my dad ditched me in a mall on my birthday went out for dinner tonight only to be met with my dad leaving without saying anything, he also ignored my calls which I know for a fact because he only answered once switched to private. No better gift then being abandoned in the middle of shopping centre for 45 minutes. Happy fucking birthday to me I guess :)
[ "my dad ditched me in a mall on my birthday went out for dinner tonight only to be met with my dad leaving without saying anything, he also ignored my calls which I know for a fact because he only answered once switched to private.No better gift then being abandoned in the middle of shopping centre for 45 minutes.Happy fucking birthday to meI guess :)" ]
mi padre me abandonó en un centro comercial en mi cumpleaños salió a cenar esta noche sólo para ser encontrado con mi padre que se va sin decir nada, también ignoró mis llamadas que sé por un hecho porque sólo respondió una vez cambió a privado.No mejor regalo entonces ser abandonado en medio del centro comercial durante 45 minutos.Feliz cumpleaños de mierda a míSupongo :)
What will happen if i tell a doctor or a professional im considering committing suicide?I don't have money for ambulance fees or really any expenses at all. Im not making my mom pay for that shit. Can anyone tell me what will happen if i tell someone im seriously considering taking my own life? How much will it cost?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "What will happen if i tell a doctor or a professional im considering committing suicide?I don't have money for ambulance fees or really any expenses at all.Im not making my mom pay for that shit.Can anyone tell me what will happen if i tell someone im seriously considering taking my own life?How much will it cost?" ]
¿Qué pasará si le digo a un médico o a un profesional que estoy considerando suicidarme?No tengo dinero para gastos de ambulancia o realmente ningún gasto en absoluto.No estoy haciendo que mi mamá pague por esa mierda.¿Puede alguien decirme qué pasará si le digo a alguien que estoy considerando seriamente tomar mi propia vida?¿Cuánto costará?
My teacher just emailed my dad. Time to die I really fucking hate this bitches class and don't do anything for it because it's a waste of time. Idc if I fail because I have enough credits. And I have no need to go pursue a post secondary education. I really hate her class. Shes a 60 year old white bitch that indeed in a farm house. Hi, I just wanted to reach out and try to connect with you about TheRealBilluBhai  Tech class right now in Quad 3.   I am Ms. Teacher. I am having a difficult time getting TheRealBilluBhai to hand in his best work so far this quad.  He is already missing multiple assignments and activities. And what he has handed in is below a LEVEL 1. I was hoping that I could help or find out if there are any problems causing difficulties and we could solve to get him on track.  TheRealBilluBhai often does not follow along with what we are doing in class, and does not follow the due dates or instructions for assignments. He has handed in work for some projects but it does not follow the steps or instructions we have been working through. For example, there was a Photography assignment where I asked him to take a bunch of photos with his phone. When it was handed in late - he didn't take the shots, he handed in shots that I think were old one's off his phone.  The assignment that was due today. He left class without handing it in and even small activities he leaves online class without handing them in.  I am very worried about his credit. It is at risk. We do have supports at the school to help him.   I have spoken to him about what is most important to hand in.  I wanted to write an email so you can more easily contact me.  Thank you for any help.  Satisfaction of one's curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life. --Linus Pauling
[ "My teacher just emailed my dad.Time to die I really fucking hate this bitches class and don't do anything for it because it's a waste of time.Idc if I fail because I have enough credits.And I have no need to go pursue a post secondary education.I really hate her class.Shes a 60 year old white bitch that indeed in a farm house.Hi, I just wanted to reach out and try to connect with you about TheRealBilluBhai  Tech class right now in Quad 3.I am Ms. Teacher.I am having a difficult time getting TheRealBilluBhai to hand in his best work so far this quad.He is already missing multiple assignments and activities.And what he has handed in is below a LEVEL 1.I was hoping that I could help or find out if there are any problems causing difficulties and we could solve to get him on track.TheRealBilluBhai often does not follow along with what we are doing in class, and does not follow the due dates or instructions for assignments.He has handed in work for some projects but it does not follow the steps or instructions we have been working through.For example, there was a Photography assignment where I asked him to take a bunch of photos with his phone.", "When it was handed in late - he didn't take the shots, he handed in shots that I think were old one's off his phone.The assignment that was due today.He left class without handing it in and even small activities he leaves online class without handing them in.I am very worried about his credit.It is at risk.We do have supports at the school to help him.I have spoken to him about what is most important to hand in.I wanted to write an email so you can more easily contact me.Thank you for any help.Satisfaction of one's curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life.--Linus Pauling" ]
Mi profesor acaba de enviar un correo electrónico a mi padre.Tiempo de morir Realmente odio esta clase de perras y no hago nada por ello porque es una pérdida de tiempo.Idc si fallo porque tengo suficientes créditos.Y no tengo ninguna necesidad de ir a seguir una educación post secundaria.Realmente odio su clase.Ella es una perra blanca de 60 años que de hecho en una casa de campo.Hola, sólo quería llegar y tratar de conectar con usted acerca de TheRealBilluBhai Tech clase en este momento en Quad 3.Yo soy la Sra. Profesora.Estoy teniendo un tiempo difícil conseguir TheRealBilluBhai para entregar en su mejor trabajo hasta ahora este quad.El RealBilluBhai ya está perdiendo múltiples tareas y actividades.Y lo que ha entregado está por debajo de un NIVEL 1.Esperé que pudiera ayudar o averiguar si hay algún problema que cause dificultades y podríamos resolver para ponerlo en marcha.El RealBilluBhai a menudo no sigue con lo que estamos haciendo en clase.
1st world problems mini rant all my headphones break after like a month. literally every single pair, no matter how hard i take care of them. i even saved up for some beats and they broke after 2 months too. now i got some wireless earbuds that ive got for like a month and a half, and now theyre broken too. like a third of the money ive ever made (not that much but yk) has probably gone to headphones. wtf
[ "1st world problems mini rant all my headphones break after like a month.literally every single pair, no matter how hard i take care of them.i even saved up for some beats and they broke after 2 months too.now i got some wireless earbuds that ive got for like a month and a half, and now theyre broken too.like a third of the money ive ever made (not that much but yk) has probably gone to headphones.wtf" ]
Problemas del 1er mundo mini despotricar todos mis auriculares se rompen después de como un mes.literalmente cada par, no importa lo duro que me hago cargo de ellos.i incluso ahorrado para algunos latidos y se rompieron después de 2 meses too.now tengo algunos auriculares inalámbricos que ive consiguió durante como un mes y medio, y ahora están rotos también.como un tercio del dinero que ha hecho (no tanto pero yk) probablemente ha ido a los auriculares.wtf
I'm just nothing. I've been trying and nothing has worked.Pretty sure cymbalta isn't working at all. I was in therapy but my parents both lost their jobs and so didn't have health insurance anymore, which meant I didn't have health insurance either. Paid for Cymbalta out of pocket for a while (Ungodly expensive), and finally called around myself and got on my own health insurance plan through the state I live in. But with this coverage I can only go through one health provider, and I tried getting into counseling there but they don't have any room for me. So all that work, and I still can't get counseling. I just get my meds free which is fucking great but I don't think they're working and I need other meds anyway besides cymbalta. Depression isn't the only issue I have.. Anyway so now I'm fucked. I've been suicidal again, very withdrawn from friends. I've lost 7 pounds in a week because I've eaten damn near nothing. And honestly the hunger feels fucking great. It feels like an accomplishment. It feels like, when I'm hungry, I'm succeeding. And when I eat, I failed. Now I just smoke weed and drink as much as possible. I've also started smoking cigarettes. I've gotten a reputation as a party animal now. Someone who always knows where the parties are, and will do anything at them. It's really just because I don't give a shitttt about myself. I don't care if a substance hurts me. And it feels like some fucked up validation when people at parties call me wild, party animal, whatever. It's some kind of approval. And it all makes me forget, like at least kind of. Almost. One of my friends is hooked on codeine/oxy, one on DXM, and another on Benzos. They're the crowd I hang with now. Codeine/oxy friend got kicked out of his house and was homeless for a bit, almost got arrested, and has seizures. He's been my best friend since we were 5 damn years old, and now I'm watching him kill himself. Other friends are doing the same damn thing. Other friends who aren't on the scene are cutting me out because I either have withdrawn from them or they're not comfortable with drugs etc. I'll be starting college for psychology, hoping I can help people like me because I haven't gotten shit for help. But I can't pay for it, and I can't talk to new people without having a panic attack unless I'm fucked up on something, so I'll be alone in college too. There's nothing I can do.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm just nothing.I've been trying and nothing has worked.Pretty sure cymbalta isn't working at all.I was in therapy but my parents both lost their jobs and so didn't have health insurance anymore, which meant I didn't have health insurance either.Paid for Cymbalta out of pocket for a while (Ungodly expensive), and finally called around myself and got on my own health insurance plan through the state I live in.But with this coverage I can only go through one health provider, and I tried getting into counseling there but they don't have any room for me.So all that work, and I still can't get counseling.I just get my meds free which is fucking greatbut I don't think they're workingand I need other meds anyway besides cymbalta.Depression isn't the only issue I have..Anyway so now I'm fucked.I've been suicidal again, very withdrawn from friends.I've lost 7 pounds in a week because I've eaten damn near nothing.And honestly the hunger feels fucking great.It feels like an accomplishment.It feels like, when I'm hungry, I'm succeeding.And when I eat, I failed.Now I just smoke weed and drink as much as possible.I've also started smoking cigarettes.", "I've gotten a reputation as a party animal now.Someone who always knows where the parties are, and will do anything at them.It's really just because I don't give a shitttt about myself.I don't care if a substance hurts me.And it feels like some fucked up validation when people at parties call me wild, party animal, whatever.It's some kind of approval.And it all makes me forget, like at least kind of.Almost.One of my friends is hooked on codeine/oxy, one on DXM, and another on Benzos.They're the crowd I hang with now.Codeine/oxy friend got kicked out of his house and was homeless for a bit, almost got arrested, and has seizures.He's been my best friend since we were 5 damn years old, and now I'm watching him kill himself.Other friends are doing the same damn thing.Other friends who aren't on the scene are cutting me out because I either have withdrawn from them or they're not comfortable with drugs etc.I'll be starting college for psychology, hoping I can help people like me because I haven't gotten shit for help.But I can't pay for it, and I can't talk to new people without having a panic attack unless I'm fucked up on something, so I'll be alone in college too.", "There's nothing I can do." ]
Yo estaba en terapia, pero mis padres perdieron su trabajo y ya no tenían seguro médico, lo que significaba que yo tampoco tenía seguro médico.Pagado por Cymbalta fuera del bolsillo por un tiempo (ungodly caro), y finalmente llamé alrededor de mí mismo y conseguí mi propio plan de seguro médico a través del estado en el que vivo.Pero con esta cobertura sólo puedo ir a través de un proveedor de salud, y traté de conseguir asesoramiento allí, pero no tienen espacio para mí.Así que todo ese trabajo, y todavía no puedo conseguir asesoramiento.De cualquier manera, ahora estoy jodido.No creo que estén trabajando y necesito otros medicamentos de todos modos, además de Cymbalta.La depresión no es el único problema que tengo.De todos modos, ahora estoy jodido.No creo que esté trabajando y necesito otros medicamentos de todos modos, además de Cymbalta.La depresión no es el único problema que tengo.
I'm afraid that if I'll be cured out of depression I'll lose my personality.now I'm shy, nice to others (I think) and insecure. I'm afraid that if I'll get better I won't be the same person.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm afraid that if I'll be cured out of depression I'll lose my personality.now I'm shy, nice to others (I think) and insecure.I'm afraid that if I'll get better I won't be the same person." ]
Me temo que si voy a ser curado de la depresión perderé mi personalidad.Ahora soy tímido, agradable con los demás (creo) e inseguro.Me temo que si voy a mejorar no seré la misma persona.
FRIEND IS SLEEPING. SAD Spring break is over. Working on stuff though so it’s cool cool
[ "FRIEND IS SLEEPING.SAD Spring break is over.Working on stuff thoughso it’s cool cool" ]
AMIGOS ESTÁ DORMIENDO.SAD Las vacaciones de primavera han terminado.Trabajando en cosas aunque así que es fresco
I can't live in this world knowing there is no love and magic.I am hurting so much. After 50 years on earth and countless relationships, I found someone with whom I connected so deeply that I cannot imagine that there is anyone else in the world that could make me feel 'right'. He is like my reflection and at the same time he is the calm to my storm and I am the excitement he was seeking. I was a diehard disbeliever with respect to 'love and soulmates' but this man changed my mind. He expressed mutual feelings. Then he dumped me. I am lost now. I just can't see ever being in any relationship where I can feel anything for anyone. I will subconsciously and consciously now prevent myself from feeling anything for anyone. I have no kids, no close friends, no real family to say I am loved by anyone. I could actually see a future with this man. Now I see nothing. Empty nothing in my future. We were on the same page and suddenly we are not. How can I stay in a world that is lacking in love and magic. I was very wrong in thinking all my life that maybe its possible. I found it and i lost it or it was never real or I was tricked by a man or by the universe or something. I can't do this again. All I wanted was to feel safe in a relationship and I am obviously never going to feel safe. I can't do it any more and I can't bear to be alone any more.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I can't live in this world knowing there is no love and magic.I am hurting so much.After 50 years on earth and countless relationships, I found someone with whom I connected so deeply that I cannot imagine that there is anyone else in the world that could make me feel 'right'.He is like my reflection and at the same time he is the calm to my storm and I am the excitement he was seeking.I was a diehard disbeliever with respect to 'love and soulmates' but this man changed my mind.He expressed mutual feelings.Then he dumped me.I am lost now.I just can't see ever being in any relationship where I can feel anything for anyone.I will subconsciously and consciously now prevent myself from feeling anything for anyone.I have no kids, no close friends, no real family to say I am loved by anyone.I could actually see a future with this man.Now I see nothing.Empty nothing in my future.We were on the same page and suddenly we are not.How can I stay in a world that is lacking in love and magic.I was very wrong in thinking all my life that maybe its possible.I found it and i lost it or it was never real or I was tricked by a man or by the universe or something.I can't do this again.", "All I wanted was to feel safe in a relationship and I am obviously never going to feel safe.I can't do it any more and I can't bear to be alone any more." ]
No puedo vivir en este mundo sabiendo que no hay amor y magia.Estoy sufriendo tanto.Después de 50 años en la tierra e innumerables relaciones, encontré a alguien con quien me conecté tan profundamente que no puedo imaginar que haya alguien más en el mundo que pueda hacerme sentir 'correcto'.Él es como mi reflejo y al mismo tiempo él es la calma a mi tormenta y yo soy la emoción que él estaba buscando.Yo era un incrédulo inexorable con respecto a 'amor y almas gemelas' pero este hombre cambió mi mente.Él expresó sentimientos mutuos.Entonces él me dejó.Yo estoy perdido ahora.Yo simplemente no puedo ver nunca estar en ninguna relación donde pueda sentir nada por nadie.Yo inconscientemente y conscientemente ahora evitaré que sienta nada por nadie.Yo no tengo hijos, ni amigos cercanos, ninguna familia real para decir que soy amado por nadie.Yo realmente podía ver un futuro con este hombre.Ahora no veo nada.
Fuck America I stayed up the whole night to watch their elections. (I'm European) and suddenly those fuckers forgot how to count or something
[ "Fuck America I stayed up the whole night to watch their elections.(I'm European) and suddenly those fuckers forgot how to count or something" ]
A la mierda América Me quedé toda la noche para ver sus elecciones. (Soy europeo) y de repente esos cabrones se olvidaron de cómo contar o algo así
Nothing stopping meKilling myself is so tempting i could die so easily just put a gun in my mouth and pull the trigger
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Nothing stopping meKilling myself is so tempting i could die so easily just put a gun in my mouth and pull the trigger" ]
Nada que me detenga Matarme a mí mismo es tan tentador que podría morir tan fácilmente que me pusiera un arma en la boca y apretara el gatillo.
Having a rough time with my sleep schedule, anybody else been through something similar and has advice? This is my last week of Winter Holliday. Before that my sleep schedule was fine, when it started i would sleep at 2AM and wake up at 2pm. It then got worse i would sleep at 6am and wake up at 5pm etc. This screwed my productivity, returned a lot of stress and caused extra unnecessary stress. Also i usually go out a lot every Holliday, this one i went out of the house three times which is completely abnormal for me. I never worried about sleep as well before this if i got minimum sleep i would brush it off then easily fix my schedule later. Also when i put alarms i always go into 5 more minutes mode then wake up a few hours later than i’m supposed to.
[ "Having a rough time with my sleep schedule, anybody else been through something similar and has advice?This is my last week of Winter Holliday.Before that my sleep schedule was fine, when it started i would sleep at 2AM and wake up at 2pm.It then got worse i would sleep at 6am and wake up at 5pm etc.This screwed my productivity, returned a lot of stress and caused extra unnecessary stress.Also i usually go out a lot every Holliday, this one i went out of the house three times which is completely abnormal for me.I never worried about sleep as well before this if i got minimum sleep i would brush it off then easily fix my schedule later.Also when i put alarms i always go into 5 more minutes mode then wake up a few hours later than i’m supposed to." ]
¿Teniendo un tiempo duro con mi horario de sueño, alguien más ha pasado por algo similar y tiene consejo?Esta es mi última semana de Invierno Holliday.Antes de que mi horario de sueño estaba bien, cuando comenzó dormiría a las 2 de la mañana y despertaría a las 2 de la tarde.Luego empeoró que dormiría a las 6 de la mañana y despertaría a las 5 de la tarde, etc.Esto arruinó mi productividad, devolvió mucho estrés y causó estrés adicional innecesario.También generalmente salgo mucho cada Holliday, este salió de la casa tres veces que es completamente anormal para mí.Nunca me preocupé por dormir tan bien antes de esto si tenía sueño mínimo me lo quitaría y luego arreglaría fácilmente mi horario más tarde.También cuando pongo alarmas siempre voy a 5 minutos más modo y luego me despierto unas horas más tarde de lo que se supone que debo.
If I don't manage to pass this semester my last day will be May 15thI'm not even going to bother using a throwaway. This semester has been a rollercoaster, I was doing great in the beginning, missed a lot of class due to being sick but thought nothing of it if I were able to replace missed exam grades. I calculated my grade in lab today and I seem to have read the syllabus wrong, if I didn't submit a note 24 hours before an exam I get a zero for missing. I emailed my professor in a panic explaining I can have my doctor provide proof of doctors appointments and a letter explaining my situation around that time and that day. I hope emailing my professor will get me to pass the class. If I don't pass this semester, I'll have no choice but to kill myself. My mom and grandmother worked so hard to get me here and I blew it off being irresponsible with my condition. I'm hoping I pass because I don't want my life to end but there's no way I can be successful if my grades are this pitiful. I'm already on probation and the next step is getting kicked out if I don't raise my GPA. I hate myself and I hate that this week has come to this. I'm hoping my professors have a little heart and understand my situation. I don't want to die but I'll have no choice. I hate that I'll leave my friends behind but I've already been feeling so alone without having a special someone for me. I'll be sure to leave a note behind in my room including my internet friends so they don't think I totally abandoned them but there's no way I can continue life like this.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "If I don't manage to pass this semester my last day will be May 15thI'm not even going to bother using a throwaway.This semester has been a rollercoaster, I was doing great in the beginning, missed a lot of class due to being sick but thought nothing of it if I were able to replace missed exam grades.I calculated my grade in lab today and I seem to have read the syllabus wrong, if I didn't submit a note 24 hours before an exam I get a zero for missing.I emailed my professor in a panic explaining I can have my doctor provide proof of doctors appointments and a letter explaining my situation around that time and that day.I hope emailing my professor will get me to pass the class.If I don't pass this semester, I'll have no choice but to kill myself.My mom and grandmother worked so hard to get me here and I blew it off being irresponsible with my condition.I'm hoping I pass because I don't want my life to endbut there's no way I can be successful if my grades are this pitiful.I'm already on probation and the next step is getting kicked out if I don't raise my GPA.I hate myself and I hate that this week has come to this.", "I'm hoping my professors have a little heart and understand my situation.I don't want to diebut I'll have no choice.I hate that I'll leave my friends behind but I've already been feeling so alone without having a special someone for me.I'll be sure to leave a note behind in my room including my internet friends so they don't think I totally abandoned them but there's no way I can continue life like this." ]
Si no logro pasar este semestre mi último día será el 15 de mayo ni siquiera voy a molestarme en usar un throwaway.Este semestre ha sido una montaña rusa, lo estaba haciendo muy bien al principio, perdí mucha clase debido a estar enfermo, pero no pensé nada de ello si podía reemplazar las notas de examen perdidas.Calculé mi grado en el laboratorio hoy y parece que he leído mal el programa de estudios, si no he presentado una nota 24 horas antes de un examen que tengo un cero por faltar.Le envié un correo electrónico a mi profesor en pánico explicando que puedo hacer que mi médico proporcione pruebas de las citas de los médicos y una carta explicando mi situación alrededor de ese tiempo y ese día.Espero que enviar un correo electrónico a mi profesor me haga pasar la clase.Si no paso este semestre, no tendré más opción que matarme.Mi mamá y mi abuela trabajaron tan duro para conseguirme aquí y lo dejé fuera de ser irresponsable con mi condición.Espero que pase porque no quiero que mi vida termine pero no hay manera de que pueda tener éxito si mis calificaciones son lamentables.Yo ya estoy en libertad condicional y yo mismo tengo que salir de la semana.
