1 value
import relations_sql class CLAUSE(relations_sql.CRITERIA): """ Base class for clauses """ KWARG = None KWARGS = None DELIMITTER = "," PARENTHESES = False NAME = None query = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.expressions = [] self(*args, **kwargs) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Shorthand for add """ return self.add(*args, **kwargs) def add(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add expressiona """ if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], dict) and not kwargs: kwargs = args[0] args = [] super().add(*args) for key in sorted(kwargs.keys()): if self.KWARG is None or isinstance(kwargs[key], relations_sql.SQL): expression = kwargs[key] else: expression = self.KWARG(kwargs[key]) self.expressions.append(self.KWARGS(key, expression)) return self.query or self def bind(self, query): """ Bind this statment to this clause for adding """ self.query = query return self def generate(self, indent=0, count=0, pad=" ", **kwargs): """ Concats the values """ super().generate(indent=indent, count=count, pad=pad, **kwargs) if self.sql: one = pad * indent current = pad * (count * indent) next = current + one line = "\n" if indent else ' ' self.sql = f"{self.NAME}{line}{next}{self.sql}" if self.NAME else f"{one}{self.sql}" class ARGS(CLAUSE): """ Clauses that never have keyword arguments """ def __call__(self, *args): """ Shorthand for add """ return super().add(*args) class OPTIONS(ARGS): """ Beginning of a SELECT query """ ARGS = relations_sql.SQL DELIMITTER = ' ' class FIELDS(CLAUSE): """ FIELDS part of SELECT query """ ARGS = relations_sql.COLUMN_NAME KWARG = relations_sql.COLUMN_NAME KWARGS = relations_sql.AS class FROM(CLAUSE): """ Clause for FROM """ NAME = "FROM" ARGS = relations_sql.TABLE_NAME KWARG = relations_sql.TABLE_NAME KWARGS = relations_sql.AS class WHERE(CLAUSE): """ Clause for WHERE """ NAME = "WHERE" ARGS = relations_sql.VALUE KWARGS = relations_sql.OP DELIMITTER = " AND " class GROUP_BY(ARGS): """ Clasuse for GROUP BY """ NAME = "GROUP BY" ARGS = relations_sql.COLUMN_NAME class HAVING(CLAUSE): """ Clause for HAVING """ NAME = "HAVING" ARGS = relations_sql.VALUE KWARGS = relations_sql.OP DELIMITTER = " AND " class ORDER_BY(CLAUSE): """ Clause for the bORDER """ NAME = "ORDER BY" ARGS = relations_sql.ORDER KWARGS = relations_sql.ORDER class LIMIT(CLAUSE): """ Base class for clauses """ NAME = "LIMIT" ARGS = relations_sql.VALUE DELIMITTER = " OFFSET " def add(self, *args, total=None, offset=None): """ Add total and offset """ if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], dict) and total is None and offset is None: total = args[0].get("total") offset = args[0].get("offset") else: if len(args) > 2 - len(self.expressions): raise relations_sql.SQLError(self, "cannot add when LIMIT set") args = list(args) if args and len(self.expressions) == 0 and total is None: total = args.pop(0) if args and offset is None: offset = args.pop(0) if total is not None and not isinstance(total, int): raise relations_sql.SQLError(self, "LIMIT total must be int") if offset is not None and not isinstance(offset, int): raise relations_sql.SQLError(self, "LIMIT offset must be int") if total is not None: self.expressions.append(self.ARGS(total)) if offset is not None: self.expressions.append(self.ARGS(offset)) return self.query or self def generate(self, indent=0, count=0, pad=" ", **kwargs): """ Concats the values """ super().generate(**kwargs) class SET(CLAUSE): """ relations_sql.CRITERIA for SET """ NAME = "SET" KWARGS = relations_sql.ASSIGN class VALUES(CLAUSE): """ relations_sql.CRITERIA for VALUES """ NAME = "VALUES" ARGS = relations_sql.LIST DELIMITTER = None columns = None def column(self, columns): """ Field the columns """ if self.columns: return if self.query: if not self.query.COLUMNS: self.query.column(columns) self.columns = [ for expresion in self.query.COLUMNS.expressions] else: self.columns = columns def add(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add a row to VALUES """ if kwargs.get("COLUMNS"): self.column(kwargs.pop("COLUMNS")) if args and kwargs: raise relations_sql.SQLError(self, "add list or dict but not both") if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], dict): kwargs = args[0] args = [] if kwargs: self.column(sorted(kwargs.keys())) args = [] for column in self.columns: if column not in kwargs: raise relations_sql.SQLError(self, f"missing column {column} in {kwargs}") args.append(kwargs[column]) if args: if self.columns is not None and len(args) != len(self.columns): raise relations_sql.SQLError(self, f"wrong values {args} for columns {self.columns}") self.expressions.append(self.ARGS(args)) return self.query or self def generate(self, indent=0, count=0, pad=" ", **kwargs): """ Concats the values """ sql = [] self.args = [] count += 1 current = pad * (count * indent) next = current + (indent * pad) line = "\n" if indent else ' ' left, right = (f"(\n{next}", f"\n{current})") if indent else ('(', ')') delimitter = f"{right},{left}", sql, indent=indent, count=count+1, pad=pad, **kwargs) self.sql = f"{self.NAME}{line}{current}{left}{delimitter.join(sql)}{right}"
# Cacophony Project API Client for Python Python client for the [Cacophony REST API]( ## Installation This API client requires Python 3.6 or later. At present the library is not yet available on PyPI. To install, create a virtualenv using your preferred method then: ``` git clone cd python-api pip install . ``` If you plan on making changes to python-api, you'll want to install the test dependencies as well: ``` pip install -r .[test] ``` ## Using the package (User API) ### Client setup Open an instance of the client and use credentials directly ```python from cacophonyapi.user import UserAPI client = UserAPI(baseurl=<SERVER-URL>, username=<USER-NAME>, password=<USER-PASSWORD>) ``` Alternatively, using credentials stored in a configuration file: ```python from cacophonyapi.user import UserAPI from cacophonyapi.config import Config config=Config().load_config(config_file=os.path.join( os.getcwd(),'defaultconfig.json')) cp_client = UserAPI(config.api_url, username=config.admin_username , password=config.admin_password) ``` ## API calls By default the most recent 100 recordings accessible to the user account are queried but `UserAPI.query()` does support a number of filtering options. The API server supports arbitrary queries so feel free to extend `UserAPI.query()` if required. ## Testing #TODO: expand testing in both `` and `` Testing uses the pythony unittest framework where by both unit and integration testing is done. `test\` is tests without requiring a server `nose2 --verbosity 2 cacophonyapi.test.test_client_user_without_server` and `test\test_client_user_with_server` is full integration testing against a server. This is also part of the travis test `nose2 --verbosity 2 CacophonyClient.test.test_client_user_with_server`. This integration testing does require a local server setup see [travis.yml](travis.yml) For individual test `nose2 --verbosity 2 cacophonyapi.test.test_client_user_with_server.mockedCacophonyServer.test_query` #TODO: Docs improve PEP257 compliance for cacophonyapi UserApi etc, don't know why it is not failing `tox -e pep257`
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals import hashlib import os try: from PIL import Image as PIL_Image except ImportError: import Image as PIL_Image from ..compat import BytesIO, is_string from ..opc.package import Part from ..opc.spec import image_content_types from ..util import lazyproperty class ImagePart(Part): """ An image part, generally having a partname matching the regex ``ppt/media/image[1-9][0-9]*.*``. """ def __init__(self, partname, content_type, blob, package, filename=None): super(ImagePart, self).__init__(partname, content_type, blob, package) self._filename = filename @classmethod def load(cls, partname, content_type, blob, package): return cls(partname, content_type, blob, package) @classmethod def new(cls, package, image): """ Return a new |ImagePart| instance containing *image*, which is an |Image| object. """ partname = package.next_image_partname(image.ext) return cls(partname, image.content_type, image.blob, package, image.filename) @property def desc(self): """ The filename associated with this image, either the filename of the original image or a generic name of the form ``image.ext`` where ``ext`` is appropriate to the image file format, e.g. ``'jpg'``. An image created using a path will have that filename; one created with a file-like object will have a generic name. """ # return generic filename if original filename is unknown if self._filename is None: return "image.%s" % self.ext return self._filename @property def ext(self): """ Return file extension for this image e.g. ``'png'``. """ return self.partname.ext @property def image(self): """ An |Image| object containing the image in this image part. """ return Image(self.blob, self.desc) def scale(self, scaled_cx, scaled_cy): """ Return scaled image dimensions in EMU based on the combination of parameters supplied. If *scaled_cx* and *scaled_cy* are both |None|, the native image size is returned. If neither *scaled_cx* nor *scaled_cy* is |None|, their values are returned unchanged. If a value is provided for either *scaled_cx* or *scaled_cy* and the other is |None|, the missing value is calculated such that the image's aspect ratio is preserved. """ image_cx, image_cy = self._native_size if scaled_cx is None and scaled_cy is None: scaled_cx = image_cx scaled_cy = image_cy elif scaled_cx is None: scaling_factor = float(scaled_cy) / float(image_cy) scaled_cx = int(round(image_cx * scaling_factor)) elif scaled_cy is None: scaling_factor = float(scaled_cx) / float(image_cx) scaled_cy = int(round(image_cy * scaling_factor)) return scaled_cx, scaled_cy @lazyproperty def sha1(self): """ The SHA1 hash digest for the image binary of this image part, like: ``'1be010ea47803b00e140b852765cdf84f491da47'``. """ return hashlib.sha1(self._blob).hexdigest() @property def _dpi(self): """ A (horz_dpi, vert_dpi) 2-tuple (ints) representing the dots-per-inch property of this image. """ image = Image.from_blob(self.blob) return image.dpi @property def _native_size(self): """ A (width, height) 2-tuple representing the native dimensions of the image in EMU, calculated based on the image DPI value, if present, assuming 72 dpi as a default. """ EMU_PER_INCH = 914400 horz_dpi, vert_dpi = self._dpi width_px, height_px = self._px_size width = EMU_PER_INCH * width_px / horz_dpi height = EMU_PER_INCH * height_px / vert_dpi return width, height @property def _px_size(self): """ A (width, height) 2-tuple representing the dimensions of this image in pixels. """ image = Image.from_blob(self.blob) return image.size class Image(object): """ Immutable value object representing an image such as a JPEG, PNG, or GIF. """ def __init__(self, blob, filename): super(Image, self).__init__() self._blob = blob self._filename = filename @classmethod def from_blob(cls, blob, filename=None): """ Return a new |Image| object loaded from the image binary in *blob*. """ return cls(blob, filename) @classmethod def from_file(cls, image_file): """ Return a new |Image| object loaded from *image_file*, which can be either a path (string) or a file-like object. """ if is_string(image_file): # treat image_file as a path with open(image_file, "rb") as f: blob = filename = os.path.basename(image_file) else: # assume image_file is a file-like object # ---reposition file cursor if it has one--- if callable(getattr(image_file, "seek")): blob = filename = None return cls.from_blob(blob, filename) @property def blob(self): """ The binary image bytestream of this image. """ return self._blob @lazyproperty def content_type(self): """ MIME-type of this image, e.g. ``'image/jpeg'``. """ return image_content_types[self.ext] @lazyproperty def dpi(self): """ A (horz_dpi, vert_dpi) 2-tuple specifying the dots-per-inch resolution of this image. A default value of (72, 72) is used if the dpi is not specified in the image file. """ def int_dpi(dpi): """ Return an integer dots-per-inch value corresponding to *dpi*. If *dpi* is |None|, a non-numeric type, less than 1 or greater than 2048, 72 is returned. """ try: int_dpi = int(round(float(dpi))) if int_dpi < 1 or int_dpi > 2048: int_dpi = 72 except (TypeError, ValueError): int_dpi = 72 return int_dpi def normalize_pil_dpi(pil_dpi): """ Return a (horz_dpi, vert_dpi) 2-tuple corresponding to *pil_dpi*, the value for the 'dpi' key in the ``info`` dict of a PIL image. If the 'dpi' key is not present or contains an invalid value, ``(72, 72)`` is returned. """ if isinstance(pil_dpi, tuple): return (int_dpi(pil_dpi[0]), int_dpi(pil_dpi[1])) return (72, 72) return normalize_pil_dpi(self._pil_props[2]) @lazyproperty def ext(self): """ Canonical file extension for this image e.g. ``'png'``. The returned extension is all lowercase and is the canonical extension for the content type of this image, regardless of what extension may have been used in its filename, if any. """ ext_map = { "BMP": "bmp", "GIF": "gif", "JPEG": "jpg", "PNG": "png", "TIFF": "tiff", "WMF": "wmf", } format = self._format if format not in ext_map: tmpl = "unsupported image format, expected one of: %s, got '%s'" raise ValueError(tmpl % (ext_map.keys(), format)) return ext_map[format] @property def filename(self): """ The filename from the path from which this image was loaded, if loaded from the filesystem. |None| if no filename was used in loading, such as when loaded from an in-memory stream. """ return self._filename @lazyproperty def sha1(self): """ SHA1 hash digest of the image blob """ return hashlib.sha1(self._blob).hexdigest() @lazyproperty def size(self): """ A (width, height) 2-tuple specifying the dimensions of this image in pixels. """ return self._pil_props[1] @property def _format(self): """ The PIL Image format of this image, e.g. 'PNG'. """ return self._pil_props[0] @lazyproperty def _pil_props(self): """ A tuple containing useful image properties extracted from this image using Pillow (Python Imaging Library, or 'PIL'). """ stream = BytesIO(self._blob) pil_image = format = pil_image.format width_px, height_px = pil_image.size dpi ="dpi") stream.close() return (format, (width_px, height_px), dpi)
from __future__ import annotations from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from import Callable, Coroutine, Mapping import copy from dataclasses import dataclass import types from typing import Any, cast import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback, split_entity_id from homeassistant.data_entry_flow import FlowResult, UnknownHandler from . import entity_registry as er, selector from .typing import UNDEFINED, UndefinedType class SchemaFlowError(Exception): """Validation failed.""" @dataclass class SchemaFlowStep: """Define a config or options flow step.""" @dataclass(slots=True) class SchemaFlowFormStep(SchemaFlowStep): """Define a config or options flow form step.""" schema: vol.Schema | Callable[ [SchemaCommonFlowHandler], Coroutine[Any, Any, vol.Schema | None] ] | None = None """Optional voluptuous schema, or function which returns a schema or None, for requesting and validating user input. - If a function is specified, the function will be passed the current `SchemaCommonFlowHandler`. - If schema validation fails, the step will be retried. If the schema is None, no user input is requested. """ validate_user_input: Callable[ [SchemaCommonFlowHandler, dict[str, Any]], Coroutine[Any, Any, dict[str, Any]] ] | None = None """Optional function to validate user input. - The `validate_user_input` function is called if the schema validates successfully. - The first argument is a reference to the current `SchemaCommonFlowHandler`. - The second argument is the user input from the current step. - The `validate_user_input` should raise `SchemaFlowError` if user input is invalid. """ next_step: Callable[ [dict[str, Any]], Coroutine[Any, Any, str | None] ] | str | None = None """Optional property to identify next step. - If `next_step` is a function, it is called if the schema validates successfully or if no schema is defined. The `next_step` function is passed the union of config entry options and user input from previous steps. If the function returns None, the flow is ended with `FlowResultType.CREATE_ENTRY`. - If `next_step` is None, the flow is ended with `FlowResultType.CREATE_ENTRY`. """ suggested_values: Callable[ [SchemaCommonFlowHandler], Coroutine[Any, Any, dict[str, Any]] ] | None | UndefinedType = UNDEFINED """Optional property to populate suggested values. - If `suggested_values` is UNDEFINED, each key in the schema will get a suggested value from an option with the same key. Note: if a step is retried due to a validation failure, then the user input will have priority over the suggested values. """ @dataclass(slots=True) class SchemaFlowMenuStep(SchemaFlowStep): """Define a config or options flow menu step.""" # Menu options options: list[str] | dict[str, str] class SchemaCommonFlowHandler: """Handle a schema based config or options flow.""" def __init__( self, handler: SchemaConfigFlowHandler | SchemaOptionsFlowHandler, flow: Mapping[str, SchemaFlowStep], options: dict[str, Any] | None, ) -> None: """Initialize a common handler.""" self._flow = flow self._handler = handler self._options = options if options is not None else {} self._flow_state: dict[str, Any] = {} @property def parent_handler(self) -> SchemaConfigFlowHandler | SchemaOptionsFlowHandler: """Return parent handler.""" return self._handler @property def options(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return the options linked to the current flow handler.""" return self._options @property def flow_state(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return the flow state, used to store temporary data. It can be used for example to store the key or the index of a sub-item that will be edited in the next step. """ return self._flow_state async def async_step( self, step_id: str, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> FlowResult: """Handle a step.""" if isinstance(self._flow[step_id], SchemaFlowFormStep): return await self._async_form_step(step_id, user_input) return await self._async_menu_step(step_id, user_input) async def _get_schema(self, form_step: SchemaFlowFormStep) -> vol.Schema | None: if form_step.schema is None: return None if isinstance(form_step.schema, vol.Schema): return form_step.schema return await form_step.schema(self) async def _async_form_step( self, step_id: str, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> FlowResult: """Handle a form step.""" form_step: SchemaFlowFormStep = cast(SchemaFlowFormStep, self._flow[step_id]) if ( user_input is not None and (data_schema := await self._get_schema(form_step)) and data_schema.schema and not self._handler.show_advanced_options ): # Add advanced field default if not set for key in data_schema.schema: if isinstance(key, (vol.Optional, vol.Required)): if ( key.description and key.description.get("advanced") and key.default is not vol.UNDEFINED and key not in self._options ): user_input[str(key.schema)] = key.default() if user_input is not None and form_step.validate_user_input is not None: # Do extra validation of user input try: user_input = await form_step.validate_user_input(self, user_input) except SchemaFlowError as exc: return await self._show_next_step(step_id, exc, user_input) if user_input is not None: # User input was validated successfully, update options self._options.update(user_input) if user_input is not None or form_step.schema is None: return await self._show_next_step_or_create_entry(form_step) return await self._show_next_step(step_id) async def _show_next_step_or_create_entry( self, form_step: SchemaFlowFormStep ) -> FlowResult: next_step_id_or_end_flow: str | None if callable(form_step.next_step): next_step_id_or_end_flow = await form_step.next_step(self._options) else: next_step_id_or_end_flow = form_step.next_step if next_step_id_or_end_flow is None: # Flow done, create entry or update config entry options return self._handler.async_create_entry(data=self._options) return await self._show_next_step(next_step_id_or_end_flow) async def _show_next_step( self, next_step_id: str, error: SchemaFlowError | None = None, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> FlowResult: """Show form for next step.""" if isinstance(self._flow[next_step_id], SchemaFlowMenuStep): menu_step = cast(SchemaFlowMenuStep, self._flow[next_step_id]) return self._handler.async_show_menu( step_id=next_step_id, menu_options=menu_step.options, ) form_step = cast(SchemaFlowFormStep, self._flow[next_step_id]) if (data_schema := await self._get_schema(form_step)) is None: return await self._show_next_step_or_create_entry(form_step) suggested_values: dict[str, Any] = {} if form_step.suggested_values is UNDEFINED: suggested_values = self._options elif form_step.suggested_values: suggested_values = await form_step.suggested_values(self) if user_input: # We don't want to mutate the existing options suggested_values = copy.deepcopy(suggested_values) suggested_values.update(user_input) if data_schema.schema: # Make a copy of the schema with suggested values set to saved options data_schema = self._handler.add_suggested_values_to_schema( data_schema, suggested_values ) errors = {"base": str(error)} if error else None # Show form for next step last_step = None if not callable(form_step.next_step): last_step = form_step.next_step is None return self._handler.async_show_form( step_id=next_step_id, data_schema=data_schema, errors=errors, last_step=last_step, ) async def _async_menu_step( self, step_id: str, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> FlowResult: """Handle a menu step.""" menu_step: SchemaFlowMenuStep = cast(SchemaFlowMenuStep, self._flow[step_id]) return self._handler.async_show_menu( step_id=step_id, menu_options=menu_step.options, ) class SchemaConfigFlowHandler(config_entries.ConfigFlow, ABC): """Handle a schema based config flow.""" config_flow: Mapping[str, SchemaFlowStep] options_flow: Mapping[str, SchemaFlowStep] | None = None VERSION = 1 def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Initialize a subclass.""" super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) @callback def _async_get_options_flow( config_entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry, ) -> config_entries.OptionsFlow: """Get the options flow for this handler.""" if cls.options_flow is None: raise UnknownHandler return SchemaOptionsFlowHandler( config_entry, cls.options_flow, cls.async_options_flow_finished ) # Create an async_get_options_flow method cls.async_get_options_flow = _async_get_options_flow # type: ignore[method-assign] # Create flow step methods for each step defined in the flow schema for step in cls.config_flow: setattr(cls, f"async_step_{step}", cls._async_step(step)) def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize config flow.""" self._common_handler = SchemaCommonFlowHandler(self, self.config_flow, None) @classmethod @callback def async_supports_options_flow( cls, config_entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry ) -> bool: """Return options flow support for this handler.""" return cls.options_flow is not None @staticmethod def _async_step(step_id: str) -> Callable: """Generate a step handler.""" async def _async_step( self: SchemaConfigFlowHandler, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> FlowResult: """Handle a config flow step.""" # pylint: disable-next=protected-access result = await self._common_handler.async_step(step_id, user_input) return result return _async_step @abstractmethod @callback def async_config_entry_title(self, options: Mapping[str, Any]) -> str: """Return config entry title. The options parameter contains config entry options, which is the union of user input from the config flow steps. """ @callback def async_config_flow_finished(self, options: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: """Take necessary actions after the config flow is finished, if needed. The options parameter contains config entry options, which is the union of user input from the config flow steps. """ @callback @staticmethod def async_options_flow_finished( hass: HomeAssistant, options: Mapping[str, Any] ) -> None: """Take necessary actions after the options flow is finished, if needed. The options parameter contains config entry options, which is the union of stored options and user input from the options flow steps. """ @callback def async_create_entry( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ self, data: Mapping[str, Any], **kwargs: Any, ) -> FlowResult: """Finish config flow and create a config entry.""" self.async_config_flow_finished(data) return super().async_create_entry( data={}, options=data, title=self.async_config_entry_title(data), **kwargs ) class SchemaOptionsFlowHandler(config_entries.OptionsFlowWithConfigEntry): """Handle a schema based options flow.""" def __init__( self, config_entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry, options_flow: Mapping[str, SchemaFlowStep], async_options_flow_finished: Callable[[HomeAssistant, Mapping[str, Any]], None] | None = None, ) -> None: """Initialize options flow. If needed, `async_options_flow_finished` can be set to take necessary actions after the options flow is finished. The second parameter contains config entry options, which is the union of stored options and user input from the options flow steps. """ super().__init__(config_entry) self._common_handler = SchemaCommonFlowHandler( self, options_flow, self._options ) self._async_options_flow_finished = async_options_flow_finished for step in options_flow: setattr( self, f"async_step_{step}", types.MethodType(self._async_step(step), self), ) @staticmethod def _async_step(step_id: str) -> Callable: """Generate a step handler.""" async def _async_step( self: SchemaConfigFlowHandler, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> FlowResult: """Handle an options flow step.""" # pylint: disable-next=protected-access result = await self._common_handler.async_step(step_id, user_input) return result return _async_step @callback def async_create_entry( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ self, data: Mapping[str, Any], **kwargs: Any, ) -> FlowResult: """Finish config flow and create a config entry.""" if self._async_options_flow_finished: self._async_options_flow_finished(self.hass, data) return super().async_create_entry(data=data, **kwargs) @callback def wrapped_entity_config_entry_title( hass: HomeAssistant, entity_id_or_uuid: str ) -> str: """Generate title for a config entry wrapping a single entity. If the entity is registered, use the registry entry's name. If the entity is in the state machine, use the name from the state. Otherwise, fall back to the object ID. """ registry = er.async_get(hass) entity_id = er.async_validate_entity_id(registry, entity_id_or_uuid) object_id = split_entity_id(entity_id)[1] entry = registry.async_get(entity_id) if entry: return or entry.original_name or object_id state = hass.states.get(entity_id) if state: return or object_id return object_id @callback def entity_selector_without_own_entities( handler: SchemaOptionsFlowHandler, entity_selector_config: selector.EntitySelectorConfig, ) -> vol.Schema: """Return an entity selector which excludes own entities.""" entity_registry = er.async_get(handler.hass) entities = er.async_entries_for_config_entry( entity_registry, handler.config_entry.entry_id, ) entity_ids = [ent.entity_id for ent in entities] final_selector_config = entity_selector_config.copy() final_selector_config["exclude_entities"] = entity_ids return selector.EntitySelector(final_selector_config)
rabbitstew ========== A small command-line tool that adheres to the Unix philospohy for publishing messages to RabbitMQ. ``rabbitstew`` takes input from ``stdin`` and publishes a message per line received. You can customize the exchange and routing key used, along with message properties. Additionally, you can enable publisher confirmations if desired. |Version| |Downloads| |Status| |License| Installation ------------ rabbitstew is available from the `Python Package Index <>`_ and can be installed via ``pip`` or ``easy_install``. Usage Example ------------- .. code:: bash cat /var/log/messages | rabbitstew -H rabbit-server -r syslog.messages CLI Options ----------- .. code:: usage: rabbitstew [-h] [-H HOST] [-p PORT] [-s] [-v VHOST] [-u USER] [-P PASSWORD] [-W] [-e EXCHANGE] [-r ROUTING_KEY] [-c] [--add-user] [--app-id APP_ID] [--auto-id] [--content-type VALUE] [--type TYPE] [-V] [--version] RabbitMQ message publisher optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -H HOST Server hostname (default: localhost) -p PORT Server port (default: 5672) -s Use SSL to connect (default: False) -v VHOST Server virtual host (default: /) -u USER Server username (default: guest) -P PASSWORD Server password (default: guest) -W Prompt for password (default: False) -f PATH Read password from a file (default: None) -e EXCHANGE Exchange to publish to (default: None) -r ROUTING_KEY Routing Key to use (default: None) -c Confirm delivery of each message, exiting if a message delivery could not be confirmed (default: False) --add-user Include the user in the message properties (default: False) --app-id APP_ID Specify the app-id property of the message (default: rabbitstew) --auto-id Create a unique message ID for each message (default: False) --content-type VALUE Specify the content type of the message (default: None) --type TYPE Specify the message type (default: None) -V Verbose output (default: False) --version show program's version number and exit Version History --------------- - 0.1.0 - released *2015-02-02* - Initial Release .. |Version| image:: :target: .. |Status| image:: :target: .. |Downloads| image:: :target: .. |License| image:: :target:
import copy import warnings import pulumi import pulumi.runtime from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union, overload from ... import _utilities from . import outputs from ._enums import * from ._inputs import * __all__ = ['PrivateEndpointConnectionArgs', 'PrivateEndpointConnection'] @pulumi.input_type class PrivateEndpointConnectionArgs: def __init__(__self__, *, account_name: pulumi.Input[str], resource_group_name: pulumi.Input[str], private_endpoint: Optional[pulumi.Input['PrivateEndpointArgs']] = None, private_endpoint_connection_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, private_link_service_connection_state: Optional[pulumi.Input['PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateArgs']] = None): """ The set of arguments for constructing a PrivateEndpointConnection resource. :param pulumi.Input[str] account_name: The name of the account. :param pulumi.Input[str] resource_group_name: The resource group name. :param pulumi.Input['PrivateEndpointArgs'] private_endpoint: The private endpoint information. :param pulumi.Input[str] private_endpoint_connection_name: Name of the private endpoint connection. :param pulumi.Input['PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateArgs'] private_link_service_connection_state: The private link service connection state. """ pulumi.set(__self__, "account_name", account_name) pulumi.set(__self__, "resource_group_name", resource_group_name) if private_endpoint is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "private_endpoint", private_endpoint) if private_endpoint_connection_name is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "private_endpoint_connection_name", private_endpoint_connection_name) if private_link_service_connection_state is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "private_link_service_connection_state", private_link_service_connection_state) @property @pulumi.getter(name="accountName") def account_name(self) -> pulumi.Input[str]: """ The name of the account. """ return pulumi.get(self, "account_name") @account_name.setter def account_name(self, value: pulumi.Input[str]): pulumi.set(self, "account_name", value) @property @pulumi.getter(name="resourceGroupName") def resource_group_name(self) -> pulumi.Input[str]: """ The resource group name. """ return pulumi.get(self, "resource_group_name") @resource_group_name.setter def resource_group_name(self, value: pulumi.Input[str]): pulumi.set(self, "resource_group_name", value) @property @pulumi.getter(name="privateEndpoint") def private_endpoint(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input['PrivateEndpointArgs']]: """ The private endpoint information. """ return pulumi.get(self, "private_endpoint") @private_endpoint.setter def private_endpoint(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input['PrivateEndpointArgs']]): pulumi.set(self, "private_endpoint", value) @property @pulumi.getter(name="privateEndpointConnectionName") def private_endpoint_connection_name(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ Name of the private endpoint connection. """ return pulumi.get(self, "private_endpoint_connection_name") @private_endpoint_connection_name.setter def private_endpoint_connection_name(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): pulumi.set(self, "private_endpoint_connection_name", value) @property @pulumi.getter(name="privateLinkServiceConnectionState") def private_link_service_connection_state(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input['PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateArgs']]: """ The private link service connection state. """ return pulumi.get(self, "private_link_service_connection_state") @private_link_service_connection_state.setter def private_link_service_connection_state(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input['PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateArgs']]): pulumi.set(self, "private_link_service_connection_state", value) class PrivateEndpointConnection(pulumi.CustomResource): @overload def __init__(__self__, resource_name: str, opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, account_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, private_endpoint: Optional[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['PrivateEndpointArgs']]] = None, private_endpoint_connection_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, private_link_service_connection_state: Optional[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateArgs']]] = None, resource_group_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, __props__=None): """ A private endpoint connection class. :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. :param pulumi.Input[str] account_name: The name of the account. :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['PrivateEndpointArgs']] private_endpoint: The private endpoint information. :param pulumi.Input[str] private_endpoint_connection_name: Name of the private endpoint connection. :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateArgs']] private_link_service_connection_state: The private link service connection state. :param pulumi.Input[str] resource_group_name: The resource group name. """ ... @overload def __init__(__self__, resource_name: str, args: PrivateEndpointConnectionArgs, opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None): """ A private endpoint connection class. :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param PrivateEndpointConnectionArgs args: The arguments to use to populate this resource's properties. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. """ ... def __init__(__self__, resource_name: str, *args, **kwargs): resource_args, opts = _utilities.get_resource_args_opts(PrivateEndpointConnectionArgs, pulumi.ResourceOptions, *args, **kwargs) if resource_args is not None: __self__._internal_init(resource_name, opts, **resource_args.__dict__) else: __self__._internal_init(resource_name, *args, **kwargs) def _internal_init(__self__, resource_name: str, opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, account_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, private_endpoint: Optional[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['PrivateEndpointArgs']]] = None, private_endpoint_connection_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, private_link_service_connection_state: Optional[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateArgs']]] = None, resource_group_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, __props__=None): opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions.merge(_utilities.get_resource_opts_defaults(), opts) if not isinstance(opts, pulumi.ResourceOptions): raise TypeError('Expected resource options to be a ResourceOptions instance') if is None: if __props__ is not None: raise TypeError('__props__ is only valid when passed in combination with a valid to get an existing resource') __props__ = PrivateEndpointConnectionArgs.__new__(PrivateEndpointConnectionArgs) if account_name is None and not opts.urn: raise TypeError("Missing required property 'account_name'") __props__.__dict__["account_name"] = account_name __props__.__dict__["private_endpoint"] = private_endpoint __props__.__dict__["private_endpoint_connection_name"] = private_endpoint_connection_name __props__.__dict__["private_link_service_connection_state"] = private_link_service_connection_state if resource_group_name is None and not opts.urn: raise TypeError("Missing required property 'resource_group_name'") __props__.__dict__["resource_group_name"] = resource_group_name __props__.__dict__["name"] = None __props__.__dict__["provisioning_state"] = None __props__.__dict__["type"] = None alias_opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions(aliases=[pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-native:purview:PrivateEndpointConnection"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-native:purview/v20201201preview:PrivateEndpointConnection"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-native:purview/v20211201:PrivateEndpointConnection")]) opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions.merge(opts, alias_opts) super(PrivateEndpointConnection, __self__).__init__( 'azure-native:purview/v20210701:PrivateEndpointConnection', resource_name, __props__, opts) @staticmethod def get(resource_name: str, id: pulumi.Input[str], opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None) -> 'PrivateEndpointConnection': """ Get an existing PrivateEndpointConnection resource's state with the given name, id, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup. :param str resource_name: The unique name of the resulting resource. :param pulumi.Input[str] id: The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. """ opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions.merge(opts, pulumi.ResourceOptions(id=id)) __props__ = PrivateEndpointConnectionArgs.__new__(PrivateEndpointConnectionArgs) __props__.__dict__["name"] = None __props__.__dict__["private_endpoint"] = None __props__.__dict__["private_link_service_connection_state"] = None __props__.__dict__["provisioning_state"] = None __props__.__dict__["type"] = None return PrivateEndpointConnection(resource_name, opts=opts, __props__=__props__) @property @pulumi.getter def name(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ Gets or sets the name. """ return pulumi.get(self, "name") @property @pulumi.getter(name="privateEndpoint") def private_endpoint(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional['outputs.PrivateEndpointResponse']]: """ The private endpoint information. """ return pulumi.get(self, "private_endpoint") @property @pulumi.getter(name="privateLinkServiceConnectionState") def private_link_service_connection_state(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional['outputs.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateResponse']]: """ The private link service connection state. """ return pulumi.get(self, "private_link_service_connection_state") @property @pulumi.getter(name="provisioningState") def provisioning_state(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ The provisioning state. """ return pulumi.get(self, "provisioning_state") @property @pulumi.getter def type(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ Gets or sets the type. """ return pulumi.get(self, "type")
import abc as _abc import logging as _logging import os as _os import six as _six from flyteidl.core import literals_pb2 as _literals_pb2 from sortedcontainers import SortedDict as _SortedDict from flytekit.clients.helpers import iterate_task_executions as _iterate_task_executions from flytekit.common import component_nodes as _component_nodes from flytekit.common import constants as _constants from flytekit.common import promise as _promise from flytekit.common import sdk_bases as _sdk_bases from flytekit.common import utils as _common_utils from flytekit.common.exceptions import scopes as _exception_scopes from flytekit.common.exceptions import system as _system_exceptions from flytekit.common.exceptions import user as _user_exceptions from flytekit.common.mixins import artifact as _artifact_mixin from flytekit.common.mixins import hash as _hash_mixin from flytekit.common.tasks import executions as _task_executions from flytekit.common.types import helpers as _type_helpers from flytekit.common.utils import _dnsify from flytekit.engines.flyte import engine as _flyte_engine from import data_proxy as _data_proxy from flytekit.models import common as _common_models from flytekit.models import literals as _literal_models from flytekit.models import node_execution as _node_execution_models from flytekit.models.core import execution as _execution_models from flytekit.models.core import workflow as _workflow_model class ParameterMapper(_SortedDict, metaclass=_common_models.FlyteABCMeta): """ This abstract class provides functionality to reference specific inputs and outputs for a task instance. This allows for syntax such as: my_task_instance.inputs.my_input And is especially useful for linking tasks together via outputs -> inputs in workflow definitions: my_second_task_instance(input=my_task_instances.outputs.my_output) Attributes: Dynamically discovered. Only the keys for inputs/outputs can be referenced. Example: .. code-block:: python @inputs(a=Types.Integer) @outputs(b=Types.String) @python_task(version='1') def my_task(wf_params, a, b): pass input_link = my_task.inputs.a # Success! output_link = my_tasks.outputs.b # Success! input_link = my_task.inputs.c # Attribute not found exception! output_link = my_task.outputs.d # Attribute not found exception! """ def __init__(self, type_map, node): """ :param dict[Text, flytekit.models.interface.Variable] type_map: :param SdkNode node: """ super(ParameterMapper, self).__init__() for key, var in _six.iteritems(type_map): self[key] = self._return_mapping_object(node, _type_helpers.get_sdk_type_from_literal_type(var.type), key) self._initialized = True def __getattr__(self, key): if key == "iteritems" and hasattr(super(ParameterMapper, self), "items"): return super(ParameterMapper, self).items if hasattr(super(ParameterMapper, self), key): return getattr(super(ParameterMapper, self), key) if key not in self: raise _user_exceptions.FlyteAssertion("{} doesn't exist.".format(key)) return self[key] def __setattr__(self, key, value): if "_initialized" in self.__dict__: raise _user_exceptions.FlyteAssertion("Parameters are immutable.") else: super(ParameterMapper, self).__setattr__(key, value) @_abc.abstractmethod def _return_mapping_object(self, sdk_node, sdk_type, name): """ :param flytekit.common.nodes.Node sdk_node: :param flytekit.common.types.FlyteSdkType sdk_type: :param Text name: """ pass class OutputParameterMapper(ParameterMapper): """ This subclass of ParameterMapper is used to represent outputs for a given node. """ def _return_mapping_object(self, sdk_node, sdk_type, name): """ :param flytekit.common.nodes.Node sdk_node: :param flytekit.common.types.FlyteSdkType sdk_type: :param Text name: """ return _promise.NodeOutput(sdk_node, sdk_type, name) class SdkNode(_hash_mixin.HashOnReferenceMixin, _workflow_model.Node, metaclass=_sdk_bases.ExtendedSdkType): def __init__( self, id, upstream_nodes, bindings, metadata, sdk_task=None, sdk_workflow=None, sdk_launch_plan=None, sdk_branch=None, parameter_mapping=True, ): """ :param Text id: A workflow-level unique identifier that identifies this node in the workflow. "inputs" and "outputs" are reserved node ids that cannot be used by other nodes. :param flytekit.models.core.workflow.NodeMetadata metadata: Extra metadata about the node. :param list[flytekit.models.literals.Binding] bindings: Specifies how to bind the underlying interface's inputs. All required inputs specified in the underlying interface must be fulfilled. :param list[SdkNode] upstream_nodes: Specifies execution dependencies for this node ensuring it will only get scheduled to run after all its upstream nodes have completed. This node will have an implicit dependency on any node that appears in inputs field. :param flytekit.common.tasks.task.SdkTask sdk_task: The task to execute in this node. :param flytekit.common.workflow.SdkWorkflow sdk_workflow: The workflow to execute in this node. :param flytekit.common.launch_plan.SdkLaunchPlan sdk_launch_plan: The launch plan to execute in this node. :param TODO sdk_branch: TODO """ non_none_entities = [ entity for entity in [sdk_workflow, sdk_branch, sdk_launch_plan, sdk_task] if entity is not None ] if len(non_none_entities) != 1: raise _user_exceptions.FlyteAssertion( "An SDK node must have one underlying entity specified at once. Received the following " "entities: {}".format(non_none_entities) ) workflow_node = None if sdk_workflow is not None: workflow_node = _component_nodes.SdkWorkflowNode(sdk_workflow=sdk_workflow) elif sdk_launch_plan is not None: workflow_node = _component_nodes.SdkWorkflowNode(sdk_launch_plan=sdk_launch_plan) # TODO: this calls the constructor which means it will set all the upstream node ids to None if at the time of # this instantiation, the upstream nodes have not had their nodes assigned yet. super(SdkNode, self).__init__( id=_dnsify(id) if id else None, metadata=metadata, inputs=bindings, upstream_node_ids=[ for n in upstream_nodes], output_aliases=[], # TODO: Are aliases a thing in SDK nodes task_node=_component_nodes.SdkTaskNode(sdk_task) if sdk_task else None, workflow_node=workflow_node, branch_node=sdk_branch, ) self._upstream = upstream_nodes self._executable_sdk_object = sdk_task or sdk_workflow or sdk_launch_plan if parameter_mapping: if not sdk_branch: self._outputs = OutputParameterMapper(self._executable_sdk_object.interface.outputs, self) else: self._outputs = None @property def executable_sdk_object(self): return self._executable_sdk_object @classmethod def promote_from_model(cls, model, sub_workflows, tasks): """ :param flytekit.models.core.workflow.Node model: :param dict[flytekit.models.core.identifier.Identifier, flytekit.models.core.workflow.WorkflowTemplate] sub_workflows: :param dict[flytekit.models.core.identifier.Identifier, flytekit.models.task.TaskTemplate] tasks: If specified, these task templates will be passed to the SdkTaskNode promote_from_model call, and used instead of fetching from Admin. :rtype: SdkNode """ id = # This should never be called if id == _constants.START_NODE_ID or id == _constants.END_NODE_ID: _logging.warning("Should not call promote from model on a start node or end node {}".format(model)) return None sdk_task_node, sdk_workflow_node = None, None if model.task_node is not None: sdk_task_node = _component_nodes.SdkTaskNode.promote_from_model(model.task_node, tasks) elif model.workflow_node is not None: sdk_workflow_node = _component_nodes.SdkWorkflowNode.promote_from_model( model.workflow_node, sub_workflows, tasks ) else: raise _system_exceptions.FlyteSystemException("Bad Node model, neither task nor workflow detected") # When WorkflowTemplate models (containing node models) are returned by Admin, they've been compiled with a # start node. In order to make the promoted SdkWorkflow look the same, we strip the start-node text back out. for i in model.inputs: if i.binding.promise is not None and i.binding.promise.node_id == _constants.START_NODE_ID: i.binding.promise._node_id = _constants.GLOBAL_INPUT_NODE_ID if sdk_task_node is not None: return cls( id=id, upstream_nodes=[], # set downstream, model doesn't contain this information bindings=model.inputs, metadata=model.metadata, sdk_task=sdk_task_node.sdk_task, ) elif sdk_workflow_node is not None: if sdk_workflow_node.sdk_workflow is not None: return cls( id=id, upstream_nodes=[], # set downstream, model doesn't contain this information bindings=model.inputs, metadata=model.metadata, sdk_workflow=sdk_workflow_node.sdk_workflow, ) elif sdk_workflow_node.sdk_launch_plan is not None: return cls( id=id, upstream_nodes=[], # set downstream, model doesn't contain this information bindings=model.inputs, metadata=model.metadata, sdk_launch_plan=sdk_workflow_node.sdk_launch_plan, ) else: raise _system_exceptions.FlyteSystemException( "Bad SdkWorkflowNode model, both lp and workflow are None" ) else: raise _system_exceptions.FlyteSystemException("Bad SdkNode model, both task and workflow nodes are empty") @property def upstream_nodes(self): """ :rtype: list[SdkNode] """ return self._upstream @property def upstream_node_ids(self): """ :rtype: list[Text] """ return [ for n in sorted(self.upstream_nodes, key=lambda x:] @property def outputs(self): """ :rtype: dict[Text, flytekit.common.promise.NodeOutput] """ return self._outputs def assign_id_and_return(self, id): """ :param Text id: :rtype: None """ if raise _user_exceptions.FlyteAssertion( "Error assigning ID: {} because {} is already assigned. Has this node been assigned to another " "workflow already?".format(id, self) ) self._id = _dnsify(id) if id else None self._metadata._name = id return self def with_overrides(self, *args, **kwargs): # TODO: Implement overrides raise NotImplementedError("Overrides are not supported in Flyte yet.") @_exception_scopes.system_entry_point def __lshift__(self, other): """ Add a node upstream of this node without necessarily mapping outputs -> inputs. :param Node other: node to place upstream """ if hash(other) not in set(hash(n) for n in self.upstream_nodes): self._upstream.append(other) return other @_exception_scopes.system_entry_point def __rshift__(self, other): """ Add a node downstream of this node without necessarily mapping outputs -> inputs. :param Node other: node to place downstream """ if hash(self) not in set(hash(n) for n in other.upstream_nodes): other.upstream_nodes.append(self) return other def __repr__(self): """ :rtype: Text """ return "Node(ID: {} Executable: {})".format(, self._executable_sdk_object) class SdkNodeExecution( _node_execution_models.NodeExecution, _artifact_mixin.ExecutionArtifact, metaclass=_sdk_bases.ExtendedSdkType ): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SdkNodeExecution, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._task_executions = None self._workflow_executions = None self._inputs = None self._outputs = None @property def task_executions(self): """ Returns the underlying task executions in order of try attempt. :rtype: list[flytekit.common.tasks.executions.SdkTaskExecution] """ return self._task_executions or [] @property def workflow_executions(self): """ Returns the underlying workflow executions in order of try attempt. :rtype: list[flytekit.common.workflow_execution.SdkWorkflowExecution] """ return self._workflow_executions or [] @property def executions(self): """ Returns a list of generic execution artifacts. :rtype: list[flytekit.common.mixins.artifact.ExecutionArtifact] """ return self.task_executions or self.workflow_executions or [] @property def inputs(self): """ Returns the inputs to the execution in the standard Python format as dictated by the type engine. :rtype: dict[Text, T] """ if self._inputs is None: client = _flyte_engine.get_client() execution_data = client.get_node_execution_data( # Inputs are returned inline unless they are too big, in which case a url blob pointing to them is returned. if bool(execution_data.full_inputs.literals): input_map = execution_data.full_inputs elif execution_data.inputs.bytes > 0: with _common_utils.AutoDeletingTempDir() as t: tmp_name = _os.path.join(, "inputs.pb") _data_proxy.Data.get_data(execution_data.inputs.url, tmp_name) input_map = _literal_models.LiteralMap.from_flyte_idl( _common_utils.load_proto_from_file(_literals_pb2.LiteralMap, tmp_name) ) else: input_map = _literal_models.LiteralMap({}) self._inputs = _type_helpers.unpack_literal_map_to_sdk_python_std(input_map) return self._inputs @property def outputs(self): """ Returns the outputs to the execution in the standard Python format as dictated by the type engine. If the execution ended in error or the execution is in progress, an exception will be raised. :rtype: dict[Text, T] """ if not self.is_complete: raise _user_exceptions.FlyteAssertion( "Please what until the node execution has completed before requesting the outputs." ) if self.error: raise _user_exceptions.FlyteAssertion("Outputs could not be found because the execution ended in failure.") if self._outputs is None: client = _flyte_engine.get_client() execution_data = client.get_node_execution_data( # Outputs are returned inline unless they are too big, in which case a url blob pointing to them is returned. if bool(execution_data.full_outputs.literals): output_map = execution_data.full_outputs elif execution_data.outputs.bytes > 0: with _common_utils.AutoDeletingTempDir() as t: tmp_name = _os.path.join(, "outputs.pb") _data_proxy.Data.get_data(execution_data.outputs.url, tmp_name) output_map = _literal_models.LiteralMap.from_flyte_idl( _common_utils.load_proto_from_file(_literals_pb2.LiteralMap, tmp_name) ) else: output_map = _literal_models.LiteralMap({}) self._outputs = _type_helpers.unpack_literal_map_to_sdk_python_std(output_map) return self._outputs @property def error(self): """ If execution is in progress, raise an exception. Otherwise, return None if no error was present upon reaching completion. :rtype: flytekit.models.core.execution.ExecutionError or None """ if not self.is_complete: raise _user_exceptions.FlyteAssertion( "Please wait until the node execution has completed before requesting error information." ) return self.closure.error @property def is_complete(self): """ Dictates whether or not the execution is complete. :rtype: bool """ return self.closure.phase in { _execution_models.NodeExecutionPhase.ABORTED, _execution_models.NodeExecutionPhase.FAILED, _execution_models.NodeExecutionPhase.SKIPPED, _execution_models.NodeExecutionPhase.SUCCEEDED, _execution_models.NodeExecutionPhase.TIMED_OUT, } @classmethod def promote_from_model(cls, base_model): """ :param _node_execution_models.NodeExecution base_model: :rtype: SdkNodeExecution """ return cls( closure=base_model.closure,, input_uri=base_model.input_uri, metadata=base_model.metadata ) def sync(self): """ Syncs the state of this object with that held by the platform. :rtype: None """ if not self.is_complete or self.task_executions is not None: client = _flyte_engine.get_client() self._closure = client.get_node_execution( task_executions = list(_iterate_task_executions(client, self._task_executions = [_task_executions.SdkTaskExecution.promote_from_model(te) for te in task_executions] # TODO: Sub-workflows too once implemented def _sync_closure(self): """ Syncs the closure of the underlying execution artifact with the state observed by the platform. :rtype: None """ client = _flyte_engine.get_client() self._closure = client.get_node_execution(
from typing import get_type_hints # local import ivy def _is_optional(typ): # noinspection PyBroadException try: rep = typ.__repr__().split(".")[1] if rep.startswith("Optional") or ( rep.startswith("Union") and type(None) in typ.__args__ ): return True except BaseException as error: print("Exception occured: {}".format(error)) return False def _is_union(typ): # noinspection PyBroadException try: rep = typ.__repr__().split(".")[1] if rep.startswith("Union"): return True except BaseException as error: print("Exception occured: {}".format(error)) return False def _is_dict(typ): # noinspection PyBroadException try: rep = typ.__repr__().split(".")[1] if rep.startswith("Dict"): return True except BaseException as error: print("Exception occured: {}".format(error)) return False def _is_iterable(typ): # noinspection PyBroadException try: rep = typ.__repr__().split(".")[1] if rep.startswith("List") or rep.startswith("Tuple"): return True except BaseException as error: print("Exception occured: {}".format(error)) return False def _correct_index(is_opt, is_dict, is_iter): if is_opt: return ["optional"] elif is_dict: return [str] elif is_iter: return [int] return [] def _get_array_idxs(typ, idx_so_far=None): idx_so_far = ivy.default(idx_so_far, list()) these_idxs = list() if not hasattr(typ, "__args__"): return these_idxs is_opt = _is_optional(typ) is_union = _is_union(typ) is_dict = _is_dict(typ) is_iter = _is_iterable(typ) for a in typ.__args__: a_repr = repr(a) if ( "[" not in a_repr and "]" not in a_repr and "ivy." in a_repr and (".Array" in a_repr or ".NativeArray" in a_repr) ): these_idxs.append(idx_so_far + _correct_index(is_opt, is_dict, is_iter)) if is_union: break else: these_idxs += _get_array_idxs( a, idx_so_far + _correct_index(is_opt, is_dict, is_iter) ) return these_idxs def fn_array_spec(fn): """ Return a specification of the function, indicating all arguments which include arrays, and the indexes of these. Parameters ---------- fn function to inspect Returns ------- ret specification """ try: # this is because it raises error if python version 3.8.0, in certain cases type_hints = get_type_hints(fn) except Exception: type_hints = dict() array_idxs = list() for i, (k, v) in enumerate(type_hints.items()): a_idxs = _get_array_idxs(v) if not a_idxs: continue a_idxs = [[(i, k)] + a for a in a_idxs] array_idxs += a_idxs return array_idxs def add_array_specs(): for k, v in ivy.__dict__.items(): if callable(v) and k[0].islower(): v.array_spec = fn_array_spec(v)
import fnmatch import sys import os import types __all__ = ["BdbQuit","Bdb","Breakpoint"] class BdbQuit(Exception): """Exception to give up completely""" class Bdb: """Generic Python debugger base class. This class takes care of details of the trace facility; a derived class should implement user interaction. The standard debugger class (pdb.Pdb) is an example. """ def __init__(self, skip=None): self.skip = set(skip) if skip else None self.breaks = {} self.fncache = {} self.frame_returning = None def canonic(self, filename): if filename == "<" + filename[1:-1] + ">": return filename canonic = self.fncache.get(filename) if not canonic: canonic = os.path.abspath(filename) canonic = os.path.normcase(canonic) self.fncache[filename] = canonic return canonic def reset(self): import linecache linecache.checkcache() self.botframe = None self._set_stopinfo(None, None) def trace_dispatch(self, frame, event, arg): if self.quitting: return # None if event == 'line': return self.dispatch_line(frame) if event == 'call': return self.dispatch_call(frame, arg) if event == 'return': return self.dispatch_return(frame, arg) if event == 'exception': return self.dispatch_exception(frame, arg) if event == 'c_call': return self.trace_dispatch if event == 'c_exception': return self.trace_dispatch if event == 'c_return': return self.trace_dispatch print 'bdb.Bdb.dispatch: unknown debugging event:', repr(event) return self.trace_dispatch def dispatch_line(self, frame): if self.stop_here(frame) or self.break_here(frame): self.user_line(frame) if self.quitting: raise BdbQuit return self.trace_dispatch def dispatch_call(self, frame, arg): # XXX 'arg' is no longer used if self.botframe is None: # First call of dispatch since reset() self.botframe = frame.f_back # (CT) Note that this may also be None! return self.trace_dispatch if not (self.stop_here(frame) or self.break_anywhere(frame)): # No need to trace this function return # None self.user_call(frame, arg) if self.quitting: raise BdbQuit return self.trace_dispatch def dispatch_return(self, frame, arg): if self.stop_here(frame) or frame == self.returnframe: try: self.frame_returning = frame self.user_return(frame, arg) finally: self.frame_returning = None if self.quitting: raise BdbQuit return self.trace_dispatch def dispatch_exception(self, frame, arg): if self.stop_here(frame): self.user_exception(frame, arg) if self.quitting: raise BdbQuit return self.trace_dispatch # Normally derived classes don't override the following # methods, but they may if they want to redefine the # definition of stopping and breakpoints. def is_skipped_module(self, module_name): for pattern in self.skip: if fnmatch.fnmatch(module_name, pattern): return True return False def stop_here(self, frame): # (CT) stopframe may now also be None, see dispatch_call. # (CT) the former test for None is therefore removed from here. if self.skip and \ self.is_skipped_module(frame.f_globals.get('__name__')): return False if frame is self.stopframe: if self.stoplineno == -1: return False return frame.f_lineno >= self.stoplineno while frame is not None and frame is not self.stopframe: if frame is self.botframe: return True frame = frame.f_back return False def break_here(self, frame): filename = self.canonic(frame.f_code.co_filename) if not filename in self.breaks: return False lineno = frame.f_lineno if not lineno in self.breaks[filename]: # The line itself has no breakpoint, but maybe the line is the # first line of a function with breakpoint set by function name. lineno = frame.f_code.co_firstlineno if not lineno in self.breaks[filename]: return False # flag says ok to delete temp. bp (bp, flag) = effective(filename, lineno, frame) if bp: self.currentbp = bp.number if (flag and bp.temporary): self.do_clear(str(bp.number)) return True else: return False def do_clear(self, arg): raise NotImplementedError, "subclass of bdb must implement do_clear()" def break_anywhere(self, frame): return self.canonic(frame.f_code.co_filename) in self.breaks # Derived classes should override the user_* methods # to gain control. def user_call(self, frame, argument_list): """This method is called when there is the remote possibility that we ever need to stop in this function.""" pass def user_line(self, frame): """This method is called when we stop or break at this line.""" pass def user_return(self, frame, return_value): """This method is called when a return trap is set here.""" pass def user_exception(self, frame, exc_info): exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = exc_info """This method is called if an exception occurs, but only if we are to stop at or just below this level.""" pass def _set_stopinfo(self, stopframe, returnframe, stoplineno=0): self.stopframe = stopframe self.returnframe = returnframe self.quitting = 0 # stoplineno >= 0 means: stop at line >= the stoplineno # stoplineno -1 means: don't stop at all self.stoplineno = stoplineno # Derived classes and clients can call the following methods # to affect the stepping state. def set_until(self, frame): #the name "until" is borrowed from gdb """Stop when the line with the line no greater than the current one is reached or when returning from current frame""" self._set_stopinfo(frame, frame, frame.f_lineno+1) def set_step(self): """Stop after one line of code.""" # Issue #13183: pdb skips frames after hitting a breakpoint and running # step commands. # Restore the trace function in the caller (that may not have been set # for performance reasons) when returning from the current frame. if self.frame_returning: caller_frame = self.frame_returning.f_back if caller_frame and not caller_frame.f_trace: caller_frame.f_trace = self.trace_dispatch self._set_stopinfo(None, None) def set_next(self, frame): """Stop on the next line in or below the given frame.""" self._set_stopinfo(frame, None) def set_return(self, frame): """Stop when returning from the given frame.""" self._set_stopinfo(frame.f_back, frame) def set_trace(self, frame=None): """Start debugging from `frame`. If frame is not specified, debugging starts from caller's frame. """ if frame is None: frame = sys._getframe().f_back self.reset() while frame: frame.f_trace = self.trace_dispatch self.botframe = frame frame = frame.f_back self.set_step() sys.settrace(self.trace_dispatch) def set_continue(self): # Don't stop except at breakpoints or when finished self._set_stopinfo(self.botframe, None, -1) if not self.breaks: # no breakpoints; run without debugger overhead sys.settrace(None) frame = sys._getframe().f_back while frame and frame is not self.botframe: del frame.f_trace frame = frame.f_back def set_quit(self): self.stopframe = self.botframe self.returnframe = None self.quitting = 1 sys.settrace(None) # Derived classes and clients can call the following methods # to manipulate breakpoints. These methods return an # error message is something went wrong, None if all is well. # Set_break prints out the breakpoint line and file:lineno. # Call self.get_*break*() to see the breakpoints or better # for bp in Breakpoint.bpbynumber: if bp: bp.bpprint(). def set_break(self, filename, lineno, temporary=0, cond = None, funcname=None): filename = self.canonic(filename) import linecache # Import as late as possible line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno) if not line: return 'Line %s:%d does not exist' % (filename, lineno) if not filename in self.breaks: self.breaks[filename] = [] list = self.breaks[filename] if not lineno in list: list.append(lineno) bp = Breakpoint(filename, lineno, temporary, cond, funcname) def _prune_breaks(self, filename, lineno): if (filename, lineno) not in Breakpoint.bplist: self.breaks[filename].remove(lineno) if not self.breaks[filename]: del self.breaks[filename] def clear_break(self, filename, lineno): filename = self.canonic(filename) if not filename in self.breaks: return 'There are no breakpoints in %s' % filename if lineno not in self.breaks[filename]: return 'There is no breakpoint at %s:%d' % (filename, lineno) # If there's only one bp in the list for that file,line # pair, then remove the breaks entry for bp in Breakpoint.bplist[filename, lineno][:]: bp.deleteMe() self._prune_breaks(filename, lineno) def clear_bpbynumber(self, arg): try: number = int(arg) except: return 'Non-numeric breakpoint number (%s)' % arg try: bp = Breakpoint.bpbynumber[number] except IndexError: return 'Breakpoint number (%d) out of range' % number if not bp: return 'Breakpoint (%d) already deleted' % number bp.deleteMe() self._prune_breaks(bp.file, bp.line) def clear_all_file_breaks(self, filename): filename = self.canonic(filename) if not filename in self.breaks: return 'There are no breakpoints in %s' % filename for line in self.breaks[filename]: blist = Breakpoint.bplist[filename, line] for bp in blist: bp.deleteMe() del self.breaks[filename] def clear_all_breaks(self): if not self.breaks: return 'There are no breakpoints' for bp in Breakpoint.bpbynumber: if bp: bp.deleteMe() self.breaks = {} def get_break(self, filename, lineno): filename = self.canonic(filename) return filename in self.breaks and \ lineno in self.breaks[filename] def get_breaks(self, filename, lineno): filename = self.canonic(filename) return filename in self.breaks and \ lineno in self.breaks[filename] and \ Breakpoint.bplist[filename, lineno] or [] def get_file_breaks(self, filename): filename = self.canonic(filename) if filename in self.breaks: return self.breaks[filename] else: return [] def get_all_breaks(self): return self.breaks # Derived classes and clients can call the following method # to get a data structure representing a stack trace. def get_stack(self, f, t): stack = [] if t and t.tb_frame is f: t = t.tb_next while f is not None: stack.append((f, f.f_lineno)) if f is self.botframe: break f = f.f_back stack.reverse() i = max(0, len(stack) - 1) while t is not None: stack.append((t.tb_frame, t.tb_lineno)) t = t.tb_next if f is None: i = max(0, len(stack) - 1) return stack, i # def format_stack_entry(self, frame_lineno, lprefix=': '): import linecache, repr frame, lineno = frame_lineno filename = self.canonic(frame.f_code.co_filename) s = '%s(%r)' % (filename, lineno) if frame.f_code.co_name: s = s + frame.f_code.co_name else: s = s + "<lambda>" if '__args__' in frame.f_locals: args = frame.f_locals['__args__'] else: args = None if args: s = s + repr.repr(args) else: s = s + '()' if '__return__' in frame.f_locals: rv = frame.f_locals['__return__'] s = s + '->' s = s + repr.repr(rv) line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno, frame.f_globals) if line: s = s + lprefix + line.strip() return s # The following two methods can be called by clients to use # a debugger to debug a statement, given as a string. def run(self, cmd, globals=None, locals=None): if globals is None: import __main__ globals = __main__.__dict__ if locals is None: locals = globals self.reset() sys.settrace(self.trace_dispatch) if not isinstance(cmd, types.CodeType): cmd = cmd+'\n' try: exec cmd in globals, locals except BdbQuit: pass finally: self.quitting = 1 sys.settrace(None) def runeval(self, expr, globals=None, locals=None): if globals is None: import __main__ globals = __main__.__dict__ if locals is None: locals = globals self.reset() sys.settrace(self.trace_dispatch) if not isinstance(expr, types.CodeType): expr = expr+'\n' try: return eval(expr, globals, locals) except BdbQuit: pass finally: self.quitting = 1 sys.settrace(None) def runctx(self, cmd, globals, locals): # B/W compatibility, globals, locals) # This method is more useful to debug a single function call. def runcall(self, func, *args, **kwds): self.reset() sys.settrace(self.trace_dispatch) res = None try: res = func(*args, **kwds) except BdbQuit: pass finally: self.quitting = 1 sys.settrace(None) return res def set_trace(): Bdb().set_trace() class Breakpoint: """Breakpoint class Implements temporary breakpoints, ignore counts, disabling and (re)-enabling, and conditionals. Breakpoints are indexed by number through bpbynumber and by the file,line tuple using bplist. The former points to a single instance of class Breakpoint. The latter points to a list of such instances since there may be more than one breakpoint per line. """ # XXX Keeping state in the class is a mistake -- this means # you cannot have more than one active Bdb instance. next = 1 # Next bp to be assigned bplist = {} # indexed by (file, lineno) tuple bpbynumber = [None] # Each entry is None or an instance of Bpt # index 0 is unused, except for marking an # effective break .... see effective() def __init__(self, file, line, temporary=0, cond=None, funcname=None): self.funcname = funcname # Needed if funcname is not None. self.func_first_executable_line = None self.file = file # This better be in canonical form! self.line = line self.temporary = temporary self.cond = cond self.enabled = 1 self.ignore = 0 self.hits = 0 self.number = = + 1 # Build the two lists self.bpbynumber.append(self) if (file, line) in self.bplist: self.bplist[file, line].append(self) else: self.bplist[file, line] = [self] def deleteMe(self): index = (self.file, self.line) self.bpbynumber[self.number] = None # No longer in list self.bplist[index].remove(self) if not self.bplist[index]: # No more bp for this f:l combo del self.bplist[index] def enable(self): self.enabled = 1 def disable(self): self.enabled = 0 def bpprint(self, out=None): if out is None: out = sys.stdout if self.temporary: disp = 'del ' else: disp = 'keep ' if self.enabled: disp = disp + 'yes ' else: disp = disp + 'no ' print >>out, '%-4dbreakpoint %s at %s:%d' % (self.number, disp, self.file, self.line) if self.cond: print >>out, '\tstop only if %s' % (self.cond,) if self.ignore: print >>out, '\tignore next %d hits' % (self.ignore) if (self.hits): if (self.hits > 1): ss = 's' else: ss = '' print >>out, ('\tbreakpoint already hit %d time%s' % (self.hits, ss)) # -----------end of Breakpoint class---------- def checkfuncname(b, frame): """Check whether we should break here because of `b.funcname`.""" if not b.funcname: # Breakpoint was set via line number. if b.line != frame.f_lineno: # Breakpoint was set at a line with a def statement and the function # defined is called: don't break. return False return True # Breakpoint set via function name. if frame.f_code.co_name != b.funcname: # It's not a function call, but rather execution of def statement. return False # We are in the right frame. if not b.func_first_executable_line: # The function is entered for the 1st time. b.func_first_executable_line = frame.f_lineno if b.func_first_executable_line != frame.f_lineno: # But we are not at the first line number: don't break. return False return True # Determines if there is an effective (active) breakpoint at this # line of code. Returns breakpoint number or 0 if none def effective(file, line, frame): """Determine which breakpoint for this file:line is to be acted upon. Called only if we know there is a bpt at this location. Returns breakpoint that was triggered and a flag that indicates if it is ok to delete a temporary bp. """ possibles = Breakpoint.bplist[file,line] for i in range(0, len(possibles)): b = possibles[i] if b.enabled == 0: continue if not checkfuncname(b, frame): continue # Count every hit when bp is enabled b.hits = b.hits + 1 if not b.cond: # If unconditional, and ignoring, # go on to next, else break if b.ignore > 0: b.ignore = b.ignore -1 continue else: # breakpoint and marker that's ok # to delete if temporary return (b,1) else: # Conditional bp. # Ignore count applies only to those bpt hits where the # condition evaluates to true. try: val = eval(b.cond, frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals) if val: if b.ignore > 0: b.ignore = b.ignore -1 # continue else: return (b,1) # else: # continue except: # if eval fails, most conservative # thing is to stop on breakpoint # regardless of ignore count. # Don't delete temporary, # as another hint to user. return (b,0) return (None, None) # -------------------- testing -------------------- class Tdb(Bdb): def user_call(self, frame, args): name = frame.f_code.co_name if not name: name = '???' print '+++ call', name, args def user_line(self, frame): import linecache name = frame.f_code.co_name if not name: name = '???' fn = self.canonic(frame.f_code.co_filename) line = linecache.getline(fn, frame.f_lineno, frame.f_globals) print '+++', fn, frame.f_lineno, name, ':', line.strip() def user_return(self, frame, retval): print '+++ return', retval def user_exception(self, frame, exc_stuff): print '+++ exception', exc_stuff self.set_continue() def foo(n): print 'foo(', n, ')' x = bar(n*10) print 'bar returned', x def bar(a): print 'bar(', a, ')' return a/2 def test(): t = Tdb()'import bdb;') # end
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import gin import tensorflow as tf # pylint: disable=g-explicit-tensorflow-version-import from tf_agents.networks import encoding_network from tf_agents.networks import network def validate_specs(action_spec, observation_spec): """Validates the spec contains a single action.""" del observation_spec # not currently validated flat_action_spec = tf.nest.flatten(action_spec) if len(flat_action_spec) > 1: raise ValueError('Network only supports action_specs with a single action.') if flat_action_spec[0].shape not in [(), (1,)]: raise ValueError( 'Network only supports action_specs with shape in [(), (1,)])') @gin.configurable class QNetwork(network.Network): """Feed Forward network.""" def __init__(self, input_tensor_spec, action_spec, preprocessing_layers=None, preprocessing_combiner=None, conv_layer_params=None, fc_layer_params=(75, 40), dropout_layer_params=None, activation_fn=tf.keras.activations.relu, kernel_initializer=None, batch_squash=True, dtype=tf.float32, q_layer_activation_fn=None, name='QNetwork'): """Creates an instance of `QNetwork`. Args: input_tensor_spec: A nest of `tensor_spec.TensorSpec` representing the input observations. action_spec: A nest of `tensor_spec.BoundedTensorSpec` representing the actions. preprocessing_layers: (Optional.) A nest of `tf.keras.layers.Layer` representing preprocessing for the different observations. All of these layers must not be already built. For more details see the documentation of `networks.EncodingNetwork`. preprocessing_combiner: (Optional.) A keras layer that takes a flat list of tensors and combines them. Good options include `tf.keras.layers.Add` and `tf.keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=-1)`. This layer must not be already built. For more details see the documentation of `networks.EncodingNetwork`. conv_layer_params: Optional list of convolution layers parameters, where each item is a length-three tuple indicating (filters, kernel_size, stride). fc_layer_params: Optional list of fully_connected parameters, where each item is the number of units in the layer. dropout_layer_params: Optional list of dropout layer parameters, where each item is the fraction of input units to drop. The dropout layers are interleaved with the fully connected layers; there is a dropout layer after each fully connected layer, except if the entry in the list is None. This list must have the same length of fc_layer_params, or be None. activation_fn: Activation function, e.g. tf.keras.activations.relu. kernel_initializer: Initializer to use for the kernels of the conv and dense layers. If none is provided a default variance_scaling_initializer batch_squash: If True the outer_ranks of the observation are squashed into the batch dimension. This allow encoding networks to be used with observations with shape [BxTx...]. dtype: The dtype to use by the convolution and fully connected layers. q_layer_activation_fn: Activation function for the Q layer. name: A string representing the name of the network. Raises: ValueError: If `input_tensor_spec` contains more than one observation. Or if `action_spec` contains more than one action. """ validate_specs(action_spec, input_tensor_spec) action_spec = tf.nest.flatten(action_spec)[0] num_actions = action_spec.maximum - action_spec.minimum + 1 encoder_input_tensor_spec = input_tensor_spec encoder = encoding_network.EncodingNetwork( encoder_input_tensor_spec, preprocessing_layers=preprocessing_layers, preprocessing_combiner=preprocessing_combiner, conv_layer_params=conv_layer_params, fc_layer_params=fc_layer_params, dropout_layer_params=dropout_layer_params, activation_fn=activation_fn, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, batch_squash=batch_squash, dtype=dtype) q_value_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense( num_actions, activation=q_layer_activation_fn, kernel_initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer( minval=-0.03, maxval=0.03), bias_initializer=tf.constant_initializer(-0.2), dtype=dtype) super(QNetwork, self).__init__( input_tensor_spec=input_tensor_spec, state_spec=(), name=name) self._encoder = encoder self._q_value_layer = q_value_layer def call(self, observation, step_type=None, network_state=(), training=False): """Runs the given observation through the network. Args: observation: The observation to provide to the network. step_type: The step type for the given observation. See `StepType` in network_state: A state tuple to pass to the network, mainly used by RNNs. training: Whether the output is being used for training. Returns: A tuple `(logits, network_state)`. """ state, network_state = self._encoder( observation, step_type=step_type, network_state=network_state, training=training) q_value = self._q_value_layer(state, training=training) return q_value, network_state
import numpy as np from math import pi from time import * class Locator_EKF: def __init__(self, pos, heading, wheel_distance = 0.1): self.l = wheel_distance self.R = np.asmatrix( np.diag(np.array([1,1,1])) ) # The measurment covariance matrix self.Q = np.asmatrix( 0.01*np.identity(5) ) # Process covariance matrix self.H = np.matrix([[0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]]) self.P = np.asmatrix( np.identity(5) ) # Initial covariance matrix self.x = np.matrix( [ [pos[0]] , [pos[1]] , [heading], [0.] , [0.] ]) return def get_position(self): return self.x[0,0] , self.x[1,0] def get_heading(self): return self.x[2,0] def update_state(self,data,Ts): """ :param x: x is the latest position and heading of the robot. It has to be in the form of a vector i.e. 5 by 1 matrix :param P: the latest value of the covariance matrix :param data: the measurement vector: 3 by 1 matrix which includes the rotational velocity from Gyro, and right and left motor speeds from encoder :param Ts: the sampling time :return: it returns updated x which is a vector of updated position and heading (x,y,theta) and the covariance matrix """ t1 = time() z = np.matrix([ [data[0]] , [data[1]] , [data[2]] ]) x1 = np.array([[self.x[0] + Ts/2*(self.x[3]+self.x[4])*np.cos(self.x[2])],# Updates state [self.x[1] + Ts/2*(self.x[3]+self.x[4])*np.sin(self.x[2])], #[self.x[2] + Ts*data[0]], [self.x[2] + Ts/self.l*(self.x[3]-self.x[4])], [self.x[3]], [self.x[4]]]) x1 = np.asmatrix(x1) x1 = np.transpose(x1) A = np.matrix([[1, 0, -Ts/2*(x1[3]+x1[4])*np.sin(x1[2]), Ts/2*np.cos(x1[2]), Ts/2*np.cos(x1[2])], # Jacoobian [0, 1, Ts/2*(x1[3]+x1[4])*np.cos(x1[2]), Ts/2*np.sin(x1[2]), Ts/2*np.sin(x1[2])], #[0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, Ts/self.l, -Ts/self.l], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]]) self.P = A*self.P*A.T+self.Q z1 = np.array([[x1[2]], [x1[3]], [x1[4]]]) z1 = np.asmatrix(z1) z1 = z1.T P12 = self.P*self.H.T R = np.linalg.cholesky(self.H*P12+self.R) U = P12*np.linalg.inv(R) self.x = x1 + U *( R.T.I*(z-z1) ) self.P = self.P-U*U.T #if self.x[2,0]>pi: # self.x[2,0]-=2*pi #elif self.x[2,0]<-pi: # self.x[2,0]+=2*pi #print time()-t1,self.x[2,0] return self.x[0,0] , self.x[1,0] , self.x[2,0]
import datetime import json from typing import Callable, List, Union from ronds_sdk import error class WrapperFunc(object): def call(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError class ForeachBatchFunc(WrapperFunc): def __init__(self, func, # type: Callable **kwargs ): self._func = func self._kwargs = kwargs def call(self, *args, **kwargs): new_kwargs = {**self._kwargs, **kwargs} self._func(*args, **new_kwargs) class Singleton(type): _instances = {} def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls not in cls._instances: cls._instances[cls] = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) return cls._instances[cls] class RuleParser(object): def __init__(self, rule_path, # type: str ): """ 从文件解析 phm 规则编辑器传入的规则配置信息, 用于从 Cassandra 根据指定规则读取测点数据; 包含: 规则 id 列表, 读取的 Cassandra 数据表类型, 测点 id 列表等信息. :param rule_path: """ self._rule_path = rule_path def load(self) -> list: with open(self._rule_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as r: config = if config is None: raise RuntimeError("config is None") return json.loads(config.strip('\t\r\n')) @staticmethod def point_ids(rule: dict) -> List[str]: """ 读取 rule 配置文件中的测点 id list :param rule: 规则配置 :return: 测点 id list """ points = rule['points'] p_list = list() if points: for point in points: p_list.append(point.point_id) return p_list @staticmethod def datetime_format(): return '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' class GraphParser(object): def __init__(self, file_path=None ): """ phm 规则编辑器 Cassandra, Kafka 等数据源配置信息解析 :param file_path: 配置文件地址 """ self._file_path = file_path self.__graph_dict = None def load(self): # type: () -> dict with open(self._file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as r: config = if config is None: raise RuntimeError("config is None") return json.loads(config.strip('\t\r\n')) def get_graph(self): # type: () -> dict """ lazy create :return: graph dict """ if self.__graph_dict is None: self.__graph_dict = self.load() return self.__graph_dict def _act_config(self, keys): # type: (set) -> dict """ actConfig 节点中读取 Cassandra, Kafka 配置信息 :param keys: 需要读取的 keys :return: 配置信息 dict """ graph = self.get_graph() res_dict = dict() if not graph.__contains__('acts'): return res_dict acts = graph.get('acts') assert isinstance(acts, list) for act in acts: assert isinstance(act, dict) if not act.__contains__('actConfig'): continue act_config = act.get('actConfig') assert isinstance(act_config, dict) for k, v in act_config.items(): if keys.__contains__(k): res_dict[k] = v return res_dict def kafka_source_topics(self): # type: () -> dict """ Kafka 相关的配置信息; 包括 告警, indices指标, graph json 等 topic信息. :return: """ # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection return self._act_config({'eventKafkaSource', 'indiceKafkaSource', 'graphKafkaSource', 'exceptionKafkaSource', }) def kafka_config(self): # type: () -> dict """ kafka 配置信息, 默认多个 topic 的 kafka 集群的配置信息相同 :return: """ kafka_dict = self.kafka_source_topics() for source_name, kafka_config in kafka_dict.items(): assert isinstance(kafka_config, dict) if kafka_config.__contains__('bootstraps') \ and kafka_config.__contains__('port'): return kafka_config def kafka_bootstraps(self): # type: () -> str kafka_config = self.kafka_config() return '%s:%s' % (kafka_config['bootstraps'], kafka_config['port']) def cassandra_sources(self): # type: () -> dict """ Cassandra 数据源及表配置信息; 包括 振动表, 工艺表数据 . :return: Cassandra 表及数据源配置信息 """ return self._act_config({'processCassandraSource', 'vibCassandraSource', }) # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection def cassandra_process_table(self): # type: () -> str source_dict = self.cassandra_sources() if source_dict.__contains__('processCassandraSource'): process_dict = source_dict.get('processCassandraSource') assert isinstance(process_dict, dict) dt_names = process_dict.get('dtnames') assert isinstance(dt_names, list) return dt_names[0] def cassandra_config(self): # type: () -> dict """ Cassandra 数据源配置信息, 默认振动表, 工艺表等共用一个 Cassandra 集群; :return: Cassandra 配置信息 """ source_dict = self.cassandra_sources() for source_name, source_config in source_dict.items(): assert isinstance(source_config, dict) if source_config.__contains__('address') \ and source_config.__contains__('keyspace'): return source_config def cassandra_host(self): # type: () -> list config = self.cassandra_config() if config.__contains__('address'): address = config['address'] # type: str return address.split(",") def cassandra_keyspace(self): # type: () -> str config = self.cassandra_config() if config.__contains__('keyspace'): return config['keyspace'] def window_duration(self): # type: () -> int """ 返回 Cassandra 定期扫描的窗口长度 :return: 数据扫描的窗口长度, seconds """ duration_dict = self._act_config({'window_duration'}) if len(duration_dict) > 0: return int(next(iter(duration_dict.values()))) return 300 def start_time(self): # type: () -> str collect_to_current = self._act_config({'collect_to_current'}) if len(collect_to_current) > 0: offset = int(next(iter(collect_to_current.values()))) now_date = delta = datetime.timedelta(minutes=offset) start_date = now_date - delta return start_date.strftime(RuleParser.datetime_format()) def to_bool(v): # type: (Union[str, bool]) -> bool if v is None: return False if type(v) == bool: return v if type(v) == str: return v.lower() == 'true' return False def date_format_str(date): # type: (datetime.datetime) -> str """ 格式化日期为字符串: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S :param date: 日期 :return: 格式化的日期字符串 """ if isinstance(date, datetime.datetime): return date.strftime(RuleParser.datetime_format()) if isinstance(date, str): return date else: raise TypeError('expected datetime, but found %s' % type(date)) def to_dict(value): if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): return datetime.datetime.strftime(value, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[0:-3] else: return {k: v for k, v in value.__dict__.items() if not str(k).startswith('_')}
import math import random import pygame class Spark: def __init__(self, loc, angle, speed, color, scale=1): self.loc = loc self.angle = angle self.speed = speed self.scale = scale self.color = color self.alive = True def point_towards(self, angle, rate): rotate_direction = ( (angle - self.angle + math.pi * 3) % (math.pi * 2) ) - math.pi try: rotate_sign = abs(rotate_direction) / rotate_direction except ZeroDivisionError: rotate_sing = 1 if abs(rotate_direction) < rate: self.angle = angle else: self.angle += rate * rotate_sign def calculate_movement(self, dt): return [ math.cos(self.angle) * self.speed * dt, math.sin(self.angle) * self.speed * dt, ] # gravity and friction def velocity_adjust(self, friction, force, terminal_velocity, dt): movement = self.calculate_movement(dt) movement[1] = min(terminal_velocity, movement[1] + force * dt) movement[0] *= friction self.angle = math.atan2(movement[1], movement[0]) # if you want to get more realistic, the speed should be adjusted here def move(self, dt): movement = self.calculate_movement(dt) self.loc[0] += movement[0] self.loc[1] += movement[1] # a bunch of options to mess around with relating to angles... # self.point_towards(math.pi / 2, 0.02) # self.velocity_adjust(0.975, 0.2, 8, dt) # self.angle += 0.1 self.speed -= 0.1 if self.speed <= 0: self.alive = False def draw(self, surf, offset=[0, 0]): if self.alive: points = [ [ self.loc[0] + math.cos(self.angle) * self.speed * self.scale, self.loc[1] + math.sin(self.angle) * self.speed * self.scale, ], [ self.loc[0] + math.cos(self.angle + math.pi / 2) * self.speed * self.scale * 0.3, self.loc[1] + math.sin(self.angle + math.pi / 2) * self.speed * self.scale * 0.3, ], [ self.loc[0] - math.cos(self.angle) * self.speed * self.scale * 3.5, self.loc[1] - math.sin(self.angle) * self.speed * self.scale * 3.5, ], [ self.loc[0] + math.cos(self.angle - math.pi / 2) * self.speed * self.scale * 0.3, self.loc[1] - math.sin(self.angle + math.pi / 2) * self.speed * self.scale * 0.3, ], ] pygame.draw.polygon(surf, self.color, points) class Sparks: def __init__( self, screen, color, loc=[0, 0], angle_range=(0, 360), speed_range=(2, 4), scale=1, num_sparks=20, loop=False, ): self.num_sparks = num_sparks self.screen = screen self.loc = loc self.angle_range = angle_range self.speed_range = speed_range self.scale = scale self.color = color self.sparks_list = [] self.alive = False self.loop = False self.generate_sparks() def generate_sparks(self): for _ in range(self.num_sparks): self.sparks_list.append(self.generate_one_spark()) self.alive = True def generate_one_spark(self): return Spark( loc=self.loc.copy(), angle=math.radians( random.randint(self.angle_range[0], self.angle_range[1]) ), speed=random.randint(self.speed_range[0], self.speed_range[1]), color=self.color, scale=self.scale, ) def update(self): if self.alive: for i, spark in sorted(enumerate(self.sparks_list), reverse=True): spark.move(1) spark.draw(self.screen) if not spark.alive: self.sparks_list.pop(i) if len(self.sparks_list) == 0: self.alive = False
# Imports import base64 import binascii from typing import Optional, Union from bip_utils.utils.misc.algo import AlgoUtils class Base32Const: """Class container for Base32 constants.""" # Alphabet ALPHABET: str = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567" # Padding character PADDING_CHAR: str = "=" class _Base32Utils: """ Base32 utility class. It provides some helper methods for decoding/encoding Base32 format. """ @staticmethod def AddPadding(data: str) -> str: """ Add padding to an encoded Base32 string. Used if the string was encoded with Base32Encoder.EncodeNoPadding Args: data (str): Data Returns: str: Padded string """ last_block_width = len(data) % 8 if last_block_width != 0: data += (8 - last_block_width) * Base32Const.PADDING_CHAR return data @staticmethod def TranslateAlphabet(data: str, from_alphabet: str, to_alphabet: str) -> str: """ Translate the standard Base32 alphabet to a custom one. Args: data (str) : Data from_alphabet (str): Starting alphabet string to_alphabet (str) : Final alphabet string Returns: str: String with translated alphabet """ return data.translate(str.maketrans(from_alphabet, to_alphabet)) class Base32Decoder: """ Base32 decoder class. It provides methods for decoding to Base32 format. """ @staticmethod def Decode(data: str, custom_alphabet: Optional[str] = None) -> bytes: """ Decode from Base32. Args: data (str) : Data custom_alphabet (str, optional): Custom alphabet string Returns: bytes: Decoded bytes Raises: ValueError: If the Base32 string is not valid """ try: data_dec = _Base32Utils.AddPadding(data) if custom_alphabet is not None: data_dec = _Base32Utils.TranslateAlphabet(data_dec, custom_alphabet, Base32Const.ALPHABET) return base64.b32decode(data_dec) except binascii.Error as ex: raise ValueError("Invalid Base32 string") from ex class Base32Encoder: """ Base32 encoder class. It provides methods for encoding to Base32 format. """ @staticmethod def Encode(data: Union[bytes, str], custom_alphabet: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Encode to Base32. Args: data (str or bytes) : Data custom_alphabet (str, optional): Custom alphabet string Returns: str: Encoded string """ b32_enc = AlgoUtils.Decode(base64.b32encode(AlgoUtils.Encode(data))) if custom_alphabet is not None: b32_enc = _Base32Utils.TranslateAlphabet(b32_enc, Base32Const.ALPHABET, custom_alphabet) return b32_enc @staticmethod def EncodeNoPadding(data: Union[bytes, str], custom_alphabet: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Encode to Base32 by removing the final padding. Args: data (str or bytes) : Data custom_alphabet (str, optional): Custom alphabet string Returns: str: Encoded string """ return Base32Encoder.Encode(data, custom_alphabet).rstrip(Base32Const.PADDING_CHAR)
import inspect import itertools import logging import logging.config import logging.handlers import os import re import sys import traceback from oslo.config import cfg import six from six import moves from openstack_dashboard.openstack.common.gettextutils import _ from openstack_dashboard.openstack.common import importutils from openstack_dashboard.openstack.common import jsonutils from openstack_dashboard.openstack.common import local _DEFAULT_LOG_DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" _SANITIZE_KEYS = ['adminPass', 'admin_pass', 'password', 'admin_password'] # NOTE(ldbragst): Let's build a list of regex objects using the list of # _SANITIZE_KEYS we already have. This way, we only have to add the new key # to the list of _SANITIZE_KEYS and we can generate regular expressions # for XML and JSON automatically. _SANITIZE_PATTERNS = [] _FORMAT_PATTERNS = [r'(%(key)s\s*[=]\s*[\"\']).*?([\"\'])', r'(<%(key)s>).*?(</%(key)s>)', r'([\"\']%(key)s[\"\']\s*:\s*[\"\']).*?([\"\'])', r'([\'"].*?%(key)s[\'"]\s*:\s*u?[\'"]).*?([\'"])'] for key in _SANITIZE_KEYS: for pattern in _FORMAT_PATTERNS: reg_ex = re.compile(pattern % {'key': key}, re.DOTALL) _SANITIZE_PATTERNS.append(reg_ex) common_cli_opts = [ cfg.BoolOpt('debug', short='d', default=False, help='Print debugging output (set logging level to ' 'DEBUG instead of default WARNING level).'), cfg.BoolOpt('verbose', short='v', default=False, help='Print more verbose output (set logging level to ' 'INFO instead of default WARNING level).'), ] logging_cli_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('log-config-append', metavar='PATH', deprecated_name='log-config', help='The name of logging configuration file. It does not ' 'disable existing loggers, but just appends specified ' 'logging configuration to any other existing logging ' 'options. Please see the Python logging module ' 'documentation for details on logging configuration ' 'files.'), cfg.StrOpt('log-format', default=None, metavar='FORMAT', help='DEPRECATED. ' 'A logging.Formatter log message format string which may ' 'use any of the available logging.LogRecord attributes. ' 'This option is deprecated. Please use ' 'logging_context_format_string and ' 'logging_default_format_string instead.'), cfg.StrOpt('log-date-format', default=_DEFAULT_LOG_DATE_FORMAT, metavar='DATE_FORMAT', help='Format string for %%(asctime)s in log records. ' 'Default: %(default)s'), cfg.StrOpt('log-file', metavar='PATH', deprecated_name='logfile', help='(Optional) Name of log file to output to. ' 'If no default is set, logging will go to stdout.'), cfg.StrOpt('log-dir', deprecated_name='logdir', help='(Optional) The base directory used for relative ' '--log-file paths'), cfg.BoolOpt('use-syslog', default=False, help='Use syslog for logging. ' 'Existing syslog format is DEPRECATED during I, ' 'and then will be changed in J to honor RFC5424'), cfg.BoolOpt('use-syslog-rfc-format', # TODO(bogdando) remove or use True after existing # syslog format deprecation in J default=False, help='(Optional) Use syslog rfc5424 format for logging. ' 'If enabled, will add APP-NAME (RFC5424) before the ' 'MSG part of the syslog message. The old format ' 'without APP-NAME is deprecated in I, ' 'and will be removed in J.'), cfg.StrOpt('syslog-log-facility', default='LOG_USER', help='Syslog facility to receive log lines') ] generic_log_opts = [ cfg.BoolOpt('use_stderr', default=True, help='Log output to standard error') ] log_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('logging_context_format_string', default='%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s ' '%(name)s [%(request_id)s %(user_identity)s] ' '%(instance)s%(message)s', help='Format string to use for log messages with context'), cfg.StrOpt('logging_default_format_string', default='%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s ' '%(name)s [-] %(instance)s%(message)s', help='Format string to use for log messages without context'), cfg.StrOpt('logging_debug_format_suffix', default='%(funcName)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d', help='Data to append to log format when level is DEBUG'), cfg.StrOpt('logging_exception_prefix', default='%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d TRACE %(name)s ' '%(instance)s', help='Prefix each line of exception output with this format'), cfg.ListOpt('default_log_levels', default=[ 'amqp=WARN', 'amqplib=WARN', 'boto=WARN', 'qpid=WARN', 'sqlalchemy=WARN', 'suds=INFO', 'oslo.messaging=INFO', 'iso8601=WARN', 'requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool=WARN' ], help='List of logger=LEVEL pairs'), cfg.BoolOpt('publish_errors', default=False, help='Publish error events'), cfg.BoolOpt('fatal_deprecations', default=False, help='Make deprecations fatal'), # NOTE(mikal): there are two options here because sometimes we are handed # a full instance (and could include more information), and other times we # are just handed a UUID for the instance. cfg.StrOpt('instance_format', default='[instance: %(uuid)s] ', help='If an instance is passed with the log message, format ' 'it like this'), cfg.StrOpt('instance_uuid_format', default='[instance: %(uuid)s] ', help='If an instance UUID is passed with the log message, ' 'format it like this'), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_cli_opts(common_cli_opts) CONF.register_cli_opts(logging_cli_opts) CONF.register_opts(generic_log_opts) CONF.register_opts(log_opts) # our new audit level # NOTE(jkoelker) Since we synthesized an audit level, make the logging # module aware of it so it acts like other levels. logging.AUDIT = logging.INFO + 1 logging.addLevelName(logging.AUDIT, 'AUDIT') try: NullHandler = logging.NullHandler except AttributeError: # NOTE(jkoelker) NullHandler added in Python 2.7 class NullHandler(logging.Handler): def handle(self, record): pass def emit(self, record): pass def createLock(self): self.lock = None def _dictify_context(context): if context is None: return None if not isinstance(context, dict) and getattr(context, 'to_dict', None): context = context.to_dict() return context def _get_binary_name(): return os.path.basename(inspect.stack()[-1][1]) def _get_log_file_path(binary=None): logfile = CONF.log_file logdir = CONF.log_dir if logfile and not logdir: return logfile if logfile and logdir: return os.path.join(logdir, logfile) if logdir: binary = binary or _get_binary_name() return '%s.log' % (os.path.join(logdir, binary),) return None def mask_password(message, secret="***"): """Replace password with 'secret' in message. :param message: The string which includes security information. :param secret: value with which to replace passwords. :returns: The unicode value of message with the password fields masked. For example: >>> mask_password("'adminPass' : 'aaaaa'") "'adminPass' : '***'" >>> mask_password("'admin_pass' : 'aaaaa'") "'admin_pass' : '***'" >>> mask_password('"password" : "aaaaa"') '"password" : "***"' >>> mask_password("'original_password' : 'aaaaa'") "'original_password' : '***'" >>> mask_password("u'original_password' : u'aaaaa'") "u'original_password' : u'***'" """ message = six.text_type(message) # NOTE(ldbragst): Check to see if anything in message contains any key # specified in _SANITIZE_KEYS, if not then just return the message since # we don't have to mask any passwords. if not any(key in message for key in _SANITIZE_KEYS): return message secret = r'\g<1>' + secret + r'\g<2>' for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS: message = re.sub(pattern, secret, message) return message class BaseLoggerAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter): def audit(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): self.log(logging.AUDIT, msg, *args, **kwargs) class LazyAdapter(BaseLoggerAdapter): def __init__(self, name='unknown', version='unknown'): self._logger = None self.extra = {} = name self.version = version @property def logger(self): if not self._logger: self._logger = getLogger(, self.version) return self._logger class ContextAdapter(BaseLoggerAdapter): warn = logging.LoggerAdapter.warning def __init__(self, logger, project_name, version_string): self.logger = logger self.project = project_name self.version = version_string self._deprecated_messages_sent = dict() @property def handlers(self): return self.logger.handlers def deprecated(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """Call this method when a deprecated feature is used. If the system is configured for fatal deprecations then the message is logged at the 'critical' level and :class:`DeprecatedConfig` will be raised. Otherwise, the message will be logged (once) at the 'warn' level. :raises: :class:`DeprecatedConfig` if the system is configured for fatal deprecations. """ stdmsg = _("Deprecated: %s") % msg if CONF.fatal_deprecations: self.critical(stdmsg, *args, **kwargs) raise DeprecatedConfig(msg=stdmsg) # Using a list because a tuple with dict can't be stored in a set. sent_args = self._deprecated_messages_sent.setdefault(msg, list()) if args in sent_args: # Already logged this message, so don't log it again. return sent_args.append(args) self.warn(stdmsg, *args, **kwargs) def process(self, msg, kwargs): # NOTE(mrodden): catch any Message/other object and # coerce to unicode before they can get # to the python logging and possibly # cause string encoding trouble if not isinstance(msg, six.string_types): msg = six.text_type(msg) if 'extra' not in kwargs: kwargs['extra'] = {} extra = kwargs['extra'] context = kwargs.pop('context', None) if not context: context = getattr(, 'context', None) if context: extra.update(_dictify_context(context)) instance = kwargs.pop('instance', None) instance_uuid = (extra.get('instance_uuid') or kwargs.pop('instance_uuid', None)) instance_extra = '' if instance: instance_extra = CONF.instance_format % instance elif instance_uuid: instance_extra = (CONF.instance_uuid_format % {'uuid': instance_uuid}) extra['instance'] = instance_extra extra.setdefault('user_identity', kwargs.pop('user_identity', None)) extra['project'] = self.project extra['version'] = self.version extra['extra'] = extra.copy() return msg, kwargs class JSONFormatter(logging.Formatter): def __init__(self, fmt=None, datefmt=None): # NOTE(jkoelker) we ignore the fmt argument, but its still there # since logging.config.fileConfig passes it. self.datefmt = datefmt def formatException(self, ei, strip_newlines=True): lines = traceback.format_exception(*ei) if strip_newlines: lines = [moves.filter( lambda x: x, line.rstrip().splitlines()) for line in lines] lines = list(itertools.chain(*lines)) return lines def format(self, record): message = {'message': record.getMessage(), 'asctime': self.formatTime(record, self.datefmt), 'name':, 'msg': record.msg, 'args': record.args, 'levelname': record.levelname, 'levelno': record.levelno, 'pathname': record.pathname, 'filename': record.filename, 'module': record.module, 'lineno': record.lineno, 'funcname': record.funcName, 'created': record.created, 'msecs': record.msecs, 'relative_created': record.relativeCreated, 'thread': record.thread, 'thread_name': record.threadName, 'process_name': record.processName, 'process': record.process, 'traceback': None} if hasattr(record, 'extra'): message['extra'] = record.extra if record.exc_info: message['traceback'] = self.formatException(record.exc_info) return jsonutils.dumps(message) def _create_logging_excepthook(product_name): def logging_excepthook(exc_type, value, tb): extra = {} if CONF.verbose or CONF.debug: extra['exc_info'] = (exc_type, value, tb) getLogger(product_name).critical( "".join(traceback.format_exception_only(exc_type, value)), **extra) return logging_excepthook class LogConfigError(Exception): message = _('Error loading logging config %(log_config)s: %(err_msg)s') def __init__(self, log_config, err_msg): self.log_config = log_config self.err_msg = err_msg def __str__(self): return self.message % dict(log_config=self.log_config, err_msg=self.err_msg) def _load_log_config(log_config_append): try: logging.config.fileConfig(log_config_append, disable_existing_loggers=False) except moves.configparser.Error as exc: raise LogConfigError(log_config_append, str(exc)) def setup(product_name, version='unknown'): """Setup logging.""" if CONF.log_config_append: _load_log_config(CONF.log_config_append) else: _setup_logging_from_conf(product_name, version) sys.excepthook = _create_logging_excepthook(product_name) def set_defaults(logging_context_format_string): cfg.set_defaults(log_opts, logging_context_format_string= logging_context_format_string) def _find_facility_from_conf(): facility_names = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler.facility_names facility = getattr(logging.handlers.SysLogHandler, CONF.syslog_log_facility, None) if facility is None and CONF.syslog_log_facility in facility_names: facility = facility_names.get(CONF.syslog_log_facility) if facility is None: valid_facilities = facility_names.keys() consts = ['LOG_AUTH', 'LOG_AUTHPRIV', 'LOG_CRON', 'LOG_DAEMON', 'LOG_FTP', 'LOG_KERN', 'LOG_LPR', 'LOG_MAIL', 'LOG_NEWS', 'LOG_AUTH', 'LOG_SYSLOG', 'LOG_USER', 'LOG_UUCP', 'LOG_LOCAL0', 'LOG_LOCAL1', 'LOG_LOCAL2', 'LOG_LOCAL3', 'LOG_LOCAL4', 'LOG_LOCAL5', 'LOG_LOCAL6', 'LOG_LOCAL7'] valid_facilities.extend(consts) raise TypeError(_('syslog facility must be one of: %s') % ', '.join("'%s'" % fac for fac in valid_facilities)) return facility class RFCSysLogHandler(logging.handlers.SysLogHandler): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.binary_name = _get_binary_name() super(RFCSysLogHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def format(self, record): msg = super(RFCSysLogHandler, self).format(record) msg = self.binary_name + ' ' + msg return msg def _setup_logging_from_conf(project, version): log_root = getLogger(None).logger for handler in log_root.handlers: log_root.removeHandler(handler) if CONF.use_syslog: facility = _find_facility_from_conf() # TODO(bogdando) use the format provided by RFCSysLogHandler # after existing syslog format deprecation in J if CONF.use_syslog_rfc_format: syslog = RFCSysLogHandler(address='/dev/log', facility=facility) else: syslog = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address='/dev/log', facility=facility) log_root.addHandler(syslog) logpath = _get_log_file_path() if logpath: filelog = logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler(logpath) log_root.addHandler(filelog) if CONF.use_stderr: streamlog = ColorHandler() log_root.addHandler(streamlog) elif not logpath: # pass sys.stdout as a positional argument # python2.6 calls the argument strm, in 2.7 it's stream streamlog = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) log_root.addHandler(streamlog) if CONF.publish_errors: handler = importutils.import_object( "openstack_dashboard.openstack.common.log_handler.PublishErrorsHandler", logging.ERROR) log_root.addHandler(handler) datefmt = CONF.log_date_format for handler in log_root.handlers: # NOTE(alaski): CONF.log_format overrides everything currently. This # should be deprecated in favor of context aware formatting. if CONF.log_format: handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt=CONF.log_format, datefmt=datefmt))'Deprecated: log_format is now deprecated and will ' 'be removed in the next release') else: handler.setFormatter(ContextFormatter(project=project, version=version, datefmt=datefmt)) if CONF.debug: log_root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif CONF.verbose: log_root.setLevel(logging.INFO) else: log_root.setLevel(logging.WARNING) for pair in CONF.default_log_levels: mod, _sep, level_name = pair.partition('=') level = logging.getLevelName(level_name) logger = logging.getLogger(mod) logger.setLevel(level) _loggers = {} def getLogger(name='unknown', version='unknown'): if name not in _loggers: _loggers[name] = ContextAdapter(logging.getLogger(name), name, version) return _loggers[name] def getLazyLogger(name='unknown', version='unknown'): """Returns lazy logger. Creates a pass-through logger that does not create the real logger until it is really needed and delegates all calls to the real logger once it is created. """ return LazyAdapter(name, version) class WritableLogger(object): """A thin wrapper that responds to `write` and logs.""" def __init__(self, logger, level=logging.INFO): self.logger = logger self.level = level def write(self, msg): self.logger.log(self.level, msg.rstrip()) class ContextFormatter(logging.Formatter): """A context.RequestContext aware formatter configured through flags. The flags used to set format strings are: logging_context_format_string and logging_default_format_string. You can also specify logging_debug_format_suffix to append extra formatting if the log level is debug. For information about what variables are available for the formatter see: If available, uses the context value stored in TLS - """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize ContextFormatter instance Takes additional keyword arguments which can be used in the message format string. :keyword project: project name :type project: string :keyword version: project version :type version: string """ self.project = kwargs.pop('project', 'unknown') self.version = kwargs.pop('version', 'unknown') logging.Formatter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def format(self, record): """Uses contextstring if request_id is set, otherwise default.""" # store project info record.project = self.project record.version = self.version # store request info context = getattr(, 'context', None) if context: d = _dictify_context(context) for k, v in d.items(): setattr(record, k, v) # NOTE(sdague): default the fancier formatting params # to an empty string so we don't throw an exception if # they get used for key in ('instance', 'color', 'user_identity'): if key not in record.__dict__: record.__dict__[key] = '' if record.__dict__.get('request_id'): self._fmt = CONF.logging_context_format_string else: self._fmt = CONF.logging_default_format_string if (record.levelno == logging.DEBUG and CONF.logging_debug_format_suffix): self._fmt += " " + CONF.logging_debug_format_suffix # Cache this on the record, Logger will respect our formatted copy if record.exc_info: record.exc_text = self.formatException(record.exc_info, record) return logging.Formatter.format(self, record) def formatException(self, exc_info, record=None): """Format exception output with CONF.logging_exception_prefix.""" if not record: return logging.Formatter.formatException(self, exc_info) stringbuffer = moves.StringIO() traceback.print_exception(exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2], None, stringbuffer) lines = stringbuffer.getvalue().split('\n') stringbuffer.close() if CONF.logging_exception_prefix.find('%(asctime)') != -1: record.asctime = self.formatTime(record, self.datefmt) formatted_lines = [] for line in lines: pl = CONF.logging_exception_prefix % record.__dict__ fl = '%s%s' % (pl, line) formatted_lines.append(fl) return '\n'.join(formatted_lines) class ColorHandler(logging.StreamHandler): LEVEL_COLORS = { logging.DEBUG: '\033[00;32m', # GREEN logging.INFO: '\033[00;36m', # CYAN logging.AUDIT: '\033[01;36m', # BOLD CYAN logging.WARN: '\033[01;33m', # BOLD YELLOW logging.ERROR: '\033[01;31m', # BOLD RED logging.CRITICAL: '\033[01;31m', # BOLD RED } def format(self, record): record.color = self.LEVEL_COLORS[record.levelno] return logging.StreamHandler.format(self, record) class DeprecatedConfig(Exception): message = _("Fatal call to deprecated config: %(msg)s") def __init__(self, msg): super(Exception, self).__init__(self.message % dict(msg=msg))
Custom type casters =================== In very rare cases, applications may require custom type casters that cannot be expressed using the abstractions provided by pybind11, thus requiring raw Python C API calls. This is fairly advanced usage and should only be pursued by experts who are familiar with the intricacies of Python reference counting. The following snippets demonstrate how this works for a very simple ``inty`` type that that should be convertible from Python types that provide a ``__int__(self)`` method. .. code-block:: cpp struct inty { long long_value; }; void print(inty s) { std::cout << s.long_value << std::endl; } The following Python snippet demonstrates the intended usage from the Python side: .. code-block:: python class A: def __int__(self): return 123 from example import print print(A()) To register the necessary conversion routines, it is necessary to add a partial overload to the ``pybind11::detail::type_caster<T>`` template. Although this is an implementation detail, adding partial overloads to this type is explicitly allowed. .. code-block:: cpp namespace pybind11 { namespace detail { template <> struct type_caster<inty> { public: /** * This macro establishes the name 'inty' in * function signatures and declares a local variable * 'value' of type inty */ PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(inty, _("inty")); /** * Conversion part 1 (Python->C++): convert a PyObject into a inty * instance or return false upon failure. The second argument * indicates whether implicit conversions should be applied. */ bool load(handle src, bool) { /* Extract PyObject from handle */ PyObject *source = src.ptr(); /* Try converting into a Python integer value */ PyObject *tmp = PyNumber_Long(source); if (!tmp) return false; /* Now try to convert into a C++ int */ value.long_value = PyLong_AsLong(tmp); Py_DECREF(tmp); /* Ensure return code was OK (to avoid out-of-range errors etc) */ return !(value.long_value == -1 && !PyErr_Occurred()); } /** * Conversion part 2 (C++ -> Python): convert an inty instance into * a Python object. The second and third arguments are used to * indicate the return value policy and parent object (for * ``return_value_policy::reference_internal``) and are generally * ignored by implicit casters. */ static handle cast(inty src, return_value_policy /* policy */, handle /* parent */) { return PyLong_FromLong(src.long_value); } }; }} // namespace pybind11::detail .. note:: A ``type_caster<T>`` defined with ``PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(T, ...)`` requires that ``T`` is default-constructible (``value`` is first default constructed and then ``load()`` assigns to it). .. warning:: When using custom type casters, it's important to declare them consistently in every compilation unit of the Python extension module. Otherwise, undefined behavior can ensue.
