Always the bad one - I feel like I don't deserve to be alive nor do I even want toThere was some work drama on Thursday and on Friday I stayed away from everyone. Today I went to a co-worker to *apologize,* and I stupidly thought she would forgive me, but instead she laid into me for 15 minutes about how "off putting" I am, and I seriously had NO IDEA. I thought people liked me. Now I feel like a horrible bitch for apparently putting people off and not knowing it, like I have that huge of an ego. This sort of thing has come up at previous jobs, at school, and with my family. When there's a group of people, I always end up feeling like "the bad one." I talked to my boss about how I felt like people hated me and he promised no one hates me but how does he know that? My husband keeps telling me to find another job, but it's like this *everywhere* so it must be me. Plus I have a seizure disorder and my benefits are really good at this job but my husband's aren't. In addition to the seizures, I have crippling migraines on an almost daily basis, and when they're bad enough I feel like I'd rather be dead. Every breath I take I feel is a waste of oxygen. I have several handfuls of Xanax, Tramadol, and Topamax at my disposal. I went home early from work because I was getting a migraine and I just couldn't handle it. Now I'm alone in the house and afraid of what I might do. Of course my natural instincts say I don't want to die, but I feel like the world would be better off and I wouldn't be in pain anymore. Somebody help? EDIT: I looked up "how much Xanax does it take to kill you" and I don't have near enough. I still have plenty of other methods though. EDIT EDIT: I talked to my therapist and I'm feeling a lot better now, but I just have to ask, why would you downvote ANY post in /r/SuicideWatch? These people are coming here for help. I understand the need to have downvotes allowed because of trolls and such, but seriously, who downvotes a cry for help?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Always the bad one - I feel like I don't deserve to be alive nor do I even want toThere was some work drama on Thursday and on Friday I stayed away from everyone.Today I went to a co-worker to *apologize,*and I stupidly thought she would forgive me, but instead she laid into me for 15 minutes about how \"off putting\" I am, and I seriously had NO IDEA.I thought people liked me.Now I feel like a horrible bitch for apparently putting people off and not knowing it, like I have that huge of an ego.This sort of thing has come up at previous jobs, at school, and with my family.When there's a group of people, I always end up feeling like \"the bad one.\"I talked to my boss about how I felt like people hated me and he promised no one hates me but how does he know that?My husband keeps telling me to find another job, but it's like this *everywhere*so it must be me.Plus I have a seizure disorder and my benefits are really good at this job but my husband's aren't.In addition to the seizures, I have crippling migraines on an almost daily basis, and when they're bad enough I feel like I'd rather be dead.Every breath I take I feel is a waste of oxygen.", "I have several handfuls of Xanax, Tramadol, and Topamax at my disposal.I went home early from work because I was getting a migraine and I just couldn't handle it.Now I'm alone in the house and afraid of what I might do.Of course my natural instincts say I don't want to die, but I feel like the world would be better off and I wouldn't be in pain anymore.Somebody help?\n\nEDIT: I looked up \"how much Xanax does it take to kill you\" and I don't have near enough.I still have plenty of other methods though.EDIT EDIT: I talked to my therapist and I'm feeling a lot better now, but I just have to ask, why would you downvote ANY post in /r/SuicideWatch?These people are coming here for help.I understand the need to have downvotes allowed because of trolls and such, but seriously, who downvotes a cry for help?" ]
Siempre el malo - siento que no merezco estar vivo ni siquiera quiero.Hubo algún drama laboral el jueves y el viernes me quedé lejos de todos.Hoy fui a un compañero de trabajo para *apologizar,* y estúpidamente pensé que me perdonaría, pero en su lugar ella me puso durante 15 minutos sobre lo "fuera de lugar" que estoy, y en serio no tenía IDEA.Pensé que a la gente le gustaba.Ahora me siento como una perra horrible por haber puesto a la gente fuera y no saberlo, como si tuviera ese enorme ego.Este tipo de cosas ha surgido en trabajos anteriores, en la escuela y con mi familia.Cuando hay un grupo de personas, siempre termino sintiéndome como "la mala".He hablado con mi jefe sobre cómo me sentía como si la gente me odiara y me prometió que nadie me odia, pero ¿cómo lo sabe?Mi esposo sigue diciéndome que busque otro trabajo, pero es como si me sintiera como si me hubiera tomado un poco de agua.
Bruh I just wanna eat a borger 😢😭😣 Brush my mom made soup but I want a nice, juicy borguer :,( We have a Mc Donalds right next to our house too 😔😔 I mean, it's closed, but still.
[ "Bruh I just wanna eat a borger 😢😭😣 Brush my mom made soupbut I want a nice, juicy borguer :,( We have a Mc Donalds right next to our house too 😔😔 I mean, it's closed, but still." ]
Bruh Sólo quiero comer un borger Cepillo mi mamá hizo sopa, pero quiero un agradable, jugoso borguer :, ( Tenemos un Mc Donalds justo al lado de nuestra casa también Quiero decir, está cerrado, pero todavía.
Do you ever think that people hate you Im in this discord server with my online friends and whenever I talk on there, this one specific person who stops talking whenever I talk like wtf what did I do to you :( I feel like she hates me for some reason
[ "Do you ever think that people hate you Im in this discord server with my online friends and whenever I talk on there, this one specific person who stops talking whenever I talk like wtf what did I do to you :(\n\nI feel like she hates me for some reason" ]
¿Alguna vez piensas que la gente te odia Im en este servidor de discordia con mis amigos en línea y cada vez que hablo allí, esta persona específica que deja de hablar cada vez que hablo como wtf lo que hice te :( Me siento como si me odia por alguna razón
Being ghosted by my best friend. I'm worried about both of us.(Just for some back story, we are only 16, we went to the same school but we are leaving to go to different colleagues this year and she is moving 3hrs away). It's hard to come to terms with the fact that she probably doesn't want to be friends anymore. Before this I'd say that she was my best friend and while everyone else started making new friends and connections I always stuck by her. Now I feel so lonely. Yea I have a few other friends but I don't think I will ever be as comfortable around them as I was with her ya know. Like we had so many inside jokes and we could chat for hours. But now I feel like she doesn't care. Besides if she can drop me so easily, it wouldn't be any harder for them to ditch me too. I always knew she wanted to be that girl. The girl who parties, does drugs, is popular, has many friends and who always has a bf. For the past year we have just watched her change and during these last months alone we barely talk and it's awkward. I get it that people change but this is just weird. The thing is I know I'm not being dramatic or picky. Last night my other friend (who also used to be close to her) was complaining about how she never bothers to talk to us, how she is using her bf for sex and how desperate she is to become a druggie. She glorifies that whole life style and we don't know why. Her parents are lovely (yes they are a lil but strict but when compared to my parents they are angels), she has money and she is attractive. But she just wants to rebel. I cringe at it so hard. Idk, maybe because she is moving so she sees no point in keeping in contact. But she was the last person who I thought would do something like that. It really hurts, it's as if these last years didn't matter. The main reason to why I'm still here today was because I had a friend like her around. Although I never told her about my depression and suicidal thoughts she knew I was struggling mentally so she always stayed by my side. But now I feel like the only reason to why she stayed with me during school was because she just felt sorry for me. I used to be so awkward to be around, I'm glad that I'm not like that anymore. But other than that there wasn't many other reasons for her to be my best friend. It's hard to pin point whether she is ghosting us because she wants to leave this life behind or because she never liked us that much in the first place. I've known her for so long so I know when she does a fake laugh... and she does it a lot when we are in a group. I just feel so alone and I know this sounds bad but I genuinely can't see a future for myself (not to say that's her fault). I wish things were different.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Being ghosted by my best friend.I'm worried about both of us.(Just for some back story, we are only 16, we went to the same school but we are leaving to go to different colleagues this year and she is moving 3hrs away).It's hard to come to terms with the fact that she probably doesn't want to be friends anymore.Before this I'd say that she was my best friend and while everyone else started making new friends and connections I always stuck by her.Now I feel so lonely.Yea I have a few other friendsbut I don't think I will ever be as comfortable around them as I was with herya know.Like we had so many inside jokes and we could chat for hours.But now I feel like she doesn't care.Besides if she can drop me so easily, it wouldn't be any harder for them to ditch me too.I always knew she wanted to be that girl.The girl who parties, does drugs, is popular, has many friends and who always has a bf.For the past year we have just watched her change and during these last months alone we barely talk and it's awkward.I get it that people change but this is just weird.The thing is I knowI'm not being dramatic or picky.", "Last night my other friend (who also used to be close to her) was complaining about how she never bothers to talk to us, how she is using her bf for sex and how desperate she is to become a druggie.She glorifies that whole life style and we don't know why.Her parents are lovely (yes they are a lil but strict but when compared to my parents they are angels), she has money and she is attractive.But she just wants to rebel.I cringe at it so hard.Idk, maybe because she is moving so she sees no point in keeping in contact.But she was the last person who I thought would do something like that.It really hurts, it's as if these last years didn't matter.The main reason to why I'm still here today was because I had a friend like her around.Although I never told her about my depression and suicidal thoughts she knew I was struggling mentally so she always stayed by my side.But now I feel like the only reason to why she stayed with me during school was because she just felt sorry for me.I used to be so awkward to be around, I'm glad that I'm not like that anymore.But other than that there wasn't many other reasons for her to be my best friend.", "It's hard to pin point whether she is ghosting us because she wants to leave this life behind or because she never liked us that much in the first place.I've known her for so longso I know when she does a fake laugh...and she does it a lot when we are in a group.I just feel so aloneand I know this sounds badbut I genuinely can't see a future for myself (not to say that's her fault).I wish things were different." ]
El hecho de que mi mejor amiga nos haya dejado con el fantasma.Me preocupamos por los dos. (Sólo por un poco de historia, solo tenemos 16 años, fuimos a la misma escuela pero nos vamos a ir a diferentes colegas este año y ella se está moviendo 3 horas).Es difícil llegar a un acuerdo con el hecho de que probablemente ya no quiera ser amiga.Antes de esto diría que era mi mejor amiga y mientras todos los demás empezaron a hacer nuevos amigos y conexiones yo siempre me quedé con ella.Ahora me siento tan sola.Sí tengo unos cuantos amigos más pero no creo que nunca estaré tan cómoda con ellos como yo con ella.Como teníamos tantas bromas internas y podíamos charlar durante horas.Pero ahora siento que no me importa.Además de que me puede dejar tan fácilmente, no sería más difícil para ellos abandonarme también.Siempre supe que quería ser esa chica.La chica que hace fiestas, es popular, tiene muchos amigos y que siempre tiene un bf.
For the greater goodIm a transgender woman. I have a child. My boys other mom lives with him in a very unsafe county for lgbt people (think the Wrong Turn movies), and refuses to live anywhere else besides her confederate family's house. The only way I can be in his life is if I move there, but its unfair to us all for me to lie about who I am. So I bought life insurance today. Now I have two years left to live.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "For the greater goodIm a transgender woman.I have a child.My boys other mom lives with him in a very unsafe county for lgbt people (think the Wrong Turn movies), and refuses to live anywhere else besides her confederate family's house.The only way I can be in his life is if I move there, but its unfair to us all for me to lie about who I am.So I bought life insurance today.Now I have two years left to live." ]
Para el bien mayorIm una mujer transgénero.Tengo un hijo.Mis hijos otra madre vive con él en un condado muy inseguro para la gente de Igbt (piensa en las películas de Turno Incorrecto), y se niega a vivir en cualquier otro lugar aparte de la casa de su familia confederada.La única manera en que puedo estar en su vida es si me mudo allí, pero es injusto para todos nosotros que mienta sobre quién soy.Así que compré un seguro de vida hoy.Ahora me quedan dos años para vivir.
First comment gets an award Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
[ "First comment gets an award Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler" ]
Primer comentario obtiene un premio relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno
Not strong enoughHow do i gather the courage to end it? I’ve wanted to for some time, but i can’t seem to gather the strength
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Not strong enoughHow do i gather the courage to end it?I’ve wanted to for some time, but i can’t seem to gather the strength" ]
No lo suficientemente fuerte¿Cómo puedo reunir el valor para terminarlo?He querido hacerlo desde hace algún tiempo, pero no parece que pueda reunir la fuerza
Some peopleSome people are just cursed. They get the shit hand in life. They have to take care of their disabled handicapped family, and it's just that. Then they become sick themselves and lose their career. Then they have to live through multiple miscarriages. My letter is written. I just want to feel enough peace to go. Not fairness, just tranquility. Peace.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Some peopleSome people are just cursed.They get the shit hand in life.They have to take care of their disabled handicapped family, and it's just that.Then they become sick themselves and lose their career.Then they have to live through multiple miscarriages.My letter is written.I just want to feel enough peace to go.Not fairness, just tranquility.Peace." ]
Algunas personas están maldecidas.Ellos tienen la mano de la mierda en la vida.Ellos tienen que cuidar de su familia discapacitada, y es sólo eso.Luego se enferman a sí mismos y pierden su carrera.Entonces tienen que vivir a través de múltiples abortos espontáneos.Mi carta está escrita.Solo quiero sentir la paz suficiente para ir.No es justo, sólo tranquilidad.Paz.
Why are all my fellow teenagers always with friends and having parties and stuff I mean here i am, sitting like every evening alone in my room... and my classmates having parties and meetings and shit
[ "Why are all my fellow teenagers always with friends and having parties and stuffI mean here i am, sitting like every evening alone in my room... and my classmates having parties and meetings and shit" ]
¿Por qué están todos mis compañeros adolescentes siempre con amigos y teniendo fiestas y cosas que quiero decir aquí estoy, sentado como todas las noches solo en mi habitación ... y mis compañeros de clase teniendo fiestas y reuniones y mierda
Eid Mubarak y’all If you don’t know what eid is, look it up on google.
[ "Eid Mubarak y’all If you don’t know what eid is, look it up on google." ]
Eid Mubarak ustedes Si no saben lo que es Eid, búsquenlo en Google.
I'm going crazy with OCD and a possible concussion... just hopelessFirst of all, I'm not a native English speaker, so sorry for any grammar mistakes. Ok, so I'm pretty young (a teenager) and since I was a child I have to deal with OCD (especially germophobia, fear of poisoning and obssession with even numbers). Even though it limited my life and enjoyment, I still could more or less do my normal activities. Oh, I also was pretty anxious, and by that I mean REALLY anxious. I was really intelligent before. However, early this year, someone hit my head at a birthday party (it was not an accident, but also not exactly a fight). I felt kinda confused at the moment and had a local headache. However, it persisted for a few more days, along with mental fog. But I didn't want to believe it was serious, to the point I even shaked my head when the pain returned (extremelly stupid, I know). After looking up Google to see what could it be, I was sure it was a concussion. I remember feeling a sudden interse pain in my head after I wrote an essay. Basically, I didn't have much rest from school, because I had LOTS of things to do, even during my "vacations". My memory is now shitty, I can't even exercise or martubate because I feel pressure in my head, cannot enjoy games, movies, shows, music with headphones etc. Can't read a book. I feel extreme light and sound senbility. And I'm forced to watch on-line classes, which makes me even worse. I cannot focus on anything, and these intrusive thoughts are driving me crazy. EVERYTHING I liked to do became a nightmare. Hell, I can't follow a conversation perfectly anymore. And I'm always sleepy. My anxiety is making everything worse, and I am always thinking about brain damage. After some months, I went to a neurologist and did a CT Scan (internet says concussions wouldn't show up and that my braces could affect it) and he said I was fine. He gave me some injections and an anti-epileptic, which I'm not taking because I fear it will make me worse. My parents think I am making up everything (why would I?). They say I'm mental disabled because of the OCD and call me autistic, bipolar, schizophrenic and every mental disorder they know, making me argue with them everyday. Other people think I'm just stressed. Now I'm pretty much depressed and thinking about suicide :( I just don't wanna live a life with brain damage. Please, help me. Where should I even start?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm going crazy with OCD and a possible concussion...just hopelessFirst of all, I'm not a native English speaker, so sorry for any grammar mistakes.Ok, so I'm pretty young (a teenager) and since I was a child I have to deal with OCD (especially germophobia, fear of poisoning and obssession with even numbers).Even though it limited my life and enjoyment, I still could more or less do my normal activities.Oh, I also was pretty anxious, and by that I mean REALLY anxious.I was really intelligent before.However, early this year, someone hit my head at a birthday party (it was not an accident, but also not exactly a fight).I felt kinda confused at the moment and had a local headache.However, it persisted for a few more days, along with mental fog.But I didn't want to believe it was serious, to the point I even shaked my head when the pain returned (extremelly stupid, I know).After looking up Google to see what could it be, I was sure it was a concussion.I remember feeling a sudden interse pain in my head after I wrote an essay.Basically, I didn't have much rest from school, because I had LOTS of things to do, even during my \"vacations\".", "My memory is now shitty, I can't even exercise or martubate because I feel pressure in my head, cannot enjoy games, movies, shows, music with headphones etc.Can't read a book.I feel extreme light and sound senbility.And I'm forced to watch on-line classes, which makes me even worse.I cannot focus on anything, and these intrusive thoughts are driving me crazy.EVERYTHING I liked to do became a nightmare.Hell, I can't follow a conversation perfectly anymore.And I'm always sleepy.My anxiety is making everything worse, and I am always thinking about brain damage.After some months, I went to a neurologist and did a CT Scan (internet says concussions wouldn't show up and that my braces could affect it) and he said I was fine.He gave me some injections and an anti-epileptic, which I'm not taking because I fear it will make me worse.My parents think I am making up everything (why would I?).They say I'm mental disabled because of the OCD and call me autistic, bipolar, schizophrenic and every mental disorder they know, making me argue with them everyday.Other people think I'm just stressed.Now I'm pretty much depressed and thinking about suicide :(", "I just don't wanna live a life with brain damage.Please, help me.Where should I even start?" ]
Me estoy volviendo loco con el TOC y una posible conmoción cerebral...simplemente sin esperanzaEn primer lugar, no soy un hablante nativo de inglés, así que lamento cualquier error gramatical.Ok, así que soy bastante joven (un adolescente) y desde que era un niño tengo que lidiar con el TOC (especialmente la germofobia, el miedo al envenenamiento y la obsesión con números pares).A pesar de que limitaba mi vida y mi disfrute, todavía podía hacer mis actividades normales.Oh, también estaba bastante ansioso, y por eso quiero decir REALMENTE ansioso.Yo era muy inteligente antes.Sin embargo, a principios de este año, alguien me golpeó la cabeza en una fiesta de cumpleaños (no fue un accidente, pero tampoco exactamente una pelea).Me sentí un poco confundido en el momento y tenía un dolor de cabeza local.Sin embargo, persistió por unos días más, junto con la niebla mental.Pero no quería creer que era grave, hasta el punto de que incluso sacudí mi cabeza cuando el dolor regresó (extrememente estúpido, sé que después de mirar a Google para ver lo que podía, estaba seguro de que era un descanso.