Life RUINED by anti depressantFuck the pharma company they have destroyed my life. I'm suffering from constant blank mind and no emotions from pills I took to "help" my depression. Nothing has come back I believe it's permanent. I will kill myself because of this. Life doesn't get better , I was born to suffer and live in constant pain. Fuck everything , it cost money to do anything.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Life RUINED by anti depressantFuck the pharma company they have destroyed my life.I'm suffering from constant blank mind and no emotions from pills I took to \"help\" my depression.Nothing has come back I believe it's permanent.I will kill myself because of this.Life doesn't get better , I was born to suffer and live in constant pain.Fuck everything , it cost money to do anything." ]
Vida RUINADA por antidepresivoFuck la compañía farmacéutica que han destruido mi vida.Estoy sufriendo de mente constante en blanco y sin emociones de las píldoras que tomé para "ayudar" a mi depresión.Nada ha vuelto Creo que es permanente.Me mataré por esto.La vida no mejora, nací para sufrir y vivir en dolor constante.Al diablo con todo, cuesta dinero hacer cualquier cosa.
School lunch You ever just sit down for your nice and delicious school lunch and its just frozen cold
[ "School lunch You ever just sit down for your nice and delicious school lunch and its just frozen cold" ]
Almuerzo escolar Usted nunca acaba de sentarse para su agradable y delicioso almuerzo escolar y su sólo frío congelado
literally not a single person on reddit is c u t e except you, oh yeah **you**, the person reading this post, you sexy mf I stg
[ "literally not a single person on reddit is c u t e except you,oh yeah**you**, the person reading this post, you sexy mf I stg" ]
literalmente ni una sola persona en reddit es c u t e excepto tú, oh sí** tú**, la persona que lee este post, tú sexy mf I stg
My organs should go to someone more deservingMy story is a long one, so I've decided to just list the facts: -Have had OCD since childhood, went under the radar and only treated once I started college -Now in 5th year of school. Already had to drop one semester and only completed 6 hours last semester -My parents think I am registered for 14 hours and am graduating when really I am only in 3 hours (1 class) -I'm finding it hard to do the little things like brush my teeth and I just feel like a piece of shit. How could I do this to my parents? TO MYSELF? -I wish so badly I could trade places with someone who wants to live and is dying. I've really messed this up and after so long, my heart is just not in it. My organs should go to someone worthy. -I have been given help and medication and support for the past 5 years yet I'm still unable to tell my parents the truth when they are paying for my school. They've done so much for me. They have asked me how everything is going maybe 100 times and I haven't spoken up. -I can't tell them. It's killing me -My psychologist thinks school just isn't for me, but I am so close to finishing and I go to an extremely good university. Any future I have, I do not want to not have my degree. -I feel like I have these bursts of happiness or feelings of normalcy followed by feeling PMS/extreme sadness. A good chunk of the time I am just neutral and don't care about much but eating, sleeping, and reading. I won't even change clothes. -All I do is lay in my bed and read -I HATE using my stupid illness as a fucking excuse. I feel lazy and pathetic. Even when I have energy, I don't want to go outside and face the world. It's the strangest feeling. It's not like I'm depressed all the time. I'm perfectly happy reading my books -At this point, what kind of future do I even have? Not a great one -I've dug myself into a very deep hole and I don't know how to get out. I wish I could say I have tried, but I know I haven't -Have already been hospitalized for one suicide attempt two years ago. My parents found me passed out before the drugs fully made it into my system -I keep writing these stupid suicide notes to my parents and my sister. My sister is my best friend and I promised her to never do this again, but I can't live for her. Staying alive so they can be happy is not fair to me. It's not like I'm some joy (see above posts) -I feel...resigned. Even more so than last time. Almost peaceful. But I keep looking at this stupid frame of me and my sister and I owe her to at least make my feelings known somewhere to someone to show some semblance of effort -Have been so good at lying to my family, friends, and even myself. So even if I tried to address this, it will be a "not again" situation and will completely come out of left field. I will also look like a total compulsive liar. TL;DR:-Friendships have been tarnished, grades down the shitter, lying to my family, financial burden, no bright future, and unless I'm laying in my bed with a book, I'm usually miserable and plagued with OCD shit that makes me so paranoid I have to take ativan to sleep. Basically have been pretending everything is fine and am aware of this fact, yet have done nothing or don't have a desire to fix it.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "My organs should go to someone more deservingMy story is a long one, so I've decided to just list the facts:\n-Have had OCD since childhood, went under the radar and only treated once I started college\n\n-Now in 5th year of school.Already had to drop one semester and only completed 6 hours last semester\n\n-Myparents think I am registered for 14 hours and am graduating when really I am only in 3 hours (1 class)-I'm finding it hard to do the little things like brush my teeth and I just feel like a piece of shit.How could I do this to my parents?TO MYSELF?-I wish so badly I could trade places with someone who wants to live and is dying.I've really messed this up and after so long, my heart is just not in it.My organs should go to someone worthy.-I have been given help and medication and support for the past 5 years yet I'm still unable to tell my parents the truth when they are paying for my school.They've done so much for me.They have asked me how everything is going maybe 100 times and I haven't spoken up.-I can't tell them.It's killing me\n\n-My psychologist thinks school just isn't for me, but I am so close to finishing and I go to an extremely good university.", "Any future I have, I do not want to not have my degree.-I feel like I have these bursts of happiness or feelings of normalcy followed by feeling PMS/extreme sadness.A good chunk of the time I am just neutral and don't care about much but eating, sleeping, and reading.I won't even change clothes.-All I do is lay in my bed and read\n\n-I HATE using my stupid illness as a fucking excuse.I feel lazy and pathetic.Even when I have energy, I don't want to go outside and face the world.It's the strangest feeling.It's not like I'm depressed all the time.I'm perfectly happy reading my books\n\n-At this point, what kind of future do I even have?Not a great one\n\n-I've dug myself into a very deep hole and I don't know how to get out.I wish I could say I have tried, but I know I haven't-Have already been hospitalized for one suicide attempt two years ago.My parents found me passed out before the drugs fully made it into my system\n\n-I keep writing these stupid suicide notes to my parents and my sister.My sister is my best friend and I promised her to never do this again, but I can't live for her.Staying alive so they can be happy is not fair to me.It's not like I'm some joy (see above posts)", "-I feel...resigned.Even more so than last time.Almost peaceful.But I keep looking at this stupid frame of me and my sister and I owe her to at least make my feelings known somewhere to someone to show some semblance of effort\n\n-Have been so good at lying to my family, friends, and even myself.So even if I tried to address this, it will be a \"not again\" situation and will completely come out of left field.I will also look like a total compulsive liar.TL;DR:-Friendships have been tarnished, grades down the shitter, lying to my family, financial burden, no bright future, and unless I'm laying in my bed with a book, I'm usually miserable and plagued with OCD shit that makes me so paranoid I have to take ativan to sleep.Basically have been pretending everything is fine and am aware of this fact, yet have done nothing or don't have a desire to fix it." ]
Mis órganos deben ir a alguien más merecedorMi historia es larga, así que he decidido simplemente enumerar los hechos: -Ha tenido OCD desde la infancia, pasó por debajo del radar y sólo se trató una vez que empecé la universidad -Ahora en el quinto año de la escuela.Ya tuve que bajar un semestre y sólo completó 6 horas el semestre pasado -Los padres piensan que estoy registrado durante 14 horas y me estoy graduando cuando realmente sólo estoy en 3 horas (1 clase)-Estoy encontrando difícil hacer las pequeñas cosas como cepillarme los dientes y me siento como un pedazo de mierda.¿Cómo podría hacer esto a mis padres?-Me han dado tan mal que podría intercambiar lugares con alguien que quiere vivir y está muriendo.He realmente arruinado esto y después de tanto tiempo, mi corazón no está en él.Mis órganos deben ir a alguien digno.-Me han dado ayuda y medicación y apoyo durante los últimos 5 años, sin embargo, no puedo decir la verdad a mis padres cuando están pagando por mi escuela.
Title - Rock Abuse. Im Scared. Dead.Rock has been bullying me lately... And i really wanted to kill myself, but the thing is. I was scared. Very scared. Rock is not some music genre, rock is a person online, he is terryfing. Im scared, he is violent. IM scared. LISTEN IM SCARED! Please is suicide the only way? Is there nothing else. Im scared. IM FUCKING SCARED. I was meeting up with him since he threatend to sell my most valuable things in life, yes he has this power. Im scared. Im really scared. Please how do I help myself, im very scared. Sorry but im scared. So I tried to meet him in the park, he was just as I had pictured him... It scared me even more, why is he so big, why cant I be strong and big. It scares me. After I had tried to stab him (I wAS SCARED), he said not to try it again or he would slaughter my dog. I dont want this anymore, 500 mg acetaminophen is the way? Please is it painless im scared. Im scared ok, love me or hate me im scared. I miss the pebble that he was. I might need to call for help, help me im scared. Rock if you remember me after im gone, ill haunt you. YOU WILL be SCARED. Best regards Dead.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Title - Rock Abuse.Im Scared.Dead.Rock has been bullying me lately...And i really wanted to kill myself, but the thing is.I was scared.Very scared.Rock is not some music genre, rock is a person online, he is terryfing.Im scared, he is violent.IM scared.LISTEN IM SCARED!Please is suicide the only way?Is there nothing else.Im scared.IM FUCKING SCARED.I was meeting up with him since he threatend to sell my most valuable things in life, yes he has this power.Im scared.Im really scared.Please how do I help myself, im very scared.Sorry but im scared.So I tried to meet him in the park, he was just as I had pictured him...It scared me even more, why is he so big, why cant I be strong and big.It scares me.After I had tried to stab him (I wAS SCARED), he said not to try it again or he would slaughter my dog.I dont want this anymore, 500 mg acetaminophen is the way?Please is it painless im scared.Im scared ok, love me or hate me im scared.I miss the pebble that he was.I might need to call for help, help me im scared.Rock if you remember me after im gone, ill haunt you.YOU WILL be SCARED.Best regards\n\nDead." ]
Título - Rock Abuse.Immeed.Muerto.Rock me ha estado intimidando últimamente...Y realmente quería suicidarme, pero la cosa es.Yo estaba asustado.Muy asustado.Rock no es algún género musical, el rock es una persona en línea, él es terrifing.Im miedo, él es violento.IM miedo.IM miedo!Por favor es suicidio de la única manera?Por favor es suicidio, estoy muy asustado.Lo siento pero estoy asustado.Así que traté de encontrarme con él en el parque, él estaba justo como lo había imaginado...Me asustó aún más, por qué es tan grande, por qué no puedo ser fuerte y grande.Me asusta.Lo siento pero estoy asustado.Así que traté de encontrarme con él en el parque, él estaba justo como lo había imaginado....Me asustó aún más, por qué es tan grande, por qué no puedo ser fuerte y grande.Me asusta.
What is the purpose of life?Hello. Some people in this group maybe know me because I've talked to lot of people who have (or had) suicide thoughts in this reddit group. I always told this people that it's worth it, to continue living but now I actually think why I said that. Seriously, what's the point in living? Most people live very simple lives and don't really question the purpose of their life. When they're kids/teenagers they go to school, then they work, maybe have a relationship, maybe have kids and then die someday. But what's the point of going through this boring cycle? Why not die now if we anyway now that we will die sooner or later? To continue living our lives as we do at the moment other ones have to suffer for us. If we eat meat animals are killed for us. Why? Just because so many idiots like the taste of meat and just take the future of those animals to eat a steak, etc. To live our lifes like that we have to oppress other species. We simply destroy natural habitats of animals just to build cities or villages in this places. The only thing that we cause on this world is pain. We harm the environment so that we can drive around in our big stupid SUVs and so on. And what for? No one thinks about that question. Why do people in general think that they're heros if they prevent a suicidal person from killing themselves (mostly even against their will)? Why? WHY? In greek mythology a story even says (I don't know which one) that humans only were created to amuse the gods and have no other reason to live. I know that I sound very selfish when I'm saying that, but I don't give a fuck how my family feels after they will find my dead body. What are the reasons why you guys continue living?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "What is the purpose of life?Hello.Some people in this group maybe know me because I've talked to lot of people who have (or had) suicide thoughts in this reddit group.I always told this people that it's worth it, to continue living but now I actually think why I said that.Seriously, what's the point in living?Most people live very simple lives and don't really question the purpose of their life.When they're kids/teenagers they go to school, then they work, maybe have a relationship, maybe have kids and then die someday.But what's the point of going through this boring cycle?Why not die now if we anyway now that we will die sooner or later?To continue living our lives as we do at the moment other ones have to suffer for us.If we eat meat animals are killed for us.Why?Just because so many idiots like the taste of meat and just take the future of those animals to eat a steak, etc.To live our lifes like that we have to oppress other species.We simply destroy natural habitats of animals just to build cities or villages in this places.The only thing that we cause on this world is pain.We harm the environment so that we can drive around in our big stupid SUVs and so on.And what for?", "No one thinks about that question.Why do people in general think that they're heros if they prevent a suicidal person from killing themselves (mostly even against their will)?Why?WHY?In greek mythology a story even says (I don't know which one) that humans only were created to amuse the gods and have no other reason to live.I know that I sound very selfish when I'm saying that, but I don't give a fuck how my family feels after they will find my dead body.What are the reasons why you guys continue living?" ]
¿Cuál es el propósito de la vida?Hola.Algunas personas de este grupo tal vez me conocen porque he hablado con mucha gente que tiene (o tuvo) pensamientos suicidas en este grupo reddit.Siempre le dije a esta gente que vale la pena, seguir viviendo pero ahora realmente pienso por qué lo dije.En serio, ¿cuál es el punto de vivir?La mayoría de la gente vive vidas muy simples y no cuestionan realmente el propósito de su vida.Cuando son niños/adolescentes van a la escuela, entonces trabajan, tal vez tienen una relación, tal vez tienen hijos y luego mueren algún día.Pero, ¿cuál es el punto de pasar por este ciclo aburrido?¿Por qué no morir ahora si de todos modos ahora morimos más pronto o más tarde?Para seguir viviendo nuestras vidas como lo hacemos en el momento en que otros tienen que sufrir por nosotros.Si comemos animales de carne se matan por nosotros.Por qué?Porque tantos idiotas como el sabor de la carne y tomaremos el futuro de esos animales para comer un filete, etc.Para vivir nuestras vidas como para oprimir a otras especies.
My friend is planning suicideSo I'm sitting here in school and my friend who is diagnosed with depressed, OCD, And schizophrenia. She texts me after not being in school for a while saying she was planning suicide but isn't sure if she wants to do it. I'm trying talk her out of it right now but I need advice and help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "My friend is planning suicideSo I'm sitting here in school and my friend who is diagnosed with depressed, OCD, And schizophrenia.She texts me after not being in school for a while saying she was planning suicide but isn't sure if she wants to do it.I'm trying talk her out of it right nowbut I need advice and help" ]
Mi amiga está planeando el suicidioAsí que estoy sentada aquí en la escuela y mi amiga que es diagnosticada con depresión, OCD, y esquizofrenia.Ella me envía mensajes de texto después de no estar en la escuela por un tiempo diciendo que estaba planeando el suicidio, pero no está segura de si ella quiere hacerlo.Estoy tratando de hablar con ella fuera de esto ahora mismo, pero necesito consejo y ayuda.
I don’t wanna be here anymoreThe only way I’ll get peace is in death. I don’t belong anywhere. I just wanna rest and never wake up. Even this whole post is pointless so idky I’m doing it. Not gonna get any attention or anything, idk I just don’t know anymore. I’m beyond tired, words can’t explain how miserable every day is. I just want it to be over. I really hope I gather the courage to just do it one of these days.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I don’t wanna be hereanymoreThe only way I’ll get peace is in death.I don’t belong anywhere.I just wanna rest and never wake up.Even this whole post is pointless so idky I’m doing it.Not gonna get any attention or anything, idk I just don’t know anymore.I’m beyond tired, words can’t explain how miserable every day is.I just want it to be over.I really hope I gather the courage to just do it one of these days." ]
No quiero estar aquí másLa única manera en que conseguiré la paz es en la muerte.No pertenezco a ninguna parte.Solo quiero descansar y nunca despertar.Incluso este post no tiene sentido, así que lo estoy haciendo.No voy a conseguir ninguna atención ni nada, idge Ya no lo sé.Estoy más allá de lo cansado, las palabras no pueden explicar lo miserable que es cada día.Solo quiero que termine.Realmente espero reunir el valor para hacerlo uno de estos días.
tinkerbell may be queen of new but I'm the princess 🙄🤚
[ "tinkerbell may be queen of newbut I'm the princess 🙄🤚" ]
Tinkerbell puede ser la reina de New pero yo soy la princesa
answers anyoneI keep thinking about my family and what their faces would look like and it stops me. Only I can't stand this bottomless, unrelenting pain any longer. I wish I could rationalize this off as a state of mind or a temporary emotion, but its not true. I have tried over and over to climb out of this, but my life is absolutely empty in every aspect. At 27 I've never had a relationship, no lasting friendships, no job prospects, binge eating disorder, ptsd and of course clinical depression. Some of this was bad luck, but of course the blame rests on me-I've been depressed for at least 10 years and my grades, career, relationships have suffered for it. I'm exhausted, and death would be... grace. But then I think of my brother and mom finding me. HOW CAN I GET OUT OF THIS!?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "answers anyoneI keep thinking about my family and what their faces would look like and it stops me.Only I can't stand this bottomless, unrelenting pain any longer.I wish I could rationalize this off as a state of mind or a temporary emotion, but its not true.I have tried over and over to climb out of this, but my life is absolutely empty in every aspect.At 27 I've never had a relationship, no lasting friendships, no job prospects, binge eating disorder, ptsd and of course clinical depression.Some of this was bad luck, but of course the blame rests on me-I've been depressed for at least 10 years and my grades, career, relationships have suffered for it.I'm exhausted, and death would be... grace.But then I think of my brother and mom finding me.HOW CAN I GET OUT OF THIS!?" ]
No puedo soportar más este dolor sin fondo e implacable.Ojalá pudiera racionalizar esto como un estado de ánimo o una emoción temporal, pero no es cierto.He intentado una y otra vez salir de esto, pero mi vida está absolutamente vacía en todos los aspectos.A los 27 años nunca he tenido una relación, ninguna amistad duradera, ninguna perspectiva de trabajo, desorden alimenticio, ptsd y por supuesto depresión clínica.Algo de esto fue mala suerte, pero por supuesto la culpa recae en mí-He estado deprimido por lo menos 10 años y mis calificaciones, carrera, relaciones han sufrido por ello.Estoy exhausto, y la muerte sería... gracia.Pero entonces pienso en mi hermano y mamá que me encuentran.¿Cómo puedo salir de esto?