import os, re from Section import Section as Section # handleXML is imported in Series.update() class Series: def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.index = None self.viewport = None self.units = None self.autoSaveSeries = None self.autoSaveSection = None self.warnSaveSection = None self.beepDeleting = None self.beepPaging = None self.hideTraces = None self.unhideTraces = None self.hideDomains = None self.unhideDomains = None self.useAbsolutePaths = None self.defaultThickness = None self.zMidSection = None self.thumbWidth = None self.thumbHeight = None self.fitThumbSections = None self.firstThumbSection = None self.lastThumbSection = None self.skipSections = None self.displayThumbContours = None self.useFlipbookStyle = None self.flipRate = None self.useProxies = None self.widthUseProxies = None self.heightUseProxies = None self.scaleProxies = None self.significantDigits = None self.defaultBorder = None self.defaultFill = None self.defaultMode = None self.defaultName = None self.defaultComment = None self.listSectionThickness = None self.listDomainSource = None self.listDomainPixelsize = None self.listDomainLength = None self.listDomainArea = None self.listDomainMidpoint = None self.listTraceComment = None self.listTraceLength = None self.listTraceArea = None self.listTraceCentroid = None self.listTraceExtent = None self.listTraceZ = None self.listTraceThickness = None self.listObjectRange = None self.listObjectCount = None self.listObjectSurfarea = None self.listObjectFlatarea = None self.listObjectVolume = None self.listZTraceNote = None self.listZTraceRange = None self.listZTraceLength = None self.borderColors = None self.fillColors = None self.offset3D = None self.type3Dobject = None self.first3Dsection = None self.last3Dsection = None self.max3Dconnection = None self.upper3Dfaces = None self.lower3Dfaces = None self.faceNormals = None self.vertexNormals = None self.facets3D = None self.dim3D = None self.gridType = None self.gridSize = None self.gridDistance = None self.gridNumber = None self.hueStopWhen = None self.hueStopValue = None self.satStopWhen = None self.satStopValue = None self.brightStopWhen = None self.brightStopValue = None self.tracesStopWhen = None self.areaStopPercent = None self.areaStopSize = None self.ContourMaskWidth = None self.smoothingLength = None self.mvmtIncrement = None self.ctrlIncrement = None self.shiftIncrement = None #Non-attributes = None self.path = None self.contours = [] self.zcontours = [] self.sections = [] self.processArguments(args, kwargs) def processArguments(self, args, kwargs): # 1) ARGS try: self.update(*args) except Exception, e: print('Could not process Series arg:%s\n\t'%str(args)+str(e)) # 2) KWARGS try: self.update(**kwargs) except Exception, e: print('Could not process Series kwarg:%s\n\t'%str(kwargs)+str(e)) # MUTATORS def update(self, *args, **kwargs): for arg in args: # String argument if type(arg) == type(''): # Possible path to XML? import as xml try: # given full path to .ser file self.update(*xml.process(arg)) self.path = arg = arg.split('/')[len(arg.split('/'))-1].replace('.ser','') except: # given directory path instead of path to .ser file path = arg if path[-1] != '/': path += '/' path = path+str([f for f in os.listdir(path) if '.ser' in f].pop()) self.update(*xml.process(path)) self.path = path = path.split('/')[len(path.split('/'))-1].replace('.ser','') # Dictionary elif type(arg) == type({}): for key in arg: if key in self.__dict__: self.__dict__[key] = arg[key] # List elif type(arg) == type([]): for item in arg: # Contour if item.__class__.__name__ == 'Contour': self.contours.append(item) # ZSection elif item.__class__.__name__ == 'ZContour': self.zcontours.append(item) # Section elif item.__class__.__name__ == 'Section': self.sections.append(item) # Contour elif arg.__class__.__name__ == 'Contour': self.contours.append(arg) # ZSection elif arg.__class__.__name__ == 'ZContour': self.zcontours.append(item) # Section elif arg.__class__.__name__ == 'Section': self.sections.append(arg) for kwarg in kwargs: # Load sections if 'sections' in kwargs: if kwargs['sections'] == True: print('Attempting to load sections...'), ser = os.path.basename(self.path) serfixer = re.compile(re.escape('.ser'), re.IGNORECASE) sername = serfixer.sub('', ser) # look for files with 'seriesname'+'.'+'number' p = re.compile('^'+sername+'[.][0-9]*$') sectionlist = [f for f in os.listdir(self.path.replace(ser,'')) if p.match(f)] # create and append Sections for each section file path = self.path.replace(os.path.basename(self.path),'') for sec in sectionlist: section = Section(path+sec) if section.index is not None: #=== self.update(section) # sort sections by index self.sections = sorted(self.sections, key=lambda Section: Section.index) print(' SUCCESS!') # ACCESSORS def attributes(self): '''Returns a dict of this Serie's attributes''' not_attributes = ['name','path','contours','zcontours','sections'] attributes = {} for att in self.__dict__: if att not in not_attributes: # if att is considered a desired attribute attributes[att] = self.__dict__[att] return attributes def deleteTraces(self, exceptions=[]): '''Deletes all traces except the regex found in exceptions list''' for section in self.sections: for contour in section.contours: for regex in exceptions: if re.compile(regex).match( pass else: print 'Removing:', section.contours.remove(contour) # calibrationTool functions def zeroIdentity(self): '''Converts points for all sections in a series to identity transform''' for sec in self.sections: for c in sec.contours: if c.image is None: # Don't alter image contours i.e. domain1 c.points = c.transform.worldpts(c.points) c.transform.dim = 0 c.transform.ycoef = [0,0,1,0,0,0] c.transform.xcoef = [0,1,0,0,0,0] c._tform = c.transform.tform() # curationTool functions def locateInvalidTraces(self, delete=False): invalidDict = {} for section in self.sections: invalids = [] for contour in section.contours: if contour.isInvalid(): invalids.append( if delete: print 'deleted: ',,'at section',section.index section.contours.remove(contour) if len(invalids) != 0: invalidDict[section.index] = invalids return invalidDict def locateReverseTraces(self): reverseDict = {} for section in self.sections: revTraces = [] for contour in section.contours: try: if contour.isReverse(): revTraces.append(contour) except: print('Invalid contour (%s on section %d) was ignored')%(, section.index) print('\t check coordinates in XML file') if len(revTraces) != 0: reverseDict[section.index] = revTraces return reverseDict def locateDistantTraces(self, threshold=7): '''Returns a dictionary of indexes containing traces that exist after <threshold (def: 7)> sections of non-existence''' # Build a list of lists for all the contours in each section allSectionContours = [] for section in self.sections: contours = list(set([ for cont in section.contours])) allSectionContours.append(contours) # Go through list of contours and check for distances index = int(self.sections[0].index) # correct starting index (can be 0 or 1) distantTraces = {} for sec in range(len(allSectionContours)): traces = [] for contour in allSectionContours[sec]: # Check above if sec+threshold+1 <= len(self.sections): # Check and ignore if in section:section+threshold sectionToThresholdContours = [] for contList in allSectionContours[sec+1:sec+threshold+1]: sectionToThresholdContours.extend(contList) if contour not in sectionToThresholdContours: # Check if contour is in section+threshold and up thresholdToEndContours = [] for contList in allSectionContours[sec+threshold+1:]: thresholdToEndContours.extend(contList) if contour in thresholdToEndContours: traces.append(contour) # Check below if sec-threshold-1 >= 0: # Check and ignore if in section-threshold:section minusThresholdToSectionContours = [] for contList in allSectionContours[sec-threshold:sec]: minusThresholdToSectionContours.extend(contList) if contour not in minusThresholdToSectionContours: # Check if contour is in section-threshold and down beginToMinusThresholdContours = [] for contList in allSectionContours[:sec-threshold]: beginToMinusThresholdContours.extend(contList) if contour in beginToMinusThresholdContours: traces.append(contour) # Add traces to distantTraces dictionary if len(traces) != 0: distantTraces[index] = traces index += 1 return distantTraces def locateDuplicates(self): '''Locates overlapping traces of the same name in a section. Returns a dictionary of section numbers with duplicates''' # Build dictionary of sections w/ contours whose name appear more than once in that section duplicateNames = {} for section in self.sections: duplicates = [] contourNames = [ for cont in section.contours] # List of contour names # Go through each contour, see if name appears in contourName > 1 time for contour in section.contours: if contourNames.count( > 1: duplicates.append(contour) if len(duplicates) != 0: duplicateNames[section.index] = duplicates # Go through each list of >1 contour names and check if actually overlaps duplicateDict = {} for key in duplicateNames: duplicates = [] for contour in duplicateNames[key]: # Filter contours of same memory address so that overlap isn't tested on itself copyContours = [cont for cont in duplicateNames[key] if id(cont) != id(contour) and ==] for cont in copyContours: try: if contour.overlaps(cont) == 1: # Perfect overlap (within threshold) duplicates.append(cont) except: print('Invalid contour (%s on section %d) was ignored')%(, key) print('\t check coordinates in XML file') if len(duplicates) != 0: duplicateDict[key] = duplicates return duplicateDict # excelTool functions def getObject(self, regex): '''Returns a list of 1 list per section containing all the contour that match the regex''' objects = [] for section in self.sections: section.append(section.getObject(regex)) return objects def getObjectLists(self): '''Returns sorted lists of dendrite names, protrusion names, trace names, and a list of other objects in series''' dendrite_expression = 'd[0-9]{2,}' # represents base dendrite name (d##) protrusion_expression = 'd[0-9]{2,}p[0-9]{2,}$' # represents base protrusion name (d##p##) trace_expression = 'd[0-9]{2,}.{1,}[0-9]{2,}' # represents trace name (d##<tracetype>##) # Convert expressions to usable regular expressions dendrite_expression = re.compile(dendrite_expression) protrusion_expression = re.compile(protrusion_expression, re.I) trace_expression = re.compile(trace_expression, re.I) # Create lists for names of dendrites, protrusions, traces, and other objects dendrites = [] protrusions = [] traces = [] others = [] for section in self.sections: for contour in section.contours: # Dendrite if dendrite_expression.match( != None: dendrites.append([0:dendrite_expression.match(]) # Protrusion if protrusion_expression.match( != None: protrusions.append( # Trace === expand to > 2 digits! if (trace_expression.match( != None and protrusion_expression.match( == None): traces.append( # Make sure a d##p## exists for this trace thisProt =[0:3]+'p'[4:6] if (protrusion_expression.match(thisProt) and thisProt not in protrusions): protrusions.append(thisProt) # Everything else (other) if (dendrite_expression.match( == None and protrusion_expression.match( == None and trace_expression.match( == None): others.append( return sorted(list(set(dendrites))), sorted(list(set(protrusions))), sorted(list(set(traces))), sorted(list(set(others))) def getData(self, object_name, data_string): string = str(data_string).lower() if string == 'volume': return self.getVolume(object_name) elif string == 'total volume': return self.getTotalVolume(object_name) elif string == 'surface area': return self.getSurfaceArea(object_name) elif string == 'flat area': return self.getFlatArea(object_name) elif string == 'start': return self.getStartEndCount(object_name)[0] elif string == 'end': return self.getStartEndCount(object_name)[1] elif string == 'count': return self.getStartEndCount(object_name)[2] def getVolume(self, object_name): '''Returns volume of the object throughout the series. Volume calculated by summing the value obtained by multiplying the area by section thickness over all sections.''' vol = 0 for section in self.sections: for contour in section.contours: if == object_name: try: contour.popShape() vol += (contour.shape.area * section.thickness) except: print 'getVolume(): Invalid contour:',, 'in section index:', section.index, '\nCheck XML file and fix before trusting data.\n' return vol def getTotalVolume(self, object_name): related_objects = [] if object_name[-1].isalpha(): object_name = object_name[:-1] # Get all related objects by base object name for section in self.sections: for contour in section.contours: if object_name in related_objects.append( # Find total volume by summing volume for all related objects totVol = 0 for obj in list(set(related_objects)): totVol+=self.getVolume(obj) return totVol def getSurfaceArea(self, object_name): '''Returns surface area of the object throughout the series. Surface area calculated by summing the length multiplied by section thickness across sections.''' sArea = 0 for section in self.sections: for contour in section.contours: if == object_name: try: sArea += (contour.getLength() * section.thickness) except: print 'getSurfaceArea(): Invalid contour:',, 'in section index:', section.index, '\nCheck XML file and fix before trusting data.\n' return sArea def getFlatArea(self, object_name): '''Returns the flat area of the object throughout the series. Flat area calculated by summing the area of the object across all sections.''' fArea = 0 for section in self.sections: for contour in section.contours: if == object_name: try: contour.popShape() if contour.closed: fArea += contour.shape.area else: fArea += (contour.getLength() * section.thickness) except: print 'getFlatArea(): Invalid contour:',, 'in section index:', section.index, '\nCheck XML file and fix before trusting data.\n' return fArea def getStartEndCount(self, object_name): '''Returns a tuple containing the start index, end index, and count of the item in series.''' start = 0 end = 0 count = 0 # Count for section in self.sections: for contour in section.contours: if == object_name: count += 1 # Start/End if object_name in [ for cont in section.contours]: # Start index if start == 0: start = section.index # End index end = section.index return start, end, count
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import inspect from builtins import (str) from cloudformation_validator.custom_rules.BaseRule import BaseRule def lineno(): """Returns the current line number in our program.""" return str(' - IamManagedPolicyWildcardResourceRule - caller: '+str(inspect.stack()[1][3])+' - line number: '+str(inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno)) class IamManagedPolicyWildcardResourceRule(BaseRule): def __init__(self, cfn_model=None, debug=None): """ Initialize IamManagedPolicyWildcardResourceRule :param cfn_model: """ BaseRule.__init__(self, cfn_model, debug=debug) def rule_text(self): """ Return rule text :return: """ if self.debug: print('rule_text'+lineno()) return 'IAM managed policy should not allow * resource' def rule_type(self): """ Return rule type :return: """ self.type= 'VIOLATION::WARNING' return 'VIOLATION::WARNING' def rule_id(self): """ Return rule id :return: """ if self.debug: print('rule_id'+lineno()) ='W13' return 'W13' def audit_impl(self): """ Audit :return: violations """ if self.debug: print('IamMangedPolicyWildcardResourceRule - audit_impl'+lineno()) violating_policies = [] resources = self.cfn_model.resources_by_type('AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy') if len(resources)>0: for resource in resources: if self.debug: print('resources: '+str(resource)+lineno()) print('vars: '+str(vars(resource))+lineno()) if hasattr(resource,'policy_document'): if self.debug: print('has policy document '+lineno()) print('vars: '+str(vars(resource.policy_document))) if resource.policy_document: if self.debug: print(resource.policy_document.statements) for statements in resource.policy_document.statements: if self.debug: print('statements: '+str(statements)) print('vars: '+str(vars(statements))) if resource.policy_document.wildcard_allowed_resources(): if self.debug: print('has wildcard allow resources') violating_policies.append(str(resource.logical_resource_id)) else: if self.debug: print('no violating_policies' + lineno()) return violating_policies
from __future__ import annotations from .enums import InteractionResponseType from .slash.http import ModifiedSlashState from .errors import InvalidEvent, WrongType from .http import BetterRoute, get_message_payload, send_files from .slash.errors import AlreadyDeferred, EphemeralDeletion from .tools import EMPTY_CHECK, MISSING, All, deprecated, setup_logger, get from .slash.types import ContextCommand, SlashCommand, SlashPermission, SlashSubcommand from .components import ActionRow, Button, ComponentStore, LinkButton, SelectMenu, SelectOption, UseableComponent, make_component import discord from discord import utils from discord.ext import commands from discord.state import ConnectionState from typing import Any, List, Union, Dict try: from typing import Literal except ImportError: from typing_extensions import Literal logging = setup_logger("discord-ui") __all__ = ( 'Message', 'EphemeralMessage', 'EphemeralResponseMessage', 'ButtonInteraction', 'PressedButton', # deprecated 'SelectInteraction', 'SelectedMenu', # deprecated 'AutocompleteInteraction', 'ChoiceGeneratorContext', # deprecated 'SlashInteraction', 'SlashedCommand', # deprecated 'SubSlashInteraction', 'SlashedSubCommand', # deprecated 'ContextInteraction', 'Interaction', ) class InteractionType: PING = Ping = 1 APPLICATION_COMMAND = Command = 2 MESSAGE_COMPONENT = Component = 3 APPLICATION_COMMAND_AUTOCOMPLETE = Autocomplete = 4 class Interaction(): def __init__(self, state, data, user=None, message=None) -> None: self._state: ModifiedSlashState = state self.deferred: bool = False self.responded: bool = False self._deferred_hidden: bool = False self._original_payload: dict = data Union[discord.Member, discord.User] = user """The user who created the interaction""" self.application_id: int = data["application_id"] """The ID of the bot application""" self.token: str = data["token"] """The token for responding to the interaction""" int = int(data["id"]) """The id of the interaction""" self.type: int = data["type"] """The type of the interaction. See :class:`~InteractionType` for more information""" self.version: int = data["version"] dict = data["data"] """The passed data of the interaction""" self.channel_id: int = int(data.get("channel_id")) if data.get("channel_id") is not None else None """The channel-id where the interaction was created""" self.guild_id: int = int(data["guild_id"]) if data.get("guild_id") is not None else None """The guild-id where the interaction was created""" self.message: Message = message """The message in which the interaction was created""" @property def created_at(self): """The interaction's creation time in UTC""" return utils.snowflake_time( @property def guild(self) -> discord.Guild: """The guild where the interaction was created""" return self._state._get_guild(self.guild_id) @property def channel(self) -> Union[,]: """The channel where the interaction was created""" return self._state.get_channel(self.channel_id) or self._state.get_channel( async def defer(self, hidden=False): """ This will acknowledge the interaction. This will show the (*Bot* is thinking...) Dialog .. note:: This function should be used if the bot needs more than 15 seconds to respond Parameters ---------- hidden: :class:`bool`, optional Whether the loading thing should be only visible to the user; default False. """ if self.deferred: logging.error(AlreadyDeferred()) return payload = None if hidden is True: payload = {"flags": 64} self._deferred_hidden = True await self._state.slash_http.respond_to(, self.token, InteractionResponseType.Deferred_channel_message, payload) self.deferred = True async def respond(self, content=None, *, tts=False, embed=None, embeds=None, file=None, files=None, nonce=None, allowed_mentions=None, mention_author=None, components=None, delete_after=None, listener=None, hidden=False, ninja_mode=False) -> Union['Message', 'EphemeralMessage']: """ Responds to the interaction Parameters ---------- content: :class:`str`, optional The raw message content tts: :class:`bool` Whether the message should be send with text-to-speech embed: :class:`discord.Embed` Embed rich content embeds: List[:class:`discord.Embed`] A list of embeds for the message file: :class:`discord.File` The file which will be attached to the message files: List[:class:`discord.File`] A list of files which will be attached to the message nonce: :class:`int` The nonce to use for sending this message allowed_mentions: :class:`discord.AllowedMentions` Controls the mentions being processed in this message mention_author: :class:`bool` Whether the author should be mentioned components: List[:class:`~Button` | :class:`~LinkButton` | :class:`~SelectMenu`] A list of message components to be included delete_after: :class:`float` After how many seconds the message should be deleted, only works for non-hiddend messages; default MISSING listener: :class:`Listener` A component-listener for this message hidden: :class:`bool` Whether the response should be visible only to the user ninja_mode: :class:`bool` If true, the client will respond to the button interaction with almost nothing and returns nothing Returns ------- :class:`~Message` | :class:`~EphemeralMessage` Returns the sent message """ if ninja_mode is True or all(y in [None, False] for x, y in locals().items() if x not in ["self"]): try: await self._state.slash_http.respond_to(, self.token, InteractionResponseType.Deferred_message_update) self.responded = True return except discord.errors.HTTPException as x: if "value must be one of (4, 5)" in str(x).lower(): logging.error(str(x) + "\n" + "The 'ninja_mode' parameter is not supported for slash commands!") ninja_mode = False else: raise x if self.responded is True: return await self.send(content=content, tts=tts, embed=embed, embeds=embeds, nonce=nonce, allowed_mentions=allowed_mentions, mention_author=mention_author, components=components, listener=listener, hidden=hidden ) if components is None and listener is not None: components = listener.to_components() payload = get_message_payload(content=content, tts=tts, embed=embed, embeds=embeds, nonce=nonce, allowed_mentions=allowed_mentions, mention_author=mention_author, components=components ) if self._deferred_hidden is hidden: if self._deferred_hidden is False and hidden is True: logging.warning("Your response should be hidden, but the interaction was deferred public. This results in a public response.") if self._deferred_hidden is True and hidden is False: logging.warning("Your response should be public, but the interaction was deferred hidden. This results in a hidden response.") hide_message = self._deferred_hidden or not self.deferred and hidden is True r = None if delete_after is not None and hide_message is True: raise EphemeralDeletion() if hide_message: payload["flags"] = 64 if self.deferred: route = BetterRoute("PATCH", f'/webhooks/{self.application_id}/{self.token}/messages/@original') if file is not None or files is not None: await send_files(route=route, files=files or ([file] if file is not None else None), payload=payload, http=self._state.http) else: await self._state.http.request(route, json=payload) else: await self._state.slash_http.respond_to(, self.token, InteractionResponseType.Channel_message, payload, files=files or [file] if file is not None else None) self.responded = True r = await self._state.http.request(BetterRoute("GET", f"/webhooks/{self.application_id}/{self.token}/messages/@original")) if hide_message is True: msg = EphemeralMessage(state=self._state,, data=r, application_id=self.application_id, token=self.token) else: msg = await getMessage(self._state, data=r, response=False) if listener is not None: listener._start(msg) if delete_after is not None: await msg.delete(delete_after) return msg async def send(self, content=None, *, tts=None, embed=None, embeds=None, file=None, files=None, nonce=None, allowed_mentions=None, mention_author=None, components=None, delete_after=None, listener=None, hidden=False, force=False ) -> Union[Message, EphemeralMessage]: """ Sends a message to the interaction using a webhook Parameters ---------- content: :class:`str`, optional The raw message content tts: :class:`bool`, optional Whether the message should be send with text-to-speech embed: :class:`discord.Embed`, optional Embed rich content embeds: List[:class:`discord.Embed`], optional A list of embeds for the message file: :class:`discord.File`, optional The file which will be attached to the message files: List[:class:`discord.File`], optional A list of files which will be attached to the message nonce: :class:`int`, optional The nonce to use for sending this message allowed_mentions: :class:`discord.AllowedMentions`, optional Controls the mentions being processed in this message mention_author: :class:`bool`, optional Whether the author should be mentioned components: List[:class:`~Button` | :class:`~LinkButton` | :class:`~SelectMenu`] A list of message components to be included delete_after: :class:`float`, optional After how many seconds the message should be deleted, only works for non-hiddend messages; default MISSING listener: :class:`Listener`, optional A component-listener for this message hidden: :class:`bool`, optional Whether the response should be visible only to the user ninja_mode: :class:`bool`, optional If true, the client will respond to the button interaction with almost nothing and returns nothing force: :class:`bool`, optional Whether sending the follow-up message should be forced. If ``False``, then a follow-up message will only be send if ``.responded`` is True; default False Returns ------- :class:`~Message` | :class:`EphemeralMessage` Returns the sent message """ if force is False and self.responded is False: return await self.respond(content=content, tts=tts, embed=embed, embeds=embeds, file=file, files=files, nonce=nonce, allowed_mentions=allowed_mentions, mention_author=mention_author, components=components, delete_after=delete_after, listener=listener, hidden=hidden) if components is None and listener is not None: components = listener.to_components() payload = get_message_payload(content=content, tts=tts, embed=embed, embeds=embeds, nonce=nonce, allowed_mentions=allowed_mentions, mention_author=mention_author, components=components) if hidden: payload["flags"] = 64 route = BetterRoute("POST", f'/webhooks/{self.application_id}/{self.token}') if file is not None or files is not None: r = await send_files(route=route, files=files or ([file] if file is None else None), payload=payload, http=self._state.http) else: r = await self._state.http.request(route, json=payload) if hidden is True: msg = EphemeralMessage(state=self._state, channel=self._state.get_channel(int(r["channel_id"])), data=r, application_id=self.application_id, token=self.token) else: msg = await getMessage(self._state, r, response=False) if delete_after is not None: await msg.delete(delete_after) if listener is not None: listener._start(msg) return msg def _handle_auto_defer(self, auto_defer): self.deferred = auto_defer[0] self._deferred_hidden = auto_defer[1] class AutocompleteInteraction(Interaction): """Autocomplete interaction""" def __init__(self, command, state, data, options, user=None) -> None: Interaction.__init__(self, state, data, user=user) self.focused_option: dict = options[get(options, check=lambda x: options[x].get("focused", False))] """The option for which the choices should be generated""" self.value_query: Union[str, int] = self.focused_option["value"] """The current input of the focused option""" self.selected_options: Dict[str, Any] = {options[x]["name"]: options[x]["value"] for x in options} """All the options that were already selected. Format: ``{"option name": value}``""" self.command: Union[SlashInteraction, SlashInteraction, ContextInteraction] = command """The slash command for which the choices should be generated""" async def defer(self, *args, **kwargs): """Cannot defer this type of interaction""" raise NotImplementedError() async def respond(self, *args, **kwargs): """Response will be made automatically with the choices that are returned""" raise NotImplementedError() async def send(self, *args, **kwargs): """Cannot send followup message to this type of interaction""" raise NotImplementedError() class ChoiceGeneratorContext(AutocompleteInteraction): """Deprecated, please use :class:`AutocompleteInteraction` instead""" ... class ComponentInteraction(Interaction): """A received component""" def __init__(self, state, data, user, message) -> None: Interaction.__init__(self, state, data, user=user, message=message) self.component: UseableComponent = UseableComponent(data["data"]["component_type"]) self.component._custom_id = data["data"]["custom_id"] class ComponentContext(ComponentInteraction): """Deprecated, please use :class:`ComponentInteraction` instead""" ... class SelectInteraction(Interaction): """An interaction that was created by a :class:`~SelectMenu`""" def __init__(self, data, user, s, msg, client) -> None: Interaction.__init__(self, client._connection, data, user, msg) self.component: SelectMenu = s commands.Bot = client self.custom_id: str = data['data']['custom_id'] self.selected_options: List[SelectOption] = [] """The list of the selected options""" self.selected_values: List[str] = [] """The list of raw values which were selected""" for val in data["data"]["values"]: for x in self.component.options: if x.value == val: self.selected_options.append(x) self.selected_values.append(x.value) discord.Member = user """The user who selected the value""" class SelectedMenu(SelectInteraction): """deprecated, please use :class:`SelectInteraction` instead""" ... class ButtonInteraction(Interaction): """An interaction that was created by a :class:`~Button`""" def __init__(self, data, user, b, message, client) -> None: Interaction.__init__(self, client._connection, data, user, message) self.custom_id: str = data['data']['custom_id'] self.component: Button = b """The component that created the interaction""" commands.Bot = client discord.Member = user """The user who pressed the button""" class PressedButton(ButtonInteraction): """deprecated, please use :class:`ButtonInteraction` instead""" ... class SlashInteraction(Interaction): """An interaction created by a :class:`~SlashCommand`""" def __init__(self, client, command: SlashCommand, data, user, args = None) -> None: Interaction.__init__(self, client._connection, data, user) self.command: SlashCommand = command """The original command instance that was used. If you change things here, the changes will be applied globally""" commands.Bot = client discord.Member = user """The user who used the command""" self.args: Dict[str, Union[str, int, bool, discord.Member, discord.TextChannel, discord.Role, float]] = args """The options that were received""" self.permissions: SlashPermission = command.guild_permissions.get(self.guild_id) if command.guild_permissions is not None else None """The permissions for this guild""" class SlashedCommand(SlashInteraction): """deprecated, please use :class:`SlashInteraction` instead""" ... class SubSlashInteraction(SlashInteraction): """An interaction created by a :class:`~SlashSubcommand`""" command: SlashSubcommand def __init__(self, client, command, data, user, args = None) -> None: SlashInteraction.__init__(self, client, command, data, user, args) class SlashedSubCommand(SubSlashInteraction): """deprecated, please use ``SubSlashInteraction`` instead""" ... class ContextInteraction(Interaction): """An interaction created by a :class:`~MessageCommand` or a :class:`~UserCommand`""" def __init__(self, client, command: ContextCommand, data, user, target) -> None: Interaction.__init__(self, client._connection, data, user) self.command: ContextCommand = command """The original command instance that was used""" commands.Bot = client Union[Message, Union[discord.Member, discord.User]] = target """The target object on which the interaction was used""" self.permissions: SlashPermission = command.guild_permissions.get(self.guild_id) if command.guild_permissions is not None else None """The permissions for this guild""" async def getMessage(state: discord.state.ConnectionState, data, response=True): """ Async function to get the response message Parameters ----------------- state: :class:`discord.state.ConnectionState` The discord bot client data: :class:`dict` The raw data user: :class:`discord.User` The User which pressed the button response: :class:`bool` Whether the Message returned should be of type `ResponseMessage` or `Message` channel: :class:`discord.Messageable` An alternative channel that will be used when no channel was found Returns ------- :class:`~Message` | :class:`~EphemeralMessage` The sent message """ msg_base = data.get("message", data) channel = state.get_channel(int(data["channel_id"])) or state.get_channel(int(msg_base["author"]["id"])) if response: if msg_base["flags"] == 64: return EphemeralResponseMessage(state=state, channel=channel, data=data.get("message", data)) return Message(state=state, channel=channel, data=msg_base) if msg_base["flags"] == 64: return EphemeralMessage(state=state, channel=channel, data=msg_base) return Message(state=state, channel=channel, data=msg_base) class Message(discord.Message): """A :class:`discord.Message` optimized for components""" _state: ConnectionState def __init__(self, *, state, channel, data): self.__slots__ = discord.Message.__slots__ + ("components",) discord.Message.__init__(self, state=state, channel=channel, data=data) self.components = ComponentStore() """The components in the message""" self._update_components(data) # region attributes @property @deprecated(".components.buttons") def buttons(self) -> List[Union[Button, LinkButton]]: """The button components in the message""" return self.components.buttons @property @deprecated(".components.selects") def select_menus(self) -> List[SelectMenu]: """The select menus components in the message""" return self.components.selects @property @deprecated(".components.get_rows()") def action_rows(self) -> List[ActionRow]: return self.components.get_rows() def _update_components(self, data): """Updates the message components""" if data.get("components") is None: self.components = ComponentStore() return self.components = ComponentStore() if len(data["components"]) == 0: pass elif len(data["components"]) > 1: # multiple lines for componentWrapper in data["components"]: # newline for index, com in enumerate(componentWrapper["components"]): self.components.append(make_component(com, index==0)) elif len(data["components"][0]["components"]) > 1: # All inline for index, com in enumerate(data["components"][0]["components"]): self.components.append(make_component(com, index==0)) else: # One button component = data["components"][0]["components"][0] self.components.append(make_component(component)) def _update(self, data): super()._update(data) self._update_components(data) async def edit(self, content=MISSING, *, embed=MISSING, embeds=MISSING, attachments=MISSING, suppress=MISSING, delete_after=MISSING, allowed_mentions=MISSING, components=MISSING): """Edits the message and updates its properties .. note:: If a paremeter is `None`, the attribute will be removed from the message Parameters ---------------- content: :class:`str` The new message content embed: :class:`discord.Embed` The new embed of the message embeds: List[:class:`discord.Embed`] The new list of discord embeds attachments: List[:class:`discord.Attachment`] A list of new attachments supress: :class:`bool` Whether the embeds should be shown delete_after: :class:`float` After how many seconds the message should be deleted allowed_mentions: :class:`discord.AllowedMentions` The mentions proceeded in the message components: List[:class:`~Button` | :class:`~LinkButton` | :class:`~SelectMenu`] A list of components to be included the message """ payload = get_message_payload(content, embed=embed, embeds=embeds, allowed_mentions=allowed_mentions, attachments=attachments, suppress=suppress, flags=self.flags.value, components=components) data = await self._state.http.edit_message(,, **payload) self._update(data) if delete_after is not MISSING: await self.delete(delay=delete_after) async def disable_components(self, index=All, disable=True, **fields): """Disables component(s) in the message Parameters ---------- index: :class:`int` | :class:`str` | :class:`range` | List[:class:`int` | :class:`str`], optional Index(es) or custom_id(s) for the components that should be disabled or enabled; default all components disable: :class:`bool`, optional Whether to disable (``True``) or enable (``False``) components; default True ``**fields`` Other parameters for editing the message (like `content=`, `embed=`) """ self.components.disable(index, disable) await self.edit(components=self.components, **fields) async def wait_for(self, event_name: Literal["select", "button", "component"], client, custom_id=None, by=None, check=EMPTY_CHECK, timeout=None) -> Union[ButtonInteraction, SelectInteraction, ComponentContext]: """Waits for a message component to be invoked in this message Parameters ----------- event_name: :class:`str` The name of the event which will be awaited [``"select"`` | ``"button"`` | ``"component"``] .. note:: ``event_name`` must be ``select`` for a select menu selection, ``button`` for a button press and ``component`` for any component client: :class:`discord.ext.commands.Bot` The discord client custom_id: :class:`str`, Optional Filters the waiting for a custom_id by: :class:`discord.User` | :class:`discord.Member` | :class:`int` | :class:`str`, Optional The user or the user id by that has to create the component interaction check: :class:`function`, Optional A check that has to return True in order to break from the event and return the received component The function takes the received component as the parameter timeout: :class:`float`, Optional After how many seconds the waiting should be canceled. Throws an :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError` Exception Raises ------ :class:`discord_ui.errors.InvalidEvent` The event name passed was invalid Returns -------- :class:`~ButtonInteraction` | :class:`~SelectInteraction` The component that was waited for Example ------- .. code-block:: # send a message with comoponents msg = await ctx.send("okay", components=[Button(custom_id="a_custom_id", ...)]) try: # wait for the button btn = await msg.wait_for("button", client, "a_custom_id",, timeout=20) # send response btn.respond() except asyncio.TimeoutError: # no button press was received in 20 seconds timespan """ def _check(com): if == statements = [] if custom_id is not None: statements.append(com.custom_id == custom_id) if by is not None: statements.append( == ( if hasattr(by, "id") else int(by))) if check is not None: statements.append(check(com)) return all(statements) return False if not isinstance(client, commands.Bot): raise WrongType("client", client, "discord.ext.commands.Bot") if event_name.lower() == "button": return await client.wait_for('button', check=_check, timeout=timeout) if event_name.lower() == "select": return await client.wait_for("select", check=_check, timeout=timeout) if event_name.lower() == "component": return await client.wait_for("component", check=_check, timeout=timeout) raise InvalidEvent(event_name, ["button", "select", "component"]) async def put_listener(self, listener): """Adds a listener to this message and edits the message if the components of the listener are missing in this message Parameters ---------- listener: :class:`Listener` The listener which should be put to the message """ if len(self.components) == 0: await self.edit(components=listener.to_components()) self.attach_listener(listener) def attach_listener(self, listener): """Attaches a listener to this message after it was sent Parameters ---------- listener: :class:`Listener` The listener that should be attached """ listener._start(self) def remove_listener(self): """Removes the listener from this message""" try: del self._state._component_listeners[str(] except KeyError: pass class EphemeralMessage(Message): """Represents a hidden (ephemeral) message""" def __init__(self, state, channel, data, application_id=None, token=None): #region fix reference keyerror if data.get("message_reference"): if data["message_reference"].get("channel_id") is None: data["message_reference"]["channel_id"] = str( #endregion Message.__init__(self, state=state, channel=channel, data=data) self._application_id = application_id self._interaction_token = token async def edit(self, *args, **fields): r = BetterRoute("PATCH", f"/webhooks/{self._application_id}/{self._interaction_token}/messages/{}") self._update(await self._state.http.request(r, json=get_message_payload(*args, **fields))) async def delete(self): """Override for delete function that will throw an exception""" raise EphemeralDeletion() class EphemeralResponseMessage(Message): """A ephemeral message which was created from an interaction .. important:: Methods like `.edit()`, which change the original message, need a `token` paremeter passed in order to work """ def __init__(self, *, state, channel, data): Message.__init__(self, state=state, channel=channel, data=data) async def edit(self, token, *args, **fields): """Edits the message Parameters ---------- token: :class:`str` The token of the interaction with wich this ephemeral message was sent fields: :class:`kwargs` The fields to edit (ex. `content="...", embed=..., attachments=[...]`) Example .. code-block:: async def testing(ctx): msg = await ctx.send("hello hidden world", components=[Button("test")]) btn = await msg.wait_for("button", client) await btn.message.edit(ctx.token, content="edited", components=None) """ route = BetterRoute("PATCH", f"/webhooks/{self.interaction.application_id}/{token}/messages/{}") self._update(await self._state.http.request(route, json=get_message_payload(*args, **fields))) async def delete(self): """Override for delete function that will throw an exception""" raise EphemeralDeletion() async def disable_components(self, token, disable = True, **fields): """Disables all component in the message Parameters ---------- disable: :class:`bool`, optional Whether to disable (``True``) or enable (``False``) all components; default True """ self.components.disable(disable=disable) await self.edit(token, components=self.components, **fields)
# This is heavily inspired by import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import state_ops from TATi.samplers.dynamics.hamiltonianmontecarlosamplerfirstordersampler import \ HamiltonianMonteCarloSamplerFirstOrderSampler class HamiltonianMonteCarloSamplerSecondOrderSampler(HamiltonianMonteCarloSamplerFirstOrderSampler): """Implements a Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Sampler in the form of a TensorFlow Optimizer, overriding Args: Returns: """ def __init__(self, calculate_accumulates, covariance_blending, step_width, inverse_temperature, loss, current_step, next_eval_step, hd_steps, accept_seed, seed=None, use_locking=False, name='HamiltonianMonteCarlo_2ndOrder'): """Init function for this class. Args: calculate_accumulates: whether accumulates (gradient norm, noise, norm, kinetic energy, ...) are calculated every step (extra work but required for run info dataframe/file and averages dataframe/file) covariance_blending: covariance identity blending value eta to use in creating the preconditioning matrix step_width: placeholder for step width for gradient inverse_temperature: placeholder for scale for noise loss: placeholder for loss value of the current state for evaluating acceptance current_step: placeholder for current step next_eval_step: placeholder for step number at which accept/reject is evaluated next hd_steps: placeholder with number of hamilton dynamics steps accept_seed: extra seed value for random numbers used for acceptance evaluation seed: seed value of the random number generator for generating reproducible runs (Default value = None) use_locking: whether to lock in the context of multi-threaded operations (Default value = False) name: internal name of optimizer (Default value = 'HamiltonianMonteCarlo_2ndOrder') Returns: """ super(HamiltonianMonteCarloSamplerSecondOrderSampler, self).__init__( calculate_accumulates, covariance_blending, step_width, inverse_temperature, loss, current_step, next_eval_step, accept_seed, seed, use_locking, name) self._hd_steps = hd_steps def _prepare(self): """Converts step width into a tensor, if given as a floating-point number. Args: Returns: """ super(HamiltonianMonteCarloSamplerSecondOrderSampler, self)._prepare() self._hd_steps_t = ops.convert_to_tensor(self._hd_steps, name="hd_steps") def _get_momentum_criterion_block(self, var, scaled_gradient, scaled_noise, current_step_t, next_eval_step_t, hd_steps_t): momentum = self.get_slot(var, "momentum") def momentum_id_block(): return tf.identity(momentum) # update momentum def momentum_step_block(): with tf.control_dependencies([ state_ops.assign_sub(momentum, scaled_gradient)]): return tf.identity(momentum) # L=5, step 0 was a criterion evaluation: # 1 (BA), 2 (BBA), 3 (BBA), 4 (BBA), 5 (BBA), 6(B), 7 criterion # in the very first step we have to skip the first "B" step: # e.g., for L=5, we execute at steps 2,3,4,5,6, and skip at 1,7 momentum_first_step_block_t = tf.cond( tf.logical_and( tf.greater_equal(current_step_t, next_eval_step_t - (hd_steps_t)), tf.less(current_step_t, next_eval_step_t)), momentum_step_block, momentum_id_block) def integrated_momentum(): return tf.identity(momentum_first_step_block_t) def moment_reinit_block(): with tf.control_dependencies([momentum.assign(scaled_noise)]): return tf.identity(momentum) def momentum_criterion_block(): return tf.cond( tf.equal(current_step_t, next_eval_step_t), moment_reinit_block, momentum_step_block) # skip second "B" step on the extra step (as both "BA" is skipped) # before criterion evaluation with tf.control_dependencies([momentum_first_step_block_t]): momentum_second_step_block_t = tf.cond( tf.equal(current_step_t, next_eval_step_t - 1), momentum_id_block, momentum_criterion_block) def redrawn_momentum(): return tf.identity(momentum_second_step_block_t) # calculate kinetic energy and momentum after first "B" step or on redrawn momenta momentum_kinetic_energy_t = tf.cond( tf.equal(current_step_t, next_eval_step_t), redrawn_momentum, integrated_momentum) momentum_sq = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(momentum_kinetic_energy_t,momentum_kinetic_energy_t)) momentum_global_t = self._add_momentum_contribution(momentum_sq) inertia_global_t = self._add_inertia_contribution(momentum_kinetic_energy_t, var) kinetic_energy_t = self._add_kinetic_energy_contribution(momentum_sq) return momentum_second_step_block_t, momentum_global_t, inertia_global_t, kinetic_energy_t def _create_criterion_integration_block(self, var, virial_global_t, scaled_momentum, current_energy, p_accept, uniform_random_t, current_step_t, next_eval_step_t): initial_parameters = self.get_slot(var, "initial_parameters") old_total_energy_t = self._get_old_total_energy() accepted_t, rejected_t = self._get_accepted_rejected() # see # In other words, each branch inside a tf.cond is evaluated. All "side effects" # need to be hidden away inside tf.control_dependencies. # I.E. DONT PLACE INSIDE NODES (confusing indeed) def accept_block(): with tf.control_dependencies([virial_global_t]): with tf.control_dependencies([ old_total_energy_t.assign(current_energy), initial_parameters.assign(var), accepted_t.assign_add(1)]): return tf.identity(old_total_energy_t) # DONT use nodes in the control_dependencies, always functions! def reject_block(): with tf.control_dependencies([virial_global_t]): with tf.control_dependencies([ var.assign(initial_parameters), rejected_t.assign_add(1)]): return tf.identity(old_total_energy_t) def accept_reject_block(): return tf.cond(tf.greater(p_accept, uniform_random_t), accept_block, reject_block) # DONT use nodes in the control_dependencies, always functions! def step_block(): with tf.control_dependencies([virial_global_t]): with tf.control_dependencies([state_ops.assign_add(var, scaled_momentum)]): return tf.identity(old_total_energy_t) def id_block(): with tf.control_dependencies([virial_global_t]): return tf.identity(old_total_energy_t) # skip "A" step in extra step before criterion evaluation def step_or_id_block(): return tf.cond( tf.equal(current_step_t, next_eval_step_t - 1), id_block, step_block) # make sure virial and gradients are evaluated before we update variables criterion_block_t = tf.cond( tf.equal(current_step_t, next_eval_step_t), accept_reject_block, step_or_id_block) return criterion_block_t def _apply_dense(self, grads_and_vars, var): """Adds nodes to TensorFlow's computational graph in the case of densely occupied tensors to perform the actual sampling. We perform a number of Leapfrog steps on a hamiltonian (loss+kinetic energy) and at step number next_eval_step we check the acceptance criterion, either resetting back to the initial parameters or resetting the initial parameters to the current ones. NOTE: Due to Tensorflow enforcing loss and gradient evaluation at the begin of the sampling step, we need to cyclically permute the BAB steps to become BBA, i.e. the last "B" step is delayed till the next step. This means that we need to skip the additional "B" step in the very first time integration step and we need an additional step to compute the delayed "B" for the last time integration and subsequently to compute the kinetic energy before the criterion evaluation. Effectively, we compute L+2 steps if L is the number of Hamiltonian dynamics steps. Args: grads_and_vars: gradient nodes over all walkers and all variables var: parameters of the neural network Returns: a group of operations to be added to the graph """ _, grad = self._pick_grad(grads_and_vars, var) step_width_t, inverse_temperature_t, current_step_t, next_eval_step_t, random_noise_t, uniform_random_t = \ self._prepare_dense(grad, var) hd_steps_t = math_ops.cast(self._hd_steps_t, tf.int64) # 1/2 * \nabla V (q^n ) \Delta t scaled_gradient = .5 * step_width_t * grad gradient_global_t = self._add_gradient_contribution(scaled_gradient) virial_global_t = self._add_virial_contribution(grad, var) # update momentum: B, BB or redraw momenta scaled_noise = tf.sqrt(1./inverse_temperature_t)*random_noise_t momentum_criterion_block_t, momentum_global_t, inertia_global_t, kinetic_energy_t = \ self._get_momentum_criterion_block(var, scaled_gradient, scaled_noise, current_step_t, next_eval_step_t, hd_steps_t) current_energy = self._get_current_total_energy() # prior force act directly on var #ub_repell, lb_repell = self._apply_prior(var) #prior_force = step_width_t * (ub_repell + lb_repell) #scaled_momentum = step_width_t * momentum_criterion_block_t - prior_force # update variables: A, skip or evaluate criterion (accept/reject) scaled_momentum = step_width_t * momentum_criterion_block_t p_accept = self._create_p_accept(inverse_temperature_t, current_energy) criterion_block_t = self._create_criterion_integration_block(var, virial_global_t, scaled_momentum, current_energy, p_accept, uniform_random_t, current_step_t, next_eval_step_t ) # note: these are evaluated in any order, use control_dependencies if required return*([momentum_criterion_block_t, criterion_block_t, virial_global_t, inertia_global_t, gradient_global_t, momentum_global_t, kinetic_energy_t])) def _apply_sparse(self, grad, var): """Adds nodes to TensorFlow's computational graph in the case of sparsely occupied tensors to perform the actual sampling. Note that this is not implemented so far. Args: grad: gradient nodes, i.e. they contain the gradient per parameter in `var` var: parameters of the neural network Returns: a group of operations to be added to the graph """ raise NotImplementedError("Sparse gradient updates are not supported.")
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Modifying variables ------------------- .. include:: /../../examples/hlapi/v1arch/asyncore/sync/manager/cmdgen/ :start-after: """ :end-before: """# .. literalinclude:: /../../examples/hlapi/v1arch/asyncore/sync/manager/cmdgen/ :start-after: """# :language: python :download:`Download</../../examples/hlapi/v1arch/asyncore/sync/manager/cmdgen/>` script. .. include:: /../../examples/hlapi/v1arch/asyncore/sync/manager/cmdgen/ :start-after: """ :end-before: """# .. literalinclude:: /../../examples/hlapi/v1arch/asyncore/sync/manager/cmdgen/ :start-after: """# :language: python :download:`Download</../../examples/hlapi/v1arch/asyncore/sync/manager/cmdgen/>` script. See also: :doc:`library-reference </docs/api-reference>`.