What are you trying to say Reddit and r/teenagers... https://imgur.com/gallery/XIPUFqk
[ "What are you trying to say Reddit and r/teenagers...https://imgur.com/gallery/XIPUFqk" ]
¿Qué estás tratando de decir Reddit y r/teenagers...https://imgur.com/gallery/XIPUFqk
Where does the will for something come from?Aside repsonsabilitys f.e = you have to work, or you'll won't be able to have food. Aside expectations = from family members ​ Pure will, interest, a will to live.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Where does the will for something come from?Aside repsonsabilitys f.e = you have to work, or you'll won't be able to have food.Aside expectations = from family members\n\n​\n\nPure will, interest, a will to live." ]
¿De dónde viene la voluntad para algo?Además de las repsonsabilidades f.e = tienes que trabajar, o no serás capaz de tener comida.Además de las expectativas = de los miembros de la familia ​ voluntad pura, interés, una voluntad de vivir.
pee pee poo poo check guys easy
[ "pee pee poo poo check guys easy" ]
pis pis poo poo chequeos chicos fácil
Dead inside and soon outsideI dont matter. My existence does not matter. I have known it all my life, my life is a waste of opportunity for someone important. I met someone, he made me feel like I mattered, that It's me and him against the depression. Against myself. But, I am after all just me. I realised not even he cares, my last straw holding on to life. Because we would be happy, together. Build a life. It would be better without me, I take up time. Ruin days, moods and everything. If I wasn't so embarrassing it might have gone right I wish I mattered, I wish he cared. I wish he never left
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Dead inside and soon outsideI dont matter.My existence does not matter.I have known it all my life, my life is a waste of opportunity for someone important.I met someone, he made me feel like I mattered, that It's me and him against the depression.Against myself.But, I am after all just me.I realised not even he cares, my last straw holding on to life.Because we would be happy, together.Build a life.It would be better without me, I take up time.Ruin days, moods and everything.If I wasn't so embarrassing it might have gone right\n\nI wish I mattered, I wish he cared.I wish he never left" ]
No importa.Mi existencia no importa.Lo he sabido toda mi vida, mi vida es una pérdida de oportunidades para alguien importante.Conocí a alguien, me hizo sentir como si yo importara, que soy yo y él contra la depresión.Contra mí mismo.Pero, después de todo, soy sólo yo.Me di cuenta de que ni siquiera a él le importa, mi última gota aferrada a la vida.Porque seríamos felices, juntos.Construir una vida.Sería mejor sin mí, me tomaría tiempo.Arruinar días, estados de ánimo y todo.Si no hubiera sido tan embarazoso podría haber ido bien, desearía que importara, desearía que él se preocupara.Ojalá nunca se hubiera ido.
I'll reply "nice cock" to every comment on this post Please get rid of this dumb filler rule thingy like it's really dumb I'm pretty sure everyone wants it gone like dude it's literally dumb ok yeah anyway have at it
[ "I'll reply \"nice cock\" to every comment on this post Please get rid of this dumb filler rule thingy like it's really dumbI'm pretty sure everyone wants it gone like dude it's literally dumbokyeah anyway have at it" ]
Voy a responder "agradable polla" a cada comentario en este post Por favor, deshacerse de esta estúpida regla de relleno cosa como es realmente tontoEstoy bastante seguro de que todo el mundo quiere que se fue como amigo es literalmente tontokyeah de todos modos tienen en ella
Life in this society lacks meaning and I have crushing lonelinessThat’s all
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Life in this society lacks meaning and I have crushing lonelinessThat’s all" ]
La vida en esta sociedad carece de sentido y tengo soledad aplastante. Eso es todo.
The next 10 years will have some of the first medical breakthroughs for suffering that has long plagued humanity, and I hope I can be alive to see itMy predictions - We will be able to turn cancer into a chronic disease with immunotherapies instead of nasty chemo - Neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinsons and ALS will be slowed down significant by new therapies - We will solve muscular dystrophy disorders - Antibiotic resistance will be better understood - There will be new (better) pain medicine and understanding of pain - More recreational drugs like ecstasy will be legalized and used effectively for depression and anxiety
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "The next 10 years will have some of the first medical breakthroughs for suffering that has long plagued humanity, and I hope I can be alive to see itMy predictions\n\n-We will be able to turn cancer into a chronic disease with immunotherapies instead of nasty chemo\n- Neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinsons and ALS will be slowed down significant by new therapies\n- We will solve muscular dystrophy disorders\n- Antibiotic resistance will be better understood\n- There will be new (better) pain medicine and understanding of pain\n- More recreational drugs like ecstasy will be legalized and used effectively for depression and anxiety" ]
Los próximos 10 años tendrán algunos de los primeros avances médicos para el sufrimiento que ha plagado a la humanidad durante mucho tiempo, y espero poder estar vivo para verloMis predicciones -Vamos a ser capaces de convertir el cáncer en una enfermedad crónica con inmunoterapias en lugar de quimioterapia desagradable - Enfermedades neurodegenerativas como Parkinson y ELA se ralentizarán significativamente por nuevas terapias - Vamos a resolver trastornos de la distrofia muscular - Resistencia antibiótica será mejor entendido - Habrá nuevos (mejor) analgésicos y la comprensión del dolor - Más drogas recreativas como el éxtasis se legalizarán y se utilizarán eficazmente para la depresión y la ansiedad
Why does Bongripper slap so hard Like I seriously don't understand how much a song like The Great Barrier Reefer can drive me nuts throughout it's entire beastly 80 minutes. It's insane.
[ "Why does Bongripper slap so hard Like I seriously don't understand how much a song like The Great Barrier Reefer can drive me nuts throughout it's entire beastly 80 minutes.It's insane." ]
¿Por qué Bongripper da una bofetada tan fuerte?Como si no entendiera en serio cuánto una canción como The Great Barrier Reefer puede volverme loco a lo largo de 80 minutos.Es una locura.
I feel like my life has gone to hell I don’t know what to doSo I’m in grade 10 I’m in a wheelchair I have a nicotine addiction have a cousin who’s coming to my school next year I feel like I’m failing because all my classes have gone to hell I have till Christmas it’s just so much that a 14 almost 15 year old teenager should not have to handle it’s to much I know compared to some of the posts on here I have it pretty good but I just don’t wanna go through this anymore I’m honestly thinking of ending it all but I can’t I need to be strong I’m outta options and can’t take it anymore so yeah that’s my life since about 3 years old... goodbye
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I feel like my life has gone to hell I don’t know what to doSo I’m in grade 10 I’m in a wheelchair I have a nicotine addiction have a cousin who’s coming to my school next year I feel like I’m failing because all my classes have gone to hell I have till Christmas it’s just so much that a 14 almost 15 year old teenager should not have to handle it’s to muchI know compared to some of the posts on here I have it pretty goodbut I just don’t wanna go through this anymoreI’m honestly thinking of ending it allbut I can’t I need to be strong I’m outta options and can’t take it anymoresoyeah that’s my life since about 3 years old...goodbye" ]
Siento que mi vida se ha ido al infierno No sé qué hacerAsí que estoy en el grado 10 Estoy en una silla de ruedas Tengo una adicción a la nicotina Tengo un primo que viene a mi escuela El año que viene Siento que estoy fallando porque todas mis clases han ido al infierno Tengo hasta Navidad Es tan que un adolescente de 14 casi 15 años no debe tener que manejar es mucho Sé en comparación con algunos de los puestos en aquí Lo tengo bastante bueno, pero simplemente no quiero pasar por esto Ya estoy honestamente pensando en terminar todo, pero no puedo tener que ser fuerte Estoy fuera de opciones y no puedo tomarlo mássoyeah que es mi vida desde hace unos 3 años ... adiós
I had a weird dream Last night I dreamt that my uncle turned into a rat. This was apparently normal, so in the dream I didn’t worry too much about it. I was busy watching a movie with some girls(yes, it was a dream) when I decided to go and check on him. When I went to the room where I’d last seen him, I saw my dog chewing something in the floor and looked to see what it was. All that was left was a tail That’s when I woke up. I know that some dreams are supposed to be caused by something, but dude, wtf? So anyway, thanks for coming to my TED talk Now get off your phone and back to work
[ "I had a weird dream Last night I dreamt that my uncle turned into a rat.This was apparently normal, so in the dream I didn’t worry too much about it.I was busy watching a movie with some girls(yes, it was a dream) when I decided to go and check on him.When I went to the room where I’d last seen him, I saw my dog chewing something in the floor and looked to see what it was.All that was left was a tail\nThat’s when I woke up.I know that some dreams are supposed to be caused by something, but dude, wtf?So anyway, thanks for coming to my TED talk\nNow get off your phone and back to work" ]
Tuve un sueño extraño anoche soñé que mi tío se convirtió en una rata.Esto era aparentemente normal, así que en el sueño no me preocupé demasiado por ello.Estaba ocupado viendo una película con algunas chicas (sí, era un sueño) cuando decidí ir a ver cómo estaba.Cuando fui a la habitación donde lo había visto por última vez, vi a mi perro masticando algo en el suelo y miré para ver lo que era.Todo lo que quedaba era una cola Ahí es cuando me desperté.Sé que algunos sueños se supone que deben ser causados por algo, pero tío, wtf?Así que de todos modos, gracias por venir a mi charla TED Ahora baja de tu teléfono y vuelve a trabajar.
My im14andthisisdeep moment So I was like 13 or 14 watching Dnews, they had pretty nice educational videos and it made me feel less bad for procrastinating and all. So at the end of their videos they had an outdo where they’d be like “if you liked this video which put this and that on the screen”, I used to usually click on another video, but this time I decided to scroll down to the comments. One of the comments was like “isn’t it rude to switch to another video while the host is still talking?” and o was like oh shit, this is deep. Idk what young me was thinking but I’m pretty sure I started listening to the intros through from then on. The only reason why I remember this buried memory is because I just noticed I still have that habit of watching outros all the way through when searching for the next video to consume my time. Idk maybe I was 12 when this happened, I know for sure I wasn’t under 11 tho. Everything before yesterday is a blur. Umm that’s all, thanks for listening to my Ted talk.
[ "My im14andthisisdeep momentSo I was like 13 or 14 watching Dnews, they had pretty nice educational videos and it made me feel less bad for procrastinating and all.So at the end of their videos they had an outdo where they’d be like “if you liked this video which put this and that on the screen”, I used to usually click on another video, but this time I decided to scroll down to the comments.One of the comments was like “isn’t it rude to switch to another video while the host is still talking?” and o was like oh shit, this is deep.Idk what young me was thinking but I’m pretty sure I started listening to the intros through from then on.The only reason why I remember this buried memory is because I just noticed I still have that habit of watching outros all the way through when searching for the next video to consume my time.Idk maybe I was 12 when this happened, I know for sure I wasn’t under 11 tho.Everything before yesterday is a blur.Umm that’s all, thanks for listening to my Ted talk." ]
Mi im14 y esto es un momento profundoAsí que estaba como 13 o 14 viendo Dnews, tenían videos educativos bastante agradables y me hacía sentir menos mal por retrasarme y todo.Así que al final de sus videos tenían un outdo donde estarían como “si te gustara este video que pone esto y aquello en la pantalla”, solía hacer clic en otro video, pero esta vez decidí desplazarme hacia abajo a los comentarios.Uno de los comentarios era como “no es grosero cambiar a otro video mientras el anfitrión todavía está hablando?” y o era como oh mierda, esto es profundo.Id lo que yo joven estaba pensando pero estoy bastante seguro de que empecé a escuchar las introducciones a partir de entonces.La única razón por la que recuerdo esta memoria enterrada es porque me acabo de dar cuenta de que todavía tengo ese hábito de ver outros todo el camino a través de la búsqueda del siguiente video para consumir mi tiempo.Idk tal vez tenía 12 años cuando esto sucedió, estoy seguro de que no estaba bajo el 11o.
anyone have nothing to do rn hey guys who wants to join my group chat cuz boredd im bored anyone down to group chat? on discord yeeee comment for link
[ "anyone have nothing to do rn\nhey guys who wants to join my group chat cuz boredd\n\nim bored anyone down to group chat?on discord yeeee comment for link" ]
cualquier persona no tiene nada que hacer rn hey chicos que quiere unirse a mi chat de grupo cuz aburrido im alguien abajo a chat de grupo?on discordia yeeee comentario para el enlace
How tf am I supposed to study I feel less motivated My brother is yelling and shit and I can't concentrate and I yelled at him to gtfo and he's throwing a tantrum and my parents are too nice to him and my sister is angrily texting me LIKE YEAH OK IM IN FIRST YEAR UNIVERSITY STILL SHARING A ROOM WITH MY BROTHER FFS there are other problems but here is the main one Idrc at this point if I fail or not, my grades are shit and I'm no longer trynna get good grades anymore living in this hell hole
[ "How tf am I supposed to study I feel less motivated My brother is yelling and shit and I can't concentrate and I yelled at him to gtfoand he's throwing a tantrum and my parents are too nice to him and my sister is angrily texting me\n\nLIKEYEAH OK IM IN FIRST YEAR UNIVERSITY STILL SHARING A ROOM WITH MY BROTHER FFS\n\nthere are other problems but here is the main one\n\nIdrc at this point if I fail or not, my grades are shitand I'm no longer trynna get good grades anymore living in this hell hole" ]
¿Cómo se supone que debo estudiar? Me siento menos motivado Mi hermano está gritando y mierda y no puedo concentrarme y le grité a gtfoand él está lanzando una rabieta y mis padres son demasiado agradables con él y mi hermana me está enfurecido enviando mensajes de texto COMO SIENTO OK IM EN PRIMER AÑO UNIVERSIDAD COMPRA UNA HABITACIÓN CON MI HERMANO FFS hay otros problemas, pero aquí está el principal Idrc en este punto si fallo o no, mis calificaciones son mierda y ya no estoy tratando de obtener buenas notas más viviendo en este infierno agujero
Are you afraid of dying?Even though you are in pain and want it to end, you dont *really* want to die, you just want the pain to end....thats how i feel. I think subconsciously i am scared of death. Otherwise i wouldve already killed myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Are you afraid of dying?Even though you are in pain and want it to end, you dont *really* want to die, you just want the pain to end....thats how i feel.I think subconsciously i am scared of death.Otherwise i wouldve already killed myself" ]
¿Tienes miedo de morir?A pesar de que estás en dolor y quieres que termine, no *realmente* quieres morir, sólo quieres que el dolor termine....así es como me siento.Creo subconscientemente que tengo miedo de la muerte.De lo contrario ya me habría matado a mí mismo.
Champagne tastes kinda weird But yet i like it at the same time
[ "Champagne tastes kinda weirdBut yet i like it at the same time" ]
Champagne sabe un poco raro Pero sin embargo me gusta al mismo tiempo
yo kill me plsim so drunk i uldnt wenve notice so pls its all i want my firends dont give a shit anout me so fuck it all i wannw die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "yo kill me plsim so drunki uldnt wenve noticeso pls its all i want\n\nmy firends dont give a shit anout me so fuck it all i wannw die" ]
Me matas plsim tan borracho que podría tener noticieros pls es todo lo que quiero a mis amigos no me importa una mierda así que a la mierda todo me voy a morir
Zoomposting is for real god tier One of my favorite zoomposts is "Barry do you remember when Nora was bathing you and you got hard? it was me Barry, I jacked you off at supersonic speed until you got hard"
[ "Zoomposting is for real god tier One of my favorite zoomposts is \"Barry do you remember when Nora was bathing you and you got hard?it was me Barry, I jacked you off at supersonic speed until you got hard\"" ]
Zoomposting es para el verdadero nivel de dios Uno de mis zoomposts favoritos es "Barry, ¿recuerdas cuando Nora te estaba bañando y te empeñaste?Fui yo Barry, te empujé a velocidad supersónica hasta que te empeñaste"
I just can't explain how I feel, I just don't want to be herewaking up just is a chore, my friends don't seem to care for me, I'm not funny, smart, creative or anything. I'm mtf so I'm just trapped in a body I hate. I know I am a woman but I can't see myself happily becoming one. I have no ambitions, no goals nothing I can't do anything right and I'm just so close to ending it but ofc I'm too much off a pussy to do it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I just can't explain how I feel, I just don't want to be herewaking up just is a chore, my friends don't seem to care for me, I'm not funny, smart, creative or anything.I'm mtfso I'm just trapped in a body I hate.I know I am a womanbut I can't see myself happily becoming one.I have no ambitions, no goals nothing I can't do anything rightand I'm just so close to ending it but ofcI'm too much off a pussy to do it" ]
Simplemente no puedo explicar cómo me siento, simplemente no quiero estar aquí despierta sólo es una tarea, mis amigos no parecen preocuparse por mí, no soy gracioso, inteligente, creativo o nada.Estoy mtfso sólo estoy atrapado en un cuerpo que odio.Sé que soy una mujer, pero no puedo verme felizmente convirtiéndome en una.No tengo ambiciones, no hay metas nada que no pueda hacer nada bien y estoy tan cerca de terminarlo pero estoy demasiado lejos de un coño para hacerlo.
stop asking if im okay like, do not see just how much i post ???? like, bitch no im not lmao 🙄🤣🤣🤸
[ "stop asking if imokay like, do not see just how much i post ????like, bitch noim not lmao 🙄🤣🤣🤸" ]
Deja de preguntar si imokay como, no ver justo cuánto posteo ????like, perra noim no lmmao
I'm leavingright now, I don't even have the enrgy to type out things, my hands are shaking and it's really tough actually. I just want to sleep forever ad go, i don't even know why i'mdoing this, but I guess I just wanted someone to know. goodbye
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm leavingright now, I don't even have the enrgy to type out things, my hands are shaking and it's really tough actually.I just want to sleep forever ad go, i don't even know why i'mdoing this, but I guess I just wanted someone to know.goodbye" ]
Me voy ahora mismo, ni siquiera tengo la enrgy para escribir las cosas, mis manos están temblando y es realmente duro en realidad.Solo quiero dormir para siempre anuncio ir, ni siquiera sé por qué estoy haciendo esto, pero supongo que sólo quería que alguien supiera.Adiós.
