local socket = require "socket" local shape = require "shape" local udp local isDown = love.keyboard.isDown local setColor = function love.load() udp = socket.udp() udp:settimeout(0) udp:setpeername(ADDRESS, PORT),0,0) load_shape_coords() end function love.keypressed(key) check_enabled(key, "down") end function love.keyreleased(key) check_enabled(key, "up") end function check_enabled(key, action) if ENABLED[key] then udp:send(key .. " " .. action) end end function load_shape_coords() local x_off,y_off = 20,20 local pad_radius = 100 local pad_width = pad_radius*2 local body_width = 200 local body_height = 60 local but_radius = 20 local but_off = 5 local but_width = but_radius*2 local lpad = shape.Circle:new(x_off, y_off, pad_width) local rpad = shape.Circle:new(pad_radius*2+body_width+x_off, y_off, pad_width) local body = shape.Rectangle:new(pad_radius*2+x_off, pad_radius+y_off-body_height/2, body_width, body_height) local up = shape.Triangle:new(pad_radius-but_radius, pad_radius-but_width-but_radius, but_width, but_width, 'u') local down = shape.Triangle:new(pad_radius-but_radius, pad_radius+but_radius, but_width, but_width, 'd') local left = shape.Triangle:new(pad_radius-but_width-but_radius, pad_radius-but_radius, but_width, but_width, 'l') local right = shape.Triangle:new(pad_radius+but_radius, pad_radius-but_radius, but_width, but_width, 'r') rpad:set_child(up, down, left, right) local x = shape.Circle:new(pad_radius+but_radius, pad_radius-but_radius, but_width) local a = shape.Circle:new(pad_radius-but_width-but_radius, pad_radius-but_radius, but_width) local s = shape.Circle:new(pad_radius-but_radius, pad_radius-but_radius*3, but_width) local z = shape.Circle:new(pad_radius-but_radius, pad_radius+but_radius, but_width) lpad:set_child(x, z, s, a) local start = shape.Rectangle:new(body_width/2-but_width-but_off-15, body_height/2-but_radius, but_width+15, but_width-10) local slct = shape.Rectangle:new(body_width/2+but_off, body_height/2-but_radius, but_width+15, but_width-10) body:set_child(start, slct) love.draw = function() -- draw controller setColor(255,255,255) lpad:draw() rpad:draw() body:draw() setColor(0,0,0) -- draw arrows draw('up', up) draw('down', down) draw('left', left) draw('right', right) -- a and b buttons draw('x', x) x:with_offset(tprint"a") draw('z', z) z:with_offset(tprint"b") draw('s', s) s:with_offset(tprint"x") draw('a', a) a:with_offset(tprint"y") draw('return', start) start:with_offset(tprint("start", 1)) draw('rshift', slct) slct:with_offset(tprint("select", 1)) end end function tprint(text, scale) scale = scale or 2 return function(x, y) setColor(255,255,255), x+15, y+5, 0, scale, scale) setColor(0,0,0) end end function draw(key, the_shape) if isDown(key) then setColor(255,0,0) the_shape:draw() setColor(0,0,0) else the_shape:draw() end end
local lyaml = require "lyaml" local room = require "room" local location = require "location" local mob = require "mob" local item = require "item" local area = { list = {} } function area:load() for i in io.popen("ls data/areas/"):lines() do print("loading " .. i .. " area file") local f ="data/areas/" .. i, "r") local data = lyaml.load(f:read("*all")) f:close() self.list[] = data for j, r in pairs(data.rooms) do if not then print("Room without id") require "pl.pretty".dump(r) os.exit() end if room.list[] then print("Room id collision: " .. .. ", existing and new room below:") local prettydump = require "pl.pretty" prettydump(room.list[]) prettydump(r) os.exit() end room.list[] = r item.inv[] = {} location.rooms[] = {} end for j, r in pairs(data.mobs) do mob.list[j] = r item.inv[j] = {} end for mobid, roomid in pairs(data.mobresets) do location:addmob(mobid, roomid) end for roomid, inv in pairs(data.itemresets) do for i, it in pairs(inv) do = uuid() table.insert(item.inv[roomid], it) end end end end function area:save(a) local data = lyaml.dump({a}) local f ="data/areas/" .. .. ".yaml", "w+") f:write(data) f:close() end function area:roomswap(roomid, areafromid, areatoid) self.list[areatoid].rooms[roomid] = self.list[areafromid].rooms[roomid] self.list[areafromid].rooms[roomid] = nil room.list[roomid].area = areatoid end function area:new(id) local newarea = { id = id, name = "", filename = "", credits = "", rooms = {}, mobs = {}, mobresets = {}, itemresets = {} } self.list[id] = newarea end function area:addroom(room) self.list[room.area].rooms[] = room end function area:addmob(mob) self.list[room.list[location.mobs[]].area].mobs[] = mob end function area:addmobreset(mobid, roomid) self.list[room.list[roomid].area].mobresets[mobid] = roomid end function area:additemreset(item, roomid) local a = self.list[room.list[roomid].area] if not a.itemresets[roomid] then a.itemresets[roomid] = {} end table.insert(a.itemresets[roomid], item) end return area
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- All or portions of this file Copyright (c), Inc. or its affiliates or -- its licensors. -- -- For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this -- distribution (the "License"). All use of this software is governed by the License, -- or, if provided, by the license below or the license accompanying this file. Do not -- remove or modify any license notices. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local DynamicScrollBox = { Properties = { DynamicScrollBox = {default = EntityId()}, AddColorsButton = {default = EntityId()}, ColorImage = {default = EntityId()}, ColorIndexText = {default = EntityId()}, }, } function DynamicScrollBox:OnActivate() self.buttonHandler = UiButtonNotificationBus.Connect(self, self.Properties.AddColorsButton) self.dynamicSBoxDataHandler = UiDynamicScrollBoxDataBus.Connect(self, self.Properties.DynamicScrollBox) self.dynamicSBoxElementHandler = UiDynamicScrollBoxElementNotificationBus.Connect(self, self.Properties.DynamicScrollBox) self.tickBusHandler = TickBus.Connect(self); end function DynamicScrollBox:OnTick(deltaTime, timePoint) self.tickBusHandler:Disconnect() local canvas = UiElementBus.Event.GetCanvas(self.entityId) self.canvasNotificationBusHandler = UiCanvasNotificationBus.Connect(self, canvas) self:InitContent("StaticData/LyShineExamples/uiTestPaidColors.json") end function DynamicScrollBox:OnDeactivate() self.buttonHandler:Disconnect() self.canvasNotificationBusHandler:Disconnect() self.dynamicSBoxDataHandler:Disconnect() self.dynamicSBoxElementHandler:Disconnect() end function DynamicScrollBox:GetNumElements() local numColors = UiDynamicContentDatabaseBus.Broadcast.GetNumColors(eUiDynamicContentDBColorType_Paid) return numColors end function DynamicScrollBox:OnElementBecomingVisible(entityId, index) -- Get the image of the child and set the color local image = UiElementBus.Event.FindChildByName(entityId, "Icon") local color = UiDynamicContentDatabaseBus.Broadcast.GetColor(eUiDynamicContentDBColorType_Paid, index) UiImageBus.Event.SetColor(image, color) -- Get the name text of the child and set the name local nameText = UiElementBus.Event.FindChildByName(entityId, "Name") local name = UiDynamicContentDatabaseBus.Broadcast.GetColorName(eUiDynamicContentDBColorType_Paid, index) UiTextBus.Event.SetText(nameText, name) -- Get the price text of the child and set the price local priceText = UiElementBus.Event.FindChildByName(entityId, "Price") local price = UiDynamicContentDatabaseBus.Broadcast.GetColorPrice(eUiDynamicContentDBColorType_Paid, index) UiTextBus.Event.SetText(priceText, price) end function DynamicScrollBox:OnAction(entityId, actionName) if actionName == "IconClicked" then -- Set selected color index = UiDynamicScrollBoxBus.Event.GetLocationIndexOfChild(self.Properties.DynamicScrollBox, entityId) local color = UiDynamicContentDatabaseBus.Broadcast.GetColor(eUiDynamicContentDBColorType_Paid, index) UiImageBus.Event.SetColor(self.Properties.ColorImage, color) -- Set selected index UiTextBus.Event.SetText(self.Properties.ColorIndexText, index) end end function DynamicScrollBox:OnButtonClick() if (UiButtonNotificationBus.GetCurrentBusId() == self.Properties.AddColorsButton) then self:InitContent("StaticData/LyShineExamples/uiTestMorePaidColors.json") UiInteractableBus.Event.SetIsHandlingEvents(self.Properties.AddColorsButton, false) end end function DynamicScrollBox:InitContent(jsonFilepath) -- Refresh the dynamic content database with the specified json file UiDynamicContentDatabaseBus.Broadcast.Refresh(eUiDynamicContentDBColorType_Paid, jsonFilepath) -- Refresh the dynamic scrollbox. This will trigger events from the -- UiDynamicScrollBoxDataBus and the UiDynamicScrollBoxElementNotificationBus UiDynamicScrollBoxBus.Event.RefreshContent(self.Properties.DynamicScrollBox) -- Force the hover interactable to be the scroll box. -- The scroll box is set to auto-activate, but it could still have the hover -- since it starts out having no children. Now that it may contain children, -- force it to be the hover in order to auto-activate it and pass the hover to its child local canvas = UiElementBus.Event.GetCanvas(self.entityId) UiCanvasBus.Event.ForceHoverInteractable(canvas, self.Properties.DynamicScrollBox) end return DynamicScrollBox
local assets= { Asset("ANIM", "anim/"), Asset("SOUND", "sound/common.fsb"), } local prefabs = { "twigs", "dug_sapling", } local function ontransplantfn(inst) inst.components.pickable:MakeEmpty() end local function dig_up(inst, chopper) if inst.components.pickable and inst.components.pickable:CanBePicked() then inst.components.lootdropper:SpawnLootPrefab("twigs") end inst:Remove() local bush = inst.components.lootdropper:SpawnLootPrefab("dug_sapling") end local function onpickedfn(inst) inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("rustle") inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("picked", false) end local function onregenfn(inst) inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("grow") inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("sway", true) end local function makeemptyfn(inst) inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("empty") end local function fn(Sim) local inst = CreateEntity() local trans = inst.entity:AddTransform() local anim = inst.entity:AddAnimState() local minimap = inst.entity:AddMiniMapEntity() inst.AnimState:SetRayTestOnBB(true); anim:SetBank("sapling") anim:SetBuild("sapling") anim:PlayAnimation("sway",true) anim:SetTime(math.random()*2) minimap:SetIcon( "sapling.png" ) inst:AddComponent("pickable") inst.components.pickable.picksound = "dontstarve/wilson/harvest_sticks" inst.components.pickable:SetUp("twigs", TUNING.SAPLING_REGROW_TIME) inst.components.pickable.onregenfn = onregenfn inst.components.pickable.onpickedfn = onpickedfn inst.components.pickable.makeemptyfn = makeemptyfn inst.components.pickable.ontransplantfn = ontransplantfn inst:AddComponent("inspectable") inst:AddComponent("lootdropper") inst:AddComponent("workable") inst.components.workable:SetWorkAction(ACTIONS.DIG) inst.components.workable:SetOnFinishCallback(dig_up) inst.components.workable:SetWorkLeft(1) MakeMediumBurnable(inst) MakeSmallPropagator(inst) MakeNoGrowInWinter(inst) --------------------- return inst end return Prefab( "forest/objects/sapling", fn, assets, prefabs)
local slope_cbox = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.25, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.25, -0.25, 0.5, 0, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5} } } local slope_cbox_long = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -1.5, 0.5, -0.375, 0.5}, -- NodeBox1 {-0.5, -0.375, -1.25, 0.5, -0.25, 0.5}, -- NodeBox2 {-0.5, -0.25, -1, 0.5, -0.125, 0.5}, -- NodeBox3 {-0.5, -0.125, -0.75, 0.5, 0, 0.5}, -- NodeBox4 {-0.5, 0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.125, 0.5}, -- NodeBox5 {-0.5, 0.125, -0.25, 0.5, 0.25, 0.5}, -- NodeBox6 {-0.5, 0.25, 0, 0.5, 0.375, 0.5}, -- NodeBox7 {-0.5, 0.375, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, -- NodeBox8 } } local icorner_cbox = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.25, 0.5}, -- NodeBox5 {-0.5, -0.5, -0.25, 0.5, 0, 0.5}, -- NodeBox6 {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.25, 0, 0.5}, -- NodeBox7 {-0.5, 0, -0.5, 0, 0.25, 0.5}, -- NodeBox8 {-0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.5}, -- NodeBox9 {-0.5, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, -- NodeBox10 {-0.5, 0.25, -0.5, -0.25, 0.5, 0.5}, -- NodeBox11 } } local ocorner_cbox = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.25, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.25, -0.25, 0.25, 0, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.25, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0.25, 0.25, -0.25, 0.5, 0.5} } } local icorner_cbox_long = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -1.5, -0.25, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.25, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0, 1.5, 0.375, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -1.5, 0, 0.375, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -1.5, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -1.5, 0.5, 0.125, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -1.5, 0.75, 0, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -1.5, 1, -0.125, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -1.5, 1.25, -0.25, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -1.5, 1.5, -0.375, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -0.25, 1.5, 0.25, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 1.5, 0.125, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -0.75, 1.5, 0, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -1, 1.5, -0.125, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -1.25, 1.5, -0.25, 0.5}, } } local ocorner_cbox_long = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.25, -0.25, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0, 0, 0.375, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.125, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -0.75, 0.75, 0, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -1, 1, -0.125, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -1.25, 1.25, -0.25, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -1.5, 1.5, -0.375, 0.5}, } } local straw_slope = { --desc, color, item {"Straw", "straw", "farming:straw"}, {"Dark Straw", "straw_dark", "myroofs:straw_dark"}, {"Reet", "reet", "myroofs:reet"}, {"Copper", "copper", "myroofs:copper_roofing"}, {"Green Copper","green_copper","myroofs:green_copper_roofing"}, } for i in ipairs (straw_slope) do local desc = straw_slope[i][1] local color = straw_slope[i][2] local item = straw_slope[i][3] --Slope minetest.register_node("myroofs:"..color.."_roof", { description = desc.." Roof", drawtype = "mesh", mesh = "twelve-twelve.obj", tiles = {"myroofs_"..color..".png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = {choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, flammable=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), -- on_place = minetest.rotate_node, collision_box = slope_cbox, selection_box = slope_cbox }) --Outside Corner minetest.register_node("myroofs:"..color.."_roof_ocorner", { description = desc.." Roof Outside Corner", drawtype = "mesh", mesh = "twelve-twelve-oc.obj", tiles = {"myroofs_"..color..".png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = {choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, flammable=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), -- on_place = minetest.rotate_node, collision_box = ocorner_cbox, selection_box = ocorner_cbox }) --Inner Corner minetest.register_node("myroofs:"..color.."_roof_icorner", { description = desc.." Roof Inside Corner", drawtype = "mesh", mesh = "twelve-twelve-ic.obj", tiles = {"myroofs_"..color..".png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = {choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, flammable=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), -- on_place = minetest.rotate_node, collision_box = icorner_cbox, selection_box = icorner_cbox }) --Long Slope minetest.register_node("myroofs:"..color.."_roof_long", { description = desc.." Roof Long", drawtype = "mesh", mesh = "six-twelve_slope.obj", tiles = {"myroofs_"..color..".png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = {choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, flammable=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), -- on_place = minetest.rotate_node, collision_box = slope_cbox_long, selection_box = slope_cbox_long }) --Long Inner Corner minetest.register_node("myroofs:"..color.."_roof_long_icorner", { description = desc.." Roof Long Inside Corner", drawtype = "mesh", mesh = "six-twelve_slope-ic.obj", tiles = {"myroofs_"..color..".png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = {choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, flammable=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), -- on_place = minetest.rotate_node, collision_box = icorner_cbox_long, selection_box = icorner_cbox_long }) --Long Outside Corner minetest.register_node("myroofs:"..color.."_roof_long_ocorner", { description = desc.." Roof Long Outside Corner", drawtype = "mesh", mesh = "six-twelve_slope-oc.obj", tiles = {"myroofs_"..color..".png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = {choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, flammable=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), -- on_place = minetest.rotate_node, collision_box = ocorner_cbox_long, selection_box = ocorner_cbox_long }) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --Crafts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --Slope minetest.register_craft({ output = "myroofs:"..color.."_roof 6", recipe = { {"","",""}, {"","",item}, {"",item,item}, } }) --Outside Corner minetest.register_craft({ output = "myroofs:"..color.."_roof_ocorner 5", recipe = { {"", "", ""}, {"", item, ""}, {item, "", item}, } }) --Inside Corner minetest.register_craft({ output = "myroofs:"..color.."_roof_icorner 8", recipe = { {"","",""}, {item,"",""}, {item,item,""}, } }) --Long Slope minetest.register_craft({ output = "myroofs:"..color.."_roof_long 1", recipe = { {"", "",""}, {"", item,item}, {item, item,item}, } }) --Long Inside Corner minetest.register_craft({ output = "myroofs:"..color.."_roof_long_icorner 1", recipe = { {"", "",item}, {"", "",item}, {item, item,item}, } }) --Long Outside Corner minetest.register_craft({ output = "myroofs:"..color.."_roof_long_ocorner 1", recipe = { {"", item,""}, {"", item,""}, {item, item,item}, } }) end
module (..., package.seeall) function main(args) assert(type(args.pageurl) == 'string', '[Error] pageurl missing in plugin paginator.') assert(type(args.callback) == 'string' and type(bamboo.getPluginCallbackByName(args.callback)) == 'function', '[Error] callback missing in plugin paginator.') local params = req.PARAMS local thepage = tonumber(params.thepage) or 1 if thepage < 1 then thepage = 1 end local totalpages = tonumber(params.totalpages) if totalpages and thepage > totalpages then thepage = totalpages end local npp = tonumber(params.npp) or tonumber(args.npp) or 5 local starti = (thepage-1) * npp + 1 local endi = thepage * npp local pageurl = args.pageurl local callback = args.callback -- the callback should return 2 values: html fragment and totalnum local htmlcontent, totalnum = bamboo.getPluginCallbackByName(callback)(web, req, starti, endi) if totalnum then totalpages = math.ceil(totalnum/npp) if thepage > totalpages then thepage = totalpages end end local prevpage = thepage - 1 if prevpage < 1 then prevpage = 1 end local nextpage = thepage + 1 if nextpage > totalpages then nextpage = totalpages end return View('../plugins/paginator/paginator.html') { htmlcontent = htmlcontent, totalpages = totalpages, npp = npp, pageurl = pageurl, thepage = thepage, prevpage = prevpage, nextpage = nextpage } end
bh_canyon_corsair_captain = Creature:new { objectName = "@mob/creature_names:canyon_corsair_captain", randomNameType = NAME_GENERIC, randomNameTag = true, socialGroup = "canyon_corsair", faction = "canyon_corsair", level = 50, chanceHit = 0.5, damageMin = 395, damageMax = 500, baseXp = 4916, baseHAM = 10000, baseHAMmax = 12000, armor = 1, resists = {20,40,5,5,-1,5,5,-1,-1}, meatType = "", meatAmount = 0, hideType = "", hideAmount = 0, boneType = "", boneAmount = 0, milk = 0, tamingChance = 0, ferocity = 0, pvpBitmask = ATTACKABLE, creatureBitmask = PACK + KILLER, optionsBitmask = AIENABLED, diet = HERBIVORE, templates = { "object/mobile/dressed_corsair_captain_hum_m.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_corsair_captain_nikto_m.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_corsair_captain_wee_m.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_corsair_captain_zab_m.iff" }, lootGroups = { { groups = { {group = "tierone", chance = 2500000}, {group = "tiertwo", chance = 500000}, {group = "loot_kit_parts", chance = 500000}, {group = "color_crystals", chance = 500000}, {group = "power_crystals", chance = 1000000}, {group = "wearables_all", chance = 1000000}, {group = "weapons_all", chance = 1000000}, {group = "armor_all", chance = 1000000}, {group = "clothing_attachments", chance = 1000000}, {group = "armor_attachments", chance = 1000000} }, lootChance = 4000000 }, { groups = { {group = "tierone", chance = 2500000}, {group = "tiertwo", chance = 500000}, {group = "loot_kit_parts", chance = 500000}, {group = "color_crystals", chance = 500000}, {group = "power_crystals", chance = 1000000}, {group = "wearables_all", chance = 1000000}, {group = "weapons_all", chance = 1000000}, {group = "armor_all", chance = 1000000}, {group = "clothing_attachments", chance = 1000000}, {group = "armor_attachments", chance = 1000000} }, lootChance = 4000000 } }, weapons = {"canyon_corsair_weapons"}, conversationTemplate = "", reactionStf = "@npc_reaction/slang", attacks = merge(swordsmanmaster,carbineermaster,brawlermaster) } CreatureTemplates:addCreatureTemplate(bh_canyon_corsair_captain, "bh_canyon_corsair_captain")
local DIR = "public/daobiao/" local M = {} M.maps = loadfile(DIR .. "Scenes.lua")() return M
require "test-setup" require "lunit" local Cairo = require "oocairo" module("test.matrix", lunit.testcase, package.seeall) function test_create () local m = Cairo.matrix_create() check_matrix_elems(m) assert_equal("cairo matrix object", m._NAME) assert_equal(1, m[1]); assert_equal(0, m[3]); assert_equal(0, m[5]) assert_equal(0, m[2]); assert_equal(1, m[4]); assert_equal(0, m[6]) end function test_transform () local m = Cairo.matrix_create() m:translate(3, 4) check_matrix_elems(m) assert_equal(1, m[1]); assert_equal(0, m[3]); assert_equal(3, m[5]) assert_equal(0, m[2]); assert_equal(1, m[4]); assert_equal(4, m[6]) m = Cairo.matrix_create() m:scale(2, 3) check_matrix_elems(m) assert_equal(2, m[1]); assert_equal(0, m[3]); assert_equal(0, m[5]) assert_equal(0, m[2]); assert_equal(3, m[4]); assert_equal(0, m[6]) m = Cairo.matrix_create() m:rotate(2) check_matrix_elems(m) assert_not_equal(1, m[1]); assert_not_equal(0, m[3]); assert_equal(0, m[5]) assert_not_equal(0, m[2]); assert_not_equal(1, m[4]); assert_equal(0, m[6]) end function test_invert () local m = Cairo.matrix_create() m:translate(3, 4) m:scale(2, 3) m:rotate(2) m:invert() check_matrix_elems(m) end function test_multiply () local m1, m2 = Cairo.matrix_create(), Cairo.matrix_create() m1:scale(2, 3) m2:translate(4, 5) m1:multiply(m2) check_matrix_elems(m1) assert_equal(2, m1[1]); assert_equal(0, m1[3]); assert_equal(4, m1[5]) assert_equal(0, m1[2]); assert_equal(3, m1[4]); assert_equal(5, m1[6]) end function test_apply_transformation () local m = Cairo.matrix_create() m:scale(2, 3) m:translate(4, 5) local x, y = m:transform_point(10, 100) assert_equal(28, x) assert_equal(315, y) x, y = m:transform_distance(10, 100) assert_equal(20, x) assert_equal(300, y) end -- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
--[[ ############################################################################## S V U I By: Failcoder ############################################################################## --]] --[[ GLOBALS ]]-- local _G = _G; local unpack = _G.unpack; local select =; local ipairs = _G.ipairs; local pairs = _G.pairs; --[[ ADDON ]]-- local SV = _G['SVUI']; local L = SV.L; local MOD = SV.Skins; local Schema = MOD.Schema; --[[ ########################################################## ENCOUNTERJOURNAL MODR ########################################################## ]]-- local PVP_LOST = [[Interface\WorldMap\Skull_64Red]] local function Tab_OnEnter(this) this.backdrop:SetPanelColor("highlight") this.backdrop:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.1, 0.8, 0.8) end local function Tab_OnLeave(this) this.backdrop:SetPanelColor("dark") this.backdrop:SetBackdropBorderColor(0,0,0,1) end local function ChangeTabHelper(this, xOffset, yOffset) this:SetNormalTexture(SV.NoTexture) this:SetPushedTexture(SV.NoTexture) this:SetDisabledTexture(SV.NoTexture) this:SetHighlightTexture(SV.NoTexture) this.backdrop = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, this) this.backdrop:InsetPoints(this) this.backdrop:SetFrameLevel(0) this.backdrop:SetStyle("Frame") this.backdrop:SetPanelColor("dark") this:HookScript("OnEnter",Tab_OnEnter) this:HookScript("OnLeave",Tab_OnLeave) local initialAnchor, anchorParent, relativeAnchor, xPosition, yPosition = this:GetPoint() this:ClearAllPoints() this:SetPoint(initialAnchor, anchorParent, relativeAnchor, xOffset or 0, yOffset or 0) end local function Outline(frame, noHighlight) if(frame.Outlined) then return; end local offset = noHighlight and 30 or 5 local mod = noHighlight and 50 or 5 local panel = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, frame) panel:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', frame, 'TOPLEFT', 1, -1) panel:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', frame, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', -1, 1) --[[ UNDERLAY BORDER ]]-- local borderLeft = panel:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER") borderLeft:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0) borderLeft:SetPoint("TOPLEFT") borderLeft:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT") borderLeft:SetWidth(offset) local borderRight = panel:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER") borderRight:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0) borderRight:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT") borderRight:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT") borderRight:SetWidth(offset) local borderTop = panel:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER") borderTop:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0) borderTop:SetPoint("TOPLEFT") borderTop:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT") borderTop:SetHeight(mod) local borderBottom = panel:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER") borderBottom:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0) borderBottom:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT") borderBottom:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT") borderBottom:SetHeight(mod) if(not noHighlight) then local highlight = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "HIGHLIGHT") highlight:SetColorTexture(0, 1, 1, 0.35) highlight:SetAllPoints(panel) end frame.Outlined = true end local function _hook_EncounterJournal_SetBullets(object, ...) local parent = object:GetParent(); if (parent.Bullets and #parent.Bullets > 0) then for i = 1, #parent.Bullets do local bullet = parent.Bullets[i]; bullet.Text:SetTextColor(1,1,1) end end end local function _hook_EncounterJournal_ListInstances() local frame = EncounterJournal.instanceSelect.scroll.child local index = 1 local instanceButton = frame["instance"..index]; while instanceButton do Outline(instanceButton) index = index + 1; instanceButton = frame["instance"..index] end end local function _hook_EncounterJournal_ToggleHeaders(self) if (not self or not self.isOverview) then local usedHeaders = EncounterJournal.encounter.usedHeaders for key,used in pairs(usedHeaders) do if(not used.button.Panel) then used:RemoveTextures(true) used.button:RemoveTextures(true) used.button:SetStyle("Button") end used.description:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1) --used.button.portrait.icon:Hide() end else local overviews = EncounterJournal.encounter.overviewFrame.overviews for i = 1, #overviews do local overview = overviews[i]; if(overview) then if(not overview.Panel) then overview:RemoveTextures(true) overview.button:RemoveTextures(true) overview:SetStyle("Button") end if(overview.loreDescription) then overview.loreDescription:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1) end if(overview.description) then overview.description:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1) end end end end end local function _hook_EncounterJournal_LootUpdate() local scrollFrame =; local offset = HybridScrollFrame_GetOffset(scrollFrame); local items = scrollFrame.buttons; local item, index; local numLoot = EJ_GetNumLoot() for i = 1,#items do item = items[i]; index = offset + i; if index <= numLoot then item.icon:SetTexCoord(unpack(_G.SVUI_ICON_COORDS)) SV.API:Set("ItemButton", item) item.slot:SetTextColor(0.5, 1, 0) item.armorType:SetTextColor(1, 1, 0) item.boss:SetTextColor(0.7, 0.08, 0) end end end local function EncounterJournalStyle() if SV.db.Skins.blizzard.enable ~= true or SV.db.Skins.blizzard.encounterjournal ~= true then return end EncounterJournal:RemoveTextures(true) EncounterJournalInstanceSelect:RemoveTextures(true) EncounterJournalInset:RemoveTextures(true) EncounterJournalEncounterFrame:RemoveTextures(true) EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfo:RemoveTextures(true) EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoDifficulty:RemoveTextures(true) EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoLootScrollFrameFilterToggle:RemoveTextures(true) ChangeTabHelper(EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoOverviewTab, 10) ChangeTabHelper(EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoLootTab, 0, -10) ChangeTabHelper(EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoBossTab, 0, -10) ChangeTabHelper(EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoModelTab, 0, -20) EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoOverviewScrollFrameScrollBar:RemoveTextures() EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoOverviewScrollFrameScrollChildTitle:SetTextColor(1,1,0) EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoOverviewScrollFrameScrollChildLoreDescription:SetTextColor(1,1,1) EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoOverviewScrollFrameScrollChild.overviewDescription.Text:SetTextColor(1,1,1) EncounterJournalSearchResults:RemoveTextures(true) SV.API:Set("EditBox", EncounterJournalSearchBox) EncounterJournal:SetStyle("Frame", "Window") EncounterJournalInset:SetStyle("!_Frame", "Window2") EncounterJournalInset:SetPanelColor("darkest") SV.API:Set("ScrollBar", EncounterJournalInstanceSelectScrollFrame) SV.API:Set("ScrollBar", EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoBossesScrollFrame) SV.API:Set("ScrollBar", EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoOverviewScrollFrame) SV.API:Set("ScrollBar", EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoLootScrollFrame) SV.API:Set("ScrollBar", EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoDetailsScrollFrame) SV.API:Set("DropDown", EncounterJournalInstanceSelectTierDropDown) SV.API:Set("CloseButton", EncounterJournalCloseButton) EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoResetButton:SetStyle("Button") EncounterJournalNavBar:RemoveTextures(true) EncounterJournalNavBarOverlay:RemoveTextures(true) EncounterJournalNavBarOverflowButton:RemoveTextures(true) EncounterJournalNavBarHomeButton:RemoveTextures(true) EncounterJournalNavBarHomeButton:SetStyle("Button") EncounterJournalNavBarOverflowButton:SetStyle("Button") EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoDifficulty:SetStyle("Button") EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoDifficulty:SetFrameLevel(EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoDifficulty:GetFrameLevel() + 10) EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoLootScrollFrameFilterToggle:SetStyle("Button") EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoLootScrollFrameFilterToggle:SetFrameLevel(EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoLootScrollFrameFilterToggle:GetFrameLevel() + 10) if(EncounterJournalSuggestFrame) then SV.API:Set("PageButton", EncounterJournalSuggestFrameNextButton) SV.API:Set("PageButton", EncounterJournalSuggestFramePrevButton, false, true) if(EncounterJournalSuggestFrame.Suggestion1 and EncounterJournalSuggestFrame.Suggestion1.button) then EncounterJournalSuggestFrame.Suggestion1.button:RemoveTextures(true) EncounterJournalSuggestFrame.Suggestion1.button:SetStyle("Button") end if(EncounterJournalSuggestFrame.Suggestion2 and EncounterJournalSuggestFrame.Suggestion2.centerDisplay and EncounterJournalSuggestFrame.Suggestion2.centerDisplay.button) then EncounterJournalSuggestFrame.Suggestion2.centerDisplay.button:RemoveTextures(true) EncounterJournalSuggestFrame.Suggestion2.centerDisplay.button:SetStyle("Button") end if(EncounterJournalSuggestFrame.Suggestion3 and EncounterJournalSuggestFrame.Suggestion3.centerDisplay and EncounterJournalSuggestFrame.Suggestion3.centerDisplay.button) then EncounterJournalSuggestFrame.Suggestion3.centerDisplay.button:RemoveTextures(true) EncounterJournalSuggestFrame.Suggestion3.centerDisplay.button:SetStyle("Button") end end local tabBaseName = "EncounterJournalInstanceSelect"; if(_G[tabBaseName .. "SuggestTab"]) then _G[tabBaseName .. "SuggestTab"]:RemoveTextures(true) _G[tabBaseName .. "SuggestTab"]:SetStyle("Button") end if(_G[tabBaseName .. "DungeonTab"]) then _G[tabBaseName .. "DungeonTab"]:RemoveTextures(true) _G[tabBaseName .. "DungeonTab"]:SetStyle("Button") end if(_G[tabBaseName .. "RaidTab"]) then _G[tabBaseName .. "RaidTab"]:RemoveTextures(true) _G[tabBaseName .. "RaidTab"]:SetStyle("Button") end if(_G[tabBaseName .. "LootJournalTab"]) then _G[tabBaseName .. "LootJournalTab"]:RemoveTextures(true) _G[tabBaseName .. "LootJournalTab"]:SetStyle("Button") end local bgParent = EncounterJournal.encounter.instance local loreParent = EncounterJournal.encounter.instance.loreScroll bgParent.loreBG:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", bgParent, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0) bgParent.loreBG:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", bgParent, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 90) SV.API:Set("Frame", loreParent, "Pattern") --loreParent:SetPanelColor("dark") loreParent.child.lore:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1) EncounterJournal.encounter.infoFrame.description:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1) loreParent:SetFrameLevel(loreParent:GetFrameLevel() + 10) local frame = EncounterJournal.instanceSelect.scroll.child local index = 1 local instanceButton = frame["instance"..index]; while instanceButton do Outline(instanceButton) index = index + 1; instanceButton = frame["instance"..index] end local bulletParent = EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoOverviewScrollFrameScrollChild; if (bulletParent.Bullets and #bulletParent.Bullets > 0) then for i = 1, #bulletParent.Bullets do local bullet = bulletParent.Bullets[1]; bullet.Text:SetTextColor(1,1,1) end end EncounterJournal.instanceSelect.raidsTab:GetFontString():SetTextColor(1, 1, 1); SV.API:Set("DropDown", LootJournalViewDropDown) hooksecurefunc("EncounterJournal_SetBullets", _hook_EncounterJournal_SetBullets) hooksecurefunc("EncounterJournal_ListInstances", _hook_EncounterJournal_ListInstances) hooksecurefunc("EncounterJournal_ToggleHeaders", _hook_EncounterJournal_ToggleHeaders) hooksecurefunc("EncounterJournal_LootUpdate", _hook_EncounterJournal_LootUpdate) _hook_EncounterJournal_ToggleHeaders() end --[[ ########################################################## MOD LOADING ########################################################## ]]-- MOD:SaveBlizzardStyle('Blizzard_EncounterJournal', EncounterJournalStyle)
addEvent("onGameMessageSend2", true) addEventHandler("onGameMessageSend2", root, function(text, lang) local URL = "" .. lang .. "&q=" .. text -- Play the TTS. BASS returns the sound element even if it can not be played. -- playSound(URL) -- disabled to wait out google ban end ) addEvent("flash", true) addEventHandler("flash", resourceRoot, function() setWindowFlashing(true,0) end)
--[[ TheNexusAvenger Stores and replicates player data. Class is static (should not be created). --]] local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local ReplicatedStorageProject = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Project"):WaitForChild("ReplicatedStorage")) local ServerScriptServiceProject = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Project"):WaitForChild("ServerScriptService")):GetContext(script) local BoolGrid = ReplicatedStorageProject:GetResource("State.BoolGrid") local AchievementService = ServerScriptServiceProject:GetResource("Service.AchievementService") local PlayerDataService = ServerScriptServiceProject:GetResource("Service.PlayerDataService") local InventoryService = ServerScriptServiceProject:GetResource("Service.InventoryService") local MapDiscoveryService = ReplicatedStorageProject:GetResource("ExternalUtil.NexusInstance.NexusInstance"):Extend() MapDiscoveryService:SetClassName("MapDiscoveryService") MapDiscoveryService.DiscoveredCellsBoolGrids = {} ServerScriptServiceProject:SetContextResource(MapDiscoveryService) --[[ Initializes the data for a player. --]] function MapDiscoveryService:LoadPlayer(Player) --Set up the grid. local PlayerData = PlayerDataService:GetPlayerData(Player) local Inventory = InventoryService:GetInventory(Player) local PlayerBoolGrid =,200) self.DiscoveredCellsBoolGrids[Player] = PlayerBoolGrid self.DiscoveredCellsBoolGrids[Player]:LoadFromString(PlayerData:GetValue("DiscoveredMapCells")) --Set up discovering the map. coroutine.wrap(function() while Player.Parent do --Get the center. local Character = Player.Character if Character then local HumanoidRootPart = Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") if HumanoidRootPart then local CenterX,CenterY = math.floor((HumanoidRootPart.Position.X/100) + 0.5),math.floor((HumanoidRootPart.Position.Z/100) + 0.5) local Range = 2 + #Inventory:GetItemSlots("VisionRadiusIncrease") --Discover the sections and mark if new sections were discovered. local SectionsWereDiscovered = false for X = CenterX - Range,CenterX + Range do for Y = CenterY - Range,CenterY + Range do if not PlayerBoolGrid:GetValue(X,Y) then PlayerBoolGrid:SetValue(X,Y,true) SectionsWereDiscovered = true --Award the beyond the rocks achievement. if X < 10 and Y > 183 then AchievementService:AwardAchievement(Player,"BeyondTheRocks") end end end end --Set the value if it changed. if SectionsWereDiscovered then PlayerData:SetValue("DiscoveredMapCells",PlayerBoolGrid:Serialize()) PlayerDataService:SavesPlayerData(Player) end end end wait() end end)() end --[[ Clears a player. --]] function MapDiscoveryService:ClearPlayer(Player) --Clear the resources. self.DiscoveredCellsBoolGrids[Player] = nil end return MapDiscoveryService
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --terrain generation - dumb fractal noise function gen_terrain(res, pixel_per_km, seed) local t_id = love.image.newImageData(res, res, "r32f") --build random parameters for this seed local _r = love.math.newRandomGenerator(seed) local sox = _r:random(-100, 100) local soy = _r:random(-100, 100) local oox = _r:random(-1000, 1000) / 31 local ooy = _r:random(-1000, 1000) / 31 local n = function(x, y, scale) return ( love.math.noise( x * scale + sox, y * scale + soy ) * 2 - 1 ) end local fn = function(x, y, scale, octaves) x = x + sox y = y + soy local s = scale local t = 0 local c = 0 local octave_falloff = 0.7 local octave_scale = 1.5 local a = 1 for i = 1, octaves do local o = n(x, y, s) if i % 2 == 1 then o = math.abs(o) * 2 - 1 end t = t + o * a c = c + a x = x + oox y = y + oox s = s * octave_scale a = a * octave_falloff end return 0.5 + (t / c) * 0.75 end --perlin mountains -- t_id:mapPixel(function(x, y) -- return fn(x, y, 0.001 * res / pixel_per_km, 16) -- end) --well t_id:mapPixel(function(x, y) local n = fn(x, y, 0.001 * res / pixel_per_km, 16) local xf = math.smoothstep(x / res) local yf = math.smoothstep(y / res) local dx = (xf - 0.5) local dy = (yf - 0.5) local d = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) * 1.5 return math.lerp( math.lerp(0.7, 0.8, n), math.lerp( math.lerp(0.0, 1.0, n), math.lerp(0.3, 0.4, n), math.clamp01(1 - d * 2) ), math.clamp01(1 - d) ) end) return t_id end
--[[ Example on how to relax lattice vectors using the LBFGS algorithm. This example can take any geometry and will relax the cell vectors according to the siesta input options: - MD.MaxForceTol - MD.MaxStressTol - MD.MaxCGDispl This example is prepared to easily create a combined relaxation of several LBFGS algorithms simultaneously. In some cases this is shown to speed up the convergence because an average is taken over several optimizations. To converge using several LBFGS algorithms simultaneously may be understood phenomenologically by a "line-search" optimization by weighing two Hessian optimizations. This example defaults to two simultaneous LBFGS algorithms which seems adequate in most situations. --]] -- Load the FLOS module local flos = require "flos" -- Create the two LBFGS algorithms with -- initial Hessians 1/75 and 1/50 local geom = {} geom[1] = flos.LBFGS{H0 = 1. / 75.} geom[2] = flos.LBFGS{H0 = 1. / 50.} local lattice = {} lattice[1] = flos.LBFGS{H0 = 1. / 75.} lattice[2] = flos.LBFGS{H0 = 1. / 50.} -- Grab the unit table of siesta (it is already created -- by SIESTA) local Unit = siesta.Units -- Initial strain that we want to optimize to minimize -- the stress. local strain = flos.Array.zeros(6) -- Mask which directions we should relax -- [xx, yy, zz, yz, xz, xy] -- Default to all. local stress_mask = flos.Array.ones(6) -- To only relax the diagonal elements you may do this: stress_mask[4] = 0. stress_mask[5] = 0. stress_mask[6] = 0. -- The initial cell local cell_first -- This variable controls which relaxation is performed -- first. -- If true, it starts by relaxing the geometry (coordinates) -- (recommended) -- If false, it starts by relaxing the cell vectors. local relax_geom = true function siesta_comm() -- This routine does exchange of data with SIESTA local ret_tbl = {} -- Do the actual communication with SIESTA if siesta.state == siesta.INITIALIZE then -- In the initialization step we request the -- convergence criteria -- MD.MaxDispl -- MD.MaxStressTol siesta.receive({"geom.cell", "MD.Relax.Cell", "MD.MaxDispl", "MD.MaxForceTol", "MD.MaxStressTol"}) -- Check that we are allowed to change the cell parameters if not siesta.MD.Relax.Cell then -- We force SIESTA to relax the cell vectors siesta.MD.Relax.Cell = true ret_tbl = {"MD.Relax.Cell"} end -- Print information IOprint("\nLUA convergence information for the LBFGS algorithms:") -- Store the initial cell (global variable) cell_first = flos.Array.from(siesta.geom.cell) / Unit.Ang -- Ensure we update the convergence criteria -- from SIESTA (in this way one can ensure siesta options) IOprint("Lattice optimization:") for i = 1, #lattice do lattice[i].tolerance = siesta.MD.MaxStressTol * Unit.Ang ^ 3 / Unit.eV lattice[i].max_dF = siesta.MD.MaxDispl / Unit.Ang -- Print information if siesta.IONode then lattice[i]:info() end end IOprint("\nGeometry optimization:") for i = 1, #geom do geom[i].tolerance = siesta.MD.MaxForceTol * Unit.Ang / Unit.eV geom[i].max_dF = siesta.MD.MaxDispl / Unit.Ang -- Print information if siesta.IONode then geom[i]:info() end end if relax_geom then IOprint("\nLUA: Starting with geometry relaxation!\n") else IOprint("\nLUA: Starting with cell relaxation!\n") end end if siesta.state == siesta.MOVE then -- Regardless of the method we -- retrieve everything so that we -- can check if both are converged siesta.receive({"geom.cell", "geom.xa", "geom.fa", "geom.stress", "MD.Relaxed"}) ret_tbl = siesta_move(siesta) end siesta.send(ret_tbl) end function siesta_move(siesta) -- Dispatcher function for doing both geometry and lattice -- relaxation. -- Internally convert the siesta quantities -- to their correct physical values siesta.geom.cell = flos.Array.from(siesta.geom.cell) / Unit.Ang siesta.geom.xa = flos.Array.from(siesta.geom.xa) / Unit.Ang siesta.geom.fa = flos.Array.from(siesta.geom.fa) * Unit.Ang / Unit.eV -- The stress is the negative gradient siesta.geom.stress = -flos.Array.from(siesta.geom.stress) * Unit.Ang ^ 3 / Unit.eV -- Grab whether both methods have converged local voigt = stress_to_voigt(siesta.geom.stress) voigt = voigt * stress_mask local conv_lattice = lattice[1]:optimized(voigt) voigt = nil local conv_geom = geom[1]:optimized(siesta.geom.fa) -- Immediately return if both have converged if conv_lattice and conv_geom then siesta.MD.Relaxed = true return {'MD.Relaxed'} end -- We have not converged -- Figure out if we should switch algorithm if relax_geom and conv_geom then relax_geom = false -- Ensure that we reset the geometry relaxation for i = 1, #geom do geom[i]:reset() end -- Update the initial cell as the algorithm -- has started from a fresh (it is already -- in correct units). cell_first = siesta.geom.cell:copy() -- Also initialize the initial strain strain = flos.Array.zeros(6) IOprint("\nLUA: switching to cell relaxation!\n") elseif (not relax_geom) and conv_lattice then relax_geom = true -- Ensure that we reset the geometry relaxation for i = 1, #lattice do lattice[i]:reset() end IOprint("\nLUA: switching to geometry relaxation!\n") end -- Now perform the optimization of the method -- we currently use if relax_geom then return siesta_geometry(siesta) else return siesta_cell(siesta) end end function stress_to_voigt(stress) -- Retrieve the stress local voigt = flos.Array.empty(6) -- Copy over the stress to the Voigt representation voigt[1] = stress[1][1] voigt[2] = stress[2][2] voigt[3] = stress[3][3] -- ... symmetrize stress tensor voigt[4] = (stress[2][3] + stress[3][2]) * 0.5 voigt[5] = (stress[1][3] + stress[3][1]) * 0.5 voigt[6] = (stress[1][2] + stress[2][1]) * 0.5 return voigt end function stress_from_voigt(voigt) local stress = flos.Array.empty(3, 3) -- Copy over the stress from Voigt representation stress[1][1] = voigt[1] stress[1][2] = voigt[6] stress[1][3] = voigt[5] stress[2][1] = voigt[6] stress[2][2] = voigt[2] stress[2][3] = voigt[4] stress[3][1] = voigt[5] stress[3][2] = voigt[4] stress[3][3] = voigt[3] return stress end function siesta_geometry(siesta) -- Retrieve the atomic coordinates and the forces local xa = siesta.geom.xa -- Note the LBFGS requires the gradient, and -- the force is the negative gradient. local fa = siesta.geom.fa -- Perform step (initialize arrays to do averaging if more -- LBFGS algorithms are in use). local all_xa = {} local weight = flos.Array.empty(#geom) for i = 1, #geom do -- Calculate the next optimized structure (that -- minimizes the Hessian) all_xa[i] = geom[i]:optimize(xa, fa) -- Get the optimization length for calculating -- the best average. weight[i] = geom[i].weight end -- Normalize weight weight = weight / weight:sum() if #geom > 1 then IOprint("\nGeometry weighted average: ", weight) end -- Calculate the new coordinates and figure out -- if the algorithms has been optimized. local out_xa = all_xa[1] * weight[1] for i = 2, #geom do out_xa = out_xa + all_xa[i] * weight[i] end -- Immediately clean-up to reduce memory overhead (force GC) all_xa = nil -- Send back new coordinates (convert to Bohr) siesta.geom.xa = out_xa * Unit.Ang return {"geom.xa"} end function siesta_cell(siesta) -- Get the current cell local cell = siesta.geom.cell -- Retrieve the atomic coordinates local xa = siesta.geom.xa -- Retrieve the stress local stress = stress_to_voigt(siesta.geom.stress) stress = stress * stress_mask -- Calculate the volume of the cell to normalize the stress local vol = cell[1]:cross(cell[2]):dot(cell[3]) -- Perform step (initialize arrays to do averaging if more -- LBFGS algorithms are in use). local all_strain = {} local weight = flos.Array.empty(#lattice) for i = 1, #lattice do -- Calculate the next optimized cell structure (that -- minimizes the Hessian) -- The optimization routine requires the stress to be per cell all_strain[i] = lattice[i]:optimize(strain, stress * vol) -- The LBFGS algorithms updates the internal optimized -- variable based on stress * vol (eV / cell) -- However, we are relaxing the stress in (eV / Ang^3) -- So force the optimization to be estimated on the -- correct units. -- Secondly, the stress optimization is per element -- so we need to flatten the stress lattice[i]:optimized(stress) -- Get the optimization length for calculating -- the best average. weight[i] = lattice[i].weight end -- Normalize weight weight = weight / weight:sum() if #lattice > 1 then IOprint("\nLattice weighted average: ", weight) end -- Calculate the new optimized strain that should -- be applied to the cell vectors to minimize the stress. -- Also track if we have converged (stress < min-stress) local out_strain = all_strain[1] * weight[1] for i = 2, #lattice do out_strain = out_strain + all_strain[i] * weight[i] end -- Immediately clean-up to reduce memory overhead (force GC) all_strain = nil -- Apply mask to ensure only relaxation of cell-vectors -- along wanted directions. strain = out_strain * stress_mask out_strain = nil -- Calculate the new cell -- Note that we add one in the diagonal -- to create the summed cell local dcell = flos.Array( cell.shape ) dcell[1][1] = 1.0 + strain[1] dcell[1][2] = 0.5 * strain[6] dcell[1][3] = 0.5 * strain[5] dcell[2][1] = 0.5 * strain[6] dcell[2][2] = 1.0 + strain[2] dcell[2][3] = 0.5 * strain[4] dcell[3][1] = 0.5 * strain[5] dcell[3][2] = 0.5 * strain[4] dcell[3][3] = 1.0 + strain[3] -- Create the new cell... -- As the strain is a continuously updated value -- we need to retain the original cell (done -- above in the siesta.INITIALIZE step). local out_cell = cell_first:dot(dcell) dcell = nil -- Calculate the new scaled coordinates -- First get the fractional coordinates in the -- previous cell. local lat = flos.Lattice:new(cell) local fxa = lat:fractional(xa) -- Then convert the coordinates to the -- new cell coordinates by simple scaling. xa = fxa:dot(out_cell) lat = nil fxa = nil -- Send back new coordinates (convert to Bohr) siesta.geom.cell = out_cell * Unit.Ang siesta.geom.xa = xa * Unit.Ang return {"geom.cell", "geom.xa"} end
function test_dirty_performance(key_size) local Now = os.clock() for i = 1, 100000 do local dirty_t = {} table.begin_dirty_manage(dirty_t, "root") for j = 1, key_size do local key = "key" .. j dirty_t[key] = key end end return (os.clock() - Now) end function test_normal_performance(key_size) local Now = os.clock() for i = 1, 100000 do local dirty_t = {} for j = 1, key_size do local key = "key" .. j dirty_t[key] = key end end return (os.clock() - Now) end local KEY_SIZE = 100 local KEY_STEP = 5 local KEY_START = 10 local dirty_cost = {} local normal_cost = {} for i = KEY_START, KEY_SIZE, KEY_STEP do table.insert(dirty_cost, test_dirty_performance(i)) end for i = KEY_START, KEY_SIZE, KEY_STEP do table.insert(normal_cost, test_normal_performance(i)) end f =[1], "w+") local col = KEY_START for i = 1, #dirty_cost do local row = {col, dirty_cost[i], normal_cost[i], "\n"} f:write(table.concat(row, ",")) col = col + KEY_STEP end f:close() print(table.concat(dirty_cost, ",")) print(table.concat(normal_cost, ","))
local BaseAPI = require("gateway.plugins.base_api") local common_api = require("gateway.plugins.common_api") local table_insert = table.insert local stat = require("gateway.plugins.waf.stat") local api = BaseAPI:new("waf-api", 2) api:merge_apis(common_api("waf")) api:get("/waf/stat", function(store) return function(req, res, next) local max_count = req.query.max_count or 500 local stats = stat.get_all(max_count) local statistics = {} for i, s in ipairs(stats) do local tmp = { rule_id = s.rule_id, count = s.count, } table_insert(statistics, tmp) end local result = { success = true, data = { statistics = statistics } } res:json(result) end end) return api
AddCSLuaFile() ENT.Base = "base_gmodentity" ENT.Type = "anim" ENT.PrintName = "Ammo Pack" if SERVER then function ENT:SpawnFunction(ply) self:Remove() local wep = ply:GetActiveWeapon() if not wep:IsValid() then return end local clipSize = wep.Primary and wep.Primary.ClipSize or wep.GetStat and wep:GetStat("Primary.ClipSize") local defaultClip = wep.Primary and wep.Primary.DefaultClip or wep.GetStat and wep:GetStat("Primary.DefaultClip") if not clipSize or not defaultClip then return end local percent = clipSize / defaultClip local ammoToGive = defaultClip * percent ply:GiveAmmo(ammoToGive, wep:GetPrimaryAmmoType()) return self end end
