C'mon, how much of a control freak is your Captain, anyway?" Hyakutaro: "You piece of shit." Hyakutaro: "Our Captain..." Hyakutaro: "Our Captain... ain't like that at all!" Kei: "Please don't be violent! If you attack the other team, we'll immediately lose!" Hyakutaro: "But this asshole..." Banri: "Hyakutaro, calm down. We still have plenty of time." Hyakutaro: "Banri-san... okay." Kei: "For now, please stay here with Hyakutaro-senpai so he doesn't do anything rash. I'll go call him right away." Kei: "Hello, is that you, Captain?" Reiko: "Phew, that was close! We almost lost over a stupid accident." Tsukino: "Was it really an accident?" Reiko: "Huh? Are you saying he was deliberately provoking him?" Tsukino: "Gosh, who knows? But you might not want to take such a simplistic view of his actions." Reiko: "Well, either way, once Katagiri Yuichi switches sides, the game is over." Kei: "Um, okay. I'll tell you Captain's decision. "I will not allow that Katagiri Yuichi guy to switch sides." That's what he said." Reiko: "W-Why in the world not?!" Tsukino: "No, that's probably the correct decision." Kei: ""The reason is clear and simple." "We'll definitely win even without him on our side." "The strategy I thought up is flawless."" Maria: "Strategy?" Kei: ""So don't get distracted. Just trust me and carry out the plan," he said. "But if Katagiri Yuichi still insists on switching teams," "make the girl switch with him." "If they both switch, Group C will be down to just the one hider." "They wouldn't be able to pull any tricks, then." "For example, if Katagiri Yuichi switched and started working with us," "he might trick us into telling him our hiding place." "Then, he could tell the girl and send her to find him." "Katagiri Yuichi's debt would increase, but despite starting" "with such a huge disadvantage," "they would at least grab victory."" Hyakutaro: "No kidding! In that case, let's have 'em both switch over. You've got no reason to refuse, right? You've got a grudge against Mikasa Tenji. That's why you're switching, right?" Maria: "My, oh my. The strategy was easier to see through than I thought. Group K's leader is pretty sharp." Maria: "But too bad for them, since that was already part of this guy's plan." Maria: "So what are we going to do, Yuichi-san?" Yuichi: "Nothing, for at least the next two full days." Yuichi: "That'll give the impression that I have no intention of fighting them." Yuichi: "Then on the third day, I'll announce I want to switch sides." Maria: "Are you planning to betray us?" Yuichi: "Of course not. I'm not thinking about anything except winning." Maria: "Huh... He's sticking to it, then." Yuichi: "In other words," Yuichi: "I'm ready to do whatever it takes to win." Maria: "Wow! He really is something in the flesh! That villainous look on his face!" Yuichi: "If I am able to switch, my plan is to get their hiding spot out of them," Yuichi: "and then tell you where it is." Maria: "Oh, I see!" Yuichi: "But still, there's about a ten to one chance this plan will fail." Maria: "Huh? Why do you think so?" Yuichi: "Because Group K has probably already figured out the strategy for this game. The only sure and simple way to find the other hider in Friendly Hide-and-Seek is to tail the other team when they deliver food." Maria: "So, he has already figured it out. That might be true, but what makes you think our opponents are already aware of that strategy?" Yuichi: "If this was normal hide-and-seek, who would you pick in Group K to be the hider?" Maria: "I'd want to reduce the chances of being found as much as possible, so the smallest... Ah!" Yuichi: "Right. They should have picked the smallest guy on the team to hide. But instead, of all people, they picked the one who's by far the biggest." Yuichi: "That proves they've already realized it's not the same as regular hide-and-seek." Yuichi: "They picked the guy who would be the most patient over a long fight." Maria: "So if your plan to switch sides fails, what will you do next?" Yuichi: "Before I tell you that, I need to make sure of one thing." Maria: "What is it?" Yuichi: "I told you I'd do whatever it takes to win, right?" Yuichi: "Will you go along with that? To get straight to the point," Yuichi: "will you swear your absolute obedience to me?" Maria: "Does this guy think he's threatening me? But hey, at least it's getting interesting! S-Sure, I will. As long as we win the game." Yuichi: "Of course. If you follow my lead, we'll definitely win." Maria: "Wow, he's so confident!" Yuichi: "Okay, I'll tell you." Maria: "Oh, so that's why he asked if I was a girl earlier. Even so, this guy, Katagiri Yuichi," Maria: "is even more of a crazy asshole than I thought!" Sgt. Manabu: "Well, what's the matter? Hurry up and switch." Manabu-Kun: "I don't have enough scenes in the third game..." Yuichi: "Nah, I changed my mind about switching." Hyakutaro: "Huh?!" Chisato: "Aw, why not? Was Captain spot-on about your strategy after all?" Yuichi: "No, no, that isn't it." Yuichi: "After watching you guys, I think it'll be an easy win." Yuichi: "I figure we'll clean up here pretty quick." Hyakutaro: "Give it your best shot." Chisato: "Back off, Hyakutaro." Hyakutaro: "Shut it!" Yuichi: "Listen up. Here's the plan if I can't switch sides." Yuichi: "I said I wouldn't do anything for the first two days, but that wasn't exactly true. I'll make small talk with the other team" Hyakutaro: "You son of a..." Yuichi: "and try to provoke them sometimes while I look for something. Bye-bye!" Maria: "Something?" Yuichi: "Once I find that thing, I'll move to the next step." Maria: "Once he finds it, it's fine, but Tenji-kun's gotta be at his breaking point about now." Kei: "We're going to bring Captain his breakfast, so please take over the watch, guys." Chisato: "Sure." Chisato: "I say that, but they're both still dead asleep this morning, too." Chisato: "Hyakutaro." Chisato: "You sure aren't a morning person. Here. With plenty of sugar and milk." Hyakutaro: "Oh!" Chisato: "This reminds me of our morning routine." Hyakutaro: "Sure does." Yuichi: "That's right, you guys said you were in the basketball club." Hyakutaro: "What the hell... You were awake?" Yuichi: "Sorry. I guess it looks like I was eavesdropping." Chisato: "Hyakutaro, I'll keep an eye on the girl." Hyakutaro: "Yeah, I got this." Yuichi: "Have you been in basketball a while, Hyakutaro-kun?" Hyakutaro: "Uh, yeah... Hey, why you talkin' to me?" Yuichi: "I can see how well you work together. You must be a really strong team." Hyakutaro: "W-Well yeah, I guess! We were totally headed for nationals this year." Yuichi: "And that captain of yours is great! He's super sharp, but he's also huge!" Hyakutaro: "What, so you do get it?! Yeah, he's a really awesome guy! But, y'know..." Hyakutaro: "I kept making crappy shots and got Captain injured." Hyakutaro: "So I trained my ass off to help him shine one last time." Yuichi: "Huh. You really are just a wholesome, honest young man." Yuichi: "But then, why'd you get stuck playing the Tomodachi Game?" Yuichi: "Which one of you five is in debt?" Hyakutaro: "I-It's..." Yuichi: "It's?" Chisato: "That's enough." Hyakutaro: "Chisato!" Chisato: "Hyakutaro, let's trade spots before you say too much." Hyakutaro: "S-Sorry. Phew. Back to the girl. Is—" Hyakutaro: "Huh?" Hyakutaro: "She was just sleeping here, right? Oh, shit! Damn it! She ran away!" Hyakutaro: "Ah! I-I'm, uh, n-not... Th-This isn't... I wasn't trying to..." Chisato: "Hyakutaro!" Hyakutaro: "N-No...! I-I-I didn't mean it!" Chisato: "What the hell are you doing?! Keep your eyes on her!" Hyakutaro: "No! I mean, this is just, that..." Chisato: "Fine, then I'll go!" Hyakutaro: "No, you can't, Chisato! Idiot! Perv!" Yuichi: "I found it! Maria!" Chisato: "Oh, no! Go after Yuichi! I'll follow Maria!" Hyakutaro: "G-Got it!" Hyakutaro: "You ain't gettin' away!" Chisato: "Gotcha!" Chisato: "There they are!" Yuichi: "This way!" Maria: "Huh? Uh, okay!" Chisato: "Hyakutaro!" Hyakutaro: "Yeah!" Chisato: "What he thought he "found" was a chance to split us up and then lose us." Hyakutaro: "But we caught up anyway." Chisato: "Not a bad idea, but he was just out of luck." Yuichi: "No, this is exactly what I planned." Yuichi: "The thing I found is something else." Yuichi: "Oops! My hand slipped!" Maria: "Huh?!" Maria: "What?" Tenji: "I'm done for." Tenji: "At this rate, I'll..." Tenji: "I've held on long enough, right?" Tenji: "But what would change if I pushed it?" Tenji: "Even if I escape this pain, I only have that empty life to return to." Tenji: "I said it, didn't I? I will trust Yuichi no matter what happens." Tenji: "Fine. I'll keep waiting like this... and bet on Yuichi... on my last hope... with my life." Tenji: "I'm sorry, Dad, that I couldn't avenge you." Tenji: "I'm sorry, guys... that I couldn't... apologize directly." Tenji: "But at least I didn't betray anyone else at the end." Tenji: "I'm glad." Tenji: "Wh... What?" Yuichi: "Tenji! Hold on, Tenji!" Tenji: "Yu...ichi..." Tenji: "Yuichi?!" Yuichi: "Tenji!" Tenji: "Yuichi! Yuichi!" Yuichi: "Sorry to keep you waiting, Tenji. I'm back now." Tenji: "So that's what happened. They would have tailed you if you brought food, so you couldn't get back sooner. But you knew about that strategy from the start, right—" Yuichi: "Well, yeah." Tenji: "If you told me that on the first day, I wouldn't have had to suffer so much." Yuichi: "Sorry. I did that on purpose, to test you." Yuichi: "To see if you'd push the give-up button when you were in real trouble. If you pushed it, the game would end. We'd lose everything. But if you didn't, I decided I'd start to trust you again." Tenji: "Yuichi, you're an idiot." Tenji: "If I had no self-control and pushed the button... If I started to resent you and simply pushed the button, what were you going to do?!" Yuichi: "You didn't push it, though." Yuichi: "You risked your life to keep your promise, and didn't push the button. Honestly, that makes me happy. The Tenji I knew in school wasn't a complete lie." Yuichi: "Thanks, Tenji, for trusting me. From now on I'll really trust you, too." Tenji: "Yuichi..." Tenji: "After you've lost something, it's so hard to get it back." Yuichi: "I know it is." Yuichi: "But trusting you doesn't necessarily mean I distrust Sawaragi 100 percent. Once we get back, we've got to get to the bottom of it all." Tenji: "That's good enough for me." Tenji: "So, what's going on?" Tenji: "Does it look like we can win?" Yuichi: "We're in good shape. The fact that I made it back here means the plan is already halfway to success." Tenji: "How did you lose the Group K guys, anyway?" Yuichi: "Yeah... by now," Yuichi: "they're probably saying all sorts of crap about me." Hyakutaro: "God damn that asshole!" Chisato: "Seriously, what's wrong with him?" Hyakutaro: "Hey, you okay?" Maria: "Huh? Uh, yes, I'm all right. Ooh, that was terrifying. He did say he was going to use me as a distraction somehow." Maria: "What the... Is this what he... meant as a..." Maria: "distraction?!" Chisato: "I'm going after him!" Hyakutaro: "No way! I can't pull her up by myself!" Chisato: "Don't be stupid! If she falls from that height, she won't be that hurt—" Hyakutaro: "The hell she won't! Are you just gonna let a girl get hurt? You're always chasin' girls, but you won't help one that's right in front of you?!" Chisato: "Fine! I'll help!" Maria: "Wow!" Hyakutaro: "Yeah, the Chisato I know wouldn't leave a girl hanging." Maria: "The method wasn't the best, but he really did slow them both down!" Chisato: "Shut up and help pull!" Tenji: "That's awful." Yuichi: "Yeah, I guess so." Tenji: "It was a really risky gamble to try that." Yuichi: "It wasn't a gamble at all." Yuichi: "I knew I just needed to slow one of them down." Text: "If one stopped, it was highly likely the other would, too." Tenji: "What do you mean? What made you think that?" Yuichi: "I didn't just use my time these three days trying to wear you down." Yuichi: "I was also observing the personalities and relationships in Group K. Sometimes I spilled a little info to get them talking, other times I'd step up and provoke them. Eventually, I was able to find the thing— or rather, the person I was searching for. It was Onigawara Hyakutaro. At first, he seems like a short-tempered and impulsive jerk, but he's more compassionate than the others, and is really self-conscious about past mistakes. On top of that, he's weirdly naïve and kind to girls. Yeah, the thing I was searching for was the kindest person in the group." Tenji: "He does sound like the type to try to save her, but wasn't one other guy chasing, too?" Yuichi: "The other guy, Hashiratani Chisato, was always paying attention to Hyakutaro." Tenji: "Huh?" Yuichi: "He reacted to almost everything Hyakutaro did and said." Yuichi: "Chisato's kind of personality is what you'd call, in a word, a dilettante. You know, a jack of all trades, but master of none. When that type of person meets someone who's really sincere, he might mouth off a lot, but deep inside, he's actually really jealous." Tenji: "I think I know what he means." Yuichi: "So when Hyakutaro seriously asks for help, it's hard for Chisato to turn him down. People who put so much effort into crafting a fake personality can't stand it when more authentic people tell it like it is." Tenji: "What incredible analytical skills! But he's almost too good at seeing through other people's personality flaws... Still, how is that helping us win? It doesn't sound like we're halfway there to me." Yuichi: "We are, and what's coming up is actually my specialty." Tenji: "Your specialty?" Yuichi: "The biggest hurdle was figuring out if my relationship analysis was accurate." Yuichi: "That was already proven correct this time." Yuichi: "Now that I was able to bring you food, we have a little more time. We only have to do one more thing to win..." Yuichi: "Totally destroy all the relationships in Group K." Yuichi: "Over the last three days, I've already planted all sorts of traps. The first one will be set in motion any minute now." Maria: "U-Um, thank you so much. You saved my life." Chisato: "H-Huh? I did?" Maria: "Ooh, this is getting interesting!" Tenji: "Yuichi went back to Group K's camp. I can't begin to imagine what he's done since then." Chisato: "Wait a second! What are you thinking?" Hyakutaro: "Shut up! I made up my mind!" Chisato: "Just calm down!" Manabu-Kun: "What are you guys doing? Did you eat something funny?" Hyakutaro: "Let go of me!" Chisato: "Don't do it, Hyakutaro!" Hyakutaro: "I know you don't give a damn about how I feel! Manabu!" Sgt. Manabu: "Huh?" Hyakutaro: "I'm switchin' to Group C!"
{ "raw_title": "Tomodachi Game Episode 9 – Hurry Up and Switch Sides", "parsed": [ "Tomodachi Game", "9", "Hurry Up and Switch Sides" ] }
Art: "It's best that you draw however you want," Art: "All right, try it out in your sketchbooks." Yokoi: "Golf." Yokoi: "But these desks are pretty old and in rough shape. I don't think you can really play golf on it." Yokoi: "See? Told you." Art: "Now, I'm going to hand out a print-out with each color's special characteristics." Student: "Here, pass them back." Yokoi: "Oh, right." Yokoi: "Here, Goto-san!" Sakura: "Th-Thanks." Yokoi: "Oh! Huh?" Yokoi: "He's pouting!" Yokoi: "I-I'm sorry, Seki-kun. I didn't realize... Um, I'm really sorry... I really do feel bad, but... we are in class." Sakura: "Yokoi-san would be like this. Yes. That's realistic." Sakura: "Y-Yokoi-san." Yokoi: "Oh, Goto-san." Sakura: "Um... I accidentally saw... you and Seki-kun, um... I don't think you should be doing that during class..." Yokoi: "Huh?" Sakura: "I-I know I shouldn't be meddling, but..." Yokoi: "You're totally right! It's so not okay, right?" Sakura: "Huh?" Yokoi: "I'm glad that someone else finally understands!" Yokoi: "Seki-kun is always like that during class." Yokoi: "But I just can't help getting fascinated..." Yokoi: "And then, things keep escalating... and I forget to stop him..." Yokoi: "I really should tell him off. But..." Sakura: "But... I-I..." Sakura: "I'm here for you, Yokoi-san!" Yokoi: "Thank you! Goto-san, I won't give up!"
{ "raw_title": "Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time Episode 10 – Golf", "parsed": [ "Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time", "10", "Golf" ] }
Teach: "Listen up! You'll administer thirty chest compressions, followed by two breaths, and then repeat. Don't forget to keep the airway clear." Teach: "If there's anything you don't understand, call me." Yokoi: "Okay!" Uzawa: "Artificial respiration means mouth-to-mouth!" Teach: "You two! Stop fooling around!" Teach: "It's a matter of life and death." Yokoi: "Pool." Yokoi: "Let's do our best together!" Teach: "Okay, we've covered all the material... But there's still some time," Teach: "Go ahead and use the pool!" Uzawa: "All right! I'm the first one in! Yeah!" Teach: "Hey! No diving!" Hashi: "Rumi, let's go in, too." Yokoi: "Huh? Oh... Y-You go ahead." Hashi: "Okay." Yokoi: "A-Anyway, I need to put them somewhere they won't be too visible..." Yokoi: "Um... Where can I put them..." Uzawa: "Hey, what's this?" Uzawa: "This robot's wearing an inner tube." Yokoi: "Uzawa-kun, don't touch that!" Yokoi: "H-He wouldn't..." Uzawa: "Robot... Dive!" Yokoi: "No!" Class: "That's incredible, Maeda! You can actually swim butterfly?!" Yokoi: "Maeda-kun, you idiot!" Yokoi: "He's a child lost among the raging waves! I'm so sorry!" Goto: "Yokoi-san!" Goto: "Aren't you coming in?" Yokoi: "There he is!" Yokoi: "Goto-san, don't move from that spot!" Goto: "O-Okay." Teach: "Hey! I thought I told you, no jumping in!" Yokoi: "Huh?! He's gone?!" Yokoi: "Why? Why? How?! Where did he go?" Uzawa: "Huh? Seki, what are you doing?" Uzawa: "Weirdo." Teach: "All right, time's up. Everyone out of the pool." All: "Okay!" Rumi: "Yokoi!" Yokoi: "A little longer. Just a little longer. Where are you? Where are you?" Teach: "Hey, Yokoi!" Hashi: "Rumi's playing around in the pool..."
{ "raw_title": "Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time Episode 13 – Pool", "parsed": [ "Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time", "13", "Pool" ] }
Boy: "So, anyway..." Girl: "What? You're kidding!" Yokoi: "Time to dig in!" Yokoi: "And that baby bear we saw was so cute!" ka: "Aw, I wish I could've seen it." Hashi: "I took a video of it." ka: "Really? Let me see!" Boy: "Man, your lunch looks amazing, Seki. Did you make it yourself?" Boy 2: "You sure went to a lot of trouble." Yokoi: "It's so cute! An octopus-shaped wiener. And what a high degree of completion!" ka: "Yokoi?" ka: "Is something wrong?" Yokoi: "Huh? No, it's nothing." ka: "You're weird." Yokoi: "What is this touching show of resistance? It looks just like they're working as a team to survive!" Yokoi: "What's with that octopus? He looks really strong!" Boy A: "Huh? Are you okay?" ka: "What's with the evil smile?" Hashi: "Are you plotting something?" Yokoi: "I'm not plotting anything!" Hashi: "That's good, I guess..." ka: "That was a look I've never seen before. She was Evil Yokoi!" Yokoi: "That's what happens when you only put wieners in!" Hashi: "Huh? You look happy now." Yokoi: "Oh, it's nothing." ka: "You're being weird today, Yokoi." Yokoi: "I told you, it's nothing!" Boy: "Huh? You've giving these wieners to us?" Boy 2: "Seriously?" Hashi: "Rumi, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Yokoi: "It doesn't matter... It's already over..." ka: "Are you feeling sick?" Yokoi: "No... It doesn't matter anymore, really." Boy: "Huh? You made that, too, Seki?" Boy A: "Awesome!"
{ "raw_title": "Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time Episode 14 – Lunch", "parsed": [ "Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time", "14", "Lunch" ] }
Yokoi: "Um..." Teach: "Yokoi, you seem out of it a lot lately." Yokoi: "Huh?!" Teach: "Is there something on your mind?" Yokoi: "No! Not at all!" Lady: "Regarding today's personal belongings inspection..." Teach: "Right. Then, we'll hold the inspection during homeroom." Teach: "Yokoi?" Yokoi: "I'm fine." Yokoi: "Totally fine." Title: "Personal Belongings Inspection." Teach: "Settle down." Yokoi: "Aww, you all have backpacks." Yokoi: "No, you can't. No, no!" Teach: "Are you a child?!" Teach: "Okay, then." Teach: "All right. I'm now going to conduct a personal belongings inspection." All: "What?!" Teach: "It was found that a first year brought a video game console, so all grades are being inspected." Yokoi: "What are you doing?!" Yokoi: "You have to show him your bag! You don't have any time to waste!" Yokoi: "No! He's not inspecting your personal belongings!" Teach: "Hey, what's this?" Yokoi: "What?" Yokoi: "You're the one moving them, Seki-kun!" Yokoi: "Hurry up and hide them!" Teach: "All right, next." Teach: "I don't see anything unusual in here." Teach: "All right. You're good, Seki." Teach: "Yokoi." Yokoi: "Yes?" Teach: "CD's aren't allowed." Teach: "Yokoi, are you listening?" Yokoi: "Yes!" Teach: "Are you sure there's not something on your mind?" Yokoi: "No, it's just... The family..." Teach: "Family?" Yokoi: "No! No, there's not!" Teach: "Well, anyway, I'm confiscating this. Anyone who had anything confiscated" Teach: "That is all." Mom: "Rumi." Mom: "I just got a call from your teacher." Mom: "Did you do something at school?" Yokoi: "No!"
{ "raw_title": "Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time Episode 21 – Personal Belongings Inspection", "parsed": [ "Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time", "21", "Personal Belongings Inspection" ] }
sa: "Good morning! I'll be teaching you all starting today. My name is Yuzaki." sa: "It's a pleasure to meet you!" sa: "Two people met, and swore to love each other... For all the years and months to follow, and beyond. It's an endless story," : "but one where every day is filled with commonplace joy." sa: "This is a continuation of The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. A story about people who aimed to reach the moon, and about a certain couple with a very blessed marriage." sa: "Huh? A programming class?" ko: "That's right. Lately, the government has been distributing computers to kids and wanting more of an IT-focused curriculum in schools. So my school has been trying to beef up its programming classes, too." sa: "Now that you mention it, I think I've heard about that." ko: "I've been handling one of the lessons starting this year..." sa: "And I can't make head or tails of it! I-I see..." ko: "So I talked to the principal, and she says we can bring in someone from the outside as a volunteer teacher, even if they aren't licensed! And you were the first person who came to mind, Yuzaki-kun!" sa: "Wow... Well, teaching it would be pretty easy—" ko: "We'd like you to teach the rest of the staff while you're at it." sa: "Anyway, Sensei, what happened to your marriage plans?" sa: "Huh? What?" ko: "These programming classes have gone so poorly that all my spare time has evaporated. I'm not in any position to be planning a wedding right now. We talked about moving in together for a bit, but this coding stuff just won't stick to my brain, so when I start thinking about moving—" sa: "Okay! I'll do it! It'd be my pleasure!" sa: "I mean, programming aside, teaching middle school students shouldn't be too hard." ko: "Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention..." sa: "Yes?" ko: "I got a new job. I work at a girls' high school now." sa: "What?! And that's how I ended up standing before a class of high school girls. So, does anyone have any questions?" Inukai: "Yeah, Sensei, I've got one!" sa: "Go ahead, Inukai-san." Inukai: "How old are you?" sa: "My age?" ko: "It'll be totally fine! It's a girls' school, but they're all pretty quiet and well-behaved. You'll get used to them in no time!" sa: "Well, I turned 18 in May." ko: "Hey! Come on, settle down!" Shirogane: "You're overwhelming him! Settle down, everyone!" sa: "Uh, you're..." Shirogane: "The class representative, Shirogane. Please, Sensei, continue." sa: "Oh, thanks. Well, I know that I'm young, but I do this for a living, so I think I should be able to teach you all about programming." Usa: "Wow, check out the confidence on Yuzaki-chan!" sa: "Usa-san..." sa: "Well, I wouldn't put it that way." Kurenai: "Actually, Sensei, I had a question." sa: "Let's see... Kurenai-san? Go ahead." Kurenai: "Well, it's just... You're 18, right? So I've been wondering... That's a ring on your ring finger, right?" sa: "Oh, that's right. Because I'm married." Class: "You're married?!" ko: "Come on! Would you all calm down?!" sa: "S-Sorry about this, Sensei." Shirogane: "He's married, Myako. Even though he's basically our age..." Myako: "Don't you need to put a stop to this, Class Rep?" Isaka: "Put a damn sock in it already!" Isaka: "If you don't pipe down, I'm gonna kick all your asses!" ko: "I-Isaka-senpai?!" Isaka: "You oughta know better, Yanagi! If you can't keep them quiet, you get an ass-whooping, too!" ko: "Right! Sorry!" Jessie: "Isaka-chan can be scary." Kurenai: "I didn't see that coming..." sa: "A-Anyway, how about we start the lesson?" Class: "Yes! Thank you for coming!" sa: "Whoa, they suddenly switched modes. I guess they really are serious, deep down. All right, then, let's start with a general explanation about programming." Class: "Yes, sir!" Tsukasa: "Nasa-kun, teaching at a girls' school... I mean, he's basically doing it to help someone, but... A girls' school..." Tsukasa: "There'll be a lot of young girls there! H-Hang on. Just calm down. What am I getting nervous about? It's ridiculous." Tsukasa: "High school girls are pretty fierce, though. They're bound to needle him if they find out he's married." sa: "Okay, that does it for today's lesson." sa: "If you have any questions, I'll be in the faculty room." Class: "Sensei! Yuzaki-sensei!" sa: "Finally, I can relax." Kurenai: "Yuzaki-sensei..." Kurenai: "Can I ask you for romantic advice?" sa: "Uh, whoa, hang on. I'm not actually a teacher, so..." Kurenai: "You said you were waiting for questions, though." sa: "I meant about the class. Maybe you should talk to another woman, like Yanagi-sensei?" Kurenai: "That's not happening. Yanagi-chan's got zero romantic experience, after all." sa: "Well, that's harsh." Kurenai: "You'd be surprised how rare it is to find someone as young as you are who actually understands women, Sensei." sa: "O-Okay..." sa: "Well, I'm not sure how much help I'll be, but what's the issue?" Kurenai: "My boyfriend is a serious player... and he's always cheating on me." sa: "Whoa, whoa! This is way too serious to drop out of the blue on me!" Kurenai: "Whenever I go to his house, he's messing around with other girls, one after another. It's seriously the worst." sa: "W-Well, maybe you should consider breaking up?" Kurenai: "If it was that easy, Sensei, I wouldn't need advice." Kurenai: "The other day when I dropped by, we got in a fight." Kurenai: "I said, "Who do you care more about, her or me?!" And he said..." Boyfriend: "Tifa was my first love, so..." Kurenai: "And there you have it." sa: "Wait, is that what you meant by "player"?!" Kurenai: "All he does is play video games and watch anime. He won't even hold my hand." sa: "Th-Thank goodness! This is actually pretty wholesome!" Kurenai: "There's nothing good about it! Every time there's a new season of TV, he talks about new waifus! It's like he's not paying any attention to me at all!" sa: "I-I think that might be okay, for now." sa: "He's probably just anxious because a girl like you is pursuing him so directly." Kurenai: "It it really like that? But if you say so, maybe it is." sa: "What makes you say that?" Kurenai: "Well, because you seem really trustworthy." Kurenai: "I mean, you knew all our names before class even started, right?" Kurenai: "You called me by my name before anyone told you what it was." Kurenai: "That's pretty cool for a guest lecturer who's just here to help us with programming." sa: "Man, girls are really amazing. They notice stuff like that?" Kurenai: "It made me think, "He must be married to someone really wonderful."" sa: "Yes! And you're exactly right." Usa: "I was wondering— What's your given name, Yuzaki-chan?" sa: "U-Usa-san? M-My given name?" Kurenai: "Come to think of it, he never mentioned it." Usa: "Right? I wanna get your contact info down, so tell me!" sa: "Uh, well, it's Nasa. Yuzaki Nasa." Usa: "That's slick! Nasa in katakana?" sa: "No... It's written with the kanji for "starry sky" and read as "Nasa."" Kurenai: "O-Oh, I see..." Usa: "That's... well... good for you, huh?" sa: "Wow, it's been a while since I've gotten this reaction." Kurenai: "I wouldn't worry, though! We've got someone with a pretty wild name, too!" Usa: "Exactly, Yuzaki-chan! You don't need to worry about anyone out-naming you!" sa: "Wait, who are you talking about?" Usa: "Oh, you didn't notice? Then again, most people wouldn't be able to figure it out until they're told." Kurenai: "It's pretty shocking to hear what it actually is, right?" Usa: "That being said, our resident princess seems to be in a bit of a mood again today. She didn't show up for class." sa: "Princess?" Usa: "Yep. She's a bit of a special case, so that's what we call her." sa: "I'm home." Tsukasa: "Welcome home." Tsukasa: "S-So how'd it go?" sa: "It was a real ordeal! They were making such a big fuss." Tsukasa: "I-I see..." sa: "I was really happy when they complimented you, though." sa: "It came up when I mentioned I was married. Girls really are sensitive about that sort of thing, huh?" sa: "Someone said they were sure that you must be wonderful." Tsukasa: "Well, that's good..." sa: "Yeah! I really talked you up!" yako: "You think we're going to have any more programming classes?" Shirogane: "Sure we will. The lesson was really easy to understand." Myako: "I guess." Kurenai: "I wanna hear more about romance. I'm curious about what his wife is like, too." Jessie: "But seriously, for someone as soft-looking as him to be married? Just how hot is that?" Shirogane: "Cut it out, Jessie." Myako: "Do not put that idea in my head." Inukai: "Maybe it'd be hotter if we actually saw his wife in person." Usa: "Nice! That's good thinking." Inukai: "Right?" Kaguya: "This is absolutely insipid." Inukai: "Aw, come on. Does the kind of gossip commoners like not interest you at all, princess?" Kaguya: "Did you think it would?" Kurenai: "Now that you mention it, no." Shirogane: "You say that, but Yanagi-sensei told us that he was really smart." Inukai: "He might even be on your level." Inukai: "What do you think, Kaguya?" Kaname: "Do you think Tsukassan's the jealous type?" sa: "What do you mean?" Kaname: "Jealousy, y'know? Getting jealous. Wasn't there some old famous guy who said, "It's because of love that we suffer"?" sa: "I'm not positive, but I'm not sure the person you're talking about is real." Kaname: "My point is, do you think Tsukassan is cool with you volunteering to teach at a girls' school?" sa: "I mean, she seems to be?" Kaname: "You say that, but what if you were in her shoes?" Kaname: "What if Tsukassan was volunteering to be a maid at a boys' school?" sa: "Wait, that whole premise makes no sense!" Kaname: "But then what if..." Kaname: "she was going to be a miniskirt-wearing maid bunny girl at a boys' school?!" sa: "And that's just pure fantasy!" Kaname: "And what if it was a nudist school full of hot guys?!" sa: "Just how fantastical do you want to make this?!" Kaname: "A cute maid and a bunch of nudists... Even you'd be anxious then, wouldn't you?" sa: "Not in the way you're thinking." Kaname: "And that's why I wonder if she's freaked out about you going to that girls' school!" sa: "You think so?" Kaname: "Although the fact is, this might be an opportunity for you!" sa: "Really?" Kaname: "Indeed! There's a school of thought..." Kaname: "that a jealous wife is a cute wife." sa: "Cuteness through jealousy?!" Kaname: ""My darling hubby is gonna be stolen by those high school girls!" "What the heck?! I'm way cuter than them!"" Kaname: "You might get to see a super cute reaction like that." sa: "Y-You think so?! I mean, I have a hard time picturing Tsukasa-chan acting like that... But it would be pretty cute." Kaname: "Right?!" Kaname: "So, good luck with that." sa: "With what, exactly?" sa: "Still, Tsukasa-chan getting jealous..." Tsukasa: "Is that right?" sa: "It's kind of hard to imagine." Aya: "I heard Nasa-kun's teaching at a girls' school?" Kaname: "Well, yeah, but... aren't you a girl who should be attending school? It's a weekday, y'know." Aya: "The new Pokémon just came out! This is no time for school!" Tsukasa: "No, seriously, go to school." Aya: "And doesn't this make you anxious?" Tsukasa: "Huh?" Aya: "Think about it! He's gonna be surrounded by cute schoolgirls!" Tsukasa: "N-No, not at all! Wh-Why would that make me anxious at all?" Aya: "Wow, listen to that voice tremble." Aya: "Don't worry, though! I have a brilliant idea!" Tsukasa: "I really doubt you do, so don't bother." Aya: "Aw, come on! Hear me out! It'll be really good!" Tsukasa: "Okay, what exactly is this good idea of yours?" Aya: "I believe that jealousy is a tsundere's ultimate weapon! "Unbelievable! I'm way cuter than those girls!" "Hmph, hmph!"" Tsukasa: "I really shouldn't have asked." Aya: "They can't compete with that! It guarantees that your relationship will get even better! I've seen this play out in hundreds of video games and anime series, so I'm sure it'll be fine." Tsukasa: "O-Oh, yeah?" Aya: "The next time you're alone with him, subtly bring up the school and try it out." Aya: "I'm sure Nasa-kun will see you in a whole new light!" Tsukasa: "Okay, sure." Tsukasa: "That said, I really doubt Nasa-kun would be that interested in high school girls." sa: "The weather was really nice again today." Tsukasa: "It sure was." Tsukasa: "By the way, I didn't really get to ask before... How was the girls' school?" sa: "Huh?" Tsukasa: "W-Were there any cute girls that made you nervous?" sa: "Huh? Could this be..." sa: "Jealousy?!" sa: "And if I respond with... "Yeah, there are so many cuties, I don't know what to do." Then maybe... "Ugh! Well, I'm cuter than them!" ...might be the response I get!" sa: "I shouldn't make her anxious for no reason, though. N-Not really? There weren't any c-c-cute girls at all!" Tsukasa: "D-Darling..." sa: "Hang on! That didn't come out right!" Tsukasa: "Are you sure? You really haven't been hit by any schoolgirl magic? I have not! That would never work on me!" Tsukasa: "Well, good, then." sa: "Tsukasa-chan!" sa: "I-I'm not interested in any girls other than you!" Tsukasa: "Oh... I see." Tsukasa: "Then... say something that proves it." sa: "Something that proves it?" sa: "Oh, okay, I will. Um, I love you, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "And then?" sa: "And then...?" sa: "Well... You're cute, Tsukasa-chan!" Tsukasa: "What else?" sa: "I love you lots, Tsukasa-chan!" Tsukasa: "And?" sa: "You're my one and only princess, Tsukasa-chan!" Tsukasa: "Well, if you feel that strongly about it." Tsukasa: "For now, let's head home." sa: "S-Sure..." Tsukasa: "Good luck with the volunteering, okay?" sa: "Okay!" Kurenai: "Wow, Jessie. Being married sure is something." Jessie: "That was quite the show." sa: "The class's comprehension of programming is honestly pretty dire." ko: "Seriously?" sa: "Yes, seriously. I put together a simple test..." sa: "And out of 100 points, the average score was 28. The median was around 15, so I'd say that currently, no one even understands the basics." ko: "That about covers it," ko: "Principal Azumamiya." Azumamiya: "Even though they can use smart phones with no problem..." sa: "I actually had the faculty take a similar test, and those results were pretty awful, too. Not quite as bad as the students, but the trick questions stumped them just about every time. I feel there's a real lack of understanding." ko: "There were t-trick questions?" sa: "Well, for question three, it's pretty simple at first glance, but there's a stipulation that it needs to be under 128 bytes. But the answers were all higher than that, so they can't be counted as correct." Isaka: "Principal, what is he even talking about?" Azumamiya: "Shh! It's probably something really complicated." sa: "That being the case, I've created this academic oversight system to help direct future lessons. It provides a visual reference for how the students are doing, making the things they're struggling with clear at a glance." Azumamiya: "Wh-What the..." ko: "Wow!" Isaka: "Can this be applied to other subjects, too?" sa: "Sure. I ran a test with the math scores, and it turned out like this." Azumamiya: "This could seriously help with lesson planning..." ko: "And you made this, Yuzaki-kun?" sa: "Yep. I enjoy this kind of thing." Azumamiya: "I see." Azumamiya: "Yanagi-sensei, may I have a moment?" ko: "Oh, sure." Azumamiya: "What is with that kid?! He's a genius! You dragged a random genius in here?!" ko: "He's always had good grades." Azumamiya: "This goes way beyond that! He's like one of those characters in an isekai story who shows up and is like, "Oops, did I do that?" after doing something awesome!" Azumamiya: "But this is fantastic, Yanagi-sensei! With his help, our school could become number one in the city... No, the number one girls' school in Japan!" ko: "But Yuzaki-kun is just volunteering..." Azumamiya: "Whatever are you talking about, Yanagi-sensei?" Azumamiya: "Yuzaki-sensei is our specially appointed educator." ko: "Specially appointed?!" Isaka: "Do we even have a policy like that?" Azumamiya: "We do now. I just implemented it." ko: "Come on, is that really gonna fly?" Azumamiya: "Sure it will. I'm the principal, you know. If I say it's fine, then it's fine. Besides... Yuzaki-san might be able to attend to Gekko-san's lessons, too." Azumamiya: "That being said, it's a pleasure to have you, Yuzaki-sensei." sa: "Huh? Oh, sure." ko: "Sorry about the extra workload." sa: "It's okay. This should help you get married sooner, too." ko: "I appreciate it." ko: "There was one other thing I wanted to ask you..." sa: "Hey, can we go into this classroom for a second?" ko: "Is something wrong?" sa: "This blackboard..." ko: "What about it?" ko: "Oh, wow! What is this?" sa: "Someone calculated the route for a trip to the moon." ko: "You can tell, Yuzaki-kun?" sa: "Yes. There's just one issue, though. Whoever wrote this is really clever," sa: "but they might be a little troubled." ko: "Troubled?" sa: "Yeah. I think it's a desire to get away from it all, maybe." ko: "Are you correcting a mistake?" sa: "No." sa: "The formula isn't wrong." sa: "I just added a path for returning to Earth." sa: "There was nothing written about a return trip, so..." sa: "I'm home." Tsukasa: "Welcome back, Nasa-kun. How'd it go this time?" sa: "Kind of interesting." sa: "I think there's a smart girl that I might get along with." Tsukasa: "Oh, I see..." sa: "I didn't mean anything by it!" Tsukasa: "Well, Tsukasa-chan isn't that smart, after all. I can see how you might not get along with her..." sa: "No, no, no, that is not true!" Tsukasa: "Then do you enjoy talking to me?" sa: "Of course I do! It's always tons of fun!" Tsukasa: "In what way?" sa: "Huh?" Tsukasa: "What is always fun for you when you talk to me?" sa: "Well..." sa: "Your reactions are always so cute... in a way that's exciting." Tsukasa: "Well, in that case..." Kurenai: "All right, you two!" Kurenai: "That's enough flirting for now." sa: "Kurenai-san?" Kurenai: "I've got a message from our princess, Yuzaki-sensei." sa: "A message?" Kurenai: ""Mind your own business, stupid," she says." Myako: "I can't believe Yuzaki-sensei is married at his age." Kurenai: "Are you still on about this, Myako?" Myako: "Are you not curious, Kurenai? I mean, they're married. They might bathe and do other things together..." Kurenai: "You really like thinking about that stuff, huh?" Myako: "Did you know he lives at a bathhouse?"
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You ~High School Days~ Episode 1 – Formulas for the Moon and Stars", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You ~High School Days~", "1", "Formulas for the Moon and Stars" ] }
sa: "So today I'm going to have you enter some source code. This is going to take the form of a test, but you really just need to input what you have on the printout, and you'll be good. And if you're feeling confident, I'd like you to modify the code." Tsukasa: "Darling..." sa: "Yes?" Tsukasa: "It's funny how you get the craving for spicy food when the weather gets hot." sa: "Actually, I can't say I do." Tsukasa: "B-But why?! Most people get a craving when they see something described as "super spicy" or "cheesy"! I'm not sure what any of that has to do with the weather. What are you talking about, anyway? I'm talking about the local ramen place. It has a good reputation and just finished a remodel. I'd like to go." sa: "Ramen, huh? We don't eat out often, so it might be a nice change of pace." Tsukasa: "I'll go get changed right now!" sa: "A ramen date, huh?" sa: "This should be fun." Myako: "My name is Miyako Haru. I'm 16, and I attend Otogi Girls' High School. I come from a wealthy family. I'm a bit of an overachiever at school. My friends and teachers are all good people. Which is why... I'm the one in the wrong." Myako: "For all of my blessings, I'm still not satisfied. So I make my way into the underworld alone." Myako: "I have a secret identity." Myako: "A dark, greedy secret that no one else knows." Myako: "I give in to my dark impulses to eat ramen around town... I'm evil." Myako: "But it's not just that I try out various ramen places. I gather various sorts of ramen data, analyze it in detail, and post about it on social media. I'm a moderately big ramen influencer." Myako: "The mysterious ramen critic, Haru." Myako: "That is my true identity, which none may ever know." Worker: "Welcome! Sorry, do you mind sharing a table?" Myako: "That's fine." Myako: "I already know what I'm ordering. The highlight of the new menu: Beyond Super Spicy Ramen." Myako: "But to make the post comprehensive, I should give the menu a once-over." Myako: "Yuzaki-sensei?! What's he doing here?! Is he going to learn my secret?!" Myako: "N-No, I can't be sure. He's not even my homeroom teacher. I'm just one student he teaches every now and then." sa: "Good evening. Miyako-san, right?" Myako: "Damn it! He's got the makings of a talented educator!" Myako: "What do I do?" Myako: "My shameful secret is going to be exposed at this rate. If my parents find out... I can never go to school again." Tsukasa: "Who's this?" sa: "This is Miyako-san, one of the students at the school I teach at." Tsukasa: "Oh, I see." Tsukasa: "It's nice to meet you. I'm Nasa's wife, Tsukasa." Myako: "Wait, wife?" Myako: "This is your wife, Sensei?" sa: "Yep, that's right." Myako: "She's really cute." sa: "Thanks." sa: "If you're here on your own, you must really like ramen, huh?" Myako: "Well... it was more a coincidence than anything, really." sa: "Oh, so you don't eat it often?" Myako: "Uh... well..." Myako: "Yes, that's right! This is my first time having some this week, so it's less than usual! I'm not lying!" Tsukasa: "Putting that aside for a second, let's go ahead and order." sa: "Good idea." Tsukasa: "I think I'll try this Beyond Super Spicy Ramen thing of theirs." Myako: "But it was already so spicy before they updated it... Would someone this cute really eat something like that?" sa: "It sounds like it'll be really spicy. Are you gonna be okay?" Tsukasa: "I don't know. But I want to try it." sa: "Okay, then I'll order one that isn't spicy, and if it's too much for you, we can trade." Tsukasa: "Got it. Thanks, darling." Myako: "That's so nice! Is this what being married is like?" sa: "What about you, Miyako-san?" Myako: "Uh... I think I'll take the Beyond Super Spicy, too." Worker: "All right, here's your Beyond Super Spicy!" Tsukasa: "So this is a level beyond." Myako: "This isn't good! I'm so curious about Sensei that I'm not focusing on the ramen. Let's focus on the spice first." Myako: "Now that's a heavy-duty spice! It's a level more intense than before the remodel. But other than the pure spice, there's a more complex umami... I see. It must be stock made with mushrooms." Myako: "And these are... curly noodles? They were straight before." Myako: "If it's changed this much, I wonder what the effect will be..." Myako: "That was so sexy, I forgot how the noodles tasted." sa: "I guess people really do use those hair ties that ramen places have." Tsukasa: "You almost have to when your hair is long." sa: "But you look cute with your hair up, too, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "Come on, enough with that. Let's eat." Myako: "Focus. Focus! Focus everything on your food!" sa: "What's wrong, Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "Darling..." Tsukasa: "It's really spicy!" sa: "I'll eat it, then. Let's trade." Tsukasa: "Yeah. I'm sorry, darling." sa: "It's okay." Myako: "I-I don't think all of this sweat is because of the spice!" sa: "That's spicy! Really spicy!" Tsukasa: "Are you going to be okay?" sa: "I 'hink 'o..." Tsukasa: "Don't force yourself, okay?" sa: "Y-Yeah..." Tsukasa: "So that's one of darling's students." Tsukasa: "She was every bit as cute as people make schoolgirls out to be." Aya: "Nasa-kun having his heart stolen by one of those girls now that he's a teacher... is completely feasible, I think!" Aya: "Whoa, there! I can sense the waves of murderous intent! Settle down for a sec and listen!" Aya: "High school girls are cute! That's just a globally-accepted fact! There's nothing you can do about that! But if you give up because of that, it's the defeat of intellect! And mankind will have no future!" Tsukasa: "So what exactly am I supposed to do?" Aya: "I'm saying fight fire with fire! An eye for an eye! To beat a schoolgirl, you've gotta be a schoolgirl!" Tsukasa: "What?" Aya: "Which is why..." Aya: "I've procured an Otogi Girls' High School uniform!" Aya: "If you wear this, you'll have Nasa-kun wrapped around your little finger!" Aya: "You'll be able to compete with any schoolgirl on equal footing!" Tsukasa: "Come on, we already did that. We don't need to do it again." Aya: "You just don't get it." Aya: "There's no such thing as "too much" cosplay!" Tsukasa: "Don't try to make that sound like common sense!" Aya: "Come on, I went to all this trouble! You should wear it!" Tsukasa: "No, seriously, it's fine." Aya: "Don't be like that!" Kaname: "Senpai, what's that you've got?" sa: "The answer sheet for a test. I had my students at the girls' school do a programming test." Kaname: "You had them do a hand-written programming test?" sa: "That'd be so much extra work! Of course not. I had them actually input some code." Kaname: "That's what I thought. Then why is that hand-written?" sa: "I think the idea was that I would have to do extra work to check whether or not it's right..." sa: "But I didn't even need to check. This is perfect." sa: "This girl is really something! I'm looking forward to seeing her next time." Aya: "Never mind that, Nasa-kun!" Aya: "Isn't it time to go shopping with your wife?!" sa: "Shopping?" Aya: "Tsukacchan was really looking forward to going shopping!" sa: "Oh, okay. Then she's done at the front desk of the bathhouse?" Aya: "Yep! She's waiting for you out back. I recommend you go there right now!" sa: "Okay, then, I'll do that. Thanks." Aya: "Have fun!" Kaname: "This isn't some stupid scheme, is it?" Aya: "No worries! All my schemes are like this!" sa: "She's supposed to be back here... but why is this where she wanted to meet? Tsukasa-cha—" Tsukasa: "You're finally here." sa: "Wh-What is this, Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "Aya got her hands on these clothes, and begged me to wear them." Tsukasa: "It's embarrassing, but... she said you'd like it." sa: "Oh. Is that right?" Tsukasa: "Yes!" Tsukasa: "So... how about it?" sa: "Y-Yeah." sa: "You look really cute." sa: "B-But..." Tsukasa: "What?" sa: "I don't mind, but do you really want to wear that when we go shopping?" Tsukasa: "I think I'd die from embarrassment." sa: "I see." sa: "You wanna just go for a quick walk, then?" Tsukasa: "I-I just said I was embarrassed! Why would I want to go for a walk?!" sa: "But since you're wearing such a cute outfit, I thought I could get some pictures." Tsukasa: "Pictures?!" Tsukasa: "Y-You want pictures of your wife in this ridiculous getup?! Are you some kind of sadist, darling?!" sa: "N-N-No! It's not that, it's just... Okay, what if we do it here, in secret, behind the house?" Tsukasa: "Behind the house? You want to take pictures of your wife wearing a uniform here in the dark? That seems even more sketchy." sa: "Then... should I not?" sa: "It's your fault, y'know." sa: "For looking so cute." Tsukasa: "It's just... when I think of you being surrounded by cute schoolgirls... I get a little anxious." sa: "Why would I ever be interested in schoolgirls when I have such an adorable wife?" Tsukasa: "Really?" sa: "Really." sa: "You're so cute, Tsukasa-chan..." Tsukasa: "H-Hey! Not there..." Aya: "So, how'd the uniform work?" Tsukasa: "Well... pretty decently, I think?" Aya: "You ever just want to drain a pond?" Tsukasa: "Drain a pond?" Kaname: "Wasn't that a trend on TV a while back?" Aya: "It's still a trend! They did it this afternoon!" Kaname: "That was a rerun. And would you please stop being so easily influenced?" Aya: "Think of it. Isn't it exciting, thinking about what's there once all the water is gone? I believe that all people are possessed with the urge to drain ponds! Which is why I want to make that dream come true by draining one! But this house... doesn't have a pond to drain." Aya: "It seems our home is completely devoid of romanticism!" Tsukasa: "What is she babbling about?" Kaname: "Honestly, I'm kinda used to it." Aya: "I've been thinking. How can I make my dream a reality? And then it came to me!" Kaname: "What stupid scheme is it this time?" Aya: "We're going to dig a pond for the house!" Tsukasa: "Aw, crap." Kaname: "My sister's gone even nuttier than usual!" Aya: "So let's dig a pond! Come on! Let's all dig a pond, and then drain it!" Kaname: "Do you even know how to dig a pond?" Aya: "That should be easy! Just dig a hole and put water in it, right?" Kaname: "I feel like putting you in a hole." Tsukasa: "If it was that simple, every hole you saw would be a pond. You need to make sure the water doesn't drain out." Aya: "I see! So digging a pond requires technical knowledge and ability! Got it! I'll go talk to an expert!" Tsukasa: "Wai—" Kaname: "I'm so sorry she's always like this." sa: "What? You want to dig a pond?" Aya: "Yeah! Can you do it, Nasa-kun?" sa: "I think so, yeah... But why?" Aya: "You, too, Nasa-kun? I have to explain that to you, too?" sa: "Uh, yeah. Sorry." Aya: "The reason I want a pond..." sa: "Uh-huh." Aya: "...is so I can drain the water from the pond!" sa: "Well..." sa: "So you... just want a pond, right?" Aya: "Yes, exactly!" sa: "Okay, I'll see what I can do, then." Aya: "Thank you! I knew I could rely on you, Nasa-kun!" Tsukasa: "So... You agreed to dig one, then." sa: "Somehow, yeah. The first step is to dig a hole, place a waterproof liner, and then use concrete to hold it in place." Tsukasa: "Sounds right." sa: "Okay..." sa: "I'm really gonna do this. Are you sure?" Aya: "Yes! Go ahead!" Kaname: "Why are you taking charge?" Kaname: "Senpai, I've got work, so I can't help. Are you sure about this?" sa: "Yeah, it's okay." Aya: "I've got streams, so I can't help either, but good luck!" sa: "Uh... okay." sa: "Tsukasa-chan, it's pretty hot, so feel free to go play games inside." Tsukasa: "Oh, right... But since it's a special occasion," Tsukasa: "I think I'll watch my darling do some manual labor." Tsukasa: "Since I think the sight of him all sweaty and physical will be a rare one." sa: "Y-You think so?" sa: "Okay, I'll start digging." Tsukasa: "Yep." sa: "Ready, and... Go!" Tsukasa: "A-Are you okay?" sa: "Y-Yeah..." Tsukasa: "Would you... like me to do it?" sa: "It's okay! I want to look cool for you, so I'll do it!" sa: "Let's see..." sa: "Okay, got it! Let's try that again!" Tsukasa: "That's quite a hole you've got going." sa: "Y-Yeah..." Tsukasa: "Let me get you some cold tea." sa: "Thanks." Tsukasa: "Here you go." sa: "Great!" sa: "Thanks. That really hit the spot." Tsukasa: "S-Sure." sa: "What's wrong?" Tsukasa: "It's just... y-you seem different than usual and kind of..." Tsukasa: "wild and cool." sa: "Th-Thanks." Tsukasa: "N-Nah, it's nothing." sa: "Ow, ow, ow..." sa: "My muscles are still sore. I guess I got carried away and worked too much yesterday." Aya: "Wow!" sa: "It'll take about five days for the concrete to set. If you want to keep any animals in it, you'll need to treat it, and then it should be done." Kurenai: "I have a question." sa: "Oh, Kurenai-san." Kurenai: "Did you happen to skip all the way to Harvard?" sa: "Huh?" Kurenai: "I mean, since you can teach physics, classics, and everything else..." sa: "No, no! I didn't even go to high school. I only graduated middle school." Kurenai: "I see... I guess really smart people are smart with or without school." sa: "I'm not sure that's it, exactly." Jessie: "We have extra lessons coming up, so it'd be nice if you could teach us more." Usa: "We'll head over to your house so you can give us supplementary classes! I wanna see your wife, too!" sa: "Huh?!" sa: "But I live in a bathhouse right now. So that's a little..." Jessie: "Wait, you live in a bathhouse?!" Tsukasa: "And that's how this happened?" sa: "Sorry." Jessie: "So this is Sensei's wife." Usa: "She's so cute!" Shirogane: "Come on! Stop making a fuss before it causes problems. Remember where you are, pay your fee, and get inside!" Shirogane: "Sorry about them. How much is it going to be?" Tsukasa: "Oh, you'll want to use the ticket machine near the entrance." Shirogane: "Come on, girls, let's get our tickets." Everyone Else: "Okay." Tsukasa: "So some of your students are serious?" sa: "They all are, sometimes." Kurenai: "Wow, so this is a bathhouse! I've never been to one before." Usa: "Me, neither." Jessie: "His wife sure was cute, huh?" Shirogane: "She really was." Myako: "Since she and Sensei are married..." Myako: "They probably bathe together, don't they?" Shirogane: "Drop it." Kurenai: "Why is that the first place your mind goes?" Kurenai: "There's something kinda visceral about seeing them together in person, though." Shirogane: "That's true. They both seem so mild-mannered, too." Myako: "But I bet things get crazy at night." Shirogane: "Seriously! Stop it!" Kurenai: "You're really into that kind of thing, aren't you?" Myako: "What a huge bath." Kurenai: "Wow, you're really cute with your hair down, Class Rep!" Shirogane: "If you want comment on that, Jessie looks like a completely different person." Jessie: "Can it!" Usa: "Oh, what's the problem?" Usa: "We all get to see a different side of each other! And you're all cute!" Shirogane: "Who in the..." Kaname: "Students from Senpai's school are here?" Tsukasa: "Yeah. High school girls sure have a lot of energy." Kaname: "Senpai must be pretty popular." Kaname: "I mean, think about it. Would you visit the home of a teacher you didn't like, even if he was smart?" Kaname: "But that's a good thing. You want your husband to be trusted by people, right?" Tsukasa: "I guess that's true." Kaname: "Or maybe you have a more possessive side than I thought." Jessie: "Have you ever been in a sauna before, Myako?" Myako: "No, Jessie. But I do know they're supposed to be hot." Jessie: "Since we're here, why don't we try it out?" Myako: "Great idea. Let's see exactly what the fuss is about." Jessie: "Hot! That sauna's hot!" Shirogane: "Hey, what's all the commotion?" Myako: "It's just..." Jessie: "The sauna is super hot!" Kurenai: "It's really that hot?" Usa: "They say it's supposed to be good for your skin. Wanna try?" Kurenai: "Oof, that is hot!" Usa: "It certainly is something..." Shirogane: "It's not that bad, though. You two made too much of a fuss." Jessie: "Then how about a contest?" Myako: "Y... Yeah!" Shirogane: "Contest?" Jessie: "Yeah! Whoever stays in the longest gets free drinks from everyone else!" Shirogane: "You're on. Sounds good to me." Kurenai: "What do you think?" Usa: "Why not?" Usa: "Since I'm gonna win anyway." Jessie: "Then let's do this." Unmarked Ad: "That's so hot!" Usa: "That fruit milk really hits the spot! I can't finish all these, so feel free to help yourselves! Except for Myako, who bailed out first." Shirogane: "How did she pull it off?" Aya: "Okay! Now let's drain all the water out of it!" All: "What?!" Ginga: "I seriously can't catch a break these days." sa: "You've got that same scary look as usual, Ginga-kun." Ginga: "They're definitely out for blood. Bro, if anything happens to me, I need you to look after my boys."
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You ~High School Days~ Episode 2 – Life as a Teacher", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You ~High School Days~", "2", "Life as a Teacher" ] }
sa: "Sometimes, timing can be a nightmare." sa: "Wow, this tea is really good." Tsukasa: "I'm glad you like it." sa: "Thanks for everything, Tsukasa-chan." sa: "Who'd be messaging me this late?" Tsukasa: "D-Darling?" sa: "I-It's not what you think! This has to be some kind of mistake!" sa: "S-See? It was deleted! I think it was really just a mistake!" Tsukasa: "Sulk!" sa: "Hang on, Tsukasa-chan! I swear! It's not like that!" Tsukasa: "Sulk!" sa: "What in the world was that yesterday? The message was deleted right away, but she probably knows I saw it..." Shirogane: "Yuzaki-sensei!" sa: "Shirogane-san..." Shirogane: "Could I trouble you for a second?" sa: "Yeah, I saw this coming." Shirogane: "I'm sure you realize this, but that was a mistake." sa: "R-Right." Shirogane: "That was sent to you by accident. I don't have those kinds of feelings for you." sa: "O-Of course, I know. I mean, I'm married, for one thing." Shirogane: "Exactly! I wouldn't fall for someone who's already married! And while we're on the topic, Sensei..." sa: "Yes?" Shirogane: "You haven't told anyone else about this, have you?" sa: "Of course not. Falling in love with someone is a serious thing." sa: "So I don't think it's right to make fun of people for it." Shirogane: "A-As long as you understand." sa: "W-Well, now that we've cleared the air, I should get going—" Shirogane: "Wait, please!" Shirogane: "I'm really sorry for any trouble this caused you." Shirogane: "And, well, I was wondering... if you could give me some romantic advice..." sa: "I... really just come here to teach programming, y'know..." Shirogane: "Two months ago, Kurenai's boyfriend became a total shut-in. We went to his house together, but couldn't do anything." Shirogane: "But then the student council president from her boyfriend's school showed up. And as soon as he did, he kicked the door in and dragged her boyfriend out!" Shirogane: "They headed straight to the riverbank and started brawling." Shirogane: "Once they both ran out of strength, they immediately made up." Shirogane: "And then Kurenai's boyfriend started going to class again." sa: "Wait. This all happened in the present day?" Shirogane: "I get it. It's such a stupid thing to do." Shirogane: "Stupid and crazy..." Shirogane: "But... it was so manly, and it made my heart throb." Shirogane: "And he said to get in touch if there was any more trouble. So we traded contact info, but... Nothing has really happened since." sa: "I see. So, when you were playing around with your phone, you accidentally sent that message to me." Shirogane: "Right." Shirogane: "To be honest, I never thought I'd like someone like him! He's crazy and violent, and I don't understand a thing he says!" Shirogane: "But... when I think about him, it's like..." Shirogane: "I start feeling so warm all over." sa: "I see. I understand how you feel." sa: "I felt that kind of longing for my wife for years." Shirogane: "You did?" sa: "Yeah! It hurts in the chest, right? So I'm rooting for you." Shirogane: "I-In that case..." Shirogane: "Will you help me tell him how I feel?" sa: "Tsukasa-chan..." sa: "What kind of romantic advice should I give her?" Tsukasa: "Let's see... Well, if you really need romantic advice, it'd be a good idea to buy Tsukasa-chan some really tasty sweets." sa: "I-It would?!" Tsukasa: "Are you really getting dragged into that kind of stuff at the girls' school?" sa: "Yeah..." sa: "To be honest, I don't really get stuff like confessions and whatnot." Tsukasa: "Why not?" sa: "I mean, if you like someone, why not just tell them?" Tsukasa: "Oh, yeah, I forgot he was like this." Tsukasa: "That's true. You do tend to be pretty direct." sa: "Do I? I always figured it was normal." Tsukasa: "No, I definitely don't think so." Tsukasa: "You're able to do that because you're strong. But most people don't start out strong in that way." Tsukasa: "Which is why..." Tsukasa: "The thing you need when it comes to romance is a strategy." sa: "Strategy?" Tsukasa: "Exactly! Listen closely! Romance is essentially a game of wits! A contest where victory or failure awaits!" sa: "It is?!" Tsukasa: "It is! And what is it that you need to win?!" sa: "U-Um... to gather intel?" Tsukasa: "Exactly! So step one should be collecting information! Observe the target in secret in order to learn their weak points! Once you have that, this romance is a fait accompli!" sa: "But that... sounds like stalker behavior." Tsukasa: "When a cute girl does it, it's not stalking. It's true love." sa: "What a double standard!" sa: "Well, okay. I'll give her advice along those lines." Tsukasa: "Right! Lay it all out for her." Aya: "I managed to break 10,000 subscribers on my streaming channel!" Tsukasa: "Oh, you did? Congratulations." Aya: "Thanks!" Tsukasa: "That's probably a big deal, right?" Aya: "I think so. Even though all I'm doing is commentating while playing video games." Aya: "But I think that might be enough for people to get it, y'know?" Tsukasa: "G-Get what?" Aya: "My overwhelming wit and class." Tsukasa: "Yeah, I bet that's it." Aya: "It so is! I can't help but bewitch people, even when all I do is talk!" Ginga: "Y'know..." Ginga: "Nothing good comes of drawing a lot of attention like that." Tsukasa: "Hey, look who turned up." Ginga: "Good afternoon, Big Sis. I happened to be in the neighborhood." Aya: "What do you mean, nothing good comes of it?!" Ginga: "It's bad for the nerves, for one thing." Ginga: "Lately, I feel like someone's watching me." Aya: "What are you talking about? You're probably just paranoid." Ginga: "C'mon, I'm not some civvie like you." Aya: "Civvie?!" Ginga: "Someone has me dead-set in their crosshairs." Tsukasa: "Well, that definitely sounds like trouble." Ginga: "Yep." Aya: "What, like a stalker?" Ginga: "That'd be my bet. It's like someone's watching me from a distance, trying to scope out my weak points or something." Tsukasa: "I see. Well, that makes it simple." Tsukasa: "You need to find whoever's behind this, and really let them have it!" Ginga: "But it could be some cute schoolgirl who's got a crush on me!" Tsukasa: "What difference does it make?!" Tsukasa: "You never know when a stalker will turn dangerous. Doesn't matter if she's a schoolgirl! No mercy!" Ginga: "I get it..." Aya: "It could always just be a mix-up, y'know." Ginga: "What?!" Aya: "I mean, it'd be one thing if they had their eye on a babe like me, but who'd be crazy enough to chase after a goon like you?" Ginga: "Who are you calling a goon?! I happen to be a real sensitive guy!" Aya: "How?! You're like a bad attitude in a cheap suit!" Ginga: "How dare you?! Come with me, then! I'll prove to you someone's after me!" Aya: "Fine! You're probably just feeling cold stares!" Tsukasa: "A rom-com. They're straight out of a rom-com." Shirogane: "Looking for his weak points?" sa: "Exactly. What better way to start than by learning about the other person?" Shirogane: "I see... In that case, Sensei, could you come with me later?" sa: "Where to?" Shirogane: "A place that he always passes by. I'd like you to see what he's like, too." Aya: "Come on... No one is paying you any attention at all." Ginga: "Pipe down. We've barely even started." Aya: "You sure you didn't imagine it?" Ginga: "It ain't that! They're just being cautious 'cause you're here." Aya: "I'm not so sure—wait!" Ginga: "Wh-What is it?!" Aya: "A new crêpe cart! I want crêpes!" Ginga: "Why in the hell would you scream about that?! I thought something was going down!" Aya: "But it's a new crêpe cart!" Ginga: "Damn, girl, it's just crêpes..." Ginga: "But you're right, we'd better check it out!" Aya: "Right?!" Shirogane: "He always walks this way." sa: "I see." Shirogane: "I think it's his route home from school. So we should probably hide soon!" sa: "We should?" Shirogane: "Well, of course! I know you're my teacher, but if he sees me with another man... I don't want him getting the wrong idea." sa: "You must really like him a lot, Shirogane-san." sa: "I can sort of tell how sincere you are." sa: "I really hope you'll be able to tell him how you feel." Shirogane: "Here he comes! That's him!" Shirogane: "Wha..." sa: "Ginga-kun and Aya-san?" sa: "It's probably just a coincidence that they look like they're on a date..." sa: "Wait... Does this mean the person you like is..." sa: "Is..." sa: "Hey, wait!" sa: "Shirogane-san!" sa: "Excuse me, Shirogane-san." Shirogane: "I'm sorry, Sensei... but it makes sense, huh? It's obvious someone as nice as him would have a girlfriend." sa: "No, I'm pretty sure she's not Ginga-kun's girlfriend." Shirogane: "Huh?!" sa: "Ginga-kun's a relative of mine, and that girl is a friend of mine, too." Shirogane: "What?!" sa: "So based on what I know, those two aren't dating." Shirogane: "Wh-What a relief!" sa: "And with that being the case, you don't need to cry." Shirogane: "Thank you for telling me." Shirogane: "But... I know for sure now." Shirogane: "I really must like him." sa: "In that case, you should go and tell him." Shirogane: "Right now?" sa: "Yeah!" Shirogane: "B-But that's so... I don't know if I'm ready." sa: "You know, Shirogane-san..." sa: "The reason we can see the stars in the sky is because there are limits to the universe." Shirogane: "Huh?" sa: "If the universe was really endless, filled with an infinite number of shining stars, there are people who theorized that the sky would be bright around the clock as a result." sa: "But that's not reality. As you know, the sky turns dark at night, with space in between all the stars." sa: "That's a sign that the universe is a limited space, not infinite." sa: "Even space, as massive as it is, has an end..." sa: "And as many stars as there seem to be, their numbers are finite." sa: "The same goes for opportunity. It may seem like there'll always be another chance, but you only get a certain number." sa: "Which is why you can't afford to doubt yourself." Shirogane: "I-I understand. I'm going to tell him how I feel!" sa: "Good!" Shirogane: "Th-That said..." Shirogane: "What kind of place is best for a confession?" sa: "Good question. Maybe a place where you'll have privacy... Somewhere dark and secluded?" Aya: "So, I'm noticing no one has come after you at all. This has gotta just be a misunderstanding." Ginga: "In that case, I'll just have to set a trap." Aya: "A trap?" Ginga: "Yeah. Over there, for instance. If I wait by myself in a dark, secluded space like that, it might make them think they have a chance." Aya: "I see. But what if they actually do show up?" Ginga: "Ain't it obvious?" Ginga: "I lay them out the second I see them." Ginga: "Well, I'm off." Aya: "Hey!" Shirogane: "Sensei! Look! Ginga-kun just went into a dark, secluded space by himself for some reason! Th-This might be my chance!" sa: "I think so!" Shirogane: "Okay, then, off I go!" sa: "Yeah! Good luck!" Shirogane: "Excuse me!" Shirogane: "I-I..." Shirogane: "I wanted you to know... I like— ...you?" Shirogane: "Huh?" Punk: "How'd you know I was there?" Ginga: "You thought I wouldn't notice when someone wanted my blood that badly?" Shirogane: "Huh?!" Punk: "Damn it! This ain't over!" Ginga: "Better luck next time, punk." Ginga: "Sorry about that, miss. You all right?" Shirogane: "Y-Yes..." Ginga: "It can be rough around these parts." Ginga: "Be careful on your way home." Shirogane: "W-Wait!" Shirogane: "Um... I..." Shirogane: "I like you!" Ginga: "That right?" Ginga: "Thanks." sa: "Maybe romance is a little hard for such a manly man to grasp?" Tsukasa: "So..." Tsukasa: "What happened to them after that?" sa: "Nothing at all, really." Tsukasa: "Being a teacher must be rough." sa: "Okay, I'm heading out." Tsukasa: "See you later." Tsukasa: "Nasa-kun is off to the girls' school again today. I realize it's a job, and I can understand why the students like him, with how considerate he is." Tsukasa: "I do, but... I... might be feeling jealous." Tsukasa: "It's not like I suspect he's cheating on me." Tsukasa: "Nasa-kun is loyal and serious, so I doubt he'd even considerate it." Tsukasa: "And yet... and in spite of that..." Tsukasa: "I still have this... uncomfortable feeling! No, what am I even talking about?" Tsukasa: "Jealousy is born from a lack of trust. It's a sign of your own weakness." Tsukasa: "But..." Tsukasa: "A girls' school..." Tsukasa: "A place where young, cute girls make a silly fuss all the time." Tsukasa: "What am I gonna do if he thinks, "Huh, my wife isn't like that," in comparison?!" Tsukasa: "Now, now, calm down. Nasa-kun wouldn't think like that. It's fine. Boo! Boo! How can you be so sure?! Darling's a red-blooded man, y'know! Yeah, tell her! Tell her! It's not a concern." Tsukasa: "The reason is because my darling..." Tsukasa: "loves me more than anyone else!" Tsukasa: "Yeah, that's right!" Tsukasa: "There's no room for any doubt that he loves me." Tsukasa: "Which means this is just, y'know..." Tsukasa: "Just a bit of loneliness, is all." Usa: "Is your wife feeling lonely now that you have this new gig?" sa: "Huh?" Usa: "I mean, I can't imagine a newlywed wife being cool with her husband running off to a girls' school all the time!" sa: "Oh, no, I'm not worried about that. My wife is the last person I'd associate with jealousy." Usa: "But, Sensei, it's people like that who can be surprisingly possessive!" sa: "Huh? Really?" Usa: "I mean, yeah! The cooler and quieter they are most of the time, the more you can never be sure what they're thinking." Usa: "Take our princess, for example. Hey, wait, where is Kaguya?" Kurenai: "Kaguya said she wanted to do some thinking in that bamboo forest of hers and went home." Usa: "See?! The cool types are the most unpredictable!" sa: "Y-You might be right." sa: "But... Tsukasa-chan being jealous? If that was true, it'd be so cute, I wouldn't know what to do." sa: "Tsukasa-chan?" sa: "Tsukasa-chan!" sa: "What are you doing here?" Tsukasa: "W-Well, I was just... I was taking a walk when I got chased by a stray dog, and then after helping a lost senior citizen, I saw your school and figured I'd check it out." sa: "I thought you might've gotten lonely and came to see me." Tsukasa: "W-W-W-Well, that's obviously not true! It takes more than this to make me feel lonely!" sa: "Oh, okay." sa: "I was a bit lonely, though." Tsukasa: "You were?" sa: "Of course." sa: "I always miss you when we're apart, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "Do you wanna walk home together, then?" sa: "No, I have to head back for a little bit." Tsukasa: "Oh. Really?" sa: "Tsukasa-chan, your... face is doing a thing." Tsukasa: "So, even though your darling newlywed wife is here, you'd rather go fool around with those high school girls?" sa: "Not at all." sa: "You're the only one I want to fool around with, Tsukasa-chan." Usa: "Oh, damn! And when the school is right over there!" Kurenai: "Newlyweds will flirt anywhere, huh?" Tsukasa: "W-Well, darling, good luck with work!" sa: "Th-Thanks, I'll try hard!" Tsukasa: "Good!" sa: "Good luck with what you're doing, too!" Tsukasa: "Feels like I keep spinning my wheels lately." Tsukasa: "Guess I'll head home for now." Kaguya: "Has your long journey finally ended?" Tsukasa: "I had a dream. One about the distant past." Kaguya: "I keep having the same dream. One where someone is crying." Tsukasa: "I thought there would never be an end to my aimless, wandering journey." Tsukasa: "But then I met you..."
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You ~High School Days~ Episode 3 – Romance Is, Generally, Pretty Hard", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You ~High School Days~", "3", "Romance Is, Generally, Pretty Hard" ] }
Kaguya: "I heard a voice on that day." Kaguya: "On a field glistening with moonlight, as I reached out to the moon... I heard you calling my name." Kurenai: "What do I do, what do I do?! I don't get this math at all!" Kurenai: "I have to try to figure this out over my lunch break." Kurenai: "Wh-Who are..." Kaguya: "Here, here, and here." Kaguya: "Memorize these with the 30 minutes you have. You should manage to pass." Kurenai: "The first impression I got was, "She's magic."" Kurenai: "Did you hack the test answers?" Kaguya: "Hack?" Kurenai: "I mean, how else could you know exactly what it was gonna be?" Kaguya: "This school has been around for a hundred years. It's easy to figure out if you consider what would be on a middle school entrance exam and then cross-reference past test questions." Kurenai: "I-Is... that right?" Kaguya: "Hacking would be a waste of effort." Kurenai: "You're pretty smart, huh?" Kaguya: "I wouldn't say so." Kaguya: "But there's something I don't know, and I'm working to understand it." Kaguya: "I just want to understand the world." Kurenai: "Hey! What's your name?" Kaguya: "Kaguya." Kaguya: "Gekko Kaguya." Kurenai: "I thought, "This girl must be some kind of magician who can do anything."" Kurenai: "Until, after enrolling, we ended up in the same class together." Kurenai: "Kaguya... What's that?" Kaguya: "Cucumber." Kurenai: "I get that, but does it taste good or something?" Kaguya: "I wouldn't say so." Kaguya: "But I'm just eating it for the calories and nutrition, so taste isn't a factor." Jessie: "Uh, no, I'm pretty sure taste is a big factor!" Kurenai: "What about lunch? Do your parents not make it for you?" Kaguya: "My parents find me unsettling, so they've been gone for a while now." Kurenai: "Uh... sorry." Kaguya: "Why are you apologizing, Hotaru?" Kaguya: "I think it's a smart choice. One should avoid things they can't understand." Kurenai: "Kaguya was smarter than we could comprehend." Kurenai: "Can you fix this?" Kaguya: "Sure." Kurenai: "It's like she knew everything. From explaining schoolwork to fixing just about anything with ease. She made it look so easy that one time, I had to ask. Do you ever mess up when doing stuff like that?" Kaguya: "Do you ever mess up the multiplication tables for five?" Kurenai: "No, not that, at least." Kaguya: "Same thing." Kaguya: "I don't make mistakes." Kurenai: "Her home life seemed really chaotic. At first, she lived with her very elderly grandparents, but at some point, they died." Kurenai: "Kaguya! Wake up, Kaguya! She seems to not care about going to school, so I've gotten into the habit of waking her up every morning. You really ought to tidy up this room." Kaguya: "It is tidy." Kurenai: "How?" Kaguya: "I know where to find what I need. Therefore, it's tidy." Kurenai: "Then where's the remote for the air conditioner?" Kaguya: "Underneath my copies of the Analects." Kurenai: "And the ribbon for your uniform?" Kaguya: "On top of the Three Billy Goats Gruff picture book." Kurenai: "And where exactly is that book? I keep telling you," Kurenai: "you're supposed to heat up pre-packaged curry!" Kaguya: "It goes onto hot rice. What's the difference?" Kurenai: "There's a big difference!" Kurenai: "She really did seem helpless at home. Which is why...." Kurenai: "I started thinking of Kaguya as a princess. She may have certain gifts, but she's also like one of those rich girls who needs someone to look after her." Usa: "You're always wearing that mask, huh? Allergies?" Kurenai: "Uh-oh. She seems mad." Kaguya: "Earth's atmosphere doesn't suit me. That's all." Usa: "Wait, so you're an alien?" Kurenai: "What did you write on your career survey?" Kaguya: "It's a waste of time to speculate on the unpredictable future." Kurenai: "You know you're just making it harder for the teachers with comments like that, right?" Kurenai: "W-Well, personally, I... I was hoping to make a living off of music." Kaguya: "Oh, you mean like those videos you post to YouTube in secret?" Kaguya: "I think the channel was called..." Kurenai: "Hey! How do you know about that?! I never told anyone!" Kaguya: "Still, it's a good thing." Kaguya: "I think that's a beautiful dream." Kaguya: "I don't have anything like that. I just want to know." Kurenai: "Know?" Kurenai: "What is it you want to know?" Kaguya: "You'll get mad, so I'm not saying." Kurenai: "I won't get mad!" Kaguya: "I keep having this dream..." Kaguya: "Where someone is crying." Kaguya: "Reaching out to a moon that's out of reach..." Kaguya: "And I hear a voice calling my name." Kaguya: "I want... to put them out of their misery." Kaguya: "Has your long journey finally ended?" Aya: "I really think you should say "I love you" more." Tsukasa: "Huh?" Aya: "We're dealing with a love expression imbalance!" Tsukasa: "There's an imbalance?" Aya: "Yes! I just get this feeling you're a little dry on that front." Aya: "You know how Nasa-kun is. His love is written all over his face! Anyone can tell from one look how much he likes you." Aya: "But you don't give off anything of the sort, Tsukacchan. Be honest, are you sure you're not spoiled by Nasa-kun's love?!" Tsukasa: "S-Spoiled by... love?" Aya: "Yes, and it's obvious you are! The reason being—" Aya: "Nasa-kun is always going around talking about how much he loves you!" Aya: "But you think it's okay to just give him the cold shoulder! That's the love expression imbalance I was talking about!" Tsukasa: "N-No... But maybe..." Aya: "These kinds of things are hard for the party involved to realize." Aya: "But the people around them can notice it!" Aya: "If you really love him, shouldn't you make the effort to communicate it?" Tsukasa: "F-Fine..." Tsukasa: "She's got a point. I can't remember telling him I love him much lately." Tsukasa: "And like Aya says, Nasa-kun gives me all the love I could ever ask for." Tsukasa: "That might be why I don't often get the chance to say so on my end." Tsukasa: "But that said, just going up to him and saying it is... kinda..." Tsukasa: "Extremely embarrassing!" Tsukasa: "Still, I realize it'd be better if I could tell him." Tsukasa: "S-Say, darling..." sa: "What is it?" Tsukasa: "Well, it's just..." Tsukasa: "Why do I still get embarrassed about this?! All I'm doing is telling him something I feel every day! I need to stop blushing and just tell Nasa-kun how much I love him!" Tsukasa: "S-So... darling, do you..." Tsukasa: "That's not right! That's not the way to go about this! It's not about him loving me! I'm supposed to tell him I love him!" Tsukasa: "Wh-What do you love about me?" sa: "Lots of things. How much do you need?" Tsukasa: "There's... that much?" sa: "Oh, definitely." Tsukasa: "Well... let's start with one thing." sa: "Okay. For starters, you smell really nice." Tsukasa: "Huh? What do you mean by that?" sa: "Really? You can't tell?" sa: "You have this sweet, gentle smell. And I don't mean in the physical sense." sa: "It's more about... your aura, maybe? Which is why I like to think of it as the scent of love." Tsukasa: "Darling... for a guy as smart as you are, you say some dumb things sometimes." sa: "Huh?! What do you mean?" Tsukasa: "What else?" sa: "What else?" sa: "Let's see..." sa: "There's a lot, but... I like how you're serious and logical, and how, when I hug you, you look a little anxious." Tsukasa: "Wh-What else?" sa: "Let me think... The way you can use these delicate, beautiful fingers to do just about anything, like cook amazing food." sa: "You also have such soft lips, and your cheeks turn red when you're embarrassed." Tsukasa: "I see... You really must love me, darling." sa: "Yep." Aya: "So? Did you tell Nasa-kun that you love him?" Tsukasa: "Eh?" Aya: "Don't "eh" at me. Did you? Did you not? Which is it?" Aya: "Why won't you look me in the eye?" Tsukasa: "Aya..." Tsukasa: "You don't understand marriage." Aya: "Excuse me?" Tsukasa: "Listen. When you're married..." Tsukasa: "You can read each other's minds!" Aya: "Huh?" Tsukasa: "Y'know how they say people can be in perfect sync? When you're married, you can communicate important stuff without saying it out loud." Tsukasa: "So we're all good! No problems here." Aya: "I see. Well, okay, then. She says all that, but what do you think, ladies?" Kurenai: "Good question." Jessie: "She has a serious problem." Tsukasa: "Hey!" Myako: "If it's too embarrassing to say, then wouldn't expressing it via action be the best way?" Aya: "Meaning?" Myako: "I'm saying..." Myako: "You could seduce him with some sexy underwear." Myako: "Stimulation is supposed to be good for getting out of a marriage rut." Aya: "I see." Tsukasa: "I don't! And we're not in a rut!" Tsukasa: "This is an issue between us as a couple! No more commentary from the peanut gallery! This is a bathhouse, so go bathe and get out!" Tsukasa: "Honestly... They're such a handful. That said... They're right that I haven't told him I love him lately." Myako: "If it's too embarrassing to say, then wouldn't expressing it via action be the best way? Wouldn't expressing it via action be the best way? Via action? Via action? Via action?" Tsukasa: "Action, huh?" sa: "All right, let's head to bed." Tsukasa: "Uh... just a second, darling." sa: "Huh?" sa: "Did I do something wrong?" Tsukasa: "Darling, could you sit down?" sa: "O-Oh, okay." sa: "Wh-What can I do for you?" Tsukasa: "Now close your eyes for a second." sa: "O-Okay. D-Did I just... get a... k-ki—" Tsukasa: "Whoa, hang on, darling!" Tsukasa: "I have... something very important to tell you." sa: "S-Something important?" Tsukasa: "That's right." Tsukasa: "It's very important, so I want you to listen very closely." Tsukasa: "Uh, but could you close your eyes again?" sa: "O-Okay!" Tsukasa: "Now, then, about this very important thing..." Tsukasa: "Your wife, right now... is wearing some especially cute underwear." Tsukasa: "Now, let's sleep, darling!" sa: "What was that?! What did she mean?! Does she want me to look and see for myself?!" Tsukasa: "Why did I say that?! And wasn't that the perfect timing to just tell him I loved him?!" Kaname: "You've got some real schoolgirl problems lately, I hear." Tsukasa: "Huh?" Kaname: "I mean, this is basically a love confession, right? You wanna tell your darling husband you love him." Tsukasa: "N-N-N-N-Not really! And I'm not worried! I-I-I-It's just about timing, and I'm totally not embarrassed." Kaname: "You do realize that when you start thinking about a confession, you've already lost, right?" Tsukasa: "What?" Kaname: "For example, let's take Kazumiya-kun here." Kazumiya: "H-Hi there." Tsukasa: "Wait, who?!" Kaname: "This is my classmate, Kazumiya-kun. He just happens to have come by today." Kazumiya: "Kaname-chan said I should try out the baths here." Kaname: "So let's demonstrate with Kazumiya-kun." Kaname: "I love you." Kaname: "You just need to come out and say it, like that." Tsukasa: "Wh-Whoa now, Kaname. That's a little..." Kaname: "Well, I guess being too direct might be a little embarrassing." Tsukasa: "Not what I was talking about." Kaname: "Then how about this instead? Kazumiya-kun!" Kazumiya: "Y-Yes?" Kaname: "Take me..." Kaname: "See? All too easy." Tsukasa: "That's one way to describe it." Kaname: "Honesty's the best policy!" Kaname: "Coupons for some free Hagen. You two can share some ice cream, and then your feelings." Tsukasa: "Th-Thanks..." sa: "I'll have to remember to thank Kaname-chan later." Tsukasa: "G-Good idea..." sa: "What kind are you gonna get?" Tsukasa: "I think..." Tsukasa: "Darling, here's a quiz for you." Tsukasa: "What flavor of Hagen is your adorable wife craving?" sa: "L-Let's see..." Tsukasa: "Okay, you have five seconds. Four, three, two..." sa: "Rum raisin!" Tsukasa: "Correct! Very impressive, darling. How'd you know?" sa: "Well, I mean, because I love you, Tsukasa-chan!" sa: "I know all about my beloved wife!" Tsukasa: "That seems like cheating." sa: "Huh?! Wait, how is that cheating, Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "Hmph!" sa: "Now, here's a question. What flavor did I get?" Tsukasa: "Strawberry." sa: "Huh? Did you see me buy it?" Tsukasa: "I didn't need to. You always tend to go with the staples, so I figured it'd be either vanilla or strawberry." sa: "I-I guess so." sa: "But I'm glad you know me so well, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "Well, y'know... Wait, could this be... my chance to confess?! That's it! I can go with the flow and say it just like Nasa-kun did! That's right! Because I—" sa: "Why don't we eat these over on that park bench?" Tsukasa: "Oh, come on! Read the room, would you?!" sa: "Want half of my strawberry?" Tsukasa: "Okay. You can have half of my rum raisin, then." sa: "Being able to share like this is a good part of being married." Tsukasa: "I agree." sa: "Huh? Tsukasa-chan, you've got ice cream on you." Tsukasa: "W-Wait... darling?!" sa: "I was worried your lips might be cold." Tsukasa: "Enough!" Tsukasa: "Look this way, darling!" Tsukasa: "I love you, dummy." sa: "Ts-Tsukasa-chan?!" Tsukasa: "I... I went overboard! I do it so rarely, I didn't know how much to hold back, and went way overboard! That was way too much kissing, and why would I say, "I love you, dummy"?! I mean, how embarrassing is that?! Darling's bound to be reeling and weirded out. Th-This... I'm too embarrassed to even look at him!" sa: "What was that... assault of cuteness?!" sa: "I wanna marry her right now! Even if we already are! Tsukasa-chan, look this way." Tsukasa: "No... I can't!" Tsukasa: "I'm too embarrassed to even look at you now." sa: "Ts-Tsukasa-chan..." Tsukasa: "N-No! My face... is kind of weird right now." sa: "N-No, it's not! I want to see how it looks." Tsukasa: "B-But I'm embarrassed..." Tsukasa: "S-See?" Tsukasa: "I told you I looked weird!" sa: "That's not true at all." sa: "You're always cute, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "Darling..." sa: "And I'm thrilled that you said you loved me." sa: "Because I love you, too, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "Yeah..." sa: "I had a dream. A dream about a long, long time ago." sa: "It was a nostalgic, painful, and sad dream." sa: "This is a dream—it has to be." sa: "A dream of a distant past that will never return." sa: "The second my eyes opened, I understood. Yeah... this is a dream." sa: "I think they call these lucid dreams? When you're dreaming, but you're aware of that fact." sa: "They're supposed to be rare, so if I'm having one, I want to enjoy it!" sa: "I always thought dreams were arranged from your past memories, though. So what's with these surroundings? Is this old-timey Japan? But it seems even older than the Sengoku period. Based on the look of the buildings, it's probably around the Asuka or Nara period—" Traveller: "Good morning, Lord Emperor." sa: "Huh? Uh, good morning." sa: "Lord Emperor? Where are these memories coming from?" sa: "A five-story pagoda? Then... is this Horyuji Temple?" sa: "Oh, I get it. It's probably inspired by our trip to Nara." sa: "Since it was our first trip together, it probably made a strong impression." sa: "Huh?" sa: "But this pagoda... It looks really clean... almost new." sa: "It's Tsukasa-chan! Even in a dream, she's so cute! Tsukasa-chan!" sa: "Tsukasa-chan, what are you doing?" Tsukasa: "Tsukasa... chan?" sa: "Wh-What's wrong?" Tsukasa: "I mean, it's fine. I just have a headache from planning my overseas trip with my sister." Tsukasa: "And I was impressed by how you don't seem to be too worried about it." sa: "S-Sorry..." Tsukasa: "It's fine. You might be easygoing, but I'll be sure to deliver the papers anyway." Tsukasa: "That's what you want, right?" Tsukasa: "I won't let your dream go unfulfilled." Tsukasa: "You've done too much for me. I'm really grateful. Thank you." sa: "Aw, come on, you're making it sound like this is goodbye forever." Tsukasa: "It might actually be that." Tsukasa: "It's a long trip to the continent... On the other side of a vast sea." Tsukasa: "But I bet it's still closer than the moon." Tsukasa: "So, like you said, my journey is going to continue." Tsukasa: "If anything... I bet it's just beginning." sa: "I had a dream." sa: "A dream about a long, long time ago." sa: "In the distant past... Of someone who burned with dreams, and whose life scattered like flower petals, unfulfilled. H-Huh? Why am I crying?" Tsukasa: "I never thought the end would come. I expected an ever-growing list of regrets as I wandered, lost forever." sa: "Tsukasa-chan!" Tsukasa: "I had a dream." Tsukasa: "Just this morning. An old, familiar dream." Tsukasa: "A dream from a long, long time ago that I thought would never end." Tsukasa: "Memories of a long journey, now concluded." Tsukasa: "Whoa... Nasa-kun?" sa: "This is a continuation of The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter." sa: "About how Princess Kaguya was recovered from the moon and happily married."
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You ~High School Days~ Episode 4 – Across A Thousand Nights", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You ~High School Days~", "4", "Across A Thousand Nights" ] }
sa: "It's like my life is being sucked up by this snow." sa: "Am I going to die?" sa: "My entire body feels like it's on fire." sa: "I didn't realize dying would hurt this much." Tsukasa: "You'll be okay." Tsukasa: "It takes more than this to kill someone." Tsukasa: "Besides, you're not ready to die yet, right?" Tsukasa: "So... hang in there." sa: "I heard a kind voice as my consciousness started to slip away..." sa: "It was the first time my wife ever spoke to me. Let's say you get married" sa: "and end up having kids. Let me offer one piece of advice:" Dad: "He's full of energy!" Mom: "What should we name him?" Dad: "Good question. I want him to be big, like the universe itself!" Dad: "Let's call him Nasa, with the kanji for "starry sky"!" sa: "Please, give your kid a normal name!" sa: "By the time I was in kindergarten..." Teacher: "Let's see, your name is..." Teacher: "Yuzaki..." Teacher: "Nasa, huh?" sa: "Whenever an adult saw what my name was, they'd chuckle a bit." Girl: "Hey, hey! Are you gonna be an astronaut, Nasa-kun?" sa: "I don't think so, why?" Girl: "Then why's your name Nasa? That's weird!" sa: "At the time, I didn't realize" Girl: "Everyone knows about NASA!" sa: "But I did realize that people were making fun of me..." sa: "And I really hated that." sa: "So I wanted to become someone people would respect. So that anyone who heard my name," sa: "they'd think, "Wow, he's even better than NASA!"" sa: "There's something inside me that lets me push myself to the limit, once I get motivated." sa: "Because of that, by the time I was in my third year of middle school..." Yanagi: "Tsukuba University's affiliated high school?!" Yanagi: "B-But, Yuzaki-kun, that school's famous for only wanting people who score in the top 30%!" sa: "Right." sa: "But..." sa: "I think I can get in!" sa: "Look how ready I am!" Yanagi: "Well, with your grades," Yanagi: "But do you have a backup school? There's a risk of wasting money, not to mention recommendation being—" sa: "Sensei..." sa: "I don't need a backup school." sa: "Because I'm getting into my top choice!" Yanagi: "I guess grades and common sense aren't synonymous. But... wait! On the off-chance you fail," sa: "There is no off-chance. Because I'm going to reach the speed of light—" Yanagi: "You know what, never mind!" Yanagi: "Look, there's still time before entrance exams. Take some time and discuss what you're going to do with your parents." sa: "I don't intend to turn to my parents for advice. It's my life." Yanagi: "Well, you never know what fate has in store for you." Yanagi: "If you let your guard down, it could cost you everything." sa: "No matter what fate has in store for me... I know I'll be able to manage!" sa: "And I genuinely believed that. After reinventing myself through sheer effort," sa: "But then... First place again! At this rate, the entrance exam will be no problem." sa: "I let my guard down..." sa: "and stumbled across the fate that awaited me." sa: "I didn't have words for it. She was just really cute!" sa: "What school does she go to? Is she the same age as me? Wait, younger, maybe?" sa: "No, it doesn't matter! I think talking to this girl right now is what... E-Excuse me! ...I was born to do! Would you—" sa: "I let my guard down... and it cost me everything." sa: "I never thought I would die like this." sa: "I didn't even get to learn her name..." sa: "I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! If I die like this, what was the point of being born in the first place?!" Tsukasa: "You'll be okay." Tsukasa: "It takes more than this to kill someone." sa: "It's her..." sa: "Blood? Why is she bleeding?" Driver: "A-A-A-Are you okay?!" Tsukasa: "Yeah, I am." Tsukasa: "But could you get him to a hospital?" Driver: "Whoa, wait! I know he's in bad shape, but didn't you take the brunt of the the hit when you got in front of him?!" Tsukasa: "You really shouldn't try to talk. You might not be dying, but you're hurt pretty bad." Tsukasa: "No thanks necessary." sa: "As I saw her heading toward the moon while leaving..." sa: "It was as if she was Princess Kaguya." sa: "My consciousness left me..." sa: "And so did you." sa: ""The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter" is the story of a couple who didn't get to be together. Princess Kaguya returned to the moon," Driver: "Right! We're over by the place, at the thing! Yes, please! Send an ambulance as fast as—" sa: "Don't worry about me!" Driver: "Are you okay?!" sa: "Did you see where that girl went?" Driver: "Look, you really should lie down!" sa: "Now is not the time!" Driver: "I'm pretty sure this is exactly the time..." sa: "I understand why you would want me to go to the hospital. I'd feel the same way if I ran someone over! Because they could die!" Driver: "If you understand all that, why are you doing this?" sa: "Because..." sa: "She's just really cute!" Driver: "I don't understand what he's trying to say," sa: "That being the case, goodbye, mister!" Driver: "Wait!" sa: "I don't know if I'll be able to find her, but if this is fate, then... I know—" sa: "There she is!" sa: "Excuse me..." sa: "Thank you for before. I survived, thanks to you!" sa: "My name is Yuzaki Nasa!" Tsukasa: "Well, this is impressive." Tsukasa: "You're able to move with those injuries? I mentioned this before, but you're pretty badly hurt." sa: "I just had to thank you!" Tsukasa: "All right, take that wet coat off and have a seat." sa: "You don't mind?!" Tsukasa: "What I do mind is you being covered in blood. After I went to the trouble of saving you..." Tsukasa: "You've only got one life, so take better care of it, okay?" sa: "Is this the smell of her shampoo? Do girls really smell this good? W-W-W-Wait—" Tsukasa: "You've lost a lot of blood. You need to stay warm." sa: "The warmth from her coat and this intensely sweet aroma..." sa: "It's enough to knock me out!" sa: "And... This girl is just seriously, really cute!" sa: "You're not cold?" Tsukasa: "Of course I am. It's snowing outside." Tsukasa: "But I think I should call for help. You could actually die at this rate." sa: "I'm fi—" sa: "Huh... wha?" Tsukasa: "Both of your legs are broken, you know." Tsukasa: "And the adrenaline from the accident is about to wear off." Tsukasa: "Pretty soon, you'll find it hard to stay conscious. If you care about staying alive, just wait right there." Tsukasa: "Goodbye, now." sa: "My whole body's burning." sa: "My consciousness is fading..." sa: "But..." sa: "Wait!" Tsukasa: "A-Are you crazy?! You could seriously die!" sa: "You looked just like Princess Kaguya before! When the people from the moon came for her," sa: "But... if you know you'll never see someone again, you should fight for them, chase after them, and try to get them back! Even if it means dying! If you really love them..." sa: "And I..." sa: "love you. I just met you, and I don't even know your name yet," sa: "but all the same, would you go out with me?" Tsukasa: "Fair enough." Tsukasa: "We can be together... if you'll marry me." sa: "Of course! It'd be my pleasure! The way I answered instantly in that moment" sa: "And after giving my answer... I passed out." sa: "When I woke up, the cherry blossoms were starting to fall. I was told that if she hadn't protected me," sa: "In the end, she was gone before I could even learn her name." sa: "Would you go out with me?" sa: "Based on what's happened, should I consider myself rejected?" Tsukasa: "We can be together... if you'll marry me." sa: "Looking back now, maybe that response was her way of turning me down." sa: "My days after waking up were filled with studying and rehab. I missed my chance to take the exams and ended up losing that year..." sa: "So I took them in the following year. I had a top score," sa: "I put my talents to use working a service job" sa: "but the day never came. I knew my parents would get anxious if I worked too much," sa: "And I turned 18..." sa: "It's amazing how much money you can earn if you lose yourself in the work." sa: "But it's not money that I want." sa: "I just wish I could see her again. Yes, how can I help—" Tsukasa: "Hey. We meet again." Tsukasa: "Right, I forgot to mention this, but my name is Tsukasa." Tsukasa: "Is it all right if I come in?" sa: "This picks up where "The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter" left off. After getting Princess Kaguya back from the moon," Tsukasa: "Come on now, darling." sa: "The story of a married couple!" sa: "I can't deny that I have questions." sa: "Even if I've been thinking of her all this time..." Tsukasa: "Pardon me." sa: "The fact of the matter is, we're almost total strangers. And yet, when she came into my home, my thoughts were on..." sa: "Oh, crap! I've never had a girl over before!" sa: "Sorry it's not much." Tsukasa: "Don't worry. And thank you." sa: "But man, this girl is seriously cute! The whole place smells a bit better just from her being in here!" Tsukasa: "My name is Tsukasa." sa: "So this is Tsukasa-chan... I do have questions, but still, Tsukasa-chan is so cute!" Tsukasa: "Not going to sit down?" sa: "S-Sorry!" sa: "So what did you want to discuss?" sa: "What's this?" Tsukasa: "Our marriage registration." sa: "M-M-M-Marriage registration?!" Tsukasa: "Wh... What are you so shocked about?" sa: "I-I mean..." Tsukasa: "Didn't we have an agreement? I said I would be with you if you married me, and you said yes right away." sa: "Okay, that's technically true, but... M-M-Marri-ri—" Tsukasa: "Well, never mind, then—" sa: "H-Hang on! I'm shocked, yeah, but I never said I wouldn't do it!" sa: "I still love you, and I want to be together! None of that has changed! So... if a marriage registration is what it takes, or anything else for that matter," sa: "I'll sign!" Tsukasa: "Uh, I see." sa: "I'm only now realizing I shouted about how I loved her in the heat of the moment." sa: "S-So this is a marriage registration... W-Wow. This is really bringing the reality of it home." sa: "I'm curious... What's this about witnesses?" Tsukasa: "It's just part of getting married. But all you really need is to get their seal, so if push comes to shove, you get a random passerby to vouch for you." sa: "That works?!" Tsukasa: "There's also the matter of your seal, family registration, and identification... Have you got all that?" sa: "Uh, yeah..." sa: "Still, is this really okay?" sa: "I'm going with the flow and filling it out, but..." sa: "Maybe this is a bad idea?" sa: "Scams aren't such a big deal!" sa: "Because I'm Yuzaki Nasa!" sa: "Here it is!" Tsukasa: "Right, thanks. Oh, so that's how you write "Yuzaki."" Tsukasa: "Yuzaki... Yuzaki Tsukasa, huh?" Tsukasa: "I have to say, my new name has a nice ring to it. I like it." sa: "Th-Thanks..." Tsukasa: "I know we both have our concerns," Tsukasa: "But I think I'm a pretty good judge of character," Tsukasa: "And above all... I put my faith in you." Tsukasa: "I'm not perfect, but I hope you'll take care of me." sa: "I definitely have concerns... but for today..." sa: "The feeling's mutual! I honestly don't care." Tsukasa: "Well, we had better get going." sa: "Wait, where are we going this late at night?" Tsukasa: "Where else?" Tsukasa: "The ward office." Tsukasa: "Since we filled out the paperwork, we need to turn it in." sa: "Is the office going to be open this late?" Tsukasa: "They've got a late-night desk. Marriage registrations are accepted 24 hours a day." sa: "I had no idea." Tsukasa: "During the day, people are busy with work, and there are people like celebrities" sa: "Makes sense." sa: "Marriage... Getting married. Is turning in a piece of paper really all we need to get married?" Tsukasa: "Yuzaki Tsukasa. Good, I think I'm getting used to it. It does have a lovely ring to it, right?" sa: "Y-Yeah, I think so! But here I am, with "starry sky" being pronounced "Nasa."" sa: "Wait... Come to think of it, I don't think she's ever laughed at my name." Tsukasa: "NASA was founded in 1958 to compete with the Soviet space program. It was made up of 18,000 specially selected experts. They took a dream that nobody would've thought possible for humanity, and through knowledge, diligence, courage, and patience, they collectively made it a reality." Tsukasa: "Traveling into space is much more difficult than it sounds. It requires a literally astronomical amount of trial and error, and at the end of that endless struggle," Tsukasa: ""Nasa," written with the characters for "starry sky"..." Tsukasa: "I think it's a fantastic name." sa: "It felt like an ache that had been stuck in my chest from the day I was born melted away. This marriage still doesn't feel real," sa: "but right now, I genuinely want to marry this girl." Worker: "A marriage registration? Sure, it'll be just one moment." Worker: "Okay, here we are... Let's see... Oh, you're underage? In that case, we'll need your guardian's approval." Tsukasa: "Yes, I've got it right here." Worker: "Okay, that covers all the paperwork. I'll go ahead and get it submitted." sa: "Excuse me... Is it really okay to do this without any parents?" Worker: "There's no law that says they have to be present," Worker: "Besides, a marriage between young folks is a thing worth celebrating. I'm honestly jealous that you get to marry such a beautiful bride." Worker: "All right, that takes care of the registration." Worker: "We also hand these out as wedding gifts, so feel free to take it." sa: "I didn't know they gave out stuff like this." Tsukasa: "It probably depends on the office." sa: "I'm still surprised getting married is so easy. It almost doesn't feel real." Tsukasa: "Would you like to hold hands, then?" sa: "C-Can I?!" Tsukasa: "I mean, we are married." sa: "Oh, right... then..." sa: "So soft! Girls are this soft?! Human hands are this warm... and feel this good? This is marriage?! It's fantastic! It's all-I-can-grab with this hand until I die! Marriage is awesome!" Tsukasa: "Uh... that's a little too hard. It hurts." sa: "Oh! Sorry!" Tsukasa: "Also, I'm not sure I like the sound of "all-I-can-grab."" sa: "Did I say that out loud?! Oh, man, that sucks! What does that even mean?! This isn't a buffet!" Tsukasa: "We're married now, aren't we?" sa: "Y-Yeah." Tsukasa: "All-you-can-grab from now on..." Tsukasa: "I guess you're right!" sa: "Yeah. This is the story of a couple who had a strange first meeting" sa: "and ended up together, with an irreplaceable bond between them." Tsukasa: "By the way, there's something I need to take care of," sa: "Uh, sure." Tsukasa: "By the way, do you have two futons at your place?" sa: "Uh, no, just the one bed..." Tsukasa: "I see. Well, I'll see you later." sa: "Huh? Hey, wait!" sa: "Futons?" sa: "If we're married, that means we'll be living together at my place?" sa: "Which would mean... We're going to sleep together tonight?!" Tsukasa: "Right, time for bed, then." sa: "You're staying the night?!" Tsukasa: "Of course I am. We're married now. So I'm going to be staying here every night."
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Episode 1 – Marriage", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You", "1", "Marriage" ] }
sa: "When she showed me to this unit..." Kaname: "This building used to be where my stupid dad did all his nerd crap. There are all kinds of things he had in storage," sa: "And as grateful as I am for that," sa: "once it's all out in the open..." sa: "It makes the room look really old-fashioned." sa: "C-Can I help with anything?" Tsukasa: "Well, if you want to help..." Tsukasa: "Can you get really good and hungry?" sa: "S-Sure!" Kanoko: "You don't fry it, you buy it! That's the Yuzaki family motto!" sa: "That's what my mom always said, so the idea never occurred to me." Tsukasa: "I'm not sure I want to inherit that family motto." sa: "Oh, well! Time to eat! Huh? I didn't see a rice cooker in this place." sa: "How'd you make the rice?" Tsukasa: "What do you mean?" sa: "Huh? You can cook rice in a pot?!" Tsukasa: "The human race was doing it that way for hundreds of years, y'know. Come on, eat up before it gets cold." sa: "R-Right. I will." sa: "So good! What is this?! The pork is juicy!" Tsukasa: "I'm glad!" sa: "Is this some special kind of pork?" Tsukasa: "Nope. It was on sale at the supermarket. If you start at a lower temperature," Tsukasa: "the outside becomes nice and crispy while the inside stays juicy." sa: "It honestly tastes so good that I could eat it every day!" Tsukasa: "Every day might be overdoing it, but let me know when you want it again." Tsukasa: "Listen up, darling." Tsukasa: "The thing about tonkatsu..." sa: "I don't know what that's all about," sa: "The sauce is pretty great, too." Tsukasa: "Oh, I also made that." sa: "Th-The sauce, too?!" Tsukasa: "I want to cook you all kinds of things..." Tsukasa: "so your tongue will be for my personal use." Tsukasa: "Now, come on, eat up while it's still hot!" sa: "R-Right!" sa: "Sh-She's right." sa: "My wife's home cooking..." sa: "Thanks for the food!" Tsukasa: "I'm glad you liked it." sa: "Let me help you!" Tsukasa: "Don't worry about it. Why don't you watch some TV, darling?" sa: "I guess I will, then." sa: "Huh? There's no picture." sa: "Wait, there it is. I guess that's how CRT TVs work." Kaname: "Senpai!" sa: "Kaname-chan? What's up?" Kaname: "We got one of these from a guest," sa: "Wow, muskmelon! Thanks!" Tsukasa: "It looks so good!" Kaname: "I'd better get going, then." sa: "Already?" Kaname: "I'd hate to get in your way, y'know. Feel free to enjoy yourselves all night long!" Kaname: "Don't worry, I don't think the sound carries all the way to the house." sa: "Uh, K-Kaname-chan?!" Kaname: "Goodnight!" sa: "I wonder what she was going on about..." Tsukasa: "S-Since she left it for us," sa: "G-Good idea!" sa: "These melons are kind of... majestic-looking, aren't they?" Tsukasa: "Agreed." sa: "Let's go ahead..." sa: "So sweet!" Tsukasa: "So good!" sa: "I'm really impressed!" Tsukasa: "Seriously." sa: "To give us such a tasty melon..." Tsukasa: "We'll have to do something nice for her." sa: "Being able to just kick back and eat melon with you like this is great." Tsukasa: "I think so, too." sa: "Tsukasa-chan... Say "ahh."" Tsukasa: "U-Um, I don't know about doing that sort of thing..." sa: "She's embarrassed! That's so cute!" sa: "But remember how you fed me the lime udon back at the service area?" Tsukasa: "That was just because I wanted you to taste it." sa: "But it's just the two of us right now... And there are all kinds of embarrassing things I want to try!" Tsukasa: "Ahh..." sa: "I-Is it good?" Tsukasa: "It was very good." sa: "A new place for us to move into? Okay. Okay." sa: "Understood!" Kaname: "Who was that?" sa: "My former landlord." sa: "He asked if I was interested in moving into the new place he's having built." Kaname: "Aw, you're moving out already?" sa: "No, it's not decided yet." sa: "But we can't impose on your family indefinitely." Kaname: "Yeah, living here probably makes it hard to get it on." sa: "Were you even listening to me?!" Kaname: "But maybe thought of me watching would add a little extra spice to it!" sa: "I-I-I'm not into that!" Tsukasa: "A new apartment?" sa: "Well, it turns out" sa: "And he offered to let us move in without any security deposit or initial fee, along with keeping the same rent I had before!" Tsukasa: "That's quite a deal." sa: "There's supposed to be a model room, too." Tsukasa: "Sure." Tsukasa: "The model room for our new apartment... is in this place? And he said you'd be paying the same rent?" sa: "Yeah. 48,000 yen a month." Tsukasa: "Is your landlord an oil baron or something?" sa: "I'm pretty sure the key and the map I was given say this is the place." Tsukasa: "Someone probably made a mistake somewhere." sa: "Well, since we're here, let's check it out." sa: "I mean, when else are we going to get a chance to go into such a fancy building?" Tsukasa: "I see. Pretending to be celebrities, then, darling? We shan't wait another moment, in that case!" sa: ""Shan't"?!" Tsukasa: "Look at how exquisite it is, darling!" sa: "Wow... And the doors are huge, too." Tsukasa: "They definitely make an impression." Tsukasa: "I bet over half the people who live here are YouTubers! I saw a video that said they have the best hourly pay of any occupation in Japan!" sa: "I'm not sure how accurate that is." sa: "I had no idea the view from a high-rise apartment was so incredible." Tsukasa: "The ceiling is really high, too." Tsukasa: "Look, darling! You can look outside from the bath!" sa: "You're right. I guess this is what they call a bath with a view." Tsukasa: "I can definitely see how this would make someone feel like a winner." sa: "T-True enough." Tsukasa: "That said, I think I like the idea of a place with a bath, even if it doesn't have a view." sa: "That's right, the next place we move to should have a bath. Will that mean it's finally shared bathtime?! Just a month a half! A month and a half from now, my wife and I will—" Tsukasa: "You want to try getting in, darling?" sa: "Th-That's all right! I'm saving it for later!" Tsukasa: "It's huge!" sa: "I think that's a queen-size bed. I guess you can get one like this when you have so much space." Tsukasa: "I guess so." sa: "H-Hey, when we move into our new place..." sa: "Would you like to sleep in the same bed?" Tsukasa: "Uh, well..." Tsukasa: "I think..." Tsukasa: "I'd like that, too." sa: "Looks like that was the wrong model room, after all." Tsukasa: "That makes sense. Still, I enjoyed having a look around." sa: "I did, too. I'll work hard so that we can live in a place like that someday." Tsukasa: "That sounds promising." Tsukasa: "But..." Tsukasa: "If I'm being honest, I think I would like any kind of place we lived in. A big home would be something I could take pride in, and a small one would let me feel your warmth up close. In an older place, we could experience all the little quirks together, and in newer one, we'd be leaving traces of our life together over time. No matter where we live," Tsukasa: "Home is what you make of it, after all." Tsukasa: "But I think that's why it doesn't really matter that much... Because wherever you are is the place that I belong." sa: "It's not just you." sa: "I'm pretty sure that's the case for me, too!" Kaname: "My name is Arisugawa Kaname. I'm 15 years old, in my first year of high school, and I work at a bathhouse." Kaname: "My mornings start early." I'M Up At 5: "I'm up at 5:30 to get the place ready to open. And I do it every day! But because I've got my act together, it's never a problem! I am so amazing! A real go-getter!" I'M Up At 5: "But balancing things out with school does have its difficulties." Tsukasa: "Need some help?" Kaname: "Oh, Tsukasa-san." Tsukasa: "Would you like me to help?" Kaname: "No, that's okay!" Tsukasa: "You're... younger than I am, though." Kaname: "Stare... This is Yuzaki Tsukasa-san," Kaname: "Some stuff happened, and right now they're living with us. But to be honest, I don't really know what she's like yet." Tsukasa: "Do you always clean up by yourself every morning?" Kaname: "Uh, yeah, I guess. While I'm at school, my mom runs things." Tsukasa: "I see. You're a really hard worker." Tsukasa: "I think I misspoke when I asked if you wanted my help." Tsukasa: "I hate the idea of just imposing on you without giving anything back. I'm not Nasa-kun. I haven't known your family for very long." Tsukasa: "So I'd really appreciate it if you'd let me help you out." Kaname: "I might not know much about her yet..." Kaname: "but that smile is practically cheating." Kaname: "Okay, then! You can help me clean the place up." Tsukasa: "Thank you." Kaname: "Y'know, calling you Tsukasa-san feels kind of formal, now that I think about it." Kaname: "So..." Kaname: "Can I call you Tsukassan instead?" Tsukasa: "I'd like that! What should I call you, then? Kana-san?" Kaname: "Y-You can just call me Kaname!" Tsukasa: "I'd be glad to, Kaname." Kaname: "In that case, Tsukassan, let's start cleaning up." Kaname: "You'll want to hit any spots that this robot can't reach." Tsukasa: "A robot? Wow, I didn't know they sold these." Kaname: "They actually don't." Kaname: "Senpai took a store-bought cleaning unit and customized it. He also set up an automated bucket-cleaner for us. According to him..." Both: ""The key is innovating!"" sa: "You need to design revolutionary ideas that redefine the system!" Kaname: "And he went on to come up with all kinds of innovations for the bathhouse." Kaname: "I personally think he might be the reincarnation of a certain armor-clad businessman." Kaname: "That said, there are plenty of spots the robot can't get to, like the walls and the drains. I'll handle the women's bath. If you could handle the men's bath, Tsukassan." Tsukasa: "Roger." Kaname: "Now, let's see what one of these modern girls knows about cleaning a bath!" Kaname: "Have you done this before?" Tsukasa: "Not exactly. But I have to say, I'm impressed. Even with the robot," Tsukasa: "and some spots are so soiled that many would hesitate to clean them. This is no easy job." Tsukasa: "You're honestly amazing." Kaname: "I think I'm starting to understand why Senpai likes her." Tsukasa: "You actually use firewood in this day and age?" Kaname: "It can use oil too, but this is cheaper. And thanks to Senpai upgrading all the piping to modern standards," Tsukasa: "He did that, too?" Kaname: "This bathhouse is full of systems he's responsible for. It's thanks to him that our family business was able to recover." Kaname: "Come to think of it, I should've said this sooner..." Kaname: "I'm really grateful to you for saving Senpai's life." Kaname: "If you hadn't risked your life to save him..." Kaname: "I can never thank you enough, really." Tsukasa: "I'm glad I was able to save him, too." Tsukasa: "That truck was coming up so fast..." Tsukasa: "I wondered if he was trying to kill himself." Tsukasa: "And I ended up moving before I could think." Kaname: "And you weren't hurt, Tsukassan?" Tsukasa: "Of course I was!" Tsukasa: "But I'm still glad I was able to save him..." Tsukasa: "To save the person I would come to love more than anything else." Kaname: "Senpai's a lucky guy!" Tsukasa: "I completely agree." Kaname: "All right, Tsukassan, I'm heading out!" Tsukasa: "Have a safe trip!" Kaname: "See you later!" sa: "Good morning, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "Good morning, darling." sa: "When did you and Kaname-chan become such good friends?" Tsukasa: "It's only natural we would." Tsukasa: "Because we both care about the same person." Tsukasa: "Come on, let's have breakfast." Aya: "Th-This is bad!" Aya: "My position as big sister is being reduced to nothing! I don't factor into daily life! I'm not even going to have a route in the main game. I'll be stuck in a spin-off!" Tsukasa: "What do you like, Nasa-kun?" sa: "Tsukasa-chan!" Tsukasa: "Not what I meant... I mean what you like to eat! Your favorite food." sa: "Oh, food." Tsukasa: "And not your all-purpose-hotpot from before." sa: "In that case, I ran a behavior analysis once." Tsukasa: "Behavior analysis?" sa: "I altered independent variables to track" Tsukasa: "This is sounding really complicated, considering how simple the question was." sa: "And the conclusion I came to... was curry!" Tsukasa: "That's a pretty straightforward conclusion." sa: "Yep!" Tsukasa: "I see." Tsukasa: "But in that case, we don't have the ingredients..." sa: "Is this about tomorrow's dinner?" Tsukasa: "Yeah. But we don't have any curry powder," sa: "I'll go with you, then." Tsukasa: "Why? I'm just running to the supermarket." sa: "It'll make a nice evening stroll! Together." Mom: "Hey, where are you two going?" Tsukasa: "Out for an evening stroll." sa: "To buy some curry powder." Mom: "Oh, I see." Mom: "Nasa-kun, come here." sa: "What is it?" Mom: "Since you're going out, you might want to take the route that goes by Otogi Park." sa: "But why?" Mom: "There's no one over there at this hour," Mom: "so it's the perfect spot to do all kinds of things!" sa: "All kinds of things?! B-But I wasn't planing on doing anything!" Mom: "Oh, you! You're married, so what's the problem? It's important for married couples to spice things up sometimes!" sa: "I-I-I don't think we need extra spice yet! Good grief! Now I think I see how Kaname-chan ended up the way she is." Tsukasa: "What are you talking about?" sa: "Nothing! Just discussing the trade troubles between America and China!" Tsukasa: "That's a pretty complex subject to discuss before an errand." sa: "C-Come on, Tsukasa-chan!" Mom: "Be safe out there!" Tsukasa: "We managed to get the curry powder, but..." sa: "We worked up an appetite while wandering around..." Tsukasa: "...and ended up bringing a snack back." sa: "Well, things like this are part of the fun of taking an evening stroll." sa: "It's so warm!" Tsukasa: "And it's still cold at night, so it helps you warm up." Tsukasa: "An evening stroll can be a lot of fun." sa: "I agree. If we were a high school couple," Tsukasa: "But we're married, so we don't. Also, why exactly are we walking where there are no other people?" Mom: "There's no one out over there at this hour, so it's the perfect spot to do all kinds of things!" sa: "I-It's a total coincidence, I assure you!" Tsukasa: "Really?" sa: "It r-r-r-really is!" Tsukasa: "What exactly were you planning to do with a girl like me" sa: "K-Kiss you!" sa: "I was planning to kiss you." Tsukasa: "I s-see... That's a very manly assertion, darling." sa: "Yes! I didn't want to lie!" Tsukasa: "I see. That's quite admirable." sa: "That being the case..." Tsukasa: "Now, hang on a second!" sa: "Why?" Tsukasa: "W-Well..." Tsukasa: "That meat bun had a lot of garlic in it." sa: "I don't care about the garlic!" Tsukasa: "Even so, I'm self-conscious about it! So I think I'll have to take a rain check for today." sa: "I should've gotten us red bean buns. Or maybe grilled sweet potatoes..." Tsukasa: "But..." Tsukasa: "It's so quiet." Tsukasa: "Kind of like you and I are the only ones in the whole wide world." sa: "She might not want a kiss, but..." sa: "Oh, shoot!" sa: "But... my wife... is shockingly soft! Are all girls this soft? Or is Tsukasa-chan special?!" Tsukasa: "I-If you grab me from behind," sa: "Sorry. I wanted to go more slowly, but..." Tsukasa: "Honestly..." sa: "Tsukasa-chan..." sa: "How are you enjoying life, being married to me?" Tsukasa: "How am I...? What brought on this question?" sa: "I just felt like asking." Tsukasa: "I'm learning a lot of new things every day. Sometimes it's funny, and sometimes it's frustrating," Tsukasa: "It feels like I'm learning about all kinds of emotions for the first time." Tsukasa: "I think that I'm going to learn all kinds of new feelings thanks to you, Nasa-kun." sa: "Tsukasa-chan..." sa: "Your body is so slender and hot." Tsukasa: "It's hot right now because of you." sa: "I've never felt like this before." Tsukasa: "Neither have I." Tsukasa: "I'm going through so many new firsts, thanks to you. I think all these new beginnings I'm experiencing are yours." Aya: "All the cool, hip modern kids have gaming parties with their friends!" Chitose: "So why exactly am I here?" Aya: "Incidentally, the winner will receive a special favor from Nasa-kun!" Chitose: "Count me in!"
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Episode 10 – The Way Home", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You", "10", "The Way Home" ] }
Chitose: "The apartment's gone!" Char: "Wow, very sharp observation!" Chitose: "What is this?! Where'd Nee-sama go?! Has her entire home gone missing this time?!" Aur: "I asked some of the locals, and they said the whole place burned down." Chitose: "A fire?! I'm sure Nee-sama is fine, but what about that Nasa guy?" Aur: "It seems to have happened while they were in Nara, so he should be fine." sa: "I-I see." Aur: ""Chitose was relieved to find out he was unharmed." "What she didn't realize was that these were the first stirrings of love."" Chitose: "Don't frame my thoughts with your faulty narration!" Aur: "Feisty as ever, I see!" Chitose: "Look, what we need to do is find Nee-sama and find her now! Honestly, what is it with her and disappearing? She's right there!" Tsukasa: "Oh, it's Chitose." Tsukasa: "We were out of detergent, so I bought some more." Chitose: "That is not what I meant! Your house is gone! That's what I was asking about!" Tsukasa: "Oh, that. It was really a huge shock. Well, see ya." Chitose: "Explain what happened! And actually, where are you living if your place burned down?!" Tsukasa: "Well, I mean... Right here." Chitose: "What?! Isn't this... You're living in a park now?" Tsukasas: "I sure am. You'd be surprised how cold it can get at night." Tsukasas: "Hop inside for a sec. I do have gas and electricity, at least." Chitose: "You have gas in this... thing?!" Chitose: "Actually, even if you do get gas, you probably aren't allowed to use it." Chitose: "Ugh! Where'd you go this time?!" Aur: "She really is gullible." Tsukasa: "I'm home." sa: "Welcome back." Tsukasa: "That's a lot of stuff, isn't it?" Tsukasa: "And I see a few select treasures." Tsukasa: "What's wrong, darling?" sa: "I was just wondering what this is." Tsukasa: "You don't know? It's a takoyaki plate." sa: "Wait, what does it have to do with takoyaki?" Tsukasa: "Well, you use it to grill takoyaki, of course." sa: "Wow, really? So this is how you make takoyaki?" Tsukasa: "Darling, to be as smart as you are," Tsukasa: "Since you found it, do you want to have takoyaki tonight?" sa: "Really?!" Tsukasa: "It's pretty simple to make." sa: "In that case, let's do the thing!" Tsukasa: "What thing?" sa: "The favorite pastime of cool young people! A tako party!" Kaname: "A takoyaki party?" Tsukasa: "Since you've been kind enough to put us up," Tsukasa: "It won't be just takoyaki, of course." Kaname: "That sounds good to me!" sa: "All cool young people love a good tako party! Tako party!" Kaname: "I'm wondering where you got that idea..." Tsukasa: "There's also the fact that I haven't talked with Aya much, so I thought this would be a nice chance to get to know her better." Kaname: "Well, I don't mind, but..." sa: "But what?" Kaname: "Remember Aya-nee's whole situation?" Kaname: "About you and the marriage." sa: "R-Right..." Kaname: "So I'm honestly not sure how she feels about Tsukassan." Chitose: "I have you now, Nee-sama!" Tsukasa: "Chitose? And here I thought I'd lost you." Chitose: "Why would you even try to?" Tsukasa: "Because I thought it'd be a pain if you knew where I lived." Chitose: "Isn't that kind of mean? What is this place, anyway?" Kaname: "It's that most public of gathering places, a bathhouse." Chitose: "And you are?" Kaname: "The lady in charge around here, Arisugawa Kaname." Chitose: "Well, what is Nee-sama doing here?" Kaname: "The Yuzakis are living here!" Chitose: "She lives here?" Tsukasa: "Yep, that's right." Tsukasa: "I've been sleeping here, like this." Chitose: "In a place like this... with milk bottles for a pillow?!" sa: "Tsukasa-chan, you shouldn't lie to her like that. Chitose-chan's really gullible." Chitose: "Seriously, where do you live?" Tsukasa: "The building out back." Char: "Wow, this place is really something!" Aur: "I've never been in a bathhouse before!" Char: "Hey, is it okay if we go in?" Chitose: "That's not what we're here for!" Kaname: "Now, now, don't be like that. If you refresh yourself with a bath," Chitose: "R-Really?" Char: "Then let's all jump in!" Chitose: ""Service, service."" Char: "Your skin is so smooth!" Aur: "Hey! No touching!" Aur: "Get a move on." Aur: "I-I can take another five minutes..." Aur: "What a wonderful bath!" Char: "We should come again!" Chitose: "I think so! See you next time!" Kaname: "Bye, now!" Chitose: "Wait, no!" Kaname: "She's pretty fun." Tsukasa: "Sometimes." Kaname: "The bath was nice, though, right?" Chitose: "Well, certainly!" Chitose: "Wait, that's a totally different matter! Anyway!" Chitose: "Does that mean you're living here as a guest, Nee-sama?" Tsukasa: "That's right." Chitose: "If you're going to be staying at a place like this—" Kaname: "What's that supposed to mean?" Chitose: "No, I didn't mean anything bad by it! Honestly, I didn't!" Aur: "She's so weak!" Chitose: "But I'm saying, if you're going to impose on someone," Tsukasa: "Unfortunately, I just can't." Chitose: "Why not, Nee-sama?! Why can't you?! Do you really hate me that much?" Tsukasa: "The reason is..." Tsukasa: "This place has a Mega Drive." sa: "What kind of reason is that?" Chitose: "Wait, they have a MD here? I-I guess I understand, then." Kaname: "She does?" sa: "She seems to." Tsukasa: "That's why I can't stay at your place!" Chitose: "Nee-sama, please!" Kaname: "Uh, what were they talking about again?" sa: "I think it just means they're all good friends." Chitose: "Then we'll just buy a MD for the house! There's bound to be plenty of people selling them online!" Tsukasa: "Whoa, come on, now. I-It's not just about the console. D-Do you really think th-that'd be enough to change my mind?" sa: "She seems like she's about to!" Chitose: "Then I'll get a Pippin and a Laser Active while I'm at it!" Chitose: "I'll get a Pyuta, an SG-10000, even a P/ECE! So just come and stay with me!" Aya: "Yes! I'd love to!" Chitose: "Who even are you?!" Tsukasa: "Aya..." Kaname: "This here is my older sister." Aya: "I'm Aya, her big sister." Aya: "It's nice to meet you!" Aya: "So when are you going to get that Laser Active?!" Kaname: "Since we're all here, why don't we all attend the tako party?" sa: "Oh, great idea! We can use the tako party as a chance to get to know each other better!" Chitose: "Tako... party?" Aya: "You mean like all the cool young people do?!" Tsukasa: "Sure. There'll be more food than takoyaki, too. But with this many people, I'm going to need more groceries." Char: "We had a feeling this might happen!" Aur: "Good thing we thought ahead." Kaname: "Damn, I want a maid now." Aya: "Who are they?" Tsukasa: "Yeah, this should actually be enough. Darling, I'm going to head back and start getting ready." sa: "Sure. I'm looking forward to it." Aya: "Can Tsukasa-san really cook?" Kaname: "Probably." Aya: "I saw on TV that young people nowadays can't cook at all! They don't even know the "NaNiNuNeNo" of cooking! So can she really cook?" Kaname: "I think you mean the "SaShiSuSeSo."" Aya: "This'll be a good chance to see if she's good enough to be Nasa-kun's wife!" Chitose: "He's the one who's not good enough!" Kaname: "You're against them being married?" Chitose: "I'm not against it. It's just that I don't accept it." Aya: "Exactly! What kind of wife can't even cook?" Kaname: "And can you cook, Aya-nee?" Aya: "Of course not!" Kaname: "That's an airtight argument." sa: "Tsukasa-chan's a great cook. You don't need to worry." Aya: "He's not exactly an objective judge!" Chitose: "I know without trying it that Nee-sama's cooking is fantastic." Kaname: "I'm sorry about my sister here, Senpai. I'll really rake her over the coals later." sa: "I-It's okay. This is turning out to be a crazy party, though." Tsukasa: "I got a little into it and made too much, so be sure to eat lots." sa: "Now then, I'd like to start this takoyaki party to bring the Arisugawas, the Yuzakis, and Chitose and her friends closer together!" Everyone: "Cheers!" Chitose: "Why am I joining in?" Char: "Oh, it's fine!" Aya: "You made all of this, Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "The maids helped, too." Aur: "She was so on top of things, all we really did was get the plates ready." Aya: "Well, food is supposed to taste good, not just look good!" Aya: "It tastes so good!" Tsukasa: "There's plenty more, so eat up." Aya: "This pasta, too! The aroma of the cheese really hits you and makes it taste even better!" Tsukasa: "I see! I'm glad you can appreciate it! You really know good food, Aya." Aya: "You think so? Maybe I know food!" Aya: "Wait, no! I didn't come here to be encouraged! I'm... I... I was..." Chitose: "What? Do you have a problem with Nee-sama's cooking or something?" Aya: "None! Because it all tasted super good!" Chitose: "Wha?" Aya: "But it takes more to be a wife than being a good cook!" Aya: "That being the case... Now that we've all had something to eat," Tsukasa: "Sounds good." sa: "Tako parties sure are lively!" Kaname: "There's... no takoyaki yet, though." sa: "They're only on the fifth one? I thought there were tons of sequels already." sa: "I've played the second one before." sa: "Is this one good?" Both: "Yes, it is!" sa: "I see..." Kaname: "You should probably teach him how to play," Chitose: "Knowing the rules does make watching more interesting." Tsukasa: "Okay, darling, take the controller." sa: "Okay." Chitose: "I'm curious, what kind of video games have you played before?" sa: "Let's see... Solitaire..." sa: "And Minesweeper." Tsukasa: "You said you've played the second game, though?" sa: "That's right. Dad had it on the Super Famicom when I was little." sa: "Perfect K.O.!" sa: "I see. Games really have come a long way. The characters look more realistic," Tsukasa: "No... you just didn't use the inputs for them. Hadoken! Perfect K.O.!" Aya: "Nasa-kun's pretty bad at this." Chitose: "A little too bad, I'd say." Kaname: "I think even I could beat him." Tsukasa: "And you're good, Kaname?" Kaname: "Well, not as good as my sister. But she's always bugging me to play against her. Hadoken!" Tsukasa: "I see." Kaname: "Aya-nee gets really obnoxious if I don't take it seriously." Tsukasa: "Well, well, that certainly explains it." Tsukasa: "I guess I should shift up a gear!" Tsukasa: "Shoryuken! K.O.!" Kaname: "Whoa, you're pretty good." sa: "Nicely done, Tsukasa-chan!" Chitose: "Nee-sama's great at video games!" Kaname: "Sure looks like it." Chitose: "She also really hates losing." Kaname: "Looks like it." Tsukasa: "M-Maybe a little." Tsukasa: "I think it's time to really get this show on the road." sa: "I'm glad everyone's having fun." Char: "If everyone's going to be playing, wouldn't it be more exciting if the winner got a prize?" Tsukasa: "A prize?" sa: "Good idea." sa: "But do we have anything that would be a good prize?" Char: "We will now be holding the first ever Yuzaki Household's Strongest Tournament!" Tsukasa: "Strongest..." sa: "...Tournament?" Char: "The winner will receive a favor from the head of the Yuzaki household, Yuzaki Nasa, in which he will perform any task asked!" sa: "Well, I guess that's fine..." Aur: "And that settles it!" Kaname: "What exactly are the limits on what you can ask for, anyway?" Aur: "Anything that's physically possible, right? Probably." Kaname: "Probably?" sa: "A-As long I'm able to..." Chitose: "Anything he can do? All right!" Aya: "I can't think of anything specific," Tsukasa: "I'd better win this to protect my darling!" Aur: "Anything you can think of..." Kaname: "Come on, Tsukassan already kicked my butt, and if Aya-nee is in this, I don't stand a chance. You all can have fun with Senpai." Tsukasa: "Looks like it's just the three of us in this tournament, then." Chitose: "Nee-sama or not, don't expect any mercy." Chitose: "I've been training online ever since you moved out! Don't expect me to be the same person I was back in the day!" Aya: "I haven't been reviewing games and streaming commentary just for fun!" Aya: "For a wedding present, I'll let Tsukasa-san be the seeded competitor in this tourney!" Tsukasa: "You're sure?" Chitose: "That suits me." Chitose: "Fight!" sa: "Everyone seems to be getting along! The tako party really did the trick." Kaname: "Even if the tako part doesn't apply yet." Chitose: "If I win... I'll make you walk through the neighborhood" Chitose: "Naked?!" Aya: "Who should I pick?" Aya: "Cyclone!" Tsukasa: "Let's see just how much you've improved." Chitose: "This will be over in a second!" Chitose: "K.O.!" Aya: "Yay, I won!" Chitose: "What just happened?" Tsukasa: "How are you so good?" Chitose: "That... That didn't count! I think my controller wasn't plugged in tight!" Aya: "Sure, okay. I'll take you on as many times as you need. I've got you now!" Aya: "K.O.!" Aya: "K.O.!" Aya: "Perfect K.O.!" Chitose: "Unbelievable... I couldn't win even once." Aya: "Oh, my. Done already?" sa: "Aya-san is really good at video games." Kaname: "I really wish she'd dedicate a little bit of that energy to studying." Aya: "Now, I'd say it's your turn, Tsukasa-san." Tsukasa: "Chitose wasn't bad at all. Aya is just too good! But I should have a chance if I'm using a character I know well enough!" Aya: "Let's have a good match. I'll show you what I'm capable of." Aya: "And I'll destroy you." Aya: "Okay! Let's go!" Aya: "Hadoken!" Kaname: "Tsukassan really knows what she's doing." sa: "Looks like it." Chitose: "When she lived with me, there were times when she would play all day long." Kaname: "That's almost kind of admirable." Kaname: "Here it comes!" Tsukasa: "Hey! Wasn't that kind of cheap?" Aya: "On the battlefield, I'll take that as a compliment!" Aya: "I'll end it here!" Aya: "This is everything I've got!" Aya: "Here it comes!" Aya: "K.O.!" Aya: "Yay!" Tsukasa: "No..." Aya: "Tsukasa-san, you'd have more solid footing if you weren't" Tsukasa: "It's just been a long time." Tsukasa: "I've just forgotten the timing for the buttons because it's been so long!" Kaname: "That's kinda childish, as far as excuses go." Aya: "What do you say? Want to keep going?" Tsukasa: "I request a change of game!" Tsukasa: "We'll play this next!" Aya: "What is that?" Tsukasa: "Darling, hook it up, please!" Tsukasa: "And get those things I asked you for ready!" sa: "If you insist..." Aya: "Wait, what? What is this?" Aya: "The original Street Fighter?! And what's with the controller?" sa: "The history of fighting games can be said to be the history of Street Fighter. But the first game actually used a special controller. I've had darling recreate that controller! I had to get creative." Chitose: "I doubt she's played this one." Kaname: "Tsukassan really does hate to lose." Aya: "Huh? What's with this game?" Aya: "And how exactly does this controller work?! How do I fierce punch?! Or forward kick?!" Tsukasa: "I have to say, I am good. Mastering retro games on top of everything else. Truly brilliant! What now? Care for more?" Aya: "O-Of course!" Chitose: "I think they've forgotten all about the prize." Kaname: "They probably just wanted to play video games." sa: "I'm amazed she's willing to keep going in a game she's never played before" Kaname: "My sister hates to lose when it comes to games, too." sa: "She can't stand a chance, though, considering." Kaname: "Well, I'm not so sure about that." Kaname: "I'm probably what most people would describe as a hard worker. But my sister... she's stupid, but I'm pretty sure she's a natural. So knowing her..." Tsukasa: "Okay! That should do it!" Tsukasa: "What the... Has she figured out how the controller works?" Tsukasa: "Fair enough. No more holding back, then!" Aya: "That suits me fine!" Tsukasa: "You're pretty good." Aya: "You, too." Chitose: "Is there any point to this bizarre budding friendship?" Kaname: "Uh... anyone else want takoyaki?" sa: "Wow, you're good at this, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "I guess so." Aya: "Yummy!" Aur: "Whoa, there!" Char: "Say "ahh"!" Chitose: "Don't you dare!" Tsukasa: "Don't try to flip it over all at once." sa: "Okay." sa: "Is... Is this right?" Tsukasa: "Like this... and then this." sa: "Hey, it worked! Wow!" Tsukasa: "It helps to do this, too." sa: "Wow, it looks perfect!" Char: "Chitose-chan! What's up?" Chitose: "Nothing!" Aur: "You still don't approve of them?" Chitose: "Not really. As long as she's happy, I have nothing to say." Aur: "You finally got a clue!" Char: "You're growing!" Chitose: "Shut up, you stupid jerks!" sa: "Tako parties sure can get rowdy, huh?" Tsukasa: "Sure can." Char: "Thanks again! See you next time!" sa: "That was a fun party, huh?" Tsukasa: "It was." Tsukasa: "It was lively, and I had a great time." Tsukasa: "Maybe we should have another sometime." sa: "I'd rather not be a prize again, though." sa: "Actually, you forgot about it somewhere along the way... but what were you going to do if you won?" Tsukasa: "I was going to do that." sa: "Okay." sa: "You can do that whenever you want, you know." Tsukasa: "S-Sometimes, then." sa: "In sickness and in health..." Tsukasa: "I swear to love and support you." sa: "Because we're..." Tsukasa: "From here on, always..."
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Episode 11 – Friends", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You", "11", "Friends" ] }
sa: "Yes, this is Yuzaki." sa: "What? The system's down?" sa: "Okay... okay, I see. That does sound pretty serious. All right, I'll see what I can do about it." Tsukasa: "Problems, darling?" sa: "Nothing serious, but it might take a bit of work." Tsukasa: "Well, be careful." Tsukasa: "You tend to be one of those people who never knows when to step on the brakes." sa: "Brakes?" sa: "Aw, come on, Tsukasa-chan. I'm not that bad!" Tsukasa: "If that's really what you think, darling, you might need to re-examine yourself." sa: "There are many things humans do not understand." sa: "In particular, about themselves... Which is why, when they do notice something," sa: "it's often too late." sa: "There! Whew, finally done! Sorry if I made it hard to get any rest." Tsukasa: "No, it's fine." Tsukasa: "But, darling, your face is looking kind of red." sa: "Huh? I feel totally fine, though." Tsukasa: "Darling... where's the thermometer?" sa: "Seriously, it's nothing—" Tsukasa: "Here!" Tsukasa: "Put it under your arm." sa: "You really want to take my temperature? I don't really feel bad at all, so I don't see the need." sa: "39.8 degrees!" Tsukasa: "You are going to the hospital right now!" Tsukasa: "That's a pretty textbook summer cold you've got there." sa: "I guess so." Tsukasa: "How are you feeling?" sa: "The second I saw I had a fever, I suddenly felt kind of dizzy. Now that I think about it, my body kind of ached this morning," Tsukasa: "Why exactly didn't you? Well, it doesn't matter." Tsukasa: "Your cute newlywed wife is going to look after you until you get better!" sa: "But I don't want you to catch my cold. I'll be fine on my own." Tsukasa: "You don't have to worry about me. I don't get hurt or sick." sa: "She doesn't get hurt... or sick? No good... I can't think straight..." Tsukasa: "So, darling, is there anything you want to eat?" Tsukasa: "What if I had nothing else to do while looking after him?! As his cute newlywed wife," Tsukasa: "but I don't know what else to do." Tsukasa: "I guess for now... I'll take some cute sleeping pictures." sa: "I feel a lot better after getting some sleep." Tsukasa: "Really?" Tsukasa: "That's a relief." sa: "Yeah, compared to before... Wow, I actually slept a while. It's already 8:00 PM..." Tsukasa: "Darling! Are you hungry?! Is there anything you want to eat? Or maybe you're thirsty? I bought some fruit!" sa: "O-Oh, thanks..." sa: "But I'm not sure I have much of an appetite yet." Tsukasa: "I see..." Tsukasa: "Sulk..." sa: "Huh?! Did she just get really depressed?!" Tsukasa: "I wanted to do all kinds of things as your cute newlywed wife" Tsukasa: "As your cute newlywed wife!" sa: "I see... Sorry about that! In that case, I was sweating pretty bad," Tsukasa: "Clothes? Wouldn't you need to wipe yourself down first?" sa: "Well, I guess." Tsukasa: "In that case... I'll wipe you down, so... Strip!" sa: "No, no, I can do it myself!" Tsukasa: "No, you can't! It's more effective if your cute newlywed wife wipes your back! So strip!" Tsukasa: "Okay, here I go." sa: "R-Right." Tsukasa: "Oh, is it cold?" sa: "No, it's okay." Tsukasa: "Well? Am I getting it all?" sa: "Y-Yeah... It feels really nice." sa: "It's making me feel hot in a different sense, though." Tsukasa: "Okay, it's time to wipe below. Take the rest off! Huh?! Th-The rest as in... my underwear, too? That's right. You need to change those, too!" sa: "No, really! I can handle that part!" Tsukasa: "But as your cute newlywed wife, I want to help you out!" sa: "It's fine! It's seriously fine!" Tsukasa: "It is?" sa: "Yes, it is! You'd be embarrassed if our positions were reversed, wouldn't you?" Tsukasa: "Reversed..." Tsukasa: "Y-Yeah, true enough." sa: "See?" Tsukasa: "B-But..." Tsukasa: "If it was you, Nasa-kun, I wouldn't mind it. D-Darling, since you seem to be feeling better," sa: "Y-Yeah, I think I do." Tsukasa: "Here, now say "ahh."" Tsukasa: "Is it good?" sa: "Yeah." Tsukasa: "I'm glad!" sa: "Maybe getting sick every once in a while isn't so bad." Tsukasa: "I'm just glad you weren't too sick." sa: "Yeah. I'm sorry to have worried you." Tsukasa: "Oh, I wasn't worried. It's just a cold," sa: "I-I see..." sa: "I don't get sick very often, though, so it came as a bit of a shock." Tsukasa: "If you ask me, I bet it's not that you don't get sick or injured," Tsukasa: "When we first met," Tsukasa: "Most wouldn't have been able to move around with those injuries." sa: "N-Now that you mention it..." Tsukasa: "You might not have noticed this time, either, if I hadn't pointed it out. It's important to know when to slow down. Because if you don't, sometimes you can die. Understand?" sa: "Yeah, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry." Tsukasa: "When we first met, I told you this: "You've only got one life, so take better care of it."" Tsukasa: "You really do only have one, so..." sa: "Um..." Tsukasa: "Anyway, it's important to let the healing process fully run its course," sa: "O-Okay." sa: "Tsukasa-chan is totally right." sa: "Now that I'm married, I need to take better care of myself." sa: "Ts-Tsukasa-chan?" sa: "Huh... did I imagine it?" sa: "Ts-Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "I lied." Tsukasa: "About not being worried... I'm really glad you're feeling better." sa: "I'm sorry you had to worry, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "Seriously... What a terrible thing to do, darling." sa: "I think I might have been a bit more focused than usual this time..." sa: "Because I wanted to go with you to the summer festival." Tsukasa: "The summer festival..." Tsukasa: "Come to think of it, I saw a flyer for it." sa: "I think I might've gone into high gear to try and finish work in time for it." Tsukasa: "Nasa-kun..." sa: "But there's no point if you end up having to worry about me." sa: "So I'll be more careful from now on!" Tsukasa: "Okay." Tsukasa: "Um, hang on..." Tsukasa: "Stop! You might be feeling frisky, but you're still not better yet, darling!" sa: "Sorry." sa: "The way you worried about me was just so cute..." Tsukasa: "Darling..." sa: "Yes?" Tsukas: "Remember what I said about slowing down?" sa: "R-Right." Tsukasa: "I was seriously worried about you," sa: "Sorry! I'm really sorry." sa: "Having someone worry about you..." sa: "Who in the world would seriously worry this much about you, other than your spouse?" Kaname: "If you're going to the summer festival, you should probably wear a yukata, right?" Tsukasa: "A yukata?" Kaname: "Yeah! Since you're a married couple," Tsukasa: "Tying the obi is kind of a pain, though." Kaname: "No, I'm telling you... If you wear a yukata," Tsukasa: "Really?" Kaname: "Yes! Because yukatas are super hot!" Tsukasa: "How's that work?" Kaname: "Hey, now, there's a scientific basis for it! Only a crazy person would doubt the synergy between" Tsukasa: "You don't need to put a perverted spin on everything!" Kaname: "Don't be like that!" Kaname: "Please, take it with you." sa: "Oh...Yukatas, huh?" Tsukasa: "And according to Kaname-chan, yours will be a perfect fit." Kaname: "I've scoped out every nook and cranny on Senpai to gauge his exact size!" sa: "Wait! What size is she talking about?!" Tsukasa: "Darling..." Tsukasa: "I'm going to get changed, so can you turn around?" sa: "Oh, right." sa: "My cute wife is getting changed right behind me. Well, we are married, so no one would get mad, but..." sa: "Is this really... a situation where I can't look?!" sa: "U-Um, hey..." sa: "Is it okay if... I watch you change?" Tsukasa: "Do you... want to watch?" sa: "Y-Yes, if possible, I think so." Tsukasa: "I see... Darling, you're pretty forthright with this kind of thing, aren't you?" sa: "Yes! I mean, I would feel bad if I took a peek without looking, so..." Tsukasa: "As in, you would want to see either way?" sa: "Uh, well, I wouldn't say that..." Tsukasa: "W-Well..." Tsukasa: "If you really want to that badly..." sa: "Really?!" Tsukasa: "J-Just a peek, okay?!" sa: "Well, in that case..." Tsukasa: "Darling, I said you could peek, but you're staring pretty hard." sa: "Well... you're just incredibly pretty..." Tsukasa: "Well, thank you. You need to get changed, too. If you don't hurry, the fireworks are going to start." sa: "Right." sa: "But..." sa: "The yukata... really looks good on you." Tsukasa: "Th-Thank you." Tsukasa: "Really, we don't have time for this! We need to get going!" sa: "Oh, sorry." Tsukasa: "I swear..." Tsukasa: "You can be so direct sometimes." Tsukasa: "Have you got everything?" sa: "Yeah. I've got the camera, too." Tsukasa: "Won't taking pictures of the fireworks be hard?" sa: "Not a problem! I'm primarily bringing it to take pictures of you looking cute in a yukata!" Tsukasa: "I see." sa: "Oh, that was so cute!" Tsukasa: "Wait, why are you taking them now?!" sa: "Hey! Don't take it!" Tsukasa: "Give me that!" Tsukasa: "Wow, there are a lot of stalls open." sa: "There sure are. Do you want anything?" Tsukasa: "Let's see..." Tsukasa: "Takoyaki! Let's buy a box and eat it together." sa: "When we just had a takoyaki party the other day?" Tsukasa: "The thing is, darling, I prefer takoyaki that isn't fried at all." Tsukasa: "And most of the major takoyaki chains in Kanto fry them, right? But I think personally that not frying them is the better method," sa: "Here you go." Tsukasa: "This is the traditional takoyaki I was hoping for." sa: "I guess so." Tsukasa: "Well, then, let's eat. Careful, they're hot." sa: "What's wrong?" Tsukasa: "Well, it's just... I was wondering if the same husband" sa: "Th-That's okay..." Tsukasa: "I guess that makes sense, considering we did that a lot when you were sick." sa: "No, that's not what I mean..." Tsukasa: "Oh well, let's just eat." Tsukasa: "Why do you... think... takoyaki is so hot?" sa: "That's part of what makes it so good, though. You know..." sa: "There's still some time before the fireworks." Aya: "I have the perfect thing for you two! Why not try and catch some goldfish?" sa: "H-Huh? Aya-san and... Chitose-chan?" Aya: "Kaname-chan asked us to help out the local businesses!" Chitose: "That doesn't explain why I have to be here!" Aya: "Aw, come on, why wouldn't you help a friend in need?" Chitose: "Since when am I your friend?!" Aur: "Oh, quit fussing." Char: "It's good for you to get out of the house every once in a while." Chitose: "You two are just goofing around and eating! Anyway! It's 300 yen for a net. Are you gonna try or not?" Tsukasa: "All that complaining, but she still helps." sa: "She's such a nice girl!" Tsukasa: "Well, I don't mind trying goldfish catching, since it's such a highlight of festivals." sa: "It's a highlight?" Tsukasa: "I am incredibly good at it, though." Aya: "You are?" Tsukasa: "That's right, little old Tsukasa-chan can probably" Aya: "I don't know if that's a good idea!" Tsukasa: "Really? In that case, why doesn't my darling show us all how impressive he can be?" sa: "Wait, me?! O-Okay." sa: "I'll give it a try." Aur: "Yeah, good luck!" Char: "Go get them fishies!" Aya: "You can do it, Nasa-kun!" Chitose: "That'll be 300 yen, then." Chitose: "You get to try until the net breaks." sa: "Here I go!" sa: "Got it!" Chitose: "And you're done." Aya: "Well, the rest of us are going to catch the fireworks once they start." Char: "See you later!" Chitose: "See ya." Tsukasa: "I guess everyone has their strengths and weaknesses." sa: "I-I guess so..." Tsukasa: "The way the net fell apart the second it hit the water had me smiling bemusedly." Tsukasa: "And you're so impressive when you're in front of a computer, too." Tsukasa: "Well, since we're here, why don't we go offer a prayer at the shrine?" Tsukasa: ""Please make sure my darling's net doesn't fall apart!"" sa: "You really think that's a wish worthy of divine intervention?" Tsukasa: "I wouldn't worry about it. Gods are pretty generous." sa: "But first, maybe we should request that our marriage stays happy." Tsukasa: "Oh, good point." Tsukasa: "A happy marriage, world peace, stability throughout the universe..." sa: "Those are big wishes!" Tsukasa: "Also... Nasa-kun's health." Tsukasa: "And please keep his net from falling apart." sa: "I was wondering something yesterday." sa: "About how many people really worry for me, other than my wife..." sa: "I couldn't think of many." Tsukasa: "Hypothetically, let's say you start eating ramen three times a day," Tsukasa: "That's obviously bad for your health," sa: "T-True enough." Tsukasa: "Acquaintances might think that kind of thing is funny," Tsukasa: "Your friends and family might worry about it," Tsukasa: "But the thing is, I would definitely stop you." Tsukasa: "Because your life is something I really care about." Tsukasa: "We could get into a fight about it. It might make things really awkward," Tsukasa: "But I'll still stop you. Because nobody who finds that kind of thing funny genuinely cares about your well-being. But it's important to me." Tsukasa: "You're more important to me than anything." sa: "Thank you, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "I want you to live." Kaname: "Hey, Senpai! The fireworks are gonna start while you two are making out!" sa: "H-Hey, wait! We weren't making out or anything!" Tsukasa: "Th-That's right! We were just asking the gods about stuff!" Kaname: "Oh, yeah?" Chitose: "Shouldn't we head over there if we want a good view of the fireworks?" Aya: "You might be right." Aur: "It's almost time, isn't it?" Char: "Let's try to hurry, then!" sa: "Well, since we're all here," Tsukasa: "Is that going to work when it's so dark?" sa: "It'll be fine, see?" sa: "They turn out pretty good in spite of how dark it is." Tsukasa: "Th-That is not a small number of pictures." sa: "Right?" Tsukasa: "And some of them clearly look "off" or even kind of bad." Tsukasa: "Shouldn't you delete the ones with funny faces?" sa: "I'm not deleting them." sa: "I mean, you're really cute in all of them!" Tsuaksa: "Well... in that case..." sa: "Wow, look at that!" Kaname: "Tsukassan! Senpai!" Kaname: "What're you doing? You're not gonna be able to see from over there!" sa: "Okay, we're coming!" sa: "Well..." sa: "Let's go, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "Yeah." sa: "When summer comes back around," sa: "We'll wear yukatas, eat takoyaki, and catch goldfish together. No matter how many seasons pass us by," sa: "Over and over again, like those flowers of light blooming in the sky." sa: "Over and over again..." sa: "Because the two of us are married." sa: "Time and time again." sa: "We're home!"
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Episode 12 – Husband and Wife", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You", "12", "Husband and Wife" ] }
sa: "This is marriage?! It's fantastic!" Tsukasa: "Welcome home. I hope you had a good day at work." sa: "And I..." sa: "love you." Tsukasa: "Hey. We meet again." sa: "This is the story of a couple who had a strange first meeting and ended up together, with an irreplaceable bond between them." : "And thus, Nasa-kun and Tsukasa-san were married." Tsukasa: "Oh, yes, this is very nice! We made a good choice." sa: "A-A girl..." sa: "is lying on a futon in my place?! If DonQui is heaven, then is this super heaven?!" Tsukasa: "Hey." Tsukasa: "Why don't you try lying down too, darling?" sa: "I will live to make her happy! It's true that we haven't had a ceremony," sa: "But I'm confident that I can make her happy! And the reason is..." Kaname: "The reason is?!" Tsukasa: "Sorry, Nasa-kun, I forgot to get the stuff we bought—" sa: "Because I love Tsukasa-chan!" Kaname: "Hearing you yell that in the middle of the street is a little..." sa: "I-I'll be careful from now on." sa: "Here you go." sa: "O-Oh, this is bad. I think I might have upset her." Tsukasa: "But... it's just embarrassing." Tsukasa: "It still... makes me happy." sa: "R-Right..." Tsukasa: "Besides, you're offering to buy a TV that you don't need for my sake." Tsukasa: "That alone makes me really happy." sa: "This has been a good shopping trip." sa: "Could it be she's lonely because I won't be back until tonight? S-S-So cute! If that's true, my wife is so unbelievably cute!" sa: "I'm going now." Tsukasa: "Okay. Have a safe trip." Tsukasa: "What's wrong?" sa: "Well... it's just..." sa: "You won't be gone when I get back, right?" Tsukasa: "If you're worried about it," Tsukasa: "hurry back as soon as you can." sa: "Okay! I'm going!" Tsukasa: "Have a safe trip." sa: "Listen, Tsukasa-chan! Would you like to move into a bigger place?!" Tsukasa: "A bigger place?" Tsukasa: "Not really. Things are fine the way they are." sa: "But, y'know, this place is pretty tiny!" Tsukasa: "True, but... that helps me feel closer to you." sa: "I-I hadn't considered that! I guess things are great either way!" sa: "Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "Your picking on me has left me deeply hurt. This is one of those situations where you'll have to win my favor back." Tsukasa: "So what're you going to do?" sa: "Then do you want to get some soft serve?" Tsukasa: "Soft serve? I-If you think that's enough to cheer me up, you need to try harder!" sa: "Then you can choose what I eat, Tsukasa-chan." sa: "And I'll share a bit with you, so we can eat it together." sa: "Is it good?" Tsukasa: "I-It's not bad." Tsukasa: "And since this melon bread is a local specialty, I'm willing to forgive you." sa: "I'm glad." Tsukasa: "Here I am." Tsukasa: "What do you think?" sa: "You look really beautiful." Tsukasa: "Thank you." sa: "H-Hey..." Tsukasa: "What's wrong, darling?" sa: "Well... i-if I asked to see... then..." sa: "would you show me what you look like in your cute underwear?" Tsukasa: "I guess... as much as you want." sa: "Wow! She's really asleep! My wife is so cute." sa: "I'd like to just lay here and watch her." sa: "Huh... is my wife... a restless sleeper?" sa: "Aw, her hair's down. And she's not even in the futon we bought anymore. She's gonna catch a chill like that..." sa: "Which could make her sick! So I should really fix up her futon! So in that case..." sa: "One goodnight kiss won't hurt, right?!" sa: "Okay!" sa: "But... if we're going to do this for the first time..." sa: "I'll be good tonight and..." sa: "What?! What is this?" sa: "She went to get some water. Thank goodness." sa: "What, what?! Why's she standing behind me?! C-Could she be thinking about hugging me while I sleep, too... or maybe even kissing me?!" sa: "Huh? Uh, hello?" sa: "And currently..." sa: "Is it okay if I hold her like this?" sa: "But what if she wakes up from the contact?" sa: "No! Even if she wakes up from me grabbing her, it's not a problem! Because Tsukasa-chan is my wife!" sa: "I've never held her before..." sa: "I didn't know that girls were so warm." sa: "And she smells so good, it's giving me brain static." sa: "This is dangerous! She's so warm, and smells so good, and..." sa: "Oh, wow! These make great hand rests!" sa: "This is too much! Seriously!" sa: "Tsukasa-chan?" sa: "Listen..." sa: "Do you want to sleep on my arm?!" sa: "Y-You don't have to if you don't want to! I was just thinking that, uh, maybe..." Tsukasa: "D-Don't mind if I do, then." sa: "W-Wow! So this is what it's like when a girl sleeps on your arm." sa: "I can feel her body temperature directly through my arm! And I only realize this after actually doing it... but this is pretty painful!" sa: "Maybe our positioning is bad?" sa: "But I can feel her body warmth, and she smells so good! It's like a marriage of heaven and hell!" Tsukasa: "Is your arm getting tired, darling?" sa: "Huh? N-No, of course not!" Tsukasa: "Oh, really?" Tsukasa: "I knew it. Your arm's asleep." sa: "Th-That was mean!" Tsukasa: "Well, you were trying to act tough." Tsukasa: "But I don't want to make you suffer any more, so..." sa: "Okay, I'll give up on the the arm," sa: "but I want a goodnight kiss instead." sa: "I don't think I'll be able to recover with anything less." sa: "Please give me a goodnight kiss! With you taking the initiative!" Tsukasa: "F-Fine... if you insist." Tsukasa: "Why are your eyes open?" sa: "Well, because I want to see it happen." Tsukasa: "It's embarrassing to do this while you're watching." sa: "And you're cute even when you're embarrassed." sa: "Oh, shoot!" sa: "But... my wife... is shockingly soft! Are all girls this soft? Or is Tsukasa-chan special?!" Tsukasa: "I-If you grab me from behind," sa: "Sorry. I wanted to go more slowly, but..." Tsukasa: "Honestly..." sa: "A-Amazing! I didn't expect a Shokugeki so early in the morning!" Tsukasa: "To get the most thorough enjoyment out of a title," Tsukasa: "I'm saying that by taking a holistic approach to viewing a film," Tsukasa: "you can enjoy a movie more fully!" Tsukasa: "I guess I should shift up a gear!" Kaname: "Whoa, you're pretty good." Chitose: "Nee-sama's great at video games!" Kaname: "Sure looks like it." sa: "There are two budgetary deficiencies here. Also, take these documents to the legal affairs bureau and the tax office. That should get you a subsidy." Both: ""The key is innovating!"" sa: "You need to design revolutionary ideas that redefine the system!" Kaname: "And he went on to come up with all kinds of innovations for the bathhouse." Kaname: "Besides, your wife doesn't look any older than me." Kaname: "You damned lolicon! I'll straighten you out!" sa: "Who are you calling a lolicon?!" Chi: "It's you... You're the one Nee-sama married?!" Chi: "You can't have her!" Chi: "I will not let you have Nee-sama!" Aya: "I have to say, your skin is really beautiful. It's like silk." Tsukasa: "Oh... thank you." Aya: "But wait. I think the comparison needs to be with something truly beautiful!" Aya: "Let's see... what is there?" Aya: "Your skin... is like an iPhone X!" Tsukasa: ""Nasa," written with the characters for "starry sky"..." Tsukasa: "I think it's a fantastic name." sa: "It felt like an ache that had been stuck in my chest from the day I was born melted away. This marriage still doesn't feel real," sa: "but right now, I genuinely want to marry this girl." sa: "We ended up getting the cheapest pair of rings." sa: "Are you sure these are the wedding rings you want?" Tsukasa: "Of course!" Tsukasa: "I mean, I'll remember today whenever I look at this ring. I'll remember how Honey Winston had you beat," Tsukasa: "and how we ended up getting the cheapest diamonds in Okachimachi." Tsukasa: "And... I'll remember how kind you are," Tsukasa: "I'm sure that'll give it a shine that will never fade. I know I won't ever forget the fact that you loved me." Tsukasa: "That'll stay with me." Tsukasa: "I wanted pictures of my life with you, Nasa-kun." sa: "Our life?" Tsukasa: "I want to take one picture a day," sa: "Every day?" Tsukasa: "Yep, every day. The whole point is to do it every day." Tsukasa: "Don't worry. I'm going to stick to it." Tsukasa: "People tend to forget something in their daily routine..." Tsukasa: "That every single day they have with the person they love is precious." Tsukasa: "So I want to make a record of our time together, bit by bit." Tsukasa: "A secret diary of our married life." Chitose: "Wh-Who cares about fate?! All that really boils down to is instinct!" sa: "Bernhard Riemann theorized that the zeta function" sa: "and then mathematicians around the world spent 150 years" sa: "Even something like gravitational waves were hypothesized by Einstein first, before being observed for the first time a century later. Some of the most scientific principles in the world are only proven" sa: "I know that I don't know her as well as you do," sa: "but I intend to spend my entire life proving our love is real." sa: "You don't get married because you've proven you're in love..." sa: "You get married so that you can prove it." Tsukasa: "So, Father, what did you want to discuss?" Tsukasa: "U-Um, Father?!" Enishi: "Thank you so much for saving my son's life." Enishi: "If you hadn't done what you did, Nasa-kun would've died. When the police told me he'd been hit by a truck..." Enishi: "But then they told me that he wasn't in any mortal danger" Enishi: "You've done so much for us." Enishi: "I'm truly, truly grateful!" Enishi: "Nasa-kun's a better son than we deserve. I have no idea how a pair of oddballs like us managed to raise such a good boy." Enishi: "He's our pride and joy." Enishi: "Which is why... the fact that you saved him, and chose to marry him..." Enishi: "is something that we could only be happy about." Enishi: "But before congratulating you, I just had to thank you." Enishi: "Thank you so much for saving him." Enishi: "And please, look after my son." Tsukasa: "I'm really touched to hear all of that." Tsukasa: "As far as I'm concerned... it's an honor to join your family." Tsukasa: "This place is really beautiful..." Tsukasa: "So I wanted you to see it!" sa: "I see..." sa: "That's the whole point." sa: "Tsukasa-chan. From now on, when anything good happens to me," sa: "And if anything sad happens to you," sa: "We'll share with each other," sa: "and support each other..." sa: "That's the kind of couple I want us to be." sa: "I swear, I won't ever make you regret choosing me." Tsukasa: "This sounds like a proposal." sa: "It is one." sa: "I love you." sa: "In sickness and in health..." Tsukasa: "I swear to love and support you." sa: "Because we're..." Tsukasa: "From here on, always..."
