I know what I want to change my first name to but idk what to change my last name to ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ
[ "I know what I want to change my first name to but idk what to change my last name to ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ" ]
Sé lo que quiero cambiar mi nombre a pero idk qué cambiar mi apellido a
Unpopular opinion, Girls are allowed to feel uncomfortable if a guy has a boner I know during puberty guys can't really control it but you aren't allowed to dictate whether we feel uncomfortable or not. Of course it's a bitch move if a girl mocks you but she's is allowed to feel uncomfortable and is allowed to leave I can already see people down voting me and getting upset cause this sub is mostly male Edit: I say it's unpopular because all posts about the topic are made by boys and most of them get upset if a girl feels uncomfortable and don't consider how the other party feels
[ "Unpopular opinion, Girls are allowed to feel uncomfortable if a guy has a boner I know during puberty guys can't really control itbut you aren't allowed to dictate whether we feel uncomfortable or not.Of course it's a bitch move if a girl mocks youbut she's is allowed to feel uncomfortable and is allowed to leave\n\n\n\nI can already see people down voting me and getting upset cause this sub is mostly male\n\nEdit: I say it's unpopular because all posts about the topic are made by boys and most of them get upset if a girl feels uncomfortable and don't consider how the other party feels" ]
Opinion impopular, a las chicas se les permite sentirse incómodas si un chico tiene una erección Sé que durante la pubertad los chicos no pueden realmente controlarlo pero no se les permite dictar si nos sentimos incómodos o no.Por supuesto que es un movimiento de perra si una chica se burla de ti pero se le permite sentirse incómodo y se le permite salir Ya puedo ver a la gente votarme y molestarse porque este submarino es mayormente masculino Editar: Yo digo que es impopular porque todos los posts sobre el tema son hechos por chicos y la mayoría de ellos se molestan si una chica se siente incómoda y no considerar cómo se siente la otra parte
Can you guys draw Donald Trump on MS Paint using only the default colors? Please post the result in the comments. Reason will be explained below but please don't read it until after you draw him. Reason: >! The reason is because I want to perform a test on human color perception and how it might be heavily corelated to context. The idea started out when I was on Photoshop making a meme and colorpicked Trump's hair and it was closer to white than yellow now and yet the cartoon illustrations of him depict him with having clear yellow hair. Now after this, I started to wonder; is it because he's blonde and blonde is often drawn with a vibrant yellow? Or maybe it's cause I just wanted you guys to draw Donald Trump!<
[ "Can you guys draw Donald Trump on MS Paint using only the default colors?Please post the result in the comments.Reason will be explained below but please don't read it until after you draw him.Reason:\n>!The reason is because I want to perform a test on human color perception and how it might be heavily corelated to context.The idea started out when I was on Photoshop making a meme and colorpicked Trump's hair and it was closer to white than yellow now and yet the cartoon illustrations of him depict him with having clear yellow hair.Now after this, I started to wonder; is it because he's blonde and blonde is often drawn with a vibrant yellow?Or maybe it's cause I just wanted you guys to draw Donald Trump!<" ]
¿Pueden ustedes dibujar Donald Trump en MS Paint usando sólo los colores predeterminados?Por favor, publiquen el resultado en los comentarios.La razón se explicará a continuación, pero por favor no lo lean hasta después de que lo dibujen.Razón: >!La razón es porque quiero realizar una prueba sobre la percepción del color humano y cómo podría estar fuertemente relacionado con el contexto.La idea comenzó cuando estaba en Photoshop haciendo un meme y color escogido el cabello de Trump y estaba más cerca del blanco que el amarillo ahora y sin embargo las ilustraciones de dibujos animados de él lo representan con tener el cabello amarillo claro.Ahora después de esto, empecé a preguntarme; ¿es porque es rubio y rubio a menudo dibujado con un amarillo vibrante?O tal vez es porque quería que ustedes dibujaran Donald Trump!<
Fuckers stole my KitKat Can't have shit in this meta physical plane if existence
[ "Fuckers stole my KitKat Can't have shit in this meta physical plane if existence" ]
Los cabrones se robaron mi KitKat No puede tener una mierda en este plano meta físico si la existencia
i dont know how much longer i can do thisi dont think i can anymore ive burned all my bridges no one wants to be around me im the only one to blame im, ugly, worthless and useless and im tired of covering up how i feel contemplating hanging myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i dont know how much longer i can do thisi dont think i can anymore\n\nive burned all my bridges no one wants to be around me im the only one to blame im, ugly, worthless and useless and im tired of covering up how i feel\ncontemplating hanging myself" ]
No sé cuánto más puedo hacer esto. No creo que pueda seguir quemando todos mis puentes. Nadie quiere estar a mi alrededor.
Ayo who wants a gold I got enough for 1 First comment wins ig best of luck
[ "Ayo who wants a gold I got enough for 1 First comment wins ig best of luck" ]
Ayo que quiere un oro Tengo suficiente para 1 Primer comentario gana ig mejor de la suerte
Any shows you guys could recommend that I could safely binge with my mom but still be interesting for the both of us? So like... no sexy scenes lol She also doesn’t like bloody scenes which is in all the shows I watch but I could be fine without it. She watches The Good Place and the Boss Baby Series (yeah ik it’s a cartoon but she finds it funny lol).
[ "Any shows you guys could recommend that I could safely binge with my mom but still be interesting for the both of us?So like...no sexy scenes lolShe also doesn’t like bloody scenes which is in all the shows I watchbut I could be fine without it.She watches The Good Place and the Boss Baby Series (yeah ikit’s a cartoonbut she finds it funny lol)." ]
¿Algún programa que ustedes podrían recomendar que yo podría abuchear con seguridad con mi mamá, pero todavía ser interesante para los dos de nosotros?Así que...no hay escenas sexy lolA ella también no le gustan las escenas sangrientas que está en todos los espectáculos que veo, pero podría estar bien sin él.Ella ve el buen lugar y la serie Boss Baby (sí ikit es un dibujo animado, pero le parece divertido lol).
Suicide isn’t this issueThe real problem for me is knowing I’m not going to because of my parents, and just feeling stuck on a shitty ride I can’t get off of.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Suicide isn’t this issueThe real problem for me is knowing I’m not going to because of my parents, and just feeling stuck on a shitty ride I can’t get off of." ]
El suicidio no es este problemaEl verdadero problema para mí es saber que no voy a hacerlo por culpa de mis padres, y simplemente sentirme atrapado en un viaje de mierda del que no puedo salir.
If Trump wins I'm going to fucking kill myself.I can't do this shit anymore, if he wins I'm going to get my rights taken away and maybe even worse. It'll just be so much easier to hang myself than to deal with another four years of this shit. I don't even know what to do anymore, but I know that I'd rather die by my own hands than by someone crazy fucking nazis after the election.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "If Trump wins I'm going to fucking kill myself.I can't do this shit anymore, if he wins I'm going to get my rights taken away and maybe even worse.It'll just be so much easier to hang myself than to deal with another four years of this shit.I don't even know what to do anymore, but I know that I'd rather die by my own hands than by someone crazy fucking nazis after the election." ]
Si Trump gana, me voy a suicidar.Ya no puedo hacer esta mierda, si él gana, me van a quitar mis derechos y tal vez incluso peor.Será mucho más fácil colgarme que lidiar con otros cuatro años de esta mierda.Ni siquiera sé qué hacer, pero sé que prefiero morir por mis propias manos que por los malditos nazis locos después de las elecciones.
My teacher asked what my name was on zoom and I said ligma Ligma
[ "My teacher asked what my name was on zoomand I said ligma Ligma" ]
Mi profesor preguntó cuál era mi nombre en el zoom y dije Iigma Ligma
Nothing I do is any goodI just want to die I have been pushing myself to actually do things even though I know I'm a failure that can't make anything good. I just spent hours today editing and recording and got it all done in a day, I didn't expect anything good to come out of it but I thought I could at least say I tried. Now I just want to fucking kill myself because everything I make is worthless and has no merit. I am just a sad, little, pathetic autist who can't do anything. I have no friends, no one who cares, no skills, no talents, no achievements. I am just a suicidal invalid that can't even fucking die right. I wish I had fucking killed myself properly 8 years a go, that way I wouldn't have been able to put myself through the agony of thinking for even a second that anything I make is not complete fucking shit that nobody will or ever should see. I make shit because I am shit and that's all I've ever been. No, I am worse than fucking shit, I can't even make shit because I lack the talent to do it. I just want to die so much.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Nothing I do is any goodI just want to die\n\nI have been pushing myself to actually do things even though I know I'm a failure that can't make anything good.I just spent hours today editing and recording and got it all done in a day, I didn't expect anything good to come out of itbut I thought I could at least say I tried.Now I just want to fucking kill myself because everything I make is worthless and has no merit.I am just a sad, little, pathetic autist who can't do anything.I have no friends, no one who cares, no skills, no talents, no achievements.I am just a suicidal invalid that can't even fucking die right.I wish I had fucking killed myself properly 8 years a go, that way I wouldn't have been able to put myself through the agony of thinking for even a second that anything I make is not complete fucking shit that nobody will or ever should see.I make shit because I am shit and that's all I've ever been.No, I am worse than fucking shit, I can't even make shit because I lack the talent to do it.I just want to die so much." ]
Nada de lo que hago es bueno, solo quiero morir.Me he estado empujando a hacer cosas aunque sé que soy un fracaso que no puede hacer nada bueno.Hoy solo he pasado horas editando y grabando y lo he hecho todo en un día, no esperaba nada bueno para salir de ello, pero pensé que al menos podría decir que lo intenté.Ahora solo quiero matarme porque todo lo que hago es inútil y no tiene ningún mérito.Solo soy un autista triste, pequeño y patético que no puede hacer nada.No tengo amigos, a nadie que le importe, sin habilidades, sin talentos, sin logros.Solo soy un inválido suicida que ni siquiera puede morir bien.Ojalá me hubiera matado a mí mismo correctamente 8 años a lo largo, de esa manera no habría sido capaz de ponerme a través de la agonía de pensar por un segundo que nada de lo que hago es una mierda completa que nadie verá ni debería hacerlo.
Posting on r/teenagers everyday until I get to the 69th day, day 46 Among us is a great game filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
[ "Posting on r/teenagers everyday until I get to the 69th day, day 46 Among us is a great game\n\n\n\n\nfiller filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler" ]
Posting en r / teenagers todos los días hasta llegar al día 69, día 46 Entre nosotros es un gran juego relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno
Toats to selebrate my deathFuck life im out.-im drinkin til my heart gives out
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Toats to selebrate my deathFuck life im out.-im drinkin til my heart gives out" ]
Toats para selebrar mi muerteA la mierda la vida im out.-im drinkin hasta que mi corazón da hacia fuera
The most awesome totally bad-ass way to do it is crash a chopper into active volcano. No mess no fuss. 100% recycled back into the earth. No funeral costs or cremations.And no one has ever done this before (on purpose) imagine the notoriety your name itched in history forever! You'll be the envy of all your peers! So Freaking COOL! Insight: I have advance-stage chronic Lyme Disease
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "The most awesome totally bad-ass way to do it is crash a chopper into active volcano.No mess no fuss.100% recycled back into the earth.No funeral costs or cremations.And no one has ever done this before (on purpose) imagine the notoriety your name itched in history forever!You'll be the envy of all your peers!So Freaking COOL!Insight: I have advance-stage chronic Lyme Disease" ]
La manera más impresionante totalmente malo-culo para hacerlo es estrellar un helicóptero en el volcán activo.No lío sin alboroto.100% reciclado de nuevo en la tierra.Sin costos de funeral o cremaciones.Y nadie ha hecho esto antes (a propósito) imaginar la notoriedad de su nombre picado en la historia para siempre!Usted será la envidia de todos sus compañeros!Tan increíble COOL!Insight: Tengo enfermedad de Lyme crónica de avanzada etapa
Looking for online buddies, anyone down to chat? No horny pls, I’m 13F and looking for some online buddies ages 13-17 all genders.
[ "Looking for online buddies, anyone down to chat?No horny pls, I’m 13F and looking for some online buddies ages 13-17 all genders." ]
¿Buscando amigos en línea, alguien abajo para chatear?No pls caliente, estoy 13F y buscando algunos amigos en línea edades 13-17 todos los géneros.
Need to kill myself on abusers wedding day at their weddingThey fucking abused me and got away with it. They face no reprocussions. They feel no remorse. Why should my abuser succeed and thrive and leave me with night terrors?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Need to kill myself on abusers wedding day at their weddingThey fucking abused me and got away with it.They face no reprocussions.They feel no remorse.Why should my abuser succeed and thrive and leave me with night terrors?" ]
Necesitan matarme en el día de la boda de los abusadores en su boda Ellos abusaron de mí y se salieron con la suya.Ellos no se enfrentan a reproducciones.Ellos no sienten remordimiento.¿Por qué debería mi abusador tener éxito y prosperar y dejarme con terrores nocturnos?
Yah, it’s a thing I’m having MAD dysphoria right now as a male, is there any way to stop this!? I hate this.
[ "Yah, it’s a thing I’m having MAD dysphoria right now as a male, is there any way to stop this!?I hate this." ]
Yah, es una cosa que estoy teniendo disforia MAD en este momento como un hombre, ¿hay alguna manera de detener esto!? Odio esto.
