Uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) is highly expressed in brown adipose tissue, where it generates heat by uncoupling electron transport from ATP production. UCP1 is also found outside classical brown adipose tissue depots, in adipocytes that are termed 'brite' (brown-in-white) or 'beige'. In humans, the presence of brite or beige (brite/beige) adipocytes is correlated with a lean, metabolically healthy phenotype, but whether a causal relationship exists is not clear. Here we report that human brite/beige adipocyte progenitors proliferate in response to pro-angiogenic factors, in association with expanding capillary networks. Adipocytes formed from these progenitors transform in response to adenylate cyclase activation from being UCP1 negative to being UCP1 positive, which is a defining feature of the beige/brite phenotype, while displaying uncoupled respiration. When implanted into normal chow-fed, or into high-fat diet (HFD)-fed, glucose-intolerant NOD-scid IL2rg(null) (NSG) mice, brite/beige adipocytes activated in vitro enhance systemic glucose tolerance. These adipocytes express neuroendocrine and secreted factors, including the pro-protein convertase PCSK1, which is strongly associated with human obesity. Pro-angiogenic conditions therefore drive the proliferation of human beige/brite adipocyte progenitors, and activated beige/brite adipocytes can affect systemic glucose homeostasis, potentially through a neuroendocrine mechanism.
Some authors claim that microglia originate from the neuroepithelium, although most now believe that microglial cells are of mesodermal origin, and probably belong to the monocyte/macrophage cell line. These cells must enter the developing central nervous system (CNS) from the blood stream, the ventricular space or the meninges. Afterward microglial cells are distributed more or less homogeneously through the entire nervous parenchyma. Stereotyped patterns of migration have been recognized during development, in which long-distance tangential migration precedes radial migration of individual cells. Microglial cells moving through the nervous parenchyma are ameboid microglia, which apparently differentiate into ramified microglia after reaching their definitive location. This is supported by the presence of cells showing intermediate features between those of ameboid and ramified microglia. The factors that control the invasion of the nervous parenchyma, migration within the developing CNS and differentiation of microglial cells are not well known. These phenomena apparently depend on environmental factors such as soluble or cell-surface bound molecules and components of the extracellular matrix. Microglial cells within the developing CNS are involved in clearing cell debris and withdrawing misdirected or transitory axons, and presumably support cell survival and neurite growth.
OBJECTIVE To summarise the effects of anthelmintic drug treatment on growth and cognitive performance in children. DATA SOURCES Electronic databases: Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group controlled trial register, Cochrane controlled trials register, Embase, and Medline. Citations of all identified trials. Contact with the World Health Organization and field researchers. REVIEW METHODS Systematic review of randomised controlled trials in children aged 1-16 that compared anthelmintic treatment with placebo or no treatment. Assessment of validity and data abstraction conducted independently by two reviewers. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Growth and cognitive performance. RESULTS Thirty randomised controlled trials in more than 15 000 children were identified. Effects on mean weight were unremarkable, and heterogeneity was evident in the results. There were some positive effects on mean weight change in the trials reporting this outcome: after a single dose (any anthelmintic) the pooled estimates were 0.24 kg (95% confidence interval 0.15 kg to 0. 32 kg; fixed effects model assumed) and 0.38 kg (0.01 kg to 0.77 kg; random effects model assumed). Results from trials of multiple doses showed mean weight change in up to one year of follow up of 0.10 kg (0.04 kg to 0.17 kg; fixed effects) or 0.15 kg (0.00 to 0.30; random effects). At more than one year of follow up, mean weight change was 0.12 kg (-0.02 kg to 0.26 kg; fixed effects) and 0.43 (-0.61 to 1. 47; random effects). Results from studies of cognitive performance were inconclusive. CONCLUSIONS There is some limited evidence that routine treatment of children in areas where helminths are common has effects on weight gain, but this is not consistent between trials. There is insufficient evidence as to whether this intervention improves cognitive performance.
The transcriptional status of a gene can be maintained through multiple rounds of cell division during development. This epigenetic effect is believed to reflect heritable changes in chromatin folding and histone modifications or variants at target genes, but little is known about how these chromatin features are inherited through cell division. A particular challenge for maintaining transcription states is DNA replication, which disrupts or dilutes chromatin-associated proteins and histone modifications. PRC1-class Polycomb group protein complexes are essential for development and are thought to heritably silence transcription by altering chromatin folding and histone modifications. It is not known whether these complexes and their effects are maintained during DNA replication or subsequently re-established. We find that when PRC1-class Polycomb complex-bound chromatin or DNA is replicated in vitro, Polycomb complexes remain bound to replicated templates. Retention of Polycomb proteins through DNA replication may contribute to maintenance of transcriptional silencing through cell division.
Within the developing mammalian CNS, growth factors direct multipotent precursors to generate neurons versus glia, a process that if perturbed might lead to neural dysfunction. In this regard, genetic mutations resulting in constitutive activation of the protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2 cause Noonan Syndrome (NS), which is associated with learning disabilities and mental retardation. Here, we demonstrate that genetic knockdown of SHP-2 in cultured cortical precursors or in the embryonic cortex inhibited basal neurogenesis and caused enhanced and precocious astrocyte formation. Conversely, expression of an NS SHP-2 mutant promoted neurogenesis and inhibited astrogenesis. Neural cell-fate decisions were similarly perturbed in a mouse knockin model that phenocopies human NS. Thus, SHP-2 instructs precursors to make neurons and not astrocytes during the neurogenic period, and perturbations in the relative ratios of these two cell types upon constitutive SHP-2 activation may contribute to the cognitive impairments in NS patients.
INO80 is an evolutionarily conserved, ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling enzyme that plays roles in transcription, DNA repair, and replication. Here, we show that yeast INO80 facilitates these diverse processes at least in part by controlling genome-wide distribution of the histone variant H2A.Z. In the absence of INO80, H2A.Z nucleosomes are mislocalized, and H2A.Z levels at promoters show reduced responsiveness to transcriptional changes, suggesting that INO80 controls H2A.Z dynamics. Additionally, we demonstrate that INO80 has a histone-exchange activity in which the enzyme can replace nucleosomal H2A.Z/H2B with free H2A/H2B dimers. Genetic interactions between ino80 and htz1 support a model in which INO80 catalyzes the removal of unacetylated H2A.Z from chromatin as a mechanism to promote genome stability.
Cells migrate in multiple different ways depending on their environment, which includes the extracellular matrix composition, interactions with other cells, and chemical stimuli. For all types of cell migration, Rho GTPases play a central role, although the relative contribution of each Rho GTPase depends on the environment and cell type. Here, I review recent advances in our understanding of how Rho GTPases contribute to different types of migration, comparing lamellipodium-driven versus bleb-driven migration modes. I also describe how cells migrate across the endothelium. In addition to Rho, Rac and Cdc42, which are well known to regulate migration, I discuss the roles of other less-well characterized members of the Rho family.
Recognition of antigen by T cells requires the formation of a specialized junction between the T cell and the antigen-presenting cell. This junction is generated by the recruitment and the exclusion of specific proteins from the contact area. The mechanisms that regulate these events are unknown. Here we demonstrate that ligand engagement of the adhesion molecule, CD2, initiates a process of protein segregation, CD2 clustering, and cytoskeletal polarization. Although protein segregation was not dependent on the cytoplasmic domain of CD2, CD2 clustering and cytoskeletal polarization required an interaction of the CD2 cytoplasmic domain with a novel SH3-containing protein. This novel protein, called CD2AP, is likely to facilitate receptor patterning in the contact area by linking specific adhesion receptors to the cytoskeleton.
Mature adipocytes are generated through the proliferation and differentiation of precursor cells. Our previous studies identified adipocyte progenitors in white adipose tissue (WAT) as Lin(-):CD29(+):CD34(+):Sca-1(+):CD24(+) (CD24(+)) cells that are capable of generating functional WAT (ref. ). Here, we employ several Cre recombinase mouse models to identify the adipocyte cellular lineage in vivo. Although it has been proposed that white adipocytes are derived from endothelial and haematopoietic lineages, we find that neither of these lineages label white adipocytes. However, platelet-derived growth factor receptor α (PdgfRα)-Cre trace labels all white adipocytes. Analysis of WAT from PdgfRα-Cre reporter mice identifies CD24(+) and Lin(-):CD29(+):CD34(+):Sca-1(+): CD24(-) (CD24(-)) cells as adipocyte precursors. We show that CD24(+) cells generate the CD24(-) population in vivo and the CD24(-) cells express late markers of adipogenesis. From these data we propose a model where the CD24(+) adipocyte progenitors become further committed to the adipocyte lineage as CD24 expression is lost, generating CD24(-) preadipocytes. This characterization of the adipocyte cellular lineage will facilitate the study of the mechanisms that regulate WAT formation in vivo and WAT mass expansion in obesity.
BACKGROUND Over the past decade malaria intervention coverage has been scaled up across Africa. However, it remains unclear what overall reduction in transmission is achievable using currently available tools. METHODS AND FINDINGS We developed an individual-based simulation model for Plasmodium falciparum transmission in an African context incorporating the three major vector species (Anopheles gambiae s.s., An. arabiensis, and An. funestus) with parameters obtained by fitting to parasite prevalence data from 34 transmission settings across Africa. We incorporated the effect of the switch to artemisinin-combination therapy (ACT) and increasing coverage of long-lasting insecticide treated nets (LLINs) from the year 2000 onwards. We then explored the impact on transmission of continued roll-out of LLINs, additional rounds of indoor residual spraying (IRS), mass screening and treatment (MSAT), and a future RTS,S/AS01 vaccine in six representative settings with varying transmission intensity (as summarized by the annual entomological inoculation rate, EIR: 1 setting with low, 3 with moderate, and 2 with high EIRs), vector-species combinations, and patterns of seasonality. In all settings we considered a realistic target of 80% coverage of interventions. In the low-transmission setting (EIR approximately 3 ibppy [infectious bites per person per year]), LLINs have the potential to reduce malaria transmission to low levels (<1% parasite prevalence in all age-groups) provided usage levels are high and sustained. In two of the moderate-transmission settings (EIR approximately 43 and 81 ibppy), additional rounds of IRS with DDT coupled with MSAT could drive parasite prevalence below a 1% threshold. However, in the third (EIR = 46) with An. arabiensis prevailing, these interventions are insufficient to reach this threshold. In both high-transmission settings (EIR approximately 586 and 675 ibppy), either unrealistically high coverage levels (>90%) or novel tools and/or substantial social improvements will be required, although considerable reductions in prevalence can be achieved with existing tools and realistic coverage levels. CONCLUSIONS Interventions using current tools can result in major reductions in P. falciparum malaria transmission and the associated disease burden in Africa. Reduction to the 1% parasite prevalence threshold is possible in low- to moderate-transmission settings when vectors are primarily endophilic (indoor-resting), provided a comprehensive and sustained intervention program is achieved through roll-out of interventions. In high-transmission settings and those in which vectors are mainly exophilic (outdoor-resting), additional new tools that target exophagic (outdoor-biting), exophilic, and partly zoophagic mosquitoes will be required.
AIM This review explores the molecular, neurological, and behavioural outcomes in animal models of uterine artery ligation. We analyse the relevance of this type of model to the pathological and functional phenotypes that are consistent with cerebral palsy and its developmental comorbidities in humans. METHOD A literature search of the PubMed database was conducted for research using the uterine artery ligation model published between 1990 and 2013. From the studies included, any relevant neuroanatomical and behavioural deficits were then summarized from each document and used for further analysis. RESULTS There were 25 papers that met the criteria included for review, and several outcomes were summarized from the results of these papers. Fetuses with growth restriction demonstrated a gradient of reduced body weight with a relative sparing of brain mass. There was a significant reduction in the size of the somatosensory cortex, hippocampus, and corpus callosum. The motor cortex appeared to be spared of identifiable deficits. Apoptotic proteins were upregulated, while those important to neuronal survival, growth, and differentiation were downregulated. Neuronal apoptosis and astrogliosis occurred diffusely throughout the brain regions. White matter injury involved oligodendrocyte precursor maturation arrest, hypomyelination, and an aberrant organization of existing myelin. Animals with growth restriction demonstrated deficits in gait, memory, object recognition, and spatial processing. INTERPRETATION This review concludes that neuronal death, white matter injury, motor abnormalities, and cognitive deficits are important outcomes of uterine artery ligation in animal models. Therefore, this is a clinically relevant type of model, as these findings resemble deficits in human cerebral palsy.
LL5beta has been identified as a microtubule-anchoring factor that attaches EB1/CLIP-associating protein (CLASP)-bound microtubule plus ends to the cell cortex. In this study, we show that LL5beta and its homologue LL5alpha (LL5s) colocalize with autocrine laminin-5 and its receptors, integrins alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta4, at the basal side of fully polarized epithelial sheets. Depletion of both laminin receptor integrins abolishes the cortical localization of LL5s, whereas LL5 depletion reduces the amount of integrin alpha3 at the basal cell cortex. Activation of integrin alpha3 is sufficient to initiate LL5 accumulation at the cell cortex. LL5s form a complex with the cytoplasmic tails of these integrins, but their interaction might be indirect. Analysis of the three-dimensional distribution of microtubule growth by visualizing EB1-GFP in epithelial sheets in combination with RNA interference reveals that LL5s are required to maintain the density of growing microtubules selectively at the basal cortex. These findings reveal that signaling from laminin-integrin associations attaches microtubule plus ends to the epithelial basal cell cortex.
BACKGROUND Good-quality artemisinin drugs are essential for malaria treatment, but increasing prevalence of poor-quality artemisinin drugs in many endemic countries hinders effective management of malaria cases. METHODS To develop a point-of-care assay for rapid identification of counterfeit and substandard artemisinin drugs for resource-limited areas, we used specific monoclonal antibodies against artesunate and artemether, and developed prototypes of lateral flow dipstick assays. In this pilot test, we evaluated the feasibility of these dipsticks under different endemic settings and their performance in the hands of untrained personnel. RESULTS The results showed that the dipstick tests can be successfully performed by different investigators with the included instruction sheet. None of the artemether and artesunate drugs collected from public pharmacies in different endemic countries failed the test. CONCLUSION It is possible that the simple dipstick assays, with future optimization of test conditions and sensitivity, can be used as a qualitative and semi-quantitative assay for rapid screening of counterfeit artemisinin drugs in endemic settings.