Resource Reservation plugin for Trac Copyright 2010 Roberto Longobardi Project web page on TracHacks: Project web page on Project web page on Pypi: A Trac plugin and macro to allow for visually planning and reserving the use of resources in your environment, e.g. test machines, consumable test data, etc..., with just one click. ================================================================================================= Change History: Release 1.0.4 (2011-04-30): o Fixed bug #8746 Unicode trouble. Actually this bug could have also been named "It simpy doesn't work". I mistakenly removed a single token from the database creation code, just ruining it. Thanks Thorsen for reporting it. o Fixed bug #8464 Project environment upgrade fails with database error Release 1.0.3 (2011-04-14): o Implemented security permissions RES_RESERVE_VIEW and RES_RESERVE_MODIFY o Added date and time tooltip on each table cell, to easy the reading of large time sheets Release 1.0.1 (2010-08-12): o Fixed bug #7480 Does not work on IE o Begin externalizing strings into catalog o Fixed some problems with concurrent reservation of same resource in same day by different users Release 1.0 (2010-08-10): o First release publicly available
import numpy __all__ = ["icrsFromFK4"] import opscore.RO.PhysConst import opscore.RO.MathUtil from opscore.RO.Astro import llv # Constants _MatPP = numpy.array(( (+0.999925678186902E+00, -0.111820596422470E-01, -0.485794655896000E-02), (+0.111820595717660E-01, +0.999937478448132E+00, -0.271764411850000E-04), (+0.485794672118600E-02, -0.271474264980000E-04, +0.999988199738770E+00), )) _MatPV = numpy.array (( (+0.499975613405255E+02, -0.559114316616731E+00, -0.242908945412769E+00), (+0.559114316616731E+00, +0.499981514022567E+02, -0.135874878467212E-02), (+0.242908966039250E+00, -0.135755244879589E-02, +0.500006874693025E+02), )) _MatVP = numpy.array(( (-0.262600477903207E-10, -0.115370204968080E-07, +0.211489087156010E-07), (+0.115345713338304E-07, -0.128997445928004E-09, -0.413922822287973E-09), (-0.211432713109975E-07, +0.594337564639027E-09, +0.102737391643701E-09), )) _MatVV = numpy.array (( (+0.999947035154614E+00, -0.111825061218050E-01, -0.485766968495900E-02), (+0.111825060072420E-01, +0.999958833818833E+00, -0.271844713710000E-04), (+0.485766994865000E-02, -0.271373095390000E-04, +0.100000956036356E+01), )) def icrsFromFK4 (fk4P, fk4V, fk4Epoch): """ Converts mean catalog FK4 equatorial coordinates to ICRS coordinates. Uses the approximation that ICRS is FK5 J2000. Inputs: - fk4Epoch TDB date of fk4 coordinates (Besselian epoch) note: TDT will always do and UTC is usually adequate - fk4P(3) mean catalog fk4 cartesian position (au) - fk4V(3) mean FK4 cartesian velocity (au per Besselian year), i.e. proper motion and radial velocity Returns a tuple containg: - icrsP(3) mean ICRS cartesian position (au), a numpy.array - icrsV(3) mean ICRS cartesian velocity (au/year), a numpy.array Error Conditions: none Warnings: The FK4 date is in Besselian years. The FK4 proper motion is in au/Besselian year, whereas the FK5 J2000 proper motion is in au/Julian year. The FK4 system refers to a specific set of precession constants; not all Besselian-epoch data was precessed using these constants (especially data for epochs before B1950). References: P.T. Wallace's routine FK425 """ fk4P = numpy.asarray(fk4P, dtype = float) fk4V = numpy.asarray(fk4V, dtype = float) # compute new precession constants # note: ETrms and PreBn both want Besselian date eTerms = llv.etrms (fk4Epoch) precMat = llv.prebn (fk4Epoch, 1950.0) # subtract e-terms from position. As a minor approximation, # we don't bother to subtract variation in e-terms from proper motion. magP = opscore.RO.MathUtil.vecMag(fk4P) meanFK4P = fk4P - (eTerms * magP) # correct position for velocity (PM and rad. vel.) to B1950 tempP = meanFK4P + fk4V * (1950.0 - fk4Epoch) # precess position and velocity to B1950 b1950P =, tempP) b1950V =, fk4V) # convert position and velocity to ICRS (actually FK5 J2000.0) icrsP =, b1950P) +, b1950V) icrsV =, b1950P) +, b1950V) return (icrsP, icrsV) if __name__ == "__main__": import opscore.RO.SeqUtil print("testing icrsFromFK4") # test data is formatted as follows: # a list of entries, each consisting of: # - the input argument # - the expected result testData = ( (((1000000, 2000000, 3000000), (40, 50, 60), 1900), ( ( 929683.244963302 , 2026616.27886940 , 3015395.98838120 ), ( 38.3286807625452 , 50.8858334065567 , 60.3627612257013 ), )), (((1000000, 0, 0), (40, 0, 0), 1900), ( ( 1003703.41007840 , 22442.8991233262 , 9755.09375276802 ), ( 39.9889184862787 , 0.905706818443208 , 0.367459579186115 ), )), (((0, 2000000, 0), (0, 50, 0), 1900), ( ( -44814.8232632364 , 2004499.74395964 , -217.381652380232 ), ( -1.14079387796531 , 49.9880577020497 , -3.764515028559184E-003), )), (((0, 0, 30000000), (0, 0, 60), 1900), ( ( -291492.058777010 , -3250.24235322943 , 30004587.8907069 ), ( 5.158182703394798E-002, -2.061946781951834E-002, 60.0046123695534 ), )), (((-1000000, -2000000, -3000000), (-40, -50, 60), 1950), ( ( -964968.174481507 , -2013496.57858614 , -3001777.31085417 ), ( -39.7705627092815 , -50.4569077377000 , 59.8272699455138 ), )), (((1000000, -2000000, -3000000), (-40, 50, 60), 2000), ( ( 1000018.21231382 , -1999992.74401960 , -2999999.24417909 ), ( -40.0415521563411 , 50.0134577025947 , 59.9793839067662 ), )), (((1000000, -2000000, 3000000), (40, 50, 60), 2050), ( ( 990112.301515263 , -2013606.16505919 , 2992172.70812960 ), ( 40.9344740739882 , 49.5597035007198 , 59.7833122391920 ), )), ) for testInput, expectedOutput in testData: actualOutput = icrsFromFK4(*testInput) expectedFlat = opscore.RO.SeqUtil.flatten(expectedOutput) actualFlat = opscore.RO.SeqUtil.flatten(actualOutput) if opscore.RO.SeqUtil.matchSequences(actualFlat, expectedFlat, rtol=1.0e-14): print("failed on input:", testInput) print("expected output:\n", expectedOutput) print("actual output:\n", actualOutput)
import sys import logging sys.path.append('../') from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog, QLabel, QComboBox, QPushButton from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt from PyQt5.QtGui import QStandardItemModel, QStandardItem from client_db import ClientStorage from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, qApp, QMessageBox, QApplication, QListView # Диалог выбора контакта для добавления class AddContactDialog(QDialog): """ Диалог добавления пользователя в список контактов. Предлагает пользователю список возможных контактов и добавляет выбранный в контакты. """ def __init__(self, database, transport): super().__init__() self.transport = transport self.database = database self.setFixedSize(350, 120) self.setWindowTitle('Выберите контакт для добавления:') self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.setModal(True) self.selector_label = QLabel('Выберите контакт для добавления:', self) self.selector_label.setFixedSize(200, 20) self.selector_label.move(10, 0) self.selector = QComboBox(self) self.selector.setFixedSize(200, 20) self.selector.move(10, 30) self.btn_refresh = QPushButton('Обновить список', self) self.btn_refresh.setFixedSize(100, 30) self.btn_refresh.move(60, 60) self.btn_ok = QPushButton('Добавить', self) self.btn_ok.setFixedSize(100, 30) self.btn_ok.move(230, 20) self.btn_cancel = QPushButton('Отмена', self) self.btn_cancel.setFixedSize(100, 30) self.btn_cancel.move(230, 60) self.btn_cancel.clicked.connect(self.close) # Заполняем список возможных контактов self.possible_contacts_update() # Назначаем действие на кнопку обновить self.btn_refresh.clicked.connect(self.update_possible_contacts) # Заполняем список возможных контактов разницей между всеми пользователями и def possible_contacts_update(self): """ Метод заполнения списка возможных контактов. Создаёт список всех зарегистрированных пользователей за исключением уже добавленных в контакты и самого себя. :return: """ self.selector.clear() # множества всех контактов и контактов клиента contacts_list = set(self.database.get_contacts()) users_list = set(self.database.get_users()) # Удалим сами себя из списка пользователей, чтобы нельзя было добавить самого себя users_list.remove(self.transport.username) #users_list.remove('sent') # Добавляем список возможных контактов self.selector.addItems(users_list - contacts_list) # Обновлялка возможных контактов. Обновляет таблицу известных пользователей, # затем содержимое предполагаемых контактов def update_possible_contacts(self): """ Метод обновления списка возможных контактов. Запрашивает с сервера список известных пользователей и обносляет содержимое окна. :return: """ try: self.transport.user_list_request() except OSError: pass else: self.possible_contacts_update() if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication([]) database = ClientStorage('sent') window = AddContactDialog(database, None) app.exec_()
from itertools import chain, repeat from typing import MutableSequence, Tuple, Iterable, Sequence, Iterator from numtostr_rus import db # Currently all powers of multipliers for both long and short scales are # multiples of 3. But let's not rely on this fact and implement more general # logic. class AnchorMult: def __init__(self, mults: Tuple[db.MultData, ...]): self.mults = mults self._pow = sum(mult.pow for mult in mults) __slots__ = 'mults', '_pow' @property def pow(self): return self._pow def __str__(self): return f"({self._pow}={'+'.join(str(mult.pow) for mult in self.mults)})" __repr__ = __str__ ZERO_ANCHOR_MULT = AnchorMult((db.BASIC_MULTS_DATA[0],)) SS_ANCHOR_MULTS = [] LS_ANCHOR_MULTS = [] def _fill_anchor_mults(mults_data: Iterable[db.MultData], anchor_mults: MutableSequence[AnchorMult]): mults_data_it = iter(mults_data) # Consume zero power mult. next(mults_data_it) # Consume a thousand. prev_mult_data = next(mults_data_it) anchor_mults.append(AnchorMult( (prev_mult_data,) )) # Process all other multipliers. for mult_data in mults_data_it: for i, anchor_mult in enumerate(anchor_mults): if prev_mult_data.pow + anchor_mult.pow >= mult_data.pow: break anchor_mults.append(AnchorMult( (*anchor_mult.mults, prev_mult_data) )) anchor_mults.append(AnchorMult( (mult_data,) )) prev_mult_data = mult_data _fill_anchor_mults(db.SS_MULTS_DATA, SS_ANCHOR_MULTS) _fill_anchor_mults(db.LS_MULTS_DATA, LS_ANCHOR_MULTS) def get_mults( anchor_mults: Sequence[AnchorMult], step_q: int, step_r: int ) -> Iterator[db.MultData]: """Get mults of `step_q * len(anchor_mults) + step_r`-th anchor.""" assert 0 <= step_r < len(anchor_mults) # Special case. # It will yield empty string, but just for uniformity... if not step_q and not step_r: return iter(ZERO_ANCHOR_MULT.mults) last_mult = anchor_mults[-1].mults[0] repeat_mults = repeat(last_mult, step_q) if not step_r: return repeat_mults anchor_mult = anchor_mults[step_r - 1] return chain(anchor_mult.mults, repeat_mults) def main(): for anchor_mult in SS_ANCHOR_MULTS: print(anchor_mult) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
"""Contains the definition for inception v1 classification network.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import tensorflow as tf from nets import inception_utils slim = tf.contrib.slim trunc_normal = lambda stddev: tf.truncated_normal_initializer(0.0, stddev) def inception_v1_base(inputs, final_endpoint='Mixed_5c', scope='InceptionV1'): """Defines the Inception V1 base architecture. This architecture is defined in: Going deeper with convolutions Christian Szegedy, Wei Liu, Yangqing Jia, Pierre Sermanet, Scott Reed, Dragomir Anguelov, Dumitru Erhan, Vincent Vanhoucke, Andrew Rabinovich. Args: inputs: a tensor of size [batch_size, height, width, channels]. final_endpoint: specifies the endpoint to construct the network up to. It can be one of ['Conv2d_1a_7x7', 'MaxPool_2a_3x3', 'Conv2d_2b_1x1', 'Conv2d_2c_3x3', 'MaxPool_3a_3x3', 'Mixed_3b', 'Mixed_3c', 'MaxPool_4a_3x3', 'Mixed_4b', 'Mixed_4c', 'Mixed_4d', 'Mixed_4e', 'Mixed_4f', 'MaxPool_5a_2x2', 'Mixed_5b', 'Mixed_5c'] scope: Optional variable_scope. Returns: A dictionary from components of the network to the corresponding activation. Raises: ValueError: if final_endpoint is not set to one of the predefined values. """ end_points = {} with tf.variable_scope(scope, 'InceptionV1', [inputs]): with slim.arg_scope( [slim.conv2d, slim.fully_connected], weights_initializer=trunc_normal(0.01)): with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d, slim.max_pool2d], stride=1, padding='SAME'): end_point = 'Conv2d_1a_7x7' net = slim.conv2d(inputs, 64, [7, 7], stride=2, scope=end_point) end_points[end_point] = net if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points end_point = 'MaxPool_2a_3x3' net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], stride=2, scope=end_point) end_points[end_point] = net if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points end_point = 'Conv2d_2b_1x1' net = slim.conv2d(net, 64, [1, 1], scope=end_point) end_points[end_point] = net if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points end_point = 'Conv2d_2c_3x3' net = slim.conv2d(net, 192, [3, 3], scope=end_point) end_points[end_point] = net if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points end_point = 'MaxPool_3a_3x3' net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], stride=2, scope=end_point) end_points[end_point] = net if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points end_point = 'Mixed_3b' with tf.variable_scope(end_point): with tf.variable_scope('Branch_0'): branch_0 = slim.conv2d(net, 64, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_1'): branch_1 = slim.conv2d(net, 96, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') branch_1 = slim.conv2d(branch_1, 128, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_2'): branch_2 = slim.conv2d(net, 16, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') branch_2 = slim.conv2d(branch_2, 32, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_3'): branch_3 = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], scope='MaxPool_0a_3x3') branch_3 = slim.conv2d(branch_3, 32, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0b_1x1') net = tf.concat( axis=3, values=[branch_0, branch_1, branch_2, branch_3]) end_points[end_point] = net if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points end_point = 'Mixed_3c' with tf.variable_scope(end_point): with tf.variable_scope('Branch_0'): branch_0 = slim.conv2d(net, 128, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_1'): branch_1 = slim.conv2d(net, 128, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') branch_1 = slim.conv2d(branch_1, 192, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_2'): branch_2 = slim.conv2d(net, 32, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') branch_2 = slim.conv2d(branch_2, 96, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_3'): branch_3 = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], scope='MaxPool_0a_3x3') branch_3 = slim.conv2d(branch_3, 64, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0b_1x1') net = tf.concat( axis=3, values=[branch_0, branch_1, branch_2, branch_3]) end_points[end_point] = net if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points end_point = 'MaxPool_4a_3x3' net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], stride=2, scope=end_point) end_points[end_point] = net if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points end_point = 'Mixed_4b' with tf.variable_scope(end_point): with tf.variable_scope('Branch_0'): branch_0 = slim.conv2d(net, 192, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_1'): branch_1 = slim.conv2d(net, 96, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') branch_1 = slim.conv2d(branch_1, 208, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_2'): branch_2 = slim.conv2d(net, 16, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') branch_2 = slim.conv2d(branch_2, 48, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_3'): branch_3 = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], scope='MaxPool_0a_3x3') branch_3 = slim.conv2d(branch_3, 64, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0b_1x1') net = tf.concat( axis=3, values=[branch_0, branch_1, branch_2, branch_3]) end_points[end_point] = net if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points end_point = 'Mixed_4c' with tf.variable_scope(end_point): with tf.variable_scope('Branch_0'): branch_0 = slim.conv2d(net, 160, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_1'): branch_1 = slim.conv2d(net, 112, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') branch_1 = slim.conv2d(branch_1, 224, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_2'): branch_2 = slim.conv2d(net, 24, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') branch_2 = slim.conv2d(branch_2, 64, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_3'): branch_3 = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], scope='MaxPool_0a_3x3') branch_3 = slim.conv2d(branch_3, 64, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0b_1x1') net = tf.concat( axis=3, values=[branch_0, branch_1, branch_2, branch_3]) end_points[end_point] = net if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points end_point = 'Mixed_4d' with tf.variable_scope(end_point): with tf.variable_scope('Branch_0'): branch_0 = slim.conv2d(net, 128, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_1'): branch_1 = slim.conv2d(net, 128, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') branch_1 = slim.conv2d(branch_1, 256, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_2'): branch_2 = slim.conv2d(net, 24, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') branch_2 = slim.conv2d(branch_2, 64, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_3'): branch_3 = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], scope='MaxPool_0a_3x3') branch_3 = slim.conv2d(branch_3, 64, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0b_1x1') net = tf.concat( axis=3, values=[branch_0, branch_1, branch_2, branch_3]) end_points[end_point] = net if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points end_point = 'Mixed_4e' with tf.variable_scope(end_point): with tf.variable_scope('Branch_0'): branch_0 = slim.conv2d(net, 112, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_1'): branch_1 = slim.conv2d(net, 144, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') branch_1 = slim.conv2d(branch_1, 288, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_2'): branch_2 = slim.conv2d(net, 32, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') branch_2 = slim.conv2d(branch_2, 64, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_3'): branch_3 = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], scope='MaxPool_0a_3x3') branch_3 = slim.conv2d(branch_3, 64, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0b_1x1') net = tf.concat( axis=3, values=[branch_0, branch_1, branch_2, branch_3]) end_points[end_point] = net if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points end_point = 'Mixed_4f' with tf.variable_scope(end_point): with tf.variable_scope('Branch_0'): branch_0 = slim.conv2d(net, 256, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_1'): branch_1 = slim.conv2d(net, 160, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') branch_1 = slim.conv2d(branch_1, 320, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_2'): branch_2 = slim.conv2d(net, 32, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') branch_2 = slim.conv2d(branch_2, 128, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_3'): branch_3 = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], scope='MaxPool_0a_3x3') branch_3 = slim.conv2d(branch_3, 128, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0b_1x1') net = tf.concat( axis=3, values=[branch_0, branch_1, branch_2, branch_3]) end_points[end_point] = net if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points end_point = 'MaxPool_5a_2x2' net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [2, 2], stride=2, scope=end_point) end_points[end_point] = net if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points end_point = 'Mixed_5b' with tf.variable_scope(end_point): with tf.variable_scope('Branch_0'): branch_0 = slim.conv2d(net, 256, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_1'): branch_1 = slim.conv2d(net, 160, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') branch_1 = slim.conv2d(branch_1, 320, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_2'): branch_2 = slim.conv2d(net, 32, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') branch_2 = slim.conv2d(branch_2, 128, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0a_3x3') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_3'): branch_3 = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], scope='MaxPool_0a_3x3') branch_3 = slim.conv2d(branch_3, 128, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0b_1x1') net = tf.concat( axis=3, values=[branch_0, branch_1, branch_2, branch_3]) end_points[end_point] = net if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points end_point = 'Mixed_5c' with tf.variable_scope(end_point): with tf.variable_scope('Branch_0'): branch_0 = slim.conv2d(net, 384, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_1'): branch_1 = slim.conv2d(net, 192, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') branch_1 = slim.conv2d(branch_1, 384, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_2'): branch_2 = slim.conv2d(net, 48, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1') branch_2 = slim.conv2d(branch_2, 128, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3') with tf.variable_scope('Branch_3'): branch_3 = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], scope='MaxPool_0a_3x3') branch_3 = slim.conv2d(branch_3, 128, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0b_1x1') net = tf.concat( axis=3, values=[branch_0, branch_1, branch_2, branch_3]) end_points[end_point] = net if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points raise ValueError('Unknown final endpoint %s' % final_endpoint) def inception_v1(inputs, num_classes=1000, is_training=True, dropout_keep_prob=0.8, prediction_fn=slim.softmax, spatial_squeeze=True, reuse=None, scope='InceptionV1', global_pool=False): """Defines the Inception V1 architecture. This architecture is defined in: Going deeper with convolutions Christian Szegedy, Wei Liu, Yangqing Jia, Pierre Sermanet, Scott Reed, Dragomir Anguelov, Dumitru Erhan, Vincent Vanhoucke, Andrew Rabinovich. The default image size used to train this network is 224x224. Args: inputs: a tensor of size [batch_size, height, width, channels]. num_classes: number of predicted classes. If 0 or None, the logits layer is omitted and the input features to the logits layer (before dropout) are returned instead. is_training: whether is training or not. dropout_keep_prob: the percentage of activation values that are retained. prediction_fn: a function to get predictions out of logits. spatial_squeeze: if True, logits is of shape [B, C], if false logits is of shape [B, 1, 1, C], where B is batch_size and C is number of classes. reuse: whether or not the network and its variables should be reused. To be able to reuse 'scope' must be given. scope: Optional variable_scope. global_pool: Optional boolean flag to control the avgpooling before the logits layer. If false or unset, pooling is done with a fixed window that reduces default-sized inputs to 1x1, while larger inputs lead to larger outputs. If true, any input size is pooled down to 1x1. Returns: net: a Tensor with the logits (pre-softmax activations) if num_classes is a non-zero integer, or the non-dropped-out input to the logits layer if num_classes is 0 or None. end_points: a dictionary from components of the network to the corresponding activation. """ # Final pooling and prediction with tf.variable_scope(scope, 'InceptionV1', [inputs], reuse=reuse) as scope: with slim.arg_scope([slim.batch_norm, slim.dropout], is_training=is_training): net, end_points = inception_v1_base(inputs, scope=scope) with tf.variable_scope('Logits'): if global_pool: # Global average pooling. net = tf.reduce_mean(net, [1, 2], keep_dims=True, name='global_pool') end_points['global_pool'] = net else: # Pooling with a fixed kernel size. net = slim.avg_pool2d(net, [7, 7], stride=1, scope='AvgPool_0a_7x7') end_points['AvgPool_0a_7x7'] = net if not num_classes: return net, end_points net = slim.dropout(net, dropout_keep_prob, scope='Dropout_0b') logits = slim.conv2d(net, num_classes, [1, 1], activation_fn=None, normalizer_fn=None, scope='Conv2d_0c_1x1') if spatial_squeeze: logits = tf.squeeze(logits, [1, 2], name='SpatialSqueeze') end_points['Logits'] = logits end_points['Predictions'] = prediction_fn(logits, scope='Predictions') return logits, end_points inception_v1.default_image_size = 224 inception_v1_arg_scope = inception_utils.inception_arg_scope
import os import numpy as np from bigdl.dllib.utils.file_utils import get_file_list from bigdl.dllib.utils.utils import convert_row_to_numpy from bigdl.dllib.utils.log4Error import * def list_s3_file(file_path, env): path_parts = file_path.split('/') bucket = path_parts.pop(0) key = "/".join(path_parts) access_key_id = env["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"] secret_access_key = env["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"] import boto3 s3_client = boto3.Session( aws_access_key_id=access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=secret_access_key, ).client('s3', verify=False) # file if os.path.splitext(file_path)[1] != '': return ["s3://" + file_path] else: keys = [] resp = s3_client.list_objects_v2(Bucket=bucket, Prefix=key) for obj in resp['Contents']: keys.append(obj['Key']) file_paths = [os.path.join("s3://" + bucket, file) for file in keys] return file_paths def extract_one_path(file_path, env): file_url_splits = file_path.split("://") prefix = file_url_splits[0] if prefix == "s3": file_paths = list_s3_file(file_url_splits[1], env) elif prefix == "hdfs": import pyarrow as pa fs = pa.hdfs.connect() if fs.isfile(file_path): file_paths = [file_path] else: file_paths = get_file_list(file_path) else: # Local file path; could be a relative path. from os.path import isfile, abspath, join if isfile(file_path): file_paths = [abspath(file_path)] else: # An error would be already raised here if the path is invalid. file_paths = [abspath(join(file_path, file)) for file in os.listdir(file_path)] return file_paths def check_type_and_convert(data, allow_tuple=True, allow_list=True): """ :param allow_tuple: boolean, if the model accepts a tuple as input. Default: True :param allow_list: boolean, if the model accepts a list as input. Default: True :return: """ def check_and_convert(convert_data): if isinstance(convert_data, np.ndarray): return [convert_data] elif isinstance(convert_data, tuple) and \ all([isinstance(d, np.ndarray) for d in convert_data]): return _convert_list_tuple(convert_data, allow_tuple=allow_tuple, allow_list=allow_list) elif isinstance(convert_data, list) and \ all([isinstance(d, np.ndarray) for d in convert_data]): return _convert_list_tuple(convert_data, allow_tuple=allow_tuple, allow_list=allow_list) else: invalidInputError(False, "value of x and y should be a ndarray, " "a tuple of ndarrays or a list of ndarrays") result = {} invalidInputError(isinstance(data, dict), "each shard should be an dict") invalidInputError("x" in data, "key x should in each shard") x = data["x"] result["x"] = check_and_convert(x) if "y" in data: y = data["y"] result["y"] = check_and_convert(y) return result def get_spec(allow_tuple=True, allow_list=True): """ :param allow_tuple: boolean, if the model accepts a tuple as input. Default: True :param allow_list: boolean, if the model accepts a list as input. Default: True :return: """ def _get_spec(data): data = check_type_and_convert(data, allow_tuple, allow_list) feature_spec = [(feat.dtype, feat.shape[1:]) for feat in data["x"]] if "y" in data: label_spec = [(label.dtype, label.shape[1:]) for label in data["y"]] else: label_spec = None return feature_spec, label_spec return _get_spec # todo this might be very slow def flatten_xy(allow_tuple=True, allow_list=True): """ :param allow_tuple: boolean, if the model accepts a tuple as input. Default: True :param allow_list: boolean, if the model accepts a list as input. Default: True :return: """ def _flatten_xy(data): data = check_type_and_convert(data, allow_tuple, allow_list) features = data["x"] has_label = "y" in data labels = data["y"] if has_label else None length = features[0].shape[0] for i in range(length): fs = [feat[i] for feat in features] if has_label: ls = [l[i] for l in labels] yield (fs, ls) else: yield (fs,) return _flatten_xy def combine(data_list): item = data_list[0] if isinstance(item, dict): res = {} for k, v in item.items(): res[k] = np.concatenate([data[k] for data in data_list], axis=0) elif isinstance(item, list) or isinstance(item, tuple): res = [] for i in range(len(data_list[0])): res.append(np.concatenate([data[i] for data in data_list], axis=0)) if isinstance(item, tuple): res = tuple(res) elif isinstance(data_list[0], np.ndarray): res = np.concatenate(data_list, axis=0) else: invalidInputError(False, "value of x and y should be an ndarray, a dict of ndarrays, a tuple" " of ndarrays or a list of ndarrays, please check your input") return res def ray_partition_get_data_label(partition_data, allow_tuple=True, allow_list=True, has_label=True): """ :param partition_data: The data partition from Spark RDD, which should be a list of records. :param allow_tuple: Boolean. Whether the model accepts a tuple as input. Default is True. :param allow_list: Boolean. Whether the model accepts a list as input. Default is True. :param has_label: Boolean. Whether the data partition contains labels. :return: Concatenated data for the data partition. """ data_list = [data['x'] for data in partition_data] label_list = [data['y'] for data in partition_data] data = _convert_list_tuple(combine(data_list), allow_tuple=allow_tuple, allow_list=allow_list) if has_label: label = _convert_list_tuple(combine(label_list), allow_tuple=allow_tuple, allow_list=allow_list) else: label = None return data, label def ray_partitions_get_data_label(partition_list, allow_tuple=True, allow_list=True, has_label=True): partition_data = [item for partition in partition_list for item in partition] data, label = ray_partition_get_data_label(partition_data, allow_tuple=allow_tuple, allow_list=allow_list, has_label=has_label) return data, label def ray_partitions_get_tf_dataset(partition_list, has_label=True): import tensorflow as tf partition_data = [item for partition in partition_list for item in partition] if len(partition_data) != 0: sample = partition_data[0] keys = sample.keys() if "x" in keys: if has_label: invalidInputError("y" in keys, "key y should in each shard if has_label=True") data, label = ray_partition_get_data_label(partition_data, allow_tuple=True, allow_list=False) dataset =, label)) elif "ds_def" in keys and "elem_spec" in keys: from tensorflow.python.distribute.coordinator.values import \ deserialize_dataset_from_graph from functools import reduce dataset_list = [deserialize_dataset_from_graph(serialized_dataset["ds_def"], serialized_dataset["elem_spec"]) for serialized_dataset in partition_data] dataset = reduce(lambda x, y: x.concatenate(y), dataset_list) else: invalidInputError(False, "value of x and y should be a ndarray, " "a tuple of ndarrays or a list of ndarrays") else: # TODO: may cause error dataset =[], [])) return dataset # todo: this might be very slow def xshard_to_sample(data): from bigdl.dllib.utils.file_utils import Sample data = check_type_and_convert(data, allow_list=True, allow_tuple=False) features = data["x"] length = features[0].shape[0] if "y" in data: labels = data["y"] else: labels = np.array([[-1] * length]) for i in range(length): fs = [feat[i] for feat in features] ls = [l[i] for l in labels] if len(fs) == 1: fs = fs[0] if len(ls) == 1: ls = ls[0] yield Sample.from_ndarray(fs, ls) def row_to_sample(row, schema, feature_cols, label_cols): from bigdl.dllib.utils.common import Sample if label_cols: feature, label = convert_row_to_numpy(row, schema, feature_cols, label_cols) sample = Sample.from_ndarray(feature, label) else: feature, = convert_row_to_numpy(row, schema, feature_cols, label_cols) sample = Sample.from_ndarray(feature, np.array([0.0])) return sample def read_pd_hdfs_file_list(iterator, file_type, **kwargs): import pyarrow as pa fs = pa.hdfs.connect() dfs = [] for x in iterator: with, 'rb') as f: df = read_pd_file(f, file_type, **kwargs) dfs.append(df) import pandas as pd return [pd.concat(dfs)] def read_pd_s3_file_list(iterator, file_type, **kwargs): access_key_id = os.environ["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"] secret_access_key = os.environ["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"] import boto3 s3_client = boto3.Session( aws_access_key_id=access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=secret_access_key, ).client('s3', verify=False) dfs = [] for x in iterator: path_parts = x.split("://")[1].split('/') bucket = path_parts.pop(0) key = "/".join(path_parts) obj = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=key) df = read_pd_file(obj['Body'], file_type, **kwargs) dfs.append(df) import pandas as pd return [pd.concat(dfs)] def read_pd_file(path, file_type, **kwargs): import pandas as pd if file_type == "csv": df = pd.read_csv(path, **kwargs) elif file_type == "json": df = pd.read_json(path, **kwargs) else: invalidInputError(False, "Unsupported file type: %s. Only csv and json files are " "supported for now" % file_type) return df def get_class_name(obj): if obj.__class__.__module__ != 'builtins': return '.'.join([obj.__class__.__module__, obj.__class__.__name__]) return obj.__class__.__name__ def _convert_list_tuple(data, allow_tuple, allow_list): if isinstance(data, list): if not allow_list and allow_tuple: return tuple(data) else: if not allow_tuple and allow_list: return list(data) return data def process_spark_xshards(spark_xshards, num_workers): from import RayXShards data = spark_xshards ray_xshards = RayXShards.from_spark_xshards(data) return ray_xshards def index_data(x, i): if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return x[i] elif isinstance(x, dict): res = {} for k, v in x.items(): res[k] = v[i] return res elif isinstance(x, tuple): return tuple(item[i] for item in x) elif isinstance(x, list): return [item[i] for item in x] else: invalidInputError(False, "data should be an ndarray, a dict of ndarrays, a tuple of ndarrays" " or a list of ndarrays, please check your input") def get_size(x): if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return len(x) elif isinstance(x, dict): for k, v in x.items(): return len(v) elif isinstance(x, tuple) or isinstance(x, list): return len(x[0]) else: invalidInputError(False, "data should be an ndarray, a dict of ndarrays, a tuple of ndarrays" " or a list of ndarrays, please check your input") def spark_df_to_rdd_pd(df, squeeze=False, index_col=None, dtype=None, index_map=None): from import SparkXShards from bigdl.orca import OrcaContext columns = df.columns import pyspark.sql.functions as F import pyspark.sql.types as T to_array = F.udf(lambda v: v.toArray().tolist(), T.ArrayType(T.FloatType())) for colName, colType in df.dtypes: if colType == 'vector': df = df.withColumn(colName, to_array(colName)) shard_size = OrcaContext._shard_size pd_rdd = df.rdd.mapPartitions(to_pandas(df.columns, squeeze, index_col, dtype, index_map, batch_size=shard_size)) return pd_rdd def spark_df_to_pd_sparkxshards(df, squeeze=False, index_col=None, dtype=None, index_map=None): pd_rdd = spark_df_to_rdd_pd(df, squeeze, index_col, dtype, index_map) from import SparkXShards spark_xshards = SparkXShards(pd_rdd) return spark_xshards def to_pandas(columns, squeeze=False, index_col=None, dtype=None, index_map=None, batch_size=None): def postprocess(pd_df): if dtype is not None: if isinstance(dtype, dict): for col, type in dtype.items(): if isinstance(col, str): if col not in pd_df.columns: invalidInputError(False, "column to be set type is not" " in current dataframe") pd_df[col] = pd_df[col].astype(type) elif isinstance(col, int): if index_map[col] not in pd_df.columns: invalidInputError(False, "column index to be set type is not" " in current dataframe") pd_df[index_map[col]] = pd_df[index_map[col]].astype(type) else: pd_df = pd_df.astype(dtype) if squeeze and len(pd_df.columns) == 1: pd_df = pd_df.iloc[:, 0] if index_col: pd_df = pd_df.set_index(index_col) return pd_df def f(iter): import pandas as pd counter = 0 data = [] for row in iter: counter += 1 data.append(row) if batch_size and counter % batch_size == 0: pd_df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns) pd_df = postprocess(pd_df) yield pd_df data = [] if data: pd_df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns) pd_df = postprocess(pd_df) yield pd_df return f def spark_xshards_to_ray_dataset(spark_xshards): from import RayXShards import ray ray_xshards = RayXShards.from_spark_xshards(spark_xshards) partition_refs = ray_xshards.get_refs() ray_dataset = return ray_dataset def generate_string_idx(df, columns, freq_limit, order_by_freq): from bigdl.dllib.utils.file_utils import callZooFunc return callZooFunc("float", "generateStringIdx", df, columns, freq_limit, order_by_freq) def check_col_exists(df, columns): df_cols = df.columns col_not_exist = list(filter(lambda x: x not in df_cols, columns)) if len(col_not_exist) > 0: invalidInputError(False, str(col_not_exist) + " do not exist in this Table") def transform_to_shard_dict(data, featureCols, labelCol): def to_shard_dict(df): featureLists = [df[feature_col].to_numpy() for feature_col in featureCols] result = { "x": np.stack(featureLists, axis=1), "y": df[labelCol].to_numpy().reshape((-1, 1))} return result data = data.transform_shard(to_shard_dict) return data
What is OMF? ============ Organize Media Files (OMF) is a command-line utility, which helps user to dispatch unsorted media files according meta data tags and configurable rules. OMF is using `Mutagen <>`_ to handle audio files. Later more media files support would be added. Installation ============ Using \ *pip install*\ \: :: $ pip install organize_media_files Getting started =============== After successfull installation, you can see OMF doing it's job by heading into \ *example/*\ , which is located in OMF top source tree directory. :: $ cd example/ Here you can see `example.conf <>`_ and some sample audio files, containing filled metatags. Type: :: $ omf -d -c example.conf sample_mp3.mp3 Moving: example/sample_mp3.mp3 To: /tmp/omf_example/some_artist_mp3 - some_title_mp3 You can see OMF running in \ ``--dry-run``\ . It is designed to prevent unexpected behavior and to show user what is going to happen in specified configuration. Before rushing OMF usage, don't forget to set up proper configuration using .conf files. Configuration files =================== OMF providing sample \ **system.conf**\ and \ **user.conf**\ , both located at \ */etc/.omfrc/*\ directory. Configuration file's consist of two sections. \ *[patterns]*\ section is where user set's up dispatch path's - a \ *pattern*\ , which must be given in the form of absolute path's (\'~\' may be used to specify \ *home*\ directory) with inclusion of ``{metatags}``. Example audio file pattern in UNIX system\: :: uno = ~/Music/{artist}/{tracknumber}-{title} Valid ``{metatags}`` for audio file are: \ ``{artist}``\ , \ ``{title}``\ , \ ``{album}``\ , \ ``{tracknumber}``\ , \ ``{genre}``\ , \ ``{date}``\ , \ ``{encoder}``\ . Due to the simplicity of utility, OMF won't lexically analyze pattern's (except for valid \ ``{metatags}``\ ), so it is up to user to specify correct pattern (use \ ``--dry-run``\ option to see what's OMF going to do). Usage ===== Basic OMF usage is: :: $ omf filename_1 filename_2 In this case \ ``filename_1``\ and \ ``filename_2``\ will be dispatched according to the default pattern in \ **user.conf**\ . Options: * \ ``-h, --help``\ - show help message. * \ ``-d, --dry-run``\ - run OMF without actually moving files and print verbose information. * \ ``-c FILE, --config FILE``\ - specify an alternative configuration file. * \ ``-f, --force``\ - ignore inconsistencies or/and overwrite files (for example, if a file, in a given list of filenames, with the same name already exists, overwrite it). * \ ``-p PATTERN-NAME, --pattern PATTERN_NAME``\ - explicitly specify dispatch pattern. TODO ==== 1. Create documentation. 2. Figure out how to move user.conf to home directory (got bug on it). 3. Add bash-completion for patterns. 4. Append extensions to the end of dispathed file. Some warnings for future ======================== 1. OMF dispatching files using pathlib.Path(pattern-specified-path). Such behavior can lead to usage misunderstandings.
import socket import time import logging import json import threading import hashlib import hmac import binascii from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, QObject from common.variables import ACTION, PRESENCE, TIME, USER, \ ACCOUNT_NAME, PUBLIC_KEY, ERROR, RESPONSE, DATA, RESPONSE_511, MESSAGE, \ MESSAGE_TEXT, DESTINATION, SENDER, GET_CONTACTS, LIST_INFO, \ PUBLIC_KEY_REQUEST, ADD_CONTACT, USERS_REQUEST, REMOVE_CONTACT, EXIT from common.utils import send_message, get_message from common.errors import ServerError # Логер. LOG = logging.getLogger('app.client') # Объект блокировки для работы с сокетом. socket_lock = threading.Lock() class ClientTransport(threading.Thread, QObject): """Класс реализующий транспортную подсистему клиентского модуля. Отвечает за взаимодействие с сервером. """ # Сигналы новое сообщение и потеря соединения new_message = pyqtSignal(dict) message_205 = pyqtSignal() connection_lost = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, port, ip_address, database, username, passwd, keys): # Вызываем конструкторы предков threading.Thread.__init__(self) QObject.__init__(self) # Класс База данных - работа с базой. self.database = database # Имя пользователя. self.username = username # Пароль. self.password = passwd # Сокет для работы с сервером. self.transport = None # Набор ключей для шифрования. self.keys = keys # Устанавливаем соединение: self.connection_init(port, ip_address) # Обновляем таблицы известных пользователей и контактов. try: self.user_list_update() self.contacts_list_update() except OSError as err: if err.errno: LOG.critical(f'Потеряно соединение с сервером.') raise ServerError('Потеряно соединение с сервером!') LOG.error( 'Timeout соединения при обновлении списков пользователей.') except json.JSONDecodeError: LOG.critical(f'Потеряно соединение с сервером.') raise ServerError('Потеряно соединение с сервером!') # Флаг продолжения работы транспорта. self.running = True def connection_init(self, port, ip): """Устанавливает соединение с сервером.""" # Инициализация сокета и сообщение серверу о нашем появлении self.transport = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Таймаут необходим для освобождения сокета. self.transport.settimeout(5) # Соединяемся, 5 попыток соединения, флаг успеха ставим в True если # удалось. connected = False for i in range(5):'Попытка подключения №{i + 1}') try: self.transport.connect((ip, port)) except (OSError, ConnectionRefusedError): pass else: connected = True LOG.debug("Connection established.") break time.sleep(1) # Если соединится не удалось - исключение if not connected: LOG.critical('Не удалось установить соединение с сервером') raise ServerError('Не удалось установить соединение с сервером') LOG.debug('Starting auth dialog.') # Запускаем процедуру авторизации. # Получаем хэш пароля passwd_bytes = self.password.encode('utf-8') salt = self.username.lower().encode('utf-8') passwd_hash = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha512', passwd_bytes, salt, 10000) passwd_hash_string = binascii.hexlify(passwd_hash) LOG.debug(f'Passwd hash ready: {passwd_hash_string}') # Получаем публичный ключ и декодируем его из байтов pubkey = self.keys.publickey().export_key().decode('ascii') # Авторизуемся на сервере. with socket_lock: presense = { ACTION: PRESENCE, TIME: time.time(), USER: { ACCOUNT_NAME: self.username, PUBLIC_KEY: pubkey } } LOG.debug(f"Presence message = {presense}") # Отправляем серверу приветственное сообщение. try: send_message(self.transport, presense) ans = get_message(self.transport) LOG.debug(f'Server response = {ans}.') # Если сервер вернул ошибку, бросаем исключение. if RESPONSE in ans: if ans[RESPONSE] == 400: raise ServerError(ans[ERROR]) elif ans[RESPONSE] == 511: # Если всё нормально, то продолжаем процедуру # авторизации. ans_data = ans[DATA] hash = passwd_hash_string, ans_data.encode('utf-8'), 'MD5') digest = hash.digest() my_ans = RESPONSE_511 my_ans[DATA] = binascii.b2a_base64( digest).decode('ascii') send_message(self.transport, my_ans) self.process_server_ans(get_message(self.transport)) except (OSError, json.JSONDecodeError) as err: LOG.debug(f'Connection error.', exc_info=err) raise ServerError('Сбой соединения в процессе авторизации.') def process_server_ans(self, message): """Обрабатывает поступающие сообщения с сервера.""" LOG.debug(f'Разбор сообщения от сервера: {message}') # Если это подтверждение чего-либо if RESPONSE in message: if message[RESPONSE] == 200: return elif message[RESPONSE] == 400: raise ServerError(f'{message[ERROR]}') elif message[RESPONSE] == 205: self.user_list_update() self.contacts_list_update() self.message_205.emit() else: LOG.error( f'Принят неизвестный код подтверждения ' f'{message[RESPONSE]}') # Если это сообщение от пользователя добавляем в базу, даём сигнал о # новом сообщении elif ACTION in message and message[ACTION] == MESSAGE and SENDER in \ message and DESTINATION in message and MESSAGE_TEXT in \ message and message[DESTINATION] == self.username: LOG.debug( f'Получено сообщение от пользователя {message[SENDER]}:' f'{message[MESSAGE_TEXT]}') self.new_message.emit(message) def contacts_list_update(self): """Обновляет с сервера список контактов.""" self.database.contacts_clear() LOG.debug(f'Запрос контакт листа для пользователя {}') req = { ACTION: GET_CONTACTS, TIME: time.time(), USER: self.username } LOG.debug(f'Сформирован запрос {req}') with socket_lock: send_message(self.transport, req) ans = get_message(self.transport) LOG.debug(f'Получен ответ {ans}') if RESPONSE in ans and ans[RESPONSE] == 202: for contact in ans[LIST_INFO]: self.database.add_contact(contact) else: LOG.error('Не удалось обновить список контактов.') def user_list_update(self): """Обновляет с сервера список пользователей.""" LOG.debug(f'Запрос списка известных пользователей {self.username}') req = { ACTION: USERS_REQUEST, TIME: time.time(), ACCOUNT_NAME: self.username } with socket_lock: send_message(self.transport, req) ans = get_message(self.transport) if RESPONSE in ans and ans[RESPONSE] == 202: self.database.add_users(ans[LIST_INFO]) else: LOG.error('Не удалось обновить список известных пользователей.') def key_request(self, user): """Запрашивает с сервера публичный ключ пользователя.""" LOG.debug(f'Запрос публичного ключа для {user}') req = { ACTION: PUBLIC_KEY_REQUEST, TIME: time.time(), ACCOUNT_NAME: user } with socket_lock: send_message(self.transport, req) ans = get_message(self.transport) if RESPONSE in ans and ans[RESPONSE] == 511: return ans[DATA] else: LOG.error(f'Не удалось получить ключ собеседника{user}.') def add_contact(self, contact): """Отправляет на сервер сведения о добавлении контакта.""" LOG.debug(f'Создание контакта {contact}') req = { ACTION: ADD_CONTACT, TIME: time.time(), USER: self.username, ACCOUNT_NAME: contact } with socket_lock: send_message(self.transport, req) self.process_server_ans(get_message(self.transport)) def remove_contact(self, contact): """Отправляет на сервер сведения об удалении контакта.""" LOG.debug(f'Удаление контакта {contact}') req = { ACTION: REMOVE_CONTACT, TIME: time.time(), USER: self.username, ACCOUNT_NAME: contact } with socket_lock: send_message(self.transport, req) self.process_server_ans(get_message(self.transport)) def transport_shutdown(self): """Уведомляет сервер о завершении работы клиента.""" self.running = False message = { ACTION: EXIT, TIME: time.time(), ACCOUNT_NAME: self.username } with socket_lock: try: send_message(self.transport, message) except OSError: pass LOG.debug('Транспорт завершает работу.') time.sleep(0.5) def send_message(self, to, message): """Отправляет на сервер сообщения для пользователя.""" message_dict = { ACTION: MESSAGE, SENDER: self.username, DESTINATION: to, TIME: time.time(), MESSAGE_TEXT: message } LOG.debug(f'Сформирован словарь сообщения: {message_dict}') # Необходимо дождаться освобождения сокета для отправки сообщения with socket_lock: send_message(self.transport, message_dict) self.process_server_ans(get_message(self.transport))'Отправлено сообщение для пользователя {to}') def run(self): """Метод содержащий основной цикл работы транспортного потока.""" LOG.debug('Запущен процесс - приёмник сообщений с сервера.') while self.running: # Отдыхаем секунду и снова пробуем захватить сокет. # Если не сделать тут задержку, то отправка может достаточно долго # ждать освобождения сокета. time.sleep(1) message = None with socket_lock: try: self.transport.settimeout(0.5) message = get_message(self.transport) except OSError as err: if err.errno: LOG.critical(f'Потеряно соединение с сервером.') self.running = False self.connection_lost.emit() # Проблемы с соединением except (ConnectionError, ConnectionAbortedError, ConnectionResetError, json.JSONDecodeError, TypeError): LOG.debug(f'Потеряно соединение с сервером.') self.running = False self.connection_lost.emit() finally: self.transport.settimeout(5) # Если сообщение получено, то вызываем функцию обработчик: if message: LOG.debug(f'Принято сообщение с сервера: {message}') self.process_server_ans(message)
import asyncio from copy import copy import logging import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_BINARY_SENSORS, CONF_LIGHTS, CONF_MAXIMUM, CONF_MINIMUM, CONF_NAME, CONF_PIN, CONF_SENSORS, CONF_SWITCHES, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv, device_registry as dr from .board import FirmataBoard from .const import ( CONF_ARDUINO_INSTANCE_ID, CONF_ARDUINO_WAIT, CONF_DIFFERENTIAL, CONF_INITIAL_STATE, CONF_NEGATE_STATE, CONF_PIN_MODE, CONF_PLATFORM_MAP, CONF_SAMPLING_INTERVAL, CONF_SERIAL_BAUD_RATE, CONF_SERIAL_PORT, CONF_SLEEP_TUNE, DOMAIN, FIRMATA_MANUFACTURER, PIN_MODE_ANALOG, PIN_MODE_INPUT, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT, PIN_MODE_PULLUP, PIN_MODE_PWM, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DATA_CONFIGS = "board_configs" ANALOG_PIN_SCHEMA = vol.All(cv.string, vol.Match(r"^A[0-9]+$")) SWITCH_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_NAME): cv.string, # Both digital and analog pins may be used as digital output vol.Required(CONF_PIN): vol.Any(cv.positive_int, ANALOG_PIN_SCHEMA), vol.Required(CONF_PIN_MODE): PIN_MODE_OUTPUT, vol.Optional(CONF_INITIAL_STATE, default=False): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_NEGATE_STATE, default=False): cv.boolean, }, required=True, ) LIGHT_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_NAME): cv.string, # Both digital and analog pins may be used as PWM/analog output vol.Required(CONF_PIN): vol.Any(cv.positive_int, ANALOG_PIN_SCHEMA), vol.Required(CONF_PIN_MODE): PIN_MODE_PWM, vol.Optional(CONF_INITIAL_STATE, default=0): cv.positive_int, vol.Optional(CONF_MINIMUM, default=0): cv.positive_int, vol.Optional(CONF_MAXIMUM, default=255): cv.positive_int, }, required=True, ) BINARY_SENSOR_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_NAME): cv.string, # Both digital and analog pins may be used as digital input vol.Required(CONF_PIN): vol.Any(cv.positive_int, ANALOG_PIN_SCHEMA), vol.Required(CONF_PIN_MODE): vol.Any(PIN_MODE_INPUT, PIN_MODE_PULLUP), vol.Optional(CONF_NEGATE_STATE, default=False): cv.boolean, }, required=True, ) SENSOR_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_NAME): cv.string, # Currently only analog input sensor is implemented vol.Required(CONF_PIN): ANALOG_PIN_SCHEMA, vol.Required(CONF_PIN_MODE): PIN_MODE_ANALOG, # Default differential is 40 to avoid a flood of messages on initial setup # in case pin is unplugged. Firmata responds really really fast vol.Optional(CONF_DIFFERENTIAL, default=40): vol.All( cv.positive_int, vol.Range(min=1) ), }, required=True, ) BOARD_CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_SERIAL_PORT): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_SERIAL_BAUD_RATE): cv.positive_int, vol.Optional(CONF_ARDUINO_INSTANCE_ID): cv.positive_int, vol.Optional(CONF_ARDUINO_WAIT): cv.positive_int, vol.Optional(CONF_SLEEP_TUNE): vol.All( vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0.0001) ), vol.Optional(CONF_SAMPLING_INTERVAL): cv.positive_int, vol.Optional(CONF_SWITCHES): [SWITCH_SCHEMA], vol.Optional(CONF_LIGHTS): [LIGHT_SCHEMA], vol.Optional(CONF_BINARY_SENSORS): [BINARY_SENSOR_SCHEMA], vol.Optional(CONF_SENSORS): [SENSOR_SCHEMA], }, required=True, ) CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( {DOMAIN: vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [BOARD_CONFIG_SCHEMA])}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA ) async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant, config: dict) -> bool: """Set up the Firmata domain.""" # Delete specific entries that no longer exist in the config if hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN): for entry in hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN): remove = True for board in config[DOMAIN]: if[CONF_SERIAL_PORT] == board[CONF_SERIAL_PORT]: remove = False break if remove: await hass.config_entries.async_remove(entry.entry_id) # Setup new entries and update old entries for board in config[DOMAIN]: firmata_config = copy(board) existing_entry = False for entry in hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN): if board[CONF_SERIAL_PORT] ==[CONF_SERIAL_PORT]: existing_entry = True firmata_config[CONF_NAME] =[CONF_NAME] hass.config_entries.async_update_entry(entry, data=firmata_config) break if not existing_entry: hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_IMPORT}, data=firmata_config, ) ) return True async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry ) -> bool: """Set up a Firmata board for a config entry.""" if DOMAIN not in[DOMAIN] = {} _LOGGER.debug( "Setting up Firmata id %s, name %s, config %s", config_entry.entry_id,[CONF_NAME],, ) board = FirmataBoard( if not await board.async_setup(): return False[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id] = board async def handle_shutdown(event) -> None: """Handle shutdown of board when Home Assistant shuts down.""" # Ensure board was not already removed previously before shutdown if config_entry.entry_id in[DOMAIN]: await board.async_reset() config_entry.async_on_unload( hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, handle_shutdown) ) device_registry = await dr.async_get_registry(hass) device_registry.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=config_entry.entry_id, connections={}, identifiers={(DOMAIN,}, manufacturer=FIRMATA_MANUFACTURER,, sw_version=board.firmware_version, ) for (conf, platform) in CONF_PLATFORM_MAP.items(): if conf in hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setup(config_entry, platform) ) return True async def async_unload_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry ) -> None: """Shutdown and close a Firmata board for a config entry.""" _LOGGER.debug("Closing Firmata board %s",[CONF_NAME]) unload_entries = [] for (conf, platform) in CONF_PLATFORM_MAP.items(): if conf in unload_entries.append( hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_unload(config_entry, platform) ) results = [] if unload_entries: results = await asyncio.gather(*unload_entries) results.append(await[DOMAIN].pop(config_entry.entry_id).async_reset()) return False not in results
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple import recordclass import uuid from fim.view_only_dict import ViewOnlyDict from ..graph.abc_property_graph import ABCPropertyGraph from .model_element import ModelElement, ElementType, TopologyException from .network_service import NetworkService, ServiceType from .interface import Interface from ..slivers.capacities_labels import Labels from ..slivers.attached_components import ComponentSliver, ComponentType from ..slivers.network_service import NSLayer from ..slivers.component_catalog import ComponentCatalog, ComponentModelType class Component(ModelElement): """ A component, like a GPU, a NIC, an FPGA or an NVMe drive of a node in a model. In addition to public methods the following calls return various dictionaries or lists: component.interfaces - a dictionary of interfaces component.interface_list - a list of interfaces component.network_services - a dictionary of network services """ def __init__(self, *, name: str, node_id: str = None, topo: Any, etype: ElementType = ElementType.EXISTING, model: str = None, ctype: ComponentType = None, comp_model: ComponentModelType = None, parent_node_id: str = None, network_service_node_id: str = None, interface_node_ids: List[str] = None, interface_labels: List[Labels] = None, check_existing: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Don't call this yourself, use Node.add_component(). Instantiates components based on catalog resource file. :param name: :param node_id: :param topo: :param etype: is this supposed to be new or existing :param model: must be specified if a new component :param ctype: component type :param comp_model: Component and Model combined :param parent_node_id: node_id of the parent Node (for new components) :param network_service_node_id: node id of network_service if one needs to be added (for substrate models only) :param interface_node_ids: a list of node ids for expected interfaces (for substrate models only) :param interface_labels: a list of Labels structure to associate with each interface :param check_existing: check if a Component exists in the graph """ assert name is not None assert topo is not None if etype == ElementType.NEW: # cant use isinstance as it would create circular import dependencies if str(topo.__class__) == "<class 'fim.user.topology.SubstrateTopology'>" and node_id is None: raise TopologyException("When adding components to substrate topology nodes you must specify static Node ID") if node_id is None: node_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) if parent_node_id is None: raise TopologyException("Parent node id must be specified for new components") if (model is None or ctype is None) and comp_model is None: raise TopologyException("Model and component type or comp_model must be specified for new components") if str(topo.__class__) == "<class 'fim.user.topology.SubstrateTopology'>" and \ (ctype == ComponentType.SharedNIC or ctype == ComponentType.SmartNIC) and \ (network_service_node_id is None or interface_node_ids is None or interface_labels is None): raise TopologyException('For substrate topologies and components with network interfaces ' 'static network service node id, interface node ids and interface labels' 'must be specified') super().__init__(name=name, node_id=node_id, topo=topo) cata = ComponentCatalog() # get the name of the parent node to pass to component generation _, parent_props = self.topo.graph_model.get_node_properties(node_id=parent_node_id) parent_name = parent_props.get(ABCPropertyGraph.PROP_NAME, None) comp_sliver = cata.generate_component(name=name, model=model, ctype=ctype, model_type=comp_model, ns_node_id=network_service_node_id, interface_node_ids=interface_node_ids, interface_labels=interface_labels, parent_name=parent_name) comp_sliver.node_id = node_id comp_sliver.set_properties(**kwargs) self.topo.graph_model.add_component_sliver(parent_node_id=parent_node_id, component=comp_sliver) else: assert node_id is not None super().__init__(name=name, node_id=node_id, topo=topo) if check_existing and not self.topo.graph_model.check_node_name(node_id=node_id, name=name, label=ABCPropertyGraph.CLASS_Component): raise TopologyException(f"Component with this id and name {name} doesn't exist") @property def type(self): return self.get_property('type') if self.__dict__.get('topo', None) is not None else None @property def model(self): return self.get_property('model') if self.__dict__.get('topo', None) is not None else None def get_property(self, pname: str) -> Any: """ Retrieve a component property :param pname: :return: """ _, node_properties = self.topo.graph_model.get_node_properties(node_id=self.node_id) comp_sliver = self.topo.graph_model.component_sliver_from_graph_properties_dict(node_properties) return comp_sliver.get_property(pname) def set_property(self, pname: str, pval: Any): """ Set a component property or unset of pval is None :param pname: :param pval: :return: """ if pval is None: self.unset_property(pname) return comp_sliver = ComponentSliver() comp_sliver.set_property(prop_name=pname, prop_val=pval) # write into the graph prop_dict = self.topo.graph_model.component_sliver_to_graph_properties_dict(comp_sliver) self.topo.graph_model.update_node_properties(node_id=self.node_id, props=prop_dict) def set_properties(self, **kwargs): """ Set multiple properties of the component :param kwargs: :return: """ comp_sliver = ComponentSliver() comp_sliver.set_properties(**kwargs) # write into the graph prop_dict = self.topo.graph_model.component_sliver_to_graph_properties_dict(comp_sliver) self.topo.graph_model.update_node_properties(node_id=self.node_id, props=prop_dict) @staticmethod def list_properties() -> Tuple[str]: return ComponentSliver.list_properties() def __get_interface_by_id(self, node_id: str) -> Interface: """ Get an interface of a node by its node_id, return Interface object :param node_id: :return: """ assert node_id is not None _, node_props = self.topo.graph_model.get_node_properties(node_id=node_id) assert node_props.get(ABCPropertyGraph.PROP_NAME, None) is not None return Interface(name=node_props[ABCPropertyGraph.PROP_NAME], node_id=node_id, topo=self.topo) def __get_ns_by_id(self, node_id: str) -> NetworkService: """ Get an network service of a node by its node_id, return NetworkService object :param node_id: :return: """ assert node_id is not None _, node_props = self.topo.graph_model.get_node_properties(node_id=node_id) assert node_props.get(ABCPropertyGraph.PROP_NAME, None) is not None return NetworkService(name=node_props[ABCPropertyGraph.PROP_NAME], node_id=node_id, topo=self.topo) def __list_interfaces(self) -> ViewOnlyDict: """ List all interfaces of the component as a dictionary :return: """ node_id_list = self.topo.graph_model.get_all_node_or_component_connection_points(parent_node_id=self.node_id) # Could consider using frozendict here ret = dict() for nid in node_id_list: i = self.__get_interface_by_id(nid) ret[] = i return ViewOnlyDict(ret) def __list_of_interfaces(self) -> Tuple[Interface]: """ List all interfaces of the component :return: """ node_id_list = self.topo.graph_model.get_all_node_or_component_connection_points(parent_node_id=self.node_id) ret = list() for nid in node_id_list: i = self.__get_interface_by_id(nid) ret.append(i) return tuple(ret) def __list_network_services(self) -> ViewOnlyDict: """ List all network service children of a node as a dictionary organized by network service name. Modifying the dictionary will not affect the underlying model, but modifying Components in the dictionary will. :return: """ node_id_list = self.topo.graph_model.get_all_network_node_or_component_nss(parent_node_id=self.node_id) # Could consider using frozendict or other immutable idioms ret = dict() for nid in node_id_list: c = self.__get_ns_by_id(nid) ret[] = c return ViewOnlyDict(ret) @property def interfaces(self): return self.__list_interfaces() @property def interface_list(self): return self.__list_of_interfaces() @property def network_services(self): return self.__list_network_services() def get_sliver(self) -> ComponentSliver: """ Get a deep sliver representation of this component from graph :return: """ return self.topo.graph_model.build_deep_component_sliver(node_id=self.node_id) def __repr__(self): _, node_properties = self.topo.graph_model.get_node_properties(node_id=self.node_id) comp_sliver = self.topo.graph_model.component_sliver_from_graph_properties_dict(node_properties) return comp_sliver.__repr__() def __str__(self): return self.__repr__()
from datetime import datetime from restfly.utils import dict_merge from import TIOEndpoint class ExclusionsAPI(TIOEndpoint): ''' This will contain all methods related to exclusions ''' def create(self, name, members, start_time=None, end_time=None, timezone=None, description=None, frequency=None, interval=None, weekdays=None, day_of_month=None, enabled=True, network_id=None): ''' Create a scan target exclusion. :devportal:`exclusions: create <exclusions-create>` Args: name (str): The name of the exclusion to create. members (list): The exclusions members. Each member should be a string with either a FQDN, IP Address, IP Range, or CIDR. description (str, optional): Some further detail about the exclusion. start_time (datetime): When the exclusion should start. end_time (datetime): When the exclusion should end. timezone (str, optional): The timezone to use for the exclusion. The default if none is specified is to use UTC. For the list of usable timezones, please refer to :devportal:`scans-timezones` frequency (str, optional): The frequency of the rule. The string inputted will be up-cased. Valid values are: ``ONETIME``, ``DAILY``, ``WEEKLY``, ``MONTHLY``, ``YEARLY``. Default value is ``ONETIME``. interval (int, optional): The interval of the rule. The default interval is 1 weekdays (list, optional): List of 2-character representations of the days of the week to repeat the frequency rule on. Valid values are: *SU, MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA* Default values: ``['SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA']`` day_of_month (int, optional): The day of the month to repeat a **MONTHLY** frequency rule on. The default is today. enabled (bool, optional): If enabled is true, the exclusion schedule is active. If enabled is false, the exclusion is "Always Active" The default value is ``True`` network_id (uuid, optional): The ID of the network object associated with scanners where applies the exclusion. Returns: :obj:`dict`: Dictionary of the newly minted exclusion. Examples: Creating a one-time exclusion: >>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta >>> exclusion = tio.exclusions.create( ... 'Example One-Time Exclusion', ... [''], ... start_time=datetime.utcnow(), ... end_time=datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=1)) Creating a daily exclusion: >>> exclusion = tio.exclusions.create( ... 'Example Daily Exclusion', ... [''], ... frequency='daily', ... start_time=datetime.utcnow(), ... end_time=datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=1)) Creating a weekly exclusion: >>> exclusion = tio.exclusions.create( ... 'Example Weekly Exclusion', ... [''], ... frequency='weekly', ... weekdays=['mo', 'we', 'fr'], ... start_time=datetime.utcnow(), ... end_time=datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=1)) Creating a monthly esxclusion: >>> exclusion = tio.exclusions.create( ... 'Example Monthly Exclusion', ... [''], ... frequency='monthly', ... day_of_month=1, ... start_time=datetime.utcnow(), ... end_time=datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=1)) Creating a yearly exclusion: >>> exclusion = tio.exclusions.create( ... 'Example Yearly Exclusion', ... [''], ... frequency='yearly', ... start_time=datetime.utcnow(), ... end_time=datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=1)) ''' # Starting with the innermost part of the payload, lets construct the # rrules dictionary. frequency = self._check('frequency', frequency, str, choices=['ONETIME', 'DAILY', 'WEEKLY', 'MONTHLY', 'YEARLY'], default='ONETIME', case='upper') rrules = { 'freq': frequency, 'interval': self._check('interval', interval, int, default=1) } # if the frequency is a weekly one, then we will need to specify the # days of the week that the exclusion is run on. if frequency == 'WEEKLY': rrules['byweekday'] = ','.join(self._check( 'weekdays', weekdays, list, choices=['SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA'], default=['SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA'], case='upper')) # In the same vein as the frequency check, we're accepting # case-insensitive input, comparing it to our known list of # acceptable responses, then joining them all together into a # comma-separated string. # if the frequency is monthly, then we will need to specify the day of # the month that the rule will run on. if frequency == 'MONTHLY': rrules['bymonthday'] = self._check('day_of_month', day_of_month, int, choices=list(range(1,32)), # construct payload schedule based on enable if enabled is True: schedule = { 'enabled': True, 'starttime': self._check('start_time', start_time, datetime).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'endtime': self._check('end_time', end_time, datetime).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'timezone': self._check('timezone', timezone, str, choices=self._api._tz, default='Etc/UTC'), 'rrules': rrules } elif enabled is False: schedule = {'enabled': False} else: raise TypeError('enabled must be a boolean value.') # Next we need to construct the rest of the payload payload = { 'name': self._check('name', name, str), 'members': ','.join(self._check('members', members, list)), 'description': self._check('description', description, str, default=''), 'network_id': self._check('network_id', network_id, 'uuid', default='00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'), 'schedule': schedule } # And now to make the call and return the data. return'exclusions', json=payload).json() def delete(self, exclusion_id): ''' Delete a scan target exclusion. :devportal:`exclusions: delete <exclusions-delete>` Args: exclusion_id (int): The exclusion identifier to delete Returns: :obj:`None`: The exclusion was successfully deleted. Examples: >>> tio.exclusions.delete(1) ''' self._api.delete('exclusions/{}'.format(self._check('exclusion_id', exclusion_id, int))) def details(self, exclusion_id): ''' Retrieve the details for a specific scan target exclusion. :devportal:`exclusions: details <exclusions-details>` Args: exclusion_id (int): The exclusion identifier. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The exclusion record requested. Examples: >>> exclusion = tio.exclusions.details(1) >>> pprint(exclusion) ''' return self._api.get( 'exclusions/{}'.format(self._check('exclusion_id', exclusion_id, int))).json() def edit(self, exclusion_id, name=None, members=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, timezone=None, description=None, frequency=None, interval=None, weekdays=None, day_of_month=None, enabled=None, network_id=None): ''' Edit an existing scan target exclusion. :devportal:`exclusions: edit <exclusions-edit>` The edit function will first gather the details of the exclusion that will be edited and will overlay the changes on top. The result will then be pushed back to the API to modify the exclusion. Args: exclusion_id (int): The id of the exclusion object in scanner_id (int, optional): The scanner id. name (str, optional): The name of the exclusion to create. description (str, optional): Some further detail about the exclusion. start_time (datetime, optional): When the exclusion should start. end_time (datetime, optional): When the exclusion should end. timezone (str, optional): The timezone to use for the exclusion. The default if none is specified is to use UTC. frequency (str, optional): The frequency of the rule. The string inputted will be upcased. Valid values are: *ONETIME, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY*. interval (int, optional): The interval of the rule. weekdays (list, optional): List of 2-character representations of the days of the week to repeat the frequency rule on. Valid values are: *SU, MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA* Default values: ``['SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA']`` day_of_month (int, optional): The day of the month to repeat a **MONTHLY** frequency rule on. enabled (bool, optional): enable/disable exclusion. network_id (uuid, optional): The ID of the network object associated with scanners where applies the exclusion. Returns: :obj:`dict`: Dictionary of the newly minted exclusion. Examples: Modifying the name of an exclusion: >>> exclusion = tio.exclusions.edit(1, name='New Name') ''' # Lets start constructing the payload to be sent to the API... payload = self.details(exclusion_id) if name: payload['name'] = self._check('name', name, str) if members: payload['members'] = ','.join(self._check('members', members, list)) if description: payload['description'] = self._check('description', description, str) if enabled is not None: payload['schedule']['enabled'] = self._check('enabled', enabled, bool) if payload['schedule']['enabled']: frequency = self._check('frequency', frequency, str, choices=['ONETIME', 'DAILY', 'WEEKLY', 'MONTHLY', 'YEARLY'], default=payload['schedule']['rrules'].get('freq') if payload['schedule']['rrules'] is not None else 'ONETIME', case='upper') # interval needs to be handled in schedule enabled excusion rrules = { 'freq': frequency, 'interval': payload['schedule']['rrules'].get('interval', None) or 1 if payload['schedule']['rrules'] is not None else 1 } # frequency default value is designed for weekly and monthly based on below conditions # - if schedule rrules is None and not defined in edit params, assign default values # - if schedule rrules is not None and not defined in edit params, assign old values # - if schedule rrules is not None and not defined in edit params # and byweekday/bymonthday key not already exist, assign default values # - if schedule rrules is not None and defined in edit params, assign new values if frequency == 'WEEKLY': rrules['byweekday'] = ','.join(self._check( 'weekdays', weekdays, list, choices=['SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA'], default=payload['schedule']['rrules'].get('byweekday', '').split() or ['SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA'] if payload['schedule']['rrules'] is not None else ['SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA'], case='upper')) # In the same vein as the frequency check, we're accepting # case-insensitive input, comparing it to our known list of # acceptable responses, then joining them all together into a # comma-separated string. if frequency == 'MONTHLY': rrules['bymonthday'] = self._check( 'day_of_month', day_of_month, int, choices=list(range(1, 32)), default=payload['schedule']['rrules'].get('bymonthday', if payload['schedule']['rrules'] is not None else # update new rrules in existing payload if payload['schedule']['rrules'] is not None: dict_merge(payload['schedule']['rrules'], rrules) else: payload['schedule']['rrules'] = rrules if start_time: payload['schedule']['starttime'] = self._check( 'start_time', start_time, datetime).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if end_time: payload['schedule']['endtime'] = self._check( 'end_time', end_time, datetime).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if interval: payload['schedule']['rrules']['interval'] = self._check( 'interval', interval, int) payload['schedule']['timezone'] = self._check( 'timezone', timezone, str, choices=self._api._tz, default='Etc/UTC') if network_id: payload['network_id'] = self._check('network_id', network_id, 'uuid') # Lets check to make sure that the scanner_id and exclusion_id are # integers as the API documentation requests and if we don't raise an # error, then lets make the call. return self._api.put( 'exclusions/{}'.format( self._check('exclusion_id', exclusion_id, int) ), json=payload).json() def list(self): ''' List the currently configured scan target exclusions. :devportal:`exclusions: list <exclusions-list>` Returns: :obj:`list`: List of exclusion resource records. Examples: >>> for exclusion in tio.exclusions.list(): ... pprint(exclusion) ''' return self._api.get('exclusions').json()['exclusions'] def exclusions_import(self, fobj): ''' Import exclusions into :devportal:`exclusions: import <exclusions-import>` Args: fobj (FileObject): The file object of the exclusion(s) you wish to import. Returns: :obj:`None`: Returned if successfully imports the exclusion file. Examples: >>> with open('import_example.csv') as exclusion: ... tio.exclusions.exclusions_import(exclusion) ''' fid = self._api.files.upload(fobj) return'exclusions/import', json={'file': fid})
Path Formats ============ The ``paths:`` section of the config file (see :doc:`config`) lets you specify the directory and file naming scheme for your music library. Templates substitute symbols like ``$title`` (any field value prefixed by ``$``) with the appropriate value from the track's metadata. Beets adds the filename extension automatically. For example, consider this path format string: ``$albumartist/$album/$track $title`` Here are some paths this format will generate: * ``Yeah Yeah Yeahs/It's Blitz!/01 Zero.mp3`` * ``Spank Rock/YoYoYoYoYo/11 Competition.mp3`` * ``The Magnetic Fields/Realism/01 You Must Be Out of Your Mind.mp3`` Because ``$`` is used to delineate a field reference, you can use ``$$`` to emit a dollars sign. As with `Python template strings`_, ``${title}`` is equivalent to ``$title``; you can use this if you need to separate a field name from the text that follows it. .. _Python template strings: A Note About Artists -------------------- Note that in path formats, you almost certainly want to use ``$albumartist`` and not ``$artist``. The latter refers to the "track artist" when it is present, which means that albums that have tracks from different artists on them (like `Stop Making Sense`_, for example) will be placed into different folders! Continuing with the Stop Making Sense example, you'll end up with most of the tracks in a "Talking Heads" directory and one in a "Tom Tom Club" directory. You probably don't want that! So use ``$albumartist``. .. _Stop Making Sense: As a convenience, however, beets allows ``$albumartist`` to fall back to the value for ``$artist`` and vice-versa if one tag is present but the other is not. .. _template-functions: Template Functions ------------------ Beets path formats also support *function calls*, which can be used to transform text and perform logical manipulations. The syntax for function calls is like this: ``%func{arg,arg}``. For example, the ``upper`` function makes its argument upper-case, so ``%upper{beets rocks}`` will be replaced with ``BEETS ROCKS``. You can, of course, nest function calls and place variable references in function arguments, so ``%upper{$artist}`` becomes the upper-case version of the track's artists. These functions are built in to beets: * ``%lower{text}``: Convert ``text`` to lowercase. * ``%upper{text}``: Convert ``text`` to UPPERCASE. * ``%title{text}``: Convert ``text`` to Title Case. * ``%left{text,n}``: Return the first ``n`` characters of ``text``. * ``%right{text,n}``: Return the last ``n`` characters of ``text``. * ``%if{condition,text}`` or ``%if{condition,truetext,falsetext}``: If ``condition`` is nonempty (or nonzero, if it's a number), then returns the second argument. Otherwise, returns the third argument if specified (or nothing if ``falsetext`` is left off). * ``%asciify{text}``: Convert non-ASCII characters to their ASCII equivalents. For example, "café" becomes "cafe". Uses the mapping provided by the `unidecode module`_. See the :ref:`asciify-paths` configuration option. * ``%aunique{identifiers,disambiguators,brackets}``: Provides a unique string to disambiguate similar albums in the database. See :ref:`aunique`, below. * ``%time{date_time,format}``: Return the date and time in any format accepted by `strftime`_. For example, to get the year some music was added to your library, use ``%time{$added,%Y}``. * ``%first{text}``: Returns the first item, separated by ``;`` (a semicolon followed by a space). You can use ``%first{text,count,skip}``, where ``count`` is the number of items (default 1) and ``skip`` is number to skip (default 0). You can also use ``%first{text,count,skip,sep,join}`` where ``sep`` is the separator, like ``;`` or ``/`` and join is the text to concatenate the items. * ``%ifdef{field}``, ``%ifdef{field,truetext}`` or ``%ifdef{field,truetext,falsetext}``: Checks if an flexible attribute ``field`` is defined. If it exists, then return ``truetext`` or ``field`` (default). Otherwise, returns ``falsetext``. The ``field`` should be entered without ``$``. Note that this doesn't work with built-in :ref:`itemfields`, as they are always defined. .. _unidecode module: .. _strftime: Plugins can extend beets with more template functions (see :ref:`templ_plugins`). .. _aunique: Album Disambiguation -------------------- Occasionally, bands release two albums with the same name (c.f. Crystal Castles, Weezer, and any situation where a single has the same name as an album or EP). Beets ships with special support, in the form of the ``%aunique{}`` template function, to avoid placing two identically-named albums in the same directory on disk. The ``aunique`` function detects situations where two albums have some identical fields and emits text from additional fields to disambiguate the albums. For example, if you have both Crystal Castles albums in your library, ``%aunique{}`` will expand to "[2008]" for one album and "[2010]" for the other. The function detects that you have two albums with the same artist and title but that they have different release years. For full flexibility, the ``%aunique`` function takes three arguments. The first two are whitespace-separated lists of album field names: a set of *identifiers* and a set of *disambiguators*. The third argument is a pair of characters used to surround the disambiguator. Any group of albums with identical values for all the identifiers will be considered "duplicates". Then, the function tries each disambiguator field, looking for one that distinguishes each of the duplicate albums from each other. The first such field is used as the result for ``%aunique``. If no field suffices, an arbitrary number is used to distinguish the two albums. The default identifiers are ``albumartist album`` and the default disambiguators are ``albumtype year label catalognum albumdisambig releasegroupdisambig``. So you can get reasonable disambiguation behavior if you just use ``%aunique{}`` with no parameters in your path forms (as in the default path formats), but you can customize the disambiguation if, for example, you include the year by default in path formats. The default characters used as brackets are ``[]``. To change this, provide a third argument to the ``%aunique`` function consisting of two characters: the left and right brackets. Or, to turn off bracketing entirely, leave argument blank. One caveat: When you import an album that is named identically to one already in your library, the *first* album—the one already in your library— will not consider itself a duplicate at import time. This means that ``%aunique{}`` will expand to nothing for this album and no disambiguation string will be used at its import time. Only the second album will receive a disambiguation string. If you want to add the disambiguation string to both albums, just run ``beet move`` (possibly restricted by a query) to update the paths for the albums. Syntax Details -------------- The characters ``$``, ``%``, ``{``, ``}``, and ``,`` are "special" in the path template syntax. This means that, for example, if you want a ``%`` character to appear in your paths, you'll need to be careful that you don't accidentally write a function call. To escape any of these characters (except ``{``, and ``,`` outside a function argument), prefix it with a ``$``. For example, ``$$`` becomes ``$``; ``$%`` becomes ``%``, etc. The only exceptions are: * ``${``, which is ambiguous with the variable reference syntax (like ``${title}``). To insert a ``{`` alone, it's always sufficient to just type ``{``. * commas are used as argument separators in function calls. Inside of a function's argument, use ``$,`` to get a literal ``,`` character. Outside of any function argument, escaping is not necessary: ``,`` by itself will produce ``,`` in the output. If a value or function is undefined, the syntax is simply left unreplaced. For example, if you write ``$foo`` in a path template, this will yield ``$foo`` in the resulting paths because "foo" is not a valid field name. The same is true of syntax errors like unclosed ``{}`` pairs; if you ever see template syntax constructs leaking into your paths, check your template for errors. If an error occurs in the Python code that implements a function, the function call will be expanded to a string that describes the exception so you can debug your template. For example, the second parameter to ``%left`` must be an integer; if you write ``%left{foo,bar}``, this will be expanded to something like ``<ValueError: invalid literal for int()>``. .. _itemfields: Available Values ---------------- Here's a list of the different values available to path formats. The current list can be found definitively by running the command ``beet fields``. Note that plugins can add new (or replace existing) template values (see :ref:`templ_plugins`). Ordinary metadata: * title * artist * artist_sort: The "sort name" of the track artist (e.g., "Beatles, The" or "White, Jack"). * artist_credit: The track-specific `artist credit`_ name, which may be a variation of the artist's "canonical" name. * album * albumartist: The artist for the entire album, which may be different from the artists for the individual tracks. * albumartist_sort * albumartist_credit * genre * composer * grouping * year, month, day: The release date of the specific release. * original_year, original_month, original_day: The release date of the original version of the album. * track * tracktotal * disc * disctotal * lyrics * comments * bpm * comp: Compilation flag. * albumtype: The MusicBrainz album type; the MusicBrainz wiki has a `list of type names`_. * label * asin * catalognum * script * language * country * albumstatus * media * albumdisambig * disctitle * encoder .. _artist credit: .. _list of type names: Audio information: * length (in seconds) * bitrate (in kilobits per second, with units: e.g., "192kbps") * format (e.g., "MP3" or "FLAC") * channels * bitdepth (only available for some formats) * samplerate (in kilohertz, with units: e.g., "48kHz") MusicBrainz and fingerprint information: * mb_trackid * mb_releasetrackid * mb_albumid * mb_artistid * mb_albumartistid * mb_releasegroupid * acoustid_fingerprint * acoustid_id Library metadata: * mtime: The modification time of the audio file. * added: The date and time that the music was added to your library. * path: The item's filename. .. _templ_plugins: Template functions and values provided by plugins ------------------------------------------------- Beets plugins can provide additional fields and functions to templates. See the :doc:`/plugins/index` page for a full list of plugins. Some plugin-provided constructs include: * ``$missing`` by :doc:`/plugins/missing`: The number of missing tracks per album. * ``%bucket{text}`` by :doc:`/plugins/bucket`: Substitute a string by the range it belongs to. * ``%the{text}`` by :doc:`/plugins/the`: Moves English articles to ends of strings. The :doc:`/plugins/inline` lets you define template fields in your beets configuration file using Python snippets. And for more advanced processing, you can go all-in and write a dedicated plugin to register your own fields and functions (see :ref:`writing-plugins`).
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union from llama_index.callbacks.base import CallbackManager from llama_index.callbacks.schema import CBEventType, EventPayload from llama_index.indices.query.base import BaseQueryEngine from llama_index.indices.query.schema import QueryBundle from llama_index.schema import TextNode, IndexNode, NodeWithScore, BaseNode from llama_index.bridge.langchain import print_text from llama_index.indices.base_retriever import BaseRetriever DEFAULT_QUERY_RESPONSE_TMPL = "Query: {query_str}\nResponse: {response}" RQN_TYPE = Union[BaseRetriever, BaseQueryEngine, BaseNode] class RecursiveRetriever(BaseRetriever): """Recursive retriever. This retriever will recursively explore links from nodes to other retrievers/query engines. For any retrieved nodes, if any of the nodes are IndexNodes, then it will explore the linked retriever/query engine, and query that. Args: root_id (str): The root id of the query graph. retriever_dict (Optional[Dict[str, BaseRetriever]]): A dictionary of id to retrievers. query_engine_dict (Optional[Dict[str, BaseQueryEngine]]): A dictionary of id to query engines. """ def __init__( self, root_id: str, retriever_dict: Dict[str, BaseRetriever], query_engine_dict: Optional[Dict[str, BaseQueryEngine]] = None, node_dict: Optional[Dict[str, BaseNode]] = None, callback_manager: Optional[CallbackManager] = None, query_response_tmpl: Optional[str] = None, verbose: bool = False, ) -> None: """Init params.""" self._root_id = root_id if root_id not in retriever_dict: raise ValueError( f"Root id {root_id} not in retriever_dict, it must be a retriever." ) self._retriever_dict = retriever_dict self._query_engine_dict = query_engine_dict or {} self._node_dict = node_dict or {} self.callback_manager = callback_manager or CallbackManager([]) # make sure keys don't overlap if set(self._retriever_dict.keys()) & set(self._query_engine_dict.keys()): raise ValueError("Retriever and query engine ids must not overlap.") self._query_response_tmpl = query_response_tmpl or DEFAULT_QUERY_RESPONSE_TMPL self._verbose = verbose super().__init__() def _query_retrieved_nodes( self, query_bundle: QueryBundle, nodes_with_score: List[NodeWithScore] ) -> Tuple[List[NodeWithScore], List[NodeWithScore]]: """Query for retrieved nodes. If node is an IndexNode, then recursively query the retriever/query engine. If node is a TextNode, then simply return the node. """ nodes_to_add = [] additional_nodes = [] visited_ids = set() # dedup index nodes that reference same index id new_nodes_with_score = [] for node_with_score in nodes_with_score: node = node_with_score.node if isinstance(node, IndexNode): if node.index_id not in visited_ids: visited_ids.add(node.index_id) new_nodes_with_score.append(node_with_score) nodes_with_score = new_nodes_with_score # recursively retrieve for node_with_score in nodes_with_score: node = node_with_score.node if isinstance(node, IndexNode): if self._verbose: print_text( "Retrieved node with id, entering: " f"{node.index_id}\n", color="pink", ) cur_retrieved_nodes, cur_additional_nodes = self._retrieve_rec( query_bundle, query_id=node.index_id ) else: assert isinstance(node, TextNode) if self._verbose: print_text( "Retrieving text node: " f"{node.get_content()}\n", color="pink", ) cur_retrieved_nodes = [node_with_score] cur_additional_nodes = [] nodes_to_add.extend(cur_retrieved_nodes) additional_nodes.extend(cur_additional_nodes) return nodes_to_add, additional_nodes def _get_object(self, query_id: str) -> RQN_TYPE: """Fetch retriever or query engine.""" node = self._node_dict.get(query_id, None) if node is not None: return node retriever = self._retriever_dict.get(query_id, None) if retriever is not None: return retriever query_engine = self._query_engine_dict.get(query_id, None) if query_engine is not None: return query_engine raise ValueError( f"Query id {query_id} not found in either `retriever_dict` " "or `query_engine_dict`." ) def _retrieve_rec( self, query_bundle: QueryBundle, query_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> Tuple[List[NodeWithScore], List[NodeWithScore]]: """Query recursively.""" if self._verbose: print_text( f"Retrieving with query id {query_id}: {query_bundle.query_str}\n", color="blue", ) query_id = query_id or self._root_id obj = self._get_object(query_id) if isinstance(obj, BaseNode): nodes_to_add = [NodeWithScore(node=obj, score=1.0)] additional_nodes: List[NodeWithScore] = [] elif isinstance(obj, BaseRetriever): with self.callback_manager.event( CBEventType.RETRIEVE, payload={EventPayload.QUERY_STR: query_bundle.query_str}, ) as event: nodes = obj.retrieve(query_bundle) event.on_end(payload={EventPayload.NODES: nodes}) nodes_to_add, additional_nodes = self._query_retrieved_nodes( query_bundle, nodes ) elif isinstance(obj, BaseQueryEngine): sub_resp = obj.query(query_bundle) if self._verbose: print_text( f"Got response: {str(sub_resp)}\n", color="green", ) # format with both the query and the response node_text = self._query_response_tmpl.format( query_str=query_bundle.query_str, response=str(sub_resp) ) node = TextNode(text=node_text) nodes_to_add = [NodeWithScore(node=node, score=1.0)] additional_nodes = sub_resp.source_nodes else: raise ValueError("Must be a retriever or query engine.") return nodes_to_add, additional_nodes def _retrieve(self, query_bundle: QueryBundle) -> List[NodeWithScore]: retrieved_nodes, _ = self._retrieve_rec(query_bundle, query_id=None) return retrieved_nodes def retrieve_all( self, query_bundle: QueryBundle ) -> Tuple[List[NodeWithScore], List[NodeWithScore]]: """Retrieve all nodes. Unlike default `retrieve` method, this also fetches additional sources. """ return self._retrieve_rec(query_bundle, query_id=None)
import inspect from DateTime import DateTime from datetime import datetime from import Lazy as lazy_property from zope.component import getUtility from Products.Five import BrowserView from zc.async.interfaces import ACTIVE, COMPLETED from zc.async.utils import custom_repr from zc.twist import Failure from import IAsyncService from webdav.xmltools import escape from ZODB.utils import p64, u64 import simplejson as json import pytz local_zone = DateTime().asdatetime().tzinfo def get_failure(job): if job.status == COMPLETED and isinstance(job.result, Failure): return job.result elif job.status not in (ACTIVE, COMPLETED) and job._retry_policy \ and'job_error', 0): return['last_job_error'] class JobsView(BrowserView): js = """ jQuery(function($) { var update = function() { var escape = function(s) { return s.replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;'); } $.fn.render = function(data) { var rows = ['<tr><th>Job</th><th>Status</th></tr>']; $(data).each(function(i, job) { row = ['<tr><td><div><strong>' + escape(job.callable) + '</strong></div>']; row.push('<div>' + escape(job.args) + '</div></td>'); row.push('<td>' + job.status); if (job.progress) row.push('<div>' + job.progress + '</div>'); if (job.failure) row.push('<div>' + job.failure + '</div>') rows.push(row.join('') + '</tr>'); }); $('table', this).html(rows.join('')); var form = this.closest('form'); var legend = $('legend', this); $('.formTab span', form).eq($('legend', form). index(legend)).html(legend.html().replace('0', data.length)); }; $.getJSON('jobs.json', function(data) { $('#queued-jobs').render(data.queued); $('#active-jobs').render(; $('#dead-jobs').render(data.dead); $('#completed-jobs').render(data.completed); }); setTimeout(update, 5000); }; update(); }); """ class JobsJSON(BrowserView): def _find_jobs(self): service = getUtility(IAsyncService) queue = service.getQueues()[''] for job in queue: yield 'queued', job for da in queue.dispatchers.values(): for agent in da.values(): for job in agent: yield 'active', job for job in agent.completed: if isinstance(job.result, Failure): yield 'dead', job else: yield 'completed', job def _filter_jobs(self): for job_status, job in self._find_jobs(): if len(job.args) == 0: continue job_context = job.args[0] if type(job_context) == tuple and \ job_context[:len(self.portal_path)] == self.portal_path: yield job_status, job @lazy_property def portal_path(self): return self.context.getPhysicalPath() @lazy_property def now(self): return def __call__(self): self.request.response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') jobs = { 'queued': [], 'active': [], 'completed': [], 'dead': [], } for job_status, job in self._filter_jobs(): jobs[job_status].append({ 'id': u64(job._p_oid), 'callable': custom_repr(job.callable), 'args': self.format_args(job), 'status': self.format_status(job), 'progress': self.format_progress(job), 'failure': self.format_failure(job), }) return json.dumps(jobs) def format_status(self, job): if job.status == COMPLETED: return 'Completed at %s' % self.format_datetime(job.active_end) elif job.status == ACTIVE: return 'Started at %s' % self.format_datetime(job.active_start) else: if job.begin_after > retries = 0 if job._retry_policy: retries ='job_error', 0) if retries: return 'Retry #%s scheduled for %s' % (retries, self.format_datetime(job.begin_after)) else: return 'Scheduled for %s' % self.format_datetime( job.begin_after) else: return 'Queued at %s' % self.format_datetime(job.begin_after) def format_progress(self, job): if job.status != ACTIVE: return '' progress = job.annotations.get('progress', 0.0) * 100 if not progress: return '' return """<div style="width:100px; border: solid 1px #000;"> <div style="width:%dpx; background: red;">&nbsp;</div></div>%d%%""" % ( progress, progress) def format_args(self, job): try: argnames = inspect.getargspec(job.callable).args except: argnames = None if argnames is not None: args = ', '.join('%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in zip(argnames, job.args)) else: args = ', '.join(custom_repr(a) for a in job.args) kwargs = ', '.join(k + "=" + custom_repr(v) for k, v in job.kwargs.items()) if args and kwargs: args += ", " + kwargs elif kwargs: args = kwargs return 'Args: %s' % args def format_failure(self, job): failure = get_failure(job) if failure is None: return '' res = '%s: %s' % (failure.type.__name__, failure.getErrorMessage()) res += ' <a href="%s/manage-job-error?id=%s">Details</a>' % ( self.context.absolute_url(), u64(job._p_oid)) return res def format_datetime(self, dt): return dt.astimezone(local_zone).strftime('%I:%M:%S %p, %Y-%m-%d') class TracebackView(BrowserView): def __call__(self, id): queue = getUtility(IAsyncService).getQueues()[''] job = queue._p_jar.get(p64(int(id))) failure = get_failure(job) return escape(failure.getTraceback())
------------------- django-settings-env ------------------- settings environment handler for Django envex --------- The functionality outlined in this section is derived from the dependent package `envex`, the docs for which are partially repeated below. Skip to the Django Support section for functionality added by this extension. `envex` provides a convenient type-smart interface for handling the environment, and therefore configuration of any application using principals removing many environment specific variables and security sensitive information from application code. This module provides some features not supported by other dotenv handlers (python-dotenv, etc.) including expansion of template variables which is very useful for DRY. More detailed info can be found in the `envex` README. Django Support -------------- By default, the Env class provided by this module can apply a given prefix (default "DJANGO_") to environment variables names, but will only be used in that form if the raw (unprefixed) variable name is not set in the environment. To change the prefix including setting it to an empty string, pass the prefix= kwarg to `Env.__init__`. Some django specific methods included in this module are URL parsers for: | Default Var | Parser |----------------|----------------------- | DATABASE_URL | `env.database_url()` | CACHE_URL | `env.cache_url()` | EMAIL_URL | `env.email_url()` | SEARCH_URL | `env.search_url()` | QUEUE_URL | `env.queue_url()` each of which can be injected into django settings via the environment, typically from a .env file at the project root. The name of the file and paths searched is fully customisable. The url specified includes a schema that determines the "backend" class or module that handles the corresponding functionality as documented below. ## `database_url` Evaluates a URL in the form ``` schema://[username:[password]@]host_or_path[:port]/name ``` Schemas: | Scheme | Database |-----------------|---------------------- | postgres | Postgres (psycopg2) | postgresql | Postgres (psycopg2) | psql | Postgres (psycopg2) | pgsql | Postgres (psycopg2) | postgis | Postgres (psycopg2) using PostGIS extensions | mysql | MySql (mysqlclient) | mysql2 | MySql (mysqlclient) | mysql-connector | MySql (mysql-connector) | mysqlgis | MySql (mysqlclient) using GIS extensions | mssql | SqlServer (sql_server.pyodbc) | oracle | Oracle (cx_Oracle) | pyodbc | ODBC (pyodbc) | redshift | Amazon Redshift | spatialite | Sqlite with spatial extensions (spatialite) | sqlite | Sqlite | ldap | django-ldap ## `cache_url` Evaluates a URL in the form ``` schema://[username:[password]@]host_or_path[:port]/[name] ``` Schemas: | Scheme | Cache |-----------------|---------------------- | dbcache | cache in database | dummycache | dummy cache - "no cache" | filecache | cache data in files | locmemcache | cache in memory | memcache | memcached (python-memcached) | pymemcache | memcached (pymemcache) | rediscache | redis (django-redis) | redis | redis (django-redis) ## `email_url` Evaluates a URL in the form ``` schema://[username[@domain]:[password]@]host_or_path[:port]/ ``` Schemas: | Scheme | Service |-----------------|---------------------- | smtp | smtp, no SSL | smtps | smtp over SSL | smtp+tls | smtp over SSL | smtp+ssl | smtp over SSL | consolemail | publish mail to console (dev) | filemail | append email to file (dev) | memorymail | store emails in memory | dummymail | do-nothing email backend | amazonses | Amazon Wimple Email Service | amazon-ses | Amazon Wimple Email Service ## `search_url` Evaluates a URL in the form ``` schema://[username:[password]@]host_or_path[:port]/[index] ``` Schemas: | Scheme | Engine |-----------------|---------------------- | elasticsearch | elasticsearch (django-haystack) | elasticsearch2 | elasticsearch2 (django-haystack) | solr | Apache solr (django-haystack) | whoosh | Whoosh search engine (pure python, haystack) | xapian | Xapian search engine (haystack) | simple | Simple search engine (haystack) ## `queue_url` Evaluates a URL in the form ``` schema://[username:[password]@]host_or_path[:port]/[queue] ``` Schemas: | Scheme | Engine |-----------------|---------------------- | rabbitmq | RabbitMQ | redis | Redis | amazonsqs | Amazon SQS | amazon-sqs | alias for Amazon SQS Django Class Settings --------------------- Support for the `django-class-settings` module is added to the env handler, allowing a much simplified use withing a class_settings.Settings class, e.g.: ```python from django_settings_env import Env from class_settings import Settings env = Env(prefix='DJANGO_') class MySettings(Settings): MYSETTING = env() ``` This usage will look for 'MYSETTING' or 'DJANGO_MYSETTNG' in the environment and lazily assign it to the MYSETTING value for the settings class. > :warning: The functional form of env() is now available even if django class settings is not used or installed.
