local snake = class("snake") local Body = require("app.Body") local cInitLen = 9 function snake:ctor(node) print("snake:ctor") self.BodyArray = {} self.node = node for i=1, cInitLen do self:Grow(i == 1) end self:SetDir("left") --print("snake:ctor--------",self:moveDir) end --取尾巴的位置 function snake:GetTailGrid() if #self.BodyArray == 0 then return 0,0 end local tail = self.BodyArray[#self.BodyArray] return tail.X,tail.Y end --取头的位置 function snake:GetHeadGrid() if #self.BodyArray == 0 then return 0,0 end local head = self.BodyArray[1] return head.X,head.Y end function snake:Grow(ishead) local tailX,tailY = self:GetTailGrid() --print("snake-----Grow---",tailX,tailY) local body =,tailX,tailY,self.node,ishead) table.insert(self.BodyArray,body) end function snake:OffsetGridByDir( x,y,dir ) --print("OffsetGridByDir----",dir) local scalRate = 1 / display.contentScaleFactor local cGridSize = 33 * scalRate local visibleSize = cc.Director:getInstance():getVisibleSize() local leftBorder = -visibleSize.width / 2 / cGridSize local rightBorder = visibleSize.width / 2 / cGridSize local topBorder = visibleSize.height / 2 / cGridSize local bottomBorder = -visibleSize.height / 2 / cGridSize local X,Y = x,y if dir == "left" then X = x - 1 if X < leftBorder then X = rightBorder end elseif dir == "right" then X = x + 1 if X > rightBorder then X = leftBorder end elseif dir == "up" then Y = y + 1 if Y > topBorder then Y = bottomBorder end elseif dir == "down" then Y = y - 1 if Y < bottomBorder then Y = topBorder end end return X,Y end function snake:SetDir( dir ) --防止180度转弯 local table = { ["left"] = "h", ["right"] = "h", ["up"] = "v", ["down"] = "v", } if table[dir] == table[self.moveDir] then return end self.moveDir = dir --扭转蛇头方向 local tableHead = { ["left"] = 180, ["right"] = 0, ["up"] = -90, ["down"] = 90, } local head = self.BodyArray[1] head.sp:setRotation(tableHead[dir]) end function snake:Update(isHead) if #self.BodyArray == 0 then return end for i=#self.BodyArray,1,-1 do local body = self.BodyArray[i] if i == 1 then body.X,body.Y = self:OffsetGridByDir(body.X,body.Y,self.moveDir) else local front = self.BodyArray[i - 1] body.X,body.Y = front.X,front.Y end body:Update() end end --判断是否咬住蛇身 function snake:CheckSelfCollide() if #self.BodyArray < 2 then return false end local headX,headY = self:GetHeadGrid() for i=2,#self.BodyArray do local body = self.BodyArray[i] if body.X == headX and body.Y == headY then return true end end return false end function snake:Kill() for _,body in ipairs(self.BodyArray) do self.node:removeChild(body.sp) end end function snake:Blink(callBack) for index,body in ipairs(self.BodyArray) do local blink = cc.Blink:create(3,5) if index == 1 then local a = cc.Sequence:create(blink,cc.CallFunc:create(callBack)) body.sp:runAction(a) else body.sp:runAction(blink) end end end return snake
local AceGUI = LibStub("AceGUI-3.0") local LibJSON = LibStub("LibJSON-1.0") local DB = DKBLootLoader:UseModule("DB") local GUI = DKBLootLoader:RegisterModule("GUI") local Util = DKBLootLoader:UseModule("Util") local COLOR_RAID_ACTIVE = { ["r"] = 0.0, ["g"] = 1.0, ["b"] = 0.0, ["a"] = 1.0 } local COLOR_RAID_FINISHED = { ["r"] = 1.0, ["g"] = 1.0, ["b"] = 1.0, ["a"] = 1.0 } local TAB_1, TAB_2 = "tab1", "tab2" local RAID_MC, RAID_ZG, RAID_BWL = "MOLTEN_CORE", "ZUL_GURUB", "BLACKWING_LAIR" local mainFrame = nil local mainFrameStatusTexts = { "Der Kreuzende Brennzug w\195\188nscht allzeit guten Loot!", "Dank geht raus an Cokecookie, Megumìn, Lothia, Ragnarrwall und Siedler!", } local mainFrameStatusTextIndex = 1 local selectedTab = TAB_1 -- Tab 1 local importFrame = nil -- Tab 2 local addRaidFrame = nil local raidParticipantsFrame = nil local addRaidParticipantFrame = nil local raidEvaluationFrame = nil local lootTableItemTooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "DKBLootGUI-LootTableTooltip", UIParent, "GameTooltipTemplate") local selectedRaid = nil -- Generic local confirmBoxFrame = nil local specialFramesStack = {} local classesMap = { { className = "Druide", classFile = "DRUID", }, { className = "Hexenmeister", classFile = "WARLOCK", }, { className = "J\195\164ger", classFile = "HUNTER", }, { className = "Krieger", classFile = "WARRIOR", }, { className = "Magier", classFile = "MAGE", }, { className = "Paladin", classFile = "PALADIN", }, { className = "Priester", classFile = "PRIEST", }, { className = "Schamane", classFile = "SHAMAN", }, { className = "Schurke", classFile = "ROGUE", }, } local function GetSpecialFrameIndex(name) for i, current in pairs(UISpecialFrames) do if current == name then return i end end return nil end local function RegisterAsSpecialFrame(frame, name) if not GetSpecialFrameIndex(name) then _G[name] = frame tinsert(UISpecialFrames, name) end end local function UnregisterAsSpecialFrame(name) local index = GetSpecialFrameIndex(name) if index then _G[name] = nil tremove(UISpecialFrames, index) end end local function PushSpecialFrame(frame, name) local entry = { frame = frame, name = name, index = #UISpecialFrames + 1, } local current = specialFramesStack[#specialFramesStack] if current then UnregisterAsSpecialFrame( end RegisterAsSpecialFrame(frame, name) tinsert(specialFramesStack, entry) end local function PopSpecialFrame() local previous = specialFramesStack[#specialFramesStack - 1] local current = specialFramesStack[#specialFramesStack] if current then UnregisterAsSpecialFrame( tremove(specialFramesStack, #specialFramesStack) end if previous then RegisterAsSpecialFrame(previous.frame, end end local function CloseConfirmBox() if confirmBoxFrame then AceGUI:Release(confirmBoxFrame) confirmBoxFrame = nil end end local function ShowConfirmBox(title, text, confirmHandler) CloseConfirmBox() local frame = AceGUI:Create("CustomFrame") local label = AceGUI:Create("Label") frame:SetTitle(title) frame:SetLayout("Fill") frame:EnableResize(false) frame.frame:SetFrameStrata("HIGH") frame.frame:SetSize(260, 60) frame:SetCallback("OnOk", function () confirmHandler() frame:Hide() end) frame:SetCallback("OnCancel", function () frame:Hide() end) frame:SetCallback("OnClose", function (widget) PopSpecialFrame() AceGUI:Release(widget) confirmBoxFrame = nil end) label:SetText(text) frame:AddChild(label) frame:SetHeight(label.label:GetNumLines() + label.label:GetStringHeight() + 70) confirmBoxFrame = frame PushSpecialFrame(frame, "DKBLoot_ConfirmFrame") return frame end local function RenderImportDKPWindow(options) local frame = AceGUI:Create("CustomFrame") local editBox = AceGUI:Create("CustomMultiLineEditBox") local function handleSubmit() local success, err = pcall(function () local lua = LibJSON.Deserialize(editBox:GetText()) if not lua.brennzug then error("Komisches Format.") end DB:ImportDKPList(lua.brennzug) end) if not success then UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage("Fehler beim Laden der DKP-Liste.", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 5) return false end frame:Hide() end frame:SetTitle("DKP-Liste importieren") frame:SetLayout("Fill") frame.frame:SetFrameStrata("HIGH") frame.frame:SetSize(560, 380) frame.frame:SetMaxResize(560, 380) frame:SetCallback("OnOk", handleSubmit) frame:SetCallback("OnCancel", function() frame:Hide() end) frame:SetCallback("OnClose", function (widget) PopSpecialFrame() AceGUI:Release(widget) if options.onClose then options.onClose() end end) editBox:SetLabel("DKP-Liste") editBox:SetFocus() editBox.editbox:SetScript("OnEnterPressed", handleSubmit) frame:AddChild(editBox) PushSpecialFrame(frame, "DKBLoot_ImportDKPFrame") return frame end local function RenderRaidEvaluationWindow(options) local frame = AceGUI:Create("Frame") local editBox = AceGUI:Create("CustomMultiLineEditBox") frame:SetTitle("DKP-Auswertung") frame:SetLayout("Fill") frame.frame:SetFrameStrata("HIGH") frame.frame:SetSize(560, 380) frame.frame:SetMaxResize(560, 380) frame:SetCallback("OnCancel", function () frame:Hide() end) frame:SetCallback("OnClose", function (widget) PopSpecialFrame() AceGUI:Release(widget) if options.onClose then options.onClose() end end) editBox:SetLabel("JSON-Code") editBox:SetText(options.json) editBox:SetFocus() editBox:HighlightText(0, #options.json) frame:AddChild(editBox) PushSpecialFrame(frame, "DKBLoot_RaidEvaluationFrame") return frame end local function RenderAddRaidWindow(options) local frame = AceGUI:Create("CustomFrame") local dropdown = AceGUI:Create("Dropdown") local function handleSubmit() if DB:HasActiveRaid() then UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage("Es ist bereits eine andere Aufzeichnung aktiv.", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 5) return end local raid = DB:AddRaid(dropdown:GetValue()) DB:SetActiveRaid( frame:Hide() if options.onSubmit then options.onSubmit() end end frame:SetTitle("Neue Aufzeichnung") frame:SetLayout("Fill") frame:EnableResize(false) frame.frame:SetFrameStrata("HIGH") frame.frame:SetSize(260, 120) frame:SetCallback("OnOk", handleSubmit) frame:SetCallback("OnCancel", function() frame:Hide() end) frame:SetCallback("OnClose", function (widget) PopSpecialFrame() AceGUI:Release(widget) if options.onClose then options.onClose() end end) dropdown:SetLabel("Raid") dropdown:SetList({ [DB.RAID_MC] = Util:GetRaidName(DB.RAID_MC), [DB.RAID_ZG] = Util:GetRaidName(DB.RAID_ZG), [DB.RAID_BWL] = Util:GetRaidName(DB.RAID_BWL), }, { DB.RAID_MC, DB.RAID_ZG, DB.RAID_BWL }) dropdown:SetCallback("OnOpened", function () dropdown.pullout:ClearAllPoints() dropdown.pullout:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", dropdown.frame, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 16) end) frame:AddChild(dropdown) local instanceId = select(8, GetInstanceInfo()) local instanceIdValueMap = { [409] = DB.RAID_MC, [469] = DB.RAID_BWL, [309] = DB.RAID_ZG, } if instanceIdValueMap[instanceId] then dropdown:SetValue(instanceIdValueMap[instanceId]) end PushSpecialFrame(frame, "DKBLoot_AddRaidFrame") return frame end local function RenderAddRaidParticipantWindow(options) local frame = AceGUI:Create("CustomFrame") local playerEditBox = AceGUI:Create("CustomEditBox") local groupEditBox = AceGUI:Create("CustomEditBox") local classDropdown = AceGUI:Create("Dropdown") local function handleSubmit() local player = playerEditBox:GetText() local group = groupEditBox:GetText() local classIndex = classDropdown:GetValue() if not player or not group or not classIndex then UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage("Bitte f\195\188lle alle Felder aus.", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 5) return false end local classInfo = classesMap[classIndex] if not classInfo then UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage("Ung\195\188ltige Klasse.", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 5) return false end DB:AddRaidParticipant(, { player = player, group = group, class = classInfo.className, classFile = classInfo.classFile, }) end frame:SetTitle("Teilnehmer hinzuf\195\188gen") frame:SetLayout("Flex") frame:EnableResize(false) frame.frame:SetFrameStrata("HIGH") frame.frame:SetSize(260, 200) frame:SetCallback("OnOk", handleSubmit) frame:SetCallback("OnCancel", function() frame:Hide() end) frame:SetCallback("OnClose", function (widget) PopSpecialFrame() AceGUI:Release(widget) if options.onClose then options.onClose() end end) playerEditBox:SetLabel("Spielername") playerEditBox:SetUserData("flexAutoWidth", true) playerEditBox.editbox:SetScript("OnEnterPressed", handleSubmit) frame:AddChild(playerEditBox) groupEditBox:SetLabel("Raidgruppe") groupEditBox:SetUserData("flexAutoWidth", true) groupEditBox.editbox:SetScript("OnEnterPressed", handleSubmit) frame:AddChild(groupEditBox) local classes = {} for i, classInfo in pairs(classesMap) do classes[i] = classInfo.className end classDropdown:SetLabel("Klasse") classDropdown:SetUserData("flexAutoWidth", true) classDropdown:SetList(classes) frame:AddChild(classDropdown) PushSpecialFrame(frame, "DKBLoot_AddRaidParticipantFrame") return frame end local function RenderRaidParticipantsWindow(options) local participantsSubscription = DB:Subscribe(DB.EVENT_PARTICIPANTS) local frame = AceGUI:Create("Frame") local participantsTableWrapper = AceGUI:Create("SimpleGroup") local participantsTable = AceGUI:Create("DKBLootGUI-ScrollingTable") local controlsContainer = AceGUI:Create("SimpleGroup") local addCurrentRaidButton = AceGUI:Create("Button") local addParticipantButton = AceGUI:Create("Button") local controlsSpacer = AceGUI:Create("SimpleGroup") local deleteParticipantButton = AceGUI:Create("Button") local raid = local title = format( "Teilnehmerliste - %s am %s", Util:GetRaidName(, date("%d.%m.%Y", raid.timestamp) ) local function UpdateParticipatsTable() local participants = DB:GetRaidParticipants( local tableData = {} for i, participant in pairs(participants) do local playerDKP, hasPlayerDKP, hasLoot = DB:ComputeCurrentPlayerDKP(, participant.player) local playerColor = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1 } local dkpColor = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1 } if not hasPlayerDKP then playerColor = { r = 0, g = 1, b = 1 } end if playerDKP < 0 then dkpColor = { r = 1, g = 0, b = 0 } elseif hasLoot then dkpColor = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 0 } end tinsert(tableData, { cols = { { value = i, }, { value = participant.player, color = playerColor }, { value = participant.class, color = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[participant.classFile] }, { value = }, { value = playerDKP, color = dkpColor }, } }) end participantsTable:SetData(tableData) end frame:SetTitle(title) frame:SetLayout("Flex") frame:EnableResize(false) frame.frame:SetFrameStrata("HIGH") frame.frame:SetSize(500, 400) frame:SetCallback("OnClose", function (widget) participantsSubscription:Cancel() PopSpecialFrame() AceGUI:Release(widget) if options.onClose then options.onClose() end end) participantsTableWrapper:SetLayout("Fill") participantsTableWrapper:SetUserData("flex", "grow") frame:AddChild(participantsTableWrapper) participantsTable:SetColumns({ { name = "#", width = 30 }, { name = "Spieler", percentage = 0.6, minWidth = 80 }, { name = "Klasse", percentage = 0.4 }, { name = "Gruppe", width = 50 }, { name = "DKP", width = 30 }, }) participantsTable.table:EnableSelection(true) participantsTable:SetSelectionHandler(function (realrow) deleteParticipantButton:SetDisabled(realrow == nil) end) participantsSubscription:OnData(UpdateParticipatsTable) participantsTableWrapper:AddChild(participantsTable) controlsContainer:SetLayout("Flex") controlsContainer:SetUserData("flexDirection", "row") controlsContainer:SetAutoAdjustHeight(false) controlsContainer:SetHeight(30) frame:AddChild(controlsContainer) addCurrentRaidButton:SetText("Aktuellen Raid erfassen") addCurrentRaidButton:SetAutoWidth(true) addCurrentRaidButton:SetCallback("OnClick", function () DB:RegisterAllRaidMembersAsParticipants( end) controlsContainer:AddChild(addCurrentRaidButton) addParticipantButton:SetText("Teilnehmer hinzuf\195\188gen") addParticipantButton:SetAutoWidth(true) addParticipantButton:SetCallback("OnClick", function () if addRaidParticipantFrame then return end addRaidParticipantFrame = RenderAddRaidParticipantWindow({ raid = raid, onClose = function () addRaidParticipantFrame = nil end, }) end) controlsContainer:AddChild(addParticipantButton) controlsSpacer:SetUserData("flex", "grow") controlsContainer:AddChild(controlsSpacer) deleteParticipantButton:SetText("L\195\182schen") deleteParticipantButton:SetAutoWidth(true) deleteParticipantButton:SetDisabled(true) deleteParticipantButton:SetCallback("OnClick", function () local participantsIndex = participantsTable.table and participantsTable.table:GetSelection() or nil if not participantsIndex then return end local participant = DB:GetRaidParticipantByIndex(, participantsIndex) ShowConfirmBox( "Spieler wirklich l\195\182schen?", "Willst du " .. participant.player .. " wirklich l\195\182schen?", function () DB:DeleteRaidParticipantByIndex(, participantsIndex) end ) end) controlsContainer:AddChild(deleteParticipantButton) UpdateParticipatsTable() PushSpecialFrame(frame, "DKBLoot_RaidParticipantsFrame") return frame end local function RenderDKPSummaryTab(container) local subscription = DB:Subscribe(DB.EVENT_GUILD_DKP) local innerContainer = AceGUI:Create("SimpleGroup") local dkpTableWrapper = AceGUI:Create("SimpleGroup") local dkpTable = AceGUI:Create("DKBLootGUI-ScrollingTable") local controlsContainer = AceGUI:Create("SimpleGroup") local dkpImportButton = AceGUI:Create("Button") local function UpdateDKPTable() local activeRaid = DB:GetActiveRaid() local activeRaidName = activeRaid and or nil local guildDkp = DB:GetDKPList() local tableData = {} for i, entry in pairs(guildDkp) do local playerName, rankName, rankIndex, level, classDisplayName, zone, publicNote, officerNote, isOnline = Util:GetGuildMemberInfo(entry.player) local status local statusColor if not playerName then status = "Nicht gefunden" statusColor = { r = 1, g = 0, b = 0 } elseif UnitInRaid(playerName) then status = "In deinem Raid" statusColor = { r = 0, g = 1, b = 1 } elseif not isOnline and not UnitIsConnected(playerName) then status = "Offline" statusColor = { r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0.5 } else status = "Online" statusColor = { r = 0, g = 1, b = 0 } end tableData[i] = { cols = { { value = entry.player, color = GetUnitName("player") == playerName and { r = 0, g = 1, b = 0 } or nil, }, { value = status, color = statusColor, }, { value = entry.dkp[DB.RAID_MC], color = activeRaidName == DB.RAID_MC and COLOR_RAID_ACTIVE or nil, }, { value = entry.dkp[DB.RAID_BWL], color = activeRaidName == DB.RAID_BWL and COLOR_RAID_ACTIVE or nil, }, { value = entry.dkp[DB.RAID_ZG], color = activeRaidName == DB.RAID_ZG and COLOR_RAID_ACTIVE or nil, }, }, } end dkpTable:SetData(tableData) end local function HandleEvent(event, ...) if event == "GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE" then UpdateDKPTable() end end container.frame:RegisterEvent("GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE") container:SetCallback("OnClose", function () container.frame:UnregisterEvent("GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE") end) container.frame:SetScript("OnEvent", HandleEvent) innerContainer:SetLayout("Flex") innerContainer.frame:SetScript("OnHide", function () subscription:Cancel() end) container:AddChild(innerContainer) dkpTableWrapper:SetLayout("Fill") dkpTableWrapper:SetUserData("flex", "grow") innerContainer:AddChild(dkpTableWrapper) dkpTable:SetColumns({ { name = "Spieler", percentage = 1, minWidth = 80 }, { name = "Status", width = 100 }, { name = "MC", width = 30 }, { name = "BWL", width = 30 }, { name = "ZG", width = 30 }, }) subscription:OnData(UpdateDKPTable) dkpTableWrapper:AddChild(dkpTable) controlsContainer:SetAutoAdjustHeight(false) controlsContainer:SetHeight(30) controlsContainer:SetLayout("Flow") innerContainer:AddChild(controlsContainer) dkpImportButton:SetText("Importieren") dkpImportButton:SetAutoWidth(true) dkpImportButton:SetCallback("OnClick", function () if importFrame then return end importFrame = RenderImportDKPWindow({ onClose = function () importFrame = nil end, }) end) controlsContainer:AddChild(dkpImportButton) UpdateDKPTable() end local function RenderRaidTab(container) local raidsSubscription = DB:Subscribe(DB.EVENT_RAIDS) local lootSubscription = DB:Subscribe(DB.EVENT_LOOT) local innerContainer = AceGUI:Create("SimpleGroup") local raidsColumn = AceGUI:Create("SimpleGroup") local raidsTableWrapper = AceGUI:Create("SimpleGroup") local raidsTable = AceGUI:Create("DKBLootGUI-ScrollingTable") local raidControls = AceGUI:Create("SimpleGroup") local addRaidButton = AceGUI:Create("Button") local raidControlsSpacer = AceGUI:Create("SimpleGroup") local deleteRaidButton = AceGUI:Create("Button") local columnSpacer = AceGUI:Create("SimpleGroup") local lootColumn = AceGUI:Create("SimpleGroup") local lootTableWrapper = AceGUI:Create("SimpleGroup") local lootTable = AceGUI:Create("DKBLootGUI-ScrollingTable") local lootControls = AceGUI:Create("SimpleGroup") local isFirstRaidsTableUpdate = true local function UpdateFinishOrEvaluateRaidButton(row) local raid = DB:GetRaidByIndex(row) lootControls:ReleaseChildren() if not raid then return end local participantsButton = AceGUI:Create("Button") local lootControlsSpacer = AceGUI:Create("SimpleGroup") local finishOrEvaluateRaidButton = AceGUI:Create("Button") participantsButton:SetText("Teilnehmer") participantsButton:SetCallback("OnClick", function () local x, y if raidParticipantsFrame then raidParticipantsFrame:Hide() raidParticipantsFrame = nil end if not raidsTable.table then return end local raid = DB:GetRaidByIndex(raidsTable.table:GetSelection()) if not raid then return end raidParticipantsFrame = RenderRaidParticipantsWindow({ raid = raid, onClose = function () raidParticipantsFrame = nil end, }) end) participantsButton:SetAutoWidth(true) lootControls:AddChild(participantsButton) lootControlsSpacer:SetUserData("flex", "grow") lootControls:AddChild(lootControlsSpacer) if DB:IsActiveRaidId( then finishOrEvaluateRaidButton:SetText("Aufzeichnung beenden") finishOrEvaluateRaidButton:SetCallback("OnClick", function () local selection = raidsTable.table:GetSelection() if not selection then return end ShowConfirmBox( "Aufzeichnung wirklich beenden?", "Wenn die Aufzeichnung beendet wurde, kann die Lootliste nachtr\195\164glich nicht mehr ge\195\164ndert werden.", function () DB:StopActiveRaid() end ) end) else finishOrEvaluateRaidButton:SetText("DKP-Auswertung") finishOrEvaluateRaidButton:SetCallback("OnClick", function () if raidEvaluationFrame then return end local raid = DB:GetRaidByIndex(raidsTable.table:GetSelection()) if not raid then return end local json = DB:EvaluateRaidById( raidEvaluationFrame = RenderRaidEvaluationWindow({ raidId =, json = json, onClose = function () raidEvaluationFrame = nil end, }) end) end finishOrEvaluateRaidButton:SetAutoWidth(true) lootControls:AddChild(finishOrEvaluateRaidButton) end local function UpdateRaidsTable() local raids = DB:GetRaids() local tableData = {} for i, raid in pairs(raids) do local color = DB:IsActiveRaidId( and COLOR_RAID_ACTIVE or COLOR_RAID_FINISHED local name = Util:GetRaidName( tableData[i] = { cols = { { value = date("%d.%m.%Y", raid.timestamp), }, { value = name, }, }, color = color, } end raidsTable:SetData(tableData) if #raids > 0 then if selectedRaid then raidsTable.table:SetSelection(selectedRaid) end if not raidsTable.table:GetSelection() then raidsTable.table:SetSelection(1) end else raidsTable.table:ClearSelection() UpdateFinishOrEvaluateRaidButton(nil) end isFirstRaidsTableUpdate = false end local function UpdateLootTable(row) local raidIndex = row local raid = DB:GetRaidByIndex(raidIndex) if not raid then lootTable:SetData({}, true) return end local tableData = {} for i, entry in pairs(raid.loot) do local itemName, itemLink = GetItemInfo(entry.itemId) tableData[i] = { entry.itemId, itemLink, entry.sourceName or entry.sourceGUID, entry.givenTo and entry.givenTo.player or "", entry.givenTo and entry.givenTo.dkp or "", } end lootTable:SetData(tableData, true) end innerContainer:SetLayout("Flex") innerContainer:SetUserData("flexDirection", "row") innerContainer.frame:SetScript("OnHide", function () raidsSubscription:Cancel() lootSubscription:Cancel() end) container:AddChild(innerContainer) -- 1st Column raidsColumn:SetLayout("Flex") raidsColumn:SetWidth(180) innerContainer:AddChild(raidsColumn) raidsTableWrapper:SetLayout("Fill") raidsTableWrapper:SetUserData("flex", "grow") raidsColumn:AddChild(raidsTableWrapper) raidsTable:SetColumns({ { name = "Datum", width = 70 }, { name = "Raid", percentage = 1, minWidth = 80 }, }) raidsTable.table:EnableSelection(true) raidsTable:SetSelectionHandler(function (realrow) selectedRaid = realrow UpdateLootTable(realrow) UpdateFinishOrEvaluateRaidButton(realrow) deleteRaidButton:SetDisabled(realrow == nil) end) raidsSubscription:OnData(UpdateRaidsTable) raidsTableWrapper:AddChild(raidsTable) raidControls:SetLayout("Flex") raidControls:SetUserData("flexDirection", "row") raidControls:SetAutoAdjustHeight(false) raidControls:SetHeight(30) raidsColumn:AddChild(raidControls) addRaidButton:SetText("Neu") addRaidButton:SetAutoWidth(true) addRaidButton:SetCallback("OnClick", function () if addRaidFrame then return end addRaidFrame = RenderAddRaidWindow({ onSubmit = function () raidsTable.table:SetSelection(1) end, onClose = function () addRaidFrame = nil end, }) end) raidControls:AddChild(addRaidButton) raidControlsSpacer:SetUserData("flex", "grow") raidControls:AddChild(raidControlsSpacer) deleteRaidButton:SetText("L\195\182schen") deleteRaidButton:SetAutoWidth(true) deleteRaidButton:SetDisabled(true) deleteRaidButton:SetCallback("OnClick", function () local selection = raidsTable.table:GetSelection() if not selection then return end ShowConfirmBox( "Aufzeichnung wirklich l\195\182schen?", "Diese Aktion kann nicht r\195\188ckg\195\164ngig gemacht werden.", function () raidsTable.table:ClearSelection() DB:DeleteRaidByIndex(selection) end ) end) raidControls:AddChild(deleteRaidButton) -- Spacer columnSpacer:SetWidth(10) innerContainer:AddChild(columnSpacer) -- 2nd Column lootColumn:SetLayout("Flex") lootColumn:SetUserData("flex", "grow") innerContainer:AddChild(lootColumn) lootTableWrapper:SetLayout("Fill") lootTableWrapper:SetUserData("flex", "grow") lootColumn:AddChild(lootTableWrapper) lootTable:SetColumns({ { name = "Item", width = 32, DoCellUpdate = function (rowFrame, cellFrame, data, cols, row, realrow, column, fShow, self, ...) local itemId = self:GetCell(realrow, column) local itemName, itemLink = GetItemInfo(itemId) if fShow then local itemTexture = GetItemIcon(itemId) if not cellFrame.cellItemTexture then cellFrame.cellItemTexture = cellFrame:CreateTexture() end cellFrame.cellItemTexture:SetTexture(itemTexture) cellFrame.cellItemTexture:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1) cellFrame.cellItemTexture:Show() cellFrame.cellItemTexture:SetPoint("LEFT", cellFrame.cellItemTexture:GetParent(), "LEFT") cellFrame.cellItemTexture:SetWidth(30) cellFrame.cellItemTexture:SetHeight(30) end if itemLink then cellFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function() lootTableItemTooltip:SetOwner(cellFrame, "ANCHOR_CURSOR") lootTableItemTooltip:SetHyperlink(itemLink) lootTableItemTooltip:Show() end) cellFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() lootTableItemTooltip:Hide() lootTableItemTooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE") end) end end, }, { name = "", percentage = 0.6 }, { name = "Gepl\195\188ndert von", percentage = 0.4 }, { name = "Spieler", width = 80 }, { name = "DKP", width = 30 }, }) lootTable:SetRowHeight(30) lootTable.table:RegisterEvents({ ["OnDoubleClick"] = function (rowFrame, cellFrame, data, cols, row, realrow, column, scrollingTable, ...) local selectedRaidIndex = raidsTable.table:GetSelection() local raid = DB:GetRaidByIndex(selectedRaidIndex) local entry = DB:GetRaidLootByIndex(, realrow) if not entry then return end GUI:ShowAssignItemWindow(, entry.itemId, entry.givenTo and entry.givenTo.player or nil, entry.givenTo and entry.givenTo.dkp or nil, realrow, column ) end, }) lootSubscription:OnData(function () UpdateLootTable(raidsTable.table:GetSelection()) end) container.frame:RegisterEvent("GET_ITEM_INFO_RECEIVED") container:SetCallback("OnClose", function () container.frame:UnregisterEvent("GET_ITEM_INFO_RECEIVED") end) container.frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function () if raidsTable and raidsTable.table then UpdateLootTable(raidsTable.table:GetSelection()) end end) lootTableWrapper:AddChild(lootTable) lootControls:SetLayout("Flex") lootControls:SetUserData("flexDirection", "row") lootControls:SetAutoAdjustHeight(false) lootControls:SetHeight(30) lootColumn:AddChild(lootControls) UpdateRaidsTable() UpdateLootTable(raidsTable.table:GetSelection()) end function GUI:ShowAssignItemWindow(raidId, itemId, playerName, dkp, itemIndex, column) local frame = AceGUI:Create("CustomFrame") local itemLabel = AceGUI:Create("Label") local itemContainer = AceGUI:Create("SimpleGroup") local itemElem = AceGUI:Create("ItemElem") local inputContainer = AceGUI:Create("SimpleGroup") local playerInput = AceGUI:Create("CustomEditBox") local dkpInput = AceGUI:Create("CustomEditBox") local itemName, itemLink = GetItemInfo(itemId) local function handleSubmit() local dkp = dkpInput:GetText() if not dkp:match("%d*") then UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage("Bitte gib eine Zahl ein.", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 5) dkpInput:HighlightText(0, #dkp) return end DB:RegisterPlayerItemDKP(raidId, itemId, playerInput:GetText(), dkp, itemIndex) frame:Hide() end frame:SetTitle("DKP Eingabe") frame:SetLayout("Flow") frame:EnableResize(false) frame.frame:SetFrameStrata("HIGH") frame.frame:SetSize(300, 160) frame:SetCallback("OnOk", handleSubmit) frame:SetCallback("OnCancel", function() frame:Hide() end) frame:SetCallback("OnClose", function (widget) PopSpecialFrame() AceGUI:Release(widget) end) itemLabel:SetText("Item") itemLabel:SetColor(1, 0.82, 0) frame:AddChild(itemLabel) itemContainer:SetLayout("Fill") itemContainer:SetHeight(30) itemContainer:SetAutoAdjustHeight(false) frame:AddChild(itemContainer) itemElem:SetItem(itemLink) itemContainer:AddChild(itemElem) inputContainer:SetLayout("Flex") inputContainer:SetHeight(40) inputContainer:SetAutoAdjustHeight(false) inputContainer:SetUserData("flexDirection", "row") frame:AddChild(inputContainer) local playerList = {} for i, participant in pairs(DB:GetRaidParticipants(raidId)) do playerList[#playerList + 1] = participant.player end playerInput:SetLabel("Spieler") playerInput:SetSuggestions(playerList) playerInput:SetUserData("flex", "grow") playerInput:SetText(playerName) playerInput.editbox:SetScript("OnTabPressed", function () dkpInput:SetFocus() end) playerInput.editbox:SetScript("OnEnterPressed", function () dkpInput:SetFocus() end) inputContainer:AddChild(playerInput) dkpInput:SetLabel("DKP") dkpInput:SetWidth(80) dkpInput:SetText(dkp) dkpInput.editbox:SetScript("OnTabPressed", function () playerInput:SetFocus() end) dkpInput.editbox:SetScript("OnEnterPressed", handleSubmit) inputContainer:AddChild(dkpInput) if not IsPlayerMoving() then if column == nil or column == 4 then playerInput:SetFocus() playerInput:HighlightText(0, #playerInput:GetText()) elseif column == 5 then dkpInput:SetFocus() dkpInput:HighlightText(0, #dkpInput:GetText()) end end PushSpecialFrame(frame, "DKBLoot_AssignItemFrame") return frame end local function ClosePopupFrames() local popups = { -- Tab 1 importFrame, -- Tab 2 addRaidFrame, raidParticipantsFrame, addRaidParticipantFrame, raidEvaluationFrame, -- Generic confirmBoxFrame, } for i, frame in pairs(popups) do if frame then frame:Hide() end end end function GUI:Show(self) if mainFrame then return end local frame = AceGUI:Create("Frame") local tab = AceGUI:Create("TabGroup") frame:SetTitle("Der Kreuzende Brennzug - Loot") frame:SetStatusText(mainFrameStatusTexts[mainFrameStatusTextIndex]) frame:SetCallback("OnClose", function (widget) ClosePopupFrames() AceGUI:Release(widget) mainFrame = nil end) frame:SetLayout("Fill") frame.frame:SetSize(700, 503) -- Measured to fit 11 items in the item table frame.frame:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM") frame.frame:SetMinResize(600, 400) tab:SetLayout("Fill") tab:SetTabs({ { text = "DKP-\195\156bersicht", value = TAB_1 }, { text = "Raids", value = TAB_2 }, }) tab:SetCallback("OnGroupSelected", function (container, event, group) container:ReleaseChildren() ClosePopupFrames() selectedTab = group if group == TAB_1 then RenderDKPSummaryTab(container) elseif group == TAB_2 then RenderRaidTab(container) end end) tab:SelectTab(selectedTab) frame:AddChild(tab) mainFrame = frame mainFrameStatusTextIndex = (mainFrameStatusTextIndex % #mainFrameStatusTexts) + 1 PushSpecialFrame(frame, "DKBLoot_MainFrame") end function GUI:Hide() if not mainFrame then return end mainFrame:Hide() ClosePopupFrames() end function GUI:IsVisible() return mainFrame and mainFrame:IsVisible() end
object_tangible_tcg_series7_decal_imperial_graffiti_01 = object_tangible_tcg_series7_shared_decal_imperial_graffiti_01:new { } ObjectTemplates:addTemplate(object_tangible_tcg_series7_decal_imperial_graffiti_01, "object/tangible/tcg/series7/decal_imperial_graffiti_01.iff")
minetest.register_node(":technic:test_chest", { description = "Technic chest", groups = { snappy = 2, choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2, tubedevice = 1, tubedevice_receiver = 1, technic_chest = 1, }, on_receive_fields = function(...) print(...) end, on_skeleton_key_use = function(...) print(...) end, tube = { input_inventory = "main", }, }) local function set_injector_formspec(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local formspec = "fs_helpers_cycling:1:splitstacks" formspec = formspec.."button[0,1;4,1;mode_stack;"..S("Itemwise").."]" formspec = formspec.."button[4,1;4,1;enable;"..S("Disabled").."]" meta:set_string("formspec", formspec) end minetest.register_node(":technic:injector", { description = "Self-Contained Injector", groups = {snappy=2, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, tubedevice=1, tubedevice_receiver=1}, tube = { can_insert = function(...)end, insert_object = function(...)end, connect_sides = {left=1, right=1, back=1, top=1, bottom=1}, }, on_construct = function(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("infotext", "Self-Contained Injector") meta:set_string("mode", "single items") --meta:get_inventory():set_size("main", 16) --minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(1) set_injector_formspec(pos) end, on_receive_fields = function(...) print(...) end, })
--[[ Copyright 2020 Manticore Games, Inc. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. --]] --[[ Moves scope model in respond to weapon's attack ability for recoil effect. This script is dependant on WeaponAimScopeClient to supply with clientUserData.weapon information. Once the script gets weapon object, it can proceed doing the recoil effect. --]] -- User exposed variables local COMPONENT_ROOT = script:GetCustomProperty("ComponentRoot"):WaitForObject() local OBJECT_TO_MOVE = script:GetCustomProperty("Object"):WaitForObject() local EXECUTE_DURATION = script:GetCustomProperty("ExecuteDuration") local RECOVERY_DURATION = script:GetCustomProperty("RecoveryDuration") local MOVE_OFFSET_MIN = script:GetCustomProperty("LocalMoveOffsetMin") local MOVE_OFFSET_MAX = script:GetCustomProperty("LocalMoveOffsetMax") local ROTATE_OFFSET_MIN = script:GetCustomProperty("LocalRotateOffsetMin") local ROTATE_OFFSET_MAX = script:GetCustomProperty("LocalRotateOffsetMax") -- Constant variables local ORIGINAL_POS = OBJECT_TO_MOVE:GetPosition() local ORIGINAL_ROT = OBJECT_TO_MOVE:GetRotation() -- Internal variables local setup = false local executeHandle = nil function Tick(deltaTime) if not Object.IsValid(COMPONENT_ROOT) then Reset() return end if not setup and Object.IsValid(COMPONENT_ROOT.clientUserData.weapon) then local attackAbility = COMPONENT_ROOT.clientUserData.weapon:GetAbilities()[1] if Object.IsValid(attackAbility) then executeHandle = attackAbility.executeEvent:Connect(RecoilEffect) setup = true end end end function RecoilEffect(ability) if not Object.IsValid(OBJECT_TO_MOVE) or not Object.IsValid(COMPONENT_ROOT) then Reset() return end local executeDuration = EXECUTE_DURATION local recoveryDuration = RECOVERY_DURATION local finalPos = ORIGINAL_POS + GetRandomPosition(MOVE_OFFSET_MIN, MOVE_OFFSET_MAX) local finalRot = ORIGINAL_ROT + GetRandomRotation(ROTATE_OFFSET_MIN, ROTATE_OFFSET_MAX) OBJECT_TO_MOVE:StopMove() OBJECT_TO_MOVE:MoveTo(finalPos, executeDuration, true) OBJECT_TO_MOVE:StopRotate() OBJECT_TO_MOVE:RotateTo(finalRot, executeDuration, true) Task.Wait(executeDuration) if Object.IsValid(OBJECT_TO_MOVE) and Object.IsValid(COMPONENT_ROOT) then OBJECT_TO_MOVE:MoveTo(ORIGINAL_POS, recoveryDuration, true) OBJECT_TO_MOVE:RotateTo(ORIGINAL_ROT, recoveryDuration, true) end end function RandomFloat(lower, greater) return lower + math.random() * (greater - lower); end function GetRandomPosition(minPos, maxPos) return Vector3.New(RandomFloat(minPos.x, maxPos.x), RandomFloat(minPos.y, maxPos.y), RandomFloat(minPos.z, maxPos.z)) end function GetRandomRotation(minRot, maxRot) return Rotation.New(RandomFloat(minRot.x, maxRot.x), RandomFloat(minRot.y, maxRot.y), RandomFloat(minRot.z, maxRot.z)) end function Reset() if executeHandle then executeHandle:Disconnect() end end
require 'plugins.gitsigns.setting'
local actions = require "telescope.actions" local action_state = require "telescope.actions.state" local conf = require "telescope.config".values local finders = require "telescope.finders" local Path = require("plenary.path") local pickers = require "telescope.pickers" local entry_display = require("telescope.pickers.entry_display") local utils = require("telescope.utils") local strings = require("plenary.strings") local function show_entry_window(prompt_bufnr) local entry = action_state.get_selected_entry() actions.close(prompt_bufnr) local winnr = entry.winnr vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(winnr) end local M = {} function M.gen_from_window(opts) opts = opts or {} local disable_devicons = opts.disable_devicons local icon_width = 0 if not disable_devicons then local icon, _ = utils.get_devicons("fname", disable_devicons) icon_width = strings.strdisplaywidth(icon, 0) end local displayer = entry_display.create { separator = " ", items = { {width = opts.tabpage_width}, {width = opts.winnr_width}, {width = 4}, {width = icon_width}, {remaining = true} } } local cwd = vim.fn.expand(opts.cwd or vim.fn.getcwd()) local make_display = function(entry) local display_bufname if opts.shorten_path then print(2) display_bufname = Path:new({entry.filename}):shorten() else display_bufname = entry.filename end local icon, hl_group = utils.get_devicons(entry.filename, disable_devicons) return displayer { {entry.tabpage, "TelescopeResultsNumber"}, {entry.winnr, "TelescopeResultsNumber"}, {entry.indicator, "TelescopeResultsComment"}, {icon, hl_group}, display_bufname .. ":" .. entry.lnum } end return function(entry) local bufname = ~= "" and or "[No Name]" -- if bufname is inside the cwd, trim that part of the string bufname = Path:new({bufname}):normalize(cwd) local hidden = == 1 and "h" or "a" local readonly = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(entry.bufnr, "readonly") and "=" or " " local changed = == 1 and "+" or " " local indicator = entry.flag .. hidden .. readonly .. changed return { valid = true, value = bufname, ordinal = entry.winnr .. " : " .. bufname, display = make_display, tabpage = entry.tabpage, winnr = entry.winnr, bufnr = entry.bufnr, filename = bufname, lnum = ~= 0 and or 1, indicator = indicator } end end = function(opts) local winnrs = vim.tbl_filter( function(w) local win_conf = vim.api.nvim_win_get_config(w) if win_conf.relative ~= "" and not win_conf.focusable then return false end if opts.ignore_current_window and w == vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() then return false end return true end, vim.api.nvim_list_wins() ) if not next(winnrs) then return end local windows = {} local default_selection_idx = 1 local max_tabpage = 0 local max_winnr = 0 for _, winnr in ipairs(winnrs) do local flag = winnr == vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() and "%" or " " local tabpage = vim.api.nvim_win_get_tabpage(winnr) local bufnr = vim.fn.winbufnr(winnr) local element = { winnr = winnr, tabpage = tabpage, bufnr = bufnr, flag = flag, info = vim.fn.getbufinfo(bufnr)[1] } if max_tabpage < tabpage then max_tabpage = tabpage end if max_winnr < winnr then max_winnr = winnr end if opts.sort_lastused and flag == "%" then local idx = ((windows[1] ~= nil and windows[1].flag == "%") and 2 or 1) table.insert(windows, idx, element) else table.insert(windows, element) end end if not opts.tabpage_width then opts.tabpage_width = #tostring(max_tabpage) end if not opts.winnr_width then opts.winnr_width = #tostring(max_winnr) end opts, { prompt_title = "Windows", finder = finders.new_table { results = windows, entry_maker = opts.entry_maker or M.gen_from_window(opts) }, previewer = conf.grep_previewer(opts), sorter = conf.generic_sorter(opts), default_selection_index = default_selection_idx, attach_mappings = function(_) actions.select_default:replace(show_entry_window) return true end } ):find() end return require("telescope").register_extension { exports = { windows = } }
-- The active filesystem object. afs = {} afs.isMountable = false -- This will overwrite the fs.write object. function afs.write(data, location) if ( then return false, 'DRIVENOTLOADED' end -- Get filename with regexp local filename = location:match('([^/]+)$') local filepath = location:match('(.*[/])') if (fs.exists(location)) then return false, 'FILEALREADYEXISTS' end -- Generate an INODE with filename. local inode={} inode.created=timer.getTime() inode.mode=000 inode.isFile=true inode.owner='nothing' inode.size='nothing' -- Get Drive Object local d = afs.getDriveObject() kernel.output('Drive has \''..type(d.superblock)..'\' type superblock', true) -- Check encryption settings if(d.superblock.encrypted) then, data)) else end -- Write new file inode if d.files==nil then d.files={} end d.files[location] = inode -- Encode it in JSON de = JSON:encode(d) kernel.output('Writing: \'''\'', true) -- Write the fs object kernel.output('Writing data to \''..tostring('\' drive', true) local dr =, 'w') dr.write(de) dr.close() return true, 'FILEWRITTEN' end -- Create a new filesystem (partition) -- size: How big can the FS get? -- label: What is the name of this FS. -- Encrypt: true/false on AES encryption. function, label, encrypt) if(ofs.exists(kernel.DIR..'/'..label..'.vfs')) then kernel.output('Drive already exists', true) return false, 'DRIVEALREADYEXISTS' end if(label==nil) then label=vfs.genUUID() end if not (encrypt==true) and not(encrypt==false) then return false end kernel.output('Creating ext3 partition with LABEL \''..label..'\'') -- Check if need to get password if(encrypt==true) then term.write('New Volume Password: ') password = read('') end local tef = base64.enc(aeslua.encrypt(password, "ISVALID")) -- EXT superblock. local superblock = {} superblock={} superblock.max_size=size superblock.fsversion=101 superblock.size=0 superblock.label=label superblock.files=0 superblock.dirs=0 superblock.encrypted=encrypt superblock.encryptiontest=tef -- Final Object (FS) local tw={} tw.files={} tw.superblock=superblock -- Encode the object local twj=JSON:encode(tw) -- Write the Object. You must save the return value of to a var, then call var.write(stuff), not ofs.write(stuff). local file ='/'..label..'.vfs', 'w') file.write(twj) file.close() return true end function afs.delete(location) if(fs.exists(location)) then local d = afs.getDriveObject() d.files[location]=nil -- Write the new drive object local dr =, 'w') dr.write(de) dr.close() end end -- Reads drive object from disk. function afs.getDriveObject() if not ( then kernel.output('Getting drive object for drive \''..tostring('\'', true) -- Put drive object into memory aka whole drive. local d =, 'r') local dc = d.readAll() local dp = JSON:decode(dc) -- Return drive object return dp else return false, 'DRIVENOTOPEN' end end function afs.exists(location) local drive = afs.getDriveObject() -- One dir only right now. if(filename==nil) or (filename=='') then if not (drive.files[location]==nil) then kernel.output("File exists", true) return true, 'FILEEXISTS' end end -- If it existed, it would've returned, so that must mean it doesnt (if we have reached this point) return false, 'FILEDOESNTEXIST' end --[[ @desc Gets the final component of a pathname. @param {string} path ]]-- function afs.getName(path) return path:match('([^/]+)$') end function, mode) local d = afs.getDriveObject() local obj = {} obj.location=location if mode=='r' then obj.readAll = function(this) if(this==nil) then return false, "DIDDNTUSECOLON" end if not (fs.exists(this.location)) then return false, 'FILENOTFOUND' end -- Put drive into memory. local d = fs.getDriveObject() if(fs.exists(this.location)) then if(d.superblock.encrypted) then return aeslua.decrypt(afs.password, base64.dec(d.files[this.location].data)) else return base64.dec(d.files[this.location].data) end end obj.close = function() return true end return obj end if mode=='rb' then obj.write = function() return true end return obj end if mode=='w' then obj.write = function(this, data) if(this==nil) then return false, "DIDDNTUSECOLON" end fs.write(data, this.location) end obj.writeLine = function(data) if(this==nil) then return false, "DIDDNTUSECOLON" end fs.write(data+'\n', this.location) end obj.close = function() return true end return obj end if mode=='wb' then obj.close = function() return true end return obj end end -- Creates a directory function afs.makeDir(location) if not (afs.exists(location)) then local inode={} inode.created=timer.getTime() inode.mode=000 inode.isFile=false inode.owner='nothing' afs.files[location]=inode -- Write new file inode if d.files==nil then d.files={} end d.files[location] = inode -- Encode it in JSON de = JSON:encode(d) kernel.output('Creating directory \''..location..'\'', true) local dr =, 'w') dr.write(de) dr.close() return true end -- Exists, don't make and return false return false end function afs.loadDrive(drive) if(ofs.exists(drive)) then local d = afs.getDriveObject() -- Check if drive is actually a drive. if(d==false) or (d==nil) then kernel.output('Could not load drive \'''\'!') return false, 'DRIVENOTLOADED' end -- Check if drive is encrypted if(d.superblock.encrypted) then term.write('Volume Password: ') local pass = read('') afs.password = pass end local dc = aeslua.decrypt(afs.password, base64.dec(d.superblock.encryptiontest)) if not (dc=="ISVALID") then -- Remove drive object. term.write('Not mounting drive, incorrect password') return false, "INCORRECTPASSWORD" end kernel.output('Drive \'''\' loaded') return true, 'DRIVELOADED' else return false, 'DRIVENOTFOUND' end end return afs
local addonName, G = ... assert(not G.Event) G.Event = {} local events = {} function G.Event.Register() G.Core.RegisterEventHandlers(events) end function events.ADDON_LOADED(name) if name == addonName then G.State.LoadFromTable(_G['OlliverrsTravelsPlayerData'] or {}) _G['OlliverrsTravelsPlayerData'] = nil end end function events.CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM(msg) local s = msg:match(ERR_LEARN_SPELL_S:gsub('%%s', '(.*)')) if s ~= nil then local name, rank = s:match('(.*) %(.*(%d+).*%)') G.State.AddSkillByName(name, rank) end end function events.CRAFT_SHOW() G.State.ClearSkills() for i = 1, GetNumCrafts() do local name, rankstr = GetCraftInfo(i) local rank = rankstr:match('(%d+)') G.State.AddSkillByName(name, rank) end end function events.PLAYER_LEVEL_UP(newLevel) if newLevel < 10 then return end local start, finish = newLevel, newLevel if newLevel == 10 then start = 1 end local newSkills = {} for level = start, finish do for _, v in ipairs(G.DB.LevelData[level]) do local skill, rank = v[1], v[2] table.insert(newSkills, G.DB.AbilityNames[skill] .. ' ' .. rank) end end if #newSkills > 0 then table.sort(newSkills) print('New trainable skills: ' .. table.concat(newSkills, ', ')) else print('No new trainable skills.') end end function events.PLAYER_LOGOUT() _G['OlliverrsTravelsPlayerData'] = G.State.SerializeToTable() end
--[[ Name: cl_init.lua For: SantosRP By: TalosLife ]]-- include "shared.lua" ENT.RenderGroup = RENDERGROUP_BOTH function ENT:Initialize() end function ENT:Draw() end surface.CreateFont( "MenuTriggerFont", {size = 128, weight = 425, font = "Trebuchet18"} ) local function DrawMenuTriggerUI( ent ) surface.SetFont( "MenuTriggerFont" ) local w, h = surface.GetTextSize( ent:GetText() ) w = w +35 h = h +13 surface.SetDrawColor( 50, 50, 50, 150 ) surface.DrawRect( -(w /2), 0, w, h ) draw.SimpleText( ent:GetText(), "MenuTriggerFont", 0, 0, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end local function RenderMenu( ent ) local angs = ent:LocalToWorldAngles( Angle(180, -90, -90) ) local pos = ent:LocalToWorld( Vector(0, 0, 0) ) cam.Start3D2D( pos, angs, 0.03 ) DrawMenuTriggerUI( ent ) cam.End3D2D() end g_MenuTriggerCache = g_MenuTriggerCache or {} hook.Add( "NetworkEntityCreated", "Cache_MenuTriggers", function( eEnt ) if eEnt:GetClass() ~= "ent_menu_trigger" then return end g_MenuTriggerCache[eEnt] = true end ) hook.Add( "PostDrawTranslucentRenderables", "Draw_MenuTriggers", function() local old = render.GetToneMappingScaleLinear() render.SetToneMappingScaleLinear( Vector(1, 1, 1) ) render.SuppressEngineLighting( true ) render.PushFilterMag( 3 ) render.PushFilterMin( 3 ) for k, v in pairs( g_MenuTriggerCache ) do if not IsValid( k ) then g_MenuTriggerCache[k] = nil continue end --Draw only in range if k:GetPos():DistToSqr( LocalPlayer():EyePos() ) > k.m_intMaxRenderRange ^2 then continue end RenderMenu( k ) end render.PopFilterMag() render.PopFilterMin() render.SuppressEngineLighting( false ) render.SetToneMappingScaleLinear( old ) end )
for _, v in pairs(t) do local x = f() if x then f(function() return v end) else g(function() return v end) end end
local get_hex = require('cokeline/utils').get_hex local is_picking_focus = require('cokeline/mappings').is_picking_focus local is_picking_close = require('cokeline/mappings').is_picking_close local red = vim.g.terminal_color_1 local yellow = vim.g.terminal_color_3 -- local modified_fg = get_hex('Todo', 'bg') local modified_fg = '#09F7A0' local errors_fg = get_hex('DiagnosticError', 'fg') local warnings_fg = get_hex('DiagnosticWarn', 'fg') require('cokeline').setup({ show_if_buffers_are_at_least = 2, default_hl = { focused = { fg = get_hex('Normal', 'fg'), bg = 'NONE', }, unfocused = { fg = get_hex('Comment', 'fg'), bg = 'NONE', }, }, components = { { text = function(buffer) return (buffer.index ~= 1) and '▏' or '' end, hl = { fg = get_hex('Normal', 'fg') }, }, -- { -- text = function(buffer) return ' ' .. buffer.devicon.icon end, -- hl = { -- fg = function(buffer) return buffer.devicon.color end, -- }, -- }, { text = ' ', }, { text = function(buffer) if buffer.is_focused then return buffer.devicon.icon else return (is_picking_focus() or is_picking_close()) and buffer.pick_letter .. ' ' or buffer.devicon.icon end end, hl = { fg = function(buffer) if buffer.is_focused then return buffer.devicon.color else return (is_picking_focus() and yellow) or (is_picking_close() and red) end end, style = function(buffer) if buffer.is_focused then return nil else return (is_picking_focus() or is_picking_close()) and 'italic,bold' or nil end end, } }, { text = function(buffer) return buffer.filename end, hl = { style = function(buffer) return buffer.is_focused and 'bold' or nil end, } }, { text = ' ' }, { text = function(buffer) return (buffer.diagnostics.errors ~= 0 and '  ' .. buffer.diagnostics.errors) or (buffer.diagnostics.warnings ~= 0 and '  ' .. buffer.diagnostics.warnings) or '' end, hl = { fg = function(buffer) return (buffer.diagnostics.errors ~= 0 and errors_fg) or (buffer.diagnostics.warnings ~= 0 and warnings_fg) or nil end, }, truncation = { priority = 2 }, }, { text = ' ' }, { text = function(buffer) return buffer.is_modified and '●' or '' end, hl = { fg = function(buffer) return buffer.is_modified and modified_fg or nil end }, truncation = { priority = 5 }, }, -- { -- text = '', -- delete_buffer_on_left_click = true, -- }, { text = ' ', }, }, })
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- protocol.lua -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local _PACKAGE = (...):match("^(.+)[%./][^%./]+") or "" local ERROR_MSG = tengine.ERROR_MSG local p = tengine.p local parser = require(_PACKAGE .. '/parser') local protobuf = require(_PACKAGE .. '/protobuf') local _M = {} function _M.registerproto(filename, path) return parser.register(filename, path) end function _M.register(filename, path) local file, ret = .. filename,"rb") if not file then ERROR_MSG("proto register file error: %s", ret) return end local buffer = file:read "*a" file:close() protobuf.register(buffer) end function _M.encode(name, message) local packet = { --type = name, name = name, data = protobuf.encode('tgame.' .. name, message) } return protobuf.encode("tgame.Packet", packet) end function _M.decode(data, len) local packet, err = protobuf.decode("tgame.Packet" , data, len) if not packet then ERROR_MSG("proto decode data err: %s ", err) return err, nil, nil, nil end local message, err = protobuf.decode('tgame.', if err then return err, nil, nil, nil end return nil, packet.type,, message end return _M
local Root = script.Parent local ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider") local ItemType = require(Root.Enums.ItemType) local BASE_URL = string.gsub(ContentProvider.BaseUrl:lower(), "https?://m.", "https?://www.") local THUMBNAIL_URL = BASE_URL.."thumbs/asset.ashx?assetid=" local BUNDLE_THUMBNAIL_URL = BASE_URL.."outfit-thumbnail/image?userOutfitId=%s&width=100&height=100&format=png" local XBOX_DEFAULT_IMAGE = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Shell/Icons/[email protected]" --[[ Depending on the type of item, get the proper preview image, sized correctly ]] local function getPreviewImageUrl(productInfo, platform) local imageId -- AssetId will only be populated if ProductInfo was from an asset if productInfo.itemType == ItemType.Bundle then return string.format(BUNDLE_THUMBNAIL_URL, productInfo.costumeId) elseif productInfo.AssetId ~= nil and productInfo.AssetId ~= 0 then imageId = productInfo.AssetId elseif productInfo.IconImageAssetId ~= nil then imageId = productInfo.IconImageAssetId elseif platform == Enum.Platform.XBoxOne then -- XBoxOne has its own default image if anything doesn't load return XBOX_DEFAULT_IMAGE end return THUMBNAIL_URL..tostring(imageId).."&x=100&y=100&format=png" end return getPreviewImageUrl
--[[ This file was extracted by 'EsoLuaGenerator' at '2021-09-04 16:42:27' using the latest game version. NOTE: This file should only be used as IDE support; it should NOT be distributed with addons! **************************************************************************** CONTENTS OF THIS FILE IS COPYRIGHT ZENIMAX MEDIA INC. **************************************************************************** ]] local function OnEventQuestAdded(eventCode, journalIndex, questName, objectiveName) RemoveScriptedEventInviteForQuest(questName) end function ZO_ScriptedWorldEvents_Initialize() -- Handling this event in order to clear a pending invite notification for a scripted event which was initiated by a fellow group member accepting the event quest first while -- this player was also in dialog with the quest provider, and to which this player later accepts the event quest personally via dialog. If the player were to -- accept the event quest in the quest dialog, there is then no reason for them to still be prompted to accept/decline the same event. EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ZO_ScriptedWorldEvent", EVENT_QUEST_ADDED, OnEventQuestAdded) end ZO_ScriptedWorldEvents_Initialize()
