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Title: A Flexible Approach to Automated RNN Architecture Generation. Abstract: The process of designing neural architectures requires expert knowledge and extensive trial and error. While automated architecture search may simplify these requirements, the recurrent neural network (RNN) architectures generated by existing methods are limited in both flexibility and components. We propose a domain-specific language (DSL) for use in automated architecture search which can produce novel RNNs of arbitrary depth and width. The DSL is flexible enough to define standard architectures such as the Gated Recurrent Unit and Long Short Term Memory and allows the introduction of non-standard RNN components such as trigonometric curves and layer normalization. Using two different candidate generation techniques, random search with a ranking function and reinforcement learning, we explore the novel architectures produced by the RNN DSL for language modeling and machine translation domains. The resulting architectures do not follow human intuition yet perform well on their targeted tasks, suggesting the space of usable RNN architectures is far larger than previously assumed.
Title: A Tensor Analysis on Dense Connectivity via Convolutional Arithmetic Circuits. Abstract: Several state of the art convolutional networks rely on inter-connecting different layers to ease the flow of information and gradient between their input and output layers. These techniques have enabled practitioners to successfully train deep convolutional networks with hundreds of layers. Particularly, a novel way of interconnecting layers was introduced as the Dense Convolutional Network (DenseNet) and has achieved state of the art performance on relevant image recognition tasks. Despite their notable empirical success, their theoretical understanding is still limited. In this work, we address this problem by analyzing the effect of layer interconnection on the overall expressive power of a convolutional network. In particular, the connections used in DenseNet are compared with other types of inter-layer connectivity. We carry out a tensor analysis on the expressive power inter-connections on convolutional arithmetic circuits (ConvACs) and relate our results to standard convolutional networks. The analysis leads to performance bounds and practical guidelines for design of ConvACs. The generalization of these results are discussed for other kinds of convolutional networks via generalized tensor decompositions.
Title: Optimal Transport for Long-Tailed Recognition with Learnable Cost Matrix. Abstract: It is attracting attention to the long-tailed recognition problem, a burning issue that has become very popular recently. Distinctive from conventional recognition is that it posits that the allocation of the training set is supremely distorted. Predictably, it will pose challenges to the generalisation behaviour of the model. Approaches to these challenges revolve into two groups: firstly, training-aware methods, with the aim of enhancing the generalisability of the model by exploiting its potential in the training period; and secondly, post-hoc correction, liberally coupled with training-aware methods, which is intended to refine the predictions to the extent possible in the post-processing stage, offering the advantages of simplicity and effectiveness. This paper introduces an alternative direction to do the post-hoc correction, which goes beyond the statistical methods. Mathematically, we approach this issue from the perspective of optimal transport (OT), yet, choosing the exact cost matrix when applying OT is challenging and requires expert knowledge of various tasks. To overcome this limitation, we propose to employ linear mapping to learn the cost matrix without necessary configurations adaptively. Testing our methods in practice, along with high efficiency and excellent performance, our method surpasses all previous methods and has the best performance to date.
Title: Coresets for Kernel Clustering. Abstract: We devise the first coreset for kernel $k$-Means, and use it to obtain new, more efficient, algorithms. Kernel $k$-Means has superior clustering capability compared to classical $k$-Means particularly when clusters are separable non-linearly, but it also introduces significant computational challenges. We address this computational issue by constructing a coreset, which is a reduced dataset that accurately preserves the clustering costs. Our main result is the first coreset for kernel $k$-Means, whose size is independent of the number of input points $n$, and moreover is constructed in time near-linear in $n$. This result immediately implies new algorithms for kernel $k$-Means, such as a $(1+\epsilon)$-approximation in time near-linear in $n$, and a streaming algorithm using space and update time $\mathrm{poly}(k \epsilon^{-1} \log n)$. We validate our coreset on various datasets with different kernels. Our coreset performs consistently well, achieving small errors while using very few points. We show that our coresets can speed up kernel $k$-Means++ (the kernelized version of the widely used $k$-Means++ algorithm), and we further use this faster kernel $k$-Means++ for spectral clustering. In both applications, we achieve up to 1000x speedup while the error is comparable to baselines that do not use coresets.
Title: Why Gradient Clipping Accelerates Training: A Theoretical Justification for Adaptivity. Abstract: We provide a theoretical explanation for the effectiveness of gradient clipping in training deep neural networks. The key ingredient is a new smoothness condition derived from practical neural network training examples. We observe that gradient smoothness, a concept central to the analysis of first-order optimization algorithms that is often assumed to be a constant, demonstrates significant variability along the training trajectory of deep neural networks. Further, this smoothness positively correlates with the gradient norm, and contrary to standard assumptions in the literature, it can grow with the norm of the gradient. These empirical observations limit the applicability of existing theoretical analyses of algorithms that rely on a fixed bound on smoothness. These observations motivate us to introduce a novel relaxation of gradient smoothness that is weaker than the commonly used Lipschitz smoothness assumption. Under the new condition, we prove that two popular methods, namely, gradient clipping and normalized gradient, converge arbitrarily faster than gradient descent with fixed stepsize. We further explain why such adaptively scaled gradient methods can accelerate empirical convergence and verify our results empirically in popular neural network training settings.
Title: Learning Surrogate Losses. Abstract: The minimization of loss functions is the heart and soul of Machine Learning. In this paper, we propose an off-the-shelf optimization approach that can seamlessly minimize virtually any non-differentiable and non-decomposable loss function (e.g. Miss-classification Rate, AUC, F1, Jaccard Index, Mathew Correlation Coefficient, etc.). Our strategy learns smooth relaxation versions of the true losses by approximating them through a surrogate neural network. The proposed loss networks are set-wise models which are invariant to the order of mini-batch instances. Ultimately, the surrogate losses are learned jointly with the prediction model via bilevel optimization. Empirical results on multiple datasets with diverse real-life loss functions compared with state-of-the-art baselines demonstrate the efficiency of learning surrogate losses.
Title: Wat zei je? Detecting Out-of-Distribution Translations with Variational Transformers. Abstract: We detect out-of-training-distribution sentences in Neural Machine Translation using the Bayesian Deep Learning equivalent of Transformer models. For this we develop a new measure of uncertainty designed specifically for long sequences of discrete random variables—i.e. words in the output sentence. Our new measure of uncertainty solves a major intractability in the naive application of existing approaches on long sentences. We use our new measure on a Transformer model trained with dropout approximate inference. On the task of German-English translation using WMT13 and Europarl, we show that with dropout uncertainty our measure is able to identify when Dutch source sentences, sentences which use the same word types as German, are given to the model instead of German.
Title: Kronecker-factored Curvature Approximations for Recurrent Neural Networks. Abstract: Kronecker-factor Approximate Curvature (Martens & Grosse, 2015) (K-FAC) is a 2nd-order optimization method which has been shown to give state-of-the-art performance on large-scale neural network optimization tasks (Ba et al., 2017). It is based on an approximation to the Fisher information matrix (FIM) that makes assumptions about the particular structure of the network and the way it is parameterized. The original K-FAC method was applicable only to fully-connected networks, although it has been recently extended by Grosse & Martens (2016) to handle convolutional networks as well. In this work we extend the method to handle RNNs by introducing a novel approximation to the FIM for RNNs. This approximation works by modelling the covariance structure between the gradient contributions at different time-steps using a chain-structured linear Gaussian graphical model, summing the various cross-covariances, and computing the inverse in closed form. We demonstrate in experiments that our method significantly outperforms general purpose state-of-the-art optimizers like SGD with momentum and Adam on several challenging RNN training tasks.
Title: Bandits for Black-box Attacks to Graph Neural Networks with Structure Perturbation. Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) have achieved state-of-the-art performance in many graph-based tasks such as node classification and graph classification. However, many recent works have demonstrated that an attacker can mislead GNN models by slightly perturbing the graph structure. Existing attacks to GNNs are either under the less practical threat model where the attacker is assumed to access the GNN model parameters, or under the practical black-box threat model but consider perturbing node features that are shown to be not enough effective. In this paper, we aim to bridge this gap and consider black-box attacks to GNNs with structure perturbation. We address this challenge motivated by bandits. Specifically, we formulate our attack as an online optimization with bandit feedback. This original problem is essentially NP-hard due to the fact that perturbing the graph structure is a binary optimization problem. We then propose a bandit convex optimization based attack which is proven to be {sublinear} to the query number $T$, i.e., $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{N}T^{3/4})$ where $N$ is the number of nodes in the graph. Finally, we evaluate our proposed attack algorithm by conducting experiments over multiple datasets and GNN models. The experimental results on various citation graphs and image graphs show that our attack is both effective and efficient.
Title: Accelerating HEP simulations with Neural Importance Sampling. Abstract: Virtually all high-energy-physics (HEP) simulations for the LHC rely on Monte Carlo using importance sampling by means of the VEGAS algorithm. However, complex high-precision calculations have become a challenge for the standard toolbox. As a result, there has been keen interest in HEP for modern machine learning to power adaptive sampling. Despite previous work proving that normalizing-flow-powered neural importance sampling (NIS) sometimes outperforms VEGAS, existing research has still left major questions open, which we intend to solve by introducing ZüNIS, a fully automated NIS library. We first show how to extend the original formulation of NIS to reuse samples over multiple gradient steps, yielding a significant improvement for slow functions. We then benchmark ZüNIS over a range of problems and show high performance with limited fine-tuning. This is crucial for ZüNIS to be a mature tool for the wider HEP public. We outline how the the library allows for non-experts to employ it with minimal effort, an essential condition to widely assess the value of NIS for LHC simulations.
Title: Pea-KD: Parameter-efficient and accurate Knowledge Distillation. Abstract: How can we efficiently compress a model while maintaining its performance? Knowledge Distillation (KD) is one of the widely known methods for model compression. In essence, KD trains a smaller student model based on a larger teacher model and tries to retain the teacher model's level of performance as much as possible. However, the existing KD methods suffer from the following limitations. First, since the student model is small in absolute size, it inherently lacks model complexity. Second, the absence of an initial guide for the student model makes it difficult for the student to imitate the teacher model to its fullest. Conventional KD methods yield low performance due to these limitations. In this paper, we propose Pea-KD (Parameter-efficient and accurate Knowledge Distillation), a novel approach to KD. Pea-KD consists of two main parts: Shuffled Parameter Sharing (SPS) and Pretraining with Teacher's Predictions (PTP). Using this combination, we are capable of alleviating the KD's limitations. SPS is a new parameter sharing method that allows greater model complexity for the student model. PTP is a KD-specialized initialization method, which can act as a good initial guide for the student. When combined, this method yields a significant increase in student model's performance. Experiments conducted on different datasets and tasks show that the proposed approach improves the student model's performance by 4.4% on average in four GLUE tasks, outperforming existing KD baselines by significant margins.
Title: Rethinking Parameter Counting: Effective Dimensionality Revisited. Abstract: Neural networks appear to have mysterious generalization properties when using parameter counting as a proxy for complexity. Indeed, neural networks often have many more parameters than there are data points, yet still provide good generalization performance. Moreover, when we measure generalization as a function of parameters, we see double descent behaviour, where the test error decreases, increases, and then again decreases. We show that many of these properties become understandable when viewed through the lens of effective dimensionality, which measures the dimensionality of the parameter space determined by the data. We relate effective dimensionality to posterior contraction in Bayesian deep learning, model selection, width-depth tradeoffs, double descent, and functional diversity in loss surfaces, leading to a richer understanding of the interplay between parameters and functions in deep models. We also show that effective dimensionality compares favourably to alternative norm- and flatness- based generalization measures.
Title: PNEN: Pyramid Non-Local Enhanced Networks. Abstract: Existing neural networks proposed for low-level image processing tasks are usually implemented by stacking convolution layers with limited kernel size. Every convolution layer merely involves in context information from a small local neighborhood. More contextual features can be explored as more convolution layers are adopted. However it is difficult and costly to take full advantage of long-range dependencies. We employ non-local operation to build up connection between every pixel and all remain pixels. Moreover a novel \emph{Pyramid Non-local Block} is devised to robustly estimate pairwise similarity coefficients between different scales of content patterns. Considering computation burden and memory consumption, we exploit embedding feature maps with coarser resolution to represent content patterns with larger spatial scale. Through elaborately combining the pyramid non-local blocks and dilated residual blocks, we set up a \emph{Pyramid Non-local Enhanced Network} for edge-preserving image smoothing. It achieves state-of-the-art performance in imitating three classical image smoothing algorithms. Additionally, the pyramid non-local block can be directly incorporated into existing convolution neural networks for other image processing tasks. We integrate it into two state-of-the-art methods for image denoising and single image super-resolution respectively, achieving consistently improved performance.