----------------------------------------- -- LOCALIZED GLOBAL VARIABLES ----------------------------------------- local ZGV = _G.ZGV local tinsert,tremove,sort,zginherits,min,max,floor,type,pairs,ipairs,unpack = table.insert,table.remove,table.sort,table.zginherits,math.min,math.max,math.floor,type,pairs,ipairs,unpack local CHAIN = ZGV.Utils.ChainCall local ui = ZGV.UI local Button = ZGV.Class:New("Button") local SecButton = ZGV.Class:New("SecButton") local InvisButton = ZGV.Class:New("InvisButton") local DEFAULT_WIDTH = 80 local DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 20 local butColor = {HTMLColor("#333333ff")} local butHLColor = {HTMLColor("#444444ff")} ----------------------------------------- -- LOAD TIME SETUP ----------------------------------------- ui:RegisterWidget("Button",Button) ui:RegisterWidget("SecButton",SecButton) ui:RegisterWidget("InvisButton",InvisButton) ----------------------------------------- -- BUTTON CLASS FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------- -- But with a border function Button:New(parent,name) local button = CHAIN(ui:CreateControl(name,parent,CT_BUTTON,Button)) :SetDimensions(DEFAULT_WIDTH,DEFAULT_HEIGHT) :SetText(" ") -- Creates the button's label :SetFontSize(13) -- Default size, also setsfont :SetHorizontalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) :SetVerticalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) :SetHandler("OnMouseEnter",function(me) me:OnEnter() end) :SetHandler("OnMouseExit",function(me) me:OnExit() end) :SetHandler("OnClicked",function(me) print("Clicked") end) .__END = ui:Create("Backdrop",button,name and name.."_BD") CHAIN(button) :SetBackdropColor(unpack(butColor)) return button end -- This can be used to make the button just big enough to hold the text. Updates the button size on text change. -- Should be called before :SetText() function Button:SetPerfectSizing(bool) local butLabel = self:GetLabelControl() if bool then butLabel:SetHandler("OnTextChanged",function(me) local but = me:GetParent() --TODO this doesn't work if the length of the text is > the size of the button. but:SetWidth(me:GetTextWidth()) end) else butLabel:SetHandler("OnTextChanged",nil) end end function Button:OnEnter() if not then return end self:SetBackdropColor(unpack(butHLColor)) end function Button:OnExit() if not then return end self:SetBackdropColor(unpack(butColor)) end function Button:SetAllFontColor(r,g,b,a) CHAIN(self) :SetNormalFontColor(r,g,b,a) :SetDisabledFontColor(r,g,b,a) :SetPressedFontColor(r,g,b,a) :SetMouseOverFontColor(r,g,b,a) end ----------------------------------------- -- SECBUTTON CLASS FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------- -- But without a border function SecButton:New(parent,name) local button = CHAIN(ui:CreateControl(name,parent,CT_BUTTON,SecButton)) :SetDimensions(DEFAULT_WIDTH,DEFAULT_HEIGHT) :SetText(" ") -- Creates the button's label :SetFontSize(13) -- Default size, also setsfont :SetHorizontalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) :SetVerticalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) :SetHandler("OnMouseEnter",function(me) me:OnEnter() end) :SetHandler("OnMouseExit",function(me) me:OnExit() end) :SetHandler("OnClicked",function(me) print("Clicked") end) .__END = ui:Create("SecBackdrop",button,name and name.."_BD") CHAIN(button) :SetBackdropColor(unpack(butColor)) return button end ----------------------------------------- -- INVISBUTTON CLASS FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------- -- but without a backdrop function InvisButton:New(parent,name) local button = CHAIN(ui:CreateControl(name,parent,CT_BUTTON,InvisButton)) :SetText(" ") -- Creates the button's label. :SetFontSize(13) :SetHorizontalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) :SetVerticalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) :SetHandler("OnMouseEnter",function(me) me:OnEnter() end) :SetHandler("OnMouseExit",function(me) me:OnExit() end) :SetHandler("OnClicked",function(me) print("Clicked") end) .__END return button end ----------------------------------------- -- INHERITANCE ----------------------------------------- ui:InheritClass(Button,"Backdrop") ui:InheritClass(SecButton,Button) ui:InheritClass(InvisButton,Button)
-- Copyright 2011-2012 Nils Nordman <nino at> -- Copyright 2012-2014 Robert Gieseke <[email protected]> -- License: MIT (see LICENSE) --[[-- The color module provides utility functions for color handling. @module textredux.util.color ]] local M = {} --- -- Convert color in '#rrggbb' format to 'bbggrr'. function M.string_to_color(rgb) if not rgb then return nil end local r, g, b = rgb:match('^#?(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)$') if not r then error("Invalid color specification '" .. rgb .. "'", 2) end return tonumber(b .. g .. r, 16) end --- -- Convert color in hex 'bbggrr' format to string '#rrggbb' function M.color_to_string(color) local hex = string.format('%.6x', color) local b, g, r = hex:match('^(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)$') if not r then return '?' end return '#' .. r .. g .. b end return M
local ITEM = CSHOP_ITEM_CLASS:New{ name = "Наркостанция (Drug Lab)", class = "drug_lab", model = "models/props_lab/crematorcase.mdl", price = 450, category = "Черный рынок", max = 3, description = [[Этому городу не помешает немного веселья. Владеть этим незаконно!]], allowed = {TEAM_GANG, TEAM_MOB}, location = "^", }:Register(); local ITEM = CSHOP_ITEM_CLASS:New{ name = "Money printer", class = "money_printer", model = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl", price = 1000, category = "Черный рынок", description = [[Владеть этим незаконно!]], max = 2, allowed = { TEAM_TRADER, TEAM_CITIZEN, TEAM_SPY, TEAM_BIS, TEAM_MEDIC, TEAM_COOK, TEAM_THIEF, TEAM_GANG, TEAM_MOB}, location = "^", }:Register(); local ITEM = CSHOP_ITEM_CLASS:New{ name = "Keypad Cracker", class = "keypad_cracker", model = "models/weapons/w_c4.mdl", price = 1000, category = "Черный рынок", description = [[Инструмент для взлома цифровых замков.]], allowed = { TEAM_THIEF }, location = "^", }:Register(); /*local ITEM = CSHOP_ITEM_CLASS:New{ name = "Normal Printer", class = "money_normal_printer", model = "models/props_lab/reciever01a.mdl", price = 1999, category = "Черный рынок", description = [[Владеть этим незаконно!]], max = 2 }:Register(); local ITEM = CSHOP_ITEM_CLASS:New{ name = "Coal Money Printer", class = "money_coal_printer", model = "models/props_lab/reciever01a.mdl", price = 4999, category = "Черный рынок", description = [[Владеть этим незаконно!]], max = 2 }:Register(); local ITEM = CSHOP_ITEM_CLASS:New{ name = "Ruby Money Printer", class = "money_ruby_printer", model = "models/props_lab/reciever01a.mdl", price = 9999, category = "Черный рынок", description = [[Владеть этим незаконно!]], max = 2 }:Register(); local ITEM = CSHOP_ITEM_CLASS:New{ name = "Sapphire Money Printer", class = "money_sapphire_printer", model = "models/props_lab/reciever01a.mdl", price = 24999, category = "Черный рынок", description = [[Владеть этим незаконно!]], max = 2 }:Register(); local ITEM = CSHOP_ITEM_CLASS:New{ name = "Coolant Cell", class = "coolant_cell", model = "models/items/battery.mdl", price = 999, category = "Черный рынок", description = [[Владеть этим незаконно!]], max = 2 }:Register();*/
C_CurrencyInfo = {} ---@param currencyID number ---@return boolean? warModeApplies ---@return boolean? limitOncePerTooltip ---[Documentation]( function C_CurrencyInfo.DoesWarModeBonusApply(currencyID) end ---@param index number ---@param expand boolean ---[Documentation]( function C_CurrencyInfo.ExpandCurrencyList(index, expand) end ---@return number azeriteCurrencyID ---[Documentation]( function C_CurrencyInfo.GetAzeriteCurrencyID() end ---@param index number ---@return BackpackCurrencyInfo info ---[Documentation]( function C_CurrencyInfo.GetBackpackCurrencyInfo(index) end ---@param currencyType number ---@param quantity? number ---@return CurrencyDisplayInfo info ---[Documentation]( function C_CurrencyInfo.GetBasicCurrencyInfo(currencyType, quantity) end ---@param currencyType number ---@param quantity number ---@return CurrencyDisplayInfo info ---[Documentation]( function C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyContainerInfo(currencyType, quantity) end ---@param currencyLink string ---@return number currencyID ---[Documentation]( function C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyIDFromLink(currencyLink) end ---@param type number ---@return CurrencyInfo info ---[Documentation]( function C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(type) end ---@param link string ---@return CurrencyInfo info ---[Documentation]( function C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfoFromLink(link) end ---@param type number ---@param amount number ---@return string link ---[Documentation]( function C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyLink(type, amount) end ---@param index number ---@return CurrencyInfo info ---[Documentation]( function C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyListInfo(index) end ---@param index number ---@return string link ---[Documentation]( function C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyListLink(index) end ---@return number currencyListSize ---[Documentation]( function C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyListSize() end ---@param currencyID number ---@return number? factionID ---[Documentation]( ---Gets the faction ID for currency that is immediately converted into reputation with that faction instead. function C_CurrencyInfo.GetFactionGrantedByCurrency(currencyID) end ---@return number warResourceCurrencyID ---[Documentation]( function C_CurrencyInfo.GetWarResourcesCurrencyID() end ---@param currencyID number ---@param quantity number ---@return boolean isCurrencyContainer ---[Documentation]( function C_CurrencyInfo.IsCurrencyContainer(currencyID, quantity) end ---@param type number ---[Documentation]( function C_CurrencyInfo.PickupCurrency(type) end ---@param index number ---@param backpack boolean ---[Documentation]( function C_CurrencyInfo.SetCurrencyBackpack(index, backpack) end ---@param index number ---@param unused boolean ---[Documentation]( function C_CurrencyInfo.SetCurrencyUnused(index, unused) end ---@class BackpackCurrencyInfo ---@field name string ---@field quantity number ---@field iconFileID number ---@field currencyTypesID number local BackpackCurrencyInfo = {} ---@class CurrencyDisplayInfo ---@field name string ---@field description string ---@field icon number ---@field quality number ---@field displayAmount number ---@field actualAmount number local CurrencyDisplayInfo = {} ---@class CurrencyInfo ---@field name string ---@field isHeader boolean ---@field isHeaderExpanded boolean ---@field isTypeUnused boolean ---@field isShowInBackpack boolean ---@field quantity number ---@field iconFileID number ---@field maxQuantity number ---@field canEarnPerWeek boolean ---@field quantityEarnedThisWeek number ---@field isTradeable boolean ---@field quality ItemQuality ---@field maxWeeklyQuantity number ---@field totalEarned number ---@field discovered boolean ---@field useTotalEarnedForMaxQty boolean local CurrencyInfo = {}
local ICloneable = class.interface("ICloneable", { clone = "function"}) return ICloneable
-- scaffolding entry point for FasTC return dofile("FasTC.lua")
local Scene = {} Scene.__index = Scene CHARCODES = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 .,:;!?()&/-' function local scene = setmetatable({}, Scene) -- probably nothing (should be redesigned) -- constants, important structures and static data? -- I usually put stuff here (even with nil) just to know it exists = name scene.layers = {} return scene end function Scene.setup(self, ...) self.cleanup() -- ensures a clean start -- load assets -- setup graphics -- setup physics -- build level -- build gui -- etc local level_name = ... local level_data = require(LEVELS[level_name].file) self.level_name = level_name self.level_data = level_data local viewport = viewport:setSize(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT) viewport:setScale(SCREEN_SIZE_X, SCREEN_SIZE_Y) local layer = layer:setViewport(viewport) self.layer = layer MOAIRenderMgr.setRenderTable( {layer} ) ----------------------- local intermission_data = level_data.intermission self.intermission_data = intermission_data local bg_deck = bg_deck:setTexture(ResourceManager.getSprite(intermission_data.background)) bg_deck:setRect(-640, -360, 640, 360) local bg_prop = bg_prop:setDeck(bg_deck) layer:insertProp(bg_prop) self.dialog = intermission_data.dialog self.dialog_index = 1 function new_style(font, size, r, g, b) local style = () style:setFont(ResourceManager.getFont(font, size)) style:setSize(size) style:setColor(r, g, b, 1) return style; end local textbox = textbox:setStyle(new_style('DejaVuSans.ttf', 24, 1, 1, 1)) textbox:setStyle('shape', new_style('DejaVuSans.ttf', 36, unpack(intermission_data.s_color))) textbox:setStyle('other', new_style('DejaVuSans.ttf', 36, unpack(intermission_data.o_color))) textbox:setStyle('big', new_style('DejaVuSans.ttf', 50, unpack(intermission_data.o_color))) textbox:setRect(-500, -200, 500, 200) textbox:setAlignment(MOAITextBox.CENTER_JUSTIFY, MOAITextBox.CENTER_JUSTIFY) textbox:setYFlip(true) textbox:setLoc(0, -200) layer:insertProp(textbox) textbox:setString(self.dialog[self.dialog_index]) self.textbox = textbox end function Scene.focus(self) -- scene becomes the one "we're looking at" -- setup input -- start physics -- start actions/animations end function Scene.update(self, delta_time) -- do stuff -- THIS FUNCTION IS NOT A THREAD! -- THIS IS TO BE CALLED BY SceneMAnager.update() if self.clicked then self.clicked = false if self.dialog_index == #self.dialog then scene_manager:replace_scene('main_scene', self.level_name) return end self.dialog_index = self.dialog_index + 1 self.textbox:setString(self.dialog[self.dialog_index]) end end function Scene.unfocus(self) -- we "stop looking at it" -- remove/stop input callbacks -- stop/pause physics -- stop/pause actions/animations end function Scene.cleanup(self) -- teardown objects -- teardown gui -- stop and teardown physics -- release assets end function Scene.on_keyboard_event(self, key, down) -- -- do stuff... -- -- WARNINIG! Be careful with what is in here. -- this may be used with event pooling: -- (on the scene_manager update function) -- for key, state in last_frame_input() do stuff end -- OR may be used as a callback: -- (on the scene_manager input callback function) -- active_scene.on_*_event(...) -- -- If possible, keep your logic in the update function. end function Scene.on_pointer_event(self, x, y) -- -- do stuff... -- -- WARNINIG! Be careful with what is in here. -- this may be used with event pooling: -- (on the scene_manager update function) -- for key, state in last_frame_input() do stuff end -- OR may be used as a callback: -- (on the scene_manager input callback function) -- active_scene.on_*_event(...) -- -- If possible, keep your logic in the update function. end function Scene.on_mouse_left_event(self, down) -- -- do stuff... -- -- WARNINIG! Be careful with what is in here. -- this may be used with event pooling: -- (on the scene_manager update function) -- for key, state in last_frame_input() do stuff end -- OR may be used as a callback: -- (on the scene_manager input callback function) -- active_scene.on_*_event(...) -- -- If possible, keep your logic in the update function. if down == false then self.clicked = true end end function Scene.on_mouse_middle_event(self, down) -- -- do stuff... -- -- WARNINIG! Be careful with what is in here. -- this may be used with event pooling: -- (on the scene_manager update function) -- for key, state in last_frame_input() do stuff end -- OR may be used as a callback: -- (on the scene_manager input callback function) -- active_scene.on_*_event(...) -- -- If possible, keep your logic in the update function. end function Scene.on_mouse_right_event(self, down) -- -- do stuff... -- -- WARNINIG! Be careful with what is in here. -- this may be used with event pooling: -- (on the scene_manager update function) -- for key, state in last_frame_input() do stuff end -- OR may be used as a callback: -- (on the scene_manager input callback function) -- active_scene.on_*_event(...) -- -- If possible, keep your logic in the update function. end function Scene.on_touch_event(self, eventType, idx, x, y, tapCount) -- -- do stuff... -- -- WARNINIG! Be careful with what is in here. -- this may be used with event pooling: -- (on the scene_manager update function) -- for key, state in last_frame_input() do stuff end -- OR may be used as a callback: -- (on the scene_manager input callback function) -- active_scene.on_*_event(...) -- -- If possible, keep your logic in the update function. end return Scene
--[[ _____ _ _____ __ _ _ | __ \ | | / ____| / _| | | | | |__) |___ __ _ __| | | | __ _ _ __ ___| |_ _ _| | |_ _ | _ // _ \/ _` |/ _` | | | / _` | '__/ _ \ _| | | | | | | | | | | \ \ __/ (_| | (_| | | |___| (_| | | | __/ | | |_| | | | |_| | |_| \_\___|\__,_|\__,_| \_____\__,_|_| \___|_| \__,_|_|_|\__, | __/ | |___/ Hello Beauty! I know you are reading this, you'll know that you can't disable /rpname. Why? Simple, DarkRP refuses to change your name even with Player:setRPName when this is disabled. Don't worry, this has a shitty workaround to evade assholes from chagning their names without using this! If you are not reading this however, then I left a special message for you when trying to use this! Have Fun. Feel Free to report bugs and asks question about this addon. As long as they aren't stupid, I'll certainly askwer! ]] RPNameConfig = { ["NotAllowed"] = {"Fuck", "Ass", "Bitch", "@", "!", "#"}, //Everything that can't be entered in a player's name on the RPName Menu! ["MaxCaracters"] = 15, //The max caracters for each text entry. ["MinCaracters"] = 5, //The min caracters for each text entry. ["ChangeNameCost"] = 2500, //Cost to change name. }
resource_manifest_version "44febabe-d386-4d18-afbe-5e627f4af937" server_scripts { "ac_s.lua", "in_s.lua", } client_scripts { "ac_c.lua", "in_c.lua", }
---@meta ---@class cc.SpriteFrameCache :cc.Ref local SpriteFrameCache={ } cc.SpriteFrameCache=SpriteFrameCache ---* ---@param plist string ---@return boolean function SpriteFrameCache:reloadTexture (plist) end ---* Adds multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file content. The texture will be associated with the created sprite frames. <br> ---* js NA<br> ---* lua addSpriteFrames<br> ---* param plist_content Plist file content string.<br> ---* param texture Texture pointer. ---@param plist_content string ---@param texture cc.Texture2D ---@return self function SpriteFrameCache:addSpriteFramesWithFileContent (plist_content,texture) end ---* Adds an sprite frame with a given name.<br> ---* If the name already exists, then the contents of the old name will be replaced with the new one.<br> ---* param frame A certain sprite frame.<br> ---* param frameName The name of the sprite frame. ---@param frame cc.SpriteFrame ---@param frameName string ---@return self function SpriteFrameCache:addSpriteFrame (frame,frameName) end ---@overload fun(string:string,cc.Texture2D1:string):self ---@overload fun(string:string):self ---@overload fun(string:string,cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D):self ---@param plist string ---@param texture cc.Texture2D ---@return self function SpriteFrameCache:addSpriteFramesWithFile (plist,texture) end ---* Returns an Sprite Frame that was previously added.<br> ---* If the name is not found it will return nil.<br> ---* You should retain the returned copy if you are going to use it.<br> ---* js getSpriteFrame<br> ---* lua getSpriteFrame<br> ---* param name A certain sprite frame name.<br> ---* return The sprite frame. ---@param name string ---@return cc.SpriteFrame function SpriteFrameCache:getSpriteFrameByName (name) end ---* Removes multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file.<br> ---* Sprite Frames stored in this file will be removed.<br> ---* It is convenient to call this method when a specific texture needs to be removed.<br> ---* since v0.99.5<br> ---* param plist The name of the plist that needs to removed. ---@param plist string ---@return self function SpriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFramesFromFile (plist) end ---* Initialize method.<br> ---* return if success return true. ---@return boolean function SpriteFrameCache:init () end ---* Purges the dictionary of loaded sprite frames.<br> ---* Call this method if you receive the "Memory Warning".<br> ---* In the short term: it will free some resources preventing your app from being killed.<br> ---* In the medium term: it will allocate more resources.<br> ---* In the long term: it will be the same. ---@return self function SpriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFrames () end ---* Removes unused sprite frames.<br> ---* Sprite Frames that have a retain count of 1 will be deleted.<br> ---* It is convenient to call this method after when starting a new Scene.<br> ---* js NA ---@return self function SpriteFrameCache:removeUnusedSpriteFrames () end ---* Removes multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file content.<br> ---* Sprite Frames stored in this file will be removed.<br> ---* It is convenient to call this method when a specific texture needs to be removed.<br> ---* param plist_content The string of the plist content that needs to removed.<br> ---* js NA ---@param plist_content string ---@return self function SpriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFramesFromFileContent (plist_content) end ---* Deletes an sprite frame from the sprite frame cache. <br> ---* param name The name of the sprite frame that needs to removed. ---@param name string ---@return self function SpriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFrameByName (name) end ---* Check if multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file have been loaded.<br> ---* js NA<br> ---* lua NA<br> ---* param plist Plist file name.<br> ---* return True if the file is loaded. ---@param plist string ---@return boolean function SpriteFrameCache:isSpriteFramesWithFileLoaded (plist) end ---* Removes all Sprite Frames associated with the specified textures.<br> ---* It is convenient to call this method when a specific texture needs to be removed.<br> ---* since v0.995.<br> ---* param texture The texture that needs to removed. ---@param texture cc.Texture2D ---@return self function SpriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFramesFromTexture (texture) end ---* Destroys the cache. It releases all the Sprite Frames and the retained instance.<br> ---* js NA ---@return self function SpriteFrameCache:destroyInstance () end ---* Returns the shared instance of the Sprite Frame cache.<br> ---* return The instance of the Sprite Frame Cache.<br> ---* js NA ---@return self function SpriteFrameCache:getInstance () end
local a=module("_core","libs/Tunnel")local b=module("_core","libs/Proxy")APICKF=b.getInterface('API')cAPI=a.getInterface('cAPI')emP={}a.bindInterface("hpp_motorista",emP)Citizen.CreateThread(function()while true do Citizen.Wait(5*60*1000)collectgarbage("count")collectgarbage("collect")end end)function emP.checkPayment(c)local d=source;local e=APICKF.getUserFromSource(d)if e then local f=e:getCharacter()if f then local g=math.random(150,200)+c;f:addItem("generic_money",g)return g end end end
#!/usr/bin/env love -- LOVFL -- 0.3 -- File Function (love2d) -- lovfl.lua -- MIT License -- Copyright (c) 2018 Alexander Veledzimovich [email protected] -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a -- copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), -- to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation -- the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, -- and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the -- Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -- all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING -- FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER -- DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. if arg[1] then print('0.3 LOVFL File Function (love2d)', arg[1]) end -- lua<5.3 local unpack = table.unpack or unpack local utf8 = require('utf8') local lovfs = love.filesystem local FL={} function FL.loadAll(dir,...) local arr = {} local exist = lovfs.getInfo(dir) if not exist then return arr end if dir:sub(#dir) == '/' then dir=dir:sub(1,#dir-1) end local files = lovfs.getDirectoryItems(dir) for i=1,#files do local path = files[i] if #dir>0 then path = dir..'/'..files[i] end local base = FL.base(path) exist = lovfs.getInfo(path) if (exist and exist.type=='file' and FL.isExt(path,...)) then arr[base] = path end end return arr end function FL.removeAll(dir,rmdir) if not dir then return end local exist = lovfs.getInfo(dir) if not exist then return end if dir:sub(#dir) == '/' then dir=dir:sub(1,#dir-1) end local function remove(item,rm) exist = lovfs.getInfo(item) if exist and exist.type=='directory' then local files = lovfs.getDirectoryItems(item) for i=1,#files do local path = files[i] if #dir>0 then path = dir..'/'..files[i] end remove(path,true) lovfs.remove(path) end else lovfs.remove(item) end if rm then lovfs.remove(item) end end remove(dir,rmdir) end function FL.loadPath(path,...) local arr = {} local exist = lovfs.getInfo(path) if not exist then return arr end if exist.type=='file' then if FL.isExt(path,...) then arr[FL.base(path)] = path end else arr = FL.loadAll(path,...) end return arr end function return path:match('[^/]+$') end function FL.base(path) return path:match('([^/]+)[%.]') end function FL.noext(path) return path:match('([^.]+)[%.]') end function FL.ext(path) return path:match('[^.]+$') end function FL.isExt(path,...) local extensions={...} local ext = FL.ext(path) local ans = false for e=1,#extensions do if extensions[e] == ext then ans = true end end return ans end function FL.tree(dir,arr,verbose) dir = dir or '' arr = arr or {} if dir:sub(#dir) == '/' then dir=dir:sub(1,#dir-1) end local files = lovfs.getDirectoryItems(dir) if verbose then print('dir', dir) end for i=1, #files do local path = files[i] if #dir>0 then path = dir..'/'..files[i] end if lovfs.getInfo(path).type=='file' then arr[#arr+1] = path if verbose then print(#arr,path) end elseif lovfs.getInfo(path).type=='directory' then FL.tree(path,arr,verbose) end end return arr end function FL.loadFile(path) local file =,'r') local content = file:read('*a') file:close() return content end function FL.saveFile(path,datastr) local file =,'w') file:write(datastr) file:close() end function FL.appendFile(path,datastr) local file =,'a') file:write(datastr) file:close() end function FL.copyFile(path,dir) local newpath = dir..'/' local datastr = FL.loadFile(path) FL.saveFile(newpath,datastr) end function FL.loadLove(path) local chunk, err = lovfs.load(path) if not err then return chunk() end end function FL.saveLove(path,datastr,open) local file = lovfs.newFile(path,'w') file:write(datastr) file:close() if open then love.system.openURL('file://'..lovfs.getSaveDirectory()) end end -- love.filedropped(file) function FL.copyLove(file,dir,open) dir = dir or '' if not lovfs.getInfo(dir) then lovfs.createDirectory(dir) end local filename = file:getFilename() FL.copyFile(filename, lovfs.getSaveDirectory()..'/'..dir) if open then love.system.openURL('file://'..lovfs.getSaveDirectory()) end return filename end return FL
local wordcount = {} function wordcount.word_count( s ) local res = {} for v in string.gmatch(s, "%w+") do local key = string.lower(v) local val = res[key] or 0 res[key] = val + 1 end return res end return wordcount
ESX = nil TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end) RegisterServerEvent("newName") AddEventHandler("newName", function (newName) local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source) xPlayer.setName(newName) end)
p ="Part") p.Anchored = true p.Position =,500,0) p.Size =,0,50) p.Parent = game.Workspace p.Locked = true p.Transparency = 0.5 p ="Part") p.Anchored = true p.Position =,501,0) p.Size =,50,50) p.Parent = game.Workspace p.Locked = true p.Transparency = 0.5 p ="Part") p.Anchored = true p.Position =,501,0) p.Size =,50,50) p.Parent = game.Workspace p.Locked = true p.Transparency = 0.5 p ="Part") p.Anchored = true p.Position =,501,25) p.Size =,50,0) p.Parent = game.Workspace p.Locked = true p.Transparency = 0.5 p ="Part") p.Anchored = true p.Position =,501,-25) p.Size =,50,0) p.Parent = game.Workspace p.Locked = true p.Transparency = 0.5 p ="Part") p.Anchored = true p.Position =,525,0) p.Size =,0,50) p.Parent = game.Workspace p.Locked = true p.Transparency = 0.5 p= game.Players:GetChildren() for i= 1, #p do if p[i] ~= "peyquinn" then p[i].Character.Torso.CFrame =,515,0) end end
ENT.Base = "base_ai" ENT.Type = "ai" ENT.PrintName = "Harbor_UpgradeShop" ENT.Author = "SERVER" ENT.Contact = "N/A" ENT.Purpose = "Tester" ENT.Instructions= "" ENT.AutomaticFrameAdvance = true function ENT:OnRemove() end function ENT:PhysicsCollide( data, physobj ) end function ENT:PhysicsUpdate( physobj ) end function ENT:SetAutomaticFrameAdvance( bUsingAnim ) self.AutomaticFrameAdvance = bUsingAnim end
--Id's used via net message to identify the message type BATM_NET_COMMANDS = { --Client to server selectAccount = 1, deposit = 2, withdraw = 3, transfer = 4, kickUser = 5, addUser = 6, --Server to client receiveAccountInfo = 50, } timer.Simple(0.01, function() DarkRP.createEntity("Chip 'n' Pin", { ent = "atm_reader", model = "models/bluesatm/atm_reader.mdl", price = 500, max = 8, cmd = "buychpnpin", }) end)
--Thin map over an lpeg grammar table, returns a compiled lpeg grammar local lpeg = require"lpeg" local Module = require"Toolbox.Import.Module" local Tools = require"Toolbox.Tools" local Object = Module.Relative"Object" return Object( "Flat.Grammar", { Construct = function(self, Rules) self.Rules = Rules or {} end; Decompose = function(self) return lpeg.P(self.Rules) end; Copy = function(self) return Tools.Table.Copy(self.Rules) end, Merge = function(Into, From) for Name, Rule in pairs(From.Rules) do Tools.Error.CallerAssert(Into.Rules[Name] == nil, "Cant overwrite existing rule ".. Name,1) Into.Rules[Name] = Rule end end } );
print("Hello lua") if true then print("Yes ") end tab = {10,20,30,40,50,age=120,'Hello'} for i,v in pairs(tab) do -- pairs 函数会遍历所有key=val ipairs则只会遍历数字键的val print("k,v",i,v) end print("table len",#tab,table.getn(tab)) str = "Hello world" j,i = string.find(str,"wo",8) print(j,i)
local neogit = require("neogit") neogit.setup { disable_commit_confirmation = true } vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>k', '<cmd>Neogit<CR>', { noremap = true })
Quaternion = {} function a, b, c, d ) local q = { a = a or 1, b = b or 0, c = c or 0, d = d or 0 } local metatab = {} setmetatable( q, metatab ) metatab.__add = Quaternion.add metatab.__sub = Quaternion.sub metatab.__unm = Quaternion.unm metatab.__mul = Quaternion.mul return q end function Quaternion.add( p, q ) if type( p ) == "number" then return p+q.a, q.b, q.c, q.d ) elseif type( q ) == "number" then return p.a+q, p.b, p.c, p.d ) else return p.a+q.a, p.b+q.b, p.c+q.c, p.d+q.d ) end end function Quaternion.sub( p, q ) if type( p ) == "number" then return p-q.a, q.b, q.c, q.d ) elseif type( q ) == "number" then return p.a-q, p.b, p.c, p.d ) else return p.a-q.a, p.b-q.b, p.c-q.c, p.d-q.d ) end end function Quaternion.unm( p ) return -p.a, -p.b, -p.c, -p.d ) end function Quaternion.mul( p, q ) if type( p ) == "number" then return p*q.a, p*q.b, p*q.c, p*q.d ) elseif type( q ) == "number" then return p.a*q, p.b*q, p.c*q, p.d*q ) else return p.a*q.a - p.b*q.b - p.c*q.c - p.d*q.d, p.a*q.b + p.b*q.a + p.c*q.d - p.d*q.c, p.a*q.c - p.b*q.d + p.c*q.a + p.d*q.b, p.a*q.d + p.b*q.c - p.c*q.b + p.d*q.a ) end end function Quaternion.conj( p ) return p.a, -p.b, -p.c, -p.d ) end function Quaternion.norm( p ) return math.sqrt( p.a^2 + p.b^2 + p.c^2 + p.d^2 ) end function Quaternion.print( p ) print( string.format( "%f + %fi + %fj + %fk\n", p.a, p.b, p.c, p.d ) ) end
--- === WindowManagerModal === --- --- Enables modal hotkeys that allow for more granular control over the size and position of the frontmost window. Shows a small window that serves as a cheat sheet. local Window = require("hs.window") local Geometry = require("hs.geometry") local Hotkey = require("hs.hotkey") local Screen = require("hs.screen") local Drawing = require("hs.drawing") local Webview = require("hs.webview") local obj = {} obj.__index = obj = "WindowManagerModal" obj.version = "1.0" = "roeybiran <[email protected]>" obj.homepage = "" obj.license = "MIT -" obj.windowManagerModal = nil obj.cheatSheet = nil local function move(direction) local point if direction == "right" then point = {60, 0} elseif direction == "left" then point = {-60, 0} elseif direction == "up" then point = {0, -60} elseif direction == "down" then point = {0, 60} end Window.focusedWindow():move(point) end local function resize(resizeKind) local rect local currentFrame = Window.focusedWindow():frame() local x = currentFrame._x local y = currentFrame._y local w = currentFrame._w local h = currentFrame._h if resizeKind == "growToTop" then rect = {x = x, y = y - 30, w = w, h = h + 30} elseif resizeKind == "growToRight" then rect = {x = x, y = y, w = w + 30, h = h} elseif resizeKind == "growToBottom" then rect = {x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h + 30} elseif resizeKind == "growToLeft" then rect = {x = x - 30, y = y, w = w + 30, h = h} elseif resizeKind == "shrinkFromTop" then rect = {x = x, y = y + 30, w = w, h = h - 30} elseif resizeKind == "shrinkFromBottom" then rect = {x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h - 30} elseif resizeKind == "shrinkFromRight" then rect = {x = x, y = y, w = w - 30, h = h} elseif resizeKind == "shrinkFromLeft" then rect = {x = x + 30, y = y, w = w - 30, h = h} end Window.focusedWindow():setFrame(Geometry.rect(rect)) end local modalHotkeys = { {shortcut = {modifiers = {}, key = "up"}, pressedfn = move, repeatfn = move, arg = "up", txt = "Move Up"}, {shortcut = {modifiers = {}, key = "down"}, pressedfn = move, repeatfn = move, arg = "down", txt = "Move Down"}, {shortcut = {modifiers = {}, key = "left"}, pressedfn = move, repeatfn = move, arg = "left", txt = "Move Left"}, {shortcut = {modifiers = {}, key = "right"}, pressedfn = move, repeatfn = move, arg = "right", txt = "Move Right"}, { shortcut = {modifiers = {"alt"}, key = "left"}, pressedfn = resize, repeatfn = resize, arg = "shrinkFromRight", txt = "Shrink from Right" }, { shortcut = {modifiers = {"alt"}, key = "right"}, pressedfn = resize, repeatfn = resize, arg = "shrinkFromLeft", txt = "Shrink from Left" }, { shortcut = {modifiers = {"alt"}, key = "up"}, pressedfn = resize, repeatfn = resize, arg = "shrinkFromBottom", txt = "Shrink from Bottom" }, { shortcut = {modifiers = {"alt"}, key = "down"}, pressedfn = resize, repeatfn = resize, arg = "shrinkFromTop", txt = "Shrink from Top" }, { shortcut = {modifiers = {"cmd"}, key = "right"}, pressedfn = resize, repeatfn = resize, arg = "growToRight", txt = "Grow to Right" }, { shortcut = {modifiers = {"cmd"}, key = "left"}, pressedfn = resize, repeatfn = resize, arg = "growToLeft", txt = "Grow to Left" }, { shortcut = {modifiers = {"cmd"}, key = "down"}, pressedfn = resize, repeatfn = resize, arg = "growToBottom", txt = "Grow to Bottom" }, { shortcut = {modifiers = {"cmd"}, key = "up"}, pressedfn = resize, repeatfn = resize, arg = "growToTop", txt = "Grow to Top" } } local glyps = {alt = "⌥", ctrl = "⌃", cmd = "⌘", left = "←", right = "→", down = "↓", up = "↑"} local function createCheatSheet() local cheatSheetContents = "" -- build the cheatsheet for _, keyDescription in ipairs(modalHotkeys) do local shortcut = keyDescription.shortcut local shortcutString = "" for _, modifier in ipairs(shortcut.modifiers) do shortcutString = shortcutString .. glyps[modifier] end shortcutString = shortcutString .. glyps[shortcut.key] local action = keyDescription.txt local row = string.format( [[ <tr> <td class="glyphs">%s</td> <td class="description">%s</td> </tr> ]], shortcutString, action ) cheatSheetContents = cheatSheetContents .. "\n" .. row end -- format the html local html = string.format( [[ <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> html, body { background-color: black; color: white; font-family: -apple-system, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } td { } table { padding-top: 24px; padding-bottom: 24px; padding-left: 24px; padding-right: 24px; } .glyphs { text-align: left; padding-right: 16px; font-weight: bolder; } .description { text-align: right; padding-left: 16px; } </style> </head> <body> <table>%s</table> </body> </html> ]], cheatSheetContents ) -- window settings local screenFrame = Screen.mainScreen():frame() local screenCenterX = screenFrame.w / 2 local screenCenterY = screenFrame.h / 2 local modalWidth = screenFrame.w / 7 local modalHeight = screenFrame.h / 3 obj.cheatSheet = { x = (screenCenterX - modalWidth / 2), y = (screenCenterY - modalHeight / 2), w = modalWidth, h = modalHeight } ) obj.cheatSheet:windowStyle({"titled", "nonactivating", "utility"}) obj.cheatSheet:shadow(true) obj.cheatSheet:windowTitle("Window Manager") obj.cheatSheet:html(html) obj.cheatSheet:level(Drawing.windowLevels._MaximumWindowLevelKey) end function obj:start() obj.windowManagerModal:enter() createCheatSheet() obj.cheatSheet:show() end function obj:stop() obj.windowManagerModal:exit() obj.cheatSheet:delete() end function obj:init() obj.windowManagerModal = for _, binding in ipairs(modalHotkeys) do local arg = binding.arg obj.windowManagerModal:bind( binding.shortcut.modifiers, binding.shortcut.key, function() binding.pressedfn(arg) end, nil, function() binding.repeatfn(arg) end ) end obj.windowManagerModal:bind({}, "escape", obj.stop) obj.windowManagerModal:bind({}, "return", obj.stop) obj.windowManagerModal:bind({"cmd", "alt", "ctrl", "shift"}, "w", obj.stop) end return obj
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Phil Leblanc -- see LICENSE file ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --[[ L5 process functions run1(exe, argl, opt) => stdout, nil, exitcode or nil, errmsg run2(exe, argl, input, opt) => stdout, nil, exitcode or nil, errmsg run3(exe, argl, input, opt) => stdout, stderr, exitcode or nil, errmsg exe: path of executable program argl: argument list input: string provided to the program as stdin stdout: stdout of the program captured as a string stderr: stderr of the program captured as a string exitcode: program exitcode opt: option table opt.envl: program environment as a list of strings "key=value" (as returned by l5.environ()) the program is run in this directory opt.maxsize: if captured stdout or stderr is larger than this, the program is terminated opt.poll_timeout: poll timout in ms opt.poll_maxtimeout: total poll timeout in ms shell1(cmd, opt) => stdout, nil, exitcode or nil, errmsg shell2(cmd, input, opt) => stdout, nil, exitcode or nil, errmsg shell3(cmd, input, opt) => stdout, stderr, exitcode or nil, errmsg shell<i> are similar to run<i> functions except that the executable path and argument list are replaced with a shell command. ]] -- he = require "he" -- at l5 = require "l5" util = require "l5.util" tty = require "l5.tty" fs = require "l5.fs" local spack, sunpack = string.pack, string.unpack local strf = string.format local insert, concat = table.insert, table.concat local errm, rpad, repr = util.errm, util.rpad, util.repr local pf, px =, util.px -- Linux constants local POLLIN, POLLOUT = 1, 4 local POLLNVAL, POLLUP, POLLERR = 32, 16, 8 local O_CLOEXEC = 0x00080000 local O_NONBLOCK = 0x800 -- for non-blocking pipes local F_GETFD, F_SETFD = 1, 2 -- (used to set O_CLOEXEC) local F_GETFL, F_SETFL = 3, 4 -- (used to set O_NONBLOCK) local ENOENT = 2 local EPIPE = 32 local EINVAL = 22 local MAXINT = math.maxinteger ------------------------------------------------------------------------ local clo = function(fd) if fd and (fd ~= -1) then return l5.close(fd) end end local function spawn_child(exepath, argl, envl, pn, cd) -- pn is the number of pipes -- 1 for child stdout -- 2 for child stdin, stdout -- 3 for child stdin, stdout, stderr -- if cd is provided, the child process changes its working -- directory to cd -- return child pid, cin, cout, cerr or nil, errmsg -- cin, cout, cerr are always returned. They may be nil if not -- required according to pn. -- child exit codes: -- 99 exec failed -- 98 chdir failed -- 97 pipe dup2 failed -- create pipes: -- cin is child stdin, cout is child stdout, cerr is child stderr -- pipes are non-blocking local cin0, cin1, cout0, cout1, cerr0, cerr1 local flags, r, eno, pid cout0, cout1 = l5.pipe2() assert(cout0, cout1) if pn >= 2 then cin0, cin1 = l5.pipe2(); assert(cin0, cin1) end if pn == 3 then cerr0, cerr1 = l5.pipe2(); assert(cerr0, cerr1) end -- set cin1 non-blocking if cin then flags = assert(l5.fcntl(cin1, F_GETFL)) assert(l5.fcntl(cin1, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) end pid, eno = l5.fork() if not pid then clo(cin0); clo(cin1) clo(cout0); clo(cout1) clo(cerr0); clo(cerr1) return nil, errm(eno, "fork") end if pid == 0 then -- child if cd then -- if chdir fails, not much to do. just exit(98) r = l5.chdir(cd) or os.exit(98) end clo(cin1) -- close unused ends clo(cout0) clo(cerr0) -- set pipe ends to child stdin, stdout, stderr -- if dup2 fails then exit(97) r = l5.dup2(cout1, 1) and l5.close(cout1) or os.exit(97) if pn >= 2 then r = l5.dup2(cin0, 0) and l5.close(cin0) or os.exit(97) end if pn == 3 then r = l5.dup2(cerr1, 2) and l5.close(cerr1) or os.exit(97) end r, err = l5.execve(exepath, argl, envl) -- get here only if execve failed. os.exit(99) -- child exits with an error code end -- parent clo(cin0) -- close unused ends clo(cout1) clo(cerr1) -- parent writes to child stdin (cin1), -- and reads from child stdout (cout0) [and stderr (cerr0)] return pid, cin1, cout0, cerr0 end --spawn_child local function piperead_new(fd, maxbytes) -- create a new read task fd = fd or -1 maxbytes = maxbytes or MAXINT local prt = { -- a "piperead" task done = (fd == -1), -- nothing to do if fd=-1 fd = fd, rt = {}, -- table to collect read fragments maxbytes = maxbytes, -- max number of byte to read readbytes = 0, -- total number of bytes already read poll = (fd << 32) | (POLLIN << 16), -- poll_list entry } return prt end local function piperead(prt, rev) -- a read step in a poll loop -- prt: the piperead state -- rev: a poll revents for the prt file descriptor -- return the updated prt or nil, errmsg in case of unrecoverable -- error local em if prt.done or rev == 0 then -- nothing to do elseif rev & POLLIN ~= 0 then -- can read r, eno = if not r then em = errm(eno, "piperead") return nil, em --abort elseif #r == 0 then --eof? goto done prt.done=true else table.insert(prt.rt, r) prt.readbytes = prt.readbytes + #r if prt.readbytes > prt.maxbytes then return nil, "readbytes limit exceeded" --abort end end elseif rev & (POLLNVAL | POLLUP) ~= 0 then -- pipe closed by other party goto done elseif rev & POLLERR ~= 0 then -- cannot read. should abort. em = "cannot read from pipe (POLLERR)" return nil, em else -- unknown condition - abort em = strf("unknown poll revents: 0x%x", rev) return nil, em end--if do return prt end --return MUST be at the end of a block!!! ::done:: prt.done = true prt.poll = -1 << 32 return prt end --piperead local function pipewrite_new(fd, str) -- create a new write task fd = fd or -1 local pwt = { done = (fd == -1), -- nothing to do if fd=-1 fd = fd, s = str, si = 1, --index in s bs = 4096, --blocksize poll = (fd << 32) | (POLLOUT << 16), -- poll_list entry } return pwt end local function pipewrite(pwt, rev) -- a write step in a poll loop -- pwt: the pipewrite task -- rev: a poll revents for the pwt file descriptor -- return the updated task or nil, errmsg in case of -- unrecoverable error local em, eno, status, exitcode, cnt, wpid if pwt.done or rev == 0 then -- nothing to do elseif rev & (POLLNVAL | POLLUP | POLLERR) ~= 0 then -- cannot write. assume child is no longer there -- or has closed the pipe. => write is done. goto done elseif rev & POLLOUT ~= 0 then -- can write cnt = #pwt.s - + 1 if cnt > then cnt = end r, eno = l5.write(pwt.fd, pwt.s,, cnt) if not r then em = errm(eno, "write to cin") return nil, em else assert(r >= 0) = + r if >= #pwt.s then goto done end end else -- unknown poll condition - abort em = strf("unknown poll revents: 0%x", rev) return nil, em end do return pwt end --return MUST be at the end of a block!!! ::done:: pwt.done = true pwt.poll = -1 << 32 -- close pipe end, so that reading child can detect eof l5.close(pwt.fd) pwt.closed = true --dont close it again later return pwt end --pipewrite ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- run local function run(exepath, argl, input_str, opt, pn) -- run a program in a subprocess -- according to pn, send string to subprocess stdin, -- and capture subprocess stdout and stderr -- pn=1 stdout -- pn=2 stdin, stdout -- pn=3 stdin, stdout and stderr -- return pid, cin, cout, cerr opt = opt or {} envl = opt.envl or l5.environ() local r, eno, em, err, pid -- create pipes: cin is child stdin, cout is child stdout, -- cerr is child stderr. pipes are non-blocking. local pid, cin, cout, cerr = spawn_child( exepath, argl, envl, pn, ) if not pid then return nil, cin end --here cin is the errmsg --~ print("CHILD PID", pid) -- here parent writes to child stdin on cin and reads from -- child stdout, stderr on cout, cerr local inpwt = pipewrite_new(cin, input_str) local outprt = piperead_new(cout, opt.maxbytes) local errprt = piperead_new(cerr, opt.maxbytes) local poll_list = {inpwt.poll, outprt.poll, errprt.poll} local rev, cnt, wpid, status, exitcode local rout, rerr local timeout = opt.poll_timeout or 200 -- default timeout=200ms local maxtimeout = opt.poll_maxtimeout or MAXINT -- default is to wait forever local totaltimeout = 0 while true do -- poll cin, cout, cerr r, eno = l5.poll(poll_list, 200) -- timeout=200ms if not r then em = errm(eno, "poll") goto abort elseif r == 0 then -- timeout totaltimeout = totaltimeout + timeout if totaltimeout > maxtimeout then em = "timeout limit exceeded" goto abort end -- nothing else to do goto continue end --write to cin rev = poll_list[1] & 0xffff r, em = pipewrite(inpwt, rev) if not r then goto abort end --read from cout rev = poll_list[2] & 0xffff r, em = piperead(outprt, rev) if not r then goto abort end --read from cerr rev = poll_list[3] & 0xffff r, em = piperead(errprt, rev) if not r then goto abort end -- are we done? if inpwt.done and outprt.done and errprt.done then break end -- update the poll_list poll_list[1] = inpwt.poll poll_list[2] = outprt.poll poll_list[3] = errprt.poll ::continue:: end--while wpid, status = l5.waitpid(pid) exitcode = (status & 0xff00) >> 8 --~ pf("WAITPID\t\t%s status: 0x%x exit: %d", wpid, status, exitcode) rout = table.concat(outprt.rt) rerr = table.concat(errprt.rt) em = nil goto closeall ::abort:: rout, rerr = nil, em -- return nil, error msg ::closeall:: if not inpwt.closed then clo(cin) end clo(cout) clo(cerr) return rout, rerr, exitcode end--run local function run1(exepath, argl, opt) return run(exepath, argl, nil, opt, 1) end local function run2(exepath, argl, instr, opt) return run(exepath, argl, instr, opt, 2) end local function run3(exepath, argl, instr, opt) return run(exepath, argl, instr, opt, 3) end local function shell1(cmd, opt) return run1("/bin/sh", {"sh", "-c", cmd}, opt) end local function shell2(cmd, instr, opt) return run2("/bin/sh", {"sh", "-c", cmd}, instr, opt) end local function shell3(cmd, instr, opt) return run3("/bin/sh", {"sh", "-c", cmd}, instr, opt) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ local process = { run1 = run1, run2 = run2, run3 = run3, shell1 = shell1, shell2 = shell2, shell3 = shell3, } return process