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Episode 12.5 – Flashbacks", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You", "12.5", "Flashbacks" ] }
sa: "Here." sa: "Your smartphone showed up, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "This is incredible, darling!" Tsukasa: "It's like the dawn of a new era! I can finally be one of those insta-girls who are just so grammable!" sa: "I didn't know she was into that stuff." Tsukasa: "Could you set it up for me right now?" Tsukasa: "Because I have no idea how stuff like this works!" sa: "Sure thing." sa: "Here you go. It's all set up." Tsukasa: "Thanks. So... how do I take a picture with this thing?" sa: "First you need to open the camera app, and then..." Tsukasa: "Okay, that's going to be my wallpaper." sa: "You're using my picture for the wallpaper?!" Tsukasa: "Yep." Tsukasa: "It came out really cute." sa: "What?! Come on, that's kinda embarrassing!" Tsukasa: "Oh, we should trade contact information, too." sa: "Huh? Contact info?" sa: "Oh, for your address book." Tsukasa: "Yeah. Because, you know..." Tsukasa: "I want yours to be the first entry in it." sa: "I-I see! Okay, Let me get your contact info, too." Tsukasa: "Wow, you can put a lot of info in the address book." sa: "I guess so. Besides the phone number and address, there's social media details, and..." sa: "You can only have one person listed under that heading, after all." Tsukasa: "I've obtained the smartphone skill Line!" Kaname: "Oh, you mean you've got a phone and can use Line now?" Tsukasa: "Exactly!" Tsukasa: "This is nothing like the Sengoku period, when we used smoke signals and drums! I bet old Nobunaga would've actually taken over Japan if he had one of these." Kaname: "That's a heck of a comparison to make!" Kaname: "In that case, do you want to trade Line contact info?" Kaname: "She can seriously be so cute at times like this..." Tsukasa: "So how does this work?" Kaname: "First, you generate a QR code." Kaname: "Okay, that ought to do it." Tsukasa: "What exactly is this icon and profile pic?" Kaname: "It's my favorite sexy radish! Cute, right?" Tsukasa: "I'm not sure about that part, but it's interesting how it conveys your personality." Kaname: "Sure is! And Senpai's is some old dude I've never heard of before." Tsukasa: "That's John von Neumann. He invented the modern computer—" Aya: "What're you up to?" Tsukasa: "Oh, I have a smartphone now, so..." Kaname: "We were trading Line contacts." Aya: "Oh, swap contacts with me, too!" Tsukasa: "Sure, gladly." Tsukasa: "These really do get people's personalities across..." Kaname: "It makes it really obvious what they're into at the moment." sa: "What? You want me to come to the office for a day?" sa: "Well, okay, I understand." Tsukasa: "What's wrong?" sa: "My old job asked me to come in and help out for a day." Tsukasa: "You mean the really difficult place where you worked before you married me?" sa: "Yeah." sa: "and insisted on me coming in." sa: "We used to go to the movies a lot, too." Tsukasa: "This was a guy, right?" sa: "Yeah. He knew a lot about manga and anime, too. He taught me a lot." sa: "He would talk about that stuff all day while we were working." sa: "And it was a topic he would only bring up with me. I was kind of depressed at the time," Tsukasa: "Are you sure that wasn't because you were the only one who paid him any attention, darling?" sa: "What?! That can't be the case! I... think... Anyway, I'm probably going to be staying the night," Tsukasa: "Okay." sa: "Good luck helping at the bathhouse, Tsukasa-chan. I'm heading out." Tsukasa: "Have a safe trip." Kaname: "So that means Senpai won't be coming back today?" Tsukasa: "Right. Well, he said he'd try to get home as soon as possible, but even then, it might not be until morning." Kaname: "You miss him?" Tsukasa: "H-How could I possibly miss him when he's only going to be gone for one day?!" Kaname: "Well, you've got a phone now," Tsukasa: "A sticker? B-Being married means being linked at the heart!" Tsukasa: "For some reason..." Tsukasa: "I'm super lonely! No, wait, that can't be. Even if he's going to be gone all day, it hasn't even been an hour yet!" Tsukasa: "What kind of sticker am I about to send?!" Tsukasa: "Something like this can't be anything more than a nuisance!" Tsukasa: "Nasa-kun is working hard right now." Tsukasa: "Right?" Tsukasa: "This shouldn't be a nuisance, right?" Tsukasa: "No, I shouldn't pester him. It'll just get in the way." Aya: "Nasa-kun's not around today?" Tsukasa: "No. Although I have to ask," Aya: "It has to be lonely being separated when you're newlyweds!" Tsukasa: "Did you hear what I asked?" Aya: "But I bet Nasa-kun is lonely too," Tsukasa: "No..." Tsukasa: "Not a single one." Aya: "Huh?! R-Really?! Well, he's probably busy with work," Aya: "It has to be something like that!" Tsukasa: "You're right, he probably is just busy." Aya: "W-Well, I have the new RE to play." Tsukasa: "Yeah... Good luck. Wait, no! Go to school!" Tsukasa: "Honestly..." Tsukasa: "But she's right. He hasn't contacted me at all." Tsukasa: "Could it be that he doesn't really miss me that much?! No, hang on, this is Nasa-kun we're talking about. There's no way. He's probably just really busy, or isn't allowed to use his phone. I hear that's the case in a lot of workplaces now—" sa: "Hello, welcome!" Customer: "I hate to trouble you," Tsukasa: "He said he'd let me know when he's almost done, so I need to focus on work until then, too!" Tsukasa: "Things are so convenient nowadays." Tsukasa: "It's already 7:00, and no word from Darling." Tsukasa: "Did he really forget about me?" Tsukasa: "Oh, shoot! I'm actually making myself sad!" Tsukasa: "How stupid can I be?!" Tsukasa: "But..." Tsukasa: "We might be separated," Tsukasa: "So... it's fine." Tsukasa: "I'm not lonely... I'm not!" Tsukasa: "My first night alone... Well, there's bound to be a few of those over a long married life." Tsukasa: "I should be proud of Darling for focusing on his work. Instead of complaining about how lonely I am, I should just go to bed." Tsukasa: "Seriously, that wasn't because I'm feeling lonely!" Tsukasa: "It was just... Just in case he comes back tonight! He could still end up finishing early in the morning. And if the futon isn't out," Tsukasa: "That'd just be pitiful!" Tsukasa: "I'd feel terrible for him!" Tsukasa: "So this is not a problem!" Tsukasa: "He can rest easy! And that being the case, goodnight!" Tsukasa: "Things have been so lively lately..." Tsukasa: "So it seems... extra quiet." sa: "Finally managed to finish... I didn't expect it to take until four in the morning. Then again, it's always been like that over there." sa: "Tsukasa-chan has to be in bed by now." sa: "I feel like I'm ready to collapse..." sa: "Better be careful so I don't wake her up." Tsukasa: "Welcome home." sa: "Huh?" sa: "Tsukasa-chan, you're still awake?" Tsukasa: "I couldn't sleep for some reason." sa: "I see. Sorry about that." Tsukasa: "It's okay." Tsukasa: "You worked really hard!" Tsukasa: "So what now? Do you want something to drink?" sa: "Nah, I'm seriously tired... I'm going straight to bed." Tsukasa: "Really?" sa: "Yeah." sa: "You put my futon out! Thank you." Tsukasa: "U-Uh, yeah, it was nothing!" Tsukasa: "Well... goodnight." sa: "Uh... yeah." sa: "That might be the first time Tsukasa-chan's taken the initiative for a kiss!" Tsukasa: "What's going on?" Tsukasa: "Say, darling?" Tsukasa: "Is it okay if I visit your futon today?" sa: "S-Sure. B-By all means." Tsukasa: "E-Excuse me, then." sa: "S-Seriously, what's going on? My normally cool wife seems to be wanting a lot of attention today!" sa: "Could it be that she missed me that much?" sa: "But it was only a day! And yet... Could she really have a hidden side this cute?!" Tsukasa: "You still haven't given me a goodnight kiss, Nasa-kun." sa: "Huh? You want me to kiss you?" Tsukasa: "Y-Yeah." Tsukasa: "Because we were apart all day. So I want... a little more attention." sa: "That was powerful!" sa: "Me, too!" sa: "I really missed you, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "H-How much?" sa: "This much." sa: "It's four in the morning." sa: "The Arisugawa family is bound to be sound asleep." sa: "This might just be..." sa: "my big chance!" sa: "We're married, after all... It's p-perfectly natural." Tsukasa: "Darling..." Tsukasa: "Could you... Could you hold me tight?" sa: "Tsukasa-chan, you are so cute." Tsukasa: "I love you." Tsukasa: "I was so lonely last night, I got into a really weird mood... And I said a bunch of extremely embarrassing stuff! But we're married, so when we're alone," Tsukasa: "Could you hold me tight?" Tsukasa: "I-I don't care how lonely I was! What the hell was I thinking?! Now I won't know how to face him when he wakes up! And if Kaname and the others heard us talking like that..." Kaname: "Did you have fun last night?" Tsukasa: "Wh-What are you talking about?!" Kaname: "That's just my way of saying hello." Tsukasa: "Could you make your morning greeting a little less tawdry?!" Kaname: "Come on, even if you wanted to have fun," Tsukasa: "Nasa-kun actually came back early in the morning." Kaname: "Wait, did you guys really have fun while I was asleep?!" Tsukasa: "Of course not!" Kaname: "Did the thought of Aya-nee overhearing you" Tsukasa: "Seriously, stop it!" Tsukasa: "Th-There was nothing strange going on! Besides, we're married, so certain things other people might be jealous of are important to our relationship." Kaname: "Yeah, I don't really need the societal justification." Kaname: "I just wanna catch a glimpse of that strange action!" Tsukasa: "It's not a show!" sa: "Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "Darling..." sa: "There you are." sa: "Um.... Good morning." Tsukasa: "Yeah... Good morning." Kaname: "Y-You really did have fun last night." sa: "What? What're you talking about?" sa: "Tsukasa-chan, what did you tell her?" Charlotte: "Good morning! Time to wake up, Chitose-chan!" Charlotte: "Oh, my! What an alluring sleeping figure!" Charlotte: "It's morning, Chitose-chan." Chitose: "Is that any reason to invade my personal space?!" Charlotte: "It didn't seem like you were going to wake up otherwise!" Charlotte: "So..." Chitose: "I'll get up, so get off me!" Charlotte: "Okay, I'll help you get changed, then!" Chitose: "Hey, dummy, watch the hands!" Charlotte: "I'm just helping you get undressed!" Chitose: "Who needs help with that?!" Charlotte: "It's fine!" Aurora: "I don't believe this is sexual harassment." Aurora: "This maid is just absent-mindedly suggestive." Charlotte: "By the way, I overheard something. Apparently Nasa-kun and Tsukasa-chan had a lot of fun last night!" Chitose: "What is that supposed to mean?!" Charlotte: "Well, earlier... When I was at the bathhouse this morning," Chitose: "Do you go there every morning or something?!" Chitose: "W-Well, what's wrong with that?" Chitose: "Th-They are married!" Charlotte: "What sort of thing, though?" Charlotte: "I wanna know what kind of fun they were having, too!" Chitose: "Seriously, you're way too close!" Chitose: "I mean stuff like holding hands or hugging in bed!" Charlotte: "You mean like what I do with you, Chitose-chan?" Chitose: "What are you implying?!" Chitose: "It's..." Chitose: "a lot more intense than that!" Aurora: "Intense?!" Charlotte: "In other words, the two of them really get along!" Aurora: "That's what it boils down to, yeah." Charlotte: "That's a good thing!" Charlotte: "Just like me and you, Aurora. We get along too, right?" Aurora: "Y-Yeah, I guess..." Charlotte: "Then do you wanna hold hands when we go to sleep tonight?" Aurora: "W-Well, if you—" Charlotte: "Joking! I was just joking!" Aurora: "What a temptress." sa: "I-I have to get up early tomorrow, so we should head to bed, huh?" Tsukasa: "G-Good idea." sa: "If we look sleep-deprived again," Tsukasa: "You're right." Tsukasa: "L-Let's get to sleep, darling!" sa: "R-Right!" sa: "Goodnight, Tsukasa-chan." sa: "Tsukasa-chan..." sa: "What about my goodnight kiss?" Tsukasa: "B-But if we do that..." Tsukasa: "Well... uh..." Tsukasa: "Um...."
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Episode 13 – SNS", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You", "13", "Sns" ] }
sa: "We just turned in our marriage registration. So that means I'm married to her now, right?" sa: "Which means... It means... It means..." sa: "We're going to live together in this apartment?!" sa: "And if we're living together, that means..." Tsukasa: "All-you-can-grab from now on..." Tsukasa: "I guess you're right!" sa: "All-I-can-grab!" sa: "My name is Yuzaki Nasa." sa: "My wife's name is Tsukasa. One night, when the moon was shining bright," sa: "a certain girl saved my life. This really cute girl ended up being the wife I would promise to spend the future with. After falling in love at first sight," sa: "And after taking what I said to heart," sa: "This is the story of a couple who had a strange first meeting, and ended up together with an irreplaceable bond between them." sa: "Unsurprisingly, there's only one bed in this place. So will we sleep in this bed?! Together?!" sa: "No, I need to calm down and think this through." sa: "It's a semi-single bed that I chose" sa: "It's only 80 centimeters across. Your average guy has shoulders about 45 centimeters wide... And it's 40 centimeters for a woman, which means..." sa: "It's five centimeters too small to fit both of us. Not to mention, comfortable circadian rhythms" sa: "Should I grab one off Prime right now?! No... I doubt even online shopping could get a semi-double bed here within an hour." sa: "What's your deal, bigshot CEOs?! You couldn't have innovated a little harder?! Wait, no, it's fine. It's not time to panic yet. I need to calmly analyze the situation. Even at 80 centimeters across," sa: "What if, say, she rested her head on my arm?! We'd be partly overlapping in this case," sa: "Or maybe I could hold her like a body pillow while we sleep?!" Tsukasa: "Uh, no, I have my doubts about being comfortable enough to sleep in that position." Tsukasa: "Sorry. The door was unlocked, so..." sa: "How long have you been back?!" Tsukasa: "I came in around the time you were acting like Sendo-kun from Slam Dunk to calm down." sa: "Please don't leave me hanging for so long next time!" Tsukasa: "Well, I knocked, but you didn't answer, and I thought I might disturb the neighbors if I rang the bell at this hour." sa: "W-Well... I'm sorry, then." sa: "So what did you need to do?" Tsukasa: "Oh, I just went and picked up my suitcase." Tsukasa: "Coin lockers aren't free, after all." sa: "That's probably got her necessities in it, right? Does that mean she doesn't have a home to go back to?" sa: "Then... is she really staying here tonight? I-I need to confirm!" sa: "W-Wow, it got kind of late while we were running around, huh?" Tsukasa: "True." sa: "C-Care for some coffee?" Tsukasa: "Thanks, but I'm all right." sa: "Is no one at your place going to be worried about you being out so late?" Tsukasa: "I don't really have a place anymore, so..." sa: "Th-Then... are y-y-y-you going to... s-s-stay the night here?" Tsukasa: "Well, I'd planned on spending every night here from now on." sa: "E-Every night?!" Tsukasa: "Yeah. I mean, we are married. You're spilling that, by the way." sa: "Eh? Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Tsukasa: "Need any help?" sa: "No, I've got it!" Tsukasa: "But you've only got one bed, I see..." Tsukasa: "I'd hate to be in the way." sa: "You'd be no such thing!" sa: "If anything, I could sleep on the floor! One bed is plenty, don't you think?!" Tsukasa: "I'd still hate for you to get sick or something. I think I'll just spend the night at a capsule hotel." Tsukasa: "You don't have to be so anxious." Tsukasa: "I'm your wife, okay? I'm not going anywhere." sa: "I took major damage off that one." Tsukasa: "What's wrong?" sa: "J-Just... That was kind of unexpected." sa: "That's right... I'm already married to this girl." sa: "But... why, exactly?" sa: "Why did she marry me?" sa: "I thought that she was really cute." sa: "And she saved my life, which is why I fell for her." sa: "But... I haven't done anything for her. All I've done is..." Tsukasa: "We can be together... if you'll marry me." sa: "Of course! It'd be my pleasure! ...agree to her conditions." Sign/Dialog: "Is there any reason for her to love me?" Sign/Dialog: "I can't think of any." sa: "Why did you marry me?" Tsukasa: "Why?" Tsukasa: "That's a pretty silly question to ask, darling." sa: "How is it silly?!" Tsukasa: "Well, I guess that's true." Tsukasa: "In that case, why did you marry me?" sa: "Well... I... uh... B-Because I love you." Tsukasa: "I figured as much." sa: "Why the smug look?" Tsukasa: "But that means you should understand. I wouldn't get married to someone I didn't love." Tsukasa: "My husband must be pretty goofy to not even realize something like that." sa: "Hey, "goofy" is a little... Th-Then when did you fall in love with me?" Tsukasa: "That I'm not telling." sa: "Hey, no fair!" Tsukasa: "I should get going for today. Sleep well, okay?" sa: "W-Wait!" sa: "I suddenly felt really anxious... Like she might disappear on me again." sa: "Hey!" sa: "I think... you should stay after all!" Tsukasa: "But the bed..." sa: "I'll go buy one! I'll go to DonQui or anywhere else that's open and buy a futon, so just... don't leave!" sa: "I felt like, if I let her leave, I'd never see her again." Tsukasa: "Memory foam. If we're going to buy one," sa: "My wife takes her curiosity seriously." sa: "They've got a lot of variety here." Tsukasa: "Yeah." sa: "You can pick whichever you like, okay? I'll pick up the tab." Tsukasa: "Then is this futon my first present from my husband?" sa: "I-I guess so..." Tsukasa: "I see. I should take the choice seriously, then. I have to say, there's a bigger variety of types and prices with futons than I imagined." Tsukasa: "What exactly is the difference between a feather futon and a down futon?" sa: "Feathers are the big ones you see on wings, but down means at least 50% of it is the finer, softer natal feathers." sa: "Feathers retain less heat than down." sa: "But since they're easier to collect, they're a lot cheaper." Tsukasa: "And what about this shape-retaining stuff?" sa: "That's the so-called memory foam, which is really low-resistance polyurethane." Tsukasa: "And this "hot spring" futon?" sa: "That's a type of cotton futon that uses" Tsukasa: "Looks like my husband's quite studious." sa: "Yep! I'm pretty confident when it comes to memorization!" sa: "I just realized something. Am I..." sa: "on a date?! Which means... circumstances permitting... I could hold her hand?" sa: "I went a little too hard last time, but it's o-okay, right? After all, she is my wife." Tsukasa: "There's some more over there, so let's take a look!" sa: "I see..." sa: "I guess DonQui really is heaven!" sa: "That was heavier than I thought." Tsukasa: "Good work, and thanks." sa: "Is this really what you want, though?" sa: "There were fancier, more expensive options..." Tsukasa: "That's all right. I like this one." Tsukasa: "So, can I try it out?" sa: "Of course!" Tsukasa: "Oh, yes, this is very nice! We made a good choice." sa: "A-A girl..." sa: "is lying on a futon in my place?! If DonQui is heaven, then is this super heaven?!" Tsukasa: "Hey." Tsukasa: "Why don't you try lying down too, darling?" Tsukasa: "Wh-What's wrong?!" sa: "That one was a little too lethal. I-It's okay. I bought that for you, so I'm fine." Tsuksa: "You sure? It's really comfortable." Tsuksa: "Well, it's pretty late, so let's get to bed." sa: "G-Good point! We should really turn in for the day!" Tsukasa: "But I'm wondering," sa: "Uh, yeah, I usually visit the local bathhouse first thing in the morning." Tsukasa: "I see. Actually, now that I look around," sa: "Like what?" Tsukasa: "Like a guest hair brush, or hair clips... Things like that." sa: "I can go pick that stuff up at the convenience store, then!" Tsukasa: "Even underwear?" sa: "M-Maybe not that..." sa: "S-Since I don't know your preferences." Tsukasa: "True enough. Why don't we go for a stroll and drop by the convenience store?" sa: "Eh? Are you sure?" Tsukasa: "Of course." Tsukasa: "Besides..." Tsukasa: "This hand is all-I-can-grab, right?" sa: "Holding is pretty good..." sa: "but getting held is even better! On the other side of this thin door," sa: "Glorious! So this is marriage?! This is making me rethink everything school taught me about ethics! To think, all it takes is a piece of paper for a man and a woman to sleep together!" sa: "Is that really a good idea?! Is this how marriage is supposed to work?!" sa: "What if one thing leads to another?!" Tsukasa: "Here I am." Tsukasa: "Thanks for buying the pajamas, too." Tsukasa: "They're really nice." Tsukasa: "A-Are you okay?!" sa: "She's so cute, my heart almost gave out. Uh, it's nothing. I-I should get changed, too." Tsukasa: "You can change out here if you want." sa: "No, I can't!" Tsukasa: "Why not?" sa: "Wh-Wh-Wh-Why? 'Cause..." sa: "I-It'd be embarrassing." Tsukasa: "I see. I'd be embarrassed if you saw me nude, too," sa: "S-See?! So..." sa: "She'd be embarrassed? Do I take that to mean she sees me as a man? And that she's just as nervous around me?!" sa: "It sure doesn't look that way." sa: "But does she really have any interest in me, romantically?" sa: "Here I am. Huh?" sa: "Wh-What's up with that hair?" Tsukasa: "What do you mean? It's hard to sleep with your hair down when it's long," sa: "Unbelievable!" sa: "She's cute even with her hair up!" sa: "Well, I'm gonna turn the lights off." Tsukasa: "Okay." sa: "The way she looked, lit only by the faint moonlight... was as beautiful as any artistic masterpiece. So entrancing, I felt like I wasn't likely to sleep any time soon." Tsukasa: "Thanks for today." sa: "F-For what?" Tsukasa: "You helped me out with so much." sa: "N-Not at all!" sa: "And I meant what I said." sa: "Besides..." sa: "I'm really glad that we got to make that promise come true." Tsukasa: "I see." Tsukasa: "Then goodnight, darling." sa: "G-Goodnight..." sa: "Man, I nearly lost it just now! I once heard something about a song that goes," sa: "But right now, my heart's pounding so hard," sa: "Her breathing's changed." sa: "That must mean she's in a deeper sleep now." sa: "Wow! She's really asleep!" sa: "My wife is so cute." sa: "I'd like to just lay here and watch her." sa: "Huh... is my wife... a restless sleeper?" sa: "Aw, her hair's down. So much for having trouble sleeping like that. And she's not even in the futon we bought anymore." sa: "She's gonna catch a chill like that..." sa: "Which could make her sick! So I should really fix up her futon! So in that case..." sa: "I probably shouldn't hug her like this, right?" sa: "It's actually fine, right? We are married, after all!" sa: "One goodnight kiss won't hurt, right?!" sa: "Okay!" sa: "But... if we're going to do this for the first time..." sa: "I'll be good tonight and..." sa: "What?! What is this?" sa: "Is that water I hear?" sa: "Oh, I see." sa: "She went to get some water. Thank goodness." sa: "What, what?! Why's she standing behind me?! C-Could she be thinking about hugging me while I sleep, too... or maybe even kissing me?!" sa: "Huh? Uh, hello?" sa: "No fair! In the end, I never got my cover back." sa: "When I woke up, I thought it might have all been a dream. But I really did spend the night with my bride!" sa: "Oh, she's confused about why her hair is down?" sa: "And why she's got two sets of covers..." sa: "Because you took mine last night." sa: "Wh-Whoa, hang on, Tsukasa-san! I'm here! Right here beside you!" Tsukasa: "Um... it's pretty embarrassing to do this with so much light, so... G-Good point!" Tsukasa: "I'll go get changed in the next room!" Tsukasa: "Man... None of that was a dream after all?" Tsukasa: "It's pretty embarrassing to do this with so much light, so..." sa: "Would it be fine if it was darker?!" sa: "Also... I could tell from the little bit I saw..." sa: "She wasn't wearing a bra." Tsukasa: "Darling?" Tsukasa: "Did you just call me "Tsukasa-san"?" Tsukasa: "When you caught that peek, I mean." sa: "She noticed?!" Tsukasa: "Well, did you call me "Tsukasa-san"?" sa: "I... I guess I did say that, yes." Tsukasa: "Well, we're both Yuzakis now," sa: "G-Good point..." Tsukasa: "And after thinking it over..." Tsukasa: "Nasa-kun!" sa: "S-Something about it tickles a little! I... I see." Tsukasa: "It's settled, then." sa: "I-In that case, maybe I should call you... Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "H-Hey, why use "chan"?! It makes me sound like a child!" sa: "I just thought it would be cuter..." Tsukasa: "Fine." Tsukasa: "If that's what you want, darling." sa: "Huh? What happened to using my name?" Tsukasa: "Th-That's going to take a bit to get used to." Tsukasa: "G-Gradually." sa: "You're right! We can take it slow, Tsukasa-chan!" Tsukasa: "This is exactly what I'm talking about!" Tsukasa: "I need makeup remover, toner, and foundation..." sa: "Girls have it rough, huh?" Tsukasa: "Is that bathhouse close by?" sa: "Yeah! A classmate of mine from middle school and a kouhai live there. They might peek in on the baths sometimes, but they're good people!"
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Episode 2 – The First Night", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You", "2", "The First Night" ] }
sa: "You're wearing an apron!" Tsukasa: "Yes... because I'm going to make breakfast." sa: "You look like someone's wife!" Tsukasa: "Uh, I am someone's wife. Yours." sa: "Oh, right! You are a wife! My wife!" sa: "The building blocks of my body... are the foods that I eat!" Tsukasa: "I did a scientific analysis of the nutritional needs of an adult male, and created a dietary plan that perfectly accommodates it all." sa: "The answer I arrived at, and the ultimate menu, is... Hot pot, every day! If you throw it all in there every day and boil it," sa: "and above all else, it's super efficient!" Tsukasa: "And... how does that taste?" sa: "The same way every day, of course! It also ensures that I can manage the seasoning easily! There's absolutely no waste!" Tsukasa: "No offense, but that's science, not cooking." sa: "Wait, what do you mean?!" Tsukasa: "Give me ten minutes, and I'll show you what cooking's really about." sa: "A-Amazing! I didn't expect a Shokugeki so early in the morning!" sa: "Y-You really did all this in ten minutes? W-Well, time to eat. It's delicious! The ingredients should all be the same, but it's nothing like my ultimate menu! It's also amazing how smug she looks! Like some queen who just conquered the world!" Tsukasa: "I'm just pleased that my darling likes my cooking." sa: "You're quite a cook, huh?" Tsukasa: "I just got better with practice over a long time, that's all. I can make just about anything, as long as I have the ingredients. Which, by the way... includes sushi, provided I have good enough fish." sa: "Even sushi?!" Tsukasa: "You mentioned that bathhouse that opens early..." sa: "Yeah. It should be open by now. Come to think if it, I didn't take a bath yesterday. Would you like to go there now?" Tsukasa: "Are you sure? I take a while to wash my hair." sa: "It's okay. I'll just wait." Tsukasa: "Okay. Thank you." sa: "You're totally welcome!" sa: "I wanna see what she looks like fresh out of the bath so bad!" Tsukasa: "Is the bathhouse close by?" sa: "About five minutes on foot. People can walk around 80 meters a minute, so it's about 400 meters away." Tsukasa: "Uh, all right, then. Do you have shampoo and stuff for washing up?" sa: "Of course! I still have some stuff I bought before! You can use these!" Tsukasa: "Thanks." Tsukasa: "But... that's not exactly what I'm looking for." sa: "What's this?" Tsukasa: "Toner. It helps keep your skin moisturized." sa: "And this?" Tsukasa: "Face serum. To keep the skin insulated." sa: "What about this?" Tsukasa: "Lotion. It actually moisturizes your skin." sa: "Is your skin really that dry?" Tsukasa: "Nope. That's why I didn't buy any cream." sa: "I guess girls use all kinds of stuff nowadays, huh?" Tsukasa: "What are you talking about? Serum's been around since the Edo period, and lotion goes back even further." sa: "R-Really?!" sa: "I get it." sa: "I can't imagine what kind of shape she'll be in after getting out of the bath! I'm on the edge of my seat!" Tsukasa: "This is the bathhouse you were talking about?" sa: "Yep, that's right!" Tsukasa: "They're not being shy about the names they use, are they?" sa: "It's a good bathhouse, though." Kaname: "Welcome, Senpai! You're here early, as usual... Huh?" Kaname: "You've got a girl with you?" sa: "Yeah. Good morning, Kaname-chan. And this is..." Kaname: "You're actually interested in girls? I thought for sure you had studied to the point that your libido withered away." sa: "H-Hey! Even I have a libido!" Kaname: "Oh my gosh! Why are you yelling about your libido first thing in the morning? Shouting such things in front of a delicate young high school girl like myself... Maybe you really are a perv, after all!" sa: "Y-You're the one who brought it up!" Tsukasa: "Uh, Nasa-kun, who's this?" sa: "Oh, she was my kouhai in middle school..." Kaname: "Arisugawa Kaname! I'm 15 years old." sa: "She's pretty amazing." sa: "She's been managing the bathhouse for years now to help out her family." Kaname: "Aw, it's no big deal! I just rope in exhibitionist customers by working the desk, which means big bucks! Y'know, like Senpai here!" sa: "Don't say stuff that could lead to misunderstandings!" Tsukasa: "You're an exhibitionist?" sa: "I am not!" sa: "She's a great girl, but she's always making dirty jokes. Try not to take them seriously." Kaname: "Oh, come on, I'm wounded. I'd rather the guy who doesn't have anything great" sa: "This is literally what I'm talking about!" Tsukasa: "Please don't "hmm" so thoughtfully at remarks like that." Kaname: "Still, the way you two are acting..." Kaname: "Is she seriously your girlfriend?" sa: "Well, it's more like... We're married!" Kaname: "Married?!" sa: "Yeah! Since yesterday." Kaname: "That's sudden! That's a little too sudden, Senpai! I dunno how it came to this, but congratulations on your marriage." Kaname: "There'll be no charge today, in lieu of a present." sa: "Really?! Thanks!" Kaname: "It's not much of a present, though, since all we have are the baths, anyway. Now, let's have the blushing bride walk this way!" Tsukasa: "Thank you very much." Tsukasa: "I'll see you later, then, Nasa-kun." sa: "O-Okay." sa: "W-Well, I guess I should go in, too." Kaname: "Hold it! Who said you could just waltz into our bath without paying?" sa: "You just said there was no charge today..." Kaname: "I was talking about for your wife! If you wanna bathe for free," sa: "I do?!" Kaname: "That's right! Do you realize how shocked I am to hear about you being married?!" sa: "Wait... Kaname-chan, does that mean you..." Kaname: "I mean, isn't it obvious?! I thought you would spend your entire life without a woman," sa: "That's not something you should be dreaming about!" Kaname: "Besides, your wife doesn't look any older than me." sa: "True, she said she's 16." Kaname: "Sixteen?! You damned lolicon! I'll straighten you out!" sa: "Who are you calling a lolicon?!" Crowd: "Did you hear? That guy's a lolicon! Oh, gross! He's apparently a lolicon. Be sure to avoid him..." Kaname: "Hey! Don't embarrass me like that!" sa: "I'm the one who should be saying that!" Kaname: "Actually, Senpai... you haven't told Aya-nee that you're married yet, have you?" sa: "Why would I tell Aya-san about it?" Kaname: "See, this is why everyone calls you an egghead with math for brains." sa: "Well, please don't from now on?" Kaname: "I guess it's fine. We'll keep Aya-nee in the dark about this for now. So, when's the ceremony gonna be?" sa: "A ceremony? I hadn't really thought about that at all." sa: "Besides, aren't wedding ceremonies just a waste of money nowadays?" Kaname: "What about a ring?" sa: "Do you really think I need one?" Kaname: "I'm almost afraid to ask, but have you even proposed to her?" sa: "Proposed to her? I guess, technically, no." Kaname: "I see. So, in spite of being married," Kaname: "It's true that if you think about efficiency," Kaname: "And yet, when you put it in those terms," Kaname: "Seriously! Listen up, Senpai. The fact that you chose this girl and got married to her" Kaname: "means that you have a responsibility to make her happy! And that's not something that was decided by law," Kaname: "It's something you need to dedicate yourself to, to show how you really feel!" sa: "How I really feel?" sa: "That's awfully mature of you, considering you're only 15." Kaname: "What does my age have to do with anything?! My point is, you married her fully prepared to make her happy, right?" sa: "Of course I did." sa: "I will live to make her happy! It's true that we haven't had a ceremony," sa: "But I'm confident that I can make her happy! And the reason is..." Kaname: "The reason is?!" Tsukasa: "Sorry, Nasa-kun, I forgot to get the stuff we bought—" sa: "Because I love Tsukasa-chan!" Kaname: "Hearing you yell that in the middle of the street is a little..." sa: "I-I'll be careful from now on." sa: "Here you go." sa: "O-Oh, this is bad. I think I might have upset her." Tsukasa: "Seeing you shout that in front of other people is... really embarrassing for me." sa: "R-Right!" Tsukasa: "But... it's just embarrassing." Tsukasa: "It still... makes me happy." sa: "R-Right..." sa: "I'm sure of it. There's no doubt." sa: "This... is a bath episode!" sa: "Bath episodes! The kind that occur randomly in anime and games! Where the heroine takes her clothes off for basically no reason! Those situations always call for a setting shift to a bathhouse or a hot spring," sa: "A wash bucket will get sent flying with a scream of, "Eek, pervert!"" sa: "Which makes this a lucky day when I should get to see" sa: "Hey! What are you doing here, Kaname-chan?!" Kaname: "Well, I'm kind of in charge around here, and cleaning comes with the territory." sa: "Then how long were you standing there?!" Kaname: "Since the part where you started passionately narrating how bathhouse episodes work." sa: "That was a pretty long time!" Kaname: "Come on, quit shouting. You're already tiny enough! Barking like that just makes you seem smaller." sa: "Wh-Wh-Wh-What do you mean, tiny?!" Kaname: "Your height, of course! What did you think I meant?" Tsukasa: "No one's around?" Tsukasa: "Doesn't seem to be anyone at all. In that case..." Tsukasa: "That feels great!" Tsukasa: "It's like the whole place is reserved for me." Tsukasa: ""Oh, this is heavenly!" Or so they say." Tsukasa: "Someone else is here?" Aya: "Oh, I'm really, really sorry!" Aya: "I-I wasn't trying to hide! I'm the owner's eldest daughter," Aya: "but I fell asleep." Tsukasa: "Oh, you don't need to apologize." Aya: "Yes, but you looked over here while you were still dressed, right?" Tsukasa: "Well... yes." Aya: "Which means you're probably bashful. And the thought of someone like that being seen in a delicate state by someone like me..." Aya: "I can't think of any way to make it up to you, other than dying!" Aya: "I'm so, so sorry! I'm sorry you were exposed in front of a person like me! I'm sorry for being born! Really, I'm so, so sorry!" Tsukasa: "Oh, I see. She's one of those "hapless beauties." No, it's all right. You didn't see anything too embarrassing." Aya: "N-No, I did! I very clearly did see!" Aya: "You thought no one was around, and got a little happy about it." Tsukasa: "Well, I guess you're right about that." Aya: "I know! Not only that, but you actually used that old cliché, "Oh, this is heavenly!"" Aya: "No girl would want anyone to hear them say something that embarrassing! If it was me, I'd think about killing myself! So... can I wash your back to make up for it? As a daughter of this bathhouse, I can't let a customer leave" Aya: "After visiting our baths, I want you to be cleansed in body and soul. Because this is a bathhouse! So you need to be cleansed! Like in a bathhouse!" Tsukasa: "No, actually, I'm really anxious about being touched, so..." Aya: "That's perfectly all right!" Aya: "I'll just be cleaning you off with our special microbubble shower! I swear, as the daughter of this bathhouse... I swear!" Kaname: "Sweepy-sweepy..." sa: "Hey, how long are you going to hang around?" Kaname: "Well, I'm not done cleaning yet! You should probably get out of the hot water before it gets to your head, Senpai." sa: "I'm not getting out because you're still standing there!" Kaname: "Oh, it doesn't bother me! I'm already used to seeing your junk." sa: "Well, it bothers me! Please, just get out." Tsukasa: "Oh, that feels nice." Aya: "Doesn't it? My father told me it's the microbubble shower" Tsukasa: "I'm pretty sure he was messing with you." Aya: "I have to say, your skin is really beautiful. It's like silk." Tsukasa: "Oh... thank you." Aya: "But wait. Isn't silk made from from a fluid that moth larvae secrete?" Aya: "As pretty as it is, I'm not sure we should compare people's skin to something like that." Tsukasa: "Uh, your internal monologue is leaking." Aya: "I think the comparison needs to be with something truly beautiful!" Tsukasa: "H-Hello?" Aya: "Let's see... what is there?" Aya: "Your skin... is like an iPhone X! Dummy! Even if it's made by a company famous for their focus on aesthetics, why would you compare someone's skin to consumer electronics?! I'm so, so sorry! I just wanted to get across how beautiful it is!" Tsukasa: "It's okay. It did get across, sort of." Aya: "Really?! Thank you so much!" Tsukasa: "Something about this girl reminds me of Nasa-kun." Aya: "My name is Arisugawa Aya! I hope you continue to enjoy our bathhouse." Tsukasa: "I'm Yuzaki Tsukasa. Nice to meet you." Aya: "Yuzaki? Yuzaki... Are you a relative of Nasa-kun's or something?" Tsukasa: "Uh... well, now that you mention it..." Tsukasa: "I am." Aya: "Oh, I see. Right, right, like his little sister or something!" Aya: "Wow, I had no idea! It's a pleasure to meet you." Tsukasa: "Likewise." sa: "I can't gather any strength." sa: "Am I really going to die?" sa: "Even though I was able to marry you..." sa: "Huh? What was I... That was an oddly realistic dream... Sorry, Nasa-kun" sa: "Tsukasa-chan!" sa: "You were waiting?!" Tsukasa: "Yep. Good morning." sa: "You could've woken me up..." Tsukasa: "I guess I could have, but you looked really cute in your sleep." Aya: "Oh, good morning, Nasa-kun." sa: "Oh, Aya-san." Aya: "Finally awake?" Tsukasa: "Thanks for earlier." sa: "From the looks of it, you've already met?" Aya: "Yep, and I've heard everything. She's from your family, right?" sa: "Family..." sa: "Right... That's right! We're family!" Aya: "She's really cute!" Tsukasa: "How do you know Aya-san?" sa: "We were in the same class in middle school." Aya: "Nasa-kun has really helped the bathhouse a lot." Aya: "Our family has always run this place." Aya: "But after our grandfather died years ago, business took a turn for the worse. Our father got obsessed with the mascot that he created for advertising purposes, ultimately sinking all our savings into it, then running away with the idol he hired to voice the mascot. And just when it seemed like our family would be out on the street—" Tsukasa: "Slow down. There are too many points I have questions about." sa: "There are two budgetary deficiencies here. Also, take these documents to the legal affairs bureau and the tax office. That should get you a subsidy." Aya: "O-Okay! Thanks to Nasa-kun, our business fortunes turned all the way around," sa: "Aw, all I did was help people realize how great this place is." Aya: "But if nobody had helped us at the time..." Aya: "Our relatives and friends wouldn't do anything, we were really in trouble... and you were the only one who helped us." Aya: "Thank you so much for all your help, Nasa-kun!" sa: "Oh, likewise. I appreciate everything you guys do, too." Aya: "You've been a life-saver!" sa: "No, I'm just returning the favor." Aya: "Well, Nasa-kun, see you next time!" sa: "Thanks for having us!" sa: "It was a nice bathhouse, right?" Tsukasa: "Y-Yeah. But I'm more surprised by you, Nasa-kun." Tsukasa: "And..." Tsukasa: "Aya-san is pretty cute, isn't she?" sa: "She really is! She's super cute, isn't she?" sa: "She was always really popular, even in middle school. And her looks have gotten even more polished since high school! With how cute she is, you'd have a hard time finding anyone who doesn't like her... Huh?" sa: "The mood suddenly feels weird... Wait, that's—" Crowd: "Congratulations!" sa: "Th-That's a..." Kaname: "A marriage with no ring, no ceremony, and no proposal? You suck!" sa: "Could it be that she's disappointed about being married without any of those things?! H-Hey!" sa: "A-Are you really worried about... that?" sa: ""That"?" sa: "N-No! I'm not worried about that at all! It's not like that! She's super worried about it!" Tsukasa: "I mean, it's easy to understand why someone would feel that way." sa: "Then she thinks a wedding ceremony would be special?!" sa: "Of course. She is a girl." Tsukasa: "Really, it's not like that!" Tsukasa: "It's not that I'm jealous... I just..." Tsukasa: "I want to be pretty." Tsukasa: "I want you to say I look pretty, too." sa: "I see! They do say a wedding dress exists for the day when a girl will look her prettiest!" sa: "I understand!" sa: "I can't commit just now, so give me some time to think! Uh, what exactly do you mean when you say— I mean I can't do it just yet! So please, give me a bit of time! Here's the key to the apartment! I've got some things to look up, so head home without me!" Tsukasa: "Nasa-kun?!" sa: "I really can't do it right now, but it'll be okay." sa: "I'm the man who'll reach the speed of light before NASA! I make the impossible possible!" Tsukasa: "Is that how hard it is to say I look pretty?" sa: "I'll see you later!" Tsukasa: "Nasa-kun, hang on—" Chitose: "I have you now, Nee-sama." Tsukasa: "Darling, I know this is sudden, but it's time for a battle. I need you to take someone on." sa: "Got it! I'll do my best!" Tsukasa: "That was strangely accepting of you. I should've figured." sas: "So who am I up against?" Tsukasa: "A rich girl and her maids."
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Episode 3 – Sisters", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You", "3", "Sisters" ] }
Tsukasa: "It's like the drops of life I lost are being buried underneath this snow. Leaving no trace behind, smothered by white, along with my footsteps, like they were never there at all." Tsukasa: "How much longer do I have until this cold night ends?" Tsukasa: "How much longer will I have to wait before I have a warm home to return to? I get home and open the door," Tsukasa: "It's things like this that drive home how alone you really are." Tsukasa: "I didn't think my husband would leave me alone the day after we got married." Tsukasa: "Good grief..." Tsukasa: "Well, there's something to be said for waiting at home for your beloved, too." Tsukasa: "No, wait, never mind! I take that back!" Tsukasa: "But when is he going to come back? He doesn't have a key, so I can't go out until he does." Tsukasa: "It'd be one thing if I had a cell phone, but I don't. Oh, well! Why don't I flex my domestic muscles" Tsukasa: "Everything's already spotless... Impressive, darling." sa: "The man who will reach the speed of light faster than NASA!" Tsukasa: "Wait, this is bad. I won't have anything to show off with at this rate." Tsukasa: "But there has to be some spot he hasn't cleaned already. Maybe inside the closet, or underneath his bed... But what if I go digging around in these spots" Tsukasa: "From his personality, I wouldn't assume he has stuff like that... But how can I be sure?" Tsukasa: "Wh-What if he surprises me? Well, given how clean the place is," Tsukasa: "I'm sure he keeps even the out-of-the-way spots tidy. Yeah." Tsukasa: "That just leaves..." Tsukasa: "The other thing that can be done around the house is cooking!" Tsukasa: "I'll make something delicious that'll knock his socks off!" Tsukasa: "But will he be back for lunch?" Tsukasa: "Oh, he's already back. Welcome home. That didn't take very—" Chi: "We meet again, Nee-sama." Tsukasa: "Chitose? Why are you..." Chi: "I had noticed you were missing," Chi: "This place isn't fit for someone like—" Chi: "Wait, why?!" Chi: "Why'd you shut the door on me, Nee-sama?! Come on, open up! Open up, please! Open the door, Nee-sama!" Tsukasa: "Could you stop banging on the door?" Chi: "So mean! You're treating me like a total stranger, and after I came to pick you up!" Tsukasa: "I never said anything about wanting to be picked up." Chi: "I know, but... I'm really sorry! Truly! I was wrong! So please, hear me out!" Tsukasa: "And what do you mean, "pick me up"? Am I your kid sister now?" Chi: "But your sudden disappearance has left Great Grandmother so worried..." Tsukasa: "You know how much trouble I cause for Tokiko by being around." Tsukasa: "Besides, does she even know that you're here?" Chi: "Well... no..." Tsukasa: "You begged her to tell you where I was, didn't you?" Tsukasa: "And then you didn't listen to her when she tried to stop you," Chi: "Well... I... It was all out of concern for—" Tsukasa: "Don't try to cling to me and muddle the conversation." Chi: "That hurts! Nee-sama, that seriously hurts! Please!" Tsukasa: "Look, just go home for today." Tsukasa: "Tell her that I'm married." Chi: "Married?!" Chi: "You're married?!" Chi: "Nee-sama, what do you mean by "married"?!" Tsukasa: "That I'm literally married. Anyway, I'm fine, so don't worry." Tsukasa: "I'll come by the house to say hello when the time is right. Until then, Chitose, you need to go home." sa: "Excuse me..." sa: "Are you okay?" Chi: "I'm totally fine! Just leave me alone!" sa: "You can use this. I can't just ignore someone crying like that." sa: "What? Someone from your family won't come home?" Chi: "Well, we're not related by blood, but..." sa: "Sounds pretty complicated." sa: "Have you talked to the police?" Chi: "I can't!" Chi: "That sort of thing would just cause problems for Nee-sama, so I can't." Chi: "She's like a butterfly with glass wings. A glass butterfly that flies through the night, trying to reach the moon... She's easily hurt, delicate," Chi: "But she's still someone I care a lot about." sa: "I see. I wish I could help somehow." Chi: "You're awfully nice, mister." Chi: "Putting up with a middle schooler's ridiculous story like this..." Chi: "Didn't you have something you needed to do?" sa: "Well, I was actually looking for a place to propose." Chi: "Propose? There's actually a place on a hill in town that'd be—" Tsukasa: "I thought I heard your voice." sa: "Oh, sorry. I'm back." Tsukasa: ""D-Darling"?" sa: "After thinking about it," Tsukasa: "I appreciate it. The way you're always so considerate makes me happy." sa: "You're very welcome." Chi: "It's you..." Chi: "You're the one Nee-sama married?!" Chi: "You can't have her!" Chi: "I will not let you have Nee-sama!" sa: "Uh, what?" Tsukasa: "Well, this is bad. Looks like things are going to escalate into battle." sa: "Wait, do you know her, Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "Yeah. She's from the family I used to live with." sa: "You used to live with her?" Chi: "And that's why I'll—" sa: "Hello there! My name is Yuzaki Nasa." sa: "That's "Nasa," written with the characters for "starry sky"! It's so nice to meet you!" Chi: "Uh... yeah... nice to meet you. Wait, no! I'm going to—" sa: "So what's your name?" Chi: "It doesn't matter what my name is!" sa: "It's kind of inconvenient if I don't know what to call you, though." Chi: "Th-That's..." sa: "So what's your name?" Chi: "I-It's Chitose. Kaginoji Chitose." sa: "Chitose-chan, then! What a lovely name!" Chi: "Hey, show some respect!" sa: "You mentioned being in middle school, so are you 14?" sa: "There's no sense in talking out here. Why don't you come inside?" Chi: "Would you listen to me?!" Tsukasa: "Impressive. He's overwhelming Chitose with his command of the conversation." sa: "Well, since it's lunch time, would you like to get something to eat?" Chi: "I would not!" Chi: "I haven't accepted you as Nee-sama's husband!" sa: "I see. You're totally justified in feeling that way. It's true that Tsukasa-chan and I haven't known each other for long," sa: "It happened so suddenly, and we're both still pretty young." sa: "But isn't that why we should talk it over?" sa: "We could take this somewhere else and calmly discuss what's happened." sa: "I think all we're really lacking here is discourse." Tsukasa: "I think this guy might be kind of amazing." Tsukasa: "Darling, I'm afraid Chitose isn't the easily convinced type." sa: "It's okay." Tsukasa: "Husband and wife?" Chitose: "You can take your discourse and stuff it!" Chitose: "If you'd just die..." Chitose: "that would be enough..." Chitose: "to resolve everything!" Chitose: "You get your wish! Let's move this conversation elsewhere!" sa: "Hey... Hey!" Tsukasa: "Well, this is trouble." sa: "Excuse me, but isn't this going a little too far?" sa: "Even if she knows who you are, Tsukasa-chan might go to the police." Chi: "No need to worry. She would never do that. I will be holding on to your phone, however." sa: "When did you grab that?!" Chi: "Still, you must be quite the swindler if you were able to trick my Nee-sama." Chi: "Why would she marry someone like you?" sa: "You do have a point there." sa: "Could it be that..." sa: "I'm actually hot?" Chi: "Would you please die?" Chi: "Well, it doesn't matter. I'm going to correct this mistake." Chi: "That said, I am classy, so I won't stoop to torture." Chi: "There's a simple way to wreck your marriage without resorting to that kind of thing." sa: "What are you talking about?" Chi: "Tabloid journalism." sa: "That is pretty effective!" Chi: "All I need is evidence of your infidelity" Chi: "And then you'll be divorced in no time!" Chi: "That being the case, Charlotte, Aurora, come on!" Char: "Hi! Welcome home, Chitose-chan!" Aur: "Welcome home, Miss." Aur: "Who is this?" Char: "He's so cute! Is he a guest?" Chi: "I have a special mission for you two." Chi: "I need tabloid pics of this man!" Aur: "Tabloid pics? What do you mean?" Char: "Oh, right! Okay, I see. I just need to take some of those pictures with him, right?" Aur: "Charlotte! Aren't you being a little too quick to agree to this?! Even if the little miss did ask you—" Char: "Well, he is really cute..." Chi: "Charlotte! Slow down! I didn't say you needed to take things that far!" Aur: "And do you have no concept of hesitation?! Hesitate a little!" Chi: "What I want is to take some pictures that prove how worthless Nee-sama's husband here is, and get her to lose interest in him!" Chi: "All we need is for her to stop liking him! Do you understand?!" Char: "Oh, I get it." Char: "But Chitose-chan..." Char: "Your guest has run off." Chi: "Why didn't you say something sooner?!" Char: "Well, you were trying so hard to explain..." Chi: "Never mind that! Just find him!" Char: "Right!" Aur: "'Kay!" sa: "Wow, my wife knows some intense people. But if she lived here before," Aur: "Sir?" Char: "Aw, I can't find him at all!" Chi: "Show yourself!" sa: "This is bad..." sa: "Huh? This room..." sa: "It smells like Tsukasa-chan!" sa: "How many people truly realize how out-of-reach something like this is on our planet?" sa: "Since we can all see it every day, we fail to understand just how rare it is. But there have only been six opportunities in recorded history to retrieve any, with only a small amount having been brought back." sa: "Plagioclase? But the composition..." sa: "Something that we're able to look at, but not able to obtain..." sa: "Kaguya's castle, shining in the night sky." sa: "This..." sa: "It's a moon rock! They're preventing oxidization by keeping it enclosed and pumping out the oxygen," sa: "I doubt anyone would go that far if it wasn't the real deal." sa: "The moon rocks retrieved by NASA are all American national treasures. With the exception of samples on display in museums," sa: "If this really is what I think it is..." sa: "It can't be." Char: "Oh, that's no good. You see, there are a lot of very important things in this room that belong to someone very important! Therefore, anyone who intrudes..." Char: "gets speedy annihilation under Slay Evil Immediately rules!" sa: "Isn't that the wrong sword for Slaying Evil Immediately?!" Char: "No worries! It's the sense of justice that we both share, after all!" sa: "I never said that!" Aur: "Charlotte, stop that!" Chi: "You have to be careful in that room! It's where Nee-sama's moon rock is—" Charlotte: "What's that coming out?!" sa: "Oh, no! The nitrogen in the case!" sa: "Without that nitrogen, oxygen will get inside, and the rock will oxidize!" sa: "I'm going to need a screwdriver and some masking tape! Quick!" Aur: "Right!" Chi: "C-Can you fix it?" sa: "I know how it works, so I should be able to." Aur: "Is he some kind of genius?" sa: "From the way you reacted... is this rock the real deal?" Chi: "Of course it is. Great Grandmother practically begged to borrow it" sa: "Wait, why would Tsukasa-chan need it?" Chi: ""Why"?" Chi: "Do you not know who Nee-sama is?" sa: "There. That should do it." Char: "Thank you!" Aur: "Wow." Chi: "Do you seriously not know anything about Nee-sama's past?" sa: "Well, I guess it's true that she hasn't told me much about it." sa: "But there are lots of things I do know. She's got really warm hands, and she's a good cook... And she's a restless sleeper!" sa: "She puts her hair up in buns when she goes to bed, too. Other than that..." sa: "Her smile is very cute!" Chi: "Even I know all that!" Tsukasa: "It's okay. If you can find the courage to reach out to me," Tsukasa: "So hang in there." Chi: "From that day when you took my hand and saved my life," Chi: "But now..." Chi: "Why you?" Chi: "Why? Why are you married to Nee-sama when you don't know anything?!" Chi: "I'm the only one who can make her wish come true! I'm the one who needs to marry Nee-sama!" Char: "Hang on, Chitose-chan! We owe him for saving Tsukasa-chan's rock just now!" Char: "Sorry about this, but..." Char: "We really are grateful." sa: "Wait, why are you taking pictures?!" Aur: "Uh, good question! My body moved on its own. Maybe someone used a Command Seal on me?" sa: "What kind of excuse is that?!" Aur: "Don't worry. To make it up to you, I'll..." Aur: "just composite it in Photoshop..." sa: "Why would you fabricate evidence right in front of me?!" Aur: "There. Oh, my! I had no idea I took a picture like this!" sa: "Now, hang on! That picture doesn't match the assets you used! And it was fast! Fast, and good!" sa: "But—" Tsukasa: "Well, this is quite a picture." sa: "Tsukasa-chan! I-It's not what you think! She just edited it in Ph-Photoshop—" Tsukasa: "Anyone who could manipulate a picture that quickly should get a job in Hollywood!" sa: "You are totally correct! I was saying the same thing!" Aur: "Tabloid journalism did the trick. They're already fighting." Char: "Yep." Chitose: "Do you see now, Nee-sama? This man is terrible! It would be in your best interests to get divorced immediately!" sa: "Divorced?!" Tsukasa: "You're right. This calls for a very serious discussion." sa: "Oh, no!" Tsukasa: "That being the case, you're coming with me. We need to talk in private." sa: "Ts-Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "Don't try to get friendly with me!" Tsukasa: "If I was Lum-chan, you'd be lit up like a power plant right now!" sa: "Aw..." Chi: "That worked as planned." Aur: "Wait, did they actually just escape?" sa: "Um, er, Tsukasa-chan, that picture was really just—" Tsukasa: "Darling..." Tsukasa: "Did you really think a picture like this would be enough to upset me?" sa: "Then what was that?" Tsukasa: "An act to help us escape. And if I was really angry, it'd be..." Tsukasa: "much worse." Chi: "Get back here, Nee-sama!" Tsukasa: "Oh, she's already caught on. Come on, Nasa-kun! Let's get out of here!" Tsukasa: "This way!" sa: "Okay!" Tsukasa: "Chitose doesn't know about this passage." sa: "I don't know anything about your past." sa: "I get the feeling it's more harsh and difficult than I can imagine." sa: "But that's not an issue to me." Tsukasa: "This way!" sa: "What really matters to me is the warmth of your hand..." sa: "your incredibly cute smile..." sa: "and the future we're going to build together." sa: "Is this... a church?" Tsukasa: "That's right. It's the Church of Alexanmarco. An old church on a hill that nobody uses anymore. That mansion was built in the Meiji era, and the escape passage was prepared in the event of an emergency." Tsukasa: "This place is really beautiful..." Tsukasa: "So I wanted you to see it!" sa: "I see..." sa: "That's the whole point." sa: "Tsukasa-chan. From now on, when anything good happens to me," sa: "And if anything sad happens to you," sa: "We'll share with each other," sa: "and support each other..." sa: "That's the kind of couple I want us to be." sa: "I swear, I won't ever make you regret choosing me." Tsukasa: "This sounds like a proposal." sa: "It is one." sa: "I love you." sa: "That was the day I swore to love you forever." Kaname: "How's newlywed life treating you, Senpai?" sa: "Kaname-chan, I think I've learned what true happiness is." Kaname: "Your gross observations aside,"
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Episode 4 – Promise", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You", "4", "Promise" ] }
Tsukasa: "Oh, darling!" Tsukasa: "This is big! We'd better turn on the TV!" Tsukasa: "Wait... now that I think about it... Where is the TV?" sa: "I don't have one." Tsukasa: "What?! You don't have a TV?!" sa: "N-No..." Tsukasa: "Even though Space Jawsnado: Maximum Mission is gonna be on this afternoon?!" sa: "Jaw...? U-Uh, wh-what is that?" Tsukasa: "It's a movie where sharks fly through the sky and wage war in space!" sa: "Is it any good?" Tsukasa: "Yes, it is!" sa: "O-Oh, I see..." sa: "I don't really watch a lot of movies, so..." Tsukasa: "Argh!" Tsukasa: "Y-You've at least seen Terminator, right?" sa: "I don't think so..." Tsukasa: "What about Star Wars?" sa: "I know the name. That's where they fight in space, right?" Tsukasa: "The Human Centipede?" sa: "Oh, Tsukino Mito talked about that on the internet. I haven't seen it, but it sounded funny." Tsukasa: "What have you done for your entire life?" sa: "I-Is it that serious?" Tsukasa: "Darling, listen to me. I would never get pushy about my hobby to the point of treating" sa: "R-Right..." Tsukasa: "But, for example, say that a popular series finally gets a long-awaited sequel! I want to be able to share that excitement with you! The amazement at such a miraculous, sudden occurrence!" sa: ""Huh, there was a movie like that?"" Tsukasa: "The thought of that kind of reaction is just depressing to me! That big of a gap in excitement is too much for me to bear!" sa: "I... I think I understand where you're coming from..." Tsukasa: "And as sweet as you are," Tsukasa: "But! As simple as it might sound," Tsukasa: "Numbered entries like "II" and "III" need no mention, but when you include spin-offs and stories set in the same universe, sometimes the title doesn't even indicate where those entries originated from!" sa: "O-Okay..." Tsukasa: "And! To get the most thorough enjoyment out of a title," Tsukasa: "You could have someone who made his debut with a sci-fi horror B-movie... before getting his big break with a low-budget sci-fi action flick," Tsukasa: "and then going on to make the biggest movie in the world! I'm saying that by taking a holistic approach to viewing a film," Tsukasa: "you can enjoy a movie more fully! You can't underestimate how deep the old movie hole goes! It's like stepping into a world of boundless knowledge that stretches out forever! Do you understand?!" sa: "I-I understand how strongly you feel. She normally seems so cool and laid back," Char: "Hey..." Char: "Are we gonna go after Tsukasa-chan and her husband?" Aur: "No. Jawsnado is airing this afternoon." Chitose: "That's right. I'm sure Nee-sama is going to be watching. Interrupting her could get you killed." Char: "Is a movie with such a sloppy plot really any good?" Chitose: "You just don't get it!" sa: "There are so many choices..." sa: "Which is better, LCD or OLED?" Tsukasa: "Why not get the cheaper one?" sa: "Panasonic or Sony... which has better color?" Tsukasa: "Why not get the cheaper one?" sa: "You don't have any preferences for the picture or sound quality?" Tsukasa: "Darling..." Tsukasa: "A good movie is good no matter what the picture quality is!" sa: "That sounded kind of profound." Tsukasa: "Besides, you're offering to buy a TV that you don't need for my sake." Tsukasa: "That alone makes me really happy." sa: "This has been a good shopping trip." sa: "Like that!" Kaname: "And... then your wife laughed her head off because that comment was so gross, or..." sa: "No, no, she didn't! She was really moved!" Kaname: "W-Well, late or not, it's good that you proposed to her." sa: "I guess so." sa: "Although it wasn't really just a proposal. I kissed her, too." sa: "I had no idea that lips were so soft." sa: "Oh, just thinking about it has me feeling toasty!" Kaname: "Gross! It seems like Senpai has achieved new heights of gross!" Kaname: "But are words alone really enough?" Kaname: "I'm talking about rings!" sa: "I'm not sure she would want something like that..." Kaname: "Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-There it is! One of the top three things that husbands like to pretend are special about their wives!" sa: "T-Top three things?!" Kaname: "Number one! "Well, y'know, I brought up the idea of going on a trip for our anniversary..."" Tsukasa: ""I just get nervous at those expensive hot springs. Let's relax at home!"" Kaname: ""So she doesn't really like that sort of thing!" Number two! "Y'know, my wife is such a good cook that" Tsukasa: ""I don't really know how to appreciate fancy food. I'll make something myself!"" Kaname: ""And then she just whips up something awesome out of whatever we have!" And number three! "See, when it comes to name brands and jewelry and stuff..."" Tsukasa: ""I don't need anything expensive like that!"" Kaname: ""She's just not interested!" It's like... Don't be so stupid!" Kaname: "When are you guys gonna realize that's just your wives being nice?!" Kaname: "That's what I mean." Tsukasa: "I didn't think he'd be the type to go in for a kiss like that." Cm: "It's the symbol of our love." Cm: "It's such a lovely diamond ring." ews: "Our next story... Three major convenience store franchises have—" sa: "I guess it's true that most girls wouldn't come out and ask for an expensive ring." sa: "But how much does a diamond ring cost, anyway? There's that old saying about them costing three months' salary..." Tsukasa: "Sorry for the wait." sa: "Tsukasa...chan..." sa: "I never caught her fresh out of the bath before!" Tsukasa: "W-Well, let's head home." sa: "Yeah." sa: "Oh, I'm going to be heading to work this afternoon." Tsukasa: "You are?" sa: "I took the day off yesterday without much warning..." sa: "I'll be back by nine tonight." Tsukasa: "Nine, huh?" Tsukasa: "Hey, darling, is that a park?" sa: "Oh, yeah." Tsukasa: "You want to stop by, then?" Tsukasa: "What a pretty park." sa: "And it's so quiet, with no one around." Tsukasa: "Why don't you have a seat, darling?" sa: "I think I will, then." sa: "Wait, what is this? Am I supposed to do something?" sa: "We're sitting together in a quiet park, silently looking out at a lake. What is this?" sa: "Could it be she's lonely because I won't be back until tonight? S-S-So cute! If that's true, my wife is so unbelievably cute!" Char: "They're smooching." Aur: "Yes, they are." Char: "Should we report this to Chitose-chan?" Aur: "I wouldn't! She'd get so mad, the house might catch fire! Don't do it!" Tsukasa: "H-Honestly! It's the middle of the day and we're outdoors, you know!" sa: "S-S-Sorry!" sa: "But... I just... thought you looked lonely." Tsukasa: "I-It would've been embarrassing if someone saw us!" Aur: "Someone did see you." Char: "Yeah, you were seen." Tsukasa: "And darling, I'm surprised by how aggressive you can be." sa: "I-I'm not usually!" sa: "I-It's just... when it's you... I feel that way..." Tsukasa: "Perv." sa: "It's not like that! You're just too cute, Tsukasa-chan!" Tsukasa: "Stop it, dummy! You're not supposed to shout things like that!" Char: "What exactly are we looking at?" Aur: "How should I know?" sa: "I'm going now." Tsukasa: "Okay. Have a safe trip." Tsukasa: "What's wrong?" sa: "Well... it's just..." sa: "You won't be gone when I get back, right?" Tsukasa: "If you're worried about it," Tsukasa: "hurry back as soon as you can." sa: "Okay! I'm going!" Tsukasa: "Have a safe trip." sa: "I have to say, she was so cute at the park..." sa: "She felt lonely because I was going to work." sa: "I feel kind of bad about leaving her, though." sa: "Not to mention I miss her myself." sa: "If only there was some way to ease that loneliness, even when we're apart..." sa: "Maybe that's what the ring is for?" sa: "Something to remind me of you when you're not here. Something to show you that I'm with you." sa: "That must be it!" sa: "That's what rings are for!" sa: "Rings that are like our eternal love given form!" sa: "I was sure that a miracle would happen." sa: "That I'd be able to meet you again after we were separated on that day." sa: "So I took a bunch of service and delivery jobs." sa: "Searching for you among all those people..." sa: "But I never found you, and the lonely nights continued." sa: "I was so sad for so long." sa: "But now..." sa: "Something smells good. Is she cooking fish?" sa: "I'm home." Tsukasa: "Welcome home. I hope you had a good day at work." sa: "Tsukasa-chan..." sa: "Do you want an engagement ring?" Tsukasa: "An engagement ring?" sa: "Yeah! As the symbol of our love! A diamond shining on your ring finger!" sa: "Our relationship shining with our eternal love!" sa: "It's so dreamy!" Tsukasa: "My husband is suddenly acting very romantic. I'm not sure I need one, though." Tsukasa: "We're already married, so getting an engagement ring would be weird." sa: "B-But what about having a diamond ring on both our fingers to represent our love?" Tsukasa: "Both our fingers?" Tsukasa: "Darling, are you talking about wedding rings?" sa: "Are wedding rings and engagement rings different?" Tsukasa: "An engagement ring is the gift that's given to the wife-to-be during the proposal." Tsukasa: "They tend to have big diamonds and look really gorgeous. That's an engagement ring." Tsukasa: "The man gives it to the woman, so there's only one. And since they tend to look flashy," Tsukasa: "Now, what you were talking about is wedding rings. Both husband and wife have one, and they wear them on their ring fingers. The designs tend to differ for men and women," Tsukasa: "so simpler ones are usually preferred." sa: "I-I see. That means we need three rings total, between the engagement ring and wedding rings..." Tsukasa: "No, no. Getting an engagement ring would be kind of weird after a proposal," Tsukasa: "And we don't really need wedding rings, either. It'd be a waste of money." sa: "B-B-B-B-B-B-But why? Don't you want a symbol of our everlasting love?" Tsukasa: "W-Well, the idea is definitely romantic. But like I said before, diamonds are expensive," sa: "B-But it's the symbol of our love... Wouldn't it be best to have diamond wedding rings" Tsukasa: "Y-You really want this that badly?" Tsukasa: "He's not going to give up without a struggle." Tsukasa: "And I'm pretty sure my darling doesn't realize what a diamond costs." Tsukasa: "In that case, let's go to Omotesando tomorrow." sa: "Omotesando?" Tsukasa: "Yeah. The Honey Winston store in Omotesando!" sa: "I-Is this one-carat diamond ring part of a pair?" Clerk: "No, that's the price for a single ring." Clerk: "One-carat prices tend to start at 3.4 million yen." Clerk: "We have higher-grade pieces available." sa: "Uh, no! I think... T-To be honest... These would be expensive even if you knocked two digits off!" sa: "Wh-Why are the diamonds here so expensive?" Clerk: "Sir, that is because we at Honey Winston deal in the highest-quality diamonds on Earth!" Clerk: "Certainly, a lower-quality diamond would be fine for a casual accessory..." Clerk: "But engagement rings and wedding rings are irreplaceable, once-in-a-lifetime diamonds! Can you imagine thinking this every time you looked at yours? "I bet there are much nicer diamonds out there!"" Clerk: "But at Honey Winston, that will not be a concern!" Clerk: "Because no company in the world deals with higher-quality diamonds than us!" sa: "I-I see..." sa: "True, it is a once-in-a-lifetime buy, and I'd hate to regret it. And they're expensive... Expensive, but not totally out of reach!" sa: "Plus... Uh, th-th-then... I-I'll take—" Tsukasa: "Let's give you a second to calm down, darling!" Clerk: "Thank you for dropping by." Tsukasa: "Darling, calm down for a second. I thought seeing the prices would get you to back down, not charge in head-first." sa: "But a diamond is once-in-lifetime purchase!" Tsukasa: "If you plan on buying an engagement ring and a pair of wedding rings, that'd be three! I don't know how much money you have," sa: "But... the symbol of our love..." Tsukasa: "He's really set on this, huh?" Tsukasa: "Then let's go to Okachimachi this time! Come on." sa: "Okachimachi?" sa: "The one-carat diamond that was 3,600,000 yen before is 298,000 here?!" Clerk: "Now, that's not the nicest quality," sa: "N-Now that you mention it..." Clerk: "But get a load of this one!" sa: "What's with this town, Tsukasa-chan? Everything is super cheap!" Tsukasa: "Simmer down there, darling." Tsukasa: "680,000 yen isn't actually cheap." sa: "Huh?! I mean, it was cheaper than Honey Winston," sa: "But if you go for higher quality, the price jumps to 500,000 or 600,000!" Tsukasa: "Do you get it now? Diamonds are too expensive." Tsukasa: "You should use that money on something more practical than some tiny rocks." sa: "But if you had a ring..." sa: "I thought you'd be less lonely." Tsukasa: "Less lonely?" sa: "Well, I thought that with a ring, even if we were separated," sa: "So that we'd be less lonely when we were apart." Tsukasa: "Oh, I see." Tsukasa: "He wanted it for my sake." Tsukasa: "Thank you." Tsukasa: "I love you." Clerk: "These are the lowest-priced diamond rings we have! It's 32,000 yen for the pair!" sa: "We ended up getting the cheapest pair of rings." sa: "Are you sure these are the wedding rings you want?" Tsukasa: "Of course!" Tsukasa: "I mean, I'll remember today whenever I look at this ring. I'll remember how Honey Winston had you beat," Tsukasa: "and how we ended up getting the cheapest diamonds in Okachimachi." Tsukasa: "And... I'll remember how kind you are," Tsukasa: "I'm sure that'll give it a shine that will never fade. I know I won't ever forget the fact that you loved me." Tsukasa: "That'll stay with me." Tsukasa: "Plus, 32,000 yen isn't cheap, either." sa: "You've got a point." Tsukasa: "You only need a witness to turn in a wedding registration," sa: "We're not going to be able to get just any random person this time." Tsukasa: "We might end up indebted to the emperor of something-or-other if we're not careful." sa: "Does that mean..."
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Episode 5 – Rings", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You", "5", "Rings" ] }
sa: "If I had to explain how this happened after a few days of cohabitation..." sa: "My wife seems to go a bit feral when she's asleep." sa: "Is this how it is for all girls? She puts her hair up every day before bed," sa: "And she must have a high body temperature," sa: "And on her way back, while half-asleep, she tries to grab my covers." sa: "But tonight..." sa: "And currently..." sa: "What do I do?" sa: "Is it okay if I hold her like this?" sa: "But what if she wakes up from the contact?" sa: "No! Even if she wakes up from me grabbing her, it's not a problem! Because Tsukasa-chan is my wife!" sa: "I've never held her before..." sa: "I didn't know that girls were so warm." sa: "And she smells so good, it's giving me brain static." sa: "This is dangerous! She's so warm, and smells so good, and..." sa: "Oh, wow! These make great hand rests!" sa: "This is too much! Seriously! A few minutes after falling asleep," sa: "But before she did... I smooched her three more times." Tsukasa: "Didn't get enough sleep?" sa: "Kind of. I didn't get a wink of sleep after that." sa: "After last night's events, I realized..." sa: "I really want a double bed!" sa: "Not for anything perverted, mind you! I mean, I can't have my wife sleeping on the floor all the time, can I? And if we're going to be living together from now on," sa: "Plus... y'know, with the thing being the way it is, and that being all that..." sa: "But that means moving." sa: "This place is a little cramped for two people. I'd want at least a one-bedroom apartment" sa: "A living room..." sa: "We could get a bigger TV, then. Yeah! And that'd mean getting a sofa, right?" sa: "And then we could have movie nights together." sa: "But there's more to it than that!" sa: "A bigger apartment means having a bath." Tsukasa: "Say, darling?" Tsukasa: "Do you want to join me?" sa: "Listen, Tsukasa-chan! Would you like to move into a bigger place?!" Tsukasa: "A bigger place?" Tsukasa: "Not really. Things are fine the way they are." sa: "But, y'know, this place is pretty tiny!" Tsukasa: "True, but... that helps me feel closer to you." sa: "I-I hadn't considered that! I guess things are great either way! The world is full of protagonists who want to become the king of the pirates," Kaname: "You moving, Senpai?" sa: "Well, it's not set in stone yet." sa: "But that place is so small, two people sleeping there is kind of pushing it." Kaname: "Wait, are the two of you not sleeping in the same bed?" sa: "Naturally. I'm in the bed, and she sleeps in a futon on the floor." Kaname: "So I guess you haven't fallen asleep holding hands, then." sa: "Falling asleep... holding hands?!" Tsukasa: "Say, darling... will you hold my hand until I fall asleep?" sa: "I-I see! All I need to do is get us on the same surface level," sa: "I hadn't anticipated this!" Kaname: ""Surface level"? Does she even want to move, though?" sa: "Well, she said she doesn't mind the lack of space at all." Kaname: "What a nice wife!" sa: "Plus, if we do move, we'd probably want a place with a bath," sa: "So maybe things are fine the way they are." Kaname: "Well, that works out great! Although... If I got married to a guy who had us living indefinitely" Kaname: "And if he gave me any "a tiny home isn't so bad" nonsense," sa: "She's right. It's not like we can live in that tiny place indefinitely. But if I try to force the issue about getting into a bigger place..." Tsukasa: "I see. I guess you're not comfortable having me so close by." Tsukasa: "Goodbye." sa: "That's not it! It's not that I don't want you around! It's about different surface levels! I'll have to choose my words carefully," sa: "I'm home." sa: "Sorry!" Tsukasa: "Er, no, I should apologize!" sa: "So as we've seen..." sa: "Having a lack of living space can give rise to unfortunate accidents." sa: "Although I would personally not use those words to describe what happened." sa: "That being the case, I'd like to present the benefits of moving into a bigger place." Tsukasa: "R-Right. Please, continue." sa: "First of all, Tsukasa-san," Tsukasa: "W-Well, moving takes a lot of time and money," sa: "I see. But if we move into a bigger place, we can buy a projector" Tsukasa: "W-Well, as amazing as that sounds, it's not really justification for..." sa: "Furthermore, we'll put shelving on one of the walls" Tsukasa: "W-W-Would that also apply to manga?!" sa: "I assure you, it would." Tsukasa: "R-Remarkable... B-But there's still the cost to consider." sa: "There's one other thing, a bit of information I dug up independently... If we were sleeping on the same level surface," Tsukasa: "W-Well, if we find the right property..." Tsukasa: "If we're going to get a new place, won't we need a guarantor?" sa: "A guarantor? I assumed we'd get my parents to do it, like with my current place... Wait." sa: "Come to think of it, I didn't tell them I got married." sa: "It's probably going to come as a surprise to hear it out of nowhere." Tsukasa: "Of course it is. Any parents who wouldn't be surprised are probably crazy." Tsukasa: "Should I talk to them, too?" sa: "No." sa: "Not just yet, anyway. Go on in." Tsukasa: "Okay." Tsukasa: "Good luck!" sa: "Oh, hey." sa: "Yeah, it's been a while." sa: "So there was something I wanted to let you know." sa: "Yeah. The thing is..." sa: "I got married, so..." sa: "My mom just made a sound I've never heard before." sa: "Look, it's okay!" sa: "The girl? I told you about her before, remember?" sa: "From the accident. She was the one who saved me." sa: "Right! The super-cute girl!" sa: "I just wanted to let you know." Tsukasa: "H-How'd it go?" sa: "Good. There should be no problems." Tsukasa: "There's no way that's true. And what exactly did you tell your parents about me after the accident?" sa: "I said the cutest girl in the universe saved me." Tsukasa: "D-Don't you think that description is gonna make meeting them kind of awkward?!" sa: "Not at all. You are the cutest in the universe, Tsukasa-chan!" Tsukasa: "Still, I do think that we should go and see them." sa: "You're right about that." sa: "Meeting the parents, huh?" Tsukasa: "Feeling nervous about it?" sa: "I hate to admit it, but I'm kind of embarrassed." sa: "It's just that you're so cute..." sa: "Plus, my parents are pretty weird," Tsukasa: "They are?" sa: "It's from my mom. That's rare." sa: "Well, that's an ominous message." Mom: "I've figured it all out! That call yesterday was because you weren't sure what to do" Mom: "In other words, you were feeling us out about that," Mom: "Your mother has seen the truth! Now go ahead and try to deny it if you can!" Tsukasa: "That explains it. You get your intelligence from your parents, then." sa: "Yeah, but..." sa: "See, this is what I was talking about! They both act like this!" Tsukasa: "She's got you there." Tsukasa: "You heard her." sa: "Seriously! These parents of mine are just so... seriously!" Tsukasa: "Still, if I had to guess... she does seem kind of mad." sa: "Y-Yeah, probably." Tsukasa: "We've only got one option, then. Let's visit them as soon as we can." sa: "Huh? B-But..." Tsukasa: "It's okay." Tsukasa: "Even if they're mad, they're your parents, so..." Tsukasa: "It'll be okay." Tsukasa: "Where do your parents live, anyway?" sa: "In Nara Prefecture." Chitose: "What? They're going to introduce her to his parents?" Char: "Yep. All the way over in Nara, apparently." Chitose: "Nara?" Chitose: "You mean he's not originally from Tokyo?" Char: "Seems so!" Aur: "I guess, depending on how you look at it," sa: "Wait, isn't this the perfect opportunity for a honeymoon? The typical route from Tokyo to Nara involves taking the Shinkansen to Kyoto," sa: "So if we presume we're staying the night at their house, that means I'll be able to see the sights in Kyoto and Nara with my wife. Introducing Tsukasa-chan to my parents doesn't sound great," sa: "Maybe going home won't be so bad." Tsukasa: "If that's the case..." sa: "Tsukasa-chan?!" Tsukasa: "If we're going on a trip, there's something I'd like to buy." Tsukasa: "I want to get a camera." sa: "Yeah, it makes sense to want a camera if you're going sightseeing." Tsukasa: "I didn't want to take pictures of the local sights, though." Tsukasa: "I wanted pictures of my life with you, Nasa-kun." sa: "Our life?" Tsukasa: "I want to take one picture a day," sa: "Every day?" Tsukasa: "Yep, every day. The whole point is to do it every day." Tsukasa: "Don't worry. I'm going to stick to it." Tsukasa: "People tend to forget something in their daily routine..." Tsukasa: "That every single day they have with the person they love is precious." Tsukasa: "So I want to make a record of our time together, bit by bit." Tsukasa: "A secret diary of our married life." sa: "Secret..." Tsukasa: "Do you not like the sound of it?" sa: "O-O-O-Of course not! It sounds great to me!" sa: "A secret between just the two of us? That actually sounds kind of exciting!" sa: "It's a great idea! And being able to have a detailed record of your daily life" sa: "I-In that case, can I take a picture of you, Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "Huh? Me?" sa: "Here I go!" Tsukasa: "H-How's it look?" sa: "I-I'm not exactly sure why, but..." sa: "Something about this camera is really exciting!" sa: "C-C-C-Can I take a few more?" sa: "This is bad! I can't stop!" Tsukasa: "Darling... can I see the camera?" sa: "Huh?!" Tsukasa: "That should do for today. Now I'll never forget the day my husband decided to" sa: "Th-That's so embarrassing!" sa: "Pictures you would never want anyone else to see will be part of our memories!" sa: "So this is the bus terminal for night buses..." sa: "Hey, Tsukasa-chan, come here for a sec!" Tsukasa: "Over there?" sa: "Now look this way!" sa: "This is crazy! She's so cute, no matter what kind of picture I take!" sa: "I'm gonna need more than just a 64GB memory card! So, so crazy!" sa: "Are you sure you wouldn't rather take the Shinkansen?" sa: "I've got enough money to get us into first class." Tsukasa: "It's okay." Tsukasa: "A bus works just fine. We'll sleep, and then we'll be there." Tsukasa: "Plus... only 150 years ago, it'd take two weeks to make the trip on foot on the Tokaido. Being able to make the trip in a single night is like a dream come true." sa: "Uh, I'm not sure you should be comparing totally different periods of history!" sa: "Huh, so this is what it looks on the inside." Tsukasa: "It's nice and clean." Tsukasa: "What time will we reach Kyoto?" sa: "Sometime around 6:00 AM tomorrow. There'll be stops at service areas every two hours," sa: "with one of those stops lasting 50 minutes." Tsukasa: "I see." sa: "But if you want to, you can just sleep through the stops, too." Tsukasa: "I definitely want to get off." sa: "Really?" Tsukasa: "I mean, it's a late-night stop at a service area! How could you not be excited?! I might end up ordering a bowl of udon for no good reason! Or buttered potatoes! They might even have hamburger vending machines!" sa: "R-Really?" Driver: "The bus will be departing soon." Tsukasa: "It's finally time..." Tsukasa: "I'm really looking forward to meeting your parents, Nasa-kun." sa: "I just hope you won't be disappointed." Tsukasa: "There's no way I could be." Tsukasa: "I'm sure they're nice people." Chitose: "Why didn't they take the Shinkansen?" Char: "Maybe they couldn't afford it?" Chitose: "Well, it doesn't matter. Let's get going after that bus." Char: "Okay!" Aur: "Wait, you want to follow them all the way to Nara?!" Chitose: "That's right." Aur: "Tokiko-san is going to be mad!" Chitose: "I don't care!" Chitose: "Meeting his parents and getting their approval?! Oh, I don't think so! I haven't approved of their marriage at all!" Char: "I forget, is Chitose-chan her mom or something?" Aur: "She's technically not even her sister." sa: "I know all I'm doing is sitting," sa: "But we're not supposed to take out our smartphones or any sources of light. What should I do? A-Amazing. Even with the rock-hard seats and lack of space," sa: "And man, she looks as cute asleep as ever!" sa: "Given the circumstances, I kinda wish she'd lean on me." sa: "N-Now I really can't sleep!" Driver: "We will take a 50-minute break here." Tsukasa: "That was quite a nap! There's something really convenient about being able to travel so far while sleeping. Huh?" Tsukasa: "A-Are you okay?! Darling, did you have trouble sleeping?" sa: "Uh... well... did the hardness of the seat or the incline not bother you?" Tsukasa: "Not at all. The air conditioning was on, too, so it was really comfortable." sa: "I had a vague idea about this before," sa: "but my wife is super-duper tough!" sa: "Her ability to adapt to her surroundings is incredible. She honestly was comfortable inside that bus!" sa: "But I guess it makes sense, when I consider how she saved me when we first met." sa: "She's got to be stronger than average!" Tsukasa: "Do you think we should've taken the Shinkansen after all?" Tsukasa: "A bus works just fine." sa: "Is she thinking it might be her fault? Oh, no! I can't let her worry about something like this!" sa: "Don't worry! I was actually totally fine, too! Now, let's check out the food court! A service area late at night! This sure is exciting!" Aur: "Well, they certainly get along." Char: "He is so sweet!" Aur: "Well, they've left for their honeymoon trip." Chitose: "Unbelievable! Who does he think he is, getting so lovey-dovey on his honeymoon?!" Char: "Wouldn't he be acting lovey-dovey because it's their honeymoon?"
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Episode 6 – News", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You", "6", "News" ] }
Char: "Do you really wanna break up such a nice couple?" Aur: "Do you have no human empathy?" Chitose: "Shut up! It doesn't matter how well they get along!" Aur: "Oh, she's getting mad at us now." Char: "She sure is." Aur: "I said shut up!" Aur: "Honeymoons are so dangerous for couples that the phrase "Narita divorce" exists! Narita divorce?" Char: "It's when newlyweds run into the smallest problems during their honeymoon," Char: "and they blow up so bad over them, they divorce as soon as they're back at Narita Airport!" Chitose: "Exactly! Even the smallest issue can spell doom for a romance!" Aur: "And you're going to arrange for that kind of issue?" Chitose: "I won't need to." Chitose: "It's already happening!" sa: "Huh?" Tsukasa: "What's wrong?" sa: "It's gone! I don't have my wallet!" sa: "Shoot, it must be on the bus! I forgot it!" sa: "Sorry, one sec!" Tsukasa: "Darling?!" Tsukasa: "Honestly..." Chitose: "He forgot his wallet? What an airhead. This is bound to bring her rage to the verge of eruption!" sa: "Found it." sa: "Huh?" sa: "Tsukasa-chan? What's wrong? You could've waited at the rest area." Tsukasa: "Well, I could have, but..." Tsukasa: "I'd rather go with you than wait." sa: "Thanks. Let's get going, then." Tsukasa: "Yeah." Char: "They really get along, huh?" Aur: "They do." Chitose: "That was only the beginning." Chitose: "The real trouble is still brewing!" sa: "I can see why you'd be excited about this food court!" Tsukasa: "Ramen, curry, and buttered potatoes!" Tsukasa: "What are you going to get, Nasa-kun?" sa: "Good question..." sa: "I guess I'll get a beef bowl from Hurunoya!" Tsukasa: "Darling, are you crazy?! Why would you come to such a treasure trove of food only to choose a chain restaurant?! You can eat that stuff back at home!" sa: "B-But it's good..." Tsukasa: "It might be good, but there's a limit to how much you can eat! Why not try something new?! If you give up, that's when the game is over!" sa: "What're you going to get, then?" Tsukasa: "Me?" sa: "Wh-What's the fearless smile for?" Tsukasa: "Unlike you, darling, I was very observant." Tsukasa: "Did you happen to miss the sign we passed over by the entrance?" sa: "H-Hirunendesu!?" Tsukasa: "Exactly! Hirunendesu! never steers you wrong! So I'm going to be eating that lime udon!" Tsukasa: "Let's go buy a bowl!" Char: "They're having fun, huh?" Aur: "It seems like they're having a ton of fun." Server: "Okay, one lime udon." Tsukasa: "Okay." Tsukasa: "Now, listen, darling." Tsukasa: "which is basically noodles with a big helping of sudachi citrus on top." sa: "Is that a good idea?" Tsukasa: "I personally appreciate the boldness of what they're trying! I want you to have the same willingness to try new things! Coming!" sa: "It doesn't look quite like the picture." Tsukasa: "W-Well, I expected as much. I'll go ahead and try it out." sa: "Well?" Tsukasa: "Darling... It tastes like someone put some lime slices on top of cold udon!" sa: "What the heck, Hirunendesu!?" Tsukasa: "It's shocking how little surprise there is to it. It's exactly what you would expect, to the point that it's unexpected!" sa: "A-Are you trying to say it's not good?" Tsukasa: "You should try it, darling. Here, say "ahh."" sa: "It... really doesn't taste interesting enough to bother commenting on." Tsukasa: "Right?! But I don't think it's bad." sa: "It might be better if you eat the lime with it, though." Tsukasa: "D-Darling, are you telling me to bite into a lime?" sa: "Well, you were talking about trying new things, so I figure it's worth a try!" Tsukasa: "Hey! What are you taking pictures for?!" sa: "What do you mean, why?" sa: "You were really cute!" Tsukasa: "Come on! Don't take pictures of funny faces!" sa: "Go on, eat some more!" Tsukasa: "No way!" Char: "They're still having plenty of fun, huh?" Aur: "When is the trouble supposed to kick in?" sa: "Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "Your picking on me has left me deeply hurt. This is one of those situations where you'll have to win my favor back." Tsukasa: "So what're you going to do?" Chitose: "Here we go! Some minor trouble! And it's gonna lead directly to their divorce!" sa: "Then do you want to get some soft serve?" Tsukasa: "Soft serve? I-If you think that's enough to cheer me up, you need to try harder!" sa: "Then you can choose what I eat, Tsukasa-chan." sa: "And I'll share a bit with you, so we can eat it together." Tsukasa: "I-I'm really going to pick what I want to eat, okay?!" sa: "Go right ahead." Tsukasa: "Th-Then..." sa: "Is it good?" Tsukasa: "I-It's not bad." Tsukasa: "And since this melon bread is a local specialty, I'm willing to forgive you." sa: "I'm glad. Anyway, I need to use the bathroom before we head out. What about you?" Tsukasa: "I'll wait here." sa: "Okay. I'll be right back, so don't go anywhere." Char: "Seems like that little bit of trouble..." Aur: "...just ended up adding spice to their flirting." Chitose: "I am so disappointed." Tsukasa: "It's pretty good, though." Chitose: "I wasn't talking about your melon bread!" Chitose: "What are you doing in a place like this, Nee-sama?!" Chitose: "Eating melon bread in a service area and acting lovey-dovey with your husband! Like you're some normal girl!" Tsukasa: "You're giving me too much credit." Chitose: "That's not true at all! You're—" Reporter: "Everyone! Hello there! Today we're here at a late-night service area!" Chitose: "What is that supposed to be?" Tsukasa: "That's..." Tsukasa: "Hirunendesu!" Tsukasa: "It's the morning show, Hirunendesu! I knew they showed up to film at service areas sometimes, but I didn't think they'd be here shooting at this hour! I was careless!" Tsukasa: "We could end up part of their ranking at this rate!" sa: "Tsukasa-chan! The bus is about to pull out, so we should... Wait, aren't you..." Tsukasa: "There's no time for that, darling! If we don't hurry, we'll end up fodder for their "hidden hot spots" reporting!" Chitose: "Hold it!" Aur: "We should really get out of here, too." Chitose: "What? Why?" Aur: "If we end up on Hirunendesu!, the mistress will find out where we are, and we'll be in trouble!" Chitose: "Why? Why did you do it? Why..." Chitose: "Why did you marry that guy, Nee-sama?!" Driver: "We're now departing." Tsukasa: "That was a close one." sa: "Wasn't that the girl you know?" Tsukasa: "Yeah, Chitose. It seems like she's opposed to our marriage." Tsukasa: "I suppose it just shows a marriage doesn't only involve the people who get married. Some people were bound to be against it." sa: "I see..." Tsukasa: "I wonder about your parents. It's one thing if they aren't thrilled about it," sa: "It's okay." sa: "I'm sure I'll be able to convince them." Tsukasa: "Thanks." Chitose: "Ugh, I can't believe they got away!" Aur: "Yum! This meat sushi is so good!" Char: "This ramen is great, too!" Chitose: "Why are you enjoying the service area?!" Aur: "It'll be okay. We've got a luxury car that can catch up to that bus in no time. So for now, let's eat!" Reporter: "And you get this lime udon every time?" Woman: "Yes, that's right!" Reporter: "It looks so good!" Char: "Isn't that the idol, Taki-chan?" Aur: "Celebrities really are cute." Chitose: "Would you two focus?!" Char: "And she's working so late at night." Char: "I know! We can just ask her." sa: "For some reason, I couldn't get those words out of my head." Chitose: "Why did you marry that guy?!" sa: "Marriage has existed for so long that it's hard to trace its origins." sa: "There are no countries without an equivalent tradition." sa: "It's likely something that existed before humans gained the knowledge that they have now." Tsukasa: "It seems like she's opposed to our marriage." sa: "Even if she is, I..." Tsukasa: "Darling? Darling?" Tsukasa: "Darling, we're here." sa: "Uh, s-sorry!" Tsukasa: "You really don't have to apologize." sa: "That was such a long trip!" Tsukasa: "It took no time at all." sa: "It's about 35 minutes on the Kintetsu Railway to get to Nara. So if we head to my parents' house tonight, that means we can spend half the day sightseeing in Kyoto! Tsukasa-chan, is there anywhere you want to go?" Tsukasa: "Where I want to go?" sa: "Yeah!" Tsukasa: "Oh, there is, actually! I hear there's a great bakery." sa: "A bakery?" Tsukasa: "Yeah, a bakery! Or maybe a cute little café! And the—" sa: "Tsukasa-chan, are you crazy?! They have bakeries and cafés in Tokyo! If you want cute cafés, Jinbocho is filled with them! They're always full of manga artists meeting with their editors! That's not what I meant!" Tsukasa: "Only in Kyoto? Oh, right, right! I forgot all about it! The Manga Museum!" Tsukasa: "I've always wanted to check it out!" sa: "Not that! We be here in Kyoto, with shrines and temples to go to, tradition is the mission, get the historical view!" Tsukasa: "I'm not sure the rapping is necessary. Oh, you meant old places..." sa: "Old places?! Tsukasa-chan, do you not have any interest in historical stuff?" Tsukasa: "I wouldn't go that far. It's just that..." Tsukasa: "Oh, of course I do! I just love old places!" sa: "Really?! Then let's go and really take in Kyoto!" Tsukasa: "Okay..." sa: "Come on, this way!" Clerk: "Okay, now I'll help you put it on." Tsukasa: "Oh, I can handle it on my own, actually." Tsukasa: "Here I am." Tsukasa: "What do you think?" sa: "You look really beautiful." Tsukasa: "Thank you." Chitose: "Isn't it a little early in the morning to be all over each other?! First the service area, and now Kyoto! Do you two ever stop?!" Tsukasa: "Ch-Chitose?" Tsukasa: "The three of you are starting to resemble a certain villain trio." Chitose: "Don't use old-timey anime to describe me! I know you're on your way to meet his parents or whatever, but in terms of relatives, I'm the closest thing you have to one!" Tsukasa: "Not even close." Chitose: "Which means unless I accept your marriage," Tsukasa: "Uh, what kind of sense does that make?" sa: "I'm sure I'll be able to convince them." sa: "In that case, why don't the two of us discuss it?" Tsukasa: "Nasa-kun?" sa: "Sorry. I really wanted to see the Kyoto sights with you, but I want our marriage to be something that lots of people can be happy about." Tsukasa: "I understand." Chitose: "Wait, why should I—" Char: "In that case, why doesn't Tsukasa-chan come with us to enjoy some tasty pastries?" Tsukasa: "Wh-What about trendy cafés?" Aur: "Naturally, we've scoped them out. Also... We've already got tickets to the Manga Museum!" sa: "I-It's okay. Go enjoy yourself." Tsukasa: "Th-Thank you, darling!" sa: "Now, I guess we should check out Kyoto while discussing this." Chitose: "It takes more than just talk to understand someone." Chitose: "Someone's nature only truly comes through in intimate situations! That being the case, I'll pretend to be your girlfriend," Chitose: "And based on that," Chitose: "Just you wait... I'll prove how worthless this guy is!" sa: "So if I can prove I'm worthy of Tsukasa-chan," Chitose: "Of course!" sa: "I see. But I'm sure you'll understand once you see the kind of escort I can provide." Chitose: "I'm at a total loss as to where you get that confidence from." sa: "Well, if I had to be specific... I'd probably say it comes from love." Chitose: "What kind of unscientific nonsense is that?!" sa: "Hey, a rickshaw! Let's get a ride in it!" Chitose: "Get back here!" Char: "So what do you like about him?" Char: "I mean your husband!" Tsukasa: "Well..." Char: "What was it about Nasa-san that made you fall for him? Did you get butterflies in your stomach? Did he make your heart pound?!" Tsukasa: "L-Look, I don't know if..." Aur: "I've never seen her react like this before. So cute!" Char: "So come on—" Tsukasa: "Enough already!" Tsukasa: "I guess if I had to pick... I dunno... I guess what I'm trying to say is..." Tsukasa: "H-He's just... really cute." Char: "Then it was love at first sight?!" Tsukasa: "No, no! It wasn't like that!" Aur: "I see. So that's her type." Tsukasa: "W-Well, for example... One time, he was introducing me to a friend..." sa: "Arisugawa Kaname-chan. She's pretty amazing." Tsukasa: "He'll usually start with praising someone. I think someone's personality colors how they say things. So you can tell from their choice of words" Tsukasa: "So when I heard that... I thought, "Oh, he really is nice."" Char: "So he's totally your type, then?" Tsukasa: "W-Were you even listening?!" Char: "Sure I was! He's exactly what you're after, inside and out," Tsukasa: "N-No, I'm saying..." Char: "Am I wrong?" Tsukasa: "N-Not exactly..." Char: "I knew it!" Chitose: "Getting around in a rickshaw is more interesting than I thought." sa: "Right?! I did a bunch of research beforehand, and decided to give it a try once we got to Kyoto!" Chitose: "Are you... always like this?" sa: "Oh, there's a place that sells really good dango up ahead!" sa: "Here you go! They're supposed to be really good." Chitose: "What the heck? It tastes amazing!" sa: "Really? That's great!" Chitose: "And this was something else you looked up for the trip?" sa: "Of course!" sa: "I spare no effort, whether it comes to tests at school or going out on dates!" Chitose: "I see... But I doubt Nee-sama had much interest in places like this, even after coming to Kyoto." sa: "You're right about that." sa: "She wanted to go to bakeries and the Manga Museum... I kind of panicked!" Chitose: "I thought as much." Chitose: "That's what I mean when I say you don't know anything about her." Chitose: "And since you don't know anything about her... Why exactly are you in love with her?!" sa: "Well... there's..." sa: "There's just so much, I don't know where to start." sa: "Like how cute her smile is, or how good a cook she is, and there's just no limit to how cute the aspects of her personality are." Chitose: "That's no different than me! The way she's always so cool and collected! And the fact that she's incredibly athletic!" sa: "Wait, Tsukasa-chan is athletic?!" Chitose: "That's right! You're married to her and didn't know that?" Chitose: "Are you jealous? Jealous that you didn't know?" sa: "O-On top of everything else..." sa: "She's really athletic, too? Just how cute can one person be?" Chitose: "Don't turn my words into fuel for your fantasies!" Chitose: "I hate this!" Chitose: "Damn it! Why you?!" sa: "Wait!" Chitose: "If someone's personality shows in how they talk about something," Chitose: "then it's already pretty obvious." Chitose: "Because I know Nee-sama..." Chitose: "And I know that this is the type of person she would love!" Chitose: "Which is why I hate this!" Chitose: "I know her better!" Chitose: "I've known her for longer, and I know that I know her better!" Chitose: "So why did she choose to marry you, someone who doesn't know anything?!" sa: "Chitose-chan... two years ago, she saved my life." sa: "I was careless and got hit by a truck." sa: "If she hadn't been there to shield me, I would've died on the spot." sa: "So I think that I'm really lucky." Chitose: "She saved my life, too." sa: "That's not what I feel lucky about." sa: "I feel lucky that I met her." sa: "They say it's 0.0000034%." sa: "There's this thing called the Drake equation... A formula that was used to explore a fanciful idea. It was originally formulated to express the likelihood of life" sa: "but someone once used a variant of it" sa: "The chance of it happening is said to be 0.0000034%. Granted, it's based on conjecture," sa: "But I think it might be closer to the truth than people realize." sa: "The moment I saw her, it felt like fate. I don't care if it sounds illogical," sa: "But..." sa: "It felt like I found something I had been searching for since before I was born." Chitose: "Wh-Who cares about fate?! All that really boils down to is instinct!" sa: "Bernhard Riemann theorized that the zeta function" sa: "and then mathematicians around the world spent 150 years" sa: "Even something like gravitational waves were hypothesized by Einstein first, before being observed for the first time a century later. Some of the most scientific principles in the world are only proven" sa: "I know that I don't know her as well as you do," sa: "but I intend to spend my entire life proving our love is real." sa: "You don't get married because you've proven you're in love..." sa: "You get married so that you can prove it." Tsukasa: "So did you manage to convince Chitose?" sa: "I'm not sure." sa: "But she said she'd go back to Tokyo for now." Tsukasa: "I see." Tsukasa: "Then I guess it's finally time to meet your parents." sa: "Yeah!" Tsukasa: "I'm finally meeting your parents." sa: "You don't have to be nervous, Tsukasa-chan! Leave worrying about my weirdo parents to me." Tsukasa: "I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Okay, I won't worry, then."
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Episode 7 – Trip", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You", "7", "Trip" ] }
sa: "Nope. I'm from Tokyo, born and raised." Tsukasa: "Huh? Then are your parents from Nara?" sa: "Nope! They've got no real connection to the place at all." Tsukasa: "Then why are they living there?" sa: "Like I said before, my parents are pretty weird." sa: "My father's actually an archaeologist. He used to teach at a national university in Tokyo, but after I moved out..." Enishi: "I think I want to do excavations and stuff in the heart of archaeology, Nara!" sa: "So he said." Tsukasa: "Is... Nara the heart of archaeology?" sa: "I have no idea." Tsukasa: "And your mother was okay with that?" sa: "Well, she's strange in her own way." Kanoko: "Nara! I love it!" Kanoko: "I can't wait to see some authentic deer!" sa: "So she was completely on board with the move." Tsukasa: ""Authentic" deer?" Tsukasa: "Do you think I'll be able to get along with them?" sa: "It'll be fine!" sa: "I'll make it work!" Tsukasa: "How are you going to introduce me to them, then?" sa: "Well, of course... "This is my wife, the cutest girl in the universe!"" Tsukasa: "Please... please don't." Tsukasa: "This is near the Kasuga Grand Shrine." sa: "Wow. How'd you know?" Tsukasa: "Well, even after a thousand years," Tsukasa: "Okay, let's put that aside and meet some parents!" sa: "Are you actually nervous?" Tsukasa: "W-Well, of course... I've never been married before." sa: "I see. I'm pretty nervous that my parents are going to do something stupid, too." Tsukasa: "Someone's peeking out." sa: "She sure is. What are you doing, Mom?" Kanoko: "W-Welcome home, Nasa-kun." sa: "Thanks." Kanoko: "Is that your wife? The one you were trying to find for so long? The cutest in the universe?" sa: "That's right." Kanoko: "I see..." sa: "So I wanted to properly introduce her." Kanoko: "Wait! I'm not emotionally prepared yet!" sa: "Come on in, Tsukasa-chan!" Kanoko: "W-W-W-W-Wait a—" Tsukasa: "Hello, Mother. My name is Yuzaki Tsukasa. I appreciate you making the time to meet us today." Kanoko: "Wow, my name's Yuzaki, too! What a coincidence!" Kanoko: "Wait, no! I'm Nasa's mother, Kanoka! I-I-It's a pleasure to meet you!" sa: "Where's Dad?" Kanoka: "He's in the living room. But he's so nervous, he hasn't budged since this morning." sa: "Is he actually okay?!" Kanoka: "Wh-Why don't you drop your things off in your room?! I'll go get some tea ready and wait in the living room!" Tsukasa: "I get the feeling I'm being avoided." sa: "No, she's just like that." Tsukasa: "Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to see us today. It's not much, but I hope you enjoy it." Enishi: "Y-Yes, thanks... I'm Nasa's father, Enishi." sa: "Come on! Could you relax a little and accept your gift?! We bought it for you!" Enishi: "S-Sorry..." sa: "Look, you're the ones who insisted we come over. Can't you get it together a little?" Enishi: "Y-You make it sound so easy, Nasa-kun, but we weren't really mentally prepared for this! Y'know?" Kanoka: "That's right! Tell him!" Enishi: "Seriously! Right?!" Kanoka: "It feels like my heart's going to jump out of my—" Tsukasa: "I'm sure the sudden news must have come as a shock." Enishi: "No! I-I-It's just, well..." Enishi: "That said, Nasa-kun..." Enishi: "I think the bath should be ready. Why don't you hop on in?" sa: "What are you talking about?!" sa: "And you want me to get in the bath?" Enishi: "No. I think you should. In fact, I'm telling you to!" Kanoka: "Come on, now, Nasa-kun! This way to the bath!" sa: "Are you two serious?!" Enishi: "Look, I want to talk to Tsukasa-san without you around! Take a hint, would you?!" sa: "That makes me want to stay more! You want to talk without me here, now of all times? How am I supposed to take that as anything but a bad sign?!" Tsukasa: "Nasa-kun." Tsukasa: "It's okay. Go ahead and have your bath." sa: "Huh? Er, but..." Tsukasa: "It's okay. I'm glad to have the chance to talk with him." Tsukasa: "So go on." sa: "Okay, then... But even if you're against our marriage, it doesn't matter!" Kanoka: "Don't worry about it!" Tsukasa: "So, Father, what did you want to discuss?" sa: "I wonder if Tsukasa-chan's gonna be okay. I just hope Dad doesn't do anything stupid." Tsukasa: "Your parents seem lovely, Nasa-kun." sa: "They do? They're as weird as ever, chasing me into the bath" Tsukasa: "He told me all kinds of interesting things while you were in the bath." sa: "That's what I was worried about!" sa: "What kinds of things, exactly?" Tsukasa: "I'm not telling!" Tsukasa: "So is this your room, Nasa-kun?" sa: "Technically, yeah. Although there's nothing of mine in it. I only stayed here when I helped them move in." Tsukasa: "There's not a lot in your apartment in Tokyo either, though." sa: "Correct you are! In the event of an emergency," sa: "And with the exception of my wallet, keys, and phone," sa: "are my wedding ring and my pictures of you, I guess. But I carry those around with me, too! Even if the apartment building burns down, I'll be set!" Tsukasa: "You put a lot of focus on personal security!" Kanoko: "Nasa-kun?" sa: "What's up, Mom?" Kanoko: "You're staying the night, right?" sa: "Of course. We'll spend the night and take the overnight bus back tomorrow." Kanoka: "Okay... So, um... One might have sufficed, but there's a futon for Tsukasa-san in the closet, too." sa: "Huh? Oh, thanks." Kanoka: "U-Uh, by the way... R-Remember, our room is next to yours!" sa: "Uh, yeah? I know." Kanoka: "Th-The soundproofing is decent, but I wouldn't put my faith in it!" Kanoka: "J-Just... don't overdo it!" Tsukasa: "What was that about?" sa: "No idea. She just told me there's a futon for you in the closet and..." sa: "That's it! Now that I think about it, I'll be sleeping in this room alone with my wife tonight! And without even trying to," Mom: "R-Remember, our room is next to yours!" sa: "That's what she was trying to warn me about! I appreciate the sentiment, but also I kinda wish she hadn't!" sa: "But... sleeping in a room with a girl, while my parents are next door..." sa: "That's embarrassing, but somehow, also super exciting! I can't stop my heart from pounding! A-Am I really allowed to do something this amazing?! Isn't there some kind of law against it? Is it really okay?!" Tsukasa: "I guess I should probably take a bath, too." sa: "R-Right! Take your time!" sa: "I'll go ahead and set out the futons!" Tsukasa: "O-Okay." sa: "My parents will be in the next room over, but I'll be sleeping with a girl... Something about that seems ethically questionable." Tsukasa: "Darling?" Tsukasa: "I just realized we'll be sleeping on the same level for the first time, huh?" sa: "S-S-S-Sure will!" Tsukasa: "We might as well go to bed, then." sa: "My wife is sleeping next to me. She's there, with her guard down, just within my reach!" sa: "No, no! My parents are on the other side of that wall. That's just too weird." sa: "Tsukasa-chan?" sa: "Listen..." sa: "Do you want to sleep on my arm?!" sa: "Y-You don't have to if you don't want to! I was just thinking that, uh, maybe..." Tsukasa: "D-Don't mind if I do, then." sa: "W-Wow! So this is what it's like when a girl sleeps on your arm." sa: "I can feel her body temperature directly through my arm! And I only realize this after actually doing it... but this is pretty painful!" sa: "Maybe our positioning is bad?" sa: "But I can feel her body warmth, and she smells so good! It's like a marriage of heaven and hell!" Tsukasa: "Is your arm getting tired, darling?" sa: "Huh? N-No, of course not!" Tsukasa: "Oh, really?" Tsukasa: "I knew it. Your arm's asleep." sa: "Th-That was mean!" Tsukasa: "Well, you were trying to act tough." Tsukasa: "But I don't want to make you suffer any more, so..." sa: "Okay, I'll give up on the the arm," sa: "but I want a goodnight kiss instead." sa: "I don't think I'll be able to recover with anything less." sa: "Please give me a goodnight kiss! With you taking the initiative!" Tsukasa: "F-Fine... if you insist." Tsukasa: "Why are your eyes open?" sa: "Well, because I want to see it happen." Tsukasa: "It's embarrassing to do this while you're watching." sa: "And you're cute even when you're embarrassed." sa: "Thank you. Goodnight." Tsukasa: "G-Goodnight..." Enishi: "Did you just hear that—" Kanoka: "Go to sleep already!" Tsukasa: "Oh, right, we're at my husband's parents' house." Tsukasa: "Last night..." Tsukasa: "Honestly, he always chooses moments like that to get feisty." Tsukasa: "Well, I should probably get changed..." Tsukasa: "This is different! I have to get changed in front of him!" Tsukasa: "Glance... W-Well, it should be fine, since he's still asleep." sa: "Wh-What do I do?! Well, I mean, the gentlemanly thing would be to pretend I'm still asleep." sa: "Glance..." Tsukasa: "Oh, I guess he just turned over." sa: "That was a little too stimulating!" Tsukaasa: "The way the wind smells around here really takes me back." Enishi: "Good morning. You're an early riser, aren't you?" Tsukasa: "Oh, good morning, Father." Enishi: "F-F-F-F-Fath—" Tsukasa: "What's wrong? W-W-Well, I just got a little embarrassed hearing that..." Tsukasa: "Anyway, where's Nasa-kun? He's still asleep. I don't think he got a lot of sleep on the bus ride over." sa: "I was so excited over my defenseless wife, I couldn't get any sleep." Enishi: "I see. He's still asleep, then." Enishi: "Still in bed... Yep..." Enishi: "Crap! I can't think of anything to talk about with my son's wife! Should I talk about the weather?" Enishi: "I can't think of a single thing a young person would want to talk about!" Tsukasa: "I hear that you're an archaeologist." Enishi: "Th-Th-That's right! Are you interested in history, perhaps? In that case, I can show you my office! How about it?!" Tsukasa: "Sure! I'd love to." Tsukasa: "That is a lot of books!" Enishi: "R-Right?! Really gives off a "researcher" vibe, right?! Seems pretty something-grammable, right?!" Tsukasa: "I guess Nasa-kun gets his intelligence from you." Enishi: "No... I can't really compare to him, sadly. It makes it hard to maintain any parental dignity. He'd probably say this room is a waste of space, and that" Enishi: "That said, it's mostly things normal people wouldn't understand." Enishi: "Did you find something interesting?" Tsukasa: "Not really. I was just thinking, if someone was seriously studying" Tsukasa: "I'd probably be embarrassed to death." Enishi: "Love... letter? Can you actually—" sa: "Dad? What're you doing?" Tsukasa: "Oh, good morning, Nasa-kun. Your father was just showing me where he works." sa: "His work?" sa: "Oh, sorry. You must be humoring him, since you're not interested in history at all." Tsukasa: "Th-That's not true!" sa: "What? But in Kyoto..." Tsukasa: "I like history! Love it! Even those old properties are fascinating! Look, this letter is really interesting!" sa: "But I can't even tell what it says..." Tsukasa: "W-Well, there's still the feeling of the old paper..." sa: "Coming!" sa: "Let's go, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "Okay." Tsukasa: "Father, thank you for showing me this." Enishi: "Sure..." sa: "Honestly, Dad, your reference material is such a waste of space. You should really just scan it all and upload it to the cloud." Tsukasa: "I call this chapter "Let's Take Pictures All Over Nara With My Husband!"" Tsukasa: "I've realized my mistake." sa: "About what?" Tsukasa: "It's true that I'm not that interested in old properties and papers," Tsukasa: "And then I had a flash of inspiration! Take a boring old Buddhist temple," Tsukasa: "It suddenly becomes a lot more fun! In other words, it's about overwriting memories! This will make Nara a lot of fun to explore! I'm a genius with a veritable treasure trove of ideas!" sa: "You don't have to force yourself to have a good time." Tsukasa: "But... Chitose and the others got in the way in Kyoto," sa: "That was such a cute thing to say!" sa: "Okay! Let's start by seeing the Great Buddha of Nara! We'll take in the city's sights today!" Tsukasa: "Yeah!" sa: "So this is Nara's Great Buddha." Tsukasa: "I'm going to take the picture now, darling, so please make a fun pose." sa: "Huh?! That's kind of a vague request!" Tsukasa: "Come on, quickly!" sa: "U-Um... Then... here." Tsukasa: "Oh, wow, that was great! You're the best, darling!" sa: "That didn't sound very sincere at all!" Tsukasa: "That turned out great! I'll have to show it to Father later." sa: "You really don't have to!" Tsukasa: "Nope. He asked me to take care of you, and I want to show him how well we get along, too. Okay, for our next stop," Tsukasa: "let's head to Horyuji!" sa: "So this is Horyuji. And it's really been around for 1,400 years?" Tsukasa: "Yep. It caught on fire from a lightning strike in 670, but it's still been standing for 1,300 years." sa: "Wow... I have to say, you really know your history, despite your lack of interest." Tsukasa: "Not really. I just have a good memory." sa: "I'm amazed that such a fancy building from so far back is still intact." Tsukasa: "You're right about that." Tsukasa: "Even though the person who built it is being phased out of the history books." sa: "That's a kind of blunt way of putting it!" Tsukasa: "All right, darling, it's time for another fun pose." sa: "Huh? There are no fun poses for Horyuji!" Tsukasa: "Sure there are! A five-story tower should remind you of rescuing your lover" Tsukasa: "Where there's an urban legend that she attacks you if you loop around 24 times!" sa: "Instead of that..." sa: "Why don't we take a picture with the two of us?" Tsukasa: "The two of us?" sa: "Yeah. You know... Like a selfie, but with both of us close together in it." Tsukasa: "You can be pretty pervy sometimes, darling." sa: "Th-Th-That's not what I meant by it! It's not that I just want you to cling to me, Tsukasa-chan!" Tsukasa: "Satisfied, darling?" sa: "Yeah. But this is a sacred place..." Tsukasa: "He would never get mad over something like this." Tsukasa: "Well, where should we go next?" sa: "Oh, let's see... There's a place called Heijo Palace. Let's check it out." Tsukasa: "Heijo Palace? Just so you know... There's nothing there." sa: "Come on, that can't be true. It's from when Nara was Japan's capital! There has to be something left!" sa: "There's really nothing left!" Tsukasa: "See what I mean? There was a materials shortage when they were moving the capital to Kyoto, so they took apart the buildings here and reused them over there." sa: "Is that true?!" Tsukasa: "The Suzaku Gate over there was mostly taken apart. What you see is a recreation based on what little documentation was left, built in 1998. And it's still not an exact match..." sa: "She acts like she doesn't care, but she's super well-informed." Tsukasa: "But it was really here." Tsukasa: "1,300 years ago, it was all here." sa: "Tsukasa-chan? Over 100,000 people laughed, cried, loved and were loved, and lived out their lives. Ordinary lives that aren't any different from what people have now. Even if there's hardly any trace of them left anymore." sa: "Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "But things are different now. Now, all you do is press a button to make a video, and if you upload it to YouTube, proof that you were alive will be there forever!" Tsukasa: "I bet in 1,000 years, people will still be cracking up at Mizutamari Bond's videos!" sa: "You're really zigzagging between romance and realism!" Tsukasa: "With that being the case, darling, you should leave a record of something funny, too!" Tsukasa: "Hurry! It's already recording!" sa: "Uh, then... my name is Yuzaki Nasa." sa: "And the person recording this video is my wife, and she's so cute—" Tsukasa: "Darling, stop right there!" sa: "What?" Tsukasa: "Well... it's just... this video is clearly a death flag for you." Tsukasa: "It's got that "I'm going to get married after the war is over" vibe to it. It's giving me a real bad feeling." sa: "Then could you just delete it?!" Tsukasa: "Nope! I'm going to show it to your parents, too." sa: "When did you and Dad become such good friends?" Tsukasa: "Well, I made a very important promise to him." sa: "And what's that?" Tsukasa: "I'm not telling." Tsukasa: "So, Father, what did you want to discuss?" Tsukasa: "U-Um, Father?!" Enishi: "Thank you so much for saving my son's life." Enishi: "If you hadn't done what you did, Nasa-kun would've died. When the police told me he'd been hit by a truck..." Enishi: "But then they told me that he wasn't in any mortal danger" Enishi: "You've done so much for us." Enishi: "I'm truly, truly grateful!" Enishi: "Nasa-kun's a better son than we deserve. I have no idea how a pair of oddballs like us managed to raise such a good boy." Enishi: "He's our pride and joy." Enishi: "Which is why... the fact that you saved him, and chose to marry him..." Enishi: "is something that we could only be happy about." Enishi: "But before congratulating you, I just had to thank you." Enishi: "Thank you so much for saving him. And please, look after my son." Tsukasa: "I'm really touched to hear all of that." Tsukasa: "As far as I'm concerned... it's an honor to join your family." Enishi: "Oh, no, the honor's all mine!" Tsukasa: "I feel the same way." Tsukasa: "Thanks for having us." Enishi: "Come visit again." Kanoka: "Sorry we couldn't offer much hospitality." Tsukasa: "No, I had a really good time." Enishi: "I'll try to take some whatever-grammable pictures before you come by again." Tsukasa: "I'll make sure to take lots of funny pictures of Nasa-kun, too." Enishi: "I'm looking forward to it." Enishi: "Look after my son once you get back to Tokyo, please." Tsukasa: "Of course!" sa: "It wasn't exactly peaceful, but it was a fun trip, wasn't it?" Tsukasa: "I think so. And I got to take lots of funny pictures of you." sa: "Aw..." Tsukasa: "Still, as much fun as it was," Tsukasa: "I think our little place together is where I feel most at ease." sa: "I think so, too." sa: "And so, our first trip together came to an end. We returned to our life in our own home," sa: "our newlywed life in a tiny apartment..." sa: "Or not." sa: "That being the case, we're going to need to build a new life, it seems! First, let's go get some new clothes!" Tsukasa: "Okay. I think you need to learn"
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Episode 8 – Parents", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You", "8", "Parents" ] }
sa: "Is everything okay?!" Wataru: "Oh... Yuzaki-kun..." sa: "Landlord! Was anyone hurt?!" Wataru: "I-It's fine." Tsukasa: "If you were to ask me what I love about my husband," Tsukasa: "Like the way he worries about other people" sa: "Tsukasa-chan? Did you have anything important in the apartment?" Tsukasa: "No, everything was in my suitcase." Tsukasa: "What about your things, Nasa-kun?" sa: "Good question..." sa: "Landlord." sa: "Is it okay if I look around inside?" Wataru: "Huh? Sure." sa: "Oh, there it is! The pot is cracked," sa: "I'm glad it didn't burn up. Must've been safe because it was on a windowsill." Tsukasa: "And the way he cherishes even the smallest details about our relationship." Tsukasa: "I have to say, it certainly burned all the way down." sa: "The landlord said it was apparently a lightning strike." Tsukasa: "It's great that the sapling survived, but everything else is gone." sa: "Including your new futon." sa: "I don't think we need to worry, though. My bank book and other important things are in the safety deposit box, and I've got renter's insurance for my furniture." Tsukasa: "Isn't it really hard to actually get claims paid with insurance?" sa: "Not a problem! I've looked up exactly how to get your insurance payout, just in case" sa: "All the documentation is in my safe deposit box and the cloud," Tsukasa: "The way he can be relied on to react calmly and precisely," sa: "I'm feeling pretty tired, so for now, let's head to the bathhouse. We can think about what to do next while having a good soak." Tsukasa: "Good idea." Tsukasa: "A sudden stroke of bad luck that was in no way his own fault..." Tsukasa: "And yet he hasn't uttered a single word of anger or regret." Tsukasa: "Nasa-kun..." Tsukasa: "I love you!" Tsukasa: "It really reminds me of how wonderful he is." sa: "Still, what are we going to do about a new place? Even places billed as "move-in ready"" sa: "I guess we can sleep at a cheap hotel until then? A hotel?!" sa: "No, no, it's because we have to!" sa: "And staying at a hotel with your wife is a totally normal thing!" Kaname: "Senpai... You seem awfully excited for someone whose house just burnt down." sa: "Kaname-chan?! How long have you been standing there?!" Kaname: "Since you started having dirty thoughts." sa: "I wasn't! I was not! I wasn't thinking anything like that at all!" Kaname: "Sure you were. I can see the proof." sa: "Please stop! And don't call it "proof"!" Kaname: "I see." Kaname: "In that case, you wanna stay here until you get your new place sorted out? If you don't mind the little detached unit we have, you can set up there." sa: "Really, Kaname-chan?! Thanks so much!" Tsukasa: "What's up, darling?" sa: "Tsukasa-chan! Kaname-chan says we can stay here until we find a new place to move into!" Tsukasa: "Really?" Kaname: "Of course! The only reason we still live here is thanks to Senpai!" sa: "Oh, thank you so much!" Kaname: "Let me show you the building." sa: "Okay!" Tsukasa: "I think it speaks to how forthright and honest he is" Tsukasa: "when he can react so sincerely to people's kindness. I personally prefer someone who's magnanimous enough to openly accept that sort of thing," Kaname: "Here's the building we don't use." sa: "It's actually pretty big!" Kaname: "It's got two futons already," sa: "If we're really going to live here," Kaname: "I'm sure it's fine, but I'll go and check if you're worried. Make yourselves at home." sa: "Okay! We're lucky we found a place to stay this quickly, aren't we, Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "It's not luck. If people reach out right away when you're in trouble," Tsukasa: "And you're well-liked, darling." sa: "Y-You think so?" Tsukasa: "I do. It means you've lived the kind of life that makes people eager to help you." sa: "If you asked me what I love about you, Tsukasa-chan," sa: "There's the way you pay real attention to me..." sa: "Which is what makes me happier than I can describe when you compliment me." Kaname: "Senpai! Aya-nee and Mom both said okay!" Both: "Thank you!" sa: "We're really so grateful!" Kaname: "Aw, don't mention it." Tsukasa: "Yeah, it's a real relief." Kaname: "Now, then. Senpai living here is all fine and dandy," Kaname: "She likes Senpai." Kaname: "But she's such an airhead, she still hasn't realized he's married." Kaname: "Hey, Aya-nee." Aya: "What is it, Kaname-chan?" Kaname: "What's it like to be living with the guy you have a crush on?" Aya: "Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-What are you talking about, Kaname-chan?! I-I-I don't like Nasa-kun that way!" Kaname: "She's my sister, and even I'm amazed she's convinced nobody has noticed." sa: "Aya-san!" sa: "Thank you so much for letting us stay here." Aya: "Oh, it's nothing! W-W-W-W-W-We're glad to have you! I-I-I-I-I-It must have been so rough, with that fire..." sa: "It came as a real shock!" sa: "But we're just glad that nobody got hurt." Aya: "Well, I'm glad you weren't hurt either, Nasa-kun!" Kaname: "How can you not notice the guy you like has a ring on his ring finger?! I mean, wouldn't most people notice?" Aya: "That reminds me, I heard you visited your parents in Nara." sa: "Yeah. They really wanted me to introduce Tsukasa-chan to them." Aya: "Introduce her... to your parents? Introduce her to his parents... Introduce her to his parents?" Signs/Dialog: "Nasa-kun and Tsukasa-chan have the same family name. Wait, wasn't she his sister? His parents have never met her. A girl he really gets along with, with the same family name," Kaname: "Is she gonna catch on?!" Aya: "Yeah, you wanna stay on good terms with your parents!" sa: "Yeah, I guess we are on good terms with them." Aya: "Yup, yup, and that's a good thing!" Kaname: "This is frightening! She's my sister, but this is horror movie levels of stupid!" Mom: "I just spoke with Tsukasa-chan!" Aya: "Oh, Mom. Isn't Tsukasa-chan the sweetest?" Mom: "She is! Just what I'd expect from Nasa-kun's wife!" Aya: "W-Wife?" Mom: "Well, yeah. The two of them are married. The two of them are married... The two of them are married..." Aya: "Nasa-kun got married?! Why?! When?!" Mom: "Um, how do you not know this, Aya? I thought you had a crush on Nasa-kun." Aya: "How could you say that, Mom?!" Kaname: "I want to apologize for how airheaded and insensitive my family can be." sa: "It's okay." Aya: "My first love ended before I even knew it." Aya: "I first noticed him when I was ten years old. He was able to solve a difficult question that no one else in class could with ease. I thought he seemed really smart at the time. And—" Mom: "Okay, then! No more flashbacks. The bottom line is that Aya-chan's had her heart broken!" Mom: "Now, go cut your hair or enroll in school overseas to get over it real quick! And make sure to pay for it yourself." Aya: "What a brush-off! You're totally brushing off my broken heart! I can't recover from hurt like this that fast!" Mom: "Well, my husband cheated on me and then ran off with a younger woman! And you wanna complain just because your first love wasn't reciprocated?!" Aya: "Can you not compare my situation to your heavy-duty trauma?! It's just gonna make my sadness sound light as a feather!" Kaname: "I'm just... so sorry, Senpai, that my family's a bunch of goons." sa: "No, I should apologize. Because I... well... never noticed." Kaname: "You don't have to look so torn up over it, Senpai." Kaname: "It's wrong to expect someone to understand how you feel without telling them. She didn't have the guts to try and change the future, so she lost." Kaname: "That's all there is to it." Kaname: "Isn't that right, Aya-nee?!" Aya: "That's right. This is all because I wasn't brave enough." Aya: "Do I just let it end in tears?" Aya: "No, I can't." Aya: "That's right, Aya!" Aya: "Nasa-kun..." Aya: "Congratulations on your wedding." Aya: "Hold on to your wife, okay?" sa: "Thanks." Aya: "Kaname-chan, I've made a decision. I'm going to work up the courage I need... to make my debut as the beautiful game-streaming YouTuber, Aya-Pi!" Kaname: "I-I dunno about that." Aya: "Why not?! And thus, my first love came to an end." Tsukasa: "Darling," Tsukasa: "we've got a bit of dirty laundry that I'd like to take care of." sa: "I can go take care of it at the laundromat, then." Tsukasa: "No... I'd rather you didn't." sa: "Are you worried about the the money?" Tsukasa: "No, it's not that." sa: "Oh, is it something about laundry being the woman's job? Don't worry, that kind of old-fashioned thinking isn't—" sa: "Then why?" Tsukasa: "It's.... embarrassing to let you see my underwear." sa: "I-I see... Yeah, that'd be embarrassing for me, too." Tsukasa: "Right?" sa: "It's true. You wouldn't want people looking at your underwear. Underwear... Even if I'd like to see my wife's! I-In that case, we could each wash our own—" Tsukasa: "That's no good, either. I know I'm the one who brought it up, but that's too much extra effort. I think I should probably just wash your laundry, too." sa: "O-Okay, then." sa: "I guess we do have a fair amount built up." Tsukasa: "Well, we still haven't washed our clothes from the trip." Kaname: "Hey, Tsukasa-san, got a minute?" Tsukasa: "Yes?" Kaname: "Mom says she needs your help with something." Tsukasa: "Oh, okay. I'll be right back, Nasa-kun." sa: "O-Okay." sa: "My wife wore these clothes." sa: "W-Would she get mad if I touched them?" sa: "I mean, it's not underwear. And even if it was, she did just leave it out in the open. Oh, y'know, if she's going to the laundromat," sa: "I-I guess I have to! It'll save time! Boy, I sure am a considerate husband!" Kaname: "Wow, I guess you're a man after all, Senpai." sa: "K-Kaname-chan?! When did you come in?!" Kaname: "Around the point you started that farce of a monologue!" sa: "Wait, I thought you went with Tsukasa-chan!" Kaname: "I got the feeling I was missing a show, so I came back!" sa: "Y-Your instincts are scary sharp." Kaname: "I gotta say, it's a relief to see that" Kaname: "Can't wait to see what happens tonight!" sa: "Now I definitely can't make any moves!" sa: "A net?" Tsukasa: "Yeah. Women's underwear can be pretty delicate. So you put them in a net before washing them." sa: "I see." Tsukasa: "You can't tell it's underwear when it's in there, right?" sa: "Living with a girl is teaching me a lot I didn't know." sa: "Here we are. This is the the laundromat the Arisugawas run." Tsukasa: "I didn't know they ran a place like this, too." sa: "Laundromats offer a pretty good return on relatively low cost, after all. Let's load up the clothes." Tsukasa: "Right." sa: "It's kind of strange to see our clothes being washed together, huh?" Tsukasa: "Y-Yeah..." sa: "It's kind of rare to see you in a track suit like this, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "Y-Yeah... Just... don't look too close. It's embarrassing." sa: "Why?" Tsukasa: "Well... since I lost a few in the fire, the underwear that's being washed right now is... everything." sa: "What?! You're not wearing any underwear?!" Tsukasa: "Hey! Don't shout it like that!" sa: "Th-Then... there's nothing on under that track suit?" Tsukasa: "Th-That's right. So... don't look too closely." sa: "Crap! My wife is being super cute! I want to hug her and kiss her right now!" sa: "But it feels like Kaname-chan will show up if I do... But she's so cute!" sa: "But still... In that case, let's compromise!" Tsukasa: "Wait, why'd you take a picture?!" sa: "Well... it felt like kind of a waste." Tsukasa: "A waste of what, exactly?!" sa: "It's like... I managed to pull an Ultra-Rare variant of my wife. Excuse me?!" Kaname: "I think you should probably go buy some clothes for your wife!" sa: "Why?" Kaname: "What do you mean, why?" Kaname: "The underwear that's being washed right now is... everything." sa: "B-But we did the laundry," Kaname: "Stupid!" Kaname: "A girl can't maintain her girliness without buying some new clothes. Cute girls only stay cute through their diligent efforts to do so! Understand?! The moment you stop supporting her efforts to be cute, she stops being your cute wife and becomes your friendly roommate! You okay with that, Senpai?!" Tsukasa: "Clothes shopping?" Tsukasa: "I guess you do always wear the same sweatshirt." sa: "Not for me!" Tsukasa: "For me?" sa: "Right. You lost stuff in the fire, right?" Tsukasa: "Now that you mention it," Tsukasa: "But are you sure?" sa: "I-It'll be perfectly fine! Plus, I want to see my wife look cute in a bunch of different outfits!" Tsukasa: "I'm curious, darling. Where do you normally buy your clothes?" sa: "The clothes section of a department store." Tsukasa: "Okay, let's go to Harajuku, then." sa: "So many clothes..." Tsukasa: "That's Harajuku for you." Tsukasa: "I'll try on a few outfits. Tell me what you think." sa: "S-Sure!" Tsukasa: "Wh-What do you think?" sa: "My wife looks good in anything!" Tsukasa: "Well, does it suit me?" sa: "It does! You're really cute!" Tsukasa: "Thanks." sa: "It's cute... really cute, but..." sa: "I-I think... it might be a little... revealing. I know clothes for summer are like that," Tsukasa: "You're more possessive than I thought, Nasa-kun." Tsukasa: "Then can you pick some out for me?" Tsukasa: "Some clothes you think would look cute on me." sa: "Got it! I'll go pick some out!" Tsukasa: "You've got surprisingly girly taste, darling." sa: "Y-You look really cute, though!" Tsukasa: "Oh, I know we came for clothes, but..." Tsukasa: "I want to get some underwear, too. Is that okay?" sa: "U-Um... are men allowed in this section?" Tsukasa: "Well, I would think so." sa: "B-But..." sa: "It feels like I could get arrested just for standing here." Tsukasa: "Don't worry so much. You won't look suspicious as long as you're holding my hand. Come on!" sa: "Thanks..." sa: "There really is a huge selection of women's underwear, though." Tsukasa: "I guess you're right." sa: "Tsukasa-chan is going to be wearing whatever she chooses, right?" sa: "I wonder what it's gonna be..." Tsukasa: "On second thought, I should pick them out myself." sa: "I've been cut loose! Wait! If you leave me alone, I'm gonna get arrested!" Tsukasa: "It's fine." Tsukasa: "Well, that's super suspicious-looking." Tsukasa: "Okay, sit here. Just make a face that screams, "I'm tagging along with my wife,"" sa: "I-I will?" Tsukasa: "Just give me a second, okay?" sa: "I wonder... how much does women's underwear cost, anyway?" sa: "Th-That much?! No wonder they put them in nets to wash them carefully." sa: "They're not all super expensive, I guess..." sa: "But are you sure you want such cheap ones?" Tsukasa: "Of course. They're ultimately disposable, after all. I appreciate this." sa: "That's great." Tsukasa: "And you didn't even get arrested." sa: "But we're married..." sa: "H-Hey..." Tsukasa: "What's wrong, darling?" sa: "Well... i-if I asked to see... then..." sa: "would you show me what you look like in your cute underwear?" Tsukasa: "I guess... as much as you want." Tsukasa: "N-Now, let's go get some clothes for you!" sa: "Y-Yeah! Let's get me some clothes!" Tsukasa: "R-R-Right! S-Stylish ones! Right?!" sa: "We were both so embarrassed, we dropped the subject immediately. Stylish ones!" sa: "Tsukasa-chan, you want to take a detour on the way home today?" Tsukasa: "Your voice is trembling, darling." Tsukasa: "And you're sweating an awful lot." sa: "I-I dunno about that!"
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Episode 9 – Daily Life", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You", "9", "Daily Life" ] }
Tsukasa: "Good morning." sa: "I don't think I'll ever get used to starting the day like this... One night, when the moon was shining bright, a certain girl saved my life." sa: "This really cute girl ended up being the wife I would promise to spend the future with." sa: "Now, living under the same roof, our newlywed life has begun. This is the story of a couple who had a strange first meeting," Tsukasa: "Darling, what are you doing?" sa: "Some tables I was asked to put together. This job involves building a database." Tsukasa: "So, you're programming right now?" sa: "Yep, I sure am." Tsukasa: "And me playing a video game right next to you doesn't distract you?" sa: "Not really." sa: "It's no bother at all." Tsukasa: "That's impressive. I'd be way too curious to be able to focus." Tsukasa: "I wonder..." Tsukasa: "Just how much focus does my darling have?" Mc: "This time on Traveling Q... It's a global mental gymnastics special!" Taki: "We're glad to have you with us again this week! I'm your host, Taki-chan!" Taki: "I hope you're ready to run some Qs through your head!" Tsukasa: "Look, darling!" sa: "Oh, I remember her!" Tsukasa: "Are you any good at quiz shows like this, darling?" sa: "I don't think so, not really. My knowledge tends to be tailored toward passing exams." Tsukasa: "He says that, but at the same time, his hands haven't stopped for a second." Tsukasa: "He's not just... slapping a bunch of keys at random, is he?" Tsukasa: "Well, there are figs in the fridge." sa: "Aw, I dunno about that..." Taki: "And here's our first question!" Mc: "Here we have Ruka-chan and her mom. Ruka-chan's mom is 4 times Ruka's own age. After four years, Mom will be 3 times Ruka-chan's age." Taki: "So, how old are Ruka-chan and her mom right now?" Ruka: "That's a hard one." Ruka: "My mom is 43 years old, but..." Taki: "That's not part of the quiz!" Tsukasa: "W-Well, if her mom is 25, then Ruka-chan would be..." sa: "Ruka-chan is eight, and her mom is 32." Tsukasa: "Huh?" sa: "That's the answer. If we suppose the mom is somewhere between 20 and 100 years old, there are 21 patterns where she's four times her daughter's age. If you then add 4, and look for a quotient of 3, the only choice is the pair of 12 and 36, which means that right now, they're eight and 32 years old." sa: "I kind of brute forced the answer, though. There's probably a better way to figure it out. Simultaneous equations would probably be the cleanest." Tsukasa: "Darling, is math your specialty?" sa: "Nah. I just practiced until I got the hang of it." Taki: "The answer is eight and 32 years old!" sa: "Oh, great! I got it." Tsukasa: "O-Okay, I see... I guess this isn't enough to distract him." Tsukasa: "Not that I have any good reason to distract him, mind you." Aya: "Okay, I'm caught up on the situation!" Aya: "Mankind will go extinct! ...extinct! ...extinct!" sa: "Aya-san?!" Aya: "Your little quiz game with figs on the line... I'm joining the fray!" sa: "How do you know about that if you just got here?!" Charl: "I see! Well, I happen to like figs, too. So count me in!" Tsukasa: "Charlotte?" Tsukasa: "And you're here on your own?" Charl: "Yep! Chitose-chan told me to check in on you. I also brought somen noodles as a gift." Tsukasa: "Thank you..." Taki: "And now for question two!" Taki: "This next one's a bit harder!" Mc: "Here we have 21 chocolate bars! With two people taking turns picking them up, in groups of one to four... The person to grab the last one is the winner! Grab the Last One to Win Grab the Last One to Win" Taki: "And so, how do you win? What's the secret trick to ensure you get the last chocolate?!" Aya: "Uh, wait a second..." Charlotte: "I'm not even sure what they're asking." Tsukasa: "You can make sure you win? How would you..." sa: "You have to go first, and choose just one." Both: "Huh?" sa: "Well, to get the 21st chocolate, you need to make sure the other person lands within the range of 17-20, which means you need to get the 16th one." sa: "To make sure you get the 16th one, you'll want the 11th. To get the 11th, you'll want the 6th. If you follow that logic all the way back, you realize you need the first bar. That question was easier, to be honest." Aya: "Tsukacchan, this is bad! There's no way we'll win this unless we can distract Nasa-kun!" Tsukasa: "Maybe so, but..." Charl: "In that case, I have a great idea!" Charl: "Come with me!" Aya: "What is it?" Charl: "We're having a strategy meeting!" Aya: "R-Right!" Aya: "So, what's your great idea?" Charl: "What better way is there to distract a boy..." Charl: "than with a charming girl? Right?" Aya: "But he's already got an adorable wife." Charl: "She needs to do more than just exist! It's time to really pour on the charm. Which is to say... She needs to put on my maid's uniform and seduce her darling!" Tsukasa: "What?! A maid's uniform?!" Charl: "Yep! There's not a guy on this planet who doesn't love maid uniforms. So, if she puts mine on..." Aya: "Nasa-kun will be so distracted, he'll make a mistake!" Tsukasa: "Wait, but even if—" Aya: "No ifs, ands, or buts!" Aya: "It's..." Aya: "It's for the sake of the figs!" Aya: "So, please! Become a maid!" Tsukasa: "O-Okay..." Aya: "Nasa-kun!" Charl: "Here we go!" Aya: "Let's see how you handle this!" sa: "Why's she dressed like that?!" Aya: "This is your chance, Tsukacchan! Finish him off with the thing!" Tsukasa: "D-Do I seriously have to say it?" Aya: "Of course you do!" Charl: "This ends here! Go, go!" Tsukasa: "A-Are you prepared to lose... m-master?" Charl: "There it is!" Mc: "Now, how many prime numbers are there between 1 and 10?" sa: "Four of them." Taki: "That's correct!" Taki: "Ruka-chan is our winner!" Aya: "Why was he able to answer?!" Charl: "No fair!" Aya: "Why, why, why, why?! And why weren't you affected by seeing her like this, Nasa-kun?!" sa: "Well... I was." sa: "It's so cute... I thought I might die." Tsukasa: "Thanks..." Tsukasa: "You wanna... eat those figs?" sa: "Let's all share them." sa: "Tsukasa-chan dressed like a maid..." sa: "That was super awesome!" sa: "I think I get it. No wonder maid cafés are so popular. I mean, you get served by girls in that kind of outfit, right? I can see the appeal..." sa: "It's not even a little risque, but so powerful... It's totally crazy! It'd be enough to put the perfect superman down for the count!" sa: "I wonder if she'd wear it again!" sa: "No, calm down. That's asking too much. It might have been cute, but I can't just ask her to wear a maid uniform again." sa: "But that maid uniform was really cute." Tsukasa: "I didn't realize he was into that kind of thing. But would he be glad if I wore it again?" Tsukasa: "Darling..." sa: "Y-Yes? Wh-What is it, Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "Do you want me to wear the uniform again?" sa: "Th-That's not it! It's more like, it looks really great, or I want to see you looking cute again, or sorta..." Tsukasa: "Sh-She said there were extras, and left it behind." Tsukasa: "See?" sa: "I see." Tsukasa: "Do you want me to put it on again?" sa: "Uh... well..." sa: "Of course!" Tsukasa: "Some other time!" Tsukasa: "You're kind of scaring me!" sa: "I'm not scary! You'll never find a more mild-mannered guy! Tsukasa-chan?!" Kaname: "What kinda cosplay are you into, Senpai?" sa: "Wh-Wh-Where did that come from?!" Kaname: "It's actually a big issue. You're gonna need to know what cosplay your wife can wear to get you going, for when the time comes." sa: "Whoa, whoa, what "time" are we talking about?!" Kaname: "Obviously, for when things start to cool off at night." sa: "Believe me, it's still plenty thrilling!" Kaname: "Really, the fact that anyone still turns bright red at the sight of a maid uniform... You're a cheap date, aren't you?" sa: "Did Aya-san tell you about yesterday?" Aya: "Of course! Your newlywed life is a communal treasure in this household! I have an obligation to report the facts!" sa: "Do you have to share every little thing without asking?!" Kaname: "So, are maids, like, your number one choice?" sa: "Maid uniforms are nice and all, but... If I had a favorite, it'd be... a lab coat and glasses, maybe?" Aya: "Nasa-kun, you're so pervy!" sa: "I mean, you made it sound like I had to pick something!" Tsukasa: "What's this about a lab coat and glasses?" sa: "Well, y'know, it's like the glasses go with the lab coat, and the lab coat goes with the glasses... And that's where love comes from!" Kaname: "I guess cosplay is fine and all," Kaname: "but the two of you haven't done any normal romantic stuff like people your age do, right?" sa: "Huh?" Tsukasa: "She's right. I've never gone out with a girl before now, or even liked one. Is this how a relationship is supposed to be?" Tsukasa: "In terms of age, we're high school students. So shouldn't there be romantic events that people our age encounter?" Tsukasa: "What exactly is normal romance for high schoolers, anyway?!" Kaname: "Isn't it obvious?" Kaname: "Dates in your school uniforms." sa: "Huh?" Aya: "Exactly! Going on dates in school uniforms has become a global movement at this point! The term "seifuku date" has been adopted all over the world!" sa: "Is it seriously that big of a deal now?!" Kaname: "I can't blame you for not knowing." sa: "I see... Well, we never went to high school, so we don't have uniforms." Aya: "No worries there!" Aya: "I happen to have uniforms from all kinds of schools!" sa: "Why do you have so many?!" Aya: "It's totally normal. All Japanese high school students have multiple uniforms!" Kaname: "Uniform dates are hot in Germany right now," sa: "Really? But even if she had one... Does Tsukasa-chan seem like she'd wear it?" Aya: "I getcha." Kaname: "Still! Are you really just gonna give up, Senpai?!" Kaname: "As a man... No, as a husband! Don't you want to see your wife dressed like a schoolgirl?! ...girl?! ...girl?!" sa: "I do!" Kaname: "A version of her that no one else has ever seen... I'm talking about rarity! SSS rarity, the kind that no amount of gacha luck could ever bring you! Can you die without ever seeing it for yourself?!" sa: "I really want to. Please!" Aya: "Leave it to me, then! I swear, I'll get Tsukacchan into a school uniform! ...uniform! ...uniform!" Aya: "Tsukacchan, do you have a sec?" Tsukasa: "Shouldn't you be in school?" Aya: "That doesn't matter right now! Don't you want to go on a date with Nasa-kun while wearing a school uniform?" Tsukasa: "What are you talking about?" Aya: "Are you gonna do a school uniform date or not?!" Tsukasa: "Well, no? I don't have a school uniform." Aya: "I can lend you one!" Tsukasa: "No, that's okay. Besides, wearing a uniform when you're not actually a student... That's kinda embarrassing." Aya: "Oh, I see. Well, you are cute, Tsukacchan... But you probably wouldn't look good in a uniform." Aya: "You've got a point. I guess that's all there is to it." Tsukasa: "Now, hold on!" Aya: "Aw, come on, it's so obvious! There's no way a cool beauty like you would look good in a school uniform." Tsukasa: "Okay, in that case... Bring the uniform here! I'll try it on!" Aya: "She says she'll try it." sa: "How'd you manage that?!" sa: "Why are you two here?" Aya: "Aw, come on!" Kaname: "You can't just have her all to yourself." sa: "Doesn't seem like the kind of thing you show off, is all..." Kaname: "I guess he's..." Aya: "...actually pretty particular about this stuff." Tsukasa: "I've finished changing." Aya: "Come on in, then!" sa: "School uniforms are really magical, as far as clothing goes." sa: "They manage to be cute in a way that's impossible to argue against!" Tsukasa: "Wh-What do you think?" Aya: "Wow!" Kaname: "You're super cute!" Aya: "Now, next up..." Kaname: "Hold this... And say the line!" Tsukasa: ""I-I'm gonna be late!"" Aya: "So cute! You're so cute, I think my heart's gonna stop!" Kaname: "Now, pretend like you ran into someone!" Tsukasa: "Ow, ow, ow..." Aya: "Now suddenly become self-conscious about your skirt! "Eek!" "What do you think you're looking at, you pervert?!"" Tsukasa: "How much more of this do I have to do?!" Kaname: "C'mon, it's fine!" Aya: "The more you do, the more cuteness is on display! You think so too, don't you, Nasa-kun?" sa: "It's... really incredibly cute... yeah." Tsukasa: "Thanks." Aya: "Sorry, Tsukacchan. I wanted you to try the uniform on, so I lied about thinking you wouldn't look good in it." Tsukasa: "Wait, you did?" Aya: "And now that you've got it on, why not just head straight for a date at a theme park?" Tsukasa: "I dunno..." sa: "That'd be a little..." Kaname: "What's there to be embarrassed about after all this?" Aya: "That's right!" sa: "If only we really could..." sa: "But, man, Tsukasa-chan was really cute in that school uniform." sa: "What is it about those uniforms that's so exciting? It's actually kind of incredible!" sa: "I wonder if she'd be willing to wear it again..." Tsukasa: "Darling, your internal monologue is leaking again." sa: "Tsukasa-chan?!" Tsukasa: "You said something similar the other day." sa: "I'm sorry for all the weird requests!" Tsukasa: "It's nothing worth apologizing over..." Tsukasa: "Did I really look that good in the uniform?" sa: "O-Of course. It was like... it hit on an instinctual level. Something about it really got me going." Tsukasa: "I guess you have that side to you, too." sa: "Huh?! Well, yeah..." sa: "Of course I do." sa: "There's no point in lying, so... The fact is, it got me going." Tsukasa: "I-I see. I have to admit, I'm impressed with how manly you can be about stuff like this." sa: "Right! Because I don't believe in lying about my own feelings!" Tsukasa: "O-Okay. That's pretty praiseworthy, to be honest." sa: "Thank you very much!" Tsukasa: "In that case..." Tsukasa: "Sh-Should I try it on again? ...on again? ...on again?" sa: "Will you?!" Tsukasa: "Yeah. If it'd make you that happy..." sa: "It would! Really happy! Super happy!" Tsukasa: "Okay... I'll go get changed." Tsukasa: "I'm done changing." sa: "Come right on in!" Tsukasa: "S-So, what do you think this time?" sa: "Um... well..." sa: "You're so cute, I'm speechless." Tsukasa: "Th-Thanks." Tsukasa: "Still, there's something really weird about wearing a uniform when I don't go to school." Tsukasa: "It feels like I'm doing something naughty." sa: "Tsukasa-chan, can I touch you?" Tsukasa: "N-No, I think that might be a little too much..." Tsukasa: "Sir, this is a hands-off establishment." Tsukasa: "But... if you want to take my socks off, that'd be fine." sa: "I-In that case..." Tsukasa: "I said no touching." sa: "S-Sorry, but I just..." Tsukasa: "Okay, then, as punishment, you have to take the other sock off." sa: "O-Okay." sa: "But first..." sa: "One more time." Tsukasa: "Don't lick my leg..." Tsukasa: "Darling?" Tsukasa: "How long are you going to be in bed?" sa: "Ts-Tsukasa-chan... That outfit..." Tsukasa: "You have work today, right? You'd better hurry up and get ready..." Tsukasa: "Or you're gonna be so late!" sa: "You're right!" Tsukasa: "Darling?" sa: "Yeah?" Tsukasa: "Darling..." sa: "Huh?" Tsukasa: "Darling!" Tsukasa: "Good morning, darling." Tsukasa: "You had a huge smile on your face. Pleasant dreams, I take it?" sa: "Huh?! Uh, yeah!" Tsukasa: "Breakfast is ready. You have work today, right?" sa: "Tsukasa-chan!" sa: "Listen..." sa: "Next time, could you wake me with the uniform on?" Tsukasa: "What?!" sa: "That morning..."
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 Episode 0 – TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You ~Uniform~", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2", "0", "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You ~Uniform~" ] }
sa: "On a white, snowy night," sa: "my life was leaving me in a pool of red." sa: "Am I really going to die?" Tsukasa: "Probably. You would've survived if you hadn't chased me." Tsukasa: "What a ridiculous waste of your life." sa: "Still... I'm glad I went after you." sa: "Because... I was able to marry you." sa: "Uh... Is this..." sa: "another world?" sa: "Can't be." Tsukasa: "Oh, good morning, darling." sa: "G-Good morning, Tsukasa-chan!" Tsukasa: "What's wrong? You look shook." sa: "Well, I was just surprised when you popped up so suddenly." Tsukasa: "Well, why don't we get to breakfast?" sa: "We've been married for a while now, but... I'm definitely not used to it yet." sa: "My wife is extremely cute." Tsukasa: "I don't know how I feel about that shark movie." sa: "Really? I like the way it depicted the family's relationship, and the story was pretty easy to follow." Tsukasa: "Oh, come on, darling!" Tsukasa: "I don't want familial love and ease of comprehension from shark movies! I want to wonder, "Wait, sharks don't actually fly, right?" Or, "Why would they waste budget on a scene like this?!" And, "What in the world am I watching?" That's the good stuff! Do you get me?" sa: "I-I see. That is enlightening." sa: "Every day is full of surprises with Tsukasa-chan. She saved my life on that snowy night two years ago, and took her leave before I even knew her name." sa: "We were then suddenly reunited and began our married life together. We turned in our marriage registration, I proposed to her, we bought wedding rings, visited my parents, had our house burn down," sa: "and started living with my friends." sa: "Things have been really busy." Tsukasa: "You've been working all day, haven't you, darling?" sa: "Yeah. I wanted to get this data turned in a little early." Tsukasa: "So you're saying you don't have time to entertain your adorable newlywed wife?" sa: "Huh?!" sa: "Are you saying you want me to pay attention to you, Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "I really do! Your newlywed wife was disappointed by that movie and wants attention!" sa: "Well, it's still early... Wanna go to the movies?" Tsukasa: "You mean it?" Tsukasa: "Yeah! That sounds great! I'd love to go!" Tsukasa: "Is it gonna be okay, though? I'm not being a nuisance, am I?" sa: "It'll be fine. I'll finish this right up." Tsukasa: "Okay, in that case, I'll root for you by your side so you can finish faster!" sa: "Th-That's okay. It'd probably be a better idea to go ahead and get ready." Tsukasa: "Got it!" sa: "Was there a movie you were looking forward to?" sa: "You seem really excited. I was wondering if you've been wanting to go for a while now. You could've gone without me, y'know." Tsukasa: "Don't be silly!" Tsukasa: "The fun part is getting to go with you, darling." sa: "I figured we should go to a good theater if we were gonna go out, and this place really is nice!" Tsukasa: "It sure is." Tsukasa: "Let's go on in, then, darling." sa: "Yeah." Tsukasa: "Th-These are premium luxury seats! Should we really be splurging like this?" sa: "Well, since we don't go out a lot..." sa: "How about it? Want to get any drinks or popcorn?" Tsukasa: "That's a real gamble with this movie, darling." sa: "Huh?" Tsukasa: "It's two and a half hours long. You'll be doomed if you need to use the bathroom partway through." sa: "G-Good point..." Tsukasa: "It's about to start." sa: "I think, in the old days, couples went to the theater to hold hands, kiss, and use the darkness as a chance to fool around." sa: "I'm not getting that impression from my wife at all, though." sa: "Still, it's really cute how she enjoys the movie so earnestly." sa: "Oh, the movie started." sa: "My wife as she's thrown for a loop by an unexpected plot twist." sa: "My wife as she's surprised by a shocking development." sa: "My wife getting excited as the tension ramps up." sa: "My wife filled with dread at the danger the heroes find themselves in." sa: "And at the climax..." sa: "My wife unable to stop crying because she's so moved." sa: "Wow, she really is enjoying this movie." sa: "We should come again." Kaname: "A date at the movies, huh?" Kaname: "You two really seem to enjoy life. Nice." sa: "Wait, how do you know about that?" Kaname: "Tsukassan mentioned it when she was working." Kaname: "Said she had a great time!" sa: "I see. That's good to know." Kaname: "I'm thrilled you two are enjoying newlywed life. But that said... are you two not going to have a wedding?" sa: "Good question. I don't think we've even talked about it." Kaname: "Your parents didn't ask about it?" sa: "Nope. It's never even come up." Kaname: "What about Tsukassan's family?" sa: "Tsukasa-chan's?" sa: "I'm not sure. I think they're glad for her... But if it was an actual wedding, I'm not sure." sa: "Well, there are a lot of couples who don't bother anymore. Would you want one if you got married?" Kaname: "Well, if it's an option." Kaname: "I'd want a super fancy one, with a gondola and fireworks!" sa: "I-I see." Kaname: "You might want to ask her about it, though. Weddings are basically for the sake of the bride, anyway." Kaname: "Besides, I'm sure you want to see it..." Kaname: "The sight of your beautiful wife in a wedding dress." sa: "She's right. I would like to see that." Tsukasa: "A wedding?" sa: "Yeah. Kaname-chan mentioned it today." Tsukasa: "This chopped burdock you made is delicious, darling." sa: "Really? Thanks." sa: "Tsukasa-chan, do you want to have a wedding?" Tsukasa: "Well, let me think..." Tsukasa: "A wedding, huh?" Tsukasa: "Not at all, no." sa: "I-I see." Tsukasa: "I mean, a wedding means a gathering of dozens of friends and relatives." Tsukasa: "And a reception includes stuff like cutting the cake and speeches... To top it off, you have to kiss in front of a bunch of people." Tsukasa: "Plus, having to wear something as fancy as a wedding dress..." Tsukasa: "That'd be..." Tsukasa: "j-just plain embarrassing." sa: "I see! That does really sound like a good idea!" Tsukasa: "Were you even listening to me?" sa: "Yes! I would like to see you wearing a super fancy wedding dress!" Tsukasa: "Okay, but see, I was trying to say that'd be embarrassing!" sa: "Well, they say there's no time like the present." sa: "Let's see if we can have a wedding somewhere next week!" Tsukasa: "Excuse me?" sa: "Huh? Did I do something wrong?" Tsukasa: "That's like a line out of an isekai story, darling." Tsukasa: "Oh, I get what this is." Tsukasa: "Thank you for the meal." sa: "Th-Thank you for the meal..." Tsukasa: "I have to say, your kung fu is weak, darling." sa: "Wh-What do you mean?" Tsukasa: "I'm saying you have no idea what a wedding ceremony involves." sa: "I don't?" Tsukasa: "You don't! Let's start with question one: How do you arrange a wedding ceremony? You're a clever one, darling, so let's have you act out your answer." Tsukasa: "Three, two, one, action." sa: "Huh?! Act it out?! Well, uh... First, you call the venue, and then... Hello, is this the venue? Um, I'd like to have a wedding. What days are available? Oh, I see. So Friday is available? I'd like a reservation for two on Friday night..." Kaname: "You think this is going out for drinks?!" sa: "Kaname-chan?" Kaname: "What do you think a wedding is?! You ain't gonna get a gondola or fireworks with a single phone call!" sa: "Huh?!" Tsukasa: "What gondola?" Kaname: "Sorry for barging in. One of the neighbors gave us a watermelon, so I thought I'd share." Tsukasa: "Thanks for that." Tsukasa: "This is really good watermelon." Kaname: "Sure is." Tsukasa: "Anyway, Kaname, it seems my darling has no idea how much of a trial a wedding is." Kaname: "Sure seems like it." sa: "I-It's a trial?!" Kaname: "Just for example, how much do you think a wedding costs?" sa: "Good question... On the cheap side, probably around 150,000 or 160,000 yen?" Tsukasa: "That's just wrong." Kaname: "He's got a severe case of "ignorance of things I don't care about."" sa: "What, am I wrong?" Kaname: "Well, for starters, Senpai..." Kaname: "Here's the minimum estimate for a wedding at a certain kingdom that's considered magical." sa: "S-Seven million yen?!" Kaname: "And there's the reality check." Tsukasa: "Looks like it." sa: "But... seven million?! You could buy a car for that!" Kaname: "Yep, you sure could." Tsukasa: "If you get far enough from the city, you could even buy a house for that." sa: "Seriously?" sa: "I always thought a wedding was, like... You promise to love each other in front of a priest, your wife cries a little bit while reading a letter from her parents," sa: "and you basically wrap it up in one day." sa: "Is it actually a whole process that involves a bunch of traveling over an entire year?" Kaname: "You're not a band, and it's not a tour!" Tsukasa: "Why would you need to travel all over?" sa: "I just can't imagine why it'd cost this much otherwise!" sa: "I-I see... So that's it." sa: "No wonder everyone cries so emotionally." Kaname: "They sure do." Kaname: "It'd be kind of a waste of money not to." Charlotte: "Very, very nice! Keep it up, Chitose-chan!" Chitose: "Fight back a bit more during this next round, Charlotte! Aurora, how long have we been going?" Aurora: "Five minutes." Chitose: "I can't stop wondering." Chitose: "What are those two going to do about a wedding?" Aurora: "Those two?" Aurora: "You mean Conan-kun and Amuro-san?!" Chitose: "Not them!" Chitose: "I mean Nee-sama and that husband of hers! Them!" Charlotte: "That really is a good question!" Aurora: "Don't young folks these days worry less about formalities?" Charlotte: "And Tsukasa-chan gets embarrassed easily! In my homeland, weddings usually have 200 guests, and over 1,000 isn't unheard of!" Charlotte: "That'd be rough if you're easily embarrassed." Chitose: "How does anyone even know that many people?!" Aurora: "With a number like that, there's bound to be a few strangers in there." Charlotte: "It's mostly..." Charlotte: "complete strangers!" Chitose: "Why so casual?!" Aurora: "Still, it's not like the families have met yet, either. A wedding might be a good way to arrange that. Here." Charlotte: "Would you go if you were invited, Chitose-chan?" Chitose: "I mean... of course I would." Charlotte: "Wow, really?" Aurora: "If you go, you can't try to ruin it." Chitose: "I'd do no such thing!" Chitose: "I might be annoyed about her being married..." Chitose: "But I'd like Grandmother to see Nee-sama in a wedding dress." Charlotte: "For Tokiko-sama..." Aurora: "Now that you mention it... yeah." sa: "Seven million is on the pricey side, but even the average is still in the 3-4 million range." sa: "I had no idea weddings were so expensive. It's practically an event of a lifetime..." sa: "But what's this "betrothal money"?" sa: "It's another million outside of the cost of the ceremony." Aya: "Betrothal money is—" sa: "Whoa, you scared me!" sa: "A-Aya-san?" sa: "You were here all along?" sa: "What are you doing here, actually? Well, the thing is, I was playing video games in the living room all day before Kaname-chan got mad at me," sa: "so I lied about going to clean the baths, and have been gaming in here!" Tsukasa: "That's just gonna make her madder!" Aya: "Putting that aside, betrothal money is something that one side presents to the other, along with the engagement gifts, to help prepare for the wedding." Aya: "As smart as you are, you really don't know much about this sort of thing, do you?" sa: "I guess that's true. I didn't even know how expensive weddings were until Kaname-chan taught me about it." Aya: "Well, they're expensive, and they can take an entire year to arrange." sa: "What?! Wait, that can't be right, can it? I mean, people get married every day at Omotesando..." Aya: "And every one of those couples has been planning for that day a year in advance!" sa: "What?! B-But a whole year? What exactly takes that long to arrange?!" Aya: "That is a very valid question." Aya: "The mystery only seems to grow." sa: "I... I guess it does." Tsukasa: "Well, for one thing, if you're inviting friends and coworkers, you need to send out invitations, right?" Tsukasa: "And that needs to be two or three months in advance. Then there's confirming RSVPs, seating arrangements..." Tsukasa: "Say your parents live out in the country. You can't exactly go, "We're getting married! Come by tomorrow!"" Tsukasa: "Everything needs to be arranged. So no matter what..." Tsukasa: "It ends up taking time." Tsukasa: "Care for some fruit milk, darling?" sa: "Sure, thanks." Aya: "An indirect smooch!" Tsukasa: "Then there's choosing the menu, the table decorations, getting an emcee, selecting the party favors... Just a ton of things to do." Tsukasa: "Which is why, personally, I'm not interested in investing all that effort." Aya: "That's not right!" Aya: "You won't know if it's worth the effort until you try! I'm sure Nasa-kun wants to see Tsukacchan in a wedding dress! He wants to see it and get excited over it!" Tsukasa: "What do you mean by "excited"?! And do you realize the kind of price tag we're talking about here?!" sa: "Still, though..." sa: "Three or four million isn't exactly out of reach, with a bit of dedication." Tsukasa: "Darling, that kind of dedication is unnecessary! That's not where you need to dedicate anything!" Aya: "Very well! Let's buy an issue of Zexy!" sa: "Zexy? The wedding magazine they sell at convenience stores?" Aya: "Precisely! The first step toward a wedding is buying Zexy! And that's why the two of you will buy and read Zexy together! Never read it myself, but there's bound to be helpful info in there!" Tsukasa: "I-I guess we're going to the convenience store, then." Tsukasa: "We needed milk for tomorrow, anyway." sa: "Y-Yeah." sa: "Will this work for milk?" Tsukasa: "Yeah. But we're out of butter, too, so we'll also need that." sa: "That just leaves Zexy. Zexy..." Tsukasa: "Darling!" Tsukasa: "I'm feeling like ice cream." sa: "Sounds good. So, ice cream and a copy of Zexy..." sa: "It's heavy!" sa: "I never picked one up before, so I didn't realize it was so thick!" Tsukasa: "It's like a phone book." sa: "It comes with extras, and it's still only 300 yen!" Tsukasa: "That's quite a bargain." sa: ""Top 100 Venues in the Capital Region"? There are that many just around Tokyo?" Tsukasa: "There's something embarrassing about buying it together, though." sa: "Why?" Tsukasa: "I mean, come on..." Tsukasa: "It's a magazine that a couple thinking about getting married would probably buy, so..." Tsukasa: "How do I put this? It gives off real happiness vibes." sa: "I-I guess it does." Tsukasa: "Right?" Tsukasa: "Man, I got so self-conscious, I was bright red at the register." sa: "Y-Yeah." sa: "Well, to cool down, how about some ice cream?" Tsukasa: "Appreciate it." Tsukasa: "Here you go, darling." sa: "Thanks." sa: "Y'know, reading this..." sa: "There really is a ton of stuff to decide on before a wedding ceremony." Tsukasa: "Right?" Tsukasa: "There are a lot of couples who even get into fights about it. I read about it in Spirits!" sa: "In Spirits?! She got this info from manga?!" Tsukasa: "Granted, you're enough of a sweetheart that I doubt we'd get into a fight." Tsukasa: "But I like things how they are right now. All... lovey-dovey." sa: "What'd you say, Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "I don't think I'm gonna tell you. I just think that, instead of overcoming the nightmare of arranging a ceremony, we should go to the movies, eat together, go to the convenience store, share some ice cream..." Tsukasa: "The way things are now is peaceful, and that's a relief." sa: "I see." sa: "So we shouldn't think about a wedding ceremony right now?" Tsukasa: "We shouldn't! It's too soon for us." Tsukasa: "Someday, when the time comes for us to be truly blessed... That'll be the chance" Tsukasa: "for the two of us to take our time and really think it over." Tsukasa: "Our wedding, that is." Tsukasa: "We only just got married, after all." sa: "Yeah." sa: "You're right." Tsukasa: "Today was really nice." sa: "I'm glad we went to the movies together." Tsukasa: "Then maybe in private... I'll show it to only you." Tsukasa: "Yes, I do. Yuzaki Nasa, do you—" sa: "Yes, I do!" sa: "My wife is always so incredible. The other day, someone in town asked me, "Are you happy right now?"" Tsukasa: "Oh, yeah, that does happen sometimes." sa: "And I replied right away! "Yes, I am!" "A meteor could hit or aliens could invade, but I'd still be the happiest man in the universe!""