Title: TrojanNet: Exposing the Danger of Trojan Horse Attack on Neural Networks. Abstract: The complexity of large-scale neural networks can lead to poor understanding of their internal details. We show that this opaqueness provides an opportunity for adversaries to embed unintended functionalities into the network in the form of Trojan horse attacks. Our novel framework hides the existence of a malicious network within a benign transport network. Our attack is flexible, easy to execute, and difficult to detect. We prove theoretically that the malicious network's detection is computationally infeasible and demonstrate empirically that the transport network does not compromise its disguise. Our attack exposes an important, previously unknown loophole that unveils a new direction in machine learning security.
Title: Teaching Temporal Logics to Neural Networks. Abstract: We study two fundamental questions in neuro-symbolic computing: can deep learning tackle challenging problems in logics end-to-end, and can neural networks learn the semantics of logics. In this work we focus on linear-time temporal logic (LTL), as it is widely used in verification. We train a Transformer on the problem to directly predict a solution, i.e. a trace, to a given LTL formula. The training data is generated with classical solvers, which, however, only provide one of many possible solutions to each formula. We demonstrate that it is sufficient to train on those particular solutions to formulas, and that Transformers can predict solutions even to formulas from benchmarks from the literature on which the classical solver timed out. Transformers also generalize to the semantics of the logics: while they often deviate from the solutions found by the classical solvers, they still predict correct solutions to most formulas.
Title: CLAREL: classification via retrieval loss for zero-shot learning. Abstract: We address the problem of learning fine-grained cross-modal representations. We propose an instance-based deep metric learning approach in joint visual and textual space. The key novelty of this paper is that it shows that using per-image semantic supervision leads to substantial improvement in zero-shot performance over using class-only supervision. On top of that, we provide a probabilistic justification for a metric rescaling approach that solves a very common problem in the generalized zero-shot learning setting, i.e., classifying test images from unseen classes as one of the classes seen during training. We evaluate our approach on two fine-grained zero-shot learning datasets: CUB and FLOWERS. We find that on the generalized zero-shot classification task CLAREL consistently outperforms the existing approaches on both datasets.
Title: Progressive Upsampling Audio Synthesis via Effective Adversarial Training. Abstract: This paper proposes a novel generative model called PUGAN, which progressively synthesizes high-quality audio in a raw waveform. PUGAN leverages on the recently proposed idea of progressive generation of higher-resolution images by stacking multiple encode-decoder architectures. To effectively apply it to raw audio generation, we propose two novel modules: (1) a neural upsampling layer and (2) a sinc convolutional layer. Compared to the existing state-of-the-art model called WaveGAN, which uses a single decoder architecture, our model generates audio signals and converts them in a higher resolution in a progressive manner, while using a significantly smaller number of parameters, e.g., 20x smaller for 44.1kHz output, than an existing technique called WaveGAN. Our experiments show that the audio signals can be generated in real-time with the comparable quality to that of WaveGAN with respect to the inception scores and the human evaluation.
Title: ACT: Asymptotic Conditional Transport. Abstract: We propose conditional transport (CT) as a new divergence to measure the difference between two probability distributions. The CT divergence consists of the expected cost of a forward CT, which constructs a navigator to stochastically transport a data point of one distribution to the other distribution, and that of a backward CT which reverses the transport direction. To apply it to the distributions whose probability density functions are unknown but random samples are accessible, we further introduce asymptotic CT (ACT), whose estimation only requires access to mini-batch based discrete empirical distributions. Equipped with two navigators that amortize the computation of conditional transport plans, the ACT divergence comes with unbiased sample gradients that are straightforward to compute, making it amenable to mini-batch stochastic gradient descent based optimization. When applied to train a generative model, the ACT divergence is shown to strike a good balance between mode covering and seeking behaviors and strongly resist mode collapse. To model high-dimensional data, we show that it is sufficient to modify the adversarial game of an existing generative adversarial network (GAN) to a game played by a generator, a forward navigator, and a backward navigator, which try to minimize a distribution-to-distribution transport cost by optimizing both the distribution of the generator and conditional transport plans specified by the navigators, versus a critic that does the opposite by inflating the point-to-point transport cost. On a wide variety of benchmark datasets for generative modeling, substituting the default statistical distance of an existing GAN with the ACT divergence is shown to consistently improve the performance.
Title: Domain Knowledge in Exploration Noise in AlphaZero. Abstract: The AlphaZero algorithm has achieved remarkable success in a variety of sequential, perfect information games including Go, Shogi and Chess. In the original paper the only hyperparameter that is changed from game to game is the $\alpha$ parameter governing a search prior. In this paper we investigate the properties of this hyperparameter. First, we build a formal intuition for its behavior on a toy example meant to isolate the influence of $\alpha$. Then, by comparing performance of AlphaZero agents with different $\alpha$ values on Connect 4, we show that the performance of AlphaZero improves considerably with a good choice of $\alpha$. This all highlights the importance of $\alpha$ as an interpretable hyperparameter which allows for cross-game tuning that more opaque hyperparameters like model architecture may not.
Title: WaveMix: Multi-Resolution Token Mixing for Images. Abstract: Even though vision transformers (ViTs) have provided state-of-the-art results on image classification, their requirements of large data, model size, and GPU usage have put them out of reach of most practitioners of computer vision. We present WaveMix as an alternative to self-attention mechanisms in ViT and convolutional neural networks to significantly reduce computational costs and memory footprint without compromising on image classification accuracy. WaveMix uses a multi-level two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform for mixing tokens and aggregating multi-resolution pixel information over long distances, which gives it the following advantages. Firstly, unlike the self-attention mechanism of ViT, WaveMix does not unroll the image. Thus, it has the right inductive bias to utilize the 2-D structure of an image, which reduces the demand for large training data. Additionally, the quadratic complexity with respect to sequence length is also eliminated. Secondly, due to its multi-resolution token-mixing, WaveMix also requires much fewer layers than a CNN does for comparable accuracy. Preliminary results from our experiments on supervised learning using CIFAR-10 dataset show that a four-layer WaveMix model can be 37% more accurate than a ViT with a comparable number of parameters, while consuming only 3% of the latter's GPU RAM and memory. This model also performs better than efficient transformers and models not based on attention, such as, FNet, and MLP Mixer. Scaling up the WaveMix model to achieve a top-1 accuracy of over 85% on CIFAR-10 could be done on a 16 GB GPU, while consuming only 6% of the GPU RAM used by the largest ViT which could fit in that GPU. Our work suggests that research on model structures that exploit the right inductive bias is far from over, and that such models can enable the training of computer vision models in settings with limited GPU resources.
Title: STABILITY AND CONVERGENCE THEORY FOR LEARNING RESNET: A FULL CHARACTERIZATION. Abstract: ResNet structure has achieved great success since its debut. In this paper, we study the stability of learning ResNet. Specifically, we consider the ResNet block $h_l = \phi(h_{l-1}+\tau\cdot g(h_{l-1}))$ where $\phi(\cdot)$ is ReLU activation and $\tau$ is a scalar. We show that for standard initialization used in practice, $\tau =1/\Omega(\sqrt{L})$ is a sharp value in characterizing the stability of forward/backward process of ResNet, where $L$ is the number of residual blocks. Specifically, stability is guaranteed for $\tau\le 1/\Omega(\sqrt{L})$ while conversely forward process explodes when $\tau>L^{-\frac{1}{2}+c}$ for a positive constant $c$. Moreover, if ResNet is properly over-parameterized, we show for $\tau \le 1/\tilde{\Omega}(\sqrt{L})$ gradient descent is guaranteed to find the global minima \footnote{We use $\tilde{\Omega}(\cdot)$ to hide logarithmic factor.}, which significantly enlarges the range of $\tau\le 1/\tilde{\Omega}(L)$ that admits global convergence in previous work. We also demonstrate that the over-parameterization requirement of ResNet only weakly depends on the depth, which corroborates the advantage of ResNet over vanilla feedforward network. Empirically, with $\tau\le1/\sqrt{L}$, deep ResNet can be easily trained even without normalization layer. Moreover, adding $\tau=1/\sqrt{L}$ can also improve the performance of ResNet with normalization layer.
Title: GPT-Critic: Offline Reinforcement Learning for End-to-End Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems. Abstract: Training a task-oriented dialogue agent can be naturally formulated as offline reinforcement learning (RL) problem, where the agent aims to learn a conversational strategy to achieve user goals, only from a dialogue corpus. It is very challenging in terms of RL since the natural language action space is astronomical, while feasible (syntactically and semantically correct) actions are very sparse. Thus, standard RL methods easily fail and generate responses diverging from human language, even when fine-tuning a powerful pre-trained language model. In this paper, we introduce GPT-Critic, an offline RL method for task-oriented dialogue. GPT-Critic is built upon GPT-2, fine-tuning the language model through behavior cloning of the critic-guided self-generated sentences. GPT-Critic is essentially free from the issue of diverging from human language since it learns from the sentences sampled from the pre-trained language model. In the experiments, we demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art in the task-oriented dialogue benchmarks including MultiWOZ 2.0 and ConvLab.
Title: Spatial Frequency Sensitivity Regularization for Robustness. Abstract: The ability to generalize to out-of-distribution data is a major challenge for modern deep neural networks. Recent work has shown that deep neural networks latch on to superficial Fourier statistics of the training data and fail to generalize when these statistics change, such as when images are subject to common corruptions. In this paper, we study the frequency characteristics of deep neural networks in order to improve their robustness. We first propose a general measure of a model's $\textit{\textbf{spatial frequency sensitivity}}$ based on its input-Jacobian represented in the Fourier-basis. When applied to deep neural networks, we find that standard minibatch training consistently leads to increased sensitivity towards particular spatial frequencies independent of network architecture. We further propose a family of $\textit{\textbf{spatial frequency regularizers}}$ based on our proposed measure to induce specific spatial frequency sensitivities in a model. In experiments on datasets with out-of-distribution test images arising from various common image corruptions, we find that deep neural networks trained with our proposed regularizers obtain significantly improved classification accuracy while maintaining high accuracy on in-distribution clean test images.
Title: Accelerating Stochastic Simulation with Interactive Neural Processes. Abstract: Stochastic simulations such as large-scale, spatiotemporal, age-structured epidemic models are computationally expensive at fine-grained resolution. We propose Interactive Neural Process (INP), a Bayesian active learning framework to proactively learn a deep learning surrogate model and accelerate simulation. Our framework is based on the novel integration of neural process, deep sequence model and active learning. In particular, we develop a novel spatiotemporal neural process model to mimic the simulator dynamics. Our model automatically infers the latent process which describes the intrinsic uncertainty of the simulator. This also gives rise to a new acquisition function based on the latent information gain. We design Bayesian active learning algorithms to iteratively query the simulator, gather more data, and continuously improve the model. We perform theoretical analysis and demonstrate that our approach reduces sample complexity compared with random sampling in high dimension. Empirically, we demonstrate our framework can faithfully imitate the behavior of a complex infectious disease simulator with a small number of examples, enabling rapid simulation and scenario exploration.
Title: Semi-supervised Long-tailed Recognition using Alternate Sampling. Abstract: Main challenges in long-tailed recognition come from the imbalanced data distribution and sample scarcity in its tail classes. While techniques have been proposed to achieve a more balanced training loss and to improve tail classes data variations with synthesized samples, we resort to leverage readily available unlabeled data to boost recognition accuracy. The idea leads to a new recognition setting, namely semi-supervised long-tailed recognition. We argue this setting better resembles the real-world data collection and annotation process and hence can help close the gap to real-world scenarios. To address the semi-supervised long-tailed recognition problem, we present an alternate sampling framework combining the intuitions from successful methods in these two research areas. The classifier and feature embedding are learned separately and updated iteratively. The class-balanced sampling strategy has been implemented to train the classifier in a way not affected by the pseudo labels' quality on the unlabeled data. A consistency loss has been introduced to limit the impact from unlabeled data while leveraging them to update the feature embedding. We demonstrate significant accuracy improvements over other competitive methods on two datasets.