I Need an advice right now please . I just tried to hangAs I said I just tried an incomplete hanging because I was in the middle of a panic attack. But then I got out the rope crying. The thing is that I have a red mark all over my neck and I'm afraid that my parents will notice that . What can I do??
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I Need an advice right now please .I just tried to hangAs I said I just tried an incomplete hanging because I was in the middle of a panic attack.But then I got out the rope crying.The thing is that I have a red mark all over my neck and I'm afraid that my parents will notice that .What can I do??" ]
Necesito un consejo ahora mismo, por favor.Solo traté de colgarComo dije, intenté un ahorcamiento incompleto porque estaba en medio de un ataque de pánico.Pero luego salí de la cuerda llorando.La cosa es que tengo una marca roja por todo el cuello y me temo que mis padres notarán eso.¿Qué puedo hacer?
Bucket list day 2So before I go I thought I’d tell that bitch at work what I really feel. Swear words and all. Needless to say, she was pretty surprised I let her have it....in a public forum no less. Career limiting but not a firing offense....need my job still to pull off the rest of my list. ....to be continued.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Bucket list day 2So before I go I thought I’d tell that bitch at work what I really feel.Swear words and all.Needless to say, she was pretty surprised I let her have it....in a public forum no less.Career limiting but not a firing offense....need my job still to pull off the rest of my list.....to be continued." ]
Cuchara lista día 2Así que antes de irme pensé que le diría a esa perra en el trabajo lo que realmente siento.Jura palabras y todo.Sin necesidad de decir, ella estaba bastante sorprendida de que le dejé tenerlo....en un foro público no menos.Limitar la carrera pero no una ofensa de despido....necesita mi trabajo todavía para sacar el resto de mi lista.....para continuar.
I just wanna die...I see no point in living anymoreI honestly can’t take anymore...I’m 20 years old and my life has gone too downhill from here...I’ve suffered with depression since I was 14, and the shit that happens to me only fuels it...my girlfriend that I was so in love with died...my other ex girlfriend ended up cheating on me...I became a disappointment to my parents...my best friend died...my other best friend hates me now and will never talk to me again...I gave up on my dreams...I have absolutely no one now...I have no one to go to and I have no one that will listen, this honestly might be the last thing I’ll ever write...I’m gonna attempt to kill myself some time this week because I honestly see no point in going on anymore...I can’t take anymore, I just wanna end it all...
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I just wanna die...I see no point in living anymoreI honestly can’t take anymore...I’m 20 years old and my life has gone too downhill from here...I’ve suffered with depression since I was 14, and the shit that happens to me only fuels it...my girlfriend that I was so in love with died...my other ex girlfriend ended up cheating on me...I became a disappointment to my parents...my best friend died...my other best friend hates me now and will never talk to me again...I gave up on my dreams...I have absolutely no one now...I have no one to go to and I have no one that will listen, this honestly might be the last thing I’ll ever write...I’m gonna attempt to kill myself some time this week because I honestly see no point in going on anymore...I can’t take anymore, I just wanna end it all..." ]
Solo quiero morir...Ya no veo ningún punto en vivir, honestamente no puedo soportarlo más...Tengo 20 años y mi vida ha ido demasiado cuesta abajo desde aquí...He sufrido de depresión desde que tenía 14 años, y la mierda que me pasa solo lo alimenta...Mi novia de la que estaba tan enamorada murió...Mi otra ex novia terminó engañándome...Me convertí en una decepción para mis padres...mi mejor amiga murió...mi otro mejor amigo me odia ahora y nunca más me hablará... Renuncié a mis sueños...No tengo absolutamente a nadie ahora...No tengo a quién ir y no tengo a nadie que me escuche, esta honestamente podría ser la última cosa que voy a escribir...Voy a intentar suicidarme alguna vez esta semana porque honestamente no veo ningún punto en seguir adelante...No puedo soportar más, solo quiero terminar con todo...
Are you smart? https://youtu.be/I2eisX8xWRs even tho you aren’t subs
[ "Are you smart?https://youtu.be/I2eisX8xWRs even tho you aren’t subs" ]
¿Eres inteligente?https://youtu.be/I2eisX8xWRs incluso si no eres subs
I want to end my life so badlyI can’t keep going, I’ve run out of things to say. I deserve happiness, but everyone has stripped that away from me, it’s the only thing that ever happens. I’m not making it through this week. The only thing that truly comforts me is not living at all
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I want to end my life so badlyI can’t keep going, I’ve run out of things to say.I deserve happiness, but everyone has stripped that away from me, it’s the only thing that ever happens.I’m not making it through this week.The only thing that truly comforts me is not living at all" ]
Quiero terminar mi vida tan mal que no puedo seguir adelante, me he quedado sin cosas que decir.Me merezco felicidad, pero todo el mundo me ha quitado eso, es lo único que me pasa.No lo voy a superar esta semana.Lo único que realmente me consuela es no vivir en absoluto.
My Roommate Situation- I need helpHello. I've tried posting in r/relationships for advice in this but they keep taking it down so I apologize. I started college this year and we are in the second semester of school right now. I met my roommate around 7/8 months when school started and we hit it off. Since then she had been like a sister to me and I think I was like that to her. Well in the first semester she had accidentally OD'd and she wanted me to go to the hospital with her. That was fine but the amount she had took she couldn't have OD'd on and before she had me list off the symptoms of OD'ding then repeated word for word exactly what the symptoms were to the paramedics. I just found this weird and it had a major impact on my mental well being. Well over the break I took time to review our relationship and I noticed that she was extremely manipulative and selfish. By the end of the first semester I had extremely exhausted I had just thought it had been from school. Now I am not the most mentally stable. I have always had the thought of killing or cutting myself in the back of my head. I am just a coward to do it. I have never seen a therapist in my life and when I had tried telling my mother how I was feeling in high school she essentially played it off saying everyone is like that as teens. Now as a college student I'm very scared to go to a therapist and a psychiatrist but the thoughts have never left. **I am not blaming her for ANY of my thoughts. She has a mental illness as well and is not healthy.** Well at the start of this semester we decided to throw a small back-to-school party in our dorm. We had been drinking a bit (she claims she had a lot). She had gone up to cuddle with a guy. Well that guy had left with 1 other person. Once they were out of the room she had yelled to us (probably like 4 or 5 people) that she had done something inappropriate with the guy. We were all disgusted since we had all been in the same room and been there while she had done it. Everyone had left afterwards. I had gone to my bed and just wanted to sleep this night off and forget it. Well the guy came back and went to her bed to 'cuddle' again. Now my bed is directly across hers and I can see what is happening. There arms are moving and I'm disgusted cause they were gonna do stuff while I was sleeping in the same room. I left pissed off and went to my friend's room. She had come in on the phone and told me to get rid of him for her. Now all during first semester she had made me do things like this for her and I was tired of doing it. She would also throw a fit or use her mental illness as a scapegoat. She would also lie to me and take credit for what I had done for her. She would also guilt trip me into doing stuff for her as well. Back to the story I had yelled at her that I'm tired of doing stuff for her and that she created this situation/conflict she needs to get rid of it (she is very dependent on me). Now I don't really remember this part but she and my friend had gone to the room to get rid of him. Then I think my friend told her that I got mad at her and was pissed off (I'm a very calm person and it takes a lot to wear me down). The she immediately started saying that she was gonna kill herself (and making me think its MY fault cause I was mad at her). She started writing notes and mine basically said 'Your the best roommate I have ever had. But you've never made me happy once'. Frankly that had really hurt me since we were like sisters and really close. She started talking about her family (I have a very similar situation as well) and I left and broke down in the bathroom. When I got back she had tried to make a noose from a blanket (we told her that isn't gonna work) and she then proceeded to take a bunch of pills. We had called the cops but I didn't want to deal with all of that so I just went to my friends room. She was admitted in the hospital and an institution for a few days. I understand that she was going through something and she needed support but I was still hurt. When she got back I talked to her about that night and how relationship isn't gonna be the same. She told me that I'm not the one to blame for her doing that (she blamed it all on her being drunk) but she then said 'When I'm drunk those things were at the back of my mind. You yelling at me just brought it forward.' now it wasn't that exactly but something along those lines. I feel like she is blaming me then for her attempt. She would also contradict stuff she said earlier or even before this incident. I started avoiding her and not talking to her for a while. I don't even want to be in the same room as her anymore. We then had another conversation but this time I didn't care and wasn't gonna spare her feelings. So I told her that she was manipulative, selfish, and that she did blame me for it with that comment. She proceeded to say she needs a support system, that I'm not to blame (but then again later on in the conversion she contradicted herself again), that her eyes are 'open' now. She also told me that she understands if this relationship isn't gonna be the same. I also said that she needs a therapist, and that she contradicts herself a lot. She then used the excuse that she isn't mentally there and kinda spacing out, and said the she was 'spacing' out during THIS CONVERSATION as well. I'm done with her. **I AGAIN AM NOT BLAMING HER FOR THESE THOUGHTS** I have always had thoughts of killing myself and harming myself. This whole situation has made it even bigger in my mind. I am trying not to think about this situation and trying to focus on my academics but I can't. I just want to die. I don't really know what to do in this situation. I might talk to my RA and RD about it. I know she has a 2 week grace period if she wants to drop out and I hope she does but it sounds mean. I am also thinking about transferring rooms but she might do something like this again and I'll feel like its my fault. I feel trapped. Should I just have a conversation with her and tell her that I think she should drop out (she doesn't want to but the only reason for that is that she doesn't want to be by her family)? I think she should be held at an institute until she gets better that way she isn't by family and she can get the help she needs. Am I in the wrong here? Should I still be apart of her support system so she doesn't do this again? Am I just being over dramatic in this situation and just over thinking things? I just feel like the more I think about this situation and be around her I feel the guilt and I might actually kill myself.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "My Roommate Situation- I need helpHello.I've tried posting in r/relationships for advice in thisbut they keep taking it downso I apologize.I started college this year and we are in the second semester of school right now.I met my roommate around 7/8 months when school started and we hit it off.Since then she had been like a sister to me and I think I was like that to her.Well in the first semester she had accidentally OD'dand she wanted me to go to the hospital with her.That was fine but the amount she had took she couldn't have OD'd on and before she had me list off the symptoms of OD'ding then repeated word for word exactly what the symptoms were to the paramedics.I just found this weirdand it had a major impact on my mental well being.Well over the break I took time to review our relationship and I noticed that she was extremely manipulative and selfish.By the end of the first semester I had extremely exhausted I had just thought it had been from school.Now I am not the most mentally stable.I have always had the thought of killing or cutting myself in the back of my head.I am just a coward to do it.", "I have never seen a therapist in my life and when I had tried telling my mother how I was feeling in high school she essentially played it off saying everyone is like that as teens.Now as a college student I'm very scared to go to a therapist and a psychiatrist but the thoughts have never left.**I am not blaming her for ANY of my thoughts.She has a mental illness as well and is not healthy.**Well at the start of this semester we decided to throw a small back-to-school party in our dorm.We had been drinking a bit (she claims she had a lot).She had gone up to cuddle with a guy.Well that guy had left with 1 other person.Once they were out of the room she had yelled to us (probably like 4 or 5 people) that she had done something inappropriate with the guy.We were all disgusted since we had all been in the same room and been there while she had done it.Everyone had left afterwards.I had gone to my bed and just wanted to sleep this night off and forget it.Well the guy came back and went to her bed to 'cuddle' again.Now my bed is directly across hersand I can see what is happening.There arms are moving and I'm disgusted cause they were gonna do stuff while I was sleeping in the same room.", "I left pissed off and went to my friend's room.She had come in on the phone and told me to get rid of him for her.Now all during first semester she had made me do things like this for herand I was tired of doing it.She would also throw a fit or use her mental illness as a scapegoat.She would also lie to me and take credit for what I had done for her.She would also guilt trip me into doing stuff for her as well.Back to the story I had yelled at her that I'm tired of doing stuff for her and that she created this situation/conflict she needs to get rid of it (she is very dependent on me).Now I don't really remember this partbut she and my friend had gone to the room to get rid of him.Then I think my friend told her that I got mad at her and was pissed off (I'm a very calm person and it takes a lot to wear me down).The she immediately started saying that she was gonna kill herself (and making me think its MY fault cause I was mad at her).She started writing notes and mine basically said 'Your the best roommate I have ever had.But you've never made me happy once'.Frankly that had really hurt me since we were like sisters and really close.", "She started talking about her family (I have a very similar situation as well) and I left and broke down in the bathroom.When I got back she had tried to make a noose from a blanket (we told her that isn't gonna work) and she then proceeded to take a bunch of pills.We had called the copsbut I didn't want to deal with all of thatso I just went to my friends room.She was admitted in the hospital and an institution for a few days.I understand that she was going through something and she needed support but I was still hurt.When she got back I talked to her about that night and how relationship isn't gonna be the same.She told me that I'm not the one to blame for her doing that (she blamed it all on her being drunk) but she then said 'When I'm drunk those things were at the back of my mind.You yelling at me just brought it forward.'now it wasn't that exactly but something along those lines.I feel like she is blaming me then for her attempt.She would also contradict stuff she said earlier or even before this incident.I started avoiding her and not talking to her for a while.I don't even want to be in the same room as her anymore.", "We then had another conversation but this time I didn't care and wasn't gonna spare her feelings.So I told her that she was manipulative, selfish, and that she did blame me for it with that comment.She proceeded to say she needs a support system, that I'm not to blame (but then again later on in the conversion she contradicted herself again), that her eyes are 'open' now.She also told me that she understands if this relationship isn't gonna be the same.I also said that she needs a therapist, and that she contradicts herself a lot.She then used the excuse that she isn't mentally there and kinda spacing out, and said the she was 'spacing' out during THIS CONVERSATION as well.I'm done with her.**I AGAIN AM NOT BLAMING HER FOR THESE THOUGHTS**\n\nI have always had thoughts of killing myself and harming myself.This whole situation has made it even bigger in my mind.I am trying not to think about this situation and trying to focus on my academicsbut I can't.I just want to die.I don't really know what to do in this situation.I might talk to my RA and RD about it.I know she has a 2 week grace period if she wants to drop outand I hope she doesbut it sounds mean.", "I am also thinking about transferring rooms but she might do something like this again and I'll feel like its my fault.I feel trapped.Should I just have a conversation with her and tell her that I think she should drop out (she doesn't want to but the only reason for that is that she doesn't want to be by her family)?I think she should be held at an institute until she gets better that way she isn't by familyand she can get the help she needs.Am I in the wrong here?Should I still be apart of her support system so she doesn't do this again?Am I just being over dramatic in this situation and just over thinking things?I just feel like the more I think about this situation and be around her I feel the guiltand I might actually kill myself." ]
Mi compañero de habitación, situación- necesito ayudaHola.He tratado de publicar en r/relationsships para obtener consejo en esto, pero siguen tomándolo abajo así que me disculpo.Comencé la universidad este año y estamos en el segundo semestre de la escuela ahora mismo.He conocido a mi compañera de cuarto alrededor de 7/8 meses cuando comenzó la escuela y nos llevamos bien.Desde entonces ella había sido como una hermana para mí y creo que yo era como ella.Bueno, en el primer semestre ella había accidentalmente OD'd y ella quería que fuera al hospital con ella.Eso estaba bien, pero la cantidad que ella había tomado no podía tener OD'd encendido y antes de que me tenía lista de los síntomas de la sobredosis entonces repetía palabra por palabra exactamente cuáles eran los síntomas para los paramédicos.Me acabo de encontrar este extraño y tenía un impacto importante en mi bienestar mental.Bueno, durante el descanso me tomé el tiempo para revisar nuestra relación y me di cuenta de que ella era extremadamente manipuladora y egoísta.
I just clicked on auto correct for many times Hey man I am not sure if you have any other hobbies are genuinely interested and I don't have any other questions like to know if there is anything I should probably stop talking with me on the basis for a long way too many devices and it will make a good day I would like it is but a really nice to see you then you will be a great time in Hollywood film is a really bad and racist and better call it the way you wrote that you can just use the following link from the very beginning with the app and myself are the best one for me and the other one I rejected a girl who post all is ok for you but you know about it is not available in the race suffer a good day I will send you to leave your country which I have to do it without her permission of
[ "I just clicked on auto correct for many times Hey man I am not sure if you have any other hobbies are genuinely interested and I don't have any other questions like to know if there is anything I should probably stop talking with me on the basis for a long way too many devices and it will make a good day I would like it is but a really nice to see you then you will be a great time in Hollywood film is a really bad and racist and better call it the way you wrote that you can just use the following link from the very beginning with the app and myself are the best one for me and the other one I rejected a girl who post all is ok for youbut you know about it is not available in the race suffer a good day I will send you to leave your country which I have to do it without her permission of" ]
No estoy seguro de si usted tiene algún otro hobbies realmente están interesados y no tengo ninguna otra pregunta como saber si hay algo que probablemente debería dejar de hablar conmigo sobre la base de un largo camino demasiados dispositivos y va a hacer un buen día me gustaría que es pero un muy agradable verte entonces usted será un gran momento en Hollywood película es un muy malo y racista y mejor llamarlo la forma en que usted escribió que usted puede utilizar el siguiente enlace desde el principio con la aplicación y yo soy el mejor para mí y el otro que rechacé a una chica que posteo todo está bien para usted pero usted sabe que no está disponible en la carrera sufren un buen día le enviaré a salir de su país que tengo que hacerlo sin su permiso de
Going to do it this Monday (Long)I am writing this so it's out there somewhere and this seems like the perfect place. I've got two outs, hanging and heroin. So we'll see which one I choose. No one in my family suspects it (despite my two previous attempts) and I know they'll be devastated. They can't understand, but this is for the best. It's in my best interest and their's. The worst part is that my cat won't understand either and I'm sure he'll miss me, because I will miss him. To sum up why I'm doing this, I fucked up. I was raised in a weird and troublesome situation. Never really connected with my family and anyone else really. They're loving but arrogant and narcissistic people, who constantly push their agenda on you. On the other hand I'm a pathetic push over, who'd rather be quiet than deal with them. As you can guess this wasn't healthy and it haunts me to this day. I haven't been able to make good connections with people and stick to the first sign that someone likes me. Obviously, it isn't that simple and there's a lot more to people than I could have known. If I had one good thing to say about the world, it's that humans are extraordinary, not necessarily good or bad, but extraordinary. Back to my story, I up grew hiding everything from my parents and ergo lying to myself. Which is now deep-rooted, I couldn't go very long without lying, to myself and everyone around me. It became self-destructive and I would do more harmful things while ignoring their downsides. It's a very slippery slope and now I'm at the bottom of it. I've dropped out of Uni, made enemies of all my friends, and have lost any will to live. My life is over. I spent the last few months just hanging by a thread and analysing where I went wrong, just so I could write this. Maybe someone will read this and it will help them, maybe it won't. You only get one life, don't let ANYTHING take control over it. You will make your own mistakes, you'll learn your own lessons, you will breathe your own last breath. I let bad relationships, drugs, school, depression, anxiety and physical disabilities control mine. Any one of those are already bad enough, let alone all of them. Don't let them control you. This world sucks and IT WILL spit in your face and IT WILL kick you while you're down, but you have to fight. I tried to fight, but I'm just not strong enough, especially when I'm this down. Doctors seem disinterested despite my previous two sucide attempts and consistent self harm/drug abuse. Family ignores it and tells me everything is fine and it's all in my head. I realized too late and now I'm in debt, sick, out of a potential future, with little chance of affording therapy. So this is it for me. If any of you read this, you're a champion and thanks. I'm going to be free early morning Monday. Much love and good luck!