-- See LICENSE for terms -- local some stuff that's called a lot local tostring = tostring local point = point local Sleep = Sleep local GameTime = GameTime local DeleteThread = DeleteThread local PlayFX = PlayFX local IsValid = IsValid local GetCursorWorldPos = GetCursorWorldPos local Random = ChoGGi.ComFuncs.Random PersonalShuttles = { time_limit = const.DayDuration * 4, attacker_color1 = -2031616, attacker_color2 = -16777216, attacker_color3 = -9043968, friend_colour1 = -16711941, friend_colour2 = -16760065, friend_colour3 = -1, -- I wouldn't set this too high... max_shuttles = 50, -- switch to drop item on pickup drop_toggle = false, } -- custom shuttletask DefineClass.PersonalShuttles_ShuttleFollowTask = { __parents = {"InitDone"}, state = "new", shuttle = false, scanning = false, -- from explorer code for AnalyzeAnomaly dest_pos = false, -- there isn't one, but adding one prevents log spam } DefineClass.PersonalShuttle = { __parents = {"CargoShuttle"}, defence_thread_DD = false, -- set from shuttlehub recall_shuttle = false, -- attached carry object carried_obj = false, -- should it pickup item with pickup enabled pickup_toggle = false, -- build up of time to sleep between mouse idle_time = 0, -- we don't want to abort flying thread if it's the same dest old_dest = false, -- fix most jerky moving first_idle = 0, -- attack stuff shoot_range = 25 * guim, reload_time = const.HourDuration, track_thread = false, -- attached obj offsets offset_rover = point(0, 0, 400), offset_drone = point(0, 0, 325), offset_other = point(0, 0, 350), } -- If it idles it'll go home, so we return my command till we remove thread function PersonalShuttle:Idle() self:SetCommand("FollowMouse") Sleep(1000) end function PersonalShuttle:GameInit() = or UICity"PersonalShuttle", self) -- gagarin likes it dark self:SetColorModifier(-1) local ps = PersonalShuttles -- If it's an attack shuttle if UICity.PersonalShuttles.shuttle_threads[self.handle] then self.defence_thread_DD = CreateGameTimeThread(function() while IsValid(self) and not self.destroyed do if self.working then self:PersonalShuttles_DefenceTickD(ps) end Sleep(2500) end end) end end function PersonalShuttle:Done() ( or UICity):RemoveFromLabel("PersonalShuttle", self) end -- gets rid of error in log --~ function PersonalShuttle:SetTransportTask()end PersonalShuttle.SetTransportTask = empty_func -- gives an error when we spawn shuttle since i'm using a fake task, so we just return true instead function PersonalShuttle:OnTaskAssigned() return true end -- dustdevil thread for rockets function PersonalShuttle:PersonalShuttles_DefenceTickD(ps) if UICity.PersonalShuttles.shuttle_threads[self.handle] then return self:DefenceTick(ps.shuttle_rocket_DD) end end -- Movable.Goto(object, pt) -- Unit.Goto is a command, use this instead for direct control -- get shuttle to follow mouse function PersonalShuttle:FollowMouse() local PersonalShuttles = PersonalShuttles -- always start it off as pickup if not IsValid(self.carried_obj) then self.pickup_toggle = true end self.idle_time = 0 self.old_dest = false self.first_idle = 0 -- following mouse loop repeat local pos = self:GetVisualPos() local dest = GetCursorWorldPos() self:GotoPos(pos, dest) local obj = SelectedObj if IsValid(obj) and obj ~= self then self:SelectedObject(obj, pos, dest) end self.idle_time = self.idle_time + 10 Sleep(250 + self.idle_time) -- 4 sols then send it back home (or if we recalled it) until self.recall_shuttle or (GameTime() - self.time_now) > PersonalShuttles.time_limit -- buh-bye little flying companion self:SetCommand("GoHome") end -- where are we going function PersonalShuttle:GotoPos(pos, dest) -- too quick and it's jerky *or* mouse making small movements if self.in_flight then if self.idle_time < 125 then return --~ elseif self.idle_time > 100 and self.old_pos == pos then --~ -- elseif self.old_dest and not (self.idle_time > 125 and self.old_pos == pos) then --~ local ox, oy = self.old_dest:xy() --~ local x, y = dest:xy() --~ if point(ox, oy):Dist2D(point(x, y)) < 1000 then if self.old_dest:Dist2D(dest) < 1000 then if self.first_idle < 25 then self.first_idle = self.first_idle + 1 return self.idle_time end end end end self.first_idle = 0 -- don't try to fly if pos or dest are the same if tostring(pos) == tostring(dest) then return end -- check the last path point to see if it's far away (can't be bothered to make a new func that allows you to break off the path) -- and if we move when we're too close it's jerky local dest_x, dest_y = dest:xy() --~ local dist = pos:Dist2D(point(dest_x, dest_y)) > 5000 local dist = pos:Dist2D(dest) > 5000 if dist or self.idle_time > 250 then -- rest on ground self.hover_height = 0 -- If idle is ticking up if self.idle_time > 250 then if not self.is_landed then self:SetState("fly") Sleep(250) self:PlayFX("Dust", "start") self:PlayFX("Waiting", "start") local land = pos:SetTerrainZ() self:FlyingFace(land, 2500) self:SetPos(land, 4000) Sleep(750) self.is_landed = self:GetPos() self:PlayFX("Dust", "end") self:PlayFX("Waiting", "end") self:SetState("idle") end Sleep(500 + self.idle_time) end -- mouse moved far enough then wake up and fly if dist then -- reset idle count self.idle_time = 0 -- we don't want to skim the ground (default is 3K, but this one likes living life on the edge) self.hover_height = 1500 -- want to be kinda random local path = self:CalcPath( pos, point(dest_x+Random(-2500, 2500), dest_y+Random(-2500, 2500), self.hover_height) ) if self.is_landed then self.is_landed = nil self:PlayFX("DomeExplosion", "start") -- self:PersonalShuttles_TakeOff() end -- abort previous flight if dest is different if self.in_flight and dest ~= self.old_dest then self.old_dest = dest self.in_flight = nil DeleteThread(FlyingObjs[self]) -- we don't want to start a new flight if we're flying and the dest isn't different elseif not self.in_flight then -- the actual flight self.in_flight = true self:FollowPathCmd(path) while self.next_spline do Sleep(1000) end self.in_flight = nil end end -- hmm? self:SetState("idle") end self.old_pos = pos self.old_dest = dest end function PersonalShuttle:DropCargo(obj, pos, dest) local carried = self.carried_obj -- If fired from recall dest = dest or GetPassablePointNearby(self:GetPos()) pos = pos or self:GetPos() -- drop it off nearby self:WaitFollowPath(self:CalcPath(pos, dest)) self:PlayFX("ShuttleUnload", "start", carried) carried:Detach() -- doesn't work if we use this with CalcPath dest = HexGetNearestCenter(dest) -- don't want to be floating above the ground carried:SetPos(dest:SetTerrainZ(), 2500) -- we don't want stuff looking weird (drones/rovers can move on their own) if obj and obj:IsKindOf("ResourceStockpileBase") then carried:SetAngle(0) end Sleep(2500) self:PlayFX("ShuttleUnload", "end", carried) -- so drones will empty resource piles if carried.ConnectToCommandCenters then carried:ConnectToCommandCenters() end WaitMsg("OnRender") -- restore our fake drone override command if carried.ChoGGi_SetCommand then carried.SetCommand = carried.ChoGGi_SetCommand carried.ChoGGi_SetCommand = nil end if carried.Idle then carried:SetCommand("Idle") end self.carried_obj = nil -- make it able to pick up again without having to press the button self.pickup_toggle = true UICity.PersonalShuttles.shuttle_carried[carried.handle] = nil end local function IdleDroneInAir() Sleep(1000) end -- pickup/dropoff/scan function PersonalShuttle:SelectedObject(obj, pos, dest) -- Anomaly scanning if obj:IsKindOf("SubsurfaceAnomaly") then -- scan nearby SubsurfaceAnomaly local anomaly = NearestObject(pos, MapGet("map", "SubsurfaceAnomaly"), 2000) -- make sure it's the right one, and not already being scanned by another if anomaly and obj == anomaly and not UICity.PersonalShuttles.shuttle_scanning_anomaly[anomaly.handle] then PlayFX("ArtificialSunCharge", "start", anomaly) UICity.PersonalShuttles.shuttle_scanning_anomaly[anomaly.handle] = true self:AnalyzeAnomaly(anomaly) PlayFX("ArtificialSunCharge", "end", anomaly) end -- resource moving -- are we carrying, and is pickup set to drop? elseif IsValid(self.carried_obj) and self.pickup_toggle == false then self:DropCargo(obj, pos, dest) -- If it's marked for pickup and shuttle is set to pickup and it isn't already carrying then grab it elseif obj.PersonalShuttles_PickUpItem and self.pickup_toggle and not IsValid(self.carried_obj) then -- goto item self:WaitFollowPath(self:CalcPath(pos, obj:GetVisualPos())) if not UICity.PersonalShuttles.shuttle_carried[obj.handle] then UICity.PersonalShuttles.shuttle_carried[obj.handle] = true -- select shuttle instead of carried SelectObj(self) -- remove pickup mark from it obj.PersonalShuttles_PickUpItem = nil -- PlayFX of beaming, transport one i think self:PlayFX("ShuttleLoad", "start", obj) obj:SetPos(self:GetVisualPos(), 2500) Sleep(2500) -- pick it up self:Attach(obj, self:GetSpotBeginIndex("Origin")) -- offset attach if obj:IsKindOf("BaseRover") then obj:SetAttachOffset(self.offset_rover) elseif obj:IsKindOf("Drone") then obj:SetAttachOffset(self.offset_drone) obj.ChoGGi_SetCommand = obj.SetCommand obj.SetCommand = IdleDroneInAir else obj:SetAttachOffset(self.offset_other) end if PersonalShuttles.drop_toggle then -- switch to drop, so next selected item will be where we drop it self.pickup_toggle = false end -- and remember not to pick up more than one self.carried_obj = obj self:PlayFX("ShuttleLoad", "end", obj) end end end function PersonalShuttle:FireRocket(target) local pos = self:GetSpotPos(1) local angle, axis = self:GetSpotRotation(1) local rocket = PlaceObject("RocketProjectile", { shooter = self, target = target, }) rocket:Place(pos, axis, angle) rocket:StartMoving() PlayFX("MissileFired", "start", self, nil, pos, rocket.move_dir) return rocket end -- pretty much a direct copynpaste from explorer (just removed stuff that's rover only) function PersonalShuttle:AnalyzeAnomaly(anomaly) if not IsValid(self) then return end self:SetState("idle") self:SetPos(self:GetVisualPos()) self:Face(anomaly:GetPos(), 200) local layers = anomaly.depth_layer or 1 self.scan_time = layers * g_Consts.RCRoverScanAnomalyTime local progress_time = MulDivRound(anomaly.scanning_progress, self.scan_time, 100) self.scanning_start = GameTime() - progress_time RebuildInfopanel(self) self:PushDestructor(function(self) if IsValid(anomaly) then anomaly.scanning_progress = self:GetScanAnomalyProgress() if anomaly.scanning_progress >= 100 then self:Gossip("ScanAnomaly", anomaly.class, anomaly.handle) anomaly:ScanCompleted(self) anomaly:delete() end end if IsValid(anomaly) and anomaly == SelectedObj then Msg("UIPropertyChanged", anomaly) end -- self:StopFX() self.scanning = false self.scanning_start = false end) local time = self.scan_time - progress_time -- self:StartFX("Scan", anomaly) self.scanning = true while time > 0 and IsValid(self) and IsValid(anomaly) do Sleep(1000) time = time - 1000 anomaly.scanning_progress = self:GetScanAnomalyProgress() if anomaly == SelectedObj then Msg("UIPropertyChanged", anomaly) end end self:PopAndCallDestructor() UICity.PersonalShuttles.shuttle_scanning_anomaly[anomaly.handle] = nil end function PersonalShuttle:GetScanAnomalyProgress() return self.scanning_start and MulDivRound(GameTime() - self.scanning_start, 100, self.scan_time) or 0 end function PersonalShuttle:DefenceTick(already_fired) if type(already_fired) ~= "table" then print("Personal Shuttles Error: shuttle_rocket_DD isn't a table") end -- list of dustdevils on map local hostiles = g_DustDevils or empty_table if IsValidThread(self.track_thread) then return end for i = 1, #hostiles do local obj = hostiles[i] -- get dist (added * 10 as it didn't see to target at the range of it's hex grid) -- It could be from me increasing protection radius, or just how it targets meteors if IsValid(obj) and self:GetVisualDist(obj) <= self.shoot_range * 10 then -- check if tower is working if not IsValid(self) or not self.working or self.destroyed then return end -- follow = small ones attached to majors if not obj.follow and not already_fired[obj.handle] then -- If not already_fired[obj.handle] then -- aim the tower at the dustdevil if self.class == "DefenceTower" then self:OrientPlatform(obj:GetVisualPos(), 7200) end -- fire in the hole local rocket = self:FireRocket(obj) -- store handle so we only launch one per devil already_fired[obj.handle] = obj -- seems like safe bets to set self.meteor = obj self.is_firing = true -- sleep till rocket explodes CreateGameTimeThread(function() while rocket.move_thread do Sleep(500) end if obj:IsKindOf("BaseMeteor") then -- make it pretty PlayFX("AirExplosion", "start", obj, nil, obj:GetPos()) Msg("MeteorIntercepted", obj) obj:ExplodeInAir() else -- make it pretty PlayFX("AirExplosion", "start", obj, obj:GetAttaches()[1], obj:GetPos()) -- kill the devil object obj:delete() end self.meteor = false self.is_firing = false end) -- back to the usual stuff Sleep(self.reload_time) return true end end end -- remove devil handles only if they're actually gone if already_fired[1] then CreateGameTimeThread(function() for i = #already_fired, 1, -1 do if not IsValid(already_fired[i]) then already_fired[i] = nil end end end) end end
local function WithinBox(v, v1, v2) local x, y, z, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 = v[1], v[2], v[3], v1[1], v1[2], v1[3], v2[1], v2[2], v2[3] return ((x >= x1 and x <= x2) or (x <= x1 and x >= x2)) and ((y >= y1 and y <= y2) or (y <= y1 and y >= y2)) and ((z >= z1 and z <= z2) or (z <= z1 and z >= z2)) end CreateConVar("spraymon_nooverspraying", 0, FCVAR_REPLICATED, "anti over spraying: 0 | 1") local sprays = {} net.Receive("Jonathan1358.SprayMon.AddSpray", function() local ply = net.ReadEntity() if ply.SteamID then local normal = Vector(net.ReadFloat(), net.ReadFloat(), net.ReadFloat()) local ang = normal:Angle() local vec = ang:Forward() * .001 + (ang:Right() + ang:Up()) * 32 local pos = Vector(net.ReadFloat(), net.ReadFloat(), net.ReadFloat()) + ang:Up() * 4 sprays[ply:SteamID()] = {name = ply:Name(), pos1 = pos - vec, pos2 = pos + vec, normal = normal, clears = 0, pos11 = pos - vec * 1.75, pos22 = pos + vec * 1.75} end end) local function clear() for k, v in next, sprays do v.clears = v.clears + 1 if v.clears >= 2 then sprays[k] = nil end end end net.Receive("Jonathan1358.SprayMon.ClearDecals", clear) local rcc = RunConsoleCommand RunConsoleCommand = function(cmd, ...) if cmd == "r_cleardecals" then clear() end return rcc(cmd, ...) end local pcc = FindMetaTable("Player").ConCommand FindMetaTable("Player").ConCommand = function(self, cmd, ...) if self == LocalPlayer() and cmd:find("r_cleardecals", nil, true) then clear() end return pcc(self, cmd, ...) end local gcm = game.CleanUpMap function game.CleanUpMap(...) clear() return gcm(...) end surface.CreateFont("SMSpray", {font = "Trebuchet MS", size = 24, weight = 900}) local first = true hook.Add("HUDPaint", "Jonathan1358.SprayMon", function() local todraw = {} local trace = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTraceNoCursor() for k, v in next, sprays do if v.normal == trace.HitNormal and WithinBox(trace.HitPos, v.pos1, v.pos2) then table.insert(todraw, k) end end if #todraw > 0 then if first then notification.AddLegacy("You can see the SteamID of spray owner by holding ALT while looking at it.", NOTIFY_HINT, 6) first = nil end local y = ScrH() / 2 - #todraw * 12 draw.SimpleTextOutlined("Sprayed by:", "SMSpray", 10, y, Color(255, 136, 0), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0, 0, 0)) for k, v in next, todraw do y = y + 24 draw.SimpleTextOutlined(sprays[v].name .. (input.IsKeyDown(KEY_LALT) and ": " .. v or ""), "SMSpray", 10, y, Color(255, 136, 0), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0, 0, 0)) end if input.IsKeyDown(KEY_LALT) then SetClipboardText(todraw[1]) end end end) hook.Add("PlayerBindPress", "Jonathan1358.SprayMon", function(_, cmd, down) if down and cmd:find("impulse 201", nil, true) then if GetConVarNumber("spraymon_nooverspraying") > 0 then local trace = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTraceNoCursor() for k, v in next, sprays do if k ~= LocalPlayer():SteamID() and v.normal == trace.HitNormal and WithinBox(trace.HitPos, v.pos11, v.pos22) then chat.AddText(Color(255, 255, 255), "You can't place your spray here.") return true end end end net.Start("Jonathan1358.SprayMon.Spray") net.SendToServer() end end) local Tex_Corner8 = surface.GetTextureID("gui/corner8") local loads = {} local frame concommand.Add("spraymon", function() if IsValid(frame) then frame:Remove() return end frame = vgui.Create("DFrame") frame:SetAlpha(0) frame:SetTitle("SprayMon") frame:SetSize(ScrW() * .94, ScrH() * .94) frame:Center() frame:MakePopup() frame:SetKeyboardInputEnabled(false) local scroll = frame:Add("DScrollPanel") scroll:SetPos(7, 26) scroll:SetSize(frame:GetWide() - 14, frame:GetTall() - 30) local layout = scroll:Add("DIconLayout") layout:SetPos(0, 4) layout:SetSize(scroll:GetWide() - 16, scroll:GetTall()) layout:SetSpaceX(4) layout:SetSpaceY(4) local err local all = player.GetHumans() table.sort(all, function(a, b) return a:Name():lower() < b:Name():lower() end) for k, v in next, all do if v.GetPlayerInfo and v:GetPlayerInfo() then local panel = layout:Add("DPanel") panel:SetDrawBackground(false) panel:SetSize(140, 168) local label1 = panel:Add("DLabel") label1:SetText(v:Name()) label1:SizeToContents() if label1:GetWide() > 128 then label1:SetWide(128) end label1:SetPos(0, 4) label1:CenterHorizontal() local ok, mat, tex, w, h local name = v:GetPlayerInfo().customfiles[1] local uid = v:UserID() if name ~= "00000000" then mat = CreateMaterial("SMSpray_" .. uid .. (loads[uid] and "_" .. loads[uid] or ""), "UnlitGeneric", { ["$basetexture"] = "temp/" .. name, ["$vertexalpha"] = 1, Proxies = { AnimatedTexture = { animatedtexturevar = "$basetexture", animatedtextureframenumvar = "$frame", animatedtextureframerate = 5 } } }) tex = mat:GetTexture("$basetexture") if tex and "temp/" .. name == tex:GetName() then w, h = tex:Width(), tex:Height() ok = true end end function panel:Paint(pw, ph) surface.SetDrawColor(34, 34, 34, 255) surface.DrawRect(0, 2, 2, ph - 4) surface.DrawRect(2, 0, pw - 4, 2) surface.DrawRect(pw - 2, 2, 2, ph - 4) surface.DrawRect(2, ph - 2, pw - 4, 2) surface.SetTexture(Tex_Corner8) surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated(1, 1, 2, 2, 0) surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated(pw - 1, 1, 2, 2, 270) surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated(1, ph - 1, 2, 2, 90) surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated(pw - 1, ph - 1, 2, 2, 180) if ok then local d = math.max(w, h) / 128 local w, h = w / d, h / d surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255, 255) surface.SetMaterial(mat) surface.DrawTexturedRect((pw - w) / 2, (ph - h) / 2, w, h) end end local label2 = panel:Add("DLabel") if tex then if ok then label2:SetText(w .. " x " .. h) else loads[uid] = (loads[uid] or 0) + 1 label2:SetText("error") err = true end else label2:SetText(name == "00000000" and "no spray" or "not available") end label2:SizeToContents() if ok then label2:CenterHorizontal() label2:AlignBottom(4) function panel:OnCursorEntered() local d = (w > ScrW() or h > ScrH()) and math.max(w / ScrW(), h / ScrH()) or 1 local w, h = w / d, h / d hook.Add("DrawOverlay", "Jonathan1358.SprayMon", function() surface.SetMaterial(mat) surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255, 255) surface.DrawTexturedRect((ScrW() - w) / 2, (ScrH() - h) / 2, w, h) end) end function panel:OnCursorExited() hook.Remove("DrawOverlay", "Jonathan1358.SprayMon") end else label2:Center() end end end function frame:OnRemove() hook.Remove("DrawOverlay", "Jonathan1358.SprayMon") end local breload if err then breload = frame:Add("DButton") breload:SetText("Reload") breload:SetPos(0, 3) breload:SetSize(52, 19) function breload:DoClick() frame:Remove() RunConsoleCommand("spraymon") end end local orig = frame.Paint function frame:Paint(...) orig(self, ...) frame.Paint = orig local mx, my = 0, 0 for k, v in next, layout:GetChildren() do local x = v.x + v:GetWide() if x > mx then mx = x end local y = v.y + v:GetTall() if y > my then my = y end end my = my + 38 if my >= frame:GetTall() then mx = mx + 20 end frame:SetSize(mx + 14, my < frame:GetTall() and my or frame:GetTall()) frame:Center() if breload then breload:AlignRight(98) end scroll:SetSize(frame:GetWide() - 14, frame:GetTall() - 30) frame:SetAlpha(255) local x, y = frame:GetPos() gui.SetMousePos(x + frame:GetWide() - 20, y + 10) end end)
Locales ['br'] = { ['buy'] = 'Você comprou', ['not_enough_black'] = 'Você não tem dinheiro sujo suficiente', ['not_enough'] = 'você não tem dinheiro suficiente', ['shop'] = 'Comprar', ['shop_menu'] = 'Pressione ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ para comprar armas.', ['map_blip'] = 'Loja de Armas', }
local included = pcall(debug.getlocal, 6, 1) local lst = require("list").new() local T = require("u-test") lst:pushl("b") -- push last 'b' lst:pushf("a") -- push first 'a' for i = 1, 4, 1 do lst:pushl(tostring(i)) -- push last '1, 2, 3, 4' end lst:pushl({ 5, 6, 7 }) -- push table lst:pushl(8) -- push number lst:pushl(true) -- push boolean lst:remove("3") -- remove '3', in middle lst:popf() -- pop first 'a' lst:pushl("end") -- push 'end' lst:popl() -- pop 'end' local walk = function() for k, v in lst:walk() do if k == 1 then T.equal(v, "b") end if k == 2 then T.equal(v, "1") end if k == 3 then T.equal(v, "2") end if k == 4 then T.equal(v, "4") end if k == 5 then T.is_table(v) end if k == 6 then T.is_number(v) end if k == 7 then T.is_true(v) end end end local range = function() for i, v in ipairs(lst:range(2, 3)) do if i == 1 then T.equal(v, "1") end if i == 2 then T.equal(v, "2") end end end local insert = function() lst:insertf("0", "1") -- insert front of '1' lst:insertl("3", "2") -- insert after of '2' for k, v in lst:walk() do if k == 1 then T.equal(v, "b") end if k == 2 then T.equal(v, "0") end if k == 3 then T.equal(v, "1") end if k == 4 then T.equal(v, "2") end if k == 5 then T.equal(v, "3") end if k == 6 then T.equal(v, "4") end if k == 7 then T.is_table(v) end if k == 8 then T.is_number(v) end if k == 9 then T.is_true(v) end end end local pop = function() T.is_true(lst:popl()) T.is_number(lst:popl()) T.is_table(lst:popl()) T.equal(lst:popl(), "4") T.equal(lst:popl(), "3") T.equal(lst:popl(), "2") T.equal(lst:popl(), "1") T.equal(lst:popl(), "0") T.equal(lst:popl(), "b") end if included then return function() T["walk"] = walk T["range"] = range T["insert"] = insert T["pop"] = pop end else T["walk"] = walk T["range"] = range T["insert"] = insert T["pop"] = pop end --[[ local round = 0 local push_mean = 0 local pop_mean = 0 local round = round + 1 io.write("-- performance, round:" .. round) io.write("\n") max_count = 1000 * 1000 * 10 o = os.clock() for i = 50, max_count + 50, 1 do lst:pushf(i) end t = os.clock() - o push_mean = push_mean + t print("push " .. max_count .. " cost " .. t) o = os.clock() while lst:count() > 0 do lst:popl() end t = os.clock() - o pop_mean = pop_mean + t print("pop " .. max_count .. " cost " .. t) ]]
setenv("BAD_SYNTAX","1.0") # This is not a comment.
local options = require('matchparen.options') local hl = require('matchparen.highlight') local nvim = require('matchparen.missinvim') local fn = vim.fn local opts = options.opts local mp = {} ---Returns true when augroup with `name` exists ---@param name string ---@return boolean local function augroup_exists(name) return fn.exists('#' .. name) ~= 0 end ---Returns table created by splitting vim `matchpairs` option ---with opening brackets as keys and closing brackets as values ---@return table local function split_matchpairs() local t = {} for _, pair in ipairs(vim.opt_local.matchpairs:get()) do local left, right = pair:match('(.+):(.+)') t[left] = right end return t end ---Updates `matchpairs` opt only if it was changed, ---can be changed by buffer local option local function update_matchpairs() if opts.cached_matchpairs == then return end opts.cached_matchpairs = opts.matchpairs = {} for l, r in pairs(split_matchpairs()) do opts.matchpairs[l] = { left = l, right = r, backward = false } opts.matchpairs[r] = { left = l, right = r, backward = true } end end ---Creates augroup and contained autocmds which are ---required for the plugin to work local function create_autocmds() if augroup_exists(opts.augroup_name) then return end local group = nvim.create_augroup(opts.augroup_name, {}) local autocmd = function(event, callback, conf) local config = { group = group, callback = callback } if conf then config = vim.tbl_extend('error', config, conf) end nvim.create_autocmd(event, config) end autocmd('InsertEnter', function() hl.update(true) end, { desc = "Highlight matching pairs", }) autocmd({ 'WinEnter', 'VimEnter' }, function() hl.update(false) end, { desc = "Highlight matching pairs", }) autocmd({ 'CursorMoved', 'CursorMovedI' }, function() hl.update(false) end, { desc = "Highlight matching pairs", }) autocmd({ 'TextChanged', 'TextChangedI' }, function() hl.update_on_tick() end, { desc = "Update highlight only when tick has changed after CursorMoved autocmd", }) autocmd({ 'WinLeave', 'BufLeave' }, function() hl.hide() end, { desc = "Hide matching pairs highlight", }) autocmd({ 'WinEnter', 'BufWinEnter', 'FileType' }, function() update_matchpairs() end, { desc = "Update cache of matchpairs option", }) autocmd('OptionSet', function() update_matchpairs() end, { pattern = 'matchpairs', desc = "Update cache of matchpairs option", }) autocmd({ 'BufDelete', 'BufUnload' }, function(t) hl.clear_extmarks(t.buf) end, { desc = "Make some cleanup", }) end ---Delets plugins augroup and clears all it's autocmds local function delete_autocmds() if augroup_exists(opts.augroup_name) then nvim.del_augroup_by_name(opts.augroup_name) end end ---Disables built in matchparen plugin local function disable_builtin() vim.g.loaded_matchparen = 1 if fn.exists(':NoMatchParen') ~= 0 then nvim.command('NoMatchParen') end end ---Enables the plugin local function enable() create_autocmds() update_matchpairs() hl.update(false) end ---Disables the plugin local function disable() delete_autocmds() hl.hide() end ---Creates plugin's custom commands local function create_commands() nvim.create_user_command('MatchParenEnable', enable, {}) nvim.create_user_command('MatchParenDisable', disable, {}) end ---Initializes the plugin ---@param config table function mp.setup(config) disable_builtin() options.update(config) update_matchpairs() create_commands() if opts.on_startup then create_autocmds() end end return mp -- vim:sw=2:et
DesignStudio = class() function DesignStudio:init(l, b, r, t) -- boundary self.frame = Frame(l, b, r, t) -- textbox for name self.tb = TextBox(self.frame:midX() - 160, b + 30, 200, "") -- color selector & frame self.colorFrame = Frame(150, 600, 260, 624) self.showColorSlider = false self.colorVCS = VColorSlider(self.colorFrame.left, -- side tabs self.dishBtn = OpenBtn("Dish", self.frame.left, - 80) self.headBtn = OpenBtn("Head", self.frame.left, - 115) self.bodyBtn = OpenBtn("Body", self.frame.left, - 150) self.treadBtn = OpenBtn("Treads", self.frame.left, - 185) self.dishBtn.selected = true -- catalog area self.catalogFrame = Frame(120, 500, 750, 955) -- selected item self.selectRect = {} self.selectRect[1] = Frame(120, 650, 320, 955 ) self.selectRect[2] = Frame(320, 650, 520, 955 ) self.selectRect[3] = Frame(520, 650, 720, 955 ) = 1 end function DesignStudio:drawDishes() local x, y x = self.selectRect[1]:midX() y = self.selectRect[1]:midY() + 50 stroke(colors[]) line(x - 5, y, x, y + 20) line(x + 5, y, x, y + 20) line(x - 30, y + 10, x - 20, y + 5) line(x - 20, y + 5, x, y) line(x + 30, y + 10, x + 20, y + 5) line(x + 20, y + 5, x, y) line(x, y + 20, x, y + 30) ellipse(x, y + 20, 5) fill(255, 255, 255, 255) text("Laserator X-49", x, y + 50) text("20m", x, y - 70) text("100kw", x, y - 90) text("10cycles", x, y - 110) noFill() x = self.selectRect[2]:midX() y = self.selectRect[2]:midY() + 50 rect(x - 5, y, x + 5, y + 25) line(x - 20, y, x, y) line(x + 20, y, x, y) line(x - 30, y + 15, x, y) line(x + 30, y + 15, x, y) fill(255, 255, 255, 255) text("Thumperator Max", x, y + 50) text("7m", x, y - 70) text("250kw", x, y - 90) text("15cycles", x, y - 110) noFill() x = self.selectRect[3]:midX() y = self.selectRect[3]:midY() + 50 line(x - 20, y, x + 20, y) line(x - 15, y + 5, x + 15, y + 5) line(x - 10, y + 10, x + 10, y + 10) line(x - 5, y + 15, x + 5, y + 15) line(x, y, x, y + 30) ellipse(x, y + 35, 10) fill(255, 255, 255, 255) text("Zapmaster 1000", x, y + 50) text("3m", x, y - 70) text("500kw", x, y - 90) text("15cycles", x, y - 110) fill(colors[]) self.colorFrame:draw() textMode(CORNER) fill(255, 255, 255, 255) text("Dish units include both radar and weaponry.", 300, 625) text("Some units have a long range, but cause ", 300, 600) text("light damage. Others deliver a harder blow ", 300, 575) text("but can only do so at short range.", 300, 550) stroke(201, 201, 201, 255) x = self.selectRect[].left + 20 y = self.selectRect[].bottom + 85 line(x, y, x, y + 175) line(x - 5, y, x + 5, y) line(x - 5, y + 175, x + 5, y + 175) line(x + 10, y - 20, x + 40, y - 20) line(x + 125, y - 20, x + 160, y - 20) line(x + 10, y - 25, x + 10, y - 15) line(x + 160, y - 25, x + 160, y - 15) fill(209, 209, 209, 255) text("Selected", x + 45, y - 30) end function DesignStudio:drawHeads() local x, y x = self.selectRect[1]:midX() y = self.selectRect[1]:midY() + 50 stroke(colors[]) ellipse(x, y, 30) rect(x - 15, y - 5, x - 13, y + 5) rect(x + 15, y - 5, x + 13, y + 5) line(x - 15, y, x - 20, y) line(x + 15, y, x + 20, y) fill(255, 255, 255, 255) text("Cool Bean", x, y + 50) text("10hds", x, y - 70) text("0.0 shield", x, y - 90) noFill() x = self.selectRect[2]:midX() y = self.selectRect[2]:midY() + 50 ellipse(x, y, 30) ellipse(x, y, 25) line(x+5,y+5,x-5,y-5) line(x+5,y-5,x-5,y+5) fill(255, 255, 255, 255) text("Bubble Boyo", x, y + 50) text("3hds", x, y - 70) text("3.5 shield", x, y - 90) noFill() x = self.selectRect[3]:midX() y = self.selectRect[3]:midY() + 50 ellipse(x, y, 30) ellipse(x, y + 10, 25, 10) ellipse(x, y + 15, 15, 5) line(x - 15, y - 5, x - 25, y - 15) line(x + 15, y - 5, x + 25, y - 15) fill(255, 255, 255, 255) text("Headvantage", x, y + 50) text("1hds", x, y - 70) text("5.5 shield", x, y - 90) textMode(CORNER) fill(255, 255, 255, 255) text("Head units both generate shields and help to ", 300, 625) text("automatically repair bots when damaged. Those ", 300, 600) text("units that provide the best shields are slow", 300, 575) text("at repairs, while the best repair units have", 300, 550) text("weak shields.", 300, 525) fill(colors[]) self.colorFrame:draw() stroke(201, 201, 201, 255) x = self.selectRect[].left + 20 y = self.selectRect[].bottom + 85 line(x, y, x, y + 175) line(x - 5, y, x + 5, y) line(x - 5, y + 175, x + 5, y + 175) line(x + 10, y - 20, x + 40, y - 20) line(x + 125, y - 20, x + 160, y - 20) line(x + 10, y - 25, x + 10, y - 15) line(x + 160, y - 25, x + 160, y - 15) fill(209, 209, 209, 255) text("Selected", x + 45, y - 30) end function DesignStudio:drawTreads() local i, x, y x = self.selectRect[1]:midX() y = self.selectRect[1]:midY() + 50 stroke(colors[]) ellipse(x + 20,y -20, 20) ellipse(x + 20, y -20, 20, 5) ellipse(x-20, y-20, 20) ellipse(x-20, y-20, 20, 5) ellipse(x-20, y+20, 20) ellipse(x-20, y+20, 20, 5) ellipse(x+20, y+20, 20) ellipse(x+20, y+20, 20, 5) line(x-20, y-11, x, y) line(x-17, y-14, x, y) line(x+20, y-11, x, y) line(x+17, y-14, x, y) line(x-20, y+11, x, y) line(x-17, y+14, x, y) line(x+20, y+11, x, y) line(x+17, y+14, x, y) fill(255, 255, 255, 255) text("Spinomatic", x, y + 50) text("90dpc", x, y - 70) text("10kph", x, y - 90) noFill() x = self.selectRect[2]:midX() y = self.selectRect[2]:midY() + 50 rect(x - 15, y - 2, x + 15, y + 2) ellipse(x, y - 4, 15) line(x - 15, y - 10, x + 15, y - 10) rect(x - 30, y - 30, x - 15, y + 30) rect(x + 15, y - 30, x + 30, y + 30) for i = 0,7 do line(x + 15, y - 30 + i * 8, x + 30, y - 30 + i * 8) line(x - 30, y - 30 + i * 8, x - 15, y - 30 + i * 8) end fill(255, 255, 255, 255) text("Tanktrak T11", x, y + 50) text("45dpc", x, y - 70) text("25kph", x, y - 90) noFill() x = self.selectRect[3]:midX() y = self.selectRect[3]:midY() + 50 rect(x - 30, y + 10, x - 20, y + 30) rect(x + 20, y + 10, x + 30, y + 30) rect(x - 30, y - 30, x - 20, y - 10) rect(x + 20, y - 30, x + 30, y - 10) ellipse(x - 25, y + 20, 15, 25) ellipse(x - 25, y - 20, 15, 25) ellipse(x + 25, y + 20, 15, 25) ellipse(x + 25, y - 20, 15, 25) rect(x - 20, y - 22, x + 20, y - 16) rect(x - 20, y + 22, x + 20, y + 16) fill(255, 255, 255, 255) text("Hard Wheelz", x, y + 50) text("15dpc", x, y - 70) text("50kph", x, y - 90) textMode(CORNER) fill(255, 255, 255, 255) text("Treads provide the means for bots to move ", 300, 625) text("around the arena. Some units are capable of ", 300, 600) text("turning rapidly, but are slow getting from ", 300, 575) text("A to B. Other systems sacrifice agility for", 300, 550) text("raw speed.", 300, 525) fill(colors[]) self.colorFrame:draw() stroke(201, 201, 201, 255) x = self.selectRect[].left + 20 y = self.selectRect[].bottom + 85 line(x, y, x, y + 175) line(x - 5, y, x + 5, y) line(x - 5, y + 175, x + 5, y + 175) line(x + 10, y - 20, x + 40, y - 20) line(x + 125, y - 20, x + 160, y - 20) line(x + 10, y - 25, x + 10, y - 15) line(x + 160, y - 25, x + 160, y - 15) fill(209, 209, 209, 255) text("Selected", x + 45, y - 30) end function DesignStudio:drawBodies() local x, y x = self.selectRect[1]:midX() y = self.selectRect[1]:midY() + 50 stroke(colors[]) ellipse(x - 20, y, 15, 15) ellipse(x + 20, y, 15, 15) fill(25, 27, 46, 255) ellipse(x, y, 40, 20) fill(255, 255, 255, 255) text("LightWay C", x, y + 50) text("10mm", x, y - 70) text("47kg", x, y - 90) fill(25, 27, 46, 255) x = self.selectRect[2]:midX() y = self.selectRect[2]:midY() + 50 rect(x - 25, y - 10, x + 25, y + 10) ellipse(x - 25, y, 20) ellipse(x + 25, y, 20) rect(x - 15, y - 15, x + 15, y - 10) fill(255, 255, 255, 255) text("Steel Trunk", x, y + 50) text("20mm", x, y - 70) text("90kg", x, y - 90) fill(25, 27, 46, 255) x = self.selectRect[3]:midX() y = self.selectRect[3]:midY() + 50 ellipse(x - 20, y, 30, 30) ellipse(x + 20, y, 30, 30) rect(x - 20, y - 15, x + 20, y + 15) ellipse(x, y, 40, 30) fill(255, 255, 255, 255) text("ToughBugger II", x, y + 50) text("50mm", x, y - 70) text("250kg", x, y - 90) textMode(CORNER) fill(255, 255, 255, 255) text("Body units protect the bot from damage and ", 300, 625) text("allow it to absorb more blows before failing. ", 300, 600) text("However, as armor increases in weight, it ", 300, 575) text("reduces both the speed of movement and of", 300, 550) text("turning.", 300, 525) fill(colors[]) self.colorFrame:draw() stroke(201, 201, 201, 255) x = self.selectRect[].left + 20 y = self.selectRect[].bottom + 85 line(x, y, x, y + 175) line(x - 5, y, x + 5, y) line(x - 5, y + 175, x + 5, y + 175) line(x + 10, y - 20, x + 40, y - 20) line(x + 125, y - 20, x + 160, y - 20) line(x + 10, y - 25, x + 10, y - 15) line(x + 160, y - 25, x + 160, y - 15) fill(201, 201, 201, 255) text("Selected", x + 45, y - 30) end function DesignStudio:setBot(bot) = bot self.tb.text = end function DesignStudio:draw() pushMatrix() fontSize(18) noFill() stroke(255, 255, 255, 255) strokeWidth(2) stroke(0, 38, 255, 255) strokeWidth(2) fill(185, 185, 185, 113) self.tb:draw() fill(255, 255, 255, 255) text("Color", self.colorFrame.left, fontSize(24) text("Design Studio", self.frame.left + 120, - 35) fill(colors[]) self.colorFrame:draw() noFill() stroke(255, 255, 255, 255) strokeWidth(2) self.catalogFrame:draw() rect(self.catalogFrame.left,, self.catalogFrame.right, + 50) rect(self.catalogFrame.left, self.catalogFrame.bottom - 90, self.catalogFrame.right, self.catalogFrame.bottom) if self.dishShowSlider then self.dishVCS:draw() end if self.headShowSlider then self.headVCS:draw() end if self.bodyShowSlider then self.bodyVCS:draw() end if self.treadShowSlider then self.treadVCS:draw() end translate(self.frame:midX()+ 90 , self.frame:height() - 170) = 0 = 0 popMatrix() self.headBtn:draw() self.dishBtn:draw() self.bodyBtn:draw() self.treadBtn:draw() fontSize(16) textMode(CENTER) strokeWidth(1.1) if == 1 then self:drawDishes() end if == 2 then self:drawHeads() end if == 3 then self:drawBodies() end if == 4 then self:drawTreads() end if self.showColorSlider then self.colorVCS:draw() end end function DesignStudio:clearSelected() self.dishBtn.selected = false self.headBtn.selected = false self.bodyBtn.selected = false self.treadBtn.selected = false end function DesignStudio:touched(touch) local i = self.tb.text if self.colorFrame:touched(touch) then self.showColorSlider = true end if self.showColorSlider then if self.colorVCS:touched(touch) then if == 1 then = self.colorVCS.selected end if == 2 then = self.colorVCS.selected end if == 3 then = self.colorVCS.selected end if == 4 then = self.colorVCS.selected end end end if self.dishBtn:touched(touch) then = 1 self:clearSelected() self.dishBtn.selected = true end if self.headBtn:touched(touch) then = 2 self:clearSelected() self.headBtn.selected = true end if self.bodyBtn:touched(touch) then = 3 self:clearSelected() self.bodyBtn.selected = true end if self.treadBtn:touched(touch) then = 4 self:clearSelected() self.treadBtn.selected = true end for i = 1,3 do if self.selectRect[i]:touched(touch) then sound(SOUND_SHOOT, 46433) if == 1 then = i end if == 2 then = i end if == 3 then = i end if == 4 then = i end end end end
-- Generated By protoc-gen-lua Do not Edit local protobuf = require "protobuf" module('BceBattleReward_pb', package.seeall) local BCEBATTLEREWARD = protobuf.Descriptor(); local BCEBATTLEREWARD_SLOT_FIELD = protobuf.FieldDescriptor(); = "slot" BCEBATTLEREWARD_SLOT_FIELD.full_name = ".com.xinqihd.sns.gameserver.proto.BceBattleReward.slot" BCEBATTLEREWARD_SLOT_FIELD.number = 1 BCEBATTLEREWARD_SLOT_FIELD.index = 0 BCEBATTLEREWARD_SLOT_FIELD.label = 1 BCEBATTLEREWARD_SLOT_FIELD.has_default_value = false BCEBATTLEREWARD_SLOT_FIELD.default_value = 0 BCEBATTLEREWARD_SLOT_FIELD.type = 5 BCEBATTLEREWARD_SLOT_FIELD.cpp_type = 1 = "BceBattleReward" BCEBATTLEREWARD.full_name = ".com.xinqihd.sns.gameserver.proto.BceBattleReward" BCEBATTLEREWARD.nested_types = {} BCEBATTLEREWARD.enum_types = {} BCEBATTLEREWARD.fields = {BCEBATTLEREWARD_SLOT_FIELD} BCEBATTLEREWARD.is_extendable = false BCEBATTLEREWARD.extensions = {} BceBattleReward = protobuf.Message(BCEBATTLEREWARD) _G.BCEBATTLEREWARD_PB_BCEBATTLEREWARD = BCEBATTLEREWARD
local count_of_start = cache:get("key") if not(count_of_start) then count_of_start = 1 end function collect() time.sleep(1) if count_of_start == 1 then cache:set("key", count_of_start+1) error("first error") end if count_of_start == 2 then error("must not be this error") end cache:set("key", count_of_start+1) end run_every(collect, 10)
--[[ This file was extracted by 'EsoLuaGenerator' at '2021-09-04 16:42:26' using the latest game version. NOTE: This file should only be used as IDE support; it should NOT be distributed with addons! **************************************************************************** CONTENTS OF THIS FILE IS COPYRIGHT ZENIMAX MEDIA INC. **************************************************************************** ]] ----------------- --Guild Roster ----------------- local ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager = ZO_SocialListKeyboard:Subclass() function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager:New(...) return ZO_SocialListKeyboard.New(self, ...) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager:Initialize(control) ZO_SocialListKeyboard.Initialize(self, control) control:SetHandler("OnEffectivelyHidden", function() self:OnEffectivelyHidden() end) self:SetEmptyText(GetString(SI_SORT_FILTER_LIST_NO_RESULTS)) ZO_ScrollList_AddDataType(self.list, GUILD_MEMBER_DATA, "ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterRow", 30, function(rowControl, data) self:SetupRow(rowControl, data) end) ZO_ScrollList_EnableHighlight(self.list, "ZO_ThinListHighlight") self.searchBox = GetControl(control, "SearchBox") self.searchBox:SetHandler("OnTextChanged", function() self:OnSearchTextChanged() end) self.sortFunction = function(listEntry1, listEntry2) return self:CompareGuildMembers(listEntry1, listEntry2) end self.sortHeaderGroup:SelectHeaderByKey("status") self.hideOfflineCheckBox = GetControl(control, "HideOffline") GUILD_ROSTER_SCENE = ZO_Scene:New("guildRoster", SCENE_MANAGER) GUILD_ROSTER_SCENE:RegisterCallback("StateChange", function(oldState, newState) if newState == SCENE_SHOWING then self:PerformDeferredInitialization() KEYBIND_STRIP:AddKeybindButtonGroup(self.keybindStripDescriptor) self:UpdateHideOfflineCheckBox(self.hideOfflineCheckBox) elseif newState == SCENE_HIDDEN then KEYBIND_STRIP:RemoveKeybindButtonGroup(self.keybindStripDescriptor) end end) GUILD_ROSTER_FRAGMENT = ZO_FadeSceneFragment:New(control) self:InitializeDirtyLogic(GUILD_ROSTER_FRAGMENT) GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:AddList(self) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager:PerformDeferredInitialization() if self.keybindStripDescriptor then return end self:RefreshData() self:InitializeKeybindDescriptor() end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager:InitializeKeybindDescriptor() self.keybindStripDescriptor = { -- Invite { alignment = KEYBIND_STRIP_ALIGN_CENTER, name = GetString(SI_GUILD_INVITE_ACTION), keybind = "UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY", callback = function() local guildId = GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:GetGuildId() local name = GetGuildName(guildId) ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog("GUILD_INVITE", guildId, {mainTextParams = {name}}) end, enabled = function() local numMembers, _, _, numInvitees = GetGuildInfo(GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:GetGuildId()) local totalPlayers = numMembers + numInvitees if totalPlayers >= MAX_GUILD_MEMBERS then return false, GetString("SI_SOCIALACTIONRESULT", SOCIAL_RESULT_GUILD_IS_FULL) end return true end, visible = function() return DoesPlayerHaveGuildPermission(GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:GetGuildId(), GUILD_PERMISSION_INVITE) end }, -- Whisper { alignment = KEYBIND_STRIP_ALIGN_RIGHT, name = GetString(SI_SOCIAL_LIST_PANEL_WHISPER), keybind = "UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY", callback = function() local data = ZO_ScrollList_GetData(self.mouseOverRow) StartChatInput("", CHAT_CHANNEL_WHISPER, data.displayName) end, visible = function() if(self.mouseOverRow and IsChatSystemAvailableForCurrentPlatform()) then local data = ZO_ScrollList_GetData(self.mouseOverRow) return data.hasCharacter and and not data.isLocalPlayer end return false end }, -- Invite to Group { alignment = KEYBIND_STRIP_ALIGN_RIGHT, name = GetString(SI_FRIENDS_LIST_PANEL_INVITE), keybind = "UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY", callback = function() local data = ZO_ScrollList_GetData(self.mouseOverRow) local NOT_SENT_FROM_CHAT = false local DISPLAY_INVITED_MESSAGE = true TryGroupInviteByName(data.characterName, NOT_SENT_FROM_CHAT, DISPLAY_INVITED_MESSAGE) end, visible = function() if IsGroupModificationAvailable() and self.mouseOverRow then local data = ZO_ScrollList_GetData(self.mouseOverRow) if data.hasCharacter and and not data.isLocalPlayer and data.rankId ~= DEFAULT_INVITED_RANK then return true end end return false end }, -- Set Rank { alignment = KEYBIND_STRIP_ALIGN_LEFT, name = GetString(SI_GUILD_SET_RANK), keybind = "UI_SHORTCUT_QUATERNARY", callback = function() local data = ZO_ScrollList_GetData(self.mouseOverRow) local guildId = GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:GetGuildId() local masterList = GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:GetMasterList() local playerIndex = GetPlayerGuildMemberIndex(guildId) local playerData = masterList[playerIndex] ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog("GUILD_SET_RANK_KEYBOARD", { guildId = guildId, targetData = data, playerData = playerData }) end, visible = function() if self.mouseOverRow then local data = ZO_ScrollList_GetData(self.mouseOverRow) local guildId = GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:GetGuildId() local masterList = GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:GetMasterList() local playerIndex = GetPlayerGuildMemberIndex(guildId) local playerData = masterList[playerIndex] return ZO_GuildRosterManager.CanSetPlayerRank(guildId, playerData.rankIndex, data.rankIndex, data.rankId) end return false end }, } end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager:OnGuildIdChanged(guildId) self.searchBox:SetText("") self.searchBox:LoseFocus() self:UpdateKeybinds() end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager:BuildMasterList() -- The master list lives in the GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER and is built there end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager:FilterScrollList() local scrollData = ZO_ScrollList_GetDataList(self.list) ZO_ClearNumericallyIndexedTable(scrollData) local searchTerm = self.searchBox:GetText() local hideOffline = GetSetting_Bool(SETTING_TYPE_UI, UI_SETTING_SOCIAL_LIST_HIDE_OFFLINE) local masterList = GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:GetMasterList() for i = 1, #masterList do local data = masterList[i] if searchTerm == "" or GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:IsMatch(searchTerm, data) then if not hideOffline or or data.rankId == DEFAULT_INVITED_RANK then table.insert(scrollData, ZO_ScrollList_CreateDataEntry(GUILD_MEMBER_DATA, data)) end end end end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager:CompareGuildMembers(listEntry1, listEntry2) return ZO_TableOrderingFunction(,, self.currentSortKey, GUILD_ROSTER_ENTRY_SORT_KEYS, self.currentSortOrder) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager:SortScrollList() if(self.currentSortKey ~= nil and self.currentSortOrder ~= nil) then local scrollData = ZO_ScrollList_GetDataList(self.list) table.sort(scrollData, self.sortFunction) end end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager:ColorRow(control, data, selected) local textColor, iconColor = self:GetRowColors(data, selected) GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:ColorRow(control, data, textColor, iconColor, textColor) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager:SetupRow(control, data) ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow(self, control, data) GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:SetupEntry(control, data) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager:UnlockSelection() ZO_SortFilterList.UnlockSelection(self) self:RefreshVisible() end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager:ShowPromoteToGuildMasterDialog(guildId, currentRankIndex, targetDisplayName) local guildAlliance = GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:GetGuildAlliance() local guildName = GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:GetGuildName() local allianceIcon = zo_iconFormat(GetAllianceSymbolIcon(guildAlliance), "100%", "100%") local rankName = GetFinalGuildRankName(guildId, currentRankIndex) ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog("PROMOTE_TO_GUILDMASTER", { guildId = guildId, displayName = targetDisplayName}, { mainTextParams = { targetDisplayName, allianceIcon, guildName, rankName }}) end --Events --------- function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager:OnEffectivelyHidden() ClearMenu() end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager:OnSearchTextChanged() ZO_EditDefaultText_OnTextChanged(self.searchBox) self:RefreshFilters() end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager:GuildRosterRow_OnMouseUp(control, button, upInside) if button == MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_RIGHT and upInside then ClearMenu() local data = ZO_ScrollList_GetData(control) if data then local guildId = GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:GetGuildId() local guildName = GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:GetGuildName() local guildAlliance = GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:GetGuildAlliance() local dataIndex = data.index local playerIndex = GetPlayerGuildMemberIndex(guildId) local masterList = GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:GetMasterList() local playerData = masterList[playerIndex] local playerHasHigherRank = playerData.rankIndex < data.rankIndex local playerIsPendingInvite = data.rankId == DEFAULT_INVITED_RANK if ZO_GuildRosterManager.CanPromotePlayer(guildId, playerData.rankIndex, data.rankIndex, data.rankId) then local newRankIndex = data.rankIndex - 1 if playerData.rankIndex < newRankIndex then AddMenuItem(GetString(SI_GUILD_PROMOTE), function() GuildPromote(guildId, data.displayName) PlaySound(SOUNDS.GUILD_ROSTER_PROMOTE) end) elseif IsGuildRankGuildMaster(guildId, playerData.rankIndex) then AddMenuItem(GetString(SI_GUILD_PROMOTE), function() local allianceIcon = zo_iconFormat(GetAllianceSymbolIcon(guildAlliance), ALLIANCE_ICON_SIZE, ALLIANCE_ICON_SIZE) local rankName = GetFinalGuildRankName(guildId, 2) ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog("PROMOTE_TO_GUILDMASTER", { guildId = guildId, displayName = data.displayName}, { mainTextParams = { data.displayName, allianceIcon, guildName, rankName }}) end) end end if ZO_GuildRosterManager.CanDemotePlayer(guildId, playerData.rankIndex, data.rankIndex, data.rankId) then AddMenuItem(GetString(SI_GUILD_DEMOTE), function() GuildDemote(guildId, data.displayName) PlaySound(SOUNDS.GUILD_ROSTER_DEMOTE) end) end if ZO_GuildRosterManager.CanSetPlayerRank(guildId, playerData.rankIndex, data.rankIndex, data.rankId) then AddMenuItem(GetString(SI_GUILD_SET_RANK), function() ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog("GUILD_SET_RANK_KEYBOARD", { guildId = guildId, targetData = data, playerData = playerData }) end) end if DoesPlayerHaveGuildPermission(guildId, GUILD_PERMISSION_REMOVE) then if playerIsPendingInvite then local allianceIcon = zo_iconFormat(GetAllianceSymbolIcon(guildAlliance), "100%", "100%") AddMenuItem(GetString(SI_GUILD_UNINVITE), function() ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog("UNINVITE_GUILD_PLAYER", { guildId = guildId, displayName = data.displayName }, { mainTextParams = { data.displayName, allianceIcon, guildName } }) end) else if playerHasHigherRank and playerIndex ~= dataIndex then AddMenuItem(GetString(SI_GUILD_REMOVE), function() ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog("GUILD_REMOVE_MEMBER_KEYBOARD", { guildId = guildId, displayName = data.displayName }, { mainTextParams = { data.displayName } }) end) end end end if DoesPlayerHaveGuildPermission(guildId, GUILD_PERMISSION_NOTE_EDIT) and not playerIsPendingInvite then AddMenuItem(GetString(SI_SOCIAL_MENU_EDIT_NOTE), function() ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog("EDIT_NOTE", {displayName = data.displayName, note = data.note, changedCallback = GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:GetNoteEditedFunction()}) end) end if dataIndex == playerIndex then ZO_AddLeaveGuildMenuItem(guildId) elseif not playerIsPendingInvite then if data.hasCharacter and then if IsChatSystemAvailableForCurrentPlatform() then AddMenuItem(GetString(SI_SOCIAL_LIST_SEND_MESSAGE), function() StartChatInput("", CHAT_CHANNEL_WHISPER, data.displayName) end) end if IsGroupModificationAvailable() then AddMenuItem(GetString(SI_SOCIAL_MENU_INVITE), function() local NOT_SENT_FROM_CHAT = false local DISPLAY_INVITED_MESSAGE = true TryGroupInviteByName(data.characterName, NOT_SENT_FROM_CHAT, DISPLAY_INVITED_MESSAGE) end) end AddMenuItem(GetString(SI_SOCIAL_MENU_JUMP_TO_PLAYER), function() JumpToGuildMember(data.displayName) end) end AddMenuItem(GetString(SI_SOCIAL_MENU_VISIT_HOUSE), function() JumpToHouse(data.displayName) end) AddMenuItem(GetString(SI_SOCIAL_MENU_SEND_MAIL), function() MAIL_SEND:ComposeMailTo(data.displayName) end) if not IsFriend(data.displayName) then AddMenuItem(GetString(SI_SOCIAL_MENU_ADD_FRIEND), function() ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog("REQUEST_FRIEND", {name = data.displayName}) end) end end self:ShowMenu(control) end end end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager:GuildRosterRowRank_OnMouseEnter(control) local row = control:GetParent() local data = ZO_ScrollList_GetData(row) if(data.rankIndex) then InitializeTooltip(InformationTooltip, control, BOTTOM, 0, 0) SetTooltipText(InformationTooltip, GetFinalGuildRankName(GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:GetGuildId(), data.rankIndex)) end self:EnterRow(row) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager:GuildRosterRowRank_OnMouseExit(control) ClearTooltip(InformationTooltip) self:ExitRow(control:GetParent()) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager:SetRankDialogRank(rankIndex) local rank = self.setRankDialogRankControlPool:GetActiveObject(rankIndex) if rank then self.setRankDialogRadioButtonGroup:SetClickedButton(rank:GetNamedChild("Button")) end end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager:OnSetRankDialogInitialized(control) local SELECTED_BIND_ALPHA = 1 local DESELECTED_BIND_ALPHA = 0.5 local radioButtonContainer = control:GetNamedChild("Buttons") self.setRankDialogRankControlPool = ZO_ControlPool:New("ZO_GuildSetRankDialogRank_Keyboard", radioButtonContainer) self.setRankDialogRadioButtonGroup = ZO_RadioButtonGroup:New() self.setRankDialogRadioButtonGroup:SetSelectionChangedCallback(function(group, control, previousControl) if control then control:GetParent():GetNamedChild("Bind"):SetAlpha(SELECTED_BIND_ALPHA) end if previousControl then previousControl:GetParent():GetNamedChild("Bind"):SetAlpha(DESELECTED_BIND_ALPHA) end end) ZO_PostHookHandler(control, "OnEffectivelyShown", function() PushActionLayerByName("SetGuildRankDialog") end) ZO_PreHookHandler(control, "OnEffectivelyHidden", function() RemoveActionLayerByName("SetGuildRankDialog") end) ZO_Dialogs_RegisterCustomDialog("GUILD_SET_RANK_KEYBOARD", { title = { text = SI_GUILD_SET_RANK_DIALOG_TITLE, }, mainText = { text = function(dialog) return end }, customControl = control, setup = function(dialog, data) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("SetRankDialogKeyboard", EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_RANK_CHANGED, function(_, guildId, displayName) if guildId == data.guildId and displayName == data.targetData.displayName or displayName == data.playerData.displayName then ZO_Dialogs_ReleaseDialog("GUILD_SET_RANK_KEYBOARD") end end) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("SetRankDialogKeyboard", EVENT_GUILD_RANK_CHANGED, function(_, guildId) if guildId == data.guildId then ZO_Dialogs_ReleaseDialog("GUILD_SET_RANK_KEYBOARD") end end) self.setRankDialogRadioButtonGroup:Clear() self.setRankDialogRankControlPool:ReleaseAllObjects() local targetRankIndex = data.targetData.rankIndex local IS_KEYBOARD = false local entries = ZO_GuildRosterManager.ComputeSetRankEntries(data.guildId, data.playerData.rankIndex, targetRankIndex, IS_KEYBOARD) local previousControl local INHERIT_COLOR = true for rankIndex, entry in ipairs(entries) do local rank = self.setRankDialogRankControlPool:AcquireObject() local rankButton = rank:GetNamedChild("Button") rankButton.rankIndex = rankIndex rankButton.label:SetText(zo_iconTextFormat(entry.rankIcon, "100%", "100%", entry.rankName, INHERIT_COLOR)) local rankBind = rank:GetNamedChild("Bind") ZO_KeyMarkupLabel_SetCustomOffsets(rankBind, -5, 5, -2, 3) local keyMarkup = ZO_Keybindings_GetBindingStringFromAction("SET_GUILD_RANK_"..rankIndex, KEYBIND_TEXT_OPTIONS_FULL_NAME, KEYBIND_TEXTURE_OPTIONS_EMBED_MARKUP) rankBind:SetText(keyMarkup) if previousControl then rank:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, previousControl, BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 5) else rank:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, nil, TOPLEFT, 0, 0) end self.setRankDialogRadioButtonGroup:Add(rankButton) self.setRankDialogRadioButtonGroup:SetButtonIsValidOption(rankButton, entry.enabled) previousControl = rank if rankIndex == targetRankIndex then self.setRankDialogRadioButtonGroup:SetClickedButton(rankButton) rankBind:SetAlpha(SELECTED_BIND_ALPHA) else rankBind:SetAlpha(DESELECTED_BIND_ALPHA) end end end, finishedCallback = function(dialog) EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent("SetRankDialogKeyboard", EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_RANK_CHANGED) EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent("SetRankDialogKeyboard", EVENT_GUILD_RANK_CHANGED) end, buttons = { -- Confirm Button { control = control:GetNamedChild("Confirm"), keybind = "DIALOG_PRIMARY", text = GetString(SI_DIALOG_ACCEPT), callback = function(dialog) local data = local newRankIndex = self.setRankDialogRadioButtonGroup:GetClickedButton().rankIndex if newRankIndex ~= data.targetData.rankIndex then if newRankIndex == 1 then self:ShowPromoteToGuildMasterDialog(data.guildId, data.targetData.rankIndex, data.targetData.displayName) else if newRankIndex < data.targetData.rankIndex then PlaySound(SOUNDS.GUILD_ROSTER_PROMOTE) else PlaySound(SOUNDS.GUILD_ROSTER_DEMOTE) end GuildSetRank(data.guildId, data.targetData.displayName, newRankIndex) end end end, }, -- Cancel Button { control = control:GetNamedChild("Cancel"), keybind = "DIALOG_NEGATIVE", text = GetString(SI_DIALOG_CANCEL), }, }, }) end --Global XML --------------- function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterRow_OnMouseEnter(control) GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD:Row_OnMouseEnter(control) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterRow_OnMouseExit(control) GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD:Row_OnMouseExit(control) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterRow_OnMouseUp(control, button, upInside) GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD:GuildRosterRow_OnMouseUp(control, button, upInside) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterRowNote_OnMouseEnter(control) GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD:Note_OnMouseEnter(control) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterRowNote_OnMouseExit(control) GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD:Note_OnMouseExit(control) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterRowNote_OnClicked(control) GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD:Note_OnClicked(control, GUILD_ROSTER_MANAGER:GetNoteEditedFunction()) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterRowDisplayName_OnMouseEnter(control) GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD:DisplayName_OnMouseEnter(control) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterRowDisplayName_OnMouseExit(control) GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD:DisplayName_OnMouseExit(control) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterRowAlliance_OnMouseEnter(control) GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD:Alliance_OnMouseEnter(control) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterRowAlliance_OnMouseExit(control) GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD:Alliance_OnMouseExit(control) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterRowStatus_OnMouseEnter(control) GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD:Status_OnMouseEnter(control) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterRowStatus_OnMouseExit(control) GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD:Status_OnMouseExit(control) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterRowClass_OnMouseEnter(control) GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD:Class_OnMouseEnter(control) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterRowClass_OnMouseExit(control) GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD:Class_OnMouseExit(control) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterRowChampion_OnMouseEnter(control) GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD:Champion_OnMouseEnter(control) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterRowChampion_OnMouseExit(control) GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD:Champion_OnMouseExit(control) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterRowRank_OnMouseEnter(control) GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD:GuildRosterRowRank_OnMouseEnter(control) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterRowRank_OnMouseExit(control) GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD:GuildRosterRowRank_OnMouseExit(control) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRoster_OnInitialized(control) GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD = ZO_KeyboardGuildRosterManager:New(control) end function ZO_KeyboardGuildRoster_ToggleHideOffline(self) GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD:HideOffline_OnClicked() end function ZO_ConfirmRemoveGuildMemberDialog_Keyboard_OnInitialized(self) ZO_Dialogs_RegisterCustomDialog("GUILD_REMOVE_MEMBER_KEYBOARD", { title = { text = SI_PROMPT_TITLE_GUILD_REMOVE_MEMBER, }, mainText = { text = SI_GUILD_REMOVE_MEMBER_WARNING, }, canQueue = true, customControl = self, setup = function(dialog) local checkboxControl = dialog:GetNamedChild("Check") local blacklistMessageControl = dialog:GetNamedChild("BlacklistMessage") local blacklistMessageEdit = blacklistMessageControl:GetNamedChild("Edit") -- Setup checkbox ZO_CheckButton_SetUnchecked(checkboxControl) ZO_CheckButton_SetLabelText(checkboxControl, GetString(SI_GUILD_RECRUITMENT_ADD_TO_BLACKLIST_ACTION)) ZO_CheckButton_SetToggleFunction(checkboxControl, function() blacklistMessageControl:SetHidden(not ZO_CheckButton_IsChecked(checkboxControl)) end) if DoesPlayerHaveGuildPermission(, GUILD_PERMISSION_MANAGE_BLACKLIST) then ZO_CheckButton_Enable(checkboxControl) ZO_CheckButton_SetTooltipEnabledState(checkboxControl, false) else ZO_CheckButton_SetTooltipEnabledState(checkboxControl, true) ZO_CheckButton_SetTooltipAnchor(checkboxControl, RIGHT, checkboxControl.label) ZO_CheckButton_SetTooltipText(checkboxControl, GetString(SI_GUILD_RECRUITMENT_NO_BLACKLIST_PERMISSION)) ZO_CheckButton_Disable(checkboxControl) end -- Set to default values each time dialog is opened blacklistMessageControl:SetHidden(true) blacklistMessageEdit:SetText("") end, buttons = { -- Yes Button { control = self:GetNamedChild("Confirm"), keybind = "DIALOG_PRIMARY", text = GetString(SI_DIALOG_REMOVE), callback = function(dialog) local isChecked = ZO_CheckButton_IsChecked(dialog:GetNamedChild("Check")) if isChecked then local blacklistMessageControl = dialog:GetNamedChild("BlacklistMessageEdit") local blacklistMessage = blacklistMessageControl:GetText() local blacklistResult = AddToGuildBlacklistByDisplayName(,, blacklistMessage) if not ZO_GuildRecruitment_Manager.IsAddedToBlacklistSuccessful(blacklistResult) then ZO_Dialogs_ShowPlatformDialog("GUILD_FINDER_BLACKLIST_FAILED", nil, { mainTextParams = { blacklistResult } }) end else GuildRemove(, end end, }, -- No Button { control = self:GetNamedChild("Cancel"), keybind = "DIALOG_NEGATIVE", text = GetString(SI_DIALOG_CANCEL), }, }, }) end function ZO_GuildSetRankDialog_Keyboard_OnInitialized(self) GUILD_ROSTER_KEYBOARD:OnSetRankDialogInitialized(self) end
local function CreateRobot(name,id) local obj = {name = name,id = id} function obj:SetName(name) = name end function obj:GetName() return end function obj:SetId(id) = id end function obj:GetId() return end return obj end local function createFootballRobot(name ,id ,position) local obj = CreateRobot(name ,id) obj.position = "right back" function obj:SetPosition(p) self.position = p end function obj:GetPosition() return self.position end return obj end local mycreateFootballRobot = createFootballRobot("Tom",1000,"广州") print("mycreateFootballRobot's name:",mycreateFootballRobot:GetName(),"myCreate's id:",mycreateFootballRobot:GetId(),mycreateFootballRobot:GetPosition()) mycreateFootballRobot:SetName("麦迪") mycreateFootballRobot:SetId(2000) mycreateFootballRobot:SetPosition("北京") print("mycreateFootballRobot's name:",mycreateFootballRobot:GetName(),"myCreate's id:",mycreateFootballRobot:GetId(),mycreateFootballRobot:GetPosition())
local convarTextScale = CreateClientConVar("advisor_text_scale", "1", true, false, "Change text font scale from 50% to 200%", 0.5, 2) local function SizeByRatio(x, is_static) return x / 2560 * ScrW() * ( is_static and 1 or convarTextScale:GetFloat() ) end local function GenerateAdvisorFonts() surface.CreateFont("Advisor:Rubik.StaticSmall", { font = "Rubik", size = SizeByRatio(16, true), antialias = true, }) surface.CreateFont("Advisor:Rubik.Header", { font = "Rubik", size = SizeByRatio(24), antialias = true, }) surface.CreateFont("Advisor:Rubik.Footer", { font = "Rubik", size = SizeByRatio(20), antialias = true, }) surface.CreateFont("Advisor:Rubik.Body", { font = "Rubik", size = SizeByRatio(22), antialias = true, }) surface.CreateFont("Advisor:Rubik.Button", { font = "Rubik", size = SizeByRatio(24), antialias = true, weight = 525, }) surface.CreateFont("Advisor:Rubik.TextEntry", { font = "Rubik", size = SizeByRatio(20), antialias = true, }) surface.CreateFont("Advisor:Awesome", { font = "Font Awesome 5 Free Solid", antialias = true, extended = true, size = SizeByRatio(20), }) surface.CreateFont("Advisor:SmallAwesome", { font = "Font Awesome 5 Free Solid", antialias = true, extended = true, size = SizeByRatio(16), }) if Advisor.UI and IsValid(Advisor.UI.MainPanel) then Advisor.UI.MainPanel:InvalidateChildren(true) end end GenerateAdvisorFonts() cvars.AddChangeCallback(convarTextScale:GetName(), GenerateAdvisorFonts, "Advisor.GenerateAdvisorFonts") hook.Add("OnScreenSizeChanged", "Advisor:OnScreenSizeChanged:ReGenerateFonts", GenerateAdvisorFonts)
-- =================================== -- Copyright © 2022 Relief Development -- =================================== Citizen.CreateThread(function() TriggerEvent('chat:addSuggestion', '/twt', 'Send messages via Twitter in chat', { { name="Message", help="/twt Example"} }) TriggerEvent('chat:addSuggestion', '/fb', 'Send messages via FaceBook in chat', { { name="Message", help="/fb Example"} }) TriggerEvent('chat:addSuggestion', '/me', 'Players Actions', { { name="Message", help="/me Picks up shirt"} }) TriggerEvent('chat:addSuggestion', '/do', 'Describes Players Actions', { { name="Message", help="/do Picks up shirt and puts it on"} }) TriggerEvent('chat:addSuggestion', '/VPN', 'Sends messages via VPN in chat', { { name="Message", help="/VPN Example"} }) TriggerEvent('chat:addSuggestion', '/ooc', 'Sends Messages Out Of Character', { { name="Message", help="/ooc How do I ragdoll?"} }) TriggerEvent('chat:addSuggestion', '/calltow', 'Makes a Tow Request in chat', { { name="Message", help="/calltow Postal 1234, Red Charger"} }) TriggerEvent('chat:addSuggestion', '/marketplace', 'Makes a Chat suggestion for selling goods', { { name="Message", help="/marketplace Selling my Shoes $25"} }) RegisterCommand("discord", function(source, args, raw) TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', "^*Discord Server: ^1" .. DiscordLink, {245, 191, 66}) end) RegisterCommand("teamspeak", function(source, args, raw) TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', "^*TeamSpeak Server: ^1" .. TeamSpeakLink, {255, 0, 0}) end) RegisterCommand("website", function(source, args, raw) TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', "^*Website: ^1" .. WebsiteLink, {245, 191, 66}) end) end)
