person A: I ma very proud of my son person B: Aw_comma_ I be so. How old is he? person A: he is 18 and got accepted at MIT. person B: Wow_comma_ congratulations! That is such an accomplishment. He must be very bright
person A: I was really nervous when starting a new job a few months ago.. person B: That is normal.We all get nervous on our fist day of work. person A: True. I think it's best just to push through it_comma_ and get it out of the way person B: How are you doing on that job nowadays? person A: Good_comma_ enjoying it!
person A: This year is absolutely flying by! person B: I think so too! I swear it was like 2012 yesterday. person A: Yes! It's already like time to do school shopping for "Fall 2018". Crazy. person B: That's insane. I heard that the older you are_comma_ the faster time goes by since the percentage of your life that a specific amount of time is gets shorter and shorter. person A: Yes for sure. Waiting for Christmas as a child was like FOREVER and now as soon as Christmas ends it feels like we are shopping for the next one within a millisecond lol. person B: Right? I didn't think about that. I miss time passing by slowly and being so excited for everything.
person A: Hey_comma_ I used to fill lonely in college - my senior year. I was studying all of the time and single. person B: I am sorry to hear that. Are you doing better now? person A: Yes_comma_ that was some time ago. I'm mostly too busy to fill lonely_comma_ and around people a lot. person B: I like keeping busy too. It really helps me stay sane! person A: Yes_comma_ so what are the things on your schedule typically?
person A: I had an awful time getting gas today at 7/11 because of someone there. person B: No way! What happened...was there a confrontation? person A: Almost..I should have. This guy just kept gawking at my rear and making comments. It's so uncomfortable. person B: Oh ok. I take it_comma_ he was "cat calling"? There are classier ways of appreciating art. person A: Yeah_comma_ except this art was wearing baggy sweat pants today. person B: Haha. Well_comma_ who can judge art_comma_ right? person A: I suppose you do have a point there.
person A: My sister made some toast and left it on the counter. So I ate it and inferred the dog must have taken it when she asked. person B: That's pretty funny. Did your sister ever find out it was you who took it? person A: No. My dog eats any food available to her so it's pretty believable. person B: One time my cousins dog_comma_ ruby_comma_ almost bit me for trying to put away a bowl of food. So_comma_ I understand how dogs can be with food at times haha.
person A: That must have been terrifying. person B: What would you have done in that situation? person A: Sorry I was thinking aloud of the moment when I was mortified. When I was in elementary school my skirt ripped in front of the whole class and my teacher didn't want to help me! person B: Just be glad that everyone in your class probably has no memory of it now. person A: Oh I am most definitely glad of that. I remember that day so vividly_comma_ I was crying!
person A: My family disowned me a few years ago. I heard that they were going on the annual family lake trip next week. Thinking about it made me really sad as I remembered all of my childhood memories on this trip. person B: Awe_comma_ I am sorry to hear that. Do you think there will be any chance of a reconciliation? person A: I don't know_comma_ I have been waiting five years and have sent many emails to my mom but she seems too angry. I hope so one day but it seems less likely every day. person B: I know it isn't my place to ask_comma_ but why did they disown you? person A: I ran away from home with boyfriend_comma_ when I was 16_comma_ and we had a baby. I don't regret it because we are married now and have three sons. (: I appreciate you asking_comma_ thanks. person B: In the end_comma_ I hope she sees that you were able to make it work_comma_ and if you can and do_comma_ she should meet you half way. You are very welcome :) person A: Thank you so much! I should end the chat now haha but I just wanted to thank you_comma_ so if you want you can end it. person B: Yeah_comma_ I always hate ending conversations as well 2 turns just isn't enough. I will now let you end the conversation_comma_ lol
person A: I was about to eat _comma_opened the pack and it was a pizza _comma_you could have imagined! person B: Serious? Don't you like pizza? person A: It was not a question of like_comma_but what I ordered.That was a careless service I must say person B: So bad from the vendor person A: Yeah_comma_I heart beat increased_comma_I blood was like I should ..uhmmnn. You can guess !
person A: I just saw a naked man run through my neighborhood. It was so weird. person B: Haha that is terrible! Unless he was hot... person A: Not even close. I can't believe someone would do that. person B: Well in his defense_comma_ it's pretty hot out.
