1 value
import functools import os import threading import time from datetime import datetime from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, TypeVar import numpy as np import psutil from fastapi import Request from prettytable import PrettyTable from rich.pretty import pprint # callable that takes any number of arguments and returns any value. F = TypeVar("F", bound=Callable[..., Any]) def construct_response(func: F) -> F: """Construct a JSON response for an endpoint. Supported Frameworks: - FastAPI To support Flask and Django. Reference: """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrap(request: Request, *args: Any, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: results = func(request, *args, **kwargs) response = { "message": results["message"], "method": request.method, "status-code": results["status-code"], "timestamp":, "url": request.url, # ._url } if "data" in results: response["data"] = results["data"] return response return wrap # TODO: For memory usage, consider checking out memory_profiler. # Coding it my own way is not good as it does not take into account # a lot of minute details, and it does not work for multithreading and # multiprocessing. def record_memory_usage(func: F) -> F: """Memory usage decorator.""" @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any: # Get initial memory usage process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) mem_info_before = process.memory_info() initial_memory = mem_info_before.rss result = func(*args, **kwargs) # Get final memory usage mem_info_after = process.memory_info() final_memory = mem_info_after.rss memory_used = final_memory - initial_memory table = PrettyTable() table.field_names = ["Function Name", "Bytes", "Megabytes", "Gigabytes"] table.add_row( [ func.__name__, f"{memory_used}", f"{memory_used / 1024 / 1024}", f"{memory_used / 1024 / 1024 / 1024}", ] ) pprint(table) return result return wrapper class MemoryMonitor: def __init__(self, interval=1): self.interval = interval # Time interval in seconds between each check self.keep_monitoring = True def monitor_memory(self): process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) while self.keep_monitoring: mem_info = process.memory_info() print(f"Current memory usage: {mem_info.rss / 1024 / 1024} MB") time.sleep(self.interval) def start(self): self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.monitor_memory) self.keep_monitoring = True self.thread.start() def stop(self): self.keep_monitoring = False self.thread.join() def monitor_memory_usage(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any: monitor = MemoryMonitor() monitor.start() result = func(*args, **kwargs) monitor.stop() return result return wrapper @record_memory_usage @monitor_memory_usage def increase_memory_usage(): data = [] for _ in range(100000): data.append("x" * 1000000) # Increase memory usage by 1 MB each iteration # time.sleep(0.1) # Sleep for a bit to slow down the loop if __name__ == "__main__": increase_memory_usage()
[![Build Status](]( [![HitCount](]( [![License: MIT](]( # ArkPrice Fetch the price of Ark in any (crypto)currency. ## Built with - [Python]( - [Requests]( ## Installation ```shell $ pip install arkprice ``` ## Usage ### Fetching the price You can fetch the price without any parameter, by default the return value will be in USD, or specify multiples (crypto)currency you want to use. ```python from ArkPrice import get_price print(get_price("eur")) print(get_price("eur", "btc", "usd")) >>> {'EUR': 4.41} >>> {'EUR': 4.41, 'BTC': 0.0004976, 'USD': 5.39} ``` ### Output the price Output the price directly in the console with the correct symbol of the currency. ```python from ArkPrice import output_price output_price("eur", "btc", "usd") >>> 4.46 € >>> 0.0004994 Ƀ >>> 5.43 $ ``` ## TODOS - [x] Core code. - [ ] Write documentation. - [x] Unit testing. - [x] Package it. - [x] Travis. - [ ] Missing support for python 3.2. - [ ] OSX Support ? - [ ] Windows support ? - [ ] More markets ? - [x] CryptoCompare - [ ] CoinMarketCap - ... ## Authors - Jolan Beer - Highjhacker ## License ArkPrice is under MIT license. See the [LICENSE file]( for more informations.
# nebula-python This directory holds the Python API for Nebula Graph. It is used to connect with Nebula Graph 2.0. ## Before you start Before you start, please read this section to choose the right branch for you. In branch v1.0, the API works only for Nebula Graph 1.0. In the master branch, the API works only for Nebula Graph 2.0. ## The directory structure ```text |--nebula-python | |-- nebula2 // client code | |-- fbthrift // the fbthrift lib code | |-- common | |-- data | |-- graph | |-- meta | |-- net // the net code for graph client | |-- storage | |-- // the pool config | |__ // the define exception | |-- examples | |-- // the multi thread example | |-- // the simple example | |__ | |-- tests // the test code | |-- // used to install or package | |__ // the introduction of nebula2-python ``` ## How to get nebula2-python ### Option one: clone from GitHub - Clone from GitHub ```bash git clone cd nebula-python ``` - Install ```python sudo python3 install ``` When your environment cannot access `pypi`, you need to install the following packages manually. ``` pip install -r requirements.txt ``` dev version ``` pip install -r requirements-dev.txt ``` ### Option two: using pip ```python pip install nebula2-python==$version ``` ## Quick example to use graph-client to connect graphd ```python from import ConnectionPool from nebula2.Config import Config # define a config config = Config() config.max_connection_pool_size = 10 # init connection pool connection_pool = ConnectionPool() # if the given servers are ok, return true, else return false ok = connection_pool.init([('', 9669)], config) # option 1 control the connection release yourself # get session from the pool session = connection_pool.get_session('root', 'nebula') # select space session.execute('USE nba') # show tags result = session.execute('SHOW TAGS') print(result) # release session session.release() # option 2 with session_context, session will be released automatically with connection_pool.session_context('root', 'nebula') as session: session.execute('USE nba') result = session.execute('SHOW TAGS') print(result) # close the pool connection_pool.close() ``` ## Quick example to use storage-client to scan vertex and edge You should make sure the scan client can connect to the address of storage which see from `SHOW HOSTS` ```python from nebula2.mclient import MetaCache, HostAddr from nebula2.sclient.GraphStorageClient import GraphStorageClient # the metad servers's address meta_cache = MetaCache([('', 9559), ('', 9559), ('', 9559)], 50000) # option 1 metad usually discover the storage address automatically graph_storage_client = GraphStorageClient(meta_cache) # option 2 manually specify the storage address storage_addrs = [HostAddr(host='', port=9779), HostAddr(host='', port=9779), HostAddr(host='', port=9779)] graph_storage_client = GraphStorageClient(meta_cache, storage_addrs) resp = graph_storage_client.scan_vertex( space_name='ScanSpace', tag_name='person') while resp.has_next(): result = for vertex_data in result: print(vertex_data) resp = graph_storage_client.scan_edge( space_name='ScanSpace', edge_name='friend') while resp.has_next(): result = for edge_data in result: print(edge_data) ``` ## How to choose nebula-python | Nebula2-Python Version | NebulaGraph Version | |---|---| | 2.0.0b1 | 2.0.0beta | | 2.0.0rc1 | 2.0.0-rc1 | | 2.0.0 | 2.0.0/2.0.1 | | 2.5.0 | 2.5.0 | | 2.6.0 | 2.6.0 |
from com.fw.utils.id_util import IDUtils from com.fw.base.base_exception import BaseException import inspect ''' 主要是做dao数据库低层封装 1:get set str 2:字段反射 3:常用属性 ''' class BaseDao(object): table_name = None service_name = None def __init__(self, id=None): if not id: id = IDUtils.get_primary_key() = id def get_value(self, key): return self.__dict__.get(key) def set_value(self, key, value): self.__dict__[key] = value; def __str__(self): print(self.__dict__) def get_keys(self): return self.__dict__.keys() def __check_param(self): data_dict = self.__dict__ if not data_dict: raise BaseException("THE DAO NO ATTRIBUTES") if "id" not in data_dict or not data_dict["id"]: raise BaseException("THE DAO PRIMARY KEY IS NONE") if len(data_dict) <= 1: raise BaseException("THE DAO ATTRIBUTE IS TOO LESS") def get_dict_value(self): result = self.__dict__.copy() if "mongo_dao" in result.keys(): result.pop("mongo_dao") result.pop("mysql_dao") return result @staticmethod def get_dao_fileds(T): data = inspect.signature(T.__init__).parameters result = [] result.append("id") for key, val in data.items(): if key != "self" and key != 'args' and key != 'kwargs' and key != 'mongo_dao' and key != 'mysql_dao': result.append(key) return result @staticmethod def dict_to_dao(data: dict): dao = BaseDao() for key, val in data.items(): dao.set_value(key, val) return dao def delete(self, db="mysql", **kwargs): from com.fw.db.mongo_db import mongo_dao from com.fw.db.mysql_db import mysql_dao if not id or id == "": raise BaseException("缺少必要参数") ''' 删除根据id :param id: :return: ''' try: if db == "mysql": mysql_dao.delete_by_id(self.table_name,, **kwargs) else: mongo_dao.remove_by_id(self.table_name,, **kwargs) except Exception as e: raise BaseException("删除{}数据失败:".format(self.service_name if self.service_name else self.table_name), e) def insert(self, db="mysql", **kwargs): from com.fw.db.mongo_db import mongo_dao from com.fw.db.mysql_db import mysql_dao ''' 插入数据 :param dao: :return: ''' try: if db == "mysql": mysql_dao.insert(self, **kwargs) else:, **kwargs) except Exception as e: raise BaseException("保存{}失败".format(self.service_name if self.service_name else self.table_name), e) def update_dao(self, db="mysql", **kwargs): from com.fw.db.mongo_db import mongo_dao from com.fw.db.mysql_db import mysql_dao ''' 修改数据 :param dao: :return: ''' if == None or == "": raise BaseException("缺少必要参数") try: if db == "mysql": mysql_dao.update_dao(self, **kwargs) else:, **kwargs) except Exception as e: raise BaseException("修改{}数据失败".format(self.service_name if self.service_name else self.table_name), e)
import functools import os import random import string from optparse import make_option from import call_command from import BaseCommand, CommandError from controller import get_version from controller.utils import decode_version from controller.utils import get_existing_pip_installation from controller.utils.system import run, check_root r = functools.partial(run, silent=False) def validate_controller_version(version): if not version or version in ['beta', 'dev']: return try: decode_version(version) except ValueError as e: raise CommandError(e) class Command(BaseCommand): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Command, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('--pip_only', action='store_true', dest='pip_only', default=False, help='Only run "pip install confine-controller --upgrade"'), make_option('--controller_version', dest='version', default=False, help='Specifies what version of the controller you want to install'), make_option('--proxy', dest='proxy', help='Specify a proxy in the form [user:passwd@]proxy.server:port.'), ) option_list = BaseCommand.option_list help = "Upgrading controller's installation" can_import_settings = False leave_locale_alone = True @check_root def handle(self, *args, **options): current_version = get_version() current_path = get_existing_pip_installation() proxy = '--proxy %s' % options.get('proxy') if options.get('proxy') else '' if current_path is not None: desired_version = options.get('version') validate_controller_version(desired_version) if current_version == desired_version: msg = "Not upgrading, you already have version %s installed" raise CommandError(msg % desired_version) # Create a backup of current installation base_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(current_path, '..')) char_set = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits rand_name = ''.join(random.sample(char_set, 6)) backup = os.path.join(base_path, 'controller.' + rand_name) run("mv %s %s" % (current_path, backup)) # collect existing eggs previous to the installation eggs_regex = os.path.join(base_path, 'confine_controller-*.egg-info') eggs = run('ls -d %s' % eggs_regex) eggs = eggs.stdout.splitlines() try: if desired_version: if desired_version == 'dev': r('pip install -e git+') elif desired_version == 'beta': r('pip install -e git+') else: r('pip %s install confine-controller==%s' % (proxy, desired_version)) else: # Did I mentioned how I hate PIP? if run('pip --version|cut -d" " -f2').stdout == '1.0': r('pip %s install confine-controller --upgrade' % proxy) else: # (Fucking pip)^2, it returns exit code 0 even when fails # because requirement already up-to-date r('pip %s install confine-controller --upgrade --force' % proxy) except CommandError: # Restore backup run('rm -rf %s' % current_path) run('mv %s %s' % (backup, current_path)) raise CommandError("Problem runing pip upgrade, aborting...") else: # Some old versions of pip do not performe this cleaning ... # Remove all backups run('rm -fr %s' % os.path.join(base_path, 'controller\.*')) # Clean old egg files, yeah, cleaning PIP shit :P c_version = 'from controller import get_version; print get_version()' version = run('python -c "%s;"' % c_version).stdout for egg in eggs: # Do not remove the actual egg file when upgrading twice the same version if egg.split('/')[-1] != "confine_controller-%s.egg-info" % version: run('rm -fr %s' % egg) else: raise CommandError("You don't seem to have any previous PIP installation") # version specific upgrade operations if not options.get('pip_only'): call_command("postupgradecontroller", version=current_version, proxy=options.get('proxy'))
from distutils import log, dir_util import os from setuptools import Command from setuptools.archive_util import unpack_archive import pkg_resources class install_egg_info(Command): """Install an .egg-info directory for the package""" description = "Install an .egg-info directory for the package" user_options = [ ('install-dir=', 'd', "directory to install to"), ] def initialize_options(self): self.install_dir = None def finalize_options(self): self.set_undefined_options('install_lib', ('install_dir', 'install_dir')) ei_cmd = self.get_finalized_command("egg_info") basename = pkg_resources.Distribution( None, None, ei_cmd.egg_name, ei_cmd.egg_version ).egg_name() + '.egg-info' self.source = ei_cmd.egg_info = os.path.join(self.install_dir, basename) self.outputs = [] def run(self): self.run_command('egg_info') if os.path.isdir( and not os.path.islink( dir_util.remove_tree(, dry_run=self.dry_run) elif os.path.exists( self.execute(os.unlink, (,), "Removing " + if not self.dry_run: pkg_resources.ensure_directory( self.execute( self.copytree, (), "Copying %s to %s" % (self.source, ) self.install_namespaces() def get_outputs(self): return self.outputs def copytree(self): # Copy the .egg-info tree to site-packages def skimmer(src, dst): # filter out source-control directories; note that 'src' is always # a '/'-separated path, regardless of platform. 'dst' is a # platform-specific path. for skip in '.svn/', 'CVS/': if src.startswith(skip) or '/' + skip in src: return None self.outputs.append(dst) log.debug("Copying %s to %s", src, dst) return dst unpack_archive(self.source,, skimmer) def install_namespaces(self): nsp = self._get_all_ns_packages() if not nsp: return filename, ext = os.path.splitext( filename += '-nspkg.pth' self.outputs.append(filename)"Installing %s", filename) lines = map(self._gen_nspkg_line, nsp) if self.dry_run: # always generate the lines, even in dry run list(lines) return with open(filename, 'wt') as f: f.writelines(lines) _nspkg_tmpl = ( "import sys, types, os", "p = os.path.join(sys._getframe(1).f_locals['sitedir'], *%(pth)r)", "ie = os.path.exists(os.path.join(p,''))", "m = not ie and " "sys.modules.setdefault(%(pkg)r, types.ModuleType(%(pkg)r))", "mp = (m or []) and m.__dict__.setdefault('__path__',[])", "(p not in mp) and mp.append(p)", ) "lines for the namespace installer" _nspkg_tmpl_multi = ( 'm and setattr(sys.modules[%(parent)r], %(child)r, m)', ) "additional line(s) when a parent package is indicated" @classmethod def _gen_nspkg_line(cls, pkg): # ensure pkg is not a unicode string under Python 2.7 pkg = str(pkg) pth = tuple(pkg.split('.')) tmpl_lines = cls._nspkg_tmpl parent, sep, child = pkg.rpartition('.') if parent: tmpl_lines += cls._nspkg_tmpl_multi return ';'.join(tmpl_lines) % locals() + '\n' def _get_all_ns_packages(self): """Return sorted list of all package namespaces""" nsp = set() for pkg in self.distribution.namespace_packages or []: pkg = pkg.split('.') while pkg: nsp.add('.'.join(pkg)) pkg.pop() return sorted(nsp)
(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) : (factory((global.RSVP = global.RSVP || {}))); }(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict'; function indexOf(callbacks, callback) { for (var i = 0, l = callbacks.length; i < l; i++) { if (callbacks[i] === callback) { return i; } } return -1; } function callbacksFor(object) { var callbacks = object._promiseCallbacks; if (!callbacks) { callbacks = object._promiseCallbacks = {}; } return callbacks; } /** @class RSVP.EventTarget */ var EventTarget = { /** `RSVP.EventTarget.mixin` extends an object with EventTarget methods. For Example: ```javascript let object = {}; RSVP.EventTarget.mixin(object); object.on('finished', function(event) { // handle event }); object.trigger('finished', { detail: value }); ``` `EventTarget.mixin` also works with prototypes: ```javascript let Person = function() {}; RSVP.EventTarget.mixin(Person.prototype); let yehuda = new Person(); let tom = new Person(); yehuda.on('poke', function(event) { console.log('Yehuda says OW'); }); tom.on('poke', function(event) { console.log('Tom says OW'); }); yehuda.trigger('poke'); tom.trigger('poke'); ``` @method mixin @for RSVP.EventTarget @private @param {Object} object object to extend with EventTarget methods */ mixin: function (object) { object['on'] = this['on']; object['off'] = this['off']; object['trigger'] = this['trigger']; object._promiseCallbacks = undefined; return object; }, /** Registers a callback to be executed when `eventName` is triggered ```javascript object.on('event', function(eventInfo){ // handle the event }); object.trigger('event'); ``` @method on @for RSVP.EventTarget @private @param {String} eventName name of the event to listen for @param {Function} callback function to be called when the event is triggered. */ on: function (eventName, callback) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Callback must be a function'); } var allCallbacks = callbacksFor(this), callbacks = void 0; callbacks = allCallbacks[eventName]; if (!callbacks) { callbacks = allCallbacks[eventName] = []; } if (indexOf(callbacks, callback) === -1) { callbacks.push(callback); } }, /** You can use `off` to stop firing a particular callback for an event: ```javascript function doStuff() { // do stuff! } object.on('stuff', doStuff); object.trigger('stuff'); // doStuff will be called // Unregister ONLY the doStuff callback'stuff', doStuff); object.trigger('stuff'); // doStuff will NOT be called ``` If you don't pass a `callback` argument to `off`, ALL callbacks for the event will not be executed when the event fires. For example: ```javascript let callback1 = function(){}; let callback2 = function(){}; object.on('stuff', callback1); object.on('stuff', callback2); object.trigger('stuff'); // callback1 and callback2 will be executed.'stuff'); object.trigger('stuff'); // callback1 and callback2 will not be executed! ``` @method off @for RSVP.EventTarget @private @param {String} eventName event to stop listening to @param {Function} callback optional argument. If given, only the function given will be removed from the event's callback queue. If no `callback` argument is given, all callbacks will be removed from the event's callback queue. */ off: function (eventName, callback) { var allCallbacks = callbacksFor(this), callbacks = void 0, index = void 0; if (!callback) { allCallbacks[eventName] = []; return; } callbacks = allCallbacks[eventName]; index = indexOf(callbacks, callback); if (index !== -1) { callbacks.splice(index, 1); } }, /** Use `trigger` to fire custom events. For example: ```javascript object.on('foo', function(){ console.log('foo event happened!'); }); object.trigger('foo'); // 'foo event happened!' logged to the console ``` You can also pass a value as a second argument to `trigger` that will be passed as an argument to all event listeners for the event: ```javascript object.on('foo', function(value){ console.log(; }); object.trigger('foo', { name: 'bar' }); // 'bar' logged to the console ``` @method trigger @for RSVP.EventTarget @private @param {String} eventName name of the event to be triggered @param {*} options optional value to be passed to any event handlers for the given `eventName` */ trigger: function (eventName, options, label) { var allCallbacks = callbacksFor(this), callbacks = void 0, callback = void 0; if (callbacks = allCallbacks[eventName]) { // Don't cache the callbacks.length since it may grow for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { callback = callbacks[i]; callback(options, label); } } } }; var config = { instrument: false }; EventTarget['mixin'](config); function configure(name, value) { if (arguments.length === 2) { config[name] = value; } else { return config[name]; } } function objectOrFunction(x) { var type = typeof x; return x !== null && (type === 'object' || type === 'function'); } function isFunction(x) { return typeof x === 'function'; } function isObject(x) { return x !== null && typeof x === 'object'; } function isMaybeThenable(x) { return x !== null && typeof x === 'object'; } var _isArray = void 0; if (Array.isArray) { _isArray = Array.isArray; } else { _isArray = function (x) { return === '[object Array]'; }; } var isArray = _isArray; // is not available in browsers < IE9 // var now = || function () { return new Date().getTime(); }; var queue = []; function scheduleFlush() { setTimeout(function () { for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) { var entry = queue[i]; var payload = entry.payload; payload.guid = payload.key +; payload.childGuid = payload.key + payload.childId; if (payload.error) { payload.stack = payload.error.stack; } config['trigger'](, entry.payload); } queue.length = 0; }, 50); } function instrument(eventName, promise, child) { if (1 === queue.push({ name: eventName, payload: { key: promise._guidKey, id: promise._id, eventName: eventName, detail: promise._result, childId: child && child._id, label: promise._label, timeStamp: now(), error: config["instrument-with-stack"] ? new Error(promise._label) : null } })) { scheduleFlush(); } } /** `RSVP.Promise.resolve` returns a promise that will become resolved with the passed `value`. It is shorthand for the following: ```javascript let promise = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){ resolve(1); }); promise.then(function(value){ // value === 1 }); ``` Instead of writing the above, your code now simply becomes the following: ```javascript let promise = RSVP.Promise.resolve(1); promise.then(function(value){ // value === 1 }); ``` @method resolve @static @param {*} object value that the returned promise will be resolved with @param {String} label optional string for identifying the returned promise. Useful for tooling. @return {Promise} a promise that will become fulfilled with the given `value` */ function resolve$1(object, label) { /*jshint validthis:true */ var Constructor = this; if (object && typeof object === 'object' && object.constructor === Constructor) { return object; } var promise = new Constructor(noop, label); resolve(promise, object); return promise; } function withOwnPromise() { return new TypeError('A promises callback cannot return that same promise.'); } function noop() {} var PENDING = void 0; var FULFILLED = 1; var REJECTED = 2; var GET_THEN_ERROR = new ErrorObject(); function getThen(promise) { try { return promise.then; } catch (error) { GET_THEN_ERROR.error = error; return GET_THEN_ERROR; } } function tryThen(then$$1, value, fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler) { try { then$$, fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler); } catch (e) { return e; } } function handleForeignThenable(promise, thenable, then$$1) { config.async(function (promise) { var sealed = false; var error = tryThen(then$$1, thenable, function (value) { if (sealed) { return; } sealed = true; if (thenable !== value) { resolve(promise, value, undefined); } else { fulfill(promise, value); } }, function (reason) { if (sealed) { return; } sealed = true; reject(promise, reason); }, 'Settle: ' + (promise._label || ' unknown promise')); if (!sealed && error) { sealed = true; reject(promise, error); } }, promise); } function handleOwnThenable(promise, thenable) { if (thenable._state === FULFILLED) { fulfill(promise, thenable._result); } else if (thenable._state === REJECTED) { thenable._onError = null; reject(promise, thenable._result); } else { subscribe(thenable, undefined, function (value) { if (thenable !