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Going to do it this Monday (Long)I am writing this so it's out there somewhere and this seems like the perfect place.I've got two outs, hanging and heroin.So we'll see which one I choose.No one in my family suspects it (despite my two previous attempts) and I know they'll be devastated.They can't understand, but this is for the best.It's in my best interest and their's.The worst part is that my cat won't understand either and I'm sure he'll miss me, because I will miss him.To sum up why I'm doing this, I fucked up.I was raised in a weird and troublesome situation.Never really connected with my family and anyone else really.They're loving but arrogant and narcissistic people, who constantly push their agenda on you.On the other hand I'm a pathetic push over, who'd rather be quiet than deal with them.As you can guess this wasn't healthy and it haunts me to this day.I haven't been able to make good connections with people and stick to the first sign that someone likes me.Obviously, it isn't that simple and there's a lot more to people than I could have known.", "If I had one good thing to say about the world, it's that humans are extraordinary, not necessarily good or bad, but extraordinary.Back to my story, I up grew hiding everything from my parents and ergo lying to myself.Which is now deep-rooted, I couldn't go very long without lying, to myself and everyone around me.It became self-destructive and I would do more harmful things while ignoring their downsides.It's a very slippery slope and now I'm at the bottom of it.I've dropped out of Uni, made enemies of all my friends, and have lost any will to live.My life is over.I spent the last few months just hanging by a thread and analysing where I went wrong, just so I could write this.Maybe someone will read this and it will help them, maybe it won't.You only get one life, don't let ANYTHING take control over it.You will make your own mistakes, you'll learn your own lessons, you will breathe your own last breath.I let bad relationships, drugs, school, depression, anxiety and physical disabilities control mine.Any one of those are already bad enough, let alone all of them.Don't let them control you.", "This world sucks and IT WILL spit in your face and IT WILL kick you while you're down, but you have to fight.I tried to fight, but I'm just not strong enough, especially when I'm this down.Doctors seem disinterested despite my previous two sucide attempts and consistent self harm/drug abuse.Family ignores it and tells me everything is fine and it's all in my head.I realized too late and now I'm in debt, sick, out of a potential future, with little chance of affording therapy.So this is it for me.If any of you read this, you're a champion and thanks.I'm going to be free early morning Monday.Much love and good luck!" ]
Voy a hacerlo este lunes (Long)Estoy escribiendo esto por lo que está por ahí en algún lugar y esto parece el lugar perfecto.Tengo dos outs, colgar y heroína.Así que veremos cuál de ellos elijo.Nadie en mi familia lo sospecha (a pesar de mis dos intentos anteriores) y sé que estarán devastados.Ellos no pueden entender, pero esto es lo mejor.Es en mi mejor interés y en el de ellos.La peor parte es que mi gato tampoco lo entenderá y estoy seguro de que me echará de menos, porque lo echaré de menos.Para resumir por qué estoy haciendo esto, la cagué.Me crié en una situación extraña y problemática.Nunca realmente conectado con mi familia y con nadie más realmente.Son personas cariñosas pero arrogantes y narcisistas, que constantemente empujan su agenda sobre ti.Por otro lado, soy una persona patética que prefiere estar callada que tratar con ellos.
I have never had this feeling beforeThis will be a long text, and I am not forcing anybody to read it. I am using writing as a way to express my feelings. I keep saying to myself it will go over. Suicide has never seriously crossed my mind until now. But I just realised that I don't see the meaning in life. I don't enjoy anything at the moment. I used to love music, friends and family. But now everything is different. The only thing that has changed is me. I get rejected over and over by my life. I feel like I am not meant to be born in this world. My point of view is entirely different to anybody else. I have lots of friends but nobody I have a connection with. Nobody I can share my life with. It feels like I have tried everything before giving up. I used to be a very introvert person with very few friends. But the past year or so I have changed. I made a lot of friends, and I met a lot of girls. I am not blaming the girls for rejecting me. I blame myself for having such a unique perspective on life. Let me be honest here. I am pretty sure the girls are just rejecting me because we have nothing in common. It is not like I go around and share my suicide thoughts with them. I have only been trying to meet a lot of girls to see if I possibly could have something in common with somebody. The only thing that's keeping me alive is my family. I know they will miss me when I am gone. Of course, my friends will be sad but let's be real here. I have absolutely nothing in common with any of them. I only talk to them at school and small gatherings. So it wouldn't be a big deal if I were gone. I am sure that all this would end if I could just finally find someone with the same interests as me. But it seems impossible for me because I only meet people I study with. All the girls I have talked to have been girls at my school. All my friends are either in my class or at the school. People don't consider me as this type of guy. People refer to me as the chill type of guy. People see me as happy all the time. The fact is: I'm not. I always have a facade on. But now everything has changed. This time I want to take my life. I have read some posts on the subreddit that has inspired me to research my method of use. I already know how my life will end. I will share a bit more background information with you guys because at this point I don't care I am currently almost done with my education. I have never been a fan of education, but I have always pushed myself to take it and just get over with it. Besides education, I don't do anything. I enjoy being with my friends but everybody is busy with their own lives, and again we have nothing in common. The past ten years or something I have just been sitting on my ass doing nothing after school. Meaning that after I am done with school, I would just go home and play video games. I don't even like playing video games, but I have always used it to escape my problems. Problems that I cannot do anything about. After writing this text, I am no longer crying, but I also don't feel any emotions. I still want to take my life just to end my suffering. I feel like people would start caring about me when I am gone. People have stopped asking about my life. Not even my family asks me anymore. My family is a mess anyways. After their divorce, I have been devastated. I cried myself to sleep more than I can count to. I also have nobody to celebrate New Years evening with. I had been talking to this girl for a while, and we were going to celebrate it together, but then she dumped me today. I am not blaming her for anything. I am glad she did because I am a fucking mess. I know I should stop writing, but I can't stop. I have so much to share but nobody to share it with. Not only do I want true friends but I also want a girlfriend. I don't have any problems talking with them, but I just have trouble finding common interests. I know that the very few people that have read my post will start suggesting all sort of things. But let's be real here again. When you first find out that life has no purpose you begin to wonder. I know that I will always be me no matter if I am gone in a week or if I first die when I grow old. I will never change the way I am. I have made my decisions in life and I think it is time to end the suffering. I will be doing a week of research before I am gone. For the people reading just some of it. Thank you. I know you can't help me but still thank you for taking a bit of your time to read it. You are more than welcome to comment. I do not promise that I can help with anything though. Thank you
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I have never had this feeling beforeThis will be a long text, and I am not forcing anybody to read it.I am using writing as a way to express my feelings.I keep saying to myself it will go over.Suicide has never seriously crossed my mind until now.But I just realised that I don't see the meaning in life.I don't enjoy anything at the moment.I used to love music, friends and family.But now everything is different.The only thing that has changed is me.I get rejected over and over by my life.I feel like I am not meant to be born in this world.My point of view is entirely different to anybody else.I have lots of friends but nobody I have a connection with.Nobody I can share my life with.It feels like I have tried everything before giving up.I used to be a very introvert person with very few friends.But the past year or so I have changed.I made a lot of friends, and I met a lot of girls.I am not blaming the girls for rejecting me.I blame myself for having such a unique perspective on life.Let me be honest here.I am pretty sure the girls are just rejecting me because we have nothing in common.It is not like I go around and share my suicide thoughts with them.", "I have only been trying to meet a lot of girls to see if I possibly could have something in common with somebody.The only thing that's keeping me alive is my family.I know they will miss me when I am gone.Of course, my friends will be sad but let's be real here.I have absolutely nothing in common with any of them.I only talk to them at school and small gatherings.So it wouldn't be a big deal if I were gone.I am sure that all this would end if I could just finally find someone with the same interests as me.But it seems impossible for me because I only meet people I study with.All the girls I have talked to have been girls at my school.All my friends are either in my class or at the school.People don't consider me as this type of guy.People refer to me as the chill type of guy.People see me as happy all the time.The fact is: I'm not.I always have a facade on.But now everything has changed.This time I want to take my life.I have read some posts on the subreddit that has inspired me to research my method of use.I already know how my life will end.I will share a bit more background information with you guys because at this point I don't care\n\n", "I am currently almost done with my education.I have never been a fan of education, but I have always pushed myself to take it and just get over with it.Besides education, I don't do anything.I enjoy being with my friends but everybody is busy with their own lives, and again we have nothing in common.The past ten years or something I have just been sitting on my ass doing nothing after school.Meaning that after I am done with school, I would just go home and play video games.I don't even like playing video games, but I have always used it to escape my problems.Problems that I cannot do anything about.After writing this text, I am no longer crying, but I also don't feel any emotions.I still want to take my life just to end my suffering.I feel like people would start caring about me when I am gone.People have stopped asking about my life.Not even my family asks me anymore.My family is a mess anyways.After their divorce, I have been devastated.I cried myself to sleep more than I can count to.I also have nobody to celebrate New Years evening with.I had been talking to this girl for a while, and we were going to celebrate it together, but then she dumped me today.", "I am not blaming her for anything.I am glad she did because I am a fucking mess.I know I should stop writing, but I can't stop.I have so much to share but nobody to share it with.Not only do I want true friendsbut I also want a girlfriend.I don't have any problems talking with them, but I just have trouble finding common interests.I know that the very few people that have read my post will start suggesting all sort of things.But let's be real here again.When you first find out that life has no purpose you begin to wonder.I know that I will always be me no matter if I am gone in a week or if I first die when I grow old.I will never change the way I am.I have made my decisions in life and I think it is time to end the suffering.I will be doing a week of research before I am gone.For the people reading just some of it.Thank you.I know you can't help me but still thank you for taking a bit of your time to read it.You are more than welcome to comment.I do not promise that I can help with anything though.Thank you" ]
Yo nunca he tenido este sentimiento antesEste será un texto largo, y no estoy obligando a nadie a leerlo.Estoy usando la escritura como una manera de expresar mis sentimientos.Me sigo diciendo a mí mismo que va a pasar.El suicidio nunca ha pasado seriamente por mi mente hasta ahora.Pero me acabo de dar cuenta de que no veo el significado en la vida.No disfruto de nada en este momento.Me encantaba la música, los amigos y la familia.Pero ahora todo es diferente.Lo único que ha cambiado es yo.Me siento rechazado una y otra vez por mi vida.Me siento como si no estuviera destinado a nacer en este mundo.Mi punto de vista es completamente diferente a nadie más.Tengo muchos amigos pero nadie con quien haya cambiado.Nadie con quien pueda compartir mi vida.Se siente como que he intentado todo antes de rendirme.Solía ser una persona muy introvertida con muy pocos amigos.Pero el año pasado o así he cambiado.He hecho muchos amigos con los que he compartido mi vida.
Hey. I just really want someone to talk to rn Maybe make a new friend idk. Pm me if you’d like. I’m 16 and a dude if that matters to you. Have a nice rest of your day.
[ "Hey.I just really want someone to talk to rnMaybe make a new friend idk.Pm me if you’d like.I’m 16 and a dude if that matters to you.Have a nice rest of your day." ]
Hey.Yo realmente quiero que alguien hable con rnTal vez hacer un nuevo amigo idk.Pm me si te gustaría.Tengo 16 años y un tipo si eso te importa.Tenga un buen descanso de su día.
SelfishI think the phrase “suicide doesn’t affect just you” is such a selfish phrase. Do they think I don’t know that? That I really wish to feel this way? Do they think I enjoy suffering and wondering why I just don’t want to be? I’m not an idiot I see through it all it’s just a trick to make you suffer along with everyone else. I don’t know if I want to suffer any longer.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "SelfishI think the phrase “suicide doesn’t affect just you” is such a selfish phrase.Do they think I don’t know that?That I really wish to feel this way?Do they think I enjoy suffering and wondering why I just don’t want to be?I’m not an idiot I see through it all it’s just a trick to make you suffer along with everyone else.I don’t know if I want to suffer any longer." ]
EgoístaCreo que la frase “suicidio no afecta sólo a ti” es una frase tan egoísta.¿Creen que no lo sé?Que realmente deseo sentirme de esta manera?¿Creen que disfruto el sufrimiento y se preguntan por qué simplemente no quiero ser?No soy un idiota que veo a través de todo esto es sólo un truco para hacerte sufrir junto con todos los demás.No sé si quiero sufrir más.
I can hear my sister crying :/ Whats wrong sissy😔 idk wanna bother her tho
[ "I can hear my sister crying :/Whats wrong sissy😔 idk wanna bother her tho" ]
Puedo escuchar a mi hermana llorando :/Whats mal mariquita idk quiere molestar a su tho
I'm onto my last few days.I have been depressed for years. Anxious for a year. That's how long I've had the diagnoses, anyways. The depression has gotten to a point where it takes a huge amount of effort to just complete day to day tasks sober. I have a shipment of a ridiculous amount of acid and amphetamine coming in a couple days, and honestly that's the only thing giving me hope right now. Once I blow through that all, but before the amphetamine withdrawals kick in (fuck that), I think I am going to end it. Maybe I will "get help", whatever that means. I am probably not going to be here next week.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm onto my last few days.I have been depressed for years.Anxious for a year.That's how long I've had the diagnoses, anyways.The depression has gotten to a point where it takes a huge amount of effort to just complete day to day tasks sober.I have a shipment of a ridiculous amount of acid and amphetamine coming in a couple days, and honestly that's the only thing giving me hope right now.Once I blow through that all, but before the amphetamine withdrawals kick in (fuck that), I think I am going to end it.Maybe I will \"get help\", whatever that means.I am probably not going to be here next week." ]
Estoy en mis últimos días.He estado deprimido por años.Ansioso por un año.Eso es cuánto tiempo he tenido los diagnósticos, de todos modos.La depresión ha llegado a un punto en el que se necesita una gran cantidad de esfuerzo para completar las tareas del día a día sobria.Tengo un envío de una cantidad ridícula de ácido y anfetamina en un par de días, y honestamente eso es lo único que me da esperanza en este momento.Una vez que sople a través de todo eso, pero antes de que las retiradas de anfetaminas comiencen (a la mierda eso), creo que voy a terminarlo.Tal vez voy a "conseguir ayuda", lo que sea que eso signifique.Probablemente no voy a estar aquí la próxima semana.
What is the point of my existence?It just makes me feel super depressed that how bad I am in everything. I dont have any talents. I wish I would have a talent in something but no... Im bad in everything. I must dont want to exist. I wish there would be an end button right next to myself. I dont know what is the point of continouing.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "What is the point of my existence?It just makes me feel super depressed that how bad I am in everything.I dont have any talents.I wish I would have a talent in something but no...Im bad in everything.I must dont want to exist.I wish there would be an end button right next to myself.I dont know what is the point of continouing." ]
¿Cuál es el punto de mi existencia? Simplemente me hace sentir súper deprimido que lo malo que soy en todo.No tengo ningún talento.Ojalá tuviera un talento en algo pero no...Soy malo en todo.No debo querer existir.Ojalá hubiera un botón final justo al lado de mí.No sé cuál es el punto de continuar.