im trying to stay sane. I dont know how much sense this will make but im gonna write no matter what. Im losing my mind every day a little further. I started using drugs alot since last april and also met a girl. Was sad before that, now girl left and i still take drugs when i can which is every other day at this point. The sadness has been amplified aloot since she left. I dont even know if i loved her like i think i do or if i just used her as someone i could take drugs with. im so confused. Im feeling alone, depressed and like the biggest failure in existence. At 25 im still living with the parents, no GF and almost 0 emotional relationships. Used to think i was smart and slowly becoming successful and now im begging to either think or realize that im a loser. With no future. I have a 2:2 degree (had a major depressive episode in last year. or was that just an excuse i give myself idk anymore). i have friends that ask me to take drugs so im pretty sure at this point they arent my friends. so no friends. I pushed away and badly hurt the one person who maybe cared about me (the girl). Or maybe she did. Maybe she used me too. idk. Im losing my sanity because i dont know who actually loves me. i think im unlovable and broken. with an ugly personality. I dont know who to trust anymore. Not even myself my own mind. Now days im beginning to think i was always stupid and some how convinced myself i was smart and people just went with it to make me feel good. IDK. I honstly dont know anymore everything around me is not what i used to think it was and im lost alone and i think i am going crazy for real. if you have read his please just help me make some kind of sense of this. Am i going crazy....is this me overthinking or not. im fucking scared to go to therapy because if i am losing it and its a reality i think ill end myself. But with the way things are going im gonna end myself anyway. IDK man im so confused and scared of what my reality is right now that i cant even function.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im trying to stay sane.I dont know how much sense this will make but im gonna write no matter what.Im losing my mind every day a little further.I started using drugs alot since last april and also met a girl.Was sad before that, now girl left and i still take drugs when i can which is every other day at this point.The sadness has been amplified aloot since she left.I dont even know if i loved her like i think i do or if i just used her as someone i could take drugs with.im so confused.Im feeling alone, depressed and like the biggest failure in existence.At 25 im still living with the parents, no GF and almost 0 emotional relationships.Used to think i was smart and slowly becoming successful and now im begging to either think or realize that im a loser.With no future.I have a 2:2 degree (had a major depressive episode in last year.or was that just an excuse i give myself idk anymore).i have friends that ask me to take drugs so im pretty sure at this point they arent my friends.so no friends.I pushed away and badly hurt the one person who maybe cared about me (the girl).Or maybe she did.Maybe she used me too.idk.Im losing my sanity because i dont know who actually loves me.", "i think im unlovable and broken.with an ugly personality.I dont know who to trust anymore.Not even myself my own mind.Now days im beginning to think i was always stupid and some how convinced myself i was smart and people just went with it to make me feel good.IDK.I honstly dont know anymore everything around me is not what i used to think it was and im lost aloneand i think i am going crazy for real.if you have read his please just help me make some kind of sense of this.Am i going crazy....is this me overthinking or not.im fucking scared to go to therapy because if i am losing it and its a reality i think ill end myself.But with the way things are going im gonna end myself anyway.IDK man im so confused and scared of what my reality is right now that i cant even function." ]
No sé cuánto sentido tendrá esto, pero voy a escribir no importa qué.Estoy perdiendo mi mente cada día un poco más lejos.Empecé a usar drogas mucho desde el último abril y también conocí a una chica.Estaba triste antes de eso, ahora la chica se fue y todavía tomo drogas cuando puedo que es cada otro día en este punto.La tristeza ha sido amplificada aloot desde que ella se fue.Ni siquiera sé si la amaba como creo que lo hago o si simplemente la usé como alguien con quien podría tomar drogas.im tan confundido.Me siento solo, deprimido y como el mayor fracaso en existencia.A los 25 todavía vivo con los padres, sin GF y casi 0 relaciones emocionales.Utilizado para pensar que era inteligente y poco a poco tener éxito y ahora implorando pensar o darme cuenta de que im un perdedor.Sin futuro.Tengo un grado 2:2 (tenía un episodio depresivo importante en el año pasado.
How to make new friends during online school? So I was just starting to get better at talking to guys and girls, then the global pandemic decided to happen and now we are in online school. How do I make new friends and stuff during online? We barely get to talk cause we always need our mics muted so idk how
[ "How to make new friends during online school?So I was just starting to get better at talking to guys and girls, then the global pandemic decided to happen and now we are in online school.How do I make new friends and stuff during online?We barely get to talk cause we always need our mics muted so idk how" ]
¿Cómo hacer nuevos amigos durante la escuela en línea?Así que estaba empezando a mejorar en hablar con chicos y chicas, entonces la pandemia global decidió suceder y ahora estamos en la escuela en línea.¿Cómo puedo hacer nuevos amigos y cosas durante la línea?Apenas llegamos a hablar porque siempre necesitamos nuestros micrófonos silenciados tan idk cómo
out of breathi only have 2 days left until I get my paycheck and buy a gun but just sitting with myself right now hurts so fucking bad. it's so far away. if I don't stop crying soon I think I'm going to die from dehydration or something before we even get to tuesday lol. i've been seeing an amazing therapist for like a year and a half now and all i can think about is how much of her time and energy I've wasted with my flip-flopping over whether I want to get better, and then I wind up doing this anyway. I hope this doesn't retract from the appreciation I've tried to express, because I did and still am really grateful for being given a chance. this guilt is so gut wrenching I almost want to write her an apology but I know that wouldn't change anything. it has been taking everything in me to not go drive into a tree or something right now but I think I'm just going to keep taking trazodone until I wake up and there's money in my bank account lol. whatever. thanks for reading
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "out of breathi only have 2 days left until I get my paycheck and buy a gun but just sitting with myself right now hurts so fucking bad.it's so far away.if I don't stop crying soon I think I'm going to die from dehydration or something before we even get to tuesday lol.i've been seeing an amazing therapist for like a year and a half now and all i can think about is how much of her time and energy I've wasted with my flip-flopping over whether I want to get better, and then I wind up doing this anyway.I hope this doesn't retract from the appreciation I've tried to express, because I did and still am really grateful for being given a chance.this guilt is so gut wrenching I almost want to write her an apologybut I know that wouldn't change anything.it has been taking everything in me to not go drive into a tree or something right nowbut I think I'm just going to keep taking trazodone until I wake up and there's money in my bank account lol.whatever.thanks for reading" ]
Si no para de llorar pronto creo que voy a morir de deshidratación o algo así antes de llegar al martes lol.i he estado viendo a un terapeuta increíble por como un año y medio ahora y todo lo que puedo pensar es en cuánto de su tiempo y energía he desperdiciado con mi voltereta sobre si quiero mejorar, y luego termino haciendo esto de todos modos.Espero que esto no se retracta de la apreciación que he tratado de expresar, porque lo hice y todavía estoy muy agradecido por tener una oportunidad.esta culpa es tan desgarradora que casi quiero escribirle una disculpa, pero sé que no cambiaría nada.ha estado tomando todo en mí para no ir a conducir a un árbol o algo justo ahora, pero creo que voy a seguir tomando trazodone hasta que me despierte y haya dinero en mi cuenta lol.
What's your take on teens / young adults who don't have or use social media? I'm 20 but when I was a teenager I didn't use social media, people thought it was very strange that I didn't have at least one social media account, at first they thought I was playing around until they knew I was serious then start asking me a dozens of questions as to why I don't use social media. (Still happens today)
[ "What's your take on teens / young adults who don't have or use social media?I'm 20 but when I was a teenager I didn't use social media, people thought it was very strange that I didn't have at least one social media account, at first they thought I was playing around until they knew I was serious then start asking me a dozens of questions as to why I don't use social media.(Still happens today)" ]
¿Cuál es tu opinión sobre los adolescentes/jóvenes adultos que no tienen ni usan las redes sociales?Tengo 20 años, pero cuando era adolescente no usé las redes sociales, la gente pensaba que era muy extraño que no tuviera al menos una cuenta de redes sociales, al principio pensaban que estaba jugando hasta que sabían que era serio y luego empezaron a hacerme docenas de preguntas sobre por qué no uso las redes sociales. (Todavía sucede hoy)
I have a story I had a sports teacher I hated him. I was about 11 years old. One day he wanted that we should go there and there. There I stood not knowing what I should do know. He came to me took me at my neck and pulled me with force over the sportfield. I was always too scared to tell anybody but then when he was gone I did
[ "I have a story I had a sports teacher I hated him.I was about 11 years old.One day he wanted that we should go there and there.There I stood not knowing what I should do know.He came to me took me at my neck and pulled me with force over the sportfield.I was always too scared to tell anybody but then when he was gone I did" ]
Tengo una historia que tenía un profesor de deportes que lo odiaba.Tenía unos 11 años de edad.Un día quería que fuéramos allí y allá.Allí estaba yo sin saber lo que debía hacer saber.Él vino a mí me tomó en mi cuello y me tiró con fuerza sobre el campo de deportes.Siempre estaba demasiado asustado para decirle a nadie, pero entonces cuando se había ido lo hice
Boys only How long is an average cock at a 14 y o? Idk i am in math class so fuck my teacher
[ "Boys only How long is an average cock at a 14 y o?Idk i am in math class so fuck my teacher" ]
Sólo para chicos ¿Cuánto dura una polla media a 14 años?Idk estoy en clase de matemáticas así que folla a mi profesor
I got 34 on my grammar test For more Info , search grammar rule 34
[ "I got 34 on my grammar test For more Info , search grammar rule 34" ]
Tengo 34 en mi examen de gramática Para más información , regla de gramática de búsqueda 34
i miss him please text me. i miss u. i just wanna be friendssssss. i promise i won't say i love u ever again. just talk to me. i don't wanna talk to your friends, i wanna talk to u. im sorry for being ugly. i know i embarrassed u infront of your friends but i just want to know u
[ "i miss him please text me.i miss u.i just wanna be friendssssss.i promise i won't say i love u ever again.just talk to me.i don't wanna talk to your friends, i wanna talk to u. im sorry for being ugly.i know i embarrassed u infront of your friendsbut i just want to know u" ]
Le echo de menos, por favor, envíame un mensaje de texto.Error u.i sólo quiero ser Friendsssssss.i prometo que no voy a decir que te amo nunca más.Sólo habla conmigo.No quiero hablar con tus amigos, quiero hablar contigo. Lo siento por ser fea. Sé que te avergüenzo delante de tus amigos, pero sólo quiero saber u
I'm tiredI'm so tired, I just genuinely don't see anyway out of this. I've got medical expenses that I have to work out so I'm not exactly financially independent at the moment, and I have no other option than to live with my parents. I want to work but legal reasons are making that a bit complicated. So I'm stuck at my parents home dealing with my mom. She is a temperamental woman, she doesn't have any sort of control over her emotions, and she constantly makes me the subject of her anger. I can barely live in this house without being blamed or attacked by her over incredibly small things. I can't take being made to feel like a failure anymore. The real cherry on this situation is that not only does she have depression herself, but so does my sister. You think that'd make her more sympathetic to her other depressed child, but no. So when she has to call out of work cause her mental illness makes it hard for her to leave the house, the entire world has to stop to take care of her. When my mental illness makes it hard for me to get out of bed, I'm a lazy bastard that she feels like never accepted adulthood. I just want this to be over. I just want her to leave me alone for once. And I don't see any other way for this to happen.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm tiredI'm so tired, I just genuinely don't see anyway out of this.I've got medical expenses that I have to work out so I'm not exactly financially independent at the moment, and I have no other option than to live with my parents.I want to work but legal reasons are making that a bit complicated.So I'm stuck at my parents home dealing with my mom.She is a temperamental woman, she doesn't have any sort of control over her emotions, and she constantly makes me the subject of her anger.I can barely live in this house without being blamed or attacked by her over incredibly small things.I can't take being made to feel like a failure anymore.The real cherry on this situation is that not only does she have depression herself, but so does my sister.You think that'd make her more sympathetic to her other depressed child, but no.So when she has to call out of work cause her mental illness makes it hard for her to leave the house, the entire world has to stop to take care of her.When my mental illness makes it hard for me to get out of bed, I'm a lazy bastard that she feels like never accepted adulthood.I just want this to be over.I just want her to leave me alone for once.", "And I don't see any other way for this to happen." ]
Estoy cansadaEstoy tan cansada que no tengo otra opción que vivir con mis padres.Quiero trabajar pero las razones legales lo están complicando un poco.Así que estoy atrapada en casa de mis padres tratando con mi madre.Ella es una mujer temperamental, ella no tiene ningún tipo de control sobre sus emociones, y ella constantemente me hace el tema de su ira.Apenas puedo vivir en esta casa sin ser culpada o atacada por sus cosas increíblemente pequeñas.No puedo tomar que me hagan sentir como un fracaso más.La verdadera cereza en esta situación es que no sólo tiene depresión ella misma, sino que también lo hace mi hermana.Usted piensa que eso la haría más compasiva con su otro niño deprimido, pero no.Así que cuando ella tiene que llamar para salir del trabajo hace que su enfermedad mental sea difícil para ella salir de la casa.
Why do we have to interpret text? Seriously this shit is so boring. We have to dissect a book but my attention span is like 30 seconds. I have to reread chapters like 5 times to actually get what I just read
[ "Why do we have to interpret text?Seriously this shit is so boring.We have to dissect a book but my attention span is like 30 seconds.I have to reread chapters like 5 times to actually get what I just read" ]
¿Por qué tenemos que interpretar el texto?En serio, esta mierda es tan aburrida.Tenemos que diseccionar un libro pero mi espacio de atención es como 30 segundos.Tengo que releer capítulos como 5 veces para conseguir lo que acabo de leer
Can someone give me lessons on how to properly talk to someone? Basically title says it all, social anxiety doesn’t help at all, and I’ve been secluded for a really long time so I have no idea how to talk to people :) thanks
[ "Can someone give me lessons on how to properly talk to someone?Basically title says it all, social anxiety doesn’t help at all, and I’ve been secluded for a really long time so I have no idea how to talk to people :) thanks" ]
¿Puede alguien darme lecciones sobre cómo hablar correctamente con alguien? Básicamente el título lo dice todo, la ansiedad social no ayuda en absoluto, y he estado aislado durante mucho tiempo, así que no tengo ni idea de cómo hablar con la gente :) gracias
I feel like I'm out of optionsI'm 24 and a senior in college. Last semester I had a break down and ended up doing a medical drop of everything. I wanted to do better this semester. I wanted to pass everything this semester and try to fix my GPA by getting good grades. But I failed. Again. People openly make fun of me and how long it's taking me to graduate. From my family to strangers. I hate myself already guys, I get it. I'm a piece of shit who sucks up money and never makes any progress. My family 100% told my extended family that I did a medical withdrawn from classes last semester. Nobody has mentioned it but everyone looks at me and doesn't know what to say. They don't joke around me like they used to. They just look at me like I'm a black sheep who's using my parents money and making excuses to not move on. I'm sorry. I really am. I had an appointment with my psychiatrist today and I was honest with them about what was going on. My psychiatrist got mad at me. I know I fucked up again, I'm not proud of it. I explained how bad a situation I'm in and their solution was to talk to my professors. That's it. I need to beg my professors not to flunk me and to work with me to get passing grades this semester. If even one of them doesn'help me I flunk out of college and the last five years of my life verify I'm a complete waste of space. I would rather kill myself. Literally I'm here contemplating who what stuff should go to. How to get carbon monoxide to build up around me or if drinking bleach would actually kill me. I have no friends to go to. It's mostly just nice items in a video game I want to go to someone who will appreciate them. How do I give them to someone without raising any flags or get them to accept them? My psychiatrist said she wants to hear from me by Friday at a certain time to know I've talked to my professors. So I guess that's when I need to be dead by. I can't take it anymore. I can't stand fucking up. I know I need to face up and accept reality but I can't. I tried every day, for years, to get somewhere. I got so close. 138 credit hours. That's how far I came. I just want to drive somewhere secluded, walk into the woods and jam a knife into my neck. I'm sorry everyone for wasting your time for so long. I tried. I really tried to fight for so long, but I think it's time for me to accept that I'm beyond help and that I need to be dead. I can't deal with whats around me anymore. It constantly feels like I'm going to throw up from being anxious around anyone and everyone. I'm nauseous because I know I need to do things and I just can't. I just feel more and more sick. More and more guilty. I have panic attacks while driving now. I'm sorry. I have nothing else left. I really wish you all more success in your fight than me, but I think this is probably going to be my last post. I just need to get this off my chest. I love you all, thank you for the support over the time I've posted here it means a lot to me.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I feel like I'm out of optionsI'm 24 and a senior in college.Last semester I had a break down and ended up doing a medical drop of everything.I wanted to do better this semester.I wanted to pass everything this semester and try to fix my GPA by getting good grades.But I failed.Again.People openly make fun of me and how long it's taking me to graduate.From my family to strangers.I hate myself already guys, I get it.I'm a piece of shit who sucks up money and never makes any progress.My family 100% told my extended family that I did a medical withdrawn from classes last semester.Nobody has mentioned it but everyone looks at me and doesn't know what to say.They don't joke around me like they used to.They just look at me like I'm a black sheep who's using my parents money and making excuses to not move on.I'm sorry.I really am.I had an appointment with my psychiatrist today and I was honest with them about what was going on.My psychiatrist got mad at me.I know I fucked up again, I'm not proud of it.I explained how bad a situation I'm in and their solution was to talk to my professors.That's it.", "I need to beg my professors not to flunk me and to work with me to get passing grades this semester.If even one of them doesn'help me I flunk out of college and the last five years of my life verifyI'm a complete waste of space.I would rather kill myself.Literally I'm here contemplating who what stuff should go to.How to get carbon monoxide to build up around me or if drinking bleach would actually kill me.I have no friends to go to.It's mostly just nice items in a video game I want to go to someone who will appreciate them.How do I give them to someone without raising any flags or get them to accept them?My psychiatrist said she wants to hear from me by Friday at a certain time to know I've talked to my professors.So I guess that's when I need to be dead by.I can't take it anymore.I can't stand fucking up.I know I need to face up and accept realitybut I can't.I tried every day, for years, to get somewhere.I got so close.138 credit hours.That's how far I came.I just want to drive somewhere secluded, walk into the woods and jam a knife into my neck.I'm sorry everyone for wasting your time for so long.I tried.", "I really tried to fight for so long, but I think it's time for me to accept that I'm beyond help and that I need to be dead.I can't deal with whats around me anymore.It constantly feels like I'm going to throw up from being anxious around anyone and everyone.I'm nauseous because I know I need to do things and I just can't.I just feel more and more sick.More and more guilty.I have panic attacks while driving now.I'm sorry.I have nothing else left.I really wish you all more success in your fight than me, but I think this is probably going to be my last post.I just need to get this off my chest.I love you all, thank you for the support over the time I've posted here it means a lot to me." ]
Me siento como si no tuviera opciones.Tengo 24 años y un último año en la universidad.El semestre pasado tuve un descanso y terminé haciendo una gota médica de todo.Quería hacer algo mejor este semestre.Quería pasar todo este semestre y tratar de arreglar mi GPA obteniendo buenas notas.Pero fallé.Otra vez.La gente abiertamente se burla de mí y cuánto tiempo me lleva a graduarme.De mi familia a extraños.Ya me odio a mí mismo, lo entiendo.Soy un pedazo de mierda que chupa el dinero y nunca hace ningún progreso.Mi familia 100% le dijo a mi familia extensa que hice un retiro médico de clases el semestre pasado.Nadie lo ha mencionado pero todos me miran y no saben qué decir.No bromean conmigo como solían hacerlo.Me miran como si fuera una oveja negra que está usando el dinero de mis padres y haciendo excusas para no seguir adelante.Lo siento mucho.Yo realmente lo estoy.Tuve una cita con mi psiquiatra hoy y fui honesto con ellos acerca de lo que estaba pasando.Mi psiquiatra se enojó conmigo.