== value) { resolve(promise, value, undefined); } else { fulfill(promise, value); } }, function (reason) { return reject(promise, reason); }); } } function handleMaybeThenable(promise, maybeThenable, then$$1) { var isOwnThenable = maybeThenable.constructor === promise.constructor && then$$1 === then && promise.constructor.resolve === resolve$1; if (isOwnThenable) { handleOwnThenable(promise, maybeThenable); } else if (then$$1 === GET_THEN_ERROR) { reject(promise, GET_THEN_ERROR.error); GET_THEN_ERROR.error = null; } else if (isFunction(then$$1)) { handleForeignThenable(promise, maybeThenable, then$$1); } else { fulfill(promise, maybeThenable); } } function resolve(promise, value) { if (promise === value) { fulfill(promise, value); } else if (objectOrFunction(value)) { handleMaybeThenable(promise, value, getThen(value)); } else { fulfill(promise, value); } } function publishRejection(promise) { if (promise._onError) { promise._onError(promise._result); } publish(promise); } function fulfill(promise, value) { if (promise._state !== PENDING) { return; } promise._result = value; promise._state = FULFILLED; if (promise._subscribers.length === 0) { if (config.instrument) { instrument('fulfilled', promise); } } else { config.async(publish, promise); } } function reject(promise, reason) { if (promise._state !== PENDING) { return; } promise._state = REJECTED; promise._result = reason; config.async(publishRejection, promise); } function subscribe(parent, child, onFulfillment, onRejection) { var subscribers = parent._subscribers; var length = subscribers.length; parent._onError = null; subscribers[length] = child; subscribers[length + FULFILLED] = onFulfillment; subscribers[length + REJECTED] = onRejection; if (length === 0 && parent._state) { config.async(publish, parent); } } function publish(promise) { var subscribers = promise._subscribers; var settled = promise._state; if (config.instrument) { instrument(settled === FULFILLED ? 'fulfilled' : 'rejected', promise); } if (subscribers.length === 0) { return; } var child = void 0, callback = void 0, result = promise._result; for (var i = 0; i < subscribers.length; i += 3) { child = subscribers[i]; callback = subscribers[i + settled]; if (child) { invokeCallback(settled, child, callback, result); } else { callback(result); } } promise._subscribers.length = 0; } function ErrorObject() { this.error = null; } var TRY_CATCH_ERROR = new ErrorObject(); function tryCatch(callback, result) { try { return callback(result); } catch (e) { TRY_CATCH_ERROR.error = e; return TRY_CATCH_ERROR; } } function invokeCallback(state, promise, callback, result) { var hasCallback = isFunction(callback); var value = void 0, error = void 0; if (hasCallback) { value = tryCatch(callback, result); if (value === TRY_CATCH_ERROR) { error = value.error; value.error = null; // release } else if (value === promise) { reject(promise, withOwnPromise()); return; } } else { value = result; } if (promise._state !== PENDING) { // noop } else if (hasCallback && error === undefined) { resolve(promise, value); } else if (error !== undefined) { reject(promise, error); } else if (state === FULFILLED) { fulfill(promise, value); } else if (state === REJECTED) { reject(promise, value); } } function initializePromise(promise, resolver) { var resolved = false; try { resolver(function (value) { if (resolved) { return; } resolved = true; resolve(promise, value); }, function (reason) { if (resolved) { return; } resolved = true; reject(promise, reason); }); } catch (e) { reject(promise, e); } } function then(onFulfillment, onRejection, label) { var parent = this; var state = parent._state; if (state === FULFILLED && !onFulfillment || state === REJECTED && !onRejection) { config.instrument && instrument('chained', parent, parent); return parent; } parent._onError = null; var child = new parent.constructor(noop, label); var result = parent._result; config.instrument && instrument('chained', parent, child); if (state === PENDING) { subscribe(parent, child, onFulfillment, onRejection); } else { var callback = state === FULFILLED ? onFulfillment : onRejection; config.async(function () { return invokeCallback(state, child, callback, result); }); } return child; } var Enumerator = function () { function Enumerator(Constructor, input, abortOnReject, label) { this._instanceConstructor = Constructor; this.promise = new Constructor(noop, label); this._abortOnReject = abortOnReject; this._init.apply(this, arguments); } Enumerator.prototype._init = function _init(Constructor, input) { var len = input.length || 0; this.length = len; this._remaining = len; this._result = new Array(len); this._enumerate(input); if (this._remaining === 0) { fulfill(this.promise, this._result); } }; Enumerator.prototype._enumerate = function _enumerate(input) { var length = this.length; var promise = this.promise; for (var i = 0; promise._state === PENDING && i < length; i++) { this._eachEntry(input[i], i); } }; Enumerator.prototype._settleMaybeThenable = function _settleMaybeThenable(entry, i) { var c = this._instanceConstructor; var resolve$$1 = c.resolve; if (resolve$$1 === resolve$1) { var then$$1 = getThen(entry); if (then$$1 === then && entry._state !== PENDING) { entry._onError = null; this._settledAt(entry._state, i, entry._result); } else if (typeof then$$1 !== 'function') { this._remaining--; this._result[i] = this._makeResult(FULFILLED, i, entry); } else if (c === Promise) { var promise = new c(noop); handleMaybeThenable(promise, entry, then$$1); this._willSettleAt(promise, i); } else { this._willSettleAt(new c(function (resolve$$1) { return resolve$$1(entry); }), i); } } else { this._willSettleAt(resolve$$1(entry), i); } }; Enumerator.prototype._eachEntry = function _eachEntry(entry, i) { if (isMaybeThenable(entry)) { this._settleMaybeThenable(entry, i); } else { this._remaining--; this._result[i] = this._makeResult(FULFILLED, i, entry); } }; Enumerator.prototype._settledAt = function _settledAt(state, i, value) { var promise = this.promise; if (promise._state === PENDING) { if (this._abortOnReject && state === REJECTED) { reject(promise, value); } else { this._remaining--; this._result[i] = this._makeResult(state, i, value); if (this._remaining === 0) { fulfill(promise, this._result); } } } }; Enumerator.prototype._makeResult = function _makeResult(state, i, value) { return value; }; Enumerator.prototype._willSettleAt = function _willSettleAt(promise, i) { var enumerator = this; subscribe(promise, undefined, function (value) { return enumerator._settledAt(FULFILLED, i, value); }, function (reason) { return enumerator._settledAt(REJECTED, i, reason); }); }; return Enumerator; }(); function makeSettledResult(state, position, value) { if (state === FULFILLED) { return { state: 'fulfilled', value: value }; } else { return { state: 'rejected', reason: value }; } } /** `RSVP.Promise.all` accepts an array of promises, and returns a new promise which is fulfilled with an array of fulfillment values for the passed promises, or rejected with the reason of the first passed promise to be rejected. It casts all elements of the passed iterable to promises as it runs this algorithm. Example: ```javascript let promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1); let promise2 = RSVP.resolve(2); let promise3 = RSVP.resolve(3); let promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ]; RSVP.Promise.all(promises).then(function(array){ // The array here would be [ 1, 2, 3 ]; }); ``` If any of the `promises` given to `RSVP.all` are rejected, the first promise that is rejected will be given as an argument to the returned promises's rejection handler. For example: Example: ```javascript let promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1); let promise2 = RSVP.reject(new Error("2")); let promise3 = RSVP.reject(new Error("3")); let promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ]; RSVP.Promise.all(promises).then(function(array){ // Code here never runs because there are rejected promises! }, function(error) { // error.message === "2" }); ``` @method all @static @param {Array} entries array of promises @param {String} label optional string for labeling the promise. Useful for tooling. @return {Promise} promise that is fulfilled when all `promises` have been fulfilled, or rejected if any of them become rejected. @static */ function all(entries, label) { if (!isArray(entries)) { return this.reject(new TypeError("Promise.all must be called with an array"), label); } return new Enumerator(this, entries, true /* abort on reject */, label).promise; } /** `RSVP.Promise.race` returns a new promise which is settled in the same way as the first passed promise to settle. Example: ```javascript let promise1 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){ setTimeout(function(){ resolve('promise 1'); }, 200); }); let promise2 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){ setTimeout(function(){ resolve('promise 2'); }, 100); }); RSVP.Promise.race([promise1, promise2]).then(function(result){ // result === 'promise 2' because it was resolved before promise1 // was resolved. }); ``` `RSVP.Promise.race` is deterministic in that only the state of the first settled promise matters. For example, even if other promises given to the `promises` array argument are resolved, but the first settled promise has become rejected before the other promises became fulfilled, the returned promise will become rejected: ```javascript let promise1 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){ setTimeout(function(){ resolve('promise 1'); }, 200); }); let promise2 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){ setTimeout(function(){ reject(new Error('promise 2')); }, 100); }); RSVP.Promise.race([promise1, promise2]).then(function(result){ // Code here never runs }, function(reason){ // reason.message === 'promise 2' because promise 2 became rejected before // promise 1 became fulfilled }); ``` An example real-world use case is implementing timeouts: ```javascript RSVP.Promise.race([ajax('foo.json'), timeout(5000)]) ``` @method race @static @param {Array} entries array of promises to observe @param {String} label optional string for describing the promise returned. Useful for tooling. @return {Promise} a promise which settles in the same way as the first passed promise to settle. */ function race(entries, label) { /*jshint validthis:true */ var Constructor = this; var promise = new Constructor(noop, label); if (!isArray(entries)) { reject(promise, new TypeError('Promise.race must be called with an array')); return promise; } for (var i = 0; promise._state === PENDING && i < entries.length; i++) { subscribe(Constructor.resolve(entries[i]), undefined, function (value) { return resolve(promise, value); }, function (reason) { return reject(promise, reason); }); } return promise; } /** `RSVP.Promise.reject` returns a promise rejected with the passed `reason`. It is shorthand for the following: ```javascript let promise = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){ reject(new Error('WHOOPS')); }); promise.then(function(value){ // Code here doesn't run because the promise is rejected! }, function(reason){ // reason.message === 'WHOOPS' }); ``` Instead of writing the above, your code now simply becomes the following: ```javascript let promise = RSVP.Promise.reject(new Error('WHOOPS')); promise.then(function(value){ // Code here doesn't run because the promise is rejected! }, function(reason){ // reason.message === 'WHOOPS' }); ``` @method reject @static @param {*} reason value that the returned promise will be rejected with. @param {String} label optional string for identifying the returned promise. Useful for tooling. @return {Promise} a promise rejected with the given `reason`. */ function reject$1(reason, label) { /*jshint validthis:true */ var Constructor = this; var promise = new Constructor(noop, label); reject(promise, reason); return promise; } var guidKey = 'rsvp_' + now() + '-'; var counter = 0; function needsResolver() { throw new TypeError('You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor'); } function needsNew() { throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function."); } /** Promise objects represent the eventual result of an asynchronous operation. The primary way of interacting with a promise is through its `then` method, which registers callbacks to receive either a promise’s eventual value or the reason why the promise cannot be fulfilled. Terminology ----------- - `promise` is an object or function with a `then` method whose behavior conforms to this specification. - `thenable` is an object or function that defines a `then` method. - `value` is any legal JavaScript value (including undefined, a thenable, or a promise). - `exception` is a value that is thrown using the throw statement. - `reason` is a value that indicates why a promise was rejected. - `settled` the final resting state of a promise, fulfilled or rejected. A promise can be in one of three states: pending, fulfilled, or rejected. Promises that are fulfilled have a fulfillment value and are in the fulfilled state. Promises that are rejected have a rejection reason and are in the rejected state. A fulfillment value is never a thenable. Promises can also be said to *resolve* a value. If this value is also a promise, then the original promise's settled state will match the value's settled state. So a promise that *resolves* a promise that rejects will itself reject, and a promise that *resolves* a promise that fulfills will itself fulfill. Basic Usage: ------------ ```js let promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // on success resolve(value); // on failure reject(reason); }); promise.then(function(value) { // on fulfillment }, function(reason) { // on rejection }); ``` Advanced Usage: --------------- Promises shine when abstracting away asynchronous interactions such as `XMLHttpRequest`s. ```js function getJSON(url) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url); xhr.onreadystatechange = handler; xhr.responseType = 'json'; xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json'); xhr.send(); function handler() { if (this.readyState === this.DONE) { if (this.status === 200) { resolve(this.response); } else { reject(new Error('getJSON: `' + url + '` failed with status: [' + this.status + ']')); } } }; }); } getJSON('/posts.json').then(function(json) { // on fulfillment }, function(reason) { // on rejection }); ``` Unlike callbacks, promises are great composable primitives. ```js Promise.all([ getJSON('/posts'), getJSON('/comments') ]).then(function(values){ values[0] // => postsJSON values[1] // => commentsJSON return values; }); ``` @class RSVP.Promise @param {function} resolver @param {String} label optional string for labeling the promise. Useful for tooling. @constructor */ var Promise = function () { function Promise(resolver, label) { this._id = counter++; this._label = label; this._state = undefined; this._result = undefined; this._subscribers = []; config.instrument && instrument('created', this); if (noop !== resolver) { typeof resolver !== 'function' && needsResolver(); this instanceof Promise ? initializePromise(this, resolver) : needsNew(); } } Promise.prototype._onError = function _onError(reason) { var _this = this; config.after(function () { if (_this._onError) { config.trigger('error', reason, _this._label); } }); }; /** `catch` is simply sugar for `then(undefined, onRejection)` which makes it the same as the catch block of a try/catch statement. ```js function findAuthor(){ throw new Error('couldn\'t find that author'); } // synchronous try { findAuthor(); } catch(reason) { // something went wrong } // async with promises findAuthor().catch(function(reason){ // something went wrong }); ``` @method catch @param {Function} onRejection @param {String} label optional string for labeling the promise. Useful for tooling. @return {Promise} */ Promise.prototype.catch = function _catch(onRejection, label) { return this.then(undefined, onRejection, label); }; /** `finally` will be invoked regardless of the promise's fate just as native try/catch/finally behaves Synchronous example: ```js findAuthor() { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { throw new Error(); } return new Author(); } try { return findAuthor(); // succeed or fail } catch(error) { return findOtherAuthor(); } finally { // always runs // doesn't affect the return value } ``` Asynchronous example: ```js findAuthor().catch(function(reason){ return findOtherAuthor(); }).finally(function(){ // author was either found, or not }); ``` @method finally @param {Function} callback @param {String} label optional string for labeling the promise. Useful for tooling. @return {Promise} */ Promise.prototype.finally = function _finally(callback, label) { var promise = this; var constructor = promise.constructor; return promise.then(function (value) { return constructor.resolve(callback()).then(function () { return value; }); }, function (reason) { return constructor.resolve(callback()).then(function () { throw reason; }); }, label); }; return Promise; }(); Promise.cast = resolve$1; // deprecated Promise.all = all; Promise.race = race; Promise.resolve = resolve$1; Promise.reject = reject$1; Promise.prototype._guidKey = guidKey; /** The primary way of interacting with a promise is through its `then` method, which registers callbacks to receive either a promise's eventual value or the reason why the promise cannot be fulfilled. ```js findUser().then(function(user){ // user is available }, function(reason){ // user is unavailable, and you are given the reason why }); ``` Chaining -------- The return value of `then` is itself a promise. This second, 'downstream' promise is resolved with the return value of the first promise's fulfillment or rejection handler, or rejected if the handler throws an exception. ```js findUser().then(function (user) { return; }, function (reason) { return 'default name'; }).then(function (userName) { // If `findUser` fulfilled, `userName` will be the user's name, otherwise it // will be `'default name'` }); findUser().then(function (user) { throw new Error('Found user, but still unhappy'); }, function (reason) { throw new Error('`findUser` rejected and we\'re unhappy'); }).then(function (value) { // never reached }, function (reason) { // if `findUser` fulfilled, `reason` will be 'Found user, but still unhappy'. // If `findUser` rejected, `reason` will be '`findUser` rejected and we\'re unhappy'. }); ``` If the downstream promise does not specify a rejection handler, rejection reasons will be propagated further downstream. ```js findUser().then(function (user) { throw new PedagogicalException('Upstream error'); }).then(function (value) { // never reached }).then(function (value) { // never reached }, function (reason) { // The `PedgagocialException` is propagated all the way down to here }); ``` Assimilation ------------ Sometimes the value you want to propagate to a downstream promise can only be retrieved asynchronously. This can be achieved by returning a promise in the fulfillment or rejection handler. The downstream promise will then be pending until the returned promise is settled. This is called *assimilation*. ```js findUser().then(function (user) { return findCommentsByAuthor(user); }).then(function (comments) { // The user's comments are now available }); ``` If the assimliated promise rejects, then the downstream promise will also reject. ```js findUser().then(function (user) { return findCommentsByAuthor(user); }).then(function (comments) { // If `findCommentsByAuthor` fulfills, we'll have the value here }, function (reason) { // If `findCommentsByAuthor` rejects, we'll have the reason here }); ``` Simple Example -------------- Synchronous Example ```javascript let result; try { result = findResult(); // success } catch(reason) { // failure } ``` Errback Example ```js findResult(function(result, err){ if (err) { // failure } else { // success } }); ``` Promise Example; ```javascript findResult().then(function(result){ // success }, function(reason){ // failure }); ``` Advanced Example -------------- Synchronous Example ```javascript let author, books; try { author = findAuthor(); books = findBooksByAuthor(author); // success } catch(reason) { // failure } ``` Errback Example ```js function foundBooks(books) { } function failure(reason) { } findAuthor(function(author, err){ if (err) { failure(err); // failure } else { try { findBoooksByAuthor(author, function(books, err) { if (err) { failure(err); } else { try { foundBooks(books); } catch(reason) { failure(reason); } } }); } catch(error) { failure(err); } // success } }); ``` Promise Example; ```javascript findAuthor(). then(findBooksByAuthor). then(function(books){ // found books }).catch(function(reason){ // something went wrong }); ``` @method then @param {Function} onFulfillment @param {Function} onRejection @param {String} label optional string for labeling the promise. Useful for tooling. @return {Promise} */ Promise.prototype.then = then; function Result() { this.value = undefined; } var ERROR = new Result(); var GET_THEN_ERROR$1 = new Result(); function getThen$1(obj) { try { return obj.then; } catch (error) { ERROR.value = error; return ERROR; } } function tryApply(f, s, a) { try { f.apply(s, a); } catch (error) { ERROR.value = error; return ERROR; } } function makeObject(_, argumentNames) { var obj = {}; var length = _.length; var args = new Array(length); for (var x = 0; x < length; x++) { args[x] = _[x]; } for (var i = 0; i < argumentNames.length; i++) { var name = argumentNames[i]; obj[name] = args[i + 1]; } return obj; } function arrayResult(_) { var length = _.length; var args = new Array(length - 1); for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) { args[i - 1] = _[i]; } return args; } function wrapThenable(then, promise) { return { then: function (onFulFillment, onRejection) { return, onFulFillment, onRejection); } }; } /** `RSVP.denodeify` takes a 'node-style' function and returns a function that will return an `RSVP.Promise`. You can use `denodeify` in Node.js or the browser when you'd prefer to use promises over using callbacks. For example, `denodeify` transforms the following: ```javascript let fs = require('fs'); fs.readFile('myfile.txt', function(err, data){ if (err) return handleError(err); handleData(data); }); ``` into: ```javascript let fs = require('fs'); let readFile = RSVP.denodeify(fs.readFile); readFile('myfile.txt').then(handleData, handleError); ``` If the node function has multiple success parameters, then `denodeify` just returns the first one: ```javascript let request = RSVP.denodeify(require('request')); request('').then(function(res) { // ... }); ``` However, if you need all success parameters, setting `denodeify`'s second parameter to `true` causes it to return all success parameters as an array: ```javascript let request = RSVP.denodeify(require('request'), true); request('').then(function(result) { // result[0] -> res // result[1] -> body }); ``` Or if you pass it an array with names it returns the parameters as a hash: ```javascript let request = RSVP.denodeify(require('request'), ['res', 'body']); request('').then(function(result) { // result.res // result.body }); ``` Sometimes you need to retain the `this`: ```javascript let app = require('express')(); let render = RSVP.denodeify(app.render.bind(app)); ``` The denodified function inherits from the original function. It works in all environments, except IE 10 and below. Consequently all properties of the original function are available to you. However, any properties you change on the denodeified function won't be changed on the original function. Example: ```javascript let request = RSVP.denodeify(require('request')), cookieJar = request.jar(); // <- Inheritance is used here request('', {jar: cookieJar}).then(function(res) { // cookieJar.cookies holds now the cookies returned by }); ``` Using `denodeify` makes it easier to compose asynchronous operations instead of using callbacks. For example, instead of: ```javascript let fs = require('fs'); fs.readFile('myfile.txt', function(err, data){ if (err) { ... } // Handle error fs.writeFile('myfile2.txt', data, function(err){ if (err) { ... } // Handle error console.log('done') }); }); ``` you can chain the operations together using `then` from the returned promise: ```javascript let fs = require('fs'); let readFile = RSVP.denodeify(fs.readFile); let writeFile = RSVP.denodeify(fs.writeFile); readFile('myfile.txt').then(function(data){ return writeFile('myfile2.txt', data); }).then(function(){ console.log('done') }).catch(function(error){ // Handle error }); ``` @method denodeify @static @for RSVP @param {Function} nodeFunc a 'node-style' function that takes a callback as its last argument. The callback expects an error to be passed as its first argument (if an error occurred, otherwise null), and the value from the operation as its second argument ('function(err, value){ }'). @param {Boolean|Array} [options] An optional paramter that if set to `true` causes the promise to fulfill with the callback's success arguments as an array. This is useful if the node function has multiple success paramters. If you set this paramter to an array with names, the promise will fulfill with a hash with these names as keys and the success parameters as values. @return {Function} a function that wraps `nodeFunc` to return an `RSVP.Promise` @static */ function denodeify(nodeFunc, options) { var fn = function () { var self = this; var l = arguments.length; var args = new Array(l + 1); var promiseInput = false; for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i) { var arg = arguments[i]; if (!promiseInput) { // TODO: clean this up promiseInput = needsPromiseInput(arg); if (promiseInput === GET_THEN_ERROR$1) { var p = new Promise(noop); reject(p, GET_THEN_ERROR$1.value); return p; } else if (promiseInput && promiseInput !