""" Description of the NFA elementary object namely as the state""" import logging class State(object): START_STATE = '#S' MATCHING_STATE = '#M' EMPTY_STATE = '#E' class_counter = 0 # make each State object have a unique id @classmethod def get_state_description(cls, state): if state.char == cls.START_STATE: return '({}) START'.format( elif state.char == cls.MATCHING_STATE: return '({}) MATCHING'.format( elif state.char == cls.EMPTY_STATE: return '({}) EMPTY'.format( else: return '({}) {}'.format(,state.char) def __init__(self, char, in_states, out_states, symbolic_step_expression, single_constraint_tuple_list, single_constraint_variable_list, group_pile): self.char = char self.in_states = in_states self.out_states = out_states self.symbolic_step_expression = symbolic_step_expression self.single_constraint_tuple_list = single_constraint_tuple_list self.single_constraint_variable_list = single_constraint_variable_list self.group_pile = group_pile # list of group id currently open at this point = State.class_counter # unique id for this State State.class_counter += 1 logging.debug('State - create object - char={} id={} self={}'.format(char,, self)) # print ('Debug: State type(self.char)={}'.format(self.char)) # print ('Debug: State type(self.in_states)={}'.format(self.in_states)) # print ('Debug: State type(self.symbolic_step_expression)={}'.format(self.symbolic_step_expression)) # print ('Debug: State type(self.single_constraint_tuple_list)={}'.format(self.single_constraint_tuple_list)) # print ('Debug: State type(self.single_constraint_variable_list)={}'.format(self.single_constraint_variable_list)) # print ('Debug: State type(self.group_pile)={}'.format(self.group_pile)) # print ('Debug: State type({}'.format( def is_start(self): return self.char == self.START_STATE def is_matching(self): return self.char == self.MATCHING_STATE def is_empty(self): return self.char == self.EMPTY_STATE def is_normal(self): return (not self.is_start() and not self.is_matching() and not self.is_empty()) @classmethod def create_start_state(cls): new_state = cls(cls.START_STATE, set(), set(), None, None, None, []) return new_state, new_state @classmethod def create_matching_state(cls): new_state = cls(cls.MATCHING_STATE, set(), set(), None, None, None, []) return new_state, new_state @classmethod def create_empty_state(cls): new_state = cls(cls.EMPTY_STATE, set(), set(), None, None, None, []) return new_state, new_state @classmethod def create_char_state(cls, char, symbolic_step_expression, single_constraint_tuple_list, single_constraint_variable_list, group_pile): new_state = cls(char, set(), set(), symbolic_step_expression, single_constraint_tuple_list, single_constraint_variable_list, group_pile) return new_state, new_state @classmethod def append_B_to_A(cls, elem_A, elem_B, merge_callback=None): """Append element B to A and return the last state of the combined element [A] and [B] are the end and start state of element A and B respectively +------ in_B ---- <-- out_A --+ | | v -- in_A -->[A]----->[B]----- out_B --> [A] can merge with [B] if either [A] or [B] is empty and after the merge, in_B cannot reach out_A, i.e. there is no going back possibilities from states after [B] to states before [A]. If [A] is start state, don't merge. """ A = elem_A[1] B = elem_B[0] last_state = elem_B[1] if not ((A.is_start() and ( B.is_normal() or B.is_matching())) or ( A.is_normal() and ( B.is_matching() or B.is_normal()))) and ( (len(A.out_states) == 0 and not A.is_normal()) or (len(B.in_states) == 0 and not B.is_normal())): if A.is_empty(): A.char = B.char A.symbolic_step_expression = B.symbolic_step_expression A.single_constraint_tuple_list = B.single_constraint_tuple_list A.single_constraint_variable_list = B.single_constraint_variable_list A.group_pile = B.group_pile = A.out_states.discard(B) B.in_states.discard(A) A.out_states.update(B.out_states) for ous in B.out_states: ous.in_states.discard(B) ous.in_states.add(A) A.in_states.update(B.in_states) for ins in B.in_states: ins.out_states.discard(B) ins.out_states.add(A) if elem_B[0] == elem_B[1]: last_state = A if merge_callback: merge_callback() else: A.out_states.add(B) B.in_states.add(A) return elem_A[0], last_state @classmethod def create_element_star_state(cls, elem): facade_elem = cls.create_start_state() final_elem = cls.append_B_to_A(facade_elem, elem) facade_elem[1].char = cls.MATCHING_STATE final_elem = cls.append_B_to_A(final_elem, facade_elem) final_elem[1].char = cls.EMPTY_STATE return final_elem[1], final_elem[1] @classmethod def create_element_plus_state(cls, elem): if len(elem[0].out_states) == 1: os = elem[0].out_states.pop() tmp_elem = cls.append_B_to_A((elem[0], elem[0]), (os, os)) if tmp_elem[1] != elem[0]: elem[0].out_states.add(os) if len(elem[1].in_states) == 1: ins = elem[1].in_states.pop() tmp_elem = cls.append_B_to_A((ins, ins), (elem[1], elem[1])) if tmp_elem[1] == elem[1]: elem[1].in_states.add(ins) else: elem = (elem[0], tmp_elem[1]) elem[1].out_states.add(elem[0]) elem[0].in_states.add(elem[1]) return elem @classmethod def create_element_question_mark_state(cls, elem): new_start_elem = cls.create_start_state() new_end_elem = cls.create_matching_state() final_elem = cls.append_B_to_A(new_start_elem, elem) final_elem = cls.append_B_to_A(final_elem, new_end_elem) final_elem = cls.append_B_to_A( (final_elem[0], final_elem[0]), (final_elem[1], final_elem[1])) final_elem[0].char = cls.EMPTY_STATE final_elem[1].char = cls.EMPTY_STATE return final_elem def __str__(self): return 'IN[%s]->CHAR(%s)->OUT[%s]' % (','.join([s.char for s in self.in_states]), self.char, ','.join([s.char for s in self.out_states])) def __repr__(self): return "'%s'" % self
(function() { var dfs = {"am_pm":["AM","PM"],"day_name":["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],"day_short":["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],"era":["BC","AD"],"era_name":["Before Christ","Anno Domini"],"month_name":["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],"month_short":["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],"order_full":"MDY","order_long":"MDY","order_medium":"MDY","order_short":"MDY"}; var nfs = {"decimal_separator":".","grouping_separator":",","minus":"-"}; var df = {SHORT_PADDED_CENTURY:function(d){if(d){return(((d.getMonth()+101)+'').substring(1)+'/'+((d.getDate()+101)+'').substring(1)+'/'+d.getFullYear());}},SHORT:function(d){if(d){return((d.getMonth()+1)+'/'+d.getDate()+'/'+(d.getFullYear()+'').substring(2));}},SHORT_NOYEAR:function(d){if(d){return((d.getMonth()+1)+'/'+d.getDate());}},SHORT_NODAY:function(d){if(d){return((d.getMonth()+1)+' '+(d.getFullYear()+'').substring(2));}},MEDIUM:function(d){if(d){return(dfs.month_short[d.getMonth()]+' '+d.getDate()+','+' '+d.getFullYear());}},MEDIUM_NOYEAR:function(d){if(d){return(dfs.month_short[d.getMonth()]+' '+d.getDate());}},MEDIUM_WEEKDAY_NOYEAR:function(d){if(d){return(dfs.day_short[d.getDay()]+' '+dfs.month_short[d.getMonth()]+' '+d.getDate());}},LONG_NODAY:function(d){if(d){return(dfs.month_name[d.getMonth()]+' '+d.getFullYear());}},LONG:function(d){if(d){return(dfs.month_name[d.getMonth()]+' '+d.getDate()+','+' '+d.getFullYear());}},FULL:function(d){if(d){return(dfs.day_name[d.getDay()]+','+' '+dfs.month_name[d.getMonth()]+' '+d.getDate()+','+' '+d.getFullYear());}}}; = || new Object(); var icu =; icu.getCountry = function() { return "GH" }; icu.getCountryName = function() { return "Ghana" }; icu.getDateFormat = function(formatCode) { var retVal = {}; retVal.format = df[formatCode]; return retVal; }; icu.getDateFormats = function() { return df; }; icu.getDateFormatSymbols = function() { return dfs; }; icu.getDecimalFormat = function(places) { var retVal = {}; retVal.format = function(n) { var ns = n < 0 ? Math.abs(n).toFixed(places) : n.toFixed(places); var ns2 = ns.split('.'); s = ns2[0]; var d = ns2[1]; var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;while(rgx.test(s)){s = s.replace(rgx, '$1' + nfs["grouping_separator"] + '$2');} return (n < 0 ? nfs["minus"] : "") + s + nfs["decimal_separator"] + d;}; return retVal; }; icu.getDecimalFormatSymbols = function() { return nfs; }; icu.getIntegerFormat = function() { var retVal = {}; retVal.format = function(i) { var s = i < 0 ? Math.abs(i).toString() : i.toString(); var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;while(rgx.test(s)){s = s.replace(rgx, '$1' + nfs["grouping_separator"] + '$2');} return i < 0 ? nfs["minus"] + s : s;}; return retVal; }; icu.getLanguage = function() { return "gaa" }; icu.getLanguageName = function() { return "Ga" }; icu.getLocale = function() { return "null" }; icu.getLocaleName = function() { return "Ga (Ghana)" }; })();
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from iotbx.cli_parser import run_program from mmtbx.programs import validate_ligands if __name__ == '__main__': run_program(program_class=validate_ligands.Program) #old stuff #from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function #from libtbx.str_utils import make_sub_header #from libtbx.utils import Sorry #import os #import sys # #def master_phil(): # from mmtbx.command_line import generate_master_phil_with_inputs # return generate_master_phil_with_inputs( # enable_automatic_twin_detection=True, # phil_string=""" #ligand_code = None # .type = str # .multiple = True #reference_structure = None # .type = path #only_segid = None # .type = str #verbose = False # .type = bool #""") # #def run(args, out=sys.stdout): # usage_string = """\ #mmtbx.validate_ligands model.pdb data.mtz LIGAND_CODE [...] # #Print out basic statistics for residue(s) with the given code(s), including #electron density values/CC. #""" # import mmtbx.validation.ligands # import mmtbx.command_line # args_ = [] # for arg in args : # if (len(arg) == 3) and arg.isalnum() and (not os.path.exists(arg)): # args_.append("ligand_code=%s" % arg) # else : # args_.append(arg) # cmdline = mmtbx.command_line.load_model_and_data( # args=args_, # master_phil=master_phil(), # process_pdb_file=False, # usage_string=usage_string) # params = cmdline.params # if (params.ligand_code is None) or (len(params.ligand_code) == 0): # raise Sorry("Ligand code required!") # make_sub_header("Validating ligands", out=out) # for ligand_code in params.ligand_code : # validations = mmtbx.validation.ligands.validate_ligands( # pdb_hierarchy=cmdline.pdb_hierarchy, # fmodel=cmdline.fmodel, # ligand_code=ligand_code, # reference_structure=params.reference_structure, # only_segid=params.only_segid) # if (validations is None): # raise Sorry("No ligands named '%s' found." % ligand_code) # mmtbx.validation.ligands.show_validation_results(validations=validations, # out=out, # verbose=params.verbose) # #if (__name__ == "__main__"): # run(sys.argv[1:])
import json from alipay.aop.api.FileItem import FileItem from alipay.aop.api.constant.ParamConstants import * from alipay.aop.api.domain.MybankPaymentTradeNormalpayOrderCreateModel import MybankPaymentTradeNormalpayOrderCreateModel class MybankPaymentTradeNormalpayOrderCreateRequest(object): def __init__(self, biz_model=None): self._biz_model = biz_model self._biz_content = None self._version = "1.0" self._terminal_type = None self._terminal_info = None self._prod_code = None self._notify_url = None self._return_url = None self._udf_params = None self._need_encrypt = False @property def biz_model(self): return self._biz_model @biz_model.setter def biz_model(self, value): self._biz_model = value @property def biz_content(self): return self._biz_content @biz_content.setter def biz_content(self, value): if isinstance(value, MybankPaymentTradeNormalpayOrderCreateModel): self._biz_content = value else: self._biz_content = MybankPaymentTradeNormalpayOrderCreateModel.from_alipay_dict(value) @property def version(self): return self._version @version.setter def version(self, value): self._version = value @property def terminal_type(self): return self._terminal_type @terminal_type.setter def terminal_type(self, value): self._terminal_type = value @property def terminal_info(self): return self._terminal_info @terminal_info.setter def terminal_info(self, value): self._terminal_info = value @property def prod_code(self): return self._prod_code @prod_code.setter def prod_code(self, value): self._prod_code = value @property def notify_url(self): return self._notify_url @notify_url.setter def notify_url(self, value): self._notify_url = value @property def return_url(self): return self._return_url @return_url.setter def return_url(self, value): self._return_url = value @property def udf_params(self): return self._udf_params @udf_params.setter def udf_params(self, value): if not isinstance(value, dict): return self._udf_params = value @property def need_encrypt(self): return self._need_encrypt @need_encrypt.setter def need_encrypt(self, value): self._need_encrypt = value def add_other_text_param(self, key, value): if not self.udf_params: self.udf_params = dict() self.udf_params[key] = value def get_params(self): params = dict() params[P_METHOD] = '' params[P_VERSION] = self.version if self.biz_model: params[P_BIZ_CONTENT] = json.dumps(obj=self.biz_model.to_alipay_dict(), ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) if self.biz_content: if hasattr(self.biz_content, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['biz_content'] = json.dumps(obj=self.biz_content.to_alipay_dict(), ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) else: params['biz_content'] = self.biz_content if self.terminal_type: params['terminal_type'] = self.terminal_type if self.terminal_info: params['terminal_info'] = self.terminal_info if self.prod_code: params['prod_code'] = self.prod_code if self.notify_url: params['notify_url'] = self.notify_url if self.return_url: params['return_url'] = self.return_url if self.udf_params: params.update(self.udf_params) return params def get_multipart_params(self): multipart_params = dict() return multipart_params
import casadi as cs import numpy as np from adam.casadi.casadi_like import SpatialMath from adam.core import RBDAlgorithms from adam.model import Model from adam.parametric import ParametricModelFactory class KinDynComputations: """This is a small class that retrieves robot quantities represented in a symbolic fashion using CasADi in mixed representation, for Floating Base systems - as humanoid robots. """ def __init__( self, urdfstring: str, joints_name_list: list, root_link: str = "root_link", gravity: np.array = np.array([0.0, 0.0, -9.80665, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), f_opts: dict = dict(jit=False, jit_options=dict(flags="-Ofast")), ) -> None: """ Args: urdfstring (str): path of the urdf joints_name_list (list): list of the actuated joints root_link (str, optional): the first link. Defaults to 'root_link'. """ factory = URDFModelFactory(urdfstring, SpatialMath()) model =, joints_name_list=joints_name_list) self.rbdalgos = RBDAlgorithms(model=model) self.NDoF = self.rbdalgos.NDoF self.g = gravity self.f_opts = f_opts def mass_matrix_fun(self) -> cs.Function: """Returns the Mass Matrix functions computed the CRBA Returns: M (casADi function): Mass Matrix """ T_b = cs.SX.sym("T_b", 4, 4) s = cs.SX.sym("s", self.NDoF) [M, _] = self.rbdalgos.crba(T_b, s) return cs.Function("M", [T_b, s], [M.array], self.f_opts) def centroidal_momentum_matrix_fun(self) -> cs.Function: """Returns the Centroidal Momentum Matrix functions computed the CRBA Returns: Jcc (casADi function): Centroidal Momentum matrix """ T_b = cs.SX.sym("T_b", 4, 4) s = cs.SX.sym("s", self.NDoF) [_, Jcm] = self.rbdalgos.crba(T_b, s) return cs.Function("Jcm", [T_b, s], [Jcm.array], self.f_opts) def forward_kinematics_fun(self, frame: str) -> cs.Function: """Computes the forward kinematics relative to the specified frame Args: frame (str): The frame to which the fk will be computed Returns: T_fk (casADi function): The fk represented as Homogenous transformation matrix """ s = cs.SX.sym("s", self.NDoF) T_b = cs.SX.sym("T_b", 4, 4) T_fk = self.rbdalgos.forward_kinematics(frame, T_b, s) return cs.Function("T_fk", [T_b, s], [T_fk.array], self.f_opts) def jacobian_fun(self, frame: str) -> cs.Function: """Returns the Jacobian relative to the specified frame Args: frame (str): The frame to which the jacobian will be computed Returns: J_tot (casADi function): The Jacobian relative to the frame """ s = cs.SX.sym("s", self.NDoF) T_b = cs.SX.sym("T_b", 4, 4) J_tot = self.rbdalgos.jacobian(frame, T_b, s) return cs.Function("J_tot", [T_b, s], [J_tot.array], self.f_opts) def relative_jacobian_fun(self, frame: str) -> cs.Function: """Returns the Jacobian between the root link and a specified frame frames Args: frame (str): The tip of the chain Returns: J (casADi function): The Jacobian between the root and the frame """ s = cs.SX.sym("s", self.NDoF) J = self.rbdalgos.relative_jacobian(frame, s) return cs.Function("J", [s], [J.array], self.f_opts) def CoM_position_fun(self) -> cs.Function: """Returns the CoM positon Returns: com (casADi function): The CoM position """ s = cs.SX.sym("s", self.NDoF) T_b = cs.SX.sym("T_b", 4, 4) com_pos = self.rbdalgos.CoM_position(T_b, s) return cs.Function("CoM_pos", [T_b, s], [com_pos.array], self.f_opts) def bias_force_fun(self) -> cs.Function: """Returns the bias force of the floating-base dynamics equation, using a reduced RNEA (no acceleration and external forces) Returns: h (casADi function): the bias force """ T_b = cs.SX.sym("T_b", 4, 4) s = cs.SX.sym("s", self.NDoF) v_b = cs.SX.sym("v_b", 6) s_dot = cs.SX.sym("s_dot", self.NDoF) h = self.rbdalgos.rnea(T_b, s, v_b, s_dot, self.g) return cs.Function("h", [T_b, s, v_b, s_dot], [h.array], self.f_opts) def coriolis_term_fun(self) -> cs.Function: """Returns the coriolis term of the floating-base dynamics equation, using a reduced RNEA (no acceleration and external forces) Returns: C (casADi function): the Coriolis term """ T_b = cs.SX.sym("T_b", 4, 4) q = cs.SX.sym("q", self.NDoF) v_b = cs.SX.sym("v_b", 6) q_dot = cs.SX.sym("q_dot", self.NDoF) # set in the bias force computation the gravity term to zero C = self.rbdalgos.rnea(T_b, q, v_b, q_dot, np.zeros(6)) return cs.Function("C", [T_b, q, v_b, q_dot], [C.array], self.f_opts) def gravity_term_fun(self) -> cs.Function: """Returns the gravity term of the floating-base dynamics equation, using a reduced RNEA (no acceleration and external forces) Returns: G (casADi function): the gravity term """ T_b = cs.SX.sym("T_b", 4, 4) q = cs.SX.sym("q", self.NDoF) # set in the bias force computation the velocity to zero G = self.rbdalgos.rnea(T_b, q, np.zeros(6), np.zeros(self.NDoF), self.g) return cs.Function("G", [T_b, q], [G.array], self.f_opts) def forward_kinematics(self, frame, T_b, s) -> cs.Function: """Computes the forward kinematics relative to the specified frame Args: frame (str): The frame to which the fk will be computed Returns: T_fk (casADi function): The fk represented as Homogenous transformation matrix """ return self.rbdalgos.forward_kinematics(frame, T_b, s) def get_total_mass(self): """Returns the total mass of the robot Returns: mass: The total mass """ return self.rbdalgos.get_total_mass()
from dataclasses import dataclass import typing_extensions import urllib3 from urllib3._collections import HTTPHeaderDict from tensorleap_openapi_client import api_client, exceptions from datetime import date, datetime # noqa: F401 import decimal # noqa: F401 import functools # noqa: F401 import io # noqa: F401 import re # noqa: F401 import typing # noqa: F401 import typing_extensions # noqa: F401 import uuid # noqa: F401 import frozendict # noqa: F401 from tensorleap_openapi_client import schemas # noqa: F401 from tensorleap_openapi_client.model.visualization import Visualization from tensorleap_openapi_client.model.get_visualization_params import GetVisualizationParams from . import path # body param SchemaForRequestBodyApplicationJson = GetVisualizationParams request_body_get_visualization_params = api_client.RequestBody( content={ 'application/json': api_client.MediaType( schema=SchemaForRequestBodyApplicationJson), }, required=True, ) SchemaFor200ResponseBodyApplicationJson = Visualization @dataclass class ApiResponseFor200(api_client.ApiResponse): response: urllib3.HTTPResponse body: typing.Union[ SchemaFor200ResponseBodyApplicationJson, ] headers: schemas.Unset = schemas.unset _response_for_200 = api_client.OpenApiResponse( response_cls=ApiResponseFor200, content={ 'application/json': api_client.MediaType( schema=SchemaFor200ResponseBodyApplicationJson), }, ) _status_code_to_response = { '200': _response_for_200, } _all_accept_content_types = ( 'application/json', ) class BaseApi(api_client.Api): @typing.overload def _get_visualization_oapg( self, body: typing.Union[SchemaForRequestBodyApplicationJson,], content_type: typing_extensions.Literal["application/json"] = ..., accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, skip_deserialization: typing_extensions.Literal[False] = ..., ) -> typing.Union[ ApiResponseFor200, ]: ... @typing.overload def _get_visualization_oapg( self, body: typing.Union[SchemaForRequestBodyApplicationJson,], content_type: str = ..., accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, skip_deserialization: typing_extensions.Literal[False] = ..., ) -> typing.Union[ ApiResponseFor200, ]: ... @typing.overload def _get_visualization_oapg( self, body: typing.Union[SchemaForRequestBodyApplicationJson,], skip_deserialization: typing_extensions.Literal[True], content_type: str = ..., accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, ) -> api_client.ApiResponseWithoutDeserialization: ... @typing.overload def _get_visualization_oapg( self, body: typing.Union[SchemaForRequestBodyApplicationJson,], content_type: str = ..., accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, skip_deserialization: bool = ..., ) -> typing.Union[ ApiResponseFor200, api_client.ApiResponseWithoutDeserialization, ]: ... def _get_visualization_oapg( self, body: typing.Union[SchemaForRequestBodyApplicationJson,], content_type: str = 'application/json', accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, skip_deserialization: bool = False, ): """ :param skip_deserialization: If true then api_response.response will be set but api_response.body and api_response.headers will not be deserialized into schema class instances """ used_path = path.value _headers = HTTPHeaderDict() # TODO add cookie handling if accept_content_types: for accept_content_type in accept_content_types: _headers.add('Accept', accept_content_type) if body is schemas.unset: raise exceptions.ApiValueError( 'The required body parameter has an invalid value of: unset. Set a valid value instead') _fields = None _body = None serialized_data = request_body_get_visualization_params.serialize(body, content_type) _headers.add('Content-Type', content_type) if 'fields' in serialized_data: _fields = serialized_data['fields'] elif 'body' in serialized_data: _body = serialized_data['body'] response = self.api_client.call_api( resource_path=used_path, method='post'.upper(), headers=_headers, fields=_fields, body=_body, stream=stream, timeout=timeout, ) if skip_deserialization: api_response = api_client.ApiResponseWithoutDeserialization(response=response) else: response_for_status = _status_code_to_response.get(str(response.status)) if response_for_status: api_response = response_for_status.deserialize(response, self.api_client.configuration) else: api_response = api_client.ApiResponseWithoutDeserialization(response=response) if not 200 <= response.status <= 299: raise exceptions.ApiException(api_response=api_response) return api_response class GetVisualization(BaseApi): # this class is used by api classes that refer to endpoints with operationId fn names @typing.overload def get_visualization( self, body: typing.Union[SchemaForRequestBodyApplicationJson,], content_type: typing_extensions.Literal["application/json"] = ..., accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, skip_deserialization: typing_extensions.Literal[False] = ..., ) -> typing.Union[ ApiResponseFor200, ]: ... @typing.overload def get_visualization( self, body: typing.Union[SchemaForRequestBodyApplicationJson,], content_type: str = ..., accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, skip_deserialization: typing_extensions.Literal[False] = ..., ) -> typing.Union[ ApiResponseFor200, ]: ... @typing.overload def get_visualization( self, body: typing.Union[SchemaForRequestBodyApplicationJson,], skip_deserialization: typing_extensions.Literal[True], content_type: str = ..., accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, ) -> api_client.ApiResponseWithoutDeserialization: ... @typing.overload def get_visualization( self, body: typing.Union[SchemaForRequestBodyApplicationJson,], content_type: str = ..., accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, skip_deserialization: bool = ..., ) -> typing.Union[ ApiResponseFor200, api_client.ApiResponseWithoutDeserialization, ]: ... def get_visualization( self, body: typing.Union[SchemaForRequestBodyApplicationJson,], content_type: str = 'application/json', accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, skip_deserialization: bool = False, ): return self._get_visualization_oapg( body=body, content_type=content_type, accept_content_types=accept_content_types, stream=stream, timeout=timeout, skip_deserialization=skip_deserialization ) class ApiForpost(BaseApi): # this class is used by api classes that refer to endpoints by path and http method names @typing.overload def post( self, body: typing.Union[SchemaForRequestBodyApplicationJson,], content_type: typing_extensions.Literal["application/json"] = ..., accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, skip_deserialization: typing_extensions.Literal[False] = ..., ) -> typing.Union[ ApiResponseFor200, ]: ... @typing.overload def post( self, body: typing.Union[SchemaForRequestBodyApplicationJson,], content_type: str = ..., accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, skip_deserialization: typing_extensions.Literal[False] = ..., ) -> typing.Union[ ApiResponseFor200, ]: ... @typing.overload def post( self, body: typing.Union[SchemaForRequestBodyApplicationJson,], skip_deserialization: typing_extensions.Literal[True], content_type: str = ..., accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, ) -> api_client.ApiResponseWithoutDeserialization: ... @typing.overload def post( self, body: typing.Union[SchemaForRequestBodyApplicationJson,], content_type: str = ..., accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, skip_deserialization: bool = ..., ) -> typing.Union[ ApiResponseFor200, api_client.ApiResponseWithoutDeserialization, ]: ... def post( self, body: typing.Union[SchemaForRequestBodyApplicationJson,], content_type: str = 'application/json', accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, skip_deserialization: bool = False, ): return self._get_visualization_oapg( body=body, content_type=content_type, accept_content_types=accept_content_types, stream=stream, timeout=timeout, skip_deserialization=skip_deserialization )
import copy import warnings import pulumi import pulumi.runtime from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union, overload from . import _utilities from . import outputs __all__ = [ 'GetProjectResult', 'AwaitableGetProjectResult', 'get_project', 'get_project_output', ] @pulumi.output_type class GetProjectResult: """ A collection of values returned by getProject. """ def __init__(__self__, client_side_availabilities=None, default_client_side_availabilities=None, id=None, key=None, name=None, tags=None): if client_side_availabilities and not isinstance(client_side_availabilities, list): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'client_side_availabilities' to be a list") if client_side_availabilities is not None: warnings.warn("""'client_side_availability' is now deprecated. Please migrate to 'default_client_side_availability' to maintain future compatability.""", DeprecationWarning) pulumi.log.warn("""client_side_availabilities is deprecated: 'client_side_availability' is now deprecated. Please migrate to 'default_client_side_availability' to maintain future compatability.""") pulumi.set(__self__, "client_side_availabilities", client_side_availabilities) if default_client_side_availabilities and not isinstance(default_client_side_availabilities, list): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'default_client_side_availabilities' to be a list") pulumi.set(__self__, "default_client_side_availabilities", default_client_side_availabilities) if id and not isinstance(id, str): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'id' to be a str") pulumi.set(__self__, "id", id) if key and not isinstance(key, str): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'key' to be a str") pulumi.set(__self__, "key", key) if name and not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'name' to be a str") pulumi.set(__self__, "name", name) if tags and not isinstance(tags, list): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'tags' to be a list") pulumi.set(__self__, "tags", tags) @property @pulumi.getter(name="clientSideAvailabilities") def client_side_availabilities(self) -> Sequence['outputs.GetProjectClientSideAvailabilityResult']: """ **Deprecated** A map describing which client-side SDKs can use new flags by default. To learn more, read Nested Client-Side Availability Block. Please migrate to `default_client_side_availability` to maintain future compatability. """ return pulumi.get(self, "client_side_availabilities") @property @pulumi.getter(name="defaultClientSideAvailabilities") def default_client_side_availabilities(self) -> Sequence['outputs.GetProjectDefaultClientSideAvailabilityResult']: """ A block describing which client-side SDKs can use new flags by default. To learn more, read Nested Client-Side Availability Block. """ return pulumi.get(self, "default_client_side_availabilities") @property @pulumi.getter def id(self) -> str: """ The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource. """ return pulumi.get(self, "id") @property @pulumi.getter def key(self) -> str: return pulumi.get(self, "key") @property @pulumi.getter def name(self) -> str: """ The project's name. """ return pulumi.get(self, "name") @property @pulumi.getter def tags(self) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: """ The project's set of tags. """ return pulumi.get(self, "tags") class AwaitableGetProjectResult(GetProjectResult): # pylint: disable=using-constant-test def __await__(self): if False: yield self return GetProjectResult( client_side_availabilities=self.client_side_availabilities, default_client_side_availabilities=self.default_client_side_availabilities,, key=self.key,, tags=self.tags) def get_project(key: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, opts: Optional[pulumi.InvokeOptions] = None) -> AwaitableGetProjectResult: """ Provides a LaunchDarkly project data source. This data source allows you to retrieve project information from your LaunchDarkly organization. > **Note:** LaunchDarkly data sources do not provide access to the project's environments. If you wish to import environment configurations as data sources you must use the [`Environment` data source]( ## Example Usage ```python import pulumi import pulumi_launchdarkly as launchdarkly example = launchdarkly.get_project(key="example-project") ``` :param str key: The project's unique key. :param Sequence[str] tags: The project's set of tags. """ __args__ = dict() __args__['key'] = key __args__['tags'] = tags opts = pulumi.InvokeOptions.merge(_utilities.get_invoke_opts_defaults(), opts) __ret__ = pulumi.runtime.invoke('launchdarkly:index/getProject:getProject', __args__, opts=opts, typ=GetProjectResult).value return AwaitableGetProjectResult( client_side_availabilities=__ret__.client_side_availabilities, default_client_side_availabilities=__ret__.default_client_side_availabilities,, key=__ret__.key,, tags=__ret__.tags) @_utilities.lift_output_func(get_project) def get_project_output(key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Optional[Sequence[str]]]] = None, opts: Optional[pulumi.InvokeOptions] = None) -> pulumi.Output[GetProjectResult]: """ Provides a LaunchDarkly project data source. This data source allows you to retrieve project information from your LaunchDarkly organization. > **Note:** LaunchDarkly data sources do not provide access to the project's environments. If you wish to import environment configurations as data sources you must use the [`Environment` data source]( ## Example Usage ```python import pulumi import pulumi_launchdarkly as launchdarkly example = launchdarkly.get_project(key="example-project") ``` :param str key: The project's unique key. :param Sequence[str] tags: The project's set of tags. """ ...
from dataclasses import dataclass import typing_extensions import urllib3 from urllib3._collections import HTTPHeaderDict from fireblocks_client import api_client, exceptions from datetime import date, datetime # noqa: F401 import decimal # noqa: F401 import functools # noqa: F401 import io # noqa: F401 import re # noqa: F401 import typing # noqa: F401 import typing_extensions # noqa: F401 import uuid # noqa: F401 import frozendict # noqa: F401 from fireblocks_client import schemas # noqa: F401 from fireblocks_client.model.public_key_information import PublicKeyInformation from fireblocks_client.model.error import Error from . import path # Query params DerivationPathSchema = schemas.StrSchema AlgorithmSchema = schemas.StrSchema CompressedSchema = schemas.BoolSchema RequestRequiredQueryParams = typing_extensions.TypedDict( 'RequestRequiredQueryParams', { 'derivationPath': typing.Union[DerivationPathSchema, str, ], 'algorithm': typing.Union[AlgorithmSchema, str, ], } ) RequestOptionalQueryParams = typing_extensions.TypedDict( 'RequestOptionalQueryParams', { 'compressed': typing.Union[CompressedSchema, bool, ], }, total=False ) class RequestQueryParams(RequestRequiredQueryParams, RequestOptionalQueryParams): pass request_query_derivation_path = api_client.QueryParameter( name="derivationPath", style=api_client.ParameterStyle.FORM, schema=DerivationPathSchema, required=True, explode=True, ) request_query_algorithm = api_client.QueryParameter( name="algorithm", style=api_client.ParameterStyle.FORM, schema=AlgorithmSchema, required=True, explode=True, ) request_query_compressed = api_client.QueryParameter( name="compressed", style=api_client.ParameterStyle.FORM, schema=CompressedSchema, explode=True, ) XRequestIDSchema = schemas.StrSchema x_request_id_parameter = api_client.HeaderParameter( name="X-Request-ID", style=api_client.ParameterStyle.SIMPLE, schema=XRequestIDSchema, ) SchemaFor200ResponseBody = PublicKeyInformation ResponseHeadersFor200 = typing_extensions.TypedDict( 'ResponseHeadersFor200', { 'X-Request-ID': XRequestIDSchema, } ) @dataclass class ApiResponseFor200(api_client.ApiResponse): response: urllib3.HTTPResponse body: typing.Union[ SchemaFor200ResponseBody, ] headers: ResponseHeadersFor200 _response_for_200 = api_client.OpenApiResponse( response_cls=ApiResponseFor200, content={ '*/*': api_client.MediaType( schema=SchemaFor200ResponseBody), }, headers=[ x_request_id_parameter, ] ) XRequestIDSchema = schemas.StrSchema x_request_id_parameter = api_client.HeaderParameter( name="X-Request-ID", style=api_client.ParameterStyle.SIMPLE, schema=XRequestIDSchema, ) SchemaFor0ResponseBodyApplicationJson = Error ResponseHeadersFor0 = typing_extensions.TypedDict( 'ResponseHeadersFor0', { 'X-Request-ID': XRequestIDSchema, } ) @dataclass class ApiResponseForDefault(api_client.ApiResponse): response: urllib3.HTTPResponse body: typing.Union[ SchemaFor0ResponseBodyApplicationJson, ] headers: ResponseHeadersFor0 _response_for_default = api_client.OpenApiResponse( response_cls=ApiResponseForDefault, content={ 'application/json': api_client.MediaType( schema=SchemaFor0ResponseBodyApplicationJson), }, headers=[ x_request_id_parameter, ] ) _status_code_to_response = { '200': _response_for_200, 'default': _response_for_default, } _all_accept_content_types = ( '*/*', 'application/json', ) class BaseApi(api_client.Api): @typing.overload def _get_public_key_info_oapg( self, query_params: RequestQueryParams = frozendict.frozendict(), accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, skip_deserialization: typing_extensions.Literal[False] = ..., ) -> typing.Union[ ApiResponseFor200, ApiResponseForDefault, ]: ... @typing.overload def _get_public_key_info_oapg( self, skip_deserialization: typing_extensions.Literal[True], query_params: RequestQueryParams = frozendict.frozendict(), accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, ) -> api_client.ApiResponseWithoutDeserialization: ... @typing.overload def _get_public_key_info_oapg( self, query_params: RequestQueryParams = frozendict.frozendict(), accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, skip_deserialization: bool = ..., ) -> typing.Union[ ApiResponseFor200, ApiResponseForDefault, api_client.ApiResponseWithoutDeserialization, ]: ... def _get_public_key_info_oapg( self, query_params: RequestQueryParams = frozendict.frozendict(), accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, skip_deserialization: bool = False, ): """ Get the public key information :param skip_deserialization: If true then api_response.response will be set but api_response.body and api_response.headers will not be deserialized into schema class instances """ self._verify_typed_dict_inputs_oapg(RequestQueryParams, query_params) used_path = path.value prefix_separator_iterator = None for parameter in ( request_query_derivation_path, request_query_algorithm, request_query_compressed, ): parameter_data = query_params.get(, schemas.unset) if parameter_data is schemas.unset: continue if prefix_separator_iterator is None: prefix_separator_iterator = parameter.get_prefix_separator_iterator() serialized_data = parameter.serialize(parameter_data, prefix_separator_iterator) for serialized_value in serialized_data.values(): used_path += serialized_value _headers = HTTPHeaderDict() # TODO add cookie handling if accept_content_types: for accept_content_type in accept_content_types: _headers.add('Accept', accept_content_type) response = self.api_client.call_api( resource_path=used_path, method='get'.upper(), headers=_headers, stream=stream, timeout=timeout, ) if skip_deserialization: api_response = api_client.ApiResponseWithoutDeserialization(response=response) else: response_for_status = _status_code_to_response.get(str(response.status)) if response_for_status: api_response = response_for_status.deserialize(response, self.api_client.configuration) else: default_response = _status_code_to_response.get('default') if default_response: api_response = default_response.deserialize(response, self.api_client.configuration) else: api_response = api_client.ApiResponseWithoutDeserialization(response=response) if not 200 <= response.status <= 299: raise exceptions.ApiException( status=response.status, reason=response.reason, api_response=api_response ) return api_response class GetPublicKeyInfo(BaseApi): # this class is used by api classes that refer to endpoints with operationId fn names @typing.overload def get_public_key_info( self, query_params: RequestQueryParams = frozendict.frozendict(), accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, skip_deserialization: typing_extensions.Literal[False] = ..., ) -> typing.Union[ ApiResponseFor200, ApiResponseForDefault, ]: ... @typing.overload def get_public_key_info( self, skip_deserialization: typing_extensions.Literal[True], query_params: RequestQueryParams = frozendict.frozendict(), accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, ) -> api_client.ApiResponseWithoutDeserialization: ... @typing.overload def get_public_key_info( self, query_params: RequestQueryParams = frozendict.frozendict(), accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, skip_deserialization: bool = ..., ) -> typing.Union[ ApiResponseFor200, ApiResponseForDefault, api_client.ApiResponseWithoutDeserialization, ]: ... def get_public_key_info( self, query_params: RequestQueryParams = frozendict.frozendict(), accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, skip_deserialization: bool = False, ): return self._get_public_key_info_oapg( query_params=query_params, accept_content_types=accept_content_types, stream=stream, timeout=timeout, skip_deserialization=skip_deserialization ) class ApiForget(BaseApi): # this class is used by api classes that refer to endpoints by path and http method names @typing.overload def get( self, query_params: RequestQueryParams = frozendict.frozendict(), accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, skip_deserialization: typing_extensions.Literal[False] = ..., ) -> typing.Union[ ApiResponseFor200, ApiResponseForDefault, ]: ... @typing.overload def get( self, skip_deserialization: typing_extensions.Literal[True], query_params: RequestQueryParams = frozendict.frozendict(), accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, ) -> api_client.ApiResponseWithoutDeserialization: ... @typing.overload def get( self, query_params: RequestQueryParams = frozendict.frozendict(), accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, skip_deserialization: bool = ..., ) -> typing.Union[ ApiResponseFor200, ApiResponseForDefault, api_client.ApiResponseWithoutDeserialization, ]: ... def get( self, query_params: RequestQueryParams = frozendict.frozendict(), accept_content_types: typing.Tuple[str] = _all_accept_content_types, stream: bool = False, timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] = None, skip_deserialization: bool = False, ): return self._get_public_key_info_oapg( query_params=query_params, accept_content_types=accept_content_types, stream=stream, timeout=timeout, skip_deserialization=skip_deserialization )
======================= nti.schema.interfaces ======================= .. automodule:: nti.schema.interfaces :members: :undoc-members: .. exception:: InvalidValue(*args, field=None, value=None) Adds a field specifically to carry the value that is invalid. .. deprecated:: 1.4.0 This is now just a convenience wrapper around :class:`zope.schema.interfaces.InvalidValue` that calls :meth:`.zope.schema.interfaces.ValidationError.with_field_and_value` before returning the exception. You should always catch :class:`zope.schema.interfaces.InvalidValue`.
import os from pathlib import Path # Build paths inside the project like this: BASE_DIR / 'subdir'. BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent # Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production # See # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! SECRET_KEY = "django-insecure-ove12^l=a$9dgua2j709x$!p6%wmm$@z)lyep64*s4-t!0bgyk" # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG = True ENABLE_PUSH_NOTIFICATION = True ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["*"] # Application definition INSTALLED_APPS = [ "channels", "daphne", "django.contrib.admin", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.messages", "django.contrib.staticfiles", "notifications", ] MIDDLEWARE = [ "", "django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware", "django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware", "django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware", "django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware", "django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware", "django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware", ] ROOT_URLCONF = "django_notifications.urls" TEMPLATES = [ { "BACKEND": "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates", "DIRS": [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "notifications/templates")], "APP_DIRS": True, "OPTIONS": { "context_processors": [ "django.template.context_processors.debug", "django.template.context_processors.request", "django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth", "django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages", ], }, }, ] if ENABLE_PUSH_NOTIFICATION: ASGI_APPLICATION = "django_notifications.asgi.application" CHANNEL_LAYERS = { "default": { "BACKEND": "channels_redis.core.RedisChannelLayer", "CONFIG": { "hosts": [("redis", 6379)], }, }, } else: WSGI_APPLICATION = "django_notifications.wsgi.application" # Database # DATABASES = { "default": { "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.sqlite3", "NAME": BASE_DIR / "db.sqlite3", } } # Password validation # AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS = [ { "NAME": "django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator", }, { "NAME": "django.contrib.auth.password_validation.MinimumLengthValidator", }, { "NAME": "django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator", }, { "NAME": "django.contrib.auth.password_validation.NumericPasswordValidator", }, ] # Internationalization # LANGUAGE_CODE = "en-us" TIME_ZONE = "UTC" USE_I18N = True USE_TZ = True # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # STATIC_URL = "static/" # Default primary key field type # DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD = "django.db.models.BigAutoField" MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(BASE_DIR), "media") MEDIA_URL = "/media/"
from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from typing import Any from typing import Dict from typing import List from typing import Optional if TYPE_CHECKING: from poetry.core.masonry.utils.include import Include class ModuleOrPackageNotFound(ValueError): pass class Module: def __init__( self, name: str, directory: str = ".", packages: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, includes: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, ) -> None: from poetry.core.masonry.utils.include import Include from poetry.core.masonry.utils.package_include import PackageInclude from poetry.core.utils.helpers import module_name self._name = module_name(name) self._in_src = False self._is_package = False self._path = Path(directory) self._includes: List[Include] = [] packages = packages or [] includes = includes or [] if not packages: # It must exist either as a .py file or a directory, but not both pkg_dir = Path(directory, self._name) py_file = Path(directory, self._name + ".py") if pkg_dir.is_dir() and py_file.is_file(): raise ValueError(f"Both {pkg_dir} and {py_file} exist") elif pkg_dir.is_dir(): packages = [{"include": str(pkg_dir.relative_to(self._path))}] elif py_file.is_file(): packages = [{"include": str(py_file.relative_to(self._path))}] else: # Searching for a src module src = Path(directory, "src") src_pkg_dir = src / self._name src_py_file = src / (self._name + ".py") if src_pkg_dir.is_dir() and src_py_file.is_file(): raise ValueError(f"Both {pkg_dir} and {py_file} exist") elif src_pkg_dir.is_dir(): packages = [ { "include": str(src_pkg_dir.relative_to(src)), "from": str(src.relative_to(self._path)), } ] elif src_py_file.is_file(): packages = [ { "include": str(src_py_file.relative_to(src)), "from": str(src.relative_to(self._path)), } ] else: raise ModuleOrPackageNotFound( f"No file/folder found for package {name}" ) for package in packages: formats = package.get("format") if formats and not isinstance(formats, list): formats = [formats] self._includes.append( PackageInclude( self._path, package["include"], formats=formats, source=package.get("from"), ) ) for include in includes: self._includes.append( Include(self._path, include["path"], formats=include["format"]) ) @property def name(self) -> str: return self._name @property def path(self) -> Path: return self._path @property def file(self) -> Path: if self._is_package: return self._path / "" else: return self._path @property def includes(self) -> List["Include"]: return self._includes def is_package(self) -> bool: return self._is_package def is_in_src(self) -> bool: return self._in_src
import io import json import logging import re import ssl from urllib.parse import urlencode from urllib.parse import urlparse from urllib.request import proxy_bypass_environment import urllib3 import ipaddress from avh_api.exceptions import ApiException, UnauthorizedException, ForbiddenException, NotFoundException, ServiceException, ApiValueError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RESTResponse(io.IOBase): def __init__(self, resp): self.urllib3_response = resp self.status = resp.status self.reason = resp.reason = def getheaders(self): """Returns a dictionary of the response headers.""" return self.urllib3_response.getheaders() def getheader(self, name, default=None): """Returns a given response header.""" return self.urllib3_response.getheader(name, default) class RESTClientObject(object): def __init__(self, configuration, pools_size=4, maxsize=None): # urllib3.PoolManager will pass all kw parameters to connectionpool # # noqa: E501 # # noqa: E501 # maxsize is the number of requests to host that are allowed in parallel # noqa: E501 # Custom SSL certificates and client certificates: # noqa: E501 # cert_reqs if configuration.verify_ssl: cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED else: cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_NONE addition_pool_args = {} if configuration.assert_hostname is not None: addition_pool_args['assert_hostname'] = configuration.assert_hostname # noqa: E501 if configuration.retries is not None: addition_pool_args['retries'] = configuration.retries if configuration.socket_options is not None: addition_pool_args['socket_options'] = configuration.socket_options if maxsize is None: if configuration.connection_pool_maxsize is not None: maxsize = configuration.connection_pool_maxsize else: maxsize = 4 # https pool manager if configuration.proxy and not should_bypass_proxies(, no_proxy=configuration.no_proxy or ''): self.pool_manager = urllib3.ProxyManager( num_pools=pools_size, maxsize=maxsize, cert_reqs=cert_reqs, ca_certs=configuration.ssl_ca_cert, cert_file=configuration.cert_file, key_file=configuration.key_file, proxy_url=configuration.proxy, proxy_headers=configuration.proxy_headers, **addition_pool_args ) else: self.pool_manager = urllib3.PoolManager( num_pools=pools_size, maxsize=maxsize, cert_reqs=cert_reqs, ca_certs=configuration.ssl_ca_cert, cert_file=configuration.cert_file, key_file=configuration.key_file, **addition_pool_args ) def request(self, method, url, query_params=None, headers=None, body=None, post_params=None, _preload_content=True, _request_timeout=None): """Perform requests. :param method: http request method :param url: http request url :param query_params: query parameters in the url :param headers: http request headers :param body: request json body, for `application/json` :param post_params: request post parameters, `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` and `multipart/form-data` :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will be returned without reading/decoding response data. Default is True. :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts. """ method = method.upper() assert method in ['GET', 'HEAD', 'DELETE', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'OPTIONS'] if post_params and body: raise ApiValueError( "body parameter cannot be used with post_params parameter." ) post_params = post_params or {} headers = headers or {} timeout = None if _request_timeout: if isinstance(_request_timeout, (int, float)): # noqa: E501,F821 timeout = urllib3.Timeout(total=_request_timeout) elif (isinstance(_request_timeout, tuple) and len(_request_timeout) == 2): timeout = urllib3.Timeout( connect=_request_timeout[0], read=_request_timeout[1]) try: # For `POST`, `PUT`, `PATCH`, `OPTIONS`, `DELETE` if method in ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'OPTIONS', 'DELETE']: # Only set a default Content-Type for POST, PUT, PATCH and OPTIONS requests if (method != 'DELETE') and ('Content-Type' not in headers): headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' if query_params: url += '?' + urlencode(query_params) if ('Content-Type' not in headers) or ('json', headers['Content-Type'], re.IGNORECASE)): request_body = None if body is not None: request_body = json.dumps(body) r = self.pool_manager.request( method, url, body=request_body, preload_content=_preload_content, timeout=timeout, headers=headers) elif headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': # noqa: E501 r = self.pool_manager.request( method, url, fields=post_params, encode_multipart=False, preload_content=_preload_content, timeout=timeout, headers=headers) elif headers['Content-Type'] == 'multipart/form-data': # must del headers['Content-Type'], or the correct # Content-Type which generated by urllib3 will be # overwritten. del headers['Content-Type'] r = self.pool_manager.request( method, url, fields=post_params, encode_multipart=True, preload_content=_preload_content, timeout=timeout, headers=headers) # Pass a `string` parameter directly in the body to support # other content types than Json when `body` argument is # provided in serialized form elif isinstance(body, str) or isinstance(body, bytes): request_body = body r = self.pool_manager.request( method, url, body=request_body, preload_content=_preload_content, timeout=timeout, headers=headers) else: # Cannot generate the request from given parameters msg = """Cannot prepare a request message for provided arguments. Please check that your arguments match declared content type.""" raise ApiException(status=0, reason=msg) # For `GET`, `HEAD` else: r = self.pool_manager.request(method, url, fields=query_params, preload_content=_preload_content, timeout=timeout, headers=headers) except urllib3.exceptions.SSLError as e: msg = "{0}\n{1}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e)) raise ApiException(status=0, reason=msg) if _preload_content: r = RESTResponse(r) # log response body logger.debug("response body: %s", if not 200 <= r.status <= 299: if r.status == 401: raise UnauthorizedException(http_resp=r) if r.status == 403: raise ForbiddenException(http_resp=r) if r.status == 404: raise NotFoundException(http_resp=r) if 500 <= r.status <= 599: raise ServiceException(http_resp=r) raise ApiException(http_resp=r) return r def GET(self, url, headers=None, query_params=None, _preload_content=True, _request_timeout=None): return self.request("GET", url, headers=headers, _preload_content=_preload_content, _request_timeout=_request_timeout, query_params=query_params) def HEAD(self, url, headers=None, query_params=None, _preload_content=True, _request_timeout=None): return self.request("HEAD", url, headers=headers, _preload_content=_preload_content, _request_timeout=_request_timeout, query_params=query_params) def OPTIONS(self, url, headers=None, query_params=None, post_params=None, body=None, _preload_content=True, _request_timeout=None): return self.request("OPTIONS", url, headers=headers, query_params=query_params, post_params=post_params, _preload_content=_preload_content, _request_timeout=_request_timeout, body=body) def DELETE(self, url, headers=None, query_params=None, body=None, _preload_content=True, _request_timeout=None): return self.request("DELETE", url, headers=headers, query_params=query_params, _preload_content=_preload_content, _request_timeout=_request_timeout, body=body) def POST(self, url, headers=None, query_params=None, post_params=None, body=None, _preload_content=True, _request_timeout=None): return self.request("POST", url, headers=headers, query_params=query_params, post_params=post_params, _preload_content=_preload_content, _request_timeout=_request_timeout, body=body) def PUT(self, url, headers=None, query_params=None, post_params=None, body=None, _preload_content=True, _request_timeout=None): return self.request("PUT", url, headers=headers, query_params=query_params, post_params=post_params, _preload_content=_preload_content, _request_timeout=_request_timeout, body=body) def PATCH(self, url, headers=None, query_params=None, post_params=None, body=None, _preload_content=True, _request_timeout=None): return self.request("PATCH", url, headers=headers, query_params=query_params, post_params=post_params, _preload_content=_preload_content, _request_timeout=_request_timeout, body=body) # end of class RESTClientObject def is_ipv4(target): """ Test if IPv4 address or not """ try: chk = ipaddress.IPv4Address(target) return True except ipaddress.AddressValueError: return False def in_ipv4net(target, net): """ Test if target belongs to given IPv4 network """ try: nw = ipaddress.IPv4Network(net) ip = ipaddress.IPv4Address(target) if ip in nw: return True return False except ipaddress.AddressValueError: return False except ipaddress.NetmaskValueError: return False def should_bypass_proxies(url, no_proxy=None): """ Yet another requests.should_bypass_proxies Test if proxies should not be used for a particular url. """ parsed = urlparse(url) # special cases if parsed.hostname in [None, '']: return True # special cases if no_proxy in [None , '']: return False if no_proxy == '*': return True no_proxy = no_proxy.lower().replace(' ',''); entries = ( host for host in no_proxy.split(',') if host ) if is_ipv4(parsed.hostname): for item in entries: if in_ipv4net(parsed.hostname, item): return True return proxy_bypass_environment(parsed.hostname, {'no': no_proxy} )
# <pep8 compliant> from bpy.types import Panel class DataButtonsPanel: bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_context = "data" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): ob = context.object return (ob and ob.type == 'EMPTY') class DATA_PT_empty(DataButtonsPanel, Panel): bl_label = "Empty" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.use_property_split = True layout.use_property_decorate = False ob = context.object layout.prop(ob, "empty_display_type", text="Display As") layout.prop(ob, "empty_display_size", text="Size") if ob.empty_display_type == 'IMAGE': layout.prop(ob, "use_empty_image_alpha") col = layout.column() = ob.use_empty_image_alpha col.prop(ob, "color", text="Opacity", index=3, slider=True) col = layout.column(align=True) col.prop(ob, "empty_image_offset", text="Offset X", index=0) col.prop(ob, "empty_image_offset", text="Y", index=1) col = layout.column() col.row().prop(ob, "empty_image_depth", text="Depth", expand=True) col.row().prop(ob, "empty_image_side", text="Side", expand=True) col.prop(ob, "show_empty_image_orthographic", text="Display Orthographic") col.prop(ob, "show_empty_image_perspective", text="Display Perspective") col.prop(ob, "show_empty_image_only_axis_aligned") class DATA_PT_empty_image(DataButtonsPanel, Panel): bl_label = "Image" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): ob = context.object return (ob and ob.type == 'EMPTY' and ob.empty_display_type == 'IMAGE') def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout ob = context.object layout.template_ID(ob, "data", open="", unlink="object.unlink_data") layout.separator() layout.template_image(ob, "data", ob.image_user, compact=True) classes = ( DATA_PT_empty, DATA_PT_empty_image, ) if __name__ == "__main__": # only for live edit. from bpy.utils import register_class for cls in classes: register_class(cls)
import sys from pathlib import Path from loguru import logger import click from termcolor import colored from james import __version__ from james.utils import check_path, cmd, timeit, PythonVersionType from james.config import IgniteConfig, IgniteInvalidStateError from import AzureSetup from james.james import Ignition from import CodeInspection logger.remove(0) logger.add(sys.stderr, level='INFO') INTRO_TEXT = r""" ██╗ █████╗ ███╗ ███╗███████╗███████╗ ██║██╔══██╗████╗ ████║██╔════╝██╔════╝ ██║███████║██╔████╔██║█████╗ ███████╗ ██ ██║██╔══██║██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══╝ ╚════██║ ╚█████╔╝██║ ██║██║ ╚═╝ ██║███████╗███████║ ╚════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚══════╝ █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ██▀▄─██─▄─▄─███▄─█─▄█─▄▄─█▄─██─▄█▄─▄▄▀███─▄▄▄▄█▄─▄▄─█▄─▄▄▀█▄─█─▄█▄─▄█─▄▄▄─█▄─▄▄─█ ██─▀─████─██████▄─▄██─██─██─██─███─▄─▄███▄▄▄▄─██─▄█▀██─▄─▄██▄▀▄███─██─███▀██─▄█▀█ ▀▄▄▀▄▄▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▄▄▄▄▀▀▄▄▄▄▀▀▄▄▀▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▀▄▄▄▄▄▀▄▄▀▄▄▀▀▀▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▄▄▄▄▄▀▄▄▄▄▄▀ ************************************************ powered by Data Science Lab //// Fast & easy project startup """ """ - Main: - setup: only set variables - show: show variables / status - go: execute (if vars are set) Typical workflow $ [~/projects/] james setup -> reads / creates file in ~ $ [~/projects/] james go -> reads file in ~, copies file to ~/projects/my-project/ $ [~/projects/my-project] james show -> reads file in ~/projects/my-project/ """ def msg_error(msg: str) -> None: click.secho(f'\n\n{msg}\n', bg='red', fg='white', bold=True) def msg_success(msg: str) -> None: click.secho(f'\n\n{msg}\n', bg='green', fg='white', bold=True) def bold(txt: str) -> str: return colored(txt, attrs=['bold']) def pprompt(text, default, options=None): text = colored(f'✣ {text}', 'blue', attrs=['bold']) if isinstance(options, list): ptype = click.Choice(options, case_sensitive=True) else: ptype = str #default = colored(default, attrs=['underline']) return click.prompt(text=text, type=ptype, default=default) @click.version_option(message='You are using %(prog)s version %(version)s') @click.pass_context @timeit() def main(ctx: click.Context) -> None: """ Console script for james. The main function only reads the config """ click.secho(INTRO_TEXT, fg='cyan')'Creating config object') ctx.obj = IgniteConfig() @main.command() @click.pass_context @click.confirmation_option(prompt=""" This will prompt for generic settings that apply to all projects. If you change this it may invalidate existing projects. Are you sure you want to continue? """) def setup(ctx: click.Context) -> None: """ One-time setup for generic settings like - Azure & Azure DevOps defaults - Projects dir Args: ctx (click.Context): ctx.obj contains the IgniteConfig object """ # handle git provider git_provider = pprompt( text='Choose a git provider', #type=click.Choice(['Azure DevOps Repos', 'Github'], case_sensitive=True), options=['Azure DevOps Repos', 'Github'], default='Azure DevOps Repos' ) ctx.obj.set('META', 'git_provider', git_provider) if git_provider == 'Azure DevOps Repos': devops_organization = click.prompt( text='✣ Enter Azure DevOps organization name (<organization>)', type=str, default='data-science-lab' ) ctx.obj.set('AZUREDEVOPS', 'devops_organization', devops_organization) elif git_provider == 'Github': github_username = click.prompt( text='Enter Github username', type=str, default='' ) ctx.obj.set('GITHUB', 'github_username', github_username) else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported git provider "{git_provider}"') # handle cloud resource provider cloud_provider = click.prompt( text='Choose a cloud provider (currently only Azure is supported!)', type=click.Choice(['Azure'], case_sensitive=True), default='Azure' ) ctx.obj.set('META', 'cloud_provider', cloud_provider) if cloud_provider == 'Azure': # ask subscription pass # subscription can be project specific # set user project directory projects_dir = click.prompt( text='Choose a directory containing your projects (use "~" for your home dir)', type=click.Path(), default='~/projects' ) projects_dir = Path(projects_dir.replace('~', Path.home().as_posix())).resolve() if not projects_dir.exists(): raise FileExistsError(f'Directory {projects_dir} does not exist. Please check if it\'s correct.') ctx.obj.set('META', 'projects_dir', projects_dir.as_posix()) msg_success('All set!\nYou can now use james init from your projects dir to start a new project.') @main.command() @click.pass_context def init(ctx: click.Context) -> None: """ Start a new project Set project settings via prompts Args: ctx (click.Context): ctx.obj contains the IgniteConfig object """ if Path.cwd() == Path.home(): msg_error('Cannot init a new project here.\nChange to projects dir first') return if ctx.obj.is_existing_project: #raise IgniteInvalidStateError(f'Current config defines an existing project. Cannot call james init here.') msg_error('Current config defines an existing project. Cannot call james init here.') return # new project: clear existing values in config file ctx.obj.clear() if ctx.obj.get('META', 'cloud_provider') == 'Azure': # set Azure config azsetup = AzureSetup() # azure subscription subscriptions = azsetup.get_subscriptions() options = [ sub['name'] for sub in subscriptions if sub['isDefault'] ] + [ sub['name'] for sub in subscriptions if not sub['isDefault'] ] subscription_name = click.prompt( text='Choose Azure subscription', type=click.Choice(options, case_sensitive=True), default=options[0] ) subscription_id = [ sub['id'] for sub in subscriptions if sub['name'] == subscription_name ][0] ctx.obj.set('AZURE', 'subscription_name', subscription_name) ctx.obj.set('AZURE', 'subscription_id', subscription_id) azsetup.set_subscription(subscription_id) if ctx.obj.get('META', 'git_provider') == 'Azure DevOps Repos': # Azure DevOps settings devops_projects = azsetup.get_devops_projects() project = click.prompt( text='Choose Azure DevOps project', type=click.Choice(devops_projects, case_sensitive=True), default=azsetup.DEFAULT_PROJECT ) ctx.obj.set('AZUREDEVOPS', 'devops_organization', azsetup.DEFAULT_ORG) ctx.obj.set('AZUREDEVOPS', 'devops_project', project) azsetup.set_devops_project(project) # prompt for project setting values for section, var in ctx.obj.iter_settings(project_only=True): value = click.prompt( text=var['description'], type=var['type'], default=var['default']() ) ctx.obj.set(section, var['name'], value) ctx.obj.cleanup() @main.command() @click.pass_context @click.argument('section') @click.argument('key') @click.argument('value') def set(ctx: click.Context, section: str, key: str, value: str) -> None: """ Set a single value """'Setting {section}.{key} = {value}') ctx.obj.set(section, key, value) @main.command() @click.pass_context def show(ctx: click.Context) -> None: """ Display settings """ try: file, contents = ctx.obj.list() prefix = colored('\n\n❯ Settings read from ', 'white', 'on_blue') file = colored(file.resolve(), 'white', 'on_blue', ['bold']) postfix = colored(':\n', 'white', 'on_blue') click.echo(f'{prefix}{file}{postfix}') click.echo(contents) except FileExistsError: #click.secho('There is no project defined in this directory. Run "james init" first', bg='red', bold=True) msg_error('There is no project defined in this directory. Run "james init" first') @main.command() @click.pass_context def status(ctx: click.Context) -> None: """ Check status of stages for ignition """ try: plan = Ignition(config=ctx.obj) click.echo(plan.stage_report()) except ValueError as e: logger.error(e) msg_error('There is no project defined in this directory. Run "james init" first') @main.command() @click.pass_context @click.argument('directory') def review(ctx: click.Context, directory: str = None) -> None: """ Linting / code review """ # if directory is None: # path = Path.cwd() # else: # path = Path(directory) # if not path.is_dir(): # raise ValueError(f'Path {directory} is not a valid directory') path = check_path(directory or Path.cwd(), check_dir=True) inspection = CodeInspection(path=path) report = inspection() click.echo(report) @main.command() @click.pass_context @click.confirmation_option(prompt=""" This will execute the actual project setup work: - create a git repository - create a new local project dir from a cookiecutter template - create a python environment Are you sure you want to continue? """) def go(ctx: click.Context) -> None: """ Execute actions for project start """ Ignition(config=ctx.obj).execute(callback_fn=click.echo) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import socket import uuid import trio import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt client_id = 'paho-mqtt-python/issue72/' + str(uuid.uuid4()) topic = client_id print("Using client_id / topic: " + client_id) class TrioAsyncHelper: def __init__(self, client): self.client = client self.sock = None self._event_large_write = trio.Event() self.client.on_socket_open = self.on_socket_open self.client.on_socket_register_write = self.on_socket_register_write self.client.on_socket_unregister_write = self.on_socket_unregister_write async def read_loop(self): while True: await trio.hazmat.wait_readable(self.sock) self.client.loop_read() async def write_loop(self): while True: await self._event_large_write.wait() await trio.hazmat.wait_writable(self.sock) self.client.loop_write() async def misc_loop(self): print("misc_loop started") while self.client.loop_misc() == mqtt.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: await trio.sleep(1) print("misc_loop finished") def on_socket_open(self, client, userdata, sock): print("Socket opened") self.sock = sock self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_SNDBUF, 2048) def on_socket_register_write(self, client, userdata, sock): print('large write request') self._event_large_write.set() def on_socket_unregister_write(self, client, userdata, sock): print("finished large write") self._event_large_write = trio.Event() class TrioAsyncMqttExample: def on_connect(self, client, userdata, flags, rc): print("Subscribing") client.subscribe(topic) def on_message(self, client, userdata, msg): print("Got response with {} bytes".format(len(msg.payload))) def on_disconnect(self, client, userdata, rc): print('Disconnect result {}'.format(rc)) async def test_write(self, cancel_scope: trio.CancelScope): for c in range(3): await trio.sleep(5) print("Publishing") self.client.publish(topic, b'Hello' * 40000, qos=1) cancel_scope.cancel() async def main(self): self.client = mqtt.Client(client_id=client_id) self.client.on_connect = self.on_connect self.client.on_message = self.on_message self.client.on_disconnect = self.on_disconnect trio_helper = TrioAsyncHelper(self.client) self.client.connect('', 1883, 60) async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(trio_helper.read_loop) nursery.start_soon(trio_helper.write_loop) nursery.start_soon(trio_helper.misc_loop) nursery.start_soon(self.test_write, nursery.cancel_scope) self.client.disconnect() print("Disconnected") print("Starting") print("Finished")
import { Props } from "@blueprintjs/core"; import { ItemListRenderer } from "./itemListRenderer"; import { ItemRenderer } from "./itemRenderer"; import { ICreateNewItem } from "./listItemsUtils"; import { ItemListPredicate, ItemPredicate } from "./predicate"; /** * Equality test comparator to determine if two {@link IListItemsProps} items are equivalent. * * @return `true` if the two items are equivalent. */ export declare type ItemsEqualComparator<T> = (itemA: T, itemB: T) => boolean; /** * Union of all possible types for {@link IListItemsProps#itemsEqual}. */ export declare type ItemsEqualProp<T> = ItemsEqualComparator<T> | keyof T; /** Reusable generic props for a component that operates on a filterable, selectable list of `items`. */ export interface IListItemsProps<T> extends Props { /** * The currently focused item for keyboard interactions, or `null` to * indicate that no item is active. If omitted or `undefined`, this prop will be * uncontrolled (managed by the component's state). Use `onActiveItemChange` * to listen for updates. */ activeItem?: T | ICreateNewItem | null; /** Array of items in the list. */ items: T[]; /** * Specifies how to test if two items are equal. By default, simple strict * equality (`===`) is used to compare two items. * * If your items have a unique identifier field, simply provide the name of * a property on the item that can be compared with strict equality to * determine equivalence: `itemsEqual="id"` will check ` ===`. * * If more complex comparison logic is required, provide an equality * comparator function that returns `true` if the two items are equal. The * arguments to this function will never be `null` or `undefined`, as those * values are handled before calling the function. */ itemsEqual?: ItemsEqualProp<T>; /** * Determine if the given item is disabled. Provide a callback function, or * simply provide the name of a boolean property on the item that exposes * its disabled state. */ itemDisabled?: keyof T | ((item: T, index: number) => boolean); /** * Customize querying of entire `items` array. Return new list of items. * This method can reorder, add, or remove items at will. * (Supports filter algorithms that operate on the entire set, rather than individual items.) * * If `itemPredicate` is also defined, this prop takes priority and the other will be ignored. */ itemListPredicate?: ItemListPredicate<T>; /** * Customize querying of individual items. * * __Filtering a list of items.__ This function is invoked to filter the * list of items as a query is typed. Return `true` to keep the item, or * `false` to hide. This method is invoked once for each item, so it should * be performant. For more complex queries, use `itemListPredicate` to * operate once on the entire array. For the purposes of filtering the list, * this prop is ignored if `itemListPredicate` is also defined. * * __Matching a pasted value to an item.__ This function is also invoked to * match a pasted value to an existing item if possible. In this case, the * function will receive `exactMatch=true`, and the function should return * true only if the item _exactly_ matches the query. For the purposes of * matching pasted values, this prop will be invoked even if * `itemListPredicate` is defined. */ itemPredicate?: ItemPredicate<T>; /** * Custom renderer for an item in the dropdown list. Receives a boolean indicating whether * this item is active (selected by keyboard arrows) and an `onClick` event handler that * should be attached to the returned element. */ itemRenderer: ItemRenderer<T>; /** * Custom renderer for the contents of the dropdown. * * The default implementation invokes `itemRenderer` for each item that passes the predicate * and wraps them all in a `Menu` element. If the query is empty then `initialContent` is returned, * and if there are no items that match the predicate then `noResults` is returned. */ itemListRenderer?: ItemListRenderer<T>; /** * React content to render when query is empty. * If omitted, all items will be rendered (or result of `itemListPredicate` with empty query). * If explicit `null`, nothing will be rendered when query is empty. * * This prop is ignored if a custom `itemListRenderer` is supplied. */ initialContent?: React.ReactNode | null; /** * React content to render when filtering items returns zero results. * If omitted, nothing will be rendered in this case. * * This prop is ignored if a custom `itemListRenderer` is supplied. */ noResults?: React.ReactNode; /** * Invoked when user interaction should change the active item: arrow keys * move it up/down in the list, selecting an item makes it active, and * changing the query may reset it to the first item in the list if it no * longer matches the filter. * * If the "Create Item" option is displayed and currently active, then * `isCreateNewItem` will be `true` and `activeItem` will be `null`. In this * case, you should provide a valid `ICreateNewItem` object to the * `activeItem` _prop_ in order for the "Create Item" option to appear as * active. * * __Note:__ You can instantiate a `ICreateNewItem` object using the * `getCreateNewItem()` utility exported from this package. */ onActiveItemChange?: (activeItem: T | null, isCreateNewItem: boolean) => void; /** * Callback invoked when an item from the list is selected, * typically by clicking or pressing `enter` key. */ onItemSelect: (item: T, event?: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLElement>) => void; /** * Callback invoked when multiple items are selected at once via pasting. */ onItemsPaste?: (items: T[]) => void; /** * Callback invoked when the query string changes. */ onQueryChange?: (query: string, event?: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void; /** * If provided, allows new items to be created using the current query * string. This is invoked when user interaction causes a new item to be * created, either by pressing the `Enter` key or by clicking on the "Create * Item" option. It transforms a query string into an item type. */ createNewItemFromQuery?: (query: string) => T; /** * Custom renderer to transform the current query string into a selectable * "Create Item" option. If this function is provided, a "Create Item" * option will be rendered at the end of the list of items. If this function * is not provided, a "Create Item" option will not be displayed. */ createNewItemRenderer?: (query: string, active: boolean, handleClick: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLElement>) => JSX.Element | undefined; /** * Determines the position of the `createNewItem` within the list: first or * last. Only relevant when `createNewItemRenderer` is defined. * * @default 'last' */ createNewItemPosition?: "first" | "last"; /** * Whether the active item should be reset to the first matching item _every * time the query changes_ (via prop or by user input). * * @default true */ resetOnQuery?: boolean; /** * Whether the active item should be reset to the first matching item _when * an item is selected_. The query will also be reset to the empty string. * * @default false */ resetOnSelect?: boolean; /** * When `activeItem` is controlled, whether the active item should _always_ * be scrolled into view when the prop changes. If `false`, only changes * that result from built-in interactions (clicking, querying, or using * arrow keys) will scroll the active item into view. Ignored if the * `activeItem` prop is omitted (uncontrolled behavior). * * @default true */ scrollToActiveItem?: boolean; /** * Query string passed to `itemListPredicate` or `itemPredicate` to filter items. * This value is controlled: its state must be managed externally by attaching an `onChange` * handler to the relevant element in your `renderer` implementation. */ query?: string; } /** * Utility function for executing the {@link IListItemsProps#itemsEqual} prop to test * for equality between two items. * * @return `true` if the two items are equivalent according to `itemsEqualProp`. */ export declare function executeItemsEqual<T>(itemsEqualProp: ItemsEqualProp<T> | undefined, itemA: T | null | undefined, itemB: T | null | undefined): boolean;
import os import warnings from inspect import signature from pathlib import Path from typing import Any from typing import Callable from typing import cast from typing import Iterable from typing import Iterator from typing import List from typing import MutableMapping from typing import Optional from typing import overload from typing import Set from typing import Tuple from typing import Type from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from typing import TypeVar from typing import Union import _pytest._code from _pytest._code import getfslineno from _pytest._code.code import ExceptionInfo from _pytest._code.code import TerminalRepr from _pytest._code.code import Traceback from _pytest.compat import cached_property from _pytest.compat import LEGACY_PATH from _pytest.config import Config from _pytest.config import ConftestImportFailure from _pytest.deprecated import FSCOLLECTOR_GETHOOKPROXY_ISINITPATH from _pytest.deprecated import NODE_CTOR_FSPATH_ARG from _pytest.mark.structures import Mark from _pytest.mark.structures import MarkDecorator from _pytest.mark.structures import NodeKeywords from _pytest.outcomes import fail from _pytest.pathlib import absolutepath from _pytest.pathlib import commonpath from _pytest.stash import Stash from _pytest.warning_types import PytestWarning if TYPE_CHECKING: # Imported here due to circular import. from _pytest.main import Session from _pytest._code.code import _TracebackStyle SEP = "/" tracebackcutdir = Path(_pytest.__file__).parent def iterparentnodeids(nodeid: str) -> Iterator[str]: """Return the parent node IDs of a given node ID, inclusive. For the node ID "testing/code/" the result would be "" "testing" "testing/code" "testing/code/" "testing/code/" "testing/code/" Note that / components are only considered until the first ::. """ pos = 0 first_colons: Optional[int] = nodeid.find("::") if first_colons == -1: first_colons = None # The root Session node - always present. yield "" # Eagerly consume SEP parts until first colons. while True: at = nodeid.find(SEP, pos, first_colons) if at == -1: break if at > 0: yield nodeid[:at] pos = at + len(SEP) # Eagerly consume :: parts. while True: at = nodeid.find("::", pos) if at == -1: break if at > 0: yield nodeid[:at] pos = at + len("::") # The node ID itself. if nodeid: yield nodeid def _check_path(path: Path, fspath: LEGACY_PATH) -> None: if Path(fspath) != path: raise ValueError( f"Path({fspath!r}) != {path!r}\n" "if both path and fspath are given they need to be equal" ) def _imply_path( node_type: Type["Node"], path: Optional[Path], fspath: Optional[LEGACY_PATH], ) -> Path: if fspath is not None: warnings.warn( NODE_CTOR_FSPATH_ARG.format( node_type_name=node_type.__name__, ), stacklevel=6, ) if path is not None: if fspath is not None: _check_path(path, fspath) return path else: assert fspath is not None return Path(fspath) _NodeType = TypeVar("_NodeType", bound="Node") class NodeMeta(type): def __call__(self, *k, **kw): msg = ( "Direct construction of {name} has been deprecated, please use {name}.from_parent.\n" "See " "" " for more details." ).format(name=f"{self.__module__}.{self.__name__}") fail(msg, pytrace=False) def _create(self, *k, **kw): try: return super().__call__(*k, **kw) except TypeError: sig = signature(getattr(self, "__init__")) known_kw = {k: v for k, v in kw.items() if k in sig.parameters} from .warning_types import PytestDeprecationWarning warnings.warn( PytestDeprecationWarning( f"{self} is not using a cooperative constructor and only takes {set(known_kw)}.\n" "See" "#constructors-of-custom-pytest-node-subclasses-should-take-kwargs " "for more details." ) ) return super().__call__(*k, **known_kw) class Node(metaclass=NodeMeta): r"""Base class of :class:`Collector` and :class:`Item`, the components of the test collection tree. ``Collector``\'s are the internal nodes of the tree, and ``Item``\'s are the leaf nodes. """ # Implemented in the legacypath plugin. #: A ``LEGACY_PATH`` copy of the :attr:`path` attribute. Intended for usage #: for methods not migrated to ``pathlib.Path`` yet, such as #: :meth:`Item.reportinfo`. Will be deprecated in a future release, prefer #: using :attr:`path` instead. fspath: LEGACY_PATH # Use __slots__ to make attribute access faster. # Note that __dict__ is still available. __slots__ = ( "name", "parent", "config", "session", "path", "_nodeid", "_store", "__dict__", ) def __init__( self, name: str, parent: "Optional[Node]" = None, config: Optional[Config] = None, session: "Optional[Session]" = None, fspath: Optional[LEGACY_PATH] = None, path: Optional[Path] = None, nodeid: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: #: A unique name within the scope of the parent node. str = name #: The parent collector node. self.parent = parent if config: #: The pytest config object. self.config: Config = config else: if not parent: raise TypeError("config or parent must be provided") self.config = parent.config if session: #: The pytest session this node is part of. self.session: Session = session else: if not parent: raise TypeError("session or parent must be provided") self.session = parent.session if path is None and fspath is None: path = getattr(parent, "path", None) #: Filesystem path where this node was collected from (can be None). self.path: Path = _imply_path(type(self), path, fspath=fspath) # The explicit annotation is to avoid publicly exposing NodeKeywords. #: Keywords/markers collected from all scopes. self.keywords: MutableMapping[str, Any] = NodeKeywords(self) #: The marker objects belonging to this node. self.own_markers: List[Mark] = [] #: Allow adding of extra keywords to use for matching. self.extra_keyword_matches: Set[str] = set() if nodeid is not None: assert "::()" not in nodeid self._nodeid = nodeid else: if not self.parent: raise TypeError("nodeid or parent must be provided") self._nodeid = self.parent.nodeid + "::" + #: A place where plugins can store information on the node for their #: own use. self.stash: Stash = Stash() # Deprecated alias. Was never public. Can be removed in a few releases. self._store = self.stash @classmethod def from_parent(cls, parent: "Node", **kw): """Public constructor for Nodes. This indirection got introduced in order to enable removing the fragile logic from the node constructors. Subclasses can use ``super().from_parent(...)`` when overriding the construction. :param parent: The parent node of this Node. """ if "config" in kw: raise TypeError("config is not a valid argument for from_parent") if "session" in kw: raise TypeError("session is not a valid argument for from_parent") return cls._create(parent=parent, **kw) @property def ihook(self): """fspath-sensitive hook proxy used to call pytest hooks.""" return self.session.gethookproxy(self.path) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<{} {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, getattr(self, "name", None)) def warn(self, warning: Warning) -> None: """Issue a warning for this Node. Warnings will be displayed after the test session, unless explicitly suppressed. :param Warning warning: The warning instance to issue. :raises ValueError: If ``warning`` instance is not a subclass of Warning. Example usage: .. code-block:: python node.warn(PytestWarning("some message")) node.warn(UserWarning("some message")) .. versionchanged:: 6.2 Any subclass of :class:`Warning` is now accepted, rather than only :class:`PytestWarning <pytest.PytestWarning>` subclasses. """ # enforce type checks here to avoid getting a generic type error later otherwise. if not isinstance(warning, Warning): raise ValueError( "warning must be an instance of Warning or subclass, got {!r}".format( warning ) ) path, lineno = get_fslocation_from_item(self) assert lineno is not None warnings.warn_explicit( warning, category=None, filename=str(path), lineno=lineno + 1, ) # Methods for ordering nodes. @property def nodeid(self) -> str: """A ::-separated string denoting its collection tree address.""" return self._nodeid def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self._nodeid) def setup(self) -> None: pass def teardown(self) -> None: pass def listchain(self) -> List["Node"]: """Return list of all parent collectors up to self, starting from the root of collection tree. :returns: The nodes. """ chain = [] item: Optional[Node] = self while item is not None: chain.append(item) item = item.parent chain.reverse() return chain def add_marker( self, marker: Union[str, MarkDecorator], append: bool = True ) -> None: """Dynamically add a marker object to the node. :param marker: The marker. :param append: Whether to append the marker, or prepend it. """ from _pytest.mark import MARK_GEN if isinstance(marker, MarkDecorator): marker_ = marker elif isinstance(marker, str): marker_ = getattr(MARK_GEN, marker) else: raise ValueError("is not a string or pytest.mark.* Marker") self.keywords[] = marker_ if append: self.own_markers.append(marker_.mark) else: self.own_markers.insert(0, marker_.mark) def iter_markers(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> Iterator[Mark]: """Iterate over all markers of the node. :param name: If given, filter the results by the name attribute. :returns: An iterator of the markers of the node. """ return (x[1] for x in self.iter_markers_with_node(name=name)) def iter_markers_with_node( self, name: Optional[str] = None ) -> Iterator[Tuple["Node", Mark]]: """Iterate over all markers of the node. :param name: If given, filter the results by the name attribute. :returns: An iterator of (node, mark) tuples. """ for node in reversed(self.listchain()): for mark in node.own_markers: if name is None or getattr(mark, "name", None) == name: yield node, mark @overload def get_closest_marker(self, name: str) -> Optional[Mark]: ... @overload def get_closest_marker(self, name: str, default: Mark) -> Mark: ... def get_closest_marker( self, name: str, default: Optional[Mark] = None ) -> Optional[Mark]: """Return the first marker matching the name, from closest (for example function) to farther level (for example module level). :param default: Fallback return value if no marker was found. :param name: Name to filter by. """ return next(self.iter_markers(name=name), default) def listextrakeywords(self) -> Set[str]: """Return a set of all extra keywords in self and any parents.""" extra_keywords: Set[str] = set() for item in self.listchain(): extra_keywords.update(item.extra_keyword_matches) return extra_keywords def listnames(self) -> List[str]: return [ for x in self.listchain()] def addfinalizer(self, fin: Callable[[], object]) -> None: """Register a function to be called without arguments when this node is finalized. This method can only be called when this node is active in a setup chain, for example during self.setup(). """ self.session._setupstate.addfinalizer(fin, self) def getparent(self, cls: Type[_NodeType]) -> Optional[_NodeType]: """Get the next parent node (including self) which is an instance of the given class. :param cls: The node class to search for. :returns: The node, if found. """ current: Optional[Node] = self while current and not isinstance(current, cls): current = current.parent assert current is None or isinstance(current, cls) return current def _traceback_filter(self, excinfo: ExceptionInfo[BaseException]) -> Traceback: return excinfo.traceback def _repr_failure_py( self, excinfo: ExceptionInfo[BaseException], style: "Optional[_TracebackStyle]" = None, ) -> TerminalRepr: from _pytest.fixtures import FixtureLookupError if isinstance(excinfo.value, ConftestImportFailure): excinfo = ExceptionInfo.from_exc_info(excinfo.value.excinfo) if isinstance(excinfo.value, fail.Exception): if not excinfo.value.pytrace: style = "value" if isinstance(excinfo.value, FixtureLookupError): return excinfo.value.formatrepr() tbfilter: Union[bool, Callable[[ExceptionInfo[BaseException]], Traceback]] if self.config.getoption("fulltrace", False): style = "long" tbfilter = False else: tbfilter = self._traceback_filter if style == "auto": style = "long" # XXX should excinfo.getrepr record all data and toterminal() process it? if style is None: if self.config.getoption("tbstyle", "auto") == "short": style = "short" else: style = "long" if self.config.getoption("verbose", 0) > 1: truncate_locals = False else: truncate_locals = True # excinfo.getrepr() formats paths relative to the CWD if `abspath` is False. # It is possible for a fixture/test to change the CWD while this code runs, which # would then result in the user seeing confusing paths in the failure message. # To fix this, if the CWD changed, always display the full absolute path. # It will be better to just always display paths relative to invocation_dir, but # this requires a lot of plumbing (#6428). try: abspath = Path(os.getcwd()) != self.config.invocation_params.dir except OSError: abspath = True return excinfo.getrepr( funcargs=True, abspath=abspath, showlocals=self.config.getoption("showlocals", False), style=style, tbfilter=tbfilter, truncate_locals=truncate_locals, ) def repr_failure( self, excinfo: ExceptionInfo[BaseException], style: "Optional[_TracebackStyle]" = None, ) -> Union[str, TerminalRepr]: """Return a representation of a collection or test failure. .. seealso:: :ref:`non-python tests` :param excinfo: Exception information for the failure. """ return self._repr_failure_py(excinfo, style) def get_fslocation_from_item(node: "Node") -> Tuple[Union[str, Path], Optional[int]]: """Try to extract the actual location from a node, depending on available attributes: * "location": a pair (path, lineno) * "obj": a Python object that the node wraps. * "fspath": just a path :rtype: A tuple of (str|Path, int) with filename and 0-based line number. """ # See Item.location. location: Optional[Tuple[str, Optional[int], str]] = getattr(node, "location", None) if location is not None: return location[:2] obj = getattr(node, "obj", None) if obj is not None: return getfslineno(obj) return getattr(node, "fspath", "unknown location"), -1 class Collector(Node): """Base class of all collectors. Collector create children through `collect()` and thus iteratively build the collection tree. """ class CollectError(Exception): """An error during collection, contains a custom message.""" def collect(self) -> Iterable[Union["Item", "Collector"]]: """Collect children (items and collectors) for this collector.""" raise NotImplementedError("abstract") # TODO: This omits the style= parameter which breaks Liskov Substitution. def repr_failure( # type: ignore[override] self, excinfo: ExceptionInfo[BaseException] ) -> Union[str, TerminalRepr]: """Return a representation of a collection failure. :param excinfo: Exception information for the failure. """ if isinstance(excinfo.value, self.CollectError) and not self.config.getoption( "fulltrace", False ): exc = excinfo.value return str(exc.args[0]) # Respect explicit tbstyle option, but default to "short" # (_repr_failure_py uses "long" with "fulltrace" option always). tbstyle = self.config.getoption("tbstyle", "auto") if tbstyle == "auto": tbstyle = "short" return self._repr_failure_py(excinfo, style=tbstyle) def _traceback_filter(self, excinfo: ExceptionInfo[BaseException]) -> Traceback: if hasattr(self, "path"): traceback = excinfo.traceback ntraceback = traceback.cut(path=self.path) if ntraceback == traceback: ntraceback = ntraceback.cut(excludepath=tracebackcutdir) return excinfo.traceback.filter(excinfo) return excinfo.traceback def _check_initialpaths_for_relpath(session: "Session", path: Path) -> Optional[str]: for initial_path in session._initialpaths: if commonpath(path, initial_path) == initial_path: rel = str(path.relative_to(initial_path)) return "" if rel == "." else rel return None class FSCollector(Collector): """Base class for filesystem collectors.""" def __init__( self, fspath: Optional[LEGACY_PATH] = None, path_or_parent: Optional[Union[Path, Node]] = None, path: Optional[Path] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, parent: Optional[Node] = None, config: Optional[Config] = None, session: Optional["Session"] = None, nodeid: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: if path_or_parent: if isinstance(path_or_parent, Node): assert parent is None parent = cast(FSCollector, path_or_parent) elif isinstance(path_or_parent, Path): assert path is None path = path_or_parent path = _imply_path(type(self), path, fspath=fspath) if name is None: name = if parent is not None and parent.path != path: try: rel = path.relative_to(parent.path) except ValueError: pass else: name = str(rel) name = name.replace(os.sep, SEP) self.path = path if session is None: assert parent is not None session = parent.session if nodeid is None: try: nodeid = str(self.path.relative_to(session.config.rootpath)) except ValueError: nodeid = _check_initialpaths_for_relpath(session, path) if nodeid and os.sep != SEP: nodeid = nodeid.replace(os.sep, SEP) super().__init__( name=name, parent=parent, config=config, session=session, nodeid=nodeid, path=path, ) @classmethod def from_parent( cls, parent, *, fspath: Optional[LEGACY_PATH] = None, path: Optional[Path] = None, **kw, ): """The public constructor.""" return super().from_parent(parent=parent, fspath=fspath, path=path, **kw) def gethookproxy(self, fspath: "os.PathLike[str]"): warnings.warn(FSCOLLECTOR_GETHOOKPROXY_ISINITPATH, stacklevel=2) return self.session.gethookproxy(fspath) def isinitpath(self, path: Union[str, "os.PathLike[str]"]) -> bool: warnings.warn(FSCOLLECTOR_GETHOOKPROXY_ISINITPATH, stacklevel=2) return self.session.isinitpath(path) class File(FSCollector): """Base class for collecting tests from a file. :ref:`non-python tests`. """ class Item(Node): """Base class of all test invocation items. Note that for a single function there might be multiple test invocation items. """ nextitem = None def __init__( self, name, parent=None, config: Optional[Config] = None, session: Optional["Session"] = None, nodeid: Optional[str] = None, **kw, ) -> None: # The first two arguments are intentionally passed positionally, # to keep plugins who define a node type which inherits from # (pytest.Item, pytest.File) working (see issue #8435). # They can be made kwargs when the deprecation above is done. super().__init__( name, parent, config=config, session=session, nodeid=nodeid, **kw, ) self._report_sections: List[Tuple[str, str, str]] = [] #: A list of tuples (name, value) that holds user defined properties #: for this test. self.user_properties: List[Tuple[str, object]] = [] self._check_item_and_collector_diamond_inheritance() def _check_item_and_collector_diamond_inheritance(self) -> None: """ Check if the current type inherits from both File and Collector at the same time, emitting a warning accordingly (#8447). """ cls = type(self) # We inject an attribute in the type to avoid issuing this warning # for the same class more than once, which is not helpful. # It is a hack, but was deemed acceptable in order to avoid # flooding the user in the common case. attr_name = "_pytest_diamond_inheritance_warning_shown" if getattr(cls, attr_name, False): return setattr(cls, attr_name, True) problems = ", ".join( base.__name__ for base in cls.__bases__ if issubclass(base, Collector) ) if problems: warnings.warn( f"{cls.__name__} is an Item subclass and should not be a collector, " f"however its bases {problems} are collectors.\n" "Please split the Collectors and the Item into separate node types.\n" "Pytest Doc example:\n" "example pull request on a plugin:", PytestWarning, ) def runtest(self) -> None: """Run the test case for this item. Must be implemented by subclasses. .. seealso:: :ref:`non-python tests` """ raise NotImplementedError("runtest must be implemented by Item subclass") def add_report_section(self, when: str, key: str, content: str) -> None: """Add a new report section, similar to what's done internally to add stdout and stderr captured output:: item.add_report_section("call", "stdout", "report section contents") :param str when: One of the possible capture states, ``"setup"``, ``"call"``, ``"teardown"``. :param str key: Name of the section, can be customized at will. Pytest uses ``"stdout"`` and ``"stderr"`` internally. :param str content: The full contents as a string. """ if content: self._report_sections.append((when, key, content)) def reportinfo(self) -> Tuple[Union["os.PathLike[str]", str], Optional[int], str]: """Get location information for this item for test reports. Returns a tuple with three elements: - The path of the test (default ``self.path``) - The 0-based line number of the test (default ``None``) - A name of the test to be shown (default ``""``) .. seealso:: :ref:`non-python tests` """ return self.path, None, "" @cached_property def location(self) -> Tuple[str, Optional[int], str]: """ Returns a tuple of ``(relfspath, lineno, testname)`` for this item where ``relfspath`` is file path relative to ``config.rootpath`` and lineno is a 0-based line number. """ location = self.reportinfo() path = absolutepath(os.fspath(location[0])) relfspath = self.session._node_location_to_relpath(path) assert type(location[2]) is str return (relfspath, location[1], location[2])