..i have no idea what to title this does pirnhub give you viruses or does advertisment give you viruses
[ "..i have no idea what to title this does pirnhub give you viruses or does advertisment give you viruses" ]
.. no tengo ni idea de qué titulo esto hace pirnhub le da virus o hace publicidad le da virus
I got a girlfriend! Haha April Fools, that’s never happening 😕
[ "I got a girlfriend!Haha April Fools, that’s never happening 😕" ]
Tengo una novia! Haha Abril Tontos, que nunca está sucediendo
How do people even form friend groups online my socially awkward ass would yeet out of the groupchat really quick
[ "How do people even form friend groups online my socially awkward ass would yeet out of the groupchat really quick" ]
¿Cómo la gente incluso formar grupos de amigos en línea mi culo socialmente incómodo yeet fuera de la charla grupal realmente rápido
Why are girls so heartless... Im not sexist, don't hate me for the title please 😂 but I'm gonna be straight up. I feel like most girls have no logic when it comes to dating... I've been around so many breakups, and had to put up with so much heartbreak, it's exhausting it's ALWAYS THE GIRL who decides she doesn't love the guy anymore. This time pissed me off so bad and I can't handle it... My homie was planning on getting married to this girl he been dating for 9 YEARS! (They're both 22) and she turned him down... All that work. All that time spent together, why would someone fucking do that??? What did it mean? Did it mean NOTHING??? 😂 I feel like committing a hate crime sooo bad... Girls. Please. Let me give you some advice. Don't do this please. Let him KNOW you don't love him prior dating, or at least a little bit after. There's no excuse why you should put anyone through this bullshit
[ "Why are girls so heartless...Im not sexist, don't hate me for the title please 😂but I'm gonna be straight up.I feel like most girls have no logic when it comes to dating...I've been around so many breakups, and had to put up with so much heartbreak, it's exhausting\n\nit's ALWAYS THE GIRL who decides she doesn't love the guy anymore.This time pissed me off so badand I can't handle it...My homie was planning on getting married to this girl he been dating for 9 YEARS!(They're both 22) and she turned him down...\n\nAll that work.All that time spent together, why would someone fucking do that???What did it mean?Did it mean NOTHING???😂I feel like committing a hate crime sooo bad...\n\nGirls.Please.Let me give you some advice.Don't do this please.Let him KNOW you don't love him prior dating, or at least a little bit after.There's no excuse why you should put anyone through this bullshit" ]
¿Por qué las chicas son tan descorazonadas...No soy sexista, no me odian por el título por favor pero voy a ser directo.Siento que la mayoría de las chicas no tienen lógica cuando se trata de citas...He estado alrededor de tantas rupturas, y tuve que soportar con tanto corazón roto, es agotador es SIEMPRE LA NIÑA que decide que ya no ama al chico más.Este tiempo me cabreó tanto y no puedo manejarlo...Mi amigo estaba planeando casarse con esta chica que estaba saliendo por 9 años!(Ambos son 22) y ella lo rechazó...Todo ese trabajo.Todo ese tiempo pasado juntos, ¿por qué alguien haría eso??¿Qué significa?¿No significó NADA????Me siento como cometer un crimen de odio tan malo...Chicas.Por favor.Déjame darte un consejo.No lo hagas por favor.Déjale SABER que no lo amas antes de salir, o al menos un poco después.No hay excusa por qué deberías poner a alguien a través de esta mierda.
Trapped by myselfHi SW. I feel completely helpless and lost due to my lack of self-esteem/self-confidence. Its like its trapped in a socially isolated bubble that I just can't escape. I'm 37 and should have sorted all this out by now, but somehow I can't.. I'm single and feel very much alone as I watch all my peers find a girl and settle down, and do well in their careers. I'm a guy, and I've always found it much easier to make friends with and relate to women than other men - countless times this has left me on the sidelines hurting and 'friendzoned' as some more assertive man swoops in and takes her. I used to complain about nice-guy syndrome, but I've come to realise this is a falacy.. women want a manly-man, someone with confidence, which makes perfect sense. With a few exceptions I find it incredibly hard to let myself go and gel with other men.. why can't I be one of the lads?! The lack of confidence has affected my career aswell, I could have done so much better, but instead, I've stuck myself in a deadend job for fear of facing the world. I've done CBT, and whilst this means I can now see the illogicality of my self-deprecating thoughts, and correct them, it hasn't had any effect on my emotions or my timidity.. it's like I can't escape that comfort of hiding away from the world that I've made myself.. its reassuring there, I feel safe there. My friends tell me I should "be more confident" and "stop being so down on yourself", as if there were some magic switch - I mean, I know those are the answers but I can't see any path to get there. So here I am frustrated that Im stuck in a place of my own making, and feeling that I should hold the key to get out, and you know, I think i've driven myself crazy beating my head against the same wall again and again and that maybe I should just quit before I lose all sanity... I could so use a hug right now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Trapped by myselfHi SW.I feel completely helpless and lost due to my lack of self-esteem/self-confidence.Its like its trapped in a socially isolated bubble that I just can't escape.I'm 37 and should have sorted all this out by now, but somehow I can't..I'm single and feel very much alone as I watch all my peers find a girl and settle down, and do well in their careers.I'm a guy, and I've always found it much easier to make friends with and relate to women than other men - countless times this has left me on the sidelines hurting and 'friendzoned' as some more assertive man swoops in and takes her.I used to complain about nice-guy syndrome, but I've come to realise this is a falacy.. women want a manly-man, someone with confidence, which makes perfect sense.With a few exceptions I find it incredibly hard to let myself go and gel with other men..why can't I be one of the lads?!The lack of confidence has affected my career aswell, I could have done so much better, but instead, I've stuck myself in a deadend job for fear of facing the world.", "I've done CBT, and whilst this means I can now see the illogicality of my self-deprecating thoughts, and correct them, it hasn't had any effect on my emotions or my timidity..it's like I can't escape that comfort of hiding away from the world that I've made myself.. its reassuring there, I feel safe there.My friends tell me I should \"be more confident\" and \"stop being so down on yourself\", as if there were some magic switch - I mean, I know those are the answers but I can't see any path to get there.So here I am frustrated that Im stuck in a place of my own making, and feeling that I should hold the key to get out, and you know, I think i've driven myself crazy beating my head against the same wall again and again and that maybe I should just quit before I lose all sanity...I could so use a hug right now" ]
Atrapado por mí mismoHi SW.Me siento completamente indefenso y perdido debido a mi falta de autoestima/confianza en mí mismo.Es como si estuviera atrapado en una burbuja socialmente aislada que simplemente no puedo escapar.Tengo 37 años y debería haber solucionado todo esto a estas alturas, pero de alguna manera no puedo.Estoy soltero y me siento muy solo mientras veo a todos mis compañeros encontrar una chica y establecerme, y hacer bien en sus carreras.Soy un tipo, y siempre he encontrado mucho más fácil hacer amigos y relacionarme con mujeres que con otros hombres - un sinnúmero de veces esto me ha dejado al margen lastimado y 'amigo-zonado' como algún hombre más asertivo se mueve y se la lleva.Solía quejarme de un síndrome de chico agradable, pero he llegado a darme cuenta de que esto es una falacia.... las mujeres quieren un hombre masculino, alguien con confianza, que tiene sentido perfecto.Con algunas excepciones me resulta muy difícil dejar ir y ganarme con otros hombres.
I havent been able to watch movies or play games in monthsCan't watch TV or play games, always got the Same thing on my mind 24/7 thinking about it non stop all the time morning to night and it's so depressing and such suicide fuel I literally cannot function I'm buying loads of video games and shit despite the fact I can't play them for more than 3 minutes at a time without ripping my hair out and going fucking crazy. Count down to the rope is getting closer and closer
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I havent been able to watch movies or play games in monthsCan't watch TV or play games, always got the Same thing on my mind 24/7 thinking about it non stop all the time morning to nightand it's so depressing and such suicide fuel I literally cannot function\n\nI'm buying loads of video games and shit despite the fact I can't play them for more than 3 minutes at a time without ripping my hair out and going fucking crazy.Count down to the rope is getting closer and closer" ]
No he sido capaz de ver películas o jugar juegos en mesesNo puedo ver televisión o jugar juegos, siempre tengo lo mismo en mi mente 24/7 pensando en ello sin parar todo el tiempo de la mañana a la noche y es tan deprimente y tal combustible suicida que literalmente no puedo funcionar Estoy comprando un montón de videojuegos y mierda a pesar de que no puedo jugar durante más de 3 minutos a la vez sin arrancarme el pelo y volverme loco.Cuenta hacia abajo a la cuerda se está acercando cada vez más
Popped a adhd pill i'm happier than couple of hours but still i wanna kill myselfI'm comfy being a failure in life, i tried to make my family, i couldnt do it, gave up on life, BUT MAN these pills are my escape from reality.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Popped a adhd pill i'm happier than couple of hoursbut still i wanna kill myselfI'm comfy being a failure in life, i tried to make my family, i couldnt do it, gave up on life, BUTMAN these pills are my escape from reality." ]
Me puse una píldora adhd soy más feliz que un par de horas pero todavía quiero matarme estoy cómodo siendo un fracaso en la vida, traté de hacer que mi familia, no podía hacerlo, renunciar a la vida, BUTMAN estas píldoras son mi escape de la realidad.
how the fuck do you get rid of the reddit avatar from your profile I hate it I also hate that I have to make both the text and title parts longer aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[ "how the fuck do you get rid of the reddit avatar from your profile I hate itI also hate that I have to make both the text and title parts longer aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" ]
¿Cómo coño te deshaces del avatar reddit de tu perfil?Odio también que tenga que hacer tanto el texto como las partes del título más largas aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I don’t know what to doThe only way ill get better at this point is inpatient hospitalization but i can’t go back there. i don’t know what to do. my meds don’t work and im too busy for intensive outpatient. nothing seems worth living for anymore and I’m too scared to go back to inpatient (it’s all just a scam anyways). im just going to do it.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I don’t know what to doThe only way ill get better at this point is inpatient hospitalizationbut i can’t go back there.i don’t know what to do.my meds don’t work and im too busy for intensive outpatient.nothing seems worth living for anymore and I’m too scared to go back to inpatient (it’s all just a scam anyways).im just going to do it." ]
No sé qué hacerLa única manera en que los enfermos mejoran en este punto es hospitalizar a los pacientes hospitalizados, pero no puedo volver allí.No sé qué hacer.Mis medicamentos no funcionan y estoy demasiado ocupado para un paciente ambulatorio intensivo.nada parece que valga la pena vivir por más tiempo y estoy demasiado asustado para volver al paciente hospitalizado (todo es sólo una estafa de todos modos).im sólo va a hacerlo.
So my school switched to Google classroom We used to use Microsoft Teams for classes and tests before, but we will be switching platforms to Google classroom. So if we have tests, will our teachers be able to monitor our activities in the background?
[ "So my school switched to Google classroom We used to use Microsoft Teams for classes and tests before, but we will be switching platforms to Google classroom.So if we have tests, will our teachers be able to monitor our activities in the background?" ]
Así que mi escuela cambió a aula de Google Solíamos usar Microsoft Teams para clases y pruebas antes, pero vamos a cambiar las plataformas a clase de Google.Así que si tenemos pruebas, nuestros profesores serán capaces de monitorear nuestras actividades en segundo plano?
I had a crazy shower thought, but I don't know how to put it on r/showerthoughts Let's say heaven and hell is real, but the Jews didn't follow the correct religion. That would mean that both holocaust victims, and Nazis are in hell together. Because the Jews didn't follow the correct religion. Have a nice night.
[ "I had a crazy shower thought, but I don't know how to put it on r/showerthoughts Let's say heaven and hell is real, but the Jews didn't follow the correct religion.That would mean that both holocaust victims, and Nazis are in hell together.Because the Jews didn't follow the correct religion.Have a nice night." ]
Tenía un loco pensamiento de ducha, pero no sé cómo ponerlo en r/showerthoughts Digamos que el cielo y el infierno son reales, pero los judíos no siguieron la religión correcta.Eso significaría que tanto las víctimas del holocausto, como los nazis están en el infierno juntos.Porque los judíos no siguieron la religión correcta.Tenga una buena noche.
My dad found out I was swearing in the internet My dad found out I was swearing I'm the internet and honestly I just want some advice. So how he found out that I was swearing is because he used my phone while I was sleeping looking at my private chats with my friends and swearing was included. Honestly I get where he is coming from but I'm more pissed that he just took my phone while I was sleeping I need help. I honestly think he cares more about his chickens rather than his children like he bought a weighing machine just for his chickens. Am I useless in his eyes, am I pathetic, what is my purpose in life.
[ "My dad found out I was swearing in the internetMy dad found out I was swearing I'm the internet and honestly I just want some advice.So how he found out that I was swearing is because he used my phone while I was sleeping looking at my private chats with my friends and swearing was included.Honestly I get where he is coming from but I'm more pissed that he just took my phone while I was sleeping I need help.I honestly think he cares more about his chickens rather than his children like he bought a weighing machine just for his chickens.Am I useless in his eyes, am I pathetic, what is my purpose in life." ]
Mi padre se enteró de que estaba jurando en internet.Mi padre se enteró de que estaba jurando que soy Internet y honestamente sólo quiero un consejo.Así que cómo se enteró de que estaba jurando es porque él usó mi teléfono mientras dormía mirando mis conversaciones privadas con mis amigos y jurando estaba incluido.Honestamente entiendo de dónde viene, pero estoy más enojado de que él acaba de tomar mi teléfono mientras dormía necesito ayuda.De verdad creo que le importa más sus pollos en lugar de sus hijos como compró una máquina de pesaje sólo para sus pollos.Soy inútil en sus ojos, soy patético, cuál es mi propósito en la vida.
I just wanna post these often Once again, I’m tell all of you that I’m here for you <3 anything you need, emotionally or mentally or needing to vent and rant, I’ll be here! Stay safe :3
[ "I just wanna post these often Once again, I’m tell all of you that I’m here for you <3 anything you need, emotionally or mentally or needing to vent and rant, I’ll be here!Stay safe :3" ]
Sólo quiero publicar estos a menudo Una vez más, estoy diciendo a todos ustedes que estoy aquí para usted <3 cualquier cosa que usted necesita, emocional o mentalmente o la necesidad de desahogarse y despotricar, voy a estar aquí!
How common is it to get creepy PM's? I never get them. Why do people always complain about them? Am I just special?
[ "How common is it to get creepy PM's?I never get them.Why do people always complain about them?Am I just special?" ]
¿Qué tan común es conseguir PMs espeluznantes?Nunca los consigo.¿Por qué la gente siempre se queja de ellos?¿Soy tan especial?
