position = get_self_pos() x = position["x"] y = position["y"] dir_left = x - 1 dir_right = x + 1 dir_up = y - 1 dir_down = y + 1 if get_turn_count() == 0 then left() elseif get_tile_in_front() ~= "empty" then right() else forward() end directions = {} directions['up_dir'] = get_tile_at_pos(x, dir_up) directions['down_dir'] = get_tile_at_pos(x, dir_down) directions['left_dir'] = get_tile_at_pos(dir_left, x) directions['right_dir'] = get_tile_at_pos(dir_right, x) return get_tile_in_front()
------ init.lua ------ --- Textures PreLoading -- General textures ButtonDown ="images/button_down.png") ButtonUp ="images/button_up.png") GrayButton ="images/gray_button.png") LittleButtonDown ="images/little_button_down.png") LittleButtonUp ="images/little_button_up.png") LongButtonDown ="images/long_button_down.png") LongButtonGray ="images/long_button_gray.png") LongButtonUp ="images/long_button_up.png") QuitButtonDown ="images/quit_button_down.png") QuitButtonUp ="images/quit_button_up.png") LeftArrow ="images/left_arrow.png") RightArrow ="images/right_arrow.png") FondNiveau ="images/FondNiveauBlanc.png") FondPreservatif ='images/preservatifs.jpg') -- Minigames textures GameOver ="images/gameover.png") PlayerTxtu ="images/player.png") PlayerTxtu2 ="images/penis.png") PlayerTxtu3 ="images/vulva.png") Squaredodge ="images/squaredodge.png") --Mireille textures Mireille1 ="images/mireille_1.png") Mireille2 ="images/mireille_2.png") Mireille3 ="images/mireille_3.png") Mireille4 ="images/mireille_4.png") Mireille5 ="images/mireille_5.png") Mireille6 ="images/mireille_6.png") Mireille7 ="images/mireille_7.png") Mireille8 ="images/mireille_8.png") Mireille9 ="images/mireille_9.png") TextBubble ="images/TextBubble.png") --- Fonts definitions smallFont ="fonts/Roboto-Condensed.ttf", 10) font ="fonts/Roboto-Condensed.ttf", 12) titleFont ="fonts/Roboto-Condensed.ttf", 14) bigTitleFont ="fonts/Roboto-Condensed.ttf", 28) --- Constants used for element positions MIN_MARGE_W_LEFT = 40 MIN_MARGE_H_UP = 40 TXTBUTTON_W = 90 TXTBUTTON_H = 35 TITLE_W = 107 -- Third of screen Width to position Big titles --- global variables that lock and unlock continents lock1 = 2 --lock = 0 lauch the initial animation lock2 = 1 -- Continent 2 (and 3) is locked lock3 = 1 lock4 = 0
local spottedColor = Color(250/255, 250/255, 250/255, 1) local networkVars = { spotted = "boolean" } function MapBlip:GetIsSighted() local owner = Shared.GetEntity(self.ownerEntityId) if owner then if owner.GetTeamNumber and owner:GetTeamNumber() == kTeamReadyRoom and owner:GetAttached() then owner = owner:GetAttached() end return HasMixin(owner, "LOS") and owner:GetIsSpotted() or false end return false end -- Called (server side) when a mapblips owner has changed its map-blip dependent state local oldUpdate = MapBlip.Update function MapBlip:Update() oldUpdate(self) if self.ownerEntityId and Shared.GetEntity(self.ownerEntityId) then local owner = Shared.GetEntity(self.ownerEntityId) self.spotted = (HasMixin(owner, "LOS") and owner:GetIsSpotted() and not owner:GetIsSighted()) end end if Client then if kAnyTeamEnabled then local kFriendly = {} kFriendly[kMinimapBlipTeam.Friendly] = true kFriendly[kMinimapBlipTeam.FriendFriendly] = true kFriendly[kMinimapBlipTeam.InactiveFriendly] = true kFriendly[kMinimapBlipTeam.Neutral] = true function IsAnyTeamFriendly(blipTeam) return kFriendly[blipTeam] == true end end local oldUpdateMinimapItemHook = MapBlip.UpdateMinimapItemHook function MapBlip:UpdateMinimapItemHook(minimap, item) oldUpdateMinimapItemHook(self, minimap, item) local blipTeam = self:GetMapBlipTeam(minimap) if self.spotted and not minimap.spectating and ((not kAnyTeamEnabled and not self.OnSameMinimapBlipTeam(minimap.playerTeam, blipTeam)) or (kAnyTeamEnabled and not IsAnyTeamFriendly(blipTeam))) then self.currentMapBlipColor = Color(spottedColor.r, spottedColor.g, spottedColor.b, self.currentMapBlipColor.a) end end end Shared.LinkClassToMap("MapBlip", MapBlip.kMapName, networkVars)
return { name = 'voronianski/http-utils', version = '1.0.5', description = 'List of basic http helpers for servers', repository = { url = '', }, tags = {'http', 'server', 'helpers', 'utils', 'methods', 'rest', 'api', 'mimetypes', 'mimes'}, author = { name = 'Dmitri Voronianski', email = '[email protected]' }, homepage = '', licenses = {'MIT'}, dependencies = { 'voronianski/file-type' }, files = { '**.lua', '!test*', '!example*' } }
-- calc-ui-prototypes.lua data:extend({ { type = "shortcut", name = "calcui_4func", order = "b[blueprints]-h[calculator-ui]", action = "lua", toggleable = true, icon = { filename = "__calculator-ui__/graphics/calculator.png", priority = "extra-high-no-scale", size = 64, scale = 1, flags = {"icon"} } } })
-- craftscripts.lua -- Implements the cCraftScript class which represents a player's script. local function LOGSCRIPTERROR(a_Msg) if (not g_Config.Scripting.Debug) then return end LOGERROR(a_Msg) end local g_BlockedFunctions = table.todictionary{ "rawset", "rawget", "setfenv", "io", "os", "debug", "cFile", "loadstring", "loadfile", "load", "dofile", "ExecuteString", "_G", "cPluginManager", } local g_CraftScriptEnvironment = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_, a_Key) if (g_BlockedFunctions[a_Key]) then local ScriptInfo = debug.getinfo(2) error("Edits tried to use blocked variable at line " .. ScriptInfo.currentline .. " in file " .. ScriptInfo.short_src .. ".") return nil end return _G[a_Key] end } ) cCraftScript = {} function cCraftScript:new(a_Obj) a_Obj = a_Obj or {} setmetatable(a_Obj, cCraftScript) self.__index = self a_Obj.SelectedScript = nil return a_Obj; end function cCraftScript:SelectScript(a_ScriptName) local Path = cPluginManager:GetCurrentPlugin():GetLocalFolder() .. "/craftscripts/" .. a_ScriptName .. ".lua" if (not cFile:IsFile(Path)) then return false, "Couldn't find that script." end local Function, Err = loadfile(Path) if (not Function) then LOGSCRIPTERROR(Err) return false, "Couldn't execute that script." end setfenv(Function, g_CraftScriptEnvironment) self.SelectedScript = Function return true end function cCraftScript:Execute(a_Player, a_Split) if (not self.SelectedScript) then return false, "Couldn't find a script." end if (g_Config.Scripting.MaxExecutionTime > 0) then local TimeLimit = os.clock() + g_Config.Scripting.MaxExecutionTime debug.sethook(function() if (TimeLimit < os.clock()) then debug.sethook() error("Exceeded the time limit for script executions.") end end, "", 100000) end local Success, Err = pcall(self.SelectedScript, a_Player, a_Split) debug.sethook() if (not Success) then LOGSCRIPTERROR(Err) return false, "Couldn't execute that script." end return true end
Locales['es'] = { -- Cloakroom ['cloakroom'] = 'Guardarropa', ['ems_clothes_civil'] = 'Camiseta', ['ems_clothes_ems'] = 'Equipo de ambulancia', ['headbandage'] = 'Pastilla Anti inflamatoria', ['torsobandage'] = 'Vendaje de Torax', ['extbandage'] = 'Tratamiento de extremidades', -- Vehicles ['ambulance'] = 'Ambulancia', ['helicopter_prompt'] = 'Presiona ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ para acceder a ~y~Acciones de helicóptero~s~.', ['garage_prompt'] = 'Presiona ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ para acceder a ~y~Acciones de Vehículos~s~.', ['garage_title'] = 'Acciones de Vehículos.', ['garage_stored'] = 'Almacenado.', ['garage_notstored'] = 'No en el garaje.', ['garage_storing'] = 'Estamos intentando retirar el vehículo, asegúrese de que no haya jugadores cerca.', ['garage_has_stored'] = 'El vehículo ha sido almacenado en su garaje.', ['garage_has_notstored'] = 'No se encontraron vehículos cercanos.', ['garage_notavailable'] = 'Su vehículo no está guardado en el garaje.', ['garage_blocked'] = '¡No hay puntos de generación disponibles!', ['garage_empty'] = 'No tiene ningún vehículo en su garaje.', ['garage_released'] = 'Su vehículo ha sido liberado del garaje.', ['garage_store_nearby'] = 'No hay vehículos cercanos.', ['garage_storeditem'] = 'Garaje abierto', ['garage_storeitem'] = 'Almacenar vehículo en garaje', ['garage_buyitem'] = 'Tienda de vehículos', ['shop_item'] = '$%s', ['vehicleshop_title'] = 'Tienda de vehículos', ['vehicleshop_confirm'] = '¿Quieres comprar este vehículo?', ['vehicleshop_bought'] = 'Usted ha comprado ~y~%s~s~ por ~g~$%s~s~', ['vehicleshop_money'] = 'No puedes pagar ese vehículo', ['vehicleshop_awaiting_model'] = 'El vehículo está actualmente ~g~DESCARGANDO Y CARGANDO~s~ por favor espere.', ['confirm_no'] = 'No', ['confirm_yes'] = 'Si', -- Action Menu ['revive_inprogress'] = 'Reanimación en curso', ['revive_complete'] = 'Has sido reanimado ~y~%s~s~', ['revive_complete_award'] = 'Has sido reanimado ~y~%s~s~, ~g~$%s~s~', ['revive_fail_offline'] = 'Ese jugador ya no está en línea', ['heal_inprogress'] = '¡Te están curando!', ['heal_complete'] = 'Estas curado ~y~%s~s~', ['no_players'] = 'Ningún jugador cerca', ['player_not_unconscious'] = 'n\'estás inconsciente', ['player_not_conscious'] = '!Ese jugador no esta consciente!', -- Boss Menu ['boss_actions'] = 'Acciones del jefe', -- Misc ['invalid_amount'] = '~r~Cantidad no válida', ['actions_prompt'] = 'Presiona ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ para acceder a ~y~Acciones de Ambulancia~s~.', ['deposit_amount'] = 'Cantidad de fianza depositada', ['money_withdraw'] = 'Cantidad de fianza retirada', ['fast_travel'] = 'Presiona ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ para viajar rápido.', ['open_pharmacy'] = 'Presiona ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ para abrir la farmacia', ['pharmacy_menu_title'] = 'Farmacia', ['pharmacy_take'] = 'Tomar <span style="color:blue;">%s</span>', ['medikit'] = 'Kit de primeros Auxilios', ['used_extbandage'] = 'Has usado el ~b~Tratamiento de extremidades~w~ sobre ti.', ['used_torsobandage'] = 'Has usado el ~b~Vendaje de torax~w~ sobre ti.', ['used_headbandage'] = 'Has tomado una~b~pastilla Anti Inflamatoria.', ['bandage'] = 'Vendaje', ['max_item'] = 'Ya estás cargando lo suficiente contigo mismo.', -- F6 Menu ['ems_menu'] = 'Ayuda ciudadana', ['ems_menu_title'] = 'Ambulancia - Ayuda Ciudadana', ['ems_menu_revive'] = 'Reanimar', ['ems_menu_info'] = 'Diagnosticar', ['vista_general'] = 'Diagnostico general', ['damage_info'] = 'Diagnosticar heridas', ['tratamientos_info'] = 'Tratar heridas', ['tratar_cabeza'] = 'Tratar heridas craneales', ['healhead_inprogress'] = 'Estas tratando heridas craneales', ['not_enough_headbandage'] = 'No tienes Pastillas Anti inflamatorias', ['healcabeza_complete'] = 'Has proporcionado pastillas Anti inflamatorias', ['healbrazo_inprogress'] = 'Estas tratando heridas en los brazos', ['not_enough_extbandage'] = 'No tienes tratamiento de extremidades', ['healbrazo_complete'] = 'Has proporcionado tratamiento de extremidades', ['healtorso_inprogress'] = 'Estas tratando heridas en el torso', ['not_enough_torsobandage'] = 'No tienes Vendaje de torax', ['healtorso_complete'] = 'Has proporcionado vendaje abdominal', ['healleg_complete'] = 'Has proporcionado tratamiento de extremidades', ['healleg_inprogress'] = 'Estas tratando heridas en las piernas', ['tratar_pierna'] = 'Tratar heridas de piernas', ['tratar_brazo'] = 'Tratar heridas de brazos', ['tratar_torso'] = 'Tratar heridas abdominales', ['ems_menu_putincar'] = 'Meter en el vehículo', ['ems_menu_small'] = 'Curar heridas pequeñas', ['ems_menu_big'] = 'Tratar lesiones graves', -- Phone ['alert_ambulance'] = 'Alerta de ambulancia', -- Death ['respawn_available_in'] = 'Reaparecer disponible en ~b~%s minutes %s seconds~s~', ['respawn_bleedout_in'] = 'Te desangrarás ~b~%s minutes %s seconds~s~\n', ['respawn_bleedout_prompt'] = 'Sostiene [~b~E~s~] para reaparecer.', ['respawn_bleedout_fine'] = 'Sostiene [~b~E~s~] para reaparecer por ~g~$%s~s~', ['respawn_bleedout_fine_msg'] = 'Has pagado ~r~$%s~s~ para reaparecer.', ['distress_send'] = 'Presiona [~b~G~s~] enviar señal de socorro.', ['distress_sent'] = '¡Señal de socorro ha sido enviada a las unidades disponibles!', ['combatlog_message'] = 'Ha sido reaparecido por la fuerza porque anteriormente dejó el servidor cuando estaba muerto.', -- Revive ['revive_help'] = 'Revivir un jugador', -- Item ['used_medikit'] = 'Has usado ~y~1x~s~ Kit de primeros Auxilios', ['used_bandage'] = 'Has usado ~y~1x~s~ Vendaje', ['not_enough_medikit'] = 'Usted no tiene ~b~Kit de primeros Auxilios~s~.', ['not_enough_bandage'] = 'Usted no tiene ~b~Vendaje~s~.', ['healed'] = 'Has sido tratado', -- Blips ['blip_hospital'] = 'Hospital Pillbox', ['blip_dead'] = 'Jugador inconsciente', }
-- =========================================================================== -- CityBannerManager for Expansion 1 and Expansion 2 -- =========================================================================== -- Functions and objects common to basegame and expansions include( "citybannermanager_CQUI.lua"); -- #59 Infixo they are local and not visible in this file local m_isReligionLensActive:boolean = false; local m_HexColoringReligion:number = UILens.CreateLensLayerHash("Hex_Coloring_Religion"); local DATA_FIELD_RELIGION_ICONS_IM:string = "m_IconsIM"; local DATA_FIELD_RELIGION_FOLLOWER_LIST_IM:string = "m_FollowerListIM"; local DATA_FIELD_RELIGION_POP_CHART_IM:string = "m_PopChartIM"; local RELIGION_POP_CHART_TOOLTIP_HEADER:string = Locale.Lookup("LOC_CITY_BANNER_FOLLOWER_PRESSURE_TOOLTIP_HEADER"); -- =========================================================================== -- Cached Base Functions (Expansions only) -- =========================================================================== BASE_CQUI_CityBanner_Initialize = CityBanner.Initialize; BASE_CQUI_CityBanner_Uninitialize = CityBanner.Uninitialize; BASE_CQUI_CityBanner_UpdateInfo = CityBanner.UpdateInfo; BASE_CQUI_CityBanner_UpdatePopulation = CityBanner.UpdatePopulation; BASE_CQUI_CityBanner_UpdateStats = CityBanner.UpdateStats; -- ============================================================================ -- CQUI Expansion Extension Functions -- ============================================================================ function CityBanner.Initialize(self, playerID, cityID, districtID, bannerType, bannerStyle) -- print_debug("CityBannerManager_CQUI_Expansions: CityBanner:Initialize ENTRY: playerID:"..tostring(playerID).." cityID:"..tostring(cityID).." districtID:"..tostring(districtID).." bannerType:"..tostring(bannerType).." bannerStyle:"..tostring(bannerStyle)); CQUI_Common_CityBanner_Initialize(self, playerID, cityID, districtID, bannerType, bannerStyle); if (IsBannerTypeCityCenter(bannerType) and (self.CQUI_DistrictBuiltIM == nil)) then self.CQUI_DistrictBuiltIM = InstanceManager:new( "CQUI_DistrictBuilt", "Icon", self.m_Instance.CQUI_Districts ); end end -- ============================================================================ function CityBanner.Uninitialize(self) -- print_debug("CityBannerManager_CQUI_Expansions: CityBanner.Uninitialize ENTRY"); BASE_CQUI_CityBanner_Uninitialize(self); -- CQUI : Clear CQUI_DistrictBuiltIM if self.CQUI_DistrictBuiltIM then self.CQUI_DistrictBuiltIM:DestroyInstances(); end end -- ============================================================================ function CityBanner.UpdateInfo(self, pCity : table ) -- print_debug("CityBannerManager_CQUI_Expansions: CityBanner.UpdateInfo ENTRY pCity:"..tostring(pCity)); BASE_CQUI_CityBanner_UpdateInfo(self, pCity); if (pCity == nil) then return; end local playerID:number = pCity:GetOwner(); --CQUI : Unlocked citizen check if (playerID == Game.GetLocalPlayer() and IsCQUI_SmartBanner_Unmanaged_CitizenEnabled()) then local tParameters :table = {}; tParameters[CityCommandTypes.PARAM_MANAGE_CITIZEN] = UI.GetInterfaceModeParameter(CityCommandTypes.PARAM_MANAGE_CITIZEN); local tResults:table = CityManager.GetCommandTargets( pCity, CityCommandTypes.MANAGE, tParameters ); if tResults ~= nil then local tPlots:table = tResults[CityCommandResults.PLOTS]; local tUnits:table = tResults[CityCommandResults.CITIZENS]; local tMaxUnits:table = tResults[CityCommandResults.MAX_CITIZENS]; local tLockedUnits:table = tResults[CityCommandResults.LOCKED_CITIZENS]; if tPlots ~= nil and (table.count(tPlots) > 0) then for i,plotId in pairs(tPlots) do local kPlot :table = Map.GetPlotByIndex(plotId); if (tMaxUnits[i] >= 1 and tUnits[i] >= 1 and tLockedUnits[i] <= 0) then local instance:table = self.m_InfoIconIM:GetInstance(); instance.Icon:SetIcon("EXCLAMATION"); instance.Icon:SetToolTipString(Locale.Lookup("LOC_CQUI_SMARTBANNER_UNLOCKEDCITIZEN_TOOLTIP")); instance.Button:RegisterCallback(Mouse.eLClick, OnCityBannerClick); instance.Button:SetVoid1(pCity:GetOriginalOwner()); instance.Button:SetVoid2(cityID); break; end end end end end -- #62 Infixo always show an original owner of the city if different than the current one -- this piece of code is taken from CityBannerManager.lua to allow an extra line inside a tooltip local pPlayer:table = Players[playerID]; if pPlayer == nil then return; end local tooltip:string, tooltipOrignal:string = "", ""; -- #62 Infixo check if this city was previously owned by someone else local originalOwner:number = pCity:GetOriginalOwner(); if originalOwner ~= playerID then if pCity:IsOriginalCapital() then tooltipOrignal = Locale.Lookup("LOC_CQUI_CITY_BANNER_ORIGINAL_CAPITAL_TT", PlayerConfigurations[originalOwner]:GetCivilizationShortDescription()); else tooltipOrignal = Locale.Lookup("LOC_CQUI_CITY_BANNER_ORIGINAL_CITY_TT", PlayerConfigurations[originalOwner]:GetCivilizationShortDescription()); end end if pPlayer:IsMajor() then if pCity:IsOriginalCapital() and originalOwner == playerID then -- Original capital tooltip = Locale.Lookup("LOC_CITY_BANNER_ORIGINAL_CAPITAL_TT", PlayerConfigurations[playerID]:GetCivilizationShortDescription()); -- no need for original owner info elseif pCity:IsCapital() then -- New capital tooltip = Locale.Lookup("LOC_CITY_BANNER_NEW_CAPITAL_TT", PlayerConfigurations[playerID]:GetCivilizationShortDescription()) .. tooltipOrignal; else -- Other cities tooltip = Locale.Lookup("LOC_CITY_BANNER_OTHER_CITY_TT", PlayerConfigurations[playerID]:GetCivilizationShortDescription()) .. tooltipOrignal; end -- espionage info (added in XP2) if g_bIsGatheringStorm and GameCapabilities.HasCapability("CAPABILITY_ESPIONAGE") then if Game.GetLocalPlayer() == playerID or HasEspionageView(playerID, pCity:GetID()) then tooltip = tooltip .. Locale.Lookup("LOC_ESPIONAGE_VIEW_ENABLED_TT"); else tooltip = tooltip .. Locale.Lookup("LOC_ESPIONAGE_VIEW_DISABLED_TT"); end end elseif pPlayer:IsMinor() then CQUI_UpdateCityStateBannerSuzerain(pPlayer, self); CQUI_UpdateCityStateBannerAtWarIcon(pPlayer, self); elseif pPlayer:IsFreeCities() then tooltip = Locale.Lookup("LOC_CITY_BANNER_FREE_CITY_TT") .. tooltipOrignal; else -- city states tooltip = Locale.Lookup("LOC_CITY_BANNER_CITY_STATE_TT") .. tooltipOrignal; -- just in case CS could capture capitals? end -- update the tooltip local cityIconInstance:table = self.m_InfoIconIM:GetAllocatedInstance(); cityIconInstance.Button:SetToolTipString(tooltip); self:Resize(); end -- ============================================================================ function CityBanner.UpdatePopulation(self, isLocalPlayer:boolean, pCity:table, pCityGrowth:table) -- print_debug("CityBannerManager_CQUI_Expansions: CityBanner:UpdatePopulation: pCity: "..tostring(pCity).." pCityGrowth:"..tostring(pCityGrowth)); BASE_CQUI_CityBanner_UpdatePopulation(self, isLocalPlayer, pCity, pCityGrowth); if (isLocalPlayer == false) then return; end local currentPopulation:number = pCity:GetPopulation(); -- XP1+, grab the first instance local populationInstance = CQUI_GetInstanceObject(self.m_StatPopulationIM); -- Get real housing from improvements value local localPlayerID = Game.GetLocalPlayer(); -- CQUI : housing left if (IsCQUI_SmartBanner_PopulationEnabled()) then local cqui_HousingFromImprovementsCalc = CQUI_GetRealHousingFromImprovements(pCity); if (cqui_HousingFromImprovementsCalc ~= nil) then -- CQUI real housing from improvements fix to show correct values when waiting for the next turn local housingText, housingLeft = CQUI_GetHousingString(pCity, cqui_HousingFromImprovementsCalc, true); populationInstance.CQUI_CityHousing:SetText(housingText); populationInstance.CQUI_CityHousing:SetHide(false); -- CQUI : add housing left to tooltip local popTooltip = populationInstance.FillMeter:GetToolTipString(); local CQUI_housingLeftPopupText = "[NEWLINE] [ICON_Housing]" .. Locale.Lookup("LOC_HUD_CITY_HOUSING") .. ": " .. housingLeft; popTooltip = popTooltip .. CQUI_housingLeftPopupText; populationInstance.FillMeter:SetToolTipString(popTooltip); end else populationInstance.CQUI_CityHousing:SetHide(true); end if (IsCQUI_SmartBanner_CulturalEnabled()) then -- Show the turns left until border expansion to the left of the population local pCityCulture = pCity:GetCulture(); local turnsUntilBorderGrowth = pCityCulture:GetTurnsUntilExpansion(); populationInstance.CityCultureTurnsLeft:SetText(turnsUntilBorderGrowth); populationInstance.CityCultureTurnsLeft:SetHide(false); local popTooltip = populationInstance.FillMeter:GetToolTipString(); -- The Locale.Lookup for Border Growth requires the value be included... but doesn't then put that value in the string itself, apparently. popTooltip = popTooltip .. "[NEWLINE] [ICON_Culture]" ..tostring(turnsUntilBorderGrowth).. " " .. Locale.Lookup("LOC_HUD_CITY_TURNS_UNTIL_BORDER_GROWTH", turnsUntilBorderGrowth); populationInstance.FillMeter:SetToolTipString(popTooltip); else populationInstance.CityCultureTurnsLeft:SetHide(true); end end -- ============================================================================ function CityBanner.UpdateStats(self) -- print_debug("CityBannerManager_CQUI_Expansions: CityBanner.UpdateStats ENTRY"); BASE_CQUI_CityBanner_UpdateStats(self); local pDistrict:table = self:GetDistrict(); if (pDistrict ~= nil and IsBannerTypeCityCenter(self.m_Type)) then local localPlayerID:number = Game.GetLocalPlayer(); local pCity :table = self:GetCity(); local iCityOwner :number = pCity:GetOwner(); if (localPlayerID == iCityOwner and self.CQUI_DistrictBuiltIM ~= nil) then -- On first call into UpdateStats, CQUI_DistrictBuiltIM may not be instantiated yet -- However this is called often enough that it's not a problem self.CQUI_DistrictBuiltIM:ResetInstances(); -- CQUI : Reset CQUI_DistrictBuiltIM self.m_Instance.CQUI_DistrictAvailable:SetHide(true); local pCityDistricts:table = pCity:GetDistricts(); if (IsCQUI_SmartBanner_DistrictsEnabled()) then local districtTooltipString = ""; local districtCount = 0; local neighborhoodAdded = false; -- Update the built districts for i, district in pCityDistricts:Members() do local districtType = district:GetType(); local districtInfo:table = GameInfo.Districts[districtType]; local isBuilt = pCityDistricts:HasDistrict(districtInfo.Index, true); -- If the district is built, is not the City Center, is not a Wonder, and a Neighborhood Icon has already been shown... if (isBuilt == true and districtInfo.DistrictType ~= "DISTRICT_WONDER" and districtInfo.DistrictType ~= "DISTRICT_CITY_CENTER" and (districtInfo.DistrictType ~= "DISTRICT_NEIGHBORHOOD" or neighborhoodAdded == false)) then SetDetailIcon(self.CQUI_DistrictBuiltIM:GetInstance(), "ICON_"..districtInfo.DistrictType); districtTooltipString = districtTooltipString .. "[ICON_".. districtInfo.DistrictType .. "] ".. Locale.Lookup(districtInfo.Name) .. "[NEWLINE]"; districtCount = districtCount + 1; if (districtInfo.DistrictType == "DISTRICT_NEIGHBORHOOD") then neighborhoodAdded = true; end end end -- Trim the trailing [NEWLINE] districtTooltipString = string.sub(districtTooltipString, 1, string.len(districtTooltipString) - 9); -- Determine the overlap of the district icons based on the number built -- Note: GetNumZonedDistrictsRequiringPopulation does not include Aqueducts or Neighborhoods -- The padding value was -12 before this dynamic calculation was introduced local districtIconPadding = 8 + districtCount; if districtIconPadding < 12 then districtIconPadding = 12; end if districtIconPadding > 20 then districtIconPadding = 20; end self.m_Instance.CQUI_Districts:SetStackPadding(districtIconPadding * -1); self.m_Instance.CQUI_Districts:CalculateSize(); -- Sets the correct banner width with the padding update self.m_Instance.CQUI_DistrictsContainer:SetToolTipString(districtTooltipString); end if (IsCQUI_SmartBanner_DistrictsAvailableEnabled()) then -- Infixo: 2020-06-08 district available flag and tooltip local iDistrictsNum:number = pCityDistricts:GetNumZonedDistrictsRequiringPopulation(); local iDistrictsPossibleNum:number = pCityDistricts:GetNumAllowedDistrictsRequiringPopulation(); if iDistrictsPossibleNum > iDistrictsNum then self.m_Instance.CQUI_DistrictAvailable:SetHide(false); self.m_Instance.CQUI_DistrictAvailable:SetToolTipString( string.format("%s %d / %d", Locale.Lookup("LOC_HUD_DISTRICTS"), iDistrictsNum, iDistrictsPossibleNum) ); else self.m_Instance.CQUI_DistrictAvailable:SetHide(true); end end end end end -- =========================================================================== function CQUI_OnLensLayerOn( layerNum:number ) --print("FUN OnLensLayerOn", layerNum); if layerNum == m_HexColoringReligion then m_isReligionLensActive = true; RealizeReligion(); end end -- =========================================================================== function CQUI_OnLensLayerOff( layerNum:number ) --print("FUN OnLensLayerOff", layerNum); if layerNum == m_HexColoringReligion then m_isReligionLensActive = false; RealizeReligion(); end end -- ============================================================================ -- CQUI Replacement Functions -- ============================================================================ function OnCityStrikeButtonClick( playerID, cityID ) -- print_debug("CityBannerManager_CQUI_Expansions: OnCityStrikeButtonClick ENTRY playerID:"..tostring(playerID).." cityID:"..tostring(cityID)); CQUI_OnCityRangeStrikeButtonClick(playerID, cityID); end -- =========================================================================== -- #59 Infixo overwritten because changes are deep inside it function CityBanner:UpdateReligion() --print("FUN CityBanner:UpdateReligion()"); local pCity :table = self:GetCity(); local pCityReligion :table = pCity:GetReligion(); local localPlayerID :number = Game.GetLocalPlayer(); local eMajorityReligion :number = pCityReligion:GetMajorityReligion(); self.m_eMajorityReligion = eMajorityReligion; self:UpdateInfo(pCity); local cityInst :table = self.m_Instance; local religionInfo :table = cityInst.ReligionInfo; local religionsInCity :table = pCityReligion:GetReligionsInCity(); -- Hide the meter and bail out if the religion lens isn't active if (not m_isReligionLensActive or table.count(religionsInCity) == 0) then if religionInfo then religionInfo.ReligionInfoContainer:SetHide(true); end return; end -- Update religion icon + religious pressure animation local majorityReligionColor:number = COLOR_RELIGION_DEFAULT; if (eMajorityReligion >= 0) then majorityReligionColor = UI.GetColorValue(GameInfo.Religions[eMajorityReligion].Color); end -- Preallocate total fill so we can stagger the meters local totalFillPercent:number = 0; local iCityPopulation:number = pCity:GetPopulation(); -- Get a list of religions present in this city local activeReligions:table = {}; local numOfActiveReligions:number = 0; local pReligionsInCity:table = pCityReligion:GetReligionsInCity(); for _, cityReligion in pairs(pReligionsInCity) do local religion:number = cityReligion.Religion; if religion == -1 then religion = 0; end -- #59 Infixo include a pantheon --if (religion >= 0) then local followers:number = cityReligion.Followers; local fillPercent:number = followers / iCityPopulation; totalFillPercent = totalFillPercent + fillPercent; table.insert(activeReligions, { Religion=religion, Followers=followers, Pressure=pCityReligion:GetTotalPressureOnCity(religion), LifetimePressure=cityReligion.Pressure, FillPercent=fillPercent, Color=GameInfo.Religions[religion].Color }); numOfActiveReligions = numOfActiveReligions + 1; --end end -- Sort religions by largest number of followers -- #59 Infixo sort by followers, then by lifetime pressure table.sort(activeReligions, function(a,b) if a.Followers ~= b.Followers then return a.Followers > b.Followers; else return a.LifetimePressure > b.LifetimePressure; end end ); -- After sort update accumulative fill percent local accumulativeFillPercent = 0.0; for i, religion in ipairs(activeReligions) do accumulativeFillPercent = accumulativeFillPercent + religion.FillPercent; religion.AccumulativeFillPercent = accumulativeFillPercent; end if (table.count(activeReligions) > 0) then local localPlayerVis:table = PlayersVisibility[localPlayerID]; if (localPlayerVis ~= nil) then -- Holy sites get a different color and texture local holySitePlotIDs:table = {}; local cityDistricts:table = pCity:GetDistricts(); local playerDistricts:table = self.m_Player:GetDistricts(); for i, district in cityDistricts:Members() do local districtType:string = GameInfo.Districts[district:GetType()].DistrictType; if (districtType == "DISTRICT_HOLY_SITE") then local locX:number = district:GetX(); local locY:number = district:GetY(); if localPlayerVis:IsVisible(locX, locY) then local plot:table = Map.GetPlot(locX, locY); local holySiteFaithYield:number = district:GetReligionHealRate(); SpawnHolySiteIconAtLocation(locX, locY, "+" .. holySiteFaithYield); holySitePlotIDs[plot:GetIndex()] = true; end break; end end -- Color hexes in this city the same color as religion local plots:table = Map.GetCityPlots():GetPurchasedPlots(pCity); if (table.count(plots) > 0) then UILens.SetLayerHexesColoredArea( m_HexColoringReligion, localPlayerID, plots, majorityReligionColor ); end end end if religionInfo then -- Create or reset icon instance manager local iconIM:table = cityInst[DATA_FIELD_RELIGION_ICONS_IM]; if (iconIM == nil) then iconIM = InstanceManager:new("ReligionIconInstance", "ReligionIconContainer", religionInfo.ReligionInfoIconStack); cityInst[DATA_FIELD_RELIGION_ICONS_IM] = iconIM; else iconIM:ResetInstances(); end -- Create or reset follower list instance manager local followerListIM:table = cityInst[DATA_FIELD_RELIGION_FOLLOWER_LIST_IM]; if (followerListIM == nil) then followerListIM = InstanceManager:new("ReligionFollowerListInstance", "ReligionFollowerListContainer", religionInfo.ReligionFollowerListStack); cityInst[DATA_FIELD_RELIGION_FOLLOWER_LIST_IM] = followerListIM; else followerListIM:ResetInstances(); end -- Create or reset pop chart instance manager local popChartIM:table = cityInst[DATA_FIELD_RELIGION_POP_CHART_IM]; if (popChartIM == nil) then popChartIM = InstanceManager:new("ReligionPopChartInstance", "PopChartMeter", religionInfo.ReligionPopChartContainer); cityInst[DATA_FIELD_RELIGION_POP_CHART_IM] = popChartIM; else popChartIM:ResetInstances(); end local populationChartTooltip:string = RELIGION_POP_CHART_TOOLTIP_HEADER; -- Show what religion we will eventually turn into local nextReligion = pCityReligion:GetNextReligion(); local turnsTillNextReligion:number = pCityReligion:GetTurnsToNextReligion(); if nextReligion and nextReligion ~= -1 and turnsTillNextReligion > 0 then local pNextReligionDef:table = GameInfo.Religions[nextReligion]; -- Religion icon if religionInfo.ConvertingReligionIcon then local religionIcon = "ICON_" .. pNextReligionDef.ReligionType; religionInfo.ConvertingReligionIcon:SetIcon(religionIcon); local religionColor = UI.GetColorValue(pNextReligionDef.Color); religionInfo.ConvertingReligionIcon:SetColor(religionColor); religionInfo.ConvertingReligionIconBacking:SetColor(religionColor); religionInfo.ConvertingReligionIconBacking:SetToolTipString(Locale.Lookup(pNextReligionDef.Name)); end -- Converting text local convertString = Locale.Lookup("LOC_CITY_BANNER_CONVERTS_IN_X_TURNS", turnsTillNextReligion); religionInfo.ConvertingReligionLabel:SetText(convertString); religionInfo.ReligionConversionTurnsStack:SetHide(false); -- If the turns till conversion are less than 10 play the warning flash animation religionInfo.ConvertingSoonAlphaAnim:SetToBeginning(); if turnsTillNextReligion <= 10 then religionInfo.ConvertingSoonAlphaAnim:Play(); else religionInfo.ConvertingSoonAlphaAnim:Stop(); end else religionInfo.ReligionConversionTurnsStack:SetHide(true); end -- Add religion icons for each active religion for i,religionInfo in ipairs(activeReligions) do local religionDef:table = GameInfo.Religions[religionInfo.Religion]; local icon = "ICON_" .. religionDef.ReligionType; local religionColor = UI.GetColorValue(religionDef.Color); -- The first index is the predominant religion. Label it as such. local religionName = ""; if i == 1 and numOfActiveReligions > 1 then religionName = Locale.Lookup("LOC_CITY_BANNER_PREDOMINANT_RELIGION", Game.GetReligion():GetName(religionDef.Index)); else religionName = Game.GetReligion():GetName(religionDef.Index); end -- Add icon to main icon list -- If our only active religion is the same religion we're being converted to don't show an icon for it --if numOfActiveReligions > 1 or nextReligion ~= religionInfo.Religion then -- #59 Infixo show all religions local iconInst:table = iconIM:GetInstance(); iconInst.ReligionIconButton:SetIcon(icon); iconInst.ReligionIconButton:SetColor(religionColor); iconInst.ReligionIconButtonBacking:SetColor(religionColor); --iconInst.ReligionIconButtonBacking:SetToolTipString(religionName); -- #59 Infixo new field and tooltip iconInst.ReligionIconFollowers:SetText(religionInfo.Followers); iconInst.ReligionIconContainer:SetToolTipString( Locale.Lookup("LOC_CITY_BANNER_FOLLOWER_PRESSURE_TOOLTIP", religionName, religionInfo.Followers, Round(religionInfo.LifetimePressure)).."[NEWLINE]".. Locale.Lookup("LOC_HUD_REPORTS_PER_TURN", "+"..tostring(Round(religionInfo.Pressure, 1)))); --end -- Add followers to detailed info list local followerListInst:table = followerListIM:GetInstance(); followerListInst.ReligionFollowerIcon:SetIcon(icon); followerListInst.ReligionFollowerIcon:SetColor(religionColor); followerListInst.ReligionFollowerIconBacking:SetColor(religionColor); followerListInst.ReligionFollowerCount:SetText(religionInfo.Followers); followerListInst.ReligionFollowerPressure:SetText(Locale.Lookup("LOC_CITY_BANNER_RELIGIOUS_PRESSURE", Round(religionInfo.Pressure))); -- Add the follower tooltip to the population chart tooltip local followerTooltip:string = Locale.Lookup("LOC_CITY_BANNER_FOLLOWER_PRESSURE_TOOLTIP", religionName, religionInfo.Followers, Round(religionInfo.LifetimePressure)); followerListInst.ReligionFollowerIconBacking:SetToolTipString(followerTooltip); populationChartTooltip = populationChartTooltip .. "[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]" .. followerTooltip; end religionInfo.ReligionPopChartContainer:SetToolTipString(populationChartTooltip); religionInfo.ReligionFollowerListStack:CalculateSize(); religionInfo.ReligionFollowerListScrollPanel:CalculateInternalSize(); religionInfo.ReligionFollowerListScrollPanel:ReprocessAnchoring(); -- Add populations to pie chart in reverse order for i = #activeReligions, 1, -1 do local religionInfo = activeReligions[i]; local religionColor = UI.GetColorValue(religionInfo.Color); local popChartInst:table = popChartIM:GetInstance(); popChartInst.PopChartMeter:SetPercent(religionInfo.AccumulativeFillPercent); popChartInst.PopChartMeter:SetColor(religionColor); end -- Update population pie chart majority religion icon if (eMajorityReligion > 0) then local iconName : string = "ICON_" .. GameInfo.Religions[eMajorityReligion].ReligionType; religionInfo.ReligionPopChartIcon:SetIcon(iconName); religionInfo.ReligionPopChartIcon:SetHide(false); else religionInfo.ReligionPopChartIcon:SetHide(true); end -- Show how much religion this city is exerting outwards local outwardReligiousPressure = pCityReligion:GetPressureFromCity(); religionInfo.ExertedReligiousPressure:SetText(Locale.Lookup("LOC_CITY_BANNER_RELIGIOUS_PRESSURE", Round(outwardReligiousPressure))); -- Reset buttons to default state religionInfo.ReligionInfoButton:SetHide(false); religionInfo.ReligionInfoDetailedButton:SetHide(true); -- Register callbacks to open/close detailed info religionInfo.ReligionInfoButton:RegisterCallback( Mouse.eLClick, function() OnReligionInfoButtonClicked(religionInfo, pCity); end); religionInfo.ReligionInfoDetailedButton:RegisterCallback( Mouse.eLClick, function() OnReligionInfoDetailedButtonClicked(religionInfo, pCity); end); religionInfo.ReligionInfoContainer:SetHide(false); end end -- =========================================================================== -- CQUI Initialize Function -- =========================================================================== function Initialize_CQUI_expansions() print_debug("CityBannerManager_CQUI_Expansions: Initialize CQUI CityBannerManager") Events.LensLayerOff.Add(CQUI_OnLensLayerOff); Events.LensLayerOn.Add(CQUI_OnLensLayerOn); end Initialize_CQUI_expansions();
local module = ... local httpdRequestHandler = { method = nil, query = { }, path = nil, contentType = nil, body = nil } local function httpdRequest(data) local _, _, method, path, query = string.find(data, '([A-Z]+) (.+)?(.+) HTTP') if method == nil then _, _, method, path = string.find(data, '([A-Z]+) (.+) HTTP') end if query ~= nil then query = string.gsub(query, '%%(%x%x)', function(x) string.char(tonumber(x, 16)) end) for k, v in string.gmatch(query, '([^&]+)=([^&]*)&*') do httpdRequestHandler.query[k] = v end end httpdRequestHandler.method = method httpdRequestHandler.path = path httpdRequestHandler.contentType = string.match(data, "Content%-Type: ([%w/-]+)") httpdRequestHandler.body = string.sub(data, string.find(data, "\r\n\r\n", 1, true), #data) if httpdRequestHandler.contentType == "application/json" then httpdRequestHandler.body = sjson.decode(httpdRequestHandler.body) end return httpdRequestHandler end return function(data) package.loaded[module] = nil module = nil return httpdRequest(data) end
local utils = { } local scopes = {o = vim.o, b =, w = vim.wo} function utils.opt(scope, key, value) scopes[scope][key] = value if scope ~= 'o' then scopes['o'][key] = value end end function, lhs, rhs, opts) local options = {noremap = true} if opts then options = vim.tbl_extend('force', options, opts) end vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, lhs, rhs, options) end function utils.buf_map(bufnr, mode, lhs, rhs, opts) local options = {noremap = true} if opts then options = vim.tbl_extend('force', options, opts) end vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, mode, lhs, rhs, options) end -- Stolen from: -- function utils.create_augroups(definitions) for group_name, definition in pairs(definitions) do vim.api.nvim_command('augroup '..group_name) vim.api.nvim_command('autocmd!') for _, def in ipairs(definition) do local command = table.concat(vim.tbl_flatten{'autocmd', def}, ' ') vim.api.nvim_command(command) end vim.api.nvim_command('augroup END') end end return utils
---账号角色管理器 --@usage --redis数据库结构 --角色表: appid:role:角色ID => {roleid=xxx,appid=xxx,account=xxx,create_serverid=xxx,...} --账号表: account:账号 => {account=xxx,passwd=xxx,sdk=xxx,platform=xxx,...} --账号已有角色表: appid:roles:账号 => {角色ID列表} --账号已删除角色表: appid:deleted_roles:账号 => {角色ID列表} -- --mongo数据库结构 --角色表: role => {roleid=xxx,appid=xxx,account=xxx,create_serverid=xxx,...} --账号表: account => {account=xxx,passwd=xxx,sdk=xxx,platform=xxx,...} --账号已有角色表: account_roles => {account=xxx,appid=xxx,roles={角色ID列表}} --账号已删除角色表: account_deleted_roles => {account=xxx,appid=xxx,roles={角色ID列表}} accountmgr = accountmgr or {} function accountmgr.saveaccount(accountobj) local db = gg.dbmgr:getdb() if gg.dbmgr.db_type == "redis" then local account = assert(accountobj.account) local key = string.format("account:%s",account) db:set(key,cjson.encode(accountobj)) else local account = assert(accountobj.account) db.account:update({account=account},accountobj,true,false) end end function accountmgr.getaccount(account) local db = gg.dbmgr:getdb() if gg.dbmgr.db_type == "redis" then local key = string.format("account:%s",account) local retval = db:get(key) if retval == nil then return nil else return cjson.decode(retval) end else local doc = db.account:findOne({account=account}) if doc == nil then return nil else doc._id = nil return doc end end end --/* -- accountobj: {account=账号,passwd=密码,sdk=sdk,platform=平台,...} --*/ function accountmgr.addaccount(accountobj) local account = assert(accountobj.account) local has_accountobj = accountmgr.getaccount(account) if has_accountobj then return httpc.answer.code.ACCT_EXIST end accountobj.createtime = os.time() logger.logf("info","account",string.format("op=addaccount,accountobj=%s",cjson.encode(accountobj))) accountmgr.saveaccount(accountobj) return httpc.answer.code.OK end function accountmgr.delaccount(account) local accountobj = accountmgr.getaccount(account) if accountobj then logger.logf("info","account",string.format("op=delaccount,account=%s",account)) local db = gg.dbmgr:getdb() if gg.dbmgr.db_type == "redis" then db:del(account) else db.player:delete({account=account}) end return httpc.answer.code.OK end return httpc.answer.code.ACCT_NOEXIST end -- 返回角色ID列表 function accountmgr.getroles(account,appid) local db = gg.dbmgr:getdb() if gg.dbmgr.db_type == "redis" then local key = string.format("%s:roles:%s",appid,account) local retval = db:get(key) if retval == nil then return {} else return cjson.decode(retval) end else local doc = db.account_roles:findOne({account=account,appid=appid}) if doc == nil then return {} else return doc.roles end end end function accountmgr.getrolelist(account,appid) local db = gg.dbmgr:getdb() if gg.dbmgr.db_type == "redis" then local roles = accountmgr.getroles(account,appid) local keys = {} for i,roleid in ipairs(roles) do table.insert(keys,string.format("%s:role:%s",appid,roleid)) end local rolelist = {} if #keys > 0 then rolelist = db:mget(table.unpack(keys)) end for i,data in ipairs(rolelist) do rolelist[i] = cjson.decode(data) end return rolelist else local cursor = db.role:find({account=account,appid=appid}) local docs = {} while cursor:hasNext() do local doc = cursor:next() doc._id = nil table.insert(docs,doc) end return docs end end -- roles: 角色ID列表 function accountmgr.saveroles(account,appid,roles) assert(roles ~= nil) local db = gg.dbmgr:getdb() if gg.dbmgr.db_type == "redis" then local key = string.format("%s:roles:%s",appid,account) db:set(key,cjson.encode(roles)) else local doc = {account=account,appid=appid,roles=roles} db.account_roles:update({account=account,appid=appid},doc,true,false) end end -- 保存删除的角色列表 -- roles: 角色ID列表 function accountmgr.save_deleted_roles(account,appid,roles) assert(roles ~= nil) local db = gg.dbmgr:getdb() if gg.dbmgr.db_type == "redis" then local key = string.format("%s:deleted_roles:%s",appid,account) db:set(key,cjson.encode(roles)) else local doc = {account=account,appid=appid,roles=roles} db.account_deleted_roles:update({account=account,appid=appid},doc,true,false) end end -- 返回已删除角色ID列表 function accountmgr.get_deleted_roles(account,appid) local db = gg.dbmgr:getdb() if gg.dbmgr.db_type == "redis" then local key = string.format("%s:deleted_roles:%s",appid,account) local retval = db:get(key) if retval == nil then return {} else return cjson.decode(retval) end else local doc = db.account_deleted_roles:findOne({account=account,appid=appid}) if doc == nil then return {} else return doc.roles end end end function accountmgr.checkrole(role) local role,err = table.check(role,{ roleid = {type="number"}, name = {type="string"}, sex = {type="number",optional=true}, job = {type="string",optional=true}, shapeid = {type="string",optional=true,}, lv = {type="number",optional=true,default=0,}, gold = {type="number",optional=true,default=0,}, }) return role,err end function accountmgr.addrole(account,appid,serverid,role) local role,err = accountmgr.checkrole(role) if err then return httpc.answer.code.ROLE_FMT_ERR,err end local roleid = assert(role.roleid) local name = assert( if not util.get_app(appid) then return httpc.answer.code.APPID_NOEXIST end if not accountmgr.getaccount(account) then return httpc.answer.code.ACCT_NOEXIST end if not servermgr.getserver(appid,serverid) then return httpc.answer.code.SERVER_NOEXIST end local found = accountmgr.getrole(appid,roleid) if found then return httpc.answer.code.ROLE_EXIST end local rolelist = accountmgr.getroles(account,appid) local found = table.find(rolelist,roleid) if found then return httpc.answer.code.ROLE_EXIST end role.appid = appid role.account = account role.create_serverid = serverid role.now_serverid = serverid role.createtime = role.createtime or os.time() logger.logf("info","account",string.format("op=addrole,account=%s,appid=%s,role=%s",account,appid,cjson.encode(role))) local db = gg.dbmgr:getdb() if gg.dbmgr.db_type == "redis" then local key = string.format("%s:role:%s",appid,roleid) db:set(key,cjson.encode(role)) else --db.role:update({appid=appid,roleid=roleid},role,true,false) db.role:insert(role) end table.insert(rolelist,roleid) accountmgr.saveroles(account,appid,rolelist) return httpc.answer.code.OK end function accountmgr.getrole(appid,roleid) local db = gg.dbmgr:getdb() if gg.dbmgr.db_type == "redis" then local key = string.format("%s:role:%s",appid,roleid) local retval = db:get(key) if retval == nil then return nil else return cjson.decode(retval) end else local doc = db.role:findOne({appid=appid,roleid=roleid}) if doc == nil then return nil else doc._id = nil return doc end end end function accountmgr.delrole(appid,roleid,forever) if not util.get_app(appid) then return httpc.answer.code.APPID_NOEXIST end local role = accountmgr.getrole(appid,roleid) if not role then return httpc.answer.code.ROLE_NOEXIST end local account = role.account local rolelist = accountmgr.getroles(account,appid) local found_pos = table.find(rolelist,roleid) if not found_pos then return httpc.answer.code.ROLE_NOEXIST end logger.logf("info","account",string.format("op=delrole,account=%s,appid=%s,role=%s,forever=%s",account,appid,cjson.encode(role),forever)) if forever then local db = gg.dbmgr:getdb() if gg.dbmgr.db_type == "redis" then local key = string.format("%s:role:%s",appid,roleid) db:del(key) else db.role:delete({appid=appid,roleid=roleid},true) end else local deleted_rolelist = accountmgr.get_deleted_roles(account,appid) table.insert(deleted_rolelist,roleid) accountmgr.save_deleted_roles(account,appid,deleted_rolelist) end table.remove(rolelist,found_pos) accountmgr.saveroles(account,appid,rolelist) return httpc.answer.code.OK end -- 增量更新 function accountmgr.updaterole(appid,syncrole) local roleid = assert(syncrole.roleid) if not util.get_app(appid) then return httpc.answer.code.APPID_NOEXIST end local role = accountmgr.getrole(appid,roleid) if not role then return httpc.answer.code.ROLE_NOEXIST end table.update(role,syncrole) local db = gg.dbmgr:getdb() if gg.dbmgr.db_type == "redis" then local key = string.format("%s:role:%s",appid,roleid) db:set(key,cjson.encode(role)) return httpc.answer.code.OK,role else db.role:update({appid=appid,roleid=roleid},role,true,false) return httpc.answer.code.OK,role end end -- 有效范围: [minroleid,maxroleid) function accountmgr.genroleid(appid,idkey,minroleid,maxroleid) minroleid = tonumber(minroleid) maxroleid = tonumber(maxroleid) assert(appid) assert(idkey) assert(minroleid) assert(maxroleid) local db = gg.dbmgr:getdb() if gg.dbmgr.db_type == "redis" then local key = string.format("roleid:%s:%s",appid,idkey) -- roleid in range [minroleid,maxroleid) local valid_range = maxroleid - minroleid local range = db:get(key) range = tonumber(range) if range and range >= valid_range then return nil else range = db:incr(key) end if range > valid_range then return nil end return minroleid+range-1 else local valid_range = maxroleid - minroleid local doc = db.roleid:findAndModify({ query = {appid=appid,idkey=idkey}, update = {["$inc"] = {sequence = 1}}, new = true, upsert = true, }) local range = doc.value.sequence if range > valid_range then return nil end return minroleid+range-1 end end function accountmgr.gentoken(input) local prefix = string.format("loginserver.%s.",skynet.hpc()) local token = prefix .. string.randomkey(8) return token end function accountmgr.gettoken(token) return".game","exec","gg.thistemp:get",token) end function accountmgr.addtoken(token,data,expire) expire = expire or 300 return".game","exec","gg.thistemp:set",token,data,expire) end function accountmgr.deltoken(token) return".game","exec","gg.thistemp:del",token) end -- 角色换绑服务器 function accountmgr.rebindserver(account,appid,new_serverid,old_roleid,new_roleid) if not util.get_app(appid) then return httpc.answer.code.APPID_NOEXIST end if not accountmgr.getaccount(account) then return httpc.answer.code.ACCT_NOEXIST end if not servermgr.getserver(appid,new_serverid) then return httpc.answer.code.SERVER_NOEXIST end local old_role = accountmgr.getrole(appid,old_roleid) if not old_role then return httpc.answer.code.ROLE_NOEXIST end if old_roleid == new_roleid then if old_role.create_serverid == new_serverid then -- unchange return httpc.answer.code.OK end else local new_role = accountmgr.getrole(appid,new_roleid) if new_role then return httpc.answer.code.ROLE_EXIST end end logger.logf("info","account",string.format("op=rebindserver,account=%s,appid=%s,old_serverid=%s,new_serverid=%s,old_roleid=%s,new_roleid=%s", account,appid,old_role.create_serverid,new_serverid,old_roleid,new_roleid)) if old_roleid == new_roleid then accountmgr.updaterole(appid,{roleid=new_roleid,create_serverid=new_serverid}) else accountmgr.delrole(appid,old_roleid,true) old_role.roleid = new_roleid accountmgr.addrole(account,appid,new_serverid,old_role) end return httpc.answer.code.OK end -- 角色换绑帐号 function accountmgr.rebindaccount(new_account,appid,roleid) if not util.get_app(appid) then return httpc.answer.code.APPID_NOEXIST end local new_accountobj = accountmgr.getaccount(new_account) if not new_accountobj then return httpc.answer.code.ACCT_NOEXIST end local role = accountmgr.getrole(appid,roleid) if not role then return httpc.answer.code.ROLE_NOEXIST elseif role.account == new_account then -- nochange return httpc.answer.code.OK end local old_account = role.account logger.logf("info","account",string.format("op=rebindaccount,appid=%s,roleid=%s,old_account=%s,new_account=%s",appid,roleid,old_account,new_account)) accountmgr.delrole(appid,roleid,true) role.account = new_account accountmgr.addrole(new_account,appid,role.create_serverid,role) return httpc.answer.code.OK end -- 恢复角色 function accountmgr.recover_role(appid,roleid) if not util.get_app(appid) then return httpc.answer.code.APPID_NOEXIST end local role = accountmgr.getrole(appid,roleid) if not role then return httpc.answer.code.ROLE_NOEXIST end local account = role.account local deleted_rolelist = accountmgr.get_deleted_roles(account,appid) local found_pos = table.find(deleted_rolelist,roleid) if not found_pos then return httpc.answer.code.ROLE_NOEXIST end logger.logf("info","account",string.format("op=recover_role,account=%s,appid=%s,roleid=%s",account,appid,roleid)) local rolelist = accountmgr.getroles(account,roleid) table.remove(deleted_rolelist,found_pos) table.insert(rolelist,roleid) accountmgr.saveroles(account,appid,rolelist) accountmgr.save_deleted_roles(account,appid,deleted_rolelist) return httpc.answer.code.OK end return accountmgr