Title: Self-Supervision is All You Need for Solving Rubik's Cube. Abstract: While combinatorial problems are of great academic and practical importance, previous approaches like explicit heuristics and reinforcement learning have been complex and costly. To address this, we developed a simple and robust method to train a Deep Neural Network (DNN) through self-supervised learning for solving a goal-predefined combinatorial problem. Assuming that more optimal moves occur more frequently as a path of random moves connecting two problem states, the DNN can approximate an optimal solver by learning to predict the last move of a random scramble based on the problem state. Tested on 1,000 scrambled Rubik's Cube instances, a Transformer-based model could solve all of them near-optimally using a breadth-first search; with a maximum breadth of $10^3$, the mean solution length was $20.5$ moves. The proposed method may apply to other goal-predefined combinatorial problems, though it has a few constraints.
Title: Mathematical Reasoning via Self-supervised Skip-tree Training. Abstract: We demonstrate that self-supervised language modeling applied to mathematical formulas enables logical reasoning. To measure the logical reasoning abilities of language models, we formulate several evaluation (downstream) tasks, such as inferring types, suggesting missing assumptions and completing equalities. For training language models for formal mathematics, we propose a novel skip-tree task. We find that models trained on the skip-tree task show surprisingly strong mathematical reasoning abilities, and outperform models trained on standard skip-sequence tasks. We also analyze the models' ability to formulate new conjectures by measuring how often the predictions are provable and useful in other proofs.
Title: Discovery of Predictive Representations With a Network of General Value Functions. Abstract: The ability of an agent to {\em discover} its own learning objectives has long been considered a key ingredient for artificial general intelligence. Breakthroughs in autonomous decision making and reinforcement learning have primarily been in domains where the agent's goal is outlined and clear: such as playing a game to win, or driving safely. Several studies have demonstrated that learning extramural sub-tasks and auxiliary predictions can improve (1) single human-specified task learning, (2) transfer of learning, (3) and the agent's learned representation of the world. In all these examples, the agent was instructed what to learn about. We investigate a framework for discovery: curating a large collection of predictions, which are used to construct the agent's representation of the world. Specifically, our system maintains a large collection of predictions, continually pruning and replacing predictions. We highlight the importance of considering stability rather than convergence for such a system, and develop an adaptive, regularized algorithm towards that aim. We provide several experiments in computational micro-worlds demonstrating that this simple approach can be effective for discovering useful predictions autonomously.
Title: Meta-Learning with Individualized Feature Space for Few-Shot Classification. Abstract: Meta-learning provides a promising learning framework to address few-shot classification tasks. In existing meta-learning methods, the meta-learner is designed to learn about model optimization, parameter initialization, or similarity metric. Differently, in this paper, we propose to learn how to create an individualized feature embedding specific to a given query image for better classifying, i.e., given a query image, a specific feature embedding tailored for its characteristics is created accordingly, leading to an individualized feature space in which the query image can be more accurately classified.  Specifically, we introduce a kernel generator as meta-learner to learn to construct feature embedding for query images. The kernel generator acquires meta-knowledge of generating adequate convolutional kernels for different query images during training, which can generalize to unseen categories without fine-tuning. In two standard few-shot classification data sets, i.e. Omniglot, and \emph{mini}ImageNet, our method shows highly competitive performance.
Title: MSFM: Multi-Scale Fusion Module for Object Detection. Abstract: Feature fusion is beneficial to object detection tasks in two folds. On one hand, detail and position information can be combined with semantic information when high and low-resolution features from shallow and deep layers are fused. On the other hand, objects can be detected in different scales, which improves the robustness of the framework. In this work, we present a Multi-Scale Fusion Module (MSFM) that extracts both detail and semantical information from a single input but at different scales within the same layer. Specifically, the input of the module will be resized into different scales on which position and semantic information will be processed, and then they will be rescaled back and combined with the module input. The MSFM is lightweight and can be used as a drop-in layer to many existing object detection frameworks. Experiments show that MSFM can bring +2.5% mAP improvement with only 2.4M extra parameters on Faster R-CNN with ResNet-50 FPN backbone on COCO Object Detection minival set, outperforming that with ResNet-101 FPN backbone without the module which obtains +2.0% mAP with 19.0M extra parameters. The best resulting model achieves a 45.7% mAP on test-dev set. Code will be available.
Title: Are Neural Nets Modular? Inspecting Functional Modularity Through Differentiable Weight Masks. Abstract: Neural networks (NNs) whose subnetworks implement reusable functions are expected to offer numerous advantages, including compositionality through efficient recombination of functional building blocks, interpretability, preventing catastrophic interference, etc. Understanding if and how NNs are modular could provide insights into how to improve them. Current inspection methods, however, fail to link modules to their functionality. In this paper, we present a novel method based on learning binary weight masks to identify individual weights and subnets responsible for specific functions. Using this powerful tool, we contribute an extensive study of emerging modularity in NNs that covers several standard architectures and datasets. We demonstrate how common NNs fail to reuse submodules and offer new insights into the related issue of systematic generalization on language tasks.
Title: Selective Sensing: A Data-driven Nonuniform Subsampling Approach for Computation-free On-Sensor Data Dimensionality Reduction. Abstract: Designing an on-sensor data dimensionality reduction scheme for efficient signal sensing has always been a challenging task. Compressive sensing is a state-of-the-art sensing technique used for on-sensor data dimensionality reduction. However, the undesired computational complexity involved in the sensing stage of compressive sensing limits its practical application in resource-constrained sensor devices or high-data-rate sensor devices dealing with high-dimensional signals. In this paper, we propose a selective sensing framework that adopts the novel concept of data-driven nonuniform subsampling to reduce the dimensionality of acquired signals while retaining the information of interest in a computation-free fashion. Selective sensing adopts a co-optimization methodology to co-train a selective sensing operator with a subsequent information decoding neural network. We take image as the sensing modality and reconstruction as the information decoding task to demonstrate the 1st proof-of-concept of selective sensing. The experiment results on CIFAR10, Set5 and Set14 datasets show that selective sensing can achieve an average reconstruction accuracy improvement in terms of PSNR/SSIM by 3.73dB/0.07 and 9.43dB/0.16 over compressive sensing and uniform subsampling counterparts across the compression ratios of 4-32x, respectively. Source code is available at https://figshare.com/s/519a923fae8f386d7f5b
Title: A Sampling-Free Approximation of Gaussian Variational Auto-Encoders. Abstract: We propose a sampling-free approximate formulation of Gaussian variational auto-encoders. Instead of computing the loss via stochastic sampling, we propagate the Gaussian distributions from the latent space into the output space. As computing the exact likelihood probability is intractable, we propose to locally approximate the decoder network by its Taylor series. We demonstrate that this approximation allows us to approximate the Gaussian variational auto-encoder training objective in closed form. We evaluate the proposed method on the CelebA, the 3D Chairs, and the MNIST data sets. We find that our sampling-free approximation performs better than its sampling counterpart on the Frechet inception distance and on par on the estimated marginal likelihood.
Title: MultiModalQA: complex question answering over text, tables and images. Abstract: When answering complex questions, people can seamlessly combine information from visual, textual and tabular sources. While interest in models that reason over multiple pieces of evidence has surged in recent years, there has been relatively little work on question answering models that reason across multiple modalities. In this paper, we present MultiModalQA (MMQA): a challenging question answering dataset that requires joint reasoning over text, tables and images. We create MMQA using a new framework for generating complex multi-modal questions at scale, harvesting tables from Wikipedia, and attaching images and text paragraphs using entities that appear in each table. We then define a formal language that allows us to take questions that can be answered from a single modality, and combine them to generate cross-modal questions. Last, crowdsourcing workers take these automatically generated questions and rephrase them into more fluent language. We create 29,918 questions through this procedure, and empirically demonstrate the necessity of a multi-modal multi-hop approach to solve our task: our multi-hop model, ImplicitDecomp, achieves an average F1 of 51.7 over cross-modal questions, substantially outperforming a strong baseline that achieves 38.2 F1, but still lags significantly behind human performance, which is at 90.1 F1.
Title: NOODL: Provable Online Dictionary Learning and Sparse Coding. Abstract: We consider the dictionary learning problem, where the aim is to model the given data as a linear combination of a few columns of a matrix known as a dictionary, where the sparse weights forming the linear combination are known as coefficients. Since the dictionary and coefficients, parameterizing the linear model are unknown, the corresponding optimization is inherently non-convex. This was a major challenge until recently, when provable algorithms for dictionary learning were proposed. Yet, these provide guarantees only on the recovery of the dictionary, without explicit recovery guarantees on the coefficients. Moreover, any estimation error in the dictionary adversely impacts the ability to successfully localize and estimate the coefficients. This potentially limits the utility of existing provable dictionary learning methods in applications where coefficient recovery is of interest. To this end, we develop NOODL: a simple Neurally plausible alternating Optimization-based Online Dictionary Learning algorithm, which recovers both the dictionary and coefficients exactly at a geometric rate, when initialized appropriately. Our algorithm, NOODL, is also scalable and amenable for large scale distributed implementations in neural architectures, by which we mean that it only involves simple linear and non-linear operations. Finally, we corroborate these theoretical results via experimental evaluation of the proposed algorithm with the current state-of-the-art techniques.
Title: Video Action Segmentation with Hybrid Temporal Networks. Abstract: Action segmentation as a milestone towards building automatic systems to understand untrimmed videos has received considerable attention in the recent years. It is typically being modeled as a sequence labeling problem but contains intrinsic and sufficient differences than text parsing or speech processing. In this paper, we introduce a novel hybrid temporal convolutional and recurrent network (TricorNet), which has an encoder-decoder architecture: the encoder consists of a hierarchy of temporal convolutional kernels that capture the local motion changes of different actions; the decoder is a hierarchy of recurrent neural networks that are able to learn and memorize long-term action dependencies after the encoding stage. Our model is simple but extremely effective in terms of video sequence labeling. The experimental results on three public action segmentation datasets have shown that the proposed model achieves superior performance over the state of the art.
Title: Rethinking Positional Encoding. Abstract: It is well noted that coordinate based MLPs benefit greatly -- in terms of preserving high-frequency information -- through the encoding of coordinate positions as an array of Fourier features. Hitherto, the rationale for the effectiveness of these positional encodings has been solely studied through a Fourier lens. In this paper, we strive to broaden this understanding by showing that alternative non-Fourier embedding functions can indeed be used for positional encoding. Moreover, we show that their performance is entirely determined by a trade-off between the stable rank of the embedded matrix and the distance preservation between embedded coordinates. We further establish that the now ubiquitous Fourier feature mapping of position is a special case that fulfills these conditions. Consequently, we present a more general theory to analyze positional encoding in terms of shifted basis functions. To this end, we develop the necessary theoretical formulae and empirically verify that our theoretical claims hold in practice.
Title: A Critique of Self-Expressive Deep Subspace Clustering. Abstract: Subspace clustering is an unsupervised clustering technique designed to cluster data that is supported on a union of linear subspaces, with each subspace defining a cluster with dimension lower than the ambient space. Many existing formulations for this problem are based on exploiting the self-expressive property of linear subspaces, where any point within a subspace can be represented as linear combination of other points within the subspace. To extend this approach to data supported on a union of non-linear manifolds, numerous studies have proposed learning an embedding of the original data using a neural network which is regularized by a self-expressive loss function on the data in the embedded space to encourage a union of linear subspaces prior on the data in the embedded space. Here we show that there are a number of potential flaws with this approach which have not been adequately addressed in prior work. In particular, we show the model formulation is often ill-posed in that it can lead to a degenerate embedding of the data, which need not correspond to a union of subspaces at all and is poorly suited for clustering. We validate our theoretical results experimentally and also repeat prior experiments reported in the literature, where we conclude that a significant portion of the previously claimed performance benefits can be attributed to an ad-hoc post processing step rather than the deep subspace clustering model.