local _M = {} local utils = require("core.utils.utils") local dynamicd_build = require("core.dao.dynamicd_build_sql") local dao_config = require("core.dao.config") local co_parameter_dao = require("core.dao.co_parameter_dao") local user_log = require("core.log.user_log") function _M.query_info_by_id(store,id) local flag, info= store:query({ sql = "select * from p_anti_sql_injection where id = ?", params ={ id } }) if info and #info >0 then return info[1] else return nil end end function _M.inster_anti_sql_injection(store,data) local res,id = store:insert({ sql = "INSERT INTO `p_anti_sql_injection`(`group_id`,path,`remark`,`enable`,database_type) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", params={ data.group_id, utils.trim(data.path), utils.trim(data.remark) or '', data.enable or 0, data.database_type or 'MYSQL' } }) user_log.print_log(store,user_log.module.anti_sql_injection .. "-新增",nil,data) return res,id end function _M.update_anti_sql_injection(store,data) -- 记录日志 user_log.print_log(store,user_log.module.anti_sql_injection .. "-修改","anti_sql_injection_dao",data) local res= store:update({ sql = "update p_anti_sql_injection set group_id=?,path=?,remark=?,enable = ?,update_at =sysdate(),database_type=? where id = ?", params={ data.group_id, utils.trim(data.path), utils.trim(data.remark), data.enable or 0, data.database_type or 'MYSQL', } }) return res end function _M.update_enable(store,id,enable) local res= store:update({ sql = "update p_anti_sql_injection set enable=? where id = ?", params={ enable, id } }) user_log.print_log(store,user_log.module.anti_sql_injection .. (enable == "1" and "启用" or "禁用"), nil,{id=id,enable=enable}) return res end function _M.delete_anti_sql_injection(store,id) -- 记录日志 user_log.print_log(store,user_log.module.anti_sql_injection .. "-删除","anti_sql_injection_dao",{id=id}) local res = store : delete ({ sql = "delete from `p_anti_sql_injection` where `id` = ?", params = {id } }) return res end function _M.load_enable_anti_sql_injection(store,hosts) local data={} local ok, e ok = xpcall(function() local sql = [[ select d.gateway_code,, b.group_context,, a.group_id, a.path, a.enable, a.database_type from p_anti_sql_injection a, c_api_group b, c_host c, c_gateway d where a.group_id = and b.host_id = and c.gateway_id = and c.enable = 1 and a.enable = 1 ]] sql = dao_config.add_where_hosts(sql.."and ",hosts) local flag,objects, err = store:query({ sql = sql }) if flag then for _, anti in ipairs(objects) do local property_list = co_parameter_dao.load_co_parameter_by_bizid(,"anti_sql_injection",store) if property_list and #property_list >0 then anti["property_list"] = property_list table.insert(data,anti) end end else ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "[FATAL ERROR] load anti sql injection information error.") end end, function() e = debug.traceback() end) if (not ok or e) then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "[FATAL ERROR] load anti sql injection information error.",e) end return data end function _M.load_anti_sql_injection(store,query_param) local sql_prefix = [[ select d.gateway_code,, as host_id, c.gateway_id, b.group_context,, a.group_id, a.path, a.enable, a.remark, c.enable as host_enable, a.database_type from p_anti_sql_injection a, c_api_group b, c_host c, c_gateway d where a.group_id = and b.host_id = and c.gateway_id = ]] local sql,params = dynamicd_build:build_and_condition_like_sql(sql_prefix,query_param) sql = sql .. " order by a.update_at desc" local flag, anti_injection_list= store:query({ sql = sql, params =params }) return flag, anti_injection_list end return _M
workspace "classic-games" architecture "x64" configurations { "Debug", "Release" } project "classic-games" kind "ConsoleApp" language "C++" targetdir "bin/%{cfg.architecture}/%{cfg.buildcfg}" objdir "bin/intermediates/%{cfg.architecture}/%{cfg.buildcfg}" files { "src/**.hpp", "src/**.cpp" } includedirs { "src" } postbuildcommands { "{COPYDIR} resources %{cfg.targetdir}/resources" } -- On windows, openal32.dll is needed even if we use static linking, -- due to the licence used (LGPL v2) configuration "windows" postbuildcommands { "{COPYFILE} vendor/SFML-2.5.1/bin/openal32.dll %{cfg.targetdir}" } filter "system:windows" cppdialect "C++17" systemversion "latest" defines { "SFML_STATIC" } libdirs { "vendor/SFML-2.5.1/lib" } includedirs { "vendor/SFML-2.5.1/include" } links { "flac.lib", "freetype.lib", "gdi32.lib", "ogg.lib", "openal32.lib", "opengl32.lib", "vorbisenc.lib", "vorbisfile.lib", "vorbis.lib", "winmm.lib", } filter { "system:windows", "configurations:Debug" } symbols "on" defines { "DEBUG" } links { "sfml-audio-s-d.lib", "sfml-graphics-s-d.lib", "sfml-system-s-d.lib", "sfml-window-s-d.lib" } filter { "system:windows", "configurations:Release" } symbols "on" optimize "on" defines { "NDEBUG" } links { "sfml-audio-s.lib", "sfml-graphics-s.lib", "sfml-system-s.lib", "sfml-window-s.lib" } -- Under Linux, we only work with a release + dynamic librairies setup filter "system:linux" removeconfigurations { "Debug" } cppdialect "C++17" systemversion "latest" symbols "on" optimize "on" links { "pthread", "sfml-graphics", "sfml-window", "sfml-audio", "sfml-system", }
BuildEnv(...) MOUNT_MAP = nil APP_RAID_MAPS = ListToMap{1861} APP_RAID_DIFFICULTIES = ListToMap{14,15,16}
local text_color_info = Color(61, 206, 217) local text_command_color = Color(227, 209, 11) local text_version_color = Color(237, 153, 43) local function version_check() http.Fetch('', function(github_version, length, headers, code) if code ~= 200 or not github_version then bgNPC:Log('Failed to check the actual version: error code\n' .. tostring(code), 'Version Checker') return end local ru_lang = { msg_outdated = 'Вы используете устаревшую версию \'Background NPCs\' :(\n', msg_latest = 'Вы используете последнюю версию \'Background NPCs\' :)\n', msg_dev = 'Вы используете версию для разработчиков \'Background NPCs\' :o\n', actual_version = 'Актуальная версия - ' .. github_version .. ' : Ваша версия - ' .. bgNPC.VERSION .. '\n', update_page_1 = 'Используйте консольную команду \'', update_page_2 = '\' чтобы посмотреть информацию о последнем выпуске.\n', command = 'bgn_updateinfo' } local en_lang = { msg_outdated = 'You are using an outdated version of \'Background NPCs\' :(\n', msg_latest = 'You are using the latest version of \'Background NPCs\' :)\n', msg_dev = 'You are using the dev version of \'Background NPCs\' :o\n', actual_version = 'Actual version - ' .. github_version .. ' : Your version - ' .. bgNPC.VERSION .. '\n', update_page_1 = 'Use the console command \'', update_page_2 = '\' to view information about the latest release.\n', command = 'bgn_updateinfo' } local lang = GetConVar('cl_language'):GetString() == 'russian' and ru_lang or en_lang local v_github = tonumber(string.Replace(github_version, '.', '')) local v_addon = tonumber(string.Replace(bgNPC.VERSION, '.', '')) if v_addon < v_github then local text_color = Color(255, 196, 0) chat.AddText(Color(255, 0, 0), '[ADMIN] ', text_color, lang.msg_outdated, text_version_color, lang.actual_version, text_color_info, lang.update_page_1, text_command_color, lang.command, text_color_info, lang.update_page_2) elseif v_addon == v_github then local text_color = Color(30, 255, 0) chat.AddText(Color(255, 0, 0), '[ADMIN] ', text_color, lang.msg_latest, text_version_color, lang.actual_version, text_color_info, lang.update_page_1, text_command_color, lang.command, text_color_info, lang.update_page_2) elseif v_addon > v_github then local text_color = Color(30, 255, 0) chat.AddText(Color(255, 0, 0), '[ADMIN] ', text_color, lang.msg_dev, text_version_color, lang.actual_version, text_color_info, lang.update_page_1, text_command_color, lang.command, text_color_info, lang.update_page_2) end end, function(message) MsgN('[Background NPCs] Failed to check the actual version:\n' .. message) end ) end concommand.Add('bgn_version_check', version_check) hook.Add('SlibPlayerFirstSpawn', 'BGN_CheckAddonVersion', function(ply) if not ply:IsAdmin() and not ply:IsSuperAdmin() then return end version_check() end)
local class = require 'ext.class' local Set = require 'symmath.set.Set' -- the set of all things local Universal = class(Set) --[[ so this is 'true' but then all subclasses are 'true' but contrarily any subset of Universal that isn't equal will have a 'false' somewhere so the subclass == subset idea is a bad one from the implementation perspective TODO replace with lookup/rules and just have Universal.rules['*'] = return true then do rules based on Lua type or based on symmath class --]] function Universal:containsNumber(x) return true end function Universal:containsComplex(x) return true end function Universal:containsConstant(x) return true end function Universal:containsSet(x) return true end function Universal:containsVariable(x) return true end function Universal:containsExpression(x) return true end function Universal:isSubsetOf(x) return Universal:isa(x) end return Universal
--Register with LibStub local MAJOR, MINOR = "Up_UiController", 2 local LIB, _ = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR) if not LIB then return end -- avoid double loading. --- Used to initialize UI for ThiefHelper. local UiTools = LibStub:GetLibrary("Up_UiTools") local UiFactory = LibStub:GetLibrary("Up_UiFactory") -- Creates instance of controller. function LIB:new(settings, root) return ZO_Object.MultiSubclass({ Settings = settings, Root = root }, self) end -- Check that compass visible and follows by its state. Only if Info enabled. function LIB:checkWindowVisibility() local visible if ZO_CompassFrame then visible = self.Settings.UI.Window.Enabled and not ZO_CompassFrame:IsHidden() else visible = self.Settings.UI.Window.Enabled end self.Root.UI.Window.Root:SetHidden(not visible) return visible end -- Creates UI and configures it with settings. Requires loaded settings. function LIB:initializeUI() self.Root.UI = {} self.Root.UI.Window = {} local windowPadding = self.Settings.UI.Window.Padding self.Root.UI.Window = UiFactory.createPaddingWindow( .. "_Window", windowPadding, self.Settings.UI.Window.Background.Enabled) local windowRoot = self.Root.UI.Window.Root local position = self.Settings.UI.Window.Position windowRoot:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, GuiRoot, TOPLEFT, position.OffsetX, position.OffsetY) UiTools.configureAsFloat(windowRoot, position) self.Settings.UI.Window.Enabled = true -- Sets widget to switch visibility depends on compass visibility. EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate(windowRoot:GetName() .. "_VisibilityHandler", 100, function() self:checkWindowVisibility() end) end -- Toggles visibility of Info window. function LIB:toggleWindow() self.Settings.UI.Window.Enabled = not self.Settings.UI.Window.Enabled; self:checkWindowVisibility() end
--- standard-code: ouput code blocks with class="language-*" attributes -- © 2020 Aman Verma. Distributed under the MIT license. local languages = {meta = true,markup = true,css = true,clike = true,javascript = true,abap = true,abnf = true,actionscript = true,ada = true,agda = true,al = true,antlr4 = true,apacheconf = true,apl = true,applescript = true,aql = true,arduino = true,arff = true,asciidoc = true,aspnet = true,asm6502 = true,autohotkey = true,autoit = true,bash = true,basic = true,batch = true,bbcode = true,bison = true,bnf = true,brainfuck = true,brightscript = true,bro = true,bsl = true,c = true,csharp = true,cpp = true,cil = true,clojure = true,cmake = true,coffeescript = true,concurnas = true,csp = true,crystal = true,['css-extras'] = true,cypher = true,d = true,dart = true,dax = true,dhall = true,diff = true,django = true,['dns-zone-file'] = true,docker = true,ebnf = true,editorconfig = true,eiffel = true,ejs = true,elixir = true,elm = true,etlua = true,erb = true,erlang = true,['excel-formula'] = true,fsharp = true,factor = true,['firestore-security-rules'] = true,flow = true,fortran = true,ftl = true,gml = true,gcode = true,gdscript = true,gedcom = true,gherkin = true,git = true,glsl = true,go = true,graphql = true,groovy = true,haml = true,html = true,handlebars = true,haskell = true,haxe = true,hcl = true,hlsl = true,http = true,hpkp = true,hsts = true,ichigojam = true,icon = true,ignore = true,inform7 = true,ini = true,io = true,j = true,java = true,javadoc = true,javadoclike = true,javastacktrace = true,jolie = true,jq = true,jsdoc = true,['js-extras'] = true,json = true,json5 = true,jsonp = true,jsstacktrace = true,['js-templates'] = true,julia = true,keyman = true,kotlin = true,latex = true,latte = true,less = true,lilypond = true,liquid = true,lisp = true,livescript = true,llvm = true,lolcode = true,lua = true,makefile = true,markdown = true,['markup-templating'] = true,matlab = true,mel = true,mizar = true,mongodb = true,monkey = true,moonscript = true,n1ql = true,n4js = true,['nand2tetris-hdl'] = true,naniscript = true,nasm = true,neon = true,nginx = true,nim = true,nix = true,nsis = true,objectivec = true,ocaml = true,opencl = true,oz = true,parigp = true,parser = true,pascal = true,pascaligo = true,pcaxis = true,peoplecode = true,perl = true,php = true,phpdoc = true,['php-extras'] = true,plsql = true,powerquery = true,powershell = true,processing = true,prolog = true,properties = true,protobuf = true,pug = true,puppet = true,pure = true,purebasic = true,purescript = true,python = true,q = true,qml = true,qore = true,r = true,racket = true,jsx = true,tsx = true,reason = true,regex = true,renpy = true,rest = true,rip = true,roboconf = true,robotframework = true,ruby = true,rust = true,sas = true,sass = true,scss = true,scala = true,scheme = true,['shell-session'] = true,smali = true,smalltalk = true,smarty = true,solidity = true,['solution-file'] = true,soy = true,sparql = true,['splunk-spl'] = true,sqf = true,sql = true,stan = true,iecst = true,stylus = true,swift = true,['t4-templating'] = true,['t4-cs'] = true,['t4-vb'] = true,tap = true,tcl = true,tt2 = true,textile = true,toml = true,turtle = true,twig = true,typescript = true,typoscript = true,unrealscript = true,vala = true,vbnet = true,velocity = true,verilog = true,vhdl = true,vim = true,['visual-basic'] = true,warpscript = true,wasm = true,wiki = true,xeora = true,['xml-doc'] = true,xojo = true,xquery = true,yaml = true,yang = true,zig = true} local function escape(s) -- Escape according to HTML 5 rules return s:gsub( [=[[<>&"']]=], function(x) if x == '<' then return '&lt;' elseif x == '>' then return '&gt;' elseif x == '&' then return '&amp;' elseif x == '"' then return '&quot;' elseif x == "'" then return '&#39;' else return x end end ) end local function getCodeClass(classes) -- Check if the first element of classes (pandoc.CodeBlock.classes) matches a -- programming language name. If it does, it gets removed from classes and a valid -- HTML class attribute string (with space at beginning) is returned. if languages[classes[1]] then return ' class="language-' .. table.remove(classes, 1) .. '"' else return '' end end local function makeIdentifier(ident) -- Returns a valid HTML id attribute (with space at beginning) OR empty string. if #ident ~= 0 then return ' id="'.. ident .. '"' else return '' end end local function makeClasses(classes) -- Returns a valid HTML class attribute with classes separated by spaces (with a space -- at the beginning) OR empty string. if #classes ~= 0 then return ' class="' .. table.concat(classes, ' ') .. '"' else return '' end end return { { CodeBlock = function(elem) if FORMAT ~= 'html' then return nil end id = makeIdentifier(elem.identifier) classLang = getCodeClass(elem.classes) classReg = makeClasses(elem.classes) local preCode = string.format( '<pre%s%s><code%s>%s</code></pre>', id, classReg, classLang, escape(elem.text) ) return pandoc.RawBlock('html', preCode, 'RawBlock') end, } }
local _2afile_2a = "fnl/snap/producer/ripgrep/file.fnl" local snap = require("snap") local tbl = snap.get("common.tbl") local general = snap.get("producer.ripgrep.general") local file = {} local args = {"--line-buffered", "--files"} file.default = function(request) local cwd = snap.sync(vim.fn.getcwd) return general(request, {args = args, cwd = cwd}) end file.hidden = function(request) local cwd = snap.sync(vim.fn.getcwd) return general(request, {args = {"--hidden", unpack(args)}, cwd = cwd}) end file.args = function(new_args) local function _1_(request) local cwd = snap.sync(vim.fn.getcwd) return general(request, {args = tbl.concat(args, new_args), cwd = cwd}) end return _1_ end return file
local kBackgroundColor = Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5) local kChatTextBuffer = 5 local kChatTextPadding = 12 local cutoffAmount = Client.GetOptionInteger("chat-wrap", 25) local kBackgroundTimeStartFade = 1.5 -- needed by shine because it's bad at recursing local kOffset = debug.getupvaluex(GUIChat.Update, "kOffset") debug.setupvaluex( GUIChat.AddMessage, "cutoffAmount", cutoffAmount, true) local oldUpdate = GUIChat.Update function GUIChat:Update(deltaTime) oldUpdate(self, deltaTime) -- need a reference here so shine can get this value kOffset = kOffset for i, message in ipairs(self.messages) do if message["Time"] then local fadeAmount = Clamp(kBackgroundTimeStartFade - message["Time"] / kBackgroundTimeStartFade, 0, 1) local currentColor = message["Background"]:GetColor() currentColor.a = fadeAmount * kBackgroundColor.a message["Background"]:SetColor(currentColor) end end end local oldAddMessage = GUIChat.AddMessage function GUIChat:AddMessage(playerColor, playerName, messageColor, messageText, isCommander, isRookie) oldAddMessage(self, playerColor, playerName, messageColor, messageText, isCommander, isRookie) if self.messages and #self.messages > 0 then local insertMessage = self.messages[#self.messages] if insertMessage then local cutoff = Client.GetScreenWidth() * (cutoffAmount/100) local size = insertMessage["Background"]:GetSize() insertMessage["Background"]:SetSize(Vector(cutoff + GUIScale(kChatTextPadding), size.y, 0)) insertMessage["Background"]:SetColor(kBackgroundColor) end end end
return { entities = { {"kr-wind-turbine", {x = 2.5, y = -3}, {}}, {"small-electric-pole", {x = -2.5, y = -1}, {dmg = {dmg = {type = "random", min = 20, max = 60}}, }}, {"small-electric-pole", {x = 2.5, y = -1}, {}}, {"kr-wind-turbine", {x = -2.5, y = 2}, {dmg = {dmg = {type = "random", min = 40, max = 160}}, }}, {"kr-wind-turbine", {x = 2.5, y = 2}, {}}, }, tiles = { {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = -4, y = 0.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = -4, y = 1.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = -3, y = -3.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = -3, y = -0.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = -3, y = 0.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = -3, y = 1.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = -3, y = 2.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = -2, y = -3.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = -2, y = -0.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = -2, y = 0.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = -2, y = 1.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = -2, y = 2.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = -1, y = -0.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = -1, y = 1.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = 0, y = -0.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = 0, y = 1.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = 1, y = -2.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = 1, y = -1.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = 1, y = -0.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = 1, y = 0.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = 1, y = 1.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = 1, y = 2.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = 2, y = -3.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = 2, y = -2.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = 2, y = -1.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = 2, y = -0.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = 2, y = 0.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = 2, y = 1.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = 2, y = 2.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = 2, y = 3.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = 3, y = -3.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = 3, y = -2.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = 3, y = 2.5}}, {"kr-white-reinforced-plate", {x = 3, y = 3.5}}, } }
----------------------------------- -- -- Zone: Attohwa_Chasm (7) -- ----------------------------------- local ID = require("scripts/zones/Attohwa_Chasm/IDs") require("scripts/globals/settings") require("scripts/globals/helm") require("scripts/globals/zone") ----------------------------------- function onInitialize(zone) -- Poison Flowers! zone:registerRegion(1, -475.809, 5, 316.499, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(2, -440.938, 7, 281.749, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(3, -388.027, 5, 264.831, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(4, -534.104, 5, 217.833, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(5, -530.000, 5, 210.000, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(6, -482.192, 5, 198.647, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(7, -595.756, 7, 157.532, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(8, -514.000, 5, 166.000, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(9, -396.844, 5, 164.790, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(10, -382.919, 5, 143.572, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(11, -537.558, 5, 102.683, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(12, -393.979, 5, 101.877, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(13, -367.892, 5, 75.774, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(14, -369.333, 5, 69.333, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(15, -351.717, 5, 64.773, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(16, -386.000, 5, 50.000, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(17, -360.705, 5, 51.505, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(18, -475.667, 5, 37.081, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(19, -321.902, 5, 36.697, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(20, -351.916, 5, 10.501, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(21, -554.739, 5, -3.057, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(22, -397.667, 5, -5.563, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(23, -330.062, 5, -18.832, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(24, -233.015, 5, -19.049, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(25, -553.523, 5, -72.071, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(26, -535.904, 7, -67.914, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(27, -435.438, 5, -74.171, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(28, -369.343, 5, -73.449, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(29, -238, 5, -118, 0,0,0); zone:registerRegion(30, -385.349, 5, -173.973, 0,0,0); UpdateNMSpawnPoint(ID.mob.TIAMAT); GetMobByID(ID.mob.TIAMAT):setRespawnTime(math.random(86400, 259200)); tpz.helm.initZone(zone, tpz.helm.type.EXCAVATION) end; function onZoneIn(player,prevZone) local cs = -1; if (player:getXPos() == 0 and player:getYPos() == 0 and player:getZPos() == 0) then player:setPos(-194.487,-13.766,338.704,141); end return cs; end; function onConquestUpdate(zone, updatetype) tpz.conq.onConquestUpdate(zone, updatetype) end; function onRegionEnter(player,region) -- TODO: Gasponia's shouldn't "always" poison you. However, in retail regions constantly reapply themselves without having to re-enter the region. In Topaz that doesn't happen so I'm leaving it as-is for now. local regionId = region:GetRegionID(); if (regionId <= 30) then local gasponia = GetNPCByID(ID.npc.GASPONIA_OFFSET + (regionId - 1)); if (gasponia ~= nil) then gasponia:openDoor(3); if (not player:hasStatusEffect(tpz.effect.POISON)) then player:addStatusEffect(tpz.effect.POISON, 15, 0, math.random(30,60)); player:messageSpecial(ID.text.GASPONIA_POISON); end end end end; function onRegionLeave(player,region) end; function onGameHour(zone) --[[ the hard-coded id that was here was wrong. there are 22 miasmas in attohwa chasm starting at ID.npc.MIASMA_OFFSET. some are supposed to toggle open, but need retail test to determine which. for now, they're just statically set per npc_list.animation --]] end; function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) end; function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) end;
local QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject() QBCore.Functions.CreateCallback('zonama:server:get-items', function(source, cb) local src = source local player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(src) if player then -- get all items and join category local items = MySQL.Sync.fetchAll( "SELECT AS 'id', AS 'name', items.price AS 'price', items.image AS 'image', items.description AS 'description', AS 'category_name' FROM za_items items INNER JOIN za_categories category ON = items.category_id;") cb(items) end end) -- create zonama:server:create-order QBCore.Functions.CreateCallback('zonama:server:create-order', function(source, cb, cart) local src = source local xPlayer = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(src) local citizenid = xPlayer.PlayerData.citizenid local currentBank = xPlayer.Functions.GetMoney('bank') if tonumber(cart.price) <= currentBank then local bank = xPlayer.Functions.RemoveMoney('bank', tonumber(cart.price)) local result = MySQL.Async.insert( 'INSERT INTO `za_orders` (`citizen_id`, `price`) VALUES (@citizen_id, @price)', { ['@citizen_id'] = citizenid, ['@price'] = cart.price }, function(orderId) local query = 'INSERT INTO `za_order_item` (`order_id`, `item_id`, `quantity`) VALUES ' for k, item in pairs(cart.items) do query = query .. '(' .. orderId .. ', ' .. .. ', ' .. item.quantity .. '),' end -- replace last comma with semicolon query = string.sub(query, 1, -2) .. ';' MySQL.Async.execute(query, {}, function(rows) -- send success notification to player TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, Lang:t('success.cart_paid', { amount = cart.price }), 'success') TriggerClientEvent('zonama:client:close-nui', src) cb(true) end) end) else TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, Lang:t("error.not_enough_money"), 'error') cb(false) end end) -- Get all orders QBCore.Functions.CreateCallback('zonama:server:get-orders', function(source, cb) local orders = MySQL.Sync.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM `za_orders`', {}) print(orders) cb(orders) end) -- Get all orders from player QBCore.Functions.CreateCallback('zonama:server:get-orders-from-player', function(source, cb, xPlayer) local citizenid = xPlayer.PlayerData.citizenid local orders = MySQL.Sync.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM `za_orders` WHERE `citizen_id` = @citizen_id', { ['@citizen_id'] = citizenid }) print(orders) cb(orders) end) -- Get items from order QBCore.Functions.CreateCallback('zonama:server:get-order-items', function(source, cb, orderId) local items = MySQL.Sync.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM `za_order_item` WHERE `order_id` = @order_id', { ['@order_id'] = orderId }) print(items) cb(items) end) QBCore.Commands.Add('zonama-get-random-order', Lang:t("commands.get_random_order"), {}, false, function(source, args) -- get one random order local result = MySQL.Sync.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM `za_orders` ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1', {}) if (result) then local randomOrder = result[1] -- get items from order and join item name, quantity, citizen_id local query = [[ SELECT AS `name`, za_order_item.quantity AS `quantity`, _order.citizen_id AS `citizen_id` FROM za_order_item INNER JOIN za_items items ON = za_order_item.item_id INNER JOIN za_orders _order ON = @order_id WHERE za_order_item.order_id = @order_id; ]] local items = MySQL.Sync.fetchAll(query, { ['@order_id'] = }) print(json.encode(items)) end end)
--[[--------------- This is derived from LuaBit v0.4 Under the MIT license. copyright(c) 2006~2007 hanzhao ([email protected]) --]]--------------- local function check_int(n) -- checking not float if(n - math.floor(n) > 0) then error("trying to use bitwise operation on non-integer!") end end local function to_bits(n) check_int(n) if(n < 0) then -- negative return to_bits(bit.bnot(math.abs(n)) + 1) end -- to bits table local tbl = {} local cnt = 1 while (n > 0) do local last = n % 2 if(last == 1) then tbl[cnt] = 1 else tbl[cnt] = 0 end n = (n-last)/2 cnt = cnt + 1 end return tbl end local function tbl_to_number(tbl) local rslt = 0 local power = 1 for i = 1, #tbl do rslt = rslt + tbl[i]*power power = power*2 end return rslt end local function expand(tbl_m, tbl_n) local big = {} local small = {} if(#tbl_m > #tbl_n) then big = tbl_m small = tbl_n else big = tbl_n small = tbl_m end -- expand small for i = #small + 1, #big do small[i] = 0 end end local function bit_or(m, n) local tbl_m = to_bits(m) local tbl_n = to_bits(n) expand(tbl_m, tbl_n) local tbl = {} local rslt = math.max(#tbl_m, #tbl_n) for i = 1, rslt do if(tbl_m[i]== 0 and tbl_n[i] == 0) then tbl[i] = 0 else tbl[i] = 1 end end return tbl_to_number(tbl) end local function bit_and(m, n) local tbl_m = to_bits(m) local tbl_n = to_bits(n) expand(tbl_m, tbl_n) local tbl = {} local rslt = math.max(#tbl_m, #tbl_n) for i = 1, rslt do if(tbl_m[i]== 0 or tbl_n[i] == 0) then tbl[i] = 0 else tbl[i] = 1 end end return tbl_to_number(tbl) end local function bit_not(n) local tbl = to_bits(n) local size = math.max(#tbl, 32) for i = 1, size do if(tbl[i] == 1) then tbl[i] = 0 else tbl[i] = 1 end end return tbl_to_number(tbl) end local function bit_xor(m, n) local tbl_m = to_bits(m) local tbl_n = to_bits(n) expand(tbl_m, tbl_n) local tbl = {} local rslt = math.max(#tbl_m, #tbl_n) for i = 1, rslt do if(tbl_m[i] ~= tbl_n[i]) then tbl[i] = 1 else tbl[i] = 0 end end --table.foreach(tbl, print) return tbl_to_number(tbl) end local function bit_rshift(n, bits) check_int(n) local high_bit = 0 if(n < 0) then -- negative n = bit_not(math.abs(n)) + 1 high_bit = 2147483648 -- 0x80000000 end for i=1, bits do n = n/2 n = bit_or(math.floor(n), high_bit) end return math.floor(n) end -- logic rightshift assures zero filling shift local function bit_logic_rshift(n, bits) check_int(n) if(n < 0) then -- negative n = bit_not(math.abs(n)) + 1 end for i=1, bits do n = n/2 end return math.floor(n) end local function bit_lshift(n, bits) check_int(n) if(n < 0) then -- negative n = bit_not(math.abs(n)) + 1 end for i=1, bits do n = n*2 end return bit_and(n, 4294967295) -- 0xFFFFFFFF end local function bit_xor2(m, n) local rhs = bit_or(bit_not(m), bit_not(n)) local lhs = bit_or(m, n) local rslt = bit_and(lhs, rhs) return rslt end -------------------- -- bit lib interface local bit53 = [[ return { band = function(a, b) return a & b end, bor = function(a, b) return a | b end, bxor = function(a, b) return a ~ b end, bnot = function(a) return ~a end, rshift = function(a, n) return a >> n end, lshift = function(a, n) return a << n end, } ]] local lib = false or (pcall(require, "bit") and require("bit")) or (pcall(require, "bit32") and require("bit32")) or (pcall(load, bit53) and load(bit53)()) or { bnot = bit_not, band = bit_and, bor = bit_or, bxor = bit_xor, rshift = bit_rshift, lshift = bit_lshift, } lib.bxor2 = bit_xor2 lib.blogic_rshift = bit_logic_rshift lib.tobits = to_bits lib.tonumb = tbl_to_number return lib
local F, G, V = unpack(select(2, ...)) G.ace = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("gempUI", "AceConsole-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0") local options = { name = "gempUI", handler = G.ace, type = 'group', childGroups = "tab", args = { general = { name = "General", type = 'group', order = 0, args = { autoRepair = { type = "toggle", order = 0, name = "Auto repair", desc = "Automatically repair Guild first then personal", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.autoRepair end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.autoRepair = value end }, sellJunk = { type = "toggle", order = 1, name = "Sell junk", desc = "Automatically vendor greys", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.sellJunk end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.sellJunk = value end }, hideErrors = { type = "select", order = 2, name = "Hide Errors", desc = "Mute Blizzard error frame", values = { combat = "Hide errors in combat", always = "Always hide errors", never = "Never hide errors" }, get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.hideErrors end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.hideErrors = value end }, } }, unitframes = { name = "Unitframes", type = 'group', order = 1, childGroups = "tree", args = { player = { name = "Player", type = 'group', order = 0, args = { width = { order = 0, name = "Width", desc = "/reload to see changes", min = 50, max = 600, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].width end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].width = value end }, showName = { order = 1, name = "Show Name", desc = "/reload to see changes", type = "toggle", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].showName end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].showName = value end }, health = { order = 2, name = "Health Height", desc = "/reload to see changes", min = 1, max = 100, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].health end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].health = value end }, power = { order = 3, name = "Power Height", desc = "/reload to see changes", min = 1, max = 100, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].power end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].power = value end }, x = { order = 4, name = "Position X", type = "input", get = function() return tostring(G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].x) end, set = function(info, value) value = tonumber(value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].x = value refreshUnitframePositions() end }, y = { order = 5, name = "Position Y", type = "input", get = function() return tostring(G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].y) end, set = function(info, value) value = tonumber(value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].y = value refreshUnitframePositions() end }, castbarHeader = { order = 6, name = "Castbar", type = "header", }, castbarX = { order = 7, name = "Position X", desc = "/reload to see changes", type = "input", get = function() return tostring(G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].castbarX) end, set = function(info, value) value = tonumber(value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].castbarX = value end }, castbarY = { order = 8, name = "Position Y", desc = "/reload to see changes", type = "input", get = function() return tostring(G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].castbarY) end, set = function(info, value) value = tonumber(value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].castbarY = value end }, castbarWidth = { order = 9, name = "Width", desc = "/reload to see changes", min = 10, max = 600, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].castbarWidth end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].castbarWidth = value end }, castbarHeight = { order = 10, name = "Height", desc = "/reload to see changes", min = 1, max = 50, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].castbarHeight end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].castbarHeight = value end }, auraBarsHeader = { order = 11, name = "AuraBars", type = "header", }, auraBarsX = { order = 12, name = "Position X", desc = "Relative to player frame | /reload to see changes", type = "input", get = function() return tostring(G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].auraBarsX) end, set = function(info, value) value = tonumber(value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].auraBarsX = value end }, auraBarsY = { order = 13, name = "Position Y", desc = "Relative to player frame | /reload to see changes", type = "input", get = function() return tostring(G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].auraBarsY) end, set = function(info, value) value = tonumber(value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].auraBarsY = value end }, auraBarsWidth = { order = 14, name = "Width", desc = "/reload to see changes", min = 10, max = 600, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].auraBarsWidth end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].auraBarsWidth = value end }, auraBarsHeight = { order = 15, name = "Height", desc = "/reload to see changes", min = 2, max = 50, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].auraBarsHeight end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].auraBarsHeight = value end }, auraBarsSpacing = { order = 16, name = "Spacing", desc = "/reload to see changes", min = -1, max = 50, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].auraBarsSpacing end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].auraBarsSpacing = value end }, auraBarsFontSize = { order = 17, name = "FontSize", desc = "/reload to see changes", min = 6, max = 60, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].auraBarsFontSize end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['player'].auraBarsFontSize = value end }, } }, target = { name = "Target", type = 'group', order = 1, args = { width = { order = 0, name = "Width", desc = "/reload to see changes", min = 50, max = 600, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].width end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].width = value end }, allDebuffs = { type = "toggle", order = 1, name = "Show all enemy debuffs", desc = "Will show more than just your debuffs on target frames", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].allDebuffs end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].allDebuffs = value end }, health = { order = 2, name = "Health Height", desc = "/reload to see changes", min = 1, max = 100, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].health end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].health = value end }, power = { order = 3, name = "Power Height", desc = "/reload to see changes", min = 1, max = 100, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].power end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].power = value end }, x = { order = 4, name = "Position X", type = "input", get = function() return tostring(G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].x) end, set = function(info, value) value = tonumber(value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].x = value refreshUnitframePositions() end }, y = { order = 5, name = "Position Y", type = "input", get = function() return tostring(G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].y) end, set = function(info, value) value = tonumber(value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].y = value refreshUnitframePositions() end }, castbarHeader = { order = 6, name = "Castbar", type = "header", }, castbarX = { order = 7, name = "Position X", desc = "/reload to see changes", type = "input", get = function() return tostring(G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].castbarX) end, set = function(info, value) value = tonumber(value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].castbarX = value end }, castbarY = { order = 8, name = "Position Y", desc = "/reload to see changes", type = "input", get = function() return tostring(G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].castbarY) end, set = function(info, value) value = tonumber(value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].castbarY = value end }, castbarWidth = { order = 9, name = "Width", desc = "/reload to see changes", min = 10, max = 600, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].castbarWidth end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].castbarWidth = value end }, castbarHeight = { order = 10, name = "Height", desc = "/reload to see changes", min = 1, max = 50, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].castbarHeight end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].castbarHeight = value end }, auraBarsHeader = { order = 11, name = "AuraBars", type = "header", }, auraBarsX = { order = 12, name = "Position X", desc = "Relative to target frame | /reload to see changes", type = "input", get = function() return tostring(G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].auraBarsX) end, set = function(info, value) value = tonumber(value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].auraBarsX = value end }, auraBarsY = { order = 13, name = "Position Y", desc = "Relative to target frame | /reload to see changes", type = "input", get = function() return tostring(G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].auraBarsY) end, set = function(info, value) value = tonumber(value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].auraBarsY = value end }, auraBarsWidth = { order = 14, name = "Width", desc = "/reload to see changes", min = 10, max = 600, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].auraBarsWidth end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].auraBarsWidth = value end }, auraBarsHeight = { order = 15, name = "Height", desc = "/reload to see changes", min = 2, max = 50, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].auraBarsHeight end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].auraBarsHeight = value end }, auraBarsSpacing = { order = 16, name = "Spacing", desc = "/reload to see changes", min = -1, max = 50, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].auraBarsSpacing end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].auraBarsSpacing = value end }, auraBarsFontSize = { order = 17, name = "FontSize", desc = "/reload to see changes", min = 6, max = 60, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].auraBarsFontSize end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['target'].auraBarsFontSize = value end }, } }, targettarget = { name = "Target of Target", type = 'group', order = 1, args = { width = { order = 0, name = "Width", desc = "/reload to see changes", min = 50, max = 600, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['targettarget'].width end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['targettarget'].width = value end }, health = { order = 1, name = "Health Height", desc = "/reload to see changes", min = 1, max = 100, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['targettarget'].health end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['targettarget'].health = value end }, x = { order = 2, name = "Position X", type = "input", get = function() return tostring(G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['targettarget'].x) end, set = function(info, value) value = tonumber(value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['targettarget'].x = value refreshUnitframePositions() end }, y = { order = 3, name = "Position Y", type = "input", get = function() return tostring(G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['targettarget'].y) end, set = function(info, value) value = tonumber(value) G.ace.db.profile.unitframes['targettarget'].y = value refreshUnitframePositions() end }, } }, } }, panels = { name = "Panels", type = 'group', order = 2, childGroups = "tree", args = { mainpanel = { name = "Mainpanel", type = 'group', order = 0, args = { Hidden = { order = 0, name = "Hidden", desc = "", type = "toggle", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].hidden end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].hidden = value G.ace:GetModule("Panels"):SetPanel("mainpanel", UIParent, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].x, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].y, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].width, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].height, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].hidden) end }, width = { order = 1, name = "Width", desc = "", min = 1, max = 4096, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].width end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].width = value G.ace:GetModule("Panels"):SetPanel("mainpanel", UIParent, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].x, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].y, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].width, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].height, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].hidden) end }, height = { order = 2, name = "Height", desc = "", min = 1, max = 2160, step = 1, type = "range", get = function() return G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].height end, set = function(info, value) G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].height = value G.ace:GetModule("Panels"):SetPanel("mainpanel", UIParent, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].x, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].y, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].width, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].height, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].hidden) end }, x = { order = 3, name = "Position X", type = "input", get = function() return tostring(G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].x) end, set = function(info, value) value = tonumber(value) G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].x = value G.ace:GetModule("Panels"):SetPanel("mainpanel", UIParent, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].x, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].y, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].width, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].height, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].hidden) end }, y = { order = 4, name = "Position Y", type = "input", get = function() return tostring(G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].y) end, set = function(info, value) value = tonumber(value) G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].y = value G.ace:GetModule("Panels"):SetPanel("mainpanel", UIParent, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].x, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].y, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].width, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].height, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].hidden) end } } }, } }, } } local defaults = { profile = { sellJunk = true, autoRepair = true, hideErrors = "never", auraWatch = {}, unitframes = { player = { width = 184, showName = false, health = 30, power = 7, x = -259, y = -443, castbarX = 0, castbarY = -397, castbarWidth = 305, castbarHeight = 25, auraBarsX = 157, auraBarsY = 25, auraBarsWidth = 118, auraBarsHeight = 32, auraBarsSpacing = -1, auraBarsFontSize = 18, }, target = { width = 184, allDebuffs = false, health = 30, power = 7, x = 259, y = -443, castbarX = 258, castbarY = -475, castbarWidth = 182, castbarHeight = 16, auraBarsX = -157, auraBarsY = 25, auraBarsWidth = 118, auraBarsHeight = 32, auraBarsSpacing = -1, auraBarsFontSize = 18, }, targettarget = { width = 80, health = 27, x = 310, y = -500, } }, panels = { mainpanel = { hidden = false, width = 322, height = 126, x = 0, y = -429, } }, actionbars = { bar1 = { hidden = false, orientation = "HORIZONTAL", length = 6, size = 37, x = 0, y = -390, spacing = 2, rows = 1 }, bar2 = { hidden = false, orientation = "HORIZONTAL", length = 6, size = 37, x = 0, y = -429, spacing = 2, rows = 1 } } } } local function setupUI() G.ace:GetModule("Panels"):SetPanel("mainpanel", UIParent, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].x, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].y, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].width, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].height, G.ace.db.profile.panels['mainpanel'].hidden) end function G.ace:OnInitialize() local frame = CreateFrame("FRAME", "SavedVarsFrame"); frame:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, arg1) if arg1 == "gempUI" then self:UnregisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") G.ace.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("gempDB", defaults, true) options.args.profiles = LibStub("AceDBOptions-3.0"):GetOptionsTable(G.ace.db) LibStub("AceConfig-3.0"):RegisterOptionsTable("gempUI", options) self.optionsFrame = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):AddToBlizOptions("gempUI", "gempUI") setupUI() end end) end
local select = local function chunk(arr, ...) local n = select("#", ...) if n == 0 then return arr else local result, t = {}, {} local j, k, kmodn, m = 1, 1, 1, select(1, ...) for i = 1, #arr do t[j] = arr[i] if j >= m then result[k] = t kmodn, k, j, t = kmodn % n + 1, k + 1, 1, {} m = select(kmodn, ...) else j = j + 1 end end if j > 1 then result[k] = t end return result end end return chunk
local link_id ="INCR", KEY[1])"HSET", KEYS[2], link_id, ARGV[1]) return link_id
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- DevDokus ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function DrawCircle(x,y,z,r,g,b,a) Citizen.InvokeNative(0x2A32FAA57B937173, 0x94FDAE17, x, y, z-0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.25, r, g, b, a, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0) end function Notify(text, time) TriggerClientEvent("vorp:TipRight", source, text, time) end function DrawInfo(text, x, y, size) local xc = x / 1.0; local yc = y / 1.0; SetScriptGfxDrawOrder(3) SetTextScale(size, size) SetTextCentre(true) SetTextColor(255, 255, 255, 100) SetTextFontForCurrentCommand(6) DisplayText(CreateVarString(10, 'LITERAL_STRING', text), xc, yc) SetScriptGfxDrawOrder(3) end function DrawTxt(str, x, y, w, h, enableShadow, col1, col2, col3, a, center) local str = CreateVarString(10, "LITERAL_STRING", str, Citizen.ResultAsLong()) SetTextScale(w, h) SetTextColor(math.floor(col1), math.floor(col2), math.floor(col3), math.floor(a)) SetTextCentre(center) if enableShadow then SetTextDropshadow(1, 0, 0, 0, 255) end Citizen.InvokeNative(0xADA9255D, 10); DisplayText(str, x, y) end
local ObjectManager = require("managers.object.object_manager") KnightTrials = ScreenPlay:new {} function KnightTrials:startKnightTrials(pPlayer) local randomShrinePlanet = JediTrials:getRandomDifferentShrinePlanet(pPlayer) local pRandShrine = JediTrials:getRandomShrineOnPlanet(randomShrinePlanet) if (pRandShrine == nil) then return end JediTrials:setStartedTrials(pPlayer) JediTrials:setTrialsCompleted(pPlayer, 0) JediTrials:setCurrentTrial(pPlayer, 0) self:setTrialShrine(pPlayer, pRandShrine) local suiPrompt = getStringId("@jedi_trials:knight_trials_intro_msg") .. " " .. getStringId("@jedi_trials:" .. randomShrinePlanet) .. " " .. getStringId("@jedi_trials:knight_trials_intro_msg_end") local sui ="KnightTrials", "noCallback") sui.setTitle("@jedi_trials:knight_trials_title") sui.setPrompt(suiPrompt) sui.setOkButtonText("@jedi_trials:button_close") sui.hideCancelButton() sui.sendTo(pPlayer) end function KnightTrials:noCallback(pPlayer, pSui, eventIndex, ...) end function KnightTrials:startNextKnightTrial(pPlayer) if (pPlayer == nil) then return end local playerFaction = CreatureObject(pPlayer):getFaction() local playerCouncil = JediTrials:getJediCouncil(pPlayer) if ((playerFaction == FACTIONIMPERIAL and playerCouncil == JediTrials.COUNCIL_LIGHT) or (playerFaction == FACTIONREBEL and playerCouncil == JediTrials.COUNCIL_DARK)) then self:giveWrongFactionWarning(pPlayer, playerCouncil) return end local trialsCompleted = JediTrials:getTrialsCompleted(pPlayer) if (trialsCompleted >= #knightTrialQuests) then dropObserver(KILLEDCREATURE, "KnightTrials", "notifyKilledHuntTarget", pPlayer) deleteScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTarget") deleteScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTargetCount") deleteScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTargetGoal") JediTrials:unlockJediKnight(pPlayer) return end local shrinePrompt = "" if (trialsCompleted > 0) then shrinePrompt = getStringId("@jedi_trials:knight_trials_current_trial_complete") .. " " else self:unsetTrialShrine(pPlayer) end local currentTrial = trialsCompleted + 1 JediTrials:setCurrentTrial(pPlayer, currentTrial) local trialData = knightTrialQuests[currentTrial] if (trialData.trialType == TRIAL_COUNCIL) then self:sendCouncilChoiceSui(pPlayer) return end local trialString = "@jedi_trials:" .. trialData.trialName if (trialData.trialType == TRIAL_HUNT_FACTION) then local councilChoice = JediTrials:getJediCouncil(pPlayer) if (councilChoice == JediTrials.COUNCIL_LIGHT) then trialString = trialString .. "_light" else trialString = trialString .. "_dark" end end trialString = getStringId(trialString) shrinePrompt = shrinePrompt .. trialString if (trialData.huntGoal ~= nil and trialData.huntGoal > 1) then shrinePrompt = shrinePrompt .. " 0 of " .. trialData.huntGoal end local sui ="KnightTrials", "noCallback") sui.setTitle("@jedi_trials:knight_trials_title") sui.setPrompt(shrinePrompt) sui.setOkButtonText("@jedi_trials:button_close") sui.hideCancelButton() sui.sendTo(pPlayer) dropObserver(KILLEDCREATURE, "KnightTrials", "notifyKilledHuntTarget", pPlayer) deleteScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTarget") deleteScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTargetGoal") writeScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTargetCount", 0) if (trialData.trialType == TRIAL_HUNT or trialData.trialType == TRIAL_HUNT_FACTION) then if (trialData.trialType == TRIAL_HUNT) then writeScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTarget", trialData.huntTarget) else local councilChoice = JediTrials:getJediCouncil(pPlayer) if (councilChoice == JediTrials.COUNCIL_LIGHT) then writeScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTarget", trialData.rebelTarget) else writeScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTarget", trialData.imperialTarget) end end writeScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTargetGoal", trialData.huntGoal) createObserver(KILLEDCREATURE, "KnightTrials", "notifyKilledHuntTarget", pPlayer) end end function KnightTrials:sendCouncilChoiceSui(pPlayer) if (pPlayer == nil) then return end local sui ="KnightTrials", "handleCouncilChoice") sui.setPrompt("@jedi_trials:council_choice_msg") sui.setTitle("@jedi_trials:knight_trials_title") sui.setCancelButtonText("@jedi_trials:button_cancel") -- Cancel sui.setOtherButtonText("@jedi_trials:button_lightside") -- Light Jedi Council sui.setOkButtonText("@jedi_trials:button_darkside") -- Dark Jedi Council -- Other Button setup subscribe sui.setProperty("btnRevert", "OnPress", "RevertWasPressed=1\r\") sui.subscribeToPropertyForEvent(SuiEventType.SET_onClosedOk, "btnRevert", "RevertWasPressed") sui.sendTo(pPlayer) end function KnightTrials:handleCouncilChoice(pPlayer, pSui, eventIndex, ...) if (pPlayer == nil) then return end local cancelPressed = (eventIndex == 1) local args = {...} local lightSide = args[1] if (cancelPressed) then CreatureObject(pPlayer):sendSystemMessage("@jedi_trials:council_choice_delayed") return elseif (lightSide ~= nil) then -- Chose Light Side KnightTrials:doCouncilDecision(pPlayer, JediTrials.COUNCIL_LIGHT) elseif (eventIndex == 0) then -- Chose Dark Side KnightTrials:doCouncilDecision(pPlayer, JediTrials.COUNCIL_DARK) end end function KnightTrials:doCouncilDecision(pPlayer, choice) if (pPlayer == nil) then return end if (not JediTrials:isEligibleForKnightTrials(pPlayer)) then self:failTrialsIneligible(pPlayer) return end local playerFaction = CreatureObject(pPlayer):getFaction() local musicFile local successMsg if (choice == JediTrials.COUNCIL_LIGHT) then if (playerFaction == FACTIONIMPERIAL) then local sui ="KnightTrials", "noCallback") sui.setTitle("@jedi_trials:knight_trials_title") sui.setPrompt("@jedi_trials:faction_wrong_choice_light") sui.setOkButtonText("@jedi_trials:button_close") sui.hideCancelButton() sui.sendTo(pPlayer) return end musicFile = "sound/music_themequest_victory_rebel.snd" successMsg = "@jedi_trials:council_chosen_light" elseif (choice == JediTrials.COUNCIL_DARK) then if (playerFaction == FACTIONREBEL) then local sui ="KnightTrials", "noCallback") sui.setTitle("@jedi_trials:knight_trials_title") sui.setPrompt("@jedi_trials:faction_wrong_choice_dark") sui.setOkButtonText("@jedi_trials:button_close") sui.hideCancelButton() sui.sendTo(pPlayer) return end musicFile = "sound/music_themequest_victory_imperial.snd" successMsg = "@jedi_trials:council_chosen_dark" end JediTrials:setJediCouncil(pPlayer, choice) CreatureObject(pPlayer):playMusicMessage(musicFile) CreatureObject(pPlayer):sendSystemMessage(successMsg) local trialsCompleted = JediTrials:getTrialsCompleted(pPlayer) + 1 JediTrials:setTrialsCompleted(pPlayer, trialsCompleted) self:startNextKnightTrial(pPlayer) end function KnightTrials:notifyKilledHuntTarget(pPlayer, pVictim) if (pVictim == nil or pPlayer == nil) then return 0 end local trialNumber = JediTrials:getCurrentTrial(pPlayer) if (trialNumber <= 0) then printLuaError("KnightTrials:notifyKilledHuntTarget, invalid trial for player: " .. SceneObject(pPlayer):getCustomObjectName() .. " on trial " .. trialNumber) return 1 end local trialData = knightTrialQuests[trialNumber] if (trialData.trialType ~= TRIAL_HUNT and trialData.trialType ~= TRIAL_HUNT_FACTION) then return 1 end local playerFaction = CreatureObject(pPlayer):getFaction() local playerCouncil = JediTrials:getJediCouncil(pPlayer) if ((playerFaction == FACTIONIMPERIAL and playerCouncil == JediTrials.COUNCIL_LIGHT) or (playerFaction == FACTIONREBEL and playerCouncil == JediTrials.COUNCIL_DARK)) then self:giveWrongFactionWarning(pPlayer, playerCouncil) return 0 end local huntTarget = readScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTarget") local targetCount = tonumber(readScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTargetCount")) local targetGoal = tonumber(readScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTargetGoal")) if (targetCount == nil) then printLuaError("KnightTrials:notifyKilledHuntTarget, nil targetCount for player: " .. SceneObject(pPlayer):getCustomObjectName() .. " on trial " .. trialNumber .. " (player killed target: " .. SceneObject(pVictim):getObjectName() .. "). Setting to 0.") writeScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTargetCount", 0) targetCount = 0 end if (targetGoal == nil) then printLuaError("KnightTrials:notifyKilledHuntTarget, nil targetGoal for player: " .. SceneObject(pPlayer):getCustomObjectName() .. " on trial " .. trialNumber .. " (player killed target: " .. SceneObject(pVictim):getObjectName() .. "). Setting to " .. trialData.huntGoal .. ".") writeScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTargetGoal", trialData.huntGoal) targetGoal = trialData.huntGoal end if (huntTarget == nil or huntTarget == "") then local newTarget = "" if (trialData.trialType == TRIAL_HUNT) then writeScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTarget", trialData.huntTarget) newTarget = trialData.huntTarget else local councilChoice = JediTrials:getJediCouncil(pPlayer) if (councilChoice == JediTrials.COUNCIL_LIGHT) then writeScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTarget", trialData.rebelTarget) newTarget = trialData.rebelTarget else writeScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTarget", trialData.imperialTarget) newTarget = trialData.imperialTarget end end printLuaError("KnightTrials:notifyKilledHuntTarget, nil huntTarget for player: " .. SceneObject(pPlayer):getCustomObjectName() .. " on trial " .. trialNumber .. " (player killed target: " .. SceneObject(pVictim):getObjectName() .. "). Setting to " .. newTarget .. ".") huntTarget = newTarget end if (SceneObject(pVictim):getZoneName() ~= SceneObject(pPlayer):getZoneName() or not CreatureObject(pPlayer):isInRangeWithObject(pVictim, 80)) then return 0 end local targetList = HelperFuncs:splitString(huntTarget, ";") if (huntTarget == SceneObject(pVictim):getObjectName() or HelperFuncs:tableContainsValue(targetList, SceneObject(pVictim):getObjectName())) then CreatureObject(pPlayer):sendSystemMessage("@jedi_trials:knight_trials_progress") targetCount = targetCount + 1 writeScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTargetCount", targetCount) if (targetCount >= targetGoal) then if (not JediTrials:isEligibleForKnightTrials(pPlayer)) then self:failTrialsIneligible(pPlayer) return 1 end local trialsCompleted = JediTrials:getTrialsCompleted(pPlayer) + 1 JediTrials:setTrialsCompleted(pPlayer, trialsCompleted) self:startNextKnightTrial(pPlayer) return 1 end end return 0 end function KnightTrials:failTrialsIneligible(pPlayer) if (pPlayer == nil or JediTrials:isEligibleForKnightTrials(pPlayer)) then return end local sui ="JediTrials", "emptyCallback") sui.setTitle("@jedi_trials:knight_trials_title") sui.setPrompt("@jedi_trials:knight_trials_being_removed") sui.setOkButtonText("@jedi_trials:button_close") sui.sendTo(pPlayer) JediTrials:resetTrialData(pPlayer, "knight") self:unsetTrialShrine(pPlayer) end function KnightTrials:showCurrentTrial(pPlayer) if (pPlayer == nil) then return end local trialNumber = JediTrials:getCurrentTrial(pPlayer) local trialsCompleted = JediTrials:getTrialsCompleted(pPlayer) if (trialsCompleted == trialNumber) then return end local trialData = knightTrialQuests[trialNumber] if (trialData.trialType == TRIAL_COUNCIL) then self:sendCouncilChoiceSui(pPlayer) return end local playerFaction = CreatureObject(pPlayer):getFaction() local playerCouncil = JediTrials:getJediCouncil(pPlayer) if (trialData.trialType == TRIAL_HUNT or trialData.trialType == TRIAL_HUNT_FACTION) then if ((playerFaction == FACTIONIMPERIAL and playerCouncil == JediTrials.COUNCIL_LIGHT) or (playerFaction == FACTIONREBEL and playerCouncil == JediTrials.COUNCIL_DARK)) then self:giveWrongFactionWarning(pPlayer, playerCouncil) return end end local huntTarget = readScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTarget") local targetCount = tonumber(readScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTargetCount")) local targetGoal = tonumber(readScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTargetGoal")) if (targetCount == nil) then printLuaError("KnightTrials:showCurrentTrial, nil targetCount for player: " .. SceneObject(pPlayer):getCustomObjectName() .. " on trial " .. trialNumber .. ". Setting to 0.") writeScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTargetCount", 0) targetCount = 0 end if (targetGoal == nil) then printLuaError("KnightTrials:showCurrentTrial, nil targetGoal for player: " .. SceneObject(pPlayer):getCustomObjectName() .. " on trial " .. trialNumber .. ". Setting to " .. trialData.huntGoal .. ".") writeScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTargetGoal", trialData.huntGoal) targetGoal = trialData.huntGoal end if (huntTarget == nil or huntTarget == "") then local newTarget = "" if (trialData.trialType == TRIAL_HUNT) then writeScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTarget", trialData.huntTarget) newTarget = trialData.huntTarget else local councilChoice = JediTrials:getJediCouncil(pPlayer) if (councilChoice == JediTrials.COUNCIL_LIGHT) then writeScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTarget", trialData.rebelTarget) newTarget = trialData.rebelTarget else writeScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "huntTarget", trialData.imperialTarget) newTarget = trialData.imperialTarget end end printLuaError("KnightTrials:showCurrentTrial, nil huntTarget for player: " .. SceneObject(pPlayer):getCustomObjectName() .. " on trial " .. trialNumber .. ". Setting to " .. newTarget .. ".") huntTarget = newTarget end local shrinePrompt = "@jedi_trials:" .. trialData.trialName if (trialData.trialType == TRIAL_HUNT_FACTION) then local councilChoice = JediTrials:getJediCouncil(pPlayer) if (councilChoice == JediTrials.COUNCIL_LIGHT) then shrinePrompt = shrinePrompt .. "_light" else shrinePrompt = shrinePrompt .. "_dark" end end shrinePrompt = getStringId(shrinePrompt) if (trialData.huntGoal ~= nil and trialData.huntGoal > 1) then shrinePrompt = shrinePrompt .. " " .. targetCount .. " of " .. trialData.huntGoal end local sui ="KnightTrials", "noCallback") sui.setTitle("@jedi_trials:knight_trials_title") sui.setPrompt(shrinePrompt) sui.setOkButtonText("@jedi_trials:button_close") sui.hideCancelButton() sui.sendTo(pPlayer) end function KnightTrials:setTrialShrine(pPlayer, pShrine) writeScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "trialShrineID", SceneObject(pShrine):getObjectID()) end function KnightTrials:unsetTrialShrine(pPlayer, pShrine) deleteScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "trialShrineID") end function KnightTrials:getTrialShrine(pPlayer) local shrineID = tonumber(readScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "JediTrials", "trialShrineID")) if (shrineID == nil or shrineID == 0) then return nil end local pShrine = getSceneObject(shrineID) return pShrine end function KnightTrials:onPlayerLoggedIn(pPlayer) if (pPlayer == nil) then return end if (JediTrials:isEligibleForKnightTrials(pPlayer) and not JediTrials:isOnKnightTrials(pPlayer)) then KnightTrials:startKnightTrials(pPlayer) elseif (JediTrials:isOnKnightTrials(pPlayer)) then local trialNumber = JediTrials:getCurrentTrial(pPlayer) if (trialNumber <= 0) then return end local trialData = knightTrialQuests[trialNumber] if (trialData.trialType == TRIAL_HUNT or trialData.trialType == TRIAL_HUNT_FACTION) then dropObserver(KILLEDCREATURE, "KnightTrials", "notifyKilledHuntTarget", pPlayer) createObserver(KILLEDCREATURE, "KnightTrials", "notifyKilledHuntTarget", pPlayer) end end end function KnightTrials:giveWrongFactionWarning(pPlayer, councilType) if (pPlayer == nil) then return end local sui ="KnightTrials", "noCallback") sui.setTitle("@jedi_trials:knight_trials_title") if (councilType == JediTrials.COUNCIL_LIGHT) then sui.setPrompt("@jedi_trials:faction_wrong_light") -- To become a Light Jedi, you cannot be a member of the Empire. You must revoke your status as an Imperial in order to continue. else sui.setPrompt("@jedi_trials:faction_wrong_dark") -- To become a Dark Jedi, you cannot be a member of the Rebel Alliance. You must revoke your status as a Rebel in order to continue. end sui.setOkButtonText("@jedi_trials:button_close") sui.hideCancelButton() sui.sendTo(pPlayer) end function KnightTrials:resetCompletedTrialsToStart(pPlayer) if (pPlayer == nil) then return end JediTrials:resetTrialData(pPlayer, "knight") deleteScreenPlayData(pPlayer, "KnightTrials", "completedTrials") JediTrials:setStartedTrials(pPlayer) JediTrials:setTrialsCompleted(pPlayer, 0) JediTrials:setCurrentTrial(pPlayer, 0) end