BACKGROUND The heritable haemoglobinopathy alpha(+)-thalassaemia is caused by the reduced synthesis of alpha-globin chains that form part of normal adult haemoglobin (Hb). Individuals homozygous for alpha(+)-thalassaemia have microcytosis and an increased erythrocyte count. Alpha(+)-thalassaemia homozygosity confers considerable protection against severe malaria, including severe malarial anaemia (SMA) (Hb concentration < 50 g/l), but does not influence parasite count. We tested the hypothesis that the erythrocyte indices associated with alpha(+)-thalassaemia homozygosity provide a haematological benefit during acute malaria. METHODS AND FINDINGS Data from children living on the north coast of Papua New Guinea who had participated in a case-control study of the protection afforded by alpha(+)-thalassaemia against severe malaria were reanalysed to assess the genotype-specific reduction in erythrocyte count and Hb levels associated with acute malarial disease. We observed a reduction in median erythrocyte count of approximately 1.5 x 10(12)/l in all children with acute falciparum malaria relative to values in community children (p < 0.001). We developed a simple mathematical model of the linear relationship between Hb concentration and erythrocyte count. This model predicted that children homozygous for alpha(+)-thalassaemia lose less Hb than children of normal genotype for a reduction in erythrocyte count of >1.1 x 10(12)/l as a result of the reduced mean cell Hb in homozygous alpha(+)-thalassaemia. In addition, children homozygous for alpha(+)-thalassaemia require a 10% greater reduction in erythrocyte count than children of normal genotype (p = 0.02) for Hb concentration to fall to 50 g/l, the cutoff for SMA. We estimated that the haematological profile in children homozygous for alpha(+)-thalassaemia reduces the risk of SMA during acute malaria compared to children of normal genotype (relative risk 0.52; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.24-1.12, p = 0.09). CONCLUSIONS The increased erythrocyte count and microcytosis in children homozygous for alpha(+)-thalassaemia may contribute substantially to their protection against SMA. A lower concentration of Hb per erythrocyte and a larger population of erythrocytes may be a biologically advantageous strategy against the significant reduction in erythrocyte count that occurs during acute infection with the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. This haematological profile may reduce the risk of anaemia by other Plasmodium species, as well as other causes of anaemia. Other host polymorphisms that induce an increased erythrocyte count and microcytosis may confer a similar advantage.
BACKGROUND Persistent inflammation has been proposed to contribute to various stages in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. Interleukin-6 receptor (IL6R) signalling propagates downstream inflammation cascades. To assess whether this pathway is causally relevant to coronary heart disease, we studied a functional genetic variant known to affect IL6R signalling. METHODS In a collaborative meta-analysis, we studied Asp358Ala (rs2228145) in IL6R in relation to a panel of conventional risk factors and inflammation biomarkers in 125,222 participants. We also compared the frequency of Asp358Ala in 51,441 patients with coronary heart disease and in 136,226 controls. To gain insight into possible mechanisms, we assessed Asp358Ala in relation to localised gene expression and to postlipopolysaccharide stimulation of interleukin 6. FINDINGS The minor allele frequency of Asp358Ala was 39%. Asp358Ala was not associated with lipid concentrations, blood pressure, adiposity, dysglycaemia, or smoking (p value for association per minor allele ≥0·04 for each). By contrast, for every copy of 358Ala inherited, mean concentration of IL6R increased by 34·3% (95% CI 30·4-38·2) and of interleukin 6 by 14·6% (10·7-18·4), and mean concentration of C-reactive protein was reduced by 7·5% (5·9-9·1) and of fibrinogen by 1·0% (0·7-1·3). For every copy of 358Ala inherited, risk of coronary heart disease was reduced by 3·4% (1·8-5·0). Asp358Ala was not related to IL6R mRNA levels or interleukin-6 production in monocytes. INTERPRETATION Large-scale human genetic and biomarker data are consistent with a causal association between IL6R-related pathways and coronary heart disease. FUNDING British Heart Foundation; UK Medical Research Council; UK National Institute of Health Research, Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre; BUPA Foundation.
The small GTPase Rac1 orchestrates actin-dependent remodeling essential for numerous cellular processes including synapse development. While precise spatiotemporal regulation of Rac1 is necessary for its function, little is known about the mechanisms that enable Rac1 activators (GEFs) and inhibitors (GAPs) to act in concert to regulate Rac1 signaling. Here, we identify a regulatory complex composed of a Rac-GEF (Tiam1) and a Rac-GAP (Bcr) that cooperate to control excitatory synapse development. Disruption of Bcr function within this complex increases Rac1 activity and dendritic spine remodeling, resulting in excessive synaptic growth that is rescued by Tiam1 inhibition. Notably, EphB receptors utilize the Tiam1-Bcr complex to control synaptogenesis. Following EphB activation, Tiam1 induces Rac1-dependent spine formation, whereas Bcr prevents Rac1-mediated receptor internalization, promoting spine growth over retraction. The finding that a Rac-specific GEF/GAP complex is required to maintain optimal levels of Rac1 signaling provides an important insight into the regulation of small GTPases.
Chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) targeting CD19 have mediated dramatic antitumor responses in hematologic malignancies, but tumor regression has rarely occurred using CARs targeting other antigens. It remains unknown whether the impressive effects of CD19 CARs relate to greater susceptibility of hematologic malignancies to CAR therapies, or superior functionality of the CD19 CAR itself. We show that tonic CAR CD3-ζ phosphorylation, triggered by antigen-independent clustering of CAR single-chain variable fragments, can induce early exhaustion of CAR T cells that limits antitumor efficacy. Such activation is present to varying degrees in all CARs studied, except the highly effective CD19 CAR. We further determine that CD28 costimulation augments, whereas 4-1BB costimulation reduces, exhaustion induced by persistent CAR signaling. Our results provide biological explanations for the antitumor effects of CD19 CARs and for the observations that CD19 CAR T cells incorporating the 4-1BB costimulatory domain are more persistent than those incorporating CD28 in clinical trials.
Induction of tumor-specific immunity requires that dendritic cells (DCs) efficiently capture and present tumor antigens to result in the expansion and activation of tumor-specific cytotoxic T cells. The transition from antigen capture to T cell stimulation requires a maturation signal; in its absence tolerance, rather than immunity may develop. While immune complexes (ICs) are able to enhance antigen capture, they can be poor at inducing DC maturation, naive T cell activation and protective immunity. We now demonstrate that interfering with the inhibitory signal delivered by FcγRIIB on DCs converts ICs to potent maturation agents and results in T cell activation. Applying this approach to immunization with DCs pulsed ex-vivo with ICs, we have generated antigen-specific CD8+ T cells in vivo and achieved efficient protective immunity in a murine melanoma model. These data imply that ICs may normally function to maintain tolerance through the binding to inhibitory FcγRs on DCs, but they can be converted to potent immunogenic stimuli by selective engagement of activating FcγRs. This mechanism suggests a novel approach to the development of tumor vaccines.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE The level of total homocysteine (tHcy) that confers a risk of ischemic stroke is unsettled, and no prospective cohort studies have included sufficient elderly minority subjects. We investigated the association between mild to moderate fasting tHcy level and the incidence of ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, and vascular death in a multiethnic prospective study. METHODS A population-based cohort was followed for vascular events (stroke, myocardial infarction, and vascular death). Baseline values of tHcy and methylmalonic acid were measured among 2939 subjects (mean age, 69+/-10; 61% women, 53% Hispanics, 24% blacks, and 20% whites). Cox proportional models were used to calculate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% CIs in tHcy categories after adjusting for age, race, education, renal insufficiency, B12 deficiency, and other risk factors. RESULTS The adjusted HR for a tHcy level > or =15 micromol/L compared with <10 micromol/L was greatest for vascular death (HR=6.04; 95% CI, 3.44 to 10.60), followed by combined vascular events (HR=2.27; 95% CI, 1.51 to 3.43), ischemic stroke (HR=2.01; 95% CI, 1.00 to 4.05), and nonvascular death (HR=2.02; 95% CI, 1.31 to 3.14). Mild to moderate elevations of tHcy of 10 to 15 micromol/L were not significantly predictive of ischemic stroke, but increased the risk of vascular death (2.27; 95% CI, 1.44 to 3.60) and combined vascular events (1.42; 95% CI, 1.06 to 1.88). The effect of tHcy was stronger among whites and Hispanics, but not a significant risk factor for blacks. CONCLUSIONS Total Hcy elevations above 15 micromol/L are an independent risk factor for ischemic stroke, whereas mild elevations of tHcy of 10 to 15 micromol/L are less predictive. The vascular effects of tHcy are greatest among whites and Hispanics, and less among blacks.
Alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) is one of the two known telomere length maintenance mechanisms that are essential for the unlimited proliferation potential of cancer cells. Existing methods for detecting ALT in tumors require substantial amounts of tumor material and are labor intensive, making it difficult to study prevalence and prognostic significance of ALT in large tumor cohorts. Here, we present a novel strategy utilizing telomere quantitative PCR to diagnose ALT. The protocol is more rapid than conventional methods and scrutinizes two distinct characteristics of ALT cells concurrently: long telomeres and the presence of C-circles (partially double-stranded circles of telomeric C-strand DNA). Requiring only 30 ng of genomic DNA, this protocol will facilitate large-scale studies of ALT in tumors and can be readily adopted by clinical laboratories.
The development of improved typhoid vaccines is a high global public health priority. However, their development has been hampered by a lack of information regarding the specific determinants of protective immunity to Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi) infection in humans. Although antibodies to S. Typhi O, H, and Vi appear to be involved in protection against S. Typhi infection, it is unknown whether such antibodies mediate protection, act in conjunction with other adaptive responses, or serve as a surrogate for the presence of other, more dominant protective immune responses (e.g., cell-mediated immunity [CMI]). CMI responses elicited by immunization of subjects with attenuated S. Typhi oral vaccines include lymphoproliferation; production of type 1 cytokines (e.g., interferon- gamma and tumor necrosis factor- alpha ); and classical major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class Ia-restricted and novel, nonclassical MHC class Ib (human leukocyte antigen [HLA]-E)-restricted CD8(+) cytotoxic T cell responses. In sum, human immunity to S. Typhi elicited by immunization is unexpectedly broad and complex. However, the immunologic correlates of protection remain largely undefined.
BACKGROUND Information is scarce about the combined effects on breast cancer incidence of low-penetrance genetic susceptibility polymorphisms and environmental factors (reproductive, behavioural, and anthropometric risk factors for breast cancer). To test for evidence of gene-environment interactions, we compared genotypic relative risks for breast cancer across the other risk factors in a large UK prospective study. METHODS We tested gene-environment interactions in 7610 women who developed breast cancer and 10 196 controls without the disease, studying the effects of 12 polymorphisms (FGFR2-rs2981582, TNRC9-rs3803662, 2q35-rs13387042, MAP3K1-rs889312, 8q24-rs13281615, 2p-rs4666451, 5p12-rs981782, CASP8-rs1045485, LSP1-rs3817198, 5q-rs30099, TGFB1-rs1982073, and ATM-rs1800054) in relation to prospectively collected information about ten established environmental risk factors (age at menarche, parity, age at first birth, breastfeeding, menopausal status, age at menopause, use of hormone replacement therapy, body-mass index, height, and alcohol consumption). FINDINGS After allowance for multiple testing none of the 120 comparisons yielded significant evidence of a gene-environment interaction. By contrast with previous suggestions, there was little evidence that the genotypic relative risks were affected by use of hormone replacement therapy, either overall or for oestrogen-receptor-positive disease. Only one of the 12 polymorphisms was correlated with any of the ten other risk factors: carriers of the high-risk C allele of MAP3K1-rs889312 were significantly shorter than non-carriers (mean height 162.4 cm [95% CI 162.1-162.7] vs 163.1 cm [162.9-163.2]; p=0.01 after allowance for multiple testing). INTERPRETATION Risks of breast cancer associated with low-penetrance susceptibility polymorphisms do not vary significantly with these ten established environmental risk factors. FUNDING Cancer Research UK and the UK Medical Research Council.
Glutamate receptors mediate the majority of excitatory synaptic transmission in the CNS. The AMPA-subtype has rapid kinetics, with activation, deactivation and desensitization proceeding on the millisecond timescale or faster. Crystallographic, biochemical, and functional studies suggest that GluR2 Cys mutants which form intermolecular disulfide cross-links between the lower D2 lobes of the ligand binding cores can be trapped in a conformation that represents the desensitized state. We used multi-channel rapid perfusion techniques to examine the state dependence of cross-linking in these mutants. Under reducing conditions, both wild-type GluR2 and the G725C and S729C mutants have normal activation and desensitization kinetics, but the Cys mutants can be efficiently trapped in nonconducting states when oxidized. In contrast the I664C mutant is only partially inactivated under oxidizing conditions. For S729C, disulfide cross-links form rapidly when receptors are desensitized in the presence of glutamate, but receptors also become trapped at rest, in the absence of agonist. We assessed such spontaneous trapping in various conditions, including CNQX, a competitive antagonist; kainate, a weak partial agonist; or when desensitization was blocked by the L483Y mutation that stabilizes the D1 dimer interface. These experiments suggest that trapping in the absence of glutamate is due to two motions: Spontaneous breaking of the D1 dimer interface and hyperextension of the lower lobes of the ligand binding core. These data show that the glutamate binding domains are surprisingly mobile in the absence of ligand, which could influence receptor activity in the brain.
