person A: I'm finding it super hard to move on from my last relationship. person B: I know how that can be such a struggle. How long has it been and why did it end? person A: Thanks. I messed it up by cheating on her. It's been 5 months person B: Everyone makes mistakes_comma_ we live and learn I guess. If there is no hope of her taking you back_comma_ then you have to find a way to move forward_comma_ but take the time you need to grieve as it is a loss. person A: Thanks.
person A: My husband just finished taking all 4 parts of the CPA exam. It took him almost a year to complete as he'd study for one part_comma_ take that part_comma_ then start studying for the next part. person B: Nice! Does he feel pretty confident about it person A: Well_comma_ he said that he didn't. But we found out a few weeks ago that he's passed all four parts so now he's a CPA! person B: Awesome! Glad it worked out for him
person A: Have you ever been a victim of a home break in? person B: Yes I have actually. It was scary. person A: Our home was broken into 2 months after we purchased it. Luckily_comma_ we were not home at the time. person B: Im so sorry to hear that. I was watching a house for a familty member and they're safe was stolen. person A: That is so scary! It is so sad to not feel safe in your own home.
person A: I cant wait to go to the beach.Its time to be sure I am all packed". person B: I love the beach_comma_ the gulf is my favorite! person A: I have never been but all up and down east coast person B: The Atlantic is not so bad!
person A: My grandmother passed away about 10 years ago. I really miss her_comma_ she pretty much was the only female influence I had growing up. person B: Sorry to hear that. My grandmother is all I have left. Grandpa passed 1 month ago person A: My grandpa passed a few years after she did. They'd been married for 70+years. Neither of them were able to get to know my daughters very much at all. person B: How old are your daughters
person A: One time I was outside a bar and got my butt kicked by 3 guys in a streetfight. I held my own pretty well until they got me with a couple of beer bottles to the face. I never went down. So I'm positive I can handle anyone who tries acting tough around me person B: Wow - were you nervous or scared at all? Did the police get involved? person A: I didn't have time to be scared lmao it happend so fast I just reacted...police got there when half my shirt was soaked in blood haha person B: Oh no! Did you have to go to the hospital to get stitches or anything like that? person A: Yes_comma_ 6 stitches total on my face and head. But got a lot of free drugs so it was all good
person A: Once I got a big gift in my mail. It was from an anonymous person. I never found out who gave it to me. person B: That is fun! What was it? person A: It was a stuffed teddy bear. it was cute. person B: What a neat mystery. I bet you wish you could thank them though. person A: Yes_comma_ I do. I tried to find out who that person was. never found out though.
person A: I just lost my job_comma_ and I've got too many bills person B: Oh no I'm sorry about that_comma_ do you have any family that can help? person A: I do_comma_ but they're kinda living paycheck to paycheck themselves. person B: Do you have any leads on any new jobs?
person A: There was this time that I went to eat with all my friends for a special event and I forgot to invite one of my closest friends.I felt horrible person B: Oh no. Did you talk it out with them? person A: Yep I did! He was totally okay with it. I ended up buying him lunch because I felt so bad person B: That's nice. Everyone makes mistakes. Glad he was forgiving! person A: He was! He's a really good guy honestly_comma_ and we've gotten closer since then
person A: My friend woke up late and missed the final exam. Turns out he helped a blind lady get home. person B: That was noble person A: It was! He ended up failing final but luckily his previous exams were good enough. person B: I guess when you do that well in school_comma_ you can afford to miss a day because of that every once and awhile
person A: My dad surprised me one morning with a new truck. I was not expecting it all and it was just a great morning. person B: That is an awesome dad. Do you still have the truck? person A: No_comma_ it broke down but it lasted for over a decade person B: A decade is great use of it. Do you miss it?
person A: I miss my dog_comma_ Baby Girl_comma_ poor thing passed away last year after 15 years. person B: Oh_comma_ that is SO hard. It sounds like she had a long and happy life. I'm sure you miss her so much. person A: Absolutely she was my favorite pet I ever had_comma_ person B: What kind of dog was she?
person A: My daughter was thrown from her horse a few months back. person B: Oh no! Is she okay? person A: Yes_comma_ but it took hours to come to that determination. She had to have a CT scan and an xray of her leg/ankle. She was pretty bruised and was in an air cast for a few weeks with crutches_comma_ but she's recovered pretty well. person B: That's good to hear! How long ago was that?
person A: Back in the 2014 World Cup I was super excited when Argentina won against the Netherlands in the semi-final. It was crazy! person B: So I take it you are a soccer fan? It seems America is finally getting into the sport. Do you play yourself? person A: I used to when I was a kid but not since then! But I have to follow it_comma_ I was born in Argentina_comma_ it's in my blood person B: I would imagine so! Argentina seems like a lovely place to live. person A: It really is! And the food is amazing
person A: Might sell my home. It's the home I grew up in. person B: Oh_comma_ wao those a terrible news_comma_ is there any way to keep the house? person A: I might be asking for a loan. Not sure yet. person B: Well_comma_ you have to weight your financial situation vs your emotional situation and see if it worth to keep the house_comma_ i guess you have so many memories there.
person A: Our youngest daughter fell down our back stairs when she was about 4 and hit her head. person B: ALL of y'all must have been so scared! Was she okay? Any stitches necessary? person A: She was fine but we did go to the ER because she started vomiting. They did a CT scan and she did have a slight concussion_comma_ but she recovered just fine. person B: The vomiting is scary -- so good that y'all got to the ER_comma_ and could confirm that she was okay. Was she fearful of stairs after that?