--Copyright (C) 2009 <SWGEmu> --This File is part of Core3. --This program is free software; you can redistribute --it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser --General Public License as published by the Free Software --Foundation; either version 2 of the License, --or (at your option) any later version. --This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. --See the GNU Lesser General Public License for --more details. --You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General --Public License along with this program; if not, write to --the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA --Linking Engine3 statically or dynamically with other modules --is making a combined work based on Engine3. --Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License --cover the whole combination. --In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of Engine3 --give you permission to combine Engine3 program with free software --programs or libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with --code included in the standard release of Core3 under the GNU LGPL --license (or modified versions of such code, with unchanged license). --You may copy and distribute such a system following the terms of the --GNU LGPL for Engine3 and the licenses of the other code concerned, --provided that you include the source code of that other code when --and as the GNU LGPL requires distribution of source code. --Note that people who make modified versions of Engine3 are not obligated --to grant this special exception for their modified versions; --it is their choice whether to do so. The GNU Lesser General Public License --gives permission to release a modified version without this exception; --this exception also makes it possible to release a modified version --which carries forward this exception. object_building_player_shared_construction_structure = SharedTangibleObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/building/player/shared_construction_structure.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/thm_tato_imprv_street_sign_s01.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", certificationsRequired = {}, clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 8203, collisionActionBlockFlags = 0, collisionActionFlags = 51, collisionActionPassFlags = 1, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 0, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 1, customizationVariableMapping = {}, detailedDescription = "", gameObjectType = 8203, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@player_structure:temporary_structure", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@player_structure:temporary_structure", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, paletteColorCustomizationVariables = {}, portalLayoutFilename = "", rangedIntCustomizationVariables = {}, scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 1, socketDestinations = {}, structureFootprintFileName = "", surfaceType = 0, targetable = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, useStructureFootprintOutline = 0, clientObjectCRC = 4003827328, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/tangible/base/shared_tangible_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_building_player_shared_construction_structure, "object/building/player/shared_construction_structure.iff") object_building_player_shared_player_garage_corellia_style_01 = SharedInstallationObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/building/player/shared_player_garage_corellia_style_01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/ply_corl_garage_s01.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", certificationsRequired = {}, clearFloraRadius = 30, clientDataFile = "clientdata/building/shared_garage.cdf", clientGameObjectType = 4096, collisionActionBlockFlags = 0, collisionActionFlags = 51, collisionActionPassFlags = 1, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 0, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 1, customizationVariableMapping = {}, detailedDescription = "@building_detail:ply_corellia_garage_s01", gameObjectType = 4096, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@building_lookat:ply_corellia_garage_s01", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@building_name:ply_corellia_garage_s01", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, paletteColorCustomizationVariables = {}, portalLayoutFilename = "", rangedIntCustomizationVariables = {}, scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "abstract/slot/descriptor/tangible.iff", snapToTerrain = 1, socketDestinations = {}, structureFootprintFileName = "footprint/building/player/shared_player_garage_corellia_style_01.sfp", surfaceType = 1, targetable = 0, totalCellNumber = 0, useStructureFootprintOutline = 0, clientObjectCRC = 3533693421, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/tangible/base/shared_tangible_base.iff", "object/tangible/base/shared_tangible_craftable.iff", "object/installation/base/shared_installation_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_building_player_shared_player_garage_corellia_style_01, "object/building/player/shared_player_garage_corellia_style_01.iff") object_building_player_shared_player_garage_naboo_style_01 = SharedInstallationObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/building/player/shared_player_garage_naboo_style_01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/ply_nboo_garage_s01.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", certificationsRequired = {}, clearFloraRadius = 30, clientDataFile = "clientdata/building/shared_garage.cdf", clientGameObjectType = 4096, collisionActionBlockFlags = 0, collisionActionFlags = 51, collisionActionPassFlags = 1, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 0, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 1, customizationVariableMapping = {}, detailedDescription = "@building_detail:ply_naboo_garage_s01", gameObjectType = 4096, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@building_lookat:ply_naboo_garage_s01", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@building_name:ply_naboo_garage_s01", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, paletteColorCustomizationVariables = {}, portalLayoutFilename = "", rangedIntCustomizationVariables = {}, scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "abstract/slot/descriptor/tangible.iff", snapToTerrain = 1, socketDestinations = {}, structureFootprintFileName = "footprint/building/player/shared_player_garage_naboo_style_01.sfp", surfaceType = 1, targetable = 0, totalCellNumber = 0, useStructureFootprintOutline = 0, clientObjectCRC = 2162635930, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/tangible/base/shared_tangible_base.iff", "object/tangible/base/shared_tangible_craftable.iff", "object/installation/base/shared_installation_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_building_player_shared_player_garage_naboo_style_01, "object/building/player/shared_player_garage_naboo_style_01.iff") object_building_player_shared_player_garage_tatooine_style_01 = SharedInstallationObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/building/player/shared_player_garage_tatooine_style_01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/ply_tato_garage_s01.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", certificationsRequired = {}, clearFloraRadius = 30, clientDataFile = "clientdata/building/shared_garage.cdf", clientGameObjectType = 4096, collisionActionBlockFlags = 0, collisionActionFlags = 51, collisionActionPassFlags = 1, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 0, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 1, customizationVariableMapping = {}, detailedDescription = "@building_detail:ply_tatooine_garage_s01", gameObjectType = 4096, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@building_lookat:ply_tatooine_garage_s01", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@building_name:ply_tatooine_garage_s01", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, paletteColorCustomizationVariables = {}, portalLayoutFilename = "", rangedIntCustomizationVariables = {}, scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "abstract/slot/descriptor/tangible.iff", snapToTerrain = 1, socketDestinations = {}, structureFootprintFileName = "footprint/building/player/shared_player_garage_tatooine_style_01.sfp", surfaceType = 1, targetable = 0, totalCellNumber = 0, useStructureFootprintOutline = 0, clientObjectCRC = 2075679353, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/tangible/base/shared_tangible_base.iff", "object/tangible/base/shared_tangible_craftable.iff", "object/installation/base/shared_installation_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_building_player_shared_player_garage_tatooine_style_01, "object/building/player/shared_player_garage_tatooine_style_01.iff") object_building_player_shared_player_guildhall_corellia_style_01 = SharedBuildingObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/building/player/shared_player_guildhall_corellia_style_01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", certificationsRequired = {}, clearFloraRadius = 38, clientDataFile = "clientdata/building/shared_association_hall.cdf", clientGameObjectType = 512, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 255, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, customizationVariableMapping = {}, detailedDescription = "@building_name:association_hall_general", gameObjectType = 512, interiorLayoutFileName = "", locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@building_lookat:association_hall_civilian_corellia", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@building_name:association_hall_general", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, paletteColorCustomizationVariables = {}, portalLayoutFilename = "appearance/ply_corl_assoc_hall_civ_s01.pob", rangedIntCustomizationVariables = {}, scale = 0, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, socketDestinations = {}, structureFootprintFileName = "footprint/building/player/shared_player_guildhall_corellia_style_01.sfp", surfaceType = 1, targetable = 0, terrainModificationFileName = "", totalCellNumber = 17, useStructureFootprintOutline = 0, clientObjectCRC = 1038468412, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/tangible/base/shared_tangible_base.iff", "object/building/base/shared_base_building.iff", "object/building/base/shared_base_player_building.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_building_player_shared_player_guildhall_corellia_style_01, "object/building/player/shared_player_guildhall_corellia_style_01.iff") object_building_player_shared_player_guildhall_generic_style_01 = SharedBuildingObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/building/player/shared_player_guildhall_generic_style_01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", certificationsRequired = {}, clearFloraRadius = 38, clientDataFile = "clientdata/building/shared_player_house_tatooine_large_style_01.cdf", clientGameObjectType = 512, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 255, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, customizationVariableMapping = {}, detailedDescription = "@building_name:association_hall_general", gameObjectType = 512, interiorLayoutFileName = "", locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@building_lookat:association_hall_general", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@building_name:association_hall_general", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, paletteColorCustomizationVariables = {}, portalLayoutFilename = "appearance/ply_all_assoc_hall_civ_s01.pob", rangedIntCustomizationVariables = {}, scale = 0, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, socketDestinations = {}, structureFootprintFileName = "footprint/building/player/shared_player_guildhall_corellia_style_01.sfp", surfaceType = 2, targetable = 0, terrainModificationFileName = "", totalCellNumber = 17, useStructureFootprintOutline = 0, clientObjectCRC = 1861851362, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/tangible/base/shared_tangible_base.iff", "object/building/base/shared_base_building.iff", "object/building/base/shared_base_player_building.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_building_player_shared_player_guildhall_generic_style_01, "object/building/player/shared_player_guildhall_generic_style_01.iff") object_building_player_shared_player_guildhall_naboo_style_01 = SharedBuildingObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/building/player/shared_player_guildhall_naboo_style_01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", certificationsRequired = {}, clearFloraRadius = 38, clientDataFile = "clientdata/building/shared_association_hall.cdf", clientGameObjectType = 512, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 255, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, customizationVariableMapping = {}, detailedDescription = "@building_name:association_hall_general", gameObjectType = 512, interiorLayoutFileName = "", locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@building_lookat:association_hall_civilian_naboo", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@building_name:association_hall_general", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, paletteColorCustomizationVariables = {}, portalLayoutFilename = "appearance/ply_nboo_assoc_hall_civ_s01.pob", rangedIntCustomizationVariables = {}, scale = 0, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, socketDestinations = {}, structureFootprintFileName = "footprint/building/player/shared_player_guildhall_naboo_style_01.sfp", surfaceType = 3, targetable = 0, terrainModificationFileName = "", totalCellNumber = 17, useStructureFootprintOutline = 0, clientObjectCRC = 3197026082, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/tangible/base/shared_tangible_base.iff", "object/building/base/shared_base_building.iff", "object/building/base/shared_base_player_building.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_building_player_shared_player_guildhall_naboo_style_01, "object/building/player/shared_player_guildhall_naboo_style_01.iff") object_building_player_shared_player_guildhall_tatooine_style_01 = SharedBuildingObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/building/player/shared_player_guildhall_tatooine_style_01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", certificationsRequired = {}, clearFloraRadius = 38, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 512, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 255, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, customizationVariableMapping = {}, detailedDescription = "@building_name:association_hall_general", gameObjectType = 512, interiorLayoutFileName = "", locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@building_lookat:base_housing", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@building_name:association_hall_general", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, paletteColorCustomizationVariables = {}, portalLayoutFilename = "appearance/ply_tato_assoc_hall_civ_s01.pob", rangedIntCustomizationVariables = {}, scale = 0, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, socketDestinations = {}, structureFootprintFileName = "footprint/building/player/shared_player_guildhall_tatooine_style_01.sfp", surfaceType = 2, targetable = 0, terrainModificationFileName = "", totalCellNumber = 17, useStructureFootprintOutline = 0, clientObjectCRC = 2495774376, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/tangible/base/shared_tangible_base.iff", "object/building/base/shared_base_building.iff", "object/building/base/shared_base_player_building.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_building_player_shared_player_guildhall_tatooine_style_01, "object/building/player/shared_player_guildhall_tatooine_style_01.iff") object_building_player_shared_player_guildhall_tatooine_style_02 = SharedBuildingObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/building/player/shared_player_guildhall_tatooine_style_02.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", certificationsRequired = {}, clearFloraRadius = 38, clientDataFile = "clientdata/building/shared_player_house_tatooine_large_style_01.cdf", clientGameObjectType = 512, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 255, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, customizationVariableMapping = {}, detailedDescription = "@building_name:association_hall_general", gameObjectType = 512, interiorLayoutFileName = "", locationReservationRadius = 0, 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{}, structureFootprintFileName = "footprint/building/player/shared_player_house_generic_small_style_01.sfp", surfaceType = 2, targetable = 0, terrainModificationFileName = "", totalCellNumber = 4, useStructureFootprintOutline = 0, clientObjectCRC = 4015966289, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/tangible/base/shared_tangible_base.iff", "object/building/base/shared_base_building.iff", "object/building/base/shared_base_player_building.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_building_player_shared_player_house_generic_small_style_01_floorplan_02, "object/building/player/shared_player_house_generic_small_style_01_floorplan_02.iff") object_building_player_shared_player_house_generic_small_style_02 = SharedBuildingObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/building/player/shared_player_house_generic_small_style_02.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = 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"appearance/ply_all_house_sm_s02_fp2.pob", rangedIntCustomizationVariables = {}, scale = 0, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, socketDestinations = {}, structureFootprintFileName = "footprint/building/player/shared_player_house_generic_small_style_02.sfp", surfaceType = 2, targetable = 0, terrainModificationFileName = "", totalCellNumber = 2, useStructureFootprintOutline = 0, clientObjectCRC = 1748479865, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/tangible/base/shared_tangible_base.iff", "object/building/base/shared_base_building.iff", "object/building/base/shared_base_player_building.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_building_player_shared_player_house_generic_small_style_02_floorplan_02, "object/building/player/shared_player_house_generic_small_style_02_floorplan_02.iff") object_building_player_shared_player_house_naboo_large_style_01 = 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"object/building/player/shared_player_house_naboo_medium_style_01.iff") object_building_player_shared_player_house_naboo_small_style_01 = SharedBuildingObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/building/player/shared_player_house_naboo_small_style_01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", certificationsRequired = {}, clearFloraRadius = 36, clientDataFile = "clientdata/building/shared_player_house_tatooine_small_style_01.cdf", clientGameObjectType = 512, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 255, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, customizationVariableMapping = {}, detailedDescription = "@building_name:housing_naboo_small", gameObjectType = 512, interiorLayoutFileName = "", locationReservationRadius = 0, 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collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, customizationVariableMapping = {}, detailedDescription = "@building_detail:merchant_tent", gameObjectType = 512, interiorLayoutFileName = "", locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@building_lookat:merchant_tent", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@building_name:merchant_tent", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, paletteColorCustomizationVariables = {}, portalLayoutFilename = "appearance/ply_corl_merchant_tent_s01.pob", rangedIntCustomizationVariables = {}, scale = 0, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, socketDestinations = {}, structureFootprintFileName = "footprint/building/player/shared_merchant_tent.sfp", surfaceType = 2, targetable = 0, terrainModificationFileName = "", totalCellNumber = 1, useStructureFootprintOutline = 0, clientObjectCRC = 1143474297, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/tangible/base/shared_tangible_base.iff", "object/building/base/shared_base_building.iff", "object/building/base/shared_base_player_building.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_building_player_shared_player_merchant_tent_style_02, "object/building/player/shared_player_merchant_tent_style_02.iff") object_building_player_shared_player_merchant_tent_style_03 = SharedBuildingObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/building/player/shared_player_merchant_tent_style_03.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", certificationsRequired = {}, clearFloraRadius = 36, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 512, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 255, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, customizationVariableMapping = {}, detailedDescription = "@building_detail:merchant_tent", gameObjectType = 512, interiorLayoutFileName = "", locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@building_lookat:merchant_tent", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@building_name:merchant_tent", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, paletteColorCustomizationVariables = {}, portalLayoutFilename = "appearance/ply_nboo_merchant_tent_s01.pob", rangedIntCustomizationVariables = {}, scale = 0, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, socketDestinations = {}, structureFootprintFileName = "footprint/building/player/shared_merchant_tent.sfp", surfaceType = 2, targetable = 0, terrainModificationFileName = "", totalCellNumber = 1, useStructureFootprintOutline = 0, clientObjectCRC = 220557300, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/tangible/base/shared_tangible_base.iff", "object/building/base/shared_base_building.iff", "object/building/base/shared_base_player_building.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_building_player_shared_player_merchant_tent_style_03, "object/building/player/shared_player_merchant_tent_style_03.iff")
function onCreate() -- background shit makeLuaSprite('bg', 'mami/BG/MAMIGATION/BGSky', -500, -250); setLuaSpriteScrollFactor('bg', 0.9, 0.9); makeLuaSprite('placeholder', 'mami/BG/MAMIGATION/placeholder', -650, -250); setLuaSpriteScrollFactor('placeholder', 0.9, 0.9); addLuaSprite('bg', false); addLuaSprite('placeholder', false); close(true); --For performance reasons, close this script once the stage is fully loaded, as this script won't be used anymore after loading the stage end
return {'giebel','giebelen','giechel','giechelen','giechelig','giegagen','giek','gienje','gier','gierbrug','gieren','gierennest','gierenoog','gierig','gierigaard','gierigheid','giering','gierkabel','gierkar','gierkelder','gierkuil','gierpomp','gierpont','gierput','gierst','gierstgras','gierstkorrel','giertank','giertij','gierton','giervalk','gierwagen','gierzwaluw','gietbeton','gietbui','gietcokes','gieteling','gieten','gieter','gieterij','gietermodus','gietgat','gietijzer','gietijzeren','gieting','gietinstallatie','gietlepel','gietlood','gietmachine','gietnaad','gietproces','gietsel','gietstaal','gietstuk','giettrechter','gietvorm','gietwerk','giethars','gietvloer','gietwater','gietmal','gierparelhoen','gietgal','gierle','giessenlanden','gieten','gielen','giesen','giel','gies','gieling','giesbers','giesberts','giezen','gielis','gielkens','gieskes','giesbergen','gieben','giele','gielissen','giepmans','giesbertz','gietema','giezenaar','gielink','giezeman','gieskens','gielisse','giesing','giebelend','giebelende','giebels','giebeltje','giebeltjes','giechelde','giechelden','giechelend','giechelt','gieken','gienjes','gierde','gierden','gierend','gierennesten','gierigaards','gierige','gieriger','gierigere','gierigst','gierigste','gieringen','gierpompen','gierponten','gierstkorrels','giert','giervalken','gierzwaluwen','giet','gietbuien','gietelingen','gieterijen','gieters','gietertje','gietertjes','gietgaten','gietingen','gietinstallaties','gietlepels','gietmachines','gietnaden','gietsels','gietstalen','gietstukken','gietvormen','giebelde','giechelende','giechelige','giechels','giegaagde','gierende','gierkabels','gierkarren','gierkelders','gierkuilen','giertonnen','gietende','gierbruggen','gierputten','giecheltje','giertanks','giels','gies','gietvloeren','gierstkorreltje','gierwagens','gietharsen','gietvormpjes'}
-- Mostly from ChunkSpy. Used in loading chunks and converting them to different platforms. local Configuration = { ["x86 standard"] = { Description = "x86 Standard (32-bit, little endian, double)", BigEndian = false, -- 1 = little endian IntegerSize = 4, -- (data type sizes in bytes) SizeT = 4, InstructionSize = 4, NumberSize = 8, -- this & integral identifies the IsFloatingPoint = true, -- (0) type of lua_Number NumberType = "double", -- used for lookups }, ["big endian int"] = { Description = "(32-bit, big endian, int)", BigEndian = true, IntegerSize = 4, SizeT = 4, InstructionSize = 4, NumberSize = 4, IsFloatingPoint = false, NumberType = "int", }, ["amd64"] = { Description = "AMD64 (64-bit, little endian, double)", BigEndian = false, IntegerSize = 4, SizeT = 8, InstructionSize = 4, NumberSize = 8, IsFloatingPoint = true, NumberType = "double", }, -- you can add more platforms here } local ConvertFrom = {} local ConvertTo = {} local function grab_byte(v) return math.floor(v / 256), string.char(math.floor(v) % 256) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- No more TEST_NUMBER in Lua 5.1, uses size_lua_Number + integral -- LuaFile.NumberSize .. (LuaFile.IsFloatingPoint and 0 or 1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LuaNumberID = { ["80"] = "double", -- IEEE754 double ["40"] = "single", -- IEEE754 single ["41"] = "int", -- int ["81"] = "long long", -- long long } -- Converts an 8-byte little-endian string to a IEEE754 double number ConvertFrom["double"] = function(x) local sign = 1 local mantissa = string.byte(x, 7) % 16 for i = 6, 1, -1 do mantissa = mantissa * 256 + string.byte(x, i) end if string.byte(x, 8) > 127 then sign = -1 end local exponent = (string.byte(x, 8) % 128) * 16 + math.floor(string.byte(x, 7) / 16) if exponent == 0 then return 0 end mantissa = (math.ldexp(mantissa, -52) + 1) * sign return math.ldexp(mantissa, exponent - 1023) end -- Converts a 4-byte little-endian string to a IEEE754 single number ConvertFrom["single"] = function(x) local sign = 1 local mantissa = string.byte(x, 3) % 128 for i = 2, 1, -1 do mantissa = mantissa * 256 + string.byte(x, i) end if string.byte(x, 4) > 127 then sign = -1 end local exponent = (string.byte(x, 4) % 128) * 2 + math.floor(string.byte(x, 3) / 128) if exponent == 0 then return 0 end mantissa = (math.ldexp(mantissa, -23) + 1) * sign return math.ldexp(mantissa, exponent - 127) end -- Converts a little-endian integer string to a number ConvertFrom["int"] = function(x) local sum = 0 for i = 4, 1, -1 do sum = sum * 256 + string.byte(x, i) end -- test for negative number if string.byte(x, 4) > 127 then sum = sum - math.ldexp(1, 8 * 4) end return sum end -- WARNING this will fail for large long longs (64-bit numbers) -- because long longs exceeds the precision of doubles. ConvertFrom["long long"] = ConvertFrom["int"] -- Converts a IEEE754 double number to an 8-byte little-endian string ConvertTo["double"] = function(x) local sign = 0 if x < 0 then sign = 1; x = -x end local mantissa, exponent = math.frexp(x) if x == 0 then -- zero mantissa, exponent = 0, 0 else mantissa = (mantissa * 2 - 1) * math.ldexp(0.5, 53) exponent = exponent + 1022 end local v, byte = "" -- convert to bytes x = mantissa for i = 1,6 do x, byte = grab_byte(x); v = v..byte -- 47:0 end x, byte = grab_byte(exponent * 16 + x); v = v..byte -- 55:48 x, byte = grab_byte(sign * 128 + x); v = v..byte -- 63:56 return v end -- Converts a IEEE754 single number to a 4-byte little-endian string ConvertTo["single"] = function(x) local sign = 0 if x < 0 then sign = 1; x = -x end local mantissa, exponent = math.frexp(x) if x == 0 then -- zero mantissa = 0; exponent = 0 else mantissa = (mantissa * 2 - 1) * math.ldexp(0.5, 24) exponent = exponent + 126 end local v, byte = "" -- convert to bytes x, byte = grab_byte(mantissa); v = v..byte -- 7:0 x, byte = grab_byte(x); v = v..byte -- 15:8 x, byte = grab_byte(exponent * 128 + x); v = v..byte -- 23:16 x, byte = grab_byte(sign * 128 + x); v = v..byte -- 31:24 return v end -- Converts a number to a little-endian integer string ConvertTo["int"] = function(x) local v = "" x = math.floor(x) if x >= 0 then for i = 1, 4 do v = v..string.char(x % 256); x = math.floor(x / 256) end else-- x < 0 x = -x local carry = 1 for i = 1, 4 do local c = 255 - (x % 256) + carry if c == 256 then c = 0; carry = 1 else carry = 0 end v = v..string.char(c); x = math.floor(x / 256) end end -- optional overflow test; not enabled at the moment -- if x > 0 then error("number conversion overflow") end return v end -- WARNING this will fail for large long longs (64-bit numbers) -- because long longs exceeds the precision of doubles. ConvertTo["long long"] = ConvertTo["int"] local function GetNumberType(file) local nt = LuaNumberID[file.NumberSize .. (file.IsFloatingPoint and 0 or 1)] if not nt then error("Unable to determine Number type") end return ConvertFrom[nt], ConvertTo[nt] end return GetNumberType
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For Daddy Darker By Crackpotx (US, Lightbringer) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local DD = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("DaddyDarker", "AceConsole-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0") -- local api cache local C_PartyInfo_InviteUnit = C_PartyInfo.InviteUnit local GetAddOnMetadata = _G["GetAddOnMetadata"] local UnitName = _G["UnitName"] DD.title = GetAddOnMetadata("DaddyDarker", "Title") DD.version = GetAddOnMetadata("DaddyDarker", "Version") local defaults = { global = { inviting = false, players = {} } } local function FindInArray(toFind, arraySearch) if #arraySearch == 0 then return false end for _, value in pairs(arraySearch) do if value == toFind then return true end end return false end function DD:Print(msg) print(("|cffC41F3BDaddyDarker|r |cffffffff%s|r"):format(msg)) end function DD:CHAT_MSG_GUILD(evemt, msg, player, ...) local temp = {strsplit("-", player)} local playerName = temp[1] if and msg:match("[xX]+") and playerName:lower() ~= UnitName("player"):lower() and not FindInArray(playerName:lower(), then self:Print(("Inviting %s"):format(playerName)) C_PartyInfo_InviteUnit(playerName)[ + 1] = playerName:lower() end end function DD:OnEnable() self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_GUILD") end function DD:OnDisable() self:UnregisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_GUILD") end function DD:OnInitialize() self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("DaddyDarkerDB", defaults) self:RegisterChatCommand("darker", function(args) = not self:Print( and "Raid invites have started!" or "Raid invites have stopped!") if then SendChatMessage("Type XX for a raid invite!", "GUILD") else = {} end end) end
return {'ulaan','ulaanbaatar','ulanen'}
return class("ENV2MainPage", import(".TemplatePage.PreviewTemplatePage"))
local lush = require('lush') local hsl = lush.hsl if (false) then -- do something return true == true end return { dark0_hard = hsl("#0c0a0d"), dark0 = hsl("#2C2431"), dark0_soft = hsl("#3C3143"), dark1 = hsl("#44374C"), dark2 = hsl("#483A51"), dark3 = hsl("#483A51"), dark4 = hsl("#4B3D55"), light0_hard = hsl("#f5efed"), light0 = hsl("#e0d9da"), light0_soft = hsl("#cbc3c7"), light1 = hsl("#a096a1"), light2 = hsl("#766a7b"), light3 = hsl("#615468"), light4 = hsl("#4b3d55"), primary0 = hsl("#cf3b3d"), primary1 = hsl("#FFD670"), accent0 = hsl("#7F7EFF"), accent1 = hsl("#A390E4"), error = hsl("#CF3B3D"), info = hsl("#23967F"), hint = hsl("#00C2D1"), warn = hsl("#FFD670"), }
-- Creating Orocos component for ABB Yumi robot require("rttlib") require("rttros") rtt.setLogLevel("Warning") rttlib.color = true gs=rtt.provides() tc=rtt.getTC() if tc:getName() == "lua" then depl=tc:getPeer("Deployer") elseif tc:getName() == "Deployer" then depl=tc end depl:import("rtt_ros") ros = gs:provides("ros") ros:import("rtt_rospack") depl:import("abb_libegm")
--[[ TQAE - Tiny QuickApp emulator for the Fibaro Home Center 3 Copyright (c) 2021 Jan Gabrielsson Email: [email protected] MIT License Creating UI elements for emulated QA (Web UI) and HC3 procy --]] local EM,FB = ... local json,DEBUG,Devices = FB.json,EM.DEBUG,EM.Devices local format = string.format local traverse,copy = EM.utilities.traverse,EM.utilities.copy local function map(f,l) for _,v in ipairs(l) do f(v) end end local ELMS = { button = function(d,w) return {,style={weight=d.weight or w or "0.50"},text=d.text,type="button"} end, select = function(d,w) if d.options then map(function(e) e.type='option' end,d.options) end return {,style={weight=d.weight or w or "0.50"},text=d.text,type="select", selectionType='single', options = d.options or {{value="1", type="option", text="option1"}, {value = "2", type="option", text="option2"}}, values = d.values or { "option1" } } end, multi = function(d,w) if d.options then map(function(e) e.type='option' end,d.options) end return {,style={weight=d.weight or w or "0.50"},text=d.text,type="select", selectionType='multi', options = d.options or {{value="1", type="option", text="option2"}, {value = "2", type="option", text="option3"}}, values = d.values or { "option3" } } end, image = function(d,_) return {,style={dynamic="1"},type="image", url=d.url} end, switch = function(d,w) return {,style={weight=w or d.weight or "0.50"},type="switch", value=d.value or "true"} end, option = function(d,_) return {, type="option", value=d.value or "Hupp"} end, slider = function(d,w) return {,step=tostring(d.step),value=tostring(d.value),max=tostring(d.max),min=tostring(d.min),style={weight=d.weight or w or "1.2"},text=d.text,type="slider"} end, label = function(d,w) return {,style={weight=d.weight or w or "1.2"},text=d.text,type="label"} end, space = function(_,w) return {style={weight=w or "0.50"},type="space"} end } local function mkRow(elms,weight) local comp = {} if elms[1] then local c = {} local width = format("%.2f",1/#elms) if width:match("%.00") then width=width:match("^(%d+)") end for _,e in ipairs(elms) do c[#c+1]=ELMS[e.type](e,width) end if #elms > 1 then comp[#comp+1]={components=c,style={weight="1.2"},type='horizontal'} else comp[#comp+1]=c[1] end comp[#comp+1]=ELMS['space']({},"0.5") else comp[#comp+1]=ELMS[elms.type](elms,"1.2") comp[#comp+1]=ELMS['space']({},"0.5") end return {components=comp,style={weight=weight or "1.2"},type="vertical"} end local function mkViewLayout(list,height) local items = {} for _,i in ipairs(list) do items[#items+1]=mkRow(i) end -- if #items == 0 then return nil end return { ['$jason'] = { body = { header = { style = {height = tostring(height or #list*50)}, title = "quickApp_device_23" }, sections = { items = items } }, head = { title = "quickApp_device_23" } } } end local function transformUI(UI) -- { button=<text> } => {type="button", name=<text>} traverse(UI, function(e) if e.button then,e.type,e.onReleased=e.button,'button',e.onReleased or e.f; e.f=nil elseif e.slider then,e.type,e.onChanged=e.slider,'slider',e.onChanged or e.f; e.f=nil elseif then,,'select' elseif e.switch then,e.type=e.switch,'switch' elseif e.multi then,e.type=e.multi,'multi' elseif e.option then,e.type=e.option,'option' elseif e.image then,e.type=e.image,'image' elseif e.label then,e.type=e.label,'label' elseif then e.weight,,'space' end end) return UI end local function uiStruct2uiCallbacks(UI) local cb = {} traverse(UI, function(e) if then -- {callback="foo",name="foo",eventType="onReleased"} local defu = e.button and "Clicked" or e.slider and "Change" or (e.switch or and "Toggle" or "" local deff = e.button and "onReleased" or e.slider and "onChanged" or (e.switch or and "onToggled" or "" local cbt = if e.onReleased then cbt = e.onReleased elseif e.onChanged then cbt = e.onChanged elseif e.onToggled then cbt = e.onToggled end if e.button or e.slider or e.switch or then cb[#cb+1]={callback=cbt,eventType=deff,} end end end) return cb end local function collectViewLayoutRow(u,map) local row = {} local function conv(u) if type(u) == 'table' then if then if u.type=='label' then row[#row+1]={, text=u.text} elseif u.type=='button' then local cb = map["button"] if cb =="Clicked" then cb = nil end row[#row+1]={, text=u.text, onReleased=cb} elseif u.type=='slider' then local cb = map["slider"] if cb =="Clicked" then cb = nil end row[#row+1]={, text=u.text, onChanged=cb} end else for _,v in pairs(u) do conv(v) end end end end conv(u) return row end local function viewLayout2UI(u,map) local function conv(u) local rows = {} for _,j in pairs(u.items) do local row = collectViewLayoutRow(j.components,map) if #row > 0 then if #row == 1 then row=row[1] end rows[#rows+1]=row end end return rows end return conv(u['$jason'].body.sections) end local function view2UI(view,callbacks) local map = {} traverse(callbacks,function(e) if e.eventType=='onChanged' then map["slider"]=e.callback elseif e.eventType=='onReleased' then map["button"]=e.callback end end) local UI = viewLayout2UI(view,map) return UI end local function dumpQAui(id) local d = FB.api.get("/devices/" local UI = view2UI(, local fmt = string.format local function luaStr(e) local b = {} if e[1] then local b2={} for _,e2 in ipairs(e) do b2[#b2+1]=luaStr(e2) end b[#b+1]=table.concat(b2,",") else local r = {} for k,v in pairs(e) do r[#r+1]={k,v} end table.sort(r,function(a,b) return a[1]<b[1] end) for _,k in ipairs(r) do b[#b+1]=fmt("%s=%s",k[1],tonumber(k[2]) and k[2] or '"'..k[2]..'"') end end return "{"..table.concat(b,",").."}" end for i,e in ipairs(UI) do print(fmt("--%%u%d=%s",i,luaStr(e))) end end local customUI = {} customUI['com.fibaro.binarySwitch'] = {{{button='__turnon', text="Turn On",onReleased="turnOn"},{button='__turnoff', text="Turn Off",onReleased="turnOff"}}} customUI['com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch'] = {{{button='__turnon', text="Turn On",onReleased="turnOn"},{button='__turnoff', text="Turn Off",onReleased="turnOff"}}, {label='_Brightness', text='Brightness'}, {slider='__value', min=0, max=99, onChanged='setValue'}, { {button='__sli', text="&#8679;",onReleased="startLevelIncrease"}, {button='__sld', text="&#8681;",onReleased="startLevelIncrease"}, {button='__sls', text="&Vert;",onReleased="stopLevelChange"}, } } --customUI['com.fibaro.binarySensor'] = customUI['com.fibaro.binarySwitch'] -- For debugging --customUI['com.fibaro.multilevelSensor'] = customUI['com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch'] -- For debugging customUI['com.fibaro.colorController'] = {{{button='__turnon', text="Turn On",onReleased="turnOn"},{button='__turnoff', text="Turn Off",onReleased="turnOff"}}, {label='_Brightness', text='Brightness'}, {slider='__value', min=0, max=99, onChanged='setValue'}, { {button='__sli', text="&#8679;",onReleased="startLevelIncrease"}, {button='__sld', text="&#8681;",onReleased="startLevelIncrease"}, {button='__sls', text="&Vert;",onReleased="stopLevelChange"}, } } local initElm = { ['button'] = function(e,qa) qa:updateView(e.button,'text',e.text) end, ['slider'] = function(e,qa) qa:updateView(e.slider,'value',e.value or 0) end, ['label'] = function(e,qa) qa:updateView(e.label,'text',e.text) end, } function EM.addUI(info) local dev = local defUI = (not info.UI and customUI[dev.type] or customUI[dev.baseType or ""]) or {} if then info.UI = view2UI( or {}, or {}) or {} end local cmbUI = {} for _,e in ipairs(copy(defUI)) do cmbUI[#cmbUI+1]=e end for _,e in ipairs(copy(info.UI or {})) do cmbUI[#cmbUI+1]=e end if next(cmbUI)~=nil then transformUI(cmbUI) = mkViewLayout(cmbUI) = uiStruct2uiCallbacks(cmbUI) info.UI=cmbUI end if not then -- No UI info.UI = {} json.decode( [[{"$jason":{"body":{"header":{"style":{"height":"0"},"title":"quickApp_device_403"},"sections":{"items":[]}},"head":{"title":"quickApp_device_403"}}}]] ) = {} end end EM.EMEvents('QACreated',function(ev) -- Intercept QA created and add viewLayout and uiCallbacks local qa,dev =, local info = Devices[] DEBUG("ui","sys","ui.lua inspecting QA:%s", if info == nil and dev.parentId and dev.parentId > 0 then -- This is where we create the child device - not good! local p = Devices[dev.parentId] info = {dev = dev, env = p.env, childProxy=p.proxy, timers=p.timers, lock=p.lock } EM.addUI(info) EM.installDevice(info) end for _,r in ipairs(info.UI or {}) do r = r[1] and r or {r} for _,c in ipairs(r) do if initElm[c.type] then initElm[c.type](c,qa) end end end --end,0) end,true) EM.UI = {} EM.UI.uiStruct2uiCallbacks = uiStruct2uiCallbacks EM.UI.transformUI = transformUI EM.UI.mkViewLayout = mkViewLayout EM.UI.view2UI = view2UI EM.UI.dumpQAui = dumpQAui
local Tile = require '' local Glass = class(..., Tile) function Glass:initialize(cell) Tile.initialize(self,cell,4,1) self.solid = true end return Glass
-- -- Created by IntelliJ IDEA. -- User: xinzhang -- Date: 11/08/2017 -- Time: 12:04 AM -- To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. -- require 'class' require 'constant' Shop = class(function (self, winterRate, winterServiceCharge, summerRate) self.winterRate = winterRate; self.winterServiceCharge = winterServiceCharge; self.summerRate = summerRate; end) function Shop:__tostring() return string.format('winterRate: %s \nwinterServiceCharge: %s \nsummerRate: %s', self.winterRate, self.winterServiceCharge, self.summerRate) end function Shop:isNotSummer(date) return date < SUMMER_START or date > SUMMER_END; end function Shop:winterCharge(quantity) return quantity * self.winterRate + self.winterServiceCharge; end function Shop:summerCharge(quantity) return quantity * self.summerRate; end function Shop:getCharge(date, quantity) if self:isNotSummer(date) then return self:winterCharge(quantity); end return self:summerCharge(quantity); end
-- 2D Collision-detection library local bump = require 'lib.bump' local Camera = require 'lib.Camera' local tween = require 'lib.tween' local Gamestate = require 'lib.gamestate' local endscreen = require 'scenes.endscreen' local endbox = require 'endbox' local mapdata = require 'mapdata' local player = require 'player' local world = nil local currentMap = 'red' local currentWalls = {} local font ="asset/fonts/Sniglet-Regular.ttf", 35) local levelLogic = {} local levels = { 'tutorial', 'level1', 'level2', 'level3', 'level4' } local currentLevel = 1 local src ='asset/bgm/roots.mp3', 'stream') local t = nil local text = {x = 0, y = 7 * 32, alp = 0, fadeIn = false} -- image data local imageData = { redSquare = nil } local function getCurrentColour(currentMap) if currentMap == 'red' then return 0.87058,0.14117,0.41568,0.89411,0.28235,0.50980 elseif currentMap == 'blue' then return 0.24705,0.68235,0.98823,0.57647,0.82352,1 elseif currentMap == 'yellow' then return 0.59215,0.34509,0.76078,0.72156,0.50980,0.86666 elseif currentMap == 'green' then return 0.22745,0.96078,0.62745,0.41960,0.97254,0.71764 end end local function getCurrentBackgroundColour(currentMap) if currentMap == 'red' then return 1,0.62745,0.62745 elseif currentMap == 'blue' then return 0.77254,0.90588,1 elseif currentMap == 'yellow' then return 0.78431,0.60392,0.90588 elseif currentMap == 'green' then return 0.61176,0.98431,0.81568 end end local function renderMap(currentMap,nextMap),1,1,1) r,g,b,r2,g2,b2 = getCurrentColour(currentMap) rb, gb, bb = getCurrentBackgroundColour(currentMap) for mapx=1,mapdata.getMapWidth(nextMap) do for mapy=1,mapdata.getMapHeight(nextMap) do local tile = mapdata.getTileAt(nextMap, mapx, mapy) if tile == true then,g2,b2,1)"fill", mapx*32, mapy*32,32,32) end end end for mapx=1,mapdata.getMapWidth(currentMap) do for mapy=1,mapdata.getMapHeight(currentMap) do local tile = mapdata.getTileAt(currentMap, mapx, mapy) if tile == true then,gb,bb),g,b,1)"fill", mapx*32, mapy*32,32,32) end end end end local function addWalls() for mapx=1,(mapdata.getMapWidth(currentMap)) do for mapy=1,mapdata.getMapHeight(currentMap) do local tile = mapdata.getTileAt(currentMap, mapx, mapy) if tile == true then local wall = {x= mapx*32, y= mapy*32, w=32, h=32} world:add(wall, wall.x, wall.y, wall.w, wall.h) table.insert(currentWalls, wall) end end end end local function removeMap() for i=1, #currentWalls do local wall = currentWalls[i] world:remove(wall) end currentWalls = {} end local function nextMap(prevMap) if prevMap == 'red' then return 'blue' elseif prevMap == 'blue' then return 'yellow' elseif prevMap == 'yellow' then return 'green' elseif prevMap == 'green' then return 'red' end end local function switchMap() removeMap() currentMap = nextMap(currentMap) addWalls() end local function isInWall(map, x, y) local playerTileX = math.floor(x / 32) local playerTileY = math.floor(y /32) return mapdata.getTileAt(map, playerTileX, playerTileY) end function levelLogic:enter() imageData.redSquare ='asset/img/square_red.png') imageData.blueSquare ='asset/img/square_blue.png') imageData.greenSquare ='asset/img/square_green.png') imageData.yellowSquare ='asset/img/square_yellow.png') imageData.piggySheet ='asset/img/piggysheet.png') src:setLooping(true) src:play() camera = Camera() camera:setDeadzone( / 2, / 2, 0, 0) camera:setFollowLerp(0.2) player.spriteSheet = imageData.piggySheet mapdata.loadLevel(levels[currentLevel]) world = bump.newWorld() local wallOfDeath = {x=0,y=0,w=32,h=32*15} world:add(wallOfDeath, wallOfDeath.x, wallOfDeath.y, wallOfDeath.w, wallOfDeath.h) world:add(player, player.x, player.y, player.w, player.h) world:add(endbox, endbox.x, endbox.y, endbox.w, endbox.h) addWalls() end local function nextLevel() world:remove(player) removeMap() currentMap = 'red' player.resetPlayer() currentLevel = currentLevel + 1 if currentLevel > #levels then src:stop() currentLevel = 1 Gamestate.switch(endscreen) else Gamestate.switch(levelLogic) end end local function checkCollisions(dx,dy) deltaX, deltaY, collisions, numberofcollisions = world:move(player, player.x + dx, player.y + dy) player.x = deltaX player.y = deltaY for i=1, numberofcollisions do local collision = collisions[i] if collision.other == endbox then nextLevel() end end end function levelLogic:update(dt) local dx, dy = player.updatePlayer(dt) camera:update(dt) camera:follow( / 2, / 2) checkCollisions(dx,dy) if t ~= nil then local completed = t:update(dt) if completed and text.fadeIn then t =, text, {alp=0}, 'linear') text.fadeIn = false end end end function levelLogic:draw() camera:attach() renderMap(currentMap, nextMap(currentMap)),1,1) player.drawPlayer() endbox.draw(), 1, 1, text.alp)"Careful where you press the spacebar!", text.x, text.y,, 'center') camera:detach() end local function tryToSwitchMap() playerTopLeft = isInWall(nextMap(currentMap), player.x + 0.5, player.y + 0.5) playerTopRight = isInWall(nextMap(currentMap), (player.x + player.w) - 0.5, player.y + 0.5) playerBottomLeft = isInWall(nextMap(currentMap), player.x + 0.5, (player.y + player.h) - 0.5) playerBottomRight = isInWall(nextMap(currentMap), (player.x + player.w) - 0.5, (player.y + player.h) - 0.5) if not (playerTopLeft or playerTopRight or playerBottomLeft or playerBottomRight) then switchMap() else camera:shake(3.5, 1, 60) if currentLevel == 1 then t =, text, {alp=1}, 'linear') text.fadeIn = true end end end function levelLogic:keypressed(key) if key == "space" then tryToSwitchMap() end end function levelLogic:joystickpressed( joystick, button ) if button == 1 then tryToSwitchMap() end end return levelLogic
--- --- Generated by EmmyLua( --- Created by shuieryin. --- DateTime: 12/01/2018 4:20 PM --- function gradientDescent(X, y, theta, alpha, num_iters) --GRADIENTDESCENT Performs gradient descent to learn theta -- theta = GRADIENTDESCENT(X, y, theta, alpha, num_iters) updates theta by -- taking num_iters gradient steps with learning rate alpha -- Initialize some useful values local m = length(y) -- number of training examples local J_history = {} for iter = 1, num_iters do -- ====================== YOUR CODE HERE ====================== -- Instructions: Perform a single gradient step on the parameter vector -- theta. -- -- Hint: While debugging, it can be useful to print out the values -- of the cost function (computeCost) and gradient here. -- -- ============================================================ -- Save the cost J in every iteration J_history[#J_history + 1] = computeCost(X, y, theta) end return theta, J_history end
local Avatar = require("graphic.avatar.Avatar") local Spine = class("Spine", Avatar) function Spine:ctor() Avatar.ctor(self) end function Spine:createGameObject() local name = getmetatable(self).__className self._go = g_2dTools:createGameObject(name) end function Spine:initController(go) local controller = go:GetComponent(typeof(CS.Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation)) self._controller = require("graphic.spine.SpineController").create() self._controller:init(controller) -- self._controller:setActConfig(resAlias.spine["test"]["act"]) self._controller:setFrameKeyHandler(handler(self, self.handleKeyFrame)) self._avatarGo = go end function Spine:handleKeyFrame(actName, keyName, data) print("handleKeyFrame ==> ",actName,keyName) end return Spine
-- title: palette demo -- author: Nesbox -- desc: how to switch palatte in runtime -- script: lua -- input: gamepad local W=240 local H=136 -- palette address local ADDR=0x3FC0 local PALETTES = { {name="SWEETIE-16", data="1a1c2c5d275db13e53ef7d57ffcd75a7f07038b76425717929366f3b5dc941a6f673eff7333c57566c8694b0c2f4f4f4"}, {name="DB16", data="140c1c44243430346d4e4a4e854c30346524d04648757161597dced27d2c8595a16daa2cd2aa996dc2cadad45edeeed6"}, {name="PICO-8", data="0000007e25531d2b535f574fab5236008751ff004d83769cff77a8ffa300c2c3c700e756ffccaa29adfffff024fff1e8"}, {name="ARNE16", data="0000001b2632005784493c2ba4642244891abe26332f484e31a2f2eb89319d9d9da3ce27e06f8bb2dceff7e26bffffff"}, {name="EDG16", data="193d3f3f2832743f399e2835b86f50327345e53b444f67810484d1fb922bafbfd263c64de4a6722ce8f4ffe762ffffff"}, {name="A64", data="0000004c3435313a9148545492562b509450b148638080787655a28385cf9cabb19ccc47cd93738fbfd5bbc840ede6c8"}, {name="C64", data="00000057420040318d5050508b542955a0498839327878788b3f967869c49f9f9f94e089b8696267b6bdbfce72ffffff"}, {name="VIC20", data="000000772d2642348ba85fb4b668627e70caa8734a559e4ae99df5e9b287bdcc7185d4dc92df87c5ffffffffb0ffffff"}, {name="CGA", data="000000aa00000000aa555555aa550000aa00ff5555aaaaaa5555ffaa00aa00aaaa55ff55ff55ff55ffffffff55ffffff"}, {name="SLIFE", data="0000001226153f28117a2222513155d13b27286fb85d853acc8218e07f8a9b8bff68c127c7b581b3e868a8e4d4ffffff"}, {name="JMP", data="000000191028833129453e78216c4bdc534b7664fed365c846af45e18d79afaab9d6b97b9ec2e8a1d685e9d8a1f5f4eb"}, {name="CGARNE", data="0000002234d15c2e788a36225e606e0c7e45e23d69aa5c3d4c81fb44aacceb8a60b5b5b56cd9477be2f9ffd93fffffff"}, {name="PSYG", data="0000001b1e29003308362747084a3c443f41a2324e52524c546a0073615064647c516cbf77785be08b799ea4a7cbe8f7"}, {name="EROGE", data="0d080d2a23494f2b247d384032535f825b314180a0c16c5bc591547bb24e74adbbe89973bebbb2f0bd77fbdf9bfff9e4"}, {name="EISLAND", data="051625794765686086567864ca657e8686918184abcc8d867ea78839d4b98dbcd29dc085edc38de6d1d1f5e17af6f6bf"}, } local t=0 local index=1 -- update palette function updpal() local pal=PALETTES[index].data for i=1,#pal,2 do poke(ADDR+i//6*3+i//2%3,tonumber(pal:sub(i,i+1),16)) end end updpal() function TIC() -- handle input if btnp(0,20,5) and index>1 then index=index-1 updpal() end if btnp(1,20,5) and index<#PALETTES then index=index+1 updpal() end if btnp(4)or btnp(5)then exit()end -- draw cls(15) print("SELECT PALETTE",6,6,0) for i,v in pairs(PALETTES) do print(,12,12+i*6,0) end print(">",6+(t//16%2),12+index*6,0) local S=12 -- draw palette for i=0,16-1 do for j=0,S-1 do line(W-j-i*S,H,W,H-j-i*S,i) end end t=t+1 end -- <PALETTE> -- 000:140c1c44243430346d4e4a4e854c30346524d04648757161597dced27d2c8595a16daa2cd2aa996dc2cadad45edeeed6 -- </PALETTE> -- <COVER> -- 000: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 -- </COVER>
function plugindef() finaleplugin.RequireSelection = true finaleplugin.Author = "Robert Patterson" finaleplugin.Version = "1.0" finaleplugin.Copyright = "CC0" finaleplugin.Date = "May 15, 2022" finaleplugin.CategoryTags = "Baseline" finaleplugin.AuthorURL = "" finaleplugin.MinJWLuaVersion = 0.62 finaleplugin.Notes = [[ This script nudges system baselines up or down by a single staff-space (24 evpus). It introduces 10 menu options to nudge each baseline type up or down. It also introduces 5 menu options to reset the baselines to their staff-level values. The possible prefix inputs to the script are ``` direction -- 1 for up, -1 for down, 0 for reset baseline_types -- a table containing a list of the baseline types to process nudge_evpus -- a positive number indicating the size of the nudge ``` You can also change the size of the nudge by creating a configuration file called `baseline_move.config.txt` and adding a single line with the size of the nudge in evpus. ``` nudge_evpus = 36 -- or whatever size you wish ``` A value in a prefix overrides any setting in a configuration file. ]] finaleplugin.AdditionalMenuOptions = [[ Move Lyric Baselines Up Reset Lyric Baselines Move Expression Baseline Above Down Move Expression Baseline Above Up Reset Expression Baseline Above Move Expression Baseline Below Down Move Expression Baseline Below Up Reset Expression Baseline Below Move Chord Baseline Down Move Chord Baseline Up Reset Chord Baseline Move Fretboard Baseline Down Move Fretboard Baseline Up Reset Fretboard Baseline ]] finaleplugin.AdditionalDescriptions = [[ Moves all lyrics baselines up one space in the selected systems Resets all selected lyrics baselines to default Moves the selected expression above baseline down one space Moves the selected expression above baseline up one space Resets the selected expression above baselines Moves the selected expression below baseline down one space Moves the selected expression below baseline up one space Resets the selected expression below baselines Moves the selected chord baseline down one space Moves the selected chord baseline up one space Resets the selected chord baselines Moves the selected fretboard baseline down one space Moves the selected fretboard baseline up one space Resets the selected fretboard baselines ]] finaleplugin.AdditionalPrefixes = [[ direction = 1 -- no baseline_types table, which picks up the default (lyrics) direction = 0 -- no baseline_types table, which picks up the default (lyrics) direction = -1 baseline_types = {finale.BASELINEMODE_EXPRESSIONABOVE} direction = 1 baseline_types = {finale.BASELINEMODE_EXPRESSIONABOVE} direction = 0 baseline_types = {finale.BASELINEMODE_EXPRESSIONABOVE} direction = -1 baseline_types = {finale.BASELINEMODE_EXPRESSIONBELOW} direction = 1 baseline_types = {finale.BASELINEMODE_EXPRESSIONBELOW} direction = 0 baseline_types = {finale.BASELINEMODE_EXPRESSIONBELOW} direction = -1 baseline_types = {finale.BASELINEMODE_CHORD} direction = 1 baseline_types = {finale.BASELINEMODE_CHORD} direction = 0 baseline_types = {finale.BASELINEMODE_CHORD} direction = -1 baseline_types = {finale.BASELINEMODE_FRETBOARD} direction = 1 baseline_types = {finale.BASELINEMODE_FRETBOARD} direction = 0 baseline_types = {finale.BASELINEMODE_FRETBOARD} ]] return "Move Lyric Baselines Down", "Move Lyrics Baselines Down", "Moves all lyrics baselines down one space in the selected systems" end -- Author: Robert Patterson -- Date: March 5, 2021 --[[ $module Configuration This library implements a UTF-8 text file scheme for configuration as follows: - Comments start with `--` - Leading, trailing, and extra whitespace is ignored - Each parameter is named and delimited as follows: `<parameter-name> = <parameter-value>` Parameter values may be: - Strings delimited with either single- or double-quotes - Tables delimited with `{}` that may contain strings, booleans, or numbers - Booleans (`true` or `false`) - Numbers Currently the following are not supported: - Tables embedded within tables - Tables containing strings that contain commas A sample configuration file might be: ```lua -- Configuration File for "Hairpin and Dynamic Adjustments" script -- left_dynamic_cushion = 12 --evpus right_dynamic_cushion = -6 --evpus ``` Configuration files must be placed in a subfolder called `script_settings` within the folder of the calling script. Each script that has a configuration file defines its own configuration file name. ]] -- local configuration = {} local script_settings_dir = "script_settings" -- the parent of this directory is the running lua path local comment_marker = "--" local parameter_delimiter = "=" local path_delimiter = "/" local file_exists = function(file_path) local f =, "r") if nil ~= f then io.close(f) return true end return false end local strip_leading_trailing_whitespace = function(str) return str:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$") -- lua pattern magic taken from the Internet end local parse_parameter -- forward function declaration local parse_table = function(val_string) local ret_table = {} for element in val_string:gmatch("[^,%s]+") do -- lua pattern magic taken from the Internet local parsed_element = parse_parameter(element) table.insert(ret_table, parsed_element) end return ret_table end parse_parameter = function(val_string) if "\"" == val_string:sub(1, 1) and "\"" == val_string:sub(#val_string, #val_string) then -- double-quote string return string.gsub(val_string, "\"(.+)\"", "%1") -- lua pattern magic: "(.+)" matches all characters between two double-quote marks (no escape chars) elseif "'" == val_string:sub(1, 1) and "'" == val_string:sub(#val_string, #val_string) then -- single-quote string return string.gsub(val_string, "'(.+)'", "%1") -- lua pattern magic: '(.+)' matches all characters between two single-quote marks (no escape chars) elseif "{" == val_string:sub(1, 1) and "}" == val_string:sub(#val_string, #val_string) then return parse_table(string.gsub(val_string, "{(.+)}", "%1")) elseif "true" == val_string then return true elseif "false" == val_string then return false end return tonumber(val_string) end local get_parameters_from_file = function(file_name) local parameters = {} local path = finale.FCString() path:SetRunningLuaFolderPath() local file_path = path.LuaString .. path_delimiter .. file_name if not file_exists(file_path) then return parameters end for line in io.lines(file_path) do local comment_at = string.find(line, comment_marker, 1, true) -- true means find raw string rather than lua pattern if nil ~= comment_at then line = string.sub(line, 1, comment_at - 1) end local delimiter_at = string.find(line, parameter_delimiter, 1, true) if nil ~= delimiter_at then local name = strip_leading_trailing_whitespace(string.sub(line, 1, delimiter_at - 1)) local val_string = strip_leading_trailing_whitespace(string.sub(line, delimiter_at + 1)) parameters[name] = parse_parameter(val_string) end end return parameters end --[[ % get_parameters Searches for a file with the input filename in the `script_settings` directory and replaces the default values in `parameter_list` with any that are found in the config file. @ file_name (string) the file name of the config file (which will be prepended with the `script_settings` directory) @ parameter_list (table) a table with the parameter name as key and the default value as value ]] function configuration.get_parameters(file_name, parameter_list) local file_parameters = get_parameters_from_file(script_settings_dir .. path_delimiter .. file_name) if nil ~= file_parameters then for param_name, def_val in pairs(parameter_list) do local param_val = file_parameters[param_name] if nil ~= param_val then parameter_list[param_name] = param_val end end end end local config = {nudge_evpus = 24} if nil ~= configuration then configuration.get_parameters("baseline_move.config.txt", config) end local lyric_baseline_types = { [finale.BASELINEMODE_LYRICSVERSE] = function() return finale.FCVerseLyricsText() end, [finale.BASELINEMODE_LYRICSCHORUS] = function() return finale.FCChorusLyricsText() end, [finale.BASELINEMODE_LYRICSSECTION] = function() return finale.FCSectionLyricsText() end, } local find_valid_lyric_nums = function(baseline_type) local lyrics_text_class_constructor = lyric_baseline_types[baseline_type] if lyrics_text_class_constructor then local valid_lyric_nums = {} local lyrics_text_class = lyrics_text_class_constructor() for i = 1, 32767, 1 do if lyrics_text_class:Load(i) then local str = finale.FCString() lyrics_text_class:GetText(str) if not str:IsEmpty() then valid_lyric_nums[{baseline_type, i}] = 1 end end end return valid_lyric_nums end return nil end function baseline_move() local region = finenv.Region() local systems = finale.FCStaffSystems() systems:LoadAll() local start_measure = region:GetStartMeasure() local end_measure = region:GetEndMeasure() local system = systems:FindMeasureNumber(start_measure) local lastSys = systems:FindMeasureNumber(end_measure) local system_number = system:GetItemNo() local lastSys_number = lastSys:GetItemNo() local start_slot = region:GetStartSlot() local end_slot = region:GetEndSlot() for _, baseline_type in pairs(baseline_types) do local valid_lyric_nums = find_valid_lyric_nums(baseline_type) -- will be nil for non-lyric baseline types for i = system_number, lastSys_number, 1 do local baselines = finale.FCBaselines() if direction ~= 0 then baselines:LoadAllForSystem(baseline_type, i) for j = start_slot, end_slot do if valid_lyric_nums then for lyric_info, _ in pairs(valid_lyric_nums) do local _, lyric_number = table.unpack(lyric_info) bl = baselines:AssureSavedLyricNumber(baseline_type, i, region:CalcStaffNumber(j), lyric_number) bl.VerticalOffset = bl.VerticalOffset + direction * nudge_evpus bl:Save() end else bl = baselines:AssureSavedStaff(baseline_type, i, region:CalcStaffNumber(j)) bl.VerticalOffset = bl.VerticalOffset + direction * nudge_evpus bl:Save() end end else for j = start_slot, end_slot do baselines:LoadAllForSystemStaff(baseline_type, i, region:CalcStaffNumber(j)) -- iterate backwards to preserve lower inci numbers when deleting for baseline in eachbackwards(baselines) do baseline:DeleteData() end end end end end end -- parameters for additional menu options baseline_types = baseline_types or {finale.BASELINEMODE_LYRICSVERSE, finale.BASELINEMODE_LYRICSCHORUS, finale.BASELINEMODE_LYRICSSECTION} direction = direction or -1 nudge_evpus = nudge_evpus or config.nudge_evpus baseline_move()