Suicide is desireable. Change my mindGive me a good argument to why i should not commit suicide. Under the following conditions I am selfish enough to ignore the pain of family members/friends or whatever close person because i am sick and tired of life I dont believe any religion
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Suicide is desireable.Change my mindGive me a good argument to why i should not commit suicide.Under the following conditions\n\nI am selfish enough to ignore the pain of family members/friends or whatever close person because i am sick and tired of life\n\nI dont believe any religion" ]
El suicidio es deseable.Cambia de opiniónDame un buen argumento de por qué no debo cometer suicidio.Bajo las siguientes condiciones soy lo suficientemente egoísta como para ignorar el dolor de los miembros de la familia/amigos o cualquier persona cercana porque estoy enfermo y cansado de la vida no creo en ninguna religión
Where’s my young gang at We were never old, it was just a glitch
[ "Where’s my young gang at We were never old, it was just a glitch" ]
¿Dónde está mi joven pandilla en Nunca éramos viejos, era sólo un fallo técnico
bruhTW// Drugs last night b4 i went to sleep i was feeling extremely self h8ful, insecure, and felt like i needed to be punished and pay for being such a piece of shit. i was prescribed clodiline and they come in .1 mg tabs. bc of my age i was only supposed to take half of that .1mg, but i was feeling extra depressed last night so i took .2mg. which was like triple the amount i was supposed to take, (but not enough to od or even kill myself). i didn’t care and went to sleep. then about 3 hours later i wake up & leave my room bc it was extremelyy hot & go to the living room. after being on the couch for a lil bit i felt a cut on my thigh being irritated, so i get up and go to the bathroom and clean it. but then after i clean it i feel extremely light headed and dizzy. now, i didn’t want to fall on the fricking tile floor or toilet in the bathroom, so i walked to my living room & started feeling moree light headed and dizzy and then I just fucking fall and land on my living room table. thankfully my dad was sleeping on the couch and helped me get up. but i was so fucking light headed i could hear immense ringing in my ears and kinda had trouble talking. anyways it’s been like 5 hours since that happened and i still feel light headed when i get up and it’s not as bad. tl:dr i felt like i needed to pay/suffer for being such a worthless piece of shit so i took triple the medication i was prescribed & ended up super dizzy, lightheaded, & my ears were ringing immensely.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "bruhTW// Drugs\n\nlast night b4 i went to sleep i was feeling extremely self h8ful, insecure, and felt like i needed to be punished and pay for being such a piece of shit.i was prescribed clodilineand they come in .1 mg tabs.bc of my age i was only supposed to take half of that .1mg, but i was feeling extra depressed last nightso i took .2mg.which was like triple the amount i was supposed to take, (but not enough to od or even kill myself).i didn’t care and went to sleep.then about 3 hours later i wake up & leave my room bc it was extremelyy hot & go to the living room.after being on the couch for a lil bit i felt a cut on my thigh being irritated, so i get up and go to the bathroom and clean it.but then after i clean it i feel extremely light headed and dizzy.now, i didn’t want to fall on the fricking tile floor or toilet in the bathroom, so i walked to my living room & started feeling moree light headed and dizzy and then I just fucking fall and land on my living room table.thankfully my dad was sleeping on the couch and helped me get up.but i was so fucking light headed i could hear immense ringing in my ears and kinda had trouble talking.", "anyways it’s been like 5 hours since that happenedand i still feel light headed when i get upand it’s not as bad.tl:dr i felt like i needed to pay/suffer for being such a worthless piece of shitso i took triple the medication i was prescribed & ended up super dizzy, lightheaded, & my ears were ringing immensely." ]
bruhTW// Drogas anoche b4 me fui a dormir y me sentía extremadamente autosuficiente, inseguro, y sentí que necesitaba ser castigado y pagar por ser un pedazo de mierda.I fue prescrito clodiline y vienen en .1 mg tabs.bc de mi edad sólo se suponía que tomaría la mitad de esa .1mg, pero me sentía extra deprimido anoche así que tomé .2mg.que era como el triple de la cantidad que se suponía que debía tomar, (pero no lo suficiente para od o incluso matarme).No me importaba y me fui a dormir.entonces unas 3 horas más tarde me desperté y me fui al baño y lo limpié.pero luego después de limpiarlo me sentí extremadamente caliente y mareado.Después de estar en el sofá por un poco sentí un corte en mi muslo irritado, así que me levanté y fui al baño y lo limpié.pero luego después de limpiarlo me sentí extremadamente caliente y me mareé.Ahora, no quería caerme en el piso de baldosas o en el baño, así que caminé a mi cuarto de vida & pero empecé a tomar la cabeza y a tomar la cabeza.
Unemployed. Can't get job. Denied disability. There's no way out.I'm going to be 30 this year. I can't hold a job because the anxiety of having a schedule is unbearable. I'll be in physical pain from anxiety all night and then not go into work the day after. The only way I can see myself working is working from home but the act of even applying for a job is overwhelming, I can't handle the rejection of not getting any results. I'm useless. I have no skills. Even if I manage to do an application it doesn't matter because I won't get the job anyway. I fucking hate myself so much. I'm stuck. I have no money, I live at home, I'm pathetic. I cannot handle the humiliation and suffocating feeling of being stuck like this anymore and the only way out is killing myself. I have a therapist, they know my problems with this, I've tried some vocational rehab thing but it didn't work for me. Applied for disability multiple times and didn't get it even after a court hearing. Please change my mind because right now I just want to die. I'm not fit to live in this world because of my broken brain. I'd be doing everyone a favor by killing myself.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Unemployed.Can't get job.Denied disability.There's no way out.I'm going to be 30 this year.I can't hold a job because the anxiety of having a schedule is unbearable.I'll be in physical pain from anxiety all night and then not go into work the day after.The only way I can see myself working is working from home but the act of even applying for a job is overwhelming, I can't handle the rejection of not getting any results.I'm useless.I have no skills.Even if I manage to do an application it doesn't matter because I won't get the job anyway.I fucking hate myself so much.I'm stuck.I have no money, I live at home, I'm pathetic.I cannot handle the humiliation and suffocating feeling of being stuck like this anymore and the only way out is killing myself.I have a therapist, they know my problems with this, I've tried some vocational rehab thing but it didn't work for me.Applied for disability multiple times and didn't get it even after a court hearing.Please change my mind because right now I just want to die.I'm not fit to live in this world because of my broken brain.I'd be doing everyone a favor by killing myself." ]
No puedo tener un trabajo porque la ansiedad de tener un horario es insoportable.Estaré en dolor físico por la ansiedad toda la noche y luego no iré al trabajo el día siguiente.La única manera en que puedo verme trabajando es trabajando desde casa, pero el acto de incluso solicitar un trabajo es abrumador, no puedo manejar el rechazo de no obtener ningún resultado.Soy inútil.No tengo habilidades.Aunque consiga hacer una aplicación ya no importa porque no voy a conseguir el trabajo de todos modos.Me odio tanto a mí mismo.Estoy atascado.No tengo dinero, vivo en casa, soy patético.No puedo manejar la humillación y la sensación sofocante de estar atascado como esto más y la única forma de salir es matarme a mí mismo.Tengo un terapeuta, conocen mis problemas con esto, he probado algo de rehabilitación vocacional, pero no he podido manejar la sensación de estar atascado como esto y la única forma de salir es matandome a mí mismo.
I just feel like me staying alive is selfishI'm fucked up I was born fucked up I am a fuck up. I get anxious and overreact to anything I fly of the handle at my parents for no reason we argue nightly they probably hate me. I think my mum might just up and leave she hates spending time with me and being near her I don't even blame her I would want me out of my life if I was her too. My dad tries to be nice but he gets mad all the time because he has so much anger towards me and again it's my fault I started it I caused it. I'm upsetting my brother by having all these arguments all I am to him is a loud annoyance. fuck it I'm even upsetting my dog with all the shouting. My friends are great but I know deep down I'm an annoying piece of shit and they would be a lot fucking happier if I wasn't there. And as for the rest of my family all they hear about is the fucked up one with the mental issues they wouldn't care. I don't see how I am benefiting anyone by being alive my death would cause less damage than me being alive does. I should just do it why do I have to so selfish in keeping myself alive Im not enjoying living so seriously what's the point.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I just feel like me staying alive is selfishI'm fucked up I was born fucked up I am a fuck up.I get anxious and overreact to anything I fly of the handle at my parents for no reason we argue nightly they probably hate me.I think my mum might just up and leave she hates spending time with me and being near herI don't even blame herI would want me out of my life if I was her too.My dad tries to be nice but he gets mad all the time because he has so much anger towards me and again it's my fault I started it I caused it.I'm upsetting my brother by having all these arguments all I am to him is a loud annoyance.fuck it I'm even upsetting my dog with all the shouting.My friends are greatbut I know deep down I'm an annoying piece of shitand they would be a lot fucking happier if I wasn't there.And as for the rest of my family all they hear about is the fucked up one with the mental issues they wouldn't care.I don't see how I am benefiting anyone by being alive my death would cause less damage than me being alive does.I should just do it why do I have to so selfish in keeping myself alive Im not enjoying living so seriously what's the point." ]
Siento que estar vivo es egoísta.Estoy jodido.Nací jodido.Estoy jodido.Me pongo ansioso y reacciono de manera exagerada a cualquier cosa que vuele de la manija de mis padres sin ninguna razón por la que discutamos por la noche.Creo que mi madre podría simplemente levantarse y dejar que ella odie pasar tiempo conmigo y estar cerca de ellaNi siquiera la culpo.Me gustaría salir de mi vida si yo fuera ella también.Mi padre trata de ser amable, pero se enoja todo el tiempo porque tiene tanta ira hacia mí y de nuevo es mi culpa que lo empecé a causar.Estoy molestando a mi hermano por tener todos estos argumentos todo lo que soy para él es una gran molestia.Al carajo, incluso estoy molestando a mi perro con todos los gritos.Mis amigos son geniales pero sé muy abajo que soy un pedazo de mierda molesto y que sería mucho más feliz si yo no estuviera allí.Y en cuanto al resto de mi familia todo lo que oyen es un problema mental que no les importa.
Everything's ready but I feel bad for my familyI am going to do it in a few hours anyway but I honestly didn't think I would feel like this.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Everything's ready but I feel bad for my familyI am going to do it in a few hoursanywaybut I honestly didn't think I would feel like this." ]
Todo está listo, pero me siento mal por mi familia. Voy a hacerlo en unas horas, pero honestamente no pensé que me sentiría así.
Didn't think I'd be back in this position.Hello everyone. I'm struggling very very very hard with a breakup that happened last week. We were dating for 2 and a half years and he was my everything. I'm only 17 and I know I have tons of life to live, but I feel completely broken. I used to self harm very badly but I ended that about a year ago. Now, I have fallen back into this downhill depression and I don't know what to do with myself. Everyone I talk to tells me just to "focus on yourself" "do what makes you happy". How am I supposed to make myself happy when he was the only thing keeping me happy? I feel fucking awful, I've been contemplating suicide but I know that's not going to solve my problems. I need advice on how to carry on with myself. What do I do? How do I help myself? Please help me :(
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Didn't think I'd be back in this position.Hello everyone.I'm struggling very very very hard with a breakup that happened last week.We were dating for 2 and a half years and he was my everything.I'm only 17and I know I have tons of life to live, but I feel completely broken.I used to self harm very badly but I ended that about a year ago.Now, I have fallen back into this downhill depression and I don't know what to do with myself.Everyone I talk to tells me just to \"focus on yourself\" \"do what makes you happy\".How am I supposed to make myself happy when he was the only thing keeping me happy?\nI feel fucking awful, I've been contemplating suicidebut I know that's not going to solve my problems.I need advice on how to carry on with myself.What do I do?How do I help myself?Please help me :(" ]
No pensé que estaría de vuelta en esta posición.Hola a todos.Estoy luchando muy muy muy muy duro con una ruptura que sucedió la semana pasada.Estabamos saliendo por 2 años y medio y él era mi todo.Sólo tengo 17 años y sé que tengo toneladas de vida para vivir, pero me siento completamente roto.Acostumbraba a autodañarme muy mal pero terminé eso hace un año.Ahora, he vuelto a caer en esta depresión cuesta abajo y no sé qué hacer conmigo mismo.Todos con los que hablo me dicen que sólo me "enfoque en ti mismo" "haz lo que te hace feliz".¿Cómo se supone que me haga feliz cuando él era la única cosa que me mantiene feliz?Me siento jodidamente horrible, he estado contemplando el suicidio pero sé que no va a resolver mis problemas.Necesito consejos sobre cómo seguir adelante conmigo mismo.¿Qué hago?
LookingThe best of us That needed trust In both of us The best of us That needed love For both of us The last of us In both of us The best of us That never used Abused Rused Or lies to In both of us The best of us In these last times That seemed fine In our minds The last time In both of us The best of us That use love for goosebumps Good humps and wiggles Friends that whistle To missions Of these In both of us The best of us When is the next time I'll see you The Both of us That gain trust She and He All the love In both of us The best of us Soon to see The last of eternity And hurried me to burry me sooner Too selfish Too brutal Finish him In both of us The best of us Where are you My geek that swoons And dives To the ride of my life Ride of my life This girl Right here.. This love In both of us The best of us Tears More tears To heavy Floods To ready Fires Not deadly.. Spit venom.. in both of us The best of us Left scars on every one Every son and daughter One another Till moon beam and sun rays Are pleasant And the essence Of our faces erases These wack thoughts Of a black thot Two thoughts not enough to settle And two minds That muttle in the middle Of intelligence I've never laughed harder in my life This my wife Even if she's not my wife I just got one life To live with kids And within Finds friends that were never lost And the the cost is less heavy Cause these deadly remedies Steady me to end me Well less of this same cat I love that Over and over Older and older Till covers resemble dirt And the earth has the birth To fill the worth of these sky Where I pray So I can say that these days just rage with or without The doubt of us Every being broke I spoke with the smoke For jokes that seemed ready Deadly Well we finish them In both of us The best of us W
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "LookingThe best of us\nThat needed trust\nIn both of us\nThe best of us\nThat needed love\nFor both of us\nThe last of us\nIn both of us\nThe best of us\nThat never used\nAbused\nRused\nOr lies to\nIn both of us\nThe best of us\nIn these last times\nThat seemed fineIn our minds\nThe last time\nIn both of us\nThe best of us\nThat use love for goosebumps\nGood humps and wiggles\nFriends that whistle\nTo missions\nOf these\nIn both of us\nThe best of us\nWhen is the next time\nI'll see you\nThe Both of us\nThat gain trustShe and He\nAll the love\nIn both of us\nThe best of us\nSoon to see\nThe last of eternity\nAnd hurried me to burry me sooner\nToo selfish\nToo brutal\nFinish him\nIn both of us\nThe best of us\nWhere are you\nMy geek that swoons\nAnd dives\nTo the ride of my life\nRide of my life\nThis girl\nRight here..This love\nIn both of us\nThe best of us\nTears\nMore tears\nTo heavy\nFloods\nTo ready\nFires\nNot deadly..Spit venom..\nin both of us\nThe best of us\nLeft scars on every one\nEvery son and daughter\nOne anotherTill moon beam and sun rays\nAre pleasant\nAnd the essence\nOf our faces erases\nThese wack thoughts\nOf a black thotTwo thoughts not enough to settle\nAnd two minds\nThat muttle in the middle\nOf intelligence\n", "I've never laughed harder in my lifeThis my wife\nEven if she's not my wife\nI just got one life\nTo live with kids\nAnd within\nFinds friends that were never lost\nAnd the the cost is less heavy\nCause these deadly remedies\nSteady me to end me\nWell less of this same cat\nI love that\nOver and over\nOlder and older\nTill covers resemble dirt\nAnd the earth has the birth\nTo fill the worth of these sky\nWhere I praySo I can say that these days just rage with or without\nThe doubt of us\nEvery being broke\nI spoke with the smoke\nFor jokes that seemed ready\nDeadlyWell we finish them\nIn both of us\nThe best of us\nW" ]
LookingThe best of us Than needed fide In both of us The best of us That needed love To ours The best of us That ours The Última vez En nuestras mentes La última vez En nosotros Los mejores de nosotros Los mejores de nosotros Los mejores de nosotros Los mejores de nosotros Los mejores de nosotros Los mejores de nosotros Los mejores de nosotros Los mejores de nosotros Pronto ver El último de la eternidad Y me apresuró a enterrarme antes Demasiado egoísta Demasiado brutal Acabar con él En ambos de nosotros Los mejores de nosotros ¿Dónde estás Mi geek que lo hace Y se sumerge al paseo de mi vida Paseo de mi vida Esta chica Justo aquí..Este amor En ambos de nosotros Los mejores de nosotros Lágrimas Más lágrimas A intensos Inundaciones No mortales.Spit venom. en nosotros Los mejores de nuestra vida Los mejores de nuestra vida Los mejores de nuestra vida Esta chica Justo aquí..
so uh i had a weird dream i somehow mett up with omaba and then we rode dragons 😐
[ "so uh i had a weird dream i somehow mett up with omaba and then we rode dragons 😐" ]
Así que uh tuve un sueño raro de alguna manera me encontré con omaba y luego montamos dragones
Are some bodies just wrongif karma is real, I'll see you all in the next life. i'll send a signal or something.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Are some bodies just wrongif karma is real, I'll see you all in the next life.i'll send a signal or something." ]
¿Algunos cuerpos están equivocados si el karma es real?Los veré a todos en la próxima vida.Enviaré una señal o algo así.
I'm 42 years old, and I don't feel any betterHow long do I wait for life to be worth living before I accept that I will never be happy? Do I wait until I'm 80 to off myself? People have been telling me since I was in my 20s that I have my whole life ahead of me, just wait, things will get better. They don't. I'm more than halfway to the end of my life, looking forward to even more years of unhappiness? No, thank you.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm 42 years old, and I don't feel any betterHow long do I wait for life to be worth living before I accept that I will never be happy?Do I wait until I'm 80 to off myself?People have been telling me since I was in my 20s that I have my whole life ahead of me, just wait, things will get better.They don't.I'm more than halfway to the end of my life, looking forward to even more years of unhappiness?No, thank you." ]
Tengo 42 años, y no me siento mejor ¿Cuánto tiempo espero que la vida valga la pena antes de aceptar que nunca seré feliz?¿Espero hasta que tenga 80 años?La gente me ha estado diciendo desde que tenía 20 años que tengo toda mi vida por delante, sólo espera, las cosas se pondrán mejor.No lo hacen.Estoy a más de la mitad del final de mi vida, con ganas de incluso más años de infelicidad?No, gracias.
I want to party with topless girls. It just looks fun, get drunk, grab a few tits and ass. Whole bunch of titties and ass.
[ "I want to party with topless girls.It just looks fun, get drunk, grab a few tits and ass.Whole bunch of titties and ass." ]
Quiero divertirme con chicas en topless.Se ve divertido, emborracharme, coger unas tetas y culos.Todo un montón de tetas y culos.
Would killing yourself on new year’s be considered too cliche?I wanna go out on a new year but I don’t want people to look back on it and think I’m some edgy teenager for doing so.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Would killing yourself on new year’s be considered too cliche?I wanna go out on a new yearbut I don’t want people to look back on it and think I’m some edgy teenager for doing so." ]
¿Se mataría en el año nuevo ser considerado demasiado cliché?Quiero salir en un año nuevo, pero no quiero que la gente mirar hacia atrás en él y pensar que soy un adolescente nervioso para hacerlo.
sickI feel like the only way I can go through with all this therapy is to eliminate drugs from my life completely. I haven't had a sober day for almost 3 years now. the meds they keep giving me make me feel like something I'm not, while drugs help me hang on to who I am. I can't give drugs up because I'm scared of what is "real" and I'm scared of what my life will be like totally sober and hypnotized by meds. I don't want to lose ahold of myself because it's all I know. it's who i am.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "sickI feel like the only way I can go through with all this therapy is to eliminate drugs from my life completely.I haven't had a sober day for almost 3 years now.the meds they keep giving me make me feel like something I'm not, while drugs help me hang on to who I am.I can't give drugs up because I'm scared of what is \"real\" and I'm scared of what my life will be like totally sober and hypnotized by meds.I don't want to lose ahold of myself because it's all I know.it's who i am." ]
EnfermoSiento que la única manera en que puedo pasar con toda esta terapia es eliminar completamente las drogas de mi vida.No he tenido un día sobrio desde hace casi 3 años.Los medicamentos que me siguen dando me hacen sentir como algo que no soy, mientras que las drogas me ayudan a aferrarme a quien soy.No puedo renunciar a las drogas porque tengo miedo de lo que es "real" y tengo miedo de lo que mi vida será totalmente sobria e hipnotizada por los medicamentos.No quiero perder el control de mí misma porque es todo lo que sé.Es lo que soy.