person A: I left my home to my neighbor to take care of_comma_ when I had to suddenly visit my mom in Canada person B: I'm glad you had someone to take care of it while you were away. Was you mother alright? person A: Yes. Seem like she didn't listen to the doctor about taking her meds on time. person B: Oh no. Were you able to get things sorted out? We live far away from family and I know how hard it can be especially when there are health concerns.
person A: I felt very joyful when I got into a college that I really wanted to go to_comma_ plus my friends were there already. person B: Ah_comma_ congratulations! What a GREAT feeling. Are y'all all still good friends? person A: Most of them yes_comma_ things in life happen so I am not still in touch with all of them_comma_ but oh well. person B: You know what_comma_ nothing to mourn_comma_ really. Life has chapters_comma_ you know? It's wonderful you have the memories you do.
person A: I try not to judge often...but if there's one thing I can't stand it's pedophiles..they just make my blood boil person B: I watched a movie based off a true story on that once. It was truely a sad story for the little girl and her parents. person A: What movie was it person B: It was a korean movie. Don't recall the name.
person A: There are 2 cats that come by my home every night. I leave food out for them. person B: That's pretty sympathetic of you...but aren't you worried they'll start going through your trash person A: They haven't yet. I hope not! person B: Do you own any cats or dogs
person A: My vacation is coming up in a month. I've worked nonstop for 9 months. person B: Wow_comma_ I'll bet you're ready for a vacation. Are you going anywhere special? person A: Just going up north to Canada. Trying a new change of scene. person B: That should be awesome. Do you know anyone in Canada?
person A: I flew back to California a few weeks ago_comma_ it was beautiful flying in over the mountains. person B: It sounds beautiful and serene. person A: It really is_comma_ I miss the Sierra Nevadas very much_comma_ have you ever been? person B: No I haven't. But now I want to see.
person A: Just got offered a car as a gift. I really needed it. person B: What an amazing gift to be given! That truly sounds like a blessing for you. person A: It is! The person is very kind to have reached out like that. person B: For sure! Did you accept the gift?
person A: My mother in law always lies and exaggerates things. Sometimes the same story is told two different ways to both my husband and I. person B: I'm glad you and your husband communicate enough to know that! person A: It's frustrating though_comma_ never knowing how she's going to interpret something and then share it with others. Some of the things she's told our kids have been just horrible. person B: What do you say to your kids to deal with it?
person A: My wife is at the hospital getting checked right now. I think we might be getting good news about a new addition to the family. person B: Thats awesome_comma_ congratulations for sure person A: Thank you so much. I can't wait to get the good news from her. person B: I am sure you are both going to be happy
person A: My brother got suspended for something he did not do in high school by a very vindictive teacher. person B: Wow. What a mature teacher. person A: Yeah she eventually was fired a year later_comma_ but it still makes me angry to think about it person B: Was the fire related to the incident or did she get in trouble for something else?
person A: Just came back from a job interview. Seem to hit it off with the interviewer. person B: That is great! Have you been looking for a job for long? person A: Yep. About half a year. person B: I bet it is a good feeling and are looking forward to hearing from them.
person A: My dogs passed away 2 years ago. My family adopted me one this past weekend on my birthday. person B: Sorry to hear about your other ones...What breed is the new one person A: Thank you. She's a jack russel and very spunky! person B: Haha nice never a dull moment I bet
person A: I took the last cream soda from a pack that belonged to my buddy from the fridge when I was drunk. Didn't think it was a big deal until he told me he drove 5 hours just to get them and they were expensive. I felt kind of bad so I bought him a happy meal person B: Was he okay with the happy meal? person A: Yes person B: That's good to hear!
person A: I haven't heard from my friend in 3 days. His family doesn't know where he is.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:362_conv:724,2,afraid,I haven't heard from my friend in 3 days. His family doesn't know where he is.,123,Oh_comma_ no! I;m sorry to hear that. Is this normal for your friend.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:362_conv:724,3,afraid,I haven't heard from my friend in 3 days. His family doesn't know where he is.,1,No_comma_ not at all.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:362_conv:724,4,afraid,I haven't heard from my friend in 3 days. His family doesn't know where he is.,123,I hope that you hear from him soon! ,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:362_conv:725,1,sad,When my boyfriend and I broke up.,123,My boyfriend and I broke up,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:362_conv:725,2,sad,When my boyfriend and I broke up.,1,Oh no. I'm so sorry to hear that.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:362_conv:725,3,sad,When my boyfriend and I broke up.,123,It's okay_comma_ it was time for us to move on.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:362_conv:725,4,sad,When my boyfriend and I broke up.,1,You sound really mature about it. Can't say that about a lot of people.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:362_conv:725,5,sad,When my boyfriend and I broke up.,123,Thank you_comma_ It hasn't always been easy!