----------------------------------- -- PROTOTYPE OBJECT ----------------------------------- PrototypeDevice = { bridgeType = "'bridgeType' needs to be set", bridgeSubtype = "'bridgeSubtype' needs to be set", bridgeBinary = "'bridgeBinary' needs to be set", bridgeBinaryProperty = "value", bridgeMultilevel = "'bridgeMultilevel' needs to be set", bridgeRead = "'bridgeRead' needs to be set", bridgeWrite = "'bridgeWrite' needs to be set", bridgeModes = "'bridgeWrite' needs to be set to an array of modes, e.g. 'heat', 'cool'", customPropertySetters = nil -- could be optionally set by child class } function PrototypeDevice:new(fibaroDevice) -- clone self, and copy fibaroDevice local status, device = pcall(clone, self) shallowCopyTo(fibaroDevice, device) device.fibaroDevice = fibaroDevice device.roomName = tostring(fibaro.getRoomNameByDeviceID( self:init(device) return device end function PrototypeDevice:init(device) -- needs to be overriden by subclasses if need to initialize custom parameters end function PrototypeDevice:setProperty(propertyName, value) if isEmptyString(value) then return end local customPropertySetter if (self.customPropertySetters ~= nil) then customPropertySetter = self.customPropertySetters[propertyName] end if (customPropertySetter == nil) then -- DEFAULT PROPERTY SETTER if (propertyName == "state") then if (value == "true") then print("Turn ON for device #" .., "turnOn") elseif (value == "false") then print("Turn OFF for device #" .., "turnOff") else print("Unexpected value: " .. json.encode(event)) end else local firstPart = string.upper(string.sub(propertyName, 1, 1)) local secondPart = string.sub(propertyName, 2, string.len(propertyName)) local functionName = "set" .. firstPart .. secondPart print("CALL \"" .. functionName .. "\", with VALUE \"" .. value .. "\" for device #" .., functionName, value) end else -- CUSTOM PROPERTY SETTER print("SET \"" .. propertyName .. "\" to \"" .. value .. "\" for device #" .. customPropertySetter(propertyName, value) end end function PrototypeDevice.isSupported(fibaroDevice) print("'isSupported' function is mandatory for implementation") end ----------------------------------- -- BINARY SWITCH ----------------------------------- Switch = inheritFrom(PrototypeDevice) Switch.bridgeType = "switch" Switch.bridgeBinary = true Switch.bridgeMultilevel = false Switch.bridgeRead = true Switch.bridgeWrite = true function Switch.isSupported(fibaroDevice) if ((fibaroDevice.baseType == "com.fibaro.binarySwitch") or (fibaroDevice.type == "com.fibaro.binarySwitch")) and not table_contains_value(fibaroDevice.interfaces, "light") then return true else return false end end ----------------------------------- -- CentralSceneEvent ----------------------------------- Scene = inheritFrom(PrototypeDevice) Scene.bridgeType = "scene" Scene.bridgeBinary = true Scene.bridgeMultilevel = false Scene.bridgeRead = true Scene.bridgeWrite = true function Scene.isSupported(fibaroDevice) if (fibaroDevice.baseType == "com.fibaro.remoteSceneController" or fibaroDevice.type == "com.fibaro.remoteController") then return true else return false end end ----------------------------------- -- BINARY LIGHT ----------------------------------- Light = inheritFrom(PrototypeDevice) Light.bridgeType = "light" Light.bridgeBinary = true Light.bridgeMultilevel = false Light.bridgeRead = true Light.bridgeWrite = true function Light.isSupported(fibaroDevice) if ((fibaroDevice.baseType == "com.fibaro.binarySwitch") or (fibaroDevice.type == "com.fibaro.binarySwitch")) and table_contains_value(fibaroDevice.interfaces, "light") then return true else return false end end ----------------------------------- -- MULTILEVEL LIGHT (DIMMERS) ----------------------------------- Dimmer = inheritFrom(PrototypeDevice) Dimmer.bridgeType = "light" Dimmer.bridgeBinary = true Dimmer.bridgeMultilevel = true Dimmer.bridgeRead = true Dimmer.bridgeWrite = true function Dimmer.isSupported(fibaroDevice) if (fibaroDevice.baseType == "com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch") and table_contains_value(fibaroDevice.interfaces, "light") then return true else return false end end ----------------------------------- -- BINARY SENSOR (DOOR, MOTION, WATER LEAK, FIRE, SMORE SENSORSMULTILEVEL FOR TEMPERATURE, ETC) ----------------------------------- BinarySensor = inheritFrom(PrototypeDevice) BinarySensor.bridgeType = "binary_sensor" BinarySensor.bridgeBinary = true BinarySensor.bridgeMultilevel = false BinarySensor.bridgeRead = true BinarySensor.bridgeWrite = false function BinarySensor.isSupported(fibaroDevice) if (string.find(fibaroDevice.baseType, "Sensor")) or (string.find(fibaroDevice.baseType, "sensor")) then if (fibaroDevice.baseType ~= "com.fibaro.multilevelSensor") and (fibaroDevice.type ~= "com.fibaro.multilevelSensor") then return true end end return false end function BinarySensor:init(device) -- set unit of measurement device.bridgeUnitOfMeasurement = -- ToDo: refactor with mappings if (device.type == "com.fibaro.motionSensor") or (device.baseType == "com.fibaro.motionSensor") then device.bridgeSubtype = "motion" elseif (device.baseType == "com.fibaro.floodSensor") then device.bridgeSubtype = "moisture" elseif (device.baseType == "com.fibaro.doorWindowSensor") then if (device.type == "com.fibaro.doorSensor") then device.bridgeSubtype = "door" else print("[BinarySensor.init] Uknown doow/window sensor " .. .. " " .. end elseif (device.baseType == "com.fibaro.lifeDangerSensor") then device.bridgeSubtype = "safety" elseif (device.baseType == "com.fibaro.smokeSensor") or (device.type == "com.fibaro.smokeSensor") then device.bridgeSubtype = "smoke" else print("[BinarySensor.init] Unknown binary sensor") end end ----------------------------------- -- MULTILEVEL SENSOR (TEMPERATURE, HUMIDITY, VOLTAGE, ETC) ----------------------------------- MultilevelSensor = inheritFrom(PrototypeDevice) MultilevelSensor.bridgeType = "sensor" MultilevelSensor.bridgeBinary = false MultilevelSensor.bridgeMultilevel = true MultilevelSensor.bridgeUnitOfMeasurement = "'unit of measurement' needs to be initialized" MultilevelSensor.bridgeRead = true MultilevelSensor.bridgeWrite = false function MultilevelSensor.isSupported(fibaroDevice) if (string.find(fibaroDevice.baseType, "Sensor")) or (string.find(fibaroDevice.baseType, "sensor")) then if (fibaroDevice.baseType == "com.fibaro.multilevelSensor") or (fibaroDevice.type == "com.fibaro.multilevelSensor") then return true end end return false end function MultilevelSensor:init(device) -- initialize unit of measurement device.bridgeUnitOfMeasurement = -- initialize subtype -- ToDo: refactor with mappings if (device.type == "com.fibaro.temperatureSensor") then device.bridgeSubtype = "temperature" device.bridgeUnitOfMeasurement = "°" .. elseif (device.type == "com.fibaro.lightSensor") then device.bridgeSubtype = "illuminance" elseif (device.type == "com.fibaro.humiditySensor") then device.bridgeSubtype = "humidity" elseif ( == "V") then device.bridgeSubtype = "voltage" elseif ( == "A") then device.bridgeSubtype = "current" elseif ( == "W" or == "kW" or == "kVA") then device.bridgeSubtype = "power" elseif ( == "min(s)") then device.bridgeSubtype = "battery" else print("[MultilevelSensor.init] Unknown multilevel sensor " .. tostring( .. " " .. tostring( .. " " .. end end ----------------------------------- -- MULTILEVEL SWITCH (COVER) ----------------------------------- Cover = inheritFrom(PrototypeDevice) Cover.bridgeType = "cover" Cover.bridgeBinary = true Cover.bridgeMultilevel = true Cover.bridgeRead = true Cover.bridgeWrite = true function Cover.isSupported(fibaroDevice) if (fibaroDevice.baseType == "com.fibaro.baseShutter") then return true else return false end end function Cover:init(device) device.customPropertySetters = { } device.customPropertySetters["state"] = function (propertyName, value) if (value == "open") then, "setValue", 99) elseif (value == "close") then, "setValue", 0) elseif (value == "stop") then, "stop") else print("Unsupported state") end end end ----------------------------------- -- THERMOSTAT (MULTILEVEL SWITCH) ----------------------------------- Thermostat = inheritFrom(PrototypeDevice) Thermostat.bridgeType = "climate" Thermostat.bridgeBinary = false Thermostat.bridgeMultilevel = true Thermostat.bridgeRead = true Thermostat.bridgeWrite = true function Thermostat.isSupported(fibaroDevice) if (fibaroDevice.type == "com.fibaro.hvacSystem") then return true else return false end end function Thermostat:init(device) for i, mode in ipairs( do[i] = string.lower(mode) end end function Thermostat:setMode(mode), "setThermostatMode", mode) end function Thermostat:setHeatingThermostatSetpoint(targetTemperature), "setHeatingThermostatSetpoint", targetTemperature) end function Thermostat:getTemperatureSensor(allDevices) local device = allDevices[ + 1] if (not Thermostat.isTemperatureSensor(device)) then -- *** no laughs, to be refactored :) device = allDevices[ + 2] end if (Thermostat.isTemperatureSensor(device)) then return device else return nil end end function Thermostat.isTemperatureSensor(device) if ((device ~= nil) and (MultilevelSensor.isSupported(device)) and (device.bridgeSubtype == "temperature")) then return true else return false end end ----------------------------------- -- HELPER FUNCTIONS - OVERRIDE "WRONG" DEVICE TYPES FROM FIBARO DEVICE API ----------------------------------- local fibaroBaseTypeOverride = { ["com.fibaro.FGR"] = "com.fibaro.baseShutter", ["com.fibaro.FGMS001"] = "com.fibaro.motionSensor", ["com.fibaro.FGWP"] = "com.fibaro.binarySwitch" } local fibaroTypeOverride = { ["com.fibaro.FGKF601"] = "com.fibaro.keyFob", ["com.fibaro.FGD212"] = "com.fibaro.dimmer", ["com.fibaro.FGMS001v2"] = "com.fibaro.motionSensor", ["com.fibaro.FGFS101"] = "com.fibaro.floodSensor", ["com.fibaro.FGWP102"] = "com.fibaro.binarySwitch" } function getFibaroDevicesByFilter(filter) local filterStr = "" local firstParameter = true for i, j in pairs(filter) do if (not firstParameter) then filterStr = filterStr .. "&" end filterStr = filterStr .. i .. "=" .. tostring(j) firstParameter = false end print("Device filter URI '" .. "/devices?" .. filterStr .. "'") local allDevices = api.get("/devices?" .. filterStr) for i, j in ipairs(allDevices) do overrideFibaroDeviceType(j) end return allDevices end function getFibaroDeviceById(id) local fibaroDevice = api.get("/devices/" .. id) return getFibaroDeviceByInfo(fibaroDevice) end function getFibaroDeviceByInfo(info) local fibaroDevice = info overrideFibaroDeviceType(fibaroDevice) return fibaroDevice end function overrideFibaroDeviceType(fibaroDevice) if (not fibaroDevice) or (not fibaroDevice.type) then return end local overrideType = fibaroTypeOverride[fibaroDevice.type] if overrideType then fibaroDevice.type = overrideType end local overrideBaseType = fibaroBaseTypeOverride[fibaroDevice.baseType] if overrideBaseType then fibaroDevice.baseType = overrideBaseType end end ----------------------------------- -- HELPER FUNCTIONS - IDENTIFY DEVICE BRIDGE TYPE BY LOOKING AT FIBARO DEVICE TYPE ----------------------------------- deviceTypeMappings = { Switch, -- binary switch Cover, -- multilevel switch Light, -- binary light Dimmer, -- multilevel light BinarySensor, MultilevelSensor, Thermostat, Scene -- scene device } function identifyDevice(fibaroDevice) for i, j in ipairs(deviceTypeMappings) do if (j.isSupported(fibaroDevice)) then local device = j:new(fibaroDevice) if (device.parentId and device.parentId ~= 0) then device.bridgeParent = getFibaroDeviceById(device.parentId) end return device end end return nil end
-- CommandLineF4.lua -- v1.1.2 -- Editing command line content in the editor -- Keys: F4 in Panel with not empty command line, F2 in editor for save text to command line -- originally found at local function fwrite(s,f) local x,h = nil,,"wb") if h then x=h:write(s or "") io.close(h) end return x end local F = far.Flags local name = "far.xxxxxx.cmd" local ffi = require'ffi' local C = ffi.C Macro { area="Shell"; key="F4"; flags="NotEmptyCommandLine"; description="Command Line -> Editor"; condition = function() return not(APanel.Visible and PPanel.Visible) end; action = function() local pc=ffi.cast("struct PluginStartupInfo*",far.CPluginStartupInfo()).PanelControl local l,x = "",panel.GetCmdLinePos(-1) local ln=pc(PANEL_ACTIVE,"FCTL_GETCMDLINE",0,nil) local"wchar_t[?]",ln) pc(PANEL_ACTIVE,"FCTL_GETCMDLINE",ln,cl) local cw=ffi.string(cl,(ln-1)*2) local f = win.GetEnv("TEMP").."\\" fwrite(cw,f) cw=ffi.string(cl,x*2) local _,y = regex.gsubW(cw,"\n","\n") cw=regex.matchW(cw,"(?:^|\n)(.+?)$") if cw then x=#cw/2 else x=1 end editor.Editor(f,nil,0,0,-1,-1,bit64.bor(F.EF_NONMODAL,F.EF_IMMEDIATERETURN,F.EF_OPENMODE_USEEXISTING),y+1,x,1200) end; } Macro { area="Editor"; key="F2"; description="Command Line <- Editor"; condition = function() return editor.GetFileName():match("[^\\]+$")==name end; action = function() local text,len,nw,x,l = "",0,"\10\0" -- win.Utf8ToUtf16("\n") local pc=ffi.cast("struct PluginStartupInfo*",far.CPluginStartupInfo()).PanelControl local ec=ffi.cast("struct PluginStartupInfo*",far.CPluginStartupInfo()).EditorControl local"struct EditorInfo") ei.StructSize=ffi.sizeof(ei) if ec(-1,"ECTL_GETINFO",0,ei) then local y=tonumber(ei.CurLine) x=tonumber(ei.CurPos) l=tonumber(ei.TotalLines)-1 local ss,ln local"struct EditorGetString") egs.StructSize=ffi.sizeof(egs) for i=0,l do if i==y then x=x+len/2+y end egs.StringNumber=i if ec(-1,"ECTL_GETSTRING",0,egs) then ln=egs.StringLength*2 ss=ffi.string(egs.StringText,ln) len=len+ln if i<l then else end end end end editor.Quit(-1) local"wchar_t[?]",len/2+l+1) ffi.copy(cl,text) pc(PANEL_ACTIVE,"FCTL_SETCMDLINE",0,cl) pc(PANEL_ACTIVE,"FCTL_SETCMDLINEPOS",x,nil) end; }
function love.conf(t) t.title = "Green Jellybean Love Stars" t.version = "0.9.0" t.modules.joystick = false t.modules.physics = false -- fullscreen the thing -- t.window.fullscreen = true end
require('utils') local item = require("../item"); local image = require("../image") return { name = "Apple Showdown", amount = 100, weight = 1.5, condition = function (state) return state.appleFestival > 5 end, description = "The mysterious old woman has terrorized your apple festival for long enough. You're going to take her down.", heads = { effectDescription = "Win (# of 'Red Apple' * 10%), otherwise -25 hp", effect = function (state) if love.math.random() <= table.count(state.items, * 0.1 then state.appleFestival = state.appleFestival + 1 return { description = "After a long, grueling fight, you throw one last apple at the witch and knock her out. The town celebrates and crowns you as the Apple King.", image =, win = true } else state.hp = state.hp - 25 return { description = "You lose the fight and take 25 hp.", image = image.stranger } end end }, tails = { effectDescription = "Obtain 3 'Red Apple' (50%), obtain 'Red Apple' (50%)", effect = function (state) if love.math.random() <= 0.5 then table.insert(state.items, table.insert(state.items, table.insert(state.items, return { description = "You scrounge together 3 more apples.", image = } else table.insert(state.items, return { description = "A festival goer generously hands you an apple.", image = } end end }, beg = { effectDescription = 'Lose 1 "Red Apple" and -1 coin', effect = function (state) if table.contains(state.items, then table.delete(state.items, end state.coins = math.max(0, state.coins - 1) return { description = "You lose chicken out and lose an apple and 1 coin while you're dallying around.", image = image.bad } end } }
-- Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license; see COPYING. module(..., package.seeall) local ffi = require("ffi") local shm = require("core.shm") -- SHM object type for gauges (double precision float values). type = shm.register('gauge', getfenv()) local gauge_t = ffi.typeof("struct { double g; }") function create (name, initval) local gauge = shm.create(name, gauge_t) set(gauge, initval or 0) return gauge end function open (name) return, gauge_t, 'readonly') end function set (gauge, value) gauge.g = value end function read (gauge) return gauge.g end ffi.metatype(gauge_t, {__tostring = function (gauge) return ("%f"):format(read(gauge)) end}) function selftest () print('selftest: lib.gauge') local a = create("lib.gauge/gauge/a", 1.42) local a2 = open("lib.gauge/gauge/a") local b = create("lib.gauge/gauge/b") assert(read(a) == 1.42) assert(read(a2) == read(a)) assert(read(b) == 0) assert(read(a) ~= read(b)) set(a, 0.1234) assert(read(a) == 0.1234) assert(read(a2) == read(a)) shm.unmap(a) shm.unmap(a2) shm.unmap(b) shm.unlink("link.gauge") print('selftest: ok') end
LinkLuaModifier("modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena", "items/item_guardian_greaves_arena.lua", LUA_MODIFIER_MOTION_NONE) LinkLuaModifier("modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena_effect", "items/item_guardian_greaves_arena.lua", LUA_MODIFIER_MOTION_NONE) item_guardian_greaves_arena = class({ GetIntrinsicModifierName = function() return "modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena" end, }) if IsServer() then function item_guardian_greaves_arena:OnSpellStart() local caster = self:GetCaster() caster:EmitSound("Item.GuardianGreaves.Activate") ParticleManager:CreateParticle("particles/items3_fx/warmage.vpcf", PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW, caster) for _,v in ipairs(FindUnitsInRadius(caster:GetTeamNumber(), caster:GetAbsOrigin(), nil, self:GetSpecialValueFor("radius"), self:GetAbilityTargetTeam(), self:GetAbilityTargetType(), self:GetAbilityTargetFlags(), FIND_ANY_ORDER, false)) do SafeHeal(v, self:GetSpecialValueFor("replenish_health"), self) v:GiveMana(self:GetSpecialValueFor("replenish_mana")) ParticleManager:CreateParticle("particles/items3_fx/warmage_recipient.vpcf", PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW, v, caster) v:EmitSound("Item.GuardianGreaves.Target") v:Purge(false, true, false, true, false) end end end modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena = class({ IsHidden = function() return true end, GetAttributes = function() return MODIFIER_ATTRIBUTE_MULTIPLE end, IsPurgable = function() return false end, }) function modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena:DeclareFunctions() return { MODIFIER_PROPERTY_STATS_STRENGTH_BONUS, MODIFIER_PROPERTY_STATS_AGILITY_BONUS, MODIFIER_PROPERTY_STATS_INTELLECT_BONUS, MODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS, MODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_BONUS, MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MANA_BONUS, MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_UNIQUE } end function modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena:GetModifierHealthBonus() return self:GetAbility():GetSpecialValueFor("bonus_health") end function modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena:GetModifierManaBonus() return self:GetAbility():GetSpecialValueFor("bonus_mana") end function modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena:GetModifierMoveSpeedBonus_Special_Boots() return self:GetAbility():GetSpecialValueFor("bonus_movement") end function modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena:GetModifierBonusStats_Strength() return self:GetAbility():GetSpecialValueFor("bonus_all_stats") end function modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena:GetModifierBonusStats_Agility() return self:GetAbility():GetSpecialValueFor("bonus_all_stats") end function modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena:GetModifierBonusStats_Intellect() return self:GetAbility():GetSpecialValueFor("bonus_all_stats") end function modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena:GetModifierPhysicalArmorBonus() return self:GetAbility():GetSpecialValueFor("bonus_armor") end function modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena:GetModifierAura() return "modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena_effect" end function modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena:IsAura() return true end function modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena:GetAuraRadius() return self:GetAbility():GetSpecialValueFor("radius") end function modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena:GetAuraSearchTeam() return self:GetAbility():GetAbilityTargetTeam() end function modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena:GetAuraSearchType() return self:GetAbility():GetAbilityTargetType() end function modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena:GetAuraSearchFlags() return self:GetAbility():GetAbilityTargetFlags() end modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena_effect = class({}) function modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena_effect:DeclareFunctions() return { MODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_CONSTANT, MODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS } end function modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena_effect:GetModifierConstantHealthRegen() local parent = self:GetParent() local ability = self:GetAbility() if ability then return ability:GetSpecialValueFor(parent:GetHealth() / parent:GetMaxHealth() > ability:GetSpecialValueFor("aura_bonus_threshold_pct") * 0.01 and "aura_health_regen" or "aura_health_regen_bonus") end end function modifier_item_guardian_greaves_arena_effect:GetModifierPhysicalArmorBonus() local parent = self:GetParent() local ability = self:GetAbility() if ability then local s = parent:GetHealthPercent() >= ability:GetSpecialValueFor("aura_bonus_threshold_pct") and "aura_armor" or "aura_armor_bonus" return ability:GetSpecialValueFor(s) end end
-- [0x70..0x7e] local tags = { -- standard TUPLE = 0x70, -- 'p' BIT = 0x71, -- 'q' TYPEREF = 0x72, -- 'r' SPAN = 0x73, -- 's' TYPE = 0x74, -- 't' UNION = 0x75, -- 'u' VOID = 0x76, -- 'v' OBJECT = 0x77, -- 'w' ALIGN = 0x78, -- 'x' LIST = 0x79, -- 'y' ARRAY = 0x7a, -- 'z' BUNDLE = 0x7b, -- '{' CHOICE = 0x7c, -- '|' DYNAMIC = 0x7d, -- '}' EMBEDDED = 0x7e, -- '~' -- custom aliases UINT = 0x0a, SINT = 0x1a, UINTVAR = 0x2a, SINTVAR = 0x3a, BOOLEAN = 0x0b, BITPAD = 0x1b, -- = 0x2b, -- = 0x3b, NULL = 0x0c, CHAR = 0x1c, WCHAR = 0x2c, PADDING = 0x3c, } do -- [0x00..0x3f] local aliases = { UINT = 0x00, SINT = 0x01, STREAM = 0x02, STRING = 0x03, WSTRING = 0x04, UNION = 0x05, MAP = 0x06, SET = 0x07, ALIGN = 0x08, LIST = 0x09, --custom = 0x0a, --custom = 0x0b, --custom = 0x0c, -- = 0x0d, EMBEDDED = 0x0e, FLOAT = 0x0f, } local suffixfactor = { ALIGN = 1, FLOAT = 16, } for name, value in pairs(aliases) do local factor = suffixfactor[name] or 8 for i = 0, 3 do local suffix = (1<<i)*factor assert(tags[name..suffix] == nil) tags[name..suffix] = (i<<4)+value end end tags.FLOAT256 = 0x4f end --[[ do local report = {} local names = {} for name, value in pairs(tags) do if names[value] ~= nil then error(string.format("%02x %s %s", value, names[value], name)) end names[value] = name table.insert(report, string.format("%-12s = %02x", name, value)) end table.sort(report) for _, line in ipairs(report) do print(line) end end --]] --[[ -- Primitives VOID = 0x00, BIT = 0x01, ALIGN = 0x03, --v:UINTVAR := { PAD n | n=(v-index%v) } -- Homogeneus compositions SPAN = 0x0e, --t:TYPE := n:(UINT s) { e[i]:t | 0<i<=n } LIST = 0x0e, --s:UINTVAR t:TYPE := n:(UINT s) { e[i]:t | 0<i<=n } ARRAY = 0x0b, --n:UINTVAR t:TYPE := { e[i]:t | 0<i<=n } -- Heterogeneous compositions TUPLE = 0x0c, --n:UINTVAR { t[i]:TYPE | 0<i<=n } := { e[1]:t[1]...e[n]:t[n] } BUNDLE = 0x0d, --n:UINTVAR { t[i]:TYPE | 0<i<=n & t[i]<=t[i+1] } := { e[1]:t[1]...e[n]:t[n] } UNION = 0x0d, --s:UINTVAR n:UINTVAR { t[i]:TYPE | 0<i<=n & t[i]<=t[i+1] } := i:(UINT s) v:t[i] -- Embedded compositions SWITCH = 0x0d, --typeref:UINTVAR n:UINTVAR { k[i]:UINTVAR | 0<i<=n } { t[i]:TYPE | 0<i<=n } d:TYPE := { v:t[i] | k[i]=x:TYPE@typeref } -- Modifiers OBJECT = 0x12, --t:TYPE := offset:UINTVAR SWITCH 0x00 0x01 0x00 t VOID EMBEDDED = 0x13, --s:UINTVAR t:TYPE := n:(UINT s) { t | length(t)=n } -- Predefined: implict ALIGN 0x08 UINTVAR = 0x02, -- AS_UNSIGNED TUPLE 0x03 BIT (ARRAY 0x07 BIT) SWITCH 0x03 0x01 0x00 VOID TYPEREF 0x0a SINTVAR = 0x03, -- AS_SIGNED TUPLE 0x03 BIT (ARRAY 0x07 BIT) SWITCH 0x03 0x01 0x00 VOID TYPEREF 0x0a TYPE = 0x06, -- := TYPEREF = 0x07, -- DYNAMIC = 0x08, -- --Alignments ALIGN1 = 0x17, -- ALIGN 0x08 ALIGN2 = 0x18, -- ALIGN 0x10 ALIGN4 = 0x19, -- ALIGN 0x20 ALIGN8 = 0x1a, -- ALIGN 0x40 --Sub-Byte SINT = 0x0a, -- AS_SIGNED ARRAY size BIT size UINT = 0x0a, -- AS_UNSIGNED ARRAY size BIT size --Common NULL = 0x01, -- AS_NULL VOID PAD = 0x02, -- AS_VOID BIT size --Boleans BOOLEAN = 0x1b, -- AS_BOOLEAN ALIGN1 ARRAY 0x08 BIT -- Signed Integers (Two's Complement) SINT8 = 0x20, -- ALIGN1 SINT 0x08 SINT16 = 0x21, -- ALIGN1 SINT 0x10 SINT32 = 0x22, -- ALIGN1 SINT 0x20 SINT64 = 0x23, -- ALIGN1 SINT 0x40 -- Unsigned Integers UINT8 = 0x1c, -- ALIGN1 UINT 0x08 UINT16 = 0x1d, -- ALIGN1 UINT 0x10 UINT32 = 0x1e, -- ALIGN1 UINT 0x20 UINT64 = 0x1f, -- ALIGN1 UINT 0x40 -- Floating Point (IEEE 754) FLOAT16 = 0x24, -- AS_IEEE754 ALIGN1 TUPLE 0x03 BIT ARRAY 0x05 BIT ARRAY 0x0a BIT FLOAT32 = 0x25, -- AS_IEEE754 ALIGN1 TUPLE 0x03 BIT ARRAY 0x08 BIT ARRAY 0x17 BIT FLOAT64 = 0x26, -- AS_IEEE754 ALIGN1 TUPLE 0x03 BIT ARRAY 0x0b BIT ARRAY 0x34 BIT FLOAT128 = 0x27, -- AS_IEEE754 ALIGN1 TUPLE 0x03 BIT ARRAY 0x0f BIT ARRAY 0x70 BIT FLOAT256 = 0x27, -- AS_IEEE754 ALIGN1 TUPLE 0x03 BIT ARRAY 0x13 BIT ARRAY 0xec BIT -- Characters CHAR = 0x04, -- AS_ISO8859_1 ALIGN1 ARRAY 0x08 BIT 0x05 BIT WCHAR = 0x05, -- AS_UTF16 ALIGN1 ARRAY 0x10 BIT STRING = 0x29, -- SEMANTIC "nullterm" TUPLE 0x02 LIST size CHAR CHAR WSTRING = 0x2a, -- SEMANTIC "nullterm" TUPLE 0x02 LIST size WCHAR WCHAR -- Compositions STREAM = 0x28, -- LIST size UINT8 SET = 0x0f, -- AS_SET LIST size type MAP = 0x10, -- AS_MAP LIST size TUPLE 0x02 key value -- Semantic (>0x7f) AS_VOID = 0x80, AS_NULL = 0x81, AS_BOOLEAN = 0x82, AS_SIGNED = 0x83, AS_UNSIGNED = 0x84, AS_IEEE754 = 0x85, AS_ISO8859_1 = 0x86, } local temp = {} for name, code in pairs(tags) do temp[code] = name end for code, name in pairs(temp) do tags[code] = name end --]] return tags
position = {x = 29.7733421325684, y = 1.43002331256866, z = -18.0400009155273} rotation = {x = -0.000122623663628474, y = 269.991760253906, z = 0.00591064570471644}
#! /usr/bin/lua local bcrypt = require( "bcrypt" ) function bcrypt.tune( t ) local SAMPLES = 10 local rounds = 5 while true do local total = 0 for i = 1, SAMPLES do local start = os.clock() bcrypt.digest( "asdf", rounds ) local delta = os.clock() - start total = total + delta end if ( total / SAMPLES ) * 1000 >= t then return rounds - 1 end rounds = rounds + 1 end end print( bcrypt.tune( 250 ) )
local configModule = {} configModule.MQTT = {} configModule.MQTT.clientID = "moduleAlpha" configModule.MQTT.username = "debugDevice" --Cloud MQTT te bu kullanici adli uyeye okuma izni vermeyi unutma. configModule.MQTT.password = "12345" configModule.MQTT.server = "" configModule.MQTT.tlsPort = 38429 configModule.MQTT.unsecurePort = 18429 configModule.MQTT.secureConnection = false configModule.Wifi = {} configModule.Wifi.ssid = "Hey-Yo" configModule.Wifi.password = "710710710" return configModule
data:extend( { { type = "recipe", energy_required = 0.5, name = "substation-mk2", enabled = "false", ingredients = { {"substation", 1}, {"advanced-circuit", 10}, {"effectivity-module", 1} }, result = "substation-mk2" }, { type = "recipe", energy_required = 0.5, name = "substation-mk3", enabled = "false", ingredients = { {"substation-mk2", 1}, {"processing-unit", 10}, {"effectivity-module-2", 1} }, result = "substation-mk3" } })
-- items -- unfinished, but will interact with Turtles to store a users items and allow them to send it to others os.loadAPI("SublarmsOS/conf/Config") os.loadAPI(Config.rootDir().."/os/utils/ScreenUtils") while true do ScreenUtils.drawHF("Home >> Items") ScreenUtils.drawHomeOptions(4,true) term.setCursorPos(19,4) term.write("Not finished. Use Bksp to exit") e, k = os.pullEvent("key") if k == 14 then break end end
-- translated example1.c -- convert the first two argument words to decNumber, -- add them together, and display the result -- run with: lua example1.lua <num1> <num2> require "ldecNumber" local DECNUMDIGITS = 34 local ctx = decNumber.getcontext() ctx:setdefault(decNumber.INIT_BASE) ctx:settraps(0) -- no traps (this is the default, and only option!) ctx:setdigits(DECNUMDIGITS) local r = decNumber.tonumber(arg[1]) + arg[2] print (string.format ("%s + %s => %s", arg[1], arg[2], r:tostring()))
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Module Declaration -- local mod, CL = BigWigs:NewBoss("Dread Captain Lockwood", 1822, 2173) if not mod then return end mod:RegisterEnableMob(129208) -- Dread Captain Lockwood mod.engageId = 2109 mod.respawnTime = 36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Locals -- local withdrawn = 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Locales -- local L = mod:GetLocale() if L then L.ordanance_dropped = "Unstable Ordnance Dropped" end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Initialization -- function mod:GetOptions() return { 272471, -- Evasive 269029, -- Clear the Deck 273470, -- Gut Shot 268752, -- Withdraw {268230, "TANK"}, -- Crimson Swipe 268260, -- Broadside 268963, -- Unstable Ordnance }, { [272471] = "general", [268230] = -18230, -- Ashvane Deckhand [268260] = -18232, -- Ashvane Cannoneer } end function mod:OnBossEnable() self:RegisterUnitEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_START", nil, "boss2", "boss3", "boss4") self:RegisterUnitEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED", nil, "boss1", "boss2", "boss3", "boss4") self:Log("SPELL_AURA_APPLIED", "Evasive", 272471) self:Log("SPELL_CAST_START", "CleartheDeck", 269029) self:Log("SPELL_CAST_START", "CrimsonSwipe", 268230) self:Log("SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS", "GutShot", 273470) end function mod:OnEngage() withdrawn = 0 self:Bar(269029, 3.5) -- Clear the Deck self:Bar(268752, 12.1) -- Withdraw end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Event Handlers -- function mod:UNIT_SPELLCAST_START(_, _, _, spellId) if spellId == 268260 then -- Broadside self:Message2(spellId, "orange") self:PlaySound(spellId, "alarm") self:Bar(268260, 12) -- Broadside end end function mod:UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED(_, _, _, spellId) if spellId == 268752 then -- Withdraw withdrawn = 1 self:Message2(spellId, "yellow") self:PlaySound(spellId, "long") self:StopBar(269029) -- Clear the Deck self:StopBar(268752) -- Withdraw self:Bar(268260, 11.2) -- Broadside elseif spellId == 268745 then -- Energy Tracker / Jump Back if withdrawn == 1 then self:Message2(268752, "green", CL.over:format(self:SpellName(268752))) self:PlaySound(268752, "long") self:Bar(269029, 7) -- Clear the Deck self:Bar(268752, 35.7) -- Withdraw end elseif spellId == 268963 then -- Unstable Ordnance (Dropped) self:Message2(spellId, "cyan", L.ordanance_dropped) self:PlaySound(spellId, "info") end end function mod:Evasive(args) self:Message2(args.spellId, "yellow") self:PlaySound(args.spellId, "alert") end function mod:CleartheDeck(args) self:Message2(args.spellId, "orange") self:PlaySound(args.spellId, "alarm") self:Bar(args.spellId, 18) end do local prev = 0 function mod:CrimsonSwipe(args) local t = args.time if t-prev > 2 then prev = t self:Message2(args.spellId, "purple") self:PlaySound(args.spellId, "alarm") end end end function mod:GutShot(args) self:TargetMessage2(args.spellId, "red", args.destName) self:PlaySound(args.spellId, "alert", nil, args.destName) end
local mediawiki = {} function mediawiki.config() vim.g.mediawiki_wikilang_to_vim_overrides = { sls = "sls" } vim.g.mediawiki_forced_wikilang = { "bash" } end return mediawiki
--- --- Generated by EmmyLua( --- Created by 干冲. --- DateTime: 2018/4/17 16:44 --- 玩家参数 PlayerSetting = { UID = "uid", ServerIP = "serverIP", ServerID = "serverID", }
local addonName, ns = ... local B, C, L, DB, P = unpack(ns) local T = P:GetModule("Tooltip") local NT = B:GetModule("Tooltip") local format, strsplit, strmatch, strsub = string.format, string.split, string.match, string.sub local pairs, tonumber = pairs, tonumber T.MemberCovenants = {} local covenantMap = { [1] = "Kyrian", [2] = "Venthyr", [3] = "NightFae", [4] = "Necrolord", } -- Credit: OmniCD local covenantAbilities = { [324739] = 1, [323436] = 1, [312202] = 1, [306830] = 1, [326434] = 1, [338142] = 1, [338035] = 1, [338018] = 1, [327022] = 1, [327037] = 1, [327071] = 1, [308491] = 1, [307443] = 1, [310454] = 1, [304971] = 1, [325013] = 1, [323547] = 1, [324386] = 1, [312321] = 1, [307865] = 1, [300728] = 2, [311648] = 2, [317009] = 2, [323546] = 2, [324149] = 2, [314793] = 2, [326860] = 2, [316958] = 2, [323673] = 2, [323654] = 2, [320674] = 2, [321792] = 2, [317483] = 2, [317488] = 2, [310143] = 3, [324128] = 3, [323639] = 3, [323764] = 3, [328231] = 3, [314791] = 3, [327104] = 3, [328622] = 3, [328282] = 3, [328620] = 3, [328281] = 3, [327661] = 3, [328305] = 3, [328923] = 3, [325640] = 3, [325886] = 3, [319217] = 3, [324631] = 4, [315443] = 4, [329554] = 4, [325727] = 4, [325028] = 4, [324220] = 4, [325216] = 4, [328204] = 4, [324724] = 4, [328547] = 4, [326059] = 4, [325289] = 4, [324143] = 4, } local LibRS local DCLoaded local ZT_Prefix = "ZenTracker" local DC_Prefix = "DCOribos" local OmniCD_Prefix = "OmniCD" local MRT_Prefix = "EXRTADD" local addonPrefixes = { [ZT_Prefix] = true, [DC_Prefix] = true, [OmniCD_Prefix] = true, [MRT_Prefix] = true, } function T:GetCovenantIcon(covenantID, size) local covenant = covenantMap[covenantID] if covenant then return format("|TInterface\\Addons\\"..addonName.."\\Media\\Texture\\Covenants\\%s:%d|t", covenant, size) end return "" end local covenantIDToName = {} function T:GetCovenantName(covenantID) if not covenantIDToName[covenantID] then local covenantData = C_Covenants.GetCovenantData(covenantID) covenantIDToName[covenantID] = covenantData and end return covenantIDToName[covenantID] or covenantMap[covenantID] end function T:GetCovenantID(unit) local guid = UnitGUID(unit) if not guid then return end local covenantID = T.MemberCovenants[guid] if not covenantID then local playerInfo = LibRS and LibRS.playerInfoManager.GetPlayerInfo(GetUnitName(unit, true)) return playerInfo and playerInfo.covenantId end return covenantID end local function msgChannel() return IsPartyLFG() and "INSTANCE_CHAT" or IsInRaid() and "RAID" or "PARTY" end local cache = {} function T:UpdateRosterInfo() if not IsInGroup() then return end for i = 1, GetNumGroupMembers() do local name = GetRaidRosterInfo(i) if name and name ~= DB.MyName and not cache[name] then if not DCLoaded then C_ChatInfo.SendAddonMessage(DC_Prefix, format("ASK:%s", name), msgChannel()) end C_ChatInfo.SendAddonMessage(MRT_Prefix, format("inspect\tREQ\tS\t%s", name), msgChannel()) cache[name] = true end end if LibRS then LibRS.RequestAllPlayersInfo() end end function T:HandleAddonMessage(...) local prefix, msg, _, sender = ... sender = Ambiguate(sender, "none") if sender == DB.MyName then return end if prefix == ZT_Prefix then local version, type, guid, _, _, _, _, covenantID = strsplit(":", msg) version = tonumber(version) if (version and version > 3) and (type and type == "H") and guid then covenantID = tonumber(covenantID) if covenantID and (not T.MemberCovenants[guid] or T.MemberCovenants[guid] ~= covenantID) then T.MemberCovenants[guid] = covenantID P:Debug("%s 盟约:%s (by ZenTracker)", sender, covenantMap[covenantID] or "None") end end elseif prefix == OmniCD_Prefix then local header, guid, body = strmatch(msg, "(.-),(.-),(.+)") if (header and guid and body) and (header == "INF" or header == "REQ" or header == "UPD") then local covenantID = select(15, strsplit(",", body)) covenantID = tonumber(covenantID) if covenantID and (not T.MemberCovenants[guid] or T.MemberCovenants[guid] ~= covenantID) then T.MemberCovenants[guid] = covenantID P:Debug("%s 盟约:%s (by OmniCD)", sender, covenantMap[covenantID] or "None") end end elseif prefix == DC_Prefix then local playerName, covenantID = strsplit(":", msg) if playerName == "ASK" then return end local guid = UnitGUID(sender) covenantID = tonumber(covenantID) if covenantID and guid and (not T.MemberCovenants[guid] or T.MemberCovenants[guid] ~= covenantID) then T.MemberCovenants[guid] = covenantID P:Debug("%s 盟约:%s (by Details_Covenants)", sender, covenantMap[covenantID] or "None") end elseif prefix == MRT_Prefix then local modPrefix, subPrefix, soulbinds = strsplit("\t", msg) if (modPrefix and modPrefix == "inspect") and (subPrefix and subPrefix == "R") and (soulbinds and strsub(soulbinds, 1, 1) == "S") then local guid = UnitGUID(sender) local covenantID = select(2, strsplit(":", soulbinds)) covenantID = tonumber(covenantID) if covenantID and guid and (not T.MemberCovenants[guid] or T.MemberCovenants[guid] ~= covenantID) then T.MemberCovenants[guid] = covenantID P:Debug("%s 盟约:%s (by MRT)", sender, covenantMap[covenantID] or "None") end end end end function T:HandleSpellCast(unit, _, spellID) local covenantID = covenantAbilities[spellID] if covenantID then local guid = UnitGUID(unit) if guid and (not T.MemberCovenants[guid] or T.MemberCovenants[guid] ~= covenantID) then T.MemberCovenants[guid] = covenantID P:Debug("%s 盟约:%s (by %s)", GetUnitName(unit, true), covenantMap[covenantID], GetSpellLink(spellID)) end end end function T:AddCovenant() if not T.db["Covenant"] then return end local _, unit = GameTooltip:GetUnit() if not unit or not UnitExists(unit) then return end local covenantID if UnitIsUnit(unit, "player") then covenantID = C_Covenants.GetActiveCovenantID() else covenantID = T:GetCovenantID(unit) end if covenantID and covenantID ~= 0 then GameTooltip:AddLine(format(L["Covenant"], T:GetCovenantIcon(covenantID, 14))) end end do if NT.OnTooltipSetUnit then hooksecurefunc(NT, "OnTooltipSetUnit", T.AddCovenant) end end function T:Covenant() LibRS = _G.LibStub and _G.LibStub("LibOpenRaid-1.0", true) DCLoaded = IsAddOnLoaded("Details_Covenants") for prefix in pairs(addonPrefixes) do C_ChatInfo.RegisterAddonMessagePrefix(prefix) end T:UpdateRosterInfo() B:RegisterEvent("GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE", T.UpdateRosterInfo) B:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_ADDON", T.HandleAddonMessage) B:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED", T.HandleSpellCast) end