== true) { arg = wrapThenable(promiseInput, arg); } } args[i] = arg; } var promise = new Promise(noop); args[l] = function (err, val) { if (err) reject(promise, err);else if (options === undefined) resolve(promise, val);else if (options === true) resolve(promise, arrayResult(arguments));else if (isArray(options)) resolve(promise, makeObject(arguments, options));else resolve(promise, val); }; if (promiseInput) { return handlePromiseInput(promise, args, nodeFunc, self); } else { return handleValueInput(promise, args, nodeFunc, self); } }; fn.__proto__ = nodeFunc; return fn; } function handleValueInput(promise, args, nodeFunc, self) { var result = tryApply(nodeFunc, self, args); if (result === ERROR) { reject(promise, result.value); } return promise; } function handlePromiseInput(promise, args, nodeFunc, self) { return Promise.all(args).then(function (args) { var result = tryApply(nodeFunc, self, args); if (result === ERROR) { reject(promise, result.value); } return promise; }); } function needsPromiseInput(arg) { if (arg && typeof arg === 'object') { if (arg.constructor === Promise) { return true; } else { return getThen$1(arg); } } else { return false; } } /** This is a convenient alias for `RSVP.Promise.all`. @method all @static @for RSVP @param {Array} array Array of promises. @param {String} label An optional label. This is useful for tooling. */ function all$1(array, label) { return Promise.all(array, label); } function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; } function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; } var AllSettled = function (_Enumerator) { _inherits(AllSettled, _Enumerator); function AllSettled(Constructor, entries, label) { return _possibleConstructorReturn(this,, Constructor, entries, false /* don't abort on reject */, label)); } return AllSettled; }(Enumerator); AllSettled.prototype._makeResult = makeSettledResult; /** `RSVP.allSettled` is similar to `RSVP.all`, but instead of implementing a fail-fast method, it waits until all the promises have returned and shows you all the results. This is useful if you want to handle multiple promises' failure states together as a set. Returns a promise that is fulfilled when all the given promises have been settled. The return promise is fulfilled with an array of the states of the promises passed into the `promises` array argument. Each state object will either indicate fulfillment or rejection, and provide the corresponding value or reason. The states will take one of the following formats: ```javascript { state: 'fulfilled', value: value } or { state: 'rejected', reason: reason } ``` Example: ```javascript let promise1 = RSVP.Promise.resolve(1); let promise2 = RSVP.Promise.reject(new Error('2')); let promise3 = RSVP.Promise.reject(new Error('3')); let promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ]; RSVP.allSettled(promises).then(function(array){ // array == [ // { state: 'fulfilled', value: 1 }, // { state: 'rejected', reason: Error }, // { state: 'rejected', reason: Error } // ] // Note that for the second item, reason.message will be '2', and for the // third item, reason.message will be '3'. }, function(error) { // Not run. (This block would only be called if allSettled had failed, // for instance if passed an incorrect argument type.) }); ``` @method allSettled @static @for RSVP @param {Array} entries @param {String} label - optional string that describes the promise. Useful for tooling. @return {Promise} promise that is fulfilled with an array of the settled states of the constituent promises. */ function allSettled(entries, label) { if (!isArray(entries)) { return Promise.reject(new TypeError("Promise.allSettled must be called with an array"), label); } return new AllSettled(Promise, entries, label).promise; } /** This is a convenient alias for `RSVP.Promise.race`. @method race @static @for RSVP @param {Array} array Array of promises. @param {String} label An optional label. This is useful for tooling. */ function race$1(array, label) { return Promise.race(array, label); } function _possibleConstructorReturn$1(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; } function _inherits$1(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; } var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var PromiseHash = function (_Enumerator) { _inherits$1(PromiseHash, _Enumerator); function PromiseHash(Constructor, object) { var abortOnReject = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : true; var label = arguments[3]; return _possibleConstructorReturn$1(this,, Constructor, object, abortOnReject, label)); } PromiseHash.prototype._init = function _init(Constructor, object) { this._result = {}; this._enumerate(object); if (this._remaining === 0) { fulfill(this.promise, this._result); } }; PromiseHash.prototype._enumerate = function _enumerate(input) { var promise = this.promise; var results = []; for (var key in input) { if (, key)) { results.push({ position: key, entry: input[key] }); } } var length = results.length; this._remaining = length; var result = void 0; for (var i = 0; promise._state === PENDING && i < length; i++) { result = results[i]; this._eachEntry(result.entry, result.position); } }; return PromiseHash; }(Enumerator); /** `RSVP.hash` is similar to `RSVP.all`, but takes an object instead of an array for its `promises` argument. Returns a promise that is fulfilled when all the given promises have been fulfilled, or rejected if any of them become rejected. The returned promise is fulfilled with a hash that has the same key names as the `promises` object argument. If any of the values in the object are not promises, they will simply be copied over to the fulfilled object. Example: ```javascript let promises = { myPromise: RSVP.resolve(1), yourPromise: RSVP.resolve(2), theirPromise: RSVP.resolve(3), notAPromise: 4 }; RSVP.hash(promises).then(function(hash){ // hash here is an object that looks like: // { // myPromise: 1, // yourPromise: 2, // theirPromise: 3, // notAPromise: 4 // } }); ```` If any of the `promises` given to `RSVP.hash` are rejected, the first promise that is rejected will be given as the reason to the rejection handler. Example: ```javascript let promises = { myPromise: RSVP.resolve(1), rejectedPromise: RSVP.reject(new Error('rejectedPromise')), anotherRejectedPromise: RSVP.reject(new Error('anotherRejectedPromise')), }; RSVP.hash(promises).then(function(hash){ // Code here never runs because there are rejected promises! }, function(reason) { // reason.message === 'rejectedPromise' }); ``` An important note: `RSVP.hash` is intended for plain JavaScript objects that are just a set of keys and values. `RSVP.hash` will NOT preserve prototype chains. Example: ```javascript function MyConstructor(){ this.example = RSVP.resolve('Example'); } MyConstructor.prototype = { protoProperty: RSVP.resolve('Proto Property') }; let myObject = new MyConstructor(); RSVP.hash(myObject).then(function(hash){ // protoProperty will not be present, instead you will just have an // object that looks like: // { // example: 'Example' // } // // hash.hasOwnProperty('protoProperty'); // false // 'undefined' === typeof hash.protoProperty }); ``` @method hash @static @for RSVP @param {Object} object @param {String} label optional string that describes the promise. Useful for tooling. @return {Promise} promise that is fulfilled when all properties of `promises` have been fulfilled, or rejected if any of them become rejected. */ function hash(object, label) { if (!isObject(object)) { return Promise.reject(new TypeError("Promise.hash must be called with an object"), label); } return new PromiseHash(Promise, object, label).promise; } function _possibleConstructorReturn$2(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; } function _inherits$2(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; } var HashSettled = function (_PromiseHash) { _inherits$2(HashSettled, _PromiseHash); function HashSettled(Constructor, object, label) { return _possibleConstructorReturn$2(this,, Constructor, object, false, label)); } return HashSettled; }(PromiseHash); HashSettled.prototype._makeResult = makeSettledResult; /** `RSVP.hashSettled` is similar to `RSVP.allSettled`, but takes an object instead of an array for its `promises` argument. Unlike `RSVP.all` or `RSVP.hash`, which implement a fail-fast method, but like `RSVP.allSettled`, `hashSettled` waits until all the constituent promises have returned and then shows you all the results with their states and values/reasons. This is useful if you want to handle multiple promises' failure states together as a set. Returns a promise that is fulfilled when all the given promises have been settled, or rejected if the passed parameters are invalid. The returned promise is fulfilled with a hash that has the same key names as the `promises` object argument. If any of the values in the object are not promises, they will be copied over to the fulfilled object and marked with state 'fulfilled'. Example: ```javascript let promises = { myPromise: RSVP.Promise.resolve(1), yourPromise: RSVP.Promise.resolve(2), theirPromise: RSVP.Promise.resolve(3), notAPromise: 4 }; RSVP.hashSettled(promises).then(function(hash){ // hash here is an object that looks like: // { // myPromise: { state: 'fulfilled', value: 1 }, // yourPromise: { state: 'fulfilled', value: 2 }, // theirPromise: { state: 'fulfilled', value: 3 }, // notAPromise: { state: 'fulfilled', value: 4 } // } }); ``` If any of the `promises` given to `RSVP.hash` are rejected, the state will be set to 'rejected' and the reason for rejection provided. Example: ```javascript let promises = { myPromise: RSVP.Promise.resolve(1), rejectedPromise: RSVP.Promise.reject(new Error('rejection')), anotherRejectedPromise: RSVP.Promise.reject(new Error('more rejection')), }; RSVP.hashSettled(promises).then(function(hash){ // hash here is an object that looks like: // { // myPromise: { state: 'fulfilled', value: 1 }, // rejectedPromise: { state: 'rejected', reason: Error }, // anotherRejectedPromise: { state: 'rejected', reason: Error }, // } // Note that for rejectedPromise, reason.message == 'rejection', // and for anotherRejectedPromise, reason.message == 'more rejection'. }); ``` An important note: `RSVP.hashSettled` is intended for plain JavaScript objects that are just a set of keys and values. `RSVP.hashSettled` will NOT preserve prototype chains. Example: ```javascript function MyConstructor(){ this.example = RSVP.Promise.resolve('Example'); } MyConstructor.prototype = { protoProperty: RSVP.Promise.resolve('Proto Property') }; let myObject = new MyConstructor(); RSVP.hashSettled(myObject).then(function(hash){ // protoProperty will not be present, instead you will just have an // object that looks like: // { // example: { state: 'fulfilled', value: 'Example' } // } // // hash.hasOwnProperty('protoProperty'); // false // 'undefined' === typeof hash.protoProperty }); ``` @method hashSettled @for RSVP @param {Object} object @param {String} label optional string that describes the promise. Useful for tooling. @return {Promise} promise that is fulfilled when when all properties of `promises` have been settled. @static */ function hashSettled(object, label) { if (!isObject(object)) { return Promise.reject(new TypeError("RSVP.hashSettled must be called with an object"), label); } return new HashSettled(Promise, object, false, label).promise; } /** `RSVP.rethrow` will rethrow an error on the next turn of the JavaScript event loop in order to aid debugging. Promises A+ specifies that any exceptions that occur with a promise must be caught by the promises implementation and bubbled to the last handler. For this reason, it is recommended that you always specify a second rejection handler function to `then`. However, `RSVP.rethrow` will throw the exception outside of the promise, so it bubbles up to your console if in the browser, or domain/cause uncaught exception in Node. `rethrow` will also throw the error again so the error can be handled by the promise per the spec. ```javascript function throws(){ throw new Error('Whoops!'); } let promise = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){ throws(); }); promise.catch(RSVP.rethrow).then(function(){ // Code here doesn't run because the promise became rejected due to an // error! }, function (err){ // handle the error here }); ``` The 'Whoops' error will be thrown on the next turn of the event loop and you can watch for it in your console. You can also handle it using a rejection handler given to `.then` or `.catch` on the returned promise. @method rethrow @static @for RSVP @param {Error} reason reason the promise became rejected. @throws Error @static */ function rethrow(reason) { setTimeout(function () { throw reason; }); throw reason; } /** `RSVP.defer` returns an object similar to jQuery's `$.Deferred`. `RSVP.defer` should be used when porting over code reliant on `$.Deferred`'s interface. New code should use the `RSVP.Promise` constructor instead. The object returned from `RSVP.defer` is a plain object with three properties: * promise - an `RSVP.Promise`. * reject - a function that causes the `promise` property on this object to become rejected * resolve - a function that causes the `promise` property on this object to become fulfilled. Example: ```javascript let deferred = RSVP.defer(); deferred.resolve("Success!"); deferred.promise.then(function(value){ // value here is "Success!" }); ``` @method defer @static @for RSVP @param {String} label optional string for labeling the promise. Useful for tooling. @return {Object} */ function defer(label) { var deferred = { resolve: undefined, reject: undefined }; deferred.promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { deferred.resolve = resolve; deferred.reject = reject; }, label); return deferred; } /** `` is similar to JavaScript's native `map` method, except that it waits for all promises to become fulfilled before running the `mapFn` on each item in given to `promises`. `` returns a promise that will become fulfilled with the result of running `mapFn` on the values the promises become fulfilled with. For example: ```javascript let promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1); let promise2 = RSVP.resolve(2); let promise3 = RSVP.resolve(3); let promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ]; let mapFn = function(item){ return item + 1; };, mapFn).then(function(result){ // result is [ 2, 3, 4 ] }); ``` If any of the `promises` given to `` are rejected, the first promise that is rejected will be given as an argument to the returned promise's rejection handler. For example: ```javascript let promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1); let promise2 = RSVP.reject(new Error('2')); let promise3 = RSVP.reject(new Error('3')); let promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ]; let mapFn = function(item){ return item + 1; };, mapFn).then(function(array){ // Code here never runs because there are rejected promises! }, function(reason) { // reason.message === '2' }); ``` `` will also wait if a promise is returned from `mapFn`. For example, say you want to get all comments from a set of blog posts, but you need the blog posts first because they contain a url to those comments. ```javscript let mapFn = function(blogPost){ // getComments does some ajax and returns an RSVP.Promise that is fulfilled // with some comments data return getComments(blogPost.comments_url); }; // getBlogPosts does some ajax and returns an RSVP.Promise that is fulfilled // with some blog post data, mapFn).then(function(comments){ // comments is the result of asking the server for the comments // of all blog posts returned from getBlogPosts() }); ``` @method map @static @for RSVP @param {Array} promises @param {Function} mapFn function to be called on each fulfilled promise. @param {String} label optional string for labeling the promise. Useful for tooling. @return {Promise} promise that is fulfilled with the result of calling `mapFn` on each fulfilled promise or value when they become fulfilled. The promise will be rejected if any of the given `promises` become rejected. @static */ function map(promises, mapFn, label) { if (!isArray(promises)) { return Promise.reject(new TypeError(" must be called with an array"), label); } if (!isFunction(mapFn)) { return Promise.reject(new TypeError(" expects a function as a second argument"), label); } return Promise.all(promises, label).then(function (values) { var length = values.length; var results = new Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { results[i] = mapFn(values[i]); } return Promise.all(results, label); }); } /** This is a convenient alias for `RSVP.Promise.resolve`. @method resolve @static @for RSVP @param {*} value value that the returned promise will be resolved with @param {String} label optional string for identifying the returned promise. Useful for tooling. @return {Promise} a promise that will become fulfilled with the given `value` */ function resolve$2(value, label) { return Promise.resolve(value, label); } /** This is a convenient alias for `RSVP.Promise.reject`. @method reject @static @for RSVP @param {*} reason value that the returned promise will be rejected with. @param {String} label optional string for identifying the returned promise. Useful for tooling. @return {Promise} a promise rejected with the given `reason`. */ function reject$2(reason, label) { return Promise.reject(reason, label); } /** `RSVP.filter` is similar to JavaScript's native `filter` method, except that it waits for all promises to become fulfilled before running the `filterFn` on each item in given to `promises`. `RSVP.filter` returns a promise that will become fulfilled with the result of running `filterFn` on the values the promises become fulfilled with. For example: ```javascript let promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1); let promise2 = RSVP.resolve(2); let promise3 = RSVP.resolve(3); let promises = [promise1, promise2, promise3]; let filterFn = function(item){ return item > 1; }; RSVP.filter(promises, filterFn).then(function(result){ // result is [ 2, 3 ] }); ``` If any of the `promises` given to `RSVP.filter` are rejected, the first promise that is rejected will be given as an argument to the returned promise's rejection handler. For example: ```javascript let promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1); let promise2 = RSVP.reject(new Error('2')); let promise3 = RSVP.reject(new Error('3')); let promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ]; let filterFn = function(item){ return item > 1; }; RSVP.filter(promises, filterFn).then(function(array){ // Code here never runs because there are rejected promises! }, function(reason) { // reason.message === '2' }); ``` `RSVP.filter` will also wait for any promises returned from `filterFn`. For instance, you may want to fetch a list of users then return a subset of those users based on some asynchronous operation: ```javascript let alice = { name: 'alice' }; let bob = { name: 'bob' }; let users = [ alice, bob ]; let promises ={ return RSVP.resolve(user); }); let filterFn = function(user){ // Here, Alice has permissions to create a blog post, but Bob does not. return getPrivilegesForUser(user).then(function(privs){ return privs.can_create_blog_post === true; }); }; RSVP.filter(promises, filterFn).then(function(users){ // true, because the server told us only Alice can create a blog post. users.length === 1; // false, because Alice is the only user present in `users` users[0] === bob; }); ``` @method filter @static @for RSVP @param {Array} promises @param {Function} filterFn - function to be called on each resolved value to filter the final results. @param {String} label optional string describing the promise. Useful for tooling. @return {Promise} */ function resolveAll(promises, label) { return Promise.all(promises, label); } function resolveSingle(promise, label) { return Promise.resolve(promise, label).then(function (promises) { return resolveAll(promises, label); }); } function filter(promises, filterFn, label) { if (!isArray(promises) && !(isObject(promises) && promises.then !== undefined)) { return Promise.reject(new TypeError("RSVP.filter must be called with an array or promise"), label); } if (!isFunction(filterFn)) { return Promise.reject(new TypeError("RSVP.filter expects function as a second argument"), label); } var promise = isArray(promises) ? resolveAll(promises, label) : resolveSingle(promises, label); return promise.then(function (values) { var length = values.length; var filtered = new Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { filtered[i] = filterFn(values[i]); } return resolveAll(filtered, label).then(function (filtered) { var results = new Array(length); var newLength = 0; for (var _i = 0; _i < length; _i++) { if (filtered[_i]) { results[newLength] = values[_i]; newLength++; } } results.length = newLength; return results; }); }); } var len = 0; var vertxNext = void 0; function asap(callback, arg) { queue$1[len] = callback; queue$1[len + 1] = arg; len += 2; if (len === 2) { // If len is 1, that means that we need to schedule an async flush. // If additional callbacks are queued before the queue is flushed, they // will be processed by this flush that we are scheduling. scheduleFlush$1(); } } var browserWindow = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : undefined; var browserGlobal = browserWindow || {}; var BrowserMutationObserver = browserGlobal.MutationObserver || browserGlobal.WebKitMutationObserver; var isNode = typeof self === 'undefined' && typeof process !== 'undefined' && {} === '[object process]'; // test for web worker but not in IE10 var isWorker = typeof Uint8ClampedArray !== 'undefined' && typeof importScripts !== 'undefined' && typeof MessageChannel !== 'undefined'; // node function useNextTick() { var nextTick = process.nextTick; // node version 0.10.x displays a deprecation warning when nextTick is used recursively // setImmediate should be used instead instead var version = process.versions.node.match(/^(?:(\d+)\.)?(?:(\d+)\.)?(\*|\d+)$/); if (Array.isArray(version) && version[1] === '0' && version[2] === '10') { nextTick = setImmediate; } return function () { return nextTick(flush); }; } // vertx function useVertxTimer() { if (typeof vertxNext !== 'undefined') { return function () { vertxNext(flush); }; } return useSetTimeout(); } function useMutationObserver() { var iterations = 0; var observer = new BrowserMutationObserver(flush); var node = document.createTextNode(''); observer.observe(node, { characterData: true }); return function () { return = iterations = ++iterations % 2; }; } // web worker function useMessageChannel() { var channel = new MessageChannel(); channel.port1.onmessage = flush; return function () { return channel.port2.postMessage(0); }; } function useSetTimeout() { return function () { return setTimeout(flush, 1); }; } var queue$1 = new Array(1000); function flush() { for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 2) { var callback = queue$1[i]; var arg = queue$1[i + 1]; callback(arg); queue$1[i] = undefined; queue$1[i + 1] = undefined; } len = 0; } function attemptVertex() { try { var r = require; var vertx = r('vertx'); vertxNext = vertx.runOnLoop || vertx.runOnContext; return useVertxTimer(); } catch (e) { return useSetTimeout(); } } var scheduleFlush$1 = void 0; // Decide what async method to use to triggering processing of queued callbacks: if (isNode) { scheduleFlush$1 = useNextTick(); } else if (BrowserMutationObserver) { scheduleFlush$1 = useMutationObserver(); } else if (isWorker) { scheduleFlush$1 = useMessageChannel(); } else if (browserWindow === undefined && typeof require === 'function') { scheduleFlush$1 = attemptVertex(); } else { scheduleFlush$1 = useSetTimeout(); } var platform = void 0; /* global self */ if (typeof self === 'object') { platform = self; /* global global */ } else if (typeof global === 'object') { platform = global; } else { throw new Error('no global: `self` or `global` found'); } var _asap$cast$Promise$Ev; function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } // defaults config.async = asap; config.after = function (cb) { return setTimeout(cb, 0); }; var cast = resolve$2; var async = function (callback, arg) { return config.async(callback, arg); }; function on() { config['on'].apply(config, arguments); } function off() { config['off'].apply(config, arguments); } // Set up instrumentation through `window.