import flet as ft from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ from django.core.paginator import Paginator from django.db.models import Q ERROR_MSG = "-Err-" FIELDS_MODELS = { 'IntegerField': 'text', 'DurationField': None, 'ManyToOneRel': None, 'DateTimeField': 'date', 'FileField': 'file', 'TextField': 'text', 'ImageField': None, 'ForeignKey': None, 'CharField': 'text', 'BigIntegerField': 'text', 'BooleanField': 'bool', } # Data column class Col: def __init__(self, name: str, label, field_type=None, width=None, on_sort=None): if isinstance(label, ft.Control): self.label = label else: self.label = ft.Text(label) = name self.width = width self.type = field_type self.on_sort = on_sort def build_header(self): return ft.DataColumn( label=self.label, on_sort=self.on_sort, ) def build_cell(self, obj): return ft.DataCell( content=ft.Text( str( getattr( obj,, _("cell_error") ) ), width=self.width ) ) def text_filter_kwargs(field_name: str, value: str): return { f"{field_name}__icontains": value.lower() } class ModelTableControl(ft.UserControl): def __init__( self, model, columns=None, order=None, rows_per_page=10, title=None, filters=None, auto_filter=True, get_data_table=None, **data_table_params ): super().__init__() self.model = model self.order = order self.current_page = 1 self.rows_per_page = rows_per_page self.num_pages = 1 self.num_rows = 0 self.title = title or model.__name__ self.filters = filters self.auto_filter = auto_filter self.data_table_params = data_table_params self.v_current_page = ft.Text(str(self.current_page)) self.v_search = ft.TextField( hint_text=_("Search..."), dense=True, on_change=self.on_search_auto, prefix_icon=ft.icons.SEARCH, border=ft.InputBorder.NONE, filled=False, on_submit=self.on_search_submit ) self.v_count = ft.Text() if columns is None: self.columns = list(self.get_columns()) else: self.columns = columns self.fields_indexes = { i for i, col in enumerate(self.columns)} if get_data_table is None: self.data_table = ft.DataTable( columns=[col.build_header() for col in self.columns], rows=[], **data_table_params ) else: self.data_table = get_data_table(self) def get_columns(self): fields = self.model._meta.get_fields() def __on_sort(e): sorted_field_name = self.columns[e.column_index].name self.order = sorted_field_name if e.ascending else f"-{sorted_field_name}" self.refresh_data() for field in fields: class_name = field.__class__.__name__ field_type = FIELDS_MODELS.get(class_name, None) if field_type is not None: name = label = field.verbose_name or yield Col(name=name, label=label, field_type=field_type, on_sort=__on_sort) def set_page(self, page=None, delta=0): if page is not None: self.current_page = page elif delta: self.current_page += delta else: return self.refresh_data() def next_page(self, e): self.set_page(delta=1) def prev_page(self, e): if self.current_page > 1: self.set_page(delta=-1) def goto_first_page(self, e): self.set_page(page=1) def goto_last_page(self, e): self.set_page(page=self.num_pages) def build_rows(self): qs = self.model.objects.all() if self.order: qs = qs.order_by(self.order) if self.v_search.value: q = Q() for column in self.columns: if column.type == "text": q |= Q(**text_filter_kwargs(, self.v_search.value)) qs = qs.filter(q) if self.filters is not None: qs = qs.filter(**self.filters) self.num_rows = qs.count() paginator = Paginator(qs, self.rows_per_page) p_int, p_add = divmod(self.num_rows, self.rows_per_page) self.num_pages = p_int + (1 if p_add else 0) page_qs = # Load return [ft.DataRow(cells=[col.build_cell(obj) for col in self.columns]) for obj in page_qs] def build(self): return ft.Card( ft.Container( ft.Column( [ ft.Text(self.title, style=ft.TextThemeStyle.HEADLINE_SMALL), ft.Row( controls=[self.data_table], scroll=ft.ScrollMode.ALWAYS, spacing=10, ), ft.Row([ ft.IconButton(ft.icons.KEYBOARD_DOUBLE_ARROW_LEFT, on_click=self.goto_first_page, tooltip=_("First page")), ft.IconButton(ft.icons.KEYBOARD_ARROW_LEFT, on_click=self.prev_page, tooltip=_("Prev page")), self.v_current_page, ft.IconButton(ft.icons.KEYBOARD_ARROW_RIGHT, on_click=self.next_page, tooltip=_("Next page")), ft.IconButton(ft.icons.KEYBOARD_DOUBLE_ARROW_RIGHT, on_click=self.goto_last_page, tooltip=_("Last page")), self.v_search, self.v_count, ft.IconButton(ft.icons.REFRESH, on_click=self.refresh_data, tooltip=_("Refresh")), ft.Slider( min=10, max=90, divisions=8, value=self.rows_per_page, label=_("{value} rows per page"), on_change=self.on_per_page_changed ), ]), ], scroll=ft.ScrollMode.ALWAYS ), padding=25, ), ) def on_search_auto(self, e): if self.auto_filter: self.goto_first_page(e) def on_search_submit(self, e): self.goto_first_page(e) def on_per_page_changed(self, e): self.rows_per_page = int(e.control.value) self.refresh_data() def refresh_data(self, *args): self.data_table.rows = self.build_rows() if self.order: ascending = self.order[0] != '-' field_name = self.order if ascending else self.order[1:] order_index = self.fields_indexes[field_name] self.data_table.sort_ascending = ascending self.data_table.sort_column_index = order_index else: self.data_table.sort_ascending = None self.data_table.sort_column_index = None self.v_count.value = _("{} rows").format(self.num_rows) self.v_current_page.value = f"{self.current_page}/{self.num_pages}" self.update() def did_mount(self): self.refresh_data()
# Note: the Operator LoadRandomEditOperator was removed since is not # working. If it is fixed, reimplemented it can be reintroduced later import bpy from bpy.types import ( Operator, Panel, ) from . import functions # classes class RandomScratchOperator(Operator): bl_idname = "sequencer.randomscratchoperator" bl_label = "Random Scratch Operator" bl_description = "Random Scratch Operator" @classmethod def poll(self, context): strip = functions.act_strip(context) scn = context.scene if scn and scn.sequence_editor and scn.sequence_editor.active_strip: return strip.type in ('META') else: return False def invoke(self, context, event): preferences = context.user_preferences random_frames = preferences.addons[__package__].preferences.random_frames sce = context.scene seq = sce.sequence_editor markers = sce.timeline_markers if seq: strip = seq.active_strip if strip is not None: if "IN" and "OUT" in markers: sin = markers["IN"].frame sout = markers["OUT"].frame # select active strip strip = context.scene.sequence_editor.active_strip stripname = # collect strip names inside the meta stripnames = [] stripnames.append( for i in seq.active_strip.sequences: stripnames.append( # get strip channel channel = repeat = range(int((sout - sin) / random_frames)) print(sin, sout, sout - sin, (sout - sin) / random_frames, repeat) for i in repeat: # select all related strips for j in stripnames: strip = seq.sequences_all[j] = True strip = seq.sequences_all[stripname] seq.active_strip = strip # deselect all other strips for j in context.selected_editable_sequences: if not in stripnames: = False a = bpy.ops.sequencer.duplicate_move() # select new strip newstrip = seq.active_strip # deselect all other strips for j in context.selected_editable_sequences: if != = False # random cut newstrip.frame_start = sin + i * random_frames rand = functions.randomframe(newstrip) functions.triminout(newstrip, rand, rand + random_frames) newstrip.frame_start = i * random_frames + sin - newstrip.frame_offset_start = channel + 1 else:{'WARNING'}, "There is no IN and OUT Markers") bpy.ops.sequencer.reload() return {'FINISHED'} class RandomEditorPanel(Panel): bl_label = "Random Editor" bl_idname = "OBJECT_PT_RandomEditor" bl_space_type = 'SEQUENCE_EDITOR' bl_region_type = 'UI' @classmethod def poll(self, context): if context.space_data.view_type in {'SEQUENCER', 'SEQUENCER_PREVIEW'}: strip = functions.act_strip(context) scn = context.scene preferences = context.user_preferences prefs = preferences.addons[__package__].preferences if scn and scn.sequence_editor and scn.sequence_editor.active_strip: if prefs.use_random_editor: return strip.type in ('META') else: return False def draw_header(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.label(text="", icon="MOD_BUILD") def draw(self, context): preferences = context.user_preferences prefs = preferences.addons[__package__].preferences layout = self.layout col = layout.column(align=True) col.label("Cut duration:") col.prop(prefs, "random_frames") col.operator("sequencer.randomscratchoperator")
import json from io import BytesIO from pycurl import Curl # Base curl client, with initial parameters for Crown class Client(): def __init__(self, user, passwd, host, testnet=False): self.client = Curl() self.set_headers(user, passwd, host, testnet=testnet) # Sets the connection headers def set_headers(self, user, passwd, host, testnet=False): if testnet: self.client.setopt(self.client.PORT, 19341) self.client.setopt(self.client.URL, 'http://'+user+':'+passwd+'@'+host+':19341') else: self.client.setopt(self.client.PORT, 9341) self.client.setopt(self.client.URL, 'http://'+user+':'+passwd+'@'+host+':9341') self.client.setopt(self.client.ENCODING, '') self.client.setopt(self.client.MAXREDIRS, 10) self.client.setopt(self.client.TIMEOUT, 30) self.client.setopt(self.client.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0) self.client.setopt(self.client.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0) self.client.setopt(self.client.CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST') self.client.setopt(self.client.HTTPHEADER, ["cache-control: no-cache","content-type: application/json","user: {0}:{1}".format \ (user, passwd),]) # Execute the command set on 'method' with parameters 'params' as with the 'crown-cli' tool def execute(self, method, params=[]): # Instantiates the buffer just before the request to perform multiple requests per object req_buffer = BytesIO() # Sets the local buffer to be where the request data is written self.client.setopt(self.client.WRITEDATA, req_buffer) self.client.setopt(self.client.POSTFIELDS, '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "crown-pycurl", "method": "%s", "params": %s}' % \ (method, params)) print('{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "crown-pycurl", "method": "%s", "params": %s}' % \ (method, params)) self.client.perform() # Returns a JSON object with the response return json.loads(req_buffer.getvalue().decode('utf-8')) # A set of commands implementations # == Blockchain == # getbestblockhash def getbestblockhash(self): return self.execute('getbestblockhash') # getblock def getblock(self, hash, verbose=True): data = json.dumps([hash, verbose]) return self.execute('getblock', data) # getblockchaininfo def getblockchaininfo(self): return self.execute('getblockchaininfo') # getblockcount def getblockcount(self): return self.execute('getblockcount') # getblockhash def getblockhash(self, index): data =json.dumps([index]) return self.execute('getblockhash', data) # getblockheader def getblockheader(self, hash, verbose): data = json.dumps([hash, verbose]) return self.execute('getblockheader', data) # getchaintips def getchaintips(self): return self.execute('getchaintips') # getdifficulty def getdifficulty(self): return self.execute('getdifficulty') # getmempoolinfo def getmempoolinfo(self): return self.execute('getmempoolinfo') # getrawmempool def getrawmempool(self, verbose=False): data = json.dumps([verbose]) return self.execute('getrawmempool', data) # gettxout def gettxout(self, txid, n, includemempool=False): data = json.dumps([txid, n, includemempool]) return self.execute('gettxout', data) # gettxoutsetinfo def gettxoutsetinfo(self): return self.execute('gettxoutsetinfo') # verifychain def verifychain(self, checklevel=3, numblocks=288): data = json.dumps([checklevel, numblocks]) return self.execute('verifychain', data) # == Control == # getinfo def getinfo(self): return self.execute('getinfo') # help def help(self, command=None): if command: data = json.dumps([command]) else: data = json.dumps([]) return self.execute('help', data) # restart def restart(self): return self.execute('restart') # stop def stop(self): return self.execute('stop') # == Crown == # getstakepointers def getstakepointers(self): return self.execute('getstakepointers') # masternode def masternode(self, command, passphrase=None): if passphrase: data = json.dumps([command, passphrase]) else: data = json.dumps([command]) return self.execute('masternode', data) # masternodebroadcast def masternodebroadcast(self, command, passphrase=None): if passphrase: data = json.dumps([command, passphrase]) else: data = json.dumps([command]) return self.execute('masternodebroadcast', data) # masternodelist def masternodelist(self, mode="status", filter=None): if filter: data = json.dumps([mode, filter]) else: data = json.dumps([mode]) return self.execute('masternodelist', data) # mnbudget def mnbudget(self, command, passphrase=None): if passphrase: data = json.dumps([command, passphrase]) else: data = json.dumps([command]) return self.execute('mnbudget', data) # mnbudgetvoteraw # def mnbudgetvoteraw(self, mntxhash, mntxindex, prophash, vote, time, votesig): # Pending due lack of info # mnfinalbudget def mnfinalbudget(self, command, passphrase=None): if passphrase: data = json.dumps([command, passphrase]) else: data = json.dumps([command]) return self.execute('mnfinalbudget', data) # mnsync # Pending because it can be done manually # node def node(self, command, passphrase=None): if passphrase: data = json.dumps([command, passphrase]) else: data = json.dumps([command]) return self.execute('node', data) # snsync # Same as line 131 # spork # Same as line 125 # systemnode def systemnode(self, command, passphrase=None): if passphrase: data = json.dumps([command, passphrase]) else: data = json.dumps([command]) return self.execute('systemnode', data) # systemnodebroadcast def systemnodebroadcast(self, command, passphrase=None): if passphrase: data = json.dumps([command, passphrase]) else: data = json.dumps([command]) return self.execute('systemnodebroadcast', data) # systemnodelist def systemnodelist(self, mode="status", filter=None): if filter: data = json.dumps([mode, filter]) else: data = json.dumps([mode]) return self.execute('systemnodelist', data) # == Generating == # getauxblock def getauxblock(self, hash=None, auxpow=None): if hash and auxpow: data = json.dumps([hash, auxpow]) else: return self.execute('getauxblock') return self.execute('getauxblock', data) # getgenerate def getgenerate(self): return self.execute('getgenerate') # gethashespersec def gethashespersec(self): return self.execute('gethashespersec') # setgenerate def setgenerate(self, generate, genproclimit=None): if genproclimit: data = json.dumps([generate, genproclimit]) else: data = json.dumps([generate]) return self.execute('setgenerate', data) # == Mining == # getblocktemplate def getblocktemplate(self, jsonrequestobject=None): if jsonrequestobject: data = json.dumps([jsonrequestobject]) else: return self.execute('getblocktemplate') return self.execute('getblocktemplate', data) # getmininginfo def getmininginfo(self): return self.execute('getmininginfo') # getnetworkhashps def getnetworkhashps(self, blocks=120, height=-1): data = json.dumps([blocks, height]) return self.execute('getnetworkhashps', data) # prioritisetransaction def prioritisetransaction(self, txid, priority, fee): data = json.dumps([txid, priority, fee]) return self.execute('prioritisetransaction', data) # submitblock def submitblock(self, hexdata, jsonparametersobject=None): if jsonparametersobject: data = json.dumps([hexdata, jsonparametersobject]) else: data = json.dumps([hexdata]) return self.execute('submitblock', data) # == Network == # addnode def addnode(self, node, command): data = json.dumps([node, command]) return self.execute('addnode', data) # getaddednodeinfo def getaddednodeinfo(self, dns, node=None): if node: data = json.dumps([dns, node]) else: data = json.dumps([dns]) print(data) return self.execute('getaddednodeinfo', data) # getconnectioncount def getconnectioncount(self): return self.execute('getconnectioncount') # getnettotals def getnettotals(self): return self.execute('getnettotals') # getnetworkinfo def getnetworkinfo(self): return self.execute('getnetworkinfo') # getpeerinfo def getpeerinfo(self): return self.execute('getpeerinfo') # ping def ping(self): return self.execute('ping') # == Platform == # agents # Same as line 140 # nftoken def nftoken_issue(self, proto, id, owner, metadataAdmin='0', metadata=''): data = json.dumps(['issue', proto, id, owner, metadataAdmin, metadata]) return self.execute('nftoken', data) def nftoken_get(self, proto, id): data = json.dumps(['get', proto, id]) return self.execute('nftoken', data) def nftoken_getbytxid(self, txid): data = json.dumps(['getbytxid', txid]) return self.execute('nftoken', data) def nftoken_totalsupply(self, proto): data = json.dumps(['totalsupply', proto]) return self.execute('nftoken', data) def nftoken_balanceof(self, address, proto=None): if proto: data = json.dumps(['balanceof', address, proto]) else: data = json.dumps(['balanceof', address]) return self.execute('nftoken', data) def nftoken_ownerof(self, proto, id): data = json.dumps(['ownerof', proto, id]) return self.execute('nftoken', data) def nftoken_list(self, proto=None, address=None, count=None, skip=None, height=None, regtxonly=False): args = ['list'] if proto: args.append(proto) if address: args.append(address) if count: args.append(count) if skip: args.append(skip) if height: args.append(height) if regtxonly: args.append(regtxonly) data = json.dumps(args) return self.execute('nftoken', data) # nftproto def nftproto_register(self, id, name, owner, sign=2, mimetype='text/plain', schemauri='', transferable=True, embedded=False, size=255): data = json.dumps(['register', id, name, owner, sign, mimetype, schemauri, transferable, embedded, size]) return self.execute('nftproto', data) def nftproto_list(self, count=None, skip=None, height=None, regtxonly=False): args = ['list'] if count: args.append(count) if skip: args.append(skip) if height: args.append(height) if regtxonly: args.append(regtxonly) data = json.dumps(args) return self.execute('nftproto', data) def nftproto_get(self, id): data = json.dumps(['get', id]) return self.execute('nftproto', data) def nftproto_getbytxid(self, txid): data = json.dumps(['getbytxid', txid]) return self.execute('nftproto', data) def nftproto_ownerof(self, proto): data = json.dumps(['ownerof', proto]) return self.execute('nftproto', data) # == Rawtransactions == # createrawtransaction def createrawtransaction(self, transactions, addresses): data = json.dumps([transactions, addresses]) return self.execute('createrawtransaction', data) # decoderawtransaction def decoderawtransaction(self, hex): data = json.dumps([hex]) return self.execute('decoderawtransaction', data) # decodescript def decodescript(self, hex): data = json.dumps([hex]) return self.execute('decodescript', data) # getrawtransaction def getrawtransaction(self, txid, verbose=0): data = json.dumps([txid, verbose]) return self.execute('getrawtransaction', data) # sendrawtransaction def sendrawtransaction(self, hex, allowhighfees=False): data = json.dumps([hex, allowhighfees]) return self.execute('sendrawtransaction', data) # == Utils == # createmultisig def createmultisig(self, nrequired, keys): data = json.dumps([nrequired, keys]) return self.execute('createmultisig', data) # estimatefee def estimatefee(self, nblocks): data = json.dumps([nblocks]) return self.execute('estimatefee', data) # estimatepriority def estimatepriority(self, nblocks): data = json.dumps([nblocks]) return self.execute('estimatepriority', data) # validateaddress def validateaddress(self, address): data = json.dumps([address]) return self.execute('validateaddress', data) # verifymessage def verifymessage(self, address, signature, message): data = json.dumps([address, signature, message]) return self.execute('verifymessage', data) # == Wallet == # addmultisigaddress def addmultisigaddress(self, nrequired, keysobject, account=None): if account: data = json.dumps([nrequired, keysobject, account]) else: data = json.dumps([nrequired, keysobject]) return self.execute('addmultisigaddress', data) # backupwallet def backupwallet(self, destination): data = json.dumps([destination]) return self.execute('backupwallet', data) # convertaddress def convertaddress(self, oldaddress): data = json.dumps([oldaddress]) return self.execute('convertaddress', data) # dumpprivkey def dumpprivkey(self, address): data = json.dumps([address]) return self.execute('dumpprivkey', data) # dumpwallet def dumpwallet(self, filename): data = json.dumps([filename]) return self.execute('dumpwallet', data) # encryptwallet def encryptwallet(self, passphrase): data = json.dumps([passphrase]) return self.execute('encryptwallet', data) # getaccount def getaccount(self, address): data = json.dumps([address]) return self.execute('getaccount', data) # getaccountaddress def getaccountaddress(self, account): data = json.dumps([account]) return self.execute('getaccountaddress', data) # getaddressesbyaccount def getaddressesbyaccount(self, account): data = json.dumps([account]) return self.execute('getaddressesbyaccount', data) # getbalance def getbalance(self, account=None, minconf=None, includewatchonly=None): args = [] if account: args.append(account) if minconf: args.append(minconf) if includewatchonly: args.append(includewatchonly) data = json.dumps(args) return self.execute('getbalance', data) # getnewaddress def getnewaddress(self, account=None): if account: data = json.dumps([account]) return self.execute('getnewaddress', data) return self.execute('getnewaddress') # getrawchangeaddress def getrawchangeaddress(self): return self.execute('getrawchangeaddress') # getreceivedbyaccount def getreceivedbyaccount(self, account, minconf=None): if minconf: data = json.dumps([account, minconf]) else: data = json.dumps([account]) return self.execute('getreceivedbyaccount', data) # getreceivedbyaddress def getreceivedbyaddress(self, address, minconf=None): if minconf: data = json.dumps([address, minconf]) else: data = json.dumps([address]) return self.execute('getreceivedbyaddress', data) # gettransaction def gettransaction(self, txid, includewatchonly=None): if includewatchonly: data = json.dumps([txid, includewatchonly]) else: data = json.dumps([txid]) return self.execute('gettransaction', data) # getunconfirmedbalance def getunconfirmedbalance(self): return self.execute('getunconfirmedbalance') # getwalletinfo def getwalletinfo(self): return self.execute('getwalletinfo') # importaddress def importaddress(self, address, label='', rescan=True): data = json.dumps([address, label, rescan]) return self.execute('importaddress', data) # importprivkey def importprivkey(self, privkey, label='', rescan=True): data = json.dumps([privkey, label, rescan]) return self.execute('importprivkey', data) # importwallet def importwallet(self, filename): data = json.dumps([filename]) return self.execute('importwallet', data) # keypoolrefill def keypoolrefill(self, newsize=100): data = json.dumps([newsize]) return self.execute('keypoolrefill', data) # listaccounts def listaccounts(self, minconf=None, includewatchonly=None): args = [] if minconf: args.append(minconf) if includewatchonly: args.append(includewatchonly) data = json.dumps(args) return self.execute('listaccounts', data) # listaddressgroupings def listaddressgroupings(self): return self.execute('listaddressgroupings') # listlockunspent def listlockunspent(self): return self.execute('listlockunspent') # listreceivedbyaccount def listreceivedbyaccount(self, minconf=None, includeempty=None, includewatchonly=None): args = [] if minconf: args.append(minconf) if includeempty: args.append(includeempty) if includewatchonly: args.append(includewatchonly) data = json.dumps(args) return self.execute('listreceivedbyaccount', data) # listreceivedbyaddress def listreceivedbyaddress(self, minconf=None, includeempty=None, includewatchonly=None): args = [] if minconf: args.append(minconf) if includeempty: args.append(includeempty) if includewatchonly: args.append(includewatchonly) data = json.dumps(args) return self.execute('listreceivedbyaddress', data) # listsinceblock def listsinceblock(self, blockhash, confirmations=None, includewatchonly=None): args = [blockhash] if confirmations: args.append(confirmations) if includewatchonly: args.append(includewatchonly) data = json.dumps(args) return self.execute('listsinceblock', data) # listtransactions def listtransactions(self, account=None, count=None, skip=None, includewatchonly=None): args = [] if account: args.append(account) if count: args.append(count) if skip: args.append(skip) if includewatchonly: args.append(includewatchonly) data = json.dumps(args) return self.execute('listtransactions', data) # listunspent def listunspent(self, minconf=1, maxconf=9999999, addresses=None): if addresses: data = json.dumps([minconf, maxconf, addresses]) else: data = json.dumps([minconf, maxconf]) return self.execute('listunspent', data) # lockunspent def lockunspent(self, unlock, transactions): data = json.dumps([unlock, transactions]) return self.execute('lockunspent', data) # move def move(self, fromaccount, toaccount, minconf=1, comment=''): data = json.dumps([fromaccount, toaccount, minconf, comment]) return self.execute('move', data) # sendfrom def sendfrom(self, fromaccount, toaddress, amount, minconf=1, comment='', commentto=''): data = json.dumps([fromaccount, toaddress, amount, minconf, comment, commentto]) return self.execute('sendfrom', data) # sendmany def sendmany(self, fromaccount, addresses, minconf=1, comment=''): data = json.dumps([fromaccount, addresses, minconf, comment]) return self.execute('sendmany', data) # sendtoaddress def sendtoaddress(self, address, amount, comment='', commentto=''): data = json.dumps([address, amount, comment, commentto]) return self.execute('sendtoaddress', data) # sendtoaddressix def sendtoaddressix(self, address, amount, comment='', commentto=''): data = json.dumps([address, amount, comment, commentto]) return self.execute('sendtoaddressix', data) # setaccount def setaccount(self, address, account): data = json.dumps([address, account]) return self.execute('setaccount', data) # settxfee def settxfee(self, amount): data = json.dumps([amount]) return self.execute('settxfee', data) # signmessage def signmessage(self, address, message): data = json.dumps([address, message]) return self.execute('signmessage', data) # update def update(self, command, passphrase=None): if passphrase: data = json.dumps([command, passphrase]) else: data = json.dumps([command]) return self.execute('update', data)
import argparse import json import logging import os import re import sys import obsws_python as obs from rich import print, print_json from rich.console import Console from rich.table import Table def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-D", "--debug", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("-H", "--host", help="host name", default="localhost") parser.add_argument( "-P", "--port", help="port number", type=int, default=4455 ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--password", required=False, help="password ($OBS_API_PASSWORD)" ) parser.add_argument("-j", "--json", action="store_true", default=False) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="command", required=True) scene_parser = subparsers.add_parser("scene") scene_parser.add_argument( "-e", "--exact", action="store_true", default=False, help="Exact match" ) scene_parser.add_argument( "-i", "--ignorecase", action="store_true", default=False, help="Exact match", ) scene_parser.add_argument( "action", choices=["list", "switch", "current"], default="current", help="list/switch/current", ) scene_parser.add_argument("SCENE", nargs="?", help="Scene name") item_parser = subparsers.add_parser("item") item_parser.add_argument( "-s", "--scene", required=False, help="Scene name (default: current)" ) item_parser.add_argument( "action", choices=["list", "show", "hide", "toggle"], default="toggle", help="show/hide/toggle", ) item_parser.add_argument("ITEM", nargs="?", help="Item to interact with") input_parser = subparsers.add_parser("input") input_parser.add_argument( "action", choices=["list", "show", "get", "set"], default="show", help="list/show/get/set", ) input_parser.add_argument("INPUT", nargs="?", help="Input name") input_parser.add_argument("PROPERTY", nargs="?", help="Property name") input_parser.add_argument("VALUE", nargs="?", help="Property value") filter_parser = subparsers.add_parser("filter") filter_parser.add_argument( "action", choices=["list", "toggle", "enable", "disable", "status"], default="list", help="list/toggle/enable/disable/status", ) filter_parser.add_argument("INPUT", nargs="?", help="Input name") filter_parser.add_argument("FILTER", nargs="?", help="Filter name") hotkey_parser = subparsers.add_parser("hotkey") hotkey_parser.add_argument( "action", choices=["list", "trigger"], default="list", help="list/trigger", ) hotkey_parser.add_argument("HOTKEY", nargs="?", help="Hotkey name") virtualcam_parser = subparsers.add_parser("virtualcam") virtualcam_parser.add_argument( "action", choices=["status", "start", "stop", "toggle"], default="status", help="status/start/stop/toggle", ) stream_parser = subparsers.add_parser("stream") stream_parser.add_argument( "action", choices=["status", "start", "stop", "toggle"], default="status", help="status/start/stop/toggle", ) record_parser = subparsers.add_parser("record") record_parser.add_argument( "action", choices=["status", "start", "stop", "toggle"], default="status", help="status/start/stop/toggle", ) return parser.parse_args() def switch_to_scene(cl, scene, exact=False, ignorecase=True): regex = re.compile( f"^{scene}$" if exact else scene, re.IGNORECASE if ignorecase else re.NOFLAG, ) for sc in sorted( cl.get_scene_list().scenes, key=lambda x: x.get("sceneName") ): print(f"Compare {scene} with {sc.get('sceneName')}") if, sc.get("sceneName")): cl.set_current_program_scene(sc.get("sceneName")) return True def get_items(cl, scene=None, names_only=False): scene = scene or get_current_scene_name(cl) items = sorted( cl.get_scene_item_list(scene).scene_items, key=lambda x: x.get("sourceName"), ) return [x.get("sourceName") for x in items] if names_only else items def get_item_by_name(cl, item, ignorecase=True, exact=False, scene=None): items = get_items(cl, scene) regex = re.compile( item if not exact else f"^{item}$", re.IGNORECASE if ignorecase else re.NOFLAG, ) for it in items: if, it.get("sourceName")): return it def get_item_id(cl, item, scene=None): data = get_item_by_name(cl, item, scene=scene) if not data: LOGGER.warning(f"Item not found: {item} (in {scene})") return -1 return data.get("sceneItemId", -1) def is_item_enabled(cl, item, scene=None): data = get_item_by_name(cl, item, scene=scene) if not data: LOGGER.warning(f"Item not found: {item} (in {scene})") return -1 return data.get("sceneItemEnabled", False) def show_item(cl, item, scene=None): scene = scene or get_current_scene_name(cl) item_id = get_item_id(cl, item, scene) return cl.set_scene_item_enabled(scene, item_id, True) def hide_item(cl, item, scene=None): scene = scene or get_current_scene_name(cl) item_id = get_item_id(cl, item, scene) return cl.set_scene_item_enabled(scene, item_id, False) def toggle_item(cl, item, scene=None): scene = scene or get_current_scene_name(cl) item_id = get_item_id(cl, item, scene) enabled = is_item_enabled(cl, item, scene) return cl.set_scene_item_enabled(scene, item_id, not enabled) def get_current_scene_name(cl): return cl.get_current_program_scene().current_program_scene_name def get_inputs(cl): return sorted(cl.get_input_list().inputs, key=lambda x: x.get("inputName")) def get_input_settings(cl, input): return cl.get_input_settings(input).input_settings def set_input_setting(cl, input, key, value): try: value = json.loads(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass LOGGER.debug(f"Setting {key} to {value} ({type(value)})") return cl.set_input_settings(input, {key: value}, overlay=True) def get_filters(cl, input): return cl.get_source_filter_list(input).filters def is_filter_enabled(cl, source, filter): return cl.get_source_filter(source, filter).filter_enabled def enable_filter(cl, source, filter): return cl.set_source_filter_enabled(source, filter, True) def disable_filter(cl, source, filter): return cl.set_source_filter_enabled(source, filter, False) def toggle_filter(cl, source, filter): enabled = is_filter_enabled(cl, source, filter) return cl.set_source_filter_enabled(source, filter, not enabled) def get_hotkeys(cl): return cl.get_hot_key_list().hotkeys def trigger_hotkey(cl, hotkey): return cl.trigger_hot_key_by_name(hotkey) def virtual_camera_status(cl): return cl.get_virtual_cam_status().output_active def virtual_camera_start(cl): return cl.start_virtual_cam() def virtual_camera_stop(cl): return cl.stop_virtual_cam() def virtual_camera_toggle(cl): return cl.toggle_virtual_cam() def stream_status(cl): return cl.get_stream_status().output_active def stream_start(cl): return cl.start_stream() def stream_stop(cl): return cl.stop_stream() def stream_toggle(cl): return cl.toggle_stream() def record_status(cl): return cl.get_record_status().output_active def record_start(cl): return cl.start_record() def record_stop(cl): return cl.stop_record() def record_toggle(cl): return cl.toggle_record() def main(): console = Console() logging.basicConfig() args = parse_args() LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO) LOGGER.debug(args) password = args.password or os.environ.get("OBS_API_PASSWORD") try: cl = obs.ReqClient(, port=args.port, password=password) cmd = args.command if cmd == "scene": if args.action == "current": print(get_current_scene_name(cl)) elif args.action == "list": res = cl.get_scene_list() print( *sorted([x.get("sceneName") for x in res.scenes]), sep="\n" ) LOGGER.debug(res) elif args.action == "switch": res = switch_to_scene(cl, args.SCENE, exact=False) LOGGER.debug(res) else: print(get_current_scene_name(cl)) elif cmd == "item": if args.action == "list": # print(*get_items(cl, args.scene), sep="\n") scene = args.scene or get_current_scene_name(cl) data = get_items(cl, args.scene) if args.json: print_json(data=data) return table = Table(title=f"Items in scene '{scene}'") table.add_column("ID") table.add_column("Name") table.add_column("Enabled", justify="center") for item in data: item_id = str(item.get("sceneItemId")) name = item.get("sourceName") enabled = "✅" if item.get("sceneItemEnabled") else "❌" table.add_row(item_id, name, enabled) console.print(table) elif args.action == "toggle": res = toggle_item(cl, args.ITEM, args.scene) LOGGER.debug(res) elif args.action == "show": res = show_item(cl, args.ITEM, args.scene) LOGGER.debug(res) elif args.action == "hide": res = hide_item(cl, args.ITEM, args.scene) LOGGER.debug(res) elif cmd == "input": if args.action == "list": data = get_inputs(cl) if args.json: print_json(data=data) return table = Table(title="Inputs") table.add_column("Kind") table.add_column("Name") for input in data: kind = input.get("inputKind") name = input.get("inputName") table.add_row(kind, name) console.print(table) elif args.action == "show" or args.action == "get": data = get_input_settings(cl, args.INPUT) if args.PROPERTY: print(data.get(args.PROPERTY)) else: # TODO Implement rich table output print_json(data=data) elif args.action == "set": if not args.INPUT or not args.PROPERTY or not args.VALUE: raise ValueError("Missing input name, property or value") res = set_input_setting( cl, args.INPUT, args.PROPERTY, args.VALUE ) LOGGER.debug(res) elif cmd == "filter": if args.action == "list": data = get_filters(cl, args.INPUT) if args.json: print_json(data=data) return table = Table(title=f"Filters for {args.INPUT}") table.add_column("Kind") table.add_column("Name") table.add_column("Enabled", justify="center") for filter in data: kind = filter.get("filterKind") name = filter.get("filterName") enabled = "✅" if filter.get("filterEnabled") else "❌" table.add_row(kind, name, enabled) console.print(table) elif args.action == "toggle": res = toggle_filter(cl, args.INPUT, args.FILTER) LOGGER.debug(res) elif args.action == "enable": res = enable_filter(cl, args.INPUT, args.FILTER) LOGGER.debug(res) elif args.action == "disable": res = disable_filter(cl, args.INPUT, args.FILTER) LOGGER.debug(res) elif args.action == "status": res = is_filter_enabled(cl, args.INPUT, args.FILTER) LOGGER.debug(res) if args.quiet: sys.exit(0 if res else 1) print("enabled" if res else "disabled") elif cmd == "hotkey": if args.action == "list": data = get_hotkeys(cl) if args.json: print_json(data=data) return table = Table(title="Hotkeys") table.add_column("Name") for hk in data: table.add_row(hk) console.print(table) elif args.action == "trigger": res = trigger_hotkey(cl, args.HOTKEY) LOGGER.debug(res) elif cmd == "virtualcam": if args.action == "status": res = virtual_camera_status(cl) LOGGER.debug(res) if args.quiet: sys.exit(0 if res else 1) print("started" if res else "stopped") elif args.action == "start": res = virtual_camera_start(cl) LOGGER.debug(res) elif args.action == "stop": res = virtual_camera_stop(cl) LOGGER.debug(res) elif args.action == "toggle": res = virtual_camera_toggle(cl) LOGGER.debug(res) elif cmd == "stream": if args.action == "status": res = stream_status(cl) LOGGER.debug(res) if args.quiet: sys.exit(0 if res else 1) print("started" if res else "stopped") elif args.action == "start": res = stream_start(cl) LOGGER.debug(res) elif args.action == "stop": res = stream_stop(cl) LOGGER.debug(res) elif args.action == "toggle": res = stream_toggle(cl) LOGGER.debug(res) elif cmd == "record": if args.action == "status": res = record_status(cl) LOGGER.debug(res) if args.quiet: sys.exit(0 if res else 1) print("started" if res else "stopped") elif args.action == "start": res = record_start(cl) LOGGER.debug(res) elif args.action == "stop": res = record_stop(cl) LOGGER.debug(res) elif args.action == "toggle": res = record_toggle(cl) LOGGER.debug(res) return 0 except Exception: console.print_exception(show_locals=True) return 1 LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())
from __future__ import annotations from datetime import date, datetime # noqa: F401 from enum import Enum, IntEnum import re # noqa: F401 from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type, Union, Callable # noqa: F401 from pathlib import Path from typing import TypeVar Model = TypeVar('Model', bound='BaseModel') StrBytes = Union[str, bytes] from pydantic import AnyUrl, BaseModel, EmailStr, Field, validator, root_validator, Extra # noqa: F401 from dnv_bladed_models.dnv import Dnv class StandardPitchLimitSwitches(Dnv): """StandardPitchLimitSwitches - The limit switch positions of the control system. Attributes: ---------- MinimumAngle : float A number representing an angle. The SI units for angles are radians. MaximumAngle : float A number representing an angle. The SI units for angles are radians. """ MinimumAngle: Optional[float] = Field(alias="MinimumAngle", default=None) MaximumAngle: Optional[float] = Field(alias="MaximumAngle", default=None) class Config: extra = Extra.forbid validate_assignment = True allow_population_by_field_name = True pass @root_validator(pre=True) def _parsing_ignores_underscore_properties(cls, values: dict[str, any]): allowed_vals = {} for key, val in values.items(): if not key.startswith('_'): if isinstance(val, dict): allowed_child_vals = {} for child_key, child_val in val.items(): if not child_key.startswith('_'): allowed_child_vals[child_key] = child_val allowed_vals[key] = allowed_child_vals else: allowed_vals[key] = val return allowed_vals def to_json( self, *, include: Optional[Union['AbstractSetIntStr', 'MappingIntStrAny']] = None, exclude: Optional[Union['AbstractSetIntStr', 'MappingIntStrAny']] = None, by_alias: bool = True, skip_defaults: Optional[bool] = None, exclude_unset: bool = False, exclude_defaults: bool = False, exclude_none: bool = True, encoder: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None, models_as_dict: bool = True, **dumps_kwargs: Any) -> str: r""" Generates a JSON string representation of the model. Notes ----- `include` and `exclude` arguments as per `dict()`. `encoder` is an optional function to supply as `default` to json.dumps(), other arguments as per `json.dumps()`. Examples -------- >>> model.to_json() Renders the full JSON representation of the model object. """ if dumps_kwargs.get('indent') is None: dumps_kwargs.update(indent=2) return super().json( include=include, exclude=exclude, by_alias=by_alias, skip_defaults=skip_defaults, exclude_unset=exclude_unset, exclude_defaults=exclude_defaults, exclude_none=exclude_none, encoder=encoder, models_as_dict=models_as_dict, **dumps_kwargs) @classmethod def from_file( cls: Type['Model'], path: Union[str, Path]) -> 'Model': r""" Loads a model from a given file path. Parameters ---------- path : string The file path to the model. Returns ------- StandardPitchLimitSwitches The model object. Raises ------ ValueError, ValidationError If the JSON document does not correctly describe the model according to the model schema. Examples -------- >>> model = StandardPitchLimitSwitches.from_file('/path/to/file') """ return super().parse_file(path=path) @classmethod def from_json( cls: Type['Model'], b: StrBytes) -> 'Model': r""" Creates a model object from a JSON string. Parameters ---------- b: StrBytes The JSON string describing the model. Returns ------- StandardPitchLimitSwitches The model object. Raises ------ ValueError, ValidationError If the JSON document does not correctly describe the model according to the model schema. Examples -------- >>> model = StandardPitchLimitSwitches.from_json('{ ... }') """ return super().parse_raw( b=b, content_type='application/json') @classmethod def from_dict( cls: Type['Model'], obj: Any) -> 'Model': r""" Creates a model object from a dict. Parameters ---------- obj : Any The dictionary object describing the model. Returns ------- StandardPitchLimitSwitches The model object. Raises ------ ValueError, ValidationError If the JSON document does not correctly describe the model according to the model schema. """ return super().parse_obj(obj=obj) def to_file( self, path: Union[str, Path]): r""" Writes the model as a JSON document to a file with UTF8 encoding. Parameters ---------- path : string The file path to which the model will be written. Examples -------- >>> model.to_file('/path/to/file') """ with open(file=path, mode='w', encoding="utf8") as output_file: output_file.write(self.to_json()) StandardPitchLimitSwitches.update_forward_refs()
from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING from azure.core.configuration import Configuration from azure.core.pipeline import policies from azure.mgmt.core.policies import ARMHttpLoggingPolicy, AsyncARMChallengeAuthenticationPolicy from .._version import VERSION if TYPE_CHECKING: # pylint: disable=unused-import,ungrouped-imports from azure.core.credentials_async import AsyncTokenCredential class ContainerServiceClientConfiguration(Configuration): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Configuration for ContainerServiceClient. Note that all parameters used to create this instance are saved as instance attributes. :param credential: Credential needed for the client to connect to Azure. Required. :type credential: ~azure.core.credentials_async.AsyncTokenCredential :param subscription_id: Subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call. Required. :type subscription_id: str :keyword api_version: Api Version. Default value is "2020-02-01". Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior. :paramtype api_version: str """ def __init__(self, credential: "AsyncTokenCredential", subscription_id: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super(ContainerServiceClientConfiguration, self).__init__(**kwargs) api_version: str = kwargs.pop("api_version", "2020-02-01") if credential is None: raise ValueError("Parameter 'credential' must not be None.") if subscription_id is None: raise ValueError("Parameter 'subscription_id' must not be None.") self.credential = credential self.subscription_id = subscription_id self.api_version = api_version self.credential_scopes = kwargs.pop("credential_scopes", [""]) kwargs.setdefault("sdk_moniker", "mgmt-containerservice/{}".format(VERSION)) self._configure(**kwargs) def _configure(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.user_agent_policy = kwargs.get("user_agent_policy") or policies.UserAgentPolicy(**kwargs) self.headers_policy = kwargs.get("headers_policy") or policies.HeadersPolicy(**kwargs) self.proxy_policy = kwargs.get("proxy_policy") or policies.ProxyPolicy(**kwargs) self.logging_policy = kwargs.get("logging_policy") or policies.NetworkTraceLoggingPolicy(**kwargs) self.http_logging_policy = kwargs.get("http_logging_policy") or ARMHttpLoggingPolicy(**kwargs) self.retry_policy = kwargs.get("retry_policy") or policies.AsyncRetryPolicy(**kwargs) self.custom_hook_policy = kwargs.get("custom_hook_policy") or policies.CustomHookPolicy(**kwargs) self.redirect_policy = kwargs.get("redirect_policy") or policies.AsyncRedirectPolicy(**kwargs) self.authentication_policy = kwargs.get("authentication_policy") if self.credential and not self.authentication_policy: self.authentication_policy = AsyncARMChallengeAuthenticationPolicy( self.credential, *self.credential_scopes, **kwargs )
from pathlib import Path from git import Repo import os from datetime import datetime import subprocess class Git: def __init__(self, repo_root_path): self.repo_root_path = repo_root_path self.dotgit_path = os.path.join(repo_root_path, ".git/") assert os.path.exists(self.dotgit_path), "Cannot find the .git folder (are you sure the repo root is correct in the config.json?)" self.repo = Repo(repo_root_path) def is_dirty(self): return self.repo.is_dirty() def tag(self, commit, name, message): print("Tagging") self.repo.git.tag("-a", name, commit, "-m", message) def commit_all(self, message): print("Comitting all") self.repo.git.add("--all") self.repo.git.commit("-m", "\"" + message + "\"") def publish(self, package_root_path, commit_message, branch_name, version_tag): print("Publishing") print("branch before publish: " + package_root_path = Path(package_root_path).absolute() original_cwd = os.getcwd() print("Changing CWD...") os.chdir(self.repo_root_path) print("CWD: " + os.getcwd())["npm", "install", "-g", "[email protected]"], shell=True)["git", "snapshot", "--prefix=" + package_root_path.as_posix() + "", "--message=\'" + commit_message + "\'", "--branch=" + branch_name], shell=True) os.chdir(original_cwd) # self.repo.git.snapshot("--prefix=" + package_root_path.as_posix() + "", "--message=\'" + commit_message + "\'", "--branch=" + branch_name) print("branch after publish: " + self.tag(branch_name, version_tag, version_tag) def soft_reset_last_commit(self): print("Soft resetting last commit") self.repo.git.reset("--soft", "HEAD~1") def clean(self): print("Cleaning") print("Stashing everything (just in case)") stash_name = "backup stash before repo clean by git-upm-publisher " + str( self.repo.git.stash("save", stash_name) print("Stash name: " + stash_name) if self.is_dirty(): print("Still dirty after stash, doing a hard reset") self.repo.git.reset("--hard") def push_all(self): print("Pushing") self.repo.git.push("--all") self.repo.git.push("--tags") def status(self): print("Status") return self.repo.git.status() def fetch(self): print("Fetching") self.repo.git.fetch("--all")
import copy import warnings import pulumi import pulumi.runtime from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union, overload from ... import _utilities from ._enums import * __all__ = ['GeoBackupPolicyArgs', 'GeoBackupPolicy'] @pulumi.input_type class GeoBackupPolicyArgs: def __init__(__self__, *, database_name: pulumi.Input[str], resource_group_name: pulumi.Input[str], server_name: pulumi.Input[str], state: pulumi.Input['GeoBackupPolicyState'], geo_backup_policy_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None): """ The set of arguments for constructing a GeoBackupPolicy resource. :param pulumi.Input[str] database_name: The name of the database. :param pulumi.Input[str] resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :param pulumi.Input[str] server_name: The name of the server. :param pulumi.Input['GeoBackupPolicyState'] state: The state of the geo backup policy. :param pulumi.Input[str] geo_backup_policy_name: The name of the Geo backup policy. This should always be 'Default'. """ pulumi.set(__self__, "database_name", database_name) pulumi.set(__self__, "resource_group_name", resource_group_name) pulumi.set(__self__, "server_name", server_name) pulumi.set(__self__, "state", state) if geo_backup_policy_name is not None: pulumi.set(__self__, "geo_backup_policy_name", geo_backup_policy_name) @property @pulumi.getter(name="databaseName") def database_name(self) -> pulumi.Input[str]: """ The name of the database. """ return pulumi.get(self, "database_name") @database_name.setter def database_name(self, value: pulumi.Input[str]): pulumi.set(self, "database_name", value) @property @pulumi.getter(name="resourceGroupName") def resource_group_name(self) -> pulumi.Input[str]: """ The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. """ return pulumi.get(self, "resource_group_name") @resource_group_name.setter def resource_group_name(self, value: pulumi.Input[str]): pulumi.set(self, "resource_group_name", value) @property @pulumi.getter(name="serverName") def server_name(self) -> pulumi.Input[str]: """ The name of the server. """ return pulumi.get(self, "server_name") @server_name.setter def server_name(self, value: pulumi.Input[str]): pulumi.set(self, "server_name", value) @property @pulumi.getter def state(self) -> pulumi.Input['GeoBackupPolicyState']: """ The state of the geo backup policy. """ return pulumi.get(self, "state") @state.setter def state(self, value: pulumi.Input['GeoBackupPolicyState']): pulumi.set(self, "state", value) @property @pulumi.getter(name="geoBackupPolicyName") def geo_backup_policy_name(self) -> Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]: """ The name of the Geo backup policy. This should always be 'Default'. """ return pulumi.get(self, "geo_backup_policy_name") @geo_backup_policy_name.setter def geo_backup_policy_name(self, value: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]]): pulumi.set(self, "geo_backup_policy_name", value) class GeoBackupPolicy(pulumi.CustomResource): @overload def __init__(__self__, resource_name: str, opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, database_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, geo_backup_policy_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, resource_group_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, server_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, state: Optional[pulumi.Input['GeoBackupPolicyState']] = None, __props__=None): """ A Geo backup policy. :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. :param pulumi.Input[str] database_name: The name of the database. :param pulumi.Input[str] geo_backup_policy_name: The name of the Geo backup policy. This should always be 'Default'. :param pulumi.Input[str] resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal. :param pulumi.Input[str] server_name: The name of the server. :param pulumi.Input['GeoBackupPolicyState'] state: The state of the geo backup policy. """ ... @overload def __init__(__self__, resource_name: str, args: GeoBackupPolicyArgs, opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None): """ A Geo backup policy. :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param GeoBackupPolicyArgs args: The arguments to use to populate this resource's properties. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. """ ... def __init__(__self__, resource_name: str, *args, **kwargs): resource_args, opts = _utilities.get_resource_args_opts(GeoBackupPolicyArgs, pulumi.ResourceOptions, *args, **kwargs) if resource_args is not None: __self__._internal_init(resource_name, opts, **resource_args.__dict__) else: __self__._internal_init(resource_name, *args, **kwargs) def _internal_init(__self__, resource_name: str, opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, database_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, geo_backup_policy_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, resource_group_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, server_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, state: Optional[pulumi.Input['GeoBackupPolicyState']] = None, __props__=None): opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions.merge(_utilities.get_resource_opts_defaults(), opts) if not isinstance(opts, pulumi.ResourceOptions): raise TypeError('Expected resource options to be a ResourceOptions instance') if is None: if __props__ is not None: raise TypeError('__props__ is only valid when passed in combination with a valid to get an existing resource') __props__ = GeoBackupPolicyArgs.__new__(GeoBackupPolicyArgs) if database_name is None and not opts.urn: raise TypeError("Missing required property 'database_name'") __props__.__dict__["database_name"] = database_name __props__.__dict__["geo_backup_policy_name"] = geo_backup_policy_name if resource_group_name is None and not opts.urn: raise TypeError("Missing required property 'resource_group_name'") __props__.__dict__["resource_group_name"] = resource_group_name if server_name is None and not opts.urn: raise TypeError("Missing required property 'server_name'") __props__.__dict__["server_name"] = server_name if state is None and not opts.urn: raise TypeError("Missing required property 'state'") __props__.__dict__["state"] = state __props__.__dict__["kind"] = None __props__.__dict__["location"] = None __props__.__dict__["name"] = None __props__.__dict__["storage_type"] = None __props__.__dict__["type"] = None alias_opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions(aliases=[pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-native:sql:GeoBackupPolicy"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-native:sql/v20140401:GeoBackupPolicy"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-native:sql/v20220201preview:GeoBackupPolicy"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-native:sql/v20220501preview:GeoBackupPolicy"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-native:sql/v20220801preview:GeoBackupPolicy"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-native:sql/v20221101preview:GeoBackupPolicy"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-native:sql/v20230201preview:GeoBackupPolicy")]) opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions.merge(opts, alias_opts) super(GeoBackupPolicy, __self__).__init__( 'azure-native:sql/v20211101:GeoBackupPolicy', resource_name, __props__, opts) @staticmethod def get(resource_name: str, id: pulumi.Input[str], opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None) -> 'GeoBackupPolicy': """ Get an existing GeoBackupPolicy resource's state with the given name, id, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup. :param str resource_name: The unique name of the resulting resource. :param pulumi.Input[str] id: The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. """ opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions.merge(opts, pulumi.ResourceOptions(id=id)) __props__ = GeoBackupPolicyArgs.__new__(GeoBackupPolicyArgs) __props__.__dict__["kind"] = None __props__.__dict__["location"] = None __props__.__dict__["name"] = None __props__.__dict__["state"] = None __props__.__dict__["storage_type"] = None __props__.__dict__["type"] = None return GeoBackupPolicy(resource_name, opts=opts, __props__=__props__) @property @pulumi.getter def kind(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ Kind of geo backup policy. This is metadata used for the Azure portal experience. """ return pulumi.get(self, "kind") @property @pulumi.getter def location(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ Backup policy location. """ return pulumi.get(self, "location") @property @pulumi.getter def name(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ Resource name. """ return pulumi.get(self, "name") @property @pulumi.getter def state(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ The state of the geo backup policy. """ return pulumi.get(self, "state") @property @pulumi.getter(name="storageType") def storage_type(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ The storage type of the geo backup policy. """ return pulumi.get(self, "storage_type") @property @pulumi.getter def type(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ Resource type. """ return pulumi.get(self, "type")
import math from functools import reduce import torch from torch import nn import torch.nn.functional as F # helpers def prob_mask_like(t, prob): return torch.zeros_like(t).float().uniform_(0, 1) < prob def mask_with_tokens(t, token_ids): init_no_mask = torch.full_like(t, False, dtype=torch.bool) mask = reduce(lambda acc, el: acc | (t == el), token_ids, init_no_mask) return mask def get_mask_subset_with_prob(mask, prob): batch, seq_len, device = *mask.shape, mask.device max_masked = math.ceil(prob * seq_len) num_tokens = mask.sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True) mask_excess = (mask.cumsum(dim=-1) > (num_tokens * prob).ceil()) mask_excess = mask_excess[:, :max_masked] rand = torch.rand((batch, seq_len), device=device).masked_fill(~mask, -1e9) _, sampled_indices = rand.topk(max_masked, dim=-1) sampled_indices = (sampled_indices + 1).masked_fill_(mask_excess, 0) new_mask = torch.zeros((batch, seq_len + 1), device=device) new_mask.scatter_(-1, sampled_indices, 1) return new_mask[:, 1:].bool() # main class class MLM(nn.Module): def __init__( self, transformer, mask_prob = 0.15, replace_prob = 0.9, num_tokens = None, random_token_prob = 0., mask_token_id = 2, pad_token_id = 0, mask_ignore_token_ids = []): super().__init__() self.transformer = transformer # mlm related probabilities self.mask_prob = mask_prob self.replace_prob = replace_prob self.num_tokens = num_tokens self.random_token_prob = random_token_prob # token ids self.pad_token_id = pad_token_id self.mask_token_id = mask_token_id self.mask_ignore_token_ids = set([*mask_ignore_token_ids, pad_token_id]) def forward(self, seq, **kwargs): # do not mask [pad] tokens, or any other tokens in the tokens designated to be excluded ([cls], [sep]) # also do not include these special tokens in the tokens chosen at random no_mask = mask_with_tokens(seq, self.mask_ignore_token_ids) mask = get_mask_subset_with_prob(~no_mask, self.mask_prob) # mask input with mask tokens with probability of `replace_prob` (keep tokens the same with probability 1 - replace_prob) masked_seq = seq.clone().detach() # derive labels to predict labels = seq.masked_fill(~mask, self.pad_token_id) # if random token probability > 0 for mlm if self.random_token_prob > 0: assert self.num_tokens is not None, 'num_tokens keyword must be supplied when instantiating MLM if using random token replacement' random_token_prob = prob_mask_like(seq, self.random_token_prob) random_tokens = torch.randint(0, self.num_tokens, seq.shape, device=seq.device) random_no_mask = mask_with_tokens(random_tokens, self.mask_ignore_token_ids) random_token_prob &= ~random_no_mask masked_seq = torch.where(random_token_prob, random_tokens, masked_seq) # remove tokens that were substituted by random to be [mask]ed later mask = mask & ~random_token_prob # [mask] input replace_prob = prob_mask_like(seq, self.replace_prob) masked_seq = masked_seq.masked_fill(mask * replace_prob, self.mask_token_id) # get generator output and get mlm loss logits = self.transformer(masked_seq, **kwargs) mlm_loss = F.cross_entropy( logits.transpose(1, 2), labels, ignore_index = self.pad_token_id ) return mlm_loss
.. _kafka: Kafka ===== You can export statistics to a ``Kafka`` server. The connection should be defined in the Glances configuration file as following: .. code-block:: ini [kafka] host=localhost port=9092 topic=glances #compression=gzip # Tags will be added for all events #tags=foo:bar,spam:eggs # You can also use dynamic values #tags=hostname:`hostname -f` Note: you can enable the compression but it consume CPU on your host. and run Glances with: .. code-block:: console $ glances --export kafka Stats are sent in native ``JSON`` format to the topic: - ``key``: plugin name - ``value``: JSON dict Example of record for the memory plugin: .. code-block:: ini ConsumerRecord(topic=u'glances', partition=0, offset=1305, timestamp=1490460592248, timestamp_type=0, key='mem', value=u'{"available": 2094710784, "used": 5777428480, "cached": 2513543168, "mem_careful": 50.0, "percent": 73.4, "free": 2094710784, "mem_critical": 90.0, "inactive": 2361626624, "shared": 475504640, "history_size": 28800.0, "mem_warning": 70.0, "total": 7872139264, "active": 4834361344, "buffers": 160112640}', checksum=214895201, serialized_key_size=3, serialized_value_size=303) Python code example to consume Kafka Glances plugin: .. code-block:: python from kafka import KafkaConsumer import json consumer = KafkaConsumer('glances', value_deserializer=json.loads) for s in consumer: print(s)
import re from typing import Tuple, List, Sequence, Callable from gowpy.gow.builder import mk_undirected_edge, mk_directed_edge from gowpy.gow.builder import GraphOfWords from gowpy.gow.typing import Edge_label def gow_to_data(gows: Sequence[GraphOfWords]) -> str: """ Convert a sequence of graph-of-words into a text representation for interoperability with other programs Format: - "t # N" means the Nth graph, - "v M L" means that the Mth vertex in this graph has label L, - "e P Q L" means that there is an edge connecting the Pth vertex with the Qth vertex. The edge has label L. :param gows: :return: """ result_data = [] for i, gow in enumerate(gows): nodes = gow.nodes edges = gow.edges if len(nodes) > 0: result_data.append(u"t # {}\n".format(i)) node_label_to_id = {} for node_label in nodes: if not (node_label in node_label_to_id): new_id = len(node_label_to_id) node_label_to_id[node_label] = new_id node_id = node_label_to_id[node_label] result_data.append(u"v {} {}\n".format(node_id, node_label)) edge_tuples = [] # TODO implementation with a heap to be more efficient? for (node_start_label, node_end_label, edge_label_id) in edges: # Computation of the node IDs in this graph given their node labels node_start_id = node_label_to_id[node_start_label] node_end_id = node_label_to_id[node_end_label] edge_tuples.append((node_start_id, node_end_id, edge_label_id)) edge_tuples.sort() for node_start_id, node_end_id, edge_label_id in edge_tuples: result_data.append(u"e {} {} {}\n".format(node_start_id, node_end_id, edge_label_id)) result_data.append(u"t # {}".format(-1)) return u"".join(result_data) r_new_graph_ = re.compile(u't +# +(\d+) +\\* +(\d+)') r_new_vertex_ = re.compile(u'v +(\d+) +(\d+)') r_new_edge_ = re.compile(u'e +(\d+) +(\d+) +(\d+)') r_new_parent_graphs_ = re.compile(u'x: +([\d ]+)') def load_graphs(input_file_subgraph: str, input_file_frequent_nodes: str, get_token: Callable[[int], str], get_label: Callable[[int], Edge_label], is_directed: bool=False) -> Sequence[GraphOfWords]: # current_id = None current_freq = None current_vertices = None current_edges = None current_parent_graph_ids = None subgraphs = [] with open(input_file_subgraph, 'r') as f_input_file: for line in f_input_file: m_new_graph = m_new_vertex = m_new_edge = m_new_parent_graphs = if m_new_graph: # Saving if current_id is not None: subgraphs.append(_to_gow(current_id, current_freq, (current_vertices, current_edges), current_parent_graph_ids, get_token, get_label, is_directed)) # Initialisation of the new graph current_id = int( current_freq = int( current_vertices = [] current_edges = [] current_parent_graph_ids = None elif m_new_vertex: vertex_id = int( vertex_label = int( current_vertices.append((vertex_id, vertex_label)) elif m_new_edge: node_start = int( node_end = int( edge_label = int( current_edges.append((node_start, node_end, edge_label)) elif m_new_parent_graphs: current_parent_graph_ids = [int(graph_id) for graph_id in' ')] # assert len(current_parent_graph_ids) == current_freq else: pass # other lines (probably empty) # Last line if current_id and current_parent_graph_ids: subgraphs.append( _to_gow(current_id, current_freq, (current_vertices, current_edges), current_parent_graph_ids, get_token, get_label, is_directed)) current_id = None PADDING_ID = len(subgraphs) current_freq = None current_vertices = None current_edges = None current_parent_graph_ids = None with open(input_file_frequent_nodes, 'r') as f_input_file: for line in f_input_file: m_new_graph = m_new_vertex = m_new_parent_graphs = if m_new_graph: # Saving if current_id is not None: subgraphs.append(_to_gow(current_id, current_freq, (current_vertices, current_edges), current_parent_graph_ids, get_token, get_label, is_directed)) # Initialisation of the new graph current_id = int( + PADDING_ID current_freq = int( current_vertices = [] current_edges = [] current_parent_graph_ids = None elif m_new_vertex: vertex_id = int( vertex_label = int( current_vertices.append((vertex_id, vertex_label)) elif m_new_parent_graphs: current_parent_graph_ids = [int(graph_id) for graph_id in' ')] # assert len(current_parent_graph_ids) == current_freq else: pass # other lines (probably empty) # Last line if current_id and current_parent_graph_ids: subgraphs.append( _to_gow(current_id, current_freq, (current_vertices, current_edges), current_parent_graph_ids, get_token, get_label, is_directed)) return subgraphs IO_Nodes = List[Tuple[int, int]] # (node_id, node_code) IO_Edges = List[Tuple[int, int, int]] # (node_start_id, node_end_id, edge_code) IO_Subgraph = Tuple[IO_Nodes, IO_Edges] def _to_gow(subg_id: int, subg_freq: int, subgraph: IO_Subgraph, subg_current_parent_graph_ids: Sequence[int], get_token: Callable[[int], str], get_label: Callable[[int], Edge_label], is_directed: bool) -> GraphOfWords: id_: int = subg_id freq: int = subg_freq subg_vertices, subg_edges = subgraph size = len(subg_vertices) parents = subg_current_parent_graph_ids # Recomputation of nodes # Dealing with nodes: # Node = (node id in *this* graph, node code) node_id_to_node_code = {} nodes = set() for node_id, node_code in subg_vertices: node_id_to_node_code[node_id] = node_code nodes.add(node_code) # Dealing with edges edges = set() for node_start_id, node_end_id, edge_label_code in subg_edges: node_start_code = node_id_to_node_code[node_start_id] node_end_code = node_id_to_node_code[node_end_id] if is_directed: edges.add(mk_directed_edge(node_start_code, node_end_code, edge_label_code)) else: edges.add(mk_undirected_edge(node_start_code, node_end_code, edge_label_code)) return GraphOfWords(nodes=nodes, edges=edges, get_token=get_token, get_label=get_label, freq=freq, directed=is_directed)
import abc import builtins import datetime import enum import typing import jsii import publication import typing_extensions from typeguard import check_type from .._jsii import * import cdktf as _cdktf_9a9027ec import constructs as _constructs_77d1e7e8 class NetworkPacketCapture( _cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformResource, metaclass=jsii.JSIIMeta, jsii_type="@cdktf/provider-azurerm.networkPacketCapture.NetworkPacketCapture", ): '''Represents a {@link azurerm_network_packet_capture}.''' def __init__( self, scope: _constructs_77d1e7e8.Construct, id_: builtins.str, *, name: builtins.str, network_watcher_name: builtins.str, resource_group_name: builtins.str, storage_location: typing.Union["NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocation", typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]], target_resource_id: builtins.str, filter: typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, typing.Sequence[typing.Union["NetworkPacketCaptureFilter", typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]]]] = None, id: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, maximum_bytes_per_packet: typing.Optional[jsii.Number] = None, maximum_bytes_per_session: typing.Optional[jsii.Number] = None, maximum_capture_duration: typing.Optional[jsii.Number] = None, timeouts: typing.Optional[typing.Union["NetworkPacketCaptureTimeouts", typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]] = None, connection: typing.Optional[typing.Union[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.SSHProvisionerConnection, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]], typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.WinrmProvisionerConnection, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]]] = None, count: typing.Optional[typing.Union[jsii.Number, _cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformCount]] = None, depends_on: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[_cdktf_9a9027ec.ITerraformDependable]] = None, for_each: typing.Optional[_cdktf_9a9027ec.ITerraformIterator] = None, lifecycle: typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformResourceLifecycle, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]] = None, provider: typing.Optional[_cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformProvider] = None, provisioners: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[typing.Union[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.FileProvisioner, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]], typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.LocalExecProvisioner, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]], typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.RemoteExecProvisioner, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]]]] = None, ) -> None: '''Create a new {@link azurerm_network_packet_capture} Resource. :param scope: The scope in which to define this construct. :param id_: The scoped construct ID. Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope :param name: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#name}. :param network_watcher_name: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#network_watcher_name}. :param resource_group_name: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#resource_group_name}. :param storage_location: storage_location block. Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#storage_location} :param target_resource_id: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#target_resource_id}. :param filter: filter block. Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#filter} :param id: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#id}. Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. :param maximum_bytes_per_packet: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#maximum_bytes_per_packet}. :param maximum_bytes_per_session: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#maximum_bytes_per_session}. :param maximum_capture_duration: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#maximum_capture_duration}. :param timeouts: timeouts block. Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#timeouts} :param connection: :param count: :param depends_on: :param for_each: :param lifecycle: :param provider: :param provisioners: ''' if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__b5e3c560147495e2d8f597dee2fe43afe5db4036c6bca2f7920f0360f303c119) check_type(argname="argument scope", value=scope, expected_type=type_hints["scope"]) check_type(argname="argument id_", value=id_, expected_type=type_hints["id_"]) config = NetworkPacketCaptureConfig( name=name, network_watcher_name=network_watcher_name, resource_group_name=resource_group_name, storage_location=storage_location, target_resource_id=target_resource_id, filter=filter, id=id, maximum_bytes_per_packet=maximum_bytes_per_packet, maximum_bytes_per_session=maximum_bytes_per_session, maximum_capture_duration=maximum_capture_duration, timeouts=timeouts, connection=connection, count=count, depends_on=depends_on, for_each=for_each, lifecycle=lifecycle, provider=provider, provisioners=provisioners, ) jsii.create(self.__class__, self, [scope, id_, config]) @jsii.member(jsii_name="putFilter") def put_filter( self, value: typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, typing.Sequence[typing.Union["NetworkPacketCaptureFilter", typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]]], ) -> None: ''' :param value: - ''' if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__cb4ba221b9ca64b230a733aa5bfd6a28b7522ea446cc0789118802663ffdac5d) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) return typing.cast(None, jsii.invoke(self, "putFilter", [value])) @jsii.member(jsii_name="putStorageLocation") def put_storage_location( self, *, file_path: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, storage_account_id: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, ) -> None: ''' :param file_path: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#file_path}. :param storage_account_id: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#storage_account_id}. ''' value = NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocation( file_path=file_path, storage_account_id=storage_account_id ) return typing.cast(None, jsii.invoke(self, "putStorageLocation", [value])) @jsii.member(jsii_name="putTimeouts") def put_timeouts( self, *, create: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, delete: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, read: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, update: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, ) -> None: ''' :param create: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#create}. :param delete: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#delete}. :param read: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#read}. :param update: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#update}. ''' value = NetworkPacketCaptureTimeouts( create=create, delete=delete, read=read, update=update ) return typing.cast(None, jsii.invoke(self, "putTimeouts", [value])) @jsii.member(jsii_name="resetFilter") def reset_filter(self) -> None: return typing.cast(None, jsii.invoke(self, "resetFilter", [])) @jsii.member(jsii_name="resetId") def reset_id(self) -> None: return typing.cast(None, jsii.invoke(self, "resetId", [])) @jsii.member(jsii_name="resetMaximumBytesPerPacket") def reset_maximum_bytes_per_packet(self) -> None: return typing.cast(None, jsii.invoke(self, "resetMaximumBytesPerPacket", [])) @jsii.member(jsii_name="resetMaximumBytesPerSession") def reset_maximum_bytes_per_session(self) -> None: return typing.cast(None, jsii.invoke(self, "resetMaximumBytesPerSession", [])) @jsii.member(jsii_name="resetMaximumCaptureDuration") def reset_maximum_capture_duration(self) -> None: return typing.cast(None, jsii.invoke(self, "resetMaximumCaptureDuration", [])) @jsii.member(jsii_name="resetTimeouts") def reset_timeouts(self) -> None: return typing.cast(None, jsii.invoke(self, "resetTimeouts", [])) @jsii.member(jsii_name="synthesizeAttributes") def _synthesize_attributes(self) -> typing.Mapping[builtins.str, typing.Any]: return typing.cast(typing.Mapping[builtins.str, typing.Any], jsii.invoke(self, "synthesizeAttributes", [])) @jsii.python.classproperty @jsii.member(jsii_name="tfResourceType") def TF_RESOURCE_TYPE(cls) -> builtins.str: return typing.cast(builtins.str, jsii.sget(cls, "tfResourceType")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="filter") def filter(self) -> "NetworkPacketCaptureFilterList": return typing.cast("NetworkPacketCaptureFilterList", jsii.get(self, "filter")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="storageLocation") def storage_location(self) -> "NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocationOutputReference": return typing.cast("NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocationOutputReference", jsii.get(self, "storageLocation")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="timeouts") def timeouts(self) -> "NetworkPacketCaptureTimeoutsOutputReference": return typing.cast("NetworkPacketCaptureTimeoutsOutputReference", jsii.get(self, "timeouts")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="filterInput") def filter_input( self, ) -> typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, typing.List["NetworkPacketCaptureFilter"]]]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, typing.List["NetworkPacketCaptureFilter"]]], jsii.get(self, "filterInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="idInput") def id_input(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], jsii.get(self, "idInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="maximumBytesPerPacketInput") def maximum_bytes_per_packet_input(self) -> typing.Optional[jsii.Number]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[jsii.Number], jsii.get(self, "maximumBytesPerPacketInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="maximumBytesPerSessionInput") def maximum_bytes_per_session_input(self) -> typing.Optional[jsii.Number]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[jsii.Number], jsii.get(self, "maximumBytesPerSessionInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="maximumCaptureDurationInput") def maximum_capture_duration_input(self) -> typing.Optional[jsii.Number]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[jsii.Number], jsii.get(self, "maximumCaptureDurationInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="nameInput") def name_input(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], jsii.get(self, "nameInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="networkWatcherNameInput") def network_watcher_name_input(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], jsii.get(self, "networkWatcherNameInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="resourceGroupNameInput") def resource_group_name_input(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], jsii.get(self, "resourceGroupNameInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="storageLocationInput") def storage_location_input( self, ) -> typing.Optional["NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocation"]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional["NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocation"], jsii.get(self, "storageLocationInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="targetResourceIdInput") def target_resource_id_input(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], jsii.get(self, "targetResourceIdInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="timeoutsInput") def timeouts_input( self, ) -> typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, "NetworkPacketCaptureTimeouts"]]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, "NetworkPacketCaptureTimeouts"]], jsii.get(self, "timeoutsInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="id") def id(self) -> builtins.str: return typing.cast(builtins.str, jsii.get(self, "id")) @id.setter def id(self, value: builtins.str) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__783e646ebd7eb73eecf6acb7fce7b21ee9b735453423f72e234851da341cc9d3) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "id", value) @jsii.member(jsii_name="maximumBytesPerPacket") def maximum_bytes_per_packet(self) -> jsii.Number: return typing.cast(jsii.Number, jsii.get(self, "maximumBytesPerPacket")) @maximum_bytes_per_packet.setter def maximum_bytes_per_packet(self, value: jsii.Number) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__287f86a37cb9fc29e750d0a9d9edb64d455e57da69a7198d83951a5345c65b1a) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "maximumBytesPerPacket", value) @jsii.member(jsii_name="maximumBytesPerSession") def maximum_bytes_per_session(self) -> jsii.Number: return typing.cast(jsii.Number, jsii.get(self, "maximumBytesPerSession")) @maximum_bytes_per_session.setter def maximum_bytes_per_session(self, value: jsii.Number) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__ac1100b4fb8058bc9a91b4970dd24478ffe1eeb699fefa69e255e8240a945aca) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "maximumBytesPerSession", value) @jsii.member(jsii_name="maximumCaptureDuration") def maximum_capture_duration(self) -> jsii.Number: return typing.cast(jsii.Number, jsii.get(self, "maximumCaptureDuration")) @maximum_capture_duration.setter def maximum_capture_duration(self, value: jsii.Number) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__8836dc30a0d04488def4d0f0573cb7b2b3d70695ba6c4c120fd6a3fee08c5777) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "maximumCaptureDuration", value) @jsii.member(jsii_name="name") def name(self) -> builtins.str: return typing.cast(builtins.str, jsii.get(self, "name")) @name.setter def name(self, value: builtins.str) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__2dad01ceec066300f106ed24514b032df161bd9705dcbb3cf099b26647f1c5d7) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "name", value) @jsii.member(jsii_name="networkWatcherName") def network_watcher_name(self) -> builtins.str: return typing.cast(builtins.str, jsii.get(self, "networkWatcherName")) @network_watcher_name.setter def network_watcher_name(self, value: builtins.str) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__6630cf64256211385e3c54e28577590e66daa2a4fd547ed3d861658e07d5dc0e) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "networkWatcherName", value) @jsii.member(jsii_name="resourceGroupName") def resource_group_name(self) -> builtins.str: return typing.cast(builtins.str, jsii.get(self, "resourceGroupName")) @resource_group_name.setter def resource_group_name(self, value: builtins.str) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__8b7efcf5f5e45aa602b310f2e5a41df8160625659edb649dd8d31bcdc785f8bb) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "resourceGroupName", value) @jsii.member(jsii_name="targetResourceId") def target_resource_id(self) -> builtins.str: return typing.cast(builtins.str, jsii.get(self, "targetResourceId")) @target_resource_id.setter def target_resource_id(self, value: builtins.str) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__ba1b06ae80fffa1b6f706d997c90792c2fcbf79fc71a61aecfa6e32d430776d2) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "targetResourceId", value) @jsii.data_type( jsii_type="@cdktf/provider-azurerm.networkPacketCapture.NetworkPacketCaptureConfig", jsii_struct_bases=[_cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformMetaArguments], name_mapping={ "connection": "connection", "count": "count", "depends_on": "dependsOn", "for_each": "forEach", "lifecycle": "lifecycle", "provider": "provider", "provisioners": "provisioners", "name": "name", "network_watcher_name": "networkWatcherName", "resource_group_name": "resourceGroupName", "storage_location": "storageLocation", "target_resource_id": "targetResourceId", "filter": "filter", "id": "id", "maximum_bytes_per_packet": "maximumBytesPerPacket", "maximum_bytes_per_session": "maximumBytesPerSession", "maximum_capture_duration": "maximumCaptureDuration", "timeouts": "timeouts", }, ) class NetworkPacketCaptureConfig(_cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformMetaArguments): def __init__( self, *, connection: typing.Optional[typing.Union[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.SSHProvisionerConnection, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]], typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.WinrmProvisionerConnection, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]]] = None, count: typing.Optional[typing.Union[jsii.Number, _cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformCount]] = None, depends_on: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[_cdktf_9a9027ec.ITerraformDependable]] = None, for_each: typing.Optional[_cdktf_9a9027ec.ITerraformIterator] = None, lifecycle: typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformResourceLifecycle, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]] = None, provider: typing.Optional[_cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformProvider] = None, provisioners: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[typing.Union[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.FileProvisioner, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]], typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.LocalExecProvisioner, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]], typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.RemoteExecProvisioner, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]]]] = None, name: builtins.str, network_watcher_name: builtins.str, resource_group_name: builtins.str, storage_location: typing.Union["NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocation", typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]], target_resource_id: builtins.str, filter: typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, typing.Sequence[typing.Union["NetworkPacketCaptureFilter", typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]]]] = None, id: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, maximum_bytes_per_packet: typing.Optional[jsii.Number] = None, maximum_bytes_per_session: typing.Optional[jsii.Number] = None, maximum_capture_duration: typing.Optional[jsii.Number] = None, timeouts: typing.Optional[typing.Union["NetworkPacketCaptureTimeouts", typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]] = None, ) -> None: ''' :param connection: :param count: :param depends_on: :param for_each: :param lifecycle: :param provider: :param provisioners: :param name: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#name}. :param network_watcher_name: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#network_watcher_name}. :param resource_group_name: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#resource_group_name}. :param storage_location: storage_location block. Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#storage_location} :param target_resource_id: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#target_resource_id}. :param filter: filter block. Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#filter} :param id: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#id}. Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. :param maximum_bytes_per_packet: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#maximum_bytes_per_packet}. :param maximum_bytes_per_session: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#maximum_bytes_per_session}. :param maximum_capture_duration: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#maximum_capture_duration}. :param timeouts: timeouts block. Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#timeouts} ''' if isinstance(lifecycle, dict): lifecycle = _cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformResourceLifecycle(**lifecycle) if isinstance(storage_location, dict): storage_location = NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocation(**storage_location) if isinstance(timeouts, dict): timeouts = NetworkPacketCaptureTimeouts(**timeouts) if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__f441f1d3a462367d5d95747872c257dbad946ddffbac2c01eadb5035fc3d0548) check_type(argname="argument connection", value=connection, expected_type=type_hints["connection"]) check_type(argname="argument count", value=count, expected_type=type_hints["count"]) check_type(argname="argument depends_on", value=depends_on, expected_type=type_hints["depends_on"]) check_type(argname="argument for_each", value=for_each, expected_type=type_hints["for_each"]) check_type(argname="argument lifecycle", value=lifecycle, expected_type=type_hints["lifecycle"]) check_type(argname="argument provider", value=provider, expected_type=type_hints["provider"]) check_type(argname="argument provisioners", value=provisioners, expected_type=type_hints["provisioners"]) check_type(argname="argument name", value=name, expected_type=type_hints["name"]) check_type(argname="argument network_watcher_name", value=network_watcher_name, expected_type=type_hints["network_watcher_name"]) check_type(argname="argument resource_group_name", value=resource_group_name, expected_type=type_hints["resource_group_name"]) check_type(argname="argument storage_location", value=storage_location, expected_type=type_hints["storage_location"]) check_type(argname="argument target_resource_id", value=target_resource_id, expected_type=type_hints["target_resource_id"]) check_type(argname="argument filter", value=filter, expected_type=type_hints["filter"]) check_type(argname="argument id", value=id, expected_type=type_hints["id"]) check_type(argname="argument maximum_bytes_per_packet", value=maximum_bytes_per_packet, expected_type=type_hints["maximum_bytes_per_packet"]) check_type(argname="argument maximum_bytes_per_session", value=maximum_bytes_per_session, expected_type=type_hints["maximum_bytes_per_session"]) check_type(argname="argument maximum_capture_duration", value=maximum_capture_duration, expected_type=type_hints["maximum_capture_duration"]) check_type(argname="argument timeouts", value=timeouts, expected_type=type_hints["timeouts"]) self._values: typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any] = { "name": name, "network_watcher_name": network_watcher_name, "resource_group_name": resource_group_name, "storage_location": storage_location, "target_resource_id": target_resource_id, } if connection is not None: self._values["connection"] = connection if count is not None: self._values["count"] = count if depends_on is not None: self._values["depends_on"] = depends_on if for_each is not None: self._values["for_each"] = for_each if lifecycle is not None: self._values["lifecycle"] = lifecycle if provider is not None: self._values["provider"] = provider if provisioners is not None: self._values["provisioners"] = provisioners if filter is not None: self._values["filter"] = filter if id is not None: self._values["id"] = id if maximum_bytes_per_packet is not None: self._values["maximum_bytes_per_packet"] = maximum_bytes_per_packet if maximum_bytes_per_session is not None: self._values["maximum_bytes_per_session"] = maximum_bytes_per_session if maximum_capture_duration is not None: self._values["maximum_capture_duration"] = maximum_capture_duration if timeouts is not None: self._values["timeouts"] = timeouts def connection( self, ) -> typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.SSHProvisionerConnection, _cdktf_9a9027ec.WinrmProvisionerConnection]]: ''' :stability: experimental ''' result = self._values.get("connection") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.SSHProvisionerConnection, _cdktf_9a9027ec.WinrmProvisionerConnection]], result) def count( self, ) -> typing.Optional[typing.Union[jsii.Number, _cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformCount]]: ''' :stability: experimental ''' result = self._values.get("count") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[typing.Union[jsii.Number, _cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformCount]], result) def depends_on( self, ) -> typing.Optional[typing.List[_cdktf_9a9027ec.ITerraformDependable]]: ''' :stability: experimental ''' result = self._values.get("depends_on") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[typing.List[_cdktf_9a9027ec.ITerraformDependable]], result) def for_each(self) -> typing.Optional[_cdktf_9a9027ec.ITerraformIterator]: ''' :stability: experimental ''' result = self._values.get("for_each") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[_cdktf_9a9027ec.ITerraformIterator], result) def lifecycle(self) -> typing.Optional[_cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformResourceLifecycle]: ''' :stability: experimental ''' result = self._values.get("lifecycle") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[_cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformResourceLifecycle], result) def provider(self) -> typing.Optional[_cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformProvider]: ''' :stability: experimental ''' result = self._values.get("provider") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[_cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformProvider], result) def provisioners( self, ) -> typing.Optional[typing.List[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.FileProvisioner, _cdktf_9a9027ec.LocalExecProvisioner, _cdktf_9a9027ec.RemoteExecProvisioner]]]: ''' :stability: experimental ''' result = self._values.get("provisioners") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[typing.List[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.FileProvisioner, _cdktf_9a9027ec.LocalExecProvisioner, _cdktf_9a9027ec.RemoteExecProvisioner]]], result) def name(self) -> builtins.str: '''Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#name}.''' result = self._values.get("name") assert result is not None, "Required property 'name' is missing" return typing.cast(builtins.str, result) def network_watcher_name(self) -> builtins.str: '''Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#network_watcher_name}.''' result = self._values.get("network_watcher_name") assert result is not None, "Required property 'network_watcher_name' is missing" return typing.cast(builtins.str, result) def resource_group_name(self) -> builtins.str: '''Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#resource_group_name}.''' result = self._values.get("resource_group_name") assert result is not None, "Required property 'resource_group_name' is missing" return typing.cast(builtins.str, result) def storage_location(self) -> "NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocation": '''storage_location block. Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#storage_location} ''' result = self._values.get("storage_location") assert result is not None, "Required property 'storage_location' is missing" return typing.cast("NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocation", result) def target_resource_id(self) -> builtins.str: '''Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#target_resource_id}.''' result = self._values.get("target_resource_id") assert result is not None, "Required property 'target_resource_id' is missing" return typing.cast(builtins.str, result) def filter( self, ) -> typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, typing.List["NetworkPacketCaptureFilter"]]]: '''filter block. Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#filter} ''' result = self._values.get("filter") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, typing.List["NetworkPacketCaptureFilter"]]], result) def id(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: '''Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#id}. Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. ''' result = self._values.get("id") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], result) def maximum_bytes_per_packet(self) -> typing.Optional[jsii.Number]: '''Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#maximum_bytes_per_packet}.''' result = self._values.get("maximum_bytes_per_packet") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[jsii.Number], result) def maximum_bytes_per_session(self) -> typing.Optional[jsii.Number]: '''Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#maximum_bytes_per_session}.''' result = self._values.get("maximum_bytes_per_session") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[jsii.Number], result) def maximum_capture_duration(self) -> typing.Optional[jsii.Number]: '''Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#maximum_capture_duration}.''' result = self._values.get("maximum_capture_duration") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[jsii.Number], result) def timeouts(self) -> typing.Optional["NetworkPacketCaptureTimeouts"]: '''timeouts block. Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#timeouts} ''' result = self._values.get("timeouts") return typing.cast(typing.Optional["NetworkPacketCaptureTimeouts"], result) def __eq__(self, rhs: typing.Any) -> builtins.bool: return isinstance(rhs, self.__class__) and rhs._values == self._values def __ne__(self, rhs: typing.Any) -> builtins.bool: return not (rhs == self) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "NetworkPacketCaptureConfig(%s)" % ", ".join( k + "=" + repr(v) for k, v in self._values.items() ) @jsii.data_type( jsii_type="@cdktf/provider-azurerm.networkPacketCapture.NetworkPacketCaptureFilter", jsii_struct_bases=[], name_mapping={ "protocol": "protocol", "local_ip_address": "localIpAddress", "local_port": "localPort", "remote_ip_address": "remoteIpAddress", "remote_port": "remotePort", }, ) class NetworkPacketCaptureFilter: def __init__( self, *, protocol: builtins.str, local_ip_address: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, local_port: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, remote_ip_address: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, remote_port: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, ) -> None: ''' :param protocol: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#protocol}. :param local_ip_address: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#local_ip_address}. :param local_port: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#local_port}. :param remote_ip_address: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#remote_ip_address}. :param remote_port: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#remote_port}. ''' if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__da45bcfdcd79e1f418a2fa7505c82dbfb1abc265032bcee65775f04e92d3422b) check_type(argname="argument protocol", value=protocol, expected_type=type_hints["protocol"]) check_type(argname="argument local_ip_address", value=local_ip_address, expected_type=type_hints["local_ip_address"]) check_type(argname="argument local_port", value=local_port, expected_type=type_hints["local_port"]) check_type(argname="argument remote_ip_address", value=remote_ip_address, expected_type=type_hints["remote_ip_address"]) check_type(argname="argument remote_port", value=remote_port, expected_type=type_hints["remote_port"]) self._values: typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any] = { "protocol": protocol, } if local_ip_address is not None: self._values["local_ip_address"] = local_ip_address if local_port is not None: self._values["local_port"] = local_port if remote_ip_address is not None: self._values["remote_ip_address"] = remote_ip_address if remote_port is not None: self._values["remote_port"] = remote_port def protocol(self) -> builtins.str: '''Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#protocol}.''' result = self._values.get("protocol") assert result is not None, "Required property 'protocol' is missing" return typing.cast(builtins.str, result) def local_ip_address(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: '''Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#local_ip_address}.''' result = self._values.get("local_ip_address") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], result) def local_port(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: '''Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#local_port}.''' result = self._values.get("local_port") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], result) def remote_ip_address(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: '''Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#remote_ip_address}.''' result = self._values.get("remote_ip_address") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], result) def remote_port(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: '''Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#remote_port}.''' result = self._values.get("remote_port") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], result) def __eq__(self, rhs: typing.Any) -> builtins.bool: return isinstance(rhs, self.__class__) and rhs._values == self._values def __ne__(self, rhs: typing.Any) -> builtins.bool: return not (rhs == self) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "NetworkPacketCaptureFilter(%s)" % ", ".join( k + "=" + repr(v) for k, v in self._values.items() ) class NetworkPacketCaptureFilterList( _cdktf_9a9027ec.ComplexList, metaclass=jsii.JSIIMeta, jsii_type="@cdktf/provider-azurerm.networkPacketCapture.NetworkPacketCaptureFilterList", ): def __init__( self, terraform_resource: _cdktf_9a9027ec.IInterpolatingParent, terraform_attribute: builtins.str, wraps_set: builtins.bool, ) -> None: ''' :param terraform_resource: The parent resource. :param terraform_attribute: The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. :param wraps_set: whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). ''' if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__4c91cdb38743ef46cdf132089a9266973146c4b908df11ca69506b5e924e6b81) check_type(argname="argument terraform_resource", value=terraform_resource, expected_type=type_hints["terraform_resource"]) check_type(argname="argument terraform_attribute", value=terraform_attribute, expected_type=type_hints["terraform_attribute"]) check_type(argname="argument wraps_set", value=wraps_set, expected_type=type_hints["wraps_set"]) jsii.create(self.__class__, self, [terraform_resource, terraform_attribute, wraps_set]) @jsii.member(jsii_name="get") def get(self, index: jsii.Number) -> "NetworkPacketCaptureFilterOutputReference": ''' :param index: the index of the item to return. ''' if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__79b838064d7e316be2e6230d158c7e147d05dfa05034ce6e8c70da500138834e) check_type(argname="argument index", value=index, expected_type=type_hints["index"]) return typing.cast("NetworkPacketCaptureFilterOutputReference", jsii.invoke(self, "get", [index])) @jsii.member(jsii_name="terraformAttribute") def _terraform_attribute(self) -> builtins.str: '''The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.''' return typing.cast(builtins.str, jsii.get(self, "terraformAttribute")) @_terraform_attribute.setter def _terraform_attribute(self, value: builtins.str) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__3a3512daa04257364aa75569bac8144a4685c014d33294caeb1a08c75f90c3d1) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "terraformAttribute", value) @jsii.member(jsii_name="terraformResource") def _terraform_resource(self) -> _cdktf_9a9027ec.IInterpolatingParent: '''The parent resource.''' return typing.cast(_cdktf_9a9027ec.IInterpolatingParent, jsii.get(self, "terraformResource")) @_terraform_resource.setter def _terraform_resource(self, value: _cdktf_9a9027ec.IInterpolatingParent) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__4f35107cd448983d59b071898ab9afd4d98255279203811bd0bdf958c6af081a) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "terraformResource", value) @jsii.member(jsii_name="wrapsSet") def _wraps_set(self) -> builtins.bool: '''whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).''' return typing.cast(builtins.bool, jsii.get(self, "wrapsSet")) @_wraps_set.setter def _wraps_set(self, value: builtins.bool) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__9096916dd6149d057c0e800cdbd105afe1ba52f6640a328157617897df256bee) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "wrapsSet", value) @jsii.member(jsii_name="internalValue") def internal_value( self, ) -> typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, typing.List[NetworkPacketCaptureFilter]]]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, typing.List[NetworkPacketCaptureFilter]]], jsii.get(self, "internalValue")) @internal_value.setter def internal_value( self, value: typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, typing.List[NetworkPacketCaptureFilter]]], ) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__62f0660b575e48a5b9112b879fe57a158eb1b391f5bc140e39bb2f6a967f076f) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "internalValue", value) class NetworkPacketCaptureFilterOutputReference( _cdktf_9a9027ec.ComplexObject, metaclass=jsii.JSIIMeta, jsii_type="@cdktf/provider-azurerm.networkPacketCapture.NetworkPacketCaptureFilterOutputReference", ): def __init__( self, terraform_resource: _cdktf_9a9027ec.IInterpolatingParent, terraform_attribute: builtins.str, complex_object_index: jsii.Number, complex_object_is_from_set: builtins.bool, ) -> None: ''' :param terraform_resource: The parent resource. :param terraform_attribute: The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. :param complex_object_index: the index of this item in the list. :param complex_object_is_from_set: whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). ''' if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__a1e96b0fec5cda5787ea563ea9bab08ce5b06a4b650db14ac05fd6c579643d3a) check_type(argname="argument terraform_resource", value=terraform_resource, expected_type=type_hints["terraform_resource"]) check_type(argname="argument terraform_attribute", value=terraform_attribute, expected_type=type_hints["terraform_attribute"]) check_type(argname="argument complex_object_index", value=complex_object_index, expected_type=type_hints["complex_object_index"]) check_type(argname="argument complex_object_is_from_set", value=complex_object_is_from_set, expected_type=type_hints["complex_object_is_from_set"]) jsii.create(self.__class__, self, [terraform_resource, terraform_attribute, complex_object_index, complex_object_is_from_set]) @jsii.member(jsii_name="resetLocalIpAddress") def reset_local_ip_address(self) -> None: return typing.cast(None, jsii.invoke(self, "resetLocalIpAddress", [])) @jsii.member(jsii_name="resetLocalPort") def reset_local_port(self) -> None: return typing.cast(None, jsii.invoke(self, "resetLocalPort", [])) @jsii.member(jsii_name="resetRemoteIpAddress") def reset_remote_ip_address(self) -> None: return typing.cast(None, jsii.invoke(self, "resetRemoteIpAddress", [])) @jsii.member(jsii_name="resetRemotePort") def reset_remote_port(self) -> None: return typing.cast(None, jsii.invoke(self, "resetRemotePort", [])) @jsii.member(jsii_name="localIpAddressInput") def local_ip_address_input(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], jsii.get(self, "localIpAddressInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="localPortInput") def local_port_input(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], jsii.get(self, "localPortInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="protocolInput") def protocol_input(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], jsii.get(self, "protocolInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="remoteIpAddressInput") def remote_ip_address_input(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], jsii.get(self, "remoteIpAddressInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="remotePortInput") def remote_port_input(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], jsii.get(self, "remotePortInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="localIpAddress") def local_ip_address(self) -> builtins.str: return typing.cast(builtins.str, jsii.get(self, "localIpAddress")) @local_ip_address.setter def local_ip_address(self, value: builtins.str) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__f08866833e3211ae715f252399d1714e0678492831227a17c73795978d2378ef) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "localIpAddress", value) @jsii.member(jsii_name="localPort") def local_port(self) -> builtins.str: return typing.cast(builtins.str, jsii.get(self, "localPort")) @local_port.setter def local_port(self, value: builtins.str) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__51ccb60af3887536dd228728f7f86fdbb3049b03686001183e975ddf19ab3527) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "localPort", value) @jsii.member(jsii_name="protocol") def protocol(self) -> builtins.str: return typing.cast(builtins.str, jsii.get(self, "protocol")) @protocol.setter def protocol(self, value: builtins.str) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__d18b360b592115d2bb9b1f1ebd0093ac85aa84f2bfc49541d9f9d9dbbc31d99d) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "protocol", value) @jsii.member(jsii_name="remoteIpAddress") def remote_ip_address(self) -> builtins.str: return typing.cast(builtins.str, jsii.get(self, "remoteIpAddress")) @remote_ip_address.setter def remote_ip_address(self, value: builtins.str) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__7598ede225c62e9616c880db4f3b6150793266318d1739fc6ba1072bb907c42d) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "remoteIpAddress", value) @jsii.member(jsii_name="remotePort") def remote_port(self) -> builtins.str: return typing.cast(builtins.str, jsii.get(self, "remotePort")) @remote_port.setter def remote_port(self, value: builtins.str) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__80bc2f5cb67a625ab30bb65d04eade7b2fa661d58174e113c15dc712f34a4eb6) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "remotePort", value) @jsii.member(jsii_name="internalValue") def internal_value( self, ) -> typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, NetworkPacketCaptureFilter]]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, NetworkPacketCaptureFilter]], jsii.get(self, "internalValue")) @internal_value.setter def internal_value( self, value: typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, NetworkPacketCaptureFilter]], ) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__4f19eaddce51aa3f579af6615b4f84aa1572abd89a8afb6bea40ef8c2563c95d) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "internalValue", value) @jsii.data_type( jsii_type="@cdktf/provider-azurerm.networkPacketCapture.NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocation", jsii_struct_bases=[], name_mapping={"file_path": "filePath", "storage_account_id": "storageAccountId"}, ) class NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocation: def __init__( self, *, file_path: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, storage_account_id: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, ) -> None: ''' :param file_path: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#file_path}. :param storage_account_id: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#storage_account_id}. ''' if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__8020dc0f78df468d7e674d0f07570fd939e966223c6b504a1da382ee374ede1f) check_type(argname="argument file_path", value=file_path, expected_type=type_hints["file_path"]) check_type(argname="argument storage_account_id", value=storage_account_id, expected_type=type_hints["storage_account_id"]) self._values: typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any] = {} if file_path is not None: self._values["file_path"] = file_path if storage_account_id is not None: self._values["storage_account_id"] = storage_account_id def file_path(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: '''Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#file_path}.''' result = self._values.get("file_path") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], result) def storage_account_id(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: '''Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#storage_account_id}.''' result = self._values.get("storage_account_id") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], result) def __eq__(self, rhs: typing.Any) -> builtins.bool: return isinstance(rhs, self.__class__) and rhs._values == self._values def __ne__(self, rhs: typing.Any) -> builtins.bool: return not (rhs == self) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocation(%s)" % ", ".join( k + "=" + repr(v) for k, v in self._values.items() ) class NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocationOutputReference( _cdktf_9a9027ec.ComplexObject, metaclass=jsii.JSIIMeta, jsii_type="@cdktf/provider-azurerm.networkPacketCapture.NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocationOutputReference", ): def __init__( self, terraform_resource: _cdktf_9a9027ec.IInterpolatingParent, terraform_attribute: builtins.str, ) -> None: ''' :param terraform_resource: The parent resource. :param terraform_attribute: The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. ''' if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__4e196c56aa5e6aa90476a6f23581336043155b894f471f10f1132fe9e6cf980b) check_type(argname="argument terraform_resource", value=terraform_resource, expected_type=type_hints["terraform_resource"]) check_type(argname="argument terraform_attribute", value=terraform_attribute, expected_type=type_hints["terraform_attribute"]) jsii.create(self.__class__, self, [terraform_resource, terraform_attribute]) @jsii.member(jsii_name="resetFilePath") def reset_file_path(self) -> None: return typing.cast(None, jsii.invoke(self, "resetFilePath", [])) @jsii.member(jsii_name="resetStorageAccountId") def reset_storage_account_id(self) -> None: return typing.cast(None, jsii.invoke(self, "resetStorageAccountId", [])) @jsii.member(jsii_name="storagePath") def storage_path(self) -> builtins.str: return typing.cast(builtins.str, jsii.get(self, "storagePath")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="filePathInput") def file_path_input(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], jsii.get(self, "filePathInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="storageAccountIdInput") def storage_account_id_input(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], jsii.get(self, "storageAccountIdInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="filePath") def file_path(self) -> builtins.str: return typing.cast(builtins.str, jsii.get(self, "filePath")) @file_path.setter def file_path(self, value: builtins.str) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__ff208d361e82542ec7072d9a2536ec103ec462a9f1b997966d38436c855670e6) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "filePath", value) @jsii.member(jsii_name="storageAccountId") def storage_account_id(self) -> builtins.str: return typing.cast(builtins.str, jsii.get(self, "storageAccountId")) @storage_account_id.setter def storage_account_id(self, value: builtins.str) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__b3418f81bbb8993a3abe430463118a8defa1be1b4ffe6ea7ffe4a817d761225e) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "storageAccountId", value) @jsii.member(jsii_name="internalValue") def internal_value(self) -> typing.Optional[NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocation]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocation], jsii.get(self, "internalValue")) @internal_value.setter def internal_value( self, value: typing.Optional[NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocation], ) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__ee20792259c82c88664c2c153e62bdf2cae1b92c87facfdb6c81777890d4f418) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "internalValue", value) @jsii.data_type( jsii_type="@cdktf/provider-azurerm.networkPacketCapture.NetworkPacketCaptureTimeouts", jsii_struct_bases=[], name_mapping={ "create": "create", "delete": "delete", "read": "read", "update": "update", }, ) class NetworkPacketCaptureTimeouts: def __init__( self, *, create: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, delete: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, read: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, update: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, ) -> None: ''' :param create: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#create}. :param delete: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#delete}. :param read: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#read}. :param update: Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#update}. ''' if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__0647fbcbb6b70d279835b3c91c8164f2a9cf16a4a1e97ddbe7b07239dfd31b59) check_type(argname="argument create", value=create, expected_type=type_hints["create"]) check_type(argname="argument delete", value=delete, expected_type=type_hints["delete"]) check_type(argname="argument read", value=read, expected_type=type_hints["read"]) check_type(argname="argument update", value=update, expected_type=type_hints["update"]) self._values: typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any] = {} if create is not None: self._values["create"] = create if delete is not None: self._values["delete"] = delete if read is not None: self._values["read"] = read if update is not None: self._values["update"] = update def create(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: '''Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#create}.''' result = self._values.get("create") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], result) def delete(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: '''Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#delete}.''' result = self._values.get("delete") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], result) def read(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: '''Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#read}.''' result = self._values.get("read") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], result) def update(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: '''Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link NetworkPacketCapture#update}.''' result = self._values.get("update") return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], result) def __eq__(self, rhs: typing.Any) -> builtins.bool: return isinstance(rhs, self.__class__) and rhs._values == self._values def __ne__(self, rhs: typing.Any) -> builtins.bool: return not (rhs == self) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "NetworkPacketCaptureTimeouts(%s)" % ", ".join( k + "=" + repr(v) for k, v in self._values.items() ) class NetworkPacketCaptureTimeoutsOutputReference( _cdktf_9a9027ec.ComplexObject, metaclass=jsii.JSIIMeta, jsii_type="@cdktf/provider-azurerm.networkPacketCapture.NetworkPacketCaptureTimeoutsOutputReference", ): def __init__( self, terraform_resource: _cdktf_9a9027ec.IInterpolatingParent, terraform_attribute: builtins.str, ) -> None: ''' :param terraform_resource: The parent resource. :param terraform_attribute: The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. ''' if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__e995e77a473a49e0ade032ed29bc4e053767c1ac6278265f472f34c65cf0ea66) check_type(argname="argument terraform_resource", value=terraform_resource, expected_type=type_hints["terraform_resource"]) check_type(argname="argument terraform_attribute", value=terraform_attribute, expected_type=type_hints["terraform_attribute"]) jsii.create(self.__class__, self, [terraform_resource, terraform_attribute]) @jsii.member(jsii_name="resetCreate") def reset_create(self) -> None: return typing.cast(None, jsii.invoke(self, "resetCreate", [])) @jsii.member(jsii_name="resetDelete") def reset_delete(self) -> None: return typing.cast(None, jsii.invoke(self, "resetDelete", [])) @jsii.member(jsii_name="resetRead") def reset_read(self) -> None: return typing.cast(None, jsii.invoke(self, "resetRead", [])) @jsii.member(jsii_name="resetUpdate") def reset_update(self) -> None: return typing.cast(None, jsii.invoke(self, "resetUpdate", [])) @jsii.member(jsii_name="createInput") def create_input(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], jsii.get(self, "createInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="deleteInput") def delete_input(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], jsii.get(self, "deleteInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="readInput") def read_input(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], jsii.get(self, "readInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="updateInput") def update_input(self) -> typing.Optional[builtins.str]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[builtins.str], jsii.get(self, "updateInput")) @jsii.member(jsii_name="create") def create(self) -> builtins.str: return typing.cast(builtins.str, jsii.get(self, "create")) @create.setter def create(self, value: builtins.str) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__11d6e4ef3e6985da5c8209af6043130b83b3e531dc3b5ee8f95796a809a39643) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "create", value) @jsii.member(jsii_name="delete") def delete(self) -> builtins.str: return typing.cast(builtins.str, jsii.get(self, "delete")) @delete.setter def delete(self, value: builtins.str) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__6474c23cf6eaaa6a6d27e160eeb87d3f56c1d28762ce44029d258e44e8e981a6) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "delete", value) @jsii.member(jsii_name="read") def read(self) -> builtins.str: return typing.cast(builtins.str, jsii.get(self, "read")) @read.setter def read(self, value: builtins.str) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__ca81b8f5ed4945ede1cb27b3ac3c5f7e402272700d6cca3c44e6d5fb3807fd1f) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "read", value) @jsii.member(jsii_name="update") def update(self) -> builtins.str: return typing.cast(builtins.str, jsii.get(self, "update")) @update.setter def update(self, value: builtins.str) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__35502a9922f08fab946b473a25e90c9e6485cbfbbb892da2ba50d5c6fab16e41) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "update", value) @jsii.member(jsii_name="internalValue") def internal_value( self, ) -> typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, NetworkPacketCaptureTimeouts]]: return typing.cast(typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, NetworkPacketCaptureTimeouts]], jsii.get(self, "internalValue")) @internal_value.setter def internal_value( self, value: typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, NetworkPacketCaptureTimeouts]], ) -> None: if __debug__: type_hints = typing.get_type_hints(_typecheckingstub__b54e705e51220ff5514b630ed1e465781de05b2dbebe8352836d16697429761d) check_type(argname="argument value", value=value, expected_type=type_hints["value"]) jsii.set(self, "internalValue", value) __all__ = [ "NetworkPacketCapture", "NetworkPacketCaptureConfig", "NetworkPacketCaptureFilter", "NetworkPacketCaptureFilterList", "NetworkPacketCaptureFilterOutputReference", "NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocation", "NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocationOutputReference", "NetworkPacketCaptureTimeouts", "NetworkPacketCaptureTimeoutsOutputReference", ] publication.publish() def _typecheckingstub__b5e3c560147495e2d8f597dee2fe43afe5db4036c6bca2f7920f0360f303c119( scope: _constructs_77d1e7e8.Construct, id_: builtins.str, *, name: builtins.str, network_watcher_name: builtins.str, resource_group_name: builtins.str, storage_location: typing.Union[NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocation, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]], target_resource_id: builtins.str, filter: typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, typing.Sequence[typing.Union[NetworkPacketCaptureFilter, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]]]] = None, id: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, maximum_bytes_per_packet: typing.Optional[jsii.Number] = None, maximum_bytes_per_session: typing.Optional[jsii.Number] = None, maximum_capture_duration: typing.Optional[jsii.Number] = None, timeouts: typing.Optional[typing.Union[NetworkPacketCaptureTimeouts, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]] = None, connection: typing.Optional[typing.Union[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.SSHProvisionerConnection, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]], typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.WinrmProvisionerConnection, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]]] = None, count: typing.Optional[typing.Union[jsii.Number, _cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformCount]] = None, depends_on: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[_cdktf_9a9027ec.ITerraformDependable]] = None, for_each: typing.Optional[_cdktf_9a9027ec.ITerraformIterator] = None, lifecycle: typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformResourceLifecycle, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]] = None, provider: typing.Optional[_cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformProvider] = None, provisioners: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[typing.Union[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.FileProvisioner, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]], typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.LocalExecProvisioner, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]], typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.RemoteExecProvisioner, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]]]] = None, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__cb4ba221b9ca64b230a733aa5bfd6a28b7522ea446cc0789118802663ffdac5d( value: typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, typing.Sequence[typing.Union[NetworkPacketCaptureFilter, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]]], ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__783e646ebd7eb73eecf6acb7fce7b21ee9b735453423f72e234851da341cc9d3( value: builtins.str, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__287f86a37cb9fc29e750d0a9d9edb64d455e57da69a7198d83951a5345c65b1a( value: jsii.Number, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__ac1100b4fb8058bc9a91b4970dd24478ffe1eeb699fefa69e255e8240a945aca( value: jsii.Number, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__8836dc30a0d04488def4d0f0573cb7b2b3d70695ba6c4c120fd6a3fee08c5777( value: jsii.Number, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__2dad01ceec066300f106ed24514b032df161bd9705dcbb3cf099b26647f1c5d7( value: builtins.str, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__6630cf64256211385e3c54e28577590e66daa2a4fd547ed3d861658e07d5dc0e( value: builtins.str, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__8b7efcf5f5e45aa602b310f2e5a41df8160625659edb649dd8d31bcdc785f8bb( value: builtins.str, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__ba1b06ae80fffa1b6f706d997c90792c2fcbf79fc71a61aecfa6e32d430776d2( value: builtins.str, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__f441f1d3a462367d5d95747872c257dbad946ddffbac2c01eadb5035fc3d0548( *, connection: typing.Optional[typing.Union[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.SSHProvisionerConnection, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]], typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.WinrmProvisionerConnection, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]]] = None, count: typing.Optional[typing.Union[jsii.Number, _cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformCount]] = None, depends_on: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[_cdktf_9a9027ec.ITerraformDependable]] = None, for_each: typing.Optional[_cdktf_9a9027ec.ITerraformIterator] = None, lifecycle: typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformResourceLifecycle, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]] = None, provider: typing.Optional[_cdktf_9a9027ec.TerraformProvider] = None, provisioners: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[typing.Union[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.FileProvisioner, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]], typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.LocalExecProvisioner, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]], typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.RemoteExecProvisioner, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]]]] = None, name: builtins.str, network_watcher_name: builtins.str, resource_group_name: builtins.str, storage_location: typing.Union[NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocation, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]], target_resource_id: builtins.str, filter: typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, typing.Sequence[typing.Union[NetworkPacketCaptureFilter, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]]]] = None, id: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, maximum_bytes_per_packet: typing.Optional[jsii.Number] = None, maximum_bytes_per_session: typing.Optional[jsii.Number] = None, maximum_capture_duration: typing.Optional[jsii.Number] = None, timeouts: typing.Optional[typing.Union[NetworkPacketCaptureTimeouts, typing.Dict[builtins.str, typing.Any]]] = None, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__da45bcfdcd79e1f418a2fa7505c82dbfb1abc265032bcee65775f04e92d3422b( *, protocol: builtins.str, local_ip_address: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, local_port: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, remote_ip_address: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, remote_port: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__4c91cdb38743ef46cdf132089a9266973146c4b908df11ca69506b5e924e6b81( terraform_resource: _cdktf_9a9027ec.IInterpolatingParent, terraform_attribute: builtins.str, wraps_set: builtins.bool, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__79b838064d7e316be2e6230d158c7e147d05dfa05034ce6e8c70da500138834e( index: jsii.Number, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__3a3512daa04257364aa75569bac8144a4685c014d33294caeb1a08c75f90c3d1( value: builtins.str, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__4f35107cd448983d59b071898ab9afd4d98255279203811bd0bdf958c6af081a( value: _cdktf_9a9027ec.IInterpolatingParent, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__9096916dd6149d057c0e800cdbd105afe1ba52f6640a328157617897df256bee( value: builtins.bool, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__62f0660b575e48a5b9112b879fe57a158eb1b391f5bc140e39bb2f6a967f076f( value: typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, typing.List[NetworkPacketCaptureFilter]]], ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__a1e96b0fec5cda5787ea563ea9bab08ce5b06a4b650db14ac05fd6c579643d3a( terraform_resource: _cdktf_9a9027ec.IInterpolatingParent, terraform_attribute: builtins.str, complex_object_index: jsii.Number, complex_object_is_from_set: builtins.bool, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__f08866833e3211ae715f252399d1714e0678492831227a17c73795978d2378ef( value: builtins.str, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__51ccb60af3887536dd228728f7f86fdbb3049b03686001183e975ddf19ab3527( value: builtins.str, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__d18b360b592115d2bb9b1f1ebd0093ac85aa84f2bfc49541d9f9d9dbbc31d99d( value: builtins.str, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__7598ede225c62e9616c880db4f3b6150793266318d1739fc6ba1072bb907c42d( value: builtins.str, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__80bc2f5cb67a625ab30bb65d04eade7b2fa661d58174e113c15dc712f34a4eb6( value: builtins.str, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__4f19eaddce51aa3f579af6615b4f84aa1572abd89a8afb6bea40ef8c2563c95d( value: typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, NetworkPacketCaptureFilter]], ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__8020dc0f78df468d7e674d0f07570fd939e966223c6b504a1da382ee374ede1f( *, file_path: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, storage_account_id: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__4e196c56aa5e6aa90476a6f23581336043155b894f471f10f1132fe9e6cf980b( terraform_resource: _cdktf_9a9027ec.IInterpolatingParent, terraform_attribute: builtins.str, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__ff208d361e82542ec7072d9a2536ec103ec462a9f1b997966d38436c855670e6( value: builtins.str, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__b3418f81bbb8993a3abe430463118a8defa1be1b4ffe6ea7ffe4a817d761225e( value: builtins.str, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__ee20792259c82c88664c2c153e62bdf2cae1b92c87facfdb6c81777890d4f418( value: typing.Optional[NetworkPacketCaptureStorageLocation], ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__0647fbcbb6b70d279835b3c91c8164f2a9cf16a4a1e97ddbe7b07239dfd31b59( *, create: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, delete: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, read: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, update: typing.Optional[builtins.str] = None, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__e995e77a473a49e0ade032ed29bc4e053767c1ac6278265f472f34c65cf0ea66( terraform_resource: _cdktf_9a9027ec.IInterpolatingParent, terraform_attribute: builtins.str, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__11d6e4ef3e6985da5c8209af6043130b83b3e531dc3b5ee8f95796a809a39643( value: builtins.str, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__6474c23cf6eaaa6a6d27e160eeb87d3f56c1d28762ce44029d258e44e8e981a6( value: builtins.str, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__ca81b8f5ed4945ede1cb27b3ac3c5f7e402272700d6cca3c44e6d5fb3807fd1f( value: builtins.str, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__35502a9922f08fab946b473a25e90c9e6485cbfbbb892da2ba50d5c6fab16e41( value: builtins.str, ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass def _typecheckingstub__b54e705e51220ff5514b630ed1e465781de05b2dbebe8352836d16697429761d( value: typing.Optional[typing.Union[_cdktf_9a9027ec.IResolvable, NetworkPacketCaptureTimeouts]], ) -> None: """Type checking stubs""" pass
from __future__ import annotations from typing import * from ...core.model import CdkResource, Stack from ...core.func import GetAttr from ...core.model import TransactionSetting from ...core.model import LogSetting from ..ref.NamespaceRef import NamespaceRef from .CurrentMasterData import CurrentMasterData from .LotteryModel import LotteryModel from .PrizeTable import PrizeTable from .options.NamespaceOptions import NamespaceOptions class Namespace(CdkResource): stack: Stack name: str transaction_setting: TransactionSetting description: Optional[str] = None lottery_trigger_script_id: Optional[str] = None choice_prize_table_script_id: Optional[str] = None log_setting: Optional[LogSetting] = None def __init__( self, stack: Stack, name: str, transaction_setting: TransactionSetting, options: Optional[NamespaceOptions] = NamespaceOptions(), ): super().__init__( "Lottery_Namespace_" + name ) self.stack = stack = name self.transaction_setting = transaction_setting self.description = options.description if options.description else None self.lottery_trigger_script_id = options.lottery_trigger_script_id if options.lottery_trigger_script_id else None self.choice_prize_table_script_id = options.choice_prize_table_script_id if options.choice_prize_table_script_id else None self.log_setting = options.log_setting if options.log_setting else None stack.add_resource( self, ) def alternate_keys( self, ): return "name" def resource_type( self, ) -> str: return "GS2::Lottery::Namespace" def properties( self, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: properties: Dict[str, Any] = {} if is not None: properties["Name"] = if self.description is not None: properties["Description"] = self.description if self.transaction_setting is not None: properties["TransactionSetting"] = ) if self.lottery_trigger_script_id is not None: properties["LotteryTriggerScriptId"] = self.lottery_trigger_script_id if self.choice_prize_table_script_id is not None: properties["ChoicePrizeTableScriptId"] = self.choice_prize_table_script_id if self.log_setting is not None: properties["LogSetting"] = ) return properties def ref( self, ) -> NamespaceRef: return NamespaceRef(, ) def get_attr_namespace_id( self, ) -> GetAttr: return GetAttr( self, "Item.NamespaceId", None, ) def master_data( self, lottery_models: List[LotteryModel], prize_tables: List[PrizeTable], ) -> Namespace: CurrentMasterData( self.stack,, lottery_models, prize_tables, ).add_depends_on( self, ) return self
MathJax.Hub.Insert(MathJax.OutputJax.SVG.FONTDATA.FONTS.MathJax_Typewriter,{768:[611,-485,0,-409,-195,"-409 569Q-409 586 -399 596T-377 610Q-376 610 -372 610T-365 611Q-355 610 -284 588T-210 563Q-195 556 -195 537Q-195 533 -197 522T-208 498T-229 485Q-238 485 -312 508T-388 533Q-400 538 -405 552Q-409 559 -409 569"],769:[611,-485,0,-331,-117,"-297 485Q-315 485 -323 505T-331 537Q-331 556 -316 563Q-307 569 -170 610Q-169 610 -165 610T-157 611Q-141 609 -131 600T-119 584T-117 569Q-117 555 -124 545T-138 533Q-140 531 -214 508T-297 485"],770:[611,-460,0,-429,-97,"-387 460Q-404 460 -416 479T-429 512Q-429 527 -419 534Q-416 536 -347 571T-272 609Q-269 611 -261 611Q-254 610 -182 574Q-168 567 -156 561T-136 550T-123 543T-114 538T-109 535T-105 532T-103 529T-100 525Q-97 518 -97 512Q-97 498 -109 479T-139 460H-141Q-148 460 -209 496L-263 526L-317 496Q-378 460 -387 460"],771:[611,-466,0,-438,-88,"-400 467Q-412 467 -425 480T-438 509Q-437 520 -414 543Q-353 602 -316 609Q-306 611 -301 611Q-279 611 -262 596T-235 566T-221 551Q-206 551 -158 594Q-142 610 -129 610H-125Q-114 610 -101 597T-88 568Q-89 557 -112 534Q-177 469 -220 466Q-247 466 -265 481T-291 511T-305 526Q-320 526 -368 483Q-384 467 -396 467H-400"],772:[578,-500,0,-452,-74,"-429 500Q-440 504 -445 511T-450 522T-452 536Q-452 552 -451 556Q-445 571 -434 574T-379 578Q-369 578 -330 578T-261 577H-96Q-94 575 -90 573T-85 569T-81 564T-77 558T-75 550T-74 538Q-74 522 -78 515T-96 500H-429"],774:[611,-504,0,-447,-79,"-446 579Q-446 611 -412 611H-407Q-383 609 -378 599T-358 587Q-340 583 -263 583H-235Q-159 583 -152 593Q-145 611 -120 611H-117H-115Q-79 611 -79 577Q-80 552 -95 536T-140 514T-191 506T-251 504H-263H-274Q-311 504 -334 505T-386 513T-431 536T-446 579"],776:[612,-519,0,-421,-104,"-421 565Q-421 590 -405 600T-370 611Q-350 611 -345 610Q-308 599 -308 565Q-308 545 -323 532T-359 519H-366H-370Q-405 519 -418 547Q-421 553 -421 565ZM-218 565Q-218 580 -208 593T-179 610Q-177 610 -175 610T-171 611Q-170 612 -158 612Q-130 611 -117 597T-104 565T-116 534T-160 519H-167Q-189 519 -203 532T-218 565"],778:[619,-499,0,-344,-182,"-344 558Q-344 583 -321 601T-262 619Q-225 619 -204 600T-182 560Q-182 536 -205 518T-264 499Q-301 499 -322 519T-344 558ZM-223 559Q-223 570 -234 579T-261 588T-289 580T-303 559Q-303 549 -293 540T-263 530T-234 539T-223 559"],780:[577,-449,0,-427,-99,"-427 525Q-427 542 -417 559T-392 577Q-385 577 -323 553L-263 530L-203 553Q-143 576 -136 576Q-118 576 -109 559T-99 525Q-99 508 -107 502T-161 481Q-177 475 -186 472Q-256 449 -263 449Q-272 449 -339 472T-412 498Q-420 501 -423 508T-427 520V525"]});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MathJax.OutputJax.SVG.fontDir+"/Typewriter/Regular/CombDiacritMarks.js");
from monk.pytorch.finetune.imports import * from monk.system.imports import * from monk.pytorch.finetune.level_13_updates_main import prototype_updates class prototype_master(prototype_updates): ''' Main class for all functions in expert mode Args: verbose (int): Set verbosity levels 0 - Print Nothing 1 - Print desired details ''' @accepts("self", verbose=int, post_trace=False) #@TraceFunction(trace_args=True, trace_rv=True) def __init__(self, verbose=1): super().__init__(verbose=verbose); ############################################################################################################################################### @accepts("self", post_trace=False) #@TraceFunction(trace_args=True, trace_rv=True) def Dataset(self): ''' Load transforms and set dataloader Args: None Returns: None ''' self.set_dataset_final(test=self.system_dict["states"]["eval_infer"]); save(self.system_dict); if(self.system_dict["states"]["eval_infer"]): self.custom_print("Pre-Composed Test Transforms"); self.custom_print(self.system_dict["dataset"]["transforms"]["test"]); self.custom_print(""); self.custom_print("Dataset Numbers"); self.custom_print(" Num test images: {}".format(self.system_dict["dataset"]["params"]["num_test_images"])); self.custom_print(" Num classes: {}".format(self.system_dict["dataset"]["params"]["num_classes"])) self.custom_print(""); else: self.custom_print("Pre-Composed Train Transforms"); self.custom_print(self.system_dict["dataset"]["transforms"]["train"]); self.custom_print(""); self.custom_print("Pre-Composed Val Transforms"); self.custom_print(self.system_dict["dataset"]["transforms"]["val"]); self.custom_print(""); self.custom_print("Dataset Numbers"); self.custom_print(" Num train images: {}".format(self.system_dict["dataset"]["params"]["num_train_images"])); self.custom_print(" Num val images: {}".format(self.system_dict["dataset"]["params"]["num_val_images"])); self.custom_print(" Num classes: {}".format(self.system_dict["dataset"]["params"]["num_classes"])) self.custom_print(""); ############################################################################################################################################### ############################################################################################################################################### @accepts("self", [int, float], post_trace=False) #@TraceFunction(trace_args=True, trace_rv=True) def Dataset_Percent(self, percent): ''' Select a portion of dataset Args: percent (bool): percentage of sub-dataset Returns: None ''' sampled_dataset = None; image_datasets = {}; dataset_type = self.system_dict["dataset"]["dataset_type"]; dataset_train_path = self.system_dict["dataset"]["train_path"]; dataset_val_path = self.system_dict["dataset"]["val_path"]; csv_train = self.system_dict["dataset"]["csv_train"]; csv_val = self.system_dict["dataset"]["csv_val"]; train_val_split = self.system_dict["dataset"]["params"]["train_val_split"]; delimiter = self.system_dict["dataset"]["params"]["delimiter"]; batch_size = self.system_dict["dataset"]["params"]["batch_size"]; shuffle = self.system_dict["dataset"]["params"]["train_shuffle"]; num_workers = self.system_dict["dataset"]["params"]["num_workers"]; if(dataset_type == "train"): label_list = []; image_list = []; classes = os.listdir(dataset_train_path); for i in range(len(classes)): tmp_image_list = os.listdir(dataset_train_path + "/" + classes[i]); subset_image_list = tmp_image_list[:int(len(tmp_image_list)*percent/100.0)]; result = list(map(lambda x: classes[i] + "/" + x, subset_image_list)) tmp_label_list = [classes[i]]*len(subset_image_list); label_list += tmp_label_list; image_list += result; image_label_dict = {'ID': image_list, 'Label': label_list} df = pd.DataFrame(image_label_dict); df.to_csv("sampled_dataset_train.csv", index=False); elif(dataset_type == "train-val"): label_list = []; image_list = []; classes = os.listdir(dataset_train_path); for i in range(len(classes)): tmp_image_list = os.listdir(dataset_train_path + "/" + classes[i]); subset_image_list = tmp_image_list[:int(len(tmp_image_list)*percent/100.0)]; result = list(map(lambda x: classes[i] + "/" + x, subset_image_list)) tmp_label_list = [classes[i]]*len(subset_image_list); label_list += tmp_label_list; image_list += result; image_label_dict = {'ID': image_list, 'Label': label_list} df = pd.DataFrame(image_label_dict); df.to_csv("sampled_dataset_train.csv", index=False); label_list = []; image_list = []; classes = os.listdir(dataset_train_path); for i in range(len(classes)): tmp_image_list = os.listdir(dataset_val_path + "/" + classes[i]); subset_image_list = tmp_image_list[:int(len(tmp_image_list)*percent/100.0)]; result = list(map(lambda x: classes[i] + "/" + x, subset_image_list)) tmp_label_list = [classes[i]]*len(subset_image_list); label_list += tmp_label_list; image_list += result; image_label_dict = {'ID': image_list, 'Label': label_list} df = pd.DataFrame(image_label_dict); df.to_csv("sampled_dataset_val.csv", index=False); elif(dataset_type == "csv_train"): df = pd.read_csv(csv_train); df = df.iloc[np.random.permutation(len(df))] df_sampled = df.iloc[:int(len(df)*percent/100.0)]; df_sampled.to_csv("sampled_dataset_train.csv", index=False); elif(dataset_type == "csv_train-val"): df = pd.read_csv(csv_train); df = df.iloc[np.random.permutation(len(df))] df_sampled = df.iloc[:int(len(df)*percent/100.0)]; df_sampled.to_csv("sampled_dataset_train.csv", index=False); df = pd.read_csv(csv_val); df = df.iloc[np.random.permutation(len(df))] df_sampled = df.iloc[:int(len(df)*percent/100.0)]; df_sampled.to_csv("sampled_dataset_val.csv", index=False); ############################################################################################################################################### ############################################################################################################################################### @accepts("self", post_trace=False) #@TraceFunction(trace_args=True, trace_rv=True) def Model(self): ''' Load Model as per paraameters set Args: None Returns: None ''' if(self.system_dict["states"]["copy_from"]): msg = "Cannot set model in Copy-From mode.\n"; raise ConstraintError(msg) self.set_model_final(); save(self.system_dict) ############################################################################################################################################### ############################################################################################################################################### @accepts("self", post_trace=False) #@TraceFunction(trace_args=True, trace_rv=True) def Train(self): ''' Master function for training Args: None Returns: None ''' self.set_training_final(); save(self.system_dict); ############################################################################################################################################### ############################################################################################################################################### @accepts("self", post_trace=False) #@TraceFunction(trace_args=True, trace_rv=True) def Evaluate(self): ''' Master function for external validation Args: None Returns: None ''' if(self.system_dict["dataset"]["label_type"] == "single" or self.system_dict["dataset"]["label_type"] == False): accuracy, class_based_accuracy = self.set_evaluation_final(); save(self.system_dict); else: accuracy, class_based_accuracy = self.set_evaluation_final_multiple(); save(self.system_dict); return accuracy, class_based_accuracy; ############################################################################################################################################### ############################################################################################################################################### @error_checks(None, img_name=["file", "r"], img_dir=["folder", "r"], return_raw=False, img_thresh=["gte", 0.0, "lte", 1.0], post_trace=False) @accepts("self", img_name=[str, bool], img_dir=[str, bool], return_raw=bool, img_thresh=float, post_trace=False) #@TraceFunction(trace_args=True, trace_rv=True) def Infer(self, img_name=False, img_dir=False, return_raw=False, img_thresh=0.5): ''' Master function for inference Args: img_name (str): path to image img_dir (str): path to folders containing images. (Optional) return_raw (bool): If True, then output dictionary contains image probability for every class in the set. Else, only the most probable class score is returned back. img_thresh (float): Thresholding for multi label image classification. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing details on predictions. ''' if(self.system_dict["dataset"]["label_type"] == "single" or self.system_dict["dataset"]["label_type"] == False): if(not img_dir): predictions = self.set_prediction_final(img_name=img_name, return_raw=return_raw); else: predictions = self.set_prediction_final(img_dir=img_dir, return_raw=return_raw); return predictions; else: if(not img_dir): predictions = self.set_prediction_final_multiple(img_name=img_name, return_raw=return_raw, img_thresh=img_thresh); else: predictions = self.set_prediction_final_multiple(img_dir=img_dir, return_raw=return_raw, img_thresh=img_thresh); return predictions; ############################################################################################################################################### ############################################################################################################################################### @accepts("self", network=list, data_shape=[tuple, int], use_gpu=bool, network_initializer=str, post_trace=False) #@TraceFunction(trace_args=True, trace_rv=True) def Compile_Network(self, network, data_shape=(3, 224, 224), use_gpu=True, network_initializer="xavier_normal"): ''' Master function for compiling custom network and initializing it Args: network: Network stacked as list of lists data_shape (tuple): Input shape of data in format C, H, W use_gpu (bool): If True, model loaded on gpu network_initializer (str): Initialize network with random weights. Select the random generator type function. Returns: None ''' self.system_dict["custom_model"]["network_stack"] = network; self.system_dict["custom_model"]["network_initializer"] = network_initializer; self.system_dict["model"]["type"] = "custom"; self.system_dict["dataset"]["params"]["data_shape"] = data_shape; self.system_dict = set_device(use_gpu, self.system_dict); save(self.system_dict); self.set_model_final(); ############################################################################################################################################### ############################################################################################################################################### @accepts("self", data_shape=tuple, port=int, post_trace=False) #@TraceFunction(trace_args=True, trace_rv=True) def Visualize_With_Netron(self, data_shape=None, port=None): ''' Visualize network with netron library Args: data_shape (tuple): Input shape of data in format C, H, W port (int): Local host free port. Returns: None ''' self.custom_print("Using Netron To Visualize"); self.custom_print("Not compatible on kaggle"); self.custom_print("Compatible only for Jupyter Notebooks"); if not data_shape: self.custom_print("Provide data_shape argument"); pass; else: c, h, w = data_shape; # Input to the model x = torch.randn(1, c, h, w, requires_grad=True) x =["local"]["device"]) torch_out = self.system_dict["local"]["model"](x) # Export the model torch.onnx.export(self.system_dict["local"]["model"], # model being run x, # model input (or a tuple for multiple inputs) "model.onnx", # where to save the model (can be a file or file-like object) export_params=True, # store the trained parameter weights inside the model file opset_version=10, # the ONNX version to export the model to do_constant_folding=True, # whether to execute constant folding for optimization input_names = ['input'], # the model's input names output_names = ['output'], # the model's output names dynamic_axes={'input' : {0 : 'batch_size'}, # variable lenght axes 'output' : {0 : 'batch_size'}}) import netron if(not port): netron.start('model.onnx') else: netron.start('model.onnx', port=port) ###############################################################################################################################################
from sympy import S, Basic, exp, multigamma, pi from sympy.core.sympify import sympify, _sympify from sympy.matrices import (ImmutableMatrix, Inverse, Trace, Determinant, MatrixSymbol, MatrixBase, Transpose, MatrixSet, matrix2numpy) from sympy.stats.rv import (_value_check, RandomMatrixSymbol, NamedArgsMixin, PSpace, _symbol_converter, MatrixDomain) from sympy.external import import_module ################################################################################ #------------------------Matrix Probability Space------------------------------# ################################################################################ class MatrixPSpace(PSpace): """ Represents probability space for Matrix Distributions """ def __new__(cls, sym, distribution, dim_n, dim_m): sym = _symbol_converter(sym) dim_n, dim_m = _sympify(dim_n), _sympify(dim_m) if not (dim_n.is_integer and dim_m.is_integer): raise ValueError("Dimensions should be integers") return Basic.__new__(cls, sym, distribution, dim_n, dim_m) distribution = property(lambda self: self.args[1]) symbol = property(lambda self: self.args[0]) @property def domain(self): return MatrixDomain(self.symbol, self.distribution.set) @property def value(self): return RandomMatrixSymbol(self.symbol, self.args[2], self.args[3], self) @property def values(self): return {self.value} def compute_density(self, expr, *args): rms = expr.atoms(RandomMatrixSymbol) if len(rms) > 1 or (not isinstance(expr, RandomMatrixSymbol)): raise NotImplementedError("Currently, no algorithm has been " "implemented to handle general expressions containing " "multiple matrix distributions.") return self.distribution.pdf(expr) def sample(self, size=(), library='scipy'): """ Internal sample method Returns dictionary mapping RandomMatrixSymbol to realization value. """ return {self.value: self.distribution.sample(size, library=library)} def rv(symbol, cls, args): args = list(map(sympify, args)) dist = cls(*args) dist.check(*args) dim = dist.dimension pspace = MatrixPSpace(symbol, dist, dim[0], dim[1]) return pspace.value class SampleMatrixScipy: """Returns the sample from scipy of the given distribution""" def __new__(cls, dist, size): return cls._sample_scipy(dist, size) @classmethod def _sample_scipy(cls, dist, size): """Sample from SciPy.""" from scipy import stats as scipy_stats scipy_rv_map = { 'WishartDistribution': lambda dist, size: scipy_stats.wishart.rvs( df=int(dist.n), scale=matrix2numpy(dist.scale_matrix, float), size=size), 'MatrixNormalDistribution': lambda dist, size: scipy_stats.matrix_normal.rvs( mean=matrix2numpy(dist.location_matrix, float), rowcov=matrix2numpy(dist.scale_matrix_1, float), colcov=matrix2numpy(dist.scale_matrix_2, float), size=size) } dist_list = scipy_rv_map.keys() if dist.__class__.__name__ not in dist_list: return None return scipy_rv_map[dist.__class__.__name__](dist, size) class SampleMatrixNumpy: """Returns the sample from numpy of the given distribution""" ### TODO: Add tests after adding matrix distributions in numpy_rv_map def __new__(cls, dist, size): return cls._sample_numpy(dist, size) @classmethod def _sample_numpy(cls, dist, size): """Sample from NumPy.""" numpy_rv_map = { } dist_list = numpy_rv_map.keys() if dist.__class__.__name__ not in dist_list: return None return numpy_rv_map[dist.__class__.__name__](dist, size) class SampleMatrixPymc: """Returns the sample from pymc3 of the given distribution""" def __new__(cls, dist, size): return cls._sample_pymc3(dist, size) @classmethod def _sample_pymc3(cls, dist, size): """Sample from PyMC3.""" import pymc3 pymc3_rv_map = { 'MatrixNormalDistribution': lambda dist: pymc3.MatrixNormal('X', mu=matrix2numpy(dist.location_matrix, float), rowcov=matrix2numpy(dist.scale_matrix_1, float), colcov=matrix2numpy(dist.scale_matrix_2, float), shape=dist.location_matrix.shape), 'WishartDistribution': lambda dist: pymc3.WishartBartlett('X', nu=int(dist.n), S=matrix2numpy(dist.scale_matrix, float)) } dist_list = pymc3_rv_map.keys() if dist.__class__.__name__ not in dist_list: return None with pymc3.Model(): pymc3_rv_map[dist.__class__.__name__](dist) return pymc3.sample(size, chains=1, progressbar=False)[:]['X'] _get_sample_class_matrixrv = { 'scipy': SampleMatrixScipy, 'pymc3': SampleMatrixPymc, 'numpy': SampleMatrixNumpy } ################################################################################ #-------------------------Matrix Distribution----------------------------------# ################################################################################ class MatrixDistribution(Basic, NamedArgsMixin): """ Abstract class for Matrix Distribution """ def __new__(cls, *args): args = list(map(sympify, args)) return Basic.__new__(cls, *args) @staticmethod def check(*args): pass def __call__(self, expr): if isinstance(expr, list): expr = ImmutableMatrix(expr) return self.pdf(expr) def sample(self, size=(), library='scipy'): """ Internal sample method Returns dictionary mapping RandomSymbol to realization value. """ libraries = ['scipy', 'numpy', 'pymc3'] if library not in libraries: raise NotImplementedError("Sampling from %s is not supported yet." % str(library)) if not import_module(library): raise ValueError("Failed to import %s" % library) samps = _get_sample_class_matrixrv[library](self, size) if samps is not None: return samps raise NotImplementedError( "Sampling for %s is not currently implemented from %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, library) ) ################################################################################ #------------------------Matrix Distribution Types-----------------------------# ################################################################################ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Matrix Gamma distribution ---------------------------------------------------- class MatrixGammaDistribution(MatrixDistribution): _argnames = ('alpha', 'beta', 'scale_matrix') @staticmethod def check(alpha, beta, scale_matrix): if not isinstance(scale_matrix , MatrixSymbol): _value_check(scale_matrix.is_positive_definite, "The shape " "matrix must be positive definite.") _value_check(scale_matrix.is_square, "Should " "be square matrix") _value_check(alpha.is_positive, "Shape parameter should be positive.") _value_check(beta.is_positive, "Scale parameter should be positive.") @property def set(self): k = self.scale_matrix.shape[0] return MatrixSet(k, k, Reals) @property def dimension(self): return self.scale_matrix.shape def pdf(self, x): alpha , beta , scale_matrix = self.alpha, self.beta, self.scale_matrix p = scale_matrix.shape[0] if isinstance(x, list): x = ImmutableMatrix(x) if not isinstance(x, (MatrixBase, MatrixSymbol)): raise ValueError("%s should be an isinstance of Matrix " "or MatrixSymbol" % str(x)) sigma_inv_x = - Inverse(scale_matrix)*x / beta term1 = exp(Trace(sigma_inv_x))/((beta**(p*alpha)) * multigamma(alpha, p)) term2 = (Determinant(scale_matrix))**(-alpha) term3 = (Determinant(x))**(alpha - S(p + 1)/2) return term1 * term2 * term3 def MatrixGamma(symbol, alpha, beta, scale_matrix): """ Creates a random variable with Matrix Gamma Distribution. The density of the said distribution can be found at [1]. Parameters ========== alpha: Positive Real number Shape Parameter beta: Positive Real number Scale Parameter scale_matrix: Positive definite real square matrix Scale Matrix Returns ======= RandomSymbol Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import density, MatrixGamma >>> from sympy import MatrixSymbol, symbols >>> a, b = symbols('a b', positive=True) >>> M = MatrixGamma('M', a, b, [[2, 1], [1, 2]]) >>> X = MatrixSymbol('X', 2, 2) >>> density(M)(X).doit() 3**(-a)*b**(-2*a)*exp(Trace(Matrix([ [-2/3, 1/3], [ 1/3, -2/3]])*X)/b)*Determinant(X)**(a - 3/2)/(sqrt(pi)*gamma(a)*gamma(a - 1/2)) >>> density(M)([[1, 0], [0, 1]]).doit() 3**(-a)*b**(-2*a)*exp(-4/(3*b))/(sqrt(pi)*gamma(a)*gamma(a - 1/2)) References ========== .. [1] """ if isinstance(scale_matrix, list): scale_matrix = ImmutableMatrix(scale_matrix) return rv(symbol, MatrixGammaDistribution, (alpha, beta, scale_matrix)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Wishart Distribution --------------------------------------------------------- class WishartDistribution(MatrixDistribution): _argnames = ('n', 'scale_matrix') @staticmethod def check(n, scale_matrix): if not isinstance(scale_matrix , MatrixSymbol): _value_check(scale_matrix.is_positive_definite, "The shape " "matrix must be positive definite.") _value_check(scale_matrix.is_square, "Should " "be square matrix") _value_check(n.is_positive, "Shape parameter should be positive.") @property def set(self): k = self.scale_matrix.shape[0] return MatrixSet(k, k, Reals) @property def dimension(self): return self.scale_matrix.shape def pdf(self, x): n, scale_matrix = self.n, self.scale_matrix p = scale_matrix.shape[0] if isinstance(x, list): x = ImmutableMatrix(x) if not isinstance(x, (MatrixBase, MatrixSymbol)): raise ValueError("%s should be an isinstance of Matrix " "or MatrixSymbol" % str(x)) sigma_inv_x = - Inverse(scale_matrix)*x / S(2) term1 = exp(Trace(sigma_inv_x))/((2**(p*n/S(2))) * multigamma(n/S(2), p)) term2 = (Determinant(scale_matrix))**(-n/S(2)) term3 = (Determinant(x))**(S(n - p - 1)/2) return term1 * term2 * term3 def Wishart(symbol, n, scale_matrix): """ Creates a random variable with Wishart Distribution. The density of the said distribution can be found at [1]. Parameters ========== n: Positive Real number Represents degrees of freedom scale_matrix: Positive definite real square matrix Scale Matrix Returns ======= RandomSymbol Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import density, Wishart >>> from sympy import MatrixSymbol, symbols >>> n = symbols('n', positive=True) >>> W = Wishart('W', n, [[2, 1], [1, 2]]) >>> X = MatrixSymbol('X', 2, 2) >>> density(W)(X).doit() 2**(-n)*3**(-n/2)*exp(Trace(Matrix([ [-1/3, 1/6], [ 1/6, -1/3]])*X))*Determinant(X)**(n/2 - 3/2)/(sqrt(pi)*gamma(n/2)*gamma(n/2 - 1/2)) >>> density(W)([[1, 0], [0, 1]]).doit() 2**(-n)*3**(-n/2)*exp(-2/3)/(sqrt(pi)*gamma(n/2)*gamma(n/2 - 1/2)) References ========== .. [1] """ if isinstance(scale_matrix, list): scale_matrix = ImmutableMatrix(scale_matrix) return rv(symbol, WishartDistribution, (n, scale_matrix)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Matrix Normal distribution --------------------------------------------------- class MatrixNormalDistribution(MatrixDistribution): _argnames = ('location_matrix', 'scale_matrix_1', 'scale_matrix_2') @staticmethod def check(location_matrix, scale_matrix_1, scale_matrix_2): if not isinstance(scale_matrix_1 , MatrixSymbol): _value_check(scale_matrix_1.is_positive_definite, "The shape " "matrix must be positive definite.") if not isinstance(scale_matrix_2 , MatrixSymbol): _value_check(scale_matrix_2.is_positive_definite, "The shape " "matrix must be positive definite.") _value_check(scale_matrix_1.is_square, "Scale matrix 1 should be " "be square matrix") _value_check(scale_matrix_2.is_square, "Scale matrix 2 should be " "be square matrix") n = location_matrix.shape[0] p = location_matrix.shape[1] _value_check(scale_matrix_1.shape[0] == n, "Scale matrix 1 should be" " of shape %s x %s"% (str(n), str(n))) _value_check(scale_matrix_2.shape[0] == p, "Scale matrix 2 should be" " of shape %s x %s"% (str(p), str(p))) @property def set(self): n, p = self.location_matrix.shape return MatrixSet(n, p, Reals) @property def dimension(self): return self.location_matrix.shape def pdf(self, x): M , U , V = self.location_matrix, self.scale_matrix_1, self.scale_matrix_2 n, p = M.shape if isinstance(x, list): x = ImmutableMatrix(x) if not isinstance(x, (MatrixBase, MatrixSymbol)): raise ValueError("%s should be an isinstance of Matrix " "or MatrixSymbol" % str(x)) term1 = Inverse(V)*Transpose(x - M)*Inverse(U)*(x - M) num = exp(-Trace(term1)/S(2)) den = (2*pi)**(S(n*p)/2) * Determinant(U)**S(p)/2 * Determinant(V)**S(n)/2 return num/den def MatrixNormal(symbol, location_matrix, scale_matrix_1, scale_matrix_2): """ Creates a random variable with Matrix Normal Distribution. The density of the said distribution can be found at [1]. Parameters ========== location_matrix: Real ``n x p`` matrix Represents degrees of freedom scale_matrix_1: Positive definite matrix Scale Matrix of shape ``n x n`` scale_matrix_2: Positive definite matrix Scale Matrix of shape ``p x p`` Returns ======= RandomSymbol Examples ======== >>> from sympy import MatrixSymbol >>> from sympy.stats import density, MatrixNormal >>> M = MatrixNormal('M', [[1, 2]], [1], [[1, 0], [0, 1]]) >>> X = MatrixSymbol('X', 1, 2) >>> density(M)(X).doit() 2*exp(-Trace((Matrix([ [-1], [-2]]) + X.T)*(Matrix([[-1, -2]]) + X))/2)/pi >>> density(M)([[3, 4]]).doit() 2*exp(-4)/pi References ========== .. [1] """ if isinstance(location_matrix, list): location_matrix = ImmutableMatrix(location_matrix) if isinstance(scale_matrix_1, list): scale_matrix_1 = ImmutableMatrix(scale_matrix_1) if isinstance(scale_matrix_2, list): scale_matrix_2 = ImmutableMatrix(scale_matrix_2) args = (location_matrix, scale_matrix_1, scale_matrix_2) return rv(symbol, MatrixNormalDistribution, args)
/* Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.html or */ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'checkbox', function( editor ) { return { title : editor.lang.checkboxAndRadio.checkboxTitle, minWidth : 350, minHeight : 140, onShow : function() { delete this.checkbox; var element = this.getParentEditor().getSelection().getSelectedElement(); if ( element && element.getAttribute( 'type' ) == 'checkbox' ) { this.checkbox = element; this.setupContent( element ); } }, onOk : function() { var editor, element = this.checkbox, isInsertMode = !element; if ( isInsertMode ) { editor = this.getParentEditor(); element = editor.document.createElement( 'input' ); element.setAttribute( 'type', 'checkbox' ); editor.insertElement( element ); } this.commitContent( { element : element } ); }, contents : [ { id : 'info', label : editor.lang.checkboxAndRadio.checkboxTitle, title : editor.lang.checkboxAndRadio.checkboxTitle, startupFocus : 'txtName', elements : [ { id : 'txtName', type : 'text', label :, 'default' : '', accessKey : 'N', setup : function( element ) { this.setValue( 'cke-saved-name' ) || element.getAttribute( 'name' ) || '' ); }, commit : function( data ) { var element = data.element; // IE failed to update 'name' property on input elements, protect it now. if ( this.getValue() ) 'cke-saved-name', this.getValue() ); else { 'cke-saved-name', false ); element.removeAttribute( 'name' ); } } }, { id : 'txtValue', type : 'text', label : editor.lang.checkboxAndRadio.value, 'default' : '', accessKey : 'V', setup : function( element ) { var value = element.getAttribute( 'value' ); // IE Return 'on' as default attr value. this.setValue( && value == 'on' ? '' : value ); }, commit : function( data ) { var element = data.element, value = this.getValue(); if ( value && !( && value == 'on' ) ) element.setAttribute( 'value', value ); else { if ( ) { // Remove attribute 'value' of checkbox (#4721). var checkbox = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'input', element.getDocument() ); element.copyAttributes( checkbox, { value: 1 } ); checkbox.replace( element ); editor.getSelection().selectElement( checkbox ); data.element = checkbox; } else element.removeAttribute( 'value' ); } } }, { id : 'cmbSelected', type : 'checkbox', label : editor.lang.checkboxAndRadio.selected, 'default' : '', accessKey : 'S', value : "checked", setup : function( element ) { this.setValue( element.getAttribute( 'checked' ) ); }, commit : function( data ) { var element = data.element; if ( ) { var isElementChecked = !!element.getAttribute( 'checked' ), isChecked = !!this.getValue(); if ( isElementChecked != isChecked ) { var replace = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<input type="checkbox"' + ( isChecked ? ' checked="checked"' : '' ) + '/>', editor.document ); element.copyAttributes( replace, { type : 1, checked : 1 } ); replace.replace( element ); editor.getSelection().selectElement( replace ); data.element = replace; } } else { var value = this.getValue(); if ( value ) element.setAttribute( 'checked', 'checked' ); else element.removeAttribute( 'checked' ); } } } ] } ] }; });
import copy import warnings import pulumi import pulumi.runtime from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union, overload from ... import _utilities __all__ = [ 'GetRegisteredPrefixResult', 'AwaitableGetRegisteredPrefixResult', 'get_registered_prefix', 'get_registered_prefix_output', ] @pulumi.output_type class GetRegisteredPrefixResult: """ The customer's prefix that is registered by the peering service provider. """ def __init__(__self__, error_message=None, id=None, name=None, peering_service_prefix_key=None, prefix=None, prefix_validation_state=None, provisioning_state=None, type=None): if error_message and not isinstance(error_message, str): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'error_message' to be a str") pulumi.set(__self__, "error_message", error_message) if id and not isinstance(id, str): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'id' to be a str") pulumi.set(__self__, "id", id) if name and not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'name' to be a str") pulumi.set(__self__, "name", name) if peering_service_prefix_key and not isinstance(peering_service_prefix_key, str): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'peering_service_prefix_key' to be a str") pulumi.set(__self__, "peering_service_prefix_key", peering_service_prefix_key) if prefix and not isinstance(prefix, str): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'prefix' to be a str") pulumi.set(__self__, "prefix", prefix) if prefix_validation_state and not isinstance(prefix_validation_state, str): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'prefix_validation_state' to be a str") pulumi.set(__self__, "prefix_validation_state", prefix_validation_state) if provisioning_state and not isinstance(provisioning_state, str): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'provisioning_state' to be a str") pulumi.set(__self__, "provisioning_state", provisioning_state) if type and not isinstance(type, str): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'type' to be a str") pulumi.set(__self__, "type", type) @property @pulumi.getter(name="errorMessage") def error_message(self) -> str: """ The error message associated with the validation state, if any. """ return pulumi.get(self, "error_message") @property @pulumi.getter def id(self) -> str: """ The ID of the resource. """ return pulumi.get(self, "id") @property @pulumi.getter def name(self) -> str: """ The name of the resource. """ return pulumi.get(self, "name") @property @pulumi.getter(name="peeringServicePrefixKey") def peering_service_prefix_key(self) -> str: """ The peering service prefix key that is to be shared with the customer. """ return pulumi.get(self, "peering_service_prefix_key") @property @pulumi.getter def prefix(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The customer's prefix from which traffic originates. """ return pulumi.get(self, "prefix") @property @pulumi.getter(name="prefixValidationState") def prefix_validation_state(self) -> str: """ The prefix validation state. """ return pulumi.get(self, "prefix_validation_state") @property @pulumi.getter(name="provisioningState") def provisioning_state(self) -> str: """ The provisioning state of the resource. """ return pulumi.get(self, "provisioning_state") @property @pulumi.getter def type(self) -> str: """ The type of the resource. """ return pulumi.get(self, "type") class AwaitableGetRegisteredPrefixResult(GetRegisteredPrefixResult): # pylint: disable=using-constant-test def __await__(self): if False: yield self return GetRegisteredPrefixResult( error_message=self.error_message,,, peering_service_prefix_key=self.peering_service_prefix_key, prefix=self.prefix, prefix_validation_state=self.prefix_validation_state, provisioning_state=self.provisioning_state, type=self.type) def get_registered_prefix(peering_name: Optional[str] = None, registered_prefix_name: Optional[str] = None, resource_group_name: Optional[str] = None, opts: Optional[pulumi.InvokeOptions] = None) -> AwaitableGetRegisteredPrefixResult: """ Gets an existing registered prefix with the specified name under the given subscription, resource group and peering. :param str peering_name: The name of the peering. :param str registered_prefix_name: The name of the registered prefix. :param str resource_group_name: The name of the resource group. """ __args__ = dict() __args__['peeringName'] = peering_name __args__['registeredPrefixName'] = registered_prefix_name __args__['resourceGroupName'] = resource_group_name opts = pulumi.InvokeOptions.merge(_utilities.get_invoke_opts_defaults(), opts) __ret__ = pulumi.runtime.invoke('azure-native:peering/v20221001:getRegisteredPrefix', __args__, opts=opts, typ=GetRegisteredPrefixResult).value return AwaitableGetRegisteredPrefixResult( error_message=pulumi.get(__ret__, 'error_message'), id=pulumi.get(__ret__, 'id'), name=pulumi.get(__ret__, 'name'), peering_service_prefix_key=pulumi.get(__ret__, 'peering_service_prefix_key'), prefix=pulumi.get(__ret__, 'prefix'), prefix_validation_state=pulumi.get(__ret__, 'prefix_validation_state'), provisioning_state=pulumi.get(__ret__, 'provisioning_state'), type=pulumi.get(__ret__, 'type')) @_utilities.lift_output_func(get_registered_prefix) def get_registered_prefix_output(peering_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, registered_prefix_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, resource_group_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, opts: Optional[pulumi.InvokeOptions] = None) -> pulumi.Output[GetRegisteredPrefixResult]: """ Gets an existing registered prefix with the specified name under the given subscription, resource group and peering. :param str peering_name: The name of the peering. :param str registered_prefix_name: The name of the registered prefix. :param str resource_group_name: The name of the resource group. """ ...