How to get awards on reddit Method 1 : Make an actually good post Method 2 : Just complain about the awards
[ "How to get awards on reddit Method 1 : Make an actually good post\n\n\nMethod 2 : Just complain about the awards" ]
Cómo obtener premios en Reddit Método 1 : Hacer un buen post Método 2 : Sólo se quejan de los premios
Drastic Times Call For Drastic Measures. Okay so I guess this post is kind of an improvisation of my real suicide note. I didn't know what I wanted to write so I want to type it instead and reevaluate some ideas for what I should actually write. Well, I'm currently 16 years old and a male, and I despise life and what it has offered me in these past 16 years. I was never diagnosed to see if I have this mental disability but I believe I have clinical depression. I've been heavily depressed for years and it has broken me down severely. I don't have a bright future ahead of me and I don't have any loved ones or friends. For these past years I have just sat in my room all day and just play video games and surf the net. I wasn't always like this, but even when I tried to be outgoing it didn't work out at all. I'm not intelligent, funny, attractive, and so forth. I understand that I may only be 16, but trust me, it wouldn't workout in the near future or present at all. I have suicidal ideations and tendencies everyday, however, I don't self harm or anything similar to that as I would just like to commit suicide rather than delay it with harming. The only problem is that I don't have any necessary materials or methods that would quicken my death. I want to do it by firearm but I have no access to one. Also, I can't ask for one since that would put that certain individual in deep trouble with the authorities for assisted suicide. I've never been in an intimate relationship as well, and nor have I ever had any intimate contact with the other sex. Also, I'm an immigrant that came to the states so sometimes I get racially profiled. Additionally, there are other certain circumstances that have put me in the position I am in today but those are a bit personal. And, it's quite a lot as well. I do not fear the thought of dying or knowing where I'll end up as soon as I become deceased. I just believe that I'll be in a pit of nothingness, with nothing around me and where I won't be able to feel anything. I understand that others will object to my decision and tell me that there is more out there for me, but there really isn't. I've tried to instill a new better perspective within myself but it's just not worth it anymore. I wouldn't wish this feeling or this life for that matter on anyone. I apologize if you find this post rather heartbreaking and harsh but it is what's best for me. If life had actually gotten better, then I wouldn't even consider this "solution." There are people who get a good life no matter what, and then there are the unfortunate ones who suffer. I'm just tired of my existence and having to wake up to the same feeling and situation everyday. I can't withstand the pressures given onto me nor the burden that I'm still alive. So, yeah, I guess this is a rough draft for my real note.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Drastic Times Call For Drastic Measures.Okay so I guess this post is kind of an improvisation of my real suicide note.I didn't know what I wanted to write so I want to type it instead and reevaluate some ideas for what I should actually write.Well, I'm currently 16 years old and a male, and I despise life and what it has offered me in these past 16 years.I was never diagnosed to see if I have this mental disabilitybut I believe I have clinical depression.I've been heavily depressed for years and it has broken me down severely.I don't have a bright future ahead of me and I don't have any loved ones or friends.For these past years I have just sat in my room all day and just play video games and surf the net.I wasn't always like this, but even when I tried to be outgoing it didn't work out at all.I'm not intelligent, funny, attractive, and so forth.I understand that I may only be 16, but trust me, it wouldn't workout in the near future or present at all.I have suicidal ideations and tendencies everyday, however, I don't self harm or anything similar to that as I would just like to commit suicide rather than delay it with harming.", "The only problem is that I don't have any necessary materials or methods that would quicken my death.I want to do it by firearmbut I have no access to one.Also, I can't ask for one since that would put that certain individual in deep trouble with the authorities for assisted suicide.I've never been in an intimate relationship as well, and nor have I ever had any intimate contact with the other sex.Also, I'm an immigrant that came to the states so sometimes I get racially profiled.Additionally, there are other certain circumstances that have put me in the position I am in today but those are a bit personal.And, it's quite a lot as well.I do not fear the thought of dying or knowing where I'll end up as soon as I become deceased.I just believe that I'll be in a pit of nothingness, with nothing around me and where I won't be able to feel anything.I understand that others will object to my decision and tell me that there is more out there for me, but there really isn't.I've tried to instill a new better perspective within myself but it's just not worth it anymore.I wouldn't wish this feeling or this life for that matter on anyone.", "I apologize if you find this post rather heartbreaking and harsh but it is what's best for me.If life had actually gotten better, then I wouldn't even consider this \"solution.\"There are people who get a good life no matter what, and then there are the unfortunate ones who suffer.I'm just tired of my existence and having to wake up to the same feeling and situation everyday.I can't withstand the pressures given onto me nor the burden that I'm still alive.So, yeah, I guess this is a rough draft for my real note." ]
De acuerdo, supongo que este post es una especie de improvisación de mi nota de suicidio real.No sabía lo que quería escribir, así que quiero escribirlo en su lugar y reevaluar algunas ideas para lo que realmente debería escribir.Bueno, actualmente tengo 16 años y soy un hombre, y desprecio la vida y lo que me ha ofrecido en estos últimos 16 años.Nunca me diagnosticaron para ver si tengo esta discapacidad mental, pero creo que tengo depresión clínica.He estado muy deprimido durante años y me ha destrozado severamente.No tengo un futuro brillante por delante y no tengo ningún ser querido ni amigos.Durante estos últimos años me he sentado en mi habitación todo el día y sólo he jugado a videojuegos y surfeo la red.No siempre he estado así, pero incluso cuando traté de ser saliente no funcionó en absoluto.No soy inteligente, divertido, atractivo, y así sucesivamente.Entiendo que sólo puedo ser 16, pero confío en mí, no se entrenaría en el futuro cercano o presente en todas las cosas.
I think it’s time.She’ll never love me like I love her. I want my family back. I can’t take this any longer. I wish I was brave enough to actually die. Why is it so hard.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I think it’s time.She’ll never love me like I love her.I want my family back.I can’t take this any longer.I wish I was brave enough to actually die.Why is it so hard." ]
Creo que es el momento.Ella nunca me amará como yo la amo.Quiero a mi familia de vuelta.No puedo tomar esto más tiempo.Ojalá fuera lo suficientemente valiente como para morir realmente.Por qué es tan difícil.
I have lost the will to liveso basically i find my life pointless. I have no motivation to do anything, I used to draw and enjoyed it till i was 16 and my depression resprung (first time was after my school found out about a pedophile I was seeing and he broke up with me).As i went through college my depression worsened. I tried to make friends but it seems like im not interesting enough or a horrible human being since i was never really invited anywhere. My roommate now hates me, ever since i tried finding ways of offing myself. We used to date and i basically used him to the point of him feeling dead inside. I find myself mean, useless (useless job and can't do anything for myself) and an emotional vampire. So today at work i was looking up guns and lethal drugs, but of course all out of my price range. I've tried therapy that did fuck all, i was hospitalized for wanting to kill myself and that made things much worse. So if you know any way i can off myself painlessly and cheaply that'd be most helpful. im a horrible human being so im certain no one will miss me, at least not for long. In fact some people will be overjoyed or relieved that im gone and im sure their lives will be much better afterwards. My life is going nowhere and its probably going to be a lot worse (things have been great compared to the other shit i went through.) So might aswell get it over with now. The longer i wait the more people i hurt.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I have lost the will to liveso basically i find my life pointless.I have no motivation to do anything, I used to draw and enjoyed it till i was 16 and my depression resprung (first time was after my school found out about a pedophile I was seeing and he broke up with me).Asi went through college my depression worsened.I tried to make friends but it seems like im not interesting enough or a horrible human being since i was never really invited anywhere.My roommate now hates me, ever since i tried finding ways of offing myself.We used to date and i basically used him to the point of him feeling dead inside.I find myself mean, useless (useless job and can't do anything for myself) and an emotional vampire.So today at work i was looking up guns and lethal drugs, but of course all out of my price range.I've tried therapy that did fuck all, i was hospitalized for wanting to kill myself and that made things much worse.So if you know any way i can off myself painlessly and cheaply that'd be most helpful.im a horrible human beingso im certainno one will miss me, at least not for long.", "In fact some people will be overjoyed or relieved that im gone and im sure their lives will be much better afterwards.My life is going nowhere and its probably going to be a lot worse (things have been great compared to the other shit i went through.)So might aswell get it over with now.The longer i wait the more people i hurt." ]
No tengo ninguna motivación para hacer nada, solía dibujar y disfrutarlo hasta que tenía 16 años y mi depresión resurgió (la primera vez fue después de que mi escuela se enterara de un pedófilo que estaba viendo y él rompió conmigo).Asi fue a través de la universidad mi depresión empeoró.Traté de hacer amigos pero parece que no soy lo suficientemente interesante o un ser humano horrible ya que nunca fui realmente invitado a ninguna parte.Mi compañero de cuarto ahora me odia, desde que traté de encontrar maneras de quitarme a mí mismo.Solíamos salir con él y básicamente lo usé hasta el punto de que se sentía muerto dentro.Me he encontrado mezquino, inútil (trabajo inútil y no puedo hacer nada por mí mismo) y un vampiro emocional.Así que hoy en el trabajo estaba buscando armas y drogas letales, pero por supuesto todo fuera de mi rango de precios.He probado terapia que jodió a todos, estaba hospitalizado por querer matarme a mí mismo y eso hizo las cosas mucho peor.
Quoting Youtubers: One Topic A lot of people wont like it when you stand out, but when you stand out you'll be one of the most beautiful things out there
[ "Quoting Youtubers: One Topic A lot of people wont like it when you stand out, but when you stand out you'll be one of the most beautiful things out there" ]
Citando Youtubers: un tema A mucha gente no le gustará cuando te destaques, pero cuando te destaques serás una de las cosas más bellas que hay.
Please do not Edit your (text) post so many times. Nobody wants to see (edit: thank you) (edit: this happened) (edit: bla bla bla) JUST STOP
[ "Please do not Edit your (text) post so many times.Nobody wants to see (edit: thank you) (edit: this happened) (edit: bla bla bla) JUST STOP" ]
Nadie quiere ver (editar: gracias) (editar: esto sucedió) (editar: bla bla bla) SÓLO PARAR
I'm Living in a Nightmare and I want it to EndI feel like I am living in a nightmare and I just don't wanna experience it anymore. I know people have had it way worse than me, but I realistically do not think I can keep going on. A couple of months ago I was raped and I was threatened to keep it secret; I made the mistake of waiting too long before having it reported. I go to a University, so the University decided to help "keep me safe" alongside the Police, as it was their idea to investigate after hearing what had happened. However the University began investigating, but because it created a lot of controversy, the case was closed twice (I repealed it but it just recently again closed) without any charges, and the police would not take me serious. What's worse is the fact that the roommate of the rapist and the rapist himself have been harassing and spitting at me ever since the case was filed, and the roommate is very close with most of the Residential Assistants and their boss, explaining why they won't even acknowledge my existence. Rumors spread saying I faked it all for attention, despite witness accounts and after backing from mental-professionals I had to seek because of the trauma (of which they gave coping mechanisms but said I was beyond their care and I would need to seek outside the University help); people constantly give me dirty looks, spit at me, getup and move away from me if I sit near them, and any romantic connections I had/relationships have resulted in me getting dumped because no one wants me based on the rumors + the baggage. I don't have family support either, as I don't really have much blood family, and the family I do have I am dead to them. Lot's of my friends have stayed out of the situation to avoid getting harassed as well; I feel so alone and like I don't belong here anymore. Before all of this, I thought the childhood trauma and everything that happened from growing up would stay in the past, even after affecting me, but this is the nail in the coffin. I really feel like I can't do this anymore, but thank you if you actually read it. I just wanted someone in the world to know what I am going through; at least someone might understand. ​ Tl;dr - I was raped, University buried my case, most people are on the side of rapist's best friend, I am regarded as sub-human by 95% of people I know.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm Living in a Nightmareand I want it to EndI feel like I am living in a nightmareand I just don't wanna experience it anymore.I know people have had it way worse than me, but I realistically do not think I can keep going on.A couple of months ago I was raped and I was threatened to keep it secret; I made the mistake of waiting too long before having it reported.I go to a University, so the University decided to help \"keep me safe\" alongside the Police, as it was their idea to investigate after hearing what had happened.However the University began investigating, but because it created a lot of controversy, the case was closed twice (I repealed it but it just recently again closed) without any charges, and the police would not take me serious.What's worse is the fact that the roommate of the rapist and the rapist himself have been harassing and spitting at me ever since the case was filed, and the roommate is very close with most of the Residential Assistants and their boss, explaining why they won't even acknowledge my existence.", "Rumors spread saying I faked it all for attention, despite witness accounts and after backing from mental-professionals I had to seek because of the trauma (of which they gave coping mechanisms but said I was beyond their care and I would need to seek outside the University help); people constantly give me dirty looks, spit at me, getup and move away from me if I sit near them, and any romantic connections I had/relationships have resulted in me getting dumped because no one wants me based on the rumors + the baggage.I don't have family support either, as I don't really have much blood family, and the family I do have I am dead to them.Lot's of my friends have stayed out of the situation to avoid getting harassed as well; I feel so alone and like I don't belong here anymore.Before all of this, I thought the childhood trauma and everything that happened from growing up would stay in the past, even after affecting me, but this is the nail in the coffin.I really feel like I can't do this anymore, but thank you if you actually read it.I just wanted someone in the world to know what I am going through; at least someone might understand.\n\n​\n\nTl;dr -", "I was raped, University buried my case, most people are on the side of rapist's best friend, I am regarded as sub-human by 95% of people I know." ]
Estoy viviendo en una pesadilla y quiero que termineSiento que estoy viviendo en una pesadilla y simplemente no quiero experimentarla más.Sé que la gente lo ha tenido mucho peor que yo, pero de manera realista no creo que pueda seguir adelante.Hace un par de meses fui violada y me amenazaron con mantenerlo en secreto; cometí el error de esperar demasiado tiempo antes de que lo informaran.Voy a una universidad, así que la universidad decidió ayudar a "mantenerme a salvo" junto a la policía, ya que era su idea investigar después de escuchar lo que había sucedido.Sin embargo, la universidad comenzó a investigar, pero debido a que creó mucha controversia, el caso se cerró dos veces (lo revoqué pero recientemente se cerró de nuevo) sin cargos, y la policía no me tomó en serio.Lo que es peor es el hecho de que el compañero de cuarto del violador y el violador mismo han estado acosando y escupiendo sobre mí desde que el caso fue archivado, y el compañero de cuarto está muy cerca de la mayoría de los asistentes residenciales y su jefe, explicando por qué ni siquiera reconocerán mi existencia.
Fuck it, I'm done.I'm done. I can't do this anymore. I just.dont wanna be here anymore. I can't handle it. I feel like I'm slowly losing my sanity,and I just. Can't ..get it out of my mind...it's like an insect in my brain scratching scratching scratching SCRATCHING it needs to be stopped. I can stop it. I have to stop it.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Fuck it, I'm done.I'm done.I can't do this anymore.I just.dont wanna be here anymore.I can't handle it.I feel like I'm slowly losing my sanity,and I just.Can't ..get it out of my mind...it's like an insect in my brain scratching scratching scratching SCRATCHING it needs to be stopped.I can stop it.I have to stop it." ]
A la mierda, he terminado.No puedo hacer esto más.No quiero estar aquí más.No puedo manejarlo.Siento que estoy perdiendo lentamente mi cordura, y simplemente.No puedo sacarla de mi mente...es como un insecto en mi cerebro rascándome el rasguño rasguñando que tiene que ser detenido.Puedo detenerlo.Tengo que detenerlo.
Application failed for the school that I needed to go. Now I must kill myself.I live in South Korea. There is a high school that I needed to go in order to go abroad. My application got denied. I don't know why. I made sure I was qualified for the school that I applied in, and I took every steps carefully. Now I have no way to go abroad for studying. I have to stay in South Korea. I wanted to go abroad to get a better education and a better job. My life became shit now. I don't know if I could suceed. I keep failing.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Application failed for the school that I needed to go.Now I must kill myself.I live in South Korea.There is a high school that I needed to go in order to go abroad.My application got denied.I don't know why.I made sure I was qualified for the school that I applied in, and I took every steps carefully.Now I have no way to go abroad for studying.I have to stay in South Korea.I wanted to go abroad to get a better education and a better job.My life became shit now.I don't know if I could suceed.I keep failing." ]
La solicitud para la escuela a la que necesitaba ir falló.Ahora debo suicidarme.Vivo en Corea del Sur.Hay una escuela secundaria que necesitaba ir para ir al extranjero.Mi solicitud fue denegada.No sé por qué.Me aseguré de estar calificado para la escuela en la que apliqué, y di cada paso con cuidado.Ahora no tengo manera de ir al extranjero para estudiar.Tengo que quedarme en Corea del Sur.Quería ir al extranjero para obtener una mejor educación y un mejor trabajo.Mi vida se convirtió en una mierda ahora.No sé si podría ir al extranjero para estudiar.Tengo que quedarme en Corea del Sur.Quería ir al extranjero para obtener una mejor educación y un mejor trabajo.
i just wanted to say thanks to everyone who supports LGBTQ+. I live in Ukraine, basically a country of homophobes (Atleast it's a bit better than in Russia). Reading comments on pride parades videos is just so heartbreaking. Stuff like "They should all d*e, they're animals" etc. I feel like every gay person is scared of living in Ukraine/Russia. Again, thank you ❤️
[ "i just wanted to say thanks to everyone who supports LGBTQ+.I live in Ukraine, basically a country of homophobes (Atleast it's a bit better than in Russia).Reading comments on pride parades videos is just so heartbreaking.Stuff like \"They should all d*e, they're animals\" etc.I feel like every gay person is scared of living in Ukraine/Russia.Again, thank you ❤️" ]
Yo sólo quería decir gracias a todos los que apoyan LGBTQ+.Vivo en Ucrania, básicamente un país de homófobos (al menos es un poco mejor que en Rusia).Leer comentarios sobre desfiles de orgullo videos es tan desgarrador.Algo como "Todos deberían d*e, son animales", etc. Siento que cada persona gay tiene miedo de vivir en Ucrania/Rusia.Otra vez, gracias.
I just lifted 300 lbs for the first time! I do powerlifting (basically competitive weightlifting) and I had a competition today! I deadlifted 300 which is my new personal best!🤩
[ "I just lifted 300 lbs for the first time!I do powerlifting (basically competitive weightlifting) and I had a competition today!I deadlifted 300 which is my new personal best!🤩" ]
¡Acabo de levantar 300 libras por la primera vez! Hago el levantamiento de energía (básicamente el levantamiento de pesas competitivo) y tenía una competencia hoy!¡He levantado 300 muertos que es mi nuevo mejor personal!
hello therehi anyone that sees this. i’m a 20 yr old girl who’s kinda just looking for someone to talk to. literally don’t care who you are, just need a friend right now to distract me from the thought of wanting to hurt myself. i promise i’m nice :) thanks in advance if anybody actually replies to this lol
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hello therehi anyone that sees this.i’m a 20 yr old girl who’s kinda just looking for someone to talk to.literally don’t care who you are, just need a friend right now to distract me from the thought of wanting to hurt myself.i promise i’m nice :) thanks in advance if anybody actually replies to this lol" ]
hola therehi cualquier persona que ve esto.I'm una chica de 20 años que está un poco en busca de alguien para hablar.literalmente no importa quién eres, sólo necesita un amigo en este momento para distraerme de la idea de querer hacerme daño a mí mismo. Prometo que soy agradable :) gracias de antemano si alguien realmente responde a este lol
I love how I remember every single compliment I got in the past 5 years They were 3.I don't get compliments
[ "I love how I remember every single compliment I got in the past 5 years They were 3.I don't get compliments" ]
Me encanta cómo recuerdo cada cumplido que recibí en los últimos 5 años.