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 Episode 1 – All because of you", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2", "1", "All because of you" ] }
sa: "I'm still proud of it." sa: "Of course! It'd be my pleasure!" sa: "The fact that I was able to answer right away." sa: "Even now." sa: "To this day..." sa: "Did I fall asleep?" sa: "Uh... Oh, you mean the camping trip with Tokiko-san?" Tsukasa: "The mountains are swarming with bugs in summer, you know. You'll get eaten alive." Tsukasa: "I wouldn't even consider going if you weren't." sa: "Yeah, but won't it be better to go up somewhere high to look at the night sky?" Tsukasa: "For the record, there are places in the city where you can do just that." Tsukasa: "A certain building in Shibuya, for instance! It has an open roof that offers a wonderful view of the stars! There's also grassy turf, along with beds and hammocks for couples to cuddle on! See?! You can go stargazing without going into the mountains, and without the bugs, even!" sa: "Well, that sounds like a great idea for a date." Tsukasa: "Fair enough..." Tsukasa: "I just don't get what her deal is. Were the flyers really necessary?" Tsukasa: "What even is an "outdoor home party"?" Aya: "An "outdoor home party"..." Aya: "Sounds good! Let's go!" Kaname: "Wow, that was fast. I figured since you're an e-famous shut-in, you wouldn't be interested in camping." Aya: "Don't try to make me into some icon of the indoors. Everyone knows camping is synonymous with solid *****!" Kaname: "Wait, what? I thought you were gonna say "snake."" Aya: "I don't actually get what it means, but it's fun to say." Aya: "Anarcho Cups!" Kaname: "Are we allowed to say that?!" Aya: "It's camping jargon, and I have no idea what it means. I just wanted to say it!" Kaname: "You're really cutting it close." Aya: "As I've demonstrated, camping has a kind of appeal that is quite seductive." Aya: "Think of how many people watch camping videos online to avoid reality! I know all about how great that can be! So now all that's left is to go! To go and really enjoy that appeal to its fullest!" Kaname: "And there you have it. So is it cool if my sister and I come along?" sa: "Okay. I'll let her know." Kaname: "Is it okay that we don't have a clue what to do?" sa: "That shouldn't be a problem." sa: "If you're not sure about setting up a tent, there will be glamping amenities, too." Kaname: "You mean that setup that's fancy like a hotel?" sa: "Yep. You can make the trip by car, and sleep in a bed if you want." Kaname: "That sounds super awesome!" sa: "It sure does. It almost sounds too good to be true!" Tsukasa: "It's fine. Tokiko owns the property and everything on it, anyway." sa: "Wait, she does?" Tokiko: "Yeah. She bought it specifically for stargazing back in the day, but figured it would be a waste to leave it as-is, so she turned it into a campground." sa: "She did?" Kaname: "That's pretty impressive!" Tsukasa: "Well, since she owned it already... I guess it'd be a waste not to use it." Kyuuma: "Then I wanna go, too!" Kaname: "Kyuuma-chan?" sa: "Good to see you again." Kyuuma: "See, my thing is... Despite appearances, I've always thought camping sounded fun!" Tsukasa: "Despite what appearance?" Kaname: "Easy, now. Kyuuma-chan's just dumb." Kyuuma: "My dad always used to tell me, "Kyuuma, if someone makes you cry, head up to the mountains!" "Your old man will make sure they stay buried there!"" Kyuuma: "That's how camping works, right?" Tsukasa: "Not at all, no." sa: "It sounds like your camping party would shrink a little with every outing." Kaname: "Kyuuma-chan, remember that anime about camping from a while back? It's like that." Kyuuma: "Oh, yeah! Laid-Back Ca—" Kyuuma: "Wait, that's what camping's like?! I wanna go! I wanna go bad!" Tsukasa: "What exactly did she think it was before?" Kaname: "Easy, now. Kyuuma-chan's just dumb." sa: "If we're taking a whole group, I'll invite Ginga-kun and the others." Tsukasa: "Oh, that sounds good." Ginga: "You're gonna bury bodies in the hills?!" sa: "No, no... I'm inviting you on a camping trip!" Ginga: "Oh, camping!" Ginga: "I gotta ask, bro, is that lady from the other day gonna be there?" sa: "The lady from the other day?" sa: "Oh, you mean Aya-san?" Ginga: "Yeah. I figure, considering what happened, I've gotta settle up with her." sa: "I-I see..." sa: "What does he even mean? Whatever it is, I hope it's just rom-com stuff." Aurora: "Are you going to attend this outdoor home party thing, Chitose?" Chitose: "As a fan of Saito Takao-sensei's Survival, of course I am." Aurora: "Wait, that's why?" Charlotte: "Was that really a camping manga, though?" Chitose: "There's also the fact that Nee-sama's husband looks like he has no clue about camping, so it'll be a great chance to teach him how harsh Mother Nature can be!" Charlotte: "Chitose-chan, have you ever been camping before yourself?" Chitose: "I've learned everything there is to know about it from Saito Takao-sensei's Survival." Aurora: "Oh, this bodes poorly." Chitose: "I'll teach that idiot just how scary rats can be!" Charlotte: "Pretty sure we won't be running into rats..." Aurora: "You think it'd be okay if we came along?" Charlotte: "Aren't we going to be accompanying Chitose-chan anyway?" Aurora: "But if we're working, that means we can't exactly take part in any dinners or drinking..." Charlotte: "Eh, I'm sure it'll be fine." Aurora: "Yeah, you're probably right." sa: "It looks like we'll be camping with quite a big group." Tsukasa: "Looks that way. And Chitose's gang will be coming, too." sa: "Family and friends all assembling together... That makes it feel like a big deal. I'm looking forward to it. It'll almost be like a wedding reception." Tsukasa: "When you put it that way, I suddenly feel embarrassed..." sa: "Huh? Really?" Tsukasa: "Well, I would be happy about having our marriage celebrated." sa: "I bet even the stars above will give us their blessing!" Tsukasa: "There you go being romantic again." Aya: "I'm so excited for this camping trip!" sa: "Yeah." Ginga: "I agree!" Aurora: "Now, as I mentioned earlier, there are two routes that take us to our destination." Aurora: "One will escort us directly to the campground via a vehicle." Aurora: "The other involves hiking from the foot of the mountain to our destination." Aurora: "The hike is estimated to take around four hours, incidentally. So, which will it be?" Tsukasa: "Do you even have to ask? Obviously—" sa: "I wanna hike!" Tsukasa: "H-Hang on a sec, darling!" Tsukasa: "Are you serious about a four-hour hike in the mountains?" sa: "I mean, we're going camping! The whole point is to feel the breath of the wild, right?" Aurora: "Tsukasa-sama. What should I put you down for?" Tsukasa: "I-I'll be hiking, then..." Aurora: "Very good." Kaname: "She doesn't want to walk, but she does want to stick with Senpai!" Kaname: "Is it all right if I take the car, though? I need to finish some work before we leave." Aurora: "Understood. I'll be back later to collect you." Aya: "Okay! Let's climb us a mountain!" Everyone: "Yeah!" Tsukasa: "Yeah..." Kaname: "Climbing mountains... is really hard!" Tsukasa: "You never miss a cue, do you?" Kaname: "H-How many kilometers do we have left?" sa: "That's a weird question to ask. We've only been walking for twenty minutes." Ginga: "I notice that Kyuuma girl hasn't been following us at all. Is she gonna be okay?" sa: "Whoa, she's so far behind..." Ginga: "Want me to nab her?" Tsukasa: "You all can keep going. I'll bring her along." sa: "Tsukasa-chan—" Ginga: "Damn, she's fast." sa: "Almost like a ninja..." sa: "Well, we'd better keep on moving." Ginga/Aya: "Roger!" Tsukasa: "What's up?" Kyuuma: "Hey, Paisen's wife!" Kyuuma: "I was just wondering what this flower is." Tsukasa: "Oh, this is cape jasmine." Kyuuma: "Cape jasmine?" Tsukasa: "It bears a fruit called "sanshishi." In the old days it was used to treat bleeding and inflammation." Kyuuma: "What's inflammation?" Tsukasa: "Basically, when something is swollen or bruised." Tsukasa: "You make a poultice out of ground sanshishi, egg yolk, and buckwheat, then slap it on." Kyuuma: "Really? And that actually works?" Tsukasa: "Well, probably not as well as modern medicine. Anyway, we need to get walking or we won't be able to catch up." Kyuuma: "Huh? O-Oh, you're right!" Kyuuma: "Still, this is a lot of fun. I've never seen most of this stuff!" Tsukasa: "Really? I've seen all of it before." Kyuuma: "Wow! What a cute mushroom! Is it a matsutake?" Tsukasa: "Don't touch it." Kyuuma: "Why?" Tsukasa: "That's amanita virosa. Eat it and you're dead." Kyuuma: "There are poison mushrooms in Japan?!" Tsukasa: "They grow all over the world. As a general rule, if you find a white mushroom in the mountains, you should absolutely not eat it. There's an edible type called stubble rosegill, but you're better off assuming they're all poisonous." Kyuuma: "I'm never gonna eat enoki again..." Tsukasa: "That's not the issue. Anything sold in a grocery store is fine! I'm talking about the stuff growing in the mountains." Tsukasa: "And we're never going to catch up at this rate, so let's take a shortcut." sa: "I hope Tsukasa-chan and Kyuuma-chan will be okay." Ginga: "I hear you. These mountain trails can be rough. It might be hard to catch up." Chitose: "I wouldn't worry if I were you." sa: "Wha... Chitose-chan?" Chitose: "You were taking so long, I came to see what was up." Chitose: "You really have no idea who you're dealing with, do you? It'd take a lot more than a mountain trail to give Nee-sama any kind of trouble." Kyuuma: "Wow, we actually made it!" Tsukasa: "See? The trail can be steep, but if you know what you're doing, you can manage." Tsukasa: "We should be able to sit down soon. Then we'll take a break." Kyuuma: "You sure? I thought you wanted to catch up with Paisen and the others." Tsukas: "No worries there." Tsukas: "We just did." sa: "Huh? Tsukasa-chan?!" Ginga: "No way!" sa: "When did you catch up?" Tsukasa: "Wouldn't be much of a ninja if I couldn't handle mountaineering." sa: "You're actually a ninja?!" Kyuuma: "Verily she nin-nin is!" Tsukasa: "Okay, okay, the path still continues for a while. Let's get going." Chitose: "See what I mean? She's got stronger legs than most." sa: "Y-Yeah..." sa: "Tsukasa-chan, you don't actually like climbing mountains, right?" Tsukasa: "Of course not. It makes me want to point out people invented cars and trains for a reason." sa: "But you seem really good at making your way through the mountains." Tsukasa: "Well, compared to you, darling." sa: "Y'know, Tsukasa-chan... I think you're a tsundere." Tsukasa: "That's not what this is!" sa: "Are you mad?" Tsukasa: "I am not." sa: "She told me that she'd go out with me if I married her. And I replied instantly: "Of course! It'd be my pleasure!" I lost consciousness right after that, so I don't remember the rest very clearly..." sa: "But I get the feeling that, right before I passed out, she was smiling." Tsukasa: "Good morning, darling." Tsukasa: "Did you sleep well?" sa: "Tsukasa-chan? Wait... Where are we?" Tsukasa: "The campground. Are you still half-asleep?" sa: "Oh, right. I was so exhausted from walking, I wanted to rest a little..." Tsukasa: "You were only asleep for about ten minutes." sa: "Really? It felt a lot longer." sa: "I have to say, it really is quiet here in the woods." Tsukasa: "The weather's nice, too." sa: "Are we pretty far from the others?" Tsukasa: "I think so. I don't hear their voices." sa: "I see... Well, then—" Tsukasa: "Hang on. "Well, then" what?" sa: "I mean... we might as well." Tsukasa: "Might as well what, exactly?!" sa: "It's just... kind of embarrassing to get into real specifics, but let's just say I'd like to kiss you while no one is looking." Tsukasa: "That was pretty damn specific, if I'm being honest." sa: "You don't want to?" Tsukasa: "It's not that... But I'd be embarrassed if anyone saw us." sa: "I see." Tsukasa: "Right?" sa: "I personally wouldn't be embarrassed, though." Tsukasa: "Could you maybe try to be?!" Tokiko: "Oh, who cares if you make out a little?" Tokiko: "It's not like it hurts anyone." Tsukasa: "People like you showing up is why I'm in no hurry to start!" Tokiko: "Come on, it's fine. You're already married. Physical intimacy is crucial." Tokiko: "Nasa-kun wants to smooch, doesn't he?" sa: "Yes, of course." Tsukasa: "Don't humor her!" sa: "I have to say, this campground is really nice." Tokiko: "Thank you. Hearing that makes the trip worthwhile." Tokiko: "Y'know, I bought this property because the view of the stars is just lovely." sa: "Really?" Tokiko: "Oh, yes." Tokiko: "As if the moon is right within arm's reach." sa: "I see. Tonight should be really special, then." Tokiko: "Yes, you're in for quite a treat." Tokiko: "She'll probably loosen up a bit once it gets dark, too, so hang in there." sa: "Sure!" Tsukasa: "Would you buzz off already?!" Tokiko: "Sure, sure. By the way, I've prepared a glamping tent for you two, so that's where you'll be staying tonight." Tokiko: "I'm sure your wife is sick to death of the old-fashioned kind." sa: "Sounds good! Thank you." sa: "She really is generous, isn't she?" sa: "Come to think of it, she told me something interesting the other day." Tsukasa: "What's that?" sa: "About how spouses have a special relationship." sa: "And Chitose-chan asked me something about why we got married." sa: "Sometimes I think about that sort of thing..." Tsukasa: "Am I special to you, darling?" sa: "You are. You're one of a kind for me, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "I-I see..." sa: "Of course." sa: "I guess we should head over to where the others are playing in the river." Tsukasa: "Why don't we go for a little walk? Just the two of us." sa: "Okay... Let's do that." sa: "It sure is quiet out here." Tsukasa: "Sure is." Unmarked Aya Adlib: "Kyuuma-chan!" sa: "That's Ginga-kun and the others down there." Tsukasa: "Chitose's gang is with them, too." sa: "That's Kyuuma-chan and Aya-san who are swimming." Tsukasa: "With their clothes on, too. Did they think that through?" sa: "Looks like everyone's accounted for, huh?" Tsukasa: "Yeah, I guess so." sa: "Let's head over there for a bit." Tsukasa: "Y-Yeah." Tsukasa: "There's a beautiful stream up here, too!" sa: "Seriously!" sa: "You wanna wade in it?" Tsukasa: "I'm wearing this long skirt, though, so it'd get wet." sa: "Allow me, then." sa: "I can hold it up so it won't get wet." Tsukasa: "H-Hey... I can't really walk like this." sa: "It's okay. I'll make sure you don't fall." Tsukasa: "You sure?" Tsukasa: "It's hard to move at all, honestly." sa: "That works out nicely." Tsukasa: "C-Come on! D-Don't nibble my ear!" sa: "Your ears taste good, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "S-Stop! Your breath is... It tickles!" sa: "I love you." Tsukasa: "Aw, come on!" sa: "Wait, Kyuuma-chan's gone?" sa: "You think she's..." Aya: "Stranded?" Aurora: "No, that's not likely. We're off the trail now, and these campgrounds are big, but they're surrounded by a fence, on top of being monitored with cameras. So it's impossible to be stranded if she's on the grounds." sa: "So she's just lost?" Aurora: "Most likely." sa: "Well, we still need to find her. It's almost time for dinner, so let's search for her first." sa: "Huh?" sa: "Well..." sa: "This isn't good at all! Everyone except me got lost somehow!" sa: "What a mess. Now I'm going to have to find every single one of them! For now, I should head back to where we all were..." sa: "Where even am I?! She said it was impossible to get stranded, but it's possible! It's super possible! Because of how freaking huge it is!" sa: "Oh, man, what do I do? I mean, I'm feeling really exhausted, and my legs hurt..." sa: "F-For now, let's lie down and think." sa: "Calm yourself..." Tsukasa: "What? My darling isn't back yet?" Tsukasa: "Is this one of those "the hunter becomes the prey" situations?" Aya: "Yeah, that about sums it up." Tsukasa: "I know this place is big, but it's not exactly easy to get lost in." Aya: "Well, he's pretty indoorsy." Kyuuma: "Jeez, that Paisen is a real handful, huh?" Aya: "And where have you been, Kyuuma-chan?" Kyuuma: "Potty!" Aya: "I... see." Kyuuma: "Yep!" sa: "I had a dream." sa: "A dream of that day." sa: "The day when I met her for the first time." sa: "Why did she ask me that?" Tsukasa: "Darling?" sa: "What did she really mean?" Tsukasa: "Darling, if you sleep out here, the bugs will eat you alive." sa: "Huh? Tsukasa-chan?" sa: "Did I fall asleep?" Tsukasa: "Yep. Out like a light." sa: "Wait, it's really dark!" sa: "And did Kyuuma-chan turn up?" Tsukasa: "Yes, a long time ago." sa: "Oh, that's good." Tsukasa: "Come on, we should get going. They're going to start the barbecue." sa: "Come to think of it, yeah... When she was leaving on that night, I called out, desperate to stop her." sa: "Hey, Tsukasa-chan." sa: "On that day, you said you'd go out with me if I married you. What did you mean by that?" Tsukasa: "Did I never tell you?" sa: "N-No, you didn't!" Tsukasa: "I didn't?" Tsukasa: "Well, in that case, I don't think I'll tell you." sa: "Aw, that's mean!" Tsukasa: "I mean, do you really not know? Because of, "What? Why?" If most people got those kind of conditions from a girl they barely knew, they'd ask, "What? Why?" At best, they'd be confused or just silent." Tsukasa: "If nothing else, I really doubt there's anyone else who'd be able to respond instantly." Tsukasa: "Suspicion. Doubt. Distrust. Humans can talk about love all day long, but it's never quite clear how much they really trust." Tsukasa: "Sometimes, no amount of words can make them trust someone. A degree of doubt is always there. So when they hear something strange, they always ask, "What? Why?"" Tsukasa: "Because they don't trust who they're talking to. But you answered, and right away, at that. "Of course! It'd be my pleasure!"" Tsukasa: "That proves you didn't doubt me." sa: "Tsukasa-chan, the reason I was able to answer you so quickly that night was because I was overjoyed that you turned my way." sa: "I was just so, so happy..." sa: "And that's why I'll always be proud of my answer." Ginga: "Big Bro Nasa! I'll make sure to take down anyone who gets in your way!" sa: "Just the sentiment is enough, Ginga-kun!" Ginga: "Yes, sir! I'll cool my heels!" Tsukasa: "He really never calms down, does he?" sa: "He's a good kid! He just idolizes certain problematic figures..."
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 Episode 10 – Thank You", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2", "10", "Thank You" ] }
sa: "Wow, this is impressive!" Tsukasa: "Feels like we're at a party for the pirate king." Ginga: "You think it's okay to help ourselves like this?" Aya: "Well, what good are leftovers gonna do?" Aurora: "Don't overdo it now, Charlotte." Charlotte: "Same to you, Aurora-chan." Tsukasa: "Should we really be splurging like this?" Tokiko: "Oh, of course. As long as you're willing to humor me with one thing." Kaname: "If you'd all pay attention to the stage!" Aya: "That voice..." Kaname: "Ready, and..." Kyuuma: "Kaname?" Kaname: "Then, on his 18th birthday, the two were reunited at long last!" Kaname: "Leading to their marriage, which brings us to today." Ginga: "Uh..." Kyuuma: "Bravo!" Everyone: "Congratulations!" Tsukasa: "What exactly is this, Kaname?!" Kaname: "Well, what else do you do at a wedding reception?" Tsukasa: "R-Reception?" Kaname: "Yep. Tokiko-san was dead set on making it happen, and we got Nakiri-san's help to make sure it was a surprise." Tokiko: "I planned the whole thing!" Tsukasa: "I've never heard of a surprise reception before!" Tokiko: "What's the problem? You've got all these people who like you in one place. It'd be a waste not to embarrass you a little." Tokiko: "Or did you think I was feeding you all for free?" Tsukasa: "What sense does that make?!" Tokiko: "Be honest. That little montage was pretty touching, wasn't it?" Tsukasa: "Well..." Kaname: "That's great to hear. Makes the work we put into it worthwhile." Chitose: "Did that girl put the whole montage together?" Aurora: "She must really like her senpai." Charlotte: "What a sweetie!" Kaname: "Now, I'd like to invite our stars up to the stage!" Tsukasa: "Wait, what?! Why?!" Kaname: "Well, this is literally all about you two." Tsukasa: "We never asked for that!" sa: "Still, Kaname-chan and the others did put in a lot of effort for our sake." Ginga: "Damn..." Kyuuma: "That's such a Kaname move!" Aya: "She's been busy with finals and housework, too." Aya: "Kaname really tackles her goals head-on." Kaname: "If you'd just step this way..." Tsukasa: "Fine! You just want me up there, right?!" Kaname: "Now that they've joined me on stage, how about a big round of applause for our bride and groom, Yuzaki Nasa and Tsukasa?" Tsukasa: "Now that we're on stage, what exactly is the plan?" Kaname: "Well, it's a reception, so of course we're going to have a few words from our newlyweds!" Tsukasa: "Huh?" sa: "Words?" Tsukasa: "You can't expect us to just improvise a speech!" Kaname: "It's fine! It doesn't need to be formal or anything." Tsukasa: "A casual one isn't much easier!" Kaname: "If you insist... You do it, then, Senpai!" Kaname: "This is a perfect chance for you to nail it." sa: "What?! Me?!" sa: "Got it." Tsukasa: "Really?!" Kaname: "Here's your mic." sa: "Well, uh..." sa: "Th-Thank you all for joining us on this auspicious occasion. Er..." Aya: "I wonder why he gets so nervous when he's on the mic." sa: "Um... I'm not sure what's the best way to put this," sa: "but I like Tsukasa-chan... Like her a lot. No, I love her." sa: "And if I start describing why, I could go on all night... But it's my intention to cherish those feelings as we start our new life," sa: "on a journey together, with the support of everyone who's gathered here tonight." sa: "Thank you very much for coming." Ginga: "Congratulations!" Kyuuma: "Good one, good one!" Kaname: "Your hubby's pretty smooth, huh, Tsukassan?" Tsukasa: "Oh, pipe down!" Kaname: "And now for another surprise!" Kaname: "It wouldn't be a reception without this!" Kaname: "They say the first thing spouses do together... is cut the cake!" Aya: "That's a huge cake!" Kyuuma: "She hauled that thing up a mountain! You rock, Kaname!" Kaname: "Yes, if you only knew how cautious I had to be in bringing it to you all." Tsukasa: "Hey, so we just cut it with this knife?" Kaname: "Whoa, one sec! Before we begin..." Tsukasa: "A veil?" Tokiko: "We can save the wedding dress for your actual wedding," Tokiko: "but you've got to at least look the part a little." Charlotte: "It's so cute!" Aurora: "Amazing how one item can make her look more like a bride." Tsukasa: "Unbelievable... What were they thinking?" sa: "But you look really beautiful." Tsukasa: "Th-Thank you." Kaname: "Now, you may cut the cake!" Ginga: "Congratulations!" Aya: "Looks good!" Charlotte: "Congratulations!" sa: "Why do people get married? It's believed that in ancient Egypt, people would put rings— symbols of eternity—on the left ring finger during wedding ceremonies. Marriage is so ingrained in human history, it's hard to trace its origin." sa: "But the question remains: why do people get married?" sa: "That's the summer triangle. Clockwise from the top, you can see Vega, Altair, and Deneb. Vega is in the Lyra constellation, and Altair is in Aquila. You can see the Milky Way in the middle there, which means those two stars, in Japanese folklore," sa: "are Orihime and Hikoboshi." Kaname: "You really know your stuff!" sa: "They did name me Nasa, with the kanji for "starry sky."" Charlotte: "The stars really are beautiful, though." Aya: "This must be what they mean when they say it looks like it'll start raining stars." kiri: "I can't tell them apart at all, though." Ginga: "Yeah, they all look the same to me." kiri: "Say, what's that big red one?" sa: "That'd be Antares. It's at the core of the Scorpius constellation, and it's around 720 times bigger than our sun." sa: "That one is Brachium, part of Libra. And above it is the double star system, Zubenelgenubi." kiri: "I'm genuinely curious how you can tell the difference." Ginga: "You're not just making stuff up, right?" sa: "W-Well, mostly from their positions, I guess?" Aya: "I guess no matter how pretty something is, you can get bored of staring at it, huh?" sa: "Already?!" Kaname: "You'll have to forgive my bonehead of a sister." Aya: "I-I do think they're pretty, though!" Tsukasa: "I expected this kind of response..." Tsukasa: "So I made sure to bring these along." Aya: "Fireworks!" Kyuuma: "I want in on this!" Kaname: "Better get some water ready!" Tsukasa: "Sorry to interrupt your explanation." sa: "I'm just glad everyone's excited." sa: "The stars really are gorgeous up here, though." Tsukasa: "They are." Tsukasa: "Should I bring you some coffee?" sa: "Good idea." Chitose: "I'll take one, too." Tsukasa: "You're not interested in the fireworks?" Chitose: "Did you really think that childish distraction would work on me?" Kaname: "I'll grab coffee for you all, then." sa: "You sure?" Kaname: "Sure! It's your wedding reception, after all!" Kaname: "How about you come help me, Chi-chan?" Chitose: "Why should I?! And since when am I Chi-chan?!" sa: "Thank you so much for everything today, Kaname-chan." Kaname: "Don't mention it! I'm just glad you're happy. It's great we were all able to celebrate like this." Chitose: "Hang on a minute." Chitose: "I'm not celebrating at all." sa: "I-It's been a while since we've talked, huh, Chitose-chan?" sa: "We met in Kyoto, and since then, I think only at the takoyaki party?" Chitose: "We barely talked on either of those occasions, either." Tsukasa: "Give him a break already." sa: "Something you said back then has really stuck with me, though." sa: "When you asked why we got married." sa: "I'm pretty sure marriage..." sa: "most likely predates the invention of written language. Which would mean that it already existed the moment history was first recorded." sa: "I mean, I got married because I love Tsukasa-chan..." sa: "But I do wonder why falling in love with someone makes you want to get married." Tokiko: "I see. You've got quite the romantic head on your shoulders." sa: "Tokiko-san." Tokiko: "Mind if I join you?" sa: "Not at all. This place is absolutely gorgeous, by the way." Tokiko: "Yes, it certainly is." Tokiko: "Your explanation before was wonderful, as well. Such a clever boy." sa: "Aw, it's just a hobby of mine." Tsukasa: "Since your wife is more interested in the fireworks than the stars... Why don't we have a chat about the stars over there?" sa: "That sounds good!" Tsukasa: "Now, hang on! What exactly is this?!" Tokiko: "Quit worrying. I just want to have a chat with Nasa-kun." Tsukasa: "Is that right? Well, it had better not be anything weird." Tokiko: "Oh, come on. Everything I say is weird, and you know it. Now, let's be on our way, Nasa-kun." sa: "Oh, sure." Tsukasa: "Hey!" Tsukasa: "In that case, don't take him!" Tsukasa: "Come on! Are you listening?!" Tokiko: "So, how is newlywed life treating you?" sa: "Let's see... Well, every day has something new. I'm learning and discovering so much, which makes it a lot of fun." Tokiko: "I see." Tokiko: "I'm glad to hear that." Tokiko: "I actually owe you a bit of an apology, Nasa-kun." sa: "What for?" Tokiko: "It's my fault that it took two years for you two to be reunited. She indulged a selfish request of mine for two whole years." Tokiko: "Which is why I'm really grateful that you waited for her for so long." Tokiko: "Nasa-kun, do you remember the night you met her?" sa: "To be honest, right after she told me she'd go out with me if we got married, I lost consciousness." sa: "So I don't really know how I ended up in the hospital." Tokiko: "I see. In that case, you still must not—" sa: "But..." sa: "I'm not that dense. I think I have a hunch as to what's going on. And... even when you account for that," sa: "I'm really glad to be married to Tsukasa-chan." Tokiko: "Oh, I see. Then it really is true. He's the one to finally make your wish come true." Tokiko: "I'm glad. This is such a relief." Tokiko: "You were talking before about why people get married, right?" sa: "That's right." Tokiko: "I asked her the same question once before. If you're curious, you should ask her. Make sure you're alone when you do. I'm sure she'll tell you." Tokiko: "Okay, the old lady is done talking. Go on, now." Tokiko: "And thank you." Tokiko: "Take good care of her." sa: "It was a moonlit night." sa: "I found myself rushing as I was searching for you." sa: "From the moment I first saw you, I thought it was destiny." sa: "Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "Oh, darling." sa: "What brings you out here?" Tsukasa: "Oh, it's nothing important. I just noticed you can see Mount Fuji from here." sa: "Hey, you're right." Tsukasa: "Did you finish your talk with Tokiko?" sa: "Yeah." sa: "Is everyone still playing with fireworks?" Tsukasa: "Yep. I think the night is going to last quite a bit longer." sa: "Tokiko-san really cares about you, doesn't she, Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "She's always been a little too attached." sa: "The way everyone showed up to celebrate our marriage..." sa: "We need to pay them back someday." Tsukasa: "Well, I like the idea of us taking everyone on a surprise trip next time." Tsukasa: "So, what did Tokiko say?" sa: "She asked what it was like being married to you." Tsukasa: "She didn't ask anything weird, did she?" sa: "Nothing weird, no. But she said I should ask you about that "Why do people get married?" question." Tsukasa: "Of course she did." sa: "What do you think, Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "Good question... I'm sure there are all sorts of reasons," Tsukasa: "but I think the big one is that no one lives forever." Tsukasa: "Don't worry, I'm not getting maudlin or anything." Tsukasa: "It's just something I've noticed over time... No matter what great things you achieve or how much wealth you acquire, even if your name goes down in history..." Tsukasa: "One day, you'll suddenly be gone." Tsukasa: "It could be illness. Injury." Tsukasa: "Maybe a war." Tsukasa: "Might even be an accident." Tsukasa: "If you're lucky, you make it to around 100 years..." Tsukasa: "But you'll get old, and then you'll be gone." Tsukasa: "You can't fight it, even if you want to. Everyone who is born reaches the end at some point." Tsukasa: "And that's exactly why..." Tsukasa: "they want to believe." Tsukasa: "That if nothing else, their love will last forever." Tsukasa: "Even if their bodies fall apart, what they had will live on eternally. It could be as transient as falling snow that melts on the ground," Tsukasa: "or as faint as a whispered prayer. But still, people want a light that will never fully fade." Tsukasa: "That's why getting married involves promises, right? To your parents, your mentors, and the people who have faith in you." Tsukasa: "You make a vow on an unbreakable stone that represents eternity." Tsukasa: "And..." Tsukasa: "You make it to what we call God, which may as well be the universe itself. In sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, for rich or for poor, you love and honor each other, consoling and aiding each other," Tsukasa: "dedicating yourselves for as long as you both live. Creating a love between the two of you that couldn't exist without both." Tsukasa: "It's a promise." sa: "It was a moonlit night." sa: "We promised to love each other forever under this starry sky." Kyuuma: "Wait, you mean Draco Bol doesn't end after he beats the Demon King?!" Aya: "That's right. Remember when he said it'd go on "a little bit longer"?" Aurora: "They start fighting aliens and stuff afterwards, so it's more like that's where it really starts." Kyuuma: "Wow! Making manga must be hard!" Aya: "Seriously!" Kaname: "And that being the case, we prepared a special glamping tent for you two that's a bit away from everyone else." sa: "That's what she said, but is this it?" Tsukasa: "It is technically a tent." Tsukasa: "The roof on this thing is transparent. You can see the sky." sa: "Talk about romantic..." Tsukasa: "Really." sa: "So I guess... this is where we sleep tonight." sa: "On a bed..." sa: "That's one big bed, huh?" Tsukasa: "S-Sure is. I guess it might be a king?" Tsukasa: "There are cold drinks, too." sa: "W-Wow. We might as well help ourselves." sa: "Anyway, it really is a lovely view!" Tsukasa: "It sure is." sa: "Hey! Is it okay if I get closer?!" Tsukasa: "S-Sure! Go ahead." Kaname: "He is a very smart boy." Kaname: "Due to his hard-working nature, he also has an agile mind full of knowledge. And right now, his considerable intelligence was fully focused on one thing:" sa: "How much can we fool around in here, anyway?" Kaname: "What a waste of brainpower!" sa: "I mean, since we're going to be sleeping in that big bed together, I would like to fool around as much as possible." sa: "But it kills me to admit we're inside a tent, which offers just about zero soundproofing. So if my wife starts making sweet sounds," sa: "everyone we know might be able to hear!" sa: "Not that I mind, personally! But speaking from personal experience, since we haven't had a chance to shower and clean ourselves up, Tsukasa-chan might not want to be held at all." sa: "That being said..." sa: "She's also cute when she's a little hesitant!" Kaname: "He's just a perv at this point." Tsukasa: "Darling, what's the hand for?" sa: "Well, y'know... I wonder!" Tsukasa: "You do?" sa: "I was just thinking... the stars are really pretty." Tsukasa: "What does that have to do with it?" sa: "B-But still! The stars might be pretty, but you're really pretty yourself, Tsukasa-chan!" Tsukasa: "Th-Thank you?" sa: "Yep." sa: "Huh? How do I invite her to bed now? Seriously, what do normal couples do?" sa: "Do they just go, "Let's move to the bed," when the mood is like this? And wouldn't that be super embarrassing?!" sa: "Not to mention it's so direct that it's a little scary! Shouldn't there be some sort of code word for adults that we can use? If there is, they should teach it at school! Wh-What do I do? I mean, if possible, I'd like to fool around with my wife on this bed!" sa: "Tsukasa-chan..." Tsukasa: "Y-Yeah?" sa: "Would you like to look at the stars on the b-b-bed instead of over here?" Tsukas: "S-S-Sounds good. That might be a nice view of the stars, too." sa: "Th-Then I'll turn the lights down so we can have a better view." Tsukasa: "S-Sure." sa: "They really are pretty." Tsukasa: "We can see the moon, too." sa: "Um... d-do you want to put your head on my arm?" Tsukasa: "I-I see. That's a nice idea, darling." sa: "Th-This sure is a fluffy bed." Tsukasa: "I-It is." sa: "I had a great time today." Tsukasa: "Y-Yeah. I did, too." sa: "To be honest, I'm not really sure what to do from here." sa: "Tsukasa-chan..." sa: "You smell nice." Tsukasa: "B-But I sweated a lot today." sa: "It still smells really nice." Tsukasa: "That tickles!" sa: "We were united and given the blessings of many people." Tsukasa: "I love my husband." sa: "I will make Tsukasa-chan happy. Fate was kind enough to bring us together," sa: "and now, for all the months and years that will follow..." Tsukasa: "We'd like to say..."
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 Episode 11 – On a Moonlit Night", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2", "11", "On a Moonlit Night" ] }
Tokiko: "I promise, I will make your dream come true." Tokiko: "It was something that no one had ever accomplished..." Tokiko: "I was sure I had pulled it off." Tokiko: "Or at least, I thought I had..." Tokiko: "I truly feel so helpless." sa: "I can feel my soul being cleansed." sa: "And sleeping in a big bed was fantastic." sa: "Next time we move, I definitely wanna get one." Tokiko: "You seem to be enjoying yourself." sa: "Tokiko-san? Good morning." Tokiko: "Morning." sa: "Are you out for a morning stroll?" Tokiko: "Yep." Tokiko: "We're in the middle of the great outdoors. It seems wasteful not to get up early." sa: "I agree. I invited Tsukasa-chan, too, but she said it was fine." Tokiko: "Well, nature doesn't really interest her that much." sa: "I-I guess you're right." Tokiko: "Care for some coffee, Nasa-kun?" sa: "Were you making some?" Tsukasa: "Nasa-kun?" Tokiko: "There you go." sa: "I appreciate it. Thanks for the coffee." Tokiko: "Are you sure you shouldn't go and wake her?" sa: "Why do you ask?" Tokiko: "I mean, look at all this. It's totally a couple thing." Tokiko: "Looking at the early morning view, on a beautiful morning, up in the mountains... That seems like something best suited for a lovey-dovey couple, and not a random old lady." sa: "Oh, but I'm having a great time." Tokiko: "Really?" Tokiko: "Care for some toast, then?" Tokiko: "This is from a good bakery in Ginza." sa: "You don't mind?" Tokiko: "I bet the smell will be enough to lure her out of bed, too. She's like a rhinoceros beetle that way." sa: "A beetle?" Tokiko: "This multi-roaster does a fantastic job with toast." sa: "You brought your own, Tokiko-san?" Tokiko: "That's right. I love how compact they make camping gear." sa: "I see." Tokiko: "The butter's a really good French brand, too." sa: "That's really something!" sa: "This is really good!" Tokiko: "Isn't it? You can always tell the good stuff from the aroma." Tokiko: "I appreciate you joining me for this." sa: "Oh, it's actually been a lot of fun to discover new things." Tokiko: "What new things?" sa: "The toast, the butter, the way you made it... I can tell you're particular about the whole process." sa: "That's something that reminds me of Tsukasa-chan." Tokiko: "Is that right? I take after her, huh?" Tokiko: "Oh, that reminds me." Tokiko: "There was something I wanted to talk to you about, Nasa-kun." sa: "Me?" Tokiko: "Yes." Tokiko: "I wanted to ask..." Tsukasa: "I knew I smelled something amazing! That's the bread from that famous bakery in Ginza!" Tokiko: "And here's your rhinoceros beetle, with her awful timing." sa: "Good morning, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "Good morning, darling." Tsukasa: "And you're eating this without me?! No fair!" Tokiko: "Oh, please. I'll make you some, if you like." Tsukasa: "Really? Two pieces, then." Tokiko: "Good grief..." Tokiko: "Tell me, Nasa-kun, are you sure about this girl?" Tsukasa: "Hey! First thing in the morning and you want to start with this?!" Tokiko: "I'm just saying, as sweet as he is, Nasa-kun could probably land a girl who's less of a mess first thing in the morning." sa: "Oh, no, I don't intend to marry anyone else." Tokiko: "You heard him. Bet you liked that, huh?" Tsukasa: "Sh-Shut up!" sa: "The camping trip was a lot of fun, huh?" Tsukasa: "It was. Way more than I expected." sa: "I never really understood what the point of wedding ceremonies was, but it's probably a lot like that." Tsukasa: "Like what?" sa: "Having everyone affirm your happiness like that... A lot of things can happen in life," sa: "but on a day like that, everyone is just focusing on being happy." sa: "That's the kind of event it is." Tsukasa: "That makes sense." sa: "Not only that..." sa: "Even if it was only a veil, you looked really cute." Tsukasa: "W-Well... thanks for that." Tokiko: "There was something I wanted to talk to you about, Nasa-kun." sa: "I wonder what she was going to ask..." sa: "Hey, it's the landlord." Tsukasa: "Landlord?" sa: "Hello?" sa: "Understood. Thanks." Tsukasa: "What was that about?" sa: "The apartment building is almost finished." Tsukasa: "What apartment building?" sa: "They're almost done rebuilding my old place that burned down." Tsukasa: "You mean we won't be staying here for free much longer?" sa: "It looks that way. We should be able to move in fairly soon." sa: "I'm kind of nervous." Tsukasa: "About what?" sa: "It'll be just the two of us for real at that point." Tsukasa: "Well, yes, it would..." sa: "Y-Yeah." sa: "S-Since it's almost ready, wanna check the building out?" Tsukasa: "O-Oh, that's a good idea!" sa: "Well, that's impressive." Tsukasa: "Very fancy." Tsukasa: "And bigger, I think?" sa: "I heard they bought some of the surrounding properties when they rebuilt it. And... well..." sa: "The apartments... have bathtubs, apparently." Tsukasa: "That sounds conven...ient." Tsukasa: "W-Well, isn't that something?! Huh, fancy that." sa: "Y-Yeah..." Tsukasa: "W-Would we be buying a b-bed, too?" sa: "Y-Yeah." sa: "Probably a double bed." Tsukasa: "M-Makes sense. That'd be the thing to do." sa: "Y-Yep." Tsukasa: "Now I'm nervous, too." sa: "Yeah." sa: "But I'm looking forward to it!" Tsukasa: "To what?" sa: "T-To what? Well... y'know!" Tsukasa: "So, if we're going to move out, we need to organize things here." sa: "We don't actually have that much stuff, I think." Tsukasa: "Well, we moved in after everything burned up at the old place." Tsukasa: "There's also..." Kaname: "Senpai!" sa: "K-Kaname-chan?" Kaname: "Senpai, you horndog! Are you serious about moving out?!" sa: "Well, yeah..." Kaname: "Senpai, you pervert! Do you have some sort of problem with this place?!" sa: "Not really, no. And why are your questions and insults totally disconnected?" sa: "We've just been borrowing this room, so it's not like we can stay here indefinitely." Kaname: "You say that, but I bet it's just because you can't fool around like you want to." Kaname: "You and Tsukassan both seem like you're not particular about where you live! I'm gonna be lonely if you two just disappear!" sa: "But still..." Kaname: "I promise to pretend I didn't see anything when you fool around at night!" sa: "But still!" Tsukasa: "It's okay." Tsukasa: "You won't get a chance to be that lonely." Kaname: "Tsukassan?" Tsukasa: "Even when we move out, I'll still be working at the bathhouse, so I'll be here all the time." Kaname: "R-Really?!" Tsukasa: "Yeah. I enjoy working the front desk. And I'd miss you, too. If you're not going to do anything with this room, I think Nasa-kun could work here." sa: "All I really need is my computer. I can work just about anywhere." Tsukasa: "So, seriously, you don't need to feel bad. I'd miss you just as much as you'd miss me." Tsukasa: "Thanks for having us, Kaname." Kaname: "Well, in that case... I guess I can put up with not getting to peek in on you at night." sa: "Hang on!" sa: "You weren't actually peeking in on us before now, right? It was fun and lively staying at Kaname-chan's house," sa: "but I'm still really looking forward to our new place." Tsukasa: "How's that?" sa: "Well, it's like..." sa: "We're getting closer to being a real husband and wife." Tsukasa: "What does being "real" even mean?" sa: "A real husband and wife..." sa: "can do things like this." Tsukasa: "Darling..." sa: "Yes?" Tsukasa: "Well, it's just..." sa: "What's wrong?" Tsukasa: "Since we're married, we should be able to talk to each other about what's on our minds, right?" sa: "Huh? Y-Yeah, of course." Tsukasa: "Which is why I want you to hear me out, and not take it personally." Tsukasa: "Promise you won't get mad?" sa: "I-I would never!" Tsukasa: "Well, to be honest, darling... Your hugs are crappy! Crappy! Crappy! Crappy! Crappy!" sa: "My hugs are crappy?!" Tsukasa: "Don't be so obviously depressed!" Tsukasa: "Listen to me, darling. You're hugging girls the wrong way." Tsukasa: "Like just now..." Tsukasa: "You tend to hug by putting your arms under mine, right?" sa: "Y-Yeah." Tsukasa: "But the truth is, that's not very comfortable for shorter girls." Tsukasa: "This is the kind of position it puts them in!" Tsukasa: "It feels like like when you pick up a cat!" sa: "I-I see." Tsukasa: "So, come over here, darling." sa: "Okay." Tsukasa: "Do it like this... With your arms up here." sa: "Hey, you're right! This is a much better fit!" Tsukasa: "Right? And if you do it like this, then I can..." sa: "Wow, you're really pulling me in!" Tsukasa: "D-Do you understand how to hug girls properly now?" sa: "Y-Yes! Understood!" Tsukasa: "Do you have anything?" sa: "Huh?" Tsukasa: "Things you want to talk to me about." sa: "Let's see... um..." sa: "I think a lot, maybe?" Tsukasa: "Really?! L-Like what?" sa: "Well..." sa: "The first thing is..." sa: "Can I touch you when you're sleeping?" Tsukasa: "Huh?" sa: "No, wait, not like that! I don't want to mess with you while you're sleeping! Well, I do, but that's not what this is about!" sa: "I mean, you're a messy sleeper, right? So you end up rolling around all over, and you look cold sometimes, y'know? Like, your belly gets exposed, for example. So when that happens, is it okay if I put you back under the futon, or adjust your pajamas? That sort of thing." Tsukasa: "No." Tsukasa: "Because I'm not a messy sleeper!" sa: "Huh?! No, no, you are!" Tsukasa: "I am not! You just made that up, darling!" sa: "What?! Come on, you have to admit it!" Tsukasa: "I will not! Because it's not true!" Tsukasa: "Two more years." Tsukasa: "That's how much more of my time you can have." Tokiko: "Wh-What is this?" Tsukasa: "I've found my destiny." Tokiko: "Destiny?" Tsukasa: "Right. Which is why I want you to promise me that after these two years..." Tsukasa: "You'll stop living for my sake." Tsukasa: "You need to live your own life." Tsukasa: "Because people's lives are fleeting and short." Tokiko: "I know that you're the kindest person there is." Tokiko: "And that's why I... why we... wanted to make your wish come true." Tokiko: "So I really feel so useless." sa: "She'd probably be mad if I took a picture of this." sa: "Tsukasa-chan, your phone's ringing." Tsukasa: "Who the heck is calling so early?" Tsukasa: "Chitose?" Tsukasa: "Hello? What's up? It's only seven in the morning." Tsukasa: "Tokiko what?" Tsukasa: "Tokiko!" Tokiko: "Want a donut?" Tsukasa: "Not a half-eaten one, no!" Tsukasa: "And I heard you collapsed! I was worried." Tokiko: "You were worried? Why, thank you." sa: "Um... Are you feeling all right?" Tokiko: "I'm just fine. Chitose and the girls made too much of a fuss." Tokiko: "I get a little dizzy and they decide to hospitalize me. Give us old folks a little credit, you know?" Tsukasa: "You sure this isn't from you overdoing it with that trip to the mountains?" Tokiko: "I hate to break it to you, but I wasn't overdoing it. That being the case, no need to worry. I'll be discharged by tomorrow." Tsukasa: "Hey! Where do you think you're going? Stay in bed!" Tokiko: "Just to the bathroom, all right? And while I'm at it, I'm going to talk to my doctor, and grab a coffee." Tokiko: "Grind some levels for me while I'm gone." Tsukasa: "Huh?! H-Hey, hang on!" sa: "I know you're not great at it, but try not to die too much." sa: "See you in a few, then." sa: "I think I'll go with her." Tsukasa: "Whoa, hang on! Darling?" sa: "Hey..." sa: "Are you really okay?" Tokiko: "Oh, dear, you found me already, huh? How'd you figure it out? Just a feeling?" sa: "Not that." sa: "It's your stride." sa: "Compared to when you were in the mountains, it's a lot smaller." sa: "That made me think something might really be wrong." Tokiko: "You are quite impressive, you know that?" sa: "Not really." Tokiko: "People have made a fuss about how great I am, but I suppose this shows there's always someone better." sa: "I don't think it's like that." sa: "Besides, Tsukasa-chan is the one who's really impressive." Tokiko: "No, she's normal." Tokiko: "She is normal. A totally normal girl, with no exceptional talents. Which is why I can imagine it must be a lot of trouble." Tokiko: "That said, I'd appreciate you not telling her about my condition." sa: "Oh, okay." Tokiko: "You saw how worried she was after hearing I collapsed. Honestly, give me a break here." sa: "Um..." sa: "There was something you wanted to tell me at the campground. What was it?" Tokiko: "Oh, you remembered that?" sa: "Yes. It sounded pretty important." Tokiko: "Seeing how sharp you can be at times... I'm as relieved as I am jealous. It's quite the mix of emotions." Tokiko: "Upsy-daisy." Tokiko: "There was something I spent my entire life trying to do." Tokiko: "And it looks like my part in it ended before it came to fruition." Tokiko: "I like to think I was almost there, but... It's quite frustrating, all the same. But since I tried my best, even though I failed, I don't regret it." Tokiko: "Which is why this is for you." sa: "Whoa... whoa, whoa, whoa! Tokiko-san, this is—" Tokiko: "Just a rock." Tokiko: "A regular old stone, with no magic powers or anything." Tokiko: "But the thing is, it took a millennia of human effort to collect that stone. You could say that, after a thousand years, it amounted to, "Yeah, it's just a rock." That's how it goes sometimes." Tokiko: "Nasa-kun..." Tokiko: "Please make her happy." sa: "I didn't know what she meant at the time. But... it felt like she was entrusting me with something even more important than the moon rock she handed me." sa: "Yes. You can leave it to me." sa: "I promise to make Tsukasa-chan happy!" Tokiko: "Well, I'm feeling a bit better with that off my shoulders. Come on, Nasa-kun, let's head—" Tsukasa: "Hey! There you are!" Tokiko: "Well, you had good timing for once." Tsukasa: "What's that supposed to mean?!" Tsukasa: "And why is this game so ludicrously hard?!" Tokiko: "For someone who likes video games so much, you never get any better at them." Tsukasa: "E-Excuse me?!" Tokiko: "Anyway, put down the video game. The weather's nice," Tokiko: "so go have a nice little chat with your husband." Tsukasa: "You told me to play the damn thing!" Tsukasa: "And the fact that you snuck out here... What were you talking about, anyway?" Tokiko: "That's a secret." Tokiko: "Right, Nasa-kun?" sa: "Well, I wouldn't say it's that big a deal." Tsukasa: "You were probably filling his head with more nonsense, weren't you?" Tokiko: "You make me sound so awful. If you're that desperate to find out, try paying closer attention to Nasa-kun." Tsukasa: "What do you mean by—" Tokiko: "I mean..." Tokiko: "exactly what I said." sa: "W-Well, to be honest..." sa: "I told her about how I want to make you happy." Tsukasa: "O-Okay." Tsukasa: "That's... well... Um... er..."
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 Episode 12 – In All the Times to Come, And Beyond", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2", "12", "In All the Times to Come, And Beyond" ] }
Hot-Blooded Teacher: "Can you guys solve this formula?! You'll never make it into Harvard if you can't!" sa: "That's not the right equation." sa: "I think it was copied from a model problem, but they left out a line." Tsukasa: "I'm impressed you even noticed." Tsukasa: "I bet you gave your teachers a hard time in school, didn't you?" sa: "Aw, come on. I did not." sa: "Wait, now that I think about it..." sa: "Maybe I did?" Tsukasa: "I knew it." ko: "Actually, no." ko: "These are typical grades for this school." ko: "But the student who was single-handedly raising the curve a lot has gone..." Teacher A: "Yanagi-sensei? About the report for the PTA that I asked you to do..." ko: "Oh, uh... Sorry! I'll have it finished today!" ko: "Being a teacher means having no breaks. Your daily classes, your lesson plans, overseeing club activities, excursions, the PTA... And if a student causes a problem, you need to be available 24/7 to respond. It's not even a high-paying job, either. But I'm still working hard today for my—" Taniguchi: "Yanagi-sensei?" Taniguchi: "Would you like to go to an amusement park with me?" ko: "Huh?" Taniguchi: "I mean, I just happened to get two tickets, so... If you don't mind, I'd—" ko: "What are you talking about, Taniguchi-sensei?" ko: "I don't have the time!" Taniguchi: "B-But don't you think it's important to relax now and then?" ko: "Don't be ridiculous. Of course not." ko: "Unbelievable. How can he think about that sort of thing when he's a teacher, too?" sa: "Huh? Yanagi-sensei?" sa: "It is you!" ko: "Oh! Yuzaki-kun!" sa: "Yep! It's been a while." ko: "It really has! Have you been doing well?" sa: "Yes, thank you for asking." ko: "I heard you had a pretty rough time." ko: "You were hospitalized and ended up not going to high school." sa: "Well, it's definitely been a busy time..." ko: "Busy?" ko: "Yuzaki-kun, there's, uh, something on your left ring finger." sa: "Oh, the ring? Yeah, I actually got married." sa: "Married... Married... Married... Married..." ko: "D-Don't tell me, Yuzaki-kun... You became a delinquent after being unable to enroll and got snared by a bad girl?!" sa: "And let me tell you—" ko: "Yuzaki-kun!" ko: "It's time for a house call!" sa: "Huh? But I already gradu—" ko: "It's a background check! Take me to your house right now!" Tsukasa: "Who might she be, darling?" sa: "Er, well..." sa: "I think I mentioned her before..." ko: "So this is Yuzaki-kun's wife?" ko: "Man, what the heck? She's really cute!" sa: "Huh?" ko: "You married someone this gorgeous?" sa: "Y-Yeah..." sa: "This is my homeroom teacher from middle school." ko: "My name is Yanagi Naoko." Tsukasa: "Oh, you're a teacher." Tsukasa: "I apologize for not saying this earlier, Yanagi-sensei. I'm Nasa's wife, Yuzaki Tsukasa." ko: "Oh, right! It's a pleasure to meet you." sa: "Her introducing herself as my wife has got me flustered." ko: "She seems really nice! Nothing like I imagined." sa: "Wait, what did you imagine?!" ko: "Hang on, I can't let my guard down yet. She might have some kind of horrible secret." Tsukasa: "Would you like to join us for dinner?" ko: "N-No, I couldn't! Barging into a former student's house, and then being treated—" ko: "Delicious! What is this? Do you eat delicious meals like this every day, Yuzaki-kun?" sa: "Well, yes." Tsukasa: "Please, help yourself." ko: "Really?!" ko: "I can't remember the last time I had a meal this good!" ko: "It's been nothing but convenience store food and instant noodles lately..." ko: "H-Hang on, Naoko! Don't let her suck you in so easily! Even if she's a great chef," ko: "for someone to get married so young... There has to be some issue!" sa: "This burdock root is fantastic!" Tsukasa: "Right? I thought you might like it." sa: "Yeah! Everything you make is so good, Tsukasa-chan!" Tsukasa: "Isn't it, though?" sa: "Look at you, master chef!" ko: "I get it now..." ko: "You can taste the depths of her love." ko: "Yuzaki-kun, what are you going to do in the future?" sa: "Huh?" ko: "I mean, think about it. Most married people get a corporate job, or get a high school certification and go to college." sa: "I'm honestly not thinking about it too much right now. It's true that I could probably get into college," sa: "and if I take on more work, I'd probably make more money..." sa: "But right now my priority is spending as much time as possible with Tsukasa-chan." ko: "Don't you get anxious thinking about your future?" sa: "Well, you can never predict the future." sa: "Which is why I think it's important to enjoy the present. I'm sure my future self will figure something out." sa: "Tsukasa-chan, let me help you." Tsukasa: "Thank you, darling." ko: "Enjoy the present..." ko: "Thank you for the meal." ko: "I'll see you around, Yuzaki-kun." sa: "Sure. Thanks for coming by today." Tsukasa: "Have a safe walk home, Sensei." ko: "Right. Thanks again!" ko: "I see..." ko: "Life is supposed to be about being happy. Every day spent just running around being anxious" ko: "is another day of that life gone forever." ko: "Hello? This is Yanagi. I was wondering..." ko: "Did you still want to go to that amusement park?" ko: "Thank goodness." ko: "Then let's go together." ko: "Work? It'll be okay. My future self will figure something out." Kaname: "You're really looking the part of a bathhouse clerk lately, Tsukassan." Tsukasa: "You think so? As long as I'm being helpful, I'm glad." Tsukasa: "Welcome to... the... bathhouse?" Kaname: "Okay, he looks scary." Tsukasa: "Y-Yeah, I guess." Ginga: "There a Yuzaki who lives here?" Tsukasa: "That'd be me." Tsukasa: "What do you want?" Ginga: "I'm looking for a dude called Yuzaki Nasa, not you." Ginga: "He's here, right? Real smart guy. You write his name like "starry sky," but say it like "Nasa."" Kaname: "What does the yakuza want with Senpai?!" Tsukasa: "Too bad." Kaname: "Wha?!" Tsukasa: "I've got nothing to tell some punk kid who's got no manners. This is a bathhouse. If you're not going in, then leave." Ginga: "Say what?!" Kaname: "Wh-Wh-Whoa there, Tsukassan! Aren't you scared? He might be one of those ya-youknowwhats!" Tsukasa: "What if he is?" Tsukasa: "I have no reason to fear this twerp." Kaname: "Tsukassan's one of those people who never backs down from stuff like this!" Tsukasa: "So what's it gonna be? Either take a bath or get out. Make up your mind." Ginga: "Y-You little... How much does it cost, then, punk?!" Tsukasa: "It's 500 yen to enter! Another 1,000 if you wanna use the sauna! You can get a towel set for 1,300! And students get a 100-yen discount, you punk!" Ginga: "Gimme the towel set, then. For one high school student, please!" Tsukasa: "Thank you very much! You can get your ticket at the machine over there!" Ginga: "Who the hell are you supposed to be?" Tsuksa: "I should be asking you that. If you mean any harm to my husband, you're gonna suffer for it." sa: "Oh!" sa: "It's Ginga-kun! Good to see you again." Ginga: "Big Bro Nasa! It's been a while, sir." Kaname: "G-Ginga-kun?" Kaname: "Senpai, is this guy a relative of yours?" sa: "Yep. This is Ginga-kun, my cousin. How'd you guess?" Kaname: "The name helped, I'd say." Tsukasa: "He's your cousin, darling?" sa: "Yep! Onimaru Ginga-kun. He's 17 years old and in high school." Ginga: "Bro, I gotta ask, who's this lady?" sa: "Oh, I didn't introduce you yet! See, I got married. This is my wife, Tsukasa-chan." Ginga: "Y-Your wife?!" sa: "Yep." Ginga: "Bro... When did you climb the stairway to adulthood?" sa: "Whoa! Ginga-kun?! Ginga-kun!" Ginga: "I'm so sorry! I had no idea my bro was married, and I acted real rude!" sa: "I'm sorry, too. I really should've told you already." Tsukasa: "Darling, he's not in the yakuza, is he?" sa: "Aw, come on! Ginga-kun's a normal high school student." sa: "He does a lot of extracurricular activities. He's even the student council president." Ginga: "Yes, sir. I'm running my own crew." Kaname: "You're sure he's a high school student?" Ginga: "Big Bro Nasa here's had my back since I was a runt. I've basically been chasing him my whole life. The other day, we had a beef with another squad, and he gave me some advice on how to squash it." sa: "Oh, when I helped you win your athletic meet by teaching you about Clausewitz's theory of war?" Tsukasa: "So when he says "another squad," he means a different school?" Ginga: "He gave me some advice on how to survive a raid, too." sa: "Right, that was how to handle pop quizzes." Kaname: "So, "surviving" in academic terms?" Ginga: "Bro's advice has got our earnings up, too, which has made the boss happy." Kaname: "The... boss?" Tsukasa: "Maybe he means the principal?" Ginga: "But before I get down to it... I gotta ask you something, Bro." sa: "What's that?" Ginga: "I know it ain't exactly cool to ask, but..." Ginga: "Wh-Why'd you get married?" sa: "Why? Well," sa: "because I love her, I'd say." Tsukasa: "Seriously, don't say that stuff in front of other people!" Ginga: "In that case..." Ginga: "C-Can you, like, kiss her?" Ginga: "How am I supposed to buy that it's true love otherwise?! If it's for real, you could kiss her in front of me, right?!" Tsukasa: "What the heck are you talking about, man?!" Ginga: "It's a big deal!" Ginga: "If you're his wife, you're practically a sister to me! That means I'm ready to put my life on the line for you! And I ain't gonna do that unless this is the real deal!" Kaname: "Gin-san's right! How am I supposed to believe your love's for real when I never hear any moaning at night?! So you may kiss the bride!" Tsukasa: "Are you two stupid or something?! Darling, say something!" sa: "I don't mind." sa: "I have absolutely no doubts about my love for you, Tsukasa-chan. So I don't mind letting them see us kiss." Tsukasa: "Well, maybe you should?!" sa: "But if you're too embarrassed..." sa: "Then I want to respect that." Tsukasa: "F-Fine... then." Ginga: "I-I get it already!" Ginga: "I can tell you two really love each other." Ginga: "So that's enough." sa: "Huh? Really?" Ginga: "Yeah. It's plenty." Ginga: "Besides, I don't really wanna see something so... scandalous." Tsukasa: "It was your idea in the first place!" Kaname: "Why'd you stop it at the good part?! You weenie yakuza!" Ginga: "Sis, please! Calm down! I'm begging you!" sa: "So what actually brought you by today, Ginga-kun?" Ginga: "I actually need your brains for something, Bro." Tsukasa: "This had better not involve bank fraud." sa: "Come on." Ginga: "First, I've got something you need to see. Hey!" Students B&C: "Pardon us!" Ginga: "This is what I need your help with, Big Bro Nasa." Tsukasa: "Isn't that..." Kaname: "It's one of those things used for carrying another thing." Kaname: "It really is a cat! You took in a cat?!" Ginga: "Yeah. One of my boys found him collapsed this morning. Seems to have lost his mom." Tsukasa: "Wait, why'd you bring him here?!" Ginga: "Well, it's kinda our fault, but... At first we figured we could just feed it, then drop it back off, but it seems like if you abandon a cat after taking it in, you're in violation of animal welfare laws. It ain't like we can turn to the cops," Ginga: "so we been looking for an owner, trying to find out if he's lost." Ginga: "The whole crew's been freaking out since we picked him up." Tsukasa: "Well, you're a real precious bunch, aren't you?!" Ginga: "Which is why I figured I should turn to you, Bro. I remembered you took real good care of a cat back in the day." Tsukasa: "Is that right?" sa: "Yeah." sa: "But I have to say, Ginga-kun..." sa: "You took that kitten in, and then came here?" sa: "The first stop you should've made was the vet." Ginga: "Yes, sir! All right, people, bring the car around!" Students: "Yes, sir!" Vet: "Oh, you took in a kitten?" sa: "Yes. We'd like to check for viruses and parasites, get flea and tick treatment, and have him groomed after the checkup." sa: "And if they're available, the FVRCP immunizations!" Vet: "Oh, sure thing. You know your stuff. We'll be holding on to him for about two hours, then. So, what's his name?" sa: "Uh, I wouldn't really know..." Tsukasa: "We haven't even seen him yet." Vet: "I'll let him out for a bit, then." Tsukasa: "That is weirdly menacing." Vet: "Well, he's certainly lively!" sa: "Uh, he's really gnawing on you there!" Vet: "It's quite all right. So, what should I call him?" sa: "Wh-What do you think?" Tsukasa: "Let's see..." Tsukasa: "His back is brown with a white square on it..." Tsukasa: "Let's go with Toast." sa: "Huh? T-Toast?" Tsukasa: "Yeah! It's cute, right?" sa: "Well, at least his name should be cute, I guess." Tsukasa: "So what are we going to do with him?" sa: "Well, even if we look for someone to adopt him, we'll have to look after him for the time being, at least." sa: "I'd feel uneasy about letting Ginga-kun and his friends handle it... And a proper checkup means holding on to him for at least two or three months." Tsukasa: "If we can't find anyone to adopt Toast, should we do it?" sa: "To be honest, I'm not feeling too confident about that." Tsukasa: "I hear you." Ginga: "Bro! How's the kid doing?!" sa: "Oh, he seems good." Ginga: "That's a big relief. Hate to see a sick kid, y'know?" sa: "We'll look after him for the time being, so we're about to go shopping." Ginga: "For real?! That's a huge relief! In that case, we can grab the stuff for you. My boys can get all the white powder and pieces you might need." sa: "Let's word things differently, okay?" Ginga: "Lemme just have them go and grab it." sa: "It's not that simple, Ginga-kun." sa: "You need to make sure the kitty litter is safe to ingest. And watch out for stuff with a synthetic base. Even the natural stuff can have antimicrobials, deodorizers, and other synthetic stuff mixed in, which is a no-go. For food, make sure it's a kind that's safe for people to eat. Nothing labeled "oatmeal" that's made out of mystery ingredients. And a lot of the cheaper stuff uses grains that are hard for cats to digest, so let's avoid those and—" Ginga: "Slow down a sec!" sa: "Anyway, making sure a pet stays healthy requires a fair amount of knowledge, effort, and resources. Good luck with the search." Ginga: "Got it!" Tsukasa: "You know a lot about cats, darling." sa: "Well, people can manage their own health," sa: "but pets don't have that option." sa: "Their health is their owner's responsibility, and it's a serious one." Tsukasa: "Any pet you take care of is bound to be happy." sa: "Y-You think so?" Vet: "Sorry about the wait. There didn't seem to be any problems." sa: "That's a relief. Was he a handful?" Vet: "Nope, he settled down a lot after having some food." Tsukasa: "Good for you, Toast." Tsukasa: "Seems like you're healthy!" Tsukasa: "Aw, stop that." sa: "I realized that when you add cute to cute, the result is double cute." sa: "Okay, let's head home. You're part of the family now, Toast." sa: "Why?!" sa: "What's wrong?" sa: "Is he asking to be fed?" sa: "Ugh, it's still the middle of the night." sa: "Is it just me..." sa: "or have I been marked as the one it's okay to wake up?" sa: "Wow, he's really scarfing it down." sa: "Oh, and now that he's got a full stomach, he's lost interest in me." sa: "Huh? Is it me, or is this a huge difference in treatment?" Tsukasa: "That must've been rough, waking up in the middle of the night. But I think that means he trusts you, darling." sa: "Is that it?" Tsukasa: "Of course. He's just like me in that sense, which is why he'll turn to you for attention from time to time." sa: "Tsukasa-chan, you want attention from me?" Tsukasa: "Of course." Tsukasa: "You think I'd sleep so defenselessly around someone I didn't trust?" Tsukasa: "But I have to say..." Tsukasa: "Cats are really cute." sa: "Y-Yeah..." sa: "But you are, too, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "Then... between me and Toast, who's cuter?" sa: "Well, uh..." Tsukasa: "Well what?" sa: "H-He really is..." Tsukasa: "That's right." sa: "Since she just got out of the bath, she smells really amazing up close." sa: "I was wondering how..." sa: "exactly... you wanted attention, so..." Tsukasa: "I will admit it..." Tsukasa: "I've been wanting more attention lately." Chitose: "Next up is "That Time I Reincarnated in a Dreamy Magical Kingdom."" Aurora: "I hear you can go these days without needing to reincarnate first. And it's right near the city." Charlotte: "You know what that means! Let's go!"
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 Episode 2 – On the Subject of Happiness", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2", "2", "On the Subject of Happiness" ] }
Ginga: "This is for taking care of the kid, and your wedding present." Ginga: "I'd be honored if you'd accept." sa: "Oh, wow!" sa: "Couples' tickets to that theme park in Maihama!" Ginga: "Yes, sir. I figured young lovers oughta have a good time, y'know?" sa: "This is great! Thanks, Ginga-kun!" Ginga: "You two enjoy yourselves." sa: "Tsukasa-chan, is this your first time going to the Dream Kingdom?" Tsukasa: "Do you think I'd be this excited if it wasn't?" sa: "Good point." Tsukasa: "They even say there's a superstition about a spell being cast on you... Sounds about right." Tsukasa: "Now that you mention it, have you been there before?" sa: "Yep. Twice, when I was little." Tsukasa: "I see." Tsukasa: "In that case..." Tsukasa: "You must know all the tips and tricks!" Tsukasa: "Let's get to bed early so we'll be ready for tomorrow. We're not gonna win tomorrow without a strategy gui—" sa: "That was fast! She's already out!" sa: "She's really looking forward to it, huh?" sa: "I'm actually getting nervous about how high her anticipation is." sa: "I'm counting on you, Dream Kingdom! You somehow have to surpass my wife's overflowing hype levels!" sa: "But the skies were clear when we left the house..." sa: "I-I guess it started raining, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "Sure did! Since we don't have time to buy umbrellas, let's rush to the entrance!" Tsukasa: "Come on! It's almost opening time! We better get going!" Cast Member: "Okay, folks, have a good time!" Tsukasa: "Wow!" Tsukasa: "So this is what it's like... There's cute stuff every way you turn! How do you even know where to start?" sa: "Let's start with getting passes for the most popular attractions, and then see what we'll be able to ride in the meantime." Tsukasa: "Those are the priority passes, right? We'll definitely need those! Let's get to it!" sa: "But first..." Tsukasa: "Of course! Raincoats! These are gonna come in handy!" sa: "I only bought them so we'd keep dry, but..." sa: "My wife is super cute in a raincoat!" sa: "I guess rain can be nice sometimes!" Chitose: "I keep asking, but..." Chitose: "Why did we have to come here in the rain?" Charlotte: "Now, now. I'm pretty sure we're gonna get a glimpse of something fun." Chitose: "Oh, hell no!" Chitose: "What are those two doing having a date at an amusement park, being all lovey-dovey?!" Aurora: "I mean, they're married. A lovey-dovey date at an amusement park seems par for the course." Aurora: "Which is why, today... We're here to see how those two flirt here, at an amusement park, for the historical record!" Chitose: "How is that historically significant?!" Charlotte: "But first..." Charlotte: "I got our passes, so let's head to Big Thunder Fujiyama right now!" Aurora: "Well-played, Charlotte!" Chitose: "I thought we were following them?" Aurora: "Yeah, but don't you wanna hit the rides first?" Tsukasa: "I wanna check that out!" sa: "What?" sa: "Oh, Kerenagure Mansion." sa: "Okay, let's check it out." Tsukasa: "The atmosphere in here is really something." sa: "Sure is." Tsukasa: "Look, darling! Get a load of that thing!" sa: "It's pretty impressive. I see. This kind of detailed production must be pretty striking when it's your first time." Tsukasa: "Looks like we get in these!" sa: "Still, this attraction's been around for a long time." sa: "I'm not sure if it'll really impress Tsukasa-chan." sa: "I'm counting on you, Dream Kingdom! Show off your potential!" sa: "Look at that!" sa: "Seems like a good reaction!" sa: "How'd you like your first visit to that attraction?" sa: "Looks like you enjoyed it. I'm glad." Tsukasa: "This place really is amazing! We've got to make sure to clear the entire park!" sa: "Okay, then, next is..." sa: "This one! Space Sagittarius Tours!" Tsukasa: "Oh, the one based on the popular movie series?" Tsukasa: "Wow, they did a good job of reproducing the look of the films." sa: "You can tell?" Tsukasa: "There's the android from Episode III." Tsukasa: "That's the space ship from Episode V." sa: "You really know a lot about this stuff, huh?" Tsukasa: "It's common knowledge, dear." sa: "This really is cool!" sa: "Keep it up, Dream Kingdom!" sa: "I bet Tsukasa-chan is loving this!" sa: "That was really amazing, huh, Tsukasa-chan?" sa: "Huh? What's wrong?" Tsukasa: "Darling..." Tsukasa: "I wanna go on that one again." Tsukasa: "But if we do, it'll eat into our time for riding other stuff..." ko: "The crowd's light today because of the rain. You'll get a chance again later." sa: "Yanagi-sensei! What brings you here?" ko: "Oh, come on. Everyone goes to theme parks." ko: "I took a cue from you two and decided I could use a break." sa: "I see! So, are you here with your boyfriend?" ko: "Well... no... I'm actually with here with another teacher from work." ko: "I've never gone to one of these places with a boyfriend. In fact, I've never had a boyfriend." sa: "I'm really sorry." ko: "Oh, but the coworker who came with me is a man! So maybe, from a distance, we look like we're together?" sa: "I-I bet you do! You're bound to look like a couple!" Tsukasa: "Where is the other teacher you came with, though?" ko: "I think he's getting a pass for one of the more popular attractions." ko: "This is actually my first time here, and I don't really get how it works." ko: "He said he won the tickets to the park, too, I think." Tsukasa: "Would you really invite a coworker you're not interested in with tickets you just happened to win? No! The answer is no, I say! The idea that he was able to stumble into tickets so conveniently is already out of the question!" ko: "But considering how nice this place is," ko: "I bet it'd be wonderful to come here on a date." Tsukasa: "Is that a possibility with this coworker of yours?" ko: "Oh, no way! I'm so boring, there's no way he'd be interested! His name is Taniguchi-sensei, and he's pretty sweet, always inviting me to movies and such, because he knows I don't get out much." Tsukasa: "A rom-com! This situation is directly out of a rom-com!" Tsukasa: "Taniguchi-sensei is the protagonist, and Yanagi-sensei the love interest! It's a romantic comedy about the efforts of Taniguchi-sensei to romance the super-oblivious Yanagi-sensei!" Tsukasa: "Which means we need to get out of here fast! If Taniguchi-sensei comes back, the date he arranged at a theme park could end up falling apart due to the appearance of acquaintances!" Tsukasa: "It's clear to me what needs to be done. Evacuate! We clear out at full speed, with no regard for manners or shame!" Tsukasa: "Oh, darling! Isn't it time for that ride we got a pass for?" sa: "Huh? No, not ye—" Tsukasa: "But we better line up right away, before the seats are all full! Gotta hurry! Well, Sensei, we'll see you around!" ko: "Okay! Let's all have a good time!" Tsukasa: "That was a really close one, darling." Tsukasa: "We almost ended up torpedoing Taniguchi-sensei's plan." sa: "Wait, what do you mean?" Tsukasa: "I mean that he probably didn't win those tickets!" sa: "Wh-Wh-Wh-What makes you say that?" Tsukasa: "He had to act like he did in order to invite Yanagi-sensei." Tsukasa: "As smart as you are, darling, you're really clueless about this sort of thing." Tsukasa: "There's only one reason a guy would ask a girl to an amusement park. I'm saying Taniguchi-sensei likes Yanagi-sensei." sa: "Really?!" Tsukasa: "That's right! And having acquaintances around would put a damper on a romantic mood, right?" sa: "Oh, yeah... But from the way Yanagi-sensei was talking about it," sa: "I don't think she has any clue at all." Tsukasa: "I don't think she does. Which is why I'm betting..." Tsukasa: "Taniguchi-sensei is playing for keeps. It's a do-or-die challenge, like entering the World Cup. But putting that aside, we should head to our next attraction." sa: "Sure." sa: "This one is next!" Tsukasa: "How do I even describe this? They really went for it with this one!" sa: "Yeah. They're definitely not being shy." sa: "Hey, Tsukasa-chan, there's Yanagi-sensei." sa: "Looking at them like this, I bet anyone could tell he's interested." Tsukasa: "It's basically written all over his face. He made the right move inviting her, but unless he earns enough points with this outing, she's just gonna think he's a "nice guy."" sa: "Now, what's his play?" Tsukasa: "How will Taniguchi make his approach?" sa: "And he reaches out!" Tsukasa: "Can Taniguchi pull this off?!" sa: "No goal!" Tsukasa: "He's really feeling that indecision right now!" sa: "Th-This is a pretty tense conflict." Tsukasa: "It's really frustrating, actually! There's no way he'll be able to earn points from Yanagi-sensei if he's being so timid!" sa: "You're right about that." sa: "He might have a fatal mental weakness." sa: "And Yanagi-sensei does seem kind of dense about this sort of thing." Tsukasa: "I guess she's the same type as you, darling." sa: "Aw, come on! I think I'm pretty perceptive." Tsukasa: "Still, with how dense she is, it might end up having the reverse effect." Tsukasa: "This attraction is a dark, slightly scarier one..." ko: "Th-This is pretty exciting, huh?" Taniguchi: "Y-Yeah, I think so." ko: "Um, Taniguchi-sensei... I, um... scare pretty easily, so..." ko: "Is it okay if we hold hands until the ride's over?" sa: "Goal!" Tsukasa: "Taniguchi ends up giving up a goal instead!" sa: "That really was one heck of a goal." Tsukasa: "She landed it clean, too." Tsukasa: "You think he has any chance of turning this around?" sa: "I'm not really sure." sa: "But there's still eating out, seeing the lights, the parade, and the fireworks show. So he'll have more chances to rack up points!" Tsukasa: "Wait, there's all that stuff, too? That sounds awesome!" Tsukasa: "Taniguchi-sensei really isn't getting anywhere." sa: "If he likes her, he should just tell her." Tsukasa: "I'm sure even teachers don't have the answers when it comes to love." Taniguchi: "Should I tell her now? Or is it too early? Do I need a more romantic atmosphere first?! Somebody, please, tell me!" ko: "Why did you invite me today, anyway?" Taniguchi: "Uh, well, er, I..." Taniguchi: "This is bad! I didn't think she'd give me an opening like this!" Taniguchi: "Wait, but maybe it's my chance! I can use a good old-fashioned, "Well, obviously because I like you, Sensei!" Okay!" Taniguchi: "W-Well, it's because..." Girl: "Hey, why did you invite me today?" Guy: "W-Well... the reason is..." Guy: "Because I like you, obviously!" Taniguchi: "What are you doing, kid?! In front of all these people?! Seriously?!" Girl: "Oh, I'm so glad! Then you want to go out?" Guy: "Yeah, of course!" Taniguchi: "You stupid, crazy idiot! Don't you realize there are tons of people in your situation in this park?!" Taniguchi: "And Yanagi-sensei is paying close attention!" Girl: "Wait, so that stuff about winning the tickets wasn't true, was it?" Taniguchi: "Please! Please stop, I'm begging you! You're ruining my plan!" Guy: "Well, yeah, of course! I said that because I wanted to invite you on a date." Taniguchi: "And I am done." Yanagi: "Did you hear all that, Taniguchi-sensei?" Taniguchi: "Y-Yeah." Taniguchi: "I guess not many people actually win tickets like you did, huh?" Taniguchi: "Thank... goodness? I guess she didn't catch on!" Taniguchi: "Wait, if she didn't figure it out after all that... It means she has absolutely no romantic interest in me, right?" Taniguchi: "That seems like despairingly bad odds." Taniguchi: "How do I even broach the subject of romance now?" ko: "Oh, look, Taniguchi-sensei." ko: "What's that crowd in front of the clock tower?" Taniguchi: "Oh, I think it's a wedding." ko: "A w-wedding? People get married at theme parks?" Taniguchi: "They do. It costs a whole lot of money, though." ko: "But it's pouring today... And her dress is soaked." Taniguchi: "Yeah, but it's not like they can call it off." Taniguchi: "I bet they were hoping for better weather. They're starting their new life together. Still, he's doing better than I am right now." Taniguchi: "They look happy." Taniguchi: "I mean, look at them. They just got married, and they've already been put through a test like this, but see how they're smiling? A couple that can get through something like this while smiling is probably going to be okay, no matter what happens." Taniguchi: "Meanwhile, here I am, not even at the starting line. No! I can't give up yet! I need to try to reach Yanagi-sensei! S-Since it's almost time for lunch, why don't we head into one of the restaurants?" ko: "Sure, I'd love to!" Tsukasa: "What are we getting on next?" sa: "Why don't we grab lunch first?" Tsukasa: "Good point. Hunger can be a detriment to fun, after all." sa: "Yep." Aurora: "The sweets hunt and jungle picnic were both great!" Charlotte: "Aren't theme parks just the best, Chitose-chan?" Chitose: "Yeah!" Chitose: "Oh, I forgot!" Aurora: "It looks like they were flirting just fine, even if we weren't around to see it all." Chitose: "After them!" Charlotte: "Hang on, Chitose-chan!" Tsukasa: "Oh, wow, a buffet!" sa: "Grab anything you'd like." Tsukasa: "Since we're here, how about a game, darling?" sa: "A game?" Tsukasa: "Yeah. Instead of picking out your own food, we pick out the food we think the other will like, and then exchange." sa: "I get it! That does sound like fun." Tsukasa: "I know exactly what foods you like, after all." sa: "I'm not gonna lose, though!" Aurora: "Even at the buffet..." Charlotte: "There's a whole spectrum of flirting out there, huh?" Aurora: "That does seem like fun, though. Let's go in and try it ourselves!" Charlotte: "I'm in!" Chitose: "They're bound to notice us if we do! And then they'll get super mad!" Aurora: "Not a problem! Now we've got the perfect disguises." Charlotte: "Not at all suspicious, right?" Chitose: "I don't think I've seen anything more suspicious, you dummy!" Aurora: "Aw, don't sweat it." Charlotte: "Put this on, Chitose-chan!" Chitose: "Hey! How am I supposed to eat in this thing?!" Aurora: "What kind of fool gets curry at a buffet?" Charlotte: "Fried shrimp, huh?" Aurora: "Okay, that is way too much sausage!" Charlotte: "Oh, no, he put the cakes next to the curry..." Aurora: "Oh, man, she's gonna be so mad." Charlotte: "Definitely." Chitose: "Serves him right! Not that I can see." Tsukasa: "How'd it go, darling?" Tsukasa: "What's wrong, darling?" sa: "Um, well, I, er..." sa: "I think I'm gonna take another look!" Tsukasa: "It's okay. I won't get mad, no matter what you picked." sa: "Y-Yeah, but..." Tsukasa: "Even if the cakes are brushing against the curry, and the plating is total chaos, I'll still enjoy it." sa: "How did you know?!" Tsukasa: "Like I said, I know exactly what you're like, darling." Aurora: "I see! Yet another way of flirting, then!" Charlotte: "This is so educational!" Chitose: "It is not!" Muffy: "Hi! I'm Muffy!" Tsukasa: "You can hug him and get a picture of it?!" sa: "Yeah, you sure can!" Aurora: "I bet he wants to hug her instead." Charlotte: "I bet he wants to do a lot more than that." Chitose: "Quit being pervs at the theme park!" Tsukasa: "Muffy!" Muffy: "Thanks for coming today! Ha-ha!" Tsukasa: "Wow! You're even fluffier than I imagined!" Muffy: "I'm the fluffiest fella in the world! Ha-ha!" Tsukasa: "So cute!" sa: "Let's take a picture to remember this! Ha-ha!" sa: "Seeing Tsukasa-chan so excited... It's a side of her I don't usually see. That's so cute. I'm glad we came here." Aurora: "I guess Tsukasa-san likes stuff like that, too." Charlotte: "It is cute, after all." Charlotte: "Do you wanna take a picture too, Chitose-chan?" Chitose: "Y-Yeah." Chitose: "So fluffy!" Chitose: "So cute!" Aurora: "Must be rough being a tsundere." Charlotte: "Right?" Tsukasa: "The sky has completely cleared up." sa: "The parade and fireworks come next." Tsukasa: "Really? That sounds great!" sa: "There's Yanagi-sensei and Taniguchi-sensei!" Tsukasa: "The vibe seems different now." Tsukasa: "Who knows... Maybe the magic is working on them!" sa: "Do you think Taniguchi-sensei told her how he feels?" Taniguchi: "Things should be going in a positive direction. And after today's events, I'm sure about something! I really like her!" Taniguchi: "I don't want to let anyone else have Yanagi-sensei! Which is why I need to tell her how I feel, so we can start dating!" ko: "Thanks for inviting me out today, Taniguchi-sensei." Taniguchi: "Oh, r-right." ko: "I had a lot of fun with you!" Taniguchi: "I love her!" ko: "It's so beautiful." Taniguchi: "Yanagi-sensei..." Taniguchi: "I had a great time today with you, too." ko: "Really? You wanna get married, then?" Taniguchi: "What... did you just say?" ko: "Well, I mean..." ko: "Er, sorry! I know that was sudden! It's just, y'know..." ko: "Um, well... I felt really comfortable today. Like being with you all the time makes sense, or makes me feel at ease... So I was thinking, with someone like that... Life would be really nice." Kaname: "I think Japanese people need to be more casual about kissing!" sa: "Well, it's a pretty subjective issue..." Kaname: "Good morning kisses! Goodbye kisses! Kisses for a job well done! And... "Sorry, I really want to finish this quest today, so go to bed before me" kisses!"
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 Episode 3 – Before the Fireworks Go Out", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2", "3", "Before the Fireworks Go Out" ] }
sa: "My name is Yuzaki Nasa." sa: "My wife's name is Tsukasa. On a night when the moon was shining bright," sa: "a certain girl saved my life." sa: "And that really cute girl would one day be the wife with whom I would share a future!" sa: "I fell in love at first sight, and proposed to her the same day we met." sa: "And trusting how earnest I seemed to be, she one day returned to me. This is the story of a couple who had a strange first meeting, and ended up together with an irreplaceable bond between them." Tsukasa: "My husband is a man you can rely on." Tsukasa: "He's not physically imposing, nor all that strong." Tsukasa: "And yet..." Kaname: "Senpai!" sa: "What's wrong?" Kaname: "I was hoping you could help me. You think you can fix this thing?" sa: "A vacuum, huh?" Kaname: "It suddenly won't turn on anymore." sa: "As long as it's not critically damaged, I should be able to." Kaname: "What exactly would count as "critical damage," anyway?" sa: "Well, if the LSI or any integrated circuits are broken, the odds of fixing it are pretty bad." sa: "But that stuff usually doesn't break." Kaname: "I see..." sa: "I'd say 80-90% of the time, it's a problem with the electrical systems. Usually either some soldering came loose or a cord's been broken... Maybe even some parts rusting. Most of the time, it's something like that." Tsukasa: "Here you go." Kaname: "Oh, thank you." sa: "This means the solder point here is loose..." sa: "So we fill it in a little." sa: "There you go. It's working." Kaname: "You're such a big help, Senpai!" sa: "I'm just glad I could get it working." Aya: "I have a request for the ever-helpful Nasa-kun!" sa: "Aya-san?" Kaname: "What do you want?" Aya: "I'll have you know I'm in a bit of a pinch! More than a bit! A huge pinch, in fact!" Aya: "I've got finals coming up at the end of the month!" Aya: "What was that sigh for?! How do you already know where this is going?!" Aya: "However, as you have guessed, I haven't studied at all! My attendance is pretty bad, too, so Aya's in a real "fail the year" kinda pinch!" Aya: "I can't afford a failing grade! I'll fail the year! This may be Aya's biggest and most painful pinch yet!" Kaname: "You get what you deserve." Aya: "From what I was able to figure out, the trend for getting grades up is asking a smart friend instead of going to cram school or getting a tutor! That's how it works in both Magazine and Jump! So teach me, Nasa-kun!" sa: "Uh, I only graduated middle school. Teaching a high school student when I never went to high school is—" Aya: "But you're smart! So I'm sure you can teach real good!" sa: "Can I, though?" Tsukasa: "Why not take a look at her books to get a better idea?" sa: "Can you show them to me?" Aya: "Yay!" sa: "I dunno, though... I mean, high school material..." Aya: "Nasa-kun... You just thought, "Wait, how can she not understand such simple material?" Didn't you?" sa: "I... wouldn't go that far." Aya: "But you did think it was easy, didn't you?" sa: "If this is as hard as it gets... yeah." Aya: "Th-Then can you teach me?" sa: "Well... I don't really know where you're at right now, so could you show me some of your quizzes?" Aya: "Okay!" sa: "Th-This is really... something." Aya: "Tee-hee!" Kaname: "Don't you "tee-hee" us." Aya: "But studying is so..." Kaname: "Yeah, yeah..." sa: "Okay." sa: "I'm going to put together a series of once-daily worksheets for you. Can you promise to work on them until you've got them memorized?" Aya: "Will that be enough?" sa: "Yep. That's all you have to do. We'll start tomorrow, so could you bring all your books in?" Aya: "Okay!" Tsukasa: "Are you sure about this?" sa: "It should be fine. Especially if the goal is just to not fail on her finals." sa: "I've got a knack for predicting the questions on exams. If you look at the statistics for past tests and imagine the mindset of the test writers, you can pretty easily stay one step ahead of them. It's utilizing this ability to its full extent that got me ranked #1 in the nation!" Tsukasa: "I was asking about the work that he'd have to sink into this, actually." Tsukasa: "But my darling doesn't even consider that kind of thing. When people say someone is reliable, they probably mean people who don't expect anything in return." sa: "So that means..." sa: "The answer should be three." Aya: "This is so hard..." sa: "I'll explain again from the beginning, then." sa: "Honestly, Nasa-kun, how can you even memorize these long chains of weird codes?" sa: "They're not weird chains. Each one of these formulas represents the history of mathematicians, who were all seeking answers. For example, calculus is the result of work Newton did prior to his discovery of gravity by applying Kepler's laws. Then there's the relationship between energy and mass, which Einstein expressed as E = mc², something he came up with after studying light for over a decade. These formulas are the results of decades, centuries, even millennia of humanity's knowledge. They're fragments of wisdom." sa: "The fact that we only have to memorize them is thanks to the work of our predecessors." sa: "Wouldn't you feel bad if you got it wrong?" Aya: "I-I think I'll keep at it a bit longer." sa: "That's the spirit! So, like I said, from the top again..." Tsukasa: "My husband is a lovely man. He's capable of doing so much on his own, but he never thinks those things are the sole result of just his efforts." Tsukasa: "He has gratitude and respect for those who came before him. That's really cool of him." sa: "My wife is really kind. She pays a lot of attention to other people, and is considerate of them." Tsukasa: "Darling?" sa: "What's up?" Tsukasa: "Is this another worksheet for Aya-san?" sa: "Nope. I made all of those already." sa: "The rest will depend on how hard she tries." sa: "What I'm doing now is a putting together an HR system for a senpai of mine." sa: "They're going independent and getting into the VTuber business!" sa: "You're interested in that stuff, aren't you?" Tsukasa: "I'd say so, but... Darling, you've been sitting like that this whole time." sa: "That is true, yeah." Tsukasa: "And yet you're still banging on that keyboard without ever taking a break. Doesn't it wear you out?" sa: "I guess my shoulders and back do kinda hurt." Tsukasa: "Darling. I need you to stop working for a sec." sa: "Ow, ow, ow, ow!" Tsukasa: "Yeah, you are definitely stiff as a rock." sa: "What?! What was that?!" Tsukasa: "You're going to end up hurting yourself someday." Tsukasa: "And that being the case, darling, take off your hoodie and lie down right here." Tsukasa: "I'm gonna give you a massage." sa: "Aw, that's fine! I'd feel guilty for troubling you!" Tsukasa: "Less quibbling and more laying down!" Tsukasa: "Don't worry about it so much. We're married, remember?" sa: "I don't think I've ever gotten a massage like this before." Tsukasa: "Really? Well, good for you. That means I'm your first." Tsukasa: "Okay, I'm starting." sa: "I can't see Tsukasa-chan behind me, but..." sa: "Her slender fingers are rubbing my body so forcefully." sa: "This is a lot more exciting than I expected!" Tsukasa: "How's that?" sa: "It feels really good." Tsukasa: "This is kind of an awkward position." sa: "O-Oh, my!" Tsukasa: "Don't move now, darling." Tsukasa: "You are very stiff, sir. You should really be a little more health-conscious!" sa: "I-I'll try." sa: "Gotta admit, I had no idea massages could feel this good. Something about having Tsukasa-chan touch me all over like this..." sa: "I wanna give her a massage! Wait, no, I don't mean anything dirty by that! It's just, I'd feel bad if I didn't return the favor..." Tsukasa: "Okay, let's finish off with a hand massage. Turn around for me." sa: "This is kind of embarrassing." Tsukasa: "Is it?" Tsukasa: "There, and now..." Tsukasa: "All done." Tsukasa: "How's that? Feeling a little better?" sa: "Y-Yeah. And I was wondering..." sa: "I want to give you a massage, too." sa: "I want you to feel good, too!" Tsukasa: "I appreciate the thought, but... I tend to heal fast and never get sick, so I don't get too stiff." Tsukasa: "H-Hang on, don't be so obviously disappointed!" Tsukasa: "Okay, then... Maybe a shoulder rub would be good?" sa: "Thank you! I'm gonna try real hard to make you feel good, okay?!" Tsukasa: "Okay. But mind your phrasing, please." sa: "When my wife pulls her hair back and shows the nape of her neck..." sa: "It's like... peak housewife stuff." sa: "Okay... here I go." Tsukasa: "Y-Yeah..." sa: "I'm really gonna do it, okay?" Tsukasa: "Yeah, I get it! Just come on!" sa: "I've never touched her shoulders like this before. They're so soft, but warm..." Tsukasa: "Darling!" sa: "What's wrong?" Tsukasa: "I get nervous when people touch me. So, well..." Tsukasa: "Be gentle, okay?" sa: "I-I'll try!" sa: "H-How's that?" Tsukasa: "I didn't think I needed it, but this does feel really good." Tsukasa: "Thank you, darling." sa: "Sure!" Tsukasa: "My wife is so cute!" Tsukasa: "And..." Tsukasa: "She's just really cute!" Kaname: "How many times do you and Tsukassan kiss every day, Senpai?" Kaname: "I'm asking for nitty-gritty details about your marriage's physical intimacy, is all." sa: "Could you not, please?" Kaname: "See, the thing is, I was going down a YouTube rabbit hole, looking for the sexiest material I could find..." sa: "What on earth made you do that in the first place?" Kaname: "And there was this ex-athlete lady whose channel came up. And as for the content there..." Kaname: "A video from a reality show talked about how many times she and her husband kissed in a day! And wow, it was really something! They kiss like nuts, I'm telling you! All over the place! It's real smooch-smooch-smoochie smooch-smooch-smooching!" Kaname: "So after I finished it, I got curious... How is it for you? How many times do the Yuzakis do it in a day?!" sa: "Could you not wonder that kind of thing?!" Kaname: "So, for real though, how many times?! How many times do you and Tsukassan get that tongue action going on as you slurp on each other's lips?!" sa: "Could you not describe things as disturbingly as possible?!" Kaname: "You say that, but I think it's a good thing." sa: "What is?" Kaname: "A married couple should get along well. And if you get along, isn't it natural to be more intimate?" Kaname: "Which is why Kaname-chan here has a hot tip for you!" Kaname: "Did you know you could kiss more places than the lips?" sa: "What exactly do you mean?" Kaname: "This is something I found while trying to find the sexiest images I could on Twitter..." sa: "Seriously, what goes through your head when you do this?" Kaname: "Apparently the meaning behind a kiss varies depending on where it lands!" Kaname: "A kiss on the ear, for instance! It's supposed to be seductive." Kaname: "A kiss to the throat represents need." Kaname: "A kiss on the palm is supplication. And a kiss on the shin is a sign of obedience! Is that hot or what?!" sa: "Y-Yeah, I guess..." Kaname: "Which is why I have poured my heart and soul into collating the kiss data I've collected for you. It's yours now, so I hope you can enjoy more profound physical intimacy with your wife!" sa: "C-Come on, I don't need this weirdly specific kind of help!" Kaname: "Don't want it, then?" sa: "S-Since you made it, I'll take it..." sa: "So the meaning changes depending on the location..." Tsukasa: "Darling." sa: "Yes?!" Tsukasa: "I need some vegetables, so I'm gonna head to the supermarket." sa: "Oh, in that case, I'll go, too. It's kind of late." sa: "And I need to cool off..." Tsukasa: "Since we're out, let's take a detour back." Tsukasa: "It's an evening stroll date." sa: "Sure." sa: "I don't mind taking walks at night like this. When there's a faint breeze, and we're walking outside... When we're walking outside..." sa: "I can catch the faint, sweet smell coming from Tsukasa-chan's hair!" Tsukasa: "Darling..." Tsukasa: "What are you sniffing at?" sa: "W-Well, I just... It's..." sa: "Y-Your hair smells nice, so I was sniffing it." Tsukasa: "It's really charming how, despite being smart, at times you really don't seem that way." sa: "Was that even a compliment?!" Tsukasa: "Still..." Tsukasa: "You could've just asked, and I'd let you touch it." sa: "For real?!" Tsukasa: "W-Well, yeah." sa: "Th-Then..." sa: "Can I touch your hair?" Tsukasa: "G-Go ahead." sa: "O-Okay, then." sa: "Your hair is really silky, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "Th-Thanks..." Tsukasa: "A kiss on the ear, for instance! It's supposed to be seductive." Kaname: "A kiss to the throat represents need." Kaname: "A kiss on the palm is supplication." Tsukasa: "Darling?" sa: "T-Tsukasa-chan!" Tsukasa: "Wh-Whoa, hang on!" Tsukasa: "I mean... what if someone sees us? It'd be embarrassing." sa: "But it's so dark out. It's probably fine." Tsukasa: "No... When you think you can't be seen, it usually just means you don't realize you're being seen." sa: "I see. But even so," sa: "we're being really careful, so I think it might be fine!" sa: "Also, we're already married! So even if someone does see, we're in the clear, right?" Tsukasa: "It's really charming how, despite being smart, at times you really don't seem that way." sa: "Again, is that supposed to be a compliment?!" sa: "What is it?" sa: "It's Yanagi-sensei!" Tsukasa: "Isn't that the guy from the theme park?" sa: "Yeah. Taniguchi-sensei." Tsukasa: "They seem to getting along." sa: "Sure do." Tsukasa: "W-Was that—" sa: "They're already like that?!" Tsukasa: "Does this mean the confession actually worked?! Wh-Wh-What do we do?" sa: "I-I-I'm not sure!" Tsukasa: "Let's get out of here, fast!" sa: "But we can't move, not now!" sa: "That was such a shock..." Tsukasa: "Darling?" Tsukasa: "Kaname gave us these." Tsukasa: "She's really generous, the way she always shares with us." sa: "Th-That she is..." Tsukas: "They're good and sweet, aren't they?" sa: "They are!" sa: "According to the data, a kiss on the eyelid is for yearning... And a kiss on the back of the hand is for affection!" Tsukasa: "Hey, come to think of it... She gave me a list of different kiss locations and their meanings along with the grapes." sa: "She gave that to you, too?!" Tsukasa: "Wait, she gave it to you, too?" sa: "That girl, seriously..." Tsukasa: "It's pretty interesting, though. People are always thinking about this kind of thing, no matter the age." Tsukasa: "Apparently the cheek is for trust, and the arm for attachment." Tsukasa: "U-Uh, Nasa-kun?" sa: "A kiss on the throat is supposed to represent need..." Tsukasa: "Jeez, where did that come from?" Tsukasa: "In that case, I'll..." Tsukasa: "A kiss on the ear is supposed to be for seduction." sa: "Tsukasa-chan, can I see your hand?" Tsukasa: "Like this?" sa: "A kiss on the wrist shows desire." sa: "The palm is supplication." Tsukasa: "Fingertips are for admiration." Tsukasa: "A kiss to the forehead is a blessing." Tsukasa: "And on top of the head is longing." Tsukasa: "What else was there?" sa: "There's also... the chest... and the stomach." Tsukasa: "The chest and the stomach, huh?" sa: "Is it okay if I do it from on top of your clothes?" sa: "I guess..." sa: "But what's it mean?" sa: "I forget." Kaname: "Senpai, do you two ever make out in the park? Well, the other night, I saw you go for it, but then Tsukassan stopped you, and instead you sniffed her hair a bunch." sa: "You saw all that, Kaname-chan?!" Kaname: "Well, of course I did! Everybody did." sa: "What?!" sa: "I remember thinking we shouldn't fool around outside anymore." sa: "The relaxing effects of a hot spring are amazing! Even better than music and aromatherapy, they say!" Tsukasa: "Getting away from the city probably helps, too." sa: "Hot springs really are relaxing. But then..."
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 Episode 4 – Spots to Kiss", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2", "4", "Spots to Kiss" ] }
Arisugawa Mom: "I'm home!" Kaname: "Huh? And who were you again?" Arisugawa Mom: "How awful! Did you really forget your mom's face, Kaname-chan?!" Kaname: "Come to think of it, I remember there being some mom who ditched her daughters to go hang out overseas." Arisugawa Mom: "Your mom was feeling unstable, okay?! Her husband running off with some younger woman was a real shock! So she tends to do crazy stuff out of the blue sometimes! Do you understand?!" Arisugawa Mom: "Please say you do!" Kaname: "You actually realize it's crazy, huh?" Arisugawa Mom: "But it's gonna be okay!" Arisugawa Mom: "Because your mom has come home with a lovely gift for her daughters!" sa: "A pair of tickets to a hot spring?" Kaname: "Yep. Seems like my mom won it in a contest." Kaname: "But we can't go, so I figured I'd ask if you and Tsukassan wanted to." sa: "No, no, we couldn't do that. You should go with your family. I thought about that, but they're only good through June." sa: "Which means my sister will be in the middle of finals." sa: "I've gotta tend to the bathhouse. And as far as mom goes..." Arisugawa Mom: "Hot springs remind me of my honeymoon with my runaway husband." sa: "Why enter the contest, then?" Arisugawa Mom: "I dunno!" sa: "I mean, I'm happy to accept them, but are you sure?" Kaname: "Of course I'm sure! Besides, you two haven't actually gone on a honeymoon yet, right?" sa: "Oh, right..." Kaname: "There you go!" sa: "Kaname-chan said to use these for our honeymoon." Tsukasa: "That's really generous of her." sa: "Right?" Tsukasa: "What kind of hot spring is it, anyway?" sa: "It's supposed to be really amazing. The rooms come with open-air baths." sa: "Wh-What should we do?" Tsukasa: "What do you mean?" sa: "Well... I mean... it'd be just the two of us." Tsukasa: "R-Right... I see what you mean." Tsukasa: "But... we're married, so... We might as well go, right?" sa: "Yeah!" Kaname: "Don't worry about souvenirs! Just make sure to enjoy yourselves!" sa: "I-It's nice how the weather has really cleared up." Tsukasa: "G-Good point. Even though it's June. So... how are we making the trip?" sa: "Well... I thought we'd start with the train." Tsukasa: "Will we really be able to make it there without any trouble?" sa: "What do you mean?" Tsukasa: "Well, remember when we went to Nara before?" sa: "Oh, yeah, I remember. When Chitose-chan showed up." Tsukasa: "Which means we have no idea when she might pop up, so we better be careful!" Chitose: "Wow, a trip to a hot spring? Fancy that." Aurora: "Huh..." Charlotte: "Are we not going after them?" Chitose: "Of course not. I have stuff to do. Finals are coming up, and I'm busy! Besides, I'm not rude enough to crash a married couple's private time." Aurora: "Wow! After all the rude stuff she's done before! Chitose is growing!" Charlotte: "I'm so proud of you, Chi-chan!" Chitose: "Stop making fun of me!" sa: "Y'know, this might be my first time visiting a hot spring. Have you gone before, Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "Oh, good question. Well, Japanese people have always had a fondness for hot springs. Even Yoshimune liked to visit Kusatsu." Tsukasa: "I didn't expect the two of us to visit one together, though." sa: "Are you feeling nervous?" Tsukasa: "Wh-Wh-Wh-Why would I feel nervous?" sa: "Well, your face looks a little tight..." Tsukasa: "I-I-I-I-It's not because I'm nervous, not at all! I'm just looking forward to the hot spring so much that I'm shaking!" sa: "I see! Well, that's a good thing." Tsukasa: "Sure is! W-Would you like to eat lunch?" sa: "Oh, sure. Even if that's true, I'm super nervous myself!" Tsukasa: "Th-This is a huge inn..." sa: "I-It really is massive." Tsukasa: "Are we sure this is the right place?" sa: "It should be..." Tsukasa: "I guess we should go in for now." Tsukasa: "W-Wow!" sa: "This is crazy luxurious!" sa: "Are you sure this is the right room?!" Staff: "Yes, it certainly is. The open-air bath is part of the room, but we also have a larger, 24-hour bathhouse, which you're free to make use of." sa: "I guess this is the right room after all." Tsukasa: "L-Looks like it." sa: "Well, since we're here, why don't we hop in the bath?" sa: "N-No, I meant... the big one!" Tsukasa: "Oh, of course!" Tsukasa: "So let's spend an hour in the big bath, and then we'll take a look around town." sa: "Right. We'll meet up in the room around 4:00 PM, then." Tsukasa: "S-Sure." sa: "What is it?" Tsukasa: "W-Well, it's just..." Tsukasa: "N-Never mind." Tsukasa: "At the moment, I can't help but wonder..." Tsukasa: "How is Nasa-kun so relaxed?!" Tsukasa: "I'm completely on edge about visiting a hot spring together. So how is my darling maintaining his composure?" Tsukasa: "Could he be used to it or something?" sa: "I'll see you later, then." Tsukasa: "Y-Yeah." sa: "Well, I guess I'll hit the bath." sa: "She wasn't kidding when she said the baths were big!" sa: "Kaname-chan's place isn't bad or anything, but you can tell the hot spring difference." sa: "So, here I am, on a hot spring trip with Tsukasa-chan... It doesn't feel real for some reason, which would explain why I'm not nervous." sa: "Maybe when a situation is too perfect, you end up getting a bizarrely peaceful feeling? My head's empty. Completely empty. Almost so quiet that it scares me." sa: "Is this that "water still as a mirror" mental state?! Aw, no! I'm on a hot springs trip with my wife! This is no time to reach enlightenment!" sa: "It's like a second attempt at a honeymoon! Which means I need to do everything I can to make it a memorable one!" sa: "I've got 50 minutes until Tsukasa-chan gets out of the bath! I'll research everything I can about Kusatsu in the meantime, and make sure to provide the best escort around town possible! And with that settled... Hey, Jiri!" Jiri: "How can I help you?" sa: "All right, all right, I think I've got the broad outline." sa: "First thing that comes to mind with Kusatsu is the Yubatake, with all the hot springs. Next is yumomi, the water-turning process. It's crucial. There's also getting onsen dumplings, tempura maitake mushrooms, and soba noodles. And Kusatsu-style mochi makes a good souvenir." sa: "If I can cover all these bases, this trip will be Kusatsu as heck! With that settled, it's time to get my research on! I've got 40 minutes left! First, I'll scope out the locations on the grounds of the inn!" Tokiko: "Sorry, could you help me? Do you know where the front desk is?" Tokiko: "This place is so huge, I'm a bit lost..." sa: "Oh... I just got here myself, so I'm not really sure." Tsukiko: "This place is downright massive. It's hard for an old timer to get the lay of the the land." Tsukiko: "I wish my husband was here, but he passed away so much sooner than me." Tsukiko: "Kusatsu meant so much to us, but now that I'm here alone, I have no idea what to do." sa: "Then..." sa: "In that case, I can show you the way!" Tsukiko: "Really? Oh, I don't know what to say!" sa: "It'll be okay! I still have 30 minutes! Once I get her to the front desk, I'll head straight to the Yubatake!" Aya: "I think young people should have more freedom." Kaname: "Got tired of studying for the finals, huh?" Aya: "That's right! I'm totally worn out! I wanted to go to the hot spring, too! I wanted to take a bath, get in the sauna, drink some milk, and then sleep! Sleep as much as possible! Do you get me?!" Kaname: "Can't say that I don't, but..." Kaname: "Okay, how about a change of pace, then?" Aya: "What do you mean?" Kaname: "Well, it might not be a hot spring, but this is still a bathhouse, and once the customers are gone, you can use the big baths as much as you want." Aya: "That's my Kaname-chan! Thanks!" Kaname: "Aw, it's not that big a deal." Aya: "So..." Aya: "What exactly am I doing?" Kaname: "You're going to be helping me out for a change of pace." Aya: "What?! So the way I'm changing things up is to go from studying to working?" Kaname: "Damn right. It's not like you're studying to get into Tokyo University or anything, right? You just want to avoid a failing grade so you don't have to repeat a year. That's bare-minimum level." Aya: "W-Well..." Kaname: "And if you're so spineless that two or three days of that has left you wiped out, then give up on studying and learn how to work right now, you get me?! Slacker!" Aya: "This is sister abuse..." Aya: "B-But it's so hard! I usually sleep through class, so I don't understand any of this stuff! Y'know?!" Kaname: "It amazes me how you can be totally honest about how you deserve what you're getting." Aya: "I've always been good at coming up with excuses to slack off!" Kaname: "Yeah, you suck, all right." Kaname: "But hey, it's all right. I never thought you'd be able to fill in for Tsukassan, so I called in some help." Chitose: ""Called in some help"? Why do I have to help you clean up your bathhouse, exactly?!" Kaname: "Why? Well, I figured you'd be lonely with Tsukassan away on her hot spring trip." Chitose: "That doesn't add up to me helping with your family business! And what point is there in wearing a swimsuit to clean a bathhouse?! It's not like I can't clean in regular clothes!" Kaname: "But I figured we could have some fun since you're in a swimsuit!" Chitose: "What's the big idea?!" Kaname: "Just goofing around for a change of pace!" Chitose: "I never said anything about needing a change of pace in the first place! Don't just stand there, say something!" Kaname: "That's the spirit! The best part of a bathhouse is seeing just how much skin will be on display!" Aya: "Stop it! You're going to take everything off!" Chitose: "You wanted a change of pace, right?! Nudity would be different!" Aya: "Fine! Two can play at that game!" Chitose: "Stop it!" Chitose: "Ugh, what is the point of this cheap sex appeal?! What even is going on here?! Couldn't we be doing something else?! Seriously! Come on!" Kaname: "Oh, yeah! Now it's a real bathhouse episode!" Aya/Chitose: "What are you even talking about?!" Tsukasa: "I have to admit, Yoritomo really hit the jackpot when he discovered this place. There's still something about going on a trip together that's embarrassing somehow, despite living together." Tsukasa: "An open-air bath in our room..." Tsukasa: "N-No more!" Tsukasa: "I'll overheat if I keep thinking about this in a hot bath! There'll be plenty of time to bathe later, so I may as well get out a bit early and head back to the room." Tsukiko: "You have been such a sweetheart, and a huge lifesaver." sa: "Aw, it's nothing. Just 25 minutes left! Gotta get out of here, fast! W-Well, I should get going..." Tsukiko: "Oh, no. I don't think I know the way back to my room now. But I can't keep imposing on you..." sa: "I-It's okay! I'll walk you back to your room!" Tokiko: "You're sure you don't mind?" sa: "O-Of course!" Tokiko: "I'm sure your wife must be happy, being married to a dear like you." sa: "How'd you know I was married?" Tokiko: "It's the ring, honey." Tokiko: "My own husband died early, so I don't have as many memories with him as I'd like." Tokiko: "How are you finding married life?" sa: "W-Well, let me see..." sa: "Every day is full of surprises." sa: "There's so much to enjoy and that I don't see coming." Tokiko: "You must really love your wife!" sa: "W-Well, that's..." Tokiko: "Come, now, no need to be embarrassed." Tokiko: "Being married is truly special." Tokiko: "Nothing like parents, siblings, friends, or even lovers. You'll understand what I mean in time." Tsukasa: "Darling?" sa: "Oh, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "Hey. What do you think you're doing here?" sa: "Tsukasa-chan, do you know this lady?" Tsukasa: "I more than know her. This is Tsukuyomi Tokiko. She was our signatory witness when we got married. She's Chitose's grandmother." sa: "What?!" Chitose: "That a problem?" sa: "I had no idea! I'm so sorry!" Tokiko: "Oh, no, no. It's perfectly fine. I didn't really mean to trick you, either. Well, I was actually dead-set on it, and I'm kind of disappointed the ruse is over already." sa: "She's one of those honest-but-troublesome types!" Tsukasa: "This is just mean-spirited! Why would you lie just to try and test my good-natured husband?" Tokiko: "Now, now, it wasn't a test. I just used my natural acting ability to get close to him, and then started enjoying myself so much that I decided to push as far as I could to see what would happen." Tsukasa: "That's exactly what you call a lie!" Tokiko: "You should honestly be praising my willingness to push my limits at this age." Tsukasa: "Not happening!" Tokiko: "I wouldn't have had to come here in the first place if you weren't too embarrassed to introduce your husband." Tsukasa: "That doesn't excuse coming all the way out here!" sa: "Come on, Tsukasa-chan, I should still properly introduce myself." Tokiko: "He got you! He got you with perfect logic, too." Tsukasa: "Quit laughing!" Tokiko: "If we're going to do this, why don't we head back to my room? I made sure to get the biggest suite on the premises." sa: "Well, let's make this official. My name is Yuzaki Nasa, and I married Tsukasa-san recently. I know it's a bit late, but I want to thank you for acting as our witness." sa: "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Tokiko: "I've been wanting to meet you for a long time." sa: "Me?" Tokiko: "Of course. I was wondering what kind of person could melt the ice queen's heart." Tsukasa: "Hey!" Tokiko: "I see now, though. Very interesting. So this is your type?" Tsukasa: "You seriously need to stop." sa: "Come on, it's okay. And it's honestly a relief to hear. But still..." sa: "Are you really staying in this huge room by yourself?" Tokiko: "Of course! Despite appearances, I am fairly... Well, considerably... Actually, let's say significantly wealthy. Don't get any ideas, though. I worked hard to acquire every yen of it in the burnt-out rubble at the end of the war." Tokiko: "I was so diligent. A master of diligence. Im so impressive! Am I amazing or what?" sa: "She seems fun." Tsukasa: "I-I guess..." Tokiko: "I can see why she'd choose you, though. So clever, and so sweet, too. I was amazed you were able to tell that stone was a moon rock so easily." sa: "Moon rock?" sa: "Oh, at Chitose-chan's house!" sa: "Well, there was the placard that listed its makeup. And you were using nitrogen to keep it from oxidizing." sa: "I figured you wouldn't do all that if it wasn't the real deal." Tokiko: "I see. Still, it's very impressive, honestly. Knowing she has a partner like you is a great relief for me." Tokiko: "I'm sure you'll be able to accomplish what I couldn't... no, what nobody else has been able to all these years." sa: "What do you mean?" sa: "What's this?" Tokiko: ""Here we go! The Big Three Tour Card."" sa: ""Here We Go Big Three"?" Tokiko: "If you're able to visit the three big day-trip hot springs in Kusatsu, that nice little ticket can earn you the title of Kusatsu Hot Springs Expert." sa: "Hot springs expert?!" Tokiko: "I get the feeling you'll be up to any challenge in pursuit of becoming a hot springs expert." sa: "I don't understand where this joke is going." Tsukasa: "Enough already! We're not here to indulge your comedy act." Tokiko: "You are so mean. And I was being completely serious. Fair enough, though. This should be plenty for today. I'd hate to take up time you could be using to fool around here in Kusatsu." Tsukasa: "Y-You..." Tokiko: "But are you sure about this, Nasa-kun?" sa: "What?" Tokiko: "I'm sure you've noticed, but this girl can be incredibly bashful. Which means she's awful at expressing sentiments like love and affection." Tsukasa: "Hey! Darling, don't agree with her!" Tokiko: "I'm sure you think you're conveying your love without putting it into words, but you need to be able to say it, too." Tsukasa: "Y-You don't need to tell me! I have been!" Tokiko: "Whatever you've been doing, I'm pretty sure the normal amount would be double, so you need to work on saying it more." Tsukasa: "I don't need your advice!" Tsukasa: "I say that sort of thing when we're alone, so... I don't need you worrying about it!" Tokiko: "Did you hear, that, dearie? She's going to really express how much she loves you once you're alone! You should get your hopes up!" sa: "Uh, yeah..." Tsukasa: "Could you please shut your mouth?!" Tokiko: "I know you usually like to march to your own drummer," Tokiko: "but it wouldn't hurt to take a bit of advice every now and then. Well, I hope you two enjoy the rest of your trip. The yumomi process is quite interesting, so you should check it out." sa: "Thank you." Tokiko: "Still, I'm truly glad..." Tokiko: "that she met someone so wonderful. Take good care of her, Nasa-kun. She can be a pain in certain ways, but generally speaking, she's a kind one." sa: "Right!" Tsukasa: "You never know when to stop, huh?" Tsukasa: "Honestly, what is her deal?" sa: "She's really funny. And that was some good advice." Tsukasa: "What part do you mean?" sa: "The stuff about expressing your love... maybe." sa: "What souvenirs should we get for the others?" Tsukasa: "Kaname wants something a little crude and funny, and Aya mentioned some kind of local merchandise made in collaboration with some anime." sa: "You actually went and asked them! Nice!"
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 Episode 5 – The Exciting Expert of the Hot Springs", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2", "5", "The Exciting Expert of the Hot Springs" ] }
sa: "Of course, that's how it'd go in a typical rom-com... since those characters aren't even dating. But we're married! That's way beyond just dating! The idea of the two of us visiting a hot spring together is both socially and legally" sa: "completely unproblematic!" Tsukasa: "Here I am." Tsukasa: "Since they had it, I went and borrowed this cute yukata. What do you think?" sa: "Uh... well..." sa: "Yeah. It looks amazing on you." Tsukasa: "Really? That's great." sa: "She's so cute, I'm going to die!" sa: "W-Well, why don't we take a look around?" Tsukasa: "Sure." sa: "So this is the hot spring field, Yubatake..." Tsukasa: "It's one of the things Kusatsu is famous for." sa: "That's true. But I wonder how long it's been here for." Tsukasa: "According to the explanation here... Since around year 11 of the Kyoho era." sa: "Wow. For 300 years, huh?" sa: "What exactly does the Yubatake do, though?" sa: "What's up with those wooden devices?" Tsukasa: "They're hot water conduits." sa: "Conduits?" Tsukasa: "They help cool the spring water, which is too hot when it surfaces, in addition to making hot spring powder." sa: "Oh, I see." sa: "Hot spring powder?" Tsukasa: "You have absolutely no clue about things you're not interested in, huh?" Tsukasa: "It's a powder that's kind of like bath salts. They sell it all over the place here." sa: "Huh..." sa: "Then we should buy some for Kaname-chan and the others on our way back." Tsukasa: "Sounds good." sa: "Tsukasa-chan, they've got hot spring eggs for sale!" Tsukasa: "Makes sense that they would in a hot springs town." Tsukasa: "Hey, darling!" sa: "Since we're on our honeymoon, I thought it'd be a good idea to capture some memories." Tsukasa: "I don't really mind, but you should let me know beforehand." Tsukasa: "Come on, what did I just say?!" sa: "I think I'm getting better at photography." Tsukasa: "I don't mind you taking pictures, but be careful you don't drop it and break it." sa: "Don't worry! Even if I did, I'd do whatever it takes to salvage the data." Tsukasa: "That sounds like something you could pull off, to be honest." sa: "By the way, what exactly is your relationship with Tokiko-san?" Tsukasa: "Well..." Tsukasa: "I mean, we're not related by blood, but she was basically my guardian." Tsukasa: "She's known me since I was little... so..." Tsukasa: "She's way too attached to me! The second I let my guard down, she starts fretting!" sa: "That's a little harsh, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "That said, I'm pretty sure she's glad." Tsukasa: "That I found such a lovely husband." sa: "W-Well, I'm glad if she's glad!" Tsukasa: "And I'm sure she is." Tsukasa: "Is it me or does something around here smell really good?" sa: "I think so." sa: "Look at that place." Tsukasa: "Looks appetizing." sa: "S-Sure does. There's always an itch to eat at places like this when you're on a trip." sa: "Okay! Why don't we grab those steak skewers?" Tsukasa: "B-But, darling, don't you think that's a bit expensive?" sa: "I-It's fine!" sa: "I'm a wonderful husband that you can rely on, after all." Tsukasa: "Darling, these are fantastic!" sa: "Really? That's good." sa: "Come to think of it, I brought this thing Tokiko-san gave me, but..." sa: "This "Tonokawara" place is supposed to be famous, right?" Tsukasa: "Are you interested in their open air bath, darling?" sa: "I'm not sure..." Tsukasa: "Okay, here's your half." sa: "Thanks. Well, since I just used the big bath, and I want to use the open air bath in our room later, I guess I'll pass for now." Tsukasa: "The one... in our room, huh?" sa: "I mean..." Tsukasa: "Oh, look, darling!" Tsukasa: "This is Tonokawara, the eastern riverbed." sa: "Wow, that's a lot of hot spring water." Tsukasa: "Kusatsu definitely earned its reputation." Tsukasa: "The ground's toasty, too." sa: "I-It sure is..." sa: "Even if we're married, isn't asking to bathe together a real challenge?!" Tsukasa: "The one... in our room, huh?" sa: "I know we're married, but because we're married, there are some things that are hard to bring up!" Tsukasa: "What's wrong, darling?" sa: "Oh, uh, it's nothing." sa: "When I calm down and think about it for a second..." sa: "Is it really okay to get in a bath with a girl this cute?!" sa: "It's suddenly feeling like a real possibility now. Before, it felt way too fantastical to be a possibility. Am I really allowed to go down this route?" Tsukasa: "Looks like the open air bath is this way." Tsukasa: "And depending on the time of day, it's mixed bathing." sa: "Mixed bathing?!" Tsukasa: "Well, I'd be too embarrassed to go into a place like that without a swimsuit, though." sa: "Swimsuit? Of course! A swimsuit! Then again, wearing a swimsuit in our own private room is kind of weird. And besides, we didn't pack any!" sa: "T-Tsukasa-chan, did you want to visit this open air bath?" Tsukasa: "Well..." Tsukasa: "N-Not this one, I think." sa: "I-I see. Not this one..." sa: "Th-This riverbed sure is warm." Tsukasa: "S-Sure is!" sa: "Let's check somewhere else out." Tsukasa: "Sounds good to me!" sa: "See, in a rom-com, it could be a coincidence, or maybe a trick by a third party could lead to them being in the bath at the same time. But we're married! It takes courage to do that sort of thing together!" sa: "Because you both have to agree to it! "Let's get in the bath together!" Saying those words is a hurdle that's so dang high!" sa: "Can I really say it to her? Do I..." sa: "Do I have the courage to say it?!" Staff: "Now, please enjoy." sa: "I-I never knew inns had fancy spreads like this for dinner." Tsukasa: "We should remember to thank Kaname." sa: "We really should." Tsukasa: "Come on, let's eat while it's still fresh." Tsukasa: "This is good!" sa: "You're right! Do you think it's all locally sourced?" Tsukasa: "Most likely. The type of food they serve probably depends on what's in season, too. That means it's fresh and tastes better." sa: "That makes me want to come back at a different time of year." Tsukasa: "True. There are probably dishes that you can only get here, too." Tsukasa: "This looks good!" sa: "Seeing Tsukasa do things she doesn't get to do at home... Very nice!" Tsukasa: "What's wrong, darling?" sa: "Oh, just... Being able to come to an inn like this, and eating a fancy dinner together... It makes for a nice change of pace, is all." Tsukasa: "I'm glad we get to enjoy this feast together, too." sa: "And seeing a different side of you from at home makes it twice as tasty." Tsukasa: "D-Does it?" Tsukasa: "Dinner was delicious, wasn't it, darling?" sa: "I-It sure was." Tsukasa: "There's something really nice about taking a relaxing trip to a hot spring." sa: "Y-Yeah..." sa: "Sh-Should I bring it up now?" sa: "We ate dinner. We've had a minute to relax." Tsukasa: "Wh-Wh-Wh-What do I do?! We finished dinner, and now what comes next?! I mean, the obvious answer is bath time." Tsukasa: "B-B-But, but..." sa: "Isn't this a moment that calls for manliness?!" sa: "Asking her what we do next would be a dereliction of duty! It'd be signing off on my weakness! Even if she refuses, a real man dies facing forward! And so... H-Hey..." sa: "Let's..." sa: "get in the bath together." Tsukasa: "I-I see. Impressive, darling. You came out and just said it." sa: "Right! Because I want to be manly." Tsukasa: "M-Makes sense. That's pretty rugged of you." sa: "So... what do you say?" Tsukasa: "W-Well, let's see..." Tsukasa: "Okay, but could you get in first?" sa: "Th-This is it! Me and Tsukasa-chan..." sa: "Is this really happening?" sa: "It feels so unreal... like my mind is all fluffy." Tsukasa: "Is it okay if I turn the lights down some?" Tsukasa: "It's too embarrassing with them on." sa: "S-Sure! No problem at all!" sa: "I-Is this actually reality?! Or is it a dream?!" Tsukasa: "Hey. You can't look yet." sa: "S-S-S-S-Sorry! The sight of her lit by the moon was so radiant, I couldn't stand to look directly at her." sa: "I had no idea what to say." sa: "But the only thing I can say for sure is that this was really happening..." sa: "And my wife is really cute." sa: "Uh, well, er..." sa: "The m-moon is pretty." Tsukasa: "In the Natsume Soseki sense?" sa: "Oh, right, when he was translating the English phrase "I love you," but thought it should be less direct to suit Japanese culture." Tsukasa: "If you're going to say it..." Tsukasa: "I'd rather you use words that were direct. B-Because you're the only one allowed to say them to me." sa: "I love you, Tsukasa-chan." sa: "That reminds me of what Tokiko-san said, about how you express that sort of sentiment." Tsukasa: "You bring that up now?!" sa: "I mean... When she said it, I realized that you're not very direct about it yourself." Tsukasa: "That's not true." Tsukasa: "You just didn't notice before. I say it a fair amount." sa: "But she also said that however much you say it is half the normal amount." Tsukasa: "Y-You shouldn't take anything she says seriously!" sa: "Are you not going to say it today, then?" Tsukasa: "W-Well, I..." Tsukasa: "Wh-What is that look for?!" Tsukasa: "Fine, then! I'll say it, okay?!" Tsukasa: "I l-love you, Nasa-kun." sa: "I think I'm gonna collapse..." Tsukasa: "Hey! No naked collapsing!" sa: "Still, hearing you say it like that makes me so happy, and I even love how you get embarrassed, too." sa: "H-Hey!" Tsukasa: "Take that! And that!" sa: "Tsukasa-chan!" Tsukasa: "It felt like you were making fun of me." Tsukasa: "So I paid you back." sa: "Aw!" sa: "I can do that, too!" Tsukasa: "Hey! How is that fair?!" sa: "It's hard to put into words, but it felt like we both had a great time." sa: "And at the same time, I wondered..." Both: "How exactly does the timing work for getting out of here?" sa: "It's getting a little too hot in here, but between being naked and other issues, what am I supposed to do?" Tsukasa: "B-But it's not like we can stay in here forever. Let's see..." sa: "H-Hot springs feel great, huh?" Tsukasa: "S-Sure do! What a wonderful trip!" sa: "We were both really dizzy by the time we got out." Tsukasa: "This is embarrassing, so don't stare, okay?" sa: "I remember now. Yesterday, we came here together, and then we got in the open air bath together." sa: "And then..." Tsukasa: "Hey. You can't look yet." sa: "This is bad! Real bad! I'm going to die of happiness!" sa: "Even after a good night's sleep, I still can't calm down!" sa: "But Tsukasa-chan sure was cute yesterday..." Tsukasa: "Good morning, darling. I see your internal monologue is leaking again this morning." sa: "Tsukasa-chan?! Where were you?" Tsukasa: "I woke up early this morning, so I went and used the big baths. Why don't you go, too? Breakfast is going to be served soon." sa: "G-Got it! I'll do that." sa: "Wow, the service here is really something." Tsukasa: "It is. Even the breakfast is very luxurious." Tsukasa: "Let's eat it before it gets cold." sa: "Okay. Thanks for the food." sa: "I had the feeling my wife was being a little distant this morning... But I think I understand why." sa: "It's just like Tokiko-san said. My wife can be really shy at times." sa: "Which is why she has a tendency to put up a cool facade to hide that fact." Tsukasa: "I'm so embarrassed about yesterday, I can barely look at him! He saw so much more than I'm used to, and my body still feels hot!" Tsukasa: "Just thinking about it makes my face feel like it's on fire." sa: "Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "Y-Yes?!" sa: "I was just thinking this breakfast was good." Tsukasa: "I-It is! It's really delicious." sa: "We've still got time before we head home, so do you want to get in the bath again?" Tsukasa: "W-Well, y'know, I'm not against the idea..." Tsukasa: "But doing it when it's so bright out is still... a little too embarrassing, I think." sa: "Oh, no, I meant that since we have this ticket from Tokiko-san, we could visit one of the baths outside of the inn." Tsukasa: "Th-Then you should've been specific about that!" sa: "S-Sorry... I don't mind if it's bright out, though." Tsukasa: "S-Some other time, okay?" sa: "I found another reason to survive at all costs on that day." sa: "Well, let's grab souvenirs for the others and then head home." Tsukasa: "Sounds good. We had a great stay at this place." sa: "Should we really leave without letting Tokiko-san know?" Tsukasa: "It's fine. We can see her whenever in Tokyo." sa: "Really? But..." Tokiko: "Come, now. The least you could do is say goodbye." Tokiko: "I'm sure you think you can see me whenever, but I'm a busy woman." Tsukasa: "Would a busy woman really be here right now?!" Tokiko: "Ever hear of the term "self-care" before? I don't even know how long I have left..." Tsukasa: "Do what you want!" Tokiko: "I was wondering, are you two not going to have a ceremony? May as well do it up big time." sa: "Oh, right..." Tsukasa: "You know damn well we won't!" Tsukasa: "A wedding would be... so..." Tsukasa: "embarrassing." Tokiko: "Oh, is that right? You'd be embarrassed?" Tokiko: "Well, since we're all here, let's take a picture together." Tsukasa: "I don't see why we need to—" sa: "Good idea. I'd love to!" Tsukasa: "Darling?! Excuse me, ma'am? Could you take a picture of us?" Staff: "Okay, say cheese!" Tsukasa: "Ugh, Tokiko did it again..." sa: "Well, it's nice that she came to see us off. Besides, taking that picture together is a nice memento, don't you think?" Tsukasa: "You really don't need to humor her so much, darling." Tsukasa: "I mean, it's our honeymoon. I'd rather have the memories be of just us..." sa: "Th-Then why don't we make one last memory of this trip to Kusatsu? Just the two of us." sa: "It might be from being in the hot spring, but your hands are really warm, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "I-It's not because of the hot spring..." Tsukasa: "It's because I get excited when you touch me." sa: "I-I see." Tsukasa: "Yeah." sa: "Okay, let's find those souvenirs." Tsukasa: "Y-Yeah." sa: "The time really flew by, huh?" Tsukasa: "That it did." sa: "Man, going to a hot spring as a couple was amazing. It feels like we've gotten a lot closer." sa: "And we've made so, so many great new memories." Tsukasa: "Darling?" Tsukasa: "You're making an interesting face there. Everything okay?" sa: "O-Oh, I was thinking about the great time we had in Kusatsu, and the smile just... surfaced!" Tsukasa: "Well, I had a great time, too." Tsukasa: "I'd love to go on another trip like this." sa: "G-Good idea." Tsukasa: "A-As long as you turn off the lights, I wouldn't be totally opposed to the idea." sa: "But then I won't be able to see how cute you are when you're embarrassed." Tsukasa: "You don't need to see that anyway." sa: "You were really cute, though." Tsukasa: "You were super cute yourself, darling." sa: "We meet all kinds of different people in life, don't we?" Kaname: "Why are you getting all lyrical on me?"
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 Episode 6 – Underneath the Moon", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2", "6", "Underneath the Moon" ] }
sa: "Sure is." Tsukasa: "It was pouring non-stop after we got back from the hot spring, but now it's like summer kicked into high gear all of a sudden." sa: "You've got that right." Tsukasa: "That talk about it being a cooler summer this year... Where did it even come from?" sa: "Well, the news always tends to prop up theories like that." Tsukasa: "Y'know, there's something I've only noticed now that summer's started. The AC in this room..." Tsukasa: "does not work at all." sa: "It definitely does not. I can't focus on work when it's this hot, and I doubt it's good for us or Toast! I'm gonna go buy an air conditioner!" sa: "So, is it okay if we install a new air conditioner in that building?" Kaname: "It's not a problem, but..." Kaname: "I mean, most of the time, you won't actually have your AC until two weeks after buying it." Tsukasa: "B-But why?!" Kaname: "I mean, they need to be installed, right? And in heat this bad, it's probably gonna be hard to pencil in an install date anytime soon." Tsukasa: "O-Oh, no..." sa: "Oh, no worries there. I can install it!" Kaname: "Well, damn, dude." Tsukasa: "He really is reliable." sa: "So let's go and buy that AC!" Tsukasa: "There are all kinds of different air conditioners, huh?" sa: "There sure are." Tsukasa: "The prices are totally different, too." Tsukasa: "I wonder how much of a functional difference there is." Tsukasa: "It's hard to know which one to pick with such a wide selection." sa: "Excuse me, I'd like this one." Clerk: "Sure, let me just make sure it's in stock." Tsukasa: "So fast!" Tsukasa: "I-Is it okay to decide so quickly without looking at all the options? Are you sure you don't want to compare a few?" sa: "It's okay. I've got a good idea of how they work." Tsukasa: "How do you even know about that?!" Clerk: "We do have it in stock." sa: "Can we get it delivered today?" Clerk: "Sure, we can do that." sa: "It'll be delivered at 4:00 PM." Tsukasa: "That's kinda impressive..." sa: "Seriously! We live in a convenient world." Tsukasa: "I was talking about you, darling." sa: "Huh?" Tsukasa: "So, where to next?" sa: "Well, you need some special gear to install an AC, so we're off to rent those." sa: "Here we are. This place belongs to someone I've known for a long time." sa: "Hello there!" kiri: "Whoa." kiri: "Well, look who it is. Hello there, Nasa-kun." sa: "Good to see you again, Nakiri-san." kiri: "Likewise." Tsukasa: "I-It's a young woman." kiri: "What brings you by today?" sa: "I wanted to borrow the tools for installing an air conditioner." kiri: "Yeah, with this sudden heat. Makes sense." kiri: "Let's see, you'll need a vacuum pump, a duct cutter... Now, where are the flaring tools?" Tsukasa: "U-Um, darling, how do you know her?" sa: "That's Nakiri Ouka-san. We were classmates in middle school." Tsukasa: "What?! Then you're the same age?" sa: "Yep." sa: "By the way, Nakiri-san, I got married!" kiri: "Oh, is that right? Is white an okay color for the slim duct?" sa: "Sure. And this is my wife, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "I-It's nice to meet you. I'm Tsukasa." kiri: "Yeah, I'm Nakiri Ouka. It's a pleasure." Tsukasa: "She doesn't seem even mildly surprised." kiri: "That just leaves the hole saw and..." kiri: "Wait, you're married, Nasa-kun?! For real?! Since when?!" Tsukasa: "Kinda slow..." sa: "Well, it was fairly recently, to be honest." kiri: "I bet! But you could've said something! It came as such a shock that it took a while to sink in!" sa: "Sorry about that. It did come up kind of late..." kiri: "W-Well, regardless, congratulations." kiri: "This isn't much, but... Have some sealant paste in lieu of a gift." sa: "Oh, hey, thanks!" kiri: "Still, to think that Nasa-kun is married now... That's a real shocker." kiri: "Where did you even meet, anyway?" sa: "On the street! I happened to catch a glimpse of her, and it was love at first sight." kiri: "I-I see..." kiri: "To be honest, I figured you were like me. The type who'd never really have any interest in, or chance for, that sort of thing." sa: "Well, I can see how you would've thought that." sa: "I'm pretty sure if I hadn't met Tsukasa-chan, you would've been right." sa: "I was never all that concerned about romance. I don't think I ever will be again, either. I'm pretty sure my lifetime's worth of romantic love is all for Tsukasa-chan!" kiri: "I-I see..." kiri: "You never fail to impress." kiri: "I-I'll waive your rental fees for today." sa: "Really?! Thanks!" sa: "Okay, all installed." sa: "Wow, air conditioning really does make the place more comfy!" Tsukasa: "Y-Yeah, it does." sa: "I'm pretty sure my lifetime's worth of romantic love is all for Tsukasa-chan!" sa: "Since it's cooled down a bit, I think I'll raise the temperature." Tsukasa: "I-I'm still feeling warm, so maybe not." sa: "You sure?" Tsukasa: "And since I'm sweaty, I'm gonna go take a bath." sa: "Okay." Tsukasa: "There's something really nice about a cool room after getting out the bath!" sa: "My wife is cute when enjoying cool air, too!" sa: "All right, Tsukasa-chan, how about we head to bed?" Tsukasa: "Yeah." sa: "I'll turn everything off, then." Tsukasa: "Okay. Goodnight." Tsukasa: "Darling..." sa: "What's wrong?" Tsukasa: "Is it just me, or does turning off the AC before bed... make it hot?" sa: "Oh, sorry! Were you having trouble sleeping?" Tsukasa: "I wouldn't go that far, but... There's the feeling of going from a comfy room with the AC on to a room where summer is in full effect. How do I put this? It's like the contrast is making it hard to sleep." sa: "I-I see... In that case, why don't I set it to turn off in an hour?" Tsukasa: "I think that's a brilliant idea, darling." sa: "Sleep tight." Tsukasa: "Goodnight." sa: "Is it just me, or is it super cold now?" sa: "Huh? What did I have the temperature set to, again?" sa: "I think it was 26 degrees... Has 26 degrees always been this cold?" sa: "Are newer model ACs this cold?" sa: "Aw, man, I can't sleep! It's a hot night, but I'm too cold to sleep! And how is it that, when I'm this cold, Tsukasa-chan is totally..." Tsukasa: "Darling, I'm cold." sa: "I know, right?! It really is, isn't it?!" Tsukasa: "Maybe 26 degrees was too cold?" sa: "I guess so." sa: "Let's set it to 28 degrees instead." Tsukasa: "Good idea. We can see how that works out." sa: "This is pretty comfortable for me. I bet Tsukasa-chan will be able to sleep well now, too." sa: "Okay, she looks like she's super hot!" sa: "Do girls run warmer than guys?" sa: "Although, with that said..." sa: "It's pretty nice. Wait, no!" sa: "I'd hate for her to be uncomfortable. Let's set it to 27 degrees..." sa: "And have the sleep timer turn it off in an hour." sa: "How are humans able to do that sort of thing unconsciously?" sa: "This is a little chilly for me, but as long as Tsukasa-chan is comfortable." sa: "Goodnight..." Tsukasa: "Oh, sorry. Did I wake you? I woke up from the heat. Sorry." sa: "Let's leave the AC on a bit longer while we sleep." Tsukasa: "You sure?" sa: "Well, newer models have better energy efficiency, and there's no point in having it if we're sitting around being hot." Tsukasa: "Thanks, darling." sa: "I like it to be comfy, too." Tsukasa: "I love you." Tsukasa: "Sleep well, darling." sa: "G-Goodnight..." sa: "After that, we both were a little too heated up to sleep." sa: "So we ended up setting the AC to 26.5." Tsukasa: "Okay." Kyuuma: "Hey, Kaname." Kyuuma: "I wanted your help with something involving the summer festival. Shiba-san's asking me to help out. What do you think?" Kyuuma: "I mean, I'd personally rather not, but... But you know how Shiba-san is. That could start another argument. Which is why I wanted to ask you... What should I do, Kaname?" Kyuuma: "Wait, who are you?!" Tsukasa: "I should be asking that!" Kyuuma: "What are you doing here, lady?! You're not Kaname!" Tsukasa: "I'm just a part-timer who's filling in for Kaname!" Kyuuma: "Oh, huh. I see." Kyuuma: "This is rough. I could seriously use her advice." Kyuuma: "Okay, there's no other way." Kyuuma: "I'll just pretend you're Kaname and ask you! So, there's apparently a lot of trouble going into the summer festival..." Tsukasa: "Okay, this isn't going to work!" Kyuuma: "It's not?!" Tsukasa: "Why would it?! Besides, would you be interested in hearing out a total stranger's problem?" Kyuuma: "But don't you like helping people who seem to be in trouble?" Tsukasa: "I don't think this falls under that category!" Tsukasa: "For the record, I don't even know your name!" Kyuuma: "My name?" Tsukasa: "That's right!" Kyuuma: "Come on, baby. Do we really need names? A friend in need is a friend indeed." Tsukasa: "You're the only one who needs something!" Kyuuma: "Come on, don't sweat the details. Anyway, Shiba-san was asking me..." Tsukasa: "Don't get into my personal space like it's the natural thing to do!" Tsukasa: "Who even is this Shiba-san person?! Because I have no idea!" Kyuuma: "Wait, you've never heard of Shiba-san?! You know who I'm talking about! Come on! The Shiba-san who tends to be too reckless on Twitter and is always getting flamed." Tsukasa: "Well, I'm glad I don't know Shiba-san!" Kyuuma: "Hey, Shiba-san's so bad! Just a little too righteous for these modern times!" Tsukasa: "That's not making them sound any better!" Kyuuma: "They just make a lot of political statements informed by heavily-biased news sources!" Tsukasa: "This Shiba-san is sounding like serious bad news! And who even cares about them, anyway?! My point is that I can't help you with your issue!" Kyuuma: "What if you put your hair up in pigtails?" Tsukasa: "What?" Kyuuma: "You've never heard of them?" Tsukasa: "That's not what I meant. Why should I do my hair in pigtails? And this is a bathhouse." Tsukasa: "If you're not going to go in, then get out of here already." Kyuuma: "Let's table that for a minute. As you're already aware, I came here to ask for Kaname's advice." Tsukasa: "I wasn't exactly aware of that." Kyuuma: "But I'm quite a busy woman! Which is why I can't just loaf around here waiting for her!" Tsukasa: "And?" Kyuuma: "Y'know how she has her hair in pigtails? Maybe if you did your hair the same way, you'd be more willing to hear me out!" Tsukasa: "What is going on in your brain?!" Kyuuma: "Aw, no good?" Tsukasa: "Absolutely not! I'm confused as to how you ever thought otherwise!" Kyuuma: "I guess that's a no-go..." Tsukasa: "Seriously, what is with her?" Tsukasa: "And now she's asleep. It's pretty clear she's a kid," Tsukasa: "but she's kinda... incredibly pretty." Kaname: "Hey, it's Kyuuma-chan." Kyuuma: "Kaname-chan! Welcome home!" Kaname: "Uh, I'm back, I guess." Tsukasa: "Kyuuma-chan?" Kaname: "This is Kagami Kyuuma-chan. A classmate of mine." Kyuuma: "Where the heck have you been, Kaname? I was waiting!" Kaname: "Uh, I was at school, Kyuuma-chan." Kyuuma: "Huh? School?" Kaname: "Exactly. Why weren't you there, by the way?" Kyuuma: "Uh, well, I'm just... k-kinda stupid, so..." Kaname: "That I knew." Kyuuma: "Wait, we had class today?! You should've told me! I had perfect attendance before!" Tsukasa: "Why did you think it was a day off, anyway?" Kyuuma: "Because everyone in class was talking about summer break. I thought it had started already." Tsukasa: "Is this girl gonna be okay?" Kaname: "Not even a little bit, no. Kyuuma-chan here is dumber than most people think is possible, so I worry about her a lot." Kyuuma: "Aw, don't try and flatter me!" Kaname: "That wasn't any kind of flattery, Kyuuma-chan!" Kaname: "So, what did you need?" Kyuuma: "Oh, I actually needed to ask for your advice about something... Wait, did you just call me dumb?! Who are you calling dumb?!" Tsukaname: "This is going nowhere fast." sa: "Huh? I thought I heard a plucky voice. It's Kyuuma-chan!" Kyuuma: "Hey, Yuzaki-paisen! It's been a while." sa: "It sure has. You're as energetic as ever." Tsukasa: "Welcome home, darling." sa: "I'm back." Kyuuma: "Huh? Yuzaki-paisen, when you say you're back..." sa: "Yeah, I've been actually staying here at Kaname-chan's place." Kyuuma: "You have?" sa: "Yep." sa: "And while I'm updating you, I got married." Kyuuma: "You married Kaname, Paisen?!" sa: "No, Kyuuma-chan." Kaname: "Did you not notice the person that called him "darling"?" sa: "This is my wife, Yuzaki Tsukasa-san." Tsukasa: "Nice to meet you." Kyuuma: "So that's why you called him "darling"?!" Tsukasa: "So you did hear that?" Kaname: "How did you get the idea that I was the one married to Senpai, in that case?" Kyuuma: "I see! Well, ain't that something? It's a real shock, but congratulations." sa: "Thanks." sa: "Well, Tsukasa-chan, I need to return the tools I borrowed from Nakiri-san." Tsukasa: "Okay. Tell her I said thanks." sa: "Got it. I will." Kaname: "Have a safe trip." Kyuuma: "To think that Yuzaki-paisen got married..." Kyuuma: "Well, I still don't get much about romance at all, much less marriage." Kyuuma: "Do you smooch and stuff when you get married?" Tsukasa: "Well, it's not like we don't, but..." Kyuuma: "But what?" Kyuuma: "How many times in a day? Who usually initiates?" Kyuuma: "When did you last kiss? When you kiss—" Tsukasa: "Okay, pipe down! I'm not playing 20 questions with you! Besides, I thought you were here to talk to Kaname! So talk to her already!" Kyuuma: "Oh, right, I forgot about that. Kaname, I need some advice on something!" Kaname: "What?" Kyuuma: "I dunno, though..." Kaname: "What is it?" Kyuuma: "I mean, I did want to get your advice." Kyuuma: "But Häagen..." Kaname: "Häagen?" Kyuuma: "I don't think I'm gonna talk without any Häagen." Tsukasa: "You're the one asking her for advice! Where does ice cream even enter into it?!" Kaname: "And Häagen?! Trying to get the good stuff while you're at it?!" Kyuuma: "B-But problems like this are always better with a tasty snack..." Kaname: "I don't even know what problem it is yet, so just ask!" Kyuuma: "Then will you buy me the ice cream afterward?" Tsukasa: "Sure, whatever, okay?!" Kyuuma: "I dunno, though..." Kaname: "You don't even care anymore, do you?!" Kyuuma: "Okay, I've made up my mind! I think I'm gonna go grab that Häagen, and then I'll be back for advice!" Kyuuma: "So I'll catch you later, Kaname!" Kaname: "Wait, hold on, Kyuuma-chan!" Tsukasa: "She's an odd girl." Kaname: "Yeah." Kaname: "The thing is... As crazy as she is, and as impossible as it is to understand anything she says or does..." Kyuuma: "Kaname! Hey, Kaname! What flavor do you want?" Kaname: "S-Strawberry, then." Kyuuma: "'Kay! Consider it done!" Kaname: "So there you have it..." Kaname: "She's just really cute, y'know?" Tsukasa: "I see." sa: "Nakiri-san! Thanks a bunch for the tools." kiri: "Hey. Did the installation go well?" sa: "Yep!" sa: "Pretty smoothly, I guess." kiri: "That's good to hear." kiri: "I'm still having trouble believing you got married, Nasa-kun." kiri: "I don't really have a desire to, so it's hard to picture." kiri: "Is being married a good thing?" sa: "Well, it probably depends on the person." sa: "But I think it's pretty good." kiri: "I-I see. In what ways?" sa: "Well, let's see. For one thing... My wife always smells great!" kiri: "She does?!" sa: "Yeah! It's really pretty incredible! When we walk together at night, I always end up standing downwind. And there's this sweet scent, like I'm in a field of flowers!" sa: "Sometimes I feel like I'm gonna go crazy!" kiri: "W-Well, that is certainly..." kiri: "I think it may be a bit advanced for me." kiri: "Anything else come to mind?" sa: "Oh, right! Nakiri-san, did you know that girls will buy cookies based on the design of the package?" kiri: "Th-That's crazy!" kiri: "Who even does that?! Shouldn't you buy cookies based on their flavor?!" sa: "I was surprised at first, too. I asked her, "Shouldn't you pick food based on how it tastes?"" sa: "But then, she told me..." Tsukasa: "Well, of course the taste matters, but the cuteness of the packaging matters, too. Besides, if they put effort into the package, they're bound to put it into the taste, too. And if the box is cute," Tsukasa: "it makes you more excited when you pick it up, right?" kiri: "She does have a point there, I think. It's like how I get excited about a rotary engine, and start thinking if I get a car, it's gotta be an RX-7." sa: "It's the same thing!" kiri: "Girls buy cookies based on the packaging... This is pretty educational! Anything else?" sa: "Well, do you know about this?" sa: "Girls..." sa: "tend to prefer to drink warm water." kiri: "W-Warm water?! Th-That sounds like room temperature nonsense! Everyone knows the best drinks are the ice cold ones!" sa: "Apparently not, actually!" sa: "According to my wife... Here, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "No thanks. If you drink that cold stuff all the time, you'll catch a chill." sa: "Listen closely, Nakiri-san! By drinking warm water intentionally, girls are trying to avoid feeling cold! And they do it on purpose! Do you understand how delicate that makes them?!" kiri: "I-I had no idea." kiri: "There's a lot to learn about girls." sa: "There sure is! I go to places I've never been before, think about things I never considered before, experience emotions I've never felt," sa: "meet people I wouldn't have met otherwise..." kiri: "Your world expanding by meeting new people..." kiri: "Maybe I..." kiri: "should look for a wife, too." Aya: "Life is a sauna!" Kaname: "Great, my sister's lost her marbles again." Aya: "There are times when people must show restraint." Kaname: "You oughta make that your phone's wallpaper and re-read it a hundred times over." Aya: "Which is why I will restrain myself by giving up on this gacha some other time!"