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:363_conv:726,1,faithful,I've been studying really for my license exam.,1,I've been studying really for my license exam.,5|5|5_5|4|5, hit:363_conv:726,2,faithful,I've been studying really for my license exam.,126,I am sure you will do well_comma_ it isnt too hard,5|5|5_5|4|5, hit:363_conv:726,3,faithful,I've been studying really for my license exam.,1,Thank you so much!,5|5|5_5|4|5, hit:363_conv:726,4,faithful,I've been studying really for my license exam.,126,No problem_comma_ it will be worth it in the end,5|5|5_5|4|5, hit:363_conv:727,1,guilty,I missed a friends wedding because I was hungover and I just felt bad about missing it for dumb reasons.,126,I missed my friends wedding because I was hungover_comma_ it was stupid and I still feel bad about it.,5|4|5_5|5|5, hit:363_conv:727,2,guilty,I missed a friends wedding because I was hungover and I just felt bad about missing it for dumb reasons.,1,People make stupid mistakes. How long ago was this?,5|4|5_5|5|5, hit:363_conv:727,3,guilty,I missed a friends wedding because I was hungover and I just felt bad about missing it for dumb reasons.,126,10 years or so_comma_ its still a sore subject for them,5|4|5_5|5|5, hit:363_conv:727,4,guilty,I missed a friends wedding because I was hungover and I just felt bad about missing it for dumb reasons.,1,Oh wow. 10 years is a long time to hold onto something.,5|4|5_5|5|5, hit:364_conv:728,1,surprised,My neighbor's home burned down. There was an outpour of support from the community.,1,My neighbor's home burned down. There was an outpour of support from the community.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:364_conv:728,2,surprised,My neighbor's home burned down. There was an outpour of support from the community.,128,That's good to hear_comma_ it's inspiring to see humans support each other in times of need I think.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:364_conv:728,3,surprised,My neighbor's home burned down. There was an outpour of support from the community.,1,Defintely. They cried_comma_ because they weren't expecting the support.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:364_conv:728,4,surprised,My neighbor's home burned down. There was an outpour of support from the community.,128,Wow they sound like nice people to me_comma_ I hope their insurance is in order so they can be comfortable again soon.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:364_conv:729,1,grateful,A while ago_comma_ a local restaurant had a sale for a meal. My car was not working so I would not have been able to take advantage of this sale but a friend of mine randomly stopped by my house during the sale window. I asked if he wouldn't mind taking me and he agreed.,128,There was recently a sale at one of my favorite local restaurants. I have no working vehicle so I couldn't go but a friend came and took me to catch the sale.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:364_conv:729,2,grateful,A while ago_comma_ a local restaurant had a sale for a meal. My car was not working so I would not have been able to take advantage of this sale but a friend of mine randomly stopped by my house during the sale window. I asked if he wouldn't mind taking me and he agreed.,1,That's a good friend. Did you have a good time?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:364_conv:729,3,grateful,A while ago_comma_ a local restaurant had a sale for a meal. My car was not working so I would not have been able to take advantage of this sale but a friend of mine randomly stopped by my house during the sale window. I asked if he wouldn't mind taking me and he agreed.,128,Yea it was very enjoyable for me because the place rarely has sales. I was also very thankful to my friend because I didn't expect to go.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:364_conv:729,4,grateful,A while ago_comma_ a local restaurant had a sale for a meal. My car was not working so I would not have been able to take advantage of this sale but a friend of mine randomly stopped by my house during the sale window. I asked if he wouldn't mind taking me and he agreed.,1,I'm glad you had a great time. How long have you guys been friends?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:364_conv:729,5,grateful,A while ago_comma_ a local restaurant had a sale for a meal. My car was not working so I would not have been able to take advantage of this sale but a friend of mine randomly stopped by my house during the sale window. I asked if he wouldn't mind taking me and he agreed.,128,Over 10 years_comma_ I've known him since lower grade levels in school.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:365_conv:730,1,joyful,Can't wait for the local band competition this weekend.,1,Can't wait for the local band competition this weekend.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:365_conv:730,2,joyful,Can't wait for the local band competition this weekend.,129,Cool_comma_ want kind of music will the competition have?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:365_conv:730,3,joyful,Can't wait for the local band competition this weekend.,1,All kinds! I love getting to hear some new bands.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:365_conv:730,4,joyful,Can't wait for the local band competition this weekend.,129,That sounds like fun. I like all kinds of music too. What is your favorite?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:365_conv:731,1,caring,A friend cannot send their kids to college because both the parents were recently laid off from work. I feel for them because my son will be starting school in a few months and would hard for me to take.,129,I feel for a friend because he got laid off and now cannot send their daughter to college next month,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:365_conv:731,2,caring,A friend cannot send their kids to college because both the parents were recently laid off from work. I feel for them because my son will be starting school in a few months and would hard for me to take.,1,Oh no. I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope things get better for him soon.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:365_conv:731,3,caring,A friend cannot send their kids to college because both the parents were recently laid off from work. I feel for them because my son will be starting school in a few months and would hard for me to take.,129,Thanks. I feel for him because my son is starting college too and would feel terrible if I was in his situation,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:365_conv:731,4,caring,A friend cannot send their kids to college because both the parents were recently laid off from work. I feel for them because my son will be starting school in a few months and would hard for me to take.,1,Kids grow up so fast. Will your son be going to college locally or away?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:365_conv:731,5,caring,A friend cannot send their kids to college because both the parents were recently laid off from work. I feel for them because my son will be starting school in a few months and would hard for me to take.,129,Yes_comma_ they do. He will be about 200 miles away so not too far away. He is very excited.