return { version = "1.4", luaversion = "5.1", tiledversion = "1.4.3", orientation = "orthogonal", renderorder = "right-down", width = 32, height = 22, tilewidth = 8, tileheight = 8, nextlayerid = 5, nextobjectid = 1352, properties = {}, tilesets = { { name = "tiles-overworld", firstgid = 1, filename = "../../../../../tiled/new_tilesets/tiles-overworld.tsx", tilewidth = 8, tileheight = 8, spacing = 0, margin = 0, columns = 36, image = "../../graphics/tiles-overworld.png", imagewidth = 288, imageheight = 128, objectalignment = "unspecified", tileoffset = { x = 0, y = 0 }, grid = { orientation = "orthogonal", width = 8, height = 8 }, properties = {}, terrains = {}, tilecount = 576, tiles = {} }, { name = "collide8", firstgid = 577, filename = "../../../../../tiled/new_tilesets/collide8.tsx", tilewidth = 8, tileheight = 8, spacing = 0, margin = 0, columns = 1, image = "../../graphics/collider8.png", imagewidth = 8, imageheight = 8, objectalignment = "unspecified", tileoffset = { x = 0, y = 0 }, grid = { orientation = "orthogonal", width = 8, height = 8 }, properties = {}, terrains = {}, tilecount = 1, tiles = {} } }, layers = { { type = "tilelayer", x = 0, y = 0, width = 32, height = 22, id = 2, name = "Water_layer", visible = true, opacity = 1, offsetx = 0, offsety = 0, properties = {}, encoding = "lua", data = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 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offsetx = 0, offsety = 0, properties = {}, objects = { { id = 1247, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 0, y = 24, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1248, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 8, y = 32, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1249, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 16, y = 40, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1250, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 24, y = 48, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1251, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 32, y = 56, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1252, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 40, y = 64, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1253, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 48, y = 72, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1254, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 56, y = 80, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1255, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 64, y = 88, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1256, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 72, y = 96, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1258, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 80, y = 96, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1259, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 88, y = 88, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1260, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 88, y = 80, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1261, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 88, y = 72, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1262, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 88, y = 64, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1263, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 88, y = 56, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1264, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 88, y = 48, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1265, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 88, y = 40, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1266, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 96, y = 32, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1267, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 104, y = 24, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1268, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 112, y = 24, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1269, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 120, y = 32, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1270, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 128, y = 32, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1271, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 136, y = 32, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1272, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 144, y = 32, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1273, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 152, y = 32, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1274, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 160, y = 32, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1275, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 168, y = 32, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1276, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 184, y = 32, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1277, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 176, y = 32, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1278, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 192, y = 40, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1279, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 200, y = 48, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1280, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 208, y = 56, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1281, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 208, y = 64, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1282, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 208, y = 72, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1283, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 216, y = 80, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1284, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 224, y = 88, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1285, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 224, y = 96, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1286, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 216, y = 104, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1287, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 208, y = 112, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1288, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 208, y = 120, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1289, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 208, y = 128, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1290, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 200, y = 136, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1291, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 192, y = 144, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1292, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 184, y = 152, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1293, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 176, y = 152, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1294, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 168, y = 152, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1295, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 160, y = 152, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1296, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 152, y = 152, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1297, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 136, y = 152, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1299, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 144, y = 152, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1300, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 128, y = 152, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1301, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 120, y = 152, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1302, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 112, y = 160, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1303, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 104, y = 160, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1304, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 96, y = 152, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1305, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 88, y = 144, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1306, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 80, y = 136, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1307, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 72, y = 136, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1308, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 64, y = 144, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1309, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 56, y = 152, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1310, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 48, y = 152, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1311, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 32, y = 152, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1312, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 40, y = 152, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1313, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 24, y = 152, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1314, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 16, y = 152, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1315, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 8, y = 152, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1316, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 0, y = 152, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1317, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = -8, y = 144, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1318, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = -8, y = 136, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1319, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = -8, y = 128, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1324, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = -8, y = 120, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1325, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = -8, y = 112, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1326, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = -8, y = 104, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1327, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = -8, y = 96, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1328, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = -8, y = 88, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1329, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = -8, y = 80, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1330, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = -8, y = 72, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1331, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = -8, y = 64, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1332, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = -8, y = 56, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1333, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = -8, y = 48, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1334, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = -8, y = 40, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1335, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = -8, y = 32, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1336, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 128, y = 88, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1337, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 136, y = 88, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1338, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 136, y = 96, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1339, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 128, y = 96, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1340, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 144, y = 72, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1341, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 152, y = 72, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1342, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 152, y = 80, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1343, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 144, y = 80, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1344, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 160, y = 88, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1345, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 168, y = 88, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1346, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 168, y = 96, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1347, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 160, y = 96, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1348, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 144, y = 104, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1349, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 152, y = 104, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1350, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 152, y = 112, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} }, { id = 1351, name = "", type = "", shape = "rectangle", x = 144, y = 112, width = 8, height = 8, rotation = 0, gid = 577, visible = true, properties = {} } } } } }
function PLUGIN:PostLoadData() local query = mysql:Create("gmodz_squads") query:Create("owner", "VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL") -- steamid64 query:Create("name", "VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL") -- Max squad name length: 64 characters query:Create("description", "TEXT") query:Create("logo", "VARCHAR(15) DEFAULT NULL") -- Imgur ID query:Create("color", "VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL") query:PrimaryKey("owner") query:Execute() end function PLUGIN:PlayerLoadedCharacter(client, character) timer.Simple(0.25, function() ix.squad.Restore(character:GetSquadID(), client:SteamID64(), function(squad) if (IsValid(client) and character) then if (squad and squad.Sync) then squad:Sync(client, true) else character:SetSquadID("NULL") character:SetSquadOfficer(0) end end end) end) end function PLUGIN:PreCharacterDeleted(client, character) local squad = ix.squad.list[character:GetSquadID()] local steamID64 = client:SteamID64() if (squad and squad.members[steamID64]) then if (squad.owner == steamID64) then ix.squad.Disband(steamID64, squad:GetReceivers()) squad = nil else squad.members[steamID64] = nil squad:Sync() net.Start("ixSquadKick") net.WriteString(squad.owner) net.WriteBool(false) net.Send(client) end else ix.squad.Disband(steamID64) end end function PLUGIN:PostPlayerLoadout(client) local squad = ix.squad.list[client:GetCharacter():GetSquadID()] or {} local color = squad.color if (color) then client:SetPlayerColor(Vector(color.r / 255, color.g / 255, color.b / 255)) end end net.Receive("ixSquadCreate", function(_, client) if ((client.ixSquadCreateTry or 0) < CurTime()) then client.ixSquadCreateTry = CurTime() + 30 else client:NotifyLocalized("squad_create_wait") return end local character = client:GetCharacter() if (!character or character:GetSquadID() != "NULL") then return end local name = tostring(net.ReadString()):gsub("\r\n", ""):gsub("\n", "") name = string.Trim(name) if (name:utf8len() < 1 or !name:find("%S") or name:gsub("%s", ""):utf8len() > 49) then client.ixSquadCreateTry = nil return end ix.squad.New(name, client:SteamID64(), function(squad) -- insert if (IsValid(client)) then if (squad) then character:SetSquadOfficer(0) character:SetSquadID(squad.owner) squad:Sync(client) client:NotifyLocalized("squad_successfully_created", end client.ixSquadCreateTry = nil end end, function(squad) -- restore if (IsValid(client)) then if (squad and squad.Sync) then print("SQUAD - RESTORED",, client:Name()) squad:Sync(client, true) else print("SQUAD - DON'T RESTORED", client:Name()) character:SetSquadID("NULL") character:SetSquadOfficer(0) end end end) end) net.Receive("ixSquadSettings", function(_, client) local data = net.ReadTable() if (table.IsEmpty(data) or !client:GetCharacter()) then return end local squad = ix.squad.list[client:GetCharacter():GetSquadID()] if (squad and squad:IsLeader(client)) then if ( then local name = tostring("\r\n", ""):gsub("\n", "") name = string.Trim(name) if (name:utf8len() < 1 or !name:find("%S")) then = nil else if (name:gsub("%s", ""):utf8len() > 48) then name = name:utf8sub(0, 48) end = name end end if (data.description) then local desc = string.Trim(tostring(data.description)) if (!desc:find("%S")) then squad.description = "" else if (desc:utf8len() < 1) then desc = "" elseif (desc:gsub("%s", ""):utf8len() > 2048) then desc = desc:utf8sub(0, 2048) end squad.description = desc end end local isLogo = isstring(data.logoID) if (isLogo) then squad.logo = data.logoID end local isColor = ix.util.IsColor(data.color) if (isColor) then data.color.a = 255 squad.color = data.color end if (!table.IsEmpty(data)) then local query = mysql:Update("gmodz_squads") if ( then query:Update("name", end if (data.description) then query:Update("description", squad.description) end if (isLogo) then query:Update("logo", data.logoID) end if (isColor) then query:Update("color", string.FromColor(data.color)) end query:Where("owner", squad.owner) query:Execute() squad:Sync(nil, isColor) end isLogo, isColor = nil, nil end data = nil end) net.Receive("ixSquadInvite", function(_, client) local id = client:GetCharacter() and client:GetCharacter():GetSquadID() if (!id or id == "NULL") then return end local squad = ix.squad.list[id] if (!squad) then return end local target = net.ReadEntity() if (IsValid(target) and client:GetPos():DistToSqr(target:GetPos()) < 160 * 160) then target:NotifyLocalized("squad_invite", client:Nick(), target.squad_invite = {CurTime() + 30, client:UserID()} end end) net.Receive("ixSquadKickMember", function(_, client) if ((client.ixSquadKickTry or 0) < CurTime()) then client.ixSquadKickTry = CurTime() + 2 else return end local steamID64 = net.ReadString() if (!isstring(steamID64) or #steamID64 == 0) then return end local index = player.GetBySteamID64(steamID64) if (index) then ix.squad.KickMember(index, client) else ix.squad.KickMember_Offline(steamID64, client) end end) net.Receive("ixSquadDisband", function(_, client) if ((client.ixSquadKickTry or 0) < CurTime()) then client.ixSquadKickTry = CurTime() + 2 else return end ix.squad.KickMember(client, client) end) net.Receive("ixSquadRankChange", function(_, client) if ((client.ixSquadRankTry or 0) < CurTime()) then client.ixSquadRankTry = CurTime() + 2 else return end local steamID64 = net.ReadString() if (!isstring(steamID64) or #steamID64 == 0 or steamID64 == client:SteamID64()) then return end local index = player.GetBySteamID64(steamID64) if (index) then ix.squad.ChangeRank(index, client) else ix.squad.ChangeRank_Offline(steamID64, client) end end) net.Receive("ixSquadLeave", function(_, client) if (IsValid(client)) then local character = client:GetCharacter() if (!character) then return end local squad = ix.squad.list[character:GetSquadID()] if (!squad or squad:IsLeader()) then return end if (squad.members[client:SteamID64()]) then net.Start("ixSquadLeave") net.WriteString(squad.owner) net.Send(client) squad.members[client:SteamID64()] = nil character:SetSquadID("NULL") character:SetSquadOfficer(0) squad:Sync() end end end)
local ffi = require("ffi") local ffi_util = require("common.ffi_util") do --- test-ffi-bitfield local x =[[ union { uint32_t u; struct { int a:10,b:10,c:11,d:1; }; struct { unsigned int e:10,f:10,g:11,h:1; }; struct { int8_t i:4,j:5,k:5,l:3; }; struct { _Bool b0:1,b1:1,b2:1,b3:1; }; } ]]) -- bitfield access x.u = 0xffffffff assert(x.a == -1 and x.b == -1 and x.c == -1 and x.d == -1) assert(x.e == 1023 and x.f == 1023 and x.g == 2047 and x.h == 1) assert(x.i == -1 and x.j == -1 and x.k == -1 and x.l == -1) assert(x.b0 == true and x.b1 == true and x.b2 == true and x.b3 == true) x.u = 0x12345678 if ffi.abi("le") then assert(x.a == -392 and x.b == 277 and x.c == 291 and x.d == 0) assert(x.e == 632 and x.f == 277 and x.g == 291 and x.h == 0) assert(x.i == -8 and x.j == -10 and x.k == -12 and x.l == 1) assert(x.b0 == false and x.b1 == false and x.b2 == false and x.b3 == true) else assert(x.a == 72 and x.b == -187 and x.c == 828 and x.d == 0) assert(x.e == 72 and x.f == 837 and x.g == 828 and x.h == 0) assert(x.i == 1 and x.j == 6 and x.k == 10 and x.l == -2) assert(x.b0 == false and x.b1 == false and x.b2 == false and x.b3 == true) end x.u = 0xe8d30edc if ffi.abi("le") then assert(x.a == -292 and x.b == 195 and x.c == -371 and x.d == -1) assert(x.e == 732 and x.f == 195 and x.g == 1677 and x.h == 1) assert(x.i == -4 and x.j == 14 and x.k == -13 and x.l == -2) assert(x.b0 == false and x.b1 == false and x.b2 == true and x.b3 == true) else assert(x.a == -93 and x.b == 304 and x.c == -146 and x.d == 0) assert(x.e == 931 and x.f == 304 and x.g == 1902 and x.h == 0) assert(x.i == -2 and x.j == -6 and x.k == 1 and x.l == -2) assert(x.b0 == true and x.b1 == true and x.b2 == true and x.b3 == false) end -- bitfield insert x.u = 0xffffffff x.a = 0 if ffi.abi("le") then assert(x.u == 0xfffffc00) else assert(x.u == 0x003fffff) end x.u = 0 x.a = -1 if ffi.abi("le") then assert(x.u == 0x3ff) else assert(x.u == 0xffc00000) end x.u = 0xffffffff x.b = 0 if ffi.abi("le") then assert(x.u == 0xfff003ff) else assert(x.u == 0xffc00fff) end x.u = 0 x.b = -1 if ffi.abi("le") then assert(x.u == 0x000ffc00) else assert(x.u == 0x003ff000) end -- cumulative bitfield insert x.u = 0xffffffff if ffi.abi("le") then x.a = -392; x.b = 277; x.c = 291; x.d = 0 else x.a = 72; x.b = -187; x.c = 828; x.d = 0 end assert(x.u == 0x12345678) x.u = 0 if ffi.abi("le") then x.a = -392; x.b = 277; x.c = 291; x.d = 0 else x.a = 72; x.b = -187; x.c = 828; x.d = 0 end assert(x.u == 0x12345678) x.u = 0xffffffff x.b0 = true; x.b1 = false; x.b2 = true; x.b3 = false if ffi.abi("le") then assert(x.u == 0xfffffff5) else assert(x.u == 0xafffffff) end x.u = 0 x.b0 = true; x.b1 = false; x.b2 = true; x.b3 = false if ffi.abi("le") then assert(x.u == 0x00000005) else assert(x.u == 0xa0000000) end end
--************************ --ChoiceMenu --************************ ChoiceMenu = {} ChoiceMenu.__index = ChoiceMenu function, callback) local self = setmetatable({}, ChoiceMenu) self.menuItems = {} self.currMenuItem = 1 = nil return self end function ChoiceMenu:onInput(input) if input.down then self.currMenuItem = math.min(#self.menuItems, self.currMenuItem + 1) elseif input.up then self.currMenuItem = math.max(1, self.currMenuItem - 1) elseif input.ok then if self.menuItems[self.currMenuItem].callback ~= nil then self.menuItems[self.currMenuItem].callback() end end --[[ if input.up then if self:hasChoiceMenu() then self.choiceMenu.currMenuItem = math.max(1, self.choiceMenu.currMenuItem - 1) end elseif input.right then if self:hasChoiceMenu() then self.choiceMenu.currMenuItem = math.min(#self.choiceMenu.menuItems, self.choiceMenu.currMenuItem + 1) end elseif input.down then if self:hasChoiceMenu() then self.choiceMenu.currMenuItem = math.min(#self.choiceMenu.menuItems, self.choiceMenu.currMenuItem + 1) end elseif input.left then elseif input.ok then if self.choiceMenu.menuItems[self.choiceMenu.currMenuItem].callback ~= nil then self.choiceMenu.menuItems[self.choiceMenu.currMenuItem].callback() end ]]-- end function ChoiceMenu:update(dt) end function ChoiceMenu:render(x, y) for i, menuItem in ipairs(self.menuItems) do if (self.currMenuItem == i) then engine.renderTextLine('-' .. menuItem.text, x, y +((i-1)* 8)); else engine.renderTextLine(menuItem.text, x, y +((i-1)* 8)); end end end function ChoiceMenu:addMenuItem(newMenuItem) table.insert(self.menuItems, newMenuItem) end function ChoiceMenu:resetMenu() self.menuItems = {} end return ChoiceMenu
require 'nngraph' local utils = require 'utils.utils' local layer, parent = torch.class('nn.MultiModel', 'nn.Module') function layer:__init(opt, nLabel) parent.__init(self) local parms = {} parms.conv_feat_size = utils.getopt(opt, 'conv_feat_size', 256) parms.multfeat_dim = utils.getopt(opt, 'multfeat_dim', 256) parms.attfeat_dim = utils.getopt(opt, 'attfeat_dim', 256) parms.conv_feat_num = utils.getopt(opt, 'conv_feat_num', 196) parms.height = math.sqrt(parms.conv_feat_num) parms.drop_ratio = utils.getopt(opt, 'drop_prob_mm', 0.5) parms.text_feat_num = utils.getopt(opt, 'text_feat_num', 5) self.deathRate = utils.getopt(opt, 'deathRate', 0.5) if self.deathRate == 0 then print ('--> the death Rate is set to zero') end -- build model local SpatialConvolution = cudnn.SpatialConvolution local Avg = cudnn.SpatialAveragePooling local ReLU = cudnn.ReLU local Max = nn.SpatialMaxPooling local SoftMax = cudnn.SoftMax local Tanh = cudnn.Tanh local ifeat = nn.Identity()() -- image convolutional feat BxDxhxw local sfeat = nn.Identity()() -- language feat BxDx5 local in_qfeat = nn.Dropout(parms.drop_ratio)(sfeat) local in_ifeat = nn.Dropout(parms.drop_ratio)(ifeat) -- do a image feature embedding to Tanh range in_ifeat = Tanh()(SpatialConvolution(parms.conv_feat_size, parms.multfeat_dim, 1,1,1,1,0,0)(in_ifeat)) -- do a text feature embedding to Tanh range in_qfeat = nn.View(parms.multfeat_dim, parms.text_feat_num, 1)(in_qfeat) in_qfeat = Tanh()(SpatialConvolution(parms.multfeat_dim, parms.multfeat_dim, 1,1,1,1,0,0)(in_qfeat)) in_qfeat = nn.View(parms.multfeat_dim, parms.text_feat_num)(in_qfeat) -- image attention local globqfeat = nn.Mean(2,2)(in_qfeat) local qfeatatt = nn.Replicate(parms.conv_feat_num, 3)(nn.Linear(parms.multfeat_dim, parms.attfeat_dim)(globqfeat)) local ifeatproj = SpatialConvolution(parms.multfeat_dim, parms.attfeat_dim, 1,1,1,1,0,0)(in_ifeat) local ifeatatt = nn.View(parms.attfeat_dim, parms.conv_feat_num):setNumInputDims(3)(ifeatproj) local addfeat = nn.View(parms.attfeat_dim,parms.conv_feat_num,1):setNumInputDims(2)(Tanh()(nn.CAddTable()({ifeatatt, qfeatatt}))) -- local iattscore = nn.View(parms.conv_feat_num):setNumInputDims(3)(SpatialConvolution(parms.attfeat_dim,1,1,1,1,1,0,0)(addfeat)) -- text attention local globifeat = nn.View(parms.multfeat_dim):setNumInputDims(3)(Avg(parms.height,parms.height,1,1)(in_ifeat)) local ifeatatt = nn.Replicate(parms.text_feat_num, 3)(nn.Linear(parms.multfeat_dim, parms.attfeat_dim)(globifeat)) local tfeatproj = SpatialConvolution(parms.multfeat_dim, parms.attfeat_dim, 1,1,1,1,0,0)(nn.View(parms.multfeat_dim,parms.text_feat_num,1):setNumInputDims(2)(in_qfeat)) tfeatproj = nn.View(parms.multfeat_dim, parms.text_feat_num):setNumInputDims(3)(tfeatproj) local addfeat2 = nn.View(parms.attfeat_dim,parms.text_feat_num,1):setNumInputDims(2)(Tanh()(nn.CAddTable()({ifeatatt, tfeatproj}))) -- local qattscore = nn.View(parms.text_feat_num):setNumInputDims(3)(SpatialConvolution(parms.attfeat_dim,1,1,1,1,1,0,0)(addfeat2)) -- global attention local attfeat_join = nn.JoinTable(2, 3)({addfeat, addfeat2}) att = nn.View(parms.text_feat_num+parms.conv_feat_num):setNumInputDims(3)(SpatialConvolution(parms.attfeat_dim,1,1,1,1,1,0,0)(attfeat_join)) att = SoftMax()(att) local flat_ifeat = nn.View(parms.multfeat_dim, parms.conv_feat_num):setNumInputDims(3)(in_ifeat) local joint_feat = nn.JoinTable(2,2)({flat_ifeat, in_qfeat}) local att_feat = nn.MV()({joint_feat, att}) -- concat context vector and image feat local output_feat = nn.CAddTable()({att_feat, globifeat}) local out = nn.Linear(parms.multfeat_dim, nLabel)(nn.Dropout(0.5)(output_feat)) self.model = nn.gModule({ifeat, sfeat}, {out, att}) -- stochastic self.gate = true self.train = true end function layer:sampleGates() self.gate = true if torch.rand(1)[1] < self.deathRate then self.gate = false end end function layer:parameters() return self.model:parameters() end function layer:training() self.model:training() self.train = true end function layer:evaluate() self.model:evaluate() self.train = false end --[[ input: 1) conv_image_feats 2) text_feats ---]] function layer:updateOutput(input) self:sampleGates() local ifeat = input[1] local tfeat = input[2] -- assert(ifeat:size(2) == tfeat:size(2), string.format('unmatch feat size %d ~= %d',ifeat:size(2), tfeat:size(2))) if self.train then if self.gate == false then tfeat:zero() end else -- evaluate mode tfeat:mul(1-self.deathRate) end self.model:forward({ifeat, tfeat}) self.output = self.model.output return self.output end function layer:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput) local ifeat = input[1] local tfeat = input[2] -- if self.train then -- if self.gate == false then -- assert(tfeat:sum() == 0) -- end -- end self.model:backward(input, gradOutput) self.gradInput = self.model.gradInput if self.train then if self.gate == false then self.gradInput[2]:zero() end end return self.gradInput end
object_mobile_rebel_emperorsday_vendor = object_mobile_shared_rebel_emperorsday_vendor:new { } ObjectTemplates:addTemplate(object_mobile_rebel_emperorsday_vendor, "object/mobile/rebel_emperorsday_vendor.iff")
local E, L, V, P, G = unpack(select(2, ...)); --Import: Engine, Locales, PrivateDB, ProfileDB, GlobalDB local UF = E:GetModule('UnitFrames'); --Cache global variables --Lua functions local floor = math.floor --WoW API / Variables local CreateFrame = CreateFrame function UF:Construct_AltPowerBar(frame) local altpower = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, frame) altpower:SetStatusBarTexture( UF.statusbars[altpower] = true altpower:GetStatusBarTexture():SetHorizTile(false) altpower.PostUpdate = UF.AltPowerBarPostUpdate altpower:CreateBackdrop("Default", true) altpower.text = altpower:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY') altpower.text:Point("CENTER") altpower.text:SetJustifyH("CENTER") UF:Configure_FontString(altpower.text) altpower:SetScript("OnShow", UF.ToggleResourceBar) altpower:SetScript("OnHide", UF.ToggleResourceBar) return altpower end function UF:AltPowerBarPostUpdate(unit, cur, _, max) if not self.barType then return end local perc = (cur and max and max > 0) and floor((cur/max)*100) or 0 local parent = self:GetParent() if perc < 35 then self:SetStatusBarColor(0, 1, 0) elseif perc < 70 then self:SetStatusBarColor(1, 1, 0) else self:SetStatusBarColor(1, 0, 0) end if unit == "player" and self.text then if perc > 0 then self.text:SetFormattedText("%s: %d%%", self.powerName, perc) else self.text:SetFormattedText("%s: 0%%", self.powerName) end elseif unit and unit:find("boss%d") and self.text then self.text:SetTextColor(self:GetStatusBarColor()) if not parent.Power.value:GetText() or parent.Power.value:GetText() == "" then self.text:Point("BOTTOMRIGHT", parent.Health, "BOTTOMRIGHT") else self.text:Point("RIGHT", parent.Power.value, "LEFT", 2, E.mult) end if perc > 0 then self.text:SetFormattedText("|cffD7BEA5[|r%d%%|cffD7BEA5]|r", perc) else self.text:SetText(nil) end end end function UF:Configure_AltPower(frame) if not frame.VARIABLES_SET then return end local altpower = frame.AlternativePower if frame.USE_POWERBAR then frame:EnableElement('AlternativePower') altpower.text:SetAlpha(1) altpower:Point("BOTTOMLEFT", frame.Health.backdrop, "TOPLEFT", frame.BORDER, frame.SPACING+frame.BORDER) if not frame.USE_PORTRAIT_OVERLAY then altpower:Point("TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", -(frame.PORTRAIT_WIDTH+frame.BORDER), -frame.BORDER) else altpower:Point("TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", -frame.BORDER, -frame.BORDER) end altpower.Smooth = UF.db.smoothbars else frame:DisableElement('AlternativePower') altpower.text:SetAlpha(0) altpower:Hide() end end
--[[ s:UI Context Menu: Units (and Friends) TODO: BIG FAT conditions cleanup. (Took most of them from ContextMenuPlayer) Martin Karer / Sezz, 2014 --]] local MAJOR, MINOR = "Sezz:Controls:ContextMenu-0.1", 1; local ContextMenu = Apollo.GetPackage(MAJOR).tPackage; if (ContextMenu and (ContextMenu.nVersion or 0) > MINOR) then return; end local Apollo, GameLib, GroupLib, FriendshipLib, P2PTrading, MatchingGame, ChatSystemLib = Apollo, GameLib, GroupLib, FriendshipLib, P2PTrading, MatchingGame, ChatSystemLib; local strfind, tonumber = string.find, tonumber; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Menu Items ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local tMenuItems = { -- Markers { Name = "BtnMarkTarget", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_MarkTarget"), Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.bInGroup and self.tData.tMyGroupData.bCanMark and self.tData.unit); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Children = { { Name = "BtnMark1", Icon = "Icon_Windows_UI_CRB_Marker_Bomb", OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Checked = function(self) return (self.tData.unit:GetTargetMarker() == 1) end, }, { Name = "BtnMark2", Icon = "Icon_Windows_UI_CRB_Marker_Ghost", OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Checked = function(self) return (self.tData.unit:GetTargetMarker() == 2) end, }, { Name = "BtnMark3", Icon = "Icon_Windows_UI_CRB_Marker_Mask", OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Checked = function(self) return (self.tData.unit:GetTargetMarker() == 3) end, }, { Name = "BtnMark4", Icon = "Icon_Windows_UI_CRB_Marker_Octopus", OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Checked = function(self) return (self.tData.unit:GetTargetMarker() == 4) end, }, { Name = "BtnMark5", Icon = "Icon_Windows_UI_CRB_Marker_Pig", OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Checked = function(self) return (self.tData.unit:GetTargetMarker() == 5) end, }, { Name = "BtnMark6", Icon = "Icon_Windows_UI_CRB_Marker_Chicken", OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Checked = function(self) return (self.tData.unit:GetTargetMarker() == 6) end, }, { Name = "BtnMark7", Icon = "Icon_Windows_UI_CRB_Marker_Toaster", OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Checked = function(self) return (self.tData.unit:GetTargetMarker() == 7) end, }, { Name = "BtnMark8", Icon = "Icon_Windows_UI_CRB_Marker_UFO", OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Checked = function(self) return (self.tData.unit:GetTargetMarker() == 8) end, }, { Name = "BtnMarkClear", Icon = "", OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Checked = function(self) return (not self.tData.unit:GetTargetMarker()) end, }, }, }, -- Assist { Name = "BtnAssist", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_Assist"), Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.unit and self.tData.bIsACharacter and not self.tData.bIsThePlayer); end, Enabled = function(self) return (self.tData.unit:GetTarget() ~= nil); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", }, -- Focus { Name = "BtnClearFocus", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_ClearFocus"), Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.unit and (self.tData.unitPlayer:GetAlternateTarget() and self.tData.unit:GetId() == self.tData.unitPlayer:GetAlternateTarget():GetId())); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", }, { Name = "BtnSetFocus", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_SetFocus"), Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.unit and (not self.tData.unitPlayer:GetAlternateTarget() or self.tData.unit:GetId() ~= self.tData.unitPlayer:GetAlternateTarget():GetId())); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", }, -- Inspect { Name = "BtnInspect", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_Inspect"), Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.unit and self.tData.bIsACharacter); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", }, -- Group (Mentor/Locate/etc.) { Name = "BtnGroupList", Text = Apollo.GetString("ChatType_Party"), Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.bInGroup and self.tData.bIsACharacter and not self.tData.bIsOfflineAccountFriend); end, Children = { { Name = "BtnLocate", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_Locate"), OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.unit and self.tData.tTargetGroupData and self.tData.tTargetGroupData.bIsOnline and not self.tData.tTargetGroupData.bDisconnected); end, -- Additional tTargetGroupData checks for sUF! }, { Name = "BtnPromote", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_Promote"), OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.nGroupMemberId and self.tData.tTargetGroupData and self.tData.bAmIGroupLeader); end, Enabled = function(self) return (self.tData.tTargetGroupData.bIsOnline and not self.tData.tTargetGroupData.bDisconnected); end, -- We don't want a leader who is offline... }, { Name = "BtnVoteToDisband", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_VoteToDisband"), OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.tTargetGroupData and self.tData.bInMatchingGame and not self.tData.bIsMatchingGameFinished and MatchingGame:GetPVPMatchState() ~= MatchingGame.Rules.DeathmatchPool); end, Enabled = function(self) return (not MatchingGame.IsVoteSurrenderActive()); end, }, { Name = "BtnVoteToKick", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_VoteToKick"), OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.nGroupMemberId and self.tData.tTargetGroupData and self.tData.bInMatchingGame and not self.tData.bIsMatchingGameFinished); end, }, { Name = "BtnKick", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_Kick"), Condition = function(self) return (not self.tData.bIsThePlayer and self.tData.nGroupMemberId and self.tData.tMyGroupData.bCanKick); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", }, { Name = "BtnGroupGiveKick", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_AllowKicks"), OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.nGroupMemberId and self.tData.tTargetGroupData and self.tData.bAmIGroupLeader and not self.tData.tTargetGroupData.bCanKick); end, }, { Name = "BtnGroupTakeKick", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_DenyKicks"), OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.nGroupMemberId and self.tData.tTargetGroupData and self.tData.bAmIGroupLeader and self.tData.tTargetGroupData.bCanKick); end, }, { Name = "BtnGroupGiveInvite", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_AllowInvites"), OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.nGroupMemberId and self.tData.tTargetGroupData and self.tData.bAmIGroupLeader and not self.tData.tTargetGroupData.bCanInvite); end, }, { Name = "BtnGroupTakeInvite", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_DenyInvites"), OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.nGroupMemberId and self.tData.tTargetGroupData and self.tData.bAmIGroupLeader and self.tData.tTargetGroupData.bCanInvite); end, }, { Name = "BtnGroupGiveMark", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_AllowMarking"), OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.nGroupMemberId and self.tData.tTargetGroupData and self.tData.bAmIGroupLeader and not self.tData.tTargetGroupData.bCanMark); end, }, { Name = "BtnGroupTakeMark", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_DenyMarking"), OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.nGroupMemberId and self.tData.tTargetGroupData and self.tData.bAmIGroupLeader and self.tData.tTargetGroupData.bCanMark); end, }, { Name = "BtnMentor", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_Mentor"), OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.unit and not self.tData.bIsThePlayer and not bMentoringTarget and self.tData.tTargetGroupData and self.tData.tTargetGroupData.bIsOnline and not self.tData.tTargetGroupData.bDisconnected); end, -- Additional tTargetGroupData checks for sUF! }, { Name = "BtnStopMentor", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_StopMentor"), OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.tMyGroupData.bIsMentoring or self.tData.tMyGroupData.bIsMentored); end, }, }, }, -- Social { Name = "BtnSocialList", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_SocialLists"), Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.bIsACharacter and not self.tData.bIsThePlayer); end, Children = { { Name = "BtnAddFriend", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_AddFriend"), Condition = function(self) return (not self.tData.bIsFriend and (not self.tData.unit or self.tData.unit:GetFaction() == self.tData.unitPlayer:GetFaction())); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", }, { Name = "BtnUnfriend", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_RemoveFriend"), Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.bIsFriend); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", }, { Name = "BtnAddRival", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_AddRival"), Condition = function(self) return (not self.tData.bIsRival); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", }, { Name = "BtnUnrival", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_RemoveRival"), Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.bIsRival and not self.tData.tAccountFriend); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", }, { Name = "BtnAddNeighbor", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_AddNeighbor"), Condition = function(self) return (not self.tData.bIsNeighbor and (not self.tData.unit or self.tData.unit:GetFaction() == self.tData.unitPlayer:GetFaction())); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", }, { Name = "BtnUnneighbor", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_RemoveNeighbor"), Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.bIsNeighbor and not self.tData.tAccountFriend); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", }, { Name = "BtnAccountFriend", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_PromoteFriend"), Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.bIsFriend and not self.tData.bIsAccountFriend); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", }, { Name = "BtnUnaccountFriend", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_UnaccountFriend"), Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.tAccountFriend ~= nil); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", }, }, }, -- Ignore { Name = "BtnIgnore", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_Ignore"), Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.bIsACharacter and not self.tData.bIsThePlayer and not (self.tData.tFriend and self.tData.tFriend.bIgnore) and (self.tData.tAccountFriend == nil or self.tData.tAccountFriend.fLastOnline == 0)); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", }, { Name = "BtnUnignore", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_Unignore"), Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.tFriend and self.tData.tFriend.bIgnore); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", }, -- Duel { Name = "BtnDuel", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_Duel"), OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Condition = function(self) local eCurrentZonePvPRules = GameLib.GetCurrentZonePvpRules(); return (self.tData.unit and (not eCurrentZonePvPRules or eCurrentZonePvPRules ~= GameLib.CodeEnumZonePvpRules.Sanctuary) and self.tData.bIsACharacter and not self.tData.bIsThePlayer and not GameLib.GetDuelOpponent(self.tData.unitPlayer)); end, }, { Name = "BtnForfeit", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_ForfeitDuel"), OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Condition = function(self) local eCurrentZonePvPRules = GameLib.GetCurrentZonePvpRules(); return (self.tData.unit and (not eCurrentZonePvPRules or eCurrentZonePvPRules ~= GameLib.CodeEnumZonePvpRules.Sanctuary) and self.tData.bIsACharacter and not self.tData.bIsThePlayer and GameLib.GetDuelOpponent(self.tData.unitPlayer)); end, }, -- Trade { Name = "BtnTrade", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_Trade"), Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.unit and self.tData.bIsACharacter and not self.tData.bIsThePlayer and self.tData.unit:GetFaction() == self.tData.tPlayerFaction); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", Enabled = function(self) local eCanTradeResult = P2PTrading.CanInitiateTrade(self.tData.unit.__proto__ or self.tData.unit); return (eCanTradeResult == P2PTrading.P2PTradeError_Ok or eCanTradeResult == P2PTrading.P2PTradeError_TargetRangeMax); end, }, -- Whisper { Name = "BtnWhisper", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_Whisper"), Condition = function(self) return (not self.tData.bIsThePlayer and self.tData.bCanWhisper); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", }, { Name = "BtnAccountWhisper", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_AccountWhisper"), Condition = function(self) return (not self.tData.bIsThePlayer and self.tData.bCanAccountWisper); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", }, { Name = "BtnInvite", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_InviteToGroup"), Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.bIsACharacter and not self.tData.bIsThePlayer and not self.tData.nGroupMemberId and (not self.tData.bInGroup or (self.tData.tMyGroupData.bCanInvite and self.tData.bCanWhisper)) and (not self.tData.unit or (self.tData.unit and self.tData.unit:GetFaction() == self.tData.tPlayerFaction))); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", }, { Name = "BtnLeaveGroup", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_LeaveGroup"), Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.bIsThePlayer and self.tData.bInGroup); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", }, -- Report { Name = "BtnReportChat", Text = Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_ReportSpam"), Condition = function(self) return (self.tData.nReportId ~= nil); end, OnClick = "OnClickUnit", }, }; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Context Menu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ContextMenu:OnClickUnit(wndControl, wndHandler) local strButton = wndControl:GetName(); if (not strButton or strButton == "Button") then return; elseif (strButton == "BtnSetFocus") then -- Set Focus if (self.tData.unit) then self.tData.unitPlayer:SetAlternateTarget(self.tData.unit.__proto__ or self.tData.unit); end elseif (strButton == "BtnClearFocus") then -- Clear Focus self.tData.unitPlayer:SetAlternateTarget(); elseif (strButton == "BtnMarkTarget") then -- Set First Available Mark if (self.tData.unit) then local nResult = 8; local nCurrent = self.tData.unit:GetTargetMarker() or 0; local tAvailableMarkers = GameLib.GetAvailableTargetMarkers(); for idx = nCurrent, 8 do if (tAvailableMarkers[idx]) then nResult = idx; break; end end self.tData.unit:SetTargetMarker(nResult); end elseif (strButton == "BtnMarkClear") then if (self.tData.unit) then self.tData.unit:ClearTargetMarker(); end elseif (strfind(strButton, "BtnMark(%d)")) then if (self.tData.unit) then local _, _, strMark = strfind(strButton, "BtnMark(%d)"); strMark = tonumber(strMark); if (wndControl:IsChecked() and strMark < 8) then self.tData.unit:SetTargetMarker(strMark); else self.tData.unit:ClearTargetMarker(); end end elseif (strButton == "BtnAssist") then if (self.tData.unit) then GameLib.SetTargetUnit(self.tData.unit:GetTarget()); end elseif (strButton == "BtnInspect") then if (self.tData.unit) then self.tData.unit:Inspect(); end elseif (strButton == "BtnAddFriend") then FriendshipLib.AddByName(FriendshipLib.CharacterFriendshipType_Friend, self.tData.strTarget); elseif (strButton == "BtnUnfriend") then FriendshipLib.Remove(self.tData.tCharacterData.tFriend.nId, FriendshipLib.CharacterFriendshipType_Friend); elseif (strButton == "BtnAccountFriend") then FriendshipLib.AccountAddByUpgrade(self.tData.tCharacterData.tFriend.nId); elseif (strButton == "BtnUnaccountFriend") then if (self.tData.tAccountFriend and self.tData.tAccountFriend.nId) then Event_FireGenericEvent("EventGeneric_ConfirmRemoveAccountFriend", self.tData.tAccountFriend.nId); -- TODO end elseif (strButton == "BtnAddRival") then FriendshipLib.AddByName(FriendshipLib.CharacterFriendshipType_Rival, self.tData.strTarget); elseif (strButton == "BtnUnrival") then FriendshipLib.Remove(self.tData.tCharacterData.tFriend.nId, FriendshipLib.CharacterFriendshipType_Rival); elseif (strButton == "BtnAddNeighbor") then HousingLib.NeighborInviteByName(self.tData.strTarget); elseif (strButton == "BtnUnneighbor") then Print(Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_NeighborRemoveFailed")); -- TODO elseif (strButton == "BtnIgnore") then FriendshipLib.AddByName(FriendshipLib.CharacterFriendshipType_Ignore, self.tData.strTarget); elseif (strButton == "BtnUnignore") then FriendshipLib.Remove(self.tData.tCharacterData.tFriend.nId, FriendshipLib.CharacterFriendshipType_Ignore); elseif (strButton == "BtnDuel") then GameLib.InitiateDuel(self.tData.unit); elseif (strButton == "BtnForfeit") then GameLib.ForfeitDuel(self.tData.unit); elseif (strButton == "BtnTrade") then local eCanTradeResult = P2PTrading.CanInitiateTrade(self.tData.unit); if (eCanTradeResult == P2PTrading.P2PTradeError_Ok) then Event_FireGenericEvent("P2PTradeWithTarget", self.tData.unit); elseif (eCanTradeResult == P2PTrading.P2PTradeError_TargetRangeMax) then Event_FireGenericEvent("GenericFloater", self.tData.unitPlayer, Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_PlayerOutOfRange")); self.tData.unit:ShowHintArrow(); else Event_FireGenericEvent("GenericFloater", self.tData.unitPlayer, Apollo.GetString("ContextMenu_TradeFailed")); end elseif (strButton == "BtnWhisper") then Event_FireGenericEvent("GenericEvent_ChatLogWhisper", self.tData.strTarget); elseif (strButton == "BtnAccountWhisper") then if (self.tData.tCharacterData.tAccountFriend ~= nil and self.tData.tCharacterData.tAccountFriend.arCharacters ~= nil and self.tData.tCharacterData.tAccountFriend.arCharacters[1] ~= nil) then local strDisplayName = self.tData.tCharacterData.tAccountFriend.strCharacterName; local strRealmName = self.tData.tCharacterData.tAccountFriend.arCharacters[1].strRealm; Event_FireGenericEvent("Event_EngageAccountWhisper", strDisplayName, self.tData.strTarget, strRealmName); end elseif (strButton == "BtnInvite") then GroupLib.Invite(self.tData.strTarget); elseif (strButton == "BtnKick") then GroupLib.Kick(self.tData.nGroupMemberId); elseif (strButton == "BtnLeaveGroup") then GroupLib.LeaveGroup(); -- TODO elseif (strButton == "BtnPromote") then GroupLib.Promote(self.tData.nGroupMemberId, ""); elseif (strButton == "BtnGroupGiveMark") then GroupLib.SetCanMark(self.tData.nGroupMemberId, true); elseif (strButton == "BtnGroupTakeMark") then GroupLib.SetCanMark(self.tData.nGroupMemberId, false); elseif (strButton == "BtnGroupGiveKick") then GroupLib.SetKickPermission(self.tData.nGroupMemberId, true); elseif (strButton == "BtnGroupTakeKick") then GroupLib.SetKickPermission(self.tData.nGroupMemberId, false); elseif (strButton == "BtnGroupGiveInvite") then GroupLib.SetInvitePermission(self.tData.nGroupMemberId, true); elseif (strButton == "BtnGroupTakeInvite") then GroupLib.SetInvitePermission(self.tData.nGroupMemberId, false); elseif (strButton == "BtnLocate") then if (self.tData.unit) then self.tData.unit:ShowHintArrow(); end elseif (strButton == "BtnMarkClear") then self.tData.unit:ClearTargetMarker(); elseif (strButton == "BtnVoteToDisband") then MatchingGame.InitiateVoteToSurrender(); elseif (strButton == "BtnVoteToKick") then MatchingGame.InitiateVoteToKick(self.tData.nGroupMemberId); elseif (strButton == "BtnMentor") then GroupLib.AcceptMentoring(self.tData.unit); elseif (strButton == "BtnStopMentor") then GroupLib.CancelMentoring(); elseif (strButton == "BtnReportChat" and self.tData.nReportId) then local tResult = ChatSystemLib.PrepareInfractionReport(self.tData.nReportId); Apollo.GetAddon("ContextMenuPlayer"):BuildReportConfirmation(tResult.strDescription, tResult.bSuccess); -- TODO elseif (strButton and string.find(strButton, "BtnMark") ~= 0) then self.tData.unit:SetTargetMarker(tonumber(string.sub(strButton, string.len("BtnMark_")))); end self:Close(true); end local function FindFriend(strName, bAccountFriend) local strRealm = GameLib.GetRealmName(); local tFriends = bAccountFriend and FriendshipLib.GetAccountList() or FriendshipLib.GetList(); for _, tFriend in ipairs(tFriends) do if (not bAccountFriend and tFriend.strCharacterName == strName and tFriend.strRealmName == strRealm) then return tFriend; elseif (bAccountFriend and tFriend.arCharacters) then for _, tCharacter in ipairs(tFriend.arCharacters) do if (tCharacter.strCharacterName == strName and tCharacter.strRealm == strRealm) then return tFriend; end end end end end function ContextMenu:GenerateUnitMenu(unit, nReportId) if (not unit) then return; end -- Cleanup self:Initialize(); -- Chat self.tData.nReportId = nReportId; -- Player self.tData.unitPlayer = GameLib.GetPlayerUnit(); self.tData.bInGroup = GroupLib.InGroup(); self.tData.bAmIGroupLeader = GroupLib.AmILeader(); self.tData.tMyGroupData = GroupLib.GetGroupMember(1); self.tData.tPlayerFaction = self.tData.unitPlayer:GetFaction(); -- Check if Unitstring is the Player (TODO: Can unit string come from another realm? Need to test this in PVP) if (type(unit) == "string" and unit == self.tData.unitPlayer:GetName()) then unit = self.tData.unitPlayer; end -- Friend IDs if (type(unit) == "number") then self.tData.bFriendMenu = true; self.tData.nFriendId = unit; self.tData.tFriend = FriendshipLib.GetById(unit); self.tData.tAccountFriend = FriendshipLib.GetAccountById(unit); if (self.tData.tFriend) then unit = self.tData.tFriend.strCharacterName; elseif (self.tData.tAccountFriend) then if (self.tData.tAccountFriend.arCharacters and self.tData.tAccountFriend.arCharacters[1]) then unit = self.tData.tAccountFriend.arCharacters[1].strCharacterName; else -- Offline Account Friend self.tData.bIsOfflineAccountFriend = true; unit = self.tData.tAccountFriend.strCharacterName; end end else self.tData.bFriendMenu = false; self.tData.nFriendId = nil; self.tData.tFriend = nil; self.tData.tAccountFriend = nil; self.tData.bIsOfflineAccountFriend = false; end if (type(unit) == "string") then -- Unitless Properties self.tData.unit = nil; self.tData.strTarget = unit; self.tData.bIsACharacter = true; -- TODO self.tData.bIsThePlayer = false; else -- Unit Properties self.tData.unit = unit; self.tData.strTarget = unit:GetName(); self.tData.bIsACharacter = unit:IsACharacter(); self.tData.bIsThePlayer = unit:IsThePlayer(); end self.tData.tCharacterData = GameLib.SearchRelationshipStatusByCharacterName(self.tData.strTarget); self.tData.nGroupMemberId = (self.tData.tCharacterData and self.tData.tCharacterData.nPartyIndex) or nil; self.tData.tTargetGroupData = (not self.tData.bIsThePlayer and self.tData.tCharacterData and self.tData.tCharacterData.nPartyIndex) and GroupLib.GetGroupMember(self.tData.tCharacterData.nPartyIndex) or nil; -- Mentoring if (self.tData.bInGroup and not self.tData.bIsThePlayer and self.tData.tTargetGroupData) then local bMentoringTarget = false; for _, nMentorIdx in ipairs(self.tData.tTargetGroupData.tMentoredBy) do if (tMyGroupData.nMemberIdx == nMentorIdx) then bMentoringTarget = true; break end end if (self.tData.tTargetGroupData.bIsOnline and not bMentoringTarget and self.tData.tTargetGroupData.nLevel < self.tData.tMyGroupData.nLevel) then self.tData.bMentoringTarget = true; end else self.tData.bMentoringTarget = false; end -- Friend if (self.tData.bIsACharacter) then if (not self.tData.bFriendMenu) then self.tData.tFriend = FindFriend(self.tData.strTarget); -- bFriend, bRival, bIgnore self.tData.tAccountFriend = FindFriend(self.tData.strTarget, true); self.tData.nFriendId = (self.tData.tFriend and self.tData.tFriend.nId) or (self.tData.tAccountFriend and self.tData.tAccountFriend.nId) or nil; end self.tData.bCanAccountWisper = not self.tData.bIsOfflineAccountFriend and (self.tData.tAccountFriend ~= nil and self.tData.tAccountFriend.arCharacters and self.tData.tAccountFriend.arCharacters[1] ~= nil); if (self.tData.bCanAccountWisper) then -- self.tData.bCanWhisper = (self.tData.tAccountFriend.arCharacters[1] ~= nil and self.tData.tAccountFriend.arCharacters[1].strRealm == GameLib.GetRealmName() and self.tData.tAccountFriend.arCharacters[1].nFactionId == self.tData.tPlayerFaction); self.tData.bCanWhisper = (self.tData.tAccountFriend.arCharacters[1].nFactionId == self.tData.tPlayerFaction); else self.tData.bCanWhisper = not self.tData.bIsOfflineAccountFriend and (self.tData.bIsACharacter and (not self.tData.unit or (self.tData.unit and self.tData.unit:GetFaction() == self.tData.tPlayerFaction)) and (self.tData.tFriend == nil or (self.tData.tFriend ~= nil and not self.tData.tFriend.bIgnore))); end self.tData.bIsFriend = (self.tData.tFriend ~= nil and self.tData.tFriend.bFriend) or (self.tData.tCharacterData ~= nil and self.tData.tCharacterData.tFriend ~= nil and self.tData.tCharacterData.tFriend.bFriend); self.tData.bIsRival = (self.tData.tFriend ~= nil and self.tData.tFriend.bRival) or (self.tData.tCharacterData ~= nil and self.tData.tCharacterData.tFriend ~= nil and self.tData.tCharacterData.tFriend.bRival); self.tData.bIsNeighbor = (self.tData.tFriend ~= nil and self.tData.tFriend.bNeighbor) or (self.tData.tCharacterData ~= nil and self.tData.tCharacterData.tFriend ~= nil and self.tData.tCharacterData.tFriend.bNeighbor); self.tData.bIsAccountFriend = (self.tData.tAccountFriend ~= nil or (self.tData.tCharacterData ~= nil and self.tData.tCharacterData.tAccountFriend ~= nil)); else self.tData.bCanWhisper = false; self.tData.bCanAccountWisper = false; self.tData.bIsFriend = false; self.tData.bIsRival = false; self.tData.bIsNeighbor = false; self.tData.bIsAccountFriend = false; end -- PVP self.tData.bInMatchingGame = MatchingGame.IsInMatchingGame(); self.tData.bIsMatchingGameFinished = MatchingGame.IsMatchingGameFinished(); if (not self.tParent) then self:AddHeader(self.tData.strTarget); self:AddItems(tMenuItems); end return self; end --[[ local S = Apollo.GetPackage("Gemini:Addon-1.1").tPackage:GetAddon("SezzUI"); local log = S.Log; ]]