--#region Usings --#region Framework usings ---@type Array local Array = EsoAddonFramework_Framework_Array ---@type Color local Color = EsoAddonFramework_Framework_Color ---@type Console local Console = EsoAddonFramework_Framework_Console ---@type Event local Event = EsoAddonFramework_Framework_Eso_Event ---@type EventManager local EventManager = EsoAddonFramework_Framework_Eso_EventManager ---@type FrameworkMessageType local FrameworkMessageType = EsoAddonFramework_Framework_MessageType ---@type Log local Log = EsoAddonFramework_Framework_Log ---@type LogLevel local LogLevel = EsoAddonFramework_Framework_LogLevel ---@type Map local Map = EsoAddonFramework_Framework_Map ---@type Messenger local Messenger = EsoAddonFramework_Framework_Messenger ---@type Pack local Pack = EsoAddonFramework_Framework_Eso_Pack ---@type Storage local Storage = EsoAddonFramework_Framework_Storage ---@type StorageScope local StorageScope = EsoAddonFramework_Framework_StorageScope ---@type String local String = EsoAddonFramework_Framework_String ---@type StringBuilder local StringBuilder = EsoAddonFramework_Framework_StringBuilder ---@type Type local Type = EsoAddonFramework_Framework_Eso_Type ---@type UnitTag local UnitTag = EsoAddonFramework_Framework_Eso_UnitTag --#endregion --#region Addon usings ---@type AddonMessageType local AddonMessageType = GameplayHelper_Types_MessageType ---@type ItemAssessment local ItemAssessment = GameplayHelper_Types_ItemAssessment ---@type ItemAssessmentManager local ItemAssessmentManager = GameplayHelper_Globals_ItemAssessmentManager ---@type ItemAssessmentFilter local ItemAssessmentFilter = GameplayHelper_Types_ItemAssessmentFilter local Lang = GameplayHelper_Lang ---@type UnitManager local Unit = GameplayHelper_Globals_UnitManager --#endregion --#endregion -- Constants local BladeOfWoeIcon = "darkbrotherhood" local DefaultSettings = { IsEnabled = true, OutputSuppressions = true } local MirriAdjectives = { "amazing", "awesome", "beautiful", "elegant", "fascinating", "gorgeous", "incredible", "impressive", "magnificent", "stunning", "superb", "wonderful" } local MirriCompanionId = 2 local MirriName = "Mirri" local MirriVerbs = { "admires", "beholds", "inspects", "is crazy about", "looks at", "marvels at", "observes", "studies", "watches" } local Name = "GameplayHelper_Handlers_MirriHandler" -- Fields local _companionName local _log local _mirriActivated = false local _settings = DefaultSettings -- Local functions local function CreateSettingsControls() local descriptionBuilder = StringBuilder.CreateInstance() descriptionBuilder:AppendLine("Suppresses some interactions and synergies when {Mirri} is active.") descriptionBuilder:AppendLine("Suppressed interactions:") descriptionBuilder:AppendLine(" - " .. "{butterflies}") descriptionBuilder:AppendLine(" - " .. "{torch bugs}") descriptionBuilder:AppendLine(" - " .. "{navigators}") descriptionBuilder:AppendLine(" - " .. "the {Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary}") descriptionBuilder:AppendLine("Suppressed synergies:") descriptionBuilder:Append(" - " .. "{Blade of Woe}") local description = String.Format(descriptionBuilder:ToString()) local settingsControls = { { type = "description", text = description }, { type = "checkbox", name = "Enabled", getFunc = function() return _settings.IsEnabled end, setFunc = function(value) _settings.IsEnabled = value end }, { type = "divider" }, { type = "checkbox", name = "Output suppressions to chat", tooltip = "Outputs why an interaction was suppressed to the chat window", getFunc = function() return _settings.OutputSuppressions end, setFunc = function(value) _settings.OutputSuppressions = value end, disabled = function() return not _settings.IsEnabled end } } return { DisplayName = "Mirri suppressor", Controls = settingsControls } end local function EndConversationIfNavigator() if (not IsInteractionPending() and not IsInteracting()) then return end if (IsInteractionPending()) then zo_callLater(EndConversationIfNavigator, 100) return end local name = GetUnitName(UnitTag.Interact) local caption = GetUnitCaption(UnitTag.Interact) local isNavigator = caption ~= nil and caption:lower() == "navigator" if (not isNavigator) then _log:Debug("Interaction with {1} approved", name) return end local interactionType = GetInteractionType() EndInteraction(interactionType) if (_settings.OutputSuppressions) then Console.Write(String.Format("{1} does not want to travel with {2}", MirriName, name)) end end local function OnClientInteractResult(event, result, interactTargetName) if (not _settings.IsEnabled or not _mirriActivated) then return false end if (result ~= Type.ClientInteractResult.Success) then return end EndConversationIfNavigator() end local function OnCompanionActivated(event, companionId) local companionNameInfo = Unit.GetNameInfo(UnitTag.Companion) if (companionId ~= MirriCompanionId) then _log:Debug("Non-Mirri companion {1} [{2}] activated", companionNameInfo.Name, companionId) return end _log:Debug("{1} activated", companionNameInfo.Name) _mirriActivated = true _companionName = companionNameInfo.Name Messenger.Publish(AddonMessageType.InteractionCriteriaChanged) end local function OnCompanionDeactivated(event) _log:Debug("{1} deactivated", _companionName) if (_mirriActivated) then _mirriActivated = false Messenger.Publish(AddonMessageType.InteractionCriteriaChanged) end end local function OnInteractionChangedPreview(message) if (not _settings.IsEnabled or not _mirriActivated) then return end if (message.ActionInfo.Name == "Torchbug" or message.ActionInfo.Name == "Butterfly") then if (_settings.OutputSuppressions) then Console.Write(String.Format( "{1} {2:None} the {3:None} {4}", MirriName, MirriVerbs[math.random(#MirriVerbs)], MirriAdjectives[math.random(#MirriAdjectives)], message.ActionInfo.Name)) end _log:Debug("Suppressing interaction {1}", message.ActionInfo.Name) return true end if (message.ActionInfo.Name == "Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary") then if (_settings.OutputSuppressions) then Console.Write(String.Format("{1} refuses to enter the {2}", MirriName, message.ActionInfo.Name)) end _log:Debug("Suppressing interaction {1}", message.ActionInfo.Name) return true end end local function OnSynergyChangedPreview(message) if (not _settings.IsEnabled or not _mirriActivated) then return false end if (string.find(message.SynergyInfo.IconFilename, BladeOfWoeIcon, 1, true)) then if (_settings.OutputSuppressions) then Console.Write(String.Format("{1} cannot accept the use of {2}", MirriName, message.SynergyInfo.SynergyName)) end _log:Debug("Suppressing synergy {1}", message.SynergyInfo.SynergyName) return true end end -- Constructor ---@param addonInfo AddonInfo local function Constructor(addonInfo) _log = Log.CreateInstance(Name) if (HasActiveCompanion()) then local companionNameInfo = Unit.GetNameInfo(UnitTag.Companion) _companionName = companionNameInfo.Name local companionId = GetActiveCompanionDefId() if (companionId == MirriCompanionId) then _mirriActivated = true end end EventManager:RegisterForEvent(Name, Event.ClientInteractResult, OnClientInteractResult) EventManager:RegisterForEvent(Name, Event.CompanionActivated, OnCompanionActivated) EventManager:RegisterForEvent(Name, Event.CompanionDeactivated, OnCompanionDeactivated) Messenger.Subscribe(FrameworkMessageType.SettingsControlsRequest, CreateSettingsControls) Messenger.Subscribe(AddonMessageType.InteractionChangedPreview, OnInteractionChangedPreview) Messenger.Subscribe(AddonMessageType.SynergyChangedPreview, OnSynergyChangedPreview) _settings = Storage.GetEntry(Name, DefaultSettings, StorageScope.Account) end EsoAddonFramework_Framework_Bootstrapper.Register(Constructor)
-- << event_die.lua local wesnoth = wesnoth local addon = creepwars local is_ai_array = addon.is_ai_array local defender = wesnoth.get_unit(wesnoth.get_variable("x1") or 0, wesnoth.get_variable("y1") or 0) local attacker = wesnoth.get_unit(wesnoth.get_variable("x2") or 0, wesnoth.get_variable("y2") or 0) if defender == nil then local msg = "Warning: cannot find killed unit. No gold/creep bonus was generated." print(msg) wesnoth.message("Creep Wars", msg) elseif not defender.canrecruit and not defender.variables["creepwars_creep"] then local msg = "Turn " .. wesnoth.get_variable("turn_number") .. ": " .. defender.type .. " died, neither Leader nor Creep. Probably plagued. No gold/creep bonus was generated." print(msg) -- wesnoth.message("Creep Wars", msg) else if not defender.canrecruit then addon.unit_kill_event(attacker, defender) elseif not is_ai_array[defender.side] then addon.unit_kill_event(attacker, defender) creepwars.leader_died_event(defender) elseif addon.alive_teams_count() >= 3 then addon.unit_kill_event(attacker, defender) addon.guard_killed_event(attacker.side, defender.side) else addon.guard_killed_event(attacker.side, defender.side) end end -- >>
local GAResourceFlowType = require(script.GAResourceFlowType) local GAProgressionStatus = require(script.GAProgressionStatus) local GAErrorSeverity = require(script.GAErrorSeverity) local ga = { EGAResourceFlowType = GAResourceFlowType, EGAProgressionStatus = GAProgressionStatus, EGAErrorSeverity = GAErrorSeverity, } local logger = require(script.Logger) local threading = require(script.Threading) local state = require(script.State) local validation = require(script.Validation) local store = require(script.Store) local events = require(script.Events) local utilities = require(script.Utilities) local Players = game:GetService("Players") local MKT = game:GetService("MarketplaceService") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local LocalizationService = game:GetService("LocalizationService") local ScriptContext = game:GetService("ScriptContext") local Postie = require(ReplicatedStorage.Postie) local OnPlayerReadyEvent local ProductCache = {} local ONE_HOUR_IN_SECONDS = 3600 local MaxErrorsPerHour = 10 local ErrorDS = {} local errorCountCache = {} local errorCountCacheKeys = {} local InitializationQueue = {} local InitializationQueueByUserId = {} local function addToInitializationQueue(func, ...) if InitializationQueue ~= nil then table.insert(InitializationQueue, { Func = func; Args = {...}; }) logger:i("Added event to initialization queue") else --This should never happen logger:w("Initialization queue already cleared.") end end local function addToInitializationQueueByUserId(userId, func, ...) if not ga:isPlayerReady(userId) then if InitializationQueueByUserId[userId] == nil then InitializationQueueByUserId[userId] = {} end table.insert(InitializationQueueByUserId[userId], { Func = func; Args = {...}; }) logger:i("Added event to player initialization queue") else --This should never happen logger:w("Player initialization queue already cleared.") end end -- local functions local function isSdkReady(options) local playerId = options["playerId"] or nil local needsInitialized = options["needsInitialized"] or true local shouldWarn = options["shouldWarn"] or false local message = options["message"] or "" -- Is SDK initialized if needsInitialized and not state.Initialized then if shouldWarn then logger:w(message .. " SDK is not initialized") end return false end -- Is SDK enabled if needsInitialized and playerId and not state:isEnabled(playerId) then if shouldWarn then logger:w(message .. " SDK is disabled") end return false end -- Is session started if needsInitialized and playerId and not state:sessionIsStarted(playerId) then if shouldWarn then logger:w(message .. " Session has not started yet") end return false end return true end function ga:configureAvailableCustomDimensions01(customDimensions) if isSdkReady({needsInitialized = true, shouldWarn = false}) then logger:w("Available custom dimensions must be set before SDK is initialized") return end state:setAvailableCustomDimensions01(customDimensions) end function ga:configureAvailableCustomDimensions02(customDimensions) if isSdkReady({needsInitialized = true, shouldWarn = false}) then logger:w("Available custom dimensions must be set before SDK is initialized") return end state:setAvailableCustomDimensions02(customDimensions) end function ga:configureAvailableCustomDimensions03(customDimensions) if isSdkReady({needsInitialized = true, shouldWarn = false}) then logger:w("Available custom dimensions must be set before SDK is initialized") return end state:setAvailableCustomDimensions03(customDimensions) end function ga:configureAvailableResourceCurrencies(resourceCurrencies) if isSdkReady({needsInitialized = true, shouldWarn = false}) then logger:w("Available resource currencies must be set before SDK is initialized") return end events:setAvailableResourceCurrencies(resourceCurrencies) end function ga:configureAvailableResourceItemTypes(resourceItemTypes) if isSdkReady({needsInitialized = true, shouldWarn = false}) then logger:w("Available resource item types must be set before SDK is initialized") return end events:setAvailableResourceItemTypes(resourceItemTypes) end function ga:configureBuild(build) if isSdkReady({needsInitialized = true, shouldWarn = false}) then logger:w("Build version must be set before SDK is initialized.") return end events:setBuild(build) end function ga:configureAvailableGamepasses(availableGamepasses) if isSdkReady({needsInitialized = true, shouldWarn = false}) then logger:w("Available gamepasses must be set before SDK is initialized.") return end state:setAvailableGamepasses(availableGamepasses) end function ga:startNewSession(player, gaData) threading:performTaskOnGAThread(function() if not state:isEventSubmissionEnabled() then return end if not state.Initialized then logger:w("Cannot start new session. SDK is not initialized yet.") return end state:startNewSession(player, gaData) end) end function ga:endSession(playerId) threading:performTaskOnGAThread(function() if not state:isEventSubmissionEnabled() then return end state:endSession(playerId) end) end function ga:filterForBusinessEvent(text) return string.gsub(text, "[^A-Za-z0-9%s%-_%.%(%)!%?]", "") end function ga:addBusinessEvent(playerId, options) threading:performTaskOnGAThread(function() if not state:isEventSubmissionEnabled() then return end if not isSdkReady({playerId = playerId, needsInitialized = true, shouldWarn = false, message = "Could not add business event"}) then if playerId then addToInitializationQueueByUserId(playerId, ga.addBusinessEvent, ga, playerId, options) else addToInitializationQueue(ga.addBusinessEvent, ga, playerId, options) end return end -- Send to events local amount = options["amount"] or 0 local itemType = options["itemType"] or "" local itemId = options["itemId"] or "" local cartType = options["cartType"] or "" local USDSpent = math.floor((amount * 0.7) * 0.35) local gamepassId = options["gamepassId"] or nil events:addBusinessEvent(playerId, "USD", USDSpent, itemType, itemId, cartType) if itemType == "Gamepass" and cartType ~= "Website" then local player = Players:GetPlayerByUserId(playerId) local playerData = store:GetPlayerData(player) if not playerData.OwnedGamepasses then playerData.OwnedGamepasses = {} end table.insert(playerData.OwnedGamepasses, gamepassId) store.PlayerCache[playerId] = playerData store:SavePlayerData(player) end end) end function ga:addResourceEvent(playerId, options) threading:performTaskOnGAThread(function() if not state:isEventSubmissionEnabled() then return end if not isSdkReady({playerId = playerId, needsInitialized = true, shouldWarn = false, message = "Could not add resource event"}) then if playerId then addToInitializationQueueByUserId(playerId, ga.addResourceEvent, ga, playerId, options) else addToInitializationQueue(ga.addResourceEvent, ga, playerId, options) end return end -- Send to events local flowType = options["flowType"] or 0 local currency = options["currency"] or "" local amount = options["amount"] or 0 local itemType = options["itemType"] or "" local itemId = options["itemId"] or "" events:addResourceEvent(playerId, flowType, currency, amount, itemType, itemId) end) end function ga:addProgressionEvent(playerId, options) threading:performTaskOnGAThread(function() if not state:isEventSubmissionEnabled() then return end if not isSdkReady({playerId = playerId, needsInitialized = true, shouldWarn = false, message = "Could not add progression event"}) then if playerId then addToInitializationQueueByUserId(playerId, ga.addProgressionEvent, ga, playerId, options) else addToInitializationQueue(ga.addProgressionEvent, ga, playerId, options) end return end -- Send to events local progressionStatus = options["progressionStatus"] or 0 local progression01 = options["progression01"] or "" local progression02 = options["progression02"] or nil local progression03 = options["progression03"] or nil local score = options["score"] or nil events:addProgressionEvent(playerId, progressionStatus, progression01, progression02, progression03, score) end) end function ga:addDesignEvent(playerId, options) threading:performTaskOnGAThread(function() if not state:isEventSubmissionEnabled() then return end if not isSdkReady({playerId = playerId, needsInitialized = true, shouldWarn = false, message = "Could not add design event"}) then if playerId then addToInitializationQueueByUserId(playerId, ga.addDesignEvent, ga, playerId, options) else addToInitializationQueue(ga.addDesignEvent, ga, playerId, options) end return end -- Send to events local eventId = options["eventId"] or "" local value = options["value"] or nil events:addDesignEvent(playerId, eventId, value) end) end function ga:addErrorEvent(playerId, options) threading:performTaskOnGAThread(function() if not state:isEventSubmissionEnabled() then return end if not isSdkReady({playerId = playerId, needsInitialized = true, shouldWarn = false, message = "Could not add error event"}) then if playerId then addToInitializationQueueByUserId(playerId, ga.addErrorEvent, ga, playerId, options) else addToInitializationQueue(ga.addErrorEvent, ga, playerId, options) end return end -- Send to events local severity = options["severity"] or 0 local message = options["message"] or "" events:addErrorEvent(playerId, severity, message) end) end function ga:setEnabledDebugLog(flag) if RunService:IsStudio() then if flag then logger:setDebugLog(flag) logger:i("Debug logging enabled") else logger:i("Debug logging disabled") logger:setDebugLog(flag) end else logger:i("setEnabledDebugLog can only be used in studio") end end function ga:setEnabledInfoLog(flag) if flag then logger:setInfoLog(flag) logger:i("Info logging enabled") else logger:i("Info logging disabled") logger:setInfoLog(flag) end end function ga:setEnabledVerboseLog(flag) if flag then logger:setVerboseLog(flag) logger:ii("Verbose logging enabled") else logger:ii("Verbose logging disabled") logger:setVerboseLog(flag) end end function ga:setEnabledEventSubmission(flag) threading:performTaskOnGAThread(function() if flag then state:setEventSubmission(flag) logger:i("Event submission enabled") else logger:i("Event submission disabled") state:setEventSubmission(flag) end end) end function ga:setCustomDimension01(playerId, dimension) threading:performTaskOnGAThread(function() if not validation:validateDimension(state._availableCustomDimensions01, dimension) then logger:w("Could not set custom01 dimension value to '" .. dimension .. "'. Value not found in available custom01 dimension values") return end if not isSdkReady({playerId = playerId, needsInitialized = true, shouldWarn = true, message = "Could not set custom01 dimension"}) then return end state:setCustomDimension01(playerId, dimension) end) end function ga:setCustomDimension02(playerId, dimension) threading:performTaskOnGAThread(function() if not validation:validateDimension(state._availableCustomDimensions02, dimension) then logger:w("Could not set custom02 dimension value to '" .. dimension .. "'. Value not found in available custom02 dimension values") return end if not isSdkReady({playerId = playerId, needsInitialized = true, shouldWarn = true, message = "Could not set custom02 dimension"}) then return end state:setCustomDimension02(playerId, dimension) end) end function ga:setCustomDimension03(playerId, dimension) threading:performTaskOnGAThread(function() if not validation:validateDimension(state._availableCustomDimensions03, dimension) then logger:w("Could not set custom03 dimension value to '" .. dimension .. "'. Value not found in available custom03 dimension values") return end if not isSdkReady({playerId = playerId, needsInitialized = true, shouldWarn = true, message = "Could not set custom03 dimension"}) then return end state:setCustomDimension03(playerId, dimension) end) end function ga:setEnabledReportErrors(flag) threading:performTaskOnGAThread(function() state.ReportErrors = flag end) end function ga:setEnabledCustomUserId(flag) threading:performTaskOnGAThread(function() state.UseCustomUserId = flag end) end function ga:setEnabledAutomaticSendBusinessEvents(flag) threading:performTaskOnGAThread(function() state.AutomaticSendBusinessEvents = flag end) end function ga:addGameAnalyticsTeleportData(playerIds, teleportData) local gameAnalyticsTeleportData = {} for _, playerId in ipairs(playerIds) do local PlayerData = store:GetPlayerDataFromCache(playerId) PlayerData.PlayerTeleporting = true local data = { ["SessionID"] = PlayerData.SessionID, ["Sessions"] = PlayerData.Sessions, ["SessionStart"] = PlayerData.SessionStart, } gameAnalyticsTeleportData[tostring(playerId)] = data end teleportData["gameanalyticsData"] = gameAnalyticsTeleportData return teleportData end function ga:getRemoteConfigsValueAsString(playerId, options) local key = options["key"] or "" local defaultValue = options["defaultValue"] or nil return state:getRemoteConfigsStringValue(playerId, key, defaultValue) end function ga:isRemoteConfigsReady(playerId) return state:isRemoteConfigsReady(playerId) end function ga:getRemoteConfigsContentAsString(playerId) return state:getRemoteConfigsContentAsString(playerId) end function ga:PlayerJoined(Player) local joinData = Player:GetJoinData() local teleportData = joinData.TeleportData local gaData = nil --Variables local PlayerData = store:GetPlayerData(Player) if teleportData then gaData = teleportData.gameanalyticsData and teleportData.gameanalyticsData[tostring(Player.UserId)] end local pd = store:GetPlayerDataFromCache(Player.UserId) if pd then if gaData then pd.SessionID = gaData.SessionID pd.SessionStart = gaData.SessionStart end pd.PlayerTeleporting = false return end local PlayerPlatform = "unknown" local isSuccessful, platform = Postie.InvokeClient("getPlatform", Player, 5) if isSuccessful then PlayerPlatform = platform end --Fill Data for key, value in pairs(store.BasePlayerData) do PlayerData[key] = PlayerData[key] or value end local countryCodeResult, countryCode = pcall(function() return LocalizationService:GetCountryRegionForPlayerAsync(Player) end) if countryCodeResult then PlayerData.CountryCode = countryCode end store.PlayerCache[Player.UserId] = PlayerData PlayerData.Platform = (PlayerPlatform == "Console" and "uwp_console") or (PlayerPlatform == "Mobile" and "uwp_mobile") or (PlayerPlatform == "Desktop" and "uwp_desktop") or "uwp_desktop" PlayerData.OS = PlayerData.Platform .. " 0.0.0" if not countryCodeResult then events:addSdkErrorEvent(Player.UserId, "event_validation", "player_joined", "string_empty_or_null", "country_code", "") end local PlayerCustomUserId = "" if state.UseCustomUserId then local isSuccessful, customUserId = Postie.InvokeClient("getCustomUserId", Player, 5) if isSuccessful then PlayerCustomUserId = customUserId end end if not utilities:isStringNullOrEmpty(PlayerCustomUserId) then logger:i("Using custom id: " .. PlayerCustomUserId) PlayerData.CustomUserId = PlayerCustomUserId end ga:startNewSession(Player, gaData) OnPlayerReadyEvent = OnPlayerReadyEvent or ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("OnPlayerReadyEvent") OnPlayerReadyEvent:Fire(Player) --Validate if state.AutomaticSendBusinessEvents then --Website gamepasses if PlayerData.OwnedGamepasses == nil then --player is new (or is playing after SDK update) PlayerData.OwnedGamepasses = {} for _, id in ipairs(state._availableGamepasses) do if MKT:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(Player.UserId, id) then table.insert(PlayerData.OwnedGamepasses, id) end end --Player's data is now up to date. gamepass purchases on website can now be tracked in future visits store.PlayerCache[Player.UserId] = PlayerData store:SavePlayerData(Player) else --build a list of the game passes a user owns local currentlyOwned = {} for _, id in ipairs(state._availableGamepasses) do if MKT:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(Player.UserId, id) then table.insert(currentlyOwned, id) end end --make a table so it's easier to compare to stored game passes local storedGamepassesTable = {} for _, id in ipairs(PlayerData.OwnedGamepasses) do storedGamepassesTable[id] = true end --compare stored game passes to currently owned game passses for _, id in ipairs(currentlyOwned) do if not storedGamepassesTable[id] then table.insert(PlayerData.OwnedGamepasses, id) local gamepassInfo = ProductCache[id] --Cache if not gamepassInfo then --Get gamepassInfo = MKT:GetProductInfo(id, Enum.InfoType.GamePass) ProductCache[id] = gamepassInfo end ga:addBusinessEvent(Player.UserId, { amount = gamepassInfo.PriceInRobux, itemType = "Gamepass", itemId = ga:filterForBusinessEvent(gamepassInfo.Name), cartType = "Website", }) end end store.PlayerCache[Player.UserId] = PlayerData store:SavePlayerData(Player) end end local playerEventQueue = InitializationQueueByUserId[Player.UserId] if playerEventQueue then InitializationQueueByUserId[Player.UserId] = nil for _, queuedFunction in ipairs(playerEventQueue) do queuedFunction.Func(unpack(queuedFunction.Args)) end logger:i("Player initialization queue called #" .. #playerEventQueue .. " events") end end function ga:PlayerRemoved(Player) --Save store:SavePlayerData(Player) local PlayerData = store:GetPlayerDataFromCache(Player.UserId) if PlayerData then if not PlayerData.PlayerTeleporting then ga:endSession(Player.UserId) else store.PlayerCache[Player.UserId] = nil end end end function ga:isPlayerReady(playerId) if store:GetPlayerDataFromCache(playerId) then return true else return false end end function ga:ProcessReceiptCallback(Info) --Variables local ProductInfo = ProductCache[Info.ProductId] --Cache if not ProductInfo then --Get pcall(function() ProductInfo = MKT:GetProductInfo(Info.ProductId, Enum.InfoType.Product) ProductCache[Info.ProductId] = ProductInfo end) end if ProductInfo then ga:addBusinessEvent(Info.PlayerId, { amount = Info.CurrencySpent, itemType = "DeveloperProduct", itemId = ga:filterForBusinessEvent(ProductInfo.Name), }) end end --customGamepassInfo argument to optinaly provide our own name or price function ga:GamepassPurchased(player, id, customGamepassInfo) local gamepassInfo = ProductCache[id] --Cache if not gamepassInfo then --Get gamepassInfo = MKT:GetProductInfo(id, Enum.InfoType.GamePass) ProductCache[id] = gamepassInfo end local amount = 0 local itemId = "GamePass" if customGamepassInfo then amount = customGamepassInfo.PriceInRobux itemId = customGamepassInfo.Name elseif gamepassInfo then amount = gamepassInfo.PriceInRobux itemId = gamepassInfo.Name end ga:addBusinessEvent(player.UserId, { amount = amount or 0, itemType = "Gamepass", itemId = ga:filterForBusinessEvent(itemId), gamepassId = id, }) end local requiredInitializationOptions = {"gameKey", "secretKey"} function ga:initialize(options) threading:performTaskOnGAThread(function() for _, option in ipairs(requiredInitializationOptions) do if options[option] == nil then logger:e("Initialize '"..option.."' option missing") return end end if options.enableInfoLog ~= nil and options.enableInfoLog then ga:setEnabledInfoLog(options.enableInfoLog) end if options.enableVerboseLog ~= nil and options.enableVerboseLog then ga:setEnabledVerboseLog(options.enableVerboseLog) end if options.availableCustomDimensions01 ~= nil and #options.availableCustomDimensions01 > 0 then ga:configureAvailableCustomDimensions01(options.availableCustomDimensions01) end if options.availableCustomDimensions02 ~= nil and #options.availableCustomDimensions02 > 0 then ga:configureAvailableCustomDimensions02(options.availableCustomDimensions02) end if options.availableCustomDimensions03 ~= nil and #options.availableCustomDimensions03 > 0 then ga:configureAvailableCustomDimensions03(options.availableCustomDimensions03) end if options.availableResourceCurrencies ~= nil and #options.availableResourceCurrencies > 0 then ga:configureAvailableResourceCurrencies(options.availableResourceCurrencies) end if options.availableResourceItemTypes ~= nil and #options.availableResourceItemTypes > 0 then ga:configureAvailableResourceItemTypes(options.availableResourceItemTypes) end if ~= nil and > 0 then ga:configureBuild( end if options.availableGamepasses ~= nil and #options.availableGamepasses > 0 then ga:configureAvailableGamepasses(options.availableGamepasses) end if options.enableDebugLog ~= nil then ga:setEnabledDebugLog(options.enableDebugLog) end if options.automaticSendBusinessEvents ~= nil then ga:setEnabledAutomaticSendBusinessEvents(options.automaticSendBusinessEvents) end if options.reportErrors ~= nil then ga:setEnabledReportErrors(options.reportErrors) end if options.useCustomUserId ~= nil then ga:setEnabledCustomUserId(options.useCustomUserId) end if isSdkReady({needsInitialized = true, shouldWarn = false}) then logger:w("SDK already initialized. Can only be called once.") return end local gameKey = options["gameKey"] local secretKey = options["secretKey"] if not validation:validateKeys(gameKey, secretKey) then logger:w("SDK failed initialize. Game key or secret key is invalid. Can only contain characters A-z 0-9, gameKey is 32 length, secretKey is 40 length. Failed keys - gameKey: " .. gameKey .. ", secretKey: " .. secretKey) return end events.GameKey = gameKey events.SecretKey = secretKey state.Initialized = true -- New Players Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(Player) ga:PlayerJoined(Player) end) -- Players leaving Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(Player) ga:PlayerRemoved(Player) end) -- Fire for players already in game for _, Player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do coroutine.wrap(ga.PlayerJoined)(ga, Player) end for _, queuedFunction in ipairs(InitializationQueue) do spawn(queuedFunction.Func, unpack(queuedFunction.Args)) end logger:i("Server initialization queue called #" .. #InitializationQueue .. " events") InitializationQueue = nil events:processEventQueue() end) end if not ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("GameAnalyticsRemoteConfigs") then --Create local f ="RemoteEvent") f.Name = "GameAnalyticsRemoteConfigs" f.Parent = ReplicatedStorage end if not ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("OnPlayerReadyEvent") then --Create local f ="BindableEvent") f.Name = "OnPlayerReadyEvent" f.Parent = ReplicatedStorage end spawn(function() local currentHour = math.floor(os.time() / 3600) ErrorDS = store:GetErrorDataStore(currentHour) while wait(ONE_HOUR_IN_SECONDS) do currentHour = math.floor(os.time() / 3600) ErrorDS = store:GetErrorDataStore(currentHour) errorCountCache = {} errorCountCacheKeys = {} end end) spawn(function() while wait(store.AutoSaveData) do for _, key in pairs(errorCountCacheKeys) do local errorCount = errorCountCache[key] local step = errorCount.currentCount - errorCount.countInDS errorCountCache[key].countInDS = store:IncrementErrorCount(ErrorDS, key, step) errorCountCache[key].currentCount = errorCountCache[key].countInDS end end end) local function ErrorHandler(message, trace, scriptName, player) local m = scriptName .. ": message=" .. message .. ", trace=" .. trace if #m > 8192 then m = string.sub(m, 1, 8192) end local userId = nil if player then userId = player.UserId m = m:gsub(player.Name, "[LocalPlayer]") -- so we don't flood the same errors with different player names end local key = m if #key > 50 then key = string.sub(key, 1, 50) end if errorCountCache[key] == nil then errorCountCacheKeys[#errorCountCacheKeys + 1] = key errorCountCache[key] = {} errorCountCache[key].countInDS = 0 errorCountCache[key].currentCount = 0 end -- don't report error if limit has been exceeded if errorCountCache[key].currentCount > MaxErrorsPerHour then return end ga:addErrorEvent(userId, { severity = ga.EGAErrorSeverity.error, message = m, }) -- increment error count errorCountCache[key].currentCount = errorCountCache[key].currentCount + 1 end local function ErrorHandlerFromServer(message, trace, Script) --Validate if not state.ReportErrors then return end if not Script then -- don't remember if this check is necessary but must have added it for a reason return end local scriptName = nil local ok, _ = pcall(function() scriptName = Script:GetFullName() -- CoreGui.RobloxGui.Modules.PlayerList error, can't get name because of security permission end) if not ok then return end return ErrorHandler(message, trace, scriptName) end local function ErrorHandlerFromClient(message, trace, scriptName, player) --Validate if not state.ReportErrors then return end return ErrorHandler(message, trace, scriptName, player) end --Error Logging ScriptContext.Error:Connect(ErrorHandlerFromServer) if not ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("GameAnalyticsError") then --Create local f ="RemoteEvent") f.Name = "GameAnalyticsError" f.Parent = ReplicatedStorage end ReplicatedStorage.GameAnalyticsError.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, message, trace, scriptName) ErrorHandlerFromClient(message, trace, scriptName, player) end) --Record Gamepasses. MKT.PromptGamePassPurchaseFinished:Connect(function(Player, ID, Purchased) --Validate if not state.AutomaticSendBusinessEvents or not Purchased then return end ga:GamepassPurchased(Player, ID) end) return ga
function showBlood(attacker, weapon, bodypart) local health = getElementHealth(source) if (health<=20) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) fxAddBlood(x, y, z, 0, 0, 0, 1000, 1.0) end -- Realistic blood from bodypart if (attacker) then if (bodypart==3) then -- torso local x, y, z = getPedBonePosition(source, 3) fxAddBlood(x, y, z, 0, 0, 0, 500, 1.0) elseif (bodypart==4) then -- ass local x, y, z = getPedBonePosition(source, 1) fxAddBlood(x, y, z, 0, 0, 0, 500, 1.0) elseif (bodypart==5) then -- left arm local x, y, z = getPedBonePosition(source, 32) fxAddBlood(x, y, z, 0, 0, 0, 500, 1.0) elseif (bodypart==6) then -- right arm local x, y, z = getPedBonePosition(source, 22) fxAddBlood(x, y, z, 0, 0, 0, 500, 1.0) elseif (bodypart==7) then -- left leg local x, y, z = getPedBonePosition(source, 42) fxAddBlood(x, y, z, 0, 0, 0, 500, 1.0) elseif (bodypart==8) then -- right leg local x, y, z = getPedBonePosition(source, 52) fxAddBlood(x, y, z, 0, 0, 0, 500, 1.0) elseif (bodypart==9) then -- head local x, y, z = getPedBonePosition(source, 6) fxAddBlood(x, y, z, 0, 0, 0, 500, 1.0) end end end addEventHandler("onClientPedDamage", getRootElement(), showBlood)
local speed = i2c.setup(0, 3, 4, i2c.SLOW) if speed == 0 then log('i2c setup error') return end log('i2c setup successful @', speed) if pcall(si7021.setup) then log('si7021 setup successful') else log('si7021 setup failed - no device?') return end if cfg.debug then local sna, snb = si7021.serial() log(string.format("Device: Si70%d\nSN: 0x%08X 0x%08X", bit.rshift(snb, 24), sna, snb)) local fwrev = si7021.firmware() log(string.format("FW: %1.1f", fwrev == 0x20 and 2 or 1)) end function sensor_get_data(callback) local humidity, temperature = if not humidity or not temperature then log('si7021 data read failed') return callback() end local sna, snb = si7021.serial() if not sna or not snb then log('si7021 serial read failed') return callback() end result = {} local model = 'si70' .. string.format('%d', bit.rshift(snb, 24)) local sn = string.format('%08x', sna) result[model .. '-' .. sn] = { temperature = temperature, humidity = humidity, updated = rtctime.get() * 1000, } callback(result) end log('si7021 sensor module loaded');
getglobal game getfield -1 Players getfield -1 LocalPlayer getfield -1 Character getfield -1 Head getglobal Instance getfield -1 new pushstring PointLight pushvalue -4 pcall 2 1 0
return { name = 'FilterType', description = 'Types of filters for Sources.', constants = { { name = 'lowpass', description = 'Low-pass filter. High frequency sounds are attenuated.', }, { name = 'highpass', description = 'High-pass filter. Low frequency sounds are attenuated.', }, { name = 'bandpass', description = 'Band-pass filter. Both high and low frequency sounds are attenuated based on the given parameters.', }, }, }
local Modules = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.AvatarEditorInGame.Modules local Action = require(Modules.Common.Action) local ArgCheck = require(Modules.Packages.ArgCheck) return Action(script.Name, function(userAssets) ArgCheck.isType(userAssets, "table", "userAssets") return { userAssets = userAssets, } end)
--[[ Project: SA Memory (Available from Developers: LUCHARE, FYP Special thanks: plugin-sdk ( for the structures and addresses. Copyright (c) 2018 BlastHack. ]] local shared = require 'SAMemory.shared' shared.require 'RenderWare' shared.require 'vector2d' shared.require 'vector3d' shared.ffi.cdef[[ typedef enum e2dEffectType { EFFECT_LIGHT, EFFECT_PARTICLE, EFFECT_ATTRACTOR = 3, EFFECT_SUN_GLARE, EFFECT_FURNITUR, EFFECT_ENEX, EFFECT_ROADSIGN, EFFECT_SLOTMACHINE_WHEEL, EFFECT_COVER_POINT, EFFECT_ESCALATOR, } e2dEffectType; typedef enum ePedAttractorType { PED_ATTRACTOR_ATM = 0, PED_ATTRACTOR_SEAT = 1, PED_ATTRACTOR_STOP = 2, PED_ATTRACTOR_PIZZA = 3, PED_ATTRACTOR_SHELTER = 4, PED_ATTRACTOR_TRIGGER_SCRIPT = 5, PED_ATTRACTOR_LOOK_AT = 6, PED_ATTRACTOR_SCRIPTED = 7, PED_ATTRACTOR_PARK = 8, PED_ATTRACTOR_STEP = 9 } ePedAttractorType; typedef struct tEffectLight { RwColor color; float fCoronaFarClip; float fPointlightRange; float fCoronaSize; float fShadowSize; unsigned short nFlags; unsigned char nCoronaFlashType; bool bCoronaEnableReflection; unsigned char nCoronaFlareType; unsigned char nShadowColorMultiplier; char nShadowZDistance; char offsetX; char offsetY; char offsetZ; char _pad2E[2]; RwTexture *pCoronaTex; RwTexture *pShadowTex; int field_38; int field_3C; } tEffectLight; typedef struct tEffectParticle { char szName[24]; } tEffectParticle; typedef struct tEffectPedAttractor { vector3d vecQueueDir; vector3d vecUseDir; vector3d vecForwardDir; unsigned char nAttractorType; unsigned char nPedExistingProbability; char field_36; unsigned char nFlags; char szScriptName[8]; } tEffectPedAttractor; typedef struct tEffectEnEx { float fEnterAngle; vector3d vecSize; vector3d vecExitPosn; float fExitAngle; short nInteriorId; unsigned char nFlags1; unsigned char nSkyColor; char szInteriorName[8]; unsigned char nTimeOn; unsigned char nTimeOff; unsigned char nFlags2; } tEffectEnEx; typedef struct tEffectRoadsign { vector2d vecSize; float afRotation[3]; unsigned short nFlags; char _pad26[2]; char *pText; RpAtomic *pAtomic; } tEffectRoadsign; typedef struct tEffectCoverPoint { vector2d vecDirection; unsigned char nType; char _pad19[3]; } tEffectCoverPoint; typedef struct tEffectEscalator { vector3d vecBottom; vector3d vecTop; vector3d vecEnd; unsigned char nDirection; char _pad35[3]; } tEffectEscalator; typedef struct C2dEffect { vector3d vecPosn; unsigned int nType; union { tEffectLight light; tEffectParticle particle; tEffectPedAttractor pedAttractor; tEffectEnEx enEx; tEffectRoadsign roadsign; tEffectCoverPoint coverPoint; tEffectEscalator escalator; }; } C2dEffect; ]] shared.validate_size('C2dEffect', 0x40)
stEnd = {} local bg = require "utils.background" local fonts = require "assets.fonts" local utils = require "utils.utils" function stEnd:enter(game, result) self.result = result self.dogeism = utils.getDogeism() --new one each time we pause end function stEnd:update(dt) --gui updates{ grow = "down", pos = { love.window.getWidth()/2 -[1]/2, + 50 } } if Gui.Button{text = "Play Again"} then Gamestate.switch(stGame) end if Gui.Button{text = "Quit to Menu"} then Gamestate.switch(stMenu) end if Gui.Button{text = "Quit to Desktop"} then love.event.quit() end{} bg:update(dt) end function stEnd:draw() bg:draw() --draw the text local w, h = love.window.getWidth(), if(self.result == "lose") then[72]),0,0,255)"wow " .. self.dogeism .. " fail", 4, (h / 2 -, w, "center"),255,255,255)"wow " .. self.dogeism .. " fail", 0, h / 2 -, w, "center") else[72]),0,0,255)"wow " .. self.dogeism .. " " .. self.result .. " victory", 4, (h / 2 -, w, "center"),255,255,255)"wow " .. self.dogeism .. " " .. self.result .. " victory", 0, h / 2 -, w, "center") end Gui.core.draw() end function stEnd:keyreleased(key) if(key == "escape") then Gamestate.pop() end end
require("nebulous").setup { variant = "fullmoon", disable = { background = true, endOfBuffer = false, }, italic = { comments = true, keywords = true, functions = true, variables = false, }, custom_colors = { -- this table can hold any group of colors with their respective values CursorLineNr = { fg = "#E1CD6C", bg = "NONE", style = "NONE" }, Comment = { fg = "#696f7a", bg = "NONE", style = "NONE" }, -- it is possible to specify only the element to be changed --[[ TelescopePreviewBorder = { fg = "#A13413" }, LspDiagnosticsDefaultError = { bg = "#E11313" }, TSTagDelimiter = { style = "bold,italic" }, ]] } }
return function() local liter = require(game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').liter) it('should unpack the array around the returned value', function() local iter = liter.array({ { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } }):unbox() local a, b = iter:after() expect(a).to.equal(1) expect(b).to.equal(2) local c, d = iter:after() expect(c).to.equal(3) expect(d).to.equal(4) expect(iter:after()) end) end
function RunStartupStuffEsx(msg) -- NOTE: If not using legacy then comment out the '@es_extended/imports.lua' line in fxmanifest.lua -- Legacy provides a definition for ESX object so this should overwrite the global, but -- better to not let it load if not required if Config.UsingEsxLegacy == false then ESX = nil TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end) end end function GetAllPlayerNamesEsx() -- If you don't have this function in your es_extended, add it. I won't accomodate for -- not having this as without it there's MAJOR potential for server killing. Find it in ESX Legacy local xPlayers = ESX.GetExtendedPlayers() local playerNames = {} for _, playerIdStr in pairs(GetPlayers()) do local playerId = tonumber(playerIdStr) if xPlayers[playerId] ~= nil then playerNames[playerId] = xPlayers[playerId].name end end return playerNames end
function GlobalLuaFunction() print "nvim-example-lua-plugin.luamodule.init GlobalLuaFunction: hello" end function CurrentLineInfo() local linenr = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[1] local curline = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, linenr, linenr + 1, false)[1] print(string.format("current line [%d] has %d bytes", linenr, #curline)) end function ShowBuffs() print(vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()) end
return {'zeken','zeker','zekere','zekeren','zekerheid','zekerheidshalve','zekerheidsmaatregel','zekerheidsrecht','zekerheidsregeling','zekerheidsstelsel','zekerheidssysteem','zekerheidstelling','zekerheidstelsel','zekerheidsuitgaven','zekerheidswetgeving','zekering','zekeringhouder','zekeringkast','zekerlijk','zekers','zekerstelling','zekerheidsstelling','zekerheidssteller','zekerheidsnemer','zekerheidsovereenkomst','zekeringenkast','zekeringskast','zekerde','zekerden','zekerder','zekergesteld','zekerheden','zekerheidsbijdragen','zekerheidsmaatregelen','zekerheidstellingen','zekeringen','zekerst','zekert','zekerheidsrechten','zekerste','zekerheidsregelingen','zekerheidsstelsels','zekeringenkastje','zekerheidssystemen'}
-- // Name: getFollowings.lua -- // Description: Gets the list of people the specified user is following -- // Author: @Jumpathy local pageObject = require(script.Parent.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("objects"):WaitForChild("page")); return { authentication_required = false, call = function(client,api,endpoints,cookie,userId) local args = {userId} return api.promiseModule.async(function(resolve,reject) local key = "getFollowings"; local pageInitiator = api.request(true,key,{ ["urlExtension"] = "?sortOrder=Desc&limit=100"; },nil,unpack(args)):andThen(function(response) resolve( response, args, key, api )); end):catch(function(err) reject(err); end) end) end }
---@class CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 : CS.System.ValueType ---@field public m00 number ---@field public m10 number ---@field public m20 number ---@field public m30 number ---@field public m01 number ---@field public m11 number ---@field public m21 number ---@field public m31 number ---@field public m02 number ---@field public m12 number ---@field public m22 number ---@field public m32 number ---@field public m03 number ---@field public m13 number ---@field public m23 number ---@field public m33 number ---@field public rotation CS.UnityEngine.Quaternion ---@field public lossyScale CS.UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@field public isIdentity boolean ---@field public determinant number ---@field public decomposeProjection CS.UnityEngine.FrustumPlanes ---@field public inverse CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 ---@field public transpose CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 ---@field public Item number ---@field public Item number ---@field public zero CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 ---@field public identity CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 ---@type CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 = { } ---@return CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 ---@param column0 CS.UnityEngine.Vector4 ---@param column1 CS.UnityEngine.Vector4 ---@param column2 CS.UnityEngine.Vector4 ---@param column3 CS.UnityEngine.Vector4 function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4.New(column0, column1, column2, column3) end ---@return boolean function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4:ValidTRS() end ---@return number ---@param m CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4.Determinant(m) end ---@return CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 ---@param pos CS.UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param q CS.UnityEngine.Quaternion ---@param s CS.UnityEngine.Vector3 function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4.TRS(pos, q, s) end ---@param pos CS.UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param q CS.UnityEngine.Quaternion ---@param s CS.UnityEngine.Vector3 function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4:SetTRS(pos, q, s) end ---@return CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 ---@param m CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4.Inverse(m) end ---@return CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 ---@param m CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4.Transpose(m) end ---@return CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 ---@param left number ---@param right number ---@param bottom number ---@param top number ---@param zNear number ---@param zFar number function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4.Ortho(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar) end ---@return CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 ---@param fov number ---@param aspect number ---@param zNear number ---@param zFar number function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4.Perspective(fov, aspect, zNear, zFar) end ---@return CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 ---@param from CS.UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param to CS.UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param up CS.UnityEngine.Vector3 function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4.LookAt(from, to, up) end ---@overload fun(fp:CS.UnityEngine.FrustumPlanes): CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 ---@return CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 ---@param left number ---@param optional right number ---@param optional bottom number ---@param optional top number ---@param optional zNear number ---@param optional zFar number function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4.Frustum(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar) end ---@return number function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4:GetHashCode() end ---@overload fun(other:CS.System.Object): boolean ---@return boolean ---@param other CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4:Equals(other) end ---@overload fun(lhs:CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, rhs:CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4): CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 ---@return CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 ---@param lhs CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 ---@param vector CS.UnityEngine.Vector4 function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4.op_Multiply(lhs, vector) end ---@return boolean ---@param lhs CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 ---@param rhs CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4.op_Equality(lhs, rhs) end ---@return boolean ---@param lhs CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 ---@param rhs CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4.op_Inequality(lhs, rhs) end ---@return CS.UnityEngine.Vector4 ---@param index number function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4:GetColumn(index) end ---@return CS.UnityEngine.Vector4 ---@param index number function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4:GetRow(index) end ---@param index number ---@param column CS.UnityEngine.Vector4 function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4:SetColumn(index, column) end ---@param index number ---@param row CS.UnityEngine.Vector4 function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4:SetRow(index, row) end ---@return CS.UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param point CS.UnityEngine.Vector3 function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4:MultiplyPoint(point) end ---@return CS.UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param point CS.UnityEngine.Vector3 function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4:MultiplyPoint3x4(point) end ---@return CS.UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param vector CS.UnityEngine.Vector3 function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4:MultiplyVector(vector) end ---@return CS.UnityEngine.Plane ---@param plane CS.UnityEngine.Plane function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4:TransformPlane(plane) end ---@return CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 ---@param vector CS.UnityEngine.Vector3 function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4.Scale(vector) end ---@return CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 ---@param vector CS.UnityEngine.Vector3 function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4.Translate(vector) end ---@return CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 ---@param q CS.UnityEngine.Quaternion function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4.Rotate(q) end ---@overload fun(): string ---@return string ---@param optional format string function CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4:ToString(format) end return CS.UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