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:366_conv:732,1,content,Finally got a raise after busting my butt off for 5 years.,1,Finally got a raise after busting my butt off for 5 years.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:366_conv:732,2,content,Finally got a raise after busting my butt off for 5 years.,91,Did you ask why it took so long to get a raise?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:366_conv:732,3,content,Finally got a raise after busting my butt off for 5 years.,1,No. I would be afraid to.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:366_conv:732,4,content,Finally got a raise after busting my butt off for 5 years.,91,Oh wow_comma_ you shouldn't have to be afraid but it is good you finally got that raise!,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:366_conv:733,1,guilty,One time I had studied really hard for a test. I went to class and although I knew I would make a good grade there was another classmate that did not study and knew she would fail. I let her copy my answers and she passed.,91,I let a friend copy my answers for a test she did not study for and she made an A.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:366_conv:733,2,guilty,One time I had studied really hard for a test. I went to class and although I knew I would make a good grade there was another classmate that did not study and knew she would fail. I let her copy my answers and she passed.,1,How did that make you feel?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:366_conv:733,3,guilty,One time I had studied really hard for a test. I went to class and although I knew I would make a good grade there was another classmate that did not study and knew she would fail. I let her copy my answers and she passed.,91,It still bothers me to this day.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:366_conv:733,4,guilty,One time I had studied really hard for a test. I went to class and although I knew I would make a good grade there was another classmate that did not study and knew she would fail. I let her copy my answers and she passed.,1,Oh no. Do you think about breaking off the friendship?,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:367_conv:734,1,angry,My oldest daughter had a hard time in school. She struggled with friends that were not true friends.,56,My oldest daughter had a hard time with other kids in school.,5|5|5_5|4|4, hit:367_conv:734,2,angry,My oldest daughter had a hard time in school. She struggled with friends that were not true friends.,126,I am sorry_comma_ kids can be mean,5|5|5_5|4|4, hit:367_conv:734,3,angry,My oldest daughter had a hard time in school. She struggled with friends that were not true friends.,56,Yes_comma_ they can. But I blame the parents also_comma_ these kids bullied her to the point that I had to have her removed from that class - the principles wouldn't even do anything.,5|5|5_5|4|4, hit:367_conv:734,4,angry,My oldest daughter had a hard time in school. She struggled with friends that were not true friends.,126,Some people do not need to be in charge when it comes to school_comma_ they are truly worthless sometimes,5|5|5_5|4|4, hit:367_conv:735,1,nostalgic,I get nostalgic when I think back to a birthday in my teens when all of my friends and I went to a comedy movie and all had fun.,126,I get a good feeling when I think back to a birthday I had when I was a kid and all of my friends and I got to see a really funny movie at the mall.,5|4|4_5|5|5, hit:367_conv:735,2,nostalgic,I get nostalgic when I think back to a birthday in my teens when all of my friends and I went to a comedy movie and all had fun.,56,Awww! What movie did you go to see?,5|4|4_5|5|5, hit:367_conv:735,3,nostalgic,I get nostalgic when I think back to a birthday in my teens when all of my friends and I went to a comedy movie and all had fun.,126,Ace ventura_comma_ it was awhile back obviously,5|4|4_5|5|5, hit:367_conv:735,4,nostalgic,I get nostalgic when I think back to a birthday in my teens when all of my friends and I went to a comedy movie and all had fun.,56,I love Jim Carrey! I bet ya'll had a great time.,5|4|4_5|5|5, hit:367_conv:735,5,nostalgic,I get nostalgic when I think back to a birthday in my teens when all of my friends and I went to a comedy movie and all had fun.,126,We really did,5|4|4_5|5|5, hit:368_conv:736,1,embarrassed,I spilled milk on my pants in the school cafe.,46,So i was at school and ruined my pants with milk,4|5|4_3|3|5, hit:368_conv:736,2,embarrassed,I spilled milk on my pants in the school cafe.,119,Oh that sucks. Did anyone see it,4|5|4_3|3|5, hit:368_conv:736,3,embarrassed,I spilled milk on my pants in the school cafe.,46,I think everyone did but I ran to the bathroom real quick to hide it.,4|5|4_3|3|5, hit:368_conv:736,4,embarrassed,I spilled milk on my pants in the school cafe.,119,Nice. Hate when that happens,4|5|4_3|3|5, hit:368_conv:736,5,embarrassed,I spilled milk on my pants in the school cafe.,46,Yeah same but im over it now,4|5|4_3|3|5, hit:368_conv:737,1,terrified,When I was 12 I watched the Sixth Sense. I didn't know it was going to be a scary movie but I finished watching it. I enjoyed it except for the fact I had to sleep with the lights on because I when I closed my eyes I would see the poisoned girl staring at me angrily with vomit running down her mouth_comma_ with the abused lady behind her yelling...YOU CAN'T HURT ME ANYMORE NEDDY!!!"
person A: WOW that is super scary! are you ok? person B: No I just soiled my pantssss omg person A: Sometimes i keep a extra pir of underwear in my car for this occasion.
person A: Job interviews are hard for me because I get so nervous beforehand. person B: Me too_comma_ I haven't really found a good strategy to avoid the nervousness to be honest. person A: Right! It is everything leading up to it that is the worst. The interview itself is never so bad. person B: Yeah the more you think about it the more you let your expectations and imaginations put fear into you_comma_ guess we have to avoid doing that somehow. person A: Yes. Maybe I need to find a way to distract myself.
person A: My mother was saving a piece of cake for my dad and I accidentally ate it. person B: Oh man_comma_ I accidentally eat cake all the time! It is too hard to resist. What did your mom do? person A: Well she got a bit mad at first_comma_ but I told her I'd buy him something in return and it all worked out. person B: That is not too bad. What kind of cake was it?