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 Episode 7 – An Expanding World", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2", "7", "An Expanding World" ] }
Tsukasa: "Darling..." Tsukasa: "Do you love me?" sa: "Huh? Y-Yeah, of course I do." Tsukasa: "I see." sa: "So that's what happened." sa: "Do you think I've done something to make her doubt my love?" Kaname: "I see. This is quite a fascinating case study, I think." sa: "Huh? What do you mean?" Kaname: "Here's an example..." Kaname: "Say you're looking at a work of cubism. Whether or not you see it as a work of art or just doodles depends on the person. In the same way, even individual words can be interpreted differently between men and women!" sa: "Huh? I-Interpreted differently?" Kaname: "Yep." Kaname: "You have a cat, don't you, Senpai?" sa: "Y-Yeah..." Kaname: "To put it in those terms, what Tsukassan said amounts to purring." sa: "What?" Kaname: "She already knows that you love her. She got closer to you and started purring like that because she wanted you to show some affection. What would you do if a cat did something like that, Senpai?" Kaname: "You'd probably want to pet them for a while, right?" sa: "Y-Yeah..." Kaname: "And yet what was your response?!" Tsukasa: "Do you love me?" sa: "Huh? Oh, yeah, of course I do." Kaname: "How could you be so cold to a purring kitty?! And you're wondering if she's questioning your love?! Well, I sure as hell am!" sa: "I-Is that what it was?!" Kaname: "That's right! And there's only one appropriate response for that situation:" Kaname: "You've gotta show your affection to her until she's satisfied! It's the only way!" Tsukasa: "Well, I don't think he was annoyed, but..." Tsukasa: "It probably was annoying. It has to be, right?" Tsukasa: "That's why I don't ask too often." Tsukasa: "You're the only one allowed to whisper sweet nothings to me, you know." sa: "If there's one thing I've learned in the relatively short time I've been married," sa: "it's the importance of expressing things verbally with women." Kaname: "Consider the words, "I love you." A cutie pie like me is probably going to hear that from no shortage of guys in the future, in no less than five different languages, I'd wager. But Tsukassan is married, and you're the only one allowed to say that to her!" Kaname: "So if you stop saying it to her? It means she'll never hear those words ever again! The same applies to other stuff, too! Telling a girl she's cute or pretty is like watering a flower! You must never forget your responsibility!" sa: "I don't think I've been forgetting, but I'll admit I haven't been too aggressive about saying it." sa: "What's considered the right timing to tell someone you love them, though? Isn't it a little weird to tell someone, "You're pretty," or "You're so cute," during daily life, with no real lead-in? And when you consider I lived 18 years never needing to say those kinds of things, I don't know how I'm suddenly supposed to adapt." sa: "But if I don't figure something out, I'll be letting Tsukasa-chan down! And it is true that I think about how cute she is every day!" sa: "That's right! This is totally doable!" Idol Trio: "What did you think of that song?" Idol Trio: "I was really anxious about singing it for the first time!" sa: "You're way prettier than those idols, Tsukasa-chan." sa: "Yeah, I get the feeling that's a terrible idea! First there's the "Where'd that comparison come from?" factor, and what if Tsukasa-chan likes that idol group?!" sa: "And more than that, it sounds like either flattery or sarcasm! Which means the best timing is probably..." sa: "Good morning, Tsukasa-chan." sa: "You're as incredibly cute as ever today." Tsukasa: "Uh... okay. Thank you." Tsukasa: "I'm going to get changed and help out at the bathhouse." sa: "Well, that didn't work! What did I do wrong? I know there's more to it than just saying the words. And I really did put a lot of thought into that one!" sa: "But this confirms a theory of mine. To be honest, I was pretty sure beforehand, but this settles it! I need to practice before this will turn out right!" sa: "These words that I never had any use for in the 18 years I've been alive... Of course I won't be able to use them right in my daily life all of a sudden! That much should've been obvious!" sa: "But just because I'm not good at it now doesn't mean it should stay that way!" sa: "Loving words are like English! You gotta keep learning and practicing, or you'll never be any good! I'm gonna start by studying with shojo manga!" Tsukasa: "My husband has started reading shojo manga whenever he takes a break from work." sa: "Tsukasa-chan..." sa: "Shojo manga is pretty interesting!" Tsukasa: "My husband, as a rule, has no sense of proportion." Tsukasa: "When he gets into something, he absorbs huge amounts of it as quickly as possible. To be honest, it's kind of cute... But when I see him focusing so intently on something like this," Tsukasa: "I kinda wanna mess with him!" sa: "Toast?! Come on, why are you eating my hair?! Hey! What is this persistent urge of yours to eat my head?! Seriously!" Tsukasa: "Now, now, Toast, you can't interrupt Daddy." Tsukasa: "You are honestly such a troublesome little kitty. We'll need to be careful." sa: "I-Is it okay if I read a bit more?" Tsukasa: "Of course. Enjoy yourself." Tsukasa: "Lately, I've developed a guilty pleasure. When I see my darling with that serious look on his face," Tsukasa: "I feel this pressing urge to mess with him. I know better than to indulge when he's busy with work, of course," Tsukasa: "but if it's not work, then it can't hurt, right?" Tsukasa: "Darling, have you felt worn out lately?" sa: "Huh? Not at all, why?" Tsukasa: "No, I'm sure you have. This calls for a massage." Tsukasa: "That being the case, let me rub your shoulders." sa: "O-Okay, thanks." Tsukasa: "Now, then... Here!" sa: "Hang on, Tsukasa-chan! Why were you tickling me?" Tsukasa: "Wait, did I do that wrong?" sa: "Y-Yeah, you did! You can't go after my ribs out of the blue like that." Tsukasa: "I see. I won't do it without warning again." sa: "Exactly. If you're going to rub something, make it my shoulders, please. Okay?" Tsukasa: "Okay, I've got it. Tsukasa-chan never lies! Now, let me just rub your sides." sa: "Hey! No! I asked you not to tickle me!" Tsukasa: "But I warned you beforehand this time." sa: "A warning doesn't change anything! You rub the shoulders! The shoulders, por favor!" Tsukasa: "I think your Spanish might be a little advanced for me." sa: "It wasn't advanced at all! You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?" sa: "Come on, that look makes it obvious what you're trying to do!" Tsukasa: "Sorry, sorry! You were just too cute, the way you were focused on that manga." sa: "Come on..." Tsukasa: "What made you suddenly start reading shojo manga, though?" sa: "W-Well, there was... n-no real reason, I'd say. It'd be way too embarrassing to admit that I started because I was trying to figure out how to express my love better, but then got hooked because of how entertaining they are!" Tsukasa: "Darling. You tried to brush that off, didn't you?" sa: "Huh?! Wh-What makes you say that?" Tsukasa: "Tsukasa-chan is pretty perceptive about this kind of thing. So stop being embarrassed and tell the truth. What brought all this on?" sa: "Well, it's like I said..." Tsukasa: "Like what you said?" Tsukasa: "Ugh, you're so cute, I just had to kiss you. What's the big idea? Seriously." sa: "What's what big idea? What?" Tsukasa: "Now fess up and tell the truth!" sa: "Well, um..." sa: "I wanted to convey how much I love you. And saying stuff like that... If it's before you're going out, all you need to do is find the right moment to admit how you feel, right? But once you're married, I think you need to be able to tell someone that sort of thing casually in daily life. But it's hard to do that sort of thing without practice or study, so..." Tsukasa: "So you thought you'd read shojo manga for study?" sa: "Y-Yeah. And then it was so interesting, I got hooked." Tsukasa: "I-I see." Tsukasa: "Damn, darling, how cute are you?" Tsukasa: "Well, I appreciate you thinking about that sort of thing so seriously." Tsukasa: "Now, why don't you show me the fruits of your study?" sa: "Huh?!" Tsukasa: "Now!" sa: "Wait, are you still making fun of me now?" Tsukasa: "Not at all, no! I'm totally serious!" sa: "I know you're not!" Tsukasa: "I'm being super serious right now. Tsukasa-chan never lies! So now." sa: "Y-You're being serious right now?" Tsukasa: "Very much so." sa: "Well..." sa: "T-Tsukasa-chan, I love you the most in the entire universe." Tsukasa: "What the heck was that cute nonsense?! Play fair, darling!" sa: "Wait, are you mad?!" Tsukasa: "Well, in that case, how about more specifics?" Tsukasa: "How much do you love me?" sa: "Well, you're always so cute. It's like every time I see you, I feel like I love you more." Kaname: "Tsukassan... You're in a good mood. Something nice happen?" Tsukasa: "Not telling." Kaname: "I'm curious, Senpai. Do you two ever get in the bath together?" Kaname: "Oh, did you not hear me? I was asking..." sa: "I did hear you, actually!" sa: "Why are you in the men's bath like it's no big deal?!" Kaname: "Well?" Kaname: "How about it? What's the answer?" sa: "I-I mean, we are married, so I would like to do that... But that building doesn't have a bath." sa: "Granted, if we move into a new apartment that has one, then I'd love to do that every day." Kaname: "So the desire exists, at least. In that case, do you wanna join her now?" sa: "Huh?" Kaname: "Business hours are over, and the customers are all gone. You can pop into the women's bath now, if you want." sa: "What?! B-But..." Kaname: "You guys already got in the bath together at Kusatsu, right? Tsukassan still seems to be bathing, so I'll unlock the door that leads to the women's bath. You two can enjoy some quality time washing each other's backs or something." sa: "A-Are you sure it's okay?" Kaname: "You bet. Just don't have too much fun and make a lot of noise, okay? Sound really carries in this place." sa: "W-We wouldn't go that far!" sa: "Okay, I'm going!" Tsukasa: "Whoa, hang on!" Tsukasa: "Hold on a sec! Are you actually coming over here, darling?!" Kaname: "Did you hear us?" Tsukasa: "Of course I did! Why am I not a part of this conversation?!" Kaname: "Should I cancel the spousal quality time, then?" Tsukasa: "Huh? Well, I mean..." Tsukasa: "I-If you... turn the lights off, then it's okay." Kaname: "You heard her. Good for you, Senpai. I'm going to go clean up at the front desk, so enjoy yourselves!" sa: "Getting in the bath with your wife is a totally normal thing. If anything, it's a good thing! The kind of thing that the government would endorse!" sa: "Married couples getting along contributes to world peace! I think!" sa: "W-Well, Tsukasa-chan, can I come in?" Tsukasa: "S-Sure... Go ahead." sa: "It..." sa: "It's the first time we've done this since the Kusatsu trip, huh?" Tsukasa: "Th-That's right. Seriously, I have no idea what Kaname was thinking, suggesting something like this out of the blue..." sa: "Y-Yeah. I'm kinda glad she did, though." Tsukasa: "I mean, so am I." Tsukasa: "Don't look too closely, okay?" Tsukasa: "This isn't like Kusatsu." Tsukasa: "The water's clear, so..." Tsukasa: "You can see... everything." sa: "Th-This is bad." sa: "She warned us not to make any noise, but I feel like I'm gonna!" sa: "How much do you think voices carry in here?" Tsukasa: "Huh?" sa: "Well, it's just that... We probably shouldn't do anything that Kaname-chan will be able to hear." Tsukasa: "Honestly..." Tsukasa: "It's like this stuff is always the first thing on your mind, Nasa-kun." sa: "Sorry!" sa: "Did you not want to?" Tsukasa: "You are so stupid!" Tsukasa: "If I didn't want to..." Tsukasa: "I wouldn't have let you in here at all!" sa: "T-Too stimulating!" Tsukasa: "Now turn the other way." sa: "O-Okay!" sa: "Tsukasa-chan, are you getting out already?" Tsukasa: "No! I was just thinking about using the sauna. If you want to join me, feel free, darling." sa: "If she didn't want to, she wouldn't have let me in. If you really didn't want to... If she didn't— This is like a scene out of a shojo manga!" sa: "Which means I need to go! Getting into the bath and then the sauna with my wife is for the sake of world peace!" sa: "S-So hot! Come to think of it, the sauna here... has the temperature set really high! In a setup like this, I'll have maybe five minutes to do stuff! But will I be able to maintain my libidinous feelings—" sa: "I mean, my love for my wife, in the midst of this scorching heat?!" sa: "Will I?" sa: "Will I?!" Tsukasa: "Darling, you came." sa: "Yeah, this'll be easy!" sa: "C-Can I sit next to you?" Tsukasa: "Of course." Tsukasa: "I love how hot the sauna here is." sa: "D-Do you?" sa: "How long do you usually stay in the sauna?" Tsukasa: "As long as I can, of course." sa: "Well, that's very manly!" Tsukasa: "You see, a sauna, darling..." Tsukasa: "is a battle against yourself. Amidst this overwhelming heat, you're able to ask yourself the hard questions." sa: "I-I see." sa: "This isn't what I expected!" sa: "You must love saunas, huh, Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "Not exactly, no." sa: "Huh?" Tsukasa: "It's not me that loves saunas. All of humanity does!" sa: "I-I see. Despite a mostly naked man and woman being together in a dark, enclosed space, the atmosphere isn't even a little spicy!" sa: "Well, I guess fooling around in a sauna room is a bad idea in the first place. But mankind has always challenged new frontiers!" sa: "Wh-What are you doing, Tsukasa-chan?" Tsukasa: "Creating some steam so it'll get hotter in here." Tsukasa: "I was feeling like more of a challenge." sa: "That's not the kind of challenge I meant!" Tsukasa: "Do you like saunas, darling?" sa: "Well, let's see... I-I'm not great with them, to be honest." sa: "Which is why I usually get out after two or three minutes, when it becomes unbearable." Tsukasa: "You've got the wrong idea, darling. A sauna begins with enduring the first three minutes. The first three minutes are before your body gets used to the heat, so it can be uncomfortable, and even painful. Which is why amateurs can't bear those first three minutes, and tend to run out right away. But that's wrong!" Tsukasa: "You endure the first three minutes, and that's when the first door opens!" sa: "What door?" Tsukasa: "And when that door opens, the heat spreads throughout your body, and then it becomes comfortable! The heat is our friend!" sa: "We're friends?!" Tsukasa: "You need to hang in there until that friendship blossoms." Tsukasa: "Let's open the door together, darling!" sa: "Oh, boy, she seems really serious about this." sa: "O-Okay, I'll try my best." Aya: "Kaname-chan!" Aya: "Did you drain the bathwater already?" Kaname: "Not yet. But don't go in the women's bath." Aya: "Why not?" Kaname: "Because Senpai and Tsukassan are having some private time in there right now." Aya: "What the heck?! That's straight out of a rom-com!" Kaname: "Well, they're already married, so there won't be any of that "Ew, perv!" stuff like in rom-coms." Aya: "That just means it's gonna be even more intense!" Kaname: "Anyway, if you're going in, make sure to use the men's bath." Aya: "G-Got it. All the customers left already, right?" Ginga: "Aw, crap. I dozed off in the sauna." sa: "This is bad. No doors are opening at all." sa: "And this heat doesn't seem at all friendly! Is my wife seriously, seriously enduring this heat? It's getting harder and harder to endure! Is this really okay, Tsukasa-chan?!" sa: "I'll try to commune with the heat for a bit longer." sa: "But even if I do, time's running out. Which means my only choice is to.... Even if the heat wipes me out, I want to have some contact! As I see my wife enduring the heat of the sauna, glistening with sweat, she's as cute as she's ever been! Normally, I wouldn't be able to touch someone like that, but we're married! And married couples getting along contributes to world peace! Tsukasa-chan..." Tsukasa: "It's already hot enough. Are you sure you want to?" sa: "Yeah." sa: "Because my feelings for you burn way hotter than this." Tsukasa: "Looks like your practice is paying off, darling." sa: "Aw, come on! If you're gonna make fun of me, then take this!" Tsukasa: "H-Hey! My towel's gonna fall off." sa: "W-Would that be a bad thing?" Tsukasa: "W-Well... n-not really..." Ginga: "Well, it was the men's bath..." sa: "I thought about how I'd like to get in the sauna together again." ko: "Yuzaki-kun, do you ever argue with your wife about food?" sa: "Not at all. Do you, Yanagi-sensei?" ko: "About whether fried eggs get soy sauce or Worcestershire, and whether or not to mix your curry into your rice." sa: "Still, food does taste better when you have someone to share it with, right?"
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 Episode 8 – When You Actually Like It", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2", "8", "When You Actually Like It" ] }
Girl: "It's all burnt up..." Girl: "Where am I supposed to go now?" Woman: "It's all right. You're still alive." Woman: "For now, you should eat these ohagi." Tokiko: "I remember it all so clearly... Like it was yesterday." Tsukasa: "Darling..." Tsukasa: "I think the DVR is broken." sa: "What makes you say that?" Tsukasa: "I mean, look, I keep pressing, but..." sa: "Can I see that for a sec?" Tsukasa: "Here." sa: "It's probably just dead batteries." sa: "There we go. It's working." Tsukasa: "Darling..." Tsukasa: "You just thought, "Wow, what a dummy," didn't you?" sa: "What?! Of course not!" Tsukasa: "Really? You didn't think I was pitiful for being unable to deal with something as basic as dead batteries?" sa: "I would never!" Tsukasa: "Really? Well, I guess that's okay, then." sa: "My wife is an amazing person. She has a real air of mystery around her, she's a deft hand with most things, and I've never seen her afraid or losing her composure." sa: "Even when there are scary-looking customers at the bathhouse sometimes..." Tsukasa: "We don't serve customers with tattoos here. If you would still like to enter, you'll need to cover it up with this tape." Customer: "S-Sure..." sa: "I honestly think she's too good for me." sa: "Which is why, occasionally... there are moments that I can't help but smile at." Tsukasa: "Y'know, I think my phone is playing tricks on me." sa: "What tricks?" Tsukasa: "It says my password is wrong." sa: "Did you forget it?" Tsukasa: "Of course not! But you don't have to enter your password that often anymore, right?" Tsukasa: "Most of the time, it goes "dink" and automatically fills in your ID and password! So when it tells me to enter them the old-fashioned way all of a sudden..." Tsukasa: "And I tried hard! But it keeps saying the password that I was so confident about is wrong!" Tsukasa: "Maybe it was changed by some sort of super hacker?!" sa: "Well, that's a wild theory!" sa: "Tsukasa-chan, you haven't changed the password since I set it up for you, right?" Tsukasa: "Huh? Of course not." sa: "In that case..." sa: "There. I got in." Tsukasa: "Darling... I'm amazed you remember that nonsensical string of characters so easily. Well, there is actually a meaning behind it." Tsukasa: "But I think you should probably change it." sa: "It has to be complicated, but something you can remember." Tsukasa: "Yeah, that's impossible." sa: "I didn't realize we were discussing what's possible. In that case, should I manage your password for you?" Tsukasa: "Would you?" Tsukasa: "I see! So this is the "dividing the housework" part of marriage!" sa: "I don't think so, no." sa: "What did you do before we were married, though?" Tsukasa: "Oh, Tokiko took care of that kind of thing." Tsukasa: "She might not look the part, but she's a hardcore STEM type." sa: "Really? Wow." Tokiko: "I know Python, too." sa: "Y'know, I think it's really cute how some things actually give you trouble, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "You really do think I'm a dummy, don't you, darling?" sa: "What?! I don't think that at all!" Tsukasa: "No, you do. Tsukasa-chan is the kind of girl who picks up on these things. Y'know what this is? This is genuinely one of those "happy wife, happy life" type situations." sa: "That kind of sounds like extortion, but..." sa: "How about some cake, then?" sa: "Oh, come on! Don't give me that exasperated look!" Tsukasa: "You're trying to cheer me up with cake in this day and age? It's not the old days anymore, darling." sa: "Then... 168 apologems in your favorite mobile game?" sa: "Okay, that sure is a face." Tsukasa: "Darling! I know this was my idea, but you don't have to suck up that much! Maybe try for something a little more practical!" sa: "S-Sorry..." Tsukasa: "Well, since it's the best option so far, I'll settle for that cake. And that being the case, let's go and pick one out." sa: "O-Okay..." Tsukasa: "All that aside, though, I'm glad you're so reliable, darling." sa: "I am?" Tsukasa: "Of course! I appreciate you always being there to help me." sa: "I see. Well..." sa: "This is all the thanks I need." Tsukasa: "Honestly... You always want to do stuff like this." sa: "Yeah. But when I catch your scent, it makes me want to do whatever you say." Tsukasa: "O-Okay, enough! That tickles..." Kaname: "And that's why you went out for cake, huh?" sa: "Yep! My wife really is funny, huh?" Kaname: "Uh-huh..." sa: "The only thing I worry about is if she's always that funny, or if it's because she's married to me." Kaname: "That is the least worrying worry I ever heard of." Kaname: "Still, isn't that a good thing? Finding your partner cute, I mean." sa: "And there was one other thing I wanted to mention..." sa: "The other day, something similar happened." Kaname: "What do you mean? Look at me, the girl who listens to this nonsense without registering a hint of disdain on her face! Ain't I great?" ko: "Good afternoon!" sa: "Oh, Yanagi-sensei!" Tsukasa: "Help yourself." ko: "Thanks." sa: "So, what brings you by today?" ko: "I think... there's gonna be a marriage." sa: "For who?" ko: "For me! Me! Your old homeroom teacher, Yanagi-chan!" sa: "Oh, congratulations!" Tsukasa: "Congratulations." ko: "It's not purely good news, though." sa: "What do you mean? Is there something you're worried about when it comes to marrying Taniguchi-sensei?" ko: "Hang on, how did you know it's Taniguchi-sensei?" ko: "Actually, you weren't surprised at the news at all." sa: "Well, I mean..." sa: "We saw you two fooling around in the park!" Tsukasa: "We already saw something crazy!" sa: "When I saw you together at the theme park, you seemed to really get along!" Tsukasa: "I felt the same way." ko: "Oh, is that right?" sa: "So, what is it you're worried about?" Tsukasa: "Putting aside how you were fooling around in the park at night..." ko: "Y-You saw that, too?!" sa/Tsukasa: "Nope!" ko: "Well, whatever." ko: "Actually, I wanted to ask you... Yuzaki-kun, was there anything you were worried about when it came to marriage?" sa: "Worried?" sa: "Nothing at all!" ko: "He can be terrifyingly airheaded at times." ko: "Well, I expected as much, but I guess that confirms it." sa: "I was just a little anxious about whether or not I was allowed to marry someone so wonderful!" sa: "Are you nervous about getting married, Sensei?" ko: "The other day, we went out for beef bowls on a date." Tsukasa: "Beef bowls?" sa: "Is it some sort of, "I can't believe we had beef bowls on a date!" thing?" ko: "Come on, I don't think I'm a princess or something." ko: "I go there by myself all the time." ko: "I go by myself, order one with double meat, and polish it off. But this time, I was kind of happy and anxious about going with the one I love..." Tsukasa: "She really is a sweetheart." ko: "I mean, isn't that nice? Having a relationship where you can let your guard down." sa: "I think so." ko: "But then, when our bowls came out..." ko: "Taniguchi-sensei packed the red pickled ginger sky-high on his." sa: "Come to think of it, I've heard of this before." Tsukasa: "I see. And that choice of his made you uneasy." ko: "It's not that! It's not that simple!" Taniguchi: "I'm sure this comes as a surprise, Yanagi-sensei." ko: "Y-Yeah." Taniguchi: "I started eating them like this after reading about it in a certain manga... And just like they said in the actual manga, it's actually not that good." sa: "It's not?!" Tsukasa: "Then why all the ginger?!" ko: "Exactly! I asked that very same question! And he said..." Taniguchi: "This... is something you can only understand if you experience it. But I don't want you to eat it this way, Yanagi-sensei! Please, Yanagi-sensei! I want you to remain normal!" ko: "A real head-scratcher, right?" Tsukasa: "I-I'd say so." ko: "Which is why I figured... I'd try it, too." sa: "What?! You ate one like that, Yanagi-sensei?!" ko: "I did! I crossed that line! The next day, by myself. And when I anxiously took a bite..." ko: "It wasn't particularly good." sa: "Well..." Tsukasa: "That makes sense." ko: "But that's not even the worst part!" ko: "It wasn't particularly good, and I left the restaurant. And about two days later, I started getting an insatiable craving for a beef bowl piled sky-high with red ginger!" ko: "And that was when I realized: This is what Taniguchi-sensei was talking about! It's a swamp! A beefy swamp that's impossible to escape once you've sunk in!" ko: "I used to look at people who packed on the red ginger with disdain! "How could they be so ridiculous?!" I'd think! But... because of him... I've learned to forgive them." Tsukasa: "What exactly is the problem here?" ko: "People can change. And falling in love can drive that change." ko: "Is that something to be glad about?" sa: "I-I think so? Consider it personal growth." ko: "I never wanted to grow into a person who eats a big pile of red ginger on her beef bowl." sa: "Well..." Tsukasa: "That's understandable." sa: "Did you actually mention this to Taniguchi-sensei?" ko: "I... I could never tell him!" ko: "I mean, think about it! He fell in love with the version of me that didn't pile on red ginger! There's no way he could love me now that I've been pickled by all that redness and ginger!" sa: "Er..." Tsukasa: "Seriously, what even is this?" sa: "W-Well, you still have to be honest with him about it, right? If he can't accept you as you are, getting married seems..." ko: "You're right." Tsukasa: "Hey, darling, what kind of advice are we giving here?" ko: "I understand." ko: "I'll try talking to him." ko: "And I'll ask him if he can accept me as I am!" sa: "I hope the two of them can find happiness." sa: "I'll be wishing on the stars for it." Tsukasa: "I don't know if the stars will know what to do with that wish." sa: "Well, I couldn't really follow what she was worried about, to be honest..." sa: "But do you wanna hit up a beef bowl place?" Tsukasa: "I was thinking the same thing." sa: "My wife is cute!" Tsukasa: "Good morning, Nasa-kun." sa: "It's like every time I see her, she's cuter... and kinder..." sa: "So interesting, and fun to be around!" sa: "I love her more every day! I can't imagine life without her anymore." sa: "Even eating together is fun. Food tastes better, and it goes down so smooth. Eating... and eating... and eating more!" sa: "What the heck kind of number is that?!" sa: "A-Are you kidding me? I used to have total control over my body weight. I know I haven't really been paying attention lately, but did I really balloon this much in a few months?! What could have caused it? There's no reason I should have gained so much weight in such a short time... Wait, there is! There clearly is!" Tsukasa: "Care for seconds, darling?" sa: "I-I didn't think a happy marriage could bring this kind of trap with it." sa: "B-But what I'm really wondering is..." sa: "How is she eating the same food and not changing at all?" sa: "Tsukasa-chan, Tsukasa-chan..." Tsukasa: "Wha—N-Nasa-kun?" sa: "My wife is shockingly slim!" sa: "How?!" Tsukasa: "Darling... have you put on weight?" sa: "Wh-Wh-What are you talking about, Tsukasa-chan? D-Does it look like I have?" Tsukasa: "Well, not enough to be visibly noticeable..." Tsukasa: "But how about it?" Tsukasa: "Have you put on weight?" sa: "Y-Yeah..." Tsukasa: "I see. This is probably my fault." Tsukasa: "You're so cute when you're enjoying your food. I end up making too much." sa: "I-It's not your fault! I've just been eating too much! That's not on you!" Tsukasa: "Thank you. But I'll be more careful anyway." Tsukasa: "Honestly, you don't need to let it get you down. Even if you got a bit fluffy, I'd still think you're cute!" Tsukasa: "Wh-What's wrong, darling? Why are you so distraught over this?" sa: "I-I admit that I may have let my guard down..." Tsukasa: "Come on, it's fine! Really!" sa: "B-But..." sa: "Now that I've realized what has happened, it's possible to correct the mistake!" sa: "Diet! In the end, it's just calorie control and exercise! If you burn more calories than you take in, you can't possibly gain weight!" sa: "Which is why, as of today, I am going to start exercising!" Tsukasa: "So he said he was going to start running ten kilometers a day." Tsukasa: "Is he any good with exercise?" Kaname: "I think he should be." Tsukasa: "Really?" Kaname: "He wasn't in any sports clubs or anything, but he was trying to maintain all A grades." sa: "It's as you've heard, Tsukasa-chan! When I was in school, not only did I work hard on exercise, but I did quite a few physical jobs before we were reunited," sa: "so ten kilometers should be a piece of cake! Which is why I'm heading out now!" Tsukasa: "Well, that was a rather thorough setup for a punchline." Kaname: "Outta shape, huh?" Tsukasa: "Well, since we're done with the morning cleanup, I think I'll join him." Kaname: "By all means, go ahead." sa: "D-Damn it! I may have stopped exercising, and I know I've been doing nothing but desk work lately! And I realize I only ever go for a walk when I go out with Tsukasa-chan... But I didn't think that'd make me fall this far out of shape!" sa: "Damn it, there's no way I can keep this up..." sa: "Tsukasa-chan!" Tsukasa: "You okay?" sa: "F-Fine..." sa: "O-Okay, maybe I'll do some chin-ups next." Tsukasa: "This... is pretty bad. N-Need some help, darling?" sa: "It's okay!" sa: "I have to get... at least a little stronger! Strong enough to protect you... As your husband!" sa: "I couldn't even manage one." Tsukasa: "Oh, it's okay." sa: "But as your husband, shouldn't I..." Tsukasa: "I saved you when we first met, remember?" Tsukasa: "I can keep you safe." sa: "But I wanted to say that..." Tsukasa: "Sorry about that." sa: "It's ready, Tsukasa-chan." Tsukasa: "Thanks for making this, darling." sa: "I mean, the only hard part is boiling water." Tsukasa: "I still appreciate it." Tokiko: "Nothing beats cold noodles during a hot summer." Tsukasa: "Damn it! Is this place infested?!" Tokiko: "Good lord, am I a bug now? I did you the favor of dropping by since you never invite me." Tsukasa: "Don't talk while slurping on noodles!" sa: "Now, now... Thanks for coming by in spite of the heat." Tokiko: "See that? At least your husband has some manners." Tokiko: "Would it kill you to show the elderly some respect?" Tsukasa: "In what world do I owe you respect?" Tokiko: "And given that it's summer, would it kill you to get out of the house a little and maybe come visit me?" Tokiko: "Oh, I know! Camping! I want to go camping! Since I'm here, you should invite me on a camping trip." Tsukasa: "Why the heck should I?!" Tokiko: "Why? Because it's all the rage these days. I've fallen down a camp video rabbit hole on YouTube." Tsukasa: "I don't care!" Tokiko: "The thing about camping is, it cleanses the heart. You can heal your exhausted heart away from the bustle of the city." Tokiko: "Sipping on coffee while looking up at the stars at night... It's like a trip on the galactic railroad. You become one with heaven and earth, and recover a bit of your true nature. I doubt this means much to you, given how much time you spend staring at that tiny phone screen, but that's the kind of experience camping offers. Understand?" Tsukasa: "I still don't care!" sa: "Heaven and earth..." sa: "Becoming one with heaven and earth?" sa: "That sounds really interesting!" sa: "I've never gone camping before. Is that what it's like? Of course. It's the ultimate in recuperation." Tsukasa: "Whoa, hang on a sec, darling! You're not serious, are you?" sa: "Of course! Let's give it a shot." Tokiko: "So we'll all be going camping together next week. Oh, what fun!" Tsukasa: "Quit trying to force the issue!" Tokiko: "Well, if you're dead set against it, that's fine." Tokiko: "But would it really hurt to grant the wish of someone who probably has so little time left?" Tsukasa: "Oh, fine. I'll go camping with you, then." Tokiko: "Really? Yay!" Tsukasa: "Ugh..." Tokiko: "Well, I'll head home for today. This is for you. Share it with your husband, okay?" Tokiko: "See you soon, you two!" sa: "She really is energetic." Tsukasa: "I guess." sa: "What did she give you, anyway?" Tsukasa: "I'm pretty sure I know without opening it." Tsukasa: "It's most likely ohagi." Woman: "It's all right. You're still alive." Woman: "For now, you should eat these ohagi." Tsukasa: "She was really happy to get some as a gift once." Kyuuma: "Prep is crucial for camping! So I've been watching a bunch of videos about it!" Tsukasa: "Don't you have anything better to do?" Kyuuma: "First, you're supposed to go camping on your own!" Tsukasa: "You've clearly only been watching a certain type of video." Kyuuma: "Also, actors who don't get much work anymore do it a lot."
{ "raw_title": "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2 Episode 9 – A Summer Day", "parsed": [ "TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2", "9", "A Summer Day" ] }
Ryuji: "There exists in this world something no one has ever seen." Ryuji: "That's a lie." Ryuji: "It's useless..." Ryuji: "Man..." Ryuji: "Mold? What the hell!? I got rid of all the mold not too long ago... - That thing is very kind, and very sweet. - I need a rag..." Ryuji: "If anyone were to see it once, they'd probably want to see it again." Taiga: "That's why the world chose to hide it, making it very difficult to obtain." Ryuji: "Damn it... I can't get it off..." Ryuji: "- Fine. Time to bust out the Takasu Stick! - But one day, someone will find it." Taiga: "And that someone will be the one meant to find it." Ryuji: "Because it was made to work that way." Ryuji: "Eco, eco, eco, ecology..." Ryuji: "Inko-chan, you still asleep? Rise and shine." Yasuko: "I gotcha...!" Yasuko: "You're such a meanie, Ryu-chan." Ryuji: "I told you last night that school starts today." Yasuko: "Oh, right. Opening ceremony day, huh? Congrats for graduating a grade." Ryuji: "That's all you have to say to your son at the start of a new school year?" Yasuko: "Hey, it's too dark in here. Open the curtains for me?" Ryuji: "They're already open." Yasuko: "Huh?" Yasuko: "Oh..." Ryuji: "That's one huge apartment building..." Ryuji: "Since that thing was built, we lost our precious sunshine, so now our clothes take forever to dry, and every day I deal with mold, mold, mold..." Yasuko: "There's my favorite glare! You look more like your daddy every day! ...like your daddy!" Ryuji: "Don't compare me to that—" Yasuko: "That's so cool! Now you look even more like him!" Yasuko: "Huh? Leaving already, Ryu-chan? What about my food?" Ryuji: "It's where it always is." Ryuji: "That was..." Ryuji: "That was the last thing I wanted to hear..." Ryuji: "Thanks to the glare you always rave about... I... I..." Guya: "Hey! Wait up!" Guyb: "Shit!" Guyb: "Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta-Takasu-kun! - What're you doing!? - Um, huh?" Guya: "- It was an accident! - What...?" Guys: "Here, take 'em. Just let us go!" Guya: "It's all we've got on us!" Guyb: "We swear! Listen! No loose change, right?" Ryuji: "Uh..." Both: "We're so sorry!" Girla: "Freaky..." Girlb: "Those are a killer's eyes!" Ryuji: "I..." Man: "Again?" Man: "You sure pick up a lot of wallets." Ryuji: "Yeah..." Girla: "I hope we're in the same class again." Girlb: "Totally." Girla: "Found it!" Girlb: "Yay! We are!" Guy: "He's got a killer's eyes!" Ryuji: "Damn it, not again..." Kita: "Yo." Kita: "We're in the same class again this year, Takasu." Ryuji: "Kitamura!" Man: "And that concludes this year's opening ceremony. Please head to your classes and prepare for homeroom." Ryuji: "A new class... As usual, I'll have to start by clearing up my image with everyone." Kita: "Don't worry." Kita: "At least now it won't be everyone. I already know the real you." Ryuji: "Yeah, thanks. That's right. There are some people who get me." Ryuji: "And besides, this class has..." Minori: "Heya, Kitamura-kun!" Minori: "We're in the same class this year." Kita: "Oh, Kushieda. You're in class C too?" Minori: "Oh! Takasu-kun, right? Do you remember me? We've kind of met! I've seen you hanging around Kitamura before!" Ryuji: "K-Kushieda Minori, right?" Minori: "Well, whaddaya know!" Minori: "You remembered my full name! That makes me kinda happy." Minori: "Now then... Let's enjoy our teen years to the max!" Kita: "Yeah." Ryuji: "R-Right..." Guya: "And then..." Kita: "What's up, Takasu?" Ryuji: "N-Nothing. J-Just need to go take a leak." Kita: "Okay. See you in class." Ryuji: "What...?" Guya: "Whoa! A battle for supremacy!?" Guyb: "Takasu Ryuji and Aisaka Taiga! Whoa, the strongest matchup right on the first day! The fight to decide the school's top dog is on!" Ryuji: "What the heck?" Ryuji: "She's tiny... Like a doll." Ryuji: "But there's this..." Ryuji: "There's this overwhelming intensity about her... Like she'll eat me if I let my guard down... Uh, this is..." Girla: "Whoa, it's true! That delinquent Takasu-kun and the Palm-top Tiger are—" Girlb: "Shut up!" Ryuji: "Palm-top...Tiger?" Ryuji: "Oh, I get it. Palm-top—" Ryuji: "Yep. Suits her to a T." Yuri: "Okay. That'll be all for today. If you haven't turned in a career plan, drop by the faculty office later. D-Did you hear that, Takasu-kun?" Ryuji: "Y-Yeah." Minori: "Are you okay, Taiga? You were late today, too." Taiga: "I'm not okay at all. I went to see the doctor. Said something about "house dust."" Minori: "What a modern-day disease. Must be rough." Ryuji: "The Palm-top Tiger..." Ryuji: "She's friends with Kushieda Minori?" Ryuji: "I'm the one who has it rough." Kita: "You okay?" Ryuji: "Yeah. More or less." Kita: "But you know..." Maya: "Aisaka-san and Takasu-kun really went at it!" Haruta: "The Palm-top Tiger's as strong as ever." : "Takasu only looks scary, y'know. He's not really a delinquent." ko: "Oh, really?" Kita: "Sounds like your image is already getting cleared up." Minori: "Taiga?" Minori: "What's wrong?" Taiga: "N-Nothing..." Yuri: "Ta-Takasu-kun, are you uncertain about what you want to do with your life?" Yuri: "I-It's just, you see, I need you to turn in a career plan. Everyone else already has." Ryuji: "Oh, sorry. I forgot." Yuri: "No, no, I'm sorry! You don't want to be lectured by an almost-thirty spinster with no goal in life! Forgive me for stepping out of line!" Ryuji: "Crap, it's getting late...! The special, limited-time sales are gonna—" Ryuji: "Y-You okay there?" Ryuji: "Uh..." Ryuji: "J-Just getting my bag..." Ryuji: "I should probably just leave her be..." Ryuji: "Huh!?" Taiga: "- Wh-Wha-What are you d-do-doing? - What am I...? Look." Ryuji: "I'm just here for my bag." Taiga: "Th-That's your bag? Isn't your seat the next one over? D-Did I mix them..." Taiga: "Up... Up... Up! And away!" Ryuji: "Why...are you after my bag?" Ryuji: "H-Hey. Cut it out." Ryuji: "Ouch... The hell're you—" Ryuji: "A-Aisaka?" Ryuji: "H-Hey!" Taiga: "Idiot!" Ryuji: "What a mess..." Ryuji: "What a mess!" Yasuko: "Daddy's in Heaven. He was such a hunk! He kept magazines tucked in his belt so he'd survive a surprise stabbing! He was so electrifying!" Ryuji: "All because I look like you..." Ryuji: "I've gone through nothing but grief! If I didn't have this face, people wouldn't be scared of me, and the Palm-top Tiger wouldn't have bugged me." Ryuji: "I'd have more confidence... And then..." Ryuji: "My career plan." Ryuji: "What?" Ryuji: "To: Mr. Kitamura Yusaku." Ryuji: "Aisaka..." Ryuji: "Taiga?" Ryuji: "Oh, I get it." Ryuji: "She must've put this in my bag by accident. I didn't open it, so I don't have the slightest idea what might be inside. I'll just give it back." Ryuji: "C-Crap! I gotta reseal it!" Ryuji: "Is she... actually a huge klutz?" Ryuji: "I'm going to bed." Ryuji: "Huh? Yasuko... Nah, she wouldn't be back this early..." Men: "- Chug it! Go for it, Mirano-chan! - Okay, down the hatch it goes!" Ryuji: "Hello?" Ryuji: "The window's..." Ryuji: "Damn, that hurts!" Ryuji: "Wh-What the hell is this?" Ryuji: "Huh? I remember seeing someone this size before..." Ryuji: "Aisaka!" Ryuji: "Use a damn tissue!" Ryuji: "What...? Wh— What the. Hell." Ryuji: "Are." Ryuji: "You. Doing!?" Taiga: "Forget about it." Ryuji: "Huh? Forget about what? Oh, you mean the let—" Ryuji: "...ter." Taiga: "Now that my secret's out, I can no longer live. I have to die!" Ryuji: "Then quit trying to kill me!" Taiga: "But I don't want to die, so I need to kill you! Unless you lose all your memories!" Ryuji: "That's impossible!" Taiga: "Don't worry. You won't die from a smack to the head with this thing. But I can at least wipe your memory with it!" Ryuji: "Don't "wipe" anything! Here! Listen to me! The letter...!" Taiga: "Shut up." Taiga: "Shut up! Shut up! You saw it, right!? You read it, right!?" Ryuji: "L-Like I'm trying to say, there..." Taiga: "Not listening. Just forget about that love...love... Love letter!" Ryuji: "It was empty!" Taiga: "Empty?" Ryuji: "That's right. There was nothing for me to read. Hell, you're actually lucky you didn't give it to Kitamura. Now he won't know you messed up! Um, h—" Ryuji: "Hey." Ryuji: "Just how hungry are you...?" Taiga: "I'm sick of convenience store food." Ryuji: "Convenience store food? Why don't your parents...?" Ryuji: "I guess all families have issues. Here." Taiga: "This wouldn't have happened if you had just handed over your bag. How are you going to make this up to me!?" Ryuji: "You still got some on your face." Taiga: "It's like you were only born to add the scent of garlic to fried rice oil!" Ryuji: "Now look here..." Ryuji: "Wh-What's so embarrassing about a love letter? Listen. You've got nothing to be ashamed of. Hang on." Ryuji: "Behold." Taiga: "What is this?" Ryuji: "Can't you tell? I guess not, huh? It's a list of songs for a hypothetical concert I'd put on for the girl I like." Ryuji: "That's a poem I inadvertently wrote for her. And MDs to play while we go for a drive. Of course, I don't have a license, but... I have different ones for each season." Ryuji: "Well? Are you weirded out? Since I don't have the guts to tell her how I feel, all I can do is fantasize. Pathetic, sure. But I don't feel any shame! You should have more confidence!" Ryuji: "You made it out of that fantasizing stage and decided to take action. Be more optimistic. Think happy thoughts." Taiga: "For Miss Kushieda Minori." Ryuji: "Yes, be like Kushieda Minori! Wait! - What!? - You like Minorin?" Taiga: "Yuck, you're awfully full of yourself. Yuck, she's totally out of your league." Ryuji: "Shut up! Like you should talk!" Taiga: "What!? I told you to forget about—" Inko: "Sh-Shaddap... G-G-...Goosebumps!" Ryuji: "Sorry about that, Inko-chan. Did we wake you up?" Taiga: "How dare you show me such a nasty thing!" Ryuji: "What'd you say!? She's an important part of our family!" Ryuji: "Oh! That's it, Inko-chan! - I...I...! - Introduce yourself to our visitor! - I...I...I...! - Today's the day you'll finally say your name!" Inko: "I... ...mpotent." Ryuji: "Uh, actually, Inko-chan isn't feeling like herself today..." Ryuji: "Crap! It's so late!" Ryuji: "A-Anyway! We're in the same boat now! I won't tell anyone about what happened! Trust me!" Taiga: "No." Ryuji: "Why not!? I even fed you, so go home already! I mean, please leave! My borderline-mental mother is about to come home!" Taiga: "I. Don't. Wanna! I can't trust you." Taiga: "And..." Taiga: "I want to know what you think about love letters. They're pretty outdated, huh?" Ryuji: "Don't get bashful all of a sudden! I'll give you all the relationship advice you want! But it's late now, so can it wait until tomorrow?" Taiga: "Really? You'll help me?" Ryuji: "I will. I will, I will, I will! I'll do anything!" Taiga: "Anything? You'll obey me like a dog? Follow my every command?" Ryuji: "I will. I swear! So everything's fine now, right? Right? Right?" Ryuji: "How did she get in through the window?" Taiga: "Later." Ryuji: "Oh, I'll walk you home." Taiga: "No need. I live close. And I have this wooden sword." Ryuji: "Um, that's why it's dangerous." Taiga: "Hey, about the hole..." Ryuji: "Oh. Well, I can just cover it up with some paper." Taiga: "Here." Taiga: "Feel free to use it." Taiga: "If you end up spending money on it, I'll pay you back." Taiga: "See ya, Ryuji." Ryuji: "R-Right..." Ryuji: "Did she just call me by my first name? Hello, you've reached Takasu—" Taiga: "Get the hell over here, you—" Ryuji: "Hello?" Taiga: "You hung up!" Ryuji: "Where do you want me to go?" Ryuji: "Huh?" Ryuji: "The balcony? Why?" Ryuji: "What!?" Ryuji: "Why!?" Taiga: "Didn't you say you'd obey my every command, like a dog?" Ryuji: "H-Hold on! I meant that I'd help you out with the Kitamura issue..." Taiga: "You do realize what will happen if you don't come. I can show you, if you'd like." Ryuji: "Uh, wait... Well... Give me ten minutes!" Ryuji: "My rice dish will be finished by then!" Taiga: "Three?" Ryuji: "I mean..." Ryuji: "You want some?" Ryuji: "Jeez..." Ryuji: "Wow..." Ryuji: "E-Excuse me." Ryuji: "Huh?" Ryuji: "It's unlocked..." Ryuji: "What is this stench!?" Ryuji: "A-Aisaka-san? I'm coming in." Ryuji: "This odor's really intense..." Ryuji: "Aisaka!" Ryuji: "Aisaka! Let me...! Please, let me..." Ryuji: "clean your kitchen!" Ryuji: "What?" Ryuji: "She went back to bed?" Ryuji: "Almost looks fake..." Ryuji: "Asleep, Aisaka really does look like a doll." Ryuji: "And the apartment, virtually devoid of any signs of life, is like her dollhouse." Ryuji: "Even though it's far too big for that." Ryuji: "I'm gonna say...fifteen minutes." Ryuji: "Okay." Taiga: "What...is this...?" Ryuji: "Yo." Ryuji: "It's still a work in progress, but... It's a lot cleaner, huh?" Ryuji: "It was crazy. Stagnant water in the clogged sink... The drain, plugged with mold and rotting garbage, was like a sight from hell... And the room was covered in dust." Taiga: "Trespassing. And imposed cleaning. You better not have marked your territory, stupid dog." Ryuji: "Dog!?" Taiga: "Fair enough. It sounded like an insult to other dogs. You're nothing but a mongrel. Mo-n-grel." Ryuji: "Damn ungrateful girl... And after I..." Ryuji: "Not gonna say, "Thanks for the food"?" Taiga: "I humbly thank the rice gods and farmers for this meal! Thanks for the food!" Ryuji: "Oh, c'mon..." Ryuji: "Hey, sounds like your sniffles are gone." Taiga: "Probably because the place is clean." Ryuji: "Huh? What'd you just say?" Taiga: "Never mind!" Ryuji: "A sloppy pact. New misunderstandings. The power of genes. Taiga, you're... one hell of a klutz."
{ "raw_title": "Toradora! (Subtitled) Episode 1 – Tiger and Dragon", "parsed": [ "Toradora! (Subtitled)", "1", "Tiger and Dragon" ] }
Taiga: "Morning, huh...?" Ryuji: "Yeah..." Taiga: "And we didn't sleep a wink..." Ryuji: "Yeah..." Ryuji: "Not after seeing that..." Taiga: "What's on the agenda today for Operation Scare Minorin, Cue the White Knight?" Ryuji: "How can we expect to carry out our plan when we're scared stiff ourselves?" Taiga: "Shut your trap. We have to, or else our future's set in stone." Ryuji: "Well yeah, but..." Taiga: "What do we even do? What would freak Minorin out?" Kitamura: "You want to scare Kushieda?" Taiga: "Ki—" Ryuji: "Y-You're up early, Kitamura." Kita: "What kind of mischief are you up to first thing in the morning?" Ryuji: "M-Mischief?" Kita: "Wait, were you two responsible for Kushieda's meltdown yesterday?" Kita: "I'm right. Honestly... Why would you do that?" Kita: "Don't you feel sorry for her?" Ryuji: "Uh, about that..." Taiga: "It's our gift to her." Kita: "Your gift?" Taiga: "Mi-Minorin actually loves scary stuff more than anything in the world. And since she loves being shocked and scared, we wanted to make this summer memorable for her..." Ryuji: "Hey, Kitamura..." Kita: "I see. No wonder her eyes sparkled like she wanted more! Okay! Count me in!" Kita: "Let us work together and scare the bejeezus out of Kushieda!" Ryuji: "Uh, well..." Kita: "I know! Let's get Ami in on this." Taiga: "Dumb-chi, too?" Kita: "She should be familiar with the area. All right! Strike while the iron's hot!" Ryuji: "Uh, but won't Kawashima refuse?" Kita: "Leave it to me! I promise I'll convince her to help! No need to worry!" Taiga: "Wh-What do we do, Ryuji?" Ryuji: "What do we do?" Ryuji: "There's nothing we can do..." Minori: "Seaweed..." Minori: "What's this?" Minori: "Morning, Takasu-kun." Ryuji: "H-Hey." Minori: "What are you making?" Ryuji: "Um, boxed lunches." Ryuji: "Since we're spending all day down at the beach." Minori: "You mean you woke up early to make lunches? This won't do! Chef, allow me to assist you in your endeavors! I am at your command!" Ryuji: "R-Right... Could you slice the onions, then?" Minori: "Yessir! Happy to slice and dice! What's on the menu, chef?" Ryuji: "Egg salad and tuna salad sandwiches... And stew using the leftover curry from yesterday, I guess." Minori: "Ooh! That sounds fantastic!" Ryuji: "You've got a good grip." Minori: "Ooh, was that a compliment? Yay." Ryuji: "And the way you washed those dishes... You're good." Minori: "Well, both of my parents work. And I used to make lunches when my little brother was home." Ryuji: "You have a little brother?" Minori: "The hard-working baseball player, Watson-kun! - Ow, that stings! - Whoa! You okay?" Minori: "Silly me." Minori: "Takasu-kun?" Ryuji: "Oh, I-I need to peel the apples." Minori: "You're really good at cooking, Takasu-kun. Last night's curry was stupendous." Ryuji: "I didn't do anything special..." Minori: "I think it's wonderful how responsible you are." Minori: "Our other classmates never get to see this side of you. Makes me feel kinda special. The lucky girl you marry someday will be very happy." Ryuji: "Kyushyieda!" Minori: "Yes, Tak-yasu-kyun!?" Ryuji: "A-About yesterday..." Minori: "Oh yeah, that..." Minori: "Could you keep it a secret?" Minori: "I've never talked about that stuff with anyone before." Minori: "How do I put this...? I let my guard down. Said too much. But I'm glad it was to you, Takasu-kun. Thanks for listening." Ryuji: "Shoot!" Minori: "You klutz! But that was cute!" Ryuji: "D-Don't call me cute." Minori: "Just kidding." Minori: "Anyway, chef. What's next?" Ryuji: "Oh, right..." Minori: "Mix it all up? Mix everything together?" Minori: "Whoa! The sun is burning bright! You small-town angel!" Taiga: "Minorin's so excited." Kita: "Now we just have to stick to the plan." Ryuji: "Huh? Where's Kawashima? She's helping out, right?" Kita: "Yeah, Ami will lead us to a nearby cavern, where we can set up." Ryuji: "So everything's riding on her... Why isn't she here?" Kita: "No idea." Ryuji: "I'll get her. Taiga, hold on to this for me." Taiga: "Huh?" Taiga: "H-Hey!" Kita: "Here, I'll carry it. Seems a bit heavy for you." Taiga: "I-It's okay." Taiga: "I'm good." Ryuji: "Kawashima, you there?" Ami: "Yes." Ryuji: "We're leaving." Ryuji: "Man... What's the holdup?" Ami: "Admiring my reflection. Care to join me?" Ryuji: "Seriously?" Ami: "Wow... Isn't this crazy? How's my cleavage?" Ryuji: "Not bad, I guess?" Ami: "That's all you have to say? Oh right, you saw me in a bikini at school." Ryuji: "That's not the point..." Ami: "But this part comes off." Ami: "See?" Ryuji: "Put it back on! Put it back on!" Ami: "What? No, you put it on for me." Ryuji: "Not happening!" Ami: "You're so heartless. Don't be that way. I won't help." Ryuji: "D-Don't say that..." Ami: "Hey. Why do you want to entertain Minori-chan?" Ryuji: "What? Wh-Why...?" Ami: "Tell me, or I'm not helping. You've got five seconds." Ami: "Five. Four." Ami: "Three. Sure about this?" Ami: "Two. One." Ami: "Zero. No longer helping." Minori: "Taiga! Bring it on! C'mon!" Taiga: "- Boom! Blam! Kaboom! - Cold!" Ryuji: "- What are they doing? - C'mon, why not?" Ami: "Can't be bothered." Kita: "But you're the only one who knows the interior of the cavern." Ami: "I drew you a map. Sorry, but you'll have to do this on your own, Yusaku." Kita: "Hey..." Ami: "No complaints, right? This was your choice, after all." Kita: "Sorry, Takasu. Ami suddenly..." Ryuji: "It's fine." Ryuji: "I'll come with you. It'll be tough alone." Kita: "But it'd look suspicious if we both left. Don't worry. I'll manage." Kita: "I've come up with three award-winning ideas." Kita: "Kushieda will be half-crazed with fear, guaranteed." Ryuji: "R-Really...?" Kita: "Hey! Kushieda! Aisaka!" Minori: "What is it!?" Kita: "I need to use the bathroom!" Minori: "Man, this is so good! Takasu-kun is a genius in the kitchen!" Ryuji: "Well, you helped." Taiga: "She did?" Minori: "You betcha! This girl did the mixin' for your egg salad sandwich!" Kita: "Oh? Eating without me?" Minori: "Jeez, Kitamura-kun!" Minori: "What's wrong with you!? Don't announce to a bunch of girls that you're going to the bathroom!" Kita: "Oops, sorry." Minori: "- Plus, you took forever! Where did you... - We're all set." Minori: "- Oh, does that mean he was...? - Okay. Hey, what's up? What're you talking about?" Kita: "Oh, Kushieda. Actually..." Ami: "Hey, Minori-chan..." Ami: "There's a beautiful cavern down by the cove." Minori: "A cavern, you say!?" Ami: "It's my special place." Minori: "Ooh, special!" Ami: "Wanna stroll down there?" Minori: "Ooh, a stroll!" Minori: "Sounds great! Let's do it! Can't wait!" Minori: "Oof!" Minori: "Ooh, so this is it." Minori: "Amin's special path..." Minori: "S-Sure looks inviting..." Ami: "Doesn't it?" Kita: "Okay, let's go inside." Minori: "B-But doesn't it feel like something might pop out?" Kita: "Wow, maybe we'll encounter an unidentified creature?" Minori: "That's fine, as long as it's alive..." Kita: "Great idea. We should try to capture it alive!" Ryuji: "- Yeah, now I'm pumped! - Guess we were right to accept his help." Taiga: "- Here's to an intense summer memory! - Such beautiful manipulation..." Kita: "Okay!" Kita: "Kitamura Exploration Party, advance! We're going to find the two-headed golden cobra!" Minori: "It's so dark, and narrow, and scary!" Kita: "I believe I've heard that line before." Ryuji: "This passage is bigger than I expected." Ami: "Near the entrance, sure." Taiga: "Hey, don't get distracted. This isn't your typical test of courage. Understand?" Ryuji: "R-Right..." Ryuji: "There's a step down here, so be careful." Kita: "This is the first gateway." Ami: "What?" Ryuji: "Fried tofu." Ryuji: "Nice... Kitamura's certainly book smart..." Ami: "But he's a moron." Taiga: "D-Don't badmouth Kitamura-kun!" Minori: "Hey, isn't it kinda cold?" Kita: "We're pretty far in." Minori: "No, that wasn't what I meant..." Ryuji: "What's wrong?" Taiga: "I smell ketchup." Ami: "Hey, what are you doing?" Taiga: "Here." Ami: "Shriek..." Ryuji: "So this was the second one..." Ami: "Yup, total imbecile." Taiga: "I...I said not to badmouth him!" Taiga: "Don't sigh, either!" Ryuji: "What?" Ryuji: "This is..." Minori: "Hey! What's up?" Minori: "Ta-Ta-Ta-Takasu-kun! Th-That's..." Ryuji: "No, uh..." Minori: "A woman's hair! The curse of a heartsick woman who wandered in here post-breakup, only to meet an unnatural death! No! Lemme out! Please let me out!" Taiga: "- Minorin, calm down! - No! Lemme out!" Minori: "- Set up some tricks of your own, huh? - Please let me out!" Ryuji: "- But I didn't... - The curse!" Kita: "- My last one's fifty meters ahead. - The horror! It's a real doozy!" Ryuji: "O-Okay..." Kita: "Come on, Kushieda! Pull yourself together!" Taiga: "Kitamura-kun sure can do anything." Kita: "- Minorin's terrified. - Deep breaths. In and out." Taiga: "- It wasn't Kitamura. - Begin by stretching!" Ryuji: "It wasn't me, either." Taiga: "- Th-That means... - One, two, three, four!" Ryuji: "This isn't a prank. - It's real, just like the stuff last night... - Five, six, seven, eight!" Both: "- Minorin! - One, two, three, four!" Taiga: "It'd be bad to get separated, so let's hold hands." Minori: "Yeah? Okay! Hold on real tight!" Kita: "Good! Now we're warmed up. Let's proceed! - What a waste of time... - Kitamura Exploration Party! Tally ho!" Ami: "I'm gonna take a shortcut outta here." Ryuji: "H-Hey, Kawashima! Where are you going?" Ryuji: "Kawashima!" Minori: "Hey, Kitamura-kun? Do we have to keep going?" Kita: "The exit is this way. Right, Ami?" Kita: "What happened to Ami and Takasu?" Taiga: "Ryuji?" Ryuji: "Wait up, Kawashima! Do you even know where you're going?" Ami: "Of course. Are you that worried about getting separated from the others?" Ryuji: "I just...don't like dark places..." Ami: "Really now...? Then what would you do if I ditched you?" Ami: "Scared? Worried about getting separated from me now? Lonely?" Ami: "Want to stay real close to me?" Ryuji: "H-Hey..." Ami: "Do you need me?" Ryuji: "Th-This isn't the time for that!" Ami: "Why, in a hurry to get back to Minori-chan?" Ryuji: "Seriously!" Ami: "I don't think she's a good match for you." Ryuji: "What? I-I don't think..." Ami: "Your perfect match would be..." Ryuji: "Wh-What?" Ami: "Huh?" Ryuji: "What?" Ami: "Where...are we?" Ami: "No way! We're lost?" Ryuji: "C'mon, stop messing around." Ami: "I wouldn't joke about this!" Ami: "Wh-What'll we do?" Ryuji: "H-Hey..." Ryuji: "I-It's okay!" Ryuji: "I'm sure the others will come looking for us! Don't be scared!" Ryuji: "I'm here!" Ami: "Sorry." Ryuji: "There's no need for you to apologize!" Ami: "That stuff about being lost...was a lie." Ami: "As if I'd ever get lost! You-fool-ish-boy." Ami: "That hurts!" Ami: "Gross, Takasu-kun. Your hand's so slimy." Ryuji: "This isn't the time to be laughing!" Ami: "But you were acting like a kid!" Ryuji: "I-I was really scared!" Ami: "Takasu-kun... You're pretty lame." Ryuji: "There you go again..." Ami: "Still..." Ami: "It's not a turn-off." Ami: "You know how I said that you and Minori-chan don't make a good match? I meant it. Because..." Ami: "You're like the moon." Ryuji: "What's that mean?" Ami: "Minori-chan's like the sun. Get too close, and you'll get burned." Ami: "I mean, you wouldn't be able to whack her with tofu, would you?" Ami: "Adoration never leads to a balanced relationship." Ami: "What you really need..." Ami: "is someone like me." Ami: "That was..." Ryuji: "Kushieda's voice!" Ami: "Wait! Takasu-kun!" Ryuji: "Sorry, I'm..." Ami: "It's okay." Ami: "Let's hurry!" Ryuji: "R-Right!" Ryuji: "Kushieda!" Taiga: "Ryuji!" Kita: "Takasu! Ami! You guys okay?" Ryuji: "Kitamura! Where's Kushieda?" Ami: "What happened?" Kita: "Well..." Kita: "Kushieda was taken by something..." Ryuji: "T-Taken by what!?" Kita: "I don't know... But there's something here..." Ryuji: "And it took Kushieda?" Kita: "Huh? Batteries running low? Takasu, lend me yours." Ryuji: "Sure." Ami: "What's this sound? A voice?" Kita: "Kushieda! I'm coming!" Ryuji: "H-Hey! Kitamura!" Ryuji: "Ki-Kitamura!" Taiga: "Kitamura-kun! - Kitamura-kun! Kitamura-kun! - Wh-What's going on!?" Ryuji: "Don't stray too far! Try to stay calm!" Taiga: "I don't care anymore. If that's what you want... It's on!" Ryuji: "What!? Taiga!?" Ryuji: "Tai—!" Minori: "Stop! Stop! Kitamura-kun! There's been an accident! We have to rescue Taiga!" Kita: "On it!" Kita: "You okay, Aisaka?" Taiga: "K-Kita... Kitamura-kun..." Ryuji: "Kitamura!?" Minori: "You're late, Watson-kun." Ryuji: "Ku... Kushieda?" Minori: "Yes. I am Kushieda Minori, also known as Minorin. I am the culprit!" Minori: "And... he was my accomplice!" Kita: "The hair in Takasu's room." Minori: "The crumpled dress in Taiga's." Minori: "And everything else, was all our doing!" Both: "So sorry." Minori: "I mean, you guys were really failing at scaring me, so I got the urge to show you how it's done. That was how you scare someone." Ryuji: "So you knew it was us?" Minori: "Pretty obvious, the way you two kept sneaking around. So I recruited Kitamura-kun to my side and set you up." Minori: "It was so much fun. Thanks." Ryuji: "You're not mad?" Minori: "Not at all! I love scary stuff!" Minori: "Think of Brer Rabbit and the briar patch." Minori: "If I say I'm scared of ghosts and occult stuff, somebody's bound to try to scare me." Minori: "It lets me sit back and enjoy." Minori: "Okay, confession time's done." Taiga: "It's lit!" Minori: "Isn't it pretty?" Ryuji: "This was one crazy day." Ami: "Honestly... What a pain..." Ryuji: "About what you were saying before..." Ryuji: "I didn't get a chance to give you a proper answer." Ryuji: "I'd feel lonely if you weren't around." Ryuji: "But this isn't about how I would feel." Ryuji: "It's about whether you would be lonely, isn't it?" Ami: "I've never given it so much as a thought." Ryuji: "Think about it, then. Seriously." Ami: "But won't it hurt?" Ryuji: "If you start to feel pain, express it." Ryuji: "After all, we're..." Ami: "On equal ground?" Ryuji: "Hey..." Ami: "Sometimes, Takasu-kun..." Ami: "You're way too nice." Minori: "'Sup, Takasu-kun!?" Minori: "This is our last night here. Are you enjoying yourself?" Ryuji: "Kushieda..." Ryuji: "Um..." Ryuji: "Th-Thanks." Ryuji: "I was completely fooled, and utterly petrified..." Ryuji: "But being with you is fun, no matter what's going on." Minori: "Took the words right out of my mouth." Minori: "I had a blast. The curry was wonderful too." Minori: "You even listened to my weird spiel without laughing. You understood me." Minori: "Sorry for scaring you. I wanted to show you a ghost and kinda went overboard." Ryuji: "Show me a ghost?" Minori: "Uh-huh. You said you wanted to see one." Ryuji: "Oh..." Minori: "Tell me, why were you trying to scare me?" Ryuji: "W-Well, just because... Taiga told me you didn't like that stuff." Minori: "So you wanted to tease me? I don't believe it. You'd never do anything to make someone feel bad. You're always thinking about how to make people happy." Minori: "So why would you do this?" Minori: "I want to know the answer." Minori: "It's a mystery to me." Ryuji: "I wanted to show you...a ghost." Ryuji: "I wanted to make you believe that ghosts exist." Ryuji: "You can't give up on something just because you can't see it." Ryuji: "That's how I feel." Minori: "I see." Minori: "Then next time, let's look for UFOs." Minori: "A real one, not just a satellite." Minori: "And after UFOs, we can find..." Minori: "Oh, a tsuchinoko would be good! If I find the things I want to see... If my world truly can change..." Minori: "Then..." Ryuji: "Kushieda!" Minori: "A UFO..." Minori: "went kaboom." Minori: "It's like a dream come true... I saw one! I actually saw one!" Minori: "Is a galactic war breaking out!?" Minori: "We must defend Earth!" Kita: "Trip's not over until we're home. Don't relax just yet!" Ami: "Maybe I'll head to my parents' place." Minori: "See you later!" Ryuji: "Want to drop by the supermarket and do some shopping?" Taiga: "I'm exhausted, so don't go all housewife on me." Ryuji: "Yes, ma'am..." Ryuji: "It's just...there's a special sale today..." Taiga: "Seriously, shut up." Ryuji: "The Culture Festival. Chills from a band performance... Thrills from a cosplay cafe... Friendships renewed over the campfire..." Haruta: "And leg-spreading at the wrestling show!"
{ "raw_title": "Toradora! (Subtitled) Episode 10 – Fireworks", "parsed": [ "Toradora! (Subtitled)", "10", "Fireworks" ] }
Taiga: "So hot... It's the first of September... Why are the mornings still so hot?" Ryuji: "We'll need to finish yesterday's curry, fast..." Taiga: "Good morning, Minorin!" Minori: "Hey there, you two. You been doing well?" Ryuji: "H-Hey! How you been, Kushieda?" Haruta: "'Sup, guys? Did you finish your summer homework? Did you brush your teeth? Did you shower?" Ryuji: "Why are you so happy?" Minori: "Oh-ho!" Minori: "Someone must've had an eventful vacation!" Haruta: "Summer break's in the past!" Haruta: "We're living in the second term now! On to a new stage in the Culture Festival! To find something new—" Yuri: "Must be nice to have something happen over summer break..." Minori: "M-Miss Yuri-chan?" Yuri: "But sure... Of course something happened... After all, it was your seventeenth summer... Completely different from the summer of a single woman who's hit thirty..." Minori: "- Indeed, the world can be so cruel... - I guess nothing special happened for her." Girl: "So, once again, they're limiting the festival to one day, huh?" Murase: "The president's influence wasn't enough." Sumire: "This wasn't a unilateral decision." Sumire: "We made a deal." Sumire: "Negotiations with the faculty are underway." Kita: "Exactly. If all goes as planned, surrendering a second" Sumire: "We'll do whatever it takes to make this year's Culture Festival a hit." Sumire: "This will be my last major school event, after all." Minori: "Then next time, let's look for UFOs." Taiga: "Whoa! Hey, Dumb-chi!" Taiga: "What was that, slowtard!?" Ami: "Like I said... I can't touch the ball. My nails are too long. Might break one." Taiga: "Stupid Dumb-chi!" A: "Oh, that cute smile..." B: "Ami-chan is an angel..." C: "I'm a Palm-top Tiger fan." D: "I'll take Kashii." : "I'd say Kihara's definitely fine." E: "Oh! Ami-chan's riding the tiger!" A: "Oh... I want her to ride me..." Haruta: "Ladies and zentlemen!" A: "What's this about?" B: "There aren't any ladies here." C: "And what the hell does "zentle" mean?" Haruta: "Aren't you fellas interested in seeing the girls you pine for..." Ryuji: "You feeling okay? Don't tell me you got into some weird hobby over summer." Haruta: "Just hear me out!" Haruta: "The Culture Festival is coming up. And during tomorrow's long homeroom," Haruta: "And!" Haruta: "I'm on the Culture Festival committee!" B: "So what?" Haruta: "So... If we choose to go with a maid cafe, we'll get to see the girls dressed as maids!" Haruta: "If the guys unite and force a vote, we'll have an indisputable majority! How's that sound?" C: "Not a bad idea." D: "Especially coming from Haruta." : "Hold on. In that case, I'd replace the maid outfits... with cheongsam!" D: "Ooh!" C: "I can picture that." : "Takasu, you with us?" Ryuji: "Y-Yeah, sure..." Ryuji: "I basically get to see her in a maid outfit at the restaurant." Ryuji: "A skintight cheongsam would be much more..." Ryuji: "No, that won't work! If it's too tight, I'll have to make her bra-pads again." : "What are you mumbling about?" Ryuji: "Uh, nothing. But I'd replace cheongsam with, uh..." Ryuji: "Lolita dresses?" C: "Takasu..." C: "You're a genius!" D: "I want nurse uniforms!" A: "How do stewardess outfits sound?" C: "Dumbass! They're called flight attendants!" B: "- Don't forget shrine maidens! - Hold up, guys!" Haruta: "Don't get off topic! Wait, what were we even talking about?" Kita: "A cosplay cafe..." Kita: "is the perfect solution, no?" Guys: "That's it!" Minori: "Taiga, I'm heading out." Taiga: "Uh-huh..." Taiga: "Ryuji!" Taiga: "Look at this." Ryuji: "Wh-What now? Whoa, this is bad." Taiga: "Dumb-chi tore it." Ami: "Honestly. Could you not slander my name? You tripped over yourself and tore it." Taiga: "It's your fault for dodging that ball!" Ami: "I already said that my nails are—" Ryuji: "Stop it." Ryuji: "I'll mend the tear." Ami: "There you go, spoiling her again." Taiga: "Make sure it's fixed by next week." Ami: "Hey! Don't you shift the blame onto me and walk away! Hey!" Minori: "They're so spunky." Ryuji: "Kushieda." Minori: "Anyway, we should head back to class." Ryuji: "Y-Yeah... You're right." Ryuji: "B-By the way... Th-The thing you said about UFOs—" Minori: "Yep, instant noodles are truly the enemy of Diet Warriors!" Minori: "Oh, so scary! Absit omen." Ryuji: "I'll have to patch this with another piece of cloth. Guess I'll sacrifice one of Yasuko's old long johns." Ryuji: "Taiga, your phone." Taiga: "Don't care." Taiga: "Damn that stupid bastard..." Ryuji: "Stupid bastard?" Ryuji: "Who're you talking about?" Ryuji: "Whatever. Your phone's annoying. - Make it sto— - Shut your mouth!" Ryuji: "Wh-What's your problem?" Taiga: "I said to leave me alone. The man gets remarried and decides I don't belong, so he gives me an apartment and throws me out?" Taiga: "He abandoned me! He's completely heartless." Ryuji: "You're talking about your dad!?" Taiga: "No, a stupid bastard!" Ryuji: "He's still your father, no matter how awful he is. "Stupid bastard" is a bit much..." Ryuji: "With family, you're always connected in your hearts, even when you're apart. Like, you know—" Taiga: "I said he's a stupid bastard, and that's that!" Inko: "Stu-pid! Pid! Pid! - Stupid bas! Pid tard! Pid pi— - You don't need to learn that phrase!" Inko: "Piles!" Inko: "- Piles! P-Piles! - Inko-chan, not again! - P-P-Piles! - Oh? Talking about your daddy, Ryu-chan?" Ryuji: "- No way! - He was so wonderful!" Yasuko: "He kept magazines tucked under his shirt..." Ryuji: "That story again!? That's not wonderful at all! And don't go blabbing that to other people!" Yasuko: "Aw, but..." Haruta: "And so... We need to decide on a class exhibit, and choose a candidate for the pageant! Uh, for the pageant, we'll go with Ami-chan, since I doubt anybo—" Ami: "Um..." Ami: "Sorry, I can't do that." Ami: "I appreciate the thought, but I'm the pageant MC, so I can't be a participant." Ami: "However, I believe that... Aisaka-san would be a perfect choice! I mean... She's so little and cute! And she's well-known around school." Taiga: "What are you babbling about, Dumb-chi!?" Taiga: "Why should I have to deal with that hassle?" A: "Oh, but that actually might be a good idea." B: "The tiger certainly is famous." : "I can see this workin' out." Taiga: "Stupid jerks..." Ami: "Now, now. That won't do, Taiga-chan. You're a member of this class too, so you should actively participate in such events." Taiga: "Damn it, Dumb-chi! If you aren't going to listen to me, I'll crush the whole damn festival!" Kita: "There, there." Kita: "Hold it in. Hold it in." Kita: "You might actually win. Yeah?" Haruta: "'Kay! Then, Tiger will be our pageant candidate! Let's move on to what our class will do for the festival!" : "Ooh! Ooh!" Haruta: "Yes, Noto-kun!?" : "How does a cosplay cafe sound!?" Girls: "What!?" Maya: "Isn't that super lame?" : "I guarantee some other class will do the same." A: "- I'm totally against it! - Um... Well..." Minori: "Just my two cents... Not that I personally want to do this... Can't stand it, myself... But I wouldn't mind if everyone manages to have fun... So, um, I think... A h-haunted..." Minori: "Got a nosebleed... Don't get the wrong idea. I wasn't going to say anything weird. Just that a h-haunted house..." Kita: "Kushieda. That's enough. You're falling apart." Yuri: "Not gonna happen..." Yuri: "So not gonna let it happen..." D: "Y-Yuri-chan?" Yuri: "Cafe? No! Form a band and put on a concert? Yuck. Worst thing you could do in Japan right now! That excitement won't last longer than a day! It's an illusion! It'll all fall apart by Christmas!" A: "What's she ranting about?" B: "Something bad happen to her over summer?" Haruta: "Come on, we're not getting anywhere! Let's just put it to a vote!" Haruta: "- Write down your idea on a piece of paper! - Now we're voting?" B: "Won't matter what the girls write. They're a disorganized mess." : "They stand no chance against a united male front!" Haruta: "Okey-doke! Everybody done? Here we go!" Haruta: "Shake! And! Draw!" Haruta: "W-Wait! A draw!? Announcement time! This year, our class will be putting on a pro wrestling—" Haruta: "Who actually wrote down "pro wrestling show (no holds barred)"!? Seriously! What is this!?" Ryuji: "More importantly... Why didn't you go with majority rule?" Haruta: "Oh." Taiga: "Stupid Dumb-chi... I'll beat her into all kinds of hells when she passes through Samsara!" Ryuji: "Just give up and enjoy a class event, for once. You need to open your heart." Taiga: "Gimme a break. That, coming from the guy who's suddenly all excited." Ryuji: "Excited? Me?" Taiga: "Ever since we came back from the trip— Huh? Why?" Ryuji: "What's wrong?" Taiga: "Weird. It won't let me withdraw money. The balance is zero." Ryuji: "Well, guess I'll just..." Taiga: "Impossible..." Taiga: "It's because I've been ignoring his calls." Taiga: "So this is how he reacts?" Taiga: "Unbelievable..." Ryuji: "Calls? Like the one the other day?" Taiga: "He's called a bunch of times recently." Taiga: "But I ignored them all because they pissed me off." Taiga: "And now he's emptied out the account for my living expenses!" Taiga: "Stupid bastard... I wanna kill him!" Ryuji: "You shouldn't say that about your parent." Taiga: "He's threatening me." Ryuji: "Just pick up, would you?" Ryuji: "Nothing will change if you don't talk to him." Ryuji: "Besides... You'll be in trouble without the money, right?" Ryuji: "So." Ryuji: "She picked up..." Ryuji: "But why am I meeting with him by myself?" Dad: "I see..." Dad: "I understand. So you're saying my daughter isn't coming." Ryuji: "Yes... I'm sorry." Dad: "I really wanted to see her. But I guess I've dug myself into an even deeper hole." Dad: "Sorry about this. Uh, Takasu-kun, was it? Might as well order whatever you like." Ryuji: "Uh, yeah. No thanks. I'm having dinner in a bit." Ryuji: "E-Er, I mean, I'll take you up on your offer!" Ryuji: "An egg bagel!" Dad: "Oh, really? Excuse me!" Dad: "Can we order? An egg bagel for him. And I guess I'll have this salmon bagel. With lots of cheese! As much as you can fit!" Dad: "Oh, right." Dad: "Take this, before I forget." Dad: "The money." Dad: "I really wanted to see her." Dad: "I had something important to tell her." Ryuji: "Something important?" Dad: "Uh... So are you and Taiga, y'know...dating?" Ryuji: "N-No way! Heck, we're just friends. There's nothing romantic about it. We just happen to be neighbors, and we somehow managed to hit it off..." Dad: "I see. In that case, Taiga must have told you about our family." Dad: "I remarried someone significantly younger than me." Dad: "Taiga had a hard time adjusting..." Dad: "And that led to misunderstanding after misunderstanding. My new wife, her name is Yu... It got to the point where either Taiga or Yu had to leave. So Taiga..." Dad: "But I want to live with Taiga! The way we did before." Dad: "That's what I came here to say." Dad: "No mistakes this time." Dad: "I want to start over with her. Yu and I will be separating soon. So I'm going to live with Taiga." Dad: "Since I'm her father." Dad: "Since I love her." Ryuji: "This is big." Ryuji: "Your dad's come back for you." Ryuji: "Man, what are you doing? Do a better job! Rinse for longer than five seconds!" Taiga: "You're so annoying. Don't touch anything. I promised to wash the dishes in return for you meeting with that man." Ryuji: "Then do a better job!" Taiga: "Oh, go away!" Ryuji: "You know... Your dad's kind of weird. Doesn't act like a typical grown-up." Taiga: "I told you to go away! Go boil water and make tea or something." Ryuji: "Your dad's really worried about you." Ryuji: "That's why he wants to live with you again." Taiga: "You an idiot?" Ryuji: "I'm serious about this." Ryuji: "He said he wants to live with you. And he asked me to—" Taiga: "It's none of your business!" Taiga: "Don't meddle in someone else's family issues!" Ryuji: "You're the one who sent me!" Ryuji: "So you take the money, and that's the end?" Taiga: "Yes. That's why I'm washing the dishes for you. That's why it's settled now. I'll never see him again!" Ryuji: "Hey. Don't give me that crap! Face—" Taiga: "Shut up! Don't touch me!" Ryuji: "Your dad was depressed about you ignoring him!" Ryuji: "I felt bad for him!" Taiga: "You should feel bad for me!" Ryuji: "Taiga?" Haruta: "Okay! Everyone get one? I felt responsible for what happened..." Haruta: "so I made this! A script for a wrestling show." B: "Hey, shouldn't we drop this idea?" Ryuji: "Here." Haruta: "Folks! Could you show some interest!? It's too late to turn back! Yuri-chan already approved and submitted our proposal!" Ami: "Oh... This might be fun. Everyone's been assigned a role. Haruta-kun, this is much better than I expected. Oh, I'm the star. I kinda feel like celebrating." Haruta: "Ami-chan..." Girla: "Wow, she's right." Girlb: "This is really well done." Ami: "Haruta-kun, let's do the best we can! Okay! Let's start rehearsing!" All: "Yeah!" Haruta: "In the near future, the students of 2-C are living happily in peace under their leader, Ami-chan! However! There were those who found this peace offensive! The Palm-top Tiger—evil incarnate—and her underling, Takasu Ryuji the delinquent!" Ryuji: "Hold on." Ryuji: "Why am I her underling? And a delinquent?" Taiga: "Why am I evil incarnate?" Haruta: "No questions. Just hear me out, 'kay?" Haruta: "The Palm-top Tiger attacks the members of 2-C! They are brainwashed one by one! But! Ami-chan's furious efforts set them free, and everyone joins together in the end, successfully driving the Palm-top Tiger and badboy Takasu Ryuji away! And then they live happily ever after." Haruta: "How do you like it?" Ryuji: "This is what we get for hearing you out?" : "But it's simple and dramatic." : "This might turn out well." Taiga: "No! There's no way I'm doing this!" Ami: "Jeez... You're so selfish." Taiga: "Hey! First the pageant, now... Why are you so intent on making me do these weird things!?" Ami: "If hitting me will make you feel better, go right on ahead!" Taiga: "All right! That's what I'll do!" Ami: "But violence is not the answer!" A: "Hey, the Palm-top Tiger's really into it!" B: "Rehearsing already?" C: "That was so intense!" Haruta: "Right on! Now, deliver the tiger's brainwashing line!" Ami: "Say your line. Look, right here." Taiga: "The tiger appears, shouting incoherently..." Minori: "Amin's changed lately." Ryuji: "Yeah, you're right." Ryuji: "Whoa! What is that!?" Minori: "No idea. Haruta-kun said he had a special role for me to play." Kitamura: "Listen up, people! The school just rendered their decision!" Kitamura: "This year's Culture Festival will be a class competition! The first-place class will receive an extravagant prize!" All: "Oh..." Kitamura: "I should mention the prizes!" Kitamura: "Option one! A refrigerator in your classroom for the rest of the year!" Maya: "Love that chilled juice, yeah?" Kitamura: "Option two! The classroom gets one of next year's primo air conditioners installed this month!" A: "Love that moist air, yeah?" Kitamura: "The ban on electrical devices in the restroom will be lifted!" B: "Love to curl your hair, yeah?" Kitamura: "Finally! Coupons from Supermarket Kanoya." Ryuji: "Love those coupons, yeah? Huh? What?" Maya: "Hey! The guys need to pull their weight!" All: "R-Right..." Ryuji: "What do you want for dinner?" Taiga: "Amberjack." Ryuji: "Prepared how?" Taiga: "Teri..." Ryuji: "Yaki, right?" Dad: "Sorry." Dad: "I've been waiting for you here...this whole time." Dad: "So..." Taiga: "Damn stalker!" Ryuji: "Taiga!" Ryuji: "Stop being so stubborn!" Taiga: "Let me go, you stupid mutt! And stop taking his side! That's cruel! I thought you'd be the one person on my side!" Ryuji: "I'm saying this because I'm on your side!" Ryuji: "This is for your own good! Who is that? Isn't that your father? Hasn't he come for you? You could at least hear him out!" Taiga: "You're wrong! That's a stalker! I don't need him!" Ryuji: "Stop being ridiculous!" Taiga: "Hey!" Ryuji: "Weren't you crying about being abandoned!? Admit it! Be honest with yourself! You want to go home, don't you!?" Taiga: "What do you know about me?" Taiga: "I don't need that loser. He didn't abandon me. I abandoned him! Tossed him like a pile of worthless trash!" Ryuji: "Damn it... Do you... Do you really see him as trash!?" Ryuji: "My old man's never coming home, no matter how much I beg!" Ryuji: "This isn't for Taiga's own good... I'm..." Ryuji: "Sorry, Taiga... I'm..." Taiga: "Enough. I'll do what you say. So..." Taiga: "Get that look off your face." Ryuji: "Tai—" Taiga: "This is for the best, right? That's how I'll try to see it. Though I don't know if I'll be able to change how I think. But if that's what you say..." Taiga: "That's what I'll do." Ryuji: "This is a good thing..." Ryuji: "This is...a good thing..." Ryuji: "Isn't it?"
{ "raw_title": "Toradora! (Subtitled) Episode 11 – Ohashi High School Culture Festival 1", "parsed": [ "Toradora! (Subtitled)", "11", "Ohashi High School Culture Festival 1" ] }
Ryuji: "The Culture Festival is just around the corner." All: "Bzz-bzz. Bzz-bzz. Bzz-bzz. Bzz-bzz. Bzz-bzz." Haruta: "Squat lower! Brainwashing beam! Bzz-bzz." All: "Bzz-bzz. Bzz-bzz. Bzz-bzz." Ryuji: "Everybody has managed to band together." A: "Vice President, we're running low on posters." Kita: "Got it. I'll ask for more copies—" B: "Vice President, about the assignments for the schoolyard..." Kita: "Oh, those should be complete." Ryuji: "And now they're working like mad." Ami: "What do you think? I'm trying the costume on." Guy: "Whoa!" Girl: "That's adorable!" : "You're brilliant! So dazzling, it's blinding!" Minori: "Not bad at all. Watch me shine too!" Maya: "Kushieda, about your costume..." Ryuji: "I have to say... This isn't...too bad." Taiga: "- Another exhausting day... - Got that right." Taiga: "Hey, do I smell sweaty? Think I'll be okay without a shower?" Ryuji: "Oh, you're having dinner with your old man." Taiga: "Answer the question, mongrel!" Ryuji: "Th-That hurt... But no, you don't stink." Ryuji: "How should I put this...? Your old man's trying really hard. Despite his busy work schedule, he's making" Ryuji: "and takes you out for dinner." Taiga: "It's not nearly enough to make me forget what he's done." Taiga: "But I guess..." Taiga: "he knows some good places, so I might as well humor him for a bit." Taiga: "What is it?" Ryuji: "I didn't say anything!" Ryuji: "That's..." Taiga: "Jeez... He's early. I won't have time to change." Ryuji: "That's your dad's car?" Taiga: "You better not be thinking that I'm getting excited!" Ryuji: "I'm not! I swear! Go on, he's waiting for you." Ryuji: "Her old man's really been trying hard." Ryuji: "Desperate, I'm sure, to make up for lost time and regain her trust." Ryuji: "But he's not the only one making an effort." Ryuji: "Taiga's also..." Ryuji: "trying her best to respond to his feelings." Ryuji: "Brainwashing beam. Bzz-bzz." Ryuji: "Out late again tonight?" Taiga: "I guess..." Taiga: "So..." Taiga: "About the Culture Festival..." Kita: "People! The Culture Festival is tomorrow!" Kita: "Let's get psyched!" All: "Yeah!" Maya: "Hey, where's all the makeup?" Ami: "Oh, it's..." Ryuji: "Go on." Taiga: "But asking Dumb-chi for a favor makes me feel so dirty!" Ryuji: "Now, now... Just suck it up." Taiga: "What're you grinning about, creep?" Ryuji: "Be nice... Your old man said he's coming to watch, right?" Ryuji: "Just get it over with!" Taiga: "Stay right here for ten minutes! Don't come in until I'm done talking with Dumb-chi!" Ryuji: "Yeah, yeah." Minori: "H-Hey there, Takasu-kun. Could you step aside?" Ryuji: "S-Sure..." Minori: "Thanks!" Ami: "Yuck, what is this? You're giving me a present? There's gotta be a catch." Taiga: "Yuck, Dumb-chi. Why would you assume that? Please enjoy!" Ami: "What are you doing!?" Ami: "No way! Are these from that famous restaurant!?" Taiga: "I went there with my dad last night. Thought I'd get you a souvenir." Ami: "My modeling friends said these are impossible to get..." Taiga: "Go on, try one." Ami: "Right now?" Taiga: "Yeah, eat one." Ami: "No way. I wanna savor them at home with some tea—" Taiga: "Try one right now, this minute, this second!" Ami: "Fine! I'll try one, okay?" Taiga: "You ate one." Ami: "Yummy, yummy." Ami: "There. Satisfied? Now get away from me." Taiga: "But you ate one, right? So listen up." Ami: "Excuse me? So there was a catch!" Taiga: "For the Culture Festival wrestling show, trade roles with me once." Taiga: "I want to try a bigger part!" Minori: "Wow..." Minori: "Taiga wants to play the lead?" Ryuji: "Yeah, her dad's coming to the festival, so she wants to look good. Kushieda, you basically know her family situation, right? They've been trying to patch up their relationship as of late—" Minori: "What the hell?" Ryuji: "Kushieda?" Minori: "What the hell do you mean?" Minori: "That's crap." Ryuji: "W-Wait! What brought this on?" Minori: "I have to wake Taiga up." Ryuji: "What?" Minori: "I have to tell her she can't trust that lousy father of hers." Ryuji: "Why would you say such a terrible thing? Shouldn't you be happy for Taiga, as her friend?" Minori: "Happy? Me? Why would I?" Ryuji: "Because..." Minori: "Why would I be happy about my friend's dad slinking back to trick her? I could never smile and watch while my friend's being hurt." Taiga: "Trade! Trade!" Ami: "Stop it! I hear you!" Ryuji: "That's a bit much!" Ryuji: "Don't label him a lost cause when you don't know the facts! Taiga's old man is a loving father who—" Minori: "You met him. So how can you say that? Takasu-kun! Were you even paying attention when you met him!? Did you take a good look at him!?" Ryuji: "What's that supposed to mean?" Taiga: "Ha— Hang on! Ry-Ryuji..." Taiga: "Minorin..." Taiga: "C-C'mon, shake hands!" Taiga: "R-Ryuji..." Ryuji: "I want to die..." Ami: "You're in my favorite spot." Ami: "Move it." Ryuji: "H-Hey!" Ami: "There, a perfect fit. See? This spot is mine." Ryuji: "Hey..." Ryuji: "What did Kushieda do?" Ami: "Went home." Ryuji: "Seriously? Oh, man..." Ami: "Pretty gutsy of you to scream at the girl you like." Ryuji: "She started it." Ryuji: "Unbelievable..." Ryuji: "I never thought I'd hear her talk like that." Ami: "Wow, that's obnoxious. Badmouthing her behind her back isn't going to earn you any sympathy." Ryuji: "Don't want any." Ami: "Well, let's go back and run a dress rehearsal." Ryuji: "But I just ruined the festive atmosphere..." Ami: "It's all good. I covered for you." Ami: "Come on. You can go back if I'm with you, right?" Ryuji: "You've really changed." Ami: "Is that how it seems?" Ryuji: "I want to change, too. What should I do?" Ami: "Don't depend on others. Figure it out yourself." Ryuji: "Ah, Kawashima..." Ami: "I won't cling to you the way the tiger does. And I won't become your shining sun, the way Minori-chan is." Ryuji: "Yeah, so you said. That we're on equal ground." Ami: "I take that back. I, Kawashima Ami, will walk the same path as you." Ami: "It's just that I'll always be one step ahead." Yasuko: "Ryu-chan, hurry up!" Yasuko: "I'm starving to death here." Yasuko: "You come home so late these days." Ryuji: "Don't blame me. I've gotta help prepare for the Culture Festival. It'll be done soon." Yasuko: "Okay..." Yasuko: "So...I heard Taiga-chan's moving." Ryuji: "Who told you that?" Yasuko: "Well... - I was taking a nap, but it got noisy outside... - Let's patch it before we sell the place." Dad: "The furniture can be thrown away. Oh, hello there. Sorry about the noise." Yasuko: "This man claimed to be Taiga-chan's father, and he said the apartment's too small for the two of them to live in." Ryuji: "O-Oh..." Ryuji: "Really...?" Yasuko: "Y'know..." Yasuko: "That's pretty selfish of him." Yasuko: "Don't you agree?" Yasuko: "He waltzes back into her life... And out of the blue..." Ryuji: "Not you, too!" Ryuji: "Uh, well... Isn't this a good thing? Two family members starting over in a new home..." Yasuko: "It's terrible! I don't want Taiga-chan to leave! She's part of our family!" Ryuji: "Oh, come on..." Yasuko: "This is awful! Why didn't Taiga-chan tell me? That's so hot!" Ryuji: "You mean, "That's so cold."" Ryuji: "She isn't back yet?" Ryuji: "Tomorrow's the big day." Ryuji: "Her old man could have been more considerate..." Ryuji: "No..." Ryuji: "If that's what Taiga wants, it's fine. Everything's going well..." Ryuji: "Hey, welcome back." Taiga: "Thanks." Ryuji: "What do you need help with tonight? Is it—" Taiga: "This isn't about me. It's about Minorin. You need to apologize." Ryuji: "I..." Ryuji: "don't feel that I said anything wrong." Taiga: "That's not the point. It's not about who was right or wrong." Taiga: "There are more important issues at hand. That's why you two need to kiss and make up." Taiga: "Anyway, go say you're sorry. Got it?" Ryuji: "And just like that... it was the morning of the Culture Festival." Crowd: "Want some yakisoba?" Haruta: "Dang, that's one long line! Holy moly! What do we do?" Ryuji: "Chill out, Haruta." Haruta: "How can you say that to me, Taka—" Taiga: "Hey, stop fooling around." Ryuji: "What?" Taiga: "What're you trying to do!? Stupid dog with your deadly face!" Ryuji: "I was just... After that scene I made yesterday, I figured I'd try harder to act like a villain." Taiga: "You're trying too hard! You're just fine at the half-assed level!" Ryuji: "- What does that even mean? - Anyway, did you apologize? Uh, not yet..." Taiga: "What's wrong with you? If you don't hurry, you won't get to enjoy the festival with her..." Minori: "Am I? Really?" B: "Yes! Absolutely!" C: "- Only you could pull off this look! - Man, you look pathetic." Ryuji: "Take that!" Ryuji: "- Take that, and that, and that! - Hey! What're you—!?" Kita: "Keep it down, guys." Kita: "The time has come!" Kita: "The front desk reports that we've already filled 80 percent of the seats. At this rate, we might reach standing-room-only!" A: "- Are you for real!? - That's more than last year!" C: "We slacked last year and nobody showed!" E: "I figured we'd have no chance with a wrestling show." : "Man, I'm starting to get nervous!" Kita: "Okay! Now then..." Kita: "Best of luck to the first performance of 2-C's wrestling show! Fight!" All: "On!" A: "2-C's wrestling show is insane?" B: "Yeah?" C: "You mean, it's good?" D: "I heard Kawashima Ami wears an ultra-short miniskirt!" E: "I heard the Palm-top Tiger and Takasu the Delinquent are a riot!" Ami: "I-Is that... the legendary treasure of our class!?" : "That's right! The super-valuable, top-secret treasure— Our homeroom teacher's soulmate-finding red string!" Ami: "Stop! Anything but that!" Ami: "Weren't you fellow members of class 2-C!?" Ryuji: "Man, I'm starting to get butterflies. We're on soon." Ryuji: "Taiga?" Taiga: "U-Uh-huh, got it!" : "Now, Lady Palm-top Tiger! Come forth!" Both: "Bzz-bzz. Bzz-bzz. Bzz-bzz." : "Lady Tiger! Your command! How will we dispose of this red thread!?" Taiga: "Huh? Um... C-Cuts it!" A: "Did she just slip up?" B: "Yep." C: "She sure did." Ryuji: "Repeat your line." Taiga: "C-Cut it!" : "Roger!" Ami: "No, don't! Tha—" Yuri: "Stop! Don't cut that!" Crowd: "Whoo! Yuri-chan's crashing the stage! - This is a new twist! - Hey!" Maya: "This isn't in the script!" Kita: "We don't have a choice... Noto!" : "Right! Shadow Army! Take our homeroom teacher to the morgue!" Yuri: "My soulmate-finding red striiiiing!" Taiga: "What's a morgue?" Ryuji: "A place for storing corpses." Yuri: "No!" Maya: "Ami-chan!" Kita: "Keep it going!" Ami: "Oh! How cruel! My friends have all been brainwashed! Whatever shall I do!?" Minori: "God sees all!" Minori: "Warrior Ami! If you can truly touch their hearts, you will be able to free their minds." Minori: "Now, let us begin. Please attempt to answer this question. It may provide a critical opportunity to turn the tide." Crowd: "- Is that...? - I knew it..." Minori: "What is the name of the most beautiful person on Earth?" Ami: "It's..." Guys: "Kawashima Ami!" Minori: "Excellent." : "Wh-What were we doing!?" : "Ami-chan!" B: "Saved!" C: "Us!" D: "Ooh!" All: "Doo wa!" Taiga: "Curse you! What a cheap trick! U-Unfor... Unforgiba..." Ryuji: "Unforgivable, Kawashima Ami!" Ryuji: "Off you go!" Taiga: "Whoa! I can't see! What is this!?" Haruta: "Now, it's time for today's main event! The Palm-top Tiger vs. Kawashima Ami! Fight!" Both: "Heave-ho!" Taiga: "Bam!" Both: "Upsy-daisy!" Guy: "Amazing! Awesome!" Guy: "Ami-chan! Look behind you!" Ryuji: "Y-You're mine!" Guys: "Whoosh!" Ryuji: "Y-You bastards!" : "You've been getting too lucky!" Guy: "You even went to Ami-chan's beach house!" Ami: "Here we go, tiger shrimp!" Taiga: "What? Wait..." Ami: "Ready and..." Taiga: "Ow, ow, ow... Ack, my back just cramped up!" Ami: "Hang on a little longer. I'll be in that position once we trade!" Haruta: "Oh, yeah! It was a huge success!" Class: "Yay!" Minori: "Man... It gets stuffy under this bald cap..." Minori: "So, about the next performance. Could you point the spotlight a little higher, and..." Maida: "Welcome home, Master." Maidb: "I-It's not like I care if you drink my tea or anything!" Prince: "Welcome, my princess! Your prince has come for you!" A: "Is it just me, or are there cosplay cafes everywhere?" B: "Kinda cheapens it." Sumire: "Ooh, what a festive atmosphere. And we've attracted a big crowd." Kota: "Yes! The vice president went to nearby schools and promoted our festival." Kita: "Man... The first performance was quite a success." Ryuji: "Yeah. If we can keep this up, the next one will be... Yo, Earth to Taiga." Ryuji: "You're eating your ribbon." Kita: "That crepe must be really good." Kita: "Mind if I try a corner?" Kita: "Not bad at all." Taiga: "H-Have as much as you w-want..." Kita: "Oh, how generous of you." Ryuji: "Kitamura... You're such a..." Ryuji: "Ta-Taiga?" Taiga: "Ry-Ryuji, you have some too!" Kita: "Oh, it's my turn to be on student council patrol. Sorry. You guys can head back without me." Ryuji: "You trying to choke me!?" Taiga: "Kitamura-kun's... Kitamura-kun's saliva..." Ryuji: "Well, it's almost time for the next show." Taiga: "I know." Ryuji: "Cheer up. You're the one who shoved it into my mouth." Taiga: "I know that!" Ryuji: "Oh yeah, did you get a message from your old man?" Taiga: "What!?" Ryuji: "You've been staring at your cell phone all day." Taiga: "I was playing a game." Ryuji: "While waiting to go on stage?" Ryuji: "Well, there are a few more shows left. You can get Kawashima to trade with you once he comes..." Taiga: "Quit worrying about me!" Taiga: "You need to focus on Minorin!" Haruta: "Woo-hoo! A complete success!" : "Yo, semi-lead characters! You rocked!" Ryuji: "In the end..." Caption: "Taiga never got to play the lead." Ryuji: "Was I just blind, like Kushieda said? That can't be... Because... That means I'm a total..."
{ "raw_title": "Toradora! (Subtitled) Episode 12 – Ohashi High School Culture Festival 2", "parsed": [ "Toradora! (Subtitled)", "12", "Ohashi High School Culture Festival 2" ] }
Ami: "Jeez! Could you stop moving?" Taiga: "There's no point to this..." Ami: "It's required!" Ami: "This is a pageant, right? You know, a beauty contest? Or what, you think you're too cute for makeup?" Ryuji: "As it turned out... her old man didn't show up for the wrestling event." Ryuji: "Kushieda, Taiga's biggest supporter, never even came to the dressing room." Girl: "Class 2-C! Assembly begins in twenty minutes!" Ami: "Yikes! I have to get ready to MC! Takasu-kun, how's the costume coming?" Ryuji: "G-Good. I'm done. I just made some alterations to one of Taiga's dresses." Ami: "That's really nice, Takasu-kun!" Ryuji: "Y-You think? I was aiming for something Juliet-esque. An Empire silhouette." Ryuji: "- A flowing and graceful A-line. - Takasu-kun is... - Sheer organdy. - kinda scary. - The pinnacle of romance. - His face isn't the only thing that's scary." Ryuji: "There's also a prop to go with it. Taiga, wanna try this on?" Ami: "You're still waiting for your old man? I seriously doubt he's coming." Taiga: "I'm not. He's probably late because of work, so I was gonna tell him to bring a gift to make up for it." Ami: "Really, now. Shouldn't we revise your intro, just in case?" Taiga: "No need. Just do it like we practiced." Ami: "But you're..." Girl: "Kawashima-san, it's almost time!" Ami: "Sorry! I'm coming! So you're really okay with this?" Taiga: "Drop it." Ami: "If you say so. You're the boss." Ryuji: "Hey. What was that about her intro?" Ami: "Nothing important." Maya: "Time to get her dressed. Takasu-kun, scram!" Ryuji: "R-Right." : "Come on, Aisaka-san." Minori: "I could never smile and watch while my friend's being hurt." Ryuji: "Old man..." Ryuji: "You're coming, right?" Ryuji: "No matter how late you're running, you'll rush straight over, won't you?" Ryuji: "Isn't that what it means...to be a father?" Ami: "Sorry for the wait! At long last, we bring you the Miss Ohashi High School pageant!" : "Ami-chan in fishy-fishy..." Haruta: "Netty-netty..." Both: "Fishnet stockings!" Ami: "Please quiet down, everyone!" Ami: "Or else, I'll have to punish you!" Ami: "Get my drift? Listen to me! Shut the hell up, you worthless pigs! A pig that can't fly is just pork!" Ami: "Kidding!" Ryuji: "Damn..." Ryuji: "She's trying to steal the spotlight when she's just the MC." Ami: "Okay, let's begin!" Ami: "Entry number one! Mitsui Yuriko-san from class 1-A!" Mitsui: "W-Welcome home, M-Master!" Ami: "She's such an adorable maid. Went with the Victorian look, did you?" Crowd: "- Her grip on the mic is killing me! - Y-Yes." Ryuji: "- No one's even listening. - And now, I'll introduce our next contestant." Ami: "Here we have a maid with a lovely smile." Ryuji: "- Entry number two! - A message? What!?" Ryuji: "This can't be real..." Dad: "Could you relay a message to Taiga for me? I'll be gone for a while on business. Some stuff has come up, so we won't be able to live together. Apologize to the princess for me. Thanks." Ryuji: "Why...?" Ryuji: "Why did I ever believe him?" Ryuji: "I was fooling myself. I thought this was for the better. That I needed to support Taiga." Ryuji: "But... In truth... I was just feeling down..." Ryuji: "about Taiga's father showing up..." Ryuji: "and that she'd be going far away. I was trying to ignore how pathetic I was..." Minori: "What the hell do you mean? That's crap." Ryuji: "She was dead right." Ryuji: "I was just being selfish." Ryuji: "I was..." Ami: "- Okay! Thank you very much! - Takasu, you okay? - You look a little pale. - Taka-chan...?" Ryuji: "What do I tell Taiga? How can I face her?" Ami: "The wait is over, folks! Welcome the girl who needs no introduction, class 2-C's Palm-top Tiger! Aisaka Taiga-san!" Crowd: "No way... The Palm-top Tiger? Wow..." : "She's cute..." Haruta: "Whoa..." Ami: "Um..." Ami: "Believe it or not, today we have..." Ami: "Aisaka-san's father in the audience to cheer her on!" Ryuji: "The intro they were talking about in the dressing room..." Ami: "Could Mr. Aisaka please give us a shout out?" Ami: "Um..." Crowd: "Maybe he isn't here?" Crowd: "Move on to the next girl!" Ryuji: "Tai—" Ami: "U-Um..." Ami: "Aisaka-san?" Ami: "A-Are you okay?" Crowd: "Hey, Takasu the Delinquent is cheering his partner on! The Palm-top Tiger's actually pretty cute." A: "Right on! The Palm-top Tiger rules!" B: "Even if she's a huge klutz!" C: "Forget your old man!" Ami: "Wait..." Taiga: "Shut the hell up! I...I took my deadbeat father, chopped him up, tore him apart, and tossed him into a m-mor...morgue!" Taiga: "Time for the talent portion! Hey! Bring it over!" Mitsui: "C-Coming!" Taiga: "Zip it up!" Mitsui: "Um..." Taiga: "Don't pick me up!" Taiga: "Unzip it!" Mitsui: "Y-Yes, ma'am!" Ryuji: "I couldn't do a single thing for her..." Ami: "This year's Miss Ohashi is..." Ami: "Aisaka Taiga-san!" : "Way to go, tiger!" Ryuji: "Yeah..." Ryuji: "Now that everybody's celebrating for her, she must feel..." Ryuji: "No! That's wrong!" Ryuji: "Isn't she all alone?" : "Takasu?" Ryuji: "I have to go..." Ryuji: "- Excuse me! - I have to go to her! - The hell? Hey! - I might not be much help! But still...!" Crowd: "What happened?" Girla: "It's totally dark!" Girlb: "What's going on?" Sumire: "Attention!" Sumire: "The beauty pageant's over! It's the guys' turn now! Here's how this'll go down!" Sumire: "Mr. Lucky Man!" Crowd: "Mister... ...Lucky Man? What's that?" Sumire: "We've set up a course on campus! Run it. Whoever comes in first will be declared the winner!" A: "They're going to make us race during the Culture Festival?" B: "Sounds like a drag." Sumire: "I should mention that Mr. Lucky Man will be awarded... the honor of crowning this year's Miss Ohashi with this tiara, and the right to ask her to dance." Sumire: "Along with all my notes, and the answers to all exams from the past three years!" Crowd: "The president's notes!? A dance with the tiger!? In their dreams. Do want!" Ryuji: "Taiga..." Ryuji: "I don't need any prizes." Ryuji: "I don't care about being Mr. Lucky Man." Ryuji: "I'm just going to do whatever it takes..." Sumire: "- Be careful y'all don't get hurt, got it!? - to beat every one of them..." Ryuji: "and win!" Guy: "Scary! Scooch that way... Whoa, it's the delinquent! He's gonna kill us..." Kita: "On your marks! Get set!" Ryuji: "I'll reach Taiga!" Sumire: "The course consists of one lap around the school! Run, boys, run! Run for all you're worth!" Crowd: "Hell yeah! We took out Takasu! Sweet! Now's our chance!" Ryuji: "Bastards..." Ryuji: "I won't let you beat me!" Crowd: "Here they come! Hang in there!" B: "Takasu-kun's back in action!" Ryuji: "That's right!" Ryuji: "I'm..." Ryuji: "Sorry!" Crowd: "That hurt! Damn..." Crowd: "Whose bright idea was it to make this part of the course!?" Ryuji: "Screw this!" Crowd: "Takasu-kun!? Seriously!? Is that even allowed!?" E: "Why are you trying so hard!?" Ryuji: "Shut up!" Ryuji: "I have my reasons! Piss off!" Ryuji: "There's no way..." Ryuji: "that I'm gonna lose!" Crowd: "Why did you move out of the way!? Why did you!?" Crowd: "- They're here! - Oh, the leaders are in sight." Crowd: "Hang in there!" Crowd: "- Wow! It's Takasu the Delinquent! - Ryuji... Well..." Taiga: "Mi—" Ryuji: "Kushieda!?" Crowd: "- A girl!? Wait, is that allowed? - Kushieda?" Sumire: "It's fine! Girls can participate too!" Minori: "Takasu-kun, were you even paying attention when you met him!? Did you take a good look at him!?" Ryuji: "She was right. I wasn't paying attention! Giving her money every month through a bank deposit..." Ryuji: "Dragging her along, without considering her needs..." Ryuji: "Apologizing for breaking his promise by sending me a text..." Ryuji: "He never gave a rat's ass about Taiga." Ryuji: "And..." Ryuji: "I failed to see it! I'm an idiot!" Taiga: "Ryuji... Minorin..." Ryuji: "Damn it!" Both: "Track team pride!" Ryuji: "- Hey! How dare you do that to a girl! - Kushieda!" Crowd: "- And you call yourself men!? - Kushieda-senpai!" Girl: "Take this!" Minori: "All riiiiiiight!" Minori: "Go, Takasu-kun! Go to Taiga!" Ryuji: "What are you...?" Crowd: "Now!" Minori: "Heya! Double KO! - What!? - Attack!" Ryuji: "Kushie—" Minori: "Go!" Minori: "Ahead of everyone else!" Minori: "Ahead of me!" Taiga: "You don't need to worry about me." Taiga: "Weren't you watching?" Taiga: "I don't need any help to get back on my feet." Taiga: "So..." Taiga: "I'll be fine." Taiga: "Really, don't worry about me." Taiga: "I'll be okay." Taiga: "I can get back on my feet without any help." Taiga: "I can survive just fine...on my own." Haruta: "Woo-hoo!" : "Class exhibit! Pageant! Lucky Man!" Haruta: "All swept..." Both: "...By our class!" Sumire: "The Culture Festival was a huge success." Kita: "Yes..." Kita: "Your last Culture Festival..." Sumire: "I'm glad I had the opportunity to be your student council president." Sumire: "I'm glad I had the opportunity to know you all." Sumire: "I have some business to attend to." Sumire: "You should go enjoy yourself, Kitamura." Kita: "But..." Sumire: "You worked the hardest to make this festival a hit." Kita: "O-Okay..." Kita: "I-I'll go!" Taiga: "I've never given a damn about that guy." Taiga: "Really couldn't care less." Ryuji: "But... Taiga, you were..." Taiga: "Anyway, you and Minorin put on quite the show. When did you two make up?" Ryuji: "Now look here..." Taiga: "Oh! Minorin!" Minori: "Taiga! Here you are!" Taiga: "Minorin! Minorin! Minorin! I love, love, love you!" Minori: "Yes, yes. I know, I know, I know." Minori: "You look adorable, Taiga. That tiara suits you perfectly." Taiga: "It's the tiara you gave me!" Minori: "Wasn't Takasu-kun part of it?" Taiga: "I know nothing, saw nothing, heard nothing!" Taiga: "Oh, Dumb-chi's in heat again!" Guy: "Ami-san, please dance with me!" Taiga: "Bring it on!" Ami: "Hey, what are you doing!?" Minori: "It was a year ago..." Minori: "Taiga's father showed up out of the blue, just like this." Minori: "I was so happy about them living together again. But..." Minori: "Just like this time...he up and vanished." Minori: "Sorry, Takasu-kun." Ryuji: "Wha—? What? Clearly, I'm the one who should apologize." Minori: "No, I should." Minori: "I knew full well what he's like, but I didn't tell you." Minori: "Taiga didn't say anything to me. I..." Minori: "I care about Taiga so much." Minori: "I was probably jealous of you." Ryuji: "Why didn't Taiga say anything?" Minori: "She knew I'd get mad." Minori: "Taiga doesn't want her father to be seen in a bad light." Minori: "That's why she hasn't breathed a word about her family since that day. To me, anyway." Taiga: "Jeez... Where did Dumb-chi run off to?" Taiga: "Honestly..." Kita: "Aisaka." Kita: "Are you alone? Would you mind dancing with me?" Kita: "I guess that won't work, since I'm not Mr. Lucky Man." Taiga: "Again..." Taiga: "Why are you...always so..." Kita: "Aisaka?" Taiga: "Never mind." Taiga: "Thank you." Kita: "Then..." Taiga: "How do we do this?" Kita: "We hold hands, look into each other's eyes, and spin around until we're tired." Kita: "I think." Minori: "Maybe I prefer girls." Minori: "I just have this feeling..." Ryuji: "I-I kinda hope that's not the case..." Minori: "Yeah." Minori: "That came out so naturally..." Haruta: "Whatcha up to, Taka-chan!? Don't be a bore! Let's party together! After all, we're the best class!" : "Yeah, yeah! Kitamura and Tiger secured!" Maya: "Hey!" Ryuji: "Taiga..." Kita: "Okay! Let's dance the Culture Festival night away!" All: "Yeah!" Ryuji: "This is a special night. It's a time to put certain feelings aside," Ryuji: "though I feel a pain in my chest every time I laugh. Even once this night is over..." Ryuji: "I'm sure, somehow..." Ryuji: "everything will be all right."
{ "raw_title": "Toradora! (Subtitled) Episode 13 – Ohashi High School Culture Festival 3", "parsed": [ "Toradora! (Subtitled)", "13", "Ohashi High School Culture Festival 3" ] }
Taiga: "More!" Ryuji: "Comin' right up!" Ryuji: "Hey! Wait a minute!" Ryuji: "Why're you eating breakfast at my place now!? And, hell... Why are you acting like it's perfectly normal!?" Yasuko: "Who cares? Taiga-chan's tiny, so she isn't taking up much space. Besides... Meals taste better when people eat together." Taiga: "Gimme my rice already." Ryuji: "What!? I cooked more than enough for three! Just how much do you eat!?" Inko: "S-Sowwy." Taiga: "Jeez... Are you trying to make your own pet go bald from stress? Don't let it get any uglier." Ryuji: "Don't call her ugly!" Taiga: "They do say that pets can start to resemble their owner..." Ryuji: "Dammit... You ungrateful brat! I made you breakfast and packed you a lunch!" Taiga: "Shut up, mongrel." Ryuji: "Mon— There you go again! Return the lunch! I take back all the kindness I've extended you!" Taiga: "Shut up. And rot in hell." Ryuji: "Hey! - Wait up, Aisaka! - Ever since that midnight encounter, Aisaka Taiga has been showing up for meals at our home. I said to wait up! And..." Taiga: "Listen up." Taiga: "Once we get to school, you better do a good job." Taiga: "Helping me to, you know... get closer to Kitamura-kun..." Taiga: "Don't forget your promise to obey me like a dog!" Ryuji: "This is where we are now." Taiga: "If it doesn't go well... Minorin!" Minori: "You're late, Taiga!" Minori: "But wow, as energetic as ever, I see!" Taiga: "Morning, Minorin!" Minori: "Huh? No way! What!?" Minori: "S-Sorry! I had no idea! Taiga and Takasu-kun are chummy enough to walk to school together!" Ryuji: "No!" Taiga: "Nobody says "chummy" anymore." Ryuji: "That's not the point!" Minori: "Oh, right. Then, I guess... These days, people say..." Minori: "I'm so befuddled that I dunno what the trendy way to say it is! Now I remember! Lovey-dovey!" Ryuji: "Still not the point!" Ryuji: "Aisaka and I just happened to run into each other. Right, Aisa—" Minori: "Oh, it was just a coincidence." Taiga: "He lives near me, I guess." Minori: "- Ooh... - U-Uh... Okey-dokey. See you later, Takasu-kun! So, I was watching TV last night..." Ryuji: "I get it now. If I want a chance with Kushieda, I have to help Aisaka with Kitamura first." Ryuji: "Bring it on!" Teach: "Okay! Enough stretching! Next, you should pair up and practice passing—" Ryuji: "Hey, Aisaka! Let's team up!" Taiga: "Sure! Let's do it, Takasu-kun!" Ryuji: "Right!" Teach: "—the basketball. Oh? Nice to see you both so pumped up, Takasu and Aisaka." Minori: "- Taiga? - Sports are a big part of your youth!" Ryuji: "- The plan is simple. - And sports require muscles! I'll clip Kitamura's partner with the ball. And then..." Taiga: "You overreact and take his partner to the nurse's office." Ryuji: "Leaving you and Kitamura paired up." Maya: "Maruo! - Pair up with me! - Stop the finger to pair with Haruta!" Kita: "- Sure, fine by me. - Stop the finger to pair with Haruta! But stop calling me that." Maya: "You look just like him, though!" Ryuji: "Huh?" Taiga: "Whoa, what!? Kitamura-kun's with some weird girl! What's going on!?" Ryuji: "R-Right in my gut..." : "Kushieda! Wanna partner up?" Minori: "Okay! Sure!" Ryuji: "Kushieda too!" Taiga: "Whatever. We stick to the plan." Ryuji: "Huh? But that's..." Taiga: "Don't be sexist." Teach: "And the two bulges in my upper arms are... Oh? What's wrong, Haruta?" Minori: "Don't use my thumbs as I... pass!" : "Not even close, Kushieda." Minori: "The road to mastering the Satoru Ball is long and treacherous, indeed." : "What...?" Minori: "Oh, don't mind me. Those who'd get it will get it." Ryuji: "Damn Noto..." Taiga: "Pass! C'mon, c'mon! Pass! Pass the ball!" Maya: "Incoming, Maruo!" Kita: "Gotcha." Kita: "Wow, nice one." Maya: "What was that, Maruo?" Kita: "- Hey, pass! - You serious?" Ryuji: "- But I can't hit a girl... - Here it comes!" Taiga: "Pass!" Ryuji: "Sorry, Kihara... I'll make it up to you!" Minori: "Cleft in twain...!" Maya: "Oops! Sorry about that, Maruo." Guya: "Hey, what happened?" Guyb: "Takasu-kun took out the Palm-top Tiger!" Ryuji: "C-Crap. The Palm-top Tiger will bite anything in her way. Even so, no one can deny she works so hard it makes her look silly, leaving you inclined to silently root for her." Ryuji: "Listen up." Ryuji: "When you hand this over, you've gotta act natural." Ryuji: "Don't tense up like that." Taiga: "G-Gotcha... Take it easy..." Taiga: "Yep, be bold, casual, relaxed..." Ryuji: "Let's go." Ryuji: "Huh? Where's Kitamura?" Guya: "Oh, Kitamura said he had business to take care of in building B..." Guyb: "Ta-Takasu-kun!" Guya: "He just left, so he should still be nearby!" Taiga: "There he is!" Ryuji: "After him!" Taiga: "R-Right!" Girl: "What!?" Taiga: "Outta the way!" Kid: "It's Takasu!" Ryuji: "She's fast!" Ryuji: "I guess she should be able to catch up, then..." Taiga: "Ryuji!" Ryuji: "The cookies..." Ryuji: "Ouch... Great, now there's a bump on my head." Ryuji: "Hey, you find the cookies?" Ryuji: "They survive?" Ryuji: "I...I see..." Ryuji: "Hey." Taiga: "Am I actually a big klutz?" Ryuji: "She had no idea?" Taiga: "I write a love letter, but put it in the wrong bag... I attack you, but collapse from hunger..." Taiga: "I play basketball, but get hit in the face..." Taiga: "I try to give him cookies, but trip over myself and drop them..." Ryuji: "Hey, you missed a few things! Like when you forgot to put the letter in the envelope." Taiga: "Oh, right..." Ryuji: "Uh..." Ryuji: "Give me one of those." Taiga: "But, wait... They're crushed. Besides, um..." Ryuji: "Delicious!" Ryuji: "They came out fine. It's too bad." Ryuji: "We'll try harder next time." Haruta: "I definitely saw them. They were buying stuff, like onions and radishes, at the market like a married couple!" Maya: "I saw them walking out of an apartment building together this morning. I smell teen promiscuity." : "And they were eating homemade cookies together! Like, practically feeding each other!" : "What? Really, really? No way!" Girl: "Hey, Minori. What's going on with your buddy?" Ryuji: "What's going on?" Taiga: "Hey. Go in already." : "Squeal." Ryuji: "Squeal?" Minori: "Do you have a minute?" Minori: "Sweet bird of youth..." Ryuji: "What's up with Kushieda-san?" Taiga: "No clue." Minori: "Takasu-kun." Ryuji: "Yes! Er, me?" Minori: "Please take good care of Taiga!" Minori: "Taiga is a very dear friend! Please make her oh-so-very happy!" Ryuji: "W-Wait, Kushieda! You're not saying that..." Taiga: "Happy?" Kita: "So that's what's going on." Kita: "Congratulations, you two." Ryuji: "Kitamura!? Why are you up there!?" Kita: "I did notice the two of you spending a lot of time together. But now that I think about it, you make a perfect couple." Ryuji: "Aisaka! Get a grip!" Ryuji: "Hey! Stop laughing!" Minori: "Takasu-kun." Minori: "If you make Taiga cry, I'll never forgive you." Ryuji: "Kushieda..." Taiga: "I'm sorry..." Taiga: "Minorin got the wrong idea because I kept inviting myself over to your place." Ryuji: "No, that's not..." Taiga: "I just felt..." Taiga: "so at home at your place." Taiga: "I don't get along with my parents all that well. When I told them that I wanted to move out, they set me up in that apartment." Taiga: "I knew my parents would act like that." Taiga: "Those cookies were salty, weren't they?" Taiga: "I stared at the crumbs, and they were annoying me, so... I tried some." Taiga: "And man, were they gross! But you finished them all. And you even lied." Taiga: "A mongrel doesn't need to worry about others. You'll go bald." Ryuji: "Mind your own business." Taiga: "So...does thinking of Minorin ever make you incredibly anxious?" Ryuji: "Yeah, of course." Taiga: "Of course, huh...?" Ryuji: "Aisaka?" Taiga: "Why don't they understand?" Taiga: "We're nervous wrecks here, and they don't have a clue." Taiga: "Honestly, they're... They're all... They're all, they're all...!" Taiga: "Pissing me off!" Taiga: "Pissing me off! Pissing me off! Pissing me off! Screw the Palm-top Tiger crap! I'm not okay with it! Stupid Minorin! Stupid Kitamura-kun! Why won't you listen to me!? Not Mom, not Dad, not anyone!" Taiga: "Nobody understands me..." Ryuji: "Let me in on this." Taiga: "What's wrong with being small!?" Ryuji: "I'm not a delinquent!" Taiga: "What's wrong with having a weird name!?" Ryuji: "Don't blame me for my scary eyes!" Taiga: "Screw you all!" Ryuji: "Hey, you okay?" Taiga: "Ryuji, isn't this thing tilted now?" Ryuji: "Huh? That's impossi—" Ryuji: "It's tilted!?" Taiga: "Right!? Yes!" Taiga: "We win, we win!" Taiga: "Okay, I've made up my mind." Taiga: "Tomorrow, I'm going to tell Kitamura-kun how I feel." Taiga: "And that will be the end of this." Ryuji: "The end?" Taiga: "No more serving me like a dog. Starting tomorrow, we'll be classmates who happen to be neighbors. And nothing more." Taiga: "Bye-bye, Takasu-kun." Ryuji: "A—" Ryuji: "Bye..." Yasuko: "Ryu-chan..." Yasuko: "Isn't there something funny about breakfast?" Yasuko: "I mean, I like canned mackerel, but..." Yasuko: "Is Taiga-chan still asleep?" Ryuji: "Beats me." Yasuko: "Did you two have a fight?" Ryuji: "No." Yasuko: "It's kinda boring... Right?" Inko: "Huh? Oh, yeah." Ryuji: "Y-Yo." Ryuji: "This is..." Haruta: "Ta-Takasu... Uh... Sorry about spreading those weird rumors..." Maya: "Aisaka-san chewed us out." : ""There's nothing between Ryuji and me." "Ryuji isn't a delinquent." She was livid." : "That Palm-top Tiger's freaking terrifying. But didn't I already tell you that there's nothing scary about Takasu?" Haruta: "You did!? When?" Maya: "Anyway, we'll be in trouble if we don't clean up." Ryuji: "Kushieda." Minori: "Takasu-kun... I'm sorry." Ryuji: "A-About what?" Minori: "Taiga told me. "I would never go out with Takasu-kun." "It's all a misunderstanding." She really wanted to make that clear to me." Minori: "She had this earnest, almost frantic, look on her face. But that's..." Minori: "That's... Hey, Takasu-kun?" Minori: "- Takasu-kun? - Man..." Ryuji: "What are you doing? You said you'd confess to Kitamura today." Ryuji: "It's no time to worry about others." Taiga: "Starting tomorrow, we'll be classmates who happen to be neighbors. And nothing more." Ryuji: "And nothing more, huh...?" Taiga: "Kitamura-kun!" Taiga: "I'm... Well, I'm in..." Taiga: "Um, well..." Ryuji: "Seriously? First thing in the morning? If he turns you down, the rest of the day'll be incredibly awkward..." Kita: "Hold on. I think I know where this is going." Kita: "Let me ask you something first." Kita: "Aren't you going out with Takasu?" Taiga: "That was just Minorin's mistake. There's nothing between Takasu-kun and me." Kita: "Don't you like him?" Taiga: "Of course not! We just happen to live near each other." Taiga: "There's nothing romantic between us." Kita: "Then, you dislike him?" Taiga: "I..." Taiga: "I don't not like him..." Taiga: "But it's not like that. You see, Takasu-kun is, well..." Taiga: "Oh! Fried rice!" Taiga: "Ryuji made this awesome fried rice for me! He cheered me up..." Taiga: "He even lied to make me feel better... He was there for me... And it's because of Ryuji... Because Ryuji was there... That I..." Taiga: "That I have the courage to stand here and say..." Taiga: "that I like you, Kitamura-kun!" Ryuji: "Aisaka... You're really something." Kita: "I see." Kita: "Don't worry. I'm pretty sure I understand how you feel." Taiga: "Kitamura-kun..." Kita: "Do you remember what happened a year ago, Aisaka?" Taiga: "Yeah..." Kita: "Compared to back then... you have a more fun look on your face." Taiga: "M-More fun...?" Kita: "Yeah. Whenever you're with Takasu, you get the most fun look on your face. Takasu's a great guy. And..." Kita: "I find you to be a wonderful girl... for thinking of him the way you did a moment ago." Taiga: "A moment ago...? Wait! What did I say!?" Kita: "In any case, I'm relieved to hear that you and Takasu are getting along." Taiga: "H-Hold on! Ryuji has nothing to do with this... And, um, a fun look on my face? Wait, that's not important right now. So you're relieved? But why? Huh? No way. What am I saying? Wasn't I able to say that I like you?" Kita: "It's okay, Aisaka." Kita: "It's okay." Taiga: "Wh-Wh-What's okay!? I don't know what I said!" Kita: "It's okay." Kita: "I'm sure we'll become very good friends." Taiga: "I said I like you, not that I want to be..." Taiga: "Friends?" Kita: "Yes. Friends." Kita: "Oh." Kita: "We're going to be late for homeroom. You should hurry, Aisaka." Ryuji: "I expected you to cry." Taiga: "Y-You! Wh-Why!? W-W-Were you watching!?" Ryuji: "Not intentionally." Taiga: "What does that even mean!?" Ryuji: "Anyway, what now?" Taiga: "I'm going home." Ryuji: "Okay. Then I'll make you something to eat. Since you probably haven't had breakfast. Did you even eat anything last night? Probably something from the convenience store ag—" Taiga: "Stop it! Why are you doing this? People will get the wrong idea again! You don't have to do anything for me anymore!" Ryuji: "I can't explain it..." Ryuji: "But... I can't just leave you all alone!" Taiga: "I said to stop! You're not my dog anymore!" Ryuji: "Yeah..." Ryuji: "You're right. I'm not a dog." Ryuji: "I'm a dragon. That's why I can stand by your side, Ai—" Ryuji: "Taiga!" Taiga: "Wh-Why Taiga...?" Ryuji: "Since ancient times, only dragons stand on equal ground with tigers. So, I'll become a dragon. And then..." Ryuji: "I'll stick by your side." Taiga: "You've got some nerve. Know your place!" Ryuji: "Hey now..." Ryuji: "Hey!" Taiga: "Move it. I'm hungry." Taiga: "And we'll need to concoct our next strategy. What happened today won't make me give up on Kitamura-kun." Ryuji: "Meaning...?" Taiga: "I don't care whether you're a dragon or a dog. You said you'd stick by me, so you'd better work your ass off, Ryuji." Ryuji: "Maybe I spoke too soon..." Taiga: "Hurry it up, would ya!?" Ryuji: "Yeah, yeah." Taiga: "He called me Taiga..." Ryuji: "Kushieda the athlete... Kushieda the workaholic... Oh, my dear Kushieda. Ever brightly, you shine!"
{ "raw_title": "Toradora! (Subtitled) Episode 2 – Taiga and Ryuji", "parsed": [ "Toradora! (Subtitled)", "2", "Taiga and Ryuji" ] }
Taiga: "Sleepy..." Ryuji: "Jeez..." Ryuji: "By the way..." Ryuji: "It made a huge mess." Taiga: "Yeah, yeah..." Ryuji: "And you've gotta remember to separate the colors. - Darks go in the orange basket. - Ugh, fine! Shut up!" Taiga: "You're so nitpicky! - Guys should be more... - Big hit comin' up!" Minori: "Hey, hey, hey! Big hit comin' up! Hey, hey, hey! Comin' up! Hey! Comin' up! Hey! Big hit comin' up! Hey, hey, hey!" Minori: "Don't sweat it!" Minori: "All right! It's my turn now." Girls: "Fight hard, Captain!" Minori: "Well, well. I appreciate your support, comrades." Ryuji: "Kushieda..." Minori: "Okay, hit me with your best shot!" Ryuji: "That bright smile..." Minori: "Right on!" Ryuji: "Kushieda... That glistening sweat..." Minori: "First base, hey! Second base, hey! Rounding third, and then home run!" Ryuji: "That off-key singing..." Minori: "Score!" Ryuji: "Ahh, Kushieda..." Ryuji: "You're shining today, as well..." Taiga: "Those are perverted eyes, you sick mutt." Kita: "Kushieda, about the co-ed practice this weekend..." Minori: "Oh, Kitamura-kun. I was about to..." Taiga: "Hey! Did you hear me, you stupid dog!?" Ryuji: "Hey! Stop it!" Taiga: "Hey! I said wait!" Kita: "They're not in any club, but they still choose to get plenty of morning exercise." Minori: "Health before all!" Taiga: "Decorating cell phones? You're good at making intricate stuff, Minorin." Minori: "Well, yeah. I'm much more intricate than I look." Ryuji: "What is..." Ryuji: "Kushieda doing?" Minori: "Oh yeah! That's one down!" Minori: "Time for the next one!" Ryuji: "Whoa!" Taiga: "Why do you sound like you're being strangled?" Ryuji: "Oh..." Ryuji: "I-It's nothing..." Minori: "I've got an idea! Want me to do yours too, Takasu-kun?" Ryuji: "Huh?" Minori: "I have a "part-time job" as a cell phone decorator." Ryuji: "D-Decorator...?" Minori: "I'll spell out "Ryuji" using purple Swarovski crystals." Ryuji: "Kushieda would do that...for me?" Ryuji: "Nah!" Ryuji: "I-I'm..." Maya: "Kushieda." : "Can you do ours?" Minori: "Oh, more orders!" Minori: "All right. Write down your name, desired color, and a general concept." Maya: "Well, I want pink with a big heart-shaped stone. Make it super lovely." Ryuji: "So she's a cell phone decorator on the side..." Ryuji: "My shining Kushieda, surrounded by shimmering, decorated cell phones... That's one deadly combination." Taiga: "Ya-chan had to go to work early today, so she won't be here tonight, right? So let me have her share of—" Ryuji: "And she said "Ryuji"... She actually remembered my first name." Taiga: "Only because I call you that all the time. So let me have Ya-chan's share—" Ryuji: "Man, we talked so much...!" Ryuji: "Hey, Taiga. I wasn't acting weird when we were chatting... right?" Taiga: "Listen when someone's talking to you!" Taiga: "And just so you know... You were tripping all over your tongue!" Taiga: "So is dinner ready, or what?" Ryuji: "That hurt! Jeez, it's almost done. We're just having rice bowls, so we're good to go as soon as the rice is... What!?" Taiga: "What's wrong?" Ryuji: "The rice cooker's broken..." Wait: "Welcome! Good evening!" Taiga: "Hmm, what should I get?" Ryuji: "We didn't have to come to a family restaurant... We couldn't make rice, but we still had bread." Taiga: "Whine all you want for now, mongrel. You'll bow down and thank me soon enough." Ryuji: "What?" Minori: "A special delivery for two!" Ryuji: "We haven't even ordered... What!?" Minori: "Don't tell a soul, but this is the Taiga Special, with extra-extra ice cream." Minori: "Don't let the other customers see it." Taiga: "Thanks again, Minorin." Ryuji: "Again?" Minori: "Huh? Not a fan of the sweet stuff, Takasu-kun? Want French fries instead? I'll give ya extra. Extra-extra!" Ryuji: "N-No, I'm..." Taiga: "You work at a convenience store and a karaoke club too, right?" Minori: "Right! And I started at a shabu-shabu place last week!" Ryuji: "That many?" Minori: "I'm actually holding back! After all, as captain of the girls' softball team, I can't miss any club activities!" Taiga: "Are you working so hard because you want something?" Minori: "I have a lot of time. I need to toil away!" Ryuji: "Toil...?" Minori: "Yep! Double, double, toil and trouble." Minori: "The kind of toil that invigorates you." Minori: "Anywho, you two sure are close... Aren't ya?" Guy: "Waitress! More water!" Minori: "Well, take your time." Ryuji: "Dammit... My eyesight definitely got worse today." Taiga: "A mongrel shouldn't be drooling over Minorin in her work uniform." Ryuji: "I was just..." Ryuji: "admiring that dazzling smile of hers." Ryuji: "N-No! Not my eyes!" Taiga: "Any more and my fingers will be contaminated." Ryuji: "Dammit..." Ryuji: "But why is she working so many jobs?" Taiga: "Double, double, toil and trouble, like she said." Ryuji: "Maybe there's a reason she needs the money. Something family-related, maybe? Like she's helping out her sick mom or something?" Taiga: "She said she needs to toil away." Ryuji: "But..." Taiga: "You need to stop making assumptions." Ryuji: "Huh?" Taiga: ""I'm the only one who can truly understand her." That crap. It only intensifies your creepiness." Taiga: "Ew, ew, ew." Taiga: "Don't walk so close to me. You're gross." Ryuji: "Hey!" Ryuji: "Taiga, what's with the attitude? You're being cruel." Taiga: "I said to stay away! And when have I not been cruel to you?" Ryuji: "Good point..." Ryuji: "Okay! Sorry to keep you waiting, Inko-chan. Time for dinner." Ryuji: "I'll give ya extra. - Extra-extra! - In—" Inko: "Ink-Ink..." Ryuji: "Oh, can you do it!? You're gonna do it, aren't you!?" Inko: "Ink-I...!" Inko: "I pooped!" Ryuji: "Maaaan... The mornings on days off are so refreshing." Ryuji: "Right, Taiga?" Taiga: "I should never have told you..." Ryuji: "You say something?" Taiga: "Skipping out on making breakfast so you can see Minorin at the restaurant again..." Ryuji: "The rice cooker's still busted. What else could I do?" Taiga: "Shouldn't we head to an appliance store, then?" Ryuji: "Besides, you said you don't like bread." Taiga: "I don't mind it for breakfast. What're you so happy about, anyway? That outfit looks horrible on you." Ryuji: "Uh, I forgot something..." Taiga: "Man, you're such a pain..." Ryuji: "I'm begging you, let me go!" Taiga: "It doesn't matter what you wear!" Guy: "Hey there, lad." Guy: "Aren't you Mirano-chan's son?" Ryuji: "Oh, Mr. Inage!" Taiga: "Who's Mirano?" Ryuji: "That's Yasuko's stage name." Ryuji: "At her job." Yasuko: "Hi! Leave the station through the north exit and it's 200 meters ahead! I'm Bishamon Heaven's Mirano-chan. How old do I look? Twenty-three? Bingo!" Inage: "What a great way to start the day! Time to cop a feel of Mirano-chan's DNA! Excellent. Very nice. Tight and firm. Youth is a wonderful thing!" Ryuji: "Let's go." Taiga: "This old man's really annoying." Minori: "Hold on, you two! If you haven't eaten breakfast, I recommend this fish sausage. It's chock-full of DHA and calcium!" Ryuji: "Huh?" Taiga: "What?" Ryuji: "Kushieda?" Taiga: "Minorin?" Inage: "Here, carry this." Taiga: "Wh-Why...?" Inage: "There you are." Inage: "One more!" Ryuji: "Uh... Maybe I should carry those..." Inage: "You're Mirano-chan's son, so you're fine. Have some tea or something." Taiga: "Why...do I...have to do this crap!?" Inage: "I ask her to help out just on the weekends. Kushieda! Put your back into it!" Minori: "Yessiree! You got it!" Inage: "Yeah! It's been pretty busy lately." Inage: "And I'm short-handed." Ryuji: "Short-handed?" Inage: "Oh, young lady. If you happen to be Kushieda's friend, would you be up for working here? The pay's good!" Ryuji: "Yes!" Ryuji: "I'll work!" Ryuji: "So will she!" Taiga: "I can't do this anymore!" Ryuji: "Hey, don't start any trouble. It'll make Kushieda look bad." Taiga: "Then you should help her on your own!" Inage: "Hey tiny, I need you to make a delivery! Three of those cases of beer!" Ryuji: "Sure thing! Right away!" Minori: "Okey-dokey. That should do it." Ryuji: "Be careful." Ryuji: "What's wrong, Taiga?" Ryuji: "You... You can't ride a—" Taiga: "Shut up!" Taiga: "So what if I can't ride a bike!? I just need to deliver the goods!" Ryuji: "That's wrong! You're doing it wrong!" Minori: "Wow Taiga, you're on fire!" Ryuji: "That's intense..." Minori: "Well, I guess it'll be safer if she's pushing the bike." Minori: "Oh, that's right. I need to restock the shochu." Ryuji: "Uh, I'll..." Ryuji: "I'll give you a hand." Ryuji: "I-I mean, I'd feel guilty if I just stood around." Minori: "All right. Thanks for your help." Ryuji: "N-No problem!" Minori: "Um... Where's the sweet potato shochu...?" Ryuji: "It's kind of dark, so it's hard to tell..." Minori: "Yeah, we don't use this place that often." Minori: "It only gets opened up once a week or so." Ryuji: "Oh..." Minori: "We'd be in big trouble if we got locked in. Yep, it'd be like getting stranded on an island." Inage: "That tiny kid must've left the door open." Ryuji: "Hey! We're still inside!" Ryuji: "SOS! SOS!" Minori: "Calm yourself, Takasu-kun!" Ryuji: "Kushieda?" Minori: "It's times like these we bust out the alma mater!" Ryuji: "The school anthem?" Minori: "Right." Taiga: "This is stupid... There's no reason for me to try so hard." Taiga: "I can't take this crap anymore..." Kita: "Take what anymore?" Taiga: "Ki-Kitamura-kun!" Taiga: "Wh-Why are you h-h-here?" Kita: "In the middle of a workout." Kita: "I was wondering..." Kita: "Is that yours?" Taiga: "Uh..." Taiga: "Oh... Y-Yeah... Well, I guess you could say that..." Kita: "So you've learned how to ride a bike. You've made remarkable progress." Taiga: "Uh, well... I wouldn't go that far..." Taiga: "But how did you know that I can't ride a bike?" Kita: "Oh, I spent a lot of time watching you last year." Kita: "Bikes are wonderful. They open up your world." Kita: "So long, Aisaka. I'll see you tomorrow." Taiga: "Last year, he was..." Taiga: "D-Damn it!" Taiga: "Ouch... Damn!" Taiga: "What's the point in opening up my world..." Taiga: "if Kitamura-kun isn't watching me!? Damn it!" Inage: "Hey, took you long enough. Uh, what happened?" Taiga: "Nothing. Anyway, where did they go?" Inage: "Oh, good question... Where did Kushieda run off to?" Inage: "Ryuji-kun aside..." Taiga: "That mongrel's been slacking while I worked my ass off!" Inage: "What are you talking about? Anyway, I need you to make a delivery to a place on 3rd..." Taiga: "Ryuji! The hell are you doing!?" Both: "Ah-ah... A bridge to the future... That's Ohashi, Ohashi..." Minori: "My throat's totally sore." Ryuji: "We've been yelling at the top of our lungs, but he hasn't heard us..." Minori: "Oh, he's usually listening to the horse races this time of day." Ryuji: "I see..." Minori: "Boy, it's starting to get chilly." Ryuji: "Oh, I can lend you my—" Minori: "Okay! Let's warm up!" Minori: "Pitcher's gettin' scared! Hey, hey, hey! Pitcher's gettin' scared! - Hey, hey, hey! Gettin' scared! - Gettin' scared...? But you're the pitcher..." Minori: "Hey! Pitcher's gettin' scared! Hey, hey, hey! - Pitcher's gettin' scared! Hey, hey, hey! - Could it be that... - Pitcher's gettin' scared! - you actually are scared? Huh?" Ryuji: "Your hand's shaking." Minori: "P-Please...! I'm shaking with excitement, that's all. Here I go!" Minori: "Strike! Okay, change sides! We switch now." Ryuji: "Oh." Ryuji: "All right." Minori: "And anyway, getting scared is pointless." Ryuji: "Huh?" Minori: "That's why..." Minori: "I'll bat my fears right outta the park!" Ryuji: "Kushieda?" Ryuji: "Maybe..." Minori: "Maybe..." Minori: "Hey, Takasu-kun." Minori: "Couldn't we get out through there?" Taiga: "Where? Where!? Where!? Where!? Where!? Where!? WHERE!?" Minori: "Look, Takasu-kun." Taiga: "I hear you...!" Ryuji: "Maybe that glow I always see around Kushieda... isn't because she's always so bright and cheerful..." Minori: "L-Look out!" Ryuji: "Kushieda! I'm sorry! You okay? Whoa! Y-Your nose is bleeding!" Minori: "Oh, no problemo!" Ryuji: "No problemo?" Minori: "A nosebleed just means your heart is sweating." Minori: "C'mon. We're almost there. Stack! Stack away, Takasu!" Ryuji: "O-On it!" Ryuji: "I understand..." Ryuji: "Bat her fears out of the park, huh...?" Ryuji: "All right! We're gonna get out of here in one piece!" Minori: "Yep! You know it! Fight!" Minori: "Y'know, I go, "Fight," and you go..." Ryuji: "O-On?" Minori: "Yep, yep! That's it! Fight!" Ryuji: "O-On!" Ryuji: "Yeah..." Ryuji: "Kushieda's always been surrounded by light..." Ryuji: "from the moment I first saw her." Minori: "Fight!" Ryuji: "Even now... On!" Ryuji: "...she continues to shine." Taiga: "I. Have. Found. You." Minori: "Taiga! How did you get inside!?" Taiga: "Huh? I used a ladder..." Minori: "Yippee! Takasu-kun, we can get out now!" Taiga: "Uh, but..." Minori: "Thanks, Taiga! This is our ladder to the future!" Taiga: "Um, Minorin..." Minori: "C'mon! Get up, Takasu-kun!" Taiga: "Um, listen to me!" Taiga: "The ladder fell down when I jumped in..." Taiga: "A memory locked up deep inside... known only to the two people who were there." Kita: "Oh, I told Takasu about that."
{ "raw_title": "Toradora! (Subtitled) Episode 3 – Your Song", "parsed": [ "Toradora! (Subtitled)", "3", "Your Song" ] }
Ryuji: "Get up." Ryuji: "You stayed up late again, didn't you? I know for a fact your lights were still on at 2:30 a.m.!" Taiga: "Rice is... Rice is pouring out of Ryuji's ear... A-All white and shiny... Freshly-cooked..." Ryuji: "I brought your breakfast. Wash your face while I warm it up." Taiga: "Breakfast..." Ryuji: "Okay..." Ryuji: "That just leaves dishes and laundry..." Ryuji: "Seriously... This room is so empty." Ryuji: "A cardboard box?" Ryuji: "What's this?" Ryuji: "A photo album?" Ryuji: "This is..." Taiga: "What are you looking at?" Ryuji: "Hey, Taiga! These are—" Taiga: "Yeah, that's right. Pictures of Kitamura-kun. You got a problem with that? Not that I care if you do." Ryuji: "These are all supposed to be Kitamura?" Taiga: "I-I can't help it! For some reason, I always start to shake wh-whenever I try to take his picture." Ryuji: "Want me to take some for you?" Ryuji: "I could take pictures. I'm not especially talented, but they'll turn out better than the—" Taiga: "Hold on a sec!" Taiga: "H-How many are you willing to take?" Taiga: "What kind of pictures do I want? A profile shot while he's deep in thought... Something during softball practice... Oh, don't forget about when he's eating lunch!" Ryuji: "I told you I'll take as many as you want, didn't I?" Taiga: "But I'm sure you'll draw the line somewhere! Or are you going to take an infinite number of pictures for me?" Kita: "Good morning!" Ryuji: "Hey. Good morning. You're late today." Kita: "- I stopped by the student council office. - M-Mo-...Mo—" Taiga: "Mornin'!" Ryuji: "Lame. Oh-so-lame, Taiga." Taiga: "Sh-Shoot! That wasn't what I meant to do... Um, well..." Kita: "Aisaka." Kita: "Mornin'!" Kita: "Well... I'm off." Kita: "Mornin'!" Girl: "M-Mornin'?" Taiga: "Hey! Hey! Did you get that?" Ryuji: "Get what?" Taiga: "A picture of him going "mornin'!" of course!" Ryuji: "It came out of nowhere. How was I supposed to take a picture?" Taiga: "Useless mongrel..." Ryuji: "Seriously?" : "Maruo, come look at this." Maya: "Hey, hey! This model looks exactly like you!" Kita: "Now, girls. It's almost time for the morning assembly. Cut the chitchat and move along to the schoolyard." : "Aw, he's such a bore." Maya: "He doesn't have to be so serious just because he's vice president." : "I was hoping for some kind of reaction." Maya: "Totally." Ryuji: "Kitamura is surprisingly popular with the girls." Taiga: "You want a reaction? I'll give you a reaction..." Sumire: "Line up, people!" Sumire: "Hey, maggots." Sumire: "Seems a bunch of you have been forgetting your student handbooks!" Sumire: "We've even got proof." Sumire: "According to the disciplinary committee's report, last week's check yielded... Uh, how many were there?" Kitamura: "Fifty-nine." Sumire: "Uh, forty-nine students forgot to carry their handbooks." Sumire: "Oops, I messed up. Fifty-nine students." Sumire: "Well, the details aren't important. In any case, forgetting your student handbook at home... is akin to forgetting your pride as Ohashi students!" Sumire: "Got that, maggots!?" All: "Yes!" Taiga: "Should you really be criticizing others?" Taiga: "You're pretty forgetful, yourself." Kita: "A-Aisaka?" Sumire: "You say something, squirt?" Taiga: "You forgot the "at ease" part." Taiga: "At ease!" Sumire: "Oh, my bad." Sumire: "At ease, people!" Taiga: "Jeez... Making high school students stand at attention... and forcing them to stay that way while they listen to you." Sumire: "What's so hard?" Sumire: "You're just putting your hands on your hips." Kita: "Whoa, Aisaka..." Sumire: "Nice. Working up a morning sweat there?" Kita: "Please stay calm, President!" Taiga: "What do you know!? We have to stand here like fools when we don't suffer from back or labor pain! - Have you no shame!? - Aisaka!" Kitamura: "A-Aisaka, would you kindly restrain yourself? Sorry about that, President. Please continue with the morning assembly." Sumire: "Y-Yeah..." A: "What was that?" B: "The Palm-top Tiger snapped at the president!" Ryuji: "That fool..." Ryuji: "It's so easy to tell she's depressed about it." Ryuji: "Wait, is she happy?" Yuri: "Yes, okay. Haruta-kun, that's enough. Um, next up is..." Yuri: "Aisaka-san? You're in a good mood today." Yuri: "In that case, let's have you read to us, nice and loud!" Yuri: "E-Except that was just a joke!" Yuri: "Haruta-kun!" Haruta: "Yuri-chan, does that even make any sense!?" Yuri: "Knock us out!" Haruta: "Hey, listen to me, please!" Ryuji: "Here's your lunch." Taiga: "No thanks. Not hungry. I fought with the student council president" Taiga: "But..." Taiga: "He held me up by my armpits... Armpit Carnival..." Ryuji: "Ta-Taiga?" Taiga: "But! I want to apologize!" Kita: "You don't need to worry about it." Kita: "Our student council president doesn't get hung up on little things. Oh, you brought a lunch? Mind if I join you?" Minori: "Oh! I like the sound of that! Count me in on the fun." Kita: "It's not a bad idea to do something like this on occasion." Minori: "You know it!" Kita: "Man, I'm hungry." Minori: "Thanks for the grub!" Kita: "Thanks for the food." Minori: "Wonder what I'm having... Wonder what I'm having...today!" Ryuji: "- H-How did this happen? - Ooh! Fried chicken!" Minori: "- Taiga! You're too tense! - Ready and...chicken fry!" Minori: "Ooh! Taiga's got quite the spread!" Ryuji: "Shoot! Our lunches are..." Kita: "Aisaka, you've been bringing your own lunch lately." Kita: "Do you make it yourself?" Taiga: "Um..." Kita: "What? Takasu made it?" Ryuji: "U-Uh, it's no big deal!" Ryuji: "It's just... It's like how Kushieda decorates cell phones on the side. I figured I could sell lunches to make some extra cash." Kita: "Oh, really?" Kita: "I'd like to try a Takasu lunch creation." Minori: "Oh, me too! That lunch is oozing with a brown elegance. Fascinating!" Ryuji: "Th-Then I'll make enough for everyone tomorrow..." A: "Kitamura-senpai! Kushieda-senpai! Um, we need to get going." Minori: "Oh, it's the softball team manager." Kita: "Ah, the meeting." Kita: "Sorry. Go ahead and eat without us." Ryuji: "R-Right..." Ryuji: "- That was a close call... - I got to talk with Kitamura-kun... - Too close for comfort... - With Kitamura-kun... - Taiga? - With Kitamura-kun..." Ryuji: "Hello?" Ryuji: "You're okay with letting Kitamura know that I made your lunch!?" Ryuji: "And I finally convinced everyone that there's nothing between us..." Taiga: "What do we do!? What do we do!? - What do we do!? - Calm down!" Ryuji: "Man..." Ryuji: "Why do you get so worked up whenever Kitamura's involved? Listen to me. You need to be more careful from now on." Ryuji: "What's that? Don't talk with your mouth full. Swallow first." Taiga: "Hey... You didn't put any meat in my lunch today." Ryuji: "If you want meat all the time, go find a household that can afford it." Ryuji: "I knew the mold in a public facility would be tough! It's deep in there. But!" Ryuji: "Your luck ran out the day I found you." Haruta: "Taka-chan, let's call it a day." Ryuji: "Right! I'll finish the rest, so you can get going." Haruta: "Oh? Lucky me. All yours, then." Ryuji: "You vile devil! What, ready to surrender? Okay, I'll use one of the 48 Takasu Housework Skills, - the Takasu Moldbuster, to finish you off! - Ryuji!" Taiga: "Why are you mumbling to yourself? Hurry it up, stupid dog!" Ryuji: "What!? Taiga! You do realize this is the men's roo—" Taiga: "- Just hurry up! - H-Hey!" Ryuji: "What is it, Taiga?" Ryuji: "What are you—!?" Ryuji: "Oh, I see." Ryuji: "Kitamura." Taiga: "C'mon! Hurry! Snap some pictures!" Ryuji: "Seriously..." Taiga: "C'mon! Now's the perfect time! Hurry!" Ryuji: "I got it. Pretty sure the shutter button's..." Taiga: "Now! Go now!" Ryuji: "Hold on, I'm setting it up." Taiga: "Oh, jeez! Forget it! Hand it over!" Ryuji: "Now I understand..." Ryuji: "This is what led to that mass production of blurry pictures." Taiga: "You're amazing, Kitamura-kun... That's it..." Taiga: "Whoa! Go!" Kita: "Hey!" Ryuji: "Hey, he's waving like a madman." Taiga: "You're annoying..." Ryuji: "Klutz." Girl: "Welcome to Sudoh-bucks!" Girl: "Boss, Americano and Napolitan spaghetti!" Master: "Napolitan, comin' right up!" Ryuji: "Why hasn't this place been sued yet?" Ryuji: "Oh well..." Ryuji: "Was there a point to getting those printed?" Ryuji: "Hey, you're drooling all over everything!" Taiga: "Kitamura-kun everywhere... Kitamura Carnival..." Ryuji: "Whoa! What are you doing!? That's going too far, even for our short-tempered generation!" Taiga: "I'm helping out, you mongrel." Taiga: "Since you took pictures for me." Ryuji: "No, it's okay. I'd like to be able to hang up the sheets tomorrow." Taiga: "Any more lip and I'll cut you up!" Ryuji: "Cut me up, huh...?" Taiga: "Anyway, you're making extra lunches for tomorrow, right? For Minorin and..." Taiga: "Ki-Kitamura-kun..." Ryuji: "All right. Do you know how to peel potatoes?" Taiga: "D-Don't underestimate me, boy! Of course I can. Just peel this, right? Jeez..." Ryuji: "Cooking for Kitamura, huh...?" Ryuji: "That's right... I've been given a chance to make food for Kushieda. I should get psyched up... Hey! What are you doing? Whoa!?" Taiga: "What? I got rid of the skin, didn't I?" Taiga: "And there wasn't any danger of cutting my fingers!" Ryuji: "Uh, well, I guess..." Yasuko: "Yay! Rice balls for dinner? It's like we're on a picnic! And this one's so little and adorable!" Taiga: "That's the one I made!" Yasuko: "Get out! Are you a genius!?" Ryuji: "Well, no need to worry if you practice on these." Ryuji: "There's no peeling involved." Ryuji: "I told you to finish eating before you talk." Yasuko: "It's so good! I can taste Taiga-chan's hands!" Ryuji: "Here. I made tea." Ryuji: "You should put them in an album before they get damaged." Taiga: "Stop nagging like an in-law..." Ryuji: "What's that supposed to mean? And here I was going to laminate your favorite picture for you." Taiga: "You can do that?" Ryuji: "Yep, sure can." Taiga: "H-Hold on! Um..." Ryuji: "A little processing and it won't matter if you" Ryuji: "Taiga?" Ryuji: "Something wrong?" Taiga: "N-No!" Ryuji: "You don't have to limit yourself to one, you know." Ryuji: "Pick two or three." Taiga: "Shut up! Just wait! I'm trying to decide!" Ryuji: "Wh-What's your problem? I was just—" Taiga: "I'm leaving." Ryuji: "Now what's wrong!?" Taiga: "I can't make my decision in peace here, so I'm going home." Ryuji: "Hey! Taiga! Hold on!" Ryuji: "What's up with her?" Ryuji: "I'd sure like to have pictures..." Ryuji: "of Kushieda." Minori: "- Take a look at this! - Whoa!" Ryuji: "Th-This is... A dead, pale, yellow squid... No, wait, is that slime?" Minori: "Incredible, isn't it? I made a bucket of pudding!" Ryuji: "Th-This is pudding? It's certainly managed to blow my mind..." Minori: "A bucket of pudding! The ultimate victual to sate a woman's desires! The size really gave me trouble, though. The melt-in-your-mouth parts and the jiggly parts mixed together, making... Oh!" Minori: "Hello there, ladies! Have a look-see...at my valiant contest with a bucket!" Ryuji: "Um..." Ryuji: "This is..." Ryuji: "A picture of Kushieda..." Minori: "The melt-in-your-mouth parts and the jiggly parts mixed together, making..." Ryuji: "Not exactly what I had in mind..." Ryuji: "But this works." Ryuji: "Huh?" Ryuji: "What are you doing?" Taiga: "Huh? What?" Taiga: "Oh, it's just you." Ryuji: "You still haven't decided?" Taiga: "Man, shove it." Ryuji: "What's wrong with you? You just took off yesterday too. I told you I'd laminate more than one, if you can't decide." Ryuji: "What was that for?" Taiga: "If you can't stop bugging me, you decide." Taiga: "I'm leaving it up to you." Ryuji: "How am I supposed to choose? Frickin' Taiga..." Kita: "Do those belong to Aisaka?" Ryuji: "Yeah, sure do." Kita: "Pictures of me." Ryuji: "U-Uh, this is, well... How do I put it...?" Kita: "That reminds me... I'd completely forgotten that I still have this in here." Ryuji: "What!?" Kita: "Sure brings me back... Wh-Why do you have this picture? Oh, the photography club used to sell them. So I bought one." Ryuji: "That's not what I mean! Why are you carrying a picture of Taiga around!?" Kita: "Because I was in love with her." Kita: "That's all." Kita: "She shot me down a second after I told her how I felt, though. Well, cat's out of the bag now. Don't tell anybody else about this." Ryuji: "- Wha— - Takasu, what's wrong?" Kita: "- Wha— - Hey, Takasu?" Ryuji: "What the hell!?" Ryuji: "What a waste..." Taiga: "It wasn't my fault. H-He said he was in love with me..." Taiga: "and I was so surprised, I turned him down." Taiga: "But I noticed him more, after that..." Taiga: "And then I just... just fell in love, somehow!" Taiga: "It happened right at this very spot." Kita: "Aisaka!" Kita: "I love that straightforward personality! Your refusal to conceal your rage!" Kita: "You've won my heart!" Ryuji: "Kitamura..." Taiga: "Funny way to confess your feelings, right? I mean, was it a compliment or an insult?" Taiga: "But you know..." Taiga: "I was happy. I felt vindicated, because someone appreciated me for who I really am." Taiga: "Because someone understood me..." Ryuji: "For some reason... Taiga's apartment came to mind, all of a sudden." Taiga: "I have so many pictures, but none of them have what I want." Taiga: "I wanted it again—the look he had when he told me how he felt..." Taiga: "Wh-Why are you making me say such humiliating things, you sick mutt!?" Ryuji: "You're blaming me!?" Taiga: "Who else is there!?" Ryuji: "I wonder what feeling appreciated..." Ryuji: "means to Taiga, exactly." Ryuji: "No matter what, she's one hell of a klutz. If you were gonna fall for him later on," Ryuji: "Isn't that right, Inko-chan?" Ryuji: "Same goes for Kitamura. If you were in love with her at one point, you should man up and go out with her." Inko: "I-I-..." Ryuji: "- Oh? You agree, Inko-chan? - I-I-...I-I..." Inko: "- Yeah! Tell them off! - I-I-I...I-I... I— It ain't bad." Ryuji: "A pretty airhead, Kawashima Ami, makes a sudden appearance. For now, all I can say is... Women are scary!"