I can't stop getting angry and aggressive at the people I am surrounded withThis sounds so fucking stupid to type to myself at this time of night but still. Every time I see someone whether they're important to me like my mum or just some random person who I barely know I think in my mind how I can have a pleasant conversation and talk nicely to them and be a positive person. Then when we start talking I get so angry and snap at them or start frustrating what they say or chiding them. Other times I just deliberately try and make them feel stupid or miserable. Sometimes its like I go into a conversation with the full intention of being pleasant and am just absolutely miserable and horrible. Of course then it only gets worse rather than better, I want to make it worse. The result being I now talk less and less to people and feel less like I need to make an effort in friendship. All the effort I've put in the past 4 years into making myself a likable person feels like its going down the drain all because I'm too lazy to put in the effort again. I have no idea why I've typed, or rather what I hope to gain from it, but I think the best thing would be if anyone had the same experience as me and has any idea what they might do about it. Thanks. Peace.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I can't stop getting angry and aggressive at the people I am surrounded withThis sounds so fucking stupid to type to myself at this time of night but still.Every time I see someone whether they're important to me like my mum or just some random person who I barely know I think in my mind how I can have a pleasant conversation and talk nicely to them and be a positive person.Then when we start talking I get so angry and snap at them or start frustrating what they say or chiding them.Other times I just deliberately try and make them feel stupid or miserable.Sometimes its like I go into a conversation with the full intention of being pleasant and am just absolutely miserable and horrible.Of course then it only gets worse rather than better, I want to make it worse.The result being I now talk less and less to people and feel less like I need to make an effort in friendship.All the effort I've put in the past 4 years into making myself a likable person feels like its going down the drain all because I'm too lazy to put in the effort again.", "I have no idea why I've typed, or rather what I hope to gain from it, but I think the best thing would be if anyone had the same experience as me and has any idea what they might do about it.Thanks.Peace." ]
No puedo dejar de enojarme y ser agresivo con la gente con la que estoy rodeadoEsto suena tan jodidamente estúpido para escribirme a mí mismo en esta hora de la noche, pero aún así.Cada vez que veo a alguien si es importante para mí como mi madre o simplemente una persona al azar que apenas sé que pienso en mi mente cómo puedo tener una conversación agradable y hablar amablemente con ellos y ser una persona positiva.Luego cuando empezamos a hablar me pongo tan enojado y chasquido con ellos o comienzo a frustrar lo que dicen o chillarlos.Otras veces intento deliberadamente y hacer que se sientan estúpidos o miserables.Algunas veces es como si tuviera que entrar en una conversación con la intención completa de ser agradable y soy absolutamente miserable y horrible.Por supuesto, entonces solo se pone peor en lugar de mejor, quiero hacerlo peor.El resultado es que ahora hablo menos y menos a la gente y me siento menos como si necesitara hacer un esfuerzo en amistad.Todo el esfuerzo que he puesto en los últimos 4 años para hacerme una persona agradable se siente como que va por el desagüe todo porque soy muy perez para poner en el esfuerzo de nuevo.
Kinda lonely right now, anyone want to chat and play some videogames? Just looking for some human interaction, I have a PC and I can play brick rigs, minecraft, war thunder, tf2 and rainbow six siege. Pm me if you are interested
[ "Kinda lonely right now, anyone want to chat and play some videogames?Just looking for some human interaction, I have a PC and I can play brick rigs, minecraft, war thunder, tf2 and rainbow six siege.Pm me if you are interested" ]
Un poco solitario en este momento, alguien quiere chatear y jugar algunos videojuegos?Sólo en busca de un poco de interacción humana, tengo un PC y puedo jugar plataformas de ladrillo, minecraft, truenos de guerra, tf2 y arco iris seis sitio.Pm me si usted está interesado
hihi im sorry but can i get some validation sorry lol im trans and mlm amd ive seen a lot of homophobic and transphobic stuff lately so some validation would be nice ok ty
[ "hihi im sorrybut can i get some validation sorry lolim trans and mlm amd ive seen a lot of homophobic and transphobic stuff lately so some validation would be nice ok ty" ]
lolim trans y mlm amd ive visto un montón de cosas homofóbicas y transfóbicas últimamente por lo que alguna validación sería agradable ok ty
Day 2 of posting a random thought (sorry for being so late, my ISP is fricking up) Can cum be used as a glue alternative? I mean it isn't *extremely* sticky but we can add additives and so on to increase stickiness. And if it's possible, would it be a renewable resource? Actually does cum even have an alternative use to impregnation?
[ "Day 2 of posting a random thought (sorry for being so late, my ISP is fricking up) Can cum be used as a glue alternative?I mean it isn't *extremely* stickybut we can add additives and so on to increase stickiness.And if it's possible, would it be a renewable resource?Actually does cum even have an alternative use to impregnation?" ]
Día 2 de la publicación de un pensamiento aleatorio (lo siento por ser tan tarde, mi ISP está fricking up) ¿Se puede utilizar el semen como una alternativa de pegamento?Quiero decir que no es *extremadamente* pegajoso, pero podemos añadir aditivos y así sucesivamente para aumentar la pegajosidad.¿Y si es posible, sería un recurso renovable?En realidad, ¿se puede utilizar el semen incluso como alternativa a la impregnación?
Its hard for us boys not to be horny when ecerything around us is designed to make us horny Literally everything on the internet is somewhat sexual it lireally puts us guys into a state i call hyper-hornynes which due to current trend when everyone is more or less behind their screen makes everyone touch starved thus making it even worse
[ "Its hard for us boys not to be horny when ecerything around us is designed to make us horny Literally everything on the internet is somewhat sexual it lireally puts us guys into a state i call hyper-hornynes which due to current trend when everyone is more or less behind their screen makes everyone touch starved thus making it even worse" ]
Es difícil para nosotros chicos no estar cachondos cuando ecerything alrededor de nosotros está diseñado para hacernos cachonda Literalmente todo en el Internet es algo sexual nos pone literalmente chicos en un estado que llamo hiper-hornynes que debido a la tendencia actual cuando todo el mundo está más o menos detrás de su pantalla hace que todos toquen hambrientos por lo que aún peor
I broke my femur On friday of last week I broke my femur skateboarding and lete tell you, it sucked. Every time I moved my leg, my muscles spasmed. The doctor said it was like giving birth without pain meds. The first couple of nights I kept doing that thing when you are trying to fall asleep and then it feels like you are falling. That tenses all your muscles so that hurt a lot. Right now I'm at home in recovery but I don't know what to do. I can't really move for the time being and am stuck in one place. Does anyone have any advice on what to do? It really sucks not being able to move my leg and it's starting to affect my mental health too, not just my physical health. Of anyone has advice it is very much appreciated.
[ "I broke my femur On friday of last week I broke my femur skateboarding and lete tell you, it sucked.Every time I moved my leg, my muscles spasmed.The doctor said it was like giving birth without pain meds.The first couple of nights I kept doing that thing when you are trying to fall asleepand then it feels like you are falling.That tenses all your muscles so that hurt a lot.Right now I'm at home in recoverybut I don't know what to do.I can't really move for the time being and am stuck in one place.Does anyone have any advice on what to do?It really sucks not being able to move my leg and it's starting to affect my mental health too, not just my physical health.Of anyone has advice it is very much appreciated." ]
Me rompí el fémur El viernes de la semana pasada rompí mi patinete de fémur y dejé que te dijera que estaba chupado.Cada vez que movía mi pierna, mis músculos se espasmó.El médico dijo que era como dar a luz sin medicamentos para el dolor.Las primeras dos noches seguí haciendo eso cuando estabas tratando de dormir y luego se siente como si estuvieras cayendo.Eso tensa todos tus músculos para que te duelan mucho.Ahora mismo estoy en casa en recuperación pero no sé qué hacer.No puedo moverme por el momento y estoy atascado en un solo lugar.¿Alguien tiene algún consejo sobre qué hacer?Realmente apesta no poder mover mi pierna y está empezando a afectar mi salud mental también, no solo mi salud física.
Alone need help.I'm 26 m. Lost the girl I was going to marry. Hate my job. Live at home. Can't afford anything. I have no friends. Always told I'm not what other people want. Friends and gf's. I've been like this before and reached out to others but it never works out. Bullied my whole life. I see no path. Gym doesn't help. Always been depressed and feel worthless. I don't care anymore about anything. I just want it to end.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Alone need help.I'm 26 m.\n\nLost the girl I was going to marry.Hate my job.Live at home.Can't afford anything.I have no friends.Always told I'm not what other people want.Friends and gf's.I've been like this before and reached out to others but it never works out.Bullied my whole life.I see no path.Gym doesn't help.Always been depressed and feel worthless.I don't care anymore about anything.I just want it to end." ]
Solo necesito ayuda.Tengo 26 m. Perdí a la chica con la que me iba a casar.Odio mi trabajo.Vivir en casa.No puedo permitirme nada.No tengo amigos.Siempre dije que no soy lo que otras personas quieren.Amigos y amigos.He estado así antes y me he puesto en contacto con otros, pero nunca funciona.Enchufa toda mi vida.No veo ningún camino.El gimnasio no ayuda.Siempre he estado deprimido y me siento inútil.Ya no me importa nada.Solo quiero que termine.
I don't know how to title this. I just need to talk.Every day seems to get more and more humilating for me in some way. I can't get a job in my field because I'm straight up being discriminated for being disabled, and the more I reach out the more I get taken advantage of by people wanting a good laugh at my expense. I don't see a way forward that isn't humilating to me. Plus, I'm constantly being into things I don't want to be involved in just so I can be there for people I care about. There's nothing I can really do. I have to lie to my doctors about how I'm feeling or my fantasies of putting a handgun in my mouth because I don't get taken away against my will just for wishing to die. Talking to anyone that cares about me about how I feel just leads to judgement and lectures they're doing to make themselves feel better. I can't even cry because I don't like how tears burn my face. I'm sorry if I'm posting too much on this account, but I just want to be heard and acknowledged. Also, sorry for rambling and practically saying nothing. I can't formulate a complete thought right now because of how shitty I feel. I just want to get this out to people that might understand and might have answers on how to get over it.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I don't know how to title this.I just need to talk.Every day seems to get more and more humilating for me in some way.I can't get a job in my field because I'm straight up being discriminated for being disabled, and the more I reach out the more I get taken advantage of by people wanting a good laugh at my expense.I don't see a way forward that isn't humilating to me.Plus, I'm constantly being into things I don't want to be involved in just so I can be there for people I care about.There's nothing I can really do.I have to lie to my doctors about how I'm feeling or my fantasies of putting a handgun in my mouth because I don't get taken away against my will just for wishing to die.Talking to anyone that cares about me about how I feel just leads to judgement and lectures they're doing to make themselves feel better.I can't even cry because I don't like how tears burn my face.I'm sorry if I'm posting too much on this account, but I just want to be heard and acknowledged.Also, sorry for rambling and practically saying nothing.I can't formulate a complete thought right now because of how shitty I feel.", "I just want to get this out to people that might understand and might have answers on how to get over it." ]
No sé cómo calificar esto.Sólo necesito hablar.Cada día parece que me da más y más humilla de alguna manera.No puedo conseguir un trabajo en mi campo porque estoy siendo directamente discriminado por ser discapacitado, y cuanto más me aprovechan las personas que quieren reírse bien a mi costa.No veo una manera de avanzar que no me humille.Además, constantemente estoy metido en cosas en las que no quiero involucrarme solo para poder estar ahí para las personas que me importan.No hay nada que realmente pueda hacer.Tengo que mentir a mis médicos sobre cómo me siento o mis fantasías de poner una pistola en la boca porque no me dejan llevar en contra de mi voluntad sólo por desear morir.Hablar con cualquiera que se preocupe por mí acerca de cómo me siento que conduce a juzgar y dar conferencias que están haciendo para sentirme mejor.No puedo ni siquiera llorar porque no me gusta cómo las lágrimas queman mi rostro.
The Time I Saw an Older Girl's 'Stuff' So, flashback to late 2019. Me and my family went to meet my dad's friend. He had a daughter, older girl, passed college while i was still in middle school. She had grown pretty much since the last time i met her. I kinda noticed that a bit of her cleavage was showing. Well, i didnt pay much attention to it, as if she wouldnt be comfortable in her own house where else would she be. So here i am, thinking about some random stuff while the grown ups are discussing shit. Then suddenly, a pair of boobs just came up in front of me. Like my whole field of vision was covered with boobs. It was her offering me some snacks, but the way she bent towards me meant that i could see down her shirt. Its a no brainer that i was pretty shocked. Then she said, "Want some more?" "N-no i think ive had enough" 'U dont want some snacks?' 'No t-thanks' Took me a whole 5 seconds of just declining until she finally moved away. Just remembered something interesting that happened way back and wanted to share with yall
[ "The Time I Saw an Older Girl's 'Stuff'So, flashback to late 2019.Me and my family went to meet my dad's friend.He had a daughter, older girl, passed college while i was still in middle school.She had grown pretty much since the last time i met her.I kinda noticed that a bit of her cleavage was showing.Well, i didnt pay much attention to it, as if she wouldnt be comfortable in her own house where else would she be.So here i am, thinking about some random stuff while the grown ups are discussing shit.Then suddenly, a pair of boobs just came up in front of me.Like my whole field of vision was covered with boobs.It was her offering me some snacks, but the way she bent towards me meant that i could see down her shirt.Its a no brainer that i was pretty shocked.Then she said, \"Want some more?\"\n\"N-no i think ive had enough\"\n'U dont want some snacks?'\n'No t-thanks'\n\nTook me a whole 5 seconds of just declining until she finally moved away.Just remembered something interesting that happened way back and wanted to share with yall" ]
El tiempo que vi a una chica mayor 'Stuff'So, flashback hasta finales de 2019.Mi familia y yo fuimos a conocer a la amiga de mi padre.Él tenía una hija, una niña mayor, pasó la universidad mientras yo estaba todavía en la escuela secundaria.Ella había crecido bastante desde la última vez que la conocí.Me di cuenta de que un poco de su escote estaba mostrando.Bueno, no le presté mucha atención, como si no estuviera cómoda en su propia casa donde estaría.Así que aquí estoy, pensando en algunas cosas al azar mientras los adultos están discutiendo mierda.De repente, un par de tetas se me aparecieron delante.Como si todo mi campo de visión estuviera cubierto de tetas.Era ella ofreciéndome unos bocadillos, pero la forma en que se giró hacia mí significaba que podía ver por debajo de su camisa.No es un cerebro que estuviera bastante sorprendido.Entonces ella dijo: "¿Quieres algo más?" "No creo que haya tenido suficiente" ¿No quieres unos aperitivos?
Woah new mobile UI What do u guys think of it
[ "Woah new mobile UIWhat do u guys think of it" ]
Woah nuevo móvil UI¿Qué piensan ustedes de ello?
Answer my riddle and you may win a fiddle... What do you call a homosexual man who stays up all night and sleeps all day?
[ "Answer my riddle and you may win a fiddle...What do you call a homosexual man who stays up all night and sleeps all day?" ]
Contesta mi acertijo y puedes ganar un violín...¿Cómo llamas a un hombre homosexual que se queda despierto toda la noche y duerme todo el día?
She said yes... My mom got me a new LEGO set! I’m so happy!
[ "She said yes...My mom got me a new LEGO set!I’m so happy!" ]
Ella dijo que sí...¡Mi mamá me compró un nuevo set de LEGO!¡Estoy tan feliz!
I want to die, painfully.Everyday I struggle to force myself out of bed and go to school, I think about just driving off the road every morning. I used to be smart, funny, and happy, but then the depression that I've been bottling up for around 9 years finally broke out again and now I can't do anything without wanting to die. All I want is pain, I want to die in the most painful way possible, like burning alive or being electrocuted. The only thing that stops me is I don't want to see the people around me hurt. I need a way for me to finally end it all and not upset my family as much, any suggestions? I've been silently starving myself to feel the pain I deserve, but that isn't good enough. Any suggestions for how I can end it without hurting my family as much?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I want to die, painfully.Everyday I struggle to force myself out of bed and go to school, I think about just driving off the road every morning.I used to be smart, funny, and happy, but then the depression that I've been bottling up for around 9 years finally broke out again and now I can't do anything without wanting to die.All I want is pain, I want to die in the most painful way possible, like burning alive or being electrocuted.The only thing that stops me is I don't want to see the people around me hurt.I need a way for me to finally end it all and not upset my family as much, any suggestions?I've been silently starving myself to feel the pain I deserve, but that isn't good enough.Any suggestions for how I can end it without hurting my family as much?" ]
Quiero morir, dolorosamente.Todos los días lucho para levantarme de la cama e ir a la escuela, pienso en conducir fuera de la carretera todas las mañanas.Solía ser inteligente, divertida y feliz, pero luego la depresión que he estado embotellando durante unos 9 años finalmente estalló de nuevo y ahora no puedo hacer nada sin querer morir.Todo lo que quiero es dolor, quiero morir de la manera más dolorosa posible, como quemarme vivo o ser electrocutado.Lo único que me detiene es que no quiero ver a la gente a mi alrededor lastimada.Necesito una manera de terminarlo todo y no molestar a mi familia tanto, ¿alguna sugerencia?He estado silenciosamente hambriento de sentir el dolor que merezco, pero eso no es suficiente.
I think I finally have friends Idk but I was in some car driving lessons, just today, the girl who I talked to in a group was gathering phone numbers so she can make a group chat for us. I honestly feel like nothing would’ve happened on the last day, but it made me feel shocked but happy. I just hope she abides by her word and makes the group chat as promised. Anyway, I feel very happy now because I’m accepted with people, they are probably going to be good friends with me. Also, some girls were waving at me and I felt pretty shy but I waved back. I feel like life is going to get better from this moment. I thank god for this blessing. Thank you guys. I feel better now. Things are going to get better now.
[ "I think I finally have friends Idkbut I was in some car driving lessons, just today, the girl who I talked to in a group was gathering phone numbers so she can make a group chat for us.I honestly feel like nothing would’ve happened on the last day, but it made me feel shocked but happy.I just hope she abides by her word and makes the group chat as promised.Anyway, I feel very happy now because I’m accepted with people, they are probably going to be good friends with me.Also, some girls were waving at me and I felt pretty shybut I waved back.I feel like life is going to get better from this moment.I thank god for this blessing.Thank you guys.I feel better now.Things are going to get better now." ]
Creo que finalmente tengo amigos Idk pero estaba en algunas clases de conducción de coches, justo hoy, la chica con la que hablé en un grupo estaba reuniendo números de teléfono para que pueda hacer una charla de grupo para nosotros. Honestamente siento que nada habría pasado el último día, pero me hizo sentir sorprendido pero feliz.Solo espero que cumpla con su palabra y haga que la charla de grupo como prometió.De todos modos, me siento muy feliz ahora porque soy aceptado con la gente, probablemente van a ser buenos amigos conmigo.También, algunas chicas me saludaban y me sentía bastante tímida pero me saludé.Me siento como si la vida fuera a mejorar desde este momento.Gracias a Dios por esta bendición.Gracias chicos.Me siento mejor ahora.Las cosas van a mejorar ahora.
is it islamophobic to never want to date a muslim? bottom text bottom text
[ "is it islamophobic to never want to date a muslim?bottom text bottom text" ]
¿Es islamofóbico nunca querer fechar un texto musulmán?texto inferior texto inferior
old songs but it's lofi remix [https://youtu.be/15iJ4L38TGU](https://youtu.be/15iJ4L38TGU)
[ "old songsbut it's lofi remix[https://youtu.be/15iJ4L38TGU](https://youtu.be/15iJ4L38TGU)" ]
canciones antiguas, pero es lofi remix[https://youtu.be/15iJ4L38TGU](https://youtu.be/15iJ4L38TGU)
I’m scared that my ex boyfriend will kill him selfI was wrong. I was straight up wrong. Please don’t dig the knifed deeper into my wound. I should have ended our relationship before it began. I’m sorry. I will never forgive myself. He has nothing. What do I do? The medical system is awful he cannot go to the psych ward. What do I do????