---@class icp.main:cc.ViewBase local M = class('icp.main', require('cc.ViewBase')) assert(imgui) local im = imgui local wi = require('imgui.Widget') function M:ctor() require('cc.ViewBase').ctor(self) self:showWithScene() local la = im.on(self:getParent()) local window_flags = bit.bor( --im.WindowFlags.MenuBar, im.WindowFlags.NoDocking, im.WindowFlags.NoTitleBar, im.WindowFlags.NoCollapse, im.WindowFlags.NoResize, im.WindowFlags.NoMove, im.WindowFlags.NoBringToFrontOnFocus, im.WindowFlags.NoNavFocus, im.WindowFlags.NoBackground ) la:addChild(function() local viewport = im.getMainViewport() im.setNextWindowPos(viewport.Pos) im.setNextWindowSize(viewport.Size) im.setNextWindowViewport(viewport.ID) im.pushStyleVar(im.StyleVar.WindowRounding, 0) im.pushStyleVar(im.StyleVar.WindowBorderSize, 0) im.pushStyleVar(im.StyleVar.WindowPadding, im.p(0, 0)) im.begin('Dock Space', nil, window_flags) im.popStyleVar(3) im.dockSpace(im.getID('icp.dock_space'), im.p(0, 0), im.DockNodeFlags.PassthruCentralNode) im.endToLua() end) local assetManager = require('icp.AssetManager'):getInstance() la:addChild(assetManager) local editor = require('icp.Editor'):getInstance() la:addChild(editor) local property = require('icp.Property'):getInstance() la:addChild(property) assetManager:addImage('D:/图片/表情/贴吧表情/43.png') --la:addChild(im.showDemoWindow) --la:addChild(im.showStyleEditor) --im.styleColorsLight() require('').AdobeDark() require('imgui.lstg.util').loadFont() self:_loadIcons() self:scheduleUpdateWithPriorityLua(function() local key = require('keycode') if lstg.GetKeyState(key.CTRL) and lstg.GetLastKey() == key.R then for i, v in ipairs(table.keys(package.loaded)) do package.loaded[v] = nil end local dir = cc.Director:getInstance() dir:purgeCachedData() dir:replaceScene(nil) lstg.FrameReset() end end, 1) end function M:_loadIcons() local names = { "ActualSize", "AdjustWindowSize", "AutoZoom", "Checkerboard", "Convert", "Delete", "Edit", "FlipHorz", "FlipVert", "FullScreen", "GoToFirst", "GoToImage", "GotoLast", "LockRatio", "Menu", "OpenFile", "Print", "Refresh", "RotateLeft", "RotateRight", "ScaleToFill", "ScaleToFit", "ScaleToHeight", "ScaleToWidth", "Slideshow", "ThumbnailBar", "ViewNextImage", "ViewPreviousImage", "ZoomIn", "ZoomOut", } local cache = cc.Director:getInstance():getTextureCache() for i, v in ipairs(names) do local path = ('icp/icon/%s.png'):format(v) local img = cc.Image() local ok = img:initWithImageFile(path) assert(ok) local tex = cache:addImage(img, path) assert(tex) img:release() end end return M
--The Direction of the file (made by NoNameDude) local ip_file = minetest.get_worldpath().."/ip_file.txt" minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() local ip = minetest.get_player_ip(name) --If its an ip then it gets saved (made by NoNameDude) if ip then local logFile =, 'a') logFile:write("Player ",name," has the ip [",ip,"].\n") logFile:close() --shows you if something went wrong (made by NoNameDude) else print("There was an error with "". ") end end)
local image = nil local dungeonWindow = nil local dungeon1 = nil function init() connect(g_game, { onGameEnd = onGameEnd }) dungeonWindow = g_ui.displayUI('dungeon') dungeonWindow:hide() -- lootWindow:addAnchor(AnchorLeft, 'gameLeftPanel', AnchorRight) -- lootWindow:addAnchor(AnchorLeft, "gameMapPanel", AnchorRight) --lootWindow:addAnchor(AnchorTop, 'topMenu', AnchorBottom) --lootWindow:addAnchor(AnchorBottom, 'topMenu', AnchorBottom + 70) dungeonWindow:setHeight(475) dungeonWindow:setWidth(700) ProtocolGame.registerExtendedOpcode(68, function(protocol, opcode, buffer) local strings = string.explode(buffer, '-') show(strings[1], strings[2])--, strings[3], strings[4], strings[5], strings[6], strings[7], strings[8], strings[9], strings[10], strings[11])--, strings[12], strings[13], strings[14], strings[15], strings[16], strings[17], strings[18], strings[19]) end) end function terminate() disconnect(g_game, { onGameEnd = onGameEnd }) ProtocolGame.unregisterExtendedOpcode(68) dungeonWindow:destroy() end function onGameEnd() if dungeonWindow:isVisible() then dungeonWindow:hide() end end function show(image) addEvent(function() g_effects.fadeIn(dungeonWindow, 350) end) --fernanda = "/images/dungeons/Shiny Charizard" --scheduleEvent(function() dungeonWindow:setPhantom(false) end, 250) -- addEvent(lootWindow:setPhantom(false), 250) dungeonWindow:show() dungeonWindow:raise() dungeonWindow:focus() dungeonWindow:setImageSource('/images/dungeons/'..image..'.png') -- dungeonWindow:getChildById('dungeon1'):setImage("/images/dungeons/teste.png") --lootWindow:getChildById('loot1'):setParent(center) --catchWindow:getChildById('maguBall'):setItemId(15324) --catchWindow:getChildById('soraBall'):setItemId(15325) --catchWindow:getChildById('yumeBall'):setItemId(15326) --catchWindow:getChildById('duskBall'):setItemId(15327) --catchWindow:getChildById('taleBall'):setItemId(15330) --catchWindow:getChildById('moonBall'):setItemId(15331) --catchWindow:getChildById('netBall'):setItemId(15332) -- catchWindow:getChildById('premierBall'):setItemId(15334) -- catchWindow:getChildById('tinkerBall'):setItemId(15335) -- catchWindow:getChildById('fastBall'):setItemId(15328) -- catchWindow:getChildById('heavyBall'):setItemId(15329) -- catchWindow:getChildById('text'):setText(tr('Congratulations!\nYou caught a %s!\nXP: %s', doCorrectString(pokemon), exp)) -- catchWindow:getChildById('pokeballsLabel'):setText(n) --catchWindow:getChildById('greatballsLabel'):setText(g) -- catchWindow:getChildById('superballsLabel'):setText(s) -- catchWindow:getChildById('utraballsLabel'):setText(u) -- catchWindow:getChildById('saffariballsLabel'):setText(s2) --addEvent(function() g_effects.fadeOut(lootWindow,7000) end) scheduleEvent(function() g_effects.fadeOut(dungeonWindow, 500) end, 3000) -- scheduleEvent(function() lootWindow:setPhantom(true) end, 5000) -- scheduleEvent(function() lootWindow:hide() end, 6000) -- catchWindow:getChildById('maguBallsLabel'):setText(magu) -- catchWindow:getChildById('soraBallsLabel'):setText(sora) -- catchWindow:getChildById('yumeBallsLabel'):setText(yume) -- catchWindow:getChildById('duskBallsLabel'):setText(dusk) -- catchWindow:getChildById('taleBallsLabel'):setText(tale) -- catchWindow:getChildById('moonBallsLabel'):setText(moon) -- catchWindow:getChildById('netBallsLabel'):setText(net) -- catchWindow:getChildById('premierBallsLabel'):setText(premier) -- catchWindow:getChildById('tinkerBallsLabel'):setText(tinker) -- catchWindow:getChildById('fastBallsLabel'):setText(fast) -- catchWindow:getChildById('heavyBallsLabel'):setText(heavy) -- lootWindow:show() end function hide() addEvent(function() g_effects.fadeOut(dungeonWindow, 250) end) scheduleEvent(function() dungeonWindow:hide() end, 250) end
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local common = ReplicatedStorage.common local lib = ReplicatedStorage.lib local event = ReplicatedStorage.event local eAttackActor = event.eAttackActor local Projectiles = require(common.Projectiles) local PizzaAlpaca = require(lib.PizzaAlpaca) local ProjectileCreator = PizzaAlpaca.GameModule:extend("ProjectileCreator") function ProjectileCreator:fireProjectile(owner, id, origin, direction, metadata) if not self.recsCore then return end local model = Projectiles.getModelForId(id) local projectile = Projectiles.byId[id] if not model then return end if not projectile then return end local newBullet = model:clone() newBullet.Parent = self.bulletBin newBullet.CFrame =,origin+(direction.Unit)) self.recsCore:addComponent(newBullet,self.recsCore:getComponentClass("Projectile"), { id = id, position = origin, velocity = direction.Unit * projectile.speed, gravityScale = projectile.gravityScale, owner = owner, fireTime = tick(), metadata = metadata }) end function ProjectileCreator:preInit() local bulletBin ="Folder") bulletBin.Name = "bullets" bulletBin.Parent = workspace self.bulletBin = bulletBin end function ProjectileCreator:postInit() local recsContainer = self.core:getModule("ClientRECSContainer") recsContainer:getCore():andThen(function(newCore) self.recsCore = newCore end) end return ProjectileCreator
return { title = "Example Blog", baseUrl = "http://myblog.example/", languageCode = "en", }
WUMA = WUMA or {} local WUMADebug = WUMADebug local WUMALog = WUMALog WUMA.Files = WUMA.Files or {} function WUMA.Files.Initialize() --Create Data folder WUMA.Files.CreateDir(WUMA.DataDirectory) --Create userfiles folder WUMA.Files.CreateDir(WUMA.DataDirectory..WUMA.UserDataDirectory) end function WUMA.Files.CreateDir(dir) dir = string.lower(dir) if not file.IsDir(dir, "DATA") then file.CreateDir(dir) end end function WUMA.Files.Append(path, text) path = string.lower(path) local f = file.Exists(WUMA.DataDirectory..path, "DATA") if (not f) then Files.Write(WUMA.DataDirectory..path, text) return end file.Append(path, text) end function WUMA.Files.Exists(path) path = string.lower(path) return file.Exists(path, "DATA") end function WUMA.Files.Delete(path) path = string.lower(path) file.Delete(path) end function WUMA.Files.Write(path, text) path = string.lower(path) file.Write(path, text) end function WUMA.Files.Read(path) path = string.lower(path) local f = file.Open(path, "r", "DATA") if not f then return "" end local str = f:Read(f:Size()) f:Close() return str or "" end
--主要用于组件的获取 组件的测试 --LuaComponent LuaComponent = {}; local GameObject = UnityEngine.GameObject; function LuaComponent:new() print("LuaComponent:new"); return setmetatable({ set = {} }, { __index = self} ); end function LuaComponent:getComponent(Obj) print("LuaComponent:getComponent"); print(Obj); --添加绑定组件 --Obj:AddComponent(typeof(AudioSource)); Obj:AddComponent(typeof(UnityEngine.AudioSource)); end return LuaComponent;
if SERVER then for _, f in pairs(file.Find("scalar/*", "LUA")) do AddCSLuaFile("scalar/" .. f) end else Scalar = Scalar or {Data = {}, SCALEFACTOR = {}} for _, f in pairs(file.Find("scalar/*", "LUA")) do include("scalar/" .. f) end end
-- Initialization vim.cmd("hi clear") vim.cmd("syntax reset") vim.g.colors_name = "monokai" vim.opt.termguicolors = true require("monokai.theme")
function newDirectionButton(x, y, rotation, onHeld, onRelease) local directionButton = {} directionButton.x = x directionButton.y = y local width, height = 32, 16 if rotation == math.pi / 2 or rotation == math.pi * 3 / 2 then width, height = 16, 32 directionButton.sides = true end directionButton.width = width directionButton.height = height directionButton.button = button directionButton.rotation = rotation directionButton.held = false directionButton.onHeld = onHeld directionButton.onRelease = onRelease function directionButton:draw() local graphic = directionalButtonGraphic if self.held then graphic = directionalButtonGraphicPressed end, self.x + (self:getWidth() / 2), self.y + (self:getHeight() / 2), self.rotation, 1, 1, self:getWidth() / 2, self.getHeight() / 2) end function directionButton:touchPressed(id, x, y, pressure) local offsetX, offsetY = 0, 0 if self.sides then offsetX, offsetY = self.width / 2, -8 end return lovia.insideElement(self.x + offsetX, self.y + offsetY, self.width, self.height, x, y) end function directionButton:setHeld(id, isHeld, isReleased) if isHeld then self.held = id end if self.held == id then if isHeld then if self.onHeld then self.onHeld() end else if self.onRelease then self.onRelease() end end if isReleased then if self.onRelease then self.onRelease() end end if not isHeld then self.held = false end end end function directionButton:getWidth() return directionalButtonGraphic:getWidth() end function directionButton:getHeight() return directionalButtonGraphic:getHeight() end return directionButton end
function print_node (node) print (string.format ("Node position = [%.2f %.2f %.2f]", node.WorldPosition.x, node.WorldPosition.y, node.WorldPosition.z)) end function print_bind (bind) print ("Bind anchor = " .. tostring (bind.Anchor) .. " axis = " .. tostring (bind.Axis)) end function collision_filter (body1, body2) print ("Collision filter called") return true end function collision_event_name (event) if event == Physics.CollisionEventType.Begin then return "Begin" elseif event == Physics.CollisionEventType.Process then return "Process" elseif event == Physics.CollisionEventType.End then return "End" else return "Unknown" end end function collision_callback (event, body1, body2, point) print ("Collision callback called for event " .. collision_event_name (event) .. " at point " .. string.format ("[%.2f %.2f %.2f]", point.x, point.y, point.z)) end function body_collision_callback (event, body1, body2, point) print ("Body collision callback called for event " .. collision_event_name (event) .. " at point " .. string.format ("[%.2f %.2f %.2f]", point.x, point.y, point.z)) end function print_material (material) print (string.format ("Material linear damping = %.2f, angular damping = %.2f, friction = %.2f, anisotropic friction = %.2f %.2f %.2f, restitution = %.2f", material.LinearDamping, material.AngularDamping, material.Friction, material.AnisotropicFriction.x, material.AnisotropicFriction.y, material.AnisotropicFriction.z, material.Restitution)) end function print_shape_list_shape_info (list, index) print (string.format ("Shape list %d shape margin = %.2f position is %s orientation is %s", index, list:Shape (index).Margin, tostring (list:ShapePosition (index)), tostring (list:ShapeOrientation (index)))) end function body_update_transform_callback (body) print ("body transform updated") end function print_rigid_body (body) print ("Rigid body:") print (string.format (" mass %.2f", body.Mass)) print (" mass space inertia tensor " .. tostring (body.MassSpaceInertiaTensor)) print (" world position " .. tostring (body.WorldPosition)) print (" world orientation " .. tostring (body.WorldOrientation)) print (string.format (" sleep linear velocity %.2f", body.SleepLinearVelocity)) print (string.format (" sleep angular velocity %.2f", body.SleepAngularVelocity)) print (string.format (" ccd motion threshold %.2f", body.CcdMotionThreshold)) print (string.format (" shape margin %.2f", body.Shape.Margin)) print (string.format (" material linear damping %.2f", body.Material.LinearDamping)) print (" collision group '" .. body.CollisionGroup .. "'") print (" linear velocity " .. tostring (body.LinearVelocity)) print (" angular velocity " .. tostring (body.AngularVelocity)) print (" flags:") print (" frozen position x = " .. tostring (body:GetFlag (Physics.RigidBodyFlag.FrozenPositionX))) print (" frozen position y = " .. tostring (body:GetFlag (Physics.RigidBodyFlag.FrozenPositionY))) print (" frozen position z = " .. tostring (body:GetFlag (Physics.RigidBodyFlag.FrozenPositionZ))) print (" frozen position = " .. tostring (body:GetFlag (Physics.RigidBodyFlag.FrozenPosition))) print (" frozen rotation x = " .. tostring (body:GetFlag (Physics.RigidBodyFlag.FrozenRotationX))) print (" frozen rotation y = " .. tostring (body:GetFlag (Physics.RigidBodyFlag.FrozenRotationY))) print (" frozen rotation z = " .. tostring (body:GetFlag (Physics.RigidBodyFlag.FrozenRotationZ))) print (" frozen rotation = " .. tostring (body:GetFlag (Physics.RigidBodyFlag.FrozenRotation))) print (" kinematic = " .. tostring (body:GetFlag (Physics.RigidBodyFlag.Kinematic))) end function test_physics() print "Physics test" local manager = Engine.PhysicsManagers.Get ("PhysicsManager") print ("Manager description is '" .. manager.Description .. "'") local scene = manager:CreateScene () local material = manager:CreateMaterial () local box_shape = manager:CreateBoxShape (vec3 (1, 2, 3)) local sphere_shape = manager:CreateSphereShape (1) local capsule_shape = manager:CreateCapsuleShape (1, 2) local plane_shape = manager:CreatePlaneShape (vec3 (0, 1, 0), 10) local shape_list = Physics.ShapeList.Create () print ("Shape list size = " .. shape_list.Size) shape_list:Add (box_shape) shape_list:Add (sphere_shape, vec3 (1, 2, 3)) shape_list:Add (capsule_shape, quat (1, 2, 3, 4)) shape_list:Add (plane_shape, vec3 (5, 6, 7), quat (1, 2, 3, 4)) local compound_shape = manager:CreateCompoundShape (shape_list) print ("Shape list size = " .. shape_list.Size) print_shape_list_shape_info (shape_list, 0) print_shape_list_shape_info (shape_list, 1) print_shape_list_shape_info (shape_list, 2) print_shape_list_shape_info (shape_list, 3) shape_list:Remove (1) print ("Shape list size = " .. shape_list.Size) shape_list:Clear () print ("Shape list size = " .. shape_list.Size) print_material (material) material.LinearDamping = 1 material.AngularDamping = 2 material.Friction = 3 material.AnisotropicFriction = vec3 (4, 5, 6) material.Restitution = 7 print_material (material) print (string.format ("box_shape margin = %.2f", box_shape.Margin)) box_shape.Margin = 5 print ("new box_shape margin = " .. box_shape.Margin) print ("Scene gravity = " .. tostring (scene.Gravity)) print (string.format ("Scene simulation step = %0.2f", scene.SimulationStep)) scene.Gravity = vec3 (0, -8, 0) scene.SimulationStep = 0.1 print ("Scene gravity = " .. tostring (scene.Gravity)) print (string.format ("Scene simulation step = %0.2f", scene.SimulationStep)) local body1 = scene:CreateRigidBody (box_shape, 1) local body2 = scene:CreateRigidBody (plane_shape, 2) print_rigid_body (body1) print_rigid_body (body2) body1.Mass = 4 body1.MassSpaceInertiaTensor = vec3 (1, 2, 3) body1.WorldPosition = vec3 (2, 3, 4) body1.WorldOrientation = quat (1, 2, 3, 4) body1.SleepLinearVelocity = 5 body1.SleepAngularVelocity = 6 body1.CcdMotionThreshold = 7 body1.CollisionGroup = "object" body1.LinearVelocity = vec3 (7, 8, 9) body1.AngularVelocity = vec3 (8, 9, 10) body1.Material = material body1:SetFlag (Physics.RigidBodyFlag.FrozenPositionX, true) body1:SetFlag (Physics.RigidBodyFlag.FrozenRotationY, true) body1:SetFlag (Physics.RigidBodyFlag.Kinematic, true) body2.CollisionGroup = "ground" print_rigid_body (body1) body1:SetFlag (Physics.RigidBodyFlag.FrozenPositionX, true) body1:SetFlag (Physics.RigidBodyFlag.FrozenPositionY, true) body1:SetFlag (Physics.RigidBodyFlag.FrozenPositionZ, true) body1:SetFlag (Physics.RigidBodyFlag.FrozenRotation, true) body1:SetFlag (Physics.RigidBodyFlag.FrozenRotationY, false) print_rigid_body (body1) body1:SetFlag (Physics.RigidBodyFlag.FrozenPosition, false) body1:SetFlag (Physics.RigidBodyFlag.FrozenRotation, false) body1:SetFlag (Physics.RigidBodyFlag.Kinematic, false) local joint_bind_1 = Physics.JointBind.Create (body1) local joint_bind_2 = Physics.JointBind.Create (body1, vec3 (1, 2, 3)) local joint_bind_3 = Physics.JointBind.Create (body2, vec3 (2, 3, 4), vec3 (1, 0, 0)) print_bind (joint_bind_1) print_bind (joint_bind_2) print_bind (joint_bind_3) joint_bind_1.Body = body2 joint_bind_1.Anchor = vec3 (3, 4, 5) joint_bind_1.Axis = vec3 (0, 1, 0) print_bind (joint_bind_1) local spherical_joint = scene:CreateSphericalJoint (joint_bind_1, joint_bind_2) local cone_twist_joint_1 = scene:CreateConeTwistJoint (joint_bind_1, joint_bind_2) local cone_twist_joint_2 = scene:CreateConeTwistJoint (joint_bind_1, joint_bind_2, 10) local cone_twist_joint_3 = scene:CreateConeTwistJoint (joint_bind_1, joint_bind_2, 20, 30) local hinge_joint = scene:CreateHingeJoint (joint_bind_1, joint_bind_2) local prismatic_joint = scene:CreatePrismaticJoint (joint_bind_1, joint_bind_2) print ("hinge joint bodies count = " .. hinge_joint.BodiesCount) local filter1 = scene:AddCollisionFilter ("*", "*", true) local filter2 = scene:AddCollisionFilter ("*", "ground", false, Physics.Scene.CreateCollisionFilter (collision_filter)) scene:RemoveCollisionFilter (filter1) scene:RemoveAllCollisionFilters () local filter3 = scene:AddCollisionFilter ("*", "*", true, Physics.Scene.CreateCollisionFilter (collision_filter)) local callback_connection = scene:RegisterCollisionCallback ("*", "*", Physics.CollisionEventType.Begin, Physics.Scene.CreateCollisionCallback (collision_callback)) local body_transform_connection = body1:RegisterTransformUpdateCallback (Physics.RigidBody.CreateTransformUpdateCallback (body_update_transform_callback)) local body_collision_connection = body1:RegisterCollisionCallback ("*", Physics.CollisionEventType.Begin, Physics.RigidBody.CreateCollisionCallback (body_collision_callback)) local node = Scene.Node.Create () print_node (node) scene:PerformSimulation (1) local node_controller = Scene.Controllers.SyncPhysicsToNode.Create (node, body1) print_node (node) node:Update (Xtl.Rational.LongLong.Create (1, 10)) print_node (node) end function test () test_physics () end
local Tunnel = module("vrp", "lib/Tunnel") local Proxy = module("vrp", "lib/Proxy") MySQL = module("vrp_mysql", "MySQL") cfg = module("vrp", "cfg/garages") vehicles = cfg.garage_types vRP = Proxy.getInterface("vRP") vRPclient = Tunnel.getInterface("vRP","vRP_carcrusher") vRPcc = {} Tunnel.bindInterface("vRP_carcrusher",vRPcc) Proxy.addInterface("vRP_carcrusher",vRPcc) vRPccC = Tunnel.getInterface("vRP_carcrusher","vRP_carcrusher") MySQL.createCommand("vRP/del_vehicle","DELETE FROM vrp_user_vehicles WHERE user_id = @user_id AND vehicle = @vehicle") AddEventHandler("vRP:playerSpawn",function(user_id,source,first_spawn) vRPclient.addBlip(source,{-421.03393554688, -1710.8310546875, 19.439516067504, 68, 49, "Vehicle Crusher"}) end) RegisterServerEvent("crushVehicle") AddEventHandler("crushVehicle", function(vtype, vname, vehPrice) local user_id = vRP.getUserId({source}) vRPclient.despawnGarageVehicle(source,{vtype,15}) MySQL.execute("vRP/del_vehicle", {user_id = user_id, vehicle = vname}) vRPclient.notify(source, {"~w~[CRUSHER] ~g~You scrapped the vehicle and received ~r~$"..vehPrice}) vRP.giveMoney({user_id, vehPrice}) end) function vRPcc.getVehiclesPrices(vname) thePrice = 0 vehName = "" for i, v in pairs(vehicles) do for ix, vx in pairs(v) do if(tostring(ix) ~= "_config") and (tostring(ix) == vname)then vehName = tostring(vx[1]) thePrice = tonumber(vx[2]) if(thePrice == nil) or (thePrice <= 0)then thePrice = 0 else thePrice = math.ceil(thePrice*0.50) end end end end return thePrice, vehName end
local api, time, delay, fn = ... local stamp = time.stamp + delay api.log(2, 'scheduling timer %.2f %s', stamp, tostring(fn)) time.timers:push(stamp, fn)
local items = { } items.scrap1 = { type = 'scrap1', itemType = 'corpse', name = 'Scrap', img = 'scrap1', color = {0.85, 0.85, 0.85}, stats = {weight = 55}, stackable = true, desc = 'A pile of damaged scrap.' } items.corpse1 = { type = 'corpse1', itemType = 'corpse', name = 'Corpse', img = 'corpse1', color = {0.88, 0, 0}, stats = {weight = 55}, stackable = true, desc = 'A mangled corpse.', } items.chest1 = { type = 'chest1', itemType = 'container', name = 'Chest', img = 'chest1', color = {0.89, 0.87, 0.5}, stats = {weight = 15, container = true}, container = { }, stackable = false, desc = 'A simple chest.', } items.woodenbuckler = { type = 'woodenbuckler', itemType = 'shield', name = 'Wooden Buckler', img = 'buckler1', color = {0.5, 0.3, 0.2}, stats = {weight = 3, shield = true, blockChance = 10}, stackable = false, desc = 'A small buckler carved from wood. Common in the slums.\n\nBlock Chance: 10%\nWeight: 3', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [10%]' end } items.simpleshield = { type = 'simpleshield', itemType = 'shield', name = 'Simple Shield', img = 'shield1', color = {0.75, 0.75, 0.75}, stats = {weight = 5, shield = true, blockChance = 15}, stackable = false, desc = 'A simple shield constructed from scrap metal.\n\nBlock Chance: 15%\nWeight: 5', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [15%]' end, } items.bullet = { type = 'bullet', itemType = 'ammo', name = 'Depleted Uranium Round', img = 'bullet1', color = {0, 1, 0.25}, stats = {weight = 0}, stackable = true, desc = 'A 9mm depleted uranium round inteded for use in an old fashioned ballistics weapon.\n\nWeight: 1', getDisplayName = function (self) return '' end, } items.ballisticrifle = { type = 'ballisticrifle', itemType = 'ranged', name = 'Ballistic Rifle', img = 'rifle2', color = {0.85, 0.85, 0.85}, stats = {weight = 15, damage = {1,6,0}, equipSlot = 'ranged', rangedWeapon = {penetration = 11, inaccuracy = 0.16, maxAmmo = 15, currentAmmo = 0, ammoType = 'bullet'}}, stackable = false, desc = 'A standard ballistics rifle. Fires depleted uranium bullets.\n\nDamage: 1d6+0\nWeight: 15', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [1d6+0] [' .. self.item.stats.rangedWeapon.currentAmmo .. ' / ' .. self.item.stats.rangedWeapon.maxAmmo ..']' end, } items.huntingrifle = { type = 'huntingrifle', itemType = 'ranged', name = 'Hunting Rifle', img = 'rifle1', color = {0.85, 0.85, 0.85}, stats = {weight = 15, damage = {2,3,0}, equipSlot = 'ranged', rangedWeapon = {penetration = 13, inaccuracy = 0.12, maxAmmo = 1, currentAmmo = 0, ammoType = 'bullet'}}, stackable = false, desc = 'An old hunting rifle. Fires depleted uranium bullets.\n\nDamage: 2d3+0\nWeight: 15', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [2d3+0] [' .. self.item.stats.rangedWeapon.currentAmmo .. ' / ' .. self.item.stats.rangedWeapon.maxAmmo ..']' end, } items.ballisticpistol = { type = 'ballisticpistol', itemType = 'ranged', name = 'Ballistics Pistol', img = 'pistol1', color = {0.85, 0.85, 0.85}, stats = {weight = 5, damage = {1,3,1}, equipSlot = 'ranged', rangedWeapon = {penetration = 9, inaccuracy = 0.22, maxAmmo = 6, currentAmmo = 0, ammoType = 'bullet'}}, stackable = false, desc = 'An old ballistics pistol. Fires depleted uranium bullets.\n\nDamage: 1d3+0\nWeight: 5', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [1d3+0] [' .. self.item.stats.rangedWeapon.currentAmmo .. ' / ' .. self.item.stats.rangedWeapon.maxAmmo ..']' end, } items.hoe = { type = 'hoe', itemType = 'weapon', name = 'Hoe', img = 'hoe1', color = {0.56, 0.62, 0.63}, stats = {weight = 6, damage = {2,3,0}}, stackable = false, desc = 'A simple hoe used for farming.\n\nDamage: 2d3+0\nWeight: 6', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [2d3+0]' end, } items.plasteelsaber = { type = 'plasteelsaber', itemType = 'weapon', name = 'Plasteel Saber', img = 'longblade2', color = {0.56, 0.62, 0.63}, stats = {weight = 3, damage = {2,5,0}}, stackable = false, desc = 'A molded plasteel blade modeled after a traditional saber.\n\nDamage: 2d5+0\nWeight: 3', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [2d5+0]' end, } items.longsword = { type = 'longsword', itemType = 'weapon', name = 'Longsword', img = 'longblade1', color = {0.71, 0.87, 1}, stats = {weight = 3, damage = {1,8,0}}, stackable = false, desc = 'An older style longsword, fashioned by hand in the slums.\n\nDamage: 1d8+0\nWeight: 1', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [1d8+0]' end, } items.cryoblade = { type = 'cryoblade', itemType = 'weapon', name = 'Cryoblade', img = 'shortblade2', color = {0.25, 1, 1}, stats = {weight = 1, damage = {3,2,0}, toHit = 2}, mods = {'balanced'}, stackable = false, desc = 'A short cryo forged blade.\n\nDamage: 3d2+0\nTo Hit: +2\nWeight: 1', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [3d2+0]' end, } items.switchblade = { type = 'switchblade', itemType = 'weapon', name = 'Switchblade', img = 'shortblade1', color = {0.6, 0.67, 0.71}, stats = {weight = 1, damage = {1,5,0}, toHit = 2}, mods = {'balanced'}, stackable = false, desc = 'A simple switchblade. Easy to use, and even easier to conceal.\n\nDamage: 1d5+0\nTo Hit: +2\nWeight: 1', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [1d5+0]' end, } items.cleatedboots = { type = 'cleatedboots', itemType = 'armor', name = 'Cleated Boots', img = 'shoe2', color = {0.5, 0.3, 0.2}, stats = {weight = 1, av = 1, dv = -1, equipSlot = 'feet'}, stackable = false, desc = 'A pair of cleated boots. Offers great traction.\n\nAV: 1\nDV: -1\nWeight: 1', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [1AV -1DV]' end, } items.sneakers = { type = 'sneakers', itemType = 'armor', name = 'Sneakers', img = 'shoe1', color = {0.8, 0.8, 0.3}, stats = {weight = 1, av = 0, dv = 1, equipSlot = 'feet'}, stackable = false, desc = 'A pair of well fitting sneakers.\n\nAV: 0\nDV: 1\nWeight: 1', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [0AV 1DV]' end, } items.denimjeans = { type = 'denimjeans', itemType = 'armor', name = 'Denim Jeans', img = 'leggings1', color = {0.2, 0.4, 0.6}, stats = {weight = 3, av = 0, dv = 1, equipSlot = 'legs'}, stackable = false, desc = 'A pair of worn denim jeans. Frayed near the ankles.\n\nAV: 0\nDV: 1\nWeight: 3', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [0AV 1DV]' end, } items.leathergloves = { type = 'leathergloves', itemType = 'armor', name = 'Leather Gloves', img = 'gloves1', color = {0.79, 0.56, 0.39}, stats = {weight = 1, av = 1, dv = 0, equipSlot = 'gloves'}, stackable = false, desc = 'A pair of leather gloves made for hard labor.\n\nAV: 1\nnDV: 0\nWeight: 1', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [1AV 0DV]' end, } items.worncloak = { type = 'worncloak', itemType = 'armor', name = 'Worn Cloak', img = 'cloak1', color = {0.89, 0.66, 0.49}, stats = {weight = 1, av = 0, dv = 1, equipSlot = 'back'}, stackable = false, desc = 'An old cloak that\'s been worn out and left to gather dust.\n\nAV: 0\nnDV: 1\nWeight: 1', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [0AV 1DV]' end, } items.leatherjacket = { type = 'leatherjacket', itemType = 'armor', name = 'Leather Jacket', img = 'leatherjacket1', color = {0.81, 0.58, 0.41}, stats = {weight = 5, av = 1, dv = 0, equipSlot = 'overshirt'}, stackable = false, desc = 'A battered leather jacket. Popular among street punks and laborers.\n\nAV: 1\nDV: 0\nWeight: 5', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [1AV 0DV]' end, } items.kevlarvest = { type = 'kevlarvest', itemType = 'armor', name = 'Kevlar Vest', img = 'kevlar1', color = {0.46, 0.47, 0.61}, stats = {weight = 15, av = 3, dv = -1, equipSlot = 'overshirt'}, stackable = false, desc = 'A thick vest made from woven kevlar. Offers significant protection.\n\nAV: 3\nDV: -1\nWeight: 15', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [3AV -1DV]' end, } items.polyestershirt = { type = 'polyestershirt', itemType = 'armor', name = 'Polyester Shirt', img = 'shirt1', color = {0.61, 0.46, 0.46}, stats = {weight = 1, av = 0, dv = 1, equipSlot = 'undershirt'}, stackable = false, desc = 'A mass produced polyester shirt sporting a logo near the collar.\n\nAV: 0\nDV: 1\nWeight: 1', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [0AV 1DV]' end, } items.clothshirt = { type = 'clothshirt', itemType = 'armor', name = 'Cloth Shirt', img = 'shirt1', color = {0.76, 0.68, 0.46}, stats = {weight = 1, av = 0, dv = 2, equipSlot = 'undershirt'}, stackable = false, desc = 'An authentic cloth shirt. Comfortable, and conforming.\n\nAV: 0\nDV: 2\nWeight: 1', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [0AV 2DV]' end, } items.healthneedle = { type = 'healthneedle', itemType = 'drug', name = 'Hypodermic Needle', img = 'needle1', color = {1, 0.19, 0.19}, stats = {weight = 0, fluid = 'morphine'}, stackable = true, applicable = true, amountUsedPerApplication = 1, applicationMessage = { player = ' stuck the needle into ', other = ' sticks the needle into ', }, effectMessage = { player = ' chest feels numb and the pain begins to fade. ', other = ' begins to feel better. ' }, desc = 'A clean hypodermic needle filled with Morphine. Can be injected into the skin, the effects of which will take place immediately.\n\nExample Effect\nExample Effect\nExample Effect', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [Morphine]' end, application = function (self, appliedBy, target) target.ReferenceStateGame.getCreature().addCurrentHealth(target, 25) end, aiCheck = function (self, creature, targetself) if targetself and creature.currentHealth <= creature.ReferenceStateGame.getCreature().getMaxHealth(creature) * 0.5 then if love.math.random(1, 100) <= 25 then return true end end return false end } items.staminaneedle = { type = 'staminaneedle', itemType = 'drug', name = 'Hypodermic Needle', img = 'needle1', color = {0.19, 1, 0.19}, stats = {weight = 0, fluid = 'adrenaline'}, stackable = true, applicable = true, amountUsedPerApplication = 1, applicationMessage = { player = ' stuck the needle into ', other = ' sticks the needle into ', }, effectMessage = { player = ' chest heats up as your muscles fill with energy. ', other = ' begins to frantically shake. ' }, desc = 'A clean hypodermic needle filled with Adrenaline. Can be injected into the skin, the effects of which will take place immediately.\n\nExample Effect\nExample Effect\nExample Effect', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [Adrenaline]' end, application = function (self, appliedBy, target) end, } items.deathneedle = { type = 'deathneedle', itemType = 'drug', name = 'Hypodermic Needle', img = 'needle1', color = {1, 1, 1}, stats = {weight = 0, fluid = 'fentanyl'}, stackable = true, applicable = true, amountUsedPerApplication = 1, applicationMessage = { player = ' stuck the needle into ', other = ' sticks the needle into ', }, effectMessage = { player = ' chest chills as your heart begins to ache. ', other = ' begins to look sick. ' }, desc = 'A clean hypodermic needle filled with Fentanyl. Can be injected into the skin, the effects of which will take place immediately.\n\nExample Effect\nExample Effect\nExample Effect', getDisplayName = function (self) return ' [Fentanyl]' end, application = function (self, appliedBy, target) if appliedBy ~= target then = appliedBy end target.ReferenceStateGame.getCreature().takeDamage(target, 25, 'internal') end, aiCheck = function (self, creature, targetself) if not targetself and then local targets = {{-1,-1},{-1,0},{-1,1},{0,-1},{0,1},{1,-1},{1,0},{1,1}} for i = 1, # targets do if == creature.x + targets[i][1] and == creature.y + targets[i][2] then if love.math.random(1, 100) <= 20 then return true end end end end return false end } return items
-- 转码到URL。注意特殊字符"="等 local function escape(s) local str = string.gsub(s, "[&=+%%%c]", function(c) return string.format("%%%02X", string.byte(c)) end) str = string.gsub(str, " ", "+") return str end -- 从URL转码 local function unescape(s) local str = string.gsub(s, "+", " ") str = string.gsub(str, "%%(%x%x)", function(h) return string.char(tonumber(h, 16)) end) return str end -- 解码参数 local function decode(s) local cgi = {} for k, v in string.gmatch(s, "([^&=]+)=([^&=]+)") do k = unescape(k) v = unescape(v) cgi[k] = v end return cgi end -- 编码参数 local function encode(t) local b = {} for k, v in pairs(t) do b[#b + 1] = string.format("%s=%s", escape(k), escape(v)) end return table.concat(b, "&") end local function test() local js = require("") local s = "name=al&query=a%2Bb+%3D+c&q=yes+or+no" local ns = unescape(s) local ens = escape(ns) io.write("原字符串:", s, "\n") io.write("解码后 = ", ns, "\n") io.write("解码后再编码 = ", ens, "\n") io.write(s, " != ", ens, "\n") local t = decode(s) print(js.encode(t)) print(encode(t)) end test() return { decode = decode, encode = encode, }
-- See LICENSE for terms local Resources = Resources local T = T local table = table local properties = {} local c = 0 local resources = table.icopy(UniversalStorageDepot.storable_resources) resources[#resources+1] = "WasteRock" if g_AvailableDlc.armstrong and not table.find(resources, "Seeds") then resources[#resources+1] = "Seeds" end for i = 1, #resources do local res = resources[i] c = c + 1 properties[c] = PlaceObj("ModItemOptionNumber", { "name", "MinResourceAmount_" .. res, "DisplayName", table.concat(T(302535920011754, "Min Resource Amount") .. ": " .. T(Resources[res].display_name)), "Help", T(302535920011755, "If stored resource is below this amount then don't remove resource from depot."), "DefaultValue", 0, "MinValue", 0, "MaxValue", 10000, "StepSize", 10, }) end local CmpLower = CmpLower local _InternalTranslate = _InternalTranslate table.sort(properties, function(a, b) return CmpLower(_InternalTranslate(a.DisplayName), _InternalTranslate(b.DisplayName)) end) return properties
Constraint = { Properties= { radius = 0.03, --[0,1,0.1,"Attachment sphere radius"] damping = 0, bNoSelfCollisions = 1, --[0,1,1,"Ignore collisions between attached objects"] bUseEntityFrame=1, --[0,1,1,"Use the first (lightest) entity coordinate frame instead of the constraint's"] max_pull_force=0, --[0,1000000,0.1,"Linear force limit, 0=no limit"] max_bend_torque=0, --[0,1000000,0.1,"Rotational force limit, 0=no limit"] bConstrainToLine=0, --[0,1,1,"Mutually exclusive with constrain to plane and fully"] bConstrainToPlane=0, --[0,1,1,"Mutually exclusive with constraint to line and fully"] bConstrainFully=1, --[0,1,1,"Translation is fully disabled; mutually exclusive with line and plane"] bNoRotation=0, --[0,1,1,"Rotation is fully disabled"] Limits = { x_min = 0, --[-180,180,0.1,"Minimal twist angle or linear offset if constrained to line. If x_min and x_max are 0, twist is locked, unless yz is also 0, which disables limits"] x_max = 0, --[-180,180,0.1,"Maximal twist angle or linear offset if constrained to line. If x_min and x_max are 0, twist is locked, unless yz is also 0, which disables limits"] yz_max = 0, --[0,90,0.1,"Maximal bend angle (minimal is always 0). If 0, bending is locked, unless x_min and x_max are also 0, which disables limits"] } }, numUpdates = 0, Editor= { Icon="Magnet.bmp", ShowBounds = 1, }, } function Constraint:OnReset() --Log("%s:OnReset() idEnt: %s idConstr: %s broken: %s", self:GetName(), tostring(self.idEnt), -- tostring(self.idConstr), tostring(self.broken)) --if (self.idConstr) then --System.GetEntity(self.idEnt):SetPhysicParams(PHYSICPARAM_REMOVE_CONSTRAINT, { id=self.idConstr }) --end self.idEnt = nil self.idConstr = nil self.broken = nil self.numUpdates = 0 self:SetFlags(ENTITY_FLAG_CLIENT_ONLY,0); end function Constraint:Apply() --Log("%s:Apply() idEnt: %s idConstr: %s broken: %s", self:GetName(), tostring(self.idEnt), -- tostring(self.idConstr), tostring(self.broken)) local ConstraintParams = {pivot={},frame0={},frame1={}}; if self.idEnt then elseif (not self.broken) then local ents = Physics.SamplePhysEnvironment(self:GetPos(), self.Properties.radius); if (ents[1] and ents[6]) then CopyVector(ConstraintParams.pivot, self:GetPos()); if self.Properties.bUseEntityFrame==1 then CopyVector(ConstraintParams.frame1, ents[1]:GetAngles()); else CopyVector(ConstraintParams.frame1, self:GetAngles()); end CopyVector(ConstraintParams.frame0, ConstraintParams.frame1); ConstraintParams.entity_part_id_1 = ents[2]; ConstraintParams.phys_entity_id = ents[6]; ConstraintParams.entity_part_id_2 = ents[5]; ConstraintParams.xmin = self.Properties.Limits.x_min; ConstraintParams.xmax = self.Properties.Limits.x_max; ConstraintParams.yzmin = 0; ConstraintParams.yzmax = self.Properties.Limits.yz_max; ConstraintParams.ignore_buddy = self.Properties.bNoSelfCollisions; ConstraintParams.damping = self.Properties.damping; ConstraintParams.sensor_size = self.Properties.radius; ConstraintParams.max_pull_force = self.Properties.max_pull_force; ConstraintParams.max_bend_torque = self.Properties.max_bend_torque; ConstraintParams.line = self.Properties.bConstrainToLine; ConstraintParams.plane = self.Properties.bConstrainToPlane; ConstraintParams.no_rotation = self.Properties.bNoRotation; ConstraintParams.full = self.Properties.bConstrainFully; self.idConstr = ents[1]:SetPhysicParams(PHYSICPARAM_CONSTRAINT, ConstraintParams); self.idEnt = ents[1].id; else self:SetTimer(1,1); end end end function Constraint:OnTimer() if (self.numUpdates < 10) then self:Apply(); self.numUpdates = self.numUpdates+1; end end function Constraint:OnLevelLoaded() --Log("%s:OnLevelLoaded() idEnt: %s idConstr: %s broken: %s", self:GetName(), tostring(self.idEnt), -- tostring(self.idConstr), tostring(self.broken)) if ((not self.broken) and (not self.idConstr)) then self.numUpdates = 0 self.idEnt = nil self.idConstr = nil self:Apply() end end function Constraint:OnPropertyChange() self:OnReset() end function Constraint:OnSpawn() self:OnReset() end function Constraint:Event_ConstraintBroken(sender) --Log("%s:Event_ConstraintBroken() idEnt: %s idConstr: %s broken: %s", self:GetName(), tostring(self.idEnt), -- tostring(self.idConstr), tostring(self.broken)) if self.idEnt then System.GetEntity(self.idEnt):SetPhysicParams(PHYSICPARAM_REMOVE_CONSTRAINT, { id=self.idConstr }); self.idEnt = nil self.idConstr = nil end self.broken = true self:KillTimer(1) BroadcastEvent(self, "ConstraintBroken") end function Constraint:OnSave( props ) --Log("%s:OnSave() idEnt: %s idConstr: %s broken: %s", self:GetName(), tostring(self.idEnt), -- tostring(self.idConstr), tostring(self.broken)) props.broken = self.broken props.idEnt = self.idEnt props.idConstr = self.idConstr end function Constraint:OnLoad( props ) self.broken = props.broken self.idEnt = props.idEnt self.idConstr = props.idConstr --Log("%s:OnLoad() idEnt: %s idConstr: %s broken: %s", self:GetName(), tostring(self.idEnt), -- tostring(self.idConstr), tostring(self.broken)) end function Constraint:OnDestroy() end Constraint.FlowEvents = { Inputs = { ConstraintBroken = { Constraint.Event_ConstraintBroken, "bool" }, }, Outputs = { ConstraintBroken = "bool", }, }
local a a = d and e and f and a and g and h and i a = d or e or f or a or g or h or i
local module = {} function module.nill() return nil end function module.cons(x,xs) return {head = x, tail = xs} end function,f,g) if not xs then return nil else return g(xs.head, xs.tail) end end function if not xs then return "[]" else return tostring(xs.head) .. ":" .. end end function,xs), nill, function(y,ys) module.cons(f(y),,ys)) end ) end local function f(x) return 3 * x + 1 end print({head=1,tail={head=2,tail={head=3,tail=nil}}})) print(, {head=1,tail={head=2,tail={head=3,tail=nil}}}))) return module