Having strong suicidal tendencies now. Can't even get through to a suicide hotline. No one is picking my call. Too scaredLife is complicated for everyone. I don't have the courage to face my current problems head on. Counseling is helping me calm down a bit but it's too slow. A precipitating event happened a while ago. Feeling like committing suicide but I have some reasons that are holding me back. But the only thing I can think about right now is dying. Very difficult to even breathe
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Having strong suicidal tendencies now.Can't even get through to a suicide hotline.No one is picking my call.Too scaredLife is complicated for everyone.I don't have the courage to face my current problems head on.Counseling is helping me calm down a bitbut it's too slow.A precipitating event happened a while ago.Feeling like committing suicidebut I have some reasons that are holding me back.But the only thing I can think about right now is dying.Very difficult to even breathe" ]
Tener fuertes tendencias suicidas ahora.Ni siquiera puedo llegar a una línea directa de suicidio.Nadie está eligiendo mi llamada.Demasiado asustadoLa vida es complicada para todos.No tengo el valor de enfrentar mis problemas actuales de frente.El asesoramiento me está ayudando a calmarme un poco, pero es demasiado lento.Un evento precipitante sucedió hace un tiempo.Sentirme como suicida pero tengo algunas razones que me retienen.Pero lo único que puedo pensar ahora mismo es morir.Muy difícil incluso respirar.
So my birthday is tomorrow and I feel like I've really matured since last year I mean now I can fit a whole 6 pringles in my mouth compared to my previous limit of 4
[ "So my birthday is tomorrow and I feel like I've really matured since last yearI mean now I can fit a whole 6 pringles in my mouth compared to my previous limit of 4" ]
Así que mi cumpleaños es mañana y siento que realmente he madurado desde el año pasado quiero decir ahora puedo caber un total de 6 pringles en mi boca en comparación con mi límite anterior de 4
I really wanted to thow my life away.Hello, im a foreign student living in a share house, 2 days ago i was found out comitting peeping into girls bath, got to the police, i didnt want to trust in reality so i denied, they let me go home, but then after some thought i turned myself in after a long sleep, they let me go home after that and make an appointment to interrogate me next week with a translator cause im not that fluent with the language, i called my parents and told them everything..they cried and told me whatever i do im still their son so no worry, but now im in a depression, can not look anyone into the eyes, go home late , go out early to avoid everyone, every night i dream of my parents, they let me pursue my dream , spent their whole fortune for me, but now look at me , i most likely will not able to extend my visa, or even get expelled from the country. Been thinking that i should just end it all but my mom crying voice keep just appear in my head. I plan to personally go apologize to all the girls i peeped while wating for the police to call me back, but im lost at what should i do after that. I just want someone to hear my story and get some loads of my shoulder. Thanks.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I really wanted to thow my life away.Hello, im a foreign student living in a share house, 2 days ago i was found out comitting peeping into girls bath, got to the police, i didnt want to trust in reality so i denied, they let me go home, but then after some thought i turned myself in after a long sleep, they let me go home after that and make an appointment to interrogate me next week with a translator cause im not that fluent with the language, i called my parents and told them everything..they cried and told me whatever i do im still their son so no worry, but now im in a depression, can not look anyone into the eyes, go home late , go out early to avoid everyone, every night i dream of my parents, they let me pursue my dream , spent their whole fortune for me, but now look at me , i most likely will not able to extend my visa, or even get expelled from the country.Been thinking that i should just end it all but my mom crying voice keep just appear in my head.I plan to personally go apologize to all the girls i peeped while wating for the police to call me back, but im lost at what should i do after that.I just want someone to hear my story and get some loads of my shoulder.", "Thanks." ]
Yo realmente quería hacer mi vida lejos.Hola, im un estudiante extranjero que vive en una casa compartida, hace 2 días que me enteré comitiendo espiando en el baño de las niñas, llegué a la policía, no quería confiar en la realidad así que lo negué, me dejaron ir a casa, pero después de algún pensamiento me entregué después de un largo sueño, me dejaron ir a casa después de eso y hacer una cita para interrogarme la próxima semana con un traductor porque no soy tan fluido con el idioma, llamé a mis padres y les dije todo.. lloraron y me dijeron lo que sea que hago todavía su hijo así que no se preocupen, pero ahora im en una depresión, no puedo mirar a nadie a los ojos, ir a casa tarde, salir temprano para evitar a todos, cada noche que sueño con mis padres, me dejaron perseguir mi sueño, gastar toda su fortuna por mí, pero ahora míreme, lo más probable es que no pueda extender mi visa, o incluso ser expulsado del país.
there’s nothing i can do except end iti pushed everyone away. my parents wouldn’t care if i killed myself. the cycle goes on and on. I can’t do this. I feel actually mentally crazy. i keep having dreams where i finally snap and slice open my wrists. i need help so bad. so fucking bad. i don’t care if i have to go to a program for more than a week or months. But no. I can’t get help at all because a minor, i can’t drive, and no one in my house has a job. so i sit here and all i do is fucking SUFFER. only option is to kill myself it seems. i just wish someone would miss me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "there’s nothing i can do except end iti pushed everyone away.my parents wouldn’t care if i killed myself.the cycle goes on and on.I can’t do this.I feel actually mentally crazy.i keep having dreams where i finally snap and slice open my wrists.i need help so bad.so fucking bad.i don’t care if i have to go to a program for more than a week or months.But no.I can’t get help at all because a minor, i can’t drive, and no one in my house has a job.so i sit here and all i do is fucking SUFFER.only option is to kill myself it seems.i just wish someone would miss me" ]
No hay nada que pueda hacer excepto terminar Iti empujó a todos lejos.A mis padres no le importaría si me mataba a mí mismo.El ciclo continúa y sigue.No puedo hacer esto.Me siento realmente loco mentalmente.Sigo teniendo sueños donde finalmente chasqueo y rebano mis muñecas.Necesito ayuda tan mal.tan jodidamente malo.No me importa si tengo que ir a un programa por más de una semana o meses.Pero no.No puedo conseguir ayuda en absoluto porque un menor, no puedo conducir, y nadie en mi casa tiene un trabajo.así que me siento aquí y todo lo que hago es mierda SUFFER.solo la opción es matarme a mí mismo parece.solo deseo que alguien me echaría de menos.
Suicide Pact? Y'all wanna watch some Power Rangers or somethin. I'm bored
[ "Suicide Pact?Y'all wanna watch some Power Rangers or somethin.I'm bored" ]
¿Pacto de suicidio?Todos quieren ver algunos Power Rangers o algo así.Estoy aburrido
My 2 ‘best friends’ just blocked me on snap and left the Group chat :/ All because I was sorting my university stuff out and doing college work and I didn’t reply to them because of that. Bearing in mind I’ve got about 20 people on delivered on snap right now because I’m trying to sort my own life out They slandered a girl who I used to be close to and who I liked and I aired the group chat because they were trying to wind me up and then I go back on snap and they’ve both blocked me for whatever reason :/. If anyone wanna be friends HMU :) I’m English haha
[ "My 2 ‘best friends’ just blocked me on snap and left the Group chat :/All because I was sorting my university stuff out and doing college work and I didn’t reply to them because of that.Bearing in mind I’ve got about 20 people on delivered on snap right now because I’m trying to sort my own life outThey slandered a girl who I used to be close to and who I liked and I aired the group chat because they were trying to wind me upand then I go back on snap and they’ve both blocked me for whatever reason :/.If anyone wanna be friends HMU :)I’m English haha" ]
Mis 2 "mejores amigos" simplemente me bloqueó en snap y dejó el chat del Grupo : / Todo porque estaba ordenando mis cosas de la universidad y haciendo trabajo universitario y no les respondí por eso. Teniendo en cuenta que tengo cerca de 20 personas en entrega en snap ahora mismo porque estoy tratando de resolver mi propia vida fuera Ellos difamaron a una chica a la que solía estar cerca y que me gustaba y difundí la charla en grupo porque estaban tratando de convencerme y luego vuelvo en snap y ambos me han bloqueado por cualquier razón : /.Si alguien quiere ser amigos HMU :)Soy inglés jaha
OMG TODAY WAS ACTUALLY A GOOD DAY FOR ME I got a compliment!! Omg can you believe it?? I made this friend on reddit and she is ABSOLUTELY amazing. You know what she said? She said, "Thanks for existing. You are amazing" I'll not forget this anytime soon. i am happy. Good night to me and a good to you guys!!
[ "OMG TODAY WAS ACTUALLY A GOOD DAY FOR MEI got a compliment!!Omg can you believe it??I made this friend on reddit and she is ABSOLUTELY amazing.You know what she said?She said,\n\n\"Thanks for existing.You are amazing\"\n\nI'll not forget this anytime soon.i am happy.Good night to me and a good to you guys!!" ]
OMG HOY ERA REALMENTE UN BUEN DÍA PARA MÍ ¡¡Conseguí un cumplido!!Omg ¿Puedes creerlo??Hice este amigo en reddit y ella es absolutamente increíble.¿Sabes lo que dijo?Ella dijo, "Gracias por existir.Tú eres increíble" No olvidaré esto pronto.Estoy feliz.Buenas noches para mí y un bueno para ustedes chicos!!
The Principle accidentally called me Dad Lol, he opened the door for me and said “there you go dad.” It was kinda awkward after that
[ "The Principle accidentally called me Dad Lol, he opened the door for me and said “there you go dad.”It was kinda awkward after that" ]
El Principio accidentalmente me llamó papá Lol, me abrió la puerta y me dijo “ahí vas papá”. Fue un poco incómodo después de eso.
I'm Sorry.I really think I am going to kill myself tonight. I have some pills and honestly it seems like the only way i'll ever feel okay. I only ever feel anxious and depressed anymore, I can't remember the last time I was actually truly happy. I am trying so hard to get better since being hospitalized in February but it feels like since than everything has just taken a turn for the worse and I can't get out of it. I self harm all the time, I just had to quit my part time job once again because of anxiety, I am going to have no money to go towards University next year, and i'm just done. I only have on friend, and I happen to be in love with but he likes someone else so that' shitty. I am convinced that my life was never suppose to happen. I have absolutely no purpose being here. I can't get over the sexual abuse I experienced from my dad as a child, my mom is so disappointed in me for having to quit my job. I'm just a disappointment now and i'm done. I just cant keep carrying this pain with me any longer. I feel terrible because i know that there are people in my life who genuinely care about me, and I love them all for that, but i'm so far from who I use to be and I can't be saved anymore. I am a burden to everyone I know. I'm sorry.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm Sorry.I really think I am going to kill myself tonight.I have some pills and honestly it seems like the only way i'll ever feel okay.I only ever feel anxious and depressed anymore, I can't remember the last time I was actually truly happy.I am trying so hard to get better since being hospitalized in February but it feels like since than everything has just taken a turn for the worse and I can't get out of it.I self harm all the time, I just had to quit my part time job once again because of anxiety, I am going to have no money to go towards University next year, and i'm just done.I only have on friend, and I happen to be in love withbut he likes someone else so that' shitty.I am convinced that my life was never suppose to happen.I have absolutely no purpose being here.I can't get over the sexual abuse I experienced from my dad as a child, my mom is so disappointed in me for having to quit my job.I'm just a disappointment now and i'm done.I just cant keep carrying this pain with me any longer.I feel terrible because i know that there are people in my life who genuinely care about me, and I love them all for that, but i'm so far from who I use to be and I can't be saved anymore.", "I am a burden to everyone I know.I'm sorry." ]
Lo siento, realmente creo que me voy a matar esta noche.Tengo algunas píldoras y honestamente parece que es la única manera en que me sentiré bien.Sólo me siento ansioso y deprimido más, no puedo recordar la última vez que realmente estaba realmente feliz.Estoy tratando de mejorar tanto desde que me hospitalizaron en febrero, pero se siente como desde que todo ha tomado un giro para lo peor y no puedo salir de él.Me lastimo a mí mismo todo el tiempo, sólo tuve que dejar mi trabajo a tiempo parcial una vez más debido a la ansiedad, no voy a tener dinero para ir a la Universidad el próximo año, y acabo de hacerlo.Sólo tengo un amigo, y resulta que estoy enamorado pero le gusta alguien más así que es una mierda.Estoy convencido de que mi vida nunca se supone que suceda.No tengo absolutamente ningún propósito estar aquí.No puedo superar el abuso sexual que he experimentado de mi padre como niño, pero mi mamá está tan decepcionada en mí por tener que dejar mi trabajo.
Rough dayHaving a rough day and feel the lowest I ever have. I’ve never felt this close to breaking
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Rough dayHaving a rough day and feel the lowest I ever have.I’ve never felt this close to breaking" ]
Día duroTener un día duro y sentir lo más bajo que he tenido.Nunca me he sentido tan cerca de romper
This might be my suicide noteI don't know if this will be my suicide note. I hope not. I hurt her. I left her alone. & I seem to continue to do so. I can't take this. I can't take the shame. I can't take the fear. I can't take hurting my most loved one. I want to die. I'm next to a window on a roof, I jump, I die. But if I do that I will traumatize everyone in this house. I am a shitty boyfriend. I'm probably a shitty friend. My family hates me. I have a lot of people who hate me. I have hated me. A ton. I always want to destroy myself out of self-hatred. She feels forgotten. Uncared for. I wanna end it all. She doesn't deserve my hurt. I hurt her & I feel like a monster I want to die & I know how to do it, I get ahold of some Perco's, I DIE, a peaceful euphoric death. I just turned 16. Tomorrow is my birthday party. And I hope I make it.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "This might be my suicide noteI don't know if this will be my suicide note.I hope not.I hurt her.I left her alone.& I seem to continue to do so.I can't take this.I can't take the shame.I can't take the fear.I can't take hurting my most loved one.I want to die.I'm next to a window on a roof, I jump, I die.But if I do that I will traumatize everyone in this house.I am a shitty boyfriend.I'm probably a shitty friend.My family hates me.I have a lot of people who hate me.I have hated me.A ton.I always want to destroy myself out of self-hatred.She feels forgotten.Uncared for.I wanna end it all.She doesn't deserve my hurt.I hurt her & I feel like a monster\n\nI want to die & I know how to do it, I get ahold of some Perco's, I DIE, a peaceful euphoric death.I just turned 16.Tomorrow is my birthday party.And I hope I make it." ]
Esta podría ser mi nota de suicidioNo sé si esta será mi nota de suicidio.Espero que no.La lastime.La dejé sola. & Parece que sigo haciéndolo.No puedo soportarlo.No puedo soportar la vergüenza.No puedo soportar el miedo.No puedo soportar herir a mi ser querido.Quiero morir.Estoy al lado de una ventana en un techo, salto, me muero.Pero si lo hago, traumatizaré a todos en esta casa.Soy un novio de mierda.Probablemente soy un amigo de mierda.Mi familia me odia.Tengo mucha gente que me odia.Me he odiado.Me he sentido como un monstruo que quiero morir &amp.Siempre quiero destruirme de mi propio odio.Se siente olvidada.Despreocupada.Quiero acabar con todo.Ella no merece mi daño.Yo le herí a ella & me siento como un monstruo que quiero morir & sé cómo hacerlo, me aferro a algunos Perco's, a DIE, una muerte eufórica pacífica.
Isn’t it stupid Isn’t it stupid that I’m afraid to tell my family important stuff for fear of being teased? I honestly can’t believe it. smh. It’s ridiculous.
[ "Isn’t it stupid Isn’t it stupid that I’m afraid to tell my family important stuff for fear of being teased?I honestly can’t believe it.smh.It’s ridiculous." ]
¿No es estúpido No es estúpido que tengo miedo de decirle a mi familia cosas importantes por miedo a ser burlado? Honestamente no puedo creerlo. smh.Es ridículo.
You guys feel lonely? I know most ppl here do . Lets talk abt ramdom things in the comments. Also does someone know the wierd music video i dont kmow how to describe it but its super fucking wierd sexual and violent
[ "You guys feel lonely?I know most ppl here do .Lets talk abt ramdom things in the comments.Also does someone know the wierd music video i dont kmow how to describe it but its super fucking wierd sexual and violent" ]
¿Se sienten solos?Sé que la mayoría de los ppl aquí hacen .Vamos a hablar abt radom cosas en los comentarios.También alguien sabe el wierd video musical que no le permite describirlo pero su súper puto wierd sexual y violento
I can't do it anymoreI need to talk to somebody. Tried to kill myself a couple of times. Now, history seems to be repeating itself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I can't do it anymoreI need to talk to somebody.Tried to kill myself a couple of times.Now, history seems to be repeating itself" ]
No puedo hacerlo másNecesito hablar con alguien.Traté de suicidarme un par de veces.Ahora, la historia parece estar repitiéndose
Just a rantI'm so fucking suicidal that it's just become a daily occurrence for me and the thing is, I don't have a reason to be. Nothing bad has ever really happened to me, my family's doing good financially and emotionally, I've got friends, I 've got people who I could go to, doing ok in school, but I just cant stop having self harm thoughts and suicidal thoughts. What the fuck is wrong with me? Am I just attention seeking? Am I overreacting? There's no fucking reason for me to be suicidal, yet I am and I don't know why. I know there's people who have it way worse and have a reason to be but I don't and I feel guilty. Like somehow I'm taking something from them? I know I should just stop being selfish and actually start doing stuff but I just physically and mentally can't and i dont understand why the fuck i cant do shit anymore.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Just a rantI'm so fucking suicidal that it's just become a daily occurrence for me and the thing is, I don't have a reason to be.Nothing bad has ever really happened to me, my family's doing good financially and emotionally, I've got friends, I 've got people who I could go to, doing ok in school, but I just cant stop having self harm thoughts and suicidal thoughts.What the fuck is wrong with me?Am I just attention seeking?Am I overreacting?There's no fucking reason for me to be suicidal, yet I amand I don't know why.I know there's people who have it way worse and have a reason to bebut I don'tand I feel guilty.Like somehow I'm taking something from them?I know I should just stop being selfish and actually start doing stuffbut I just physically and mentally can't and i dont understand why the fuck i cant do shit anymore." ]
Sólo una rabietaSoy tan suicida de mierda que se ha convertido en una ocurrencia diaria para mí y la cosa es, no tengo una razón para ser.Nada malo me ha pasado realmente, mi familia está haciendo bien financiera y emocionalmente, tengo amigos, tengo gente a la que podría ir, haciendo bien en la escuela, pero simplemente no puedo dejar de tener pensamientos autolesivos y pensamientos suicidas.¿Qué mierda me pasa?¿Estoy buscando atención?¿Estoy exagerando?No hay ninguna razón para que sea suicida, sin embargo lo soy y no sé por qué.Sé que hay gente que lo tiene peor y tiene una razón para estar pero no me siento culpable.Como de alguna manera estoy tomando algo de ellos?Sé que debería dejar de ser egoísta y realmente empezar a hacer cosas pero físicamente y mentalmente no puedo y no entiendo por qué la mierda ya no puedo hacer mierda.