person A: My daughter's dentist appointment went so great today! person B: Oh really?! Is she not afraid of the dentist? person A: She was totally afraid and had to be put to sleep to have dental work done and now she was just great and let them clean them without any issues. It was a relief. person B: Oh that's great! Sometimes it is just difficult to takes kids to the dentist.
person A: I am furious at Donald Trump person B: You and the rest of the world_comma_ lol. Joking. Joking. Why are you furious? person A: Because the way he separated all those children from their parents. person B: Yes_comma_ that was horrible what he did. I couldn't imagine what I would do if I had my child ripped from me
person A: Do you ever get those moments where you wonder where life would be if you did one thing differently? Like for me_comma_ I always feel embarrassed to think if I hadn't gone to college_comma_ maybe my life would be easier?... person B: Of course_comma_ hindsight is 20/20. But going forward you can live in a way that minimizes regret. person A: I suppose that's true. I feel like sometimes my family may view me as a disgrace for not doing much with my life. person B: It's really not for them to judge. Do what makes you happy. person A: That is true. i have to think of that more often. person B: I know the feelings I had up until my 20's. Then I just realized how much they had no right to judge me.
person A: Ugh I am so sick of working overnight shifts_comma_ but I am nervous to start something new. person B: You should always be confident and take risks in life. person A: That's definitely true_comma_ I just worry that the grass is always greener on the other side. person B: Yea it reminds me of a time I took a risk on an investment. It paid off!
person A: Going to Disney makes me so happy person B: I second that. I've been to all the parks a bunch of times. person A: I have an annual pass to the parks and I just love to go on the rides! Meeting the characters is a plus as well! person B: Yea my little siblings love taking pictures with them.
person A: Growing up _comma_I had prospects_comma_would I be rich _comma_or would I be poor _comma_lingered on my mind..Lol! person B: Work hard at it_comma_poverty is no joke. Not an option! person A: Yeah ! Work hard _comma_pray hard I suppose? person B: And play smart_comma_do whatever it takes to elevate yourself. That is the attitude.
person A: Yesterday_comma_ I submitted my application for a credit card with Chase. Thankfully_comma_ I was approved and was really glad person B: That's great! You must have good credit. person A: Indeed. It was my fifth credit card that I have now among others person B: That's great_comma_ make sure to keep your utilization low if possible.
person A: Moving to a new age bracket is scary. person B: In what way are you fearful? I've never thought about that before. person A: Turning 40 is one step closer to being older and makes me think about old age more. person B: I am 42_comma_ 40 didn't bother me.....there is nothing you can do about the aging process. I just try to take getting older in stride.
person A: Back in 2013 I won an NCAA bracket challenge online through a local restaurant. The payout was $1_comma_000 cash. I was really excited...felt great. person B: Wow... That is exciting. Congratulations! I also won my fantasy football league this year and won $300 as well. person A: That's awesome_comma_ I haven't played fantasy sports for a few years......the dudes I used to play with have moved on and unfortunately one guy_comma_ one of my best friends died of sucked. person B: I'm sorry to hear you lost your best friend. person A: I appreciate that.
person A: My niece just turned two and it's weird reading her the books I read as a kid. person B: I know the feeling. Seeing my friends kid read the books I used to read brings back great memories. person A: It's weird having some things that you haven't thought about in decades come rushing back. person B: Riiight. It is just so cool to see the younger generations learn and see the things that once brought us joy at one point.
person A: One of my fondest memories was when I went on an airplane for the first time as a child. person B: I still love going on planes. Makes the headaches of airports worth it. person A: I LOVE window seats! As a kid I always made sure to get one and now as an adult I do the same. I love to travel! person B: I wish I could still sit in window seats. I'm too tall now_comma_ I can only sit on the aisle.
person A: I trust my wife_comma_ i think. person B: Why do you say it like that? Is everything okay? person A: She may be cheating on me. person B: Whoa. I'm really sorry and I really hope that's not the case.