--[[ docs: ]]-- -- this stuff will be seperate from the rest when the seperate files are put into one local data = { -- window size width = 15, height = 10, } local form_esc = minetest.formspec_escape -- shorten the function local modstorage = core.get_mod_storage() local function create_tabs(selected) return "tabheader[0,0;_option_tabs_;" .. " LUA EDITOR ,FORMSPEC EDITOR, LUA CONSOLE , FILES , STARTUP , FUNCTIONS , HELP ;"..selected..";;]" end local function copy_table(table) local new = {} for i, v in pairs(table) do if type(v) == "table" then v = copy_table(v) end new[i] = v end return new end ---------- ---------- -- FORMSPEC EDITOR START -- ---------- ---------- local widg_list = {"Button", "DropDown", "CheckBox", "Slider", "Tabs", "TextList", "Table", "Field", "TextArea", "InvList", "Label", "Image", "Box", "Tooltip", "Container"} -- all widget options local widgets = nil -- stores all widget data for the current file local selected_widget = 1 -- the widget/tab currently being edited local new_widg_tab = false -- so the new widget tab can be displayed without moving the selection local main_ui_form -- make this function global to the rest of the program local current_ui_file = modstorage:get_string("_GUI_editor_selected_file") -- file name of last edited file if current_ui_file == "" then -- for first ever load current_ui_file = "new" modstorage:set_string("_GUI_editor_selected_file", current_ui_file) modstorage:set_string("_GUI_editor_file_"..current_ui_file, dump({{type="Display", name="", width=5, height=5, width_param=false, height_param=false, left=0.5, top=0.5, position=false, background=false, colour="#000000aa", fullscreen=false, colour_tab=false, col={col=false, bg_normal="#f0fa", bg_hover="#f0fa", set_border=false, border="#f0fa", set_tool=false, tool_bg="#f0fa", tool_font="#f0fa"}}})) end local function reload_ui() -- update the display, and save the file modstorage:set_string("_GUI_editor_file_"..current_ui_file, dump(widgets)) minetest.show_formspec("ui_editor:main", main_ui_form()) end local function load_UI(name) -- open/create a ui file current_ui_file = name modstorage:set_string("_GUI_editor_selected_file", current_ui_file) _, widgets = pcall(loadstring("return "..modstorage:get_string("_GUI_editor_file_"..current_ui_file))) if widgets == nil then widgets = {{type="Display", name="", width=5, height=5, width_param=false, height_param=false, left=0.5, top=0.5, position=false, background=false, colour="#000000aa", fullscreen=false, colour_tab=false, col={col=false, bg_normal="#f0fa", bg_hover="#f0fa", set_border=false, border="#f0fa", set_tool=false, tool_bg="#f0fa", tool_font="#f0fa"}}} end end load_UI(current_ui_file) --widgets = {{type="Display", name="", width=5, height=5, width_param=false, height_param=false, left=0.5, top=0.5, position=false, background=false, colour="#000000aa", fullscreen=false, colour_tab=false, col={col=false, bg_normal="#f0fa", bg_hover="#f0fa", set_border=false, border="#f0fa", set_tool=false, tool_bg="#f0fa", tool_font="#f0fa"}} } ---------- -- UI DISPLAY ---------- -- generates the preview of the UI being edited local function generate_ui() local width = data.width-5 -- the size that is needed for the final formspec size, so large formspecs can be previewed local height = data.height -- data for calculating positions local left = {0.1} local top = {0.1} local fwidth = {1} local fheight = {1} local form = "" local boxes = "" -- because I can't add to form in get_rect() function local depth = 1 -- container depth -- calculates the positions of widgets, and creates the position syntax from a widget def local function get_rect(widget, real, full) local wleft = 0 -- widget top (etc) if widget.left_type == "R-" then -- right is value from right side wleft = left[depth]+fwidth[depth]-widget.left elseif widget.left_type == "W/" then -- right is width/value from left side wleft = left[depth]+fwidth[depth]/widget.left else -- right is value from left side wleft = left[depth]+widget.left end if full then -- container only takes whole numbers as positions. wleft = math.floor(wleft-left[depth])+left[depth] end local wtop = 0 if widget.top_type == "B-" then -- value from bottom wtop = top[depth]+fheight[depth] elseif widget.top_type == "H/" then -- height/value from top wtop = top[depth]+(fheight[deformpth]/ else -- value from top wtop = top[depth] end if full then wtop = math.floor(wtop-top[depth])+top[depth] end if widget.right == nil then -- for widgets with no size option return wleft..","..wtop..";" else local wright = 0 if widget.right_type == "R-" then wright = left[depth]+fwidth[depth]-widget.right-wleft elseif widget.right_type == "W/" then wright = left[depth]+fwidth[depth]/widget.right-wleft elseif widget.right_type == "R" then -- relative to left wright = widget.right else wright = left[depth]+widget.right-wleft end local wbottom = 0 if widget.bottom_type == "B-" then wbottom = top[depth]+fheight[depth]-widget.bottom-wtop elseif widget.bottom_type == "H/" then wbottom = top[depth]+fheight[depth]/widget.bottom-wtop elseif widget.bottom_type == "R" then wbottom = widget.bottom else wbottom = top[depth]+widget.bottom-wtop end if wleft+wright > width then -- stops widgets covering the controlls boxes = boxes.."box["..width ..","..wtop ..";"..wleft+wright-width..","..wbottom..";#ff0000]" -- shows where it would go wright = width-wleft end if real then return {left=wleft, top=wtop, width=wright, height=wbottom} -- table uses the calculated values for other things end return wleft..","..wtop..";"..wright..","..wbottom..";" end end -- iterate all widgets for i, v in pairs(widgets) do if v.type == "Display" then -- defines the size if v.width < data.width-5.2 then left = {math.floor(((data.width-5)/2 - v.width/2)*10)/10} -- place the form in the center else width = math.floor((v.width+0.2)*10)/10 -- resize for large forms end if v.height < data.height-0.2 then -- ^ top = {data.height/2 - v.height/2} else height = v.height+0.2 end fwidth = {v.width} fheight = {v.height} form = form .. -- "box["..left[1]..","[1]..";"..v.width..","..v.height..";#000000]" -- this adds it to the form "box["..left[1]-0.28 ..","[1]-0.3 ..";"..v.width+0.38 ..",".. 0.32 ..";#000000]" .. "box["..left[1]-0.28 ..","[1]+v.height..";"..v.width+0.38 ..",".. 0.4 ..";#000000]" .. "box["..left[1]-0.28 ..","[1]..";".. 0.3 ..","..v.height..";#000000]" .. "box["..left[1]+v.width..","[1]..";".. 0.1 ..","..v.height..";#000000]" if v.background then form = form .. "bgcolor["..v.colour..";"..tostring(v.fullscreen).."]" end if v.col.col then form = form.."listcolors["..v.col.bg_normal..";"..v.col.bg_hover if v.col.set_border then form = form..";"..v.col.border if v.col.set_tool then form = form..";"..v.col.tool_bg..";"..v.col.tool_font end end form = form.."]" end elseif v.type == "Button" then if v.image then -- image option if v.item and not v.exit then form = form .. "item_image_button["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(v.texture)..";"..i.."_none;"..form_esc(v.label).."]" else form = form .. "image_button["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(v.texture)..";"..i.."_none;"..form_esc(v.label).."]" end else form = form .. "button["..get_rect(v)..i.."_none;"..form_esc(v.label).."]" end elseif v.type == "Field" then if v.password then -- password option form = form .. "pwdfield["..get_rect(v)..i.."_none;"..form_esc(v.label).."]" else form = form .. "field["..get_rect(v)..i.."_none;"..form_esc(v.label)..";"..form_esc(v.default).."]" end form = form .. "field_close_on_enter["..i.."_none;false]" elseif v.type == "TextArea" then form = form .. "textarea["..get_rect(v)..i.."_none;"..form_esc(v.label)..";"..form_esc(v.default).."]" elseif v.type == "Label" then if v.vertical then -- vertical option form = form .. "vertlabel["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(v.label).."]" else form = form .. "label["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(v.label).."]" end elseif v.type == "TextList" then local item_str = "" -- convert the list to a sting for i, item in pairs(v.items) do item_str = item_str .. form_esc(item).."," end if v.transparent then -- transparent option form = form .. "textlist["..get_rect(v)..i.."_none;"..item_str..";1;True]" else form = form .. "textlist["..get_rect(v)..i.."_none;"..item_str.."]" end elseif v.type == "DropDown" then local item_str = "" -- convert the list to a string for i, item in pairs(v.items) do item_str = item_str .. form_esc(item).."," end form = form .. "dropdown["..get_rect(v)..i.."_none;"..item_str..";"..v.select_id.."]" elseif v.type == "CheckBox" then form = form .. "checkbox["..get_rect(v)..i.."_none;"..v.label..";"..tostring(v.checked).."]" elseif v.type == "Box" then -- a coloured square form = form .. "box["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(v.colour).."]" elseif v.type == "Image" then if v.item then form = form .. "item_image["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(v.image).."]" elseif v.background then if v.fill then form = form .. "background["..left[1]-0.18 ..","[1]-0.22 ..";"..fwidth[1]+0.37 ..","..fheight[1]+0.7 ..";"..form_esc(v.image).."]" else form = form .. "background["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(v.image).."]" end else form = form .. "image["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(v.image).."]" end elseif v.type == "Slider" then orientation = "horizontal" if v.vertical then orientation = "vertical" end form = form .. "scrollbar["..get_rect(v)..orientation..";"..i.."_none;"..v.value.."]" elseif v.type == "InvList" then local extras = {["player:"]=1, ["nodemeta:"]=1, ["detached:"]=1} -- locations that need extra info ( if extras[v.location] then form = form .. "list["..v.location..form_esc(";"..form_esc(";"..get_rect(v)..v.start.."]" if v.ring then -- items can be shift clicked between ring items form = form .. "listring["..v.location..form_esc(";"..form_esc("]" end else form = form .. "list["..v.location..";"..form_esc(";"..get_rect(v)..v.start.."]" if v.ring then form = form .. "listring["..v.location..";"..form_esc("]" end end elseif v.type == "Table" then local cell_str = "" local column_str = "" local most_items = 0 -- the amount of rows needed = the most items in a column for i, c in pairs(v.columns) do if #c.items > most_items then -- get max length most_items = #c.items end if i > 1 then column_str = column_str..";" end column_str = column_str .. c.type -- add column types if c.type == "image" then -- add list of available images for n, t in pairs(c.images) do column_str = column_str..","..n .."="..form_esc(t) end elseif c.type == "color" and c.distance ~= "infinite" then -- add distance that coloures affect column_str = column_str..",span="..c.distance end end for i=1, most_items do -- create a list from all column's lists for n, c in pairs(v.columns) do -- create a row from column's items if n > 1 or i > 1 then cell_str = cell_str.."," end local item = c.items[i] if item == nil then -- blank item if this column doesn't exend as far item = "" end cell_str = cell_str..form_esc(item) end end if column_str:len() > 0 then form = form .. "tablecolumns["..column_str.."]" end form = form .. "table["..get_rect(v)..i.."_none;"..cell_str..";-1]" elseif v.type == "Tooltip" then for n, w in pairs(widgets) do if == and w.type ~= "Tooltip" then if v.colours then form = form .. "tooltip["..n.."_none;"..v.text..";"";"..v.fg.."]" else form = form .. "tooltip["..n.."_none;"..v.text.."]" end end end elseif v.type == "Container - Start" then local rect = get_rect(v, true, true) left[depth+1] = rect.left -- register the new area top[depth+1] = fwidth[depth+1] = rect.width fheight[depth+1] = rect.height depth = depth+1 elseif v.type == "Container - End" then depth = depth-1 -- go back to the parent area elseif v.type == "Tabs" then local capt_str = "" for i, capt in pairs(v.captions) do if i > 1 then capt_str = capt_str.."," end capt_str = capt_str .. form_esc(capt) end form = form .. "tabheader["..get_rect(v)..i.."_none;"..capt_str..";"";"..tostring(v.transparent)..";"..tostring(v.border).."]" end end return form..boxes, width+5, height end ---------- -- Compiling ---------- -- generates a function to create the UI, with parameters local function generate_function() local form_esc = function(str) -- escape symbols need to be escaped return string.gsub(minetest.formspec_escape(str), "\\", "\\\\") -- which have to be escaped... end local parameters = {} -- these store info which will be put together at the end local before_str = "" local display = {} local form = "" local table_items = false local function name(v) -- converts the name into something that can be used in parameters n = if v.type == "InvList" then -- the name of inv lists is used differently n = v.location.."_" end local new = "" chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" chars = chars..string.upper(chars) for i=1, #n do local c = n:sub(i,i) if string.find(chars, c, 1, true) or (string.find("1234567890", c, 1, true) and i ~= 1) then -- numbers only allowed after first char new = new..c else new = new.."_" end end return new end local width = {widgets[1].width} if widgets[1].width_param then -- if size defined from parameters width = {"width"} end local height = {widgets[1].height} if widgets[1].height_param then height = {"height"} end local dep = 1 -- depth into containers -- returns a string containing the position and size of a widget, or (hopefully) the most efficient calculation local function get_rect(widget, real, l, t) local fwidth = width[dep] local fheight = height[dep] local wleft = "0" if type(fwidth) == "string" or l then -- if the area width (window or continer) will be changed with a parameter local l_ = l -- if the left of the widget comes from a parameter if l_ == nil then l_ = widget.left end if widget.left_type == "R-" then -- different position types wleft = fwidth..'- '..l_ elseif widget.left_type == "W/" then wleft = fwidth..'/'..l_ else wleft = l_ end if type(wleft) == "string" and not real then wleft = '"..'..wleft..' .."' end else if widget.left_type == "R-" then -- calculation made now if nothing comes from a parameter wleft = fwidth-widget.left elseif widget.left_type == "W/" then wleft = fwidth/widget.left else wleft = widget.left end end local wtop = "0" --top if type(fheight) == "string" or t then local t_ = t if t_ == nil then t_ = end if widget.top_type == "B-" then wtop = fheight..'- '..t_ elseif widget.left_type == "H/" then wtop = fheight..'/'..t_ else wtop = t_ end if type(wtop) == "string" and not real then wtop = '"..'..wtop..' .."' end else if widget.top_type == "B-" then wtop = elseif widget.left_type == "H/" then wtop = fheight/ else wtop = end end if widget.right == nil then -- for widgets with no size option return wleft..","..wtop else local wright = 0 if type(fwidth) == "string" then -- if the width is changed by a parameter local l_ = l if l_ == nil then l_ = widget.left end -- goes through all right types, and for eacg, goes through all left types to get the best calculation. if widget.right_type == "R-" then -- (I know there is a better way of doing this) if widget.left_type == "R-" then wright = fwidth..'- '..widget.right..'-('..fwidth..'- '..l_..')' elseif widget.left_type == "W/" then wright = fwidth..'- '..widget.right..'-('..fwidth..'/'..l_..')' elseif type(l_) == "string" then wright = fwidth..'- '..widget.right.."- "..l_ else wright = fwidth..'- '..widget.right+l_ end elseif widget.right_type == "W/" then if widget.left_type == "R-" then wright = fwidth..'/'..widget.right..'-('..fwidth..'- '..l_..')' elseif widget.left_type == "W/" then wright = fwidth..'/'..widget.right..'-('..fwidth..'/'..l_..')' else wright = fwidth..'/'..widget.right.."- "..l_ end elseif widget.right_type == "R" then wright = widget.right else if widget.left_type == "R-" then wright = widget.right..'-('..fwidth..'- '..l_..')' elseif widget.left_type == "W/" then wright = widget.right..'-('..fwidth..'/'..l_..')' elseif type(l) == "string" then wright = widget.right.."- "..l_ else wright = widget.right-l_ end end if type(wright) == "string" and not real then wright = '"..'..wright..' .."' end elseif l then -- if there is a parameter for the left, but not the width if widget.right_type == "R-" then if widget.left_type == "R-" then wright = fwidth-widget.right..'-('..fwidth..'- '..l..')' elseif widget.left_type == "W/" then wright = fwidth-widget.right..'-('..fwidth..'/'..l..')' else wright = fwidth-widget.right.."- "..l end elseif widget.right_type == "W/" then if widget.left_type == "R-" then wright = fwidth..'/'..widget.right..'-('..fwidth..'- '..l..')' elseif widget.left_type == "W/" then wright = fwidth..'/'..widget.right..'-('..fwidth..'/'..l..')' else wright = fwidth..'/'..widget.right.."- "..l end elseif widget.right_type == "R" then wright = widget.right else if widget.left_type == "R-" then wright = widget.right..'-('..fwidth..'- '..l..')' elseif widget.left_type == "W/" then wright = widget.right..'-('..fwidth..'/'..l..')' else wright = widget.right.."- "..l end end if type(wright) == "string" and not real then wright = '"..'..wright..' .."' end else -- if all values are known now if widget.right_type == "R-" then wright = fwidth-widget.right-wleft elseif widget.right_type == "W/" then wright = fwidth/widget.right-wleft elseif widget.right_type == "R" then wright = widget.right else wright = widget.right-wleft end end local wbottom = 0 -- similar for bottom if type(fheight) == "string" then local t_ = t if t_ == nil then -- if widget's top comes from a parameter (container) t_ = end if widget.bottom_type == "B-" then if widget.top_type == "B-" then wbottom = fheight..'- '..widget.bottom..'-('..fheight..'- '..t_..')' elseif widget.left_type == "W/" then wbottom = fheight..'- '..widget.bottom..'-('..fheight..'/'..t_..')' elseif type(t_) == "string" then wbottom = fheight..'- '..widget.bottom.."- "..t_ else wbottom = fheight..'- '..widget.bottom+t_ end elseif widget.bottom_type == "H/" then if widget.top_type == "B-" then wbottom = fheight..'/'..widget.bottom..'-('..fheight..'- '..t_..')' elseif widget.left_type == "W/" then wbottom = fheight..'/'..widget.bottom..'-('..fheight..'/'..t_..')' else wbottom = fheight..'/'..widget.bottom.."- "..t_ end elseif widget.bottom_type == "R" then wbottom = widget.bottom else if widget.top_type == "B-" then wbottom = widget.bottom..'-('..fheight..'- '..t_..')' elseif widget.left_type == "W/" then wbottom = widget.bottom..'-('..fheight..'/'..t_..')' elseif type(t_) == "string" then wbottom = widget.bottom.."- "..t_ else wbottom = widget.bottom-t_ end end if type(wbottom) == "string" and not real then wbottom = '"..'..wbottom..' .."' end elseif t then if widget.bottom_type == "B-" then if widget.top_type == "B-" then wbottom = fheight-widget.bottom-fheight..'- '..t elseif widget.left_type == "W/" then wbottom = fheight-widget.bottom-fheight..'/'..t else wbottom = fheight-widget.bottom.."+"..t end elseif widget.bottom_type == "H/" then if widget.top_type == "B-" then wbottom = fheight/widget.bottom-fheight..'- '..t elseif widget.left_type == "W/" then wbottom = fheight/widget.bottom-fheight..'/'..t else wbottom = fheight/widget.bottom.."- "..t end elseif widget.bottom_type == "R" then wbottom = widget.bottom else if widget.top_type == "B-" then wbottom = widget.bottom-fheight..'- '..t elseif widget.left_type == "W/" then wbottom = widget.bottom-fheight..'/'..t elseif type(t) == "string" then wbottom = widget.bottom.."- "..t else wbottom = widget.bottom-t end end if type(wbottom) == "string" and not real then wbottom = '"..'..wbottom..' .."' end else if widget.bottom_type == "B-" then wbottom = fheight-widget.bottom-wtop elseif widget.bottom_type == "H/" then wbottom = fheight/widget.bottom-wtop elseif widget.bottom_type == "R" then wbottom = widget.bottom else wbottom = widget.bottom-wtop end end if real then return {left=wleft, top=wtop, width=wright, height=wbottom} -- container needs the values seperate end return wleft..","..wtop..";"..wright..","..wbottom end end local w, h = 0, 0 -- go through all the widgets, and add their code for i, v in pairs(widgets) do if v.type == "Display" then local w, h if v.width_param then -- things like this are for parameters table.insert(parameters, "width") w = '"..width.."' else w = tostring(v.width) end if v.height_param then table.insert(parameters, "height") h = '"..height.."' else h = tostring(v.height) end table.insert(display, '"size['..w..','..h..']"') if v.position then -- for non-default position table.insert(display, '"position['..v.left..','']"') end if v.background then table.insert(display, '"bgcolor['..v.colour..';'..tostring(v.fullscreen)..']"') end if v.col.col then local cols = '"listcolors['..v.col.bg_normal..";"..v.col.bg_hover if v.col.set_border then cols = cols..";"..v.col.border if v.col.set_tool then cols = cols..";"..v.col.tool_bg..";"..v.col.tool_font end end cols = cols..']"' table.insert(display, cols) end elseif v.type == "Button" then if v.image then local tex = "" if v.image_param then -- image texture param table.insert(parameters, name(v).."_image") tex = '"..''_image.."' else tex = form_esc(v.texture) end if v.item and not v.exit then -- quit on click table.insert(display, '"item_image_button['..get_rect(v)..';'..tex..';'..form_esc(';'..form_esc(v.label)..']"') else if v.exit then -- quit on click - image table.insert(display, '"image_button_exit['..get_rect(v)..';'..tex..';'..form_esc(';'..form_esc(v.label)..']"') else -- normal image table.insert(display, '"image_button['..get_rect(v)..';'..tex..';'..form_esc(';'..form_esc(v.label)..']"') end end else if v.exit then -- quit on click table.insert(display, '"button_exit['..get_rect(v)..';'..form_esc(';'..form_esc(v.label)..']"') else -- basic button table.insert(display, '"button['..get_rect(v)..';'..form_esc(';'..form_esc(v.label)..']"') end end elseif v.type == "Field" then if v.password then -- password field table.insert(display, '"pwdfield['..get_rect(v)..';'..form_esc(';'..form_esc(v.label)..']"') else local default = "" if v.default_param then -- default param table.insert(parameters, name(v).."_default") default = '"..minetest.formspec_escape(''_default).."' else default = form_esc(v.default) end table.insert(display, '"field['..get_rect(v)..';'..form_esc(';'..form_esc(v.label)..';'..default..']"') end if v.enter_close == false then table.insert(display, '"field_close_on_enter['..form_esc(';false]"') end elseif v.type == "TextArea" then local default = "" if v.default_param then table.insert(parameters, name(v).."_default") default = '"..minetest.formspec_escape(''_default).."' else default = form_esc(v.default) end table.insert(display, '"textarea['..get_rect(v)..';'..form_esc(';'..form_esc(v.label)..';'..form_esc(default)..']"') elseif v.type == "Label" then local label = form_esc(v.label) if v.label_param then table.insert(parameters, name(v).."_label") label = '"..minetest.formspec_escape(''_label).."' end if v.vertical then -- vertical label table.insert(display, '"vertlabel['..get_rect(v)..';'..label..']"') else table.insert(display, '"label['..get_rect(v)..';'..label..']"') end elseif v.type == "TextList" then local items = "" if v.items_param then table.insert(parameters, name(v).."_items") before_str = before_str.. -- add code for converting the list from a parameter to a string ' local ''_item_str = ""\n' .. ' for i, item in pairs(''_items) do\n' .. ' if i ~= 1 then ''_item_str = ''_item_str.."," end\n' .. ' ''_item_str = ''_item_str .. minetest.formspec_escape(item)\n' .. ' end\n\n' items = '"..''_item_str.."' else items = "" for i, item in pairs(v.items) do if i ~= 1 then items = items.."," end items = items .. form_esc(item) end end if v.item_id_param or v.transparent then if v.item_id_param then -- selected item parameter table.insert(parameters, name(v).."_selected_item") table.insert(display, '"textlist['.. get_rect(v)..';'..form_esc(';'..items..';"..''_selected_item..";'..tostring(v.transparent)..']"') else table.insert(display, '"textlist['..get_rect(v)..';'..form_esc(';'..items..';1;'..tostring(v.transparent)..']"') end else table.insert(display, '"textlist['..get_rect(v)..';'..form_esc(';'..items..']"') end elseif v.type == "DropDown" then local items = "" if v.items_param then table.insert(parameters, name(v).."_items") before_str = before_str.. -- add code for converting the list from a parameter to a string ' local ''_item_str = ""\n' .. ' for i, item in pairs(''_items) do\n' .. ' if i ~= 1 then ''_item_str = ''_item_str.."," end\n' .. ' ''_item_str = ''_item_str .. minetest.formspec_escape(item)\n' .. ' end\n\n' items = '"..''_item_str.."' else items = "" for i, item in pairs(v.items) do if i ~= 1 then items = items.."," end items = items .. form_esc(item) end end local item_id = "" if v.item_id_param then -- selected item parameter table.insert(parameters, name(v).."_selected_item") item_id = '"..''_selected_item.."' else item_id = tostring(v.select_id) end table.insert(display, '"dropdown['..get_rect(v)..';'..form_esc(';'..items..';'..item_id..']"') elseif v.type == "CheckBox" then local checked = tostring(v.checked) if v.checked_param then table.insert(parameters, name(v).."_checked") checked = '"..tostring(''_checked).."' end table.insert(display, '"checkbox['..get_rect(v)..';'..form_esc(";"..form_esc(v.label)..';'..checked..']"') elseif v.type == "Box" then local colour = form_esc(v.colour) if v.colour_param then table.insert(parameters, name(v).."_colour") colour = '"..''_colour.."' end table.insert(display, '"box['..get_rect(v)..';'..colour..']"') elseif v.type == "Image" then local image = form_esc(v.image) if v.image_param then -- texture table.insert(parameters, name(v).."_image") image = '"..''_image.."' end if v.item then table.insert(display, '"item_image['..get_rect(v)..';'..image..']"') elseif v.background then table.insert(display, '"background['..get_rect(v)..';'..image..';'..tostring(v.fill)..']"') else table.insert(display, '"image['..get_rect(v)..';'..image..']"') end elseif v.type == "Slider" then local value = form_esc(v.value) if v.value_param then table.insert(parameters, name(v).."_value") value = '"..''_value.."' end local orientation = "horizontal" if v.vertical then orientation = "vertical" end table.insert(display, '"scrollbar['..get_rect(v)..';'..orientation..";"..form_esc(";"..value..']"') elseif v.type == "InvList" then local extras = {["player:"]=1, ["nodemeta:"]=1, ["detached:"]=1} local data = "" if v.data_param then -- extra location data needed in some locations table.insert(parameters, name(v).."_data") data = '"..minetest.formspec_escape(''_data).."' elseif extras[v.location] then data = form_esc( end local start = v.start if v.page_param then table.insert(parameters, name(v).."_start_idx") start = '"..''_start_idx.."' end table.insert(display, '"list['';'..form_esc(';'..get_rect(v)..';'..start..']"') if v.ring then -- shift clicking between item lists table.insert(display, '"listring['';'..form_esc(']"') end elseif v.type == "Table" then local cell_str = "" local column_str = "" local item_param = false local most_items = 0 for i, c in pairs(v.columns) do if #c.items > most_items then -- find how many columns are needed most_items = #c.items end if c.items_param then -- find out if any parameters are needed item_param = true end if i > 1 then -- create a column string column_str = column_str..";" end column_str = column_str .. c.type if c.type == "image" then -- add list of images for n, t in pairs(c.images) do column_str = column_str..","..n .."="..t end elseif c.type == "color" and c.distance ~= "infinite" then -- and distance affected by colour column_str = column_str..",span="..c.distance end end if not item_param then -- calculate item list if none come from parameters for i=1, most_items do for n, c in pairs(v.columns) do if n > 1 or i > 1 then cell_str = cell_str.."," end local item = c.items[i] if item == nil then item = "" end cell_str = cell_str..item end end else -- or add the code to convert the items from the parameters into a string local items = " local ""_cells = {" for i, c in pairs(v.columns) do if c.items_param then table.insert(parameters, name(v).."_col_"..i.."_items") items = items.."\n ["..i.."]=""_col_"..i.."_items," else local item_str = "{" -- create a string table with the items for n, item in pairs(c.items) do item_str = item_str..'"'..item..'", ' end item_str = item_str.."}" items = items.."\n ["..i.."]="..item_str.."," end end items = items.."\n }\n" table_items = true -- this makes it add the function onto the start of the function before_str = before_str..items .. ' local ''_cell_str = table_item_str(''_cells)\n\n' cell_str = '"..''_cell_str.."' end if column_str:len() > 0 then -- tablecolumns without columns gives an error table.insert(display, '"tablecolumns['..column_str..']"') end local selected = "" if v.select_param then -- selected item parameter table.insert(parameters, name(v).."_selected_item") selected = '"..''_selected_item.."' end table.insert(display, '"table['..get_rect(v)..";"..form_esc(';'..cell_str..';'..selected..']"') elseif v.type == "Tooltip" then if v.colours then table.insert(display, '"tooltip['..form_esc(';'..form_esc(v.text)..';'..form_esc(';'..form_esc(v.fg)..']"') else table.insert(display, '"tooltip['..form_esc(';'..form_esc(v.text)..']"') end elseif v.type == "Container - Start" then -- container has 2 sections local l = v.left if v.left_param then -- the only widget which can hve position parameters table.insert(parameters, name(v).."_left") l = name(v)..'_left' end local t = if v.top_param then table.insert(parameters, name(v).."_top") t = name(v)..'_top' end local rect = get_rect(v, true, l, t) -- the area is returned as a table this time dep = dep+1 if type(rect.width) == "string" then -- if it is a calculation, and not the calculated value width[dep] = "("..rect.width..")" else width[dep] = rect.width end if type(rect.height) == "string" then height[dep] = "("..rect.height..")" else height[dep] = rect.height end if type(rect.left) == "string" then rect.left = '"..'..rect.left..' .."' end if type( == "string" then = '"..'' .."' end table.insert(display, '"container['..rect.left..','']"') elseif v.type == "Container - End" then -- only exits the table dep = dep-1 table.insert(display, '"container_end[]"') elseif v.type == "Tabs" then local capt_str = "" for i, capt in pairs(v.captions) do if i > 1 then capt_str = capt_str.."," end capt_str = capt_str .. form_esc(capt) end table.insert(display, '"tabheader['..get_rect(v)..';'..form_esc(';'..capt_str..';'';'.. tostring(v.transparent)..';'..tostring(v.border)..']"') end end if table_items then -- the function generating a string from a list of column items before_str = '' .. -- added if a table uses parameters ' local function table_item_str(cells)\n' .. ' local most_items = 0\n' .. ' for i, v in pairs(cells) do\n' .. ' if #v > most_items then\n' .. ' most_items = #v\n' .. ' end\n' .. ' end\n' .. ' local cell_str = ""\n' .. ' for i=1, most_items do\n' .. ' for n=1, #cells do\n' .. ' if n > 1 or i > 1 then ' .. 'cell_str = cell_str.."," ' .. 'end\n' .. ' local item = cells[n][i]\n' .. ' if item == nil then ' .. 'item = "" ' .. 'end\n' .. ' cell_str = cell_str..minetest.formspec_escape(item)\n' .. ' end\n' .. ' end\n' .. ' return cell_str\n' .. ' end\n\n' .. before_str end param_str = "" -- creates the parameter string --> "param1, param2, paramN" for i, v in pairs(parameters) do if i ~= 1 then param_str = param_str .. ", " end param_str = param_str .. v end -- puts the first part of the function together form = form .. "function generate_form("..param_str..")\n" .. before_str .. '\n local form = "" ..\n' for i, v in pairs(display) do -- adds the widget strings form = form .. " "..v.." ..\n" end form = form .. ' ""\n\n return form\nend' -- completes it return form end -- generates a string for a static UI local function generate_string() local form_esc = function(str) -- escape symbols need to be escaped with escaped escape symbols ;p return string.gsub(minetest.formspec_escape(str), "\\", "\\\\") end local fwidth = {0} local fheight = {0} local dep = 1 local function get_rect(widget, real) -- can't be bothered commenting this. see function on line 73, it is basically the same... local wleft = 0 if widget.left_type == "R-" then wleft = fwidth[dep]-widget.left elseif widget.left_type == "W/" then wleft = fwidth[dep]/widget.left else wleft = widget.left end local wtop = 0 if widget.top_type == "B-" then wtop = fheight[dep] elseif widget.left_type == "H/" then wtop = fheight[dep]/ else wtop = end if widget.right == nil then -- for widgets with no size option return wleft..","..wtop..";" else local wright = 0 if widget.right_type == "R-" then wright = fwidth[dep]-widget.right-wleft elseif widget.right_type == "W/" then wright = fwidth[dep]/widget.right-wleft elseif widget.right_type == "R" then wright = widget.right else wright = widget.right-wleft end local wbottom = 0 if widget.bottom_type == "B-" then wbottom = fheight[dep]-widget.bottom-wtop elseif widget.bottom_type == "H/" then wbottom = fheight[dep]/widget.bottom-wtop elseif widget.bottom_type == "R" then wbottom = widget.bottom else wbottom = widget.bottom-wtop end if real then return {left=wleft, top=wtop, width=wright, height=wbottom} end return wleft..","..wtop..";"..wright..","..wbottom..";" end end local output = "" for i, v in pairs(widgets) do -- go through all the widgets and create their strings if v.type == "Display" then fwidth = {v.width} fheight = {v.height} output = output .. "\"size["..v.width..","..v.height.."]\" ..\n" if v.position then output = output .. "\"position["..v.left..",""]\" ..\n" end if v.background then output = output .. "\"bgcolor["..v.colour..";"..tostring(v.fullscreen).."]\" ..\n" end if v.col.col then output = output.."\"listcolors["..v.col.bg_normal..";"..v.col.bg_hover if v.col.set_border then output = output..";"..v.col.border if v.col.set_tool then output = output..";"..v.col.tool_bg..";"..v.col.tool_font end end output = output.."]\" ..\n" end elseif v.type == "Button" then if v.image then local ending = get_rect(v)..form_esc(v.texture)..";"..form_esc(";"..form_esc(v.label).."]\" ..\n" if v.item and not v.exit then output = output .. "\"item_image_button["..ending else if v.exit then output = output .. "\"image_button_exit["..ending else output = output .. "\"image_button["..ending end end else if v.exit then output = output .. "\"button_exit["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(";"..form_esc(v.label).."]\" ..\n" else output = output .. "\"button["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(";"..form_esc(v.label).."]\" ..\n" end end elseif v.type == "Field" then if v.password then output = output .. "\"pwdfield["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(";"..form_esc(v.label).."]\" ..\n" else output = output .. "\"field["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(";"..form_esc(v.label)..";"..form_esc(v.default).."]\" ..\n" end if v.enter_close == false then output = output .. "\"field_close_on_enter["..form_esc(";false]\" ..\n" end elseif v.type == "TextArea" then output = output .. "\"textarea["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(";"..form_esc(v.label)..";"..form_esc(v.default).."]\" ..\n" elseif v.type == "Label" then if v.vertical then output = output .. "\"vertlabel["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(v.label).."]\" ..\n" else output = output .. "\"label["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(v.label).."]\" ..\n" end elseif v.type == "TextList" then local item_str = "" for i, item in pairs(v.items) do item_str = item_str .. form_esc(item).."," end if not v.transparent then output = output .. "\"textlist["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(";"..item_str:sub(0,-2).."]\" ..\n" else output = output .. "\"textlist["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(";"..item_str:sub(0,-2)..";1;true]\" ..\n" end elseif v.type == "DropDown" then local item_str = "" for i, item in pairs(v.items) do item_str = item_str .. form_esc(item).."," end output = output .. "\"dropdown["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(";"..item_str:sub(0,-2)..";"..v.select_id.."]\" ..\n" elseif v.type == "CheckBox" then output = output .. "\"checkbox["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(";"..form_esc(v.label)..";"..tostring(v.checked).."]\" ..\n" elseif v.type == "Box" then output = output .. "\"box["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(v.colour).."]\" ..\n" elseif v.type == "Image" then if v.item then output = output .. "\"item_image["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(v.image).."]\" ..\n" elseif v.background then output = output .. "\"background["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(v.image)..";"..tostring(v.fill).."]\" ..\n" else output = output .. "\"image["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(v.image).."]\" ..\n" end elseif v.type == "Slider" then orientation = "horizontal" if v.vertical then orientation = "vertical" end output = output .. "\"scrollbar["..get_rect(v)..orientation..";"..form_esc(";"..v.value.."]\" ..\n" elseif v.type == "InvList" then local extras = {["player:"]=1, ["nodemeta:"]=1, ["detached:"]=1} if extras[v.location] then output = output .. "\"list["..v.location..form_esc(";"..form_esc(";"..get_rect(v)..v.start.."]\" ..\n" if v.ring then output = output .. "\"listring["..v.location..form_esc(";"..form_esc("]\" ..\n" end else output = output .. "\"list["..v.location..";"..form_esc(";"..get_rect(v)..v.start.."]\" ..\n" if v.ring then output = output .. "\"listring["..v.location..";"..form_esc("]\" ..\n" end end elseif v.type == "Table" then local cell_str = "" local column_str = "" -- this converts the column's individual item lists into a string local most_items = 0 for i, c in pairs(v.columns) do if #c.items > most_items then most_items = #c.items -- gets the largest size end if i > 1 then column_str = column_str..";" end column_str = column_str .. c.type -- creates the column list -- adds column parameters \/ if c.type == "image" then for n, t in pairs(c.images) do column_str = column_str..","..n .."="..t end elseif c.type == "color" and c.distance ~= "infinite" then column_str = column_str..",span="..c.distance end end for i=1, most_items do -- adds all the items together for n, c in pairs(v.columns) do if n > 1 or i > 1 then cell_str = cell_str.."," end local item = c.items[i] if item == nil then -- columns with less items get blank items to make them the same length item = "" end cell_str = cell_str..item end end if column_str:len() > 0 then output = output .. "\"tablecolumns["..column_str.."]\" ..\n" end output = output .. "\"table["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(";"..cell_str..";]\" ..\n" elseif v.type == "Tooltip" then if v.colours then output = output .. "\"tooltip["..form_esc(";"..form_esc(v.text)..";"..form_esc(";"..form_esc(v.fg).."]\" ..\n" else output = output .. "\"tooltip["..form_esc(";"..form_esc(v.text).."]\" ..\n" end elseif v.type == "Container - Start" then local rect = get_rect(v, true) fwidth[dep+1] = rect.width -- set the width and height that widgets in the container use fheight[dep+1] = rect.height dep = dep+1 output = output .. "\"container["..rect.left..",""]\" ..\n" elseif v.type == "Container - End" then dep = dep-1 -- close container output = output .. "\"container_end[]\" ..\n" elseif v.type == "Tabs" then local capt_str = "" for i, capt in pairs(v.captions) do if i > 1 then capt_str = capt_str.."," end capt_str = capt_str .. form_esc(capt) end output = output .. "\"tabheader["..get_rect(v)..form_esc(";"..capt_str..";"";"..tostring(v.transparent)..";"..tostring(v.border).."]\" ..\n" end end return output .. '""' end ---------- -- UI Editors ---------- -- creates a position chooser with << and >> buttons, text box, and position type (if needed) local function ui_position(name, value, left, top, typ, typ_id) name = form_esc(name) local form = "".. "label["..left+0.1 .."," ..";""]" .. "button["..left+0.1 ..","";1,1;""_size_down;<<]" .. "field["..left+1.3 .."," ..";1,1;""_size;;"..form_esc(value).."]" .. "field_close_on_enter[""_size;false]" .. "button["..left+1.9 ..","";1,1;""_size_up;>>]" local typ_ids = {["L+"]=1, ["T+"]=1, ["R-"]=2, ["B-"]=2, ["W/"]=3, ["H/"]=3, ["R"]=4} if typ == "LEFT" then -- left and right sides use this type if name == "RIGHT" then -- but right has a relative option (I should make it right type, but I decided much later to include it) form = form .."dropdown["..left+3 .."," ..";1.1,1;""_type;LEFT +,RIGHT -,WIDTH /,RELATIVE;"..typ_ids[typ_id].."]" else form = form .. "dropdown["..left+3 .."," ..";1.1,1;""_type;LEFT +,RIGHT -,WIDTH /;"..typ_ids[typ_id].."]" end elseif typ == "TOP" then if name == "BOTTOM" then form = form.."dropdown["..left+3 .."," ..";1.1,1;""_type;TOP +,BOTTOM -,HEIGHT /,RELATIVE;"..typ_ids[typ_id].."]" else form = form .. "dropdown["..left+3 .."," ..";1.1,1;""_type;TOP +,BOTTOM -,HEIGHT /;"..typ_ids[typ_id].."]" end end return form end -- handles position ui functionality local function handle_position_changes(id, fields, range) local pos_names = {"width", "height", "left", "top", "right", "bottom", "value"} -- the only names it will check for i, v in pairs(pos_names) do if fields[string.upper(v).."_size_down"] then -- down button if range and range[v] then widgets[id][v] = widgets[id][v] - range[v]/10 -- slider uses a different step else widgets[id][v] = widgets[id][v] - 0.1 end if widgets[id][v] < 0.0001 and widgets[id][v] > -0.0001 then widgets[id][v] = 0 end -- weird number behaviour elseif fields[string.upper(v).."_size_up"] then -- up button if range and range[v] then widgets[id][v] = widgets[id][v] + range[v]/10 else widgets[id][v] = widgets[id][v] + 0.1 end if widgets[id][v] < 0.0001 and widgets[id][v] > -0.0001 then widgets[id][v] = 0 end -- weird number behaviour elseif fields.key_enter_field == string.upper(v).."_size" then -- size edit box/displayer local value = tonumber(fields[string.upper(v).."_size"]) if value ~= nil then widgets[id][v] = value end elseif fields[string.upper(v).."_type"] then -- type selector local typ_trans = {["LEFT +"]="L+", ["RIGHT -"]="R-", ["WIDTH /"]="W/", ["TOP +"]="T+", ["BOTTOM -"]="B-", ["HEIGHT /"]="H/", ["RELATIVE"]="R"} widgets[id][v.."_type"] = typ_trans[fields[string.upper(v).."_type"]] end if range then -- sometimes the number must be within a range if range[v] then if widgets[id][v] < 0 then widgets[id][v] = 0 elseif widgets[id][v] > range[v] then widgets[id][v] = range[v] end end end end end -- creates a field to edit name or other attributes, and a parameter checkbox (if needed) local function ui_field(name, value, left, top, param) name = form_esc(name) local field = "" .. "field["..left+0.2 ..","";2.8,1;""_input_box;"";"..form_esc(value).."]" .. "field_close_on_enter[""_input_box;false]" if param ~= nil then field = field .. "checkbox["..left+2.8 .."," ..";""_param_box;parameter;"..tostring(param).."]" end return field end -- handles field functionality local function handle_field_changes(names, id, fields) for i, v in pairs(names) do -- names are supplied this time, so only nececary ones are checked if fields.key_enter_field == string.upper(v).."_input_box" then widgets[id][v] = fields[string.upper(v).."_input_box"] elseif fields[string.upper(v).."_param_box"] then widgets[id][v.."_param"] = fields[string.upper(v).."