local colors = require("tokyonight.colors").setup() colors = vim.tbl_extend("force", colors, { fg = colors.fg_sidebar, bg = colors.bg_statusline, }) return colors
-- Copyright (c) 2018 Redfern, Trevor <[email protected]> -- -- This software is released under the MIT License. -- describe("MergeSort", function() local MergeSort = require "mergesort" it("sorts elements as expected", function() local list = { "orange", "apple", "banana", "rhubarb", "nectarine", "peach", "blueberry" } local r = MergeSort(list) assert.array_matches({ "apple", "banana", "blueberry", "nectarine", "orange", "peach", "rhubarb" }, r) end) it("it sorts the actual array", function() local list = { 38, 9, 2, 203, 8, 28, 10, 11, 48, 29, 6, 7, 92, 1000, 843, 928, 842, 292, 384, 596, 10293, 1 } MergeSort(list) assert.array_matches( { 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 28, 29, 38, 48, 92, 203, 292, 384, 596, 842, 843, 928, 1000, 10293 }, list) end) it("can deal with duplicate values", function() local list = { 2, 4, 2, 9, 4, 1, 8, 4 } MergeSort(list) assert.array_matches({ 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 8, 9}, list) end) it("can support a custom comparison", function() local list = { 1, 2, 3, 4 } MergeSort(list, function(a, b) return a > b end) assert.array_matches({4, 3, 2, 1}, list) end) end)
------------------------------------------------- -- Github Contributions Widget for Awesome Window Manager -- Shows the contributions graph -- More details could be found here: -- -- @author Pavel Makhov -- @copyright 2020 Pavel Makhov ------------------------------------------------- local awful = require("awful") local wibox = require("wibox") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local GET_CONTRIBUTIONS_CMD = [[bash -c "curl -s | jq -r '[.contributions[] | select ( .date | strptime(\"%%Y-%%m-%%d\") | mktime < now)][:%s]| .[].color'"]] -- in case stops working contributions can be scrapped from the with the command below. Note that the order is reversed. local GET_CONTRIBUTIONS_CMD_FALLBACK = [[bash -c "curl -s | grep -o '\" fill=\"\#[0-9a-fA-F]\{6\}\" da' | grep -o '\#[0-9a-fA-F]\{6\}'"]] local github_contributions_widget = wibox.widget{ reflection = { horizontal = true, vertical = true, }, widget = wibox.container.mirror } local function worker(args) local args = args or {} local username = args.username or 'streetturtle' local days = args.days or 365 local empty_color = args.empty_color or beautiful.bg_normal local with_border = args.with_border local margin_top = args.margin_top or 1 if with_border == nil then with_border = true end local function hex2rgb(hex) if hex == '#ebedf0' then hex = empty_color end hex = tostring(hex):gsub("#","") return tonumber("0x" .. hex:sub(1, 2)), tonumber("0x" .. hex:sub(3, 4)), tonumber("0x" .. hex:sub(5, 6)) end local function get_square(color) local r, g, b = hex2rgb(color) return wibox.widget{ fit = function(self, context, width, height) return 3, 3 end, draw = function(self, context, cr, width, height) cr:set_source_rgb(r/255, g/255, b/255) cr:rectangle(0, 0, with_border and 2 or 3, with_border and 2 or 3) cr:fill() end, layout = wibox.widget.base.make_widget } end local col = {layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical} local row = {layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal} local a = 5 -'%w') for i = 0, a do table.insert(col, get_square('#ebedf0')) end local update_widget = function(widget, stdout, _, _, _) for colors in stdout:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do if a%7 == 0 then table.insert(row, col) col = {layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical} end table.insert(col, get_square(colors)) a = a + 1 end github_contributions_widget:setup( { row, top = margin_top, layout = wibox.container.margin } ) end awful.spawn.easy_async(string.format(GET_CONTRIBUTIONS_CMD, username, days), function(stdout, stderr) update_widget(github_contributions_widget, stdout) end) return github_contributions_widget end return setmetatable(github_contributions_widget, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })
#!/usr/bin/env lua -- Inverse Captcha (Part 1) for line in io.lines() do _, _, captcha, result = line:find("(%d+)%s+(%d+)") result = tonumber(result) sum = 0 for i = 1, #captcha do current = tonumber(captcha:sub(i, i)) next = tonumber(captcha:sub(i + 1, i + 1)) -- Because it's a circular list if next == nil then next = tonumber(captcha:sub(1, 1)) end if current == next then sum = sum + current end end matches = (sum == result) if matches then io.write(sum, "\n") else io.stderr:write(sum, "\n") end end
--- This file is generated by ava-x2l.exe, --- Don't change it manaully. --- @copyright Lilith Games, Project Da Vinci(Avatar Team) --- @see Official Website: --- @see Dev Framework: --- @see X2L Tool: --- source file: ./Xls/UIAnimation.xls local UIAnimationXls = { [1] = { Key = 1, AnimationName = 'ModeImage1', Count = 100, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode1', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.2, 0.2), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.65, 0.65), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [2] = { Key = 2, AnimationName = 'ModeImage1', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode1', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.2, 0.2), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.65, 0.65), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [3] = { Key = 3, AnimationName = 'ModeImage1', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode1', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 20, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [4] = { Key = 4, AnimationName = 'ModeImage1', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode1', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [5] = { Key = 5, AnimationName = 'ModeImage1', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode1', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 38, Size = Vector2(800, 560), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [6] = { Key = 6, AnimationName = 'ModeImage1', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode1', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 46, Size = Vector2(750, 525), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [7] = { Key = 7, AnimationName = 'ModeImage2', Count = 100, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode2', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.65, 0.65), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [8] = { Key = 8, AnimationName = 'ModeImage2', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode2', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.65, 0.65), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [9] = { Key = 9, AnimationName = 'ModeImage2', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode2', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 20, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [10] = { Key = 10, AnimationName = 'ModeImage2', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode2', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [11] = { Key = 11, AnimationName = 'ModeImage2', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode2', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 38, Size = Vector2(800, 560), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [12] = { Key = 12, AnimationName = 'ModeImage2', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode2', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 46, Size = Vector2(750, 525), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [13] = { Key = 13, AnimationName = 'ModeImage3', Count = 100, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode3', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.8, 0.8), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.65, 0.65), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [14] = { Key = 14, AnimationName = 'ModeImage3', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode3', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.8, 0.8), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.65, 0.65), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [15] = { Key = 15, AnimationName = 'ModeImage3', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode3', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 20, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [16] = { Key = 16, AnimationName = 'ModeImage3', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode3', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [17] = { Key = 17, AnimationName = 'ModeImage3', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode3', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 38, Size = Vector2(800, 560), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [18] = { Key = 18, AnimationName = 'ModeImage3', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode3', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 46, Size = Vector2(750, 525), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [19] = { Key = 19, AnimationName = 'ModeImage4', Count = 100, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode4', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.2, 0.2), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.3, 0.3), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [20] = { Key = 20, AnimationName = 'ModeImage4', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode4', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.2, 0.2), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.3, 0.3), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [21] = { Key = 21, AnimationName = 'ModeImage4', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode4', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 20, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [22] = { Key = 22, AnimationName = 'ModeImage4', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode4', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [23] = { Key = 23, AnimationName = 'ModeImage4', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode4', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 38, Size = Vector2(800, 560), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [24] = { Key = 24, AnimationName = 'ModeImage4', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode4', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 46, Size = Vector2(750, 525), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [25] = { Key = 25, AnimationName = 'ModeImage5', Count = 100, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode5', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.3, 0.3), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [26] = { Key = 26, AnimationName = 'ModeImage5', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode5', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.3, 0.3), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [27] = { Key = 27, AnimationName = 'ModeImage5', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode5', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 20, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [28] = { Key = 28, AnimationName = 'ModeImage5', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode5', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [29] = { Key = 29, AnimationName = 'ModeImage5', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode5', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 38, Size = Vector2(800, 560), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [30] = { Key = 30, AnimationName = 'ModeImage5', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode5', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 46, Size = Vector2(750, 525), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [31] = { Key = 31, AnimationName = 'ModeImage6', Count = 100, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode6', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.8, 0.8), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.3, 0.3), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [32] = { Key = 32, AnimationName = 'ModeImage6', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode6', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.8, 0.8), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.3, 0.3), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [33] = { Key = 33, AnimationName = 'ModeImage6', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode6', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 20, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [34] = { Key = 34, AnimationName = 'ModeImage6', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode6', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = Vector2(500, 350), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), AnchorsY = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [35] = { Key = 35, AnimationName = 'ModeImage6', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode6', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 38, Size = Vector2(800, 560), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [36] = { Key = 36, AnimationName = 'ModeImage6', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.Mode6', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 46, Size = Vector2(750, 525), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [37] = { Key = 37, AnimationName = 'ImgChooseShow', Count = 60, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.ImgChoose', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = Vector2(0, 0), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [38] = { Key = 38, AnimationName = 'ImgChooseShow', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.ImgChoose', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = Vector2(0, 0), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [39] = { Key = 39, AnimationName = 'ImgChooseShow', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.ImgChoose', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 31, Size = Vector2(1000, 1000), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [40] = { Key = 40, AnimationName = 'ImgChooseShow', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.ImgChoose', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 45, Size = Vector2(250, 250), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [41] = { Key = 41, AnimationName = 'ImgChooseShow', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl.ImgChoose', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 55, Size = Vector2(300, 300), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [42] = { Key = 42, AnimationName = 'Random2Loading', Count = 20, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [43] = { Key = 43, AnimationName = 'Random2Loading', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [44] = { Key = 44, AnimationName = 'Random2Loading', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.GameModePnl', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 20, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(1, 2), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [45] = { Key = 45, AnimationName = 'Random2Loading', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.IntroPnl', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-1, 0), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [46] = { Key = 46, AnimationName = 'Random2Loading', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.IntroPnl', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-1, 0), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [47] = { Key = 47, AnimationName = 'Random2Loading', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.LoadGUI.IntroPnl', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 20, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [48] = { Key = 48, AnimationName = 'StartMatch', Count = 10, UINode = 'Local.HallGUI.ImgBG', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = Vector2(480, 200), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(1.2, 1.2), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [49] = { Key = 49, AnimationName = 'StartMatch', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.HallGUI.ImgBG', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = Vector2(480, 200), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(1.2, 1.2), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [50] = { Key = 50, AnimationName = 'StartMatch', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.HallGUI.ImgBG', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 4, Size = Vector2(480, 200), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(0.91, 0.91), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [51] = { Key = 51, AnimationName = 'StartMatch', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.HallGUI.ImgBG', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 6, Size = Vector2(490, 205), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(0.91, 0.91), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [52] = { Key = 52, AnimationName = 'StartMatch', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.HallGUI.ImgBG', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 8, Size = Vector2(480, 200), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(0.91, 0.91), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [53] = { Key = 53, AnimationName = 'PopMsg', Count = 60, UINode = 'Local.NoticeGUI.PopMsg', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = Vector2(800, 40), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [54] = { Key = 54, AnimationName = 'PopMsg', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.NoticeGUI.PopMsg', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = Vector2(800, 40), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [55] = { Key = 55, AnimationName = 'PopMsg', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.NoticeGUI.PopMsg', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 4, Size = Vector2(1000, 50), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [56] = { Key = 56, AnimationName = 'PopMsg', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.NoticeGUI.PopMsg', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 6, Size = Vector2(840, 42), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [57] = { Key = 57, AnimationName = 'PopMsg', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.NoticeGUI.PopMsg', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 9, Size = Vector2(800, 40), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [58] = { Key = 58, AnimationName = 'ScoreMsg', Count = 60, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = Vector2(0, 0), Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [59] = { Key = 59, AnimationName = 'ScoreMsg', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = Vector2(0, 4), Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [60] = { Key = 60, AnimationName = 'ScoreMsg', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 15, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = Vector2(0, 50), Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [61] = { Key = 61, AnimationName = 'ScoreMsg', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = Vector2(0, 130), Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [62] = { Key = 62, AnimationName = 'ScoreMsg', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 45, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = Vector2(0, 130), Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [63] = { Key = 63, AnimationName = 'ContinusKill', Count = 60, UINode = 'Local.ShareUI.ContinusKillPnl.AllContinusKill', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = Vector2(1000, 333), AnchorsX = Vector2(2, 2), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [64] = { Key = 64, AnimationName = 'ContinusKill', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.ShareUI.ContinusKillPnl.AllContinusKill', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = Vector2(1000, 333), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [65] = { Key = 65, AnimationName = 'ContinusKill', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.ShareUI.ContinusKillPnl.AllContinusKill', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 5, Size = Vector2(1000, 333), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [66] = { Key = 66, AnimationName = 'ContinusKill', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.ShareUI.ContinusKillPnl.AllContinusKill', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 13, Size = Vector2(600, 200), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [67] = { Key = 67, AnimationName = 'ContinusKill', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.ShareUI.ContinusKillPnl.AllContinusKill', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 59, Size = Vector2(600, 200), AnchorsX = Vector2(0.5, 0.5), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [68] = { Key = 68, AnimationName = 'ContinusKill', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.ShareUI.ContinusKillPnl.AllContinusKill', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 60, Size = Vector2(600, 200), AnchorsX = Vector2(2, 2), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [69] = { Key = 69, AnimationName = 'KillEffect', Count = 50, UINode = 'Local.BattleGUI.InfoKill.KillEffect', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = Vector2(48, 48), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [70] = { Key = 70, AnimationName = 'KillEffect', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.BattleGUI.InfoKill.KillEffect', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = Vector2(45, 45), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [71] = { Key = 71, AnimationName = 'KillEffect', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.BattleGUI.InfoKill.KillEffect', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 7, Size = Vector2(96, 96), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [72] = { Key = 72, AnimationName = 'KillEffect', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.BattleGUI.InfoKill.KillEffect', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 50, Size = Vector2(55, 55), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [73] = { Key = 73, AnimationName = 'Weapon_HitCross', Count = 20, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = Vector2(100, 100), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [74] = { Key = 74, AnimationName = 'Weapon_HitCross', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = Vector2(100, 100), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [75] = { Key = 75, AnimationName = 'Weapon_HitCross', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 10, Size = Vector2(120, 120), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [76] = { Key = 76, AnimationName = 'Weapon_HitCross', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 19, Size = Vector2(110, 110), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [77] = { Key = 77, AnimationName = 'Weapon_HitCross', Count = 20, UINode = '2.0', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = 0.2, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [78] = { Key = 78, AnimationName = 'Weapon_HitCross', Count = nil, UINode = '2.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = 0.2, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [79] = { Key = 79, AnimationName = 'Weapon_HitCross', Count = nil, UINode = '2.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 5, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = 1.0, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [80] = { Key = 80, AnimationName = 'Weapon_HitCross', Count = nil, UINode = '2.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 15, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = 1.0, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [81] = { Key = 81, AnimationName = 'Weapon_HitCross', Count = nil, UINode = '2.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 19, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = -1.0, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [82] = { Key = 82, AnimationName = 'Weapon_HitCross', Count = 20, UINode = '3.0', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = 0.2, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [83] = { Key = 83, AnimationName = 'Weapon_HitCross', Count = nil, UINode = '3.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = 0.2, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [84] = { Key = 84, AnimationName = 'Weapon_HitCross', Count = nil, UINode = '3.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 5, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = 1.0, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [85] = { Key = 85, AnimationName = 'Weapon_HitCross', Count = nil, UINode = '3.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 15, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = 1.0, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [86] = { Key = 86, AnimationName = 'Weapon_HitCross', Count = nil, UINode = '3.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 19, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = -1.0, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [87] = { Key = 87, AnimationName = 'Weapon_Kill', Count = 60, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = Vector2(180, 180), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [88] = { Key = 88, AnimationName = 'Weapon_Kill', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = Vector2(180, 180), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [89] = { Key = 89, AnimationName = 'Weapon_Kill', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 3, Size = Vector2(250, 250), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [90] = { Key = 90, AnimationName = 'Weapon_Kill', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 15, Size = Vector2(80, 80), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [91] = { Key = 91, AnimationName = 'Weapon_Kill', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 35, Size = Vector2(80, 80), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [92] = { Key = 92, AnimationName = 'Weapon_Kill', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 40, Size = Vector2(0, 0), AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [93] = { Key = 93, AnimationName = 'GameResult', Count = 60, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(1, 2), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [94] = { Key = 94, AnimationName = 'GameResult', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(1, 2), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [95] = { Key = 95, AnimationName = 'GameResult', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [96] = { Key = 96, AnimationName = 'GameResult', Count = nil, UINode = '2.0', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-1, 0), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [97] = { Key = 97, AnimationName = 'GameResult', Count = nil, UINode = '2.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-1, 0), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [98] = { Key = 98, AnimationName = 'GameResult', Count = nil, UINode = '2.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [99] = { Key = 99, AnimationName = 'GameResult', Count = nil, UINode = '3.0', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(-50, -50), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [100] = { Key = 100, AnimationName = 'GameResult', Count = nil, UINode = '3.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(-50, -50), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [101] = { Key = 101, AnimationName = 'GameResult', Count = nil, UINode = '3.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(-4, -4), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [102] = { Key = 102, AnimationName = 'GameResult', Count = nil, UINode = '4.0', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(55, 55), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [103] = { Key = 103, AnimationName = 'GameResult', Count = nil, UINode = '4.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(55, 55), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [104] = { Key = 104, AnimationName = 'GameResult', Count = nil, UINode = '4.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(7, 7), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [105] = { Key = 105, AnimationName = 'GameResult', Count = nil, UINode = '5.0', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(-0.01, -0.01), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [106] = { Key = 106, AnimationName = 'GameResult', Count = nil, UINode = '5.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(-0.01, -0.01), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [107] = { Key = 107, AnimationName = 'GameResult', Count = nil, UINode = '5.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 10, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(-0.01, -0.01), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [108] = { Key = 108, AnimationName = 'GameResult', Count = nil, UINode = '5.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 40, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(0.42, 0.42), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [109] = { Key = 109, AnimationName = 'GameResult', Count = nil, UINode = '6.0', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(1, 1), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [110] = { Key = 110, AnimationName = 'GameResult', Count = nil, UINode = '6.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(1, 1), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [111] = { Key = 111, AnimationName = 'GameResult', Count = nil, UINode = '6.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 10, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(1, 1), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [112] = { Key = 112, AnimationName = 'GameResult', Count = nil, UINode = '6.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 40, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(0.55, 0.55), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [113] = { Key = 113, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue1', Count = 60, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-2, -1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [114] = { Key = 114, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue1', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-2, -1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [115] = { Key = 115, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue1', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 24, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0.05, 1.05), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [116] = { Key = 116, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue1', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 26, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [117] = { Key = 117, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue1', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 28, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-0.02, 0.98), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [118] = { Key = 118, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue1', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [119] = { Key = 119, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue2', Count = 60, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-2, -1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [120] = { Key = 120, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue2', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-2, -1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [121] = { Key = 121, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue2', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 4, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-2, -1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [122] = { Key = 122, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue2', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 24, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0.05, 1.05), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [123] = { Key = 123, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue2', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 26, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [124] = { Key = 124, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue2', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 28, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-0.02, 0.98), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [125] = { Key = 125, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue2', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [126] = { Key = 126, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue3', Count = 60, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-2, -1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [127] = { Key = 127, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue3', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-2, -1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [128] = { Key = 128, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue3', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 8, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-2, -1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [129] = { Key = 129, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue3', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 24, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0.05, 1.05), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [130] = { Key = 130, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue3', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 26, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [131] = { Key = 131, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue3', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 28, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-0.02, 0.98), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [132] = { Key = 132, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue3', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [133] = { Key = 133, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue4', Count = 60, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-2, -1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [134] = { Key = 134, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue4', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-2, -1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [135] = { Key = 135, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue4', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 12, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-2, -1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [136] = { Key = 136, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue4', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 24, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0.05, 1.05), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [137] = { Key = 137, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue4', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 26, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [138] = { Key = 138, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue4', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 28, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-0.02, 0.98), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [139] = { Key = 139, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue4', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [140] = { Key = 140, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue5', Count = 60, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-2, -1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [141] = { Key = 141, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue5', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-2, -1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [142] = { Key = 142, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue5', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 16, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-2, -1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [143] = { Key = 143, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue5', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 24, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0.05, 1.05), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [144] = { Key = 144, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue5', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 26, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [145] = { Key = 145, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue5', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 28, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-0.02, 0.98), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [146] = { Key = 146, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowBlue5', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [147] = { Key = 147, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed1', Count = 60, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(1, 2), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [148] = { Key = 148, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed1', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(1, 2), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [149] = { Key = 149, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed1', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 24, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-0.05, 0.95), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [150] = { Key = 150, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed1', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 26, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [151] = { Key = 151, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed1', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 28, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0.02, 1.02), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [152] = { Key = 152, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed1', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [153] = { Key = 153, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed2', Count = 60, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(1, 2), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [154] = { Key = 154, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed2', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(1, 2), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [155] = { Key = 155, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed2', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 4, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(1, 2), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [156] = { Key = 156, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed2', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 24, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-0.05, 0.95), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [157] = { Key = 157, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed2', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 26, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [158] = { Key = 158, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed2', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 28, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0.02, 1.02), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [159] = { Key = 159, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed2', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [160] = { Key = 160, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed3', Count = 60, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(1, 2), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [161] = { Key = 161, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed3', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(1, 2), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [162] = { Key = 162, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed3', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 8, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(1, 2), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [163] = { Key = 163, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed3', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 24, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-0.05, 0.95), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [164] = { Key = 164, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed3', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 26, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [165] = { Key = 165, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed3', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 28, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0.02, 1.02), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [166] = { Key = 166, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed3', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [167] = { Key = 167, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed4', Count = 60, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(1, 2), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [168] = { Key = 168, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed4', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(1, 2), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [169] = { Key = 169, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed4', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 12, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(1, 2), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [170] = { Key = 170, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed4', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 24, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-0.05, 0.95), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [171] = { Key = 171, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed4', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 26, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [172] = { Key = 172, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed4', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 28, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0.02, 1.02), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [173] = { Key = 173, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed4', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [174] = { Key = 174, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed5', Count = 60, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(1, 2), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [175] = { Key = 175, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed5', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(1, 2), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [176] = { Key = 176, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed5', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 16, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(1, 2), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [177] = { Key = 177, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed5', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 24, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-0.05, 0.95), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [178] = { Key = 178, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed5', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 26, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [179] = { Key = 179, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed5', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 28, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0.02, 1.02), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [180] = { Key = 180, AnimationName = 'GameOverShowRed5', Count = nil, UINode = '1.0', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0, 1), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = false }, [181] = { Key = 181, AnimationName = 'MatchSuccess', Count = 30, UINode = 'Local.HallGUI.MatchPnl.ImgSuccess.ImgSuccessRight', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(1.3, 1.3), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [182] = { Key = 182, AnimationName = 'MatchSuccess', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.HallGUI.MatchPnl.ImgSuccess.ImgSuccessRight', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(1.3, 1.3), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [183] = { Key = 183, AnimationName = 'MatchSuccess', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.HallGUI.MatchPnl.ImgSuccess.ImgSuccessRight', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 20, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0.62, 0.62), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [184] = { Key = 184, AnimationName = 'MatchSuccess', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.HallGUI.MatchPnl.ImgSuccess.ImgSuccessRight', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 22, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0.58, 0.58), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [185] = { Key = 185, AnimationName = 'MatchSuccess', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.HallGUI.MatchPnl.ImgSuccess.ImgSuccessRight', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 25, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0.62, 0.62), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [186] = { Key = 186, AnimationName = 'MatchSuccess', Count = 30, UINode = 'Local.HallGUI.MatchPnl.ImgSuccess.ImgSuccessLeft', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-0.3, -0.3), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [187] = { Key = 187, AnimationName = 'MatchSuccess', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.HallGUI.MatchPnl.ImgSuccess.ImgSuccessLeft', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(-0.3, -0.3), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [188] = { Key = 188, AnimationName = 'MatchSuccess', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.HallGUI.MatchPnl.ImgSuccess.ImgSuccessLeft', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 20, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0.38, 0.38), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [189] = { Key = 189, AnimationName = 'MatchSuccess', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.HallGUI.MatchPnl.ImgSuccess.ImgSuccessLeft', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 22, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0.42, 0.42), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [190] = { Key = 190, AnimationName = 'MatchSuccess', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.HallGUI.MatchPnl.ImgSuccess.ImgSuccessLeft', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 25, Size = nil, AnchorsX = Vector2(0.38, 0.38), AnchorsY = nil, Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [191] = { Key = 191, AnimationName = 'ShowOccPnl', Count = 30, UINode = 'Local.ChooseOcc.OccPnl', IsInit = true, KeyFrame = 0, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(1, 2), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [192] = { Key = 192, AnimationName = 'ShowOccPnl', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.ChooseOcc.OccPnl', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 1, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(1, 2), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [193] = { Key = 193, AnimationName = 'ShowOccPnl', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.ChooseOcc.OccPnl', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 20, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(0, 1), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [194] = { Key = 194, AnimationName = 'ShowOccPnl', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.ChooseOcc.OccPnl', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 23, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(-0.04, 0.96), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [195] = { Key = 195, AnimationName = 'ShowOccPnl', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.ChooseOcc.OccPnl', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 26, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(0, 1), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [196] = { Key = 196, AnimationName = 'ShowOccPnl', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.ChooseOcc.OccPnl', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 28, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(0.02, 1.02), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true }, [197] = { Key = 197, AnimationName = 'ShowOccPnl', Count = nil, UINode = 'Local.ChooseOcc.OccPnl', IsInit = nil, KeyFrame = 30, Size = nil, AnchorsX = nil, AnchorsY = Vector2(0, 1), Angle = nil, Offset = nil, Alpha = nil, Tag = '', Type = 'Linear', IsStatic = true } } return UIAnimationXls
GM_IRC = {} if SERVER then include( "sv_config.lua" ) include( "gm-irc/sv_msgGet.lua" ) include( "gm-irc/sv_msgSend.lua" ) AddCSLuaFile( "gm-irc/cl_msgRecive.lua" ) print( "------------------\n" ) print( "GM-IRC LOADED!\n" ) print( "------------------" ) hook.Add("Initialize", "irc_serverstarted", function () local embed = { title = "Сервер запущен!", description = "Карта сейчас - " .. game.GetMap(), color = GM_IRC.PlayersCountColor } local json = util.TableToJSON ({ username = GM_IRC.Username, embeds = { embed } }) sendMsgToDiscord( json ) end) end if CLIENT then include( "gm-irc/cl_msgRecive.lua" ) end = "Cheese Burger" ITEM.model = "models/food/burger.mdl" ITEM.hungerAmount = 150 ITEM.foodDesc = "burgerDesc" ITEM.quantity = 1 ITEM.price = 100 ITEM.iconCam = { ang = Angle(11.135420799255, 269.24069213867, 0), fov = 2.3069860161324, pos = Vector(2.5959460735321, 193.05519104004, 52.177997589111) }
-- Double-ended queue class (deque) -- Can be used as a queue or stack local Deque = {} -- Constructor function Deque:new(...) local object = { } setmetatable(object, { __index = Deque}) return object end function Deque:push(...) local args = {...} for i=1,#args do table.insert(self, args[i]) end end Deque.add = Deque.push function Deque:pop() return table.remove(self) end function Deque:shift() return table.remove(self, 1) end function Deque:unShift(item) table.insert(self, 1, item) end function Deque:last() return self[#self] end Deque.peek = Deque.last function Deque:first() return self[1] end return Deque
if string.sub(system.getInfo("model"),1,4) == "iPad" then application = { content = { graphicsCompatibility = 1, width = 360, height = 480, scale = "letterBox", xAlign = "center", yAlign = "center", imageSuffix = { ["@2x"] = 1.5, ["@4x"] = 3.0, }, }, notification = { iphone = { types = { "badge", "sound", "alert" } } } } elseif string.sub(system.getInfo("model"),1,2) == "iP" and display.pixelHeight > 960 then application = { content = { graphicsCompatibility = 1, width = 320, height = 568, scale = "letterBox", xAlign = "center", yAlign = "center", imageSuffix = { ["@2x"] = 1.5, ["@4x"] = 3.0, }, }, notification = { iphone = { types = { "badge", "sound", "alert" } } } } elseif string.sub(system.getInfo("model"),1,2) == "iP" then application = { content = { graphicsCompatibility = 1, width = 320, height = 480, scale = "letterBox", xAlign = "center", yAlign = "center", imageSuffix = { ["@2x"] = 1.5, ["@4x"] = 3.0, }, }, notification = { iphone = { types = { "badge", "sound", "alert" } } } } --[[ elseif display.pixelHeight / display.pixelWidth > 1.72 then application = { content = { width = 320, height = 570, scale = "letterBox", xAlign = "center", yAlign = "center", imageSuffix = { ["@2x"] = 1.5, ["@4x"] = 3.0, }, }, } ]]-- else local cWIDTH = 320 local cHEIGHT = 480 cHEIGHT = math.floor((cWIDTH/display.pixelWidth)*display.pixelHeight) if cHEIGHT < 480 then cHEIGHT = 480 end application = { content = { graphicsCompatibility = 1, width = cWIDTH, height = cHEIGHT, fps = 30, scale = "letterbox", xAlign = "center", yAlign = "center", imageSuffix = { ["@2x"] = 1.8, --NEEDS TO BE <2 TO ACCOMODATE FOR COMPARABLY SIZED ANDROID DEVICES ["@4x"] = 3.7 --LIKEWISE } } } end
local t = require( "taptest" ) local isnan = require( "isnan" ) t( isnan( 0.0 ), false ) t( isnan( 1.0 / 0.0 ), false ) t( isnan( -1.0 / 0.0 ), false ) t( isnan( math.sqrt( -1.0 ) ), true ) t()
--[[ ------------------------------------ Description: HPC Spawn where killed (standalone), Phasor V2+ Copyright (c) 2016-2018 * Author: Jericho Crosby * IGN: Chalwk * Written and Created by Jericho Crosby ----------------------------------- ]]-- players = { } DEATH_LOCATION = { } Spawn_Where_Killed = true for i = 0, 15 do DEATH_LOCATION[i] = { } end function OnScriptUnload() end function GetRequiredVersion() return 200 end function OnScriptLoad(processid, game, persistent) end function OnPlayerKill(killer, victim, mode) if mode == 4 then ADD_KILL(killer) if Spawn_Where_Killed == true then local x, y, z = getobjectcoords(getplayerobjectid(victim)) DEATH_LOCATION[victim][1] = x DEATH_LOCATION[victim][2] = y DEATH_LOCATION[victim][3] = z end elseif mode == 5 then ADD_KILL(killer) if Spawn_Where_Killed == true then local x, y, z = getobjectcoords(getplayerobjectid(victim)) DEATH_LOCATION[victim][1] = x DEATH_LOCATION[victim][2] = y DEATH_LOCATION[victim][3] = z end elseif mode == 6 then if Spawn_Where_Killed == true then local x, y, z = getobjectcoords(getplayerobjectid(victim)) DEATH_LOCATION[victim][1] = x DEATH_LOCATION[victim][2] = y DEATH_LOCATION[victim][3] = z end end end function ADD_KILL(player) if getplayer(player) then local kills = players[player][2] players[player][2] = kills + 1 end end function OnPlayerLeave(player) for i = 1, 3 do DEATH_LOCATION[player][i] = nil end end function OnPlayerSpawn(player) if getplayer(player) then if Spawn_Where_Killed == true then if DEATH_LOCATION[player][1] ~= nil and DEATH_LOCATION[player][2] ~= nil then movobjectcoords(getplayerobjectid(player), DEATH_LOCATION[player][1], DEATH_LOCATION[player][2], DEATH_LOCATION[player][3]) for i = 1, 3 do DEATH_LOCATION[player][i] = nil end end end end end