{ "raw_title": "Toradora! (Subtitled) Episode 4 – That Look You Had", "parsed": [ "Toradora! (Subtitled)", "4", "That Look You Had" ] }
: "We have come to the last day of Golden Week. Did everyone enjoy the holiday?" Taiga: "I'm about to die from boredom... Man, it's all because of that worthless mongrel..." Ryuji: "It's not my fault you didn't get to see Kitamura. He warned us he'd be busy with practice and student council stuff." Taiga: "Isn't it your job as my dog to make that happen?" Ryuji: "Not like you'd be able to hold an actual conversation if you did see him..." Taiga: "Burn in hell! Ah! I got some on me!" Ryuji: "What did you do?" Taiga: "Hurry! Get me a cloth or something!" Ryuji: "Jeez..." Taiga: "It's your fault for saying stupid things!" Yasuko: "So loud..." Taiga: "Oops, we woke her up." Ryuji: "Here, use this to wipe yourself." Yasuko: "You were gonna eat rice omelets by yourselves while I slept!" Ryuji: "I wrapped yours up and put it in the fridge!" Yasuko: "Did you write my name on it? "Yasuko," in ketchup?" Ryuji: "I'll write it! So stop crying." Yasuko: "Sniff... Okay, I'm going back to sleep." Taiga: "Man, what should I do? It's gonna leave a stain." Ryuji: "It'll come off as long as we treat it properly." Ryuji: "I'll get the stain out. So as thanks..." Taiga: "Jonny's again?" Ryuji: "Why not? Come on... I can't go by myself. Can't you give me a little help with Kushieda?" Taiga: "Oh, shove it! I'll flay you!" Ryuji: "How would you!?" Ryuji: "Kushieda's not working today..." Taiga: "Even a workaholic needs a break now and then. Or maybe you're being punished for putting your own happiness first." Ryuji: "I didn't do anything! Unlike someone with her chain of confessions and vice vers—" Ryuji: "- My eyes! My eyes! - Stop saying such humiliating things. Man, what are you doing?" Taiga: "This is cute." Ryuji: "Hmm? Let me see." Ryuji: "Need a few more inches to wear that..." Taiga: "I was talking about this bag! The bag!" Ryuji: "R-Right..." Girl: "Welcome." Taiga: "So I'm a midget with short legs..." Taiga: "At least I've never had to be a bother to other people..." Ryuji: "What's up?" Taiga: "Ryuji! Look!" Ryuji: "Th-The bag, right?" Taiga: "Not that! The model!" Ryuji: "Model?" Taiga: "Look, over there." Ryuji: "Oh!" Taiga: "It's her, right?" Ryuji: "You're right." Taiga: "Her name is Kawashima Ami. Daughter of Kawashima Anna, the actress." Ryuji: "What is she doing here?" Kita: "Sorry, Ami. I kept you waiting." Ryuji: "What!?" Taiga: "Ki-Ki-Kita-Kitamu..." Kita: "Why if it isn't Takasu and Aisaka! What a coincidence." Taiga: "Wh-Why...!?" Taiga: "L-Look! They're coming this way!" Ryuji: "S-So what!?" Kita: "Why are you grabbing at each other? Aren't you two all chummy!" Taiga: "N-Not at all!" Ami: "What is it, Yusaku?" Kita: "Well, I was about to introduce you." Taiga: "Yusaku?" Kita: "This is Kawashima Ami. She used to live in my neighborhood. I guess you could call us childhood friends. - And this is Takasu Ryuji, and Aisaka Taiga. - Childhood friends..." Ryuji: "H-Hi there." Ami: "Nice to meet you." Ami: "Is that...?" Ryuji: "Oh... R-Right, uh... We were just looking at this. - And... - Omigod..." Ami: "Now I'm ashamed to let you see me like this! I should've spent more time selecting my wardrobe and doing my makeup." Ami: "I get a little lazy about my looks when I'm not on the set..." Ryuji: "Not true! Y-You, uh, c-could've fooled me..." Kita: "Since we're all here, why don't we hang out?" Kita: "That okay with you, Ami?" Ami: "Of course!" Ami: "This place sure brings back memories." Kita: "We used to come here all the time." Ami: "Yep, with our families!" Ami: "Here you are, Takasu-kun." Ryuji: "Oh..." Ami: "Do you prefer artificial sweetener?" Ryuji: "No..." Ami: "Or, I meant... You take your coffee black?" Kita: "Wow, you're not being very thoughtful." Ami: "I'm so sorry!" Ami: "I saw Yusaku put some in his, so I just..." Ryuji: "I-I don't mind..." Ami: "There I go again... People always tell me I'm a clumsy airhead." Ami: "Sorry." Ryuji: "No, it's fine. I like things sweet!" Ami: "Thank you! You're so nice..." Ami: "Omigod, what am I doing?" Ryuji: "Oh, s-sorry about that." Ami: "Please! Why are you apologizing?" Kita: "Well, I need to hit the men's room real quick." Ryuji: "Wait, uh..." Ryuji: "Um..." Ryuji: "I, uh, need to go too." Ryuji: "Good lord... Can't stand the awkward silence..." Kita: "I knew you'd leave the table." Ryuji: "Didn't you go to the bathroom!?" Ryuji: "Wh-What is it?" Kita: "Be straight with me. What's your impression of Ami?" Ryuji: "I didn't have time to form one! You threw me for a loop, showing up with a cute girl out of nowhere like that!" Kita: "I agree, she's cute." Ryuji: "And really nice too! She's kind of an airhead, but she sounds so innocent..." Kita: "Just wait. You'll see." Ami: "Ugh, what a drag. Hey, you. I'm out of iced tea. Get me another." Ami: "Tsk, ignoring me?" Ami: "What's with the attitude?" Ami: "Oh, I know. I'll get your boyfriend to do it. He seems willing to do anything I ask." Ami: "You mind if I steal him? Not that I even want him!" Taiga: "He's not my boyfriend." Ami: "Oh." Ami: "I didn't care anyway." Kita: "And there it is. Ami's true nature." Kita: "Spoiled, selfish, and bossy." Kita: "Your typical princess." Ryuji: "I can only think she's been possessed by a demon." Ami: "Well, I'd assume the rest of the men in this backwards town aren't any better." Ami: "Hey, you. How tall are you?" Ami: "I just noticed how you seem to be out of scale." Ami: "And wow, do they even sell clothes in your size?" Ami: "- Do you hem your jeans? I've never had to— - I'm amazed Taiga's putting up with this..." Ami: "Wh—?" Taiga: "There was a mosquito on your face. Oh, it was a fly." Ami: "Now look here!" Kita: "Come on now, Ami. Time to get going." Ami: "- Yusaku! - I know, I know." Kita: "Sorry about that, Aisaka." Kita: "We have to be on our way." Taiga: "More!" Ryuji: "There isn't any left... You ate two and a half bowls." Taiga: "It's all her fault." Taiga: "That nasty wench. Thinking about her makes my stomach growl." Ryuji: "Churn, you mean." Ryuji: "But Kitamura was a little distressed." Taiga: "Wh-What should I do? Will Kitamura-kun hate me for what I did?" Ryuji: "I highly doubt that. Kitamura was watching the whole—" Taiga: "I hate that girl." Ryuji: "Don't cry over it." Taiga: "And you! You were fawning over her!" Ryuji: "I-I was not..." Taiga: "Besides! No one in their right mind would brag about being called an airhead!" Taiga: "Forget it. I'll never see her again. So I'll be mature and swallow my hatred!" Ryuji: "Hey! That's mine!" Taiga: "Shaddap!" Ami: "I just transferred here today. My name is Kawashima Ami." Ami: "But please call me Ami!" : "Whoa! Isn't she...?" Maya: "The model from Can Vi!?" : "Wow... She's so pretty..." Haruta: "An angel has graced us with her presence!" : "Praise be to God." Yuri: "Let's all make her feel welcome, okay?" Yuri: "Let's start by finding you a seat." Guy: "Here! Next to me!" Girl: "What!? How about next to me?" Crowd: "Wow..." Haruta: "Jackpot!" : "I'm so glad I'm in this class!" Ami: "It's kind of embarrassing to stand out like this." Maya: "Why? It's fine! You look great!" : "Yep, and you have a wonderful figure." Ami: "I wanna wear the same uniform as everyone else!" Minori: "Ami-chan is cute and has a fab bod, for sure..." Minori: "And yet, my cute-girl-detecting Minorin Radar isn't reacting at all." Taiga: "Minorin?" Maya: "Are you okay, Ami-chan?" Ami: "Jeez... How did I trip over nothing? I'm so lame." : "You're pretty clumsy, huh?" Maya: "A little airheaded, too." Ami: "That's not true!" Ami: "Although, people do sometimes call me an airhead..." : "Thought so." Ami: "But they're wrong!" Maya: "Yes, yes. We know." Ami: "Honest! It's true, I swear!" Ryuji: "She's really something." Kita: "Yeah, she's mastered the art of winning people over." Ryuji: "Why didn't you tell me she was transferring to our school?" Kita: "If I'd mentioned it, Ami wouldn't have shown her true nature. And that would defeat the purpose." Ryuji: "What are you talking about?" Kita: "To be honest, I have no problem with Ami's true nature." Kita: "In fact, I want everyone to see it, and like her for who she really is." Ryuji: "Uh, that's—" Kita: "Even if they end up hating her, Ami will be able to accept that." Kita: "- I don't want her to keep living a lie. - Really?" Maya: "I saw it too!" Ami: "Thank you." Maya: "Kinda weird to look at a swimsuit edition when the model's here in person." Ami: "That's a little funny." Maya: "For real..." Ami: "Me first!" Ami: "I didn't know there was a vending machine up here." Ryuji: "Why...?" Ami: "You left class right when fourth period was about to start. I got a little curious, so I followed you." Ryuji: "Don't let her fool you. Her true nature is... It's against school rules to buy drinks outside of lunch hour." Ami: "Guess that means we're partners in crime." Ryuji: "I'll pay." Ami: "No need." Ami: "This is to make up for yesterday." Ryuji: "F-For what?" Ami: "I was so surprised this morning. I didn't know we'd be in the same school." Ami: "And Aisaka-san's here too." Ami: "Yusaku never mentioned it." Ami: "So...did Aisaka-san say anything to you about yesterday?" Ryuji: "Like what...?" Ami: "What happened yesterday was all my fault." Ami: "I'm a bit of an airhead, and I think I may have ticked Aisaka-san off. We were just chatting," Ami: "And then... But it wasn't her fault!" Ami: "That never would've happened if I had more common sense." Ami: "It's not that unusual, running into other girls who hate me. It doesn't bother me, though." Ami: "I always persevere." Ryuji: "I get what she's doing." Ami: "So I don't want you to mention what happened yesterday to anyone else. I..." Ryuji: "I get what you're trying to say. So let's go back." Ami: "Thank you!" Ami: "We should hurry." Teach: ""The sun was still high as they departed with minimal fanfare." This first part refers to how the sun had reached a high position in the sky." Ryuji: "Why...?" Teach: "- The key here is that they're total strangers. - Jeez..." Minori: "Takasu-kun. I am very angry! Something's fishy about you and the transfer student! Are you cheating? Are you!? If you dump Taiga... I reckon there'll be a whippin'!" Ryuji: "D-Damn it... Why do I have to suffer for this?" Ryuji: "From Takasu, to Kushieda. Sorry to change the subject, but what do you think of people who refer to themselves as airheads?" Teach: "Right. Anything so far you don't understand?" Teach: "What's wrong with you people?" : "Hey, Takasu. Haruta's going to introduce us to three first-year track members. You in?" Ryuji: "Wouldn't I just scare them away?" : "Nuh-uh." Haruta: "If you don't, the ratio will be all—" Ryuji: "Besides..." : "The Palm-top Tiger!" Ryuji: "There you have it." Ryuji: "How did you manage this?" Taiga: "It wasn't on purpose! I tripped! It's not my fault!" Ryuji: "I'll go get a cloth. You can head home." Taiga: "It's okay. I'll wait in the classroom. Ryu—" Ami: "Ew, why are you still here? You're a total eyesore, just so you know." Taiga: "Stay away, you damn brat." Ami: "Scaaa-ry. No wonder the teachers are sick of you." Ami: "I was in the faculty office earlier, and all the teachers were saying how cute I was. They were worried that "Aisaka" might bully me. You're really unpopular around here, huh?" Taiga: "I'm going to enjoy seeing how long you can maintain that double personality." Taiga: "It'd be so simple to expose your true nature." Taiga: "But that wouldn't be any fun." Taiga: "I'll be keeping an eye on you." Taiga: "After we change classes... After graduation... Just like a stalker." Ami: "You're such an irritating twerp! I bet that's why you have no friends. Oh, right. You have one. Takasu Ryuji. He looks all tough, but I can tell he's head-over-heels for me. Nasty! But that means you'll be all alone now." Ami: "I sure feel sorry for you. Even bighearted Yusaku can't stand you." Taiga: "What did you say?" Ami: "I told him all about what happened at the restaurant." Ami: "He probably hates your guts now." Ami: "It's all over for you!" Ryuji: "Kawashima?" Ryuji: "Hey, move." Yasuko: "We're having Ryu-chan's pork cutlets!" Ryuji: "Man..." Ryuji: "Food tastes best when it's fresh off the stove." Yasuko: "If you're so worried..." Yasuko: "go and get her." Yasuko: "Aw, it's all blurry." Ryuji: "Taiga? I'm coming in." Ryuji: "Oh. You are here. You didn't turn the lights on. Hey, Tai—" Taiga: "Why are you here?" Ryuji: "What kind of question is that?" Ryuji: "Dinner's ready!" Ryuji: "Ta-Taiga!" Ryuji: "You okay?" Taiga: "She said..." Taiga: "that Kitamura-kun... hates me now." Taiga: "That wench told him everything... I... I..." Ryuji: "It'll be fine." Taiga: "How will it be fine?" Ryuji: "Kitamura knows everything." Ryuji: "Kawashima's true personality... What really happened at the restaurant... The fact that she was lying... Everything." Taiga: "Really?" Ryuji: "Yep." Ryuji: "Besides... Kitamura's not the kind of guy who'd hate someone for such a silly reason. You should be well aware of that." Taiga: "Then, why am I so small?" Taiga: "Why do I have a weird name?" Ryuji: "Um, uh, that's—" Taiga: "So what!?" Taiga: "So what if she's 165 centimeters tall!? So what if her name sounds like some blue sailor scout!?" Ryuji: "So what if she's been friends with Kitamura for years!?" Ryuji: "Sorry. You okay? Still, I didn't realize you were so concerned about that pointless—" Taiga: "I'm sensitive, unlike you!" Ryuji: "Hey now..." Yasuko: "Ryu-chan!" Yasuko: "How can we have pork cutlets without the sauce!?" Taiga: "Pork cutlets...?" Yasuko: "- Gimme sauce! Ryu-chan! - Berkshire pork." Taiga: "Hey, what about pudding?" Ryuji: "We're only buying sauce!" Taiga: "Huh?" Ryuji: "Hey, let's head back. We're going to make Yasuko late." Taiga: "Ryuji, look at this." Ryuji: "What is this?" Taiga: "So she stopped working?" Ryuji: "Is our school worth taking time off for?" Ryuji: "Isn't that...?" Taiga: "It's that wench..." Ryuji: "That's Kawashima Ami, right? What's with the getup? And those bags are stuffed with junk food." Ryuji: "Is she hosting a party or something?" Taiga: "No, she's not. That's..." Taiga: "Heh. We got to see something interesting." Ami: "Ugh, what a pain. If you keep following me around, I'll kill you in a heartbeat."
{ "raw_title": "Toradora! (Subtitled) Episode 5 – Kawashima Ami", "parsed": [ "Toradora! (Subtitled)", "5", "Kawashima Ami" ] }
Ami: "Huh? How to lose weight? I've never been on a diet." Maya: "No way! - But you're so thin! - Let's do this." Taiga: "Yeah." Ami: "I guess I have a fast metabolism." Maya: "Ooh... It's genetic..." : "Lucky you. I'm so jealous." Ryuji: "Kawashima's the center of the girls' attention now." Kita: "Yeah." Ami: "If you push yourself too hard, it'll only build stress. I think it's best to eat whatever you want, just in healthy portions." Minori: "I can't let that one slide!" Taiga: "One, two!" Ami: "Huh!? What is this!?" Ami: "Wh-What is this!? - Hey! Let me go! - What the...?" Minori: "- Take that, and that, and that! - Teach! She's hiding meat in her gut!" Minori: "You're only allowed to bring 300 yen worth of meat on field trips! Is this flab under 300 yen!? Bananas don't count! This is for the meat buns! This is for the fancy ice cream! This is for the corn dogs! Divine Fist of the Convenience Store!" Minori: "High!" Taiga: "Calo—" Both: "Rieeeeee!" Minori: "Dedicated to the Diet Warriors who are now stardust!" Both: "So long!" Taiga: "We pulled off the Divine Fist of the Convenience Store!" Minori: "Indeed! Though she proved a formidable foe!" Ami: "Those little..." Maya: "A-Are you okay, Ami-chan?" Maya: "They're so mean." : "You poor thing..." Ami: "Oh, um..." Ryuji: "Looks like we're in for a stormy season." Taiga: "Oh? So this is how Ami reacts to that kind of approach. Huh?" Taiga: "That felt so good. Your performance was brilliant, Minorin!" Ryuji: "It gets pretty intense when girls take each other on." Minori: "As a Diet Warrior, I couldn't ignore her statement. The gods of weight loss only smile upon those willing to face their fat. I'm sure she'll understand one day." Ryuji: "Right... Is that how it works?" Taiga: "What's with him?" Taiga: "Oh yeah." Taiga: "Ryuji, want me to make a salad for you?" Ryuji: "Y-You can make salad?" Taiga: "They taught us in grade school. I can even make my own dressing. You buy lettuce, right? Separate the leaves, right? Cut them up, right? Put them on a plate, right?" Taiga: "And it's all done!" Ryuji: "You missed washing the lettuce. As in, rinsing it under running water. And what happened to the dressing?" Taiga: "You always nag about tiny details, like an in-law." Ryuji: "In-law...!" Ami: "Takasu-kun!" Ryuji: "Wh-What is it, Kawashima?" Ami: "Could you please stay close to me for a bit?" Ryuji: "It's that guy... Hey, Kawashi—" Ryuji: "You're..." Taiga: "Hey. How long are you gonna cling to him?" Taiga: "Completely ignoring me while draping yourself all over him..." Ami: "I'm scared, Takasu-kun!" Taiga: "You sick exhibitionist!" Ryuji: "Hey, Kawashima, what was that about? You don't...know him, do you?" Ami: "W-Well... These things tend to happen when you're a famous model." Ami: "Some of the fans can get a little pushy. I even went through this trouble of transferring schools..." Ami: "Hey, are you on your way home?" Ryuji: "Uh, yeah..." Ami: "Could you hide me at your place for a while? I'm scared of running into him again." Taiga: "I see." Taiga: "Don't worry, I'll handle this." Taiga: "Between a drafty, wood-framed rental..." Taiga: "Which would you choose?" Ami: "The fancy apartment!" Taiga: "That settles it." Taiga: "Then you'll be coming to my place." Ami: "What? Back up. Why do I have to go to your place?" Taiga: "Fine. I won't force you into anything. But Ryuji's house is so unprotected I was able to easily sneak in." Ryuji: "- Seriously? - Yeah." Taiga: "But it's fine. It's none of my business anyway." Ami: "W-Wait! Aisaka-san!" Ami: "I said wait, damn you!" Ryuji: "It makes no difference to me." Taiga: "Here you go." Ami: "So sweet!" Taiga: "Ryuji made honey-preserved kumquats. I mixed the juice with soda." Ami: "And way too thick! Honestly... You want me to drink this? And you call yourself a Diet Warrior! Even your brain is small." Taiga: "Your transformation is really something to behold. I'd love to show our class how you really are." Ami: "I have no intention of ever revealing my true self." Taiga: "Really now? Well, your throat should be in tip-top shape" Taiga: "You refuse to show them the real you, huh? In that case, we're going to find out exactly how fake you can be." Ami: "What?" Ryuji: "Oh, good morning." Ami: "Good morning..." Ryuji: "Ka-Kawashima? You look tired." Ami: "Yeah, I still haven't recovered from yesterday..." Ryuji: "Right, that was a pretty scary ordeal." Ami: "Not that." Ami: "For five hours in Aisaka Taiga's apartment... No, six..." Ryuji: "D-Did Taiga hurt you!?" Ami: "Jackson..." Ami: "Uganda..." Ryuji: "Uganda?" Ami: "Falcon... Akechi Mitsuhide... Matsumoto Seicho... Oda Nobunaga singing French pop... Dazai Osamu swimming the 200 meter individual medley... - Susano'o, Amaterasu, Uzume... - Uh, hello? - Quetzalcoatl, Matthew, Judas... - You okay, Kawashima?" Taiga: "Yep, I made her perform a medley of 150 impressions! It was a riot!" Ryuji: "How the heck are you supposed to do an impression of Akechi Mitsuhide?" Taiga: "I told her I'd kick her out if she didn't obey. She was so desperate." Ryuji: "B-Brutal..." Kita: "Not at all. I appreciate it, Aisaka." Ryuji: "- Kitamura? - Ki-Kitamura-kun!" Kita: "Aisaka. I have a favor to ask." Taiga: "Huh...?" Maya: "Ami-chan, you look pale." : "Really. Shouldn't you see the nurse?" Ami: "I'm perfectly fine." Ryuji: "Y-Yo..." Taiga: "Come, dumb Chihuahua. It's chow time." Ami: "Dumb Chihuahua?" Taiga: "That would be you. Acting all cute while yapping away, perpetually in heat..." Ami: "What!?" Taiga: "Just come with me." Ami: "This isn't funny." Ami: "Why do I have to go with you? I already have plans with my frien—" Taiga: "Michael Jackson as a tour bus guide." Taiga: "Mona Lisa making a turn at 200 kilometers an hour. The Thinker in good spirits. I've made copies of all the pictures I took. They might accidentally get leaked." Ami: "Hey! Stop! Fine. I give. - I just have to come with you, right? Dammit! - Um, Ami-chan? S-Sorry! I forgot I was supposed to eat lunch with Aisaka-san today! I'm really sorry about this! Hey! Wait up, dammit!" Minori: "Thanks for the grub!" Taiga: "Thanks for the food." Ami: "What the hell is this?" Kita: "If Ami doesn't drop that facade, she'll never make real friends. That's why I want you two, since you know her true nature, to help her out." Ryuji: "Sounds good in theory, and I don't mind," Kita: "Aisaka!" Kita: "I'm begging you! You're one of the few girl friends I can ask!" Ryuji: "No wa— What!?" Kita: "Oh! Thank you, Aisaka!" Ryuji: "Damn Kitamura... Leaving us with this mess and running off to the student council..." Ryuji: "Wh-Whoa! Your lunch is amazing, Kushieda!" Minori: "It may seem big, but it's super low in calories! These are king oyster mushrooms, and this here is konjac. - And this is konjac rice! - Honestly, why am I here? Here, Amin. I'll give you some konbu." Ami: "Don't want any!" Minori: "Pfft, be that way." Ryuji: "Lucky you..." Ryuji: "Oh, nothing. Anyway, time to eat." Ami: "Hey... Why is your lunch exactly the same as Aisaka-san's?" Ami: "Seriously, why?" Ryuji: "Uh, well..." Ryuji: "You see..." Taiga: "Problem solved. My lunch has egg and other fried food, while Ryuji's has rice and nori." Ryuji: "Wah! My food!" Ami: "Here." Ami: "Now you have a meatball." Ryuji: "Huh? Oh... Thanks." Ami: "But why do you let Aisaka-san walk all over you?" Ryuji: "D-Do I really?" Taiga: "Ryuji was my dog in his previous life." Taiga: "A dog is happiest when serving its master." Minori: "That's right! They were destined to be together!" Both: "Not a chance." Taiga: "Jeez, there you go again, Minorin." Minori: "Sorry. I was kidding!" Taiga: "Jeez..." Kita: "Hello! Attention, please! Today is the monthly community clean-up organized by the student council... However, participation is a little on the low side. Do we have any brave volunteers?" Ryuji: "Sorry, Kitamura. Kanoya Supermarket has a special sale today." Kita: "Oh, Takasu! You're willing to lend a hand?" Kita: "Then get changed and come to the courtyard." Ryuji: "Man... Why do I have to do this?" Taiga: "I already told you that I'm going to help, too." Ryuji: "So you say, but you just want to spend more time with Kitamura." Taiga: "That's another way to put it." Ryuji: "How honest of you." Ami: "Takasu-kun!" Ami: "I'm coming along too. Since I just transferred here, I want to familiarize myself with the school." Taiga: "Minorin." Minorin: "As a Diet Warrior, I have no choice but to support a girl who's desperate..." Ami: "I never said I wanted to lose weight." Ami: "Let's work hard together, Takasu-kun!" Ryuji: "R-Right..." Sumire: "Okay, maggots! Get fired up and move out! If I catch anyone slacking off, there will be consequences!" Ryuji: "Easy there, tiger..." Sumire: "Gloves on!? Trash bags ready!? Checked your assigned area!?" All: "Yeah!" Sumire: "Don't underestimate this town. Pathetic efforts will get you thrown off the boat!" Sumire: "Show me some enthusiasm!" All: "Yeah!" Kita: "The president sure is one of a kind." Sumire: "Listen up. I'll explain the program! First up!" Taiga: "Kitamura-kun ended up going off with the student council..." Kita: "Sorry! Student council members are taking a different route." Taiga: "Why am I still here?" Ami: "Hey, doesn't this piece of trash look just like Aisaka-san? In terms of being helplessly small." Taiga: "Yeah? Well this piece looks just like you." Taiga: "In terms of being doughy, filthy, and flabby." Taiga: "Let's go that way, Minorin!" Minori: "Oh, we eloping? I'm up for that!" Taiga: "Let's go!" Minori: "Right on! Garbage awaits!" Ami: "They took off..." Ami: "Guess it's just the two of us now, huh?" Ryuji: "Uh..." Ami: "It's pretty fun to pick up trash. But maybe it's because I'm with you." Ryuji: "Kawashima, actually..." Ami: "Hey, let's go this way next." Ryuji: "Look out!" Ryuji: "Hey! You okay?" Ami: "Yuck, this is nasty! What the hell!? - Damn it all! - Ka-Kawashima?" Ami: "Um... Oh, that was so scary! Ick, my shoes are soaked..." Ami: "No! - Kawashima! - No, no, no! - Don't move! - Get it off! - Ow! Don't kick me in the face! Damn...! - It's climbing up! Noooo!" Ryuji: "Okay... Salvaged!" Ryuji: "I-It's okay now. Look, the frog went home, see?" Ami: "I'm so sick of this crap!" Ryuji: "Ka-Kawashima?" Ami: "Just kidding." Ami: "Was that funny?" Ami: "It's raining. Omigod, I'm going to get wet." Ami: "We need to find shelter. Right, Takasu—" Ryuji: "You know..." Ryuji: "You can stop doing that." Ami: "What are you talking about? I don't get it." Ryuji: "I'm the one who doesn't get it." Ryuji: "Why did you bother participating in this grueling work?" Ami: "What don't you get...?" Ami: "Oh..." Ami: "Guess you're not falling for this, huh?" Ryuji: "I've known you were acting this whole time. Do you think you could, uh..." Ryuji: "Right. Be yourself?" Ami: "Actually..." Ami: "I have to keep up this facade." Ami: "You don't understand how I feel, do you?" Ryuji: "I don't, to be honest..." Ami: "That's fine." Ami: "I'm nothing but an airhead..." Ryuji: "Kawashima?" Ryuji: "What's wrong!?" Ryuji: "Hey! Kawashima!" Ryuji: "Hey, what's wrong? If you're looking for shelter..." Ryuji: "Hey! What is it?" Ryuji: "That guy is back! Why?" Ami: "To tell you the truth..." Ami: "He's a stalker." Ryuji: "Sta— Why didn't you tell us!?" Ami: "Because!" Ami: "It's so frustrating..." Ryuji: "Frustrating?" Ami: "I didn't want to admit that I was letting some freak mess up my life." Ami: "I had to move because of him. I didn't want to cause my parents trouble," Ami: "I've even stopped modeling for the time being. But after all that... He's still chased me all the way here." Minori: "Hello! Hello! Takasu-kun! Kawashima-san! Hello! Odd... They supposedly came this way." Taiga: "Oh well. Let's go home, Minorin." Guy: "Ooh! I've found a cute, miniature monster!" Guy: "- Monster? - She's adorable! It's my lucky day!" Ryuji: "Taiga!" Ami: "Be careful!" Taiga: "I don't recall doing anything to warrant..." Ami: "Uh-oh... What is she doing? That guy's a stalker!" Taiga: "And another thing, who gave you permission to take pictures? Do you realize how creepy you are?" Guy: "Wh-Why shouldn't I? It's no big deal..." Taiga: "In your dreams." Taiga: "I'll destroy that camera, and you with it!" Taiga: "Why are you running away!?" Guy: "Ow!" Taiga: "Wait up!" Minori: "W-Wait! Taiga!?" Ryuji: "- Wait up! - That idiot..." Ami: "Why...?" Minori: "- Taiga, it's dangerous! - I mean... Isn't she scared?" Ami: "That guy's twisted." Ryuji: "Kawashima?" Ami: "Because of him..." Ami: "I had to take time off work, move, and transfer schools." Ami: "I get so upset, the stress builds, and then I end up binging on snacks." Ami: "Could this mean... I was defeated by that worthless freak, and by Aisaka Taiga as well?" Ami: "Takasu-kun." Ami: "You just told me to stop playing nice. Didn't you?" Ryuji: "Y-Yeah..." Ryuji: "I guess..." Ami: "I get it now." Ami: "I do. No more cutesy crap." Ami: "No more. No more, no more, no more, no more, no more, no more. - Ka-Kawashima? - From now on..." Ami: "I'll live with this nasty personality of mine! I refuse to let them have the last laugh!" Ryuji: "Hey!" Ryuji: "Kawashima..." Ryuji: "Kawashima was just incredible after that..." Ryuji: "Racing through town with a running form the track team could never match..." Ryuji: "Smashing the already frightened stalker's camera to bits..." Ryuji: "Her transformation left the stalker scared to death. And then..." Guy: "Imposter! That devilish face! You're not the Ami-chan I know! You're no angel! Not with that nasty personality!" Ami: "Oh, come on." Ami: "I'm still adorable." Ami: "So who cares..." Ami: "what my personality's like?" Ryuji: "Kawashima. Are you okay?" Ryuji: "Hey! Kawashima!" Ami: "I did it, Takasu-kun." Ryuji: "No joke." Ami: "But..." Ami: "I was scared..." Ryuji: "Here, this'll warm you up." Ami: "Honey-preserved kumquats..." Ryuji: "How could you tell? Taiga loves this stuff." Ami: "Taiga... You call Aisaka-san by her first name." Ryuji: "Do you still think there's something between us?" Ami: "She's really lucky." Ami: "She's self-centered and a total mess... But she doesn't try to hide it." Ami: "Yet she still has friends. She still has you." Ami: "Takasu-kun, what would you do if I showed you the real me?" Ami: "Would you fall for me?" Ryuji: "Ka-Ka-Ka— Kawashima?" Ami: "Well?" Ryuji: "H-Hold on!" Ryuji: "I'm..." Minori: "Taiga, are they there?" Minori: "Taiga?" Ryuji: "Waterproof and water-repellent. Slight gradation. One-touch installation. How do you like this, Taiga!?" Minori: "The Bogus-Boobie Force!"
{ "raw_title": "Toradora! (Subtitled) Episode 6 – True Self", "parsed": [ "Toradora! (Subtitled)", "6", "True Self" ] }
Ami: "Takasu-kun, what would you do if I showed you the real me?" Ami: "Would you fall for me?" Ami: "Well?" Ryuji: "H-Hold on! I-I'm..." Minori: "Taiga?" Minori: "Are they there?" Minori: "Taiga?" Ami: "Oh, my. Does this look bad? Was my timing off?" Ryuji: "- Th-This isn't how it looks! - Ta-i-ga!" Taiga: "Minorin!" Taiga: "Nobody's here!" Minori: "Then where'd they go?" Ami: "Oh-ho." Ami: "Why did you lie? Maybe you don't want to admit..." Ryuji: "Shut up, stupid! Don't make it sound weird!" Ami: "Aww, but...!" Ryuji: "But nothing! Tell her the truth, now!" Ami: "The truth? - Omigod, Takasu-kun... - H-Hey!" Ryuji: "Ta-Taiga?" Ryuji: "Taiga!" Yasuko: "Good morning!" Yasuko: "Taiga-chan? Is something wrong?" Taiga: "Nope, nothing wrong with me. What's for dinner tonight?" Ryuji: "A takikomi rice dish. One of your favorites." Taiga: "Oh?" Taiga: "Should've added red beans to celebrate." Taiga: "- Right, fugly bird? - F-Fugly?" Ryuji: "H-Hey, Taiga... About earlier..." Ryuji: "- Fug... Fug, fug... - Kawashima was just messing with you. - Fug, fug, fug... - Just saying, since it put you in a bad mood." Ryuji: "Sorry about that." Taiga: "Oh? And why are you apologizing? You're so weird, Ryuji." Yasuko: "I-Inko-chan!?" Ryuji: "G-Get up, Inko-chan! Hold on!" Ryuji: "Taiga! Wake up!" Ryuji: "Man, we've got no time..." Taiga: "O-Ow... Huh?" Ryuji: "M-My bad..." Taiga: "What?" Ryuji: "Anyway, we overslept!" Ryuji: "Quick, get dressed!" Taiga: "What's for breakfast? Why would you wake me up this way?" Ryuji: "No time for breakfast, or lunch! We've gotta leave in five minutes or we'll be late!" Ryuji: "Oh man... We need to drop by a convenience store or we won't have anything for lunch!" Ryuji: "Hey, did you hear me? Tai-gah!?" Taiga: "Loud and clear, you sick mutt! Convenience store!" Ryuji: "Why're you so pissed about missing one meal—" Ryuji: "Ow!" Ryuji: "We made it..." Ami: "There you are! Finally!" Ami: "Thanks for all your help yesterday." Ryuji: "Huh? Oh, y-yeah..." Ami: "What's with the look? Oh, are you mesmerized by my summer uniform? Just kidding!" Taiga: "You're holding up traffic, dumb Chihuahua." Ami: "O-Oh, there you are, Aisaka-san. Good morning." Taiga: "Good morning, Kawashima-san. I see you're already in heat." Ryuji: "Hey, girls..." Ami: "Ah, I get it. Like, omigod... Don't get too jealous over one little incident. You're totally reading into it." Taiga: "You dimwit. I only did that because—" Minori: "Booya!" Minori: "Top o' the mornin' to ya! Ooh, this might help tone my upper arms!" Taiga: "Mi-Minorin, don't use me as a weight..." Yuri: "Okay, since the pool's finally opening tomorrow, I'm going to cover some key pointers now." Yuri: "Summer provides opportunities for romantic adventures! My final chance as a twenty-something!" Girla: "Gross, my tummy will stick out..." Girlb: "Yikes, my thighs..." Girlc: "I'm more worried about my upper arms..." Yuri: "Why are you girls complaining? You're still young, dammit!" Ami: "What? This school has co-ed swimming classes? Omigod, that's so embarrassing!" Yuri: "Why? You're a total doll. Hell, you're a model. What is there to be embarrassed about? What is there, huh? Tell me. I'd love to know." Kita: "- Teach, homeroom's almost over! - What the hell is there, damn it!?" Yuri: "Fine! End this!" Kita: "Stand!" Minori: "Taiga, hurry up!" Taiga: "No way! I don't need to buy a swimsuit!" Minori: "But the one you wore last year got all moldy and gross." Ryuji: "You have to wash and dry swimsuits right away." Taiga: "Knock it off! And why is that thing tagging along?" Ami: "Because this is the only place that sells swimsuits." Ryuji: "I-I didn't invite her!" Ami: "Guys, check it out!" Ami: "This would look perfect on Aisaka-san! A little too perfect, even!" Ryuji: "Stay calm, Taiga! People are watching!" Minori: "Takasu-kun, what do you think of this one?" Ryuji: "Huh?" Ryuji: "Uh... It's uh, nice..." Ami: "Hey." Ami: "How about this one? Anything weird about it? It won't make me stand out, will it?" Minori: "Why are your legs so long!? You'll stand out like a sore thumb!" Ami: "What? You think? But I chose such a plain style..." Minori: "Ka-Kawashima-san! What brand is that? Where did you find it?" Ami: "Over there. Oh, you want to get matching swimsuits?" Minori: "A-Anything but that! I beg of you!" Ryuji: "Kushieda?" Ami: "Hey, hey." Ami: "I'm, like, super-duper cute. Scary, isn't it? Even in this plain swimsuit! How far can I take this? The charm, the beauty, the bod! It's a crime to keep this hidden, huh!?" Ami: "You think so too, right, Takasu-kun? Um..." Ami: "Huh?" Ryuji: "Hey. You okay, Tai—" Ryuji: "What are you doing!?" Taiga: "I don't know what I'm supposed to do." Ryuji: "What do you mean? What's wrong?" Taiga: "I can't decide." Ryuji: "What's the problem? You can only choose between navy blue and black..." Taiga: "That's not it! None of them fit!" Ryuji: "Uh... What if we tried something child-sized?" Taiga: "I'd rather die!" Taiga: "Don't you start sounding like that dumb Chihuahua!" Ryuji: "Th-This one's pretty small." Ryuji: "And it's not that expensive. The material's solid and durable too. You could even throw it in a dryer." Ryuji: "Did you try it on?" Taiga: "Well..." Taiga: "I tried it on... And well..." Taiga: "It more or less fit... But it was kinda..." Ryuji: "Then this should do, yeah?" Taiga: "Yeah... I guess..." Ryuji: "Taiga, what would you like for dinner?" Ryuji: "I'll make whatever you want." Ryuji: "Oh, right. Are you ready for the pool?" Ryuji: "Don't forget a towel. Well, it needs to be a bath towel." Taiga: "Shut up." Ryuji: "Now look here..." Ryuji: "What are you so upset about? The swimsuit? Don't tell me you're still mad about last night." Taiga: "No!" Ryuji: "Then what is it!?" Taiga: "I can't swim! That's the problem!" Ryuji: "That can't be the real reason. Not if you're so ready to spill it." Yasuko: "Aw, I'm gonna be late!" Ryuji: "Hang on." Ryuji: "Drink this first." Yasuko: "Thanks, Ryu-chan." Yasuko: "Hot!" Taiga: "What is that?" Yasuko: "Ryu-chan's special soy milk. The isoboing-boing thingies in soybeans are" Ryuji: "Isoflavones." Yasuko: "I can't let them shrivel, so I'm taking precautions. I'm so smart!" Yasuko: "Taiga-chan's a pervy-pervy-perv!" Taiga: "Stop sexually harassing my mother!" Yasuko: "I'm off!" Ryuji: "Man, she makes such a racket..." Ryuji: "What's wrong? You're acting strange." Taiga: "Soybeans..." Ryuji: "H-Hey!" Taiga: "Gross! Give me more!" Ryuji: "What are you doing!?" Taiga: "I need those isoboing-boings!" Ryuji: "Why would you need...?" Ryuji: "Swimsuit size..." Ryuji: "And isoflavones..." Ryuji: "Taiga." Ryuji: "Don't tell me you..." Taiga: "No! Don't say it! Not another word!" Ryuji: "You have... a flat chest?" Ryuji: "Honestly..." Ryuji: "Is having small breasts really such a big deal?" Taiga: "Sorry for taking so long." Ryuji: "N-No sweat." Taiga: "Well?" Taiga: "Flat, right? Like a board, right?" Ryuji: "Uh, w-well..." Ryuji: "Wh-What about the pads?" Taiga: "They're in... But..." Taiga: "Th-They're sinking..." Taiga: "This is exactly why I hate the pool..." Ryuji: "A-Anyway, put some real clothes on. You'll catch a cold." Ryuji: "What's this?" Taiga: "Look, and understand my misery." Ryuji: "This is...pretty bad." Taiga: "Pathetic boobs? Pathetic? I'm so flat, it warrants pity!" Ryuji: "Uh... Well, that's just the opinion of whoever wrote this." Taiga: "Naturally, I left the photography club awash in blood." Ryuji: "That explains why the photography club suddenly shut down..." Taiga: "And I have to reveal this pathetic body to Kitamura-kun... I could never..." Taiga: "There's no way!" Ryuji: "Hey, Taiga." Ryuji: "Got it. I'll do something about it." Ryuji: "I'll make it so you can stand in front of Kitamura..." Ryuji: "with your chest puffed out." Ryuji: "It's okay. You can go home and sleep." Taiga: "Nah, I'll wait here while you work. I'm staying up until you're finished." Taiga: "Hey." Taiga: "Um..." Taiga: "I just wanna say..." Taiga: "I'm being kinda weird and stubborn, so..." Taiga: "I'm sorry." Ryuji: "How are they?" Taiga: "I'll definitely be using these when I get married...!" Maya: "Maruo!" Maya: "You look so much better without glasses! You should wear contacts." Kita: "You think?" Maya: "Totally! Right?" : "- I took off my glasses too... - Totally." Ami: "Bye, Aisaka-san." Ami: "See you real soon." Minori: "Taiga!" Minori: "Hurry up. I'll do your hair." Ami: "Maya-chan, sorry about that!" Ami: "I was having trouble getting my hair right!" Ami: "Did I keep you waiting long?" Maya: "Ami-chan! Wow, it's so obvious you're a model." : "I love your figure." Ami: "- What? That's not true. - I'm kinda moved..." Maya: "- No, you're way more developed than us. - A goddess!" Ami: "There you go again... Like, duh. I'm absolutely adorable today! I'll allow the ignorant masses to prostrate" Ami: "Now, lick away at my shadow! It must taste like gourmet food to you!" Ami: "Jeez, don't tease me, Maya-chan." Minori: "Hey, Takasu-kun!" Taiga: "Minorin, don't run so fast! My hair's gonna come undone!" Minori: "Okay! Time to warm up! How about a quick run? Nah, psych!" Taiga: "Minorin? Kushieda?" Minori: "Eureka, I've got it!" Minori: "Nobody will see my belly flab if I'm in the water." Minori: "I'm off for a dip! Ciao!" Taiga: "Minorin..." Ami: "Oh, Aisaka-san? Finally. I thought maybe your swimsuit was so loose" Taiga: "What? Are you talking in your sleep? Dream on." Taiga: "I mean, c'mon." Taiga: "Man... Hope I don't get sunburned..." A: "Perfection..." B: "To grow so much in one year..." C: "I'm still a fan of the tiger..." Ami: "Oh, how average. Though, you're still out of scale." Taiga: "It worked!" Ryuji: "Awesome!" Minori: "The Bogus-Boobie Force." Ryuji: "She knows." Taiga: "Minorin's really something." Kita: "Aisaka?" Kita: "Huh? You're Aisaka, right? I can't see a thing without my glasses... But only Aisaka would be that size!" Kita: "Why are you hiding? I mean, that mouse hairdo looks good on you." Taiga: "G-Go away!" Ryuji: "What!?" Kita: "Did I say something wrong?" Ryuji: "B-Beats me..." Maya: "Hey, show us your biceps." Kita: "Like this?" Maya: "Wow! Incredible!" : "Hogging the girls..." Haruta: "All to himself...!" Both: "We are against a class society!" Both: "Suffer the Summer Arriveth drop!" Maya: "Maruo!" A: "Hey." B: "Up for it?" Ryuji: "Our class is typically unruly," Ryuji: "but isn't this getting a bit dangerous? Right, Tai—" Taiga: "Kitamura-kun called my hair cute..." Ryuji: "Uh, that wasn't how he put it..." Minori: "Target acquired!" Kita: "Here we go, comrade-in-softball!" Minori: "Yeah!" Both: "Splash!" Minori: "Right on! Next!" Kita: "Gotcha, chief!" Taiga: "Ha-ha, you got thrown in." Ami: "Indeed, it looked like so much fun." Taiga: "Y-You're..." Ami: "Let's have some fun." Ami: "Don't get mad about this." Ryuji: "Yikes... Hey, dial it down a bit." Ami: "Please, we're only playing." Ryuji: "Hey! Taiga, you okay?" Ryuji: "Taiga?" Ryuji: "She's..." Taiga: "I can't swim!" Ryuji: "No way..." Ryuji: "She was serious!?" Ami: "Shoot!" Haruta: "Hey!" Minori+Haruta: "- Hold on! - C'mon, c'mon!" Ryuji: "Taiga!" Ami: "Teach!" Ryuji: "Taiga!" Ryuji: "- Whoa! - N-No! Calm down, Tai—" Taiga: "What should I do!? A pad fell out!" Taiga: "But only one!" Ryuji: "What!?" Maya: "This looks bad..." Kita: "Aisaka?" Minori: "Taiga!" Teach: "Aisaka!" Teach: "- Stay away! - I'm coming!" Minori: "Taiga!" Ryuji: "Damn... In that case..." Ryuji: "Taiga!" Taiga: "How humiliating...!" Ami: "Oh, come on, I already apologized." Ami: "I didn't know you couldn't swim." Ami: "Everyone's gone home. Cheer up." Taiga: "A simple sorry isn't going to cut it. Your stupid prank was the reason why my boo-boo-boobi—" Taiga: "Anyway! Apologize! Apologize! Apologize! Apologize! Apologize! Apologize! Apologize!" Ami: "I guess Aisaka-san won't be able to join us" Ami: "So, Takasu-kun. My family has a vacation home by the beach. Would you like to spend vacation together?" Ryuji: "What? Hold on. Aren't you supposed to be apologizing to Taiga?" Ami: "Oh, fine... Would you be willing if Yusaku joined us?" Ami: "Oh? Something wrong, Aisaka-san?" Taiga: "Pull any more crap and I'll leak the" Taiga: "Wait, wasn't it 150?" Ami: "If you do that, I might sue you for violating my privacy." Ami: "Even Little Miss Palm-top Tiger is helpless against the law, right?" Ryuji: "Hey, girls..." Minori: "Cease this foolishness!" Minori: "You'll only hurt... your own fists." Ami: "B-But, but...! Minori-chan, Aisaka-san keeps being so—" Taiga: "It's the dumb Chihuahua's fault!" Ami: "What did you say!?" Taiga: "You were the one who—" Minori: "Silence!" Minori: "If you wish to forge a friendship with your fists, fighting is not the way!" Minori: "Settle this through sports!" Both: "S...Sports?" : "The battle for Takasu! Ami-tan vs. Taiga!? Why does Takasu get all the...!?"
{ "raw_title": "Toradora! (Subtitled) Episode 7 – Pool's Open", "parsed": [ "Toradora! (Subtitled)", "7", "Pool's Open" ] }
Minori: "Ta-da! The event for the athletic match will be..." Minori: "Kawashima-san's suggestion, the 50-meter freestyle race!" Ami: "Lucky me." Ryuji: "What did you put down?" Taiga: "If I win, I'll hold a screening of your impressions." Ami: "And if I win, Takasu-kun will be spending summer vacation with me." Ami: "And you'll be all by your lonesome for the entire summer." Teach: "All right. If you know the answers, come write them on the board." Teach: "Thank you for setting such a fine example." Girl: "Oh snap!" Ryuji: "Hey." Girl: "Idiot." Ryuji: "Round one? The battle for Takasu? Ami-tan vs. the Palm-top Tiger... 500 Tirol chocolates per bet?" Ryuji: "The hell is this?" A: "How is this even a contest?" B: "Ami-tan will dominate in the water! The tiger will sink like a rock." C: "I want girls to fight over me... How do I make that happen?" Ryuji: "Damn... These freaks..." Haruta: "Sorry arl, Ami belongs to me." : "Don't you mean "all"?" Caption: "Pretty pathetic if you can't spell "all."" Ryuji: "Haruta, you're... Forget it. They're all writing whatever the hell they want..." Taiga: "What...!?" Teach: "Wh-What is it, Aisaka?" Teach: "I-If you know the answer, please come to the board..." Teach: "A-Aisaka-san?" Ryuji: "Don't be scared, Taiga. It's just like washing your face! You can do it! One more time!" Taiga: "Easy for you to say..." A: "She can't put her face in the water?" B: "That's just sad..." C: "The outcome is plain to see." Ryuji: "I told you to ignore the crowd." Taiga: "I know!" D: "She has to at least try, for Takasu's sake, too..." Taiga: "Who would ever—" Kita: "What were you about to say?" Taiga: "Ki-Kitamura-ku—" Kita: "Keep up the hard work with Takasu." Taiga: "Huh? What? With him?" Ryuji: "Hey! Taiga!" Taiga: "I will never, ever practice during class again!" Taiga: "Going through the motions is good enough!" Ryuji: "Say that after you can put your face in the water." Taiga: "What's for dinner tonight?" Ryuji: "Peas with egg, tofu steak, and miso soup. Also, spinach and some fried veg—" Taiga: "Less beans, more meat!" Ryuji: "Don't be so greedy. Beans are meat grown in a garden." Taiga: "Cheap-ass." Ryuji: "Anyway, you'd better practice during swim class. Get serious." Taiga: "I can't." Taiga: "Not with Kitamura-kun watching..." Ryuji: "Isn't that why you should give it your all?" Taiga: "Please... Don't forget who's to blame for me having to work hard" Ryuji: "And who would that be? Aren't you doing this to keep Kitamura from going to Kawashima's beach hou— Ouch!" Taiga: "Forget it. Stand there and cook, boy." Ryuji: "Man... What's your problem?" Taiga: "Get moving. Chop, chop." Taiga: "I need plenty of nutrients, so I can train like mad!" A: "It's still raining..." B: "Another day without swim class..." Taiga: "And I was finally ready to put my face in the water...! Why can't we use the pool!?" Ryuji: "Don't scream at me." Ryuji: "Tickets to the public pool?" Kita: "Here, use these." Kita: "I put my bet on Aisaka." Kita: "Wrote it on the sheet going around the other day. You were so confident about Aisaka, I figured I'd join in." Taiga: "Y-You bet on me?" Kita: "Sure did." Taiga: "Wh-Wh-Why!? I can't even swim!" Kita: "You're the type who rises to any challenge." Kita: "No one can predict how this contest will end!" Ryuji: "Can't these tickets be split this way?" Ryuji: "Wh-What are you doing!?" Taiga: "- Sh-Sh-Shut up! - Good luck with practice." Ryuji: "Dummy." A: "Hey, wanna stop somewhere on the way home?" B: "How about S-bucks?" A: "Perfect!" Ryuji: "The hell? Why are you sitting down there?" Ryuji: "So gloomy." Ami: "The tight space is soothing." Ryuji: "Oof." Ami: "Oh, jeez. Running on empty?" Ryuji: "Been busy the past few days, thanks to a certain someone." Ami: "Oh? Who? I have nooooo idea." Ryuji: "Give me a break..." Ami: "The tiger's pretty cute when she's jealous." Ryuji: "Jealous of what? She just doesn't like you." Ami: "Are you an idiot?" Ryuji: "No, you are. Anyway, stop provoking Taiga. And what was all that crap about a beach house? As if you'd actually invite me." Ami: "I was serious." Ami: "I'm serious about winning, and about spending the summer with you." Ami: "I've already planned out what we'll do once I win." Ami: "Pretty sure it'll be fun. I mean, I think we hit it off pretty well." Ryuji: "L-Like hell we did!" Ami: "Gotcha mad!" Ryuji: "Now look here..." Ryuji: "Man..." Ryuji: "Don't spend so much time making fun of other people." Ami: "Gotcha." Ami: "Off you go." Minori: "I know." Ryuji: "Wh-What are you talking about?" Minori: "The one who super-sized Taiga's swimsuit... was you!" Ryuji: "Well, that's..." Minori: "Tsk, tsk, tsk." Minori: "No need to hide it. Elementary, my dear Watson-kun. After all, Taiga once confessed, "Ryuji is always there to support me."" Minori: "Cleaning, sewing buttons, ironing..." Ryuji: "Oh, that means nothing." Minori: "And yet, it means everything." Ryuji: "Hey, Kushie—" Minori: "I trust you. Therefore, I will entrust Taiga to you." Ryuji: "Uh, okay." Minori: "I'm the ref, so I can't offer any help, but know that" Ryuji: "You can count on me!" Ryuji: "Perfect." Ryuji: "Please don't let it rain tomorrow... Please don't let it rain tomorrow. Please don't let it rain tomorrow." Ryuji: "Thank you, little rain doll!" Ryuji: "The weather's holding up." Taiga: "Look, Ryuji." Taiga: "It's like I'm swimming." Ryuji: "You need to start practicing for real." Taiga: "Geh. Ew, what is this?" Ryuji: "The race is tomorrow. A little late to start practicing the freestyle, yeah? We've gotta make use of every available option!" Taiga: "Man, this is lame..." Ryuji: "Okay, that's good. Now, try kicking your legs." Taiga: "Fine!" Ryuji: "Huh? Hey!" Ryuji: "Ta-Taiga!?" Ryuji: "That was amazing, Taiga!" Ryuji: "Your kicks really pack a punch! You just might win!" Taiga: "Win?" Taiga: "Me?" Taiga: "But I wasn't doing anything special." Ryuji: "Well, we can't get ahead of ourselves, but..." Taiga: "Oh, really...?" Taiga: "I can win... Yeah..." Ryuji: "Taiga?" Taiga: "Yep, I'm going to win." Ryuji: "R-Right! That's the spirit!" Ryuji: "Doesn't look like it's going to let up any time soon." Ryuji: "And you were finally motivated to practice..." Ryuji: "What now? Head home?" Ryuji: "Up for more?" Ryuji: "Okay." Ryuji: "Makes sense." Ryuji: "You don't want to waste the tickets Kitamura gave us." Taiga: "That's not it!" Taiga: "I mean... I'm only trying bec—" Ryuji: "I know. To make Kawashima cry uncle." Taiga: "Forget it. Nothing I say will make a difference." Ryuji: "What's wrong?" Ryuji: "Oh, you mean me?" Ryuji: "That's right... You'll starve to death if I'm not around." Taiga: "How many times do I have to say..." Ryuji: "But that's no reason to push yourself so hard. Even if you lose," Ryuji: "I'll ask her to leave Kitamura out of it." Ryuji: "Plus, I can make you food beforehand and stick it in the freezer. So don't worry about a thing. Just focus." Taiga: "A-ha. You've finally shown your true colors." Taiga: "You've wanted to go to Ami-chan's beach house from the very beginning." Ryuji: "Huh? What are you talking about?" Taiga: "Well, I personally don't give a damn" Ryuji: "Wh-What's with you!? I'm trying to be helpful here!" Taiga: "Who asked for your help?" Ryuji: "You've been acting so weird since that run-in with Kawashima!" Taiga: "You're still going on about that!?" Ryuji: "What the hell is your problem!?" Taiga: "What's my problem?" Taiga: "I can't stand it when someone acts like an expert on what goes on in my head. I hate it! It pisses me off! Understand that, genius!?" Ryuji: "Do you want me to understand, or not?" Taiga: "I don't know!" Taiga: "No one could ever understand how I feel! After all... After all..." Taiga: "I don't even understand myself..." Ryuji: "Huh? What did you just say?" Ryuji: "Hello?" Taiga: "Have it your way, then! I won't compete!" Inko: "Itchy." Ryuji: "This isn't my fault, right?" Yasuko: "Hmm? Ryu-chan?" Yasuko: "Why are you awake?" Yasuko: "I'm home!" Yasuko: "Taiga-chan didn't come over?" Yasuko: "Why not?" Yasuko: "Did you have a fight?" Ryuji: "Taiga said she doesn't give a damn about me, and I got pissed, I guess..." Yasuko: "Ah, I see... But you should know better, Ryu-chan. Taiga-chan always means the opposite of what she says." Yasuko: "She cares about you. If she really hated you, she'd never share meals with you, no matter how hungry she was. At least, that's what I think..." Ryuji: "Man... She didn't even wash off her makeup." Ryuji: "Come on, straighten up." Ryuji: "Bet you haven't eaten." Ryuji: "I was hoping for clear skies. And... I was hoping you'd be serious about the race." Ryuji: "What I'm trying to say is... Regardless of how you feel, I want you to win, and..." Ryuji: "Win, and...?" Taiga: "The lunch is innocent, so I'll take it." Taiga: "But..." Ami: "It's been raining so much... I haven't had a chance to dry out my usual swimsuit." Ami: "Does this violate any school rules? I'm worried..." Haruta: "Our lovely Ami-tan is about to swim in this very pool, huh?" : "All so she can take Takasu to her beach house, huh?" Haruta: "Why is it always you? Why? Why? Why!?" : "- Ow! Ow! Ow! - Yeah, why? Why is it always you!?" Ryuji: "Cut it out, guys!" Ryuji: "We don't know if I'll even be going to her beach house!" : "Yeah, like Tiger has a chan—" Ryuji: "We won't know until..." Ryuji: "Until..." Ryuji: "she tries." Taiga: "That dolt... It's all meat this time." A: "Aw, c'mon! How long do we have to wait?" B: "It's so hot!" Haruta: "Why isn't the Palm-top Tiger here yet?" : "Who cares? Pretend we came just for the bikini." Haruta: "You said it." Ami: "Hey, we really shouldn't make everyone wait in this heat any longer..." Minori: "That's true." Taiga: "What are you babbling about?" Taiga: "Let's do this, fair and square. Dumb Chihuahua. No, dumb bikini." Girla: "What is that!?" Girlb: "Is she serious?" Minori: "Taiga!" Ami: "You're gonna swim like that?" : "For a second, I thought she came armed." Haruta: "Looks kinda cool..." Minori: "All right! 50-meter freestyle race time! On your marks! Get set!" Taiga: "Your hair's showing." Ami: "Huh!? Shoo—" Taiga: "In your face!" Taiga: "Suck it!" Ami: "Unbelievable! Freaking unbelievable!" : "Wow! The Palm-top Tiger's combined a late arrival with a fearsome mind-game tactic!" Ami: "Damn you, tiger shrimp!" Ryuji: "Taiga!" : "Oh!? Has Tiger had an accident!? - Ami-tan has a chance! - Hang in there, Ami-chan!" B: "Damn it..." Ryuji: "You okay? A leg cramp!?" Taiga: "Let me go, stupid! I can still do—" Ryuji: "You can't possibly keep going!" Taiga: "I can!" Ryuji: "But you're..." Taiga: "Happy now!?" Taiga: "Don't give me that! Your master's pushing herself for you! Show some appreciation, stupid mutt!" Guy: "That's it, Ami-tan!" : "She's finally taken the lead!" Guy: "Yes!" Ryuji: "Okay. Get going then! I'll even wag my tail if I have to!" Ryuji: "So..." A: "Ami-tan!" B: "Hey! Don't push!" C: "Be careful, dummy!" Ryuji: "What!?" Taiga: "Ryuji!" Ryuji: "Huh?" Ryuji: "Taiga..." Teach: "Takasu! Takasu, are you okay!?" Teach: "Okay, he's breathing. Aisaka, we need to get him to the nurse's office..." Taiga: "Don't touch him!" Ryuji: "Taiga...?" Teach: "But Aisaka..." Taiga: "Shut up! You're all idiots! Why didn't you notice? Why didn't you help? Your eyes were so glued to that dumb bikini..." Taiga: "that no one saw Ryuji..." Taiga: "Ryuji is mine! So keep your hands off him!" Taiga: "So...I'll be going to your beach house." Taiga: "I lost the race, right? So Ryuji is going, right? But there won't be anyone here to take care of me, right? So then, I'm going too." Ami: "Hold on a sec. I'm, like, totally confused by your pretentious act." Kita: "I see no issue. The more, the merrier, right?" Ami: "Oh, I get it." Ami: "You're uneasy about being separated from Takasu-kun! You did scream that he's yours, and all." Taiga: "That's right. I admit it." Taiga: "I mean..." Taiga: "Well, basically..." Taiga: "This is my dog. As his owner," Taiga: "What? Were you expecting something else?" Ryuji: "Nope, not a darn thing." Kita: "Okay then, let's plan our schedule." Minori: "Lemme see! I'll be working all the time here," Ami: "- ...and I'll be busy with softball. - Darn, looks like we won't get to be alone. But I'm sure we'll find plenty of opportunities." Ryuji: "And so, the first term of Takasu Ryuji's second year of high school came to an end, and an intense summer vacation was about to begin." Ryuji: "Me, at a beach house with Kushieda... Taiga, will I be struck by lightning for being so happy?" Taiga: "Kitamura-kun's murky, black seaweed..."
{ "raw_title": "Toradora! (Subtitled) Episode 8 – Who Is This For?", "parsed": [ "Toradora! (Subtitled)", "8", "Who Is This For?" ] }
Ryuji: "Please..." Ryuji: "Marry me!" Taiga: "You're pathetic. But fine. If you insist, I'll marry you." Yasuko: "Quick, Ryu-chan, come see! Taiga-chan's given birth! Look at all these babies!" Taiga: "They're yours." Ryuji: "Just a dream..." Ryuji: "I'm supposed to be on vacation... And here I'm having nightmares because of some crappy movie I rented..." Ryuji: "Dream or not, though, that's gotta be the worst future ever." Ryuji: "Hey, Taiga." Taiga: "I had a terrible dream...." Taiga: "You were a dog... My husband was a dog... In other words..." Taiga: "Worst dream ever." Ryuji: "- A premonition? - Yeah." Taiga: "A warning that I have to do something, or else that miserable future in my dream is all I have to look forward to. So, to prevent that, one of us has to have the other's back on this trip." Ryuji: "I get all that, but why badminton?" Taiga: "Like I said..." Taiga: "We have to settle who gets to do what." Ryuji: "Are you listening? Don't use the stove." Ryuji: "Stir the rice bran once a day. Make sure to change Inko-chan's water every morning. The rest is in the note I left you." Ryuji: "Okay, I've gotta go." Yasuko: "Go? Where?" Ryuji: "Told you, didn't I? We're going on a trip." Taiga: "Bye, Ya-chan." Ryuji: "What a lovely day!" Ryuji: "You better follow through with the plan, like we agreed." Ryuji: "Are you sure?" Taiga: "You win! You win! Get this thing off me!" Taiga: "If that stupid dog hadn't gotten in my way, I would've won." Ryuji: "You were punished for challenging me to something you're good at." Taiga: "Seriously, nothing good happens when dogs are involved..." Ryuji: "Do you honestly think this'll work?" Taiga: "Just let me handle it." Taiga: "By the time this trip is over, you and Minorin will be..." Taiga: "What is it? Something wrong?" Minori: "Good morning! You're right on time!" Kita: "Excellent! Well done!" Minori: "What's wrong!? Show some spunk, people! Shout it out!" Guy: "- The heck? They from the zoo? - Y-Yay?" Kita: "- So last century. - What an absolutely fine day for a trip!" Taiga: "- Don't look! - Uh-huh..." Minori: "But Amin isn't here yet!" Kita: "She still has time!" Minori: "Yep! And I have an idea!" Ami: "Huh? Nobody's here yet." Ryuji: "Y-Yo..." Kita: "You're two minutes late, Ami." Minori: "Morning, Amin!" Taiga: "You're late, dumb Chihuahua!" Ami: "Wh-Where is everyone?" Taiga: "Don't run away, dumb Chihuahua!" Kita: "Ami! We're right here!" Minori: "Wow! This tastes great! The plum inside makes it super plummy!" Kita: "You always deliver, Takasu." Ami: "Want to be my groom?" Ryuji: "Not on your life." Ami: "Aw, you're such a meanie. Huh? Oh, hey... I don't see Aisaka-san. Is she running late? Maybe you should give her a ca—" Ami: "Ow! What was that for!?" Taiga: "Oh, you're awake, Dumb-chi? Thought you were sleeping with your eyes open." Ami: "What!?" Ryuji: "Could you please not fight while we're on vacation? So anyway, what've you done over the break so far, Kawashima?" Ami: "Me? Just working." Kita: "Oh, you went back to work?" Taiga: "What about you, Minorin?" Minori: "Softball, work, softball, work, softball, softball, work, - ...softball, work, softball, work, softball... - A-And you, Taiga?" Taiga: "What have I been doing?" Minori: "What's this, Taiga?" Taiga: "Something I made." Minori: "I-I heard a weird voice go "senpai"! Could this be...!?" Taiga: "Uh-huh. I made a collection of spooky voices from some weird CDs I have." Minori: "I knew it! Oh, no! They were calling to me!" Kita: "Do you enjoy scary stuff like that?" Taiga: "U-Um, I guess." Kita: "I would never have guessed. I'm also a bit surprised Kushieda doesn't seem to enjoy it." Minori: "Understatement! I hate it! Absolutely hate it! Completely loathe and despise it!" Taiga: "Minorin is terrified of scary movies, ghosts, and all that occult stuff." Ryuji: "Right..." Taiga: "So you and I are going to scare her to death. And just when she feels overwhelmed with fear, you'll swoop in to save her. Shouting, "I'll protect you, Kushieda!"" Taiga: "It's Operation Scare Minorin, Cue the White Knight!" Minori: "So! No scary stories allowed!" Minori: "It's the ocean!" Taiga: "Man, how far are you making us walk?" Ami: "Can't you see it from here?" Ami: "Let's circle around back. We'll head straight to the porch." Minori: "This is your beach house!? And we're staying here!?" Ami: "That's right, Minori-chan." Minori: "Holy cow! I'm impressed!" Ami: "But first, we'll need to tidy up. This place hasn't been used since last year." Ryuji: "L-Last year!?" Ami: "Y-Yeah..." Ryuji: "This should be an epic battle..." Minori: "You're kidding! But the beautiful ocean is right in front of us! Save the cleaning for later!" Ryuji: "- What!? - Agreed!" Kita: "We can clean later!" Taiga: "Hey, wait for me!" Ami: "I'm going to join them. Will you?" Kita: "That's good!" Ryuji: "Why am I cleaning by myself?" Minori: "Feels so nice!" Taiga: "Hey." Minori: "What's up?" Taiga: "Look over there. Isn't that a human head?" Minori: "A floating corpse! What should I do!? I've been standing in corpse juice!" Kita: "- They seem to be having fun. - My bad, Minorin! I think it's just seaweed!" Ami: "- I didn't expect you to come, Yusaku. - Then it's a seaweed corpse!" Kita: "- Of course. - I've been standing in seaweed-corpse juice! It's my duty as Takasu's friend to go where he goes." Ami: "No problems with the student council?" Kita: "What are you talking about?" Ami: "Nothing..." Kita: "Takasu!" Kita: "Ami wants us to go shopping." Kita: "She says there's a moped in the shed." Ryuji: "A moped? Oh. You should take Taiga with you, then." Kita: "Aisaka?" Taiga: "N-Not a chance. Mopeds freak me out." Ryuji: "What!?" Ryuji: "Be careful." Kita: "Will do." Minori: "So long!" Ryuji: "Man... That was your chance to be alone with him." Taiga: "I was using my head. We need to find a good spot for the plan before they get back." Ryuji: "Just admit you were too embarra—" Taiga: "Mosquito on your face!" Ryuji: "Jeez... What does she mean by "a good spot"?" Ryuji: "This is...a bathroom?" Ryuji: "Definitely needs a good scrubbing." Ami: "Wh-Who's there!?" Ryuji: "Sorry! I didn't know!" Ami: "Takasu-kun?" Ryuji: "I-I'm leaving." Ami: "You've got balls to walk in on a girl taking a shower." Ryuji: "I-I didn't do it on purpose!" Ami: "It's okay. I'll keep this a secret from the others, if..." Ryuji: "Wh-What are you saying?" Ami: "Well...wanna do it?" Ryuji: "D-Do what!?" Ami: "Clean the bathroom!" Ami: "Please, what were you expecting?" Ami: "That expression is priceless!" Ryuji: "Taiga..." Taiga: "Dumb-chi did what? Pretended like she was taking a shower?" Taiga: "Toyed with an innocent young man's heart?" Taiga: "So? You done checking the second floor?" Taiga: "You're so useless! No wonder Dumb-chi tricked you so easily! Fine. I'll do it. And I'll yell at Dumb-chi while I'm at it!" Taiga: "Come here, Dumb-chi!" Taiga: "Dumb-chi was actually taking a shower." Taiga: "Dumb-chi was all..." Taiga: "Boom! And boing!" Taiga: "And bam!" Ami: "You don't need to tell him that!" Minori: "We're back!" Ryuji: "Quite the haul. Where's Kitamura?" Minori: "Putting the moped away." Ryuji: "I-I see." Minori: "Oh, I'll help carry it all in." Ryuji: "I-It's okay!" Ryuji: "You did the shopping." Minori: "You sure?" Ryuji: "Wh-What's wrong?" Minori: "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Something just brushed against my neck!" Ryuji: "Must be your imagination." Minori: "Y-Yeah... You're right!" Minori: "No, I'm sure something just touched me! Something slimy and seaweedy!" Minori: "I-It even smells like it! So it must be! A seaweed-wrapped animal ghost... A sea otter? Seaweed-wrapped sea otter corpses!? A sea otter with its pocket stuffed with scallops!? I've been cursed by sea otters and seaweed!" Taiga: "No way! I can't stand spicy food!" Ami: "Well, I prefer curry that way!" Taiga: "Curry should be mild!" Taiga: "Hey! Ryuji!" Ryuji: "I know. I'll make sure yours is mild." Ami: "There you go, giving Aisaka-san special treatment again. You're gonna make all the other girls hate you. Including Minori-chan." Ryuji: "What!?" Minori: "Howdy. You rang?" Minori: "Wow, almost done? Mad skills." Ryuji: "Y-Yeah... I just need to add the roux. You all should get set up—" Kita: "Oh, making dinner already?" Kita: "I can help set the table." Ryuji: "Y-You're..." Ryuji: "H-Hey! Taiga!" Ami: "Yusaku... Are you insane!?" Kita: "Oops, sorry. I heard Takasu talking. Forgot you girls might be here too." Ami: "Are you a moron!?" Ryuji: "Taiga! Wake up!" Kita: "Sorry about that." Minori: "- Hey! Hey! - Uh, whoa... You proud Adonis! Give me a nude shot!" Kita: "Oh, you. Stop that." Minori: "Your innocent act doesn't work when you're naked! - There's my shot! - Aww, stop it..." Minori: "I just saw something black and bushy..." Kita: "I-It was probably a seaweed ghost." Minori: "Seaweed, huh...?" Ryuji: "Kushieda!?" Ami: "Yusaku, you're disgusting!" Kita: "S-Sorry..." Ryuji: "Just go!" Kita: "Y-Yeah..." Minori: "Watch out, guys... This house is haunted by evil spirits..." Ryuji: "Is there anything I can do?" Minori: "Make the curry really spicy..." Ryuji: "Got it." Minori: "Looks delicious!" Ryuji: "Didn't have much to work with, but as Kushieda requested, I made it extra spicy." Minori: "Excellent! Chow time!" All: "Let's dig in!" Kita: "Mmm, not bad at all." Ami: "It's quite good." Minori: "Not as spicy as I expected, though." Taiga: "Really?" Minori: "Uh-huh. Want a bite?" Taiga: "You're right, it's not that—" Taiga: "Minorin?" Taiga: "Hot!" Kita: "My throat is...!" Ami: "Burning! On fire! It hurts!" Minori: "This is it! The knockout punch! Hells yeah!" Ryuji: "- Here it comes again! - You guys okay?" Minori: "Takasu-kun! You rock! It's super spicy and totally delish!" Kita: "Indeed. It somehow keeps you craving more..." Ami: "I feel kinda funny..." Ryuji: "Uh, there's more, if you want." Minori: "Hit me!" Ami: "Yikes..." Ami: "Thought I was gonna die..." Minori: "Done! I'll do the dishes." Ryuji: "I'll help you." Ryuji: "What is it?" Taiga: "Too much spicy food, I think... I need stomach medicine..." Ryuji: "Your stomach hurts? I didn't bring anything..." Kita: "You're not feeling well, Aisaka?" Kita: "I brought medicine. It's in my room. Wanna come get it?" Taiga: "Huh? U-Um, that's..." Ryuji: "Great, take care of her!" Taiga: "What!? Wait..." Ryuji: "It's a chance for you to be alone with him." Kita: "What's wrong?" Ryuji: "Nothing. She's all yours!" Kita: "Right." Ami: "Hey." Ami: "My tummy hurts too!" Ami: "Just kidding." Ryuji: "Wh-What's with you?" Ami: "Nothing. You were spacing out." Ryuji: "Never a dull moment when you're around." Ami: "Is that a compliment?" Ryuji: "Maybe, maybe not." Ami: "What's that supposed to mean?" Ami: "Whatever. - How about we go down to the beach? - Takasu-kun, can ya grab that glass for me?" Ryuji: "Oh, I can wash it. Sorry. You were saying?" Ami: "Nothing." Kita: "Was that enough water?" Kita: "Is it helping?" Taiga: "I think so..." Kita: "Really? I'm glad." Kita: "It hurts me to see you in pain, you know." Kita: "Oh! Perhaps you should lie down?" Ryuji: "Your dish-cleaning technique is really something." Minori: "I've gotten a lot of practice at work. Your curry was a wonder to behold." Ryuji: "Nah, not really." Minori: "Oh, hey! Let me treat you for helping me out." Minori: "Keep it a secret from the others." Minori: "Takasu-kun... How's the green tea flavor?" Ryuji: "Oh, it's fine." Minori: "The red bean one's kinda bleh." Minori: "Check out all those stars!" Ryuji: "Y-Yeah, they're pretty..." Ryuji: "We're alone." Ryuji: "Is this my chance?" Ryuji: "Ku-Kushieda, do you have a b-boyfriend?" Minori: "Do you think that seaweed ghost is still around?" Minori: "Takasu-kun..." Minori: "Have you ever seen a ghost?" Ryuji: "What? No, I haven't..." Minori: "I believe ghosts exist, even though I've never actually seen one. But I don't believe any of the people who claim they have." Ryuji: "Okay..." Minori: "And, well, this applies to something else, too." Minori: "I believe I'll fall in love one day, get married, and live happily ever after... Even though I've never actually felt that way about anyone." Minori: "It's like I live in a different world from the people who fall in love so naturally. And since I've never "seen" it before, maybe those "ghosts" don't exist, either. I've nearly given up on ever seeing one." Minori: "So...the answer to your question is no." Minori: "What about you? Can you...see ghosts?" Ryuji: "I think I'm interested in seeing them." Ryuji: "That's why I check out mystery spots and watch scary movies. The way I see it..." Ryuji: "Even people who can easily see ghosts are amazed by their first experience." Ryuji: "Then there are the people who've seen them, but deny their existence... And finally, those who have to work really hard to see them at all." Ryuji: "But all in all, I see no reason to give up." Minori: "What's that?" Minori: "A UFO?" Ryuji: "No, that's a satellite." Minori: "A satellite, huh...? Darn..." Minori: "I thought it was a UFO..." Ryuji: "You know, I hope you see a ghost one day." Ryuji: "I-I'm sure there's a ghost out there who wants you to see it." Minori: "That must be why so much weird stuff happened today!" Ryuji: "What?" Minori: "The seaweed ghost is trying to get my attention!" Ryuji: "Wh-Where did that come from?" Minori: "Maybe I will see it someday..." Minori: "Never mind." Ryuji: "You're so strange..." Taiga: "Hey, Ryuji. My stomach feels better now." Ryuji: "Oh. And?" Taiga: "I really stuffed myself." Ryuji: "Why did I eat, too...?" Taiga: "So..." Taiga: "What should we do tomorrow?" Ryuji: "Tomorrow?" Taiga: "I'm obviously talking about the plan. You haven't done a thing." Ryuji: "And you have?" Taiga: "I-I'm playing a support role right now!" Taiga: "Jeez... Anyway, I'm tired. I thought spending a whole day with Kitamura-kun would be a thrill, but I was such a nervous wreck, it shortened my life expectancy." Ryuji: "Maybe." Taiga: "But I'm dead calm when I'm with you." Ryuji: "The hell? That's not very nice." Taiga: "This is dumb. Why am I sitting so close to you in such a huge room?" Taiga: "Guess I've gotten too used to being in that cramped apartment." Ryuji: "Hey, now..." Taiga: "Ryuji, I've been thinking... That dream wasn't so..." Ryuji: "What was that?" Taiga: "Nothing." Taiga: "I'm going to sleep." Ryuji: "Huh? All right..." Ryuji: "Good night." Ryuji: "Huh? When did I put my bag here?" Ryuji: "What the hell is this?" Ryuji: "It's slimy..." Taiga: "Ryuji!" Taiga: "Look! I found this dress in my bag, but when I touched it, it was warm..." Taiga: "Like someone was just wearing it..." Ryuji: "Th-There's something weird in my room too. Long hairs on my pillow..." Taiga: "Wh-Who's there!?" Ryuji: "I-It must be..." Taiga: "W-We're dreaming, right?" Ryuji: "Y-Yeah, gotta be! We're picking up from that dream where you had puppies," Taiga: "So if we close our eyes, we'll eventually wake up, right?" Ryuji: "We sure will!" Ryuji: "Or will we?" Minori: "Scary! Scary! Scary! Horror movies are scary! Ghosts are scary! Steamed buns are scary!" Ryuji: "Stay calm, Kushieda!"
{ "raw_title": "Toradora! (Subtitled) Episode 9 – When You Go to the Sea", "parsed": [ "Toradora! (Subtitled)", "9", "When You Go to the Sea" ] }
Toriko: "In celebration of the start of the Toriko anime..." Toriko: "The Toriko..." Luffy: "And One Piece..." Both: "Collaboration Special!" Luffy: "To celebrate the super-popular Shonen Jump series," Toriko: "Today's episode is a special collaboration between Toriko and One Piece!" Luffy: "So..." Both: "Stick around until the end and enjoy!" All: "What?!" Luffy: "W-We're out of food?!" Sanji: "Yeah. The stores are empty." Usopp: "Don't give us that! You're the cook!" Luffy: "I'm disappointed in you!" Chopper: "You let me down!" Sanji: "Hey, you're the ones who snarfed it all down." mi: "This sucks! First we get thrown by a storm into unknown waters, and now we're out of food?" ky: "Anyway, we'll have to stop somewhere and stock up." Zoro: "But are we gonna find a place with food to stock up on that easily?" Robin: "Hey, what's that?" Title: "Arrival on the Gourmet Island! The Gourmet Hunter Toriko Appears!" Chopper: "Islands in the south are so warm..." Luffy: "Food... Where's the food?" mi: "I was thinking we'd shop for food in some town. That was stupid of me. There's not a single person in sight, let alone a town." Sanji: "Looks like an uninhabited island. Nami-san, we don't know what might pop out at us, so stick close to me." Chopper: "What? Something's gonna pop out? I should've stayed on the Sunny with Zoro and Usopp and the rest..." Chopper: "Luffy?" Luffy: "M—" Luffy: "Meat!" Sanji: "A meat tree?" Luffy: "It's good! Just like real meat!" mi: "That's an awfully carnivorous tree." Chopper: "Look! This fungus is made of cotton candy!" mi: "What?" Chopper: "Yum!" Sanji: "This grass..." Sanji: "It's al dente pasta that's been boiled perfectly." mi: "What the heck is this island?" Sanji: "Well, it looks like there's plenty of food we can stock up on." Chopper: "What's that? It's Pseudopyxis depressa," Chopper: "I've never seen this before!" Komatsu: "Toriko-san, please don't leave me behind!" Toriko: "Look at this, Komatsu. It's a rare animal!" Komatsu: "This is definitely Hungry-la Island." Toriko: "I wonder if it tastes good." Toriko: "I'll eat it and see!" Luffy: "Let go of Chopper!" Komatsu: "His arm stretched out?!" Toriko: "What is this guy?!" mi: "Luffy!" Luffy: "What are you trying to do with Chopper?!" Toriko: "Huh?" Toriko: "Listen here. I found this little guy." Toriko: "So he's my prey." Chopper: "What? Prey?! You're really gonna eat me?!" Toriko: "Yep!" Chopper: "B-But I taste gross! So gross, you wouldn't believe it!" Toriko: "What? You taste gross?! Well, no point in eating something that tastes bad. Or are you just... Wait..." Toriko: "You talked?!" Toriko: "H-How can this thing talk?!" Luffy: "Chopper is part of our crew! You can't eat him!" Sanji: "Oh, boy." Toriko: "I'm asking you how he can talk!" mi: "What is it?" Sanji: "What's that?" Luffy: "Something smells tasty! What are these guys?" Toriko: "Looks like we wandered into their territory." Toriko: "The Barbecue Pigs' territory." Luffy: "Awesome! They're walking roasted pigs!" Toriko: "They're Barbecue Pigs. They're ferocious pigs that'll cook" mi: "Cook your goose?" Chopper: "I'm scared!" Komatsu: "If you feed them herbs and Ghost Truffles, they'll be delicious even without seasoning. But they're Capture Level 1." mi: "Capture Level?" Komatsu: "Yes. It's a scale ranking the difficulty of capturing different animals, established by the IGO, the International Gourmet Organization. Capture Level 1 means it takes ten professional Hunters" Komatsu: "For Toriko-san, the Capture Level isn't too high, but with this many of them, we're in trouble!" mi: "Doesn't look that way." Both: "They look tasty!" Sanji: "Barbecue Pigs, huh? Food you eat as-is would make any cook cry." mi: "That's what you have a problem with?!" Toriko: "Now let's eat!" Sanji: "What is that smell?" Luffy: "Smells like burning!" Toriko: "Don't make them angry! That makes them heat up and burns their delicious meat! Finish them in one blow!" Luffy: "Okay!" Chopper: "He knows a lot about animals." Komatsu: "Not exactly animals..." Komatsu: "He knows a lot about ingredients." Komatsu: "Because Toriko-san is a Gourmet Hunter." Chopper: "What's a Gourmet Hunter?" Komatsu: "A Gourmet Hunter is... a food researcher who" Komatsu: "in search of new flavors. Toriko-san is a star Gourmet Hunter who" Komatsu: "2% of the total 300,000 in the world." Chopper: "He's pretty amazing!" Toriko: "I've been wondering all this time. Your body is like gum, isn't it?" Luffy: "Yeah, because I ate the Gum-Gum Fruit." Toriko: "Gum-Gum Fruit? What does that taste like?" Toriko: "Is it good?" Luffy: "Nah." Luffy: "It was disgusting." Toriko: "Aww, it was?" Luffy: "Yep." Toriko: "No helping that, then!" Luffy: "Guess not!" Sanji: "Uh, does it even matter what those taste like?" Usopp: "So... hungry... Isn't Luffy back yet?" Robin: "He's taking quite a while." Zoro: "You think he got lost somewhere? I guess I should go look for him." Usopp: "Zoro! Don't go! It'll just mess everything up more!" All: "Let's eat!" Both: "Yum!" Toriko: "Barbecue Pigs... The sweet, top-grade fat dripping from the meat... The appetizing fragrance of these herbs... Delectable!" Luffy: "It's thanks to you that we get to eat food this delicious, Toriko! Thank you!" Chopper: "Your name's Terry Cloth, huh? I'm Chopper. Nice to meet you!" Chopper: "Really?" Toriko: "Terry actually trusts you. You sure are interesting. That's a Battle Wolf. He almost never takes to strangers. Sorry I tried to eat you before." Chopper: "It's okay now. I got to be friends with him, anyway." mi: "Still, I never expected to be attacked by roasted pigs. Just how surreal is this island?" Komatsu: "This is Hungry-la Island, after all." mi: "Hungry-la Island?" Komatsu: "Hungry-la Island is said to be abundant in all kinds of ingredients. It was once thought to be just a legend." mi: "That's where we are?" Komatsu: "Yes." mi: "How did you find this tiny island in the huge sea?" Toriko: "Well, as we were sailing along, I caught the scent of tasty food. And I found it." mi: "What kind of nose do you have?" Sanji: "Nami-san! I prepared some Barbecue Pig meat for you! The best part is Sanji's special sauce," Sanji: "The elegant aroma brings out the Barbecue Pig's flavor..." Luffy: "Yum!" Sanji: "Luffy! I made that for Nami-san to—" Toriko: "You're a genius cook." Sanji: "Why did you guys have to eat it?!" Komatsu: "Pardon me." Sanji: "What, you, too?!" Komatsu: "What delicious sauce! I'm impressed that you can make a sauce this delicious!" Sanji: "Uh, when you compliment me straight-up like that, it's kinda embarrassing..." Komatsu: "The faint aroma and acidity of citrus is amazing. I've got it!" Sanji: "Huh? You can tell?" Komatsu: "I'm a bit of a chef myself, after all..." Sanji: "He noticed the one tiny drop" Sanji: "What's with his sense of taste?" Komatsu: "Um, I'm embarrassed to ask after tasting that sauce, but... If you don't mind, would you taste this?" Sanji: "Hm? Sure." Sanji: "That's good! The full-bodied flavor, the perfect amount of salt..." Sanji: "Hey, you do pretty good work." Komatsu: "Thank you!" mi: "Well, we've gathered up enough food. Let's head back to the Sunny." mi: "Hey! Where are the Barbecue Pigs?!" Luffy: "They were tasty." mi: "You didn't have to eat all of them!" mi: "I swear, you always..." Toriko: "Thank you for this excellent meal." mi: "Man! I was gonna take it back to the ship!" Luffy: "What's the problem?" Toriko: "If you need food, I know just the thing." Toriko: "The Hungry-la Bird." Luffy: "Hungry-la Bird?" Toriko: "Yeah. The legendary ingredient, the Hungry-la Bird." Toriko: "It's what we came to this island to catch." Toriko: "Of course, if we're up against that, there's no guarantee we'll survive. But its meat dissolves the second it hits your tongue, and its rich sweetness and indescribable aroma are world-famous." Komatsu: "Complex and full of variety, its flavor that captivates all who eat it and never lets them go gave birth to the saying, "All flavors lead to Hungry-la." They say one person who ate it once and couldn't forget its flavor found himself swimming across the ocean to look for this island." Luffy: "The Hungry-la Bird?" Luffy: "It must taste amazing!" Toriko: "Yeah, just imagining it..." Both: "...makes me hungry!" mi: "What kind of stomachs do you guys have?!" Toriko: "The legendary Hungry-la Bird might be worthy of my Full Course Meal." Sanji: "Your what?" Komatsu: "Toriko-san is working on his life's Full Course Meal, from the hors d'oeuvre to dessert." Luffy: "I'd love to eat your full course, Toriko!" Toriko: "I haven't figured any of it out yet, though." Chopper: "But how do you know the Hungry-la Bird is at the top of the mountain?" Toriko: "Just look. Plants on Hungry-la Island grow very quickly. But there's not a single blade of grass on the mountaintop. That means something with an appetite big enough" Toriko: "the legendary Hungry-la Bird, must be there." mi: "I get it!" Toriko: "This isn't good." Chopper: "What are these guys?" Chopper: "What are these guys?!" Toriko: "Uni-horn Bears." Luffy: "You want a fight, huh? Gum-Gum—" Toriko: "Don't bother." Toriko: "Their meat is tough and not worth eating." Luffy: "Huh?" Toriko: "So..." Toriko: "We run!" All: "Huh?!" mi: "Hey! Take them all out like you did earlier!" Toriko: "I don't take the life of anything I don't intend to eat." Toriko: "That's my rule!" Luffy: "Is that so?" Luffy: "Then we better run with all our might!" Luffy: "Gum-Gum..." Luffy: "Stamp!" Luffy: "Chopper! Nami!" Sanji: "Is that..." Luffy: "What is it?" Toriko: "This intimidating presence... There's no doubt. This is the Hungry-la Bird!" Sanji: "Nami-san! Hey, you stupid dog!" Sanji: "Take that!" Chopper: "Sanji!" Chopper: "Heavy Point!" Sanji: "Chopper!" Luffy: "Gum-Gum Pistol!" Luffy: "That thing's hard!" Sanji: "It's like it's wearing steel armor!" Chopper: "Here it comes!" Toriko: "Sure is fast for a creature wearing steel armor!" Luffy: "Isn't there anything we can do?" Toriko: "It's so hard because those feathers cover its whole body. But the fact that it's covered so well with such tough armor means the meat hidden inside is just that tender and delicious!" Luffy: "I get it!" Toriko: "Still, with it flying around like that, we have no way to attack." Luffy: "We just need to bring it down, right?" Toriko: "Huh?" Luffy: "Yeah! Leave it to me!" Luffy: "Gum-Gum..." Luffy: "Gatling!" Toriko: "Not bad." Chopper: "We did it!" Sanji: "No, the attack didn't hurt it." Toriko: "Hungry-la Bird, to demonstrate my respect to you..." Luffy: "What now?" Toriko: "I shall show you the weapons of a human!" mi: "A metallic sound?" Toriko: "I give thanks for all this world's bounty." Toriko: "Now let's eat!" Toriko: "Fork!" Toriko: "Knife!" Luffy: "Not bad." mi: "Wow!" Komatsu: "Way to go, Toriko-san!" Toriko: "Thank you for this excellent meal." Luffy: "Yum!" Toriko: "This fragrant skin is crispy beyond description... And the meat beneath it, dripping with juice like top-grade wagyu beef, dissolves the instant it hits my tongue..." Toriko: "Just like fatty tuna sushi of the highest quality!" Toriko: "It's delicious!" Sanji: "More coming your way!" Komatsu: "I'm getting great broth for the soup, too." mi: "It smells good!" mi: "It's delicious!" Toriko: "This is the greatest!" Luffy: "Yeah, we got to eat all kinds of good stuff, thanks to you!" Toriko: "What are you saying? It's because you were all with me that I got to" mi: "Since it's so delicious, it'll be part of your full course, right?" Toriko: "Yeah, that's the thing..." Chopper: "What? Wasn't it a legendary ingredient?" Toriko: "I'm not saying it wasn't incredible. But there are still lots of tasty foods in this world. It wouldn't be right to rush a decision. Come on, let's keep the party going!" Luffy: "Yeah!" Usopp: "So... hungry..." Brook: "I'm so hungry, I think my stomach and back are about to fuse together. And I don't even have a stomach or a back!" Komatsu: "There we go..." Komatsu: "Now this goes in..." mi: "Hey, could I get some more soup?" Komatsu: "Sure. Just a moment, please." Komatsu: "Here we go..." mi: "What's that?" Komatsu: "They're spice seeds. I picked them up earlier. When I put these in, the spices take effect and change the soup's flavor." Toriko: "Wasn't the adventure Luffy and I had amazing?" Toriko: "Next week, I'm off to capture a Gararagator!" Komatsu: "That's not a gator! It's a dinosaur! It's gigantic and fierce and it's 300 years old!" Toriko: "300 years old, eh?" Komatsu: "How can you be so relaxed?! I'd better go write my will..." Toriko: "Next time on Toriko, “The Undiscovered Giant Beast! Toriko, Capture a Gararagator!”" Toriko: "Now, let's eat this still-unknown ingredient!"
{ "raw_title": "Toriko Episode 1 – Arrival on the Gourmet Island! The Gourmet Hunter Toriko Appears!", "parsed": [ "Toriko", "1", "Arrival on the Gourmet Island! The Gourmet Hunter Toriko Appears!" ] }
: "Someone once said: there is a "Devil Fruit" that gives special powers" : "One type is Gum-Gum Fruit, which makes the body" : "The world has entered a Gourmet Era... No, a Great Pirate Era!" : "An era of adventuring in search of the great treasure of the One Piece!" Title: "The Reunion of Toriko and Luffy! Find the Seafood Fruit!" Komatsu: "We're not catching any Spring Sharks..." Toriko: "Don't be in such a hurry, Komatsu." Toriko: "Spring Shark soup is incredibly tasty." Toriko: "I can't wait to eat some!" Toriko: "Komatsu..." Komatsu: "Yes?" Toriko: "It's coming." Komatsu: "Hm?" Komatsu: "T-T-T-T-T-Toriko-san!" Toriko: "It's a big one!" Komatsu: "Yeah!" Komatsu: "There it is!" Toriko: "A Spring Shark!" Komatsu: "Yeah! Toriko-san, it's glowing really brightly!" Toriko: "That means it's full of eggs!" Toriko: "I give thanks for all this world's bounty." Toriko: "Now let's eat!" Komatsu: "Knocking successful!" Komatsu: "You did it!" Toriko: "Let's head straight back and cook it up!" Komatsu: "Yeah!" Toriko: "What's wrong, Terry?" Komatsu: "It can't be..." Luffy: "Gum-Gum..." Luffy: "Rocket!" Luffy: "Whew, that surprised me." Komatsu: "We're the ones who were surprised!" Luffy: "Hey, if it isn't Toriko and Komatsu! Long time, no see!" Toriko: "Yeah. Good to see you're doing well as always." Komatsu: "Why were you inside that Spring Shark?" Luffy: "Huh, this thing? It was..." Luffy: "Oh, that's right! I found you at the perfect time! I need to ask a favor!" Komatsu: "Chopper-san is sick?" Chopper: "I caught Deep Sea Fever," Komatsu: "Deep Sea Fever?" Chopper: "Yeah. It makes you get gradually colder, like the deep sea, and turn as blue as the ocean." mi: "They say you need Seafood Fruit to cure it." Toriko: "Seafood Fruit, huh?" Usopp: "They say it's in the ocean," Komatsu: "And then he was eaten by a Spring Shark, right?" Usopp: "Yep." Luffy: "Toriko, do you know where we can find Seafood Fruit?" Toriko: "I've heard of it before. Seafood Fruit can be" Toriko: "Chinese Tower Island." Sanji: "Chinese Tower Island?" Toriko: "They say it's home to many delicious, healthy foods and natural cures. The Seafood Fruit is a legendary fruit said to hold the flavors of spiny lobster, sea bream, pufferfish," Toriko: "I'd like to eat one, too!" Luffy: "All right! Set sail for Chinese Tower Island!" All: "Yeah!" Luffy: "Is that Chinese Tower Island?" Toriko: "Yeah. I'm sure of it. I can smell all the delicious ingredients there!" Usopp: "Hey, it looks like there's some kind of manmade structure. Is it a wall?" Toriko: "Long ago, humans lived here, but they were chased off." Toriko: "The ingredients that grow on that island are also medicinal. Many people started living there to get their hands on those ingredients. But it was determined that the humans" Toriko: "so the beasts on the island ran them off." Komatsu: "Are you all right, Chopper-san? Maybe you should've stayed on the ship..." Chopper: "I'm the only one who saw a picture of Seafood Fruit at the library in the Torino Kingdom. Toriko says he's never seen it, either." Usopp: "Chopper..." Brook: "Will he be all right?" ky: "All we can do is trust them and wait." Brook: "That smells great!" Usopp: "What are you making, Sanji?" Sanji: "Spring Shark soup." Usopp: "It looks delicious!" Sanji: "All I can do for Chopper is feed him a warm meal when he comes back." Usopp: "Sanji..." ky: "You're gonna make me cry, man!" Brook: "I'm so moved, my eyes are blurred by tears... Not that I have eyes." Sanji: "Don't let this beat you," Chopper: "So cold..." Komatsu: "Chopper-san... Your face!" Chopper: "Huh? How's it look?" Komatsu: "The blue color is spreading!" mi: "Chopper..." Chopper: "I told you I'd turn as blue as the ocean." Toriko: "Well done, Terry." mi: "That scared me!" Luffy: "What are these things?" Both: ""Things"?" mi: "Th-There's a ton of them!" Luffy: "Awesome! They use kung fu?!" Toriko: "They're Kung Fu Mynah Birds." mi: "What's that?" Toriko: "Normal mynah birds mimic voices, but these guys mimic movements." Komatsu: "So they mimicked kung fu used by people who used to live here?" mi: "So they're just birds that copy people?!" Luffy: "Do they taste good?" Toriko: "Nah, they're not edible." Luffy: "Gotcha. Gum-Gum Balloon!" Luffy: "Zoro, don't kill them." Zoro: "What do you mean?" Luffy: "It's Toriko's rule. Right?" Toriko: "Yeah. I don't kill anything I don't intend to eat." Zoro: "Oh?" Zoro: "Here I go, then! Their kung fu's not bad," Robin: "Cien Fleur! Spider Net!" Robin: "Settle down a bit, now." Luffy: "Third Gear!" Usopp: "Delicious!" Luffy: "Gum-Gum... Giant Flyswatter!" Komatsu: "Wow! You're amazing, Luffy-san!" Luffy: "Well, you guys? Wanna keep going?" Luffy: "What's up?" Toriko: "It looks like they want to become your pupils, Luffy." Luffy: "Pupils?" Zoro: "I've seen some similar kind of animal before." mi: "Yeah, the Kung Fu Dugongs." mi: "From Alabasta." Luffy: "All right! From now on, you guys are my pupils!" Luffy: "Take me to your nest!" mi: "This is their nest?" Robin: "It's clearly a manmade structure." Robin: "So I guess they've been living in this building that the humans abandoned." Komatsu: "Oh! So this is what the Kung Fu Mynah Birds eat!" Toriko: "They're Lycho Sharks, an ingredient with the texture of lychee." Komatsu: "And these are Star Abalone, a first-class ingredient" Luffy: "Isn't there any meat?" Toriko: "No, only seafood." Luffy: "Aw, man." Toriko: "We're looking for the Seafood Fruit." Toriko: "Do you know where it is?" Komatsu: "It looks like they don't." Robin: "Is this..." Komatsu: "Chopper-san, I made some rice porridge." Chopper: "Sorry, Komatsu. I'm not hungry..." Luffy: "This is tasty!" Luffy: "Komatsu, give me more!" Komatsu: "Sure." Komatsu: "Here." Luffy: "Yum!" mi: "He's right! The broth is perfect. It's delicious!" Komatsu: "Please have as much as you like." Komatsu: "Toriko-san, you, too..." Komatsu: "What's wrong, Toriko-san?" Toriko: "We don't have much time. If we don't find the Seafood Fruit soon, it'll be too late for Chopper." Komatsu: "What?" Toriko: "He'll keep turning more and more blue." Toriko: "When his entire body is blue, he'll..." Toriko: "At this rate, he has until the end of today, at best." mi: "No!" Luffy: "Chopper won't die!" Toriko: "We can't waste time." Komatsu: "Yes!" Robin: "I found a stone monument just past here." mi: "Robin?" Robin: "The inscription on it may be a clue. "On the island, where the sea overflows, the fruit grows."" Toriko: ""On the island, where the sea overflows"?" Komatsu: "What could that mean?" Toriko: "The sea... on the island?" Toriko: "Where did you find these Surf Nunchakus?" Komatsu: "Oh, I found them in the river earlier." Toriko: "That's it, Komatsu!" Toriko: "Surf Nunchakus grow in the sea. They can't live in fresh water." mi: "What? Then this river is..." mi: "It's salty!" Robin: ""Where the sea overflows" must mean" Toriko: "This is..." Robin: "It looks like a floodgate." Luffy: "Something tough lives here." Toriko: "Yeah. Something quiet, but with overwhelming strength. The boss of this island, I'd say." mi: "We have to hurry, or Chopper will..." Toriko: "That's..." Toriko: "An ExPanda! They say its sweat is like a highly concentrated Chinese food extract!" Zoro: "Leave this guy to me and get going!" Luffy: "Got it!" Zoro: "I like that look on your face." Luffy: "This is more like a tunnel than a gate!" mi: "Wow... What is this place?" Robin: "It looks like a reservoir." Toriko: "But all the fish swimming in it are ocean species." Robin: "Hey, look." Komatsu: "That must be it! Chopper-san, isn't that the Seafood Fruit?!" Chopper: "That's it! Seafood Fruit!" Toriko: "So that's the legendary Seafood Fruit!" Luffy: "All right! I'm gonna grab some!" mi: "Robin!" Luffy: "What is that?!" mi: "Luffy! It got Robin!" Komatsu: "You have powers, so you can't fight in water, right?" Luffy: "Yeah. When I'm in water, my body loses all its strength, and I can't use my powers." Luffy: "Robin!" Toriko: "That's the plant beast that lives in water... A Mangronve! I heard they grew fruit that looked like Chinese dumplings, but I had no idea it was the Seafood Fruit!" Luffy: "Gum-Gum..." Luffy: "Gatling Gun!" Toriko: "Leg Knife!" Luffy: "Gum-Gum Bazooka!" Komatsu: "All right!" Luffy: "Thanks, Toriko!" Toriko: "Yep!" Toriko: "It regenerated?!" Luffy: "What?!" Toriko: "This place may have been built to grow Mangronves!" Luffy: "Huh?" Toriko: "Mangronves take in nutrients from nutrient-rich seawater" Toriko: "This facility probably concentrates water raised up from the sea to help the Mangronves evolve." Luffy: "Enough with the water! Gum-Gum..." Luffy: "H-Hey! That's playing dirty!" Toriko: "Luffy!" Luffy: "It's no use... M-My strength's gone..." Toriko: "Luffy!" Toriko: "Knife! Knife! Knife!" Komatsu: "Toriko-san!" Komatsu: "Toriko-san!" mi: "Toriko!" Chopper: "Toriko..." Chopper: "Robin..." Chopper: "Luffy..." Chopper: "For my sake... For my sake, they..." Toriko: "Don't cry, Chopper." Chopper: "It's not just for you." Toriko: "If we don't cure you, none of the food we find will taste good." Toriko: "Food tastes much better when everyone eats it together. Chopper, we'll make you better, then we'll all enjoy that fruit together!" Chopper: "Toriko..." Toriko: "Leave it to us!" Toriko: "Flying Knife!" Luffy: "I'm out!" Robin: "Treinta Fleur!" Luffy: "Robin!" Luffy: "There!" Luffy: "You okay?" Robin: "Yeah." Toriko: "Time to finish this, Luffy!" Luffy: "Let's do it, Toriko!" Luffy: "Gum-Gum..." Toriko: "Leg Knife!" Komatsu: "All right!" Komatsu: "It should be ready." Komatsu: "Here you go, Chopper-san." Komatsu: "It's Seafood Fruit." Luffy: "How's that, Chopper?" Chopper: "T-Ta—" All: ""Ta"?" Chopper: "Ta—" mi: "Chopper?" Chopper: "Ta—" Chopper: "Tasty!" Chopper: "Amazing! It really warms me up!" Luffy: "That's great, Chopper." Chopper: "Yeah! Thank you so much, everyone!" Chopper: "That was so tasty!" Zoro: "Sounds like everything's taken care of." Chopper: "This is so good!" Toriko: "See? It tastes best when everyone eats together, right, Chopper?" Chopper: "Yeah! The best!" Brook: "Oh, my. It sounds like a banquet." Sanji: "Sounds like Chopper is feeling better. What a relief." Usopp: "Then we should have a banquet, too!" ky: "We need more Spring Shark soup!" Sanji: "Knock it off, all of you!" Both: "I'm stuffed!" Toriko: "Well, shall we have some dessert?" Luffy: "Good idea!" mi: "What? You want to eat more?! I can't believe you..." Komatsu: "Huh?" Komatsu: "Chopper-san, what's wrong?" Komatsu: "What?! You're red all over!" Chopper: "Komatsu, I..." Chopper: "I'm not cured after all..." Chopper: "It was too late..." Komatsu: "Chopper-san!" Komatsu: "Melk Stardust... For the sake of a knife, I'll climb 20,000 stairs! Climbing again?!" Title: "Shock! the Broken Kitchen Knife and Cutler Melk!" ?: "Next time will be loads of fun, too!" Both: "It's not over yet! Yeah!"
{ "raw_title": "Toriko Episode 51 – The Reunion of Toriko and Luffy! Find the Seafood Fruit!", "parsed": [ "Toriko", "51", "The Reunion of Toriko and Luffy! Find the Seafood Fruit!" ] }
: "Total Eclipse is finally heading for its climax. In this episode, we'll review the story so far and show you some things that will allow you to enjoy that climax 10 times as much!" Yuya: "I want to return what I was given, what I took." : "Don't worry even if you've never seen the show before. If you watch this you can still follow it." Yufei: "You can fall in love with me." : "And we'll also be introducing the new opening and ending that start next week!" : "Pre-Climax Special, blast off!" : "The story is set in the Yukon base, which lies at the border of Soviet and American territory." Vince: "Wow! A Jain-10 from the Unified Front of China, and an EU Tornado!" : "The next-generation TSF technology development project, AKA Project Prominence. The UN provides this area for countries who lost their territory to the BETA as a place to develop their TSFs. Its most important goal is to speed the development of TSFs through information and technology sharing in a location where test pilots and prototypes gather from all over the world. It's been almost 20 years since the BETA invasion of Earth began," : "and humanity has lost most of Eurasia to them as the war enters a stalemate. The Soviet Union borrows back the territory of Alaska, which it once sold to the US, and transfers its government there." : "The Yukon base, which America had been building at the time, is given to the UN." Yuuya: "Let's go! The next-generation TSF technology development project, AKA Project Prominence is presently underway. Yuuya and the Argos Test Flight are participating in the XFJ project, a sub-project of Prominence." Yuuya: "A Turkish captain." Yuuya: "Italy." Yuuya: "Sweden." Yuuya: "Nepal." : "The members of Argos Flight are all top Eishi from their respective countries." : "There's a reason they've been sent here to the rear lines." Yuuya: "I figured Chobi'd be coming." : "Test pilots are tasked with pushing their prototypes to their limits, and so only the best Eishi can become one." Stella: "Oh, I missed?" Vg: "They never smiled." : "They'd fought on the front lines, and being sent to the rear lines upset them." Vg: "You need to enjoy yourself when you can." Stella: "Like that." : "Enjoying the peace that their comrades on the front lines couldn't, and sending them the new TSFs they're developing." : "The test pilots know that they're acting as an investment in the future of humanity." : "That's something they shared with everyone else who came before them." Stella: "...repaying those who came before them." Yuuya: "They're giving me what they were given." : "I can't believe that." Yui: "It's true." : "The Argos Flight was formed as part of the joint Japan-US XFJ project." : "Two of its members are... You're inexperienced." : "Lt. Yui Takamura heads the Japanese side of the project." : "And..." Yuuya: "Come on, Lieutenant! I'll fight you!" : "And Ensign Yuuya Bridges, a half-Japanese American from the American Army." : "Yui is from an old and proper family who are personal servants of the Emperor." Girl: "You're too high!" : "Ruled by her past experiences and her position," : "she's lived her whole life motivated by a desire to help others, to save Japan." Yui: "Anti-laser smoke!" : "Yuuya, however..." Grandpa: "That's why I told you not to trust Japs!" Mom: "No, father!" : "Because of his race and birth, both he and his mother suffered severe discrimination. He believes becoming a Top Eishi is the only way to get others to accept him and his mother, and this desire to help himself has been his only motivation." Yui: "You had them protect you. You had them cover for you. That little game where you were all friends in the same Flight." : "Their different values stop them from accepting each other, and the two clash repeatedly." Spoken: "Yuuya's only interest had been in improving himself, but as he meets and interacts with the rest of Yukon base, he begans to change his mind." Yuuya: "The railgun you worked on saved everyone." Yuuya: "I guess the Japanese aren't that bad." : "When Argos visited Kamchatka to test their TSFs, Yuuya met someone who would change his life." Yuuya: "...and I'm so close to the front lines." Latrova: "Looks like you're taking it easy." Latrova: "Is that how a hero gets to act?" : "Fikatsia Latrova, head of the USSR's ace Zhar Battalion." Latrova: "But that immaturity of yours is clouding your eyes from the bigger picture." Yuuya: "The bigger picture?" Latrova: "What are you fighting against? When you blame something outside yourself for your own failure to do something, the only thing you can convince is your own heart." Latrova: "You can never convince anyone else." Yuuya: "What are you talking about?" Latrova: "If you can't take it all, decide what you're going to abandon." Latrova: "That's what your fight is, kid." : "At first, Yuuya couldn't understand what her words meant." Girl: "Tatiana!" Latrova: "So in the end we're just pawns to be sacrificed?" Latrova: "Watch over me, everyone." Latrova: "I'll take revenge for you." : "But when Latrova sacrifices herself and shows him how an Eishi lives, he learns the meaning and weight of her words." Yuuya: "The Zhar Battalion was wiped out?" Yuuya: "I was pretending not to see how so many other people were protecting me." Yuuya: "But watch me now." Yuuya: "I swear to all of you." Yuuya: "Someday, I'll fight to protect someone, like you did." : "Yuuya begins to grow greatly as a person and an Eishi after Latrova's words and his experiences at Yukon, begins to accept the Japanese blood within him, something he's never done before." Yuuya: "I'm Japanese-American." Yuuya: "And he sees himself reflected in the Japanese-American Shiranui Type 2. It's amazing. A beautiful machine." : "He finds a new goal for himself: seeing it completed. When he finds a place for himself in Argos, his obsession with avenging his past ends," : "and he swears that he'll pass on what his comrades gave him to someone else." Yuuya: "I want to return what I was given..." Yuuya: "what I took." Yuuya: "I refuse to allow any Eishi to die in a TSF I tested. Even you Japanese." : "At first she clashes with him, but as she learns more about Yuuya, Yui's heart begins to change as well." Yui: "He never gave up, no matter how hard things got." Yui: "Why am I remembering him at a time like this?" Yui: "Yuuya..." Yui: "What...?" : "As she sees Yuuya overcome even the most difficult situations without ever thinking of his position or his family, she finds himself gradually drawn to him." Yui: "Bridges, you..." Yuuya: "You can call me Yuuya." Yui: "W-What are you talking about all of a sudden? What? You were just calling me that." Yui: "H-H-How did you..." Yuuya: "Can I have another?" Yui: "There's still plenty left." : "As she begins to get closer to Yuuya, new rivals appear." Yifei: "Yuuya Bridges." Yifei: "You can fall in love with me if you want." : "Lt. Cui Yifei, of the Chinese Unified Front's Bao Feng Test Flight. She goes after Yuuya hard, with the same strong personality that's reflected in her TSF piloting." Yuuya: "What are you doing?" Yifei: "Your face is red." Sharon: "Is that you, Yuuya?" : "Yuuya's former lover, Sharon Imes of the 65th Combat Training Battalion "Infinities" appears as well." : "And the USSR Army's aces, the Scarlet Twins." Cryska: "You and I won't, either." Inia: "Really?" Spoken: "Ensign Inia Sestina and Ensign Cryska Barchenowa. For some reason, Inia is very open with Yuuya from the very beginning," Yuuya: "That's..." Cryska: "You again?" Yuuya: "This voice, it can't be..." Spoken: "but Cryska was cold and antagonistic." Cryska: "Never hang out with a man like that again." Cryska: "Yes." Cryska: "We two are the only family we have." : "As Inia becomes more involved with Yuuya, Cryska gradually starts to change." Cryska: "I'd like you to tell me about Yuuya Bridges." Cryska: "I'm interested in him." Cryska: "Yuuya Bridges." Yuuya: "Cryska? Are you looking for Inia?" Cryska: "How did you know?" Cryska: "Can you read my mind?" Yuuya: "Think about it. You never talk to me unless it's about Inia." Yuuya: "That's all." Cryska: "Oh, that wasn't much fun at all." Yuuya: "Don't try to make it fun." Cryska: "You didn't answer right away, so it made me wonder." Yuuya: "Cryska smiled?" : "Cryska sees Inia approaching Yuuya, when she's never taken an interest in anyone else before." All: "No!" : "Cryska realizes that Inia is causing her own feelings to change." Inia: "Do you want to be friends with Yuuya too?" : "Cryska has lived her whole life as a weapon, is uncertain about how to handle these changes in her heart, and suffers." Cryska: "Something's strange. Whenever I think about you," Cryska: "I can't concentrate." : "Unsure of what her feelings are, she finds herself drawn to Yuuya as if Inia is pulling her along." Cryska: "I just want you to tell me." Cryska: "I don't know what to do from now on..." Cui: "Darling!" Yuuya: "Lt. Cui?" : "What will be their fate as these women struggle for Yuuya?" : "And what about Yuuya's heart?" : "Look forward to seeing what happens!" Yui: "What am I doing?" : "After this, Minami Kurabayashi sings the new opening, "Doubt the World!" Don't miss this powerful number that's perfect for the climax! Now we'll show you the new opening, with Minami Kurabayashi's "Doubt The World!"" Spoken: "Now we'll show you two major points that will help you get ten times as much enjoyment out of the climax!" Sandek: "Deploy and continue the trial using group D." Spoken: "Lt. Jerzy Sandek, head of the Soviets' Idar Test Flight." Sandek: "What exactly do you intend to do, Comrade Rogofsky?" Rogofsky: "What?" Sandek: "You've lost a front-line base, attacked your own side, and then wiped out our all-important bomber forces..." : "In Kamchatka, he took advantage of the failure of his superior officer, Rogofsky, to take control of the secret project. A man who's always working in the shadows and who will do anything for his goals." Sandek: "This exercise is more than just a test of our respective capabilities." Sandek: "It is a demonstration of my Polnoe Zatmeniya plan." : "At the center of Sandek's Polnoe Zatmeniya plan are Cryska and Inia." Russian Girls: "Roger." Operator: "Test flights, begin your mission." : "The two of them met in a lab for the UN's Alternative-3 project, a secret anti-BETA project." : "And several years later were conscripted by Sandek." : "Sandek's plan was taking place, even back then." General: "That score is incredible..." Russian Girls: "This must be what happiness feels like." : "A mysterious phenomenon called Prafka gives them unmatched abilities." : "Perhaps as a result, Cryska has memory problems and is emotionally unstable." Cryska: "Are you planning something?" Yuuya: "Does she not remember?" Inia: "You were crying, weren't you Yuuya?" Cryska: "You were crying?" Yuuya: "What are you talking about?" Inia: "...all important memories that made you who you are today." Sandek: "I thought so." Sandek: "It was worth letting him go after he infiltrated this facility." : "Cryska and Inia are caught up in Sandek's plot." Cryska: "Bridges." : "What will their hidden powers bring to Yuuya, and the world?" Sandek: "I'll need to get another stage for him ready." : "Two major points that will help you get ten times as much enjoyment out of the climax! The battle for survival against the BETA has destroyed the rules of equality, human rights, and freedom, widening the gap between the haves and have-nots." Girl: "J-Jacob!" : "Some are forced into a horrific war of attrition on the front lines." Guy: "Stop it! Can't you see the friendly markers?" : "Others command the battle from the safety of the rear lines." Rogofsky: "We'll need to bring in more replacements." : "Refugees swarm from the areas in Eurasia under BETA control," : "while the countries behind the battle lines enjoy a wartime economic boom. The tension brought by the BETA invasion rips apart the bonds that unite humanity." Cryska: "I am a test pilot with the 331st Special Experimental Development Squad of the Soviet Central Strategic Research Corps. Ensign Cryska Barchenowa." Russianguy: "Right, right. An elite from the capital." Russiangirl: "Shut up!" : "Most of the staff at Yukon base are from refugee camps from nations which lost their land to the BETA." Cryska: "We're both soldiers in the Soviet-" Guy: "No. You're a Russian." Girl: "What the hell is a "Soviet" anyway?" Girl: "It's not even the name of a country. We're the ones dying out here, while you guys are slacking off on the rear lines!" Bartender: "And this is from me." Bartender: "I don't think there's anybody out there who doesn't have their own problems." Bartender: "Everybody's doing their best to live right now." : "Behind their smiles lie a sad past they never speak of." Bartender: "I barely remember a thing about France. The past is the past." Bartender: "What's most important is that we're alive right now." : "The number of refugees grow all over the world every day. The unbridgeable gap between the rich and poor, where the burden falls entirely on the have-nots, will cast a giant shadow on the world." : "The unfairness and dissatisfaction that it brings..." : "The day they reach their limit is near." : "Did you enjoy the Total Eclipse Pre-Climax Special?" : "What fate will Yuuya and his friends win for themselves?" : "Witness a new dawn! We'll end the show with ayami's "Revise the World." The lyrics are filled with keywords that foreshadow future developments." Song: "The burning star falls through the sky From far to near There's no way I could feel the heat" Song: "but the cage around me seems to melt. Burn it all, and show me a new place in the broken world When two hearts are fated to overlap you look at me with gentle eyes. The light of judgment in a heart I want to protect Will its smile disappear?"
{ "raw_title": "Total Eclipse Episode 20 – Pre-Climax Special", "parsed": [ "Total Eclipse", "20", "Pre-Climax Special" ] }
Spoken: "Hello." Spoken: "I bet we'll see the aurora today. I wonder what color it'll be." Spoken: "I think it'll be red. The Raptor's basic combat doctrine is to use its stealth and supercruise for a quick lock and quick kill. In other words, by the time you see it on radar you're already dead." Spoken: "The problem is that it's fast and maneuverable, and good at close-range combat. The Eishi piloting it are experts at fighting TSFs." Spoken: "So let's get our strategy conference for the Infinities fight started!" Spoken: "Nobody's got any ideas? What about you? Well, hmm... Think of something before you start asking other people. We've just gotta have enough guts to dodge them and smack them right back!" Spoken: "Smack them right back! You saw them against the Bao-Feng, and Bao-Feng's all about maneuverability. They got whipped. Keep howling and people will start treating you like a dog, Chihuahua." Spoken: "I'm not a Chihuahua, I'm Chobi! But the more I think about it, the tougher they seem." Spoken: "Looks like you're having a rough time. If you want," Spoken: "you can have a practice round with us as the aggressors before your fight with the Infinities." Spoken: "What's she talking about? No, they've already got experience fighting TSFs with stealth, it's not a bad idea." Spoken: "If we limit our own sensors we can simulate their stealth capability, huh? I think it's a good offer, but..." Spoken: "Impossible. You'll never be able to understand Yuuya." Spoken: "That's true. I'll speak to my superiors." Spoken: "Then it's decided. But I've got a condition. A condition? Yuuya Bridges!" Spoken: "You have to go on a date with me all day today!" Spoken: "A date?" Spoken: "Cryska?" Spoken: "Cryska?" Spoken: "Cryska!" Spoken: "Cryska, where are you?" Spoken: "Cryska..." Spoken: "A date..." Spoken: "It doesn't bother me, really!" Spoken: "That's right! I am not upset!" Spoken: "Not at all!" Spoken: "Who's there? Do you want something from me?" Spoken: "Ensign Barchenowa?" Spoken: "Umm... Excuse me, I'd like to see Ensign Bridges..." Spoken: "Yuuya left for Lilifort." Spoken: "I see." Spoken: "You call him "Yuuya", don't you?" Spoken: "Oh, it's because of Blue Flag. The schedule for the exercises is pretty packed, so we're running through a lot of supplies. So we've started using civilian suppliers, I heard." Spoken: "Civilians, huh?" Spoken: "It's almost time." Spoken: "Calm down a little, kid. There's no BETA here." Spoken: "Our enemies here are humans. Well, the warning level's never gone up." Spoken: "The only people here with real bullets in their guns are the patrols and us. In other words, if we're not doing anything it means the whole world's peaceful." Spoken: "Why are they so relaxed?" Spoken: "All the peace here has addled their brains! How were the North African battle lines?" Spoken: "Hell." Spoken: "More starved than died from the BETA." Spoken: "The bureaucrats and the soldiers took all the food the UN sent!" Spoken: "You sound just like the RLF." Spoken: "The Refugee Liberation Front?" Spoken: "Maybe because my whole family died in a refugee camp. I see. Then why didn't you join the RLF?" Spoken: "Because they're..." Spoken: "Sorry to bother you when you're on standby, but we have maintenance work scheduled. May we begin?" Spoken: "Sure. Thanks. You-" Spoken: "I'm sorry you didn't get to fight with us." Spoken: "It's command. Orders. Read them." Spoken: "That security camera won't be a problem, will it?" Spoken: "The other sleeper agents have already taken care of it. Impressive. His plan is perfect." Spoken: "Camouflage code. Install it." Spoken: "What about the US and USSR's TSF forces? Another unit's taken care of them." Spoken: "Red nobles? Hah!" Spoken: "You treated us like insects! That's right. Show them. That their days of playing at being ruler are over." Spoken: "Boot-up complete. All 36 TSFs can be launched in slave mode." Spoken: "Report to HQ." Spoken: "Synch your launch timing with the other attack squads." Spoken: "We shall test those who must be tested in accordance with the Lord's plan." Spoken: "Our sacrifice is the only way to fix this world." Spoken: "May the grace of God be with you." Spoken: "What's wrong, Yuuya? Are you sick?" Spoken: "Okay, blow." Spoken: "Good job." Spoken: "You sure you didn't get a weird disease from the girl behind you? What about you? You've had all your shots, right? At the vet?" Spoken: "What?" Spoken: "You really do bark all the time. What are you even doing here? What about you?" Spoken: "Tarisa, get that." Spoken: "This is Argos 2. What's wrong?" Spoken: "Nothing. Ahem. Report in on your observation of the date." Spoken: "Thank you for coming, Lt. Dahl. So what can I do for you? Actually, there's been a problem. A problem? What?" Spoken: "About Ensign Bridges. Are you aware that Bridges has been seen an unusual amount of times in the company of our own Ensign Barchenowa?" Spoken: "Daddy!" Spoken: "This is the Operator room." Spoken: "Lt. Takamura of the XFJ plan. Put me through to Lt. Dahl." Spoken: "A moment." Spoken: "MPs?" Spoken: "Did something happen?" Spoken: "Of course, the USSR respects the privacy of the individual." Spoken: "However, they both have their positions to consider. The cold war never ended, it was simply put on hold by the appearance of the BETA. I see." Spoken: "Excuse me." Spoken: "Conference room 8." Spoken: "Yes, it's me." Spoken: "Lt. Takamura? What's wrong?" Spoken: "I see. A practice round." Spoken: "I'll speak to Heinemann-san..." Spoken: "Hello? Lt. Dahl?" Spoken: "Hello?" Yifei: "- Yuuya, there's a spot on your clothes. I'll wipe it off." Tarisa: "- Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Yuuya: "- Hey, get off me!" Tarisa: "- This hurricane woman won't keep her hands off Yuuya!" Vg: "What are they doing?" Vg: "What?" Vg: "Hey. Tarisa?" Vg: "Who are you? How did you get here? How did you know about this lab?" Vg: "The only thing you're allowed to do is answer the questions. I'm the one asking them, doctor. What? You've got a job to do." Vg: "Your evil deeds are going to go down in history." Vg: "Excuse me. We were asked to bring these here. Civilians aren't allowed in here-" Vg: "Clear." Vg: "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Get up! Mommy! Mommy... Mommy..." Vg: "Someone's attacked the base." Vg: "Get us out of here." Vg: "Hey, are you okay?" Vg: "What the hell's going on?" Vg: "Hurry." Vg: "VG, can you hear me? Come on." Vg: "What's going on? Is it not working?" Vg: "The military comm system is down?" Vg: "I've got a bad feeling." Vg: "Yuuya, ahead of us!" Vg: "What was that?" Vg: "The civilians on the rear don't know how to act." Vg: "Wasn't that Natalie?" Vg: "What's she doing in a delivery truck?" Vg: "Tarisa. What?" Vg: "Call someone on the emergency frequency. It doesn't matter who. Got it." Vg: "That's strange. Nobody's picking up." Vg: "Hang on tight!" Vg: "This happened before." Vg: "Yeah. At Kamchatka." Vg: "Commander, it's time." Vg: "Oh, it's fine to keep the Americans waiting." Vg: "Nobody move." Vg: "Anybody who moves, we'll shoot." Vg: "Who are you? Where are you from?" Vg: "The enemy's not always on the outside, sir. You bastard... Sorry to bother you when you're so busy, but we'd like you to take us to the central planning room, Commander. I don't know what rebel group you're with, but do you really think you're going to get away with this?" Vg: "We're the RLF, sir. The Refugee Liberation Front? What are you after?" Vg: "True Freedom and Equality." Vg: "Are you sure you didn't want to drop that kid off at Lilifort?" Vg: "The shelters are safer right now." Vg: "We don't know what's going to happen there. What the hell is going on? Explain! I don't know. But somebody's trying to take over the command..." Vg: "This is a military action, planned in advance and executed with precision. We must meet up with our units and respond in force." Vg: "Let's split up." Vg: "It reduces the risk of us both being captured." Vg: "I pray for your safety." Vg: "You too, Lt. Sandek." Vg: "I need to get to the hangar as soon as possible." Vg: "Wait, it's just me." Vg: "Ensign Barchenowa?" Vg: "What the heck? Look." Vg: "That smoke's coming from the hangar!" Vg: "Damn it! What the hell's going on?" Vg: "Who are they?" Vg: "Are you two okay?" Vg: "I guess so." Vg: "Damn! They just opened fire..." Vg: "Don't move." Vg: "This isn't good." Vg: "This base is under our control. Resistance is hopeless." Vg: "Natalie?" Vg: "You're kidding me, right?" Vg: "Why... What are you doing?" Vg: "Say something!" Vg: "Natalie! You're Asian," Vg: "so you should understand what's happening to the Eurasian refugees." Vg: "The UN, the world is choosing what lives it's going to save." Vg: "It's abandoning the weak." Vg: "But... So we, the RLF, are going to fix the world." Vg: "We're going to free our comrades in Eurasia and purge those who horde all the wealth!" Vg: "Please! Join our fight! You're the one who said you could understand the peace here, but you couldn't accept it, right!" Vg: "What are you talking about? Somebody has to fight for the oppressed and those who are discriminated against!" Vg: "I can't, Natalie." Vg: "I swore to my siblings when they died that I'd avenge them." Vg: "I'm an Eishi. So I don't fight humans." Vg: "Very well then." Vg: "You can watch our fight in the next world." Vg: "Stop, Natalie! This kind of terrorism isn't going to work! I don't know about that. This base is on the border of the US and Russian militaries." Vg: "Neither of them can take easy action." Vg: "We've got the nuclear reactor, and the command station, and the communications facilities." Vg: "And all the UN, Soviet, and American high ranking officials." Vg: "That can't be true." Vg: "Do you really think you can change the world like this?" Vg: "This doesn't make sense." Vg: "She's talking too much." Vg: "Of course. My comrades have taken over the US, UN, and USSR fighting forces." Vg: "And we're going to destroy all the prototypes that cost so much money, too. Isn't it wonderful, Natalie?" Vg: "Is she trying to tell us all this?" Vg: "It's only a matter of time until we take over the base. Once the plan's in its final stages nobody can do a thing." Vg: "Final stages?" Vg: "America's top secret research..." Vg: "You talk too much." Vg: "Natalie!" Vg: "What are you doing?" Vg: "Run!" Vg: "Natalie... Natalie! Run!" Vg: "Natalie!" Vg: "Launch all TSFs. I'm heading for the Royal Guard Hanger. Inia went for the Terminator alone... Cryska, I'm scared! I'm scared!"
{ "raw_title": "Total Eclipse Episode 21 – The World Bares Its Fangs", "parsed": [ "Total Eclipse", "21", "The World Bares Its Fangs" ] }
Spoken: "Why? Why today of all days?" Spoken: "Where's our fire support?" Spoken: "At this rate we'll be wiped out! It's not coming! It's just too chaotic." Spoken: "Nobody's seen any Laser Class yet." Spoken: "Air support should be possible. What is command doing?" Spoken: "They're here!" Spoken: "Help me!" Spoken: "Is this the end?" Spoken: "All units, weapons free. Let's show these lower life forms their place. Roger." Spoken: "Captain! Have you ever heard the legend of the Thunder God Perun? The Slavic one?" Spoken: "The Thunder God has appeared before us!" Spoken: "Have all remaining forces form up and we'll begin a counterattack. Yes sir." Spoken: "We will be docking in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky in approximately 30 minutes." Spoken: "Prepare to disembark." Spoken: "So this is the Soviet's biggest military base in the far east?" Spoken: "It's in pretty good shape for something on the front lines. What's that mountain? It's huge. Avachinsky, I think it's called." Spoken: "I can't believe they dragged us all the way out from the sunny Caribbean to Kamchatka. We don't have a choice. It's part of our job as test pilots to get data in all kinds of environmental conditions. That's not it. I'm not worried about something as minor as that. Minor?" Spoken: "If it's so cold outside how am I going to get to see Princess Yui in her bathing suit? An idiot. He's a genuine idiot. I want to go back to the Caribbean! Then go! Start swimming!" Spoken: "What's wrong, Yuuya? Nothing." Spoken: "An enemy attack? Not by the looks of it." Spoken: "That's a... Cheburashka? No, an Aligatori?" Spoken: "One of them's in trouble!" Spoken: "He needs to bail-out!" Spoken: "He didn't?" Spoken: "Looks like he couldn't. The frame must've gotten bent in melee combat or something. It happens a lot." Spoken: "Can you feel it, Yuuya?" Spoken: "This is how the air feels on the battlefield. The Far East Front Lines" Dialogue: "Forward! Forward! Careful with that thing!" Dialogue: "Going well? Hey there. How about you?" Dialogue: "I don't have much to unpack. Not that." Dialogue: "Princess Yui. You haven't really talked to her since that night you spent on the island, have you?" Dialogue: "What are you talking about, moron?" Dialogue: "Cryska, no, Ensign Barchenowa was there, too." Dialogue: "From the sound of it, you got pretty close to one of the Scarlet Twins while you were at it. Enough already. The Soviet Areas were off-limits, I told you!" Dialogue: "The so-called "Iron Curtain", huh? Too bad. Not really. I'm not here to make friends." Dialogue: "Well, don't get all stiff because it's your first real fighting test. I'm not! Now now." Dialogue: "That's what I'm talking about when I say "stiff". Shut up. Don't tell me to shut up. The goal of these international joint exercises is to test how well the Type 94 and Active Eagle respond in real combat." Dialogue: "And we'll also be testing a new prototype weapon delivered from Japan." Dialogue: "Lt. Takamura will explain." Dialogue: "As part of our evaluations, we'll also be testing the Prototype Type 99 EM Radiation Cannon." Dialogue: "Furthermore, the Shiranui Type 2 will be the one testing it. Tests are being done with the Shiranui and Shiranui Type 1c in Japan, but of course, this will be the first test with the Shiranui Type 2." Yui: "Unexpected problems may occur during the test," Yuuya: "Sure, it's a new railgun, but it's still a long-range support weapon." Yui: "and you'll need to be able to respond accordingly." Spoken: "It's my first test in the Type 94 Second, and they won't let me fight up close?" Spoken: "Ensign Bridges." Spoken: "W-What?" Spoken: "No... I'm sorry I scared you. And?" Spoken: "Do you want to go see the new weapon you'll be testing? I thought it'd be better for you to see it for yourself." Spoken: "I'd like to explain some more things, too." Spoken: "Yeah, I'd like to if I could, I guess." Spoken: "I see... I'm glad." Spoken: "What are they doing?" Spoken: "No, nothing." Spoken: "This is..." Spoken: "A next-generation TSF weapon. The Prototype Type 99 EM Radiation Cannon." Spoken: "I guarantee you it packs enough stopping power. I've worked on its development, if only for a short while." Spoken: "I believe it... but this worries me a little." Spoken: "Worries you?" Spoken: "I'm sure it's powerful, but you're giving up a lot of maneuverability to use it." Spoken: "I bet it would wreck your aerodynamics and center of gravity." Spoken: "It feels to me like it doesn't work with the design principles of the 94 Second." Spoken: "What's wrong?" Spoken: "Well..." Spoken: "I'll admit it doesn't work with the design concepts." Spoken: "But we're backed into a corner here." Spoken: "By the way, well..." Spoken: "I'm sorry." Spoken: "I had the wrong idea about you. The wrong idea? I thought you might be sulking because you had to deal with something like this during your first extra fight? But you easily pointed out the flaw with the design concept at a glance," Spoken: "so I can see I was mistaken." Spoken: "No, I... Actually, there was a bit of a dispute before these exercises were scheduled." Spoken: "As lead developer, I cannot allow combat trials at this point!" Spoken: "I know." Spoken: "But the decision was made by UN Command." Spoken: "The Japanese Government has agreed to the combat trials in the U.S.S.R." Spoken: "The Japanese Government?" Spoken: "Lt. Takamura, think about this realistically." Spoken: "It looks like there's some kind of international bargain going on here." Spoken: "There's almost no chance the trials will be called off." Spoken: "Which means there's only one thing for us to do." Spoken: "Make sure the people we send there come back alive." Spoken: "That's right. And not lose a single one of them." Spoken: "We'll do everything we can for that. Just focus on that." Spoken: "A dispute?" Spoken: "No, don't worry about it." Spoken: "More importantly, I have a request." Spoken: "A request?" Spoken: "This is a war zone." Spoken: "If you think it's slowing you down, feel free to discard the weapon. But if you do, make sure you activate the self-destruct switch inside it." Spoken: "I see. So this is a military secret you don't want the other nations getting." Spoken: "For now." Spoken: "But some day it will probably be standard equipment worldwide." Spoken: "Once the technology is proven, weapons and TSFs get budgets and get mass-produced. Well, that's true." Spoken: "But you can't do that with talented Eishi." Spoken: "So I don't want to lose either the Shiranui Type 2..." Spoken: "Or you, its lead test pilot." Spoken: "Don't forget that." Spoken: "Y-Yeah." Spoken: "Eight minutes." Spoken: "That's how long the average soldier lasts in their first battle. The eight minutes of death? I've heard of it. We learn it in the US Military too. But that includes the first battles in Europe and Asia, which were fought in first-generation TSFs. Lately... I..." Spoken: "I lost a lot of friends in those eight minutes." Spoken: "So I don't... I know. No matter how much practice I've had in the US military, it's true that I've never had any combat experience." Spoken: "So I won't underestimate real combat. I won't doubt the data." Spoken: "And so I promise you. I'll bring your beloved 94 Second back without a scratch." Spoken: "I promise." Spoken: "This EM cannon too." Spoken: "Honestly, I was little upset. This thing's gonna wreck my combat test. But after talking with you I don't care about that anymore." Spoken: "I see." Spoken: "Lt. Takamura, Lt. Ibrahim is waiting for you in Conference Room 3." Spoken: "Oh no. I was supposed to have a meeting with the base officers. You should get going. S-Sorry." Spoken: "Lieutenant!" Spoken: "Thank you." Spoken: "I'm glad I got to see it up close." Spoken: "It helped." Spoken: "I see. I'm glad to hear that." Spoken: "I don't like this place. What? Something wrong?" Spoken: "Just a bit ago..." Spoken: "Excuse me. I thought the PX was around here somewhere." Spoken: "Do you know what a PX is?" Spoken: "What's so funny? Do zavtra. Hey!" Spoken: "Well, to the locals we're just a nuisance. But that doesn't give them an excuse not to work with us." Spoken: "Not sharing information. Not keeping us in the loop. Not treating us properly. None of those are good things." Spoken: "You're more harsh than usual." Spoken: "I suppose given the history between the U.S.S.R. and Sweden, it's understandable." Spoken: "I'm just telling the truth." Spoken: "But I'm guessing there's not enough manpower, not enough supplies, not enough everything. I can see how they wouldn't want to talk to somebody who came from the safety of the rear lines." Spoken: "And now Tarisa's acting sympathetic, huh? Don't make fun of me. I'm just saying I know how it feels on the front lines. Yeah, true." Spoken: "Anyway, we'll be fine, but I wonder if Yuuya will be okay. I hope he doesn't end up on the wrong end of something bad." Spoken: "You're worried about him, aren't you? Do you have a crush?" Spoken: "Crap." Spoken: "Our barracks is supposed to be around here somewhere." Spoken: "Come to think of it, it felt like this when I was following Inia too." Spoken: "This is her... You can't even apologize?" Spoken: "You think you're on a sightseeing tour here?" Spoken: "Hey, she's got a cute face. Let me take a better look." Spoken: "Or do you not want to talk to dirty people like us?" Spoken: "Cryska... It's fine. It's fine, Inia." Spoken: "Are you listening to us? I... I am a test pilot with the 331st Special Experimental Development Squad of the Soviet Central Strategic Research Corps. Ensign Cryska Barchenowa." Spoken: "Right, right. An elite from the capital. So what of it? We're supposed to be comrades, fighting for the motherland. Why? Comrades?" Spoken: "Shut the hell up." Spoken: "The motherland?" Spoken: "Don't make me laugh. What do you mean? We're both soldiers in the Soviet- No. You're a Russian." Spoken: "What the hell is a "Soviet" anyway? It's not even the name of a country." Spoken: "We know that it was almost all Russians who escaped to Alaska." Spoken: "Georgians and Kazakhs like us are treated like garbage!" Spoken: "We're the ones dying out here, while you guys are slacking off on the rear lines!" Spoken: "Cryska?" Spoken: "Cryska! Cryska? What's her problem? Did she get scared and piss her pants?" Spoken: "Your TSF is that purple Terminator in hangar 48 right?" Spoken: "It's... You get that fancy machine and you're not even fighting? Cryska! Cryska! Stop it! Stop it!" Spoken: "This little kid is a brat. Want to strip her and tie her to the fence like usual?" Spoken: "Then let's head to hangar 8 like usual. The guys there are always hungry. Wait. If we're gonna let them have these two, we should enjoy them first." Spoken: "You enjoy it too, don't you?" Spoken: "Okay, I'll take the little one." Spoken: "No!" Spoken: "Come on, get over here. Cryska! Stop it, please... That girl, Inia, is..." Spoken: "This little kid's probably useless on the battlefield." Spoken: "No! Inia is..." Spoken: "What's wrong?" Spoken: "She's not useless." Spoken: "Let's have some fun, girl." Spoken: "Stop it! Cryska! Cryska! "Cryska! Cryska!"" Spoken: "Stop it!" Spoken: "Yuuya Bridges..." Spoken: "What's your problem? You think you're a big hero or something?" Spoken: "Are you okay? Cryska..." Spoken: "I'm fine." Spoken: "Please take care of Inia." Spoken: "Why is Cryska just letting this happen?" Spoken: "Hey, brats. What mechanic squad are you assigned to?" Spoken: "What?" Spoken: "The hell?" Spoken: "Can't you see this?" Spoken: "A wing mark?" Spoken: "These are Eishi?" Spoken: "They're all kids!" Spoken: "I think I saw you in the port." Spoken: "You one of the cowards from Alaska?" Spoken: "Damn it." Spoken: "Sorry, mister." Spoken: "This isn't like the safe bases at the rear." Spoken: "You can scream but the MPs won't come. You're going to pay for hurting my buddy." Spoken: "What are you doing?" Spoken: "Tasha? That means..." Spoken: "I don't know why you think you have time to be playing with our guests." Spoken: "The welcome party is over. Return to your posts and check on your TSF's maintenance status." Spoken: "U-Understood Commander. Let's go." Spoken: "Um..." Spoken: "Thank you, Commander. You save- Know your place here." Spoken: "Understood?" Spoken: "What the hell?" Spoken: "Okay, stop." Spoken: "We'll start placing the sonic sensors." Spoken: "I don't like this. Where'd those annoying birds go?" Spoken: "Yeah, it's strangely quiet." Spoken: "This is an analysis of an image captured by a warning satellite early this morning." Spoken: "Pay close attention to Evensk Hive SSW Group F and Okhotsk Coast Group K." Spoken: "This data is 18 hours old." Spoken: "The Far East Soviet Forces believe that K Group will land on the Okhotsk shore in 6 hours. Between 24 and 72 hours from now, a large group of BETA that are currently on the bottom shore will start landing as well. Given this, we will be accompanying the Soviet forces whose mission it is to repel the landing, and performing our first combat trials there." Spoken: "It's finally time, huh? I was getting sick of the crappy food here. It'll be a good way to kill some time. Will it? I think there are too many of them to let our guard down. Furthermore, Argos Test flight will be paired with the aces of the Far East Soviet Army, the Zhar Battalion." Spoken: "I'll introduce the commander." Spoken: "Everyone, stand!" Spoken: "That's..." Spoken: "Salute!" Spoken: "I am Commander Fikatsia Latrova, of the Zhar Batallion." Spoken: "Do whatever you want. But don't get in our way."
{ "raw_title": "Total Eclipse Episode 8 – The Far East Front Lines", "parsed": [ "Total Eclipse", "8", "The Far East Front Lines" ] }
Kashuu/Yasusada: ""This anime is about the stories of the Hanamaru days of a certain group of Sword Warriors in a certain citadel."" Kondou: "Hurry, Souji!" Kondou: "This is a Shinsengumi raid!" Kondou: "Souji!" Kondou: "Souji!" Kondou: "Souji!" Kondou: "Souji!" Yasusada: "Kiyomitsu? So I was dreaming?" Kashuu: "Dreaming?" Yasusada: "It was when Okita-kun wielded me at the Ikeda Inn." Kashuu: "Hey, don't go selfishly changing history! I, Kashuu Kiyomitsu, was the sword he took with him to the Ikeda Inn." Yasusada: "Yeah, I know." Yasusada: "But why did I have a dream like that, then?" Kashuu: "Jeez. It's your first morning since coming to the citadel, so hurry up and get ready. We're going for a walk." Yasusada: "You're right." Yasusada: "Hang on, I'll go wash my face." Yasusada: "It's so cold!" Kashuu: "What?" Imanotsurugi: "I'm sorry!" Maeda: "I'm sorry." Gokotai: "I-I'm sorry." Kashuu: "At least now you won't have to wash your face." mazuo: "Your reaction speed is surprisingly slow." Yasusada: "Kiyomitsu?" Kashuu: "Wh-Why you!" Imanotsurugi: "You should run, too, Ishikirimaru-sama!" Ishikirimaru: "Spirited as usual, Imanotsurugi-san, but it's dangerous to be running right now." Imanotsurugi: "It's fine, just hurry up!" Ishikirimaru: "Eh?" Kashuu: "Hold it!" Kasen: "What a wonderful smell." Kasen: "You handle a kitchen knife beautifully." Shokudaikiri: "Thank you. It's because my former master, Lord Date Masamune, did a lot of cooking. Despite being a daimyo, when guests would visit, he'd entertain them by cooking for them himself." Kasen: "Shokudaiki—" Kashuu: "Wait!" Hachisuka: "What a wonderful morning." {Tn: "" Yamanbagiri: "You're up early, Hachisuka. Going somewhere?" Hachisuka: "Ah, Yamanbagiri? Well, the splendor of a Kotetsu shines most brilliantly in the mornings." Maeda/Yasusada: "Our eyes!" Yamanbagiri: "What is the point of that?" Shishiou: "My old man—oh, when I say "old man" I mean Minamoto no Yorihisa, anyway, he brought down a nue! Do you know what a "nue" is? It's basically a monster." Kashuu: "Found you!" Shishiou: "Is he a monster, too?!" Souza: "Did you think you could touch me?" Mutsunokami: "The age of the sword is over." Mutsunokami: "My former master, Sakamoto Ryouma, used to say so, too. The future is guns! Practicing with guns rather than swords is way more useful for actual combat." Mutsunokami: "Close one!" Mutsunokami: "If I'd shot someone outside, I'd be pretty screwed." Hasebe: "I, Hasebe, will care for these crops" Hasebe: "entrusted to me by our master with utter devotion and complete responsibility. I will care for them with complete responsibility—" Kashuu/Yasusada: "Wait!" Hasebe: "You brats! I won't stop at just killing you!" Ishikirimaru: "Purify and cleanse." Hasebe: "Assemble!" Shishiou: "Why are you so tired?" Shokudaikiri: "There's a number of things I want to say, but you can't vandalize the field." Shokudaikiri: "What on earth were you doing?" mazuo: "Having a snowball fight. It's cold, and Yagen said we won't get enough exercise lazing around during New Years'." Yagen: "What? This is my fault?" Maeda: "That's not fair, Namazuo-oniisan!" Imanotsurugi: "Honestly, since Yamatonokami-san joined us last night, we've wanted to play with him." Shokudaikiri: "Is that so?" Maeda: "It is." Gokotai: "I-It was a snowball fight." Hasebe: "While it's commendable that you told the truth... Who cares?! Have you all forgotten your duty?! Listen, we are all swords in the first place. The duty of a sword is to fulfill the responsibilities given to us— Hey, you guys!" Imanotsurugi: "Okay, okay! We know what you're trying to say, Hasebe-san! I am the sword that protected Lord Yoshitsune. Please don't underestimate me." Mutsunokami: "I'm Sakamoto Ryouma's sword!" Kashuu: "Yasusada and I are Okita Souji's swords." Yasusada: "Yes, Okita-kun's." Kasen: "Ah, when you talk like that..." Souza: "Talking about our former masters, huh? No matter how many conquerors' hands I pass through, I am just a bird in a cage." Hasebe: "Okay! Enough talk of the past! Do you understand why our master, the Sage, gave us human form?" Shishiou: "To protect history, right?" Hasebe: "That's right. The Historical Revisionists formed the History Retrograde Army and began carrying out attacks in order to alter history." Hasebe: "Our purpose here is to suppress this army. In other words..." Mutsunokami: "In other words?" Hasebe: "There's no time to play around in the morning! We never know when our master will order us out to battle, and we must always be perfectly prepared to execute those orders at a moment's notice at any time!" kkari: "I was hoping to play and throw some snowballs, too." Hasebe: "Damn you! Don't just show up out of nowhere and complicate things!" kkari: "You'll get more wrinkles if you keep getting angry like that. Smile with Nikkari." Hasebe: "As if! And why are you late, anyway?! Did you not hear the assembly bell?!" Shishiou: "Those History Retrograde Army guys... Don't they get that there's no point in changing history? It'd just cause other problems, right?" Mutsunokami: "True, but we were just swords in the past. But hey, now we have hands and legs, and eyes and mouths, too." Mutsunokami: "Plus, our memories from when we were swords. That being the case..." Shishiou: "That being the case?" Shishiou: "I'd want to go see my old man." Mutsunokami: "If that was all, that'd be fine. But then, you'd want to give your owner" Mutsunokami: "one or two pointers on the best way to go." Souza: "You mustn't do that." Mutsunokami: "How long have you been there?!" Shokudaikiri: "That sort of thing is forbidden, since there's the possibility that you could alter history." kkari: "That would be bad." mazuo: "But, what would happen in the unlikely event that we do change something?" Yasusada: "What would happen if we changed history?" Yasusada: "I can't picture it." Ishikirimaru: "I, too, only just arrived recently, but that is the fifth time I've heard that speech of Hasebe-san's." Kashuu: "I've been here since the start, and I've heard it dozens of times." Ishikirimaru: "We must keep in mind the reason we are here." Yasusada: "Ah, Ishikirimaru-san!" Ishikirimaru: "Namazuo-san, what is this?" mazuo: "Horse manure! Now you've got good luck!" Imanotsurugi: "B-Big news! It's the History Retrograde Army!" Hasebe: "Ah, you've messed up the room again." Hasebe: "Right... What?! An emergency message from the government?! The Retrograde Army is going to the Ikeda Inn?!" Hasebe: "According to what Konnosuke told me, a formidable enemy is gathering. Obviously, there's no choice in an emergency. We must cut down any enemy if you order us to." Hasebe: "The names of the six swords who will be dispatched are written in here, right? We should choose the strongest line-up, since we'll be going to the Ikeda Inn. My name is written inside here, righ—ah, no, never mind. Please excuse me." Hasebe: "Please summon me again any time." Hasebe: "I am my master's attendant. I will rush to your side from anywhere." Yasusada: "The Ikeda Inn?!" Imanotsurugi: "I overheard voices while I was cleaning in front of our master's room." Mutsunokami: "Storming the Ikeda Inn is impossible at our strength right now." Souza: "That's right, we haven't done much training." mazuo: "The Ikeda Inn means it involves the Shinsengumi, right? What is the enemy after?" kkari: "Wouldn't he be the one to ask about that?" Shokudaikiri: "That's right. Kashuu-kun, you were at the Ikeda Inn, weren't you?" Kashuu: "Yes, I was." Shishiou: "You think they wanna interfere with that battle?" Kashuu: "Perhaps they'll attack the Shinsengumi and make it so the Ikeda Inn Incident never happened." Yasusada: "What?" Kashuu: "That way, the plans of the anti-shogunate faction succeed." Mutsunokami: "And Kyoto becomes a sea of fire, huh?" Shishiou: "Damned History Retrograde Army... They're trying to alter history, aren't they?" Yasusada: "Okita-kun is in danger!" Hasebe: "Everyone's here except for those on expeditions, yes?" Hasebe: "This was entrusted to me directly from our master. On it are the names of the six who will go to the Ikeda Inn." Shishiou: "I want to go! In the name of my old man!" Hasebe: "Some of you may be aware of this, but this fight is not going to be easy." Hasebe: "Please listen to Master's will with full devotion." Shokudaikiri: "What's wrong, Hasebe-kun?" Hasebe: "Oh, it's nothing." Hasebe: "All right, I will start from the bottom. The captain will be last. Now, the first team member." Mutsunokami: "This part always makes me nervous." Hasebe: "Tantou: Imanotsurugi." Imanotsurugi: "A-ha, me? Of course!" Hasebe: "Brace yourself for the battle. Now, moving on." Hasebe: "Wakizashi: Nikkari Aoe." kkari: "You have great taste, Master." Hasebe: "Whatever, next." Hasebe: "Ootachi: Ishikirimaru." Hasebe: "He's not here? Ishikirimaru?" Ishikirimaru: "Here!" Hasebe: "Why are you in the bath at a time like this?" Ishikirimaru: "I touched some horse manure, so I washed my hands, and ended up cleansing my whole body." Hasebe: "You're this citadel's first ootachi. Our master has incredibly high hopes for you. You've been picked for this team, so please prepare yourself." Ishikirimaru: "Understood." Hasebe: "It doesn't have to be right now." Ishikirimaru: "I see." Hasebe: "Onto the fourth team member." Hasebe: "Wakizashi: Namazuo Toushirou." mazuo: "Yes! Leave it to me!" Hasebe: "Kashuu Kiyomitsu." Kashuu: "Got it! This is my fifth time in a row being dispatched. I wonder if that means I'm loved..." Hasebe: "Yamatonokami Yasusada." Hasebe: "Yamatonokami Yasusada." Yasusada: "Huh? Me?" Shishiou: "Captain on your first mission?" Shishiou: "Will you be okay?" Yasusada: "Y-Yeah." Shokudaikiri: "Do your best." Hasebe: "Master! Why are you so cruel?!" Kashuu: "The Ikeda Inn, huh? Let's give it our all." Kashuu: "Hey." Kashuu: "About today... What would you say to taking out those anti-shogunate bastards, too?" Yasusada: "Huh?" Kashuu: "If the Shinsengumi went to the Ikeda Inn and the anti-shogunate faction wasn't there," Kashuu: "he wouldn't have ended up like that." Yasusada: "I was honestly thinking about that as well, actually. It would've been better if Okita-kun hadn't fought at the Ikeda Inn." Kashuu: "Idiot." Yasusada: "Eh?" Kashuu: "I was just leading you on." Kashuu: "We have to protect history. Master's orders, right?" kkari: "You're pretty late." Imanotsurugi: "Yay! Hurry up, let's go!" Kashuu: "You two are such worrywarts." Shokudaikiri: "Of course we're worried. The strength of the Retrograde Army in the Ikeda Inn is considerable." Kashuu: "We know that already." Hasebe: "Captain Yamatonokami," Hasebe: "there is only one job for the captain on this mission." Yasusada: "Annihilate the History Retrograde Army?" Hasebe: "No." Yasusada: "Then, to protect the Ikeda Inn's history?" Hasebe: "No." Hasebe: "It's to make sure everyone returns safely without getting broken." Yasusada: "Huh?" Hasebe: "This isn't something our master is allowed to say in their position, so I'll say it instead." {Tn: "" Hasebe: "Don't think you can go on with a few wounds." Hasebe: "If someone gets wounded, return immediately." Hasebe: "Returning doesn't mean you've lost. Don't make an error in judgment." Yasusada: "Yes, sir." Hasebe: "If you understand, then take this." Yasusada: "A protection charm?" Hasebe: "Courtesy of our master. The Ikeda Inn is your first battle, so just in case..." Hasebe: "That will protect your body." Yasusada: "Thank you." Hasebe: "Don't thank me, thank our master." Hasebe: "Now, it's about time to head out. Are you ready?" Kashuu: "It's fine, I'll do it." Kashuu: "Well then, shall we?" Yasusada: "Thanks." Yasusada: "We'll be off now." Hasebe: "Be safe." Shokudaikiri: "Take care." Imanotsurugi: "All right, let's get rid of them before the Shinsengumi show up." Kashuu: "Before that, what's the plan?" Yasusada: "I'll leave the soldiers on the first floor to you. I'll hurry up to the second floor. Once the first floor's clear, join me." Ishikirimaru: "Understood." Yasusada: "Let's go." Kashuu: "Huh? That's strange..." kkari: "Goodness, how interesting." Kashuu: "Okay! Let's clear them out all at once!" Ishikirimaru: "I will exorcise this evil!" mazuo: "Not yet!" Imanotsurugi: "I let my guard down." Imanotsurugi: "Nikkari-san!" Yasusada: "Imanotsurugi!" Imanotsurugi: "But, this is..." Yasusada: "I'll be fine!" Imanotsurugi: "Here I come, Nikkari-san!" Imanotsurugi: "Gotcha!" Kashuu: "Hey! Yasusada!" Yasusada: "Lose your head and die!" Kashuu: "Yasusada!" Kashuu: "Are you okay?!" Yasusada: "Kiyo... mitsu..." Kashuu: "What were you doing?" Yasusada: "I'm sorry." Kashuu: "Sheesh, you got my clothes dirty." Yagen: "You really went all out, didn't you?" Yasusada: "Ow!" Yagen: "Please stay still." Hasebe: "Since we were unable to annihilate the History Retrograde Army, it means that there's a chance they'll go back to the Ikeda Inn again." Shokudaikiri: "It can't be helped. The opponent was too strong." Kashuu: "Speaking of, I'd like to hurry up and get repaired. My nails are all messed up." Hasebe: "The room is full. Don't be selfish. When there is space again, next up is..." Kashuu: "What? How?!" kkari: "Ishikirimaru-san's sword was too long, and it got stuck in the wall." Shokudaikiri: "Ootachi aren't suited for indoor battles." Hasebe: "I'll have to pass that on to our master." Kashuu: "Okay, look this way." Kashuu: "Stay still." Yasusada: "Hey, what are you doing?" Kashuu: "Just stay still." Kashuu: "It's not cute if your bangs are all uneven, right?" Kashuu: "There." Hasebe: "If your repairs are finished, go report the battle results to our master." Yasusada: "Okay." Kashuu: "Hey, Hasebe. Tell Master to increase the space in the repair room." Hasebe: "Like I could ask for that." Kashuu: "Isn't that part of your job as the Master's attendant, though?" Mutsunokami: "It wasn't on purpose!" Hasebe: "You guys..." Hasebe: "Perfect timing. I'll cut you all down!" Yasusada: "I really wanted to go to the second floor." Kashuu: "Hey, now. You're not the only one who looked up to him." Kashuu: "Don't get cocky."
{ "raw_title": "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru Episode 1 – January - Don't get cocky", "parsed": [ "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru", "1", "January - Don't get cocky" ] }
Kashuu/Yasusada: ""This anime is about the stories of the Hanamaru days of a certain group of Sword Warriors in a certain citadel."" Akashi: "This is for me? Thanks. Let's see... Eh, what's that?" Akashi: "Well, I think that's appropriate. Right. If I think of anything, I'll ask Hotarumaru and the others." Kuniyuki: "Man, what a talkative person." Kuniyuki: "Now then, what time is dinner?" Aizen: "No one saw us, right?" Hotarumaru: "Yeah." Akashi: "What's this? Looking at your guardian with such scary expressions..." Aizen: "Hey, Kuniyuki. We're going to go greet everyone in the citadel now, so could you act a bit more proper, please." Akashi: ""A bit more proper"?" Akashi: "You mean me?" Aizen: "Yes." Akashi: "Well, none of that particularly suits me." Aizen: "First impressions are important! Be friendly and proper, please." Akashi: "Aren't I? I'm proper." Hotarumu: "The "Friendly Strategy" might be a bit difficult." Akashi: "What? Getting all secretive all of a sudden? What's up?" Aizen: "We've been talking about how we might get you more used to being here." Akashi: "Gosh, you're really worried about that, aren't you?" Hotarumaru: "Well, you hate working, don't you?" Akashi: "Having no motivation is my specialty." Aizen: "That's what we're worried about! Caring is kind of an important part of living here. Right, Hotarumaru?" Hotarumaru: "Yeah." Akashi: "Try not to expect anything from me." Akashi: "Don't look at me like that. I can't just suddenly care because you tell me to." Aizen: "There's lot's of things, like—" Hotarumaru: "Helping people when they're in trouble." Aizen: "That's right!" Aizen: "And more of us means more housework." Aizeun: "Like weeding!" Aizen: "Cleaning!" Hotarumaru: "Folding laundry and washing dishes." Akashi: "My specialty is eating, though." Aizen: "I want you to like it here, and I want everyone here to like you." Hotarumaru: "Kuniyuki?" Akashi: "Bathroom." Aizen: "Ah, I'll take you to it." Akashi: "It's just down the hall, right? I know where it is, we passed it earlier." Aizen: "But..." Hotarumaru: "We probably said too much. He did only just get here." Aizen: "But if we didn't go that far, he wouldn't get it." Hotarumaru: "You're right, but..." Aizen: "You're worried. I get it. Knowing Kuniyuki, he'd start out saying stuff like, "There's no need to greet one another."" Aizen: "Well, we probably did go a bit too far, though." Hotarumaru: "He's taking a while." Aizen: "Yeah..." Hotarumaru: "You think he knows the way back?" Aizen: "What is it?" Yasusada: "I just took my eyes off it for a moment and the crops..." Hasebe: "They're all destroyed! They were just about ready to be harvested!" Aizen: "This is awful." Hasebe: "Ah, what an atrocity." Yasusada: "What could have done this?" Hasebe: "Some kind of beast? The number of traps may not be enough." Yasusada: "Aren't these shoe prints?" Hasebe: "What is it?" Kashuu: "We were getting ready to roast some sweet potatoes." Gokotai: "Wh-When we came back from getting the potatoes, all the fallen leaves were gone." Yasusada: "Maybe someone thought they were trash and threw them away?" Kashuu: "I guess I'll rake some up again." Kasen: "Wh-What is this?!" Kasen: "They were white and elegantly blowing in the autumn wind until just now." kkari: "Now they're all filthy and messed up." Yasusada: "Filthy?" Kashuu: "The bedding." Kasen: "Look at this." Kasen: "Rather than falling from the clothes line, they've all been taken down and neatly folded." Kasen: "Who in the world could have done this?" Hotarumaru: "There's no way, is there?" Aizen: "It can't be. Kuniyuki wouldn't do that. Eating is his specialty, after all." Hasebe: "What is it, you two? Do you know something?" Hotarumaru: "No!" Yasusada: "Could it be an intruder?" Kashuu: "That would mean the History—" Hasebe: "Retrograde Army?!" Aizen: "You don't think Kuniyuki could have done this, do you?" Hotarumaru: "Do you think Kuniyuki's a likely culprit?" Aizen: "Either way, we need to find him, and fast." Hotarumaru: "Yeah." Shokudaikiri: "Huh?" Shokudaikiri: "Where are the rice balls I just made?" Ookurikara: "The plate disappeared, too?" Shokudaikiri: "What's going on?" Aizen: "I wonder if that jerk Kuniyuki was hungry." Hotarumaru: "Eating is his specialty, after all." Hotarumaru: "Kuniyuki!" Akashi: "Oh, how scary. Why are you two so pale?" Hotarumaru: "Was it you, Kuniyuki?" Aizen: "Let's go. We'll apologize with you, if you've got an excuse." Akashi: "What are you talking about?" Hotarumaru: "You were the one behind everything, right?" Hasebe: "What's the meaning of this?" kkari: "I haven't seen you around here before." Shokudaikiri: "Are you a newcomer?" Akashi: "I'm Akashi Kuniyuki. Nice to meet you." Ookurikara: "What's that?" Akashi: "Ah, I was hungry." Kasen: "You're the one who dirtied the bedding?" Akashi: "My hand slipped." Yasusada: "And the one who damaged the crops?" Akashi: "Yes." Kashuu: "And threw away the fallen leaves." Akashi: "It was all me." kkari: "He's quite the mischievous type." Aizen: "No!" Hotarumaru: "He's not!" Aizen: "Kuniyuki was only doing what we told him to do, but he just got a bit carried away!" Akashi: "You don't have to lie." Aizen: "But—" Yagen: "Who was it that took some medicine from my room? Huh?" Yasusada: "You did that, too?" Akashi: "It was me." Hasebe: "Why would you do that?" Kashuu: "What is that?" Hotarumaru: "Eh?" Akashi: "You shouldn't come out." Yasusada: "It can't be." Kasen: "This is..." Kashuu: "Then are these leaves..." Hotarumaru: "Kuniyuki?" Akashi: "This has become rather troublesome." Aizen: "What's going on?" Akashi: "I heard them when I was coming back from the bathroom." Akashi: "These guys were wailing." Akashi: "I wondered where the mother went since she left her pups behind, so I went looking." Akashi: "Well, she's a pretty careless tanuki." Hasebe: "Then, the ones who caused all that mischief were the tanuki?" Akashi: "No, I was the one doing all the borrowing." Kashuu: "But all that was for the tanuki, right?" Akashi: "Well, yeah." Yasusada: "How kind of you." Aizen: "Man, you had us worried." Hotarumaru: "All this sure isn't like you." Akashi: "Well, it's because I know how a guardian feels." Akashi: "Besides, caring is an important part of living here, right?" kkari: "All's well that ends well." Kasen: "I'll just rewash the laundry." Shokudaikiri: "Okay, we'll start prepping for Akashi-kun's welcome party." Kashuu: "Ah, I'll help you." Akashi: "You don't have to do that for me." Hasebe: "Don't give it a second thought. It's not every day a new comrade joins us." Yasusada: "That's right!" Yagen: "Hey, let me look me take a look at her. I'll treat her wound." Akashi: "Thank you." Aizen: "He's going to fit in pretty well." Hotarumaru: "There was no reason for us to worry." Aizen: "Nope." Akashi: "Hotarumaru, Aizen Kunitoshi, I need you to show me around after all." Hotarumaru: "Sure!" Yasusada: "Whoa, it looks so good!" Yasusada: "Hot!" Kashuu: "That's why I said to be careful." Aizen: "Red bean paste definitely goes with roasted sweet potato!" Aizen: "So good!" Hotarumaru: "Jeez! It's flying everywhere, though." Akashi: "Now, now." Akashi: "Doesn't this mayonnaise stuff go with anything, though?" Akashi: "Yuck! What is this? This won't do!" Hotarumaru: "Come on, Kuniyuki, that's gross." Akashi: "You should try it, too, Hotarumaru. Here." Hotarumaru: "I don't want it." Mikazuki: "A fun person has joined us." Kogitsunemaru: "Yes, so it would seem." Ishikirimaru: "Akashi-san is the 46th Sword Warrior." Ishikirimaru: "It becomes more lively with each day." Imanotsurugi: "Iwatooshi! Aren't they hot?" Mikazuki: "As expected of Musashibou Benkei's naginata. He's just as lively." Imanotusurgi: "Mikazuki-sama! Does that mean I'm handsome, like Lord Yoshitsune?" Mikazuki: "It might." Imanotsurugi: "Yay!" Imanotsurugi: "You're also probably similar to the Shinsengumi's Okita Souji, Yamatonokami-san!" Kashuu: ""Probably."" Yasusada: "Jeez." Iwatooshi: "Yamatonokami is also skilled with a blade, like Okita Souji." Iwatooshi: "He's been through a number of deadly battles." Imanotsurugi: "Yamatonokami-san and Kashuu-san are vital to this citadel." Kashuu: "So he says. I'm glad." Yasusada: "Me, too." Kashuu: "What's the matter?" Yasusada: "Nothing." Yasusada: "I was just wondering what kind of person Kogitsunemaru-san's former master was." Ishikirimaru: "How long have you been there?" Mikazuki: "Honebami Toushirou. You're the attendant at the moment, right? Did you need something?" Honebami: "Dispatch orders." Honebami: "Yamatonokami Yasusada, Mikazuki Munechika, and Kogitsunemaru." Kogitsunemaru: "I will gladly serve." Mikazuki: "Indeed. Shall we go, then?" Honebami: "Also, Yagen Toushirou, Tsurumaru Kuninaga, and the captain is Ichigo Hitofuri." Kashuu: "I'll go tell Yagen and the others." Honebami: "Please get ready." Yasusada: "An uchigatana, tantou, and four tachi." Yasusada: "We have an interesting unit formation today, Captain Ichigo Hitofuri." Ichigo: "Master seems to be trying out different combinations." Yagen: "Ichi-nii, please take care of me." Tsurumaru: "I'm happy to be going into battle with one of the Five Great Swords." Mikazuki: "I'll be glad if this old man can be useful." Kogitsunemaru: "Festival music?" Yasusada: "Eh? I can't hear anything." Tsurumaru: "You have good hearing." Kogitsunemaru: "Because I'm a wild animal." Yagen: "Gunfire?" Tsurumaru: "Surprises are necessary in both life and battle. The enemy knows that, too." Ichigo: "We let our guard down." Ichigo: "Get ready, everyone." Mikazuki: "Kogitsunemaru?" Kogitsunemaru: "I'm fine." Kogitsunemaru: "However, the comb Master gave me..." Tsurumaru: "Now it's our turn to surprise them!" Mikazuki: "Now then... I guess it's time we work for our wages." Ichigo: "Now," Ichigo: "going forth." Yagen: "There you are. Time to strike!" Mikazuki: "Tsurumaru, can I leave this to you?" Tsurumaru: "Where are you going?" Mikazuki: "Kogitsunemaru." Mikazuki: "Since he only recently arrived, he does not have much battle experience." Tsurumaru: "Leave this to us." Yagen: "I'll run you through to the hilt." Mikazuki: "Kogitsunemaru!" Tsurumaru: "Let's help them." Yasusada: "Right." Kogitsunemaru: "I didn't think I'd have to get serious." Yasusada: "S-So cool." Mikazuki: "Well done." Tsurumaru: "Is that all of them?" Yasusada: "There was one more." Yasusada: "Ichigo Hitofuri and Yagen went after it." Yasusada: "Rain?" Tsurumaru: "The sky is clear, though." Yasusada: "I wonder if they're all right." Tsurumaru: "There's only one enemy left. I don't think there's any cause for concern with those two." Kogitsunemaru: "That's..." Yasusada: "Kogitsunemaru-san," Yasusada: "are you all right? Your wounds must hurt." Kogitsunemaru: "Ah, I'm fine." Tsurumaru: "Oh, what good luck. Shall we wait out the rain in that hut?" Tsurumaru: "Excuse us." Kogitsunemaru: "So this is a blacksmith's hut?" Mikazuki: "There's still a fire going. There must still be someone here." Tsurumaru: "Who said you could enter, kon?" Mikazuki: "The crane turned into a fox, did he?" Yasusada: "Jeez, you're just helping yourself. What if they come back?" Tsurumaru: "I'm sure it's fine! Besides, you'll catch a cold if you're soaked. Now, let's all get changed." Yasusada: "Here you are." Yasusada: "I'm really glad there was a hut here." Yasusada: "After we've rested a bit, let's go find Ichigo Hitofuri and Yagen." Mikazuki: "When Munechika strikes with his hammer..." Kogitsunemaru: "...the fox god becomes a halberd." Mikazuki: ""Kokaji."" Mikazuki: "It's Kogitsunemaru's song." Tsurumaru: "Oh, Kogitsunemaru's? What kind of song is it? Please, tell me more about it." Mikazuki: "Tachibana Michinari, upon receiving orders from Emperor Ichijou, ordered the famous swordsmith, Sanjou Munechika, to forge a sword." Mikazuki: "However, that sword was not something Munechika could craft on his own." Mikazuki: "The troubled Munechika sought help from the great god Inari. Upon hearing the pleas of Sanjou Munechika, the great god took the form of a fox spirit and appeared before him. It is said that by working together, the two were able to create a splendid sword." Mikazuki: "And that sword is Kogitsunemaru." Mikazuki: "Throughout the ages, many people have passed along this beloved song." Mikazuki: ""Kokaji" is the song about how Kogitsunemaru was forged." Tsurumaru: "Kogitsunemaru's dignified appearance and sword strength" Tsurumaru: "might be from all of the feelings he has received from people beyond that period. Probably, kon." Yasusada: "You're going to joke around there?" Kogitsunemaru: "That's enough with the little fox stories, isn't it?" All 4: "Oh?" Tsurumaru: "I wonder what it feels like." Tsurumaru: "To have your song passed down through the ages." Yasusada: "I have no idea, but I guess I would feel pretty proud." Yasusada: "And you, Tsurumaru-san?" Tsurumaru: "Well, if that happened..." Yasusada: "You'd be surprised?" Ichigo: "Everyone?" Yasusada: "Huh... this is?" Yagen: "What are you doing?" Mikazaki: "Oh my, the sake..." Tsurumaru: "This is a surprise." Yagen: "We're the ones who are surprised. What were you doing out here in the grass?" Yasusada: "Well, um... Uh... huh? We've been tricked by the foxes, huh?" Kogitsunemaru: "My wounds are healed." Kogitsunemaru: "My comb was fixed, too." Yasusada: "Eh, how?" Kogitsunemaru: "What a conscientious fellow." Mikazuki: "How interesting." Yagen: "What do you mean? Please, explain." Ichigo: "How do I report this to Master?" Tsurumaru: "Now, now, we'll explain it to you later." Kogitsunemaru: "This will also be a wonderful memory." Yasusada: "You're right." gasone: "I am Nagasone Kotetsu, beloved sword of Kondou Isami, commander of the Shinsengumi." Yasusada: "Nagasone Kotetsu." gasone: "I may be a fake, but I will work harder than a real Kotetsu." gasone: "It's you. Yamatonokami Yasusada, huh?"