person A: I was told to come back the next day after waiting over an hour in line to get my drivers license renewed. person B: Wow. The DMV is just dreadful to go to because of stuff like that. person A: Yes_comma_ it is. Would have been a lot easier if I could have done it online. person B: Yea_comma_ it would be! How faw is your DMV?
person A: I recently got a $1_comma_000 scholarship that I even forgot I applied for last year. person B: Wow_comma_ that is awesome! Bet you were shocked and happy at the same time! person A: I was! It really came at the right time. person B: I bet! Especially with the cost of college these days!
person A: My first dog_comma_ Tank_comma_ I got as a pitbull. He was with us 5 years. I loved that dog sooo much. After a family emergency came up we had to move. We couldn't take Tank so I had to let him go. person B: Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. Was he adopted? person A: I got him as a puppy at 7 weeks old. A man that owned a farm offered to take him. As I drove off I looked in my rear view and saw him chasing the car. I cried like a baby all the way down that driveway. person B: Oh no. Poor guy. I hope he'll be happy with the man. person A: I hope so too... He was so protective over me. I miss him very much. lol He made me go from a cat lover to a dog lover.
person A: Just went by the lake. Made me think of a friend I used to play with a lot when we were little. person B: Oh nice did you have fun? What lake? person A: It's a lake near my grandparent's home in TN. I had a lot of fun! person B: What did you guys do there today? Go swimming or fishing?
person A: I had to get my license renewed and I had to wait over an hour at the DMV. person B: The DMV really should be better by now. Did you get a chance to do anything during the wait? person A: I actually did not. I didn't get to charge my phone the night before_comma_ so while I was waiting_comma_ it died. person B: Wow. Just one inconveniece after another. It's no wonder people dread having to deal with the DMV.
person A: Just heard back from my boss about a promotion. He says it sounds good that I would get it. person B: Awesome! It seems like you really worked hard_comma_ what type of work do you do? person A: I work in marketing. It's kinda cut throat sometimes. person B: Oh_comma_ yeah. I couldn't do that type of work. It is too stressful for me.
person A: I'm going to be really upset if I get passed over for another promotion. I've paid my dues. person B: That is so hard_comma_ to feel like you've been looked over. Have you been able to have conversations with leadership as to why that might be the case? person A: Yeah_comma_ but nothing seems to change. After you talk to them things go back to normal and other people get rewarded. person B: Does that make you curious to look elsewhere? It sounds like it's maybe not the best place?
person A: I recently had an existential crisis. It was awful person B: Oh no. What happened? person A: I watched the new Avengers movie and a lot of people die. And I realized we're all going to die and there's no way to know what that's like. And then I felt sick for a couple days and couldn't stop thinking about it person B: Wow. It had that much of an effect on you? That it made you consider your own mortality? person A: Yea. I don't know why_comma_ it was the dumbest thing. I was really upset. person B: Well it's good to remember your mortality_comma_ even if you have to ignore it to continue normal life.
person A: My daughters little dog passed away about 4 months ago_comma_ it really shook all of us. person B: i am so sorry for you. I know what a crushing experience the passing of a beloved pet can be. You must be very sad. person A: Yes_comma_ she was only 6 years old. She had an autoimmune disease and it started attacking her red blood cells - there was not much we could do. person B: That is awful. An unexpected illness cam really strike like a dagger in the heart.
person A: I met a girl_comma_ and took her on a date to a concert person B: What concert? Did you like her enough to go on a 2nd date? person A: No_comma_ unfortunately. As we were walking on the sidewalk_comma_ we were approached by a couple of dirty_comma_ tough looking guys. person B: Well_comma_ that sounds a bit scary! What happened? person A: I croosed in front of her and put myself between her and the two guys.
person A: I miss my father. person B: Did he pass away or not live close to you? person A: He died 5 years ago.He left a whole on me. person B: I'm so sorry_comma_ it's hard when anyone close passes on_comma_ but I think parents are one of the hardest.
person A: I've been at home homeschooling my girls for many years_comma_ but that time is coming to an end very quickly. person B: Why did you decide to change their education? person A: My youngest was in a ballet company and public school just did not work for her. My oldest stayed in public school for awhile and then made the decision to come home in 8th grade. It's been a good decision for us_comma_ but it's really time for me to get back into the work force. person B: that is an important steep you are taking in your life.
person A: I am not going to return to work after my maternity leave. person B: How come? person A: I have decided to stay home with my daughter. person B: That's a tough decision to make_comma_ but children do need someone at that young an age.
person A: My friend just told me she likes me as more than a friend. person B: How do you feel about that? person A: I don't know. We've been friends for so long. person B: That is a tough situation. You don't want to mess up a great friendship and you also don't want to hurt her feelings either if you don't feel the same.
person A: I am so jealous of my friend Eric person B: Why are you jealous of Eric? person A: He just started dating the most amazing woman i have ever seem. I want her. person B: I'm sorry to hear that_comma_ I know what it's like to have your love stolen from you. person A: No.He did no steal her form me. I only met her after he started dating her. person B: If that's the case then you have a chance to find a better woman!
person A: My boyfriend always does thing thing that gets me so jealous. person B: Maybe he has no respect for you. person A: It's not that! The thing he does is sometimes_comma_ he'll go get food without me and it's usually the last good thing to eat! person B: Have you try talk to him about those issues.If he likes you he should work on the relationship. person A: I have but sometimes he forgets. He tends to be a scatterbrain-boy.