Title: Monotonic Multihead Attention. Abstract: Simultaneous machine translation models start generating a target sequence before they have encoded or read the source sequence. Recent approach for this task either apply a fixed policy on transformer, or a learnable monotonic attention on a weaker recurrent neural network based structure. In this paper, we propose a new attention mechanism, Monotonic Multihead Attention (MMA), which introduced the monotonic attention mechanism to multihead attention. We also introduced two novel interpretable approaches for latency control that are specifically designed for multiple attentions. We apply MMA to the simultaneous machine translation task and demonstrate better latency-quality tradeoffs compared to MILk, the previous state-of-the-art approach.
Title: Evolutionary Expectation Maximization for Generative Models with Binary Latents. Abstract: We establish a theoretical link between evolutionary algorithms and variational parameter optimization of probabilistic generative models with binary hidden variables. While the novel approach is independent of the actual generative model, here we use two such models to investigate its applicability and scalability: a noisy-OR Bayes Net (as a standard example of binary data) and Binary Sparse Coding (as a model for continuous data). Learning of probabilistic generative models is first formulated as approximate maximum likelihood optimization using variational expectation maximization (EM). We choose truncated posteriors as variational distributions in which discrete latent states serve as variational parameters. In the variational E-step, the latent states are then optimized according to a tractable free-energy objective. Given a data point, we can show that evolutionary algorithms can be used for the variational optimization loop by (A)~considering the bit-vectors of the latent states as genomes of individuals, and by (B)~defining the fitness of the individuals as the (log) joint probabilities given by the used generative model. As a proof of concept, we apply the novel evolutionary EM approach to the optimization of the parameters of noisy-OR Bayes nets and binary sparse coding on artificial and real data (natural image patches). Using point mutations and single-point cross-over for the evolutionary algorithm, we find that scalable variational EM algorithms are obtained which efficiently improve the data likelihood. In general we believe that, with the link established here, standard as well as recent results in the field of evolutionary optimization can be leveraged to address the difficult problem of parameter optimization in generative models.
Title: Open-World Semi-Supervised Learning. Abstract: A fundamental limitation of applying semi-supervised learning in real-world settings is the assumption that unlabeled test data contains only classes previously encountered in the labeled training data. However, this assumption rarely holds for data in-the-wild, where instances belonging to novel classes may appear at testing time. Here, we introduce a novel open-world semi-supervised learning setting that formalizes the notion that novel classes may appear in the unlabeled test data. In this novel setting, the goal is to solve the class distribution mismatch problem between labeled and unlabeled data, where at the test time every input instance either needs to be classified into one of the existing classes or a new unseen class needs to be initialized and the instance assigned to it. To tackle this challenging problem, we propose ORCA, an end-to-end approach that assigns instances to previously seen classes or forms novel classes by grouping similar instances without assuming any prior knowledge. The key idea in ORCA is to utilize uncertainty adaptive margin to circumvent the bias towards seen classes caused by learning seen classes faster than the novel classes. In this way, ORCA gradually increases the discriminability of the model during the training and reduces the gap between intra-class variance of seen with respect to novel classes. Extensive experiments on image classification datasets and a single-cell dataset demonstrate that ORCA consistently outperforms alternative baselines, achieving 25% improvement on seen and 96% improvement on novel classes of the ImageNet dataset.
Title: Inverse Contextual Bandits: Learning How Behavior Evolves over Time. Abstract: Understanding a decision-maker's priorities by observing their behavior is critical for transparency and accountability in decision processes—such as in healthcare. Though conventional approaches to policy learning almost invariably assume stationarity in behavior, this is hardly true in practice: Medical practice is constantly evolving as clinical professionals fine-tune their knowledge over time. For instance, as the medical community's understanding of organ transplantations has progressed over the years, a pertinent question is: How have actual organ allocation policies been evolving? To give an answer, we desire a policy learning method that provides interpretable representations of decision-making, in particular capturing an agent's non-stationary knowledge of the world, as well as operating in an offline manner. First, we model the evolving behavior of decision-makers in terms of contextual bandits, and formalize the problem of Inverse Contextual Bandits ("ICB''). Second, we propose two concrete algorithms as solutions, learning parametric and non-parametric representations of an agent's behavior. Finally, using both real and simulated data for liver transplantations, we illustrate the applicability and explainability of our method, as well as benchmarking and validating the accuracy of our algorithms.
Title: Learning to Reason: Distilling Hierarchy via Self-Supervision and Reinforcement Learning. Abstract: We present a hierarchical planning and control framework that enables an agent to perform various tasks and adapt to a new task flexibly. Rather than learning an individual policy for each particular task, the proposed framework, DISH, distills a hierarchical policy from a set of tasks by self-supervision and reinforcement learning. The framework is based on the idea of latent variable models that represent high-dimensional observations using low-dimensional latent variables. The resulting policy consists of two levels of hierarchy: (i) a planning module that reasons a sequence of latent intentions that would lead to optimistic future and (ii) a feedback control policy, shared across the tasks, that executes the inferred intention. Because the reasoning is performed in low-dimensional latent space, the learned policy can immediately be used to solve or adapt to new tasks without additional training. We demonstrate the proposed framework can learn compact representations (3-dimensional latent states for a 90-dimensional humanoid system) while solving a small number of imitation tasks, and the resulting policy is directly applicable to other types of tasks, i.e., navigation in cluttered environments.
Title: AC-VAE: Learning Semantic Representation with VAE for Adaptive Clustering. Abstract: Unsupervised representation learning is essential in the field of machine learning, and accurate neighbor clusters of representation show great potential to support unsupervised image classification. This paper proposes a VAE (Variational Autoencoder) based network and a clustering method to achieve adaptive neighbor clustering to support the self-supervised classification. The proposed network encodes the image into the representation with boundary information, and the proposed cluster method takes advantage of the boundary information to deliver adaptive neighbor cluster results. Experimental evaluations show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art representation learning methods in terms of neighbor clustering accuracy. Particularly, AC-VAE achieves 95\% and 82\% accuracy on CIFAR10 dataset when the average neighbor cluster sizes are 10 and 100. Furthermore, the neighbor cluster results are found converge within the clustering range ($\alpha\leq2$), and the converged neighbor clusters are used to support the self-supervised classification. The proposed method delivers classification results that are competitive with the state-of-the-art and reduces the super parameter $k$ in KNN (K-nearest neighbor), which is often used in self-supervised classification.
Title: Learning Strides in Convolutional Neural Networks. Abstract: Convolutional neural networks typically contain several downsampling operators, such as strided convolutions or pooling layers, that progressively reduce the resolution of intermediate representations. This provides some shift-invariance while reducing the computational complexity of the whole architecture. A critical hyperparameter of such layers is their stride: the integer factor of downsampling. As strides are not differentiable, finding the best configuration either requires cross-validation or discrete optimization (e.g. architecture search), which rapidly become prohibitive as the search space grows exponentially with the number of downsampling layers. Hence, exploring this search space by gradient descent would allow finding better configurations at a lower computational cost. This work introduces DiffStride, the first downsampling layer with learnable strides. Our layer learns the size of a cropping mask in the Fourier domain, that effectively performs resizing in a differentiable way. Experiments on audio and image classification show the generality and effectiveness of our solution: we use DiffStride as a drop-in replacement to standard downsampling layers and outperform them. In particular, we show that introducing our layer into a ResNet-18 architecture allows keeping consistent high performance on CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and ImageNet even when training starts from poor random stride configurations. Moreover, formulating strides as learnable variables allows us to introduce a regularization term that controls the computational complexity of the architecture. We show how this regularization allows trading off accuracy for efficiency on ImageNet.
Title: Efficient Bi-level Optimization for Non-smooth Optimization. Abstract: Bi-level optimization plays a key role in a lot of machine learning applications. However, existing state-of-the-art bi-level optimization methods are limited to smooth or some specific non-smooth lower-level problems. Even worse, most of them depend on approximating hypergradients to update upper-level variable which is the inherent reason for non-efficiency. Currently, achieving a generalized and efficient optimization algorithm for bi-level problems with a non-smooth, even non-Lipschitz continuous lower-level objective is still an open question to the best of our knowledge. To address these challenging problems, in this paper, we propose a new bi-level optimization algorithm based on the smoothing and penalty techniques. Specifically, we first produce a sequence of smoothed lower-level objectives with an exponential decay smoothing parameter for the non-smooth lower-level problem. Then, we transform the smoothed bi-level optimization to an unconstrained penalty problem by replacing the smoothed sub-problem with its first-order necessary conditions. Finally, we update the upper and lower-level variables alternately with doubly stochastic gradients of the unconstrained penalty problem. Importantly, we provide the theoretical analysis to show that our method can converge to a stationary point of original non-smooth bi-level problem if the lower-level problem is convex, and we give the necessary condition of the original problem if the lower-level problem is nonconvex. We compare our method with existing state-of-the-art bi-level optimization methods in three tasks, and all the experimental results demonstrate that our method is superior to the others in terms of accuracy and efficiency.
Title: PriorityCut: Occlusion-aware Regularization for Image Animation. Abstract: Image animation generates a video of a source image following the motion of a driving video. Self-supervised image animation approaches do not require explicit pose references as inputs, thus offering large flexibility in learning. State-of-the-art self-supervised image animation approaches mostly warp the source image according to the motion of the driving video, and recover the warping artifacts by inpainting. When the source and the driving images have large pose differences, heavy inpainting is necessary. Without guidance, heavily inpainted regions usually suffer from loss of details. While previous data augmentation techniques such as CutMix are effective in regularizing non-warp-based image generation, directly applying them to image animation ignores the difficulty of inpainting on the warped image. We propose PriorityCut, a novel augmentation approach that uses the top-$k$ percent occluded pixels of the foreground to regularize image animation. By taking into account the difficulty of inpainting, PriorityCut preserves better identity than vanilla CutMix and outperforms state-of-the-art image animation models in terms of the pixel-wise difference, low-level similarity, keypoint distance, and feature embedding distance.
Title: Deep Nonlinear Stochastic Optimal Control for Systems with Multiplicative Uncertainties. Abstract: We present a deep recurrent neural network architecture to solve a class of stochastic optimal control problems described by fully nonlinear Hamilton Jacobi Bellman partial differential equations. Such PDEs arise when one considers stochastic dynamics characterized by uncertainties that are additive and control multiplicative. Stochastic models with the aforementioned characteristics have been used in computational neuroscience, biology, finance and aerospace systems and provide a more accurate representation of actuation than models with additive uncertainty. Previous literature has established the inadequacy of the linear HJB theory and instead rely on a non-linear Feynman-Kac lemma resulting in a second order forward-backward stochastic differential equations representation. However, the proposed solutions that use this representation suffer from compounding errors and computational complexity leading to lack of scalability. In this paper, we propose a deep learning based algorithm that leverages the second order Forward-Backward SDE representation and LSTM based recurrent neural networks to not only solve such Stochastic Optimal Control problems but also overcome the problems faced by previous approaches and scales well to high dimensional systems. The resulting control algorithm is tested on non-linear systems in robotics and biomechanics to demonstrate feasibility and out-performance against previous methods.
Title: Group-based Interleaved Pipeline Parallelism for Large-scale DNN Training. Abstract: The recent trend of using large-scale deep neural networks (DNN) to boost performance has propelled the development of the parallel pipelining technique for efficient DNN training, which has resulted in the development of several prominent pipelines such as GPipe, PipeDream, and PipeDream-2BW. However, the current leading pipeline PipeDream-2BW still suffers from two major drawbacks, i.e., the excessive memory redundancy and the delayed weight updates across all stages. In this work, we propose a novel pipeline named WPipe, which achieves better memory efficiency and fresher weight updates. WPipe uses a novel pipelining scheme that divides model partitions into two groups. It moves the forward pass of the next period of weight updates to the front of the backward pass of the current period of weight updates in the first group, retains the order in the second group, and updates each group alternatively. This scheme can eliminate half of the delayed gradients and memory redundancy compared to PipeDream-2BW. The experiments, which train large BERT language models, show that compared to PipeDream-2BW, WPipe achieves $1.4\times$ acceleration and reduces the memory footprint by 36%, without nearly sacrificing any final model accuracy.