A Suicide Note to My DaughterEvery day I’m faced with the worst decision I’ve ever had to think about. Do I continue to live with this disease and run the risk of contaminating my daughter, or do I leave her behind knowing that one day she’ll think to herself that she wasn’t enough to keep me alive? How would I tell her that she could never possibly do anything wrong, but that I couldn’t continue to be miserable and just hope that she would never notice? Is there anything I could say that would help her understand that I’m sick and can’t get better? I don’t want to leave her, but I can’t poison her like my mother did to me. I don’t ever want her to feel the way I do right this moment.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "A Suicide Note to My DaughterEvery day I’m faced with the worst decision I’ve ever had to think about.Do I continue to live with this disease and run the risk of contaminating my daughter, or do I leave her behind knowing that one day she’ll think to herself that she wasn’t enough to keep me alive?How would I tell her that she could never possibly do anything wrong, but that I couldn’t continue to be miserable and just hope that she would never notice?Is there anything I could say that would help her understand that I’m sick and can’t get better?I don’t want to leave her, but I can’t poison her like my mother did to me.I don’t ever want her to feel the way I do right this moment." ]
Una nota de suicidio a mi hijaCada día me enfrento a la peor decisión en la que he tenido que pensar.¿Continúo viviendo con esta enfermedad y corro el riesgo de contaminar a mi hija, o la dejo atrás sabiendo que un día pensará para sí misma que no era suficiente para mantenerme con vida?¿Cómo le diría que nunca podría hacer algo malo, pero que no podía seguir siendo miserable y simplemente esperar que nunca se diera cuenta?¿Hay algo que pueda decir que le ayude a entender que estoy enfermo y no puedo mejorar?No quiero dejarla, pero no puedo envenenarla como mi madre me lo hizo a mí.Nunca quiero que se sienta de la manera que lo hago en este momento.
I'm kind of freaking out here. Ok, so one of my Discord pals who lives in the U.S (I'm Canadian) has been silent for two weeks now, and I'm getting exceedingly worried. He hasn't said a word, and it's like he's just dropped off the face of the Earth. He's had a nasty history of depressive episodes and never gets enough sleep (I'm starting to wonder if he has insomnia) and has a terrible home life, and we're one of the only things keeping him anchored, I've had to pull him back from the brink of mental disaster at least half a dozen times at this point and convince him that we're always here for him. But he isn't speaking now, and I'm worried about what that could mean. I'd rather not think about what could have happened to him. I'm just trying not to lose it right now. We've only been friends for about four months but he's such a great guy and I don't want to lose my pal.
[ "I'm kind of freaking out here.Ok, so one of my Discord pals who lives in the U.S (I'm Canadian) has been silent for two weeks now, and I'm getting exceedingly worried.He hasn't said a word, and it's like he's just dropped off the face of the Earth.He's had a nasty history of depressive episodes and never gets enough sleep (I'm starting to wonder if he has insomnia) and has a terrible home life, and we're one of the only things keeping him anchored, I've had to pull him back from the brink of mental disaster at least half a dozen times at this point and convince him that we're always here for him.But he isn't speaking now, and I'm worried about what that could mean.I'd rather not think about what could have happened to him.I'm just trying not to lose it right now.We've only been friends for about four months but he's such a great guy and I don't want to lose my pal." ]
Estoy como enloqueciendo aquí.Ok, así que uno de mis amigos Discord que vive en los Estados Unidos (soy canadiense) ha estado en silencio durante dos semanas, y me estoy poniendo extremadamente preocupado.Él no ha dicho una palabra, y es como si hubiera dejado caer la faz de la Tierra.Él ha tenido una historia desagradable de episodios depresivos y nunca duerme lo suficiente (me estoy empezando a preguntar si tiene insomnio) y tiene una vida hogareña terrible, y somos una de las únicas cosas que lo mantienen anclado, he tenido que sacarlo del borde del desastre mental al menos media docena de veces en este punto y convencerlo de que siempre estamos aquí por él.Pero no está hablando ahora, y estoy preocupado por lo que eso podría significar.Preferiría no pensar en lo que podría haberle pasado.Solo estoy tratando de no perderlo ahora mismo.
I can't do this shitI just want to be done. I feel alone, tired, worthless, and trapped. I am constantly haunted by my failures everywhere I go, whether it be the girls I liked, the pets I've owned and couldn't keep alive, or the friends I thought I made. All I see is failure. And to be honest, I probably deserve it. But I don't see trying getting me anywhere. It won't find me love. It won't bring Spyro back. It won't help me find sincere friends. And even if it did, I'm still tired I. Just. Want. To. Die. I know none of you all will tell me a method because it's against the sub rules, but I just want a way out. I shouldn't, I should try and stick around for my remaining pets and family, but I just don't want to. Even still breathing is exhausting, I can't escape mind. I want to not exist. This life was not made for me, it was made for people who know how to live.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I can't do this shitI just want to be done.I feel alone, tired, worthless, and trapped.I am constantly haunted by my failures everywhere I go, whether it be the girls I liked, the pets I've owned and couldn't keep alive, or the friends I thought I made.All I see is failure.And to be honest, I probably deserve it.But I don't see trying getting me anywhere.It won't find me love.It won't bring Spyro back.It won't help me find sincere friends.And even if it did, I'm still tired\n\nI. Just.Want.To.Die.I know none of you all will tell me a method because it's against the sub rules, but I just want a way out.I shouldn't, I should try and stick around for my remaining pets and family, but I just don't want to.Even still breathing is exhausting, I can't escape mind.I want to not exist.This life was not made for me, it was made for people who know how to live." ]
No puedo hacer esta mierda, solo quiero hacerlo.Me siento sola, cansada, sin valor y atrapada.Estoy constantemente atormentada por mis fracasos en todas partes que voy, ya sean las chicas que me gustaron, las mascotas que he poseído y que no pude mantener viva, o los amigos que pensé que hice.Todo lo que veo es un fracaso.Y para ser honesto, probablemente me lo merezco.Pero no veo tratando de llevarme a ninguna parte.No me encontrará amor.No me traerá de vuelta a Spyro.No me ayudará a encontrar amigos sinceros.E incluso si lo hiciera, todavía estoy cansado.Solo quiero.Die.Sé que ninguno de ustedes me dirá un método porque va contra las subreglas, pero solo quiero una salida.No debería, debería intentar quedarme con mis mascotas y familia restantes, pero no quiero.Incluso respirar es agotador, no puedo escapar de la mente.Quiero no existir.Esta vida no estaba hecha para mí, estaba hecha para personas que saben vivir.
Honestly just don’t know what to do anymore(21F) My life could definitely be worse of course but I feel this extremely heavy weight over my whole persona and heart and mind just makes me want to die more and more each day. My spirit just feels broken. I work, I live with my boyfriend who I love dearly and am very close with but I feel just doesn’t care about me as much as I hoped and thought he would which perhaps is the sensitive sad side of me assuming but that is a whole different essay to write about, I overthink so so much and I feel so mentally and emotionally weak that I can’t even bring myself to try to go to school. I don’t really have family and I know my ‘friends’ feel like longterm acquaintances so they don’t matter they’re all out there doing fine and better than I am and It feels like I’m really just living for my little sister because nothing is here for me and she’s all I have. Nobody there for me. Not even me dude. I try so hard every day to be strong and put on this facade of “I’m doing good” “I’m THAT bitch” “You’re stronger than this” “Look for the silver lining” “Be patient” “Open your mind” “Remember your goals” “What are you grateful for, list them” “Breathe.” But at the end of the day I just find myself wishing and praying to whoever or whatever listens that I could die in my sleep or by accident very soon. Shit, take my soul! I don’t care.. Because nobody would genuinely care except my little sister. And I’ll be honest I truly do have a fear of being alone and abandoned. I’ve battled suicidal tendencies majority of my life and some times it actually got pretty horrible and almost close and that hangs over my head a lot it seems. Like really am I THAT stupid and weak that I can’t even do that right? Trying to do myself and whoever’s in my life or will be in my life a favor here. I’m too much it seems yet not enough. I’d rather stop my whole existence than be reminded if this every day. It hurts so badly. I sometimes barely have control over my thoughts and what I get triggered by for I do have mental and other health issues that sometimes go hand in hand against me but I thought I’d be strong enough by now to overcome them. Nope. I carry so much trauma from what has happened in my life so far already, it haunts me to no ends and is probably the beacon of my depression and pain in my heart just fear and uncontrollable anxiety. I just simply feel like I’m not cut out for this shit. Why should I suffer this much after trying so hard for a life I wish more than anything that I didn’t have in the first place. I used to see therapists when i was younger and out into hospitals and nothing ever did anything, as an adult I’m not interested in “seeking help” because I know how it all goes and I know I feel so deep in this hole nothing will mend even when I try so so so hard with myself. I put others before myself and find joy in making others happy and helping, why can’t I be important and worthy to live a happy life? Everything hurts me. How could I be strong but this fragile at the same time? Why do I have to have such a big heart? Why even be hopeful and eager? I just hate it. Hoping all of my efforts are recognized one day, I know that I’ll keep on keeping on and whatnot but soon enough I know that I’ll just be so fed up and done and pushed to a point that I’ll someday rather drop dead from an episode of mine or finally just kill myself off. Sign me out of this game because I really don’t want to play anymore. Getting my shit together with all of this on front of me is so difficult, I’m suffering in silence and just attempting to make it by every hour. I am grateful. I am hopeful. I am still here and trying my best. But I am exhausted at such a young age and I’m so scared.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Honestly just don’t know what to do anymore(21F)My life could definitely be worse of course but I feel this extremely heavy weight over my whole persona and heart and mind just makes me want to die more and more each day.My spirit just feels broken.I work, I live with my boyfriend who I love dearly and am very close with but I feel just doesn’t care about me as much as I hoped and thought he would which perhaps is the sensitive sad side of me assuming but that is a whole different essay to write about, I overthink so so muchand I feel so mentally and emotionally weak that I can’t even bring myself to try to go to school.I don’t really have familyand I know my ‘friends’ feel like longterm acquaintances so they don’t matter they’re all out there doing fine and better than I amand It feels like I’m really just living for my little sister because nothing is here for me and she’s all I have.Nobody there for me.Not even me dude.I try so hard every day to be strong and put on this facade of “I’m doing good” “I’m THAT bitch” “You’re stronger than this” “Look for the silver lining” “Be patient” “Open your mind” “Remember your goals” “What are you grateful for, list them”\n“Breathe.”", "But at the end of the day I just find myself wishing and praying to whoever or whatever listens that I could die in my sleep or by accident very soon.Shit, take my soul!I don’t care..Because nobody would genuinely care except my little sister.And I’ll be honest I truly do have a fear of being alone and abandoned.I’ve battled suicidal tendencies majority of my life and some times it actually got pretty horrible and almost close and that hangs over my head a lot it seems.Like really am I THAT stupid and weak that I can’t even do that right?Trying to do myself and whoever’s in my life or will be in my life a favor here.I’m too much it seems yet not enough.I’d rather stop my whole existence than be reminded if this every day.It hurts so badly.I sometimes barely have control over my thoughts and what I get triggered by for I do have mental and other health issues that sometimes go hand in hand against mebut I thought I’d be strong enough by now to overcome them.Nope.I carry so much trauma from what has happened in my life so far already, it haunts me to no ends and is probably the beacon of my depression and pain in my heart just fear and uncontrollable anxiety.", "I just simply feel like I’m not cut out for this shit.Why should I suffer this much after trying so hard for a life I wish more than anything that I didn’t have in the first place.I used to see therapists when i was younger and out into hospitals and nothing ever did anything, as an adult I’m not interested in “seeking help” because I know how it all goes and I know I feel so deep in this hole nothing will mend even when I try so so so hard with myself.I put others before myself and find joy in making others happy and helping, why can’t I be important and worthy to live a happy life?Everything hurts me.How could I be strong but this fragile at the same time?Why do I have to have such a big heart?Why even be hopeful and eager?I just hate it.Hoping all of my efforts are recognized one day,\nI know that I’ll keep on keeping on and whatnot but soon enough I know that I’ll just be so fed up and done and pushed to a point that I’ll someday rather drop dead from an episode of mine or finally just kill myself off.Sign me out of this game because I really don’t want to play anymore.", "Getting my shit together with all of this on front of me is so difficult, I’m suffering in silence and just attempting to make it by every hour.I am grateful.I am hopeful.I am still here and trying my best.But I am exhausted at such a young age and I’m so scared." ]
Honestamente no sé qué hacer más (21F)Mi vida podría ser definitivamente peor, por supuesto, pero siento este peso extremadamente pesado sobre toda mi persona y corazón y mente sólo me hace querer morir más y más cada día.Mi espíritu sólo se siente roto.Trabajo, vivo con mi novio que amo mucho y estoy muy cerca de mí, pero me siento simplemente no se preocupa por mí tanto como esperaba y pensé que él sería lo que tal vez es el lado triste sensible de mí suponiendo pero que es un ensayo completamente diferente para escribir sobre, pienso demasiado y me siento tan mental y emocionalmente débil que ni siquiera puedo tratar de ir a la escuela.Yo realmente no tengo familia y sé que mis amigos se sienten como conocidos a largo plazo por lo que no importa que estén todos allí haciendo bien y mejor de lo que soy y se siente como que estoy viviendo para mi pequeña hermana porque nada está aquí para mí y ella es todo lo que tengo.
I'm offing my self this weekendI'm done I'm done with life I'm done with depression I'm don't with the pain I'm done with it all life is a bunch of bullshit and I don't want to live anymore I'm giving up everything and offing myself. My parents don't understand my pain and depression my thoughts and my severity and I'm done with it.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm offing my self this weekendI'm done I'm done with life I'm done with depression I'm don't with the pain I'm done with it all life is a bunch of bullshit and I don't want to live anymoreI'm giving up everything and offing myself.My parents don't understand my pain and depression my thoughts and my severity and I'm done with it." ]
Me voy este fin de semana.He terminado con la vida.He terminado con la depresión.No estoy con el dolor que he terminado con ella.Toda la vida es un montón de mierda y no quiero vivir más.Estoy renunciando a todo y quitándome a mí mismo.Mis padres no entienden mi dolor y depresión mis pensamientos y mi severidad y he terminado con ello.
Can someone beat me I need to stop procrastinating but I keep disracting myself from the fact that I have an exam tomorrow. So can someone beat me until so I study
[ "Can someone beat me I need to stop procrastinatingbut I keep disracting myself from the fact that I have an exam tomorrow.So can someone beat me until so I study" ]
¿Puede alguien golpearme?Tengo que dejar de retrasarme, pero sigo distrayéndome del hecho de que tengo un examen mañana.También puede alguien golpearme hasta que así que estudio
Can't Do ItI cried today which is strange for me. As sad as ive always been, I never really cry . Sometimes I drop a tear hear and there but I don't think I've ever cried as hard as today . Some people say that it's good to cry and that it relieves them but all it did was give me a headache. In my head I just repeatedly thought about how I can't do it . And by it I mean everything. All the time lately I've just been feeling like I can't do it . I can't get better. It's pretty much my fault too . I don't have any motivation or desire to get better . If I did I would have put that willpower to good use . I've been trying to get therapy but it's been hard to do exercises or assignments that I've been given for it . I take medication but I don't think it does anything . I'm looking for a larger dose but I don't think that will help either . To truly get better it is gonna take me wanting it . And I just don't want to get better . I plan on killing myself soon . Little bit after I quit therapy . Might run away from my family so nobody around me has to deal with the shame of pushing me to suicide. Sounds hypocritical but I can make me running away sound optimistic if I leave a convincing enough note. I will probably make sure nobody knows when or where I die. Shouldn't be too hard. I usually ask for a miracle cure when I write posts like this but I know there isn't one so no point in trying . No point in trying at all really .
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Can't Do ItI cried today which is strange for me.As sad as ive always been, I never really cry .Sometimes I drop a tear hear and there but I don't think I've ever cried as hard as today .Some people say that it's good to cry and that it relieves them but all it did was give me a headache.In my head I just repeatedly thought about how I can't do it .And by it I mean everything.All the time lately I've just been feeling like I can't do it .I can't get better.It's pretty much my fault too .I don't have any motivation or desire to get better .If I did I would have put that willpower to good use .I've been trying to get therapybut it's been hard to do exercises or assignments that I've been given for it .I take medicationbut I don't think it does anything .I'm looking for a larger dose but I don't think that will help either .To truly get better it is gonna take me wanting it .And I just don't want to get better .I plan on killing myself soon .Little bit after I quit therapy .Might run away from my family so nobody around me has to deal with the shame of pushing me to suicide.Sounds hypocriticalbut I can make me running away sound optimistic if I leave a convincing enough note.", "I will probably make sure nobody knows when or where I die.Shouldn't be too hard.I usually ask for a miracle cure when I write posts like thisbut I know there isn't one so no point in trying .No point in trying at all really ." ]
No puedo hacerloLloré hoy, lo cual es extraño para mí.Tan triste como lo ha sido siempre, nunca lloré.A veces lloré una lágrima oido y allí, pero no creo que haya llorado tan fuerte como hoy.Algunas personas dicen que es bueno llorar y que los alivia, pero todo lo que hizo fue darme un dolor de cabeza.En mi cabeza sólo repetidamente pensé en cómo no puedo hacerlo.Y con ello lo digo todo.Todo el tiempo últimamente he estado sintiendo que no puedo hacerlo.No puedo mejorar.También es bastante mi culpa.No tengo ninguna motivación ni deseo mejorarlo.Si lo hubiera hecho, habría puesto ese poder en buen uso.He estado tratando de obtener terapia, pero ha sido difícil hacer ejercicios o tareas que me han sido dadas por ello.Me he tomado medicamentos pero no creo que tenga poder para usar bien.He estado buscando una dosis más grande, pero no creo que sea de ayuda.
My friends ran away and I feel like it's my fault One of my friends I've met through friends we've had our fights but in the end, we've made up. but recently I haven't been hanging out with the group cause I either was busy or can't go and I feel like it's my fault and I'm not thinking positive about this situation and I don't know what to do and my mental state has been down recently and this isn't really helping.
[ "My friends ran away and I feel like it's my fault One of my friends I've met through friends we've had our fights but in the end, we've made up.but recently I haven't been hanging out with the group cause I either was busy or can't go and I feel like it's my fault and I'm not thinking positive about this situation and I don't know what to do and my mental state has been down recently and this isn't really helping." ]
Mis amigos huyeron y siento que es mi culpa Uno de mis amigos que he conocido a través de amigos que hemos tenido nuestras peleas, pero al final, nos hemos reconciliado.Pero recientemente no he estado saliendo con el grupo porque o estaba ocupado o no podía ir y siento que es mi culpa y no estoy pensando en positivo acerca de esta situación y no sé qué hacer y mi estado mental ha caído recientemente y esto no está ayudando realmente.
Insta makes me feel like shit so I tried building an alternative I always found Insta and TikTok flexing made me feel way more isolated than connected, so I decided to try make an app [https://www.discovercoolshit.com/](https://www.discovercoolshit.com/) all centred around finding and doing stuff with friends IRL. The idea is you “curate” a suggestions of things to do with friends, and discover new things to do from following people you haven’t met. Some of my mates who've used it think its pretty neat, but any feedback from you guys would be really awesome [🤗](https://emojipedia.org/hugging-face/)
[ "Insta makes me feel like shit so I tried building an alternative I always found Insta and TikTok flexing made me feel way more isolated than connected, so I decided to try make an app [https://www.discovercoolshit.com/](https://www.discovercoolshit.com/) all centred around finding and doing stuff with friends IRL.The idea is you “curate” a suggestions of things to do with friends, and discover new things to do from following people you haven’t met.Some of my mates who've used it think its pretty neat, but any feedback from you guys would be really awesome[🤗](https://emojipedia.org/hugging-face/)" ]
Insta me hace sentir como una mierda, así que intenté construir una alternativa que siempre encontré.Insta y TikTok flexing me hicieron sentir mucho más aislada que conectada, así que decidí intentar hacer una aplicación [https://www.descubrimientoolshit.com/](https://www.descubrimientoolshit.com/) centrada en encontrar y hacer cosas con amigos IRL.La idea es que “curar” unas sugerencias de cosas que hacer con amigos, y descubrir cosas nuevas que hacer siguiendo a la gente que no has conocido.Algunos de mis compañeros que lo han usado piensan que es bastante limpio, pero cualquier retroalimentación de ustedes sería realmente impresionante[](https://emojipedia.org/hugging-face/)
aw shit, here i go again creating scenarios in my head with a girl i like that will never happen :) i'm trying to sleep, brain, please stop
[ "aw shit, here i go again creating scenarios in my head with a girl i like that will never happen :)i'm trying to sleep, brain, please stop" ]
Aw mierda, aquí voy de nuevo creando escenarios en mi cabeza con una chica que me gusta que nunca va a suceder :)Estoy tratando de dormir, cerebro, por favor deje de
Thank you yall I usually just lurk around, but I've been here for almost 2 years and it's been fun, this final year of my teenage has been weird ,but the usually funny and sometimes deep stuff I've found here always made me feel welcome and cheered me up. Thank you r/teenagers for being welcoming and immature like we ought to be, atleast while we can. Ps: Can I still lurk or wil it be creepy since I'm not a teen anymore?