__PROMISE_INTRUMENTATION__` if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window['__PROMISE_INSTRUMENTATION__'] === 'object') { var callbacks = window['__PROMISE_INSTRUMENTATION__']; configure('instrument', true); for (var eventName in callbacks) { if (callbacks.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) { on(eventName, callbacks[eventName]); } } } // the default export here is for backwards compat: // var rsvp = (_asap$cast$Promise$Ev = { asap: asap, cast: cast, Promise: Promise, EventTarget: EventTarget, all: all$1, allSettled: allSettled, race: race$1, hash: hash, hashSettled: hashSettled, rethrow: rethrow, defer: defer, denodeify: denodeify, configure: configure, on: on, off: off, resolve: resolve$2, reject: reject$2, map: map }, _defineProperty(_asap$cast$Promise$Ev, 'async', async), _defineProperty(_asap$cast$Promise$Ev, 'filter', filter), _asap$cast$Promise$Ev); exports['default'] = rsvp; exports.asap = asap; exports.cast = cast; exports.Promise = Promise; exports.EventTarget = EventTarget; exports.all = all$1; exports.allSettled = allSettled; exports.race = race$1; exports.hash = hash; exports.hashSettled = hashSettled; exports.rethrow = rethrow; exports.defer = defer; exports.denodeify = denodeify; exports.configure = configure; exports.on = on; = off; exports.resolve = resolve$2; exports.reject = reject$2; = map; exports.async = async; exports.filter = filter; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); }))); // var EPUBJS = EPUBJS || {}; EPUBJS.core = {}; var ELEMENT_NODE = 1; var TEXT_NODE = 3; var COMMENT_NODE = 8; var DOCUMENT_NODE = 9; //-- Get a element for an id EPUBJS.core.getEl = function(elem) { return document.getElementById(elem); }; //-- Get all elements for a class EPUBJS.core.getEls = function(classes) { return document.getElementsByClassName(classes); }; EPUBJS.core.request = function(url, type, withCredentials) { var supportsURL = window.URL; var BLOB_RESPONSE = supportsURL ? "blob" : "arraybuffer"; var deferred = new RSVP.defer(); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var uri; //-- Check from PDF.js: // var xhrPrototype = XMLHttpRequest.prototype; var handler = function() { var r; if (this.readyState != this.DONE) return; if ((this.status === 200 || this.status === 0) && this.response) { // Android & Firefox reporting 0 for local & blob urls if (type == 'xml'){ // If this.responseXML wasn't set, try to parse using a DOMParser from text if(!this.responseXML) { r = new DOMParser().parseFromString(this.response, "application/xml"); } else { r = this.responseXML; } } else if (type == 'xhtml') { if (!this.responseXML){ r = new DOMParser().parseFromString(this.response, "application/xhtml+xml"); } else { r = this.responseXML; } } else if (type == 'html') { if (!this.responseXML){ r = new DOMParser().parseFromString(this.response, "text/html"); } else { r = this.responseXML; } } else if (type == 'json') { r = JSON.parse(this.response); } else if (type == 'blob') { if (supportsURL) { r = this.response; } else { //-- Safari doesn't support responseType blob, so create a blob from arraybuffer r = new Blob([this.response]); } } else { r = this.response; } deferred.resolve(r); } else { deferred.reject({ message : this.response, stack : new Error().stack }); } }; if (!('overrideMimeType' in xhrPrototype)) { // IE10 might have response, but not overrideMimeType Object.defineProperty(xhrPrototype, 'overrideMimeType', { value: function xmlHttpRequestOverrideMimeType(mimeType) {} }); } xhr.onreadystatechange = handler;"GET", url, true); if(withCredentials) { xhr.withCredentials = true; } // If type isn't set, determine it from the file extension if(!type) { uri = EPUBJS.core.uri(url); type = uri.extension; type = { 'htm': 'html' }[type] || type; } if(type == 'blob'){ xhr.responseType = BLOB_RESPONSE; } if(type == "json") { xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json"); } if(type == 'xml') { xhr.responseType = "document"; xhr.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); // for OPF parsing } if(type == 'xhtml') { xhr.responseType = "document"; } if(type == 'html') { xhr.responseType = "document"; } if(type == "binary") { xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; } xhr.send(); return deferred.promise; }; EPUBJS.core.toArray = function(obj) { var arr = []; for (var member in obj) { var newitm; if ( obj.hasOwnProperty(member) ) { newitm = obj[member]; newitm.ident = member; arr.push(newitm); } } return arr; }; //-- Parse the different parts of a url, returning a object EPUBJS.core.uri = function(url){ var uri = { protocol : '', host : '', path : '', origin : '', directory : '', base : '', filename : '', extension : '', fragment : '', href : url }, blob = url.indexOf('blob:'), doubleSlash = url.indexOf('://'), search = url.indexOf('?'), fragment = url.indexOf("#"), withoutProtocol, dot, firstSlash; if(blob === 0) { uri.protocol = "blob"; uri.base = url.indexOf(0, fragment); return uri; } if(fragment != -1) { uri.fragment = url.slice(fragment + 1); url = url.slice(0, fragment); } if(search != -1) { = url.slice(search + 1); url = url.slice(0, search); href = uri.href; } if(doubleSlash != -1) { uri.protocol = url.slice(0, doubleSlash); withoutProtocol = url.slice(doubleSlash+3); firstSlash = withoutProtocol.indexOf('/'); if(firstSlash === -1) { = uri.path; uri.path = ""; } else { = withoutProtocol.slice(0, firstSlash); uri.path = withoutProtocol.slice(firstSlash); } uri.origin = uri.protocol + "://" +; = EPUBJS.core.folder(uri.path); uri.base = uri.origin +; // return origin; } else { uri.path = url; = EPUBJS.core.folder(url); uri.base =; } //-- Filename uri.filename = url.replace(uri.base, ''); dot = uri.filename.lastIndexOf('.'); if(dot != -1) { uri.extension = uri.filename.slice(dot+1); } return uri; }; //-- Parse out the folder, will return everything before the last slash EPUBJS.core.folder = function(url){ var lastSlash = url.lastIndexOf('/'); if(lastSlash == -1) var folder = ''; folder = url.slice(0, lastSlash + 1); return folder; }; //-- EPUBJS.core.dataURLToBlob = function(dataURL) { var BASE64_MARKER = ';base64,', parts, contentType, raw, rawLength, uInt8Array; if (dataURL.indexOf(BASE64_MARKER) == -1) { parts = dataURL.split(','); contentType = parts[0].split(':')[1]; raw = parts[1]; return new Blob([raw], {type: contentType}); } parts = dataURL.split(BASE64_MARKER); contentType = parts[0].split(':')[1]; raw = window.atob(parts[1]); rawLength = raw.length; uInt8Array = new Uint8Array(rawLength); for (var i = 0; i < rawLength; ++i) { uInt8Array[i] = raw.charCodeAt(i); } return new Blob([uInt8Array], {type: contentType}); }; //-- Load scripts async: EPUBJS.core.addScript = function(src, callback, target) { var s, r; r = false; s = document.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = false; s.src = src; s.onload = s.onreadystatechange = function() { if ( !r && (!this.readyState || this.readyState == 'complete') ) { r = true; if(callback) callback(); } }; target = target || document.body; target.appendChild(s); }; EPUBJS.core.addScripts = function(srcArr, callback, target) { var total = srcArr.length, curr = 0, cb = function(){ curr++; if(total == curr){ if(callback) callback(); }else{ EPUBJS.core.addScript(srcArr[curr], cb, target); } }; EPUBJS.core.addScript(srcArr[curr], cb, target); }; EPUBJS.core.addCss = function(src, callback, target) { var s, r; r = false; s = document.createElement('link'); s.type = 'text/css'; s.rel = "stylesheet"; s.href = src; s.onload = s.onreadystatechange = function() { if ( !r && (!this.readyState || this.readyState == 'complete') ) { r = true; if(callback) callback(); } }; target = target || document.body; target.appendChild(s); }; EPUBJS.core.prefixed = function(unprefixed) { var vendors = ["Webkit", "Moz", "O", "ms" ], prefixes = ['-Webkit-', '-moz-', '-o-', '-ms-'], upper = unprefixed[0].toUpperCase() + unprefixed.slice(1), length = vendors.length; if (typeof([unprefixed]) != 'undefined') { return unprefixed; } for ( var i=0; i < length; i++ ) { if (typeof([vendors[i] + upper]) != 'undefined') { return vendors[i] + upper; } } return unprefixed; }; EPUBJS.core.resolveUrl = function(base, path) { var url, segments = [], uri = EPUBJS.core.uri(path), folders = base.split("/"), paths; if( { return path; } folders.pop(); paths = path.split("/"); paths.forEach(function(p){ if(p === ".."){ folders.pop(); }else{ segments.push(p); } }); url = folders.concat(segments); return url.join("/"); }; // EPUBJS.core.uuid = function() { var d = new Date().getTime(); var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) { var r = (d + Math.random()*16)%16 | 0; d = Math.floor(d/16); return (c=='x' ? r : (r&0x7|0x8)).toString(16); }); return uuid; }; // Fast quicksort insert for sorted array -- based on: // EPUBJS.core.insert = function(item, array, compareFunction) { var location = EPUBJS.core.locationOf(item, array, compareFunction); array.splice(location, 0, item); return location; }; EPUBJS.core.locationOf = function(item, array, compareFunction, _start, _end) { var start = _start || 0; var end = _end || array.length; var pivot = parseInt(start + (end - start) / 2); var compared; if(!compareFunction){ compareFunction = function(a, b) { if(a > b) return 1; if(a < b) return -1; if(a = b) return 0; }; } if(end-start <= 0) { return pivot; } compared = compareFunction(array[pivot], item); if(end-start === 1) { return compared > 0 ? pivot : pivot + 1; } if(compared === 0) { return pivot; } if(compared === -1) { return EPUBJS.core.locationOf(item, array, compareFunction, pivot, end); } else{ return EPUBJS.core.locationOf(item, array, compareFunction, start, pivot); } }; EPUBJS.core.indexOfSorted = function(item, array, compareFunction, _start, _end) { var start = _start || 0; var end = _end || array.length; var pivot = parseInt(start + (end - start) / 2); var compared; if(!compareFunction){ compareFunction = function(a, b) { if(a > b) return 1; if(a < b) return -1; if(a = b) return 0; }; } if(end-start <= 0) { return -1; // Not found } compared = compareFunction(array[pivot], item); if(end-start === 1) { return compared === 0 ? pivot : -1; } if(compared === 0) { return pivot; // Found } if(compared === -1) { return EPUBJS.core.indexOfSorted(item, array, compareFunction, pivot, end); } else{ return EPUBJS.core.indexOfSorted(item, array, compareFunction, start, pivot); } }; EPUBJS.core.queue = function(_scope){ var _q = []; var scope = _scope; // Add an item to the queue var enqueue = function(funcName, args, context) { _q.push({ "funcName" : funcName, "args" : args, "context" : context }); return _q; }; // Run one item var dequeue = function(){ var inwait; if(_q.length) { inwait = _q.shift(); // Defer to any current tasks // setTimeout(function(){ scope[inwait.funcName].apply(inwait.context || scope, inwait.args); // }, 0); } }; // Run All var flush = function(){ while(_q.length) { dequeue(); } }; // Clear all items in wait var clear = function(){ _q = []; }; var length = function(){ return _q.length; }; return { "enqueue" : enqueue, "dequeue" : dequeue, "flush" : flush, "clear" : clear, "length" : length }; }; // From: /** * Gets an XPath for an element which describes its hierarchical location. */ EPUBJS.core.getElementXPath = function(element) { if (element && { return '//*[@id="' + + '"]'; } else { return EPUBJS.core.getElementTreeXPath(element); } }; EPUBJS.core.getElementTreeXPath = function(element) { var paths = []; var isXhtml = (element.ownerDocument.documentElement.getAttribute('xmlns') === ""); var index, nodeName, tagName, pathIndex; if(element.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE){ // index =, element) + 1; index = EPUBJS.core.indexOfTextNode(element) + 1; paths.push("text()["+index+"]"); element = element.parentNode; } // Use nodeName (instead of localName) so namespace prefix is included (if any). for (; element && element.nodeType == 1; element = element.parentNode) { index = 0; for (var sibling = element.previousSibling; sibling; sibling = sibling.previousSibling) { // Ignore document type declaration. if (sibling.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) { continue; } if (sibling.nodeName == element.nodeName) { ++index; } } nodeName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase(); tagName = (isXhtml ? "xhtml:" + nodeName : nodeName); pathIndex = (index ? "[" + (index+1) + "]" : ""); paths.splice(0, 0, tagName + pathIndex); } return paths.length ? "./" + paths.join("/") : null; }; EPUBJS.core.nsResolver = function(prefix) { var ns = { 'xhtml' : '', 'epub': '' }; return ns[prefix] || null; }; // EPUBJS.core.cleanStringForXpath = function(str) { var parts = str.match(/[^'"]+|['"]/g); parts ={ if (part === "'") { return '\"\'\"'; // output "'" } if (part === '"') { return "\'\"\'"; // output '"' } return "\'" + part + "\'"; }); return "concat(\'\'," + parts.join(",") + ")"; }; EPUBJS.core.indexOfTextNode = function(textNode){ var parent = textNode.parentNode; var children = parent.childNodes; var sib; var index = -1; for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { sib = children[i]; if(sib.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE){ index++; } if(sib == textNode) break; } return index; }; // Underscore EPUBJS.core.defaults = function(obj) { for (var i = 1, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var prop in source) { if (obj[prop] === void 0) obj[prop] = source[prop]; } } return obj; }; EPUBJS.core.extend = function(target) { var sources = [], 1); sources.forEach(function (source) { if(!source) return; Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source).forEach(function(propName) { Object.defineProperty(target, propName, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, propName)); }); }); return target; }; EPUBJS.core.clone = function(obj) { return EPUBJS.core.isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : EPUBJS.core.extend({}, obj); }; EPUBJS.core.isElement = function(obj) { return !!(obj && obj.nodeType == 1); }; EPUBJS.core.isNumber = function(n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n); }; EPUBJS.core.isString = function(str) { return (typeof str === 'string' || str instanceof String); }; EPUBJS.core.isArray = Array.isArray || function(obj) { return === '[object Array]'; }; // Lodash EPUBJS.core.values = function(object) { var index = -1; var props, length, result; if(!object) return []; props = Object.keys(object); length = props.length; result = Array(length); while (++index < length) { result[index] = object[props[index]]; } return result; }; EPUBJS.core.indexOfNode = function(node, typeId) { var parent = node.parentNode; var children = parent.childNodes; var sib; var index = -1; for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { sib = children[i]; if (sib.nodeType === typeId) { index++; } if (sib == node) break; } return index; } EPUBJS.core.indexOfTextNode = function(textNode) { return EPUBJS.core.indexOfNode(textNode, TEXT_NODE); } EPUBJS.core.indexOfElementNode = function(elementNode) { return EPUBJS.core.indexOfNode(elementNode, ELEMENT_NODE); } var EPUBJS = EPUBJS || {}; EPUBJS.reader = {}; EPUBJS.reader.plugins = {}; //-- Attach extra Controllers as plugins (like search?) (function(root, $) { var previousReader = root.ePubReader || {}; var ePubReader = root.ePubReader = function(path, options) { return new EPUBJS.Reader(path, options); }; //exports to multiple environments if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { //AMD define(function(){ return Reader; }); } else if (typeof module != "undefined" && module.exports) { //Node module.exports = ePubReader; } })(window, jQuery); EPUBJS.Reader = function(bookPath, _options) { var reader = this; var book; var plugin; var $viewer = $("#viewer"); var search =; var parameters; this.settings = EPUBJS.core.defaults(_options || {}, { bookPath : bookPath, restore : false, reload : false, bookmarks : undefined, annotations : undefined, contained : undefined, bookKey : undefined, styles : undefined, sidebarReflow: false, generatePagination: false, history: true }); // Overide options with search parameters if(search) { parameters = search.slice(1).split("&"); parameters.forEach(function(p){ var split = p.split("="); var name = split[0]; var value = split[1] || ''; reader.settings[name] = decodeURIComponent(value); }); } this.setBookKey(this.settings.bookPath); //-- This could be username + path or any unique string if(this.settings.restore && this.isSaved()) { this.applySavedSettings(); } this.settings.styles = this.settings.styles || { fontSize : "100%" }; = book = new ePub(this.settings.bookPath, this.settings); this.offline = false; this.sidebarOpen = false; if(!this.settings.bookmarks) { this.settings.bookmarks = []; } if(!this.settings.annotations) { this.settings.annotations = []; } if(this.settings.generatePagination) { book.generatePagination($viewer.width(), $viewer.height()); } this.rendition = book.renderTo("viewer", { ignoreClass: "annotator-hl", width: "100%", height: "100%" }); if(this.settings.previousLocationCfi) { this.displayed = this.rendition.display(this.settings.previousLocationCfi); } else { this.displayed = this.rendition.display(); } book.ready.then(function () { reader.ReaderController =, book); reader.SettingsController =, book); reader.ControlsController =, book); reader.SidebarController =, book); reader.BookmarksController =, book); reader.NotesController =, book); window.addEventListener("hashchange", this.hashChanged.bind(this), false); document.addEventListener('keydown', this.adjustFontSize.bind(this), false); this.rendition.on("keydown", this.adjustFontSize.bind(this)); this.rendition.on("keydown", reader.ReaderController.arrowKeys.bind(this)); this.rendition.on("selected", this.selectedRange.bind(this)); }.bind(this)).then(function() { reader.ReaderController.hideLoader(); }.bind(this)); // Call Plugins for(plugin in EPUBJS.reader.plugins) { if(EPUBJS.reader.plugins.hasOwnProperty(plugin)) { reader[plugin] = EPUBJS.reader.plugins[plugin].call(reader, book); } } book.loaded.metadata.then(function(meta) { reader.MetaController =, meta); }); book.loaded.navigation.then(function(navigation) { reader.TocController =, navigation); }); window.addEventListener("beforeunload", this.unload.bind(this), false); return this; }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.adjustFontSize = function(e) { var fontSize; var interval = 2; var PLUS = 187; var MINUS = 189; var ZERO = 48; var MOD = (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey ); if(!this.settings.styles) return; if(!this.settings.styles.fontSize) { this.settings.styles.fontSize = "100%"; } fontSize = parseInt(this.settings.styles.fontSize.slice(0, -1)); if(MOD && e.keyCode == PLUS) { e.preventDefault();"fontSize", (fontSize + interval) + "%"); } if(MOD && e.keyCode == MINUS){ e.preventDefault();"fontSize", (fontSize - interval) + "%"); } if(MOD && e.keyCode == ZERO){ e.preventDefault();"fontSize", "100%"); } }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.addBookmark = function(cfi) { var present = this.isBookmarked(cfi); if(present > -1 ) return; this.settings.bookmarks.push(cfi); this.trigger("reader:bookmarked", cfi); }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.removeBookmark = function(cfi) { var bookmark = this.isBookmarked(cfi); if( bookmark === -1 ) return; this.settings.bookmarks.splice(bookmark, 1); this.trigger("reader:unbookmarked", bookmark); }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.isBookmarked = function(cfi) { var bookmarks = this.settings.bookmarks; return bookmarks.indexOf(cfi); }; /* EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.searchBookmarked = function(cfi) { var bookmarks = this.settings.bookmarks, len = bookmarks.length, i; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (bookmarks[i]['cfi'] === cfi) return i; } return -1; }; */ EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.clearBookmarks = function() { this.settings.bookmarks = []; }; //-- Notes EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.addNote = function(note) { this.settings.annotations.push(note); }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.removeNote = function(note) { var index = this.settings.annotations.indexOf(note); if( index === -1 ) return; delete this.settings.annotations[index]; }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.clearNotes = function() { this.settings.annotations = []; }; //-- Settings EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.setBookKey = function(identifier){ if(!this.settings.bookKey) { this.settings.bookKey = "epubjsreader:" + EPUBJS.VERSION + ":" + + ":" + identifier; } return this.settings.bookKey; }; //-- Checks if the book setting can be retrieved from localStorage EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.isSaved = function(bookPath) { var storedSettings; if(!localStorage) { return false; } storedSettings = localStorage.getItem(this.settings.bookKey); if(storedSettings === null) { return false; } else { return true; } }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.removeSavedSettings = function() { if(!localStorage) { return false; } localStorage.removeItem(this.settings.bookKey); }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.applySavedSettings = function() { var stored; if(!localStorage) { return false; } try { stored = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.settings.bookKey)); } catch (e) { // parsing error of localStorage return false; } if(stored) { // Merge styles if(stored.styles) { this.settings.styles = EPUBJS.core.defaults(this.settings.styles || {}, stored.styles); } // Merge the rest this.settings = EPUBJS.core.defaults(this.settings, stored); return true; } else { return false; } }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.saveSettings = function(){ if( { this.settings.previousLocationCfi = this.rendition.currentLocation().start.cfi; } if(!localStorage) { return false; } localStorage.setItem(this.settings.bookKey, JSON.stringify(this.settings)); }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.unload = function(){ if(this.settings.restore && localStorage) { this.saveSettings(); } }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.hashChanged = function(){ var hash = window.location.hash.slice(1); this.rendition.display(hash); }; EPUBJS.Reader.prototype.selectedRange = function(cfiRange){ var cfiFragment = "#"+cfiRange; // Update the History Location if(this.settings.history && window.location.hash != cfiFragment) { // Add CFI fragment to the history history.pushState({}, '', cfiFragment); this.currentLocationCfi = cfiRange; } }; //-- Enable binding events to reader RSVP.EventTarget.mixin(EPUBJS.Reader.prototype); EPUBJS.reader.BookmarksController = function() { var reader = this; var book =; var rendition = this.rendition; var $bookmarks = $("#bookmarksView"), $list = $bookmarks.find("#bookmarks"); var docfrag = document.createDocumentFragment(); var show = function() { $; }; var hide = function() { $bookmarks.hide(); }; var counter = 0; var createBookmarkItem = function(cfi) { var listitem = document.createElement("li"), link = document.createElement("a"); = "bookmark-"+counter; listitem.classList.add('list_item'); var spineItem = book.spine.get(cfi); var tocItem; if (spineItem.index in book.navigation.toc) { tocItem = book.navigation.toc[spineItem.index]; link.textContent = tocItem.label; } else { link.textContent = cfi; } link.href = cfi; link.classList.add('bookmark_link'); link.addEventListener("click", function(event){ var cfi = this.getAttribute('href'); rendition.display(cfi); event.preventDefault(); }, false); listitem.appendChild(link); counter++; return listitem; }; this.settings.bookmarks.forEach(function(cfi) { var bookmark = createBookmarkItem(cfi); docfrag.appendChild(bookmark); }); $list.append(docfrag); this.on("reader:bookmarked", function(cfi) { var item = createBookmarkItem(cfi); $list.append(item); }); this.on("reader:unbookmarked", function(index) { var $item = $("#bookmark-"+index); $item.remove(); }); return { "show" : show, "hide" : hide }; }; EPUBJS.reader.ControlsController = function(book) { var reader = this; var rendition = this.rendition; var $store = $("#store"), $fullscreen = $("#fullscreen"), $fullscreenicon = $("#fullscreenicon"), $cancelfullscreenicon = $("#cancelfullscreenicon"), $slider = $("#slider"), $main = $("#main"), $sidebar = $("#sidebar"), $settings = $("#setting"), $bookmark = $("#bookmark"); /* var goOnline = function() { reader.offline = false; // $store.attr("src", $"save")); }; var goOffline = function() { reader.offline = true; // $store.attr("src", $"saved")); }; var fullscreen = false; book.on("book:online", goOnline); book.on("book:offline", goOffline); */ $slider.on("click", function () { if(reader.sidebarOpen) { reader.SidebarController.hide(); $slider.addClass("icon-menu"); $slider.removeClass("icon-right"); } else {; $slider.addClass("icon-right"); $slider.removeClass("icon-menu"); } }); if(typeof screenfull !