Title: Preventing Imitation Learning with Adversarial Policy Ensembles. Abstract: Imitation learning can reproduce policies by observing experts, which poses a problem regarding policy propriety. Policies, such as human, or policies on deployed robots, can all be cloned without consent from the owners. How can we protect our proprietary policies from cloning by an external observer? To answer this question we introduce a new reinforcement learning framework, where we train an ensemble of optimal policies, whose demonstrations are guaranteed to be useless for an external observer. We formulate this idea by a constrained optimization problem, where the objective is to improve proprietary policies, and at the same time deteriorate the virtual policy of an eventual external observer. We design a tractable algorithm to solve this new optimization problem by modifying the standard policy gradient algorithm. It appears such problem formulation admits plausible interpretations of confidentiality, adversarial behaviour, which enables a broader perspective of this work. We demonstrate explicitly the existence of such 'non-clonable' ensembles, providing a solution to the above optimization problem, which is calculated by our modified policy gradient algorithm. To our knowledge, this is the first work regarding the protection and privacy of policies in Reinforcement Learning.
Title: PDE-Driven Spatiotemporal Disentanglement. Abstract: A recent line of work in the machine learning community addresses the problem of predicting high-dimensional spatiotemporal phenomena by leveraging specific tools from the differential equations theory. Following this direction, we propose in this article a novel and general paradigm for this task based on a resolution method for partial differential equations: the separation of variables. This inspiration allows us to introduce a dynamical interpretation of spatiotemporal disentanglement. It induces a principled model based on learning disentangled spatial and temporal representations of a phenomenon to accurately predict future observations. We experimentally demonstrate the performance and broad applicability of our method against prior state-of-the-art models on physical and synthetic video datasets.
Title: Online MAP Inference and Learning for Nonsymmetric Determinantal Point Processes. Abstract: In this paper, we introduce the online and streaming MAP inference and learning problems for Non-symmetric Determinantal Point Processes (NDPPs) where data points arrive in an arbitrary order and the algorithms are constrained to use a single-pass over the data as well as sub-linear memory. The online setting has an additional requirement of maintaining a valid solution at any point in time. For solving these new problems, we propose algorithms with theoretical guarantees, evaluate them on several real-world datasets, and show that they give comparable performance to state-of-the-art offline algorithms that store the entire data in memory and take multiple passes over it.
Title: DeepLTRS: A Deep Latent Recommender System based on User Ratings and Reviews. Abstract: We introduce a deep latent recommender system named deepLTRS in order to provide users with high quality recommendations based on observed user ratings and texts of product reviews. The underlying motivation is that, when a user scores only a few products, the texts used in the reviews represent a significant source of information. The addition of review information can alleviate data sparsity, thereby enhancing the predictive ability of the model. Our approach adopts a variational auto-encoder architecture as a generative deep latent variable model for both an ordinal matrix encoding users scores about products, and a document-term matrix encoding the reviews. Moreover, different from unique user-based or item-based models, deepLTRS assumes latent representations for both users and products. An alternated user/product mini-batching optimization structure is proposed to jointly capture user and product preferences. Numerical experiments on simulated and real-world data sets demonstrate that deepLTRS outperforms the state-of-the-art, in particular in contexts of extreme data sparsity.
Title: SDGM: Sparse Bayesian Classifier Based on a Discriminative Gaussian Mixture Model. Abstract: In probabilistic classification, a discriminative model based on Gaussian mixture exhibits flexible fitting capability. Nevertheless, it is difficult to determine the number of components. We propose a sparse classifier based on a discriminative Gaussian mixture model (GMM), which is named sparse discriminative Gaussian mixture (SDGM). In the SDGM, a GMM-based discriminative model is trained by sparse Bayesian learning. This learning algorithm improves the generalization capability by obtaining a sparse solution and automatically determines the number of components by removing redundant components. The SDGM can be embedded into neural networks (NNs) such as convolutional NNs and can be trained in an end-to-end manner. Experimental results indicated that the proposed method prevented overfitting by obtaining sparsity. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the proposed method outperformed a fully connected layer with the softmax function in certain cases when it was used as the last layer of a deep NN.
Title: Learning Algebraic Representation for Systematic Generalization in Abstract Reasoning. Abstract: Is intelligence realized by connectionist or classicist? While connectionist approaches have achieved superhuman performance, there has been growing evidence that such task-specific superiority is particularly fragile in systematic generalization. This observation lies in the central debate (Fodor & McLaughlin, 1990; Fodor et al., 1988) between connectionist and classicist, wherein the latter continually advocates an algebraic treatment in cognitive architectures. In this work, we follow the classicist's call and propose a hybrid approach to improve systematic generalization in reasoning. Specifically, we showcase a prototype with algebraic representation for the abstract spatial-temporal reasoning task of Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPM) and present the ALgebra-Aware Neuro- Semi-Symbolic (ALANS) learner. The ALANS learner is motivated by abstract algebra and the representation theory. It consists of a neural visual perception frontend and an algebraic abstract reasoning backend: the frontend summarizes the visual information from object-based representation, while the backend transforms it into an algebraic structure and induces the hidden operator on the fly. The induced operator is later executed to predict the answer's representation, and the choice most similar to the prediction is selected as the solution. Extensive experiments show that by incorporating an algebraic treatment, the ALANS learner outperforms various pure connectionist models in domains requiring systematic generalization. We further show that the algebraic representation learned can be decoded by isomorphism and used to generate an answer.
Title: Fast Model Editing at Scale. Abstract: While large pre-trained models have enabled impressive results on a variety of downstream tasks, the largest existing models still make errors, and even accurate predictions may become outdated over time. Because detecting all such failures at training time is impossible, enabling both developers and end users of such models to correct inaccurate outputs while leaving the model otherwise intact is desirable. However, the distributed, black-box nature of the representations learned by large neural networks makes producing such targeted edits difficult. If presented with only a single problematic input and new desired output, fine-tuning approaches tend to overfit; other editing algorithms are either computationally infeasible or simply ineffective when applied to very large models. To enable easy post-hoc editing at scale, we propose Model Editor Networks using Gradient Decomposition (MEND), a collection of small auxiliary editing networks that use a single desired input-output pair to make fast, local edits to a pre-trained model's behavior. MEND learns to transform the gradient obtained by standard fine-tuning, using a low-rank decomposition of the gradient to make the parameterization of this transformation tractable. MEND can be trained on a single GPU in less than a day even for 10 billion+ parameter models; once trained MEND enables rapid application of new edits to the pre-trained model. Our experiments with T5, GPT, BERT, and BART models show that MEND is the only approach to model editing that effectively edits the behavior of models with more than 10 billion parameters. Code available at https://sites.google.com/view/mend-editing.
Title: Action Guidance: Getting the Best of Sparse Rewards and Shaped Rewards for Real-time Strategy Games. Abstract: Training agents using Reinforcement Learning in games with sparse rewards is a challenging problem, since large amounts of exploration are required to retrieve even the first reward. To tackle this problem, a common approach is to use reward shaping to help exploration. However, an important drawback of reward shaping is that agents sometimes learn to optimize the shaped reward instead of the true objective. In this paper, we present a novel technique that we call action guidance that successfully trains agents to eventually optimize the true objective in games with sparse rewards while maintaining most of the sample efficiency that comes with reward shaping. We evaluate our approach in a simplified real-time strategy (RTS) game simulator called $\mu$RTS.
Title: PointGrow: Autoregressively Learned Point Cloud Generation with Self-Attention. Abstract: A point cloud is an agile 3D representation, efficiently modeling an object's surface geometry. However, these surface-centric properties also pose challenges on designing tools to recognize and synthesize point clouds. This work presents a novel autoregressive model, PointGrow, which generates realistic point cloud samples from scratch or conditioned from given semantic contexts. Our model operates recurrently, with each point sampled according to a conditional distribution given its previously-generated points. Since point cloud object shapes are typically encoded by long-range interpoint dependencies, we augment our model with dedicated self-attention modules to capture these relations. Extensive evaluation demonstrates that PointGrow achieves satisfying performance on both unconditional and conditional point cloud generation tasks, with respect to fidelity, diversity and semantic preservation. Further, conditional PointGrow learns a smooth manifold of given images where 3D shape interpolation and arithmetic calculation can be performed inside.
Title: Augmenting Transformers with KNN-Based Composite Memory. Abstract: Various machine learning tasks can benefit from access to external information of different modalities, such as text and images. Recent work has focused on learning architectures with large memories capable of storing this knowledge. We propose augmenting Transformer neural networks with KNN-based Information Fetching (KIF) modules. Each KIF module learns a read operation to access fixed external knowledge. We apply these modules to generative dialogue modeling, a challenging task where information must be flexibly retrieved and incorporated to maintain the topic and flow of conversation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by identifying relevant knowledge from Wikipedia, images, and human-written dialogue utterances, and show that leveraging this retrieved information improves model performance, measured by automatic and human evaluation.
Title: Intra-layer Neural Architecture Search. Abstract: We propose an efficient neural architecture search (NAS) algorithm with a flexible search space that encompasses layer operations down to individual weights. This work addresses NAS challenges in a search space of weight connections within layers, specifically the large number of architecture variations compared to a high-level search space with predetermined layer types. Our algorithm continuously evolves network architecture by adding new candidate parameters (weights and biases) using a first-order estimation based on their gradients at 0. Training is decoupled into alternating steps: adjusting network weights holding architecture constant, and adjusting network architecture holding weights constant. We explore additional applications by extend this method for multi-task learning with shared parameters. On the CIFAR-10 dataset, our evolved network achieves an accuracy of 97.42\% with 5M parameters, and 93.75\% with 500K parameters. On the ImageNet dataset, we achieve 76.6\% top-1 and 92.5\% top-5 accuracy with a search restriction of 8.5M parameters.
Title: G-Mixup: Graph Augmentation for Graph Classification. Abstract: This work develops \emph{mixup to graph data}. Mixup has shown superiority in improving the generalization and robustness of neural networks by interpolating features and labels of random two samples. Traditionally, Mixup can operate on regular, grid-like, and Euclidean data such as image or tabular data. However, it is challenging to directly adopt Mixup to augment graph data because two graphs typically: 1) have different numbers of nodes; 2) are not readily aligned; and 3) have unique topologies in non-Euclidean space. To this end, we propose $\mathcal{G}$-Mixup to augment graphs for graph classification by interpolating the generator (i.e., graphon) of different classes of graphs. Specifically, we first use graphs within the same class to estimate a graphon. Then, instead of directly manipulating graphs, we interpolate graphons of different classes in the Euclidean space to get mixed graphons, where the synthetic graphs are generated through sampling based on the new graphons.
Title: Learning Self-Correctable Policies and Value Functions from Demonstrations with Negative Sampling. Abstract: Imitation learning, followed by reinforcement learning algorithms, is a promising paradigm to solve complex control tasks sample-efficiently. However, learning from demonstrations often suffers from the covariate shift problem, which results in cascading errors of the learned policy. We introduce a notion of conservatively extrapolated value functions, which provably lead to policies with self-correction. We design an algorithm Value Iteration with Negative Sampling (VINS) that practically learns such value functions with conservative extrapolation. We show that VINS can correct mistakes of the behavioral cloning policy on simulated robotics benchmark tasks. We also propose the algorithm of using VINS to initialize a reinforcement learning algorithm, which is shown to outperform prior works in sample efficiency.
Title: A Deep Learning Approach for Dynamic Survival Analysis with Competing Risks. Abstract: Currently available survival analysis methods are limited in their ability to deal with complex, heterogeneous, and longitudinal data such as that available in primary care records, or in their ability to deal with multiple competing risks. This paper develops a novel deep learning architecture that flexibly incorporates the available longitudinal data comprising various repeated measurements (rather than only the last available measurements) in order to issue dynamically updated survival predictions for one or multiple competing risk(s). Unlike existing works in the survival analysis on the basis of longitudinal data, the proposed method learns the time-to-event distributions without specifying underlying stochastic assumptions of the longitudinal or the time-to-event processes. Thus, our method is able to learn associations between the longitudinal data and the various associated risks in a fully data-driven fashion. We demonstrate the power of our method by applying it to real-world longitudinal datasets and show a drastic improvement over state-of-the-art methods in discriminative performance. Furthermore, our analysis of the variable importance and dynamic survival predictions will yield a better understanding of the predicted risks which will result in more effective health care.