import string import xmlrpclib import urllib import re import time import datetime import os import urlparse import sys from django.conf import settings try: from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model User = get_user_model() # settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL except ImportError: from django.contrib.auth.models import User import django # from django.contrib.comments.models import FreeComment from django.conf import settings from .models import Tag, Post, Blog, Author, Category, FILTER_CHOICES import BeautifulSoup from .ping_modes import send_pings try: from xmlrpc.client import Fault from xmlrpc.client import DateTime from urllib.parse import urljoin except ImportError: # Python 2 from xmlrpclib import Fault from xmlrpclib import DateTime from urlparse import urljoin # import config # import xmlrpclib.DateTime # I guess it's time to fix that upload issue... from import default_storage from django.core.files.base import ContentFile # this is for getting the URL of xmlrpc endpoing try: from django.urls import reverse except ImportError: # django < 2 from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Add these to your existing RPC methods in # i.e. LOGIN_ERROR = 801 PERMISSION_DENIED = 803 def authenticated(pos=1): # tells the method that the visitor is authenticated logger.debug("authenticated entered") def _decorate(func): def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): username = args[pos+0] password = args[pos+1] args = args[0:pos]+args[pos+2:] try:"Username: %s" % username) user = User.objects.get(username__exact=username) except User.DoesNotExist: logger.debug("username %s, password %s, args %s" % (username, "password", args)) logger.warn( "User.DoesNotExist") raise ValueError("Authentication Failure") if not user.check_password(password): logger.warn( "User.check_password") raise ValueError("Authentication Failure") if not user.is_superuser: logger.warn("user.is_superuser") raise ValueError("Authorization Failure") return func(user, *args, **kwargs) return _wrapper return _decorate def full_url(url): return urljoin(settings.SITE_URL, url) # @public # @authenticated() def get_user(username, apikey, blogid=None): """ checks if a user is authorized to make this call """ logger.debug("%s.get_user entered" % __name__) logger.debug("user: %s" % username) logger.debug("apikey: %s" % apikey) try: user = User.objects.get(**{'username':username}) except User.DoesNotExist: raise Fault(LOGIN_ERROR, 'Username is incorrect.') if not apikey == raise Fault(LOGIN_ERROR, 'Password is invalid.') if not raise Fault(PERMISSION_DENIED, 'Remote access not enabled for this user.') # if not author.is_staff or not author.is_active: # raise Fault(PERMISSION_DENIED, _('User account unavailable.')) # raise Fault(PERMISSION_DENIED, _('User cannot %s.') % permission) return user def is_user_blog(user, blogid): """ checks if the blog in question belongs to the use """ blog = Blog.objects.get(pk=blogid) if blog.owner==user: return True else: return False def blogger_getRecentPosts(appkey, blogid, username, password, num_posts=50): """ returns a list of recent posts """ logger.debug( "blogger.getRecentPosts called...") user = get_user(username, password) if not is_user_blog(user, blogid): raise Fault(PERMISSION_DENIED, 'Permission denied for %s on blogid %s' % (user, blogid)) blog = Blog.objects.get(id=blogid) posts = blog.post_set.order_by('-pub_date')[:num_posts] return [post_struct(post) for post in posts] # @public def blogger_getUserInfo(appkey, username, password): """ returns userinfo for particular user...""" logger.debug( "blogger.getUserInfo called") # author = user # Author.objects.get(user=user) user = get_user(username, password) firstname = user.first_name lastname = user.last_name struct = {} struct['username']=user.username struct['firstname']=firstname struct['lastname']=lastname struct['nickname']= struct['url'] = struct['email'] = struct['userid'] = str( return struct # @public # @authenticated() def blogger_getUsersBlogs(appkey, username, password): """ Parameters string appkey: Not applicable for WordPress, can be any value and will be ignored. string username string password Return Values array struct string blogid string url: Homepage URL for this blog. string blogName bool isAdmin string xmlrpc: URL endpoint to use for XML-RPC requests on this blog. """ logger.debug( "blogger.getUsersBlogs called") user = get_user(username, password) # print "Got user", user usersblogs = Blog.objects.filter(owner=user) logger.debug( "%s blogs for %s" % (usersblogs, user)) # return usersblogs res = [ { 'blogid':str(, 'blogName': blog.title, 'url': blog.get_url() } for blog in usersblogs ] logger.debug(res) return res def mt_publishPost(postid, username, password): """ lies that it publishes the thing, mostly for compatibility porpoises... """ return True # @public def blogger_deletePost(appkey, post_id, username, password, publish=False): """ deletes the specified post...""" logger.debug("blogger.deletePost called") user = get_user(username, password) post = Post.objects.get(pk=post_id) if != user: raise Fault(PERMISSION_DENIED, 'Permission denied for %s on post %s' % (user, postid)) logger.warn("Deleting post %s by user %s" % (, user)) post.delete() return True def mt_getCategoryList(blogid, username, password): """ takes the blogid, and returns a list of categories""" logger.debug( "mt_getCategoryList called") logger.warn("Categories no longer supported") user = get_user(username, password) categories = Category.objects.filter( res=[] for c in categories: struct={} struct['categoryId']= str( struct['categoryName']= c.title res.append(struct) return res def post_struct(post): """ returns the meta-blah equiv of a post """ logger.debug("post_struct called") # link = full_url(post.get_absolute_url()) link = post.get_absolute_url() categories = [c.title for c in post.categories.all()] # categories = [] # check to see if there's a more tag... if post.body.find('<!--more-->') > -1: description, mt_text_more = post.body.split('<!--more-->') else: description = post.body mt_text_more = "" if post.enable_comments: mt_allow_comments = 1 else: mt_allow_comments = 2 struct = { 'postid':, 'title':post.title, 'permaLink':link, 'description':description, 'mt_text_more':mt_text_more, 'mt_convert_breaks':post.text_filter, 'categories': categories, 'userid':, 'mt_allow_comments':str(mt_allow_comments) } if post.pub_date: struct['dateCreated'] = format_date(post.pub_date) logger.debug("Returning from post_struct") logger.debug(struct) return struct def format_date(d): logger.debug( "format_date called...") logger.debug("date passed: %s" % str(d)) # if not d: return None #print 80*"x",fd # return xmlrpclib.DateTime(d.isoformat()) return xmlrpclib.DateTime(d.isoformat()) def setTags(post, struct, key="tags"): logger.debug( "setTags entered") tags = struct.get(key, None) if tags is None:"No tags set") post.tags = [] else: # post.categories = [Category.objects.get(title__iexact=name) for name in tags]"Setting tags") for tag in tags: logger.debug("setting tag '%s'" % tag) t, created = Tag.objects.get_or_create(title=tag.lower()) if created:"Adding new tag: %s" % t) else:"Found tag: %s" % t) post.tags.add(t) logger.debug(tags) logger.debug("Post Tags: %s" % str(post.tags)) return True # @public def mt_supportedMethods(*args): """ returns the xmlrpc-server's list of supported methods""" logger.debug( "mt.listSupportedMethods called...") # from blog import xmlrpc_views # return xmlrpc_views.list_public_methods(blog.metaWeblog) res = [] for method in settings.XMLRPC_METHODS: res.append(method[1]) return res # @public def mt_getPostCategories(postid, username, password): """ returns a list of categories for postid *postid* """ logger.debug( "mt_getPostCategories called...") logger.warn("Categories no longer supported") user = get_user(username, password) # if not is_user_blog(user, blogid): # raise Fault(PERMISSION_DENIED, 'Permission denied for %s on blogid %s' % (user, blogid)) if != user: raise Fault(PERMISSION_DENIED, 'Permission denied for %s on post %s' % (user, postid)) res = [] try: p = Post.objects.get(pk=postid) # print "Processing", p.categories.all() counter = 0 res = [] for c in p.categories.all(): # print "Got post category:", c primary = False if p.primary_category_name == c: # print "%s is the primary category" % c primary=True res.append( dict(categoryName=c.title, categoryId=str(, isPrimary=primary) ) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc(sys.stderr) res = None return res # @public def mt_supportedTextFilters(): """ """ logger.debug( "Called mt_supportedTextFilters") res = [] for key, label in FILTER_CHOICES: # print "%s => %s" % (label, key) res.append(dict(label=label, key=key)) return res # @public def mt_setPostCategories(postid, username, password, cats): """ mt version of setpostcats takes a primary as argument """ logger.debug( "mt_setPostCategories called...")"Submitted with %s" % cats) user = get_user(username, password) post = Post.objects.get(pk=postid) if != user: raise Fault(PERMISSION_DENIED, 'Permission denied for %s on post %s' % (user, postid)) logger.debug("Old cats: %s" % post.categories.all()) post.categories.clear() catlist = [] for cat in cats: category = Category.objects.get(pk=cat['categoryId']) logger.debug("Got %s" % category) if 'isPrimary' in cat and cat['isPrimary']: # if cat.has_key('isPrimary') and cat['isPrimary']: logger.debug("Got primary category '%s'" % cat) post.primary_category_name = category post.categories.add(category) logger.debug("New cats: %s" % post.categories.all()) logger.debug(" mt_setPostCategories Done.") return True
import time import platform from importlib import import_module def check_module(): global apm_module_status if apm_module_status is not None: return apm_module_status try: module_status = import_module("apminsight") if module_status is not None: apm_module_status = True except Exception as exc: # print("Failed to load apminsight module",str(exc)) apm_module_status = False return apm_module_status apm_module_status = None check_module() def get_message(return_value): if return_value : if "text" in return_value['choices'][0]: return return_value['choices'][0]['text'] elif "message" in return_value['choices'][0]: return return_value['choices'][0]['message']['content'] return "" def get_prompt(kwargs): if "prompt" in kwargs: return kwargs['prompt'] elif "messages" in kwargs: return kwargs['messages'][-1]['content'] def get_system_message(kwargs): content = "" if "messages" in kwargs: for messages in kwargs['messages']: if messages.role == 'system': content.appned(messages.content) return content def get_error_details(err): if err : try: import openai if isinstance(err,openai.error.OpenAIError): return {"error":err._message, "response_code": err.http_status} except Exception: pass return {"error":str(err),"response_code":500} else: return {"error":"-","response_code":200} def get_openai_key(): import openai try: api_key = openai.api_key or openai.util.default_api_key() if api_key : return api_key[:3]+"..."+api_key[-4:] except : pass return None def extract_info(tracker, args=(), kwargs={}, return_value=None, error=None,starttime=None): try: from site24x7_openai_observability import openai_tracker, payload_print api_info = ({'starttime':starttime, #tracker.get_start_time(), 'model': kwargs.get('model',kwargs.get('engine',"")), 'requesttime':int(round(time.time() * 1000))-starttime,#tracker.get_start_time(), 'total_token':return_value.usage.total_tokens if return_value else 0, "prompt_token":return_value.usage.prompt_tokens if return_value else 0, "response_token":return_value.usage.completion_tokens if return_value else 0, 'api_key':get_openai_key(), 'host':platform.node() }) api_info.update(get_error_details(error)) if openai_tracker.record_message(): api_info.update({ 'prompt': get_prompt(kwargs), #"system_content":get_system_message(kwargs), 'message': get_message(return_value), }) # if tracker: # api_info.update({'spanid':tracker.get_span_id() # #,'traceid':tracker.get_trace_id() # }) if payload_print: print("openai call info",api_info) openai_tracker.increment_call() openai_tracker.record_request(api_info) except Exception as exc: print("Exception in openai instumentation",str(exc)) def create_apm_tracker(module, method_info): try: if apm_module_status: from apminsight import get_agent from apminsight.context import get_cur_tracker from apminsight.instrumentation.util import create_tracker_info parent_tracker = get_cur_tracker() if parent_tracker: agent = get_agent() tracker_info = create_tracker_info(module, method_info, parent_tracker) return agent.check_and_create_tracker(tracker_info) except Exception as exc: pass return None def close_apm_tracker(tracker, method_info,args,kwargs,res,err,starttime): if apm_module_status and tracker : from apminsight.context import set_cur_tracker from apminsight.instrumentation.wrapper import handle_tracker_end handle_tracker_end(tracker, method_info, args, kwargs, res, err) set_cur_tracker(tracker.get_parent()) def default_openai_wrapper(original, module, method_info): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): res = None err = None try: cur_tracker = create_apm_tracker(module, method_info) starttime = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) res = original(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exc: err = exc raise exc finally: close_apm_tracker(cur_tracker, method_info,args,kwargs,res,err,starttime) extract_info(cur_tracker,args,kwargs,res,err,starttime) return res wrapper.__name__ = original.__name__ return wrapper def check_and_instrument(module_info): for module_name in module_info: try: act_module = import_module(module_name) if hasattr(act_module, 'apminsight_instrumented'): return for method_info in module_info.get(module_name): instrument_method(module_name, act_module, method_info) setattr(act_module, 'apminsight_instrumented', True) except Exception: print(module_name + " not presnt") +' is not present') def instrument_method(module_name, act_module, method_info): parent_ref = act_module class_name = '' if type(method_info) is not dict: return if "class" in method_info: class_name = method_info.get("class") if hasattr(act_module, class_name): parent_ref = getattr(act_module, class_name) module_name = module_name+'.'+class_name method_name = method_info.get("method", '') if hasattr(parent_ref, method_name): original = getattr(parent_ref, method_name) # use default wrapper if there is no wrapper attribute wrapper_factory = method_info.get("wrapper") if "wrapper" in method_info else default_openai_wrapper wrapper = wrapper_factory(original, module_name, method_info) setattr(parent_ref, method_name, wrapper) module_info = { 'openai.api_resources.completion' : [ { "class" : 'Completion', "method" : 'create', "component" : "OPENAI", "wrapper" : default_openai_wrapper, } ], 'openai.api_resources.chat_completion' : [ { "class" : 'ChatCompletion', "method" : 'create', "component" : "OPENAI", "wrapper" : default_openai_wrapper, } ], }
"use strict"; var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; o[k2] = m[k]; })); var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); }) : function(o, v) { o["default"] = v; }); var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; var result = {}; if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" &&, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); __setModuleDefault(result, mod); return result; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const ts = __importStar(require("typescript")); const util = __importStar(require("../util")); exports.default = util.createRule({ name: 'no-for-in-array', meta: { docs: { description: 'Disallow iterating over an array with a for-in loop', recommended: 'error', requiresTypeChecking: true, }, messages: { forInViolation: 'For-in loops over arrays are forbidden. Use for-of or array.forEach instead.', }, schema: [], type: 'problem', }, defaultOptions: [], create(context) { return { ForInStatement(node) { const parserServices = util.getParserServices(context); const checker = parserServices.program.getTypeChecker(); const originalNode = parserServices.esTreeNodeToTSNodeMap.get(node); const type = util.getConstrainedTypeAtLocation(checker, originalNode.expression); if (util.isTypeArrayTypeOrUnionOfArrayTypes(type, checker) || (type.flags & ts.TypeFlags.StringLike) !== 0) {{ node, messageId: 'forInViolation', }); } }, }; }, }); //#
"""Module containing JSON serializer for the SuiteResult type.""" import typing as t from runml_checks.core import check_result as check_types from runml_checks.core import suite from import JsonSerializer from runml_checks.core.serialization.check_failure.json import CheckFailureSerializer from runml_checks.core.serialization.check_result.json import CheckResultSerializer __all__ = ['SuiteResultSerializer'] class SuiteResultSerializer(JsonSerializer['suite.SuiteResult']): """Serializes any SuiteResult instance into JSON format. Parameters ---------- value : SuiteResult SuiteResult instance that needed to be serialized. """ def __init__(self, value: 'suite.SuiteResult', **kwargs): if not isinstance(value, suite.SuiteResult): raise TypeError( f'Expected "SuiteResult" but got "{type(value).__name__}"' ) super().__init__(value=value) def serialize( self, with_display: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> t.Union[t.Dict[t.Any, t.Any], t.List[t.Any]]: """Serialize a SuiteResult instance into JSON format. Parameters ---------- with_display : bool, default True whether to include serialized `CheckResult.display` items into the output or not **kwargs : all other key-value arguments will be passed to the CheckResult/CheckFailure serializers Returns ------- Union[Dict[Any, Any], List[Any]] """ results = [] for it in self.value.results: if isinstance(it, check_types.CheckResult): results.append(CheckResultSerializer(it).serialize(with_display=with_display)) elif isinstance(it, check_types.CheckFailure): results.append(CheckFailureSerializer(it).serialize()) else: raise TypeError(f'Unknown result type - {type(it)}') return {'name':, 'results': results, 'type' : 'SuiteResult'}
import csv import json import logging.config import os import re import tempfile import time from datetime import datetime import botocore.exceptions logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger("Simple Logger") # BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) LOG_CONF_PATH = os.path.join( BASE_DIR,'..', # 'logging.conf') LOG_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '..', 'logs', 'cis_automation_'+ # '%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')+ '.log') logging.config.fileConfig(LOG_CONF_PATH, defaults={'logfilename': LOG_FILE_PATH}) # --- Script controls --- # CIS Benchmark version referenced. Only used in web report. AWS_CIS_BENCHMARK_VERSION = "1.1" # Would you like an HTML file generated with the result? # This file will be delivered using a signed URL. S3_WEB_REPORT = True # Where should the report be delivered to? # Make sure to update permissions for the Lambda role if you change bucket name. # S3_WEB_REPORT_BUCKET = "CHANGE_ME_TO_YOUR_S3_BUCKET" S3_WEB_REPORT_BUCKET = "dkumar-cicd" # Create separate report files? # This will add date and account number than prefix. Example: cis_report_111111111111_161220_1213.html S3_WEB_REPORT_NAME_DETAILS = True # How many hours should the report be available? Default = 168h/7days S3_WEB_REPORT_EXPIRE = "168" # Set to true if you wish to anonymize the account number in the report. # This is mostly used for demo/sharing purposes. S3_WEB_REPORT_OBFUSCATE_ACCOUNT = False # Would you like to send the report signedURL to an SNS topic SEND_REPORT_URL_TO_SNS = False SNS_TOPIC_ARN = "CHANGE_ME_TO_YOUR_TOPIC_ARN" # Would you like to print the results as JSON to output? SCRIPT_OUTPUT_JSON = True # Would you like to supress all output except JSON result? # Can be used when you want to pipe result to another system. # If using S3 reporting, please enable SNS integration to get S3 signed URL OUTPUT_ONLY_JSON = False # def set_globals(self, param_IAM_CLIENT, param_S3_CLIENT): #" ---Inside utils :: set_globals()--- ") #" Setting global clients...") # # --- Global --- # global IAM_CLIENT # global S3_CLIENT # IAM_CLIENT = param_IAM_CLIENT # S3_CLIENT = param_S3_CLIENT class utils: def get_cred_report(self):" ---Inside utils :: get_cred_report()--- ") """ Returns: TYPE: Description """ x = 0 status = "" # global self.session.client('iam') cred_report_obj = {} try: cred_report_obj = self.session.client('iam').generate_credential_report()" cred_report_obj: {cred_report_obj} ") except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: logger.error(f" Exception while generate_credential_report(): {error}") return str(error) try: while cred_report_obj['State'] != "COMPLETE":" State of self.session.client('iam').generate_credential_report() is not complete") time.sleep(2) x += 1 cred_report_obj = self.session.client('iam').generate_credential_report() # If no credentail report is delivered within this time fail the check. if x > 50: status = "Fail: rootUse - no CredentialReport available." break if "Fail" in status: return status except KeyError as e: status = "Fail: rootUse - no CredentialReport available." return status response = self.session.client('iam').get_credential_report() report = [] #"resp ", response['Content']) reader = csv.DictReader(response['Content'].decode().splitlines(), delimiter=',') #"reader ", reader) for row in reader: report.append(row) # Verify if root key's never been used, if so add N/A try: if report[0]['access_key_1_last_used_date']: pass except: report[0]['access_key_1_last_used_date'] = "N/A" try: if report[0]['access_key_2_last_used_date']: pass except: report[0]['access_key_2_last_used_date'] = "N/A" return report def get_account_password_policy(self):" ---Inside utils :: get_account_password_policy()--- ") """Check if a IAM password policy exists, if not return false Returns: Account IAM password policy or False """ try: response = self.session.client('iam').get_account_password_policy() return response['PasswordPolicy'] except Exception as e: if "cannot be found" in str(e): return False def get_regions(self):" ---Inside utils :: get_regions()--- ") """Summary Returns: TYPE: Description """ client = self.session.client('ec2', region_name='us-east-1') region_response = {} # try: region_response = client.describe_regions() # except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: # if error.response['Error']['Code'] == 'AuthFailure': # logger.error(f" AccessKey credentails not found here: {error}") # return { # 'Result': 'Auth Failure', # 'failReason': 'Auth Failure', # 'Offenders': [], # 'ScoredControl': False, # 'Description': 'Auth Failure', # 'ControlId': 'Auth Failure' # } # except botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError as e: # logger.error(f" Unable to locate credentials: {e} ") # return { # 'Result': 'Auth Failure', # 'failReason': 'Auth Failure', # 'Offenders': [], # 'ScoredControl': False, # 'Description': 'Auth Failure', # 'ControlId': 'Auth Failure' # } logger.debug(region_response) regions = [region['RegionName'] for region in region_response['Regions']] return regions def get_cloudtrails(self, regions):" ---Inside utils :: get_cloudtrails()--- ") """Summary Returns: TYPE: Description """ trails = dict() for n in regions: client = self.session.client('cloudtrail', region_name=n) response = client.describe_trails() temp = [] for m in response['trailList']: if m['IsMultiRegionTrail'] is True: if m['HomeRegion'] == n: temp.append(m) else: temp.append(m) if len(temp) > 0: trails[n] = temp return trails def find_in_string(self, pattern, target):" ---Inside utils :: find_in_string()--- ") """Summary Returns: TYPE: Description """ result = True for n in pattern: if not, target): result = False break return result def get_account_number(self):" ---Inside utils :: get_account_number()--- ") """Summary Returns: TYPE: Description """ if S3_WEB_REPORT_OBFUSCATE_ACCOUNT is False: client = self.session.client("sts") account = client.get_caller_identity()["Account"] else: account = "111111111111" return account def set_evaluation(self, invokeEvent, mainEvent, annotation):" ---Inside utils :: set_evaluation()--- ") """Summary Args: event (TYPE): Description annotation (TYPE): Description Returns: TYPE: Description """ configClient = self.session.client('config') if len(annotation) > 0: configClient.put_evaluations( Evaluations=[ { 'ComplianceResourceType': 'AWS::::Account', 'ComplianceResourceId': mainEvent['accountId'], 'ComplianceType': 'NON_COMPLIANT', 'Annotation': str(annotation), 'OrderingTimestamp': invokeEvent['notificationCreationTime'] }, ], ResultToken=mainEvent['resultToken'] ) else: configClient.put_evaluations( Evaluations=[ { 'ComplianceResourceType': 'AWS::::Account', 'ComplianceResourceId': mainEvent['accountId'], 'ComplianceType': 'COMPLIANT', 'OrderingTimestamp': invokeEvent['notificationCreationTime'] }, ], ResultToken=mainEvent['resultToken'] ) def json2html(self, controlResult, account):" ---Inside utils :: json2html()--- ") """Summary Args: controlResult (TYPE): Description Returns: TYPE: Description """ table = [] shortReport = self.shortAnnotation(controlResult) table.append( "<html>\n<head>\n<style>\n\n.table-outer {\n background-color: #eaeaea;\n border: 3px solid " "darkgrey;\n}\n\n.table-inner {\n background-color: white;\n border: 3px solid " "darkgrey;\n}\n\n.table-hover tr{\nbackground: transparent;\n}\n\n.table-hover tr:hover {" "\nbackground-color: lightgrey;\n}\n\ntable, tr, td, th{\n line-height: 1.42857143;\n " "vertical-align: top;\n border: 1px solid darkgrey;\n border-spacing: 0;\n border-collapse: " "collapse;\n width: auto;\n max-width: auto;\n background-color: transparent;\n padding: " "5px;\n}\n\ntable th {\n padding-right: 20px;\n text-align: left;\n}\n\ntd {\n " "width:100%;\n}\n\ndiv.centered\n{\n position: absolute;\n width: auto;\n height: auto;\n z-index: " "15;\n top: 10%;\n left: 20%;\n right: 20%;\n background: white;\n}\n\ndiv.centered table\n{\n " "margin: auto;\n text-align: left;\n}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<h1 style=\"text-align: " "center;\">AWS CIS Foundation Framework</h1>\n<div class=\"centered\">") table.append("<table class=\"table table-inner\">") table.append("<tr><td>Account: " + account + "</td></tr>") table.append("<tr><td>Report date: " + time.strftime("%c") + "</td></tr>") table.append("<tr><td>Benchmark version: " + AWS_CIS_BENCHMARK_VERSION + "</td></tr>") table.append( "<tr><td>Whitepaper location: <a href=\"" "/AWS_CIS_Foundations_Benchmark.pdf\" " "target=\"_blank\"></a" "></td></tr>") table.append("<tr><td>" + shortReport + "</td></tr></table><br><br>") tableHeadOuter = "<table class=\"table table-outer\">" tableHeadInner = "<table class=\"table table-inner\">" tableHeadHover = "<table class=\"table table-hover\">" table.append(tableHeadOuter) # Outer table for m, _ in enumerate(controlResult): table.append("<tr><th>" + controlResult[m][0]['ControlId'].split('.')[0] + "</th><td>" + tableHeadInner) for n in range(len(controlResult[m])): if str(controlResult[m][n]['Result']) == "False": resultStyle = " style=\"background-color:#ef3d47;\"" elif str(controlResult[m][n]['Result']) == "Manual": resultStyle = " style=\"background-color:#ffff99;\"" else: resultStyle = " style=\"background-color:lightgreen;\"" table.append("<tr><th" + resultStyle + ">" + controlResult[m][n]['ControlId'].split('.')[ 1] + "</th><td>" + tableHeadHover) table.append("<tr><th>ControlId</th><td>" + controlResult[m][n]['ControlId'] + "</td></tr>") table.append("<tr><th>Description</th><td>" + controlResult[m][n]['Description'] + "</td></tr>") table.append("<tr><th>failReason</th><td>" + controlResult[m][n]['failReason'] + "</td></tr>") table.append("<tr><th>Offenders</th><td><ul>" + str(controlResult[m][n]['Offenders']).replace("', ", "',<br>") + "</ul></td></tr>") table.append("<tr><th>Result</th><td>" + str(controlResult[m][n]['Result']) + "</td></tr>") table.append( "<tr><th>ScoredControl</th><td>" + str(controlResult[m][n]['ScoredControl']) + "</td></tr>") table.append("</table></td></tr>") table.append("</table></td></tr>") table.append("</table>") table.append("</div>\n</body>\n</html>") return table def s3report(self, htmlReport, account):" ---Inside utils :: s3report()--- ") """Summary Args: htmlReport (TYPE): Description Returns: TYPE: Description """ if S3_WEB_REPORT_NAME_DETAILS is True: reportName = "cis_report_" + str(account) + "_" + str('%Y%m%d_%H%M')) + ".html" else: reportName = "cis_report.html" ACCOUNT_NUM = str(account) USER_DATA_DIR = os.path.join('data', ACCOUNT_NUM) html_path = os.path.join(USER_DATA_DIR, reportName) if not os.path.exists(USER_DATA_DIR): os.makedirs(USER_DATA_DIR)" Directory '%s' created" % USER_DATA_DIR)" Creating HTML report file...") with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f, open(html_path, 'a+b') as fp: for item in htmlReport: f.write(item.encode()) fp.write(item.encode()) f.flush() fp.flush() try: f.close() fp.close() self.session.client('s3').upload_file(, S3_WEB_REPORT_BUCKET, reportName) # html_path = os.path.join('data', reportName) # os.rename(tempfile,html_path) os.unlink( except Exception as e: return "Failed to upload report to S3 because: " + str(e) ttl = int(S3_WEB_REPORT_EXPIRE) * 60 signedURL = self.session.client('s3').generate_presigned_url( 'get_object', Params={ 'Bucket': S3_WEB_REPORT_BUCKET, 'Key': reportName }, ExpiresIn=ttl) return signedURL def json_output(self, controlResult, account):" ---Inside utils :: json_output()--- ") """Summary Args: controlResult (TYPE): Description Returns: TYPE: Description """ inner = dict() outer = dict() for m in range(len(controlResult)): inner = dict() for n in range(len(controlResult[m])): x = int(controlResult[m][n]['ControlId'].split('.')[1]) inner[x] = controlResult[m][n] y = controlResult[m][0]['ControlId'].split('.')[0] outer[y] = inner if OUTPUT_ONLY_JSON is True: logger.debug(json.dumps(outer, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) else: logger.debug("JSON output:") logger.debug("---------") logger.debug(json.dumps(outer, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) logger.debug("---------") logger.debug("\n") logger.debug("Summary:") logger.debug(self.shortAnnotation(controlResult)) logger.debug("\n") ACCOUNT_NUM = str(account) USER_DATA_DIR = os.path.join('data', ACCOUNT_NUM) json_path = os.path.join(USER_DATA_DIR, "aws_cis_json_" + ACCOUNT_NUM + ".json") if not os.path.exists(USER_DATA_DIR): os.makedirs(USER_DATA_DIR)" Directory '%s' created" % USER_DATA_DIR)" Creating json report file...") try: with open(json_path, "w") as fp: json.dump(outer, fp, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) except Exception as e: logger.error(f" Error while writing to JSON file: {e} ") exit(1) return 0 def shortAnnotation(self, controlResult):" ---Inside utils :: shortAnnotation()--- ") """Summary Args: controlResult (TYPE): Description Returns: TYPE: Description """ annotation = [] longAnnotation = False for m, _ in enumerate(controlResult): for n in range(len(controlResult[m])): if controlResult[m][n]['Result'] is False: if len(str(annotation)) < 220: annotation.append(controlResult[m][n]['ControlId']) else: longAnnotation = True if longAnnotation: annotation.append("etc") return "{\"Failed\":" + json.dumps(annotation) + "}" else: return "{\"Failed\":" + json.dumps(annotation) + "}" def send_results_to_sns(self, url):" ---Inside utils :: send_results_to_sns()--- ") """Summary Args: url (TYPE): SignedURL created by the S3 upload function Returns: TYPE: Description """ # Get correct region for the TopicARN region = (SNS_TOPIC_ARN.split("sns:", 1)[1]).split(":", 1)[0] client = self.session.client('sns', region_name=region) client.publish( TopicArn=SNS_TOPIC_ARN, Subject="AWS CIS Benchmark report - " + str(time.strftime("%c")), Message=json.dumps({'default': url}), MessageStructure='json' ) # returns the list of redShift clusters def list_redshift_clusters(self, region: str) -> list:" ---Inside utils :: list_redshift_clusters()---") """Summary Returns: TYPE: list """ redshift_clusters = [] client = self.session.client('redshift', region_name=region) marker = '' while True: if marker == '' or marker is None: response = client.describe_clusters() else: response = client.describe_clusters( Marker=marker ) for cluster in response['Clusters']: redshift_clusters.append(cluster['ClusterIdentifier']) try: marker = response['Marker'] if marker == '': break except: break return redshift_clusters # returns the list of elastic load balancers def list_elb(self, region: str) -> list:" ---Inside utils :: list_elb()---") """Summary Returns: TYPE: list """ elb_lst = [] client = self.session.client('elb', region_name=region) marker = '' while True: if marker == '' or marker is None: response = client.describe_load_balancers() else: response = client.describe_load_balancers( Marker=marker ) for lb in response['LoadBalancerDescriptions']: elb_lst.append(lb['LoadBalancerName']) try: marker = response['Marker'] if marker == '': break except: break return elb_lst # list s3 buckets def list_s3_buckets(self) -> list: """ :return: """" ---Inside utils :: list_s3_buckets") buckets = [] client = self.session.client('s3') response = client.list_buckets() return response['Buckets'] # list rds instances def list_rds_instances(self, regions) -> dict: """ :param regions: :return: """" ---Inside utils :: list_rds_instances()--- ") rds_instance_lst = {} for region in regions: client = self.session.client('rds', region_name=region) marker = '' while True: response = client.describe_db_instances( MaxRecords=100, Marker=marker ) rds_instance_lst.setdefault(region, []).extend(response['DBInstances']) try: marker = response['Marker'] if marker == '': break except KeyError: break return rds_instance_lst
from __future__ import annotations import os from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import pandas as pd from squirrel.driver import IterDriver from squirrel.iterstream import IterableSource from squirrel_datasets_core.datasets.utils import proportionate_sample_df if TYPE_CHECKING: from squirrel.iterstream import Composable META_DATA = dict( filename="adult.csv", url="", ) _FEATURE_NAMES = [ "age", "workclass", "fnlwgt", "education", "education-num", "marital-status", "occupation", "relationship", "race", "sex", "capitalgain", "capitalloss", "hoursperweek", "native-country", "class", ] class AdultIncome(IterDriver): name = "adult_income" def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Initialze the California housing dataset driver.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) self._train_df, self._test_df = self._init() self._train_df = self._train_df.to_dict(orient="records") self._test_df = self._test_df.to_dict(orient="records") def _init(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Uses a proportionate sampling strategy to split the dataset into train and test folds.""" df = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(META_DATA["url"], META_DATA["filename"]), index_col=None, ) df = df.fillna("NAN") train_df, test_df = proportionate_sample_df(df, "class", 0.2, seed=42) return train_df, test_df def get_iter(self, split: str = "train", shuffle_item_buffer: int = 100, **kwargs) -> Composable: """ Get an iterator over samples. Args: split (str): can be `train` or `test`. shuffle_item_buffer (int): the size of the buffer used to shuffle samples after being fetched. Please note the memory footprint of samples """ assert split in ["train", "test"] if split == "train": return IterableSource(self._train_df).shuffle(size=shuffle_item_buffer) else: return IterableSource(self._test_df).shuffle(size=shuffle_item_buffer)
aiolirc ======= .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: Jump To ------- * `Documentation <>`_ * `Python package index <>`_ * `Source on github <>`_ * `Downloads <>`_ About ----- Asynchronous messaging using python's new facility(async-await syntax), introduced in version 3.5 is so fun! So, I decided to provide an asynchronous context manager and iterator wrapper for `Linux Infra-Red Remote Control(LIRC) <>`_. Happily, the Cython is working well with asyncio. So the `lirc_client` C extension has been made by cython's extenstion type. In addition, an `IRCDispatcher` type and a `listen_for` decorator have been provided. Install ------- :: $ apt-get install liblircclient-dev python3.5-dev build-essential $ pip install cython $ pip install aiolirc Quick Start ----------- The simplest way to use this library is the famous `very_quickstart` function as follows:: from aiolirc import very_quickstart, listen_for @listen_for('play') async def do_play(loop): ... # Do play stuff very_quickstart('my-prog') # my-prog is configured in your lircrc file. Another coroutine function named `quickstart` is also available.This lets you have control over the event loop life-cycle:: import asyncio from aiolirc import quickstart main_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() try: main_loop.run_until_complete(quickstart(loop=main_loop)) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('CTRL+C detected. terminating...') return 1 finally: if not main_loop.is_closed(): main_loop.close() The `IRCDispatcher` ------------------- Constructor ^^^^^^^^^^^ :: def __init__(self, source: LIRCClient, loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop=None): Example of usage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: import asyncio from aiolirc.lirc_client import LIRCClient from aiolirc.dispatcher import IRCDispatcher, listen_for @listen_for('amp power', repeat=5) async def amp_power(loop): ... # Do your stuff @listen_for('amp source') async def amp_source(loop): ... # Do your stuff async with LIRCClient('my-prog') as client: dispatcher = IRCDispatcher(client) await dispatcher.listen() The `LIRCClient` ---------------- Constructor ^^^^^^^^^^^ :: def __cinit__(self, lircrc_prog, *, lircrc_file='~/.config/lircrc', loop=None, check_interval=.05, verbose=False, blocking=False): To advance control over the messages received from lirc, asychronously iter over an instance of the `LIRCClient` after calling `LIRCClient.lirc_init()`. And make sure the `LIRCClient.lirc_deinit()` has been called after finishing your work with `LIRCClient`:: from aiolirc.lirc_client import LIRCClient client = LIRCClient('my-prog') try: client.lirc_init() async for cmd in client: print(cmd) finally: client.lirc_deinit() You may use the `LIRCClient` as an asynchronous context manager as described as follows, to automatically call the `LIRCClient.lirc_init()` and `LIRCClient.lirc_deinit()` functions, and also acquiring a lock to prevent multiple instances of the `LIRCClient` from reading messages from lirc_client wrapper:: from aiolirc.lirc_client import LIRCClient async with LIRCClient('my-prog') as client: async for cmd in client: print(cmd) Systemd ------- Create a import sys import asyncio from aiolirc import IRCDispatcher, LIRCClient async def launch(self) -> int: async with LIRCClient('my-prog', lircrc_file='path/to/lircrc', check_interval=.06) as client: dispatcher = IRCDispatcher(client) result = (await asyncio.gather(dispatcher.listen(), return_exceptions=True))[0] if isinstance(result, Exception): raise result return 0 def main(self): main_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() try: return main_loop.run_until_complete(launch()) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('CTRL+C detected.') return 1 finally: if not main_loop.is_closed(): main_loop.close() if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main()) `/etc/systemd/system/aiolirc.service` file:: [Unit] Description=aiolirc [Service] ExecStart=python3.5 /path/to/ User=user Group=group [Install] systemctl:: $ systemctl enable aiolirc $ systemctl start aiolirc $ systemctl restart aiolirc $ ps -Af | grep '' $ systemctl stop aiolirc Change Log ---------- **0.1.0** - README.rst
from __future__ import annotations from datetime import date, datetime # noqa: F401 from enum import Enum, IntEnum import re # noqa: F401 from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type, Union, Callable # noqa: F401 from pathlib import Path from typing import TypeVar Model = TypeVar('Model', bound='BaseModel') StrBytes = Union[str, bytes] from pydantic import AnyUrl, BaseModel, EmailStr, Field, validator, root_validator, Extra # noqa: F401 from dnv_bladed_models.fixed_step_integrator import FixedStepIntegrator class MidpointMethodFixedStep(FixedStepIntegrator, IntegratorType='MidpointMethodFixedStep'): """MidpointMethodFixedStep - Settings for the Midpoint Method Fixed Step integrator. Attributes: ---------- IntegratorType : str, readonly, default='MidpointMethodFixedStep' Allows the schema to identify the type of the object. For this type of object, this must always be set to 'MidpointMethodFixedStep' """ IntegratorType: Optional[str] = Field(alias="IntegratorType", default='MidpointMethodFixedStep', allow_mutation=False) class Config: extra = Extra.forbid validate_assignment = True allow_population_by_field_name = True pass @root_validator(pre=True) def _parsing_ignores_underscore_properties(cls, values: dict[str, any]): allowed_vals = {} for key, val in values.items(): if not key.startswith('_'): if isinstance(val, dict): allowed_child_vals = {} for child_key, child_val in val.items(): if not child_key.startswith('_'): allowed_child_vals[child_key] = child_val allowed_vals[key] = allowed_child_vals else: allowed_vals[key] = val return allowed_vals def to_json( self, *, include: Optional[Union['AbstractSetIntStr', 'MappingIntStrAny']] = None, exclude: Optional[Union['AbstractSetIntStr', 'MappingIntStrAny']] = None, by_alias: bool = True, skip_defaults: Optional[bool] = None, exclude_unset: bool = False, exclude_defaults: bool = False, exclude_none: bool = True, encoder: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None, models_as_dict: bool = True, **dumps_kwargs: Any) -> str: r""" Generates a JSON string representation of the model. Notes ----- `include` and `exclude` arguments as per `dict()`. `encoder` is an optional function to supply as `default` to json.dumps(), other arguments as per `json.dumps()`. Examples -------- >>> model.to_json() Renders the full JSON representation of the model object. """ if dumps_kwargs.get('indent') is None: dumps_kwargs.update(indent=2) return super().json( include=include, exclude=exclude, by_alias=by_alias, skip_defaults=skip_defaults, exclude_unset=exclude_unset, exclude_defaults=exclude_defaults, exclude_none=exclude_none, encoder=encoder, models_as_dict=models_as_dict, **dumps_kwargs) @classmethod def from_file( cls: Type['Model'], path: Union[str, Path]) -> 'Model': r""" Loads a model from a given file path. Parameters ---------- path : string The file path to the model. Returns ------- MidpointMethodFixedStep The model object. Raises ------ ValueError, ValidationError If the JSON document does not correctly describe the model according to the model schema. Examples -------- >>> model = MidpointMethodFixedStep.from_file('/path/to/file') """ return super().parse_file(path=path) @classmethod def from_json( cls: Type['Model'], b: StrBytes) -> 'Model': r""" Creates a model object from a JSON string. Parameters ---------- b: StrBytes The JSON string describing the model. Returns ------- MidpointMethodFixedStep The model object. Raises ------ ValueError, ValidationError If the JSON document does not correctly describe the model according to the model schema. Examples -------- >>> model = MidpointMethodFixedStep.from_json('{ ... }') """ return super().parse_raw( b=b, content_type='application/json') @classmethod def from_dict( cls: Type['Model'], obj: Any) -> 'Model': r""" Creates a model object from a dict. Parameters ---------- obj : Any The dictionary object describing the model. Returns ------- MidpointMethodFixedStep The model object. Raises ------ ValueError, ValidationError If the JSON document does not correctly describe the model according to the model schema. """ return super().parse_obj(obj=obj) def to_file( self, path: Union[str, Path]): r""" Writes the model as a JSON document to a file with UTF8 encoding. Parameters ---------- path : string The file path to which the model will be written. Examples -------- >>> model.to_file('/path/to/file') """ with open(file=path, mode='w', encoding="utf8") as output_file: output_file.write(self.to_json()) MidpointMethodFixedStep.update_forward_refs()
import asyncio import logging import socket import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser from import Iterable from importlib import import_module from typing import ( Any, Awaitable, Callable, Iterable as TypingIterable, List, Optional, Set, Type, Union, cast, ) from .abc import AbstractAccessLogger from .helpers import all_tasks from .log import access_logger from .web_app import Application as Application, CleanupError as CleanupError from .web_exceptions import ( HTTPAccepted as HTTPAccepted, HTTPBadGateway as HTTPBadGateway, HTTPBadRequest as HTTPBadRequest, HTTPClientError as HTTPClientError, HTTPConflict as HTTPConflict, HTTPCreated as HTTPCreated, HTTPError as HTTPError, HTTPException as HTTPException, HTTPExpectationFailed as HTTPExpectationFailed, HTTPFailedDependency as HTTPFailedDependency, HTTPForbidden as HTTPForbidden, HTTPFound as HTTPFound, HTTPGatewayTimeout as HTTPGatewayTimeout, HTTPGone as HTTPGone, HTTPInsufficientStorage as HTTPInsufficientStorage, HTTPInternalServerError as HTTPInternalServerError, HTTPLengthRequired as HTTPLengthRequired, HTTPMethodNotAllowed as HTTPMethodNotAllowed, HTTPMisdirectedRequest as HTTPMisdirectedRequest, HTTPMovedPermanently as HTTPMovedPermanently, HTTPMultipleChoices as HTTPMultipleChoices, HTTPNetworkAuthenticationRequired as HTTPNetworkAuthenticationRequired, HTTPNoContent as HTTPNoContent, HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation as HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation, HTTPNotAcceptable as HTTPNotAcceptable, HTTPNotExtended as HTTPNotExtended, HTTPNotFound as HTTPNotFound, HTTPNotImplemented as HTTPNotImplemented, HTTPNotModified as HTTPNotModified, HTTPOk as HTTPOk, HTTPPartialContent as HTTPPartialContent, HTTPPaymentRequired as HTTPPaymentRequired, HTTPPermanentRedirect as HTTPPermanentRedirect, HTTPPreconditionFailed as HTTPPreconditionFailed, HTTPPreconditionRequired as HTTPPreconditionRequired, HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired as HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired, HTTPRedirection as HTTPRedirection, HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge as HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge, HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge as HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge, HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable as HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable, HTTPRequestTimeout as HTTPRequestTimeout, HTTPRequestURITooLong as HTTPRequestURITooLong, HTTPResetContent as HTTPResetContent, HTTPSeeOther as HTTPSeeOther, HTTPServerError as HTTPServerError, HTTPServiceUnavailable as HTTPServiceUnavailable, HTTPSuccessful as HTTPSuccessful, HTTPTemporaryRedirect as HTTPTemporaryRedirect, HTTPTooManyRequests as HTTPTooManyRequests, HTTPUnauthorized as HTTPUnauthorized, HTTPUnavailableForLegalReasons as HTTPUnavailableForLegalReasons, HTTPUnprocessableEntity as HTTPUnprocessableEntity, HTTPUnsupportedMediaType as HTTPUnsupportedMediaType, HTTPUpgradeRequired as HTTPUpgradeRequired, HTTPUseProxy as HTTPUseProxy, HTTPVariantAlsoNegotiates as HTTPVariantAlsoNegotiates, HTTPVersionNotSupported as HTTPVersionNotSupported, ) from .web_fileresponse import FileResponse as FileResponse from .web_log import AccessLogger from .web_middlewares import ( middleware as middleware, normalize_path_middleware as normalize_path_middleware, ) from .web_protocol import ( PayloadAccessError as PayloadAccessError, RequestHandler as RequestHandler, RequestPayloadError as RequestPayloadError, ) from .web_request import ( BaseRequest as BaseRequest, FileField as FileField, Request as Request, ) from .web_response import ( ContentCoding as ContentCoding, Response as Response, StreamResponse as StreamResponse, json_response as json_response, ) from .web_routedef import ( AbstractRouteDef as AbstractRouteDef, RouteDef as RouteDef, RouteTableDef as RouteTableDef, StaticDef as StaticDef, delete as delete, get as get, head as head, options as options, patch as patch, post as post, put as put, route as route, static as static, view as view, ) from .web_runner import ( AppRunner as AppRunner, BaseRunner as BaseRunner, BaseSite as BaseSite, GracefulExit as GracefulExit, NamedPipeSite as NamedPipeSite, ServerRunner as ServerRunner, SockSite as SockSite, TCPSite as TCPSite, UnixSite as UnixSite, ) from .web_server import Server as Server from .web_urldispatcher import ( AbstractResource as AbstractResource, AbstractRoute as AbstractRoute, DynamicResource as DynamicResource, PlainResource as PlainResource, PrefixedSubAppResource as PrefixedSubAppResource, Resource as Resource, ResourceRoute as ResourceRoute, StaticResource as StaticResource, UrlDispatcher as UrlDispatcher, UrlMappingMatchInfo as UrlMappingMatchInfo, View as View, ) from .web_ws import ( WebSocketReady as WebSocketReady, WebSocketResponse as WebSocketResponse, WSMsgType as WSMsgType, ) __all__ = ( # web_app "Application", "CleanupError", # web_exceptions "HTTPAccepted", "HTTPBadGateway", "HTTPBadRequest", "HTTPClientError", "HTTPConflict", "HTTPCreated", "HTTPError", "HTTPException", "HTTPExpectationFailed", "HTTPFailedDependency", "HTTPForbidden", "HTTPFound", "HTTPGatewayTimeout", "HTTPGone", "HTTPInsufficientStorage", "HTTPInternalServerError", "HTTPLengthRequired", "HTTPMethodNotAllowed", "HTTPMisdirectedRequest", "HTTPMovedPermanently", "HTTPMultipleChoices", "HTTPNetworkAuthenticationRequired", "HTTPNoContent", "HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation", "HTTPNotAcceptable", "HTTPNotExtended", "HTTPNotFound", "HTTPNotImplemented", "HTTPNotModified", "HTTPOk", "HTTPPartialContent", "HTTPPaymentRequired", "HTTPPermanentRedirect", "HTTPPreconditionFailed", "HTTPPreconditionRequired", "HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired", "HTTPRedirection", "HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge", "HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge", "HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable", "HTTPRequestTimeout", "HTTPRequestURITooLong", "HTTPResetContent", "HTTPSeeOther", "HTTPServerError", "HTTPServiceUnavailable", "HTTPSuccessful", "HTTPTemporaryRedirect", "HTTPTooManyRequests", "HTTPUnauthorized", "HTTPUnavailableForLegalReasons", "HTTPUnprocessableEntity", "HTTPUnsupportedMediaType", "HTTPUpgradeRequired", "HTTPUseProxy", "HTTPVariantAlsoNegotiates", "HTTPVersionNotSupported", # web_fileresponse "FileResponse", # web_middlewares "middleware", "normalize_path_middleware", # web_protocol "PayloadAccessError", "RequestHandler", "RequestPayloadError", # web_request "BaseRequest", "FileField", "Request", # web_response "ContentCoding", "Response", "StreamResponse", "json_response", # web_routedef "AbstractRouteDef", "RouteDef", "RouteTableDef", "StaticDef", "delete", "get", "head", "options", "patch", "post", "put", "route", "static", "view", # web_runner "AppRunner", "BaseRunner", "BaseSite", "GracefulExit", "ServerRunner", "SockSite", "TCPSite", "UnixSite", "NamedPipeSite", # web_server "Server", # web_urldispatcher "AbstractResource", "AbstractRoute", "DynamicResource", "PlainResource", "PrefixedSubAppResource", "Resource", "ResourceRoute", "StaticResource", "UrlDispatcher", "UrlMappingMatchInfo", "View", # web_ws "WebSocketReady", "WebSocketResponse", "WSMsgType", # web "run_app", ) try: from ssl import SSLContext except ImportError: # pragma: no cover SSLContext = Any # type: ignore[misc,assignment] HostSequence = TypingIterable[str] async def _run_app( app: Union[Application, Awaitable[Application]], *, host: Optional[Union[str, HostSequence]] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, sock: Optional[Union[socket.socket, TypingIterable[socket.socket]]] = None, shutdown_timeout: float = 60.0, keepalive_timeout: float = 75.0, ssl_context: Optional[SSLContext] = None, print: Callable[..., None] = print, backlog: int = 128, access_log_class: Type[AbstractAccessLogger] = AccessLogger, access_log_format: str = AccessLogger.LOG_FORMAT, access_log: Optional[logging.Logger] = access_logger, handle_signals: bool = True, reuse_address: Optional[bool] = None, reuse_port: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> None: # A internal functio to actually do all dirty job for application running if asyncio.iscoroutine(app): app = await app # type: ignore[misc] app = cast(Application, app) runner = AppRunner( app, handle_signals=handle_signals, access_log_class=access_log_class, access_log_format=access_log_format, access_log=access_log, keepalive_timeout=keepalive_timeout, ) await runner.setup() sites: List[BaseSite] = [] try: if host is not None: if isinstance(host, (str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview)): sites.append( TCPSite( runner, host, port, shutdown_timeout=shutdown_timeout, ssl_context=ssl_context, backlog=backlog, reuse_address=reuse_address, reuse_port=reuse_port, ) ) else: for h in host: sites.append( TCPSite( runner, h, port, shutdown_timeout=shutdown_timeout, ssl_context=ssl_context, backlog=backlog, reuse_address=reuse_address, reuse_port=reuse_port, ) ) elif path is None and sock is None or port is not None: sites.append( TCPSite( runner, port=port, shutdown_timeout=shutdown_timeout, ssl_context=ssl_context, backlog=backlog, reuse_address=reuse_address, reuse_port=reuse_port, ) ) if path is not None: if isinstance(path, (str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview)): sites.append( UnixSite( runner, path, shutdown_timeout=shutdown_timeout, ssl_context=ssl_context, backlog=backlog, ) ) else: for p in path: sites.append( UnixSite( runner, p, shutdown_timeout=shutdown_timeout, ssl_context=ssl_context, backlog=backlog, ) ) if sock is not None: if not isinstance(sock, Iterable): sites.append( SockSite( runner, sock, shutdown_timeout=shutdown_timeout, ssl_context=ssl_context, backlog=backlog, ) ) else: for s in sock: sites.append( SockSite( runner, s, shutdown_timeout=shutdown_timeout, ssl_context=ssl_context, backlog=backlog, ) ) for site in sites: await site.start() if print: # pragma: no branch names = sorted(str( for s in runner.sites) print( "======== Running on {} ========\n" "(Press CTRL+C to quit)".format(", ".join(names)) ) # sleep forever by 1 hour intervals, # on Windows before Python 3.8 wake up every 1 second to handle # Ctrl+C smoothly if sys.platform == "win32" and sys.version_info < (3, 8): delay = 1 else: delay = 3600 while True: await asyncio.sleep(delay) finally: await runner.cleanup() def _cancel_tasks( to_cancel: Set["asyncio.Task[Any]"], loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop ) -> None: if not to_cancel: return for task in to_cancel: task.cancel() loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*to_cancel, return_exceptions=True)) for task in to_cancel: if task.cancelled(): continue if task.exception() is not None: loop.call_exception_handler( { "message": "unhandled exception during shutdown", "exception": task.exception(), "task": task, } ) def run_app( app: Union[Application, Awaitable[Application]], *, host: Optional[Union[str, HostSequence]] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, sock: Optional[Union[socket.socket, TypingIterable[socket.socket]]] = None, shutdown_timeout: float = 60.0, keepalive_timeout: float = 75.0, ssl_context: Optional[SSLContext] = None, print: Callable[..., None] = print, backlog: int = 128, access_log_class: Type[AbstractAccessLogger] = AccessLogger, access_log_format: str = AccessLogger.LOG_FORMAT, access_log: Optional[logging.Logger] = access_logger, handle_signals: bool = True, reuse_address: Optional[bool] = None, reuse_port: Optional[bool] = None, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, ) -> None: """Run an app locally""" if loop is None: loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() # Configure if and only if in debugging mode and using the default logger if loop.get_debug() and access_log and == "aiohttp.access": if access_log.level == logging.NOTSET: access_log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if not access_log.hasHandlers(): access_log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) main_task = loop.create_task( _run_app( app, host=host, port=port, path=path, sock=sock, shutdown_timeout=shutdown_timeout, keepalive_timeout=keepalive_timeout, ssl_context=ssl_context, print=print, backlog=backlog, access_log_class=access_log_class, access_log_format=access_log_format, access_log=access_log, handle_signals=handle_signals, reuse_address=reuse_address, reuse_port=reuse_port, ) ) try: asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) loop.run_until_complete(main_task) except (GracefulExit, KeyboardInterrupt): # pragma: no cover pass finally: _cancel_tasks({main_task}, loop) _cancel_tasks(all_tasks(loop), loop) loop.run_until_complete(loop.shutdown_asyncgens()) loop.close() def main(argv: List[str]) -> None: arg_parser = ArgumentParser( description="aiohttp.web Application server", prog="aiohttp.web" ) arg_parser.add_argument( "entry_func", help=( "Callable returning the `aiohttp.web.Application` instance to " "run. Should be specified in the 'module:function' syntax." ), metavar="entry-func", ) arg_parser.add_argument( "-H", "--hostname", help="TCP/IP hostname to serve on (default: %(default)r)", default="localhost", ) arg_parser.add_argument( "-P", "--port", help="TCP/IP port to serve on (default: %(default)r)", type=int, default="8080", ) arg_parser.add_argument( "-U", "--path", help="Unix file system path to serve on. Specifying a path will cause " "hostname and port arguments to be ignored.", ) args, extra_argv = arg_parser.parse_known_args(argv) # Import logic mod_str, _, func_str = args.entry_func.partition(":") if not func_str or not mod_str: arg_parser.error("'entry-func' not in 'module:function' syntax") if mod_str.startswith("."): arg_parser.error("relative module names not supported") try: module = import_module(mod_str) except ImportError as ex: arg_parser.error(f"unable to import {mod_str}: {ex}") try: func = getattr(module, func_str) except AttributeError: arg_parser.error(f"module {mod_str!r} has no attribute {func_str!r}") # Compatibility logic if args.path is not None and not hasattr(socket, "AF_UNIX"): arg_parser.error( "file system paths not supported by your operating" " environment" ) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) app = func(extra_argv) run_app(app, host=args.hostname, port=args.port, path=args.path) arg_parser.exit(message="Stopped\n") if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no branch main(sys.argv[1:]) # pragma: no cover
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and its affiliates. # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. from typing import Optional import magnum as mn import numpy as np from gym import spaces import habitat_sim from habitat.core.embodied_task import SimulatorTaskAction from habitat.core.registry import registry from habitat.sims.habitat_simulator.actions import HabitatSimActions from habitat.tasks.rearrange.actions.articulated_agent_action import ( ArticulatedAgentAction, ) # flake8: noqa # These actions need to be imported since there is a Python evaluation # statement which dynamically creates the desired grip controller. from habitat.tasks.rearrange.actions.grip_actions import ( GazeGraspAction, GripSimulatorTaskAction, MagicGraspAction, SuctionGraspAction, ) from habitat.tasks.rearrange.rearrange_sim import RearrangeSim from habitat.tasks.rearrange.utils import rearrange_collision, rearrange_logger @registry.register_task_action class EmptyAction(ArticulatedAgentAction): """A No-op action useful for testing and in some controllers where we want to wait before the next operation. """ @property def action_space(self): return spaces.Dict( { "empty_action": spaces.Box( shape=(1,), low=-1, high=1, dtype=np.float32, ) } ) def step(self, *args, **kwargs): pass @registry.register_task_action class RearrangeStopAction(SimulatorTaskAction): def reset(self, *args, **kwargs): super().reset(*args, **kwargs) self.does_want_terminate = False def step(self, task, *args, **kwargs): should_stop = kwargs.get("rearrange_stop", [1.0]) if should_stop[0] > 0.0: self.does_want_terminate = True @registry.register_task_action class ArmAction(ArticulatedAgentAction): """An arm control and grip control into one action space.""" def __init__(self, *args, config, sim: RearrangeSim, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, config=config, sim=sim, **kwargs) arm_controller_cls = eval(self._config.arm_controller) self._sim: RearrangeSim = sim self.arm_ctrlr = arm_controller_cls( *args, config=config, sim=sim, **kwargs ) if self._config.grip_controller is not None: grip_controller_cls = eval(self._config.grip_controller) self.grip_ctrlr: Optional[ GripSimulatorTaskAction ] = grip_controller_cls(*args, config=config, sim=sim, **kwargs) else: self.grip_ctrlr = None self.disable_grip = False if "disable_grip" in config: self.disable_grip = config["disable_grip"] def reset(self, *args, **kwargs): self.arm_ctrlr.reset(*args, **kwargs) if self.grip_ctrlr is not None: self.grip_ctrlr.reset(*args, **kwargs) @property def action_space(self): action_spaces = { self._action_arg_prefix + "arm_action": self.arm_ctrlr.action_space, } if self.grip_ctrlr is not None and self.grip_ctrlr.requires_action: action_spaces[ self._action_arg_prefix + "grip_action" ] = self.grip_ctrlr.action_space return spaces.Dict(action_spaces) def step(self, *args, **kwargs): arm_action = kwargs[self._action_arg_prefix + "arm_action"] self.arm_ctrlr.step(arm_action) if self.grip_ctrlr is not None and not self.disable_grip: grip_action = kwargs[self._action_arg_prefix + "grip_action"] self.grip_ctrlr.step(grip_action) @registry.register_task_action class ArmRelPosAction(ArticulatedAgentAction): """ The arm motor targets are offset by the delta joint values specified by the action """ def __init__(self, *args, config, sim: RearrangeSim, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, config=config, sim=sim, **kwargs) self._delta_pos_limit = self._config.delta_pos_limit @property def action_space(self): return spaces.Box( shape=(self._config.arm_joint_dimensionality,), low=-1, high=1, dtype=np.float32, ) def step(self, delta_pos, should_step=True, *args, **kwargs): # clip from -1 to 1 delta_pos = np.clip(delta_pos, -1, 1) delta_pos *= self._delta_pos_limit # The actual joint positions self._sim: RearrangeSim self.cur_articulated_agent.arm_motor_pos = ( delta_pos + self.cur_articulated_agent.arm_motor_pos ) @registry.register_task_action class ArmRelPosMaskAction(ArticulatedAgentAction): """ The arm motor targets are offset by the delta joint values specified by the action """ def __init__(self, *args, config, sim: RearrangeSim, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, config=config, sim=sim, **kwargs) self._delta_pos_limit = self._config.delta_pos_limit self._arm_joint_mask = self._config.arm_joint_mask @property def action_space(self): return spaces.Box( shape=(self._config.arm_joint_dimensionality,), low=-1, high=1, dtype=np.float32, ) def step(self, delta_pos, should_step=True, *args, **kwargs): # clip from -1 to 1 delta_pos = np.clip(delta_pos, -1, 1) delta_pos *= self._delta_pos_limit mask_delta_pos = np.zeros(len(self._arm_joint_mask)) src_idx = 0 tgt_idx = 0 for mask in self._arm_joint_mask: if mask == 0: tgt_idx += 1 src_idx += 1 continue mask_delta_pos[tgt_idx] = delta_pos[src_idx] tgt_idx += 1 src_idx += 1 # Although habitat_sim will prevent the motor from exceeding limits, # clip the motor joints first here to prevent the arm from being unstable. min_limit, max_limit = self.cur_articulated_agent.arm_joint_limits target_arm_pos = ( mask_delta_pos + self.cur_articulated_agent.arm_motor_pos ) set_arm_pos = np.clip(target_arm_pos, min_limit, max_limit) # The actual joint positions self._sim: RearrangeSim self.cur_articulated_agent.arm_motor_pos = set_arm_pos @registry.register_task_action class ArmRelPosKinematicAction(ArticulatedAgentAction): """ The arm motor targets are offset by the delta joint values specified by the action """ def __init__(self, *args, config, sim: RearrangeSim, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, config=config, sim=sim, **kwargs) self._delta_pos_limit = self._config.delta_pos_limit self._should_clip = self._config.get("should_clip", True) @property def action_space(self): return spaces.Box( shape=(self._config.arm_joint_dimensionality,), low=0, high=1, dtype=np.float32, ) def step(self, delta_pos, *args, **kwargs): if self._should_clip: # clip from -1 to 1 delta_pos = np.clip(delta_pos, -1, 1) delta_pos *= self._delta_pos_limit self._sim: RearrangeSim set_arm_pos = delta_pos + self.cur_articulated_agent.arm_joint_pos self.cur_articulated_agent.arm_joint_pos = set_arm_pos self.cur_articulated_agent.fix_joint_values = set_arm_pos @registry.register_task_action class ArmAbsPosAction(ArticulatedAgentAction): """ The arm motor targets are directly set to the joint configuration specified by the action. """ @property def action_space(self): return spaces.Box( shape=(self._config.arm_joint_dimensionality,), low=0, high=1, dtype=np.float32, ) def step(self, set_pos, *args, **kwargs): # No clipping because the arm is being set to exactly where it needs to # go. self._sim: RearrangeSim self.cur_articulated_agent.arm_motor_pos = set_pos @registry.register_task_action class ArmAbsPosKinematicAction(ArticulatedAgentAction): """ The arm is kinematically directly set to the joint configuration specified by the action. """ @property def action_space(self): return spaces.Box( shape=(self._config.arm_joint_dimensionality,), low=0, high=1, dtype=np.float32, ) def step(self, set_pos, *args, **kwargs): # No clipping because the arm is being set to exactly where it needs to # go. self._sim: RearrangeSim self.cur_articulated_agent.arm_joint_pos = set_pos @registry.register_task_action class ArmRelPosKinematicReducedActionStretch(ArticulatedAgentAction): """ The arm motor targets are offset by the delta joint values specified by the action and the mask. This function is used for Stretch. """ def __init__(self, *args, config, sim: RearrangeSim, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, config=config, sim=sim, **kwargs) self.last_arm_action = None self._delta_pos_limit = self._config.delta_pos_limit self._should_clip = self._config.get("should_clip", True) self._arm_joint_mask = self._config.arm_joint_mask def reset(self, *args, **kwargs): super().reset(*args, **kwargs) self.last_arm_action = None @property def action_space(self): self.step_c = 0 return spaces.Box( shape=(self._config.arm_joint_dimensionality,), low=-1, high=1, dtype=np.float32, ) def step(self, delta_pos, *args, **kwargs): if self._should_clip: # clip from -1 to 1 delta_pos = np.clip(delta_pos, -1, 1) delta_pos *= self._delta_pos_limit self._sim: RearrangeSim # Expand delta_pos based on mask expanded_delta_pos = np.zeros(len(self._arm_joint_mask)) src_idx = 0 tgt_idx = 0 for mask in self._arm_joint_mask: if mask == 0: tgt_idx += 1 src_idx += 1 continue expanded_delta_pos[tgt_idx] = delta_pos[src_idx] tgt_idx += 1 src_idx += 1 min_limit, max_limit = self.cur_articulated_agent.arm_joint_limits set_arm_pos = ( expanded_delta_pos + self.cur_articulated_agent.arm_motor_pos ) # Perform roll over to the joints so that the user cannot control # the motor 2, 3, 4 for the arm. if expanded_delta_pos[0] >= 0: for i in range(3): if set_arm_pos[i] > max_limit[i]: set_arm_pos[i + 1] += set_arm_pos[i] - max_limit[i] set_arm_pos[i] = max_limit[i] else: for i in range(3): if set_arm_pos[i] < min_limit[i]: set_arm_pos[i + 1] -= min_limit[i] - set_arm_pos[i] set_arm_pos[i] = min_limit[i] set_arm_pos = np.clip(set_arm_pos, min_limit, max_limit) self.cur_articulated_agent.arm_motor_pos = set_arm_pos @registry.register_task_action class BaseVelAction(ArticulatedAgentAction): """ The articulated agent base motion is constrained to the NavMesh and controlled with velocity commands integrated with the VelocityControl interface. Optionally cull states with active collisions if config parameter `allow_dyn_slide` is True """ def __init__(self, *args, config, sim: RearrangeSim, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, config=config, sim=sim, **kwargs) self._sim: RearrangeSim = sim self.base_vel_ctrl = habitat_sim.physics.VelocityControl() self.base_vel_ctrl.controlling_lin_vel = True self.base_vel_ctrl.lin_vel_is_local = True self.base_vel_ctrl.controlling_ang_vel = True self.base_vel_ctrl.ang_vel_is_local = True self._allow_dyn_slide = self._config.get("allow_dyn_slide", True) self._lin_speed = self._config.lin_speed self._ang_speed = self._config.ang_speed self._allow_back = self._config.allow_back @property def action_space(self): lim = 20 return spaces.Dict( { self._action_arg_prefix + "base_vel": spaces.Box( shape=(2,), low=-lim, high=lim, dtype=np.float32 ) } ) def _capture_articulated_agent_state(self): return { "forces": self.cur_articulated_agent.sim_obj.joint_forces, "vel": self.cur_articulated_agent.sim_obj.joint_velocities, "pos": self.cur_articulated_agent.sim_obj.joint_positions, } def _set_articulated_agent_state(self, set_dat): self.cur_articulated_agent.sim_obj.joint_positions = set_dat["forces"] self.cur_articulated_agent.sim_obj.joint_velocities = set_dat["vel"] self.cur_articulated_agent.sim_obj.joint_forces = set_dat["pos"] def update_base(self): ctrl_freq = self._sim.ctrl_freq before_trans_state = self._capture_articulated_agent_state() trans = self.cur_articulated_agent.sim_obj.transformation rigid_state = habitat_sim.RigidState( mn.Quaternion.from_matrix(trans.rotation()), trans.translation ) target_rigid_state = self.base_vel_ctrl.integrate_transform( 1 / ctrl_freq, rigid_state ) end_pos = self._sim.step_filter( rigid_state.translation, target_rigid_state.translation ) # Offset the base end_pos -= self.cur_articulated_agent.params.base_offset target_trans = mn.Matrix4.from_( target_rigid_state.rotation.to_matrix(), end_pos ) self.cur_articulated_agent.sim_obj.transformation = target_trans if not self._allow_dyn_slide: # Check if in the new articulated_agent state the arm collides with anything. # If so we have to revert back to the previous transform self._sim.internal_step(-1) colls = self._sim.get_collisions() did_coll, _ = rearrange_collision( colls, self._sim.snapped_obj_id, False ) if did_coll: # Don't allow the step, revert back. self._set_articulated_agent_state(before_trans_state) self.cur_articulated_agent.sim_obj.transformation = trans if self.cur_grasp_mgr.snap_idx is not None: # Holding onto an object, also kinematically update the object. # object. self.cur_grasp_mgr.update_object_to_grasp() if self.cur_articulated_agent._base_type == "leg": # Fix the leg joints self.cur_articulated_agent.leg_joint_pos = ( self.cur_articulated_agent.params.leg_init_params ) def step(self, *args, **kwargs): lin_vel, ang_vel = kwargs[self._action_arg_prefix + "base_vel"] lin_vel = np.clip(lin_vel, -1, 1) * self._lin_speed ang_vel = np.clip(ang_vel, -1, 1) * self._ang_speed if not self._allow_back: lin_vel = np.maximum(lin_vel, 0) self.base_vel_ctrl.linear_velocity = mn.Vector3(lin_vel, 0, 0) self.base_vel_ctrl.angular_velocity = mn.Vector3(0, ang_vel, 0) if lin_vel != 0.0 or ang_vel != 0.0: self.update_base() @registry.register_task_action class BaseVelNonCylinderAction(ArticulatedAgentAction): """ The articulated agent base motion is constrained to the NavMesh and controlled with velocity commands integrated with the VelocityControl interface. Optionally cull states with active collisions if config parameter `allow_dyn_slide` is True """ def __init__(self, *args, config, sim: RearrangeSim, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, config=config, sim=sim, **kwargs) self._sim: RearrangeSim = sim self.base_vel_ctrl = habitat_sim.physics.VelocityControl() self.base_vel_ctrl.controlling_lin_vel = True self.base_vel_ctrl.lin_vel_is_local = True self.base_vel_ctrl.controlling_ang_vel = True self.base_vel_ctrl.ang_vel_is_local = True self._allow_dyn_slide = self._config.get("allow_dyn_slide", True) self._allow_back = self._config.allow_back self._collision_threshold = self._config.collision_threshold self._longitudinal_lin_speed = self._config.longitudinal_lin_speed self._lateral_lin_speed = self._config.lateral_lin_speed self._ang_speed = self._config.ang_speed self._navmesh_offset = self._config.navmesh_offset self._enable_lateral_move = self._config.enable_lateral_move @property def action_space(self): lim = 20 if self._enable_lateral_move: return spaces.Dict( { self._action_arg_prefix + "base_vel": spaces.Box( shape=(3,), low=-lim, high=lim, dtype=np.float32 ) } ) else: return spaces.Dict( { self._action_arg_prefix + "base_vel": spaces.Box( shape=(2,), low=-lim, high=lim, dtype=np.float32 ) } ) def collision_check( self, trans, target_trans, target_rigid_state, compute_sliding ): """ trans: the transformation of the current location of the robot target_trans: the transformation of the target location of the robot given the center original Navmesh target_rigid_state: the target state of the robot given the center original Navmesh compute_sliding: if we want to compute sliding or not """ # Get the offset positions num_check_cylinder = len(self._navmesh_offset) nav_pos_3d = [ np.array([xz[0], 0.0, xz[1]]) for xz in self._navmesh_offset ] cur_pos = [trans.transform_point(xyz) for xyz in nav_pos_3d] goal_pos = [target_trans.transform_point(xyz) for xyz in nav_pos_3d] # For step filter of offset positions end_pos = [] for i in range(num_check_cylinder): pos = self._sim.step_filter(cur_pos[i], goal_pos[i]) # Sanitize the height pos[1] = 0.0 cur_pos[i][1] = 0.0 goal_pos[i][1] = 0.0 end_pos.append(pos) # Planar move distance clamped by NavMesh move = [] for i in range(num_check_cylinder): move.append((end_pos[i] - goal_pos[i]).length()) # For detection of linear or angualr velocities # There is a collision if the difference between the clamped NavMesh position and target position is too great for any point. diff = len([v for v in move if v > self._collision_threshold]) if diff > 0: # Wrap the move direction if we use sliding # Find the largest diff moving direction, which means that there is a collision in that cylinder if compute_sliding: max_idx = np.argmax(move) move_vec = end_pos[max_idx] - cur_pos[max_idx] new_end_pos = trans.translation + move_vec return True, mn.Matrix4.from_( target_rigid_state.rotation.to_matrix(), new_end_pos ) return True, trans else: return False, target_trans def update_base(self, if_rotation): """ Update the base of the robot if_rotation: if the robot is rotating or not """ # Get the control frequency ctrl_freq = self._sim.ctrl_freq # Get the current transformation trans = self.cur_articulated_agent.sim_obj.transformation # Get the current rigid state rigid_state = habitat_sim.RigidState( mn.Quaternion.from_matrix(trans.rotation()), trans.translation ) # Integrate to get target rigid state target_rigid_state = self.base_vel_ctrl.integrate_transform( 1 / ctrl_freq, rigid_state ) # Get the traget transformation based on the target rigid state target_trans = mn.Matrix4.from_( target_rigid_state.rotation.to_matrix(), target_rigid_state.translation, ) # We do sliding only if we allow the robot to do sliding and current # robot is not rotating compute_sliding = self._allow_dyn_slide and not if_rotation # Check if there is a collision did_coll, new_target_trans = self.collision_check( trans, target_trans, target_rigid_state, compute_sliding ) # Update the base self.cur_articulated_agent.sim_obj.transformation = new_target_trans if self.cur_grasp_mgr.snap_idx is not None: # Holding onto an object, also kinematically update the object. # object. self.cur_grasp_mgr.update_object_to_grasp() if self.cur_articulated_agent._base_type == "leg": # Fix the leg joints self.cur_articulated_agent.leg_joint_pos = ( self.cur_articulated_agent.params.leg_init_params ) def step(self, *args, **kwargs): lateral_lin_vel = 0.0 if self._enable_lateral_move: longitudinal_lin_vel, lateral_lin_vel, ang_vel = kwargs[ self._action_arg_prefix + "base_vel" ] else: longitudinal_lin_vel, ang_vel = kwargs[ self._action_arg_prefix + "base_vel" ] longitudinal_lin_vel = ( np.clip(longitudinal_lin_vel, -1, 1) * self._longitudinal_lin_speed ) lateral_lin_vel = ( np.clip(lateral_lin_vel, -1, 1) * self._lateral_lin_speed ) ang_vel = np.clip(ang_vel, -1, 1) * self._ang_speed if not self._allow_back: longitudinal_lin_vel = np.maximum(longitudinal_lin_vel, 0) self.base_vel_ctrl.linear_velocity = mn.Vector3( longitudinal_lin_vel, 0, -lateral_lin_vel ) self.base_vel_ctrl.angular_velocity = mn.Vector3(0, ang_vel, 0) if ( longitudinal_lin_vel != 0.0 or lateral_lin_vel != 0.0 or ang_vel != 0.0 ): self.update_base(ang_vel != 0.0) @registry.register_task_action class ArmEEAction(ArticulatedAgentAction): """Uses inverse kinematics (requires pybullet) to apply end-effector position control for the articulated_agent's arm.""" def __init__(self, *args, sim: RearrangeSim, **kwargs): self.ee_target: Optional[np.ndarray] = None self.ee_index: Optional[int] = 0 super().__init__(*args, sim=sim, **kwargs) self._sim: RearrangeSim = sim self._render_ee_target = self._config.get("render_ee_target", False) self._ee_ctrl_lim = self._config.ee_ctrl_lim def reset(self, *args, **kwargs): super().reset() cur_ee = self._ik_helper.calc_fk( np.array(self._sim.articulated_agent.arm_joint_pos) ) self.ee_target = cur_ee @property def action_space(self): return spaces.Box(shape=(3,), low=-1, high=1, dtype=np.float32) def apply_ee_constraints(self): self.ee_target = np.clip( self.ee_target, self._sim.articulated_agent.params.ee_constraint[ self.ee_index, :, 0 ], self._sim.articulated_agent.params.ee_constraint[ self.ee_index, :, 1 ], ) def set_desired_ee_pos(self, ee_pos: np.ndarray) -> None: self.ee_target += np.array(ee_pos) self.apply_ee_constraints() joint_pos = np.array(self._sim.articulated_agent.arm_joint_pos) joint_vel = np.zeros(joint_pos.shape) self._ik_helper.set_arm_state(joint_pos, joint_vel) des_joint_pos = self._ik_helper.calc_ik(self.ee_target) des_joint_pos = list(des_joint_pos) self._sim.articulated_agent.arm_motor_pos = des_joint_pos def step(self, ee_pos, **kwargs): ee_pos = np.clip(ee_pos, -1, 1) ee_pos *= self._ee_ctrl_lim self.set_desired_ee_pos(ee_pos) if self._render_ee_target: global_pos = self._sim.articulated_agent.base_transformation.transform_point( self.ee_target ) self._sim.viz_ids["ee_target"] = self._sim.visualize_position( global_pos, self._sim.viz_ids["ee_target"] ) @registry.register_task_action class HumanoidJointAction(ArticulatedAgentAction): def __init__(self, *args, sim: RearrangeSim, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, sim=sim, **kwargs) self._sim: RearrangeSim = sim self.num_joints = self._config.num_joints def reset(self, *args, **kwargs): super().reset() @property def action_space(self): num_joints = self.num_joints num_dim_transform = 16 # The action space is the number of joints plus 16 for a 4x4 transformtion matrix for the base return spaces.Dict( { "human_joints_trans": spaces.Box( shape=(4 * num_joints + num_dim_transform,), low=-1, high=1, dtype=np.float32, ) } ) def step(self, *args, **kwargs): r""" Updates the joint rotations and root transformation of the humanoid. :param self._action_arg_prefix+human_joints_trans: Array of size (num_joints*4)+32. The last 32 dimensions define two 4x4 root transformation matrices, a base transform that controls the base of the character, and an offset transform, that controls a transformation offset that comes from the MOCAP pose. The first elements correspond to a flattened list of quaternions for each joint. When the array is all 0 it keeps the previous joint rotation and transform. """ human_joints_trans = kwargs[ self._action_arg_prefix + "human_joints_trans" ] new_joints = human_joints_trans[:-16] new_pos_transform_base = human_joints_trans[-16:] new_pos_transform_offset = human_joints_trans[-32:-16] # When the array is all 0, this indicates we are not setting # the human joint if np.array(new_pos_transform_offset).sum() != 0: vecs_base = [ mn.Vector4(new_pos_transform_base[i * 4 : (i + 1) * 4]) for i in range(4) ] vecs_offset = [ mn.Vector4(new_pos_transform_offset[i * 4 : (i + 1) * 4]) for i in range(4) ] new_transform_offset = mn.Matrix4(*vecs_offset) new_transform_base = mn.Matrix4(*vecs_base) if ( new_transform_offset.is_rigid_transformation() and new_transform_base.is_rigid_transformation() ): # TODO: this will cause many sampled actions to be invalid # Maybe we should update the sampling mechanism self.cur_articulated_agent.set_joint_transform( new_joints, new_transform_offset, new_transform_base )
import os import shutil import sys import tempfile from optparse import OptionParser tmpeggs = tempfile.mkdtemp() usage = '''\ [DESIRED PYTHON FOR BUILDOUT] [options] Bootstraps a buildout-based project. Simply run this script in a directory containing a buildout.cfg, using the Python that you want bin/buildout to use. Note that by using --find-links to point to local resources, you can keep this script from going over the network. ''' parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-v", "--version", help="use a specific zc.buildout version") parser.add_option("-t", "--accept-buildout-test-releases", dest='accept_buildout_test_releases', action="store_true", default=False, help=("Normally, if you do not specify a --version, the " "bootstrap script and buildout gets the newest " "*final* versions of zc.buildout and its recipes and " "extensions for you. If you use this flag, " "bootstrap and buildout will get the newest releases " "even if they are alphas or betas.")) parser.add_option("-c", "--config-file", help=("Specify the path to the buildout configuration " "file to be used.")) parser.add_option("-f", "--find-links", help=("Specify a URL to search for buildout releases")) parser.add_option("--allow-site-packages", action="store_true", default=False, help=("Let use existing site packages")) parser.add_option("--setuptools-version", help="use a specific setuptools version") options, args = parser.parse_args() ###################################################################### # load/install setuptools try: if options.allow_site_packages: import setuptools import pkg_resources from urllib.request import urlopen except ImportError: from urllib2 import urlopen ez = {} exec(urlopen('').read(), ez) if not options.allow_site_packages: # ez_setup imports site, which adds site packages # this will remove them from the path to ensure that incompatible versions # of setuptools are not in the path import site # inside a virtualenv, there is no 'getsitepackages'. # We can't remove these reliably if hasattr(site, 'getsitepackages'): for sitepackage_path in site.getsitepackages(): sys.path[:] = [x for x in sys.path if sitepackage_path not in x] setup_args = dict(to_dir=tmpeggs, download_delay=0) if options.setuptools_version is not None: setup_args['version'] = options.setuptools_version ez['use_setuptools'](**setup_args) import setuptools import pkg_resources # This does not (always?) update the default working set. We will # do it. for path in sys.path: if path not in pkg_resources.working_set.entries: pkg_resources.working_set.add_entry(path) ###################################################################### # Install buildout ws = pkg_resources.working_set cmd = [sys.executable, '-c', 'from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()', '-mZqNxd', tmpeggs] find_links = os.environ.get( 'bootstrap-testing-find-links', options.find_links or ('' if options.accept_buildout_test_releases else None) ) if find_links: cmd.extend(['-f', find_links]) setuptools_path = ws.find( pkg_resources.Requirement.parse('setuptools')).location requirement = 'zc.buildout' version = options.version if version is None and not options.accept_buildout_test_releases: # Figure out the most recent final version of zc.buildout. import setuptools.package_index _final_parts = '*final-', '*final' def _final_version(parsed_version): try: return not parsed_version.is_prerelease except AttributeError: # Older setuptools for part in parsed_version: if (part[:1] == '*') and (part not in _final_parts): return False return True index = setuptools.package_index.PackageIndex( search_path=[setuptools_path]) if find_links: index.add_find_links((find_links,)) req = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(requirement) if index.obtain(req) is not None: best = [] bestv = None for dist in index[req.project_name]: distv = dist.parsed_version if _final_version(distv): if bestv is None or distv > bestv: best = [dist] bestv = distv elif distv == bestv: best.append(dist) if best: best.sort() version = best[-1].version if version: requirement = '=='.join((requirement, version)) cmd.append(requirement) import subprocess if, env=dict(os.environ, PYTHONPATH=setuptools_path)) != 0: raise Exception( "Failed to execute command:\n%s" % repr(cmd)[1:-1]) ###################################################################### # Import and run buildout ws.add_entry(tmpeggs) ws.require(requirement) import zc.buildout.buildout if not [a for a in args if '=' not in a]: args.append('bootstrap') # if -c was provided, we push it back into args for buildout' main function if options.config_file is not None: args[0:0] = ['-c', options.config_file] zc.buildout.buildout.main(args) shutil.rmtree(tmpeggs)
module.exports={C:{"52":0.022,"57":0.0176,"66":0.0044,"68":0.0088,"72":0.0044,"78":0.0176,"84":0.0264,"85":0.0044,"88":0.0132,"89":0.022,"90":0.0044,"91":0.0088,"92":0.0132,"93":0.3124,"94":1.518,"95":0.0132,_:"2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 56 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 67 69 70 71 73 74 75 76 77 79 80 81 82 83 86 87 96 3.5 3.6"},D:{"28":0.0044,"33":0.1452,"40":0.0352,"43":0.2332,"49":0.066,"55":0.0088,"56":0.0088,"57":0.0088,"60":0.0616,"62":0.0044,"63":0.0528,"65":0.0088,"69":0.0132,"70":0.0132,"73":0.0088,"74":0.0748,"79":0.0264,"80":0.0088,"81":0.1584,"83":0.0132,"84":0.0044,"85":0.0088,"86":0.0572,"87":0.3652,"88":0.022,"89":0.0176,"90":0.0308,"91":0.1056,"92":0.1276,"93":0.2816,"94":0.3784,"95":11.6468,"96":7.2644,"97":0.0088,_:"4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 58 59 61 64 66 67 68 71 72 75 76 77 78 98 99"},F:{"34":0.0044,"39":0.0044,"46":0.0088,"51":0.0044,"53":0.0044,"65":0.0044,"76":0.0088,"77":0.0396,"78":0.0044,"79":0.066,"80":1.98,"81":0.6952,_:"9 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 47 48 49 50 52 54 55 56 57 58 60 62 63 64 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 9.5-9.6 10.5 10.6 11.1 11.5 11.6 12.1","10.0-10.1":0},B:{"12":0.022,"13":0.0044,"14":0.0176,"15":0.0132,"16":0.0176,"17":0.044,"18":0.1188,"84":0.0132,"85":0.0088,"89":0.0836,"90":0.0088,"91":0.0484,"92":0.0352,"93":0.022,"94":0.0572,"95":1.6588,"96":0.682,_:"79 80 81 83 86 87 88"},E:{"4":0,"13":0.022,"14":0.0396,"15":0.0484,_:"0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3.1 3.2 6.1 7.1 9.1 10.1","5.1":0.0044,"11.1":0.0132,"12.1":0.0088,"13.1":0.0748,"14.1":0.1188,"15.1":0.0924},G:{"8":0,"3.2":0,"4.0-4.1":0,"4.2-4.3":0,"5.0-5.1":0,"6.0-6.1":0.00055,"7.0-7.1":0.018,"8.1-8.4":0,"9.0-9.2":0.00218,"9.3":0.03764,"10.0-10.2":0.00545,"10.3":0.42712,"11.0-11.2":0.02073,"11.3-11.4":0.04909,"12.0-12.1":0.08619,"12.2-12.5":1.31737,"13.0-13.1":0.01255,"13.2":0.01309,"13.3":0.066,"13.4-13.7":0.2182,"14.0-14.4":0.7686,"14.5-14.8":1.46683,"15.0-15.1":0.9448},P:{"4":1.74669,"5.0-5.4":0.05116,"6.2-6.4":0.03082,"7.2-7.4":0.27742,"8.2":0.10275,"9.2":0.09247,"10.1":0.02055,"11.1-11.2":0.11302,"12.0":0.10275,"13.0":0.06165,"14.0":0.1233,"15.0":0.90417},I:{"0":0,"3":0,"4":0,"2.1":0,"2.2":0,"2.3":0,"4.1":0.00018,"4.2-4.3":0.00194,"4.4":0,"4.4.3-4.4.4":0.02028},K:{_:"0 10 11 12 11.1 11.5 12.1"},A:{"8":0.00599,"11":0.35921,_:"6 7 9 10 5.5"},J:{"7":0,"10":0.0504},N:{"10":0.02658,"11":0.22582},L:{"0":54.2696},S:{"2.5":0.028},R:{_:"0"},M:{"0":0.0672},Q:{"10.4":0.056},O:{"0":0.336},H:{"0":5.51909}};
from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import Enum class MergerPolicies(Enum): """ Defines the available merger policies in the models. """ Strict = "Strict" """The AA authorises only takeovers that, at the moment in which they are reviewed, are expected to increase total welfare.""" Intermediate_late_takeover_prohibited = "Intermediate (late takeover prohibited)" """The AA blocks late takeovers, but is more lenient with early takeovers.""" Intermediate_late_takeover_allowed = "Intermediate (late takeover allowed)" """The AA authorises late takeovers, but is stricter with early takeovers.""" Laissez_faire = "Laissez-faire" """The intervention threshold of the AA is so high that any acquisition would be allowed.""" def abbreviation(self) -> str: """ Generates a string containing the abbreviation of the current merger policy. Returns ------- str Abbreviation of the current merger policy. """ if self is MergerPolicies.Intermediate_late_takeover_prohibited: return "$I^P$" if self is MergerPolicies.Intermediate_late_takeover_allowed: return "$I^A$" return f"${self.value[0]}$" def __str__(self) -> str: """ Returns the string representation of the current merger policy. Returns ------- str String representation of the current merger policy. """ return self.value @staticmethod def legend() -> str: """ Generates a string containing the legend of the possible merger policies. Returns ------- str Containing the legend for the merger policies. """ return ( f"{MergerPolicies.Strict.abbreviation()}: Strict\n" f"{MergerPolicies.Intermediate_late_takeover_prohibited.abbreviation()}: Intermediate (late takeover prohibited)\n" f"{MergerPolicies.Intermediate_late_takeover_allowed.abbreviation()}: Intermediate (late takeover allowed)\n" f"{MergerPolicies.Laissez_faire.abbreviation()}: Laissez-faire" ) class Takeover(Enum): """ Defines the available options for a takeover of the start-up by the incumbent. """ No = "No bid" """The incumbent does not bid for the start-up.""" Separating = "Separating bid" """The incumbent offers a low takeover price targeting only the credit-rationed start-ups.""" Pooling = "Pooling bid" """The incumbent offers a high takeover price such that a start-up would always accept, irrespective of the amount of own assets.""" def abbreviation(self) -> str: """ Generates a string containing the abbreviation of the current takeover option. Returns ------- str Abbreviation of the current takeover option. """ return f"${self.value[0]}$" def __str__(self) -> str: """ Returns the string representation of the current takeover option. Returns ------- str String representation of the current takeover option. """ return self.value @staticmethod def legend() -> str: """ Generates a string containing the legend of the possible takeover options. Returns ------- str Containing the legend for the takeover options. """ return ( f"{Takeover.No.abbreviation()}: No bid by the incumbent\n" f"{Takeover.Separating.abbreviation()}: Separating bid by the incumbent\n" f"{Takeover.Pooling.abbreviation()}: Pooling bid by the incumbent" ) @dataclass(frozen=True) class ThresholdItem: """ Threshold item containing the name (string representation) and the value (threshold express in float value). """ name: str value: float include: bool = False """Marks this ThresholdItem with high priority.""" def __eq__(self, other): return self.value == other.value def __lt__(self, other): return self.value < other.value @dataclass(frozen=True) class Outcome: """ Contains the bare-bones information about the outcome of a Fumagalli_Motta_Tarantino_2020.Models.Base.MergerPolicy. """ early_bidding_type: Takeover late_bidding_type: Takeover development_attempt: bool development_outcome: bool early_takeover: bool late_takeover: bool @dataclass(frozen=True) class Summary(Outcome): """ Summary of Fumagalli_Motta_Tarantino_2020.Models.Base.MergerPolicy. """ set_policy: MergerPolicies credit_rationed: bool @dataclass(frozen=True) class OptimalMergerPolicySummary(Summary): """ Summary of Fumagalli_Motta_Tarantino_2020.Models.Base.OptimalMergerPolicy. """ optimal_policy: MergerPolicies class PossibleOutcomes(Enum): """ Contains the outcomes in the models. """ def __init__( self, early_bidding_type: Takeover, early_takeover: bool, development_attempt: bool, development_outcome: bool, late_bidding_type: Takeover, late_takeover: bool, ): self.outcome = Outcome( early_bidding_type=early_bidding_type, early_takeover=early_takeover, development_attempt=development_attempt, development_outcome=development_outcome, late_bidding_type=late_bidding_type, late_takeover=late_takeover, ) NoTakeoversSuccessfulDevelopment = ( Takeover.No, False, True, True, Takeover.No, False, ) """Neither an early or late takeover occurs and the development is successful.""" NoTakeoversFailedDevelopment = (Takeover.No, False, True, False, Takeover.No, False) """Neither an early or late takeover occurs and the development is unsuccessful.""" NoTakeoversDevelopmentNotAttempted = ( Takeover.No, False, False, False, Takeover.No, False, ) """Neither an early or late takeover occurs and the development is not attempted.""" RejectedEarlySeparatingSuccessfulDevelopment = ( Takeover.Separating, False, True, True, Takeover.No, False, ) """An early separating bid is rejected by the start-up and the development is successful.""" RejectedEarlySeparatingUnsuccessfulDevelopment = ( Takeover.Separating, False, True, False, Takeover.No, False, ) """An early separating bid is rejected by the start-up and the development is unsuccessful.""" EarlySeparatingSuccessfulDevelopment = ( Takeover.Separating, True, True, True, Takeover.No, False, ) """An early separating bid is accepted by the start-up and the development is successful.""" EarlySeparatingUnsuccessfulDevelopment = ( Takeover.Separating, True, True, False, Takeover.No, False, ) """An early separating bid is accepted by the start-up and the development is unsuccessful.""" EarlySeparatingDevelopmentNotAttempted = ( Takeover.Separating, True, False, False, Takeover.No, False, ) """An early separating bid is accepted by the start-up and the development is not attempted.""" EarlyPoolingSuccessfulDevelopment = ( Takeover.Pooling, True, True, True, Takeover.No, False, ) """An early pooling bid is accepted by the start-up and the development is successful.""" EarlyPoolingUnsuccessfulDevelopment = ( Takeover.Pooling, True, True, False, Takeover.No, False, ) """An early pooling bid is accepted by the start-up and the development is unsuccessful.""" EarlyPoolingDevelopmentNotAttempted = ( Takeover.Pooling, True, False, False, Takeover.No, False, ) """An early pooling bid is accepted by the start-up and the development is not attempted.""" LatePoolingSuccessfulDevelopment = ( Takeover.No, False, True, True, Takeover.Pooling, True, ) """A late pooling bid is accepted by the start-up after a successful development."""