BACKGROUND Multiple mechanisms have been advanced to account for CD4+FOXP3+ regulatory T cell (Treg)-mediated suppression of CD4+ effector T cells (Teffs) but none appear to completely explain suppression. Previous data indicates that Tregs may affect the microenvironment redox state. Given the inherent redox sensitivity of T cells, we tested the hypothesis that oxidants may mediate the direct suppression of Teffs by Tregs. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS Tregs and Teffs were isolated from the spleens of wild type (WT) C57BL/6 mice or Ncf1(p47phox)-deficient C57BL/6 mice which lack NADPH oxidase function. Teffs were labeled with CFSE and co-cultured with unlabeled Tregs at varying Treg:Teff ratios in the presence of anti-CD3/CD28 coated beads for 3 days in suppression assays. Treg-mediated suppression was quantified by flow cytometric analysis of CFSE dilution in Teffs. The presence of the antioxidants n-acetylcysteine (NAC) or 2-mercaptoethanol or inhibitors of NADPH oxidase (diphenyleneiodonium and VAS-2870) resulted in reduced WT Treg-mediated suppression. The observed suppression was in part dependent upon TGFβ as it was partially blocked with neutralizing antibodies. The suppression of Teff proliferation induced by exogenous TGFβ treatment could be overcome with NAC. Ncf1-deficient Teff were slightly but significantly less sensitive than WT Teff to suppression by exogenous TGFβ. Ncf1-deficient Tregs suppressed Ncf1-deficient Teff very poorly compared to wild type controls. There was partial but incomplete reconstitution of suppression in assays with WT Tregs and Ncf1-deficient Teff. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE We present evidence that NADPH oxidase derived ROS plays a role in the direct Treg mediated suppression of CD4+ effector T cells in a process that is blocked by thiol-containing antioxidants, NADPH oxidase inhibitors or a lack of Ncf1 expression in Tregs and Teffs. Oxidants may represent a potential new target for therapeutic modulation of Treg function.
Cancer cells simultaneously harbor global losses and gains in DNA methylation. We demonstrate that inducing cellular oxidative stress by hydrogen peroxide treatment recruits DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) to damaged chromatin. DNMT1 becomes part of a complex(es) containing DNMT3B and members of the polycomb repressive complex 4. Hydrogen peroxide treatment causes relocalization of these proteins from non-GC-rich to GC-rich areas. Key components are similarly enriched at gene promoters in an in vivo colitis model. Although high-expression genes enriched for members of the complex have histone mark and nascent transcription changes, CpG island-containing low-expression genes gain promoter DNA methylation. Thus, oxidative damage induces formation and relocalization of a silencing complex that may explain cancer-specific aberrant DNA methylation and transcriptional silencing.
PURPOSE The adult newt can regenerate lens from pigmented epithelial cells (PECs) of the dorsal iris via dedifferentiation. The purpose of this research is to obtain sequence resources for a newt lens regeneration study and to obtain insights of dedifferentiation at the molecular level. METHODS mRNA was purified from iris during dedifferentiation and its cDNA library was constructed. From the cDNA library 10,449 clones were sequenced and analyzed. RESULTS From 10,449 reads, 780 contigs and 1,666 singlets were annotated. The presence of several cancer- and apoptosis-related genes during newt dedifferentiation was revealed. Moreover, several candidate genes, which might participate in reprogramming during dedifferentiation, were also found. CONCLUSIONS The expression of cancer- and apoptosis-related genes could be hallmarks during dedifferentiation. The expression sequence tag (EST) resource is useful for the future study of newt dedifferentiation, and the sequence information is available in GenBank (accession numbers; FS290155-FS300559).
A rare set of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) must undergo a massive expansion to produce mature blood cells. The phenotypic isolation of HSC from mice offers the opportunity to determine directly their proliferation kinetics. We analyzed the proliferation and cell cycle kinetics of long-term self-renewing HSC (LT-HSC) in normal adult mice. At any one time, approximately 5% of LT-HSC were in S/G2/M phases of the cell cycle and another 20% were in G1 phase. BrdUrd incorporation was used to determine the rate at which different cohorts of HSC entered the cell cycle over time. About 50% of LT-HSC incorporated BrdUrd by 6 days and >90% incorporated BrdUrd by 30 days. By 6 months, 99% of LT-HSC had incorporated BrdUrd. We calculated that approximately 8% of LT-HSC asynchronously entered the cell cycle per day. Nested reverse transcription-PCR analysis revealed cyclin D2 expression in a high proportion of LT-HSC. Although approximately 75% of LT-HSC are quiescent in G0 at any one time, all HSC are recruited into cycle regularly such that 99% of LT-HSC divide on average every 57 days.
Angiogenesis is a necessary step in tumor growth and metastasis. It is well established that the metabolites of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which must be obtained through the diet and cannot be synthesized de novo in mammals, have differential effects on cellular processes. Omega-6 fatty acid (n−6 FA)-derived metabolites promote angiogenesis by increasing growth factor expression whereas omega-3 fatty acids (n−3 FA) have anti-angiogenic and antitumor properties. However, most studies thus far have failed to account for the role of the n−6 FA/n−3 FA ratio in angiogenesis and instead examined the absolute levels of n−6 and n−3 FA. This review highlights the biochemical interactions between n−6 and n−3 FA and focuses on how the n−6/n−3 FA ratio in tissues modulates tumor angiogenesis. We suggest that future work should consider the n−6/n−3 FA ratio to be a key element in experimental design and analysis. Furthermore, we recommend that clinical interventions should aim to both reduce n−6 metabolites and simultaneously increase n−3 FA intake.
Glioma tumour-initiating cells (GTICs) can originate upon the transformation of neural progenitor cells (NPCs). Studies on GTICs have focused on primary tumours from which GTICs could be isolated and the use of human embryonic material. Recently, the somatic genomic landscape of human gliomas has been reported. RTK (receptor tyrosine kinase) and p53 signalling were found dysregulated in ∼90% and 86% of all primary tumours analysed, respectively. Here we report on the use of human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) for modelling gliomagenesis. Dysregulation of RTK and p53 signalling in hiPSC-derived NPCs (iNPCs) recapitulates GTIC properties in vitro. In vivo transplantation of transformed iNPCs leads to highly aggressive tumours containing undifferentiated stem cells and their differentiated derivatives. Metabolic modulation compromises GTIC viability. Last, screening of 101 anti-cancer compounds identifies three molecules specifically targeting transformed iNPCs and primary GTICs. Together, our results highlight the potential of hiPSCs for studying human tumourigenesis.
Recent studies have reported that competitive endogenous RNAs (ceRNAs) can act as sponges for a microRNA (miRNA) through their binding sites and that changes in ceRNA abundances from individual genes can modulate the activity of miRNAs. Consideration of this hypothesis would benefit from knowing the quantitative relationship between a miRNA and its endogenous target sites. Here, we altered intracellular target site abundance through expression of an miR-122 target in hepatocytes and livers and analyzed the effects on miR-122 target genes. Target repression was released in a threshold-like manner at high target site abundance (≥1.5 × 10(5) added target sites per cell), and this threshold was insensitive to the effective levels of the miRNA. Furthermore, in response to extreme metabolic liver disease models, global target site abundance of hepatocytes did not change sufficiently to affect miRNA-mediated repression. Thus, modulation of miRNA target abundance is unlikely to cause significant effects on gene expression and metabolism through a ceRNA effect.
Food allergy is a major public health concern in westernized countries, estimated to affect 5 % of children and 3–4 % of adults. Allergen-specific immunotherapy for food allergy is currently being actively evaluated, but is still experimental. The optimal protocol, in terms of the route of administration of the food, target maintenance dose, and duration of maintenance therapy, and the optimal patient for these procedures are still being worked out. The mechanisms underlying successful food desensitization are also unclear, in part, because there is no standard immunotherapy protocol. The mechanisms involved, however, may include mast cell and basophil suppression, development of food-specific IgG4 antibodies, reduction in the food-specific IgE/IgG4 ratio, up-regulation and expansion of natural or inducible regulatory T cells, a skewing from a Th2 to a Th1 profile, and the development of anergy and/or deletion in antigen-specific cells. Additional studies are required to elucidate and understand these mechanisms by which desensitization and tolerance are achieved, which may reveal valuable biomarkers for evaluating and following food allergic patients on immunotherapy.
The motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD), bradykinesia, muscular rigidity, and tremor depend upon degeneration of the dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta. Recent neuropathological studies show that the Lewy bodies, the intraneuronal landmark of PD, accumulate in several neuronal cell types in the brain. An ascending gradient of pathological involvement, from the medulla oblongata to neocortical areas has been reported. Thus the original view of PD as a disease characterized by selective damage of the dopaminergic neurons in the mesencephalon should be updated into the concept of a severe multisystemic neurodegenerative disorder. Additionally, the neuropathological alterations outside the substantia nigra are soundly correlated with the non-motor symptoms of PD. As a result of these findings, interest is growing in the identification of prodromal non-motor symptoms of PD. Indeed, data from the literature suggest that autonomic disturbances, olfactory dysfunctions, depression and sleep disorders (in particular REM-sleep behavior disorder) may represent prodromal non-motor symptoms of PD. Several tests are available to detect most of these symptoms. Thus, the identification of prodromal non-motor symptoms may contribute to the precocious diagnosis of PD, and might be useful in the future to test the efficacy of neuroprotective agents.
The Sp/Krüppel-like factor (Sp/Klf) family is comprised of around 25 zinc finger transcription factors that recognize CACCC boxes and GC-rich elements. We have investigated basic Krüppel-like factor (Bklf/Klf3) and show that in erythroid tissues its expression is highly dependent on another family member, erythroid Krüppel-like factor (Eklf/Klf1). We observe that Bklf mRNA is significantly reduced in erythroid tissues from Eklf-null murine embryos. We find that Bklf is driven primarily by two promoters, a ubiquitously active GC-rich upstream promoter, 1a, and an erythroid downstream promoter, 1b. Transcripts from the two promoters encode identical proteins. Interestingly, both the ubiquitous and the erythroid promoter are dependent on Eklf in erythroid cells. Eklf also activates both promoters in transient assays. Experiments utilizing an inducible form of Eklf demonstrate activation of the endogenous Bklf gene in the presence of an inhibitor of protein synthesis. The kinetics of activation are also consistent with Bklf being a direct Eklf target. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays confirm that Eklf associates with both Bklf promoters. Eklf is typically an activator of transcription, whereas Bklf is noted as a repressor. Our results support the hypothesis that feedback cross-regulation occurs within the Sp/Klf family in vivo.
Adipose tissue dysfunction plays a pivotal role in the development of insulin resistance in obese individuals. Cell culture studies and gain-of-function mouse models suggest that canonical Wnt proteins modulate adipose tissue expansion. However, no genetic evidence supports a role for endogenous Wnt proteins in adipose tissue dysfunction, and the role of noncanonical Wnt signaling remains largely unexplored. Here we provide evidence from human, mouse, and cell culture studies showing that Wnt5a-mediated, noncanonical Wnt signaling contributes to obesity-associated metabolic dysfunction by increasing adipose tissue inflammation. Wnt5a expression is significantly upregulated in human visceral fat compared with subcutaneous fat in obese individuals. In obese mice, Wnt5a ablation ameliorates insulin resistance, in parallel with reductions in adipose tissue inflammation. Conversely, Wnt5a overexpression in myeloid cells augments adipose tissue inflammation and leads to greater impairments in glucose homeostasis. Wnt5a ablation or overexpression did not affect fat mass or adipocyte size. Mechanistically, Wnt5a promotes the expression of proinflammatory cytokines by macrophages in a Jun NH2-terminal kinase-dependent manner, leading to defective insulin signaling in adipocytes. Exogenous interleukin-6 administration restores insulin resistance in obese Wnt5a-deficient mice, suggesting a central role for this cytokine in Wnt5a-mediated metabolic dysfunction. Taken together, these results demonstrate that noncanonical Wnt signaling contributes to obesity-induced insulin resistance independent of adipose tissue expansion.
The 5'-exonuclease Rat1 degrades pre-rRNA spacer fragments and processes the 5'-ends of the 5.8S and 25S rRNAs. UV crosslinking revealed multiple Rat1-binding sites across the pre-rRNA, consistent with its known functions. The major 5.8S 5'-end is generated by Rat1 digestion of the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) spacer from cleavage site A(3). Processing from A(3) requires the 'A(3)-cluster' proteins, including Cic1, Erb1, Nop7, Nop12 and Nop15, which show interdependent pre-rRNA binding. Surprisingly, A(3)-cluster factors were not crosslinked close to site A(3), but bound sites around the 5.8S 3'- and 25S 5'-regions, which are base paired in mature ribosomes, and in the ITS2 spacer that separates these rRNAs. In contrast, Nop4, a protein required for endonucleolytic cleavage in ITS1, binds the pre-rRNA near the 5'-end of 5.8S. ITS2 was reported to undergo structural remodelling. In vivo chemical probing indicates that A(3)-cluster binding is required for this reorganization, potentially regulating the timing of processing. We predict that Nop4 and the A(3) cluster establish long-range interactions between the 5.8S and 25S rRNAs, which are subsequently maintained by ribosomal protein binding.
Bisphosphonates are widely used agents for the treatment of malignant bone disease. They inhibit osteoclast-mediated bone resorption and can have direct effects on cancer cells. In this study, we investigated whether the anticancer activity of the third-generation bisphosphonate zoledronic acid (ZOL) could be enhanced by combination with the histone deacetylase inhibitor suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA). We found that ZOL and SAHA cooperated to induce cell death in the prostate cancer cell lines LNCaP and PC-3. The effect was synergistic, as evidenced by combination index isobologram analysis. ZOL and SAHA synergized to induce dissipation of the mitochondrial transmembrane potential, to activate caspase-3, and to trigger DNA fragmentation, showing that the combination of ZOL and SAHA resulted in the initiation of apoptosis. Because ZOL acts by inhibiting the mevalonate pathway, thereby preventing protein prenylation, we explored whether the mevalonate pathway was also the target of the cooperative action of ZOL and SAHA. We found that geranylgeraniol, but not farnesol, significantly reduced ZOL/SAHA-induced cell death, indicating that the synergistic action of the agents was due to the inhibition of geranylgeranylation. Consistently, a direct inhibitor of geranylgeranylation, GGTI-298, synergized with SAHA to induce cell death, whereas an inhibitor of farnesylation, FTI-277, had no effect. In addition, SAHA synergized with mevastatin, an inhibitor of the proximal enzyme in the mevalonate pathway. These in vitro findings provide a rationale for an in vivo exploration into the potential of combining SAHA and ZOL, or other inhibitors of the mevalonate pathway, as an effective strategy for anticancer therapy.