_param_box"] == "true" end end end ---------- -- individual widget definitions -- functions for widget's custom editing UIs at the side local widget_editor_uis = { Display = { -- type can be seen here, etc, extra tabs (options, new widget) are at the end ui = function(id, left, top, width) -- function for creating the form local form = "label["..left+1.7 .."," ..";- DISPLAY -]" if not widgets[id].colour_tab then form = form .. "button["..left+width-3 .."," ..";3.1,1;col_page;INVENTORY COLOURS >]" .. ui_position("WIDTH", widgets[id].width, left, top+0.7) .. ui_position("HEIGHT", widgets[id].height, left, top+1.7) .. "checkbox["..left+3 .."," ..";WIDTH_param_box;parameter;"..tostring(widgets[id].width_param).."]" .. "checkbox["..left+3 .."," ..";HEIGHT_param_box;parameter;"..tostring(widgets[id].height_param).."]" if widgets[id].position then -- this part only gets displayed if the position checkbox is checked form = form .. ui_position("LEFT", widgets[id].left, left, top+2.7) .. ui_position("TOP", widgets[id].top, left, top+3.7) .. "checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";pos_box;position;true]" .. "checkbox["..left+2 .."," ..";back_box;background;"..tostring(widgets[id].background).."]" if widgets[id].background then form = form.. ui_field("COLOUR", widgets[id].colour, left+0.2, top+5.5) .. "checkbox["..left+3 .."," ..";full;fullscreen;"..tostring(widgets[id].fullscreen).."]" end else form = form .. "checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";pos_box;position;false]" .. "checkbox["..left+2 .."," ..";back_box;background;"..tostring(widgets[id].background).."]" if widgets[id].background then form = form.. ui_field("COLOUR", widgets[id].colour, left+0.2, top+3.5) .. "checkbox["..left+3 .."," ..";full;fullscreen;"..tostring(widgets[id].fullscreen).."]" end end else form = form .. "checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";do_col;COLOURS;"..tostring(widgets[id].col.col).."]" .. "button["..left+width-1.2 .."," ..";1.3,1;dat_page;BACK <]" if widgets[id].col.col then form = form .. "field["..left+0.4 .."," ..";2.8,1;bg_main;BACKGROUND;"..widgets[id].col.bg_normal.."]" .. "field_close_on_enter[bg_main;false]" .. "field["..left+0.4 .."," ..";2.8,1;bg_hover;HOVER BACKGROUND;"..widgets[id].col.bg_hover.."]" .. "field_close_on_enter[bg_hover;false]" .. "checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";do_border;BORDER;"..tostring(widgets[id].col.set_border).."]" if widgets[id].col.set_border then form = form .. "field["..left+0.4 .."," ..";2.8,1;border;BORDER;"..widgets[id].col.border.."]" .. "field_close_on_enter[border;false]" .. "checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";do_tool;TOOLTIP;"..tostring(widgets[id].col.set_tool).."]" if widgets[id].col.set_tool then form = form .. "field["..left+0.4 .."," ..";2.8,1;bg_tool;BACKGROUND;"..widgets[id].col.tool_bg.."]" .. "field_close_on_enter[bg_tool;false]" .. "field["..left+0.4 .."," ..";2.8,1;tool_text;TEXT;"..widgets[id].col.tool_font.."]" .. "field_close_on_enter[tool_text;false]" end end end end return form end, func = function(id, fields) -- function for handling the form handle_position_changes(id, fields, {left=1, top=1}) handle_field_changes({"colour"}, id, fields) if fields.WIDTH_param_box then widgets[id].width_param = fields.WIDTH_param_box == "true" elseif fields.HEIGHT_param_box then widgets[id].height_param = fields.HEIGHT_param_box == "true" elseif fields.pos_box then widgets[id].position = fields.pos_box == "true" elseif fields.back_box then widgets[id].background = fields.back_box == "true" elseif fields.full then widgets[id].fullscreen = fields.full == "true" elseif fields.col_page then -- colour tab widgets[id].colour_tab = true elseif fields.dat_page then widgets[id].colour_tab = false elseif fields.do_col then widgets[id].col.col = fields.do_col == "true" elseif fields.do_border then widgets[id].col.set_border = fields.do_border == "true" elseif fields.do_tool then widgets[id].col.set_tool = fields.do_tool == "true" elseif fields.key_enter_field == "bg_main" then widgets[id].col.bg_normal = fields.bg_main elseif fields.key_enter_field == "bg_hover" then widgets[id].col.bg_hover = fields.bg_hover elseif fields.key_enter_field == "border" then widgets[id].col.border = fields.border elseif fields.key_enter_field == "bg_tool" then widgets[id].col.tool_bg = fields.bg_tool elseif fields.key_enter_field == "tool_text" then widgets[id].col.tool_font = fields.tool_text end reload_ui() -- refresh the display and save the file end }, Button = { ui = function(id, left, top, width) local form = "label["..left+1.8 .."," ..";- BUTTON -]" .. ui_field("NAME", widgets[id].name, left+0.2, top+0.7) .. -- all have a name box ui_position("LEFT", widgets[id].left, left, top+1.4, "LEFT", widgets[id].left_type) .. -- and an area or position ui_position("TOP", widgets[id].top, left, top+2.4, "TOP", widgets[id].top_type) .. ui_position("RIGHT", widgets[id].right, left, top+3.4, "LEFT", widgets[id].right_type) .. ui_position("BOTTOM", widgets[id].bottom, left, top+4.4, "TOP", widgets[id].bottom_type) .. ui_field("LABEL", widgets[id].label, left+0.2, top+5.7) .. -- then extra things "" if widgets[id].image then form = form .. ui_field("TEXTURE", widgets[id].texture, left+0.2, top+6.7) .. "checkbox["..left+3 .."," ..";image_param_box;parameter;"..tostring(widgets[id].image_param).."]" .. "checkbox["..left+1.8 .."," ..";image_box;image;true]" .. "checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";close_box;exit form;"..tostring(widgets[id].exit).."]" if not widgets[id].exit then form = form .. "checkbox["..left+3 .."," ..";item_box;item;"..tostring(widgets[id].item).."]" end else form = form .. "checkbox["..left+1.8 .."," ..";image_box;image;false]" .. "checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";close_box;exit form;"..tostring(widgets[id].exit).."]" end return form end, func = function(id, fields) handle_position_changes(id, fields) handle_field_changes({"name", "label", "texture"}, id, fields) if fields.image_box then widgets[id].image = fields.image_box == "true" elseif fields.image_param_box then widgets[id].image_param = fields.image_param_box == "true" elseif fields.item_box then widgets[id].item = fields.item_box == "true" elseif fields.close_box then widgets[id].exit = fields.close_box == "true" end reload_ui() end }, Field = { ui = function(id, left, top, width) local form = "label["..left+1.8 .."," ..";- FIELD -]" .. ui_field("NAME", widgets[id].name, left+0.2, top+1) .. ui_position("LEFT", widgets[id].left, left, top+1.7, "LEFT", widgets[id].left_type) .. ui_position("TOP", widgets[id].top, left, top+2.7, "TOP", widgets[id].top_type) .. ui_position("RIGHT", widgets[id].right, left, top+3.7, "LEFT", widgets[id].right_type) .. ui_field("LABEL", widgets[id].label, left+0.2, top+5) .. "" if widgets[id].password then form = form.."checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";password_box;password;true]" .. "checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";enter_close_box;close form on enter;"..tostring(widgets[id].enter_close).."]" else form = form.. ui_field("DEFAULT", widgets[id].default, left+0.2, top+6, widgets[id].default_param) .. "checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";password_box;password;false]" .. "checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";enter_close_box;close form on enter;"..tostring(widgets[id].enter_close).."]" end return form end, func = function(id, fields) handle_position_changes(id, fields) handle_field_changes({"name", "label", "default"}, id, fields) if fields.password_box then widgets[id].password = fields.password_box == "true" elseif fields.enter_close_box then widgets[id].enter_close = fields.enter_close_box == "true" end reload_ui() end }, TextArea = { ui = function(id, left, top, width) local form = "label["..left+1.8 .."," ..";- TextArea -]" .. ui_field("NAME", widgets[id].name, left+0.2, top+1) .. ui_position("LEFT", widgets[id].left, left, top+1.7, "LEFT", widgets[id].left_type) .. ui_position("TOP", widgets[id].top, left, top+2.7, "TOP", widgets[id].top_type) .. ui_position("RIGHT", widgets[id].right, left, top+3.7, "LEFT", widgets[id].right_type) .. ui_position("BOTTOM", widgets[id].bottom, left, top+4.7, "TOP", widgets[id].bottom_type) .. ui_field("LABEL", widgets[id].label, left+0.2, top+6) .. ui_field("DEFAULT", widgets[id].default, left+0.2, top+7, widgets[id].default_param) .. "" return form end, func = function(id, fields) handle_position_changes(id, fields) handle_field_changes({"name", "label", "default"}, id, fields) reload_ui() end }, Label = { ui = function(id, left, top, width) local form = "label["..left+2 .."," ..";- Label -]" .. ui_field("NAME", widgets[id].name, left+0.2, top+1) .. ui_position("LEFT", widgets[id].left, left, top+1.7, "LEFT", widgets[id].left_type) .. ui_position("TOP", widgets[id].top, left, top+2.7, "TOP", widgets[id].top_type) .. ui_field("LABEL", widgets[id].label, left+0.2, top+4, widgets[id].label_param) .. "checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";vert_box;vertical;"..tostring(widgets[id].vertical).."]" return form end, func = function(id, fields) handle_position_changes(id, fields) handle_field_changes({"name", "label"}, id, fields) if fields.vert_box then widgets[id].vertical = fields.vert_box == "true" end reload_ui() end }, TextList = { ui = function(id, left, top, width) local item_str = "" for i, v in pairs(widgets[id].items) do item_str = item_str .. form_esc(v) .. "," end local form = "label["..left+1.8 .."," ..";- TextList -]" .. ui_field("NAME", widgets[id].name, left+0.2, top+1) .. ui_position("LEFT", widgets[id].left, left, top+1.7, "LEFT", widgets[id].left_type) .. ui_position("TOP", widgets[id].top, left, top+2.7, "TOP", widgets[id].top_type) .. ui_position("RIGHT", widgets[id].right, left, top+3.7, "LEFT", widgets[id].right_type) .. ui_position("BOTTOM", widgets[id].bottom, left, top+4.7, "TOP", widgets[id].bottom_type) .. "label["..left+0.1 .."," ..";ITEMS]" .. "textlist["..left+0.1 .."," ..";2.6,0.7;item_list;"..item_str.."]" .. "field["..left+3.3 .."," ..";1.8,1;item_input;;]" .. "field_close_on_enter[item_input;false]" .. "checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";items_param_box;items parameter;"..tostring(widgets[id].items_param).."]" .. "checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";item_id_param_box;selected item id parameter;"..tostring(widgets[id].item_id_param).."]" .. "checkbox["..left+3 .."," ..";transparent_box;transparent;"..tostring(widgets[id].transparent).."]" .. "" return form end, func = function(id, fields) handle_position_changes(id, fields) handle_field_changes({"name"}, id, fields) if fields.item_list then -- common (lazy) way I make editable lists if string.sub(fields.item_list, 1, 3) == "DCL" then -- remove table.remove(widgets[id].items, tonumber(string.sub(fields.item_list, 5))) end elseif fields.key_enter_field == "item_input" then -- add table.insert(widgets[id].items, fields.item_input) elseif fields.items_param_box then widgets[id].items_param = fields.items_param_box == "true" elseif fields.item_id_param_box then widgets[id].item_id_param = fields.item_id_param_box == "true" elseif fields.transparent_box then widgets[id].transparent = fields.transparent_box == "true" end reload_ui() end }, DropDown = { ui = function(id, left, top, width) local item_str = "" for i, v in pairs(widgets[id].items) do item_str = item_str .. form_esc(v) .. "," end local form = "label["..left+1.8 .."," ..";- DropDown -]" .. ui_field("NAME", widgets[id].name, left+0.2, top+1) .. ui_position("LEFT", widgets[id].left, left, top+1.7, "LEFT", widgets[id].left_type) .. ui_position("TOP", widgets[id].top, left, top+2.7, "TOP", widgets[id].top_type) .. ui_position("RIGHT", widgets[id].right, left, top+3.7, "LEFT", widgets[id].right_type) .. "label["..left+0.1 .."," ..";ITEMS]" .. "label["..left+1.8 .."," ..";selected: "..widgets[id].select_id.."]" .. "textlist["..left+0.1 .."," ..";2.6,0.7;item_list;"..item_str.."]" .. "field["..left+3.3 .."," ..";1.8,1;item_input;;]" .. "field_close_on_enter[item_input;false]" .. "checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";items_param_box;items parameter;"..tostring(widgets[id].items_param).."]" .. "checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";item_id_param_box;selected item id parameter;"..tostring(widgets[id].item_id_param).."]" .. "" return form end, func = function(id, fields) handle_position_changes(id, fields) handle_field_changes({"name"}, id, fields) if fields.item_list then if string.sub(fields.item_list, 1, 3) == "DCL" then table.remove(widgets[id].items, tonumber(string.sub(fields.item_list, 5))) else widgets[id].select_id = tonumber(string.sub(fields.item_list, 5)) end elseif fields.key_enter_field == "item_input" then table.insert(widgets[id].items, fields.item_input) elseif fields.items_param_box then widgets[id].items_param = fields.items_param_box == "true" elseif fields.item_id_param_box then widgets[id].item_id_param = fields.item_id_param_box == "true" end reload_ui() end }, CheckBox = { ui = function(id, left, top, width) local form = "label["..left+2 .."," ..";- Label -]" .. ui_field("NAME", widgets[id].name, left+0.2, top+1) .. ui_position("LEFT", widgets[id].left, left, top+1.7, "LEFT", widgets[id].left_type) .. ui_position("TOP", widgets[id].top, left, top+2.7, "TOP", widgets[id].top_type) .. ui_field("LABEL", widgets[id].label, left+0.2, top+4) .. "checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";checked_box;checked;"..tostring(widgets[id].checked).."]" .. "checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";checked_param_box;checked parameter;"..tostring(widgets[id].checked_param).."]" return form end, func = function(id, fields) handle_position_changes(id, fields) handle_field_changes({"name", "label"}, id, fields) if fields.checked_box then widgets[id].checked = fields.checked_box == "true" elseif fields.checked_param_box then widgets[id].checked_param = fields.checked_param_box == "true" end reload_ui() end }, Box = { ui = function(id, left, top, width) local form = "label["..left+1.8 .."," ..";- Box -]" .. ui_field("NAME", widgets[id].name, left+0.2, top+1) .. ui_position("LEFT", widgets[id].left, left, top+1.7, "LEFT", widgets[id].left_type) .. ui_position("TOP", widgets[id].top, left, top+2.7, "TOP", widgets[id].top_type) .. ui_position("RIGHT", widgets[id].right, left, top+3.7, "LEFT", widgets[id].right_type) .. ui_position("BOTTOM", widgets[id].bottom, left, top+4.7, "TOP", widgets[id].bottom_type) .. ui_field("COLOUR", widgets[id].colour, left+0.2, top+6, widgets[id].colour_param) .. "" return form end, func = function(id, fields) handle_position_changes(id, fields) handle_field_changes({"name", "colour"}, id, fields) reload_ui() end }, Image = { ui = function(id, left, top, width) local form = "label["..left+1.8 .."," ..";- Image -]" .. ui_field("NAME", widgets[id].name, left+0.2, top+1) .. ui_position("LEFT", widgets[id].left, left, top+1.7, "LEFT", widgets[id].left_type) .. ui_position("TOP", widgets[id].top, left, top+2.7, "TOP", widgets[id].top_type) .. ui_position("RIGHT", widgets[id].right, left, top+3.7, "LEFT", widgets[id].right_type) .. ui_position("BOTTOM", widgets[id].bottom, left, top+4.7, "TOP", widgets[id].bottom_type) .. ui_field("IMAGE", widgets[id].image, left+0.2, top+6, widgets[id].image_param) .. "checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";item_box;item;"..tostring(widgets[id].item).."]" .. "" if not widgets[id].item then form = form .. "checkbox["..left+1.5 .."," ..";back_box;background;"..tostring(widgets[id].background).."]" if widgets[id].background then form = form .. "checkbox["..left+1.5 .."," ..";fill_box;fill;"..tostring(widgets[id].fill).."]" end end return form end, func = function(id, fields) handle_position_changes(id, fields) handle_field_changes({"name", "image"}, id, fields) if fields.item_box then widgets[id].item = fields.item_box == "true" elseif fields.back_box then widgets[id].background = fields.back_box == "true" elseif fields.fill_box then widgets[id].fill = fields.fill_box == "true" end reload_ui() end }, Slider = { ui = function(id, left, top, width) local form = "label["..left+1.8 .."," ..";- Slider -]" .. ui_field("NAME", widgets[id].name, left+0.2, top+1) .. ui_position("LEFT", widgets[id].left, left, top+1.7, "LEFT", widgets[id].left_type) .. ui_position("TOP", widgets[id].top, left, top+2.7, "TOP", widgets[id].top_type) .. ui_position("RIGHT", widgets[id].right, left, top+3.7, "LEFT", widgets[id].right_type) .. ui_position("BOTTOM", widgets[id].bottom, left, top+4.7, "TOP", widgets[id].bottom_type) .. ui_position("VALUE", widgets[id].value, left, top+5.7) .. "checkbox["..left+3 .."," ..";value_param_box;parameter;"..tostring(widgets[id].value_param).."]" .. "dropdown["..left+0.1 .."," ..";2,1;orientation;horizontal,vertical;"..(widgets[id].vertical and 2 or 1).."]" .. "" return form end, func = function(id, fields) handle_position_changes(id, fields, {value=1000}) handle_field_changes({"name"}, id, fields) if fields.value_param_box then widgets[id].value_param = fields.value_param_box == "true" elseif fields.orientation then local new = fields.orientation == "vertical" if widgets[id].vertical ~= new then -- swaps the width and height to make it nicer to edit widgets[id].vertical = new widgets[id].right, widgets[id].bottom = widgets[id].bottom, widgets[id].right end end reload_ui() end }, InvList = { ui = function(id, left, top, width) local location_values = {context=1, current_player=2, ["player:"]=3, ["nodemeta:"]=4, ["detached:"]=5} local form = "label["..left+1.4 .."," ..";- Inventory List -]" .. ui_position("LEFT", widgets[id].left, left, top+0.7, "LEFT", widgets[id].left_type) .. ui_position("TOP", widgets[id].top, left, top+1.7, "TOP", widgets[id].top_type) .. ui_position("RIGHT", widgets[id].right, left, top+2.7, "LEFT", widgets[id].right_type) .. ui_position("BOTTOM", widgets[id].bottom, left, top+3.7, "TOP", widgets[id].bottom_type) .. "label["..left+0.1 .."," ..";LOCATION]" .. "dropdown["..left+0.1 .."," ..";2.8;location_select;context,current_player,player:,nodemeta:,detached:;" .. location_values[widgets[id].location].."]" .. ui_field("NAME", widgets[id].name, left+0.2, top+6) .. "field["..left+0.4 .."," ..";1,1;start;START;"..widgets[id].start.."]" .. "field_close_on_enter[start;false]" .. "checkbox["..left+1.5 .."," ..";start_box;param;"..tostring(widgets[id].start_param).."]" .. "checkbox["..left+3 .."," ..";ring_box;ring;"..tostring(widgets[id].ring).."]" local extras = {["player:"]=1, ["nodemeta:"]=1, ["detached:"]=1} -- these locations need extra data if extras[widgets[id].location] then form = form .. "field["..left+3.3 .."," ..";1.7,1;data;DATA;"..form_esc(widgets[id].data).."]" .. "field_close_on_enter[data;false]" .. "checkbox["..left+3 .."," ..";data_box;data param;"..tostring(widgets[id].data_param).."]" end return form end, func = function(id, fields) handle_position_changes(id, fields) handle_field_changes({"name"}, id, fields) if fields.ring_box then widgets[id].ring= fields.ring_box == "true" elseif fields.start_box then widgets[id].start_param = fields.start_box == "true" elseif fields.data_box then widgets[id].data_param = fields.data_box == "true" elseif fields.key_enter_field == "data" then widgets[id].data = elseif fields.key_enter_field == "start" then widgets[id].start = tonumber(fields.start) if widgets[id].start == nil then widgets[id].start = 0 end elseif fields.location_select then widgets[id].location = fields.location_select end reload_ui() end }, Tooltip = { ui = function(id, left, top, width) local form = "label["..left+1.7 .."," ..";- Tooltip -]" .. ui_field("NAME", widgets[id].name, left+0.2, top+1) .. ui_field("TEXT", widgets[id].text, left+0.2, top+2) .. "" if widgets[id].colours then form = form .. "field["..left+0.4 .."," ..";2.8,1;bg;BACKGROUND;"..form_esc(widgets[id].bg).."]" .. "field_close_on_enter[bg;false]" .. "field["..left+0.4 .."," ..";2.8,1;fg;TEXT COLOUR;"..form_esc(widgets[id].fg).."]" .. "field_close_on_enter[fg;false]" .. "checkbox["..left+0.12 .."," ..";col_box;colours;true]" else form = form .. "checkbox["..left+0.12 .."," ..";col_box;colours;false]" end return form end, func = function(id, fields) handle_field_changes({"name", "text"}, id, fields) if fields.key_enter_field == "bg" then widgets[id].bg = elseif fields.key_enter_field == "fg" then widgets[id].fg = fields.fg elseif fields.col_box then widgets[id].colours = fields.col_box == "true" end reload_ui() end }, Table = { ui = function(id, left, top, width) local column_str = "" for i, v in pairs(widgets[id].columns) do column_str = column_str..","..i..": "..v.type end local form = "label["..left+1.8 .."," ..";- Table -]" .. "textlist["..left+0.1 .."," ..";2.5,1.5;column_select;#ffff00DATA,#ffff00- columns: "..column_str..";"..widgets[id].selected_column+2 ..";]" .. "button["..left+2.7 .."," ..";0.5,1;column_up;/\\\\]" .. "button["..left+2.7 .."," ..";0.5,1;column_down;\\\\/]" .. "button["..left+3.1 .."," ..";0.8,1;column_add;+]" .. "button["..left+3.1 .."," ..";0.8,1;column_remove;-]" if widgets[id].selected_column == -1 then -- the data tab (size, name, etc) form = form .. ui_field("NAME", widgets[id].name, left+0.2, top+2.5) .. ui_position("LEFT", widgets[id].left, left, top+3.2, "LEFT", widgets[id].left_type) .. ui_position("TOP", widgets[id].top, left, top+4.2, "TOP", widgets[id].top_type) .. ui_position("RIGHT", widgets[id].right, left, top+5.2, "LEFT", widgets[id].right_type) .. ui_position("BOTTOM", widgets[id].bottom, left, top+6.2, "TOP", widgets[id].bottom_type) .. "checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";select_param_box;selected item param;"..tostring(widgets[id].select_param).."]" elseif widgets[id].selected_column > 0 then -- item controller local c = widgets[id].columns[widgets[id].selected_column] typ_convt = {text=1, image=2, color=3, indent=4, tree=5} local items_str = "" for i, v in pairs(c.items) do items_str = items_str..i..": "..v.."," end form = form .. "label["..left+0.1 .."," ..";TYPE]" .. "dropdown["..left+0.1 .."," ..";2.7,1;column_type;text,image,color,indent,tree;"..typ_convt[c.type].."]" .. "label["..left+0.1 .."," ..";ITEMS]" .. "textlist["..left+0.1 .."," ..";2.5,1.5;item_lst;"..items_str..";".. c.selected_item..";]" .. "button["..left+2.7 .."," ..";0.5,1;item_up;/\\\\]" .. "button["..left+2.7 .."," ..";0.5,1;item_down;\\\\/]" .. "button["..left+3.1 .."," ..";0.8,1;item_add;+]" .. "button["..left+3.1 .."," ..";0.8,1;item_remove;-]" .. "checkbox["..left+2.7 .."," ..";item_param_box;items parameter;"..tostring(c.items_param).."]" if #c.items > 0 then -- item editor form = form .. "field["..left+0.4 .."," ..";2.5,1;item_edit;ITEM;"..c.items[c.selected_item].."]" .. "field_close_on_enter[item_edit;false]" -- some column types need extra stuff if c.type == "image" then -- image local img_str = "" for i, v in pairs(c.images) do img_str = img_str..i ..": "..v.."," end form = form .. "label["..left+0.1 .."," ..";IMAGES]" .. "textlist["..left+0.1 .."," ..";2.5,1.4;image_lst;"..img_str.."]" .. "field["..left+3 .."," ..";2,1;image_add;;]" .. "field_close_on_enter[image_add;false]" elseif c.type == "color" then -- colour form = form .. "field["..left+0.4 .."," ..";2.5,1;colour_len;DISTANCE;"..c.distance.."]" .. "field_close_on_enter[colour_len;false]" end end end return form end, func = function(id, fields) -- basic stuff handle_position_changes(id, fields) handle_field_changes({"name"}, id, fields) local number_usrs = {indent=1, tree=1, image=1} local c = widgets[id].columns[widgets[id].selected_column] -- column selector and editor if fields.column_select then widgets[id].selected_column = tonumber(string.sub(fields.column_select, 5))-2 elseif fields.column_add then -- column def table.insert(widgets[id].columns, {type="text", items={}, images={}, selected_item=1, items_param=false, distance="infinite"}) widgets[id].selected_column = #widgets[id].columns elseif fields.column_remove and widgets[id].selected_column > 0 then table.remove(widgets[id].columns, widgets[id].selected_column) widgets[id].selected_column = widgets[id].selected_column-1 elseif fields.column_down and widgets[id].selected_column < #widgets[id].columns and widgets[id].selected_column > 0 then table.insert(widgets[id].columns, widgets[id].selected_column+1, table.remove(widgets[id].columns, widgets[id].selected_column)) widgets[id].selected_column = widgets[id].selected_column+1 elseif fields.column_up and widgets[id].selected_column > 1 then table.insert(widgets[id].columns, widgets[id].selected_column-1, table.remove(widgets[id].columns, widgets[id].selected_column)) widgets[id].selected_column = widgets[id].selected_column-1 elseif fields.select_param_box then widgets[id].select_param = fields.select_param_box == "true" -- item editor elseif fields.item_lst then c.selected_item = tonumber(string.sub(fields.item_lst, 5)) if c.selected_item > #c.items then c.selected_item = #c.items end elseif fields.item_add then if number_usrs[c.type] then table.insert(c.items, 0) else table.insert(c.items, "-") end c.selected_item = #c.items elseif fields.item_remove then table.remove(c.items, c.selected_item) if c.selected_item > 1 then c.selected_item = c.selected_item-1 end elseif fields.item_down and c.selected_item < #c.items then table.insert(c.items, c.selected_item+1, table.remove(c.items, c.selected_item)) c.selected_item = c.selected_item+1 elseif fields.item_up and c.selected_item > 1 then table.insert(c.items, c.selected_item-1, table.remove(c.items, c.selected_item)) c.selected_item = c.selected_item-1 elseif fields.item_param_box then c.items_param = fields.item_param_box == "true" elseif fields.key_enter_field == "item_edit" then c.items[c.selected_item] = fields.item_edit if number_usrs[c.type] then c.items[c.selected_item] = tonumber(fields.item_edit) if c.items[c.selected_item] == nil then c.items[c.selected_item] = 0 end c.items[c.selected_item] = math.floor(c.items[c.selected_item]) end -- extra things for column types elseif fields.key_enter_field == "image_add" then table.insert(c.images, fields.image_add) elseif fields.image_lst and string.sub(fields.image_lst, 1, 3) == "DCL" then table.remove(c.images, tonumber(string.sub(fields.image_lst, 5))) elseif fields.colour_len then c.distance = tonumber(fields.colour_len) if c.distance == nil or c.distance <= 0 then c.distance = "infinite" else c.distance = math.floor(c.distance) end elseif fields.column_type then c.type = fields.column_type if number_usrs[c.type] then for i, v in pairs(c.items) do c.items[i] = tonumber(v) if c.items[i] == nil then c.items[i] = 0 end end end end reload_ui() end }, ["Container - Start"] = { ui = function(id, left, top, width) local form = "label["..left+1.8 .."," ..";- Container -]" .. ui_field("NAME", widgets[id].name, left+0.2, top+1) .. "label["..left+3.8 .."," ..";parameter]" .. ui_position("LEFT", widgets[id].left, left, top+1.7, "LEFT", widgets[id].left_type) .. "checkbox["..left+4.2 .."," ..";left_param_box;;"..tostring(widgets[id].left_param).."]" .. ui_position("TOP", widgets[id].top, left, top+2.7, "TOP", widgets[id].top_type) .. "checkbox["..left+4.2 .."," ..";top_param_box;;"..tostring(widgets[id].top_param).."]" .. ui_position("RIGHT", widgets[id].right, left, top+3.7, "LEFT", widgets[id].right_type) .. ui_position("BOTTOM", widgets[id].bottom, left, top+4.7, "TOP", widgets[id].bottom_type) .. "" return form end, func = function(id, fields) handle_position_changes(id, fields) handle_field_changes({"name"}, id, fields) if fields.left_param_box then widgets[id].left_param = fields.left_param_box == "true" elseif fields.top_param_box then widgets[id].top_param = fields.top_param_box == "true" end reload_ui() end, del = function(id) table.remove(widgets, id) local depth = 0 while id <= #widgets and depth > -1 do -- find which container end belongs to this container and delete it too if widgets[id].type == "Container - Start" then depth = depth+1 elseif widgets[id].type == "Container - End" then if depth == 0 then table.remove(widgets, id) end depth = depth-1 end id = id+1 end end }, ["Container - End"] = { ui = function(id, left, top, width) local name = "" local depth = 0 local pos = id-1 while pos > 0 and depth > -1 do -- find which container start belongs to this container and display it's name if widgets[pos].type == "Container - Start" then if depth == 0 then name = widgets[pos].name end depth = depth-1 elseif widgets[pos].type == "Container - End" then depth = depth+1 end pos = pos-1 end local form = "label["..left+0.1 .."," ..";- End of Container \""..form_esc(name).."\" -]" .. "" return form end, func = function(id, fields) -- ehem? end }, Tabs = { ui =function(id, left, top, width) local item_str = "" for i, v in pairs(widgets[id].captions) do item_str = item_str .. form_esc(v) .. "," end local form = "label["..left+1.9 .."," ..";- Tabs -]" .. ui_field("NAME", widgets[id].name, left+0.2, top+1) .. ui_position("LEFT", widgets[id].left, left, top+1.7, "LEFT", widgets[id].left_type) .. ui_position("TOP", widgets[id].top, left, top+2.7, "TOP", widgets[id].top_type) .. "label["..left+0.1 .."," ..";TABS]" .. "label["..left+1.8 .."," ..";selected: "..widgets[id].tab.."]" .. "textlist["..left+0.1 .."," ..";2.6,0.7;item_list;"..item_str.."]" .. "field["..left+3.3 .."," ..";1.8,1;item_input;;]" .. "field_close_on_enter[item_input;false]" .. "checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";transparent_box;transparent;"..tostring(widgets[id].transparent).."]" .. "checkbox["..left+0.1 .."," ..";border_box;border;"..tostring(widgets[id].border).."]" .. "" return form end, func = function(id, fields) handle_position_changes(id, fields) handle_field_changes({"name"}, id, fields) if fields.item_list then if string.sub(fields.item_list, 1, 3) == "DCL" then table.remove(widgets[id].captions, tonumber(string.sub(fields.item_list, 5))) else widgets[id].tab = tonumber(string.sub(fields.item_list, 5)) end elseif fields.key_enter_field == "item_input" then table.insert(widgets[id].captions, fields.item_input) elseif fields.transparent_box then widgets[id].transparent = fields.transparent_box == "true" elseif fields.border_box then widgets[id].border = fields.border_box == "true" end reload_ui() end }, Options = { ui = function(id, left, top, width) local form = "label["..left+1.8 .."," ..";- Options -]" .. "button["..left+0.1 .."," ..";2,1;func_create;generate function]" .. "button["..left+2.1 .."," ..";2,1;string_create;generate string]" .. "" return form end, func = function(id, fields) if fields.string_create then -- display the formspec to output the generated string (and generate it) minetest.show_formspec("ui_editor:output", "size[10,8]" .. "textarea[1,1;9,7;_;Generated Code;"..form_esc(generate_string()).."]" .. "button[8.8,0;1,1;back;back]") elseif fields.func_create then -- display the (same) formspec to output the generated function (and generate it) minetest.show_formspec("ui_editor:output", "size[10,8]" .. "textarea[1,1;9,7;_;Generated Code;"..form_esc(generate_function()).."]" .. "button[8.8,0;1,1;back;back]") end end }, New = { ui = function(id, left, top, width) local widg_str = "" -- convert the list of widget types to a string for i, v in pairs(widg_list) do widg_str = widg_str..v.."," end local form = "label["..left+1.6 .."," ..";- NEW WIDGET -]" .. "textlist["..left+0.1 .."," ..";"..width-0.2 ..",6;new_widg_selector;"..widg_str.."]" return form end, func = function(id, fields) if fields.new_widg_selector then if string.sub(fields.new_widg_selector, 1, 3) == "DCL" then local name = widg_list[tonumber(string.sub(fields.new_widg_selector, 5))] selected_widget = #widgets +1 -- widget defaults -- -- create widgets with the correct and default data if name == "Button" then table.insert(widgets, {type="Button", name="New Button", label="New", image=false, image_param=false, texture="default_cloud.png", item=false, left=1, left_type="L+", top=1, top_type="T+", right=2, right_type="L+", bottom=1, bottom_type="R"}) elseif name == "Field" then table.insert(widgets, {type="Field", name="New Field", label="", default="", default_param=false, password=false, enter_close=true, left=1, left_type="L+", top=1, top_type="T+", right=2, right_type="L+", bottom=1, bottom_type="R"}) elseif name == "TextArea" then table.insert(widgets, {type="TextArea", name="New TextArea", label="", default="", default_param=false, left=1, left_type="L+", top=1, top_type="T+", right=2, right_type="L+", bottom=2, bottom_type="T+"}) elseif name == "Label" then table.insert(widgets, {type="Label", name="New Label", label="New Label", label_param=false, vertical=false, left=1, left_type="L+", top=1, top_type="T+"}) elseif name == "TextList" then table.insert(widgets, {type="TextList", name="New TextList", items={}, items_param=false, item_id_param=false, transparent=false, left=1, left_type="L+", top=1, top_type="T+", right=2, right_type="L+", bottom=2, bottom_type="T+"}) elseif name == "DropDown" then table.insert(widgets, {type="DropDown", name="New DropDown", items={}, items_param=false, item_id_param=false, select_id=1, left=1, left_type="L+", top=1, top_type="T+", right=2, right_type="L+", bottom=1, bottom_type="R"}) elseif name == "CheckBox" then table.insert(widgets, {type="CheckBox", name="New CheckBox", label="New CheckBox", checked=false, checked_param=false, left=1, left_type="L+", top=1, top_type="T+"}) elseif name == "Box" then table.insert(widgets, {type="Box", name="New Box", colour="#ffffff", colour_param=false, left=1, left_type="L+", top=1, top_type="T+", right=2, right_type="L+", bottom=2, bottom_type="T+"}) elseif name == "Image" then table.insert(widgets, {type="Image", name="New Image", image="default_cloud.png", image_param=false, item=false, background=false, fill=false, left=1, left_type="L+", top=1, top_type="T+", right=2, right_type="L+", bottom=2, bottom_type="T+"}) elseif name == "Slider" then table.insert(widgets, {type="Slider", name="New Slider", vertical=false, value=0, value_param=false, left=1, left_type="L+", top=1, top_type="T+", right=2, right_type="R", bottom=0.3, bottom_type="R"}) elseif name == "Table" then table.insert(widgets, {selected_column=-1, type="Table", name="New Table", selected_param=false, columns = {}, select_param=false, left=1, left_type="L+", top=1, top_type="T+", right=2, right_type="L+", bottom=2, bottom_type="T+"}) elseif name == "InvList" then table.insert(widgets, {type="InvList", name="main", location="current_player", start_param=false, data="", data_param=false, ring=false, colour_tab=false, start=0, left=1, left_type="L+", top=1, top_type="T+", right=2, right_type="L+", bottom=2, bottom_type="T+"}) elseif name == "Tooltip" then table.insert(widgets, {type="Tooltip", name="widget", text="New Tooltip", colours=false, bg="#00cc00", fg="#000000"}) elseif name == "Container" then table.insert(widgets, {type="Container - Start", name="New container", left_param=false, top_param=false, left=1, left_type="L+", top=1, top_type="T+", right=4, right_type="L+", bottom=4, bottom_type="T+"}) table.insert(widgets, {type="Container - End", name=""}) elseif name == "Tabs" then table.insert(widgets, {type="Tabs", name="New Tabs", captions={}, tab=1, transparent=false, border=false, left=0, left_type="L+", top=0, top_type="T+"}) end new_widg_tab = false reload_ui() end end end }, } ---------- -- GENERAL ---------- -- handles formspec input, or sends to correct places minetest.register_on_formspec_input(function(formname, fields) if formname == "ui_editor:main" then if fields.widg_select then -- select a widget selected_widget = tonumber(string.sub(fields.widg_select, 5))-4 new_widg_tab = false minetest.show_formspec("ui_editor:main", main_ui_form()) elseif fields.widg_mov_up then -- move a widget up if selected_widget > 2 then if widgets[selected_widget].type == "Container - End" and widgets[selected_widget-1].type == "Container - Start" then local pos = selected_widget-2 -- containers must always make sence. each start must have an end after it, local count = 0 -- -- so they can't move past eachother in some cases while pos > 0 do if widgets[pos].type == "Container - End" then count = count-1 elseif widgets[pos].type == "Container - Start" then count = count+1 end pos = pos-1 end if count <= 0 then return true end end table.insert(widgets, selected_widget-1, table.remove(widgets, selected_widget)) -- move it selected_widget = selected_widget-1 new_widg_tab = false reload_ui() end elseif fields.widg_mov_dwn then --move a widget down if selected_widget < #widgets and selected_widget > 1 then if widgets[selected_widget].type == "Container - Start" and widgets[selected_widget+1].type == "Container - End" then local pos = selected_widget+2 -- containers must have an end after them (and can't share an end) local count = 0 while pos <= #widgets do if widgets[pos].type == "Container - End" then count = count+1 elseif widgets[pos].type == "Container - Start" then count = count-1 end pos = pos+1 end if count <= 0 then return true end end table.insert(widgets, selected_widget+1, table.remove(widgets, selected_widget)) selected_widget = selected_widget+1 new_widg_tab = false reload_ui() end elseif fields.widg_duplicate then -- duplicate a widget table.insert(widgets, copy_table(widgets[selected_widget])) new_widg_tab = false reload_ui() elseif fields.widg_new then -- switch to the NEW WIDGET tab new_widg_tab = not new_widg_tab reload_ui() elseif fields.widg_delete then -- delete a widget if widgets[selected_widget].type == "Container - Start" then widget_editor_uis["Container - Start"].del(selected_widget) else table.remove(widgets, selected_widget) end selected_widget = selected_widget-1 new_widg_tab = false reload_ui() elseif fields.quit == nil then -- send update to widget editors if selected_widget == -2 or new_widg_tab then widget_editor_uis["New"].func(selected_widget, fields) elseif selected_widget > 0 then widget_editor_uis[widgets[selected_widget].type].func(selected_widget, fields) new_widg_tab = false elseif selected_widget == -3 then widget_editor_uis["Options"].func(selected_widget, fields) new_widg_tab = false end end elseif formname == "ui_editor:output" then -- the display for outputting generated code if fields.back then reload_ui() end end end) -- loads the correct widget editor local function widget_editor(left, height) local form = "box["..left+0.1 ..",2.2;4.8,"..height-2.3 ..";#000000]" if selected_widget == -1 or selected_widget == 0 or (selected_widget > 1 and widgets[selected_widget] == nil) then selected_widget = -2 -- blank items in the list can be used for adding new widgets end if selected_widget == -2 or new_widg_tab then -- the new widget tab can be displayed without moving the selection form = form .. widget_editor_uis["New"].ui(selected_widget, left+0.1, 2.2, 4.8) elseif selected_widget > 0 then -- load correct editor for current selected widget form = form .. widget_editor_uis[widgets[selected_widget].type].ui(selected_widget, left+0.1, 2.2, 4.8) elseif selected_widget == -3 then form = form .. widget_editor_uis["Options"].ui(selected_widget, left+0.1, 2.2, 4.8) end return form end -- creates the widget selector local function widget_chooser(left) local widget_str = "OPTIONS,NEW WIDGET,,.....," -- options at the top of the list local depth = 0 for i, v in pairs(widgets) do if v.type == "Container - End" then -- the order of end and start are because they do not need indenting depth = depth-1 end widget_str = widget_str .. string.rep("- ", depth) .. form_esc(v.type .. ": " .. .. "," if v.type == "Container - Start" then -- container contents gets indented depth = depth+1 end end local form = "".. "textlist["..left+0.1 ..",0.1;3.4,2;widg_select;"..widget_str..";"..selected_widget+4 .."]" .. "button["..left+3.6 ..",0.1;0.5,1;widg_mov_up;"..form_esc("/\\").."]" .. "button["..left+3.6 ..",1.2;0.5,1;widg_mov_dwn;"..form_esc("\\/").."]" if selected_widget > 1 and selected_widget <= #widgets and widgets[selected_widget].type ~= "Container - End" then form = form .. "button["..left+4 ..",0;1,1;widg_duplicate;DUPLICATE]" .. "button["..left+4 ..",0.7;1,1;widg_delete;DELETE]" .. "button["..left+4 ..",1.4;1,1;widg_new;NEW]" end return form end -- puts the whole formspec together main_ui_form = function () local ui, width, height = generate_ui() -- the preview local w_selector = widget_chooser(width-5) -- the widget selector local w_editor = widget_editor(width-5, height) -- the widget editor local form = "".. -- add everything together "size["..width..","..height.."]" .. "box["..width-5 ..",0;5,"..height..";#ffffff]" .. ui .. w_selector .. w_editor .. create_tabs(2) -- add the global tabs return form end ---------- ---------- -- END FORM EDITOR -- ---------- ---------- -- register the chat command minetest.register_chatcommand("gui", { description = core.gettext("UI editor"), func = function() minetest.show_formspec("ui_editor:main", main_ui_form()) end, })
function Steelbreaker_OnEnterCombat(unit, event) Unit:PlaySoundToSet(15674) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "You will not defeat the Assembly of Iron so easily, invaders!") Unit:RegisterEvent("Steelbreaker_Highvoltage", 30000, 4) Unit:RegisterEvent("Steelbreaker_Fusion", 30000, 2) Unit:RegisterEvent("Steelbreaker_Meltdown", 25000, 4) Unit:RegisterEvent("Steelbreaker_Phase1", 60000, 0) Unit:RegisterEvent("Steelbreaker_Phase2", 1000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("Steelbreaker_Phase3", 1000, 1) end function Steelbreaker_Highvoltage(unit, event) Unit:PlaySoundToSet(15675) Unit:SendChatMessage("So fragile and weak!") Unit:CastSpell(61890) end function Steelbreaker_Fusion(unit,event) Unit:PlaySoundToSet(15677) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "You seek the secrets of Ulduar? Then take them!") Unit:CastSpellOnTarger(61902, Unit:GetMainTank()) end --choice=math.random(1, 4) function Steelbreaker_Phase1(unit, event) if unit:GetHealthPct() <= 95 then if choice==1 then Unit:CastSpellOnTarget(61903) end end end function Steelbreaker_Meltdown(unit, event) if choice==2 then Unit:CastSpell(61889) end end function Steelbreaker_Phase2(unit, event) if unit:GetHealthPct() <= 40 then Unit:CastSpellOnTarget(63494, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(2)) end end function Steelbreaker_Phase3(unit, event) if unit:GetHealthPct() <= 35 then Unit:CastSpellOnTarget(61889, unit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) end end function Steelbreaker_OnKilledTarget(unit, event) Unit:PlaySoundToSet(15676) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "Flesh, HAH! Such a hindrence!") end function Steelbreaker_OnLeaveCombat(unit, event) Unit:PlaySoundToSet(15680) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "This meeting of the Assembly of Iron is adjourned!") Unit:RemoveEvents() end function Steelbreaker_OnDeath(unit, event) Unit:PlaySoundToSet(15678) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "My death only serves to hasten your demise.") Unit:CastSpell(61920) end RegisterUnitEvent(32867, 1, "Steelbreaker_OnEnterCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(32867, 2, "Steelbreaker_OnLeaveCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(32867, 3, "Steelbreaker_OnKilledTarget") RegisterUnitEvent(32867, 4, "Steelbreaker_OnDeath") ---------STORMCALLER BRUNDIR------------ function StormcallerBrundir_OnEnterCombat(unit, event) Unit:PlaySoundToSet(15684) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "Whether the world's greatest gnats or the world's greatest heroes, you're still only mortal!") Unit:RegisterEvent("StormcallerBrundir_ChainLightning", 30000, 0) Unit:RegisterEvent("StormcallerBrundir_LightningWhirl", 25000, 0) Unit:RegisterEvent("StormcallerBrundir_LightningTendrils", 15000, 0) Unit:RegisterEvent("StormcallerBrundir", 60000, 0) Unit:RegisterEvent("StormcallerBrundir", 60000, 0) end function StormcallerBrundir_ChainLightning(unit, event) Unit:PlaySoundToSet(15685) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "A merciful kill!") Unit:CastSpellOnTarget(63479, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) end --Choice=math.random(1, 2) function StormcallerBrundir_Phase1(unit, event) if Unit:GetHealthPct() <= 90 then if choice==1 then Unit:CastSpell(63481) end end end function StormcallerBrundir_LightningWhirl(unit, event) Unit:PlaySoundToSet(15686) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "HAH") if choice==2 then Unit:CastSpellOnTarget(63483, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(0)) end end Choice=math.random(1, 2) function StormcallerBrundir_Phase2(unit, event) if Unit:GetHealthPct() <= 50 then Unit:PlaySoundToSet(15687) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "Stand still and stare into the light!") Unit:CastSpell(64187) end end function StormcallerBrundir_LightningTendrils(unit, event) if choice==2 then Unit:CastSpellOnTarget(63485, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(4)) Unit:PlaySoundToSet(15688) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "Let the storm clouds rise and rain down death from above!") end end function StormcallerBrundir_OnLeaveCombat(unit, event) Unit:PlaySoundToSet(15689) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "The power of the storm lives on...") Unit:RemoveEvents() end function StormcallerBrundir_Death(unit, event) Unit:PlaySoundToSet(15690) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "You rush headlong into the maw of madness!") Unit:RemoveEvents() end function StormcallerBrundir_OnKilledTarget(unit, event) end RegisterUnitEvent(32857, 1, "StormcallerBrundir_OnEnterCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(32857, 2, "StormcallerBrundir_OnLeaveCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(32857, 3, "StormcallerBrundir_OnKilledTarget") RegisterUnitEvent(32857, 4, "StormcallerBrundir_Death") ------------RUNEMASTER MOLGEIN------------- function RunemasterMolgein_OnEnterCombat(unit, event) Unit:PlaySoundToSet(15657) Unit:SendChatMessage(12, 0, "Nothing short of total decimation will suffice") Unit:RegisterEvent("RunemasterMolgein_Shieldofrunes", 1000, 1) Unit:RegisterEvent("RunemasterMolgein_Elemental", 10, 20000) Unit:RegisterEvent("RunemasterMolgein_LightningBlast", 1000, 1) end function RunemasterMolgein_Shieldofrunes(unit, event) Unit:CastSpell(63489) end --choice=math.random(1, 4) function RunemasterMolgein_Phase1(unit, event) if unit:GetHealthPct() <= 90 then if choice==1 then Unit:CastSpell(61974) Unit:PlaySoundToSet(15658) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "The world suffers yet another insignificant loss.") end end end function RunemasterMolgein_Runeofdeath(unit, event) if choice==2 then Unit:CastSpell(63490) Unit:PlaySoundToSet(15660) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "Decipher this!") end end function RunemasterMolgein_Elemental(unit, event) if unit:GetHealthPct() <= 70 then Unit:SpawnCreature(34147, x, y, z, o, 10, 20000) Unit:PlaySoundToSet(15661) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "Face the lightning surge!") end end function RunemasterMolgein_LightningBlast(unit, event) if unit:GetHealthPct() <= 10 then Unit:CastSpell(63491) Unit:PlaySoundToSet(15664) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "This meeting of the Assembly of Iron is adjourned!") end end function RunemasterMolgein_OnLeaveCombat(unit, event) Unit:PlaySoundToSet(15662) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "The legacy of storms shall not be undone.") Unit:Despawn(1000, 0) Unit:RemoveEvents() end function RunemasterMolgein_Death(unit, event) Unit:PlaySoundToSet(15663) Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "What have you gained from my defeat? You are no less doomed, mortals!") Unit:Despawn(1000, 0) Unit:RemoveEvents() end function RunemasterMolgein_OnKilledTarget(pUnit, Event) end RegisterUnitEvent(32927, 1, "RunemasterMolgein_OnEnterCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(32927, 2, "RunemasterMolgein_OnLeaveCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(32927, 3, "RunemasterMolgein_OnKilledTarget") RegisterUnitEvent(32927, 4, "RunemasterMolgein_Death")
-- -- Anti-Cheat Control Panel -- -- _common.lua -- _version = "0.1.8" MIN_CLIENT_VERSION_FOR_MOD_BLOCKS = "1.3.1-9.04818" function outputDebug(msg) msg = getTickCount() .. " " .. msg outputDebugString(msg) end function stripColorCodes ( text ) return string.gsub ( text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '' ) end function table.find(t, ...) local args = { ... } if #args == 0 then for k,v in pairs(t) do if v then return k, v end end return false end local value = table.remove(args) if value == '[nil]' then value = nil end for k,v in pairs(t) do for i,index in ipairs(args) do if type(index) == 'function' then v = index(v) else if index == '[last]' then index = #v end v = v[index] end end if v == value then return k, t[k] end end return false end function math.bit(p) return 2 ^ (p - 1) -- 1-based indexing end -- Typical call: if hasbit(x, bit(3)) then ... function math.hasbit(x, p) return x % (p + p) >= p end newline = "\n" colorYellow = {255,255,0} colorGreen = {128,255,128} colorRed = {255,128,128} colorGrey = {128,128,128} colorLtGrey = {192,192,192} colorWhite = {255,255,255} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- aBlockModsTab_presets = { none = "", all = "*", modelsAnims = ".ifp" .. newline .. ".dff", weaponModels = "grenade.dff" .. newline .. "teargas.dff" .. newline .. "molotov.dff" .. newline .. "colt45.dff" .. newline .. "silenced.dff" .. newline .. "desert_eagle.dff" .. newline .. "chromegun.dff" .. newline .. "sawnoff.dff" .. newline .. "shotgspa.dff" .. newline .. "micro_uzi.dff" .. newline .. "mp5lng.dff" .. newline .. "ak47.dff" .. newline .. "m4.dff" .. newline .. "cuntgun.dff" .. newline .. "rocketla.dff" .. newline .. "heatseek.dff" .. newline .. "flame.dff" .. newline .. "minigun.dff" .. newline .. "satchel.dff" .. newline .. "tec9.dff" .. newline .. "sniper.dff", playerModels = [[cj.dff truth.dff maccer.dff andre.dff bbthin.dff bb.dff emmet.dff male01.dff janitor.dff bfori.dff bfost.dff vbfycrp.dff bfyri.dff bfyst.dff bmori.dff bmost.dff bmyap.dff bmybu.dff bmybe.dff bmydj.dff bmyri.dff bmycr.dff bmyst.dff wmybmx.dff wbdyg1.dff wbdyg2.dff wmybp.dff wmycon.dff bmydrug.dff wmydrug.dff hmydrug.dff dwfolc.dff dwmolc1.dff dwmolc2.dff dwmylc1.dff hmogar.dff wmygol1.dff wmygol2.dff hfori.dff hfost.dff hfyri.dff hfyst.dff jethro.dff hmori.dff hmost.dff hmybe.dff hmyri.dff hmycr.dff hmyst.dff omokung.dff wmymech.dff bmymoun.dff wmymoun.dff ofost.dff ofyri.dff ofyst.dff omori.dff omost.dff omyri.dff omyst.dff wmyplt.dff wmopj.dff bfypro.dff hfypro.dff kendl.dff bmypol1.dff bmypol2.dff wmoprea.dff sbfyst.dff wmosci.dff wmysgrd.dff swmyhp1.dff swmyhp2.dff swfopro.dff wfystew.dff swmotr1.dff wmotr1.dff bmotr1.dff vbmybox.dff vwmybox.dff vhmyelv.dff vbmyelv.dff vimyelv.dff vwfypro.dff ryder3.dff vwfyst1.dff wfori.dff wfost.dff wfyjg.dff wfyri.dff wfyro.dff wfyst.dff wmori.dff wmost.dff wmyjg.dff wmylg.dff wmyri.dff wmyro.dff wmycr.dff wmyst.dff ballas1.dff ballas2.dff ballas3.dff fam1.dff fam2.dff fam3.dff lsv1.dff lsv2.dff lsv3.dff maffa.dff maffb.dff mafboss.dff vla1.dff vla2.dff vla3.dff triada.dff triadb.dff sindaco.dff triboss.dff dnb1.dff dnb2.dff dnb3.dff vmaff1.dff vmaff2.dff vmaff3.dff vmaff4.dff dnmylc.dff dnfolc1.dff dnfolc2.dff dnfylc.dff dnmolc1.dff dnmolc2.dff sbmotr2.dff swmotr2.dff sbmytr3.dff swmotr3.dff wfybe.dff bfybe.dff hfybe.dff sofybu.dff sbmyst.dff sbmycr.dff bmycg.dff wfycrk.dff hmycm.dff wmybu.dff bfybu.dff smokev.dff wfybu.dff dwfylc1.dff wfypro.dff wmyconb.dff wmybe.dff wmypizz.dff bmobar.dff cwfyhb.dff cwmofr.dff cwmohb1.dff cwmohb2.dff cwmyfr.dff cwmyhb1.dff bmyboun.dff wmyboun.dff wmomib.dff bmymib.dff wmybell.dff bmochil.dff sofyri.dff somyst.dff vwmybjd.dff vwfycrp.dff sfr1.dff sfr2.dff sfr3.dff bmybar.dff wmybar.dff wfysex.dff wmyammo.dff bmytatt.dff vwmycr.dff vbmocd.dff vbmycr.dff vhmycr.dff sbmyri.dff somyri.dff somybu.dff swmyst.dff wmyva.dff copgrl3.dff gungrl3.dff mecgrl3.dff nurgrl3.dff crogrl3.dff gangrl3.dff cwfofr.dff cwfohb.dff cwfyfr1.dff cwfyfr2.dff cwmyhb2.dff dwfylc2.dff dwmylc2.dff omykara.dff wmykara.dff wfyburg.dff vwmycd.dff vhfypro.dff suzie.dff omonood.dff omoboat.dff wfyclot.dff vwmotr1.dff vwmotr2.dff vwfywai.dff sbfori.dff swfyri.dff wmyclot.dff sbfost.dff sbfyri.dff sbmocd.dff sbmori.dff sbmost.dff shmycr.dff sofori.dff sofost.dff sofyst.dff somobu.dff somori.dff somost.dff swmotr5.dff swfori.dff swfost.dff swfyst.dff swmocd.dff swmori.dff swmost.dff shfypro.dff sbfypro.dff swmotr4.dff swmyri.dff smyst.dff smyst2.dff sfypro.dff vbfyst2.dff vbfypro.dff vhfyst3.dff bikera.dff bikerb.dff bmypimp.dff swmycr.dff wfylg.dff wmyva2.dff bmosec.dff bikdrug.dff wmych.dff sbfystr.dff swfystr.dff heck1.dff heck2.dff bmycon.dff wmycd1.dff bmocd.dff vwfywa2.dff wmoice.dff tenpen.dff pulaski.dff Hernandez.dff dwayne.dff smoke.dff sweet.dff ryder.dff forelli.dff tbone.dff laemt1.dff lvemt1.dff sfemt1.dff lafd1.dff lvfd1.dff sffd1.dff lapd1.dff sfpd1.dff lvpd1.dff csher.dff lapdm1.dff swat.dff fbi.dff army.dff dsher.dff zero.dff rose.dff paul.dff cesar.dff ogloc.dff wuzimu.dff torino.dff jizzy.dff maddogg.dff cat.dff claude.dff]] } aBlockModsTab = { radioButtons = { { type="none", desc="None", color=colorRed, button=false, custom=false, text=aBlockModsTab_presets.none }, { type="all", desc="All", color=colorGreen, button=false, custom=false, text=aBlockModsTab_presets.all }, { type="models_anims", desc="Models+Anims", color=colorWhite, button=false, custom=false, text=aBlockModsTab_presets.modelsAnims }, { type="weapons", desc="Some weapons", color=colorWhite, button=false, custom=false, text=aBlockModsTab_presets.weaponModels }, { type="players", desc="Player Models", color=colorWhite, button=false, custom=false, text=aBlockModsTab_presets.playerModels }, { type="custom", desc="Custom", color=colorWhite, button=false, custom=true, text="" }, } } function aBlockModsTab.getInfoForType(type) for _,info in ipairs(aBlockModsTab.radioButtons) do if info.type == type then return info end end end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- aServerConfigTab_presets = { none = "", maxMinClient = "1.3.1-9.04835", release = "1.3.1-9.04709", } aServerConfigTab = { radioButtons = { { type="none", desc="None", color=colorRed, button=false, custom=false, text=aServerConfigTab_presets.none }, { type="latest", desc="Latest anti-cheat defs", color=colorGreen, button=false, custom=false, text=aServerConfigTab_presets.maxMinClient }, { type="release", desc="Current release version", color=colorWhite, button=false, custom=false, text=aServerConfigTab_presets.release }, { type="custom", desc="Custom", color=colorWhite, button=false, custom=true, text="" }, } } function aServerConfigTab.getInfoForType(type) for _,info in ipairs(aServerConfigTab.radioButtons) do if info.type == type then return info end end end