person A: I am very sad these days person B: I am so sorry to hear that. Is it related to your work? person A: No. i am sad because of president Trump. person B: I see. Well_comma_ this is how democracy works and we will have to accept it
person A: I have a presentation to prepare for this week and I am finding it really hard to meet the deadline. I am so stressed person B: Keep calm.That is the very important step you should take. person A: I know_comma_ but somehow the crippling anxiety is filling me from inside and I can't stay calm most of the time person B: You should breath deep and start focusing on the issue in hand.
person A: So I think we are all going to see the cousins new boat this weekend! person B: Ah that sounds like a good time. Hope it doesn't rain for you guys. person A: We are supposed to get some showers in the morning but thats it person B: Yea the radars are usually accurate. Cook good food for me.
person A: So last night I snuck into the kitchen at my cousins house. person B: I hope they are good cooks. person A: Well I just drank all his beer... person B: That's funny. person A: I feel bad so I need to replace it in the morning.
person A: WIsh that did happen to you_comma_ better luck next time. person B: I always have the worst luck. person A: Me too_comma_ sometimes I think it's karma. Maybe all the bad things that I did are coming back to me. person B: Maybe. I think some people are just born with it.
person A: I ordered a package over a month ago and it finally arrived. person B: What did you order? person A: Sunglasses. They were back ordered and didn't arrive in time for my trip to the beach. person B: Oh no! Hopefully you will get to wear them on your next trip to the beach.
person A: It is so wonderful to just relax at home on the couch with my family after a long day. person B: That is my favorite thing to do. I am sure they are glad when you are home. person A: Yes it is wonderful. It is like complete peace and harmony. There is nothing better! person B: You definitely deserve it.
person A: When my Grandmother passed away_comma_ it was really hard for me. person B: Oh my goodness I bet! I am sorry to hear that you went through that. person A: I was really worried about my Grandfather_comma_ but I think he has finally accepted her death and moved on. person B: Well that is definitely good to hear. It must be so hard to go that long as somebody's "side kick" and lose them.
person A: Sometimes I reflect upon my life_comma_ and at this current moment I am happy with where I am. person B: That's great you are happy with where you are in life. I think the place we work and the area in which we live make a big difference. person A: I agree. At times life may seem uncertain but I know for a fact that I am on the right path to success. person B: Having a clear and defined path is important. Success comes from hardwork and dedication.
person A: I was very impressed with the food today at Outback restaurant. Everything was delicious. person B: I love to eat there. One of my favorite foods to eat is steak. person A: Steak is my favorite too. The bloomin onion is also a great appetizer. person B: I've never tried that but it looks pretty good. One day I have to try that.
person A: I am very devastated these days. person B: That seems bad and I am sorry to hear that. What happened? person A: My father day 3 weeks ago.I still can't believe. person B: I am truly sorry to hear that. Please accept my apologies for your loss. May he rest in peace
person A: It is so hard to cope with loneliness. Especially after my break up person B: I am sorry to heard that.How long were you together. person A: For about 3 years since college. Loneliness is the worst that could happen to a human being person B: I agree with you.I was lonely for a whole year.
person A: Once I was robbed at gun point and locked in a walk in refrigerator for an hour. person B: Was it cold? person A: Yes.. Cold and terrifying! We had an alarm button in there to push but it was broken and no one came to save us for a long time. person B: Was it cold? person A: Very Cold LOL. Cold and scary. person B: I've worked in retail before. I'd be afraid to get stuck in the freezer. person A: Yeah it happened when I was working at a Pizza hut. After that I went back to school so I didn't have to work in such places anymore.
person A: I can't wait for next Sunday person B: Why? Is there something good going to happen on Sunday? person A: Yes_comma_ the world cup final between France and Croatia person B: Oh yeah! Allez les bleus! But good on tiny Croatia for even making it that far. That's an incredible story for them.
person A: My van did a really good job on a pretty long_comma_ 5 hour trip lately. I was doubting it'll make it because I've had problems with it for a while. person B: Nice. That's always a good feeling. person A: Yeah I felt so relieved and kind of shocked after I got to my destination. person B: I bet. I know the feeling well since my car is also on its way out.
person A: I recently had the chance to betray a friend of mine_comma_ but instead I stayed faithful. person B: It's so good you stayed loyal_comma_ I think anyone would've appreciated a friend like you. person A: We can all hope. I think most people would've acted the same way. person B: Yeah because faithfulness is what defines a true friendship_comma_ after all.