The expression of melanoma-associated antigens (MAA) being limited to normal melanocytes and melanomas, MAAs are ideal targets for immunotherapy and melanoma vaccines. As MAAs are derived from self, immune responses to these may be limited by thymic tolerance. The extent to which self-tolerance prevents efficient immune responses to MAAs remains unknown. The autoimmune regulator (AIRE) controls the expression of tissue-specific self-antigens in thymic epithelial cells (TECs). The level of antigens expressed in the TECs determines the fate of auto-reactive thymocytes. Deficiency in AIRE leads in both humans (APECED patients) and mice to enlarged autoreactive immune repertoires. Here we show increased IgG levels to melanoma cells in APECED patients correlating with autoimmune skin features. Similarly, the enlarged T cell repertoire in AIRE(-/-) mice enables them to mount anti-MAA and anti-melanoma responses as shown by increased anti-melanoma antibodies, and enhanced CD4(+) and MAA-specific CD8(+) T cell responses after melanoma challenge. We show that thymic expression of gp100 is under the control of AIRE, leading to increased gp100-specific CD8(+) T cell frequencies in AIRE(-/-) mice. TRP-2 (tyrosinase-related protein), on the other hand, is absent from TECs and consequently TRP-2 specific CD8(+) T cells were found in both AIRE(-/-) and AIRE(+/+) mice. This study emphasizes the importance of investigating thymic expression of self-antigens prior to their inclusion in vaccination and immunotherapy strategies.
CD4(+) helper T (Th) cells play a crucial role in the delicate balance between host defense and autoimmune disease. Two important populations of helper T cells are the proinflammatory, interleukin-17 (IL-17)-producing (Th17) cells and the anti-inflammatory forkhead box P3-positive (FoxP3(+)) T regulatory (Treg) cells. Here we show that all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) and other agonists of the retinoic acid receptor alpha (RARalpha) inhibit the formation of Th17 cells and promote FoxP3 expression. Conversely, inhibition of retinoic acid signaling constrains transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta1) induction of FoxP3. The effect of ATRA is mediated independently of IL-2, signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 (Stat5) and Stat3, representing a novel mechanism for the induction of FoxP3 in CD4 T cells. As previous studies have shown that vitamin A derivatives are protective in animal models of autoimmune disease, the current data suggest a previously unrecognized role for RARalpha in the regulation of CD4(+) T-cell differentiation and provide a mechanism for the anti-inflammatory effects of retinoic acid.
We report a case of preclinical variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) in a patient who died from a non-neurological disorder 5 years after receiving a blood transfusion from a donor who subsequently developed vCJD. Protease-resistant prion protein (PrP(res)) was detected by western blot, paraffin-embedded tissue blot, and immunohistochemistry in the spleen, but not in the brain. Immunohistochemistry for prion protein was also positive in a cervical lymph node. The patient was a heterozygote at codon 129 of PRNP, suggesting that susceptibility to vCJD infection is not confined to the methionine homozygous PRNP genotype. These findings have major implications for future estimates and surveillance of vCJD in the UK.
FANCM is a component of the Fanconi anemia (FA) core complex and one FA patient (EUFA867) with biallelic mutations in FANCM has been described. Strikingly, we found that EUFA867 also carries biallelic mutations in FANCA. After correcting the FANCA defect in EUFA867 lymphoblasts, a "clean" FA-M cell line was generated. These cells were hypersensitive to mitomycin C, but unlike cells defective in other core complex members, FANCM(-/-) cells were proficient in monoubiquitinating FANCD2 and were sensitive to the topoisomerase inhibitor camptothecin, a feature shared only with the FA subtype D1 and N. In addition, FANCM(-/-) cells were sensitive to UV light. FANCM and a C-terminal deletion mutant rescued the cross-linker sensitivity of FANCM(-/-) cells, whereas a FANCM ATPase mutant did not. Because both mutants restored the formation of FANCD2 foci, we conclude that FANCM functions in an FA core complex-dependent and -independent manner.
Fast axonal transport (FAT) requires consistent energy over long distances to fuel the molecular motors that transport vesicles. We demonstrate that glycolysis provides ATP for the FAT of vesicles. Although inhibiting ATP production from mitochondria did not affect vesicles motility, pharmacological or genetic inhibition of the glycolytic enzyme GAPDH reduced transport in cultured neurons and in Drosophila larvae. GAPDH localizes on vesicles via a huntingtin-dependent mechanism and is transported on fast-moving vesicles within axons. Purified motile vesicles showed GAPDH enzymatic activity and produced ATP. Finally, we show that vesicular GAPDH is necessary and sufficient to provide on-board energy for fast vesicular transport. Although detaching GAPDH from vesicles reduced transport, targeting GAPDH to vesicles was sufficient to promote FAT in GAPDH deficient neurons. This specifically localized glycolytic machinery may supply constant energy, independent of mitochondria, for the processive movement of vesicles over long distances in axons.
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors are effective treatments for non-small-cell lung cancers (NSCLCs) with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations. However, relapse typically occurs after an average of 1 year of continuous treatment. A fundamental histological transformation from NSCLC to small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) is observed in a subset of the resistant cancers, but the molecular changes associated with this transformation remain unknown. Analysis of tumour samples and cell lines derived from resistant EGFR mutant patients revealed that Retinoblastoma (RB) is lost in 100% of these SCLC transformed cases, but rarely in those that remain NSCLC. Further, increased neuroendocrine marker and decreased EGFR expression as well as greater sensitivity to BCL2 family inhibition are observed in resistant SCLC transformed cancers compared with resistant NSCLCs. Together, these findings suggest that this subset of resistant cancers ultimately adopt many of the molecular and phenotypic characteristics of classical SCLC.
The yeast histone variant H2AZ (Htz1) is implicated in transcription activation, prevention of the ectopic spread of heterochromatin, and genome integrity. Our genome-wide localization analysis revealed that Htz1 is widely, but nonrandomly, distributed throughout the genome in an SWR1-dependent manner. We found that Htz1 is enriched in intergenic regions compared with coding regions. Its occupancy is inversely proportional to transcription rates and the enrichment of the RNA polymerase II under different growth conditions. However, Htz1 does not seem to directly regulate transcription repression genome-wide; instead, the presence of Htz1 under the inactivated condition is essential for optimal activation of a subset of genes. In addition, Htz1 is not generally responsible for nucleosome positioning, even at those promoters where Htz1 is highly enriched. Finally, using a biochemical approach, we demonstrate that incorporation of Htz1 into nucleosomes inhibits activities of histone modifiers associated with transcription, Dot1, Set2, and NuA4 and reduces the nucleosome mobilization driven by chromatin remodeling complexes. These lines of evidence collectively suggest that Htz1 may serve to mark quiescent promoters for proper activation.
Direct molecular imaging of nano-spatial relationship between T cell receptor (TCR)/CD3 and CD4 or CD8 co-receptor before and after activation of a primary T cell has not been reported. We have recently innovated application of near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) and immune-labeling quantum dots (QD) to image Ag-specific TCR response during in vivo clonal expansion, and now up-graded the NSOM/QD-based nanotechnology through dipole-polarization and dual-color imaging. Using this imaging system scanning cell-membrane molecules at a best-optical lateral resolution, we demonstrated that CD3, CD4 or CD8 molecules were distinctly distributed as single QD-bound molecules or nano-clusters equivalent to 2-4 QD fluorescence-intensity/size on cell-membrane of un-stimulated primary T cells, and approximately 6-10% of CD3 were co-clustering with CD4 or CD8 as 70-110 nm nano-clusters without forming nano-domains. The ligation of TCR/CD3 on CD4 or CD8 T cells led to CD3 nanoscale co-clustering or interaction with CD4 or CD8 co-receptors forming 200-500 nm nano-domains or >500 nm micro-domains. Such nano-spatial co-clustering of CD3 and CD4 or CD3 and CD8 appeared to be an intrinsic event of TCR/CD3 ligation, not purely limited to MHC engagement, and be driven by Lck phosphorylation. Importantly, CD28 co-stimulation remarkably enhanced TCR/CD3 nanoscale co-clustering or interaction with CD4 co-receptor within nano- or micro-domains on the membrane. In contrast, CD28 co-stimulation did not enhance CD8 clustering or CD3-CD8 co-clustering in nano-domains although it increased molecular number and density of CD3 clustering in the enlarged nano-domains. These nanoscale findings provide new insights into TCR/CD3 interaction with CD4 or CD8 co-receptor in T-cell activation.
How oncogenic signalling coordinates glycolysis and anabolic biosynthesis in cancer cells remains unclear. We recently reported that the glycolytic enzyme phosphoglycerate mutase 1 (PGAM1) regulates anabolic biosynthesis by controlling intracellular levels of its substrate 3-phosphoglycerate and product 2-phosphoglycerate. Here we report a novel mechanism in which Y26 phosphorylation enhances PGAM1 activation through release of inhibitory E19 that blocks the active site, stabilising cofactor 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate binding and H11 phosphorylation. We also report the crystal structure of H11-phosphorylated PGAM1 and find that phospho-H11 activates PGAM1 at least in part by promoting substrate 3-phosphoglycerate binding. Moreover, Y26 phosphorylation of PGAM1 is common in human cancer cells and contributes to regulation of 3-phosphoglycerate and 2-phosphoglycerate levels, promoting cancer cell proliferation and tumour growth. As PGAM1 is a negative transcriptional target of TP53, and is therefore commonly upregulated in human cancers, these findings suggest that Y26 phosphorylation represents an additional acute mechanism underlying phosphoglycerate mutase 1 upregulation.
BACKGROUND Transmission of dengue viruses (DENV), the leading cause of arboviral disease worldwide, is known to vary through time and space, likely owing to a combination of factors related to the human host, virus, mosquito vector, and environment. An improved understanding of variation in transmission patterns is fundamental to conducting surveillance and implementing disease prevention strategies. To test the hypothesis that DENV transmission is spatially and temporally focal, we compared geographic and temporal characteristics within Thai villages where DENV are and are not being actively transmitted. METHODS AND FINDINGS Cluster investigations were conducted within 100 m of homes where febrile index children with (positive clusters) and without (negative clusters) acute dengue lived during two seasons of peak DENV transmission. Data on human infection and mosquito infection/density were examined to precisely (1) define the spatial and temporal dimensions of DENV transmission, (2) correlate these factors with variation in DENV transmission, and (3) determine the burden of inapparent and symptomatic infections. Among 556 village children enrolled as neighbors of 12 dengue-positive and 22 dengue-negative index cases, all 27 DENV infections (4.9% of enrollees) occurred in positive clusters (p < 0.01; attributable risk [AR] = 10.4 per 100; 95% confidence interval 1-19.8 per 100]. In positive clusters, 12.4% of enrollees became infected in a 15-d period and DENV infections were aggregated centrally near homes of index cases. As only 1 of 217 pairs of serologic specimens tested in positive clusters revealed a recent DENV infection that occurred prior to cluster initiation, we attribute the observed DENV transmission subsequent to cluster investigation to recent DENV transmission activity. Of the 1,022 female adult Ae. aegypti collected, all eight (0.8%) dengue-infected mosquitoes came from houses in positive clusters; none from control clusters or schools. Distinguishing features between positive and negative clusters were greater availability of piped water in negative clusters (p < 0.01) and greater number of Ae. aegypti pupae per person in positive clusters (p = 0.04). During primarily DENV-4 transmission seasons, the ratio of inapparent to symptomatic infections was nearly 1:1 among child enrollees. Study limitations included inability to sample all children and mosquitoes within each cluster and our reliance on serologic rather than virologic evidence of interval infections in enrollees given restrictions on the frequency of blood collections in children. CONCLUSIONS Our data reveal the remarkably focal nature of DENV transmission within a hyperendemic rural area of Thailand. These data suggest that active school-based dengue case detection prompting local spraying could contain recent virus introductions and reduce the longitudinal risk of virus spread within rural areas. Our results should prompt future cluster studies to explore how host immune and behavioral aspects may impact DENV transmission and prevention strategies. Cluster methodology could serve as a useful research tool for investigation of other temporally and spatially clustered infectious diseases.
Immunization results in the differentiation of CD8+ T cells, such that they acquire effector abilities and convert into a memory pool. Priming of T cells takes place via an immunological synapse formed with an antigen-presenting cell (APC). By disrupting synaptic stability at different times, we found that the differentiation of CD8+ T cells required cell interactions beyond those made with APCs. We identified a critical differentiation period that required interactions between primed T cells. We found that T cell–T cell synapses had a major role in the generation of protective CD8+ T cell memory. T cell–T cell synapses allowed T cells to polarize critical secretion of interferon-γ (IFN-γ) toward each other. Collective activation and homotypic clustering drove cytokine sharing and acted as regulatory stimuli for T cell differentiation.
Epigenetic chromatin marks restrict the ability of differentiated cells to change gene expression programs in response to environmental cues and to transdifferentiate. Polycomb group (PcG) proteins mediate gene silencing and repress transdifferentiation in a manner dependent on histone H3 lysine 27 trimethylation (H3K27me3). However, macrophages migrated into inflamed tissues can transdifferentiate, but it is unknown whether inflammation alters PcG-dependent silencing. Here we show that the JmjC-domain protein Jmjd3 is a H3K27me demethylase expressed in macrophages in response to bacterial products and inflammatory cytokines. Jmjd3 binds PcG target genes and regulates their H3K27me3 levels and transcriptional activity. The discovery of an inducible enzyme that erases a histone mark controlling differentiation and cell identity provides a link between inflammation and reprogramming of the epigenome, which could be the basis for macrophage plasticity and might explain the differentiation abnormalities in chronic inflammation.