== 'undefined') { $fullscreen.on("click", function() { screenfull.toggle($('#container')[0]); }); if(screenfull.raw) { document.addEventListener(screenfull.raw.fullscreenchange, function() { fullscreen = screenfull.isFullscreen; if(fullscreen) { $fullscreen .addClass("icon-resize-small") .removeClass("icon-resize-full"); } else { $fullscreen .addClass("icon-resize-full") .removeClass("icon-resize-small"); } }); } } $settings.on("click", function() {; }); $bookmark.on("click", function() { var cfi = reader.rendition.currentLocation().start.cfi; var bookmarked = reader.isBookmarked(cfi); if(bookmarked === -1) { //-- Add bookmark reader.addBookmark(cfi); $bookmark .addClass("icon-bookmark") .removeClass("icon-bookmark-empty"); } else { //-- Remove Bookmark reader.removeBookmark(cfi); $bookmark .removeClass("icon-bookmark") .addClass("icon-bookmark-empty"); } }); rendition.on('relocated', function(location){ var cfi = location.start.cfi; var cfiFragment = "#" + cfi; //-- Check if bookmarked var bookmarked = reader.isBookmarked(cfi); if(bookmarked === -1) { //-- Not bookmarked $bookmark .removeClass("icon-bookmark") .addClass("icon-bookmark-empty"); } else { //-- Bookmarked $bookmark .addClass("icon-bookmark") .removeClass("icon-bookmark-empty"); } reader.currentLocationCfi = cfi; // Update the History Location if(reader.settings.history && window.location.hash != cfiFragment) { // Add CFI fragment to the history history.pushState({}, '', cfiFragment); } }); return { }; }; EPUBJS.reader.MetaController = function(meta) { var title = meta.title, author = meta.creator; var $title = $("#book-title"), $author = $("#chapter-title"), $dash = $("#title-seperator"); document.title = title+" – "+author; $title.html(title); $author.html(author); $; }; EPUBJS.reader.NotesController = function() { var book =; var rendition = this.rendition; var reader = this; var $notesView = $("#notesView"); var $notes = $("#notes"); var $text = $("#note-text"); var $anchor = $("#note-anchor"); var annotations = reader.settings.annotations; var renderer = book.renderer; var popups = []; var epubcfi = new ePub.CFI(); var show = function() { $; }; var hide = function() { $notesView.hide(); } var insertAtPoint = function(e) { var range; var textNode; var offset; var doc = book.renderer.doc; var cfi; var annotation; // standard if (doc.caretPositionFromPoint) { range = doc.caretPositionFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY); textNode = range.offsetNode; offset = range.offset; // WebKit } else if (doc.caretRangeFromPoint) { range = doc.caretRangeFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY); textNode = range.startContainer; offset = range.startOffset; } if (textNode.nodeType !== 3) { for (var i=0; i < textNode.childNodes.length; i++) { if (textNode.childNodes[i].nodeType == 3) { textNode = textNode.childNodes[i]; break; } } } // Find the end of the sentance offset = textNode.textContent.indexOf(".", offset); if(offset === -1){ offset = textNode.length; // Last item } else { offset += 1; // After the period } cfi = epubcfi.generateCfiFromTextNode(textNode, offset, book.renderer.currentChapter.cfiBase); annotation = { annotatedAt: new Date(), anchor: cfi, body: $text.val() } // add to list reader.addNote(annotation); 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import os import streamlit.components.v1 as components # Create a _RELEASE constant. We'll set this to False while we're developing # the component, and True when we're ready to package and distribute it. # (This is, of course, optional - there are innumerable ways to manage your # release process.) _RELEASE = True # Declare a Streamlit component. `declare_component` returns a function # that is used to create instances of the component. We're naming this # function "_component_func", with an underscore prefix, because we don't want # to expose it directly to users. Instead, we will create a custom wrapper # function, below, that will serve as our component's public API. # It's worth noting that this call to `declare_component` is the # *only thing* you need to do to create the binding between Streamlit and # your component frontend. Everything else we do in this file is simply a # best practice. if not _RELEASE: _component_func = components.declare_component( # We give the component a simple, descriptive name ("my_component" # does not fit this bill, so please choose something better for your # own component :) "streamlit_icon", # Pass `url` here to tell Streamlit that the component will be served # by the local dev server that you run via `npm run start`. # (This is useful while your component is in development.) url="http://localhost:3001", ) else: # When we're distributing a production version of the component, we'll # replace the `url` param with `path`, and point it to to the component's # build directory: parent_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) build_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, "frontend/build") _component_func = components.declare_component("streamlit_icon", path=build_dir) # Create a wrapper function for the component. This is an optional # best practice - we could simply expose the component function returned by # `declare_component` and call it done. The wrapper allows us to customize # our component's API: we can pre-process its input args, post-process its # output value, and add a docstring for users. def streamlit_icon(icon_name, icon_button=False, disabled=False, icon_size="medium"): """Create a new instance of "streamlit_icon". streamlit_pagination Parameters ---------- name: str The name of the thing we're saying hello to. The component will display the text "Hello, {name}!" key: str or None An optional key that uniquely identifies this component. If this is None, and the component's arguments are changed, the component will be re-mounted in the Streamlit frontend and lose its current state. Returns ------- int The number of times the component's "Click Me" button has been clicked. (This is the value passed to `Streamlit.setComponentValue` on the frontend.) """ # Call through to our private component function. Arguments we pass here # will be sent to the frontend, where they'll be available in an "args" # dictionary. # # "default" is a special argument that specifies the initial return # value of the component before the user has interacted with it. component_value = _component_func(icon_name=icon_name, icon_button=icon_button, disabled=disabled, icon_size=icon_size) # We could modify the value returned from the component if we wanted. # There's no need to do this in our simple example - but it's an option. return component_value # Add some test code to play with the component while it's in development. # During development, we can run this just as we would any other Streamlit # app: `$ streamlit run my_component/` if not _RELEASE: import streamlit as st # Create an instance of our component with a constant `name` arg, and # print its output value. # num_clicks = streamlit_pagination("World") # st.markdown("You've clicked %s times!" % int(num_clicks)) # st.markdown("---") # st.subheader("Component with variable args") st.header("Icon Sizes") streamlit_icon("delete_icon", icon_size="small") streamlit_icon("delete_icon", icon_size="medium") streamlit_icon("delete_icon", icon_size="large") st.header("Button Icon") if (streamlit_icon("delete_icon", icon_button=True, icon_size="small")): st.write("CLICKED") st.header("Disabled Button Icon") streamlit_icon("delete_icon", icon_button=True, disabled=True, icon_size="small")
"""Client and server classes corresponding to protobuf-defined services.""" import grpc from azure_functions_worker.protos import FunctionRpc_pb2 as FunctionRpc__pb2 class FunctionRpcStub(object): """Interface exported by the server. """ def __init__(self, channel): """Constructor. Args: channel: A grpc.Channel. """ self.EventStream = channel.stream_stream( '/AzureFunctionsRpcMessages.FunctionRpc/EventStream', request_serializer=FunctionRpc__pb2.StreamingMessage.SerializeToString, response_deserializer=FunctionRpc__pb2.StreamingMessage.FromString, ) class FunctionRpcServicer(object): """Interface exported by the server. """ def EventStream(self, request_iterator, context): """Missing associated documentation comment in .proto file.""" context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED) context.set_details('Method not implemented!') raise NotImplementedError('Method not implemented!') def add_FunctionRpcServicer_to_server(servicer, server): rpc_method_handlers = { 'EventStream': grpc.stream_stream_rpc_method_handler( servicer.EventStream, request_deserializer=FunctionRpc__pb2.StreamingMessage.FromString, response_serializer=FunctionRpc__pb2.StreamingMessage.SerializeToString, ), } generic_handler = grpc.method_handlers_generic_handler( 'AzureFunctionsRpcMessages.FunctionRpc', rpc_method_handlers) server.add_generic_rpc_handlers((generic_handler,)) # This class is part of an EXPERIMENTAL API. class FunctionRpc(object): """Interface exported by the server. """ @staticmethod def EventStream(request_iterator, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None): return grpc.experimental.stream_stream(request_iterator, target, '/AzureFunctionsRpcMessages.FunctionRpc/EventStream', FunctionRpc__pb2.StreamingMessage.SerializeToString, FunctionRpc__pb2.StreamingMessage.FromString, options, channel_credentials, insecure, call_credentials, compression, wait_for_ready, timeout, metadata)
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(function() { var each = tinymce.each; tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.TemplatePlugin', { init : function(ed, url) { var t = this; t.editor = ed; // Register commands ed.addCommand('mceTemplate', function(ui) {{ file : url + '/template.htm', width : ed.getParam('template_popup_width', 750), height : ed.getParam('template_popup_height', 600), inline : 1 }, { plugin_url : url }); }); ed.addCommand('mceInsertTemplate', t._insertTemplate, t); // Register buttons ed.addButton('template', {title : 'template.desc', cmd : 'mceTemplate'}); ed.onPreProcess.add(function(ed, o) { var dom = ed.dom; each('div', o.node), function(e) { if (dom.hasClass(e, 'mceTmpl')) { each('*', e), function(e) { if (dom.hasClass(e, ed.getParam('template_mdate_classes', 'mdate').replace(/\s+/g, '|'))) e.innerHTML = t._getDateTime(new Date(), ed.getParam("template_mdate_format", ed.getLang("template.mdate_format"))); }); t._replaceVals(e); } }); }); }, getInfo : function() { return { longname : 'Template plugin', author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB', authorurl : '', infourl : '', version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion }; }, _insertTemplate : function(ui, v) { var t = this, ed = t.editor, h, el, dom = ed.dom, sel = ed.selection.getContent(); h = v.content; each(t.editor.getParam('template_replace_values'), function(v, k) { if (typeof(v) != 'function') h = h.replace(new RegExp('\\{\\$' + k + '\\}', 'g'), v); }); el = dom.create('div', null, h); // Find template element within div n ='.mceTmpl', el); if (n && n.length > 0) { el = dom.create('div', null); el.appendChild(n[0].cloneNode(true)); } function hasClass(n, c) { return new RegExp('\\b' + c + '\\b', 'g').test(n.className); }; each('*', el), function(n) { // Replace cdate if (hasClass(n, ed.getParam('template_cdate_classes', 'cdate').replace(/\s+/g, '|'))) n.innerHTML = t._getDateTime(new Date(), ed.getParam("template_cdate_format", ed.getLang("template.cdate_format"))); // Replace mdate if (hasClass(n, ed.getParam('template_mdate_classes', 'mdate').replace(/\s+/g, '|'))) n.innerHTML = t._getDateTime(new Date(), ed.getParam("template_mdate_format", ed.getLang("template.mdate_format"))); // Replace selection if (hasClass(n, ed.getParam('template_selected_content_classes', 'selcontent').replace(/\s+/g, '|'))) n.innerHTML = sel; }); t._replaceVals(el); ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, el.innerHTML); ed.addVisual(); }, _replaceVals : function(e) { var dom = this.editor.dom, vl = this.editor.getParam('template_replace_values'); each('*', e), function(e) { each(vl, function(v, k) { if (dom.hasClass(e, k)) { if (typeof(vl[k]) == 'function') vl[k](e); } }); }); }, _getDateTime : function(d, fmt) { if (!fmt) return ""; function addZeros(value, len) { var i; value = "" + value; if (value.length < len) { for (i=0; i<(len-value.length); i++) value = "0" + value; } return value; } fmt = fmt.replace("%D", "%m/%d/%y"); fmt = fmt.replace("%r", "%I:%M:%S %p"); fmt = fmt.replace("%Y", "" + d.getFullYear()); fmt = fmt.replace("%y", "" + d.getYear()); fmt = fmt.replace("%m", addZeros(d.getMonth()+1, 2)); fmt = fmt.replace("%d", addZeros(d.getDate(), 2)); fmt = fmt.replace("%H", "" + addZeros(d.getHours(), 2)); fmt = fmt.replace("%M", "" + addZeros(d.getMinutes(), 2)); fmt = fmt.replace("%S", "" + addZeros(d.getSeconds(), 2)); fmt = fmt.replace("%I", "" + ((d.getHours() + 11) % 12 + 1)); fmt = fmt.replace("%p", "" + (d.getHours() < 12 ? "AM" : "PM")); fmt = fmt.replace("%B", "" + this.editor.getLang("template_months_long").split(',')[d.getMonth()]); fmt = fmt.replace("%b", "" + this.editor.getLang("template_months_short").split(',')[d.getMonth()]); fmt = fmt.replace("%A", "" + this.editor.getLang("template_day_long").split(',')[d.getDay()]); fmt = fmt.replace("%a", "" + this.editor.getLang("template_day_short").split(',')[d.getDay()]); fmt = fmt.replace("%%", "%"); return fmt; } }); // Register plugin tinymce.PluginManager.add('template', tinymce.plugins.TemplatePlugin); })();
from . import get_logger from pyhocon import ConfigFactory, HOCONConverter, ConfigTree import os from configobj import ConfigObj import pydash logger = get_logger(__file__) class BaseConfig(object): _config = None _needed_config_attr = [] _config_file_path = 'config.conf' def get(self, name, default_value=''): return self._config.get(name, default_value) def put(self, name, value): return self._config.put(name, value) def __init__(self, config=None, config_file_path='config.conf'): """ 可以传入config,也可以从文件中读取 :param config: :param config_file_path: """ config_from_file = self.__load_config_from_file(config_file_path) if config_from_file is None: config_from_file = [] config_from_parameter = ConfigFactory.from_dict(config) if config_from_parameter is None: config_from_parameter = [] self._config_file_path = config_file_path self._config = ConfigTree.merge_configs(ConfigTree(config_from_file), ConfigTree(config_from_parameter)) self._abs_config_file_path = os.path.abspath(self._config_file_path) self.__check_config() pass @staticmethod def __load_config_from_file(config_file_path): """ 从文件中load配置 :param config_file_path: :return: """ return ConfigFactory.parse_file(config_file_path, required=False) def __check_config(self): """ 检查config是否齐全,不齐全时,报错提示 :return: """ attr_temp_place_holder = 'TODO: <!- please add config here. ->' missing_config_attr = [] append_to_file = [] for config_attr in self._needed_config_attr: if config_attr not in self._config or self._config[config_attr] == attr_temp_place_holder: if config_attr not in self._config: append_to_file.append('\n' + config_attr + ' = "' + attr_temp_place_holder + '"') # self._config.put(config_attr, attr_temp_place_holder) missing_config_attr.append('\n - "' + config_attr + '"') if len(missing_config_attr) > 0: if not os.path.isfile(self._config_file_path): with open(self._config_file_path, 'w') as writer: if HOCONConverter.to_hocon(self._config) != '[]': writer.write(HOCONConverter.to_hocon(self._config)) for line in append_to_file: writer.write(line) elif len(append_to_file) > 0: with open(self._config_file_path, 'a') as writer: for line in append_to_file: writer.write(line) raise Exception(''' Config needed, please edit "{config_file_path}" and fill needed config. Please open =====> "{abs_config_file_path}" <===== and fill needed config!!! missing configs: {missing_config_keys} '''.format(config_file_path=self._config_file_path, abs_config_file_path=self._abs_config_file_path, missing_config_keys=' ,'.join(missing_config_attr))) pass @staticmethod def save_odps_ini(odps_config, file_name): cfg = ConfigObj(encoding='utf8') cfg.filename = file_name for k in odps_config.keys(): cfg[k] = odps_config[k] cfg['project_name'] = cfg['project'] cfg['end_point'] = cfg['endpoint'] try: cfg.write() except Exception as e: logger.error(e) pass pass
import os import csv import shutil class process_foto: """ This is a function to generating 9 photos per each folder, please pass the params to process the function""" def __init__(self, location,chunk_shape_dictionary): self.location = location self.chunk_shape_dictionary = chunk_shape_dictionary def process_foto(location, chunk_shape_dictionary): path_new = [] for key in chunk_shape_dictionary: path_new_append = str(location) + "/" + str(key) path_new.append(path_new_append) path_new_2 = [] for path in path_new: foldernames_2 = os.listdir(path) for folder in foldernames_2: path_new_2.append(str(path) + "/" + str(folder)) arranged_dict = {} for path_foto in path_new_2: path_foto_arrange = [] foldernames_3 = os.listdir(path_foto) if len(foldernames_3) > 0: folder_names_4 = foldernames_3[0:9] for file in folder_names_4: path_foto_arrange.append(str(file)) arranged_dict[path_foto] = path_foto_arrange path_raw = [] list_b = [] for folder, files in arranged_dict.items(): path_raw.append(folder) for file in files: list_b.append(str(folder) + "/" + str(file)) list_a = [] for file in path_raw: for photo in os.listdir(file): list_a.append(str(file) + "/" + str(photo)) def non_match_elements(list_a, list_b): non_match = [] for i in list_a: if i not in list_b: non_match.append(i) return non_match non_match = non_match_elements(list_a,list_b) for deleted in non_match: os.remove(deleted) print("Deleting File ", non_match) for (root,dirs,files) in os.walk(location): print(root)
from __future__ import annotations import contextlib import enum import importlib import os import shutil import sys import tempfile from pathlib import Path from typing import IO, AnyStr, BinaryIO, ContextManager, Iterable, Iterator, TextIO, TypeVar, overload from typing_extensions import Literal T = TypeVar("T") def flatten(it: Iterable[Iterable[T]]) -> Iterable[T]: for item in it: yield from item def not_none(v: T | None) -> T: if v is None: raise RuntimeError("expected not-None") return v class NotSet(enum.Enum): Value = 1 @overload def atomic_file_swap( path: str | Path, mode: Literal["w"], always_revert: bool = ..., create_dirs: bool = ..., ) -> ContextManager[TextIO]: ... @overload def atomic_file_swap( path: str | Path, mode: Literal["wb"], always_revert: bool = ..., create_dirs: bool = ..., ) -> ContextManager[BinaryIO]: ... @contextlib.contextmanager # type: ignore def atomic_file_swap( path: str | Path, mode: Literal["w", "wb"], always_revert: bool = False, create_dirs: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[IO[AnyStr]]: """Performs an atomic write to a file while temporarily moving the original file to a different random location. Args: path: The path to replace. mode: The open mode for the file (text or binary). always_revert: If enabled, swap the old file back into place even if the with context has no errors. create_dirs: If the file does not exist, and neither do its parent directories, create the directories. The directory will be removed if the operation is reverted. """ path = Path(path) with contextlib.ExitStack() as exit_stack: if path.is_file(): old = exit_stack.enter_context( tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( mode, prefix=path.stem + "~", suffix="~" + path.suffix, dir=path.parent, ) ) old.close() os.rename(path, else: old = None def _revert() -> None: assert isinstance(path, Path) if path.is_file(): path.unlink() if old is not None: os.rename(, path) if not path.parent.is_dir() and create_dirs: path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True) _old_revert = _revert def _revert() -> None: assert isinstance(path, Path) try: shutil.rmtree(path.parent) finally: _old_revert() try: with as new: yield new except BaseException: _revert() raise else: if always_revert: _revert() else: if old is not None: os.remove( @overload def import_class(fqn: str) -> type: ... @overload def import_class(fqn: str, base_type: type[T]) -> type[T]: ... def import_class(fqn: str, base_type: type[T] | None = None) -> type[T]: mod_name, cls_name = fqn.rpartition(".")[::2] module = importlib.import_module(mod_name) cls = getattr(module, cls_name) if not isinstance(cls, type): raise TypeError(f"expected type object at {fqn!r}, got {type(cls).__name__}") if base_type is not None and not issubclass(cls, base_type): raise TypeError(f"expected subclass of {base_type} at {fqn!r}, got {cls}") return cls def get_terminal_width(default: int = 80) -> int: """Returns the terminal width through :func:`os.get_terminal_size`, falling back to the `COLUMNS` environment variable. If neither is available, return *default*.""" try: terminal_width = os.get_terminal_size().columns except OSError: try: terminal_width = int(os.getenv("COLUMNS", "")) except ValueError: terminal_width = default return terminal_width def is_relative_to(apath: Path, bpath: Path) -> bool: """Checks if *apath* is a path relative to *bpath*.""" if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 9): try: apath.relative_to(bpath) return True except ValueError: return False else: return apath.is_relative_to(bpath)