person A: It was a tough day at work person B: Awe_comma_ I am sorry. What made it tough? person A: My boss kept criticizing my work. He kept bugging on me to an unbearable point. person B: I hate when bosses are like that. Is he normally like that? If so_comma_ I would sit him down and talk to him and tell him how his actions are affecting you
person A: If I work hard In it_comma_I'll achieve it! person B: I agree with that. Victor mentality. person A: Sure ! I know I can! person B: That's the spirit that got trump elected.
person A: I knocked my favorite glass off the table and now I have to find a replacement. person B: Oh no! How disappointing. Hopefully you didn't cut yourself! person A: No_comma_ it was a fairly clean cut down the middle. Not shattered or anything. person B: Oh well at least that is a plus.
person A: It is so crazy to me. My best friend and her husband have an open marriage and I just cannot fathom having another partner other than my husband. person B: I always wondered how you start something like that up with your partner without hurting their feelings. person A: I know it. They both apparently just don't mind it. Makes me wonder if they are really in love or just kind of creatures of comfort. person B: Whatever makes you happy I guess. To each their own.
person A: I almost got into a wreck today because someone cute me off on my way to work. person B: How terrible! I bet your heart stopped in that moment. person A: Yea it did. I was so frustrated that someone could be so careless. person B: People seem to only care about themselves a lot.
person A: Homeless people are very unfortunate. It breaks my heart seeing them living in desperation person B: I feel you.I also get sad when i see people living of the street. person A: I hope I could help somehow_comma_ but I am short on my financial situation too person B: There not a lot we can do.Maybe presure the local politicians
person A: I am very apprehensive nowadays_comma_ person B: Why? Is it something with your work-life balance? person A: Yes.I just got interviewed for the job of my dreams and now i am waiting for an answer. person B: You should take it easy. Just relax and cross your fingers for the best to come yet
person A: Last week I had to put my dog to sleep. It was really sad because I had him for 16 years. person B: Oh no. I am so sorry. That is so hard. My daughters cat got run over like a week after we had him. :( What was your dog's name? person A: Ugh that happened to me before as well with another dog. Her name was Doodles. person B: Doodles. That's a cute name! I'm sorry about your dog. 16 Years sounds like a good long life. person A: Yeah. She had diabetes and we had to give her insulin. And she was blind for 4 years so I guess it was time.
person A: I am so disappointed on my son. person B: What did he do? person A: He decided to quit College and join a band. person B: If it doesn't work out he can always go back.
person A: I sometimes wish I could go back to high school and be a kid again. person B: I certainly don't. I was miserable as a kid. person A: I am sorry to hear that. I think we all had struggles we went through as kids_comma_ person B: Yes_comma_ some worse than others. What do you miss the most? person A: Talent shows in high school and Pep rallies_comma_ getting out of class. Just the memories I made with friends I don't get to see now. person B: You can always organize a reunion for your former classmates.
person A: I have been looking for a job for months_comma_ going on interview after interview and I finally went on one that I am really interested in but I have been waiting all week to find out if I got it or not. person B: Ugh_comma_ I hate the waiting game. What's the job for? Have you tried calling back and checking in? person A: Its a teaching job. I didn't call but I did email the guy and touch base with him. But he didn't reply :( person B: Teaching sounds good. We seriously need more amazing teachers. I'll pray that it will all work out for you. person A: Thank you so much! I really appreciate that! I feel like I've been waiting forever!
person A: I got a toy for my niece's birthday in the mail and figured I could put it together without any directions. person B: Were you able to finish right? person A: Oh yea. But it took way longer than anticipated. I eventually had to swallow my pride and dig through the trash for the instructions. person B: LOL.That was funny.The most important thing is that you build the toy.
person A: I miss my mother deeply. person B: I'm sorry. We're you close? person A: yes_comma_ very much.She was the most important person in my life. person B: I can't imagine what that was like. I hope you find peace.
person A: My family just left on a trip for a week and I had to stay back to work. person B: Oh that's too bad. How long before they get home? person A: They'll be gone for 7 days and 6 nights! person B: Oh well hopefully it goes quick for you but at least they will have a good trip which is nice! person A: That's so true! I think they will have fun but I will miss them being all alone in the house. person B: I hope it goes okay and for you the time passes fast! person A: thanks!