[ "Thank you yall I usually just lurk around, but I've been here for almost 2 years and it's been fun, this final year of my teenage has been weird ,but the usually funny and sometimes deep stuff I've found here always made me feel welcome and cheered me up.Thank you r/teenagers for being welcoming and immature like we ought to be, atleast while we can.Ps: Can I still lurk or wil it be creepy since I'm not a teen anymore?" ]
Gracias yull Usualmente me acecho alrededor, pero he estado aquí por casi 2 años y ha sido divertido, este último año de mi adolescente ha sido raro, pero las cosas generalmente divertidas y a veces profundas que he encontrado aquí siempre me hicieron sentir bienvenido y me animaron.Gracias r/adolescentes por ser acogedores e inmaduros como deberíamos ser, al menos mientras podamos.Ps: ¿Puedo seguir acechando o querer que sea espeluznante ya que ya no soy una adolescente?
Hi everyone, i'm a gamedev. My goal is to reach 850 subscribers by the end of the week. If you enjoy the content you can subscribe cause that helps me a lot :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyTgv-1i2FY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyTgv-1i2FY)
[ "Hi everyone, i'm a gamedev.My goal is to reach 850 subscribers by the end of the week.If you enjoy the content you can subscribe cause that helps me a lot :)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyTgv-1i2FY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyTgv-1i2FY)" ]
Hola a todos, soy un gamedev.Mi objetivo es llegar a 850 suscriptores para el final de la semana.Si disfrutas del contenido puedes suscribirte porque me ayuda mucho :)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyTgv-1i2FY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyTgv-1i2FY)
I have a community of jojo memes. Join?
[ "I have a community of jojo memes.Join?" ]
Tengo una comunidad de jojo memes.
think you can hurt my feelings? think you can hurt my feelings? my parents slut shame me for wearing modest tank tops when it’s hot outside and call me a horrible child even though i respect them no matter what and love them regardless of everything they have said to me. they also ridicule me for being too skinny. i’m not underweight?? and i eat so much and struggle to gain weight too- weight i don’t even need. i get straight as and bs. dont do drugs or drink. they just think i’m awful because they noticed i have more fun with my friends then i do at home. maybe i do enjoy being with my friends more. i love driving around the city and living in the moment. my parents hate that i love my friends for some reason. i never even told them i’d rather spend time with my friends. they just noticed that i was sad one day and instead of asking what’s up they yelled at me for always being unhappy. i don’t even expect them to check up on me anymore. i have great friends that i’ve made who always make sure i’m good. but it hurts so much. my parents still have the power to hurt me and make me cry everyday. i try to make them proud but it doesn’t work. i can’t fake smiles around them forever. i’ve only tried once to tell them all of this. they didn’t get it. anyways they would hate that i’m sharing my feelings with anyone but them, even though they don’t care, so that’s all. ps: sorry for sucky spelling i don’t feel like looking this over hehe just needed to rant because i feel awful at the moment tl;dr if anyone needs it: my parents hate me because my friends make me happy. there’s a reason they make me sad and my friends bring me up. i wish my parents lifted me up because i’m not a bad kid.
[ "think you can hurt my feelings?think you can hurt my feelings?my parents slut shame me for wearing modest tank tops when it’s hot outside and call me a horrible child even though i respect them no matter what and love them regardless of everything they have said to me.they also ridicule me for being too skinny.i’m not underweight??and i eat so much and struggle to gain weight too-weighti don’t even need.i get straight as and bs.dont do drugs or drink.they just think i’m awful because they noticed i have more fun with my friends then i do at home.maybe i do enjoy being with my friends more.i love driving around the city and living in the moment.my parents hate that i love my friends for some reason.i never even told them i’d rather spend time with my friends.they just noticed that i was sad one day and instead of asking what’s up they yelled at me for always being unhappy.i don’t even expect them to check up on me anymore.i have great friends that i’ve made who always make sure i’m good.but it hurts so much.my parents still have the power to hurt me and make me cry everyday.i try to make them proud but it doesn’t work.i can’t fake smiles around them forever.", "i’ve only tried once to tell them all of this.they didn’t get it.anyways they would hate that i’m sharing my feelings with anyone but them, even though they don’t care, so that’s all.ps: sorry for sucky spelling i don’t feel like looking this over hehe just needed to rant because i feel awful at the moment\n\ntl;drif anyone needs it: my parents hate me because my friends make me happy.there’s a reason they make me sad and my friends bring me up.i wish my parents lifted me up because i’m not a bad kid." ]
¿Crees que puedes herir mis sentimientos?¿Crees que puedes herir mis sentimientos?Mis padres puta me avergüenzan por usar camisetas de tanque modestas cuando hace calor afuera y me llaman un niño horrible aunque los respeto no importa qué y los amo independientemente de todo lo que me han dicho.También me ridiculizan por ser demasiado flaco.No estoy bajo de peso??¿y como tanto y me cuesta ganar peso demasiado peso ni siquiera necesito.Me pongo derecho como y bs.dond no hacer drogas o beber.Ellos simplemente piensan que soy horrible porque se dieron cuenta de que me divierto más con mis amigos entonces lo hago en casa.Tal vez me gusta estar con mis amigos más.Me encanta conducir por la ciudad y vivir en el momento.Mis padres odian que me gusten mis amigos por alguna razón.Ni siquiera les dije que me gustaría pasar más tiempo con mis amigos.sólo se dieron cuenta de que estaba triste un día y en lugar de preguntar qué me gritaban por estar siempre infelice.
I ran into a wall and had a concussion the triangle and the rectangle+ ashley tinsdale =???? i don't know why but i really want to eat a watermelon also Suit up [a hundred and four days of summer vacation](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) i'm really sorry guys my dog just died and i'm sad somebody fill the void in my heart
[ "I ran into a wall and had a concussion the triangle and the rectangle+ ashley tinsdale =????i don't knowwhybut i really want to eat a watermelon\n\nalso Suit up\n\n[a hundred and four days of summer vacation](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)i'm really sorry guys my dog just died and i'm sad\n\nsomebody fill the void in my heart" ]
Corrí contra una pared y tuve una conmoción cerebral el triángulo y el rectángulo + ashley tinsdale =????No sé por qué pero realmente quiero comer una sandía también traje hasta [un centenar y cuatro días de vacaciones de verano] (https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) Estoy realmente siento chicos mi perro acaba de morir y estoy triste alguien llenar el vacío en mi corazón
My phone broke and i had to replace it with an old one I lost a good amount of porn...
[ "My phone broke and i had to replace it with an old one I lost a good amount of porn..." ]
Mi teléfono se rompió y tuve que reemplazarlo por uno viejo perdí una buena cantidad de porno...
Does anyone care? No, the answer is no, the only thing I'm good at is making filler, and why would anyone care about someone who's only good at filler.
[ "Does anyone care?No, the answer is no, the only thing I'm good at is making filler, and why would anyone care about someone who's only good at filler." ]
¿A alguien le importa?No, la respuesta es no, lo único en lo que soy bueno es hacer relleno, y por qué alguien se preocupa por alguien que es sólo bueno en relleno.
Looking for a weight loss buddy I guess I’m just looking for someone to hold me accountable. I’ve been “trying” to lose weight for like 2 months now, but it’s hard because I’m so unmotivated. So yea, we can keep each other motivated and make sure we don’t give in to our cravings, and stuff. It would have to be on discord tho, cause my reddit dms are shit. 15f btw, CDT timezone. My goal is to lose 10-12 pounds, and to change my eating habits for the better. Maybe learn a bit about discipline along the way. Feel free to message me if you’re interested. We can be honest with each other, chat, and see if we get along. If not no biggie, we’ll both go our ways. Hope I get replies. I’m going to sleep so if I do, I probably won’t answer until after I wake up when I have time. Night everyone.
[ "Looking for a weight loss buddy I guess I’m just looking for someone to hold me accountable.I’ve been “trying” to lose weight for like 2 months now, but it’s hard because I’m so unmotivated.So yea, we can keep each other motivated and make sure we don’t give in to our cravings, and stuff.It would have to be on discord tho, cause my reddit dms are shit.15f btw, CDT timezone.My goal is to lose 10-12 pounds, and to change my eating habits for the better.Maybe learn a bit about discipline along the way.Feel free to message me if you’re interested.We can be honest with each other, chat, and see if we get along.If not no biggie, we’ll both go our ways.Hope I get replies.I’m going to sleep so if I do, I probably won’t answer until after I wake up when I have time.Night everyone." ]
En busca de un compañero de pérdida de peso supongo que estoy buscando a alguien que me haga responsable.He estado “tratando” de perder peso por como 2 meses ahora, pero es difícil porque estoy tan desmotivado. Así que sí, podemos mantenernos motivados y asegurarnos de que no cedemos a nuestros antojos, y esas cosas.Tendría que estar en discordia tho, porque mis dms reddit son una mierda.15f btw, zona horaria CDT.Mi objetivo es perder 10-12 libras, y cambiar mis hábitos alimenticios para mejor.Tal vez aprender un poco sobre disciplina a lo largo del camino.Me siento libre de enviarme un mensaje si estás interesado.Podemos ser honestos el uno con el otro, chatear, y ver si nos llevamos bien.Si no es grande, ambos iremos por nuestros caminos.Esperamos que me respondan.Me voy a dormir así que si lo hago, probablemente no responderé hasta después de despertarme cuando tenga tiempo.
well frick I have the rona. I am completely healthy but I am scared that nothing happens to my mom bc she is in the risky group. YIKES
[ "well frick I have the rona.I am completely healthy but I am scared that nothing happens to my mom bc she is in the risky group.YIKES" ]
Bueno maldito tengo la rona.Estoy completamente sano pero tengo miedo de que nada le pase a mi mamá bc ella está en el grupo arriesgado.YIKES
Hey everyone. I’m scaredIm young. But I’m tired and done. I’m pretty sure I live with narcissistic parents and a narcissist brother and I’m tired of being yelled at and told I’m wrong for doing normal things a teenager my age should do. And then my parents ARE CONSTANTLY making fun of me and when I try to tell them to stop they call me sensitive and that Im over reacting. I think I’m going to p@rti@l h@ngl in my closet and I have what I need. But I’m scared to do it. What of i fail and become a vegetable. And then what happens when you die. I also am too curious to see wether or not the afterlife even exist. I’m pagan but very new to the religion so I don’t know much about the pagan afterlife. If someone could ease my anxiety or something. I want to do it. But I’m scared. Also I’ll probably just fall into another statistical teenage suicid3. Thanks for reading I hope you’re having a good day
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Hey everyone.I’m scaredIm young.But I’m tired and done.I’m pretty sure I live with narcissistic parents and a narcissist brother and I’m tired of being yelled at and told I’m wrong for doing normal things a teenager my age should do.And then my parents ARE CONSTANTLY making fun of me and when I try to tell them to stop they call me sensitive and that Im over reacting.I think I’m going to p@rti@l h@ngl in my closet and I have what I need.But I’m scared to do it.What of i fail and become a vegetable.And then what happens when you die.I also am too curious to see wether or not the afterlife even exist.I’m pagan but very new to the religion so I don’t know much about the pagan afterlife.If someone could ease my anxiety or something.I want to do it.But I’m scared.Also I’ll probably just fall into another statistical teenage suicid3.Thanks for reading I hope you’re having a good day" ]
Hola a todos.Estoy asustadoSoy joven.Pero estoy cansado y hecho.Estoy bastante seguro de que vivo con padres narcisistas y un hermano narcisista y estoy cansado de que me griten y me digan que estoy equivocado por hacer cosas normales que un adolescente de mi edad debería hacer.Y entonces mis padres ESTÁN CONSTANTEMENTE burlándome de mí y cuando trato de decirles que dejen de llamarme sensibles y que estoy más que reaccionando.Creo que voy a p@rti@l h@ngl en mi armario y tengo lo que necesito.Pero tengo miedo de hacerlo.Qué de fallar y convertirme en un vegetal.Y entonces lo que pasa cuando mueres.También tengo demasiada curiosidad de ver que existe o no la vida posterior.Soy pagana pero muy nueva en la religión así que no sé mucho sobre el pagano después de la vida.Si alguien pudiera aliviar mi ansiedad o algo.Yo quiero hacerlo.Pero estoy asustada.También probablemente voy a caer en otro adolescente estadístico suicid3.Gracias por leerte bien.
Ahem here is a hot political take If a man is raped he should be allowed to do the following; \-have 100% say on if the baby gets aborted or not (Shouldn't have to be a father if he chose not to) \-Automatically get full custody of the child (if he doesn't abort it) \-entitled to child support from the sick fucker Now before you rustle you jimmies, the same should go for women and it does. The problem is we never hear from the other side, and these pro choice movements never talk about and discus these circumstances for men. I know I am going to get comments saying I am suppressing women's issues when I believe as a society we are all close to gender equality I feel it is okay to talk about the issues men face too. Please be civil in the comments.
[ "Ahem here is a hot political take If a man is raped he should be allowed to do the following;\n\n\\-have 100% say on if the baby gets aborted or not (Shouldn't have to be a father if he chose not to)\n\n\\-Automatically get full custody of the child (if he doesn't abort it)\n\n\\-entitled to child support from the sick fuckerNow before you rustle you jimmies, the same should go for women and it does.The problem is we never hear from the other side, and these pro choice movements never talk about and discus these circumstances for men.I know I am going to get comments saying I am suppressing women's issues when I believe as a society we are all close to gender equality I feel it is okay to talk about the issues men face too.Please be civil in the comments." ]
Ahem aquí es una toma política caliente Si un hombre es violado se le debe permitir hacer lo siguiente; \-tener 100% decir en si el bebé se aborta o no (No debería tener que ser un padre si él decidió no hacerlo) \-Obtener automáticamente la custodia completa del niño (si él no lo aborta) \-titular a la manutención de los hijos del hijo de puta enfermoAhora antes de que se susurren jimmies, lo mismo debe ir para las mujeres y lo hace.El problema es que nunca oímos desde el otro lado, y estos movimientos pro elección nunca hablar y discutir estas circunstancias para los hombres.Sé que voy a obtener comentarios diciendo que estoy suprimiendo los problemas de las mujeres cuando creo que como sociedad estamos todos cerca de la igualdad de género siento que está bien hablar de los asuntos que los hombres enfrentan también.
I have 2 options, Kill myself or get help (increse time before I kill myself)I can either die today, or I can get help. (Too scared to do btw) If I tell my parents theyll be like "ugh this again?" And I dont want that to happen. Its midterm week for me, and I didnt and dont plan on studying for anything. Im just laying down in the comfort of my dark room on my bed. I have no motivation to do anything, and im on the verge of crying. Ive always felt a sense of impending doom and the doom feels closer than ever. My mental state had been deteriorating since I was 13 (Im 16 now), its at the worst its ever been and its still getting worse. Im really useless, have no motivation, direction, or passion. I dont want to do this anymore. My grades have been the worst that they ever have been. I dont give a fuck about changing them or my future. I have no hope. I didnt choose to be born. Dont attempt at convinving me to rebuild. I dont have any energy left. I dont give a fuck anymore either.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I have 2 options, Kill myself or get help (increse time before I kill myself)I can either die today, or I can get help.(Too scared to do btw)If I tell my parents theyll be like \"ugh this again?\"And I dont want that to happen.Its midterm week for me, and I didnt and dont plan on studying for anything.Im just laying down in the comfort of my dark room on my bed.I have no motivation to do anything, and im on the verge of crying.Ive always felt a sense of impending doom and the doom feels closer than ever.My mental state had been deteriorating since I was 13 (Im 16 now), its at the worst its ever been and its still getting worse.Im really useless, have no motivation, direction, or passion.I dont want to do this anymore.My grades have been the worst that they ever have been.I dont give a fuck about changing them or my future.I have no hope.I didnt choose to be born.Dont attempt at convinving me to rebuild.I dont have any energy left.I dont give a fuck anymore either." ]
Yo tengo 2 opciones, me mata a mí mismo o conseguir ayuda (tiempo de increse antes de que me mate a mí mismo)Yo puedo morir hoy, o puedo conseguir ayuda.(Demasiado asustado hacer btw)Si le digo a mis padres que van a ser como "ugh esto otra vez?"Y no quiero que eso suceda.Su semana de mitad de período para mí, y no hice y no planeo estudiar para nada.Estoy simplemente tumbado en la comodidad de mi habitación oscura en mi cama.No tengo ninguna motivación para hacer nada, y estoy a punto de llorar.Siempre he sentido una sensación de fatalidad inminente y la condena se siente más cerca que nunca.Mi estado mental se había estado deteriorando desde que tenía 13 años (ahora soy 16), es en lo peor que ha sido y todavía está empeorando.Soy realmente inútil, no tengo ninguna motivación, dirección o pasión.No quiero hacer esto más.Mis calificaciones han sido las peores que nunca han sido.No me importa un carajo cambiarlos o mi futuro.No tengo ninguna esperanza.Yo no he elegido nacer.No quiero volver a reconstruir.
Song of the day #23 [Shadow on the Sun - Audioslave](https://youtu.be/7H0--80KRUM)
[ "Song of the day #23 [Shadow on the Sun - Audioslave](https://youtu.be/7H0--80KRUM)" ]
Canción del día #23 [Sombra en el Sol - Audioslave](https://youtu.be/7H0--80KRUM)
This is utter bullshit Just cause I got in for engineering in the vocational school doesn’t mean the teacher can assign 10-12th grade work (trigonometry and pre calculus) while barely teaching it Like goddamn I haven’t even learned all of geometry yet please fucking stop
[ "This is utter bullshit Just cause I got in for engineering in the vocational school doesn’t mean the teacher can assign 10-12th grade work (trigonometry and pre calculus) while barely teaching itLike goddamn I haven’t even learned all of geometry yet please fucking stop" ]
Esto es una mierda total Sólo porque me metí en ingeniería en la escuela de formación profesional no significa que el profesor puede asignar 10-12o grado de trabajo (trigonometría y pre cálculo) mientras apenas lo enseñabaComo maldita sea ni siquiera he aprendido toda la geometría todavía por favor parar
Sucidal be sucide prevented by internet points So I made a promise with myself that if I dont get 1k+ k*rma in the next week I will literally kill myself. I already thought of killing myself multiple times but I thought it would be more fun to decide my fate with k*rma. So if I get 1k upv*tes on this p*st that definitely doesn't deserve 1k upv*tes then I survive. And if not then I'll kill myself. It's like a game that decides my life. Also I'm not joking lol. I'm genuinely going to kill myself. I have a rope ready every day and I am probably going to kill myself either way. Life's been absolute shit and everyone in it including myself have also been shit. There's nothing worth it in this world now. At least for me. So wether you guys decide to delay my sucide is up to you. I'm expecting this to get no attention anyway. And this is going to be like a sucide note to my family since I didn't say this to anyone. Fun times!!! ALSO MODS I KNOW YOUR GOING TO REMOVE THIS BUT HOW HOW ABOUT JUST GIVE THIS POST A CHANCE...