Is it a bad idea to confront your rapist?I was raped about 2 months ago and I haven't had any contact with him since. I've posted about this before so I'll just put it again down below: About a little bit over a month ago I was raped. But I say I was sexually assaulted because I'm too afraid to admit what happened to me. I was very drunk and my cousin had ditched me with one of his friends at 1 in the morning at a bar downtown. Now I was almost falling over drunk so his friend helped me home. Now I'm gay, and I was in no place to consent to anything, and if I had been, I wouldn't have consented. So we had started kissing but I wasn't really in control of my actions, so I stopped but he "convinced" me to keep going. I really was basically almost passed out but he started having sex with me and I had at no point said yes to anything. I had to push him off me and I managed to make him leave. Now that it's been over a month I've refused to let myself even think about it because I have a pretty lengthy history with depression and I've been feeling good lately and I don't want to trigger anything. It's like I've been pretending it didn't happen but I know that one day it'll all come crashing down. This is the most I've ever thought about it. I also have attempted suicide in the past.' If I were to confront him what would I say?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Is it a bad idea to confront your rapist?I was raped about 2 months agoand I haven't had any contact with him since.I've posted about this before so I'll just put it again down below: About a little bit over a month ago I was raped.But I say I was sexually assaulted because I'm too afraid to admit what happened to me.I was very drunk and my cousin had ditched me with one of his friends at 1 in the morning at a bar downtown.Now I was almost falling over drunk so his friend helped me home.Now I'm gay, and I was in no place to consent to anything, and if I had been, I wouldn't have consented.So we had started kissingbut I wasn't really in control of my actions, so I stopped but he \"convinced\" me to keep going.I really was basically almost passed out but he started having sex with me and I had at no point said yes to anything.I had to push him off me and I managed to make him leave.Now that it's been over a month I've refused to let myself even think about it because I have a pretty lengthy history with depression and I've been feeling good lately and I don't want to trigger anything.It's like I've been pretending it didn't happen but I know that one day it'll all come crashing down.", "This is the most I've ever thought about it.I also have attempted suicide in the past.'If I were to confront him what would I say?" ]
¿Es una mala idea confrontar a tu violador?Fui violada hace unos 2 meses y no he tenido ningún contacto con él desde entonces.He publicado sobre esto antes, así que lo diré de nuevo a continuación: Hace un poco más de un mes fui violada.Pero digo que fui agredida sexualmente porque tengo demasiado miedo de admitir lo que me pasó.Estaba muy borracha y mi primo me había dejado con uno de sus amigos a la 1 de la mañana en un bar del centro.Ahora casi me estaba cayendo borracho, así que su amigo me ayudó a casa.Ahora soy gay, y no estaba en ningún lugar para consentir nada, y si lo hubiera estado, no habría consentido.Así que había empezado a besarme y no tenía ningún punto que decir sí a nada, así que me detuve, pero él "convencí" de que siguiera adelante.Yo estaba prácticamente casi despojado, pero él empezó a tener sexo conmigo y no tenía ningún punto que decir sí a mis acciones.
can't continueI hate myself. I have nothing. I have no one. I hate my god damned genetic clusterfucked code. I am trapped in this shitty bipolar, fucking anxiety ridden rotten brain. The thought of having to wake up as myself fills me with dread and despair which I can't describe. I don't see how things will ever change or get better. I am either stuck with myself or have to die.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "can't continueI hate myself.I have nothing.I have no one.I hate my god damned genetic clusterfucked code.I am trapped in this shitty bipolar, fucking anxiety ridden rotten brain.The thought of having to wake up as myself fills me with dread and despair which I can't describe.I don't see how things will ever change or get better.I am either stuck with myself or have to die." ]
No puedo continuarMe odio a mí mismo.No tengo nada.No tengo a nadie.Odio a mi maldito código genético de clúster.Estoy atrapado en este maldito cerebro podrido bipolar y de mierda lleno de ansiedad.La idea de tener que despertarme como yo mismo me llena de miedo y desesperación que no puedo describir.No veo cómo las cosas cambiarán o mejorarán.O estoy atrapado conmigo mismo o tengo que morir.
I have no hopeFor anything. I'm too scared to ask a woman I like out or to spend the night or anything really. Probably going to get kicked out of online uni for not posting two things which take all of about 2 mins to do. Major debt and no prospects of a job. I have no hope of being happy at all I just want to end my misery by any means. Not even looking forward to the holidays coming up something is very wrong with me but there isn't shit I can do about it and I just can't be arsed to do anything
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I have no hopeFor anything.I'm too scared to ask a woman I like out or to spend the night or anything really.Probably going to get kicked out of online uni for not posting two things which take all of about 2 mins to do.Major debt and no prospects of a job.I have no hope of being happy at all I just want to end my misery by any means.Not even looking forward to the holidays coming up something is very wrong with me but there isn't shit I can do about itand I just can't be arsed to do anything" ]
No tengo ninguna esperanzaPara nada.Estoy demasiado asustado para pedirle a una mujer que me gusta salir o pasar la noche o algo realmente.Probablemente va a ser expulsado de la uni en línea por no publicar dos cosas que tardan casi 2 minutos en hacer.Deuda mayor y no hay perspectivas de un trabajo.No tengo ninguna esperanza de ser feliz en absoluto Sólo quiero terminar mi miseria por cualquier medio.Ni siquiera mirando hacia adelante a las fiestas que vienen algo está muy mal conmigo, pero no hay mierda que pueda hacer al respecto y no puedo ser arsed para hacer nada.
I'm so freaking useless.I'm 22. Work a low paying BOH job at a restaurant and I hate it. My dad wants nothing to do with me because he views me a mess in his own words. My mom is severely handicapped. Don't have any true friends. Broke as hell. Got traffic tickets I can't afford to pay off and might end up going to jail over them. Am a huge failure at 22 while all the other people I went to school with all got degrees, good paying jobs and starting families. Why bother?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm so freaking useless.I'm 22.Work a low paying BOH job at a restaurant and I hate it.My dad wants nothing to do with me because he views me a mess in his own words.My mom is severely handicapped.Don't have any true friends.Broke as hell.Got traffic tickets I can't afford to pay off and might end up going to jail over them.Am a huge failure at 22 while all the other people I went to school with all got degrees, good paying jobs and starting families.Why bother?" ]
Soy tan jodidamente inútil.Tengo 22 años.Trabaja un trabajo de BOH de bajo sueldo en un restaurante y lo odio.Mi padre no quiere tener nada que ver conmigo porque me ve un desastre en sus propias palabras.Mi mamá está severamente discapacitada.No tienes ningún amigo de verdad.Broke como el infierno.Got tickets de tráfico que no puedo pagar y podría terminar yendo a la cárcel por ellos.Soy un gran fracaso a los 22, mientras que todas las otras personas que fui a la escuela con todos los títulos, buenos trabajos de pago y empezar a las familias.¿Por qué molestarse?
The second day of trying#2Beautiful things that happened: I practiced exercise(I did not complete the 10 minutes but to do this and start this achievement for me) . I drew (it was a strange drawing, but I wanted to try the drawing) . I made someone smile (I think) Bad things: 1 I am very afraid 2 I am worried to give up 3 Imagine strange things (talks in my imagination) Little information about me (I love Number 8)^^
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "The second day of trying#2Beautiful things that happened:\nI practiced exercise(I did not complete the 10 minutes but to do this and start this achievement for me) .I drew (it was a strange drawing, but I wanted to try the drawing) .I made someone smile (I think)Bad things:\n1 I am very afraid\n2I am worried to give up\n3 Imagine strange things (talks in my imagination)Little information about me (I love Number 8)^^" ]
El segundo día de probar#2Cosas hermosas que sucedieron: Practiqué ejercicio(No terminé los 10 minutos, pero para hacer esto y comenzar este logro para mí) .Dibujé (fue un dibujo extraño, pero quería probar el dibujo) .Hice sonreír a alguien (creo)Malas cosas: 1 Tengo mucho miedo 2Me preocupa renunciar a 3 Imagine cosas extrañas (habla en mi imaginación)Pequeña información sobre mí (me encanta Número 8)
I feel as if I should be dating but I barely take to girls, is this bad? I’m 15 and most of my friends have girlfriends and I feel kind of jealous. I go to an only boys school so I can only really meet girls outside of school but I don’t really have any hobbies or sports which I can do outside of school. So I feel like I don’t have a chance.
[ "I feel as if I should be dating but I barely take to girls, is this bad?I’m 15 and most of my friends have girlfriends and I feel kind of jealous.I go to an only boys schoolso I can only really meet girls outside of schoolbut I don’t really have any hobbies or sports which I can do outside of school.So I feel like I don’t have a chance." ]
Tengo 15 años y la mayoría de mis amigos tienen novias y me siento un poco celoso.Voy a un colegio solo para chicos y sólo puedo conocer chicas fuera de la escuela pero realmente no tengo ningún pasatiempo o deporte que pueda hacer fuera de la escuela.Así que siento que no tengo ninguna oportunidad.
Just ventingI tried to kill myself about two weeks ago, I am very behind with school, but I honestly don't care. I don't have any motivation and I just feel frustrated. All the consulers and my family constantly checking in on me is overwhelming me. I just want to be alone, I feel surrounded. I feel like I'm wasting everyone's time. I'm so grateful for everyone who has been there for me, but I just feel like a burden. They keep asking me to make promises and I just. I'm really trying, but it's so hard and I'm not even sure what to do anymore.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Just ventingI tried to kill myself about two weeks ago, I am very behind with school, but I honestly don't care.I don't have any motivation and I just feel frustrated.All the consulers and my family constantly checking in on me is overwhelming me.I just want to be alone, I feel surrounded.I feel like I'm wasting everyone's time.I'm so grateful for everyone who has been there for me, but I just feel like a burden.They keep asking me to make promises and I just.I'm really trying, but it's so hard and I'm not even sure what to do anymore." ]
Sólo respirandoIntenté suicidarme hace unas dos semanas, estoy muy atrasado con la escuela, pero honestamente no me importa.No tengo ninguna motivación y me siento frustrado.Todos los cónsules y mi familia que me visitan constantemente me está abrumando.Solo quiero estar solo, me siento rodeado.Me siento como si estuviera perdiendo el tiempo de todos.Estoy muy agradecido por todos los que han estado allí por mí, pero me siento como una carga.Me siguen pidiendo que haga promesas y yo sólo.Estoy realmente tratando, pero es tan difícil y ni siquiera estoy seguro de qué hacer más.
I got my girlfriend to say the funny word I’m a bit of a degenerate and I use the word “poggers” a lot (usually ironically, but it’s become a weird habit). My girlfriend knows that I say it a lot but doesn’t know what it means. I explained the concept of the word poggers and she decided, to make me happy, that she would use it when the perfect time came. First good thing that happened (which I’m keeping private since I don’t want to risk her getting bullied), she comes to me super excited. And what did she say to me? Poggers. I’m so proud :,)
[ "I got my girlfriend to say the funny word I’m a bit of a degenerate and I use the word “poggers” a lot (usually ironically, but it’s become a weird habit).My girlfriend knows that I say it a lot but doesn’t know what it means.I explained the concept of the word poggers and she decided, to make me happy, that she would use it when the perfect time came.First good thing that happened (which I’m keeping private since I don’t want to risk her getting bullied), she comes to me super excited.And what did she say to me?\n\n\nPoggers.I’m so proud :,)" ]
Tengo a mi novia para decir la palabra divertida que soy un poco de un degenerado y uso la palabra “poggers” mucho (normalmente irónicamente, pero se ha convertido en un hábito raro).Mi novia sabe que lo digo mucho pero no sabe lo que significa.Le expliqué el concepto de la palabra poggers y ella decidió, para hacerme feliz, que lo usaría cuando llegara el momento perfecto.Primero buena cosa que pasó (que estoy manteniendo privado ya que no quiero arriesgarme a ser intimidado), ella viene a mí súper emocionado.Y qué me dijo? Poggers.I'm tan orgulloso :,)
Don’t think life is for meSeriously don’t think I am cut out for this. I can’t handle anything life gives me.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Don’t think life is for meSeriously don’t think I am cut out for this.I can’t handle anything life gives me." ]
No creas que la vida es para míEn serio no creas que estoy hecho para esto. No puedo manejar nada que la vida me dé.
Abusive People Pleaser, so what's the point in living?Having been called an abusive and toxic friend without further explanation by the very same people I had been trying so hard to overcome my anxiety for, had been excluded from said group like garbage and receiving hate for having panic attacks when being crudely shown how Im not "one of the girls" anymore, who says my other friendships wont end like that? My future ones as well? Im not a good person, I never believed so, but am I really that horrible? Is anxiety my "toxic behaviour" or is it myself? Im so worried about fucking things ups again. I cant even go to certain places or even hear certain songs because Im thrown into a fit of panic because they remind me of my old friends. I really, really dont want to keep on living like that. The world doesn't need more bad people, and if I really am one, wouldnt I be finally doing something good to everyone else by killing myself?. Wouldn't I, at last, be a good friend?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Abusive People Pleaser, so what's the point in living?Having been called an abusive and toxic friend without further explanation by the very same people I had been trying so hard to overcome my anxiety for, had been excluded from said group like garbage and receiving hate for having panic attacks when being crudely shown how Im not \"one of the girls\" anymore, who says my other friendships wont end like that?My future ones as well?\nIm not a good person, I never believed so, but am I really that horrible?Is anxiety my \"toxic behaviour\" or is it myself?Im so worried about fucking things ups again.I cant even go to certain places or even hear certain songs because Im thrown into a fit of panic because they remind me of my old friends.I really, really dont want to keep on living like that.The world doesn't need more bad people, and if I really am one, wouldnt I be finally doing something good to everyone else by killing myself?.Wouldn't I, at last, be a good friend?" ]
¿Por qué?Habiendo sido llamado un amigo abusivo y tóxico sin más explicación por las mismas personas por las que había estado tratando tan duro de superar mi ansiedad, había sido excluido de dicho grupo como basura y recibiendo odio por tener ataques de pánico cuando se les mostró crudamente que ya no soy "una de las chicas", ¿quién dice que mis otras amistades no terminarán así? ¿También mis futuras amistades? ¿No soy una buena persona, nunca lo creí, pero soy realmente tan horrible? ¿Es la ansiedad mi "comportamiento tóxico" o soy yo mismo?Estoy tan preocupado por joder las cosas de nuevo.No puedo ni siquiera ir a ciertos lugares o incluso escuchar ciertas canciones porque estoy envuelto en un ataque de pánico porque me recuerdan a mis viejos amigos.Yo realmente, realmente no quiero seguir viviendo así.El mundo no necesita más gente mala, y si realmente lo soy, ¿no estaría finalmente haciendo algo bueno a todos los demás al matarme a mí mismo.