person A: I got the promotion letter when I least expected it person B: Awesome! What type of promotion? Did you get a raise too? person A: I WS promoted to the sales manager person B: Congrats for what store or company? Did you get a raise too? person A: In an insurance company with a good pay check
person A: When I was a young girl_comma_ and mother of a two year old_comma_ my own mom passed away. This was a very sad time for me as I'm an only child and my father wasn't around either. person B: Uhmmnnn_comma_that could have been really emotional for you person A: Oh yea it was. It still bothers me. Nobody should go through that by themselves. person B: I understand_comma_ I've been there too_comma_hope your getting through?
person A: Being a bit teary-eyed tonight realizing how grown my children are. person B: I understand that all too well person A: In no time at all_comma_ they will be out of our house completely. I guess I'll have to get a dog_comma_ I'll be one of those ladies that has a dog stroller and takes the dog to grocery shop! person B: My oldest only has 3 years to go and I already have dogs! I guess I'll need more
person A: The mummies at my local art museum are amazing! One that I saw was from the Roman Era. person B: Wow that really old but not too old for mummies considering. person A: Right. I had no idea their usage stretched such a long time period. person B: Haha yea seems like it would be really cool to see in person. person A: Their display were pretty neat.
person A: One time I ate the rest of my friends leftover food after going out and thought he didn't want it. person B: What did your friend say? person A: He was quite mad and upset_comma_ I felt horrible afterwards but he forgave me. person B: Did you buy him more food? person A: Yes I wanted to help both of us since i felt bad and so did he. person B: That's good. It sounds like a happy ending.
person A: When a storm came through my town a few springs ago_comma_ I felt prepared. I knew when to leave and where to go. person B: That must have been very frightening. Did you have somewhere safe that you went to> person A: I just drove to the town over with my animals_comma_ that town did not get a drop of rain. person B: What are the chances of that?! How strange_comma_ but lucky for you. person A: thank you_comma_ i was lucky
person A: I am so exited about Sunday. person B: What is happening on Sunday? person A: The world cup finals_comma_ the most important event in the planet. person B: Who are you pulling for? person A: I want Croatia to win because they are the underdogs. person B: It's always good to see an underdog win!
person A: I can't wait for next february person B: What is happening in February? person A: I'm going to Disney World with my family for the first time! person B: Good for you.You are going to have the time of your life. person A: I can't wait_comma_ everyone says it is the most magical place on Earth!
person A: Dealing with the passing of my mother-in-law was hard. My wife really struggled_comma_ I hope I did enough for her. person B: I'm really sorry to hear that. When did she pass away? person A: Thank you. It was just a couple of weeks ago. Still hurting here. person B: I'm sure with time the pain will pass. Try to stay positive!
person A: During the day today_comma_ I was in an Uber when it crashed. I'm just thankful no one was hurt! person B: Oh my! That is so scary. Thank goodness you are ok. Was it the Uber driver's fault? person A: It was both drivers faults. They should have both paid attention. It could have been worse though. person B: Absolutely. Knock on wood_comma_ I've still never been in a car crash. Make sure you go to the doctor if you have any pain over the next couple of days.
person A: I really really love the snow_comma_ but we never get it. Well a few years ago_comma_ my wish was granted! person B: Where do you live? I live in Missouri and the snows can be brutal. We had a couple days at 0F this year. I hate it person A: Georgia - it snowed alright_comma_ and no one expected it to stick - well_comma_ it did and so many people were stranded. My husband went to pick up our daughter from school and it took him 6 hours to get there and back. The school is 5 miles from our house. person B: I heard about that on the news_comma_ how it was rare to see that. I LOVE Georgia. My favorite place to visit is Savannah. I will gladly trade spots with you.
person A: How was work for you today? It was long for me. I got blamed for a report that had bad figures in it. But I didn't provide those figures or type the report! person B: My day was pretty good. I got to work from home and pack for my trip this weekend. person A: That sounds fun. Where are you going? person B: I am going to Cali to see all of the national parks. person A: Nice! Which ones will you be going to? I've been to Yosemite and Sequoia. Both are awesome. person B: I plan to go to both of those parks plus Lake Tahoe and Las Vegas. I have never been to Vegas.
person A: I was so happy when my parents got me a dog for Christmas! person B: that's pretty cool. what breed? person A: It was a chocolate lab. I didn't care what kind of dog I got. I had always wanted one! person B: Well you picked a great one :) Love labs. My friend's got a big one he just attacks me with love everytime I see him
person A: I can't believe my friend ruined Sons of Anarchy for me...I was only on season 2 and she told me about how they all die at the end I was sad and horrified person B: That really sucks. I hate it when people spoil shows! person A: Yeah tell me about...never gonna watch Netflix with her again haha person B: Sometimes you just got to binge on your own_comma_ lol!
person A: I was very sick one day and we had to go to the local ER. person B: Oh no.. that sounds awful. What happened next? person A: Well_comma_ they are pretty inept at this local ER. I was so nauseous and all I remember is the nurses talking about their divorces and no one doing anything to help me. Even the dr. acted like I was a bother. person B: That is ridiculous. No one should treat you like that when you're seeking medical help.