person A: The other night my grandma wanted to video chat to say hi to her great grand kids. My four year old was showing off his counting skills and some other cute stuff he had learned. It made my grandma really happy. person B: That's so sweet! Modern technology is amazing_comma_ right?! person A: Oh yeah it's great for her to have a change to see what the kids are up to. But video calling can be really glitchy and awkward too haha. person B: Yes that's the bad part. Was the call that way for her? person A: Not too bad_comma_ but she didn't really notice sometimes that she wasn't hearing certain words correctly. I just went with it haha. person B: Ha ha - I'm glad she didn't really notice it!
person A: Can't wait for summer time to come person B: It's summer now for me. person A: Well that's cool_comma_talking from the past ...Lol! person B: Oh_comma_ I see. I felt that way when I was waiting for school to end.
person A: I can't wait for next Sunday person B: Really? The world cup right? person A: You know it.Just the biggest game in 4 years. person B: Of course. I played soccer growing up myself.
person A: I have been working so hard and it seems my payment can no longer take care of my bills person B: This has to be a very stressful time for you. How are you holding up? person A: I am about to lose it_comma_ but i will talk to my boss about it person B: I hope they s/he will view you as a valuable member of their organization and do what is necessary to make sure you are well compensated.
person A: It was pretty shocking for me to learn that I have failed my Calculus exam when I had studied so hard for it person B: Ahhh. Math. I have certainly been there before. I am so sorry! Is there any way to retake it? person A: Only next semester. I feel like I have wasted much of my time person B: Don't feel too bad. I had to take college algebra 3 times before I finally passed with an A. Sometimes you just need a good teacher.
person A: I have been going on interviews for 4 months and today I finally got a job! I am so happy! person B: Congratulations. You finally did it. What is your occupation now? person A: I am going to be a teacher at a high school for kids who have dropped out and went back to finish. person B: That is a very noble that you have taken. I wish you successful career with full of joy person A: Thank you! I am very excited about it and glad I don't have to keep looking and looking and looking for a job!
person A: On mother's day my kids and I had a nice relaxing morning just cuddling in bed. My spouse made breakfast in bed and we all just hung out together. It made me feel so peaceful and happy. person B: That is great to hear. I can tell your family loves you a lot! person A: Oh thank you that's a nice thing to say! person B: It is nice we have days to celebrate mothers and fathers. They deserve the recognition for their hard work!
person A: I felt terrible when I realized I had accidentally run over my neighbor's garden. Oops! person B: Oh no! Did you end up talking to your neighbor about it?? person A: No_comma_ I never did which made me feel even worse. I ended up sending an anonymous letter with some cash in it. I didn't want her to be mad at me. person B: Oh well that's a nice thing to do. I'm sure she forgives you because she knows you felt bad and wanted to make it right.
person A: A light switch in my house stopped working and I was able to fix it without looking up how. person B: Wow_comma_ that is impressive. I probably couldn't have done it with a tutorial how. I would have walked around with a flashlight until someone felt sorry for me and fixed it person A: Thanks. It wasn't too messed up though. A wire just needed to be reconnected. person B: That still is impressive. I bet you did feel like you accomplished something
person A: Got to work and ...Boom! It was my birthday person B: Wow_comma_happy belated birthday_comma_make sure you have a blast. person A: A blast that last! I suppose? I love rhymes.. Lol! person B: Nice_comma_was what were you up to?
person A: I am having a job interview tomorrow and it is my first interview ever person B: Are you nervous about it? I know I was when I had my first interview. person A: Oh yeah i was. I have read a lot of books about this and yet it will not help person B: The best thing to do is not worry and just remember what you want to say to the interviewer. You will do just fine!