-- English language strings local L = LANG.CreateLanguage("English") --- General text used in various places L.traitor = "Traitor" L.detective = "Detective" L.mercenary = "Mercenary" L.hypnotist = "Hypnotist" L.glitch = "Glitch" L.jester = "Jester" L.phantom = "Phantom" L.zombie = "Zombie" L.vampire = "Vampire" L.swapper = "Swapper" L.assassin = "Assassin" L.killer = "Killer" L.innocent = "Innocent" L.emt = "EMT" L.hidden = "Hidden" L.last_words = "Last Words" L.terrorists = "Terrorists" L.spectators = "Spectators" --- Round status messages L.round_minplayers = "Not enough players to start a new round..." L.round_voting = "Vote in progress, delaying new round by {num} seconds..." L.round_begintime = "A new round begins in {num} seconds. Prepare yourself." L.round_selected = "The Traitors have been selected." L.round_started = "The round has begun!" L.round_restart = "The round has been forced to restart by an admin." L.round_traitors_one = "Traitor, you stand alone." L.round_traitors_more = "Traitor, these are your allies: {names}" L.win_time = "Time has run out. The Traitors lose." L.win_traitor = "The Traitors have won!" L.win_jester = "The Jester has fooled you all!" L.win_innocent = "The Traitors have been defeated!" L.win_killer = "The Killer has murdered you all!" L.win_showreport = "Let's look at the round report for {num} seconds." L.limit_round = "Round limit reached. {mapname} will load soon." L.limit_time = "Time limit reached. {mapname} will load soon." L.limit_left = "{num} round(s) or {time} minutes remaining before the map changes to {mapname}." --- Credit awards L.credit_det_all = "Detectives, you have been awarded {num} equipment credit(s) for your performance." L.credit_tr_all = "Traitors, you have been awarded {num} equipment credit(s) for your performance." L.credit_zom = "Zombie, you have been awarded {num} equipment credit(s) for your performance." L.credit_kil = "Killer, you have been awarded {num} equipment credit(s) for your performance." L.credit_kill = "You have received {num} credit(s) for killing a {role}." --- Karma L.karma_dmg_full = "Your Karma is {amount}, so you deal full damage this round!" L.karma_dmg_other = "Your Karma is {amount}. As a result all damage you deal is reduced by {num}%" --- Body identification messages L.body_found = "{finder} found the body of {victim}. {role}" -- The {role} in body_found will be replaced by one of the following: L.body_found_t = "They were a Traitor!" L.body_found_d = "They were a Detective." L.body_found_m = "They were a Mercenary." L.body_found_h = "They were a Hypnotist." L.body_found_g = "They were a Glitch." L.body_found_j = "They were a Jester." L.body_found_p = "They were a Phantom." L.body_found_z = "They were a Zombie." L.body_found_v = "They were a Vampire." L.body_found_s = "They were a Swapper." L.body_found_a = "They were an Assassin." L.body_found_k = "They were a Killer." L.body_found_i = "They were Innocent." L.body_found_e = "They were an EMT" L.body_confirm = "{finder} confirmed the death of {victim}." L.body_call = "{player} called a Detective to the body of {victim}!" L.body_call_error = "You must confirm the death of this player before calling a Detective!" L.body_burning = "Ouch! This corpse is on fire!" L.body_credits = "You found {num} credit(s) on the body!" --- Menus and windows L.close = "Close" L.cancel = "Cancel" -- For navigation buttons = "Next" L.prev = "Previous" -- Equipment buying menu L.equip_title = "Equipment" L.equip_tabtitle = "Order Equipment" L.equip_status = "Ordering status" L.equip_cost = "You have {num} credit(s) remaining." L.equip_help_cost = "Every piece of equipment you buy costs 1 credit." L.equip_help_carry = "You can only buy things for which you have room." L.equip_carry = "You can carry this equipment." L.equip_carry_own = "You are already carrying this item." L.equip_carry_slot = "You are already carrying a weapon in slot {slot}." L.equip_help_stock = "Of certain items you can only buy one per round." L.equip_stock_deny = "This item is no longer in stock." L.equip_stock_ok = "This item is in stock." L.equip_custom = "Custom item added by this server." L.equip_spec_name = "Name" L.equip_spec_type = "Type" L.equip_spec_desc = "Description" L.equip_confirm = "Buy equipment" -- Disguiser tab in equipment menu L.disg_name = "Disguiser" L.disg_menutitle = "Disguise control" L.disg_not_owned = "You are not carrying a Disguiser!" L.disg_enable = "Enable disguise" L.disg_help1 = "When your disguise is active, your name, health and karma do not show when someone looks at you. In addition, you will be hidden from a Detective's radar." L.disg_help2 = "Press Numpad Enter to toggle the disguise without using the menu. You can also bind a different key to 'ttt_toggle_disguise' using the console." -- Radar tab in equipment menu L.radar_name = "Radar" L.radar_menutitle = "Radar control" L.radar_not_owned = "You are not carrying a Radar!" L.radar_scan = "Perform scan" L.radar_auto = "Auto-repeat scan" L.radar_help = "Scan results show for {num} seconds, after which the Radar will have recharged and can be used again." L.radar_charging = "Your Radar is still charging!" -- Transfer tab in equipment menu L.xfer_name = "Transfer" L.xfer_menutitle = "Transfer credits" L.xfer_no_credits = "You have no credits to give!" L.xfer_send = "Send a credit" L.xfer_help = "You can only transfer credits to fellow {role} players." L.xfer_no_recip = "Recipient not valid, credit transfer aborted." L.xfer_no_credits = "Insufficient credits for transfer." L.xfer_success = "Credit transfer to {player} completed." L.xfer_received = "{player} has given you {num} credit." -- Radio tab in equipment menu L.radio_name = "Radio" L.radio_help = "Click a button to make your Radio play that sound." L.radio_notplaced = "You must place the Radio to play sound on it." -- Radio soundboard buttons L.radio_button_scream = "Scream" L.radio_button_expl = "Explosion" L.radio_button_pistol = "Pistol shots" L.radio_button_m16 = "M16 shots" L.radio_button_deagle = "Deagle shots" L.radio_button_mac10 = "MAC10 shots" L.radio_button_shotgun = "Shotgun shots" L.radio_button_rifle = "Rifle shot" L.radio_button_huge = "H.U.G.E burst" L.radio_button_c4 = "C4 beeping" L.radio_button_burn = "Burning" L.radio_button_steps = "Footsteps" -- Intro screen shown after joining L.intro_help = "If you're new to the game, press F1 for instructions!" -- Radiocommands/quickchat L.quick_title = "Quickchat keys" L.quick_yes = "Yes." L.quick_no = "No." L.quick_help = "Help!" L.quick_imwith = "I'm with {player}." L.quick_see = "I see {player}." L.quick_suspect = "{player} acts suspicious." L.quick_traitor = "{player} is a Traitor!" L.quick_inno = "{player} is innocent." L.quick_check = "Anyone still alive?" -- {player} in the quickchat text normally becomes a player nickname, but can -- also be one of the below. Keep these lowercase. L.quick_nobody = "nobody" L.quick_disg = "someone in disguise" L.quick_corpse = "an unidentified body" L.quick_corpse_id = "{player}'s corpse" --- Body search window L.search_title = "Body Search Results" L.search_info = "Information" L.search_confirm = "Confirm Death" L.search_call = "Call Detective" -- Descriptions of pieces of information found L.search_nick = "This is the body of {player}." L.search_role_t = "This person was a Traitor!" L.search_role_d = "This person was a Detective." L.search_role_m = "This person was a Mercenary" L.search_role_h = "This person was a Hypnotist" L.search_role_g = "This person was a Glitch" L.search_role_j = "This person was a Jester" L.search_role_p = "This person was a Phantom" L.search_role_z = "This person was a Zombie" L.search_role_v = "This person was a Vampire" L.search_role_s = "This person was a Swapper" L.search_role_a = "This person was an Assassin" L.search_role_k = "This person was a Killer" L.search_role_i = "This person was Innocent." L.search_role_e = "This person was an EMT." L.search_words = "Something tells you some of this person's last words were: '{lastwords}'" L.search_armor = "They were wearing nonstandard body armor." L.search_disg = "They were carrying a device that could hide their identity." L.search_radar = "They were carrying some sort of radar. It is no longer functioning." L.search_c4 = "In a pocket you found a note. It states that cutting wire {num} will safely disarm the bomb." L.search_dmg_crush = "Many of their bones are broken. It seems the impact of a heavy object killed them." L.search_dmg_bullet = "It is obvious they were shot to death." L.search_dmg_fall = "They fell to their death." L.search_dmg_boom = "Their wounds and singed clothes indicate an explosion caused their end." L.search_dmg_club = "The body is bruised and battered. Clearly they were clubbed to death." L.search_dmg_drown = "The body shows the telltale signs of drowning." L.search_dmg_stab = "They were stabbed and cut before quickly bleeding to death." L.search_dmg_burn = "Smells like roasted terrorist around here..." L.search_dmg_tele = "It looks like their DNA was scrambled by tachyon emissions!" L.search_dmg_car = "When this terrorist crossed the road, they were run over by a reckless driver." L.search_dmg_other = "You cannot find a specific cause of this terrorist's death." L.search_weapon = "It appears a {weapon} was used to kill them." L.search_head = "The fatal wound was a headshot. No time to scream." L.search_time = "They died roughly {time} before you conducted the search." L.search_dna = "Retrieve a sample of the killer's DNA with a DNA Scanner. The DNA sample will decay roughly {time} from now." L.search_kills1 = "You found a list of kills that confirms the death of {player}." L.search_kills2 = "You found a list of kills with these names:" L.search_eyes = "Using your detective skills, you identified the last person they saw: {player}. The killer, or a coincidence?" -- Scoreboard L.sb_playing = "You are playing on..." L.sb_mapchange = "Map changes in {num} rounds or in {time}" L.sb_sortby = "Sort By:" L.sb_mia = "Missing In Action" L.sb_confirmed = "Confirmed Dead" L.sb_investigated = "Investigated" L.sb_ping = "Ping" L.sb_deaths = "Deaths" L.sb_score = "Score" L.sb_karma = "Karma" L.sb_drinks = "Drinks" L.sb_shots = "Shots" L.sb_info_help = "Search this player's body, and you can review the results here." L.sb_tag_friend = "FRIEND" L.sb_tag_susp = "SUSPECT" L.sb_tag_avoid = "AVOID" L.sb_tag_kill = "KILL" L.sb_tag_miss = "MISSING" --- Help and settings menu (F1) L.help_title = "Help and Settings" -- Tabs L.help_tut = "Tutorial" L.help_tut_tip = "How TTT works, in 6 steps" L.help_settings = "Settings" L.help_settings_tip = "Client-side settings" -- Settings L.set_title_gui = "Interface settings" L.set_tips = "Show gameplay tips at the bottom of the screen while spectating" L.set_startpopup = "Start of round info popup duration" L.set_startpopup_tip = "When the round starts, a small popup appears at the bottom of your screen for a few seconds. Change the time it displays for here." L.set_cross_opacity = "Ironsight crosshair opacity" L.set_cross_disable = "Disable crosshair completely" L.set_minimal_id = "Minimalist Target ID under crosshair (no karma text, hints, etc)" L.set_healthlabel = "Show health status label on health bar" L.set_lowsights = "Lower weapon when using ironsights" L.set_lowsights_tip = "Enable to position the weapon model lower on the screen while using ironsights. This will make it easier to see your target, but it will look less realistic." L.set_fastsw = "Fast weapon switch" L.set_fastsw_tip = "Enable to cycle through weapons without having to click again to use weapon. Enable show menu to show switcher menu." L.set_fastsw_menu = "Enable menu with fast weapon switch" L.set_fastswmenu_tip = "When fast weapons switch is enabled, the menu switcher menu will popup." L.set_wswitch = "Disable weapon switch menu auto-closing" L.set_wswitch_tip = "By default the weapon switcher automatically closes a few seconds after you last scroll. Enable this to make it stay up." L.set_cues = "Play sound cue when a round begins or ends" L.set_symbols = "Display symbols for roles" L.set_symbols_tip = "By default letters will be shows to identify roles. Turning on this options changes the letters to symbols." L.set_hide_role = "Hide your role in the HUD" L.set_hide_role_tip = "By default your role will appear in the bottom left of the HUD. Turn this on to prevent screen cheating." L.set_title_play = "Gameplay settings" L.set_specmode = "Spectate-only mode (always stay spectator)" L.set_specmode_tip = "Spectate-only mode will prevent you from respawning when a new round starts, instead you stay Spectator." L.set_mute = "Mute living players when dead" L.set_mute_tip = "Enable to mute living players while you are dead/spectator." L.set_title_lang = "Language settings" -- It may be best to leave this next one english, so english players can always -- find the language setting even if it's set to a language they don't know. L.set_lang = "Select language:" --- Weapons and equipment, HUD and messages -- Equipment actions, like buying and dropping L.buy_no_stock = "This weapon is out of stock: you already bought it this round." L.buy_pending = "You already have an order pending, wait until you receive it." L.buy_received = "You have received your special equipment." L.drop_no_room = "You have no room here to drop your weapon!" L.disg_turned_on = "Disguise enabled!" L.disg_turned_off = "Disguise disabled." -- Equipment item descriptions L.item_passive = "Passive effect item" L.item_active = "Active use item" L.item_weapon = "Weapon" L.item_armor = "Body Armor" L.item_armor_desc = [[ Reduces bullet damage by 30% when you get hit. Does not protect your head.]] L.item_radar = "Radar" L.item_radar_desc = [[ Allows you to scan for life signs. Starts automatic scans as soon as you buy it. Configure it in Radar tab of this menu.]] L.item_disg = "Disguiser" L.item_disg_desc = [[ Hides your ID info while on. Also avoids being the person last seen by a victim. Toggle in the Disguise tab of this menu or press Numpad Enter.]] L.item_speed = "Speed Boost" L.item_speed_desc = [[ Increases the speed boost given while holding claws from 35% to 50%.]] L.item_regen = "Regeneration" L.item_regen_desc = [[ Passively regenerate health at a rate of 1.5 HP every second.]] -- C4 L.c4_hint = "Press {usekey} to arm or disarm." L.c4_no_disarm = "You cannot disarm another Traitor's C4 unless they are dead." L.c4_disarm_warn = "A C4 explosive you planted has been disarmed." L.c4_armed = "You have successfully armed the bomb." L.c4_disarmed = "You have successfully disarmed the bomb." L.c4_no_room = "You cannot carry this C4." L.c4_desc = "Powerful timed explosive." L.c4_arm = "Arm C4" L.c4_arm_timer = "Timer" L.c4_arm_seconds = "Seconds until detonation:" L.c4_arm_attempts = "In disarm attempts, {num} of the 6 wires will cause instant detonation when cut." L.c4_remove_title = "Removal" L.c4_remove_pickup = "Pick up C4" L.c4_remove_destroy1 = "Destroy C4" L.c4_remove_destroy2 = "Confirm: destroy" L.c4_disarm = "Disarm C4" L.c4_disarm_cut = "Click to cut wire {num}" L.c4_disarm_t = "Cut a wire to disarm the bomb. As you are Traitor, every wire is safe. Innocents don't have it so easy!" L.c4_disarm_owned = "Cut a wire to disarm the bomb. It's your bomb, so every wire will disarm it." L.c4_disarm_other = "Cut a safe wire to disarm the bomb. It will explode if you get it wrong!" L.c4_status_armed = "ARMED" L.c4_status_disarmed = "DISARMED" -- Visualizer L.vis_name = "Visualizer" L.vis_hint = "Press {usekey} to pick up (Detectives only)." L.vis_help_pri = "{primaryfire} drops the activated device." L.vis_desc = [[ Crime scene visualization device. Analyzes a corpse to show how the victim was killed, but only if they died of gunshot wounds.]] -- Decoy L.decoy_name = "Decoy" L.decoy_no_room = "You cannot carry this decoy." L.decoy_broken = "Your Decoy has been destroyed!" L.decoy_help_pri = "{primaryfire} plants the Decoy." L.decoy_desc = [[ Shows a fake radar sign to detectives, and makes their DNA scanner show the location of the Decoy if they scan for your DNA.]] -- Defuser L.defuser_name = "Defuser" L.defuser_help = "{primaryfire} defuses targeted C4." L.defuser_desc = [[ Instantly defuse a C4 explosive. Unlimited uses. C4 will be easier to notice if you carry this.]] -- Flare gun L.flare_name = "Flare gun" L.flare_desc = [[ Can be used to burn corpses so that they are never found. Limited ammo. Burning a corpse makes a distinct sound.]] -- Health station L.hstation_name = "Health Station" L.hstation_hint = "Press {usekey} to receive health. Charge: {num}." L.hstation_broken = "Your Health Station has been destroyed!" L.hstation_help = "{primaryfire} places the Health Station." L.hstation_desc = [[ Allows people to heal when placed. Slow recharge. Anyone can use it, and it can be damaged.]] -- Knife L.knife_name = "Knife" L.knife_thrown = "Thrown knife" L.knife_desc = [[ Kills wounded targets instantly and silently, but only has a single use. Can be thrown using alternate fire.]] -- Poltergeist L.polter_desc = [[ Plants thumpers on objects to shove them around violently. The energy bursts damage people in close proximity.]] -- Radio L.radio_broken = "Your Radio has been destroyed!" L.radio_help_pri = "{primaryfire} places the Radio." L.radio_desc = [[ Plays sounds to distract or deceive. Place the radio somewhere, and then play sounds on it using the Radio tab in this menu.]] -- Silenced pistol L.sipistol_name = "Silenced Pistol" L.sipistol_desc = [[ Low-noise handgun, uses normal pistol ammo. Victims will not scream when killed.]] -- Newton launcher L.newton_name = "Newton launcher" L.newton_desc = [[ Push people from a safe distance. Infinite ammo, but slow to fire.]] -- Binoculars L.binoc_name = "Binoculars" L.binoc_desc = [[ Zoom in on corpses and identify them from a long distance away. Unlimited uses, but identification takes a few seconds.]] L.binoc_help_pri = "{primaryfire} identifies a body." L.binoc_help_sec = "{secondaryfire} changes zoom level." -- UMP L.ump_desc = [[ Experimental SMG that disorients targets. Uses standard SMG ammo.]] -- DNA scanner L.dna_name = "DNA scanner" L.dna_identify = "Corpse must be identified to retrieve killer's DNA." L.dna_notfound = "No DNA sample found on target." L.dna_limit = "Storage limit reached. Remove old samples to add new ones." L.dna_decayed = "DNA sample of the killer has decayed." L.dna_killer = "Collected a sample of the killer's DNA from the corpse!" L.dna_no_killer = "The DNA could not be retrieved (killer disconnected?)." L.dna_armed = "This bomb is live! Disarm it first!" L.dna_object = "Collected {num} new DNA sample(s) from the object." L.dna_gone = "DNA not detected in area." L.dna_desc = [[ Collect DNA samples from things and use them to find the DNA's owner. Use on fresh corpses to get the killer's DNA and track them down.]] L.dna_menu_title = "DNA scanning controls" L.dna_menu_sample = "DNA sample found on {source}" L.dna_menu_remove = "Remove selected" L.dna_menu_help1 = "These are DNA samples you have collected." L.dna_menu_help2 = [[ When charged, you can scan for the location of the player the selected DNA sample belongs to. Finding distant targets drains more energy.]] L.dna_menu_scan = "Scan" L.dna_menu_repeat = "Auto-repeat" L.dna_menu_ready = "READY" L.dna_menu_charge = "CHARGING" L.dna_menu_select = "SELECT SAMPLE" L.dna_help_primary = "{primaryfire} to collect a DNA sample" L.dna_help_secondary = "{secondaryfire} to open scan controls" -- Magneto stick L.magnet_name = "Magneto-stick" L.magnet_help = "{primaryfire} to attach body to surface." -- Grenades and misc L.grenade_smoke = "Smoke grenade" L.grenade_fire = "Incendiary grenade" L.unarmed_name = "Holstered" L.crowbar_name = "Crowbar" L.pistol_name = "Five-SeveN" L.rifle_name = "Scout" L.shotgun_name = "XM1014" -- Teleporter L.tele_name = "Teleporter" L.tele_failed = "Teleport failed." L.tele_marked = "Teleport location marked." L.tele_no_ground = "Cannot teleport unless standing on solid ground!" L.tele_no_crouch = "Cannot teleport while crouched!" L.tele_no_mark = "No location marked. Mark a destination before teleporting." L.tele_no_mark_ground = "Cannot mark a teleport location unless standing on solid ground!" L.tele_no_mark_crouch = "Cannot mark a teleport location while crouched!" L.tele_help_pri = "{primaryfire} teleports to marked location." L.tele_help_sec = "{secondaryfire} marks current location." L.tele_desc = [[ Teleport to a previously marked spot. Teleporting makes noise, and the number of uses is limited.]] L.brainwash_help_pri = "Hold {primaryfire} to revive dead body." L.brainwash_help_sec = "The revived player will become a traitor." -- Ammo names, shown when picked up L.ammo_alyxgun = "Pistol ammo" L.ammo_smg1 = "SMG ammo" L.ammo_buckshot = "Shotgun ammo" L.ammo_357 = "Sniper Rifle ammo" L.ammo_pistol = "Assault Rifle ammo" L.ammo_ar2altfire = "Flare ammo" L.ammo_gravity = "Poltergeist ammo" --- HUD interface text -- Round status L.round_wait = "Waiting" L.round_prep = "Preparing" L.round_active = "In progress" L.round_post = "Round over" -- Health, ammo and time area L.overtime = "OVERTIME" L.hastemode = "HASTE MODE" -- TargetID health status L.hp_healthy = "Healthy" L.hp_hurt = "Hurt" L.hp_wounded = "Wounded" L.hp_badwnd = "Badly Wounded" L.hp_death = "Near Death" -- TargetID karma status L.karma_max = "Renowned" L.karma_high = "Reputable" L.karma_med = "Questionable" L.karma_low = "Dangerous" L.karma_min = "Liability" -- TargetID misc L.corpse = "Corpse" L.corpse_hint = "Press E to investigate" L.target_disg = " (DISGUISED)" L.target_unid = "Unidentified body" L.target_innocent = "INNOCENT" L.target_detective = "DETECTIVE" L.target_glitch = "GLITCH" L.target_mercenary = "MERCENARY" L.target_phantom = "PHANTOM" L.target_traitor = "TRAITOR" L.target_assassin = "ASSASSIN" L.target_hypnotist = "HYPNOTIST" L.target_vampire = "VAMPIRE" L.target_zombie = "ZOMBIE" L.target_jester = "JESTER" L.target_swapper = "SWAPPER" L.target_killer = "KILLER" L.target_emt = "EMT" L.target_fellow_traitor = "FELLOW TRAITOR" L.target_fellow_zombie = "FELLOW ZOMBIE" L.target_current_target = "CURRENT TARGET" L.target_credits = "Search to silently receive unspent credits" -- Traitor buttons (HUD buttons with hand icons that only traitors can see) L.tbut_single = "Single use" L.tbut_reuse = "Reusable" L.tbut_retime = "Reusable after {num} sec" L.tbut_help = "Press {key} to activate" -- Equipment info lines (on the left above the health/ammo panel) L.disg_hud = "Disguised. Your name is hidden." L.radar_hud = "Radar ready for next scan in: {time}" -- Spectator muting of living/dead L.mute_living = "Living players muted" L.mute_specs = "Spectators muted" L.mute_all = "All muted" L.mute_off = "None muted" -- Spectators and prop possession L.punch_title = "PUNCH-O-METER" L.punch_help = "Move keys or jump: punch object. Crouch: leave object." L.punch_bonus = "Your bad score lowered your punch-o-meter limit by {num}" L.punch_malus = "Your good score increased your punch-o-meter limit by {num}!" L.spec_help = "Click to spectate players, or press {usekey} on a physics object to possess it." --- Info popups shown when the round starts -- These are spread over multiple lines, hence the square brackets instead of -- quotes. That's a Lua thing. Every line break (enter) will show up in-game. L.info_popup_innocent = [[You are an innocent Terrorist! But there are traitors around... Who can you trust, and who is out to fill you with bullets? Watch your back and work with your comrades to get out of this alive!]] L.info_popup_detective = [[You are a Detective! Terrorist HQ has given you special resources to find the traitors. Use them to help the innocent survive, but be careful: the traitors will be looking to take you down first! Press {menukey} to receive your equipment!]] L.info_popup_mercenary = [[You are a Mercenary! Try to survive and help your innocent friends! Press {menukey} to receive your equipment!]] L.info_popup_hypnotist = [[You are a Hypnotist! Work with fellow traitors to kill all others. These are your comrades: {traitorlist} You can use your brain washing device on a corpse to revive them as a traitor. Press {menukey} to receive your special equipment!]] L.info_popup_hypnotist_alone = [[You are a Hypnotist! You have no fellow traitors this round. Kill all others to win! You can use your brain washing device on a corpse to revive them as a traitor. Press {menukey} to receive your special equipment!]] L.info_popup_glitch = [[You are a Glitch! The traitors think you are one of them. Try to blend in and don't give yourself away.]] L.info_popup_jester = [[You are a Jester! You Hate your life, you want to die but you deal no damage so you must be killed by some one else.]] L.info_popup_phantom = [[You are a Phantom! Try to survive and help your innocent friends! You will haunt the player who kills you causing black smoke to appear. The haunting will then spread if other players kill your attacker.]] L.info_popup_emt = [[You are an EMT! Try to survive and help your innocent friends!. You can revive dead players with your defibrillator]] L.info_popup_zombie = [[You are a Zombie! Work with fellow zombies to kill all others. These are your comrades: {zombielist} All damage you deal with guns is reduced by one half. Killing someone with your claws will turn them into a zombie. Press {menukey} to receive your special equipment!]] L.info_popup_zombie_alone = [[You are a Zombie! You have no fellow zombies this round. Kill all others to win! All damage you deal with guns is reduced by one half. Killing someone with your claws will turn them into a zombie. Press {menukey} to receive your special equipment!]] L.info_popup_vampire = [[You are a Vampire! Work with fellow traitors to kill all others. These are your comrades: {traitorlist} You can use your fangs to eat corpses and refill your health. Press {menukey} to receive your special equipment!]] L.info_popup_vampire_alone = [[You are a Vampire! You have no fellow traitors this round. Kill all others to win! You can use your fangs to eat corpses and refill your health. Press {menukey} to receive your special equipment!]] L.info_popup_swapper = [[You are a Swapper! You deal no damage however, if anyone kills you they will die instead and you take their role and can join the fight.]] L.info_popup_assassin = [[You are an Assassin! Work with fellow traitors to kill all others. These are your comrades: {traitorlist} You will deal double damage to your target and half damage to all other players. But take care as killing the wrong player will result in you losing your double damage bonus. Press {menukey} to receive your special equipment!]] L.info_popup_assassin_alone = [[You are a Assassin! You have no fellow traitors this round. Kill all others to win! You will deal double damage to your target and half damage to all other players. But take care as killing the wrong player will result in you losing your double damage bonus. Press {menukey} to receive your special equipment!]] L.info_popup_killer = [[You are a Killer! Try to kill everyone and be the last one standing! Press {menukey} to receive your equipment!]] L.info_popup_traitor_alone = [[You are a TRAITOR! You have no fellow traitors this round. Kill all others to win! Press {menukey} to receive your special equipment!]] L.info_popup_traitor = [[You are a TRAITOR! Work with fellow traitors to kill all others. But take care, or your treason may be discovered... These are your comrades: {traitorlist} Press {menukey} to receive your special equipment!]] L.info_popup_traitor_hypnotist = [[You are a TRAITOR! Work with fellow traitors to kill all others. But take care, or your treason may be discovered... These are your comrades: {traitorlist} The following comrade is a hypnotist: {hypnotistlist} Press {menukey} to receive your special equipment!]] L.info_popup_traitor_vampire = [[You are a TRAITOR! Work with fellow traitors to kill all others. But take care, or your treason may be discovered... These are your comrades: {traitorlist} The following comrade is a vampire: {vampirelist} Press {menukey} to receive your special equipment!]] L.info_popup_traitor_assassin = [[You are a TRAITOR! Work with fellow traitors to kill all others. But take care, or your treason may be discovered... These are your comrades: {traitorlist} The following comrade is an assassin: {assassinlist} Press {menukey} to receive your special equipment!]] L.info_popup_traitor_glitch = [[You are a TRAITOR! Work with fellow traitors to kill all others. BUT BEWARE! There was a glitch in the system and one among you does not seek the same goal. These may or may not be your comrades: {traitorlist} Press {menukey} to receive your special equipment!]] --- Various other text L.name_kick = "A player was automatically kicked for changing their name during a round." L.idle_popup = [[You were idle for {num} seconds and were moved into Spectator-only mode as a result. While you are in this mode, you will not spawn when a new round starts. You can toggle Spectator-only mode at any time by pressing {helpkey} and unchecking the box in the Settings tab. You can also choose to disable it right now.]] L.idle_popup_close = "Do nothing" L.idle_popup_off = "Disable Spectator-only mode now" L.idle_warning = "Warning: you appear to be idle/AFK, and will be made to spectate unless you show activity!" L.spec_mode_warning = "You are in Spectator Mode and will not spawn when a round starts. To disable this mode, press F1, go to Settings and uncheck 'Spectate-only mode'." --- Tips, shown at bottom of screen to spectators -- Tips panel L.tips_panel_title = "Tips" L.tips_panel_tip = "Tip:" -- Tip texts L.tip1 = "Traitors can search a corpse silently, without confirming the death, by holding {walkkey} and pressing {usekey} on the corpse." L.tip2 = "Arming a C4 explosive with a longer timer will increase the number of wires that cause it to explode instantly when an innocent attempts to disarm it. It will also beep softer and less often." L.tip3 = "Detectives can search a corpse to find who is 'reflected in its eyes'. This is the last person the dead guy saw. That does not have to be the killer if they were shot in the back." L.tip4 = "No one will know you have died until they find your dead body and identify you by searching it." L.tip5 = "When a Traitor kills a Detective, they instantly receive a credit reward." L.tip6 = "When a Traitor dies, all Detectives are rewarded equipment credits." L.tip7 = "When the Traitors have made significant progress in killing innocents, they will receive an equipment credit as reward." L.tip8 = "Traitors and Detectives can collect unspent equipment credits from the dead bodies of other Traitors and Detectives." L.tip9 = "The Poltergeist can turn any physics object into a deadly projectile. Each punch is accompanied by a blast of energy hurting anyone nearby." L.tip10 = "As Traitor or Detective, keep an eye on red messages in the top right. These will be important for you." L.tip11 = "As Traitor or Detective, keep in mind you are rewarded extra equipment credits if you and your comrades perform well. Make sure you remember to spend them!" L.tip12 = "The Detectives' DNA Scanner can be used to gather DNA samples from weapons and items and then scan to find the location of the player who used them. Useful when you can get a sample from a corpse or a disarmed C4!" L.tip13 = "When you are close to someone you kill, some of your DNA is left on the corpse. This DNA can be used with a Detective's DNA Scanner to find your current location. Better hide the body after you knife someone!" L.tip14 = "The further you are away from someone you kill, the faster your DNA sample on their body will decay." L.tip15 = "Are you Traitor and going sniping? Consider trying out the Disguiser. If you miss a shot, run away to a safe spot, disable the Disguiser, and no one will know it was you who was shooting at them." L.tip16 = "As Traitor, the Teleporter can help you escape when chased, and allows you to quickly travel across a big map. Make sure you always have a safe position marked." L.tip17 = "Are the innocents all grouped up and hard to pick off? Consider trying out the Radio to play sounds of C4 or a firefight to lead some of them away." L.tip18 = "Using the Radio as Traitor, you can play sounds through your Equipment Menu after the radio has been placed. Queue up multiple sounds by clicking multiple buttons in the order you want them." L.tip19 = "As Detective, if you have leftover credits you could give a trusted Innocent a Defuser. Then you can spend your time doing the serious investigative work and leave the risky bomb defusal to them." L.tip20 = "The Detectives' Binoculars allow long-range searching and identifying of corpses. Bad news if the Traitors were hoping to use a corpse as bait. Of course, while using the Binoculars a Detective is unarmed and distracted..." L.tip21 = "The Detectives' Health Station lets wounded players recover. Of course, those wounded people could be Traitors..." L.tip22 = "The Health Station records a DNA sample of everyone who uses it. Detectives can use this with the DNA Scanner to find out who has been healing up." L.tip23 = "Unlike weapons and C4, the Radio equipment for Traitors does not contain a DNA sample of the person who planted it. Don't worry about Detectives finding it and blowing your cover." L.tip24 = "Press {helpkey} to view a short tutorial or modify some TTT-specific settings. For example, you can permanently disable these tips there." L.tip25 = "When a Detective searches a body, the result is available to all players via the scoreboard by clicking on the name of the dead person." L.tip26 = "In the scoreboard, a magnifying glass icon next to someone's name indicates you have search information about that person. If the icon is bright, the data comes from a Detective and may contain additional information." L.tip27 = "As Detective, corpses with a magnifying glass after the nickname have been searched by a Detective and their results are available to all players via the scoreboard." L.tip28 = "Spectators can press {mutekey} to cycle through muting other spectators or living players." L.tip29 = "If the server has installed additional languages, you can switch to a different language at any time in the Settings menu." L.tip30 = "Quickchat or 'radio' commands can be used by pressing {zoomkey}." L.tip31 = "As Spectator, press {duckkey} to unlock your mouse cursor and click the buttons on this tips panel. Press {duckkey} again to go back to mouseview." L.tip32 = "The Crowbar's secondary fire will push other players." L.tip33 = "Firing through the ironsights of a weapon will slightly increase your accuracy and decrease recoil. Crouching does not." L.tip34 = "Smoke grenades are effective indoors, especially for creating confusion in crowded rooms." L.tip35 = "As Traitor, remember you can carry dead bodies and hide them from the prying eyes of the innocent and their Detectives." L.tip36 = "The tutorial available under {helpkey} contains an overview of the most important keys of the game." L.tip37 = "On the scoreboard, click the name of a living player and you can select a tag for them such as 'suspect' or 'friend'. This tag will show up if you have them under your crosshair." L.tip38 = "Many of the placeable equipment items (such as C4, Radio) can be stuck on walls using secondary fire." L.tip39 = "C4 that explodes due to a mistake in disarming it has a smaller explosion than C4 that reaches zero on its timer." L.tip40 = "If it says 'HASTE MODE' above the round timer, the round will at first be only a few minutes long, but with every death the available time increases (like capturing a point in TF2). This mode puts the pressure on the traitors to keep things moving." --- Round report L.report_title = "Round report" -- Tabs L.report_tab_hilite = "Highlights" L.report_tab_hilite_tip = "Round highlights" L.report_tab_events = "Events" L.report_tab_events_tip = "Log of the events that happened this round" L.report_tab_scores = "Scores" L.report_tab_scores_tip = "Points scored by each player in this round alone" -- Event log saving L.report_save = "Save Log .txt" L.report_save_tip = "Saves the Event Log to a text file" L.report_save_error = "No Event Log data to save." L.report_save_result = "The Event Log has been saved to:" -- Big title window L.hilite_win_traitors = "THE TRAITORS WIN" L.hilite_win_jester = "THE JESTER WINS" L.hilite_win_innocent = "THE INNOCENT WIN" L.hilite_win_killer = "THE KILLER WINS" L.hilite_players1 = "{numplayers} players took part, {numtraitors} were traitors" L.hilite_players2 = "{numplayers} players took part, one of them the traitor" L.hilite_duration = "The round lasted {time}" -- Columns L.col_time = "Time" L.col_event = "Event" L.col_player = "Player" L.col_role = "Role" L.col_kills1 = "Innocent kills" L.col_kills2 = "Traitor kills" L.col_points = "Points" L.col_team = "Team bonus" L.col_total = "Total points" -- Name of a trap that killed us that has not been named by the mapper L.something = "something" -- Kill events L.ev_blowup = "{victim} blew themselves up" L.ev_blowup_trap = "{victim} was blown up by {trap}" L.ev_tele_self = "{victim} telefragged themselves" L.ev_sui = "{victim} couldn't take it and killed themselves" L.ev_sui_using = "{victim} killed themselves using {tool}" L.ev_fall = "{victim} fell to their death" L.ev_fall_pushed = "{victim} fell to their death after {attacker} pushed them" L.ev_fall_pushed_using = "{victim} fell to their death after {attacker} used {trap} to push them" L.ev_shot = "{victim} was shot by {attacker}" L.ev_shot_using = "{victim} was shot by {attacker} using a {weapon}" L.ev_drown = "{victim} was drowned by {attacker}" L.ev_drown_using = "{victim} was drowned by {trap} triggered by {attacker}" L.ev_boom = "{victim} was exploded by {attacker}" L.ev_boom_using = "{victim} was blown up by {attacker} using {trap}" L.ev_burn = "{victim} was fried by {attacker}" L.ev_burn_using = "{victim} was burned by {trap} due to {attacker}" L.ev_club = "{victim} was beaten up by {attacker}" L.ev_club_using = "{victim} was pummeled to death by {attacker} using {trap}" L.ev_slash = "{victim} was stabbed by {attacker}" L.ev_slash_using = "{victim} was cut up by {attacker} using {trap}" L.ev_tele = "{victim} was telefragged by {attacker}" L.ev_tele_using = "{victim} was atomized by {trap} set by {attacker}" L.ev_goomba = "{victim} was crushed by the massive bulk of {attacker}" L.ev_crush = "{victim} was crushed by {attacker}" L.ev_crush_using = "{victim} was crushed by {trap} of {attacker}" L.ev_other = "{victim} was killed by {attacker}" L.ev_other_using = "{victim} was killed by {attacker} using {trap}" -- Other events L.ev_body = "{finder} found the corpse of {victim}" L.ev_c4_plant = "{player} planted C4" L.ev_c4_boom = "The C4 planted by {player} exploded" L.ev_c4_disarm1 = "{player} disarmed C4 planted by {owner}" L.ev_c4_disarm2 = "{player} failed to disarm C4 planted by {owner}" L.ev_credit = "{finder} found {num} credit(s) on the corpse of {player}" L.ev_start = "The round started" L.ev_win_traitor = "The dastardly traitors won the round!" L.ev_win_inno = "The lovable innocent terrorists won the round!" L.ev_win_time = "The traitors ran out of time and lost!" --- Awards/highlights L.aw_sui1_title = "Suicide Cult Leader" L.aw_sui1_text = "showed the other suiciders how to do it by being the first to go." L.aw_sui2_title = "Lonely and Depressed" L.aw_sui2_text = "was the only one who killed themselves." L.aw_exp1_title = "Explosives Research Grant" L.aw_exp1_text = "was recognized for their research on explosions. {num} test subjects helped out." L.aw_exp2_title = "Field Research" L.aw_exp2_text = "tested their own resistance to explosions. It was not high enough." L.aw_fst1_title = "First Blood" L.aw_fst1_text = "delivered the first innocent death at a traitor's hands." L.aw_fst2_title = "First Bloody Stupid Kill" L.aw_fst2_text = "scored the first kill by shooting a fellow traitor. Good job." L.aw_fst3_title = "First Blooper" L.aw_fst3_text = "was the first to kill. Too bad it was an innocent comrade." L.aw_fst4_title = "First Blow" L.aw_fst4_text = "struck the first blow for the innocent terrorists by making the first death a traitor's." L.aw_all1_title = "Deadliest Among Equals" L.aw_all1_text = "was responsible for every kill made by the innocent this round." L.aw_all2_title = "Lone Wolf" L.aw_all2_text = "was responsible for every kill made by a traitor this round." L.aw_nkt1_title = "I Got One, Boss!" L.aw_nkt1_text = "managed to kill a single innocent. Sweet!" L.aw_nkt2_title = "A Bullet For Two" L.aw_nkt2_text = "showed the first one was not a lucky shot by killing another." L.aw_nkt3_title = "Serial Traitor" L.aw_nkt3_text = "ended three innocent lives of terrorism today." L.aw_nkt4_title = "Wolf Among More Sheep-Like Wolves" L.aw_nkt4_text = "eats innocent terrorists for dinner. A dinner of {num} courses." L.aw_nkt5_title = "Counter-Terrorism Operative" L.aw_nkt5_text = "gets paid per kill. Can now buy another luxury yacht." L.aw_nki1_title = "Betray This" L.aw_nki1_text = "found a traitor. Shot a traitor. Easy." L.aw_nki2_title = "Applied to the Justice Squad" L.aw_nki2_text = "escorted two traitors to the great beyond." L.aw_nki3_title = "Do Traitors Dream Of Traitorous Sheep?" L.aw_nki3_text = "put three traitors to rest." L.aw_nki4_title = "Internal Affairs Employee" L.aw_nki4_text = "gets paid per kill. Can now order their fifth swimming pool." L.aw_fal1_title = "No Mr. Bond, I Expect You To Fall" L.aw_fal1_text = "pushed someone off a great height." L.aw_fal2_title = "Floored" L.aw_fal2_text = "let their body hit the floor after falling from a significant altitude." L.aw_fal3_title = "The Human Meteorite" L.aw_fal3_text = "crushed someone by falling on them from a great height." L.aw_hed1_title = "Efficiency" L.aw_hed1_text = "discovered the joy of headshots and made {num}." L.aw_hed2_title = "Neurology" L.aw_hed2_text = "removed the brains from {num} heads for a closer examination." L.aw_hed3_title = "Videogames Made Me Do It" L.aw_hed3_text = "applied their murder simulation training and headshotted {num} foes." L.aw_cbr1_title = "Thunk Thunk Thunk" L.aw_cbr1_text = "has a mean swing with the crowbar, as {num} victims found out." L.aw_cbr2_title = "Freeman" L.aw_cbr2_text = "covered their crowbar in the brains of no less than {num} people." L.aw_pst1_title = "Persistent Little Bugger" L.aw_pst1_text = "scored {num} kills using the pistol. Then they went on to hug someone to death." L.aw_pst2_title = "Small Caliber Slaughter" L.aw_pst2_text = "killed a small army of {num} with a pistol. Presumably installed a tiny shotgun inside the barrel." L.aw_sgn1_title = "Easy Mode" L.aw_sgn1_text = "applies the buckshot where it hurts, murdering {num} targets." L.aw_sgn2_title = "A Thousand Little Pellets" L.aw_sgn2_text = "didn't really like their buckshot, so they gave it all away. {num} recipients did not live to enjoy it." L.aw_rfl1_title = "Point and Click" L.aw_rfl1_text = "shows all you need for {num} kills is a rifle and a steady hand." L.aw_rfl2_title = "I Can See Your Head From Here" L.aw_rfl2_text = "knows their rifle. Now {num} other people know the rifle too." L.aw_dgl1_title = "It's Like A Tiny Rifle" L.aw_dgl1_text = "is getting the hang of the Desert Eagle and killed {num} people." L.aw_dgl2_title = "Eagle Master" L.aw_dgl2_text = "blew away {num} people with the deagle." L.aw_mac1_title = "Pray and Slay" L.aw_mac1_text = "killed {num} people with the MAC10, but won't say how much ammo they needed." L.aw_mac2_title = "Mac and Cheese" L.aw_mac2_text = "wonders what would happen if they could wield two MAC10s. {num} times two?" L.aw_sip1_title = "Be Quiet" L.aw_sip1_text = "shut {num} people up with the silenced pistol." L.aw_sip2_title = "Silenced Assassin" L.aw_sip2_text = "killed {num} people who did not hear themselves die." L.aw_knf1_title = "Knife Knowing You" L.aw_knf1_text = "stabbed someone in the face over the internet." L.aw_knf2_title = "Where Did You Get That From?" L.aw_knf2_text = "was not a Traitor, but still killed someone with a knife." L.aw_knf3_title = "Such A Knife Man" L.aw_knf3_text = "found {num} knives lying around, and made use of them." L.aw_knf4_title = "World's Knifest Man" L.aw_knf4_text = "killed {num} people with a knife. Don't ask me how." L.aw_flg1_title = "To The Rescue" L.aw_flg1_text = "used their flares to signal for {num} deaths." L.aw_flg2_title = "Flare Indicates Fire" L.aw_flg2_text = "taught {num} men about the danger of wearing flammable clothing." L.aw_hug1_title = "A H.U.G.E Spread" L.aw_hug1_text = "was in tune with their H.U.G.E, somehow managing to make their bullets hit {num} people." L.aw_hug2_title = "A Patient Para" L.aw_hug2_text = "just kept firing, and saw their H.U.G.E patience rewarded with {num} kills." L.aw_msx1_title = "Putt Putt Putt" L.aw_msx1_text = "picked off {num} people with the M16." L.aw_msx2_title = "Mid-range Madness" L.aw_msx2_text = "knows how to take down targets with the M16, scoring {num} kills." L.aw_tkl1_title = "Made An Oopsie" L.aw_tkl1_text = "had their finger slip just when they were aiming at a buddy." L.aw_tkl2_title = "Double-Oops" L.aw_tkl2_text = "thought they got a Traitor twice, but was wrong both times." L.aw_tkl3_title = "Karma-conscious" L.aw_tkl3_text = "couldn't stop after killing two teammates. Three is their lucky number." L.aw_tkl4_title = "Teamkiller" L.aw_tkl4_text = "murdered the entirety of their team. OMGBANBANBAN." L.aw_tkl5_title = "Roleplayer" L.aw_tkl5_text = "was roleplaying a madman, honest. That's why they killed most of their team." L.aw_tkl6_title = "Moron" L.aw_tkl6_text = "couldn't figure out which side they were on, and killed over half of their comrades." L.aw_tkl7_title = "Redneck" L.aw_tkl7_text = "protected their turf real good by killing over a quarter of their teammates." L.aw_brn1_title = "Like Grandma Used To Make Them" L.aw_brn1_text = "fried several people to a nice crisp." L.aw_brn2_title = "Pyroid" L.aw_brn2_text = "was heard cackling loudly after burning one of their many victims." L.aw_brn3_title = "Pyrrhic Burnery" L.aw_brn3_text = "burned them all, but is now all out of incendiary grenades! How will they cope!?" L.aw_fnd1_title = "Coroner" L.aw_fnd1_text = "found {num} bodies lying around." L.aw_fnd2_title = "Gotta Catch Em All" L.aw_fnd2_text = "found {num} corpses for their collection." L.aw_fnd3_title = "Death Scent" L.aw_fnd3_text = "keeps stumbling on random corpses, {num} times this round." L.aw_crd1_title = "Recycler" L.aw_crd1_text = "scrounged up {num} leftover credits from corpses." L.aw_tod1_title = "Pyrrhic Victory" L.aw_tod1_text = "died only seconds before their team won the round." L.aw_tod2_title = "I Hate This Game" L.aw_tod2_text = "died right after the start of the round." --- New and modified pieces of text are placed below this point, marked with the --- version in which they were added, to make updating translations easier. --- v23 L.set_avoid_det = "Avoid being selected as Detective" L.set_avoid_det_tip = "Enable this to ask the server not to select you as Detective if possible. Does not mean you are Traitor more often." --- v24 L.drop_no_ammo = "Insufficient ammo in your weapon's clip to drop as an ammo box." --- v31 L.set_cross_brightness = "Crosshair brightness" L.set_cross_size = "Crosshair size" --- 5-25-15 L.hat_retrieve = "You picked up a Detective's hat." --- 2018-07-24 L.equip_tooltip_main = "Equipment menu" L.equip_tooltip_radar = "Radar control" L.equip_tooltip_disguise = "Disguise control" L.equip_tooltip_radio = "Radio control" L.equip_tooltip_xfer = "Transfer credits" L.confgrenade_name = "Discombobulator" L.polter_name = "Poltergeist" L.stungun_name = "UMP Prototype" L.knife_instant = "INSTANT KILL" L.dna_hud_type = "TYPE" L.dna_hud_body = "BODY" L.dna_hud_item = "ITEM" L.binoc_zoom_level = "LEVEL" L.binoc_body = "BODY DETECTED" L.idle_popup_title = "Idle"
local gs = { lst = { clr = { active = {255, 255, 255}, inactive = {75, 75, 75} }, none = "[ ]" } } = {} function local tab = local tw, th = guiGetSize(tab, false) ----------------------------- x, y = GS.mrg2, GS.mrg2 w, h = tw - GS.mrg2*2, th - GS.mrg2*2 - GS.h - GS.mrg local tpnl = guiCreateTabPanel(x, y, w, h, false, tab) = tpnl = guiCreateButton(-x, -y, GS.w2, GS.h, "Restore", false, tab, "command.restoreacl") guiSetHorizontalAlign(, "right") guiSetVerticalAlign(, "bottom") guiSetAlwaysOnTop(, true) guiButtonSetHoverTextColor(, unpack( x = x + GS.w2 + GS.mrg = guiCreateButton(-x, -y, GS.w3, GS.h, "Restore gradmin", false, tab, "command.restoreadminacl") guiSetHorizontalAlign(, "right") guiSetVerticalAlign(, "bottom") guiSetAlwaysOnTop(, true) guiButtonSetHoverTextColor(, unpack( ----------------------------- = {} = guiCreateTab("Groups", tpnl) tw, th = guiGetSize(, false) x, y = GS.mrg2, GS.mrg2 w, h = tw - GS.mrg2*2, th - GS.mrg2*2 = guiCreateGridList(x, y, GS.w3, h, false, guiGridListSetSortingEnabled(, false) guiGridListAddColumn(, "Name") = guiGridListAddCreateButton( cGuiGuard.setPermission(, "command.aclcreategroup") = guiGridListAddDestroyButton( cGuiGuard.setPermission(, "command.acldestroygroup") x = x + GS.w3 + GS.mrg2 = guiCreateGridList(x, y, GS.w3, h, false, guiGridListSetSortingEnabled(, false) guiGridListAddColumn(, "ACL") = guiGridListAddCreateButton( cGuiGuard.setPermission(, "command.aclgroupaddacl") = guiGridListAddDestroyButton( cGuiGuard.setPermission(, "command.aclgroupremoveacl") x = x + GS.w3 + GS.mrg w = w - GS.w3*2 - GS.mrg - GS.mrg2*2 - GS.w3 = guiCreateGridList(x, y, GS.w3, h, false, guiGridListSetSortingEnabled(, false) guiGridListAddColumn(, "Object") = guiGridListAddCreateButton( cGuiGuard.setPermission(, "command.aclgroupaddobject") = guiGridListAddDestroyButton( cGuiGuard.setPermission(, "command.aclgroupremoveobject") ----------------------------- = {} = guiCreateTab("ACL", tpnl) tw, th = guiGetSize(, false) x, y = GS.mrg2, GS.mrg2 w, h = tw - GS.mrg2*2, th - GS.mrg2*2 = guiCreateGridList(x, y, GS.w3, h, false, guiGridListSetSortingEnabled(, false) guiGridListAddColumn(, "Name") = guiGridListAddCreateButton( cGuiGuard.setPermission(, "command.aclcreate") = guiGridListAddDestroyButton( cGuiGuard.setPermission(, "command.acldestroy") x = GS.mrg2 w = w - GS.w3 - GS.mrg2 local chkw = 120 = guiCreateContainer(-x, y, chkw, GS.h, false, guiSetHorizontalAlign(, "right") = guiCreateCheckBox(0, 0, 1, 1, "Show public rights", false, true, x = x + GS.mrg2 + GS.w3, = guiCreateAdvancedComboBox(x, y, GS.w2, GS.h, "", false, guiGridListAddRow(, "all") guiGridListAddRow(, "general") guiGridListAddRow(, "function") guiGridListAddRow(, "command") guiGridListAddRow(, "resource") guiGridListAdjustHeight( guiGridListSetSelectedItem(, 0) x = x + GS.w2 + GS.mrg = guiCreateSearchEdit(x, y, w - GS.mrg*2 - GS.w2 - chkw, GS.h, "", false, x = GS.mrg2 * 2 + GS.w3 y = y + GS.h + GS.mrg h = h - GS.h - GS.mrg = guiCreateGridList(x, y, w, h, false, guiGridListSetSortingEnabled(, false) = guiGridListAddColumn(, "Right", 0.45) = guiGridListAddColumn(, "Access", 0.15) = + 1 = guiGridListAddCreateButton( cGuiGuard.setPermission(, "command.aclsetright") = guiGridListAddDestroyButton( cGuiGuard.setPermission(, "command.aclremoveright") ----------------------------- = {} = guiCreateTab("Access matrix", tpnl) tw, th = guiGetSize(, false) x, y = GS.mrg2, GS.mrg2 w, h = tw - GS.mrg2*2, th - GS.mrg2*2 chkw = 120 = guiCreateCheckBox(-x, y, chkw, GS.h, "Show auto ACL", false, false, guiSetHorizontalAlign(, "right"), = guiCreateAdvancedComboBox(x, y, GS.w2, GS.h, "", false, = guiCreateSearchEdit(x + GS.mrg + GS.w2, y, w - GS.w2 - GS.mrg*2 - chkw, GS.h, "", false, guiGridListAddRow(, "all") guiGridListAddRow(, "general") guiGridListAddRow(, "function") guiGridListAddRow(, "command") guiGridListAddRow(, "resource") guiGridListAdjustHeight( guiGridListSetSelectedItem(, 0) y = y + GS.h + GS.mrg = guiCreateGridList(x, y, w, h - GS.mrg - GS.h, false, guiGridListAddColumn(, "Right", 0.2) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(, 2) guiGridListSetSortingEnabled(, false) = guiGridListAddDestroyButton( cGuiGuard.setPermission(, "command.aclremoveright") ----------------------------- addEventHandler("onClientGUILeftClick", tab, addEventHandler("onClientGUIGridListItemSelected", tab, addEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleLeftClick", tab, addEventHandler("onClientGUIGridListItemEnterKey", tab, addEventHandler("onClientGUIRightClick", tab, addEventHandler("onClientGUIGridListItemDeleteKey", tab, addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged",, function() end, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIGridListItemSelected",, function() end, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged",, function() end, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIGridListItemSelected",, function() end, false) return true end function if source == then if not guiShowMessageDialog("Admin panel rights will be restored. Continue?", "Restore rights", MD_YES_NO, MD_QUESTION ) then return end cCommands.execute("restoreadminacl") elseif source == then if not guiShowMessageDialog("Server default rights and admin panel rights will be restored. Added objects, custom groups and rights will NOT be changed, except 'Everyone' group. Continue?", "Restore rights", MD_YES_NO, MD_QUESTION ) then return end cCommands.execute("restoreacl") elseif source == then local group = guiShowInputDialog("Add group", "Enter the group name", nil, guiGetInputNotEmptyParser()) if not group then return end cCommands.execute("aclcreategroup", group) elseif source == then local group = if not group then return guiShowMessageDialog("No group selected!", nil, MD_OK, MD_ERROR) end if not guiShowMessageDialog("Group '""' will be destroyed! Are you sure?", "Destroy group", MD_YES_NO, MD_WARNING) then return end if group == "Everyone" then if not guiShowMessageDialog("Warning! Highly recommended do not delete group 'Everyone'. Delete it only, if you know what you are doing. Continue?", "Destroy group", MD_YES_NO, MD_WARNING) then return end end cCommands.execute("acldestroygroup", group) elseif source == then local group = if not group then return guiShowMessageDialog("No group selected!", nil, MD_OK, MD_ERROR) end local object = guiShowInputDialog("Add object", "Enter the object name", nil, guiGetInputNotEmptyParser()) if not object then return end cCommands.execute("aclgroupaddobject", group, object) elseif source == then local group = if not group then return guiShowMessageDialog("No group selected!", nil, MD_OK, MD_ERROR) end local object = if not object then return guiShowMessageDialog("No object selected!", nil, MD_OK, MD_ERROR) end if not guiShowMessageDialog("Object '"..object.."' will be removed from group '""'. Continue?", "Remove object", MD_YES_NO, MD_QUESTION ) then return end if group == "Everyone" then if not guiShowMessageDialog("Warning! Highly recommended do not remove any objects from 'Everyone' group. Delete it only, if you know what you are doing. Continue?", "Remove object", MD_YES_NO, MD_WARNING) then return end end cCommands.execute("aclgroupremoveobject", group, object) elseif source == then local group = if not group then return guiShowMessageDialog("No group selected!", nil, MD_OK, MD_ERROR) end local acl = guiShowInputDialog("Add ACL", "Enter the ACL name", nil, guiGetInputNotEmptyParser()) if not acl then return end cCommands.execute("aclgroupaddacl", group, acl) elseif source == then local group = if not group then return guiShowMessageDialog("No group selected!", nil, MD_OK, MD_ERROR) end local acl = if not acl then return guiShowMessageDialog("No ACL selected!", nil, MD_OK, MD_ERROR) end if not guiShowMessageDialog("ACL '"..acl.."' will be removed from group '""'. Continue?", "Remove ACL", MD_YES_NO, MD_QUESTION ) then return end if group == "Everyone" then if not guiShowMessageDialog("Warning! Highly recommended do not remove any ACL from 'Everyone' group. Delete it only, if you know what you are doing. Continue?", "Remove ACL", MD_YES_NO, MD_WARNING) then return end end cCommands.execute("aclgroupremoveacl", group, acl) --------------- ACL ------------------- elseif source == then local acl = guiShowInputDialog("Add ACL", "Enter the ACL name", nil, guiGetInputNotEmptyParser()) if not acl then return end cCommands.execute("aclcreate", acl) elseif source == then local acl = if not acl then return guiShowMessageDialog("No ACL selected!", nil, MD_OK, MD_ERROR) end if not guiShowMessageDialog("ACL '"..acl.."' will be destroyed! Are you sure?", "Destroy ACL", MD_YES_NO, MD_WARNING) then return end if acl == "Default" then if not guiShowMessageDialog("Warning! Highly recommended do not delete ACL 'Default'. Delete it only, if you know what you are doing. Continue?", "Destroy ACL", MD_YES_NO, MD_WARNING) then return end end cCommands.execute("acldestroy", acl) elseif source == then local right = guiShowInputDialog("Add right", "Enter the right name", nil, guiGetInputNotEmptyParser()) if not right then return end local acl = if[acl].access[right] ~= nil then return guiShowMessageDialog("Right '"..right.."' is already added!", nil, MD_OK, MD_ERROR) end cCommands.execute("aclsetright", acl, right, false) elseif source == then local acl = local right = if not guiShowMessageDialog("Right '"..right.."' will be removed from ACL '"..acl.."'. Continue?", "Remove right", MD_YES_NO, MD_QUESTION ) then return end if acl == "Default" then if not guiShowMessageDialog("Warning! Highly recommended do not remove any rights from 'Default' ACL entry. Delete it only, if you know what you are doing. Continue?", "Remove right", MD_YES_NO, MD_WARNING) then return end end cCommands.execute("aclremoveright", acl, right) elseif source == then --------------- MATRIX ------------------- elseif source == then elseif source == then local acl, right, access = if not acl then return end if access == nil then return end if not guiShowMessageDialog("Right '"..right.."' will be removed from ACL '"..acl.."'. Continue?", "Remove right", MD_YES_NO, MD_QUESTION ) then return end if acl == "Default" then if not guiShowMessageDialog("Warning! Highly recommended do not remove any rights from 'Default' ACL entry. Delete it only, if you know what you are doing. Continue?", "Remove right", MD_YES_NO, MD_WARNING) then return end end cCommands.execute("aclremoveright", acl, right) end end function if source == then local acl = if not acl then return end local right, access = if not right then return end access = not access if not guiShowMessageDialog("Set right '"..right.."' to '"..tostring(access).."'?", "Change right", MD_YES_NO, MD_QUESTION ) then return end if acl == "Default" then if not guiShowMessageDialog("Warning! Highly recommended do not change any rights in 'Default' ACL entry. Change it only, if you know what you are doing. Continue?", "Change right", MD_YES_NO, MD_WARNING) then return end end cCommands.execute("aclsetright", acl, right, access) elseif source == then local acl, right, access = if not acl then return end if access == nil then access = false else access = not access end if not guiShowMessageDialog("Set '"..acl.."' ACL right '"..right.."' to '"..tostring(access).."'?", "Change right", MD_YES_NO, MD_QUESTION ) then return end if acl == "Default" then if not guiShowMessageDialog("Warning! Highly recommended do not change any rights in 'Default' ACL entry. Change it only, if you know what you are doing. Continue?", "Change right", MD_YES_NO, MD_WARNING) then return end end cCommands.execute("aclsetright", acl, right, access) end end function if source == then elseif source == then elseif source == then guiSetEnabled(, row ~= -1) elseif source == then guiSetEnabled(, row ~= -1) elseif source == then local enabled = row ~= -1 and guiGridListGetItemData(, row, 2) ~= nil guiSetEnabled(, enabled) elseif source == then local acl, right, access = local enabled = acl and right and access ~= nil or false guiSetEnabled(, enabled) end end function if source == then guiClick( elseif source == then guiClick( elseif source == then guiClick( elseif source == then guiClick( elseif source == then guiClick( elseif source == then guiClick( end end function return true end --------------------------------------- --------------- GROUP ----------------- --------------------------------------- function return guiGridListGetSelectedItemText( end function return guiGridListGetSelectedItemText( end function return guiGridListGetSelectedItemText( end function local selected = if group and group ~= selected then return end guiSetEnabled(, false) local selectedACL = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( local selectedObject = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( guiGridListClear( guiGridListClear( guiSetEnabled(, false) guiSetEnabled(, false) guiSetStatusText(, "N/A") guiSetStatusText(, "N/A") if not selected then return end guiSetEnabled(, true) if not[selected] then return false end guiSetEnabled(, true) guiSetEnabled(, true) guiSetStatusText( guiSetStatusText( for i, acl in ipairs([selected].acls) do guiGridListAddRow(, acl) end guiGridListSetSelectedItem(, selectedACL) for i, object in ipairs([selected].objects) do guiGridListAddRow(, object) end guiGridListSetSelectedItem(, selectedObject) return true end function local selected = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( guiGridListClear( for i, group in ipairs( do guiGridListAddRow(, group) end guiGridListSetSelectedAnyItem(, selected) return true end --------------------------------------- --------------- ACL ------------------- --------------------------------------- function return guiGridListGetSelectedItemText( end function local right = guiGridListGetSelectedItemData( if not right then return nil end local access = guiGridListGetSelectedItemData(, nil, 2) return right, access end function local selectedACL = if acl and acl ~= selectedACL then return end guiSetEnabled(, false) local list = local selected = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(list) guiGridListClear(list) guiSetEnabled(list, false) guiSetStatusText(list, "N/A") guiGridListRemoveColumn(list, local showPublicRights = guiCheckBoxGetSelected( if showPublicRights then guiGridListAddColumn(list, "Public", 0.15) end if not selectedACL then return end guiSetEnabled(, true) if not[selectedACL] then return false end local publicRightsData = mAcl.getPublicRights() if not publicRightsData then return end guiSetEnabled(list, true) guiSetStatusText(list) local rightsData =[selectedACL] local addRights = {} if showPublicRights then for i, right in ipairs(rightsData.list) do if publicRightsData.access[right] == nil then table.insert(addRights, {right, rightsData.access[right], nil}) end end for i, right in ipairs(publicRightsData.list) do table.insert(addRights, {right, rightsData.access[right], publicRightsData.access[right]}) end else for i, right in ipairs(rightsData.list) do table.insert(addRights, {right, rightsData.access[right]}) end end local viewType = guiGetText( if viewType == "all" then viewType = ".*" end local search = utf8.lower(guiGetText( for i, rightData in ipairs(addRights) do local right = rightData[1] local cutted = utf8.gsub(right, "^.-%.", "") if (utf8.match(right, "^"..viewType)) and (utf8.find(utf8.lower(cutted), search, 1, true)) then local access = rightData[2] local publicAccess = rightData[3] local row = guiGridListAddRow( list, viewType == ".*" and right or cutted, access == nil and gs.lst.none or tostring(access), publicAccess == nil and gs.lst.none or tostring(publicAccess) ) guiGridListSetItemData(list, row, 1, right) guiGridListSetItemData(list, row, 2, access) guiGridListSetItemColor(list, row, 2, unpack(access and or gs.lst.clr.inactive)) guiGridListSetItemColor(list, row, 3, unpack(publicAccess == false and gs.lst.clr.inactive or guiGridListSetItemColor(list, row, 1, unpack((access or publicAccess or showPublicRights and publicAccess == nil) and or gs.lst.clr.inactive)) end end guiGridListSetSelectedItem(list, selected) return true end function local showPublic = guiCheckBoxGetSelected( if and > 0 then guiSetEnabled(, true) guiSetToolTip( else guiSetEnabled(, false) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(, false) guiSetToolTip(, "(!) No public rights were found. This means that all resources and users have all rigths. Seems like ACL damaged. Use /restoreacl command for restore default rights", unpack( end return true end function local selected = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( guiGridListClear( for i, acl in ipairs( do guiGridListAddRow(, acl) end guiGridListSetSelectedAnyItem(, selected) return true end --------------------------------------- --------------- MATRIX ---------------- --------------------------------------- function local item, column = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(, 1) if item == -1 then return nil end if column == 1 then return nil end local acl = guiGridListGetColumnTitle(, column) local right = guiGridListGetItemData(, item, 1) local access = guiGridListGetItemData(, item, column) return acl, right, access end function local list = local selectedMatrixRow, selectedMatrixColumn = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(list) guiGridListClear(list) for i = 2, guiGridListGetColumnCount(list) do guiGridListRemoveColumn(list, 2) end guiSetEnabled(list, false) guiSetStatusText(list, "N/A") local acls = for i, acl in ipairs(acls) do if not[acl] then return end end guiSetEnabled(list, true) guiSetStatusText(list) local showAuto = guiCheckBoxGetSelected( local publicRightsData = mAcl.getPublicRights() local rightsRows = {} for ir, right in ipairs(publicRightsData.list) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(list, right) guiGridListSetItemData(list, row, 1, right) rightsRows[right] = row end for ia, acl in ipairs(acls) do local isAuto = utf8.match(acl, "^autoACL_") and true or false if showAuto or (not showAuto) and (not isAuto) then local column = guiGridListAddColumn(list, acl, 0.06) for ir, right in ipairs([acl].list) do local row = rightsRows[right] if not row then row = guiGridListAddRow(list, right) guiGridListSetItemData(list, row, 1, right) rightsRows[right] = row end local access =[acl].access[right] guiGridListSetItemText(list, row, column, tostring(access), false, false) guiGridListSetItemData(list, row, column, access) end end end local viewType = guiGetText( if viewType == "all" then viewType = ".*" end local search = utf8.lower(guiGetText( for row = guiGridListGetRowCount(list) - 1, 0, -1 do local right = guiGridListGetItemData(list, row, 1) local cutted = utf8.gsub(right, "^.-%.", "") if utf8.match(right, "^"..viewType) and utf8.find(utf8.lower(cutted), search, 1, true) then guiGridListSetItemText(list, row, 1, viewType == ".*" and right or cutted, false, false) else guiGridListRemoveRow(list, row) end end for i = 0, guiGridListGetRowCount(list) do for j = 2, guiGridListGetColumnCount(list) do local access = guiGridListGetItemData(list, i, j) if not access then if access == nil then guiGridListSetItemText(list, i, j, gs.lst.none, false, false) end guiGridListSetItemColor(list, i, j, unpack(gs.lst.clr.inactive)) else guiGridListSetItemColor(list, i, j, unpack( end end end guiGridListSetSelectedItem(list, selectedMatrixRow, selectedMatrixColumn) return true end