I actually feel sick thinking about another day.Title says it all really. At the end of a day I remember I have to do it all again tomorrow and it physically hurts my chest and makes my stomach turn. I wish these feelings were doing actual damage. That'd be nice.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I actually feel sick thinking about another day.Title says it all really.At the end of a day I remember I have to do it all again tomorrow and it physically hurts my chest and makes my stomach turn.I wish these feelings were doing actual damage.That'd be nice." ]
En realidad me siento mal pensando en otro día.El título lo dice todo realmente.Al final de un día recuerdo que tengo que hacerlo todo de nuevo mañana y me duele físicamente el pecho y hace que mi estómago gire.Ojalá estos sentimientos estuvieran haciendo daño real.Eso estaría bien.
In debt, no motivation, living cause my dna insists upon it. In debt, no motivation, living cause my dna insists upon it. Every year is the same. Family disowned me for habitual failure. No hope but I see all my blessings. I'm smart, attractive, funny. Women want me but they infrequently interest me on any real level. Simply no motivation and plan on taking the easy way out. Soon I'll be evicted and I can't live with that. Don't see the point in fighting, can't convince myself. Fighting for a fool's dream of happiness in the future. I know these things come and go but its a cyclical ride I'm ready to get off. Thought I was gonna be something great. Everyone said so. Can't hold a job for more than a year. I know it gets better, I've been here before (not this close to the end) and it got better, then worse. I just don't have the motivation to try anymore. Back story: dad left when I was young, moved into a "boys home" at 12 it wasn't a foster home, my mother put me there with good intentions, to help me have a better life. Was molested and confused for years. Kicked out before senior year for smoking weed. One year later kicked out of mom and new step dad's home for the same reason. Leeched off friends for years. Maniac depression, never diagnosed. Well liked but I don't like many ppl, as I find our social rituals often tedious and fake..i know modern catcher in the rye, right. Recently lost another job..no motivation to go on. Have been searching for a quick and painless. I don't want to die but it seems the easiest option.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "In debt, no motivation, living cause my dna insists upon it.In debt, no motivation, living cause my dna insists upon it.Every year is the same.Family disowned me for habitual failure.No hopebut I see all my blessings.I'm smart, attractive, funny.Women want mebut they infrequently interest me on any real level.Simply no motivation and plan on taking the easy way out.Soon I'll be evicted and I can't live with that.Don't see the point in fighting, can't convince myself.Fighting for a fool's dream of happiness in the future.I know these things come and go but its a cyclical ride I'm ready to get off.Thought I was gonna be something great.Everyone said so.Can't hold a job for more than a year.I know it gets better, I've been here before (not this close to the end) and it got better, then worse.I just don't have the motivation to try anymore.Back story: dad left when I was young, moved into a \"boys home\" at 12 it wasn't a foster home, my mother put me there with good intentions, to help me have a better life.Was molested and confused for years.Kicked out before senior year for smoking weed.One year later kicked out of mom and new step dad's home for the same reason.", "Leeched off friends for years.Maniac depression, never diagnosed.Well liked but I don't like many ppl, as I find our social rituals often tedious and fake..i know modern catcher in the rye, right.Recently lost another job..no motivation to go on.Have been searching for a quick and painless.I don't want to die but it seems the easiest option." ]
En deuda, no hay motivación, la vida me hace insistir en ello.En deuda, no hay motivación, la vida me hace insistir en ello.Cada año la familia me desautoriza por fracaso habitual.No hay esperanzapero veo todas mis bendiciones.Soy inteligente, atractiva, divertida.Las mujeres me quieren pero con poca frecuencia me interesan en cualquier nivel real.Simplemente no hay motivación y plan para tomar la salida fácil.Pronto seré desalojado y no puedo vivir con eso.No veo el punto en la lucha, no puedo convencerme.Luchar por un sueño tonto de felicidad en el futuro.Sé que estas cosas van y vienen, pero es un paseo cíclico que estoy listo para salir.Pensaba que iba a ser algo genial.Todo el mundo lo dijo.No puedo tener un trabajo por más de un año.Sé que se pone mejor, he estado aquí antes (no esta cerca del final) y me puse mejor.
I've got nothing left...I know that I do, but I feel like I don't. I've been depressed before, but recently have been doing better, though I've always struggled through college. I was told at the beginning of the year that I had to raise my gpa in my major in order to graduate. I thought I was on the right track, but I got my grades today, another D. Now I cant graduate, I won't be able to raise the grades enough, and my scholarship runs out at the end of this coming semester. My family can't afford another semester, and they've already sacrificed enough for me. My girlfriend has had to balance her own life and troubles in addition to mine. I feel like I don't have a future, I won't be able to graduate, and I'm not even sure I can transfer credits in my major to another university. I'm a burden in everyone's lives and and people have made enough gambles on me that i havent returned on. Lately I've been feeling like they'd be better off without me. This is the first time thoughts of removing myself from the equation have entered into my head in a long long time, but its starting to make more and more sense. They'd all be better off without me, my girlfriend wouldn't have to deal with all my emotional shit, my family wouldn't be throwing thousands of dollars down the drain because of me. I don't know, I'm not sure I even have enough courage to do it, I just want to fade away and not even be a factor in anyone's life anymore. I dont know what to do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I've got nothing left...I know that I do, but I feel like I don't.I've been depressed before, but recently have been doing better, though I've always struggled through college.I was told at the beginning of the year that I had to raise my gpa in my major in order to graduate.I thought I was on the right track, but I got my grades today, another D.Now I cant graduate, I won't be able to raise the grades enough, and my scholarship runs out at the end of this coming semester.My family can't afford another semester, and they've already sacrificed enough for me.My girlfriend has had to balance her own life and troubles in addition to mine.I feel like I don't have a future, I won't be able to graduate, and I'm not even sure I can transfer credits in my major to another university.I'm a burden in everyone's lives and and people have made enough gambles on me that i havent returned on.Lately I've been feeling like they'd be better off without me.This is the first time thoughts of removing myself from the equation have entered into my head in a long long time, but its starting to make more and more sense.", "They'd all be better off without me, my girlfriend wouldn't have to deal with all my emotional shit, my family wouldn't be throwing thousands of dollars down the drain because of me.I don't know, I'm not sure I even have enough courage to do it, I just want to fade away and not even be a factor in anyone's life anymore.I dont know what to do" ]
No me queda nada... Sé que sí, pero siento que no.He estado deprimido antes, pero recientemente he estado mejor, aunque siempre he luchado a través de la universidad.Me dijeron al principio del año que tenía que aumentar mi GPA en mi carrera para graduarme.Pensé que estaba en el camino correcto, pero hoy tengo mis calificaciones, otra D. Ahora no puedo graduarme, no voy a ser capaz de aumentar las calificaciones lo suficiente, y mi beca se acaba al final del próximo semestre.Mi familia no puede permitirse otro semestre, y ya han sacrificado lo suficiente por mí.Mi novia ha tenido que equilibrar su propia vida y problemas además de los míos.Siento que no tengo futuro, no voy a poder graduarme, y ni siquiera estoy seguro de que pueda transferir créditos en mi carrera a otra universidad.Soy una carga en las vidas de todos y la gente ha jugado lo suficiente en mí que no he vuelto.
I don't know what to doI don't know why I'm posting here. I'm sitting here in my truck at a gas station that I pulled over to. Just thinking about what I'm doing. I've thought about suicide everyday for a long time. I have ropes, guns, medicine. Whatever means I need really to get the job done. I just haven't decided if I'm really serious about it or not and I'm leaning towards not using a gun if I did. Anyway, the point of this post isn't for attention or anything crazy. I couldn't care less. I just want to know how people deal with this shit and when it came down to it what really helped. I don't know what else to do. Never have taken antidepressants. It's not really all that appealing. I'm headed out to my favorite coffee shop to sit down and try to relax. I already know people care about me but I don't care. Life goes on. The only real reason I haven't is because of my brother. I know he looks up to me. There's nothing worse than fucking up a kids whole world. To them the small things are everything. I know how it feels. I have chronic physical pain and I'm just tired and lonely with no one to really talk to about this.. Any helpful ideas?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I don't know what to doI don't know why I'm posting here.I'm sitting here in my truck at a gas station that I pulled over to.Just thinking about what I'm doing.I've thought about suicide everyday for a long time.I have ropes, guns, medicine.Whatever means I need really to get the job done.I just haven't decided if I'm really serious about it or not and I'm leaning towards not using a gun if I did.Anyway, the point of this post isn't for attention or anything crazy.I couldn't care less.I just want to know how people deal with this shit and when it came down to it what really helped.I don't know what else to do.Never have taken antidepressants.It's not really all that appealing.I'm headed out to my favorite coffee shop to sit down and try to relax.I already know people care about mebut I don't care.Life goes on.The only real reason I haven't is because of my brother.I know he looks up to me.There's nothing worse than fucking up a kids whole world.To them the small things are everything.I know how it feels.I have chronic physical painand I'm just tired and lonely with no one to really talk to about this..Any helpful ideas?" ]
No sé qué hacer.No sé por qué estoy publicando aquí.Estoy sentado aquí en mi camión en una gasolinera a la que me detuve.Solo pienso en lo que estoy haciendo.He pensado en el suicidio todos los días durante mucho tiempo.Tengo cuerdas, armas, medicinas.Lo que sea que realmente necesite hacer el trabajo.Simplemente no he decidido si soy realmente serio o no y me inclino a no usar un arma si lo hice.De cualquier manera, el punto de este post no es para la atención ni nada loco.No me importa nada menos.Solo quiero saber cómo la gente lidia con esta mierda y cuando se trata de lo que realmente ayudó.No sé qué más hacer.Nunca he tomado antidepresivos.No es realmente tan atractivo.Me dirijo a mi cafetería favorita para sentarme y tratar de relajarme.Ya sé que la gente se preocupa por mí, pero no me importa.La vida continúa.La única razón real es que conozco por mi hermano.Yo no veo nada que me moleste.
My cousins random questionI have a cousin, who i love dearly. She is 12(im 13) so we hang out alot. Both of us are depressed, but once, as we were walking to the park, she said something like "Cente, do you ever feel like you want to kill someone?" Thinking she was joking, i said "Yes, people who are cruel to me". She then said "what would it feel like to be murdered by someone else?" . I stopped walking for a second. Looked at her and she had an empty expression on her face. I just thought to myself, why? But then it hit me, as sky was sociopathic (similar to me, but i have more self control) she would quiet happily kill any of my or her bullys. I started walking again, and sang "HUSHH" to her, she sang along and we forgot about the question. (She's homeschooled by the way, so your all fine)
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "My cousins random questionI have a cousin, who i love dearly.She is 12(im 13) so we hang out alot.Both of us are depressed, but once, as we were walking to the park, she said something like \"Cente, do you ever feel like you want to kill someone?\"Thinking she was joking, i said \"Yes, people who are cruel to me\".She then said \"what would it feel like to be murdered by someone else?\" .I stopped walking for a second.Looked at herand she had an empty expression on her face.I just thought to myself, why?But then it hit me, as sky was sociopathic (similar to me, but i have more self control)she would quiet happily kill any of my or her bullys.I started walking again, and sang \"HUSHH\" to her, she sang alongand we forgot about the question.(She's homeschooled by the way, so your all fine)" ]
Mis primos preguntan al azar que tengo una prima, a la que quiero mucho.Ella tiene 12 años, así que pasamos mucho tiempo juntos.Ambos estamos deprimidos, pero una vez, mientras caminábamos al parque, ella dijo algo como: "Cente, ¿alguna vez sientes que quieres matar a alguien?"Pensando que estaba bromeando, dije: "Sí, gente que es cruel conmigo".Luego dijo: "¿Qué se siente al ser asesinada por alguien más?" .Paré de caminar por un segundo.Miré a ella y ella tenía una expresión vacía en su cara.Pensé en mí mismo, ¿por qué?Pero entonces me impactó, ya que el cielo era sociópata (similar a mí, pero tengo más autocontrol) ella se callaba felizmente matando a cualquiera de mis acosadores.Empecé a caminar otra vez, y canté "HUSH" a ella, ella cantó y nos olvidamos de la pregunta.(Ella es educada por el camino, así que tu todo bien)
I guess I'm in crisisI don't want to be alarming. I've been depressed for about 10 years now and suicidal for about the last 4 or 5. Over this time I was sure with each achievement I made or major life change I'd see some improvement in my condition. That's not the case. I've experienced a growing level of anxiety that is preventing me from participating in my own life. I'm so consumed by the voices in my head I can rarely be present. Writing this post makes me anxious. It's like I've hit a wall where I can't get out in order to fix the problem which just makes my depression worse. I also believe that I may possibly be Bipolar. A big reason I want to end my life is I don't feel like the genuine good person I used to be. Negative thoughts about others pop into my head unprovoked all the time now. Sometimes they can be very mean spirited. What does that say about my character? Do I somehow subconsciously hold these views? Things that used to bring happiness seem to just keep me afloat now. I no longer talk to my close friends about whats happening. It felt burdensome after a few years of going through episodes. I have succeeded at appearing happy and fulfilled though. It's draining. At this moment, and many before it, I want to die. I want the emptiness, the shame, the weakness, the anxiety, the negativity, and the paint to go away. It's gotten to the point where I hold a gun to my head a few times a week and close the bolt with a round chambered hoping it'll slamfire into my skull. I guess that way I would feel like it was a twist of fate rather than an act. I don't know how much longer I can do that.. I've pushed away several girlfriends over the years and have seen some of my relationships atrophy. Photography was a passion of mine and I can't bring myself to pick up a camera anymore. I wonder if I'll ever feel happy again. If I'll ever be the person to enrich someone else's life and be able to support them in their time of need. At this rate I only see it getting worse. The sad part of all of this is it's probably just chemistry in my brain playing tricks on me. Maybe the thoughts are internalized hate that have been given some lines. Have any of you gotten out of this place? I'm reaching out because I need help. At the moment I'm not the easiest guy to talk to but I would appreciate some advice. How do you go about loving yourself from a place like this? Sorry for the rambling by the way. Hope your day is going well.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I guess I'm in crisisI don't want to be alarming.I've been depressed for about 10 years now and suicidal for about the last 4 or 5.Over this time I was sure with each achievement I made or major life changeI'd see some improvement in my condition.That's not the case.I've experienced a growing level of anxiety that is preventing me from participating in my own life.I'm so consumed by the voices in my head I can rarely be present.Writing this post makes me anxious.It's like I've hit a wall where I can't get out in order to fix the problem which just makes my depression worse.I also believe that I may possibly be Bipolar.A big reason I want to end my life is I don't feel like the genuine good person I used to be.Negative thoughts about others pop into my head unprovoked all the time now.Sometimes they can be very mean spirited.What does that say about my character?Do I somehow subconsciously hold these views?Things that used to bring happiness seem to just keep me afloat now.I no longer talk to my close friends about whats happening.It felt burdensome after a few years of going through episodes.I have succeeded at appearing happy and fulfilled though.It's draining.", "At this moment, and many before it, I want to die.I want the emptiness, the shame, the weakness, the anxiety, the negativity, and the paint to go away.It's gotten to the point where I hold a gun to my head a few times a week and close the bolt with a round chambered hoping it'll slamfire into my skull.I guess that way I would feel like it was a twist of fate rather than an act.I don't know how much longer I can do that..\n\n\nI've pushed away several girlfriends over the years and have seen some of my relationships atrophy.Photography was a passion of mine and I can't bring myself to pick up a camera anymore.I wonder if I'll ever feel happy again.If I'll ever be the person to enrich someone else's life and be able to support them in their time of need.At this rate I only see it getting worse.The sad part of all of this is it's probably just chemistry in my brain playing tricks on me.Maybe the thoughts are internalized hate that have been given some lines.Have any of you gotten out of this place?I'm reaching out because I need help.At the moment I'm not the easiest guy to talk to but I would appreciate some advice.How do you go about loving yourself from a place like this?", "Sorry for the rambling by the way.Hope your day is going well." ]
Supongo que estoy en crisisNo quiero ser alarmante.He estado deprimido por cerca de 10 años y suicida por alrededor de los últimos 4 o 5.Durante este tiempo estaba seguro de que con cada logro que hice o cambio de vida importante vería alguna mejora en mi condición.Ese no es el caso.He experimentado un nivel creciente de ansiedad que me impide participar en mi propia vida.Estoy tan consumido por las voces en mi cabeza que rara vez puedo estar presente.Escribir este post me hace sentir ansioso.Es como si hubiera golpeado un muro donde no puedo salir con el fin de solucionar el problema que sólo hace que mi depresión empeore.También creo que posiblemente sea Bipolar.Una gran razón por la que quiero terminar mi vida es que no me siento como la verdadera buena persona que solía ser.Pensamientos negativos acerca de otros que aparecen en mi cabeza sin provocar nada.A veces pueden ser muy malos.