game = { timePlayed = 0, timeRequired = 0, displayHint = 0, triggerHint = false, modes = { beginner = { timeRequired = 15 * 60, hints = { "have some tea", "clean up your room", "do your laundry", "take a short walk", "call your mother", "read a newspaper" } }, advanced = { timeRequired = 1 * 3600, hints = { "work out", "read a book", "take a long walk", "cook yourself some nice meal" } }, expert = { timeRequired = 24 * 3600, hints = { "go hiking", "hang out in the park", "meet some old friends" } } } } function game:enter() love.mouse.setVisible(false) self.timeRequired = self.modes[self.mode].timeRequired self.displayHint = 0 self.mouseX, self.mouseY = love.mouse.getPosition() end function game:update(timeElapsed) self.timePlayed = self.timePlayed + timeElapsed if self.timePlayed >= self.timeRequired then switchState("win") end if self.displayHint > 0 then self.displayHint = self.displayHint - timeElapsed end local mX, mY = love.mouse.getPosition() if mX ~= self.mouseX and mX ~= self.mouseX then self.mouseX, self.mouseY = mX, mY self.triggerHint = true end if self.triggerHint then self.triggerHint = false if self.displayHint <= 0 then -- somehow the randomness is broken and we have to seed it math.randomseed(timeElapsed) self.hint = self.modes[self.mode].hints[math.random(#self.modes[self.mode].hints)] end self.displayHint = 10 end end function game:draw() local timeLeft = self.timeRequired - self.timePlayed local textual = secondsToCountdown(timeLeft) local countdownX = ( * 0.5) - (fonts.countdown:getWidth(textual) * 0.5) local countdownY = ( * 0.5) - (fonts.countdown:getHeight() * 0.5), countdownX, countdownY) if self.displayHint > 0 and self.hint ~= nil then local hintOffsetY = countdownY + (fonts.countdown:getHeight()) local text = { "Don't know what to do?", "How about you ...", "", self.hint.."?" } for index, line in pairs(text) do local hintY = hintOffsetY + (fonts.text:getHeight() * (index - 1)) local hintX = ( * 0.5) - (fonts.text:getWidth(line) * 0.5), hintX, hintY) end end end function game:mousepressed() self.triggerHint = true end function game:keypressed(key) if key == "escape" then switchState("lost") else self.triggerHint = true end end function game:focus() switchState("lost") end
-- This Library is just for PAC3 Integration. -- You must install PAC3 to make this library works. = "PAC3 Integration" = "Black Tea" PLUGIN.desc = "More Upgraded, More well organized PAC3 Integration made by Black Tea" PLUGIN.partData = {} if (not pac) then return end nut.util.include("sh_permissions.lua") nut.util.include("sh_pacoutfit.lua") nut.util.include("sv_parts.lua") nut.util.include("cl_parts.lua") nut.util.include("cl_ragdolls.lua")
local Collapse, parent = torch.class('rnn2d.Collapse', 'nn.Module') function Collapse:__init(op, dimension, narrow) parent.__init(self) self.op = op self.dimension = dimension self.narrow = narrow or nil assert(self.op == 'sum' or self.op == 'mean', ('Collapse operation %q is not implemented!'):format(op)) assert(self.dimension ~= nil) self.output = torch.Tensor():type(self:type()) self.gradInput = torch.Tensor():type(self:type()) end function Collapse:updateOutput(input) local dim = self.dimension < 0 and input:dim() + self.dimension + 1 or self.dimension local len = self.narrow or input:size(dim) local n = input:size(dim) / len assert(math.floor(n) == n, ('Input dimension %d is not divisible by %d!'):format(dim, len)) -- Initialize output to zeros self.output = self.output:resizeAs(input:narrow(dim, 1, len)):zero() -- Compute output for i=1,n do if self.op == 'sum' then self.output:add(input:narrow(dim, (i - 1) * len + 1, len)) elseif self.op == 'mean' then self.output:add(1.0 / n, input:narrow(dim, (i - 1) * len + 1, len)) else error(('Collapse operation %q not implemented!'):format(self.op)) end end return self.output end function Collapse:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput) local dim = self.dimension < 0 and input:dim() + self.dimension + 1 or self.dimension local len = self.narrow or input:size(dim) local n = input:size(dim) / len assert(math.floor(n) == n, ('Input dimension %d is not divisible by %d!'):format(dim, len)) -- Initialize gradInput to zeros self.gradInput = self.gradInput:resizeAs(input):zero() -- Compute gradInput for i=1,n do if self.op == 'sum' then self.gradInput:narrow(dim, (i - 1) * len + 1, len):copy(gradOutput) elseif self.op == 'mean' then self.gradInput:narrow(dim, (i - 1) * len + 1, len):copy(gradOutput):div(n) else error(('Collapse operation %q not implemented!'):format(self.op)) end end return self.gradInput end return Collapse
--[[ cargBags: An inventory framework addon for World of Warcraft Copyright (C) 2010 Constantin "Cargor" Schomburg <[email protected]> cargBags is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cargBags is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cargBags; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. DESCRIPTION This file holds a list of default layouts DEPENDENCIES mixins/api-common.lua ]] ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Load RayUI Environment ---------------------------------------------------------- RayUI:LoadEnv("Bags") local layouts = _cargBags.classes.Container.layouts function layouts.grid(self, columns, spacing, xOffset, yOffset) columns, spacing = columns or 8, spacing or 5 xOffset, yOffset = xOffset or 0, yOffset or 0 local width, height = 0, 0 local col, row = 0, 0 for i, button in ipairs(self.buttons) do if(i == 1) then -- Hackish, I know width, height = button:GetSize() end col = i % columns if(col == 0) then col = columns end row = math.ceil(i/columns) local xPos = (col-1) * (width + spacing) local yPos = -1 * (row-1) * (height + spacing) button:ClearAllPoints() button:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT", xPos+xOffset, yPos+yOffset) end return columns * (width+spacing)-spacing, row * (height+spacing)-spacing end --[[! Places the buttons in a circle [experimental] @param radius <number> radius of the circle [optional] @param xOffset <number> x-offset of the whole layout [default: 0] @param yOffset <number> y-offset of the whole layout [default: 0] ]] function, radius, xOffset, yOffset) radius = radius or (#self.buttons*50)/math.pi/2 xOffset, yOffset = xOffset or 0, yOffset or 0 local a = 360/#self.buttons for i, button in ipairs(self.buttons) do local x = radius*cos(a*i) local y = -radius*sin(a*i) button:ClearAllPoints() button:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT", radius+x+xOffset, y-radius+yOffset) end return radius*2, radius*2 end
local Court = {} -- The top edge of the court Court.TOP = 0 -- The bottom edge of the court Court.BOTTOM = return Court
function menu.information() if imgui.BeginTabItem("Information") then gui.title("Help", true) function helpItem(item, text) imgui.BulletText(item) gui.helpMarker(text) end helpItem("Linear SV", "Creates an SV gradient based on two points in time") helpItem("Stutter SV", "Creates a normalized stutter effect with start, equalize and end SV") helpItem("Cubic Bezier", "Creates velocity points for a path defined by a cubic bezier curve") helpItem("Range Editor", "Edit SVs/Notes/BPM points in the map in nearly limitless ways") gui.title("About", false, "Hyperlinks have been removed so copy-able links have been provided to paste into your browser") function listItem(text, url) imgui.TextWrapped(text) gui.hyperlink(url) end listItem("iceSV Wiki (in progress)", "") listItem("Github Repository", "") listItem("Heavily inspired by Evening's re:amber", "") gui.tooltip("let's be real this is basically a direct quaver port") imgui.EndTabItem() end end function menu.linearSV() local menuID = "linear" if imgui.BeginTabItem("Linear") then -- Initialize variables local vars = { startSV = 1, endSV = 1, intermediatePoints = 16, startOffset = 0, endOffset = 0, skipEndSV = false, lastSVs = {} } util.retrieveStateVariables(menuID, vars) -- Create UI Elements gui.title("Offset", true) gui.startEndOffset(vars) gui.title("Velocities") local velocities = { vars.startSV, vars.endSV } imgui.PushItemWidth(style.CONTENT_WIDTH) _, velocities = imgui.DragFloat2("Start/End Velocity", velocities, 0.01, -10.0, 10.0, "%.2fx") imgui.PopItemWidth() vars.startSV, vars.endSV = table.unpack(velocities) gui.helpMarker("Ctrl+Click to enter as text!") local widths = util.calcAbsoluteWidths({0.7,0.3}) if imgui.Button("Swap start and end velocity", {widths[1], style.DEFAULT_WIDGET_HEIGHT}) then vars.startSV, vars.endSV = vars.endSV, vars.startSV end gui.sameLine() if imgui.Button("Reset", {widths[2], style.DEFAULT_WIDGET_HEIGHT}) then vars.startSV = 1 vars.endSV = 1 end gui.title("Utilities") gui.intermediatePoints(vars) gui.title("Calculate") if gui.insertButton() then vars.lastSVs = sv.linear( vars.startSV, vars.endSV, vars.startOffset, vars.endOffset, vars.intermediatePoints, vars.skipEndSV ) editor.placeElements(vars.lastSVs) end if imgui.Button("Cross multiply in map", style.FULLSIZE_WIDGET_SIZE) then baseSV = util.filter( map.ScrollVelocities, function (k, v) return v.StartTime >= vars.startOffset and v.StartTime <= vars.endOffset end ) crossSV = sv.linear( vars.startSV, vars.endSV, vars.startOffset, vars.endOffset, 500, -- used for more accurate linear values when looking up vars.skipEndSV ) newSV = sv.crossMultiply(baseSV, crossSV) actions.RemoveScrollVelocityBatch(baseSV) editor.placeElements(newSV) end gui.tooltip("Multiplies all SVs in the map between the given start and end offset linearly with the given parameters") -- Save variables util.saveStateVariables(menuID, vars) imgui.EndTabItem() end end function menu.stutterSV() if imgui.BeginTabItem("Stutter") then local menuID = "stutter" local vars = { skipEndSV = false, skipFinalEndSV = false, startSV = 1.5, duration = 0.5, averageSV = 1.0, lastSVs = {}, allowNegativeValues = false, effectDurationMode = 0, effectDurationValue = 1 } util.retrieveStateVariables(menuID, vars) gui.title("Note", true) imgui.Text("Select some hitobjects and play around!") gui.title("Settings") local modes = { "Distance between notes", "BPM/measure snap", "Absolute length" } imgui.PushItemWidth(style.CONTENT_WIDTH) _, vars.effectDurationMode = imgui.Combo("Effect duration mode", vars.effectDurationMode, modes, #modes) imgui.PopItemWidth() gui.helpMarker("This determines the effect duration of a single stutter. Hover over the help marker input box in each mode to find out more.") local helpMarkerText = "" imgui.PushItemWidth(style.CONTENT_WIDTH) -- scale with distance between notes if vars.effectDurationMode == 0 then _, vars.effectDurationValue = imgui.SliderFloat("Duration Scale", vars.effectDurationValue, 0, 1, "%.2f") helpMarkerText = "Scales the effect duration together with the distance between two offsets. If left on 1, then all stutters will seamlessly connect to each other." -- snap elseif vars.effectDurationMode == 1 then _, vars.effectDurationValue = imgui.DragFloat("Duration Length", vars.effectDurationValue, 0.01, 0, 10e10, "%.2f") helpMarkerText = "Input as a fraction of a beat, e.g. 0.25 would represent an interval of 1/4." -- absolute elseif vars.effectDurationMode == 2 then _, vars.effectDurationValue = imgui.DragFloat("Duration Length", vars.effectDurationValue, 0.01, 0, 10e10, "%.2f") helpMarkerText = "Fixed length, based on a millisecond value." end imgui.PopItemWidth() gui.helpMarker(helpMarkerText) gui.spacing() local startSVBounds = {} imgui.PushItemWidth(style.CONTENT_WIDTH) if vars.allowNegativeValues then startSVBounds = {-1000, 1000} _, vars.startSV = imgui.DragFloat("Start velocity", vars.startSV, 0.01, startSVBounds[1], startSVBounds[2], "%.2fx") else startSVBounds = {0, vars.averageSV/vars.duration} _, vars.startSV = imgui.SliderFloat("Start velocity", vars.startSV, startSVBounds[1], startSVBounds[2], "%.2fx") end gui.helpMarker(string.format("Current bounds: %.2fx - %.2fx", startSVBounds[1], startSVBounds[2])) imgui.PopItemWidth() imgui.PushItemWidth(style.CONTENT_WIDTH) _, vars.duration = imgui.SliderFloat("Start SV Duration", vars.duration, 0.0, 1.0, "%.2f") imgui.PopItemWidth() -- Update limits after duration has changed vars.startSV = mathematics.clamp(vars.startSV, startSVBounds[1], startSVBounds[2]) gui.spacing() gui.averageSV(vars) if not (vars.effectDurationMode == 0 and vars.effectDurationValue == 1) then _, vars.skipEndSV = imgui.Checkbox("Skip end SV of individual stutters?", vars.skipEndSV) gui.helpMarker("If you use any other mode than \"Distance between notes\" and Scale = 1, then the stutter SVs won't directy connect to each other anymore. This adjust the behavior for the end SV of each individual stutter.") end _, vars.skipFinalEndSV = imgui.Checkbox("Skip the final end SV?", vars.skipFinalEndSV) _, vars.allowNegativeValues = imgui.Checkbox("Allow negative Values?", vars.allowNegativeValues) gui.helpMarker( "Unexpected things can happen with negative SV, so I do not recommend " .. "turning on this option unless you are an expert. This will remove the " .. "limits for start SV. It can then be negative and also exceed the " .. "value, where the projected equalize SV would be start to become negative." ) gui.title("Calculate") if gui.insertButton() then local offsets = {} for i, hitObject in pairs(state.SelectedHitObjects) do offsets[i] = hitObject.StartTime end if #offsets == 0 then statusMessage = "No hitobjects selected!" elseif #offsets == 1 then statusMessage = "Needs hitobjects on different offsets selected!" else offsets = util.uniqueBy(offsets) vars.lastSVs = sv.stutter( table.sort(offsets), vars.startSV, vars.duration, vars.averageSV, vars.skipEndSV, vars.skipFinalEndSV, vars.effectDurationMode, vars.effectDurationValue ) editor.placeElements(vars.lastSVs) end end imgui.Text("Projected equalize SV: " .. string.format("%.2fx", (vars.duration*vars.startSV-vars.averageSV)/(vars.duration-1))) gui.helpMarker("This represents the velocity of the intermediate SV that is used to balance out the initial SV") util.saveStateVariables(menuID, vars) imgui.EndTabItem() end end function menu.cubicBezierSV() local menuID = "cubicBezier" if imgui.BeginTabItem("Cubic Bezier") then local vars = { startOffset = 0, endOffset = 0, x1 = 0.35, y1 = 0.00, x2 = 0.65, y2 = 1.00, averageSV = 1.0, intermediatePoints = 16, skipEndSV = false, lastSVs = {}, lastPositionValues = {}, stringInput = "cubic-bezier(.35,.0,.65,1)" } local xBounds = { 0.0, 1.0} local yBounds = {-1.0, 2.0} util.retrieveStateVariables(menuID, vars) gui.title("Note", true) gui.hyperlink("", "Create a cubic bezier here first!") gui.title("Offset") gui.startEndOffset(vars) gui.title("Values") local widths = util.calcAbsoluteWidths(style.BUTTON_WIDGET_RATIOS) if imgui.Button("Parse", {widths[1], style.DEFAULT_WIDGET_HEIGHT}) then local regex = "(-?%d*%.?%d+)" captures = {} for capture, _ in string.gmatch(vars.stringInput, regex) do statusMessage = statusMessage .. "," .. capture table.insert(captures, tonumber(capture)) end if #captures >= 4 then vars.x1, vars.y1, vars.x2, vars.y2 = table.unpack(captures) statusMessage = "Copied values" else statusMessage = "Invalid string" end end gui.sameLine() imgui.PushItemWidth(widths[2]) _, vars.stringInput = imgui.InputText("String", vars.stringInput, 50, 4112) imgui.PopItemWidth() imgui.SameLine() imgui.TextDisabled("(?)") if imgui.IsItemHovered() then imgui.BeginTooltip() imgui.TextWrapped("Examples:") gui.bulletList({ "cubic-bezier(.35,.0,.65,1)", ".17,.67,.83,.67", ",-0.17,.63,1.35" }) imgui.TextWrapped("Or anything else that has 4 numbers") imgui.EndTooltip() end imgui.PushItemWidth(style.CONTENT_WIDTH) local coords = {} _, coords = imgui.DragFloat4("x1, y1, x2, y2", {vars.x1, vars.y1, vars.x2, vars.y2}, 0.01, -5, 5, "%.2f") vars.y2, vars.x1, vars.y1, vars.x2 = table.unpack(coords) -- the coords returned are in this order for some stupid reason?? imgui.PopItemWidth() gui.helpMarker("x: 0.0 - 1.0\ny: -1.0 - 2.0") -- Set limits here instead of in the DragFloat4, since this also covers the parsed string vars.x1, vars.x2 = table.unpack(util.mapFunctionToTable({vars.x1, vars.x2}, mathematics.clamp, xBounds)) vars.y1, vars.y2 = table.unpack(util.mapFunctionToTable({vars.y1, vars.y2}, mathematics.clamp, yBounds)) gui.spacing() gui.averageSV(vars, widths) gui.title("Utilities") gui.intermediatePoints(vars) gui.title("Calculate") if gui.insertButton() then statusMessage = "pressed" vars.lastSVs, vars.lastPositionValues = sv.cubicBezier( vars.x1, vars.y1, vars.x2, vars.y2, vars.startOffset, vars.endOffset, vars.averageSV, vars.intermediatePoints, vars.skipEndSV ) editor.placeElements(vars.lastSVs) end if #vars.lastSVs > 0 then gui.title("Plots") gui.plot(vars.lastPositionValues, "Position Data", "y") gui.plot(vars.lastSVs, "Velocity Data", "Multiplier") end util.saveStateVariables(menuID, vars) imgui.EndTabItem() end end function menu.rangeEditor() if imgui.BeginTabItem("Range Editor") then local menuID = "range" local vars = { startOffset = 0, endOffset = 0, selections = { [0] = {}, [1] = {}, [2] = {} }, type = 0, windowSelectedOpen = false, selectionFilters = { StartTime = {active = false, operator = 0, value = 0}, Multiplier = {active = false, operator = 0, value = 0}, EndTime = {active = false, operator = 0, value = 0}, Lane = {active = false, operator = 0, value = 0}, EditorLayer = {active = false, operator = 0, value = 0}, Bpm = {active = false, operator = 0, value = 0} }, arithmeticActions = { StartTime = {active = false, operator = 0, value = 0}, Multiplier = {active = false, operator = 0, value = 0}, EndTime = {active = false, operator = 0, value = 0}, Lane = {active = false, operator = 0, value = 0}, EditorLayer = {active = false, operator = 0, value = 0}, Bpm = {active = false, operator = 0, value = 0} } } util.retrieveStateVariables(menuID, vars) gui.title("Note", true) imgui.TextWrapped("This is a very powerful tool and " .. "can potentially erase hours of work, so please be careful and work on a " .. "temporary difficulty if necessary! Please keep in mind that the selection " .. "is cleared once you leave the editor (including testplaying).") gui.title("Range") gui.startEndOffset(vars) gui.title("Selection", false, "You can think of the selection as your second clipboard. Once elements are in your selection, you can edit the element's values and/or paste them at different points in the map. Or just delete it, it's up to you.\n\nFilters limit SVs/Notes/BPM Points in the given range to be added/removed. Every active condition must be true (AND). A (OR) can be simulated by adding a range multiple times with different filters.") local selectableTypes = { "SVs", "Notes", "BPM Points" } imgui.PushItemWidth(style.CONTENT_WIDTH) _, vars.type = imgui.Combo("Selection Type", vars.type, selectableTypes, #selectableTypes) imgui.PopItemWidth() local buttonWidths = util.calcAbsoluteWidths({0.5, 0.5}) local addRangeButtonWidth if #vars.selections[vars.type] > 0 then addRangeButtonWidth = buttonWidths[1] else addRangeButtonWidth = style.CONTENT_WIDTH end gui.spacing() local widths = util.calcAbsoluteWidths({0.25, 0.75}, style.CONTENT_WIDTH - style.DEFAULT_WIDGET_HEIGHT - style.SAMELINE_SPACING) for i, attribute in pairs(editor.typeAttributes[vars.type]) do if attribute == "StartTime" then goto continue end -- imagine a conitnue _, vars.selectionFilters[attribute].active = imgui.Checkbox( "##ActiveCheckbox" .. attribute, vars.selectionFilters[attribute].active ) gui.sameLine() if vars.selectionFilters[attribute].active then imgui.PushItemWidth(widths[1]) _, vars.selectionFilters[attribute].operator = imgui.Combo( "##comparisonOperator" .. attribute, vars.selectionFilters[attribute].operator, mathematics.comparisonOperators, #mathematics.comparisonOperators ) imgui.PopItemWidth() gui.sameLine() imgui.PushItemWidth(widths[2]) _, vars.selectionFilters[attribute].value = imgui.InputFloat(attribute, vars.selectionFilters[attribute].value) imgui.PopItemWidth() else imgui.Text(attribute .. " Filter") end ::continue:: end gui.spacing() if imgui.Button("Add range", {addRangeButtonWidth, style.DEFAULT_WIDGET_HEIGHT}) then local elements = { [0] = map.ScrollVelocities, [1] = map.HitObjects, [2] = map.TimingPoints } local previousCount = #vars.selections[vars.type] -- Find -- Range filter local newElements = util.filter( elements[vars.type], function(i, element) return element.StartTime >= vars.startOffset and element.StartTime <= vars.endOffset end ) -- attribute filter for attribute, filter in pairs(vars.selectionFilters) do if then newElements = util.filter( newElements, function(i, element) return mathematics.evaluateComparison( mathematics.comparisonOperators[filter.operator + 1], element[attribute], filter.value ) end ) end end -- Add newElements = util.mergeUnique( vars.selections[vars.type], newElements, editor.typeAttributes[vars.type] ) -- Sort newElements = table.sort( newElements, function(a,b) return a.StartTime < b.StartTime end ) vars.selections[vars.type] = newElements if #vars.selections[vars.type] - previousCount == 0 then statusMessage = string.format("No %s in range!", selectableTypes[vars.type + 1]) else statusMessage = string.format( "Added %s %s", #vars.selections[vars.type] - previousCount, selectableTypes[vars.type + 1] ) end end if #vars.selections[vars.type] > 0 then gui.sameLine() if imgui.Button("Remove range", {buttonWidths[2], style.DEFAULT_WIDGET_HEIGHT}) then local previousCount = #vars.selections[vars.type] -- attribute filter for attribute, filter in pairs(vars.selectionFilters) do if then vars.selections[vars.type] = util.filter( vars.selections[vars.type], function(i, element) return not (mathematics.evaluateComparison( mathematics.comparisonOperators[filter.operator + 1], element[attribute], filter.value ) and ( element.StartTime >= vars.startOffset and element.StartTime <= vars.endOffset )) end ) end end if #vars.selections[vars.type] - previousCount == 0 then statusMessage = string.format("No %s in range!", selectableTypes[vars.type + 1]) else statusMessage = string.format( "Removed %s %s", previousCount - #vars.selections[vars.type], selectableTypes[vars.type + 1] ) end end gui.sameLine() imgui.Text(string.format("%s %s in selection", #vars.selections[vars.type], selectableTypes[vars.type + 1])) if imgui.Button("Clear selection", {buttonWidths[1], style.DEFAULT_WIDGET_HEIGHT}) then vars.selections[vars.type] = {} statusMessage = "Cleared selection" end gui.sameLine() if imgui.Button("Toggle window", {buttonWidths[2], style.DEFAULT_WIDGET_HEIGHT}) then vars.windowSelectedOpen = not vars.windowSelectedOpen end if vars.windowSelectedOpen then window.selectedRange(vars) end -- TODO: Crossedit (add, multiply) -- TODO: Subdivide by n or to time -- TODO: Delete nth with offset -- TODO: Plot (not for hitobjects) -- TODO: Export as CSV/YAML local undoHelpText = "If you decide to undo a value edit via the editor Ctrl+Z shortcut, then please keep in mind that you have to undo twice to get back to the original state, since the plugin essentially removes and then pastes the edited points. You'll need to redo your selection, since restoring the previous selection isn't doable right now. Also, editing editor layer doesn't work right now, but filtering does." gui.title("Edit Values", false, undoHelpText) widths = util.calcAbsoluteWidths({0.35, 0.25, 0.40}, style.CONTENT_WIDTH - style.DEFAULT_WIDGET_HEIGHT - style.SAMELINE_SPACING*2) for i, attribute in pairs(editor.typeAttributes[vars.type]) do if attribute == "EditorLayer" then goto continue end _, vars.arithmeticActions[attribute].active = imgui.Checkbox( "##activeCheckbox" .. attribute, vars.arithmeticActions[attribute].active ) gui.sameLine() if vars.arithmeticActions[attribute].active then if imgui.Button("Apply##" .. attribute, {widths[1], style.DEFAULT_WIDGET_HEIGHT}) then local newElements = editor.createNewTableOfElements( vars.selections[vars.type], vars.type, { [attribute] = function (value) return mathematics.evaluateArithmetics( mathematics.arithmeticOperators[vars.arithmeticActions[attribute].operator + 1], value, vars.arithmeticActions[attribute].value ) end } ) editor.removeElements(vars.selections[vars.type], vars.type) editor.placeElements(newElements, vars.type) vars.selections[vars.type] = newElements end gui.sameLine() imgui.PushItemWidth(widths[2]) _, vars.arithmeticActions[attribute].operator = imgui.Combo( "##arithmeticOperator" .. attribute, vars.arithmeticActions[attribute].operator, mathematics.arithmeticOperators, #mathematics.arithmeticOperators ) imgui.PopItemWidth() gui.sameLine() imgui.PushItemWidth(widths[3]) _, vars.arithmeticActions[attribute].value = imgui.InputFloat( attribute .. "##arithmeticValue" .. attribute, vars.arithmeticActions[attribute].value ) imgui.PopItemWidth() else imgui.Text(attribute) end ::continue:: end gui.title("Editor Actions") if imgui.Button("Paste at current timestamp", style.FULLSIZE_WIDGET_SIZE) then local delta = state.SongTime - vars.selections[vars.type][1].StartTime local newTable = editor.createNewTableOfElements( vars.selections[vars.type], vars.type, { StartTime = function (startTime) return startTime + delta end, EndTime = function (endTime) -- used for notes, ignored for svs/bpms if endTime == 0 then return 0 else return endTime + delta end end } ) editor.placeElements(newTable, vars.type) end if imgui.Button("Paste at all selected notes", style.FULLSIZE_WIDGET_SIZE) then for _, hitObject in pairs(state.SelectedHitObjects) do local delta = hitObject.StartTime - vars.selections[vars.type][1].StartTime local newTable = editor.createNewTableOfElements( vars.selections[vars.type], vars.type, { StartTime = function (startTime) return startTime + delta end, EndTime = function (endTime) -- used for notes, ignored for svs/bpms if endTime == 0 then return 0 else return endTime + delta end end } ) editor.placeElements(newTable, vars.type) end end if imgui.Button("Delete selection from map", style.FULLSIZE_WIDGET_SIZE) then editor.removeElements(vars.selections[vars.type], vars.type) end if imgui.Button("Select in editor", style.FULLSIZE_WIDGET_SIZE) and vars.type == 1 then actions.SetHitObjectSelection(vars.selections[1]) end end util.saveStateVariables(menuID, vars) imgui.EndTabItem() end end
--[[ -- added by wsh @ 2017-12-11 -- UILogin模块UILoginView窗口中服务器列表的可复用Item --]] local ExamTitleSlot = BaseClass("ExamTitleSlot", UIWrapComponent) local base = UIWrapComponent -- 创建 local function OnCreate(self) base.OnCreate(self) -- 组件初始化 self.examTitleItem = self:AddComponent(require("UI.ExamRoleTitle.View.ExamTitleItem"), "TitileItem"); end -- 组件被复用时回调该函数,执行组件的刷新 local function OnRefresh(self, real_index, check) self.cfgdata = self.view.server_list[real_index + 1]; -- 无限滑动刷新数据拿到服务器发来的背包数据 self.serverdata=self.view.model.titleList; self.examTitleItem:SetData(self.cfgdata,self.serverdata); end ExamTitleSlot.OnCreate = OnCreate ExamTitleSlot.OnRefresh = OnRefresh return ExamTitleSlot
return { ScrollBarSize = 16, ScrollStep = 70, }
--- Path and filename handling functions. -- All paths are configured in this module, making it a single -- point where the layout of the local installation is defined in LuaRocks. module("luarocks.path", package.seeall) local dir = require("luarocks.dir") local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg") --- Infer rockspec filename from a rock filename. -- @param rock_name string: Pathname of a rock file. -- @return string: Filename of the rockspec, without path. function rockspec_name_from_rock(rock_name) assert(type(rock_name) == "string") local base_name = dir.base_name(rock_name) return base_name:match("(.*)%.[^.]*.rock") .. ".rockspec" end function rocks_dir(repo) if type(repo) == "string" then return dir.path(repo, "lib", "luarocks", "rocks") else assert(type(repo) == "table") return repo.rocks_dir or dir.path(repo.root, "lib", "luarocks", "rocks") end end function deploy_bin_dir(repo) if type(repo) == "string" then return dir.path(repo, "bin") else assert(type(repo) == "table") return repo.bin_dir or dir.path(repo.root, "bin") end end function deploy_lua_dir(repo) if type(repo) == "string" then return dir.path(repo, "share", "lua", "5.1") else assert(type(repo) == "table") return repo.lua_dir or dir.path(repo.root, "share", "lua", "5.1") end end function deploy_lib_dir(repo) if type(repo) == "string" then return dir.path(repo, "lib", "lua", "5.1") else assert(type(repo) == "table") return repo.lib_dir or dir.path(repo.root, "lib", "lua", "5.1") end end function manifest_file(repo) if type(repo) == "string" then return dir.path(repo, "lib", "luarocks", "rocks", "manifest") else assert(type(repo) == "table") return (repo.rocks_dir and dir.path(repo.rocks_dir, "manifest")) or dir.path(repo.root, "lib", "luarocks", "rocks", "manifest") end end --- Get the repository directory for all versions of a package. -- @param name string: The package name. -- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that -- @param rocks_dir string or nil: If given, specifies the local repository to use. -- the package (and by extension, the path) exists. function versions_dir(name, repo) assert(type(name) == "string") repo = repo or cfg.root_dir return dir.path(rocks_dir(repo), name) end --- Get the local installation directory (prefix) for a package. -- @param name string: The package name. -- @param version string: The package version. -- @param rocks_dir string or nil: If given, specifies the local repository to use. -- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that -- the package (and by extension, the path) exists. function install_dir(name, version, repo) assert(type(name) == "string") assert(type(version) == "string") repo = repo or cfg.root_dir return dir.path(rocks_dir(repo), name, version) end --- Get the local filename of the rockspec of an installed rock. -- @param name string: The package name. -- @param version string: The package version. -- @param rocks_dir string or nil: If given, specifies the local repository to use. -- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that -- the package (and by extension, the file) exists. function rockspec_file(name, version, repo) assert(type(name) == "string") assert(type(version) == "string") repo = repo or cfg.root_dir return dir.path(rocks_dir(repo), name, version, name.."-"..version..".rockspec") end --- Get the local filename of the rock_manifest file of an installed rock. -- @param name string: The package name. -- @param version string: The package version. -- @param rocks_dir string or nil: If given, specifies the local repository to use. -- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that -- the package (and by extension, the file) exists. function rock_manifest_file(name, version, repo) assert(type(name) == "string") assert(type(version) == "string") repo = repo or cfg.root_dir return dir.path(rocks_dir(repo), name, version, "rock_manifest") end --- Get the local installation directory for C libraries of a package. -- @param name string: The package name. -- @param version string: The package version. -- @param rocks_dir string or nil: If given, specifies the local repository to use. -- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that -- the package (and by extension, the path) exists. function lib_dir(name, version, repo) assert(type(name) == "string") assert(type(version) == "string") repo = repo or cfg.root_dir return dir.path(rocks_dir(repo), name, version, "lib") end --- Get the local installation directory for Lua modules of a package. -- @param name string: The package name. -- @param version string: The package version. -- @param rocks_dir string or nil: If given, specifies the local repository to use. -- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that -- the package (and by extension, the path) exists. function lua_dir(name, version, repo) assert(type(name) == "string") assert(type(version) == "string") repo = repo or cfg.root_dir return dir.path(rocks_dir(repo), name, version, "lua") end --- Get the local installation directory for documentation of a package. -- @param name string: The package name. -- @param version string: The package version. -- @param rocks_dir string or nil: If given, specifies the local repository to use. -- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that -- the package (and by extension, the path) exists. function doc_dir(name, version, repo) assert(type(name) == "string") assert(type(version) == "string") repo = repo or cfg.root_dir return dir.path(rocks_dir(repo), name, version, "doc") end --- Get the local installation directory for configuration files of a package. -- @param name string: The package name. -- @param version string: The package version. -- @param rocks_dir string or nil: If given, specifies the local repository to use. -- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that -- the package (and by extension, the path) exists. function conf_dir(name, version, repo) assert(type(name) == "string") assert(type(version) == "string") repo = repo or cfg.root_dir return dir.path(rocks_dir(repo), name, version, "conf") end --- Get the local installation directory for command-line scripts -- of a package. -- @param name string: The package name. -- @param version string: The package version. -- @param rocks_dir string or nil: If given, specifies the local repository to use. -- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that -- the package (and by extension, the path) exists. function bin_dir(name, version, repo) assert(type(name) == "string") assert(type(version) == "string") repo = repo or cfg.root_dir return dir.path(rocks_dir(repo), name, version, "bin") end --- Extract name, version and arch of a rock filename. -- @param rock_file string: pathname of a rock -- @return (string, string, string) or nil: name, version and arch -- of rock, or nil if name could not be parsed function parse_rock_name(rock_file) assert(type(rock_file) == "string") return dir.base_name(rock_file):match("(.*)-([^-]+-%d+)%.([^.]+)%.rock$") end --- Extract name and version of a rockspec filename. -- @param rockspec_file string: pathname of a rockspec -- @return (string, string) or nil: name and version -- of rockspec, or nil if name could not be parsed function parse_rockspec_name(rockspec_file) assert(type(rockspec_file) == "string") return dir.base_name(rockspec_file):match("(.*)-([^-]+-%d+)%.(rockspec)") end --- Make a rockspec or rock URL. -- @param pathname string: Base URL or pathname. -- @param name string: Package name. -- @param version string: Package version. -- @param arch string: Architecture identifier, or "rockspec" or "installed". -- @return string: A URL or pathname following LuaRocks naming conventions. function make_url(pathname, name, version, arch) assert(type(pathname) == "string") assert(type(name) == "string") assert(type(version) == "string") assert(type(arch) == "string") local filename = name.."-"..version if arch == "installed" then filename = dir.path(name, version, filename..".rockspec") elseif arch == "rockspec" then filename = filename..".rockspec" else filename = filename.."."..arch..".rock" end return dir.path(pathname, filename) end --- Convert a pathname to a module identifier. -- In Unix, for example, a path "foo/bar/baz.lua" is converted to -- ""; "bla/init.lua" returns "bla"; "" returns "foo". -- @param file string: Pathname of module -- @return string: The module identifier, or nil if given path is -- not a conformant module path (the function does not check if the -- path actually exists). function path_to_module(file) assert(type(file) == "string") local name = file:match("(.*)%."..cfg.lua_extension.."$") if name then name = name:gsub(dir.separator, ".") local init = name:match("(.*)%.init$") if init then name = init end else name = file:match("(.*)%."..cfg.lib_extension.."$") if name then name = name:gsub(dir.separator, ".") end end if not name then name = file end name = name:gsub("^%.+", ""):gsub("%.+$", "") return name end --- Obtain the directory name where a module should be stored. -- For example, on Unix, "" will return "foo/bar". -- @param mod string: A module name in Lua dot-separated format. -- @return string: A directory name using the platform's separator. function module_to_path(mod) assert(type(mod) == "string") return (mod:gsub("[^.]*$", ""):gsub("%.", dir.separator)) end --- Set up path-related variables for a given rock. -- Create a "variables" table in the rockspec table, containing -- adjusted variables according to the configuration file. -- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table. function configure_paths(rockspec) assert(type(rockspec) == "table") local vars = {} for k,v in pairs(cfg.variables) do vars[k] = v end local name, version =, rockspec.version vars.PREFIX = install_dir(name, version) vars.LUADIR = lua_dir(name, version) vars.LIBDIR = lib_dir(name, version) vars.CONFDIR = conf_dir(name, version) vars.BINDIR = bin_dir(name, version) vars.DOCDIR = doc_dir(name, version) rockspec.variables = vars end function versioned_name(file, prefix, name, version) assert(type(file) == "string") assert(type(name) == "string") assert(type(version) == "string") local rest = file:sub(#prefix+1):gsub("^/*", "") local name_version = (name.."_"..version):gsub("%-", "_"):gsub("%.", "_") return dir.path(prefix, name_version.."-" end
include("shared.lua") function ENT:Draw() self.BaseClass.Draw(self) if self:IsDroneWorkable() and not DRONES_REWRITE.ClientCVars.NoGlows:GetBool() then local dlight = DynamicLight(self:EntIndex()) if dlight then dlight.pos = self:LocalToWorld(Vector(34, 0, -8)) dlight.r = 0 dlight.g = 255 dlight.b = 255 dlight.brightness = 1 dlight.Decay = 1000 dlight.Size = 80 dlight.DieTime = CurTime() + 0.1 end render.SetMaterial(Material("particle/particle_glow_04_additive")) render.DrawSprite(self:LocalToWorld(Vector(34, 0, -8)), 30, 30, Color(0, 255, 255, 30)) end end
AddCSLuaFile(); SWEP.Base = "weapon_cc_base"; SWEP.PrintName = "Shotgun"; SWEP.Slot = 2; SWEP.SlotPos = 6; SWEP.UseHands = true; SWEP.ViewModel = "models/weapons/c_shotgun.mdl"; SWEP.WorldModel = "models/weapons/w_shotgun.mdl"; SWEP.Firearm = true; SWEP.Primary.ClipSize = 6; SWEP.Primary.DefaultClip = 6; SWEP.Primary.Ammo = "cc_shotgun"; SWEP.Primary.InfiniteAmmo = true; SWEP.Primary.Automatic = false; SWEP.Primary.Sound = "Weapon_Shotgun.Single"; SWEP.Primary.Damage = 8; SWEP.Primary.Force = 2; SWEP.Primary.NumBullets = 7; SWEP.Primary.Accuracy = 0.08716; SWEP.Primary.Delay = 0.7; SWEP.Primary.ViewPunch = Angle( -10, 0, 0 ); SWEP.Primary.ReloadSound = "Weapon_Shotgun.Reload"; SWEP.HoldType = "shotgun"; SWEP.HoldTypeHolster = "passive"; SWEP.Holsterable = true; SWEP.HolsterUseAnim = true; SWEP.HolsterPos = Vector(); SWEP.HolsterAng = Vector(); SWEP.AimPos = Vector( -8.95, 4.19, -6.76 ); SWEP.AimAng = Vector( 0, 0, 0 ); SWEP.Itemize = true; SWEP.ItemDescription = "The SPAS-12 shotgun has become the Combine Overwatch Transhuman Arm's crowd-control method of choice. It functions using an internal tube magazine loaded with 6 rounds of deadly buckshot."; SWEP.ItemWeight = 10; SWEP.ItemFOV = 37; SWEP.ItemCamPos = Vector( -0.79, 50, 5.13 ); SWEP.ItemLookAt = Vector( 0, 0, 0 ); function SWEP:Reload() if( self.NeedPump ) then return false end if( !self.Owner or !self.Owner:IsValid() ) then return false end if( self.InReload ) then return false end if( self.Owner:Holstered() ) then return false end local j = self.Primary.ClipSize - self:Clip1(); if( j <= 0 ) then return false end self.Weapon:SendWeaponAnim( ACT_SHOTGUN_RELOAD_START ); -- animation event self.Owner:SetAnimation( PLAYER_RELOAD ); self.Weapon:SetBodygroup( 1, 0 ); self:SetNextPrimaryFire( CurTime() + self:SequenceDuration() ); self.InReload = true; return true; end function SWEP:FillClip() if( !self.Owner or !self.Owner:IsValid() ) then return end if( self:Clip1() < self.Primary.ClipSize ) then self:SetClip1( self:Clip1() + 1 ); end end function SWEP:ReloadProgress() if( !self.Owner or !self.Owner:IsValid() ) then return end if( self:Clip1() >= self.Primary.ClipSize ) then return end self:FillClip(); self.Weapon:EmitSound( "Weapon_Shotgun.Reload" ); self.Weapon:SendWeaponAnim( ACT_VM_RELOAD ); self:SetNextPrimaryFire( CurTime() + self:SequenceDuration() ); end function SWEP:FinishReload() self.Weapon:SetBodygroup( 1, 1 ); if( !self.Owner or !self.Owner:IsValid() ) then return end self.InReload = false; self.Weapon:SendWeaponAnim( ACT_SHOTGUN_RELOAD_FINISH ); self:SetNextPrimaryFire( CurTime() + self:SequenceDuration() ); self:Idle(); end function SWEP:Pump() if( !self.Owner or !self.Owner:IsValid() ) then return end self.NeedPump = false; self.Weapon:EmitSound( "Weapon_Shotgun.Special1" ); self.Weapon:SendWeaponAnim( ACT_SHOTGUN_PUMP ); self:SetNextPrimaryFire( CurTime() + self:SequenceDuration() ); self:Idle(); end function SWEP:ThinkChild() if( !self.Owner or !self.Owner:IsValid() ) then return end if( self.InReload ) then if( self.Owner:Holstered() ) then self.Weapon:SetBodygroup( 1, 1 ); self.InReload = false; return; end if( self:GetNextPrimaryFire() <= CurTime() ) then if( self:Clip1() < self.Primary.ClipSize ) then self:ReloadProgress(); else self:FinishReload(); end end else self:SetBodygroup( 1, 1 ); end if( self.NeedPump and self:GetNextPrimaryFire() <= CurTime() ) then self:Pump(); return; end if( !self.InReload ) then --self:Idle(); end end function SWEP:PrimaryUnholstered() if( self:CanPrimaryAttack( true ) ) then self.Weapon:EmitSound( self.Primary.Sound ); self:ShootEffects(); self:SetNextPrimaryFire( CurTime() + self.Weapon:SequenceDuration() ); if( IsFirstTimePredicted() ) then self:ShootBullet( self.Primary.Damage, self.Primary.Force, self.Primary.NumBullets, self.Primary.Accuracy * self:BulletAccuracyModifier( 0.4 ) ); end self:TakePrimaryAmmo( 1 ); if( self.AddViewKick ) then self:AddViewKick(); else if( type( self.Primary.ViewPunch ) == "Angle" ) then self.Owner:ViewPunch( Angle( self.Primary.ViewPunch.p, math.random( -self.Primary.ViewPunch.y, self.Primary.ViewPunch.y ), math.random( -self.Primary.ViewPunch.r, self.Primary.ViewPunch.r ) ) ); else self:DoMachineGunKick( self.Primary.ViewPunch.x, self.Primary.ViewPunch.y, self.Primary.Delay, self.Primary.ViewPunch.z ); end end self.NeedPump = true; end end function SWEP:AddViewKick() self.Owner:ViewPunch( Angle( math.Rand( -12, -15 ), math.Rand( -1, 1 ), 0 ) ); end
function lure.dom.createCharacterDataNodeObj(pData) --INHERIT FROM DOM NODE local self = --=================================================================== -- PROPERTIES = --=================================================================== self.nodeName = "#CDATASECTION" --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.nodeValue = pData --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.attributes = nil --property not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.parentNode = nil --property not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.childNodes = nil --property not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- --=================================================================== -- MUTATORS = --=================================================================== self.mutators.getData = function() return self.nodeValue end --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.mutators.getLength = function() return self.nodeValue:len() end --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.mutators.setData = function(pText) self.nodeValue = pText end self.mutators.setLength = function() return "LURE ERROR:: You cannot set the lengh property" end --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.mutators.getId = nil --mutator not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.mutators.getClass = nil --mutator not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.mutators.getFirstChild = nil --mutator not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.mutators.getLastChild = nil --mutator not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.mutators.getNextSibling = nil --mutator not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.mutators.getPreviousSilbing = nil --mutator not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.mutators.setId = nil --mutator not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.mutators.setClass = nil --mutator not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- --=================================================================== -- METHODS = --=================================================================== self.appendData = function(pString) if type(pString) == "string" then self.nodeValue = self.nodeValue + pString else print("LURE:ERROR: appendData only accepts parameter of type 'string'") end end --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.deleteData = function(pStart, pLength) end --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.appendChild = nil --method not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.getElementById = nil --method not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.getElementsByTagName = nil --method not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.getElementsByClassName = nil --method not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.removeChild = nil --method not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.setAttribute = nil --method not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.getAttribute = nil --method not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.removeAttribute = nil --method not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.hasChildNodes = function() return false end --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.hasAttributes = function() return false end --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.replaceChild = nil --method not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.isEqualNode = nil --method not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.isSameNode = nil --method not allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------- return self end