player_manager.AddValidModel( "OW: Tracer", "models/player/ow_tracer.mdl" )
function __init__ () return {} end function add () local aliases = contract.state[] or {} table.insert(aliases, call.payload.alias) contract.state[] = aliases end function _get_key_for_value( t, value ) for k,v in pairs(t) do if v==value then return k end end return nil end function delete () local aliases = contract.state[] or {} local key = _get_key_for_value(aliases, call.payload.alias) if key ~= nil then table.remove(aliases, key) end contract.state[] = aliases end
local K, C, L = unpack(select(2, ...)) if C.ActionBar.Enable ~= true then return end -- Lua API local _G = _G local unpack = unpack -- Wow API local AutoCastShine_AutoCastStart = _G.AutoCastShine_AutoCastStart local AutoCastShine_AutoCastStop = _G.AutoCastShine_AutoCastStop local GetNumShapeshiftForms = _G.GetNumShapeshiftForms local GetPetActionInfo = _G.GetPetActionInfo local GetPetActionSlotUsable = _G.GetPetActionSlotUsable local GetShapeshiftFormCooldown = _G.GetShapeshiftFormCooldown local GetShapeshiftFormInfo = _G.GetShapeshiftFormInfo local InCombatLockdown = _G.InCombatLockdown local IsPetAttackAction = _G.IsPetAttackAction local NUM_PET_ACTION_SLOTS = _G.NUM_PET_ACTION_SLOTS local NUM_STANCE_SLOTS = _G.NUM_STANCE_SLOTS local PetActionButton_StartFlash = _G.PetActionButton_StartFlash local PetActionButton_StopFlash = _G.PetActionButton_StopFlash local PetHasActionBar = _G.PetHasActionBar local SetDesaturation = _G.SetDesaturation -- Global variables that we don't cache, list them here for mikk's FindGlobals script -- GLOBALS: ShiftHolder, CooldownFrame_Set, StanceBarFrame -- PET AND SHAPESHIFT BARS STYLE FUNCTION K.ShiftBarUpdate = function(...) local numForms = GetNumShapeshiftForms() local texture, name, isActive, isCastable local button, icon, cooldown local start, duration, enable for i = 1, NUM_STANCE_SLOTS do button = _G["StanceButton"..i] icon = _G["StanceButton"..i.."Icon"] if i <= numForms then texture, name, isActive, isCastable = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(i) icon:SetTexture(texture) cooldown = _G["StanceButton"..i.."Cooldown"] if texture then cooldown:SetAlpha(1) else cooldown:SetAlpha(0) end start, duration, enable = GetShapeshiftFormCooldown(i) CooldownFrame_Set(cooldown, start, duration, enable) if isActive then StanceBarFrame.lastSelected = button:GetID() button:SetChecked(true) else button:SetChecked(false) end if isCastable then icon:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) else icon:SetVertexColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4) end end end end K.PetBarUpdate = function(...) local petActionButton, petActionIcon, petAutoCastableTexture, petAutoCastShine for i = 1, NUM_PET_ACTION_SLOTS, 1 do local buttonName = "PetActionButton"..i petActionButton = _G[buttonName] petActionIcon = _G[buttonName.."Icon"] petAutoCastableTexture = _G[buttonName.."AutoCastable"] petAutoCastShine = _G[buttonName.."Shine"] local name, subtext, texture, isToken, isActive, autoCastAllowed, autoCastEnabled = GetPetActionInfo(i) if not isToken then petActionIcon:SetTexture(texture) petActionButton.tooltipName = name else petActionIcon:SetTexture(_G[texture]) petActionButton.tooltipName = _G[name] end petActionButton.isToken = isToken petActionButton.tooltipSubtext = subtext if isActive and name ~= "PET_ACTION_FOLLOW" then petActionButton:SetChecked(true) if IsPetAttackAction(i) then PetActionButton_StartFlash(petActionButton) end else petActionButton:SetChecked(false) if IsPetAttackAction(i) then PetActionButton_StopFlash(petActionButton) end end if autoCastAllowed then petAutoCastableTexture:Show() else petAutoCastableTexture:Hide() end if autoCastEnabled then AutoCastShine_AutoCastStart(petAutoCastShine) else AutoCastShine_AutoCastStop(petAutoCastShine) end if name then if not C.ActionBar.Grid then petActionButton:SetAlpha(1) end else if not C.ActionBar.Grid then petActionButton:SetAlpha(0) end end if texture then if GetPetActionSlotUsable(i) then SetDesaturation(petActionIcon, nil) else SetDesaturation(petActionIcon, 1) end petActionIcon:Show() else petActionIcon:Hide() end if not PetHasActionBar() and texture and name ~= "PET_ACTION_FOLLOW" then PetActionButton_StopFlash(petActionButton) SetDesaturation(petActionIcon, 1) petActionButton:SetChecked(false) end end end
local _G = GLOBAL _G.SHANGROCKS_MINE = 33 * GetModConfigData("wajuecishu") _G.SHANGROCKS_MINE_MED = 22 * GetModConfigData("wajuecishu") _G.SHANGROCKS_MINE_LOW = 11 * GetModConfigData("wajuecishu") _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS = .1 * GetModConfigData("shitoubaolv") _G.SHANGROCKS_NITRE = .025 * GetModConfigData("shitoubaolv") _G.SHANGROCKS_FLINT = .06 * GetModConfigData("shitoubaolv") _G.SHANGROCKS_GOLDS = GetModConfigData("huangjinbaolv") _G.SHANG_SHENGDANSHI = GetModConfigData("SHENGDANSHI") _G.SHANG_RUOYINXIAN = GetModConfigData("RUOYINXIAN") _G.SHANGROCKS_BLUE = .0009 * GetModConfigData("baoshibaolv")*GetModConfigData("blue_baoshi") _G.SHANGROCKS_RED = .0005 * GetModConfigData("baoshibaolv")*GetModConfigData("red_baoshi") _G.SHANGROCKS_ORANGE = .0006 * GetModConfigData("baoshibaolv")*GetModConfigData("orange_baoshi") _G.SHANGROCKS_YELLOW = .0008 * GetModConfigData("baoshibaolv")*GetModConfigData("yellow_baoshi") _G.SHANGROCKS_GREEN = .0004 * GetModConfigData("baoshibaolv")*GetModConfigData("green_baoshi") _G.SHANGROCKS_PURPLE = .0007 * GetModConfigData("baoshibaolv")*GetModConfigData("purple_baoshi") _G.SHANGROCKS_THULECITE = .0001 * GetModConfigData("baoshibaolv")*GetModConfigData("thulecite_xiukuang") _G.SHANGROCKS_MARBLE = .0050 * GetModConfigData("marble_suipian") _G.SHANGROCKS_SHENG = 480 * GetModConfigData("shishengzhang") local Rocks_Shang = { "rock1", "rock2", "rock_flintless", "rock_flintless_med", "rock_flintless_low", "rock_moon", } _G.SetSharedLootTable( 'Shang'..'rock1', { {'rocks', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'rocks', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'rocks', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'nitre', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'flint', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'nitre', _G.SHANGROCKS_NITRE}, {'flint', _G.SHANGROCKS_FLINT}, {'bluegem', _G.SHANGROCKS_BLUE}, {'redgem', _G.SHANGROCKS_RED}, {'orangegem', _G.SHANGROCKS_ORANGE}, {'yellowgem', _G.SHANGROCKS_YELLOW}, {'greengem', _G.SHANGROCKS_GREEN}, {'purplegem', _G.SHANGROCKS_PURPLE}, {'thulecite', _G.SHANGROCKS_THULECITE}, }) _G.SetSharedLootTable( 'Shang'..'rock2', { {'rocks', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'rocks', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'rocks', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'goldnugget', .1 * _G.SHANGROCKS_GOLDS}, {'flint', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'goldnugget', .025 * _G.SHANGROCKS_GOLDS}, {'flint', _G.SHANGROCKS_FLINT}, {'bluegem', _G.SHANGROCKS_BLUE*2}, {'redgem', _G.SHANGROCKS_RED*2}, {'orangegem', _G.SHANGROCKS_ORANGE*2}, {'yellowgem', _G.SHANGROCKS_YELLOW*2}, {'greengem', _G.SHANGROCKS_GREEN*2}, {'purplegem', _G.SHANGROCKS_PURPLE*2}, {'thulecite', _G.SHANGROCKS_THULECITE*2}, }) _G.SetSharedLootTable( 'Shang'..'rock_flintless', { {'rocks', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'rocks', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'rocks', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'rocks', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'rocks', _G.SHANGROCKS_FLINT}, {'marble', _G.SHANGROCKS_MARBLE*20}, {'marble', _G.SHANGROCKS_MARBLE*5}, {'marble', _G.SHANGROCKS_MARBLE}, {'bluegem', _G.SHANGROCKS_BLUE/2}, {'redgem', _G.SHANGROCKS_RED/2}, {'orangegem', _G.SHANGROCKS_ORANGE/2}, {'yellowgem', _G.SHANGROCKS_YELLOW/2}, {'greengem', _G.SHANGROCKS_GREEN/2}, {'purplegem', _G.SHANGROCKS_PURPLE/2}, {'thulecite', _G.SHANGROCKS_THULECITE/2}, }) _G.SetSharedLootTable( 'Shang'..'rock_flintless_med', { {'rocks', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'rocks', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'rocks', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'rocks', _G.SHANGROCKS_NITRE}, {'marble', _G.SHANGROCKS_MARBLE*20}, {'marble', _G.SHANGROCKS_MARBLE}, {'bluegem', _G.SHANGROCKS_BLUE/2}, {'redgem', _G.SHANGROCKS_RED/2}, {'orangegem', _G.SHANGROCKS_ORANGE/2}, {'yellowgem', _G.SHANGROCKS_YELLOW/2}, {'greengem', _G.SHANGROCKS_GREEN/2}, {'purplegem', _G.SHANGROCKS_PURPLE/2}, {'thulecite', _G.SHANGROCKS_THULECITE/5}, }) _G.SetSharedLootTable( 'Shang'..'rock_flintless_low', { {'rocks', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'rocks', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'rocks', _G.SHANGROCKS_NITRE}, {'marble', _G.SHANGROCKS_MARBLE*20}, {'marble', _G.SHANGROCKS_MARBLE*5}, {'bluegem', _G.SHANGROCKS_BLUE/2}, {'redgem', _G.SHANGROCKS_RED/2}, {'orangegem', _G.SHANGROCKS_ORANGE/2}, {'yellowgem', _G.SHANGROCKS_YELLOW/2}, {'greengem', _G.SHANGROCKS_GREEN/2}, {'purplegem', _G.SHANGROCKS_PURPLE/2}, {'thulecite', _G.SHANGROCKS_THULECITE/5}, }) _G.SetSharedLootTable( 'Shang'..'rock_moon', { {'rocks', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'rocks', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'moonrocknugget', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'flint', _G.SHANGROCKS_ROCKS}, {'moonrocknugget', _G.SHANGROCKS_NITRE}, {'flint', _G.SHANGROCKS_FLINT}, {'thulecite_pieces', _G.SHANGROCKS_MARBLE*10}, {'thulecite_pieces', _G.SHANGROCKS_MARBLE*6}, {'thulecite_pieces', _G.SHANGROCKS_MARBLE}, {'bluegem', _G.SHANGROCKS_BLUE}, {'redgem', _G.SHANGROCKS_RED}, {'orangegem', _G.SHANGROCKS_ORANGE}, {'yellowgem', _G.SHANGROCKS_YELLOW}, {'greengem', _G.SHANGROCKS_GREEN}, {'purplegem', _G.SHANGROCKS_PURPLE}, {'thulecite', _G.SHANGROCKS_THULECITE}, }) local function ShenZ(inst) local x, y, z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition() local zijin = inst.prefab if inst.Transform then inst.Transform:SetScale(.22, .96, .33) end inst:RemoveComponent("workable") inst:AddComponent("workable") inst.components.workable:SetWorkAction(_G.ACTIONS.DIG) inst.components.workable:SetOnFinishCallback(function(r) r.components.lootdropper:DropLoot(pt) r:Remove() end) inst.components.workable:SetWorkLeft(1) _G.MakeObstaclePhysics(inst, 0, 0) inst:DoTaskInTime(_G.SHANGROCKS_SHENG, function() inst:StartThread(function() if inst.Transform then inst.Transform:SetScale(1, 1, 1) end _G.Sleep(.1) inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("low") if zijin ~= "rock_flintless_low" then _G.Sleep(.8) inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("med") if zijin ~= "rock_flintless_med" then _G.Sleep(1.2) inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("full") end end _G.SpawnPrefab(zijin).Transform:SetPosition(x, y, z) inst:Remove() end) end) end local function OnWork(inst, worker, workleft) local pt = inst:GetPosition() if worker:HasTag("player") or workleft > 0 then inst.shengyucishu = inst.shengyucishu - 1 inst.components.lootdropper:DropLoot(pt) else _G.MakeObstaclePhysics(inst, 0, 0) end if workleft <= 0 or inst.shengyucishu <= 0 then if inst.shengyucishu <= 0 then _G.SpawnPrefab("rock_break_fx").Transform:SetPosition(pt:Get()) if _G.SHANGROCKS_SHENG == 0 then inst:Remove() else ShenZ(inst) end else inst.components.workable:SetWorkLeft(_G.SHANGROCKS_MINE*20) end else inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation( (inst.shengyucishu < _G.SHANGROCKS_MINE / 3 and "low") or (inst.shengyucishu < _G.SHANGROCKS_MINE * 2 / 3 and "med") or "full" ) end end local function OnSave(inst,data) local zijin = inst.prefab local WeiKaiCaiShu = zijin == "rock_flintless_med" and _G.SHANGROCKS_MINE or zijin == "rock_flintless_low" and _G.SHANGROCKS_MINE_LOW or _G.SHANGROCKS_MINE data.shengyucishu = inst.shengyucishu>0 and inst.shengyucishu~=WeiKaiCaiShu and inst.shengyucishu or nil end local function OnLoad(inst,data) local zijin = inst.prefab local YiKaiCaiShu = zijin == "rock_flintless_med" and _G.SHANGROCKS_MINE or zijin == "rock_flintless_low" and _G.SHANGROCKS_MINE_LOW or _G.SHANGROCKS_MINE if data ~= nil then inst.shengyucishu = data.shengyucishu~=nil and data.shengyucishu<YiKaiCaiShu and data.shengyucishu or YiKaiCaiShu if inst.shengyucishu ~= nil then inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation( (inst.shengyucishu < _G.SHANGROCKS_MINE / 3 and "low") or (inst.shengyucishu < _G.SHANGROCKS_MINE * 2 / 3 and "med") or "full") end end end for k, v in pairs(Rocks_Shang) do AddPrefabPostInit(v,function(inst) if not _G.TheWorld.ismastersim then return inst end local ShengYuCiShu = inst.prefab == "rock_flintless_low" and _G.SHANGROCKS_MINE_LOW or inst.prefab == "rock_flintless_med" and _G.SHANGROCKS_MINE_MED or _G.SHANGROCKS_MINE inst.shengyucishu = ShengYuCiShu inst.components.lootdropper:SetChanceLootTable('Shang'..inst.prefab) inst.components.workable:SetWorkAction(_G.ACTIONS.MINE) inst.components.workable:SetWorkLeft(ShengYuCiShu*10) inst.components.workable:SetOnWorkCallback(OnWork) local color = .5 + math.random() * .5 local colora = _G.SHANG_SHENGDANSHI and 0 + math.random() * 1 or color local colorb = _G.SHANG_SHENGDANSHI and 0 + math.random() * 1 or color local colorc = _G.SHANG_SHENGDANSHI and 0 + math.random() * 1 or color local colord = (_G.SHANG_SHENGDANSHI or _G.SHANG_RUOYINXIAN) and .1 + math.random() * .9 or 1 inst.AnimState:SetMultColour(colora, colorb, colorc, colord) inst.OnSave = OnSave inst.OnLoad = OnLoad end) end
------------------------------shotcut-------------------------------- PI=math.pi lg = lk = love.keyboard lm = love.mouse for k,v in pairs(love.math) do math[k] = v end function w() return lg.getWidth() end function h() return lg.getHeight() end --------------------------------math addon---------------------------------- function math.percentOffset(num,percentage) return num + num*(0.5-love.math.random())*2*percentage end function math.round(num, n) if n > 0 then local scale = math.pow(10, n-1) return math.floor(num * scale + 0.5) / scale elseif n < 0 then local scale = math.pow(10, n) return math.floor(num * scale + 0.5) / scale elseif n == 0 then return num end end function math.clamp(a,b,c) --取三者中间的 return math.min(math.max(a,b),math.max(b,c),math.max(a,c)) end function math.sign(x) if x>0 then return 1 elseif x<0 then return -1 else return 0 end end function math.polar(x,y) return math.getDistance(x,y,0,0),math.atan2(y, x) end function math.cartesian(r,phi) return r*math.cos(phi),r*math.sin(phi) end function math.getLoopDist(p1,p2,loop) loop=loop or 2*Pi local dist=math.abs(p1-p2) local dist2=loop-math.abs(p1-p2) if dist>dist2 then dist=dist2 end return dist end function math.getDistance(x1,y1,x2,y2) return ((x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^2)^0.5 end function math.axisRot(x,y,rot) return math.cos(rot)*x-math.sin(rot)*y,math.cos(rot)*y+math.sin(rot)*x end function math.axisRot_P(x,y,x1,y1,rot) x=x - x1 y=y - y1 local xx=math.cos(rot)*x-math.sin(rot)*y local yy=math.cos(rot)*y+math.sin(rot)*x return xx+x1,yy+y1 end -- y轴正方向为0,顺时针增加[-0.5pi~1.5*pi] function math.getRot2(dx,dy) return math.atan2(dy,dx)+0.5*math.pi end function math.getRot(x1,y1,x2,y2) return math.getRot2(x2-x1,y2-y1) end function math.polygonTrans(x,y,rot,size,v) local tab={} for i=1,#v/2 do tab[2*i-1],tab[2*i]=math.axisRot(v[2*i-1],v[2*i],rot) tab[2*i-1]=tab[2*i-1]*size+x tab[2*i]=tab[2*i]*size+y end return tab end function math.convexHull(verts) local v={} local rt={} local lastK=0 local lastX=0 local lastY=0 local lastRad=0 for i=1,#verts-1,2 do local index = (i+1)/2 v[index]={} v[index].x=verts[i] v[index].y=verts[i+1] end local maxY=-1/0 local oK=0 for k,v in ipairs(v) do if v.y>maxY then maxY=v.y oK=k end end lastK=oK lastX=v[lastK].x lastY=v[lastK].y table.insert(rt,v[lastK].x) table.insert(rt,v[lastK].y) local i=0 while true do i=i+1 local minRad=2*math.pi local minK=0 for k,v in pairs(v) do local rad= math.getRot(v.x,v.y,lastX,lastY) if rad and rad>lastRad then if rad<minRad then minRad=rad minK=k end end end if minK==maxK or minK==0 then table.insert(rt,rt[1]) table.insert(rt,rt[2]) return rt end --outside lastK=minK lastRad=minRad lastX=v[lastK].x lastY=v[lastK].y table.insert(rt,v[lastK].x) table.insert(rt,v[lastK].y) end end function math.randomPolygon(x,y,size,count) x = x or 0 y = y or 0 size = size or 100 count = count or 30 local v = {} for i=1,count*2 do table.insert(v,love.math.random(-50,50)*size/50) end return math.polygonTrans(x,y,0,1,math.convexHull(v)) end function math.pointTest(x,y,verts) local pX={} local pY={} for i=1,#verts,2 do table.insert(pX, verts[i]) table.insert(pY, verts[i+1]) end local oddNodes=false local pCount=#pX local j=pCount for i=1,pCount do if ((pY[i]<y and pY[j]>=y) or (pY[j]<y and pY[i]>=y)) and (pX[i]<=x or pX[j]<=x) then if pX[i]+(y-pY[i])/(pY[j]-pY[i])*(pX[j]-pX[i])<x then oddNodes=not oddNodes end end j=i end return oddNodes end function math.pointTest_xy(x,y,pX,pY) local oddNodes=false local pCount=#pX local j=pCount for i=1,pCount do if ((pY[i]<y and pY[j]>=y) or (pY[j]<y and pY[i]>=y)) and (pX[i]<=x or pX[j]<=x) then if pX[i]+(y-pY[i])/(pY[j]-pY[i])*(pX[j]-pX[i])<x then oddNodes=not oddNodes end end j=i end return oddNodes end function math.RGBtoHSV(r,g,b) local max=math.max(r,g,b) local min=math.min(r,g,b) local d=max-min local v=max local s if v==0 then s=0 else s=1-min/max end local h=0 if d~=0 then if r==max then h=(g-b)/d elseif g==max then h=2+(b-r)/d elseif b==max then h=4+(r-g)/d end h=h*60 if h<0 then h=h+360 end end return h,s,v end function math.HSVtoRGB(h,s,v) local r,g,b local x,y,z if s==0 then r=v;g=v;b=v else h=h/60 i=math.floor(h) f=h-i x=v*(1-s) y=v*(1-s*f) z=v*(1-s*(1-f)) end if i==0 then r=v;g=z;b=x elseif i==1 then r=y;g=v;b=x elseif i==2 then r=x;g=v;b=z elseif i==3 then r=x;g=y;b=v elseif i==4 then r=z;g=x;b=v elseif i==5 then r=v;g=x;b=y else r=v;g=z;b=x end return math.floor(r),math.floor(g),math.floor(b) end function math.tessellate(vertices,time,factor) local new = {} local loop = vertices[1] == vertices[#vertices-1] and vertices[2] == vertices[#vertices] factor = factor or .5 for i=1,#vertices-(loop and 3 or 1),2 do local newindex = 2*i new[newindex - 1] = vertices[i]; new[newindex] = vertices[i+1] new[newindex + 1] = (vertices[i] + (vertices[i+2] or vertices[1]))/2 new[newindex + 2] = (vertices[i+1] + (vertices[i+3] or vertices[2]))/2 end for i = 1,#new -1,4 do new[i] = factor*((new[i - 2] or new[#new-1]) + (new[i + 2] or new[1]))/2 + (1 - factor)*new[i] new[i + 1] = factor*((new[i - 1] or new[#new])+ (new[i + 3] or new[2]))/2 + (1 - factor)*new[i + 1] end if loop then table.insert(new,new[1]) table.insert(new,new[2]) end if time == 1 then return new else return math.tessellate(new,time - 1 ,factor) end end function math.randomCurve(verts,displace,curDetail) local curve = {} local random = love.math.random local loop = verts[1] == verts[#verts-1] and verts[2] == verts[#verts] for i = 1,#verts-1,2 do local segment = {} local ox = verts[i] local oy = verts[i+1] if loop and (not verts[i+2]) then break end local nx = verts[i+2] or verts[1] local ny = verts[i+3] or verts[2] local sample = {{ox,oy,nx,ny,displace,0.5,1}} local result = {} while true do local newSample = {} for i,seg in ipairs(sample) do local x1,y1,x2,y2,dp,index,div = unpack(seg) div = div + 1 if dp > curDetail then local mx = (x1 + x2) / 2 + (random() - 0.5) * displace local my = (y1 + y2) / 2 + (random() - 0.5) * displace table.insert(newSample,{x1,y1,mx,my,dp/2,index-1/(2^div),div}) table.insert(newSample,{mx,my,x2,y2,dp/2,index+1/(2^div),div}) else table.insert(result,seg) end end if not newSample[1] then break end sample = newSample end table.sort(result,function(a,b) return a[6]<b[6] end) for i,v in ipairs(result) do table.insert(curve, v[1]) table.insert(curve, v[2]) --table.insert(curve, v[3]) --table.insert(curve, v[4]) end end table.insert(curve,curve[1]) table.insert(curve,curve[2]) return curve end function math.pointToLine(a,b,c,x,y) return math.abs(a*x+b*y+c)/math.sqrt(a*a+b*b) end --source 必须包含.x,.y作为起始坐标,.rot为发射角,tx,ty为终点坐标 --toTest为待检测table 必须包含 .x,.y,.r作为碰撞球 function math.raycast(source,toTest) local x1,y1=source.x,source.y local x2,y2 local dist local dir=source.rot or math.atan((source.tx-x1)/(source.ty-y1))-math.pi/2 local tan=math.tan(dir) local a=tan local b=-1 local c=-x1*tan+y1 local rt={} for i,v in ipairs(toTest) do x2,y2=v.x,v.y dist=math.pointToLine(a,b,c,x2,y2) if math.sign(math.cos(dir))~=math.sign(x2-x1) and math.sign(math.sin(dir))~=math.sign(y2-y1) then dist=math.tan(Pi/2) end if dist<= v.r then local a2,b2,c2=math.vertToLine(a,b,c,x2,y2) local cx,cy=math.crossPoint(a,b,c,a2,b2,c2) if source.tx then if math.abs(cx - math.clamp(cx,source.x,source.tx))<2 and math.abs(cy - math.clamp(cy,source.y,source.ty))<2 then table.insert(rt, {v,cx,cy}) end else if cx == math.clamp(cx,source.x,(1/0)*math.sin(dir)) and cy == math.clamp(cy,source.y,(1/0)*math.cos(dir)) then table.insert(rt, {v,cx,cy}) end end end end return rt end function math.getLineABC(x,y,tx,ty) local a = (ty-y)/(tx-x) local b = -1 local c = -x*a+y return a,b,c end function math.lineCross(line1,line2) local a1,b1,c1 = math.getLineABC(line1.x,line1.y,line1.tx,line1.ty) local a2,b2,c2 = math.getLineABC(line2.x,line2.y,line2.tx,line2.ty) local cx,cy=math.crossPoint(a1,b1,c1,a2,b2,c2) if math.abs(cx - math.clamp(cx,line1.x,line1.tx))<2 and math.abs(cy - math.clamp(cy,line1.y,line1.ty))<2 and math.abs(cx - math.clamp(cx,line2.x,line2.tx))<2 and math.abs(cy - math.clamp(cy,line2.y,line2.ty))<2 then return cx,cy end end function math.unitAngle(angle) --convert angle to 0,2*Pi return math.asin(math.sin(angle)) end --overwrite it function math.unitAngle(angle) --convert angle to 0,2*Pi angle = angle%(2*math.pi) if angle > math.pi then angle = angle - 2* math.pi end return angle end ---- 判断x2,y2在 x1、y1的弧度、角度、方向(N,S,W,E)、周围点 function math.getRot( x1,y1,x2,y2 ) if x1==x2 and y1 == y2 then return 0 end if y1 == y2 and x2 - x1 > 0 then return math.pi/2 end if y1 == y2 and x2 - x1 < 0 then return 3*math.pi/2 end local angle = math.atan( (x2-x1)/(y2-y1) ) if y1-y2 < 0 then angle = angle - math.pi end if angle>0 then angle = angle - 2*math.pi end return -angle end function math.getAngle( x1,y1,x2,y2 ) local rot = math.getRot(x1,y1,x2,y2) local angle = rot/(2*math.pi)*360 return angle end function math.getDirection( x1,y1,x2,y2 ) local d = {'N','EN','E','ES','S','WS','W','WN'} local a = {0,45,90,135,180,225,270,315,360} local angle = math.getAngle(x1,y1,x2,y2) if angle>=a[9]-22.5 or angle < a[1] + 22.5 then return d[1] end if angle>=a[2]-22.5 and angle < a[2] + 22.5 then return d[2] end if angle>=a[3]-22.5 and angle < a[3] + 22.5 then return d[3] end if angle>=a[4]-22.5 and angle < a[4] + 22.5 then return d[4] end if angle>=a[5]-22.5 and angle < a[5] + 22.5 then return d[5] end if angle>=a[6]-22.5 and angle < a[6] + 22.5 then return d[6] end if angle>=a[7]-22.5 and angle < a[7] + 22.5 then return d[7] end if angle>=a[8]-22.5 and angle < a[8] + 22.5 then return d[8] end end function math.getDirecPoint( x1,y1,x2,y2 ) local points = {} points.N = {x=0,y=-1} points.EN = {x=1,y=-1} points.E = {x=1,y=0} points.ES ={x=1,y=-1} points.S = {x=0,y=1} points.WS = {x=-1,y=1} points.W = {x=-1,y=0} points.WN = {x=-1,y=-1} local direc = math.getDirection(x1,y1,x2,y2) return points[direc] end ---@return UUID function math.createID() local seed = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'} local tb = {} for i =1,32 do table.insert(tb, seed[math.random(1,16)]) end return table.concat(tb) end function math.vertToLine(a,b,c,x,y) --过已知点垂线公式 local a2=math.abs(b/a)==1/0 and math.sign(b/a)*math.tan(Pi/2) or b/a return a2,-1,y-a2*x end function math.crossPoint(a1,b1,c1,a2,b2,c2) --两线交点公式 return (b1*c2-b2*c1)/(a1*b2-a2*b1), (a1*c2-a2*c1)/(b1*a2-b2*a1) end function math.createEllipse(rx,ry,segments) segments = segments or 30 local vertices = {} for i=0, segments do local angle = (i / segments) * math.pi * 2 local x = math.cos(angle)*rx local y = math.sin(angle)*ry table.insert(vertices, x) table.insert(vertices, y) end return vertices end --return center,area verts[1],verts[2] = x ,y function math.getPolygonArea(verts) local count=#verts/2 local cx,cy=0,0 local area = 0 local inv3=1/3 local refx,refy=0,0 for i=1,#verts-1,2 do local p1x,p1y=refx,refy local p2x,p2y=verts[i],verts[i+1] local p3x = i+2>#verts and verts[1] or verts[i+2] local p3y = i+2>#verts and verts[2] or verts[i+3] local e1x= p2x-p1x local e1y= p2y-p1y local e2x= p3x-p1x local e2y= p3y-p1y local d=math.vec2.cross(e1x,e1y,e2x,e2y) local triAngleArea=0.5*d area=area+triAngleArea cx = cx + triAngleArea*(p1x+p2x+p3x)/3 cy = cy + triAngleArea*(p1y+p2y+p3y)/3 end if area~=0 then cx= cx/area cy= cy/area return cx,cy,math.abs(area) end end --------------------------------string addon---------------------------------- function string.split(str,keyword) local tab={} local index=1 local from=1 local to=1 while true do if string.sub(str,index,index)==keyword then to=index-1 if from>to then table.insert(tab, "") else table.insert(tab, string.sub(str,from,to)) end from=index+1 end index=index+1 if index>string.len(str) then if from<=string.len(str) then table.insert(tab, string.sub(str,from,string.len(str))) end return tab end end end function string.generateName(num,seed) local list = {} list[1] = {{'b','c','d','f','g','h','j','l','m','n','p','r','s','t','v','x','z','k','w','y'},{'qu','th','ll','ph'}} --21,4 list[2] = {'a','e','i','o','u'} --v random = love.math.newRandomGenerator(os.time()) random:setSeed(love.math.random(1,9999)) local first = random:random(2) local name = '' local char = '' local nchar = '' --creates first letter(s) if first == 2 then --v for i=1, random:random(2) do char = list[2][random:random(#list[2])] if i == 2 then while char == name do char = list[2][random:random(#list[2])] end name = name .. char else name = name .. char end end else --c if random:random(2) == 1 then for i=1, random:random(2) do char = list[1][1][random:random(#list[1][1])] if i == 2 then while char == name do char = list[1][1][random:random(#list[1][1])] end name = name .. char else name = char end end else char = list[1][2][random:random(#list[1][2])] if char == 'qu' then nchar = list[2][random:random(2,3)] first = 2 end name = char .. nchar end end --creates the rest of the name local add = '' for i=1,num do first = first == 1 and 2 or 1 -- change between v and c add = '' if first == 2 then --v for i=1, random:random(2) do char = list[2][random:random(#list[2])] if i == 2 then while char == add do char = list[2][random:random(#list[2])] end add = add .. char else add = add .. char end end else --c if random:random(2) == 1 then for i=1, random:random(2) do char = list[1][1][random:random(#list[1][1])] if i == 2 then while char == add do char = list[1][1][random:random(#list[1][1])] end add = add .. char else add = add .. char end end else char = list[1][2][random:random(#list[1][2])] if char == 'qu' then nchar = list[2][random:random(2,3)] end add = char .. nchar end end name = name .. add end return name end function string.toTable(str) local tab={} for uchar in string.gfind(str, "[%z\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*") do tab[#tab+1] = uchar end return tab end function string.sub_utf8(s, n) local dropping = string.byte(s, n+1) if not dropping then return s end if dropping >= 128 and dropping < 192 then return string.sub_utf8(s, n-1) end return string.sub(s, 1, n) end function string.strippath(filename) return string.match(filename, "(.+)\\[^\\]*%.%w+$") --windows end function string.stripfilename(filename) return string.match(filename, ".+\\([^\\]*%.%w+)$") -- *nix system end --------------------------------table addon---------------------------------- function table.getIndex(tab,item) for k,v in pairs(tab) do if v==item then return k end end end function table.removeItem(tab,item) table.remove(tab,table.getIndex(tab,item)) end function table.copy(source,copyto,ifcopyfunction) copyto=copyto or {} for k, v in pairs(source or {}) do if type(v) == "table" then copyto[k] = table.copy(v,copyto[k]) elseif type(v) == "function" then if ifcopyfunction then copyto[k] = v end else copyto[k] = v end end return copyto end function table.inserts(tab,...) for i,v in ipairs({...}) do table.insert(tab, v) end end function table.state(tab) local output={} local function ergodic(target,name) for k,v in pairs(target) do if type(v)=="table" then name=name.."/"..k output[name]=#v print(name,#v) ergodic(v,name) end end end ergodic(tab,tostring(tab)) return output end function table.safeRemove(tab,index) --can be used in iv pair local v=tab[#tab] tab[index]=v tab[#tab]=nil end function table.isEmpty(tab) for k,v in pairs(tab) do return false end return true end function table.merge(tab1,tab2) --from,to if tab2[1] then --ordered for i,v in ipairs(tab2) do table.insert(tab1,v) end else for k,v in pairs(tab2) do tab1[k] = v end end return tab1 end function table.reverse(tab) local tmp = unpack(tab) for i = #tmp , 1, -1 do tab[i] = tmp[#tmp-i+1] end end function table.random(tab) return tab[love.math.random(#tab)] end function,name,ifCopyFunction) name=name or "default" local tableList= {{name="root",tab=tab}} --to protect loop local output="local ""=\n" local function ergodic(target,time) time=time+1 output=output.."{\n" for k,v in pairs(target) do output=output .. string.rep("\t",time) local name if type(k)=="number" then name="["..k.."]" elseif type(k)=="string" then name="[\""..k.."\"]" end if type(v)=="table" then output=output .. name .."=" local checkRepeat for _,p in ipairs(tableList) do if then checkRepeat=true;break end end if checkRepeat then output=output.. name .."=table^"",\n" else table.insert(tableList,{name=name,tab=v}) ergodic(v,time) output=output .. string.rep("\t",time) output=output.."},\n" end elseif type(v)=="string" then if string.find(v,"\n") then local startp, endp = string.find(v, "%[=*%[") local count = startp and endp-startp or 0 output=output.. name .."=["..string.rep("=",count).."["..v.."]"..string.rep("=",count).."],\n" else output=output.. name .."=\""..v.."\",\n" end elseif type(v)=="number" or type(v)=="boolean" then"="..tostring(v)..",\n" elseif type(v)=="function" and ifCopyFunction then output=output .. name .."= loadstring(\""..string.dump(v).."\")(),\n" end end end ergodic(tab,0) output=output.."}\nreturn " --print(output) return output end function table.load(str) return loadstring(str)() end function p_print(...) local info = debug.getinfo(2, "Sl") local source = info.source local msg = ("%s:%i ->"):format(source, info.currentline) print(msg, ...) end function resize( s ) love.window.setMode(s*gw,s*gh) sw,sh = s,s end --- @type fun():string function UUID() local fn = function ( x ) local r = love.math.random(16) - 1 r = (x == 'x') and (r + 1) or (r % 4) + 9 return ("0123456789abcdef"):sub(r,r) end return (("xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"):gsub("[xy]",fn)) end --- @type fun():Stage function addRoom( room_type, room_name, ... ) local room = _G[room_type](room_name, ...) rooms[room_name] = room return room end --- @type fun(room_type:string,room_name:string) function gotoRoom( room_type, room_name, ... ) if current_room and current_room.destroy then current_room:destroy() end if current_room and rooms[room_name] then if current_room.deactivate then current_room:deactivate() end current_room = rooms[room_name] if current_room.activate then current_room:activate() end else current_room = addRoom(room_type, room_name, ...) end end --- @type fun(folder:string,file_list:table) function recursiveEnumerate( folder,file_list ) local items = love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems(folder) for _,item in ipairs(items) do local file = folder .. '/' .. item if love.filesystem.getInfo(file).type == "file" then table.insert(file_list,file) elseif love.filesystem.isDirectory(file) then recursiveEnumerate(file,file_liset) end end end function requireFiles(files) for _, file in ipairs(files) do local f = file:sub(1,-5) require(f) end end function random(min,max) local min,max = min or 0, max or 1 return (min > max and (love.math.random()*(min - max) + max)) or (love.math.random()*(max - min) + min) end function count_all(f) local seen = {} local count_table count_table = function(t) if seen[t] then return end f(t) seen[t] = true for k,v in pairs(t) do if type(v) == "table" then count_table(v) elseif type(v) == "userdata" then f(v) end end end count_table(_G) end function type_count() local counts = {} local enumerate = function (o) local t = type_name(o) counts[t] = (counts[t] or 0) + 1 end count_all(enumerate) return counts end global_type_table = nil function type_name(o) if global_type_table == nil then global_type_table = {} for k,v in pairs(_G) do global_type_table[v] = k end global_type_table[0] = "table" end return global_type_table[getmetatable(o) or 0] or "Unknown" end ------------------------------ Graphics ----------------------------- --- label func --- @type fun(text,x,y,bg,fg,font) --- @param text string --- @param x number --- @param y number --- @param bg table color {r,g,b,a} --- @param fg table color {r,g,b,a} --- @param font Font function,x,y,bg,fg,font) local fg = fg or {1,1,1,1} local bg = bg or {0,0,0,0.5} local font = font or local tw,th = font:getWidth(text),font:getHeight(text) local x = x or gw/2 - tw/2 --- center local y = y or 0'fill',x,y,tw,th),x,y) end function pushRote(x,y,r,sx,sy),y) or 0) or 1,sy or sx or 1),-y) end --- table function table.random(t) return t[math.random(1,#t)] end --- func function chanceList( ... ) return{ chance_list = {}, chance_definitions = { ... }, next = function(self) if #self.chance_list == 0 then for _,chance_definition in ipairs(self.chance_definitions) do for i = 1,chance_definition[2] do table.insert(self.chance_list,chance_definition[1]) end end end return table.remove(self.chance_list,random(1,#self.chance_list)) end } end function generateClickSound() local snd = love.sound.newSoundData(512,44100,16,1) for i = 0,snd:getSampleCount() -1 do local t = i / 44100 local s = i / snd:getSampleCount() snd:setSample(i,(0.7*(2*love.math.random() - 1) + 0.3 * math.sin(t*9000*math.pi))*(1-s)^1.2 * 0.3) end return end function generateImageButton() local metaballs = function(t,r,g,b) return function(x,y) local px,py = 2*(x/200 - 0.5),2 * (y/100 - 0.5) local d1 = math.exp(-((px - 0.6)^2 + (py - 0.1)^2)) local d2 = math.exp(-((px + 0.7)^2 + (py + 0.1)^2)*2) local d = (d1 + d2)/2 if d > t then return r,g,b,((d-t)/(1-t))^0.2 end return 0,0,0,0 end end end --- debug function debug.getCollection() print("Before collection : " .. collectgarbage("count")/1024) collectgarbage() print("After collection : ".. collectgarbage("count")/1024) print("object count : " ) local counts = type_count() for k , v in pairs(counts) do print(k,v) end print("------------------------------") end --- check x,y in button --- @type func --- @param x1 number --- @param y1 number --- @param x2 number --- @param y2 number --- @param x number --- @param y number --- @return boolean function checkButton(x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y) return x > x1 and x < x2 and y > y1 and y < y2; end
return { version = "1.5", luaversion = "5.1", tiledversion = "1.5.0", orientation = "orthogonal", renderorder = "right-down", width = 30, height = 30, tilewidth = 16, tileheight = 16, nextlayerid = 4, nextobjectid = 5, properties = {}, tilesets = { { name = "Tiles", firstgid = 1, tilewidth = 16, tileheight = 16, spacing = 0, margin = 0, columns = 10, image = "_tilesets/tiles.png", imagewidth = 160, imageheight = 80, objectalignment = "unspecified", tileoffset = { x = 0, y = 0 }, grid = { orientation = "orthogonal", width = 16, height = 16 }, properties = {}, wangsets = {}, tilecount = 50, tiles = {} } }, layers = { { type = "tilelayer", x = 0, y = 0, width = 30, height = 30, id = 1, name = "Base", visible = true, opacity = 1, offsetx = 0, offsety = 0, parallaxx = 1, parallaxy = 1, properties = {}, encoding = "lua", data = { 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 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= "", shape = "rectangle", x = 16, y = 464, width = 448, height = 16, rotation = 0, visible = true, properties = {} } } } } }
-- remove beats from measures object -- -- -- argt specifies removal mode: -- - positions : elements that should be removed -- - matching : if a beat matches the values, remove it -- - between/and : (dual argument) remove beats between beats A and B -- - matching_assoc : remove beats which match any in associated (not implemented yet) -- -- -- local ssub = string.sub local coerce2table = function (argt_key) local type_string = type(argt_key) type_string = ssub(type_string, 1,1) if type_string=='n' then return {argt_key} elseif type_string=='t' then return argt_key else error("type of args passed to remove must be a table or a number" ,3) end end local tsort = table.sort --local RIFAF = function (self, table_of_indices) -- RemoveIndicesFromAllFields -- this function return function (self, argt) -- collect args from aliases and adjust into tables if necessary -- positions argt.positions = argt.pos or argt.positions or argt.indices or argt.idx or argt.index argt.positions = coerce2table(argt.positions) -- beats argt.matching = or argt.matching or argt.matching_beats argt.matching = coerce2table(argt.matching) tsort(argt.matching) -- between/and argt.between = argt.between or argt.from or argt.btn or argt.b or argt.btwn argt.and = argt.and or or argt.a -- -- matching associated table argt.associated = argt.associated -- (no implementation yet) -- relevant locals local rhythm = self:get('r') local remove_which = {} -- store indices we will remove into this table -- construct `remove_which` if argt.positions then remove_which = argt.positions elseif argt.matching then local matching = argt.matching local start_at = 1 -- index at which to start search in inner loop for m=1,#matching do local mval = matching[m] for r=start_at,#rhythm do if rhythm[r]==mval then remove_which[#remove_which + 1] = r elseif local ry,rm,m = 1,1,1 --loop indices for `rhythm`, `remove_which`, and `matching` while matching[m] do if rhythm[r]~=matching[m]
local ATest = bt.Class("ATest",bt.ActionTask) bt.ATest = ATest function ATest:ctor() bt.ActionTask.ctor(self) = "ATest" end function ATest:init(jsonData) end function ATest:onExecute() local success = APIAction.test(self.agent) self:endAction(true) end
----------------------------------- -- Ability: Spirit Surge -- Adds your wyvern's strength to your own. -- Obtained: Dragoon Level 1 -- Recast Time: 1:00:00 -- Duration: 1:00 ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status") require("scripts/globals/msg") ----------------------------------- function onAbilityCheck(player,target,ability) -- The wyvern must be present in order to use Spirit Surge if (target:getPet() == nil) then return tpz.msg.basic.REQUIRES_A_PET,0 else return 0,0 end end function onUseAbility(player,target,ability) -- Spirit Surge increases dragoon's MAX HP increases by 25% of wyvern MaxHP -- bg wiki says 25% ffxiclopedia says 15%, going with 25 for now local mhp_boost = target:getPet():getMaxHP()*0.25 -- Dragoon gets all of wyverns TP when using Spirit Surge local pet = player:getPet() local petTP = pet:getTP() target:addTP(petTP) --add pet TP to dragoon pet:delTP(petTP) -- remove TP from pet -- Spirit Surge increases dragoon's Strength local strBoost = 0 if (target:getMainJob() == tpz.job.DRG) then strBoost = (1 + target:getMainLvl()/5) -- Use Mainjob Lvl else strBoost = (1 + target:getSubLvl()/5) -- Use Subjob Lvl end local duration = 60 target:despawnPet() -- All Jump recast times are reset target:resetRecast(tpz.recast.ABILITY,158) -- Jump target:resetRecast(tpz.recast.ABILITY,159) -- High Jump target:resetRecast(tpz.recast.ABILITY,160) -- Super Jump target:addStatusEffect(tpz.effect.SPIRIT_SURGE, mhp_boost, 0, duration, 0, strBoost) end
return { new = function(self, flags) if self.path.exists("config.lua") then self:fail_with_message("config.lua already exists") end return self:write_file_safe("config.lua", require("lapis.cmd.cqueues.templates.config")) end, server = function(self, flags, environment) local push, pop do local _obj_0 = require("lapis.environment") push, pop = _obj_0.push, _obj_0.pop end local start_server start_server = require("lapis.cmd.cqueues").start_server push(environment) local config = require("lapis.config").get() local app_module = config.app_class or "app" start_server(app_module) return pop() end }
--[[ LuCI - SGI-Module for CGI Description: Server Gateway Interface for CGI FileId: $Id: cgi.lua 6535 2010-11-23 01:02:21Z soma $ License: Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <[email protected]> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- exectime = os.clock() module("luci.sgi.cgi", package.seeall) local ltn12 = require("luci.ltn12") require("nixio.util") require("luci.http") require("luci.sys") require("luci.dispatcher") -- Limited source to avoid endless blocking local function limitsource(handle, limit) limit = limit or 0 local BLOCKSIZE = ltn12.BLOCKSIZE return function() if limit < 1 then handle:close() return nil else local read = (limit > BLOCKSIZE) and BLOCKSIZE or limit limit = limit - read local chunk = handle:read(read) if not chunk then handle:close() end return chunk end end end function run() local r = luci.http.Request( luci.sys.getenv(), limitsource(io.stdin, tonumber(luci.sys.getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH"))), ltn12.sink.file(io.stderr) ) local x = coroutine.create(luci.dispatcher.httpdispatch) local hcache = "" local active = true while coroutine.status(x) ~= "dead" do local res, id, data1, data2 = coroutine.resume(x, r) if not res then print("Status: 500 Internal Server Error") print("Content-Type: text/plain\n") print(id) break; end if active then if id == 1 then io.write("Status: " .. tostring(data1) .. " " .. data2 .. "\r\n") elseif id == 2 then hcache = hcache .. data1 .. ": " .. data2 .. "\r\n" elseif id == 3 then io.write(hcache) io.write("\r\n") elseif id == 4 then io.write(tostring(data1 or "")) elseif id == 5 then io.flush() io.close() active = false elseif id == 6 then data1:copyz(nixio.stdout, data2) data1:close() end end end end