Title: Learning Energy-Based Models by Diffusion Recovery Likelihood. Abstract: While energy-based models (EBMs) exhibit a number of desirable properties, training and sampling on high-dimensional datasets remains challenging. Inspired by recent progress on diffusion probabilistic models, we present a diffusion recovery likelihood method to tractably learn and sample from a sequence of EBMs trained on increasingly noisy versions of a dataset. Each EBM is trained with recovery likelihood, which maximizes the conditional probability of the data at a certain noise level given their noisy versions at a higher noise level. Optimizing recovery likelihood is more tractable than marginal likelihood, as sampling from the conditional distributions is much easier than sampling from the marginal distributions. After training, synthesized images can be generated by the sampling process that initializes from Gaussian white noise distribution and progressively samples the conditional distributions at decreasingly lower noise levels. Our method generates high fidelity samples on various image datasets. On unconditional CIFAR-10 our method achieves FID 9.58 and inception score 8.30, superior to the majority of GANs. Moreover, we demonstrate that unlike previous work on EBMs, our long-run MCMC samples from the conditional distributions do not diverge and still represent realistic images, allowing us to accurately estimate the normalized density of data even for high-dimensional datasets. Our implementation is available at \url{https://github.com/ruiqigao/recovery_likelihood}.
Title: Assessing two novel distance-based loss functions for few-shot image classification. Abstract: Few-shot learning is a challenging area of research which aims to learn new concepts with only a few labeled samples of data. Recent works based on metric-learning approaches benefit from the meta-learning process in which we have episodic tasks conformed by support set (training) and query set (test), and the objective is to learn a similarity comparison metric between those sets. Due to the lack of data, the learning process of the embedding network becomes an important part of the few-shot task. In this work, we propose two different loss functions which consider the importance of the embedding vectors by looking at the intra-class and inter-class distance between the few data. The first loss function is the Proto-Triplet Loss, which is based on the original triplet loss with the modifications needed to better work on few-shot scenarios. The second loss function is based on an inter and intra class nearest neighbors score, which help us to know the quality of embeddings obtained from the trained network. Extensive experimental results on the miniImagenNet benchmark increase the accuracy performance from other metric-based few-shot learning methods by a margin of $2\%$, demonstrating the capability of these loss functions to allow the network to generalize better to previously unseen classes.
Title: Multi-Agent Interactions Modeling with Correlated Policies. Abstract: In multi-agent systems, complex interacting behaviors arise due to the high correlations among agents. However, previous work on modeling multi-agent interactions from demonstrations is primarily constrained by assuming the independence among policies and their reward structures. In this paper, we cast the multi-agent interactions modeling problem into a multi-agent imitation learning framework with explicit modeling of correlated policies by approximating opponents’ policies, which can recover agents' policies that can regenerate similar interactions. Consequently, we develop a Decentralized Adversarial Imitation Learning algorithm with Correlated policies (CoDAIL), which allows for decentralized training and execution. Various experiments demonstrate that CoDAIL can better regenerate complex interactions close to the demonstrators and outperforms state-of-the-art multi-agent imitation learning methods. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/apexrl/CoDAIL}.
Title: Towards GAN Benchmarks Which Require Generalization. Abstract: For many evaluation metrics commonly used as benchmarks for unconditional image generation, trivially memorizing the training set attains a better score than models which are considered state-of-the-art; we consider this problematic. We clarify a necessary condition for an evaluation metric not to behave this way: estimating the function must require a large sample from the model. In search of such a metric, we turn to neural network divergences (NNDs), which are defined in terms of a neural network trained to distinguish between distributions. The resulting benchmarks cannot be ``won'' by training set memorization, while still being perceptually correlated and computable only from samples. We survey past work on using NNDs for evaluation, implement an example black-box metric based on these ideas, and validate experimentally that it can measure a notion of generalization.
Title: Maintaining cooperation in complex social dilemmas using deep reinforcement learning. Abstract: Social dilemmas are situations where individuals face a temptation to increase their payoffs at a cost to total welfare. Building artificially intelligent agents that achieve good outcomes in these situations is important because many real world interactions include a tension between selfish interests and the welfare of others. We show how to modify modern reinforcement learning methods to construct agents that act in ways that are simple to understand, nice (begin by cooperating), provokable (try to avoid being exploited), and forgiving (try to return to mutual cooperation). We show both theoretically and experimentally that such agents can maintain cooperation in Markov social dilemmas. Our construction does not require training methods beyond a modification of self-play, thus if an environment is such that good strategies can be constructed in the zero-sum case (eg. Atari) then we can construct agents that solve social dilemmas in this environment.
Title: Privacy-preserving Representation Learning by Disentanglement. Abstract: Deep learning and latest machine learning technology heralded an era of success in data analysis. Accompanied by the ever increasing performance, reaching super-human performance in many areas, is the requirement of amassing more and more data to train these models. Often ignored or underestimated, the big data curation is associated with the risk of privacy leakages. The proposed approach seeks to mitigate these privacy issues. In order to sanitize data from sensitive content, we propose to learn a privacy-preserving data representation by disentangling into public and private part, with the public part being shareable without privacy infringement. The proposed approach deals with the setting where the private features are not explicit, and is estimated though the course of learning. This is particularly appealing, when the notion of sensitive attribute is ``fuzzy''. We showcase feasibility in terms of classification of facial attributes and identity on the CelebA dataset. The results suggest that private component can be removed in the cases where the the downstream task is known a priori (i.e., ``supervised''), and the case where it is not known a priori (i.e., ``weakly-supervised'').
Title: HyperEmbed: Tradeoffs Between Resources and Performance in NLP Tasks with Hyperdimensional Computing enabled embedding of n-gram statistics . Abstract: Recent advances in Deep Learning have led to a significant performance increase on several NLP tasks, however, the models become more and more computationally demanding. Therefore, this paper tackles the domain of computationally efficient algorithms for NLP tasks. In particular, it investigates distributed representations of n-gram statistics of texts. The representations are formed using hyperdimensional computing enabled embedding. These representations then serve as features, which are used as input to standard classifiers. We investigate the applicability of the embedding on one large and three small standard datasets for classification tasks using nine classifiers. The embedding achieved on par F1 scores while decreasing the time and memory requirements by several times compared to the conventional n-gram statistics, e.g., for one of the classifiers on a small dataset, the memory reduction was 6.18 times; while train and test speed-ups were 4.62 and 3.84 times, respectively. For many classifiers on the large dataset, the memory reduction was about 100 times and train and test speed-ups were over 100 times. More importantly, the usage of distributed representations formed via hyperdimensional computing allows dissecting the strict dependency between the dimensionality of the representation and the parameters of n-gram statistics, thus, opening a room for tradeoffs.
Title: Intriguing Properties of Learned Representations. Abstract: A key feature of neural networks, particularly deep convolutional neural networks, is their ability to learn useful representations from data. The very last layer of a neural network is then simply a linear model trained on these learned representations. Despite their numerous applications in other tasks such as classification, retrieval, clustering etc., a.k.a. transfer learning, not much work has been published that investigates the structure of these representations or indeed whether structure can be imposed on them during the training process. In this paper, we study the effective dimensionality of the learned representations by models that have proved highly successful for image classification. We focus on ResNet-18, ResNet-50 and VGG-19 and observe that when trained on CIFAR10 or CIFAR100, the learned representations exhibit a fairly low rank structure. We propose a modification to the training procedure, which further encourages low rank structure on learned activations. Empirically, we show that this has implications for robustness to adversarial examples and compression.
Title: FEED: Feature-level Ensemble Effect for knowledge Distillation. Abstract: This paper proposes a versatile and powerful training algorithm named Feature-level Ensemble Effect for knowledge Distillation(FEED), which is inspired by the work of factor transfer. The factor transfer is one of the knowledge transfer methods that improves the performance of a student network with a strong teacher network. It transfers the knowledge of a teacher in the feature map level using high-capacity teacher network, and our training algorithm FEED is an extension of it. FEED aims to transfer ensemble knowledge, using either multiple teachers in parallel or multiple training sequences. Adapting the peer-teaching framework, we introduce a couple of training algorithms that transfer ensemble knowledge to the student at the feature map level, both of which help the student network find more generalized solutions in the parameter space. Experimental results on CIFAR-100 and ImageNet show that our method, FEED, has clear performance enhancements,without introducing any additional parameters or computations at test time.
Title: Semantic Hierarchy Emerges in the Deep Generative Representations for Scene Synthesis. Abstract: Despite the success of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in image synthesis, there lacks enough understanding on what networks have learned inside the deep generative representations and how photo-realistic images are able to be composed from random noises. In this work, we show that highly-structured semantic hierarchy emerges from the generative representations as the variation factors for synthesizing scenes. By probing the layer-wise representations with a broad set of visual concepts at different abstraction levels, we are able to quantify the causality between the activations and the semantics occurring in the output image. Such a quantification identifies the human-understandable variation factors learned by GANs to compose scenes. The qualitative and quantitative results suggest that the generative representations learned by GAN are specialized to synthesize different hierarchical semantics: the early layers tend to determine the spatial layout and configuration, the middle layers control the categorical objects, and the later layers finally render the scene attributes as well as color scheme. Identifying such a set of manipulatable latent semantics facilitates semantic scene manipulation.
Title: Graph Convolutional Reinforcement Learning. Abstract: Learning to cooperate is crucially important in multi-agent environments. The key is to understand the mutual interplay between agents. However, multi-agent environments are highly dynamic, where agents keep moving and their neighbors change quickly. This makes it hard to learn abstract representations of mutual interplay between agents. To tackle these difficulties, we propose graph convolutional reinforcement learning, where graph convolution adapts to the dynamics of the underlying graph of the multi-agent environment, and relation kernels capture the interplay between agents by their relation representations. Latent features produced by convolutional layers from gradually increased receptive fields are exploited to learn cooperation, and cooperation is further improved by temporal relation regularization for consistency. Empirically, we show that our method substantially outperforms existing methods in a variety of cooperative scenarios.
Title: Out-of-Core Training for Extremely Large-Scale Neural Networks with Adaptive Window-Based Scheduling. Abstract: While large neural networks demonstrate higher performance in various tasks, training large networks is difficult due to limitations on GPU memory size. We propose a novel out-of-core algorithm that enables faster training of extremely large-scale neural networks with sizes larger than allotted GPU memory. Under a given memory budget constraint, our scheduling algorithm locally adapts the timing of memory transfers according to memory usage of each function, which improves overlap between computation and memory transfers. Additionally, we apply virtual addressing technique, commonly performed in OS, to training of neural networks with out-of-core execution, which drastically reduces the amount of memory fragmentation caused by frequent memory transfers. With our proposed algorithm, we successfully train ResNet-50 with 1440 batch-size with keeping training speed at 55\%, which is 7.5x larger than the upper bound of physical memory. It also outperforms a previous state-of-the-art substantially, i.e. it trains a 1.55x larger network than state-of-the-art with faster execution. Moreover, we experimentally show that our approach is also scalable for various types of networks.
Title: How Important is the Train-Validation Split in Meta-Learning?. Abstract: Meta-learning aims to perform fast adaptation on a new task through learning a "prior" from multiple existing tasks. A common practice in meta-learning is to perform a train-validation split where the prior adapts to the task on one split of the data, and the resulting predictor is evaluated on another split. Despite its prevalence, the importance of the train-validation split is not well understood either in theory or in practice, particularly in comparison to the more direct non-splitting method, which uses all the per-task data for both training and evaluation. We provide a detailed theoretical study on the whether and when the train-validation split is helpful on the linear centroid meta-learning problem, in the asymptotic setting where the number of tasks goes to infinity. We show that the splitting method converges to the optimal prior as expected, whereas the non-splitting method does not in general without structural assumptions on the data. In contrast, if the data are generated from linear models (the realizable regime), we show that both the splitting and non-splitting methods converge to the optimal prior. Further, perhaps surprisingly, our main result shows that the non-splitting method achieves a strictly better asymptotic excess risk under this data distribution, even when the regularization parameter and split ratio are optimally tuned for both methods. Our results highlight that data splitting may not always be preferable, especially when the data is realizable by the model. We validate our theories by experimentally showing that the non-splitting method can indeed outperform the splitting method, on both simulations and real meta-learning tasks.