In humans, apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a polymorphic multifunctional protein.1 It is coded by three alleles (e2, e3, e4) of a modulator gene (level, variability, and susceptibility gene) at the apoE locus on chromosome 19, determining six apoE genotypes and plasma phenotypes. Its pleiotropic effects are exerted on plasma lipoprotein metabolism, coagulation, oxidative processes, macrophage, glial cell and neuronal cell homeostasis, adrenal function, central nervous system physiology, inflammation, and cell proliferation.2,3 ApoE polymorphism modulates susceptibility to many diseases. It is, however, particularly notorious for its role in neurodegenerative disorders4 and atherosclerotic arterial disease.5,6 The e4 allele (phenotypes E4/4 and E4/3) that is associated with higher low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) is considered proatherogenic, whereas the presence of the e2 allele (E3/2, E2/2), being associated with lower LDL-C levels, is deemed to have the opposite effect (although it may be associated with increased plasma triglycerides and lipoprotein remnants). This simple equation, however, is an oversimplification because these properties are subject to many environmental and genetic influences. ApoE has allele- and gender-dependent effects on reverse cholesterol transport, platelet aggregation, and oxidative processes that are likely to affect the overall atherogenic potential ascribed to modulation of lipoprotein metabolism.2,3,6 Notwithstanding the context dependency, a recent meta-analysis fully supports the presence of the e4 allele as a significant risk factor for coronary artery disease.7 Several mechanisms have been evoked to link apoE with atherosclerosis, but the relationship is not fully unraveled in humans. Nevertheless, some apoE mimetic peptides that promote LDL clearance are currently tested in animals for potential clinical applications.8,9 See page 436 The situation is relatively simpler in animals. The mouse model has been prominently useful to test mechanisms …
The HMG-box factor Tcf1 is required during T-cell development in the thymus and mediates the nuclear response to Wnt signals. Tcf1(-/-) mice have previously been characterized and show developmental blocks at the CD4-CD8- double negative (DN) to CD4+CD8+ double positive transition. Due to the blocks in T-cell development, Tcf1(-/-) mice normally have a very small thymus. Unexpectedly, a large proportion of Tcf1(-/-) mice spontaneously develop thymic lymphomas with 50% of mice developing a thymic lymphoma/leukemia at the age of 16 wk. These lymphomas are clonal, highly metastatic, and paradoxically show high Wnt signaling when crossed with Wnt reporter mice and have high expression of Wnt target genes Lef1 and Axin2. In wild-type thymocytes, Tcf1 is higher expressed than Lef1, with a predominance of Wnt inhibitory isoforms. Loss of Tcf1 as repressor of Lef1 leads to high Wnt activity and is the initiating event in lymphoma development, which is exacerbated by activating Notch1 mutations. Thus, Notch1 and loss of Tcf1 functionally act as collaborating oncogenic events. Tcf1 deficiency predisposes to the development of thymic lymphomas by ectopic up-regulation of Lef1 due to lack of Tcf1 repressive isoforms and frequently by cooperating activating mutations in Notch1. Tcf1 therefore functions as a T-cell-specific tumor suppressor gene, besides its established role as a Wnt responsive transcription factor. Thus, Tcf1 acts as a molecular switch between proliferative and repressive signals during T-lymphocyte development in the thymus.
The relationship between chromatin structure and gene expression is a subject of intense study. The universal transcriptional activator Gal4 removes promoter nucleosomes as it triggers transcription, but how it does so has remained obscure. The reverse process, repression of transcription, has often been correlated with the presence of nucleosomes. But it is not known whether nucleosomes are required for that effect. A new quantitative assay describes, for any given location, the fraction of DNA molecules in the population that bears a nucleosome at any given instant. This allows us to follow the time courses of nucleosome removal and reformation, in wild-type and mutant cells, upon activation (by galactose) and repression (by glucose) of the GAL genes of yeast. We show that upon being freed of its inhibitor Gal80 by the action of galactose, Gal4 quickly recruits SWI/SNF to the genes, and that nucleosome "remodeler" rapidly removes promoter nucleosomes. In the absence of SWI/SNF, Gal4's action also results in nucleosome removal and the activation of transcription, but both processes are significantly delayed. Addition of glucose to cells growing in galactose represses transcription. But if galactose remains present, Gal4 continues to work, recruiting SWI/SNF and maintaining the promoter nucleosome-free despite it being repressed. This requirement for galactose is obviated in a mutant in which Gal4 works constitutively. These results show how an activator's recruiting function can control chromatin structure both during gene activation and repression. Thus, both under activating and repressing conditions, the activator can recruit an enzymatic machine that removes promoter nucleosomes. Our results show that whereas promoter nucleosome removal invariably accompanies activation, reformation of nucleosomes is not required for repression. The finding that there are two routes to nucleosome removal and activation of transcription-one that requires the action of SWI/SNF recruited by the activator, and a slower one that does not-clarifies our understanding of the early events of gene activation, and in particular corrects earlier reports that SWI/SNF plays no role in GAL gene induction. Our finding that chromatin structure is irrelevant for repression as studied here-that is, repression sets in as efficiently whether or not promoter nucleosomes are allowed to reform-contradicts the widely held, but little tested, idea that nucleosomes are required for repression. These findings were made possible by our nucleosome occupancy assay. The assay, we believe, will prove useful in studying other outstanding issues in the field.
Self-renewal and differentiation of stem cells depend on asymmetric division and polarized motility processes that in other cell types are modulated by nonmuscle myosin-II (MII) forces and matrix mechanics. Here, mass spectrometry-calibrated intracellular flow cytometry of human hematopoiesis reveals MIIB to be a major isoform that is strongly polarized in hematopoietic stem cells and progenitors (HSC/Ps) and thereby downregulated in differentiated cells via asymmetric division. MIIA is constitutive and activated by dephosphorylation during cytokine-triggered differentiation of cells grown on stiff, endosteum-like matrix, but not soft, marrow-like matrix. In vivo, MIIB is required for generation of blood, while MIIA is required for sustained HSC/P engraftment. Reversible inhibition of both isoforms in culture with blebbistatin enriches for long-term hematopoietic multilineage reconstituting cells by 5-fold or more as assessed in vivo. Megakaryocytes also become more polyploid, producing 4-fold more platelets. MII is thus a multifunctional node in polarized division and niche sensing.
Notwithstanding the well-characterised roles of a number of oncogenes in neoplastic transformation, microRNAs (miRNAs) are increasingly implicated in several human cancers. Discovery of miRNAs in several oncogenic herpesviruses such as KSHV has further highlighted the potential of virus-encoded miRNAs to contribute to their oncogenic capabilities. Nevertheless, despite the identification of several possible cancer-related genes as their targets, the direct in vivo role of virus-encoded miRNAs in neoplastic diseases such as those induced by KSHV is difficult to demonstrate in the absence of suitable models. However, excellent natural disease models of rapid-onset Marek's disease (MD) lymphomas in chickens allow examination of the oncogenic potential of virus-encoded miRNAs. Using viruses modified by reverse genetics of the infectious BAC clone of the oncogenic RB-1B strain of MDV, we show that the deletion of the six-miRNA cluster 1 from the viral genome abolished the oncogenicity of the virus. This loss of oncogenicity appeared to be primarily due to the single miRNA within the cluster, miR-M4, the ortholog of cellular miR-155, since its deletion or a 2-nucleotide mutation within its seed region was sufficient to inhibit the induction of lymphomas. The definitive role of this miR-155 ortholog in oncogenicity was further confirmed by the rescue of oncogenic phenotype by revertant viruses that expressed either the miR-M4 or the cellular homolog gga-miR-155. This is the first demonstration of the direct in vivo role of a virus-encoded miRNA in inducing tumors in a natural infection model. Furthermore, the use of viruses deleted in miRNAs as effective vaccines against virulent MDV challenge, enables the prospects of generating genetically defined attenuated vaccines.
The mammalian genome harbors thousands of long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) genes. Recent studies have indicated the involvement of several of these lncRNAs in the regulation of gene expression. lncRNAs play crucial roles in various biological processes ranging from epigenetic gene regulation, transcriptional control, to post-transcriptional regulation. lncRNAs are localized in various subcellular compartments, and major proportion of these are retained in the cell nucleus and could be broadly classified as nuclear-retained lncRNAs (nrRNAs). Based on the identified functions, members of the nrRNAs execute diverse roles, including providing architectural support to the hierarchical subnuclear organization and influencing the recruitment of chromatin modifier factors to specific chromatin sites. In this review, we will summarize the recently described roles of mammalian nrRNAs in controlling gene expression by influencing chromatin organization, transcription, pre-mRNA processing, nuclear organization, and their involvement in disease.
Virally infected cells degrade intracellular viral proteins proteolytically and present the resulting peptides in association with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules to CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). These cells are normally prone to CTL-mediated elimination. However, several viruses have evolved strategies to avoid detection by the immune system that interfere with the pathway of antigen presentation. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) expresses a predominantly late protein, the BCRF1 gene product vIL-10, that is similar in sequence to the human interleukin-10 (hIL-10). We show here that vIL-10 affects the expression of one of the two transporter proteins (TAPs) associated with antigen presentation. Similarly, hIL-10 showed the same activity. Expression of the LMP2 and TAP1 genes but not expression of TAP2 or LMP7 is efficiently downregulated, indicating a specific IL-10 effect on the two divergently transcribed TAP1 and LMP2 genes. Downregulation of TAP1 by IL-10 hampers the transport of peptide antigens into the endoplasmatic reticulum, as shown in the TAP-specific peptide transporter assay, their loading onto empty MHC I molecules, and the subsequent translocation to the cell surface. As a consequence, IL-10 causes a general reduction of surface MHC I molecules on B lymphocytes that might also affect the recognition of EBV-infected cells by cytotoxic T cells.
Reproductive cessation is perhaps the earliest aging phenotype that humans experience. Similarly, reproduction of Caenorhabditis elegans ceases in mid-adulthood. Although somatic aging has been studied in both worms and humans, mechanisms regulating reproductive aging are not yet understood. Here, we show that TGF-β Sma/Mab and Insulin/IGF-1 signaling regulate C. elegans reproductive aging by modulating multiple aspects of the reproductive process, including embryo integrity, oocyte fertilizability, chromosome segregation fidelity, DNA damage resistance, and oocyte and germline morphology. TGF-β activity regulates reproductive span and germline/oocyte quality noncell-autonomously and is temporally and transcriptionally separable from its regulation of growth. Chromosome segregation, cell cycle, and DNA damage response genes are upregulated in TGF-β mutant oocytes, decline in aged mammalian oocytes, and are critical for oocyte quality maintenance. Our data suggest that C. elegans and humans share many aspects of reproductive aging, including the correlation between reproductive aging and declining oocyte quality and mechanisms determining oocyte quality.
The epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a key developmental program that is often activated during cancer invasion and metastasis. We here report that the induction of an EMT in immortalized human mammary epithelial cells (HMLEs) results in the acquisition of mesenchymal traits and in the expression of stem-cell markers. Furthermore, we show that those cells have an increased ability to form mammospheres, a property associated with mammary epithelial stem cells. Independent of this, stem cell-like cells isolated from HMLE cultures form mammospheres and express markers similar to those of HMLEs that have undergone an EMT. Moreover, stem-like cells isolated either from mouse or human mammary glands or mammary carcinomas express EMT markers. Finally, transformed human mammary epithelial cells that have undergone an EMT form mammospheres, soft agar colonies, and tumors more efficiently. These findings illustrate a direct link between the EMT and the gain of epithelial stem cell properties.
Intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) regulate gut immune homeostasis, and impaired epithelial responses are implicated in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). IEC-specific ablation of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) essential modulator (NEMO) caused Paneth cell apoptosis and impaired antimicrobial factor expression in the ileum, as well as colonocyte apoptosis and microbiota-driven chronic inflammation in the colon. Combined RelA, c-Rel, and RelB deficiency in IECs caused Paneth cell apoptosis but not colitis, suggesting that NEMO prevents colon inflammation by NF-κB-independent functions. Inhibition of receptor-interacting protein kinase 1 (RIPK1) kinase activity or combined deficiency of Fas-associated via death domain protein (FADD) and RIPK3 prevented epithelial cell death, Paneth cell loss, and colitis development in mice with epithelial NEMO deficiency. Therefore, NEMO prevents intestinal inflammation by inhibiting RIPK1 kinase activity-mediated IEC death, suggesting that RIPK1 inhibitors could be effective in the treatment of colitis in patients with NEMO mutations and possibly in IBD.
Inflammation induced by recognition of pathogen-associated molecular patterns markedly affects subsequent adaptive responses. We asked whether the adaptive immune system can also affect the character and magnitude of innate inflammatory responses. We found that the response of memory, but not naive, CD4+ T cells enhances production of multiple innate inflammatory cytokines and chemokines (IICs) in the lung and that, during influenza infection, this leads to early control of virus. Memory CD4+ T cell–induced IICs and viral control require cognate antigen recognition and are optimal when memory cells are either T helper type 1 (TH1) or TH17 polarized but are independent of interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) production and do not require activation of conserved pathogen recognition pathways. This represents a previously undescribed mechanism by which memory CD4+ T cells induce an early innate response that enhances immune protection against pathogens.
3q26.2 amplification in high-grade serous ovarian cancer leads to increased expression of mature microRNA miR551b-3p, which is associated with poor clinical outcome. Importantly, miR551b-3p contributes to resistance to apoptosis and increased survival and proliferation of cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. miR551b-3p upregulates STAT3 protein levels, and STAT3 is required for the effects of miR551b-3p on cell proliferation. Rather than decreasing levels of target mRNA as expected, we demonstrate that miR551b-3p binds a complementary sequence on the STAT3 promoter, recruiting RNA polymerase II and the TWIST1 transcription factor to activate STAT3 transcription, and thus directly upregulates STAT3 expression. Furthermore, anti-miR551b reduced STAT3 expression in ovarian cancer cells in vitro and in vivo and reduced ovarian cancer growth in vivo. Together, our data demonstrate a role for miR551b-3p in transcriptional activation. Thus, miR551b-3p represents a promising candidate biomarker and therapeutic target in ovarian cancer.
Genetic maps, which document the way in which recombination rates vary over a genome, are an essential tool for many genetic analyses. We present a high-resolution genetic map of the human genome, based on statistical analyses of genetic variation data, and identify more than 25,000 recombination hotspots, together with motifs and sequence contexts that play a role in hotspot activity. Differences between the behavior of recombination rates over large (megabase) and small (kilobase) scales lead us to suggest a two-stage model for recombination in which hotspots are stochastic features, within a framework in which large-scale rates are constrained.