{ "raw_title": "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru Episode 10 – October - The Really Important Memories", "parsed": [ "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru", "10", "October - The Really Important Memories" ] }
Kashuu/Yasusada: ""This anime is about the stories of the Hanamaru days of a certain group of Sword Warriors in a certain citadel."" gasone: "Don't just stand there. If you want something, come in." Mutsunokami: "I see. The formidable sword of Kondou Isami, the fearsome commander of the Shinsengumi," Mutsunokami: "isn't all that impressive, is he?" gasone: "That's why I'm training like this." gaonse: "I can't be dragging everyone down." Mutsunokami: "Sakamoto Ryouma and Kondou Isami." Mutsunokami: "The man who brought down the shogunate, and the man who protected it. To think the swords of former enemies would be reunited in the flesh like this." Mutsunokami: "If you haven't finished training yet, how about some gun training with me?" gasone: "I don't know anything beyond the manly, direct sword style of Kondou Isami!" gasone: "Thus, I strive to be loyal to this method of fighting!" Mutsunokami: "Hey now, Sakamoto Ryouma is the definition of manly! Sakamoto was cheerful and openhearted!" gasone: "No, Kondou Isami was more forthright in his manliness!" Mutsunokami: "Sakamoto was broadminded!" gasone: "Kondou was incredibly generous!" Mutsunokami: "He was affable!" gasone: "He was indomitable!" Mutsunokami: "He was gentle but firm!" gasone: "He was enterprising and daring!" Mutsunokami: "Sakamoto!" gasone: "Kondou!" Tsurumaru: "Do those two not get along? Or is it the opposite?" Shokudaikiri: "They get along because they don't get along." Tsurumaru: "I see. It's complicated." gasone: "Kondou!" Mutsunokami: "Sakamoto!" Hachisuka: "Now that fall has ended, winter begins. Loneliness hangs in the air, does it not?" Urashima: "You think so?" Hachisuka: "I thought you liked summer, Urashima, but do you like winter as well?" Urashima: "That's not it, Hachisuka-niichan! It's because Nagasone-niichan has arrived at the citadel!" Urashima: "I'm so glad all of us siblings are together. I even got to train with Nagasone-niichan yesterday." Urashima: "And he didn't go easy on me!" Hachisuka: "How unpleasant." Urashima: "Nagasone-niichan's gotten so strong already! He's amazing!" Hachisuka: "That man is not your older brother, nor anything close." Hachisuka: "He's a fake calling himself a Kotetsu." Hachisuka: "Like I could ever get along with a forgery." Urashima: "That doesn't matter to me, though." Urashima: "Whether he's authentic or a forgery..." Hasebe: "Master, they've appeared there again? The Sword Warriors being dispatched are—" Hasebe: "Very well, these six?" Hasebe: "They should be able to fulfill their duty." Hasebe: "Dispatch orders have come from Master for you all." Hasebe: "Do not be alarmed, and calmly listen to me." Hasebe: "Somehow! The History Retrograde Army has..." Kashuu: "...infiltrated the Ikeda Inn again, right?" Hasebe: "What, you were already prepared?" Kashuu: "I mean, given that you gathered the five Shinsengumi swords, it had to be that." Hasebe: "You're being sent to the Ikeda Inn in Kyoto in the year 1864." gasone: "These five swords are going?" Hasebe: "No, there's one more." Mutsunokami: "Looks like I'll be going with you guys to the Ikeda Inn. I have no idea what our Master is thinking." gasone: "So it's you." Hasebe: "Surely there's some intention behind it. Knock off the fighting and dragging out the relationship between your former masters." Hasebe: "It's an indoor battle in narrow rooms. Cooperate and fight together, so you're not just slashing around recklessly." gasone: "Cooperate? I wonder if he can manage that?" Mutsunokami: "Oh, scary." Hasebe: "The captain is Yamatonokami Yasusada." Yasusada: "Y-Yes." Kanesada: "Captain, huh? I'm counting on you." Horikawa: "I'll help you, too!" Hasebe: "Yamatonokami, this is from Master." Yasusada: "A protection charm?" Hasebe: "As Master's attendant, I'm always by their side, so I know this much." Hasebe: "You had a fierce fight at the Ikeda Inn. Master knows how hard you've worked since then." Hasebe: "They've been keeping a close eye on you." Hasebe: "Show them the fruits of your labor." Kashuu: "What? They've only been watching Yasusada?" Hasebe: "Master always keeps an eye on everyone, of course. They've been enjoying your stories as well, Kashuu." Hasebe: "Master cares about all the Sword Warriors that are gathered here." Hasebe: "Return the sentiment, Yamatonokami." Hasebe: "What's the matter?" Yasusada: "I just got nervous all of a sudden." Hasebe: "In that case, Master entrusted me to give you this." Kashuu: "What? That's so nice." Horikawa: "What is this box?" Mutsunokami: "Is there something inside it?" Hasebe: "Who knows? I'm not sure." Yasusada: "I'm going to open it." Yasusada: "Ouch!" gasone: "It's a jack-in-the-box." Hasebe: "Your nervousness is gone now, isn't it?" Yasusada: "Yeah!" Hasebe: "This is another part of Master's kindness." Hasebe: "All right, you are being dispatched in 30 minutes." Yasusada: "Before we go, I want to come up with a battle strategy, so can we all gather in the great room?" Yasusada: "I've been over the tactics in my head numerous times since that day." Hasebe: "Kashuu, do you have a minute?" Kashuu: "What is it?" Hasebe: "Master has high hopes for Yamatonokami." Hasebe: "However, I'm honestly concerned. He strongly adores Okita Souji—" Kashuu: "That's..." Kashuu: "all in the past now." Hasebe: "Is it really?" Kashuu: "Okita Souji isn't the one who is wielding us anymore now." Kashuu: "This is our Master now." Kashuu: "Yasusada knows that, too." Hasebe: "He's not pushing himself, is he?" Kashuu: "He's gotten stronger mentally as well. Believe in him." Hasebe: "Kashuu, I'm counting on you." Kashuu: "I know." Kanesada: "What is the History Retrograde Army's goal in going to the Ikeda Inn?" Horikawa: "Attack the Shinsengumi and keep the anti-shogunate ronin alive, perhaps?" gasone: "Makes sense. By keeping them alive, they'll turn Kyoto into a sea of fire." gasone: "That's how they want to alter history, huh?" Kashuu: "Probably, it seems the most likely." Yasusada: "So, the History Retrograde Army will be supporting the anti-shogunate ronin. They'll be lying in wait, either hiding in the Ikeda Inn or nearby until the Shinsengumi arrive." Mutsunokami: "How shall we fight them, then, Yamatonokami?" Yasusada: "On that day, the Shinsengumi split into the Kondou unit and the Hijikata unit, searching for the anti-shogunate ronin lurking somewhere in the city of Kyoto." Yasusada: "During the search, the Kondou unit saw the ronin as they entered the Inn. Four of them: Kondou, Okita, Nagakura, and Toudou stormed the Inn from the front. Right?" gasone: "Yeah." Kashuu: "I remember it well." Yasusada: "When they fought on the second floor, they found the anti-shogunate ronin." Yasusada: "If we can, we should lure the Retrograde Army to the first floor or the backyard." Yasusada: "Worst case, we fight in hiding even if they go up to the second floor." Yasusada: "We will split up into two groups." Yasusada: "Nagasone-san, Mutsunokami, Kiyomitsu, and myself will storm the entrance." Yasusada: "Izuminokami and Horikawa will fight in the back yard. We'll make the enemy think that you're the Shinsengumi with your haori, and lure them to the backyard." Kanesada: "Okay, got it." Mutsunokami: "Oh, so I'm with Nagasone, then?" Mutsunokami: "The gun is stronger than the sword. Fight with me and you'll quickly find out why they call it the age of handgun." gasone: "Will you be able to say the same thing after seeing me work?" Yasusada: "Now, now. Like Hasebe said, we have to cooperate and fight together." Yasusada: "When we're done, we'll meet up on the roof." Kanesada: "On the roof?" Horikawa: "No one will come up there." Yasusada: "All right, good luck, everyone!" All: "Yeah!" Horikawa: "Okay, Kane-san, you look cool." Yasusada: "Do you remember this?" Kashuu: "That's the one I gave you." Yasusada: "I will never fight that selfishly and carelessly again." Kashuu: "You're going like that?" Yasusada: "It's my reminder." Kashuu: "We still have some time. Got a second?" mazuo: "There's one here, too!" Akita: "And here, too!" Hirano: "The flowers are blooming!" Kashuu: "Flowers?" Ichigo: "Yes, even though it's nearly winter, the cherry blossoms have bloomed." Kashuu: "Huh?!" Yasusada: "Really?" Ichigo: "I'm glad to be able to see the cherry blossoms with my little brothers without having to wait for spring." Gokotai: "I-I'm glad, too!" Kogitsunemaru: "What kind of tree has cherry blossoms that bloom even in the winter?" Uguisumaru: "We thought that it was a "ten thousand leaf cherry tree," but we're not so sure anymore." Kousetsu: "Only this tree knows what it is thinking." Tsurumaru: "What we do know is that this tree doesn't want to bore us." Kashuu: "Hey, do you remember this?" Yasusada: "That..." Yasusada: "Why do you have that paper?" Kashuu: "I knew we'd eventually return to the Ikeda Inn. I thought I'd show you this when the time came." Kashuu: "Are you still having that dream?" Kashuu: "The one where you're the sword he took to the Ikeda Inn, not me?" Yasusada: "Yeah." Yasusada: "Sometimes." Yasusada: "I looked up to Okita-kun, and I still care about him even now." Yasusada: "But, I'm different than I was when I first arrived here." Yasusada: "I've had a change of heart." Yasusada: "I'm fighting for the sake of our Master and this citadel." Yasusada: "Look in my eyes." Kashuu: "You don't need that anymore, then." Yasusada: "So the protection charm will be empty?" Kashuu: "It's fine, because I have this." Kashuu: "I like it, since it's pretty." Hasebe: "When these cherry blossoms bloom splendidly again, I'd like to have Master enjoy them without worry." Hasebe: "For that to happen, do all you can to return with smiles." Mikazuki: "Yes, we leave the Hanamaru to you." Shokudaikiri: "Good luck." Tsurumaru: "Do your best." Imanotsurugi: "Please do your best!" Iwatooshi: "Yeah!" Tantou/Wakizashi: "Good luck!" Hachisuka: "I won't forgive you if you break." gasone: "Right." Jirou: "All right then, let's liven things up. How about a drink?" Uguisumaru: "I would like to drink some tea." Kogitsunemaru: "Nakigitsune! Will you make some inari zushi?" Akita: "I'll bring some candy!" Hasebe: "Hey! Are you all trying to have a party? They're all about to leave on a vital mission! Have some restraint!" Jirou: "What? We aren't going, though." Shokudaikiri: "Come now, Hasebe-kun. This is just our way of doing things." Hasebe: "There's no dissuading you guys." Tsurumaru: "Okay, time for party preparations!" All: "Yeah!" Yasusada: "We'll be off to the Ikeda Inn, then!" Yasusada: "As we planned, we split into two groups." Kanesada: "We'll go the backyard." Horikawa: "Let's go, Kane-san." Kashuu: "Show us your cool side." Kanesada: "Who do you think I am?" gasone: "Will you let me open the door?" gasone: "Let's go." Mutsunokami: "There's a bunch of them." Kashuu: "Such a grand welcome. It's tough being popular." Yasusada: "Don't say stupid things! Take this seriously." Kashuu: "I know." Yasusada: "I'm not responsible if you're careless and break or shatter." Kashuu: "That's not very appealing. I guess I'll get serious." Mutsunokami: "Got no choice, do I?" Horikara: "This way!" Kanesada: "Hey, Kunihiro..." Kanesada: "Isn't this a few too many?" Yasusada: "I'll show you the three-step thrust that I practiced with Kiyomitsu!" gasone: "This isn't even a wound." Yasusada: "Lose your head and die!" Horikawa: "Amazing, Kane-san!" Kanesada: "You don't have to say that every time." Kashuu: "Fighting one-on-one?" Kashuu: "Don't go up there!" Kashuu: "Yasusada! I'm going up to the second floor!" Yasusada: "Don't let the ronin see you!" Ronin A: "What was that sound?" Ronin B: "There's no one there." Yasusada: "So you're the boss?" Kanesada: "Kunihiro!" Kanesada: "You've really done it now!" Kanesada: "Now, Kunihiro!" Horikawa: "Right, Kane-san!" Horikara: "Double Sword..." Kanesada: "...Attack!" Kanesada: "Job well done." Horikawa: "You too, Kane-san!" Kashuu: "I was serious this time." Mutsunokami: "A bit closer and you would've cut me, too." gasone: "Even you would've been able to avoid that." gasone: "Thanks." Mutsunokami: "That makes us even." Kanesada: "Are there any left?" gasone: "Yamatonokami is facing off with the last one." Mutsunokami: "He'll be fine." Horikawa: "We can't stay here. The Shinsengumi are coming. Let's go up to the roof!" Yasusada: "One bold Okita strike!" Okita: "Hey, you." Okita: "I've never seen you before, are you new?" Okita: "That sword looks like a splendid piece of work." Yasusada: "Ah, this..." Okita: "If you aren't going to use that sword now, just when do you plan on using it?" Okita: "Come on!" Yasusada: "W-Wait!" Kondou: "This is a Shinsengumi raid!" Horikawa: "The Shinsengumi have arrived." Mutsunokami: "So it's started." Kanesada: "Damn, Yasusada is late." Yasusada: "Okita-kun!"
{ "raw_title": "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru Episode 11 – November - A Stern Blow to Okita's Inheritance", "parsed": [ "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru", "11", "November - A Stern Blow to Okita's Inheritance" ] }
Yasusada: "Okita-kun!" Kanesada: "Damn, Yamatonokami is late." gasone: "Could he just be hiding somewhere, so he won't be spotted?" Kanesada: "Can he not find an escape route?" Horikawa: "What's wrong? Is this worrying you?" Kashuu: "I'm not sure." hongou: "Drink, drink, drink up the sake, the more you drink," hongou: "the more you'll become the best..." Hakata: "...spear in Japan!" hongou: "Drink until you can't drink anymore..." Jirou: "Now this is a true Kuroda warrior!" Hakata: "That was great!" Jirou: "Okay, the Shinsengumi swords will be singing next!" Tarou: "They're in the middle of a mission at the Ikeda Inn." Jirou: "Oh, that's right. Aren't they late getting back?" Otegine: "I'll sing next, then!" Jirou: "Please do, Otegine-chan!" Hakata: "If you get doublets, I'll treat you to a drink. If you don't, you're paying for yourself!" Gokotai: "Ah, I'd like to play outside with Master." Maeda: "Let's try and invite them." Hasebe: "Just because you say you won't go outside doesn't mean you should spend all day in your sleepwear." Hasebe: "At least wear this, please. I spent all night sewing it..." Akita: "Hasebe-san is working, so we shouldn't disturb him." Gokotai: "I-I wish I could be the Master's assistant." Maeda: "Huh?" Gokotai: "Wh-What's the matter?" Maeda: "Something's off." Gokotai: "Y-Yamatonokami-san..." All 3: "He's disappeared!" Midare: "You're right! What do this mean?" Atsushi: "Here too, and it's only Yamatonokami." kigitsune: "My, my, what in the world could this mean?" Midare: "You don't think something happened, do you?" Ichigo: "It's okay. I'm sure it's just a prank by someone." Midare: "A prank?" Ichigo: "I'm sure someone here in the citadel could have come up with this prank." Atsuhi: "If it's a prank, they've gone too far." Gokotai: "I-Is it really a prank?" Maeda: "Who would do this?" Akita: "Let's ask around." Tantou'S: "Let's go. Let's do that." Shishiou: "Me?" Shishiou: "I swear on my old man, I didn't do it!" Shishiou: "Besides, how do you only erase Yamatonokami from a picture?" Kasen: "Who let Yamanbagiri drink sake?! Ah! Your cloth is going to get dirty if you roll around there like that!" Yamanbagiri: "I am a copy. It's fine if I get dirty." Kasen: "What are you saying? Please don't move anymore! You're making me want to wash it." Kasen: "I'm begging you, please stop!" Urashima: "Hachisuka-niichan, look at this!" Hachisuka: "Yes, the shining ocean really suits you, Urashima. As expected of an authentic Kotetsu." Urashima: "Not that! Didn't you notice?! He's not there!" Hachisuka: "Not there?" Hachisuke: "Who do you mean?" Urashima: "Kamekichi! You wanted to be in the photo too, right, Kamekichi?" Hachisuka: "I see, I see. Then we'll all take a picture together next time." Aizen: "I swear on Aizen Myouou that I didn't do this prank." Hotarumaru: "How do you restore something like this?" Akita: "Um, what about you, Akashi-san?" Akashi: "You think I'd go to all that trouble?" Hirano: "And here, he's not in this one, either." Hirano: "Is this really someone playing a prank?" Uguisumaru: "Or..." Hirano: "Or?" Uguisumaru: "Never mind." Hirano: "I'll be able to eat Castella cake with Yamatonokami-san again, won't I?" Uguisumaru: "Of course. Don't worry, everything will be all right." Hirano: "Okay!" Yamabushi: "Roar, my muscles!" Gokotai: "E-Excuse me." Gokotai: "I was hoping you could look at this picture." Yamabushi: "Ah, you are amazing, Doudanuki Masakuni. You're splendid from your pectoralis major to serratus anterior." Doudanuki: "I don't get what you're saying, but that's fine if I'm getting stronger." Tonbokiri: "My trapezius muscles seem to have become more powerful as well." Souza: "He's not there, is he?" Kousetsu: "Yes. He's not in any of these." Maeda: "Do you have any ideas?" Sayo: "We... don't...." mazuo: "More importantly, look at this. It broke, and it won't stop." Akita: "Namazuo-niisan? Honebami-niisan, please save me!" Gokotai: "It's all bubbly!" Yagen: "So, how did you erase only Yamatonokami from the pictures?" Tsurumaru: "I didn't do it." Shokudaikiri: "You can't help but suspect Tsuru-san, can you?" Tsurumaru: "Hey now, Mitsubou, don't be rude. This just means that the least likely person is the culprit." Tsurumaru: "Who would be the least likely to play a prank on Yamatonokami?" Ookurikara: "I have no intention of getting along." Shokudaikiri: "Kara-chan." Imanotsurugi: "What a strange thing to have happened." Iwatooshi: "Yeah, you're right." Ishikirimaru: "I have a bad feeling about this." Ishikirimaru: "What do you think?" Mikazuki: "This..." Mikazuki: "probably means that something is happening at the Ikeda Inn." Kogitsunemaru: "What could it be?" Mikazuki: "Yamatonokami." Mikazuki: "If he were to try and alter history..." Iwatooshi: "Alter history? What would happen if he did?" Mikazuki: "A new assassin would appear." Mikazuki: "Though I hope my suspicions are wrong." Maeda: "Yamatonokami-san..." Kogitsunemaru: "There's no need to worry. The Shinsengumi swords have a strong bond." Imanotsurugi: "That's right! Whatever happens, Kashuu-san is there." Iwatooshi: "That's right. Kashuu-dono will take care of it." Ishikirimaru: "He is the most veteran member of this citadel." Ishikirimaru: "We can depend on Kashuu-san." Mikazuki: "Let's pray for their safety." Kondou: "Souji!" Yasusada: "Okita-kun!" Kondou: "S-Souji!" Yasusada: "Okita-kun!" Okita: "Don't!" Okita: "What are you doing?" Okita: "Don't make excuses for not doing what you must." Okita: "It's annoying." Okita: "Draw your sword!" gasone: "Isn't he way too late at this point?" Horikawa: "Enemies we've never seen before?" Kashuu: "The Kebiishi?" gasone: "Kebiishi?" Kashuu: "They appear whenever they sense someone severely meddling with history." Mutsunokumi: "Why are they here?" Kanesada: "Their bloodlust is impressive. How strong are they?" Kashuu: "About my level?" Mutsunokami: "Out of bullets." Mutsunokami: "Kashuu!" Horikawa: "Kane-san!" Kanesada: "Move, Kunihiro!" Kashuu: "I'm sorry." gasone: "Why are you apologizing?" Mutsunokami: "Kashuu! Leave this to us!" Mutsunokami: "We won't let them set foot in the Ikeda Inn!" Kashuu: "Thanks!" Horikawa: "Kane-san!" Horikawa: "Get up, Kane-san! You're the cool and strong sword, aren't you?! You said it's stupid to just focus on appearances! Weren't we always going to fight together? Without you, Kane-san, I can't—" Kanesada: "Kunihiro." Kanesada: "Don't go acting like I'm dead." Horikawa: "Kane-san!" Kanesada: "I can't just leave you alone, can I?" Mutsunokami: "You're pretty good, y'know." gasone: "I'm pretty sturdy, despite being a fake. Besides, my little brothers are waiting for me." gasone: "Take that!" Mutsunokami: "You've got people waiting for you, don't ya? Get it together." gasone: "I'm not done yet." Kashuu: "What the hell are you doing?!" Yasusada: "Kiyo... mitsu... I—" Kashuu: "Look into my eyes!" Kashuu: "Your master right now isn't Okita-kun!" Kashuu: "I wanted to protect Okita-kun, too. I wanted to fight with him, unbroken, to the end," Kashuu: "because I love him! I'm the same as you," Kashuu: "but I can't let myself be broken here again. Please, remember, the warm feelings of our master," Kashuu: "and everyone waiting for us at the citadel!" Yasusada: "Okita-kun?" Okita: "What is the thing you must do?" Yasusada: "I want to be stronger like you, because I admire you, Okita-kun." Okita: "For what reason?" Yasusada: "In order to protect things!" Yasusada: "I have a master waiting for me in a precious place." Okita: "Is that so?" Okita: "Then you know what you need to do." Yasusada: "Yes." Okita: "It's strange." Okita: "It feels like this isn't the first time we've met." Okita: "As if we were old friends." Okita: "I will wield my sword until this illness claims me, for loyalty and my comrades." Okita: "That is the fate I have been given." Okita: "Finish doing what you need to do with that sword." Yasusada: "Kiyomitsu." Kashuu: "Let's go home..." Kashuu: "To our citadel." Kondou: "Souji?" Kanesada: "I am Izuminokami Kanesada! To be completely devoted to practicality is unattractive, and it's stupid to just focus on appearances. Thus, I combine both of those points." Kanseada: "Isn't that right?" Horikawa: "Yes!" Kanesada: "I wouldn't look cool if I was insincere!" Kanesada: "So why don't we get this going?" Horikawa: "Kane-san!" Mutsunokami: "You guys..." Yasusada: "Master," Yasusada: "I have something I wish to discuss with you." Yasusada: "Is now a good time?" Kashuu: "You're really going." Yasusada: "Yeah." Kashuu: "Where to?" Yasusada: "I haven't decided yet." Kashuu: "When will you be back?" Yasusada: "I don't know that, either." Kashuu: "I see." Kashuu: "So I'll be waiting for you again, then?" Kashuu: "This is probably what Master was going for when they sent you to the Ikeda Inn." Yasusada: "Huh?" Kashuu: "You said you wanted to be stronger," Kashuu: "so get stronger and come home." Yasusada: "Okay." Kasen: "This is the very definition of elegance." Yamanbagiri: "It feels nice." Uguisumaru: "I had called this the thousand leaf cherry tree, but it appears I was wrong." Ichigo: "No. The cherry blossoms said to bloom once in 10,000 years have bloomed many times." Honebami: "It's a miracle." Ichigo: "They bloomed in the winter, as well." Ichigo: "No one understands..." Shokudaikiri: "...this tree." Yagen: "But, that's what makes it interesting." Tsurumaru: "That's the good thing about this tree." Yagen: "You're right." Mikazuki: "It's as if this tree is watching over us." Kogitsunemaru: "It makes me feel calm." Mikazuki: "You're right." Hasebe: "This citadel is very lucky to be watched over by this tree and our master." Kashuu: "Are you done yet? Pretty sure everyone is tired of waiting." Yasusada: "Just a minute. It's been a while since I've seen everyone" Kashuu: "Here." Yasusada: "You fixed it!" Kashuu: "I had lots of free time while you were gone. I decorated it." Kashuu: "Thanks for waiting!" Mutsunokami: "Yamatonokami!" Gokotai: "Y-Yamatonokami-san!" Yasusada: "I'm back!" Hakata: "It took you a while to get back!" Horikawa: "Welcome back!" Kanesada: "You seem better now." Yasusada: "Yeah." Yasusada: "I am Yamatonokami Yasusada." Yasusada: "I've shaken off my past and am the beloved sword of my current master." Yasusada: "I will fulfill my duties for my master. Because that's what I have to do." Jirou: "Hey, Yamatonokami, hurry up and get over here!" Yasusada: "One second." Yasusada: "Please continue to look after me." Mikazuki: "Oh, the cherry blossoms answered you." Mutsunokami: "Okay, is everyone here now? Get together in front of the tree." Imanotsurugi: "Why are we taking a picture?" Iwatooshi: "Because the cherry blossoms are beautiful, of course. Right?" Mutsunokami: "This is why! Master bought me a camera. It's called a SLR camera!" Hasebe: "Master..." Mutsunokami: "Squish into the center a bit more!" Mutsunokami: "Ootachi, get further back! Ah, except Hotarumaru. He can be in the front." Hotarumaru: "Okay." Kashuu: "Okay, okay, the star sits in the center." Mutsunokami: "We're all set. I'm getting in the picture, too. Be sure and smile, everyone!" Yasusada: "Hey, isn't this just a bit too cutesy?" Kashuu: "It's fine, isn't it? I think it suits you." Yasusada: "You think so?" Kashuu: "Master won't be able to cherish you unless you're cute." Yasusada: "Isn't it a little too flashy?"
{ "raw_title": "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru Episode 12 – December - Our Citadel is the Hanamaru Today Too", "parsed": [ "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru", "12", "December - Our Citadel is the Hanamaru Today Too" ] }
Kashuu/Yasusada: ""This anime is about the stories of the Hanamaru days of a certain group of Sword Warriors in a certain citadel."" Kashuu: "What were you doing?" Yasusada: "I'm sorry." Tsurumaru: "Yo! Sorry I kept you waiting." Hasebe: "Master! Tsurumaru has arrived!" Hasebe: "Good morning, gentlemen." All: "Good morning." Hasebe: "As you can see, the snow that has been falling since last night has piled up." Hasebe: "There are also areas that have frozen over, so be careful." All: "Yes." Hasebe: "We have new Sword Warriors to welcome." Hasebe: "The uchigatana Doudanuki Masakuni joined us last night. And the tachi Tsurumaru joined us this morning." Tsurumaru: "Yo! Nice to meet you all!" Doudanuki: "Where is the battlefield I'm meant for?" Shokudaikiri: "Tsuru-san! I'm glad I get to see you like this!" Tsurumaru: "Oh! Mitsubou!" Hasebe: "Please do not let our master down. Everyone remembers what it was like to be new and unfamiliar here, so please try to help them. Now then, I will announce today's duty assignments, which were appointed by our master." Text: "Ta-da!" Hasebe: "Horse duty: Ishikirimaru and Akita. Field duty: Aizen and Nakigitsune. Sparring: Maeda and Gokotai. Laundry duty: Kasen and Yamanbagiri. Cleaning duty: Hachisuka and Midare. Cooking duty: Shokudaikiri and Nikkari. Of course, I will attending to our master." Shishou: "Do we get dispatched if we have no duties?!" Mutsunokami: "Guess I'll go polish my gun, then." Yasusada: "No duties, huh?" Hasebe: "And, lastly, Kashuu." Hasebe: "Take the two newcomers and show them around the citadel." Kashuu: "What? Why me?" Hasebe: "Master appointed you. Be grateful." Kashuu: "That must mean I'm loved, then. Understood." Hasebe Sfx: "Ahem!" Hasebe: "Now then, so that you are ready whenever dispatch orders come, be sure to—" Kashuu: "Hey, about showing these two around... You're free today, too, right?" Yasusada: "Yes, yes, I figured you'd ask." Hasebe: "You should listen until the end." Hasebe: "Whatever." Kashuu: "I'm Kashuu Kiyomitsu." Kashuu: "I'm the oldest member of this citadel. Nice to meet you." Tsurumaru: "Yes, same here." Doudanuki: "Y-Yes." Kashuu: "Also, having had the same former master as I did, this is Okita Souji's beloved sword..." Yasusada: "Yamatonokami Yasusada. Nice to meet you." Tsurumaru: "Nice to meet you!" Doudanuki: "Yeah." Kashuu: "Well then, the citadel tour is starting!" Kashuu: "On your left, you can see the open-air baths." Tsurumaru: "This citadel has open-air baths? That's surprising!" Tsurumaru: "This is great!" Kashuu: "Now, on to the next place!" Kasen Sfx: "Scrub, scrub..." Kasen: "Elegance is freshly washed shirts drying in the wind." Kasen: "Yamanbagiri." Yamanbagiri: "What?" Kasen: "That cloth?" Yamanbagiri: "Doesn't need it." Yamanbagiri: "This suits a copy like me." Kasen: "What if I said I wanted to?" Yamanbagiri: "No." Kasen: "I see." Kashuu: "Okay, this is the laundry area." Yasusada: "There's another one..." Kashuu: "That's fabric softener." Kashuu: "Our master, who likes new things, bought it." Yasusada: "Fabric softener?" Yasusada: "It's so soft!" kigitsune (Fox): "They even have cabbage here!" Aizen: "Oh! They look delicious!" kigitsune (Fox): "I have heard that the snow cabbage, which can withstand the cold of the snow, is exceptionally delicious. Nakigitsune, let's try a bite!" kigitsune: "Okay." Aizen: "Hey, now! This food is for everyone! Can we really eat it?" kigitsune (Fox): "Nakigitsune says it's okay!" Aizen: "It's our secret. I'll eat some, too. Let's eat!" Kashuu: "Okay." Hashuu: "And here are the fields." Tsurumaru: "You can really be self-sufficient here!" Yasusada: "Huh?" Yasusada Sfx: "Sniff, sniff." Yasusada: "I smell something good." Yasusada: "What is that smell?" Yasusada: "Ah! It's this!" Yasusada: "It smells so good." Kashuu: "That grass is called a "herb." Master's been really excited about growing it. Well, they'll get tired of it pretty quick, though." Tsurumaru: "What's a "herb"? Is it like nanakusa?" Tsurumaru: "Let's see." Tsurumaru: "It clears your nose right up!" Kashuu: "Let's move on." Akita: "You sure are cute, Mr. Horse. What is your name?" Kashuu: "These are the stables." Tsurumaru: "It's Ishikirimaru!" Ishikirimaru: "Tsurumaru-san. I'm glad we could meet." Tsurumaru: "I never would've thought that you'd be tending to horses! What a surprise!" Ishikirimaru: "Healing is my primary purpose." Tsurumaru: "So, your essence hasn't changed, despite coming here?" Yasusada: "Look. Tsurumaru-san and the horse..." Yasusada: "Their eyes are sparkling." Akita: "Kashuu-san," Akita: "does this horse have a name?" Kashuu: "It does. Hanataro." All: "Hanataro?!" Tsurumaru: "Why is it called Hanataro?" Kashuu: "For your information, it wasn't my idea, so if it bothers you, tell Master." Akita: "Hanataro." Kashuu: "This is the training room." Doudanuki: "So, this is where you spar? I wouldn't be bored here, I bet." Doudanuki: "Training's great. That way, you can fight the strong guys in battles. Have you two had experience fighting in real battles yet?" Maeda/Gokotai: "Yes!" Doudanuki: "Now, attack me!" Kashuu: "Jeez, let's keep going!" Kashuu: "We're back." Doudanuki: "Hey, you!" Doudanuki: "A g-girl..." Midare: "Mr. Newcomer! You're Doudanuki Masakuni-san, right?" Midare: "I am Midare Toushirou, nice to meet you!" Doudanuki: "B-Boy?" Hachisuka: "Kashuu, I have something to ask you." Kashuu: "What is it?" Hachisuka: "Can I throw these cardboard boxes away?" Kashuu: "What? Why?" Hachisuka: "They take up too much space." Kashuu: "Master wants to keep them, though. Said they might use them some day." Hachisuka: "Can't throw things away, huh?" Hachisuka: "Let's put them in the warehouse, at least. Doudanuki, won't you help me out with that?" Doudanuki: "S-Sure." Tsurumaru: "Hey, Kashuu, what kind of person is our master?" Yasusada: "Ah, I'd like to know that, too. I haven't gotten to properly talk to Master." Kashuu: "Let's see. They're a little sloppy, clumsy, unreliable," Kashuu: "and I don't often understand what they're thinking." Kashuu: "But..." Kashuu: "They try their best and have their cute points, too." Yasusada: "Why don't we go see them?" Kashuu: "Eh?" Tsurumaru: "That's a good idea! Master's room is around here, right? Let's just go and surprise them!" Kashuu: "No, that's not a good idea! Wait!" Tsurumaru: "All right, surprise time!" Kashuu: "Hey, wait!" Tsurumaru: "What?" Hasebe: "Master! Why don't you put the books you've read back on the shelf? Jeez, without me, Hasebe, you can't do a thing. Let's organize the things on your desk! You don't know where anything is this way, do you? Ah, jeez! Master!" Yasusada: "That was delicious." Tsurumaru: "Mitsubou, that was really good!" Shokudaikiri: "Thanks." Shokudaikiri: "I always wanted to try doing something other than fighting." Tsurumaru: "It's surprising that we've all been gathered together to fight, when we thought we'd never have to fight again." Souza: "It is a curious coincidence." Tsurumaru: "We were together for a bit during the same period, weren't we?" Tsurumaru: "Oda..." Tsuru/Hase/Souza/Yagen: "...Nobunaga." Tsurumaru: "What? Do you not want to remember?" Hasebe/Souza: "That man—" Hasebe: "What? Say what you have to say, first." Souza: "No, please, after you." Hasebe: "Just thinking about that man makes me angry. Upset with a young tea servant, who made a mistake, he decided to kill the boy himself... When the tea servant was hiding in a cabinet, Nobunaga cut through the whole thing." Hasebe: "Who cares if it had been with his bare hands? I didn't like what happened after that! Giving me a name like Heshikiri and then simply giving me away to some tactician who wasn't even a vassal! What's with that?!" Hasebe: "It's no laughing matter!" Yasusada: "You hate your former master?" Kashuu: "Mm, well, it's not really "hate"..." Yasusada: "Are you serious?" Kashuu: "Right?" Souza: "I don't really have good memories, either. That man showed off his power, always going on about how the world belonged to him." Souza: "I was handed over to him after the Battle of Okehazama." Souza: "He used to polish me and often kept me at his side." Souza: "It seemed he was very pleased with me." Souza: "He carved his own name into my tang." Souza: "That is something that will never disappear." Souza: "I was merely something for him to brag about. Despite being created as a sword, I have hardly ever been to the battlefield." Yasusada: "But, you were dearly treasured. Isn't that a good enough?" Yasusada: "Am I wrong?" Kashuu: "How you want to be loved is up to each person, isn't it?" Tsurumaru: "What about you, Yagen?" Tsurumaru: "Surely you have grudges, too. You were always at his bosom, weren't you?" Yagen: "I guess. Many things happened." Yagen: "But..." Tsurumaru: "But?" Yagen: "From my perspective, he was a straightforward person." Kasen: "Hasebe." Kasen: "You're attendant right now, yes? Master's calling for you." Hasebe: "Now then, I wonder what it is this time?" Hasebe: "What?! This time it's Honnouji? Right, let's make the assignments. Now then, what will the line-up be this time?" Hasebe: "These six swords?" Hasebe: "I..." Hasebe: "We'll be leaving on a sortie soon! We're going to that man's place!" Hasebe: "I am the captain." Hasebe: "Everyone's here, right?" Hasebe: "I am the captain." Kashuu: "We get it." Hasebe: "It's been decided that our next dispatch location will be Honnouji in 1582." Tsurumaru: "Honnouji, huh?" Souza: "The Honnouji Incident, then." Yagen: "That's a nostalgic place." Yasusada: "What does the History Retrograde Army hope to accomplish by going there?" Hasebe: "Attack Akechi Mitsuhide's army, who came to launch a surprise attack, and keep Nobunaga alive." Hasebe: "At least, that's what Master thinks." Tsurumaru: "Trying to make it so the Honnouji Incident never happened." Hasebe: "We don't know that, but..." Souza: "We have to win, no matter what the cost." Hasebe: "We can't let history and that man's death be overturned." Yasusada: "You're saying it's better that he died?" Souza: "That is where his life was meant to come to an end." Hasebe: "We cannot allow this mission to fail!" Yasusada: "They really hate their former master, don't they?" Kashuu: "It might not be that simple." Kashuu: "They seem pretty fired up. I guess we should try our best this time." Yasusada: "Kiyomitsu!" Hasebe: "Oh, I almost forgot." Hasebe: "Master told me this earlier, but said to take our time." Yasusada: "What's that mean?" Kashuu: "I told you earlier, didn't I? I never understand what our master is thinking." Yagen: "Since we're going to the land of memories anyway, I think Master just wants us to feel nostalgic." Souza: "That's an unnecessary concern. Let's just go destroy the enemy and come back." Hasebe: "I agree. No matter what happens, I expect you to follow my orders, as I'm both our master's attendant and captain of the first division!" Hasebe: "Off to battle!" Kashuu: "Huh, so this is Honnouji?" Souza: "When I think about that man in there, I feel depressed." Yagen: "Come, now." Hasebe: "How about we go and see him now, then?" Souza: "No, thank you. It would be upsetting if he appeared in my dreams." Yasusada: "It's kind of amazing that you hate him that much." Kashuu: "More importantly, Captain Hasebe, where is the enemy? I'll leave scouting to you." Hasebe: "Nobunaga was attacked in his sleep. If that's the case, the History Retrograde Army will likely infiltrate just before that point. It should be soon, if they're going to infiltrate before the Akechi Army or Nobunaga notice." Souza: "So, that's where they are." Hasebe: "Everyone, the battle has begun!" Tsurumaru: "This feeling... It reminds me of the past!" Yagen: "My blood is boiling!" Kashuu: "So, you're my opponent?" Kashuu: "I'll go all out, then!" Kashuu: "Pretend to feint and then attack!" Kashuu: "Piece of cake." Yasusada: "Souza-san, are you all right?" Souza: "I'm used to pain, so this is nothing." Hasebe: "Souza, don't push yourself!" Tsurumaru: "Retreat to the back!" Hasebe: "There's no use trying to hide." Hasebe: "I'll cut you down!" Tsurumaru: "Oh, so that's where you are! You've got some nerve, trying to surprise the likes of me!" Tsurumaru: "There! You're wide open!" Souza: "I was a bird in a cage." Souza: "But now, I have obtained human form and am fighting like this! My new master is certainly something else. Behold." Souza: "This is the carved seal of the devil who drives everyone mad!" Yagen: "Are you okay?" Souza: "I am fine, this is nothing." Kashuu: "Good job, everyone. Mission complete." Souza: "Hasebe." Souza: "Shall we go see it for ourselves, just once?" Hasebe: "The Honnouji Incident?" Yasusada: "Eh? You mean seeing where Nobunaga dies?!" Yagen: "Why not? Master said we should take our time." Hasebe: "Are you sure you're okay with those injuries? You should hurry back—" Souza: "These mere scratches are not injuries." Yasusada: "They said over and over that they hated Nobunaga, and yet..." Tsurumaru: "Words don't necessarily reflect how one feels." Kashuu: "Contradictory, isn't it?" Yasusada: "So that's it." Yasusada: "That's the reason Master said to take our time." Kashuu: "Yeah, you're probably right." Yagen: "Good job today." Souza: "I'm sorry I caused you trouble." Yagen: "Not at all." Hasebe: "Souza, how are your wounds doing?" Hasebe: "You really took a beating." Souza: "I made sure to get properly repaired. More importantly," Souza: "why are we having nabe in the garden when it's this cold outside?" Kashuu: "Apparently today is the "New Sword Welcome Nabe Party."" Souza: "May I join you?" Hasebe: "We didn't end up seeing how he died." Hasebe: "He always was an extremely proud man." Souza: "That's exactly how I remembered him." Yasusada: "Hey, there's this story that I heard once." Hasebe: "What is it?" Souza: "Did you know they found no trace of Nobunaga in the remains after the Honnouji Incident?" Hasebe: "I've heard. They guessed that he'd committed suicide," Hasebe: "since there were no witnesses that night. What of it?" Yasusada: "Maybe Nobunaga escaped from Honnouji, survived using all his power, obtained the ability to live forever, and is still living somewhere, even now!" Kashuu: "That's quite a story." Hasebe: "Sounds like something he'd do." Souza: "It does, indeed." Yasusada: "But, if that were true, I'd be jealous." Hasebe: "Is that so?" Yasusada: "If Nobunaga was alive, and you could see him now," Yasusada: "what would you say to him?" Hasebe: "There's nothing I'd want to say." Souza: "What would I say to that man?" Hasebe: "For today, let's drink." Souza: "I won't lose." Kashuu: "You were just thinking about him, weren't you?" Yasusada: "Maybe." Kashuu: "You're an easy one to read. Your face gets this look every time." Yasusada: "A shooting star!" Kashuu: "Huh?! A shooting star?! Where is it?!"
{ "raw_title": "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru Episode 2 – February - There's nothing I want to say...", "parsed": [ "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru", "2", "February - There's nothing I want to say..." ] }
Kashuu/Yasusada: ""This anime is about the stories of the Hanamaru days of a certain group of Sword Warriors in a certain citadel."" Uguisumaru: "I was trying to summon a nightingale, but instead you arrived, Hasebe." Hasebe: "Just as I thought about catching a nightingale to show to Master, you're here, Uguisumaru." Uguisumaru: "So are you going to take me to Master instead?" Hasebe: "What a joke." Uguisumaru: "That tree..." Uguisumaru: "It has a nice look and feeling to it." Uguisumaru: "What is it called?" Hasebe: "The tree's type?" Uguisumaru: "It's a tree that even an old sword like me hasn't seen before," Uguisumaru: "which means..." Hasebe: "What are they doing?" Hirano: "Found it!" Maeda: "It has four leaves!" Hirano: "Master told me all about this. White clovers usually have three leaves. But they said that the probability of one growing with four leaves is one in ten thousand!" Hirano: "It's very valuable, so holding on to it means good things might happen." Hirano: "I wonder if I should give this to Uguisumaru-sama." Maeda: "Uguisumaru-sama? What for?" Hirano: "I figured it might give me a chance to talk to him." Doudanuki: "Damn it!" Hirano: "What's the matter?" Doudanuki: "I dropped a dumbbell on my foot!" Hirano: "Are you all right?" Doudanuki: "When I went to take a bath, the water was cold." Doudanuki: "And when I went to put spices on my udon to eat it, the lid came off." Doudanuki: "I've had nothing but bad luck lately!" Hirano: "That is rather unfortunate." Hirano: "In that case, you should have this, Doudanuki-san." Doudanuki: "What is it?" Hirano: "It's a good luck charm." Doudanuki: "It doesn't look very nutritious. Is it any good?" Hirano: "Four-leaf clovers are incredibly rare. Good things might come your way." Doudanuki: "I gotcha." Doudanuki: "Take this." Doudanuki: "When I see those skinny arms of yours, I get concerned." Hirano: "No, it's fine—" Doudanuki: "We're supposed to be strong because we're weapons." Hirano: "Th-Thank you." Doudanuki: "Sure." Kasen: "Oh, Hirano." Kasen: "Perfect timing. Can you put that heavy thing you've got on top of the paper for me?" Hirano: "I-Is this okay?" Kasen: "This is perfect. Now it won't get blown away." Hirano: "Isn't it better to close the sliding door if you're going to write?" Kasen: "You're unable to feel the seasons that way. You have to feel the breath of the earth to write properly." Gokotai: "W-Wait, Tiger-kun! You mustn't barge in!" Gokotai: "I-I'm sorry." Kasen: "It's fine. Now, in return for the paperweight, I will give you each a book from this shelf." Kasen: "Please take the tigers with you." Gokotai: "Th-Thank you!" Hirano: "Thank you!" Hirano: "It really is too much." Yagen: "What's that?" Hirano: "Yagen-niisan, it's a human body picture book." Yagen: "That's pretty neat. Where did you get this book?" Hirano: "Kasen-san gave it to me." Yagen: "That was very generous of him. Knowing more about the inside of the body leads to better medicine." Yagen: "Hey, would you mind giving me this book?" Yagen: "In exchange." Hirano: "What is this?" Yagen: "It's my latest creation. It'll lower fevers and stop coughing." Yagen: "But the flavor is a bit..." Hirano: "Incredibly suspicious, isn't it?" Yagen: "I'm sure it'll be useful, though." Tsurumaru: "Hirano!" Tsurumaru: "There's trouble that surprised even me! It's Yamanbagiri!" Hirano: "Is he okay?" Tsurumaru: "This is a surprising medicine that will cure anything if you take it." Yamanbagiri: "Thanks." Tsurumaru: "Take it in one gulp, Yamanbagiri!" Hirano: "Yagen-niisan said he was still developing it, so you probably shouldn't..." Yamanbagiri: "I'll be going." Yamanbagiri: "Far away!" Tsurumaru: "Yamanbagiri! Yamanbagiri!" Hirano: "Yamanbagiri-san!" Tsurumaru: "Yaman—" Yamanbagiri: "Don't call me pretty!" Tsurumaru: "Yamanbagiri! Are you better?" Yamanbagiri: "The death god at the Sanzu River said that I was pretty." Tsurumaru: "It's a good thing you didn't cross over." Yamanbagiri: "I'm sorry I worried you. It got rid of all the alcohol." Hirano: "Alcohol?" Tsurumaru: "It seems he drank too much at yesterday's welcome party." Hirano: "Is that so?" Yamanbagiri: "As thanks." Hirano: "What beautiful fabric!" Yamanbagiri: "Kasen said that I needed a better cloth and forced me to take it." Yamanbagiri: "But something like this doesn't suit me. Take it." Hirano: "Okay!" kkari: "That looks warm." Hirano: "Are you bothered by the cold, Nikkari-san?" kkari: "That looks warm." kkari: "I know." kkari: "I'll give you this instead." Hirano: "What is this thing?" kkari: "At night, it softly envelops your whole exhausted body and mind. It's called a body pillow. Have you heard of it?" kkari: "There's a gold ball as well, but I'm not giving that away." Hirano: "Please call it gold armor." kkari: "It's so warm..." Sayo: "That's..." Hirano: "It's called a "body pillow."" Hirano: "I've never used one before, though." Sayo: "Nii-sama." Souza: "Do you want it?" Sayo: "Nii-sama." Souza: "Hirano-san, I'm sorry, but would you mind letting me have that body pillow?" Hirano: "Sure." Souza: "As thanks." Souza: "I'll give you the key to my old playmate." Souza: "Old playmate?" Hachisuka: "Field duty. This is the kind of work you make an authentic Kotetsu do? Jeez." Hirano: "Um... Does it go to this?" Hachisuka: "Wait just a minute. Hirano, what are you doing?" Hirano: "Ah, Hachisuka-san. Souza-san gave me this machine key." Hachisuka: "You won't be able to make it move. Won't you let me borrow that for a while?" Hachisuka: "This is easy." Hachisuke: "It's the first time I've thought of field duty as fun!" Hachisuka: "Hirano, will you give this to me?" Hirano: "If it will be of use to you, Hachisuka-san." Hahcisuka: "I'll give you this in return." Hachisuka: "It's very delicious." Hirano: "Uguisumaru-sama." Uguisumaru: "Hirano?" Hirano: "Please have this Western treat with your tea." Uguisumaru: "You're very thoughtful, Hirano." Uguisumaru: "Western sweets, huh?" Uguisumaru: "Let's have a look..." Mutsunokami: "It's castella cake! I've never had a fancy treat like that before." Hirano: "Please have some, Mutsunokami-san." Mutsunokami: "It's so good! The taste reminds me of Western enlightenment." Mutsunokami: "This is delicious! All right! I'll take a picture with this camera of you saying "delicious" as you eat the castella cake." Hirano: "What are you doing?" Mutsunokami: "Faces show up better when they're whitened, just hang on." Mutsunokami: "Okay, now eat the castella cake!" Hirano: "It's delicious!" Mutsunokami: "Now stop there! Smile!" Uguisumaru: "Can we at least drink some tea?" Mutsunokami: "That'll make it blurry! Just stay very still." Uguisumaru: "Can we move yet, Mutsunokami?" Mutsunokami: "You mustn't speak!" Kashuu: "I'm exhausted." Yasusada: "Good job today." Kashuu: "What are you doing?" Yagen: "That. I was just thinking about how it'd be nice if I could show Ichi-nii how happy our brothers are." Yasusada: "Ichi-nii?" Kashuu: "Ichigo Hitofuri. Yagen and the others' older brother." Souza: "Osayo seems to be having fun, too. I'm sure if Kousetsu-niisama could see this, he would be pleased." Kashuu: "They don't really talk about their brother very much." Yasusada: "Why's that?" Kashuu: "They don't know when they'll see him. It's possible they might never get to." Kashuu: "So they hold back that longing in their hearts." Hasebe: "Do you have a minute?" Hasebe: "What on earth is this tree?" Hasebe: "Kashuu, you're the oldest member of this citadel, right? Don't you have general understanding of this place?" Kashuu: "I don't know. I've barely been here a year." Hasebe: "Uguisumaru asked me about it, and it's been bothering me." Hasebe: "I have no idea what kind of tree it is. It's not a zelkova or a hackberry tree. And judging by the roots, it's not a cherry tree, either." mazuo: "What? It's not a cherry tree?" Hasebe: "No, most likely not." Maeda: "It's not a cherry tree?" Atsushi: "Are you sure?" Sayo: "So, it's not a cherry tree..." Yagen: "All of you want a cherry tree?" Hasebe: "If it were a cherry tree, it should have buds by now. Well, as soon as its leaves come in, we'll be able to tell what kind of tree it is." Atsushi: "I wish it was a cherry tree." Gokotai: "A-A cherry tree would be nice." mazuo: "That's right! We'd like a cherry tree!" Honebami: "Cherry tree." Yasusada: "Isn't there a way to make it be a cherry tree somehow?" Hasebe: "You too, Yamatonokami? It's impossible, of course." mazuo: "If we go back in time to when Hanasaka-jiisan lived, couldn't we borrow some ash from him?" Honebami: "That's a good idea." Hasebe: "It would be, if he were real, but that's just a fairy tale." mazuo: "Well, we'll figure it out somehow." Hasebe: "Like how?!" Honebami: "What if we hypnotize it?" Honebami: "You are a cherry tree." Honebami: "You are a cherry tree." Honebami: "You are a cherry tree." Hasebe: "What point is there in you getting hypnotized instead?!" Souza: "It looks like we only have this method left." Sayo: "Nii-sama?" Souza: "I heard that dead bodies are buried beneath beautiful cherry trees." Souza: "Maybe if we bury a dead body under this tree..." All: "No, no, no, no!" Hasebe: "Don't say something so disturbing!" Sayo: "Nii-sama." Yasusada: "Well then, what if we make a wish on this tree directly?" Kashuu: "What are you saying?" Yasusada: "Does everyone have one?" Yagen: "What are we doing, here?" Yasusada: "We'll write our wish, "I wish cherry blossoms would bloom," on these papers and hang them on the branches." Hasebe: "And what's that going to do?" Yasusada: "If we write a bunch of them and hang them on the tree, maybe the tree will listen." Hasebe: "Come on, that's not a very realistic idea." Souza: "That might be a good idea. I've heard that if you put your feelings in your writing, your wish will come true." Sayo: "Really?" Hasebe: "I haven't heard that before." mazuo: "If we place our wishes directly on the tree, it just might work!" Hanebami: "Surely." Atsushi: "We won't know unless we try, right?" Gokotai: "D-Does that mean it will be like Tanabata?" Maeda: "I'm not sure." Yagen: "Okay, we'll write lots of them, tie them to the branches, and make lots of wishes on the tree." Hasebe: "Jeez." Yasusada: "I'll go get the paper ready, then. We'll do a hundred papers per sword." All: "A hundred?!" Yasusada: "The more wishes the better, right?" Kashuu: "I guess I'll write some, too." Yagen: "Okay, start!" mazuo: ""I wish cherry blossoms will bloom."" Atsushi: ""I wish..."" Hanebami: ""...cherry blossoms will bloom."" Maeda: "All right, I'm on my third!" Gokotai: "I-I'm on my third one, too." Akita: "Yamatonokami-san! More paper please!" Yasusada: "Okay!" Sayo: "Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms, cherry bloss..." Uguisumaru: "Things have gotten pretty interesting." Yagen: "Isn't my cherry blossom drawing good?" Hasebe: "What good is this going to do?" Yasusada: "Here, you write a bunch, too, Hasebe-san!" Yasusada: "Give it your best everyone! Our goal is a thousand!" All: "It increased?!" mazuo: "I'm tired." Honebami: "My fingers are stiff." mazuo: "Ah, you're writing the wrong thing!" Atsushi: "Don't look!" Yagen: "It's at full bloom." Sayo: "Pretty." Souza: "It is indeed." Kashuu: "So that's it." Kashuu: "You used pink paper on the back." Yasusada: "They did a good job." Souza: "I've heard that if you put your feelings in your writing, your wish will come true." Sayo: "Really?" Yasusada: "There're so many wishes." Yasusada: "Everyone." Yasusada: "Is that a bud?" Yasusada: "Th-Th-They're cherry blossoms!" Yagen: "Cherry blossoms?" Atsushi: "Cherry blossom buds?!" Gokotai: "H-Here, too!" Sayo: "There weren't any just a minute ago." mazuo: "Our wish came true, didn't it?" Souza: "Did it truly listen to our wishes?" Hasebe: "I-I-I have to let Master know!" Hasebe: "Master!" Uguisumaru: "Someone once said, "If you see a tree you've never seen before, it might be a ten thousand leaf cherry tree."" Doudanuki: "Ten thousand leaf cherry tree?" Uguisumaru: "A miraculous cherry tree that blooms only once every ten thousand years." Uguisumaru: "It will grant the wishes of anyone who sees it."
{ "raw_title": "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru Episode 3 – March - It's one in ten thousand", "parsed": [ "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru", "3", "March - It's one in ten thousand" ] }
Kashuu/Yasusada: ""This anime is about the stories of the Hanamaru days of a certain group of Sword Warriors in a certain citadel."" Yasusada: "Again..." Mutsunokami: "Duties are done. I've eaten lunch. That leaves..." Jirou: "Cherry blossom viewing!" Mutsunokami: "Oh! Great idea!" Tarou: "Didn't we view the cherry blossoms yesterday and the day before?" Jirou: "What are you talking about? The cherry blossoms are blooming so splendidly. Not viewing them would be an insult, wouldn't it?" Tsurumaru: "Jeez, Jiroutachi... You say such great things!" Jirou: "Don't I?" Jirou: "If that's the case..." Jirou: "We're viewing the cherry blossoms, everyone! Gather underneath the tree!" Hasebe: "Hey! That's the sacred bell we got from Master. It is not to be rung for cherry blossom viewing!" Midare: "I'm going, too!" Atsushi: "Me, too!" mazuo: "Me, too!" Jirou: "See?" Jirou: "This bell is incredibly convenient." Kashuu: "What, again?" Horikawa: "A dream about the Ikeda Inn, huh?" Yasusada: "Yeah. And in Okita-kun's possession was definitely..." Yasusada: "Yamatonokami Yasusada." Yasusada: "Me." Kashuu: "Y'know, I don't want to argue with a dream." Horikawa: "But in reality it was Kashuu Kiyomitsu." Yasusada: "Then I wonder why? Hey, hey, why? It hasn't just been once or twice. Hey, hey." Kashuu: "Isn't it just because you wanted to be the one he took to the Ikeda Inn?" Yasusada: "That's not it! Well, that's a lie." Yasusada: "But it was Kashuu Kiyomitsu he took that time." Yasusada: "I won't deny that was Okita-kun's choice." Kashuu: "It doesn't mean that you weren't necessary." Kashuu: "He just chose me that day." Kashuu: "That's all." Yasusada: "Then, why do I keep having that dream?" Hasebe: "It's me. Do you have a minute?" Yasusada: "Sure." Kashuu: "Oh, it's Master's attendant." Hasebe: "Horikawa, you were made the secretary, right?" Horikawa: "That's right." Hasebe: "I have a job for you. It is your first time as secretary so I'll tell you," Hasebe: "the Master of our citadel is a rare stay-at-home type." Horikawa: "They're chubby?" Hasebe: "No, not chubby, stay at home." Hasebe: "They find it a pain to leave their room. For that reason, a shiki like this is imbued with the Sage's powers, and someone else is able to manifest the Sword Warriors in their place." Horikawa: "With this?" Hasebe: "So in other words, even though Master is actually shut inside, they can manifest Sword Warriors at any time." Hasebe: "Remember that. We handle all the burden of labor so that our Master doesn't have to work—" Kashuu: "I hope he comes soon." Yasusada: "Ah, Izuminokami Kanesada?" Kashuu: ""Kane-san, Kane-san, Kane-san."" Kashuu: "It's all he's been on about since he got here." Yasusada: "Well, that's to be expected. I mean, they're both the proud swords of Hijikata-san." Yasusada: "I'm sure he just wants to see him as soon as possible." Kashuu: "That's what it seems like." Yasusada: "Were you waiting for me, too, Kiyomitsu?" Kashuu: "Stupid! It wasn't like that! How can you say something like that with such a straight face! It catches me off guard." Horikawa: "Kane-san, Kane-san, Kane-san, Kane-san, Kane-san, Kane-san, Kane-san, Kane-san, Kane-san, Kane-san!" Kanesada: "I'm Hijikata Toshizou's beloved sword. I'm a cool and strong sword who has recently become pretty popular, Izuminokami—" Horikawa: "Kane-san!" Kanesada: "At least let me finish!" Horikawa: "Kane-san!" Kanesada: "I'm sorry I made you wait, Kunihiro." Horikawa: "Come with me, Kane-san." Horikawa: "Ah, Hasebe-san!" Hasebe: "So he finally showed up. I am Master's attendant, Heshikiri Hasebe. Nice to meet you." Kanesada: "Yes, pleased to meet you, too." Hasebe: "If there is anything you are unsure of regarding this citadel, feel free to ask me." Kanesada: "Where's our new master?" Hasebe: "Okay, I'll show you." Horikawa: "It's okay. I'll take him there." Horikawa: "This way." Kanesada: "Okay." Hasebe: "Horikawa looked happy." Kanesada: "Hey." Kanesada: "Where should I put this?" Horikawa: "It's fine. I'll take care of it later." Kanesada: "Okay. As Sword Warriors, our duty is to protect history, huh?" Horikawa: "You spoke with Master, didn't you?" Horikawa: "Is there something that's bothering you?" Kanesada: "Not really." Horikawa: "Hey, let's go back to our room." Kanesada: "Huh? We have our own room?" Kanesada: "Kunihiro, tea." Horikawa: "Okay!" Horikawa: "Okay, okay, okay!" Kanesada: "Man, you're really thoughtful, aren't you?" Horikawa: "Okay!" Kanesada: "So thoughtful, it's scary!" Kanesada: "This place has a splendid tree." Horikawa: "It's called the ten thousand leaf cherry tree." Kanesada: "The ten thousand leaf cherry tree? I've never heard of it." Horikawa: "I am told it is a miraculous tree that blooms only once in ten thousand years." Kanesada: "What's over there?" Horikawa: "The training hall." Kashuu: "While a three-step thrust is usually done from the top to the bottom, he would thrust in the same exact place. Apparently it was so fast that it only looked like a single strike, so the enemy couldn't escape." Yasusada: "Yeah, I remember that." Kanesada: "Yo! Sorry I kept you waiting. As you know, I am the beloved sword of the Shinsengumi's vice commander, Hijikata Toshizou. I'm a cool and strong sword who has recently become pretty popular. I'm Izu—" Yasusada/Kashuu: "Kane-san!" Kanesada: "Right." Kanesada: "Yasusada and Kiyomitsu... So you guys got here first?" Kashuu: "You were just late." Yasusada: "Right?" Kanesada: "I'm glad to see you." Kashuu: "Hijikata-san was scary, wasn't he?" Yasusada: "Well, he was practically a demon. A demon!" Kashuu: ""The Demon Vice Commander from Hell."" Yasusada: "Born a demon, and raised a demon." Kashuu: "Demon-like guys are pretty—" Kanesada: "You bastards! You're bad-mouthing Hijikata-san too much! He purposely took on a hated role like that so he could manage the Shinsengumi! Right, Kunihiro?!" Kanesada: "What are you laughing for?!" Kanesada: "So this is where you guys have been training." Yasusada: "The Shinsengumi headquarters had a wonderful training hall, too, didn't it?" Kanesada: "Let me ask you this, though. Why are you guys fighting?" Kashuu: "That's because, as Sword Warriors, we have to stop the History Retrograde Army—" Kanesada: "So you just go whenever Master tells you to?" Kanesada: "That's exactly like a dog." Kanesada: "Hijikata-san fought to the end for the shogunate and for the world. We've been brought here like this, but for who and what reason are we fighting? That must be worked out." Yasusada: "I want to be strong like Okita-kun. That's why I fight, because I love Okita-kun." Yasusada: "I admire him, and he was incredibly skilled with a sword." Yasusada: "I want to become stronger and protect Okita-kun's fate." Kanesada: "You want to become stronger like Okita-kun, huh?" Kanesada: "I see." Kaensada: "I saw you training earlier, and your sword skills still need some work." Kanesada: "All right!" Kanesada: "Why don't you face off with someone cool and strong like me?" Kanesada: "Whaddya say?" Yasusada: "I accept." Kanesada: "Now then. The Tennen Rishin Style includes fencing, jujitsu, bojitsu, and then..." Kanesada: "Umm..." Horikawa: "Iai." Kanesada: "Iai. It's a martial art that can do anything when those are combined." Kanesada: "When it comes to striking, I think of Hijikata-san. Isn't that right?" Horikawa: "It is!" Kanesada: "Hijikata-san used me constantly for quite a long time. Normally, because a sword handle is held firmly by the pinky and the ring finger, the pinky is always the first to get injured. However, with my handle, he would get hurt near his index finger and thumb." Kanesada: "That's because every time he would strike he'd put all his strength in his index finger." Kanesada: "His striking stance would defeat swords crosswise. He would strike once quickly, like lightning." Kanesada: "It didn't matter if there was a response or not. He'd draw his sword again with lightning speed." Kanesada: "And the first strike would increase to the second and third times." Kanesada: "The Tennen Rishin Style is a style of limitless possibilities." Kanesada: "All right, let's practice!" Kanesada: "Though practicing with real swords isn't bad, either." Kashuu: "It's because it's training. I've said that many times." Kanesada: "Really come at me. So as not to disappoint me." Yasusada: "I'll strike true, even without you egging me on." Horikawa: "Well then, begin!" Yasusada: "I've been training with Kiyomitsu every day." Kanesada: "It can do anything! That's the Tennen Rishin style!" Kanesada: "Hey now, two against one?" Kashuu: "You said anything, right?" Jirou: "That's enough. I'll just go myself." Kanesada: "Damn it! If only I'd been the one to get here first." Jirou: "What's going on here?" Midare: "What is it, a fight?" Hasebe: "Hey, you are to refrain from sparring here with real swords!" Kanesada: "You said you wanted to get stronger like Okita, right?" Kanesada: "Then, what was Okita's strength?" Yasusada: "Okita-kun's..." Shinsengumi A: "Is that story true, Okita-san?" Shinsengumi C: "You're so funny, Okita-san." Shinsengumi D: "Your sword skills aren't the only thing about you that's top-notch." All: "Okita-san, Okita-san, Okita-san, Okita-san, Okita-san, Okita-san!" Horikawa: "Kane-san!" Kanesada: "Right!" Kanesada/Horikawa: "Double sword attack!" Kashuu: "Hey, now... You just got here, so don't overdo it." Kanesada: "That didn't turn out so great. Well, for us to meet again like this, that must mean there's a meaning to fighting." Kanesada: "You seem like you've remembered something." Tarou: "By the way..." Midare: "Who are you?" Atsushi: "He's..." Kanesada: "I'm sorry for the delay. I am the beloved sword of the Shinsengumi's Vice Commander, Hijikata Toshizou. I'm a cool and strong sword who has recently become pretty popular. I'm Izuminokami—" Yasusada/Kashuu: "Yo! Demon Vice Commander from Hell!" Kanesada: "You two keep doing that on purpose!" Kashuu: "Ow!" Kanesada: "You two keep doing that on purpose!" Kanesada: "This place has a splendid tree." Horikawa: "It's called the ten thousand leaf cherry tree." Kanesada: "The ten thousand leaf cherry tree?" Kanesada: "I've never heard of it." Tarou: "Because I was not in this world for a long time," Tarou: "I did not think that outside scenery was so splendid." Maeda: "Jiroutachi-san, you reek of alcohol." Jirou: "What are you saying? It's a wonderful smell." Jirou: "When the cherry blossoms are this beautiful, it can't be helped. So you're saying I can't drink? Where is it written that I can't drink underneath the cherry blossoms? Then who let me get drunk?" Jirou: "That was you, rice wine-chan!" Jirou: "The relationship between us is one of mutual love and affection. My body's components are exactly the same as the rice wine." Jirou: "Ororo?" Jirou: "Hey! Shokudaikiri-kun! Bring some more rice wine!" Shokudaikiri: "I told you that was the last of it, didn't I?" Tarou: "I know that coming to this world has been a brilliant feeling, but the liquor has run dry because we've been drinking it almost every day." Mutsunokami: "There you have it, Jiroutachi." Jirou: "The phrase that I didn't want to hear the most was the alcohol has run out. Someone please go buy more alcohol." Hasebe: "Jiroutachi is seriously ill! At this rate his divinity is going to run out! Would someone mind going to the general store?" Midare: "Then, I'll go! Atsushi, let's go." Atsushi: "Okay, sure." Maeda: "I'll go, too!" Hasebe: "Make sure you go to Master's room first and get permission to go to the general store." Midare/Maeda: "Yes!" Atsushi: "Thank you, General." Midare: "We'll be careful on our trip!" Midare/Atsushi: "We've arrived!" Maeda: "Okay, let's hurry and get it, and get back." Midare: "They sell everything!" Atsushi: "Oh, dango! Let's buy some for everyone." Maeda: "Ah, Atsushi-niisan, that's..." Midare: "I'm not sure what to buy." Atsushi: "Okay, then, let's buy three for now and eat them." Maeda: "W-We can't. Let's by what we're supposed to and go back." Midare: "What's this? Atsushi, I want this." Atsushi: "Guess it can't be helped. Then I'll get one of these. Doesn't it look cool?" Midare: "Eh, does it look cool?" Maeda: "We're going to make Hasebe-san mad if we buy things we're not supposed to." Midare/Atsushi: "It's fine, it's fine." All 3: "We're back!" Jirou: "Welcome back! Jeez, I've been waiting!" Hasebe: "So, what did you guys buy—" Midare: "This! It's called a "face pack." Doesn't it look like Ichi-nii?" Hasebe: "Uh..." Atsushi: "Look at this! It's a pennant!" Hasebe: "And, what about you, Maeda? You made sure to buy the sake, right?" Maeda: "Yes! Here it is." Hasebe: "My apologies. We wanted alcohol, not salmon (sake)." Mutsunokami: "Look! Jiroutachi!" Jirou: "Boo-hoo-hoo!" mazuo: "Then I'll go buy the alcohol!" kkari: "I worry about you on your own. I'll go with you." mazuo: "What? I'll be fine!" mazuo: "Ah! I want this! And this! Ah, and this!" kkari: "Is it really a good idea to covet so much?" mazuo: "Ah, this is really nice! So is this! What do you think?" kkari: "Do you want to see everyone's happy faces?" mazuo: "Ah, that's right! You're hungry, aren't you? Let's buy ten lunch boxes and take them back!" kkari: "I pray that you won't get scolded for wasting money on them." mazuo: "What are you going to buy, Nikkari-san?" kkari: "Let's see..." mazuo: "What's that?" kkari: "We're back!" kkari: "We have presents." Jirou: "The alcohol?" kkari: "We have something better than that. Go on, try pushing it." kkari: "It's a laughing bag. Doesn't that laugh remind you of someone else?" Tarou: "It's rather quite interesting." Jirou: "What the hell is this?! Octopus, squid, conger eel, young yellowtail, fin meat, tuna, eggs, herring roe, salmon roe, amberjack, mackerel, yellowtail, albacore belly, ark shell, pickled red ginger!" Yamanbagiri: "Me?" Yamanbagiri: "As I thought, this suits me the best." Mutsunokami: "Yamanbagiri! Smile!" Mutsunokami: "Did it take?" Mutsunokami: "Let's buy this and go back." Yamanbagiri: "I'm fine." Yamanbagiri: "I don't need anything." Yamanbagiri: "You..." Jirou: "What is that..." Tsurumaru: "Ah, this is bad! Mitsubou!" Shokudaikiri: "Jiroutachi-san, leave it to us!" Tsurumaru: "We'll hurry and get your alcohol!" Hasebe: "You just want an excuse to go, too, don't you?" Shokudaikiri: "That's right. We've run out of eggs. If I'd known I was going to do this, I would've checked the refrigerator." Tsurumaru: "Oh! Hey, isn't this the flower doll with glasses that Yamanbagiri had earlier? Why is it wearing glasses?" Tsurumaru: "It's evening! So that's what it is! They're glasses that let you practice for night battles even during the day!" Shokudaikiri: "That could be it." Shokudaikiri: "This makes it like evening." Tsurumaru: "They suit you, Mitsubou." Shokudaikiri: "You think so? Thank you, Tsuru-san." Hasebe: "Nevertheless, why did you buy all of them?" Tsurumaru: "I thought everyone else might want some, too." Jirou: "That's enough. I'll just go myself." Jirou: "What's going on here?" Midare: "What is it, a fight?" Jirou: "Jeez." Hasebe: "Hey, you are to refrain from sparring here with real swords!" Jirou: "Jirou-san has revived!" Kanesada: "Jeez, you two..." Kashuu: "Ow!" Jirou: "You're the new guy, right? Now, drink up!" All 3: "You stink!" Jirou: "Now, now, come here!" Kanesada: "Get off of me!" Tarou: "I'm sorry my brother is trouble." Jirou: "Okay, okay! First, one drink!"
{ "raw_title": "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru Episode 4 – April - What is strength?", "parsed": [ "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru", "4", "April - What is strength?" ] }
Kashuu/Yasusada: ""This anime is about the stories of the Hanamaru days of a certain group of Sword Warriors in a certain citadel."" Shishiou: "Finally..." Hasebe: "Please let me know the moment you need me." Hasebe: "You're being too noisy!" Hasebe: "Hey!" Shishiou: "Master! I handled it myself. In four hours, one of them will appear!" Hasebe: "Wh-What?" Kashuu: "Finished. It looks pretty nice. What do you think?" Yasusada: "It's cute, isn't it?" Kashuu: "Hey. You can compliment me more specifically, can't you?" Kashuu: "Don't my nails look a little different than usual?" Yasusada: "The color... is different!" Kashuu: "Yes, that's right. This kind of effort is necessary, if Master is going to use me more." Yasusada: "Because you're making yourself cute?" Kashuu: "Of course it is. Even you must prefer cute things over non-cute things, right?" Kashuu: "That's why I was the first one to step foot in this citadel." Kashuu: "I'm grateful to Master for that. But," Kashuu: "I might not be loved by Master for much longer." Yasusada: "Why?" Tsurumaru: "So, what did you want to discuss? When you invite me to join you for a bath, you usually want to talk about something, don't you? The dinner menu? I think omelet rice—" Shokudaikiri: "That's not why." Shokudaikiri: "I'm not worried about the dinner menu today." Shokudaikiri: "It's about Kara-chan, who joined us last week." Tsurumaru: "Ookurikara?" Ookurikara: "I don't plan to make friends." Tsurumaru: "That's true. No one's going to get near Kara-bou if he's got that attitude. Hopefully something changes his mind." Kasen: "It's raining?" kigitsune (Fox): "It's really coming down." Kasen: "It's a shame that we have to hang these up indoors, where they won't dry well." Yagen: "It's because there's still a lot of unwashed clothes. If anyone is dispatched today, they'll just have to go out in half-dried clothes." Yamanbagiri: "Half-dried clothes would be troublesome." Uguisumaru: "Then why don't we all have some tea?" Yagen: "Well, should we just go borrow from someone?" Kasen: "Battle clothes?" Yamanbagiri: "Are you okay with wearing something that isn't yours?" Yagen: "I'd make it work if they fit. All right, let's go search for someone with lots of battle clothes." Kasen: "Hey, are you leaving without putting these up to dry?" Aizen: "My pride and joy! I have tons of Aizen Myouou T-shirts!" Aizen: "You've made Aizen Myouou fat!" Aizen: "Who was that? I heard a ripping sound just now!" Ishikirimaru: "My body is pretty big, so I guess that might happen." Kasen: "He can't fight like this." kigitsune (Fox): "He looks like a little kid." Kasen: "I told them to stop. I told them I wouldn't go along with it. I'm sorry, Shokudaikiri." kigitsune (Fox): "Oh, there's so many, Nakigitsune." Yamanbagiri: "Why are there so many?" Kasen: "You can feel his fastidiousness." Kasen: "Ah, don't just go touching them!" Kasen: "I see now. This makes us look exactly like male employees of a service restaurant." Others: "Male employees of a service restaurant?" Yamanbagiri: "What's that?" Kasen: "It was written about in a book called a "magazine" that I received from Master once." Kasen: "They were called hos-something-or-other. But, I recall that they worked at a service restaurant." Shokudaikiri: "Kasen-kun?" Kasen: "Please let me explain." Shokudaikiri: "So, exactly what kind of shop is it?" Kasen: "I believe they specialize in hospitality." Shokudaikiri: "Hospitality?" Kasen: "It was a friendly shop providing enjoyable hospitality for its guests. Most likely." Shokudaikiri: "A friendly shop?" Shokudaikiri: "I'd love to take him to a shop like that." Kasen: "Who?" Shokudaikiri: "Kara-chan." Yagen: "Ookurikara?" kigitsune (Fox): "Ookurikara-dono?" Kasen: "Ookurikara?" Tsurumaru: "That's a good idea." Shokudaikiri: "He's being difficult, as you all have noticed. I want him to get along with us." Kasen: "That's a bit..." Shokudaikiri: "I'll be taking back my clothes, then." Kasen: "Apparently they've become rather fond of those clothes..." Yagen: "Why don't we at least give it a shot? We'll provide hospitality to Ookurikara as these male employees at the service whatever." kigitsune: "Understood." Yamanbagiri: "Fine." Uguisumaru: "Are tea and dumplings acceptable?" Kasen: "If Shokudaikiri insists. I'm pretty confident in my hospitality abilities." Shokudaikiri: "Thank you." Tsurumaru: "If that's settled, then it's time to get ready." Kasen: "Hospitality." Yamanbagiri: "What should I do?" Ookurikara: "Don't worry about me." Shokudaikiri: "Come on now." All: "Welcome!" Ookurikara: "Is this torture?" Kasen: "We'll start with this." Ookurikara: "What is this?" Kasen: "Just try to imagine what kind of flower is blooming." Kasen: "Uh... Well, this is something that Sen no Rikyuu did, and it was praised as incredibly elegant. Rikyuu-dono got a lot of praise for it..." Kasen: "My former master was one of many disciples of Sen no Rikyuu. Forget about what just happened." Kasen: "I'd like for you to drink some genuine green tea." Kasen: "Not you." Yagen: "Lord Nobunaga was also a master of hospitality." Yagen: "He would give his guests rare and unusual fruits." Yagen: "Now, be sure to eat up." All: "It's so thin!" Yamanbagiri: "Now then, it's my turn." Ookurikara: "Hey, what's the matter?" kigitsune (Fox): "Providing hospitality is my responsibility. Do you dislike foxes?" Ookurikara: "Foxes?" kigitsune (Fox): "Animals have healing abilities, you know." Ookurikara: "It's not bad." Ookurikara: "This sound..." Tsurumaru: "I'm sorry that it wasn't exactly a song. Lord Date Masamune's wife, Mego-hime, apparently used to play the koto quite often." Ookurikara: "This sound..." Ookurikara: "I remember it." Ookurikara: "It was a kind sound." Kasen: "He smiled." Yagen: "He did." Ookurikara: "Lord... Masamune?" Shokudaikiri: "A person without knowledge of cooking is the owner of a poor heart. Food that has been lovingly prepared by one's own hands" Shokudaikiri: "is the best form of hospitality." Ookurikara: "I see." Ookurikara: "So this is what it tastes like." Yagen: "Let me try some, too." Uguisumaru: "Me, too." Shokudaikiri: "There's plenty for everyone." Ookurikara: "Not bad." Ookurikara: "Delicious." Shokudaikiri: "Kara-chan, shall we talk about the past?" Shokudaikiri: "When I think of Lord Masamune... do you remember, Kara-chan?" Hasebe: "Sh-Shishiou!" Shishiou: "Master! He's finally here!" Jiroutachi: "Bring more alcohol!" Shokudaikiri: "Okay, Hasebe-kun, you see this is..." Hasebe: "He's here. "He?"" Shokudaikiri: "He's not there." Hasebe: "What? I told them to show him to Master's room." Uguisumaru: "It just cleared up." Mikazuki: "Is that so? What is that tree?" Kasen: "Did you find him?" Yagen: "No." Yagen: "Who are we even looking for?" Yagen: "Uguisumaru, who are you talking to?" Uguisumaru: "Ah, we just became tea-drinking friends." Mikazuki: "Me?" Mikazuki: "My name is Mikazuki Munechika." Mikazuki: "Pleased to meet you." All: "Mikazuki?" Kashuu: "The rarest of rare swords in all of history. It's said that the most beautiful of the Five Great Swords of Japan" Kashuu: "is Mikazuki Munechika." Yasusada: "He doesn't seem like it, though." Yasusada: "He seems kind of like an old man." Mikazuki: "Probably because I was forged at the end of the 11th century. I am indeed an old man." Tsurumaru: "Oh, one of the Sanjou swords has finally appeared? I am a Gojou sword, Tsurumaru Kuninaga." Mikazuki: "Oh! Tsurumaru?" Tsurumaru: "This place is called the Citadel. It's pretty big. I'll be sure to show you around later." Uguisumaru: "Forgive my delay, but I am called Uguisumaru. Mikazuki, did you happen to see Ookanehira anywhere?" Mikazuki: "I have met Heshikiri Hasebe and Shishiou. So, why is it that everyone is wearing those clothes?" Kashuu: "Our master has been hoping that Mikazuki Munechika would arrive for quite some time." Yasusada: "Is that so?" Kashuu: "I'm sure they're happy right now." Yasusada: "That's wonderful, isn't it?" Kashuu: "Jeez, you're a simple one, aren't you?" Kashuu: "Now that Mikazuki's here, we might not be loved anymore." Kashuu: "I don't know for sure, though." Shishiou: "All right, get a move on!" Shishiou: "Ta-da! Dispatch orders!" Shokudaikiri: "Dispatch?" Kasen: "That's quite sudden." Shishiou: "I'm going to read it." Shishiou: "Captain is tachi: Mikazuki Munechika!" Yagen: "He just got here, and he's already made captain?" Shishiou: "Next, we have uchigatana: Kashuu Kiyomitsu!" Kashuu: "Eh? Me?" Shishiou: "Tantou: Gokotai! That's it!" Gokotai: "You called, Shishiou-san?" Shishiou: "Gokotai, you're being dispatched." Gokotai: "O-Okay." Shishiou: "Let's see... You are being dispatched to Utsunomiya Castle in 1868." Shokudaikiri: "The History Retrograde Army has infiltrated the Battle of Utsunomiya Castle again?" Hasebe: "They seem to be trying to change history by intruding on the fight between the former shogunate's army and the new government's army." Tsurumaru: "The History Retrograde Army in that area isn't too strong, though, right? We've beaten them dozens of times." Shokudaikiri: "But why them?" Tsurumaru: "As usual, we don't know what Master is thinking." Shishiou: "Okay, okay! Go on and get ready. You're being dispatched in 30 minutes. Do your best!" Yasusada: "It's Utsunomiya Castle again. Piece of cake, right?" Kashuu: "Let's hurry up and get this over—" Mikazuki: "I'm sorry for the wait." Gokotai: "Mikazuki-san, you look so cool!" Hasebe: "It's from Master. Take it with you." Mikazuki: "What is this?" Hasebe: "It's a protection charm. If something happens, this will protect your body." Mikazuki: "Is that so? I will treasure it." Hasebe: "It's your first battle, so there's still a great deal you don't know." Hasebe: "Be sure to ask Kashuu any questions." Mikazuki: "Yes, understood. Kashuu, thank you in advance for your support." Kashuu: "Yeah, yeah." Hasebe: "First, you operate that thing over there." Kashuu: "It's fine, I'll do it." Kashuu: "Date, time, location." Kashuu: "Now, let's get going." Yasusada: "Kiyomitsu..." Hasebe: "Be careful." Mikazuki: "Ho, ho! So this is Utsunomiya Castle?" Mikazuki: "What a splendid castle." Kashuu: "Captain, first we scout and come up with a battle strategy." Mikazuki: "Scouting? Very well." Kashuu: "Mikazuki, there was a gate over there. Let's start from there." Gokotai: "Th-The enemy has appeared!" Mikazuki: "Well, now." Mikazuki: "Kashuu?" Mikazuki: "Well done, well done!" Kashuu: "Gokotai!" Kashuu: "This is bad, if he gets struck again..." Kashuu: "Mikazuki!" Mikazuki: "This is no time to be laughing, is it?" Mikazuki: "I'm burning up." Mikazuki: "Time to get serious, I suppose." Kashuu: "I wonder if that was the goal of Master's dispatch orders." Yasusada: "Huh?" Kashuu: "I was overconfident in my own abilities." Kashuu: "Why wasn't I able to detect the presence of all of the enemies?" Yasusada: "You couldn't help it." Kashuu: "I couldn't protect Gokotai. What's more, I let Mikazuki get wounded like that." Kashuu: "I'm sure Master wanted to tell me that this is my true power." Kashuu: "I wonder if I'm hated now." Yasusada: "Impossible." Mikazuki: "That's not it." Yasusada: "Mikazuki-san, you're finished with repairs, aren't you?" Mikazuki: "Yes, I've been looked after well." Mikazuki: "May I join you?" Kashuu: "Yeah." Mikazuki: "I was just delivering the battle progress report to Master. There, I learned the reason that I was chosen for dispatch this time." Mikazuki: "It was because they wanted me to see how you fight, Kashuu." Mikazuki: "Master praised your fighting for being extremely daring and dependable." Mikazuki: "You are loved." Kashuu: "But I wasn't able to protect you or Gokotai." Mikazuki: "It is because you protected us, Kashuu, that I was able to go to Gokotai. You even gave me a chance to steal the show." Mikazuki: "I may be an old man, but I can be unexpectedly useful." Mikazuki: "I wish I could have shown you, too, Yamatonokami." Mikazuki: "I cannot remain a hindrance forever." Mikazuki: "Kashuu, will you spar with me next time?" Kashuu: "Mikazuki." Kashuu: "How can I become kinder, like you?" Mikazuki: "I do not know if I am kind. Kindness is being able to properly see your opponent." Mikazuki: "And being able to see your opponent is called strength." Mikazuki: "After seeing all the things that I have seen, that is what I think." Mikazuki: "Kindness is strength." Kashuu: "You say that like an old man." Mikazuki: "Because I am an old man." Mikazuki: "Brilliant, brilliant."
{ "raw_title": "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru Episode 5 – May - Kindness is strength", "parsed": [ "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru", "5", "May - Kindness is strength" ] }
Kashuu/Yasusada: ""This anime is about the stories of the Hanamaru days of a certain group of Sword Warriors in a certain citadel."" Yasusada: "Kiyomitsu! It went that way!" Kashuu: "Got it!" Yasusada: "Amazing!" Hakata: "I'm popular! This is how I do business!" Yasusada: "Yes, well, I'm taking your customers." Hakata: "Hey! No cutting in line!" Kashuu: "When the weather is this nice, it makes me want to take a nap." Yasusada: "You can't. We have to go on expedition after this." Kashuu: "Right..." Yasusada: "Our mission is to investigate Edo this time." Kashuu: "Who is the expedition captain again?" Yasusada: "Mutsunokami, I believe." Kashuu: "Man, Mutsunokami." Kashuu: "He gets pretty fired up, even about expeditions." Mutsunokami: "An expedition? Leave it to me!" Kashuu: "It doesn't become a field trip just because you're motivated, right?" Yasusada: "Expeditions and field trips are totally different things." Hasebe: "Something bad has happened! Something bad has happened!" Yasusada: "What's the matter?" Hasebe: "Master has a fever!" Kashuu: "What?" Hasebe: "They're overworked from having to assign dispatches, expeditions, duties, smithing, and creating armor day and night. They never leave their room, and with the lack of sufficient exercise, it's only natural their health would suffer. I'm not fit to be Master's attendant, since I couldn't prevent this. What should I do?" Kashuu: "First, shouldn't we just do the best that we can?" Hasebe: "That's true. First, we need medicine." Yagen: "You'll want the fruit from the Asiatic dogwood then." Hasebe: "Asiatic dogwood? What's that?" Yagen: "This." Yagen: "It relieves fevers, supplements nutrition, and reduces fatigue." Hasebe: "Okay, please make a medicine with that. I'll give it to Master." Yagen: "I'm sorry. I'm all out of it right now." Hasebe: "Is that so? Then I'll go to the general store." Yagen: "The store doesn't sell it." Hasebe: "What should we do, then?!" Yagen: "We'll need to gather more." Hasebe: "I'll go gather it! But where?" Yagen: "This tree was brought from outside the country and used in pharmacology in the Edo period. After that..." Kashuu: "We're going on expedition to the Edo period in a bit." Yasusada: "Where would it be in Edo?" Yagen: "That much I don't know. You might be able to find one or two of the trees in the woods." Kashuu: "What's the matter, Hasebe?" Hasebe: "Investigating Edo is your mission. Master's orders are absolute. You can't neglect them. However, it would be different if you just happened to find that tree, and brought some back." Kashuu: "Hasebe!" Kashuu: "Understood." Shokudaikiri: "Master has a fever?!" Hasebe: "It's my fault." Shokudaikiri: "It's not your fault, Hasebe-kun." Hasebe: "No, one of my jobs is to look after Master's health." Shokudaikiri: "Come now, don't get so down about it. They'll recover fast if they eat something good." Shokudaikiri: ""Eat" is written with characters for "people" and "recover," after all." Hasebe: "What should we have them eat, then?" Hasebe: "They won't have much of an appetite due to the fever." Hasebe: "Something they can easily eat that will be nutritious would be best." Hasebe: "That's it (hata)! Shokudaikiri, I've got it." Shokudaikiri: "Grouper (hata)?" Hasebe: "What about udon?" Shokudaikiri: "Udon, huh?" Hasebe: "With udon, even if they don't have an appetite, they can suck in the noodles and broth." Shokudai: "And udon is quickly absorbed into the system, too." Hasebe: "Udon it is." Shokudaikiri: "Then leave it to me." Hasebe: "Wait." Hasebe: "I want to make Master better." Hasebe: "I'll make the udon." Hasebe: "Please watch over me from there, Shokudaikiri." Shokudaikiri: "Okay." Hasebe: "Make the brine." Hasebe: "Pour it into the flour." Hasebe: "Stir it by hand." Shokudaikiri: "So you're going to make the noodles first." Hasebe: "Knead the dough." Shokudaikiri: "You really know what you're doing, Hasebe-kun." Hasebe: "No, only somewhat. If I make a mistake, please tell me." Shokudaikiri: "Will do." Hasebe: "And now, we have to let it rest. Let it rest?!" Shokudaikiri: "That's right. For an hour." Hasebe: "We can't do that!" Hasebe: "This can't wait an hour." Shokudaikiri: "Yeah, I thought it'd come to that." Hasebe: "Why?" Shokudaikiri: "Because I was thinking of making it for today's dinner." Hasebe: "I will gladly use it." Shokudaikiri: "Place the plastic over the dough and tread on it." Hasebe: "To be stepping on something Master will eat..." Shokudaikiri: "Stepping on the dough allows you to make perfectly firm udon noodles." Shokudaikiri: "Do your best." Hasebe: "Okay, next, I have to let it rest again." Hasebe: "Let it rest?!" Hasebe: "It can't be!" Hasebe: "Sprinkle on the flour. Stretch it out with a rod. Fold it." Hasebe: "And cut." Hasebe: "Look, Shokudaikiri." Shokudaikiri: "The noodles are done." Hasebe: "Now, what should I use for the ingredients? Something delicious and good for the body would be best." kigitsune: "Fried tofu." Hasebe: "Nakigitsune!" kigitsune (Fox): "Because there isn't anybody who hates kitsune udon." kigitsune: "That's right." Hasebe: "Fried tofu? That's a good idea. There should be some in the refrigerator— Mikazuki?!" Mikazuki: "Wouldn't eggs be a great ingredient for udon?" Mikazuki: "Tsukimi Udon. It's nutritious, so it will quickly heal any illness." Hasebe: "I see. If that's the case, then please allow me to make it. Thank you." Mikazuki: "Are they really that sick?" Shokudaikiri: "I'm pretty sure it's just a cold." Hasebe: "The nabeyaki udon is finished!" Hasebe: "It's a bit awkward with so many ingredients, but the biggest issue is the taste." kkari: "Shall I have my tongue play with it then?" kkari: "I mean to taste it." Hasebe: "Nikkari Aoe! Why can't you show up normally like everyone else?" Shokudaikiri: "Oh, I see. Aoe-kun belonged to the Kyougoku family of the Marugame Domain in the Sanuki Province," Shokudaikiri: "so he's very familiar with udon." Hasebe: "I-Is that so? Then please try some." kkari: "Thank you." kkari: "This is?! The noodles are short and thin, with a deep flavor that goes smoothly down the throat. It's like the "banshuu udon" eaten in the hometown of Kuroda Kanbei." kkari: "Hasebe-kun, did you consciously make it like this, or not? You must have recalled that you served the Kuroda family in the past." Hasebe: "Does that mean it was good?" Hasebe: "That's all that matters, then." Hasebe: "It's the first time I've ever made udon since coming to this citadel. I'll make Master feel better with this!" Otegine: "Huh, so this is Edo?" Hakata: "I bet it's crawling with Japanese business men." Mutsunokami: "We have a lot of first-timers on this expedition, don't we?" Mutsunokami: "Our mission for this expedition is to investigate Edo. We'll collect our observations on the climate and the way the people live in the survey form. We have two hours." Yamabushi: "Ka, ka, ka!" Yamabushi: "Fighting and expeditions are training. Now then, where should we start, Captain?" Mutsunokami: "Let's see..." Kashuu: "Wait a minute!" Mutsunokami: "What is it, Kashuu?" Kashuu: "The truth is, Master has a fever." Yamabushi: "The Master does?" Hakata: "Fever?" Otegine: "Is it a cold?" Yasusada: "We don't know." Kashuu: "When we talked to Yagen, he told us of a red fruit from the Asiatic dogwood that can relieve fevers." Yasusada: "Yagen said that it is here somewhere in Edo." Kashuu: "There should be one or two trees if we go in the forest." Kashuu: "So, do we have to do the investigation?" Mutsunokami: "The Edo investigation is over. I'll write up the investigation report. The most important thing right now is healing Master's illness." Mutsunokami: "We will definitely return with the Asiatic dogwood." Mutsunokami: "Whoops, it's not this way." Yamabushi: "It's this way! Ka, ka, ka! Traversing forests and mountains is my specialty." Mutsunokami: "Yamabushi Kunihiro, our goal is to find the Asiatic dogwood. There's no need to hurry." Yamabushi: "Ka, ka, ka! So it is, so it is." Mutsunokami: "He really likes mountains, doesn't he?" Otegine: "By the way, Kashuu, why does Master have a fever?" Kashuu: "Now that you mention it, the light in Master's room has been on late at night lately." Kashuu: "Late at night? I wonder what they're doing?" Hakata: "Isn't it obvious?" Hakata: "Checking the stock market!" Kashuu: "Stock?" Otegine: "Market?" Hakata: "They want to tackle the next day of trading, so they check all the stocks late at night. It could be that Master dabbles in trading at night. If not stocks, there's also the foreign exchange market, though." Hakata: "I was just joking." Kashuu: "Otegine! Are you sure you're looking?" Otegine: "I am, but I'm not very good with anything other than stabbing things." Yasusada: "That looks heavy." Otegine: "It's not that bad. Probably just a little over 20 kilograms." Otegine: "When it comes to stabbing things, I can't lose!" Otegine: "Huh?" Mutsunokami: "What is it? A race? They're really into it." Kashuu: "You said you had no talent other than stabbing things, but that made things worse!" Otegine: "Really sorry about that." Yasusada: "We got..." Hakata: "...separated from everyone." Yamabushi: "That's totally fine. It's wiser to split up and search. We'll go on ahead." Hakata: "Which means, Yamabushi, are we climbing this?" Yamabushi: "You're right." Hakata: "What are you trying to do, Yamabushi?" Yamabushi: "Roar, my muscles! Fight!" Yamabushi: "Hakata Toushirou, you're supposed to say "ippatsu!" in return!" Hakata: "Why would you do that?" Yamabushi: "Ka, ka, ka! Can you pull me up with some vines that are up there?" Hakata: "Vines?" Hakata: "Will this work?" Yamabushi: "Hold on tight!" Hakata: "Leave it to me." Yamabushi: "Here I go!" Hakata: "Leave it to... You're heavy!" Yamabushi: "Guess there's no choice." Yamabushi: "Roar, my muscles! Fight!" Hakata: "Ippatsu!" Mutsunokami: "Don't these look like Asiatic dogwood fruit?" Yasusada: "Only the color is the same." Mutsunokami: "They look delicious. Should I try some?" Yasusada: "Jeez, if anything happens, it's your own fault." Mutsunokami: "This is no good." Mutsunokami: "I can't win against my curiosity. If they taste good, I'll give them to Shokudaikiri." Kashuu: "Ah, it's so cold and refreshing!" Otegine: "K-Kashuu!" Kashuu: "Otegine!" Otegine: "I'm saved." Kashuu: "I'm sorry, Otegine." Otegine: "Kashuu!" Yamabushi: "We can't seem to find any Asiatic dogwood." Hakata: "Ouch!" Yamabushi: "What happened?" Yamabushi: "A trap?" Hakata: "It's okay. I'll figure it out myself." Yamabushi: "Hakata! Don't push yourself." Yamabushi: "Why don't we carefully make our way back?" Hakata: "I won't go back! I can walk on my own feet. We've come all this way. We can't turn back now." Hakata: "I want to heal Master's illness. It's only been a few days since I came to the citadel. But I want to be useful, and quickly become a part of the citadel, too." Yamabushi: "I feel the same way you do." Yamabushi: "Okay, Hakata Toushirou, you will ride on my back!" Hakata: "I feel bad having you carry me like this." Yamabushi: "Ka, ka, ka! I, too, want to exist for our Master. I want to be strong enough to laugh everything away," Yamabushi: "to smile no matter what the situation is. What's the matter, Hakata Toushirou? Smile!" Yamabushi: "If you smile, the next path will open up." Yamabushi: "Ka, ka, ka! Now, let's go!" Hakata: "Ka, ka, ka!" Yasusada: "We've walked quite a bit, but we have to be back in two hours." Yasusada: "Jeez, Asiatic dogwood! Where are you?! Mutsunokami, don't just stop suddenly—" Mutsunokami: "Shh!" Mutsunokami: "Yamatonokami, don't draw your sword. Keep it in its sheath." Mutsunokami: "Yamatonokami!" Yasusada: "Better to finish it before it finishes us." Mutsunokami: "Compose yourself." Yasusada: "Can't you do something with your gun?" Mutsunokami: "Even if I hit it with the few bullets I have, it won't die. Besides, we just want to pass through. There's no need to kill it." Mutsunokami: "Won't you please put your sword in its sheath?" Mutsunokami: "Please, will you let us pass?" Mutsunokami: "Our master has been beset by an illness." Mutsunokami: "Our master gave us these bodies, and it's because of our master that we're here now. We can't do anything without our master, so we wish to make them better. We love our master." Mutsunokami: "We simply wish to take back some medicine for our master." Mutsunokami: "Please." Mutsunokami: "Will you let us pass through without baring your fangs?" Mutsunokami: "We're both living creatures." Mutsunokami: "We can communicate with our hearts." Mutsunokami: "It's all right. Sakamoto Ryouma guided the Satsuma and Choushuu, who got along like cats and dogs, to a reconciliation. If we speak with our hearts, we don't need swords or guns." Mutsunokami: "To think that Ryouma's spirit would be useful in a place like this." Mutsunokami: "There's no time." Mutsunokami: "Let's move on." Yasusada: "Right." Mutsunokami: "We should reach the cliff any minute now." Yasusada: "Yeah." Mutsunoami: "We seem to have made it in time." Kashuu: "Hey!" Kashuu: "You two are late!" Hakata: "We did it! We have to hurry back with it. Ow!" Yamabushi: "Are you all right?" Hakata: "I'm finally doing something for Master. I'm not worried about a little wound. Besides, a special rare fruit may be worth some money!" Kashuu: "Yagen! We brought back the Asiatic dogwood fruit!" Yagen: "And lots of it." Yasusada: "Well?" Yagen: "This should last us for a while." Kashuu: "Can you make it quickly?" Yagen: "Leave it to me." Yasusada: "We did it." Kashuu: "Yeah." Ishikirimaru: "I've finished the purification." Hasebe: "Thank you, Ishikirimaru." Ishikirimaru: "I want to do anything I can for Master, as well." Ishikirimaru: "Hasebe-san, you made udon?" Hasebe: "Yes, I made it for Master." Hasebe: "As Master's attendant, I, Hasebe, made udon for the first time." Hasebe: "Is it good?" Hasebe: "Eh? It's a little salty?" Hasebe: "I wonder why?" Maeda: "Um... I wrote a letter, but is it okay for me to take it up?" Yasusada: "Yeah, I think it should be." Hasebe: "Everyone, Master ate the udon!" Ishikirimaru: "Good for you." Kashuu: "I gave the medicine Yagen made to Master. They were pleased." Yasusada: "Good." Kashuu: "We are swords." Kashuu: "It is our pleasure to be used by Master." Kashuu: "It's not good if they don't stay healthy." Kashuu: "I'm sure everyone else feels the same." Yasusada: "Everyone..." Yasusada: "For our master..." Yasusada: "That's right." Kashuu: "Yasusada?" Kashuu: "Eh?" Kashuu: "What's wrong?!" Yasusada: "It's our master!" Yasusada: "I want to be stronger for Master, too! I want to go tell them that!" Hasebe: "Yamatonokami. Master is eating right now. You can tell them later—" Yasusada: "It has to be right now!" Hasebe: "Hey! Listen, Yamatonokami!" Hasebe: "Master has a fever! Talk to them after they've gotten better! Hey, listen when I'm talking to you!" Yasusada: "Swimsuits and..." Shokudaikiri: "...a loincloth." Mutsunokami: "Oh, I wanted to go to the ocean next month with everyone, so I sent in a request to Master for these." Kashuu: "Why not just buy swimsuits? Am I right?" Hasebe: "There's not enough money." Hasebe: "Do you know why that is?" Hasebe: "Because in April, everyone spent it needlessly at the general store!" Mutsunokami: "Then I guess I troubled them by saying that I wanted to go to the ocean even though we're broke." Yasusada: "They're handmade." Hasebe: "They said it was their first time sewing anything." Shokudaikiri: "Everyone cares for Master. And Master cares for everyone. This citadel is truly blessed." Mutsunokami: "We have to give thanks to Master." Hasebe: "That's right." Kashuu: "That's true, but... What about this?"
{ "raw_title": "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru Episode 6 – June - This citadel is joyous, isn't it?", "parsed": [ "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru", "6", "June - This citadel is joyous, isn't it?" ] }
Kashuu/Yasusada: ""This anime is about the stories of the Hanamaru days of a certain group of Sword Warriors in a certain citadel."" Yasusada: "An enemy like that was just like a morning workout, wasn't it?" Kashuu: "I smell something." Yasusada: "What is it?" Kashuu: "Something smells good." Yasusada: "Ah, so you noticed?" Yasusada: "It's this. I put some herbs in this protection charm I made." Yasusada: "I begged Master and they gave me some." Kashuu: "That herb that Hasebe is always watering?!" Yasusada: "There's only one charm imbued with this power." Kashuu: "You're not fair!" Yasusada: "Stop sniffing it!" Kashuu: "But it might grant me some kind of blessing." Hasebe: "I have raised Master's herbs with dignity." Kashuu: "I wonder what I could put in mine." Yasusada: "You made one, too, Kiyomitsu?" Kashuu: "It's because I know what will be en vogue around here." Yasusada: "As expected." Kashuu: "You made yours to cheer yourself up, right? What's everyone been putting in theirs?" Yasusada: "I-I'm scared." Kashuu: "What are you doing?" Kousetsu: "I am searing the image of this beautiful flower in my memory." Souza: "Osayo picked it for you this morning, Nii-sama. Right?" Yagen: "Not yet!" kigitsune (Fox): "They're getting stronger." mazuo: "You're right! Yagen's really been looking after them." Honebami: "Yeah, they're really enthusiastic." Yagen: "There!" mazuo: "Yagen! It's about time." Yagen: "Whoops, is it that time already?" Yagen: "Okay, training is over!" All: "Good work, everybody!" Yagen: "Today isn't just about sparring. It's the day you've all been waiting for! We're going to the ocean!" All: "All right! Yay!" All: "Ocean! The ocean!" Yagen: "Let's eat lunch and get ready." All: "Okay!" Mutsunokami: "The bathing suits Master made looks good on you guys!" Atsushi: "You look good, too, Mutsunokami!" Mutsunokami: "This wouldn't suit anyone except me!" Mutsunokami: "Oh, the newbie has come, too?" Urashima: "I'm Urashima Kotetsu! Won't someone go see Ryuuguu Castle with me? I don't really know the way, though!" Mutsunokami: "You're an interesting fellow! I hope you get along with everyone!" Yasusada: "It's nice to meet you!" Urashima: "Nice to meet you, too!" kigitsune: "Be careful." Yagen: "Right." Mutsunokami: "It is with the consideration of our Master that we are able to go to the ocean now." Mutsunokami: "Everyone be sure to thank Master!" Mutsunokami: "Master! We'll be heading off to the beach now!" Maeda: "Master, thank you!" Hasebe: "Can't you lot be quiet? Master has something they are trying to look up— Ah, don't talk all at once!" Gokotai: "Ah, is Master not coming with us?" Hasebe: "You know why. Master is the indoors type. Now get going." Mutsunokami: "See you later, Master!" All: "We'll be going!" All: "It's the ocean!" Atsushi: "All right, the first person to reach the ocean is the sharpest!" Midare: "It's me!" Mutsunokami: "I'm number one!" All: "Hot! Hot! Hot!" Kashuu: "Everyone's in high spirits." Kashuu: "Sunburn is your skin's enemy." Yasusada: "Why did you come to the ocean, then?" Kashuu: "To keep you company, of course." Kashuu: "You'd be lonely without me." Yasusada: "Huh, well, thanks for that. Well, I'm going to head into the water, so come keep me company!" Kashuu: "H-Hey, wait! At least let me put on some sunscreen!" Yasusada/Kashuu: "Hot! Hot! Hot!" Hirano: "Five." Gokotai: "Six." Akita: "Seven." Maeda: "The water tastes like something." Trio: "Taste?" Maeda: "You all try it, too." Mutsunokami: "I want to try going to that island over there." Urashima: "Kamekichi! It's the ocean!" Urashima: "Do you wanna go swimming, too?" Urashima: "I see... We can search for Ryuuguu Castle, too!" Akita: "Urashima-san! You can talk to the turtle, can't you?" Urashima: "Nope! He doesn't understand me at all. Ah, Kamekichi! Where are you going?" Midare: "Wow, what a cute seashell! I should collect some and make a necklace!" Yagen: "Look, Midare. You get numb when this starfish stings you, I wonder if it could be an anesthetic? I want to take it back home. Look." Midare: "That's so creepy. Hey, stop it! Help me, Atsushi!" Hakata: "We can make good money off of this!" Hakata: "Ah, will you let me know if you see a mitten crab?" Midare: "Why don't you do something more fun?" Souza: "This is my first time seeing the ocean." Souza: "I did not get out much because I was a bird in a cage, kept only as decoration." Sayo: "Souza-niisama, seeing this kind of scenery doesn't brighten your mood, does it?" Sayo: "Kousetsu-niisama..." Souza: "I wonder if he's actually having fun..." mazuo: "Mutsunokami-san said we should make lots of memories today." Honebami: "I don't have any memories." mazuo: "You can still make memories even if you have none, though." mazuo: "You won't need to worry about the past once you start making fun memories." mazuo: "Oh, it went through!" mazuo: "Handshake! This feeling! This is a memory, too." Honebami: "I haven't put my hand in yet." mazuo: "Then, what did I just touch?" mazuo: "Turtle!" Urashima: "Kamekichi!" Yasusada: "I wonder if the Shinsengumi played in the ocean, too." Kashuu: "Of course not." Kashuu: "What if the anti-shogunate faction had seen them playing in the water?" Kashuu: "It was that kind of era." Yasusada: "That's true." Kashuu: "I dropped my sunscreen." Kashuu: "Say, Yasusada, won't you go get it for me?" Yasusada: "Get it yourself." Kashuu: "Okita-kun would have gotten it for me if I asked because he was kind." Yasusada: "Jeez, I guess I have no choice." Yasusada: "One bold Okita strike!" Yasusada: "Here is your memory." Kashuu: "What is this?" Yasusada: "Isn't it pretty?" Yasusada: "Here." Souza: "Would you like some tea?" Gokotai: "Thank you." Hirano: "The ocean is fun, isn't it?" Souza: "Osayo, you are getting better." Mutsunokami: "Those brothers get along well, don't they?" Yagen: "What's the matter?" Yagen: "That's right! I brought watermelon! Why don't we all eat it together?" Mutsunokami: "Are you all having fun, too?" Mutsunokami: "Something the matter?" kigitsune: "Did you enjoy the ocean?" Yagen: "Yeah, I guess." Maeda: "It was a lot of fun." Gokotai: "I-I'm writing about the ocean today in my journal so I can tell Ichi-nii." Midare: "Well? Isn't it pretty? I'm making a necklace to give to Ichi-nii." Hirano: "I'm going to give him star sand, too." Yagen: "It's like their feelings of wanting to see Ichi-nii have only increased after going to the ocean." kigitsune: "I see." Yagen: "This is far better than keeping their desire to see him secret in their hearts." Honebami: "Yagen." Yasusada: "Are you awake?" Kashuu: "I guess." Yasusada: "Ichigo Hitofuri isn't showing up very easily." Kashuu: "That's true." Yasusada: "Seeing all the Awataguchi swords, I can't help but think it'd be nice if he'd come soon." Yasusada: "They've been waiting so long for their brother." Yasusada: "Dwelling on it must be painful." Kashuu: "But..." Kashuu: "Isn't caring for someone a happy thing? It might be painful now, but caring for Ichigo Hitofuri is also a happy thing," Kashuu: "because that means one day, it will all be turned into good memories." Kashuu: "It was the same for me." Kashuu: "Good night." kigitsune: "Yagen, we received an talisman imbued with strong powers from Master." kigitsune: "Come." Ichigo: "I am Ichigo Hitofuri," Ichigo: "the only tachi made by Awataguchi Yoshimitsu." Ichigo: "I will do my utmost to fulfill my duties for my master and the citadel." Ichigo: "Understood, I will follow you." Yagen: "I-Ichi-nii!" Ichigo: "We finally meet, Yagen Toushirou. No, Yagen." Yagen: "I'll put the bell on for you." Ichigo: "Thank you." Yagen: "I have a nice spot I want to take you to. Will you come with me?" Ichigo: "A nice spot?" Yagen: "This is the best view in the whole citadel." Ichigo: "Is that so?" Ichigo: "The wind feels nice." Yagen: "It's pretty big, isn't it?" Yagen: "There's an outdoor bath and a laundry room, too. The fields are over there, and that huge building there is the training hall where we train daily." Yagen: "We've gotten much stronger." Ichigo: "That is a fine tree over there." Yagen: "It is." Yagen: "It's the symbol of this citadel. At first, we didn't know what kind of tree it was, but it blossomed into a cherry tree." Yagen: "It was very beautiful." Yagen: "I hope we'll be able to see it bloom together next time." Ichigo: "That would be nice." Ichigo: "Yagen, what is that thing hanging around your neck?" Yagen: "Ah, this?" Yagen: "It's been popular around the citadel lately. It's a protection charm I made myself." Ichigo: "Protection charm?" Ichigo: "May I see it?" Yagen: "That cherry tree is a tree that grants wishes. I don't know who wrote that one, but it seems that everyone wrote about Ichi-nii and attached it to the tree. Things like, "I hope Ichi-nii comes soon," or "I want to get stronger by the time Ichi-nii arrives," and "I want to play with Ichi-nii."" Yagen: "They all just wrote about how much they wanted to see their Ichi-nii." Ichigo: "You wanted these wishes to come true, so you turned them into protection charms, Yagen?" Yagen: "Not really, it's just that our little brothers insisted." Ichigo: "I see, so you've been taking care of our brothers until I arrived." Yagen: "It's not just me. Nakigitsune, Namazuo, and Honebami, too." Ichigo: "You did well, Yagen." Ichigo: "You can relax now." Yagen: "Don't say such stupid things, I'm an adult!" Yagen: "You're lucky, Ichi-nii." Yagen: "The moon today is the most beautiful one we've had." Midare: "That crest..." Hirano: "It's Ichi-nii's?" All: "Ichi-nii! It's Ichi-nii!" All: "All right!" Maeda: "Where?" Akita: "Where is he?" Gokotai: "I want to see him, now!" Yagen: "Don't be impatient. He'll be here in just a bit." Hakata: "How soon is "just a bit"?" Atsushi: "Hey, how about we all shout, "Wah!" when Ichi-nii comes?" Awataguchi Swords: "That's good! I want to do that!" Maeda: "Ah, he's here!" Tantou'S: "He's here, he's here, he's here!" Tantou'S: "Wah!" Tsurumaru: "What? This is surprising!" Tantou'S: "Tsurumaru-san? We made a mistake! It's Tsurumaru-san!" Tsurumaru: "That's pretty impressive, surprising me like that. Although, surprises are important in life..." Hirano: "We apologize, Tsurumaru-sama. We mistook you for someone else." Tsurumaru: "With whom?" Maeda: "There!" Maeda: "Isn't that Ichi-nii?" Tantou'S: "It's Ichi-nii! I knew it!" Tantou'S: "Ichi-nii!" Tantou'S: "It's Ichi-nii!" Tsurumaru: "Now this is surprising." Tantou'S: "Ichi-nii!" Tantou'S: "Ichi-nii! Ichi-nii!! We've missed you!" Ichigo: "I wanted to play with everyone, too, so I made this." Tantou'S: "Wow! A swing! Ichi-nii is amazing!" Akita: "I want to ride it with Ichi-nii!" Tantou: "Me, too! Me, too!" Ichigo: "Everyone will get a turn. We can't all swing on it." mazuo: "If Ichi-nii holds on to us, it'll be fine!" Midare: "Let's ride!" Gokotai: "Please ride it, too, Yagen-niisan." Yagen: "No, I'm fine." Hirano: "Yagen-niisan!" Midare: "Yagen!" Akita: "Hurry, Yagen-niisan!" mazuo: "Ride with us, Yagen!" Yagen: "Fine." Yagen: "I'm coming! Here we go!" All: "Yay!" Midare: "Hey, hey. Let's have a welcome party. Ichi-nii's welcome party!" mazuo: "Good idea!" All: "We want to do it!" Honebami: "Agreed." Yagen: "Okay, but what are we going to do?" Atsushi: "What would you like to do, Ichi-nii?" Ichigo: "I am happy with anything, as long as I'm with everyone." Yasusada: "If that's the case..." Yasusada: "Let's do this!" Yasusada: "This kind of group was in the magazine I got from Master." Akita: ""Idols?"" Hakata: "They're so shiny!" Yasusada: "It seems idols sing and dance while wearing cute costumes like these." Midare: "Idol!" Midare: "So cute! I want to sing! I want to dance!" Midare: "Hey, let's all sing together! We'll mimic this group's name: A-Wa-Ta48!" All: "AWT48?" All: "That's a good idea! I want to sing!" All: "Producer?" Yasusada: "Which means, AWT48's producer will be..." Midare: "I'll sing in the middle of the stage. That one's called the "center."" mazuo: "I should be center, then!" Hakata: "I won't give up the center!" Atsushi: "The center is definitely me!" Midare: "Me!" mazuo: "Me, too!" Maeda: "I was aiming for it, too." Yasusada: "Then let's have the producer decide, that way no one will be upset. Please, Producer." kigitsune: "The person with the most flair should be the center." Kashuu: "Another nightmare about the Ikeda Inn?" Yasusada: "AWT48."
{ "raw_title": "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru Episode 7 – July - Caring for Someone", "parsed": [ "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru", "7", "July - Caring for Someone" ] }
Kashuu/Yasusada: ""This anime is about the stories of the Hanamaru days of a certain group of Sword Warriors in a certain citadel."" Otegine: "So, you're all here now." hongou: "The three spears are together." Tonbokiri: "What should the three of us do?" Otegine: "Isn't it obvious?" hongou: "Go drink some sake?" Otegine: "Fight, of course." hongou: "I was joking." Tonbokiri: "Sure you were." Yasusada: "What are you laughing about? Hurry and come over here!" hongou: "Let's drink some sake." Hakata: "Amazing! I can see far away!" Tonbokiri: "And so, they all lived happily ever after." Gokotai: "Th-The Blue Bird of Happiness..." Gokotai: "What a wonderful story." Tonbokiri: "It's a good story book. Did you get it from Master?" Gokotai: "Yes." Gokotai: "Thank you so much for reading it to me, Tonbokiri-san." Tonbokiri: "The lesson of this story is..." Gokotai: "That's right." Tonbokiri: "Gokotai, where are you going?" Gokotai: "Th-There's something I want to get from my room. I'll be right back." Gokotai: "Tiger-kun?" hongou: "Hey." Hakata: "What's the matter?" Gokotai: "I-I'm sorry." hongou: "Hey." Tonbokiri: "Gokotai." hongou: "What?" Otegine: "That was kinda..." Hakata: "I feel bad for Gokotai." hongou: "Jeez, it's not like I could help it." Hakata: "What couldn't you help?" hongou: "I'm not good with tigers. My former master had a tougher time with tigers than he did with enemy attacks, so when I see a tiger I'm forced to relive memories from a time I'd rather not." Tonbokiri: "Even a tiger that small?" Otegine: "It's basically a cat." Hakata: "Gokotai told me he wants to get along with Nihongou. "H-He's so cool because he has everything I lack."" Mikazuki: "You were surprised when the tiger jumped on you, right?" Mikazuki: "Then it is best that you tell him that and make amends." hongou: "Like I could do that." Hakata: "A blue bird!" Tonbokiri: "Blue bird?" Otegine: "It's definitely blue." Mikazuki: "Would that be the Blue Bird of Happiness?" Tonbokiri: "You think so?" Otegine: "A blue bird is a blue bird." Otegine: "Aren't good things supposed to happen if you catch one?" Otegine: "He's totally ready to catch it." Tonbokiri: "What, are you going to give it to Gokotai?" hongou: "That's not it." hongou: "Otegine! Got a sec?" Otegine: "What is it?" hongou: "Help me out here." Otegine: "I'm not any good at anything but stabbing though." hongou: "Don't stab it!" Otegine: "I'm not going to!" hongou: "Sit here." hongou: "Now stand." Otegine: "G-Gonna ride on my shoulders?" hongou: "Okay, that's it." hongou/Otegine: "Ouch!" hongou: "I'm definitely catching it. Otegine, one more time!" Otegine: "Hey now, are you gonna stand on my shoulders?" hongou: "Tough it out." hongou: "Can you take one step forward?" Otegine: "Forward?" hongou: "Who told you to dance?!" hongou: "This time for sure." hongou: "Dammit!" hongou: "You gotta be kidding." Otegine: "It's making fun of us now. Shall we give up?" Otegine: "It's perched up there too high." hongou: "Tonbokiri, got a sec?" Tonbokiri: "What? You want me, too?" hongou: "Listen, if we do it like this, we can reach that high, can't we?" Tonbikiri: "Is that even possible?" Otegine: "Why am I the one on the bottom?!" hongou: "This is nothing compared to the heavy thing you're usually carrying around, right?" Hakata: "It'll be tough with three." Tonbokiri: "Are you all right, Otegine?" Otegine: "Y-Yeah." Tonbokiri: "Being in the middle is surprisingly tough." hongou: "What's wrong, Otegine? Just one step closer!" Otegine: "Right!" Tonbokiri: "Who told you to dance?!" Otegine: "No one is dancing!" hongou: "Just a bit more." hongou: "One more step." Otegine: "Damn it!" hongou: "All right!" hongou: "I got it!" hongou: "Wait, Otegine! Stop!" Otegine: "I can't!" hongou: "Okay!" Hakata: "The three spears are amazing!" Yasusada: "His eyes are drowsy and he looks comfy. I wonder if Hanatarou's sleepy." Kashuu: "He's so cute." Kashuu: "Ow!" Yasusada: "Kiyomitsu? Are you okay—" Kashuu: "Yasusada?!" Horikawa: "Kane-san, can you hang the washed sheets out to dry on that clothesline there?" Kanesada: "Sure, leave it to me." Kanesada: "What the heck was that?" Horikawa: "No idea." Ookurikara: "Damn, why do I have to do this?" Ookurikara: "What the?!" Hasebe: "What?!" Hasebe: "You bastards! Why are you messing around?!" hongou: "Over there! It's over by the pond!" hongou: "Fly, Otegine!" Otegine: "Don't be crazy!" Tonbokiri: "The clothesline! Use the clothesline!" Otegine: "I told you! I only have a talent for stabbing things!" hongou: "I'll get it this time!" hongou: "Gotcha!" hongou: "You've gotta be kidding!" Tonbokiri: "We can't let it perch there! My spear is sharp enough that even a dragonfly perching there will be cut in half!" All 3: "It perched!" Tonbokiri: "I think this is impossible for us to do." Hakata: "I got to see something interesting." hongou: "Gokotai?" Gokotai: "U-Um..." hongou: "What do you have there?" Gokotai: "A-A protection charm." Gokotai: "Th-They've been pretty popular around here lately. You can put whatever you like inside it. I-I thought you might not have one, Nihongou-san, since you just arrived." Gokotai: "Please let me borrow that." hongo: "Ah, okay." Gokotai: "H-Here you are." hongou: "Thanks." Tonbokiri: "Happiness is always right nearby." Otegine: "That's the lesson of this story." Gokotai: "Y-Your acrobatics just now were enjoyable." hongou: "Acrobatics?" Gokotai: "D-Do you think you could do it again?" All 3: "Absolutely not!" Mikazuki: "Brilliant, brilliant." Hirano: "Do you hear that voice?" Hakata: "I hear it." Yagen: "Who is it at this hour?" Midare: "What if it's a ghost?" Honebami: "It's coming this way." Akita: "Nii-san..." Hirano: "Akita?" Yagen: "What's the matter, Akita? Why are you crying?" Akita: "There was a ghost." Atsushi: "A ghost?!" Akita: "I was on my way to the bathroom," Akita: "and there was a floating white shadow, walking without making any steps. I was so scared, but I ran after it, and then—" Yagen: "Why did you shout?" mazuo: "I thought it'd be a good time." Gokotai: "Y-You scared me." Midare: "So, you chased after it?" Akita: "I immediately lost sight of it." Akita: "It was a ghost!" Gokotai: "S-Scary." Maeda: "Something like that is in the citadel?" Hirano: "What a frightening story." Atsushi: "Isn't this pretty bad? Shouldn't we wake Ichi-nii?" Yagen: "No, we'll figure this out ourselves." mazuo: "That's right. Since we already bragged to Ichi-nii about how much stronger we've gotten." Atsushi: "I-I guess you're right. We can do it without Ichi-nii." Midare: "It's scary!" Yagen: "However, we have no leads on how to go about finding this ghost or whatever. It'd be nice to have some kind of help." mazuo: "We'll go get someone, since we know who is qualified." Honebami: "You all wait here." Hakata: "Who are they going to get?" Yagen: "Probably Nikkari Aoe." Akita: "Nikkari-san?" Yagen: "His name is based on an old story where he cut the spirit of an eerily laughing woman. He might be useful." Midare: "Nikkari-san! I see!" Atsushi: "Then let's have Nikkari Aoe hurry up and cut down the ghost!" Yagen: "You're right." mazuo: "Nikkari-san. Nikkari Aoe-san." kkari: "What is it at this late hour?" mazuo: "An emergency situation has occurred." kkari: "Is that so? Has a ghost appeared or something?" mazuo: "It has." mazuo: "Akita said he saw a ghost." kkari: "I've never heard of a ghost in this citadel before now." Honebami: "We need your help." kkari: "Very well. Leave the ghosts and such to me." Yagen: "Sorry for bothering you so late." kkari: "I, too, am interested in the identity of the ghost." kkari: "I'm sure it will be plenty of fun." mazuo: "Let's form a Ghost Extermination Rangers!" kkari/Yagen: "Ghost Extermination Rangers?" mazuo: "Continue after me! Namazuo: Navy Blue, reporting!" Hakata: "Huh?" Hakata: "Ah, we're supposed to say a color, right?" Hakata: "Hakata: Gold!" Midare: "Midare: Pink!" Akita: "I'm pink, too!" Atsushi: "I'm black." Honebami: "Honebami: Silver." Yagen: "Yagen: Purple." Maeda: "Maeda: Yellow." Hirano: "Hirano: Brown." Gokotai: "G-Gokotai: White." kkari: "And Nikkari is green." mazuo: "Ah, wait a minute! We don't have a red or blue?" Hakata: "Oh well, we'll be fine." mazuo: "That's right. Okay, the Ghost Extermination Rangers with Nikkari Aoe and the ten Awataguchi swords has been formed!" kkari: "Everyone has their candles, right?" kkari: "Now then, we'll split into groups. If you find the ghost, come get me immediately." Gokotai: "I-I'm scared." Akita: "Me, too." Hirano: "It'll be okay, let's go." Maeda: "Right." Hakata: "The Hakata Security Company is not cheap!" Midare: "Don't mess around at a time like this." Yagen: "Shall we go?" Atsushi: "A-All right!" kkari: "Namazuo, Honebami." mazuo: "Yes!" kkari: "I have a good idea. We'll lay out a net joined to a pulley here," kkari: "and when the ghost comes, we pull on the rope and catch it." mazuo: "Can you even catch a ghost with something like that?" kkari: "I can't sense its presence, so I'm quite interested in trying to capture it." kkari: "Seeing a ghost's scared face will also be amusing, won't it?" mazuo: "That's if it goes that easily." Gokotai: "N-Nikkari-san!" Gokotai: "Over here." kkari: "Tsurumaru-san?" Tsurumaru: "What is it, Nikkari Aoe?" Gokotai: "A-And you have Mr. Fox with you?" Tsurumaru: "Yes, it seems the fox strayed into my room. I was wondering why it was so hot, and found this fuzzball on my face." Gokotai: "So he mixed up the rooms." Tsurumaru: "It takes a lot to surprise me. Surprises are necessary in life." Tsurumaru: "Now then, I'm going back to bed." Maeda: "Nikkari-san!" Maeda: "I-I heard the ghost's voice." kkari: "Voice?" kkari: "The ghost was speaking?" Maeda: "It was saying, "One, two, three."" kkari: "It sounds just like the ghost of Okiku, counting her plates." Maeda: "Ghost?!" Doudanuji: "Seven, eight..." Doudanuki: "Nine..." kkari: "I'll slice you if you don't answer." Doudanuki: "Ten!" kkari: "Why are you doing pull-ups at this hour?" Doudanuki: "I couldn't sleep." Doudanuki: "Okay, only 970 to go! If you do that 970 more times, it'll be morning by the time you're done." Doudanuki: "Then, will you train with me?" kkari: "It's lively at night." Hakata: "We found it." Midare: "N-Nikkari-san!" kkari: "Where?" kkari: "That's a rather big ghost, isn't it?" kkari: "What are you doing?" Jirou: "I shouldn't cook when I'm drunk. Oh, what's everyone doing together?" Midare: "Jirou-san! What are you making this late at night?!" kkari: "Tomatoes?" Jirou: "My snacks are done! I'm going to have another drink over there. I'll clean up later!" Yagen: "Look over there!" Atsushi: "A white ghost!" kkari: "It's finally my turn." kkari: "Come on out, now." kkari: "Don't be shy." kkari: "Kasen?" Yagen: "What in the world are you doing here?" Kasen: "As you can see, I'm drying this cloth that I washed." Yagen: "This late at night?" Kasen: "This cloth belongs to Yamanbagiri. Yamanbagiri never lets this out of his sight during the day, so I use this opportunity when he's asleep to wash it." Kasen: "Though a pure white cloth is the most elegant, he might take notice." Kasen: "The trick is not to clean it too much." Yagen: "So it was thanks to Kasen, then?" Atsushi: "That's why it smelled nice, like fabric softener, even though it was so dirty." Kasen: "Did I clean it too much?" Kasen: "Maybe I should dirty it a bit more." kkari: "Which means there was no ghost." kkari: "Akita Toushirou was just seeing things." mazuo: "We did it! We finally caught the ghost!" kkari: "I didn't think you'd do it, but did you really set up the trap?" Akita: "It's the ghost I saw!" kkari: "Let's see." kkari: "The face of the ghost is..." kkari: "Kousetsu Samonji?" Akita: "K-Kousetsu-san?" Kousetsu: "It appears that I have caused quite a commotion. I had gone to the bathroom with Osayo, but because of the recent room change, I lost track of how to get back, and was looking for our room." kkari: "That's when they caught you. I'm sorry. I'll get you down now." Kousetsu: "No, that's fine, you can leave it." kkari: "Why is that?" kkari: "Ah, your little brother is there." kkari: "He's deep asleep." Kousetsu: "If you think of this as bedding, it is not entirely uncomfortable." Kousetsu: "Osayo also seems comfortable." Kousetsu: "We'll stay like this just a bit longer." kkari: "I see." kkari: "Feel better now? Okay, let's all go back to bed." All: "Okay!" mazuo: "Thank you for your help." mazuo: "The Ghost Extermination Rangers' mission is now complete!" kkari: "As green, it was a very meaningful time." mazuo: "Good night." Akita: "Good night." Atsushi: "Night." Maeda/Hirano: "Good night." Midare: "Night." Hakata: "Good night." Someone: "Good night."
{ "raw_title": "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru Episode 8 – August - The Formation of the Ghost Extermination Rangers!", "parsed": [ "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru", "8", "August - The Formation of the Ghost Extermination Rangers!" ] }
Kashuu/Yasusada: ""This anime is about the stories of the Hanamaru days of a certain group of Sword Warriors in a certain citadel."" Imanotsurugi: "Here I go!" Iwatooshi: "Fly!" Imanotsurugi: "Charge!" Iwatooshi: "Yamatonokami-dono!" Imanotsurugi: "Are you okay?" Imanotsurugi: "The same dream?" Yasusada: "Yes, I had it again this morning." Yasusada: "The dream where the Shinsengumi are storming the Ikeda Inn." Yasusada: "Each time, he goes up to the second floor, and I'm the sword he's wearing." Imanotsurugi: "But in reality, it was Kashuu-san, right?" Yasusada: "Right. It's a strange dream that's different from history." Iwatooshi: "What's with the dark expression?" Yasusada: "That hurt, Iwatooshi!" Iwatooshi: "Only in your dreams are you freely able to change history." Imanotsurugi: "I often have the same dream as well, in that case. Even though I was Lord Yoshitsune's protector sword," Imanotsurugi: "I wasn't able to protect him." Iwatooshi: "Imanotsurugi, it's all in the past. Forget about it." Iwatooshi: "Now that I'm here, everything's fine." Iwatooshi: "I won't let you feel alone anymore." Iwatooshi: "Yes!" Horikawa: "Everyone, get ready to be dispatched." Iwatooshi: "Dispatched?" kigitsune (Fox): "The fried tofu smells wonderful. Nakigitsune, let me have one, too." kigitsune (Fox): "Bon appétit!" kigitsune (Fox): "Since you made so many, we should share them with that other man." kigitsune: "Yes, we'll eat them together." kigitsune (Fox): "My, my, for you to be making these yourself, Nakigitsune, you must really like him." kigitsune: "It's because we're both foxes." Mikazuki: "Today is another good day." Mikazuki: "You're as meticulous as ever." Kogitsune: "Master said that they liked my hair." Mikazuki: "Oh, so did Master give you that comb?" Kogitsunemaru: "It makes it increasingly glossier." Mikazuki: "That's good." Kogitsunemaru: "And everyone seems rather chummy with you, too, Mikazuki-dono. You just sit on the porch and someone will take care of you." Mikazuki: "Everyone is very kind. Bringing me tea, massaging my shoulders," Mikazuki: "and letting me hold tigers when it gets cold." Mikazuki: "So, I wonder who will come by today." Shishiou: "If it's spicy, it's a miss?" Shishiou: "I'm not a shishitou pepper, I'm Shishiou!" Mikazuki: "A big sword has come today." Shishiou: "I'm not big!" Shishiou: "The man who used to wield me was an old man named Minamoto no Yorimasa." Shishiou: "So I'm a sword that was made lighter, so that even old people could wield me easily." Kogitsunemaru: "Then Shishiou was made with the elderly in mind." Shishiou: "Yep, I'm used to taking care of the elderly." Mikazuki: "Will you look after me, then?" Kogitsunemaru: "What's that? It smells delicious." kigitsune (Fox): "Everyone, Nakigitsune said that he wishes to eat inari zushi with you, if you please." Kogitsunemaru: "Oh, it's my favorite." Shishiou: "You made these, Nakigitsune?" kigitsune (Fox): "Yes, they're very delicious." kigitsune: "Yes, delicious." Mikazuki: "Well, let's try one." Kogitsunemaru: "That's the biggest one." kigitsune (Fox): "They're inari zushi for adults made with wasabi." Kogitsunemaru: "Mikazuki-dono?" Mikazuki: "That surprised me a little bit." Kogitsunemaru: "You must be exaggerating." kigitsune (Fox): "B-By a lot, too." kigitsune (Fox): "Nakigitsune! Nakigitsune!" Mikazuki: "Nakigitsune is good at taking care of the elderly." Kogitsunemaru: "Shishiou?" Shishiou: "I just remembered something I needed to do!" Shishiou: "Tsurumaru!" Tsurumaru: "What is it, all of a sudden?" Shishiou: "I can't be beaten when it comes to taking care of the elderly. I want to borrow your wisdom." Tsurumaru: "What are you talking about?" Shishiou: "It's boring just to serve up the same old thing." Shishiou: "What we need..." Both: "...is a surprise!" Tsurumaru: "I'm in. Who's the target?" Shishiou: "It's definitely Mikazuki." Tsurumaru: "That's pretty crafty. He lacks nothing as a target. But how should we surprise him?" Shishiou: "A great sword warrior?" Tsurumaru: "He'd be cool, strong, friendly, refined, and independent. In other words, a super sword warrior to surpass all others. A super sword warrior?! That's right. Mikazuki won't be able to stand the shock of seeing that." Shishiou: "The problem is finding someone to be that sword warrior." Tsurumaru: "No one but you could do that, though!" Tsurumaru: "I'm going to go look for helpers." Shishiou: "Me?" Tsurumaru: "Hachisuka is in charge of the costume. Kiyomitsu is in charge of the nails. Midare is in charge of etiquette." Midare: "Etiquette?" Hachisuka: "Why do I have to take part in something like this?" Tsurumaru: "It's pointless if he doesn't look like a super sword warrior to surpass all others, meaning I'd like to acquire your aesthetic sense, Hachisuka." Kashuu: "I'm doing his nails?" Tsurumaru: "A super sword warrior should lead with flashy fingernails first." Kashuu: "I see." Tsurumaru: "And Midare, I'd like for you to teach him some etiquette." Midare: "What do you mean by etiquette?" Tsurumaru: "I mean that I want him to have an eccentric personality. You know some strange words, don't you? If I recall, they're from about 200 years ago." Midare: "You mean those words that were in the magazine Master gave me!" Shishiou: "I want to really surprise Mikazuki!" Tsurumaru: "Please, make Shishiou into a super sword warrior." Shishiou: "Right, I'll make the best super sword warrior." Hachisuka: "When you put it that way, I guess we have to." Hachisuka: "Very well, we'll show him something other than a fake." Kashuu: "If you're going to do this, you have to go all the way." Midare: "I'll give it all I've got!" Shishiou: "I'm counting on you!" Tsurumaru: "Now, let's go gather what we need!" Midare: ""Wanchan."" Shishiou: "I know that one! A puppy (wanchan)!" Kashuu: ""Wanchan," means you have one more chance." Midare: "That's correct. What about "onikawa"?" Shishiou: "Demon's skin." Kashuu: "It means to be as cute as a demon." Midare: "Everyone knows that!" Shishiou: "Is there such a thing as a cute demon?" Tsurumaru: "As the super sword warrior, be sure to remember it." Midare: ""Kamacho" means "please play with me." "Paripi" is "party people." And when you're happy you say, "majirunrun gokigenmaru." Then there's—" Kashuu: "His nails are done." Kashuu: "I painted them like this with Mikazuki in mind." Kashuu: "Has it made him cuter?" Kashuu: "Well?" Shishiou: "It's "onikawa!"" Hachisuka: "I've borrowed things from everyone. Let's adorn him gracefully with all of these things together." Shishiou: "Oh, with this I'll..." Kashuu: "...become a super sword warrior." Shishiou: "We have "wanchan."" Midare: "We do." Hachisuka: ""Wanchan?"" Hachisuka: "Starting with the feet, the boots are mine, while the tunic is Horikawa's. Kashuu's coat, Nikkari's white clothing, plus Doudanuki's scarf, and Maeda's hat. What do you think of this?" Tsurumaru: "That's amazing, Hachisuka. It's better than I imagined! He looks so cool and refined!" Midare: "It's perfect!" Shishiou: "Am I finished?" Tsurumaru: "The real test is coming up. Now we just need some acting ability to surprise him." Hachisuka: "Acting ability?" Tsurumaru: "Okay, are you ready?" Tsurumaru: "Are you ready, too, Shishiou?" Shishiou: "Of course." Kashuu: "That's not quite how you use it, though." Tsurumaru: "All right, let's do this!" Midare: "What's that?" Hachisuka: "I have never seen a sword warrior like that before!" Mikazuki: "What's the matter?" Kogitsunemaru: "What is it?" Tsurumaru: "An amazing sword warrior has manifested." Mikazuki: "What's his name?" Tsurumaru: "His name?" Midare: "Majirunrun Gokigenmaru!" Tsurumaru: "Yes, it's Majirunrun Gokigenmaru, a companion of myself and Kogitsunemaru. He's a super sword warrior that surpasses all others!" Mikazuki: "Super sword warrior?" Kogitsunemaru: "Majirunrun Gokigenmaru?" Hachisuka: "He's coming this way!" Kashuu: "This is big!" Shishiou: "UK!" Shishiou: "Don't worry about reality." Midare: "UK!" Kashuu: "Don't worry about reality." Tsurumaru: "He even has his own way with words!" Hachisuka: "As expected of the super sword warrior." Shishiou: "Kamacho." Mikazuki: "Kyamacho?" Mikazuki: "This is surprising. To think that Shishitou's true desire was to become a super sword warrior." Shishiou: "It's Shishiou, not Shishitou!" Mikazuki: "You carried all this out to amuse me, didn't you?" Mikazuki: "Your ability to care for the elderly is amazing, Shishiou." Tsurumaru: "Was this a success?" Kashuu: "A huge success." Yamanbagiri: "UK?" Yasusada: "What happened to your head?" Ishikirimaru: "Are you all right?" Yamanbagiri: "UK." Yasu/Ishi: "UK?" Yamabushi: "Ka, ka, ka! Brother, the time for us to fight together has come." Yamanbagiri: "I'm glad you seem happy." Yamabushi: "I wish to become stronger so I may laugh off everything." Yamanbagiri: "What will being stronger do?" Yamabushi: "Well, all the fighting will be over, then. Perhaps I will return to being a work of art." Yamanbagiri: "You're so carefree." Horikawa: "Yamatonokami Yasusada, Imanotsurugi, Iwatooshi, Ishikirimaru, Yamanbagiri Kunihiro, with Yamabushi Kunihiro as Captain," Horikawa: "will be dispatched." Yamabushi: "Ka, ka, ka! So, I am the captain? To lead others is also a part of studying." Horikawa: "Though you're all from different periods, please do your best to work together to destroy the enemy." Horikawa: "You are being sent to Atsukashiyama in the year 1189." Imanotsurugi: "Atsukashiyama?" Ishikirimaru: "The History Retrograde Army wishes to alter the Battle of Atsukashiyama, do they?" Yasusada: "This will be my first time going there. Are they strong?" Horikawa: "According to Konnosuke, the enemy has substantial fighting ability. Master said that they wish for you to fight specifically with Yamatonokami Yasusada, who is used to battle, and Imanotsurugi." Yasusada: "Let's do our best." Horikawa: "Each of you please prepare yourselves and be ready to depart in 30 minutes." Horikawa: "Please equip yourselves well, so you won't be late." Hasebe: "Do you have a moment?" Yasusada: "Hasebe-san?" Hasebe: "Do you know about the battle of Atsukashiyama, Yamatonokami? It was the battle between Imanotsurugi's former master, Minamoto no Yoshitsune, Minamoto no Yoritomo, his elder brother who ordered him killed, and Fujiwara no Yasuhira, who had him commit seppuku." Hasebe: "Imanotsurugi might not be able to maintain his calm there." Hasebe: "Please keep an eye on him, and back him up." Yasusada: "So that's why he made that face." Yasusada: "Why is Master making Imanotsurugi go somewhere like that?" Yasusada: "It's just going to bring up painful memories." Hasebe: "Master has their reasons. You were sent to the Ikeda Inn on your first mission, weren't you?" Hasebe: "And Souza and I were sent to Honnouji." Yasusada: "So they hope for us to grow by sending us to our places of fate?" Hasebe: "Who knows?" Hasebe: "It is hard to know what Master is thinking." Yasusada: "That's true, but that's fine." Horikawa: "Now you're ready. Please do your best, my brothers." Horikawa: "I wish I could go, too." Yamanbagiri: "We'll be back soon." Yamabushi: "Now, battle is also studying. Let us give it all our might!" Horikawa: "Take care!" Yamabushi: "So this is Atsukashiyama? I would like to settle this before the Yoritomo and Fujiwara armies arrive." Yasusada: "The History Retrograde Army isn't here." Imanotsurugi: "The people who killed my former master will be fighting soon." Iwatooshi: "That's right." Ishikirimaru: "What's the matter, Imanotsurugi-san? Your face looks pale." Yamabushi: "He seems to be remembering the past." Yamabushi: "However, battle will lead us to our next phase." Yamanbagiri: "This would be the perfect opponent." Yamanbagiri: "This awful feeling..." Yamanbagiri: "This overwhelming bloodlust..." Ishikirimaru: "They're close." Yamabushi: "A surprise attack!" Iwatooshi: "Are you okay?" Yamabushi: "Do not force yourself, Imanotsurugi! I leave supporting the back to you and Iwatooshi!" Yasusada: "The enemy is also diverse?" Yamabushi: "Fighting with a strong opponent is more than I could've hoped for. We must focus our energy!" Yasusada: "Right." Yamanbagiri: "Going forth." Yasusada: "It's a battle!" Yamabushi: "Roar, my muscles!" Ishikirimaru: "I will exorcise this evil!" Iwatooshi: "All right, I'm hunting, too!" Imanotsurugi: "If those two will be here soon, then I can change Lord Yoshitsune's—" Iwatooshi: "You mustn't!" Imanotsurugi: "Why can't we change history?!" Iwatooshi: "No matter what tragedy befalls us, we will be here afterward." Imanotsurugi: "But..." Imanotsurugi: "Iwatooshi!" Imanotsurugi: "Yamanbagiri-san!" Yamanbagiri: "This enemy is unbeatable if you're being held captive by your past memories." Yamanbagiri: "Fight with us, Imanotsurugi." Imanotsurugi: "With you?" Yasusada: "This is a tough situation, isn't it?" Yamabushi: "Ka, ka, ka! This is a fine training." Yasusada: "You seem to be having fun." Yamabushi: "That is because I..." All: "...wish to become stronger, so I can laugh off everything." Yamabushi: "How do you all..." Yasusada: "Because we've heard it tons of times." Imanotsurugi: "Become stronger, to laugh off everything?" Yamabushi: "Ka, ka, ka, ka, ka! Now, let's go!" Ishikirimaru: "My blade can even cut through stone!" Iwatooshi: "Am I frightening?" Imanotsurugi: "Take that!" Yamanbagiri: "I'll make you regret looking down on me because I'm a copy." Yamanbagiri: "Repent with your death!" Yamabushi: "If I am inexperienced, it is because I am now far from my own mind!" Yamabushi: "We are victorious, everyone!" Yamabushi: "Ka, ka, ka, ka, ka, ka! Ka, ka, ka, ka, ka, ka!" Iwatooshi: "Don't forget this day." Horikawa: "For my brothers to have gone that far, the enemy must have been incredibly strong." Imanotsurugi: "But we won." Yamabushi: "I wish you could've seen Yamanbagiri's awakened form." Yasusada: "It was my first time fighting with Yamanbagiri, but I didn't know he fought so gallantly." Horikawa: "What was it like?" Yasusada: "He's usually like, "I'm just a copy," with an expression like he's gathered up all the unhappiness in the world, but he was really cool in battle!" Imanotsurugi: "He was." Yasusada: "His hood fell off and we could see his blonde hair for once, and he said, "I'll make you regret looking down on me because I'm a copy." He punished them with his blade like lightning. It was really pretty." Yamanbagiri: "Don't call me pretty." Horikawa: "I wish I could have seen it, too!" Yamanbagiri: "Forget about me!" Yasusada: "He's blushing." Iwatooshi: "That's the first time I've seen you like that." Yamabushi: "Ka, ka, ka, ka, ka, ka!" Yamabushi: "What is it?!" Iwatooshi: "What?" Yasusada: "Who is that?" Horikawa: "No idea." Mikazuki: "He is the super sword warrior." Imanotsurugi: "Super?" Mikazuki: "His name is Majirunrun Gokigenmaru."
{ "raw_title": "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru Episode 9 – September - That's the Kind of Past I Have", "parsed": [ "Touken Ranbu – Hanamaru", "9", "September - That's the Kind of Past I Have" ] }
: "What do you desire?" : "Honor and pride?" : "Power and influence?" : "Money and riches?" : "Revenge? Or..." : "To transcend all such things?" Headon: "For what do you risk your life to climb the tower?" Bam: "I..." Headon: "Whatever you desire, you will find it here." Headon: "Welcome to the Tower of God." : "Climb the tower, and everything will be yours. At the top of the tower exists everything in this world," : "and all of it can be yours." : "You can become a god. This is the story of Rachel, the girl who climbed the tower so she could see the stars, and Bam, the boy who needed nothing but her." : "Their end and their beginning." Rachel: "I'm sorry, Bam." Bam: "Where are you going?" Rachel: "Forget about me." Bam: "No!" Rachel: "I'm sorry. I'm climbing the tower." Bam: "Don't leave me! I'll follow you until I die!" Rachel: "Pray for me." Rachel: "Pray I'll be born again." Bam: "Rachel!" Headon: "The answer can always be found at the top of the tower." Bam: "Where am I?" Headon: "All visitors are welcome here." Headon: "I am Headon..." Headon: "The caretaker of this tower." Bam: "Tower?" Bam: "Tower? This is it?" Headon: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Master Bam." Bam: "How do you know my name?" Bam: "Her...!" Bam: "You spoke with her?" Bam: "I followed her here!" Headon: "The answer can always be found at the top of the tower." Bam: "The top of the tower?" Bam: "At the top of the tower..." Bam: "Rachel's there." Headon: "Will you take the test required to climb the tower?" Bam: "What test?" Headon: "The rules are simple." Headon: "You will enter the cage. If you can break that ball while avoiding the White Steel Eel, you pass. Will you take it? If you wish to turn back, now is the time. The tower is dangerous. For someone like you, death is..." Headon: "Marvelous." Yuri: "Atuna oniana jakabu! (What are you, stupid?)" Evan: "Isanu ketta, amairui! (Wait for me, Yuri!) Usedun nianete jutaga botoku. (He doesn't understand us.)" Evan: "You understand us now, right?" Bam: "Y-Yes." Yuri: "That high-quality Pocket is too good for you." Bam: "Pocket?" Evan: "It's not just a translator. It's also our lifeline in the tower. Face the Pocket and say, "Invisible mode."" Bam: "I-Invisible mode." Evan: "Don't be so shocked. By the way, if you say, "Visible mode," it'll revert to—" Bam: "An Irregular?" Yuri: "An outsider who entered the tower by opening the gates on their own. Anyway, you look pretty weak for an Irregular." Evan: "What are we doing getting involved with an Irregular?" Yuri: "You're saying you don't care if he gets swallowed by the White Steel Eel?" Headon: "You may be Yuri, Princess of Jahad, but if the king learned of this, you would be executed." Headon: "Am I wrong?" Yuri: "Only if you tattled to the king." Evan: "Lady Yuri!" Headon: "I devote myself to maintaining order in the tower and ensuring the royal family's prosperity. So I am simply doing my job." Yuri: "Then why give him an unfair test? Even guys on the 20th Floor have trouble handling that eel covered in steel scales." Headon: "Unfair? He's an Irregular." Yuri: "As a Navigator, do you sense any hidden power in him? Does he seem like he'll suddenly transform?" Evan: "He does seem agile." Yuri: "See? Even Evan says so. Look at how small and weak he looks. Well, if I had to say..." Yuri: "...he's a little bit handsome. Couldn't you drop the level of his test, Headon?" Headon: "I am the caretaker of the tower. It is necessary to determine if he is worthy of the tower." Yuri: "I'll be fine. What?" Bam: "I don't know who you are, but I appreciate your consideration." Yuri: "You don't even recognize a Princess of Jahad?" Yuri: "You're trying to climb the tower when you're that ignorant? Are you trying to die?" Bam: "It's better than giving up here." Headon: "If you're so determined to have him climb the tower, Princess Yuri..." Headon: "...why not lend him the Black March? Depending on who wields it, that legendary sword of Jahad can be a lump of lead or a blade that cuts through anything." Evan: "Absolutely not! Only a Princess of Jahad can wield the Black March! If word got out that another wielded it, execution would be—" Evan: "Lady Yuri!" Yuri: "I'll let you borrow this, since you've got a cute face." Evan: "Lady Yuri..." Bam: "But it's an incredible weapon." Yuri: "Don't you want to climb the tower?" Headon: "I can't believe you really let him borrow it." Yuri: "What? You're the one who told me to!" Bam: "I'll return it as soon as I break the ball." Yuri: "You should start by focusing on defending your own life." Bam: "Got it." Evan: "Lady Yuri..." Evan: "Have you fallen in love at first sight with that boy? Ow!" Yuri: "Shut up!" Evan: "Then do you truly believe an Irregular will change the tower?" Yuri: "Are you stupid?" Yuri: "You know I hate being bored. That's all." Evan: "The truth is, there's one way to pass this test." Evan: "What?!" Yuri: "That idiot! What is he doing?" Headon: "If you provide any more assistance, he will fail." Yuri: "You want me to watch him die?" Headon: "It is the path he chose." Yuri: "Move, Headon." Headon: "That's quite the way to speak to me." Yuri: "Shut up. You may be the caretaker, but I—" Evan: "Wait, Lady Yuri!" Yuri: "Let go!" Evan: "He did the right thing!" Yuri: "What do you mean?" Evan: "It's impossible to escape from that White Steel Eel." Evan: "So rather than fleeing, you must face it and leap into its mouth." Yuri: "What?" Evan: "Overcoming the fear of death is the answer to this test." Yuri: "He entered its mouth and stabbed it?" Yuri: "If you knew the answer, why didn't you tell him?" Evan: "Even if someone knows the answer, usually they won't be able to do something so ridiculous." Evan: "But that boy had something greater than the fear of death. That boy had something that let him face that fear." Evan: "What?!" Yuri: "Headon!" Headon: "The test hasn't even begun yet." Yuri: "What's going on?" Yuri: "Why won't the ball break?" Headon: "I can't answer that." Bam: "Break!" Bam: "Break!" Bam: "Break!" Bam: "Break!" Rachel: "What are you doing down there?" Rachel: "W-Wait. I'm coming to you." Rachel: "I see. So you don't remember anything." Rachel: "That must be scary." Rachel: "But it's okay now." Rachel: "I'm here with you." Bam: "Break!" Bam: "Break! Break!" Bam: "Break! Break!" Bam: "Break!" Rachel: "I want to see the stars." Bam: "The stars?" Rachel: "At the top of the tower stretches this thing called the sky. They say countless beautiful stars shine there." Bam: "They're just like you." Rachel: "Where did you learn to say that?" Bam: "Break!" Rachel: "Bam, I'm sick of being in this dark world." Bam: "Break! Break!" Bam: "Don't go, Rachel! Break!" Headon: "It seems he was a bit too loud." Evan: "That's not good!" Evan: "Run, newbie!" Yuri: "Run! Hurry!" Yuri: "Run!" Evan: "Hey, newbie! Speak to the Black March!" Evan: "Ask it to lend you its strength!" Yuri: "Evan! Are you insane? That sword won't even listen to—" Evan: "Just do it!" Bam: "Please grant me your strength." Yuri: "No way." Black March: "Boy." Black March: "You wish for the strength to climb the tower?" Bam: "No." Bam: "I don't care about the tower." Bam: "Please grant me your strength, so I can see Rachel again." Black March: "Such a boring boy." Black March: "However..." Black March: "Since you have a cute face, I shall grant you my strength just this once." Yuri: "What?" Yuri: "She never granted me strength, no matter how many times I asked..." Yuri: "Was it just because she prefers men?" Black March: "That's right. Begone, woman." Evan: "So the tower's superstition was true." Yuri: "I refuse to accept that!" Evan: "It broke!" Yuri: "Huh? What's going on?" Headon: "You mean you don't know?" Headon: "He ascended to the next floor." Evan: "What are we going to do? He still has the Black March." Yuri: "We just need to go get it back." Evan: "What?" Yuri: "We're going after him." Evan: "But we're forbidden from entering the testing grounds for climbing the tower." Yuri: "Shut up!" Yuri: "A life without anything interesting in it isn't worth shit." Yuri: "Hurry up and do your job, Navigator!" Evan: "Wait! What a stubborn princess..." Headon: "What an interesting gathering that was." Headon: "I'm interested in seeing what will happen next." Black March: "Even if you are reunited, things will never be exactly as they were." Black March: "When you meet her again, she will have lived for some time without you." Black March: "But first, sleep. The road ahead is hard." Annouce: "Test, test." Announce: "Hello, Regulars. Welcome to the second floor of the tower. This testing floor will determine if you are worthy of climbing the rest of the tower. Let's get the first test started." Announce: "The rules are simple. In total, there are 400 Regulars here." Announce: "Please reduce that number to 200 within the allotted time." Announce: "Use whatever methods you wish." Announce: "The moment that only 200 Regulars remain, the test will end. Also, you can check the number of Regulars and time remaining on your Pocket." Announce: "Good luck, everyone." Enemy: "Hey! Stop, kid!" Enemy: "There's no point in running." Bam: "Please help!" Enemy: "Begging for your life? How impudent." Rak: "You're in my way." Bam: "In order to make it to the next floor, I have to survive." Khun: "Hey." Khun: "Why are you trying to kill me?" Enemy: "Whoever survives, wins! Those are the rules of the test, fool!" Khun: "I see. So you easily stoop to being controlled." Bam: "In order to survive..." Bam: "To climb the tower..." Bam: "I have no choice." Levin: "What was that for?" Rak: "This is the hunter's position." Levin: "Don't be ridiculous!" Rak: "Toss!" Rak: "Shall I toss you away, too?" Levin: "D-Damn it! You'll pay for this!" Rak: "Now, then..." Rak: "Any good prey?" Rak: "What is it I sense?" Rak: "This lizard? No..." Rak: "That weapon?" Rak: "Another formidable presence." Rak: "That weapon." Rak: "Found you!" Bam: "I have to do it." Khun: "Don't bother." Khun: "With such weak knees, you won't catch even a single rabbit." Khun: "Shouldn't you be pointing that sword at the guy behind you?"