Title: Teacher's pet: understanding and mitigating biases in distillation. Abstract: Knowledge distillation is widely used as a means of improving the performance of a relatively simple “student” model using the predictions from a complex “teacher” model. Several works have shown that distillation significantly boosts the student’s overall performance; however, are these gains uniform across all data sub-groups? In this paper, we show that distillation can harm performance on certain subgroups, e.g., classes with few associated samples, compared to the vanilla student trained using the one-hot labels. We trace this behavior to errors made by the teacher distribution being transferred to and amplified by the student model. To mitigate this problem, we present techniques which soften the teacher influence for subgroups where it is less reliable. Experiments on several image classification benchmarks show that these modifications of distillation maintain boost in overall accuracy, while additionally ensuring improvement in subgroup performance.
Title: Simple and Effective Regularization Methods for Training on Noisily Labeled Data with Generalization Guarantee. Abstract: Over-parameterized deep neural networks trained by simple first-order methods are known to be able to fit any labeling of data. Such over-fitting ability hinders generalization when mislabeled training examples are present. On the other hand, simple regularization methods like early-stopping can often achieve highly nontrivial performance on clean test data in these scenarios, a phenomenon not theoretically understood. This paper proposes and analyzes two simple and intuitive regularization methods: (i) regularization by the distance between the network parameters to initialization, and (ii) adding a trainable auxiliary variable to the network output for each training example. Theoretically, we prove that gradient descent training with either of these two methods leads to a generalization guarantee on the clean data distribution despite being trained using noisy labels. Our generalization analysis relies on the connection between wide neural network and neural tangent kernel (NTK). The generalization bound is independent of the network size, and is comparable to the bound one can get when there is no label noise. Experimental results verify the effectiveness of these methods on noisily labeled datasets.
Title: Sparse Networks from Scratch: Faster Training without Losing Performance. Abstract: We demonstrate the possibility of what we call sparse learning: accelerated training of deep neural networks that maintain sparse weights throughout training while achieving dense performance levels. We accomplish this by developing sparse momentum, an algorithm which uses exponentially smoothed gradients (momentum) to identify layers and weights which reduce the error efficiently. Sparse momentum redistributes pruned weights across layers according to the mean momentum magnitude of each layer. Within a layer, sparse momentum grows weights according to the momentum magnitude of zero-valued weights. We demonstrate state-of-the-art sparse performance on MNIST, CIFAR-10, and ImageNet, decreasing the mean error by a relative 8%, 15%, and 6% compared to other sparse algorithms. Furthermore, we show that sparse momentum reliably reproduces dense performance levels while providing up to 5.61x faster training. In our analysis, ablations show that the benefits of momentum redistribution and growth increase with the depth and size of the network.
Title: h-detach: Modifying the LSTM Gradient Towards Better Optimization. Abstract: Recurrent neural networks are known for their notorious exploding and vanishing gradient problem (EVGP). This problem becomes more evident in tasks where the information needed to correctly solve them exist over long time scales, because EVGP prevents important gradient components from being back-propagated adequately over a large number of steps. We introduce a simple stochastic algorithm (\textit{h}-detach) that is specific to LSTM optimization and targeted towards addressing this problem. Specifically, we show that when the LSTM weights are large, the gradient components through the linear path (cell state) in the LSTM computational graph get suppressed. Based on the hypothesis that these components carry information about long term dependencies (which we show empirically), their suppression can prevent LSTMs from capturing them. Our algorithm\footnote{Our code is available at https://github.com/bhargav104/h-detach.} prevents gradients flowing through this path from getting suppressed, thus allowing the LSTM to capture such dependencies better. We show significant improvements over vanilla LSTM gradient based training in terms of convergence speed, robustness to seed and learning rate, and generalization using our modification of LSTM gradient on various benchmark datasets.
Title: Fast MNAS: Uncertainty-aware Neural Architecture Search with Lifelong Learning. Abstract: Sampling-based neural architecture search (NAS) always guarantees better convergence yet suffers from huge computational resources compared with gradient-based approaches, due to the rollout bottleneck -- exhaustive training for each sampled generation on proxy tasks. This work provides a general pipeline to accelerate the convergence of the rollout process as well as the RL learning process in sampling-based NAS. It is motivated by the interesting observation that both the architecture and the parameter knowledge can be transferred between different experiments and even different tasks. We first introduce an uncertainty-aware critic (value function) in PPO to utilize the architecture knowledge in previous experiments, which stabilizes the training process and reduces the searching time by 4 times. Further, a life-long knowledge pool together with a block similarity function is proposed to utilize the lifelong parameter knowledge and reduces the searching time by 2 times. It is the first to introduce block-level weight sharing in RL-based NAS. The block similarity function guarantees a 100% hitting ratio with strict fairness. Besides, we show a simply designed off-policy correction factor that enables 'replay buffer' in RL optimization and further reduces half of the searching time. Experiments on the MNAS search space show the proposed FNAS accelerates standard RL-based NAS process by $\sim$10x (e.g. $\sim$256 2x2 TPUv2*days / 20,000 GPU*hour $\rightarrow$ 2,000 GPU*hour for MNAS), and guarantees better performance on various vision tasks.
Title: Label super-resolution networks. Abstract: We present a deep learning-based method for super-resolving coarse (low-resolution) labels assigned to groups of image pixels into pixel-level (high-resolution) labels, given the joint distribution between those low- and high-resolution labels. This method involves a novel loss function that minimizes the distance between a distribution determined by a set of model outputs and the corresponding distribution given by low-resolution labels over the same set of outputs. This setup does not require that the high-resolution classes match the low-resolution classes and can be used in high-resolution semantic segmentation tasks where high-resolution labeled data is not available. Furthermore, our proposed method is able to utilize both data with low-resolution labels and any available high-resolution labels, which we show improves performance compared to a network trained only with the same amount of high-resolution data. We test our proposed algorithm in a challenging land cover mapping task to super-resolve labels at a 30m resolution to a separate set of labels at a 1m resolution. We compare our algorithm with models that are trained on high-resolution data and show that 1) we can achieve similar performance using only low-resolution data; and 2) we can achieve better performance when we incorporate a small amount of high-resolution data in our training. We also test our approach on a medical imaging problem, resolving low-resolution probability maps into high-resolution segmentation of lymphocytes with accuracy equal to that of fully supervised models.
Title: Finetuned Language Models are Zero-Shot Learners. Abstract: This paper explores a simple method for improving the zero-shot learning abilities of language models. We show that instruction tuning—finetuning language models on a collection of datasets described via instructions—substantially improves zero-shot performance on unseen tasks. We take a 137B parameter pretrained language model and instruction tune it on over 60 NLP datasets verbalized via natural language instruction templates. We evaluate this instruction-tuned model, which we call FLAN, on unseen task types. FLAN substantially improves the performance of its unmodified counterpart and surpasses zero-shot 175B GPT-3 on 20 of 25 datasets that we evaluate. FLAN even outperforms few-shot GPT-3 by a large margin on ANLI, RTE, BoolQ, AI2-ARC, OpenbookQA, and StoryCloze. Ablation studies reveal that number of finetuning datasets, model scale, and natural language instructions are key to the success of instruction tuning.
Title: Computing Preimages of Deep Neural Networks with Applications to Safety. Abstract: To apply an algorithm in a sensitive domain it is important to understand the set of input values that result in specific decisions. Deep neural networks suffer from an inherent instability that makes this difficult: different outputs can arise from very similar inputs. We present a method to check that the decisions of a deep neural network are as intended by constructing the exact, analytical preimage of its predictions. Preimages generalize verification in the sense that they can be used to verify a wide class of properties, and answer much richer questions besides. We examine the functioning and failures of neural networks used in robotics, including an aircraft collision avoidance system, related to sequential decision making and extrapolation. Our method iterates backwards through the layers of piecewise linear deep neural networks. Uniquely, we compute \emph{all} intermediate values that correspond to a prediction, propagating this calculation through layers using analytical formulae for layer preimages.
Title: Debiasing Evidence Approximations: On Importance-weighted Autoencoders and Jackknife Variational Inference. Abstract: The importance-weighted autoencoder (IWAE) approach of Burda et al. defines a sequence of increasingly tighter bounds on the marginal likelihood of latent variable models. Recently, Cremer et al. reinterpreted the IWAE bounds as ordinary variational evidence lower bounds (ELBO) applied to increasingly accurate variational distributions. In this work, we provide yet another perspective on the IWAE bounds. We interpret each IWAE bound as a biased estimator of the true marginal likelihood where for the bound defined on $K$ samples we show the bias to be of order O(1/K). In our theoretical analysis of the IWAE objective we derive asymptotic bias and variance expressions. Based on this analysis we develop jackknife variational inference (JVI), a family of bias-reduced estimators reducing the bias to $O(K^{-(m+1)})$ for any given m < K while retaining computational efficiency. Finally, we demonstrate that JVI leads to improved evidence estimates in variational autoencoders. We also report first results on applying JVI to learning variational autoencoders. Our implementation is available at https://github.com/Microsoft/jackknife-variational-inference
Title: Decoupling feature extraction from policy learning: assessing benefits of state representation learning in goal based robotics. Abstract: Scaling end-to-end reinforcement learning to control real robots from vision presents a series of challenges, in particular in terms of sample efficiency. Against end-to-end learning, state representation learning can help learn a compact, efficient and relevant representation of states that speeds up policy learning, reducing the number of samples needed, and that is easier to interpret. We evaluate several state representation learning methods on goal based robotics tasks and propose a new unsupervised model that stacks representations and combines strengths of several of these approaches. This method encodes all the relevant features, performs on par or better than end-to-end learning, and is robust to hyper-parameters change.
Title: Modeling and Eliminating Adversarial Examples using Function Theory of Several Complex Variables. Abstract: The reliability of a learning model is key to the successful deployment of machine learning in various industries. Training a robust model, unaffected by adversarial attacks, requires a comprehensive understanding of the adversarial examples phenomenon. This paper presents a model and a solution for the existence and transfer of adversarial examples in analytic hypotheses. Grounded in the function theory of several complex variables, we propose the class of complex-valued holomorphic hypotheses as a natural way to represent the submanifold of the samples and the decision boundary simultaneously. To describe the mechanism in which the adversarial examples occur and transfer, we specialize the definitions of the optimal Bayes and the maximum margin classifiers to this class of hypotheses. The approach is validated initially on both synthetic and real-world classification problems using polynomials. Backed by theoretical and experimental results, we believe the analysis to apply to other classes of analytic hypotheses such as neural networks.
Title: Dynamic Sparse Training: Find Efficient Sparse Network From Scratch With Trainable Masked Layers. Abstract: We present a novel network pruning algorithm called Dynamic Sparse Training that can jointly find the optimal network parameters and sparse network structure in a unified optimization process with trainable pruning thresholds. These thresholds can have fine-grained layer-wise adjustments dynamically via backpropagation. We demonstrate that our dynamic sparse training algorithm can easily train very sparse neural network models with little performance loss using the same training epochs as dense models. Dynamic Sparse Training achieves prior art performance compared with other sparse training algorithms on various network architectures. Additionally, we have several surprising observations that provide strong evidence to the effectiveness and efficiency of our algorithm. These observations reveal the underlying problems of traditional three-stage pruning algorithms and present the potential guidance provided by our algorithm to the design of more compact network architectures.
Title: Provable Defenses against Spatially Transformed Adversarial Inputs: Impossibility and Possibility Results. Abstract: One intriguing property of neural networks is their inherent vulnerability to adversarial inputs, which are maliciously crafted samples to trigger target networks to misbehave. The state-of-the-art attacks generate adversarial inputs using either pixel perturbation or spatial transformation. Thus far, several provable defenses have been proposed against pixel perturbation-based attacks; yet, little is known about whether such solutions exist for spatial transformation-based attacks. This paper bridges this striking gap by conducting the first systematic study on provable defenses against spatially transformed adversarial inputs. Our findings convey mixed messages. On the impossibility side, we show that such defenses may not exist in practice: for any given networks, it is possible to find legitimate inputs and imperceptible transformations to generate adversarial inputs that force arbitrarily large errors. On the possibility side, we show that it is still feasible to construct adversarial training methods to significantly improve the resilience of networks against adversarial inputs over empirical datasets. We believe our findings provide insights for designing more effective defenses against spatially transformed adversarial inputs.