Pre-operative psychological assessment is recommended by international guidelines for bariatric surgery candidates. Thereby, service teams caring for bariatric patients should include at least one mental health provider (e.g., a psychologist or psychiatrist). The objective of this study was to evaluate the psychology and psychiatry resources and practices in the 37 specialized obesity centers (CSOs) created by the French Ministry of Health. CSO coordinators were contacted by e-mail to collect general information on the centers (e.g., number of bariatric operations). Secondly, psychologists and psychiatrists of each center completed an anonymous questionnaire assessing their professional practices and their organization of care pathways. The vast majority of CSO coordinators (81%, n = 26/32) answered our survey. These results show significant differences and shortages in terms of the psychology/psychiatry resources available. Most of the psychologists (n = 26/31) and psychiatrists (n = 10/10) stated that they systematically meet new patients only before surgery (56%) or both before and after the operation (30%); however, some psychologists and psychiatrists (14%) do not systematically meet all the patients (before and/or after surgery). Nevertheless, all the professionals provide psychology assessments, and about 75% of them offer a psychological follow-up, indicating a similarity regarding the practices of psychologists and psychiatrists. Our results highlight the place of psychological/psychiatric evaluations in French CSOs and emphasize the absence of mental health providers in several of these services. Post-operative psychological follow-up is not usually provided. It would be appropriate to create clear recommendations for post-operative psychological or psychiatric long-term follow-up.
The pathogenicity of many bacteria depends on the injection of effector proteins via type III secretion into eukaryotic cells in order to manipulate cellular processes. TAL (transcription activator-like) effectors from plant pathogenic Xanthomonas are important virulence factors that act as transcriptional activators in the plant cell nucleus, where they directly bind to DNA via a central domain of tandem repeats. Here, we show how target DNA specificity of TAL effectors is encoded. Two hypervariable amino acid residues in each repeat recognize one base pair in the target DNA. Recognition sequences of TAL effectors were predicted and experimentally confirmed. The modular protein architecture enabled the construction of artificial effectors with new specificities. Our study describes the functionality of a distinct type of DNA binding domain and allows the design of DNA binding domains for biotechnology.
Paraquat, a quarternary nitrogen herbicide, is a highly toxic compound for humans and animals and many cases of acute poisoning and death have been reported over the past few decades. The mechanisms of paraquat toxicity involve: the generation of the superoxide anion, which can lead to the formation of more toxic reactive oxygen species, such as hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical; and the oxidation of the cellular NADPH, the major source of reducing equivalents for the intracellular reduction of paraquat, which results in the disruption of important NADPH-requiring biochemical processes. The major cause of death in paraquat poisoning is respiratory failure due to an oxidative insult to the alveolar epithelium with subsequent obliterating fibrosis. Management of paraquat poisoning has remained mostly supportive and has been directed towards the modification of the toxicokinetics of the poison. Currently, there are no true pharmacological antagonists for paraquat and there are no chelating agents capable of binding the poison in the blood or other tissues. Recognizing the fact that paraquat induces its toxic effects via oxidative stress-mediated mechanisms, innovations in the management of paraquat poisoning are directed towards the use of antioxidants. In this review, the status of antioxidants in ameliorating or treating the toxic effects produced by paraquat is presented.
CONTEXT Human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing of women having Papanicolaou (Pap) smears showing atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) has clinical usefulness. Whether HPV DNA testing alone is useful in primary screening remains to be determined. OBJECTIVE To determine the accuracy of HPV DNA testing for detecting cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 3 or cancer (the criterion standard). DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Between December 1997 and October 2000, 4075 women who attended Planned Parenthood clinics in Washington State were screened simultaneously using thin-layer Pap and HPV DNA testing by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method and by a liquid-based RNA-DNA hybridization capture with signal amplification assay (signal amplification). Women who were positive for high-risk HPV types, or had Pap results of ASCUS or higher, were considered to have positive screening test results and were referred for colposcopy and biopsy. Additionally, a random sample of women with negative screening test results was referred for colposcopy. Based on individual and combined thin-layer Pap, HPV PCR, and HPV signal amplification test results from the screening and the colposcopy visits, 7 colposcopy triage strategies were defined and evaluated. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE Sensitivity and specificity for detecting cervical lesions graded CIN 3 or higher for each of the 7 triage strategies. RESULTS The estimated prevalence of CIN 3 or higher was 3.2%. The sensitivity (95% confidence interval) of thin-layer Pap (with a result of > or = ASCUS) for identifying women with CIN 3 or higher was only 61.3% (48.5%-70.9%) compared with 88.2% (78.9%-93.8%) for HPV testing by PCR and 90.8% (83.1%-95.8%) by signal amplification. Differences in specificities were also observed: 82.4% (81.8%-83.1%) for thin-layer Pap (with a result of > or = ASCUS), 78.8% (77.9%-79.7%) for PCR, and 72.6% (69.4%-75.0%) for signal amplification. Compared with referral for colposcopy of all women with ASCUS or higher, signal amplification testing of women with ASCUS and referral of those with a positive result was about as sensitive (61.3% vs 60.3%, respectively) and significantly more specific (82.4% vs 88.9%, respectively). The strategy requiring repeat positive PCR tests on 2 visits had a sensitivity of 84.2% (75.3%-91.0%) and a specificity of 86.2% (85.1%-87.3%). All tests were more specific and less sensitive in older (> or = 30 years) vs younger women. CONCLUSIONS Testing for HPV has higher sensitivity but lower specificity than thin-layer Pap screening. In some settings, particularly where screening intervals are long or haphazard, screening for HPV DNA may be a reasonable alternative to cytology-based screening of reproductive-age women.
Ubiquitylation is a reversible protein modification that is implicated in many cellular functions. Recently, much progress has been made in the characterization of a superfamily of isopeptidases that remove ubiquitin: the deubiquitinases (DUBs; also known as deubiquitylating or deubiquitinating enzymes). Far from being uniform in structure and function, these enzymes display a myriad of distinct mechanistic features. The small number (<100) of DUBs might at first suggest a low degree of selectivity; however, DUBs are subject to multiple layers of regulation that modulate both their activity and their specificity. Due to their wide-ranging involvement in key regulatory processes, these enzymes might provide new therapeutic targets.
Replication protein A [RPA; also known as replication factor A (RFA) and human single-stranded DNA-binding protein] is a single-stranded DNA-binding protein that is required for multiple processes in eukaryotic DNA metabolism, including DNA replication, DNA repair, and recombination. RPA homologues have been identified in all eukaryotic organisms examined and are all abundant heterotrimeric proteins composed of subunits of approximately 70, 30, and 14 kDa. Members of this family bind nonspecifically to single-stranded DNA and interact with and/or modify the activities of multiple proteins. In cells, RPA is phosphorylated by DNA-dependent protein kinase when RPA is bound to single-stranded DNA (during S phase and after DNA damage). Phosphorylation of RPA may play a role in coordinating DNA metabolism in the cell. RPA may also have a role in modulating gene expression.
The shift in substrate preference away from fatty acid oxidation (FAO) towards increased glucose utilization in heart failure has long been interpreted as an oxygen-sparing mechanism. Inhibition of FAO has therefore evolved as an accepted approach to treat heart failure. However, recent data indicate that increased reliance on glucose might be detrimental rather than beneficial for the failing heart. This review discusses new insights into metabolic adaptations in heart failure. A particular focus lies on data obtained from mouse models with modulations of cardiac FA metabolism at different levels of the FA metabolic pathway and how these differently affect cardiac function. Based on studies in which these mouse models were exposed to ischaemic and non-ischaemic heart failure, we discuss whether and when modulations in FA metabolism are protective against heart failure.
BACKGROUND Antiresorptive agents are widely used to treat osteoporosis. We report the results of a multinational randomized, double-blind study, in which postmenopausal women with osteoporosis were treated with alendronate for up to 10 years. METHODS The initial three-year phase of the study compared three daily doses of alendronate with placebo. Women in the original placebo group received alendronate in years 4 and 5 and then were discharged. Women in the original active-treatment groups continued to receive alendronate during the initial extension (years 4 and 5). In two further extensions (years 6 and 7, and 8 through 10), women who had received 5 mg or 10 mg of alendronate daily continued on the same treatment. Women in the discontinuation group received 20 mg of alendronate daily for two years and 5 mg daily in years 3, 4, and 5, followed by five years of placebo. Randomized group assignments and blinding were maintained throughout the 10 years. We report results for the 247 women who participated in all four phases of the study. RESULTS Treatment with 10 mg of alendronate daily for 10 years produced mean increases in bone mineral density of 13.7 percent at the lumbar spine (95 percent confidence interval, 12.0 to 15.5 percent), 10.3 percent at the trochanter (95 percent confidence interval, 8.1 to 12.4 percent), 5.4 percent at the femoral neck (95 percent confidence interval, 3.5 to 7.4 percent), and 6.7 percent at the total proximal femur (95 percent confidence interval, 4.4 to 9.1 percent) as compared with base-line values; smaller gains occurred in the group given 5 mg daily. The discontinuation of alendronate resulted in a gradual loss of effect, as measured by bone density and biochemical markers of bone remodeling. Safety data, including fractures and stature, did not suggest that prolonged treatment resulted in any loss of benefit. CONCLUSIONS The therapeutic effects of alendronate were sustained, and the drug was well tolerated over a 10-year period. The discontinuation of alendronate resulted in the gradual loss of its effects.
Uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) plays a central role in nonshivering thermogenesis in brown fat; however, its role in beige fat remains unclear. Here we report a robust UCP1-independent thermogenic mechanism in beige fat that involves enhanced ATP-dependent Ca2+ cycling by sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase 2b (SERCA2b) and ryanodine receptor 2 (RyR2). Inhibition of SERCA2b impairs UCP1-independent beige fat thermogenesis in humans and mice as well as in pigs, a species that lacks a functional UCP1 protein. Conversely, enhanced Ca2+ cycling by activation of α1- and/or β3-adrenergic receptors or the SERCA2b-RyR2 pathway stimulates UCP1-independent thermogenesis in beige adipocytes. In the absence of UCP1, beige fat dynamically expends glucose through enhanced glycolysis, tricarboxylic acid metabolism and pyruvate dehydrogenase activity for ATP-dependent thermogenesis through the SERCA2b pathway; beige fat thereby functions as a 'glucose sink' and improves glucose tolerance independently of body weight loss. Our study uncovers a noncanonical thermogenic mechanism through which beige fat controls whole-body energy homeostasis via Ca2+ cycling.
Background/Objectives:Folic acid supplementation has been suggested to reduce the risk of preeclampsia. However, results from few epidemiologic studies have been inconclusive. We investigated the hypothesis that folic acid supplementation and dietary folate intake before conception and during pregnancy reduce the risk of preeclampsia. Subjects/Methods:A birth cohort study was conducted in 2010–2012 at the Gansu Provincial Maternity & Child Care Hospital in Lanzhou, China. A total of 10 041 pregnant women without chronic hypertension or gestational hypertension were enrolled. Results:Compared with nonusers, folic acid supplement users had a reduced risk of preeclampsia (OR=0.61, 95% CI: 0.43–0.87). A significant dose–response of duration of use was observed among women who used folic acid supplemention during pregnancy only (P-trend=0.007). The reduced risk associated with folic acid supplement was similar for mild or severe preeclampsia and for early- or late-onset preeclampsia, although the statistical significant associations were only observed for mild (OR=0.50, 95% CI: 0.30–0.81) and late-onset (OR=0.60, 95% CI: 0.42–0.86) preeclampsia. The reduced risk associated with dietary folate intake during pregnancy was only seen for severe preeclampsia (OR=0.52, 95% CI: 0.31–0.87, for the highest quartile of dietary folate intake compared with the lowest).Conclusions:Our study results suggest that folic acid supplementation and higher dietary folate intake during pregnancy reduce the risk of preeclampsia. Future studies are needed to confirm the associations.
BACKGROUND P2Y12 inhibitor switching has appeared in clinical practice as a consequence of prasugrel and ticagrelor availability, apart from clopidogrel, for use in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). METHODS In the context of the GReek AntiPlatelet REgistry (GRAPE) we assessed the prevalence, predictive factors and short-term outcome of in-hospital P2Y12 inhibitor switching in 1794 ACS patients undergoing PCI. RESULTS Switching occurred in 636 (35.5%) patients of which in the form of clopidogrel to a novel agent, novel agent to clopidogrel and between prasugrel and ticagrelor in 574 (90.4%), 34 (5.3%) and 27 (4.3%) patients, respectively. Presentation to non PCI-capable hospital, bivalirudin use, age ≥75 years (inverse predictor), and regional trends emerged as predictive factors of switching to a novel agent. At combined in-hospital and one-month follow-up, propensity matched pairs analysis showed no differences in major adverse cardiovascular (MACE) or bleeding events between switching from clopidogrel to a novel agent vs novel agent constant administration. More Bleeding Academic Research Consortium type 1, type 2 and any type events and fewer MACE were seen when switching from clopidogrel to a novel agent vs only clopidogrel administration (23.7%, 3.8%, 30.6%, 1.2% vs 8.9%, 1.2%, 12.0%, 3.8% with P < .001, P = .03, P < .001 and P = .03 respectively). CONCLUSIONS In a real-life experience with contemporary antiplatelet treatment in ACS patients undergoing PCI, in-hospital switching represents common clinical practice. Clinical factors and regional practice differences seem to affect this strategy's choice, while switching to a novel agent may be associated with higher risk of bleeding.
The metabolic stress-sensing enzyme AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is responsible for regulating metabolism in response to energy supply and demand. Drugs that activate AMPK may be useful in the treatment of metabolic diseases including type 2 diabetes. We have determined the crystal structure of AMPK in complex with its activator 5-(5-hydroxyl-isoxazol-3-yl)-furan-2-phosphonic acid (C2), revealing two C2-binding sites in the γ-subunit distinct from nucleotide sites. C2 acts synergistically with the drug A769662 to activate AMPK α1-containing complexes independent of upstream kinases. Our results show that dual drug therapies could be effective AMPK-targeting strategies to treat metabolic diseases.