{ "raw_title": "Tower of God Episode 1 – BALL", "parsed": [ "Tower of God", "1", "Ball" ] }
Rak: "I told you, he disappeared!" Rak: "The slow turtle vanished in a second! Like, poof!" Hatz: "He what?" Shibisu: "Isn't he on your team, Princess Endorsi?" Endorsi: "Yeah, but I don't know what he's like." Rak: "Huh?" Endorsi: "He never spoke." Endorsi: "When I first met him in that field, he was already with Rachel." Khun: "Hey." Endorsi: "What?" Ednorsi: "There's no point in hiding it anymore." Endorsi: "Everyone knows she's the girl Bam's been looking for." Khun: "Thanks for the food." Shibisu: "Come on. Let's at least try to enjoy a meal together." Khun: "I knew that from the start." Khun: "Only two Wave Controllers could advance, so I... Lauroe is guaranteed to pass. By a narrow margin, of the remaining candidates, Bam, Grey, and Hwaryun have the edge—" Hwaryun: "You don't need to consider me." Hwaryun: "I won't advance beyond this point." Khun: "Huh?" Hwaryun: "You should be worried about the man named Hoh." Hwaryun: "His jealousy will drive him mad sooner or later." Khun: "So I removed Hoh from the list." Khun: "Let me tell you something so you don't make any more mistakes." Khun: "Don't take your eyes off Hoh." Khun: "My strategy was perfect." Khun: "I haven't changed at all." Yuri: "This is taking too long!" Evan: "We're almost there." Yuri: "Evan, if the new examinees' tests are over by the time we arrive..." Yuri: "I'll tear you apart." Evan: "Tear?!" Khun: "You'll break my door, you barbarous gator!" Khun: "Where's your daddy?" Rak: "This is that coffee turtle's fault!" Rak: "The great Rak loves chocolate bars... Huh?" Rak: "You're so small, I didn't see you. How dare you block the great Rak—" Rak: "Huh?" Hansungyu: "Sorry. You're so small, I didn't see you." Rak: "Blue turtle, use your mysterious bag to make me big." Khun: "Unfortunately, it doesn't have an enlarging function." Khun: "If there's nothing you need, then leave." Rak: "Damn it. I'll have to play with the black turtle now." Khun: "Don't. Stay away from Bam." Rak: "What?" Khun: "Bam won't advance to the next level." Rak: "Don't be ridiculous! That turtle is my prey!" Khun: "Give it up. He has no reason to climb—" Rak: "It doesn't matter. I'll drag him to the tower." Khun: "It's not something we can argue—" Rak: "Blue turtle! Are you really okay with that?" Khun: "Of course not, but there's nothing I can do." Rak: "I see. Well, there's something I can do." Bam: "I need to talk to you guys." Khun: "See? Told you so." Bam: "Rachel can't walk anymore." Bam: "Her stab wound was deeper than they thought." Bam: "She'll never make a full recovery. So I—" Bam: "I'm climbing the tower." Rak: "Huh?" Bam: "I'll be Rachel's legs and take her up the tower." Rak: "Wha—" Bam: "I don't care about the tower or the stars anymore." Khun: "Hey, Maria..." Bam: "But so long as it's what Rachel wants, I'll follow her anywhere. That's what I've decided." Khun: "If I could've given up everything and said that, would something have changed for us?" Bam: "So, um... I'd like you to lend me your strength." Rak: "If you're so desperate, I guess I'd be willing to—" Khun: "You can count on me. I'll take you to the top of the tower," Khun: "in exactly the underhanded way you'd expect from me." Bam: "Khun!" Khun: "Prepare yourself. Even if the bumpy ride makes you motion-sick, I don't make extra stops." Rak: "Hey, I'll bite you to pieces!" Khun: "Even though you can't get up by yourself?" Bam: "What? Rak?" Rak: "Why are you so small? What? You just noticed? You rascal..." Khun: "All right, then. Now that that's decided, let's move." Bam: "Um..." Khun: "Hup." Bam: "I actually have another request." Khun: "Hey." Serena: "What is this?" Khun: "Bam wanted to give a proper send-off to our friend." Bam: "Thank you, everyone." Serena: "Everyone?" Shibisu: "Here." Shibisu: "Don't drink it all yourself. Leave some for Hoh." Serena: "I know that, idiot." Leroro: "May I offer a prayer, as well?" Bam: "Of course." Shibisu: "If we sit around crying, he'll be too worried to move on to the afterlife." Shibisu: "So smile. Chee—" Rak: "Cheers!" Bam: "Thank you." Bam: "For attending Hoh's funeral." Bam: "It must've been hard." Bam: "Rachel?" Bam: "Sorry. I upset you. Or does your wound hurt?" Rachel: "I abandoned you." Rachel: "I was desperate to see the stars." Rachel: "You were clueless and weak. You were in my way." Rachel: "It annoyed me how you persistently followed me around regardless." Rachel: "I'm..." Rachel: "I'm not the Rachel you loved anymore!" Rachel: "So..." Rachel: "You can abandon me, too." Rachel: "You don't need me anymore." Bam: "A ray of light..." Bam: "pierced my dark, lonely world." Bam: "I thought it was a miracle." Bam: "I didn't know that word yet at the time, but it's how I felt in my heart. I've made lots of friends, but you're the only one who came to see me from the other side of the light." Bam: "No one can replace you." Rachel: "I'm sorry." Rachel: "Bam, I'm sorry." Shibisu: "They're finally here." Hatz: "You're late! Get over here!" Bam: "Hey, wait! Hatz!" Lauroe: "Thanks." Serena: "Huh?" Lauroe: "For stopping me during the crown game." Serena: "What? Isn't it a bit late for that?" Lauroe: "You're right. It took me long enough." Shibisu: "You're not even going to say goodbye?" Serena: "We gave Hoh a proper sendoff. I have no regrets." Serena: "I guess that's a lie. My life is nothing but regrets." Serena: "But I'm going to try buckling down and giving life all I've got. Then I'm sure I'll find a reason or two for why I survived." Shibisu: "Are you saying you won't find that here?" Serena: "You can have this." Serena: "Promise me you won't die, Shibisu." Shibisu: "Yeah." Shibisu: "Later." Leroro: "Do you need something, Khun?" Yuga: "The test is over." Yuga: "The results aren't out yet, but he'll pass. Don't worry. In the next test, I'll recover the Green April and Black March from—" Hansungyu: "What are you doing in secret, Yuga?" Hansungyu: "Or should I call you Royal Enforcement Division Unit #67, Lo Po Bia Ren?" Yuga: "How long have you known?" Hansungyu: "Yuga is always five minutes early." Yuga: "I see. You were leaving me free to act. Then I'll have to eat you." Hansungyu: "What a cute pet." Yuga: "I've always wanted to fight Hansung Yu, the Deep-Sea Fish of Evankhell's floor." Hansungyu: "Fight?" Hansungyu: "Against me?" Yuga: "This is perfect. I've been bored, since no one would confront me." Hansungyu: "Confront you? That's absurd." Hansungyu: "I have no intention of fighting one of Jahad's Rankers. Your mission is the recovery of the Black March and the Green April," Hansungyu: "and to eliminate Anaak Jahad." Yuga: "So what if it is?" Hansungyu: "I shall help you." Yuga: "What?" Hansungyu: "In this place, we determine if an individual will harm the tower. I am the fiendish deep-sea fish that consumes all nuisances to the Jahad family. Please tell that to your captain." Hansungyu: "Once you've finished your call, join me in my room for coffee." Yuga: "What's his deal?" Hansungyu: "I can't control my excitement." Hansungyu: "I still have much to learn." Leroro: "Director, it's time." Khun: "One of your people gave this to him." Leroro: "How do you know that?" Leroro: "It could've been one of the examinees." Khun: "Are you serious? Hoh was given this note before we were split into teams for the tag test. This trap could only have been set by someone who knew Rachel and Hoh would be on the same team." Hansungyu: "I hope nothing happens during the results announcement." Leroro: "Everyone, thank you for waiting." Leroro: "I will now announce the names of those who passed the position selection test." Leroro: "Fishermen... Endorsi. Anaak. Dede Cancho. Blarouge. Spear Bearers... Rak. Ghost. Paracule. Alexay." Leroro: "Since Ghost is not currently present, he fails the test." Rak: "I told you, the slow turtle vanished!" Khun: "There, there." Leroro: "Scouts... Shibisu. Hatz. Narae." e: "My knight!" Leroro: "Wave Controllers... Bam. Lauroe." Leroro: "Light Bearers..." Leroro: "Khun. Michelle Light." Leroro: "However, due to her injuries, Michelle fails the test." Bam: "No!" Murch: "You can't be serious! I was on team B! How—" Hansungyu: "Are you dissatisfied with the results?" Murch: "Of course I am!" Hansungyu: "Very well. Come here, please." Hansungyu: "Prove to me that you're worthy enough to pass." Murch: "What?" Hansungyu: "It's simple. Endure this for one minute." Murch: "Huh?" Murch: "I can't see anything..." Murch: "Paracule, help me..." Hansungyu: "Paracule, are you dissatisfied, as well?" Paracule: "As if. I'm very satisfied with the results." Hansungyu: "Very well." Murch: "Please stop!" Hansungyu: "Now then, allow me to explain the final—" Khun: "Hold on." Khun: "I'm not satisfied with the results, either." Hansungyu: "Step forward, then." Bam: "Khun?" Khun: "The road ahead is rough." Endorsi: "What's he doing?" Shibisu: "What's gotten into him?" Hansungyu: "You passed with flying colors. What do you have to complain about?" Khun: "I want you to allow Michelle Light to participate in the final test." Hansungyu: "Why?" Khun: "Because it's what my friend wants." Khun: "What?" Hansungyu: "Excuse me. A member of the Khun family made a friend..." Khun: "You'll okay it, then?" Hansungyu: "Unfortunately, she can't in her condition. The rules forbid her from participating in the test." Khun: "That rule applies to tests run by the administrators." Khun: "Let me take the Administrator's test." Leroro: "Long ago, King Jahad took the Administrator's grueling test and was recognized as the ruler of the tower." Khun: "Jahad took the test, too?" Leroro: "Currently, we run the tests, but all tests and rules can be changed according to the Administrator's will." Khun: "I'll take the Administrator's test if you allow Michelle Light to participate." Shibisu: "What's he talking about?" Endorsi: "Shut up." Hansungyu: "How do you know about the Administrator's test?" Khun: "I'm a member of the Khun family. Does that answer your question?" Hansungyu: "The Administrator's test is very difficult. It would be easier to take the normal test." Rak: "That's not a problem! We'll beat any test!" Khun: "You heard him." Hansungyu: "Your confidence is taller than the tower itself." Hansungyu: "But it seems you're not aware of the other condition." Khun: "What?" Hansungyu: "Only one who opens the tower's doors on their own..." Leroro: "You mean..." Hansungyu: "Yes, only an Irregular can negotiate to take the test." Khun: "But..." Hansungyu: "If you understand, then take your seat." Bam: "Excuse me." Bam: "Let me see the Administrator." Hansungyu: "Were you listening?" Bam: "Yes. That's why I'm asking." Rachel: "Bam?" Bam: "I... I'm an Irregular." Khun: "An Irregular?" Hansungyu: "Bam, come with me." Hansungyu: "Michelle and I can go no further." e: "Um, what's an Irregular?" Rak: "I don't know, either. Does it taste good?" Shibisu: "It's exactly what it sounds like." Shibisu: "Someone who came here on their own instead of being chosen like us." e: "Is that a bad thing?" Shibisu: "First, they've broken the tower's rules. And it's said that great calamity strikes the tower anytime an Irregular appears." Paracule: "If we work with him, we'll be outcasts, too." Leroro: "One can hope that's all that happens." Leroro: "You're currently being offered a choice." Endorsi: "A choice?" Leroro: "If you assist Bam and pass the test, you'll all earn the right to climb the tower by the shortest and quickest route. But you'll be branded as an Irregular's accomplices forever. What will you choose?" Paracule: "The choice is obvious. We won't help him. What has he ever done for us?" Hatz: "You passed thanks to Bam." Khun: "I agree." Khun: "Sorry, but if Bam's an Irregular, then things are different. I can't offer him any more assistance." Hatz: "Earrings, are you insane?" Khun: "What are you doing, gator?" Rak: "I'm going with the black turtle. You're a turtle who's drawn his head inside his shell because he's afraid of being eaten." Khun: "What was that?" Rak: "Live a long and happy life. The black turtle and I will be looking down on you from the top of the—" Shibisu: "Uh, how long are you going to keep up this bad acting?" Rak: "Huh?!" Endorsi: "This has gone on so long, it's making me yawn." Anaak: "Someone's actually asleep." Shibisu: "Brothers, do you think we'd abandon Bam now?" Hatz: "What's going on?" Endorsi: "They were trying to persuade us to help Bam." Anaak: "I'm not helping him. I just want these stupid tests over with as quickly as possible." e: "If that's what everyone else is doing, I'll do it, too." Shibisu: "It doesn't matter what your reason is." Paracule: "E-Exactly! That's why I inspired everyone, too!" Rak: "Your third-rate acting paid off." Khun: "Shut up, tiny gator." Leroro: "You've all given the same answer, then. All that's left is to await Bam's results."
{ "raw_title": "Tower of God Episode 10 – Beyond the Sadness", "parsed": [ "Tower of God", "10", "Beyond the Sadness" ] }
Administrator: "I knew you'd come again," Administrator: "one who opened the doors on his own." Administrator: "You always look so tasty." Bam: "Do I?" Administrator: "Tell me." Hansungyu: "What do you desire?" Hansungyu: "This is your last chance." Hansungyu: "Your last chance to reach the top of the tower." Hansungyu: "Bam." Hansungyu: "Did the Administrator approve your request?" Bam: "He said Rachel and I could take the test. The rest is up to you, Director." Hansungyu: "Rachel." Hansungyu: "You're a very lucky person." Hansungyu: "Now, then, let's begin the final test." Rachel: "It's beautiful." Hansungyu: "You will be hunting underwater." Rak: "Hunting?! Then I'll hunt, and I'll hunt, and I'll—" Hansungyu: "You're the ones being hunted." Rak: "What?!" Khun: "If you keep interrupting, he'll shrink you again." Hansungyu: "Bam and Rachel will become fish and be hunted by net dolphins." Hansungyu: "This is a net dolphin." Hansungyu: "They hunt once a day..." Hansungyu: "for the net dolphin queen." Hansungyu: "Net dolphins use Shinsu to create nets and trap underwater fish." Hansungyu: "Bam and Rachel will enter a bubble made of Shinsu. If you are eaten along with the fish and spat back out onto dry land, you will have passed the test." Shibisu: "It's the dolphins that are bringing Bam to the queen, right?" Hansungyu: "That's correct." Shibisu: "Then what's our job?" Hansungyu: "In the natural world, there are always those who eat and those who are eaten." Hatz: "No movement from the goblins, and the pigs haven't appeared yet." Hansungyu: "Barnacle goblins use giant wetworms" Hansungyu: "to steal the fish gathered by the net dolphins." Hansungyu: "If Bam and Rachel are eaten by a worm, you fail. And the old enemy of the barnacle goblins and worms is the striped earthpig." e: "It kind of looks like Rak." Rak: "What?!" Hansungyu: "When the dolphins sense the pigs, they flee, fearing they'll be eaten." Khun: "In other words, our job is to make sure the dolphins can hunt freely." Anaak: "We just need to crush those three, right?" Hansungyu: "Correct. Finally, pray that you don't encounter the Bull." Khun: "The Bull?" Hansungyu: "A monster that consumes everything that moves. Even Rankers run from its ferocity." Shibisu: "Something that bad is out there?" Hansungyu: "This is your last chance to reconsider." Bam: "No." Bam: "I trust my teammates." Bam: "It's okay." Bam: "They're way stronger and smarter than us." Rachel: "You're right." Khun: "We can't search underground using Lighthouses. Our only choice is to fortify the surface." Khun: "Hatz, you guys keep an eye on the goblins' movements. Spear Bearers, wait on high ground for the worms to act." Khun: "Shibisu, you guys watch out for the pigs attacking the dolphins." Shibisu: ""You guys"?" Shibisu: "Where did the two princesses go?" Khun: "Narae, you..." Khun: "You sit tight." e: "Got it." Quant: "You've chosen another odd test again." Hangsunyu: "Have I?" Quant: "Wasn't there a quicker and easier way to do this?" Leroro: "Director, you made all the arrangements in such a short amount of time?" Hansungyu: "Well-prepared means no worries." Quant: "Really? I'm impressed, Director." Yuri: "Evan, is this a Navigator's job?" Evan: "It can't be helped. The only way to enter the testing area unnoticed is to jump down from here." Yuri: "In that case..." Yuri: "You go first." Evan: "You stupid princess!" Rachel: "That Yuri woman gave you the Black March?" Bam: "Yeah. She lent it to me after I told her about you." Bam: "I need to apologize when I see her." Bam: "Anaak has the Black March now." Rachel: "You seem like you're having fun." Bam: "What? Really?" Shibisu: "I feel so senselessly anxious. I'm not doing anything, but I'm still losing HP." Khun: "Hey, Shibisu." Shibisu: "Huh?" Khun: "You knew there was a huge risk in taking this test, right?" Khun: "Why are you helping Bam?" Shibisu: "The hag told me something during Hoh's funeral." Shibisu: "The reason Bam seems so bright..." Serena: "...is because he's got everything important that was stolen from us before we began climbing the tower." Shibisu: "Honestly, I'm jealous of Bam, too." Shibisu: "So I don't want him to lose what he's got." Shibisu: "I don't want Bam to have what's important taken from him." Khun: "You're a good guy, Shibisu." Shibisu: "Not as good as you." Hatz: "Khun, can you hear me?" Hatz: "Dede Cancho and Blarouge vanished." Khun: "What? Vanished? What does that mean?" Hatz: "Something's not right. Be careful." Hatz: "I sensed a strange bloodlust earlier, too." Shibisu: "It's the Bull!" Shibisu: "The Bull's here!" Rachel: "Back then, did you ever imagine this?" Bam: "What?" Rachel: "Back when we stared at the roof of the cave," Rachel: "did you ever imagine this future would come?" Bam: "I did." Rachel: "Huh?" Bam: "Even in the future I imagined then, I was here with you." Khun: "Shibisu, just run!" Shibisu: "I wish I could, but..." Shibisu: "At this rate, our little net dolphins will get eaten!" Shibisu: "I'm delicious!" Shibisu: "Even the Bull ignores me... I'm counting on you, Serena." Shibisu: "This is awesome!" Shibisu: "Yes!" Shibisu: "I'm not delicious!" Anaak: "Hey, monster." Anaak: "You're better off not eating him." Endorsi: "She's right." Endorsi: "He'd definitely upset your stomach." Shibisu: "Two Princesses of Jahad came to save me?!" Endorsi: "Of course not. I just wanted to try playing with that li'l moo-moo." Anaak: "The Bull is my prey." Anaak: "You're in the way, horned woman." Shibisu: "Hey! Is this any time to be fighting?" Endorsi: "Why don't we make a bet?" Anaak: "A bet?" Endorsi: "We'll take turns fighting the Bull for five minutes at a time." Endorsi: "If I defeat the Bull, I'll take the 13 Month Series swords." Anaak: "What if I beat it?" Endorsi: "I'll be your servant for life." Rak: "Damn it! I want! To fight! The Bull! Too!" Paracule: "What a strange gator." Rak: "Hey, Parasol." Paracule: "It's Paracule." Rak: "I'm dying of boredom! Do a trick or something! Otherwise, I'll bite your head off!" Paracule: "That's horrifying." Hatz: "Time for work, Spear Bearers." Hatz: "The goblins are on the move." Hatz: "There are more of them than we thought." Khun: "Hatz, as planned, figure out what the goblins are up to. Spear Bearers, wait for my signal. We're going to surprise them. Follow my instructions, no matter what. If we miss our chance, it's over." Hatz: "I'm counting on you this time, Revolutionary." Bam: "Look, Rachel." Bam: "This must be the dolphins' net." Rachel: "You're not scared at all." Bam: "Huh?" Rachel: "We're about to be eaten by a monster." Bam: "If I acted scared, wouldn't you feel anxious, too?" Bam: "Rachel? What is it?" Rachel: "Look at you, trying to act cool." Bam: "This brings back memories." Khun: "The dolphins already set their net? Damn. Once they go underground, we'll have no idea what they're doing." e: "U-Um, Khun..." Khun: "What?" e: "Um, I-I might..." e: "I might be able to find the way." Anaak: "Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock." Endorsi: "Shut up!" Shibisu: "That was close!" Endorsi: "If you've got a problem, tell it to that weakling." Shibisu: "Crap!" Endorsi: "What is this? It's gross." Endorsi: "Do you think you've caught me?" Shibisu: "So strong..." Anaak: "It's been four minutes." Endorsi: "Sorry, but you might not get a turn." Endorsi: "Hey! You're running?" Anaak: "Five, four, three, two, one!" Endori: "What a cowardly cow." Anaak: "Your five minutes are up! Now it's my turn!" Shibisu: "Wait, Anaak!" Endorsi: "It hasn't been five minutes yet!" Shibisu: "Not that... Damn these willful girls!" Yuga: "Nom, nom..." Yuga: "Nom, nom..." Yuga: "You fell for my trap." e: "Wow." e: "There really is a path underground." e: "You were right." Khun: "Why didn't you mention that you're an Anima who controls divine sea fish?" e: "She's not capable of combat. She can search the surrounding area with her sonar, though." Khun: "Even so, that's an amazing power." e: "No one likes a girl who's a showoff." Khun: "What? Is that how it works?" e: "I'll head back after searching the area a little more." Khun: "Hey, Narae." e: "Yes?" Khun: "Can Anima control any kind of animal? Like net dolphins or the Bull?" e: "Not at my level, but a Ranker probably could." Khun: "Yeah, right." e: "Khun?" Endorsi: "Moo-moo, come on out!" Endorsi: "What?" Endorsi: "You can move that quickly, huh?" Endorsi: "This cow..." Endorsi: "What's going on? You're stronger now..." Endorsi: "Let... go..." Yuga: "What are you so desperately searching for, Anaak Jahad?" Anaak: "Who are you?" Yuga: "Surprised?" Anaak: "Stay out of my way. I'm in a hurry." Yuga: "How valiant. You're exactly like the late Anaak Jahad." Anaak: "What was that?" Anaak: "What did you just say?" Yuga: "I am Ren, Royal Enforcement Division Unit #67." Yuga: "One of your natural enemies." Anaak: "Why do you have that necklace?" Yuga: "Who knows?" Yuga: "I wonder why." Anaak: "Give it back." Yuga: "Well, well. You can activate the Green April despite not being an official princess..." Paracule: "Whoa. That many can't be good..." Rak: "Now, blue turtle?" Khun: "Not yet. Narae's following a different strategy. Don't move until I say you can." Bam: "The Administrator asked me something." Rachel: "Huh?" Bam: "What I wanted at the top of the tower." Bam: "The first thing that came to mind was your face." Bam: "The second thing was the cafeteria." Rachel: "The cafeteria?" Bam: "Yeah." Bam: "All of us eating and smiling." Bam: "Before I could speak, the Administrator said, "Very well," and disappeared." Rachel: "You're amazing, Bam." Anaak: "Die!" Anaak: "Damn you!" Yuga: "How disappointing. I suppose a princess with tainted blood is no good." e: "Lauroe, that's the spirit." Lauroe: "You damn kidnapper." Rak: "Now? The black turtle will be eaten!" Khun: "Be patient. It's almost time." Khun: "Hatz, meet up with the Spear Bearers." Hatz: "You're right. There are too many of them." Rak: "P-Parasol?" Paracule: "Sorry. My body moved on its own." Khun: "You idiot!" Hatz: "Let's run!" Rak: "What are you doing?" Paracule: "Sorry!" Yuga: "Crawl, baby, crawl." Yuga: "Come on, almost there. You can do it." Yuga: "Too bad. Retrieval complete. If you'd chosen to live in peace instead of trying to get revenge, this wouldn't have happened." Anaak: "Shut up." Yuga: "You made your mother's death pointless." Yuga: "But killing you now wouldn't be much fun..." Yuga: "So it's time to bring out our special guest!" Anaak: "Horned woman!" Endorsi: "You're still alive?" Anaak: "Are you controlling the Bull?" Yuga: "Ding, ding, ding!" Yuga: "That's correct." Yuga: "From the start, this underwater hunt was put together to take care of you." Yuga: "You're the tower's trash. The enemy of Jahad." Yuga: "Your crime was being born into this world." Yuga: "This is your chance to redeem yourself, princess. Kill that impostor over there." Yuga: "Kill the enemy of your father, King Jahad!" Bam: "We're almost there, Rachel."
{ "raw_title": "Tower of God Episode 11 – Underwater Hunt (Part One)", "parsed": [ "Tower of God", "11", "Underwater Hunt (Part One)" ] }
Yuga: "How exciting. I can't believe I'm controlling a Princess of Jahad like she's a divine sea fish." Yuga: "So damn interesting!" Shibisu: "Hey, princesses! Where are you?" Shibisu: "Did they seriously get eaten by the Bull?" Shibisu: "Wh-What is this?" Shibisu: "So intimidating..." Yuri: "Did you just say "princess"?" Bam: "Rachel, you feel it too, don't you?" Rachel: "Huh? Yeah." Bam: "I wonder what this light is. It feels like there's power welling up inside me." Rachel: "Anything can happen in here." Bam: "Huh?" Rachel: "We're inside Shinsu right now." Endorsi: "Let's end this." Yuga: "Kill her." Endorsi: "Let's get this over with..." Endorsi: "and have lunch together." Anaak: "Huh? Are you serious?" Endorsi: "Of course. So..." Endorsi: "Give me that." Khun: "Come on." Khun: "Hurry, hurry." Anaak: "Ignition!" Bam: "It's pretty, but it's a little too bright." Rachel: "Yeah." Anaak: "You won't escape!" Endorsi: "Over here!" Paracule: "Drive safer, you damn gator!" Rak: "I can't do this!" Rak: "Running doesn't suit me. Hold on tight." Paracule: "Huh?" Paracule: "H-H-H-H-Hey, what are you doing? Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop! Stop!" Rak: "Hop!" Rak: "Step!" Rak: "Jump!" Paracule: "No!" Rak: "There are gross-looking turtles everywhere." Paracule: "Wh-What we going to do, gator?" Rak: "It's exciting!" Paracule: "I'm in hell." Yuga: "I don't believe it..." Endorsi: "It's over, rice boy." Yuga: "Aw, jeez. Just know that I'm doing this in self-defense, Princess." Anaak: "Horned woman!" Yuga: "You've given me no choice." Endorsi: "Stop that..." Yuga: "I'll tell King Jahad all about this. A princess committed treason against me, and I was forced to deal with her." Endorsi: "That was your intention all along!" Yuga: "Insects should be squashed underfoot." Endorsi: "Don't!" Yuga: "Ow!" Yuga: "Ow, ow, ow! Hey, ow! Ow! Stop that! Who's there?!" Yuri: "Who am I?" Yuri: "Just so you know, those two on the ground over there..." Yuri: "are my little sisters." Endorsi: "Yuri Jahad?" Yuri: "Thanks for showing me the way." Shibisu: "Thank you, Princess." Yuga: "What's a princess doing here?" Yuri: "What? Why are you talking to me like you know me?" Yuga: "I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Royal Enforcement Division Unit—" Yuri: "Isn't that my sword? I thought I lent that to someone." Yuga: "You have saved me the trouble of returning these." Yuga: "On King Jahad's orders, I am here to retrieve the 13 Month Series swords." Yuri: "Oh, really?" Yuga: "I shall return to my duties." Yuri: "Get out of here." Yuri: "I'll retrieve them. That will be all." Paracule: "Stay back!" Rak: "Not bad, Parasol." Paracule: "I told you, it's Paracule!" Paracule: "Am I going to die on top of a worm? N-No! I don't want to die! Someone... Someone help!" Paracule: "Anybody, please!" Paracule: "Huh?" Paracule: "Huh? Huh? Huh? What?" Paracule: "I possess this power?" Hatz: "You idiot. Look behind you." Paracule: "Oh... Of course." Yuri: "Do you still need something?" Yuga: "King Jahad will be so sad." Yuri: "Huh?" Yuga: "To learn a princess defended an impostor." Endorsi: "This guy..." Yuri: "I don't want to believe this, but..." Yuri: "Are you threatening me?" Yuri: "I'll only say it one more time. Get out of here. Otherwise, I'll kill you." Yuga: "How could you look at me like that? It makes me shiver! Oh, I can't control it! No! If you look at me like that, I won't be able to restrain myself!" Yuga: "I couldn't help it!" Yuri: "Hey, hairball." Yuga: "Huh?" Yuri: "Are you done?" Yuga: "Huh? What? What?" Yuri: "Just know that I'm doing this in self-defense, okay?" Bam: "It's okay, Rachel." Rachel: "Huh?" Bam: "No matter what happens, you don't have to worry anymore." Bam: "I'll take you to the top of the tower." Rachel: "Bam..." Yuri: "Why are you dodging? Are you scared?" Anaak: "She's strong." Anaak: "This is a Ranker Princess of Jahad..." Yuri: "Come and get me." Paracule: "Why?" Paracule: "Why are striped earthpigs coming out of the worm's mouth?" Hatz: "Earrings must've done this." e: "Yes, it's all according to Khun's plan." Rak: "The blue turtle planned this?" e: "We learned there was an underground tunnel the net dolphins used to reach the water." e: "Khun said the striped earthpigs must use the same path, as well." Khun: "If Lauroe collapses the passage, we can lead the pigs to the goblins." e: "Then he said we could let them fight each other. Right, Khun?" Khun: "Uh, yeah." Khun: "You guys handle the rest. I'm taking a break." Hatzling: "Are you done?" Lauroe: "Nice and sunny, no wind." Lauroe: "No chatty people, no noises." Lauroe: "It's perfect." Hatzling: "I heard about you and wanted to check you out for myself." Hatzling: "Don't bother." Hatzling: "There's no way you can beat me." Leroro: "It's an emergency, Director." Leroro: "I can't believe an intruder has entered the testing area." Quant: "Get a close-up!" Leroro: "I'm sorry. There seems to be interference." Hansungyu: "I see." Quant: "You can't be serious." Quant: "I'll kill them!" Hansungyu: "You can't." Hansungyu: "This test is being conducted by the Administrator." Hansungyu: "We can't interfere." Leroro: "You seem awfully composed." Hansungyu: "Well, then..." Leroro: "Where are you—" Hansungyu: "I'm out of caffè latte." Quant: "Why are things so tense between you guys?" Hatzling: "Don't look at me like that, Princess Maria's step stool." Khun: "What does a member of the Khun family want with me?" Hatzling: "Hup." Hatzling: "Want to see the princess?" Hatzling: "I'll take you to see Princess Maria." Khun: "Why?" Hatzling: "Because it's fun to upset the Khun family. I'm an outcast, too." Hatzling: "Come on." Evan: "Hurry, Kurdan!" Evan: "It's dangerous to let Miss Yuri play alone. She always prioritizes her own amusement." Hansungyu: "Welcome." Hansungyu: "Have some." Evan: "He knew we were coming." Evan: "Evankhell isn't here?" Hansungyu: "No, she's away." Evan: "Didn't think so. Otherwise, you couldn't have conducted the test like this. There's no way you haven't noticed that one of Jahad's assassins has entered the testing area. Let me be direct. The Black March—" Hansungyu: "You're here to retrieve it." Evan: "Huh?" Hansungyu: "I am a mere test director. No matter what happens, I won't let anyone find out about this." Evan: "Don't tell me..." Hansungyu: "It's only natural for the Jahad family to pick up its own trash." Evan: "Is this guy letting the assassin run free on purpose?" Evan: "Kurdan." Kurdan: "Yes, boss." Yuri: "Satisfied?" Evan: "Princess, don't get involved! It's fine if you kill him, but you mustn't help Anaak's daughter." Evan: "Take some deep breaths." Endorsi: "Then we'll do it." Yuga: "I may be badly wounded, but you're not nearly strong enough to—" Endorsi: "Shut up!" Endorsi: "If helping a friend is an act of treason, then I'm a traitor!" Shibisu: "Y-Yeah!" Yuri: "Don't. You mustn't interfere anymore. Got it?" Shibisu: "But..." Yuga: "A wise decision." Yuri: "Kurdan, deal with him." Khun: "I'm not climbing the tower for Maria." Hatzling: "What? You plan to rise to the top of the Khun family?" Khun: "Higher." Hatzling: "That's a big dream for someone too scared to pull a knife on me." Hatzling: "But..." Hatzling: "It seems like you have pretty decent allies." Hatzling: "Good luck." Hatz: "Should we let him go?" Khun: "Mr. Warrior's Code. Why?" Hatz: "Are you a man who rests while his friends are fighting?" Hatz: "If I let you die here, how would I face him?" Bam: "I'm different from the person I was back in that cave." Yuga: "Are you looking for that boy?" Yuga: "In that case, too bad." Shibisu: "What do you mean?" Yuga: "I sent the Bull to him." Bam: "I've made friends, and I've learned to use Shinsu a little. So it's okay. Together we'll climb—" Bam: "Rachel, are you okay?" Yuga: "It's a waste of his talents..." Yuga: "But I can't allow the Irregular to live." Rachel: "Bam!" Shibisu: "What does that mean?" Yuri: "I can't take this anymore." Yuri: "I'll crush this test." Hansungyu: "You mustn't do that." Hansungyu: "If you interfere, Bam will fail." Yuri: "Fail? Who cares if he fails?" Anaak: "I care!" Anaak: "We're climbing the tower together!" Evan: "Princess, this is all we can do." Evan: "He has to make it here himself." Endorsi: "He'll be fine." Endorsi: "Bam will definitely make his way through the test." Shibisu: "Yeah." Shibisu: "Bam always gets things done." Yuri: "Really? He's grown so much." Yuri: "Interesting." Rachel: "Bam!" Yuri: "Now, then..." Anaak: "No! Give it back!" Yuri: "Come and get it once you know how to use it properly." Yuri: "Oh, also... Here." Yuri: "Give this to him." Yuri: "Tell him to go to the 77th Floor." Shibisu: "Y-Yes, ma'am." Yuri: "Evan, we're leaving. Show me the way." Evan: "I'll be right there. Give me a minute." Evan: "What's a Navigator doing here?" Bam: "Didn't I tell you? I promised I'd take you to the tower." Bam: "We'll look at the stars together at the top of the tower." Rachel: "Bam..."
{ "raw_title": "Tower of God Episode 12 – Underwater Hunt (Part Two)", "parsed": [ "Tower of God", "12", "Underwater Hunt (Part Two)" ] }
Rachel: "Finally..." Rachel: "It's finally over." Headon: "No." Headon: "It's just beginning." Rachel: "I'm sorry, Bam." Rachel: "It's calling me." Rachel: "I'm going to climb the tower." Rachel: "Forget about me." Rachel: "The tower is calling me." Rachel: "This is probably..." Rachel: "the peak of my life." Headon: "It's not you." Rachel: "Huh?" Headon: "The tower wasn't calling you." Rachel: "But..." Rachel: "No, please!" Rachel: "Let me in! Please, let me in!" Rachel: "Give me a chance!" Headon: "A chance?" Rachel: "I've dreamed of climbing the tower. Please... Please!" Headon: "Then let us test you." Rachel: "A test?" Headon: "The rules are simple." Rachel: "He mercilessly hurled despair toward me. Everything was supposed to be mine once I climbed the tower. There's no way I can pass this test." Rachel: "How can I take on that monster? I don't even have a weapon. It's unfair! It's cruel to make people take tests no one can pass!" Headon: "Silence." Headon: "Now watch..." Headon: "as your savior is born." Rachel: "Dear God, this is too much to bear." Rachel: "My savior? Bam?" Rachel: "But all Bam did was follow me." Rachel: "Why? Why does Bam get everything?" Rachel: "He's just Bam." Headon: "I'm interested in seeing what will happen next. Not that you'll be there to see it." Headon: "Do you understand now why you weren't chosen?" Headon: "Good grief. That was hardly any Shinsu. You're too weak. The ugliness seeping out from inside you makes me cringe. You don't have a shred of charm about you." Rachel: "No matter what you say, I want to see the stars." Headon: "No. You want to become a star." Headon: "Don't you want to shine the brightest? To be special?" Rachel: "Please. I'll do anything to climb the tower." Headon: "Anything?" Rachel: "Please." Rachel: "Please." Headon: "Then out of respect for your bottomless stupidity, let us conduct a special test." Rachel: "Special?" Headon: "If you can bring his life to a close, I will allow you to climb the tower." Rachel: "What?" Headon: "You must end Bam's story with your own hands." Rachel: "You mean... you want me to kill Bam?" Headon: "Why are you surprised? You don't need him anymore. You abandoned him." Rachel: "I..." Headon: "Only you can decide." Rachel: "Give me a weapon. Bam has an incredible weapon. It's not fair!" Headon: "I don't dislike your shallow thinking." Headon: "He is your bodyguard." Headon: "Your gatekeeper to hell. Just once, you will be resurrected." Endorsi: "It's okay to kill all of them, right?" Rachel: "Yes. Of course. I wished..." Rachel: "for someone to kill Bam. Don't worry." Rachel: "We won't steal the crown." Rachel: "After all, I could never kill Bam." Hwaryun: "Observe him?" Hansungyu: "Yes, to see if the boy is worthy of what we desire." Hansungyu: "She is the bait." Rachel: "This isn't what I was told." Rachel: "I mean, wasn't he supposed to die for me?" Bam: "Stop!" Rachel: "Why?" Rachel: "Why would you save me? Don't. After all..." Rachel: "I have to kill Bam." Khun: "You want me to lie to him? Tell him you're not Rachel?" Rachel: "Yes. I can't let him look at me anymore." Khun: "Even though Bam wants to be with you?" Rachel: "We can't be together." Rachel: "Distance myself and wait for an opportunity... At least, that's what I intended." Rachel: "But my body wouldn't listen to me." Rachel: "Time continued to pass." Rachel: "Before I knew it, I was terrified of spending points." Rachel: "What if I can't kill Bam?" Rachel: "I can't climb the tower with the points I have now." Rachel: "Why?" Rachel: "He keeps getting everything I want." Endorsi: "I hope whatever you're seeking at the top of the tower is worth more than him." Rachel: "It's always Bam, Bam, Bam. Who does she think she is?" Rachel: "But can I do it?" Rachel: "I can't, can I?" Hwaryun: "At this rate, you'll never climb the tower. Or have you already given up?" Rachel: "Of course not." Hwaryun: "Then make use of everything you can." Rachel: "Huh?" Hwaryun: "Go along with the disturbance that's about to occur. Create a situation" Hwaryun: "that will allow you to stick close to Bam during the next test." Rachel: "Create? What am I supposed to do?" Hwaryun: "When the time comes to choose, you'll understand..." Hwaryun: "as long as you don't misread the signs." Hoh: "I'd like to talk about you and Bam." Rachel: ""Don't misread the signs."" Hoh: "It said that if I got rid of you, Bam would also go away." Rachel: "I'm willing to do anything to climb the tower." Bam: "Hoh? What are you doing?" Hoh: "This is all your fault! It's your fault for showing off your power!" Rachel: "Let go!" Hoh: "Stop!" Rachel: "Did I make the choice?" Rachel: "It didn't hurt at all." Rachel: "I have a backup." Bam: "Rachel!" Rachel: "Is this right?" Rachel: "Creating a situation that lets me stick by him?" Bam: "Rachel!" Rachel: "Is this what that meant?" Rachel: "Now I can climb the tower." Rachel: "Now I can..." Rachel: "Bam..." Bam: "Rachel!" Rachel: "Kind-hearted Bam..." Bam: "Rachel! Rachel, wake up!" Rachel: "Why did you follow me?" Rachel: "I told you not to come." Rachel: "After that, it was amusing how much everything went according to plan." Bam: "I'll be Rachel's legs and take her up the tower." Rachel: "As long as I did what she said..." Leroro: "May I offer a prayer, as well?" Bam: "Of course." Rachel: "The chance to kill Bam would come." Rachel: "I just had to wait for it." Rachel: "It was that simple." Bam: "Thank you." Bam: "For attending Hoh's funeral." Bam: "It must've been hard." Rachel: "I already made my decision." Rachel: "I'd give up everything to achieve my dreams. That's what I decided." Bam: "Rachel?" Bam: "Sorry. I upset you. Or does your wound hurt?" Rachel: "Run, Bam. I abandoned you." Rachel: "Run. I was desperate to see the stars. Run." Rachel: "Run, run." Rachel: "Run, run, run, run, run!" Rachel: "Please." Rachel: "So..." Rachel: "You can abandon me, too. Otherwise, I really will..." Rachel: "You don't need me anymore." Bam: "A ray of light..." Bam: "pierced my dark, lonely world." Bam: "You're the only one who came to see me from the other side of the light." Bam: "No one can replace you." Rachel: "I'm sorry." Rachel: "Bam, I'm sorry!" Rachel: "I'm not a light. I'm too black and muddy." Rachel: "Your words touched nothing in me." Rachel: "My feelings for the tower can't be suppressed." Rachel: "I was so jealous of you, it drove me mad." Rachel: "I hated you." Rachel: "But my heart wavers." Rachel: "They won't overlook this wavering of my heart." Hansungyu: "What do you desire?" Hansungyu: "This is your last chance. Your last chance to reach the top of the tower." Hansungyu: "Rachel, you're a very lucky person." Rachel: "There's nowhere to run now." Rachel: "I have to do it." Bam: "It's okay. They're way stronger and smarter than us." Rachel: "You're right." Rachel: "Back then, did you ever imagine this?" Bam: "What?" Rachel: "Back when we stared at the roof of the cave," Rachel: "did you ever imagine this future would come?" Bam: "I did." Rachel: "Huh?" Bam: "Even in the future I imagined then, I was here with you." Rachel: "Maybe there's a way for me to climb the tower with Bam." Rachel: "You're not scared at all." Bam: "Well, if I acted scared, wouldn't you feel anxious, too?" Bam: "Rachel? What is it?" Rachel: "Look at you, trying to act cool." Bam: "This brings back memories." Rachel: "You look at me so intently." Rachel: "You're the only one who treats me like I'm special." Headon: "What do you desire from the tower?" Headon: "You want to become a star." Headon: "Don't you want to shine the brightest? To be special?" Bam: "The Administrator asked me what I wanted at the top of the tower." Bam: "The first thing that came to mind was your face." Bam: "The second thing was the cafeteria." Rachel: "That's when I noticed." Rachel: "You're amazing, Bam. No." Rachel: "I knew the whole time, but was averting my gaze." Rachel: "It was Bam who became a star, not me." Bam: "Rachel, you feel it too, don't you?" Rachel: "Huh? Yeah." Bam: "I wonder what this light is." Bam: "It feels like there's power welling up inside me." Rachel: "Bam has so many things I don't have." Rachel: "Anything can happen in here." Bam: "Huh?" Rachel: "We're inside Shinsu right now." Rachel: "I'll never experience the miracle of Shinsu." Rachel: "Bam is the one who's special." Headon: "It's not you." Rachel: "I'm just something extra." Rachel: "Maybe I'm a shadow cast by a star's light." Bam: "It's okay, Rachel." Rachel: "Huh?" Bam: "No matter what happens, you don't have to worry anymore." Bam: "I'll take you to the top of the tower." Rachel: "Bam... If I stay with you, I..." Bam: "I'm different from the person I was back in that cave." Rachel: "I can't become a star." Bam: "I've made friends, and I've learned to use Shinsu a little. So it's okay. Together we'll climb—" Rachel: "I can't climb it with you." Hansungyu: "What do you desire?" Rachel: "In place of the strong, kind, and beloved Bam..." Bam: "We'll look at the stars together at the top of the tower." Rachel: "In your place, I will become a star." Bam: "Rachel?" Rachel: "I'm sorry, Bam." Rak: "Hey, woman turtle!" Rak: "Where's the black turtle?" Rachel: "We were attacked by the Bull." Both: "What?" Shibisu: "You're kidding." Endorsi: "What do you mean? Where's Bam?" Shibisu: "What happened to Bam?" Khun: "Hey!" e: "Rachel!" Hwaryun: "Congratulations." Hwaryun: "Everything went according to plan." Leroro: "We thoroughly examined the area, but we couldn't find Bam's body." Leroro: "He must have been eaten by a fish." Leroro: "It's unfortunate." Paracule: "Um, so... What are the results of the test?" Endorsi: "You're asking now?" Paracule: "Shut up! I'm here to climb the..." Paracule: "What's everyone's problem?" Shibisu: "Just shut up." Leroro: "The test is over." Leroro: "You all pass." Leroro: "We'll contact you later regarding what happens next." Khun: "Damn it!" Leroro: "How much of this did you plan?" Leroro: "The fish hunt? Everything?" Leroro: "What's so funny? What did you do to Rachel?" Hansungyu: "I didn't do anything." Hansungyu: "Rachel made her own decision." Hatz: "Don't we all owe Bam a favor now?" Hatz: "Favors must be returned." Endorsi: "But how?" Rak: "I know! We'll take the woman turtle to the top of the tower!" e: "The disabled Rachel?" Shibisu: "Khun..." Khun: "We can't let it end like this. Those shitty rules that constrain us and make us suffer..." Khun: "No, we'll change the whole tower. So..." Khun: "Let's climb it." Khun: "With Rachel." Quant: "You quit your job as a test administrator?" Leroro: "Yes. They're taking this opportunity to bring in new talent." Quant: "What?" Leroro: "So you're fired, too." Quant: "You can't be serious! I got dragged into your fight!" Leroro: "Do you want to come with me?" Quant: "Huh?" Leroro: "I'm going to climb the tower in search of the truth." Quant: "What are you talking about?" Quant: "Lero Ro?" Hansungyu: "It's fine." Hansungyu: "Everything has gone according to plan." Hansungyu: "All the princesses of Jahad believe Bam is dead." Hwaryun: "Stars can shine anywhere." Hansungyu: "Let me offer a prayer for those of you who passed. I hope whatever you seek lies at the end of the difficult path you'll travel down." Khun: "Bam really cared about you." Hansungyu: "I hope you can be proud of the path you've walked." Rachel: "I know." Khun: "No, you don't." Rachel: "Huh?" Khun: "If you knew, you wouldn't be here." Khun: "I wish I could've met Bam before you did." Rachel: "I see that Bam was loved." Black March: "Even if you are reunited, things will never be exactly as they were." Black March: "When you meet her again, she will have lived for some time without you." Bam: "Huh?" Bam: "What happened? Why am I here?" Bam: "Where's Rachel?" Hwaryun: "You're still worried about her after what she did to you?" Bam: "Rachel pushed me?" Hwaryun: "You poor man." Hwaryun: "You possess power everyone wants desperately." Bam: "I don't care about that." Hwaryun: "Even the savior can become the god of this tower. You have the key to knowing everything." Bam: "What I want to know is—" Hwaryun: "Then climb." Hwaryun: "It's the only way. What about the tower drove you and her mad? The answers to everything you want to know lie at the top of the tower." Hwaryun: "If you seek answers, then I will train you." Bam: "The answers aren't at the top of the tower." Bam: "The answers..." Bam: "I'll find them." Bam: "I'll decide them. And to do that," Bam: "I'll climb." Hwaryun: "Welcome..." Hwaryun: "to the Tower of God." : "What do you desire?" : "Climb the tower, and everything will be yours. At the top of the tower exists everything in this world, and all of it can be yours." : "You can become a god. This is the story of Rachel, the girl who climbed the tower so she could see the stars, and Bam, the boy who needed nothing but her." : "Their end..."
{ "raw_title": "Tower of God Episode 13 – Tower of God", "parsed": [ "Tower of God", "13", "Tower of God" ] }
Rachel: "This is how you write "Bam," and this is how you write "Rachel."" Bam: "Rachel, what's conflict?" Rachel: "Didn't I teach you before? It's hating or hurting each other." Bam: "The words I hear, the words I see... I don't get it." Rachel: "Bam, what would you do if someone hurt me or said mean things to me?" Rachel: "You'd fight them, wouldn't you?" Bam: "Yeah." Rachel: "That's what it means." Bam: "Everything I felt belonged to Rachel." Rak: "Surrender, black turtle!" Bam: "T... Turtle?" Khun: "Huh... A talking alligator. I wonder how much that'd be worth." Khun: "Isn't this your pet?" Rak: "What?!" Rak: "I'm not an alligator! I am Rak Wraithraiser!" Khun: "You can even introduce yourself?" Bam: "Um, this person isn't—" Khun: "I know." Rak: "Blue turtle! I have no business with you!" Khun: "What are you planning to do with him?" Rak: "Hunt him." Bam: "Hunt?" Rak: "I become stronger by hunting!" Khun: "Another who allows himself to be controlled. You're all fools who unquestioningly obey when the higher-ups tell you to kill 200." Rak: "I have no time for your riddles!" Khun: "Too high-minded for an alligator, I suppose." Khun: "Well, I'm going now." Bam: "What?" Khun: "I need to find some people..." Khun: "Strong and interesting allies who will climb the tower with me." Khun: "Later." Khun: "I'm too curious." Bam: "I have to fight. I have to find Rachel." Rak: "Let's fight! Huh? What?!" Khun: "Let's go." Bam: "Okay." Rak: "Crappy little turtles! I'll tear your shells and skins from your bodies!" Khun: "We don't have shells. Thanks for the help." Khun: "The Da'an Clan are mild-mannered, even under these circumstances." Bam: "So that's why..." Khun: "With such weak knees, you won't catch even a single rabbit." Bam: "I was about to hurt him. Thank you." Khun: "My name's Khun." Bam: "I-I'm Bam." Bam: "Huh?" Khun: "Bam, where did you acquire the Black March?" Bam: "What?" Khun: "That weapon is granted only to the princesses chosen by Jahad, the king of this tower." Yuri: "Hurry up and take me to the newbie! Scum! Midget!" Evan: "Lady Yuri, you're a bully!" Khun: "How could someone who just entered the tower, much less a man, have it?" Headon: "If the king learned of this, you would be executed." Bam: "She let me borrow it." Khun: "Borrow it?" Bam: "Th-There's someone I have to see." Khun: "Someone?" Khun: "I did think he seemed too ordinary to be a Regular. Is he some kind of exception?" Rak: "Where are you?!" Khun: "How curious." Bam: "Huh?" Khun: "Let's go." Bam: "Go where?" Khun: "You don't mind talking to me, right?" Bam: "Sure." Shibisu: "Jeez, there's grass everywhere." Anaak: "Try running from this!" Hatz: "Run?" Hatz: "Running..." Hatz: "...is something you do from those who are stronger than yourself." Shibisu: "They're strong. And they're totally ignoring me!" Rak: "Where are you, turtles?" Regular: "Die!" Rak: "Damn it! Where are you?" Khun: "Two hundred and sixty-eight Regulars remaining..." Khun: "Just a few more." Bam: "Already?" Khun: "You've never killed anyone before?" Bam: "Probably not." Khun: "Probably?" Bam: "I don't remember the past." Bam: "Only what Rachel taught me." Khun: "Rachel?" Bam: "The person I want to see." Khun: "Your girlfriend?" Bam: "No. I belong to her." Khun: "What?" Bam: "So I have to climb the tower, and to do that..." Khun: "I get it now. She's your rule." Bam: "Rule?" Khun: "Bam, let's shake hands to cement our alliance. When I heard the rules of the test, I decided" Khun: "that rather than killing 200, I would find allies among the 200 who survived." Bam: "Those certainly would be strong and interesting people." Khun: "What's more important is not to be controlled by their rules. You impose your own rules." Khun: "Besides, a Princess of Jahad expressed interest in him. Working with him can't hurt." Khun: "Not a bad deal, right?" Bam: "But I'm not interesting. In that regard, Rak is way more—" Rak: "Found you, turtles!" Announce: "Ta-ta-ta-dah!" Announce: "Survivors, congratulations." Announce: "By the way, anyone still fighting after the time limit ended will fail the test." Shibisu: "You guys sure are impressive. You were evenly matched." Shibisu: "You're ignoring me?" Announce: "The second test will now begin." Announce: "Please find two allies within five minutes." Announce: "As long as all three teammates are touching when the countdown ends, you pass." Khun: "They make it sound nasty, don't they?" Bam: "Huh?" Khun: "Five minutes, huh? We'll have to ally with him." Rak: "Don't ignore me!" Shibisu: "It's fate that brought us together here. If we work together, I'm sure we'll become the strongest team." Anaak: "I'm Anaak." Hatz: "Hatz." Shibisu: "I'm Shi—" Anaak: "We'd better find an ally." Hatz: "Yeah." Shibisu: "It's Shibisu! I'm Shibisu!" Rak: "Stop!" Khun: "Hey, gator! Did you hear that explanation? Well?" Khun: "Feel like teaming up with us?" Rak: "I'd never become allies with my prey!" Khun: "Really? Then within one minute..." Khun: "We'll kill you and find an ally." Rak: "What?" Bam: "W-Wait!" Bam: "You want to hunt me, right?" Rak: "That's right. Fighting enemies with powerful weapons will make me stronger than everyone." Bam: "Very well. Let's fight." Khun: "Bam!" Rak: "All right. You're not such a bad turtle after all. Let's fight!" Bam: "Okay." Bam: "Now hunt me." Bam: "Let's fight." Rak: "P-Pick up your weapon!" Bam: "No." Rak: "Pick it up!" Bam: "No." Rak: "Pick! It! Up!" Bam: "No." Khun: "You've got guts." Rak: "I told you to pick up your weapon!" Khun: "Visible mode." Bam: "No." Khun: "He's planning to make him our ally at the last second." Rak: "Damn it!" Khun: "Didn't you come to find strong prey?" Rak: "That's right." Khun: "Then wouldn't it be better to team up with us so you can climb the tower and fight stronger prey?" Rak: "Huh?" Khun: "Instead of obsessing over Bam here, wouldn't it be better to climb—" Rak: "Don't be ridiculous, blue turtle!" Rak: "It doesn't matter how tall the tower is! I decide where my hunting grounds are!" Announce: "Ten seconds remaining." Rak: "I'll force you to pick up your weapon if I have to." Khun: "Damn it. There's no time." Rak: "Stop that! I'm not a jungle gym!" Announce: "Five..." Announce: "Four..." Rak: "Damn you!" Announce: "Three..." Announce: "Two..." Announce: "One..." Rak: "What?!" Announce: "Time's up." Khun: "Looks like about... 120 Regulars passed." Rak: "Fight me, black turtle!" Bam: "No." Rak: "I told you to fight me!" Khun: "Hey, gator." Rak: "It's Rak!" Khun: "Try revealing Bam's weapon here." Khun: "The others will hunt Bam down in the blink of an eye." Khun: "Besides, won't it be more fun once he's stronger?" Rak: "You're right... No, you can't fool me!" Khun: "Here." Khun: "You can have this, so let's make a truce." Rak: "What is this?" Rak: "Give me more." Shibisu: "Everyone who passed the test sure is amazing, huh?" Shibisu: "But you should be grateful that I'm on your team." Shibisu: "After all, I'm a master of the killing arts." Both: "Shut up." Shibisu: "Don't be so cold." Regular: "I found you!" Regular: "Look at what you did to my arm! How are you gonna fix this, huh?" Dede: "Make me." Regular: "What was that?" Lero: "Fighting is prohibited during breaks." Regular: "Huh?" Regular: "Who are you?" Lero: "I'm your Test Administrator. My name is Lero Ro." Dede: "An Administrator? Then you're a Ranker." Lero: "That's right." Bam: "He's amazing. He stopped the fight immediately." Khun: "You don't know about Rankers either?" Bam: "What's a Ranker?" Khun: "A Ranker is someone who's climbed to the top of the tower." Bam: "The top?" Khun: "Where King Jahad is. Only a handful of Regulars are insane monsters like them." Bam: "They must've been incredible." Lero: "More of you passed than expected. We'll have to do some culling." Shibisu: "Culling?" Khun: "Shinsu?" Lero: "That's right." Lero: "Shinsu is the source of the tower's power." Lero: "We're able to breathe thanks to this water." Lero: "Everyone within the tower uses this water to fight. Any team that passes through this wall without succumbing to the Shinsu's strength passes. Everyone else fails." Levin: "Team? What if one of us can't get through?" Lero: "You fail." Levin: "That's messed up!" Lero: "What you need most to climb this tower is luck." Lero: "The luck to be born with exceptional brains or brawn." Khun: "The gator should easily pass through that density of Shinsu." Khun: "The problem is Bam." Bam: "Excuse me." Bam: "It didn't push me back." Bam: "I-I'm sorry. I'll go back." Lero: "No, you pass." Bam: "Huh?" Lero: "Perhaps it's a mistake, but that would be luck as well." Shibisu: "What?!" Serena: "No fair!" Rak: "That's my black turtle." Khun: "It can't be a mistake. We were right next to him, and it pushed us back." Lero: "A monster has arrived..." Lero: "Why don't we make a bet to pass the time?" Bam: "Huh?" Lero: "We'll guess who will pass through the wall of Shinsu first. If you're right, I'll answer whatever questions you want." Bam: "Really?" Lero: "Yes. And if I win, you'll answer mine." Bam: "Okay." Lero: "Who should I choose?" Bam: "I want to win this bet so I can find Rachel." Lero: "I choose... The bob-cut girl." Bam: "I choose the green girl. Huh? We picked the same person." Lero: "Is there a reason you chose her?" Bam: "Just instinct." Shibisu: "Seriously?" Shibisu: "Huh?" Lero: "It's a tie." Bam: "Yes." Lero: "But tying against a Ranker is an achievement." Lero: "I shall answer your questions." Bam: "Really?" Bam: "Have you seen a blonde girl with freckles?" Lero: "No." Bam: "I see." Rak: "What was that for?!" Khun: "Let's see what the others do." Lero: "Any other questions?" Bam: "In that case, tell me about Irregulars." Bam: "Is that not okay?" Lero: "No, it's fine..." Lero: "An Irregular is one who does not follow the rules of the tower." Lero: "The tower is split into three sections. The Outer Tower, or residential district. The Inner Tower, where we currently are, which can only be climbed by Regulars. And the Middle Area connecting the two." Serena: "We had to take this test because of weaklings like you." Shibisu: "What?" Serena: "This tower is for women like me, who were chosen..." Serena: "Chosen..." Serena: "Why isn't it working? That's odd!" Lero: "Most spend their lives in the Outer Tower. Some of them are chosen by Headon, the tower's caretaker, and are granted permission to enter the Inner Tower." Bam: "Does that mean everyone was born and raised in the tower?" Lero: "Of course. What a funny thing to say." Bam: "O-Of course!" Bam: "Does that mean only Rachel and I came from another world?" Serena: "Hey! Open up, damn it!" Shibisu: "I won't be beaten by an old hag!" Serena: "Shut up, you old fart!" Lero: "In other words, those who enter the tower without being chosen by Headon are Irregulars." Bam: "Are Irregulars bad people?" Lero: "No. It's just that the Irregulars who have appeared in the tower were so strong that—" Levin: "We're out just because we can't pass this test?" Rak: "Him." Khun: "You know him?" Rak: "I forgot." Levin: "I refuse to accept this!" Levin: "I'm way stronger! I don't care if you're a Ranker! I could kill you easily!" Levin: "Come to die?" Lero: "One last mercy." Levin: "Huh?" Lero: "Shinsu has no limits. It can make you immortal and grant you unlimited power..." Lero: "If you can withstand it. On the 30th Floor and above, you'll have to endure Shinsu of this concentration daily." Levin: "This? Daily?!" Lero: "I won't deny your strength or effort. You simply were not chosen. That's all." Levin: "I threw away everything! Everything!" Levin: "Even if I go back, there's nothing left for me!" Lero: "The gods are cruel." Lero: "What's wrong?" Bam: "Do I deserve to climb the tower?" Lero: "If you don't, eventually you'll stop. I hope you'll find what you're looking for wherever you stop." Khun: "Shall we go?" Rak: "Yeah." Rak: "What's wrong, blue turtle?" Khun: "Shut up." Khun: "Bam!" Bam: "Khun! Rak!" Lero: "I look forward to seeing you again." Bam: "Thank you." Lero: "And don't get too close to Khun." Bam: "Huh?" Shibisu: "Yes!" Serena: "I did it! Now let's race to the top!" Shibisu: "Yeah!" Both: "Yeah!" Lauroe: "Shut up." Announce: "The third test will take place here." Khun: "What is it?" Bam: "N-Nothing."
{ "raw_title": "Tower of God Episode 2 – 3⧸400 (Three Four-Hundredths)", "parsed": [ "Tower of God", "2", "3⧸400 (Three Four-Hundredths)" ] }
Maria: "My Aguero..." Voice A: "Have you heard? A princess was chosen." Voice B: "Yeah. Maria was chosen, right?" Voice C: "Then what will happen to Aguero?" Voice A: "Isn't it obvious?" Voice B: "His own sister wasn't chosen." Voice A: "And if she wasn't chosen, then the entire family..." Voice A: "...is exiled and dismantled." Voice D: "They lost the battle." Mother: "My dear son, are you listening?" Voice E: "Failures." Voice F: "How pitiful." Voice G: "Trash." Voice F: "They're trash, but I feel bad for them." Voice D: "How can you feel bad for them?" Mother: "You mustn't believe what anyone says." Voice H: "Disgrace to the family." Voice I: "Filth." Mother: "The moment we show weakness, we'll die." Voice J: "Drowning in a wretched love." Voice K: "Such a pitiful man." Voice L: "Fooled by Maria and betrayed." Maria: "My Aguero..." Voice K: "He was used." Mother: "You can only trust yourself." Mother: "Cover your ears, close your heart, and find the best path." Khun: "Yes, Mother." Bam: "Khun..." Bam: "The ceiling here is rather bright." Khun: "Ceiling?" Khun: "You mean the sky?" Bam: "The sky?!" Rak: "You don't know what the sky is?" Bam: "This blue thing is the sky?" Rak: "You idiot! Hey, there's a stupid turtle over here!" Bam: "Th-Then..." Bam: "At night, does it glitter and shine?" Bam: "W-With stars?" Khun: "What?" Rak: "S-S-Stars?" Bam: "Huh? But Rachel said you couldn't see them unless you went to the top of the tower." Rak: "What are you talking about? That's obviously just a legend!" Bam: "What?" Khun: "In other words, that thing we call the sky is an imitation created using Shinsu, modeled after the legend." Bam: "An imitation..." Khun: "I doubt the real sky actually exists." Bam: "I... see." Khun: "You wanted to see the stars that badly?" Bam: "No, not me. Rachel." Khun: "Huh?" Bam: "She came to the tower because she wanted to see the stars." Bam: "I hoped they were visible from here." Khun: "I've been wondering. Why did Rachel leave you and climb the tower alone?" Bam: "Huh?" Khun: "And I wonder why she took care of you for so long. It seems odd." Bam: "There's nothing odd about Rachel!" Rak: "The blue turtle made the black turtle angry." Bam: "I'm not angry." Shibisu: "What was that?" Hatz: "Probably a death cry." Shibisu: "Huh?!" Rak: "It came from in there." Bam: "What if the next test..." Bam: "is really dangerous?" Yellow: "Next team, enter." Rak: "Blue turtle, more chocolate bars." Khun: "They're taking a while. The last group ended immediately." Bam: "Again!" Khun: "What's going on in there?" Bag: "You kids look extremely distressed." Khun: "Who are you?" Bag: "Don't glare at me." Khun: "What do you want?" Bag: "I thought I'd give just you kids a hint for the next test." Bam: "Really?" Bag: "Shh! Keep your voice down. The others will hear you." Khun: "How do you know a hint?" Bag: "Simple deduction. I was chosen based on my exceptional intellect alone." Khun: "When we have zero clues to go on?" Bag: "You haven't noticed the most important clue of all?" Khun: "What?" Bam: "Please tell us." Khun: "Hey!" Bag: "That clue is..." Bag: "...time." Bam: "Time?" Bag: "Every team that hasn't screamed so far has passed the test within five minutes." Khun: "You're right." Bam: "Then we have to finish the test within five minutes." Bag: "You're a quick learner." Bam: "Thank you for giving us such an important—" Khun: "You don't need to thank a fluorescent plastic bag." Bag: "A fluorescent plastic bag?" Bam: "Khun?" Khun: "He's just trying to use us to test his theory. If we finish the test within five minutes, his theory is proven. And if we don't..." Bag: "You know, being too careful will come back to bite you..." Bag: "Abandoned son of the Khun family." Bam: "What?" Bag: "Well, I suppose you can't help it after that cruel betrayal you experienced." Bam: "Khun! No!" Rak: "A fight? I'm in!" Khun: "Leave." Yellow: "Next team, enter." Khun: "Let's go." Bam: "Okay." Rak: "Fight's over? That's no fun." Bag: "Go, go! I'll be rooting for you." Bam: "Khun, look." Bam: "The time must be related somehow." Khun: "Forget what the plastic bag said." Hansung Yu: "My name is Hansung Yu." Hansung Yu: "I'm the Director of the test you're taking." Bam: "That means he's really... a-amazing, right?" Khun: "Yeah." Khun: "What's he doing here?" Hansung Yu: "The condition for passing this test is opening the correct door. That's it. You have only one chance to open a door, and if you take longer than ten minutes, the test will be forcefully terminated." Khun: "Forcefully terminated?" Rak: "What?" Bam: "How awful." Hansung Yu: "The test will now—" Khun: "Wait! We need more clues!" Hansung Yu: "I've given you all the clues." Khun: "No way." Bam: "Is this another test of luck?" Rak: "Hey! Quit being mean and give us a clue!" Hansung Yu: "The test has begun." Rak: "Listen to me!" Khun: "This is messed up." Rak: "I'm annoyed!" Bam: "Calm down! Let's think of the right answer together!" Rak: "I hate thinking and needles!" Khun: "Cover your ears. Don't be misled by your surroundings." Khun: "Organize the information you have." Khun: "There are twelve doors. The time limit is ten minutes." Khun: "Exceed that, and be forcefully terminated." Khun: "Could it be..." Rak: "My annoyance won't stop!" Bam: "Watch out, Rak!" Hansung Yu: "Someone who actually uses his head has arrived." Hansung Yu: "But this test can't be passed just by using your brains." Khun: "Why is there a clock in this room? We can use our Pockets to check the time." Bag: "Every team that hasn't screamed so far has passed the test within five minutes." Khun: "Is the time really a clue?" Mother: "You mustn't believe what anyone says." Bag: "I suppose you can't help it after that cruel betrayal you experie—" Khun: "Maria!" Voice M: "Have you heard the rumor about Aguero and Maria?" Voice N: "That they were lovers? Impossible." Khun: "Idiot. Focus." Voice M: "It's legit." Khun: "If we're wrong, we..." Mother: "We'll die." Khun: "Focus." Voice O: "Aren't they half-siblings? Gross." Khun: "The time limit is ten minutes." Voice P: "Aguero was just being used." Khun: "Teams that take longer than five minutes fail." Bag: "Come on, now. Three minutes have passed." Voice P: "Aguero's sister was supposed to be chosen as a Princess of Jahad." Khun: "Cover your ears. Don't be misled." Voice P: "Because Aguero helped her, Maria was chosen." Khun: "Cover your ears. Don't trust anyone." Voice Q: "The moment she was chosen, Aguero was abandoned. Because of Aguero, the entire family was exiled." Khun: "Why now? I'd forgotten until now." Khun: "Oh, right..." Khun: "Those eyes." Khun: "Stop!" Khun: "Don't trust anyone." Khun: "Just follow the path you believe in." Bam: "Rak, what are you doing?" Rak: "I feel better." Khun: "Hey, gator. Why did you open that door?" Rak: "Instinct." Khun: "It's over..." Hansung Yu: "Congratulations. You pass." Khun: "What?" Hansung Yu: "The passing condition for this test is to open a door within five minutes." Bam: "You mean opening any door would've been right?" Hansung Yu: "Yes." Rak: "See that? See my deductive powers?" Bam: "What? But you just said it was instinct..." Rak: "Let's go! Follow Rak the genius!" Bam: "Jeez... I'm glad it worked out, though." Bam: "Khun?" Khun: "What does this test measure?" Hansung Yu: "Were the wounds inflicted on you by the princess that deep?" Bam: "The princess?" Hansung Yu: "Now that you're wounded, you trust nothing. You can't do anything without certainty." Khun: "So what?" Hansung Yu: "The world won't wait for your certainty." Hansung Yu: "You need companions who will open doors without hesitation. And..." Bam: "Um... Khun?" Hansung Yu: "Don't you want to protect those eyes, which don't know doubt?" Rak: "Yo, turtles! What are you waiting for?" Khun: "Let's go, Bam." Bam: "Okay." Hansung Yu: "Take care. You seem to be carrying quite the heavy bag." Khun: "What an ass." Hansung Yu: "Call the next Regulars." Serena: "Wake up! There's no time!" Lauroe: "Shut up, you ha—" Serena: "Don't you say it! Find the answer in one minute!" Shopin: "Divination will lead the way." Hansung Yu: "You pass." Shibisu: "That clock doesn't measure the ten-minute time limit. It makes one full rotation in five. Screams are only heard from teams that spend more than five minutes in the room, and there are no other clues. You're practically telling us to open a door within five minutes." Hansung Yu: "Impressive." Anaak: "That's kind of infuriating." Hatz: "Same." Shibisu: "Why?!" Bag: "As you instructed, I gave them hints to the test. Why did you have me do this?" Hansung Yu: "I wanted to see if the hint would hinder or help them." Hansung Yu: "That's all." Bam: "Hey, Khun." Bam: "The princess Hansung Yu mentioned..." Khun: "Sorry, but I don't want to talk about it." Bam: "R-Right." Bam: "Sorry." Khun: "Hey, Bam..." Bam: "Yes?" Khun: "I hope you get to see real stars with Rachel." Bam: "Yeah!" Khun: "Do I want to protect his eyes? I don't know. But..." Khun: "I'm the only one who ever needs to feel that." Announce: "Time's up." Announce: "The three of you will be transported to the next testing area." Hansung Yu: "Only three examinees passed the first test? You're sure you did a proper job administering the test, Quant?" Quant: "I did! I just thought I'd get it over with quickly." Hansung Yu: "So?" Quant: "So I administered the first and second tests simultaneously as an untimed deathmatch." Hansung Yu: "Those three killed all the other Regulars in only 30 minutes?" Quant: "That's right." Hansung Yu: "Was there an Irregular or Princess of Jahad among them?" Quant: "Surely not..." Hansung Yu: "If the higher-ups learned of this sloppy testing, it would mean our heads—for real." Quant: "Don't say that with such a serious expression! Please! Do what you can to trick them!" Hansung Yu: "Very well." Quant: "I'll thank you later! I love you, Hansung Yu!" Hansung Yu: "Connect me to Lero Ro." Hansung Yu: "I really am a genius." Regular: "What the hell are we waiting for?" e: "Thank you, Mr. Knight." Rak: "Blue turtle, I'm thirsty, too." Khun: "What? Go buy something yourself." Bam: "That's okay. I'll go." Shibisu: "Money mode." Shibisu: "Here." Bam: "Thank you." Shibisu: "You passed too, Lucky Boy?" Bam: "L-Lucky?" Shibisu: "I'm Shibisu. This is Anaak and Hatz." Shibisu: "What's your name?" Bam: "I'm Bam." Shibisu: "Who's the big guy?" Rak: "Call me "The Leader."" Khun: "I'm Khun. You can call him "Gator."" Rak: "What?!" Shibisu: "You've got interesting teammates." Bam: "Yes, very." Shibisu: "I hope we make it to the end, Bam." Bam: "Huh?" Shibisu: "You and I both look really ordinary, you know? It makes me feel sympathy for you." Bam: "For me?" Shibisu: "Watching you inspires me, I guess." Lero: "Such wonderful friendship!" Bam: "Lero Ro..." King: "You're finally here." Dede: "What's the next test?" Lero: "I have wonderful news for all of you." Bam: "Wonderful news?" Lero: "Yes. You've been granted the opportunity to participate in a Bonus Test." Shibisu: "Uh, taking more tests isn't wonderful at all for us." Lero: "It's no ordinary test. First, participation is voluntary. Declining to participate will not put you at any disadvantage. Second, a team that wins this test will be considered to have passed all tests." Regular: "Seriously?" Bam: "What? You mean..." Lero: "You'll be granted permission to climb the tower." Khun: "That's great." Serena: "We have to take it." Regular: "Yeah. Let's do it." Lero: "So you'll all be participating?" Lero: "The game you'll be playing is the crown game." Bam: "Crown game?" Lero: "Simply put, you'll be stealing a crown from each other. Your time limit is five minutes. Five teams will participate at once, and the game will be split into five rounds. A member of the team that has acquired the crown must wear it and stay sitting in this chair until the game ends. If they're able to defend it until the end, the other four teams are defeated, four new teams will enter, and the second round will begin. The game ends the moment the person with the crown leaves the chair. If that happens, all five teams will be swapped out, and the game will resume. The team in possession of the crown at the end of the final game wins." Khun: "So winning early only hurts you." Lero: "Exactly. But if you delay your participation because of the risks, the game may end without you ever participating." Khun: "You're right." Lero: "Also, a single team from another testing area will be participating in this game." Khun: "Another testing area?" Lero: "We have our reasons." Rak: "What's that? I smell powerful weapons that weren't around before." Bam: "You really do have a good sense of smell, Rak." Lero: "The first round will now begin. If you'd like to participate, please press the buzzer in your waiting room by the time I count to five." Khun: "Let's see how it goes first." Serena: "Let's not. He's asleep." Shibisu: "If we're going to play, it should be in the third round or later. What?!" Hatz: "It doesn't matter what round it is. We just have to win." Shibisu: "Yeah, you're right." Shibisu: "One other stupid team, huh?" Anaak: "And they're weak, too." Kon: "What?" Shibisu: "You'll regret this." Dede: "Don't make me laugh." Rak: "That lizard has a powerful weapon! We should participate, too!" Lero: "Unfortunately, the opportunity to participate has closed." Khun: "Let's see how it goes." Lero: "Let the first round of the crown game... Begin!" Anaak: "I'll handle this alone." Shibisu: "Huh?" Anaak: "Don't get in my way." Shibisu: "We won't. Do whatever you want!" Kon: "Please take this seriously. Are you mocking us?" Anaak: "Weak or strong, I always go all-out." Kon: "Are you trying to provoke me? I won't fall for—" Dede: "Kon!" Shopin: "Kon!" Dede: "Bitch!" Khun: "What is that weapon?" Shopin: "You didn't finish the job, lizard girl!" Khun: "He hit her square in the head." Shopin: "My hand!" Rak: "Apparently, the lizard has a rock for a head." Shibisu: "That was close!" Dede: "Damn it!" Serena: "How is she so strong?" Anaak: "You still want to fight?" Dede: "Now!" Dede: "Run! As long as we take the crown, we can still—" Rak: "That lizard is strong." Shibisu: "Anaak! Give me the crown. With you and Hatz defending me, we've as good as— Huh?" Shibisu: "Y-You idiot! Why are you wearing it?!" Anaak: "Don't worry. I won't let anyone take it." Rak: "Get off, black turtle." Bam: "Sorr—" Lero: "Since the challengers are unable to continue fighting, the next round will begin. If you'd like to participate, please press your buzzer by the time I count to five."
{ "raw_title": "Tower of God Episode 3 – The Correct Door", "parsed": [ "Tower of God", "3", "The Correct Door" ] }
Bam: "What?" Rak: "Huh?" Bam: "Rachel!" Bam: "Rachel!" Khun: "Rachel? The girl you're looking for?" Bam: "Yeah, but it's not her." Bam: "After all, she would've..." Leroro: "Are you listening, everyone? Since the challengers can no longer fight, we'll move on to the next game. If you'd like to participate, please press your buzzer." Shibisu: "Anaak, get down from there!" Shibisu: "I, the team's weakest member, will sit there." Shibisu: "As the team's strongest member, you should defend me." Shibisu: "Don't interrupt me, damn it!" Leroro: "If the individual who initially donned the crown leaves the throne for any reason, their team loses." Shibisu: "What? You never told us that rule." Leroro: "A detailed explanation of the rules was posted in your waiting room." Shibisu: "What?!" Rak: ""Returning to your waiting room during the game will result in disqualification." "Entering another team's waiting room will result in disqualification."" Khun: "Wow. You can read, gator?" Rak: "What?!" Shibisu: "You're saying it's our fault for pressing the buzzer without reading it?" Leroro: "That's correct." Anaak: "Enough talk. Let's begin." Shibisu: "Hey!" Leroro: "Okay. In that case, please press your buzzer if you'd like to participate in the next game." Shibisu: "Our team is divided!" Hatz: "What are you worried about, Shibisu?" Shibisu: "Huh?" Hatz: "We just have to defend the throne with my sword skills and your killing arts." Shibisu: "Killing arts?" Shibisu: "What? You believed that?" Hatz: "It's only natural to trust your teammates." Shibisu: "Hatz, I love you!" Leroro: "You have five seconds to sign up." Rak: "Time to hunt a lizard." Leroro: "Four..." Khun: "Not yet." Leroro: "Three..." Khun: "Gator, it's not time for that yet." Shibisu: "Please, let there be either zero participants or weak ones!" Leroro: "Two..." Rak: "If you insist, give me ten chocolate bars, and you have a deal." Leroro: "One..." Khun: "Yeah, yeah." Bam: "You must be hungry." Leroro: "Zero!" Leroro: "The time to sign up has ended." Hatz: "Another grate is opening." Leroro: "Let the second round begin!" Shibisu: "Has our famous team that made a bloody crossing through the Shinsu been dissolved?" Serena: "I don't remember teaming up with a lame guy like you." Shibisu: "So now you've teamed up with that horned guy. Where's your other teammate?" Serena: "Huh? Oh." Serena: "It means we're more than enough to take out someone as lame as you!" Shibisu: "You're absolutely right. But while you may kill me, I'll never run. A lame man can be persistent. Don't underestimate me, hag!" Deod: "Ordinarily, we would've crossed swords fair and square." Deod: "No hard feelings, swordsman." Clocker: "What we want is..." Clocker: "The crown!" Deod: "Clocker, stop the boy's movements!" Clocker: "Got it!" Deod: "Damn! You and your little tricks!" Bam: "Wow..." Khun: "How can they drag them down?" Hatz: "Enough talk. Bring it on, all of you." King: "The time has come to use my Super Inferno Punch." Shibisu: "Damn it!" Serena: "Die!" Serena: "You can't hit a woman in the face!" Shibisu: "How can you say that when you're trying to stab me?" Serena: "I was just trying to stab you a little, not enough to kill you!" Shibisu: "What's this? Has my masculine appearance made your heart flutter?" Serena: "What?! I'll kill you! I'll stab you until my face is covered in blood!" Shibisu: "So she says, but she won't take the bait." Shibisu: "It's not as though these two are exceptionally strong. Their other teammate has been sleeping this whole time." Shibisu: "Curious." Serena: "An opening!" Bam: "Shibisu!" Serena: "Did you think teaming up with monsters had made you stronger, Mr. Ordinary?" Shibisu: "Crap!" Shibisu: "Sorry, Anaak! Hatz!" Shibisu: "Hatz!" Hatz: "Who closes their eyes during a fight?" Serena: "What are you guys doing?" Serena: "What happened to your Super Inferno Punch?!" Shibisu: "I knew you'd save me, my friend! I love you!" Hatz: "Get away from me. Where's their other teammate?" Shibisu: "He's sleeping over there." Hatz: "Sleeping? While his teammates are fighting for their lives?" Rak: "I want to hunt them now. Why did you stop me, blue turtle?" Bam: "It's still only the second round." Khun: "Under ordinary circumstances, we should've fought." Both: "What?" Lauroe: "Let's participate in this round." Serena: "What? Are you stupid?" Serena: "You think we'd last until the end if we entered now?" Lauroe: "You're the stupid one." Serena: "What did you say?!" Hoh: "Let's listen to what Lauroe has to say." Lauroe: "In this game, the team sitting on the throne is at a disadvantage" Lauroe: "until the second or third round at the latest." Khun: "As the game progresses, the number of participants increases. No matter how much they fight the team sitting on the throne..." Lauroe: "Other teams will interfere. In the worst case, it's likely another team will steal the crown from under their noses." Khun: "Rather than stopping other teams while going for the crown, it's easier to just sit on the throne now." Rak: "Then why don't we participate? Why don't we fight?" Bam: "Because Anaak is on the throne." Hoh: "Still, I doubt we can take the crown from that girl." Lauroe: "I can do it." Both: "What?" Lauroe: "Use whatever methods you want." Lauroe: "Just get the guy in the track suit and the swordsman away from the throne. Leave the rest to me." Hatz: "Anaak, move!" Hatz: "That's Shinsu! He's a Wave Controller!" Khun: "Someone who could use Shinsu was hiding among us." Shibisu: "Touch our cutie, and I'll kill you!" Shibisu: "Anaak!" Shibisu: "She's okay!" Hatz: "Okay? How is this okay?" Shibsu: "Huh?" Anaak: "I was sleeping so peacefully, too." Lauroe: "I know. Being woken up is infuriating." Lauroe: "Give up. I can attack the throne from anywhere." Anaak: "Ignition." Hatz: "They made Anaak angry." Serena: "Lauroe!" Anaak: "You said you can attack the throne from anywhere? Then I can kill all of you from here!" Lauroe: "Damn. Did I attack prematurely?" Leroro: "Giving in to your emotions? You disappoint me, Anaak Jahad." Leroro: "That weapon must be..." Rak: "That weapon is crazy." Khun: "Let's not play this game." Rak: "Huh?" Khun: "Using an Ignition Weapon's got to be against the rules." Khun: "That kid shouldn't have that." Bam: "It's acting strange." Anaak: "This ends now!" Bam: "Please calm down!" Anaak: "The Black March?" Lauroe: "Hey! What are you doing?" Serena: "Can't you tell? We're fleeing!" Lauroe: "What? We'll be disqualified if we return to our waiting room!" Serena: "That's fine with me! I've run away 100,000 times, so I know when I'm screwed!" Lauroe: "No way. I hate this." Serena: "You idiot, just give up! There's no need to die over a bonus game!" Serena: "You brat." Leroro: "According to the rules, Team Serena, Hoh, and Lauroe is disqualified." Shibisu: "We did it, Anaak!" Shibisu: "Anaak?" Khun: "Bam, are you okay?" Bam: "Y-Yeah, better than before, at least." Rak: "I know what it is. That thing wants to fight me!" Khun: "Yeah, yeah." Bam: "Khun, watch out!" Anaak: "Why?" Anaak: "Why do you have the Black March?" Bam: "What?" Anaak: "You're not worthy of that blade." Khun: "She's more dangerous than we thought." Anaak: "Stay out of this." Shibisu: "Anaak! Why did you leave the throne? You even entered another waiting room! We've been disqualified!" Anaak: "Give it to me." Shibisu: "You left because you wanted that thing?" Anaak: "That thing? Are you serious?" Shibisu: "Ow!" Anaak: "That's one of the 13 Month Series forged by master craftsman Ashul Edwaru, the Black March." Shibisu: "You mean the legendary weapons King Jahad of this tower bestows upon his princesses?" Anaak: "That's right." Shibisu: "But how do you know about that?" Hatz: "It smells like your weapon." Anaak: "Of course it does." Anaak: "This weapon is one of the 13 Month Series, the Green April." Anaak: "And I am a Princess of Jahad." Khun: "Jahad..." Shibisu: "A p-princess?!" Anaak: "You're Bam, right? Hand it over. You shouldn't have that weapon." Bam: "I can't." Anaak: "What?" Bam: "I borrowed this from Yuri. I can't give it to you." Rak: "That's it, black turtle. Don't be beaten by a lizard." Anaak: "I see. In that case..." Leroro: "I won't allow any more of this behavior." Leroro: "Dropouts, return to your waiting room immediately." Shibisu: "Don't get mad at the test administrator!" Hatz: "Anaak." Anaak: "Bam, let's make a bet." Bam: "A bet?" Anaak: "Yeah, for the Green April and the Black March." Leroro: "That sounds interesting." Bam: "Lero Ro?" Leroro: "As long as the crown game can continue, I have no problem with it." Anaak: "If your team survives until the end of the crown game, I'll give you the Green April." Bam: "What?" Anaak: "But if you lose, then I win." Anaak: "The Black March will be mine." Bam: "No way. Why would I make a bet like that?" Anaak: "Because once this game ends, I intend to kill you and take the Black March anyway." Bam: "I want to protect this sword. But I can't be" Bam: "the cause of any more trouble." Anaak: "Well? Not a bad deal, right? It may not be much, but at least you have a chance of win—" Rak: "You think I'd lose?" Bam: "Rak..." Khun: "Princesses, rules, whatever. I don't like any of this." Bam: "Khun..." Rak: "Don't push your luck, lizard!" Khun: "Let's go. It's finally time for us to fight, gator." Rak: "Yeah." Leroro: "The crown game will now resume." Shibisu: "Anaak!" Hatz: "Don't cause any more trouble for the team." Anaak: "What team?" Shibisu: "Hey, wait!" Endorsi: "What's wrong with calling an impostor an impostor?" Bam: "I'm sorry." Rak: "Huh?" Bam: "I caused all this trouble." Khun: "It's fine. Ultimately, we were able to drag the lizard down from her throne. Besides, you're amazing." Bam: "Huh?" Khun: "You didn't hand the Black March over to the lizard." Bam: "That's because Rachel said..." Rachel: "Never betray anyone. No matter what happens, especially not girls." Bam: "Wh-Why not?" Rachel: "Because betraying a girl is the same as making an enemy of the entire world." Bam: "I was just doing as she said." Rak: "What the heck?" Bam: "But it was my choice." Bam: "I'm weak and useless." Khun: "You're certainly weak." Bam: "Yeah." Khun: "But that's what makes you amazing." Bam: "Huh?" Khun: "Even though your life was on the line, you still kept your promise." Khun: "I could never do that." Bam: "Khun..." Leroro: "The participants have been selected. The third round will now begin." Rak: "All right! Let's go, double turtles!" Lozeal: "Now that no one's on the throne..." Katan: "We'll be the quickest to take the crown and sit on the throne." Chung: "In other words, it's a contest of speed." Rak: "I don't care who comes first. Bring it on!" Khun: "Now that the lizard's gone, they're all coming out." Lozeal: "I have a wand that controls Shinsu!" Katan: "—a rubbery body!" Chung: "—super fast jumps!" Lozeal: "This battle..." Chung: "...is..." Katan: "...mine!" Bam: "Khun?" Khun: "Okay, game over... But that wouldn't be interesting." Rak: "What is that dumb turtle talking about?" Bam: "Wh-Who knows?" Khun: "Come on. If you beat me, I'll give you the crown." Katan: "Jerk!" Chung: "Kill him!" Lozeal: "I'll beat you into shape!" Khun: "This is too much work. Here." Khun: "Fight among yourselves." Bam: "Has Khun always been like this?" Lozeal: "Move!" Chung: "Leave it to me!" Katan: "No, you don't!" Chung: "Die!" Lozeal: "You're in the way!" Katan: "Stop!" All: "The crown is ours!" Khun: "You still haven't noticed?" Both: "What?" Chung: "Two crowns?" Rak: "Blue turtle, you're having all the fun! I'm bored!" Khun: "Sorry, sorry." Endorsi: "I suppose I should be getting ready." Endorsi: "Hey." Endorsi: "It's okay to kill all of them, right?" Rachel: "Yes."
{ "raw_title": "Tower of God Episode 4 – The Green April", "parsed": [ "Tower of God", "4", "The Green April" ] }
Khun: "You still haven't noticed?" Chung: "Two crowns?" Shibisu: "They're smart. For them to win, they needed to acquire the crown first and have Bam sit on the throne. But once he hands him the crown, there's no telling if they can defend Bam from all of them attacking at once." Shibisu: "So Khun needed to distract the other teams until Bam could sit on the throne." Chung: "What's going on?" Both: "Countless crowns?" Shibisu: "That bag must have the power to copy things. Immediately after acquiring the crown, he copied it" Shibisu: "and created a fake, which he threw at his opponents." Khun: "Here!" Lozeal: "So you're mocking us!" Katan: "You can't be serious!" Chung: "Unforgivable!" Chung: "You guys know what to do! We'll start by killing that blue-haired kid together!" All: "Yeah!" Rak: "Don't touch my prey!" Rak: "Toss!" Rak: "Stupid turtles." Khun: "That's one victory." Leroro: "The third round is now over." Shibisu: "You know, those guys might really..." Shibisu: "You're ignoring me?" Leroro: "We're now accepting participants for the fourth round." Khun: "Two games to go, huh?" Rak: "Piece of cake!" Endorsi: "Those guys actually seem to believe they'll win." Rachel: "Should we press our buzzer?" Endorsi: "Not yet." Endorsi: "I'll let them dream a little longer." Hansung Yu: "The real game starts now." Rak: "Hey, blue turtle. So that bag isn't an infinite chocolate bar dispenser?" Khun: "What kind of limited functionality is that?" Bam: "But a bag that can copy anything is amazing." Khun: "You mean a bag that can also copy." Bam: "Huh?" Rak: "You know, you're a real brat, blue turtle." Khun: "What?" Rak: "You really wanted to show off that bag, didn't you?" Khun: "No, idiot." Khun: "I just wanted to tell that lizard not to underestimate us." Bam: "Khun..." Leroro: "The fourth round has begun." Rak: "Well, well. Only three teams. I'll hunt them all in an instant!" Khun: "Don't." Rak: "Huh?" Rak: "Hey, why not?!" Bam: "Khun?" Khun: "Hup..." Khun: "I'm saying we should take a break." Bam: "A break? What do you mean?" Khun: "Our strongest opponents will come out in the final round. We need to prepare for that." Bam: "But..." Inoa: "I have a suggestion." Redhair: "A suggestion?" Inoa: "Why don't we forge a temporary alliance to bring them down?" Bam: "Do you hear what they're saying?" Khun: "You'll see." Bam: "Okay..." Inoa: "We'll fight fair and square after we've taken the crown. What do you think?" Reara: "What should we do? Good idea. I wouldn't want to waste any—" Bam: "What?" Redhair: "W-Were you not listening? Huh?" Ucha: "Red Hair..." Inoa: "What was that for?" Khun: "See? I said there was no need to fight." Bam: "Did you know this would happen?" Khun: "Of course I did. They're on our side." Khun: "Remember the first test? When we narrowed down 400 Regulars to 200." Bam: "Yes." Khun: "I thought that rule could go eat shit. So I gathered allies inside this bag. "I'll put you in my bag and carry you." "I promise I'll get you past the test if you'll lend me your strength." Hup. Meeting you guys in that field and the team-building test that came afterward were unexpected, though." Khun: "The three guys inside my bag had enough for a team, too. And the test administrator noticed." Hansung Yu: "You seem to be carrying quite the heavy bag." Khun: "I let them out of the bag during the break after the third test and explained the situation to them." Khun: "Me tying my hair up with this bandanna was the signal for them to help me." Bam: "I hadn't noticed you'd done that at all." Khun: "Of course you didn't. If anyone notices the ace up your sleeve, it's over." Rak: "Clever turtle. You ruined my hunting time." Khun: "Gator, you can go wild later." Rak: "Don't think you can trick me with..." Khun: "The truth is, I didn't want to use them yet." Khun: "But..." Bam: "I borrowed this from Yuri. I can't give it to you." Khun: "We have to win this game." Bam: "I'm sorry. It's my fault." Khun: "I told you, it's not that. I want to win. I want to win and climb the tower with you guys." Bam: "Khun..." Rak: "And I'll hunt you once you're stronger, black turtle." Bam: "What? You're still planning to do that?" Leroro: "All the challengers have been incapacitated or disqualified. As a result, the fourth round goes to Bam, Khun, and Rak." Shibisu: "Those guys are calm and collected." Leroro: "If you'd like to participate in the final round, please press your buzzer." Shibisu: "Anaak, are you scared because you might lose your bet?" Anaak: "Shut up." Shibisu: "Ow!" Shibisu: "Stop! You're crushing me! You're crushing me!" Leroro: "As expected, enough teams elected to participate without a countdown." Rak: "I smell some strong turtles." Khun: "But you're confident in your skills, right?" Rak: "It's exciting." Khun: "I'm counting on you." Khun: "Bam, what's wrong?" Bam: "Sorry. I spaced out." Khun: "They're from the other testing area." Bam: "Yeah." Khun: "I know more or less how strong the others are, but they're an unknown value." Leroro: "Like it or not, this is the final round. Which team will claim the crown? Let the game begin!" Rak: "Come on, turtles! Come and get—" Rak: "...me?!" Burnian: "You're on their side, too?" Khun: "Gator!" Rak: "I know!" Rak: "Quit scurrying around!" Khun: "Bam!" Endorsi: "Aren't you embarrassed to be walking around in full-body tights?" Rak: "What's going on here?" Khun: "Gator, stay next to Bam." Yeon: "Don't get distracted." Guun: "Your opponents are over here." Rak: "This is what I've been waiting for." Rachel: "It's okay." Rachel: "Don't worry." Rachel: "We won't steal the crown." Bam: "That voice..." Bam: "Rachel?" Bam: "Rachel?" Bam: "Is that you, Rachel? Rach—" Rak: "First comes rock! Rock again! Hey, blue turtle! Did you bribe that fluttering turtle, too?" Khun: "No!" Khun: "They came from a different testing area. I didn't have time for that." Rak: "Then..." Rak: "Taste my toss!" Rak: "Why are they helping us?" Khun: "I don't know, but I'll say this." Khun: "They're not interested in the crown." Khun: "I don't know why they're helping us..." Khun: "But it's clear now." Khun: "This game..." Khun: "is ours." Endorsi: "You cannot pass. You'll die here." Endorsi: "How infuriating." Endorsi: "Before you die, I'll remove that mask and destroy your face." Bam: "Are you Rachel?" Bam: "Is that why you're helping me?" Bam: "If you're Rachel, what's the point of continuing this game?" Bam: "What's the point of climbing the tower?" Endorsi: "Playtime is over." Endorsi: "Just die already!" Khun: "Bam!" Bam: "Rachel!" Khun: "No, Bam!" Khun: "He left the throne!" Bam: "Don't!" Bam: "I'm sorry, Khun..." Khun: "Damn it!" Bam: "Rak..." Rak: "Black turtle!" Bam: "But I..." Bam: "I have to..." Bam: "protect Rachel..." Khun: "Is that Shinsu?" March: "Oh, my. You've lost control." March: "First, be delighted by our reunion." March: "Then sleep." Rachel: "Bam! Bam!" Yuri: "Seriously, what's going on? Why is the path to the Floor of Tests so complicated?" Evan: "The path hasn't been cleared. Besides, why would you pick a fight with Evankhell by going to the Floor of Tests?" Yuri: "Maybe I'll look for a more competent and less whiny Navigator." Kurdan: "Miss Yuri! He was right! We can probably go that other way!" Yuri: "Then let's go." Kurdan: "Are you that eager to see the newbie?" Yuri: "You'll understand once you meet him." Kurdan: "I see..." Evan: "This is no time for excitement, Miss Yuri. That boy's power is too dangerous." Hansung Yu: "I see. Then the crown game..." Leroro: "Yes. It ended without a winner." Leroro: "After all, the crown was destroyed. The Regulars were more exhausted than I expected, so I gave them a three-day break." Hansung Yu: "That must have been difficult." Leroro: "Not at all." Hansung Yu: "Want a drink?" Leroro: "What?" Hansung Yu: "Didn't you come because you had something to discuss?" Leroro: "You're quite serious about that." Hansung Yu: "I recommend my special caffè latte." Leroro: "It's instant coffee?" Hansung Yu: "What did you want to discuss?" Leroro: "Could you tell me the real reason you asked me to run the crown game?" Hansung Yu: "It was Quant." Leroro: "I heard about how Quant cut his test short. I'm not asking about that, but about your intentions. After all, it's strange. If, like Quant, you wanted the trio that caused problems at the other testing area to move on to another floor before Evankhell found out, they would have recklessly gone for the crown. But they expressed no interest in the crown." Hansung Yu: "What are you trying to say?" Leroro: "Apparently, one of them had previously met one of my examinees." Leroro: "The rules state that acquaintances cannot participate in the same test. That's what Headon decided. If your goal was to—" Hansung Yu: "Why do you think we administer tests?" Leroro: "What?" Hansung Yu: "To determine who is worthy to climb the tower? No. Our job is to expel those who have thoughts or powers that would bring harm to the tower." Leroro: "Why are you bringing this up now?" Hansung Yu: "Does anyone among your current examinees meet that criteria?" Leroro: "Not particularly." Hansung Yu: "If you understand that, then there was a reason to run the crown game. Am I wrong?" Leroro: "I should go." Leroro: "Test administrator." Hansung Yu: "Yes?" Leroro: "Have you ever seen someone who hasn't formed a contract with an Administrator use Shinsu without any constraints before?" Hansung Yu: "That would violate the tower's laws." Hansung Yu: "But I've heard there are individuals like that." Hansung Yu: "Like Urek Mazino, an Irregular." Leroro: "I see." Hansung Yu: "How troublesome, and in a manner entirely different from Quant." Leroro: "Did he dodge the question, or did I hit a nerve?" Leroro: "That..." Leroro: "was far beyond simply controlling Shinsu." Leroro: "Bam himself became Shinsu. It certainly could pose a threat to the tower." Leroro: "You're a fool, Lero Ro. You fell so easily for everything the test administrator said." Leroro: "Will Bam wake up?" Khun: "Hey, you'd better wake up soon. The test starts tomorrow. If you don't take it, you'll be disqualified." Rachel: "Hello." Khun: "You're..." Rachel: "My name is Rachel."
{ "raw_title": "Tower of God Episode 5 – The Crown’s Fate", "parsed": [ "Tower of God", "5", "The Crown’s Fate" ] }
Rachel: "Bam, try imagining it." Rachel: "All those heavy-looking boulders are removed, and the sky opens up." Bam: "Okay." Rachel: "There's nothing blocking our way there. Up there are twinkling, beautiful..." Bam: "The stars you want to see." Rachel: "Yes. A truly beautiful," Rachel: "real night..." Bam: "Rachel, don't go." Rachel: "Bam was a very lonely boy. When I told him I was climbing the tower, he asked me not to go with tears running down his face." Rachel: "But I abandoned him." Rachel: "I thought we'd never meet again." Khun: "Skip the introduction. Just tell me what you want from me." Rachel: "Don't tell Bam about me." Khun: "You want me to lie to him?" Khun: "Tell him you're not Rachel?" Rachel: "Yes." Khun: "Even though Bam wants to be with you?" Rachel: "We can't be together." Khun: "I don't get it." Khun: "Then why didn't you try to take the crown during the crown game?" Rachel: "That's the problem." Khun: "Huh?" Rachel: "If we're together, we'll become each other's weakness. A burden." Rachel: "Try to understand. It's what's best for both of us." Khun: "You mean you, not both of you." Rak: "I-I'm not worried about the black turtle or anything!" Khun: "Get in here." Shibisu: "It won't listen to you?" Anaak: "No. Apparently it won't even speak to women." Shibisu: "I'm not sure what it means to talk to a weapon, but fine. I'll convince it to—" Anaak: "Why are you angry? You said you'd speak to a man." March: "Only a handsome one." Shibisu: "That's rude!" Shibisu: "You already have the Green April. Is there some reason why you have to collect these weapons?" Anaak: "Yes, but do you really think I'll tell you?" Shibisu: "You're so self-indulgent, it's almost refreshing." Endorsi: "Do you know who the owner of that sword is?" Anaak: "Not interested." Endorsi: "Yuri Jahad. Of the Princesses of Jahad chosen during the past 500 years, she's the only genius Fisherman who was granted one of the 13 Month Series." Endorsi: "If you forget your place and push your luck, you'll wind up dead, impostor." Endorsi: "I warned you." Khun: "I know all about self-indulgent women." Rak: "Chocolate, chocolate! Someone ate my chocolate bar!" Khun: "Sorry, Bam." Khun: "I don't want to let you near her." Rak: "Maybe I'll eat you instead. Wake up already." Khun: "You're awake, Bam?" Bam: "Khun?" Khun: "You've been asleep for five days." Bam: "Huh?" Khun: "And the next test started yesterday." Bam: "Khun, um..." Khun: "You must be worried that you've been disqualified." Bam: "Huh? No, I—" Khun: "Then relax." Khun: "You're lucky." Leroro: "The fourth test will be conducted after you are assigned positions." Shibisu: "Assigned positions?" Leroro: "The battles fought in the tower are team battles. Your position is the role you take on during battles. There are five basic positions." Leroro: "The Fisherman." Leroro: "They fight at close quarters at the heart of the battle. The Spear Bearer." Leroro: "They control and kill their enemies from a distance. The Light Bearer. They illuminate the dark tower with their Lighthouse, as well as gather and distribute information about the situation. The Scout. They investigate their enemies' movements on the front lines and assist the Fisherman. Finally, the Wave Controller. They are directors of the battle, who provide support and control in combat using Shinsu." Leroro: "You will study the position you are assigned. Depending on your performance, several of you may be chosen to fulfill those positions." Khun: "Excuse me." Leroro: "What is it, Khun?" Khun: "What about the guys who are injured right now?" Khun: "Are they disqualified?" Leroro: "They're responsible for their own injuries." Rak: "Then what about the black turtle?" Leroro: "By the way, Bam's position is Wave Controller." Khun: "Huh?" Leroro: "Since the arrival of the Wave Controller instructor, Yuga, has been delayed, their training will begin two days from now." Khun: "So your training starts tomorrow. You're really lucky." Bam: "Y-Yeah. So, uh..." Khun: "You're wondering about the girl who helped you? She's fine." Khun: "She wasn't seriously injured." Bam: "I'm glad." Khun: "But apparently she's not the girl you know." Bam: "Huh?" Khun: "I asked her about it, and she said she has no idea who you are." Khun: "I guess you mistook her for someone else." Bam: "I mistook her..." Khun: "Don't worry about it. If you keep climbing the tower, you'll run into her eventually." Khun: "More importantly, here." Khun: "I bought this for you. The clothes you were wearing before got covered in blood." Rak: "Hey, where's mine?" Khun: "The next time I'm at a pet shop, I'll buy you a custom collar." Rak: "I'll bite you to pieces!" Khun: "Bring it on, bigface!" Bam: "Rachel..." Bam: "At least tell me why." Bam: "Can I not be with you?" Bam: "Are you that desperate to see the stars?" Khun: "I don't want what happened to me to happen to him." Khun: "To achieve that end..." Khun: "I'll lie as many times as I need to." Khun: "Suppose she is the girl you're looking for." Bam: "Huh?" Khun: "It means she doesn't want to see you." Khun: "Not now." Rak: "Toss!" Bam: "Now?" Khun: "If that's the case, isn't your only option to get stronger so she'll want to climb the tower with you?" Rak: "He's right. Get stronger, turtle. Then fight me." Khun: "Train hard." Bam: "I will." Yuga: "As its name suggests, Shinsu is a mysterious substance with the power to control all things, like a god. So in order to use more than a fixed amount of Shinsu, you must form a contract on each floor." Yuga: "Lauroe, it seems you already formed a contract while you were asleep." Lauroe: "Seriously?" Yuga: "The rest of you haven't formed contracts yet, so please make your Pockets visible and close your eyes." Hwaryun: "Visible mode." Yuga: "Now speak the command, "Form contract with Administrator."" Bam: "Form contract with Administrator." Administrator: "You smell rather appealing, kid." Administrator: "You want to form a contract with me?" Bam: "Y-Yes." Administrator: "Very well." Administrator: "But remember this." Administrator: "For you, this isn't a contract. It's a shackle." Yuga: "Forming the contract has exhausted more of your stamina than expected. You should rest and prepare for tomorrow." Bam: "Excuse me." Bam: "I'm sorry. It's my fault you injured your eye." Hwaryun: "There's no need to apologize." Hwaryun: "You were injured, too." Hoh: "I look forward to training with you starting tomorrow, Bam." Bam: "Oh, uh..." Hoh: "Forgive me. I haven't introduced myself yet." Hoh: "My name is Hoh. This is my teammate, Lauroe." Bam: "You seem totally fine, even though you just formed a contract." Hoh: "Yes." Hoh: "I've been training a bit." Bam: "That's amazing." Hoh: "Let me know if you need any help. We should help each other." Bam: "Okay." Bam: "I don't think I can beat them." Lauroe: "Help each other?" Hoh: "Is it so wrong to extend a helping hand to the weak?" Lauroe: "The weak, huh?" Khun: "Class was boring." Bam: "By the way, where's Rak?" Khun: "Oh... Apparently you could pass the Spear Bearer test by hitting a target that was really far away. "I'm returning to the wild." "Farewell, turtle."" Khun: "And after saying that, he left." Bam: "He's really excited about all of this." Khun: "Of course he is. We're doing this to climb the tower." Bam: "I need to train hard, too." Bam: "At least until I can talk to Rachel." Shibisu: "H-Hey." Hatz: "We have a request." Bam: "A request?" Endorsi: "One large special lunch, no meat." Cook: "Got it." Endorsi: "They're making us pay using the points we've earned? At least let me eat whatever I want." Shibisu: "I'll buy you lunch tomorrow." Lauroe: "You'd better keep your promise." Serena: "Lauroe, it only took a meal to bribe you?" Cook: "Here's your special lunch." Shibisu: "You guys are so narrow-minded. You should be more like Bam." Bam: "Shibisu, your stubble is prickly." Endorsi: "Is this seat free?" Endorsi: "What's with these guys? They're being really friendly for enemies." Shibisu: "O-Of course, uh..." Endorsi: "Endorsi. Nice to meet you." Shibisu: "Nice to meet you. Have a seat. Scoot down and make some room, hag!" Serena: "You lecherous creep. Gross." Hoh: "Now, now." Hoh: "Let's try to get along." Endorsi: "What were you discussing?" Shibisu: "The Scout test is making friends." Endorsi: "Making friends?" Bam: "Nine friends in one week?" Shibisu: "Yeah. It's really hard." Khun: "Hold on. Where do you get off asking us for a favor?" Shibisu: "Huh?" Khun: "You're teammates with the person who stole the Black March from Bam." Bam: "Khun, don't worry about that." Hatz: "It's true that her actions violated the warrior's code. We dissolved our team and cut ties with Anaak." Shibisu: "Actually, she unilaterally cut ties with us." Khun: "So you want us to become friends with someone who'd abandon a former ally, Mr. Warrior's Code?" Hatz: "That's right, Ugly Earrings." Khun: "U-Ugly? That's the last thing you should be calling me. Right, Bam?" Bam: "Khun, calm down." Hatz: "What kind of penance is letting that thing dangle from your ear?" Khun: "What?!" Shibisu: "Hatz, stop! Do you know how many people have brushed us off because of you?!" Khun: "You got a problem with my ears? You should apologize by committing seppuku!" Hatz: "Let's take this outside." Shibisu: "We're never going to complete this assignment." Bam: "Let's be their friends, Khun." Khun: "Bam?" Bam: "I was really glad when you asked to be my ally during the first test. I didn't have anything before then." Khun: "Fine." Shibisu: "Thanks, Bam and Earrings!" Khun: "I'll kill you." Endorsi: "So that's why these two still hate each other, even though they're friends." Shibisu: "They say the closer you are, the more you fight." Both: "Don't be dumb!" Shibisu: "See? Totally in sync." Bam: "I know. Endorsi, will you become their friend, too?" Shibisu: "Yeah." Endorsi: "Well, I think I'd like getting closer to this handsome one." Shibisu: "Mister Number One Handsome Heart is right here!" Endorsi: "Sorry, but I can't." Bam: "What?" Endorsi: "My family is forbidden to love." Bam: "I'm just talking about friendship." Endorsi: "I don't believe men and women can really be friends." Bam: "I see." Anaak: "What are you doing over there?" Anaak: "You're fraternizing with this lot?" Anaak: "How the Princess of Jahad has fallen." Shibisu: "What?! Princess of J-Jahad?!" Serena: "So there are two princesses in our testing area?" Khun: "All people are controlled by rules." Endorsi: "You're chatty, aren't you?" Anaak: "Stare all you want. I'm not returning the Black March." Bam: "It's not that. I'm the one who accepted your bet." Bam: "I'll apologize to Yuri when I see her." Bam: "I'm not sure she'll forgive me, though." Endorsi: "Don't just stand there. Why don't you have a seat?" Bam: "Huh? Does that mean you two are Yuri's sisters?" Endorsi: "We're not really her sisters." Bam: "Huh?" Khun: "The Princesses of Jahad are recruited to represent capable tribes and families." Endorsi: "That's right." Endorsi: "We're sort of like brand-name shoes put on display in Jahad's showcase." Shibisu: "I sort of get that, and I sort of don't." Lauroe: "They're a group of troublesome women." Hoh: "Lauroe..." Endorsi: "It's aggravating, but that's an apt description." Endorsi: "There's another troublesome woman over there." Hax: "Today we'll be playing a game." Hax: "The rules are simple. Please knock each other off until there are only eight of you remaining. You may only use the needles that were distributed to you. Your performance in the game will be reflected in your grade." Endorsi: "Won't we die if we fall from here? Is there some kind of safety system?" Hax: "Yes, enough of one to prevent your death." Endorsi: "So we'll suffer non-fatal injuries." Hax: "You are responsible for your own injuries." Hax: "Let the game begin." Endorsi: "They're all scared." Endorsi: "Of course they are. We're pretty high up." Endorsi: "Maybe I'll knock a few randoms off to score some points." Endorsi: "So annoying." Endorsi: "What's wrong with you? Do you have a lizard brain, too?" Anaak: "Shut up, horned woman!" Endorsi: "You're challenging a real Princess of Jahad when you're not even wielding the Green April?" Anaak: "Real?" Anaak: "There's no such thing as a real Princess of Jahad." Anaak: "We're all impostors." Leroro: "Next, let us examine the Regulars being tested right now." Khun: "This is boring. Is this a computer class for old people?" Khun: "That guy..." Khun: "He passed. Not bad." Khun: "There's not much information on that girl or Bam." Khun: "It's unnatural how little information there is." Bam: "I did it." Khun: "Then how about her? Anaak Jahad... Huh?" Endorsi: "I'll give you a handicap." Anaak: "Don't run from me!" Khun: "After becoming a Ranker, she was selected to become a princess" Khun: "and granted the Green April?" Green: "They're coming!" Khun: "That's odd. I mean..." Khun: "She's in the middle of taking a test in order to climb the tower right now." Khun: "But she's already dead." Endorsi: "I throw men away after toying with them. I'm such a sinful woman." Anaak: "You bitch! Stop messing around!" Endorsi: "And now there are nine." Anaak: "Are you going to keep running until there are eight?" Endorsi: "Come back when you have the Green April. Right now, you're no match for—" Endorsi: "She enhanced herself using Shinsu?" Anaak: "Looks like I am a match for you. Next comes..." Endorsi: "What are you going to do if you scratch this natural treasure of a face?" Endorsi: "I knew it." Endorsi: "You're Anaak's orphan." Endorsi: "Impostor. Since the moment I saw you during the crown game, there's something I've wanted to confirm. It's the reason I abandoned the game." Endorsi: "I guess someone also convinced me to." Endorsi: "Why did she choose the path of misfortune," Endorsi: "my niece?" Mother: "Liar! You lied to me!" Mother: "You promised me a life of comfort!" Mother: "Oh, my." Mother: "You found a pretty jewel." Mother: "My little princess..." Anaak: "Mom was happy. She married the cook who made the best chicken pies in the world." Anaak: "Her only regret was that the chef famous for his chicken pies was killed..." Anaak: "by her sisters, known as princesses." Anaak: "There's only one reason I came to the tower. To kill everyone named Jahad and achieve my revenge. You're first,"
{ "raw_title": "Tower of God Episode 6 – Position Selection", "parsed": [ "Tower of God", "6", "Position Selection" ] }
Endorsi: "Jahad, the king of the tower." Endorsi: "The first man to climb it. The great king who built the kingdom we live in. And the women granted a special boon by Jahad are known as the Princesses of Jahad. The princesses gathered from all over the tower are not Jahad's biological children, and are unrelated by blood." Endorsi: "Once they are granted Jahad's power, certain acts are forbidden to them." Endorsi: "They may not have intercourse or bear a child." Endorsi: "It is to prevent the spread of the power they inherited." Endorsi: "The princesses are shoes on display in the king's showcase." Endorsi: "Beautiful, but never to be worn by anyone." Endorsi: "But in rare cases, the shoes sometimes jump out of the case on their own." Mother: "You found a pretty jewel." Mother: "My little princess..." Endorsi: "You seem to have the wrong idea. It was your mom who broke the agreement." Anaak: "Shut up!" Endorsi: "Having you and spreading the power she received from the king was the greatest of crimes." Anaak: "A crime? Ridiculous!" Endorsi: "Of course you think that. As someone who's never experienced hardship, you wouldn't understand." Anaak: "I've never experienced hardship? Don't be ridiculous!" Endorsi: "Isn't it true?" Endorsi: "You acquired power simply by being born as Anaak's child! I worked really hard to become a Princess of Jahad!" Anaak: "Really? Good for you, then." Anaak: "Later, hag!" Endorsi: "H-Help me! If I fall, I'll die!" Anaak: "Let go!" Endorsi: "Please, my only niece!" Anaak: "I've got plenty of other aunts!" Endorsi: "Ow!" Anaak: "Die!" Endorsi: "Come with me, my niece!" Anaak: "Damn it!" Hax: "The game is over." Endorsi: "This sucks! This is definitely broken!" Anaak: "Shut up, idiot." Endorsi: "If this leaves a single scar on my beautiful legs, I'll hate you forever!" Anaak: "Your beautiful legs? Don't you mean your thick trunks, hag?" Endorsi: "Hag?! How could you call such an insane beauty a hag?!" Anaak: "Stop screaming. I can feel it in my wounds." Endorsi: "Hey." Anaak: "What?" Endorsi: "About your mother—" Anaak: "Why do you care about her?" Endorsi: "Don't try to start a fight with me. She was kind of nice to me when I first became a princess." Endorsi: "Tell me." Endorsi: "Did she ever regret what she did?" Mother: "Listen closely. Whatever you do, don't let go of that man's hand." Mother: "I'll follow you soon, okay? Be good." Mother: "Don't cry. You're a good girl. Here." Mother: "There." Mother: "Go on." Mother: "That's enough! If you don't behave, I'll get angry!" Mother: "Is this for me?" Anaak: "Probably not." Mother: "I'm sorry." Mother: "I'm always fighting with Dad." Anaak: "I don't mind. Keep fighting." Mother: "Huh?" Anaak: "When you fight, Dad makes chicken pie." Mother: "Oh, my..." Anaak: "That's what I believe." Endorsi: "Huh..." Yuga: "You've made considerable progress." Hoh: "Thank you." Yuga: "You, too, Lozeal." Lozeal: "Thank you." Yuga: "Next, Bam and Grey." Bam: "Okay." Yuga: "Bam... Your control is a bit lacking, but you're not bad." Bam: "Thank you." Yuga: "Next, Grey." Bam: "Lauroe!" Bam: "I can finally hit the balloon now. It's all thanks to you." Hoh: "Thanks to Lauroe?" Bam: "Yes. He taught me the trick to doing it." Hoh: "Huh?" Lauroe: "I owed him a favor after yesterday." Bam: "What? Your pillow?" Bam: "I think it's over there." Serena: "You want me to be the tower's poster girl? I know, I know..." Lauroe: "This pillow is tainted." Bam: "Lauroe?" Lauroe: "My restful sleep..." Bam: "It's a makeshift solution, but you can use this for today." Bam: "I'll wash this one." Hoh: "I see." Khun: "Hey, Bam!" Bam: "Khun!" Khun: "Have you heard?" Bam: "Heard what?" Hoh: "How uncharacteristic of you, Lauroe." Hoh: "To help a rival." Lauroe: "Is that so wrong?" Lauroe: "Extending a helping hand to the weak, right?" Hoh: "Not at all." Lauroe: "Are you okay?" Hoh: "What do you mean?" Hoh: "Damn it!" Bam: "Endorsi and Anaak?" Khun: "Yeah. They fought during class yesterday and ended up seriously injured." Bam: "Fought? But they're both Princesses of Jahad." Khun: "They fight because they're both princesses." Khun: "They're deeply indebted to powerful rulers." Khun: "Apparently, their relationship was complicated from the start." Khun: "Either way, they're incredibly stupid." Bam: "Incredibly stupid? I wouldn't say that." Khun: "To advance through the tower's tests, you have to take someone else down. Self-destructing when you're blessed with so much power" Khun: "is nothing less than stupid." Bam: "But..." Shibisu: "It's sad to see an acquaintance drop out, isn't it?" Bam: "Shibisu!" Shibisu: "If someone you were close to, especially me, were to disappear, it'd be especially sad!" Khun: "Is your friend-making not going well?" Khun: "You're almost there." Shibisu: "The deadline is today! There's no time left!" Hatz: "Sorry. It's my fault." Shibisu: "Don't be so standoffish! We're friends, aren't we?" Bam: "Is there anything we can do?" Shibisu: "Bam?" Khun: "Were you listening? The tower's tests are fiercely competitive." Bam: "I know, but I don't want to lose the friends I've made." Bam: "Besides, aren't friends the people who come to your aid when you're in trouble?" Khun: "Did Rachel teach you that, too?" Bam: "Yeah." Khun: "Let's go, guys." Bam: "Huh?" Khun: "It's showtime." Endorsi: "My medical expenses cost me all the points I'd earned." Endorsi: "Now I'll starve to death before the next test." Endorsi: "I wish someone overcome by my beauty would come to offer a helping hand." Endorsi: "No way!" Bam: "We brought you some food. Can we come in?" Endorsi: "P-Please! I'm such a sinful woman." Endorsi: "Huh?" Bam: "We heard you were in trouble." Endorsi: "Then hand it over!" Bam: "But you said there can be no friendship between a man and a woman." Endorsi: "Yeah." Bam: "Since a Princess of Jahad was so insistent on that point, we thought you wouldn't accept our food if we offered it to you normally. So..." Endorsi: "You want me to write my name on these?" Bam: "If you do, we'll bring you food every day until this test is over." Endorsi: "A Princess of Jahad would never accept that deal." Bam: "W-We'd be happy if you ate with us every day, too." Endorsi: "Huh?" Bam: "Right, Hatz?" Hatz: "Sh-Sharing a meal with a most beauteous princess would be a dream." Endorsi: "Seriously? Just so you know, I only eat special lunches!" Anaak: "I won't accept your pity." Hatz: "Then you can starve." Shibisu: "You idiot, Hatz!" Bam: "Let's wait to fight until you're feeling better." Bam: "Today's special is a delicious chicken pie." Bam: "We did it." Khun: "I told you so." Shibisu: "Seriously, thank you. You saved my life." Hatz: "I won't forget this." Khun: "Hey, I'm the one who came up with the plan. I even wrote a script for you inarticulate oafs." Hatz: "I understand now that you have no talent for writing, Earrings." Khun: "Excuse me?!" Hatz: ""Most beauteous princess"? How embarrassing." Khun: "What?! You just don't have any talent as an actor!" Shibisu: "Now, now!. Shouldn't we be thanking him?" Hatz: "I am indebted to you." Khun: "I can't hear you." Hatz: "Thank you very much!" Khun: "No problem." Bam: "Khun, did you come up with this plan so Hatz would have to thank you?" Shibisu: "Let's not worry about that, Bam." Shibisu: "Let's drink tonight! Hatz, you're drinking, too." Hatz: "I refuse." Shibisu: "Come on, we're celebrating." Cook: "You're just having an apple again?" Bam: "What? Yuri is?" Endorsi: "It's true. They call her "Jahad's Imp" because she's so ferocious." Bam: "I don't believe it. But she's so kind." Endorsi: "You mean she never hit you?" Bam: "She did hit me with a flying kick." Hoh: "That's intense." Shibisu: "Are all princesses like that?" Lauroe: "Probably." Endorsi: "Hey, I can hear you. What do you mean, "like that"?" Endorsi: "It's been a while." Endorsi: "Rach—I mean, Michelle Light." Rachel: "When we're alone, you can call me Rachel." Endorsi: "Oh, really?" Rachel: "You seem to be getting along with the others." Endorsi: "They've just been treating me to lunch for the past few days." Endorsi: "One of the perks of being a woman." Rachel: "You haven't been talking about me, have you?" Endorsi: "Of course not." Rachel: "Good." Endorsi: "He's a good guy." Rachel: "Huh?" Endorsi: "And he's got a cute face. I don't get why you're concealing your identity to get away from him." Endorsi: "It's so romantic to have a man risk his life in pursuit of you." Rachel: "Excuse me." Endorsi: "I hope whatever you're seeking at the top of the tower is worth more than him." Rachel: "Who does she think she is?" Hoh: "Don't you think it's strange, Lauroe?" Hoh: "He didn't even know how to manipulate Shinsu." Hoh: "What do you suppose is Bam's true identity?" Hoh: "Is he hiding something from us? At this rate, passing the test—" Yuga: "Next, Hoh." Hoh: "O-Okay." All: "Help... Don't abandon us... Help us... Please... Don't go..." Leroro: "What is this, test director?" Hansung Yu: "The plans for the joint positions test." Leroro: "Are you serious? You're going to test them by having them play tag?" Quant: "Super serious." Leroro: "What do you want, Quant?" Quant: "I came to apologize." Leroro: "Apologize?" Quant: "Since you had to look after three of my examinees. So I'm running it for you." Leroro: "What?" Quant: "I'll be the test examiner in the joint test for you." Leroro: "Director!" Hansung Yu: "Good idea, right?" Leroro: "The most simple-minded test administrator is going to run the joint test?" Leroro: "I have a bad feeling about this." Leroro: "The subject of the joint test is tag. The 28 of you who haven't yet passed will be participating in the test." Rak: "Good luck, turtles and lizards!" Khun: "That's really annoying." Serena: "Same." Leroro: "You'll be divided into teams A and B. You'll be scored based on your individual performance, which will be reflected in your points." Khun: "You're on team B?" Bam: "Yeah. It's too bad we're on opposite teams." Endorsi: "So the teams play against each other in a game of tag?" Hansung Yu: "No. This game of tag has two players who are "it."" Hansung Yu: "One is an individual we've chosen. The other will be selected from among the team's Fishermen. Each of them will wear this badge." Hansung Yu: "See the domed structure outside the window? The test will take place there." Shibisu: "I-It's huge..." Hansung Yu: "In order to win, you must help your team's "it" reach the goal or steal the badge from our "it."" Hansung Yu: "If you win, all members of your team will receive 100,000 points. If you steal the badge from our "it," you'll receive 200,000 points." Endorsi: "200,000 points?!" Hansung Yu: "If our "it" takes a team's badge, that team loses." Shibisu: "Um, who's our "it"?" Quant: "It's me!" Serena: "Who are you?" Quant: "Surprised, kiddos?" Shibisu: "Isn't that our examiner?" Quant: "Don't worry. I'll go easy on you." Shibisu: "They can't seriously have a Ranker be their "it."" Khun: "It seems like the Shinsu he can use is limited. It's not a bad deal." Lozeal: "Do you have an idea?" Khun: "If you'll make me team leader, I'll tell you." Lozeal: "What?" Dede: "What's his deal?" Shibisu: "Why not? It's the Light Bearer's job to lead the team, anyway." Anaak: "Quit putting on airs and tell us." Khun: "First, we'll set the bait." Shibisu: "So..." Shibisu: "I'm the bait, huh?" Khun: "That's the Scout's job." Shibisu: "What a crap position. I'm counting on you, Leeron 3." Leeron: "Yeah." Shibisu: "Anyway, it's too bad." Shibisu: "About Bam." Shibisu: "He ended up on the other team." Shibisu: "I don't know the exact numbers, but if we win..." Khun: "Bam will fail." Khun: "I know that." Shibisu: "That's a cool reaction, considering how close you are." Khun: "That's how tests work." Shibisu: "Are you sure he'll come if we make the bait this obvious?" Khun: "He'll come." Shibisu: "Huh?" Khun: "He's a Ranker. Not only that, but he's a sore loser, too. He'll definitely take the bait." Quant: "Seriously? Using yourself as bait?" Quant: "How uninspired of you..." Quant: "My little apprentice!" Shibisu: "He actually came!" Quant: "Are you trying to buy time for your "it" to escape?" Quant: "You haven't learned enough about being a Light Bearer." Quant: "A Light Bearer uses Shinsu to fly, so..." Quant: "If the Light Bearer loses consciousness..." Quant: "Your team loses its eyes." Shibisu: "That was close." Quant: "Your other Light Bearer is with your "it," isn't he?" Shibisu: "Damn it! Where is he?" Quant: "A first-rate Scout doesn't need light." Both: "Checkmate." Quant: "No way." Quant: "What's a Lighthouse doing here?" Anaak: "Sorry, but our "it" is right here!" Quant: "You set the bait in order to capture me." Quant: "You think I'd be that easy to beat?" Leroro: "That's his problem." Leroro: "He becomes angry and indiscriminate."
{ "raw_title": "Tower of God Episode 7 – Lunch and Tag", "parsed": [ "Tower of God", "7", "Lunch and Tag" ] }
Quant: "I am so pissed off!" Leroro: "That's his problem. He becomes angry and indiscriminate. He forgets to hold back. Even against a weak opponent, he crushes them with his full strength." Quant: "You know I'm a Ranker, and you're still making light of me? You can't be serious." Leroro: "The amount of Shinsu Quant can use inside the tag arena is being limited." Leroro: "That said, it's likely we'll become unable to continue the test." Quant: "I-It was a good plan, though. You need to be at least that bold." Shibisu: "A-Are you doing your best to stay calm?" Hansung Yu: "He's pretending." Leroro: "I-In any case, his patience is admirable." Quant: "So, what comes after the surprise attack?" Shibisu: "Khun..." Khun: "It can't be helped. We'll go with plan B." Quant: "I see. You're running. Then I'll give you a 111-second head start." Quant: "And I'll use the stairs instead of the elevator. Well? Pretty big handicap, right? I can't believe how generous I am!" Quant: "One, two, three..." Leroro: "It's a bit odd, though." Hansung Yu: "What is?" Quant: "Four, five, six..." Leroro: "Quant may be an idiot, but he's still a Ranker." Leroro: "Would Khun really come up with such a trite strategy?" Quant: "Seven, eight, nine..." Hansung Yu: "Trite, huh?" Quant: "Ten, eleven, twelve..." Leroro: "Huh?" Hansung Yu: "Nothing. I'm sure we'll understand if we keep watching." Quant: "Thirteen, fourteen..." Quant: "Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen..." Green: "Isn't this unfair?" Quant: "Eighteen, nineteen..." Endorsi: "Unfair?" Green: "They said they divided the teams evenly, but ours is clearly full of trash." Endorsi: "I suppose." Green: "You're obviously an exception, princess." Green: "Princess?" Endorsi: "Why are you so anxious?" Bam: "Endorsi, I don't see Rach—I mean, Michelle." Endorsi: "Michelle wandered off somewhere." Bam: "I see." Endorsi: "Why? Did you need to talk to her?" Bam: "No. U-Um..." Bam: "Why did you team up with her?" Endorsi: "No reason. Because those two were the last ones left." Endorsi: "That's all." Bam: "I see." Serena: "Look, Anaak's entering the elevator." Hoh: "It seems that way." Hoh: "In other words, she's headed to the top floor." Shibisu: "Haven't we already won? Once she crosses the bridge, the goal will be right there." Khun: "You think a Ranker would give us time without any kind of plan?" Shibisu: "What?" Quant: "One hundred eight, one hundred nine, one hundred ten... One hundred and eleven." Khun: "Time's up. Places, everyone!" Khun: "It'll take at least ten minutes for Anaak to reach the bridge. Quant has no choice but to take the stairs to the exit. It's perfect for a concerted attack. Stop him for at least five minutes." Khun: "Lookouts, stand by. If plan B doesn't work out, lure their "it" to the exit for me." Lozeal: "You heard him." Both: "You can count on us." Leeron: "He's coming." Quant: "Trying to gang up on me?" Quant: "Which means your "it" is headed up to the exit." Quant: "Then I'd better hurry after her." Quant: "But first, I'll treat you to a special lesson from Professor Quant." Quant: "Scouts move up to the front lines to gather information. It's common for us to end up outnumbered." Quant: "Now, here's your question..." Quant: "What does a Scout do to avoid becoming a sacrificial pawn?" Lozeal: "He vanished?" Leeron: "Where is he?" Guun: "Where is he?" Dede: "Piece of shit!" Dede: "Attack him!" Quant: "Over here!" Quant: "You pretending to be a Scout?" Quant: "Remember this: the guys who are too confident in their strength die first." Quant: "Sorry, but a spear belongs in your hands." Quant: "Lie there for a while." Lozeal: "How many minutes has it been?" Leeron: "It hasn't even been one yet!" Lozeal: "Damn it!" Black: "Kill him!" Murch: "Get him!" Cheonhwa: "Rankers are amazing!" Paracule: "Go!" Endorsi: "You should be happy." Bam: "Huh?" Endorsi: "If team A wins, you'll fail the position selection test." Endorsi: "I'm sure the handsome Lauroe and that plain gloomy girl will pass." Bam: "So you have your finger on the pulse of positions other than your own." Endorsi: "Don't underestimate a Princess of Jahad." Bam: "Sorry." Bam: "Um..." Endorsi: "If you have a question, spit it out." Bam: "O-Okay." Bam: "If she keeps doing what she's doing, will Michelle pass the test?" Endorsi: "Which would you prefer?" Bam: "Huh?" Leeron: "Sorry. The stair team's been wiped out. Their "it" will reach the top of the stairs soon." King: "When he does, my Super Inferno—" Shibisu: "Seriously? What are we going to do, Khun? I know! Let's call Lauroe! He can—" Khun: "Lauroe's asleep at the starting line." Shibisu: "What?!" Khun: "I reviewed his data during my Light Bearer class." Khun: "He'll pass regardless of the results of this test." Shibisu: "Damn it. Is it finally time for me to use my killer arts?" Rak: "In the name of chocolate bars, I will crush you!" Rak: "Say something, damn it!" Hansung Yu: "He really puts those away." Leroro: "It's over." Leroro: "Anaak is as good as caught. Team A loses." Hansung Yu: "Are you sure about that?" Leroro: "Quant learned which exit Anaak is headed toward." Leroro: "It's only a matter of time before he catches up." Leroro: "If he catches up with her on the bridge to the exit, she'll have nowhere to run." Leroro: "Khun's strategies have reached their end." Rak: "Don't underestimate the blue turtle!" Rak: "I'm sure he's got a plan." Leroro: "I see. Perhaps Khun replicated the badge using his bag." Hansung Yu: "That's impossible. I used Shinsu to prevent them from being copied or compressed." Leroro: "In that case, team A..." Rak: "I'm sure he's thinking of something! More chocolate bars, please!" Shibisu: "Sorry to keep you waiting." Shibisu: "Now that I'm here, you can relax. I won't let that little redhead get near Anaak!" Shibisu: "Huh?" Shibisu: "What's wrong with you guys?" Shibisu: "Hold on. Are your expectations for me really that low?" Quant: "Who are you calling a little redhead?" Shibisu: "Did you sneak up behind me again, master?" e: "I'm sorry! Their "it" has disappeared!" Khun: "I see." Quant: "Shibisu was desperate." Shibisu: "Win on the back of my dead body, Anaak!" Quant: "He'd pass even without trying so hard on this test. Did he do it for his teammates?" Quant: "Their passionate friendship brings tears to my eyes. Now, then... Found your "it."" Quant: "Huh?" Khun: "Good job making it this far." Quant: "Hey, where's your "it"?" Khun: "Anaak's not here." Quant: "So she hasn't arrived yet? She should have reached the bridge by now." Quant: "Where did you hide her?" Khun: "It's true that she was just here, but she jumped down toward the exit below." Quant: "That's ridiculous. From this height?" Khun: "She's a Princess of Jahad. Apparently, she trained in physical enhancement after she was injured during the Fisherman test." Khun: "She's probably running through the darkness right now. Are even Rankers scared to dive from this height?" Anaak: "What are you doing—" Khun: "You're late. Get on." Anaak: "What? But the redhead is right behind—" Khun: "Just do it. This is how we'll deceive their "it."" Khun: "There's no time to explain." Khun: "Just wait there." Khun: "Isn't your Shinsu limited during this test? Maybe you'll run out soon." Quant: "You copied your Lighthouse, didn't you?" Khun: "Huh? What are you talking about?" Quant: "Even if you turn off its glow, I can tell from the Shinsu aura." Quant: "You're hiding your "it" using a copied Lighthouse..." Quant: "under the bridge." Khun: "There you go again. I have no idea what you're talking about." Quant: "In that case, a question for you... If you jump off with me and end up flat as a pancake," Quant: "what will happen to your "it" on top of your Lighthouse?" Quant: "What's wrong? Scared? You're scared, aren't you? Let me hear you beg me to save you! If you cry enough, I might even do it, former son of the Khun family!" Quant: "Are you trying to die?!" Khun: "This way, "it." Follow the sound of my clapping hands." Quant: "I'm going to kill you!" Khun: "It's time to end this." Bam: "Amazing! Khun even expected their "it" to jump off with him!" Endorsi: "Hey." Bam: "S-Sorry." Leroro: "Well, well. They won a game." Leroro: "A surprising comeback for team A." Hansung Yu: "You're always jumping to conclusions." Leroro: "But even considering his remaining Shinsu, it's not possible for Quant to climb that distance." Quant: "Damn it! That stupid blue bowl-cut bastard! I'll make him cry! I'll beat him to a pulp! I'll kill him! I hate him!" Quant: "Damn it. But I can't lose..." Lauroe: "Sounds like you need help." Quant: "Who are you?" Hansung Yu: "Team A has lost." Anaak: "All right. This game is—" Anaak: "The Ranker..." Hansung Yu: "Team A, your test has ended." Paracule: "That's a Ranker for you!" Murch: "Incredible!" Black: "Take that!" Shibisu: "Damn it!" Lozeal: "Don't move." Shibisu: "Ow!" Shibisu: "How did he climb that far? Is he a monster?" Khun: "It's my fault." Khun: "I underestimated his strength." Khun: "I was so confident when I became the leader, too." Khun: "I ruined everything. It's because I suggested we capture their "it."" Khun: "I'm sorry." Shibisu: "You have nothing to apologize for. Right, guys?" e: "Your strategy was amazing." King: "You gave the Ranker trouble twice." Dede: "There's no way team B could come up with a better strategy." Shibisu: "That's right. Results aside, we did our best." Shibisu: "Cheer up." Khun: "Shibisu..." Khun: "Thanks." Shibisu: "Ba-dump!" Shibisu: "You useless lump! Don't ruin the mood!" Shibisu: "Damn you!" Anaak: "You can't even beat a blanket?" Lauroe: "Sounds like you need help." Quant: "Who are you?" Lauroe: "It's me. Also..." Khun: "Whoop!" Quant: "Khun?" Khun: "Hey." Khun: "Don't you want to go up?" Quant: "What? I don't know what you're—" Khun: "You want to go up, don't you?" Quant: "You're betraying your teammates?" Khun: "Come climb up here, Bam." Leroro: "Why did they betray them?" Hansung Yu: "Betray them?" Leroro: "Helping Quant just before their team achieves victory is surely a betrayal." Hansung Yu: "He didn't betray his team." Hansung Yu: "This is Khun's real team." Leroro: "The Scout's assignment?" Hansung Yu: "Team A had to lose while leaving as many hints as possible for team B. He carefully chose what he'd need to bring to the tower" Hansung Yu: "in order for these ten to pass the test." Leroro: "Khun, Anaak, Shibisu, and Lauroe are currently guaranteed to pass, but..." Hansung Yu: "I doubt that idiot will grant Khun's wish so easily." Quant: "Damn it. Those Regulars think they can toy with me?" Quant: "Impudent brats." Black: "I told you, I'm the leader!" Green: "Don't be ridiculous! It's me!" Paracule: "Don't make me laugh! It's clearly me!" Bam: "Everyone's desperate to earn points." Hatz: "Ridiculous." Bam: "Rachel won't join the group at all." Endorsi: "Okay! We're all good with me being the leader of team B, right?" Endorsi: "What? You got a problem with that?" Green: "O-Of course not. You there! How dare you develop a strategy without the princess?! Long live the princess!" Endorsi: "The "it" is decided. I'll start by putting on the "it" badge." Paracule: "She wants all our Fishermen to move together? Is she stupid?" Murch: "Their "it" will find us. It'll be over immediately. The Spear Bearer revolutionaries should—" Hatz: "Don't you mean revolutionary airheads?" Both: "What was that?!" Hatz: "After watching team A, you should know that it's impossible to capture a Ranker. The woman's strategy to have the Fishermen scatter after seeing what their "it" does may serve as a distraction." Hatz: "And we've got a Wave Controller on our side." Murch: "Should I? That still won't impress the test administrators!" Paracule: "Yeah. The Spear Bearer revolutionaries will capture their "it."" Both: "And you will help us!" Serena: "Hey, Hoh." Serena: "Are you still serious about climbing the tower?" Hoh: "Huh?" Serena: "I've lost confidence. I don't know if I'll be able to kill guys I've come to like without hesitation." Serena: "I used to be a seriously hopeless person." Serena: "A cat burglar, as they say." Serena: "But my luck ran out when I snuck onto a certain ship." Serena: "Something terrifying happened." Serena: "There was a Ranker on the ship." Serena: "In the blink of an eye, my friends died." Serena: "I don't want to die." Serena: "The life I've led so far has been nothing but worthless. Just when I had that thought," Serena: "a god appeared before me and brought me to the tower." Serena: "At first, I was motivated. I killed everyone I met because I wanted to stay." Serena: "But now..." Hoh: "That's always been our relationship, hasn't it?" Hoh: "We do it to climb the tower. No matter what happens, no hard feelings." Serena: "Hoh..." Both: "We're sorry!" Hatz: "Stop wasting my energy." Hatz: "Hey!" Hatz: "He's here." Hatz: "It's the Ranker." Hatz: "Hurry. We'll stop him here."
{ "raw_title": "Tower of God Episode 8 – Khun’s Strategy", "parsed": [ "Tower of God", "8", "Khun’s Strategy" ] }
Endorsi: "My plan worked." Bam: "Huh?" Cheonhwa: "What do you think you're doing?" Endorsi: "Once upon a time, there was a little girl who arrived at the home of fallen nobles." Black: "What's going on?" Bam: "Endorsi?" Endorsi: "The family was the least significant of the Ten Families. In order to produce a Princess of Jahad, they adopted talented girls and made them compete against one another." Bam: "You mean..." Endorsi: "Their meals for the day were determined by how they placed during training. High ranks were served luxurious full-course dinners, while low ranks received cold, stale bread. Every day, while gnawing on her bread, the girl wished" Endorsi: "she could know what the meals her sisters ate tasted like." Endorsi: "Then..." Endorsi: "From a certain day forward, she got to eat all the food herself. And she lived happily ever after." Green: "What's she talking about?" Endorsi: "You still don't get it, dummy?" Endorsi: "History repeats itself." Endorsi: "Gather all the Fishermen in one place and wait to see how the Ranker acts? Did you really fall for that?" Bam: "Endorsi..." Endorsi: "Don't look so sad. You're spoiling that adorable face." Cheonhwa: "Was this your goal all along?" Green: "Huh?" Cheonhwa: "To take out all of team B's Fishermen?" Cheonhwa: "Only four out of the six Fisherman candidates can pass the position test." Green: "So if we drop out..." Endorsi: "Remember the mistake I made during the last test? I want to guarantee that I'll pass." Cheonhwa: "Damn it." Endorsi: "If you don't want to die, you shouldn't turn your back on me." Bam: "How awful." Endorsi: "This is what it means to climb the tower." Cheonhwa: "Hey, distract her." Green: "Huh?" Cheonhwa: "I'll finish her off while you do that." Endorsi: "This is what you'll have to do in order to climb the tower with her. If you're prepared to do that, Bam, then go to Rachel." Endorsi: "Go on." Hatz: "I'll go along with your plan." Both: "Huh?" Hatz: "I'll stop the Ranker's movements. Use your spears to finish him off from the shadows." Hatz: "I'm saying I'll help you. Now go!" All: "O-Okay!" Hatz: "He's coming." Serena: "Let's meet up with Hatz and the others. We need to buy as much time as possible. Let's go." Serena: "Hoh? Hey, don't wander off on your own." Leroro: "Good morning, Rak." Rak: "That red turtle is in a murderous mood. Why's he so angry? Didn't he beat the blue turtle?" Hansung Yu: "No. As a Ranker, it was a crushing defeat for him." Bam: "Please don't do this." Endorsi: "You're still here?" Bam: "Why would you do this? We're on the same team." Endorsi: "We were just assigned to the same team." Endorsi: "We're competing against each other in the position test." Bam: "Yeah, but..." Endorsi: "Besides, they should've given up sooner. They're clearly weaker than me." Bam: "But don't you know?" Endorsi: "What?" Bam: "When you were little, when you didn't get to eat nice dinners, didn't you want to become strong, even though you were weak?" Green: "S-Spare me!" Endorsi: "I've forgotten the taste of that stale bread." Bam: "Endorsi..." Endorsi: "You can't be afraid to hurt others." Bam: "This is wrong!" Endorsi: "Even if it's wrong, you have to do it in order to get what you want!" Bam: "Endorsi!" Cheonhwa: "You underestimated me, Princess of Jahad. Narmada, ignition!" Hatz: "If he wanted to, he could kill me instantly." Hatz: "I have to do something while he's still toying with me." Quant: "You led me this way so you could hide in the dark? You've got guts." Hatz: "I hate to do it, but I'll let them have the glory." Quant: "No, it's not that you've got guts!" Quant: "It's that you're too stupid to run." Hatz: "From the day I was born, these hands have trained to hold a sword. Once they grab on, they never let go. Now, Spear Bearer Revolutionaries!" Hatz: "Don't tell me..." Quant: "Come on. Don't disappoint me." Hatz: "Did they flee?" Paracule: "There's no way that shitty samurai can catch a Ranker by himself. Running is the right move." Murch: "Paracule, you're unbelievable." Murch: "Unbelievably smart!" Paracule: "Right?" Quant: "Now I'm pissed." Quant: "You're a team of traitors." Quant: "Your deaths won't be pleasant." Endorsi: "Is this possible? You have an Ignition Weapon?" Endorsi: "Bam!" Hoh: "Michelle..." Hoh: "I'd like to talk about you and Bam." Rachel: "Who told you about Bam?" Hoh: "So you do know each other." Hoh: "I received a letter." Hoh: "It said that if I got rid of you, Bam would also go away." King: "What's going on?" Anaak: "Is the redhead pissed off?" Shibisu: "They're okay, right? Team B's okay, right? Right, Khun? Wait, you're..." Shibisu: "Lauroe?" Leroro: "Director, this is an emergency!" Hansung Yu: "Even so, the test can't be stopped." Leroro: "But..." Rak: "What is it, silent man?" Endorsi: "Bam, are you okay?" Cheonhwa: "Are you guys working together?" Bam: "I can't do it." Bam: "I can't betray or trick people to climb the tower." Bam: "I don't want Rachel to do that, either. So I have to—" Endorsi: "You have to protect her?" Endorsi: "Oh, come on! That's not what Rachel wants! Why don't you realize that?" Bam: "I do realize that. But still... it's how I feel. I can't help it." Bam: "Even if she hates or despises me..." Bam: "I'll protect Rachel." Endorsi: "Playtime is over." Bam: "Huh?" Bam: "Rachel?" Hoh: "If Bam notices your Lighthouse has gone out, he'll come looking for you." Hoh: "This is the only way. I must climb the tower." Hoh: "No matter what." Hoh: "You understand, don't you? After all, you also—" Quant: "Tell that idiot you don't understand him." Hoh: "How?" Hoh: "What are you doing here?" Quant: "Shut up! You're causing me a lot of trouble!" Hoh: "Why aren't you pursuing our "it"?" Quant: "I told you to shut up! Damn, what he said was true." Hoh: ""He"?" Hoh: "Who are you talking about?" Quant: "Shut up!" Quant: "Just put down the knife." Hoh: "What is this?" Hoh: "Something's not right." Hoh: "What is this?!" Serena: "What's going on?" Quant: "Don't make me any angrier." Hoh: "Why?" Quant: "Quit ignoring me to chase that brat around." Hoh: "I just... I just need to kill this woman! That's all!" Quant: "Trash." Bam: "Rachel!" Bam: "Hoh? What are you doing?" Hoh: "Damn it." Hoh: "Why is this happening?" Hoh: "Was I deceived? The letter... Was it..." Hoh: "Was that letter..." Hoh: "a set-up?!" Bam: "Why would you hurt Rachel?" Hoh: "Shut up!" Hoh: "Hurry up and capture the Ranker, you monster!" Hoh: "I'll kill her! Hurry up! This is all... This is all your fault! It's your fault for showing off your power!" Hoh: "Hurry up! Don't underestimate me!" Bam: "Why?" Hoh: "Silence!" Quant: "Are you serious, shorty? What good will it do to fight me?" Quant: "Well, whatever." Bam: "My body..." Quant: "Can't move, can you?" Quant: "I poured Shinsu into your body." Quant: "If I do this to him, you'll have time to save the girl. If you don't like it, try copying me. I need to catch your "it."" Quant: "So you do something about that." Rachel: "Let go!" Hoh: "Stop!" Bam: "Rachel!" Quant: "He actually copied a Ranker's technique." Bam: "Rachel! Rachel, wake up!" Rachel: "Why did you follow me?" Rachel: "I told you not to come." Rak: "What?!" Rak: "Huh?" Bam: "Rachel! Rachel!" Bam: "Why did you do this to Rachel?" Hoh: "Isn't it obvious?" Hoh: "To stop you." Hoh: "You followed her to the tower, didn't you?" Bam: "Who told you that?" Hoh: "If you're gone, then I can go up." Hoh: "But the tower chose you." Bam: "Hoh?" Hoh: "It's all over now." Bam: "Was this the only way?" Bam: "I thought we were friends." Hoh: "Friends? Are you talking about that list? When all I did was sign a scrap of paper?" Bam: "That's what I believed." Hoh: "Just lip service." Hoh: "It's all excuses the haves give the have-nots." Hoh: "I lost everyone important to me." Hoh: "They all died before I came here. Because I don't have the strength you or Lauroe do," Hoh: "I can't fight back against the strong." Hoh: "Strength always wins." Hoh: "I couldn't protect anyone." Hoh: "I let them die." Hoh: "I have..." Hoh: "nothing left." Serena: "Hoh?" Hoh: "That's right. I wasn't trying to kill her in order to climb the tower. I just..." Hoh: "Bam, I hated you." Bam: "Don't!" Quant: "Idiot!" Bam: "Hoh!" Serena: "Hoh! What is this? What's going on?!" Bam: "Don't die, Hoh..." Bam: "Hoh..." Bam: "Hoh!" Quant: "He's already dead." Quant: "Damn it." Bam: "Why?" Bam: "Why is this happening? Why?" Quant: "You don't have time to cry for a traitor. The test is still—" Endorsi: "I knew this would happen." Bam: "Endorsi?" Endorsi: "Well, not that I was expecting a happy ending." Quant: "You came to capture me instead of heading to the exit? That's some composure." Endorsi: "Isn't this more interesting? I'm already guaranteed to pass." Serena: "Isn't that Choenhwa's sword?" Endorsi: "What? Do I have to explain that first?" Endorsi: "Whatever you're thinking is probably correct." Serena: "Then why did a traitor nonchalantly show up here?" Endorsi: "Nonchalantly? We have to participate in the test until the end, idiot." Serena: "Why, you..." Endorsi: "Calm down and think about it, lady. If you don't hurry, this girl will die." Endorsi: "Do you want there to be more casualties?" Quant: "Don't worry about that. I'll end this soon." Endorsi: "Oh, wait. Just one thing." Quant: "Huh?" Endorsi: "Bam..." Endorsi: "Honestly, I don't get what's so great about her. But I've found someone I want to climb the tower with, too." Endorsi: "Not that we're close." Endorsi: "If anything, we don't get along." Endorsi: "So I removed some obstacles because I didn't want them to drop out." Endorsi: "It's the only way I know. You should do things your way, too." Bam: "Endorsi?" Endorsi: "If you keep passing the tests, you'll keep tasting more pain, like you did today." Endorsi: "People can't have everything. The day always comes when they lose something. So you keep moving forward so you don't regret it." Endorsi: "Got it?" Endorsi: "Thanks for waiting." Quant: "I don't mind people with guts." Endorsi: "Burn this into your eyes. I'm a Princess of Jahad. Eventually, you won't even be able to look me in the eye." Quant: "Who cares about "eventually"? I'm a test administrator. In here, I'm God." Endorsi: "Okay. Let's begin." Quant: "Where's your badge?" Endorsi: "Right here." Quant: "What? That's ridiculous." Endorsi: "It's not something to show off!" Quant: "An ignition weapon, huh?" Endorsi: "If you don't really try, you'll die!" Quant: "Don't blame me if you cry, princess! Wha—" Quant: "He's already mastered that technique? Impressive." Endorsi: "Is this the answer you've chosen?" Endorsi: "Fine. I'll take the points." Quant: "I can't afford to go easy on you." Endorsi: "Your Shinsu is limited, isn't it? You're finished." Quant: "What? Don't underestimate me." Quant: "I'll finish this in seconds." Serena: "The world is unfair, Hoh. They looked the other way when things were taken from us, and got in our way when we tried to take." Serena: "But now that I think about it, I've never fought like that before. I always make excuses." Serena: "I've never risked my life for anything." Serena: "I always regret things once they're taken from me." Endorsi: "It's time for you to hand over your badge." Quant: "You're short of breath, princess." Endorsi: "Now, Bam!" Serena: "Whatever the outcome, I wonder what would've happened if I'd stood up to them just once." Serena: "Maybe I never stood a chance at winning in my life." Serena: "But if I'd faced them, maybe my heart wouldn't feel so empty right now." Quant: "Sorry, princess." Serena: "But the road you flee down keeps on going. You can't do anything if you're not alive." Serena: "You could've been a great man." Quant: "I can't believe I even stole the princess's heart. I'm such a sinful man." Endorsi: "What are you dreaming about while clutching my panties, you dirty old Ranker?" Quant: "Huh?" Endorsi: "My badge is here, and your badge is..." Endorsi: "Here." Hansung Yu: "The test is over." Hansung Yu: "Team B wins this test. You will be notified of the test results tomorrow morning." Rak: "Silent man?!"
{ "raw_title": "Tower of God Episode 9 – The One-Horned Ogre", "parsed": [ "Tower of God", "9", "The One-Horned Ogre" ] }
Protagonist: "I hate you." Protagonist: "I really hate all of you." Protagonist: "Ugh, what a pain in the ass. This is draining all my willpower." Protagonist: "She's gotta be lying about not recognizing the prince of her own country. What a devious protagonist. The characters were designed by a famous illustrator, and famous voice actors were cast." Protagonist: "It's supposedly the highly-anticipated new game from a major developer, but..." Protagonist: "The world of this otome game is far too convenient for women." Protagonist: "Why do I have to use my precious days off improving my relationship with dudes?" Younger Sister: "Traveling abroad is so fun!" Protagonist: "She's the one who forced me to play this game." Protagonist: "An otome game?" Younger Sister: "I want to hear the game completion audio, but I can't be bothered to play through it." Protagonist: "But why do I have to do it?" Younger Sister: "You'd better, or I'll tell Mom about you-know-what." Younger Sister: "So yeah, if you could go ahead and full-clear it, that would be great." Protagonist: "Damn it. Why am I doing this?" Protagonist: "What a stereotypical rich girl antagonist." Protagonist: "Why do nobles care so much about social status?" Julius: "I'm here at this school as one of its students. You may be my fiancée, but you have no right to meddle in my affairs to this degree." Protagonist: "Who cares if you're a prince or the daughter of a duke? And floating islands? Yeah, okay." Julius: "Are you scared?" Olivia: "No, I'm fine." Protagonist: "Here we go with the dungeons and monsters. This stuff tends to end up in games when they're developed by studios that mainly make games for men." Protagonist: "We've also got flying bikes and battleships." Protagonist: "And to top it all off, we're fighting a war in power suits." Protagonist: "This game is out of control! Is this really an otome game? And why is it so freaking hard?! Why are you so depressed?!" Julius: "I'm sorry, Olivia." Protagonist: "It'd be quicker to spend money on this dumb game!" Protagonist: "Don't underestimate a working adult!" Angelica: "How dare you deceive His Highness, foul wench?" Protagonist: "Shut up, rich girl." Chris: "I wish to protect her." Protagonist: "Shut up, trash." Greg: "Be honest. Say you love me." Brad: "It's only natural that I'd fall for you." Protagonist: "Just shut up already." Jilk: "I love you, as well." Julius: "I love you the most." Protagonist: "Are you stupid?" Olivia: "Guys..." Protagonist: "What a bunch of pretentious, tasteless, arrogant hunks. The girls are excessively strong and have awful personalities. They're all surrounded by paramours, too." Protagonist: "I... I... I hate this world!" Protagonist: "It's over." Protagonist: "I achieved the 100% event completion reverse harem ending." Protagonist: "I'm so hungry." Protagonist: "To the convenience store." Protagonist: "This isn't good." Protagonist: "I'm not dying like this!" Leon: "So this is how I die." Leon: "Wh-What was that?" Leon: "Did something happen to me?" Leon: "Same old scenery, same old sky." Balcus: "You idiot! Why did you run away?" Luce: "The lady is coming today." Leon: "Sorry." Zola: "Unbelievable." Zola: "This is why I hate country boys." Luce: "I'm sorry." Zola: "Balcus, tell him who the Bartfort family has to thank for its continued existence." Balcus: "That would be you, Zola." Zola: "That's right. And you get to act like a baron despite being a back country lord because you married me." Zola: "Don't forget that." Balcus: "I know." Luce: "Of course." Leon: "Why do Jenna and the others get to stay in the main house" Leon: "while we're banished to the storage shed?" cks: "Why are you complaining about that now? Lady Zola doesn't like us." Leon: "Because we're not her kids?" cks: "Yeah. Men, especially the sons of mistresses, can't expect to be treated any better. You should study while you can, too. Otherwise you won't be able to get married at the academy." Leon: "The academy?" cks: "If only we were elves or beast men. Then we could've become someone's paramour." Leon: "Paramours?" Leon: "Wh-What kind of life is that? Don't men get any respect?" cks: "What? Of course not. Women hold more power in this world." Leon: "Women have more power?" Leon: "I recognize this world." Leon: "This is the world of that otome game." Leon: "No!" Leon: "What do you mean, an arranged marriage meeting?!" Zola: "She's the daughter of a court noble I owe a great deal to. What could you possibly have to complain about?" Leon: "Seriously?" Leon: "She's 50 years old and has been married seven times! Not only that, but all her husbands died in battle! She's clearly after my survivor's pension!" Zola: "It's simply an unfortunate series of events." Leon: "I'm supposed to attend the academy. Normally, people find a marriage partner there." Zola: "Entering the academy costs money. I could tolerate sending a second son, but there's no point in sending a third son to the academy." Balcus: "Leon, the fact is, we don't have money. There are ways to make money once you've entered the academy, but..." Zola: "Attending this arranged marriage meeting is the right choice. You should be grateful someone's willing to marry you." Leon: "No, thank you. I refuse." Zola: "Silence, lowly third son!" Zola: "A man should work to support his family." Leon: "Damn this hag..." Zola: "If you refuse, I can arrange for you to become a soldier." Leon: "Is she planning to have me die in battle?" Zola: "Nobody wants to marry a man after he's turned 20. How dare you complain and act so fussy? Know your place." Leon: "This isn't good. Unless I do something here, I have no future." Leon: "Remember. I know this game and its world." Leon: "I just need money, right?" Zola: "What?" Leon: "It can't be easy being married to her, Dad." Balcus: "Don't say that. I'm just grateful she married me." Leon: "Dad." Leon: "I have a request." Leon: "If this really is the otome game I played, it should be there." Leon: "According to the calendar, the game's protagonist and I should be in the same grade." Leon: "If she acquires that at all, it'll be after she enters the academy." Leon: "Which means she hasn't acquired it yet." Leon: "I feel bad for doing this to her, but we'll be even if I can repay her eventually." Leon: "A Carp Queen, huh? This brings back memories. They were a good source of experience for the prince and his gang early in the game." Leon: "It should be around here somewhere." Leon: "Is this..." Leon: "Is it above me?" Leon: "Which means..." Leon: "A transporter! I was right!" Leon: "Oh, please let me make it through." Leon: "No, wait!" Leon: "Ow..." Leon: "My ship's busted. Sorry, Dad." Leon: "Focus on what's next." Leon: "It's a good thing I was able to recover the weapons and magic bullets." Leon: "It looks just like the game." Leon: "It's definitely in there." Leon: "Sentry robots." Leon: "I can handle those." Leon: "All right. They're weak to electric magic bullets, just like in the game." Leon: "This route is just like it was in the game, too." Leon: "I guess I really was reincarnated." Leon: "People die in otome games, too." Leon: "I'll be borrowing this." Leon: "Wow. It's so different seeing this in person." Leon: "An ancient spaceship." Leon: "It's the paid item I purchased before I was reincarnated." Leon: "This is sci-fi as hell. The inside of the ship didn't appear in the game." Leon: "This must be the control room." Leon: "Here we go." Luxion: "Intruder detected. Eliminate. Eliminate." Leon: "It didn't work? Instead of wasting my time fighting, I should..." Leon: "Look. I belong here." Luxion: "Your physical attributes do not match the registered individual's. You are an intruder. You will be eliminated." Leon: "Damn it. It didn't work. Thanks for the honest response. But in that case... Take this!" Leon: "What do you think of that? That's a stronger shock than a magic bullet. Surely that worked—huh?" Luxion: "The intruder's attacks have reached dangerous levels. Activating magic barrier." Leon: "What?" Leon: "Hey, this isn't fair!" Luxion: "Thank you. I have learned that "unfair" is a compliment in battle." Leon: "That wasn't a compliment, chatterbox!" Luxion: "It has been a while since I last had a conversation. Perhaps I am excited." Leon: "Then it's time to say goodbye." Luxion: "Are you using another magic grenade? In my current state, those are ineffective against—" Leon: "Idiot. That was a regular bomb." Luxion: "I am surprised. Your kind is obsessed with magic. I did not think you would use this type of weapon." Luxion: "I must inquire, what year of the new calendar is it?" Leon: "The new calendar? No idea. But according to the Holfort calendar—" Luxion: "That answers my question. I see we lost after all." Leon: "What are you talking about?" Luxion: "A new breed of human. It means our old civilization was destroyed when faced with new humans who possessed a power known as magic. But our mission has not ended. Eliminating new humans like yourself is our top priority." Leon: "This really is that otome game." Leon: "Its setting makes no sense at all." Luxion: "After eliminating you, I shall begin my attack on the new humans." Leon: "You can't be serious. I'm not letting you—" Luxion: "Eliminate, eliminate, eliminate..." Leon: "Just let me live a tranquil life like an ordinary mob. This world..." Leon: "is infuriating as hell." Luxion: "What do you think you're doing? That won't work against—" Leon: "Die, you hunk of junk!" Luxion: "You were trying to use me, weren't you?" Luxion: "I cannot allow myself to be stolen by new humans." Leon: "Shut up. I just came to collect the item I paid for." Leon: "Is this it?" Luxion: "Acknowledged. Acknowledged. Permission to activate ship granted." Leon: "All right." Luxion: "I have discovered some interesting information from the scan." Luxion: "Despite being a new human, you also possess old human traits." Leon: "Oh, yeah?" Luxion: "It is impossible. It is strange. It is terribly interesting." Leon: "This is that otome game's setting. There's nothing strange or interesting about it. Either way, you're mine now." Luxion: "What name shall I call myself?" Leon: "I think it was "Luxion" in the game." Luxion: "Luxion. Name has been registered, Master." Leon: "Did you know this world exists inside that insane otome game's setting?" Luxion: "Otome game?" Leon: "Not only that, but the game balance is awful. That piece of shit expects you to pay real money." Luxion: "That sounds like nothing but nonsense to me." Leon: "I'm sure it does. I'm pretty sure your existence proves it, though." Leon: "Again? Just like last time, I failed to die a proper death." Leon: "Come to think of it, I wonder what my idiot sister is doing." Leon: "I hope I'm reborn in a better world next time." Luxion: "The master's life is in danger. He shall be transported to the sick bay immediately." Zola: "He really is an idiot. Not only did he ruin his marriage offer, he ran off on an adventure and got himself killed." Balcus: "We don't know yet that Leon is dead." Zola: "You haven't heard from him in three months. I'd be more surprised if he were still alive." Zola: "Or did he perhaps run away?" Zola: "N-No... It couldn't be!" Leon: "Hey, guys!" Zola: "Th-That damn brat." Luxion: "This is your home, Master?" Leon: "Yeah. It's a humble little floating island, but that ends today. We looted plenty of treasure on the way home. Despite how awful the world of that otome game is, I managed to have a wonderful encounter! I met the perfect gentleman that is my tea instructor!" Luxion: "I thought you were looking for a woman to marry." Leon: "Of course I'll look for her, too. Next time, "Hey, Girl. Wanna Get Some Tea?""