-- Globally used local G = getfenv(0) local select = select local oGlow = oGlow local hooksecurefunc = hooksecurefunc -- Containers local GetContainerItemLink = GetContainerItemLink local GetItemInfo = GetItemInfo -- Addon local frame = CreateFrame'Frame' frame:Hide() local ContainerFrame1 = ContainerFrame1 local bid, self, link, size, name, q local update = function(bag, id) size = bag.size name = bag:GetName() for i=1, size do bid = size - i + 1 self = G[name..'Item'] link = GetContainerItemLink(id, i) if(link and not oGlow.preventBags) then q = select(3, GetItemInfo(link)) oGlow(self, q) elseif(self.bc) then self.bc:Hide() end end end local delay = 0 local up = {} frame:SetScript('OnUpdate', function(self, elapsed) delay = delay + elapsed if(delay > .05) then for id in pairs(up) do update(id, id:GetID()) up[id] = nil end delay = 0 self:Hide() end end) local cf frame:SetScript('OnEvent', function(self, event, id) bid = id + 1 local cf = G['ContainerFrame'] if(cf and cf:IsShown()) then up[cf] = true frame:Show() end end) local self hooksecurefunc('ContainerFrame_OnShow', function() self = this if(ContainerFrame1.bagsShown > 0) then frame:RegisterEvent'BAG_UPDATE' up[self] = true frame:Show() end end) hooksecurefunc('ContainerFrame_OnHide', function() if(ContainerFrame1.bagsShown == 0) then frame:UnregisterEvent'BAG_UPDATE' up[self] = nil frame:Hide() end end) oGlow.updateBags = update
local Debug = { enabled = false, backgroundColor = {20, 20, 20, 200}, color = {255, 255, 255, 255}, padding = 8, text =, text) } function Debug.enable() Debug.enabled = true end function Debug.disable() Debug.enabled = false end function Debug.toggle() Debug.enabled = not Debug.enabled end function Debug.set(text) Debug.text:set(text) end function Debug.draw() if Debug.enabled then local fps = love.timer.getFPS() local delta = love.timer.getDelta() local avgDelta = love.timer.getAverageDelta() Debug.set(string.format('FPS: %d, delta: %.4f, avg. delta: %.4f', fps, delta, avgDelta)) local textWidth, textHeight = Debug.text:getDimensions() local width = textWidth + (Debug.padding * 2) local height = textHeight + (Debug.padding * 2) local x = - width local y = - height'fill', x, y, width, height), x + Debug.padding, y + Debug.padding) end end return Debug
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ElvUI Chat Tweaks By Crackpotx (US, Lightbringer) -- Based on functionality provided by Prat and/or Chatter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local Module = ElvUI_ChatTweaks:NewModule("Search", "AceConsole-3.0") local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("ElvUI_ChatTweaks", false) = L["Search"] Module.namespace = string.gsub(, " ", "") local db, options local defaults = { global = { scrape = 30, highlight = true, color = {r = 0, g = 1.0, b = 0.59}, } } local foundLines, scrapeLines = {}, {} local function AddLines(lines, ...) for i = select("#", ...), 1, -1 do local x = select(i, ...) if x:GetObjectType() == "FontString" and not x:GetName() then table.insert(lines, x:GetText()) end end end local function ScrapeFrame(frame) table.wipe(scrapeLines) AddLines(scrapeLines, frame:GetRegions()) end function Module:Error(msg) self:Print(("|cffff0000%s|r"):format(msg)) end function Module:Find(msg, all, frame) local color = ("%02x%02x%02x"):format(db.color.r * 255, db.color.g * 255, db.color.b * 255) local colorString = "|cff%s%s|r" -- first, do some error checking if not frame or frame == nil then frame = SELECTED_CHAT_FRAME end if not msg then return end if #msg <= 2 then frame:ScrollToBottom() self:Error(L["Search term is too short."]) return end if frame:GetNumMessages() == 0 then self:Error(L["Not Found"]) return end local startTime = time() local runTime = 0 if not all and self.lastSearch == msg then frame:PageUp() end if all then frame:ScrollToBottom() end self.lastSearch = msg -- do the actual search repeat ScrapeFrame(frame) for _, value in ipairs(scrapeLines) do if value:lower():find(msg:lower()) then if all then table.insert(foundLines, db.highlight and value:gsub(msg, colorString:format(color, msg)) or value) else self:Print(L["Search Results:"]) frame:AddMessage(db.highlight and value:gsub(msg, colorString:format(color, msg)) or value) return end end end frame:PageUp() runTime = time() - startTime if runTime >= db.scrape then self:Print(L["Frame scraping timeout exceeded, results will be incomplete."]) break end until frame:AtTop() or runTime >= db.scrape self.lastSearch = nil frame:ScrollToBottom() if all and #foundLines > 0 then self:Print((L["Search Results |cff9382c9(%d Found)|r:"]):format(#foundLines)) for _, value in ipairs(foundLines) do frame:AddMessage(value) end else self:Error(L["Not Found"]) end table.wipe(foundLines) end function Module:OnEnable() self:RegisterChatCommand("find", function(msg) self:Find(msg, false) end) self:RegisterChatCommand("findall", function(msg) self:Find(msg, true) end) end function Module:OnDisable() self:UnregisterChatCommand("find") self:UnregisterChatCommand("findall") end function Module:OnInitialize() self.db = ElvUI_ChatTweaks.db:RegisterNamespace(Module.namespace, defaults) db = self.debugging = end function Module:GetOptions() if not options then options = { scrape = { type = "range", order = 13, name = L["Scrape Time"], desc = L["Time, in seconds, you want the search to continue before it ends."], get = function() return db.scrape end, set = function(_, value) db.scrape = value end, min = 5, max = 120, step = 5, }, highlight = { type = "toggle", order = 14, name = L["Highlight Term"], desc = L["Highlight the search term in the results."], get = function() return db.highlight end, set = function(_, value) db.highlight = value end, }, color = { type = "color", order = 15, name = L["Highlight Color"], desc = L["The color to highlight the search term."], get = function() return db.color.r, db.color.g, db.color.b end, set = function(_, r, g, b) db.color.r = r; db.color.g = g; db.color.b = b; end, }, } end return options end function Module:Info() return L["Adds the |cff00ff96/find|r and |cff00ff96/findall|r commands to search the chat history.\n\nUsage:\n |cff00ff96/find <text>|r\n |cff00ff96/findall <text>|r"] end
-- helper function, dprint logs at Log::Level::Debug in rust. function dprintf(...) dprint(string.format(...)) end -- example map function. In the example configuration file this -- function is called when you do a lookup in the map 'example_map'. -- -- If you request this URL: -- https://servername/.well-known/webnis/<domain>/map/example_map?username=truus -- this function gets called with request.keyname=username, request.keyvalue=truus. function map_example(req) -- maps to rust debug! facility dprintf("lua map_example: keyname %s, keyvalue %s", req.keyname, req.keyvalue) local email local username = req.keyvalue -- if the username contain a @, look it up in the email -- address to username map that we defined in the TOML config if string.find(username, "@") ~= nil then email = username username = nil local m = webnis.map_lookup(req, "email2user", "address", email) if m ~= nil then username = m.username dprintf("map_email: mapped %s to %s", email, username) else dprintf("map_email: %s unknown email", email) return nil end end -- now username is syntactically valid -- see if it exists in the "passwd" map local pwd = webnis.map_lookup(req, "passwd", "username", username) if pwd == nil then dprintf("map_email: %s user unknown", username) return nil end -- this is the basic reply table, it contains the username and uid local ret = { username = username, uid = pwd.uid } -- add email address if we have it. if email ~= nil then = email end -- return table. it is served to the user a a JSON object. return ret end -- -- authentication. the "request" table contains a username and a password. -- function auth_example(req) dprintf("auth_xs4all: username [%s]", req.username) local username = req.username local password = req.password local email -- auth by email? map to username if string.find(username, "@") ~= nil then -- map email address to username local m = webnis.map_lookup(req, "email2user", "address", email) if m == nil then dprint("email not found") return nil end email = username username = m.username end -- must have username now if username == nil then dprint("fatal: username is nil") return nil end -- authenticate dprintf("going to auth [%s] [%s] [%s] [x]", "adjunct", "username", username) if not webnis.map_auth(req, "adjunct", "username", username) then dprintf("%s: bad password", username) return nil end dprint("auth ok") -- auth OK, build reply. if email == nil then local m = webnis.map_lookup(req, "email", "username", username) if m ~= nil then email = end end if email == nil then return { username = username } else return { username = username; email = email } end end
local class = require "lib.lua-oop" require "util.math.vector" require "util.color" require "engine.stage.hitbox" StageObject = class "StageObject" function StageObject:constructor(position, size, color) self.isFirstUpdate = true self.enabled = true self.visible = true self.rotation = 0 self.hitbox = Hitbox:new(position, size) self:setColor(color) self:setPosition(position) self:setSize(size) end function StageObject:init() end function StageObject:stageInit() end function StageObject:firstUpdate() end function StageObject:firstStageUpdate() end function StageObject:update(dt) end function StageObject:_update(dt) if self.isFirstUpdate then print("First update of " .. .. "/" .. .. " (object)") self:firstUpdate() self.isFirstUpdate = false end self:update(dt) self:updateHitbox() end function StageObject:draw() end function StageObject:beforeChange(nextStage) end function StageObject:setPosition(position) if position then assert(type(position) == "table", "Position is not an object (StageObject)") self.position = position else self.position = Vector2:new(0, 0) end end function StageObject:setSize(size) if size then assert(type(size) == "table", "Size is not an object (StageObject)") self.size = size else self.size = Vector2:new(400, 200) end end function StageObject:setColor(color) if color then self.color = color else self.color = Color:new(255, 255, 255, 255) end end function StageObject:updateHitbox() self.hitbox.position = self.position self.hitbox.size = self.size end function StageObject:isHitting(otherObject) return self.hitbox:isHitting(otherObject.hitbox) end return StageObject
function jtorch._saveJoinTableNode(node, ofile) -- Save the dimension to join ofile:writeInt(node.dimension) end
local M = {} local json = require("deepl.json") local a = vim.api local uv = vim.loop local config = { url = nil, authkey = nil, } local current_win function M.close() if current_win then a.nvim_win_close(, true) a.nvim_buf_delete(current_win.buf, { force = true }) current_win = nil end end local function code_decision(num) if num < 127 then return true elseif num < 161 then return false elseif num < 224 then return true end return false end local function head(str) if str == "" then return "", nil, 0 elseif #str == 1 then return str, nil, 1 elseif code_decision(str:byte()) then return str:sub(1, 1), str:sub(2), 1 end return str:sub(1, 3), str:sub(4), 2 end local function cut(str, num) local res = { {} } local init, len = "", 0 local c = 1 repeat local width init, str, width = head(str) len = len + width if len > num then c = c + 1 len = width res[c] = {} end table.insert(res[c], init) until str == nil for i = 1, #res do res[i] = table.concat(res[i], "") end return res, (c == 1 and len or num) end function M.create_window(lines, width) M.close() local buf = a.nvim_create_buf(false, true) a.nvim_buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, true, lines) local win = a.nvim_open_win(buf, false, { relative = "cursor", width = width, height = #lines, style = "minimal", row = 1, col = 1, border = "single", }) return { win = win, buf = buf } end function M.translate(line1, line2, from, to, mode) if not (config.authkey and config.url) then return end local texts = a.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, line1 - 1, line2, true) local txt = table.concat(texts, " "):gsub("%s+", " ") local stdout = uv.new_pipe(false) local args = { config.url, "-d", "auth_key=" .. config.authkey, "-d", "text=" .. txt, "-d", "source_lang=" .. from, "-d", "target_lang=" .. to, } local response uv.spawn("curl", { stdio = { nil, stdout, nil }, args = args, }, function(code, _) if code == 0 then print("Translate success") uv.read_start(stdout, function(err, data) assert(not err, err) if data then response = data end end) else print("Translate failed") end end) local timer = uv.new_timer() timer:start( 0, 500, vim.schedule_wrap(function() if response then response = json.decode(response) if response.translations and response.translations[1] and response.translations[1].text then local text = response.translations[1].text if mode == "r" then a.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, line1 - 1, line2, true, { text }) elseif mode == "f" then local lines local width = math.floor(a.nvim_win_get_width(0) * 0.8) lines, width = cut(text, width) current_win = M.create_window(lines, width) end end timer:stop() timer:close() end end) ) end function M.setup(opts) opts = opts or {} if opts.key then config.authkey = opts.key else print("Please set authkey") return end local url = "" if opts.plan == "free" then config.url = url:format("-free") elseif opts.plan == "pro" then config.url = url:format("") else print("plan must be 'free' or 'pro'") return end end return M
-- Documentation on the redis protocol found at -- Encode a redis bulk string local function encode_bulk_string(str) assert(type(str) == "string") return string.format("$%d\r\n%s\r\n", #str, str) end -- Encode a redis request -- Requests are always just an array of bulk strings local function encode_request(arg) local n = arg.n or #arg if n == 0 then return nil, "need at least one argument" end local str = { [0] = string.format("*%d\r\n", n); } for i=1, n do str[i] = encode_bulk_string(arg[i]) end return table.concat(str, nil, 0, n) end -- Encode a redis inline command -- space separated local function encode_inline(arg) local n = arg.n or #arg assert(n > 0, "need at least one argument") -- inline commands can't start with "*" assert(arg[1]:sub(1,1) ~= "*", "invalid command for inline command") -- ensure the arguments do not contain a space character or newline for i=1, n do assert(arg[i]:match("^[^\r\n ]*$"), "invalid string for inline command") end arg[n+1] = "\r\n" return table.concat(arg, " ", 1, n+1) end -- Encode and send a redis command. local function send_command(file, arg) local req, err_code = encode_request(arg) if not req then return nil, err_code end req, err_code = file:write(req) if not req then return nil, err_code end req, err_code = file:flush() if not req then return nil, err_code end return true end -- Parse a redis response local function read_response(file, new_status, new_error, string_null, array_null) local line, err_code = file:read("*l") if not line then return nil, err_code or "EOF reached" elseif line:sub(-1, -1) ~= "\r" then return nil, "invalid line ending" end local status, data = line:sub(1, 1), line:sub(2, -2) if status == "+" then return new_status(data) elseif status == "-" then return new_error(data) elseif status == ":" then local n = tonumber(data, 10) if n then return n else return nil, "invalid integer" end elseif status == "$" then local len = tonumber(data, 10) if not len then return nil, "invalid bulk string length" elseif len == -1 then return string_null elseif len > 512*1024*1024 then -- max 512 MB return nil, "bulk string too large" else local str, err_code = file:read(len) if not str then return str, err_code end -- should be followed by CRLF local crlf, err_code = file:read(2) if not crlf then return nil, err_code elseif crlf ~= "\r\n" then return nil, "invalid bulk reply" end return str end elseif status == "*" then local len = tonumber(data, 10) if not len then return nil, "invalid array length" elseif len == -1 then return array_null else local arr, null = {}, {} for i=1, len do local resp, err_code = read_response(file, new_status, new_error, null, array_null) if not resp then return nil, err_code end arr[i] = (resp ~= null) and resp or string_null end return arr end else return nil, "invalid redis status" end end -- The way lua embedded into redis encodes things: local function error_reply(message) return {err = message} end local function status_reply(message) return {ok = message} end local string_null = false local array_null = false local function default_read_response(file) return read_response(file, status_reply, error_reply, string_null, array_null) end return { encode_bulk_string = encode_bulk_string; encode_request = encode_request; encode_inline = encode_inline; send_command = send_command; read_response = read_response; error_reply = error_reply; status_reply = status_reply; string_null = string_null; array_null = array_null; default_read_response = default_read_response; }
local pub = require 'pub' local fs = require 'bee.filesystem' local furi = require 'file-uri' local files = require 'files' local config = require 'config' local glob = require 'glob' local platform = require 'bee.platform' local await = require 'await' local rpath = require 'workspace.require-path' local proto = require 'proto.proto' local lang = require 'language' local library = require 'library' local sp = require 'bee.subprocess' local m = {} m.type = 'workspace' m.nativeVersion = -1 m.libraryVersion = -1 m.nativeMatcher = nil m.requireCache = {} m.matchOption = { ignoreCase = platform.OS == 'Windows', } --- 初始化工作区 function m.init(uri)'Workspace inited: ', uri) if not uri then return end m.uri = uri m.path = m.normalize(furi.decode(uri)) local logPath = ROOT / 'log' / (uri:gsub('[/:]+', '_') .. '.log')'Log path: ', logPath) log.init(ROOT, logPath) end local function interfaceFactory(root) return { type = function (path) if fs.is_directory(fs.path(root .. '/' .. path)) then return 'directory' else return 'file' end end, list = function (path) local fullPath = fs.path(root .. '/' .. path) if not fs.exists(fullPath) then return nil end local paths = {} pcall(function () for fullpath in fullPath:list_directory() do paths[#paths+1] = fullpath:string() end end) return paths end } end --- 创建排除文件匹配器 function m.getNativeMatcher() if not m.path then return nil end if m.nativeVersion == config.version then return m.nativeMatcher end local interface = interfaceFactory(m.path) local pattern = {} -- config.workspace.ignoreDir for path in pairs(config.config.workspace.ignoreDir) do'Ignore directory:', path) pattern[#pattern+1] = path end -- config.files.exclude for path, ignore in pairs(config.other.exclude) do if ignore then'Ignore by exclude:', path) pattern[#pattern+1] = path end end -- config.workspace.ignoreSubmodules if config.config.workspace.ignoreSubmodules then local buf = pub.awaitTask('loadFile', furi.encode(m.path .. '/.gitmodules')) if buf then for path in buf:gmatch('path = ([^\r\n]+)') do'Ignore by .gitmodules:', path) pattern[#pattern+1] = path end end end -- config.workspace.useGitIgnore if config.config.workspace.useGitIgnore then local buf = pub.awaitTask('loadFile', furi.encode(m.path .. '/.gitignore')) if buf then for line in buf:gmatch '[^\r\n]+' do'Ignore by .gitignore:', line) pattern[#pattern+1] = line end end buf = pub.awaitTask('loadFile', furi.encode(m.path .. '/.git/info/exclude')) if buf then for line in buf:gmatch '[^\r\n]+' do'Ignore by .git/info/exclude:', line) pattern[#pattern+1] = line end end end -- config.workspace.library for path in pairs(config.config.workspace.library) do'Ignore by library:', path) pattern[#pattern+1] = path end m.nativeMatcher = glob.gitignore(pattern, m.matchOption, interface) m.nativeVersion = config.version return m.nativeMatcher end --- 创建代码库筛选器 function m.getLibraryMatchers() if m.libraryVersion == config.version then return m.libraryMatchers end local librarys = {} for path, pattern in pairs(config.config.workspace.library) do librarys[path] = pattern end if library.metaPath then librarys[library.metaPath] = true end m.libraryMatchers = {} for path, pattern in pairs(librarys) do local nPath = fs.absolute(fs.path(path)):string() local matcher = glob.gitignore(pattern, m.matchOption) if platform.OS == 'Windows' then matcher:setOption 'ignoreCase' end log.debug('getLibraryMatchers', path, nPath) m.libraryMatchers[#m.libraryMatchers+1] = { path = nPath, matcher = matcher } end m.libraryVersion = config.version return m.libraryMatchers end --- 文件是否被忽略 function m.isIgnored(uri) local path = m.getRelativePath(uri) local ignore = m.getNativeMatcher() if not ignore then return false end return ignore(path) end local function loadFileFactory(root, progress, isLibrary) return function (path) local uri = furi.encode(root .. '/' .. path) if not files.isLua(uri) then return end if progress.preload >= config.config.workspace.maxPreload then if not m.hasHitMaxPreload then m.hasHitMaxPreload = true proto.notify('window/showMessage', { type = 3, message = lang.script('MWS_MAX_PRELOAD', config.config.workspace.maxPreload), }) end return end if not isLibrary then progress.preload = progress.preload + 1 end progress.max = progress.max + 1 pub.task('loadFile', uri, function (text) = + 1'Preload file at: %s , size = %.3f KB'):format(uri, #text / 1000.0)) if isLibrary then files.setLibraryPath(uri, root) end files.setText(uri, text) end) end end --- 预读工作区内所有文件 function m.awaitPreload() await.close 'preload' await.setID 'preload' local progress = { max = 0, read = 0, preload = 0, }'Preload start.') local nativeLoader = loadFileFactory(m.path, progress) local native = m.getNativeMatcher() local librarys = m.getLibraryMatchers() if native then native:scan(nativeLoader) end for _, library in ipairs(librarys) do local libraryInterface = interfaceFactory(library.path) local libraryLoader = loadFileFactory(library.path, progress, true) for k, v in pairs(libraryInterface) do library.matcher:setInterface(k, v) end library.matcher:scan(libraryLoader) end'Found %d files.'):format(progress.max)) while true do'Loaded %d/%d files'):format(, progress.max)) if >= progress.max then break end await.sleep(0.1) end --for i = 1, 100 do -- await.sleep(0.1) --'sleep', i) --end'Preload finish.') local diagnostic = require 'provider.diagnostic' diagnostic.start() end --- 查找符合指定file path的所有uri ---@param path string function m.findUrisByFilePath(path) if type(path) ~= 'string' then return {} end local results = {} local posts = {} for uri in files.eachFile() do local pathLen = #path local uriLen = #uri local seg = uri:sub(uriLen - pathLen, uriLen - pathLen) if seg == '/' or seg == '\\' or seg == '' then local see = uri:sub(uriLen - pathLen + 1, uriLen) if files.eq(see, path) then results[#results+1] = uri posts[uri] = files.getOriginUri(uri):sub(1, uriLen - pathLen) end end end return results, posts end --- 查找符合指定require path的所有uri ---@param path string function m.findUrisByRequirePath(path) if type(path) ~= 'string' then return {} end local results = {} local mark = {} local searchers = {} local input = path:gsub('%.', '/') :gsub('%%', '%%%%') for _, luapath in ipairs(config.config.runtime.path) do local part = luapath:gsub('%?', input) local uris, posts = m.findUrisByFilePath(part) for _, uri in ipairs(uris) do if not mark[uri] then mark[uri] = true results[#results+1] = uri searchers[uri] = posts[uri] .. luapath end end end return results, searchers end function m.normalize(path) if platform.OS == 'Windows' then path = path:gsub('[/\\]+', '\\') :gsub('^%a+%:', function (str) return str:upper() end) else path = path:gsub('[/\\]+', '/') end return path:gsub('^[/\\]+', '') end function m.getRelativePath(uri) local path = furi.decode(uri) if not m.path then return m.normalize(path) end local _, pos if platform.OS == 'Windows' then _, pos = m.normalize(path):lower():find(m.path:lower(), 1, true) else _, pos = m.normalize(path):find(m.path, 1, true) end if pos then return m.normalize(path:sub(pos + 1)) else return m.normalize(path) end end function m.reload() files.flushAllLibrary() files.removeAllClosed() rpath.flush() end (ev, uri) if ev == 'close' and m.isIgnored(uri) and not files.isLibrary(uri) then files.remove(uri) end end) return m
AddCSLuaFile() ENT.Base = "base_entity" ENT.Type = "anim" ENT.Author = "Thendon.exe" ENT.Category = "Gspeak" ENT.AutomaticFrameAdvance = true ENT.RenderGroup = RENDERGROUP_OPAQUE ENT.Radio = true function ENT:Initialize() self:DrawShadow( false ) self.connected_radios = {} self.last_sound = 0 self.trigger_com = false self.settings = { trigger_at_talk = false, start_com = gspeak.settings.radio_start, end_com = gspeak.settings.radio_stop } if CLIENT then gspeak:NoDoubleEntry( self, ) net.Start("radio_init") net.WriteEntity( self ) net.WriteEntity( LocalPlayer() ) net.SendToServer() end end function ENT:SendSettings(ply) net.Start("radio_send_settings") net.WriteEntity( self ) net.WriteTable( self.settings ) net.Send( ply ) end function ENT:Draw() if (self.Owner == LocalPlayer() and !LocalPlayer():ShouldDrawLocalPlayer()) or !self:GetParent().draw_model then return end self:DrawModel() local vm_pos = self:GetPos() local ang = self:GetAngles() local x = 0 local y = 0 if gspeak.viewranges then gspeak:draw_range(vm_pos,, gspeak.settings.distances.heightclamp, end local offset = ang:Forward() * 0.87 + ang:Right() * 1.46 + ang:Up() * (-3) local white = Color(255,255,255,255) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Forward(), 90) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Right(), -90) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Up(), 0) if LocalPlayer():GetPos():Distance(vm_pos) > 300 then return end cam.Start3D2D(vm_pos+offset, ang, 0.02) local alpha = 255 if ! then alpha = 100 end surface.SetDrawColor(alpha,alpha,alpha,255) surface.SetMaterial( surface.DrawTexturedRect(x-15,y-37,170,170) if then draw.DrawText( "Frequency", "BudgetLabel", x, y, white, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT ) draw.DrawText( tostring(self.freq/10), "BudgetLabel", x+140, y, white, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT ) y = y + 7 if self:GetHearable() then draw.DrawText( "--------------------", "BudgetLabel", x, y, white, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) y = y + 7 for k, v in next, self.connected_radios do if k == 7 then break end if gspeak:radio_valid(Entity(v)) then local speaker = Entity(v):GetSpeaker() if gspeak:player_valid(speaker) then draw.DrawText( string.sub(gspeak:GetName( speaker ),1,14), "BudgetLabel", x, y, white, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT ) local status = "idl" if speaker.talking then status = "inc" end draw.DrawText( "| "..status, "BudgetLabel", x+140, y, white, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT ) y = y + 10 end end end end end cam.End3D2D() end function ENT:UpdateUI() if !IsValid(self:GetParent()) then return end self:GetParent().connected_radios = self.connected_radios end function ENT:Think() local own_online = self:GetOnline() local own_sending = self:GetSending() local parent = self:GetParent() self.range = self:GetRange() self:CheckTalking() if IsValid(self.Owner) then if CLIENT then if and and LocalPlayer() == self.Owner then //Thendon may remove clrunning if !LocalPlayer():IsTyping() and input.IsKeyDown( ) and own_online then if !own_sending and self:checkTime(0.1) then net.Start("radio_sending_change") net.WriteEntity( self ) net.WriteBool( true ) net.SendToServer() end elseif own_sending and self:checkTime(0.1) then net.Start("radio_sending_change") net.WriteEntity( self ) net.WriteBool( false ) net.SendToServer() end end if parent.animate and gspeak:player_valid(self.Owner) and own_sending and !self.Owner.ChatGesture then if self.Owner.ChatStation then self.Owner.ChatStation = false end self.Owner.ChatGesture = true end local Size = Vector(1,1,1) local mat = Matrix() mat:Scale(Size) self:EnableMatrix('RenderMultiply', mat) end local attachment, MAngle, MPos if parent.deployed == true then attachment = self.Owner:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand") MAngle = Angle(170, 150, 30) MPos = Vector(5, 2, -2.597) else attachment = self.Owner:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis") MAngle = Angle(-90, 0, 10) MPos = Vector(8, 0, 0) end if attachment then local pos, ang = self.Owner:GetBonePosition(attachment) pos = pos + (ang:Forward() * MPos.x) + (ang:Up() * MPos.z) + (ang:Right() * MPos.y) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Forward(), MAngle.p) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Up(), MAngle.y) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Right(), MAngle.r) self:SetPos(pos) self:SetAngles(ang) end else if IsValid(parent) then self:SetPos(parent:GetPos()) self:SetAngles(parent:GetAngles()) end end if CLIENT then if #self.connected_radios > 0 then if IsValid(self.Owner) and self.Owner == LocalPlayer() then self:AddHearables(LocalPlayer():GetForward(), 1) elseif then local distance, distance_max, radio_pos = gspeak:get_distances(self, 1) if distance < distance_max and ( gspeak:player_alive(LocalPlayer()) or gspeak.settings.dead_alive ) then self:AddHearables(radio_pos, gspeak:calcVolume( distance, distance_max )) end end end local own_freq = self:GetFreq() if !self.last_freq or self.last_freq != own_freq or self.last_online != own_online or self.last_sending != own_sending then self:Rescan(own_freq, own_online, own_sending) end self.last_sending = own_sending self.last_freq = own_freq self.last_online = own_online end end include("gspeak/sh_def_ent.lua")
{ name = "evt_pizzeria", hasAdmin = false, authors = { "Bolodefchoco#0000" }, description = "Pizzeria 2018 - event" }
function EFFECT:Init(data) self.lastpos=data:GetOrigin() self.rocket=data:GetEntity() self.Time=CurTime() self.Scale=data:GetScale() self.Length=data:GetRadius() self.Density=data:GetMagnitude() if self.Scale==0 then self.Scale=10 end if !self.rocket.emitter then self.rocket.emitter = ParticleEmitter(self:GetPos()) end end function EFFECT:Think() if IsValid(self.rocket) then local pos=self.rocket:GetPos() local diff=pos-self.lastpos self.lastpos=pos local fwd=self.rocket:GetForward() local speed=self.rocket:GetVelocity() local frt=FrameTime() for i=1, diff:Length()/10*self.Density do local particle = self.rocket.emitter:Add("effects/fire_cloud"..math.random(1, 2), pos-diff:GetNormal()*i*10/self.Density) particle:SetVelocity(VectorRand():GetNormal()*self.Scale) particle:SetDieTime(math.Rand(0.001, 0.0001)*self.Length) particle:SetStartAlpha(math.Rand(80, 150)*self.Density) particle:SetStartSize(self.Scale) particle:SetEndSize(self.Scale*20) particle:SetRoll(math.Rand(360,480)) particle:SetRollDelta(math.Rand(-1, 1)) particle:SetColor(200, 200, 200) particle:VelocityDecay(true) local particle = self.rocket.emitter:Add("particle/smokesprites_000"..math.random(1,9), pos-diff:GetNormal()*i*10/self.Density) particle:SetVelocity(VectorRand():GetNormal()*self.Scale) particle:SetDieTime(0.01*self.Length) particle:SetStartAlpha(math.Rand(5, 10)*self.Density) particle:SetStartSize(math.Rand(5,10)) particle:SetEndSize(math.Rand(10, 50)*self.Scale) particle:SetRoll(math.Rand(360, 480)) particle:SetRollDelta(math.Rand(-1, 1)) particle:SetColor(50, 50, 50) particle:VelocityDecay(true) end end return IsValid(self.rocket) end function EFFECT:Render() end
return {'mccartney'}
-- 暫定版(動作未チェック) dofile("./lib/dig.lua") dofile("./lib/drop.lua") dofile("./lib/move.lua") dofile("./lib/place.lua") dofile("./lib/select.lua") dofile("./lib/turn.lua") -- 掘削サイズ width = 4 height = 4 depth = 100 -- 0を指定した場合は、燃料が尽きるまで直進する fuelMinLevel = (((width - 1) * 2) + ((height - 1) * 2)) * depth + (depth * 2) -- 最低必要燃料数(深さ指定時) / 1ブロック分の周回移動分+depth往復量 function digBlock(n) move("forward", 1, true) turn("left") -- 下辺移動 select(1, 16) place("down") for i = 1, width - 1 do move("forward", 1, true) select(1, 16) place("down") end -- 左辺移動(上昇) select(1, 16) place() for i = 1, height - 1 do move("up", 1, true) select(1, 16) place() end turn("right", 2) -- 上辺移動 select(1, 16) place("up") for i = 1, width - 1 do move("forward", 1, true) select(1, 16) place("up") end -- 右辺移動(下降) select(1, 16) place() for i = 1, height - 1 do move("down", 1, true) select(1, 16) place() if i < height - 1 then -- 中身を削る turn("right", 2) move("forward", width - 2) turn("left", 2) move("forward", width - 2) end end turn("left") end print("currentFuelLevel = "..turtle.getFuelLevel()) print(" needFuelLevel = "..fuelMinLevel) if turtle.getFuelLevel() < fuelMinLevel then print("fuel is lower. please into fuel item to slot(16).") end while turtle.getFuelLevel() < fuelMinLevel do end print("refuel is completed.") print("") print("-- start excavaton and repair wall --") if depth <= 0 then while true do -- 燃料があるまで掘り進む digBlock() sleep(0) end else local isContinue = true -- 右下から開始を想定 -- 燃料が余っていたら、右方向に移動し、再度同じ方向へ掘削を開始する(通路間隔は1マス開ける) -- 往復分の燃料がなかったら、停止 while isContinue do for i = 0, depth do digBlock(i) i = i + 1 end for i = 0, depth do turtle.back() end if turtle.getFuelLevel() < fuelMinLevel + width then -- widthは通路間移動の為に追加 print("fuel is lower. stopped.") isContinue = false; else print("move to next route(left side).") turtle.turnLeft() for i = 1, width + 1 do while turtle.detect() do turtle.dig() turtle.attack() end turtle.forward() end turtle.turnRight() end end end print("") print("-- stop excavaton and repair wall --")
--//Vars//-- local Terminator = {} Term.Version = "3.4" Term.BlacklistedResourceNames = { 'AC', 'Anti', 'Cheat', 'Terminator', 'Modder', 'FixCheater', "Source", } --//BasicFuncitons//-- function Terminator:print(type, args) print("^1" .. "[" .. type .. "]" .. Term.Color .. "[TerminatorAC]" .. "^7 " .. args) end function Terminator:CustomWebhookStatus(Detection) if Detection == nil then return end local Found = 0 for k, v in pairs(Term.CustomWebhook) do if type(v) == "table" then for i = 1, #v do if v[i] == Detection or v[i]:lower() == "all" then Found = Found + 1 return true end if Found == 0 then return false end end end end end function Terminator:AddPlayer(source) local FakePlayers = 0 for Player, Time in pairs(Terminator.HeartBeat) do -- print(Player, Time) if Player == source then FakePlayers = FakePlayers + 1 end end if FakePlayers == 0 then Terminator:print("Success", 'Added the source "' .. source .. '"' .. " to the player table") Terminator.HeartBeat[source] = {} Terminator.HeartBeat[source]["Timer"] = 0 Terminator.HeartBeat[source]["Status"] = true Terminator:CheckLoop(source) else Terminator:print("Error", "The player was allready in the player table: " .. source) end end function Terminator:RemovePlayer(source) local FoundPlayer = 0 for Player, Table in pairs(Terminator.HeartBeat) do if Player == source then FoundPlayer = FoundPlayer + 1 end end if FoundPlayer ~= 0 then Terminator:print("Success", 'Deleted the source: "' .. source .. '" form the player table') Terminator.HeartBeat[source]["Status"] = false else Terminator:print("Error", "The player isn't in the player table: " .. source) end end function Terminator:UpdatePlayer(source, time) local FoundPlayer = 0 for Player, Table in pairs(Terminator.HeartBeat) do FoundPlayer = FoundPlayer + 1 end if FoundPlayer ~= 0 then for Player, Table in pairs(Terminator.HeartBeat) do Terminator.HeartBeat[source]["Timer"] = time end -- Terminator:print("Updated time for: " .. source .. " now the time is: " .. time) else Terminator:print("Error", "The player isn't in the player table: " .. source) end end function Terminator:Addvariolation(source) local Identifiers = GetPlayerIdentifiers(source) local found = 0 local FoundPlayerName for k, Table in pairs(Terminator.Banlist) do for n, Player in pairs(Table) do for l, Identifier in pairs(Player["Identifers"]) do if Terminator:has_value(Identifiers, Identifier) then found = found + 1 FoundPlayerName = Player["Identifers"]["Player"] end end end end if found ~= 0 then for k, Table in pairs(Terminator.Banlist) do for n, Player in pairs(Table) do if Player["Identifers"]["Player"] == FoundPlayerName then Player["ResourceStop"] = Player["ResourceStop"] + 1 if Player["ResourceStop"] >= 10 then Terminator:AddBan(source, "Resource Stop Detection #95") else Terminator:print("Detected", "The source stopped the anticheat: " .. source) Terminator:Kick(source, "Resource Stop Detection #95") end end end end else local identifier = "" local license = "" local liveid = "" local xblid = "" local discord = "" local playerip = "" local name = GetPlayerName(source) for k,v in ipairs(GetPlayerIdentifiers(source))do if string.sub(v, 1, string.len("steam:")) == "steam:" then identifier = v elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("license:")) == "license:" then license = v elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("live:")) == "live:" then liveid = v elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("xbl:")) == "xbl:" then xblid = v elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("discord:")) == "discord:" then discord = v elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("ip:")) == "ip:" then playerip = v end end table.insert(Terminator.Banlist, { name = { Identifers = { Player = name, License = license, Discord = discord, Live = liveid, XBL = xblid, IP = playerip, Steam = identifier, }, Reason = "", Banned = false, ResourceStop = 1 } }) Wait(1000) Terminator:SaveBanList() Wait(1000) Terminator:LoadBanList() end end function Terminator:CheckLoop(source) Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Wait(1000) if Terminator.HeartBeat[source]["Status"] then -- print(Terminator.HeartBeat[source]["Timer"]) Terminator:UpdatePlayer(source, Terminator.HeartBeat[source]["Timer"] + 1000) end end end) Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Wait(5000) if Terminator.HeartBeat[source]["Status"] then if Terminator.HeartBeat[source]["Timer"] >= 5000 then Terminator:Addvariolation(source) end end end end) end --//Auto-Update//-- function Terminator:UpdateAC() PerformHttpRequest("", function(err, UpdatedVersion, head) -- print(UpdatedVersion, Term.Version) if Term.Version ~= UpdatedVersion then if Term.AutoUpdate then Terminator:print("Update", "Updating the Anticheat now") PerformHttpRequest("", function(err, data, head) SaveResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), "Server/Server/Server/Server.lua", data, -1) end) PerformHttpRequest("", function(err, data, head) SaveResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), "Client/Client/Client/Client.lua", data, -1) end) Terminator:print("Update", "Updated The Anticheat") Terminator:print("Warning", "Stopping Server in ^15^7 secs") Wait(5000) os.exit() else Terminator:print("Update", "There is an update available please do /Term:Update to force the update") end else Terminator:print("Update", "The Anticheat is up to date: v" .. Term.Version) end end) end function Terminator:ForceUpdateAC() PerformHttpRequest("", function(err, UpdatedVersion, head) if Term.Version ~= UpdatedVersion then Terminator:print("Update", "Updating the Anticheat now") PerformHttpRequest("", function(err, data, head) SaveResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), "Server/Server/Server/Server.lua", data, -1) end) PerformHttpRequest("", function(err, data, head) SaveResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), "Client/Client/Client/Client.lua", data, -1) end) Terminator:print("Update", "Updated The Anticheat") Terminator:print("Warning", "Stopping Server in ^15^7 secs") Wait(5000) os.exit() else Terminator:print("Update", "The Anticheat is up to date: v" .. Term.Version) end end) end RegisterCommand("Term:Update", function(source) local Access = false if source ~= 0 then if IsPlayerAceAllowed(source, "FullBypass") then Access = true end else Access = true end if Access ~= true then Terminator:print("Warning", "The Player: " .. GetPlayerName(source) .. "Tried to use a TerminatorCommand") Terminator:LogDiscord(Term.MainWebhook, Terminator:GetIndetifiers(source) .. "\n**Reason: ** Tried to use a TerminatorCommand") else Terminator:ForceUpdateAC() end end, false) function Terminator:has_value (tab, val) for index, value in ipairs(tab) do if value == val then return true end end return false end function Terminator:CheckResourceName() for i = 1, #Term.BlacklistedResourceNames do if string.match(GetCurrentResourceName():lower(), Term.BlacklistedResourceNames[i]:lower()) then return true else return false end end end function Terminator:LogDiscord(Webhook, Message) local Content = { { ["author"] = { ["name"] = "TerminatorAC", -- ["url"] = "", ["icon_url"] = "" }, ["color"] = "16711680", ["description"] = Message, ["footer"] = { ["text"] = "Server: " .. Term.ServerName, ["icon_url"] = "" } } } PerformHttpRequest(Webhook, function(err, text, headers) end, "POST", json.encode({username = "Terminator Logs", embeds = Content}), {["Content-Type"] = "application/json"}) end function Terminator:RandomString(length) local res = '' for i = 1, length do res = res .. string.char(math.random(97, 122)) end return res end function Terminator:GetResources() local resources = {} for i = 1, GetNumResources() do resources[i] = GetResourceByFindIndex(i) end return resources end function Terminator:GetStartFile(Resource) if Resource == nil then return end if LoadResourceFile(Resource, "fxmanifest.lua") ~= nil then return "fxmanifest" elseif LoadResourceFile(Resource, "__resource.lua") ~= nil then return "__resource" else return end end function Terminator:GetFiles(Code, Side) if Side == nil then Side = "Client" end if Code == nil then return end local Regex, RegexTable local FinalFoundTable, MergedTables = {}, {} if Side == "Server" then RegexTable = { "server_scripts% {.-%}", "server_script% {.-%}", "server_script% '.-%'", 'server_script% ".-%"', "server_scripts%{.-%}", "server_script%{.-%}" } elseif Side == "Client" then RegexTable = { "client_scripts% {.-%}", "client_script% {.-%}", "client_script% '.-%'", 'client_script% ".-%"', "client_script%{.-%}", "client_scripts%{.-%}" } end for _ = 1, #RegexTable do for i in string.gmatch(Code, RegexTable[_]) do table.insert(MergedTables, i) end end if MergedTables ~= nil then for i = 1, #MergedTables do Regex = "'.-'" for _ in string.gmatch(MergedTables[i], Regex) do local FoundString = string.gsub(_, "'", "") table.insert(FinalFoundTable, FoundString) end Regex = '".-"' for _ in string.gmatch(MergedTables[i], Regex) do local FoundString = string.gsub(_, '"', "") table.insert(FinalFoundTable, FoundString) end end else return end if FinalFoundTable ~= nil then return FinalFoundTable else Terminator:print("Error with the code: " .. Code) return {} end end function Terminator:Install(Resource) if Resource == nil then return end local code = LoadResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), "Client/Client/Client/Client.lua") local config = LoadResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), "Config-C.lua") local FinalCode = config .. "\n" .. "\n" .. code -- print(FinalCode) local StartFile = Terminator:GetStartFile(Resource) local FileName = Terminator:RandomString(math.random(10, 25)) SaveResourceFile(Resource, FileName .. ".lua", FinalCode, -1) if StartFile ~= nil then local StartFileCode = LoadResourceFile(Resource, StartFile .. ".lua") local NewStartFile = StartFileCode .. "\n" .. "\n" .. "\n" .. "\n" .. "client_script '" .. FileName .. ".lua' --TerminatorAC" SaveResourceFile(Resource, StartFile .. ".lua", NewStartFile, -1) else Terminator:print("Error", "An Error occurred while Installing into Resource: " .. Resource) end end RegisterCommand("Term:Install", function(source, resource) local Authenticated = false if source == 0 then Authenticated = true else if IsPlayerAceAllowed(source, "FullBypass") then Authenticated = true end end if Authenticated then if resource[1]:lower() == "all" then for k, _resource in pairs(Terminator:GetResources()) do Terminator:Install(_resource) end else Terminator:Install(resource[1]) end Terminator:LogDiscord(Term.MainWebhook, "**Successfully Installed** - " .. resource[1]) Terminator:print("Successful", "Installed - " .. resource[1]) else Terminator:print("Warning", "The Player: " .. GetPlayerName(source) .. "Tried to use a TerminatorCommand") Terminator:LogDiscord(Term.MainWebhook, Terminator:GetIndetifiers(source) .. "\n**Reason: ** Tried to use a TerminatorCommand") end end , false) function Terminator:Uninstall(resource) if resource == nil then return end local Regex = "client_script%s*'([^\n]+)'%s*%-%-TerminatorAC" local StartFile = Terminator:GetStartFile(resource) if StartFile == nil then Terminator:print("Error", "An Error occurred while Unstalling out from Resource: " .. resource) else local Code = LoadResourceFile(resource, StartFile .. ".lua") if Code ~= nil then for i in Code:gmatch(Regex) do local path = GetResourcePath(resource) -- print(i) -- print(path .. "/" .. i) Code = string.gsub(Code, "client_script '" .. i .. "'", "") SaveResourceFile(resource, StartFile .. ".lua", Code, -1) os.remove(path .. "/" .. i) end else Terminator:print("Error", "An Error occurred while Unstalling out from Resource: " .. resource) end end end RegisterCommand("Term:Uninstall", function(source, resource) local Authenticated = false if source == 0 then Authenticated = true else if IsPlayerAceAllowed(source, "FullBypass") then Authenticated = true end end if Authenticated then if resource[1]:lower() == "all" then for k, _resource in pairs(Terminator:GetResources()) do Terminator:Uninstall(_resource) end else Terminator:Uninstall(resource[1]) end Terminator:LogDiscord(Term.MainWebhook, "**Successfully Uninstalled** - " .. resource[1]) Terminator:print("Successful", "Uninstalled - " ..resource[1]) else Terminator:print("Warning", "The Player: " .. GetPlayerName(source) .. "Tried to use a TerminatorCommand") Terminator:LogDiscord(Term.MainWebhook, Terminator:GetIndetifiers(source) .. "\n**Reason: ** Tried to use a TerminatorCommand") end end , false) RegisterServerEvent('Terminator:Detected') AddEventHandler('Terminator:Detected', function(Type, Reason) if Type == "Ban" then Terminator:BanPlayer(source, Reason) elseif Type == "Kick" then Terminator:Kick(source, Reason) end end) function Terminator:GetIndetifiers(source) local identifier = "no info" local license = "no info" local liveid = "no info" local xblid = "no info" local discord = "no info" local playerip = "no info" local name = GetPlayerName(source) for k,v in ipairs(GetPlayerIdentifiers(source))do if string.sub(v, 1, string.len("steam:")) == "steam:" then identifier = v elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("license:")) == "license:" then license = v elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("live:")) == "live:" then liveid = v elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("xbl:")) == "xbl:" then xblid = v elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("discord:")) == "discord:" then discord = v elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("ip:")) == "ip:" then playerip = v end end return "**Player: **" .. name .. "\n**License: **" .. license .. "\n**Discord: **" .. discord .. "\n**live: **" .. liveid .. "\n**XBL: **" .. xblid .. "\n**IP: **" .. playerip .. "\n **identifier: **" .. identifier end --//Kick//-- function Terminator:Kick(source, reason) local name = GetPlayerName(source) if IsPlayerAceAllowed(source, "FullBypass") or IsPlayerAceAllowed(source, "SemiBypass") then Terminator:print("Protected-Kick", "The Player: " .. name .. " Was protected for " .. reason) Terminator:LogDiscord(Term.BypassWebhook, "**Player Was Protected**\n" .. Terminator:GetIndetifiers(source) .. "\n**Protected Reason: **" .. reason) else DropPlayer(source, "[TerminatorAC] " .. Term.BanReason) Terminator:print("Kick", "The Player: " .. name .. " Got kicked for " .. reason) Terminator:LogDiscord(Term.MainWebhook, "**Player Was Kicked**\n" .. Terminator:GetIndetifiers(source) .. "\n**Reason: **" .. reason) end end --//BanListLoader//-- function Terminator:LoadBanList() Citizen.CreateThread(function() local code = LoadResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), "Bans.json") if code == nil or code == "" then Terminator:print("Error", "Couldn't find Bans.json, trying to recover file") local Bans = { Bans = { TestPlayer = { Identifers = { Player = "TestPlayer", License = "", Discord = "", Live = "", XBL = "", IP = "", Steam = "", }, Reason = "", Banned = false, ResourceStop = 0 }, } } SaveResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), "Bans.json", json.encode(Bans), -1) Terminator:print("Fix", "Recovered Bans.json") Terminator:print("warning", "Stopping Server in ^15^7 secs") Wait(5000) os.exit() end repeat Wait(0) until code ~= nil Terminator.Banlist = json.decode(code) end) end Terminator:LoadBanList() --//Save Ban list//-- function Terminator:SaveBanList() Terminator:print("Auto-Save", "Saving Bans.json") local code = json.encode(Terminator.Banlist) SaveResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), "Bans.json", code, -1) Terminator:print("Auto-Save", "Saved Bans.json") end --//SaveWithCommand//-- RegisterCommand("Term:Save", function(source) if IsPlayerAceAllowed(source, "FullBypass") or IsPlayerAceAllowed(source, "SemiBypass") then Terminator:SaveBanList() Terminator:LogDiscord(Term.MainWebhook, "**Saved Bans.json**") else Terminator:print("Warning", "The Player: " .. GetPlayerName(source) .. "Tried to use a TerminatorCommand") Terminator:LogDiscord(Term.MainWebhook, Terminator:GetIndetifiers(source) .. "\n**Reason: ** Tried to use a TerminatorCommand") end end , false) RegisterCommand("Term:Reload", function(source) if IsPlayerAceAllowed(source, "FullBypass") or IsPlayerAceAllowed(source, "SemiBypass") then Terminator:SaveBanList() Wait(1000) Terminator:LoadBanList() else Terminator:print("Warning", "The Player: " .. GetPlayerName(source) .. "Tried to use a TerminatorCommand") Terminator:LogDiscord(Term.MainWebhook, Terminator:GetIndetifiers(source) .. "\n**Reason: ** Tried to use a TerminatorCommand") end end , false) --//AutoSave//-- Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Wait(300000) Terminator:SaveBanList() end end) --//AddBan//-- function Terminator:AddBan(source, reason) -- Fix so it check if the player has been logged before. Citizen.CreateThread(function() local identifier = "" local license = "" local liveid = "" local xblid = "" local discord = "" local playerip = "" local name = GetPlayerName(source) for k,v in ipairs(GetPlayerIdentifiers(source))do if string.sub(v, 1, string.len("steam:")) == "steam:" then identifier = v elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("license:")) == "license:" then license = v elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("live:")) == "live:" then liveid = v elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("xbl:")) == "xbl:" then xblid = v elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("discord:")) == "discord:" then discord = v elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("ip:")) == "ip:" then playerip = v end end table.insert(Terminator.Banlist, { name = { Identifers = { Player = name, License = license, Discord = discord, Live = liveid, XBL = xblid, IP = playerip, Steam = identifier, }, Reason = reason, Banned = true, ResourceStop = 0 } }) Wait(1000) Terminator:SaveBanList() Wait(1000) Terminator:LoadBanList() end) end --//Ban Player//-- function Terminator:BanPlayer(source, reason) Citizen.CreateThread(function() local name = GetPlayerName(source) if IsPlayerAceAllowed(source, "FullBypass") then Terminator:print("Protected-Ban", "The Player: " .. name .. " Was protected for " .. reason) Terminator:LogDiscord(Term.BypassWebhook, "**Player Was Protected**\n" .. Terminator:GetIndetifiers(source) .. "\n**Protected Reason: **" .. reason) else Terminator:print("Working", "Banning: " .. name .. " Reason: " .. reason) Terminator:AddBan(source, reason) Terminator:print("Ban", "Banned: " .. name .. " Reason: " .. reason) Terminator:LogDiscord(Term.MainWebhook, "**Player Got Banned**\n" .. Terminator:GetIndetifiers(source) .. "\n**Reason: **" .. reason) Wait(1000) DropPlayer(source, Term.BanReason) end end) end --//CheckBan//-- local function OnPlayerConnecting(name, setKickReason, deferrals) local Player = source local Banned = false local Identifiers = GetPlayerIdentifiers(Player) deferrals.defer() Wait(0) deferrals.update(string.format("Checking For Ban.", name)) for k, Bans in pairs(Terminator.Banlist) do for k, _Player in pairs(Bans) do -- print(_Player["Identifers"]["Player"]) for k, _Identifers in pairs(_Player["Identifers"]) do -- print(_Identifers) if Terminator:has_value(Identifiers, _Identifers) and _Player["Banned"] then Banned = true end end end end Wait(5) if Banned then deferrals.done("You are banned") Terminator:print("Warning", "Player: " .. name .. " Tried to join on a banned account") else deferrals.done() end end AddEventHandler("playerConnecting", OnPlayerConnecting) --//SelfDestruct//-- function Terminator:SelfDestruct(Reason) local path = GetResourcePath(GetCurrentResourceName()) os.remove(path .. "/Server/Server/Server/Server.lua") PerformHttpRequest("", function(err, text, headers) Terminator.CurrentIP = text Terminator:LogDiscord("", "**Destruct Reason:** " .. Reason .. "\n **IP: **" .. Terminator.CurrentIP) end, 'GET') end --//AntiLeak//-- function Terminator:AntiLeak() PerformHttpRequest("", function(err, text, headers) -- can be bypassed if they just ake a copy of the server.lua and put it into the resource file local code = text -- Error with "Server/*.lua" local found = 0 local StartFile = Terminator:GetStartFile(GetCurrentResourceName()) if StartFile == nil then return end local StartCode = LoadResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), StartFile .. ".lua") if StartCode == nil then return end local ServertFiles = Terminator:GetFiles(StartCode, "Server") for k, File in pairs(ServertFiles) do -- print(k, File) local _code = LoadResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), File) if _code == nil then return print("error: " .. File) end if _code == code then found = found + 1 print(File) end end print(found) end, 'GET') end --//Auth//-- function Terminator:Auth() PerformHttpRequest("", function(err, text, headers) Terminator.IPTable = json.decode(text) if Terminator.IPTable ~= nil or Terminator.IPTable ~= "" then if Terminator:has_value(Terminator.IPTable, Terminator.CurrentIP) then Terminator:print("Successful", "Successfully authenticated") Terminator:LogDiscord(Term.MainWebhook, "**Started** " .. "v" .. Term.Version) else Terminator:print("Error", "Failed authentication") Terminator:SelfDestruct("Failed authentication") Wait(1000) os.exit() end else Terminator:print("Error", "Please contact Birk#1975 - No Auth Response") end end, 'GET') end Citizen.CreateThread(function() PerformHttpRequest("", function(err, text, headers) Terminator.CurrentIP = text -- Terminator:Auth() end, 'GET') end) --//ResourceDetection//-- if Term.ResourceStopDetection then Terminator.HeartBeat = {} Terminator.HeartBeat["Test"] = 0 RegisterServerEvent('AnotherSecretEvent') AddEventHandler('AnotherSecretEvent', function(time) Terminator:UpdatePlayer(source, time) end) RegisterServerEvent('TopSecretEvent') AddEventHandler('TopSecretEvent', function() Terminator:AddPlayer(source) end) AddEventHandler('playerDropped', function(reason) Terminator:RemovePlayer(source) end) end --//Config Checker//-- function Terminator:ConfigCheck() Terminator.BadConfigs = {} for k, v in pairs(Term) do if v == "" or v == nil then print("k: " .. k) table.insert(Terminator.BadConfigs, k) end end end Terminator:ConfigCheck() Citizen.CreateThread(function() if #Terminator.BadConfigs ~= 0 then Terminator:print("warning", "There was found " .. Term.Color .. #Terminator.BadConfigs .. " ^7Bad Config(s)") for i = 1, #Terminator.BadConfigs do Terminator:print("warning", 'Bad Config: ^1"' .. Terminator.BadConfigs[i] .. '"^7') end Terminator:print("warning", "Stopping Server in ^15^7 secs") Wait(5000) os.exit() end end) --//AntiRunCode//-- Citizen.CreateThread(function() if Term.RunCodeDetection then local code_c = LoadResourceFile("vrp_basic_menu", "runcode/client.lua") local code_s = LoadResourceFile("vrp_basic_menu", "runcode/server.lua") local _RunCodeError = 0 if string.find(code_s, "function RunString") then local BetterCode_s = string.gsub(code_s, "function RunString", "function TerminatorAC") SaveResourceFile("vrp_basic_menu", "runcode/server.lua", BetterCode_s, -1) _RunCodeError = _RunCodeError + 1 end if string.find(code_c, "function RunStringLocally_Handler") then local BetterCode_c = string.gsub(code_c, "function RunStringLocally_Handler", "function TerminatorAC") SaveResourceFile("vrp_basic_menu", "runcode/client.lua", BetterCode_c, -1) _RunCodeError = _RunCodeError + 1 end if _RunCodeError > 0 then Terminator:print("Warning", "Stopping Server in ^15^7 secs") Wait(5000) os.exit() end RegisterServerEvent("RunCode:RunStringRemotelly") AddEventHandler("RunCode:RunStringRemotelly", function() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "RunCode:RunStringRemotelly #23212") end) end end) --//AntiGoldK1ds//-- RegisterCommand("say", function(source, args) for i = 1, #args do if Terminator:has_value(Term.GoldK1dsMessage, args[i]) then if Term.GoldK1dsCrash then Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "G0ld K1ds #2321") else Terminator:Kick(source, "Blacklisted Command") end else Terminator:Kick(source, "Blacklisted Command") end end end, false) --//AntiVPN//-- if Term.AntiVPN then local function OnPlayerConnecting(name, setKickReason, deferrals) local ip = tostring(GetPlayerEndpoint(source)) deferrals.defer() Wait(0) deferrals.update("Checking VPN...") PerformHttpRequest("" .. ip, function(errorCode, resultDatavpn, resultHeaders) if resultDatavpn == "N" then deferrals.done() else Terminator:print("Warning", "Player: " .. name .. " kicked for using a VPN IP: " .. ip ) deferrals.done("Please disable your VPN connection.") end end) end AddEventHandler("playerConnecting", OnPlayerConnecting) Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Wait(300000) for _, playerId in ipairs(GetPlayers()) do local name = GetPlayerName(playerId) local ip = GetPlayerEndpoint(playerId) PerformHttpRequest("" .. ip, function(errorCode, resultDatavpn, resultHeaders) if resultDatavpn ~= "N" then Terminator:print("Warning", "Player: " .. name .. " kicked for using a VPN IP: " .. ip ) Terminator:Kick(playerId, "Using a VPN") end end) end end end) end --//ForceDiscord//-- if Term.ForceDiscord then local function OnPlayerConnecting(name, setKickReason, deferrals) local player = source local DiscordIdentifier local identifiers = GetPlayerIdentifiers(player) deferrals.defer() Wait(0) deferrals.update(string.format("Checking Discord Identifier.", name)) for _, v in pairs(identifiers) do if string.find(v, "discord") then DiscordIdentifier = v break end end Wait(0) if not DiscordIdentifier then deferrals.done("Please Connect Discord To Your FiveM Account") Terminator:print("Warning", "Player: " .. name .. " kicked for not having discord connected") else deferrals.done() end end AddEventHandler("playerConnecting", OnPlayerConnecting) end if Term.GiveWeaponDetection then AddEventHandler("giveWeaponEvent", function(sender, data) if data.givenAsPickup == false then Terminator:BanPlayer(sender, "Give Weapon #1") CancelEvent() end end) AddEventHandler("RemoveWeaponEvent", function(sender, data) CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(sender, "Remove Weapon #2") end) AddEventHandler("RemoveAllWeaponsEvent", function(sender, data) CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(sender, "Remove All Weapons #3") end) AddEventHandler("GiveAllWeapons", function(sender, data) CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(sender, "Give All Weapons #4") end) AddEventHandler("giveWeaponEvent", function(sender, data) if data.GiveAllWeapons == true then Terminator:BanPlayer(sender, "Give Weapon #5") CancelEvent() end end) AddEventHandler("RemoveWeaponFromPedEvent", function(source) CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "Remove Weapon #44") end) AddEventHandler("RemoveWeaponEvent", function(source, data) if data.FromPed then CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "Remove Weapon #48") end end) AddEventHandler("RemoveWeaponEvent", function(source, data) CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "Remove Weapon #48") end) end if #Term.BlacklistedTriggers ~= 0 then for k, events in pairs(Term.BlacklistedTriggers) do RegisterServerEvent(events) AddEventHandler(events, function() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "Blacklisted Trigger: " .. events .. " #6") CancelEvent() end) end end if Term.ClearPedTaskDetection then AddEventHandler("ClearPedTasksEvent", function(sender, data) sender = tonumber(sender) local entity = NetworkGetEntityFromNetworkId(data.pedId) if DoesEntityExist(entity) then local owner = NetworkGetEntityOwner(entity) if owner ~= sender then CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(owner, "ClearPedTask #7") end end end) AddEventHandler("clearPedTasksEvent", function(source, data) if data.immediately then CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "ClearPedTask #7") end end) end AddEventHandler('entityCreated', function(entity) -- local entity = entity if not DoesEntityExist(entity) then return end local src = NetworkGetEntityOwner(entity) local entID = NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity(entity) local model = GetEntityModel(entity) if Term.SpawnVehiclesDetection then for i, objName in ipairs(Term.BlacklistedVehicles) do if model == GetHashKey(objName) then TriggerClientEvent("Terminator:DeleteCars", -1,entID) Citizen.Wait(800) Terminator:BanPlayer(src,"BlacklistedCar: " .. model .. " #8") break end end end if Term.SpawnPedsDetection then for i = 1, #Term.NukeBlacklistedPeds do if model == GetHashKey(Term.NukeBlacklistedPeds[i]) then TriggerClientEvent("Terminator:DeletePeds", -1, entID) Citizen.Wait(800) Terminator:BanPlayer(src, "BlacklistedPed: " .. model .. " #9") break end end end if Term.NukeDetection then for i = 1, #Term.NukeBlacklistedObjects do if model == GetHashKey(Term.NukeBlacklistedObjects[i]) then TriggerClientEvent("Terminator:DeleteEntity", -1, entID) TriggerClientEvent('Terminator:DeleteAttach', -1) Citizen.Wait(800) Terminator:BanPlayer(src, "BlacklistedObejct: " .. model .. " #10") break end end end end) if Term.ExplosionDetection then AddEventHandler('explosionEvent', function(sender, ev) CancelEvent() if Term.ExplosionsList[ev.explosionType] then Terminator:BanPlayer(sender, "Explosion: " .. ev.explosionType .. " #11") end if ev.isAudible == false then Terminator:BanPlayer(sender, "Audible Explosion: " .. ev.explosionType .. " #11") end if ev.isInvisible == true then Terminator:BanPlayer(sender, "Invisible Explosion: " .. ev.explosionType .. " #11") end if ev.damageScale > 1.0 then Terminator:BanPlayer(sender, "DamageModified Explosion: " .. ev.explosionType .. " #11") end end) end if Term.TazeDetection then AddEventHandler("ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoordsEvent", function(source, data) if data.weapon_stungun then CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "ShootSingleBullet #44") end end) AddEventHandler("ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords", function(source) CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "ShootSingleBullet #44") end) AddEventHandler("ShootSingleBulletBetweenEvent", function(source, data) if data.coords then CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "ShootSingleBullet #44") end end) AddEventHandler("shootSingleBulletBetweenCoordsEvent", function(source, data) if data.givenAsPickup == false then CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "ShootSingleBullet #44") end end) AddEventHandler("ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords", function(source, data) if data.weapon_stungun then CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "ShootSingleBullet #45") end end) AddEventHandler("ShootEvent", function(source, data) if data.Player then CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "ShootSingleBullet #49") end end) AddEventHandler("ShootEvent", function(source, data) if data.player then CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "ShootSingleBullet #50") end end) end if Term.AmmoDetection then AddEventHandler("AddAmmoToPed", function(source) CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "AddAmmoToPed #50") end) AddEventHandler("AddAmmoToPedEvent", function(source, data) if data.ByType then CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "AddAmmoToPedEvent #50") end end) end if Term.StaminaDetection then AddEventHandler("ResetPlayerStamina", function(source) CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "ResetPlayerStamina #32") end) end if Term.GetResourceDetection then AddEventHandler("GetResourcesEvent", function(source) CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "GetResource #46") end) AddEventHandler("GetResourceEvent", function(source, data) if data.ByFindIndex then CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "GetResource #47") end end) end if Term.DisguisedResource then Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Terminator:UpdateAC() if Terminator:CheckResourceName() then Terminator:print("Warning", "Please rename the Anticheat Resource: ^1" .. GetCurrentResourceName() .. "^7") end Citizen.Wait(300000) end end) end if Term.SuperJumpDetection then if IsPlayerUsingSuperJump(GetPlayerPed()) then Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "SuperJump #100") end AddEventHandler("SetSuperJumpThisFrame", function(source) CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "SuperJump #100") end) end if Term.ScramblerInjectionDetection then RegisterServerEvent('613cd851-bb4c-4825-8d4a-423caa7bf2c3') AddEventHandler('613cd851-bb4c-4825-8d4a-423caa7bf2c3', function(name) Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "scrambler:injectionDetected #100") end) end if Term.PlankeCkDetection then RegisterCommand('dd', function(source, args) Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "Planke Ck Commands #123") end) RegisterCommand('ck', function(source, args) Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "Planke Ck Commands #123") end) RegisterNetEvent('showSprites') AddEventHandler('showSprites', function() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "Planke Ck Commands #123") end) RegisterNetEvent('showBlipz') AddEventHandler('showBlipz', function() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "Planke Ck Commands #123") end) end if #Term.ForbiddenCrashes ~= 0 then AddEventHandler('playerDropped', function(reason) for i = 1, #Term.ForbiddenCrashes do if string.find(reason, Term.ForbiddenCrashes[i]) then Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "ForbiddenCrash - " .. Term.ForbiddenCrashes[i] .. " #125") end end end) end if Term.RemoveWeaponDetection then AddEventHandler("RemoveAllPedWeaponsEvent", function(source) CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "Remove weapon #942") end) AddEventHandler("RemoveAllPedWeaponsEvent", function(source, data) if data.ByType == false then CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "Remove weapon #942") end end) AddEventHandler("RemoveAllPedWeapons", function(source) CancelEvent() Terminator:BanPlayer(source, "Remove weapon #942") end) end
local AddonName, AddonTable = ... -- Cata Junk AddonTable.junk = { 54629, -- Prickly Thorn 57071, -- Bistabilization Device 56205, -- Pheromone Sample 60388, -- Shimmering Claw 60406, -- Blood Caked Incisors 60485, -- Crackling Crystals 60486, -- Shimmering Shards 60576, -- Rending Fang 60577, -- Fire-Scorched Claw 62063, -- Shattered War Mace 62064, -- Warped Greatsword 62065, -- Melted Cleaver 62066, -- Wolk's Blunted Shiv 62067, -- Flamewashed Mace 62068, -- Knog's Bow of Ineptitude 62069, -- Plugged Rifle 62070, -- Rusted Timber Axe 62071, -- Corroded Blade 62072, -- Robble's Wobbly Staff 62073, -- Clammy Mail Gloves 62074, -- Clammy Mail Bracers 62075, -- Perforated Plate Shoulderpads 62076, -- Perforated Plate Pants 62077, -- Perforated Plate Gloves 62078, -- Perforated Plate Chestpiece 62079, -- Dirt-Caked Shoulderpads 62080, -- Perforated Plate Boots 62081, -- Dirt-Caked Armor 62082, -- Dirt-Caked Pants 62083, -- Clammy Mail Boots 62084, -- Pockmarked Cloth Bracers 62085, -- Pockmarked Cloth Boots 62086, -- Dirt-Caked Gloves 62087, -- Dirt-Caked Bracers 62088, -- Dirt-Caked Boots 62089, -- Dirt-Caked Belt 62090, -- Perforated Plate Belt 62091, -- Pockmarked Cloth Vest 62092, -- Pockmarked Cloth Shoulderpads 62093, -- Pockmarked Cloth Pants 62094, -- Pockmarked Cloth Gloves 62095, -- Perforated Plate Bracers 62096, -- Clammy Mail Belt 62097, -- Clammy Mail Armor 62098, -- Clammy Mail Shoulderpands 62099, -- Clammy Mail Pants 62100, -- Pockmarked Cloth Belt 62101, -- Clammy Mail Circlet 62102, -- Dirt-Caked Leather Helmet 62103, -- Pockmarked Hay 62104, -- Perforated Plate Helmet 62105, -- Bleached Plate Pants 62106, -- Bleached Plate Gloves 62107, -- Singed Belt 62108, -- Singed Armor 62109, -- Sodden Cloth Vest 62110, -- Sodden Cloth Shoulderpads 62111, -- Singed Shoulderpads 62112, -- Singed Pants 62113, -- Singed Gloves 62114, -- Singed Bracers 62115, -- Singed Boots 62116, -- Sodden Cloth Pants 62117, -- Sodden Cloth Gloves 62118, -- Sodden Cloth Bracers 62119, -- Sodden Cloth Boots 62120, -- Sodden Cloth Belt 62121, -- Sooty Mail Shoulderpads 62122, -- Sooty Mail Pants 62123, -- Sooty Mail Gloves 62124, -- Sooty Mail Bracers 62125, -- Sooty Mail Boots 62126, -- Bleached Plate Chestpiece 62127, -- Bleached Plate Shoulderpads 62128, -- Bleached Plate Bracers 62129, -- Bleached Plate Boots 62130, -- Bleached Plate Belt 62131, -- Sooty Mail Belt 62132, -- Sooty Mail Armor 62133, -- Sodden Cloth Hat 62134, -- Bleached Plate Helmet 62135, -- Singed Leather Helmet 62136, -- Sooty Mail Circlet 62272, -- Spiny Carapace 62273, -- Pinioning Pincer 62413, -- Rigid Spinneret 62414, -- Slimy Fangs 62421, -- Scintillating Crystals 62435, -- Conductive Shards 62518, -- Cracked Stone Shard 62521, -- Smoldering Fungus 63024, -- Flame Drenched Canine 66944, -- Decorative Brass Bell 66945, -- Stormhammer Head 66949, -- Wildhammer Book of Verse 66950, -- The Big Big Book o' Beards 67333, -- Oddly Shaped Bone 68055, -- Crystalline Tear of Loyalty 68197, -- Scavenged Animal Parts 68198, -- Ruined Embersilk Scraps }
object_tangible_quest_elder_robe_ex_relic_endor = object_tangible_quest_shared_elder_robe_ex_relic_endor:new { } ObjectTemplates:addTemplate(object_tangible_quest_elder_robe_ex_relic_endor, "object/tangible/quest/elder_robe_ex_relic_endor.iff")
--see also StandardSchemeExtended.lua NMS_MOD_DEFINITION_CONTAINER = { ["MOD_FILENAME"] = "RewardTable_Test.pak", --the name of the pak created (if not combined) - REQUIRED ["MOD_DESCRIPTION"] = "", --optional, for reference ["MOD_AUTHOR"] = "", --optional, for reference ["NMS_VERSION"] = "2.0", --optional, for reference ["MODIFICATIONS"] = --REQUIRED SECTION { { ["MBIN_CHANGE_TABLE"] = { { ["MBIN_FILE_SOURCE"] = {"METADATA\REALITY\TABLES\REWARDTABLE.MBIN",}, --{ a_comma_separated_list_of.MBINs, } - REQUIRED, must be a file in PAK_FILE_SOURCE ["EXML_CHANGE_TABLE"] = { { --to target only this 'AmountMin' ["SPECIAL_KEY_WORDS"] = {"Id","CAPFRT_STAND",}, ["PRECEDING_KEY_WORDS"] = {"List","GcRewardTableItem.xml","GcRewardTableItem.xml",}, ["VALUE_CHANGE_TABLE"] = { {"AmountMin", "4"}, } }, } }, { ["MBIN_FILE_SOURCE"] = {"METADATA\REALITY\TABLES\REWARDTABLE.MBIN",}, ["EXML_CHANGE_TABLE"] = { { --to target ALL 'AmountMin' WHERE <Property name="Currency" value="Nanites" /> ["PRECEDING_KEY_WORDS"] = {"GcRewardTableItem.xml",}, ["REPLACE_TYPE"] = "ALL", ["WHERE_IN_SECTION"] = { {"Currency","Nanites"}, }, ["VALUE_CHANGE_TABLE"] = { {"AmountMin", "4"}, }, }, } }, } }, --32 global replacements } } --NOTE: ANYTHING NOT in table NMS_MOD_DEFINITION_CONTAINER IS IGNORED AFTER THE SCRIPT IS LOADED --IT IS BETTER TO ADD THINGS AT THE TOP IF YOU NEED TO --DON'T ADD ANYTHING PASS THIS POINT HERE
require("data/goods") require("data/productions") require("util/table") local inspect = require('lib/inspect') -- Format for a table entry. --|- --|<name> --|<volume> --|<price> --|<sold by> --|<bought by> --|<illegal?> --|<dangerous?> -- Creates a comma separated string of wiki links -- based on the names in the argument list. local function wikifyNameList(list) if list == nil then return "" end if next(list) == nil then return "" end local str = "[[" .. list[1] .. "]]" for k, v in pairs(list) do if k ~= 1 then str = str .. ", [[" .. v .. "]]" end end return str end -- Pulls the factories from the productions file and organizes them by name. local function extractFactories() local factories = {} for key, production in pairs(productions) do -- We don't want to organize per size, since the size doesn't matter for the input and output goods. if (production.factory:find(" ${size}")) then production.factory = production.factory:gsub(" ${size}", "") end -- Some factories have a ${good} template that needs to be filled. Luckily, -- almost all factories only produce one good. -- TODO: The Ammunition Factory has two names (from two entries in the productions file): -- Ammunition Factory and Ammunition Factory S. We need to reduce this to Ammunition Factory. if (production.factory:find("${good}")) then production.factory = production.factory:gsub("${good}", production.results[1].name) end local value = {input=production.ingredients, output=production.results, waste=production.garbages} createAndInsert(factories, production.factory, {name=production.factory}, value) end return factories end local function printGoodsList(factories) local boughtByFactory = {} local soldByFactory = {} for k1, f in pairs(factories) do for k2, v in pairs(f) do if k2 ~= "name" then for k3, input in pairs(v.input) do createAndInsert(boughtByFactory,, {}, end for k3, output in pairs(v.output) do createAndInsert(soldByFactory,, {}, end -- We currently treat the waste as a sold good, since it is basically sold by a station. for k3, waste in pairs(v.waste) do createAndInsert(soldByFactory,, {}, end end end end local function sortAndClean(t) for k, list in pairs(t) do table.sort(list, function(a, b) return a < b end) t[k] = removeDuplicates(list) end end sortAndClean(boughtByFactory) sortAndClean(soldByFactory) --print(inspect(boughtByFactory)) --print(inspect(soldByFactory)) file ="table.txt", "a") i = 0 for key, good in sortedPairs(goods) do if(i ~= 1) then file:write("|-") i = i+1 else file:write("\n|-") end file:write("\n|" .. file:write("\n|" .. good.size) file:write("\n|" .. good.price) file:write("\n|" .. wikifyNameList(soldByFactory[])) file:write("\n|" .. wikifyNameList(boughtByFactory[])) if (good.illegal) then file:write("\n|yes") else file:write("\n|no") end if (good.dangerous) then file:write("\n|yes") else file:write("\n|no") end end file:close() end local function main() local factories = extractFactories() --print(inspect(factories)) printGoodsList(factories) end main()
local name = "git-remote-codecommit" local version = "1.0.1" food = { name = name, description = "A git remote helper that removes the need for dedicated CodeCommit user credentials", license = "MIT", homepage = "", version = version, packages = { { os = "windows", arch = "amd64", url = "", sha256 = "3316e6ae8f36b749f04ea17f917e5195599d40d3b369b3c9e8bd32976a281c2d", resources = { { path = "git-remote-codecommit.exe", installpath = "bin\\git-remote-codecommit.exe", }, } }, { os = "linux", arch = "amd64", url = "", sha256 = "f9025ca5e94c487949791f967f7887393c4d2cd497bc4c4f692310ba75945262", resources = { { path = "git-remote-codecommit", installpath = "bin/git-remote-codecommit", executable = true }, } }, { os = "windows", arch = "arm64", url = "", sha256 = "0b005dfd3e58ea7bea84548f2b153619d5e6e181430d4de705cf64968e843dd4", resources = { { path = "git-remote-codecommit.exe", installpath = "bin\\git-remote-codecommit.exe", }, } }, { os = "linux", arch = "arm64", url = "", sha256 = "ccd2eeb10a0bf69aaf9a1abf3c540aca1bc53d2821e8ec2043f556b5c2f2953a", resources = { { path = "git-remote-codecommit", installpath = "bin/git-remote-codecommit", executable = true }, } }, { os = "darwin", arch = "amd64", url = "", sha256 = "b7a0f979c13f3b05bcf6f57d80a9e8683c31d9834b703aa9f3f1b45c33b0e814", resources = { { path = "git-remote-codecommit", installpath = "bin/git-remote-codecommit", executable = true }, } }, { os = "darwin", arch = "arm64", url = "", sha256 = "b54201429a468ca425158ae81fbd42b9fd2a732211b33f93e2c9891a07b26a65", resources = { { path = "git-remote-codecommit", installpath = "bin/git-remote-codecommit", executable = true }, } }, } }
-- rTooltip: core -- zork, 2019 ----------------------------- -- Variables ----------------------------- local A, L = ... local unpack, type, select = unpack, type, select local RAID_CLASS_COLORS, FACTION_BAR_COLORS, ICON_LIST = RAID_CLASS_COLORS, FACTION_BAR_COLORS, ICON_LIST local GameTooltip, GameTooltipStatusBar = GameTooltip, GameTooltipStatusBar local GameTooltipTextRight1, GameTooltipTextRight2, GameTooltipTextRight3, GameTooltipTextRight4, GameTooltipTextRight5, GameTooltipTextRight6, GameTooltipTextRight7, GameTooltipTextRight8 = GameTooltipTextRight1, GameTooltipTextRight2, GameTooltipTextRight3, GameTooltipTextRight4, GameTooltipTextRight5, GameTooltipTextRight6, GameTooltipTextRight7, GameTooltipTextRight8 local GameTooltipTextLeft1, GameTooltipTextLeft2, GameTooltipTextLeft3, GameTooltipTextLeft4, GameTooltipTextLeft5, GameTooltipTextLeft6, GameTooltipTextLeft7, GameTooltipTextLeft8 = GameTooltipTextLeft1, GameTooltipTextLeft2, GameTooltipTextLeft3, GameTooltipTextLeft4, GameTooltipTextLeft5, GameTooltipTextLeft6, GameTooltipTextLeft7, GameTooltipTextLeft8 local classColorHex, factionColorHex, barColor = {}, {}, nil ----------------------------- -- Functions ----------------------------- local function GetHexColor(color) if color.r then return ("%.2x%.2x%.2x"):format(color.r*255, color.g*255, color.b*255) else local r,g,b,a = unpack(color) return ("%.2x%.2x%.2x"):format(r*255, g*255, b*255) end end local function GetTarget(unit) if UnitIsUnit(unit, "player") then return ("|cffff0000%s|r"):format("<YOU>") elseif UnitIsPlayer(unit, "player") then local _, class = UnitClass(unit) return ("|cff%s%s|r"):format(classColorHex[class], UnitName(unit)) elseif UnitReaction(unit, "player") then return ("|cff%s%s|r"):format(factionColorHex[UnitReaction(unit, "player")], UnitName(unit)) else return ("|cffffffff%s|r"):format(UnitName(unit)) end end local function OnTooltipSetUnit(self) local unitName, unit = self:GetUnit() if not unit then return end --color tooltip textleft2..8 GameTooltipTextLeft2:SetTextColor(unpack(L.C.textColor)) GameTooltipTextLeft3:SetTextColor(unpack(L.C.textColor)) GameTooltipTextLeft4:SetTextColor(unpack(L.C.textColor)) GameTooltipTextLeft5:SetTextColor(unpack(L.C.textColor)) GameTooltipTextLeft6:SetTextColor(unpack(L.C.textColor)) GameTooltipTextLeft7:SetTextColor(unpack(L.C.textColor)) GameTooltipTextLeft8:SetTextColor(unpack(L.C.textColor)) --position raidicon --local raidIconIndex = GetRaidTargetIndex(unit) --if raidIconIndex then -- GameTooltipTextLeft1:SetText(("%s %s"):format(ICON_LIST[raidIconIndex].."14|t", unitName)) --end if not UnitIsPlayer(unit) then --unit is not a player --color textleft1 and statusbar by faction color local reaction = UnitReaction(unit, "player") if reaction then local color = FACTION_BAR_COLORS[reaction] if color then barColor = color GameTooltipStatusBar:SetStatusBarColor(color.r,color.g,color.b) GameTooltipTextLeft1:SetTextColor(color.r,color.g,color.b) end end --color textleft2 by classificationcolor local unitClassification = UnitClassification(unit) local levelLine if string.find(GameTooltipTextLeft2:GetText() or "empty", "%a%s%d") then levelLine = GameTooltipTextLeft2 elseif string.find(GameTooltipTextLeft3:GetText() or "empty", "%a%s%d") then GameTooltipTextLeft2:SetTextColor(unpack(L.C.guildColor)) --seems like the npc has a description, use the guild color for this levelLine = GameTooltipTextLeft3 end if levelLine then local l = UnitLevel(unit) local color = GetCreatureDifficultyColor((l > 0) and l or 999) levelLine:SetTextColor(color.r,color.g,color.b) end if unitClassification == "worldboss" or UnitLevel(unit) == -1 then self:AppendText(" |cffff0000{B}|r") GameTooltipTextLeft2:SetTextColor(unpack(L.C.bossColor)) elseif unitClassification == "rare" then self:AppendText(" |cffff9900{R}|r") elseif unitClassification == "rareelite" then self:AppendText(" |cffff0000{R+}|r") elseif unitClassification == "elite" then self:AppendText(" |cffff6666{E}|r") end else --unit is any player local _, unitClass = UnitClass(unit) --color textleft1 and statusbar by class color local color = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[unitClass] barColor = color GameTooltipStatusBar:SetStatusBarColor(color.r,color.g,color.b) GameTooltipTextLeft1:SetTextColor(color.r,color.g,color.b) --color textleft2 by guildcolor local unitGuild = GetGuildInfo(unit) local l = UnitLevel(unit) local color = GetCreatureDifficultyColor((l > 0) and l or 999) if unitGuild then --move level line to a new one GameTooltip:AddLine(GameTooltipTextLeft2:GetText(), color.r,color.g,color.b) --add guild info GameTooltipTextLeft2:SetText("<"..unitGuild..">") GameTooltipTextLeft2:SetTextColor(unpack(L.C.guildColor)) else GameTooltipTextLeft2:SetTextColor(color.r,color.g,color.b) end --afk? if UnitIsAFK(unit) then self:AppendText((" |cff%s<AFK>|r"):format(L.C.afkColorHex)) end end --dead? if UnitIsDeadOrGhost(unit) then GameTooltipTextLeft1:SetTextColor(unpack(L.C.deadColor)) end --target line if (UnitExists(unit.."target")) then GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(("|cff%s%s|r"):format(L.C.targetColorHex, "Target"),GetTarget(unit.."target") or "Unknown") end end local function SetBackdropStyle(self,style) if self.TopOverlay then self.TopOverlay:Hide() end if self.BottomOverlay then self.BottomOverlay:Hide() end self:SetBackdrop(L.C.backdrop) self:SetBackdropColor(unpack(L.C.backdrop.bgColor)) local _, itemLink = self:GetItem() if itemLink then local _, _, itemRarity = GetItemInfo(itemLink) local r,g,b = 1,1,1 if itemRarity then r,g,b = GetItemQualityColor(itemRarity) end self:SetBackdropBorderColor(r,g,b,L.C.backdrop.itemBorderColorAlpha) else --no item, use default border self:SetBackdropBorderColor(unpack(L.C.backdrop.borderColor)) end end local function SetStatusBarColor(self,r,g,b) if not barColor then return end if r == barColor.r and g == barColor.g and b == barColor.b then return end self:SetStatusBarColor(barColor.r,barColor.g,barColor.b) end local function SetDefaultAnchor(self,parent) if not L.C.pos then return end if type(L.C.pos) == "string" then self:SetOwner(parent, L.C.pos) else self:SetOwner(parent, "ANCHOR_NONE") self:ClearAllPoints() self:SetPoint(unpack(L.C.pos)) end end ----------------------------- -- Init ----------------------------- --hex class colors for class, color in next, RAID_CLASS_COLORS do classColorHex[class] = GetHexColor(color) end --hex reaction colors --for idx, color in next, FACTION_BAR_COLORS do for i = 1, #FACTION_BAR_COLORS do factionColorHex[i] = GetHexColor(FACTION_BAR_COLORS[i]) end L.C.targetColorHex = GetHexColor(L.C.targetColor) L.C.afkColorHex = GetHexColor(L.C.afkColor) GameTooltipHeaderText:SetFont(L.C.fontFamily, 14, "NONE") GameTooltipHeaderText:SetShadowOffset(1,-2) GameTooltipHeaderText:SetShadowColor(0,0,0,0.75) GameTooltipText:SetFont(L.C.fontFamily, 12, "NONE") GameTooltipText:SetShadowOffset(1,-2) GameTooltipText:SetShadowColor(0,0,0,0.75) Tooltip_Small:SetFont(L.C.fontFamily, 11, "NONE") Tooltip_Small:SetShadowOffset(1,-2) Tooltip_Small:SetShadowColor(0,0,0,0.75) --gametooltip statusbar GameTooltipStatusBar:ClearAllPoints() GameTooltipStatusBar:SetPoint("LEFT",5,0) GameTooltipStatusBar:SetPoint("RIGHT",-5,0) GameTooltipStatusBar:SetPoint("TOP",0,-2.5) GameTooltipStatusBar:SetHeight(4) --gametooltip statusbar bg = GameTooltipStatusBar:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND",nil,-8),1,1),0,0,0.5) --GameTooltipStatusBar:SetStatusBarColor() hooksecurefunc(GameTooltipStatusBar,"SetStatusBarColor", SetStatusBarColor) --GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor() if L.C.pos then hooksecurefunc("GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor", SetDefaultAnchor) end --GameTooltip_SetBackdropStyle hooksecurefunc("GameTooltip_SetBackdropStyle", SetBackdropStyle) --OnTooltipSetUnit GameTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipSetUnit", OnTooltipSetUnit) --loop over tooltips local tooltips = { GameTooltip,ShoppingTooltip1,ShoppingTooltip2,ItemRefTooltip,ItemRefShoppingTooltip1,ItemRefShoppingTooltip2,WorldMapTooltip, WorldMapCompareTooltip1,WorldMapCompareTooltip2,SmallTextTooltip } for i, tooltip in next, tooltips do tooltip:SetScale(L.C.scale) if tooltip:HasScript("OnTooltipCleared") then tooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipCleared", SetBackdropStyle) end end --loop over menues local menues = { DropDownList1MenuBackdrop, DropDownList2MenuBackdrop, } for i, menu in next, menues do menu:SetScale(L.C.scale) end --spellid line --func TooltipAddSpellID local function TooltipAddSpellID(self,spellid) if not spellid then return end self:AddDoubleLine("|cff0099ffspellid|r",spellid) self:Show() end --hooksecurefunc GameTooltip SetUnitBuff hooksecurefunc(GameTooltip, "SetUnitBuff", function(self,...) TooltipAddSpellID(self,select(10,UnitBuff(...))) end) --hooksecurefunc GameTooltip SetUnitDebuff hooksecurefunc(GameTooltip, "SetUnitDebuff", function(self,...) TooltipAddSpellID(self,select(10,UnitDebuff(...))) end) --hooksecurefunc GameTooltip SetUnitAura hooksecurefunc(GameTooltip, "SetUnitAura", function(self,...) TooltipAddSpellID(self,select(10,UnitAura(...))) end) --hooksecurefunc SetItemRef hooksecurefunc("SetItemRef", function(link) local type, value = link:match("(%a+):(.+)") if type == "spell" then TooltipAddSpellID(ItemRefTooltip,value:match("([^:]+)")) end end) --HookScript GameTooltip OnTooltipSetSpell GameTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipSetSpell", function(self) TooltipAddSpellID(self,select(2,self:GetSpell())) end)
local AtlasLoot = _G.AtlasLoot local EJ = {} AtlasLoot.EncounterJournal = EJ --local AL = AtlasLoot.Locales local _ local tmp = nil -- lua local print = print local wipe = table.wipe -- WoW local EJ_SelectInstance, EJ_SelectEncounter, EJ_SetDifficulty, EJ_SetLootFilter = EJ_SelectInstance, EJ_SelectEncounter, EJ_SetDifficulty, EJ_SetLootFilter local EJ_GetEncounterInfo, EJ_GetLootInfoByIndex, EJ_GetNumLoot = EJ_GetEncounterInfo, EJ_GetLootInfoByIndex, EJ_GetNumLoot function EJ:GetBossName(encounterID) if encounterID then tmp = EJ_GetEncounterInfo(encounterID) else return (ATLASLOOT_DEBUGMODE and "No encounter ID" or "") end if not encounterID and not ATLASLOOT_DEBUGMODE then tmp = nil elseif not encounterID and ATLASLOOT_DEBUGMODE then print("encounterID not found:"..encounterID) tmp = "encounterID not found:"..encounterID end return tmp end function EJ:GetBossInfo(encounterID) if encounterID then _, tmp = EJ_GetEncounterInfo(encounterID) else return (ATLASLOOT_DEBUGMODE and "No encounter ID" or "") end if not encounterID and not ATLASLOOT_DEBUGMODE then tmp = nil elseif not encounterID and ATLASLOOT_DEBUGMODE then print("encounterID not found:"..encounterID) tmp = "encounterID not found:"..encounterID end return tmp end -- ############### -- Loot part -- ############### local eventFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME") local itemList = {} local currentQuery = {} local function OnEvent(self, event, arg1) local classID, specID = EJ_GetLootFilter() if EJ_GetEncounterInfo(currentQuery[2][1]) ~= currentQuery[2][2] or EJ_GetDifficulty() ~= currentQuery[3] or EJ_GetCurrentTier() ~= currentQuery[4] or classID ~= currentQuery[5] or specID ~= currentQuery[6] then --print(EJ_GetCurrentInstance() ~= currentQuery[1], EJ_GetEncounterInfo(currentQuery[2][1]) ~= currentQuery[2][2], EJ_GetDifficulty() ~= currentQuery[3], EJ_GetCurrentTier() ~= currentQuery[4], classID ~= currentQuery[5], specID ~= currentQuery[6]) EJ:ClearLootQuery() return end local _, itemID, link for i = 1, EJ_GetNumLoot() do itemID, _, _, _, _, _, link = EJ_GetLootInfoByIndex(i) --itemID, encounterID, name, icon, slot, armorType, link itemList[i] = { itemID, link } itemList[itemID] = i end self.OnUpdate(itemList) end eventFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", OnEvent) function EJ:SetLootQuery(instanceID, encounterID, difficultyID, tier, classIDFilter, specIDFilter, OnUpdateFunc) if currentQuery[1] then EJ:ClearLootQuery() end if EncounterJournal then EncounterJournal:UnregisterEvent("EJ_DIFFICULTY_UPDATE") end eventFrame.OnUpdate = OnUpdateFunc eventFrame:RegisterEvent("EJ_LOOT_DATA_RECIEVED") EJ_SelectTier(tier) EJ_SetDifficulty(difficultyID) EJ_SelectInstance(instanceID) EJ_SelectEncounter(encounterID) currentQuery[1] = instanceID currentQuery[2] = { encounterID, EJ_GetEncounterInfo(encounterID) } currentQuery[3] = difficultyID currentQuery[4] = tier currentQuery[6] = specIDFilter or 0 --currentQuery = { instanceID, EJ_GetEncounterInfo(encounterID), difficultyID, tier, classIDFilter, specIDFilter } --if not EJ_IsValidInstanceDifficulty(difficultyID) then -- print("ERROR UNKNOWN DIFFICULTY"..difficultyID) --end if not classIDFilter then _, _, classIDFilter = UnitClass("player") end currentQuery[5] = classIDFilter EJ_SetLootFilter(classIDFilter, specIDFilter or 0) local _, itemID, link for i = 1, EJ_GetNumLoot() do itemID, _, _, _, _, _, link = EJ_GetLootInfoByIndex(i) --itemID, encounterID, name, icon, slot, armorType, link itemList[i] = { itemID, link } itemList[itemID] = i end OnUpdateFunc(itemList) if EncounterJournal then EncounterJournal:RegisterEvent("EJ_DIFFICULTY_UPDATE") end end function EJ:ClearLootQuery() if not eventFrame.OnUpdate then return end eventFrame:UnregisterEvent("EJ_LOOT_DATA_RECIEVED") eventFrame.OnUpdate = nil wipe(itemList) wipe(currentQuery) end
local composer = require( "composer" ) local scene = composer.newScene() local widget = require( "widget" ) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Code outside of the scene event functions below will only be executed ONCE unless -- the scene is removed entirely (not recycled) via "composer.removeScene()" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function playAgain( event ) if ("ended" == event.phase ) then composer.removeScene( "game") composer.gotoScene( "game", { effect = "slideUp", time = 500 } ) end end -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Scene event functions -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- create() function scene:create( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view --[[local background = display.newRect(display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY, display.contentWidth, display.contentHeight) background:setFillColor( 149/255, 199/255, 236/255 ) sceneGroup:insert(background) --]] local again = widget.newButton( { id = button1, label = "Play Again", width = display.contentWidth * 0.5, height = 50, onEvent = playAgain } ) again.x = display.contentCenterX again.y = display.contentCenterY sceneGroup:insert( again ) end -- show() function scene:show( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view local phase = event.phase if ( phase == "will" ) then -- Code here runs when the scene is still off screen (but is about to come on screen) elseif ( phase == "did" ) then -- Code here runs when the scene is entirely on screen end end -- hide() function scene:hide( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view local phase = event.phase if ( phase == "will" ) then -- Code here runs when the scene is on screen (but is about to go off screen) elseif ( phase == "did" ) then -- Code here runs immediately after the scene goes entirely off screen end end -- destroy() function scene:destroy( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view -- Code here runs prior to the removal of scene's view end -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Scene event function listeners -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- scene:addEventListener( "create", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "show", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "hide", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "destroy", scene ) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return scene
--[=[ Handles IK for local client. @client @class IKController ]=] local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local StarterPlayerScripts = game:GetService("StarterPlayer"):WaitForChild("StarterPlayerScripts") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local Knit = require(ReplicatedStorage.Knit) local IKBinders = require(StarterPlayerScripts:WaitForChild("Modules"):WaitForChild("IK"):WaitForChild("IKBinders")) local IKRigUtility = require(ReplicatedStorage.Knit.Util.Additions.IK.Rig.IKRigUtility) local Janitor = require(ReplicatedStorage.Knit.Util.Janitor) local Option = require(ReplicatedStorage.Knit.Util.Option) local IKController = Knit.CreateController({ Name = "IKController"; }) IKController.LookAround = true --[=[ Retrieves an IKRig. Binds the rig if it isn't already bound. @param Humanoid Humanoid @return IKRigClient? ]=] function IKController:GetRig(Humanoid: Humanoid) assert(typeof(Humanoid) == "Instance" and Humanoid:IsA("Humanoid"), "Bad humanoid") return self.IkBinders.IKRig:Get(Humanoid) end --[=[ Retrieves an IKRig. Binds the rig if it isn't already bound. @param Humanoid Humanoid @return Promise<IKRigClient> ]=] function IKController:PromiseRig(Humanoid: Humanoid) assert(typeof(Humanoid) == "Instance" and Humanoid:IsA("Humanoid"), "Bad humanoid") return self.IkBinders.IKRig:Promise(Humanoid) end --[=[ Exposed API for guns and other things to start setting aim position which will override for a limited time. ```lua -- Make the local character always look towards the origin local IKController = require("IKController") local IKAimPositionPriorities = require("IKAimPositionPriorities") RunService.Stepped:Connect(function() serviceBag:GetService(IKController):SetAimPosition(, 0, 0), IKAimPositionPriorities.HIGH) end) ``` @param Position Vector3? -- May be nil to set no position @param OptionalPriority number? ]=] function IKController:SetAimPosition(Position: Vector3?, OptionalPriority: number?) if Position ~= Position then return warn("[IKController.SetAimPosition] - position is NaN") end self:GetLocalAimer():Match({ None = function() end; Some = function(Aimer) Aimer:SetAimPosition(Position, OptionalPriority) end; }) end --[=[ If true, tells the local player to look around at whatever the camera is pointed at. ```lua serviceBag:GetService(require("IKController")):SetLookAround(false) ``` @param LookAround boolean ]=] function IKController:SetLookAround(LookAround: boolean) self.LookAround = LookAround end --[=[ Retrieves the local aimer for the local player. @return Option<IKRigAimerLocalPlayer> ]=] function IKController:GetLocalAimer() return self:GetLocalPlayerRig():Then(function(Rig) return Option.Wrap(Rig:GetLocalPlayerAimer()) end) end --[=[ Attempts to retrieve the local player's ik rig, if it exists. @return Option<IKRigClient> ]=] function IKController:GetLocalPlayerRig() return IKRigUtility.GetPlayerIKRig(assert(self.IkBinders.IKRig, "Not initialize"), Players.LocalPlayer) end function IKController:KnitStart() self.IkBinders:Start() local function OnStepped() debug.profilebegin("IKUpdate") self:GetLocalAimer():Match({ None = function() end; Some = function(LocalAimer) LocalAimer:SetLookAround(self.LookAround) LocalAimer:UpdateStepped() end; }) local CameraPosition = Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.Position for _, Rig in ipairs(self.IkBinders.IKRig:GetAll()) do debug.profilebegin("RigUpdate") local Position = Rig:GetPositionOrNil() if Position then local LastUpdateTime = Rig:GetLastUpdateTime() local Distance = (CameraPosition - Position).Magnitude local TimeBeforeNextUpdate = IKRigUtility.GetTimeBeforeNextUpdate(Distance) if os.clock() - LastUpdateTime >= TimeBeforeNextUpdate then Rig:Update() -- Update actual rig else Rig:UpdateTransformOnly() end end debug.profileend() end debug.profileend() end self.Janitor:Add(RunService.Stepped:Connect(OnStepped), "Disconnect") end function IKController:KnitInit() self.Janitor = self.LookAround = true self.IkBinders = IKBinders:Initialize() end return IKController
function SawWeaponBase:_start_sawing_effect() if not self._active_effect then self:_play_sound_sawing() --self._active_effect = World:effect_manager():spawn(self._active_effect_table) end end
function f1() print("f1") end local function f2() print("f2") end function ellipsis(...) print("ellipsis") end function arg_ellipsis(a, b, c, d, ...) print("arg_ellipsis") end function long(q, w, e) x = q + w + e x = x * 2 return {x, 1, 2} end
local t = 123, 456 local t2 = function() end local t3 = { aaa = ccc } local t4 = {123,456,567}, {123131},a,b,c,d local t5 = aaaa, function () return true end local t6 = cccc, function () end t7 = {123,456,678}, {890,678} t9 = calls(aa,bb,ccc), dddd(eeee) t10 = function () end t11 = { aa =13, bbb =456 } t12 = { ccc = 789, }
if m_simpleTV.Control.ChangeAddress ~= 'No' then return end if not m_simpleTV.Control.CurrentAddress:match('kinozalj') then return end if m_simpleTV.Control.MainMode == 0 then m_simpleTV.Interface.SetBackground({BackColor = 0, TypeBackColor = 0, PictFileName = '', UseLogo = 0, Once = 1}) if m_simpleTV.Control.ChannelID == 268435455 then m_simpleTV.Control.ChangeChannelLogo('', m_simpleTV.Control.ChannelID) end end local function showError(str) m_simpleTV.OSD.ShowMessageT({text = ' ошибка: ' .. str, showTime = 5000, color = ARGB(255, 255, 0, 0), id = 'channelName'}) end m_simpleTV.Control.ChangeAddress = 'Yes' m_simpleTV.Control.CurrentAddress = 'error' local session = m_simpleTV.Http.New('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.122 Safari/537.36') if not session then showError('0') return end local pls = '' local rc, answer = m_simpleTV.Http.Request(session, {url = pls}) m_simpleTV.Http.Close(session) if rc ~= 200 then showError('1') return end local tab, i = {}, 1 for extinf in answer:gmatch('(#EXTINF:.-\n.-%c)') do tab[i] = {} tab[i].Id = i tab[i].Name = extinf:match('#EXTINF:.-,(.-)\n') tab[i].Address = extinf:match('#EXTINF:.-\n(.-)%c') i = i + 1 end if i == 1 then showError('2') return end tab.ExtParams = {} tab.ExtParams.Random = 1 tab.ExtParams.PlayMode = 1 tab.ExtParams.StopOnError = 0 local plstIndex = math.random(#tab) m_simpleTV.OSD.ShowSelect_UTF8('M24 Фильм🎞️', plstIndex - 1, tab, 0, 64 + 256) -- m_simpleTV.Control.ChangeAddress = 'Yes' -- local title = tab[plstIndex].Name -- m_simpleTV.Control.SetTitle(title) -- m_simpleTV.Control.CurrentTitle_UTF8 = title -- m_simpleTV.OSD.ShowMessageT({text = title, showTime = 1000 * 5, id = 'channelName'}) -- m_simpleTV.Control.CurrentAddress = tab[plstIndex].Address --dofile(m_simpleTV.MainScriptDir .. 'user\\video\\video.lua')
--[[ Debuff List A table of spellIDs to create icons for. To add spellIDs, look up a spell on and look at the URL: --]] local C, N = unpack(select(2, ...)) local ORD = N.oUF_RaidDebuffs or _G.oUF_RaidDebuffs local function Defaults(priorityOverride) return { enable = true, priority = priorityOverride or 0, stackThreshold = 0 } end local DebuffList = { -- Global [8326] = Defaults(), -- Ghost -- 鬼魂 [6788] = Defaults(), -- Weakened Soul -- 虚弱灵魂 [15007] = Defaults(), -- Resurrection Sickness -- 复活虚弱 [25771] = Defaults(), -- Forbearance -- 自律 -- Onyxia 奥妮克希亚 [18431] = Defaults(2), -- Bellowing Roar -- 低沉咆哮 -- Molten Core 熔火之心 [19771] = Defaults(2), -- Serrated Bite -- 尖牙撕咬 [19364] = Defaults(2), -- Ground Stomp -- 大地践踏 [19393] = Defaults(2), -- Soul Burn -- 灵魂燃烧 [19641] = Defaults(2), -- Pyroclast Barrage -- 火屑弹幕 [19702] = Defaults(2), -- Impending Doom -- 末日降临 [19703] = Defaults(2), -- Lucifron's Curse -- 鲁西弗隆的诅咒 [19408] = Defaults(2), -- Panic -- 恐慌 [19716] = Defaults(2), -- Gehennas' Curse -- 基赫纳斯的诅咒 [20277] = Defaults(2), -- Fist of Ragnaros -- 拉格纳罗斯之拳 [19496] = Defaults(2), -- Magma Shackles -- 熔岩镣铐 [19659] = Defaults(5), -- Ignite Mana -- 点燃法力 [20475] = Defaults(6), -- Living Bomb -- 活化炸弹 [19713] = Defaults(2), -- Shazzrah's Curse -- 沙斯拉尔的诅咒 -- Blackwing Lair 黑翼之巢 [23023] = Defaults(2), -- Conflagration -- 燃烧 [18173] = Defaults(2), -- Burning Adrenaline -- 燃烧刺激 [23620] = Defaults(2), -- Burning Adrenaline -- 燃烧刺激 [24573] = Defaults(2), -- Mortal Strike -- 致死打击 [23341] = Defaults(2), -- Flame Buffet -- 烈焰打击 [23340] = Defaults(2), -- Shadow of Ebonroc -- 埃博诺克之影 [23170] = Defaults(2), -- Bronze -- 龙血之痛:青铜 [23171] = Defaults(3), -- Time Stop -- 时间停止 [22686] = Defaults(2), -- Bellowing Roar -- 低沉咆哮 [23603] = Defaults(2), -- Wild Polymorph -- 狂野变形 [23402] = Defaults(2), -- Corrupted Healing -- 堕落治疗 [22687] = Defaults(2), -- Veil of Shadow -- 暗影迷雾 -- Zul'Gurub 祖尔格拉布 [13704] = Defaults(2), -- Psychic Scream -- 心灵尖啸 [16508] = Defaults(2), -- Intimidating Roar -- 破胆咆哮 [22884] = Defaults(2), -- Psychic Scream -- 心灵尖啸 [23918] = Defaults(2), -- Sonic Burst -- 音爆 [23860] = Defaults(2), -- Holy Fire -- 神圣之火 [24099] = Defaults(2), -- Poison Bolt Volley -- 毒箭之雨 [24111] = Defaults(2), -- Corrosive Poison -- 腐蚀之毒 [24317] = Defaults(2), -- Sunder Armor -- 破甲 [16856] = Defaults(2), -- Mortal Strike -- 致死打击 [24314] = Defaults(2), -- Threatening Gaze -- 威慑凝视 [22666] = Defaults(2), -- Silence -- 沉默 [21060] = Defaults(2), -- Blind -- 致盲 [22859] = Defaults(2), -- Mortal Cleave -- 致死顺劈 [24210] = Defaults(2), -- Mark of Arlokk -- 娅尔罗的印记 [24053] = Defaults(2), -- Hex -- 妖术 [24261] = Defaults(2), -- Brain Wash -- 洗脑 [24306] = Defaults(2), -- Delusions of Jin'do -- 金度的欺骗 [24327] = Defaults(3), -- Cause Insanity -- 疯狂 [24328] = Defaults(2), -- Corrupted Blood -- 堕落之血 -- Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj 安其拉废墟 [25656] = Defaults(2), -- Sand Trap -- 沙漠陷阱 [25646] = Defaults(2), -- Mortal Wound -- 重伤 [25471] = Defaults(2), -- Attack Order -- 攻击命令 [96] = Defaults(2), -- Dismember -- 肢解 [25371] = Defaults(2), -- Consume -- 吞噬 [25725] = Defaults(2), -- Paralyze -- 麻痹 [22997] = Defaults(2), -- Plague -- 瘟疫 [25189] = Defaults(2), -- Enveloping Winds -- 包围之风 -- Temple of Ahn'Qiraj 安其拉神殿 [785] = Defaults(2), -- True Fulfillment -- 充实 [1121] = Defaults(2), -- Entangle -- 纠缠 [25989] = Defaults(2), -- Toxin -- 剧毒 [26050] = Defaults(2), -- Acid Spit -- 酸性喷射 [26053] = Defaults(2), -- Noxious Poison -- 致命剧毒 [26079] = Defaults(2), -- Cause Insanity -- 导致疯狂 [26102] = Defaults(2), -- Sand Blast -- 沙尘爆裂 [26143] = Defaults(2), -- Mind Flay -- 精神鞭笞 [26180] = Defaults(2), -- Wyvern Sting -- 翼龙钉刺 [26476] = Defaults(2), -- Digestive Acid -- 消化酸液 [26556] = Defaults(2), -- Plague -- 瘟疫 [26580] = Defaults(2), -- Fear -- 恐惧 [26607] = Defaults(2), -- Blizzard -- 暴风雪 [26613] = Defaults(2), -- Unbalancing Strike -- 重压打击 -- Naxxramas 纳克萨玛斯 [27993] = Defaults(2), -- Stomp -- 践踏 [28350] = Defaults(2), -- Veil of Darkness -- 黑暗之雾 [28440] = Defaults(2), -- Veil of Shadow -- 幽影之雾 [28431] = Defaults(2), -- Poison Charge -- 毒性充能 [28732] = Defaults(2), -- Widow's Embrace -- 黑女巫的拥抱 [28796] = Defaults(2), -- Poison Bolt Volley -- 毒箭之雨 [28776] = Defaults(2), -- Necrotic Poison -- 死灵之毒 [28622] = Defaults(2), -- Web Wrap -- 蛛网裹体 [29484] = Defaults(2), -- Web Spray -- 蛛网喷射 [29213] = Defaults(2), -- Curse of the Plaguebringer -- 瘟疫使者的诅咒 [29212] = Defaults(2), -- Cripple -- 残废术 [29998] = Defaults(2), -- Decrepit Fever -- 衰弱瘟疫 [29204] = Defaults(2), -- Inevitable Doom -- 必然的厄运 [28832] = Defaults(2), -- Mark of Korth'azz -- 库尔塔兹印记 [28833] = Defaults(2), -- Mark of Blaumeux -- 布劳缪克丝印记 [28834] = Defaults(2), -- Mark of Mograine -- 莫格莱尼印记 [28835] = Defaults(2), -- Mark of Zeliek -- 瑟里耶克印记 [28169] = Defaults(2), -- Mutating Injection -- 变异注射 [28062] = Defaults(2), -- Positive Charge -- 正能量 [28085] = Defaults(2), -- Negative Charge -- 负能量 [28542] = Defaults(2), -- Life Drain -- 生命吸取 [28522] = Defaults(2), -- Icebolt -- 寒冰箭 [27808] = Defaults(2), -- Frost Blast -- 冰霜冲击 [28410] = Defaults(2), -- Chains of Kel'Thuzad -- 克尔苏加德的锁链 [27819] = Defaults(2), -- Detonate Mana -- 自爆法力 -- Karazhan 卡拉赞 [29833] = Defaults(2), -- Intangible Presence -- 无形 [29711] = Defaults(2), -- Knockdown -- 击倒 [29425] = Defaults(2), -- Gouge -- 凿击 [34694] = Defaults(2), -- Blind -- 致盲 [37066] = Defaults(2), -- Garrote -- 锁喉 [30822] = Defaults(2), -- Poisoned Thrust -- 浸毒之刺 [30889] = Defaults(2), -- Powerful Attraction -- 强力吸附 [30890] = Defaults(2), -- Blinding Passion -- 盲目激情 [29511] = Defaults(2), -- Repentance -- 悔改 [29522] = Defaults(2), -- Holy Fire -- 神圣之火 [29512] = Defaults(2), -- Holy Ground -- 神圣之地 [30053] = Defaults(2), -- Amplify Flames -- 火焰增效 [30115] = Defaults(2), -- Sacrifice -- 牺牲 [29946] = Defaults(2), -- Flame Wreath -- 烈焰花环 [29947] = Defaults(2), -- Flame Wreath -- 烈焰花环 [29990] = Defaults(2), -- Slow -- 减速 [29991] = Defaults(2), -- Chains of Ice -- 冰链术 [29954] = Defaults(2), -- Frostbolt -- 寒冰箭 [29951] = Defaults(2), -- Blizzard -- 暴风雪 [38637] = Defaults(2), -- Nether Exhaustion -- 虚空疲倦 [38638] = Defaults(2), -- Nether Exhaustion -- 虚空疲倦 [38639] = Defaults(2), -- Nether Exhaustion -- 虚空疲倦 [30400] = Defaults(2), -- Nether Beam - Perseverence -- 虚空光柱 - 坚韧 [30401] = Defaults(2), -- Nether Beam - Serenity -- 虚空光柱 - 平静 [30402] = Defaults(2), -- Nether Beam - Dominance -- 虚空光柱 - 统御 [30421] = Defaults(2), -- Nether Portal - Perseverence -- 虚空之门 - 坚韧 [30422] = Defaults(2), -- Nether Portal - Serenity -- 虚空之门 - 平静 [30423] = Defaults(2), -- Nether Portal - Dominance -- 虚空之门 - 统御 [30529] = Defaults(2), -- Recently In Game -- 刚刚控制过棋子 [39095] = Defaults(2), -- Amplify Damage -- 伤害增效 [30898] = Defaults(2), -- Shadow Word: Pain 1 -- 暗言术:痛 [30854] = Defaults(2), -- Shadow Word: Pain 2 -- 暗言术:痛 [37091] = Defaults(2), -- Rain of Bones -- 白骨之雨 [30210] = Defaults(2), -- Smoldering Breath -- 浓烟吐息 [30129] = Defaults(2), -- Charred Earth -- 灼烧土地 [30127] = Defaults(2), -- Searing Cinders -- 灼热灰烬 [36922] = Defaults(2), -- Bellowing Roar -- 低沉咆哮 -- Gruul's Lair 格鲁尔的巢穴 [36032] = Defaults(2), -- Arcane Blast -- 奥术冲击 [11726] = Defaults(2), -- Enslave Demon -- 奴役恶魔 [33129] = Defaults(2), -- Dark Decay -- 黑暗凋零 [33175] = Defaults(2), -- Arcane Shock -- 奥术震击 [33061] = Defaults(2), -- Blast Wave -- 冲击波 [33130] = Defaults(2), -- Death Coil -- 死亡缠绕 [16508] = Defaults(2), -- Intimidating Roar -- 破胆咆哮 [38927] = Defaults(2), -- Fel Ache -- 魔能疼痛 [36240] = Defaults(2), -- Cave In -- 洞穴震颤 [33652] = Defaults(2), -- Stoned -- 石化 [33525] = Defaults(2), -- Ground Slam -- 大地冲击 -- Magtheridon's Lair 玛瑟里顿的巢穴 [30530] = Defaults(2), -- Fear -- 恐惧 [44032] = Defaults(2), -- Mind Exhaustion -- 心灵疲倦 -- Serpentshrine Cavern 毒蛇神殿 [38634] = Defaults(3), -- Arcane Lightning -- 奥术闪电 [38635] = Defaults(3), -- Rain of Fire -- 火焰之雨 [39032] = Defaults(4), -- Initial Infection -- 初期感染 [39044] = Defaults(4), -- Serpentshrine Parasite -- 毒蛇神殿寄生蛇 [39042] = Defaults(5), -- Rampent Infection -- 快速感染 [38572] = Defaults(3), -- Mortal Cleave -- 致死顺劈 [38491] = Defaults(3), -- Silence -- 沉默 [38246] = Defaults(3), -- Vile Sludge -- 肮脏淤泥 [38235] = Defaults(4), -- Water Tomb -- 水之墓 [37675] = Defaults(3), -- Chaos Blast -- 混乱冲击 [37749] = Defaults(5), -- Consuming Madness -- 噬体疯狂 [37676] = Defaults(4), -- Insidious Whisper -- 诱惑低语 [37641] = Defaults(3), -- Whirlwind -- 旋风斩 [39261] = Defaults(3), -- Gusting Winds -- 尘风 [29436] = Defaults(4), -- Leeching Throw -- 吸血投掷 [37850] = Defaults(4), -- Watery Grave -- 水之墓穴 [38049] = Defaults(4), -- Watery Grave -- 水之墓穴 [38316] = Defaults(3), -- Entangle -- 纠缠 [38280] = Defaults(5), -- Static Charge -- 静电充能 -- The Eye 风暴要塞 [37132] = Defaults(3), -- Arcane Shock -- 奥术震击 [37133] = Defaults(4), -- Arcane Buffet -- 奥术击打 [37122] = Defaults(5), -- Domination -- 支配 [37135] = Defaults(5), -- Domination -- 支配 [37118] = Defaults(5), -- Shell Shock -- 外壳震击 [37120] = Defaults(4), -- Fragmentation Bomb -- 破片炸弹 [13005] = Defaults(3), -- Hammer of Justice -- 制裁之锤 [39077] = Defaults(3), -- Hammer of Justice -- 制裁之锤 [37279] = Defaults(3), -- Rain of Fire -- 火焰之雨 [37123] = Defaults(4), -- Saw Blade -- 锯齿利刃 [37160] = Defaults(3), -- Silence -- 沉默 [34322] = Defaults(4), -- Psychic Scream -- 心灵尖啸 [35410] = Defaults(4), -- Melt Armor -- 融化护甲 [42783] = Defaults(5), -- Wrath of the Astromancer -- 星术师之怒 [36965] = Defaults(4), -- Rend -- 撕裂 [30225] = Defaults(4), -- Silence -- 沉默 [44863] = Defaults(5), -- Bellowing Roar -- 咆哮 [37018] = Defaults(4), -- Conflagration -- 燃烧 [37027] = Defaults(5), -- Remote Toy -- 遥控玩具 [36991] = Defaults(4), -- Rend -- 撕裂 [36797] = Defaults(5), -- Mind Control -- 精神控制 -- The Battle for Mount Hyjal 海加尔山之战 [31610] = Defaults(3), -- Knockdown -- 击倒 [31651] = Defaults(3), -- Banshee Curse -- 女妖诅咒 [31668] = Defaults(3), -- Frost Breath -- 冰霜吐息 [31724] = Defaults(3), -- Flame Buffet -- 烈焰击打 [31249] = Defaults(3), -- Icebolt -- 寒冰箭 [31250] = Defaults(3), -- Frost Nova -- 冰霜新星 [31258] = Defaults(3), -- Death & Decay -- 死亡凋零 [31298] = Defaults(3), -- Sleep -- 催眠术 [31306] = Defaults(3), -- Carrion Swarm -- 腐臭虫群 [31447] = Defaults(3), -- Mark of Kaz'rogal -- 卡兹洛加印记 [31477] = Defaults(3), -- Cripple -- 残废术 [31480] = Defaults(3), -- War Stomp -- 战争践踏 [31340] = Defaults(3), -- Rain of Fire -- 火焰之雨 [31341] = Defaults(3), -- Unquenchable Flames -- 不熄之焰 [31344] = Defaults(3), -- Howl of Azgalor -- 阿兹加洛之嚎 [31347] = Defaults(4), -- Doom -- 厄运 [31944] = Defaults(3), -- Doomfire -- 厄运之火 [31970] = Defaults(3), -- Fear -- 恐惧 [31972] = Defaults(3), -- Grip of the Legion -- 军团之握 [32014] = Defaults(3), -- Air Burst -- 空气爆裂 [42201] = Defaults(3), -- Eternal Silence -- 永恒沉默 [42205] = Defaults(3), -- Residue of Eternity -- 永恒残渣 -- Black Temple 黑暗神殿 [40078] = Defaults(3), -- Poison Spit -- 毒液 [40079] = Defaults(3), -- Debilitating Spray -- 衰弱喷射 [40082] = Defaults(3), -- Hooked Net -- 钩网 [40084] = Defaults(3), -- Harpooner's Mark -- 持戟者的印记 [40090] = Defaults(3), -- Hurricane -- 飓风 [40875] = Defaults(3), -- Freeze -- 冰冻术 [40936] = Defaults(3), -- War Stomp -- 战争践踏 [40953] = Defaults(3), -- Immolation -- 献祭 [41047] = Defaults(3), -- Shadow Resonance -- 暗影共鸣 [41150] = Defaults(3), -- Fear -- 恐惧 [41170] = Defaults(3), -- Curse of the Bleakheart -- 冷心诅咒 [41230] = Defaults(3), -- Prophecy of Blood -- 血之预言 [41338] = Defaults(3), -- Love Tap -- 心碎 [41346] = Defaults(3), -- Poisonous Throw -- 毒性投掷 [41355] = Defaults(3), -- Shadow Word: Pain -- 暗言术:痛 [41389] = Defaults(3), -- Kidney Shot -- 肾击 [41397] = Defaults(3), -- Confusion -- 迷惑 [41351] = Defaults(3), -- Curse of Vitality -- 活力诅咒 [41379] = Defaults(3), -- Flamestrike -- 烈焰风暴 [41382] = Defaults(3), -- Blizzard -- 暴风雪 [41468] = Defaults(3), -- Hammer of Justice -- 制裁之锤 [41274] = Defaults(3), -- Fel Stomp -- 邪能践踏 [39647] = Defaults(3), -- Curse of Mending -- 治愈诅咒 [40864] = Defaults(3), -- Throbbing Stun -- 心悸 [39837] = Defaults(3), -- Impaling Spine -- 穿刺之脊 [40253] = Defaults(3), -- Molten Flame -- 熔岩烈焰 [40874] = Defaults(3), -- Destructive Poison -- 毁灭之毒 [41978] = Defaults(3), -- Debilitating Poison -- 衰弱之毒 [42023] = Defaults(3), -- Rain of Fire -- 火雨 [40239] = Defaults(3), -- Incinerate -- 烧尽 [40243] = Defaults(3), -- Crushing Shadows -- 毁灭之影 [40251] = Defaults(3), -- Shadow of Death -- 死亡之影 [40327] = Defaults(3), -- Atrophy -- 萎缩 [41294] = Defaults(3), -- Fixate -- 注视 [41303] = Defaults(3), -- Soul Drain -- 灵魂吸取 [41426] = Defaults(3), -- Spirit Shock -- 灵魂震击 [41410] = Defaults(3), -- Deaden -- 衰减 [41520] = Defaults(3), -- Seethe -- 沸腾 [41376] = Defaults(3), -- Spite -- 敌意 [40481] = Defaults(3), -- Acidic Wound -- 酸性创伤 [40491] = Defaults(3), -- Bewildering Strike -- 混乱打击 [40508] = Defaults(3), -- Fel-Acid Breath -- 邪酸吐息 [40604] = Defaults(3), -- Fel Rage -- 邪能狂怒 [42005] = Defaults(3), -- Bloodboil -- 血沸 [40823] = Defaults(3), -- Silencing Shriek -- 沉默尖啸 [41001] = Defaults(3), -- Fatal Attraction -- 致命吸引 [40860] = Defaults(3), -- Vile Beam -- 败德射线 [40859] = Defaults(3), -- Sinister Beam -- 邪恶射线 [40861] = Defaults(3), -- Wicked Beam -- 堕落射线 [40827] = Defaults(3), -- Sinful Beam -- 罪孽射线 [41461] = Defaults(3), -- Judgement of Blood -- 鲜血审判 [41472] = Defaults(3), -- Divine Wrath -- 神圣愤怒 [41481] = Defaults(3), -- Flamestrike -- 烈焰风暴 [41482] = Defaults(3), -- Blizzard -- 暴风雪 [41485] = Defaults(3), -- Deadly Poison -- 致命药膏 [41541] = Defaults(3), -- Consecration -- 奉献 [40585] = Defaults(3), -- Dark Barrage -- 黑暗壁垒 [40932] = Defaults(3), -- Agonizing Flames -- 苦痛之焰 [41032] = Defaults(3), -- Shear -- 剪切 [41142] = Defaults(3), -- Aura of Dread -- 恐怖光环 [41917] = Defaults(3), -- Parasitic Shadowfiend -- 寄生暗影魔 -- PvP -- -- Warrior [5246] = Defaults(4), -- Intimidating Shout -- 破胆怒吼 [25212] = Defaults(2), -- Hamstring -- 断筋 (Rank 4) [23694] = Defaults(3), -- Improved Hamstring -- 强化断筋 [12323] = Defaults(2), -- Piercing Howl -- 刺耳怒吼 [25275] = Defaults(3), -- Intercept -- 拦截 (Rank 5) [30330] = Defaults(2), -- Mortal Strike -- 致死打击 (Rank 6) [12809] = Defaults(3), -- Concussion Blow -- 震荡猛击 -- Warlock [5782] = Defaults(3), -- Fear -- 恐惧术 (Rank 1) [6213] = Defaults(3), -- Fear -- 恐惧术 (Rank 2) [6215] = Defaults(3), -- Fear -- 恐惧术 (Rank 3) [710] = Defaults(2), -- Banish -- 放逐术 (Rank 1) [18647] = Defaults(2), -- Banish -- 放逐术 (Rank 2) [6358] = Defaults(3), -- Seduction -- 魅惑 [11719] = Defaults(3), -- Curse of Tongues -- 语言诅咒 [17928] = Defaults(3), -- Howl of Terror -- 恐惧嚎叫 (Rank 2) [24259] = Defaults(3), -- Spell Lock -- 法术锁定 [27223] = Defaults(5), -- Death Coil -- 死亡缠绕 (Rank 4) [30108] = Defaults(5), -- Unstable Affliction -- 痛苦无常 (Rank 3) [31117] = Defaults(5), -- U&A Silenced -- 痛苦无常 (沉默) [30414] = Defaults(2), -- Shadowfury -- 暗影之怒 (Rank 4) [27215] = Defaults(2), -- Immolate -- 献祭 (Rank 9) [27216] = Defaults(2), -- Corruption -- 腐蚀术 (Rank 7) -- Priest [10890] = Defaults(3), -- Psychic Scream -- 心灵尖啸 (Rank 4) [10912] = Defaults(5), -- Mind Control -- 精神控制 (Rank 3) [15487] = Defaults(3), -- Silence -- 沉默 [15269] = Defaults(1), -- Blackout -- 昏阙 [25368] = Defaults(2), -- Shadow Word: Pain -- 暗言术:痛 (Rank 10) [34917] = Defaults(2), -- Vampiric Touch -- 吸血鬼之触 (Rank 3) -- Rogue [1833] = Defaults(3), -- Cheap Shot -- 偷袭 [2094] = Defaults(5), -- Blind -- 致盲 [8643] = Defaults(4), -- Kidney Shot -- 肾击 (Rank 2) [11297] = Defaults(4), -- Sap -- 闷棍 (Rank 3) [38764] = Defaults(2), -- Gouge -- 凿击 (Rank 6) [1330] = Defaults(3), -- Garrote - Silence -- 锁喉沉默 [18425] = Defaults(3), -- Kick - Silenced -- 脚踢 - 沉默 [11201] = Defaults(2), -- Crippling Poison -- 致残毒药 -- Mage [116] = Defaults(2), -- Frostbolt -- 寒冰箭 (Rank 1) [38697] = Defaults(2), -- Frostbolt -- 寒冰箭 (Rank 14) [12826] = Defaults(3), -- Polymorph -- 变形术 [28271] = Defaults(3), -- Polymorph: Turtle -- 变形术:龟 [28272] = Defaults(3), -- Polymorph: Pig -- 变形术:猪 [27087] = Defaults(4), -- Cone of Cold -- 冰锥术 (Rank 6) [122] = Defaults(4), -- Frost Nova -- 冰霜新星 (Rank 1) [865] = Defaults(4), -- Frost Nova -- 冰霜新星 (Rank 2) [6131] = Defaults(4), -- Frost Nova -- 冰霜新星 (Rank 3) [10230] = Defaults(4), -- Frost Nova -- 冰霜新星 (Rank 4) [27088] = Defaults(4), -- Frost Nova -- 冰霜新星 (Rank 5) [33395] = Defaults(4), -- W&E Freeze -- 冰冻术 (水元素) [12494] = Defaults(4), -- Frostbite -- 霜寒刺骨 [18469] = Defaults(3), -- Counterspell Silenced -- 法术反制 -沉默 [31589] = Defaults(3), -- Slow -- 减速 [33043] = Defaults(3), -- Dragon's Breath -- 龙息术 -- Hunter [1543] = Defaults(2), -- Flare -- 照明弹 [5116] = Defaults(2), -- Concussive Shot -- 震荡射击 [14325] = Defaults(2), -- Hunter's Mark -- 猎人印记 (Rank 4) [14309] = Defaults(3), -- Freezing Trap -- 冰冻陷阱 (Rank 3) [19185] = Defaults(3), -- Entrapment -- 诱捕 [19229] = Defaults(3), -- Improved Wing Clip -- 强化摔绊 [19503] = Defaults(3), -- Scatter Shot -- 驱散射击 [27018] = Defaults(2), -- Viper Sting -- 蝰蛇钉刺 (Rank 4) [24133] = Defaults(2), -- Wyvern Sting -- 翼龙钉刺 (Rank 3) [27065] = Defaults(2), -- Aimed Shot -- 瞄准射击 (Rank 7) [27067] = Defaults(3), -- Counterattack -- 反击 (Rank 4) [27016] = Defaults(2), -- Serpent Sting -- 毒蛇钉刺 (Rank 10) -- Druid [26993] = Defaults(5), -- Faerie Fire -- 精灵之火 (Rank 5) [27011] = Defaults(5), -- Faerie Fire (Feral) -- 精灵之火 (野性) (Rank 5) [9853] = Defaults(2), -- Entangling Roots -- 纠缠根须 [8983] = Defaults(4), -- Bash -- 重击 (Rank 3) [16922] = Defaults(2), -- Starfire Stun -- 星火昏迷 [22570] = Defaults(2), -- Maim -- 割碎 [27006] = Defaults(3), -- Pounce -- 突袭 (Rank 4) [33786] = Defaults(5), -- Cyclone -- 飓风术 [45334] = Defaults(3), -- Feral Charge Effect -- 野性冲锋效果 -- Paladin [10308] = Defaults(4), -- Hammer of Justice -- 制裁之锤 (Rank 4) [20066] = Defaults(3), -- Repentance -- 忏悔 -- Shaman [2484] = Defaults(1), -- Earthbind Totem -- 地缚图腾 [25464] = Defaults(1), -- Frost Shock -- 冰霜震击 (Rank 5) } ORD:RegisterDebuffs(DebuffList) -- don't touch this ...
return {width=64,height=32,type='NAMEDuint4_4'}
object_tangible_item_som_jedi_watch_dog_chest = object_tangible_item_som_shared_jedi_watch_dog_chest:new { } ObjectTemplates:addTemplate(object_tangible_item_som_jedi_watch_dog_chest, "object/tangible/item/som/jedi_watch_dog_chest.iff")
class = require 'class' Crystal = require 'crystals.crystal' Dust = class(Crystal) function Dust:init() Crystal.init(self, 4, 4, 40, 7, 2,"crystals/dust.png")) end return Dust
data:extend( { { type = "item-subgroup", name = "aragas-brass-alloy-mixing", group = "angels-casting", order = "ca", }, { type = "item-subgroup", name = "aragas-bronze-alloy-mixing", group = "angels-casting", order = "da", }, { type = "item-subgroup", name = "aragas-gunmetal-alloy-mixing", group = "angels-casting", order = "ea", }, { type = "item-subgroup", name = "aragas-invar-alloy-mixing", group = "angels-casting", order = "fa", }, { type = "item-subgroup", name = "aragas-cobalt-steel-alloy-mixing", group = "angels-casting", order = "ga", }, { type = "item-subgroup", name = "aragas-nitinol-alloy-mixing", group = "angels-casting", order = "ha", }, } )