OBJECTIVE To test the validity of age at menarche self-reported in adulthood and examine whether socioeconomic position, education, experience of gynaecological events and psychological symptoms influence the accuracy of recall. DESIGN Prospective birth cohort study. SETTING England, Scotland and Wales. PARTICIPANTS 1050 women from the Medical Research Council National Survey of Health and Development, with two measures of age at menarche, one recorded in adolescence and the other self-reported at age 48 years. RESULTS By calculating the limits of agreement, kappa statistic and Pearson's correlation coefficients (r), we found that the validity of age at menarche self-reported in middle age compared with that recorded in adolescence was moderate (kappa = 0.35, r = 0.66, n = 1050). Validity was improved by categorising age at menarche into three groups: early, normal and late (kappa = 0.43). Agreement was influenced by educational level and having had a stillbirth or miscarriage. CONCLUSIONS The level of validity shown in this study throws some doubt on whether it is justifiable to use age at menarche self-reported in middle age. It is likely to introduce error and bias, and researchers should be aware of these limitations and use such measures with caution.
Coronary atherosclerosis is by far the most frequent cause of ischemic heart disease, and plaque disruption with superimposed thrombosis is the main cause of the acute coronary syndromes of unstable angina, myocardial infarction, and sudden death.1 2 3 4 5 Therefore, for event-free survival, the vital question is not why atherosclerosis develops but rather why, after years of indolent growth, it suddenly becomes complicated by life-threatening thrombosis. The composition and vulnerability of plaque rather than its volume or the consequent severity of stenosis produced have emerged as being the most important determinants for the development of the thrombus-mediated acute coronary syndromes; lipid-rich and soft plaques are more dangerous than collagen-rich and hard plaques because they are more unstable and rupture-prone and highly thrombogenic after disruption.6 This review will explore potential mechanisms responsible for the sudden conversion of a stable atherosclerotic plaque to an unstable and life-threatening atherothrombotic lesion—an event known as plaque fissuring, rupture, or disruption.7 8 Atherosclerosis is the result of a complex interaction between blood elements, disturbed flow, and vessel wall abnormality, involving several pathological processes: inflammation, with increased endothelial permeability, endothelial activation, and monocyte recruitment9 10 11 12 13 14 ; growth, with smooth muscle cell (SMC) proliferation, migration, and matrix synthesis15 16 ; degeneration, with lipid accumulation17 18 ; necrosis, possibly related to the cytotoxic effect of oxidized lipid19 ; calcification/ossification, which may represent an active rather than a dystrophic process20 21 ; and thrombosis, with platelet recruitment and fibrin formation.1 22 23 Thrombotic factors may play a role early during atherogenesis, but a flow-limiting thrombus does not develop until mature plaques are present, which is why thrombosis often is classified as a complication rather than a genuine component of atherosclerosis. ### Mature Plaques: Atherosis and Sclerosis As the name atherosclerosis implies, mature …
The myc oncogene is overexpressed in almost half of all breast and ovarian cancers, but attempts at therapeutic interventions against myc have proven to be challenging. Myc regulates multiple biological processes, including the cell cycle, and as such is associated with cell proliferation and tumor progression. We identified a protein signature of high myc, low p27 and high phospho-Rb significantly correlated with poor patient survival in breast and ovarian cancers. Screening of a miRNA library by functional proteomics in multiple cell lines and integration of data from patient tumors revealed a panel of five microRNAs (miRNAs) (miR-124, miR-365, miR-34b*, miR-18a and miR-506) as potential tumor suppressors capable of reversing the p27/myc/phospho-Rb protein signature. Mechanistic studies revealed an RNA-activation function of miR-124 resulting in direct induction of p27 protein levels by binding to and inducing transcription on the p27 promoter region leading to a subsequent G1 arrest. Additionally, in vivo studies utilizing a xenograft model demonstrated that nanoparticle-mediated delivery of miR-124 could reduce tumor growth and sensitize cells to etoposide, suggesting a clinical application of miRNAs as therapeutics to target the functional effect of myc on tumor growth.
Super-enhancers (SEs) are large clusters of transcriptional enhancers that are co-occupied by multiple lineage-specific transcription factors driving expression of genes that define cell identity. In embryonic stem cells (ESCs), SEs are highly enriched for the core pluripotency factors Oct4, Sox2, and Nanog. In this study, we sought to dissect the molecular control mechanism of SE activity in pluripotency and reprogramming. Starting from a protein interaction network surrounding Sox2, we identified Tex10 as a key pluripotency factor that plays a functionally significant role in ESC self-renewal, early embryo development, and reprogramming. Tex10 is enriched at SEs in a Sox2-dependent manner and coordinates histone acetylation and DNA demethylation at SEs. Tex10 activity is also important for pluripotency and reprogramming in human cells. Our study therefore highlights Tex10 as a core component of the pluripotency network and sheds light on its role in epigenetic control of SE activity for cell fate determination.
Inflammation occurs in adipose tissue in obesity. We have examined whether IL-33, a recently identified IL-1 gene family member, and its associated receptors are expressed in human adipocytes. IL-33, IL-1RL1 and IL-1RAP gene expression was observed in human visceral white fat, in preadipocytes and in adipocytes (SGBS cells). Treatment with TNFalpha for 24h induced a 6-fold increase in IL-33 mRNA level in preadipocytes and adipocytes. Time-course studies with adipocytes showed that the increase in IL-33 mRNA with TNFalpha was maximal (>55-fold) at 12h. This response was markedly different to IL-1beta (peak mRNA increase at 2h; 5.4-fold) and 1L-18 (peak mRNA increase at 6h; >1500-fold). Exposure of adipocytes to hypoxia (1% O(2), 24h) did not alter IL-33 mRNA level; in preadipocytes, however, there was a 3-fold increase. Human adipocytes and preadipocytes express IL-33, but the various IL-1 family members exhibit major differences in responsiveness to TNFalpha.
Imaging techniques have greatly improved our understanding of lymphocyte activation. Technical advances in spatial and temporal resolution and new labelling tools have enabled researchers to directly observe the activation process. Consequently, research using imaging approaches to study lymphocyte activation has expanded, providing an unprecedented level of cellular and molecular detail in the field. As a result, certain models of lymphocyte activation have been verified, others have been revised and yet others have been replaced with new concepts. In this article, we review the current imaging techniques that are used to assess lymphocyte activation in different contexts, from whole animals to single molecules, and discuss the advantages and potential limitations of these methods.
When the food intake of organisms such as yeast and rodents is reduced (dietary restriction), they live longer than organisms fed a normal diet. A similar effect is seen when the activity of nutrient-sensing pathways is reduced by mutations or chemical inhibitors. In rodents, both dietary restriction and decreased nutrient-sensing pathway activity can lower the incidence of age-related loss of function and disease, including tumors and neurodegeneration. Dietary restriction also increases life span and protects against diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease in rhesus monkeys, and in humans it causes changes that protect against these age-related pathologies. Tumors and diabetes are also uncommon in humans with mutations in the growth hormone receptor, and natural genetic variants in nutrient-sensing pathways are associated with increased human life span. Dietary restriction and reduced activity of nutrient-sensing pathways may thus slow aging by similar mechanisms, which have been conserved during evolution. We discuss these findings and their potential application to prevention of age-related disease and promotion of healthy aging in humans, and the challenge of possible negative side effects.
Somatic stem cells have been identified in multiple adult tissues. Whether self-renewal occurs symmetrically or asymmetrically is key to understanding long-term stem cell maintenance and generation of progeny for cell replacement. In the adult mouse brain, neural stem cells (NSCs) (B1 cells) are retained in the walls of the lateral ventricles (ventricular-subventricular zone [V-SVZ]). The mechanism of B1 cell retention into adulthood for lifelong neurogenesis is unknown. Using multiple clonal labeling techniques, we show that the vast majority of B1 cells divide symmetrically. Whereas 20%-30% symmetrically self-renew and can remain in the niche for several months before generating neurons, 70%-80% undergo consuming divisions generating progeny, resulting in the depletion of B1 cells over time. This cellular mechanism decouples self-renewal from the generation of progeny. Limited rounds of symmetric self-renewal and consuming symmetric differentiation divisions can explain the levels of neurogenesis observed throughout life.
Thiopurine therapy, commonly used in autoimmune conditions, can be complicated by life-threatening leukopenia. This leukopenia is associated with genetic variation in TPMT (encoding thiopurine S-methyltransferase). Despite a lower frequency of TPMT mutations in Asians, the incidence of thiopurine-induced leukopenia is higher in Asians than in individuals of European descent. Here we performed an Immunochip-based 2-stage association study in 978 Korean subjects with Crohn's disease treated with thiopurines. We identified a nonsynonymous SNP in NUDT15 (encoding p. Arg139Cys) that was strongly associated with thiopurine-induced early leukopenia (odds ratio (OR) = 35.6; Pcombined = 4.88 × 10−94). In Koreans, this variant demonstrated sensitivity and specificity of 89.4% and 93.2%, respectively, for thiopurine-induced early leukopenia (in comparison to 12.1% and 97.6% for TPMT variants). Although rare, this SNP was also strongly associated with thiopurine-induced leukopenia in subjects with inflammatory bowel disease of European descent (OR = 9.50; P = 4.64 × 10−4). Thus, NUDT15 is a pharmacogenetic determinant for thiopurine-induced leukopenia in diverse populations.
Cancer stem cells have been proposed to be important for initiation, maintenance and recurrence of various malignancies, including acute myeloid leukemia (AML). We have previously reported that CD34+CD38− human primary AML stem cells residing in the endosteal region of the bone marrow are relatively chemotherapy resistant. Using a NOD/SCID/IL2rγnull mouse model of human AML, we now show that the AML stem cells in the endosteal region are cell cycle quiescent and that these stem cells can be induced to enter the cell cycle by treatment with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF). In combination with cell cycle-dependent chemotherapy, G-CSF treatment significantly enhances induction of apoptosis and elimination of human primary AML stem cells in vivo. The combination therapy leads to significantly increased survival of secondary recipients after transplantation of leukemia cells compared with chemotherapy alone.
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is associated with a severe immune deficiency. As a result, the patient is at high risk of infections. Innate immunity, including epithelial barriers, monocytes, granulocytes, and NK cells recovers within weeks after transplantation. By contrast, adaptive immunity recovers much slower. B- and T-cell counts normalize during the first months after transplantation, but in particular, T-cell immunity may remain impaired for years. During the last decade, much of the underlying mechanisms have been identified. These insights may provide new therapies to accelerate recovery.
Electroretinography (ERG) is an established diagnostic technique in clinical ophthalmology and provides objective information about retinal function. This technique is also applied in basic research, where animal models of hereditary retinopathies have significantly contributed to our understanding of the composition of ERG responses in general and how retinal degenerative pathologies alter retinal function specifically. Indeed, electrophysiologic assessment of transgenic mice, which are genetically engineered to mimic human mutations that lead to retinal diseases, can be well compared with clinical data. Furthermore, limitations on examinations (e.g. length of measurement, range of light intensity) are much less of a concern when assessing mice compared to human patients. In order to measure and analyze retinal responses properly, several important aspects have to be considered. This paper focuses on these aspects, and shows exemplary ERG data which were obtained from normal wild-type mice and from transgenic mice with specific functional properties, namely Rho-/- (rod opsin knockout, cone function only), and Cnga3-/- (cone CNG channel deficient, rod function only) to illustrate rod and cone system contributions to ERG responses.
Although skeletal pain can have a marked impact on a patient's functional status and quality of life, relatively little is known about the specific populations of peripheral nerve fibers that drive non-malignant bone pain. In the present report, neonatal male Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with capsaicin or vehicle and femoral fracture was produced when the animals were young adults (15-16 weeks old). Capsaicin treatment, but not vehicle, resulted in a significant (>70%) depletion in the density of calcitonin-gene related peptide positive (CGRP(+)) sensory nerve fibers, but not 200 kDa neurofilament H positive (NF200(+)) sensory nerve fibers in the periosteum. The periosteum is a thin, cellular and fibrous tissue that tightly adheres to the outer surface of all but the articulated surface of bone and appears to play a pivotal role in driving fracture pain. In animals treated with capsaicin, but not vehicle, there was a 50% reduction in the severity, but no change in the time course, of fracture-induced skeletal pain-related behaviors as measured by spontaneous flinching, guarding and weight bearing. These results suggest that both capsaicin-sensitive (primarily CGRP(+) C-fibers) and capsaicin-insensitive (primarily NF200(+) A-delta fibers) sensory nerve fibers participate in driving skeletal fracture pain. Skeletal pain can be a significant impediment to functional recovery following trauma-induced fracture, osteoporosis-induced fracture and orthopedic surgery procedures such as knee and hip replacement. Understanding the specific populations of sensory nerve fibers that need to be targeted to inhibit the generation and maintenance of skeletal pain may allow the development of more specific mechanism-based therapies that can effectively attenuate acute and chronic skeletal pain.
Surgical treatments for dystonia have been available since the early 20th century, but have improved in their efficacy to adversity ratio through a combination of technologic advances and better understanding of the role of the basal ganglia in dystonia. The word "dystonia" describes a phenotype of involuntary movement that may manifest from a variety of conditions. Dystonia may affect only certain regions of the body or may be generalized. It appears to be critical to determine whether the etiology underlying the dystonia is "primary" (ie, occurring from a genetic or idiopathic origin) or "secondary" (ie, occurring as a result of structural, metabolic, or neurodegenerative disorders). Secondary dystonias are far more common than primary dystonias. Primary dystonias respond well to pallidotomy or deep brain stimulation of the internal segment of the globus pallidum, whereas secondary dystonias appear to respond partially at best. Limited historic and current data suggest that the thalamus may be a promising target for the treatment of secondary dystonias, but more careful, prospective, randomized studies are needed. Combinations of bilateral targets are possible with the current technology of DBS, but not widely used due to surgical morbidity and expense. This article reviews the surgical treatment of dystonia from past to present, with a focus on separating the outcomes for primary versus secondary and generalized versus cervical dystonia.