from typing import Optional from cognite.air._admin_config import AdminAPI class SpacesAPI(AdminAPI): def create(self, id: str, name: str, description: str = ""): """Create a Space Args: id (str): An id given to the Space. Needs to be unique and will be part of the URL name (str): The name for a Space description (str): The description of the space (it will be stored but has no functionality in the Front End yet) Examples: >>> from cognite.client import CogniteClient >>> from cognite.air.admin import AIRAdmin >>> c = CogniteClient() >>> air_admin = AIRAdmin(c) >>> air_admin.spaces.create(id="my_space", name="My Space") """ if not description: description = name payload = {"id": id, "name": name, "description": description, "groups": []}"/space", payload) def delete(self, id): """Not implemented yet. Please ask the AIR team which space to delete. Send an email to [email protected] with the following information: project, cluster, id of the space and whether it is staging or not. """ print("Warning: not implemented yet.") print( """Send an email to [email protected] with the following information: project, cluster, id of the space and whether it is staging or not.""" ) pass def update(self, id, new_name: Optional[str], new_description: Optional[str]): """Not implemented yet. Please ask the AIR team which space to update. Send an email to [email protected] with the following information: project, cluster, id of the space and whether it is staging or not. Then also provide information what should be updated """ print("Warning: not implemented yet.") print( """Send an email to [email protected] with the following information: project, cluster, id of the space and whether it is staging or not. Then also provide information what should be updated.""" ) pass
from . import sdf_rc from .sdf_gen_val import sdf_gen_val from .sdf_name import sdf_name from .sdf_date import sdf_date from .sdf_owner import sdf_owner from .sdf_comment import sdf_comment from .sdf_sample import sdf_sample from .sdf_instrument import sdf_instrument from .sdf_par import sdf_par from .sdf_data import sdf_data from .sdf_data_sc import sdf_data_sc from .sdf_data_img import sdf_data_img from .sdf_data_mc import sdf_data_mc class sdf_object(sdf_gen_val): """ This class contains either an SDF workspace or a single SDF dataset. This decision is made by the type of the sdf_object.value: o if value is an instance of sdf_data then the sdf_object is a dataset. o if value is a Python list(*) then the sdf_object is a workspace and the list can contain multiple sdf_datasets or a mixture of datasets and workspaces (the latter as instances of sdf_objects). (*) It is NOT allowed that the object contains an instance of an sdf_object. Embedded workspaces MUST be enclosed in a Python list! """ def __init__(self, src='ws'): """ Create an empty sdf_object. """ if src == 'workspace' or src == 'ws': val = [] elif src == 'dataset' or src == 'ds': val = sdf_data() else: val = None super(sdf_object, self).__init__(val) self.ID = 'sdf-object' = sdf_name() = sdf_date() self.owner = sdf_owner() self.comment = sdf_comment() self.par = [] # becomes a list of sdf_par self.instrument = [] # becomes a list of sdf_instrument self.sample = [] # becomes a list of sdf_sample self.parent = None self.debug = False def __str__(self): """ Printable contents of the object. Used by: 'print ds' (For debugging purpose mainly). """ res = '=' * 80 + '\n' if self.IsWorkspace(): res = res + 'WORKSPACE ' res = res + str( elif self.IsDataset(): res = res + 'DATASET ' res = res + str( res = res + ' TYPE = ' + str(self.value.datatype) + '\n' else: raise RuntimeError("Object is neither DATASET nor WORKSPACE") # now parse recursively into its contents: if not self.owner.IsEmpty(): res = res + str(self.owner) if not res = res + str( if not self.comment.IsEmpty(): res = res + str(self.comment) for sample in self.sample: res = res + str(sample) for instrument in self.instrument: res = res + str(instrument) for par in self.par: res = res + 'PARAMETER ' + str(par) + '\n' res = res + str(self.value) res = res + '=' * 80 return res def Set(self, val): """ Set values of an sdf_object. """ # pass raise NotImplementedError("sdf_object.Set not implemented yet.") def SetName(self, name, encoding=None): if encoding:, encoding) else: def SetDate(self, datestr, dateformat=None): if dateformat:, dateformat) else: def SetOwner(self, owner, encoding=None): if encoding: self.owner.Set(owner, encoding) else: self.owner.Set(owner) def SetComment(self, comment, encoding=None): if encoding: self.comment.Set(comment, encoding) else: self.comment.Set(comment) def SetData(self, data): if not isinstance(data, sdf_data): msg = "data must be an instance of the sdf_data class" raise RuntimeError(msg) self.value = data def AppendComment(self, comment): """ Append text to a comment creating a new paragraph. """ self.comment.Append(comment) def AppendSample(self, sname=None, scomment=None): """ Append a sample to the sample-section of the dataset or workspace. """ self.sample.append(sdf_sample(sname, scomment)) def AppendInstrument(self, instrument): """ Append an instrument to the list of instruments. """ if not isinstance(instrument, sdf_instrument): msg = 'Error in sdf_object.AppendInstrument():' msg += ' Argument is not an sdf_instrument instance.' raise KeyError(msg) self.instrument.append(instrument) def AppendPar(self, par): """ Append a parameter to the list of the datasets or workspaces parameters. """ # NOTE: If you change something here, it propably also has to # be changed inf the sdf_instrument.AppendPar() function. if isinstance(par, sdf_par): self.par.append(par) elif isinstance(par, list): self.par = self.par + par # this is Pythons list concatenation elif isinstance(par, str): self.par.append(sdf_par(name=par)) # create a new, empty # subparameter list def AppendObject(self, obj): """ Append another sdf_object to this workspace's self.value. This is a valid function only for workspaces. To set the value of a dataset, use the function sdf_object.SetData . @param obj Instance of sdf_object (workspace or dataset). """ if not self.IsWorkspace(): msg = "ERROR: can't call function sdf_object.AppendObject" msg += " for datasets, only for workspaces." raise RuntimeError(msg) if isinstance(obj, sdf_object): self.value.append(obj) obj.parent = self def AsXML(self, indent=0, lw=1000000): """ Create the XML representation of an SDF object. """ if self.debug: if indent: print("=" * indent) print("Enter function sdf_object.AsXML") if indent == 0: # if beginning of file, define document type xml res = ' ' * indent + '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n' else: # else, create empty string res res = '' if self.IsWorkspace(): if self.debug: print("sdf_object identified as workspace") if indent == 0: res = res + ' ' * indent + '<!DOCTYPE workspace>\n' res = res + ' ' * indent + '<workspace>\n' elif self.IsDataset(): if self.debug: print("sdf_object identified as dataset") if indent == 0: res = res + ' ' * indent + '<!DOCTYPE dataset>\n' res = res + ' ' * indent + "<dataset type='" res = res + self.value.datatype + "' >\n" else: raise RuntimeError("Object is neither DATASET nor WORKSPACE") if not res = res + + sdf_rc._tabsize) + '\n' if not self.owner.IsEmpty(): res = res + self.owner.AsXML(indent + sdf_rc._tabsize) + '\n' if not res = res + + sdf_rc._tabsize) + '\n' if not self.comment.IsEmpty(): res = res + self.comment.AsXML(indent + sdf_rc._tabsize) + '\n' for sample in self.sample: res = res + sample.AsXML(indent + sdf_rc._tabsize) + '\n' for par in self.par: res = res + (par.AsXML(indent=indent + sdf_rc._tabsize)) + '\n' for instrument in self.instrument: res = res + instrument.AsXML(indent + sdf_rc._tabsize) + '\n' # handle single datasets: if self.IsDataset(): res = res + self.value.AsXML(indent + sdf_rc._tabsize) + '\n' else: if self.debug: print("will now go through objects in this workspace ...") for obj in self.value: if self.debug: print("... arrived at object " + obj.debug = True res = res + obj.AsXML(indent + sdf_rc._tabsize) + '\n' if self.IsWorkspace(): res = res + ' ' * indent + '</workspace>\n' elif self.IsDataset(): res = res + ' ' * indent + '</dataset>\n' if self.debug: print("done converting to XML") if indent: print("=" * indent) return res def Save(self, filename): """ Save the sdf_object as an SDF-file. """ ofp = open(filename, 'wt', encoding='utf-8') ofp.write(self.AsXML()) ofp.close() def FromXML(self, etree_node): """ Create an SDF_object from an XML ElementTree node. """ if etree_node.tag == 'dataset': self.value.datatype = etree_node.attrib['type'] for child in etree_node: if child.tag == 'name': if child.tag == 'date': if child.tag == 'owner': self.owner.FromXML(child) if child.tag == 'comment': self.comment.FromXML(child) if child.tag == 'par': self.par.append(sdf_par()) self.par[-1].FromXML(child) if child.tag == 'instrument': self.instrument.append(sdf_instrument()) self.instrument[-1].FromXML(child) if child.tag == 'sample': self.sample.append(sdf_sample()) self.sample[-1].FromXML(child) if child.tag == 'workspace': ws = sdf_object('ws') ws.FromXML(child) self.AppendObject(ws) if child.tag == 'dataset': if etree_node.tag != 'workspace': print('Error in SDF file structure: ', end='') print('only workspaces can contain datasets.') return ds = sdf_object('ds') self.AppendObject(ds) if child.attrib['type'] == 'img': ds.value = sdf_data_img() elif child.attrib['type'] == 'sc': ds.value = sdf_data_sc() elif child.attrib['type'] == 'mc': ds.value = sdf_data_mc() else: msg = "ERROR: unknown data type in attrib " + str(child.attrib) + '\n' raise RuntimeError(msg) ds.FromXML(child) if child.tag == 'data': if etree_node.tag != 'dataset': print('Error in SDF file structure: ', end='') print('only datasets can contain data blocks.') return self.value.FromXML(child) def GetChild(self, i): """ Think I (ilyas) introduced this for the QtTreeViewModel. """ if self.IsWorkspace(): return self.value[i] else: return None def Get(self, key=None): if key is None: return self.value if isinstance(key, int): return self.value[key] if isinstance(key, str): for v in self.value: if == key: return v msg = "No child with name \"{}\" found.".format(key) raise KeyError(msg) msg = "key needs to be of type int or str" raise TypeError(msg) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.Get(item) def __contains__(self, item: str): if not isinstance(item, str): raise TypeError('item needs to be of type str') for v in self.value: if == item: return True return False def GetPar(self, key): """ More comfortable way to get a parameter in sdf_object.par either by index or name. """ if isinstance(key, int): return self.par[key] if isinstance(key, str): for p in self.par: if == key: return p msg = "No parmeter by name \"{}\" found.".format(key) raise KeyError(msg) msg = "key needs to be of type int or str" raise TypeError(msg) def GetInstrument(self, key): """ More comfortable way to get a parameter in sdf_object.par either by index or name. """ if isinstance(key, int): return self.instrument[key] if isinstance(key, str): for inst in self.instrument: if == key: return inst msg = "No instrument by name \"{}\" found.".format(key) raise KeyError(msg) msg = "key needs to be of type int or str" raise TypeError(msg) def IsValid(self): """ Check validity of an sdf_object. """ pass def IsWorkspace(self): """ Check whether the object is a workspace. """ return isinstance(self.value, list) def IsDataset(self): """ Check whether the object is a dataset. """ return isinstance(self.value, sdf_data)
from inspect import getmembers from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from django.conf import settings from django.forms.models import ModelForm, BaseModelFormSet from django.forms.formsets import formset_factory from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from .column import Column, ASC, DESC class Table(object): """ Generic table base class This is for adding model based tables to your page. It doesn't need to know what model it is using, it's all based off whatever queryset the ListView class contains (see docs for ``TablesMixin``) Each column is set as a normal class attribute. For instance: class MyCrazyTable(Table): field1 = Column() second = Column(field="field2", header="Hello") :params table_page_limit - The number of items to show per page. table_attrs - HTML Attributes for <table></table> tags table_empty - String to print if no data is available table_sequence - The explicit sequence of columns to show. """ table_page_limit = getattr(settings, 'DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE', 25) table_attrs = {'class': 'table table-bordered table-striped'} table_empty = _("No data is available") table_sequence = [] def __init__(self, is_paged=True): if not self.table_sequence: raise ImproperlyConfigured('%s does not provide a table_sequence.' % self.__class__.__name__) self.table_columns = {} self.is_paged = is_paged self.gen_columns() def gen_columns(self): # l(k) -> class.__dict__[k] members_dict = dict(getmembers(self)) l = lambda k: members_dict[k] # Extract the columns into our own nifty dict for later for k in members_dict.keys(): if isinstance(l(k), Column): # Field becomes the key value if it isn't passed # to the column explicitly if not l(k).field: l(k).field = k self.table_columns[k] = l(k) def filter(self, queryset): return queryset def annotate(self, queryset): cols = self.table_columns annotated_columns = [col for col in cols if cols[col].annotation is not None] for col in annotated_columns: queryset = cols[col].annotation(queryset) return queryset def columns(self): return [self.table_columns[h] for h in self.table_sequence] def headers(self): return [self.table_columns[h].header or h.title() for h in self.table_sequence] def parse_sort(self, sortstring): direction = DESC if sortstring[0] == '-' else ASC field = sortstring if direction == ASC else sortstring[1:] return field, direction def sort(self, queryset, sort_string): if not sort_string: return queryset sort_field, direction = self.parse_sort(sort_string) sorting_col = None for col in self.columns(): if col.sortable and col.get_sort_field() == sort_field: sorting_col = col break if not sorting_col: return queryset else: return queryset.order_by(sorting_col.render_sort(direction)) class EditTable(Table): """ The only enhancements required to the Table data structure is the addition of the `table_form` and `table_formset` which are used to bind the FormSet class consumed by the view mixin. """ table_form = ModelForm table_formset = BaseModelFormSet def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(EditTable, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # build our own formset class with some strict requirements around no # deletion, ordering and maxes. self.FormSet = formset_factory(self.table_form, self.table_formset, extra=0, max_num=0, can_order=False, can_delete=False) self.FormSet.model = self.table_form.Meta.model
from __future__ import annotations from dataclasses import dataclass from kiota_abstractions.get_path_parameters import get_path_parameters from kiota_abstractions.method import Method from kiota_abstractions.request_adapter import RequestAdapter from kiota_abstractions.request_information import RequestInformation from kiota_abstractions.request_option import RequestOption from kiota_abstractions.response_handler import ResponseHandler from kiota_abstractions.serialization import Parsable, ParsableFactory from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union from ........models import single_value_legacy_extended_property from ........models.o_data_errors import o_data_error class SingleValueLegacyExtendedPropertyItemRequestBuilder(): """ Provides operations to manage the singleValueExtendedProperties property of the microsoft.graph.event entity. """ def __init__(self,request_adapter: RequestAdapter, path_parameters: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], str]] = None) -> None: """ Instantiates a new SingleValueLegacyExtendedPropertyItemRequestBuilder and sets the default values. Args: pathParameters: The raw url or the Url template parameters for the request. requestAdapter: The request adapter to use to execute the requests. """ if path_parameters is None: raise Exception("path_parameters cannot be undefined") if request_adapter is None: raise Exception("request_adapter cannot be undefined") # Url template to use to build the URL for the current request builder self.url_template: str = "{+baseurl}/groups/{group%2Did}/calendar/events/{event%2Did}/singleValueExtendedProperties/{singleValueLegacyExtendedProperty%2Did}{?%24select,%24expand}" url_tpl_params = get_path_parameters(path_parameters) self.path_parameters = url_tpl_params self.request_adapter = request_adapter def create_delete_request_information(self,request_configuration: Optional[SingleValueLegacyExtendedPropertyItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration] = None) -> RequestInformation: """ Delete navigation property singleValueExtendedProperties for groups Args: requestConfiguration: Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. Returns: RequestInformation """ request_info = RequestInformation() request_info.url_template = self.url_template request_info.path_parameters = self.path_parameters request_info.http_method = Method.DELETE if request_configuration: request_info.add_request_headers(request_configuration.headers) request_info.add_request_options(request_configuration.options) return request_info def create_get_request_information(self,request_configuration: Optional[SingleValueLegacyExtendedPropertyItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration] = None) -> RequestInformation: """ The collection of single-value extended properties defined for the event. Read-only. Nullable. Args: requestConfiguration: Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. Returns: RequestInformation """ request_info = RequestInformation() request_info.url_template = self.url_template request_info.path_parameters = self.path_parameters request_info.http_method = Method.GET request_info.headers["Accept"] = "application/json" if request_configuration: request_info.add_request_headers(request_configuration.headers) request_info.set_query_string_parameters_from_raw_object(request_configuration.query_parameters) request_info.add_request_options(request_configuration.options) return request_info def create_patch_request_information(self,body: Optional[single_value_legacy_extended_property.SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty] = None, request_configuration: Optional[SingleValueLegacyExtendedPropertyItemRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration] = None) -> RequestInformation: """ Update the navigation property singleValueExtendedProperties in groups Args: body: requestConfiguration: Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. Returns: RequestInformation """ if body is None: raise Exception("body cannot be undefined") request_info = RequestInformation() request_info.url_template = self.url_template request_info.path_parameters = self.path_parameters request_info.http_method = Method.PATCH request_info.headers["Accept"] = "application/json" if request_configuration: request_info.add_request_headers(request_configuration.headers) request_info.add_request_options(request_configuration.options) request_info.set_content_from_parsable(self.request_adapter, "application/json", body) return request_info async def delete(self,request_configuration: Optional[SingleValueLegacyExtendedPropertyItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration] = None, response_handler: Optional[ResponseHandler] = None) -> None: """ Delete navigation property singleValueExtendedProperties for groups Args: requestConfiguration: Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. responseHandler: Response handler to use in place of the default response handling provided by the core service """ request_info = self.create_delete_request_information( request_configuration ) error_mapping: Dict[str, ParsableFactory] = { "4XX": o_data_error.ODataError, "5XX": o_data_error.ODataError, } if not self.request_adapter: raise Exception("Http core is null") return await self.request_adapter.send_no_response_content_async(request_info, response_handler, error_mapping) async def get(self,request_configuration: Optional[SingleValueLegacyExtendedPropertyItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration] = None, response_handler: Optional[ResponseHandler] = None) -> Optional[single_value_legacy_extended_property.SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty]: """ The collection of single-value extended properties defined for the event. Read-only. Nullable. Args: requestConfiguration: Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. responseHandler: Response handler to use in place of the default response handling provided by the core service Returns: Optional[single_value_legacy_extended_property.SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty] """ request_info = self.create_get_request_information( request_configuration ) error_mapping: Dict[str, ParsableFactory] = { "4XX": o_data_error.ODataError, "5XX": o_data_error.ODataError, } if not self.request_adapter: raise Exception("Http core is null") return await self.request_adapter.send_async(request_info, single_value_legacy_extended_property.SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty, response_handler, error_mapping) async def patch(self,body: Optional[single_value_legacy_extended_property.SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty] = None, request_configuration: Optional[SingleValueLegacyExtendedPropertyItemRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration] = None, response_handler: Optional[ResponseHandler] = None) -> Optional[single_value_legacy_extended_property.SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty]: """ Update the navigation property singleValueExtendedProperties in groups Args: body: requestConfiguration: Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. responseHandler: Response handler to use in place of the default response handling provided by the core service Returns: Optional[single_value_legacy_extended_property.SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty] """ if body is None: raise Exception("body cannot be undefined") request_info = self.create_patch_request_information( body, request_configuration ) error_mapping: Dict[str, ParsableFactory] = { "4XX": o_data_error.ODataError, "5XX": o_data_error.ODataError, } if not self.request_adapter: raise Exception("Http core is null") return await self.request_adapter.send_async(request_info, single_value_legacy_extended_property.SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty, response_handler, error_mapping) @dataclass class SingleValueLegacyExtendedPropertyItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration(): """ Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. """ # Request headers headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None # Request options options: Optional[List[RequestOption]] = None @dataclass class SingleValueLegacyExtendedPropertyItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters(): """ The collection of single-value extended properties defined for the event. Read-only. Nullable. """ # Expand related entities expand: Optional[List[str]] = None # Select properties to be returned select: Optional[List[str]] = None def get_query_parameter(self,original_name: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Maps the query parameters names to their encoded names for the URI template parsing. Args: originalName: The original query parameter name in the class. Returns: str """ if original_name is None: raise Exception("original_name cannot be undefined") if original_name == "expand": return "%24expand" if original_name == "select": return "%24select" return original_name @dataclass class SingleValueLegacyExtendedPropertyItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration(): """ Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. """ # Request headers headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None # Request options options: Optional[List[RequestOption]] = None # Request query parameters query_parameters: Optional[SingleValueLegacyExtendedPropertyItemRequestBuilder.SingleValueLegacyExtendedPropertyItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters] = None @dataclass class SingleValueLegacyExtendedPropertyItemRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration(): """ Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. """ # Request headers headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None # Request options options: Optional[List[RequestOption]] = None
import json from alipay.aop.api.FileItem import FileItem from alipay.aop.api.constant.ParamConstants import * from alipay.aop.api.domain.AlipayCommerceMedicalInstcardCreateandpayModel import AlipayCommerceMedicalInstcardCreateandpayModel class AlipayCommerceMedicalInstcardCreateandpayRequest(object): def __init__(self, biz_model=None): self._biz_model = biz_model self._biz_content = None self._version = "1.0" self._terminal_type = None self._terminal_info = None self._prod_code = None self._notify_url = None self._return_url = None self._udf_params = None self._need_encrypt = False @property def biz_model(self): return self._biz_model @biz_model.setter def biz_model(self, value): self._biz_model = value @property def biz_content(self): return self._biz_content @biz_content.setter def biz_content(self, value): if isinstance(value, AlipayCommerceMedicalInstcardCreateandpayModel): self._biz_content = value else: self._biz_content = AlipayCommerceMedicalInstcardCreateandpayModel.from_alipay_dict(value) @property def version(self): return self._version @version.setter def version(self, value): self._version = value @property def terminal_type(self): return self._terminal_type @terminal_type.setter def terminal_type(self, value): self._terminal_type = value @property def terminal_info(self): return self._terminal_info @terminal_info.setter def terminal_info(self, value): self._terminal_info = value @property def prod_code(self): return self._prod_code @prod_code.setter def prod_code(self, value): self._prod_code = value @property def notify_url(self): return self._notify_url @notify_url.setter def notify_url(self, value): self._notify_url = value @property def return_url(self): return self._return_url @return_url.setter def return_url(self, value): self._return_url = value @property def udf_params(self): return self._udf_params @udf_params.setter def udf_params(self, value): if not isinstance(value, dict): return self._udf_params = value @property def need_encrypt(self): return self._need_encrypt @need_encrypt.setter def need_encrypt(self, value): self._need_encrypt = value def add_other_text_param(self, key, value): if not self.udf_params: self.udf_params = dict() self.udf_params[key] = value def get_params(self): params = dict() params[P_METHOD] = 'alipay.commerce.medical.instcard.createandpay' params[P_VERSION] = self.version if self.biz_model: params[P_BIZ_CONTENT] = json.dumps(obj=self.biz_model.to_alipay_dict(), ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) if self.biz_content: if hasattr(self.biz_content, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['biz_content'] = json.dumps(obj=self.biz_content.to_alipay_dict(), ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) else: params['biz_content'] = self.biz_content if self.terminal_type: params['terminal_type'] = self.terminal_type if self.terminal_info: params['terminal_info'] = self.terminal_info if self.prod_code: params['prod_code'] = self.prod_code if self.notify_url: params['notify_url'] = self.notify_url if self.return_url: params['return_url'] = self.return_url if self.udf_params: params.update(self.udf_params) return params def get_multipart_params(self): multipart_params = dict() return multipart_params
# PyMouser ## Installation Install the package with pip. ```pip install --user pymouser``` ## Usage: ```python import pymouser # Initialize the package with your API key mouser = pymouser.MouserAPI('your-search-key') # Search by Part-Number err, res = mouser.search_by_PN('your-part-number') # Check for errors or print the returned results if err: print("Error during request:") print(err) else: if res['NumberOfResult'] == 0: print("No results matched the part number") else: for match in res['Parts']: print("Match for PartNumber .... %s" % match['MouserPartNumber']) print("Description ............. %s" % match['Description']) print("Link to datasheet ....... %s" % match['DataSheetUrl']) print("Link to product page .... %s" % match['ProductDetailUrl']) print("") ```
from steelscript.appfwk.apps.plugins.builtin.whois.datasource.whois import \ WhoisTable, whois_function from steelscript.appfwk.apps.datasource.modules.analysis import AnalysisTable from steelscript.netprofiler.appfwk.datasources.netprofiler import \ NetProfilerGroupbyTable from import Report import as tables # # Description # description = """ <div style="width:500px"> <p>This example report demonstrates two different ways to utilize the AnalysisTable features of App framework. <p>The first table uses the extensible <strong>custom table definition</strong> approach where two new classes are defined to perform the initial table definition and data processing. <p>The second table looks much like the first, but uses a <strong>single function</strong> to perform the post-processing. <p>Both approaches have benefits, the custom definitions allow far more flexibility in how things get defined, while the function approach can be simpler for a quick report. See the <a href="edit/">report definition</a> for details on how this was written. </div> """ report = Report.create("Whois Example Report", description=description, position=11) report.add_section() # Define a Table that gets external hosts by avg bytes # This will be used as the base table for both analysis approaches table = NetProfilerGroupbyTable.create( '5-hosts', groupby='host', duration='1 hour', filterexpr='not srv host 10/8 and not srv host 192.168/16' ) table.add_column('host_ip', 'IP Addr', iskey=True, datatype='string') table.add_column('avg_bytes', 'Avg Bytes', units='B/s', sortdesc=True) # Using the custom analysis classes, this will create a new analysis table # and also add the extra column of interest. whoistable = WhoisTable.create('5-whois-hosts', tables={'t': table}) report.add_widget(tables.TableWidget, whoistable, "Custom Analysis Link table", width=12) # Create an Analysis table that calls the 'whois' function to create the link # Note that we need to manually add the extra column here, since our # function won't do that for us function_table = AnalysisTable.create('whois-function-table', tables={'t': table}, function=whois_function) function_table.copy_columns(table) function_table.add_column('whois', label='Whois link', datatype='html') report.add_widget(tables.TableWidget, function_table, "Analysis Function Link table", width=12)
ace.define("ace/mode/cobol_highlight_rules",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/text_highlight_rules"],function(e,t,n){"use strict";var r=e("../lib/oop"),i=e("./text_highlight_rules").TextHighlightRules,s=function(){var e="ACCEPT|MERGE|SUM|ADD||MESSAGE|TABLE|ADVANCING|MODE|TAPE|AFTER|MULTIPLY|TEST|ALL|NEGATIVE|TEXT|ALPHABET|NEXT|THAN|ALSO|NO|THEN|ALTERNATE|NOT|THROUGH|AND|NUMBER|THRU|ANY|OCCURS|TIME|ARE|OF|TO|AREA|OFF|TOP||ASCENDING|OMITTED|TRUE|ASSIGN|ON|TYPE|AT|OPEN|UNIT|AUTHOR|OR|UNTIL|BEFORE|OTHER|UP|BLANK|OUTPUT|USE|BLOCK|PAGE|USING|BOTTOM|PERFORM|VALUE|BY|PIC|VALUES|CALL|PICTURE|WHEN|CANCEL|PLUS|WITH|CD|POINTER|WRITE|CHARACTER|POSITION||ZERO|CLOSE|POSITIVE|ZEROS|COLUMN|PROCEDURE|ZEROES|COMMA|PROGRAM|COMMON|PROGRAM-ID|COMMUNICATION|QUOTE|COMP|RANDOM|COMPUTE|READ|CONTAINS|RECEIVE|CONFIGURATION|RECORD|CONTINUE|REDEFINES|CONTROL|REFERENCE|COPY|REMAINDER|COUNT|REPLACE|DATA|REPORT|DATE|RESERVE|DAY|RESET|DELETE|RETURN|DESTINATION|REWIND|DISABLE|REWRITE|DISPLAY|RIGHT|DIVIDE|RUN|DOWN|SAME|ELSE|SEARCH|ENABLE|SECTION|END|SELECT|ENVIRONMENT|SENTENCE|EQUAL|SET|ERROR|SIGN|EXIT|SEQUENTIAL|EXTERNAL|SIZE|FLASE|SORT|FILE|SOURCE|LENGTH|SPACE|LESS|STANDARD|LIMIT|START|LINE|STOP|LOCK|STRING|LOW-VALUE|SUBTRACT",t="true|false|null",n="count|min|max|avg|sum|rank|now|coalesce|main",r=this.createKeywordMapper({"support.function":n,keyword:e,"constant.language":t},"identifier",!0);this.$rules={start:[{token:"comment",regex:"\\*.*$"},{token:"string",regex:'".*?"'},{token:"string",regex:"'.*?'"},{token:"constant.numeric",regex:"[+-]?\\d+(?:(?:\\.\\d*)?(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)?\\b"},{token:r,regex:"[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*\\b"},{token:"keyword.operator",regex:"\\+|\\-|\\/|\\/\\/|%|<@>|@>|<@|&|\\^|~|<|>|<=|=>|==|!=|<>|="},{token:"paren.lparen",regex:"[\\(]"},{token:"paren.rparen",regex:"[\\)]"},{token:"text",regex:"\\s+"}]}};r.inherits(s,i),t.CobolHighlightRules=s}),ace.define("ace/mode/cobol",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/text","ace/mode/cobol_highlight_rules"],function(e,t,n){"use strict";var r=e("../lib/oop"),i=e("./text").Mode,s=e("./cobol_highlight_rules").CobolHighlightRules,o=function(){this.HighlightRules=s,this.$behaviour=this.$defaultBehaviour};r.inherits(o,i),function(){this.lineCommentStart="*",this.$id="ace/mode/cobol"}.call(o.prototype),t.Mode=o}); (function() { ace.require(["ace/mode/cobol"], function(m) { if (typeof module == "object" && typeof exports == "object" && module) { module.exports = m; } }); })();
# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. ## [0.11.0] - 2023-08-23 ### Features\ - Add command line argument `--only-lint-under-config-dir` ([a604812]( - Allow multiple toml files in config([49265e5]( - add sapling support to ci ([6e5bc4e]( - implement sapling support in lintrunner ([1442962]( ### Bug Fixes - Skip linting nonexitent files ([5c65871]( ### Documentation - Update README to include options and link to github action ([#55]( ([9efb969]( ## [0.10.7] - 2023-03-02 ### Bug Fixes - Run clippy and rustfmt; fix issues ([#34]( ([b0e8be2]( - Fix and enable rustfmt linter ([#35]( ([507d273]( ### Features - Enable setting default --merge-base-with values ([75ea9c0]( ## [0.10.5] - 2023-01-19 ### Bug Fixes - Add a space to the severity on oneline format ([#30]( ([5120786]( ## [0.10.2] - 2023-01-13 ### Features - Update the message format produced by `` ([#28]( ([b3370bf]( ## [0.10.1] - 2023-01-13 ### Bug Fixes - Allow --paths-cmd to run on Windows ([#23]( ([a1c4191]( ## [0.10.0] - 2022-11-28 ### Bug Fixes - Typo in init_command doc ([#17]( ([fa8d7b3]( - Path construction errors on Windows ([#19]( ([032bea6]( ### Features - A tool to convert json output to SARIF format ([#16]( ([1c991af]( - Add to oneline output ([#21]( ([84f3d34]( ### Testing - Fix linux ci ([c443387]( ## [0.9.3] - 2022-09-23 ### Bug Fixes - Don't check files that were deleted/moved in working tree ([0fbb2f3]( ### Testing - Add unit test for trailing whitespace ([bbbcffd]( - Add missing snapshot ([9fda576]( ## [0.9.2] - 2022-05-11 ### Bug Fixes - Add more runtime info to logs ([80e78de]( ### Features - Add --all-files command ([3d64ad3]( ## [0.9.1] - 2022-05-11 ### Features - Add --tee-json option ([5978ec0]( ## [0.9.0] - 2022-05-10 ### Bug Fixes - Add --version command-line arg ([7932c44]( - Escape command-line args in log ([1018103]( - Error if duplicate linters found ([89064c1]( - Escape linter initializer in logs ([0a0f0ec]( - Properly ignore current run on `rage -i` ([#6]( ([e4989eb]( - Show milliseconds in rage run timestamp ([9780a2b]( ### Documentation - Update changelog ([82c3335]( ### Features - Add rage command for bug reporting ([bb80fef]( ## [0.8.0] - 2022-05-02 ### Bug Fixes - Add severity to oneline message ([14495be]( - Unify output controlling commands into --output ([8b95e7b]( ### Documentation - Improve help message ([0630560]( ### Features - Warn if init seems out of date ([4050dd7]( - Format command ([bf7925d]( ### Testing - Add integration test for init warnings ([9c75f29]( - Add integration test for dryrun error on init config ([88738ca]( ### Build - Run cargo upgrade ([0241c01]( ## [0.7.0] - 2022-04-15 ### Features - Add --oneline arg for compact lint rendering ([a0a9e87]( ## [0.6.2] - 2022-04-15 ### Bug Fixes - Do not allow * to match across path segments ([382413a]( ### Testing - Add test for deleted files with --revision specified ([19c6fee]( ## [0.6.1] - 2022-04-15 ### Bug Fixes - Correct order of arguments while gathering files to lint ([9c2093d]( ### Documentation - Update install instructions ([a3095fd]( - Add --merge-base-with to readme ([8d51a11]( <!-- generated by git-cliff -->
import sys import typing import bpy_types GenericType = typing.TypeVar("GenericType") class PhysicButtonsPanel: bl_context = None ''' ''' bl_region_type = None ''' ''' bl_space_type = None ''' ''' def poll(self, context): ''' ''' pass class PHYSICS_PT_softbody(PhysicButtonsPanel, bpy_types.Panel, bpy_types._GenericUI): COMPAT_ENGINES = None ''' ''' bl_context = None ''' ''' bl_label = None ''' ''' bl_region_type = None ''' ''' bl_rna = None ''' ''' bl_space_type = None ''' ''' id_data = None ''' ''' def append(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def as_pointer(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass_py(self): ''' ''' pass def draw(self, context): ''' ''' pass def driver_add(self): ''' ''' pass def driver_remove(self): ''' ''' pass def get(self): ''' ''' pass def is_extended(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_hidden(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_overridable_library(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_readonly(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_set(self): ''' ''' pass def items(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_delete(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_insert(self): ''' ''' pass def keys(self): ''' ''' pass def path_from_id(self): ''' ''' pass def path_resolve(self): ''' ''' pass def poll(self, context): ''' ''' pass def pop(self): ''' ''' pass def prepend(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def property_overridable_library_set(self): ''' ''' pass def property_unset(self): ''' ''' pass def remove(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def type_recast(self): ''' ''' pass def values(self): ''' ''' pass class PHYSICS_PT_softbody_cache(PhysicButtonsPanel, bpy_types.Panel, bpy_types._GenericUI): COMPAT_ENGINES = None ''' ''' bl_context = None ''' ''' bl_label = None ''' ''' bl_options = None ''' ''' bl_parent_id = None ''' ''' bl_region_type = None ''' ''' bl_rna = None ''' ''' bl_space_type = None ''' ''' id_data = None ''' ''' def append(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def as_pointer(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass_py(self): ''' ''' pass def draw(self, context): ''' ''' pass def driver_add(self): ''' ''' pass def driver_remove(self): ''' ''' pass def get(self): ''' ''' pass def is_extended(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_hidden(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_overridable_library(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_readonly(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_set(self): ''' ''' pass def items(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_delete(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_insert(self): ''' ''' pass def keys(self): ''' ''' pass def path_from_id(self): ''' ''' pass def path_resolve(self): ''' ''' pass def poll(self, context): ''' ''' pass def pop(self): ''' ''' pass def prepend(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def property_overridable_library_set(self): ''' ''' pass def property_unset(self): ''' ''' pass def remove(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def type_recast(self): ''' ''' pass def values(self): ''' ''' pass class PHYSICS_PT_softbody_collision(PhysicButtonsPanel, bpy_types.Panel, bpy_types._GenericUI): COMPAT_ENGINES = None ''' ''' bl_context = None ''' ''' bl_label = None ''' ''' bl_options = None ''' ''' bl_parent_id = None ''' ''' bl_region_type = None ''' ''' bl_rna = None ''' ''' bl_space_type = None ''' ''' id_data = None ''' ''' def append(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def as_pointer(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass_py(self): ''' ''' pass def draw(self, context): ''' ''' pass def draw_header(self, context): ''' ''' pass def driver_add(self): ''' ''' pass def driver_remove(self): ''' ''' pass def get(self): ''' ''' pass def is_extended(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_hidden(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_overridable_library(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_readonly(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_set(self): ''' ''' pass def items(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_delete(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_insert(self): ''' ''' pass def keys(self): ''' ''' pass def path_from_id(self): ''' ''' pass def path_resolve(self): ''' ''' pass def poll(self, context): ''' ''' pass def pop(self): ''' ''' pass def prepend(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def property_overridable_library_set(self): ''' ''' pass def property_unset(self): ''' ''' pass def remove(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def type_recast(self): ''' ''' pass def values(self): ''' ''' pass class PHYSICS_PT_softbody_edge(PhysicButtonsPanel, bpy_types.Panel, bpy_types._GenericUI): COMPAT_ENGINES = None ''' ''' bl_context = None ''' ''' bl_label = None ''' ''' bl_options = None ''' ''' bl_parent_id = None ''' ''' bl_region_type = None ''' ''' bl_rna = None ''' ''' bl_space_type = None ''' ''' id_data = None ''' ''' def append(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def as_pointer(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass_py(self): ''' ''' pass def draw(self, context): ''' ''' pass def draw_header(self, context): ''' ''' pass def driver_add(self): ''' ''' pass def driver_remove(self): ''' ''' pass def get(self): ''' ''' pass def is_extended(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_hidden(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_overridable_library(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_readonly(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_set(self): ''' ''' pass def items(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_delete(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_insert(self): ''' ''' pass def keys(self): ''' ''' pass def path_from_id(self): ''' ''' pass def path_resolve(self): ''' ''' pass def poll(self, context): ''' ''' pass def pop(self): ''' ''' pass def prepend(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def property_overridable_library_set(self): ''' ''' pass def property_unset(self): ''' ''' pass def remove(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def type_recast(self): ''' ''' pass def values(self): ''' ''' pass class PHYSICS_PT_softbody_edge_aerodynamics( PhysicButtonsPanel, bpy_types.Panel, bpy_types._GenericUI): COMPAT_ENGINES = None ''' ''' bl_context = None ''' ''' bl_label = None ''' ''' bl_options = None ''' ''' bl_parent_id = None ''' ''' bl_region_type = None ''' ''' bl_rna = None ''' ''' bl_space_type = None ''' ''' id_data = None ''' ''' def append(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def as_pointer(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass_py(self): ''' ''' pass def draw(self, context): ''' ''' pass def driver_add(self): ''' ''' pass def driver_remove(self): ''' ''' pass def get(self): ''' ''' pass def is_extended(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_hidden(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_overridable_library(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_readonly(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_set(self): ''' ''' pass def items(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_delete(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_insert(self): ''' ''' pass def keys(self): ''' ''' pass def path_from_id(self): ''' ''' pass def path_resolve(self): ''' ''' pass def poll(self, context): ''' ''' pass def pop(self): ''' ''' pass def prepend(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def property_overridable_library_set(self): ''' ''' pass def property_unset(self): ''' ''' pass def remove(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def type_recast(self): ''' ''' pass def values(self): ''' ''' pass class PHYSICS_PT_softbody_edge_stiffness(PhysicButtonsPanel, bpy_types.Panel, bpy_types._GenericUI): COMPAT_ENGINES = None ''' ''' bl_context = None ''' ''' bl_label = None ''' ''' bl_options = None ''' ''' bl_parent_id = None ''' ''' bl_region_type = None ''' ''' bl_rna = None ''' ''' bl_space_type = None ''' ''' id_data = None ''' ''' def append(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def as_pointer(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass_py(self): ''' ''' pass def draw(self, context): ''' ''' pass def draw_header(self, context): ''' ''' pass def driver_add(self): ''' ''' pass def driver_remove(self): ''' ''' pass def get(self): ''' ''' pass def is_extended(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_hidden(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_overridable_library(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_readonly(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_set(self): ''' ''' pass def items(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_delete(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_insert(self): ''' ''' pass def keys(self): ''' ''' pass def path_from_id(self): ''' ''' pass def path_resolve(self): ''' ''' pass def poll(self, context): ''' ''' pass def pop(self): ''' ''' pass def prepend(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def property_overridable_library_set(self): ''' ''' pass def property_unset(self): ''' ''' pass def remove(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def type_recast(self): ''' ''' pass def values(self): ''' ''' pass class PHYSICS_PT_softbody_field_weights(PhysicButtonsPanel, bpy_types.Panel, bpy_types._GenericUI): COMPAT_ENGINES = None ''' ''' bl_context = None ''' ''' bl_label = None ''' ''' bl_options = None ''' ''' bl_parent_id = None ''' ''' bl_region_type = None ''' ''' bl_rna = None ''' ''' bl_space_type = None ''' ''' id_data = None ''' ''' def append(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def as_pointer(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass_py(self): ''' ''' pass def draw(self, context): ''' ''' pass def driver_add(self): ''' ''' pass def driver_remove(self): ''' ''' pass def get(self): ''' ''' pass def is_extended(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_hidden(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_overridable_library(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_readonly(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_set(self): ''' ''' pass def items(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_delete(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_insert(self): ''' ''' pass def keys(self): ''' ''' pass def path_from_id(self): ''' ''' pass def path_resolve(self): ''' ''' pass def poll(self, context): ''' ''' pass def pop(self): ''' ''' pass def prepend(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def property_overridable_library_set(self): ''' ''' pass def property_unset(self): ''' ''' pass def remove(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def type_recast(self): ''' ''' pass def values(self): ''' ''' pass class PHYSICS_PT_softbody_goal(PhysicButtonsPanel, bpy_types.Panel, bpy_types._GenericUI): COMPAT_ENGINES = None ''' ''' bl_context = None ''' ''' bl_label = None ''' ''' bl_options = None ''' ''' bl_parent_id = None ''' ''' bl_region_type = None ''' ''' bl_rna = None ''' ''' bl_space_type = None ''' ''' id_data = None ''' ''' def append(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def as_pointer(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass_py(self): ''' ''' pass def draw(self, context): ''' ''' pass def draw_header(self, context): ''' ''' pass def driver_add(self): ''' ''' pass def driver_remove(self): ''' ''' pass def get(self): ''' ''' pass def is_extended(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_hidden(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_overridable_library(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_readonly(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_set(self): ''' ''' pass def items(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_delete(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_insert(self): ''' ''' pass def keys(self): ''' ''' pass def path_from_id(self): ''' ''' pass def path_resolve(self): ''' ''' pass def poll(self, context): ''' ''' pass def pop(self): ''' ''' pass def prepend(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def property_overridable_library_set(self): ''' ''' pass def property_unset(self): ''' ''' pass def remove(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def type_recast(self): ''' ''' pass def values(self): ''' ''' pass class PHYSICS_PT_softbody_goal_settings(PhysicButtonsPanel, bpy_types.Panel, bpy_types._GenericUI): COMPAT_ENGINES = None ''' ''' bl_context = None ''' ''' bl_label = None ''' ''' bl_options = None ''' ''' bl_parent_id = None ''' ''' bl_region_type = None ''' ''' bl_rna = None ''' ''' bl_space_type = None ''' ''' id_data = None ''' ''' def append(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def as_pointer(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass_py(self): ''' ''' pass def draw(self, context): ''' ''' pass def driver_add(self): ''' ''' pass def driver_remove(self): ''' ''' pass def get(self): ''' ''' pass def is_extended(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_hidden(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_overridable_library(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_readonly(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_set(self): ''' ''' pass def items(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_delete(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_insert(self): ''' ''' pass def keys(self): ''' ''' pass def path_from_id(self): ''' ''' pass def path_resolve(self): ''' ''' pass def poll(self, context): ''' ''' pass def pop(self): ''' ''' pass def prepend(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def property_overridable_library_set(self): ''' ''' pass def property_unset(self): ''' ''' pass def remove(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def type_recast(self): ''' ''' pass def values(self): ''' ''' pass class PHYSICS_PT_softbody_goal_strengths(PhysicButtonsPanel, bpy_types.Panel, bpy_types._GenericUI): COMPAT_ENGINES = None ''' ''' bl_context = None ''' ''' bl_label = None ''' ''' bl_options = None ''' ''' bl_parent_id = None ''' ''' bl_region_type = None ''' ''' bl_rna = None ''' ''' bl_space_type = None ''' ''' id_data = None ''' ''' def append(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def as_pointer(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass_py(self): ''' ''' pass def draw(self, context): ''' ''' pass def driver_add(self): ''' ''' pass def driver_remove(self): ''' ''' pass def get(self): ''' ''' pass def is_extended(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_hidden(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_overridable_library(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_readonly(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_set(self): ''' ''' pass def items(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_delete(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_insert(self): ''' ''' pass def keys(self): ''' ''' pass def path_from_id(self): ''' ''' pass def path_resolve(self): ''' ''' pass def poll(self, context): ''' ''' pass def pop(self): ''' ''' pass def prepend(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def property_overridable_library_set(self): ''' ''' pass def property_unset(self): ''' ''' pass def remove(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def type_recast(self): ''' ''' pass def values(self): ''' ''' pass class PHYSICS_PT_softbody_object(PhysicButtonsPanel, bpy_types.Panel, bpy_types._GenericUI): COMPAT_ENGINES = None ''' ''' bl_context = None ''' ''' bl_label = None ''' ''' bl_options = None ''' ''' bl_parent_id = None ''' ''' bl_region_type = None ''' ''' bl_rna = None ''' ''' bl_space_type = None ''' ''' id_data = None ''' ''' def append(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def as_pointer(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass_py(self): ''' ''' pass def draw(self, context): ''' ''' pass def driver_add(self): ''' ''' pass def driver_remove(self): ''' ''' pass def get(self): ''' ''' pass def is_extended(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_hidden(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_overridable_library(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_readonly(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_set(self): ''' ''' pass def items(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_delete(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_insert(self): ''' ''' pass def keys(self): ''' ''' pass def path_from_id(self): ''' ''' pass def path_resolve(self): ''' ''' pass def poll(self, context): ''' ''' pass def pop(self): ''' ''' pass def prepend(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def property_overridable_library_set(self): ''' ''' pass def property_unset(self): ''' ''' pass def remove(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def type_recast(self): ''' ''' pass def values(self): ''' ''' pass class PHYSICS_PT_softbody_simulation(PhysicButtonsPanel, bpy_types.Panel, bpy_types._GenericUI): COMPAT_ENGINES = None ''' ''' bl_context = None ''' ''' bl_label = None ''' ''' bl_options = None ''' ''' bl_parent_id = None ''' ''' bl_region_type = None ''' ''' bl_rna = None ''' ''' bl_space_type = None ''' ''' id_data = None ''' ''' def append(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def as_pointer(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass_py(self): ''' ''' pass def draw(self, context): ''' ''' pass def driver_add(self): ''' ''' pass def driver_remove(self): ''' ''' pass def get(self): ''' ''' pass def is_extended(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_hidden(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_overridable_library(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_readonly(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_set(self): ''' ''' pass def items(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_delete(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_insert(self): ''' ''' pass def keys(self): ''' ''' pass def path_from_id(self): ''' ''' pass def path_resolve(self): ''' ''' pass def poll(self, context): ''' ''' pass def pop(self): ''' ''' pass def prepend(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def property_overridable_library_set(self): ''' ''' pass def property_unset(self): ''' ''' pass def remove(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def type_recast(self): ''' ''' pass def values(self): ''' ''' pass class PHYSICS_PT_softbody_solver(PhysicButtonsPanel, bpy_types.Panel, bpy_types._GenericUI): COMPAT_ENGINES = None ''' ''' bl_context = None ''' ''' bl_label = None ''' ''' bl_options = None ''' ''' bl_parent_id = None ''' ''' bl_region_type = None ''' ''' bl_rna = None ''' ''' bl_space_type = None ''' ''' id_data = None ''' ''' def append(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def as_pointer(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass_py(self): ''' ''' pass def draw(self, context): ''' ''' pass def driver_add(self): ''' ''' pass def driver_remove(self): ''' ''' pass def get(self): ''' ''' pass def is_extended(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_hidden(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_overridable_library(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_readonly(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_set(self): ''' ''' pass def items(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_delete(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_insert(self): ''' ''' pass def keys(self): ''' ''' pass def path_from_id(self): ''' ''' pass def path_resolve(self): ''' ''' pass def poll(self, context): ''' ''' pass def pop(self): ''' ''' pass def prepend(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def property_overridable_library_set(self): ''' ''' pass def property_unset(self): ''' ''' pass def remove(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def type_recast(self): ''' ''' pass def values(self): ''' ''' pass class PHYSICS_PT_softbody_solver_diagnostics( PhysicButtonsPanel, bpy_types.Panel, bpy_types._GenericUI): COMPAT_ENGINES = None ''' ''' bl_context = None ''' ''' bl_label = None ''' ''' bl_options = None ''' ''' bl_parent_id = None ''' ''' bl_region_type = None ''' ''' bl_rna = None ''' ''' bl_space_type = None ''' ''' id_data = None ''' ''' def append(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def as_pointer(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass_py(self): ''' ''' pass def draw(self, context): ''' ''' pass def driver_add(self): ''' ''' pass def driver_remove(self): ''' ''' pass def get(self): ''' ''' pass def is_extended(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_hidden(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_overridable_library(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_readonly(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_set(self): ''' ''' pass def items(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_delete(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_insert(self): ''' ''' pass def keys(self): ''' ''' pass def path_from_id(self): ''' ''' pass def path_resolve(self): ''' ''' pass def poll(self, context): ''' ''' pass def pop(self): ''' ''' pass def prepend(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def property_overridable_library_set(self): ''' ''' pass def property_unset(self): ''' ''' pass def remove(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def type_recast(self): ''' ''' pass def values(self): ''' ''' pass class PHYSICS_PT_softbody_solver_helpers(PhysicButtonsPanel, bpy_types.Panel, bpy_types._GenericUI): COMPAT_ENGINES = None ''' ''' bl_context = None ''' ''' bl_label = None ''' ''' bl_options = None ''' ''' bl_parent_id = None ''' ''' bl_region_type = None ''' ''' bl_rna = None ''' ''' bl_space_type = None ''' ''' id_data = None ''' ''' def append(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def as_pointer(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass(self): ''' ''' pass def bl_rna_get_subclass_py(self): ''' ''' pass def draw(self, context): ''' ''' pass def driver_add(self): ''' ''' pass def driver_remove(self): ''' ''' pass def get(self): ''' ''' pass def is_extended(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_hidden(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_overridable_library(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_readonly(self): ''' ''' pass def is_property_set(self): ''' ''' pass def items(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_delete(self): ''' ''' pass def keyframe_insert(self): ''' ''' pass def keys(self): ''' ''' pass def path_from_id(self): ''' ''' pass def path_resolve(self): ''' ''' pass def poll(self, context): ''' ''' pass def pop(self): ''' ''' pass def prepend(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def property_overridable_library_set(self): ''' ''' pass def property_unset(self): ''' ''' pass def remove(self, draw_func): ''' ''' pass def type_recast(self): ''' ''' pass def values(self): ''' ''' pass def softbody_panel_enabled(md): ''' ''' pass
# (c) 2013, Jeroen Hoekx <[email protected]> # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.0', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = """ module: jboss version_added: "1.4" short_description: deploy applications to JBoss description: - Deploy applications to JBoss standalone using the filesystem options: deployment: required: true description: - The name of the deployment src: required: false description: - The remote path of the application ear or war to deploy deploy_path: required: false default: /var/lib/jbossas/standalone/deployments description: - The location in the filesystem where the deployment scanner listens state: required: false choices: [ present, absent ] default: "present" description: - Whether the application should be deployed or undeployed notes: - "The JBoss standalone deployment-scanner has to be enabled in standalone.xml" - "Ensure no identically named application is deployed through the JBoss CLI" author: "Jeroen Hoekx (@jhoekx)" """ EXAMPLES = """ # Deploy a hello world application - jboss: src: /tmp/hello-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war deployment: hello.war state: present # Update the hello world application - jboss: src: /tmp/hello-1.1-SNAPSHOT.war deployment: hello.war state: present # Undeploy the hello world application - jboss: deployment: hello.war state: absent """ import os import shutil import time def is_deployed(deploy_path, deployment): return os.path.exists(os.path.join(deploy_path, "%s.deployed"%(deployment))) def is_undeployed(deploy_path, deployment): return os.path.exists(os.path.join(deploy_path, "%s.undeployed"%(deployment))) def is_failed(deploy_path, deployment): return os.path.exists(os.path.join(deploy_path, "%s.failed"%(deployment))) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = dict( src=dict(), deployment=dict(required=True), deploy_path=dict(default='/var/lib/jbossas/standalone/deployments'), state=dict(choices=['absent', 'present'], default='present'), ), ) changed = False src = module.params['src'] deployment = module.params['deployment'] deploy_path = module.params['deploy_path'] state = module.params['state'] if state == 'present' and not src: module.fail_json(msg="Argument 'src' required.") if not os.path.exists(deploy_path): module.fail_json(msg="deploy_path does not exist.") deployed = is_deployed(deploy_path, deployment) if state == 'present' and not deployed: if not os.path.exists(src): module.fail_json(msg='Source file %s does not exist.'%(src)) if is_failed(deploy_path, deployment): ### Clean up old failed deployment os.remove(os.path.join(deploy_path, "%s.failed"%(deployment))) shutil.copyfile(src, os.path.join(deploy_path, deployment)) while not deployed: deployed = is_deployed(deploy_path, deployment) if is_failed(deploy_path, deployment): module.fail_json(msg='Deploying %s failed.'%(deployment)) time.sleep(1) changed = True if state == 'present' and deployed: if module.sha1(src) != module.sha1(os.path.join(deploy_path, deployment)): os.remove(os.path.join(deploy_path, "%s.deployed"%(deployment))) shutil.copyfile(src, os.path.join(deploy_path, deployment)) deployed = False while not deployed: deployed = is_deployed(deploy_path, deployment) if is_failed(deploy_path, deployment): module.fail_json(msg='Deploying %s failed.'%(deployment)) time.sleep(1) changed = True if state == 'absent' and deployed: os.remove(os.path.join(deploy_path, "%s.deployed"%(deployment))) while deployed: deployed = not is_undeployed(deploy_path, deployment) if is_failed(deploy_path, deployment): module.fail_json(msg='Undeploying %s failed.'%(deployment)) time.sleep(1) changed = True module.exit_json(changed=changed) # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import re from collections import OrderedDict from configparser import ConfigParser from io import StringIO from itertools import chain from pathlib import Path from token import NUMBER, ENDMARKER, MINUS, PLUS, NAME, NEWLINE from tokenize import generate_tokens from warnings import warn from .util import (NamedDescriptor, WithNamedDescriptors, NotImplementedAttribute, class_property, PeekIterator, cached) __all__ = ['AttributeType', 'AcceptNoneAttributeType', 'OptionSet', 'OptionSetMeta', 'Attribute', 'OverrideDefault', 'AttributesDictionary', 'Configurable', 'RuleSet', 'RuleSetFile', 'Bool', 'Integer', 'ParseError', 'Var'] class AttributeType(object): def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) == type(other) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other @classmethod def check_type(cls, value): return isinstance(value, cls) @classmethod def from_string(cls, string, source=None): return cls.parse_string(string, source) @classmethod def parse_string(cls, string, source): tokens = TokenIterator(string) value = cls.from_tokens(tokens, source) if next(tokens).type != ENDMARKER: raise ParseError('Syntax error') return value @classmethod def from_tokens(cls, tokens, source): raise NotImplementedError(cls) @classmethod def validate(cls, value): if isinstance(value, str): value = cls.from_string(value) if not cls.check_type(value): raise TypeError("{} is not of type {}".format(value, cls.__name__)) return value @classmethod def doc_repr(cls, value): return '``{}``'.format(value) if value else '(no value)' @classmethod def doc_format(cls): warn('Missing implementation for {}.doc_format'.format(cls.__name__)) return '' class AcceptNoneAttributeType(AttributeType): """Accepts 'none' (besides other values)""" @classmethod def check_type(cls, value): return (isinstance(value, type(None)) or super(__class__, cls).check_type(value)) @classmethod def from_string(cls, string, source=None): if string.strip().lower() == 'none': return None return super(__class__, cls).from_string(string, source) @classmethod def doc_repr(cls, value): return '``{}``'.format('none' if value is None else value) class OptionSetMeta(type): def __new__(metacls, classname, bases, cls_dict): cls = super().__new__(metacls, classname, bases, cls_dict) cls.__doc__ = (cls_dict['__doc__'] + '\n\n' if '__doc__' in cls_dict else '') cls.__doc__ += 'Accepts: {}'.format(cls.doc_format()) return cls def __getattr__(cls, item): if item == 'NONE' and None in cls.values: return None string = item.lower().replace('_', ' ') if item.isupper() and string in cls.values: return string raise AttributeError(item) def __iter__(cls): return iter(cls.values) class OptionSet(AttributeType, metaclass=OptionSetMeta): """Accepts the values listed in :attr:`values`""" values = () @classmethod def check_type(cls, value): return value in cls.values @class_property def value_strings(cls): return ['none' if value is None else value.lower() for value in cls.values] @classmethod def _value_from_tokens(cls, tokens): if != NAME: raise ParseError('Expecting a name') token = next(tokens) _, start_col = token.start while and in (NAME, MINUS): token = next(tokens) _, end_col = token.end return token.line[start_col:end_col].strip() @classmethod def from_tokens(cls, tokens, source): option_string = cls._value_from_tokens(tokens) try: index = cls.value_strings.index(option_string.lower()) except ValueError: raise ValueError("'{}' is not a valid {}. Must be one of: '{}'" .format(option_string, cls.__name__, "', '".join(cls.value_strings))) return cls.values[index] @classmethod def doc_repr(cls, value): return '``{}``'.format(value) @classmethod def doc_format(cls): return ', '.join('``{}``'.format(s) for s in cls.value_strings) class Attribute(NamedDescriptor): """Descriptor used to describe a style attribute""" def __init__(self, accepted_type, default_value, description): = None self.accepted_type = accepted_type self.default_value = accepted_type.validate(default_value) self.description = description self.source = None def __get__(self, style, type=None): try: return style.get(, self.default_value) except AttributeError: return self def __set__(self, style, value): if not self.accepted_type.check_type(value): raise TypeError('The {} attribute only accepts {} instances' .format(, self.accepted_type.__name__)) style[] = value class OverrideDefault(Attribute): """Overrides the default value of an attribute defined in a superclass""" def __init__(self, default_value): self._default_value = default_value @property def overrides(self): return self._overrides @overrides.setter def overrides(self, attribute): self._overrides = attribute self.default_value = self.accepted_type.validate(self._default_value) @property def accepted_type(self): return self.overrides.accepted_type @property def description(self): return self.overrides.description class WithAttributes(WithNamedDescriptors): def __new__(mcls, classname, bases, cls_dict): attributes = cls_dict['_attributes'] = OrderedDict() doc = [] for name, attr in cls_dict.items(): if not isinstance(attr, Attribute): continue attributes[name] = attr if isinstance(attr, OverrideDefault): for mro_cls in (cls for base_cls in bases for cls in base_cls.__mro__): try: attr.overrides = mro_cls._attributes[name] break except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass else: raise NotImplementedError battr = ':attr:`{0} <.{0}.{1}>`'.format(mro_cls.__name__, name) inherits = f' (inherited from {battr})' overrides = f' (overrides {battr} default)' else: inherits = overrides = '' doc.append('{}: {}{}'.format(name, attr.description, inherits)) format = attr.accepted_type.doc_format() default = attr.accepted_type.doc_repr(attr.default_value) doc.append('\n *Accepts* :class:`.{}`: {}\n' .format(attr.accepted_type.__name__, format)) doc.append('\n *Default*: {}{}\n' .format(default, overrides)) supported_attributes = list(name for name in attributes) documented = set(supported_attributes) for base_class in bases: try: supported_attributes.extend(base_class._supported_attributes) except AttributeError: continue for mro_cls in base_class.__mro__: for name, attr in getattr(mro_cls, '_attributes', {}).items(): if name in documented: continue doc.append('{0}: {1} (inherited from :attr:`{2} <.{2}.{0}>`)' .format(name, attr.description, mro_cls.__name__)) format = attr.accepted_type.doc_format() default = attr.accepted_type.doc_repr(attr.default_value) doc.append('\n *Accepts* :class:`.{}`: {}\n' .format(attr.accepted_type.__name__, format)) doc.append('\n *Default*: {}\n'.format(default)) documented.add(name) if doc: attr_doc = '\n '.join(chain([' Attributes:'], doc)) cls_dict['__doc__'] = (cls_dict.get('__doc__', '') + '\n\n' + attr_doc) cls_dict['_supported_attributes'] = supported_attributes return super().__new__(mcls, classname, bases, cls_dict) @property def _all_attributes(cls): for mro_class in reversed(cls.__mro__): for name in getattr(mro_class, '_attributes', ()): yield name @property def supported_attributes(cls): for mro_class in cls.__mro__: for name in getattr(mro_class, '_supported_attributes', ()): yield name class AttributesDictionary(OrderedDict, metaclass=WithAttributes): def __init__(self, base=None, **attributes): = None self.source = None self.base = base super().__init__(attributes) @classmethod def _get_default(cls, attribute): """Return the default value for `attribute`. If no default is specified in this style, get the default from the nearest superclass. If `attribute` is not supported, raise a :class:`KeyError`.""" try: for klass in cls.__mro__: if attribute in klass._attributes: return klass._attributes[attribute].default_value except AttributeError: raise KeyError("No attribute '{}' in {}".format(attribute, cls)) @classmethod def attribute_definition(cls, name): try: for klass in cls.__mro__: if name in klass._attributes: return klass._attributes[name] except AttributeError: pass raise KeyError(name) @classmethod def attribute_type(cls, name): try: return cls.attribute_definition(name).accepted_type except KeyError: raise TypeError('{} is not a supported attribute for {}' .format(name, cls.__name__)) @classmethod def get_ruleset(self): raise NotImplementedError class DefaultValueException(Exception): pass class Configurable(object): configuration_class = NotImplementedAttribute() def configuration_name(self, document): raise NotImplementedError def get_config_value(self, attribute, document): ruleset = self.configuration_class.get_ruleset(document) return ruleset.get_value_for(self, attribute, document) class BaseConfigurationException(Exception): def __init__(self, base_name): = base_name class Source(object): """Describes where a :class:`DocumentElement` was defined""" @property def location(self): """Textual representation of this source""" return repr(self) @property def root(self): """Directory path for resolving paths relative to this source""" return None class RuleSet(OrderedDict, Source): main_section = NotImplementedAttribute() def __init__(self, name, base=None, source=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) = name self.base = base self.source = source self.variables = OrderedDict() def contains(self, name): return name in self or (self.base and self.base.contains(name)) def find_source(self, name): """Find top-most ruleset where configuration `name` is defined""" if name in self: return if self.base: return self.base.find_source(name) def get_configuration(self, name): try: return self[name] except KeyError: if self.base: return self.base.get_configuration(name) raise def __setitem__(self, name, item): assert name not in self if isinstance(item, AttributesDictionary): # FIXME self._validate_attributes(name, item) super().__setitem__(name, item) def __call__(self, name, **kwargs): self[name] = self.get_entry_class(name)(**kwargs) def __repr__(self): return '{}({})'.format(type(self).__name__, def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __bool__(self): return True RE_VARIABLE = re.compile(r'^\$\(([a-z_ -]+)\)$', re.IGNORECASE) def _validate_attributes(self, name, attr_dict): = name attr_dict.source = self for key, val in attr_dict.items(): attr_dict[key] = self._validate_attribute(attr_dict, key, val) def _validate_attribute(self, attr_dict, name, value): attribute_type = attr_dict.attribute_type(name) if isinstance(value, str): stripped = value.replace('\n', ' ').strip() m = self.RE_VARIABLE.match(stripped) if m: return Var( value = self._attribute_from_string(attribute_type, stripped) elif hasattr(value, 'source'): value.source = self if not isinstance(value, Var) and not attribute_type.check_type(value): raise TypeError("{} ({}) is not of the correct type for the '{}' " "attribute".format(value, type(value).__name__, name)) return value @cached def _attribute_from_string(self, attribute_type, string): return attribute_type.from_string(string, self) def get_variable(self, configuration_class, attribute, variable): try: value = self.variables[] except KeyError: if not self.base: raise VariableNotDefined("Variable '{}' is not defined" .format( return self.base.get_variable(configuration_class, attribute, variable) return self._validate_attribute(configuration_class, attribute, value) def get_entry_class(self, name): raise NotImplementedError def _get_value_recursive(self, name, attribute): if name in self: entry = self[name] if attribute in entry: return entry[attribute] elif isinstance(entry.base, str): raise BaseConfigurationException(entry.base) elif entry.base is not None: return entry.base[attribute] if self.base: return self.base._get_value_recursive(name, attribute) raise DefaultValueException @cached def get_value(self, name, attribute): try: return self._get_value_recursive(name, attribute) except BaseConfigurationException as exc: return self.get_value(, attribute) def _get_value_lookup(self, configurable, attribute, document): name = configurable.configuration_name(document) return self.get_value(name, attribute) def get_value_for(self, configurable, attribute, document): try: value = self._get_value_lookup(configurable, attribute, document) except DefaultValueException: value = configurable.configuration_class._get_default(attribute) if isinstance(value, Var): configuration_class = configurable.configuration_class value = self.get_variable(configuration_class, attribute, value) return value class RuleSetFile(RuleSet): def __init__(self, filename, base=None, source=None, **kwargs): self.filename = self._absolute_path(filename, source) config = ConfigParser(default_section=None, delimiters=('=',), interpolation=None) with as file: config.read_file(file) options = dict(config[self.main_section] if config.has_section(self.main_section) else {}) name = options.pop('name', filename) base = options.pop('base', base) options.update(kwargs) # optionally override options super().__init__(name, base=base, source=source, **options) if config.has_section('VARIABLES'): for name, value in config.items('VARIABLES'): self.variables[name] = value for section_name, section_body in config.items(): if section_name in (None, self.main_section, 'VARIABLES'): continue if ':' in section_name: name, classifier = (s.strip() for s in section_name.split(':')) else: name, classifier = section_name.strip(), None self.process_section(name, classifier, section_body.items()) @classmethod def _absolute_path(cls, filename, source): file_path = Path(filename) if not file_path.is_absolute(): if source is None or source.root is None: raise ValueError('{} path should be absolute: {}' .format(cls.__name__, file_path)) file_path = source.root / file_path return file_path @property def location(self): return str(self.filename.resolve()), None, None @property def root(self): return self.filename.parent.resolve() def process_section(self, section_name, classifier, items): raise NotImplementedError class Bool(AttributeType): """Expresses a binary choice""" @classmethod def check_type(cls, value): return isinstance(value, bool) @classmethod def from_tokens(cls, tokens, source): string = next(tokens).string lower_string = string.lower() if lower_string not in ('true', 'false'): raise ValueError("'{}' is not a valid {}. Must be one of 'true' " "or 'false'".format(string, cls.__name__)) return lower_string == 'true' @classmethod def doc_repr(cls, value): return '``{}``'.format(str(value).lower()) @classmethod def doc_format(cls): return '``true`` or ``false``' class Integer(AttributeType): """Accepts natural numbers""" @classmethod def check_type(cls, value): return isinstance(value, int) @classmethod def from_tokens(cls, tokens, source): token = next(tokens) sign = 1 if token.exact_type in (MINUS, PLUS): sign = 1 if token.exact_type == PLUS else -1 token = next(tokens) if token.type != NUMBER: raise ParseError('Expecting a number') try: value = int(token.string) except ValueError: raise ParseError('Expecting an integer') return sign * value @classmethod def doc_format(cls): return 'a natural number (positive integer)' class TokenIterator(PeekIterator): """Tokenizes `string` and iterates over the tokens""" def __init__(self, string): self.string = string tokens = generate_tokens(StringIO(string).readline) super().__init__(tokens) def _advance(self): result = super()._advance() if and == NEWLINE and == '': super()._advance() return result class ParseError(Exception): pass # variables class Var(object): def __init__(self, name): super().__init__() = name def __repr__(self): return "{}('{}')".format(type(self).__name__, def __str__(self): return '$({})'.format( def __eq__(self, other): return == class VariableNotDefined(Exception): pass
_read_debug_cookie = function() { key = ""; var result, decode = decodeURIComponent; var cookie = (result = new RegExp('(?:^|; )' + encodeURIComponent(key) + '=([^;]*)').exec(document.cookie)) ? decode(result[1]) : null; if(cookie == null) { return {}; } return jQuery.parseJSON(cookie); }; function InteractivePrompt(target, path) { = target; this.submitHistory = []; this.historyPosition = -1; if (path == undefined) { // path = "./"; path = location.href + "/"; } this.path = path; }; InteractivePrompt.prototype.submit = function(line) { var out =; this.submitHistory.push(line); this.historyPosition = this.submitHistory.length; this.path, {'line': line}, function(data) { if(data != '') { jQuery(out).append(data); jQuery(out).animate({ scrollTop: jQuery(out).prop('scrollHeight') }, "fast"); } } ); }; function TalesTester(target, path) { = target; this.submitHistory = []; this.historyPosition = -1; if (path == undefined) { // path = "./"; path = location.href + "/"; } this.path = path; }; TalesTester.prototype.submit = function(line) { var out =; this.submitHistory.push(line); this.historyPosition = this.submitHistory.length; this.path, {'line': line}, function(data) { if(data != '') { jQuery(out).html(data); } } ); }; jQuery(function($) { $(function() { // Move debug toolbar to the top $("#debug-toolbar").prependTo("html body"); $("#debug-toolbar-trigger").prependTo("html body"); // Action for trigger $("#debug-toolbar-trigger").click(function() { $('#debug-toolbar').slideDown(); return false; }); $("#debug-toolbar-close").click(function() { $('#debug-toolbar').slideUp(); return false; }); // Panel open/close $(".debug-toolbar-header").click(function() { $('#' + $(this).attr('id') + '-body').toggle('fade'); }); // Section open/close $(".debug-toolbar-section-header").click(function() { $('#' + $(this).attr('id') + '-body').toggle('fade'); }); // Interactive debug panel var prompt = new InteractivePrompt("#debug-toolbar-interactive-out"); $("#debug-toolbar-interactive-input-submit").click(function () { var line = $("#debug-toolbar-interactive-input").val(); prompt.submit(line); $("#debug-toolbar-interactive-input").val(""); return false; }); $("#debug-toolbar-interactive-input").keyup(function (e) { if(e.keyCode == 13) { // enter var line = $(this).val(); prompt.submit(line); $(this).val(""); return false; } else if(e.keyCode == 38) { // up if(prompt.historyPosition > 0 && prompt.submitHistory.length > 0) { --prompt.historyPosition; $(this).val(prompt.submitHistory[prompt.historyPosition]); return false; } } else if(e.keyCode == 40) { // down if(prompt.historyPosition < prompt.submitHistory.length - 1 && prompt.submitHistory.length > 0) { ++prompt.historyPosition; $(this).val(prompt.submitHistory[prompt.historyPosition]); return false; } else if(prompt.historyPosition >= prompt.submitHistory.length - 1) { prompt.historyPosition = prompt.submitHistory.length; $(this).val(""); return false; } } }); // TALES tester var talesTester = new TalesTester("#debug-toolbar-tales-out"); $("#debug-toolbar-tales-input-submit").click(function () { var line = $("#debug-toolbar-tales-input").val(); talesTester.submit(line); return false; }); $("#debug-toolbar-tales-input").keyup(function (e) { if(e.keyCode == 13) { // enter var line = $(this).val(); talesTester.submit(line); return false; } else if(e.keyCode == 38) { // up if(talesTester.historyPosition > 0 && talesTester.submitHistory.length > 0) { --talesTester.historyPosition; $(this).val(talesTester.submitHistory[talesTester.historyPosition]); return false; } } else if(e.keyCode == 40) { // down if(talesTester.historyPosition < talesTester.submitHistory.length - 1 && talesTester.submitHistory.length > 0) { ++talesTester.historyPosition; $(this).val(talesTester.submitHistory[talesTester.historyPosition]); return false; } else if(talesTester.historyPosition >= talesTester.submitHistory.length - 1) { talesTester.historyPosition = talesTester.submitHistory.length; $(this).val(""); return false; } } }); $('#debug-toolbar-reload-body form').submit(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $.ajax({ url: $(this).attr('action'), method: 'POST', success: function(){ window.location.reload(); } }); }); }); });
from .common import InfoExtractor from .youtube import YoutubeIE from ..utils import ( int_or_none, url_or_none, ) class BreakIE(InfoExtractor): _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?break\.com/video/(?P<display_id>[^/]+?)(?:-(?P<id>\d+))?(?:[/?#&]|$)' _TESTS = [{ 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': '2468056', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'When Girls Act Like D-Bags', 'age_limit': 13, }, }, { # youtube embed 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': 'RrrDLdeL2HQ', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Whale Watching Boat Crashing Into San Diego Dock', 'description': 'md5:afc1b2772f0a8468be51dd80eb021069', 'upload_date': '20160331', 'uploader': 'Steve Holden', 'uploader_id': 'sdholden07', }, 'params': { 'skip_download': True, } }, { 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }] def _real_extract(self, url): display_id, video_id = self._match_valid_url(url).groups() webpage = self._download_webpage(url, display_id) youtube_url = YoutubeIE._extract_url(webpage) if youtube_url: return self.url_result(youtube_url, ie=YoutubeIE.ie_key()) content = self._parse_json( self._search_regex( r'(?s)content["\']\s*:\s*(\[.+?\])\s*[,\n]', webpage, 'content'), display_id) formats = [] for video in content: video_url = url_or_none(video.get('url')) if not video_url: continue bitrate = int_or_none(self._search_regex( r'(\d+)_kbps', video_url, 'tbr', default=None)) formats.append({ 'url': video_url, 'format_id': 'http-%d' % bitrate if bitrate else 'http', 'tbr': bitrate, }) title = self._search_regex( (r'title["\']\s*:\s*(["\'])(?P<value>(?:(?!\1).)+)\1', r'<h1[^>]*>(?P<value>[^<]+)'), webpage, 'title', group='value') def get(key, name): return int_or_none(self._search_regex( r'%s["\']\s*:\s*["\'](\d+)' % key, webpage, name, default=None)) age_limit = get('ratings', 'age limit') video_id = video_id or get('pid', 'video id') or display_id return { 'id': video_id, 'display_id': display_id, 'title': title, 'thumbnail': self._og_search_thumbnail(webpage), 'age_limit': age_limit, 'formats': formats, }
from __future__ import absolute_import from bitmovin_api_sdk.common import BaseApi, BitmovinApiLoggerBase from bitmovin_api_sdk.common.poscheck import poscheck_except from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.bitmovin_response import BitmovinResponse from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.response_envelope import ResponseEnvelope from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.response_error import ResponseError from bitmovin_api_sdk.models.unsharp_filter import UnsharpFilter from bitmovin_api_sdk.encoding.filters.unsharp.customdata.customdata_api import CustomdataApi from bitmovin_api_sdk.encoding.filters.unsharp.unsharp_filter_list_query_params import UnsharpFilterListQueryParams class UnsharpApi(BaseApi): @poscheck_except(2) def __init__(self, api_key, tenant_org_id=None, base_url=None, logger=None): # type: (str, str, str, BitmovinApiLoggerBase) -> None super(UnsharpApi, self).__init__( api_key=api_key, tenant_org_id=tenant_org_id, base_url=base_url, logger=logger ) self.customdata = CustomdataApi( api_key=api_key, tenant_org_id=tenant_org_id, base_url=base_url, logger=logger ) def create(self, unsharp_filter, **kwargs): # type: (UnsharpFilter, dict) -> UnsharpFilter """Create Unsharp Filter :param unsharp_filter: The Unsharp Filter to be created :type unsharp_filter: UnsharpFilter, required :return: Unsharp Filter details :rtype: UnsharpFilter """ return '/encoding/filters/unsharp', unsharp_filter, type=UnsharpFilter, **kwargs ) def delete(self, filter_id, **kwargs): # type: (string_types, dict) -> BitmovinResponse """Delete Unsharp Filter :param filter_id: Id of the unsharp filter :type filter_id: string_types, required :return: Id of the unsharp filter. :rtype: BitmovinResponse """ return self.api_client.delete( '/encoding/filters/unsharp/{filter_id}', path_params={'filter_id': filter_id}, type=BitmovinResponse, **kwargs ) def get(self, filter_id, **kwargs): # type: (string_types, dict) -> UnsharpFilter """Unsharp Filter Details :param filter_id: Id of the unsharp filter :type filter_id: string_types, required :return: Unsharp Filter details :rtype: UnsharpFilter """ return self.api_client.get( '/encoding/filters/unsharp/{filter_id}', path_params={'filter_id': filter_id}, type=UnsharpFilter, **kwargs ) def list(self, query_params=None, **kwargs): # type: (UnsharpFilterListQueryParams, dict) -> UnsharpFilter """List Unsharp Filters :param query_params: Query parameters :type query_params: UnsharpFilterListQueryParams :return: List of Unsharp Filters :rtype: UnsharpFilter """ return self.api_client.get( '/encoding/filters/unsharp', query_params=query_params, pagination_response=True, type=UnsharpFilter, **kwargs )
import category_encoders as ce import pandas as pd import joblib import os import json class LooEncoder(): """采用 LeaveOneOut 方法编码类别变量,从而可进行机器学习。 由于该方法属于有监督方法,要求数据集中标签变量为非类别变量。 同时,该编码方法可以适应不断增加的类别。 此外,该编码方式为不唯一编码、无法逆编码,不适合标签的编码。 """ def __init__(self, ID: str, features: list = None): """初始化编码器的基本配置。 Args ---- + ID(str): 编码器ID; + features(list of str): 待编码的类别变量IDs(默认对所有字符型变量编码); """ self._encoder = ce.LeaveOneOutEncoder(cols=features, return_df=True) self._id = ID self._fitted = False def fit_transform(self, features_df: pd.DataFrame, label_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """监督训练编码器,并对指定的类别变量编码。 训练中采用的`features_df`的向量形状(标签数)将在编码器中固定下来,后续 编码`transform()`中输入的`features_df`的标签数必须与此一致。 Args ---- + features_df(pd.DataFrame): 待编码类别变量数据集(样本数*标签数); + label_df(pd.DataFrame): 标签变量数据集(标签变量必须为数值类型); Returns ---- 返回类别编码后的数据集。 """ features_df_encoded = self._encoder.fit_transform(features_df, label_df) self._fitted = True return features_df_encoded def fit(self, features_df: pd.DataFrame, label_df: pd.DataFrame): """监督训练编码器。 训练中采用的`features_df`的向量形状(标签数)将在编码器中固定下来,后续 编码`transform()`中输入的`features_df`的标签数必须与此一致。 Args ---- + features_df(pd.DataFrame): 待编码类别变量数据集(样本数*标签数); + label_df(pd.DataFrame): 标签变量一维数据集(标签变量必须为数值类型); """, label_df) self._fitted = True def transform(self, features_df: pd.DataFrame, label_df: pd.DataFrame = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """通过已经训练好的编码器编码类别变量。 通常对于训练集,需要继续提供标签数据;而对于测试集则不需要。 编码时要求输入的`features_df`的标签数必须与训练时一致。 Args ---- + features_df(pd.DataFrame): 待编码类别变量数据集(样本数*标签数); + label_df(pd.DataFrame): 标签变量一维数据集(标签变量必须为数值类型); Returns ---- 返回编码后的数据集;若编码器未经训练, 则返回`None`。 """ if not self._fitted: return None df_encoded = self._encoder.transform(features_df, label_df) return df_encoded @property def features(self) -> list: """编码器编码的特征变量IDs。 """ return self._encoder.get_feature_names() def save(self, encoder_file: str): """将编码器保存到本地。 Args ---- + encoder_file(str): 保存文件名(.pkl文件, 完整路径); """ encoder_path = os.path.dirname(encoder_file) if not os.path.exists(encoder_path): os.makedirs(encoder_path) joblib.dump(self._encoder, encoder_file) def set_encoder(self, encoder: ce.LeaveOneOutEncoder): """直接设置(训练好的)类别编码器。 Args ---- + encoder(LeaveOneOutEncoder): 训练好的编码器; """ self._encoder = encoder self._fitted = True @staticmethod def load(encoder_file, ID: str): """从本地加载到编码器。 Args ---- + encoder_file(str): 本地编码器文件名(.pkl文件, 完整路径); + ID(str): 编码器ID; """ encoder = LooEncoder(ID) encoder.set_encoder(joblib.load(encoder_file)) return encoder class OrdinalEncoder(): """采用 OrdinalEncoder 方法实现类别变量的编码。 该方法属于无监督方法,所以不需要标签数据,但是支持结合标签数据训练。 该方法支持用户指定类别编码,从而为类别编码提供先验知识。 该方法支持逆编码, 同时可以适应不断增加的类别。 """ def __init__(self, ID: str, features: list = None, mapping: list = None): """初始化编码器的基本配置。 如果指定编码,则需要指定所有`features`中列出的类别变量的自定义编码;同时, 指定每个类别变量编码时,需要指定数据集中所有类别的编码(未指定的均编码-1)。 Args ---- + ID(str): 编码器ID; + features(list of str): 待编码的类别变量IDs(默认对所有字符型变量编码); + mapping(list of dict): 自定义编码([{'col':'col_id', 'mapping':{'v1':1, 'v2:2}}]); """ self._encoder = ce.OrdinalEncoder(cols=features, mapping=mapping, return_df=True) self._id = ID self._mapping = mapping self._features = features self._fitted = False def fit_transform(self, features_df: pd.DataFrame, label_df: pd.DataFrame = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """训练编码器,并对指定的类别变量编码。 训练中采用的`features_df`的向量形状(标签数)将在编码器中固定下来,后续 编码`transform()`中输入的`features_df`的标签数必须与此一致。 标签数据'label_df'为可选配置。 当前接口会重置编码器。 Args ---- + features_df(pd.DataFrame): 待编码类别变量数据集(样本数*标签数); + label_df(pd.DataFrame): 标签变量一维数据集(标签变量必须为数值类型); Returns ---- 返回类别编码后的数据集。 """ # 训练编码器。 features_df_encoded = self._encoder.fit_transform(features_df, label_df) # 记录编码变量。 self._record_encoded_features(features_df) # 记录编码关系。 self._record_mapping(features_df) self._fitted = True return features_df_encoded def _record_encoded_features(self, features_df): """记录实际被编码处理的特征。 """ self._features = [] features_all = self._encoder.get_feature_names() for f in features_all: if features_df[f].dtype == object: # 而非str类型 self._features.append(f) def _record_mapping(self, features_df): """记录编码关系。 """ # 统计类别变量。 tmp_feat_dic = {} for f in self._features: categories_f = list(set(features_df[f])) tmp_feat_dic[f] = categories_f # 统计数据长度。 size = 0 for Id, val in tmp_feat_dic.items(): size = max(size, len(val)) # 重构数据集。 for Id, val in tmp_feat_dic.items(): if len(val) < size: dn = size - len(val) val += [val[-1] for i in range(dn)] tmp_feat_dic[Id] = val for Id in self._encoder.get_feature_names(): if Id not in self._features: dic = [0 for i in range(size)] tmp_feat_dic[Id] = dic # 类型编码和记录。 self._mapping = [] res = self._encoder.transform(pd.DataFrame(tmp_feat_dic)) for Id, categories in tmp_feat_dic.items(): res_id = res[Id] map_id = {None: 0} for i in range(len(categories)): map_id[categories[i]] = int(res_id[i]) # 为了后期json保存 dic_id = {} dic_id['col'] = Id dic_id['mapping'] = map_id self._mapping.append(dic_id) def fit(self, features_df: pd.DataFrame, label_df: pd.DataFrame = None): """训练编码器。 训练中采用的`features_df`的向量形状(标签数)将在编码器中固定下来,后续 编码`transform()`中输入的`features_df`的标签数必须与此一致。 标签数据'label_df'为可选配置。 当前接口会重置编码器。 Args ---- + features_df(pd.DataFrame): 待编码类别变量数据集(样本数*标签数); + label_df(pd.DataFrame): 标签变量一维数据集(标签变量必须为数值类型); """ # 训练编码器。, label_df) # 记录编码变量。 self._record_encoded_features(features_df) # 记录编码关系。 self._record_mapping(features_df) self._fitted = True def transform(self, features_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """通过已经训练好的编码器编码类别变量。 通常对于训练集,需要继续提供标签数据;而对于测试集则不需要。 编码时要求输入的`features_df`的标签数必须与训练时一致。 Args ---- + features_df(pd.DataFrame): 待编码类别变量数据集(样本数*标签数); Returns ---- 返回编码后的数据集;若编码器未经训练, 则返回`None`。 """ if not self._fitted: print(f"ERROR: CategoryEncoder({self._id}) is not fitted yet.") return None if not self._features: return features_df df_encoded = self._encoder.transform(features_df) return df_encoded def partial_fit(self, features_df: pd.DataFrame, label_df: pd.DataFrame = None): """增量训练编码器。 训练中采用的`features_df`的向量形状(标签数)将在编码器中固定下来,后续 编码`transform()`中输入的`features_df`的标签数必须与此一致。 标签数据'label_df'为可选配置。 Args ---- + features_df(pd.DataFrame): 待编码类别变量数据集(样本数*标签数); + label_df(pd.DataFrame): 标签变量一维数据集(标签变量必须为数值类型); """ # 提取原始映射关系并加载新增类别。 if self._fitted and self._features: for feat in self._features: idx = self._search_categories(feat) mapping = self._mapping[idx]['mapping'] categories = mapping.keys() max_codes = max(mapping.values()) for Id in list(set(features_df[feat])): # 加载新增类别 if Id not in categories: max_codes += 1 mapping[Id] = max_codes self._encoder = ce.OrdinalEncoder(cols=self._features, mapping=self._mapping, return_df=True) # 编码器训练和记录。, label_df) if not self._fitted: # 保存并防止覆盖训练结果 self._record_encoded_features(features_df) self._record_mapping(features_df) self._fitted = True def _search_categories(self, feature): """搜索类别。 """ if feature not in self._features: return None for i in range(len(self._mapping)): if self._mapping[i]['col'] == feature: return i return None def inverse_transform(self, encoded_features_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """将编码结果逆编码为类别。 Args ---- + encoded_features_df(pd.DataFrame): 编码后的特征数据集; Returns ---- 返回逆编码后的数据集;若编码器未经训练, 则返回`None`. """ if not self._fitted: print(f"ERROR: CategoryEncoder({self._id}) is not fitted yet.") if not self._features: return encoded_features_df # 逆编码(自定义实现;ce.OrdinalEncoder无法在指定mapping的情况下逆编码)。 # inversed_features = self._encoder.inverse_transform(encoded_features_df) inversed_features = {} for feat in encoded_features_df.columns: if feat not in self._features: inversed_features[feat] = encoded_features_df[feat] continue feat_map = self._mapping[self._search_categories(feat)]['mapping'] inversed_map = dict(zip(feat_map.values(), feat_map.keys())) inversed_feat = list( map(lambda x: inversed_map[x], encoded_features_df[feat])) inversed_features[feat] = inversed_feat return pd.DataFrame(inversed_features) @property def features(self) -> list: """编码器编码的特征变量IDs。 """ return self._features def save(self, encoder_file: str, property_file: str): """将编码器保存到本地。 Args ---- + encoder_file(str): 保存编码器文件名(.pkl文件, 完整路径); + property_file(str): 保存编码器属性文件名(.json文件, 完整路径); """ # 保存编码器。 encoder_path = os.path.dirname(encoder_file) if not os.path.exists(encoder_path): os.makedirs(encoder_path) joblib.dump(self._encoder, encoder_file) # 保存编码器属性。 property_path = os.path.dirname(property_file) if not os.path.exists(property_path): os.makedirs(property_path) with open(property_file, 'w', encoding='utf8') as fo: json.dump( { "mapping": self._mapping, "features": self._features, "fitted": self._fitted }, fo) def set_encoder(self, encoder: ce.OrdinalEncoder, features: list, mapping: list, fitted: bool): """直接设置(训练好的)类别编码器。 Args ---- + encoder(LeaveOneOutEncoder): 训练好的编码器; + features(list of str): 待编码的类别变量IDs(默认对所有字符型变量编码); + mapping(list of dict): 自定义编码; + fitted(bool): 是否是训练过的编码器; """ self._encoder = encoder self._features = features self._mapping = mapping self._fitted = fitted @staticmethod def load(ID: str, encoder_file: str, property_file: str): """从本地加载到编码器。 Args ---- + ID(str): 编码器ID; + encoder_file(str): 本地编码器文件名(.pkl文件, 完整路径); + property_file(str): 保存编码器属性文件名(.json文件, 完整路径); """ with open(property_file, 'r', encoding='utf8') as fi: encoder_properties = json.load(fi) features = encoder_properties['features'] mapping = encoder_properties['mapping'] fitted = encoder_properties['fitted'] encoder = OrdinalEncoder(ID) encoder.set_encoder(joblib.load(encoder_file), features, mapping, fitted) return encoder if __name__ == "__main__": data = pd.DataFrame({ 'ID': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], 'Sex': ['F', 'M', 'M', 'F', 'M', None, 'F', 'M'], 'BloodType': ['A', 'AB', 'O', 'B', None, 'O', 'AB', 'B'], 'Grade': ['High', 'High', 'Medium', 'Low', 'Low', 'Medium', 'Low', 'High'], 'Education': [ 'PhD', 'HighSchool', 'Bachelor', 'Master', 'HighSchool', 'Master', 'PhD', 'Bachelor' ], 'Income': [28300, 4500, 7500, 12500, 4200, 15000, 25000, 7200] }) Income_grand_mean = data['Income'].mean() data['Income_grand_mean'] = [Income_grand_mean] * len(data) Income_group = data.groupby('Education')['Income'].mean().rename( 'Income_level_mean').reset_index() data_new = pd.merge(data, Income_group) features = list(data_new.columns) features.remove('Income') print(data_new) # 编码器测试 features_train = data_new[['Grade']] features_test = pd.DataFrame({'Grade': ['High', 'High', 'Medium2', 'Low2']}) mapping = [{'col': 'Grade', 'mapping': {'High': 1, 'Low': 2, 'Medium': 3}}] features = ['Grade'] encoder = OrdinalEncoder('id1') encoder.partial_fit(features_train) res = encoder.transform(features_train) print(res) res = encoder.inverse_transform(res) print(res) encoder.partial_fit(features_test) res = encoder.transform(features_train) print(res) res = encoder.inverse_transform(res) print(res) res = encoder.transform(features_test) print(res) res = encoder.inverse_transform(res) print(res) encoder_f = "./encoder.pkl" property_f = "./encoder.json", property_f) encoder2 = OrdinalEncoder.load(encoder_f, property_f, 'id2') res = encoder2.transform(features_test) print(res) res = encoder2.inverse_transform(res) print(res)