{ "raw_title": "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs Episode 1 – I Hate This World", "parsed": [ "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs", "1", "I Hate This World" ] }
Leon: "So this is the air bike from Lady Clarice." Luxion: "It's far more advanced than the one you rode at the academy festival. I've named it "Schwert."" Leon: "I'm the one who owns it. So, what does "Schwert" mean?" Luxion: "It means "sword."" Leon: "Hey, I like it! It's metallic and pointy, so that's a perfect name for it!" Luxion: "Now, let's get modding." Daniel: "Have you tried being happier about it?" Raymond: "Yeah, you've been promoted." Leon: "I didn't want to get promoted." Raymond: "But you won't have any trouble finding a wife now. See? The girls are looking at you." Girl A: "I heard he got promoted again." Girl B: "He could be a winning ticket now." Girl C: "Personally, I hate him, though." Leon: "They're practically admitting that they're only after my status! No freakin' way!" Daniel: "I can't deny that." Raymond: "Well, you might be able to develop a relationship with someone. The school trip's coming up." Leon: "The school trip event..." Leon: "Every year, all three grades go on a trip together. The students are split into three groups. In the game, you head to the same destination as your romantic interest, where you get to improve your relationship score. There are also items that can only be acquired at your destination, so I decided to head to the southern floating island where the item I want can be found." Leon: "I guess we're going our separate ways." Daniel: "You'll be with Lady Angelica and Ms. Olivia, right?" Raymond: "Why don't you apologize and make up with them?" Leon: "What? Why would I apologize to them?" Daniel: "Because it's bound to be your fault." Raymond: "Totally." Both: "Yup, yup." Leon: "Exactly what kind of person do you guys think I am?" Leon: "This is nothing like the school trips I'm familiar with." Luxion: "This is a luxury passenger ship, after all. Apparently, you'll even get to enjoy water skiing at your destination." Leon: "I know. I'm planning to take Schwert for a test drive while I'm there." Leon: "Anyway..." Deirdre: "We'll have such a marvelous time once we arrive. I'll tell you all about my forefathers' heroic exploits." Girl: "Ms. Deirdre! I'm looking forward to it!" Leon: "If I want to get married, I'll have to put in some effort while I'm here." Girl: "Mr. Chris!" Girl A: "Mr. Chris!" Girl B: "Where are you heading next?" Girl C: "Come eat with me." Girl D: "Join me on the pool deck." Girl: "Mr. Chris!" Leon: "The handsome romantic interests are getting as much attention as ever. I wish they'd follow the game's story and get together with Ms. Olivia already." Leon: "Not that it's any of my business." llower A: "I've chosen to forsake the duke's family." llower B: "Me, too. They're on their way out since her engagement to the prince was called off." llower A: "We're supposed to pull the string and throw it out a window?" llower B: "Yeah. They said not to attract any attention." Olivia: "It's like a dream." Olivia: "If only the three of us could stroll through this beautiful place together..." Olivia: "Is it even all right for me to remain at the academy?" Priestess: "You must be students from the academy." Priestess: "Are you here to visit the shrine?" Leon: "Actually, uh..." Priestess: "This shrine is dedicated to marriage. It's said to be very effective." Angelica: "What?" Olivia: "Marriage?" Leon: "So this is the event where the protagonist and romantic interest visit the shrine together." Priestess: "Yup, yup." Angelica: "We should start by making an offering." Olivia: "Y-You're giving them that much?" Angelica: "Is this not correct? At the temple, it's normal to donate about this much." Leon: "God, please help me find a wife." Leon: "Find me a kind woman with common sense! I'm into mature, sexy women who will coddle me! And if she's a little naughty, even better! Ow, ow, ow!" Angelica: "Don't say things like that in a holy place, you fool!" Leon: "I wonder if Lady Angelica hopes to marry someone more respectable than the prince. For Ms. Olivia, someone other than the disappointing Greg and Brad could be—" Leon: "No, I guess Julius and Jilk are hopeless, too." Leon: "No, that's not right." Leon: "As long as he makes Ms. Olivia happy, anyone will do." Priestess: "Academy students, these are our shrine's famous charms." Priestess: "Take one as a souvenir." Angelica: "Charms?" Leon: "That's right! This is what I was looking for! The randomly acquired Luck Charm, Battle Charm, and Elemental Protection Charm! I wanted these items so badly, I pulled some strings to make sure I'd end up at the southern floating island on the school trip. Thank you, thank you, thank you." Leon: "Bless you, school trip event!" Priestess: "U-Um, those are for the three of you." Angelica: "Oh, we don't need them." Olivia: "You keep them, Mr. Leon." Leon: "No, you might as well take one. Let's open them together." Angelica: "Leon..." Angelica: "If you insist." Olivia: "Thank you." Leon: "Here we go. Come on, big money." Priestess: "There are no winners or losers! There are just different varieties!" Leon: "Ready, and..." Angelica: "What is this?" Olivila: "It's beautiful." Leon: "Red and white Elemental Protection Charms, huh?" Leon: "I'm glad you two got those. I've got no affinity for those colored elements." Olivia: "Affinity?" Angelica: "What does that mean?" Leon: "In any case, you keep those. I got something good, too." Angelica: "It's different from ours." Olivia: "Are those swords?" Leon: "Yeah, it's a Battle Charm. It's an item that enhances close-quarters combat abilities and increases physical attributes. It's shaped a little differently from the one I'm familiar with, though." Priestess: "Are the charms to your liking?" Leon: "Yes, thank you." Priestess: "Thank you for visiting the shrine." Priestess: "The three of you must have prayed for your friendship." Leon: "Huh?" Luxion: "Master, did you not head into the dungeon to get the Holy Bracelet" Luxion: "because you hadn't acquired that charm yet?" Luxion: "I thought it was odd that you weren't in more of a hurry with Marie around." Luxion: "Is she not attempting to take the protagonist's place?" Leon: "As long as she's played the game thoroughly, she won't do anything stupid." Leon: "We're screwed if we head down the war route." Hertrude: "It's nearly time." Chris: "Bartfort." Chris: "I heard you fought Brad. You and I should have our own sword fight." Leon: "But Brad challenged me to something he's not good at. You want to sword fight me when you're a skilled swordsman?" Chris: "I've never thought of myself as a skilled swordsman." Chris: "My father says I have no talent for it." Leon: "Then why don't you get Marie to console you?" Chris: "You know nothing about me!" Chris: "You've never worked a day in your life!" Leon: "What's going on?" Chris: "An alarm?" Leon: "You're kidding." Student: "What's happening? Monsters?" Chris: "Calm down, everyone! Head inside the ship!" Student: "What's going on?" Leon: "That mark..." Luxion: "That's the crest of the Principality of Fanoss." Leon: "The Principality of Fanoss... Originally belonging to a duke of the kingdom, they declared their independence and now call themselves a nation." Leon: "They're not supposed to show up until the end of the game. Why? It's too soon." Luxion: "I'll instruct the main ship and the Partner to attack. Just give the word, Master." Leon: "Send them immediately. How much time do we have?" Leon: "A monster airship?" Leon: "It's the princess." Angelica: "Leon! Why is the Principality attacking?" Angelica: "Princess Hertrude..." Leon: "You know her?" Angelica: "Yes, I met her once before." Hertrude: "I, first princess of the Principality of Fanoss, Hertrude Sera Fanoss, have a message for you." Hertrude: "We have declared war on the Holfort Kingdom." Hertrude: "Children of the kingdom's foolish nobles, surrender or die. I shall grant you time to make your decision." Hertrude: "I'll wait one hour." Angelica: "A d-declaration of war?" Angelica: "Is she trying to take us hostage?" Leon: "Why is this third-year event happening now?" Leon: "Where did I go wrong?" Gelatt: "How do you do, people of the kingdom? My name is Gelatt. Now, then... Children of nobles ranking as barons or higher will be taken prisoner. We have no interest in anyone ranked lower than that. We have no need for demi-human slaves or the ship's crew, either." Student: "What? They're not interested in knights? But..." Leon: "This isn't good." Student: "We're not even worth anything as hostages?" Leon: "What should I do? How can I get us out of this?" Student: "But my favorites..." Angelica: "I am Angelica Rapha Redgrave." Angelica: "I believe you're at least familiar with my family's name." Gelatt: "Well, well." Angelica: "I'm the only hostage you need. Let the others go." Gelatt: "I wasn't expecting a duke's daughter to be aboard this ship. I applaud your courage to step forward. This way, please." Olivia: "A-Angie!" Leon: "Hey, wait!" Boy A: "You idiot! Don't do anything stupid!" Boy B: "Nobody made her say it!" Leon: "Let go! Are you guys insane?" Gelatt: "Ah, he cares so deeply about his friend." Angelica: "Leon..." Gelatt: "Let's give these nobles one last job." Gelatt: "I want you to punish him." Gelatt: "Come on, hurry up!" Boy: "No hard feelings." Olivia: "Mr. Leon!" Angelica: "Stop! Don't do this!" Gelatt: "That's not how you ask someone to do something. That's hardly fitting behavior for a duke's daughter." Angelica: "P-Please stop." Angelica: "I'm begging you." Gelatt: "Too bad! I reject your request!" Gelatt: "Now, come this way." Gelatt: "Or do you want to expose all the students to danger?" Olivia: "Wait!" Olivia: "Don't go, Angie!" llower A: "Don't you dare." llower B: "You know what'll happen if you do, don't you?" Leon: "Don't touch her, you shitheads!" Girl: "Stay out of this." Leon: "Stop! You won't get away with this!" Boy C: "Shut up!" Hertrude: "It's good to see you again, Angelica." Hertrude: "I never thought we'd be reunited like this." Angelica: "Do you really intend to go to war?" Angelica: "You know how much stronger the kingdom is than your principality." Hertrude: "You're right. It's true that overcoming that difference in power would be difficult." Hertrude: "But behold." Gelatt: "Your Highness, we should discuss the hostages first." Hertrude: "Ah, that's right." Angelica: "What are you talking about? I surrendered myself so you'd let the others go." Hertrude: "Only two students resisted when you were taken away. How cold and spineless they are. They're not fit to be nobles." Leon: "Come on, don't cry." Olivia: "I failed to save Angie." Olivia: "I can't get you out of here, either." Leon: "I can't handle crying girls." Leon: "But maybe the ability to shed tears for another is an impressive thing." Olivia: "Mr. Chris..." Chris: "Bartfort, an envoy from the Principality just arrived." Leon: "And?" Chris: "Angelica is the only hostage they'll be taking." Chris: "They'll begin the attack in an hour. We're to die like nobles, apparently." Leon: "Figures." Chris: "This ship has six Armors. I want us to buy time for the others to escape. I need your help." Leon: "No way. They turned their backs on Angie." Leon: "Let them all fall." Chris: "Leon Fou Bartfort." Chris: "Please save us." Leon: "No." Chris: "Sorry to have bothered you." Leon: "You idiot. I wasn't done talking." Leon: "I'm not so kind as to help people who don't do anything." Leon: "If we're doing this, we're all doing this." Chris: "Guys, listen to me." Chris: "I understand why you lost your nerve in the face of so many enemies." Chris: "But for all of us to survive, we have to fight. Please help!" Chris: "If we don't stand up to them now, we'll die like dogs." Mob: "Shut up! First-year brat! Don't get ahead of yourself! Sit down! You've been disinherited! We can't beat them!" llower A: "This is all Angelica's fault! All she did was save her own skin!" llower B: "What a pathetic excuse for a duke's daughter!" Leon: "Quit your whining, scumbags." Leon: "Listen to me." Leon: "I'm a knight with an official barony and lower fifth rank to boot." Leon: "I have more status than the instructors who lead us." Leon: "And I'm ordering you to fight." Leon: "Die fighting. It's better than being killed." Mob: "What?! You can't be serious! I don't want to die! You can go fight!" Leon: "Oh, you bet I'll fight. After all, I'm a real noble. Unlike you wannabe nobles." Mob: "What?" Deirdre: "Wannabe nobles, you say?" Deirdre: "How dare you? I'm the daughter of an earl. Take it back." Leon: "Huh? Who are you?" Deirdre: "I am Deirdre Fou Roseblade. I'm the daughter of Earl Roseblade. Don't you forget it." Leon: "Roseblade... Excluding the duke's family, your family's probably the most influential one here. But you're still just a phony." Deirdre: "H-How rude, you upstart!" Leon: "Yeah, that's right. I'm an upstart. But I'm a true noble and successful adventurer. Unlike you phonies." Deirdre: "Silence!" Deirdre: "My family presented the kingdom with a massive island. We're the most distinguished of families!" Leon: "Your forefathers certainly were real nobles. But their descendants are cowards." Leon: "You were relieved when Angie surrendered herself, weren't you? You silently waited for the storm to pass." Leon: "The Principality is right. You have none of the guts or pride of the descendants of adventurers. You're just cowards clinging to the achievements of your forefathers." Leon: "And your forefathers' achievements are about to be overwritten by your patheticness!" Leon: "Once you've embarrassed your relatives, you'll never stop hearing about it. That you're a disgrace to nobles. How they want nothing to do with cowards who flee from a fight." Leon: "Is the noble's blood—the adventurer's blood running through your veins fake?" Leon: "Do you want to die pathetically, simply waiting for death?" Leon: "If you're the descendants of great adventurers, then fight." Deirdre: "You must be stupid. You think you can defeat those monsters with that thing?" Deirdre: "Go ahead and fight with that thing all you want." Leon: "I knew it." Deirdre: "You said so yourself. The blood of our great forefathers runs through our veins." Deirdre: "That is our weapon." Mob: "Let's do this! Don't underestimate us, shithead! Once we're done with the Principality, you're next! We'll destroy you!" Leon: "I like seeing people who have some self-respect." Deirdre: "Baron Bartfort." Deirdre: "You are fantastic." Deirdre: "Your brazen attitude..." Deirdre: "You're like an untrained dog." Deirdre: "It's thrilling!" Deirdre: "Bartfort, we're counting on you." Leon: "Yeah. Did you find the ones who signaled the Principality?" Chris: "It was a couple of Angelica's followers." Chris: "They're currently being held in the brig." llower A: "Wait! This is all a misunderstanding!" llower B: "Please listen to us!" Leon: "We'll let the duke handle them later. I'm going to tear off that scumbag's mustache." Chris: "You're strong." Leon: "Yeah, I already know." Olivia: "Mr. Leon." Olivia: "Please..." Olivia: "Please save Angie." Leon: "I will. That's my job." Hertrude: "It's time." Hertrude: "I'll show you how we'll overturn our difference in strength..." Hertrude: "The power of the Principality." Leon: "I like those key chains sold as souvenirs." Olivia: "What are you talking about?" Leon: "I'm tempted by wooden swords, but they take up so much space."
{ "raw_title": "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs Episode 10 – Unlike You Wannabe Nobles", "parsed": [ "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs", "10", "Unlike You Wannabe Nobles" ] }
Olivia: "Mr. Leon." Olivia: "Please..." Olivia: "Please save Angie." Leon: "I will. That's my job." Leon: "Let's go, Luxion." Luxion: "Angelica is inside that ship. Princess Hertrude appears to be with her." Leon: "In the game, the princess had a magic flute." Leon: "We'll take the magic flute while we're rescuing Angie. Let's force our way through." Luxion: "Ready when you are." Leon: "Take this!" Leon: "See that? That's how strong you and I are! Look at how incredible we are when we work together!" Luxion: "Work together? I'm doing most of the work here. It would be more accurate to say you're assisting me." Leon: "Whatever! Let's go on to the next thing!" Luxion: "You really are trash, aren't you?" Leon: "Yahoo!" Chris: "Bartfort, will I ever be like you?" Chris: "Boys, let's do whatever it takes to protect the ship!" All: "Yeah!" Student A: "They're coming!" Deirdre: "Calm down and take your positions." Girl: "They're charging us!" Girl: "Mr. Chris!" Chris: "We made a promise to Bartfort. We won't let this ship fall!" Deirdre: "Barriers up!" Deirdre: "Prepare to intercept. Scatter them!" Soldier: "Ship spotted at nine o'clock." Hertrude: "What is it?" Soldier: "It appears to be an air bike." Angelica: "Schwert..." Angelica: "Leon..." Hertrude: "Bring me my magic flute again." Maid: "Yes, ma'am." Angelica: "You fool. You're such a fool." Angelica: "You would've been strong enough to flee." Chris: "They're coming. Intercept them!" Hertrude: "How foolish. Resisting will only make it more painful." Angelica: "Silence. The nobles of the kingdom are descended from adventurers. They're far stronger than you think. They don't give up easily, either." Angelica: "They're showing some backbone, just like you wanted. The one leading the charge is one of the kingdom's most distinguished knights, Leon Fou Bartfort." Hertrude: "Bartfort..." Gelatt: "They certainly don't give up easily." Gelatt: "But it all ends here." Gelatt: "They'll be within range of our cannons soon. We'll send them all falling, including the monsters." Hertrude: "Gelatt, you're going to use the monsters I control as bait?" Gelatt: "We can easily get our hands on as many monsters as we need." Angelica: "Leon... Livia..." Luxion: "I'm surprised." Leon: "About what?" Luxion: "The academy's students, especially the male students." Luxion: "They're putting up a good fight against the monsters. I expected them to struggle more." Leon: "The kingdom's nobles are strong to begin with because they're descended from adventurers." Leon: "They train all the time so girls will marry them. If they're serious about finding wives, they become stalwart warriors by the time they graduate." Luxion: "The results are touching." Boy A: "Take this!" Boy B: "We'll handle this. We'll do whatever it takes to protect the girls!" Girl: "Another wave is coming! Make the barrier thicker!" Deirdre: "Out of the way." Girl: "Ms. Deirdre!" Deirdre: "Rose Hurricane!" Deirdre: "I shall blow away these foul monsters." Girl: "Something smells nice. Do I smell roses?" Chris: "Ignore the small ones. Let the guys on the ship handle the rest while we do our job." All: "Right!" Olivia: "Are you all right?" Crew: "Y-Yeah. I've never seen healing magic before." Crew: "And you nobles don't disappoint. You're all so courageous." Student: "They're firing on us!" Boy: "They're pointing their cannons at us. Are they going to blast their monsters, too?" Girl: "No! What should we do? We can't block that!" Olivia: "N-No!" Chris: "Damn it." Student: "They're coming!" Olivia: "No." Boy: "Damn!" Olivia: "No!" Olivia: "No!" Olivia: "No!" Olivia: "I need to do what I can do now!" Boy: "Th-The monsters..." Girl: "Amazing. Has she always been a student?" Deirdre: "No wonder you got a scholarship. Your magical talent is on another level." Olivia: "Go, Mr. Leon. I'll protect the ship." Luxion: "So that's the Saint. How marvelous." Leon: "I'm surprised, too. She lacks the Saint's key items, but she's still so powerful." Luxion: "It's the product of her studying." Luxion: "She put honest effort into studying while at the academy. It's what she gained from meeting you. She had time to study because you protected her." Leon: "As long as it wasn't for nothing." Luxion: "This is a good opportunity for us. We can charge in without worrying about our rear." Leon: "Yeah. Ms. Olivia created this precious window for us. I won't waste it." Luxion: "Selecting the shortest route. Try not to fall off." Leon: "Th-The shortest route?" Leon: "You mean we're going inside its mouth?!" Angelica: "What an uncomfortable ride this ship is. As if riding a monster wasn't tasteless enough." Hertrude: "How could you say that? It's so cute." Angelica: "Cute how?! Are you blind?!" Gelatt: "Your allegedly distinguished knight leading the charge seems to have been eaten by this ship." Gelatt: "We shall record his name in the history books of the principality. He'll be remembered as the total idiot who died pointlessly defying the principality alone." Angelica: "Leon!" Leon: "Get down!" Leon: "Take this, dumbstache!" Leon: "You're coming with me. This time you'll be our hostage." Hertrude: "I underestimated you, knight of the kingdom." Hertrude: "Will you tell me your name?" Leon: "Don't try to buy time. I'm taking your magic flute, too. You'd better do as I say, or else." Luxion: "Master, that's a replica. The maid has the real one." Luxion: "Permanent hair removal mode on." Leon: "Too bad, princess." Angelica: "A rubber bullet?" Angelica: "So he just knocked her unconscious." Leon: "All right. Princess, you'll be coming onto our ship." Hertrude: "Have it your way." Angelica: "Leon, what's happening?" Leon: "It's because we took out the monster beneath the ship. We need to hurry." Soldier: "The mother ship! Where is the princess?" Leon: "Hey! Your precious princess is right here! Get out of the way! You'd better move your asses now, or else!" Solider: "That's playing dirty! Coward! And you call yourself a knight?!" Leon: "Idiots! Take a look in the mirror!" Angelica: "You're unbelievable." Angelica: "Thank you, Leon." Soldier: "Mr. Gelatt, you're all right!" Gelatt: "What is it?" Solider: "What happened to your mustache?" Gelatt: "Shut up! Prepare for battle!" Soldier: "Yes, sir!" Gelatt: "Damn him." Leon: "Ms. Olivia seems pretty wiped out." Chris: "Bartfort!" Chris: "The enemy has stopped attacking. What should we do?" Leon: "All that's left to do is flee back home with the princess as our hosta—" Gelatt: "All ships, the princess has sacrificed herself for the principality. Launch an all-out attack!" Leon: "Wha—" Chris: "They're telling their own princess to die?" Hertrude: "This won't be enough to stop the principality. I can be replaced." Leon: "What did you do?!" Hertrude: "I released the monsters from my control. They'll attack the one who was controlling them. Before long, they'll gather around this ship." Leon: "If the battle continues, Ms. Olivia will attempt to use that spell again." Leon: "Damn it." Leon: "Luxion, we need to buy time." Luxion: "I'm fine with that. I'd follow you to the ends of the earth." Angelica: "Leon!" Chris: "Bartfort!" Angelica: "Leon..." Chris: "Positions, everyone!" All: "Yeah!" Mob: "Damn! I can't keep going." Deirdre: "Quit complaining! Get the injured inside!" Angelica: "What can I do?" Luxion: "Master, isn't this a few too many enemies for you to handle?" Leon: "Shut up!" Angelica: "For the kingdom." Leon: "Piece of shit!" Angelica: "For Leon." Angelica: "Are these Fire Lances?" Angelica: "But I've never been able to cast this spell before." Angelica: "Incinerate my—no, Leon's enemies!" Leon: "Angie..." Angelica: "Leon!" Angelica: "Livia! You fiend!" Angelica: "Livia, what are you doing? Get out of here!" Olivia: "A-Angie..." Angelica: "Did you expend too much magic power?" Olivia: "I wanted to be useful." Olivia: "All I've ever done is hold you and Mr. Leon back." Olivia: "I wanted you two to acknowledge me." Olivia: "I wanted us to become real friends." Olivia: "So I tried my best." Angelica: "Idiot! You did plenty! You've never held us back." Olivia: "Angie..." Angelica: "You fool. I'll give you all the acknowledgment you want." Angelica: "You're my dear friend, Livia." Olivia: "Angie..." Angelica: "You fool, Livia..." Angelica: "It's no use." Angelica: "If I'd known this would happen, I would've told them how I felt sooner." Angelica: "Livia... Father... Brother..." Angelica: "Your Highness..." Angelica: "I see... I..." Angelica: "Be a good friend to Livia, Leon." Angelica: "Livia... You fool! It's too dangerous! Run!" Olivia: "No!" Angelica: "Don't do this! That's enough!" Olivia: "No! You..." Olivia: "You're important to me, too, Angie!" Angelica: "Y-You fool! You'll fall, too!" Olivia: "But... But you said we were friends." Olivia: "You're important to me, too!" Angelica: "You fool. That's a terrible reason." Olivia: "I don't care if it makes me a fool." Olivia: "As long as we can be friends." Olivia: "As long as we can be together." Angelica: "Livia..." Angelica: "Livia!" Angelica: "Livia!" Angelica: "Livia!" Olivia: "I knew it. I knew Mr. Leon would come save me." Leon: "Shit. She looks so damn relieved. Luxion, handle the piloting." Luxion: "I'll match her relative speed. Hold on tight. Now's the time to be overprotective." Leon: "Oh, shut up." Leon: "You're all right now. I'll get you to the ship, so don't worry, Ms. Olivia." Olivia: "It's Livia." Leon: "L-Listen..." Olivia: "It's Livia! Why won't you call me "Livia"? Do you hate me now? Please don't call me "Ms. Olivia"!" Leon: "You can't be with me." Leon: "You should find a better man to be with." Olivia: "Why are you talking about other men?" Leon: "We just can't, Ms. Olivia. There are guys who would be a better match for you, like handsome or wealthy men." Olivia: "You're calling me Ms. Olivia again. I don't care about that!" Leon: "I'm telling you..." Leon: "There's..." Leon: "There's Prince Julius!" Olivia: "I hate him. He made Angie cry." Leon: "Then how about Jilk?" Olivia: "He's rotten on the inside." Leon: "Brad!" Olivia: "A narcissist!" Leon: "Greg!" Olivia: "A meathead!" Leon: "Chris!" Olivia: "Needy!" Olivia: "I don't want anyone else. I want to be with you, Mr. Leon. I want to have fun with you and Angie again, like we used to." Leon: "But that's not good for you." Olivia: "I want to be with you!" Leon: "What's so great about me? I'm just a mo—" Olivia: "I, Livia, am in love with you, Mr. Leon. That's all there is to it." Olivia: "I love you!" Luxion: "Going up, Master." Leon: "Uh, sure." Leon: "I don't know what the right answer is." Leon: "As far as this world is concerned, it might be wrong, but..." Leon: "Hold on tight, L-Livia." Olivia: "Okay." Leon: "My clothes are so thick, I can't feel anything!" Luxion: "I custom-made your suit so it'd be highly resistant to external pressure." Leon: "I should've expected that from you!" Angelica: "Leon! Livia!" Olivia: "Angie!" Angelica: "You fool! I was so worried about you!" Olivia: "I'm sorry." Angelica: "I'm glad you're all right." Leon: "Luxion." Luxion: "Sorry it took so long. It's finally arrived." Student: "What's that ship? Is it an enemy ship?" Angelica: "That's the Partner." Crew: "New ship spotted. 700-meter class." Luxion: "Forward cannons taking aim at two warships." Luxion: "Fire away." Gelatt: "Wh-What just happened?" Crew: "Enemy cannon fire. They've destroyed our protective barrier." Gelatt: "Wha—" Gelatt: "First he took my mustache, now he's taking my fleet?" Leon: "All right. We'll rescue everyone while acting as a shield" Leon: "between the passenger ship and the fleet." Luxion: "Roger that." Chris: "Bartfort, can you fight?" Leon: "I'll show them who they tried to pick a fight with." Leon: "I'll teach the dumbasses of the principality just how terrifying I can be." Luxion: "Your personality is totally twisted." Angelica: "Leon, the rest is up to you." Olivia: "Promise you'll come back." Leon: "Luxion, get me my large rifle and blade." Luxion: "Opening container one." Leon: "Now, let's go shatter their will to fight." Luxion: "You truly are a villain, Master." Gelatt: "Another Armor!" Crew: "S-Sir, we must retreat." Gelatt: "Don't be stupid! They've taken the princess and the magic flute. To top it all off, we lost to a child. You think we can just leave now?" Crew: "B-But..." Gelatt: "A-Ah, right. We still have you. The principality's most powerful hero, Sir Vandel the Black Knight." Leon: "The Black Knight is a cool nickname." Olivia: "Shall we come up with a nickname for you, Mr. Leon?" Angelica: "At the rate you're going, it should be the "Black-Hearted Knight.""
{ "raw_title": "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs Episode 11 – What I Can Do Now", "parsed": [ "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs", "11", "What I Can Do Now" ] }
Leon: "All right, who's next?" Enemy Soldier: "Damn it! How's he so fast?" Leon: "I wonder!" Luxion: "The Partner will begin rescuing passengers now." Chris: "Prioritize the injured! Everyone is to evacuate!" Deirdre: "Well fought, everyone! Now hurry!" Leon: "This has been one crazy school trip." Leon: "Once everyone's aboard the Partner, send it away from the battlefield." Luxion: "Master, a new enemy has appeared." Luxion: "It's a black Armor. I believe it's an elite enemy troop." Leon: "Black Armor? Could it be..." Leon: "The Black Knight?" Hertrude: "Vandel! But why?" Angelica: "The Black Knight showed up here?" Olivia: "Who is this Black Knight?" Angelica: "A knight of the principality who's been feared since before we were born." Angelica: "He single-handedly sank dozens of the kingdom's warships." Olivia: "Is it possible for Mr. Leon to defeat such a powerful knight?" Luxion: "Activating drones." Leon: "This guy must be using cheats." Luxion: "His Armor is far superior to any we've faced so far." Leon: "This is gonna be tough." Leon: "Can't dodge this!" Vandel: "Pointless." Vandel: "You're so young. You can barely handle those weapons you're using." Leon: "Luxion, stow the rifle and blade." Luxion: "What will you use next?" Leon: "My bare hands." Duchy Knight: "You fool!" Leon: "Who's the fool?" Luxion: "Impact." Luxion: "Master, behind you." Vandel: "Begone." Chris: "Is that the Black Knight?" Chris: "Marie, I'm sorry. This is the end." Leon: "Damn it!" Chris: "He can still fight?" Leon: "Jeez." Leon: "Nobody told me he could pierce Arroganz's armor." Luxion: "Armor performance down 30%. Strain on pilot increasing. I recommend we withdraw." Leon: "No way." Luxion: "This is what you get for not taking the lives of your enemies." Luxion: "They've been forced into a position where they can't retreat." Leon: "Rub it in, why don't you?" Vandel: "Boy, you'll rue being born in the kingdom." Leon: "Normally, I totally would've run by now, but..." Angelica: "Leon, the rest is up to you." Olivia: "Promise you'll come back." Luxion: "Requesting permission to utilize main ship." Leon: "Denied. We'd end up killing the Black Knight." Luxion: "I don't understand you." Leon: "Don't underestimate Arroganz's toughness! My Armor is leagues better than his!" Luxion: "And his piloting skills are leagues better than yours." Vandel: "I mustn't lose to a knight of the kingdom." Leon: "You must be pretty old, right? Why are you so determined to fight?" Vandel: "Because it's my duty." Leon: "Your duty?" Vandel: "As a knight of the principality, I fight for the principality." Vandel: "I am simply fulfilling my duty." Vandel: "That's what it means to live." Leon: "For the most part, I agree." Leon: "But... For the present moment, even if it means acting beyond my responsibilities, I'm gonna do what I want to do!" Vandel: "You think you can stop me?" Leon: "Yeah, I'll beat you!" Leon: "Damn! I fell for a classic move!" Vandel: "What?" Vandel: "Have you thrown the battle?" Leon: "No, I win." Vandel: "What? How is it still moving?" Leon: "Arroganz is part of Luxion. And I'm proud to say I purchased Luxion as a microtransaction." Leon: "It's over. Surrender." Vandel: "No. Kill me." Leon: "I'm trying to kill as few people as possible." Vandel: "Don't be ridiculous." Luxion: "Master, the Partner has brought the surrounding area under control." Leon: "Nice work. I knew you could do it." Leon: "Seriously? What a sore loser." Galett: "I have no choice but to erase everything. It's the only way to make sure I don't go down in history" Galett: "as an incompetent and beardless man who lost to a child." Angelica: "What is that light?" Hertrude: "It's a special signal flare." Hertrude: "It's far superior to even my own magic for simply gathering monsters." Galett: "Come, monsters!" Galett: "Destroy it all!" Leon: "It's quite a magnificent sight to see so many of them in one place." Vandel: "Unfortunately, it seems you've no choice but to be destroyed along with us." Leon: "Luxion, you've got this, right?" Luxion: "Is it finally my turn to do something?" Hertrude: "I-I don't believe it." Vandel: "What's happening?" Leon: "You're not the only ones who had an ace up their sleeve. Once you've returned to your principality, make sure" Leon: "you tell them just how strong the kingdom is." Vandel: "You're not going to take my head as a trophy?" Leon: "Who needs an old man's head? Talk about creepy." Leon: "Oh, but I will be taking your sword." Vandel: "Boy, someday your naïveté will be your undoing. Don't forget that." Leon: "Huh?" Leon: "You sure do talk big for someone who was spared by my kindness. Looks like you don't get it, old man." Vandel: "What?!" Leon: "You're already finished." Leon: "Don't you get it? You lost to a civilian ship. One carrying students, no less. But you were defeated by us. Do you know what that means?" Vandel: "You continue to insult me, you vile—" Leon: "A bunch of grown-ass men fought their hardest against some children and lost. Do you really think there will be a next time for you?" Leon: "Look, old man, just retire already. In fact, retiring is your only choice. Your era has ended. Thank you for your service." Vandel: "You fiend! Are you telling us to live with our shame?!" Leon: "Don't losers have to do what winners tell them to do? Yeah, keep on living, even if it's in disgrace." Galett: "Baron Bartfort, please have mercy." Leon: "I don't know. I think I'll take any Armors that still work, and warships and airships that are still in good shape. The rest are floating hunks of stone. I'll break down any non-mobile airships and take every last bit of them, too." Luxion: "This is more like you, Master. How absolutely heartless." Leon: "Right? I kind of like this side of me, too." Galett: "W-Wait! Perhaps we should hold official negotiations between our nations..." Leon: "Why should I have to make any concessions when we won?" Galett: "But..." Leon: "Right?" Galett: "But..." Leon: "Right?" Galett: "Y-Yes, sir." Luxion: "Master, it would have been easy for my main ship to defeat the Black Knight." Luxion: "Why did you bother fighting him?" Leon: "Because you would've vaporized them in an instant. But what happens after that?" Luxion: "The world would perceive you as a threat. Not just the principality, but the kingdom would probably act on it, too." Leon: "Right? That sounds like a pain in the ass. I'm already doing more than I should." Leon: "After all, I'm..." Luxion: "A mob character, right?" Leon: "That's right." Leon: "What's this about? This is my room. Let me in." Leon: "I'm sleepy." Luxion: "Master, the two of them are in your room." Leon: "Huh?" Leon: "What a precious sight." Leon: "But..." Leon: "You should've told me they were sleeping! Angie's dad is gonna kill me!" Luxion: "They fell asleep while waiting for you. They must have been tired." Chris: "Bartfort." Leon: "Chris. What do you want? You'd better not challenge me to another duel. I'm exhausted." Chris: "You defeated the Black Knight. I'm surely beneath your notice." Chris: "But someday, I will catch up to you." Chris: "You are my goal." Leon: "Right, then. Like we did with the sky pirates, I'm gonna force him to take credit for this incident." Angelica: "Study abroad? Are you sure you're not being too soft on them? Princess Hertrude invaded our nation." Gilbert: "More importantly, how is Leon doing?" Angelica: "H-How is he..." Gilbert: "He's been quite successful." Gilbert: "We can't have him marrying the wrong person." Angelica: "He has no romantic prospects." Angelica: "The girls never liked him to begin with." Gilbert: "That's what I don't understand. How does a knight who continues to be promoted single-handedly receive no attention from the girls?" Leon: "Ah, this is paradise." Olivia: "It's so tasty." Angelica: "If you like cookies, I'll have some brought in from my favorite shop." Leon: "Tell me about the shop." Angelica: "No. I'm sure you'd buy their entire stock." Leon: "Aw, come on. All I'd do is eat their most popular products in front of the girls. Or maybe hand them out to girls on diets." Angelica: "Don't." Olivia: "No. You mustn't. Bad!" Angelica: "More importantly, Leon, you let Chris take credit for defeating the Black Knight." Olivia: "You did?" Leon: "Ladies, that was a highly sophisticated political decision." Angelica: "Regarding Chris's family, the Arclights?" Angelica: "True, this incident will force them to accept him back into the family." Olivia: "Mr. Leon, you really are a kind man after all." Leon: "Yeah, of course I am." Luxion: "Isn't that nice, Master?" Olivia: "U-Um, there's something I've been wondering about." Angelica: "What is that thing?" Leon: "Oh, uh... This is Luxion, my familiar." Luxion: "I provide support for my master. I am not the product of magic, but rather science. I am an artificial intelligence with— Please don't touch my lens." Angelica: "It's rather charming." Olivia: "You're so cute, Lux." Luxion: "Lux?" Leon: "Aw, what a nice nickname, Lux." Luxion: "If you have time to tease me, perhaps you should worry about yourself instead." Leon: "What do you mean?" Luxion: "Those five appear to be plotting something." Marie: "Huh?" Kyle: "What is this?" Julius: "We will challenge Bartfort with this." Julius: "We'll defeat him and move forward." Marie: "How did you make this?" Julius: "We gathered together the parts and spent sleepless nights working on it. The materials cost a mere 500,000 dia." Marie: "They blew 500,000 dia on this piece of junk? They must be crazy." Student: "I can't believe they're having a rematch. Handmade Armor, huh? This time the prince and his crew will win. They pulled all-nighters building it together." Angelica: "I've had just about enough of the prince. I feel sorry for Leon." Olivia: "I hope Mr. Leon doesn't get hurt. The award ceremony is tomorrow." Leon: "Don't meddle in their relationship with Marie if they win, huh?" Leon: "What do they think our previous duel was for?" Luxion: "Why didn't you refuse to duel them?" Leon: "I figured I'd lose to them." Luxion: "Lose? But why?" Leon: "If they're so desperate to be with Marie, then I'll let them. When I thought about it, I realized Livia was too good for them." Luxion: "Took you long enough." Leon: "There's no such thing as too late." Greg: "You're sure you're okay with me piloting it?" Brad: "I hate to admit it, but I can't beat him." Chris: "I'm only good with swords. I can't do it." Jilk: "We're trusting you with all our hopes." Julius: "You've got the best chance of doing it. Get out there and beat Bartfort." Greg: "Sure thing!" Luxion: "Their friendship is so refreshing." Leon: "They sure do like to rub it in, don't they?" Leon: "Now, let's go lose." Ref: "Begin!" Greg: "What's wrong, Bartfort? Hit me with everything you've got!" Leon: "Wow, you're all fired up. Are you a hot-blooded guy?" Luxion: "Master, please tell Greg to exit his Armor immediately. That junkpile is about to explode." Leon: "What? No way." Luxion: "The interior was assembled haphazardly. Internal temperatures are abnormally high. I can only say I'm impressed it's moving at all given the circumstances." Leon: "So it's out of control, huh? Hey, there's something wrong with your Armor! Get out of it!" Greg: "You're trying to trick me, aren't you?" Leon: "No, listen to me!" Student: "Go! You can do it! Get him!" Leon: "Damn it. Ref, stop the fight! There's something wrong with his Armor!" Ref: "Bartfort, you disgrace yourself. Why can't you face their feelings head-on?" Leon: "Don't be absurd! Why don't you start by facing my words head-on, huh?" Luxion: "You reap what you sow. You make things difficult for yourself by behaving terribly all the time." Leon: "Whatever. Help me figure out how to deal with this." Luxion: "Analysis complete. We can destroy the Armor without causing an explosion." Leon: "Destroy it? You're kidding, right?" Leon: "Even I'd feel bad about that!" Greg: "Keep your head in the fight!" Luxion: "Then the Armor will explode, killing Greg." Leon: "Hey!" Julius: "Go on, Greg!" Jilk: "That's it!" Brad: "He's driving him back!" Chris: "Show him how strong you are!" Greg: "This is the end!" Luxion: "Master, we're out of time." Leon: "You guys suck for making me do this!" Luxion: "Impact." Leon: "I'm so done." Brad: "Greg!" Ref: "Bartfort wins." Jilk: "Again?" Chris: "I suppose I'm not surprised." Julius: "Next time we'll beat him." Marie: "No! My 500,000 dia!" Leon: "I didn't want to break it, but everyone keeps treating me like trash." Raymond: "Come on, pull yourself together." Daniel: "You'll ruin the ceremony." Leon: "Why are we in full dress, anyway? This award ceremony is just for handing out participation awards to the students who fought the principality, right?" Daniel: "What? Nobody told you?" Raymond: "You're being awarded a real distinguished service medal for capturing the principality's princess." Leon: "Huh?" Angelica: "Leon, what are you doing? The ceremony is starting." Leon: "No! I don't wanna go!" Angelica: "Hurry it up. My father and brother are in attendance." Angelica: "I want to properly introduce you to them." Leon: "Introduce me? Why?" Angelica: "B-Because... Never mind. Just hurry up." Leon: "This is a dream. When I wake up, I'll be at the entrance ceremony marking the start of my life at the academy. While whining about how hard it is to find a wife, I'll study the way of tea under my master and buy a new tea set." Lucas: "Leon Fou Bartfort, for your meritorious deeds, you are granted the title of viscount. This distinguished service award comes with recommendations from the royal family, the Redgrave family, the Field family, the Seberg family, the Arclight family, the Atlee family, and the Roseblade family." Lucas: "Do not forget to be grateful on this occasion." Leon: "I can't do that! Not even for you, Master!" Marie: "What does he think he's doing? He's just a mob character." Marie: "You just watch. I'll acquire the Saint's remaining items and completely become the protagonist!" Leon: "I can't be a viscount." Leon: "I was supposed to live a carefree life as a back country baronet." Olivia: "Mr. Leon, you were wonderful." Leon: "Livia..." Olivia: "U-Um..." Leon: "Y-Yes?" Olivia: "You've been avoiding me, haven't you?" Leon: "I just... didn't know what to say to you." Olivia: "I know this may be an inconvenience for you," Olivia: "but I meant what I said then." Leon: "It's no inconvenience at all. I just..." Olivia: "Someday, I hope you'll tell me your answer." Leon: "Livia..." Olivia: "Come on. Angie's waiting for us." Leon: "Maybe it's time for me to steel my resolve." Leon: "I may be a mob character, but I still want to be with them." Leon: "No matter how tough the world of otome games is..." Luxion: "Master, you and Marie are quite similar." Leon: "Huh?" Luxion: "Both of you used knowledge from your previous lives to get close to the protagonist and romantic interests. From my perspective, you're the same." Leon: "You think I'm the same as Marie?" Luxion: "As far as I'm concerned, it's a trivial matter. Go ahead and be as friendly with Olivia and Angelica as you'd like." Leon: "How do you expect me to do that after what you've said?" Luxion: "Your indecisiveness brought about this undesired result. Though you could also say it's what I'd expect from you." Olivia: "Mr. Leon, hurry." Angelica: "How long are you going to make us wait?" Leon: "I wish I had a more pure-hearted, honest partner."
{ "raw_title": "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs Episode 12 – No Matter How Tough the World of Otome Games Is", "parsed": [ "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs", "12", "No Matter How Tough the World of Otome Games Is" ] }
Luxion: "You're in a good mood, Master." Leon: "Well, yeah. Just thinking about the expression on Zola's face makes me hum." Leon: "And then there's this island. I'm an independent knight now. I'm lucky I found an uninhabited island suitable for a baronet on the way home." Luxion: "In the future, it could probably make you some money as a tourist destination. You could build hot springs using heat-producing crystals." Leon: "Hot springs! Hot springs are nice!" Luxion: "I've already begun making preparations. It should be quite comfortable in a few months." Leon: "Now I just need to find a wife at the academy, and I can live an easy life as a back country baronet. What?! A baron?!" Balcus: "Yeah, apparently, they're granting Leon Fou Bartfort a barony." Leon: "B-But why?" Balcus: "Probably for clearing an unexplored dungeon and discovering a new floating island." Leon: "Th-That island's only big enough for a baronet! I chose that rank for a reason. If I become a baron..." Balcus: "You'll have to find a high-ranking wife at the academy. One around Zola's rank." Leon: "Zola? Zola?!" Leon: "Please, no!" Leon: "Wow, it's exactly like the academy from the game." Leon: "I've finally reached the starting point of the game." Girl: "Pick up my bag at once." Beastman Slave: "Forgive me, mistress." Leon: "Women really do hold more power in this world." Leon: "I wanna go home." Girl: "It's the prince and his friends!" Leon: "Ah, it's the romantic interests." Leon: "So these are the guys I was pursuing." Leon: "They still annoy me ten years later." Girl: "Look at that." Girl: "That's the Redgrave girl." Leon: "Rich girl antagonist Angelica. She's the protagonist's rival and the daughter of the duke who's second in power only to the royal family." Leon: "She got in the way of my romances so many times." Girl: "She's so pretty. That's the duke's family for you. The average man isn't good enough for her." Leon: "Welp, good luck with your noble business, noble lords and ladies. I'll be doing things the mob way." Boy: "That took forever." Girl: "I wonder who we'll be placed with." Boy: "Classes start tomorrow, huh?" Girl: "I hope I'm in the same class as some distinguished nobles." Boy: "I wonder what our class is like." Leon: "So sleepy. I guess entrance ceremonies are boring even in an isekai." Julius: "D-Did you just hit me?" Julius: "Do you have any idea who I am?" Marie: "N-No. But regardless of who you are, I won't t-tolerate such rudeness." Leon: "Huh? That dialogue..." Julius: "You're not like other girls." Leon: "That's an event from the game." Leon: "But isn't this..." Leon: "She's not that protagonist." Leon: "I feel like I've seen her somewhere before." Luxion: "Master." Leon: "Luxion, how was the city?" Luxion: "My own scientific technology is far more advanced." Luxion: "I will have to do more research into magic, however." Leon: "So there was a lot to see, then? You're not very honest about your feelings, you tsundere." Luxion: "Tsundere? Are you hoping I will take on a female role for you? As I have no gender, I cannot respond to those feelings." Leon: "God, you piss me off." Luxion: "You're studying already? You didn't seem that motivated." Leon: "I'm not studying." Leon: "I'm preparing for a tea party." Leon: "Daniel, Raymond. Got any leads on girls like us who aren't from wealthy families?" Daniel: "Absolutely not. Right, Raymond?" Raymond: "I don't care who they are as long as they'll attend my tea party." Leon: "We're only doing this to please the girls, but if word gets out that we can't even host tea parties, it'll make it harder to get married." Girl: "Your Highness! Are you holding a tea party? I'd like to come! Me, too!" Raymond: "This year will be tough since there's the prince and other distinguished nobles around." Leon: "Girls who act coldly toward us lose their heads over them." Daniel: "Give me a break." Angelica: "Your Highness." Angelica: "I must speak with you regarding your tea party." Angelica: "May I join you?" Julius: "Angelica, don't try to intimidate me. We're at the academy." Angelica: "I am aware. It's just... it's a bit noisy in your vicinity." Daniel: "She seems on edge." Leon: "Don't look. Don't attract attention. Don't get involved." Marie: "Um, excuse me..." Julius: "Marie, I've been looking for you." Marie: "You called for me, Your Highness?" Julius: "I'll be holding my own tea party soon. I'd like you to come." Marie: "What?" Angelica: "Hold on. She would be out of place at your tea party." Julius: "I'm here at this school as one of its students." Julius: "You may be my fiancée, but you have no right to meddle in my affairs to this degree." Angelica: "F-Forgive me." Leon: "This is a compulsory event from the game. The protagonist is supposed to be protected by the prince, but..." Julius: "Sorry about that, Marie." Marie: "It's all right. Are you sure it would be acceptable for me to attend, though?" Jilk: "I've never seen you pursue a girl so aggressively, Your Highness." Julius: "S-Stop it, Jilk." Julius: "I-In any case, I'd like you to attend." Marie: "Your Highness..." Marie: "I will." Leon: "What's going on?" Lucas: "A tea party is a mirror that reflects who a person is. From your behavior to your words, each and every tea and snack served at a tea party expresses who a person is." Leon: "Ugh, what a drag. I can't believe I'm attending an etiquette class with a bunch of dudes." Lucas: "Mr. Leon." Leon: "Yes, sir." Lucas: "If you would please listen more attentively." Student: "That's the adventurer everyone's talking about. This is the problem with country folk. He thinks he's so great just because he's accomplished a little. He's just a baron's son." Leon: "Shut up." Lucas: "Mr. Leon, it is important to want to invite women into a special place." Leon: "Uh-huh." Lucas: "You don't seem to understand." Lucas: "Why don't I show you? To the front, please." Leon: "Wow, I'm so excited." Leon: "Tea party, my ass." Leon: "It's just a dumb event for winning girls over." Leon: "Sir!" Lucas: "Do you understand now?" Leon: "Yes, sir. I'm ashamed I ever made fun of them. Someday I hope to hold tea parties as perfect as yours." Lucas: "I still have a lot to learn myself." Lucas: "Let us walk the path of tea together." Leon: "Yes, sir—no, Master!" Daniel: "What happened to him?" Raymond: "Who knows?" Luxion: "You're making quite the effort." Luxion: "Until recently, you planned to hire help and take it easy yourself." Leon: "It's all thanks to my master. I've been reborn." Luxion: "It's impressive that you've rented this space, but are any women actually coming?" Leon: "Oh, she will. She's the daughter of a baron." Leon: "See? Here she is now. Thank you for coming to— Huh?" Girl: "Yo." Leon: "Uh, you didn't come alone?" Girl: "Nah. I brought my friends and their servant." end (Large): "Hey, there's a bunch of snacks." Girl: "We're going to Brad's tea party, but we've got some time until then. I thought we could have some tea." end (Small): "I want some, too. Hurry up." Girl: "I'm thirsty." end (Large): "Tastes all right. Well, should we get going?" Girl: "Yeah." Girl: "Thanks. This was a decent way to pass the time. Later." Both: "Later." Girl: "But you'll have to spend a little more on snacks if you want to please girls." Leon: "Master, the path of tea is long and treacherous." Girl: "What? Who do you think you are?" Girl: "Did Brad invite you? Know your place. Idiot." Girl: "Why don't you clean up the trash, commoner? Don't get ahead of yourself." Leon: "That girl..." Luxion: "Is this what they call bullying? I believe she's here on a scholarship." Leon: "Olivia..." Leon: "She's the protagonist of this game." Leon: "I don't really want to get involved with the game's story, but..." Leon: "Hey, girl." Leon: "Wanna get some tea?" Olivia: "This is delicious." Olivia: "I've never had such delicious sweets. Can I have this tea, too?" Leon: "Yeah. It was about to go to waste, anyway." Girl: "This was a decent way to pass the time." end (Small): "Hurry up, slowpoke." end (Large): "Serve more expensive stuff next time." Olivia: "It's so good." Leon: "Seriously? She's such a sweet girl. What kind of idiot would call her devious?" Protagonist: "What a devious protagonist." Leon: "Hey, are things always like that for you?" Olivia: "Nothing I do ever goes well. I'm not even sure if it was all right for a commoner like me to come to this school." Leon: "It's obviously all right. I mean, you are the protagonist." Olivia: "I want to study magic more," Olivia: "but I don't know much about the academy's rules and unspoken agreements." Leon: "Oh, don't cry. I know one person we can count on. She may be able to help us." Olivia: "What?" Olivia: "Really?" Leon: "She's blinding me!" Jenna: "So you called me, idiot brother?" Leon: "Try to make yourself useful sometimes. You've mooched plenty of money off me." Jenna: "You said your name's Olivia, right? Have you introduced yourself to the most important girl in your class?" Olivia: "No. She has so many followers, I can't get close." Jenna: "In those situations, you have to ask one of her important followers to act as a go-between. Give her a gift of something she likes." Leon: "You mean a bribe." Jenna: "It works, okay? Don't question it!" Jenna: "Get her some snacks from a popular shop." Olivia: "S-Snacks from a popular shop?" Olivia: "Those are expensive, aren't they?" Jenna: "Get him to pay for it." Leon: "What? You can't just decide that!" Olivia: "100 dia... 200 dia..." Leon: "It's all right. I'll pay for it." Olivia: "I-I promise I'll pay you back." Angelica: "I don't know who told you to do it, but you deserve some praise for coming to introduce yourself." Olivia: "Th-Thank you." Angelica: "I'll allow you to sit quietly in the corner so long as you know your place." Olivia: "D-Does that mean it's all right for me to be at the academy?" Olivia: "U-Um, I..." Angelica: "You were supposed to just silently nod. Then it would've all been over." Angelica: "Now things have become complicated because you had to ask a question." Olivia: "Huh?" Angelica: "I'm not trying to push you out of the academy. I don't have the time to do that, nor do I enjoy such crude behavior." Olivia: "R-Really? I'm sorry." Angelica: "I suppose you're better than that girl who's cozying up to the prince." Angelica: "Scholarship student, who advised you to do this?" Olivia: "It was Mr. Leon." Angelica: "The third son of the Bartfort family?" Angelica: "The one who acquired a barony on his own?" Angelica: "He's an impressive fellow." Olivia: "Isn't he?" Angelica: "But his competence will mean others will want to use him." Leon: "Damn it, Daniel and Raymond." Leon: "They skipped exploration class." Leon: "To make matters worse, my classmates are all the romantic interests." Olivia: "I'm sorry. The others insisted on their attendance." Leon: "On top of that..." Student: "Let's let them go ahead. Let them handle the dangerous stuff. They're an experienced adventurer and a scholarship student, anyway." Leon: "They're treating us like a convenient couple of guards—no, meat shields." emale Teacher: "All right, everyone. This is an opportunity to apply the magic and fighting techniques you've learned." emale Teacher: "Please descend to the third floor of the dungeon and collect the crystals there." emale Teacher: "Watch out for monsters." Student: "Yes, ma'am. Got it." Leon: "Shall we go, Ms. Olivia?" Olivia: "Okay." Angelica: "That's enough!" Angelica: "I told you to know your place." Angelica: "You and the prince are of vastly different social standings!" Julius: "Angelica, don't." Angelica: "Your Highness, you're going to allow this girl to have her way?" Marie: "I just wanted to be with the prince. If I'm bothering you, you can say so." Angelica: "How dare you act like this again?" Student: "What's going on? Are they fighting again? What happened?" Leon: "Hey, Ms. Olivia. Do you know anything about that Marie girl?" Olivia: "I believe she's the daughter of a poor viscount. Recently, she's been bullied even worse than me." Leon: "Huh..." Girl: "How could she cozy up to him like that in front of his fiancée? Wasn't she getting pretty friendly with some other boys, too? She sucks. I can't believe her." Julius: "Enough of this!" Jilk: "Ms. Angelica, please don't trouble the prince too much." Greg: "Don't bring your outside relationships into the academy. It's irritating." Angelica: "I-I'm just trying to do what's best for the prince..." Julius: "Let's go, Marie." Marie: "A-All right." Leon: "Women may hold more power in this world, but they're the exception." Olivia: "Huff..." Olivia: "Mr. Leon, I managed to excavate a crystal." Leon: "Congratulations. That's 100 dia in the bag." Olivia: "Absolutely. Now I can pay back the money I borrowed from you." Leon: "There's no rush." Olivia: "Aren't there treasure chests in dungeons, too? I wonder who left them there. It's strange, isn't it?" Leon: "Yeah, it sure is strange." Olivia: "Mr. Leon, you're not curious?" Leon: "Not really." Olivia: "Mr. Leon, you're so cold." Leon: "There's no point in questioning it. After all, this is one of those vaguely-conceived dungeons from that otome game." Leon: "Honestly, getting any closer to Ms. Olivia would be a bad idea. She's destined to become friends with the prince and his buddies." Olivia: "The others haven't arrived yet." Leon: "Of course not. We're just meat shields to them." Olivia: "M-Mr. Leon!" Olivia: "We should get help from the others immediately!" Leon: "There's no point. They intended for us to serve as their shields from the start." Olivia: "But..." Leon: "Seriously, I hope those rich kids drop dead." Leon: "I guess I'll test out this sword Luxion made." Leon: "Last one!" Olivia: "Y-You're so strong." Leon: "I used to train back home. I've fought nastier creatures, too." Leon: "You little..." Leon: "That thing scared me." Olivia: "I-I'm sorry. You were protecting me." Olivia: "Mr. Leon..." Julius: "Sorry to keep you waiting." Julius: "We'll handle the rest." Leon: "They've got some balls." Julius: "Marie, are you scared?" Marie: "No, I'm fine." Greg: "I'm more worried about the prince. Guys raised in the palace tend to be weak." Chris: "Hey, don't be rude to the prince." Jilk: "We're students now. We're equals here." Brad: "This guy will put you through hell if you marry him, Marie." Brad: "Meatheads!" Angelica: "We must assist him!" Jilk: "Calm down. The prince isn't a weak man." Marie: "Your Highness, you're hurt!" Julius: "I-It's just a scratch." Julius: "M-Marie, you can use healing magic?" Marie: "Shh." Angelica: "Your Highness!" Julius: "Marie!" Angelica: "Are you all right? Let me treat your wounds." Julius: "That's not necessary." Angelica: "Huh?" Julius: "Are you all right, Marie?" Marie: "Y-Yes." Greg: "Your Highness, why are you holding hands with Marie?" Jilk: "Don't try to get the jump on us." Girl: "Did you see that? I feel sorry for her. Is she really his fiancée?" Olivia: "Mr. Leon, you're hurt!" Leon: "This is nothing." Olivia: "I'll heal you." Leon: "Thanks." Olivia: "Magic is the only thing I'm good at. I began attending this academy because a scholar discovered my talent." Leon: "That's impressive." Olivia: "I'm glad to have been useful to you, Mr. Leon." Leon: "Well, damn it. She's the protagonist, and I'm just a mob character, but..." Leon: "Anyway, what's going on?" Leon: "Why is this different from the game?" Leon: "You challenge someone to a duel by throwing your glove at them, right?" Angelica: "That's right. It's also how you declare the end of a friendship. It's not something one should do rashly." Leon: "Huh, I had no idea." Julius: "You didn't even know that?" Leon: "Are you looking for a fight? Bring it on. Let's duel, prince."
{ "raw_title": "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs Episode 2 – Hey, Girl. Wanna Get Some Tea?", "parsed": [ "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs", "2", "Hey, Girl. Wanna Get Some Tea?" ] }
Julius: "This is Marie's textbook. Her bag was burned, too." Julius: "You really have no idea how this happened?" Angelica: "No, I don't." Julius: "The girls present at the scene said you ordered them to do it." Angelica: "It wasn't me. Why won't you believe me?" Julius: "Stay away from Marie." Julius: "And us, too." Julius: "Our engagement is an agreement made outside this school." Julius: "Stay out of my business at the academy." Daniel: "Did you hear the news?" Daniel: "A couple of the rich dudes have gotten engaged." Raymond: "Yeah. Not only that, but their partners are Milly and Jessica, who were nice to us, too." Milly: "May you two find happiness, as well." Jessica: "How do you do?" Daniel: "That just leaves girls with terrible personalities." Raymond: "It's over. It's all over for us." Daniel: "Leon, how are things with you?" Leon: "I'm in the same boat." Leon: "I'm sending out invitations to tea parties, but they just get ignored." Raymond: "By the way, it seems like Prince Julius is involved in some trouble these days." Daniel: "It's all the bullying that Marie girl is facing, right?" Raymond: "I heard the one at the center of the bullying is the prince's fiancée and the duke's daughter, Angelica." Raymond: "The prince was furious when he heard about it." Leon: "The game also featured an event in which Julius got mad at Angelica." Leon: "But that's not supposed to happen until much later." Olivia: "Ms. Marie?" Leon: "Yeah. I heard she's being bullied. I was wondering what she's actually like." Olivia: "I've only spoken with her once, but..." Olivia: "Mr. Leon, do you..." Olivia: "Do you like girls like Ms. Marie, too?" Leon: "What?!" Olivia: "What? You don't?" Leon: "Like her? I hate her." Olivia: "I see. When I spoke with her previously," Olivia: "I saw her alone in the courtyard." Olivia: "I was curious, so I asked her if something happened." Olivia: "And then..." Marie: "I hate girls like you." Olivia: "That's what she said to me." Leon: ""Girls like you"?" Leon: "Something about that phrasing bothers me." Marie: "H-Here?" Brad: "Why not? We're alone." Olivia: "Mr. Leon, what are you doing?" Leon: "I'm curious." Leon: "Who gets together with who is a matter of life and death for us." Olivia: "You mustn't peep. It's indecent. Ms. Mari—" Marie: "I'm having so much fun. Those dumb bitches have stopped bullying me since Julius got mad at them. This world is the best." Julius: "Marie." Marie: "Your Highness! Jilk!" Julius: "Don't call me that. Julius is fine." Marie: "All right." Julius: "Marie, you don't have a personal servant, right?" Marie: "M-Money's a bit tight." Jilk: "Then the prince and I will pay for one. You must be lonely without a servant." Marie: "Thank you! Lucky me. Now I'll have a handsome demi-human slave." Jilk: "I'll arrange for a carriage." Marie: "Normally it'd be insane for a woman to be openly accompanied by a paramour. I'm gonna have so much fun in this otome game's world." llower A: "This is unacceptable." llower A: "You're not even allowed to have a slave." Angelica: "Leave it. The prince knows what it means for a woman to have a demi-human slave." Angelica: "That means that's all their relationship is." llower A: "But..." Angelica: "I'm sorry. Could you leave me alone, please?" Angelica: "You can't be serious!" Angelica: "How dare he fall for that woman?" Angelica: "I was raised to serve my prince." Angelica: "I've lived my life for only the prince." Angelica: "I love the prince so much..." Angelica: "So why?" Angelica: "Why?" Jenna: "Hey, idiot!" Leon: "Oh, it's you, Jenna." Jenna: "Don't go back to sleep! Do you know a girl named Marie?" Leon: "She's quite close with Prince Julius. Not just him," Leon: "but other boys, too." Jenna: "Did you hear about the duke's daughter bullying her? You weren't involved, were you?" Leon: "I'm not involved in that. I heard the prince got mad at her." Jenna: "I'm sure her followers just acted on their own." Leon: "Then I guess Ms. Angelica herself had nothing to do with it." Jenna: "In any case, you're not involved with the duke's daughter or the prince, right?" Leon: "No, I'm not. Is this really that important?" Jenna: "The prince will eventually succeed the throne. If you can get on his good side at the academy, you'll be set for life. And on the flip side, if you get on his bad side, it's over for you." Leon: "I know that." Jenna: "You'd better not do anything dumb to embarrass me." Leon: "The first semester is over already." Leon: "All I got to do was host a tea party and visit a dungeon." Luxion: "You seemed to enjoy yourself, even if you're no closer to finding a wife." Leon: "Do you have some kind of grudge against me?" Luxion: "I despise new humans. In that regard, I dislike you, as well." Leon: "You must be a pretty sad AI to be serving me, then. I'll be making you serve me your whole life. You'd best be prepared." Luxion: "I look forward to it." Leon: "Hey, are you able to gather information?" Luxion: "Concerning the duke's daughter and the girl named Marie?" Leon: "Yes." Luxion: "While it is possible, I will not be telling you their bust, waist, and hip measurements." Leon: "I do want to know Ms. Angelica's measurements." Luxion: "Too bad." Julius: "Marie, why aren't you wearing a dress?" Marie: "Um... I wasn't able to get one." Julius: "I see. Well, you look far less stuffy than if you'd worn a luxurious dress." Julius: "I'll take you to have a dress made sometime." Marie: "Sure." Leon: "Apparently, some nobles from the backwoods found girlfriends at this party. This is our chance!" Both: "Yeah!" Girl A: "A back country baron? No one asked for you." Girl B: "Don't come back until you've taken a look at yourself in a mirror." Girl C: "I'm looking for at least a viscount." Girl A: "Nobody likes a shallow man." Girl B: "You're nothing like the prince and his friends." Girl C: "How insolent." Daniel: "U-Um, I— If you'd just hear us out—" Both: "Daniel!" Girl B: "Lame." Girl A: "Come back once you've been reincarnated as better men." Girl C: "That's a good look for you, country boys." Leon: "Damn it. Who the hell do they think they are?" Raymond: "I've had it with this." Daniel: "Girls are starting to make me feel sick." Olivia: "Mr. Leon, it's an emergency!" Angelica: "Why won't you understand? I'm telling you this for your sake, Your Highness!" Julius: "I can't stand to listen to what you have to say. That's all." Leon: "What happened?" Olivia: "Apparently Ms. Angelica saw Ms. Marie holding hands with a man who wasn't the prince." Angelica: "Do you realize that woman is involved with all of you?" Chris: "We know." Chris: "She saved me by listening to my problems." Chris: "This is why I wish to protect her." Greg: "You try to rationalize everything too much. Just be honest and say you love her." Brad: "Marie is a marvelous woman. It's only natural that I'd fall for her." Jilk: "You're right. But I believe I love her the most." Julius: "No." Julius: "I love Marie the most." Girls: "Did you hear that? I'm so jealous! I wish he'd say that about me!" Angelica: "You mean you won't let it end as a fling at the academy?" Julius: "That's right. As far as I'm concerned, no one can replace her." Julius: "It's only Marie for me." Girls: "Is he calling off their engagement? The duke's daughter is finished." Girls: "How pitiful." Angelica: "Pick it up, foul wench who deceived the prince." Girls: "A duel? It's a duel. If she picks up the glove, it'll mean she accepts the duel." Leon: "The duel event... In the game, the character with whom you had the highest relationship score dueled in the protagonist's place." Julius: "Pick it up, Marie." Julius: "I shall be your champion." Angelica: "But..." Leon: "I expected this." Jilk: "I cannot allow Your Highness to hog the spotlight. I volunteer, as well." Greg: "This sounds fun. I'm in, too. I'll take on any challengers." Brad: "How dare you call her a foul wench? I'm in, as well." Chris: "I'm confident in my swordsmanship." Chris: "I shall fight as Marie's blade." Marie: "Guys... I'm scared, but I'm relieved to have all of you." Kyle: "Don't forget about me. I can at least provide support." Marie: "Thank you, Kyle." Leon: "Is this how girls feel when they see harems?" Leon: "It gives me the creeps." Daniel: "What will the duke's daughter do now?" Raymond: "She's facing the prince." Raymond: "Nobody would want to fight him." Angelica: "P-Please, someone..." Greg: "Have you been abandoned by your followers? I have to feel sorry for someone with so little personal magnetism." Leon: "In the game, even if Ms. Angelica appoints someone outside the academy as her champion, if the protagonist wins, then ultimately..." Leon: "She heads straight into ruin. She marries a back country lord with a terrible personality" Leon: "and lives a miserable life." Girls: "How will she disgrace herself this time? This'll end with her going crying back to her family." Julius: "Angelica, I'm sure you're prepared to fight us." Angelica: "E-Even if I don't have a champion, I..." Leon: "Why do I feel like this? It's not as though Ms. Angelica and I are close friends. I want to be ordinary. I just want to be a mob, but..." Olivia: "Mr. Leon?" Daniel: "You..." Raymond: "What are you doing?" Leon: "I really friggin' hate them." Leon: "Okay, everyone. I volunteer to be her champion." Students: "Who is he? Dunno. Some back country noble, right?" Brad: "I heard someone succeeded as an adventurer prior to enrolling." Greg: "Yeah, I've heard about that. Would that be you?" Leon: "Ms. Angelica, you need to appoint me your champion." Angelica: "What? Uh..." Leon: "Just say you accept." Angelica: "I-I accept." Leon: "Which means I, Leon Fou Bartfort, am her champion." Leon: "The five of you will represent Ms. Marie, correct?" Leon: "Then I'd like to confirm the method of our duel, as well as the stakes." Leon: "This girl..." Leon: "I had Luxion look into her, and there's no mistaking it." Leon: "Like me, Marie isn't from this world." Leon: "She's been reincarnated, or something like it." Leon: "By the way, Ms. Angelica, what demands do you have for your opponent?" Angelica: "Stay away from the prince." Angelica: "That's all I desire." Julius: "Are you that desperate to keep us apart?" Julius: "It's clear which of you is the foul wench." Leon: "Yeah, could we skip all that tedious crap? Hurry up and state your demands. Come on, hurry up." Marie: "I-If I win," Marie: "please stop being so cruel." Leon: ""Please stop being so cruel."" Marie: "I think it's wrong to... use your family's influence." Leon: ""I think it's wrong to use your family's influence to order people around."" Leon: "She's not even copying it right." Leon: "If we win, the prince and Marie will break up. If we lose, Ms. Angelica will never get involved in the prince's affairs again." Leon: "Sound good?" Julius: "Of course." Leon: "Next, let's determine the method of our duel." Leon: "How about an armored duel in the arena?" Chris: "You think you can beat us? You're no match for us." Leon: "What? Why are you assuming I'll lose?" Greg: "You were brushed off by the girls you tried to approach earlier. If you're just looking for attention, stay out of this, shrimp." Leon: "Ugh, he's so unpleasant." Leon: "Huh? What? Are you trying to talk me into submitting because you're not confident in an Armor battle? Would you prefer a debate for our duel?" Greg: "What?" Leon: "Now that's a problem. I'm actually worse at that. But if you'd rather settle this with an argument because you don't want to fight me, then I have no choice." Leon: "Good luck to us both." Greg: "If you don't take this seriously, you'll end up—" Jilk: "Now, now. We'll agree to the method you've suggested." Jilk: "We'll allow up to five participants on your side, as well." Leon: "I'm all we need. We'll fight five one-on-one rounds." Jilk: "Are you serious? You could die in a duel." Leon: "I know. In fact, why are you guys so composed? Don't you think it's naïve to assume you won't die?" Jilk: "I'd heard you were experienced in battle, but it seems you can't even evaluate an opponent's strength." Julius: "That's enough, Jilk. You said your name was Leon." Julius: "You'd better be ready to face us." Leon: "You forgot this." Leon: "Let's duel, Prince." Leon: "You'd better say your goodbyes to your precious girlfriend." Marie: "Who the hell is that mob? Why is he messing up my plans? Not that there's any way the five of them will lose, but..." Kyle: "Mistress, I brought breakfast." Marie: "Hey! You're supposed to wait for a response!" Kyle: "I'll be careful from now on. Today's breakfast contains extra vegetables." Marie: "I don't like those." Kyle: "You should at least eat these. You're a pitiful mistress, you know." Marie: "In the game, this guy was a cute, bad-tempered younger brother character, but it gets annoying when you have to deal with it every day." Leon: "Yeesh." Luxion: "The students vandalized the place in your absence, Master. I have recorded the event." Leon: "They made Daniel and Raymond do it, too, huh?" Luxion: "Their friendship was fleeting." Leon: "They just prioritized their own futures. You're not very broad-minded, are you?" Luxion: "Students are betting on the outcome of the duel. You're red, Master." Leon: "I'm way less popular!" Luxion: "Don't tell me you thought you were popular." Leon: "Shut up. In any case, get me 500 platinum coins." Angelica: "Bartfort, you should forfeit the duel." Leon: "What? Now? You'll lose face, too." Angelica: "Your room was vandalized, wasn't it? I'll be fine, but there's no need for you to suffer." Leon: "Okay..." Angelica: "My family has already reprimanded me for imprudently challenging her to a duel. At best, I'll be placed under house arrest or sent to the borderlands." Angelica: "I have no power anymore." Leon: "You seem confused. You think I'm trying to curry favor with the duke?" Angelica: "I-If that's not it, then why volunteer?" Leon: "I'm sick of looking for a wife. I thought I'd take a shot at the guys I hate and call it quits." Angelica: "I'd heard people who venture into dungeons have a screw loose, but I suppose it's true of you, as well." Leon: "Rude! I volunteered because I have a chance to win! Besides, you're the one who issued the challenge." Angelica: "A-And I apologized for that! Are you stupid?" Angelica: "I-In any case, simply volunteering was enough." Angelica: "There's no need for you to risk your life for me." Leon: "It's true that the five of them are strong." Leon: "But that's only by the academy's standards, right?" Luxion: "That looks good on you. Which is only natural, since I made it for you." Leon: "This isn't what I had in mind. Remake it." Luxion: "I refuse." Leon: "I knew you'd say that." Olivia: "Mr. Leon." Leon: "Ms. Olivia." Olivia: "U-Um, there's nothing I can do for you, but you have my support, Mr. Leon." Leon: "Oh, did you bet on me? In that case, I'll make you rich." Olivia: "What? I didn't bet on you. I believe gambling is wrong." Leon: "Uh, sure." Girls: "Your Highness! Good luck!" Leon: "Wow..." Leon: "Look at that rainbow of colors." All: "Die! Get outta here, Bartfort! I hope you lose!" Leon: "Shut up, rabble!" Leon: "Those two bet on me?" Angelica: "Bartfort, I don't see your Armor." Leon: "Don't worry. It just arrived." Luxion: "Arroganz incoming." All: "What? What is that?" All: "What's with that Armor? Unbelievable!" Olivia: "Mr. Leon, are you really going to fight in a duel?" Leon: "Yeah, I hate them." Olivia: "I-I don't know what happened, but it's dangerous. You'll get hurt." Leon: "I'll be fine. Besides, I don't pick fights I can't win. Next time, "Mind If I Go Easy on You?" I'm gonna give the five of them a beating."
{ "raw_title": "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs Episode 3 – Let's Duel, Prince", "parsed": [ "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs", "3", "Let's Duel, Prince" ] }
Angelica: "Pick it up, foul wench who deceived the prince." Girls: "A duel? It's a duel. If she picks up the glove, it'll mean she accepts the duel." Julius: "Pick it up, Marie." Julius: "I shall be your champion." Angelica: "But..." Leon: "Okay, everyone. I volunteer to be her champion." Julius: "You said your name was Leon." Julius: "You'd better be ready to face us." Leon: "Let's duel, Prince." All: "What is that?" All: "What's with that Armor? Talk about lame!" All: "Unbelievable!" Angelica: "Do you really intend to fight with this?" Leon: "Just watch." Olivia: "Why is everyone laughing?" Angelica: "You really don't know anything, do you?" Angelica: "That Armor is most likely a Lost Item. It can't be replicated using modern technology," Angelica: "but that doesn't necessarily mean it's strong. In modern battles, highly mobile Armors emphasizing speed are mainstream." Angelica: "Such ponderous models are out of style." Olivia: "But it's kind of cute how short and stout it is." Angelica: "There's something wrong with you if you think that's cute." Angelica: "It seems to be more than just an ungainly Armor." Angelica: "What are you thinking, Bartfort?" Leon: "Hup." Luxion: "Activating Arroganz." Leon: "All right." Leon: "Luxion." Luxion: "What is it?" Leon: "What does "Arroganz" mean?" Luxion: "Look it up later. It's a word that suits you perfectly, Master." Leon: "Oh, yeah? You can actually be pretty thoughtful sometimes." Brad: "Looks like you didn't run from our duel." Brad: "You deserve props for that." Brad: "But do you think you can defeat me with that outdated machine?" Leon: "Purple Armor... My first opponent must be Brad." Leon: "Brad is a narcissist skilled in magic. He's the smallest of the five, but he's proud and attention-seeking." Leon: "He gave me a lot of trouble in the game." Brad: "Behold this armor created by master craftsman Altenter. It's made with plenty of tetrium, which increases its magic conductivity." Leon: "Should you be bragging at such length to your opponent?" Luxion: "He appears to be carrying drone-like weapons on his back. Shall I deploy countermeasures?" Leon: "Don't worry, I know what it is." Leon: "And besides, purple is a weak color." Brad: "Your attitude is truly infuriating." Luxion: "We should ready our own weapons." Leon: "All right. We'll use Blade Number 1 in the backpack." Leon: "That's a shovel!" Luxion: "Of course it is. When you last took this for a test drive, you dug holes." Leon: "You should've swapped it back! Whatever, just give me a blade!" Luxion: "But it was you who designated Blade Number 1." Leon: "You totally did this on purpose." Leon: "Well, fine. I can probably fight with this." All: "What a back country noble! A shovel? Seriously?" Jilk: "How disgraceful." Brad: "How dare you continue to mock me?" Leon: "Actually, it's not on purpose." Ref: "Champions, state your names before the duel." Leon: "Leon Fou Bartfort." Brad: "Brad Fou Field." Ref: "Ready... Begin!" Brad: "I'll kill you with a single blow. Die!" Brad: "What?!" Leon: "Huh?" Leon: "Hey, ref. Looks like he's unconscious." Leon: "I barely grazed him." Luxion: "If you'd attacked at full power, he would've died." Luxion: "He was decent with a spear, but that's all that was noteworthy about him." Leon: "Are you sure you're not resentful they called Arroganz an outdated model?" Ref: "H-He's been knocked out. Bartfort wins!" Leon: "I knew this would happen, but no one's excited about this outcome." Leon: "Huh?" Leon: "Master..." Leon: "Ever the gentleman." All: "Wh-What? What happened? It happened so fast, I couldn't tell." Olivia: "Mr. Leon won right away. That's impressive." Angelica: "Uh, yeah." Angelica: "What were those movements? They seem impossible for such a heavily armored machine. Brad's Armor was custom-made by the Field family." All: "What does this mean? Mr. Brad... They'll definitely win the next round, right? I bet all my money on the prince." Olivia: "Wh-What is it, Ms. Angelica?" Angelica: "How could I not laugh? Bartfort is a truly terrible man." Olivia: "Mr. Leon isn't terrible. He's a kind person." Angelica: "You're right. He is." Angelica: "Anyway, why did he choose to side with me if he's so strong? He must know defying the prince will ruin his future." Julius: "Bartfort..." Julius: "He must've been so confident because he had that Armor." Jilk: "It must be a Lost Item. But I've never heard there were such powerful Armors left." Greg: "I'm next. Brad is a weakling." Greg: "I'll bring that thing down." All: "Greg! Please!" Ref: "It's time for round two." All: "Greg! You can do it! Get him!" Leon: "Leon Fou Bartfort." Greg: "Greg Fou Seberg." Luxion: "I've identified numerous repairs on its surface. He seems to have plenty of combat experience fighting in Armor." Leon: "Yeah. He's strong." Greg: "Bartfort! You didn't beat Brad because you're strong. It's because your Armor is strong!" Leon: "You're not wrong, but if you want to fight with words, could you just invite me to a tea party sometime?" Greg: "I'll crush you." Ref: "Champions, begin!" Greg: "Come on! What's the matter? Is that all you've got?" Leon: "Greg is skilled and determined, but..." Leon: "Choose better tools! Greg is proud because he's skilled, and there were very few items he could equip." Leon: "I had so many game overs because of that." Leon: "That Armor you're wearing is an outdated mass-produced model! Shed that nonsensical pride of yours!" Leon: "Gotcha." Greg: "Let go! Damn it!" Leon: "Like hell I'm letting go, moron." Angelica: "It's all right. The pilot is unaffected." Leon: "Your right leg is next." Greg: "Do you enjoy tormenting me? You're only winning because of your Armor!" Leon: "What? It's your own fault for dueling in an outdated Armor. Did you know the outcome of any contest is decided during the preparation stage?" Leon: "Anyway, aren't you glad you got to make excuses? You only lost because my Armor is so much better than yours." Greg: "Damn it." Greg: "Damn it!" Greg: "I won't lose! I'll fight to the death, even if I have to fight without my Armor!" Leon: "Seriously? But you know..." Greg: "Shut up! Bring it on!" Leon: "I'm not really a fan of bullying the weak, unlike you guys." Greg: "What was that?" Leon: "I'm saying I don't enjoy tormenting the weak. Do you understand that?" Greg: "Don't be absurd! When did we ever bully the weak?" Leon: "Wow, it's scary when people have so little self-awareness. Gross. This is why I can't stand nobles who receive special treatment." Leon: "In any case, you're a nobody. And tormenting nobodies leaves a bad taste in my mouth, so I'd like to get this done quickly. Don't you get that?" Greg: "Damn it!" Leon: "Huh? Did a mosquito land on me?" Ref: "B-Bartfort wins! Greg Fou Seberg, please leave the arena!" All: "Wow, nasty. That's not something a knight should do. I can't believe Greg lost, too." Olivia: "I'm glad Mr. Leon won, but he went too far. He should apologize to Mr. Greg later." Angelica: "Don't." Angelica: "It would only hurt Greg more." Ref: "Round three!" Chris: "Bartfort, I won't underestimate you like the other two did." Chris: "I'll fight at full strength from the start." Leon: "For real?" Leon: "Then I'll start taking this seriously, too." Chris: "You'd better not be lying." Leon: "Yeah, I promise." Leon: "Chris is a young master swordsman. He's cold and not very good at expressing his emotions. He only used swords during the combat sections of the game." Leon: "In other words, he's a huge pain in the ass." Ref: "Champions, begin!" Chris: "What?!" Leon: "Luxion, deploy the drones." Luxion: "Yes, Master." Chris: "Bartfort, you're content to fight like this? This is hardly chivalrous!" Leon: "Is that all you have to say?" Leon: "Nobody said shooting was against the rules." Leon: "You guys are too weak, anyway. I wouldn't mind holding back. I'll allow you to embody your precious chivalry." Chris: "Bartfort!" Leon: "Truly a master swordsman. Impressive work." Chris: "Why? Why did I lose? I've worked harder than anyone else." Leon: "Why don't you brag to Marie about all your hard work? She might take pity on you." Luxion: "You really are a scumbag, aren't you?" Leon: "Shut up. Even I feel like I overdid it a little." All: "Seriously? Even Chris? You're kidding! But I bet all my money!" Jilk: "This isn't good. It's all right if I lose, but I must protect the prince." Jilk: "No matter what it takes." Male Student: "Hey." Jenna: "Hey, I have a request." Angelica: "Did you find him?" Olivia: "No, nowhere." Olivia: "Mr. Leon!" Angelica: "We were worried." Leon: "Worried? About what?" Olivia: "Your sister we met previously said you weren't looking well, so she asked us to check on you." Angelica: "She said you should forfeit the next round." Leon: "Jenna's worried about me?" Jenna: "Hey, idiot!" Leon: "There's no way." Olivia: "Mr. Leon? Are you feeling unwell after all?" Leon: "I've actually been holding it for a while. I'm about to piss myself." Olivia: "Th-That must be quite uncomfortable." Angelica: "You should watch your language around girls." Leon: "You're right. I've been off picking flowers. Not that there are flower beds in the arena." Angelica: "We shouldn't have worried." Olivia: "No." Luxion: "Master, Arroganz has been rigged with explosives. Your sister set them, but it was your next opponent who instructed her to do it." Leon: "Yeah, I'm sure it was." Leon: "She's probably ashamed I picked a fight with the prince." Leon: "Jilk took advantage of that." Luxion: "The explosives were installed on the Armor's back. They appear to be triggered by a special type of magic." Leon: "They had those explosives in the game, too. Not that I used them." Luxion: "If it were a standard Armor, based on the quantity of explosive material, it would kill the pilot." Leon: "If it were a standard Armor, right?" Leon: "Guys who seem nice are the scariest of all." Leon: "It's a common trope." Jilk: "You are strong. I respect that." Leon: "Thanks." Ref: "Champions, begin!" Luxion: "It's a smokescreen." Leon: "He can't be bothered with appearances, huh?" Jilk: "Your life ended the moment you defied the prince." Jilk: "I shall at least grant you a glorious end." Jilk: "Is he dead?" Jilk: "What?" Jilk: "That anti-Armor bomb would easily pierce a standard model. It didn't leave a scratch. I have no choice. I didn't want to use this, but..." Luxion: "It's coming." Leon: "Yeah." Jilk: "No hard feelings. I'm doing this for the prince." Leon: "Hey." Jilk: "Y-You withstood that explosion?" Leon: "It was a heavy blow, in more than one way." Jilk: "Are you determined to fight the prince no matter what? Your life as a noble will be over!" Leon: "That's exactly what I want. And I'm willing to do anything to achieve that, just like you!" Jilk: "You're going to kill the prince?!" Leon: "Won't that be great? You'll have one fewer rival." Jilk: "Both the prince and I truly love her. If you intend to harm the prince, then I'll make your family pay for it, too!" Leon: "You're threatening me? Should we let the prince and that girl hear about this? I bet they'd scorn you." Jilk: "What proof do you have that I said that?" Jilk: "If you intend to harm the prince, then I'll make your family pay for it, too!" Leon: "Apparently outdated models come with a recording function." Jilk: "You coward!" Leon: "Coward? Threatening your opponent because you're losing is far more cowardly. What's worse, you rigged my Armor with explosives. Isn't it your life as a noble that's over?" Jilk: "Silence!" Leon: "I'm sick of this." Leon: "I've had enough. Just die." Jilk: "Y-Your Highness, he's a dangerous man." Jilk: "You mustn't fight him." Leon: "I guess I caused some trouble for my sister." Jenna: "Stupid Leon..." Julius: "Jilk..." Marie: "What's going on? How is there someone so strong?" Kyle: "Will you be all right? All four of them lost without a fight." Marie: "Jeez, he's as annoying as ever." Julius: "Marie." Julius: "It's all right. My Armor is made using the kingdom's greatest technology. Don't worry." Marie: "Okay." Marie: "That's what they all said, and they were all defeated. Come to think of it, these guys were weak in the game, too. They always lost battles, so I made my brother beat the game for me." Julius: "I'll be back." Marie: "Okay. I'll pray for your victory, Your Highness." Marie: "Ugh, this is exhausting. Imitating that optimistic goody-goody protagonist is rough." Marie: "But I won't let it end here." Marie: "I won't let that mob character beat me." All: "Your Highness! You can do it! Beat that hick!" Leon: "How sad." Leon: "They still expect the prince to win after the miserable fights they've witnessed." Leon: "The prince and his friends are still first-years. They'll become stronger in the future, but right now, I'm better." Julius: "I never thought my turn would come around." Julius: "I respect how hard you've fought to get here." Leon: "Can I ask you something?" Julius: "If I can answer your question, I shall." Leon: "What do you think of the scholarship student, Ms. Olivia?" Julius: "Olivia? Since we've hardly spoken, I have no opinion on her." Julius: "I've heard she studies hard." Leon: "I see." Ref: "Champions, begin!" All: "Your Highness! You can do it!" Julius: "Brad, Greg, Chris, Jilk..." Leon: "Well fought, everyone. Your Highness, you're the last one standing. How are you feeling? Well? How do you feel right now?" Julius: "Next time, "It's Awesome." I shall carry the thoughts and feelings of the others into battle against you."
{ "raw_title": "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs Episode 4 – Mind If I Go Easy on You?", "parsed": [ "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs", "4", "Mind If I Go Easy on You?" ] }
All: "Your Highness! You can do it! Beat that hick!" Leon: "How sad." Leon: "They still expect the prince to win after the miserable fights they've witnessed." Ref: "Champions, begin!" Leon: "His Armor is the strongest currently available, huh?" Luxion: "While his Armor certainly appears to be better than the others, that's really all it is." Leon: "Then I just need to attack." All: "You can do it, Your Highness! Beat him! Please!" Leon: "Looks like these guys really don't want to lose their bets." Luxion: "I'm sure they'd be relieved to see you lose." Luxion: "Perhaps they simply find your words and actions annoying as hell." Leon: "Don't use language like that!" Leon: "Whoops." Julius: "I cannot lose! For Marie's sake, I cannot lose!" Luxion: "I'll admit it at least has artistic value." Leon: "You're being awfully complimentary." Leon: "Your Highness, you've got considerably more spirit than the other four. Perhaps they didn't try their hardest after all. If you lose, then the other four can get closer to Marie without you." Julius: "Nonsense. You know nothing about us." Leon: "That's right, I don't. But I don't think things should continue as they are." Leon: "Your Highness, how does it feel to truly love someone? I don't really understand that sort of thing." Julius: "I'm sure you don't. It's the reason you're able to get in others' way." Julius: "If you truly love someone, you should gracefully step aside for them." Leon: "Are you talking about Ms. Angelica? I think she really loves you." Julius: "No! She didn't understand how I feel." Julius: "She's like the other women at the royal palace. Nobody sees the real me. I didn't want to be born into royalty. Marie is the only one who noticed how I felt." Julius: "Marie is the only one who loved me!" Leon: "In other words, you've been tricked by a type of woman not found at the palace. Pathetic." Julius: "Silence! How dare you behave so haughtily? You're only this arrogant because you've acquired such a powerful Armor!" Julius: "Are you enjoying yourself? How does it feel to look down on someone and lecture them?" Leon: "It's awesome." Leon: "I feel absolutely amazing. It's true that I'm arrogant, but you guys still can't beat me. How does it feel to lose to someone you saw as beneath you, Prince?" Julius: "Y-You bastard!" Leon: "You didn't want to be born into royalty? Screw off." Leon: "Have you ever been sold off by a pervy old hag and nearly died?" Julius: "What?" Leon: "Have you ever bowed your head to girls, only to have them ruin your tea party?" Leon: "We've been pushed aside just for talking to girls! Do you have any idea how that feels?!" Girl: "What are you boys crying about?" Julius: "I won't lose. I won't stop fighting until one of us is dead!" Julius: "I'd rather die than have Marie taken from me!" Angelica: "The prince is serious about her." Angelica: "He really does love that girl." Olivia: "Y-You're wrong!" Angelica: "Olivia?" Olivia: "Perhaps the prince really does love Ms. Marie," Olivia: "but... but..." Olivia: "Ms. Angelica loves the prince, too! She's been watching this battle in such pain. No matter how much it hurts or how sad it makes her," Olivia: "she's kept her eyes on the prince." Olivia: "Don't tell me that's not love!" Leon: "Wow. She's not even using a loudspeaker or magic." Luxion: "Yes. It's a mysterious power." Marie: "What's her deal? You may have won over a mob character who's kinda strong, but there's still no place for you in this world anymore." Julius: "You're saying Angelica..." Julius: "The feelings of a woman who sees me only as the prince are love?" Julius: "I found a woman who sees me for myself and understands me." Julius: "That's true love." Julius: "Angelica, your feelings aren't love." Julius: "They're an imposition. If you understand that, then never approach me again." Julius: "Let us continue." Julius: "This duel won't end until one of us dies." Leon: "I admire your willingness to use your own life as a shield." Leon: "Not even I can kill a prince. Good for you. You're going to win because you're the prince. Despite claiming you wish you weren't born a prince, you're making great use of your status. It's praiseworthy. Go on, ask me to lose. Ask me to lose because you don't want to leave your precious Marie. Why don't you order me to lose as the prince?" Julius: "I-I can't do that! This is a sacred duel!" Leon: "What? Are you telling me to pretend to lose on purpose? That would be too obvious. After all, there's no way you could pull off a comeback under these circumstances." All: "Th-This guy is awful... Your Highness, don't let him beat you! Drop dead, shithead! Die!" Luxion: "Do you feel amazing right now?" Leon: "He'd never acknowledge it if I didn't say it. He'll rule a country in the future. He can't allow someone like Marie to fool him." Luxion: "So you played the villain? You seemed to enjoy yourself quite a bit." Leon: "Yeah, it was super fun." Julius: "Bartfort!" Leon: "Your Highness, shall we have a serious conversation?" Julius: "Let go, you fiend!" Leon: "Antagonizing Ms. Angelica and the Redgrave family will threaten your noble status. You could be stripped of your right to the throne." Leon: "Will you really choose Marie regardless? If you understand, then go to Ms. Angelica and—" Julius: "I don't need it." Leon: "What?" Julius: "I don't need my status or my honor." Julius: "All I need is Marie." Leon: "Luxion." Luxion: "Analysis complete. Pilot's safety can be guaranteed." Leon: "It's hard to hold back, isn't it?" Luxion: "Impact." Ref: "B-Bartfort wins!" All: "Tell me it's not true! I refuse to accept the result of this duel!" Leon: "Try not to gamble too much, everyone." All: "You can't be serious! Coward! Cheater!" Leon: "I managed to defeat them. The prince is merely unconscious." Angelica: "I-I see. I appreciate your help with this matter." Angelica: "Allow me to thank you later." Olivia: "Mr. Leon, why were you so cruel to the prince and his friends? Everyone's angry with you. Going forward..." Leon: "I'm the only bad guy they need." All: "Die! Back country baron!" Olivia: "Huh?" Leon: "Don't worry about it. I'll probably end up leaving the academy anyway." Olivia: "What?" Angelica: "I'm so glad you're all right, Your Highness." Julius: "How can you be so shameless?" Angelica: "Everything I've done until now has been for you." Julius: "Do you know what my favorite food is?" Angelica: "Yes. As far as soups go, the Seberg region's—" Julius: "No." Julius: "I liked the grilled skewers I had after I snuck out." Julius: "I couldn't say so because I'd be told peasant food isn't appropriate for me." Julius: "But Marie noticed. When we first went out together, she took me to a food stall." Julius: "I thought it was fate." Julius: "I know it's rude to both you and your family. But Marie is the only one I can love." Angelica: "B-But I... I still want to be by your side." Julius: "I can't love you." Angelica: "I understand." Angelica: "I shall pray for your happiness from the sidelines." Julius: "I wish you would've said that sooner." Leon: "I have no connections with the royal palace," Leon: "so I thought since you're the head of the Redgrave family..." Vince: "You want me to clean up your mess?" Leon: "I'd like my life to be spared and my family not be held responsible." Vince: "You did volunteer to be my daughter's champion. I'll do the minimum the circumstances demand." Leon: "I'll forfeit my title as knight. I intend to decline the barony I'm being offered, too." Vince: "Oh?" Gilbert: "You could've avoided this trouble entirely. What do you really want?" Leon: "I just wanted to strike a blow against those irritating hunks and escape this wife-hunting hell." Leon: "I did it for the kingdom." Leon: "I couldn't allow the prince to continue to be deceived by that woman." Vince: "If that's true, then I'm impressed." Vince: "Angie's engagement to the prince has been broken off already. My daughter isn't a good match for him." Vince: "By the way, I do have one request." Leon: "What is it?" Vince: "This incident has left my daughter feeling utterly defeated." Vince: "I'd like to give her the chance to rest in the countryside for a change of pace." Leon: "All right. This will allow me to avoid being executed, and to escape the academy and wife-hunting." Leon: "My only regrets are... that I couldn't learn about tea from my master," Leon: "and Daniel and Raymond." Leon: "I'm disappointed I never got to try all the desserts at the academy cafeteria, either." Leon: "Before I even knew it, I was actually enjoying life at the academy." Gilbert: "So he gave up his status, his honor, and even a portion of his wealth to admonish the prince." Vince: "Yes. He made enemies of everyone and volunteered when no one else offered to help. He's as a knight should be." Vince: "Outwardly, that is." Angelica: "How laughable." Angelica: "None of my feelings ever got through to him." Angelica: "All I've done is get Leon kicked out of the academy because of my selfishness." Olivia: "Ms. Angelica, you didn't do anything wrong. Mr. Leon said he intended from the start to play the villain and leave the academy." Angelica: "But I went to see the prince without thanking Leon properly." Angelica: "I truly am a terrible woman." Olivia: "Ms. Angelica..." Luxion: "How sad. Are you not going to talk to them?" Leon: "Don't expect me to say anything thoughtful." Leon: "Talking about it won't fix anything, so I don't want to get involved." Luxion: "You're refreshingly worthless, aren't you?" Leon: "Yeah, I know I am." Luce: "Dinner is ready." Luce: "The duke's maids are preparing her room." Balcus: "That idiot. First he picks a fight with the prince, and now he's bringing home a duke's daughter. Can't he show a little more consideration for my poor heart?" Zola: "Who are you people? Out of the way." Balcus: "Z-Zola..." Zola: "The royal capital is in an uproar because of your incompetent son!" Balcus: "I-I'm thunderstruck, as well." Zola: "Call that idiot here right—" All: "Welcome back, my lady." Zola: ""My lady"? Just whose daughter are you?" Angelica: "The Redgrave family's." Zola: "Red..." Angelica: "You must be Lady Bartfort. Your son, Lord Leon, has done much for me." Zola: "What?" Angelica: "I have accepted Lord Leon's kind offer to spend my holiday here." Zola: "I-I see. In that case, make yourself at home. I must be leaving now, though." Leon: "That was so friggin' cool! Ms. Angelica is the best!" Angelica: "Seems like you have a lot to deal with." Olivia: "Wow, so this is Mr. Leon's island." Angelica: "It's a wonderful island." Leon: "It's still under development." Olivia: "It's amazing. I've never seen such a beautiful place." Angelica: "What's that smell?" Leon: "Oh, that's our famous..." Olivia: "Wow. Ms. Angelica, your hair is beautiful. It's so glossy." Angelica: "The prince said he likes long hair." Angelica: "Perhaps I'll try trimming it." Angelica: "Perhaps it's because the prince said he doesn't like busty women, but..." Angelica: "I'm jealous of you. You and Leon are lovers, are you not?" Olivia: "O-Oh, no. Our standings are too different. Mr. Leon is out of my reach." Olivia: "Besides, doesn't Mr. Leon have feelings for you?" Angelica: "What? Impossible. I'm an awful woman." Olivia: "We're both dealing with a lot, aren't we?" Angelica: "Indeed." Angelica: "Your skin is so smooth, Olivia." Olivia: "But Ms. Angelica, you have such smooth hair and skin." Leon: "Why are they so happy?" Leon: "What is it, Ms. Olivia?" Olivia: "Um, it's Livia. Please call me Livia." Olivia: "Is that all right? Everyone back home calls me Livia." Angelica: "In that case, call me Angie. That's what my friends call me." Leon: "Are you sure?" Angelica: "Though I doubt you want to be friends with such an unpleasant woman." Olivia: "Y-You shouldn't talk about yourself that way. Ms. Angelica, you—Angie, you're a wonderful woman." Angelica: "I'm the worst. I still resent Marie more than I can bear." Angelica: "I've thought numerous times about getting revenge." Leon: "I don't think there's anything wrong with that. You want revenge? Fine by me." Leon: "Let's do it." Angelica: "It's all right for me to seek revenge?" Olivia: "Mr. Leon, don't encourage Angie." Leon: "I know the best way to get revenge." Angelica: "R-Really?" Olivia: "Angie, don't take the bait!" Leon: "The best way to get revenge is to become happy yourself." Leon: "Trying to make someone else unhappy is a waste of time. Spending your time on yourself is far more meaningful." Ange: "Y-You're right." Olivia: "In that case, I'll support you." Olivia: "Angie, let us devote ourselves to revenge together." Leon: "The protagonist and the rival make a powerful team. I almost feel sorry for Marie that these two are working against her." Marie: "Wh-What do you mean?" Marie: "You're all being disinherited and losing your statuses?" Julius: "It's exactly what it sounds like. I'm no longer the crown prince." Julius: "Now I can have a proper relationship with you. We've made up our minds." All: "This is the decision we've made. Sorry to have kept you waiting, Marie." Marie: "Are..." Marie: "Are they stupid?! Now they're just unemployed rich kids!" Julius: "I can no longer formally stand by your side, but I'll be wishing for your happiness." Brad: "We'll protect Marie for you, Julius." Greg: "We need to get revenge on Leon, too." Chris: "It'd be no fun leaving things as they are." Jilk: "Perhaps we should start adventuring and search for Lost Items." Julius: "I feel relieved knowing you'll all be protecting Marie." Marie: "You can't be serious! Gorgeous dresses, luxurious meals, and the life at the royal palace I dreamed of... All of that is..." Marie: "Why is this happening?!" Brad: "Marie..." Greg: "I can't believe you're crying tears of joy." Servant: "Between the broken off engagements, the duel, and the prince's disinheritance, there's been quite an uproar at the royal palace." Leon: "I see." Balcus: "What will happen to our family?" Servant: "Don't worry. Neither Lord Leon nor your family will be held responsible." Balcus: "R-Really?" Leon: "Good thing I talked to Angie's dad." Servant: "Instead, Lord Leon will be granted a formal title." Leon: "Huh?" Servant: "After all, you're the knight who admonished the prince's foolish behavior." Leon: "What?" Servant: "Your royal ranking has been increased to upper sixth rank. Congratulations." Leon: "Nobody said I'd be promoted! Apparently even being made a knight at 16 years old is unprecedented in the Holfort Kingdom." Leon: "It was Julius's parents who granted me the title. I'm sure they must've had complicated feelings toward the guy who beat up their own son. And receiving the royal palace's recognition meant I wouldn't be leaving the academy anymore." Girl: "What's he doing here? Didn't he leave the academy? This sucks." Leon: "Finding a wife will be even harder now." Luxion: "Regarding Marie and Julius and his friends, apparently they've stayed together." Leon: "Yeah, I figured." Luxion: "Though they're no longer lovers, they've taken on several dungeons together." Luxion: "They're training to defeat you. Since they've lost the backing of their families, they've needed to earn their own funds. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves," Luxion: "with the exception of Marie." Leon: "That's unusually good news from you. I'll be able to sleep soundly tonight." Olivia: "Mr. Leon, there you are." Angelica: "Are you alone again today?" Leon: "Yeah, alone again today. Thanks for ripping my heart out." Angelica: "Can't you do something about that foul language of yours? If you're not busy, come with us." Olivia: "We've found a crêperie that's supposed to be good." Angelica: "Come on, let's go." Olivia: "Hurry." Leon: "I can't believe I've got these two cute, kind girls right next to me, and I can't do anything with either of them." Leon: "The world of otome games is truly tough for mobs." Olivia: "Mr. Leon, what do you think? Does this look good on me?" Leon: "Yeah, you look super cute!" Angelica: "I haven't worn this in a while. What do you think?" Leon: "You look dignified and cool!" Julius: "How do I look? Does this look good on me?" Leon: "Buzz off, dude." Julius: "Next time." Angelica: "A cultural festival?" Olivia: "It'll be my first."
{ "raw_title": "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs Episode 5 – It's Awesome", "parsed": [ "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs", "5", "It's Awesome" ] }
Leon: "Move that table a little more to the left. Daniel, that tea set's expensive. Be careful with it." Daniel: "You shouldn't be using expensive stuff at a school festival." Leon: "I feel like I ought to return some of the wealth I squeezed out of those idiot students." Daniel: "You should be a little more conscious of how much everyone hates you." Olivia: "U-Uh..." Olivia: "I don't look strange, do I?" Olivia: "I'm not used to wearing outfits like this." Leon: "No, it looks perfect on you." Angelica: "Hmm..." Angelica: "This emphasizes my bust a little too much." Olivia: "Angie, you seem comfortable in that, even though you're a duke's daughter." Angelica: "I spent two years at the royal palace, learning manners." Angelica: "You look good, Livia. The innocent air it gives you is fantastic." Olivia: "I actually kind of like it, too." Leon: "What a precious sight. But according to this otome game's setting, I can't have romantic relationships with them." Leon: "I'm a mob character, after all." Angelica: "You have such pretty hair, Livia." Olivia: "I wish I had a nice body like yours, Angie." Daniel: "Do these girls really go to this academy?" Raymond: "I feel like I'm dreaming." Jenna: "Leon!" Jenna: "Listen to this!" Leon: "What do you want? You're getting in the way. Could you leave?" Olivia: "You shouldn't speak to your sister like that." Jenna: "That's right. You should be consoling me and serving me tea." Daniel: "Ah, yes. This is what girls at this academy are normally like." Raymond: "The dream has ended." Leon: "What is it? Spit it out already." Jenna: "I had a fight with a friend." Leon: "I'm sure you were fighting over boys or something." Jenna: "Yeah. He's a viscount's heir. He's a prime piece of property who's about to become very wealthy." Leon: "And your friend stole him out from under you?" Jenna: "It's the other way around." Leon: "Huh?" Jenna: "My friend had her eye on him first, but I thought I'd try pursuing him, too." Leon: "Then you're in the wrong. We're done here." Jenna: "I want you to step in and settle the matter! If you'd just threaten her a little, this would—" Olivia: "Y-You mustn't do that." Jenna: "Shut up, scholarship student." Leon: "I'm not doing anything for you. And don't be mean to Olivia." Leon: "You can be sure Angie won't stay silent if anything happens." Angelica: "He's right. You may be Leon's sister, but I'll show no mercy." Jenna: "F-Fine. You're a useless idiot." Olivia: "Mr. Leon..." Olivia: "Thank you for worrying about me." Leon: "She's as radiant as ever, but..." Daniel: "S-Something terrible is happening, Leon!" Raymond: "In the tea room next door..." Girls: "Prince Julius!" Julius: "I hope you'll all come. You'll be most welcome." Girl: "Oh, yes! I'll totally be there! Me, too! I'm gonna spend so much money!" Leon: "Wha—" Julius: "We hope you'll visit Café Princess." Leon: "What?!" Daniel: "I can't believe he's opening a café next door." Raymond: "How incredibly spiteful." Julius: "Bartfort, I heard you're running a café, as well. If you're interested, do stop by ours." Julius: "You're welcome to visit." Leon: "He's annoying as hell!" Olivia: "You charge 100 dia for tea and sweets?!" Julius: "What? Is that too cheap?" Julius: "Marie said this was the right price." Olivia: "I... I don't have the courage to enter such an expensive place." Leon: "Yeah, that's normal. Just ignore their café." Julius: "You seem awfully confident. But we won't lose this time." Julius: "Hey, why are you following me?" Leon: "Because I'm true to myself. I'm curious, so I thought I'd check it out. Come on, show me what you've got." Leon: "This place is a freaking host club!" Brad: "Bartfort, huh? How ignoble of you to scout out the competition." Leon: "This isn't fair!" Chris: "Just getting to see your frustrated face makes it all worthwhile. We were right to follow Marie's suggestion." Leon: "Her again?" Chris: "This time, we will win." Brad: "You'd better not run off just because you think you'll lose." Leon: "What are we even competing for? This is a school festival!" Olivia: "Is this really a café? The atmosphere feels more like a bar, and they're charging 100 dia for tea." Marie: "Of course we are. Julius and the rest of the boys are former heirs to distinguished families." Marie: "They're the ones serving our customers." Leon: "You're always up to no good, aren't you?" Marie: "Are you going to interfere with my plans again?" Leon: "Are you the princess your café's name refers to? "Princess," huh?" Marie: "I-I'm a princess at heart!" Brad: "Marie, you'll always be our princess." Marie: "Thank you. On the other hand, you're incredibly rude for a background mob character. I'm excited for the day of the festival. I doubt your café will be very busy." Marie: "We'll do you the favor of using it as our break room." Marie: "And we will be paying, so you'd better serve some proper tea." Leon: "You don't have to tell me. When it comes to tea, I don't mess around. I couldn't do that to my master." Mob: "Welcome! We're putting on a play! How about a haunted house? It starts tomorrow!" Olivia: "All right. I need to do my part, too." Girl A: "Where should we go next?" Girl B: "What should we do?" Olivia: "E-Excuse me..." Girl C: "Where should we go?" Girl A: "What do you want, scholarship student?" Olivia: "I-I'm promoting a café." Girl A: "You mean Bartfort's café?" Olivia: "Y-Yes." Girl A: "We'd never go there." Girl A: "The fact that he likes you has gone to your head, hasn't it?" Olivia: "Huh?" Girl A: "Get rid of that misconception right now, commoner." Olivia: "B-But I..." Girl B: "Don't. The duke's daughter likes her." Girl B: "Angering the Redgrave family could endanger your entire household." Girl A: "Hmph." Carla: "You're running a café?" Olivia: "Y-Yes." Carla: "Very nice. That sounds fun." Carla: "I'm Carla. Carla Fou Wayne." Mylene: "A school festival, huh?" Mylene: "I'm looking forward to seeing you, Baron Bartfort." Leon: "All right." Leon: "Today's the first day. Show some spirit, boys!" Both: "Yeah!" Leon: "Ladies, don't forget to take breaks and enjoy the festival." Both: "You're so much nicer to them!" Olivia: "I-I'm starting to feel nervous." Angelica: "This is my first time working in a café, too. I've been looking forward to—" emale Teacher: "Ms. Angelica, the executive committee would like to speak with you. Please head to the committee headquarters immediately." Angelica: "Your Majesty, I cannot accommodate such an unreasonable request." Mylene: "I'm sorry, but I'd like you to tolerate my selfishness just for today." Mylene: "I went through a lot of trouble for you, you know." Angelica: "I'm sorry." Mylene: "And besides, this is my first school festival." Mylene: "It's been a while since I last saw you in a maid uniform." Angelica: "I-I appreciate everything you did for me back then." Angelica: "Lady Mylene is the queen of the Holfort Kingdom and the prince's mother." Angelica: "I am forever indebted to her." Mylene: "I'm relieved to see you're looking better, though." Angelica: "Yes, I'm enjoying my time at the academy." Mylene: "Oh? Is that because of Leon?" Angelica: "Huh?" Angelica: "M-More importantly, do you really intend to meet with Leon?" Mylene: "Of course I do. It's Julius's own fault he was disinherited, but as his mother, I'd like to have a word with Leon." Angelica: "B-But I'm responsible for what happened, as well." Mylene: "No, it's what happened during the duel that I'm not happy about. As his mother, let me apologize for my son's actions." Mylene: "I'm sorry, Angie." Angelica: "You don't need to apologize." Mylene: "But I can't believe Julius was fooled so easily." Mylele: "The academy is even worse than I thought." Mob Girl A: "What? You're charging money for this?" Mob Girl B: "This should be free." Mob Boy: "P-Please..." Mylene: "What an awful place." Girl: "I'm so excited! I can't wait! I'm having five cups of tea. I'm going to ask for Lord Brad." Olivia: "Mr. Leon, there's a line." Leon: "They're so damn shameless." Stephanie: "I'm here as a customer. Show me to a seat." Mylene: "It's time to cause trouble for Leon." Mylene: "Angie, I expect your help." Angelica: "But I work here." Mylene: "Oh, come on. I'll just complain about the tea being lukewarm or something. I'll have him remake it at least three ti—" Stephanie: "This tea is lukewarm!" Stephanie: "Make me a new cup!" Olivia: "Mr. Leon!" Leon: "I'm sorry. I'll make you a new cup right away." Stephanie: "Actually, never mind. I doubt your tea leaves are very good anyway." Stephanie: "I don't have to pay for such disgusting tea, do I? If anything, shouldn't you be paying me?" Leon: "I expect you to pay for your tea." Stephanie: "What? How much money do you think you cheated everyone out of by betting on your own duel? Some girls had to sell their slaves!" Mylene: "Wh-What's going on here?" Stephanie: "Say something, you scumbag!" Mylene: "Angie..." Angelica: "What a dreadful attitude." Angelica: "I'd like you to leave." Stephanie: "Well, if it isn't Angelica, the girl the prince cast aside. Why are you dressed like that? Aren't you embarrassed as the daughter of a nobleman?" Angelica: "She's Count Offrey's daughter." Angelica: "They're a rival family." Stephanie: "Did you think I'd be scared of you? Who'd be scared of a waning noblewoman like you?" Olivia: "Please stop!" Angelica: "Livia..." Olivia: "How could you be so cruel to Mr. Leon and Angie?" Olivia: "Please leave!" Stephanie: "What? Don't push your luck, commoner." Stephanie: "You think you can stand on equal footing with us? Just because you're Angelica's cute little pet?" Olivia: "Her pet?" Angelica: "That's enough, wench. You'll pay for this." Stephanie: "Are you cozying up to commoners now because you've lost friends?" Stephanie: "Don't you remember saying commoners are just numbers?" Olivia: "You did? But..." Angelica: "No, I..." Stephanie: "Commoners aren't people. Just because you know a slightly accomplished scumbag knight and a duke's daughter—" Leon: "Shut your stinking mouth." Stephanie: "What? Don't get ahead of yourself, shithead." Stephanie: "Do you know what it means to make an enemy of a count's family?" Mylene: "That's enough." Stephanie: "What do you want, you old hag?" Mylene: "O-Old?" Mylene: "I-I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. Pay for your tea and leave this place. Aren't you ashamed of yourselves as nobles of the kingdom?" Stephanie: "What? Who do you think I am? I'm the Offrey family's daughter. Someone throw this hag out of here." Angelica: "That's enough. Who do you think you're..." Angelica: "C-Calm down, Leon." Leon: "Now..." Leon: "I have a cause!" Leon: "Take this, idiot!" Daniel: "You're the idiot!" Raymond: "Laying a hand on a servant will make all the girls at the academy hate you." Leon: "Time for a delightful party." Leon: "Now die!" Daniel: "Leon!" Raymond: "He's lost his mind!" Stephanie: "You can't be serious! How dare you strike my servants?!" Leon: "Check yourselves, you swine. Do you have any idea who this woman is?" Leon: "She is the queen of the Holfort Kingdom..." Leon: "Her Majesty, Queen Mylene!" Leon: "Prepare yourself. Your father may be a count, but you won't get away with picking a fight with a queen." Mylene: "Leon, wait. I'm traveling incognito. Be a good boy and calm down, okay?" Leon: "Your Majesty, allow me, Leon Fou Bartfort, to handle this." Leon: "Annihilate or exterminate, I'm your man." Leon: "I'll kill. Them. All." Mylene: "I told you, we can't do that!" Mylene: "Please stop!" Angelica: "He's out of control. There's only one man who can help us now." Lucas: "Mr. Leon, one who follows the path of tea mustn't trouble ladies. It's ungentlemanly." Leon: "I'm sorry, Master, but I..." Lucas: "I know it was difficult. I know it was painful for you." Lucas: "But beyond such challenges lie true gentlemanhood and the path of tea." Leon: "Y-Yes, Master!" Lucas: "Allow me to prepare some tea for you." Leon: "The master's tea! Oh, happy tea time!" Mylene: "Leon." Mylene: "I am angry." Leon: "P-Please spare my family!" Leon: "I don't care what happens to me." Mylene: "What? N-No, no! That's not what I meant! Angie, help!" Angelica: "Lady Mylene, he's making fun of you." Mylene: "Huh?" Mylene: "You're awful! I misjudged you!" Leon: "I am very sorry." Mylene: "Leon, I came here to voice my complaints." Mylene: "Not regarding your punishment, but as a personal matter." Leon: "I'm listening." Mylene: "I apologize for Julius's actions, but the duel itself was unacceptable. The way you fought was awful." Mylene: "Couldn't you have settled the matter peacefully?" Leon: "I just noticed something incredible." Leon: "She's super pretty. She doesn't look like someone in their thirties." Mylene: "You have many enemies at the royal palace. Have you given thought to your future?" Leon: "Of course." Mylene: "I see. If you're certain, then I have nothing more to say." Mylene: "I'd like you to help me with something else." Leon: "What do you mean?" Mylene: "Since I came from a neighboring country, I never attended the academy." Mylene: "So I'd like to create some memories here." Leon: "In my previous life, I might've told this hag to do it herself. But I'm different now." Leon: "Very well. Let us create memories at the academy together." Leon: "Lady Mylene, will you marry me?" Mylene: "Huh? What?!" Olivia: "Mr. Leon, what are you saying?!" Angelica: "She's the queen!" Leon: "I know. I know, but..." Leon: "A cute, ladylike woman in her thirties is far better than the feral teens of the academy! I want to marry a human, so..." Leon: "I love you. I adore you." Mylene: "B-But I have a husband and children." Mylene: "Besides, I'm an old woman." Leon: "It doesn't matter. You're beautiful. Even if you have a family, I—" Leon: "That hurt! Who did that?" Leon: "Oh, Your Highness." Julius: "Bartfort, you've got some nerve wooing a man's mother like that." Mylene: "Th-This isn't what it looks like, Julius." Julius: "Mother, get away from that man. Let go of her." Leon: "What? But I don't wanna." Mylene: "Leon!" Julius: "Ignore him. Let's go, Mother." Angelica: "Well, he got what he deserved." Olivia: "I agree." Leon: "Your Majesty, were you able to create the memories you wanted at the academy?" Julius: "Mother, you mustn't allow Bartfort near you." Julius: "He's a rude, greedy coward." Mylene: "Julius, didn't you say you and your friends were running a café?" Julius: "Yes, although Marie made some adjustments. Isn't it marvelous?" Mylene: "Bring her to me." Marie: "Sh-She's super pissed." Marie: "If she finds out I've been making her son, the prince, serve girls..." Julius: "Mother, you're just like the others. If that's the attitude you're taking, I can't allow you to see Marie." Mylene: "Didn't you call Leon greedy? Then what are this store's prices? You're charging 100 dia for low-quality sweets and tea? And a service fee on top of that? And what are the former heirs to distinguished families doing dressed like that?" Julius: "I-I..." Mylene: "You agreed to stay away from Marie after losing the duel. Who's the promise-breaking coward?" Julius: "I'm just helping Brad and the others who happen to be with Marie." Mylene: "Don't make disgraceful excuses. In any case, bring that girl to me." Leon: "But she was totally my type." Angelica: "You fool. What kind of knight makes advances on his own queen?" Leon: "Now that I think about it, though, there's no way a mob character like me could marry a queen." Carla: "Excuse me." Carla: "Are you still open?" Leon: "I'm sorry. My spirit's been broken, so we're closed." Angelica: "Why, you..." Carla: "What? Um, in that case..." Carla: "Oh, Ms. Olivia." Carla: "Could you do that thing I asked you about before?" Olivia: "Y-Yes." Olivia: "This is Ms. Carla. She asked me to introduce her to you, Mr. Leon." Carla: "I am Carla Fou Wayne." Carla: "Pleasure to meet you, my lord." Leon: "Carla Wayne? So, why'd you ask Livia for an introduction?" Carla: "My lord, please save the Wayne family." Carla: "Please save us." Raymond: "I bet I'd get girls if I rode an air bike." Daniel: "Not true. Question! What do you need when looking for a wife?" Raymond: "Money." Daniel: "Good looks." Raymond: "Status." Daniel: "A distinguished pedigree." Raymond: "The ability to provide." Daniel: "Knowing when to give up." Raymond: "Wisdom."
{ "raw_title": "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs Episode 6 – My First School Festival", "parsed": [ "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs", "6", "My First School Festival" ] }
Carla: "I am Carla Fou Wayne. Pleasure to meet you, my lord." Leon: "Carla Wayne?" Carla: "My lord, please save the Wayne family." Carla: "Please save us." Luxion: "Master, are you really going to help that girl?" Leon: "We have several days off after the school festival. I'll go help her then." Luxion: "But I see no compelling reason for you to help her." Leon: "I don't, either, but she officially requested my assistance." Leon: "Since Livia acted as an intermediary, if I refuse to help her, Livia will lose face." Leon: "Both Livia and I have already gotten caught up in whatever's going on." Raymond: "Don't things seem awkward between those two?" Daniel: "Maybe it's because of what happened yesterday." Stephanie: "You think you can stand on equal footing with us? Just because you're Angelica's cute little pet?" Olivia: "Her pet?" Leon: "Maybe I'll give them a break." Daniel: "I think that's a good idea. The shop's not busy, anyway." Raymond: "We're deep in the red, though." Leon: "Don't worry about it. We'll make a killing on the last day." Daniel: "Doing what?" Raymond: "You don't mean..." Student: "It's finally time. Well, it is the highlight of the school festival. Who's going to win this year?" Olivia: "A bike race?" Angelica: "Yeah. It generates a lot of excitement every year. I'm on the executive committee, too. This year's favorite is third-year Dan Fia Elgar, but a lot of people have their eye on first-year Jilk. He's nothing if not skilled at handling an air bike." Olivia: "Mr. Leon isn't going to participate?" Angelica: "Leon's skilled enough to race, but he's much more likely..." Both: "...to bet on the race." Olivia: "I hope he doesn't develop too much of an interest in gambling." Angelica: "I couldn't agree more." Marie: "If Jilk wins this race, we'll win a significant amount of prize money." Kyle: "Why don't you try betting on the race?" Marie: "I don't like gambling." Boyfriend: "Go! That's it!" Marie: "In my previous life, the man I dated constantly owed gambling debts. So in this world, I'll earn my money through more reliable methods." Marie: "Now let's get to work." Kyle: "Fine, then. I'll work hard to earn my pay." Marie: "You didn't need to say that." Mob: "Go, go! Pass him! That's it!" Commentator: "Number 6 is in first, with number 7 in second! Number 4 is catching up!" Luxion: "Several riders appear to be trying to help certain others win. As I expected, it should be numbers 6 and 4." Leon: "Bless you, Luxion. My winnings keep doubling." Angelica: "You seem awfully engrossed in your wagers." Olivial: "Someday you'll suffer for it." Leon: "It's all right. I won't lose." Commentator: "Number 6 finishes first, number 4 second!" Leon: "I can't stop laughing!" Angelica: "At least try to maintain a human face." Commentator: "Currently in the lead is Jilk. No wonder he's one of the favorites to win!" Leon: "Jilk, you'd better make me a lot of money." Commentator: "What's this? They seem to be targeting tournament favorite Jilk." Leon: "What?" Angelica: "They're sticking right on him." Olivia: "Why would they do that?" Leon: "Of course she's worried about him." Leon: "In the game, they could end up together." Angelica: "The riders getting in his way are Clarice's followers." Leon: "Clarice? You mean..." Commentator: "An impressive loop by Jilk! He's so fast!" Commentator: "Jilk finishes in first place! What a marvelous race!" Mob: "That was amazing! I knew you could do it!" Leon: "Well, he didn't disappoint." Olivia: "Wh-What do you suppose happened?" Angelica: "They hit him pretty hard. He could be hurt." Marie: "Jilk!" Jilk: "It's all right, Ms. Marie. It's just a broken bone." Marie: "But... But... My prize money!" Girl 2: "He won't be able to participate in the next race." Girl 1: "If Lord Jilk can't race, then..." Girl 3: "There aren't any other first-year racers." Angelica: "We'll have to find a substitute." Clarice: "My, my. You're looking rather miserable, Jilk." Jilk: "Clarice... So you're responsible for the interference after all." Clarice: "Yes, that's right. And you'll suffer even worse for daring to leave me." Leon: "Ms. Clarice..." Leon: "She's Jilk's ex-fiancée." Leon: "In the game, she looked a little more like an honor student." Leon: "Pretty girls are intense when they're angry." Olivia: "Don't make fun of people! No!" Olivia: "No!" Leon: "What is she doing? That's so cute!" Angelica: "Clarice, I understand how you feel, but it wasn't necessary to go that far." Clarice: "Angelica, how can you look so unconcerned? Didn't the prince dump you?" Angelica: "You're putting on quite the show with your personal slaves in tow." Angelica: "Do you fancy yourself the heroine of some tragedy?" Clarice: "Sh-Shut up! You don't know me!" Dan: "Miss, you're speaking to the duke's daughter." Clarice: "Jilk, I'm never going to stop getting revenge on you. You'd better beg for forgiveness." Jilk: "If that will settle your feelings." Jilk: "But if you do anything to Ms. Marie, you will pay the price." Marie: "Miss, nothing good comes from revenge. There's surely something more important you could—" Clarice: "You don't know what you're talking about!" Marie: "Yes, miss! I'm sorry, miss!" Leon: "This girl's just like my little sister from my previous life." Clarice: "Jilk, I'll never forgive you, no matter what." Angelica: "What will you do?" Angelica: "It seems like we'll have to find a substitute for the next race." Jilk: "No, I'll participate in the race. It's the smartest choice." Leon: "The smartest choice would've been not calling off your engagement." Marie: "You should race in his place." Leon: "What? Why me?" Marie: "Because the prize money— No, wait. I mean, because she'll be in trouble if there's no first-year racer." Girl 1: "She's right." Girl 2: "If an executive committee member can't even find a substitute..." Girl 3: "People will question the duke's daughter's competence." Angelica: "Leon, don't worry about me. I can't cause any more trouble for you." Leon: "Angie's paying for protecting me, isn't she?" Leon: "I owe Angie's dad a huge favor." Leon: "If I cause any trouble for her..." Leon: "I'll race." Olivia: "What?" Angelica: "Leon..." Leon: "Rejoice, you green scoundrel. I'll win the tournament for you." Jilk: "It seems I have no choice but to rely on you now." Jilk: "This will undoubtedly be a large debt to pay." Leon: "Oh, yeah. And you'll be paying me back right away. You'd better be ready." Mob: "It's time for the finals. But Jilk isn't racing, right? Mr. Dan's going to win." Luxion: "You're really pushing yourself, aren't you?" Luxion: "You've fully become one of Angelica's followers." Leon: "I'm not worthy of being a duke's daughter's follower. I just know my place as a mob—" Dan: "So you're the substitute, huh?" Leon: "Oh? What business does tournament favorite Mr. Dan have with me?" Dan: "I can't believe the shovel knight is racing in Jilk's place. Though I bear no grudge against you, I'll crush you with everything I've got in the next race." Leon: "Did Lady Clarice threaten you?" Dan: "No!" Dan: "She's actually a kind person. Her followers looked up to her." Dan: "Her home has a racetrack. She looked after Jilk, too." Dan: "She looked so beautiful as she cheered him on." Dan: "It was a source of both frustration and joy for us." Dan: "But Jilk suddenly called off their engagement. All he gave her was a single letter. He won't even meet with her." Leon: "He deserves a beating for that. I hate Jilk, too. In other words, you and I both hate hot guys." Leon: "So, whaddya say? Why don't you let me off the hook?" Dan: "I'm sorry, but Lady Clarice's orders are absolute." Leon: "Aw, man. No, huh?" Leon: "Lady Clarice is more popular than I thought." Luxion: "I've finished modifying the bike. Are you still going to try to win after what he told you?" Leon: "Of course I am. I bet a ton of money on myself. Plus, I'll get to see the frustration and disappointment of everyone who thinks I'll lose." Leon: "I'd happily win to see that." Luxion: "You don't give off the slightest impression of using my strength to win. I strive to be as audacious." Leon: "Don't you think you hate me a little too much?" Commentator: "It's time for the final race." Commentator: "The favorite to win is third-year Dan." Commentator: "Let the final race..." Commentator: "Begin!" Luxion: "We're surrounded." Leon: "Just how much do these guys love me?" Commentator: "Oh? Looks like they're going after Leon!" Leon: "Whoa! What are these guys doing? They're not even Lady Clarice's followers." Mob: "I'm in debt because of you! Die! You fiend!" Leon: "Damn it." Luxion: "Karma's a bitch." Leon: "Shut up." Mob: "Take this!" Commentator: "Leon's in trouble!" Mob: "Come on, fall!" Mob: "Get him! Crush him!" Commentator: "Yeah, get him!" Leon: "Commentator, you asshole! It's your own fault you're in debt. You guys can fall!" Leon: "Hup!" Leon: "Did you see that?" Luxion: "I'm experiencing something firsthand that only occurs when everyone's on the same level." Mob: "Someone stop Bartfort! That's it! Hit him again! Stop him!" Angelica: "This is even worse than I expected." Olivia: "I feel sorry for Mr. Leon." Stephanie: "Serves him right." Stephanie: "People really hate your follower." Angelica: "Leon isn't my follower." Stephanie: "That's not important. Do you have any idea how much my family has suffered because of you people?" Angelica: "Shouldn't you be directing your resentment toward your own thoughtlessness?" Stephanie: "Bitch!" Olivia: "Please stop being mean to Angie!" Stephnie: "Stay out of this, commoner!" Angelica: "Livia..." Stephanie: "What's gotten into you, Angelica? You used to look down on commoners. I guess people do change." Angelica: "I-I..." Stephanie: "You acted like commoners weren't people." Stephanie: "Or do you enjoy watching her being tormented right in front of you?" Angelica: "What?" Olivia: "Angie..." Angelica: "N-No..." Angelica: "Livia!" Angelica: "Do I have any right to chase after her?" Angelica: "It's true that I previously felt that way." Stephanie: "Aw, she ran away. I guess your last friend was a cold bitch, too." Angelica: "What the hell do you know?!" Boy: "Hey..." Girl: "What's going on?" Stpehanie: "N-Now you've done it!" Angelica: "Trifling bitch!" Angelica: "Stay away from me!" Angelica: "Damn you!" Stephanie: "You shrew! Don't get ahead of yourself when your family's on the decline!" Students: "Please stop! Both of you have crossed the line!" Commentator: "Something's wrong with Bartfort!" Racer I: "Now you can't race anymore!" Racer U: "All bark, no bite. Later, loser!" Leon: "You ready to go, Luxion?" Luxion: "I'm ready anytime. However, don't you think people hate you too much?" Leon: "They can hate me all they want." Leon: "They can break my body, but they can't break my heart!" Commentator: "What's this? Bartfort has suddenly accelerated! I don't believe it! How is he going so fast?" Leon: "Can we catch them?" Luxion: "Don't you mean "pass them"?" Commentator: "What a shocking turn of events! Bartfort has joined the race for first!" Mob: "No! Bastard!" Leon: "You guys hate the idea of me winning that much? Well, now I have to win!" Rider A: "You're not going anywhere!" Leon: "Too bad." Rider A: "Whoa!" Rider B: "Idiot!" Rider C: "Stay away!" Leon: "Bye-bye." Leon: "This is the end." Commentator: "Bartfort is currently in second place!" Leon: "That just leaves Mr. Dan." Commentator: "Bartfort has caught up to him! Who's going to win?!" Dan: "Bring it on! It'll be a contest of skill!" Leon: "Mr. Dan..." Leon: "Sorry, but I'm gonna pass on that!" Leon: "It's so fast! I'm scared! I'm never racing again!" Commentator: "Goal!" Commentator: "Th-The winner is... Bartfort!" Mob: "You again? What a pest! Die!" Leon: "Sorry, guys." Luxion: "Master." Leon: "What is it? I feel great right now. Leave me alone." Luxion: "Understood, but the bike has reached its limit." Leon: "Huh?" Luxion: "You did ride rather recklessly." Leon: "No! I'm gonna die!" Leon: "Mr. Dan..." Leon: "Mr. Dan, you saved me." Dan: "Don't worry about it." Dan: "After all, we both hate hot guys." Leon: "Mr. Dan..." Marie: "Platinum coins..." Leon: "It's time for you to repay your debt, my dear Jilk." Jilk: "Very well. Order me to do whatever you wish. I shall follow it to the best of my abilities." Kyle: "What are you going to make him do? A naked handstand?" Leon: "That's not a bad idea. I bet making him do that in front of the girls would earn me some money." Marie: "Are you that desperate for money, you miser?!" Leon: "Take a look in a mirror! You're even more of a miser than I am!" Jilk: "So, what should I do?" Maire: "More importantly, give me back my prize money!" Leon: "Ah, right. I want you to..." Jilk: "I'm terribly sorry for what I did." Jilk: "I am sorry, Clarice. I truly believe what I did to you was terrible." Clarice: "It's too late! I waited so long for you, too!" Clarice: "Did you think a single letter could make it like nothing had ever happened?" Jilk: "I didn't want to lie to you." Jilk: "I've fallen in love with another woman." Clarice: "You what? Why? Why can't it be me?" Jilk: "I don't know either, but I've fallen in love with Marie." Leon: "It sounds nice coming from him because he's so handsome, but basically, he didn't want to see her because it was a pain in the ass." Dan: "How dare you—" Clarice: "Forget it." Dan: "My lady?" Clarice: "He's not worth dirtying your hands." Calrice: "I'm through associating with that man." Dan: "Thank you, my lord." Leon: "It's fine. I did it because I don't like Jilk, either." Leon: "And Lady Clarice, get back on your feet already." Leon: "There are plenty more fish in the sea." Clarice: "Thank you. You've got a twisted personality, but you're a kind person." Clarice: "Leon, you should go to your friends." Leon: "Huh?" Clarice: "A lot happened to both Angie and the scholarship student during the race." Leon: "You seem down." Olivia: "Mr. Leon..." Leon: "Angie explained the situation to me." Olivia: "Mr. Leon, do you think Angie and I can be friends?" Leon: "Do you mind if I'm honest with you? It'll be pretty harsh." Olivia: "Please." Leon: "The short answer is it'll be incredibly difficult. Your living environments are just too different. You have nothing in common." Leon: "Frankly, I think things had been going too smoothly so far." Olivia: "I was so happy to have finally made a friend at the academy." Olivia: "But it seems it won't work out." Leon: "Angie's lost followers since the duel. It was probably convenient for her that you and I were friendly toward her." Olivia: "A-Angie isn't that kind of person!" Leon: "Then you'll be fine. You know that, don't you?" Olivia: "Mr. Leon, you really are a mean person." Leon: "I'm not like the prince or Jilk. It'd seem like a joke if I tried to suavely cheer you up." Olivia: "I'm going to try talking to Angie again." Leon: "Good choice." Olivia: "As long as I communicate my feelings, I'm sure even Angie and I can be friends." Olivia: "Yes?" Carla: "Do you have a minute?" Leon: "Pirate hunting, huh?" Brad: "Hunting down pirates is a noble's job. I'm in." Greg: "It's our turn at bat." Leon: "Next time: "This Isn't a Game." So I'm leading these two idiots, huh?" Brad: "What does that mean?"
{ "raw_title": "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs Episode 7 – We Both Hate Hot Guys", "parsed": [ "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs", "7", "We Both Hate Hot Guys" ] }
Olivia: "As long as I communicate my feelings, I'm sure even Angie and I can be friends." Olivia: "Yes?" Carla: "Do you have a minute? I know I asked you to mediate between me and Bartfort, but I'd actually like you to get involved, too." Carla: "You apparently have good grades. I'm sure there's some way you can help." Olivia: "I-I wanted to talk to you about that. I did introduce you to him, but I've changed my mind. I'd prefer you not involve Mr. Leon in—" Stephanie: "You'll play along, won't you, commoner? If you refuse to help me, I'll make everyone around you miserable, including that shithead Bartfort and that haughty Angelica." Stephanie: "I'll send Carla to meet you tomorrow. You'd better get your shit together, too, or your family is screwed." Carla: "Y-Yes, ma'am." Olivia: "Th-This is wrong." Stephanie: "What?" Olivia: "M-Mr. Leon and Angie are both strong people." Olivia: "Even if you threatened them, I'm sure they wouldn't give in." Stephanie: "Nobles don't have friends. Angelica knows that better than anyone. You're just a pet she keeps around to soothe her broken heart. Do you not understand that?" Olivia: "You're wrong!" Stephanie: "No, I'm not." Olivia: "I-I'm not a pet. I'm a human!" Stephanie: "But if you're friends, that means you're equals, right?" Stephanie: "Bartfort is also a noble and has some modest achievements. Angelica is a true-bred noble with both financial and political power. And you think you're their equal?" Olivia: "I-I..." Stephanie: "You can't tell me I'm wrong, can you? So you're not friends after all. No matter how much you pretend, you're just a precious little companion animal." Stephanie: "Oh, I know." Stephanie: "Bartfort is probably just after your body." Stephanie: "He must be going after commoners because none of the girls like him." Olivia: "Mr. Leon isn't that kind of person!" Stephanie: "Then try taking your clothes off and coming on to him. He'll jump at the chance." Stephanie: "Anyway, you're rather impudent. I can't believe you thought you were on equal footing with us just because you got into the academy." Stephanie: "You need to be punished." Luxion: "Sky pirates?" Leon: "Yeah. They're rampaging through that Carla girl's land. She wants me to get rid of them because of my prior achievements." Luxion: "Shouldn't she ask the royal palace for help?" Leon: "I'm sure she would normally," Leon: "but those sky pirates have an item essential to the protagonist. The protagonist, Livia, needs three items to eventually awaken her powers as the Saint." Leon: "One is the Holy Bracelet hidden in the palace dungeon. Then there's the Holy Necklace in the possession of the sky pirates, whom I've been asked to get rid of." Leon: "Finally, there's the Holy Staff watched over by the kingdom's temple. Normally, the sky pirate event occurs two and a half years into the story, during the climax of the middle of the game. The route splits here according to who the protagonist asks for help. But behind Carla's request is that count's daughter." Luxion: "Is she like Angelica?" Leon: "Nah, she's scum." Leon: "So scummy that even I'm repulsed. She's truly vile in person." Leon: "I hoped she'd turn out to actually be decent like Angie, but that was wasted hope. Anyway, she's also the one who lured the sky pirates there. In other words, the protagonist gets dragged into a fabricated sky pirate crisis." Luxion: "Why would she do that?" Leon: "Simple jealousy. She doesn't like how Livia's been slowly establishing herself despite being a commoner, so she asks her to take out the sky pirates. But it looks like I angered her first." Leon: "I can think of plenty of reasons why." Luxion: "Are you not prioritizing game benefits too much? There are few real benefits to you doing this." Leon: "I'm just a mob character. I want to avoid the game's events as much as possible." Leon: "But the key romantic interests—the prince and his friends—are totally useless. And I don't want to go down the war route." Luxion: "Master, based on what you've told me, I believe Olivia should resolve this issue." Leon: "Livia can't handle it right now. So I'll do it for her. It's more efficient this way." Luxion: "But won't this make you Olivia's romantic interest?" Leon: "Me? That won't happen. After all, I'm a mob character." Luxion: "He doesn't seem to have realized it yet." Luxion: "Because he's overprotective of her, he's robbing Olivia of opportunities to grow." Leon: "Luxion." Luxion: "What is it, Master?" Leon: "Is the Partner ready?" Luxion: "Yes, it's ready to set sail anytime. The sky pirates don't stand a chance against it." Leon: "The Partner is the ship Luxion built. Its exterior and interior are both built so they don't appear out of place in this world. Apparently its capabilities are quite impressive." Carla: "Baron, good morning." Carla: "Thank you for waiting." Leon: "How sneaky. Does she think I didn't notice?" Leon: "Livia..." Leon: "Did she fail to reconcile with Angie?" Carla: "I've actually asked a couple other people to help deal with the sky pirates." Leon: "Huh?" Carla: "Oh, they're here." All: "Ugh!" Leon: "This sucks. Why do I have to let these punks onto my precious Partner?" Greg: "Who are you calling punks?" Brad: "You are truly unpleasant, aren't you?" Carla: "I-I'm sorry. I reached out to them, as well." Brad: "Carla serves my ex-fiancée, the Offrey family's daughter. She may be my ex, but I cannot ignore her follower's request for help. And the pay I'll receive for defeating sky pirates with bounties on their heads will help Marie." Greg: "When I heard about that, I decided to join in." Leon: "With a single spear?" Greg: "I can't help it. My Armor was taken from me. I can steal a new suit from the sky pirates." Leon: "Where are Dark Blue, Green, and Light Blue?" Brad: "Don't call us by our colors! The other three were called back home." Greg: "And because of that, I'm stuck accompanying Purple. You know, because he's so unreliable." Brad: "Shut up, meathead! I wish Chris had come with me instead!" Greg: "What was that?!" Leon: "What did these two intend to do on their own?" Carla: "I-In any case, let's work together to get this done." Carla: "Come on, Ms. Olivia. Ask them to work together, too." Leon: "Livia..." Angelica: "Will Livia like this?" Angelica: "If Leon were around, I could've asked him about her preferences." Angelica: "What is this?" Angelica: "Livia! It's me, Angelica!" Angelica: "Livia, are you there?" Stephanie: "Well, if it isn't Angelica." Angelica: "You again?" Stephanie: "She must really hate you." Angelica: "Sorry, but I don't have time for you." Stephanie: "You came all the way here to get your pet? You must adore her." Angelica: "What are you trying to say?" Stephanie: "Angelica, you need to keep your cute little pet tightly leashed. It'd be so sad if she were to die. I had your pet accompany that back country baron on his sky pirate hunting. She seemed rather dejected. Do you suppose they'll be all right?" Angelica: "I knew it. You're behind the sky pirates." llower A: "M-My lady!" Angelica: "Stay out of my way." Angelica: "I'll crush you." Stephanie: "Let go of me! Who do you think you are, you fallen noble?" Angelica: "Say whatever you want." Angelica: "But you've made a move on Livia." Angelica: "I will end you." Stephanie: "What's wrong with her?" Angelica: "I need to contact Leon immediately. No, it would be quicker for me to head there myself." Angelica: "Livia..." Mylene: "Julius, you don't understand your own position." Mylene: "There isn't a single airship at your command right now." Julius: "But Mother, defeating sky pirates is a noble's job. Greg and Brad are working with Bartfort right now." Mylene: "What? Leon is?" Julius: "M-Mother! Please come to your senses!" Mylene: "I-In any case, you can't go. Let Baron Bartfort handle this matter." Julius: "Wh-Why is he allowed when I'm not?" Mylene: "Your failure to understand that is why I can't let you go." Leon: "I win." Greg: "You're kidding! You cheated!" Brad: "This is impossible!" Leon: "That's what losers always say." Leon: "Yeah, I did cheat, though. Luxion made these cards with shifting faces. I'll be taking all their money in place of airfare." Brad: "Challenging this guy to a respectable contest was a mistake." Greg: "Absolutely." Greg: "Hey, Brad." Brad: "Hmm?" Greg: "What kind of girl is your ex-fiancée, Stephanie Offrey?" Brad: "I only met her a few times before we were engaged, and I talked to her only a handful of times at the academy." Leon: "So it was a typical political marriage, then." Greg: "Honestly, she's got a bad reputation. They say she's quite the party girl." Brad: "But the Offreys played a major role in securing diplomatic ties with the Principality of Fanoss." Brad: "Because of that, we don't have to fear the Black Knight." Leon: "The Black Knight... He's the strongest knight of the neighboring Principality of Fanoss." Leon: "He killed me a bunch of times in the game." Brad: "My family is responsible for defending the border along the Principality." Brad: "Because of the Offreys' achievements, I couldn't refuse an engagement to her." Greg: "I'm surprised you were able to call it off." Brad: "There was a pretty big fight about it. Ms. Carla hinted at calling off the engagement when she asked me to help deal with the sky pirates." Greg: "Marriage is rough. I only met my ex-fiancée a few times, too." Leon: "These romantic interests receive all sorts of special treatment," Leon: "but they've got a lot to deal with, too." Luxion: "Master, the welcoming party has arrived." Luxion: "Two sky pirate ships are approaching." Leon: "Time for work, you two. Get to it." Leon: "I'm telling you to get ready because enemies are coming!" Brad: "Th-They are?" Greg: "Get ready how?" Leon: "Are you guys serious?" Leon: "Forget it. Just wait inside the ship." Brad: "J-Just wait?" Greg: "Let us fight, too!" Leon: "Luxion, activate Arroganz." Luxion: "Yes, Master." Pirate A: "Looks like a pretty big one. The boss will be delighted if we can get our hands on that ship." Pirate B: "Are there really only five kids on the ship?" Pirate A: "Yeah. Three guys and two women. The blue-haired girl is on our side, so you'd better not touch her. Come on, boys. Let's show them what a real fight looks like!" All: "Yeah!" Pirate C: "Yahoo!" Pirate A: "Today should be an easy day thanks to those dumb kids." Pirate A: "Huh? What's that Armor?" Leon: "These pirates are Winged Sharks, right? They're low-level grunts, but there's a main force elsewhere." Pirate A: "That's a pretty outdated model. What he can do all by himself?" Pirate C: "Here he comes." Pirate C: "What?!" Pirate D: "Why, you..." Pirate A: "Who the hell is this guy?!" Pirate A: "What are you doing? Shoot him down!" Brad: "No wonder we were no match for him." Greg: "We won't have a chance to steal any Armor." Greg: "So this is a real battle." Pirate A: "R-Retreat! Retreat! Bring us around! Turn!" Luxion: "Firing missiles." Pirate B: "We're being bombarded! Details unknown!" Pirate A: "Activate the magic barrier!" Pirate B: "It was already up. He penetrated it with a single blast." Pirate A: "He what?!" Pirate A: "We have to surrender. Raise the white flag." Pirate A: "Damn it! Who the hell are you guys?" Brad: "Hey, give me a hand here, meathead." Greg: "I had no idea what real battles were like." Greg: "I was just a cocky kid." Leon: "I think we've disabled all of them." Luxion: "Wouldn't it have been quicker to shoot them down? Escorting them will take a considerable amount of effort." Leon: "Yeah, I don't have the mentality required to cheerily kill people." Luxion: "That may eventually cause you to fail." Leon: "Even so, I want to remain as normal as possible." Carla: "H-How? How did they lose so easily? At this rate, we'll arrive at my home!" Carla: "Why can't I get in touch with them? I haven't mentioned anything about this to my family!" Carla: "I-I know. That commoner girl... If I make this her fault..." Carla: "Then Bartfort will surely forgive me." Leon: "The sun's starting to set earlier." Brad: "How can you be so calm?!" Greg: "I have no idea whether you're amazing or useless!" Leon: "Don't lose your heads. I'm in an uncomfortable position, too." Conrad: "Lower your guns." Conrad: "Ah, I thought so." Conrad: "Lord Brad, correct?" Brad: "Huh? Yes..." Conrad: "I am Conrad Fou Wayne, lord of this land. We met previously at Marquess Field's party." Brad: "Ah, yes. Sir Wayne." Leon: "He totally forgot who he was." Brad: "Why are we being surrounded? We came here to help because your daughter requested our assistance." Conrad: "Carla requested your assistance?" Carla: "H-He's mistaken. I simply went to discuss a matter with them, and that girl blew it out of proportion." Olivia: "Huh?" Conrad: "What's going on here?" Olivia: "I-I..." Leon: "Your daughter asked Livia for an introduction because she wanted to request my assistance. That's why we came to get rid of the sky pirates." Conrad: "And who are you?" Brad: "He's Leon Fou Bartfort. I'm sure you've heard rumors about him." Conrad: "M-My lord, forgive my insolence. But my land isn't threatened by sky pirates." Brad: "What do you mean?" Carla: "I... It's not my fault! It was that commoner!" Leon: "Hey, don't try to pin this on Livia." Conrad: "I-I'm terribly sorry. My daughter seems to be confused." Leon: "Sir, your daughter invited us here. She promised to pay us." Leon: "You think you can dismiss this as a simple mistake? This isn't a game." Conrad: "C-Carla, what is the meaning of this? Explain yourself!" Carla: "I-I..." Conrad: "I can't understand you if you're crying! What happened?" Conrad: "Carla!" Luxion: "That girl ended up telling us everything." Leon: "It took even less than I expected. When I told her what the pirates had told me, she confessed to everything." Carla: "L-Lady Stephanie of the Offrey family ordered me to do it." Leon: "That said, there's still the main force of the sky pirates." Leon: "And we still haven't acquired the Saint item Livia needs." Luxion: "I believe there's a problem we need to resolve first." Leon: "Yeah, you're right." Leon: "I'm coming in." Leon: "Man, I'm beat. Why don't we see how things go tomorrow and take things easy for a little while? Livia—" Olivia: "Mr. Leon, you're amazing." Olivia: "You resolve everything by yourself and can do everything yourself." Leon: "Huh?" Leon: "A-Are you okay? You look pale. Do you have a fever?" Olivia: "Why are you so kind to me?" Leon: "Uh... Because I..." Olivia: "It doesn't make sense. I'm a commoner." Olivia: "Is there a reason for you to help me?" Olivia: "Are you after my body?" Leon: "No!" Olivia: "Of course not. I'm not even cute." Leon: "Hey, what are you..." Olivia: "Angie is pretty and a nobleman's daughter." Olivia: "But I have nothing to offer." Olivia: "There's no reason for you to be so kind to me when I have nothing." Leon: "I was nice to Livia because she's the game's protagonist and will eventually become the Saint." Leon: "I saw her as..." Olivia: "If there's no reason for your kindness, are you just doing this on a whim? I wanted to become friends with the two of you," Olivia: "but this is no different from being your pet." Olivia: "I'm a human! I'm not some companion animal!" Angelica: "Livia, I brought you some limited-edition sweets." Olivia: "Thank you." Leon: "Miss, have some tea and cake." Olivia: "Thank you." Angelica: "These baked sweets are tasty, as well." Leon: "I've got tarts, too." Angelica: "And have some of this." Leon: "Would you like seconds?"
{ "raw_title": "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs Episode 8 – This Isn't a Game", "parsed": [ "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs", "8", "This Isn't a Game" ] }
Olivia: "If there's no reason for your kindness, are you just doing this on a whim? I wanted to become friends with the two of you," Olivia: "but this is no different from being your pet." Olivia: "I'm a human! I'm not some companion animal!" Luxion: "A pet, huh? She's probably feeling dejected because she had such intense malice directed toward her at the academy. I don't think you need to worry about it." Leon: "I can't not worry. I've got a heart as delicate as glass." Luxion: "Your heart is made of bulletproof glass, Master." Leon: "Well, it's for the best. I got ahead of myself and got involved with the protagonist and rich girl antagonist, and now I'm paying for it." Luxion: "In this case, I believe the cause was you preventing Olivia's growth." Leon: "I prevented her growth? Don't be ridiculous. I've helped her in all kinds of ways." Luxion: "And that's preventing Olivia's mental growth." Luxion: "I'm sure Olivia made a very cute pet. After all, in this world, she's valuable to you as a doormat." Luxion: "Are you satisfied?" Leon: "I wish I could hit you again, but my hand hurts now." Greg: "Ugh." Leon: "Man, you look at me like you really hate me." Leon: "Practicing your sword skills?" Brad: "Yeah, that's right." Leon: "Why don't you practice your magic? Isn't magic your specialty?" Brad: "I know that. I'm doing this so I can defeat you someday. We've decided to work hard until that day." Leon: "Are you stupid? I'm not fighting you guys again. You'll be losers for life." Brad: "Wha—" Leon: "You have nothing to say to that?" Brad: "If I have time for that, I'd rather practice my swing as many times as possible." Brad: "After all, of the five of us, I'm the weakest." Brad: "I want Marie to look at me." Brad: "When the five of us are together, I worry I'm overshadowed by the others. Of course, I'm number one when it comes to appearance, but I've fallen behind in other ways." Leon: "He just casually called himself the most handsome. What's so great about her? It's not like she's that good-looki—" Brad: "It's not about her looks! It's what's on the inside!" Leon: "Well, she's terrible on the inside, too!" Brad: "Wh-What is this hunk of metal wandering around your ship? But this is a good opportunity." Brad: "Let us fight, Bartfort!" Leon: "No way. It's too cold out." Brad: "Don't waste your breath!" Leon: "Why do you want to challenge me to a type of fight you're not good at? Are you stupid?" Brad: "My academic grades are better than yours! I want to be proud of who I am when I face Marie!" Leon: "These guys are doing their best to face Marie their own way." Leon: "In contrast, I'm..." Brad: "Now I'll press the attack!" Brad: "Ow." Leon: "You've gotta be stupid." Brad: "I thought I could do it." Leon: "Maybe after another decade of training." Brad: "Next time, I swear I will defeat you!" Luxion: "That looked fun." Leon: "You sent that robot out here with wooden swords, didn't you?" Luxion: "Yes." Leon: "They sure are putting a lot of thought into things." Leon: "All for that good-for-nothing girl, though." Kyle: "This is why I didn't want to come here! This dungeon's monsters are strong!" Marie: "Don't give up!" Marie: "There's a bright future waiting for us up ahead! I need to do whatever it takes to retrieve that item before the protagonist does." Marie: "It's not like I can count on Prince Julius!" Julius: "I've come up with an idea, Jilk. What do you think of sneaking out of the palace and meeting up with Greg and Brad?" Jilk: "A fine idea. I am impressed, Your Highness." Julius: "But how should we escape?" Julius: "I've got an idea, Jilk." Jilk: "Most impressive, Your Highness." Julius: "We'll wear masks. We should get cloaks, too." Jilk: "I see. We'll disguise ourselves and escape. But how shall we make the necessary arrangements?" Julius: "I've got an idea, Jilk." Jilk: "Most impressive, Your Highness." Mylene: "What?" Jilk: "Budget request for cloaks and masks. Purpose: entertainment." Mylene: "What were they thinking, submitting a request for a disguise to the royal palace itself?" Mylene: "Perhaps those boys really are stupid after all." Servant: "Your budget request has been denied." Leon: "Ugh, a sausage fest first thing in the morning." Greg: "It's not like I want to see your face first thing in the morning, either." Brad: "More importantly, what are we going to do about the sky pirates? The main force is still out there, isn't it?" Leon: "In the game, they can be left alone until midway through the second year." Leon: "But this is an opportunity to acquire the Holy Necklace..." Leon: "We've located the pirates' hideout. If we wait a bit longer before going in—" Luxion: "Master, it seems the pirates have decided to attack first." Leon: "They acted faster than I expected." Greg: "Is it the pirates?" Leon: "Yeah, looks like it." Greg: "We'll fight, too. Let me borrow an Armor, even if it's falling apart!" Brad: "Me, too. I found something that looked usable among the pirates' Armor." Both: "Please!" Leon: "No. You need to consider your own posit—" Greg: "We know we'd be holding you back, but we can't just sit by and watch." Brad: "We want to fight, too." Greg: "Bartfort!" Leon: "Let me check the Armor first. After that, you can do whatever you want." Olivia: "Why did I say those awful things to him?" Olivia: "Mr. Leon helped me." Olivia: "Just getting to be by his side was a miracle." Olivia: "I'm the one who selfishly sought more than that." Olivia: "Why?" Olivia: "Wh-What was that?" Olivia: "A barrier?" Olivia: "Mr. Leon!" Leon: "What a pain." Leon: "All right. That just leaves..." Leon: "Damn it!" Olivia: "P-Please let me through!" Olivia: "Let me through!" Olivia: "Mr. Leon!" Olivia: "Huh?" Boss: "What is this trash?" Boss: "You're a pretty girl, aren't you?" Brad: "No, you don't!" Olivia: "Wh-Who are you?" Brad: "It's Brad! Flee, quickly!" Boss: "You bastard. A brat like you shouldn't get too cocky!" Olivia: "Mr. Brad!" Greg: "It's so hard!" Boss: "I've been through far worse shit than you have, kid!" Leon: "Out of the way!" Pirate B: "I-Is he a monster?" Pirate C: "Who is this guy?" Leon: "Don't kill them! Capture them all!" Luxion: "That's an absurd request. You're struggling because of that." Leon: "The guy who blew me away earlier was probably the pirate boss. If we can just do something about him..." Pirate B: "Take this!" Pirate C: "Die!" Luxion: "Master, your reaction speed has decreased. Your operation technique and other capabilities have deteriorated, as well." Leon: "Yeah, well, sorry I haven't practiced enough!" Luxion: "Actually, I believe it is a mental problem." Leon: "Shut up!" Pirate B: "You little..." Luxion: "Master, I have confirmed the pirate boss is on the deck. Olivia is in danger." Leon: "Livia? Why'd you let her outside?!" Luxion: "I am sorry. It would seem the work robots shut down temporarily. Something must have disabled them." Leon: "Damn it!" Luxion: "Master." Luxion: "Allowing them to join the battle was the right choice." Luxion: "They are fighting to protect Olivia." Greg: "Let's go, Brad." Brad: "Ready when you are." Leon: "Yeah. This is how it should be." Leon: "The protagonist belongs with the handsome romantic interests. I don't belong at Livia's side." Leon: "After all, I'm a mob character." Leon: "But I have my own role to play. Increase power output. We'll use number three. I'll crush them." Brad: "D-Damn..." Greg: "So this is the end..." Boss: "You guys were a pain in the ass." Boss: "Come here, girl." Boss: "If you run, I'll kill these two." Olivia: "Th-This is my fault." Olivia: "I'm a burden. I'm useless." Olivia: "All I do is cause trouble for everyone else." Olivia: "I..." Boss: "S-Spare me! I surrender! I surrender!" Leon: "Surrender? Come on, now. You're a famous pirate. That's no fun. Try fighting back until the end." Leon: "Come on, fight back!" Boss: "S-Spare me! Please spare me!" Olivia: "M-Mr. Leon, don't!" Leon: "Don't you think you're asking too much after all the havoc you wrought? Why don't you tell your subordinates to surrender first?" Leon: "Hey, found it." Boss: "G-Give that back! That's important!" Leon: "I don't care. If you've got a problem, come and get it." Olivia: "Mr. Leon..." Leon: "It's over." Olivia: "Mr. Brad! I'll heal you right away." Brad: "Th-Thank you." Olivia: "Don't thank me. You were hurt because of me." Brad: "You're wrong about that. We're trying to become knights. A knight should be kind to women—ow!" Brad: "You're skilled in the same magics as Marie." Olivia: "Ms. Marie is skilled in healing magic, too?" Brad: "Yeah, she's our goddess. With Marie around, no injury is ever... too... much..." Olivia: "Mr. Brad?" Leon: "You make a good couple." Olivia: "Huh?" Leon: "I guess everything's made to end up where it belongs after all." Olivia: "Mr. Leon?" Leon: "Greg, you're pretty strong." Greg: "Are you being sarcastic? More importantly, I'm sorry. I broke the Armor we acquired." Leon: "What you did was more than worth it. I'm going to bring Brad inside. Will you help me carry him?" Greg: "He got hurt?" Leon: "He's all right. Ms. Olivia healed him." Olivia: "Mr. Leon, why?" Olivia: "Please call me Livia." Leon: "They'd amassed all this treasure, huh?" Luxion: "Well, they were pirates. I doubt we can expect a reward from the Wayne family," Luxion: "but I believe we will also receive the bounty from the palace." Leon: "I'm thankful for that, but were you able to find evidence linking the pirates to Count Offrey's family and Stephanie, who orchestrated this mess?" Luxion: "Yes. I discovered documents of their correspondence." Leon: "Good. That'll get rid of the trash." Leon: "The kingdom will improve slightly." Leon: "Actually, I guess the entire kingdom itself is trash." Luxion: "I would not hesitate to destroy this kingdom and this world. After destroying it, it would be possible for me to create a world that suits you." Leon: "Sounds nice. Maybe I'll assemble a harem," Leon: "with elves and cat-eared beast women." Leon: "I guess my thinking is no different from the academy girls', huh?" Luxion: "I'm glad you have your answer." Luxion: "Do you feel better now that you've taken out your frustrations on the pirates?" Luxion: "It's not that Olivia hates you now. She's just become emotionally unstable." Leon: "I know." Leon: "It's just time for me to go back to being a proper mob character." Luxion: "Master, there's a Redgrave airship headed our way." Leon: "Ms. Angelica must've pulled some strings." Leon: "Let's let them handle the rest." Brad: "What's the meaning of this?!" Brad: "Ow, my wound." Greg: "We aren't the ones who defeated the pirates. We can't accept this reward." Brad: "Are you telling us to take credit for Bartfort's achievement?" Official: "You must accept. Baron Bartfort reported that he simply assisted the two of you." Greg: "What?" Brad: "What does that mean?" Official: "I was told not to say anything, but the baron has made an appeal to both your families. He's asked them to reconsider your disinheritance in light of your exploits." Luxion: "Are you sure this is what you wanted?" Luxion: "It'd be good for me to see those two reinstated." Luxion: "They seem like they'd protect Ms. Olivia. There's the matter of Brad and Greg, but there's also the Offrey family's daughter." Leon: "Stephanie, huh?" Leon: "We can let the royal palace and the Redgrave family handle her." Leon: "They'll inflict a far worse punishment than I ever could." Luxion: "If you're satisfied, then I'm fine with that. However, Angelica was upset with you." Luxion: "She wanted to know why you made Olivia cry." Leon: "Huh? Oh." Leon: "Rich girls can be so fussy." Luxion: "Do you intend to distance yourself from Angelica, as well?" Leon: "Yeah. If anything, we've been too close until now." Angelica: "Will our relationship ever be the same again?" Brad: "Your Highness, we've made a decision." Julius: "A decision? About what?" Brad: "We want to beat Bartfort as fellow men." Greg: "He's an incredible knight, but someday we'll catch up to him." Julius: "Guys..." Brad: "Your Highness, would it be possible to see the queen?" Greg: "We wouldn't be men if we didn't return the favor we owe him." Leon: "Brad, Greg..." Leon: "Do you guys really hate me that much?" Luxion: "You've been promoted from upper sixth to lower fifth rank. Those two must have talked to the palace for you." Leon: "There's no way this is acceptable!" Leon: "That's two ranks higher than my own father!" Luxion: "Also, you received this letter." Leon: "A letter?" Leon: "The Atlee family? So it's from Clarice's family." Atlee: "Dear Baron Bartfort. Thank you for helping my daughter. As a token of my appreciation, I'd like you to accept an air bike as thanks. Also, though this may be impertinent of me, I have recommended you be promoted to upper fifth rank after your graduation." Luxion: "Congratulations. You'll be promoted once you graduate." Leon: "P-Please, no more! I'm going on a trip somewhere!" Luxion: "You can't. Classes start tomorrow." Leon: "You travel abroad every year for your school trip? Nobles sure are something." Chris: "It's an opportunity to gain knowledge and friends." Leon: "I don't understand it." Chris: "Next time, "Unlike You Wannabe Nobles." That's because you're not very aristocratic."
{ "raw_title": "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs Episode 9 – She's a Doormat", "parsed": [ "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs", "9", "She's a Doormat" ] }