Maternally expressed gene 3 (MEG3) is a maternally expressed imprinted gene representing a large noncoding RNA in which microRNAs (miRNAs) and small nucleolar RNAs are also hosted. It is capable of interacting with cyclic AMP, p53, murine double minute 2 (MDM2) and growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) playing a role in cell proliferation control. MEG3 expression is under epigenetic control, and aberrant CpG methylation has been observed in several types of cancer. Moreover, gene copy number loss has been reported as additional mechanism associated with tumorigenesis. MEG3 deletion seems to upregulate the paternally expressed genes and on the other hand downregulate the expression of downstream maternally expressed genes and tumor suppressor miRNAs, although there are conflicting data on the topic. MEG3 could represent a tumor suppressor gene located in chromosome 14q32 and its association with tumorigenesis is growing every day.
Orai1 and stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) mediate store-operated Ca(2+) entry (SOCE) in immune cells. STIM1, an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca(2+) sensor, detects store depletion and interacts with plasma membrane (PM)-resident Orai1 channels at the ER-PM junctions. However, the molecular composition of these junctions in T cells remains poorly understood. Here, we show that junctophilin-4 (JP4), a member of junctional proteins in excitable cells, is expressed in T cells and localized at the ER-PM junctions to regulate Ca(2+) signaling. Silencing or genetic manipulation of JP4 decreased ER Ca(2+) content and SOCE in T cells, impaired activation of the nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) and extracellular signaling-related kinase (ERK) signaling pathways, and diminished expression of activation markers and cytokines. Mechanistically, JP4 directly interacted with STIM1 via its cytoplasmic domain and facilitated its recruitment into the junctions. Accordingly, expression of this cytoplasmic fragment of JP4 inhibited SOCE. Furthermore, JP4 also formed a complex with junctate, a Ca(2+)-sensing ER-resident protein, previously shown to mediate STIM1 recruitment into the junctions. We propose that the junctate-JP4 complex located at the junctions cooperatively interacts with STIM1 to maintain ER Ca(2+) homeostasis and mediate SOCE in T cells.
Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are required for the epigenetic maintenance of developmental genes in a silent state. Proteins in the Polycomb-repressive complex 1 (PRC1) class of the PcG are conserved from flies to humans and inhibit transcription. One hypothesis for PRC1 mechanism is that it compacts chromatin, based in part on electron microscopy experiments demonstrating that Drosophila PRC1 compacts nucleosomal arrays. We show that this function is conserved between Drosophila and mouse PRC1 complexes and requires a region with an overrepresentation of basic amino acids. While the active region is found in the Posterior Sex Combs (PSC) subunit in Drosophila, it is unexpectedly found in a different PRC1 subunit, a Polycomb homolog called M33, in mice. We provide experimental support for the general importance of a charged region by predicting the compacting capability of PcG proteins from species other than Drosophila and mice and by testing several of these proteins using solution assays and microscopy. We infer that the ability of PcG proteins to compact chromatin in vitro can be predicted by the presence of domains of high positive charge and that PRC1 components from a variety of species conserve this highly charged region. This supports the hypothesis that compaction is a key aspect of PcG function.
Successful ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) would greatly benefit the treatment of disease and the understanding of crucial questions of stem cell biology. Here we show, using microarray studies, that the HSC-supportive mouse fetal liver CD3+ cells specifically express the proteins angiopoietin-like 2 (Angptl2) and angiopoietin-like 3 (Angptl3). We observed a 24- or 30-fold net expansion of long-term HSCs by reconstitution analysis when we cultured highly enriched HSCs for 10 days in the presence of Angptl2 or Angptl3 together with saturating levels of other growth factors. The coiled-coil domain of Angptl2 was capable of stimulating expansion of HSCs. Furthermore, angiopoietin-like 5, angiopoietin-like 7 and microfibril-associated glycoprotein 4 also supported expansion of HSCs in culture.
The interaction between B- and T-lymphocyte attenuator (BTLA), an inhibitory receptor whose extracellular domain belongs to the immunoglobulin superfamily, and herpesvirus-entry mediator (HVEM), a co-stimulatory tumour-necrosis factor receptor, is unique in that it is the only receptor–ligand interaction that directly bridges these two families of receptors. This interaction has raised many questions about how receptors from two different families could interact and what downstream signalling events might occur as a result of receptor ligation. As we discuss, recent studies show that engagement of HVEM with its endogenous ligand (LIGHT) from the tumour-necrosis factor family induces a powerful immune response, whereas HVEM interactions with BTLA negatively regulate T-cell responses.
With current techniques, genetic alterations of herpesviruses are difficult to perform, mostly because of the large size of their genomes. To solve this problem, we have designed a system that allows the cloning of any gamma-herpesvirus in Escherichia coli onto an F factor-derived plasmid. Immortalized B cell lines were readily established with recombinant Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), demonstrating that the F factor-cloned EBV genome has all the characteristics of wild-type EBV. Because any genetic modification is possible in E. coli, this experimental approach opens the way to the genetic analysis of all EBV functions. Moreover, it is now feasible to generate attenuated EBV strains in vitro such that vaccine strains can be designed. Because we incorporated the genes for hygromycin resistance and green fluorescent protein onto the E. coli cloned EBV genome, the still open question of the EBV target cells other than B lymphocytes will be addressed.
The prognostic value associated with the detection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in metastatic breast cancer by the CellSearch technology raise additional issues regarding the biological value of this information. We postulated that a drug-resistance profile of CTCs may predict response to chemotherapy in cancer patients and therefore could be used for patient selection. One hundred 5 patients with diagnosis of carcinoma were enrolled in a prospective trial. CTCs were isolated from peripheral blood, and positive samples were evaluated for the expression of a panel of genes involved in anticancer drugs resistance. The drug-resistance profile was correlated with disease-free survival (DFS; patients in adjuvant setting) and time to progression (TTP; metastatic patients) in a 24-months follow-up. Objective response correlation was a secondary end point. Fifty-one percent of patients were found positive for CTCs while all blood samples from healthy donors were negative. The drug-resistance profile correlates with DFS and TTP (p < 0.001 in both). Sensitivity of the test: able to predict treatment response in 98% of patients. Specificity of the test: 100%; no sample from healthy subject was positive for the presence of CTCs. Positive and negative predictive values were found to be 96.5 and 100%, respectively. We identified a drug-resistance profile of CTCs, which is predictive of response to chemotherapy, independent of tumor type and stage of disease. This approach may represent a first step toward the individualization of chemotherapy in cancer patients.
CONTEXT The epidemic of heart failure has yet to be fully investigated, and data on incidence, survival, and sex-specific temporal trends in community-based populations are limited. OBJECTIVE To test the hypothesis that the incidence of heart failure has declined and survival after heart failure diagnosis has improved over time but that secular trends have diverged by sex. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Population-based cohort study using the resources of the Rochester Epidemiology Project conducted in Olmsted County, Minnesota. Patients were 4537 Olmsted County residents (57% women; mean [SD] age, 74 [14] years) with a diagnosis of heart failure between 1979 and 2000. Framingham criteria and clinical criteria were used to validate the diagnosis MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Incidence of heart failure and survival after heart failure diagnosis. RESULTS The incidence of heart failure was higher among men (378/100 000 persons; 95% confidence interval [CI], 361-395 for men; 289/100 000 persons; 95% CI, 277-300 for women) and did not change over time among men or women. After a mean follow-up of 4.2 years (range, 0-23.8 years), 3347 deaths occurred, including 1930 among women and 1417 among men. Survival after heart failure diagnosis was worse among men than women (relative risk, 1.33; 95% CI, 1.24-1.43) but overall improved over time (5-year age-adjusted survival, 43% in 1979-1984 vs 52% in 1996-2000, P<.001). However, men and younger persons experienced larger survival gains, contrasting with less or no improvement for women and elderly persons. CONCLUSION In this community-based cohort, the incidence of heart failure has not declined during 2 decades, but survival after onset of heart failure has increased overall, with less improvement among women and elderly persons.
BACKGROUND Tetracyclines such as doxycycline are reported to possess cytotoxic activity against mammalian tumor cells, but the mechanism of their effects on cell proliferation remains unclear. MATERIALS AND METHODS The antitumor effect of doxycycline was investigated in human pancreatic cancer cell line, PANC-1. We also investigated the effect of doxycycline on expression of a potent proangiogenic factor, interleukin (IL)-8. RESULTS In excess of 20 microg/ml, cytotoxic effects of doxycycline were accompanied by G(1)-S cell cycle arrest and DNA fragmentation in PANC-1 cells. Doxycycline consistently activated transcription of p53, p21 and Fas/FasL-cascade-related genes, while reducing the expression of Bcl-xL and Mcl-1. Doxycycline (5 microg/ml) below the cytotoxic level suppressed endogenous and paclitaxel-induced IL-8 expression. In the mouse xenograft model, doxycycline treatment was shown to suppress tumor growth by 80%. CONCLUSION These data suggest that doxycycline exerts its antitumor effect by activating proapoptotic genes, inhibiting IL-8 expression, and suppressing antiapoptotic genes.
Mucolipidosis type IV is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder characterized by severe neurodegeneration, achlorhydria, and visual impairments such as corneal opacity and strabismus. The disease arises due to mutations in a group 2 transient receptor potential (TRP)-related cation channel, TRPML1. Mammals encode two additional TRPML proteins named TRPML2 and TRPML3. Information regarding the propensity of these proteins to multimerize, their subcellular distribution and mechanisms that regulate their trafficking are limited. Here we demonstrate that TRPMLs interact to form homo- and heteromultimers. Moreover, the presence of either TRPML1 or TRPML2 specifically influences the spatial distribution of TRPML3. TRPML1 and TRPML2 homomultimers are lysosomal proteins, whereas TRPML3 homomultimers are in the endoplasmic reticulum. However, TRPML3 localizes to lysosomes when coexpressed with either TRPML1 or TRPML2 and is comparably mislocalized when lysosomal targeting of TRPML1 and TRPML2 is disrupted. Conversely, TRPML3 does not cause retention of TRPML1 or TRPML2 in the endoplasmic reticulum. These data demonstrate that there is a hierarchy controlling the subcellular distributions of the TRPMLs such that TRPML1 and TRPML2 dictate the localization of TRPML3 and not vice versa.
Human tumors show a high level of genetic heterogeneity, but the processes that influence the timing and route of metastatic dissemination of the subclones are unknown. Here we have used whole-exome sequencing of 103 matched benign, malignant and metastatic skin tumors from genetically heterogeneous mice to demonstrate that most metastases disseminate synchronously from the primary tumor, supporting parallel rather than linear evolution as the predominant model of metastasis. Shared mutations between primary carcinomas and their matched metastases have the distinct A-to-T signature of the initiating carcinogen dimethylbenzanthracene, but non-shared mutations are primarily G-to-T, a signature associated with oxidative stress. The existence of carcinomas that either did or did not metastasize in the same host animal suggests that there are tumor-intrinsic factors that influence metastatic seeding. We also demonstrate the importance of germline polymorphisms in determining allele-specific mutations, and we identify somatic genetic alterations that are specifically related to initiation of carcinogenesis by Hras or Kras mutations. Mouse tumors that mimic the genetic heterogeneity of human cancers can aid our understanding of the clonal evolution of metastasis and provide a realistic model for the testing of novel therapies.
Isolated pure human beta cells would be helpful for a number of research purposes. However, lack of beta cell-specific surface antigens has been a major problem. We aimed to develop a simple method for human beta cell isolation based on the initial elimination of ductal cells by their expression of carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), followed by positive selection of beta cells by their expression of polysialic acid–neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM). Cell type-specific expression of CA19-9, NCAM and PSA-NCAM was studied in sections of adult human pancreas and in cultured primary endocrine and exocrine cells. Dispersed human islet cells were purified in two steps, after 4 days of suspension culture, by binding to magnetic microbeads coupled to antibodies against CA19-9 and PSA-NCAM. NCAM expression was detected in ducts and islets in the human pancreas. In contrast, PSA-NCAM immunoreactivity was detected only in islets. PSA-NCAM staining in dispersed cells revealed that the marker is expressed in all endocrine cell types, but not in duct cells. Purification of dispersed islet cells using PSA-NCAM microbeads alone did not completely eliminate contaminating duct cells. However, elimination of the duct cells by CA19-9 microbeads followed by positive sorting of the PSA-NCAM-positive cells in five consecutive islet preparations resulted in 90 to 98% pure endocrine cells, of which 89 to 97% were beta cells. We describe a simple and reproducible method for purification of viable human pancreatic beta cells devoid of exocrine acini and ducts.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are at risk for cognitive dysfunction, and over half have hypertension. Data on the potential contribution of hypertension to CKD-associated neurocognitive deficits in children are limited. Our objective was to determine whether children with CKD and elevated BP (EBP) had decreased performance on neurocognitive testing compared with children with CKD and normal BP. DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS, & MEASUREMENTS This was a cross-sectional analysis of the relation between auscultatory BP and neurocognitive test performance in children 6 to 17 years enrolled in the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD) project. RESULTS Of 383 subjects, 132 (34%) had EBP (systolic BP and/or diastolic BP ≥90(th) percentile). Subjects with EBP had lower mean (SD) scores on Wechsler Abbreviated Scales of Intelligence (WASI) Performance IQ than those with normal BP (normal BP versus EBP, 96.1 (16.7) versus 92.4 (14.9), P = 0.03) and WASI Full Scale IQ (97.0 (16.2) versus 93.4 (16.5), P = 0.04). BP index (subject's BP/95(th) percentile BP) correlated inversely with Performance IQ score (systolic, r = -0.13, P = 0.01; diastolic, r = -0.19, P < 0.001). On multivariate analysis, the association between lower Performance IQ score and increased BP remained significant after controlling for demographic and disease-related variables (EBP, β = -3.7, 95% confidence interval [CI]: -7.3 to -0.06; systolic BP index, β = -1.16 to 95% CI: -2.1, -0.21; diastolic BP index, β = -1.17, 95% CI: -1.8 to -0.55). CONCLUSIONS Higher BP was independently associated with decreased WASI Performance IQ scores in children with mild-to-moderate CKD.