Need a friend? I gotchu bro Need a friend? Whatever you say, i will be there to support you. Invite me to your discord, invite me for a quick game on TF2, i dont have many games but i have Minecraft, Garrys Mod, and some nintendo switch games. If you dont own a console or computer we can just chat! You can even comment and chat for just a while Why am i doing this? I understand that some people are having a rough time in quarantine, and i want help you get through it! We can be friends for a day or best friends for the rest of quarantine, or maybe a good friend forever? I dont have strong opinions on anything, so i wont try to argue with you. I just want to support you!
[ "Need a friend?I gotchu bro Need a friend?Whatever you say, i will be there to support you.Invite me to your discord, invite me for a quick game on TF2, i dont have many games but i have Minecraft, Garrys Mod, and some nintendo switch games.If you dont own a console or computer we can just chat!You can even comment and chat for just a while\n\nWhy am i doing this?I understand that some people are having a rough time in quarantine, and i want help you get through it!We can be friends for a day or best friends for the rest of quarantine, or maybe a good friend forever?I dont have strong opinions on anything, so i wont try to argue with you.I just want to support you!" ]
¿Necesitas un amigo?Yo tengo un amigo ¿Necesitas un amigo?Cualquier cosa que digas, estaré allí para apoyarte.Invítame a tu discordia, invítame a un juego rápido en TF2, no tengo muchos juegos pero tengo Minecraft, Garrys Mod, y algunos juegos de cambio de nintendo.Si no tienes una consola o un ordenador, ¡solo podemos chatear!Puedes comentar y charlar por un tiempo ¿Por qué estoy haciendo esto?Entiendo que algunas personas están pasando un mal momento en cuarentena, y quiero ayudarte a superarlo!¡Podemos ser amigos por un día o mejores amigos por el resto de la cuarentena, o tal vez un buen amigo para siempre?No tengo opiniones fuertes sobre nada, así que no intentaré discutir contigo.¡Solo quiero apoyarte!
I have an essay... So I have an essay and i'm not worried about it because it is only one page, but I have to come up with statistics for it and it would be great if you were to fill out this quiz real quick. Its only 2 questions and one of them aren't required. Thanks [https://forms.gle/ZnyevVbYCkcoq9mK7](https://forms.gle/ZnyevVbYCkcoq9mK7)
[ "I have an essay...So I have an essay and i'm not worried about it because it is only one page, but I have to come up with statistics for it and it would be great if you were to fill out this quiz real quick.Its only 2 questions and one of them aren't required.Thanks[https://forms.gle/ZnyevVbYCkcoq9mK7](https://forms.gle/ZnyevVbYCkcoq9mK7)" ]
Tengo un ensayo...Así que tengo un ensayo y no me preocupa porque es sólo una página, pero tengo que llegar a estadísticas para ello y sería genial si usted fuera a llenar este cuestionario realmente rápido.Sus sólo 2 preguntas y una de ellas no se requieren.Gracias[https://forms.gle/ZnyevVbYkcoq9mK7](https://forms.gle/ZnyevVbYkcoq9mK7)
I just swallowed an entire bottle of BenadrylI’m finally achieving my goal of dying. I can now be at peace. I never deserved to live, to find love or be happy. This is what I deserved, to die.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I just swallowed an entire bottle of BenadrylI’m finally achieving my goal of dying.I can now be at peace.I never deserved to live, to find love or be happy.This is what I deserved, to die." ]
Acabo de tragarme una botella entera de Benadryl Finalmente estoy logrando mi meta de morir.Ahora puedo estar en paz.Nunca me merezco vivir, encontrar amor o ser feliz.Esto es lo que me merecía, morir.
Suicide has been lurking in my mind since I was a child.I am in my 20s now; I’m sick of being like this. Does anyone relate to having these thoughts at such a young age?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Suicide has been lurking in my mind since I was a child.I am in my 20s now; I’m sick of being like this.Does anyone relate to having these thoughts at such a young age?" ]
El suicidio ha estado acechando en mi mente desde que era un niño.Ahora estoy en mis 20 años; estoy harto de ser así.¿Alguien se relaciona con tener estos pensamientos a una edad tan joven?
Ngl cars are cool Except tesla and french cars and vw, fuck em
[ "Ngl cars are cool Except tesla and french cars and vw, fuck em" ]
Los coches de Ngl son geniales excepto tesla y coches franceses y vw, mierda em
Is commiting suicide before getting a job, kind of like getting life for free and skipping out on the bill? So I've been a Forvever Alone my entire life. I'm the most socially awkward retard ever. I've never had friends or a girlfriend. At the start of college, I studied some Pick Up Artist Science. That didn't help. Instead Evolutionary Psychology put me in a much deeper depression since I realized that life was simply a brutal competition to spread selfish-genes through sadism, cruelty and domination. This wasn't a world I wanted to live in. But through sheer inertia I let life drag on since my parents were paying it. Ok so I'm in suicidal despair over the prospect of college graduation, which already has been long delayed by nearly a decade. My dad says I'm luck theres a recession, so that I'm part of the Lost Generation, and less abnormal in that way. I look at the life I've lived up till now, supported by my parents as the free trial test-period of life. It sucked. But it was endurable, since it was free and everything was handed to me. But now the trial period is over. And I actually have to pay for the pleasure of life. Work is the price of enjoying life. And I didn't find life enjoyable even when it was free. My worst fear is that life drags on another 50 years. I end up in a homeless shelter, but just barely manage to keep my biological functions going. Or more optimistically, I eventually do manage some low-level job. I endure. And my life sucks and is totally meaningless. And yet through sheer inertia it drags on, as it has up till now. I figure working for an alpha male boss, who has total power over you 10 hours a day and your entire life, is a huge disutility. But most people put up with it, since thats the exchange you make for the capital that funds all the utiltiies of life. Friends, sex, partying, drinking, clubbing, nightlife, dating, family, social life. I have none of the good things of life. So why should I endure the bad parts? Whats the point of a foreveralone working? And this economy its not enough to grudgingly accept even a shitty job. You have to have drive and gusto, and go out and sell yourself as an enthusiastic product. Cut-throat competition for those who WANT a job. Much less those who don't really want to live in the 1st place. TLDR If there is any good in life, I already got it for free on my parent's dime, why should I stick around to work for it? Besides life sucks!
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Is commiting suicide before getting a job, kind of like getting life for free and skipping out on the bill?So I've been a Forvever Alone my entire life.I'm the most socially awkward retard ever.I've never had friends or a girlfriend.At the start of college, I studied some Pick Up Artist Science.That didn't help.Instead Evolutionary Psychology put me in a much deeper depression since I realized that life was simply a brutal competition to spread selfish-genes through sadism, cruelty and domination.This wasn't a world I wanted to live in.But through sheer inertia I let life drag on since my parents were paying it.Ok so I'm in suicidal despair over the prospect of college graduation, which already has been long delayed by nearly a decade.My dad says I'm luck theres a recession, so that I'm part of the Lost Generation, and less abnormal in that way.I look at the life I've lived up till now, supported by my parents as the free trial test-period of life.It sucked.But it was endurable, since it was free and everything was handed to me.But now the trial period is over.And I actually have to pay for the pleasure of life.Work is the price of enjoying life.", "And I didn't find life enjoyable even when it was free.My worst fear is that life drags on another 50 years.I end up in a homeless shelter, but just barely manage to keep my biological functions going.Or more optimistically, I eventually do manage some low-level job.I endure.And my life sucks and is totally meaningless.And yet through sheer inertia it drags on, as it has up till now.I figure working for an alpha male boss, who has total power over you 10 hours a day and your entire life, is a huge disutility.But most people put up with it, since thats the exchange you make for the capital that funds all the utiltiies of life.Friends, sex, partying, drinking, clubbing, nightlife, dating, family, social life.I have none of the good things of life.So why should I endure the bad parts?Whats the point of a foreveralone working?And this economy its not enough to grudgingly accept even a shitty job.You have to have drive and gusto, and go out and sell yourself as an enthusiastic product.Cut-throat competition for those who WANT a job.Much less those who don't really want to live in the 1st place.TLDR", "If there is any good in life, I already got it for free on my parent's dime, why should I stick around to work for it?Besides life sucks!" ]
¿Es el suicidio antes de conseguir un trabajo, algo así como conseguir la vida gratis y saltarse la factura?Así que he sido un Forvever Solo toda mi vida.Soy el retrasado más torpe socialmente nunca.Nunca he tenido amigos o novia.Al principio de la universidad, estudié algunas ciencias artísticas.Eso no ayudó.En lugar de eso, la psicología evolutiva me puso en una depresión mucho más profunda ya que me di cuenta de que la vida era simplemente una competencia brutal para esparcir genes egoístas a través del sadismo, la crueldad y la dominación.Este no era un mundo en el que quisiera vivir.Pero por pura inercia dejé que la vida se arrastrase desde que mis padres lo pagaban.Ok, así que estoy en desesperación suicida por la perspectiva de la graduación universitaria, que ya ha sido muy retrasada por casi una década.Mi padre dice que tengo suerte de que haya una recesión, así que soy parte de la Generación Perdida, y menos anormal de esa manera.Miro la vida que he vivido hasta ahora, como el período de prueba gratuito.
how the actual fuck am i supposed to get a job like this??just the idea of making a pitch haunts me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "how the actual fuck am i supposed to get a job like this??just the idea of making a pitch haunts me" ]
¿Cómo se supone que voy a conseguir un trabajo como este??? sólo la idea de hacer un lanzamiento me persigue
I really need people to talk toCan someone please talk to me?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I really need people to talk toCan someone please talk to me?" ]
Realmente necesito que la gente hable con ¿Puede alguien por favor hablar conmigo?
Need help.I don't know what to do. Ending it seems like the only way out. Have no idea why I'm even on here, maybe it's a good place to say goodbye! Edit: I don't know where to start, but here goes. I'm a 21 year old female. Live with my father's parents who are strict Sikhs. I myself have no interest in religion, yet they force it upon me. I'm under a strict regime, I can't socialize with friends at college and have to notify them at all times as to where I am. Due to these rules, I have no close friends, as I have been living back and forth between Canada and England. My parents and siblings still live in Canada and I haven;t seen them since September. I had a history of depression but had gotten over it until recently when I felt myself slipping back into it. I know that what I'm feeling is irrational but I feel as though it would help me. There is more to this but it's too hard to share as I know it would just worsen my attitude towards my decision.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Need help.I don't know what to do.Ending it seems like the only way out.Have no idea why I'm even on here, maybe it's a good place to say goodbye!\n\nEdit: I don't know where to start, but here goes.I'm a 21 year old female.Live with my father's parents who are strict Sikhs.I myself have no interest in religion, yet they force it upon me.I'm under a strict regime, I can't socialize with friends at college and have to notify them at all times as to where I am.Due to these rules, I have no close friends, as I have been living back and forth between Canada and England.My parents and siblings still live in Canada and I haven;t seen them since September.I had a history of depression but had gotten over it until recently when I felt myself slipping back into it.I know that what I'm feeling is irrational but I feel as though it would help me.There is more to this but it's too hard to share as I know it would just worsen my attitude towards my decision." ]
No tengo idea de por qué estoy aquí, tal vez es un buen lugar para decir adiós! Editar: No sé por dónde empezar, pero aquí va.Soy una mujer de 21 años de edad.Vivo con los padres de mi padre que son estrictos sikhs.Yo mismo no tengo ningún interés en la religión, pero me la fuerzan sobre mí.Estoy bajo un régimen estricto, no puedo socializar con amigos en la universidad y tengo que notificarles en todo momento dónde estoy.Debido a estas reglas, no tengo amigos cercanos, ya que he estado viviendo de ida y vuelta entre Canadá e Inglaterra.Mis padres y hermanos todavía viven en Canadá y no los he visto desde septiembre.Tenía una historia de depresión pero lo había superado hasta hace poco cuando me sentí de nuevo en ella.Sé que lo que siento es irracional pero siento como si me ayudara.Hay más de esto, pero es demasiado difícil de compartir, ya que sé que podría empeorar mi actitud hacia mi decisión.