basestate=Class{} function basestate:init() end function basestate:enter() end function basestate:exit() end function basestate:update(dt) end function basestate:render(o) end
require 'CLRPackage' import "System.Windows.Forms" import "System.Drawing" form = Form() form.Text = "Hello, World!" button = Button() button.Text = "Click Me!" button.Location = Point(20,20) button.Click:Add(function() MessageBox.Show("We wuz clicked!",arg[0],MessageBoxButtons.OK) end) form.Controls:Add(button) form:ShowDialog()
ENT.Base = "swvr_base" ENT.Category = "CIS" ENT.Class = "Interceptor" ENT.PrintName = "Droid Tri-Fighter" ENT.Author = "Servius" if SERVER then AddCSLuaFile() function ENT:SpawnFunction(ply, tr, ClassName) if not tr.Hit then return end local ent = ents.Create(ClassName) ent:SetPos(tr.HitPos + tr.HitNormal * 5) ent:SetAngles(Angle(0, ply:GetAimVector():Angle().Yaw, 0)) ent:Spawn() ent:Activate() return ent end function ENT:Initialize() self:Setup({ Model = "models/swbf3/vehicles/cis_tri-fighter.mdl", Health = 750, Speed = 1500, BoostSpeed = 2250, VerticalSpeed = 550, Acceleration = 9, Roll = true, }) self:AddWeaponGroup("Pilot", "ls1_cannon", { Delay = 0.1, Damage = 25, Color = "red", CanOverheat = true, MaxOverheat = 20 }) self:AddWeapon("Pilot", "MainT", Vector(102, 0, 154)) -- distance from center, left right, up down. self:AddWeapon("Pilot", "MainR", Vector(102, 73, 20)) self:AddWeapon("Pilot", "MainL", Vector(102, -73, 20)) self:AddWeaponGroup("Center", "gn40_cannon", { Delay = 0.5, Damage = 80, CanOverheat = true, MaxOverheat = 10, Cooldown = 10 }) self:AddWeapon("Center", "Center", Vector(130, 0, 65)) self:AddWeaponGroup("Torpedo", "swvr_base_missile", { Delay = 2, Callback = function() local group = self:GetBodygroup(1) == 1 and 2 or 1 self:SetBodygroup(group, 1) timer.Simple(4.1, function() if not IsValid(self) then return end self:SetBodygroup(group, 0) end) end }) self:AddWeapon("Torpedo", "Missile1", Vector(170, 3, 30)) self:AddPilot(nil, nil, { FPVPos = Vector(80, 0, 80), Weapons = { "Pilot", "Center", "Torpedo" } }) self.BaseClass.Initialize(self) end end if CLIENT then function ENT:Initialize() self:Setup({ Cockpit = "vgui/droid_cockpit", AlwaysDraw = true, EngineSound = "vehicles/droid/droid_fly.wav", ViewDistance = 700, ViewHeight = 200 }) self:SetupDefaults() self:AddEngine(Vector(-140, 30, 47), { -- distance from center, left right, up down. StartSize = 15, EndSize = 13.5, Lifetime = 2.7, Color = Color(150, 100, 0), Sprite = "sprites/orangecore1" }) self:AddEngine(Vector(-140, 0, 96), { StartSize = 15, EndSize = 13.5, Lifetime = 2.7, Color = Color(150, 100, 0), Sprite = "sprites/orangecore1" }) self:AddEngine(Vector(-140, -30, 47), { StartSize = 15, EndSize = 13.5, Lifetime = 2.7, Color = Color(150, 100, 0), Sprite = "sprites/orangecore1" }) self.BaseClass.Initialize(self) end end
trash_common = { description = "", minimumLevel = 0, maximumLevel = 0, lootItems = { {itemTemplate = "junk", weight = 5000000}, {itemTemplate = "collectiontierone", weight = 2000000}, {itemTemplate = "clothing_attachments", weight = 1500000}, {itemTemplate = "armor_attachments", weight = 1500000} } } addLootGroupTemplate("trash_common", trash_common)
local uv = require('luv') local function wrapEmitter(emitter) local read, write local queue = {} -- Pipe data from chain to emitter do local paused = false local waiting function emitter:pause() paused = true end function emitter:resume() if not paused then return end paused = false if not waiting then return end local thread = waiting waiting = nil assert(coroutine.resume(thread)) end function write(data) if paused then waiting = coroutine.running() coroutine.yield() end if data then emitter:emit("data", data) else emitter:emit("end") end end end -- Pipe data from emitter to chain do local waiting local ended = false function emitter:write(data) if waiting then local thread = waiting waiting = nil assert(coroutine.resume(thread, data)) return true end queue[#queue + 1] = data return false end function emitter:shutdown() ended = true if waiting then local thread = waiting waiting = nil assert(coroutine.resume(thread)) end end function read() if ended then return end if #queue > 0 then local data = table.remove(queue) if #queue == 0 then emitter:emit("drain") end return data end waiting = coroutine.running() return coroutine.yield() end end return read, write end -- Given a raw uv_stream_t userdara, return coro-friendly read/write functions. local function wrapStream(socket) local paused = true local queue = {} local waiting local reading = true local writing = true local onRead local function read() if #queue > 0 then return unpack(table.remove(queue, 1)) end if paused then paused = false uv.read_start(socket, onRead) end waiting = coroutine.running() return coroutine.yield() end function onRead(err, chunk) local data = err and {nil, err} or {chunk} if waiting then local thread = waiting waiting = nil assert(coroutine.resume(thread, unpack(data))) else queue[#queue + 1] = data if not paused then paused = true uv.read_stop(socket) end end if not chunk then reading = false -- Close the whole socket if the writing side is also closed already. if not writing and not uv.is_closing(socket) then uv.close(socket) end end end local function write(chunk) if chunk == nil then -- Shutdown our side of the socket writing = false if not uv.is_closing(socket) then uv.shutdown(socket) -- Close if we're done reading too if not reading and not uv.is_closing(socket) then uv.close(socket) end end else -- TODO: add backpressure by pausing and resuming coroutine -- when write buffer is full. uv.write(socket, chunk) end end return read, write end local function chain(...) local args = {...} local nargs = select("#", ...) return function(read, write) local threads = {} -- coroutine thread for each item local waiting = {} -- flag when waiting to pull from upstream local boxes = {} -- storage when waiting to write to downstream for i = 1, nargs do threads[i] = coroutine.create(args[i]) waiting[i] = false local r, w if i == 1 then r = read else function r() local j = i - 1 if boxes[j] then local data = boxes[j] boxes[j] = nil assert(coroutine.resume(threads[j])) return unpack(data) else waiting[i] = true return coroutine.yield() end end end if i == nargs then w = write else function w(...) local j = i + 1 if waiting[j] then waiting[j] = false assert(coroutine.resume(threads[j], ...)) else boxes[i] = {...} coroutine.yield() end end end assert(coroutine.resume(threads[i], r, w)) end end end return {wrapEmitter = wrapEmitter, wrapStream = wrapStream, chain = chain}
ElementManager = {} local instance = nil function ElementManager:Instance() if instance == nil then instance = {} setmetatable(instance, self) self.__index = self instance.Core = nil instance.Screen = {} instance.Container = {} instance.Switch = {} instance.Button = {} instance.Emitter = {} instance.Receiver = {} instance.Light = {} instance.Industry = {} instance.Databank = {} instance.Emitter = {} instance.slots = {slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6, slot7, slot8, slot9, slot10} instance.linked = false end instance:link() return instance end function ElementManager:link() if not self.linked then for i = 1, #self.slots do local slot = self.slots[i] if slot ~= nil then local elementClass = slot.getElementClass() if elementClass == 'CoreUnitStatic' or elementClass == 'CoreUnitSpace' or elementClass == 'CoreUnitDynamic' then self.Core = slot elseif (elementClass == 'ScreenUnit') then table.insert(self.Screen, #self.Screen + 1, slot) elseif (elementClass == 'ItemContainer') then table.insert(self.Container, #self.Container + 1, slot) elseif (elementClass == 'ManualSwitchUnit') then table.insert(self.Switch, #self.Switch + 1, slot) elseif (elementClass == 'ManualButtonUnit') then table.insert(self.Button, #self.Button + 1, slot) elseif (elementClass == 'EmitterUnit') then table.insert(self.Emitter, #self.Emitter + 1, slot) elseif (elementClass == 'ReceiverUnit') then table.insert(self.Receiver, #self.Receiver + 1, slot) elseif (elementClass == 'LightUnit') then table.insert(self.Light, #self.Light + 1, slot) elseif (elementClass == 'IndustryUnit') then table.insert(self.Industry, #self.Industry + 1, slot) elseif (elementClass == 'DataBankUnit') then table.insert(self.Databank, #self.Databank + 1, slot) elseif (elementClass == 'Emitter') then table.insert(self.Emitter, #self.Emitter + 1, slot) else system.print(elementClass) end end end --[[ system.print("Found elements:") system.print("Core: " .. tostring(self.Core ~= nil)) system.print("Screen: " .. #self.Screen) system.print("Container: " .. #self.Container) system.print("Switch: " .. #self.Switch) system.print("Button: " .. #self.Button) system.print("Emitter: " .. #self.Emitter) system.print("Receiver: " .. #self.Receiver) system.print("Light: " .. #self.Light) system.print("Industry: " .. #self.Industry) system.print("Databank: " .. #self.Databank) ]] linked = true end end function ElementManager:GetElementNameOfSlot(slot) return self.Core.getElementNameById(slot.getId()) end -- Gets a linked element by the name function ElementManager:GetElementByName(name) local element = nil for i, s in ipairs(self.slots) do if s ~= nil then if name == self:GetElementNameOfSlot(s) then element = s break end end end return element end function ElementManager:IsDatabank(slot) local elementClass = slot.getElementClass() return elementClass == "DataBankUnit" end function ElementManager:IsScreen(slot) local elementClass = slot.getElementClass() return elementClass == "ScreenUnit" end
io.write(string.format("Hello from %s\n", _VERSION)) io.write("Calling howdy\n") local value = howdy(10, 2, 5) io.write(string.format("howdy() returned: %s\n", tostring(value)))
jun = script.Parent.Parent Stuff = false --password function ssj() if Stuff == false then Stuff = true for u, c in pairs (jun.Character:GetChildren()) do if c.className == "Hat" and c.Name ~= "Swordpack" and c.Name ~= "GlassesBlackFrame" then c.Handle.Transparency = 1 end end Hair22 ="Part") Hair22.Parent = jun.Character Hair22.Name = "Hair" Hair22.formFactor = "Symmetric" Hair22.Size =, 1, 1) Hair22.CFrame = jun.Character.Head.CFrame Hair22:BreakJoints() Hair22.CanCollide = false Hair22.TopSurface = "Smooth" Hair22.BottomSurface = "Smooth" Hair22.BrickColor ="1003") Weld ="Weld") Weld.Part0 = jun.Character.Head Weld.Part1 = Hair22 Weld.Parent = jun.Character.Head Weld.C0 =, 0, 0.11)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, 0) Mesh ="SpecialMesh") Mesh.Parent = Hair22 Mesh.MeshType = "FileMesh" Mesh.Scale =, 1, 1) Mesh.MeshId = "" Hair4 ="Part") Hair4.Parent = jun.Character Hair4.Name = "Hair" Hair4.CanCollide = false Hair4.Locked = true Hair4.TopSurface = "Smooth" Hair4.BottomSurface = "Smooth" Hair4.formFactor = "Symmetric" Hair4.BrickColor ="1004") Hair4.CFrame = jun.Character.Torso.CFrame Hair4.Size =, 1, 1) Weld ="Weld") Weld.Parent = jun.Character.Head Weld.Part0 = jun.Character.Head Weld.Part1 = Hair4 Weld.C0 =, 1, 0) Mesh ="SpecialMesh") Mesh.Parent = Hair4 Mesh.Scale =, 1.9, 1.26) Mesh.MeshType = "FileMesh" Mesh.MeshId = "" Mesh.TextureId = "" Effect ="Part") Effect.Parent = jun.Character Effect.Anchored = true Effect.CanCollide = false Effect.Size =, 1, 1) Effect.formFactor = "Symmetric" Effect.Transparency = 0.5 Effect.BrickColor ="New Yeller") Effect.TopSurface = "Smooth" Effect.BottomSurface = "Smooth" EffectMesh ="SpecialMesh") EffectMesh.Parent = Effect EffectMesh.MeshType = "Sphere" EffectMesh.Scale =, 10, 10) ex2 ="Explosion") ex2.Position = jun.Character.Torso.Position ex2.BlastPressure = 0 ex2.Parent = workspace jun.Character.Torso.CFrame = jun.Character.Torso.CFrame *, 0.1, 0) for i = 1 , 20 do Effect.CFrame = EffectMesh.Scale = EffectMesh.Scale +, 2, 2) Effect.Transparency = Effect.Transparency + 0.025 wait(0.06) end Effect:Remove() if jun.Character.Torso:findFirstChild("PwnFire") == nil then pie ="Fire") pie.Name = "PwnFire" pie.Parent = jun.Character.Torso pie.Size = 9 pie.Color ="1004") end if jun.Character.Torso:findFirstChild("PwnSparkles") == nil then pie ="Sparkles") pie.Name = "PwnSparkles" pie.Parent = jun.Character.Torso end jun.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = jun.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth*1 wait(0.3) jun.Character.Humanoid.Health = jun.Character.Humanoid.Health*1 end end function nossj() if Stuff == true then Stuff = false if jun.Character.Torso:findFirstChild("PwnFire") ~= nil then jun.Character.Torso:findFirstChild("PwnFire"):Remove() end if jun.Character.Torso:findFirstChild("PwnSparkles") ~= nil then jun.Character.Torso:findFirstChild("PwnSparkles"):Remove() end p ="Part") p.Parent = jun.Character p.Anchored = true p.CanCollide = false p.Transparency = 0.1 p.formFactor = "Symmetric" p.Size =, 22, 22) p.TopSurface = "Smooth" p.BottomSurface = "Smooth" p.Name = "Sharingan" p.Shape = "Ball" p.CFrame = jun.Character.Torso.CFrame p.BrickColor ="White") for i = 1 , 10 do wait(0.05) p.Size = p.Size +, -4, -4) p.Transparency = p.Transparency + 0.1 p.CFrame = jun.Character.Torso.CFrame end p:Remove() for u, c in pairs (jun.Character:GetChildren()) do if c.className == "Hat" and c.Name ~= "Swordpack" and c.Name ~= "GlassesBlackFrame" then c.Handle.Transparency = 0 end if c.Name == "Hair" then c:Remove() end end jun.Character.Humanoid.Health = jun.Character.Humanoid.Health/1 wait(0.3) jun.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = jun.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth/1 end end jun.Chatted:connect(function(Msg) msg = Msg:lower() if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == "bssj" then wait(0.1) ssj() end if string.sub(msg, 1, 13) == "bloody super saiyan" then wait(0.1) ssj() end if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == "offb" then wait(0.1) nossj() end if string.sub(msg, 1, 3) == "calmb" then wait(0.1) nossj() end end) function OnDeath() wait() nossj() end jun.Character.Humanoid.Died:connect(OnDeath) jun = script.Parent.Parent if script.Parent.Parent.Name == "" then wait(1) ssj() end Stuff = false --mediafire---
--[[ Project: SA Memory (Available from Developers: LUCHARE, FYP Special thanks: plugin-sdk ( for the structures and addresses. Copyright (c) 2018 BlastHack. ]] local shared = require 'SAMemory.shared' shared.ffi.cdef[[ typedef struct CColTriangle { unsigned short nVertA; unsigned short nVertB; unsigned short nVertC; unsigned char nMaterial; unsigned char nLight; } CColTriangle; ]] shared.validate_size('CColTriangle', 8)
phantom_assassin_phantom_strike_nb2017 = class({}) LinkLuaModifier( "modifier_phantom_assassin_phantom_strike_nb2017", "modifiers/modifier_phantom_assassin_phantom_strike_nb2017", LUA_MODIFIER_MOTION_NONE ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function phantom_assassin_phantom_strike_nb2017:OnSpellStart() local hTarget = self:GetCursorTarget() if hTarget == nil or hTarget:IsInvulnerable() then return end local vForward = self:GetCaster():GetForwardVector() vForward = vForward:Normalized() local nFXIndex = ParticleManager:CreateParticle( "particles/units/heroes/hero_phantom_assassin/phantom_assassin_phantom_strike_start.vpcf", PATTACH_CUSTOMORIGIN, nil ) ParticleManager:SetParticleControl( nFXIndex, 0, self:GetCaster():GetOrigin() ) ParticleManager:SetParticleControlForward( nFXIndex, 0, vForward ) ParticleManager:SetParticleControlEnt( nFXIndex, 1, self:GetCaster(), PATTACH_CUSTOMORIGIN, nil, self:GetCaster():GetOrigin(), true ) ParticleManager:ReleaseParticleIndex( nFXIndex ) local vStartLocation = self:GetCaster():GetOrigin() local vDestination = hTarget:GetOrigin() - vForward * ( hTarget:GetPaddedCollisionRadius() + self:GetCaster():GetPaddedCollisionRadius() + 2.0 ) FindClearSpaceForUnit( self:GetCaster(), vDestination, true ) EmitSoundOnLocationWithCaster( vStartLocation, "Hero_PhantomAssassin.Strike.Start", self:GetCaster() ) self:GetCaster():AddNewModifier( self:GetCaster(), self, "modifier_phantom_assassin_phantom_strike_nb2017", { duration = self:GetSpecialValueFor( "duration" ) } ) EmitSoundOn( "Hero_PhantomAssassin.Strike.End", self:GetCaster() ) local nFXIndex2 = ParticleManager:CreateParticle( "particles/units/heroes/hero_phantom_assassin/phantom_assassin_phantom_strike_end.vpcf", PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW, self:GetCaster() ) ParticleManager:ReleaseParticleIndex( nFXIndex2) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function phantom_assassin_phantom_strike_nb2017:CastFilterResultTarget( hTarget ) local nResult = UnitFilter( hTarget, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_TEAM_BOTH, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_HERO + DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_CREEP, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_MAGIC_IMMUNE_ENEMIES, self:GetCaster():GetTeamNumber() ) if nResult ~= UF_SUCCESS then return nResult end if self:GetCaster() == hTarget then return UF_FAIL_CUSTOM end return UF_SUCCESS end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function phantom_assassin_phantom_strike_nb2017:GetCustomCastErrorTarget( hTarget ) if self:GetCaster() == hTarget then return "#dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_self" end return "" end
function init() if msoak.verbose then msoak.log(msoak.luascript .. " starting up") end end function greet(topic, _type, d) s = string.format("Hello %s -> now=%s",, msoak.strftime("%TZ")) return s end function exit() msoak.log("Hasta la vista, baby!") end
vim.cmd [[nmap <buffer> h -]] vim.cmd [[nmap <buffer> l <cr>]]
require("__5dim_core__.lib.nuclear.generation-steam-turbine") local speed = 1 local modules = 2 local energy = 1 local emisions = 30 local techCount = 500 -- Electric furnace 01 genSteamTurbines { number = "01", subgroup = "nuclear-turbine", craftingSpeed = speed, moduleSlots = modules, energyUsage = energy, new = false, order = "a", ingredients = { {"iron-gear-wheel", 50}, {"copper-plate", 50}, {"pipe", 20} }, pollution = emisions, nextUpdate = "5d-steam-turbine-02", tech = nil } speed = speed + 0.15 modules = modules + 1 energy = energy + 0.5 emisions = emisions + 15 -- Electric furnace 02 genSteamTurbines { number = "02", subgroup = "nuclear-turbine", craftingSpeed = speed, moduleSlots = modules, energyUsage = energy, new = true, order = "b", ingredients = { {"steam-turbine", 1}, {"iron-gear-wheel", 50}, {"copper-plate", 50}, {"electronic-circuit", 50}, {"pipe", 20} }, pollution = emisions, nextUpdate = "5d-steam-turbine-03", tech = { number = 1, count = techCount * 1, packs = { {"automation-science-pack", 1}, {"logistic-science-pack", 1}, {"chemical-science-pack", 1}, {"production-science-pack", 1}, {"utility-science-pack", 1} }, prerequisites = { "nuclear-power", } } } speed = speed + 0.15 energy = energy + 0.5 emisions = emisions + 15 -- Electric furnace 03 genSteamTurbines { number = "03", subgroup = "nuclear-turbine", craftingSpeed = speed, moduleSlots = modules + 1, energyUsage = energy, new = true, order = "c", ingredients = { {"5d-steam-turbine-02", 1}, {"steel-plate", 15}, {"copper-plate", 50}, {"electronic-circuit", 50}, {"pipe", 20} }, pollution = emisions, nextUpdate = "5d-steam-turbine-04", tech = { number = 2, count = techCount * 2, packs = { {"automation-science-pack", 1}, {"logistic-science-pack", 1}, {"chemical-science-pack", 1}, {"production-science-pack", 1}, {"utility-science-pack", 1} }, prerequisites = { "5d-nuclear-reactor-1", "5d-steam-turbine-1", "5d-heat-pipe-1", "5d-heat-exchanger-1" } } } speed = speed + 0.15 modules = modules + 1 energy = energy + 0.5 emisions = emisions + 15 -- Electric furnace 04 genSteamTurbines { number = "04", subgroup = "nuclear-turbine", craftingSpeed = speed, moduleSlots = modules, energyUsage = energy, new = true, order = "d", ingredients = { {"5d-steam-turbine-03", 1}, {"steel-plate", 15}, {"copper-plate", 50}, {"advanced-circuit", 30}, {"pipe", 20} }, pollution = emisions, nextUpdate = "5d-steam-turbine-05", tech = { number = 3, count = techCount * 3, packs = { {"automation-science-pack", 1}, {"logistic-science-pack", 1}, {"chemical-science-pack", 1}, {"production-science-pack", 1}, {"utility-science-pack", 1}, {"space-science-pack", 1} }, prerequisites = { "5d-nuclear-reactor-2", "5d-steam-turbine-2", "5d-heat-pipe-2", "5d-heat-exchanger-2", "space-science-pack" } } } speed = speed + 0.15 energy = energy + 0.5 emisions = emisions + 15 -- Electric furnace 05 genSteamTurbines { number = "05", subgroup = "nuclear-turbine", craftingSpeed = speed, moduleSlots = modules + 1, energyUsage = energy, new = true, order = "e", ingredients = { {"5d-steam-turbine-04", 1}, {"steel-plate", 15}, {"copper-plate", 50}, {"advanced-circuit", 20}, {"pipe", 20}, {"speed-module", 1} }, pollution = emisions, nextUpdate = "5d-steam-turbine-06", tech = { number = 4, count = techCount * 4, packs = { {"automation-science-pack", 1}, {"logistic-science-pack", 1}, {"chemical-science-pack", 1}, {"production-science-pack", 1}, {"utility-science-pack", 1}, {"space-science-pack", 1} }, prerequisites = { "5d-nuclear-reactor-3", "5d-steam-turbine-3", "5d-heat-pipe-3", "5d-heat-exchanger-3" } } } speed = speed + 0.15 modules = modules + 1 energy = energy + 0.5 emisions = emisions + 15 -- Electric furnace 06 genSteamTurbines { number = "06", subgroup = "nuclear-turbine", craftingSpeed = speed, moduleSlots = modules, energyUsage = energy, new = true, order = "f", ingredients = { {"5d-steam-turbine-05", 1}, {"steel-plate", 15}, {"copper-plate", 50}, {"advanced-circuit", 20}, {"pipe", 20}, {"productivity-module", 1} }, pollution = emisions, nextUpdate = "5d-steam-turbine-07", tech = { number = 5, count = techCount * 5, packs = { {"automation-science-pack", 1}, {"logistic-science-pack", 1}, {"chemical-science-pack", 1}, {"production-science-pack", 1}, {"utility-science-pack", 1}, {"space-science-pack", 1} }, prerequisites = { "5d-nuclear-reactor-4", "5d-steam-turbine-4", "5d-heat-pipe-4", "5d-heat-exchanger-4" } } } speed = speed + 0.15 energy = energy + 0.5 emisions = emisions + 15 -- Electric furnace 07 genSteamTurbines { number = "07", subgroup = "nuclear-turbine", craftingSpeed = speed, moduleSlots = modules + 1, energyUsage = energy, new = true, order = "g", ingredients = { {"5d-steam-turbine-06", 1}, {"steel-plate", 15}, {"copper-plate", 50}, {"advanced-circuit", 20}, {"pipe", 20}, {"speed-module-2", 1} }, pollution = emisions, nextUpdate = "5d-steam-turbine-08", tech = { number = 6, count = techCount * 6, packs = { {"automation-science-pack", 1}, {"logistic-science-pack", 1}, {"chemical-science-pack", 1}, {"production-science-pack", 1}, {"utility-science-pack", 1}, {"space-science-pack", 1} }, prerequisites = { "5d-nuclear-reactor-5", "5d-steam-turbine-5", "5d-heat-pipe-5", "5d-heat-exchanger-5" } } } speed = speed + 0.15 modules = modules + 1 energy = energy + 0.5 emisions = emisions + 15 -- Electric furnace 08 genSteamTurbines { number = "08", subgroup = "nuclear-turbine", craftingSpeed = speed, moduleSlots = modules, energyUsage = energy, new = true, order = "h", ingredients = { {"5d-steam-turbine-07", 1}, {"steel-plate", 15}, {"copper-plate", 50}, {"advanced-circuit", 20}, {"pipe", 20}, {"productivity-module-2", 1} }, pollution = emisions, nextUpdate = "5d-steam-turbine-09", tech = { number = 7, count = techCount * 7, packs = { {"automation-science-pack", 1}, {"logistic-science-pack", 1}, {"chemical-science-pack", 1}, {"production-science-pack", 1}, {"utility-science-pack", 1} }, prerequisites = { "5d-nuclear-reactor-6", "5d-steam-turbine-6", "5d-heat-pipe-6", "5d-heat-exchanger-6" } } } speed = speed + 0.15 energy = energy + 0.5 emisions = emisions + 15 -- Electric furnace 09 genSteamTurbines { number = "09", subgroup = "nuclear-turbine", craftingSpeed = speed, moduleSlots = modules + 1, energyUsage = energy, new = true, order = "i", ingredients = { {"5d-steam-turbine-08", 1}, {"steel-plate", 15}, {"copper-plate", 50}, {"advanced-circuit", 20}, {"pipe", 20}, {"speed-module-3", 1} }, pollution = emisions, nextUpdate = "5d-steam-turbine-10", tech = { number = 8, count = techCount * 8, packs = { {"automation-science-pack", 1}, {"logistic-science-pack", 1}, {"chemical-science-pack", 1}, {"production-science-pack", 1}, {"utility-science-pack", 1} }, prerequisites = { "5d-nuclear-reactor-7", "5d-steam-turbine-7", "5d-heat-pipe-7", "5d-heat-exchanger-7" } } } speed = speed + 0.15 modules = modules + 1 energy = energy + 0.5 emisions = emisions + 15 -- Electric furnace 10 genSteamTurbines { number = "10", subgroup = "nuclear-turbine", craftingSpeed = speed, moduleSlots = modules + 1, energyUsage = energy, new = true, order = "j", ingredients = { {"5d-steam-turbine-09", 1}, {"steel-plate", 15}, {"copper-plate", 50}, {"advanced-circuit", 20}, {"pipe", 20}, {"productivity-module-3", 1} }, pollution = emisions, tech = { number = 9, count = techCount * 9, packs = { {"automation-science-pack", 1}, {"logistic-science-pack", 1}, {"chemical-science-pack", 1}, {"production-science-pack", 1}, {"utility-science-pack", 1} }, prerequisites = { "5d-nuclear-reactor-8", "5d-steam-turbine-8", "5d-heat-pipe-8", "5d-heat-exchanger-8" } } }
local M = {} local function noop() -- no operation. end local function create_metatable(name, prototype, extend_class) local super_metatable = getmetatable(extend_class) or {} local super_prototype = super_metatable.__prototype setmetatable(prototype, { __index = super_prototype -- Constructing prototype chains. }) local ret = { __new = noop } for k, v in pairs(super_metatable) do ret[k] = v end ret.__type = name ret.__prototype = prototype ret.__super_prototype = super_prototype ret.__extend = extend_class ret.__index = prototype -- Assign a prototype to instances. for k, v in pairs(prototype) do if k:sub(1, 2) == "__" then ret[k] = v end end return ret end local function create_instance(class_object, ...) local mt = getmetatable(class_object) local ret = {} setmetatable(ret, mt) mt.__new(ret, ...) return ret end function M.class(name, prototype, static, extend_class) static = static or {} setmetatable(static, { __call = create_instance, -- Overrides the metatable returned by getmetatable(class_object). __metatable = create_metatable(name, prototype, extend_class), }) return static -- Return as class_object. end function M.class_type(value) local mt = getmetatable(value) return mt and mt.__type end function M.prototype(value) local mt = getmetatable(value) return mt and mt.__prototype end function M.super(value) local mt = getmetatable(value) return mt and mt.__super_prototype end function M.resetup(plain_table, class_object) local mt = getmetatable(class_object) setmetatable(plain_table, mt) return plain_table end return M
--- === WindowGrid === --- --- Configure and assign hotkey for `hs.grid` --- --- Download: []( local obj={} obj.__index = obj -- Metadata = "WindowGrid" obj.version = "0.1" = "Diego Zamboni <[email protected]>" obj.homepage = "" obj.license = "MIT -" -- Internal variable: Key binding for showing the grid obj.key_show_grid = nil --- WindowGrid.logger --- Variable --- Logger object used within the Spoon. Can be accessed to set the default log level for the messages coming from the Spoon. obj.logger ='WindowGrid') --- WindowGrid.gridGeometries --- Variable --- Table containing a list of arguments to be passed to grid.setGrid(). Each element in the table is itself a table with 1-3 arguments as defined for [hs.grid.setGrid()]( Defaults to an empty list, which results in the default 3x3 grid for all screen from `hs.grid`. obj.gridGeometries = {} --- WindowGrid:bindHotkeys(mapping) --- Method --- Binds hotkeys for WindowGrid --- --- Parameters: --- * mapping - A table containing hotkey objifier/key details for the following items: --- * show_grid - show the grid overlay function obj:bindHotkeys(mapping) if mapping["show_grid"] then if (self.key_show_grid) then self.key_show_grid:delete() end self.key_show_grid = hs.hotkey.bindSpec(mapping["show_grid"], hs.grid.toggleShow) end end --- WindowGrid:start() --- Method --- Sets the grid configuration according to `WindowGrid.gridGeometries`. function obj:start() for i,v in ipairs(self.gridGeometries) do self.logger.df("setGrid(%s, %s)", v[1], v[2], v[3]) hs.grid.ui.textSize = 50 hs.grid.ui.cellColor = {0.34,0.46,0.65,0.1} hs.grid.ui.cellStrokeColor = {0.34, 0.46, 0.65} -- hs.grid.ui.textColor = {1,1,1} -- hs.grid.ui.cellColor = {0,0,0,0.25} -- hs.grid.ui.cellStrokeColor = {0,0,0} hs.grid.ui.selectedColor = {0.34,0.46,0.65,0.4} -- for the first selected cell during a modal resize hs.grid.ui.highlightColor = {0.34,0.46,0.65,0.5} -- to highlight the frontmost window behind the grid hs.grid.ui.highlightStrokeColor = {0.14,0.79,0.66,1} -- 36, 201, 168 hs.grid.ui.cyclingHighlightColor = {0,0.8,0.8,0.5} -- to highlight the window to be resized, when cycling among windows hs.grid.ui.cyclingHighlightStrokeColor = {0,0.8,0.8,1} hs.grid.setGrid(v[1], v[2], v[3]) end end return obj
object_tangible_food_generic_dessert_vagnerian_canape = object_tangible_food_generic_shared_dessert_vagnerian_canape:new { } ObjectTemplates:addTemplate(object_tangible_food_generic_dessert_vagnerian_canape, "object/tangible/food/generic/dessert_vagnerian_canape.iff")
Ryan.Session = { ExplodeAll = function(with_earrape) if with_earrape then -- Credit: Bed Sound for _, coords in pairs(Ryan.Globals.BedSoundCoords) do Ryan.Audio.PlayAtCoords(coords, "WastedSounds", "Bed", 999999999) coords.z = 2000.0 Ryan.Audio.PlayAtCoords(coords, "WastedSounds", "Bed", 999999999) coords.z = -2000.0 Ryan.Audio.PlayAtCoords(coords, "WastedSounds", "Bed", 999999999) end end for _, player_id in pairs(players.list()) do Ryan.Player.Explode(player_id, with_earrape) end end, SpamChat = function(message, as_other_players, time_between, wait_for) local sent = 0 while sent < 32 do if as_other_players then for _, player_id in pairs(players.list()) do local name = players.get_name(player_id) menu.trigger_commands("chatas" .. name .. " on") chat.send_message(message, false, true, true) menu.trigger_commands("chatas" .. name .. " off") util.yield(time_between) sent = sent + 1 end else chat.send_message(message, false, true, true) util.yield(time_between) sent = sent + 1 end end util.yield(wait_for) end, -- Sorting Types -- ListHighestAndLowest = function(get_value) local highest_amount = 0 local highest_player = -1 local lowest_amount = 2100000000 local lowest_player = -1 for _, player_id in pairs(players.list()) do amount = get_value(player_id) if amount > highest_amount and amount < 2100000000 then highest_amount = amount highest_player = player_id end if amount < lowest_amount and amount > 0 then lowest_amount = amount lowest_player = player_id end end return {highest_player, highest_amount, lowest_player, lowest_amount} end, ListByBoolean = function(get_value) local player_names = "" for _, player_id in pairs(players.list()) do if get_value(player_id) then player_names = player_names .. PLAYER.GET_PLAYER_NAME(player_id) .. ", " end end if player_names ~= "" then player_names = string.sub(player_names, 1, -3) end return player_names end, -- Sorting Modes -- ListByMoney = function() data = Ryan.Session.ListHighestAndLowest(Ryan.Player.GetMoney) message = "" if data[1] ~= -1 then message = PLAYER.GET_PLAYER_NAME(data[1]) .. " is the richest player here ($" .. Ryan.Basics.FormatNumber(data[2]) .. ")." end if data[1] ~= data[3] then message = message .. " " .. PLAYER.GET_PLAYER_NAME(data[3]) .. " is the poorest ($" .. Ryan.Basics.FormatNumber(data[4]) .. ")." end if message ~= "" then chat.send_message(message, false, true, true) return end end, ListByKD = function() data = Ryan.Session.ListHighestAndLowest(players.get_kd) message = "" if data[1] ~= -1 then message = PLAYER.GET_PLAYER_NAME(data[1]) .. " has the highest K/D here (" .. string.format("%.1f", data[2]) .. ")." end if data[1] ~= data[3] then message = message .. " " .. PLAYER.GET_PLAYER_NAME(data[3]) .. " has the lowest (" .. string.format("%.1f", data[4]) .. ")." end if message ~= "" then chat.send_message(message, false, true, true) return end end, ListByInGodmode = function() local player_names = Ryan.Session.ListByBoolean(Ryan.Player.IsInGodmode) if player_names ~= "" then chat.send_message("Players likely in godmode: " .. player_names .. ".", false, true, true) return end chat.send_message("No players are in godmode.", false, true, true) end, ListByOffRadar = function() local player_names = Ryan.Session.ListByBoolean(Ryan.Player.IsOffRadar) if player_names ~= "" then chat.send_message("Players off-the-radar: " .. player_names .. ".", false, true, true) return end chat.send_message("No players are off-the-radar.", false, true, true) end, ListByOnOppressor2 = function() local player_names = Ryan.Session.ListByBoolean(Ryan.Player.IsOnOppressor2) if player_names ~= "" then chat.send_message("Players on Oppressors: " .. player_names .. ".", false, true, true) return end chat.send_message("No players are on Oppressors.", false, true, true) end, WatchVehicleTakeover = function(player_id, action, wait_for) local player_name = players.get_name(player_id) menu.trigger_commands("tpveh" .. player_name) util.yield(750) local vehicle = PED.GET_VEHICLE_PED_IS_IN(Ryan.Player.GetPed(player_id), false) if vehicle ~= 0 then Ryan.Entity.RequestControlLoop(vehicle) if ENTITY.IS_ENTITY_A_VEHICLE(vehicle) then action(vehicle) util.yield(wait_for) end end end, -- Mass Trolling -- MassTrollingInProgress = false, CancelMassTrolling = function() if Ryan.Session.MassTrollingInProgress then Ryan.Session.MassTrollingInProgress = false Ryan.Basics.ShowTextMessage(Ryan.Globals.Color.Purple, "Session Trolling", "The mass troll has been cancelled, and will end after this player.") else Ryan.Basics.ShowTextMessage(Ryan.Globals.Color.Red, "Session Trolling", "There is no mass troll to cancel.") end end, WatchMassVehicleTakeover = function(action, include_modders, wait_for) if Ryan.Session.MassTrollingInProgress then Ryan.Basics.ShowTextMessage(Ryan.Globals.Color.Red, "Session Trolling", "Mass trolling is already in progress. Wait for it to end or stop it.") return end Ryan.Session.MassTrollingInProgress = true Ryan.Basics.ShowTextMessage(Ryan.Globals.Color.Purple, "Session Trolling", "Mass trolling has begun. Sit tight and enjoy the show!") menu.trigger_commands("otr on") menu.trigger_commands("invisibility on") local starting_coords = ENTITY.GET_ENTITY_COORDS(Ryan.Player.GetPed(), true) for _, player_id in pairs(players.list()) do if not Ryan.Session.MassTrollingInProgress then break end if player_id ~= players.user() and not players.is_in_interior(player_id) then if include_modders or not players.is_marked_as_modder(player_id) then Ryan.Session.WatchVehicleTakeover(player_id, action, wait_for) end end end Ryan.Player.Teleport(starting_coords) menu.trigger_commands("otr off") menu.trigger_commands("invisibility off") Ryan.Session.MassTrollingInProgress = false Ryan.Basics.ShowTextMessage(Ryan.Globals.Color.Purple, "Session Trolling", "Mass trolling has finished trying all players.") end, WatchMassCommands = function(commands, include_modders, wait_for) if Ryan.Session.MassTrollingInProgress then Ryan.Basics.ShowTextMessage(Ryan.Globals.Color.Red, "Session Trolling", "Mass trolling is already in progress. Wait for it to end or stop it.") return end Ryan.Session.MassTrollingInProgress = true Ryan.Basics.ShowTextMessage(Ryan.Globals.Color.Purple, "Session Trolling", "Session trolling has begun. Sit tight and enjoy the show!") menu.trigger_commands("otr on") menu.trigger_commands("invisibility on") menu.trigger_commands("levitation on") local starting_coords = ENTITY.GET_ENTITY_COORDS(Ryan.Player.GetPed(), true) for _, player_id in pairs(players.list()) do if not Ryan.Session.MassTrollingInProgress then break end if player_id ~= players.user() and not players.is_in_interior(player_id) then if include_modders or not players.is_marked_as_modder(player_id) then local player_name = players.get_name(player_id) menu.trigger_commands("tp" .. player_name) util.yield(1250) if player_name ~= "**invalid**" then for i = 1, #commands do menu.trigger_commands(commands[i]:gsub("{name}", player_name)) end end util.yield(wait_for) end end end Ryan.Player.Teleport(starting_coords) menu.trigger_commands("otr off") menu.trigger_commands("invisibility off") menu.trigger_commands("levitation off") Ryan.Session.MassTrollingInProgress = false end, WatchMassAction = function(action, include_modders, wait_for) if Ryan.Session.MassTrollingInProgress then Ryan.Basics.ShowTextMessage(Ryan.Globals.Color.Red, "Session Trolling", "Mass trolling is already in progress. Wait for it to end or stop it.") return end Ryan.Session.MassTrollingInProgress = true Ryan.Basics.ShowTextMessage(Ryan.Globals.Color.Purple, "Session Trolling", "Session trolling has begun. Sit tight and enjoy the show!") menu.trigger_commands("otr on") menu.trigger_commands("invisibility on") menu.trigger_commands("levitation on") local starting_coords = ENTITY.GET_ENTITY_COORDS(Ryan.Player.GetPed(), true) for _, player_id in pairs(players.list()) do if not Ryan.Session.MassTrollingInProgress then break end if player_id ~= players.user() and not players.is_in_interior(player_id) then if include_modders or not players.is_marked_as_modder(player_id) then local player_name = players.get_name(player_id) menu.trigger_commands("tp" .. player_name) util.yield(1250) if player_name ~= "**invalid**" then action(player_id) end util.yield(wait_for) end end end Ryan.Player.Teleport(starting_coords) menu.trigger_commands("otr off") menu.trigger_commands("invisibility off") menu.trigger_commands("levitation off") Ryan.Session.MassTrollingInProgress = false end }
--[[ @Title: Local Game Setup Controller @Author: Dr_K4rma aka Alexander Karpov @Date: 5 Feb. 2021 @Package: ServerScriptService.RovaFramework.Client.Controllers @Provides: Responsible for initial setup of the game on the client. This is the first thing that should be called. ]] _G() local public = {} ---------------------------------- -- DEPENDENCIES ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- -- SERVICES & PRIMARY OBJECTS ---------------------------------- local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local PlayerGui = Player.PlayerGui ---------------------------------- -- CONFIG VARIABLES ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- -- MISC VARIABLES ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- -- PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- -- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- -- MAIN CODE ---------------------------------- StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.PlayerList, false) -- Disables Playerlist PlayerGui:SetTopbarTransparency(1) return public
----------------------------------- -- Area: Misareaux Coast -- NPC: Dilapidated Gate -- Entrance to Riverne Site #B01 -- !pos -259 -30 276 178 ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/missions") local ID = require("scripts/zones/Misareaux_Coast/IDs") ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player, npc, trade) end function onTrigger(player, npc) if (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == and player:getCharVar("PromathiaStatus") == 0) then player:startEvent(8) elseif (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == and player:getCharVar("PromathiaStatus") == 0) then player:startEvent(6) elseif (player:getCurrentMission(COP) == and player:getCharVar("PromathiaStatus") == 0) then player:startEvent(12) elseif (player:getQuestStatus(JEUNO, == QUEST_ACCEPTED and player:getCharVar('StormsOfFate') == 0) then player:startEvent(559) elseif (player:getCurrentMission(COP) > or player:hasCompletedMission(COP, then player:startEvent(552) else player:messageSpecial(ID.text.DOOR_CLOSED) end end function onEventUpdate(player, csid, option) end function onEventFinish(player, csid, option) if (csid == 6 or csid == 12) then player:setCharVar("PromathiaStatus", 1) elseif (csid == 559) then player:setCharVar('StormsOfFate', 1) elseif (csid == 8 and option == 1) then player:setCharVar("PromathiaStatus", 1) player:setPos(729, -20, 410, 88, 29) -- Go to Riverne #B01 end end
AddCSLuaFile() LIB_MATH_TA = {} LIB_MATH_TA.EPSILON = 0.00001 LIB_MATH_TA.HUGE = 100000 -- Converting coordinate to grid ignoring z on normal function LIB_MATH_TA:SnapToGridOnSurface(pos, angle, radius, zRound) local localpos = WorldToLocal(pos, Angle(), Vector(), angle) local lx = math.Round(localpos.x / radius) * radius local ly = math.Round(localpos.y / radius) * radius local lz = (not zRound or zRound == 0) and localpos.z or math.Round(localpos.z / zRound) * zRound localpos = Vector(lx, ly, lz) return LocalToWorld(localpos, Angle(), Vector(), angle) end -- Fixing Mins and Maxs function LIB_MATH_TA:FixMinMax(min, max) local smin = Vector(min) local smax = Vector(max) if min.x > max.x then min.x = smax.x max.x = smin.x end if min.y > max.y then min.y = smax.y max.y = smin.y end if min.z > max.z then min.z = smax.z max.z = smin.z end end -- Converting vector to a grid function LIB_MATH_TA:ConvertToGrid(pos, size) local gridPos = Vector( math.Round(pos.x / size) * size, math.Round(pos.y / size) * size, math.Round(pos.z / size) * size) return gridPos end -- if angles angle less then EPSILON equal that angle to zero function LIB_MATH_TA:AnglesToZeroz(angle) if math.abs(angle.p) < LIB_MATH_TA.EPSILON then angle.p = 0 end if math.abs(angle.y) < LIB_MATH_TA.EPSILON then angle.y = 0 end if math.abs(angle.r) < LIB_MATH_TA.EPSILON then angle.r = 0 end end -- if normal coordinate less then EPSILON equal that coordinate to zero function LIB_MATH_TA:NormalFlipZeros(normal) if math.abs(normal.x) < LIB_MATH_TA.EPSILON then normal.x = 0 end if math.abs(normal.y) < LIB_MATH_TA.EPSILON then normal.y = 0 end if math.abs(normal.z) < LIB_MATH_TA.EPSILON then normal.z = 0 end end -- return degreese between two vectors function LIB_MATH_TA:DegreeseBetween(vector1, vector2) LIB_MATH_TA:NormalFlipZeros(vector1) LIB_MATH_TA:NormalFlipZeros(vector2) if vector1 == vector2 then return 0 end local dot = vector1:Dot(vector2) return math.deg(math.acos(dot)) end
-- Created by Elfansoer --[[ Ability checklist (erase if done/checked): - Scepter Upgrade - Break behavior - Linken/Reflect behavior - Spell Immune/Invulnerable/Invisible behavior - Illusion behavior - Stolen behavior ]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- silencer_glaives_of_wisdom_lua = class({}) LinkLuaModifier( "modifier_generic_orb_effect_lua", "lua_abilities/generic/modifier_generic_orb_effect_lua", LUA_MODIFIER_MOTION_NONE ) LinkLuaModifier( "modifier_silencer_glaives_of_wisdom_lua", "lua_abilities/silencer_glaives_of_wisdom_lua/modifier_silencer_glaives_of_wisdom_lua", LUA_MODIFIER_MOTION_NONE ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Passive Modifier function silencer_glaives_of_wisdom_lua:GetIntrinsicModifierName() return "modifier_silencer_glaives_of_wisdom_lua" end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Ability Cast Filter function silencer_glaives_of_wisdom_lua:CastFilterResultTarget( hTarget ) local flag = 0 if self:GetCaster():HasScepter() then flag = DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_MAGIC_IMMUNE_ENEMIES end local nResult = UnitFilter( hTarget, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_TEAM_BOTH, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_HERO + DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_CREEP, flag, self:GetCaster():GetTeamNumber() ) if nResult ~= UF_SUCCESS then return nResult end return UF_SUCCESS end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Ability Start function silencer_glaives_of_wisdom_lua:OnSpellStart() end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Orb Effects function silencer_glaives_of_wisdom_lua:GetProjectileName() return "particles/units/heroes/hero_silencer/silencer_glaives_of_wisdom.vpcf" end function silencer_glaives_of_wisdom_lua:OnOrbFire( params ) -- play effects local sound_cast = "Hero_Silencer.GlaivesOfWisdom" EmitSoundOn( sound_cast, self:GetCaster() ) end function silencer_glaives_of_wisdom_lua:OnOrbImpact( params ) local caster = self:GetCaster() -- get damage local int_mult = self:GetSpecialValueFor( "intellect_damage_pct" ) local damage = caster:GetIntellect() * int_mult/100 if caster:HasScepter() then damage = damage*2 end -- apply damage local damageTable = { victim =, attacker = caster, damage = damage, damage_type = self:GetAbilityDamageType(), ability = self, --Optional. } ApplyDamage(damageTable) -- overhead message SendOverheadEventMessage( nil, OVERHEAD_ALERT_BONUS_SPELL_DAMAGE,, damage, nil ) -- play effects local sound_cast = "Hero_Silencer.GlaivesOfWisdom.Damage" EmitSoundOn( sound_cast, ) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Hero Events -- function silencer_glaives_of_wisdom_lua:OnHeroCalculateStatBonus() -- end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Other Events -- function silencer_glaives_of_wisdom_lua:OnHeroDiedNearby(handle unit, handle attacker, handle table) -- end