local helper = require("commented.helper") local opts = { comment_padding = " ", keybindings = { n = "<leader>c", v = "<leader>c", nl = "<leader>cc" }, -- NOTE: The key in this table should match the key of the codetags block codetags_keybindings = {}, set_keybindings = true, prefer_block_comment = false, -- Set it to true to automatically use block comment when multiple lines are selected inline_cms = { hjson = { inline = "//%s" }, mysql = { inline = "#%s" }, jproperties = { inline = "!%s" }, terraform = { inline = "//%s" }, service = { inline = ";%s" }, dosini = { inline = "#%s" }, }, block_cms = { wast = { block = "(;%s;)" }, asciidoc = { block = "////%s////" }, imba = { block = "###%s###" }, bicep = { block = "/*%s*/" }, yang = { block = "/*%s*/" }, solidity = { block = "/*%s*/" }, typescriptreact = { block = "/*%s*/" }, javascriptreact = { block = "/*%s*/" }, javascript = { block = "/*%s*/" }, typescript = { block = "/*%s*/" }, mint = { block = "/*%s*/" }, jsonc = { block = "/*%s*/" }, sql = { block = "/*%s*/" }, mysql = { block = "/*%s*/" }, lua = { block = "--[[%s--]]" }, teal = { block = "--[[%s--]]" }, rust = { block = "/*%s*/" }, kotlin = { block = "/*%s*/" }, java = { block = "/*%s*/" }, groovy = { block = "/*%s*/" }, go = { block = "/*%s*/" }, php = { block = "/*%s*/" }, c = { block = "/*%s*/", throw_away_block = "#if 0%s#endif" }, cpp = { block = "/*%s*/", throw_away_block = "#if 0%s#endif" }, vala = { block = "/*%s*/" }, genie = { block = "/*%s*/" }, cs = { block = "/*%s*/" }, fs = { block = "(*%s*)" }, julia = { block = "#=%s=#" }, hjson = { block = "/*%s*/" }, dhall = { block = "{-%s-}" }, lean = { block = "/-%s-/" }, wren = { block = "/*%s*/" }, pug = { unbuffered = "//-%s", block = "//-%s//" }, haml = { unbuffered = "-#" }, haxe = { block = "/**%s**/" }, rjson = { block = "/*%s*/" }, jison = { block = "/*%s*/" }, terraform = { block = "/*%s*/" }, d = { block = "/*%s*/", alt_block = "/+%s+/" }, yuck = { block = "#|%s|#" }, racket = { block = "#|%s|#" }, pony = { block = "/*%s*/" }, reason = { block = "/*%s*/" }, rescript = { block = "/*%s*/" }, }, -- commentstring used for commenting lang_options = {}, ex_mode_cmd = "Comment", left_align_comment = false, hooks = {}, } local leading_space = "^%s*" local space_only = leading_space .. "$" local function commenting_lines(fn_opts) local start_symbol, end_symbol = fn_opts.symbols[1], fn_opts.symbols[2] local commented_lines =, index) -- local pattern = opts.left_align_comment and leading_space or "([^%s])" -- ([^%s*]) -- Make this a global option? local pattern = "([^%s])" local commented_line = line:gsub( pattern, (index == 1 and start_symbol .. fn_opts.prefix or start_symbol) .. opts.comment_padding .. "%1", 1 ) if end_symbol ~= "" then commented_line = commented_line .. opts.comment_padding .. end_symbol end return commented_line end, fn_opts.lines) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, fn_opts.start_line, fn_opts.end_line, false, commented_lines) end local function clear_lines_symbols(fn_opts) local prefix = fn_opts.prefix or "" return, index) if line:match(space_only) then return line end local start_symbol, end_symbol = unpack(fn_opts.uncomment_symbols[index]) local pattern = opts.left_align_comment and opts.comment_padding or "%s*" local cleaned_line = line:gsub( (index == 1 and start_symbol .. prefix .. pattern or start_symbol .. pattern), "", 1 ) if end_symbol ~= "" then cleaned_line = cleaned_line:gsub("%s*" .. end_symbol, "") end return cleaned_line end, fn_opts.lines) end local function uncommenting_lines(fn_opts) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines( 0, fn_opts.start_line, fn_opts.end_line, false, clear_lines_symbols({ lines = fn_opts.lines, uncomment_symbols = fn_opts.uncomment_symbols, prefix = fn_opts.prefix, }) ) end --NOTE Insert uncommenting_symbols while check for a match local function has_matching_pattern(line, comment_patterns, uncomment_symbols) local matched = false for _, pattern in pairs(comment_patterns) do local escaped_start_symbol, escaped_end_symbol = helper.escape_symbols(helper.get_comment_wrap(pattern)) local escaped_pattern = "^%s*" .. escaped_start_symbol .. ".*" .. escaped_end_symbol if line:match(escaped_pattern) then table.insert(uncomment_symbols, { escaped_start_symbol, escaped_end_symbol }) matched = true break end end return matched end local function toggle_inline_comment(fn_opts) local should_comment = false local uncomment_symbols, filetype = {}, vim.o.filetype local cms = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, "commentstring") -- exit early if no cms defined if cms == "" then vim.api.nvim_err_writeln("Commented.nvim: No commentstring defined for this filetype.") return end local alt_cms = opts.inline_cms[filetype] or {} local comment_patterns = vim.tbl_extend("force", { cms = cms }, alt_cms or {}) for _, line in ipairs(fn_opts.lines) do if not line:match(space_only) then local matched = has_matching_pattern(line, comment_patterns, uncomment_symbols) if not matched then should_comment = true break end else table.insert(uncomment_symbols, { "", "" }) end end if should_comment then local cms_to_use = (opts.lang_options[filetype] or {}).inline and helper.escape_symbols(opts.lang_options[filetype].inline) or cms commenting_lines({ lines = fn_opts.lines, start_line = fn_opts.start_line, end_line = fn_opts.end_line, prefix = fn_opts.prefix, symbols = { helper.get_comment_wrap(cms_to_use), }, }) else uncommenting_lines({ lines = fn_opts.lines, start_line = fn_opts.start_line, end_line = fn_opts.end_line, prefix = fn_opts.prefix, uncomment_symbols = uncomment_symbols, }) end end local function toggle_block_comment(lines, start_line, end_line, block_symbols, should_comment, insert_newlines) if should_comment then lines[1] = lines[1]:gsub("([^%s])", block_symbols[1][1] .. opts.comment_padding .. "%1", 1) if insert_newlines then local str = lines[1] i, j = string.find(str, block_symbols[1][1] .. opts.comment_padding) lines[1] = string.sub(str, i, j - #opts.comment_padding) table.insert(lines, 2, string.sub(str, 0, i - 1) .. string.sub(str, j + #opts.comment_padding, #str)) end lines[#lines] = lines[#lines]:gsub("%s*$", "%1" .. opts.comment_padding .. block_symbols[2][2], 1) if insert_newlines then local str = lines[#lines] i, j = string.find(str, block_symbols[2][2]) lines[#lines] = string.sub(str, 0, i - #opts.comment_padding - 1) table.insert(lines, #lines + 1, string.sub(str, i, j)) end vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, start_line, end_line, false, lines) else lines[1], lines[#lines] = unpack( clear_lines_symbols({ lines = { lines[1], lines[#lines] }, uncomment_symbols = block_symbols }) ) -- If we have empty lines, we inserted newlines so delete them if #lines[1] == 0 and #lines[#lines] == 0 then table.remove(lines, 1) table.remove(lines, #lines) end vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, start_line, end_line, false, lines) end end local function has_symbol(prefix, suffix) return function(str, symbol) return str:match(prefix .. symbol .. suffix) end end local has_start_symbol = has_symbol("^%s*", "") local has_end_symbol = has_symbol("", "%s*$") local function toggle_comment(mode, comment_prefix, line1, line2) local start_line, end_line = helper.get_lines(mode, line1, line2) local lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, start_line, end_line, false) local is_block, should_comment, insert_newlines = false, true, false local block_symbols = nil local filetype = vim.o.filetype if type(opts.hooks.before_comment) == "function" then opts.hooks.before_comment() end if opts.block_cms[filetype] then if #lines > 1 then local comment_patterns = opts.block_cms[filetype] if not comment_patterns then return end local first_line, last_line = lines[1], lines[#lines] for _, pattern in pairs(comment_patterns) do local start_symbol, end_symbol = helper.escape_symbols(helper.get_comment_wrap(pattern)) if has_start_symbol(first_line, start_symbol) and not has_end_symbol(first_line, end_symbol) and not has_start_symbol(last_line, start_symbol) and has_end_symbol(last_line, end_symbol) then block_symbols = { { start_symbol, "" }, { "", end_symbol } } is_block, should_comment = true, false break end end if opts.prefer_block_comment or opts.lang_options[filetype] and (opts.lang_options[filetype] or {}).prefer_block_comment then -- Decide what block symbol to use local start_symbol, end_symbol if opts.lang_options[filetype] and (opts.lang_options[filetype].cms or {}).block then start_symbol, end_symbol = helper.escape_symbols( helper.get_comment_wrap(opts.lang_options[filetype].cms.block) ) if opts.lang_options[filetype].insert_newlines then insert_newlines = true end else start_symbol, end_symbol = helper.escape_symbols( helper.get_comment_wrap(opts.block_cms[filetype].block) ) end block_symbols = { { start_symbol, "" }, { "", end_symbol } } is_block = true end end end if is_block then toggle_block_comment(lines, start_line, end_line, block_symbols, should_comment, insert_newlines) else toggle_inline_comment({ lines = lines, start_line = start_line, end_line = end_line, prefix = comment_prefix }) end end local function opfunc(prefix) return function() toggle_comment("n", prefix) end end local function commented(prefix) prefix = prefix or "" _G.commented = opfunc(prefix) vim.api.nvim_set_option("opfunc", "v:lua.commented") return "g@" -- Return the string for evaluation, so that we don't need to feed key -- vim.api.nvim_feedkeys('g@', 'n') end local function commented_line(prefix) prefix = prefix or "" _G.commented = opfunc(prefix) vim.api.nvim_set_option("opfunc", "v:lua.commented") return "g@$" end local function setup(user_opts) opts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", opts, user_opts or {}) -- NOTE: For backward compatibility opts.keybindings.x = opts.keybindings.v opts.inline_cms = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", opts.inline_cms, opts.block_cms) local supported_modes = { "n", "x" } if opts.set_keybindings then for _, mode in ipairs(supported_modes) do vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, opts.keybindings[mode], "v:lua.require'commented'.commented()", { expr = true, silent = true, noremap = true, }) end vim.api.nvim_set_keymap( "n",, "v:lua.require'commented'.commented_line()", { expr = true, silent = true, noremap = true } ) end if opts.ex_mode_cmd then vim.api.nvim_exec( "command! -range " .. opts.ex_mode_cmd .. " lua require('commented').toggle_comment('c', '', <line1>, <line2>)", true ) end for key, binding in pairs(opts.codetags_keybindings) do for _, mode in ipairs(supported_modes) do vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, binding, "v:lua.require'commented'.codetags." .. key .. "()", { expr = true, silent = true, noremap = true, }) end end end local codetags = { fixme = function() return commented("FIXME") end, fixme_line = function() return commented_line("FIXME") end, todo = function() return commented("TODO") end, todo_line = function() return commented_line("TODO") end, bug = function() return commented("BUG") end, bug_line = function() return commented_line("BUG") end, note = function() return commented("NOTE") end, note_line = function() return commented_line("NOTE") end, wont_fix = function() return commented("WONTFIX") end, wont_fix_line = function() return commented_line("WONTFIX") end, ref = function() return commented("REF") end, ref_line = function() return commented_line("REF") end, } return { setup = setup, toggle_comment = toggle_comment, commented = commented, commented_line = commented_line, codetags = codetags, }
math.tau = math.pi * 2 -- Takes two Vector2s and draws them in front of the vehicle to simulate an actual HUD. -- Is rotated by the vehicle's roll. function HUD:DrawLineHUD( pos1 , pos2 , noRoll ) local position = self.vehicle:GetPosition() local angle = self.vehicle:GetAngle() if noRoll then local roll = self:GetRoll() pos1 = GUIUtil.Rot( pos1, Vector2.Zero, roll ) pos2 = GUIUtil.Rot( pos2, Vector2.Zero, roll ) end -- Multiply them by distanceHUD, otherwise, they'll be tiny. pos1 = pos1 * settings.distanceHUD * settings.scaleHUD pos2 = pos2 * settings.distanceHUD * settings.scaleHUD -- Create the 3D vectors. local vec1 = Vector3( pos1.x, pos1.y, -settings.distanceHUD ) vec1 = angle * vec1 local vec2 = Vector3( pos2.x, pos2.y, -settings.distanceHUD ) vec2 = angle * vec2 vec1 = vec1 + position vec2 = vec2 + position GUIUtil.DrawLine3D( vec1, vec2, self.colorHUD ) end function HUD:DrawCircleHUD( radius , center , numSegments ) local posPrevious = Vector2( radius, 0 ) + center local pos for n = 1 , numSegments do pos = Vector2(radius , 0) pos = GUIUtil.Rot( pos, Vector2.Zero, (n / numSegments) * math.tau ) pos = pos + center self:DrawLineHUD( pos, posPrevious ) posPrevious = pos end end -- pos is a Vector2. function HUD:DrawTextHUD( text , pos , align , noRoll ) local position = self.vehicle:GetPosition() local angle = self.vehicle:GetAngle() -- Rotate around center by vehicle roll. local roll = self:GetRoll() if noRoll then pos = GUIUtil.Rot( pos, Vector2.Zero, roll ) end -- Multiply position by distanceHUD, otherwise it will be tiny. pos = pos * settings.distanceHUD * settings.scaleHUD -- Convert position to 3D vector. pos = Vector3(pos.x, pos.y, -settings.distanceHUD) pos = angle * pos pos = pos + position if noRoll then angle = Angle.AngleAxis(roll , angle * Vector3( 0 , 0 , -1 )) * angle end GUIUtil.DrawText3D( text , self.colorHUD , pos , angle , settings.distanceHUD * 0.035 * settings.scaleHUD , align ) end
AddCSLuaFile() DEFINE_BASECLASS( "base_wire_entity" ) ENT.PrintName = "Wire E2 Graphics Processor Emitter" ENT.RenderGroup = RENDERGROUP_TRANSLUCENT ENT.WireDebugName = "E2 Graphics Processor Emitter" if CLIENT then ENT.gmod_wire_egp_emitter = true ENT.DrawOffsetPos = Vector(-64, 0, 135) ENT.DrawOffsetAng = Angle(0, 0, 90) ENT.DrawScale = 0.25 function ENT:Initialize() self.RenderTable = table.Copy(EGP.HomeScreen) end function ENT:EGP_Update() self.UpdateConstantly = nil for k,object in pairs(self.RenderTable) do if object.parent == -1 or object.Is3DTracker then self.UpdateConstantly = true end -- Check if an object is parented to the cursor (or for 3DTrackers) if object.parent and object.parent ~= 0 then if not object.IsParented then EGP:SetParent(self, object.index, object.parent) end local _, data = EGP:GetGlobalPos(self, object.index) EGP:EditObject(object, data) elseif not object.parent or object.parent == 0 and object.IsParented then EGP:UnParent(self, object.index) end end end function ENT:DrawEntityOutline() end local wire_egp_emitter_drawdist = CreateClientConVar("wire_egp_emitter_drawdist","0",true,false) function ENT:Think() local dist = Vector(1,0,1)*wire_egp_emitter_drawdist:GetInt() self:SetRenderBounds(Vector(-64,0,0)-dist,Vector(64,0,135)+dist) end local wire_egp_drawemitters = CreateClientConVar("wire_egp_drawemitters", "1") function ENT:Draw() if (wire_egp_drawemitters:GetBool() == true and self.RenderTable and #self.RenderTable > 0) then if (self.UpdateConstantly) then self:EGP_Update() end local pos = self:LocalToWorld(self.DrawOffsetPos) local ang = self:LocalToWorldAngles(self.DrawOffsetAng) local mat = self:GetEGPMatrix() cam.Start3D2D(pos, ang, self.DrawScale) local globalfilter = TEXFILTER.ANISOTROPIC -- Emitter uses ANISOTRPOIC (unchangeable) for i=1,#self.RenderTable do local object = self.RenderTable[i] local oldtex = EGP:SetMaterial( object.material ) if object.filtering != globalfilter then render.PushFilterMag(object.filtering) render.PushFilterMin(object.filtering) object:Draw(self, mat) render.PopFilterMin() render.PopFilterMag() else object:Draw(self, mat) end EGP:FixMaterial( oldtex ) end cam.End3D2D() end self:DrawModel() Wire_Render(self) end -- cam.PushModelMatrix replaces the currently drawn matrix, because cam.Start3D2D -- pushes a matrix of its own we need to replicate it function ENT:GetEGPMatrix() local mat = Matrix() local pos = self:LocalToWorld(self.DrawOffsetPos) mat:SetTranslation(pos) -- Just using the angle given to cam.Start3D2D doesn't seem to work, it seems to be rotated 180 on the roll local ang = self:LocalToWorldAngles(self.DrawOffsetAng + Angle(0, 0, 180)) mat:SetAngles(ang) local scale = Vector(1, 1, 1) scale:Mul(self.DrawScale) mat:SetScale(scale) return mat end return -- No more client end -- Server function ENT:Initialize() self:PhysicsInit(SOLID_VPHYSICS) self:SetMoveType(MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS) self:SetSolid(SOLID_VPHYSICS) --self:DrawShadow( false ) self.RenderTable = {} self:SetUseType(SIMPLE_USE) WireLib.CreateWirelinkOutput( nil, self, {true} ) self.xScale = { 0, 512 } self.yScale = { 0, 512 } self.Scaling = false self.TopLeft = false end function ENT:SetEGPOwner( ply ) self.ply = ply self.plyID = ply:UniqueID() end function ENT:GetEGPOwner() if (!self.ply or !self.ply:IsValid()) then local ply = player.GetByUniqueID( self.plyID ) if (ply) then self.ply = ply end return ply else return self.ply end return false end function ENT:UpdateTransmitState() return TRANSMIT_ALWAYS end
module 'mock' CLASS: UIButton ( UIWidget ) :MODEL{ Field 'text' :string() :getset( 'Text' ); } :SIGNAL{ pressed = 'onPressed'; released = 'onReleased'; clicked = 'onClicked'; } function UIButton:__init() self._hoverd = false self._pressed = false self.text = 'Button' self.layoutPolicy = { 'expand', 'expand' } end function UIButton:onLoad() self:setRenderer( UIButtonRenderer() ) end function UIButton:setText( t ) self.text = t self:invalidateContent() end function UIButton:getText() return self.text end function UIButton:getContentData( key, role ) if key == 'text' then return self:getText() end end function UIButton:updateStyleState() if self._pressed then return self:setState( 'press' ) end if self._hoverd then return self:setState( 'hover' ) end return UIButton.__super.updateStyleState( self ) end function UIButton:procEvent( ev ) local t = ev.type local d = if t == UIEvent.POINTER_ENTER then self._hoverd = true self:updateStyleState() elseif t == UIEvent.POINTER_EXIT then self._hoverd = false self:updateStyleState() elseif t == UIEvent.POINTER_DOWN then self._pressed = true self:updateStyleState() self.pressed:emit() return elseif t == UIEvent.POINTER_UP then if self._pressed then self._pressed = false self:updateStyleState() local px,py,pz = self:getWorldLoc() if self:inside( d.x, d.y, pz, self:getTouchPadding() ) then self.clicked:emit() end end self.released:emit() return end end function UIButton:getLabelRect() return self:getContentRect() end ---- function UIButton:onPressed() end function UIButton:onReleased() end function UIButton:onClicked() end
--[[ Hacks a class (a.k.a. table) to debug all of its function calls. --]] local Class = require("YfritLib.Class") local Table = require("YfritLib.Table") local Spy = {}, function(self, target) self.tabs = 0 self.currentLine = 0 self.lastPrintedLine = 0 self.buffer = {} self:_replaceMethods(target) end ) function Spy:_replaceMethods(target) for fieldName, fieldValue in pairs(target) do -- check if is a method if type(fieldValue) == "function" then self:_replaceMethod(target, fieldName, fieldValue) end end end function Spy:_replaceMethod(target, methodName, methodFunction) -- wrap original function with one of our own target[methodName] = function(targetSelf, ...) self.currentLine = self.currentLine + 1 local currentLine = self.currentLine self.tabs = self.tabs + 1 local results = {methodFunction(targetSelf, ...)} self.tabs = self.tabs - 1 self.buffer[currentLine] = string.rep("\t", self.tabs) .. methodName .. self:_formatParameters({...}) .. self:_formatResults(results) if currentLine == self.lastPrintedLine + 1 then self:_printLines() end return unpack(results) end end function Spy:_formatParameters(parameters) local strings =, tostring) return "(" .. table.concat(strings, ", ") .. ")" end function Spy:_formatResults(results) if #results > 0 then local strings =, tostring) return " => " .. table.concat(strings, ", ") else return "" end end function Spy:_printLines() local line = self.lastPrintedLine + 1 while self.buffer[line] do print(self.buffer[line]) line = line + 1 end self.lastPrintedLine = line - 1 end return function(target) return Spy:new(target) end
-- decided to give it an "_official" suffix because there may be a lot more m249s out there AddCSLuaFile() AddCSLuaFile("sh_sounds.lua") include("sh_sounds.lua") if CLIENT then SWEP.DrawCrosshair = false SWEP.PrintName = "M249" SWEP.CSMuzzleFlashes = true SWEP.ViewModelMovementScale = 1.15 SWEP.CustomizationMenuScale = 0.015 SWEP.IconLetter = "i" killicon.AddFont("cw_m249_official", "CW_KillIcons", SWEP.IconLetter, Color(255, 80, 0, 150)) SWEP.MuzzleEffect = "muzzleflash_6" SWEP.PosBasedMuz = false SWEP.SnapToGrip = true SWEP.ShellScale = 0.7 SWEP.ShellOffsetMul = 1 SWEP.ShellPosOffset = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0} SWEP.ForeGripOffsetCycle_Draw = 0.8 SWEP.ForeGripOffsetCycle_Reload = 0.9 SWEP.ForeGripOffsetCycle_Reload_Empty = 0.93 SWEP.FireMoveMod = 0.6 SWEP.DrawTraditionalWorldModel = false SWEP.WM = "models/weapons/cw2_0_mach_para.mdl" SWEP.WMPos = Vector(-1.5, 2, 0.5) SWEP.WMAng = Vector(0, 0, 180) SWEP.IronsightPos = Vector(-2.05, -1.964, 0.972) SWEP.IronsightAng = Vector(0, 0, 0) SWEP.EoTechPos = Vector(-2.05, -0.993, -0.093) SWEP.EoTechAng = Vector(0, 0, 0) SWEP.AimpointPos = Vector(-2.043, -2.5, 0.115) SWEP.AimpointAng = Vector(0, 0, 0) SWEP.MicroT1Pos = Vector(-2.043, -0.993, 0.236) SWEP.MicroT1Ang = Vector(0, 0, 0) SWEP.ACOGPos = Vector(-2.02, -2.869, -0.124) SWEP.ACOGAng = Vector(0, 0, 0) SWEP.ShortDotPos = Vector(-2.02, -2.869, 0.123) SWEP.ShortDotAng = Vector(0, 0, 0) SWEP.SprintPos = Vector(1.786, 0, -1) SWEP.SprintAng = Vector(-10.778, 27.573, 0) SWEP.BackupSights = {["md_acog"] = {[1] = Vector(-2.02, -2.869, -1.132), [2] = Vector(0, 0, 0)}} SWEP.SightWithRail = true SWEP.ACOGAxisAlign = {right = 0.03, up = 0, forward = 0} SWEP.SchmidtShortDotAxisAlign = {right = 0, up = 0, forward = 0} SWEP.AlternativePos = Vector(-0.2, 0, -0.4) SWEP.AlternativeAng = Vector(0, 0, 0) SWEP.AttachmentModelsVM = { ["md_aimpoint"] = {model = "models/wystan/attachments/aimpoint.mdl", bone = "LidCont", pos = Vector(-0.427, -8.511, -4.505), angle = Angle(0, 0, 0), size = Vector(0.899, 0.899, 0.899)}, ["md_eotech"] = {model = "models/wystan/attachments/2otech557sight.mdl", bone = "LidCont", pos = Vector(0.079, -13.825, -10.714), angle = Angle(3.329, -90, 0), size = Vector(1, 1, 1)}, ["md_saker"] = {model = "models/cw2/attachments/556suppressor.mdl", bone = "Weapon", pos = Vector(0.014, 3.732, 1.504), angle = Angle(0, 0, 0), size = Vector(0.6, 0.6, 0.6)}, ["md_acog"] = {model = "models/wystan/attachments/2cog.mdl", bone = "LidCont", pos = Vector(-0.51, -8.903, -4.573), angle = Angle(0, 0, 0), size = Vector(0.899, 0.899, 0.899)}, ["md_microt1"] = {model = "models/cw2/attachments/microt1.mdl", bone = "LidCont", pos = Vector(-0.181, -4.047, 0.69), angle = Angle(0, 180, 0), size = Vector(0.4, 0.4, 0.4)}, ["md_bipod"] = {model = "models/wystan/attachments/bipod.mdl", bone = "Weapon", pos = Vector(0.138, 6.619, 0.601), angle = Angle(0, 0, 0), size = Vector(0.699, 0.699, 0.699), bodygroup = {[1] = 1}}, ["md_schmidt_shortdot"] = {model = "models/cw2/attachments/schmidt.mdl", bone = "LidCont", pos = Vector(-0.515, -9.205, -4.549), angle = Angle(0, -90, 0), size = Vector(0.899, 0.899, 0.899)}, ["md_foregrip"] = {model = "models/wystan/attachments/foregrip1.mdl", bone = "Weapon", pos = Vector(10.583, 5.614, -0.951), angle = Angle(0, -90, 0), size = Vector(0.699, 0.699, 0.699)} } SWEP.ForeGripHoldPos = { ["L Finger1"] = {pos = Vector(0, 0, 0), angle = Angle(13.88, 90.466, 18.638) }, ["l_upperarm"] = {pos = Vector(0, 0, 0), angle = Angle(18.875, 0, 0) }, ["L Finger12"] = {pos = Vector(0, 0, 0), angle = Angle(0, 28.931, 0) }, ["L Clavicle"] = {pos = Vector(0, 4.344, 0), angle = Angle(-49.645, 0, -11.665) }, ["L Hand"] = {pos = Vector(0, 0, 0), angle = Angle(16.122, 18.378, 43.624) }, ["L Finger3"] = {pos = Vector(0, 0, 0), angle = Angle(0.972, 44.411, 13.453) }, ["L Finger01"] = {pos = Vector(0, 0, 0), angle = Angle(0, 26.996, 0) }, ["L Finger0"] = {pos = Vector(0, 0, 0), angle = Angle(11.201, -6.533, -19.001) }, ["L Finger42"] = {pos = Vector(0, 0, 0), angle = Angle(0, 78.379, 0) }, ["L UpperArm"] = {pos = Vector(-12.985, -0.987, -0.308), angle = Angle(0, 31.971, 6.557) }, ["L Finger22"] = {pos = Vector(0, 0, 0), angle = Angle(0, 43.025, 0) }, ["L Finger41"] = {pos = Vector(0, 0, 0), angle = Angle(0, -20.861, 0) }, ["L Finger02"] = {pos = Vector(0, 0, 0), angle = Angle(0, 73.864, 0) }, ["L Finger4"] = {pos = Vector(0, 0, 0), angle = Angle(-8.929, 26.59, 0) }, ["L Finger32"] = {pos = Vector(0, 0, 0), angle = Angle(0, 53.505, 0) }, ["L Finger2"] = {pos = Vector(0, 0, 0), angle = Angle(3, 69.235, 21.884) }, ["L Finger21"] = {pos = Vector(0, 0, 0), angle = Angle(0, -20.979, 0) }, ["L Finger11"] = {pos = Vector(0, 0, 0), angle = Angle(0, -19.306, 0) } } SWEP.LuaVMRecoilAxisMod = {vert = 1, hor = 1, roll = 1, forward = 1, pitch = 1} SWEP.LaserPosAdjust = Vector(0.5, 0, 0) SWEP.LaserAngAdjust = Angle(0, 180, 0) SWEP.OverallMouseSens = 0.7 SWEP.Trivia = {text = "Accurate aimed fire is not possible without the use of a bipod with this weapon.", x = -500, y = -360, textFormatFunc = function(self, wep) if wep.ActiveAttachments.md_bipod then return "" else return self.text end end} end SWEP.MuzzleVelocity = 915 SWEP.LuaViewmodelRecoil = true SWEP.LuaViewmodelRecoilOverride = true SWEP.Attachments = {[1] = {header = "Sight", offset = {800, -300}, atts = {"md_microt1", "md_eotech", "md_aimpoint", "md_schmidt_shortdot", "md_acog"}}, [2] = {header = "Barrel", offset = {-500, -300}, atts = {"md_saker"}}, [3] = {header = "Handguard", offset = {-500, 100}, atts = {"md_foregrip", "md_bipod"}}, ["+reload"] = {header = "Ammo", offset = {800, 300}, atts = {"am_magnum", "am_matchgrade"}}} SWEP.Animations = {fire = {"shoot1", "shoot2", "shoot3"}, reload = "reload", reload_empty = "reload2", idle = "idle", draw = "draw"} SWEP.Sounds = {draw = {{time = 0.1, sound = "CW_FOLEY_LIGHT"}, {time = 0.65, sound = "CW_M249_OFFICIAL_BOLTBACK"}, {time = 0.82, sound = "CW_M249_OFFICIAL_BOLTRELEASE"}}, reload = {{time = 0.2, sound = "CW_FOLEY_LIGHT"}, {time = 0.85, sound = "CW_M249_OFFICIAL_COVEROPEN"}, {time = 1.8, sound = "CW_M249_OFFICIAL_MAGOUT"}, {time = 2.1, sound = "CW_FOLEY_LIGHT"}, {time = 2.62, sound = "CW_M249_OFFICIAL_MAGDRAW"}, {time = 4, sound = "CW_M249_OFFICIAL_MAGIN"}, {time = 4.2, sound = "CW_FOLEY_LIGHT"}, {time = 4.65, sound = "CW_M249_OFFICIAL_BULLETIN"}, {time = 5.2, sound = "CW_FOLEY_LIGHT"}, {time = 5.9, sound = "CW_M249_OFFICIAL_COVERCLOSE"}, {time = 6.7, sound = "CW_FOLEY_LIGHT"}}, reload2 = {{time = 0.2, sound = "CW_FOLEY_LIGHT"}, {time = 0.8, sound = "CW_M249_OFFICIAL_BOLTBACK"}, {time = 1, sound = "CW_M249_OFFICIAL_BOLTRELEASE"}, {time = 2.53, sound = "CW_M249_OFFICIAL_COVEROPEN"}, {time = 3.58, sound = "CW_M249_OFFICIAL_MAGOUT"}, {time = 3.9, sound = "CW_FOLEY_LIGHT"}, {time = 4.3, sound = "CW_M249_OFFICIAL_MAGDRAW"}, {time = 5.9, sound = "CW_M249_OFFICIAL_MAGIN"}, {time = 6.2, sound = "CW_FOLEY_LIGHT"}, {time = 6.52, sound = "CW_M249_OFFICIAL_BULLETIN"}, {time = 7.6, sound = "CW_M249_OFFICIAL_COVERCLOSE"}, {time = 8.3, sound = "CW_FOLEY_LIGHT"}}} SWEP.SpeedDec = 50 SWEP.Slot = 0 SWEP.SlotPos = 0 SWEP.NormalHoldType = "ar2" SWEP.RunHoldType = "passive" SWEP.FireModes = {"auto"} SWEP.Base = "ttt_cw2_base" SWEP.Category = "CW 2.0" SWEP.Author = "Spy" SWEP.Contact = "" SWEP.Purpose = "" SWEP.Instructions = "" SWEP.ViewModelFOV = 70 SWEP.ViewModelFlip = false SWEP.ViewModel = "models/cw2/machineguns/m249.mdl" SWEP.WorldModel = "models/weapons/cw2_0_mach_para.mdl" SWEP.Spawnable = true SWEP.AdminSpawnable = true SWEP.Primary.ClipSize = 100 SWEP.Primary.DefaultClip = 100 SWEP.Primary.Automatic = true SWEP.Primary.Ammo = "5.56x45MM" SWEP.FireDelay = 0.075 SWEP.FireSound = "CW_M249_OFFICIAL_FIRE" SWEP.FireSoundSuppressed = "CW_M249_OFFICIAL_FIRE_SUPPRESSED" SWEP.Recoil = 1.1 SWEP.HipSpread = 0.065 SWEP.AimSpread = 0.003 SWEP.VelocitySensitivity = 2.4 SWEP.MaxSpreadInc = 0.04 SWEP.SpreadPerShot = 0.007 SWEP.SpreadCooldown = 0.15 SWEP.Shots = 1 SWEP.Damage = 28 SWEP.DeployTime = 2 SWEP.ReloadSpeed = 1 SWEP.ReloadTime = 5 SWEP.ReloadTime_Empty = 6.2 SWEP.ReloadHalt = 7.3 SWEP.ReloadHalt_Empty = 8.9 SWEP.Chamberable = false if CLIENT then SWEP.RoundBeltBoneNames = { "SAW_BULLET_MAIN", "SAW_BULLET_00", "SAW_BULLET_02", "SAW_BULLET_03", "SAW_BULLET_04", "SAW_BULLET_05", "SAW_BULLET_06", "SAW_BULLET_07", "SAW_BULLET_08", "SAW_BULLET_09", "SAW_BULLET_10", "SAW_BULLET_11", "SAW_BULLET_12", "SAW_BULLET_13", "SAW_BULLET_14", "SAW_BULLET_15" } local function removeRoundMeshes(wep) -- we hide all rounds left in the belt on a non-empty reload because if we don't we're left with ghost meshes moving around (bullets with no link to the mag get moved back to it) wep:adjustVisibleRounds(0) end local function adjustMeshByMaxAmmo(wep) wep:adjustVisibleRounds(wep.Owner:GetAmmoCount(wep.Primary.Ammo) + wep:Clip1()) end SWEP.animCallbacks = { reload = removeRoundMeshes } SWEP.Sounds.reload[5].callback = adjustMeshByMaxAmmo SWEP.Sounds.reload2[7].callback = adjustMeshByMaxAmmo end function SWEP:IndividualInitialize() if CLIENT then self:initBeltBones() end end function SWEP:initBeltBones() local vm = self.CW_VM self.roundBeltBones = {} for key, boneName in ipairs(self.RoundBeltBoneNames) do local bone = vm:LookupBone(boneName) self.roundBeltBones[key] = bone end end function SWEP:postPrimaryAttack() if CLIENT then self:adjustVisibleRounds() end end function SWEP:beginReload() self.BaseClass.beginReload(self) if CLIENT then self:adjustVisibleRounds(0) end end local fullSize = Vector(1, 1, 1) local invisible = Vector(0, 0, 0) function SWEP:adjustVisibleRounds(curMag) if not self.roundBeltBones then self:initBeltBones() end local curMag = curMag or self:Clip1() local boneCount = #self.roundBeltBones local vm = self.CW_VM for i = 1, boneCount do local roundID = boneCount - (i - 1) local element = self.roundBeltBones[roundID] local scale = curMag >= roundID and fullSize or invisible vm:ManipulateBoneScale(element, scale) end end SWEP.badAccuracyModifier = 5 function SWEP:hasBadAccuracy() return self.dt.State == CW_AIMING and not self.dt.BipodDeployed end function SWEP:getBaseCone() local baseCone, maxSpreadMod = self.BaseClass.getBaseCone(self) if self:hasBadAccuracy() then return baseCone * self.badAccuracyModifier, maxSpreadMod end return baseCone, maxSpreadMod end function SWEP:getMaxSpreadIncrease(maxSpreadMod) if self:hasBadAccuracy() then return self.BaseClass.getMaxSpreadIncrease(self, maxSpreadMod) * self.badAccuracyModifier end return self.BaseClass.getMaxSpreadIncrease(self, maxSpreadMod) end
-- Copyright (c) 2018 Redfern, Trevor <[email protected]> -- -- This software is released under the MIT License. -- local List = require "ext.artemis.src.list" local Storage = {} function Storage:new() local s = { items = List:new() } setmetatable(s, self) self.__index = self return s end function Storage:add(item) self.items:add(item) end function Storage:remove(item) self.items:remove(item) end function Storage:contains(item) return self.items:contains(item) end return Storage
-- Copyright (C) 2020 jerrykuku <[email protected]> -- Licensed to the public under the GNU General Public License v3. package.path = package.path .. ';/usr/share/ttnode/?.lua' local uci = require 'luci.model.uci'.cursor() local config = 'ttnode' local requests = require('requests') local BASE_URL = '' local BASE_API = '' local xformHeaders = {['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} local sckey = uci:get_first(config, 'global', 'serverchan') local tg_token = uci:get_first(config, 'global', 'tg_token') local tg_userid = uci:get_first(config, 'global', 'tg_userid') local token = uci:get_first(config, 'global', 'token') local auto_cash = uci:get_first(config, 'global', 'auto_cash') local week = uci:get_first(config, 'global', 'week') local ttnode = {} local msg = '' local total = 0 local msgTitle = '[甜糖星愿]星愿日结详细' -- BASE Function -- function print_r(t) local print_r_cache = {} local function sub_print_r(t, indent) if (print_r_cache[tostring(t)]) then print(indent .. '*' .. tostring(t)) else print_r_cache[tostring(t)] = true if (type(t) == 'table') then for pos, val in pairs(t) do if (type(val) == 'table') then print(indent .. '[' .. pos .. '] => ' .. tostring(t) .. ' {') sub_print_r(val, indent .. string.rep(' ', string.len(pos) + 8)) print(indent .. string.rep(' ', string.len(pos) + 6) .. '}') elseif (type(val) == 'string') then print(indent .. '[' .. pos .. '] => "' .. val .. '"') else print(indent .. '[' .. pos .. '] => ' .. tostring(val)) end end else print(indent .. tostring(t)) end end end if (type(t) == 'table') then print(tostring(t) .. ' {') sub_print_r(t, ' ') print('}') else sub_print_r(t, ' ') end print() end function sleep(n) os.execute('sleep ' .. n) end --APIS-- --发送消息到Server酱 和 Telegram function ttnode.sendMsg(text, desp) if sckey:len() > 0 then local url = '' .. sckey .. '.send' local data = 'text=' .. text .. '&desp=' .. desp response = {url, data = data, headers = xformHeaders} end if tg_token:len() > 0 and tg_userid:len() > 0 then local tg_url = '' .. tg_token .. '/sendMessage' local tg_msg = "<b>"..text.."</b>"..desp local tg_data = 'chat_id='.. tg_userid ..'&text=' .. tg_msg .. '&parse_mode=html' response = {tg_url, data = tg_data, headers = xformHeaders} end return 1 end --获取验证码 function ttnode.getCode(phone) url = BASE_URL .. 'login/code' data = 'phone=' .. phone response = {url, data = data, headers = xformHeaders} json_body, error = response.json() return json_body end -- 登录 function ttnode.login(phone, authCode) url = BASE_URL .. 'login' data = 'phone=' .. phone .. '&authCode=' .. authCode response = {url, data = data, headers = xformHeaders} json_body, error = response.json() if json_body.errCode == 0 then token = uci:set('ttnode', '@global[0]', 'token', token) uci:commit('ttnode') return true else return false end end --甜糖用户初始化信息,可以获取待收取的推广信息数,可以获取账户星星数 function ttnode.getInitInfo() url = BASE_URL .. 'account/message/loading' headers = {['Content-Type'] = 'application/json', ['authorization'] = token} response = {url, headers = headers} json_body, error = response.json() return json_body end --获取当前设备列表,可以获取待收的星星数 function ttnode.getDevices() url = BASE_API .. 'devices?page=1&type=2&per_page=200' headers = {['Content-Type'] = 'application/json', ['authorization'] = token} response = requests.get {url, headers = headers} json_body, error = response.json() return json_body end --收取推广奖励星星 function ttnode.promote_score_logs(score) if score == 0 then msg = msg .. '\n ' ..'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') .. '[推广奖励]0-🌟\n' return end url = BASE_API .. 'promote/score_logs' headers = {['Content-Type'] = 'application/json', ['authorization'] = token} data = {score = score} response = {url, data = data, headers = headers} json_body, error = response.json() if json_body.errCode ~= 0 then msg = msg .. '\n' ..'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') .. ' [推广奖励]0-🌟\n' return end msg = msg .. '\n ' ..'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') .. '[推广奖励]"..score.."-🌟\n' total = total + score return end --收取设备奖励 function ttnode.score_logs(device_id, score, name) if score == 0 then msg = msg .. '\n ' ..'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') .. '[' .. name .. ']0-🌟\n' return end url = BASE_API .. 'score_logs' headers = {['Content-Type'] = 'application/json', ['authorization'] = token} data = {device_id = device_id, score = score} response = {url, data = data, headers = headers} json_body, error = response.json() if json_body.errCode ~= 0 then msg = msg .. '\n ' ..'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') .. '[' .. name .. ']0-🌟\n' return end msg = msg .. '\n ' ..'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') .. '[' .. name .. ']' .. score .. '-🌟\n' total = total + tonumber(score) return end --签到功能 function ttnode.sign_in() url = BASE_URL .. 'account/sign_in' headers = {['Content-Type'] = 'application/json', ['authorization'] = token} response = {url, headers = headers} json_body, error = response.json() if json_body.errCode ~= 0 then msg = msg .. '\n ' ..'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') .. '[签到奖励]0-🌟(失败:' .. json_body.msg .. ')\n' return end msg = msg .. '\n ' ..'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') .. '[签到奖励]1-🌟 \n' total = total + 1 return end --支付宝提现 function ttnode.withdraw_logs(bean) local logStr = '' url = BASE_API .. 'withdraw_logs' score = bean.score score = score - score % 100 real_name = bean.real_name card_id = bean.card_id bank_name = '支付宝' sub_bank_name = '' ztype = 'zfb' if score < 1000 then logStr = '\n' ..'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') .. '[自动提现]星愿不足1000无法提现\n' return logStr end data = 'score=' .. score .. '&real_name=' .. real_name .. '&card_id=' .. card_id .. '&bank_name=' .. bank_name .. '&sub_bank_name=' .. sub_bank_name .. '&type=' .. ztype print(data) headers = {['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8', ['authorization'] = token} response = {url, data = data, headers = headers} json_body, error = response.json() if json_body.errCode ~= 0 then print(json_body.msg .. score) logStr = '\n' ..'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') .. '[自动提现]提现失败,请关闭自动提现等待更新\n' return logStr end local data = zfbID = data.card_id pre = string.sub(zfbID, 1, 5) ends = string.sub(zfbID, -5) zfbID = pre .. '***' .. ends logStr = '\n' ..'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') .. '[自动提现]扣除' .. score .. '-🌟(' .. zfbID .. ')\n' return logStr end --逻辑处理 function ttnode.startProcess() local resObj = {} --获取用户信息 local userData = ttnode.getInitInfo() if userData.errCode ~= 0 then resObj.code = 1 resObj.msg ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') .. ' authorization已经失效,请重新抓包填写!' ttnode.sendMsg('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') .. '[甜糖星愿]-Auth失效通知', resObj.msg) return resObj end local inactivedPromoteScore = local accountScore = --获取设备列表信息 local devices = ttnode.getDevices() msg = msg .. '\n' ..'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') .. '[收益详细]:\n```lua' --收取签到收益 ttnode.sign_in() --收取推广收益 ttnode.promote_score_logs(inactivedPromoteScore) --收取设备收益 for _, device in pairs(devices) do ttnode.score_logs(device.hardware_id, device.inactived_score, device.alias) end --自动提现 local now_week ='%A') local withdraw = '' if week == now_week and auto_cash == '1' then local userInfo = local zfbList = userInfo.zfbList if next(zfbList) == nil then withdraw = '\n' ..'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') .. '[自动提现]提现失败,请绑定支付宝账户\n' else local bean = {} bean.score = userInfo.score bean.real_name = zfbList[1].name bean.card_id = zfbList[1].account withdraw = ttnode.withdraw_logs(bean) end end --收益统计并发送微信消息 local total_str = '\n' ..'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') .. '[总共收取]' .. total .. '-🌟\n' local nowdata = ttnode.getInitInfo() local accountScore = local accountScore_str = '\n' ..'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') .. '[账户星星]' .. accountScore .. '-🌟\n' local ends = '\n```\n***\n注意:以上统计仅供参考,一切请以甜糖客户端APP为准' msg = accountScore_str .. total_str .. withdraw .. msg .. ends msgRes = ttnode.sendMsg(msgTitle, msg) resObj.code = 0 resObj.msg = msg resObj.msgres = msgRes return resObj end return ttnode
-- ======= Copyright (c) 2003-2011, Unknown Worlds Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. ======= -- -- lua\DamageTypes.lua -- -- Created by: Andreas Urwalek ([email protected]) -- -- Contains all rules regarding damage types. New types behavior can be defined BuildDamageTypeRules(). -- -- Important callbacks for classes: -- -- ComputeDamageAttackerOverride(attacker, damage, damageType) -- ComputeDamageAttackerOverrideMixin(attacker, damage, damageType) -- -- for target: -- ComputeDamageOverride(attacker, damage, damageType) -- ComputeDamageOverrideMixin(attacker, damage, damageType) -- GetArmorUseFractionOverride(damageType, armorFractionUsed) -- GetReceivesStructuralDamage(damageType) -- GetReceivesBiologicalDamage(damageType) -- GetHealthPerArmorOverride(damageType, healthPerArmor) -- -- -- -- Damage types -- -- In NS2 - Keep simple and mostly in regard to armor and non-armor. Can't see armor, but players -- and structures spawn with an intuitive amount of armor. -- -- -- Normal - Regular damage -- Light - Reduced vs. armor -- Heavy - Extra damage vs. armor -- Puncture - Extra vs. players -- Structural - Double against structures -- GrenadeLauncher - Double against structures with 20% reduction in player damage -- Flamethrower - 5% increase for player damage from structures -- Gas - Breathing targets only (Spores, Nerve Gas GL). Ignores armor. -- StructuresOnly - Doesn't damage players or AI units (ARC) -- Falling - Ignores armor for humans, no damage for some creatures or exosuit -- Door - Like Structural but also does damage to Doors. Nothing else damages Doors. -- Flame - Like normal but catches target on fire and plays special flinch animation -- Corrode - deals normal damage to structures but armor only to non structures -- ArmorOnly - always affects only armor -- Biological - only organic, biological targets (non mechanical) -- StructuresOnlyLight - same as light damage but will not harm players or units which are not valid for structural damage -- -- ========= For more information, visit us at ===================== --globals for balance-extension tweaking kAlienVampirismNotHealArmor = false kDamageMarinesLessScalar = 0.25 -- utility functions function GetReceivesStructuralDamage(entity) return entity.GetReceivesStructuralDamage and entity:GetReceivesStructuralDamage() end function GetReceivesBiologicalDamage(entity) return entity.GetReceivesBiologicalDamage and entity:GetReceivesBiologicalDamage() end function NS2Gamerules_GetUpgradedDamageScalar( attacker ) if GetHasTech(attacker, kTechId.Weapons3, true) then return kWeapons3DamageScalar elseif GetHasTech(attacker, kTechId.Weapons2, true) then return kWeapons2DamageScalar elseif GetHasTech(attacker, kTechId.Weapons1, true) then return kWeapons1DamageScalar end return 1.0 end -- Use this function to change damage according to current upgrades function NS2Gamerules_GetUpgradedDamage(attacker, doer, damage, damageType, hitPoint) local damageScalar = 1 if attacker ~= nil then -- Damage upgrades only affect weapons, not ARCs, Sentries, MACs, Mines, etc. if doer.GetIsAffectedByWeaponUpgrades and doer:GetIsAffectedByWeaponUpgrades() then damageScalar = NS2Gamerules_GetUpgradedDamageScalar( attacker ) end end return damage * damageScalar end --Utility function to apply chamber-upgraded modifications to alien damage --Note: this should _always_ be called BEFORE damage-type specific modifications are done (i.e. Light vs Normal vs Structural, etc) function NS2Gamerules_GetUpgradedAlienDamage( target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint, weapon ) if not doer then return damage, armorFractionUsed end local teamNumber = attacker:GetTeamNumber() local isAffectedByCrush = doer.GetIsAffectedByCrush and attacker:GetHasUpgrade( kTechId.Crush ) and doer:GetIsAffectedByCrush() local isAffectedByVampirism = doer.GetVampiricLeechScalar and attacker:GetHasUpgrade( kTechId.Vampirism ) local isAffectedByFocus = doer.GetIsAffectedByFocus and attacker:GetHasUpgrade( kTechId.Focus ) and doer:GetIsAffectedByFocus() if isAffectedByCrush then --Crush local crushLevel = attacker:GetSpurLevel() if crushLevel > 0 then if target:isa("Exo") or target.GetReceivesStructuralDamage and target:GetReceivesStructuralDamage(damageType) then damage = damage + ( damage * ( crushLevel * kAlienCrushDamagePercentByLevel ) ) elseif target:isa("Player") then armorFractionUsed = kBaseArmorUseFraction + ( crushLevel * kAlienCrushDamagePercentByLevel ) end end end if Server then -- Vampirism if isAffectedByVampirism then local vampirismLevel = attacker:GetShellLevel() if vampirismLevel > 0 then if attacker:GetIsHealable() and target:isa("Player") then local scalar = doer:GetVampiricLeechScalar() if scalar > 0 then local focusBonus = 1 if isAffectedByFocus then focusBonus = 1 + doer:GetFocusAttackCooldown() end local maxHealth = attacker:GetMaxHealth() local leechedHealth = maxHealth * vampirismLevel * scalar * focusBonus attacker:AddHealth( leechedHealth, true, kAlienVampirismNotHealArmor ) end end end end end --Focus if isAffectedByFocus then local veilLevel = attacker:GetVeilLevel() local damageBonus = doer:GetMaxFocusBonusDamage() damage = damage * (1 + (veilLevel/3) * damageBonus) --1.0, 1.333, 1.666, 2 end --!!!Note: if more than damage and armor fraction modified, be certain the calling-point of this function is updated return damage, armorFractionUsed end -- only certain abilities should work with focus -- global so mods can easily change this function InitializeFocusAbilities() kFocusAbilities = {} kFocusAbilities[kTechId.Bite] = true kFocusAbilities[kTechId.Spit] = true kFocusAbilities[kTechId.LerkBite] = true kFocusAbilities[kTechId.Swipe] = true kFocusAbilities[kTechId.Stab] = true kFocusAbilities[kTechId.Gore] = true end function DoesFocusAffectAbility(abilityTech) if not kFocusAbilities then InitializeFocusAbilities() end if kFocusAbilities[abilityTech] == true then return true end return false end function Gamerules_GetDamageMultiplier() if Server and Shared.GetCheatsEnabled() then return GetGamerules():GetDamageMultiplier() end return 1 end kDamageType = enum( { 'Normal', 'Light', 'Heavy', 'Puncture', 'Structural', 'StructuralHeavy', 'Splash', 'Gas', 'NerveGas', 'StructuresOnly', 'Falling', 'Door', 'Flame', 'Flamethrower', 'Corrode', 'ArmorOnly', 'Biological', 'StructuresOnlyLight', 'Spreading', 'GrenadeLauncher', 'MachineGun' }) -- Describe damage types for tooltips kDamageTypeDesc = { "", "Light: reduced vs. armor", "Heavy: extra vs. armor", "Puncture: extra vs. players", "Structural: Double vs. structures", "StructuralHeavy: Double vs. structures and double vs. armor", "Gas damage: affects breathing targets only", "NerveGas: affects biological units, player will take only armor damage", "Structures only: Doesn't damage players or AI units", "Falling: Ignores armor for humans, no damage for aliens", "Door: Can also affect Doors", "Flame: Deals 4.5x damage vs. flammable structures and double vs. all other structures", "Flamethrower: Reduced vs. armor, 4.5x damage vs. flammable structures and double vs. all other structures", "Corrode damage: Damage structures or armor only for non structures", "Armor damage: Will never reduce health", "Biological: Will only damage biological targets.", "StructuresOnlyLight: reduced vs. structures with armor", "Spreading: Does less damage against small targets.", "GrenadeLauncher: Double structure damage, 20% reduction in player damage", "MachineGun: Deals 1.5x amount of base damage vs. players" } kSpreadingDamageScalar = 0.75 kBaseArmorUseFraction = 0.7 kExosuitArmorUseFraction = 1 -- exos have no health kStructuralDamageScalar = 2 kPuncturePlayerDamageScalar = 2 kGLPlayerDamageReduction = 0.8 kLightHealthPerArmor = 4 kHealthPointsPerArmor = 2 kHeavyHealthPerArmor = 1 kFlameableMultiplier = 2.5 kCorrodeDamagePlayerArmorScalar = 0.12 kCorrodeDamageExoArmorScalar = 0.4 kStructureLightHealthPerArmor = 9 kStructureLightArmorUseFraction = 0.9 -- deal only 33% of damage to friendlies kFriendlyFireScalar = 0.33 local function ApplyDefaultArmorUseFraction(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) return damage, kBaseArmorUseFraction, healthPerArmor end local function ApplyHighArmorUseFractionForExos(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) if target:isa("Exo") then armorFractionUsed = kExosuitArmorUseFraction end return damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function ApplyDefaultHealthPerArmor(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) return damage, armorFractionUsed, kHealthPointsPerArmor end local function DoubleHealthPerArmor(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) return damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor * (kLightHealthPerArmor / kHealthPointsPerArmor) end local function HalfHealthPerArmor(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) return damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor * (kHeavyHealthPerArmor / kHealthPointsPerArmor) end local function ApplyAttackerModifiers(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) damage = NS2Gamerules_GetUpgradedDamage(attacker, doer, damage, damageType, hitPoint) damage = damage * Gamerules_GetDamageMultiplier() if attacker and attacker.ComputeDamageAttackerOverride then damage = attacker:ComputeDamageAttackerOverride(attacker, damage, damageType, doer, hitPoint) end if doer and doer.ComputeDamageAttackerOverride then damage = doer:ComputeDamageAttackerOverride(attacker, damage, damageType) end if attacker and attacker.ComputeDamageAttackerOverrideMixin then damage = attacker:ComputeDamageAttackerOverrideMixin(attacker, damage, damageType, doer, hitPoint) end if doer and doer.ComputeDamageAttackerOverrideMixin then damage = doer:ComputeDamageAttackerOverrideMixin(attacker, damage, damageType, doer, hitPoint) end return damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function ApplyTeamModifiers(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) -- team vs team type damage multiplier local attackerType = attacker:GetTeamType() local targetType = target:GetTeamType() if kTeamVsTeamDamage[attackerType] then --Log("Multiplying damage by %s because %s attacked %s (was %s)", (kTeamVsTeamDamage[attackerType][targetType] or 1.0), attackerType, targetType, damage) damage = damage * (kTeamVsTeamDamage[attackerType][targetType] or 1.0) end return damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function ApplyTargetModifiers(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) -- The host can provide an override for this function. if target.ComputeDamageOverride then damage = target:ComputeDamageOverride(attacker, damage, damageType, hitPoint) end -- Used by mixins. if target.ComputeDamageOverrideMixin then damage = target:ComputeDamageOverrideMixin(attacker, damage, damageType, hitPoint) end if target.GetArmorUseFractionOverride then armorFractionUsed = target:GetArmorUseFractionOverride(damageType, armorFractionUsed, hitPoint) end if target.GetHealthPerArmorOverride then healthPerArmor = target:GetHealthPerArmorOverride(damageType, healthPerArmor, hitPoint) end local damageTable = {} damageTable.damage = damage damageTable.armorFractionUsed = armorFractionUsed damageTable.healthPerArmor = healthPerArmor if target.ModifyDamageTaken then target:ModifyDamageTaken(damageTable, attacker, doer, damageType, hitPoint) end return damageTable.damage, damageTable.armorFractionUsed, damageTable.healthPerArmor end local function ApplyFriendlyFireModifier(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) -- changed from vanilla: no longer excludes self if target and attacker and HasMixin(target, "Team") and HasMixin(attacker, "Team") and target:GetTeamNumber() == attacker:GetTeamNumber() then damage = damage * kFriendlyFireScalar end return damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function IgnoreArmor(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) return damage, 0, healthPerArmor end local function MaximizeArmorUseFraction(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) return damage, 1, healthPerArmor end local function MultiplyForStructures(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) if target.GetReceivesStructuralDamage and target:GetReceivesStructuralDamage(damageType) then damage = damage * kStructuralDamageScalar end return damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function ReduceForPlayersDoubleStructure(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) if target.GetReceivesStructuralDamage and target:GetReceivesStructuralDamage(damageType) then damage = damage * kStructuralDamageScalar elseif target:isa("Player") then damage = damage * kGLPlayerDamageReduction end return damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function MultiplyForPlayers(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) return ConditionalValue(target:isa("Player") or target:isa("Exosuit"), damage * kPuncturePlayerDamageScalar, damage), armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function ReducedDamageAgainstSmall(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) if target.GetIsSmallTarget and target:GetIsSmallTarget() then damage = damage * kSpreadingDamageScalar end return damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function IgnoreHealthForPlayers(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) if target:isa("Player") then local maxDamagePossible = healthPerArmor * target.armor damage = math.min(damage, maxDamagePossible) armorFractionUsed = 1 end return damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function IgnoreHealthForPlayersUnlessExo(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) if target:isa("Player") and not target:isa("Exo") then local maxDamagePossible = healthPerArmor * target.armor damage = math.min(damage, maxDamagePossible) armorFractionUsed = 1 end return damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function IgnoreHealth(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) local maxDamagePossible = healthPerArmor * target.armor damage = math.min(damage, maxDamagePossible) return damage, 1, healthPerArmor end local function ReduceGreatlyForPlayers(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) if target:isa("Exo") or target:isa("Exosuit") or target:isa("Onos") then damage = damage * kCorrodeDamageExoArmorScalar elseif target:isa("Player") then damage = damage * kCorrodeDamagePlayerArmorScalar end return damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function IgnorePlayersUnlessExo(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) return ConditionalValue(target:isa("Player") and not target:isa("Exo") , 0, damage), armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function IgnoreARCsAndMACs(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) return ConditionalValue(target:isa("ARC") or target:isa("MAC") , 0, damage), armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function IgnorePowerPoints(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) return ConditionalValue(target:isa("PowerPoint") , 0, damage), armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function DamagePlayersOnly(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) return ConditionalValue(target:isa("Player") or target:isa("Exosuit"), damage, 0), armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function DamageAlienOnly(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) return ConditionalValue(HasMixin(target, "Team") and target:GetTeamType() == kAlienTeamType, damage, 0), armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function DamageMarinesLess(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) if HasMixin(target, "Team") and target:GetTeamType() == kMarineTeamType then damage = kDamageMarinesLessScalar * damage end return damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function DamageStructuresOnly(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) if not target.GetReceivesStructuralDamage or not target:GetReceivesStructuralDamage(damageType) then damage = 0 end return damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function IgnoreDoors(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) return ConditionalValue(target:isa("Door"), 0, damage), armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function DamageBiologicalOnly(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) if not target.GetReceivesBiologicalDamage or not target:GetReceivesBiologicalDamage(damageType) then damage = 0 end return damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function DamageBreathingOnly(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) if not target.GetReceivesVaporousDamage or not target:GetReceivesVaporousDamage(damageType) then damage = 0 end return damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function MultiplyFlameAble(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) if target.GetIsFlameAble and target:GetIsFlameAble(damageType) then damage = damage * kFlameableMultiplier end return damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function DoubleHealthPerArmorForStructures(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) if target.GetReceivesStructuralDamage and target:GetReceivesStructuralDamage(damageType) then healthPerArmor = healthPerArmor * (kStructureLightHealthPerArmor / kHealthPointsPerArmor) armorFractionUsed = kStructureLightArmorUseFraction end return damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local function DoubleHealthPerArmorForPlayers(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) if target:isa("Player") then healthPerArmor = healthPerArmor * (kLightHealthPerArmor / kHealthPointsPerArmor) end return damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end local kMachineGunPlayerDamageScalar = 1.5 local function MultiplyForMachineGun(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) return ConditionalValue(target:isa("Player") or target:isa("Exosuit"), damage * kMachineGunPlayerDamageScalar, damage), armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor end kDamageTypeGlobalRules = nil kDamageTypeRules = nil --[[ * Define any new damage type behavior in this function --]] local function BuildDamageTypeRules() kDamageTypeGlobalRules = {} kDamageTypeRules = {} -- global rules table.insert(kDamageTypeGlobalRules, ApplyDefaultArmorUseFraction) table.insert(kDamageTypeGlobalRules, ApplyHighArmorUseFractionForExos) table.insert(kDamageTypeGlobalRules, ApplyDefaultHealthPerArmor) table.insert(kDamageTypeGlobalRules, ApplyAttackerModifiers) table.insert(kDamageTypeGlobalRules, ApplyTargetModifiers) table.insert(kDamageTypeGlobalRules, ApplyTeamModifiers) table.insert(kDamageTypeGlobalRules, ApplyFriendlyFireModifier) -- ------------------------------ -- normal damage rules kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Normal] = {} -- light damage rules kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Light] = {} table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Light], DoubleHealthPerArmor) -- ------------------------------ -- heavy damage rules kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Heavy] = {} table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Heavy], HalfHealthPerArmor) -- ------------------------------ -- Puncture damage rules kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Puncture] = {} table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Puncture], MultiplyForPlayers) -- ------------------------------ -- Spreading damage rules kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Spreading] = {} table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Spreading], ReducedDamageAgainstSmall) -- ------------------------------ -- structural rules kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Structural] = {} table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Structural], MultiplyForStructures) -- ------------------------------ -- Grenade Launcher rules kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.GrenadeLauncher] = {} table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.GrenadeLauncher], ReduceForPlayersDoubleStructure) -- ------------------------------ -- Machine Gun rules kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.MachineGun] = {} table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.MachineGun], MultiplyForMachineGun) -- ------------------------------ -- structural heavy rules kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.StructuralHeavy] = {} table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.StructuralHeavy], HalfHealthPerArmor) table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.StructuralHeavy], MultiplyForStructures) -- ------------------------------ -- gas damage rules kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Gas] = {} table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Gas], IgnoreArmor) table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Gas], DamageBreathingOnly) -- ------------------------------ -- structures only rules kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.StructuresOnly] = {} table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.StructuresOnly], DamageStructuresOnly) -- ------------------------------ -- Splash rules kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Splash] = {} table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Splash], DamageStructuresOnly) table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Splash], IgnoreARCsAndMACs) table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Splash], IgnorePowerPoints) -- ------------------------------ -- fall damage rules kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Falling] = {} table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Falling], IgnoreArmor) -- ------------------------------ -- Door damage rules kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Door] = {} table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Door], MultiplyForStructures) table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Door], HalfHealthPerArmor) -- ------------------------------ -- Flame damage rules kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Flame] = {} table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Flame], MultiplyFlameAble) table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Flame], MultiplyForStructures) -- ------------------------------ -- Flamethrower damage rules kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Flamethrower] = {} table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Flame], MultiplyFlameAble) table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Flame], MultiplyForStructures) table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Flame], DoubleHealthPerArmorForPlayers) -- ------------------------------ -- Corrode damage rules kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Corrode] = {} table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Corrode], ReduceGreatlyForPlayers) table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Corrode], IgnoreHealthForPlayersUnlessExo) -- ------------------------------ -- nerve gas rules kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.NerveGas] = {} --table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.NerveGas], DamageAlienOnly) table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.NerveGas], DamageMarinesLess) table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.NerveGas], IgnoreHealth) -- ------------------------------ -- StructuresOnlyLight damage rules kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.StructuresOnlyLight] = {} table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.StructuresOnlyLight], DoubleHealthPerArmorForStructures) -- ------------------------------ -- ArmorOnly damage rules kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.ArmorOnly] = {} table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.ArmorOnly], ReduceGreatlyForPlayers) table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.ArmorOnly], IgnoreHealth) -- ------------------------------ -- Biological damage rules kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Biological] = {} table.insert(kDamageTypeRules[kDamageType.Biological], DamageBiologicalOnly) -- ------------------------------ end -- applies all rules and returns damage, armorUsed, healthUsed function GetDamageByType(target, attacker, doer, damage, damageType, hitPoint, weapon) assert(target) if not kDamageTypeGlobalRules or not kDamageTypeRules then BuildDamageTypeRules() end -- at first check if damage is possible, if not we can skip the rest if not CanEntityDoDamageTo(attacker, target, Shared.GetCheatsEnabled(), Shared.GetDevMode(), GetFriendlyFire(), damageType) then return 0, 0, 0 end local armorUsed = 0 local healthUsed = 0 local armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor = 0 -- apply global rules at first for _, rule in ipairs(kDamageTypeGlobalRules) do damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor = rule(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) end --Account for Alien Chamber Upgrades damage modifications (must be before damage-type rules) if attacker:GetTeamType() == kAlienTeamType and attacker:isa("Player") then damage, armorFractionUsed = NS2Gamerules_GetUpgradedAlienDamage( target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint, weapon ) end -- apply damage type specific rules for _, rule in ipairs(kDamageTypeRules[damageType]) do damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor = rule(target, attacker, doer, damage, armorFractionUsed, healthPerArmor, damageType, hitPoint) end if damage > 0 and healthPerArmor > 0 then --Log("healthPerArmor: %s, armorFractionUsed: %s", healthPerArmor, armorFractionUsed) -- Each point of armor blocks a point of health but is only destroyed at half that rate (like NS1) -- Thanks Harimau! local healthPointsBlocked = math.min(healthPerArmor * target.armor, armorFractionUsed * damage) armorUsed = healthPointsBlocked / healthPerArmor -- Anything left over comes off of health healthUsed = damage - healthPointsBlocked end --Log("damage: %s, armorUsed: %s, healthUsed: %s", damage, armorUsed, healthUsed) return damage, armorUsed, healthUsed end