__author__ = "Cody Precord <[email protected]>" __svnid__ = "$Id: 68798 2011-08-20 17:17:05Z CJP $" __revision__ = "$Revision: 68798 $" #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Imports import as stc # Local Imports import syndata #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# #---- Keyword Definitions ----# # MASM CPU Instructions/Operators MASM_CPU_INST = (0, "aaa aad aam aas adc and arpl bound bsf bsr bswap bt btc " "btr bts call cdw cdq clc cld cli clts cmc cmp cmps cmpsb " "cmpsw cmpsd cmpxchng cwd cwde daa das enter in ins insb " "insw insd int into invd invlpg iret iretd ja jae jb jbe " "jc jcxz jecxz je jz jg jge jl jle jna jnae jnb jnbe jnc " "jne jng jnge jnl jnle jno jnp jns jnz jo jp jpe jpo js jz " "jmp lahf lar lea leave lgdt lidt lgs lss lfs lods lodsb " "lodsw lodsd loop loope loopz loone loopne retf retn lds " "les lldt lmsw lock lsl ltr mov movs movsb movsw movsd " "movsx movzx neg nop not or out outs outsb outsw outsd " "pop popa popd popf popfd push pusha pushad pushf pushfd " "rcl rcr rol roro rep repe repz repne repnz ret sahf sal " "sar shl shr sbb scas scasb scasw scasd seta setae setb " "setbe setc sete setg setge setl setle setna setnae setnb " "setnbe setnc setne setng setnge setnl setnle setno setnp " "setns setnz seto setp setpe setpo ses setz sgdt sidt shld " "shrd sldt smsw stc std sti stos stosb stosw stosd str " "test verr verw wait wbinvd xchg xlat xlatb xor add dec " "idiv imul inc mul sub xadd div " # MMX/SSE/SSE2 Instructions "cflush cpuid emms femms cmovo cmovno cmovb cmovc cmovnae " "cmovae cmovnb cmovnc cmove cmovz cmovne cmovnz cmovbe " "cmovna cmova cmovnbe cmovs cmovns cmovp cmovpe cmovnp " "cmovpo cmovl cmovnge cmovge cmovnl cmovle cmovng cmovg " "cmovnle cmpxchg486 cmpxchg8b loadall loadall286 ibts " "icebp int1 int3 int01 int03 iretw popaw popfw pushaw " "pushfw rdmsr rdpmc rdshr rdtsc rsdc rsldt rsm rsts salc " "smi smint smintold svdc svldt svts syscall sysenter " "sysexit sysret ud0 ud1 ud2 umov xbts wrmsr wrshr") # floating point instructions MASM_FPU_INST = (1, "f2xm1 fabs fadd faddp fbld fbstp fchs fclex fcom fcomp " "fcompp fdecstp fdisi fdiv fdivp fdivr fdivrp feni ffree " "fiadd ficom ficomp fidiv fidivr fild fimul fincstp finit " "fist fistp fisub fisubr fld fld1 fldcw fldenv fldenvw " "fldl2e fldl2t fldlg2 fldln2 fldpi fldz fmul fmulp fnclex " "fndisi fneni fninit fnop fnsave fnsavew fnstcw fnstenv " "fnstenvw fnstsw fpatan fprem fptan frndint frstor frstorw " "fsave fsavew fscale fsqrt fst fstcw fstenv fstenvw fstp " "fstsw fsub fsubp fsubr fsubrp ftst fwait fxam fxch " "fxtract fyl2x fyl2xp1 fsetpm fcos fldenvd fnsaved " "fnstenvd fprem1 frstord fsaved fsin fsincos fstenvd fucom " "fucomp fucompp fcomi fcomip ffreep fcmovb fcmove fcmovbe " "fcmovu fcmovnb fcmovne fcmovnbe fcmovnu ") MASM_REGISTERS = (2, "ah al ax bh bl bp bx ch cl cr0 cr2 cr3 cr4 cs cx dh di " "dl dr0 dr1 dr2 dr3 dr6 dr7 ds dx eax ebp ebx ecx edi edx " "es esi esp fs gs si sp ss st tr3 tr4 tr5 tr6 tr7 st0 st1 " "st2 st3 st4 st5 st6 st7 mm0 mm1 mm2 mm3 mm4 mm5 mm6 mm7 " "xmm0 xmm1 xmm2 xmm3 xmm4 xmm5 xmm6 xmm7") MASM_DIRECTIVES = (3, ".186 .286 .286c .286p .287 .386 .386c .386p .387 .486 " ".486p .8086 .8087 .alpha .break .code .const .continue " ".cref .data .data? .dosseg .else .elseif .endif .endw " ".err .err1 .err2 .errb .errdef .errdif .errdifi .erre " ".erridn .erridni .errnb .errndef .errnz .exit .fardata " ".fardata? .if .lall .lfcond .list .listall .listif " ".listmacro .listmacroall .model .no87 .nocref .nolist " ".nolistif .nolistmacro .radix .repeat .sall .seq " ".sfcond .stack .startup .tfcond .type .until .untilcxz " ".while .xall .xcref .xlist alias align assume catstr " "comm comment db dd df dosseg dq dt dup dw echo else " "elseif elseif1 elseif2 elseifb elseifdef elseifdif " "elseifdifi elseife elseifidn elseifidni elseifnb " "elseifndef end endif endm endp ends eq equ even exitm " "extern externdef extrn for forc ge goto group gt high " "highword if if1 if2 ifb ifdef ifdif ifdifi ife ifidn " "ifidni ifnb ifndef include includelib instr invoke irp " "irpc label le length lengthof local low lowword " "lroffset lt macro mask mod .msfloat name ne offset " "opattr option org %out page popcontext proc proto ptr " "public purge pushcontext record repeat rept seg segment " "short size sizeof sizestr struc struct substr subtitle " "subttl textequ this title type typedef union while " "width") MASM_DIREC_OP = (4, "$ ? @b @f addr basic byte c carry? dword far far16 " "fortran fword near near16 overflow? parity? pascal qword " "real4 real8 real10 sbyte sdword sign? stdcall sword " "syscall tbyte vararg word zero? flat near32 far32 abs all " "assumes at casemap common compact cpu dotname emulator " "epilogue error export expr16 expr32 farstack flat " "forceframe huge language large listing ljmp loadds m510 " "medium memory nearstack nodotname noemulator nokeyword " "noljmp nom510 none nonunique nooldmacros nooldstructs " "noreadonly noscoped nosignextend nothing notpublic " "oldmacros oldstructs os_dos para private prologue radix " "readonly req scoped setif2 smallstack tiny use16 use32 " "uses") MASM_EXT_INST = (5, "addpd addps addsd addss andpd andps andnpd andnps cmpeqpd " "cmpltpd cmplepd cmpunordpd cmpnepd cmpnltpd cmpnlepd " "cmpordpd cmpeqps cmpltps cmpleps cmpunordps cmpneps " "cmpnltps cmpnleps cmpordps cmpeqsd cmpltsd cmplesd " "cmpunordsd cmpnesd cmpnltsd cmpnlesd cmpordsd cmpeqss " "cmpltss cmpless cmpunordss cmpness cmpnltss cmpnless " "cmpordss comisd comiss cvtdq2pd cvtdq2ps cvtpd2dq " "cvtpd2pi cvtpd2ps cvtpi2pd cvtpi2ps cvtps2dq cvtps2pd " "cvtps2pi cvtss2sd cvtss2si cvtsd2si cvtsd2ss cvtsi2sd " "cvtsi2ss cvttpd2dq cvttpd2pi cvttps2dq cvttps2pi " "cvttsd2si cvttss2si divpd divps divsd divss fxrstor " "fxsave ldmxscr lfence mfence maskmovdqu maskmovdq maxpd " "maxps paxsd maxss minpd minps minsd minss movapd movaps " "movdq2q movdqa movdqu movhlps movhpd movhps movd movq " "movlhps movlpd movlps movmskpd movmskps movntdq movnti " "movntpd movntps movntq movq2dq movsd movss movupd movups " "mulpd mulps mulsd mulss orpd orps packssdw packsswb " "packuswb paddb paddsb paddw paddsw paddd paddsiw paddq " "paddusb paddusw pand pandn pause paveb pavgb pavgw " "pavgusb pdistib pextrw pcmpeqb pcmpeqw pcmpeqd pcmpgtb " "pcmpgtw pcmpgtd pf2id pf2iw pfacc pfadd pfcmpeq pfcmpge " "pfcmpgt pfmax pfmin pfmul pmachriw pmaddwd pmagw pmaxsw " "pmaxub pminsw pminub pmovmskb pmulhrwc pmulhriw " "pmulhrwa pmulhuw pmulhw pmullw pmuludq pmvzb pmvnzb " "pmvlzb pmvgezb pfnacc pfpnacc por prefetch prefetchw " "prefetchnta prefetcht0 prefetcht1 prefetcht2 pfrcp " "pfrcpit1 pfrcpit2 pfrsqit1 pfrsqrt pfsub pfsubr pi2fd " "pf2iw pinsrw psadbw pshufd pshufhw pshuflw pshufw psllw " "pslld psllq pslldq psraw psrad psrlw psrld psrlq psrldq " "psubb psubw psubd psubq psubsb psubsw psubusb psubusw " "psubsiw pswapd punpckhbw punpckhwd punpckhdq punpckhqdq " "punpcklbw punpcklwd punpckldq punpcklqdq pxor rcpps " "rcpss rsqrtps rsqrtss sfence shufpd shufps sqrtpd sqrtps " "sqrtsd sqrtss stmxcsr subpd subps subsd subss ucomisd " "ucomiss unpckhpd unpckhps unpcklpd unpcklps xorpd xorps") #---- Language Styling Specs ----# SYNTAX_ITEMS = [ (stc.STC_ASM_DEFAULT, 'default_style'), (stc.STC_ASM_CHARACTER, 'char_style'), (stc.STC_ASM_COMMENT, 'comment_style'), (stc.STC_ASM_COMMENTBLOCK, 'comment_style'), (stc.STC_ASM_CPUINSTRUCTION, 'keyword_style'), (stc.STC_ASM_DIRECTIVE, 'keyword3_style'), (stc.STC_ASM_DIRECTIVEOPERAND, 'keyword4_style'), (stc.STC_ASM_EXTINSTRUCTION, 'funct_style'), (stc.STC_ASM_IDENTIFIER, 'default_style'), (stc.STC_ASM_MATHINSTRUCTION, 'keyword_style'), (stc.STC_ASM_NUMBER, 'number_style'), (stc.STC_ASM_OPERATOR, 'operator_style'), (stc.STC_ASM_REGISTER, 'keyword2_style'), (stc.STC_ASM_STRING, 'string_style'), (stc.STC_ASM_STRINGEOL, 'stringeol_style') ] #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# class SyntaxData(syndata.SyntaxDataBase): """SyntaxData object for MASM""" def __init__(self, langid): super(SyntaxData, self).__init__(langid) # Setup self.SetLexer(stc.STC_LEX_ASM) def GetKeywords(self): """Returns Specified Keywords List """ return [MASM_CPU_INST, MASM_FPU_INST, MASM_REGISTERS, MASM_DIRECTIVES, MASM_DIREC_OP, MASM_EXT_INST] def GetSyntaxSpec(self): """Syntax Specifications """ return SYNTAX_ITEMS def GetCommentPattern(self): """Returns a list of characters used to comment a block of code """ return [u';']
# constants rc = { 'directory' : 'images', # output directory 'resolution' : 72, # equation images resolution 'eqns' : [], # list of raw equation codes 'tmpdir' : None, # temporary directory } eqlatex = r""" \documentclass{article} \usepackage{exscale} \pagestyle{empty} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0in} \setlength{\textwidth}{7in} \begin{document} \huge %s \end{document} """.lstrip() eqmark = "@EquationMark" ############################################################################## # business import sys import os import shutil def loadEquations(): """Search for equation codes preceded by @EquationMark macro. Store equation codes in rc['eqns']. """ lines = [] for f in sys.argv[1:]: fhandle = open(f) lines.extend(fhandle.readlines()) # process all lines in sequence atmark = False attex = False eqlines = [] for line in lines: bareline = line.strip().rstrip('{}') if bareline == eqmark: atmark = True continue elif atmark and bareline == "@tex": attex = True continue elif attex and bareline == "@end tex": atmark = False attex = False eq = ''.join(eqlines) + '\n' rc['eqns'].append(eq) eqlines = [] elif attex: eqlines.append(line) return def writePNGFiles(): from tempfile import mkdtemp rc['tmpdir'] = mkdtemp() rc['directory'] = os.path.abspath(rc['directory']) neqn = len(rc['eqns']) for i in range(neqn): fname = "eq-%02i.tex" % (i + 1) fpath = os.path.join(rc['tmpdir'], fname) fhandle = open(fpath, 'w') s = eqlatex % rc['eqns'][i] fhandle.write(s) fhandle.close() convertToPNG(fpath) pngsrc = fpath[:-4] + ".png" pngdst = os.path.join(rc['directory'], fname[:-4] + ".png") shutil.copyfile(pngsrc, pngdst) return def convertToPNG(texfile): """Compile texfile and convert it to PNG. """ os.chdir(os.path.dirname(texfile)) texbasename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(texfile))[0] cmd = "latex --interaction nonstopmode %r" % texbasename os.system(cmd) != 0 and sys.exit(1) cmd = "dvips %r" % texbasename os.system(cmd) != 0 and sys.exit(1) psfilename = texbasename + ".ps" bb = getBoundingBox(psfilename) pgbb = getPageBoundingBox(psfilename) pt2px = rc['resolution'] / 72.0 xpx = pt2px * bb[0] ypx = pt2px * (pgbb[3] - bb[3]) wpx = pt2px * (bb[2] - bb[0]) hpx = pt2px * (bb[3] - bb[1]) geometry = "%ix%i+%i+%i" % (wpx, hpx, xpx, ypx) pngfilename = texbasename + ".png" cmd = "convert -strip -density %i %r -crop %s +repage %r" % \ (rc['resolution'], psfilename, geometry, pngfilename) os.system(cmd) != 0 and sys.exit(1) return def getBoundingBox(psfilename): """Run ghostscript to obtain effective bounding box of psfilename. Return a list of bounding box coordinates. """ cmd = "gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -q -sDEVICE=bbox %r" % psfilename # gs sends bbox output to stderr i, o, e = os.popen3(cmd) i.close() out = o.close() out += e.close() bb = [ int(w) for w in out.split()[1:5] ] return bb def getPageBoundingBox(psfilename): """Obtain bounding box value defined in psfilename. Return a list of bounding box coordinates. """ import re with open(psfilename) as fp: s = bbline ='^%%BoundingBox: *(.*)$', s, re.M) pgbb = [ int(w) for w in[:4] ] return pgbb def main(): loadEquations() writePNGFiles() shutil.rmtree(rc['tmpdir']) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
from __future__ import absolute_import import copy import logging from functools import total_ordering from flower.utils import login_required_admin from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator from flower.exceptions import HTTPError try: from itertools import imap except ImportError: imap = map from ..views import BaseHandler from ..utils.tasks import iter_tasks, get_task_by_id, as_dict logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TaskView(BaseHandler): @method_decorator(login_required_admin) def get(self, request, task_id): try: task = get_task_by_id(self.settings.state, task_id) except Exception: raise HTTPError(404, "Unknown task '%s'" % task_id) return self.render("flower/task.html", context={'task': task}) @total_ordering class Comparable(object): """ Compare two objects, one or more of which may be None. If one of the values is None, the other will be deemed greater. """ def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __eq__(self, other): return self.value == other.value def __lt__(self, other): try: return self.value < other.value except TypeError: return self.value is None class TasksDataTable(BaseHandler): @method_decorator(login_required_admin) def get(self, request): state = self.settings.state draw = self.get_argument('draw', type=int) start = self.get_argument('start', type=int) length = self.get_argument('length', type=int) search = self.get_argument('search[value]', type=str) column = self.get_argument('order[0][column]', type=int) sort_by = self.get_argument('columns[%s][data]' % column, type=str) sort_order = self.get_argument('order[0][dir]', type=str) == 'desc' def key(item): return Comparable(getattr(item[1], sort_by)) sorted_tasks = sorted( iter_tasks(state, search=search), key=key, reverse=sort_order ) filtered_tasks = [] for task in sorted_tasks[start:start + length]: task_dict = as_dict(self.format_task(task)[1]) if task_dict.get('worker'): task_dict['worker'] = task_dict['worker'].hostname filtered_tasks.append(task_dict) return self.write(dict(draw=draw, data=filtered_tasks, recordsTotal=len(sorted_tasks), recordsFiltered=len(sorted_tasks))) @method_decorator(login_required_admin) def post(self, request): return self.get(request) def format_task(self, args): uuid, task = args custom_format_task = self.settings.format_task if custom_format_task: try: task = custom_format_task(copy.copy(task)) except: logger.exception("Failed to format '%s' task", uuid) return uuid, task class TasksView(BaseHandler): @method_decorator(login_required_admin) def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): settings = self.settings app = time = 'natural-time' if settings.natural_time else 'time' if app.conf.CELERY_TIMEZONE: time += '-' + str(app.conf.CELERY_TIMEZONE) # state_config = self.get_argument("state", default=None) context = dict( tasks=[], columns=settings.tasks_columns, time=time, ) return self.render("flower/tasks.html", context=context)
from pyrogram import raw from ..object import Object class LoginUrl(Object): """Represents a parameter of the inline keyboard button used to automatically authorize a user. Serves as a great replacement for the Telegram Login Widget when the user is coming from Telegram. All the user needs to do is tap/click a button and confirm that they want to log in. Parameters: url (``str``): An HTTP URL to be opened with user authorization data added to the query string when the button is pressed. If the user refuses to provide authorization data, the original URL without information about the user will be opened. The data added is the same as described in `Receiving authorization data <>`. **NOTE**: You **must** always check the hash of the received data to verify the authentication and the integrity of the data as described in `Checking authorization <>`_. forward_text (``str``, *optional*): New text of the button in forwarded messages. bot_username (``str``, *optional*): Username of a bot, which will be used for user authorization. See `Setting up a bot <>`_ for more details. If not specified, the current bot's username will be assumed. The url's domain must be the same as the domain linked with the bot. See `Linking your domain to the bot <>`_ for more details. request_write_access (``str``, *optional*): Pass True to request the permission for your bot to send messages to the user. button_id (``int``): Button identifier. """ def __init__( self, *, url: str, forward_text: str = None, bot_username: str = None, request_write_access: str = None, button_id: int = None ): super().__init__() self.url = url self.forward_text = forward_text self.bot_username = bot_username self.request_write_access = request_write_access self.button_id = button_id @staticmethod def read(b: "raw.types.KeyboardButtonUrlAuth") -> "LoginUrl": return LoginUrl( url=b.url, forward_text=b.fwd_text, button_id=b.button_id ) def write(self, text: str, bot: "raw.types.InputUser"): return raw.types.InputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth( text=text, url=self.url, bot=bot, fwd_text=self.forward_text, request_write_access=self.request_write_access )
(function() { var dfs = {"am_pm":["上午","下午"],"day_name":["星期日","星期一","星期二","星期三","星期四","星期五","星期六"],"day_short":["週日","週一","週二","週三","週四","週五","週六"],"era":["西元前","西元"],"era_name":["西元前","西元"],"month_name":["1月","2月","3月","4月","5月","6月","7月","8月","9月","10月","11月","12月"],"month_short":["1月","2月","3月","4月","5月","6月","7月","8月","9月","10月","11月","12月"],"order_full":"YMD","order_long":"YMD","order_medium":"YMD","order_short":"YMD"}; var nfs = {"decimal_separator":".","grouping_separator":",","minus":"-"}; var df = {SHORT_PADDED_CENTURY:function(d){if(d){return(d.getFullYear()+'-'+((d.getMonth()+101)+'').substring(1)+'-'+((d.getDate()+101)+'').substring(1));}},SHORT:function(d){if(d){return((d.getFullYear()+'').substring(2)+'-'+(d.getMonth()+1)+'-'+d.getDate());}},SHORT_NOYEAR:function(d){if(d){return((d.getMonth()+1)+'-'+d.getDate());}},SHORT_NODAY:function(d){if(d){return((d.getFullYear()+'').substring(2)+'-'+(d.getMonth()+1));}},MEDIUM:function(d){if(d){return(d.getFullYear()+'-'+(d.getMonth()+1)+'-'+d.getDate());}},MEDIUM_NOYEAR:function(d){if(d){return((d.getMonth()+1)+'-'+d.getDate());}},MEDIUM_WEEKDAY_NOYEAR:function(d){if(d){return(dfs.day_short[d.getDay()]+' '+(d.getMonth()+1)+'-'+d.getDate());}},LONG_NODAY:function(d){if(d){return(d.getFullYear()+'年'+(d.getMonth()+1));}},LONG:function(d){if(d){return(d.getFullYear()+'年'+(d.getMonth()+1)+'月'+d.getDate()+'日');}},FULL:function(d){if(d){return(d.getFullYear()+'年'+(d.getMonth()+1)+'月'+d.getDate()+'日'+' '+dfs.day_name[d.getDay()]);}}}; = || new Object(); var icu =; icu.getCountry = function() { return "MO" }; icu.getCountryName = function() { return "中華人民共和國澳門特別行政區" }; icu.getDateFormat = function(formatCode) { var retVal = {}; retVal.format = df[formatCode]; return retVal; }; icu.getDateFormats = function() { return df; }; icu.getDateFormatSymbols = function() { return dfs; }; icu.getDecimalFormat = function(places) { var retVal = {}; retVal.format = function(n) { var ns = n < 0 ? Math.abs(n).toFixed(places) : n.toFixed(places); var ns2 = ns.split('.'); s = ns2[0]; var d = ns2[1]; var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;while(rgx.test(s)){s = s.replace(rgx, '$1' + nfs["grouping_separator"] + '$2');} return (n < 0 ? nfs["minus"] : "") + s + nfs["decimal_separator"] + d;}; return retVal; }; icu.getDecimalFormatSymbols = function() { return nfs; }; icu.getIntegerFormat = function() { var retVal = {}; retVal.format = function(i) { var s = i < 0 ? Math.abs(i).toString() : i.toString(); var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;while(rgx.test(s)){s = s.replace(rgx, '$1' + nfs["grouping_separator"] + '$2');} return i < 0 ? nfs["minus"] + s : s;}; return retVal; }; icu.getLanguage = function() { return "zh" }; icu.getLanguageName = function() { return "中文" }; icu.getLocale = function() { return "null" }; icu.getLocaleName = function() { return "中文(中華人民共和國澳門特別行政區)" }; })();
from datetime import date, datetime # noqa: F401 from copy import deepcopy import inspect import io import os import pprint import re import tempfile from dateutil.parser import parse from fds.sdk.ExchangeDataFeedSnapshotAPIEntireExchange.exceptions import ( ApiKeyError, ApiAttributeError, ApiTypeError, ApiValueError, ) none_type = type(None) file_type = io.IOBase def convert_js_args_to_python_args(fn): from functools import wraps @wraps(fn) def wrapped_init(_self, *args, **kwargs): """ An attribute named `self` received from the api will conflicts with the reserved `self` parameter of a class method. During generation, `self` attributes are mapped to `_self` in models. Here, we name `_self` instead of `self` to avoid conflicts. """ spec_property_naming = kwargs.get('_spec_property_naming', False) if spec_property_naming: kwargs = change_keys_js_to_python(kwargs, _self if isinstance(_self, type) else _self.__class__) return fn(_self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapped_init class cached_property(object): # this caches the result of the function call for fn with no inputs # use this as a decorator on function methods that you want converted # into cached properties result_key = '_results' def __init__(self, fn): self._fn = fn def __get__(self, instance, cls=None): if self.result_key in vars(self): return vars(self)[self.result_key] else: result = self._fn() setattr(self, self.result_key, result) return result PRIMITIVE_TYPES = (list, float, int, bool, datetime, date, str, file_type) def allows_single_value_input(cls): """ This function returns True if the input composed schema model or any descendant model allows a value only input This is true for cases where oneOf contains items like: oneOf: - float - NumberWithValidation - StringEnum - ArrayModel - null TODO: lru_cache this """ if ( issubclass(cls, ModelSimple) or cls in PRIMITIVE_TYPES ): return True elif issubclass(cls, ModelComposed): if not cls._composed_schemas['oneOf']: return False return any(allows_single_value_input(c) for c in cls._composed_schemas['oneOf']) return False def composed_model_input_classes(cls): """ This function returns a list of the possible models that can be accepted as inputs. TODO: lru_cache this """ if issubclass(cls, ModelSimple) or cls in PRIMITIVE_TYPES: return [cls] elif issubclass(cls, ModelNormal): if cls.discriminator is None: return [cls] else: return get_discriminated_classes(cls) elif issubclass(cls, ModelComposed): if not cls._composed_schemas['oneOf']: return [] if cls.discriminator is None: input_classes = [] for c in cls._composed_schemas['oneOf']: input_classes.extend(composed_model_input_classes(c)) return input_classes else: return get_discriminated_classes(cls) return [] class OpenApiModel(object): """The base class for all OpenAPIModels""" def set_attribute(self, name, value): # this is only used to set properties on self path_to_item = [] if self._path_to_item: path_to_item.extend(self._path_to_item) path_to_item.append(name) if name in self.openapi_types: required_types_mixed = self.openapi_types[name] elif self.additional_properties_type is None: raise ApiAttributeError( "{0} has no attribute '{1}'".format( type(self).__name__, name), path_to_item ) elif self.additional_properties_type is not None: required_types_mixed = self.additional_properties_type if get_simple_class(name) != str: error_msg = type_error_message( var_name=name, var_value=name, valid_classes=(str,), key_type=True ) raise ApiTypeError( error_msg, path_to_item=path_to_item, valid_classes=(str,), key_type=True ) if self._check_type: value = validate_and_convert_types( value, required_types_mixed, path_to_item, self._spec_property_naming, self._check_type, configuration=self._configuration) if (name,) in self.allowed_values: check_allowed_values( self.allowed_values, (name,), value ) if (name,) in self.validations: check_validations( self.validations, (name,), value, self._configuration ) self.__dict__['_data_store'][name] = value def __repr__(self): """For `print` and `pprint`""" return self.to_str() def __ne__(self, other): """Returns true if both objects are not equal""" return not self == other def __setattr__(self, attr, value): """set the value of an attribute using dot notation: `instance.attr = val`""" self[attr] = value def __getattr__(self, attr): """get the value of an attribute using dot notation: `instance.attr`""" return self.__getitem__(attr) def __copy__(self): cls = self.__class__ if self.get("_spec_property_naming", False): return cls._new_from_openapi_data(**self.__dict__) else: return new_cls.__new__(cls, **self.__dict__) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): cls = self.__class__ if self.get("_spec_property_naming", False): new_inst = cls._new_from_openapi_data() else: new_inst = cls.__new__(cls) for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): setattr(new_inst, k, deepcopy(v, memo)) return new_inst def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # this function uses the discriminator to # pick a new schema/class to instantiate because a discriminator # propertyName value was passed in if len(args) == 1: arg = args[0] if arg is None and is_type_nullable(cls): # The input data is the 'null' value and the type is nullable. return None if issubclass(cls, ModelComposed) and allows_single_value_input(cls): model_kwargs = {} oneof_instance = get_oneof_instance(cls, model_kwargs, kwargs, model_arg=arg) return oneof_instance visited_composed_classes = kwargs.get('_visited_composed_classes', ()) if ( cls.discriminator is None or cls in visited_composed_classes ): # Use case 1: this openapi schema (cls) does not have a discriminator # Use case 2: we have already visited this class before and are sure that we # want to instantiate it this time. We have visited this class deserializing # a payload with a discriminator. During that process we traveled through # this class but did not make an instance of it. Now we are making an # instance of a composed class which contains cls in it, so this time make an instance of cls. # # Here's an example of use case 2: If Animal has a discriminator # petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog # allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal # once using the discriminator, and pick Dog. # Then in the composed schema dog Dog, we will make an instance of the # Animal class (because Dal has allOf: Animal) but this time we won't travel # through Animal's discriminator because we passed in # _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,) return super(OpenApiModel, cls).__new__(cls) # Get the name and value of the discriminator property. # The discriminator name is obtained from the discriminator meta-data # and the discriminator value is obtained from the input data. discr_propertyname_py = list(cls.discriminator.keys())[0] discr_propertyname_js = cls.attribute_map[discr_propertyname_py] if discr_propertyname_js in kwargs: discr_value = kwargs[discr_propertyname_js] elif discr_propertyname_py in kwargs: discr_value = kwargs[discr_propertyname_py] else: # The input data does not contain the discriminator property. path_to_item = kwargs.get('_path_to_item', ()) raise ApiValueError( "Cannot deserialize input data due to missing discriminator. " "The discriminator property '%s' is missing at path: %s" % (discr_propertyname_js, path_to_item) ) # Implementation note: the last argument to get_discriminator_class # is a list of visited classes. get_discriminator_class may recursively # call itself and update the list of visited classes, and the initial # value must be an empty list. Hence not using 'visited_composed_classes' new_cls = get_discriminator_class( cls, discr_propertyname_py, discr_value, []) if new_cls is None: path_to_item = kwargs.get('_path_to_item', ()) disc_prop_value = kwargs.get( discr_propertyname_js, kwargs.get(discr_propertyname_py)) raise ApiValueError( "Cannot deserialize input data due to invalid discriminator " "value. The OpenAPI document has no mapping for discriminator " "property '%s'='%s' at path: %s" % (discr_propertyname_js, disc_prop_value, path_to_item) ) if new_cls in visited_composed_classes: # if we are making an instance of a composed schema Descendent # which allOf includes Ancestor, then Ancestor contains # a discriminator that includes Descendent. # So if we make an instance of Descendent, we have to make an # instance of Ancestor to hold the allOf properties. # This code detects that use case and makes the instance of Ancestor # For example: # When making an instance of Dog, _visited_composed_classes = (Dog,) # then we make an instance of Animal to include in dog._composed_instances # so when we are here, cls is Animal # cls.discriminator != None # cls not in _visited_composed_classes # new_cls = Dog # but we know we know that we already have Dog # because it is in visited_composed_classes # so make Animal here return super(OpenApiModel, cls).