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I’m scared that my ex boyfriend will kill him selfI was wrong.I was straight up wrong.Please don’t dig the knifed deeper into my wound.I should have ended our relationship before it began.I’m sorry.I will never forgive myself.He has nothing.What do I do?The medical system is awful he cannot go to the psych ward.What do I do????" ]
Tengo miedo de que mi ex novio se va a matar a sí mismo.Estaba equivocado.Por favor, no cavar el cuchillo más profundo en mi herida.Debí haber terminado nuestra relación antes de que comenzara.Lo siento.Nunca me perdonaré a mí mismo.Él no tiene nada.¿Qué hago?El sistema médico es horrible que no puede ir a la sala de psiquiatría.¿Qué hago????
I’m gonna buy a fucking punching bag to take all my anger out on lol I think it would be very choice heheheh
[ "I’m gonna buy a fucking punching bag to take all my anger out on lol I think it would be very choice heheheh" ]
Voy a comprar un maldito saco de boxeo para sacar toda mi ira en Lol Creo que sería muy elección heheheheh
The rat king has something very important to say before he sleeps... 😘 -Ron, The Almighty Rat King
[ "The rat king has something very important to say before he sleeps... 😘\n\n-Ron, The Almighty Rat King" ]
El rey rata tiene algo muy importante que decir antes de que duerma...
I can't take it anymore...and I have no doubts this time.I posted here a few days ago..and I left with a positive attitude..but things are just not working out for me. There are times when I'm so high on life that I can't contain myself...but shortly after that follows a long period of time where I just want to die. I can't stand the transition...it crushes me. I have no one to talk to...my friends don't understand me and I don't think my boyfriend likes me anymore. I'm a worthless piece of shit and there is noting I can seem to do about it. I'm planning to kill myself as soon as I get the chance. I don't know if posting here will do me any good...but this is more or less the only place where I can talk without having to hold back. Thank you for taking out the time to read this.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I can't take it anymore...and I have no doubts this time.I posted here a few days ago..and I left with a positive attitude..but things are just not working out for me.There are times when I'm so high on life that I can't contain myself...but shortly after that follows a long period of time where I just want to die.I can't stand the transition...it crushes me.I have no one to talk to...my friends don't understand me and I don't think my boyfriend likes me anymore.I'm a worthless piece of shit and there is noting I can seem to do about it.I'm planning to kill myself as soon as I get the chance.I don't know if posting here will do me any good...but this is more or less the only place where I can talk without having to hold back.Thank you for taking out the time to read this." ]
No puedo soportarlo más... y no tengo ninguna duda esta vez.Publicé aquí hace unos días...y me fui con una actitud positiva...pero las cosas no están funcionando para mí.Hay momentos en los que estoy tan alto en la vida que no puedo contenerme... pero poco después de eso sigue un largo período de tiempo en el que sólo quiero morir.No puedo soportar la transición... me aplasta.No tengo a nadie con quien hablar... mis amigos no me entienden y no creo que a mi novio le guste más.Soy un pedazo de mierda sin valor y hay notas de que puedo hacerlo.Estoy planeando matarme tan pronto como tenga la oportunidad.No sé si publicar aquí me hará ningún bien...pero este es más o menos el único lugar donde puedo hablar sin tener que contenerme.Gracias por tomar el tiempo para leer esto.
I always wanna suicide...Am I the only one when I get sad I wanna kill my self but end up just cutting my arm lightly?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I always wanna suicide...Am I the only one when I get sad I wanna kill my self but end up just cutting my arm lightly?" ]
Siempre quiero suicidarme... ¿soy el único que cuando me entristezco me quiero matar a mí mismo pero termino cortiéndome el brazo a la ligera?
has anyone else done this? so a few years ago I did some srp with someone a friend of mine knew. Does anyone else do this? I haven't really ran into other people who do it.
[ "has anyone else done this?so a few years ago I did some srp with someone a friend of mine knew.Does anyone else do this?I haven't really ran into other people who do it." ]
¿Alguien más ha hecho esto?Así que hace unos años hice un poco de srp con alguien que un amigo mío sabía.¿Alguien más hace esto?Realmente no me he encontrado con otras personas que lo hacen.
please comment.i want to explain why I feel like this all the time but I'm too exhausted to. If I had a gun I'd have shot myself an hour ago. I hate feeling trapped. if anyone out there could comment, literally anything, just acknowledge my pain it would be appreciated. Could be something weird, funny, completely unrelated IDC. I just need a distraction.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "please comment.i want to explain why I feel like this all the time but I'm too exhausted to.If I had a gun I'd have shot myself an hour ago.I hate feeling trapped.if anyone out there could comment, literally anything, just acknowledge my pain it would be appreciated.Could be something weird, funny, completely unrelated IDC.I just need a distraction." ]
Por favor comentar.Quiero explicar por qué me siento así todo el tiempo, pero estoy demasiado exhausto para.Si tuviera un arma me hubiera disparado hace una hora.Odio sentirme atrapado.Si alguien por ahí pudiera comentar, literalmente cualquier cosa, simplemente reconocer mi dolor sería apreciado.Podría ser algo raro, divertido, completamente sin relación IDC.Solo necesito una distracción.
Hey, I just wanted to say that you don't need anyone to be happy You are so damn cool, I mean, you can be happy even if you don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend. You are enough :) I just realized it and wanted to share it somewhere
[ "Hey, I just wanted to say that you don't need anyone to be happy You are so damn cool, I mean, you can be happy even if you don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend.You are enough :)I just realized it and wanted to share it somewhere" ]
Oye, sólo quería decir que no necesitas a nadie para ser feliz Eres tan jodidamente genial, quiero decir, puedes ser feliz incluso si no tienes novia o novio.Eres suficiente :) Acabo de darme cuenta y quería compartirlo en algún lugar
Fruit juice? Excuse me? Gay AND Jewish? Pick a struggle smh
[ "Fruit juice?Excuse me?Gay AND Jewish?Pick a struggle smh" ]
¿Perdone?¿Gay Y Judía?Pulse una lucha smh
I dont understandI dont understand why I spend my time alone. I jokingly said I would be forever alone when I was 16. It seems noone is really interested in me, either as a real friend of romantically. All the people around me seem to want to be around when I can do something for them, otherwise it seems there is noone in my life. I stopped talking to my friends about how I felt because I was sick of people talking shit about how I was emo, or whatever bullshit they wanted to label me. I'm fucking 24, and I've spent all but a year alone. Girls keep me around for my relationship advice, guys keep me around to help work on their cars, but noone really cares about me. I drive down the road, looking at telephone poles as an easy way to end everything, and it merely being an accident, so my family wont feel the pain of me intentionally killing myself. I've though about that for over 5 years. I keep trying to distract myself, to avoid that kind of thought, but it always returns. at first I thought my lonelieness was the result of being a fat ass in highschool, and being specifically disincluded. and maybe my shyness as a combination of that and being abused as I was growing up. So I started introducing myself, and making friends to try to overcome it. Now on any given night I can find a friend to distract me for a bit, but I know once I return home, there is noone, and that none of my friends really understand me. They only care when they believe I'm at the end of my rope, and I feel its more so because I've been a fixture in their lives, than them actually caring. Maybe I'm just crazy, I dont want to die, but I dont want to live. Its been the predicoment I've been in since I was growing up. I can't help but think it would be easier to die, but I dont want to hurt my family. Since I know how it feels to lose someone to suicide. so instead I just try to focus on not going back to cutting myself as a release. I suspect I'll always be a creeper, That guy that wont say how he feels for fear of rejection. Or more accurately, fears how that rejection could effect my thinking. It seems I spend my whole life trying to avoid falling in another downward spiral. I've tried every drug I could get my hands on, been so fucked up crackheads are scared to approach me, watched the fucking walls melt, and tried killing myself with ridiculous amounts of whiskey and cocaine. I mean shit my closest, longest lasting relationship was with my soon to be step sister. I guess I'm pretty fucked in the head. Maybe I should take a long walk off a short pier. I'm a failure, both as a person and as a man. Why the fuck am I even here? Seems I've always been the example of what not to be. I've talked about some of how I felt and yall recommended I seek help, about 4 years ago. They just put me on pills and on a 8 month waiting list, and wanted me to stop smoking cigarettes. Never even got to talk to anyone qualified, I took a guess as to what my problem was, and they just fed me pills. now a couple years ago, my mom suggested I may have ausburgers or some shit, I told her to fuck off but maybe she's right. But if they are right there is no cure, and no getting better. I will only become a drain on the system. So if that is correct there is no way I want to live. so I've avoided finding out so far. I wish I could cry, just so I could feel that release, but i've been unable to since I was 17. I just can't anymore. Maybe I'm broken. It feels like drowning. like my lungs are half full of water, like I'm one drop from choking. I dont understand this feeling, and I dont understand my life.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I dont understandI dont understand why I spend my time alone.I jokingly said I would be forever alone when I was 16.It seems noone is really interested in me, either as a real friend of romantically.All the people around me seem to want to be around when I can do something for them, otherwise it seems there is noone in my life.I stopped talking to my friends about how I felt because I was sick of people talking shit about how I was emo, or whatever bullshit they wanted to label me.I'm fucking 24, and I've spent all but a year alone.Girls keep me around for my relationship advice, guys keep me around to help work on their cars, but noone really cares about me.I drive down the road, looking at telephone poles as an easy way to end everything, and it merely being an accident, so my family wont feel the pain of me intentionally killing myself.I've though about that for over 5 years.I keep trying to distract myself, to avoid that kind of thought, but it always returns.at first I thought my lonelieness was the result of being a fat ass in highschool, and being specifically disincluded.and maybe my shyness as a combination of that and being abused as I was growing up.", "So I started introducing myself, and making friends to try to overcome it.Now on any given night I can find a friend to distract me for a bit, but I know once I return home, there is noone, and that none of my friends really understand me.They only care when they believe I'm at the end of my rope, and I feel its more so because I've been a fixture in their lives, than them actually caring.Maybe I'm just crazy, I dont want to die, but I dont want to live.Its been the predicoment I've been in since I was growing up.I can't help but think it would be easier to die, but I dont want to hurt my family.Since I know how it feels to lose someone to suicide.so instead I just try to focus on not going back to cutting myself as a release.I suspect I'll always be a creeper, That guy that wont say how he feels for fear of rejection.Or more accurately, fears how that rejection could effect my thinking.It seems I spend my whole life trying to avoid falling in another downward spiral.I've tried every drug I could get my hands on, been so fucked up crackheads are scared to approach me, watched the fucking walls melt, and tried killing myself with ridiculous amounts of whiskey and cocaine.", "I mean shit my closest, longest lasting relationship was with my soon to be step sister.I guess I'm pretty fucked in the head.Maybe I should take a long walk off a short pier.I'm a failure, both as a person and as a man.Why the fuck am I even here?Seems I've always been the example of what not to be.I've talked about some of how I felt and yall recommended I seek help, about 4 years ago.They just put me on pills and on a 8 month waiting list, and wanted me to stop smoking cigarettes.Never even got to talk to anyone qualified, I took a guess as to what my problem was, and they just fed me pills.now a couple years ago, my mom suggested I may have ausburgers or some shit, I told her to fuck offbut maybe she's right.But if they are right there is no cure, and no getting better.I will only become a drain on the system.So if that is correct there is no way I want to live.so I've avoided finding out so far.I wish I could cry, just so I could feel that release, but i've been unable to since I was 17.I just can't anymore.Maybe I'm broken.It feels like drowning.like my lungs are half full of water, like I'm one drop from choking.I dont understand this feeling, and I dont understand my life." ]
No entiendo por qué paso mi tiempo solo.En broma dije que estaría para siempre solo cuando tenía 16 años.Parece que nadie está realmente interesado en mí, ya sea como un verdadero amigo de romantically.Toda la gente a mi alrededor parece querer estar cerca cuando puedo hacer algo por ellos, de lo contrario parece que no hay nadie en mi vida.Dejé de hablar con mis amigos acerca de cómo me sentía porque estaba harto de la gente hablando mierda sobre cómo era emo, o cualquier mierda que quisieran etiquetarme.Tengo 24 años, y he pasado todo menos un año solo.Las chicas me mantienen alrededor para mi consejo de relación, los chicos me mantienen alrededor para ayudar a trabajar en sus coches, pero nadie realmente se preocupa por mí.Conduzco por el camino, mirando los postes telefónicos como una manera fácil de terminar todo, y simplemente siendo un accidente, por lo que mi familia no sentirá el dolor de mí mismo matando intencionalmente.
How should I go about actually offing myself?Life is SHIT. I've spent the last ten years regretting my failure to off myself, and what better way to fix that than never ringing in another shitty, terrible decade ever again? The sad thing is I'm not sure how to go about it. I don't have anything out of the ordinary, and I have no celing hanging options to opt for a belt-noose. Ideas?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "How should I go about actually offing myself?Life is SHIT.I've spent the last ten years regretting my failure to off myself, and what better way to fix that than never ringing in another shitty, terrible decade ever again?The sad thing is I'm not sure how to go about it.I don't have anything out of the ordinary, and I have no celing hanging options to opt for a belt-noose.Ideas?" ]
¿Cómo debo hacerlo?La vida es una mierda.He pasado los últimos diez años lamentando mi fracaso al no hacerlo, y ¿qué mejor manera de solucionar eso que nunca volver a sonar en otra década horrible y de mierda?Lo triste es que no estoy seguro de cómo hacerlo.No tengo nada fuera de lo común, y no tengo opciones de colgar para optar por una soga de cinturón.Ideas?
Need reliefI have deression and anxiety due to regrets that are very painful burdens, interfere with my present happiness and cause me grief. I can't forgive myself and spend the entire day wishing to back in time and do things differently. Due to this problem I can't focus on anything and have lost my job. Please help, I can't live with this regrets anymore.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Need reliefI have deression and anxiety due to regrets that are very painful burdens, interfere with my present happiness and cause me grief.I can't forgive myself and spend the entire day wishing to back in time and do things differently.Due to this problem I can't focus on anything and have lost my job.Please help, I can't live with this regrets anymore." ]
Necesito alivioTengo desaliento y ansiedad debido a arrepentimientos que son cargas muy dolorosas, interfieren con mi felicidad presente y me causan dolor.No puedo perdonarme y pasar todo el día deseando volver en el tiempo y hacer las cosas de manera diferente.Debido a este problema no puedo centrarme en nada y he perdido mi trabajo.Por favor ayuda, no puedo vivir con este arrepentimiento más.
17 M- tired of being hereRecently come off my meds for anxiety and depression and realised how much I was reliant upon them, and I doubt I’m ever gonna get my head to the place it was say 5 years ago, so I’m genuinely just considering giving up, I don’t care about anything anymore and I know that I’m literally just another mouth for my family to feed at this point so may as well save them the trouble
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "17 M- tired of being hereRecently come off my meds for anxiety and depression and realised how much I was reliant upon them, and I doubt I’m ever gonna get my head to the place it was say 5 years ago, so I’m genuinely just considering giving up, I don’t care about anything anymoreand I know that I’m literally just another mouth for my family to feed at this point so may as well save them the trouble" ]
17 M- cansado de estar aquíRecientemente vengo de mis medicamentos para la ansiedad y la depresión y me di cuenta de lo mucho que dependía de ellos, y dudo que alguna vez voy a conseguir mi cabeza al lugar que se dijo hace 5 años, así que estoy genuinamente sólo considerando renunciar, ya no me importa nada y sé que, literalmente, soy otra boca para que mi familia alimente en este punto, así que también puede ahorrarles el problema
Do these books and videos help anyone?When feeling like crap, I looked a bunch of things up. The following resources helped me the most. I now have a new attitude and find that my thoughts are no longer self-defeating and as negative. I hope that these help someone else. http://www.ted.com/talks/srikumar_rao_plug_into_your_hard_wired_happiness.html http://www.thehappinesstrap.com/upimages/Introduction_to_the_Happiness_Trap.pdf http://www.robbinsmadanestraining.com/mponda.html (woman was left with nothing after divorce - rediscovers herself) http://robbinsmadanescoachtraining.com/?p=430 (halfway down the page; woman who mistrusts men breaks free) http://www.robbinsmadanestraining.com/jimview1.html (suicidal business man finds joy) http://robbinsmadanescoachtraining.com/?p=148 (withdrawn food addict is empowered)
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Do these books and videos help anyone?When feeling like crap, I looked a bunch of things up.The following resources helped me the most.I now have a new attitude and find that my thoughts are no longer self-defeating and as negative.I hope that these help someone else.\n\nhttp://www.ted.com/talks/srikumar_rao_plug_into_your_hard_wired_happiness.html\n\nhttp://www.thehappinesstrap.com/upimages/Introduction_to_the_Happiness_Trap.pdf\n\nhttp://www.robbinsmadanestraining.com/mponda.html (woman was left with nothing after divorce - rediscovers herself)http://robbinsmadanescoachtraining.com/?p=430 (halfway down the page; woman who mistrusts men breaks free)\n\nhttp://www.robbinsmadanestraining.com/jimview1.html (suicidal business man finds joy)\n\nhttp://robbinsmadanescoachtraining.com/?p=148 (withdrawn food addict is empowered)" ]
¿Estos libros y videos ayudan a alguien?Cuando me siento como una basura, miré un montón de cosas hacia arriba.Los siguientes recursos me ayudaron más.Ahora tengo una nueva actitud y encuentro que mis pensamientos ya no son contraproducentes y negativos.Espero que estos ayuden a alguien más. http://www.ted.com/talks/srikumar_rao_plug_into_your_hard_wired_happiness.html http://www.thehappinesstrap.com/upimages/Introduction_to_the_Happiness_Trap.pdf http://www.robbinsmadanestraining.com/mponda.html (la mujer quedó sin nada después del divorcio - se redescubre a sí misma)http://robbinsmadanescoachtraining.com/?p=430 (a mitad de la página; la mujer que desconfía a los hombres se libera) http://www.robbinsmadanestrain.com/jimview1.html (el hombre de negocios suicida encuentra alegría) httprobbinsmadanescotrain.com/p?
What is the best way to answer „i love you“ So I’ve known this girl for more than a year and we’ve had crushes on each other but never really got into a relationship. We later on decided that we are just really good friends. Today is the first time ive looked at the screen since i had an eye surgery 24 hours ago. I have told her before that i was getting an eye surgery. So i open my wifi and then see „I hope the surgery goes well and i love you 😘“ in my notifications. How do i reply so i don’t disappoint her? Please help. PS: i do love her back, its just that im hiding it from her since yknow she already said that were only friends.