local eventMarkers = {} local blips = {} local markers = { {3649.01, -1934.18, 19.76}, {4001.79, -1660.19, 20.27 }, {4071.88, -1548.56, 20.56}, {3811.99, -2538.42, 19.6}, {4204.76, -1785, 20.24}, } local timers = {} local crimProgress = 0 local copProgress = 0 local ownedByCrims = false local ownedByCops = false local capturedByCrims = false local capturedByCops = false local playersInMarker = 0 local cityCol = createColCuboid(3022.98, -2698.86, 19, 1200, 1200, 12.25) local cityArea = createRadarArea(3022.98, -2698.86, 1200,1200, 255,255,255,180) function isOwnedByCrims() return ownedByCrims end function onResourceStart () executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS eventMarkers (id INT, owner TEXT)") for k,v in ipairs (markers) do marker = createMarker(v[1], v[2], v[3], "checkpoint", 2, 255,255,255,150) blips[marker] = createBlip(v[1], v[2], v[3], 0, 3.5, 255,255,255,255) eventMarkers[marker] = k setElementData(marker, "AURcityevent.eventMarker", true) local query = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM eventMarkers") if (#query == 0) then executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO eventMarkers (id, owner) VALUES (?,?)", 1, "None") executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO eventMarkers (id, owner) VALUES (?,?)", 2, "None") executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO eventMarkers (id, owner) VALUES (?,?)", 3, "None") executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO eventMarkers (id, owner) VALUES (?,?)", 4, "None") executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO eventMarkers (id, owner) VALUES (?,?)", 5, "None") else executeSQLQuery("UPDATE eventMarkers SET owner=?", "none") end setElementData(marker, "id", k) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, onResourceStart) local timerAntiEco = {} function provokeMarker (p, team, marker) if (type(team) ~= "string") then return false end if (isTimer(timerAntiEco[p])) then return exports.NGCdxmsg:createNewDxMessage("You need to wait some more time to take another marker!",p,255,255,0) end timerAntiEco[p] = setTimer(function() killTimer(timerAntiEco[p]) end, 1000*40, 1) if (team == "Criminals") then local mr, mg, mb, ma = getMarkerColor(marker) if (mr == 255) and (mg == 0) and (mb == 0) and (ma == 255) then return false end executeSQLQuery("UPDATE eventMarkers SET owner=? WHERE id=?", "crim",getElementData(marker, "id")) setMarkerColor(marker, 255, 0, 0, 255) setBlipColor(blips[marker], 255, 0, 0, 255) setBlipVisibleDistance(blips[marker], 1200) --setElementData(marker, "", "Criminals") exports.NGCdxmsg:createNewDxMessage("Criminals have captured a marker in the city!",root,255,0,0) --if (getElementData(marker, "") ~= "Criminals") then for k,v in ipairs (getPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Criminals"))) do if (isElementWithinColShape(v, cityCol)) then exports.csgdrugs:giveDrug(v, "LSD",50) exports.csgdrugs:giveDrug(v, "Cocaine",50) exports.csgdrugs:giveDrug(v, "Heroine",50) exports.csgdrugs:giveDrug(v, "Ritalin",50) exports.csgdrugs:giveDrug(v, "Ecstasy",50) exports.csgdrugs:giveDrug(v, "Weed",50) exports.AURpayments:addMoney(v, 4000,"Custom","CTC",0,"AURcityevent") exports.server:givePlayerWantedPoints(v,10) exports.NGCdxmsg:createNewDxMessage("You captured a marker, and recieved $4,000!",v,255,255,0) exports.NGCdxmsg:createNewDxMessage("You captured a marker, and got 50 hit each drug!",v,255,255,0) end --end end elseif (team == "Government") or (team == "Military Forces") or (team == "SWAT Team") then local mr, mg, mb, ma = getMarkerColor(marker) if (mr == 0) and (mg == 0) and (mb == 255) and (ma == 150) then return false end executeSQLQuery("UPDATE eventMarkers SET owner=? WHERE id=?", "law", getElementData(marker, "id")) setMarkerColor(marker, 0, 0, 255, 150) setBlipColor(blips[marker], 0, 0, 255, 255) exports.NGCdxmsg:createNewDxMessage("Law forces have captured a marker in the city!",root,255,0,0) setElementData(marker, "", "Law") --if (getElementData(marker, "") ~= "Law") then for k,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if not (v) then return erro("the bug is from player") end if getPlayerTeam(v) then local team = getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(v)) if (team == "Government") or (team == "Military Forces") or (team == "SWAT Team") then if (isElementWithinColShape(v, cityCol)) then exports.AURpayments:addMoney(v, 6000,"Custom","CTC",0,"AURcityevent") setPedArmor(v, tonumber(getPedArmor(v)+10)) exports.NGCdxmsg:createNewDxMessage("You have captured a marker, and recieved $6,000!",v,255,255,0) exports.NGCdxmsg:createNewDxMessage("You have captured a marker, and got 10% Armor!",v,255,255,0) end end end --end end end end function checkerForStates () --Updates the color. local copMarkers = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM eventMarkers WHERE owner=?", "law") local crimMarkers = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM eventMarkers WHERE owner=?", "crim") if (#copMarkers > #crimMarkers) and (#crimMarkers ~= 0) or (#copMarkers == 3) or (#copMarkers == 4) then setRadarAreaColor(cityArea, 0,0,255,180) setRadarAreaFlashing(cityArea, true) ownedByCops = false ownedByCrims = false elseif (#crimMarkers > #copMarkers) and (#copMarkers ~= 0) or (#crimMarkers == 3) or (#crimMarkers == 4) then setRadarAreaColor(cityArea, 255,0,0,180) setRadarAreaFlashing(cityArea, true) ownedByCops = false ownedByCrims = false elseif (#copMarkers == 5) then setRadarAreaColor(cityArea, 0,0,255,180) setRadarAreaFlashing(cityArea, false) ownedByCops = true ownedByCrims = false elseif (#crimMarkers == 5) then setRadarAreaColor(cityArea, 255,0,0,180) setRadarAreaFlashing(cityArea, false) ownedByCrims = true ownedByCops = false elseif (#crimMarkers == 0) and (#copMarkers == 0) then setRadarAreaColor(cityArea,255,255,255,180) setRadarAreaFlashing(cityArea, false) ownedByCops = false ownedByCrims = false end for k,v in ipairs (getElementsByType"player") do if (doesPedHaveJetPack(v)) and (isElementWithinColShape(v, cityCol)) then removePedJetPack(v) exports.NGCdxmsg:createNewDxMessage("Not allowed to use jetpack in the city!",v,255,255,0) end end end setTimer(checkerForStates, 500,0) function isPlayerLaw (player) if getPlayerTeam(player) then local team = getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(player)) if (type(team) ~= "string") then return false end if not (team) then return error("Team error") end if (team == "Government") or (team == "Military Forces") or (team == "SWAT Team") then return true else return false end else return false end end function onMarkerHit(hitElement, dim) if hitElement then if getElementType(hitElement) == "player" then if (not getPlayerTeam(hitElement)) then return end if not (dim) then return false end if not (eventMarkers[source]) then return false end if getPlayerTeam(hitElement) then local team = getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(hitElement)) if (type(team) ~= "string") then return false end if (getElementData(source, "owner") == team) then return false end playersInMarker = playersInMarker + 1 --if (playersInMarker > 1) then return exports.NGCdxmsg:createNewDxMessage("Only 1 player can capture the marker!", hitElement, 255,0,0) end timers[hitElement] = setTimer(provokeMarker, 1000*6, 1, hitElement, getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(hitElement)), source) setElementData(hitElement, "isPlayerCTC", true) end end end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", root, onMarkerHit) function checkAFKPlayers() for index, thePlayer in ipairs(getElementsByType("player"))do if (getPlayerIdleTime(thePlayer) > 180000) then if (getElementData(thePlayer, "isPlayerCTC") == true) then exports.NGCdxmsg:createNewDxMessage(thePlayer, exports.AURlanguage:getTranslate("You have been killed for being Away From Keyboard while capturing the city.", true, thePlayer),255,0,0) killPed(thePlayer) end end end end setTimer(checkAFKPlayers, 10000, 0) function onMarkerLeave (leftElement, dim) if hitElement then if getElementType(hitElement) == "player" then setElementData(leftElement, "isPlayerCTC", false) if not (dim) then return false end if not (eventMarkers[source]) then return false end playersInMarker = playersInMarker - 1 if (isTimer(timers[leftElement])) then killTimer(timers[leftElement]) end end end end addEventHandler("onMarkerLeave", root, onMarkerLeave) function killAddOns ( ammo, attacker, weapon, bodypart ) if (isElementWithinColShape ( source, cityCol )) and (isElementWithinColShape ( attacker, cityCol )) then if getPlayerTeam(source) then if (getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source)) == "Criminals") and (isPlayerLaw(attacker)) then exports.AURpayments:addMoney(attacker, 2000,"Custom","CTC",0,"AURcityevent") exports.NGCdxmsg:createNewDxMessage("You have recieved $1,000 for defending the city!",attacker, 255,255,0) if (capturedByCrims) then setTimer(setElementPosition,1000*6,1,source,3531.14, -1944.29, 19.7) end elseif (getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(attacker)) == "Criminals") and (isPlayerLaw(source)) then exports.AURpayments:addMoney(attacker, 2000,"Custom","CTC",0,"AURcityevent") exports.NGCdxmsg:createNewDxMessage("You have recieved $1,000 for attacking the city!",attacker, 255,255,0) if (capturedByCops) then setTimer(setElementPosition,1000*6,1,source,3531.14, -1944.29, 19.7) end end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, killAddOns) function payout () local playersIngame = getElementsByType"player" if (#playersIngame > 10) then if (ownedByCops == true) then for k,v in ipairs (getPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName"Government")) do exports.AURpayments:addMoney(v, 50000,"Custom","CTC",0,"AURcityevent") exports.NGCdxmsg:createNewDxMessage("You have recieved $50,000 for keeping the city out of threat!",v,255,255,0) end for k,v in ipairs (getPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName"SWAT Team")) do exports.AURpayments:addMoney(v, 50000,"Custom","CTC",0,"AURcityevent") exports.NGCdxmsg:createNewDxMessage("You have recieved $50,000 for keeping the city out of threat!",v,255,255,0) end for k,v in ipairs (getPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName"Military Forces")) do exports.AURpayments:addMoney(v, 50000,"Custom","CTC",0,"AURcityevent") exports.NGCdxmsg:createNewDxMessage("You have recieved $50,000 for keeping the city out of threat!",v,255,255,0) end elseif (ownedByCrims == true) then for k,v in ipairs (getPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName"Criminals")) do exports.AURpayments:addMoney(v, 50000,"Custom","CTC",0,"AURcityevent") exports.NGCdxmsg:createNewDxMessage("You have recieved $50,000 for keeping the city in threat!",v,255,255,0) end end end end setTimer(payout, 1000*60*10,0) function weaponsRestriction () if (getElementType(source) ~= "player") then return false end local notAllowed = { [3] = true, [23] = true, } if (isElementWithinColShape(source, cityCol)) then local currentID = getPedWeapon(source) if (notAllowed[currentID]) then cancelEvent() toggleControl ( source, 'fire', false ) else toggleControl ( source, 'fire', true ) end end end addEventHandler("onWeaponFire", root, weaponsRestriction) function setCityForCrims (p, cmd) if (getPlayerName(p) ~= "[AUR]Nixon-") then return false end executeSQLQuery("UPDATE eventMarkers SET owner=?", "crim") ownedByCrims = true ownedByCops = false for k,v in ipairs (getElementsByType"marker") do if (getElementData(v, "AURcityevent.eventMarker") == true) then setMarkerColor(v, 255,0,0,255) setBlipColor(blips[v], 255,0,0,255) end end end addCommandHandler("setforcrims", setCityForCrims) function setCityForCops (p, cmd) if (getPlayerName(p) ~= "[AUR]Nixon-") then return false end executeSQLQuery("UPDATE eventMarkers SET owner=?", "law") ownedByCrims = false ownedByCops = true for k,v in ipairs (getElementsByType"marker") do if (getElementData(v, "AURcityevent.eventMarker") == true) then setMarkerColor(v, 0,0,255,255) setBlipColor(blips[v], 0,0,255,255) end end end addCommandHandler("setforcops", setCityForCops)
-- Function Availability FileWriteLineFast("test/output.txt", "Function Availability", FM_WRITE); local fa = dofile("test/common/function_availability.lua"); fa.FunctionSupported(FontInit, "MTR_FontInit", FontFunctionSupported); fa.FunctionSupported(FontCreate, "MTR_FontCreate", FontFunctionSupported); fa.FunctionSupported(FontAddAtlas, "MTR_FontAddAtlas", FontFunctionSupported); fa.FunctionSupported(FontCacheTtf, "MTR_FontCacheTtf", FontFunctionSupported); fa.FunctionSupported(FontFree, "MTR_FontFree", FontFunctionSupported); fa.FunctionSupported(FontFree, "MTR_FontDeleteAtlas", FontFunctionSupported); fa.FunctionSupported(FontFree, "MTR_FontDeleteAllAtlases", FontFunctionSupported); fa.FunctionSupported(FontFree, "MTR_FontDetachAtlas", FontFunctionSupported); fa.FunctionSupported(FontFree, "MTR_FontDetachAllAtlases", FontFunctionSupported); fa.FunctionSupported(FontFree, "MTR_FontGetAtlasSprite", FontFunctionSupported); fa.FunctionSupported(FontFree, "MTR_FontGetAtlasesCount", FontFunctionSupported); fa.FunctionSupported(FontDrawString_f, "MTR_FontDrawString_f", FontFunctionSupported); fa.FunctionSupported(FontGetHeight, "MTR_FontGetHeight", FontFunctionSupported); fa.FunctionSupported(FontGetStringWidth, "MTR_FontGetStringWidth", FontFunctionSupported); fa.FunctionSupported(FontGetName, "MTR_FontGetName", FontFunctionSupported);
local resolver_access = require "kong.resolver.access" -- Stubs require "" local APIS_FIXTURES = { {name = "mockbin", inbound_dns = "", upstream_url = ""}, {name = "mockbin", inbound_dns = "", upstream_url = ""}, {name = "mockbin", inbound_dns = "*", upstream_url = ""}, {name = "mockbin", inbound_dns = "wildcard.*", upstream_url = ""}, {name = "mockbin", path = "/mockbin", upstream_url = ""}, {name = "mockbin", path = "/mockbin-with-dashes", upstream_url = ""}, {name = "mockbin", path = "/some/deep/url", upstream_url = ""} } _G.dao = { apis = { find_all = function() return APIS_FIXTURES end } } local apis_dics describe("Resolver Access", function() describe("load_apis_in_memory()", function() it("should retrieve all APIs in datastore and return them organized", function() apis_dics = resolver_access.load_apis_in_memory() assert.equal("table", type(apis_dics)) assert.truthy(apis_dics.by_dns) assert.truthy(apis_dics.path_arr) assert.truthy(apis_dics.wildcard_dns_arr) end) it("should return a dictionary of APIs by inbound_dns", function() assert.equal("table", type(apis_dics.by_dns[""])) assert.equal("table", type(apis_dics.by_dns[""])) end) it("should return an array of APIs by path", function() assert.equal("table", type(apis_dics.path_arr)) assert.equal(3, #apis_dics.path_arr) for _, item in ipairs(apis_dics.path_arr) do assert.truthy(item.strip_path_pattern) assert.truthy(item.path) assert.truthy(item.api) end assert.equal("/mockbin", apis_dics.path_arr[1].strip_path_pattern) assert.equal("/mockbin%-with%-dashes", apis_dics.path_arr[2].strip_path_pattern) end) it("should return an array of APIs with wildcard inbound_dns", function() assert.equal("table", type(apis_dics.wildcard_dns_arr)) assert.equal(2, #apis_dics.wildcard_dns_arr) for _, item in ipairs(apis_dics.wildcard_dns_arr) do assert.truthy(item.api) assert.truthy(item.pattern) end assert.equal("^$", apis_dics.wildcard_dns_arr[1].pattern) assert.equal("^wildcard%..+$", apis_dics.wildcard_dns_arr[2].pattern) end) end) describe("find_api_by_path()", function() it("should return nil when no matching API for that URI", function() local api = resolver_access.find_api_by_path("/", apis_dics.path_arr) assert.falsy(api) end) it("should return the API for a matching URI", function() local api = resolver_access.find_api_by_path("/mockbin", apis_dics.path_arr) assert.same(APIS_FIXTURES[5], api) api = resolver_access.find_api_by_path("/mockbin-with-dashes", apis_dics.path_arr) assert.same(APIS_FIXTURES[6], api) api = resolver_access.find_api_by_path("/mockbin-with-dashes/and/some/uri", apis_dics.path_arr) assert.same(APIS_FIXTURES[6], api) api = resolver_access.find_api_by_path("/dashes-mockbin", apis_dics.path_arr) assert.falsy(api) api = resolver_access.find_api_by_path("/some/deep/url", apis_dics.path_arr) assert.same(APIS_FIXTURES[7], api) end) end) describe("find_api_by_inbound_dns()", function() it("should return nil and a list of all the Host headers in the request when no API was found", function() local api, all_hosts = resolver_access.find_api_by_inbound_dns({ Host = "", ["X-Host-Override"] = {"", ""} }, apis_dics) assert.falsy(api) assert.same({"", "", ""}, all_hosts) end) it("should return an API when one of the Host headers matches", function() local api = resolver_access.find_api_by_inbound_dns({Host = ""}, apis_dics) assert.same(APIS_FIXTURES[1], api) api = resolver_access.find_api_by_inbound_dns({Host = ""}, apis_dics) assert.same(APIS_FIXTURES[2], api) end) it("should return an API when one of the Host headers matches a wildcard dns", function() local api = resolver_access.find_api_by_inbound_dns({Host = ""}, apis_dics) assert.same(APIS_FIXTURES[4], api) api = resolver_access.find_api_by_inbound_dns({Host = ""}, apis_dics) assert.same(APIS_FIXTURES[4], api) api = resolver_access.find_api_by_inbound_dns({Host = ""}, apis_dics) assert.same(APIS_FIXTURES[3], api) api = resolver_access.find_api_by_inbound_dns({Host = ""}, apis_dics) assert.same(APIS_FIXTURES[3], api) end) end) describe("strip_path()", function() it("should strip the api's path from the requested URI", function() assert.equal("/status/200", resolver_access.strip_path("/mockbin/status/200", apis_dics.path_arr[1].strip_path_pattern)) assert.equal("/status/200", resolver_access.strip_path("/mockbin-with-dashes/status/200", apis_dics.path_arr[2].strip_path_pattern)) assert.equal("/", resolver_access.strip_path("/mockbin", apis_dics.path_arr[1].strip_path_pattern)) assert.equal("/", resolver_access.strip_path("/mockbin/", apis_dics.path_arr[1].strip_path_pattern)) end) it("should only strip the first pattern", function() assert.equal("/mockbin/status/200/mockbin", resolver_access.strip_path("/mockbin/mockbin/status/200/mockbin", apis_dics.path_arr[1].strip_path_pattern)) end) end) end)
local CodeGenerator = require("api.CodeGenerator") do local config = require("mod.elona.locale.en.config").config print(inspect(config)) local menu = local gen = CodeGenerator:new { always_tabify = true } local ORDER = { "game", "screen", "net", "anime", "input", "keybindings", "message", "language" } for _, menu_id in ipairs(ORDER) do local items =[menu_id] if type(items) == "table" then local menu = { _type = "base.config_menu", _id = menu_id, items = {} } local out = {} for item_id, t in pairs(items) do if type(t) == "table" then local option = { _id = item_id, type = "" } out[#out+1] = option table.insert(menu.items, "base." .. item_id) end end gen:write_comment("") gen:write_comment("Menu: " .. menu_id) gen:write_comment("") gen:tabify() gen:write("data:add_multi(\"base.config_option\", ") gen:write_table(out) gen:write(")") gen:tabify() gen:tabify() gen:write("data:add ") gen:write_table(menu) gen:tabify() gen:tabify() end end print(gen) end for _, lang in ipairs({"en", "jp"}) do local config = require("mod.elona.locale." .. lang .. ".config").config local out = { config = { menu = {}, option = {} } } local ORDER = { "game", "screen", "net", "anime", "input", "keybindings", "message", "language" } local gen = CodeGenerator:new { always_tabify = true, strict = false } for _, menu_id in ipairs(ORDER) do local items =[menu_id] if type(items) == "table" then local t = { name = } gen:write_key(menu_id) gen:write(" = ") gen:write_value(t) gen:write(",") gen:tabify() end end gen:tabify() gen:tabify() for _, menu_id in ipairs(ORDER) do local items =[menu_id] if type(items) == "table" then gen:tabify() gen:write_comment("") gen:write_comment("Menu: " .. menu_id) gen:write_comment("") for item_id, t in pairs(items) do if type(t) == "table" then gen:tabify() gen:write_key(item_id) gen:write(" = ") gen:write_value(t) gen:write(",") gen:tabify() end end end end gen:write_table(out) print(gen) end -- Local Variables: -- open-nefia-always-send-to-repl: t -- End:
function x2c(x) return string.char(tonumber(x, 16)) end function u(s) return s:gsub("%%(%x%x)", x2c) end server = net.createServer(net.TCP) server:listen(80, function(conn) conn:on("receive", function(conn, p) q = string.match(p, "GET (.+) HTTP/1.1") is = false if q ~= "/favicon.ico" then if q ~= "/" then p = {} for k, v in string.gmatch(q, "([^?=&]+)=(([^&]*))" ) do p[k] = u(v) end"config.lua", "w+") file.write("id={"..p['id'].."}:sp={"..p['sp'].."}:u={"..p['u'].."}:p={"..p['p'].."}") file.close() h = 'Success!' is = true else h = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><body style="font-family: arial"><form><table>'.. '<tr><td colspan="2"><b>Select Home Wireless</b></td></tr>'.. '<tr><td>SSID </td><td><input type="text" name="id" required></td></tr>'.. '<tr><td>SSID Password </td><td><input type="password" name="sp" required></td></tr>'.. '<tr><td colspan="2"><b>Create Account</b></td></tr>'.. '<tr><td>Email </td><td><input type="email" name="u" required></td></tr>'.. '<tr><td>Create Password </td><td><input type="password" name="p" required></td></tr>'.. '<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><input type="submit" value="Save"></td></tr>'.. '</table></form></body></html>' end conn:send(h) if is then tmr.alarm(1, 2500, 0, function() node.restart() end) end end end) conn:on("sent", function(conn) conn:close() end) end)
local function vmstat(path) local path = path or "/proc/vmstat" local tbl = {} local pattern = "(%g+)%s+(%d+)" for str in io.lines(path) do local key, value = str:match(pattern) if key then tbl[key] = tonumber(value) end end return tbl; end return { decoder = vmstat; }
function love.conf(t) t.window.title = "Puchi the game" end
-- -- RemDebug 1.0 Beta -- Copyright Kepler Project 2005 ( -- local socket = require"socket" --local lfs = require"lfs" local debug = require"debug" local json = require("json") module("remdebug.engine", package.seeall) _COPYRIGHT = "2006 - Kepler Project" _DESCRIPTION = "Remote Debugger for the Lua programming language" _VERSION = "1.0" -- Extracts and returns file name and line number from a "setb" or "delb" command line. local function get_breakpoint_parameters_from(commandLine) local expression local substring -- Select a pattern matching string used to extract the command line arguments. -- If it contains quotes, then assume a quoted path containing spaces was given. if not string.find(commandLine, '"') then expression = "^([%a]+)%s+([%w%p]+)%s+(%d+)$" else expression = '^([%a]+)%s+(["].-["])%s+(%d+)$' end -- Extract arguments. local _, _, _, fileName, lineNumber = string.find(commandLine, expression) -- Remove double quotes from retrieved file name string. -- This way the debug_hook() function below can lookup breakpoints by file name only. _, _, substring = string.find(fileName, '["](.-)["]') if substring then fileName = substring end --[[ -- Remove path from retrieved file name string. _, _, substring = string.find(fileName, ".-([^/\\]+)$") if substring then fileName = substring end --]] return fileName, lineNumber end -- Combines "path2" to the end of "path1" and returns it as a single path. -- Correctly handles double quotes and trailing slashes in the paths when combining them. -- Argument "path2" should not be set to an absolute path. It is expected to be sub-directories -- and maybe a file name under "path1". -- If "path1" is empty, then "path2" is returned. If "path2" is empty, then "path1" is returned. local function combine_paths(path1, path2) local expression local substring local pathSeparator local combinedPath -- If one of the given paths is empty/nil, then return the other path. if (path1 == nil) or (path1 == "") then return path2 end if (path2 == nil) or (path2 == "") then return path1 end -- Guess which path separator to use ('/' or '\') by analyzing the first path. pathSeparator = "/" if string.find(path1, "\\") then pathSeparator = "\\" end -- Remove double quotes from paths. expression = '["](.-)["]' _, _, substring = string.find(path1, expression) if substring then path1 = substring end _, _, substring = string.find(path2, expression) if substring then path2 = substring end -- Remove periods, slashes, and spaces from the end of path1. -- Note: The "(.-)" part of the expression extracts all chars to the left of the chars to be removed. _, _, substring = string.find(path1, "(.-)\./\\%s") if substring then path1 = substring end -- Remove periods, slashes, and spaces from the beginning of path2. -- Note: The "(.-)" part of the expression extracts all chars to the right of the chars to be removed. _, _, substring = string.find(path2, "\./\\%s(.-)") if substring then path2 = substring end -- Combine the two paths. Double quote the result if it contains spaces. combinedPath = path1 .. pathSeparator .. path2 if string.find(combinedPath, " ") then combinedPath = "\"" .. combinedPath .. "\"" end return combinedPath end local coro_debugger local events = { BREAK = 1, WATCH = 2 } local breakpoints = {} local watches = {} local step_into = false local step_over = false local step_level = 0 local stack_level = 0 local start_frame_index = 3 local error_event = false local controller_host = "localhost" local controller_port = 8171 local function set_breakpoint(file, line) print( "set_breakpoint("..file..","..line..")" ) if not breakpoints[file] then breakpoints[file] = {} end breakpoints[file][line] = true end local function remove_breakpoint(file, line) if breakpoints[file] then breakpoints[file][line] = nil end end local function has_breakpoint(file, line) return breakpoints[file] and breakpoints[file][line] end local function restore_vars(frame, vars) if type(vars) ~= 'table' then return end local func = debug.getinfo(frame, "f").func local i = 1 local written_vars = {} while true do local name = debug.getlocal(frame, i) if not name then break end debug.setlocal(frame, i, vars[name]) written_vars[name] = true i = i + 1 end i = 1 while true do local name = debug.getupvalue(func, i) if not name then break end if not written_vars[name] then debug.setupvalue(func, i, vars[name]) written_vars[name] = true end i = i + 1 end end local function restore_stack(stack) local stack = {} local frameNum = (not error_event) and start_frame_index or start_frame_index + 1 for i,frame in ipairs(stack) do -- Calling debug.getlocal in a different function frame from this -- current one screws up the frame number index passed to debug.getlocal -- restore_vars inlined to avoid screwing up the frame number local vars = frame.vars if type(vars) ~= 'table' then return end local func = debug.getinfo(frameNum, "f").func local i = 1 local written_vars = {} while true do local name = debug.getlocal(frameNum, i) if not name then break end debug.setlocal(frameNum, i, vars[name]) written_vars[name] = true i = i + 1 end i = 1 while true do local name = debug.getupvalue(func, i) if not name then break end if not written_vars[name] then debug.setupvalue(func, i, vars[name]) written_vars[name] = true end i = i + 1 end -- restore_vars( frameNum, frame.vars ) frameNum = frameNum + 1 end end local function capture_stack() local stack = {} local frameNum = (not error_event) and start_frame_index or start_frame_index + 1 while true do -- local frame = capture_frame(frameNum) -- if not frame then break end local info = debug.getinfo(frameNum, "Snlf") if not info then break end -- Calling debug.getlocal in a different function frame from this -- current one screws up the frame number index passed to debug.getlocal --print( "Frame("..frameNum..") of type: "..tostring(info.what) ) -- capture_vars inlined to avoid screwing up the frame number local vars = {} local func = info.func local i = 1 if func then while true do local name, value = debug.getupvalue(func, i) if not name then break end vars[name] = value i = i + 1 end i = 1 end while true do local name, value = debug.getlocal(frameNum, i) if not name then break end --print( "[" .. frameNum .. "] " .. tostring(name) .. " = " .. tostring(value) ) vars[name] = value i = i + 1 end setmetatable(vars, { __index = getfenv(func), __newindex = getfenv(func) }) -- capture_frame local frame = {} frame.vars = vars frame.what = info.what = or "(nil)" frame.file = info.source -- info.short_src frame.line = info.currentline --[[ print( "Frame("..frameNum..")" ) for k,v in pairs(frame) do print( k .. ":" .. tostring(v) ) end print( "" ) --]] table.insert(stack, frame) frameNum = frameNum + 1 end return stack end local function break_dir(path) local paths = {} path = string.gsub(path, "\\", "/") for w in string.gfind(path, "[^\/]+") do table.insert(paths, w) end return paths end local function merge_paths(path1, path2) local paths1 = break_dir(path1) local paths2 = break_dir(path2) for i, path in ipairs(paths2) do if path == ".." then table.remove(paths1, table.getn(paths1)) elseif path ~= "." then table.insert(paths1, path) end end return table.concat(paths1, "/") end local function debug_hook(event, line, msg) --print( "event("..tostring(event)..") line("..tostring(line)..")" ) if event == "call" then stack_level = stack_level + 1 elseif event == "return" or event == "tail return" then stack_level = stack_level - 1 else local level = 2 if event == "error" then if msg then print( msg ) end level = level + 1 error_event = true end local file = debug.getinfo(level, "S").source if string.find(file, "@") == 1 then file = string.sub(file, 2) end -- TODO: Find a better solution to the basedir problem -- For now, strip path info off file. local _, _, filename = string.find(file, ".-([^/\\]+)$") -- if filename then file = filename end -- file = merge_paths(lfs.currentdir(), file) --print( file .."("..tostring(line)..")") -- local vars = capture_vars() --print( "event("..tostring(Event)..") at "..tostring(file) .. ":" ..tostring(line) ) local stack = capture_stack() local frame = stack[1] local vars = frame.vars table.foreach(watches, function (index, value) setfenv(value, vars) local status, res = pcall(value) if status and res then coroutine.resume(coro_debugger, events.WATCH, stack, file, line, index) end end) if step_into or (step_over and stack_level <= step_level) or has_breakpoint(file, line) or event == "error" then step_into = false step_over = false coroutine.resume(coro_debugger, events.BREAK, stack, file, line) restore_stack(stack) end end end local function format_data_for_display(data, pretty_print_json) local pretty_print_json = pretty_print_json or false local value = data local typename = type(data) if typename == "string" then -- Enclose strings in double quotes value = '"' .. value .. '"' elseif typename == "function" then local functionInfo = debug.getinfo(data, "S") if functionInfo.source == "=[C]" then value = "internal" else value = string.format("%s:%d", functionInfo.source, functionInfo.linedefined) end elseif typename == "table" then -- If this is a Corona internal type it'll have these properties if data._type ~= nil then typename = data._type end if data._properties ~= nil then value = data._properties else -- Format the table as JSON local pcall_status, pretty_val = pcall(json.encode, data) if not pcall_status then -- Something went wrong, emit the unformatted data value = "[raw] "..tostring(data) else -- We'll use "pretty_val", tidy it up value = pretty_val:gsub("<type '(.-)' is not supported by JSON.>", "<%1>") end end if pretty_print_json then value = json.prettify(value) end end return tostring(typename), tostring(value) end local function debugger_loop(server) local command local eval_env = {} local frameIndex = 1 while true do local line, status = server:receive() command = string.sub(line, string.find(line, "^[A-Z]+")) -- print("remdebug: line: "..tostring(line)) -- print("remdebug: command: "..tostring(command)) if command == "SETB" then local filename, line = get_breakpoint_parameters_from(line) if filename and line then set_breakpoint(filename, tonumber(line)) server:send("200 OK\n") else server:send("400 Bad Request\n") end elseif command == "DELB" then local filename, line = get_breakpoint_parameters_from(line) if filename and line then remove_breakpoint(filename, tonumber(line)) server:send("200 OK\n") else server:send("400 Bad Request\n") end elseif command == "EXEC" then local _, _, chunk = string.find(line, "^[A-Z]+%s+(.+)$") if chunk then local func = loadstring(chunk) local status, res if func then setfenv(func, eval_env[frameIndex].vars) status, res = xpcall(func, debug.traceback) end res = tostring(res) if status then server:send("200 OK " .. string.len(res) .. "\n") server:send(res) else server:send("401 Error in Expression " .. string.len(res) .. "\n") server:send(res) end else server:send("400 Bad Request\n") end elseif command == "DUMP" then local _, _, chunk = string.find(line, "^[A-Z]+%s+(.+)$") if chunk then local func = loadstring(chunk) local status, res if func then setfenv(func, eval_env[frameIndex].vars) status, res = xpcall(func, debug.traceback) end if status then local _, _, expr = string.find(chunk, "return %((.*)%)") typename, value = format_data_for_display(res, true) if expr and typename and value then response = string.format("%s = (%s) %s", expr, typename, value) else response = "Could not evaluate '"..tostring(expr).."' (perhaps it's not defined yet)" end server:send("200 OK " .. string.len(response) .. "\n") server:send(response) else res = tostring(res) server:send("401 Error in Expression " .. string.len(res) .. "\n") server:send(res) end else server:send("400 Bad Request\n") end elseif command == "SETW" then local _, _, exp = string.find(line, "^[A-Z]+%s+(.+)$") if exp then local func = loadstring("return(" .. exp .. ")") local newidx = table.getn(watches) + 1 watches[newidx] = func -- table.setn(watches, newidx) server:send("200 OK " .. newidx .. "\n") else server:send("400 Bad Request\n") end elseif command == "DELW" then local _, _, index = string.find(line, "^[A-Z]+%s+(%d+)$") index = tonumber(index) if index then watches[index] = nil server:send("200 OK\n") else server:send("400 Bad Request\n") end elseif command == "RUN" then server:send("200 OK\n") print("RUN: breakpoints: "..json.encode(breakpoints)) local ev, stack, file, line, idx_watch = coroutine.yield() eval_env = stack if ev == events.BREAK then local label = (not error_event and "Paused " or "Error " ) server:send("202 " .. label .. file .. " " .. line .. "\n") elseif ev == events.WATCH then server:send("203 Paused " .. file .. " " .. line .. " " .. idx_watch .. "\n") else server:send("401 Error in Execution " .. string.len(file) .. "\n") server:send(file) end elseif command == "STEP" then server:send("200 OK\n") step_into = true local ev, stack, file, line, idx_watch = coroutine.yield() eval_env = stack if ev == events.BREAK then local label = (not error_event and "Paused " or "Error " ) server:send("202 " .. label .. file .. " " .. line .. "\n") elseif ev == events.WATCH then server:send("203 Paused " .. file .. " " .. line .. " " .. idx_watch .. "\n") else server:send("401 Error in Execution " .. string.len(file) .. "\n") server:send(file) end elseif command == "OVER" then server:send("200 OK\n") step_over = true step_level = stack_level local ev, stack, file, line, idx_watch = coroutine.yield() eval_env = stack if ev == events.BREAK then local label = (not error_event and "Paused " or "Error " ) server:send("202 " .. label .. file .. " " .. line .. "\n") elseif ev == events.WATCH then server:send("203 Paused " .. file .. " " .. line .. " " .. idx_watch .. "\n") else server:send("401 Error in Execution " .. string.len(file) .. "\n") server:send(file) end elseif command == "BACKTRACE" then local stacktrace = {} for i,frame in ipairs(eval_env) do local prefix = ( i == frameIndex and "*" ) or " " local s -- print("json.version: "..tostring(json.version)) -- Can't use json for frames because they use userdata as array indices -- print("remdebug: "..tostring( -- print(" frame.file: "..tostring(frame.file)) -- print(" frame.line: "..tostring(frame.line)) if frame.what ~= "C" then s = string.format("%s[%3d] %s at %s:%d", prefix, i,, frame.file, frame.line ) else s = string.format("%s[%3d] (Runtime)", prefix, i ) end table.insert(stacktrace, s) end stacktrace = table.concat(stacktrace, "\n") if not stacktrace then server:send("200 OK " .. 0 .. "\n") else server:send("200 OK " .. string.len(stacktrace) .. "\n") server:send(stacktrace) end elseif command == "FRAME" then local _, _, _, index = string.find(line, "^([A-Z]+)%s+([%d]+)$") index = tonumber(index) if index > #eval_env then index = #eval_env end if eval_env[index].what ~= "C" then frameIndex = index server:send("200 OK\n") else server:send("402 Invalid frame index number\n") end elseif command == "LOCALS" then local ignore = { __FILE__ = true, __LINE__ = true } local vars = {} local frame = eval_env[frameIndex] if frame then for k,v in pairs(frame.vars) do if k == "(*temporary)" or ignore[k] then -- do nothing else typename, value = format_data_for_display(v) table.insert(vars, string.format("%s = (%s) %s", tostring(k), typename, value)) end end end local msg = table.concat(vars,"\n") if msg == nil then server:send("200 OK " .. 0 .. "\n") else server:send("200 OK " .. string.len(msg) .. "\n") server:send(msg) end else server:send("400 Bad Request\n") end end end coro_debugger = coroutine.create(debugger_loop) -- -- remdebug.engine.config(tab) -- Configures the engine -- function config(tab) if then controller_host = end if tab.port then controller_port = tab.port end end -- -- remdebug.engine.start() -- Tries to start the debug session by connecting with a controller -- function start() -- pcall(require, "remdebug.config") local server = socket.connect(controller_host, controller_port) if server then _TRACEBACK = function (message) local err = debug.traceback(message) server:send("401 Error in Execution " .. string.len(err) .. "\n") server:send(err) server:close() return err end debug.sethook(debug_hook, "lcr") return coroutine.resume(coro_debugger, server) end end
--[[ Returns a selection image with rounded corners. ]] local Settings = script.Parent.Parent local Constants = require(Settings.Pages.LeaveGameScreen.Constants) return function() local RoundedSelectionImage ="ImageLabel") RoundedSelectionImage.Name = "SelectorImage" RoundedSelectionImage.Image = Constants.Image.BUTTON_SELECTOR RoundedSelectionImage.Position =, -7, 0, -7) RoundedSelectionImage.Size =, 14, 1, 14) RoundedSelectionImage.BackgroundTransparency = 1 RoundedSelectionImage.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Slice RoundedSelectionImage.SliceCenter =, 31, 63, 63) return RoundedSelectionImage end