It's my birthday! So far this has been the best birthday. My mom bought me lots of makeup and took me to hot topic (which was an _experience_ for her) and I played video games with my dad. I've also gotten several birthday wishes which is great bc normally ppl forget my birthday. So yes, it's been a good day. Going to update my age right after I post this.
[ "It's my birthday!So far this has been the best birthday.My mom bought me lots of makeup and took me to hot topic (which was an _experience_ for her) and I played video games with my dad.I've also gotten several birthday wishes which is great bc normally ppl forget my birthday.So yes, it's been a good day.Going to update my age right after I post this." ]
¡Es mi cumpleaños!Hasta ahora este ha sido el mejor cumpleaños.Mi mamá me compró mucho maquillaje y me llevó a un tema caliente (que era una _experiencia_ para ella) y jugué videojuegos con mi papá.También he recibido varios deseos de cumpleaños que son geniales, normalmente la gente olvida mi cumpleaños.Así que sí, ha sido un buen día.Ir a actualizar mi edad justo después de publicar esto.
I haet gay ppl 🤬🤬 They r al so gay what the fuck is this shet
[ "I haet gay ppl 🤬🤬They r al so gaywhat the fuck is this shet" ]
Het gay ppl r al tan gaywhat mierda es este shet
Guys I just realized something crazy Food spelled backwards is doof. If you add enshmirtz You get Doofenshmirtz SOOO Doofenshmirtz INVENTED FOOD FROM HIS FOOD-inater #CONFIRMED
[ "Guys I just realized something crazy Food spelled backwards is doof.If you add enshmirtz\n\nYou get Doofenshmirtz\n\nSOOO Doofenshmirtz INVENTED FOOD FROM HIS FOOD-inater\n\n#CONFIRMED" ]
Chicos me acabo de dar cuenta de algo loco La comida escrita al revés es doof.If añadir enshmirtz Usted consigue Doofenshmirtz SOOO Doofenshmirtz inventó comida de su comedor #CONFIRMED
y'all mind if i post a shitty, cringy poem i wrote?i saw the light so many times but it was never mine. my silent screams, my ruthless nights from which i couldn't hide. all i have left is the sharp pieces of broken dreams. even though i bleed out every time i tried, this time i must embrace them tight to free my mind. now that everything is dark i can't see the meaning of having a sight. why do i have to get a grip i was, i am and i'll always be a creep. forget the secrets that you swore to keep. forget me before my eternal sleep.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "y'all mind if i post a shitty, cringy poem i wrote?i saw the light\n\nso many timesbut it was never mine.my silent screams,\n\nmy ruthless nights\n\nfrom which i couldn't hide.all i have left\n\nis the sharp pieces\n\nof broken dreams.even though\n\ni bleed out\n\nevery time i tried,\n\nthis time i must\n\nembrace them tight\n\nto free my mind.now that everything is dark\n\ni can't see the meaning\n\nof having a sight.why do i have to get a grip\n\ni was, i am and i'll always\n\nbe a creep.forget the secrets\n\nthat you swore to keep.forget me before\n\nmy eternal sleep." ]
¿Te importa si posteo un poema de mierda y de miedo que escribí?Vi la luz tantas veces, pero nunca fue mía.Mis gritos silenciosos, mis noches despiadadas de las que no podía esconderme.Todo lo que me queda son las piezas afiladas de sueños rotos.Aunque me desangro cada vez que lo intenté, esta vez debo abrazarlas apretadas para liberar mi mente.ahora que todo está oscuro no puedo ver el significado de tener una visión.Por qué tengo que tener un agarre que era, soy y siempre seré un escalofriante.Olvida los secretos que juraste guardar.olvídame antes de mi sueño eterno.
I hope there is no life after deathI'm killing myself because I hate myself. I hope there is no afterlife. Spending an eternity being me would be hell. I want this pathetic stupid moronic ridiculous disgusting soul to disappear. I'm a waste of an existence and 35 years is enough.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I hope there is no life after deathI'm killing myself because I hate myself.I hope there is no afterlife.Spending an eternity being me would be hell.I want this pathetic stupid moronic ridiculous disgusting soul to disappear.I'm a waste of an existence and 35 years is enough." ]
Espero que no haya vida después de la muerte.Me estoy matando porque me odio a mí mismo.Espero que no haya vida después de la muerte.Pasar una eternidad siendo yo sería el infierno.Quiero que este patético estúpido y estúpido alma asquerosa desaparezca.Soy un desperdicio de una existencia y 35 años es suficiente.
Being alone is better than being left behind That's true I have a few friends and now they don't even dm me to see if I'm OK no one cares about me no one gives a fuck about me every one dms me only when they need my help
[ "Being alone is better than being left behind That's true I have a few friends and now they don't even dm me to see if I'm OK no one cares about me no one gives a fuck about me every one dms me only when they need my help" ]
Estar solo es mejor que quedarse atrás Es verdad que tengo unos cuantos amigos y ahora ni siquiera me dejan ver si estoy bien a nadie le importo a nadie. A nadie le importo cada uno de los dos sólo cuando necesitan mi ayuda.
I took a cocktail of drugsI can't stand continuing this life, I'm such a failure. I don't have friends, the people at work hate means I'm going to get fired due to time off. I can't count on anyone and I just always come across as a dick. I'm not good at anything, I'm screwed financially and academically, I work a dead end job which doesn't lead me anywhere and I can't find anything else. I just get angry all the time. Now there's a puddle of blood on my bed because I cut my arm open because I got angry at myself. It's not normal, I'm not normal, and after thinking it through, I don't want to be hear. I don't want to deal with people and people don't want to deal with me. THIS IS A WIN WIN SITUATION.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I took a cocktail of drugsI can't stand continuing this life, I'm such a failure.I don't have friends, the people at work hate means I'm going to get fired due to time off.I can't count on anyone and I just always come across as a dick.I'm not good at anything, I'm screwed financially and academically, I work a dead end job which doesn't lead me anywhereand I can't find anything else.I just get angry all the time.Now there's a puddle of blood on my bed because I cut my arm open because I got angry at myself.It's not normal, I'm not normal, and after thinking it through, I don't want to be hear.I don't want to deal with people and people don't want to deal with me.THIS IS A WIN WIN SITUATION." ]
Tomé un cóctel de drogasNo puedo soportar continuar esta vida, soy un fracaso.No tengo amigos, la gente en el trabajo odio significa que voy a ser despedido por el tiempo libre.No puedo contar con nadie y siempre me encuentro como una polla.No soy bueno en nada, estoy jodido financieramente y académicamente, trabajo un trabajo sin salida que no me lleva a ningún lado y no puedo encontrar nada más.Me enojo todo el tiempo.Ahora hay un charco de sangre en mi cama porque me abrí el brazo porque me enfadé conmigo mismo.No es normal, no soy normal, y después de pensarlo, no quiero que me escuchen.No quiero tratar con la gente y la gente no quiere tratar conmigo.
Insert good title ​ *Processing img ledqwk5b4md61...*
[ "Insert good title ​\n\n*Processing img ledqwk5b4md61...*" ]
Insertar buen título ​ *Procesando img ledqwk5b4md61...*
I keep struggling and then I’m slammed down again I can’t keep doing thisI’m 33/F My parents are dead. My brother died in 2007, dad died 5/2013 and mom died 12/4/16 and I was her full time caregiver. Long story short my siblings from her side did absolutely nothing. They made life hell for me. They criticized my care for her and made thing so hard. I no longer associate with them. At one point I was suicidal. My other sister is severely mentally and I love her dearly but I can’t rely on her for emotional support. My damn dog died 3 mths after my mom My best friend dropped me...when I wouldn’t give her mone for a vacation . I tried to change my life, tried to be positive move to a new city. Got a promotion. I thought something good was finally happening But now in the past 3 days I totaled my car and my new dog as of today may have cancer and I have to wait 3 days to know. This whole 14 mths has meant nothing I tried to talk to a friend and his advice was I wouldn’t blow money on a sick animal. Everything I try doesn’t work out, everybody around me leaves me or dies. I thought I was doing better but it’s all lies. I’ve cried for the past 4 hrs so hard my face hurts. I’m so scared if my boy dies I’ll have to join him. I don’t want to be alone...I wish I had one person to be with me. I don’t want to go to work tomorrow I have no one else to talk to
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I keep struggling and then I’m slammed down again I can’t keep doing thisI’m 33/F\nMy parents are dead.My brother died in 2007, dad died 5/2013 and mom died 12/4/16and I was her full time caregiver.Long story short my siblings from her side did absolutely nothing.They made life hell for me.They criticized my care for her and made thing so hard.I no longer associate with them.At one point I was suicidal.My other sister is severely mentally and I love her dearlybut I can’t rely on her for emotional support.My damn dog died 3 mths after my mom\nMy best friend dropped me...when I wouldn’t give her mone for a vacation .I tried to change my life, tried to be positive move to a new city.Got a promotion.I thought something good was finally happening\nBut now in the past 3 days I totaled my car and my new dog as of today may have cancer and I have to wait 3 days to know.This whole 14 mths has meant nothing\n\nI tried to talk to a friend and his advice was I wouldn’t blow money on a sick animal.Everything I try doesn’t work out, everybody around me leaves me or dies.I thought I was doing better but it’s all lies.I’ve cried for the past 4 hrs so hard my face hurts.", "I’m so scared if my boy dies I’ll have to join him.I don’t want to be alone...I wish I had one person to be with me.I don’t want to go to work tomorrowI have no one else to talk to" ]
No puedo seguir haciendo esto.Soy 33/F Mis padres están muertos.Mi hermano murió en 2007, papá murió 5/2013 y mamá murió 12/4/16 y yo era su cuidador de tiempo completo.Larga historia corta mis hermanos de su lado no hizo absolutamente nada.Me hicieron la vida un infierno.Criticaron mi cuidado por ella y lo hicieron tan difícil.Ya no me asocié con ellos.En un momento fui suicida.Mi otra hermana está gravemente mentalmente y la quiero mucho, pero no puedo confiar en ella para el apoyo emocional.Mi maldito perro murió 3 meses después de que mi madre Mi mejor amigo me dejó...cuando no le daba dinero para unas vacaciones.Traté de cambiar mi vida, traté de ser positivo para mudarme a una nueva ciudad.Ir a una promoción.Pensé que algo bueno finalmente estaba sucediendo Pero ahora en los últimos 3 días yo sumé mi coche y mi nuevo perro a partir de hoy podría tener cáncer y tengo que esperar 3 días para saber.
fly away little birdie i am little birdie
[ "fly away little birdiei am little birdie" ]
# Vuela, pequeño pajarito # # Soy pequeño pajarito #
¿Cómo le digo a mis padres que no quiero ir a pescar? ¿Cómo le digo a mis padres que no quiero ir a pescar? ¿Cómo le digo a mis padres que no quiero ir a pescar?
Oh no I have my history midterm this evening and I only fully understand about 1/4 of the material, I have about 1.5 hours of study time left please wish me luck
[ "Oh no I have my history midterm this eveningand I only fully understand about 1/4 of the material, I have about 1.5 hours of study time left please wish me luck" ]
Oh no, tengo mi examen de historia esta noche y sólo entiendo completamente sobre 1/4 del material, tengo alrededor de 1,5 horas de tiempo de estudio por favor deséame suerte
Just Turned 40 & I’m TiredI’ve just turned 40. I’m nearly bald, slightly overweight, but funny, smart, and honestly cute. However, I drink too much. I’ve dropped out of 12 Step shit and counseling. In the past week, I’ve googled how to tie a noose twice. I was in a relationship with someone for 12 years and not sure how to move past her. I keep moving up in a job that does nothing for me. I’m in a religion that’s basically somewhere to go each week. I’m still here because my family would be devastated if I cashed out.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Just Turned 40 & I’m TiredI’ve just turned 40.I’m nearly bald, slightly overweight, but funny, smart, and honestly cute.However, I drink too much.I’ve dropped out of 12 Step shit and counseling.In the past week, I’ve googled how to tie a noose twice.I was in a relationship with someone for 12 years and not sure how to move past her.I keep moving up in a job that does nothing for me.I’m in a religion that’s basically somewhere to go each week.I’m still here because my family would be devastated if I cashed out." ]
Acabo de cumplir 40 años. Estoy cansado. Acabo de cumplir 40. Soy casi calvo, un poco gordo, pero divertido, inteligente, y honestamente lindo.Sin embargo, bebo demasiado.He dejado de 12 Paso mierda y asesoramiento.En la última semana, he googled cómo atar un nudo dos veces. Estuve en una relación con alguien durante 12 años y no estoy seguro de cómo moverse más allá de ella.Sigo avanzando hacia arriba en un trabajo que no hace nada por mí.Estoy en una religión que básicamente es un lugar donde ir cada semana.Todavía estoy aquí porque mi familia estaría devastada si cobrara.
LGBTQ teens - DM me if you need support or just someone to talk to I know how hard it is to come out. My DMs are open if you need advice, support, or just someone to talk to. I've been through it. Oh, I'm 20 F and I'm bi if that helps.
[ "LGBTQ teens - DM me if you need support or just someone to talk to I know how hard it is to come out.My DMs are open if you need advice, support, or just someone to talk to.I've been through it.Oh, I'm 20 F and I'm bi if that helps." ]
Adolescentes LGBTQ - DM me si usted necesita apoyo o alguien con quien hablar Sé lo difícil que es salir.Mis DMs están abiertos si usted necesita consejo, apoyo, o sólo alguien con quien hablar.He pasado por ello.Oh, tengo 20 F y soy bi si eso ayuda.
NYC hospital? (xposted to nyc and depression)Hopefully this is information that will be utterly useless to me, but I'm kind of sliding downward on a depressive streak and am concerned that I'm approaching a harming-myself level. Obviously if I feel that way, I'll take myself to a hospital, but I wanted to know if anyone has had any good or bad experiences in the NYC psych wards. I know sometimes they can do more harm than good. Any suggestions? Edit: If no one can answer this, can you recommend a good place for me to find this sort of information?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "NYC hospital?(xposted to nyc and depression)Hopefully this is information that will be utterly useless to me, but I'm kind of sliding downward on a depressive streak and am concerned that I'm approaching a harming-myself level.Obviously if I feel that way, I'll take myself to a hospital, but I wanted to know if anyone has had any good or bad experiences in the NYC psych wards.I know sometimes they can do more harm than good.Any suggestions?\n\nEdit: If no one can answer this, can you recommend a good place for me to find this sort of information?" ]
(xposted to nyc and depression) Espero que esta información sea completamente inútil para mí, pero estoy un poco deslizándose hacia abajo en una racha depresiva y estoy preocupado de que me estoy acercando a un nivel que me dañe a mí mismo.Obviamente si me siento así, me llevaré a un hospital, pero quería saber si alguien ha tenido alguna buena o mala experiencia en las salas de psiquiatría de NYC.Sé que a veces pueden hacer más daño que bien.¿Alguna sugerencia?Editar: Si nadie puede responder a esto, ¿puedes recomendarme un buen lugar para encontrar este tipo de información?