person A: I buy a lottery ticket every day but for some reason I have not won more than $10. My luck will soon change! person B: Well You can be hopeful. But i think you should stop gambling person A: No_comma_ I am pretty sure I will be one of the lucky ones who hits the jackpot. It's not gambling if it is a sure thing! person B: If it is sure then you do not need luck
person A: I am so sad lately. My husband needs a lung transplant and he is only 40 years old. person B: Oh wow. I'm so sorry to hear that. Was this an all the sudden thing or has he been in poor health? person A: It has been happening gradually over a number of years he has a genetic form of COPD and has never smoked or done anything to deserve this. person B: It's so hard how that usually is the case. Never deserved. Is his surgery scheduled soon? person A: He just got put on the list for the transplant so now he has to wait until its his time. person B: I'm really sorry. I can't imagine what you're going through. I'll be praying that he will get his lungs ASAP and that in the meantime_comma_ you'll feel at peace. person A: Thank you so much! I appreciate your prayers! person B: You're welcome. :)
person A: My first cat disaapeared 2 years ago after 14 years with him person B: That's so sad. I just had a cat disappear_comma_ it's quite sad. person A: Yea they like to leave when they are dying to try and heal but it is very depressing when they are just gone person B: We thought it might've been hunted by coyotes since we live close to the woods. Pretty crazy.
person A: One time in welding school I got 2 of my teachers a gig with a major contractor on FT Benning building ADA code railing for th new hospital and centers and stuff_comma_ person B: Wow. They must have been very grateful to you. person A: It was pretty awesome_comma_ I showed up in school after they had gotten paid and he was getting out his wallet. He said he had something for me but it felt better telling him I didn't need it they hired me on full time. person B: Getting the full-time sounds better taking a one time bonus from him. person A: Definitely_comma_ I got to travel the country spending bunches of money lol_comma_ good times
person A: I made some cookies from scratch and left to run an errand. When I came back my family had eaten most of them without asking. person B: Oh my god_comma_ fresh cookies that you hand baked?? What did you do? person A: I hid the rest of them away so only I get to eat the rest. person B: HAHAHAHAHA that what my niece does_comma_ I bring home two candies and she talks me into giving her one then she hides the other when i'm not looking
person A: i think my performance is way better than the winner's perfromance person B: come on now? you are so full of yourself!Why do you say so? person A: I am just saying what I feel. I put all my best into this and yet I lost to a poor performer person B: Sorry about that.
person A: I was in the park the other day and dropped some money on the ground without knowing it. A kind stranger witnessed this happen and picked up the money. That person then returned it to me. person B: That's so awesome. Isn't it so nice when people do nice things for each other in their communities? person A: Yes_comma_ it is nice when communities watch out for each other. person B: My community is great about that kind of thing. I'm glad you got your money back! person A: Yes I am glad too. I rewarded the person by giving them what I had dropped since they appeared to need it more than me. person B: Oh that's great! That's really nice of you. person A: Thank you for listening.
person A: My boyfriend and I celebrated our sixth anniversary the other week. I was pretty sure he was planning to propose because of the nice plans he had made- and he was. For a couple of days leading up to it I was so excited and just could hardly wait. person B: Wow that is exciting for sure. You must have been filled with anticipation. person A: I was_comma_ even though I was a bit just antsy to find out if I was even right. I was really happy! person B: I certainly hope he did propose and that you are still happily living. person A: Yep he did_comma_ he is my fiance now! Thank you. (: person B: Congratulations! Good luck with your future marriage.
person A: I am really nervous. I have to go tomorrow to get my tooth pulled and I am scared to death. I hate the dentist! person B: Oh no! I hate the dentist too! I haven't been in forever. I'm sorry. You will be okay though! Hoping it all goes well. Is it hurting you? person A: Not really_comma_ but I want to have it done before something bad like that happens. person B: That makes total sense! Good job for thinking ahead like that!
person A: So about 2 or 3 months ago I found out the Dallas Cowboys were letting Dez Bryant go and he's a free agent. It's disappointing to me because I'm a Cowboys fan and I like him as part of the team. Have you heard of Dez Bryant person B: Sure_comma_ my dad is a Cowboys fan. He misses the days of Troy Aikman and Emmett Smith! person A: I agree Emmett Smith is an awesome runningback. Dez Bryant just ran his mouth too much and was too emotional. It's a shame and he's still unemployed. How upsetting. Troy Aikman was a great quarterback and a great commentator. person B: Yeah_comma_ I remember as a boy watching those guys. They creamed Buffalo in the Super Bowl! person A: I agree they were some good games between the fills and cowboys.