person A: I was really scared when a tornado came down a few hundred feet from my house. person B: Oh that is scary_comma_ that happened to us a couple months ago! person A: Yeah_comma_ there is really nothing you can do about it I guess. person B: I suppose find the safest spot to bunker down_comma_ it's hard not to panic though person A: Yeah_comma_ we had something similar
person A: I really like that I can be with my daughter during the day and not worry about her under someone else care. person B: I completely understand. I stay home with my four kids and wouldn't have it any other way. person A: It great and I don't have to worry about the house chores being done since I am the one who does it all. person B: Yeah_comma_ I do them all here too_comma_ they are never ending. person A: yes! I hear you house work is my life. Being a mom is amazing though! person B: Yes it is :)
person A: A couple years back a stranger tried to take my phone. person B: Interesting! Did you apprehend him? person A: No I just secured my phone and walked off_comma_ I was supper annoyed. person B: I could imagine the experience. That was a wise thing you did!
person A: Guest what? It was a Ferrari...!!! person B: I cant actually see what you put in the prompt_comma_ but man thats crazy if it was a ferrari. person A: I said guess what! A custom made Ferrari with luxurious taste person B: I love Ferraris_comma_ they are so expensive though_comma_ one day I hope to own one.
person A: Every year I'm so excited about Christmas and have all these plans. person B: Me too_comma_ how does Christmas in July work? person A: I've seen that also_comma_ but I'm not sure. I'm just talking regular Christmas in December LOL! But it always seems that time slips away from me and all the traditions I want to do with my kids don't get completed. person B: Maybe keep it simple_comma_ and do different things each year. Last year we went on vacation.
person A: I got lucky and passed my course this semester person B: Awesome! What are you studying? person A: Computer Science. There was a 3 point curve on the final that really helped me out this time. person B: Curves are always a good thing! I was always thankful for them.
person A: I can't wait for February person B: Oh yeah? What's so special about it? person A: I am going on my first cruise with my family. person B: Wow! That sounds like such a fun time person A: I can't wait! It is going to be a great time.
person A: My sister in law should have never had children. Yet she was able to get pregnant right away. person B: Never had children as in infertile or a bad person? person A: No_comma_ she just doesn't care for them. They are an accessory to her. It took us 4 years to get pg. and my children are well taken care of person B: Thats terrible_comma_ I hope they grow up fine_comma_ would be horrid if they didnt.
person A: I tripped the other day on a stair becuase one was slightly higher than the others. person B: Oh no_comma_ are you ok? person A: Yea im fine but it was quite an embarrasing and frustrating situation. person B: I can imagine_comma_ perhaps it's a good way to get someone to fix the steps?
person A: I was in a bad spot when my mom passed away randomly a few years ago person B: I am sorry to hear about that. What happened? person A: She just passed away in her sleep. She was not in the best health. person B: I hope you have been able to cope. Death is a very hard thing to overcome. person A: Thank you_comma_ its better now than it was.
person A: Last week I was so upset when my dog jumped up on the table and started eating my child's birthday cake! I really yelled at the mutt! person B: Oh no_comma_ I hope your kid wasn't too upset. Maybe need to lock the dog in another room when food is out. person A: I can't blame him for making a move like that. I thought he was outside at the moment. Well_comma_ we were able to salvage enough for the party! person B: Well that's good they yall still had cake. I'm sure you will laugh about this in the future.
person A: My husband and I finally found the camper of our dreams after about a year of wanting one and we finally have our first camping trip planned! person B: Oh thats sounds fun! How much did it cost you? person A: Not near as much as we thought because we got an awesome deal! person B: Thats great. Will you be camping in the mountains or a foresty place?
person A: When I got accepted to my university of choice_comma_ my family and I took a trip there. It was a fun experience person B: I bet that was really exciting! person A: Yes it was. I was ecstatic to go on a plane. person B: Oh wow that does sound exciting! Are you still at this university?
person A: Man_comma_ last week I almost got into a crash because someone almost hit me. person B: That is terrifying! Let me guess_comma_ they were on their phone? person A: Yep and they ran a redlight_comma_ I was super ticked off_comma_ was on my way to work. person B: I would have been mad_comma_ too. People on their phones drive like drunk drivers. So dangerous.
person A: It is hard to express how I felt when my kids were born. It was as if my heart grew 3 sizes that day! person B: I can imagine it was a great experience_comma_ not sure if I will ever have kids. person A: It's not for everyone. I really respect people that give real thought to the decision. It is a life-changing commitment. person B: Defintely and im happy you went through with it after what I would assume was a long decision.
person A: We made the decision to homeschool our girls years ago. person B: Why did you make that choice? person A: One of them is in a ballet company and regular school hours were hard to do and if we allowed it for one_comma_ we needed to allow it for the other. I've graduated one and the other is close behind_comma_ but I still feel nervous about all of it. person B: Iv'e never heard of ballet school being so intensive. Is it something she's considering as a career?
person A: The street I was on had the buildings right next to the sidewalk and the cat has fallen out of it's window. person B: Oh no_comma_ your cat fell out of the window? Is it ok? person A: It wasn't mine. I had no idea who's it was. It wasn't hurt though_comma_ it sprinted away as soon as it landed. person B: I guess what they say is true - cats do have nine lives.
person A: The night WS the longest to me back then_comma_eager to know my score! person B: Did you think you did well? person A: Sure_comma_I put in my best ! I was positive! person B: That's awesome! It can be nerve racking
person A: A friend lied to me about why he did not come to my moms funeral. It was stupid at the time but I am still upset about it. person B: He should be there for you. person A: I know_comma_ and he still isnt there for me to this day person B: The best thing you can do is get ride of him. person A: I think I did.