I have my belt around my neck the end suspended on the door locked into the bathroom, give me one reason to not do itI'm just sick and tired of people blaming me for feeling the way I do, making me feel guilty for looking sad, because that would ruin their fun, and that ofc makes me selfish. I've gone through so much mental abuse at the hands of my ex gf whom I loved dearly, and I just can't go on with these toxic mindsets anymore no matter how hard I'm fighting against them. I feel misunderstood, unwelcome and despised by people I hold no grudges against. Please save me from myself, I'm begging all of you.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I have my belt around my neck the end suspended on the door locked into the bathroom, give me one reason to not do itI'm just sick and tired of people blaming me for feeling the way I do, making me feel guilty for looking sad, because that would ruin their fun, and that ofc makes me selfish.I've gone through so much mental abuse at the hands of my ex gf whom I loved dearly, and I just can't go on with these toxic mindsets anymore no matter how hard I'm fighting against them.I feel misunderstood, unwelcome and despised by people I hold no grudges against.Please save me from myself, I'm begging all of you." ]
Tengo mi cinturón alrededor de mi cuello el extremo suspendido en la puerta cerrada al baño, dame una razón para no hacerloEstoy enfermo y cansado de que la gente me culpe por sentirme de la manera que lo hago, haciéndome sentir culpable por verme triste, porque eso arruinaría su diversión, y eso de c me hace egoísta.He pasado por tanto abuso mental a manos de mi ex gf a quien amaba con cariño, y simplemente no puedo seguir con estas mentalidades tóxicas más no importa lo duro que estoy luchando contra ellos.Me siento mal entendido, no bienvenido y despreciado por la gente a la que no tengo rencores.Por favor sálvame de mí mismo, estoy rogándoles a todos ustedes.
This account is officially one of my alter ego’s Sad
[ "This account is officially one of my alter ego’s Sad" ]
Este relato es oficialmente uno de los tristes de mi alter ego
Just venting about my pitiful self.I don't really have anything going for me. 33 male. Nobody really cares apart from family and at this point I almost resent them for it. I don't want to be here. It only gets worst. History is proof of that. I'll die alone and I wish I was ok with that. I'll never get a job I care about. At this rate I may never get a job. No friends and I live alone. in a typical year I maybe say less then one hour of speech to people face to face. Looking up from the bottom of this totem pole I just don't see the point anymore. Sometimes I post here but I don't get a response from anyone. When I die I hope I don't look back on life as one big regret. But I know I will. I may sooner then I think. But I'm a coward so maybe I'll just wallow in self pity for the rest of this miserable life. All I do is bring people down. I try to avoid them but life doesn't work like that. I just hope it all ends soon.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Just venting about my pitiful self.I don't really have anything going for me.33 male.Nobody really cares apart from family and at this point I almost resent them for it.I don't want to be here.It only gets worst.History is proof of that.I'll die aloneand I wish I was ok with that.I'll never get a job I care about.At this rate I may never get a job.No friends and I live alone.in a typical year I maybe say less then one hour of speech to people face to face.Looking up from the bottom of this totem pole I just don't see the point anymore.Sometimes I post herebut I don't get a response from anyone.When I die I hope I don't look back on life as one big regret.But I know I will.I may sooner then I think.But I'm a cowardso maybe I'll just wallow in self pity for the rest of this miserable life.All I do is bring people down.I try to avoid them but life doesn't work like that.I just hope it all ends soon." ]
No quiero estar aquí.La historia es una prueba de eso.Moriré solo y desearía estar de acuerdo con eso.Nunca conseguiré un trabajo que me importe.A este ritmo nunca podré conseguir un trabajo.Ningún amigo y vivo solo.En un año típico quizás diga menos de una hora de discurso a la gente cara a cara.Mirando desde el fondo de este tótem no veo más el punto.A veces escribo aquí, pero no obtengo una respuesta de nadie.Cuando muero espero no mirar hacia atrás en la vida como un gran arrepentimiento.Pero sé que lo haré.Yo puedo más pronto pensar.Pero yo soy un cobarde, así que tal vez simplemente me dé lástima por el resto de esta vida miserable.Todo lo que hago es traer a la gente hacia abajo.
What do you think will batman be ever replaced from the #1 rank . Idk why I typed that . But still need ur opinion
[ "What do you think will batman be ever replaced from the #1 rank .Idk why I typed that .But still need ur opinion" ]
¿Qué crees que batman será reemplazado alguna vez de la # 1 rango .Idk por qué tecleé que .Pero todavía necesita nuestra opinión
Such a lonely nightI feel so alone right now. Nights like this remind me that my life is completely meaningless.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Such a lonely nightI feel so alone right now.Nights like this remind me that my life is completely meaningless." ]
Una noche tan solitaria que me siento tan sola ahora mismo.Noches como esta me recuerdan que mi vida no tiene sentido.
I tried to strangle myself last nightI wasn't trying to kms (at least I don't think) I was just using my hand, but I was squeezing really hard and my throat still feels weird today. Idk why I did it, and this isn't the first time it's happened either. I really want to tell someone and get help but I'm super scared to do so. What should I do? I'm really scared that it's not safe for me to be alone. I self harm and have constant suicidal thoughts. Someone please help...
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I tried to strangle myself last nightI wasn't trying to kms (at least I don't think)I was just using my hand, but I was squeezing really hard and my throat still feels weird today.Idk why I did it, and this isn't the first time it's happened either.I really want to tell someone and get help but I'm super scared to do so.What should I do?I'm really scared that it's not safe for me to be alone.I self harm and have constant suicidal thoughts.Someone please help..." ]
Traté de estrangularme a mí mismo anocheNo estaba tratando de kms (al menos no creo)Yo sólo estaba usando mi mano, pero yo estaba exprimiendo realmente duro y mi garganta todavía se siente raro hoy.Idk por qué lo hice, y esta no es la primera vez que sucede other.I realmente quiero decirle a alguien y conseguir ayuda, pero estoy super asustado de hacer tan.¿Qué debo hacer?Estoy realmente asustado de que no es seguro para mí estar solo.Yo mismo daño y tener pensamientos suicidas constantes.Alguien por favor ayude...
i’m not fat bro 😵 if that’s your only insult please for the love of all things unholy try again. there is so much more to insult me over. smh my head
[ "i’m not fat bro 😵 if that’s your only insult please for the love of all things unholy try again.there is so much more to insult me over.smh my head" ]
No soy gordo hermano si ese es su único insulto por favor por el amor de todas las cosas mal intenta de nuevo.hay mucho más para insultarme over.smh mi cabeza
I think some of us can relate to this https://youtu.be/1CpanQiK5Jo
[ "I think some of us can relate to this https://youtu.be/1CpanQiK5Jo" ]
Creo que algunos de nosotros podemos relacionarnos con esto https://youtu.be/1CpanQiK5Jo
Merry Sciencemas! You see, I’m an atheist so I don’t subscribe to your antiquated religious Christmas. I celebrate sciencemas in which my family sits in a circle talking about the science.
[ "Merry Sciencemas!You see, I’m an atheistso I don’t subscribe to your antiquated religious Christmas.I celebrate sciencemas in which my family sits in a circle talking about the science." ]
¡Feliz Sciencemas! Verá, soy ateo, así que no me suscribo a su anticuada Navidad religiosa. Celebro los sciencemas en los que mi familia se sienta en un círculo hablando de la ciencia.
I can't go through with itI've made the decision 4 times, yet every time I seem to back out last minute. I was so sure I would go through with it this time, too. I quit my job, broke up with boyfriend, deleted most of my social media accounts, I was ready to just end it all. Yet for some reason I still can't work up the courage. Currently parked off the road next to a bridge because I'm scared and don't know what to do.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I can't go through with itI've made the decision 4 times, yet every time I seem to back out last minute.I was so sure I would go through with it this time, too.I quit my job, broke up with boyfriend, deleted most of my social media accounts, I was ready to just end it all.Yet for some reason I still can't work up the courage.Currently parked off the road next to a bridge because I'm scared and don't know what to do." ]
No puedo seguir adelante con ellaHe tomado la decisión 4 veces, sin embargo, cada vez que parece que doy marcha atrás en el último minuto.Estaba tan seguro de que lo haría esta vez, también.Renuncié a mi trabajo, rompí con mi novio, borré la mayoría de mis cuentas de redes sociales, estaba listo para terminarlo todo.Sin embargo, por alguna razón todavía no puedo trabajar el valor.Actualmente estacionado fuera de la carretera junto a un puente porque estoy asustado y no sé qué hacer.
I can piss in the dark with no hands I mean standing up without missing I think this is the most impressive thing I can do
[ "I can piss in the dark with no hands I mean standing up without missing\n\nI think this is the most impressive thing I can do" ]
Puedo orinar en la oscuridad sin manos. Me refiero a levantarme sin perderme. Creo que esto es lo más impresionante que puedo hacer.
Suicide as revenge.I cannot be the only one who wants to strike back through suicide, am I? I just...relish in a twisted sadistic way, the thought of killing myself in front of my parents after saying "this is all your fault" just to get back at them for being so ignorant of my pain.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Suicide as revenge.I cannot be the only one who wants to strike back through suicide, am I?\n\nI just...relish in a twisted sadistic way, the thought of killing myself in front of my parents after saying \"this is all your fault\" just to get back at them for being so ignorant of my pain." ]
Suicidio como venganza.No puedo ser el único que quiere contraatacar a través del suicidio, ¿verdad? Yo sólo... disfruto de una manera sádica retorcida, la idea de suicidarme delante de mis padres después de decir "todo esto es tu culpa" sólo para vengarme de ellos por ser tan ignorante de mi dolor.
Since you're prob as bored as I am, let's talk F15 Things about me::::::. Girl Anime Alt Violin Filllller filllier filllier fillerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[ "Since you're prob as bored as I am, let's talk F15 Things about me::::::.Girl\n\nAnime\n\nAlt\n\nViolin\n\nFilllller filllier filllier fillerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" ]
Ya que estás tan aburrido como yo, vamos a hablar de F15 Cosas sobre mí:::::.Chica Anime Alt Violin Filllidor relleno relleno rellenorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I give up.I don't know why. Ever since I've been little I feel like people hate me. My family, my teachers, my "friends". It's like nothing in my life is right. On top of that I'm bisexual and my parents are super homophobic. There's no point in me being alive. I'm a waste of money, air, and natural resources. I'm fat and I don't deserve anything. I just want to lie down and never wake up. I hate these feelings and they're really overwhelming, but I have no control over them. One minute I'm fine and happy, suddenly I feel hated, and shameful even though I didn't do anything wrong. I just want to take a bottle of Tylenol and sleep. I knew no one was going to take me seriously. Depression and self hatred has no age...
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I give up.I don't know why.Ever since I've been little I feel like people hate me.My family, my teachers, my \"friends\".It's like nothing in my life is right.On top of that I'm bisexual and my parents are super homophobic.There's no point in me being alive.I'm a waste of money, air, and natural resources.I'm fat and I don't deserve anything.I just want to lie down and never wake up.I hate these feelings and they're really overwhelming, but I have no control over them.One minute I'm fine and happy, suddenly I feel hated, and shameful even though I didn't do anything wrong.I just want to take a bottle of Tylenol and sleep.I knew no one was going to take me seriously.Depression and self hatred has no age..." ]
Me rindo.No sé por qué.Siempre desde que he sido pequeño siento que la gente me odia.Mi familia, mis profesores, mis "amigos".Es como si nada en mi vida estuviera bien.Además de eso soy bisexual y mis padres son súper homofóbicos.No tiene sentido que esté vivo.Soy un desperdicio de dinero, aire y recursos naturales.Soy gorda y no merezco nada.Solo quiero acostarme y nunca despertar.Odio estos sentimientos y son realmente abrumadores, pero no tengo control sobre ellos.Un minuto estoy bien y feliz, de repente me siento odiada, y vergonzosa aunque no hice nada malo.Solo quiero tomar una botella de Tylenol y dormir.Sabía que nadie iba a tomarme en serio.La depresión y el odio a mí mismo no tiene edad...
What pop. culture from the 2000s/early 2010scan i make for lost memories with? inever got to expirince the pop cultire from that time, despite growing up in
[ "What pop.culture from the 2000s/early 2010scan i make for lost memories with?inever got to expirince the pop cultire from that time, despite growing up in" ]
¿Qué pop.culture de la década de 2000/principios de 2010 puedo hacer para los recuerdos perdidos con?ineverth consiguió expirince la cultivar pop de ese tiempo, a pesar de crecer en
Is there anyway to get rid of the contention period on life insurance?I have 100% completely given up, don't even wanna argue about it tbh, but I have student loans that need to be paid back. My family has already done so much to help me get through college, I can't give them that financial burden, I just won't do that to them. Is there any other way I can make sure they get paid if I die?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Is there anyway to get rid of the contention period on life insurance?I have 100% completely given up, don't even wanna argue about it tbh, but I have student loans that need to be paid back.My family has already done so much to help me get through college, I can't give them that financial burden, I just won't do that to them.Is there any other way I can make sure they get paid if I die?" ]
¿Hay de todos modos para deshacerse del período de contienda en el seguro de vida?Tengo 100% completamente renunciado, ni siquiera quiero discutir sobre ello tbh, pero tengo préstamos estudiantiles que necesitan ser pagados de nuevo.Mi familia ya ha hecho tanto para ayudarme a conseguir a través de la universidad, no puedo darles esa carga financiera, simplemente no voy a hacer eso a ellos.¿Hay alguna otra manera en que puedo asegurarse de que se pagan si muero?