require("analytics") local logger = require("logger") -- Stuff defined in this file: -- . the data structures that store the configuration of -- the stack of panels -- . the main game routine -- (rising, timers, falling, cursor movement, swapping, landing) -- . the matches-checking routine local min, pairs, deepcpy = math.min, pairs, deepcpy local max = math.max local garbage_bounce_time = #garbage_bounce_table local clone_pool = {} -- Represents the full panel stack for one player Stack = class( function(s, arguments) local which = arguments.which or 1 assert(arguments.match ~= nil) local match = arguments.match assert(arguments.is_local ~= nil) local is_local = arguments.is_local local panels_dir = arguments.panels_dir or config.panels -- level or difficulty should be set assert(arguments.level ~= nil or arguments.difficulty ~= nil) local level = arguments.level local difficulty = arguments.difficulty local speed = arguments.speed local player_number = arguments.player_number or which local wantsCanvas = arguments.wantsCanvas or 1 local character = arguments.character or config.character s.match = match s.character = character s.max_health = 1 s.panels_dir = panels_dir s.portraitFade = 0 s.is_local = is_local s.drawsAnalytics = true if not panels[panels_dir] then s.panels_dir = config.panels end if s.match.mode == "puzzle" then s.drawsAnalytics = false else s.do_first_row = true end if difficulty then if s.match.mode == "endless" then s.NCOLORS = difficulty_to_ncolors_endless[difficulty] elseif s.match.mode == "time" then s.NCOLORS = difficulty_to_ncolors_1Ptime[difficulty] end end -- frame.png dimensions if wantsCanvas then s.canvas = * GFX_SCALE, 204 * GFX_SCALE) s.canvas:setFilter("nearest", "nearest") end if level then s:setLevel(level) speed = speed or level_to_starting_speed[level] end = s.max_health s.garbage_cols = { {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, idx = 1}, {1, 3, 5, idx = 1}, {1, 4, idx = 1}, {1, 2, 3, idx = 1}, {1, 2, idx = 1}, {1, idx = 1} } s.later_garbage = {} -- Queue of garbage that is done waiting in telegraph, and been popped out, and will be sent to our stack next frame s.garbage_q = GarbageQueue(s) -- Queue of garbage that is about to be dropped s:moveForPlayerNumber(which) s.panel_buffer = "" s.gpanel_buffer = "" s.input_buffer = "" s.confirmedInput = "" -- All inputs the player has input ever s.panels = {} s.width = 6 s.height = 12 for i = 0, s.height do s.panels[i] = {} for j = 1, s.width do s.panels[i][j] = Panel() end end s.CLOCK = 0 s.game_stopwatch = 0 s.game_stopwatch_running = false s.do_countdown = true s.max_runs_per_frame = 3 s.displacement = 16 -- This variable indicates how far below the top of the play -- area the top row of panels actually is. -- This variable being decremented causes the stack to rise. -- During the automatic rising routine, if this variable is 0, -- it's reset to 15, all the panels are moved up one row, -- and a new row is generated at the bottom. -- Only when the displacement is 0 are all 12 rows "in play." s.danger_col = {false, false, false, false, false, false} -- set true if this column is near the top s.danger_timer = 0 -- decides bounce frame when in danger s.difficulty = difficulty or 2 s.speed = speed or 1 -- The player's speed level decides the amount of time -- the stack takes to rise automatically if s.speed_times == nil then s.panels_to_speedup = panels_to_next_speed[s.speed] end s.rise_timer = 1 -- When this value reaches 0, the stack will rise a pixel s.rise_lock = false -- If the stack is rise locked, it won't rise until it is -- unlocked. s.has_risen = false -- set once the stack rises once during the game s.stop_time = 0 s.pre_stop_time = 0 s.NCOLORS = s.NCOLORS or 5 s.score = 0 -- der skore s.chain_counter = 0 -- how high is the current chain s.panels_in_top_row = false -- boolean, for losing the game s.danger = s.danger or false -- boolean, panels in the top row (danger) s.danger_music = s.danger_music or false -- changes music state s.n_active_panels = 0 s.prev_active_panels = 0 s.n_chain_panels = 0 -- These change depending on the difficulty and speed levels: s.FRAMECOUNT_HOVER = s.FRAMECOUNT_HOVER or FC_HOVER[s.difficulty] s.FRAMECOUNT_FLASH = s.FRAMECOUNT_FLASH or FC_FLASH[s.difficulty] s.FRAMECOUNT_FACE = s.FRAMECOUNT_FACE or FC_FACE[s.difficulty] s.FRAMECOUNT_POP = s.FRAMECOUNT_POP or FC_POP[s.difficulty] s.FRAMECOUNT_MATCH = s.FRAMECOUNT_FACE + s.FRAMECOUNT_FLASH s.FRAMECOUNT_RISE = speed_to_rise_time[s.speed] s.rise_timer = s.FRAMECOUNT_RISE -- Player input stuff: s.manual_raise = false -- set until raising is completed s.manual_raise_yet = false -- if not set, no actual raising's been done yet -- since manual raise button was pressed s.prevent_manual_raise = false s.swap_1 = false -- attempt to initiate a swap on this frame s.swap_2 = false s.taunt_up = nil -- will hold an index s.taunt_down = nil -- will hold an index s.taunt_queue = Queue() s.cur_wait_time = config.input_repeat_delay -- number of ticks to wait before the cursor begins -- to move quickly... it's based on P1CurSensitivity s.cur_timer = 0 -- number of ticks for which a new direction's been pressed s.cur_dir = nil -- the direction pressed s.cur_row = 7 -- the row the cursor's on s.cur_col = 3 -- the column the left half of the cursor's on s.top_cur_row = s.height + (s.match.mode == "puzzle" and 0 or -1) s.poppedPanelIndex = s.poppedPanelIndex or 1 s.panels_cleared = s.panels_cleared or 0 s.metal_panels_queued = s.metal_panels_queued or 0 s.lastPopLevelPlayed = s.lastPopLevelPlayed or 1 s.lastPopIndexPlayed = s.lastPopIndexPlayed or 1 s.combo_chain_play = nil s.game_over = false -- only set if this player got a game over s.game_over_clock = 0 -- only set if game_over is true, the exact clock frame the player lost s.sfx_land = false s.sfx_garbage_thud = 0 s.card_q = Queue() s.pop_q = Queue() s.which = which s.player_number = player_number --player number according to the multiplayer server, for game outcome reporting s.shake_time = 0 s.prev_states = {} s.analytic = AnalyticsInstance(s.is_local) if s.match.mode == "vs" then s.telegraph = Telegraph(s, s) -- Telegraph holds the garbage that hasn't been committed yet and also tracks the attack animations -- NOTE: this is the telegraph above this stack, so the opponents puts garbage in this stack. end s.combos = {} -- Tracks the combos made throughout the whole game. Key is the clock time, value is the combo size s.chains = {} -- Tracks the chains mades throughout the whole game --[[ .last_complete - the CLOCK index into the last chain or nil if no chains this game yet .current - the CLOCK index into the current chain or nil if no chain active indexes Key - CLOCK time the chain started Value - start - CLOCK time the chain started (same as key) finish - CLOCK time the chain finished size - the chain size 2, 3, etc ]] s.panelGenCount = 0 s.garbageGenCount = 0 s.rollbackCount = 0 -- the number of times total we have done rollback s.lastRollbackFrame = -1 -- the last frame we had to rollback from s.framesBehindArray = {} s.totalFramesBehind = 0 end) function Stack.setLevel(self, level) self.level = level --difficulty = level_to_difficulty[level] self.speed_times = {15 * 60, idx = 1, delta = 15 * 60} self.max_health = level_to_hang_time[level] self.FRAMECOUNT_HOVER = level_to_hover[level] self.FRAMECOUNT_GPHOVER = level_to_garbage_panel_hover[level] self.FRAMECOUNT_FLASH = level_to_flash[level] self.FRAMECOUNT_FACE = level_to_face[level] self.FRAMECOUNT_POP = level_to_pop[level] self.combo_constant = level_to_combo_constant[level] self.combo_coefficient = level_to_combo_coefficient[level] self.chain_constant = level_to_chain_constant[level] self.chain_coefficient = level_to_chain_coefficient[level] if self.match.mode == "2ptime" then self.NCOLORS = level_to_ncolors_time[level] else self.NCOLORS = level_to_ncolors_vs[level] end end -- Positions the stack draw position for the given player function Stack.moveForPlayerNumber(stack, player_num) local stack_padding_x_for_legacy_pos = ((canvas_width - legacy_canvas_width) / 2) if player_num == 1 then stack.pos_x = 4 + stack_padding_x_for_legacy_pos / GFX_SCALE stack.score_x = 315 + stack_padding_x_for_legacy_pos stack.mirror_x = 1 stack.origin_x = stack.pos_x stack.multiplication = 0 = "_1P" stack.VAR_numbers = "" elseif player_num == 2 then stack.pos_x = 172 + stack_padding_x_for_legacy_pos / GFX_SCALE stack.score_x = 410 + stack_padding_x_for_legacy_pos stack.mirror_x = -1 stack.origin_x = stack.pos_x + (stack.canvas:getWidth() / GFX_SCALE) - 8 stack.multiplication = 1 = "_2P" end stack.pos_y = 4 + (canvas_height - legacy_canvas_height) / GFX_SCALE stack.score_y = 100 + (canvas_height - legacy_canvas_height) end function Stack.divergenceString(stackToTest) local result = "" local panels = stackToTest.panels if panels then for i=#panels,1,-1 do for j=1,#panels[i] do result = result .. (tostring(panels[i][j].color)) .. " " if panels[i][j].state ~= "normal" then result = result .. (panels[i][j].state) .. " " end end result = result .. "\n" end end if stackToTest.telegraph then result = result .. "telegraph.chain count " .. stackToTest.telegraph.garbage_queue.chain_garbage:len() .. "\n" result = result .. "telegraph.senderCurrentlyChaining " .. tostring(stackToTest.telegraph.senderCurrentlyChaining) .. "\n" result = result .. "telegraph.attacks " .. table.length(stackToTest.telegraph.attacks) .. "\n" end result = result .. "garbage_q " .. stackToTest.garbage_q:len() .. "\n" result = result .. "later_garbage " .. table.length(stackToTest.later_garbage) .. "\n" result = result .. "Stop " .. stackToTest.stop_time .. "\n" result = result .. "Pre Stop " .. stackToTest.pre_stop_time .. "\n" result = result .. "Shake " .. stackToTest.shake_time .. "\n" result = result .. "Displacement " .. stackToTest.displacement .. "\n" result = result .. "Clock " .. stackToTest.CLOCK .. "\n" result = result .. "Panel Buffer " .. stackToTest.panel_buffer .. "\n" return result end -- Backup important variables into the passed in variable to be restored in rollback. Note this doesn't do a full copy. function Stack.rollbackCopy(self, source, other) if other == nil then if #clone_pool == 0 then other = {} else other = clone_pool[#clone_pool] clone_pool[#clone_pool] = nil end end other.do_swap = source.do_swap other.speed = source.speed = other.garbage_cols = deepcpy(source.garbage_cols) --[[if source.garbage_cols then other.garbage_idxs = other.garbage_idxs or {} local n_g_cols = #(source.garbage_cols or other.garbage_cols) for i=1,n_g_cols do other.garbage_idxs[i]=source.garbage_cols[i].idx end else end--]] other.later_garbage = deepcpy(source.later_garbage) other.garbage_q = source.garbage_q:makeCopy() if source.telegraph then other.telegraph = source.telegraph:rollbackCopy(source.telegraph, other.telegraph) end local width = source.width or other.width local height_to_cpy = #source.panels other.panels = other.panels or {} local startRow = 1 if self.panels[0] then startRow = 0 end for i = startRow, height_to_cpy do if other.panels[i] == nil then other.panels[i] = {} for j = 1, width do other.panels[i][j] = Panel() end end for j = 1, width do local opanel = other.panels[i][j] local spanel = source.panels[i][j] opanel:clear() for k, v in pairs(spanel) do opanel[k] = v end end end for i = height_to_cpy + 1, #other.panels do other.panels[i] = nil end other.countdown_CLOCK = source.countdown_CLOCK other.starting_cur_row = source.starting_cur_row other.starting_cur_col = source.starting_cur_col other.countdown_cursor_state = source.countdown_cursor_state other.countdown_cur_speed = source.countdown_cur_speed other.countdown_timer = source.countdown_timer other.CLOCK = source.CLOCK other.game_stopwatch = source.game_stopwatch other.game_stopwatch_running = source.game_stopwatch_running other.prev_rise_lock = source.prev_rise_lock other.rise_lock = source.rise_lock other.top_cur_row = source.top_cur_row other.cursor_lock = source.cursor_lock other.displacement = source.displacement other.speed_times = deepcpy(source.speed_times) other.panels_to_speedup = source.panels_to_speedup other.stop_time = source.stop_time other.pre_stop_time = source.pre_stop_time other.score = source.score other.chain_counter = source.chain_counter other.n_active_panels = source.n_active_panels other.prev_active_panels = source.prev_active_panels other.n_chain_panels = source.n_chain_panels other.FRAMECOUNT_RISE = source.FRAMECOUNT_RISE other.rise_timer = source.rise_timer other.manual_raise = source.manual_raise other.manual_raise_yet = source.manual_raise_yet other.prevent_manual_raise = source.prevent_manual_raise other.cur_timer = source.cur_timer other.cur_dir = source.cur_dir other.cur_row = source.cur_row other.cur_col = source.cur_col other.shake_time = source.shake_time other.peak_shake_time = source.peak_shake_time other.do_countdown = source.do_countdown other.ready_y = source.ready_y other.combos = deepcpy(source.combos) other.chains = deepcpy(source.chains) other.panel_buffer = source.panel_buffer other.gpanel_buffer = source.gpanel_buffer other.panelGenCount = source.panelGenCount other.garbageGenCount = source.garbageGenCount other.panels_in_top_row = source.panels_in_top_row other.has_risen = source.has_risen other.metal_panels_queued = source.metal_panels_queued other.panels_cleared = source.panels_cleared other.danger_timer = source.danger_timer other.analytic = deepcpy(source.analytic) other.game_over_clock = source.game_over_clock return other end function Stack.restoreFromRollbackCopy(self, other) self:rollbackCopy(other, self) if self.telegraph then self.telegraph.owner = self.garbage_target self.telegraph.sender = self end -- The remaining inputs is the confirmed inputs not processed yet for this clock time -- We have processed CLOCK time number of inputs when we are at CLOCK, so we only want to process the CLOCK+1 input on self.input_buffer = string.sub(self.confirmedInput, self.CLOCK+1) end function Stack.rollbackToFrame(self, frame) local currentFrame = self.CLOCK local difference = currentFrame - frame local safeToRollback = difference <= MAX_LAG if not safeToRollback then if self.garbage_target then self.garbage_target.tooFarBehindError = true end return -- EARLY RETURN end if frame < currentFrame then local prev_states = self.prev_states logger.debug("Rolling back " .. self.which .. " to " .. frame) assert(prev_states[frame]) self:restoreFromRollbackCopy(prev_states[frame]) if self.garbage_target and self.garbage_target.later_garbage then -- The garbage that we send this time might (rarely) not be the same -- as the garbage we sent before. Wipe out the garbage we sent before... for k, v in pairs(self.garbage_target.later_garbage) do if k > frame then self.garbage_target.later_garbage[k] = nil end end end self.rollbackCount = self.rollbackCount + 1 self.lastRollbackFrame = currentFrame end end -- Saves state in backups in case its needed for rollback -- NOTE: the CLOCK time is the save state for simulating right BEFORE that clock time is simulated function Stack.saveForRollback(self) local prev_states = self.prev_states local garbage_target = self.garbage_target self.garbage_target = nil self.prev_states = nil self:remove_extra_rows() prev_states[self.CLOCK] = self:rollbackCopy(self) self.prev_states = prev_states self.garbage_target = garbage_target local deleteFrame = self.CLOCK - MAX_LAG - 1 if prev_states[deleteFrame] then Telegraph.saveClone(prev_states[deleteFrame].telegraph) -- Has a reference to stacks we don't want kept around prev_states[deleteFrame].telegraph = nil clone_pool[#clone_pool + 1] = prev_states[deleteFrame] prev_states[deleteFrame] = nil end end function Stack.set_garbage_target(self, new_target) self.garbage_target = new_target if self.telegraph then self.telegraph.owner = new_target self.telegraph:updatePosition() end end local MAX_TAUNT_PER_10_SEC = 4 function Stack.can_taunt(self) return self.taunt_queue:len() < MAX_TAUNT_PER_10_SEC or self.taunt_queue:peek() + 10 < love.timer.getTime() end function Stack.taunt(self, taunt_type) while self.taunt_queue:len() >= MAX_TAUNT_PER_10_SEC do self.taunt_queue:pop() end self.taunt_queue:push(love.timer.getTime()) end -- Represents an individual panel in the stack Panel = class( function(p) p:clear() end ) function Panel.regularColorsArray() return { 1, -- hearts 2, -- circles 3, -- triangles 4, -- stars 5, -- diamonds 6, -- inverse triangles } -- Note see the methods below for square, shock, and colorless end function Panel.extendedRegularColorsArray() local result = Panel.regularColorsArray() result[#result+1] = 7 -- squares return result end function Panel.allPossibleColorsArray() local result = Panel.extendedRegularColorsArray() result[#result+1] = 8 -- shock result[#result+1] = 9 -- colorless return result end -- Sets all variables to the default settings function Panel.clear(self) -- color 0 is an empty panel. -- colors 1-7 are normal colors, 8 is [!], 9 is garbage. self.color = 0 -- A panel's timer indicates for how many more frames it will: -- . be swapping -- . sit in the MATCHED state before being set POPPING -- . sit in the POPPING state before actually being POPPED -- . sit and be POPPED before disappearing for good -- . hover before FALLING -- depending on which one of these states the panel is in. self.timer = 0 -- is_swapping is set if the panel is swapping. -- The panel's timer then counts down from 3 to 0, -- causing the swap to end 3 frames later. -- The timer is also used to offset the panel's -- position on the screen. self.initial_time = nil self.pop_time = nil self.pop_index = nil self.x_offset = nil self.y_offset = nil self.width = nil self.height = nil self.garbage = nil self.metal = nil self.shake_time = nil self.match_anyway = nil -- Also flags self:clear_flags() end -- states: -- swapping, matched, popping, popped, hovering, -- falling, dimmed, landing, normal -- flags: -- from_left -- dont_swap -- chaining do local exclude_hover_set = { matched = true, popping = true, popped = true, hovering = true, falling = true } function Panel.exclude_hover(self) return exclude_hover_set[self.state] or self.garbage end local exclude_match_set = { swapping = true, matched = true, popping = true, popped = true, dimmed = true, falling = true } function Panel.exclude_match(self) return exclude_match_set[self.state] or self.color == 0 or self.color == 9 or (self.state == "hovering" and not self.match_anyway) end local exclude_swap_set = { matched = true, popping = true, popped = true, hovering = true, dimmed = true } function Panel.exclude_swap(self) return exclude_swap_set[self.state] or self.dont_swap or self.garbage end function Panel.support_garbage(self) return self.color ~= 0 or self.hovering end -- "Block garbage fall" means -- "falling-ness should not propogate up through this panel" -- We need this because garbage doesn't hover, it just falls -- opportunistically. local block_garbage_fall_set = { matched = true, popping = true, popped = true, hovering = true, swapping = true } function Panel.block_garbage_fall(self) return block_garbage_fall_set[self.state] or self.color == 0 end function Panel.dangerous(self) return self.color ~= 0 and not (self.state == "falling" and self.garbage) end end function Panel.has_flags(self) return (self.state ~= "normal") or self.is_swapping_from_left or self.dont_swap or self.chaining end function Panel.clear_flags(self) self.combo_index = nil self.combo_size = nil self.chain_index = nil self.is_swapping_from_left = nil self.dont_swap = nil self.chaining = nil -- Animation timer for "bounce" after falling from garbage. self.fell_from_garbage = nil self.state = "normal" end function Stack.set_puzzle_state(self, puzzle) -- Copy the puzzle into our state local boardSizeInPanels = self.width * self.height while string.len(puzzle.stack) < boardSizeInPanels do puzzle.stack = "0" .. puzzle.stack end local puzzleString = puzzle.stack if puzzle.randomizeColors then puzzleString = Puzzle.randomizeColorString(puzzleString) end self.panels = self:puzzleStringToPanels(puzzleString) self.do_countdown = puzzle.do_countdown or false self.puzzleType = puzzle.puzzleType or "moves" if puzzle.moves ~= 0 then self.puzzle_moves = puzzle.moves end -- transform any cleared garbage into colorless garbage panels self.gpanel_buffer = "9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999" end function Stack.puzzleStringToPanels(self, puzzleString) local panels = {} local garbageStartRow = nil local garbageStartColumn = nil local isMetal = false local connectedGarbagePanels = nil -- chunk the aprilstack into rows -- it is necessary to go bottom up because garbage block panels contain the offset relative to their bottom left corner for row = 1, 12 do local rowString = string.sub(puzzleString, #puzzleString - 5, #puzzleString) puzzleString = string.sub(puzzleString, 1, #puzzleString - 6) -- copy the panels into the row panels[row] = {} for column = 6, 1, -1 do local color = string.sub(rowString, column, column) if not garbageStartRow and tonumber(color) then local panel = Panel() panel.color = tonumber(color) panels[row][column] = panel else -- start of a garbage block if color == "]" or color == "}" then garbageStartRow = row garbageStartColumn = column connectedGarbagePanels = {} if color == "}" then isMetal = true end end local panel = Panel() panel.garbage = true panel.color = 9 panel.y_offset = row - garbageStartRow -- iterating the row right to left to make sure we catch the start of each garbage block -- but the offset is expected left to right, therefore we can't know the x_offset before reaching the end of the garbage -- instead save the column index in that field to calculate it later panel.x_offset = column panel.metal = isMetal panels[row][column] = panel table.insert(connectedGarbagePanels, panel) -- garbage ends here if color == "[" or color == "{" then -- calculate dimensions of the garbage and add it to the relevant width/height properties local height = connectedGarbagePanels[#connectedGarbagePanels].y_offset + 1 -- this is disregarding the possible existence of irregularly shaped garbage local width = garbageStartColumn - column + 1 for i = 1, #connectedGarbagePanels do connectedGarbagePanels[i].x_offset = connectedGarbagePanels[i].x_offset - column connectedGarbagePanels[i].height = height connectedGarbagePanels[i].width = width -- panels are already in the main table and they should already be updated by reference end garbageStartRow = nil garbageStartColumn = nil connectedGarbagePanels = nil isMetal = false end end end end -- add row 0 because it crashes if there is no row 0 for whatever reason panels[0] = {} for column = 6, 1, -1 do local panel = Panel() panel.color = 0 panels[0][column] = panel end return panels end function Stack.puzzle_done(self) if not self.do_countdown then -- For now don't require active panels to be 0, we will still animate in game over, -- and we need to win immediately to avoid the failure below in the chain case. --if P1.n_active_panels == 0 then --if self.puzzleType == "chain" or P1.prev_active_panels == 0 then local panels = self.panels for row = 1, self.height do for col = 1, self.width do local color = panels[row][col].color if color ~= 0 and color ~= 9 then return false end end end return true --end --end end return false end function Stack.puzzle_failed(self) if not self.do_countdown then if self.puzzleType == "moves" then if self.n_active_panels == 0 and self.prev_active_panels == 0 then return self.puzzle_moves == 0 end elseif self.puzzleType and self.puzzleType == "chain" then if self.n_active_panels == 0 and self.prev_active_panels == 0 and == 0 and > 0 then -- We finished matching but never made a chain -> fail return true end if > 0 and self.n_chain_panels == 0 then -- We achieved a chain, finished chaining, but haven't won yet -> fail return true end end end return false end function Stack.has_falling_garbage(self) for i = 1, self.height + 3 do --we shouldn't have to check quite 3 rows above height, but just to make sure... local prow = self.panels[i] for j = 1, self.width do if prow and prow[j].garbage and prow[j].state == "falling" then return true end end end return false end -- Setup the stack at a new starting state function Stack.starting_state(self, n) if self.do_first_row then self.do_first_row = nil for i = 1, (n or 8) do self:new_row() self.cur_row = self.cur_row - 1 end end end function Stack.prep_first_row(self) if self.do_first_row then self.do_first_row = nil self:new_row() self.cur_row = self.cur_row - 1 end end -- Takes the control input from input_state and sets up the engine to start using it. function Stack.controls(self) local new_dir = nil local sdata = self.input_state local raise, swap, up, down, left, right = unpack(base64decode[sdata]) if (raise) and (not self.prevent_manual_raise) then self.manual_raise = true self.manual_raise_yet = false end self.swap_1 = swap self.swap_2 = swap if up then new_dir = "up" elseif down then new_dir = "down" elseif left then new_dir = "left" elseif right then new_dir = "right" end if new_dir == self.cur_dir then if self.cur_timer ~= self.cur_wait_time then self.cur_timer = self.cur_timer + 1 end else self.cur_dir = new_dir self.cur_timer = 0 end end function Stack.shouldRun(self, runsSoFar) -- We want to run after game over to show game over effects. if self:game_ended() then return runsSoFar == 0 end -- Decide how many frames of input we should run. local buffer_len = string.len(self.input_buffer) -- If we are local we always want to catch up and run the new input which is already appended if self.is_local then return buffer_len > 0 end if self:behindRollback() then return true end -- In debug mode allow forcing a certain number of frames behind if config.debug_mode and config.debug_vsFramesBehind and config.debug_vsFramesBehind ~= 0 then if (config.debug_vsFramesBehind > 0) == (self.which == 2) then -- Don't fall behind if the game is over for the other player if self.garbage_target and self.garbage_target:game_ended() == false then -- If we are at the end of the replay we want to catch up if network_connected() or string.len(self.garbage_target.input_buffer) > 0 then local framesBehind = math.abs(config.debug_vsFramesBehind) if self.CLOCK >= self.garbage_target.CLOCK - framesBehind then return false end end end end end -- If we are not local, we want to run faster to catch up. if buffer_len >= 15 - runsSoFar then -- way behind, run at max speed. return runsSoFar < self.max_runs_per_frame elseif buffer_len >= 10 - runsSoFar then -- When we're closer, run fewer times per frame, so things are less choppy. -- This might have a side effect of taking a little longer to catch up -- since we don't always run at top speed. local maxRuns = math.min(2, self.max_runs_per_frame) return runsSoFar < maxRuns elseif buffer_len >= 1 then return runsSoFar == 0 end return false end -- Runs one step of the stack. function if GAME.gameIsPaused then return end if self.is_local == false then if self.play_to_end then GAME.preventSounds = true if string.len(self.input_buffer) < 4 then self.play_to_end = nil GAME.preventSounds = false end end end self:setupInput() self:simulate() end -- Grabs input from the buffer of inputs or from the controller and sends out to the network if needed. function Stack.setupInput(self) self.input_state = nil if self:game_ended() == false then if self.input_buffer and string.len(self.input_buffer) > 0 then self.input_state = string.sub(self.input_buffer, 1, 1) self.input_buffer = string.sub(self.input_buffer, 2) end else self.input_state = self:idleInput() end self:controls() end function Stack.receiveConfirmedInput(self, input) self.confirmedInput = self.confirmedInput .. input self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer .. input --logger.debug("Player " .. self.which .. " got new input. Total length: " .. string.len(self.confirmedInput)) end -- Enqueue a card animation function Stack.enqueue_card(self, chain, x, y, n) if self.canvas == nil then return end card_burstAtlas = nil card_burstParticle = nil if config.popfx == true then card_burstAtlas = characters[self.character].images["burst"] card_burstFrameDimension = card_burstAtlas:getWidth() / 9 card_burstParticle =, 0, card_burstFrameDimension, card_burstFrameDimension, card_burstAtlas:getDimensions()) end self.card_q:push({frame = 1, chain = chain, x = x, y = y, n = n, burstAtlas = card_burstAtlas, burstParticle = card_burstParticle}) end -- Enqueue a pop animation function Stack.enqueue_popfx(self, x, y, popsize) if self.canvas == nil then return end if characters[self.character].images["burst"] then burstAtlas = characters[self.character].images["burst"] burstFrameDimension = burstAtlas:getWidth() / 9 burstParticle =, 0, burstFrameDimension, burstFrameDimension, burstAtlas:getDimensions()) bigParticle =, 0, burstFrameDimension, burstFrameDimension, burstAtlas:getDimensions()) end if characters[self.character].images["fade"] then fadeAtlas = characters[self.character].images["fade"] fadeFrameDimension = fadeAtlas:getWidth() / 9 fadeParticle =, 0, fadeFrameDimension, fadeFrameDimension, fadeAtlas:getDimensions()) end poptype = "small" self.pop_q:push( { frame = 1, burstAtlas = burstAtlas, burstFrameDimension = burstFrameDimension, burstParticle = burstParticle, fadeAtlas = fadeAtlas, fadeFrameDimension = fadeFrameDimension, fadeParticle = fadeParticle, bigParticle = bigParticle, bigTimer = 0, popsize = popsize, x = x, y = y } ) end local d_col = {up = 0, down = 0, left = -1, right = 1} local d_row = {up = 1, down = -1, left = 0, right = 0} -- One run of the engine routine. function Stack.simulate(self) -- Don't run the main logic if the player has simulated past one of the game overs or the time attack time if self:game_ended() == false then self:prep_first_row() local panels = self.panels local width = self.width local height = self.height local prow = nil local panel = nil local swapped_this_frame = nil if self.do_countdown then self.game_stopwatch_running = false self.rise_lock = true if not self.countdown_cursor_state then self.countdown_CLOCK = self.CLOCK self.starting_cur_row = self.cur_row self.starting_cur_col = self.cur_col self.cur_row = self.height self.cur_col = self.width - 1 self.countdown_cursor_state = "ready_falling" self.countdown_cur_speed = 4 --one move every this many frames self.cursor_lock = true end if self.countdown_CLOCK == 8 then self.countdown_cursor_state = "moving_down" self.countdown_timer = 180 --3 seconds at 60 fps elseif self.countdown_cursor_state == "moving_down" then --move down if self.cur_row == self.starting_cur_row then self.countdown_cursor_state = "moving_left" elseif self.CLOCK % self.countdown_cur_speed == 0 then self.cur_row = self.cur_row - 1 end elseif self.countdown_cursor_state == "moving_left" then --move left if self.cur_col == self.starting_cur_col then self.countdown_cursor_state = "ready" self.cursor_lock = nil elseif self.CLOCK % self.countdown_cur_speed == 0 then self.cur_col = self.cur_col - 1 end end if self.countdown_timer then if self.countdown_timer == 0 then --we are done counting down self.do_countdown = nil self.countdown_timer = nil self.starting_cur_row = nil self.starting_cur_col = nil self.countdown_CLOCK = nil self.game_stopwatch_running = true if self.which == 1 and self:shouldChangeSoundEffects() then SFX_Go_Play = 1 end elseif self.countdown_timer and self.countdown_timer % 60 == 0 and self.which == 1 then --play beep for timer dropping to next second in 3-2-1 countdown if self.which == 1 and self:shouldChangeSoundEffects() then SFX_Countdown_Play = 1 end end if self.countdown_timer then self.countdown_timer = self.countdown_timer - 1 end end if self.countdown_CLOCK then self.countdown_CLOCK = self.countdown_CLOCK + 1 end else self.game_stopwatch_running = true end if self.pre_stop_time ~= 0 then self.pre_stop_time = self.pre_stop_time - 1 elseif self.stop_time ~= 0 then self.stop_time = self.stop_time - 1 end self.panels_in_top_row = false local top_row = self.height --self.displacement%16==0 and self.height or self.height-1 prow = panels[top_row] for idx = 1, width do if prow[idx]:dangerous() then self.panels_in_top_row = true end end -- calculate which columns should bounce self.danger = false prow = panels[self.height - 1] for idx = 1, width do if prow[idx]:dangerous() then self.danger = true self.danger_col[idx] = true else self.danger_col[idx] = false end end if self.danger then if self.panels_in_top_row and self.speed ~= 0 and self.match.mode ~= "puzzle" then -- Player has topped out, panels hold the "flattened" frame self.danger_timer = 15 elseif self.stop_time == 0 then self.danger_timer = self.danger_timer - 1 end if self.danger_timer < 0 then self.danger_timer = 17 end end -- determine whether to play danger music -- Changed this to play danger when something in top 3 rows -- and to play casual when nothing in top 3 or 4 rows if not self.danger_music then -- currently playing casual for _, prow in pairs({panels[self.height], panels[self.height - 1], panels[self.height - 2]}) do for idx = 1, width do if prow[idx].color ~= 0 and prow[idx].state ~= "falling" or prow[idx]:dangerous() then self.danger_music = true break end end end if self.shake_time > 0 then self.danger_music = false end else --currently playing danger local toggle_back = true -- Normally, change back if nothing is in the top 3 rows local changeback_rows = {panels[self.height], panels[self.height - 1], panels[self.height - 2]} -- But optionally, wait until nothing is in the fourth row if (config.danger_music_changeback_delay) then table.insert(changeback_rows, panels[self.height - 3]) end for _, prow in pairs(changeback_rows) do for idx = 1, width do if prow[idx].color ~= 0 then toggle_back = false break end end end self.danger_music = not toggle_back end if self.displacement == 0 and self.has_risen then self.top_cur_row = self.height self:new_row() end self.prev_rise_lock = self.rise_lock self.rise_lock = self.n_active_panels ~= 0 or self.prev_active_panels ~= 0 or self.shake_time ~= 0 or self.do_countdown or self.do_swap if self.prev_rise_lock and not self.rise_lock then self.prevent_manual_raise = false end -- Increase the speed if applicable if self.speed_times then local time = self.speed_times[self.speed_times.idx] if self.CLOCK == time then self.speed = min(self.speed + 1, 99) self.FRAMECOUNT_RISE = speed_to_rise_time[self.speed] if self.speed_times.idx ~= #self.speed_times then self.speed_times.idx = self.speed_times.idx + 1 else self.speed_times[self.speed_times.idx] = time + end end elseif self.panels_to_speedup <= 0 then self.speed = min(self.speed + 1, 99) self.panels_to_speedup = self.panels_to_speedup + panels_to_next_speed[self.speed] self.FRAMECOUNT_RISE = speed_to_rise_time[self.speed] end -- Phase 0 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- Stack automatic rising if self.speed ~= 0 and not self.manual_raise and self.stop_time == 0 and not self.rise_lock and self.match.mode ~= "puzzle" then if self.panels_in_top_row then = - 1 if < 1 and self.shake_time < 1 then self:set_game_over() end else self.rise_timer = self.rise_timer - 1 if self.rise_timer <= 0 then -- try to rise self.displacement = self.displacement - 1 if self.displacement == 0 then self.prevent_manual_raise = false self.top_cur_row = self.height self:new_row() end self.rise_timer = self.rise_timer + self.FRAMECOUNT_RISE end end end if not self.panels_in_top_row and not self:has_falling_garbage() then = self.max_health end if self.displacement % 16 ~= 0 then self.top_cur_row = self.height - 1 end -- Begin the swap we input last frame. if self.do_swap then self:swap() swapped_this_frame = true self.do_swap = nil end -- Look for matches. self:check_matches() -- Clean up the value we're using to match newly hovering panels -- This is pretty dirty :( for row = 1, #panels do for col = 1, width do panels[row][col].match_anyway = nil end end -- Phase 2. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- Timer-expiring actions + falling local propogate_fall = {false, false, false, false, false, false} local skip_col = 0 local fallen_garbage = 0 local shake_time = 0 popsize = "small" for row = 1, #panels do for col = 1, width do local cntinue = false if skip_col > 0 then skip_col = skip_col - 1 cntinue = true end panel = panels[row][col] if cntinue then elseif panel.garbage then if panel.state == "matched" then -- try to fall panel.timer = panel.timer - 1 if panel.timer == panel.pop_time then if config.popfx == true then self:enqueue_popfx(col, row, popsize) end if self:shouldChangeSoundEffects() then SFX_Garbage_Pop_Play = panel.pop_index end end if panel.timer == 0 then if panel.y_offset == -1 then local color, chaining = panel.color, panel.chaining panel:clear() panel.color, panel.chaining = color, chaining self:set_hoverers(row, col, self.FRAMECOUNT_GPHOVER, true, true) panel.fell_from_garbage = 12 else panel.state = "normal" end end elseif (panel.state == "normal" or panel.state == "falling") then if panel.x_offset == 0 then local prow = panels[row - 1] local supported = false if panel.y_offset == 0 then for i = col, col + panel.width - 1 do supported = supported or prow[i]:support_garbage() end else supported = not propogate_fall[col] end if supported then for x = col, col - 1 + panel.width do panels[row][x].state = "normal" propogate_fall[x] = false end else skip_col = panel.width - 1 for x = col, col - 1 + panel.width do panels[row - 1][x]:clear() propogate_fall[x] = true panels[row][x].state = "falling" panels[row - 1][x], panels[row][x] = panels[row][x], panels[row - 1][x] end end end if panel.shake_time and panel.state == "normal" then if row <= self.height then if self:shouldChangeSoundEffects() then if panel.height > 3 then self.sfx_garbage_thud = 3 else self.sfx_garbage_thud = panel.height end end shake_time = max(shake_time, panel.shake_time, self.peak_shake_time or 0) --a smaller garbage block landing should renew the largest of the previous blocks' shake times since our shake time was last zero. self.peak_shake_time = max(shake_time, self.peak_shake_time or 0) panel.shake_time = nil end end end cntinue = true end if propogate_fall[col] and not cntinue then if panel:block_garbage_fall() then propogate_fall[col] = false else panel.state = "falling" panel.timer = 0 end end if cntinue then elseif panel.state == "falling" then -- if it's on the bottom row, it should surely land if row == 1 then -- if there's a panel below, this panel's gonna land -- unless the panel below is falling. panel.state = "landing" panel.timer = 12 if self:shouldChangeSoundEffects() then self.sfx_land = true end elseif panels[row - 1][col].color ~= 0 and panels[row - 1][col].state ~= "falling" then -- if it lands on a hovering panel, it inherits -- that panel's hover time. if panels[row - 1][col].state == "hovering" then panel.state = "normal" self:set_hoverers(row, col, panels[row - 1][col].timer, false, false) else panel.state = "landing" panel.timer = 12 end if self:shouldChangeSoundEffects() then self.sfx_land = true end else panels[row - 1][col], panels[row][col] = panels[row][col], panels[row - 1][col] panels[row][col]:clear() end elseif panel:has_flags() and panel.timer ~= 0 then panel.timer = panel.timer - 1 if panel.timer == 0 then if panel.state == "swapping" then -- a swap has completed here. panel.state = "normal" panel.dont_swap = nil local from_left = panel.is_swapping_from_left panel.is_swapping_from_left = nil -- Now there are a few cases where some hovering must -- be done. if panel.color ~= 0 then if row ~= 1 then if panels[row - 1][col].color == 0 then self:set_hoverers(row, col, self.FRAMECOUNT_HOVER, false, true, false) -- if there is no panel beneath this panel -- it will begin to hover. -- CRAZY BUG EMULATION: -- the space it was swapping from hovers too if from_left then if panels[row][col - 1].state == "falling" then self:set_hoverers(row, col - 1, self.FRAMECOUNT_HOVER, false, true) end else if panels[row][col + 1].state == "falling" then self:set_hoverers(row, col + 1, self.FRAMECOUNT_HOVER + 1, false, false) end end elseif panels[row - 1][col].state == "hovering" then -- swap may have landed on a hover self:set_hoverers(row, col, self.FRAMECOUNT_HOVER, false, true, panels[row - 1][col].match_anyway, "inherited") end end else -- an empty space finished swapping... -- panels above it hover self:set_hoverers(row + 1, col, self.FRAMECOUNT_HOVER + 1, false, false, false, "empty") end elseif panel.state == "hovering" then if panels[row - 1][col].state == "hovering" then -- This panel is no longer hovering. -- it will now fall without sitting around -- for any longer! panel.timer = panels[row - 1][col].timer elseif panels[row - 1][col].color ~= 0 then panel.state = "landing" panel.timer = 12 else panel.state = "falling" panels[row][col], panels[row - 1][col] = panels[row - 1][col], panels[row][col] panel.timer = 0 -- Not sure if needed: panels[row][col]:clear_flags() end elseif panel.state == "landing" then panel.state = "normal" elseif panel.state == "matched" then -- This panel's match just finished the whole -- flashing and looking distressed thing. -- It is given a pop time based on its place -- in the match. panel.state = "popping" panel.timer = panel.combo_index * self.FRAMECOUNT_POP elseif panel.state == "popping" then --logger.debug("POP") if (panel.combo_size > 6) or self.chain_counter > 1 then popsize = "normal" end if self.chain_counter > 2 then popsize = "big" end if self.chain_counter > 3 then popsize = "giant" end if config.popfx == true then self:enqueue_popfx(col, row, popsize) end self.score = self.score + 10 -- self.score_render=1; -- TODO: What is self.score_render? -- this panel just popped -- Now it's invisible, but sits and waits -- for the last panel in the combo to pop -- before actually being removed. -- If it is the last panel to pop, -- it should be removed immediately! if panel.combo_size == panel.combo_index then self.panels_cleared = self.panels_cleared + 1 if self.match.mode == "vs" and self.panels_cleared % level_to_metal_panel_frequency[self.level] == 0 then self.metal_panels_queued = min(self.metal_panels_queued + 1, level_to_metal_panel_cap[self.level]) end if self:shouldChangeSoundEffects() then SFX_Pop_Play = 1 end self.poppedPanelIndex = panel.combo_index panel.color = 0 if self.panels_to_speedup then self.panels_to_speedup = self.panels_to_speedup - 1 end if panel.chaining then self.n_chain_panels = self.n_chain_panels - 1 end panel:clear_flags() self:set_hoverers(row + 1, col, self.FRAMECOUNT_HOVER + 1, true, false, true, "combo") else panel.state = "popped" panel.timer = (panel.combo_size - panel.combo_index) * self.FRAMECOUNT_POP self.panels_cleared = self.panels_cleared + 1 if self.match.mode == "vs" and self.panels_cleared % level_to_metal_panel_frequency[self.level] == 0 then self.metal_panels_queued = min(self.metal_panels_queued + 1, level_to_metal_panel_cap[self.level]) end if self:shouldChangeSoundEffects() then SFX_Pop_Play = 1 end self.poppedPanelIndex = panel.combo_index end elseif panel.state == "popped" then -- It's time for this panel -- to be gone forever :'( if self.panels_to_speedup then self.panels_to_speedup = self.panels_to_speedup - 1 end if panel.chaining then self.n_chain_panels = self.n_chain_panels - 1 end panel.color = 0 panel:clear_flags() -- Any panels sitting on top of it -- hover and are flagged as CHAINING self:set_hoverers(row + 1, col, self.FRAMECOUNT_HOVER + 1, true, false, true, "popped") elseif panel.state == "dead" then -- Nothing to do here, the player lost. else -- what the heck. -- if a timer runs out and the routine can't -- figure out what flag it is, tell brandon. -- No seriously, email him or something. error("something terrible happened\n" .. "panel.state was " .. tostring(panel.state) .. " when a timer expired?!\n" .. "panel.is_swapping_from_left = " .. tostring(panel.is_swapping_from_left) .. "\n" .. "panel.dont_swap = " .. tostring(panel.dont_swap) .. "\n" .. "panel.chaining = " .. tostring(panel.chaining)) end -- the timer-expiring action has completed end end -- Advance the fell-from-garbage bounce timer, or clear it and stop animating if the panel isn't hovering or falling. if cntinue then elseif panel.fell_from_garbage then if panel.state ~= "hovering" and panel.state ~= "falling" then panel.fell_from_garbage = nil else panel.fell_from_garbage = panel.fell_from_garbage - 1 end end end end local prev_shake_time = self.shake_time self.shake_time = self.shake_time - 1 self.shake_time = max(self.shake_time, shake_time) if self.shake_time == 0 then self.peak_shake_time = 0 end -- Phase 3. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- Actions performed according to player input -- CURSOR MOVEMENT local playMoveSounds = true -- set this to false to disable move sounds for debugging if self.cur_dir and (self.cur_timer == 0 or self.cur_timer == self.cur_wait_time) and not self.cursor_lock then local prev_row = self.cur_row local prev_col = self.cur_col self.cur_row = bound(1, self.cur_row + d_row[self.cur_dir], self.top_cur_row) self.cur_col = bound(1, self.cur_col + d_col[self.cur_dir], width - 1) if (playMoveSounds and (self.cur_timer == 0 or self.cur_timer == self.cur_wait_time) and (self.cur_row ~= prev_row or self.cur_col ~= prev_col)) then if self:shouldChangeSoundEffects() then SFX_Cur_Move_Play = 1 end if self.cur_timer ~= self.cur_wait_time then self.analytic:register_move() end end else self.cur_row = bound(1, self.cur_row, self.top_cur_row) end if self.cur_timer ~= self.cur_wait_time then self.cur_timer = self.cur_timer + 1 end -- TAUNTING if self:shouldChangeSoundEffects() then if self.taunt_up ~= nil then for _, t in ipairs(characters[self.character].sounds.taunt_ups) do t:stop() end characters[self.character].sounds.taunt_ups[self.taunt_up]:play() self:taunt("taunt_up") self.taunt_up = nil elseif self.taunt_down ~= nil then for _, t in ipairs(characters[self.character].sounds.taunt_downs) do t:stop() end characters[self.character].sounds.taunt_downs[self.taunt_down]:play() self:taunt("taunt_down") self.taunt_down = nil end end -- SWAPPING if (self.swap_1 or self.swap_2) and not swapped_this_frame then local do_swap = self:canSwap(self.cur_row, self.cur_col) if do_swap then self.do_swap = true self.analytic:register_swap() end self.swap_1 = false self.swap_2 = false end -- MANUAL STACK RAISING if self.manual_raise and self.match.mode ~= "puzzle" then if not self.rise_lock then if self.panels_in_top_row then self:set_game_over() end self.has_risen = true self.displacement = self.displacement - 1 if self.displacement == 1 then self.manual_raise = false self.rise_timer = 1 if not self.prevent_manual_raise then self.score = self.score + 1 end self.prevent_manual_raise = true end self.manual_raise_yet = true --ehhhh self.stop_time = 0 elseif not self.manual_raise_yet then self.manual_raise = false end -- if the stack is rise locked when you press the raise button, -- the raising is cancelled end -- if at the end of the routine there are no chain panels, the chain ends. if self.chain_counter ~= 0 and self.n_chain_panels == 0 then self.chains[self.chains.current].finish = self.CLOCK self.chains[self.chains.current].size = self.chain_counter self.chains.last_complete = self.current self.chains.current = nil if self:shouldChangeSoundEffects() then SFX_Fanfare_Play = self.chain_counter end self.analytic:register_chain(self.chain_counter) self.chain_counter = 0 if self.garbage_target and self.garbage_target.telegraph then self.telegraph:chainingEnded(self.CLOCK) end end if (self.score > 99999) then self.score = 99999 -- lol owned end self.prev_active_panels = self.n_active_panels self.n_active_panels = 0 for row = 1, self.height do for col = 1, self.width do local panel = panels[row][col] if (panel.garbage and panel.state ~= "normal") or (panel.color ~= 0 and panel.state ~= "landing" and (panel:exclude_hover() or panel.state == "swapping") and not panel.garbage) or panel.state == "swapping" then self.n_active_panels = self.n_active_panels + 1 end end end if self.telegraph then local to_send = self.telegraph:pop_all_ready_garbage(self.CLOCK) if to_send and to_send[1] then -- Right now the training attacks are put on the players telegraph, -- but they really should be a seperate telegraph since the telegraph on the player's stack is for sending outgoing attacks. local receiver = self.garbage_target or self receiver:receiveGarbage(self.CLOCK + GARBAGE_DELAY_LAND_TIME, to_send) end end if self.later_garbage[self.CLOCK] then self.garbage_q:push(self.later_garbage[self.CLOCK]) self.later_garbage[self.CLOCK] = nil end self:remove_extra_rows() --double-check panels_in_top_row self.panels_in_top_row = false -- If any dangerous panels are in the top row, garbage should not fall. for col_idx = 1, width do if panels[top_row][col_idx]:dangerous() then self.panels_in_top_row = true end end -- local garbage_fits_in_populated_top_row -- if self.garbage_q:len() > 0 then -- --even if there are some panels in the top row, -- --check if the next block in the garbage_q would fit anyway -- --ie. 3-wide garbage might fit if there are three empty spaces where it would spawn -- garbage_fits_in_populated_top_row = true -- local next_garbage_block_width, next_garbage_block_height, _metal, from_chain = unpack(self.garbage_q:peek()) -- local cols = self.garbage_cols[next_garbage_block_width] -- local spawn_col = cols[cols.idx] -- local spawn_row = #self.panels -- for idx=spawn_col, spawn_col+next_garbage_block_width-1 do -- if prow[idx]:dangerous() then -- garbage_fits_in_populated_top_row = nil -- end -- end -- end -- If any panels (dangerous or not) are in rows above the top row, garbage should not fall. for row_idx = top_row + 1, #self.panels do for col_idx = 1, width do if panels[row_idx][col_idx].color ~= 0 then self.panels_in_top_row = true end end end if self.garbage_q:len() > 0 then local next_garbage_block_width, next_garbage_block_height, _metal, from_chain = unpack(self.garbage_q:peek()) local drop_it = not self.panels_in_top_row and not self:has_falling_garbage() and ((from_chain and next_garbage_block_height > 1) or (self.n_active_panels == 0 and self.prev_active_panels == 0)) if drop_it and self.garbage_q:len() > 0 then if self:drop_garbage(unpack(self.garbage_q:peek())) then self.garbage_q:pop() end end end -- Update Music if self:shouldChangeMusic() then if self.do_countdown then if SFX_Go_Play == 1 then themes[config.theme].sounds.go:stop() themes[config.theme].sounds.go:play() SFX_Go_Play = 0 elseif SFX_Countdown_Play == 1 then themes[config.theme].sounds.countdown:stop() themes[config.theme].sounds.countdown:play() SFX_Go_Play = 0 end else local winningPlayer = self if GAME.battleRoom then winningPlayer = GAME.battleRoom:winningPlayer(P1, P2) end local musics_to_use = nil local dynamicMusic = false local stageHasMusic = current_stage and stages[current_stage].musics and stages[current_stage].musics["normal_music"] local characterHasMusic = winningPlayer.character and characters[winningPlayer.character].musics and characters[winningPlayer.character].musics["normal_music"] if ((current_use_music_from == "stage") and stageHasMusic) or not characterHasMusic then if stages[current_stage].music_style == "dynamic" then dynamicMusic = true end musics_to_use = stages[current_stage].musics elseif characterHasMusic then if characters[winningPlayer.character].music_style == "dynamic" then dynamicMusic = true end musics_to_use = characters[winningPlayer.character].musics else -- no music loaded end local wantsDangerMusic = self.danger_music if self.garbage_target and self.garbage_target.danger_music then wantsDangerMusic = true end if dynamicMusic then local fadeLength = 60 if not self.fade_music_clock then self.fade_music_clock = fadeLength -- start fully faded in self.match.current_music_is_casual = true end local normalMusic = {musics_to_use["normal_music"], musics_to_use["normal_music_start"]} local dangerMusic = {musics_to_use["danger_music"], musics_to_use["danger_music_start"]} if #currently_playing_tracks == 0 then find_and_add_music(musics_to_use, "normal_music") find_and_add_music(musics_to_use, "danger_music") end -- Do we need to switch music? if self.match.current_music_is_casual ~= wantsDangerMusic then self.match.current_music_is_casual = not self.match.current_music_is_casual if self.fade_music_clock >= fadeLength then self.fade_music_clock = 0 -- Do a full fade else -- switched music before we fully faded, so start part way through self.fade_music_clock = fadeLength - self.fade_music_clock end end if self.fade_music_clock < fadeLength then self.fade_music_clock = self.fade_music_clock + 1 end local fadePercentage = self.fade_music_clock / fadeLength if wantsDangerMusic then setFadePercentageForGivenTracks(1 - fadePercentage, normalMusic) setFadePercentageForGivenTracks(fadePercentage, dangerMusic) else setFadePercentageForGivenTracks(fadePercentage, normalMusic) setFadePercentageForGivenTracks(1 - fadePercentage, dangerMusic) end else -- classic music if wantsDangerMusic then --may have to rethink this bit if we do more than 2 players if (self.match.current_music_is_casual or #currently_playing_tracks == 0) and musics_to_use["danger_music"] then -- disabled when danger_music is unspecified stop_the_music() find_and_add_music(musics_to_use, "danger_music") self.match.current_music_is_casual = false elseif #currently_playing_tracks == 0 and musics_to_use["normal_music"] then stop_the_music() find_and_add_music(musics_to_use, "normal_music") self.match.current_music_is_casual = true end else --we should be playing normal_music or normal_music_start if (not self.match.current_music_is_casual or #currently_playing_tracks == 0) and musics_to_use["normal_music"] then stop_the_music() find_and_add_music(musics_to_use, "normal_music") self.match.current_music_is_casual = true end end end end end -- Update Sound FX if self:shouldChangeSoundEffects() then if SFX_Swap_Play == 1 then themes[config.theme].sounds.swap:stop() themes[config.theme].sounds.swap:play() SFX_Swap_Play = 0 end if SFX_Cur_Move_Play == 1 then if not (self.match.mode == "vs" and themes[config.theme].sounds.swap:isPlaying()) and not self.do_countdown then themes[config.theme].sounds.cur_move:stop() themes[config.theme].sounds.cur_move:play() end SFX_Cur_Move_Play = 0 end if self.sfx_land then themes[config.theme] themes[config.theme] self.sfx_land = false end if SFX_Countdown_Play == 1 then if self.which == 1 then themes[config.theme].sounds.countdown:stop() themes[config.theme].sounds.countdown:play() end SFX_Countdown_Play = 0 end if SFX_Go_Play == 1 then if self.which == 1 then themes[config.theme].sounds.go:stop() themes[config.theme].sounds.go:play() end SFX_Go_Play = 0 end if self.combo_chain_play then themes[config.theme] themes[config.theme].sounds.pops[self.lastPopLevelPlayed][self.lastPopIndexPlayed]:stop() characters[self.character]:play_combo_chain_sfx(self.combo_chain_play) self.combo_chain_play = nil end if SFX_garbage_match_play then for _, v in pairs(characters[self.character].sounds.garbage_matches) do v:stop() end if #characters[self.character].sounds.garbage_matches ~= 0 then characters[self.character].sounds.garbage_matches[math.random(#characters[self.character].sounds.garbage_matches)]:play() end SFX_garbage_match_play = nil end if SFX_Fanfare_Play == 0 then --do nothing elseif SFX_Fanfare_Play >= 6 then themes[config.theme].sounds.pops[self.lastPopLevelPlayed][self.lastPopIndexPlayed]:stop() themes[config.theme].sounds.fanfare3:play() elseif SFX_Fanfare_Play >= 5 then themes[config.theme].sounds.pops[self.lastPopLevelPlayed][self.lastPopIndexPlayed]:stop() themes[config.theme].sounds.fanfare2:play() elseif SFX_Fanfare_Play >= 4 then themes[config.theme].sounds.pops[self.lastPopLevelPlayed][self.lastPopIndexPlayed]:stop() themes[config.theme].sounds.fanfare1:play() end SFX_Fanfare_Play = 0 if self.sfx_garbage_thud >= 1 and self.sfx_garbage_thud <= 3 then local interrupted_thud = nil for i = 1, 3 do if themes[config.theme].sounds.garbage_thud[i]:isPlaying() and self.shake_time > prev_shake_time then themes[config.theme].sounds.garbage_thud[i]:stop() interrupted_thud = i end end if interrupted_thud and interrupted_thud > self.sfx_garbage_thud then themes[config.theme].sounds.garbage_thud[interrupted_thud]:play() else themes[config.theme].sounds.garbage_thud[self.sfx_garbage_thud]:play() end if #characters[self.character].sounds.garbage_lands ~= 0 and interrupted_thud == nil then for _, v in pairs(characters[self.character].sounds.garbage_lands) do v:stop() end characters[self.character].sounds.garbage_lands[math.random(#characters[self.character].sounds.garbage_lands)]:play() end self.sfx_garbage_thud = 0 end if SFX_Pop_Play or SFX_Garbage_Pop_Play then local popLevel = min(max(self.chain_counter, 1), 4) local popIndex = 1 if SFX_Garbage_Pop_Play then popIndex = SFX_Garbage_Pop_Play else popIndex = min(self.poppedPanelIndex, 10) end --stop the previous pop sound themes[config.theme].sounds.pops[self.lastPopLevelPlayed][self.lastPopIndexPlayed]:stop() --play the appropriate pop sound themes[config.theme].sounds.pops[popLevel][popIndex]:play() self.lastPopLevelPlayed = popLevel self.lastPopIndexPlayed = popIndex SFX_Pop_Play = nil SFX_Garbage_Pop_Play = nil end if self.game_over or (self.garbage_target and self.garbage_target.game_over) then if self:shouldChangeSoundEffects() then SFX_GameOver_Play = 1 end end end self.CLOCK = self.CLOCK + 1 if self.garbage_target and self.CLOCK > self.garbage_target.CLOCK + MAX_LAG then self.garbage_target.tooFarBehindError = true end local gameEndedClockTime = self.match:gameEndedClockTime() if self.game_stopwatch_running and (gameEndedClockTime == 0 or self.CLOCK <= gameEndedClockTime) then self.game_stopwatch = (self.game_stopwatch or -1) + 1 end end self:update_popfxs() self:update_cards() end function Stack:receiveGarbage(frameToReceive, garbageList) -- If we are past the frame the attack would be processed we need to rollback if self.CLOCK > frameToReceive then self:rollbackToFrame(frameToReceive) end local garbage = self.later_garbage[frameToReceive] or {} for i = 1, #garbageList do garbage[#garbage + 1] = garbageList[i] end self.later_garbage[frameToReceive] = garbage end function Stack:updateFramesBehind() if self.garbage_target and self.garbage_target ~= self then if not self.framesBehindArray[self.CLOCK] then local framesBehind = math.max(0, self.garbage_target.CLOCK - self.CLOCK) self.framesBehindArray[self.CLOCK] = framesBehind self.totalFramesBehind = self.totalFramesBehind + framesBehind end end end function Stack.behindRollback(self) if self.lastRollbackFrame > self.CLOCK then return true end return false end function Stack.shouldChangeMusic(self) local result = not GAME.gameIsPaused and not GAME.preventSounds if result then if self:game_ended() or self.canvas == nil then result = false end -- If we are still catching up from rollback don't play sounds again if self:behindRollback() then result = false end if self.play_to_end then result = false end if self.garbage_target and self.garbage_target.play_to_end then result = false end end return result end function Stack.shouldChangeSoundEffects(self) local result = self:shouldChangeMusic() and not SFX_mute return result end function Stack:averageFramesBehind() local average = tonumber(string.format("%1.1f", round(self.totalFramesBehind / math.max(self.CLOCK, 1)), 1)) return average end -- Returns true if the stack is simulated past the end of the match. function Stack.game_ended(self) local gameEndedClockTime = self.match:gameEndedClockTime() if self.match.mode == "vs" then -- Note we use "greater" and not "greater than or equal" because our stack may be currently processing this clock frame. -- At the end of the clock frame it will be incremented and we know we have process the game over clock frame. if gameEndedClockTime > 0 and