[ "Sucidal be sucide prevented by internet pointsSo I made a promise with myself that if I dont get 1k+ k*rma in the next week I will literally kill myself.I already thought of killing myself multiple times but I thought it would be more fun to decide my fate with k*rma.So if I get 1k upv*tes on this p*st that definitely doesn't deserve 1k upv*tes then I survive.And if not then I'll kill myself.It's like a game that decides my life.Also I'm not joking lol.I'm genuinely going to kill myself.I have a rope ready every day and I am probably going to kill myself either way.Life's been absolute shit and everyone in it including myself have also been shit.There's nothing worth it in this world now.At least for me.So wether you guys decide to delay my sucide is up to you.I'm expecting this to get no attention anyway.And this is going to be like a sucide note to my family since I didn't say this to anyone.Fun times!!!ALSO MODS I KNOW YOUR GOING TO REMOVE THIS BUT HOW HOW ABOUT JUST GIVE THIS POSTA CHANCE..." ]
Sucidal be sucide prevented by internet pointsAsí que hice una promesa conmigo mismo de que si no obtengo 1k+ k*rma en la próxima semana, literalmente me mataré a mí mismo.Ya pensé en suicidarme varias veces, pero pensé que sería más divertido decidir mi destino con k*rma.Así que si obtengo 1k upv*tes en este p*st que definitivamente no merece 1k upv*tes entonces sobrevivo.Y si no entonces me mato a mí mismo.Es como un juego que decide mi vida.También no estoy bromeando lol.Yo realmente me voy a matar a mí mismo.Tengo una cuerda lista todos los días y probablemente me voy a matar de cualquier manera.La vida ha sido una mierda absoluta y todos en ella, incluyéndome a mí mismo, también han sido una mierda.No hay nada que valga la pena en este mundo ahora.Por lo menos para mí.Así que ustedes deciden retrasar mi sucide está a cargo de ustedes.Estoy esperando que esto no reciba atención de todos modos.Y esto va a ser como una nota de suicidio a mi familia desde que yo les dije a cualquier persona.
I'm so scared, and tomorrow I'm home alone and I'm almost sure that I'm going to do it.I'm always so scared, my main fear is that I'll need to go to the hospital. Every night and sometimes during the day I fear that I'll have a medical emergency and have to go to the hospital where they will run tests on me, give me meds that make me puke, make me wait in triage while in severe pain, give me meds for pain that make me vomit. I'm Terrified and I have schizoaffective so its amplified x1000 because I'm losing touch with reality. I want to get in my car in the morning, drive around the places in my small town that I won't see again, then crash into a tree going 70 mph without a seatbelt.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm so scared, and tomorrow I'm home aloneand I'm almost sure that I'm going to do it.I'm always so scared, my main fear is that I'll need to go to the hospital.Every night and sometimes during the day I fear that I'll have a medical emergency and have to go to the hospital where they will run tests on me, give me meds that make me puke, make me wait in triage while in severe pain, give me meds for pain that make me vomit.I'm Terrified and I have schizoaffective so its amplified x1000 because I'm losing touch with reality.I want to get in my car in the morning, drive around the places in my small town that I won't see again, then crash into a tree going 70 mph without a seatbelt." ]
Estoy tan asustado, y mañana estoy solo en casa y estoy casi seguro de que voy a hacerlo.Siempre estoy tan asustado, mi miedo principal es que voy a tener que ir al hospital.Cada noche y a veces durante el día me temo que voy a tener una emergencia médica y tengo que ir al hospital donde me harán pruebas, me darán medicamentos que me hagan vomitar, me harán esperar en el triaje mientras tengo dolor intenso, me darán medicamentos para el dolor que me hagan vomitar.Estoy aterrorizado y tengo esquizoafectiva por lo que su amplificación x1000 porque estoy perdiendo contacto con la realidad.Quiero entrar en mi coche por la mañana, conducir por los lugares de mi pequeña ciudad que no volveré a ver, luego chocar contra un árbol que va 70 mph sin cinturón de seguridad.
plan for suicideI've got a few ideas I guess. not that neat, but I'll take what I can get. I'm thinking of killing myself when I turn 18 so no one can interrupt me, or when I'm in my 30s... anyways I plan to get hit with a car going over 40, hang myself, or shoot myself.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "plan for suicideI've got a few ideas I guess.not that neat, but I'll take what I can get.I'm thinking of killing myself when I turn 18so no one can interrupt me, or when I'm in my 30s...anyways I plan to get hit with a car going over 40, hang myself, or shoot myself." ]
Plan de suicidioTengo algunas ideas que supongo.No tan bien, pero tomaré lo que puedo conseguir.Estoy pensando en suicidarme cuando cumpla 18 años para que nadie pueda interrumpirme, o cuando tenga 30... de todas formas planeo que me atropellen con un coche de más de 40 años, colgarme o dispararme a mí mismo.
I don’t know what to do anymoreI could just end it right now or I could wait, I want it to end I want the pain gone I want to cry but I can’t and I want to laugh but it’s equally impossible I don’t want to I just don’t want to anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I don’t know what to do anymoreI could just end it right now or I could wait, I want it to end I want the pain gone I want to crybut I can’tand I want to laughbut it’s equally impossible I don’t want to I just don’t want to anymore" ]
Ya no sé qué hacer, podría terminarlo ahora mismo o podría esperar, quiero que termine, quiero que el dolor desaparezca, quiero llorar, pero no puedo y quiero reírme, pero es igualmente imposible, no quiero hacerlo, simplemente no quiero hacerlo más.
Dad jokes daily til I get a boyfriend #37 I watched Bohemian Rhapsody three times in a row, and now I feel a little sick. It must be the high Mercury content.
[ "Dad jokes daily til I get a boyfriend #37 I watched Bohemian Rhapsody three times in a row, and now I feel a little sick.It must be the high Mercury content." ]
Papá bromea diariamente hasta que consigo un novio #37 Vi Bohemia Rhapsody tres veces seguidas, y ahora me siento un poco enfermo.Debe ser el alto contenido de Mercurio.
I'm seriously getting tired of these Twitter memes ruining anime Ok so if you have Twitter or Instagram you might know there are meme pages where they take clips of anime and put some kind of rap music on top of it with a caption and they think what they made is good and deserves likes and follows. And well at first it was cool and all but know its almost everywhere I look I see it and it always ends with a follow this person. But tbh your kind of ruining the scenes and spoling the animes their from for peole who haven't seen it and making it sick with music that doesn't even go with the scenes.
[ "I'm seriously getting tired of these Twitter memes ruining animeOk so if you have Twitter or Instagram you might know there are meme pages where they take clips of anime and put some kind of rap music on top of it with a caption and they think what they made is good and deserves likes and follows.And well at first it was cool and all but know its almost everywhere I lookI see itand it always ends with a follow this person.But tbh your kind of ruining the scenes and spoling the animes their from for peole who haven't seen it and making it sick with music that doesn't even go with the scenes." ]
Me estoy cansando de que estos memes de Twitter arruinen el animeOk, así que si tienes Twitter o Instagram tal vez sepas que hay páginas de meme donde toman clips de anime y ponen algún tipo de música rap encima de ella con un título y piensan que lo que hicieron es bueno y merece gustos y seguimientos.Y bien al principio fue genial y todo, pero lo sé casi por todas partes lo veo y siempre termina con un seguidor de esta persona.Pero tu tipo de arruinar las escenas y espolvorear los animes de ellos para peole que no lo han visto y enfermar con música que ni siquiera va con las escenas.
I'm just too tiredHello, I'm a 24 year old woman. English is not my native language so excuse me if I made mistakes. This is not my original account. Well, the title says it all. At first, there was just one thing giving me pain, and that was the situation my boyfriend ( now ex boyfriend ) was living. Her daughter was abused, and he took it to the police. Her ex took her daughter away, and for legal reasons he's still fighting to see her. The abusers only got a three month restriction order. I think this was the first thing that made me feel like I feel now. I love that kid, maybe it's not my daughter but I always loved her and is one of my favorite persons in the world. And I cry whenever I think that I can't do absolutely nothing about all of this. That was months ago, and the process of take her back to my ex is taking a really long time. In these months, my two cats died. My grandmother got sick, and she doesn't remember me anymore. My insecurities grew a lot, my schizophrenia got worse, I started to feel paranoid and bombarded my ex with emotional speeches and false accusations saying that he was cheating on me because I really thought it was like that. He broke up with me, and I fell more in the void that I am now. I started to feel sadder and sadder, and I was mean to one of my best friends. I apologized but she is not talking to me anymore. My ex is my best best friend, so we keep a fwb relationship, but I'm pushing him away too because I can't stop being insecure and he can't give me reassurance right now, he's having a really hard time and I can't help him, I only make the things worse and worse. I'm not sure about this, as I'm waiting to take a test right now, but I might be pregnant too. In my country abortion is illegal, and if I'm pregnant, I can't even think to bring the subject to him, because he's trying so hard to get his life together. I love him a lot, and I didn't kill myself yet just because I think that even if we are not so close as before, it would hurt him a lot. I can't find a job and when I have something I get anxious and can't even go to the interview. I'm seeing a therapist, I'm going to the gym, but nothing seems to be getting better. I talked to my parents, they live in another city, and are trying to help, but I can't bear with the pain anymore. I can't sleep, I eat until I vomit, or don't eat at all, I cry every day, and I can't get myself together, I only can think that I'm a selfish and horrible person, who wants to take her life when she has people who cares about her, and even a cat. I feel like I broke completely, and I tried to get better for months, but it was no use, I really, really hate myself, and can't stand seeing me in the mirror anymore. I only want the pain to stop but I'm too afraid of leaving my little cat alone, of breaking my parents hearts, that my bestfriend/ex will feel guilty or be alone too, but when I think of it I'm really sure he will be happier without me. I don't know what to do anymore.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm just too tiredHello, I'm a 24 year old woman.English is not my native language so excuse me if I made mistakes.This is not my original account.Well, the title says it all.At first, there was just one thing giving me pain, and that was the situation my boyfriend ( now ex boyfriend ) was living.Her daughter was abused, and he took it to the police.Her ex took her daughter away, and for legal reasons he's still fighting to see her.The abusers only got a three month restriction order.I think this was the first thing that made me feel like I feel now.I love that kid, maybe it's not my daughterbut I always loved her and is one of my favorite persons in the world.And I cry whenever I think that I can't do absolutely nothing about all of this.That was months ago, and the process of take her back to my ex is taking a really long time.In these months, my two cats died.My grandmother got sick, and she doesn't remember me anymore.My insecurities grew a lot, my schizophrenia got worse, I started to feel paranoid and bombarded my ex with emotional speeches and false accusations saying that he was cheating on me because I really thought it was like that.", "He broke up with me, and I fell more in the void that I am now.I started to feel sadder and sadder, and I was mean to one of my best friends.I apologized but she is not talking to me anymore.My ex is my best best friend, so we keep a fwb relationship, but I'm pushing him away too because I can't stop being insecure and he can't give me reassurance right now, he's having a really hard time and I can't help him, I only make the things worse and worse.I'm not sure about this, as I'm waiting to take a test right now, but I might be pregnant too.In my country abortion is illegal, and if I'm pregnant, I can't even think to bring the subject to him, because he's trying so hard to get his life together.I love him a lot, and I didn't kill myself yet just because I think that even if we are not so close as before, it would hurt him a lot.I can't find a job and when I have something I get anxious and can't even go to the interview.I'm seeing a therapist, I'm going to the gym, but nothing seems to be getting better.I talked to my parents, they live in another city, and are trying to help, but I can't bear with the pain anymore.", "I can't sleep, I eat until I vomit, or don't eat at all, I cry every day, and I can't get myself together, I only can think that I'm a selfish and horrible person, who wants to take her life when she has people who cares about her, and even a cat.I feel like I broke completely, and I tried to get better for months, but it was no use,\nI really, really hate myself, and can't stand seeing me in the mirror anymore.I only want the pain to stop but I'm too afraid of leaving my little cat alone, of breaking my parents hearts, that my bestfriend/ex will feel guilty or be alone too, but when I think of it I'm really sure he will be happier without me.I don't know what to do anymore." ]
Estoy demasiado cansadoHola, soy una mujer de 24 años.El inglés no es mi lengua materna, así que discúlpame si cometí errores.Esta no es mi cuenta original.Bueno, el título lo dice todo.Al principio, solo había una cosa que me daba dolor, y esa era la situación que vivía mi novio (ahora ex novio).Su hija fue abusada, y se lo llevó a la policía.Su ex se llevó a su hija, y por razones legales él todavía está luchando por verla.Los abusadores sólo tuvieron una orden de restricción de tres meses.Creo que esto fue lo primero que me hizo sentir como ahora.Amo a ese niño, tal vez no es mi hija pero siempre la amé y es una de mis personas favoritas en el mundo.Y lloro cada vez que pienso que no puedo hacer absolutamente nada sobre todo esto.Eso fue hace meses, y el proceso de llevarla de vuelta a mi ex-ex está tomando un tiempo muy largo.En estos meses, mis dos gatos murieron y ella ya no me recuerda.
You are now breathing manually And blinking manually, and swallowing manually and now you can feel your tongue in your mouth You're welcome
[ "You are now breathing manually And blinking manually, and swallowing manually and now you can feel your tongue in your mouthYou're welcome" ]
Ahora estás respirando manualmente y parpadeando manualmente, y tragando manualmente y ahora puedes sentir tu lengua en tu boca.
man, i feel so lonely. i have no quality friends to spend time with. my sibling's kinda busy with her mother. i can't find a girl who's smart enough to understand me. i don't have a computer so that i could play some favorite titles and forget the sadness forever. i got hurt yesterday because of my asshole dog and broke my new fucking expensive phone in the process that i bought with my own money which i earned by working at my father's office. mamoni has gotten frustrated over something and rash behavior is driving me crazy. i don't talk much or, at all so uh, i feel like exploding someday. damn, what do i lack? i have an opened mind, broadened knowledge, urge for learning skills, good fitness, caring mind and most importantly, being polite. yet, i fail to acquire anything i want.
[ "man, i feel so lonely.i have no quality friends to spend time with.my sibling's kinda busy with her mother.i can't find a girl who's smart enough to understand me.i don't have a computer so that i could play some favorite titles and forget the sadness forever.i got hurt yesterday because of my asshole dog and broke my new fucking expensive phone in the process that i bought with my own money which i earned by working at my father's office.mamoni has gotten frustrated over something and rash behavior is driving me crazy.i don't talk much or, at all so uh, i feel like exploding someday.damn, what do i lack?i have an opened mind, broadened knowledge, urge for learning skills, good fitness, caring mind and most importantly, being polite.yet, i fail to acquire anything i want." ]
hombre, me siento tan solo.no tengo amigos de calidad para pasar tiempo con.mi hermano está un poco ocupado con su madre.no puedo encontrar una chica que es lo suficientemente inteligente para entenderme.no tengo una computadora para que pueda jugar algunos títulos favoritos y olvidar la tristeza para siempre.me lastimé ayer debido a mi perro gilipollas y rompí mi nuevo teléfono caro en el proceso que compré con mi propio dinero que gané trabajando en la oficina de mi padre.mamoni se ha frustrado por algo y comportamiento precipitado me está volviendo loco.no hablo mucho o, en absoluto tan uh, me siento como explotando algún día.damn, ¿qué me falta?tengo una mente abierta, conocimiento ampliado, impulso para aprender habilidades, buena aptitud, mente cariñosa y lo más importante, siendo educado.todavía, no puedo adquirir nada que quiera.
Happy birthday! I rarely post on here but just like last year.. Happy birthday to someone I used to know. You're 18 now and I wish more than anything that you be celebrated, loved, and appreciated and you better enjoy every second of this day because I know you have good people around you who will celebrate you. Even if it's a little different this year. You don't know how badly I want to be one of those people to celebrate you and all you've done and how far you've come but I guess things just don't always work out. There's so much more I could say to you and so much more I wish you knew but like always I still wish the best for you every damn single day. I'd never want anything different. I hope you're doing well and again happy birthday you better enjoy it.
[ "Happy birthday!I rarely post on here but just like last year..\n\nHappy birthday to someone I used to know.You're 18 nowand I wish more than anything that you be celebrated, loved, and appreciated and you better enjoy every second of this day because I know you have good people around you who will celebrate you.Even if it's a little different this year.You don't know how badly I want to be one of those people to celebrate you and all you've done and how far you've comebut I guess things just don't always work out.There's so much more I could say to you and so much more I wish you knewbut like always I still wish the best for you every damn single day.I'd never want anything different.I hope you're doing well and again happy birthday you better enjoy it." ]
¡Feliz cumpleaños!Rara vez pongo aquí, pero igual que el año pasado..Feliz cumpleaños a alguien que solía conocer.Ahora tienes 18 años y deseo más que nada que seas celebrado, amado y apreciado y que disfrutes mejor cada segundo de este día porque sé que tienes buena gente a tu alrededor que te va a celebrar.Incluso si es un poco diferente este año.No sabes lo mal que quiero ser una de esas personas para celebrarte y todo lo que has hecho y hasta dónde has llegado pero supongo que las cosas no siempre funcionan.Hay mucho más que podría decirte y mucho más que desearía que lo supieras pero como siempre todavía deseo lo mejor para ti cada maldito día.Nunca querría nada diferente.Espero que estés haciendo bien y feliz cumpleaños que lo disfrutes.
I feel like shitI'm so anxious. Tomoro is my presentation day and the sisters at the hospital have been nasty to me so I am dead scared I cant even sleep. Pls chant for me, pls pray for me pls wish me well
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I feel like shitI'm so anxious.Tomoro is my presentation day and the sisters at the hospital have been nasty to me so I am dead scared I cant even sleep.Pls chant for me, pls pray for me pls wish me well" ]
Me siento como una mierdaEstoy tan ansioso.Tomoro es mi día de presentación y las hermanas en el hospital han sido desagradables para mí, así que estoy muerto de miedo ni siquiera puedo dormir.Pls cantar por mí, pls rezar por mí pls me desea bien
An bhfuil daoine labhartha Gaeilge ar bith sa subreddit seo? Is Éireannach mé féin, bhí mé á dhéanamh ar scoil chomh fada agus is cuimhin liom. Tá brón orm má tá mo ghramadach go dona, tá Google Translate á úsáid agam.
[ "An bhfuil daoine labhartha Gaeilge ar bith sa subreddit seo?Is Éireannach mé féin, bhí mé á dhéanamh ar scoil chomh fada agus is cuimhin liom.Tá brón orm má tá mo ghramadach go dona, tá Google Translate á úsáid agam." ]
Un bhfuil daoine labhartha Gaeilge ar bith sa subreddit seo?Es Éireannach mé féin, bhí mé á dhéanamh ar scoil chomh fada agus es cuimhin liom.Tá brón orm má má mo ghramadach go dona, tá Google Translate á úsáid agam.
selfish...selfish. thats what people think suicide is. selfish. tell me, what kinda mental gymnastics do people have to fucking go through to come to THAT conclusion? I'm in pain. I'm in agony. I have no hope for the future. I don't want to live anymore. But because YOU want me alive, I have to stay alive. But I'M the selfish one. Yeah. Ok. Sure. Sorry...needed to vent...
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "selfish...selfish.thats what people think suicide is.selfish.tell me, what kinda mental gymnastics do people have to fucking go through to come to THAT conclusion?I'm in pain.I'm in agony.I have no hope for the future.I don't want to live anymore.But because YOU want me alive, I have to stay alive.But I'M the selfish one.Yeah.Ok.Sure.Sorry...needed to vent..." ]
egoísta... egoísta.eso es lo que la gente piensa que el suicidio es. egoísta.Dime, ¿qué clase de gimnasia mental la gente tiene que pasar para llegar a esa conclusión?Estoy en dolor.Estoy en agonía.No tengo ninguna esperanza para el futuro.No quiero vivir más.Pero porque me quieres vivo, tengo que permanecer vivo.Pero soy el egoísta.Sí.Ok.Seguro.Lo siento...necesario ventilar...