person A: I experienced road rage the other day. I woman carelessly swerved in front of me_comma_ causing me to slam on my brakes. person B: Road rage is a problem I deal with too. I have adult add and tend to be impulsive and am horrible at socializing. I'm glad your alright and I don't blame you for getting stressed out by that. person A: Yeah_comma_ and then when I finally got around her I saw she was yakking on her cell phone_comma_ completely oblivious to the world around her. So annoying! person B: I can't believe she didn't at least apologize or wave sorry. That's why cell phones are horrible and can cause accidents. I'm glad your ok
person A: When my mom got sick i feel sick too. I cannot handle it person B: Have you ever spoken to someone else about it? It's always a relief to talk things out. person A: I called my brother and shared the news with him but yet i wish i can be there to care for her person B: She took care of you when you were little so it only makes sense that you'd want to return the favor. You're a good child.
person A: Man_comma_ one time I got wayyy too drunk and it was not a good time. person B: Oh yeah? What happened that day? person A: It was one of the first times I drank and I felt awful and thought I was basically gonna die. person B: Oh no! I hope everything turned out well at the end of it!
person A: What did you do to make it better? person B: I eventually threw up. Anything you have to say though? person A: Yeah_comma_ one time I had a big fight with my mom. But when I realized I was wrong I went to talk to her to make it up. person B: Oh well that sounds like it ended well at least. What was the fight about? person A: Something stupid_comma_ and yeah it ended well with hugs all around haha.
person A: it was just yesterday when i was going for an interview and personally i was so afraid because i did not know what were the end results person B: Yea I know how you feel_comma_ you just feel like you are in purgatory waiting for your demise. person A: actually i woke up early in the morning and prepared my self fully for the task ahead of me person B: Yea but i mean afterwards you dont know if you passed the interview person A: i just received a call that i did good in my interview and i qualified to work with them. this made me so happy
person A: Everytime I see my cat vomit on the floor it makes me sick to my stomach. person B: i think you have the same attitude like me. i really feel pissed off person A: Yea I hate having to pick it up afterwards person B: the best way is to tame it well so that it will have good manners
person A: I need someone to date so badly. I cannot hold it anymore person B: My same exact sentiments_comma_ it can be lonely out here. person A: What do you think i can do about it. I need some help person B: Get registered to some of these dating sites.
person A: My aunt is coming to visit soon. I'm ridiculously excited because she always makes this desert I love. person B: That's awesome. What desert is it? person A: Lemon squares. It's basically shortbread with lemon meringue on top. person B: I don't like lemon deserts that much_comma_ but that sounds amazing.
person A: Ever had a time where you really needed a certain grade on a final to keep your letter grade? I did that in calculus last semester. person B: Yea I know how you feel_comma_ I have no idea what im doing in math sometimes person A: Exactly! I didn't even do well enough to keep my A but he gave it to me anyway haha. person B: Yea I just aim to pass and pray_comma_ it can be hard sometimes_comma_ depends on the teacher
person A: I was super shocked when I did well on my math final_comma_ thought i bombed it hard person B: I have had way too many close calls on my finals. How did you do? person A: I got a 50ish which was like a C in my class and easily passed_comma_ was super happy and shocked person B: Nice! Good to hear that things worked out for you in the end!
person A: I was in 5th grade and wanted a remote control car. My older brother who had a job said he would buy it for me if I got all A's on next report card. My lowest score was A- and he said that A- is not an A. person B: Well that's pretty annoying. He should have given it to you anyway. A- is a great grade. person A: Yes I thought so too. That's when I learned about life being full of loopholes. person B: You probably also learned your brother is a cheapskate_comma_ haha. I hope you did end up getting that car one day! person A: The answer is yes to both.
person A: I was mad I didn't get the job I had applied and interviewed for. I put so much work in crafting my resume to fit the description. person B: That is very unfortunate that you put all that work in and were let down. I hope something good came out of it like another good job afterwards. person A: I did appreciate getting the experience of interviewing at the company. But I was even more upset when I found out the job went to a recent college graduate with no experience! person B: That is not fair for employers to count education more than life experience.