self.CLOCK > gameEndedClockTime then return true end elseif self.match.mode == "time" then if gameEndedClockTime > 0 and self.CLOCK > gameEndedClockTime then return true elseif self.game_stopwatch then if self.game_stopwatch > time_attack_time * 60 then return true end end elseif self.match.mode == "endless" then if gameEndedClockTime > 0 and self.CLOCK > gameEndedClockTime then return true end elseif self.match.mode == "puzzle" then if self:puzzle_done() then return true elseif self:puzzle_failed() then return true end end return false end -- Returns 1 if this player won, 0 for draw, and -1 for loss, nil if no result yet function Stack.gameResult(self) if self:game_ended() == false then return nil end local gameEndedClockTime = self.match:gameEndedClockTime() if self.match.mode == "vs" then local otherPlayer = self.garbage_target if otherPlayer == self or otherPlayer == nil then return -1 -- We can't call it until someone has lost and everyone has played up to that point in time. elseif otherPlayer:game_ended() then if self.game_over_clock == gameEndedClockTime and otherPlayer.game_over_clock == gameEndedClockTime then return 0 elseif self.game_over_clock == gameEndedClockTime then return -1 elseif otherPlayer.game_over_clock == gameEndedClockTime then return 1 end end elseif self.match.mode == "time" then if gameEndedClockTime > 0 and self.CLOCK > gameEndedClockTime then return -1 elseif self.game_stopwatch then if self.game_stopwatch > time_attack_time * 60 then return 1 end end elseif self.match.mode == "endless" then if gameEndedClockTime > 0 and self.CLOCK > gameEndedClockTime then return -1 end elseif self.match.mode == "puzzle" then if self:puzzle_done() then return 1 elseif self:puzzle_failed() then return -1 end end return nil end -- Sets the current stack as "lost" -- Also begins drawing game over effects function Stack.set_game_over(self) if self.game_over_clock ~= 0 then error("should not set gameover when it is already set") end self.game_over = true self.game_over_clock = self.CLOCK if self.canvas then local popsize = "small" local panels = self.panels local width = self.width for row = 1, #panels do for col = 1, width do local panel = panels[row][col] panel.state = "dead" if row == #panels then self:enqueue_popfx(col, row, popsize) end end end end end -- Randomly returns a win sound if the character has one function Stack.pick_win_sfx(self) if #characters[self.character].sounds.wins ~= 0 then return characters[self.character].sounds.wins[math.random(#characters[self.character].sounds.wins)] else return themes[config.theme].sounds.fanfare1 -- TODO add a default win sound end end function Stack.canSwap(self, row, column) local panels = self.panels local width = self.width local height = self.height -- in order for a swap to occur, one of the two panels in -- the cursor must not be a non-panel. local do_swap = (panels[row][column].color ~= 0 or panels[row][column + 1].color ~= 0) and -- also, both spaces must be swappable. (not panels[row][column]:exclude_swap()) and (not panels[row][column + 1]:exclude_swap()) and -- also, neither space above us can be hovering. (row == #panels or (panels[row + 1][column].state ~= "hovering" and panels[row + 1][column + 1].state ~= "hovering")) and --also, we can't swap if the game countdown isn't finished not self.do_countdown and --also, don't swap on the first frame not (self.CLOCK and self.CLOCK <= 1) -- If you have two pieces stacked vertically, you can't move -- both of them to the right or left by swapping with empty space. -- TODO: This might be wrong if something lands on a swapping panel? if panels[row][column].color == 0 or panels[row][column + 1].color == 0 then do_swap = do_swap and not (row ~= self.height and (panels[row + 1][column].state == "swapping" and panels[row + 1][column + 1].state == "swapping") and (panels[row + 1][column].color == 0 or panels[row + 1][column + 1].color == 0) and (panels[row + 1][column].color ~= 0 or panels[row + 1][column + 1].color ~= 0)) do_swap = do_swap and not (row ~= 1 and (panels[row - 1][column].state == "swapping" and panels[row - 1][column + 1].state == "swapping") and (panels[row - 1][column].color == 0 or panels[row - 1][column + 1].color == 0) and (panels[row - 1][column].color ~= 0 or panels[row - 1][column + 1].color ~= 0)) end do_swap = do_swap and (self.puzzle_moves == nil or self.puzzle_moves > 0) return do_swap end -- Swaps panels at the current cursor location function Stack.swap(self) local panels = self.panels local row = self.cur_row local col = self.cur_col if self.puzzle_moves then self.puzzle_moves = self.puzzle_moves - 1 end panels[row][col], panels[row][col + 1] = panels[row][col + 1], panels[row][col] local tmp_chaining = panels[row][col].chaining panels[row][col]:clear_flags() panels[row][col].state = "swapping" panels[row][col].chaining = tmp_chaining tmp_chaining = panels[row][col + 1].chaining panels[row][col + 1]:clear_flags() panels[row][col + 1].state = "swapping" panels[row][col + 1].is_swapping_from_left = true panels[row][col + 1].chaining = tmp_chaining panels[row][col].timer = 4 panels[row][col + 1].timer = 4 if self:shouldChangeSoundEffects() then SFX_Swap_Play = 1 end -- If you're swapping a panel into a position -- above an empty space or above a falling piece -- then you can't take it back since it will start falling. if self.cur_row ~= 1 then if (panels[row][col].color ~= 0) and (panels[row - 1][col].color == 0 or panels[row - 1][col].state == "falling") then panels[row][col].dont_swap = true end if (panels[row][col + 1].color ~= 0) and (panels[row - 1][col + 1].color == 0 or panels[row - 1][col + 1].state == "falling") then panels[row][col + 1].dont_swap = true end end -- If you're swapping a blank space under a panel, -- then you can't swap it back since the panel should -- start falling. if self.cur_row ~= self.height then if panels[row][col].color == 0 and panels[row + 1][col].color ~= 0 then panels[row][col].dont_swap = true end if panels[row][col + 1].color == 0 and panels[row + 1][col + 1].color ~= 0 then panels[row][col + 1].dont_swap = true end end end -- Removes unneeded rows function Stack.remove_extra_rows(self) local panels = self.panels local width = self.width for row = #panels, self.height + 1, -1 do local nonempty = false local prow = panels[row] for col = 1, width do nonempty = nonempty or (prow[col].color ~= 0) end if nonempty then break else panels[row] = nil end end end -- drops a width x height garbage. function Stack.drop_garbage(self, width, height, metal) logger.debug("dropping garbage at frame "..self.CLOCK) local spawn_row = self.height + 1 -- Do one last check for panels in the way. for i = spawn_row, #self.panels do if self.panels[i] then for j = 1, self.width do if self.panels[i][j] then if self.panels[i][j].color ~= 0 then logger.trace("Aborting garbage drop: panel found at row " .. tostring(i) .. " column " .. tostring(j)) return false end end end end end if self.canvas ~= nil then logger.trace(string.format("Dropping garbage on player %d - height %d width %d %s", self.player_number, height, width, metal and "Metal" or "")) end for i = self.height + 1, spawn_row + height - 1 do if not self.panels[i] then self.panels[i] = {} for j = 1, self.width do self.panels[i][j] = Panel() end end end local cols = self.garbage_cols[width] local spawn_col = cols[cols.idx] cols.idx = wrap(1, cols.idx + 1, #cols) local shake_time = garbage_to_shake_time[width * height] for y = spawn_row, spawn_row + height - 1 do for x = spawn_col, spawn_col + width - 1 do local panel = self.panels[y][x] panel.garbage = true panel.color = 9 panel.width = width panel.height = height panel.y_offset = y - spawn_row panel.x_offset = x - spawn_col panel.shake_time = shake_time panel.state = "falling" if metal then panel.metal = metal end end end return true end -- Goes through whole stack checking for matches and updating chains etc based on matches. function Stack.check_matches(self) if self.do_countdown then return end local panels = self.panels for col = 1, self.width do for row = 1, self.height do panels[row][col].matching = nil end end local is_chain = false local combo_size = 0 local floodQueue = Queue() for row = 1, self.height do for col = 1, self.width do if row ~= 1 and row ~= self.height and --check vertical match centered here. (not (panels[row - 1][col]:exclude_match() or panels[row][col]:exclude_match() or panels[row + 1][col]:exclude_match())) and panels[row][col].color == panels[row - 1][col].color and panels[row][col].color == panels[row + 1][col].color then for m_row = row - 1, row + 1 do local panel = panels[m_row][col] if not panel.matching then combo_size = combo_size + 1 panel.matching = true end if panel.match_anyway and panel.chaining then panel.chaining = nil self.n_chain_panels = self.n_chain_panels - 1 end is_chain = is_chain or panel.chaining end floodQueue:push({row, col, true, true}) end if col ~= 1 and col ~= self.width and --check horiz match centered here. (not (panels[row][col - 1]:exclude_match() or panels[row][col]:exclude_match() or panels[row][col + 1]:exclude_match())) and panels[row][col].color == panels[row][col - 1].color and panels[row][col].color == panels[row][col + 1].color then for m_col = col - 1, col + 1 do local panel = panels[row][m_col] if not panel.matching then combo_size = combo_size + 1 panel.matching = true end if panel.match_anyway and panel.chaining then panel.chaining = nil self.n_chain_panels = self.n_chain_panels - 1 end is_chain = is_chain or panel.chaining end floodQueue:push({row, col, true, true}) end end end -- This is basically two flood fills at the same time. -- One for clearing normal garbage, one for metal. local garbage = {} local seen, seenm = {}, {} local garbage_size = 0 while floodQueue:len() ~= 0 do local y, x, normal, metal = unpack(floodQueue:pop()) local panel = panels[y][x] -- We found a new panel we haven't handled yet that we should if ((panel.garbage and panel.state == "normal") or panel.matching) and ((normal and not seen[panel]) or (metal and not seenm[panel])) then -- We matched a new garbage if ((metal and panel.metal) or (normal and not panel.metal)) and panel.garbage and not garbage[panel] then garbage[panel] = true if self:shouldChangeSoundEffects() then SFX_garbage_match_play = true end if y <= self.height then garbage_size = garbage_size + 1 end end seen[panel] = seen[panel] or normal seenm[panel] = seenm[panel] or metal if panel.garbage then normal = normal and not panel.metal metal = metal and panel.metal end if normal or metal then if y ~= 1 then floodQueue:push({y - 1, x, normal, metal}) end if y ~= #panels then floodQueue:push({y + 1, x, normal, metal}) end if x ~= 1 then floodQueue:push({y, x - 1, normal, metal}) end if x ~= self.width then floodQueue:push({y, x + 1, normal, metal}) end end end end if is_chain then if self.chain_counter ~= 0 then self.chain_counter = self.chain_counter + 1 else self.chain_counter = 2 end end local first_panel_row = 0 local first_panel_col = 0 local metal_count = 0 local pre_stop_time = self.FRAMECOUNT_MATCH + self.FRAMECOUNT_POP * (combo_size + garbage_size) local garbage_match_time = self.FRAMECOUNT_MATCH + self.FRAMECOUNT_POP * (combo_size + garbage_size) local garbage_index = garbage_size - 1 local combo_index = combo_size for row = 1, #panels do local gpan_row = nil for col = self.width, 1, -1 do local panel = panels[row][col] if garbage[panel] then panel.state = "matched" panel.timer = garbage_match_time + 1 panel.initial_time = garbage_match_time panel.pop_time = self.FRAMECOUNT_POP * garbage_index panel.pop_index = min(max(garbage_size - garbage_index, 1), 10) panel.y_offset = panel.y_offset - 1 panel.height = panel.height - 1 if panel.y_offset == -1 then if gpan_row == nil then if string.len(self.gpanel_buffer) <= 10 * self.width then local garbagePanels = PanelGenerator.makeGarbagePanels(self.match.seed + self.garbageGenCount, self.NCOLORS, self.gpanel_buffer, self.match.mode, self.level) self.gpanel_buffer = self.gpanel_buffer .. garbagePanels"Generating garbage with seed: " .. self.match.seed + self.garbageGenCount .. " buffer: " .. self.gpanel_buffer) self.garbageGenCount = self.garbageGenCount + 1 end gpan_row = string.sub(self.gpanel_buffer, 1, 6) self.gpanel_buffer = string.sub(self.gpanel_buffer, 7) end panel.color = string.sub(gpan_row, col, col) + 0 if is_chain then panel.chaining = true self.n_chain_panels = self.n_chain_panels + 1 end end garbage_index = garbage_index - 1 elseif row <= self.height then if panel.matching then if panel.color == 8 then metal_count = metal_count + 1 end panel.state = "matched" panel.timer = self.FRAMECOUNT_MATCH + 1 if is_chain and not panel.chaining then panel.chaining = true self.n_chain_panels = self.n_chain_panels + 1 end panel.combo_index = combo_index panel.combo_size = combo_size panel.chain_index = self.chain_counter combo_index = combo_index - 1 if combo_index == 0 then first_panel_col = col first_panel_row = row end else -- if a panel wasn't matched but was eligible, -- we might have to remove its chain flag...! -- It can't actually chain the first frame it hovers, -- so it can keep its chaining flag in that case. if not (panel.match_anyway or panel:exclude_match()) then if row ~= 1 then -- a panel landed on the bottom row, so it surely -- loses its chain flag. -- no swapping panel below -- so this panel loses its chain flag if panels[row - 1][col].state ~= "swapping" and panel.chaining then --if panel.chaining then panel.chaining = nil self.n_chain_panels = self.n_chain_panels - 1 end elseif (panel.chaining) then panel.chaining = nil self.n_chain_panels = self.n_chain_panels - 1 end end end end end end if (combo_size ~= 0) then self.combos[self.CLOCK] = combo_size if self.garbage_target and self.telegraph and metal_count == 3 and combo_size >= 3 then self.telegraph:push({6, 1, true, false}, first_panel_col, first_panel_row, self.CLOCK) end self.analytic:register_destroyed_panels(combo_size) if (combo_size > 3) then if (score_mode == SCOREMODE_TA) then if (combo_size > 30) then combo_size = 30 end self.score = self.score + score_combo_TA[combo_size] elseif (score_mode == SCOREMODE_PDP64) then if (combo_size < 41) then self.score = self.score + score_combo_PdP64[combo_size] else self.score = self.score + 20400 + ((combo_size - 40) * 800) end end self:enqueue_card(false, first_panel_col, first_panel_row, combo_size) if self.garbage_target and self.telegraph then if metal_count > 3 then for i = 3, metal_count do self.telegraph:push({6, 1, true, false}, first_panel_col, first_panel_row, self.CLOCK) end end if metal_count ~= combo_size then local combo_pieces = combo_garbage[combo_size] for i=1,#combo_pieces do self.telegraph:push({combo_pieces[i], 1, false, false}, first_panel_col, first_panel_row, self.CLOCK) end end end --EnqueueConfetti(first_panel_col<<4+P1StackPosX+4, -- first_panel_row<<4+P1StackPosY+self.displacement-9); --TODO: this stuff ^ first_panel_row = first_panel_row + 1 -- offset chain cards end if (is_chain) then if self.chain_counter == 2 then self.chains.current = self.CLOCK self.chains[self.CLOCK] = {start = self.CLOCK} -- a bit redundant, but might come in handy, maybe, probably not. The key is the same as .start. end self.chains[self.chains.current].size = self.chain_counter self:enqueue_card(true, first_panel_col, first_panel_row, self.chain_counter) --EnqueueConfetti(first_panel_col<<4+P1StackPosX+4, -- first_panel_row<<4+P1StackPosY+self.displacement-9); if self.garbage_target and self.telegraph then self.telegraph:push({6, self.chain_counter - 1, false, true}, first_panel_col, first_panel_row, self.CLOCK) end end local chain_bonus = self.chain_counter if (score_mode == SCOREMODE_TA) then if (self.chain_counter > 13) then chain_bonus = 0 end self.score = self.score + score_chain_TA[chain_bonus] end if ((combo_size > 3) or is_chain) then local stop_time if self.panels_in_top_row and is_chain then if self.level then local length = (self.chain_counter > 4) and 6 or self.chain_counter stop_time = -8 * self.level + 168 + (length - 1) * (-2 * self.level + 22) else stop_time = stop_time_danger[self.difficulty] end elseif self.panels_in_top_row then if self.level then local length = (combo_size < 9) and 2 or 3 stop_time = self.chain_coefficient * length + self.chain_constant else stop_time = stop_time_danger[self.difficulty] end elseif is_chain then if self.level then local length = min(self.chain_counter, 13) stop_time = self.chain_coefficient * length + self.chain_constant else stop_time = stop_time_chain[self.difficulty] end else if self.level then stop_time = self.combo_coefficient * combo_size + self.combo_constant else stop_time = stop_time_combo[self.difficulty] end end self.stop_time = max(self.stop_time, stop_time) self.pre_stop_time = max(self.pre_stop_time, pre_stop_time) --MrStopState=1; --MrStopTimer=MrStopAni[self.stop_time]; --TODO: Mr Stop ^ -- @CardsOfTheHeart says there are 4 chain sfx: --x2/x3, --x4, --x5 is x2/x3 with an echo effect, --x6+ is x4 with an echo effect if self:shouldChangeSoundEffects() then if is_chain then self.combo_chain_play = {e_chain_or_combo.chain, self.chain_counter} elseif combo_size > 3 then self.combo_chain_play = {e_chain_or_combo.combo, "combos"} end end self.sfx_land = false end --if garbage_size > 0 then self.pre_stop_time = max(self.pre_stop_time, pre_stop_time) --end self.manual_raise = false --self.score_render=1; --Nope. if metal_count > 5 then self.combo_chain_play = {e_chain_or_combo.combo, "combo_echos"} elseif metal_count > 2 then self.combo_chain_play = {e_chain_or_combo.combo, "combos"} end end end -- Sets the hovering state on the appropriate panels function Stack.set_hoverers(self, row, col, hover_time, add_chaining, extra_tick, match_anyway, debug_tag) assert(type(match_anyway) ~= "string") -- the extra_tick flag is for use during Phase 1&2, -- when panels above the first should be given an extra tick of hover time. -- This is because their timers will be decremented once on the same tick -- they are set, as Phase 1&2 iterates backward through the stack. local not_first = 0 -- if 1, the current panel isn't the first one local hovers_time = hover_time local brk = row > #self.panels local panels = self.panels while not brk do local panel = panels[row][col] if panel.color == 0 or panel:exclude_hover() or panel.state == "hovering" and panel.timer <= hover_time then brk = true else if panel.state == "swapping" then hovers_time = hovers_time + panels[row][col].timer - 1 else local chaining = panel.chaining panel:clear_flags() panel.state = "hovering" panel.match_anyway = match_anyway panel.debug_tag = debug_tag local adding_chaining = (not chaining) and panel.color ~= 9 and add_chaining if chaining or adding_chaining then panel.chaining = true end panel.timer = hovers_time if extra_tick then panel.timer = panel.timer + not_first end if adding_chaining then self.n_chain_panels = self.n_chain_panels + 1 end end not_first = 1 end row = row + 1 brk = brk or row > #self.panels end end -- Adds a new row to the play field function Stack.new_row(self) local panels = self.panels -- move cursor up self.cur_row = bound(1, self.cur_row + 1, self.top_cur_row) -- move panels up for row = #panels + 1, 1, -1 do panels[row] = panels[row - 1] end panels[0] = {} -- put bottom row into play for col = 1, self.width do panels[1][col].state = "normal" end if string.len(self.panel_buffer) <= 10 * self.width then local opponentLevel = nil if self.garbage_target then opponentLevel = self.garbage_target.level end self.panel_buffer = PanelGenerator.makePanels(self.match.seed + self.panelGenCount, self.NCOLORS, self.panel_buffer, self.match.mode, self.level, opponentLevel)"generating panels with seed: " .. self.match.seed + self.panelGenCount .. " buffer: " .. self.panel_buffer) self.panelGenCount = self.panelGenCount + 1 end -- generate a new row local metal_panels_this_row = 0 if self.metal_panels_queued > 3 then self.metal_panels_queued = self.metal_panels_queued - 2 metal_panels_this_row = 2 elseif self.metal_panels_queued > 0 then self.metal_panels_queued = self.metal_panels_queued - 1 metal_panels_this_row = 1 end for col = 1, self.width do local panel = Panel() panels[0][col] = panel local this_panel_color = string.sub(self.panel_buffer, col, col) --a capital letter for the place where the first shock block should spawn (if earned), and a lower case letter is where a second should spawn (if earned). (color 8 is metal) if tonumber(this_panel_color) then --do nothing special elseif this_panel_color >= "A" and this_panel_color <= "Z" then if metal_panels_this_row > 0 then this_panel_color = 8 else this_panel_color = panel_color_to_number[this_panel_color] end elseif this_panel_color >= "a" and this_panel_color <= "z" then if metal_panels_this_row > 1 then this_panel_color = 8 else this_panel_color = panel_color_to_number[this_panel_color] end end panel.color = this_panel_color + 0 panel.state = "dimmed" end self.panel_buffer = string.sub(self.panel_buffer, 7) self.displacement = 16 end
-- Author: Pablo Musa -- Creation Date: jun 20 2011 -- Last Modification: aug 09 2011 local lmp = require"luamemprofiler" lmp.start(...) local t = {} lmp.stop() lmp.start(...) local t = {10} lmp.stop() lmp.start(...) local t = {10, 20, 30} lmp.stop() lmp.start(...) local t = {} for i=10,200,10 do table.insert(t, i) end lmp.stop() lmp.start(...) local t = {} for i=10,320,10 do table.insert(t, i) end lmp.stop() lmp.start(...) local t = {} for i=10,330,10 do table.insert(t, i) end lmp.stop()
local currentPlane local isClientInPlane = false local velocityX = 0 local velocityY = 0 local startTime = 0 local startX, startY = 0, 0 addEvent("createPlane", true) addEventHandler("createPlane", resourceRoot, function (x, y, angle, vx, vy) if isElement(currentPlane) then destroyElement(currentPlane) end currentPlane = createVehicle(592, x, y, Config.planeZ, 0, 0, angle) currentPlane.frozen = true currentPlane.dimension = localPlayer.dimension currentPlane:setCollisionsEnabled(false) local ped = createPed(0, currentPlane.position) ped.dimension = localPlayer.dimension ped.vehicle = currentPlane ped.alpha = 0 setTimer(function () ped.alpha = 255 ped.vehicle = currentPlane ped:setControlState("accelerate", true) end, 1000, 1) velocityX = vx or 0 velocityY = vy or 0 startX = x startY = y startTime = getTickCount() isClientInPlane = true startPlaneCamera(currentPlane) end) function getFlightDistance() return ((getTickCount() - startTime) / 1000) * Config.planeSpeed end addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, function (deltaTime) if not isElement(currentPlane) then return end updatePlaneCamera(deltaTime / 1000) local passedTime = (getTickCount() - startTime) / 1000 currentPlane.position = Vector3(startX + velocityX * passedTime, startY + velocityY * passedTime, Config.planeZ - 10) if isClientInPlane then setElementPosition(localPlayer, currentPlane.position, false) end if math.abs(currentPlane.position.x) > Config.planeDistance + 50 or math.abs(currentPlane.position.y) > Config.planeDistance + 50 then destroyElement(currentPlane) return end local flightDistance = getFlightDistance() if isClientInPlane and flightDistance > 3000 and (math.abs(currentPlane.position.x) > Config.autoParachuteDistance or math.abs(currentPlane.position.y) > Config.autoParachuteDistance) then jumpFromPlane() end end) function canJumpFromPlane() if not isClientInPlane then return false end if getFlightDistance() < 800 then return false end return true end function jumpFromPlane() if isClientInPlane then if localPlayer:getData("dead") then return end if getFlightDistance() < 800 then return end isClientInPlane = false localPlayer:setData("isInPlane", false, false) triggerServerEvent("planeJump", resourceRoot) fadeCamera(false, 0) end end function destroyPlane() if isElement(currentPlane) then destroyElement(currentPlane) end end function getPlane() return currentPlane end bindKey("f", "down", function () jumpFromPlane() end) addEvent("planeJump", true) addEventHandler("planeJump", resourceRoot, function () isClientInPlane = false stopPlaneCamera() fadeCamera(true, 1) end)
-- Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- -- This source code is licensed under the license found in the LICENSE file in -- the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant of patent rights -- can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. -- --[[ -- -- MaxBatchDataset builds batches of up to and including maxbatch tokens. -- --]] local tnt = require 'torchnet.env' local argcheck = require 'argcheck' local transform = require 'torchnet.transform' local vector = require 'vector' local MaxBatchDataset, _ = torch.class('tnt.MaxBatchDataset', 'tnt.Dataset', tnt) MaxBatchDataset.__init = argcheck{ doc = [[ <a name="MaxBatchDataset"> #### tnt.MaxBatchDataset(@ARGP) @ARGT Given a `dataset`, `tnt.MaxBatchDataset` merges samples from this dataset into a batch such that the total size of the batch does not exceed maxbatch. ]], {name='self', type='tnt.MaxBatchDataset'}, {name='dataset', type='tnt.Dataset'}, {name='maxbatch', type='number'}, {name='samplesize', type='function'}, {name='merge', type='function', opt=true}, call = function(self, dataset, maxbatch, samplesize, merge) assert(maxbatch > 0 and math.floor(maxbatch) == maxbatch, 'maxbatch should be a positive integer number') self.dataset = dataset self.maxbatch = maxbatch self.samplesize = samplesize self.makebatch = transform.makebatch{merge=merge} self:_buildIndex() end } MaxBatchDataset._buildIndex = argcheck{ {name='self', type='tnt.MaxBatchDataset'}, call = function(self) self.offset = vector.tensor.new_long() self.offset[1] = 1 local size = self.dataset:size() local maxssz, maxtsz = 0, 0 local nstok, nttok = 0, 0 for i = 1, size do local _, ssz, tsz = self.samplesize(self.dataset, i) if math.max(ssz, tsz) > self.maxbatch then print("warning: found sample that exceeds maxbatch size") end maxtsz = math.max(maxtsz, tsz) maxssz = math.max(maxssz, ssz) local nsamples = i - self.offset[#self.offset] + 1 local tottsz = nsamples * maxtsz local totssz = nsamples * maxssz nstok = nstok + ssz nttok = nttok + tsz if i > 1 and math.max(tottsz, totssz) > self.maxbatch then self.offset[#self.offset + 1] = i maxssz = ssz maxtsz = tsz nstok = ssz nttok = tsz end end self.offset = self.offset:getTensor() end } MaxBatchDataset.size = argcheck{ {name='self', type='tnt.MaxBatchDataset'}, call = function(self) return self.offset:size(1) end } MaxBatchDataset.get = argcheck{ {name='self', type='tnt.MaxBatchDataset'}, {name='idx', type='number'}, call = function(self, idx) assert(idx >= 1 and idx <= self:size(), 'index out of bound') local samples = {} local first = self.offset[idx] local last = idx < self:size() and self.offset[idx + 1] - 1 or self.dataset:size() for i = first, last do local sample = self.dataset:get(i) table.insert(samples, sample) end samples = self.makebatch(samples) collectgarbage() collectgarbage() return samples end }
local images = {_count = 0, _index = 0} local waiting_images = false local send_image = false set_stream_request_callback(function(request) if string.sub(request, 1, 1) ~= "?" then return end if request == "?!" then if images._count > images._index then images._index = images._index + 1 send_stream_message("!", images[images._index]) else send_image = true toggle_heartbeat_system(true) end else waiting_images = false images._count = 0 images._index = 0 ui.addTextArea(0, request) -- send the request to the bot toggle_heartbeat_system(true) end end) set_stream_failure_callback(function() ui.addTextArea(1, "") -- cancel the request toggle_heartbeat_system(false) end) onEvent("TextAreaCallback", function(id, name, callback) if waiting_images then if not send_image then images._count = images._count + 1 images[images._count] = callback return end else waiting_images = true end send_image = false toggle_heartbeat_system(false) send_stream_message("!", callback) end) onEvent("NewPlayer", function(player) tfm.exec.chatMessage("loaded v2", player) end) onEvent("Loop", function() system.loadPlayerData(stream_bot) end)
require 'xlua' require 'optim' require 'cunn' dofile './provider.lua' local c = require 'trepl.colorize' cmd = torch.CmdLine() cmd:text() cmd:text() cmd:text('compare the Decorelated BatchNormalizaiton method with baselines on vggA architechture') cmd:text() cmd:text('Options') cmd:option('-model','vggA_DBN','the methods') cmd:option('-max_epoch',100,'maximum number of iterations') cmd:option('-epoch_step',20000,'epoch step: no lr annealing if it is larger than the maximum') cmd:option('-save',"../0_experiment_result/0run_NNN/log_Conv_1vggA_1validate" ,'subdirectory to save logs') cmd:option('-batchSize',256,'the number of examples per batch') cmd:option('-optimization','simple','the methods: options:simple,rms,adagrad,adam') cmd:option('-learningRate',1,'initial learning rate') ---for simple (sgd)-------- cmd:option('-lrD_k',1000,'exponential learning rate decay, and each lrD_k iteration the learning rate become half') cmd:option('-weightDecay',0.0005,'weight Decay for regularization') cmd:option('-momentum',0.9,'momentum') ------------for rms/ agagrad------- cmd:option('-rms_alpha',0,'the rate of the rms method') cmd:option('-m_perGroup',16,'the number of per group') cmd:option('-seed',1,'') cmd:text() -- parse input params opt = cmd:parse(arg) -- opt.rundir = cmd:string('../0_experiment_result/0run_NNN/console/exp_Conv_1vggA_1validate/Info', opt, {dir=true}) -- paths.mkdir(opt.rundir) -- -- create log file -- cmd:log(opt.rundir .. '/log', opt) print('==>' ..' configuring optimizer') if opt.optimization == 'simple' then opt.optimState = { learningRate =opt.learningRate, weightDecay = opt.weightDecay, momentum = opt.momentum, learningRateDecay = learningRateDecay } optimMethod = optim.sgd elseif opt.optimization == 'adagrad' then opt.optimState = { learningRate = opt.learningRate, } optimMethod = optim.adagrad elseif opt.optimization == 'rms' then opt.optimState = { learningRate = opt.learningRate, alpha=opt.rms_alpha } optimMethod = optim.rmsprop elseif opt.optimization == 'adam' then opt.optimState = { learningRate = opt.learningRate } optimMethod = optim.adam else error('Unknown optimizer') end print(opt) torch.manualSeed(opt.seed) -- fix random seed so program runs the same every time threadNumber=4 torch.setnumthreads(threadNumber) torch.setdefaulttensortype('torch.FloatTensor') do -- data augmentation module local BatchFlip,parent = torch.class('nn.BatchFlip', 'nn.Module') function BatchFlip:__init() parent.__init(self) self.train = true end function BatchFlip:updateOutput(input) if self.train then local bs = input:size(1) local flip_mask = torch.randperm(bs):le(bs/2) for i=1,input:size(1) do if flip_mask[i] == 1 then image.hflip(input[i], input[i]) end end end self.output = input return self.output end end print( '==>' ..' configuring model') local model = nn.Sequential() model:add(nn.BatchFlip():float()) model:add(nn.Copy('torch.FloatTensor','torch.CudaTensor'):cuda()) model:add(dofile('models/Conv/'..opt.model..'.lua'):cuda()) model:get(2).updateGradInput = function(input) return end print(model) print( '==>' ..' loading data') provider = torch.load './dataset/cifar_provider_split_float.t7' print('train data numbers:' print('validate data numbers:' print('validate data numbers:' confusion = optim.ConfusionMatrix(10) print('Will save at ' paths.mkdir( log_name=opt.model..'_'..opt.optimization..'_lr'..opt.learningRate..'_g'..opt.m_perGroup..'_mm'..opt.momentum..'_'..opt.weightDecay..'_'..opt.lrD_k..'.log' testLogger = optim.Logger(paths.concat(, log_name)) testLogger:setNames{'% mean class accuracy (train set)', '% mean class accuracy (test set)'} testLogger.showPlot = false parameters,gradParameters = model:getParameters() print('==>' ..' setting criterion') criterion = nn.CrossEntropyCriterion():cuda() function train() model:training() epoch = epoch or 1 -- drop learning rate every "epoch_step" epochs if epoch % opt.epoch_step == 0 then opt.optimState.learningRate = opt.optimState.learningRate/2 end print( '==>'.." online epoch # " .. epoch .. ' [batchSize = ' .. opt.batchSize .. ']') local targets = torch.CudaTensor(opt.batchSize) local indices = torch.randperm( -- remove last element so that all the batches have equal size indices[#indices] = nil -- local tic = torch.tic() for t,v in ipairs(indices) do xlua.progress(t, #indices) local inputs =,v) targets:copy(provider.trainData.labels:index(1,v)) local feval = function(x) if x ~= parameters then parameters:copy(x) end gradParameters:zero() local outputs = model:forward(inputs) local f = criterion:forward(outputs, targets) local df_do = criterion:backward(outputs, targets) model:backward(inputs, df_do) confusion:batchAdd(outputs, targets) print(string.format("minibatches processed: %6s, loss = %6.6f", iteration, f)) losses[#losses + 1] = f timeCosts[#timeCosts+1]=torch.toc(start_time) print(string.format("time Costs = %6.6f", timeCosts[#timeCosts])) iteration=iteration+1 return f,gradParameters end -----learning rate schedule--------------- local k=torch.log(2)/opt.lrD_k local lr_scale=torch.exp(-k*iteration) opt.optimState.learningRate=opt.learningRate* lr_scale print('learning Rate:'..opt.optimState.learningRate) optimMethod (feval, parameters, opt.optimState) end confusion:updateValids() print(('Train accuracy: '..c.cyan'%.2f'..' %%\t time: %.2f s'):format( confusion.totalValid * 100, torch.toc(start_time))) train_acc = confusion.totalValid * 100 train_accus[#train_accus+1]=train_acc confusion:zero() epoch = epoch + 1 end function validate() -- disable flips, dropouts and batch normalization model:evaluate() print( '==>'.." validating") local bs = 125 for i=1,,bs do local outputs = model:forward(,i,bs)) confusion:batchAdd(outputs, provider.validateData.labels:narrow(1,i,bs)) end confusion:updateValids() print('Validate accuracy:', confusion.totalValid * 100) validate_accus[#validate_accus+1]=confusion.totalValid * 100 if testLogger then paths.mkdir( testLogger:add{train_acc, confusion.totalValid * 100} testLogger:style{'-','-'} testLogger:plot() end if epoch % 1000 == 0 then local filename = paths.concat(, '') print('==> saving model to '..filename), model:get(3)) end confusion:zero() end function test() model:evaluate() print( '==>'.." testing") local bs = 125 for i=1,,bs do local outputs = model:forward(,i,bs)) confusion:batchAdd(outputs, provider.testData.labels:narrow(1,i,bs)) end confusion:updateValids() print('Test accuracy:', confusion.totalValid * 100) test_accus[#test_accus+1]=confusion.totalValid * 100 if testLogger then paths.mkdir( testLogger:add{train_acc, confusion.totalValid * 100} testLogger:style{'-','-'} testLogger:plot() end confusion:zero() end iteration=0 losses={} timeCosts={} train_accus={} validate_accus={} test_accus={} start_time=torch.tic() for i=1,opt.max_epoch do train() validate() test() end results={} --results.opt=opt results.losses=losses results.train_accus=train_accus results.validate_accus=validate_accus results.test_accus=test_accus results.timeCosts=timeCosts'set_result/Conv/result_1vggA_1validate_'..opt.model..'_'..opt.optimization..'_lr'..opt.learningRate..'_g'..opt.m_perGroup..'_mm'..opt.momentum..'_'..opt.weightDecay..'_'..opt.lrD_k.. '_seed'..opt.seed..'.dat',results)
-- Copyright 2019 -- Tool Constants: local toolName = "Hand" local toolDesc = "" local toolIcon = "fa:s-hand-pointer" local selection = require("tevgit:workshop/controllers/core/selection.lua") local history = require("tevgit:workshop/controllers/core/history.lua") local clickEvent = nil return { name = toolName, icon = toolIcon, desc = toolDesc, activate = function() -- Set the event listener to a variable so we can disconnect this handler -- when the tool is deactivated clickEvent = engine.input:mouseLeftPressed(function ( inputObj ) if not inputObj.systemHandled then -- This is not a gui event, let's continue. local hit = engine.physics:rayTestScreen(engine.input.mousePosition) if hit and not hit.object.workshopLocked then -- user has clicked a object in 3d space. if selection.isSelected(hit.object) then -- user clicked a selected object, -- we're gonna turn into drag mode! -- calculate the 'centre' of the selection local bounds = aabb() if #selection.selection > 0 then bounds.min = selection.selection[1].position bounds.max = selection.selection[1].position end for _,v in pairs(selection.selection) do bounds:expand(v.position + (v.size/2)) bounds:expand(v.position - (v.size/2)) end local centre = bounds:getCentre() -- calculate the mouse's offset from the centre local mouseOffset = hit.hitPosition - centre -- calculate every selected item's offset from the centre local offsets = {} for _,v in pairs(selection.selection) do offsets[v] = v.position - centre end -- tell history to monitor changes we make to selected items history.beginAction(selection.selection, "Hand tool drag") local grid = engine.construct("grid", workspace, { step = 0.5, colour = colour(0.1, 0, 0.1), size = 10, rotation = quaternion:setEuler(math.rad(90), 0, 0) }) while engine.input:isMouseButtonDown(enums.mouseButton.left) do -- fire a ray, exclude selected items. local hits, didExclude = engine.physics:rayTestScreenAllHits(engine.input.mousePosition, selection.selection) if (#hits > 0) then local newCentre = hits[1].hitPosition - mouseOffset local avgPos = vector3(0,0,0) for _,v in pairs(selection.selection) do if offsets[v] then v.position = newCentre + offsets[v] avgPos = avgPos + v.position end end grid.position = avgPos / #selection.selection end wait() end history.endAction() grid:destroy() else -- user clicked an unselected object, let's select it if engine.input:isKeyDown(enums.key.leftShift) then -- holding shift, so we append the clicked object to selection selection.addSelection(hit.object) else -- we override the user's selection here selection.setSelection(hit.object) end end else selection.setSelection({}) end end end) end, deactivate = function () if clickEvent then clickEvent:disconnect() clickEvent = nil end end }
--[[ * PRINCIPES * On importe tout le fichier de code, pas simplement une fonction factory --]] -- On crée une table qu'on renverra à la fin. En fait, une référence, mais on changera le contenu à chaque appel de new(). local CMaton = {} -- Cette métatable fera le lien entre la table locale qu'on crée dans le new et la table exportable moduleAliens local cmaton_mt = { __index = CMaton } local CSpriteFactory = require("class/CSpriteFactory") local TYPE_SPRITE = require("enum/ETypeSprite") local STATE_MATON = require("enum/EStateMaton") -- On stocke la window dont on a besoin partout pour les largeur et hauteur local objWindow = nit -- Returns the angle between two points. function math.angle(x1,y1, x2,y2) return math.atan2(y2-y1, x2-x1) end -- Notre méthode Factory qui renvoie une fonction particulière de lua function -- print(" / Création d'un instance de CSprite") local objMaton = {} return setmetatable( objMaton, cmaton_mt) end function CMaton:addToList(pList) table.insert(pList, self) end function CMaton:setPosition(pX, pY) self.objSprite:setPosition(pX, pY) end function CMaton:createNew(pList, pWindow) -- On stocke le paramètre objWindow = pWindow local objSpriteFactory = local objMaton = objMaton.objSprite = objSpriteFactory:createSpriteMaton() -- On SURCHARGE le sprite des MATONS car pas tous les sprites ont besoin de ces variables objMaton.objSprite.speed = 0 objMaton.objSprite.angleRad = 0 objMaton.objSprite.vx = 0 objMaton.objSprite.vy = 0 -- Le MATON = nil objMaton.rangeDetection = 0 objMaton.state = STATE_MATON.NONE objMaton:addToList(pList) -- On le place au hasard DE BASE dans la partie haute de la fenêtre, vitesse au hasard, angle au hasard objMaton:setPosition( math.random(10, objWindow.largeur-10), math.random(10, (objWindow.hauteur/2)-10) ) objMaton.objSprite.speed = math.random(5,50) / 200 objMaton.objSprite.range = math.random(10, 150) -- détecte entre 10 et 150 pixels -- Angle au hasard entre le point où est le maton et un point au hasard dans tout l'écran local xHasard = math.random(0,objWindow.largeur) local yHasard = math.random(0,objWindow.hauteur) objMaton.objSprite.angleRad = math.angle(objMaton.objSprite.x, objMaton.objSprite.y, xHasard, yHasard) -- print(objMaton.objSprite.angleRad * 360 / math.pi) = nil return objMaton end function CMaton:update(dt) -- * GESTION du N° de FRAME qu'on incrémente petit à petit self.objSprite.idFrameAVirguleCourant = self.objSprite.idFrameAVirguleCourant + 7*dt if self.objSprite.idFrameAVirguleCourant >= #self.objSprite.framesAnimMatrix + 1 then self.objSprite.idFrameAVirguleCourant = 1 end if self.state == nil then print("***** ERROR STATE NIL *****") end if self.state == STATE_MATON.NONE then self.state = STATE_MATON.CHANGEDIR elseif self.state == STATE_MATON.WALK then -- COLLISION with BORDERS local bCollide = false if self.objSprite.x < 0 then -- On le colle à la paroie self.objSprite.x = 0 bCollide = true end if self.objSprite.x > objWindow.largeur then self.objSprite.x = objWindow.largeur bCollide = true end if self.objSprite.y < 0 then self.objSprite.y = 0 bCollide = true end if self.objSprite.y > objWindow.hauteur then self.objSprite.y = objWindow.hauteur bCollide = true end if bCollide then self.state = STATE_MATON.CHANGEDIR end elseif self.state == STATE_MATON.CHANGEDIR then -- Angle au hasard entre le point où est le maton et un point au hasard dans tout l'écran local xHasard = math.random(0,objWindow.largeur) local yHasard = math.random(0,objWindow.hauteur) self.objSprite.angleRad = math.angle(self.objSprite.x, self.objSprite.y, xHasard, yHasard) self.state = STATE_MATON.WALK end -- * CALCUL des nouvelles COORDONNEES -- nouvelle Vx, Vy self.objSprite.vx = self.objSprite.speed * 2 * 60 * dt * math.cos(self.objSprite.angleRad) self.objSprite.vy = self.objSprite.speed * 2 * 60 * dt * math.sin(self.objSprite.angleRad) -- print("vx : "..self.objSprite.vx..", vy : "..self.objSprite.vy) -- nouvelles coordonées self.objSprite.x = self.objSprite.x + self.objSprite.vx self.objSprite.y = self.objSprite.y + self.objSprite.vy end function CMaton:draw() local idFrameEntier = math.floor(self.objSprite.idFrameAVirguleCourant) -- Affichage du Hero, self.objSprite.framesAnimMatrix[self.objSprite.idAnimCourant][idFrameEntier], self.objSprite.x, self.objSprite.y, 0, 1, 1, self.objSprite.width/2, self.objSprite.height/2) end return CMaton
------------------------------------------------- ---- (Abstract) Class: MusicEditing.Object ------------------------------------------------- local Object = { -- ASSUME: __index is always table instead of function, and the table is this class or a class derived from this class getClass = function (self) return getmetatable(self).__index end, -- ASSUME: __index is always table instead of function -- CAUTION: this function can be slow when there are lots of classes in the namespace getClassName = function (self, namespace) assert(namespace and type(namespace) == "table", "Invalid namespace") local class = self:getClass() for k,v in pairs(namespace) do if (v == class) then return k end end error("This class does not exist in the namespace") end, -- ASSUME: __index is always table instead of function isDerivedFrom = function (self, class) local metatable = getmetatable(self) while(metatable and metatable.__index) do if (metatable.__index == class) then return true end metatable = getmetatable(metatable.__index) end return false end, } return Object
require "SvgWriter" require "vmath" require "Viewport" require "SubImage" require "GridAxis" require "PixelImage" require "_utils" -- Sizing local imageSize = vmath.vec2(350, 350); local subImages = SubImage.SubImage(1, 1, imageSize.x, imageSize.y, 0, 50); local coordSize = 6; local coordWidth = coordSize * (imageSize.x / imageSize.y); --image local image = PixelImage.PixelImage("Parallelogram.txt") local pixelSize = image:Size(); pixelSize = pixelSize / 2; pixelSize.y = pixelSize.y; local vp = Viewport.Viewport(imageSize, pixelSize, image:Size()) local trans2 = Viewport.Transform2D() vp:SetTransform(trans2); --styles local styleLib = SvgWriter.StyleLibrary(); image:Style(styleLib); styleLib:AddStyle(nil, "grid", SvgWriter.Style():stroke("#888"):stroke_width("1.5px"):fill("none")); styleLib:AddStyle(nil, "frag_area", SvgWriter.Style():stroke("red"):stroke_width("7px"):stroke_opacity(0.7) :stroke_linejoin("round"):fill("none")); styleLib:AddStyle(nil, "sample_box", SvgWriter.Style():stroke("#4B4"):stroke_width("4px"):fill("none")); styleLib:AddStyle(nil, "sample_pt", SvgWriter.Style():stroke("none"):fill("goldenrod")); --Sample point. local texCoord = vmath.vec2(0.395, 0.385) local samplePt = texCoord * image:Size(); local lowLeftPt = samplePt - vmath.vec2(5.5, 5.5) local upRightPt = samplePt + vmath.vec2(5.5, 5.5) local pts = { vmath.vec2(1.2, 1.7), vmath.vec2(1.8, 4.3), vmath.vec2(5.3, 4.4), vmath.vec2(4.3, 1.8), } pts = vp:Transform(pts); local pathSampleArea = SvgWriter:Path(); pathSampleArea :M(pts[1]) :L(pts[2]) :L(pts[3]) :L(pts[4]) :Z() samplePt = vp:Transform(samplePt); local ptRadius = vp:Length(0.25) local sampleBoxes = { {vmath.vec2(1, 5), vmath.vec2(1, 1)}, {vmath.vec2(4, 5), vmath.vec2(1, 1)}, {vmath.vec2(4, 4), vmath.vec2(1, 1)}, {vmath.vec2(2, 4), vmath.vec2(2, 2)}, } local writer = SvgWriter.SvgWriter(ConstructSVGName(arg[0]), {subImages:Size().x .."px", subImages:Size().y .. "px"}); writer:StyleLibrary(styleLib); writer:BeginDefinitions(); writer:EndDefinitions(); image:Draw(writer, vmath.vec2(0, 0), subImages:Size(), {"grid"}); for i, box in ipairs(sampleBoxes) do image:DrawPixelRect(writer, vmath.vec2(0, 0), subImages:Size(), box[1], box[2], {"sample_box"}) end writer:Path(pathSampleArea, {"frag_area"}) writer:Circle(samplePt, ptRadius, {"sample_pt"}) writer:Close();
project "glad" kind "StaticLib" staticruntime "on" language "C++" cppdialect "C++17" targetdir (TargetDir) objdir (ObjectDir) warnings "off" files { "%{prj.location}/**.c" , "%{prj.location}/**.h" , "%{prj.location}/premake5.lua" , } includedirs { "%{prj.location}/" } filter "configurations:debug" optimize "on" runtime "debug" filter "configurations:release" optimize "on" runtime "release" filter "configurations:distrubution" optimize "on" runtime "release"
-- naive basic recursive binpacker, local function simple_solver(nodes, w, h) table.sort(nodes, function(a, b) return a.h > b.h end) local get_node; get_node = function(n, w, h) if (n.used) then local r = get_node(n.r, w, h) if (r) then return r; else return get_node(n.d, w, h) end elseif (w <= n.w and h <= n.h) then n.used = true n.d = {x = n.x, y = n.y + h, w = n.w, h = n.h - h} n.r = {x = n.x + w, y = n.y, w = n.w - w, h = h } return n end end local root = {x = 0, y = 0, w = w, h = h} for _, v in ipairs(nodes) do local n = get_node(root, v.w, v.h) if (n) then v.x = n.x; v.y = n.y v.used = true end end -- did we get a solution or not? local rest = {} for _, v in ipairs(nodes) do -- option here would also be to split the work-set based on the not-used ones, -- add that to a second plane and offset- / re-order that if not v.used then table.insert(rest, v) end end if #rest > 0 then return false, rest end -- some post- processing here to make sure we add space when possible would be nice, return true end local ro_controls = { ["LEFT"] = function() end, ["TAB"] = function() end } local function simple_ro_input(cell, iotbl, sym, lutsym) -- input is only used to relayout, and since mouse.lua still does not handle/ -- expose a context based state machine we are stuck with manual controls for -- adjusting the composition. if and not then return end if sym and ro_controls[sym] then ro_controls[sym](cell) end end local function simple_rw_input(iotbl) -- allow some kind of typing, the likely path from this isn't in-pipeworld -- itself as you can just type into the source cell, but from an encoder -- attached that is connected to an external source where you get 'input' -- events. end local function apply_pad(set) for _,v in ipairs(set) do v.x = v.x + v.pad_w v.y = v.y + v.pad_h v.w = v.w - v.pad_w - v.pad_w v.h = v.h - v.pad_h - v.pad_h end end local function expose_bin(set, max_w, max_h) -- add some padding, a better post processing here would be some kind of -- graph drawing algorithm e.g. spring or something to space things out after -- we have a solution for _,v in ipairs(set) do v.pad_w = 20 v.pad_h = 20 v.w = v.w + v.pad_w + v.pad_w v.h = v.h + v.pad_h + v.pad_h end if simple_solver(set, max_w, max_h) then apply_pad(set) return end -- remove down to 1 px border for _,v in ipairs(set) do v.w = v.w - v.pad_w - v.pad_w v.h = v.h - v.pad_h - v.pad_h v.pad_w = 1 v.pad_h = 1 end -- and expose-like shrink until we have a solution while not simple_solver(set, max_w, max_h) do for _,v in ipairs(set) do v.w = v.w * 0.9 v.h = v.h * 0.9 end end apply_pad(set) end local policies = { ro_bin = {expose_bin, simple_ro_input}, rw_bin = {expose_bin, simple_rw_input}, } local function apply_solver(cell) local w = cell.rendertarget_wh[1] local h = cell.rendertarget_wh[2] local boxes = {} -- translate into current set, add some padding for _,v in ipairs(cell.compose_set) do local props = image_surface_resolve(v) table.insert(boxes, { vid = v, x = 0, y = 0, w = props.width, h = props.height, z = 1 }) end -- policy will reposition/resize/tag cell.policy[1](boxes, w, h) for _,v in ipairs(boxes) do move_image(v.vid, v.x, v.y) resize_image(v.vid, v.w, v.h) order_image(v.vid, v.z) end end return function(row, cfg, opts, ...) -- arguments are treated as full cells (table), vids that we inherit -- (caller expected to null_surface+share_storage) or factory functions -- in order to provide input and react on changes local cells = {...} opts = type(opts) == "table" and opts or {} if not opts.policy then opts.policy = cfg.compose_policy end if not policies[opts.policy] then warning("unknown composition packing policy") return end -- setup the buffer and quality / format local w, h = unpack(cfg.compose_default_wh) if opts.width then w = opts.width end if opts.height then h = opts.height end local fmt = ALLOC_QUALITY_NORMAL if opts.format and type(opts.format) == "number" then fmt = opts.format end local vid = alloc_surface(w, h, true, fmt) if not valid_vid(vid) then warning("could not allocate composition surface") return end image_mask_set(vid, MASK_UNPICKABLE) -- Create the composition intermediates and bind as rendertarget, -- -- This is not (yet) clocked off the set of producers but rather updates -- every frame which is wasteful. -- -- What should be done is to enable verbose reporting (part of fsrv.lua) -- local set = {} local input_map = {} local clean_set = function() for _, v in ipairs(set) do delete_image(v) end end for _, v in ipairs(cells) do if type(v) == "table" then v = v:export_content("video_buffer_handle") end if type(v) == "number" and valid_vid(v) then -- In order to not break the source cell, we need to make a copy, the problem -- is to pick a suitable scale and trigger on storage modifications. Just go with -- the native storage size and let the layouting scheme deal with per-surface resizes. -- -- Arcan does not do this yet, but be able to tag_transform a surface to react on -- backing store changes is probably the way forward rather than adding more appl- -- level logic on_resize. local props = image_storage_properties(v) local surf = null_surface(props.width, props.height) -- vid limit might be reached if not valid_vid(surf) then warning("couldn't allocate composition-intermediate") clean_set(set) return end image_sharestorage(v, surf) table.insert(set, surf) image_tracetag(surf, "composite_intermediate_" .. tostring(v)) show_image(surf) -- if we need to retain the input mapping for external clients, track that -- though we might need to do something more fancy to survive across multiple -- compose(compose()) (which is kindof insane) if valid_vid(v, TYPE_FRAMESERVER) then input_map[surf] = v end table.insert(set, surf) else warning("bad member in compose-cell source set") end end if #set == 0 then clean_set(cells) warning("refusing empty composition-cell source set") return end define_rendertarget(vid, set, RENDERTARGET_DETACH, RENDERTARGET_NOSCALE, -1) -- finally tie to the cell itself local res = pipeworld_cell_template("compose", row, cfg) res.input_map = input_map res.compose_set = set res.policy = policies[opts.policy] res.rendertarget_wh = {w, h} res:set_content(vid) res.types = { {}, {"video_buffer_handle"} } local focus = res.focus res.focus = function(cell, ...) focus(cell, ...) cell.cfg.input_grab(cell, function(iotbl, sym, lutsym) if not iotbl then -- grab release return end cell.policy[2](cell, iotbl, sym, lutsym) end ) end apply_solver(res) return res end, { -- resize -- auto_relayout -- }
test2 = {} function test2.load() print("Test 2!") end function test2.draw()"line",250,450,50,20) end = "Chemistry" ATTRIBUTE.category = "Professions" ATTRIBUTE.description = "The skill of investigating properties and reactions of some substances."