[ "What is the best way to answer „i love you“ So I’ve known this girl for more than a year and we’ve had crushes on each other but never really got into a relationship.We later on decided that we are just really good friends.Today is the first time ive looked at the screen since i had an eye surgery 24 hours ago.I have told her before that i was getting an eye surgery.So i open my wifi and then see „I hope the surgery goes well and i love you 😘“ in my notifications.How do i reply so i don’t disappoint her?Please help.PS: i do love her back, its just that im hiding it from her since yknowshe already said that were only friends." ]
¿Cuál es la mejor manera de responder "te amo" Así que he conocido a esta chica desde hace más de un año y hemos tenido enamoramientos el uno del otro, pero nunca realmente se metió en una relación.Más tarde decidimos que sólo somos muy buenos amigos.Hoy es la primera vez que veo la pantalla desde que tuve una cirugía de los ojos hace 24 horas.Le he dicho antes que me estaba haciendo una cirugía de los ojos.Así que abro mi wifi y luego veo "Espero que la cirugía vaya bien y te amo " en mis notificaciones.¿Cómo respondo para que no la decepcione?Por favor ayuda.PS: Yo la amo de nuevo, es sólo que im ocultarlo de ella ya que ya sabes que ya dijo que eran sólo amigos.
Police never took the AR-15They arrested me for some armed burglary and grand theft charges at 19. I was fucking stupid and I HATE MYSELF I fucking HATE felons. Felons need to die. Felon suicide is the correct answer, a criminal needs death because a result of death is reincarnation. I will be rebirthed in a new life minus felonies. I CANT WAIT FOR MY NEW LIFE!!! I’m really excited! I’m 20, but by forfeiting my remainder of my life I will be soon to be rebirthed and I will be able to be a police officer like I always wanted to. Felons can’t be cops or even work at FedEx as a slave, but next life will be better it’ll be amazing! I’ll be able to follow all my dreams! I can’t follow any dreams sadly this life I lost my full ride scholarship, college admission and can’t get a job now. I am a liability NOT a person, felons are NEVER to be considered human beings they must be sentenced to death. Before I go to court I will be issuing the death penalty for myself and will safe the universe the trouble of me continuing the life. Human beings take a LARGE amount of resources like food and water and it is limited. Next life I PROMISE I won’t be a felon. I’m doing the right thing by dying now. I can’t wait to do the right thing next life. I’ll get my full ride again next life and get my PHD or Masters, but this life will be terminated ASAP. The police never knew I had an AR-15, and I’m out on bond right now. I still have it. I’m going to be using it now. I can’t continue the existence. Felons die because suicide is the next step for criminals.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Police never took the AR-15They arrested me for some armed burglary and grand theft charges at 19.I was fucking stupidand I HATE MYSELF I fucking HATE felons.Felons need to die.Felon suicide is the correct answer, a criminal needs death because a result of death is reincarnation.I will be rebirthed in a new life minus felonies.I CANT WAITFOR MY NEW LIFE!!!I’m really excited!I’m 20, but by forfeiting my remainder of my life I will be soon to be rebirthed and I will be able to be a police officer like I always wanted to.Felons can’t be cops or even work at FedEx as a slave, but next life will be better it’ll be amazing!I’ll be able to follow all my dreams!I can’t follow any dreams sadly this life I lost my full ride scholarship, college admission and can’t get a job now.I am a liability NOT a person, felons are NEVER to be considered human beings they must be sentenced to death.Before I go to court I will be issuing the death penalty for myself and will safe the universe the trouble of me continuing the life.Human beings take a LARGE amount of resources like food and water and it is limited.Next life I PROMISE I won’t be a felon.I’m doing the right thing by dying now.", "I can’t wait to do the right thing next life.I’ll get my full ride again next life and get my PHD or Masters, but this life will be terminated ASAP.The police never knew I had an AR-15, and I’m out on bond right now.I still have it.I’m going to be using it now.I can’t continue the existence.Felons die because suicide is the next step for criminals." ]
La policía nunca tomó el AR-15Me arrestaron por algunos robos a mano armada y cargos por robo a gran escala a los 19 años.Yo era jodidamente estúpido y me ODIO A MÍ MISMO A los malditos delincuentes.¡Los felones tienen que morir.¡El suicidio de Fenón es la respuesta correcta, un criminal necesita muerte porque el resultado de la muerte es reencarnación.Voy a ser renacido en una nueva vida menos delitos.¡I CANT WAITFOR MI NUEVA VIDA!!!¡Estoy muy emocionado!¡Tengo 20 años, pero si pierdo mi resto de mi vida, pronto seré renacido y seré capaz de ser un oficial de policía como siempre quise.Felones no puede ser policía ni siquiera trabajar en FedEx como esclavo, pero la próxima vida será mejor que sea increíble!¡Voy a ser capaz de seguir todos mis sueños!¡No puedo seguir ningún sueño tristemente esta vida que perdí mi beca completa, admisión en la universidad y no puedo conseguir un trabajo ahora.
Human to human...Ive been here on this app and group for 2 days. In those 2 days i have had multiple suicide tendencies and made half a suicide note. But the things im most proud of being here: Giving others a chance to be heard. I have provided some form of support even if its little conversation. Knowing that i have interrupted their thoughts of suicide. That by reading their story it has interfered with my own thoughts of suicide. To those still thinking you have no purpose... read the previous sentence, and for that I thank you. Im still a long way from my suicidal journey. I will be back. Im thankful for this platform.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Human to human...Ive been here on this app and group for 2 days.In those 2 days i have had multiple suicide tendencies and made half a suicide note.But the things im most proud of being here:\nGiving others a chance to be heard.I have provided some form of support even if its little conversation.Knowing that i have interrupted their thoughts of suicide.That by reading their story it has interfered with my own thoughts of suicide.To those still thinking you have no purpose... read the previous sentence, and for that I thank you.Im still a long way from my suicidal journey.I will be back.Im thankful for this platform." ]
Humano a humano...He estado aquí en esta aplicación y grupo durante 2 días.En esos 2 días he tenido múltiples tendencias suicidas y he hecho media nota suicida.Pero las cosas im más orgullosas de estar aquí: Dar a otros una oportunidad de ser escuchados.He proporcionado alguna forma de apoyo incluso si su pequeña conversación.Saber que he interrumpido sus pensamientos de suicidio.Que al leer su historia ha interferido con mis propios pensamientos de suicidio.A aquellos que todavía piensan que no tienen ningún propósito... leer la frase anterior, y por eso te doy las gracias.Todavía estoy muy lejos de mi viaje suicida.Volveré.Estoy agradecido por esta plataforma.
I am the dying pen, until my ink runs dry. Some marks black and some escape the eye. I am the dying pen, invisible, bold, and about to cryI never know when I'm sane or not - but at the end of life and immersed in loss and the daily grind without the family I had - I am no better than a dying, blotty pen - about to end, about to cross hatch, about to contour, about to write a letter, about to empty, maybe more beautiful than newly used, but then I don't know - when I'll pour ink, and when empty, and when - gone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I am the dying pen, until my ink runs dry.Some marks black and some escape the eye.I am the dying pen, invisible, bold, and about to cryI never know when I'm sane or not - but at the end of life and immersed in loss and the daily grind without the family I had - I am no better than a dying, blotty pen - about to end, about to cross hatch, about to contour, about to write a letter, about to empty, maybe more beautiful than newly used, but then I don't know - when I'll pour ink, and when empty, and when - gone" ]
Yo soy la pluma moribunda, hasta que mi tinta se seca.Algunas marcas negras y algunas escapan del ojo.Yo soy la pluma moribunda, invisible, audaz, y a punto de llorarNunca sé cuando estoy cuerdo o no - pero al final de la vida y inmerso en la pérdida y la rutina diaria sin la familia que tenía - no soy mejor que una pluma moribunda - a punto de terminar, a punto de cruzar la escotilla, a punto de contornar, a punto de escribir una carta, a punto de vaciar, tal vez más hermoso que el recién usado, pero entonces no sé - cuando voy a verter tinta, y cuando vacío, y cuando - ido
boys kisser i'm a professional boy kisser ! boys let's all kiss
[ "boys kisser i'm a professional boy kisser !boys let's all kiss" ]
Chicos besan soy un profesional besan chico !chicos vamos a todos besemos
I’m doing thisI have everything I need. Goodbye pain and suffering. Goodbye.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I’m doing thisI have everything I need.Goodbye pain and suffering.Goodbye." ]
Estoy haciendo estoTengo todo lo que necesito.Adiós dolor y sufrimiento.Adiós.
I saw a meme about automod so now im legit curious give me a minute. MINECRAFT MINECRAFT MINECRAFT MINECRAFT MINECRAFT MINECRAFT MINECRAFT MINECRAFT
[ "I saw a meme about automod so now im legit curious give me a minute.MINECRAFTMINECRAFTMINECRAFTMINECRAFTMINECRAFTMINECRAFT MINECRAFT MINECRAFT" ]
Ive been in bed for 4 days straifhtI only get out to shit and eat. i eat once a day.I have been off work from april which will extend to end of july. I have to go back to work on july 20th and im so scared. Im judt gonna wnd up disappointing wceeyone Im not meant for this world. If my parents hated me i would kill myself without hesistation but bc they love me i have to stay alive and im so tired
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Ive been in bed for 4 days straifhtI only get out to shit and eat.i eat once a day.I have been off work from april which will extend to end of july.I have to go back to work on july 20th and im so scared.Im judt gonna wnd up disappointing wceeyone Im not meant for this world.If my parents hated me i would kill myself without hesistation but bc they love me i have to stay alive and im so tired" ]
He estado en la cama durante 4 días straifhtSólo salgo a cagar y comer. como una vez al día. he estado fuera del trabajo de abril que se extenderá hasta el final de julio. tengo que volver a trabajar el 20 de julio y estoy tan asustado. me judt va a conseguir decepcionante wceeyone no soy destinado para este mundo. si mis padres me odiaban me mataría sin dudar, pero bc me quieren tengo que permanecer vivo y estoy tan cansado
Forgot to open incognito tab... Hope my parents don’t check the router history 🤦🏼‍♀️
[ "Forgot to open incognito tab...Hope my parents don’t check the router history 🤦🏼‍♀️" ]
Olvidé abrir la pestaña de incógnito...Espero que mis padres no comprueben el historial del router
nobody cares about me that isn't obliged to, and it's my fault.so i've had on-and-off depression for four years, and now i'm in college. i never had a huge number of very close friends to begin with, and now im losing contact with those that i had. i've never been able to talk about my depression with most people i know because of an intrinsic fear that it makes me weak. i've never even had a girlfriend mainly because i have trouble connecting with people emotionally bc of the barriers i put up and im also a little socially awkward. sometimes i think that it's bc of my family, and of how unemotional we act toward each other, but i feel like it's immature to put the burden of my problems soley on them. anyway the closest thing i've come to having a girlfriend was a girl i met on my school's facebook page. we would talk each day all summer and eventually recognized that we liked each other, but realized that we shouldn't call it a relationship bc of the fact we hadn't even met each other. we still flirted and stuff, and she even opened up to me about so much shit and i felt so so so close to her even though this was just through calls and texts and social media. i almost became comfortable with opening up to her right when college started. so anyway it did roll around and i don't get to see her bc no classes together, no means of regular contact and so initially i tried really hard to see her on purpose but i always felt like i was just intruding on her conversations and i feel like i made a bad impression. eventually she says it's not going to work out but we can be friends which i go along with but now she's not talking to me at all?? or replying to my texts? or even acknowledge that im there when i randomly see her on campus. and i have no idea why and i'm probably making a mountain of a molehill but i feel like she was just repulsed by me in some way and that's why she's completely avoiding me. so will i ever be able to connect with anyone in a genuinely emotional way where i can talk about things? let alone be in a romantic relationship. so that whole thing combined with having trouble making friends here in general combined with losing contact with what friends i had combined with not having a family that's outwardly caring combined with the fact that my grades are going down the gutter (and being smart is like one of the only things i'm good at) just makes me feel so so shitty and unimportant. this has led me to contemplate suicide a bit and this isn't the first time or anything but i thought college would be different from high school where i had similar issues but it's not maybe even borderline worse and now i feel like i know that like my future is going to be similar and godddd. i want to end it all and i know i shouldn't but still i feel like my problems aren't anything compared to the problems so many other people have and jesus.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "nobody cares about me that isn't obliged to, and it's my fault.so i've had on-and-off depression for four years, and now i'm in college.i never had a huge number of very close friends to begin with, and now im losing contact with those that i had.i've never been able to talk about my depression with most people i know because of an intrinsic fear that it makes me weak.i've never even had a girlfriend mainly because i have trouble connecting with people emotionally bc of the barriers i put up and im also a little socially awkward.sometimes i think that it's bc of my family, and of how unemotional we act toward each other, but i feel like it's immature to put the burden of my problems soley on them.anyway the closest thing i've come to having a girlfriend was a girl i met on my school's facebook page.we would talk each day all summer and eventually recognized that we liked each other, but realized that we shouldn't call it a relationship bc of the fact we hadn't even met each other.we still flirted and stuff, and she even opened up to me about so much shitand i felt so so so close to her even though this was just through calls and texts and social media.", "i almost became comfortable with opening up to her right when college started.so anyway it did roll aroundand i don't get to see her bc no classes together, no means of regular contact and so initially i tried really hard to see her on purposebut i always felt like i was just intruding on her conversations and i feel like i made a bad impression.eventually she says it's not going to work outbut we can be friends which i go along with but now she's not talking to me at all??or replying to my texts?or even acknowledge that im there when i randomly see her on campus.and i have no idea why and i'm probably making a mountain of a molehillbut i feel like she was just repulsed by me in some wayand that's why she's completely avoiding me.so will i ever be able to connect with anyone in a genuinely emotional way where i can talk about things?let alone be in a romantic relationship.", "so that whole thing combined with having trouble making friends here in general combined with losing contact with what friends i had combined with not having a family that's outwardly caring combined with the fact that my grades are going down the gutter (and being smart is like one of the only things i'm good at) just makes me feel so so shitty and unimportant.this has led me to contemplate suicide a bit and this isn't the first time or anythingbut i thought college would be different from high school where i had similar issues but it's not maybe even borderline worse and now i feel like i know that like my future is going to be similar and godddd.i want to end it alland i know i shouldn'tbut still i feel like my problems aren't anything compared to the problems so many other people have and jesus." ]
Nadie se preocupa por mí que no está obligado a, y es mi culpa.Así que he tenido depresión de vez en cuando durante cuatro años, y ahora estoy en la universidad.Nunca he tenido un gran número de amigos muy cercanos para empezar, y ahora estoy perdiendo contacto con los que tuve.Nunca he sido capaz de hablar de mi depresión con la mayoría de la gente que conozco debido a un temor intrínseco que me hace débil.Nunca he tenido una novia principalmente porque tengo problemas para conectar con la gente emocionalmente bc de las barreras que puse e im también un poco socialmente incómodo.A veces creo que es bc de mi familia, y de lo poco emocional que actuamos hacia el otro, pero me siento como que es inmaduro poner la carga de mis problemas solei en ellos.de cualquier manera lo más cercano que he llegado a tener una novia era una chica que conocí en mi página de Facebook de la escuela.
Just a questionHow many sleeping pills do i need to take to die in the most painless way? I recently got them perscriped and i dont think im going to kill myself right now, i just wanna know just to be sure i dont overdo it if i end up doing it. ​ Thanks.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Just a questionHow many sleeping pills do i need to take to die in the most painless way?I recently got them perscriped and i dont think im going to kill myself right now, i just wanna know just to be sure i dont overdo it if i end up doing it.\n\n​\n\nThanks." ]
Sólo una pregunta ¿Cuántas pastillas para dormir tengo que tomar para morir de la manera más indolora?Recientemente los perscripé y no creo que voy a matarme ahora mismo, sólo quiero saber sólo para estar seguro de que no exagero si termino haciéndolo. ​ Gracias.
Need some companyMy partner of 3 and a half years told me she doesnt love me anymore. I was getting severely depressed and shutting myself off and i dared to tell her how i felt and that it didnt seem like she cared or loved me anymore. She said she loves me but shes not IN love with me, for a few months now. Leaving me alone was bad, but this... we already have a house and baby together. I waited the first two years before doing any of that to make sure she wanted to be with me, and now that we have it, she wants out. But we still live together rn. And it hurts so much to see her but i cant kiss her or feel her or tell her i love her. I cried myself to sleep the past few nights. Tonight she got called into work early and i was just so paralyzed that she had to take our son to her moms. I dont know how much longer i csn last. I close my eyes and only two things pop in my head. How to do it, and the thought of her being with someone else while i have to see it because of our son. Im alone right now. I dont know what to do.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Need some companyMy partner of 3 and a half years told me she doesnt love me anymore.I was getting severely depressed and shutting myself off and i dared to tell her how i felt and that it didnt seem like she cared or loved me anymore.She said she loves me but shes not IN love with me, for a few months now.Leaving me alone was bad, but this... we already have a house and baby together.I waited the first two years before doing any of that to make sure she wanted to be with me, and now that we have it, she wants out.But we still live together rn.And it hurts so much to see herbut i cant kiss her or feel her or tell her i love her.I cried myself to sleep the past few nights.Tonight she got called into work early and i was just so paralyzed that she had to take our son to her moms.I dont know how much longer i csn last.I close my eyes and only two things pop in my head.How to do it, and the thought of her being with someone else while i have to see it because of our son.Im alone right now.I dont know what to do." ]
Necesito algo de compañíaMi pareja de 3 años y medio me dijo que ya no me amaba.Me estaba deprimiendo y me estaba cerrando y me atreví a decirle cómo me sentía y que ya no parecía que me cuidara o me amaba.Ella dijo que me amaba pero no está enamorada de mí, por unos meses ahora.Dejarme sola era malo, pero esto... ya tenemos una casa y un bebé juntos.Esperé los primeros dos años antes de hacer algo de eso para asegurarme de que quería estar conmigo, y ahora que lo tenemos, ella quiere salir.Pero todavía vivimos juntos rn.Y duele tanto verla pero no puedo besarla ni sentirla o decirle que la amo.Me lloré a dormir las últimas noches.Esta noche la llamaron al trabajo temprano y estaba tan paralizada que tuvo que llevar a nuestro hijo a sus mamás.No sé cuánto tiempo más la csn por última vez.Cierro mis ojos y solo dos cosas se me salen en la cabeza.Cómo hacerlo, y el pensamiento de que ella estaba con alguien mientras yo tenía que verlo solo porque ahora lo tengo.