person A: Do you know the feeling of having a vacation after long working months person B: Yes! Theres nothing like the relief that comes with not having any assignments or projects due person A: I will be going on a cruise for the vacation person B: I've never been on a cruise before_comma_ I'm too afraid of the open ocean. Where are you going to go cruising?
person A: I am so mad! All my boyfriend does is play video games 24/7! person B: Oh that's too bad! Have you told him how you feel? person A: Yes_comma_ but he doesn't care. He only cares about his game life! person B: That's frustrating! Maybe if you just keep putting your foot down he will eventually get the message. I hope he does soon!
person A: Me and my four year old were grocery shopping. He was saying all sorts of cute things to people and being very polite. People were really amused by him it seemed. person B: Kids are really cute at that age. Embrace the cuteness while you still can! person A: I will for sure! Kids are the best_comma_ are you a parent or planning on being one ever? person B: No I don't have any kids but I teach so I have other people's kids to fill that space in my heart.
person A: I do not know if it is stupid to do but i handed my things to a stranger to look out for it person B: What? why would you do that. person A: I just feel like he is the next person available and i asked for his help person B: You are so bold. I can't do it.
person A: My experience is too much happier when i am surprise person B: You like being surprised? person A: yes person B: I like presents_comma_ they're surprising.
person A: I am worried about my surgery next week. I have never had to get surgery before! person B: Oh_comma_ I have only had surgery once I was really scared but it was okay I was knocked out so didn't know what was happening person A: Yeah_comma_ I will be under as well but I am still concerned something will go wrong. I think I watch too many scary movies! person B: I watched so many youtube videos before mine its wierd when they give you the anesthesia
person A: Whenever I started in college_comma_ I really wanted to get my foot in the door with girls so I decided to download Tinder and it worked out surprisingly well. person B: That is really cool. Did you find a girl you really liked? person A: I've found a few with quite mixed levels of success. I have gotten a fair amount of matches though. person B: Well I hope you are able to find the perfect girl for you!
person A: I spent months practicing for a major symphony in New York. All that hard work really paid off. person B: Good to hear! How did it pay off? person A: I was granted a position in the symphony on trumpet! person B: Wow_comma_ that's quite the honor! Good work man!
person A: I am going for a competition tomorrow. I will surely be the winner person B: What type of competition is it? Im curious. person A: It is a singing competition. It was going to be fun how i will become the winner person B: Wow how interesting! I really hope you do well. I am sure you will!
person A: I am really excited. I am going on vacation next week and I haven't been on one in awhile. person B: That is good. I am so happy for you. Where will your vacation hold person A: I am going to Clearwater Beach on the Gulf of Mexico. person B: I wish to be there too. That has always been my dream place for vacation
person A: I was over the moon when I passed my classes last semester. person B: Happy for you. Which course are you taking? person A: Physics_comma_ calc_comma_ and other normal filler courses or engineering classes person B: Wow! you nailed it. Sound like a tough course to study
person A: As bad as it is to say_comma_ one time I took a flash drive that I saw in a computer that I used at school because I needed one and it had nothing on it. person B: That's interesting. At least you got some new storage space! person A: I know man_comma_ thanks for being so supportive of my otherwise questionable decision! person B: Well stealing electronics can usually be harmful to the original user because information is so personally valuable so don't do it again!
person A: I am announced the best writer in my state for the third time person B: Really? How did you win that? person A: Well. Let us just say i am good at what i do and i feel so good about it person B: That's great. What do you write about?
person A: Whenever I see a newborn baby I always think about how I wish their life will be happy and long. person B: That is really sweet_comma_ I saw someone tweet about a baby laughing on the beach for 15 minutes today. Happy babies are fun person A: Yes those laughing babies will always bring you a smile. person B: Yes babies are so cute but I like being able to send them home with their parents person A: That is true. I enjoy my nephews for a few hours and then I go home.
person A: I recently got to visit California for the first time. It's a pretty incredible place. person B: I've always wanted to go there! What did you like most about it? person A: The weather. It's the same temperature and humidity everyday. Makes packing easy. person B: I bet! I'm guessing it must be good weather_comma_ then? person A: Oh yea. Just above 70 with a light breeze.