Killing myselfI have not much to say, I just know that I don't want to live like this for another year. I'll have to think about when I do it, how and prepare for it. I don't even know why I'm posting here. I'm really scared of killing myself as I don't know what comes after it but it can't be as bad as living in this world.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Killing myselfI have not much to say, I just know that I don't want to live like this for another year.I'll have to think about when I do it, how and prepare for it.I don't even know why I'm posting here.I'm really scared of killing myself as I don't know what comes after itbut it can't be as bad as living in this world." ]
Matarme a mí mismoNo tengo mucho que decir, sólo sé que no quiero vivir así por otro año.Voy a tener que pensar en cuando lo hago, cómo y prepararme para ello.Ni siquiera sé por qué estoy publicando aquí.Tengo miedo de matarme a mí mismo ya que no sé qué viene después, pero no puede ser tan malo como vivir en este mundo.
I gotta keep tryingI can’t seem to do it I just want to die but I’m done with life I’m done I’m killing my self no one wants to deal with me anymore and I know it’s time for me to just end it this time I’m gonna get right
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I gotta keep tryingI can’t seem to do itI just want to diebut I’m done with life I’m done I’m killing my self no one wants to deal with meanymoreand I know it’s time for me to just end it this time I’m gonna get right" ]
Tengo que seguir intentándolo. No puedo hacerlo. Sólo quiero morir, pero he terminado con la vida. He terminado. Me estoy matando a mí mismo. Nadie quiere lidiar con lo malo. Y sé que es hora de que termine esta vez.
welpi bout did it last night. i dmed people good bye, i got the pill bottle and incoged the lethal dose of ibuprofin. turns out, its alot. and on to of everything else, if u dont take enough, ittl shread ur guts and send u to the hospital emergency room. not worth the risk. not a 90 percent sucess rate. so i dmed to folks back and said hey ill be there tommorow. ive tried hanging twice and od once. i dont know where 2 go bc im n no position to get therapy. im also unsure if its jjust being a teen thats fucking with my head, this bad, this long. been going on for 2-3 years. i just dont know ​
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "welpi bout did it last night.i dmed people goodbye, i got the pill bottle and incoged the lethal dose of ibuprofin.turns out, its alot.and on to of everything else, if u dont take enough, ittl shread ur guts and send u to the hospital emergency room.not worth the risk.not a 90 percent sucess rate.so i dmed to folks back and said hey ill be there tommorow.ive tried hanging twice and od once.i dont know where 2 go bc im n no position to get therapy.im also unsure if its jjust being a teen thats fucking with my head, this bad, this long.been going on for 2-3 years.i just dont know\n\n​" ]
welpi bout lo hizo anoche.i ddmed gente adiós, tengo la botella de la píldora e incogé la dosis letal de ibuprofin.resulta, su alot.and en a de todo lo demás, si usted no toma lo suficiente, ittl shread us trips y enviar u a la sala de emergencias del hospital.no vale la pena el riesgo.no un 90 por ciento de éxito tasa.so I dmed a la gente de vuelta y dijo hey mal estar allí tommorow.ive intentó colgar dos veces y od una vez.i no sé dónde 2 ir bc im n ninguna posición para conseguir terapia.im también inseguro si su jjust ser un adolescente que folla con mi cabeza, así de malo, este largo.been durante 2-3 años.i simplemente no saben & #x200B;
Why tho I feel like no one will give me a chance. Some encouraging stuff would be nice
[ "Why tho I feel like no one will give me a chance.Some encouraging stuff would be nice" ]
¿Por qué me siento como si nadie me diera una oportunidad.Algunas cosas alentadoras sería agradable
Check out this site I made Hi Everyone! My name is Greg and I recently created this site to help sneaker heads find pairs of shoes they love. Currently the site pulls the latest shoes from Nike, Adidas, and New Balance. This has been my passion for the past year building this site for fellow sneaker heads. It would mean a lot to me if you check out this site and perhaps share or give feedback, so I can make improvements. https://www.shoejumper.com Thanks and happy holidays! Greg
[ "Check out this site I made Hi Everyone!My name is Greg and I recently created this site to help sneaker heads find pairs of shoes they love.Currently the site pulls the latest shoes from Nike, Adidas, and New Balance.This has been my passion for the past year building this site for fellow sneaker heads.It would mean a lot to me if you check out this site and perhaps share or give feedback, so I can make improvements.https://www.shoejumper.comThanks and happy holidays!Greg" ]
Mi nombre es Greg y recientemente he creado este sitio para ayudar a las cabezas de zapatillas a encontrar pares de zapatos que les encantan.Actualmente el sitio tira de los últimos zapatos de Nike, Adidas, y New Balance.Esta ha sido mi pasión por el año pasado construyendo este sitio para las cabezas de zapatillas compañeros.Significaría mucho para mí si usted echa un vistazo a este sitio y tal vez compartir o dar comentarios, por lo que puedo hacer mejoras.https://www.shoejumper.com¡Gracias y felices fiestas!
WTF un tipo se acercó a mí y él sólo me atoró por ninguna razón
Hey everybodyyyy. So i’m gonna sneak out What should I do like i need some creative ideas. Let me know. I’m down for anything but i’m driving so keep that in mind
[ "Hey everybodyyyy.So i’m gonna sneak out What should I do like i need some creative ideas.Let me know.I’m down for anything but i’m driving so keep that in mind" ]
Hey todo el mundoyyy.So I'm go gonna scack out ¿Qué debo hacer como necesito algunas ideas creativas. hágame saber.I'm abajo para cualquier cosa pero estoy conduciendo así que tenga en cuenta que
I am back, and sad.Hey, I made a post a little bit ago, and for a little bit I was doing, better. I got back to school, and finally got into a relationship, and I was happy, I also finally, and publically, came out as a trans woman. I, like, really had a rough night. These past few weeks, I have been fucking pushed to the limit with school work, and I cried to my boyfriend a bunch about it. It was rough. I put in 36 hours, without any breaks, with a group of people who don't like me, and I got back some really bad grades. Today, my boyfriend broke up with me. He cut it off, saying that he couldn't be intimate with a trans person, since he was gay. It fucking tore me apart, since I confided in him and he seemed very cool about it. I feel like a piece of shit, because it's my fault. My best friend was able to comfort me a little bit and calm me down, and she took my sleeping pills and nyquil, but I feel like I want to bang my head against the wall until I fucking vomit and die. I should have figured, this universe doesn't want me to be happy. Every single fucking step of the way, I get knocked back 5 and then kicked some more while I'm down. I hate myself, nobody can love me like this. I am so sorry.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I am back, and sad.Hey, I made a post a little bit ago, and for a little bit I was doing, better.I got back to school, and finally got into a relationship, and I was happy, I also finally, and publically, came out as a trans woman.I, like, really had a rough night.These past few weeks, I have been fucking pushed to the limit with school work, and I cried to my boyfriend a bunch about it.It was rough.I put in 36 hours, without any breaks, with a group of people who don't like me, and I got back some really bad grades.Today, my boyfriend broke up with me.He cut it off, saying that he couldn't be intimate with a trans person, since he was gay.It fucking tore me apart, since I confided in him and he seemed very cool about it.I feel like a piece of shit, because it's my fault.My best friend was able to comfort me a little bit and calm me down, and she took my sleeping pills and nyquil, but I feel like I want to bang my head against the wall until I fucking vomit and die.I should have figured, this universe doesn't want me to be happy.Every single fucking step of the way, I get knocked back 5 and then kicked some more while I'm down.I hate myself, nobody can love me like this.", "I am so sorry." ]
Estoy de vuelta, y triste.Hola, hice un post hace un poco, y por un poco lo estaba haciendo, mejor.Volví a la escuela, y finalmente me metí en una relación, y estaba feliz, también finalmente, y públicamente, salí como una mujer trans.Yo, como, realmente tuve una noche dura.Estas últimas semanas, he sido jodidamente empujado al límite con el trabajo escolar, y le lloré a mi novio un montón al respecto.Fue duro.Estuve en 36 horas, sin ningún descanso, con un grupo de gente que no me gusta, y volví a algunas notas realmente malas.Hoy, mi novio rompió conmigo.Él lo cortó, diciendo que no podía ser íntimo con una persona trans, ya que era gay.Me desgarró un poco, ya que confié en él y me pareció muy guay sobre ello.Me siento como un pedazo de mierda, porque es mi culpa.Mi mejor amigo fue capaz de consolarme un poco y calmarme, ya que le confié a él y él parecía muy guay sobre ello.Me siento como un pedazo de mierda, porque es posible que me agartee a mí mismo.
overdosedi od’d about two weeks ago and my sister found me in my room. i was resuscitated unfortunately. you would think the trauma i put on my sister and family would be enough to make me rethink suicide but it’s not. i need to finish the job this time it’s pointless. life is fucking pointless. i’ve been raped, sexually assaulted, bullied, dropped out of college. i tried to find joy in the small things, tried to enjoy just waking up everyday. but it’s a chore. my mind is working fucking overtime bombarding me with all these thoughts and anxiety. it’s never ending and i need it to be quiet please let my world be quiet. please let my attempt work. i just need for this to be over. i’m sorry for ranting, i just had to tell someone so why not some internet strangers. good bye and thanks for listening ❤️
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "overdosedi od’d about two weeks ago and my sister found me in my room.i was resuscitated unfortunately.you would think the trauma i put on my sister and family would be enough to make me rethink suicidebut it’s not.i need to finish the job this time\n\nit’s pointless.life is fucking pointless.i’ve been raped, sexually assaulted, bullied, dropped out of college.i tried to find joy in the small things, tried to enjoy just waking up everyday.but it’s a chore.my mind is working fucking overtime bombarding me with all these thoughts and anxiety.it’s never ending and i need it to be quiet\nplease let my world be quiet.please let my attempt work.i just need for this to be over.i’m sorry for ranting, i just had to tell someone so why not some internet strangers.goodbye and thanks for listening ❤️" ]
Por desgracia, pensé que el trauma que le puse a mi hermana y a mi familia sería suficiente para hacerme repensar el suicidio pero no lo es.Necesito terminar el trabajo esta vez es inútil.La vida es jodidamente inútil.He sido violada, agredida sexualmente, agredida, abandonada de la universidad.Traté de encontrar alegría en las pequeñas cosas, traté de disfrutar de despertarme todos los días.Pero es una tarea.Mi mente está trabajando horas extras bombardándome con todos estos pensamientos y ansiedad.Nunca termina y necesito que esté tranquila.Por favor deja que mi mundo se calle.Por favor deja que mi intento de trabajo.Simplemente necesito que esto termine.Lo siento por despotricar, solo tuve que decirle a alguien por qué no algunos extraños en internet.Adiós y gracias por escucharme.
I want to dieI just want to be dead
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I want to dieI just want to be dead" ]
Quiero morir Sólo quiero estar muerto
I find out i project on people How did i not see this? And adding jealousy, i now know why i dont like myself much.
[ "I find out i project on people How did i not see this?And adding jealousy, i now know why i dont like myself much." ]
Me doy cuenta de que proyecto sobre la gente ¿Cómo no vi esto?Y añadiendo celos, ahora sé por qué no me gusta mucho.
I just read the wiki on "friendzone" and never realized anyone considered it a sexist thing Like seriously people, I looked it up, and all of them are twisting what it is to fit a narrative and none of it seems to make any sense. The entire argument of it being sexist is basically that is paints the man as deserving the woman and the woman as the bad guy for not liking the man, Okay, that's one thing, but then it goes into so many other totally pointless tangents that completely deviate from the original point of what a "friendzone" is: an unresiprecated romantic feeling. Of which these include: -Saying that it's not a good friendship if you can't be happy to just be friends even though you have romantic feelings for the other person, which seems completely illogical to call it sexist because you cannot instantly not like someone because they don't like you -Saying that it's bad for LGBT people because it... is a thing usually shown between straight people. Don't get the logic there. Overall, the whole thing is based off oversimplified and purposefully twisted views of the concept that make no real practical sense and why exactly anyone would be so involved in this line of thinking, I don't know.
[ "I just read the wiki on \"friendzone\" and never realized anyone considered it a sexist thing Like seriously people, I looked it up, and all of them are twisting what it is to fit a narrative and none of it seems to make any sense.The entire argument of it being sexist is basically that is paints the man as deserving the woman and the woman as the bad guy for not liking the man,Okay, that's one thing, but then it goes into so many other totally pointless tangents that completely deviate from the original point of what a \"friendzone\" is: an unresiprecated romantic feeling.Of which these include: -Saying that it's not a good friendship if you can't be happy to just be friends even though you have romantic feelings for the other person, which seems completely illogical to call it sexist because you cannot instantly not like someone because they don't like you -Saying that it's bad for LGBT people because it... is a thing usually shown between straight people.Don't get the logic there.", "Overall, the whole thing is based off oversimplified and purposefully twisted views of the concept that make no real practical sense and why exactly anyone would be so involved in this line of thinking, I don't know." ]
Acabo de leer el wiki en "friendzone" y nunca me di cuenta de que alguien lo consideraba una cosa sexista Como en serio la gente, lo busqué, y todos ellos están retorciendo lo que es para encajar en una narrativa y nada de eso parece tener sentido.El argumento completo de que ser sexista es básicamente que pinta al hombre como merecedor de la mujer y la mujer como el chico malo por no gustarle al hombre, Vale, eso es una cosa, pero luego entra en tantas otras tangentes totalmente inútiles que se desvían completamente del punto original de lo que una "friendzone" es: un sentimiento romántico no reespreciado.De lo cual estos incluyen: -Diciendo que no es una buena amistad si no puedes estar feliz de ser solo amigos aunque tengas sentimientos románticos por la otra persona, que parece completamente ilógico llamarlo sexista porque no puedes instantáneamente gustar a alguien porque no te gusta -Diciendo que es malo para la gente LGBT porque... es algo que normalmente se muestra entre personas rectas.
I need help asap!!So I'm 24 years old and i been depressed sience childhood. Every morning i wake up and i feel like a zombie,fucking dead inside..I'm going to the gym daily but it dosent work. I dont know what the fuck to do anymore..i feel i m going grazy
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I need help asap!!SoI'm 24 years old and i been depressed sience childhood.Every morning i wake up and i feel like a zombie,fucking dead inside..I'm going to the gym dailybut it dosent work.I dont know what the fuck to do anymore..i feel i m going grazy" ]
Necesito ayuda lo antes posible!! Así que tengo 24 años y he estado deprimido sience children.Every mañana me despierto y me siento como un zombie, follando muerto por dentro..Ire al gimnasio diariamente pero hace trabajo.No sé qué mierda hacer más..Siento que me estoy volviendo grazy