__new__(cls) # Build a list containing all oneOf and anyOf descendants. oneof_anyof_classes = None if cls._composed_schemas is not None: oneof_anyof_classes = ( cls._composed_schemas.get('oneOf', ()) + cls._composed_schemas.get('anyOf', ())) oneof_anyof_child = new_cls in oneof_anyof_classes kwargs['_visited_composed_classes'] = visited_composed_classes + (cls,) if cls._composed_schemas.get('allOf') and oneof_anyof_child: # Validate that we can make self because when we make the # new_cls it will not include the allOf validations in self self_inst = super(OpenApiModel, cls).__new__(cls) self_inst.__init__(*args, **kwargs) if kwargs.get("_spec_property_naming", False): # when true, implies new is from deserialization new_inst = new_cls._new_from_openapi_data(*args, **kwargs) else: new_inst = new_cls.__new__(new_cls, *args, **kwargs) new_inst.__init__(*args, **kwargs) return new_inst @classmethod @convert_js_args_to_python_args def _new_from_openapi_data(cls, *args, **kwargs): # this function uses the discriminator to # pick a new schema/class to instantiate because a discriminator # propertyName value was passed in if len(args) == 1: arg = args[0] if arg is None and is_type_nullable(cls): # The input data is the 'null' value and the type is nullable. return None if issubclass(cls, ModelComposed) and allows_single_value_input(cls): model_kwargs = {} oneof_instance = get_oneof_instance(cls, model_kwargs, kwargs, model_arg=arg) return oneof_instance visited_composed_classes = kwargs.get('_visited_composed_classes', ()) if ( cls.discriminator is None or cls in visited_composed_classes ): # Use case 1: this openapi schema (cls) does not have a discriminator # Use case 2: we have already visited this class before and are sure that we # want to instantiate it this time. We have visited this class deserializing # a payload with a discriminator. During that process we traveled through # this class but did not make an instance of it. Now we are making an # instance of a composed class which contains cls in it, so this time make an instance of cls. # # Here's an example of use case 2: If Animal has a discriminator # petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog # allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal # once using the discriminator, and pick Dog. # Then in the composed schema dog Dog, we will make an instance of the # Animal class (because Dal has allOf: Animal) but this time we won't travel # through Animal's discriminator because we passed in # _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,) return cls._from_openapi_data(*args, **kwargs) # Get the name and value of the discriminator property. # The discriminator name is obtained from the discriminator meta-data # and the discriminator value is obtained from the input data. discr_propertyname_py = list(cls.discriminator.keys())[0] discr_propertyname_js = cls.attribute_map[discr_propertyname_py] if discr_propertyname_js in kwargs: discr_value = kwargs[discr_propertyname_js] elif discr_propertyname_py in kwargs: discr_value = kwargs[discr_propertyname_py] else: # The input data does not contain the discriminator property. path_to_item = kwargs.get('_path_to_item', ()) raise ApiValueError( "Cannot deserialize input data due to missing discriminator. " "The discriminator property '%s' is missing at path: %s" % (discr_propertyname_js, path_to_item) ) # Implementation note: the last argument to get_discriminator_class # is a list of visited classes. get_discriminator_class may recursively # call itself and update the list of visited classes, and the initial # value must be an empty list. Hence not using 'visited_composed_classes' new_cls = get_discriminator_class( cls, discr_propertyname_py, discr_value, []) if new_cls is None: path_to_item = kwargs.get('_path_to_item', ()) disc_prop_value = kwargs.get( discr_propertyname_js, kwargs.get(discr_propertyname_py)) raise ApiValueError( "Cannot deserialize input data due to invalid discriminator " "value. The OpenAPI document has no mapping for discriminator " "property '%s'='%s' at path: %s" % (discr_propertyname_js, disc_prop_value, path_to_item) ) if new_cls in visited_composed_classes: # if we are making an instance of a composed schema Descendent # which allOf includes Ancestor, then Ancestor contains # a discriminator that includes Descendent. # So if we make an instance of Descendent, we have to make an # instance of Ancestor to hold the allOf properties. # This code detects that use case and makes the instance of Ancestor # For example: # When making an instance of Dog, _visited_composed_classes = (Dog,) # then we make an instance of Animal to include in dog._composed_instances # so when we are here, cls is Animal # cls.discriminator != None # cls not in _visited_composed_classes # new_cls = Dog # but we know we know that we already have Dog # because it is in visited_composed_classes # so make Animal here return cls._from_openapi_data(*args, **kwargs) # Build a list containing all oneOf and anyOf descendants. oneof_anyof_classes = None if cls._composed_schemas is not None: oneof_anyof_classes = ( cls._composed_schemas.get('oneOf', ()) + cls._composed_schemas.get('anyOf', ())) oneof_anyof_child = new_cls in oneof_anyof_classes kwargs['_visited_composed_classes'] = visited_composed_classes + (cls,) if cls._composed_schemas.get('allOf') and oneof_anyof_child: # Validate that we can make self because when we make the # new_cls it will not include the allOf validations in self self_inst = cls._from_openapi_data(*args, **kwargs) new_inst = new_cls._new_from_openapi_data(*args, **kwargs) return new_inst class ModelSimple(OpenApiModel): """the parent class of models whose type != object in their swagger/openapi""" def __setitem__(self, name, value): """set the value of an attribute using square-bracket notation: `instance[attr] = val`""" if name in self.required_properties: self.__dict__[name] = value return self.set_attribute(name, value) def get(self, name, default=None): """returns the value of an attribute or some default value if the attribute was not set""" if name in self.required_properties: return self.__dict__[name] return self.__dict__['_data_store'].get(name, default) def __getitem__(self, name): """get the value of an attribute using square-bracket notation: `instance[attr]`""" if name in self: return self.get(name) raise ApiAttributeError( "{0} has no attribute '{1}'".format( type(self).__name__, name), [e for e in [self._path_to_item, name] if e] ) def __contains__(self, name): """used by `in` operator to check if an attribute value was set in an instance: `'attr' in instance`""" if name in self.required_properties: return name in self.__dict__ return name in self.__dict__['_data_store'] def to_str(self): """Returns the string representation of the model""" return str(self.value) def __eq__(self, other): """Returns true if both objects are equal""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False this_val = self._data_store['value'] that_val = other._data_store['value'] types = set() types.add(this_val.__class__) types.add(that_val.__class__) vals_equal = this_val == that_val return vals_equal class ModelNormal(OpenApiModel): """the parent class of models whose type == object in their swagger/openapi""" def __setitem__(self, name, value): """set the value of an attribute using square-bracket notation: `instance[attr] = val`""" if name in self.required_properties: self.__dict__[name] = value return self.set_attribute(name, value) def get(self, name, default=None): """returns the value of an attribute or some default value if the attribute was not set""" if name in self.required_properties: return self.__dict__[name] return self.__dict__['_data_store'].get(name, default) def __getitem__(self, name): """get the value of an attribute using square-bracket notation: `instance[attr]`""" if name in self: return self.get(name) raise ApiAttributeError( "{0} has no attribute '{1}'".format( type(self).__name__, name), [e for e in [self._path_to_item, name] if e] ) def __contains__(self, name): """used by `in` operator to check if an attribute value was set in an instance: `'attr' in instance`""" if name in self.required_properties: return name in self.__dict__ return name in self.__dict__['_data_store'] def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" return model_to_dict(self, serialize=False) def to_str(self): """Returns the string representation of the model""" return pprint.pformat(self.to_dict()) def __eq__(self, other): """Returns true if both objects are equal""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if not set(self._data_store.keys()) == set(other._data_store.keys()): return False for _var_name, this_val in self._data_store.items(): that_val = other._data_store[_var_name] types = set() types.add(this_val.__class__) types.add(that_val.__class__) vals_equal = this_val == that_val if not vals_equal: return False return True class ModelComposed(OpenApiModel): """the parent class of models whose type == object in their swagger/openapi and have oneOf/allOf/anyOf When one sets a property we use var_name_to_model_instances to store the value in the correct class instances + run any type checking + validation code. When one gets a property we use var_name_to_model_instances to get the value from the correct class instances. This allows multiple composed schemas to contain the same property with additive constraints on the value. _composed_schemas (dict) stores the anyOf/allOf/oneOf classes key (str): allOf/oneOf/anyOf value (list): the classes in the XOf definition. Note: none_type can be included when the openapi document version >= 3.1.0 _composed_instances (list): stores a list of instances of the composed schemas defined in _composed_schemas. When properties are accessed in the self instance, they are returned from the self._data_store or the data stores in the instances in self._composed_schemas _var_name_to_model_instances (dict): maps between a variable name on self and the composed instances (self included) which contain that data key (str): property name value (list): list of class instances, self or instances in _composed_instances which contain the value that the key is referring to. """ def __setitem__(self, name, value): """set the value of an attribute using square-bracket notation: `instance[attr] = val`""" if name in self.required_properties: self.__dict__[name] = value return """ Use cases: 1. additional_properties_type is None (additionalProperties == False in spec) Check for property presence in self.openapi_types if not present then throw an error if present set in self, set attribute always set on composed schemas 2. additional_properties_type exists set attribute on self always set on composed schemas """ if self.additional_properties_type is None: """ For an attribute to exist on a composed schema it must: - fulfill schema_requirements in the self composed schema not considering oneOf/anyOf/allOf schemas AND - fulfill schema_requirements in each oneOf/anyOf/allOf schemas schema_requirements: For an attribute to exist on a schema it must: - be present in properties at the schema OR - have additionalProperties unset (defaults additionalProperties = any type) OR - have additionalProperties set """ if name not in self.openapi_types: raise ApiAttributeError( "{0} has no attribute '{1}'".format( type(self).__name__, name), [e for e in [self._path_to_item, name] if e] ) # attribute must be set on self and composed instances self.set_attribute(name, value) for model_instance in self._composed_instances: setattr(model_instance, name, value) if name not in self._var_name_to_model_instances: # we assigned an additional property self.__dict__['_var_name_to_model_instances'][name] = self._composed_instances + [self] return None __unset_attribute_value__ = object() def get(self, name, default=None): """returns the value of an attribute or some default value if the attribute was not set""" if name in self.required_properties: return self.__dict__[name] # get the attribute from the correct instance model_instances = self._var_name_to_model_instances.get(name) values = [] # A composed model stores self and child (oneof/anyOf/allOf) models under # self._var_name_to_model_instances. # Any property must exist in self and all model instances # The value stored in all model instances must be the same if model_instances: for model_instance in model_instances: if name in model_instance._data_store: v = model_instance._data_store[name] if v not in values: values.append(v) len_values = len(values) if len_values == 0: return default elif len_values == 1: return values[0] elif len_values > 1: raise ApiValueError( "Values stored for property {0} in {1} differ when looking " "at self and self's composed instances. All values must be " "the same".format(name, type(self).__name__), [e for e in [self._path_to_item, name] if e] ) def __getitem__(self, name): """get the value of an attribute using square-bracket notation: `instance[attr]`""" value = self.get(name, self.__unset_attribute_value__) if value is self.__unset_attribute_value__: raise ApiAttributeError( "{0} has no attribute '{1}'".format( type(self).__name__, name), [e for e in [self._path_to_item, name] if e] ) return value def __contains__(self, name): """used by `in` operator to check if an attribute value was set in an instance: `'attr' in instance`""" if name in self.required_properties: return name in self.__dict__ model_instances = self._var_name_to_model_instances.get( name, self._additional_properties_model_instances) if model_instances: for model_instance in model_instances: if name in model_instance._data_store: return True return False def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" return model_to_dict(self, serialize=False) def to_str(self): """Returns the string representation of the model""" return pprint.pformat(self.to_dict()) def __eq__(self, other): """Returns true if both objects are equal""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if not set(self._data_store.keys()) == set(other._data_store.keys()): return False for _var_name, this_val in self._data_store.items(): that_val = other._data_store[_var_name] types = set() types.add(this_val.__class__) types.add(that_val.__class__) vals_equal = this_val == that_val if not vals_equal: return False return True COERCION_INDEX_BY_TYPE = { ModelComposed: 0, ModelNormal: 1, ModelSimple: 2, none_type: 3, # The type of 'None'. list: 4, dict: 5, float: 6, int: 7, bool: 8, datetime: 9, date: 10, str: 11, file_type: 12, # 'file_type' is an alias for the built-in 'file' or 'io.IOBase' type. } # these are used to limit what type conversions we try to do # when we have a valid type already and we want to try converting # to another type UPCONVERSION_TYPE_PAIRS = ( (str, datetime), (str, date), (int, float), # A float may be serialized as an integer, e.g. '3' is a valid serialized float. (list, ModelComposed), (dict, ModelComposed), (str, ModelComposed), (int, ModelComposed), (float, ModelComposed), (list, ModelComposed), (list, ModelNormal), (dict, ModelNormal), (str, ModelSimple), (int, ModelSimple), (float, ModelSimple), (list, ModelSimple), ) COERCIBLE_TYPE_PAIRS = { False: ( # client instantiation of a model with client data # (dict, ModelComposed), # (list, ModelComposed), # (dict, ModelNormal), # (list, ModelNormal), # (str, ModelSimple), # (int, ModelSimple), # (float, ModelSimple), # (list, ModelSimple), # (str, int), # (str, float), # (str, datetime), # (str, date), # (int, str), # (float, str), ), True: ( # server -> client data (dict, ModelComposed), (list, ModelComposed), (dict, ModelNormal), (list, ModelNormal), (str, ModelSimple), (int, ModelSimple), (float, ModelSimple), (list, ModelSimple), # (str, int), # (str, float), (str, datetime), (str, date), # (int, str), # (float, str), (str, file_type) ), } def get_simple_class(input_value): """Returns an input_value's simple class that we will use for type checking Python2: float and int will return int, where int is the python3 int backport str and unicode will return str, where str is the python3 str backport Note: float and int ARE both instances of int backport Note: str_py2 and unicode_py2 are NOT both instances of str backport Args: input_value (class/class_instance): the item for which we will return the simple class """ if isinstance(input_value, type): # input_value is a class return input_value elif isinstance(input_value, tuple): return tuple elif isinstance(input_value, list): return list elif isinstance(input_value, dict): return dict elif isinstance(input_value, none_type): return none_type elif isinstance(input_value, file_type): return file_type elif isinstance(input_value, bool): # this must be higher than the int check because # isinstance(True, int) == True return bool elif isinstance(input_value, int): return int elif isinstance(input_value, datetime): # this must be higher than the date check because # isinstance(datetime_instance, date) == True return datetime elif isinstance(input_value, date): return date elif isinstance(input_value, str): return str return type(input_value) def check_allowed_values(allowed_values, input_variable_path, input_values): """Raises an exception if the input_values are not allowed Args: allowed_values (dict): the allowed_values dict input_variable_path (tuple): the path to the input variable input_values (list/str/int/float/date/datetime): the values that we are checking to see if they are in allowed_values """ these_allowed_values = list(allowed_values[input_variable_path].values()) if (isinstance(input_values, list) and not set(input_values).issubset( set(these_allowed_values))): invalid_values = ", ".join( map(str, set(input_values) - set(these_allowed_values))), raise ApiValueError( "Invalid values for `%s` [%s], must be a subset of [%s]" % ( input_variable_path[0], invalid_values, ", ".join(map(str, these_allowed_values)) ) ) elif (isinstance(input_values, dict) and not set( input_values.keys()).issubset(set(these_allowed_values))): invalid_values = ", ".join( map(str, set(input_values.keys()) - set(these_allowed_values))) raise ApiValueError( "Invalid keys in `%s` [%s], must be a subset of [%s]" % ( input_variable_path[0], invalid_values, ", ".join(map(str, these_allowed_values)) ) ) elif (not isinstance(input_values, (list, dict)) and input_values not in these_allowed_values): raise ApiValueError( "Invalid value for `%s` (%s), must be one of %s" % ( input_variable_path[0], input_values, these_allowed_values ) ) def is_json_validation_enabled(schema_keyword, configuration=None): """Returns true if JSON schema validation is enabled for the specified validation keyword. This can be used to skip JSON schema structural validation as requested in the configuration. Args: schema_keyword (string): the name of a JSON schema validation keyword. configuration (Configuration): the configuration class. """ return (configuration is None or not hasattr(configuration, '_disabled_client_side_validations') or schema_keyword not in configuration._disabled_client_side_validations) def check_validations( validations, input_variable_path, input_values, configuration=None): """Raises an exception if the input_values are invalid Args: validations (dict): the validation dictionary. input_variable_path (tuple): the path to the input variable. input_values (list/str/int/float/date/datetime): the values that we are checking. configuration (Configuration): the configuration class. """ if input_values is None: return current_validations = validations[input_variable_path] if (is_json_validation_enabled('multipleOf', configuration) and 'multiple_of' in current_validations and isinstance(input_values, (int, float)) and not (float(input_values) / current_validations['multiple_of']).is_integer()): # Note 'multipleOf' will be as good as the floating point arithmetic. raise ApiValueError( "Invalid value for `%s`, value must be a multiple of " "`%s`" % ( input_variable_path[0], current_validations['multiple_of'] ) ) if (is_json_validation_enabled('maxLength', configuration) and 'max_length' in current_validations and len(input_values) > current_validations['max_length']): raise ApiValueError( "Invalid value for `%s`, length must be less than or equal to " "`%s`" % ( input_variable_path[0], current_validations['max_length'] ) ) if (is_json_validation_enabled('minLength', configuration) and 'min_length' in current_validations and len(input_values) < current_validations['min_length']): raise ApiValueError( "Invalid value for `%s`, length must be greater than or equal to " "`%s`" % ( input_variable_path[0], current_validations['min_length'] ) ) if (is_json_validation_enabled('maxItems', configuration) and 'max_items' in current_validations and len(input_values) > current_validations['max_items']): raise ApiValueError( "Invalid value for `%s`, number of items must be less than or " "equal to `%s`" % ( input_variable_path[0], current_validations['max_items'] ) ) if (is_json_validation_enabled('minItems', configuration) and 'min_items' in current_validations and len(input_values) < current_validations['min_items']): raise ValueError( "Invalid value for `%s`, number of items must be greater than or " "equal to `%s`" % ( input_variable_path[0], current_validations['min_items'] ) ) items = ('exclusive_maximum', 'inclusive_maximum', 'exclusive_minimum', 'inclusive_minimum') if (any(item in current_validations for item in items)): if isinstance(input_values, list): max_val = max(input_values) min_val = min(input_values) elif isinstance(input_values, dict): max_val = max(input_values.values()) min_val = min(input_values.values()) else: max_val = input_values min_val = input_values if (is_json_validation_enabled('exclusiveMaximum', configuration) and 'exclusive_maximum' in current_validations and max_val >= current_validations['exclusive_maximum']): raise ApiValueError( "Invalid value for `%s`, must be a value less than `%s`" % ( input_variable_path[0], current_validations['exclusive_maximum'] ) ) if (is_json_validation_enabled('maximum', configuration) and 'inclusive_maximum' in current_validations and max_val > current_validations['inclusive_maximum']): raise ApiValueError( "Invalid value for `%s`, must be a value less than or equal to " "`%s`" % ( input_variable_path[0], current_validations['inclusive_maximum'] ) ) if (is_json_validation_enabled('exclusiveMinimum', configuration) and 'exclusive_minimum' in current_validations and min_val <= current_validations['exclusive_minimum']): raise ApiValueError( "Invalid value for `%s`, must be a value greater than `%s`" % ( input_variable_path[0], current_validations['exclusive_maximum'] ) ) if (is_json_validation_enabled('minimum', configuration) and 'inclusive_minimum' in current_validations and min_val < current_validations['inclusive_minimum']): raise ApiValueError( "Invalid value for `%s`, must be a value greater than or equal " "to `%s`" % ( input_variable_path[0], current_validations['inclusive_minimum'] ) ) flags = current_validations.get('regex', {}).get('flags', 0) if (is_json_validation_enabled('pattern', configuration) and 'regex' in current_validations and not['regex']['pattern'], input_values, flags=flags)): err_msg = r"Invalid value for `%s`, must match regular expression `%s`" % ( input_variable_path[0], current_validations['regex']['pattern'] ) if flags != 0: # Don't print the regex flags if the flags are not # specified in the OAS document. err_msg = r"%s with flags=`%s`" % (err_msg, flags) raise ApiValueError(err_msg) def order_response_types(required_types): """Returns the required types sorted in coercion order Args: required_types (list/tuple): collection of classes or instance of list or dict with class information inside it. Returns: (list): coercion order sorted collection of classes or instance of list or dict with class information inside it. """ def index_getter(class_or_instance): if isinstance(class_or_instance, list): return COERCION_INDEX_BY_TYPE[list] elif isinstance(class_or_instance, dict): return COERCION_INDEX_BY_TYPE[dict] elif (inspect.isclass(class_or_instance) and issubclass(class_or_instance, ModelComposed)): return COERCION_INDEX_BY_TYPE[ModelComposed] elif (inspect.isclass(class_or_instance) and issubclass(class_or_instance, ModelNormal)): return COERCION_INDEX_BY_TYPE[ModelNormal] elif (inspect.isclass(class_or_instance) and issubclass(class_or_instance, ModelSimple)): return COERCION_INDEX_BY_TYPE[ModelSimple] elif class_or_instance in COERCION_INDEX_BY_TYPE: return COERCION_INDEX_BY_TYPE[class_or_instance] raise ApiValueError("Unsupported type: %s" % class_or_instance) sorted_types = sorted( required_types, key=lambda class_or_instance: index_getter(class_or_instance) ) return sorted_types def remove_uncoercible(required_types_classes, current_item, spec_property_naming, must_convert=True): """Only