person A: Trump embarrass me a lot. person B: He is not for everyone person A: He is a clown that got elected president. person B: There have been a lot of those in politics.
person A: I have a difficult falling asleep before a job interview person B: Do you get to anxious about it? person A: Yes_comma_ that happens because I am so nervous about being in a new environment. person B: You should look for a therapy that will help you with this issue.
person A: I am very happy lately. person B: What are you feeling happy about? person A: I get to see my kids next weekend. person B: That's great. I'm sure you will enjoy being with them
person A: I am faithful to my wife_comma_ but it's thought. person B: Cheating on her? I am in a relationship and not married_comma_ and I have the thought too person A: My problem is a co-worker of mine.She is gorgeous and very flirting. person B: I understand that. I live by a college. All the insanely cute girls are always around at every shop_comma_ restaraunt_comma_ and bar.
person A: I feel terrible about not listening to my child's complaints about being picked on. What was I thinking? person B: Sorry to hear that. How old is he / she person A: He is 13 and now he doesn't want to go to school any more. Bullying is such a terrible thing. I now listen to everything he tells me. person B: Yes though it's something everyone goes through...especially if he's going to be a man..I used to be the nerdy fat Asian kid who got picked on til I sucker punched the bully as hard as I could...and never got picked on again
person A: I never knew what to expect at these bachelorette a male stripper I always expected some lonely old cat ladies looking for company...but almost every single time they turned out to be gorgeous chicks in their 20s person B: Wow_comma_ that is quite lucky for you! I bet you made some good tips as well! person A: Yes it was all tips times :) person B: What let you on your career path to be a male stripper? Did you have a role model?
person A: I will never forget the day I became a father. It was such an amazing experience. person B: I can imagine because becoming a mother was the best time in my life! person A: You can relate! When I first heard my daughter's cry my heart instantly melted. She is almost 10 now but she will always be daddy's little girl! person B: Aww_comma_ I feel like that with my kids! They're always going to be my babies
person A: Turns out it was a deer who got stuck in the bushes. person B: how on earth did it get stuck? person A: Haven't the slightest clue. It was a baby so maybe it was following it's mother through and didn't have the force needed to get out. person B: Poor thing_comma_ did it need ot be helped?
person A: So my parents bought a new puppy for my younger brother. He had no idea it was coming and was so happy and excited! person B: That is so sweet! Did he end up crying when he saw the puppy? person A: I think he nearly did! It was so sweet. Do you have any pets? person B: I have a cat. Her name is Venus. I rescued her from outside after she was attacked by a dog. person A: Oh_comma_ how scary. I love that name though. Very unique! person B: Thank you! I am drawn to the stars and sky_comma_ and for some reason it just seemed so fitting. What was the puppy's name? person A: His name is Louie. I thought it was pretty cute person B: That's an adorable name. Did your brother name him?
person A: I had a motor accident_comma_ they were really helpful indeed person B: oh my! I graduate this year in a short few months. I worked really hard. person A: You graduate this year? Congrats person B: I sure did. Thanks I worked extremely hard!
person A: I am very confident on the French Team. person B: Are you referring to the 2018 Games in Asia? person A: No_comma_ the soccer world cup finals next Sunday. person B: Oh_comma_ so you're a soccer fan? I don't really watch sports.
person A: A bad storm was coming in just as I was leaving for the airport so I brought extra snacks in case I got delayed. person B: Oh that's good you prepared but that's terrible timing! person A: Yea_comma_ it wasn't as bad as it could have been though. The delay was only about half an hour. person B: It's good it ended up not being too bad_comma_ storms can be very unpredictable
person A: Gosh it is already 11:30pm and my kids are still awake! person B: That's the worst!. Mine was up extra late tonight too. person A: It stays bright so late nowadays that it's impossible to get them to go to bed. person B: I know. We just read a bedtime story where the mom paints a night scene on the child's blind to make her feel better.
person A: My sister and I lived close to each other then I moved an hour away. person B: I hear you! I was college roommates with my sister and now we live hours apart. person A: It's hard. We have kids that are the same age too. But we maker it work person B: That is so awesome to hear. Thanks to cars and everything an hour is nothing nowadays. Especially when you can put portable DVD players in there for the kids! person A: No joke! So many conveniences.
person A: I am an ESL teacher and one of my 3 year old students came to school singing an entire song all about the planets. It was so cute! person B: Awe_comma_ I bet you felt so proud and happy for them. person A: Yeah_comma_ it was a really special moment for me. Little kids that age are so cute! person B: I know_comma_ they can be amazing when they are learning and exploring the world... however_comma_ I still don't think having a different colored cup than the one they wanted warrants the response they tend to give. ( I have a 2 year old and a 3 year old son) person A: Haha_comma_ I know that argument well. I teach some preschool/pre-k kids and they can definitely be a handful! person B: I agree. I am still trying to figure out why they fight so much over Blippi and Peppa pig! They are both horrible_comma_ just pick one and get it over with. I will be miserable through both_comma_ lol
person A: My girlfriend decided to jump out and scare me one day. I was so mad and embarrassed that I flinched. person B: Did she jumped really high or something? person A: Not high_comma_ but towards me. She popped up from her hiding spot. person B: tTHAT SOUNDS LIKE A LOT OF FUN
person A: My wife left me and i am so lonely. person B: Oh I am sorry to hear that. Are you doing okay? person A: No.I am very depressed and suicidal. person B: I am worried about you. I hope that you will have someone to talk to.