Title: Provable Benefit of Orthogonal Initialization in Optimizing Deep Linear Networks. Abstract: The selection of initial parameter values for gradient-based optimization of deep neural networks is one of the most impactful hyperparameter choices in deep learning systems, affecting both convergence times and model performance. Yet despite significant empirical and theoretical analysis, relatively little has been proved about the concrete effects of different initialization schemes. In this work, we analyze the effect of initialization in deep linear networks, and provide for the first time a rigorous proof that drawing the initial weights from the orthogonal group speeds up convergence relative to the standard Gaussian initialization with iid weights. We show that for deep networks, the width needed for efficient convergence to a global minimum with orthogonal initializations is independent of the depth, whereas the width needed for efficient convergence with Gaussian initializations scales linearly in the depth. Our results demonstrate how the benefits of a good initialization can persist throughout learning, suggesting an explanation for the recent empirical successes found by initializing very deep non-linear networks according to the principle of dynamical isometry.
Title: Learning to Reinforcement Learn by Imitation. Abstract: Meta-reinforcement learning aims to learn fast reinforcement learning (RL) procedures that can be applied to new tasks or environments. While learning fast RL procedures holds promise for allowing agents to autonomously learn a diverse range of skills, existing methods for learning efficient RL are impractical for real world settings, as they rely on slow reinforcement learning algorithms for meta-training, even when the learned procedures are fast. In this paper, we propose to learn a fast reinforcement learning procedure through supervised imitation of an expert, such that, after meta-learning, an agent can quickly learn new tasks through trial-and-error. Through our proposed method, we show that it is possible to learn fast RL using demonstrations, rather than relying on slow RL, where expert agents can be trained quickly by using privileged information or off-policy RL methods. Our experimental evaluation on a number of complex simulated robotic domains demonstrates that our method can effectively learn to learn from spare rewards and is significantly more efficient than prior meta reinforcement learning algorithms.
Title: Discovering Invariant Rationales for Graph Neural Networks. Abstract: Intrinsic interpretability of graph neural networks (GNNs) is to find a small subset of the input graph's features --- rationale --- which guides the model prediction. Unfortunately, the leading rationalization models often rely on data biases, especially shortcut features, to compose rationales and make predictions without probing the critical and causal patterns. Moreover, such data biases easily change outside the training distribution. As a result, these models suffer from a huge drop in interpretability and predictive performance on out-of-distribution data. In this work, we propose a new strategy of discovering invariant rationale (DIR) to construct intrinsically interpretable GNNs. It conducts interventions on the training distribution to create multiple interventional distributions. Then it approaches the causal rationales that are invariant across different distributions while filtering out the spurious patterns that are unstable. Experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets validate the superiority of our DIR in terms of interpretability and generalization ability on graph classification over the leading baselines. Code and datasets are available at https://github.com/Wuyxin/DIR-GNN.
Title: Efficient Image Representation Learning with Federated Sampled Softmax. Abstract: Learning image representations on decentralized data can bring many benefits in cases where data cannot be aggregated across data silos. Softmax cross entropy loss is highly effective and commonly used for learning image representations. Using a large number of classes has proven to be particularly beneficial for the descriptive power of such representations in centralized learning. However, doing so on decentralized data with Federated Learning is not straightforward, as the demand on computation and communication increases proportionally to the number of classes. In this work we introduce Federated Sampled Softmax, a novel resource-efficient approach for learning image representation with Federated Learning. Specifically, the FL clients sample a set of negative classes and optimize only the corresponding model parameters with respect to a sampled softmax objective that approximates the global full softmax objective. We analytically examine the loss formulation and empirically show that our method significantly reduces the number of parameters transferred to and optimized by the client devices, while performing on par with the standard full softmax method. This work creates a possibility for efficiently learning image representations on decentralized data with a large number of classes in a privacy preserving way.
Title: Fast and Accurate Inference with Adaptive Ensemble Prediction for Deep Networks. Abstract: Ensembling multiple predictions is a widely-used technique to improve the accuracy of various machine learning tasks. In image classification tasks, for example, averaging the predictions for multiple patches extracted from the input image significantly improves accuracy. Using multiple networks trained independently to make predictions improves accuracy further. One obvious drawback of the ensembling technique is its higher execution cost during inference.% If we average 100 local predictions, the execution cost will be 100 times as high as the cost without the ensemble. This higher cost limits the real-world use of ensembling. In this paper, we first describe our insights on relationship between the probability of the prediction and the effect of ensembling with current deep neural networks; ensembling does not help mispredictions for inputs predicted with a high probability, i.e. the output from the softmax. This finding motivates us to develop a new technique called adaptive ensemble prediction, which achieves the benefits of ensembling with much smaller additional execution costs. Hence, we calculate the confidence level of the prediction for each input from the probabilities of the local predictions during the ensembling computation. If the prediction for an input reaches a high enough probability on the basis of the confidence level, we stop ensembling for this input to avoid wasting computation power. We evaluated the adaptive ensembling by using various datasets and showed that it reduces the computation cost significantly while achieving similar accuracy to the naive ensembling. We also showed that our statistically rigorous confidence-level-based termination condition reduces the burden of the task-dependent parameter tuning compared to the naive termination based on the pre-defined threshold in addition to yielding a better accuracy with the same cost.
Title: Accuracy-Privacy Trade-off in Deep Ensemble: A Membership Inference Perspective. Abstract: Deep ensemble learning has been shown to improve accuracy by training multiple neural networks and fusing their outputs. Ensemble learning has also been used to defend against membership inference attacks that undermine privacy. In this paper, we empirically demonstrate a trade-off between these two goals, namely accuracy and privacy (in terms of membership inference attacks), in deep ensembles. Using a wide range of datasets and model architectures, we show that the effectiveness of membership inference attacks also increases when ensembling improves accuracy. To better understand this trade-off, we study the impact of various factors such as prediction confidence and agreement between models that constitute the ensemble. Finally, we evaluate defenses against membership inference attacks based on regularization and differential privacy. We show that while these defenses can mitigate the effectiveness of the membership inference attack, they simultaneously degrade ensemble accuracy. We illustrate similar trade-off in more advanced and state-of-the-art ensembling techniques, such as snapshot ensembles and diversified ensemble networks. The source code is available in supplementary materials.
Title: Unsupervised Speech Recognition via Segmental Empirical Output Distribution Matching. Abstract: We consider the problem of training speech recognition systems without using any labeled data, under the assumption that the learner can only access to the input utterances and a phoneme language model estimated from a non-overlapping corpus. We propose a fully unsupervised learning algorithm that alternates between solving two sub-problems: (i) learn a phoneme classifier for a given set of phoneme segmentation boundaries, and (ii) refining the phoneme boundaries based on a given classifier. To solve the first sub-problem, we introduce a novel unsupervised cost function named Segmental Empirical Output Distribution Matching, which generalizes the work in (Liu et al., 2017) to segmental structures. For the second sub-problem, we develop an approximate MAP approach to refining the boundaries obtained from Wang et al. (2017). Experimental results on TIMIT dataset demonstrate the success of this fully unsupervised phoneme recognition system, which achieves a phone error rate (PER) of 41.6%. Although it is still far away from the state-of-the-art supervised systems, we show that with oracle boundaries and matching language model, the PER could be improved to 32.5%. This performance approaches the supervised system of the same model architecture, demonstrating the great potential of the proposed method.
Title: Few-Shot Multi-task Learning via Implicit regularization. Abstract: Modern machine learning is highly data-intensive. Few-shot learning (FSL) aims to resolve this sample efficiency problem by learning from multiple tasks and quickly adapt to new tasks containing only a few samples. However, FSL problems proves to be significantly more challenging and require more compute expensive process to optimize. In this work, we consider multi-task linear regression (MTLR) as a canonical problem for few-shot learning, and investigate the source of challenge of FSL. We find that the MTLR exhibits local minimum problems that are not present in single-task problem, and thus making the learning much more challenging. We also show that the problem can be resolved by overparameterizing the model by increasing both the width and depth of the linear network and initializing the weights with small values, exploiting the implicit regularization bias of gradient descent-based learning.
Title: Multimeasurement Generative Models. Abstract: We formally map the problem of sampling from an unknown distribution with a density in $\mathbb{R}^d$ to the problem of learning and sampling a smoother density in $\mathbb{R}^{Md}$ obtained by convolution with a fixed factorial kernel: the new density is referred to as M-density and the kernel as multimeasurement noise model (MNM). The M-density in $\mathbb{R}^{Md}$ is smoother than the original density in $\mathbb{R}^d$, easier to learn and sample from, yet for large $M$ the two problems are mathematically equivalent since clean data can be estimated exactly given a multimeasurement noisy observation using the Bayes estimator. To formulate the problem, we derive the Bayes estimator for Poisson and Gaussian MNMs in closed form in terms of the unnormalized M-density. This leads to a simple least-squares objective for learning parametric energy and score functions. We present various parametrization schemes of interest including one in which studying Gaussian M-densities directly leads to multidenoising autoencoders—this is the first theoretical connection made between denoising autoencoders and empirical Bayes in the literature. Samples in $\mathbb{R}^d$ are obtained by walk-jump sampling (Saremi & Hyvarinen, 2019) via underdamped Langevin MCMC (walk) to sample from M-density and the multimeasurement Bayes estimation (jump). We study permutation invariant Gaussian M-densities on MNIST, CIFAR-10, and FFHQ-256 datasets, and demonstrate the effectiveness of this framework for realizing fast-mixing stable Markov chains in high dimensions.
Title: Neural Delay Differential Equations. Abstract: Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (NODEs), a framework of continuous-depth neural networks, have been widely applied, showing exceptional efficacy in coping with some representative datasets. Recently, an augmented framework has been successfully developed for conquering some limitations emergent in application of the original framework. Here we propose a new class of continuous-depth neural networks with delay, named as Neural Delay Differential Equations (NDDEs), and, for computing the corresponding gradients, we use the adjoint sensitivity method to obtain the delayed dynamics of the adjoint. Since the differential equations with delays are usually seen as dynamical systems of infinite dimension possessing more fruitful dynamics, the NDDEs, compared to the NODEs, own a stronger capacity of nonlinear representations. Indeed, we analytically validate that the NDDEs are of universal approximators, and further articulate an extension of the NDDEs, where the initial function of the NDDEs is supposed to satisfy ODEs. More importantly, we use several illustrative examples to demonstrate the outstanding capacities of the NDDEs and the NDDEs with ODEs' initial value. More precisely, (1) we successfully model the delayed dynamics where the trajectories in the lower-dimensional phase space could be mutually intersected, while the traditional NODEs without any argumentation are not directly applicable for such modeling, and (2) we achieve lower loss and higher accuracy not only for the data produced synthetically by complex models but also for the real-world image datasets, i.e., CIFAR10, MNIST and SVHN. Our results on the NDDEs reveal that appropriately articulating the elements of dynamical systems into the network design is truly beneficial to promoting the network performance.
Title: C5T5: Controllable Generation of Organic Molecules with Transformers. Abstract: Methods for designing organic materials with desired properties have high potential impact across fields such as medicine, renewable energy, petrochemical engineering, and agriculture. However, using generative models for this task is difficult because candidate compounds must satisfy many constraints, including synthetic accessibility, intellectual property attributes, ``chemical beauty'' (Bickerton et al., 2020), and other considerations that are intuitive to domain experts but can be challenging to quantify. We propose C5T5, a novel self-supervised pretraining method that works in tandem with domain experts by making zero-shot select-and-replace edits, altering organic substances towards desired property values. C5T5 operates on IUPAC names---a standardized molecular representation that intuitively encodes rich structural information for organic chemists but that has been largely ignored by the ML community. Our technique requires no edited molecule pairs to train and only a rough estimate of molecular properties, and it has the potential to model long-range dependencies and symmetric molecular structures more easily than graph-based methods. We demonstrate C5T5's effectiveness on four physical properties relevant for drug discovery, showing that it learns successful and chemically intuitive strategies for altering molecules towards desired property values.