keeps the type conversions that are possible Args: required_types_classes (tuple): tuple of classes that are required these should be ordered by COERCION_INDEX_BY_TYPE spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data are serialized names as specified in the OpenAPI document. False if the variables names in the input data are python variable names in PEP-8 snake case. current_item (any): the current item (input data) to be converted Keyword Args: must_convert (bool): if True the item to convert is of the wrong type and we want a big list of coercibles if False, we want a limited list of coercibles Returns: (list): the remaining coercible required types, classes only """ current_type_simple = get_simple_class(current_item) results_classes = [] for required_type_class in required_types_classes: # convert our models to OpenApiModel required_type_class_simplified = required_type_class if isinstance(required_type_class_simplified, type): if issubclass(required_type_class_simplified, ModelComposed): required_type_class_simplified = ModelComposed elif issubclass(required_type_class_simplified, ModelNormal): required_type_class_simplified = ModelNormal elif issubclass(required_type_class_simplified, ModelSimple): required_type_class_simplified = ModelSimple if required_type_class_simplified == current_type_simple: # don't consider converting to one's own class continue class_pair = (current_type_simple, required_type_class_simplified) if must_convert and class_pair in COERCIBLE_TYPE_PAIRS[spec_property_naming]: results_classes.append(required_type_class) elif class_pair in UPCONVERSION_TYPE_PAIRS: results_classes.append(required_type_class) return results_classes def get_discriminated_classes(cls): """ Returns all the classes that a discriminator converts to TODO: lru_cache this """ possible_classes = [] key = list(cls.discriminator.keys())[0] if is_type_nullable(cls): possible_classes.append(cls) for discr_cls in cls.discriminator[key].values(): if hasattr(discr_cls, 'discriminator') and discr_cls.discriminator is not None: possible_classes.extend(get_discriminated_classes(discr_cls)) else: possible_classes.append(discr_cls) return possible_classes def get_possible_classes(cls, from_server_context): # TODO: lru_cache this possible_classes = [cls] if from_server_context: return possible_classes if hasattr(cls, 'discriminator') and cls.discriminator is not None: possible_classes = [] possible_classes.extend(get_discriminated_classes(cls)) elif issubclass(cls, ModelComposed): possible_classes.extend(composed_model_input_classes(cls)) return possible_classes def get_required_type_classes(required_types_mixed, spec_property_naming): """Converts the tuple required_types into a tuple and a dict described below Args: required_types_mixed (tuple/list): will contain either classes or instance of list or dict spec_property_naming (bool): if True these values came from the server, and we use the data types in our endpoints. If False, we are client side and we need to include oneOf and discriminator classes inside the data types in our endpoints Returns: (valid_classes, dict_valid_class_to_child_types_mixed): valid_classes (tuple): the valid classes that the current item should be dict_valid_class_to_child_types_mixed (dict): valid_class (class): this is the key child_types_mixed (list/dict/tuple): describes the valid child types """ valid_classes = [] child_req_types_by_current_type = {} for required_type in required_types_mixed: if isinstance(required_type, list): valid_classes.append(list) child_req_types_by_current_type[list] = required_type elif isinstance(required_type, tuple): valid_classes.append(tuple) child_req_types_by_current_type[tuple] = required_type elif isinstance(required_type, dict): valid_classes.append(dict) child_req_types_by_current_type[dict] = required_type[str] else: valid_classes.extend(get_possible_classes(required_type, spec_property_naming)) return tuple(valid_classes), child_req_types_by_current_type def change_keys_js_to_python(input_dict, model_class): """ Converts from javascript_key keys in the input_dict to python_keys in the output dict using the mapping in model_class. If the input_dict contains a key which does not declared in the model_class, the key is added to the output dict as is. The assumption is the model_class may have undeclared properties (additionalProperties attribute in the OAS document). """ if getattr(model_class, 'attribute_map', None) is None: return input_dict output_dict = {} reversed_attr_map = {value: key for key, value in model_class.attribute_map.items()} for javascript_key, value in input_dict.items(): python_key = reversed_attr_map.get(javascript_key) if python_key is None: # if the key is unknown, it is in error or it is an # additionalProperties variable python_key = javascript_key output_dict[python_key] = value return output_dict def get_type_error(var_value, path_to_item, valid_classes, key_type=False): error_msg = type_error_message( var_name=path_to_item[-1], var_value=var_value, valid_classes=valid_classes, key_type=key_type ) return ApiTypeError( error_msg, path_to_item=path_to_item, valid_classes=valid_classes, key_type=key_type ) def deserialize_primitive(data, klass, path_to_item): """Deserializes string to primitive type. :param data: str/int/float :param klass: str/class the class to convert to :return: int, float, str, bool, date, datetime """ additional_message = "" try: if klass in {datetime, date}: additional_message = ( "If you need your parameter to have a fallback " "string value, please set its type as `type: {}` in your " "spec. That allows the value to be any type. " ) if klass == datetime: if len(data) < 8: raise ValueError("This is not a datetime") # The string should be in iso8601 datetime format. parsed_datetime = parse(data) date_only = ( parsed_datetime.hour == 0 and parsed_datetime.minute == 0 and parsed_datetime.second == 0 and parsed_datetime.tzinfo is None and 8 <= len(data) <= 10 ) if date_only: raise ValueError("This is a date, not a datetime") return parsed_datetime elif klass == date: if len(data) < 8: raise ValueError("This is not a date") return parse(data).date() else: converted_value = klass(data) if isinstance(data, str) and klass == float: if str(converted_value) != data: # '7' -> 7.0 -> '7.0' != '7' raise ValueError('This is not a float') return converted_value except (OverflowError, ValueError) as ex: # parse can raise OverflowError raise ApiValueError( "{0}Failed to parse {1} as {2}".format( additional_message, repr(data), klass.__name__ ), path_to_item=path_to_item ) from ex def get_discriminator_class(model_class, discr_name, discr_value, cls_visited): """Returns the child class specified by the discriminator. Args: model_class (OpenApiModel): the model class. discr_name (string): the name of the discriminator property. discr_value (any): the discriminator value. cls_visited (list): list of model classes that have been visited. Used to determine the discriminator class without visiting circular references indefinitely. Returns: used_model_class (class/None): the chosen child class that will be used to deserialize the data, for example dog.Dog. If a class is not found, None is returned. """ if model_class in cls_visited: # The class has already been visited and no suitable class was found. return None cls_visited.append(model_class) used_model_class = None if discr_name in model_class.discriminator: class_name_to_discr_class = model_class.discriminator[discr_name] used_model_class = class_name_to_discr_class.get(discr_value) if used_model_class is None: # We didn't find a discriminated class in class_name_to_discr_class. # So look in the ancestor or descendant discriminators # The discriminator mapping may exist in a descendant (anyOf, oneOf) # or ancestor (allOf). # Ancestor example: in the GrandparentAnimal -> ParentPet -> ChildCat # hierarchy, the discriminator mappings may be defined at any level # in the hierarchy. # Descendant example: mammal -> whale/zebra/Pig -> BasquePig/DanishPig # if we try to make BasquePig from mammal, we need to travel through # the oneOf descendant discriminators to find BasquePig descendant_classes = model_class._composed_schemas.get('oneOf', ()) + \ model_class._composed_schemas.get('anyOf', ()) ancestor_classes = model_class._composed_schemas.get('allOf', ()) possible_classes = descendant_classes + ancestor_classes for cls in possible_classes: # Check if the schema has inherited discriminators. if hasattr(cls, 'discriminator') and cls.discriminator is not None: used_model_class = get_discriminator_class( cls, discr_name, discr_value, cls_visited) if used_model_class is not None: return used_model_class return used_model_class def deserialize_model(model_data, model_class, path_to_item, check_type, configuration, spec_property_naming): """Deserializes model_data to model instance. Args: model_data (int/str/float/bool/none_type/list/dict): data to instantiate the model model_class (OpenApiModel): the model class path_to_item (list): path to the model in the received data check_type (bool): whether to check the data tupe for the values in the model configuration (Configuration): the instance to use to convert files spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data are serialized names as specified in the OpenAPI document. False if the variables names in the input data are python variable names in PEP-8 snake case. Returns: model instance Raise: ApiTypeError ApiValueError ApiKeyError """ kw_args = dict(_check_type=check_type, _path_to_item=path_to_item, _configuration=configuration, _spec_property_naming=spec_property_naming) if issubclass(model_class, ModelSimple): return model_class._new_from_openapi_data(model_data, **kw_args) if isinstance(model_data, dict): kw_args.update(model_data) return model_class._new_from_openapi_data(**kw_args) elif isinstance(model_data, PRIMITIVE_TYPES): return model_class._new_from_openapi_data(model_data, **kw_args) def deserialize_file(response_data, configuration, content_disposition=None): """Deserializes body to file Saves response body into a file in a temporary folder, using the filename from the `Content-Disposition` header if provided. Args: param response_data (str): the file data to write configuration (Configuration): the instance to use to convert files Keyword Args: content_disposition (str): the value of the Content-Disposition header Returns: (file_type): the deserialized file which is open The user is responsible for closing and reading the file """ fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=configuration.temp_folder_path) os.close(fd) os.remove(path) if content_disposition: filename ='filename=[\'"]?([^\'"\s]+)[\'"]?', content_disposition).group(1) path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), filename) with open(path, "wb") as f: if isinstance(response_data, str): # change str to bytes so we can write it response_data = response_data.encode('utf-8') f.write(response_data) f = open(path, "rb") return f def attempt_convert_item(input_value, valid_classes, path_to_item, configuration, spec_property_naming, key_type=False, must_convert=False, check_type=True): """ Args: input_value (any): the data to convert valid_classes (any): the classes that are valid path_to_item (list): the path to the item to convert configuration (Configuration): the instance to use to convert files spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data are serialized names as specified in the OpenAPI document. False if the variables names in the input data are python variable names in PEP-8 snake case. key_type (bool): if True we need to convert a key type (not supported) must_convert (bool): if True we must convert check_type (bool): if True we check the type or the returned data in ModelComposed/ModelNormal/ModelSimple instances Returns: instance (any) the fixed item Raises: ApiTypeError ApiValueError ApiKeyError """ valid_classes_ordered = order_response_types(valid_classes) valid_classes_coercible = remove_uncoercible( valid_classes_ordered, input_value, spec_property_naming) if not valid_classes_coercible or key_type: # we do not handle keytype errors, json will take care # of this for us if must_convert or configuration is None or not configuration.discard_unknown_keys: raise get_type_error(input_value, path_to_item, valid_classes, key_type=key_type) for valid_class in valid_classes_coercible: try: if issubclass(valid_class, OpenApiModel): return deserialize_model(input_value, valid_class, path_to_item, check_type, configuration, spec_property_naming) elif valid_class == file_type: return deserialize_file(input_value, configuration) return deserialize_primitive(input_value, valid_class, path_to_item) except (ApiTypeError, ApiValueError, ApiKeyError) as conversion_exc: if must_convert: raise conversion_exc # if we have conversion errors when must_convert == False # we ignore the exception and move on to the next class continue # we were unable to convert, must_convert == False return input_value def is_type_nullable(input_type): """ Returns true if None is an allowed value for the specified input_type. A type is nullable if at least one of the following conditions is true: 1. The OAS 'nullable' attribute has been specified, 1. The type is the 'null' type, 1. The type is a anyOf/oneOf composed schema, and a child schema is the 'null' type. Args: input_type (type): the class of the input_value that we are checking Returns: bool """ if input_type is none_type: return True if issubclass(input_type, OpenApiModel) and input_type._nullable: return True if issubclass(input_type, ModelComposed): # If oneOf/anyOf, check if the 'null' type is one of the allowed types. for t in input_type._composed_schemas.get('oneOf', ()): if is_type_nullable(t): return True for t in input_type._composed_schemas.get('anyOf', ()): if is_type_nullable(t): return True return False def is_valid_type(input_class_simple, valid_classes): """ Args: input_class_simple (class): the class of the input_value that we are checking valid_classes (tuple): the valid classes that the current item should be Returns: bool """ if issubclass(input_class_simple, OpenApiModel) and \ valid_classes == (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type,): return True valid_type = input_class_simple in valid_classes if not valid_type and ( issubclass(input_class_simple, OpenApiModel) or input_class_simple is none_type): for valid_class in valid_classes: if input_class_simple is none_type and is_type_nullable(valid_class): # Schema is oneOf/anyOf and the 'null' type is one of the allowed types. return True if not (issubclass(valid_class, OpenApiModel) and valid_class.discriminator): continue discr_propertyname_py = list(valid_class.discriminator.keys())[0] discriminator_classes = ( valid_class.discriminator[discr_propertyname_py].values() ) valid_type = is_valid_type(input_class_simple, discriminator_classes) if valid_type: return True return valid_type def validate_and_convert_types(input_value, required_types_mixed, path_to_item, spec_property_naming, _check_type, configuration=None): """Raises a TypeError is there is a problem, otherwise returns value Args: input_value (any): the data to validate/convert required_types_mixed (list/dict/tuple): A list of valid classes, or a list tuples of valid classes, or a dict where the value is a tuple of value classes path_to_item: (list) the path to the data being validated this stores a list of keys or indices to get to the data being validated spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data are serialized names as specified in the OpenAPI document. False if the variables names in the input data are python variable names in PEP-8 snake case. _check_type: (boolean) if true, type will be checked and conversion will be attempted. configuration: (Configuration): the configuration class to use when converting file_type items. If passed, conversion will be attempted when possible If not passed, no conversions will be attempted and exceptions will be raised Returns: the correctly typed value Raises: ApiTypeError """ results = get_required_type_classes(required_types_mixed, spec_property_naming) valid_classes, child_req_types_by_current_type = results input_class_simple = get_simple_class(input_value) valid_type = is_valid_type(input_class_simple, valid_classes) if not valid_type: if configuration: # if input_value is not valid_type try to convert it converted_instance = attempt_convert_item( input_value, valid_classes, path_to_item, configuration, spec_property_naming, key_type=False, must_convert=True, check_type=_check_type ) return converted_instance else: raise get_type_error(input_value, path_to_item, valid_classes, key_type=False) # input_value's type is in valid_classes if len(valid_classes) > 1 and configuration: # there are valid classes which are not the current class valid_classes_coercible = remove_uncoercible( valid_classes, input_value, spec_property_naming, must_convert=False) if valid_classes_coercible: converted_instance = attempt_convert_item( input_value, valid_classes_coercible, path_to_item, configuration, spec_property_naming, key_type=False, must_convert=False, check_type=_check_type ) return converted_instance if child_req_types_by_current_type == {}: # all types are of the required types and there are no more inner # variables left to look at return input_value inner_required_types = child_req_types_by_current_type.get( type(input_value) ) if inner_required_types is None: # for this type, there are not more inner variables left to look at return input_value if isinstance(input_value, list): if input_value == []: # allow an empty list return input_value for index, inner_value in enumerate(input_value): inner_path = list(path_to_item) inner_path.append(index) input_value[index] = validate_and_convert_types( inner_value, inner_required_types, inner_path, spec_property_naming, _check_type, configuration=configuration ) elif isinstance(input_value, dict): if input_value == {}: # allow an empty dict return input_value for inner_key, inner_val in input_value.items(): inner_path = list(path_to_item) inner_path.append(inner_key) if get_simple_class(inner_key) != str: raise get_type_error(inner_key, inner_path, valid_classes, key_type=True) input_value[inner_key] = validate_and_convert_types( inner_val, inner_required_types, inner_path, spec_property_naming, _check_type, configuration=configuration ) return input_value def model_to_dict(model_instance, serialize=True): """Returns the model properties as a dict Args: model_instance (one of your model instances): the model instance that will be converted to a dict. Keyword Args: serialize (bool): if True, the keys in the dict will be values from attribute_map """ result = {} extract_item = lambda item: (item[0], model_to_dict(item[1], serialize=serialize)) if hasattr(item[1], '_data_store') else item model_instances = [model_instance] if model_instance._composed_schemas: model_instances.extend(model_instance._composed_instances) seen_json_attribute_names = set() used_fallback_python_attribute_names = set() py_to_json_map = {} for model_instance in model_instances: for attr, value in model_instance._data_store.items(): if serialize: # we use get here because additional property key names do not # exist in attribute_map try: attr = model_instance.attribute_map[attr] py_to_json_map.update(model_instance.attribute_map) seen_json_attribute_names.add(attr) except KeyError: used_fallback_python_attribute_names.add(attr) if isinstance(value, list): if not value: # empty list or None result[attr] = value else: res = [] for v in value: if isinstance(v, PRIMITIVE_TYPES) or v is None: res.append(v) elif isinstance(v, ModelSimple): res.append(v.value) elif isinstance(v, dict): res.append(dict(map( extract_item, v.items() ))) else: res.append(model_to_dict(v, serialize=serialize)) result[attr] = res elif isinstance(value, dict): result[attr] = dict(map( extract_item, value.items() )) elif isinstance(value, ModelSimple): result[attr] = value.value elif hasattr(value, '_data_store'): result[attr] = model_to_dict(value, serialize=serialize) else: result[attr] = value if serialize: for python_key in used_fallback_python_attribute_names: json_key = py_to_json_map.get(python_key) if json_key is None: continue if python_key == json_key: continue json_key_assigned_no_need_for_python_key = json_key in seen_json_attribute_names if json_key_assigned_no_need_for_python_key: del result[python_key] return result def type_error_message(var_value=None, var_name=None, valid_classes=None, key_type=None): """ Keyword Args: var_value (any): the variable which has the type_error var_name (str): the name of the variable which has the typ error valid_classes (tuple): the accepted classes for current_item's value key_type (bool): False if our value is a value in a dict True if it is a key in a dict False if our item is an item in a list """ key_or_value = 'value' if key_type: key_or_value = 'key' valid_classes_phrase = get_valid_classes_phrase(valid_classes) msg = ( "Invalid type for variable '{0}'. Required {1} type {2} and " "passed type was {3}".format( var_name, key_or_value, valid_classes_phrase, type(var_value).__name__, ) ) return msg def get_valid_classes_phrase(input_classes): """Returns a string phrase describing what types are allowed """ all_classes = list(input_classes) all_classes = sorted(all_classes, key=lambda cls: cls.__name__) all_class_names = [cls.__name__ for cls in all_classes] if len(all_class_names) == 1: return 'is {0}'.format(all_class_names[0]) return "is one of [{0}]".format(", ".join(all_class_names)) def get_allof_instances(self, model_args, constant_args): """ Args: self: the class we are handling model_args (dict): var_name to var_value used to make instances constant_args (dict): metadata arguments: _check_type _path_to_item _spec_property_naming _configuration _visited_composed_classes Returns composed_instances (list) """ composed_instances = [] for allof_class in self._composed_schemas['allOf']: try: if constant_args.get('_spec_property_naming'): allof_instance = allof_class._from_openapi_data(**model_args, **constant_args) else: allof_instance = allof_class(**model_args, **constant_args) composed_instances.append(allof_instance) except Exception as ex: raise ApiValueError( "Invalid inputs given to generate an instance of '%s'. The " "input data was invalid for the allOf schema '%s' in the composed " "schema '%s'. Error=%s" % ( allof_class.__name__, allof_class.__name__, self.__class__.__name__, str(ex) ) ) from ex return composed_instances def get_oneof_instance(cls, model_kwargs, constant_kwargs, model_arg=None): """ Find the oneOf schema that matches the input data (e.g. payload). If exactly one schema matches the input data, an instance of that schema is returned. If zero or more than one schema match the input data, an exception is raised. In OAS 3.x, the payload MUST, by validation, match exactly one of the schemas described by oneOf. Args: cls: the class we are handling model_kwargs (dict): var_name to var_value The input data, e.g. the payload that must match a oneOf schema in the OpenAPI document. constant_kwargs (dict): var_name to var_value args that every model requires, including configuration, server and path to item. Kwargs: model_arg: (int, float, bool, str, date, datetime, ModelSimple, None): the value to assign to a primitive class or ModelSimple class Notes: - this is only passed in when oneOf includes types which are not object - None is used to suppress handling of model_arg, nullable models are handled in __new__ Returns oneof_instance (instance) """ if len(cls._composed_schemas['oneOf']) == 0: return None oneof_instances = [] # Iterate over each oneOf schema and determine if the input data # matches the oneOf schemas. for oneof_class in cls._composed_schemas['oneOf']: # The composed oneOf schema allows the 'null' type and the input data # is the null value. This is a OAS >= 3.1 feature. if oneof_class is none_type: # skip none_types because we are deserializing dict data. # none_type deserialization is handled in the __new__ method continue single_value_input = allows_single_value_input(oneof_class) try: if not single_value_input: if model_arg is not None: continue; if constant_kwargs.get('_spec_property_naming'): oneof_instance = oneof_class._new_from_openapi_data(**model_kwargs, **constant_kwargs) else: oneof_instance = oneof_class(**model_kwargs, **constant_kwargs) else: if issubclass(oneof_class, ModelSimple): if constant_kwargs.get('_spec_property_naming'): oneof_instance = oneof_class._new_from_openapi_data(model_arg, **constant_kwargs) else: oneof_instance = oneof_class(model_arg, **constant_kwargs) elif oneof_class in PRIMITIVE_TYPES: oneof_instance = validate_and_convert_types( model_arg, (oneof_class,), constant_kwargs['_path_to_item'], constant_kwargs['_spec_property_naming'], constant_kwargs['_check_type'], configuration=constant_kwargs['_configuration'] ) oneof_instances.append((oneof_class, oneof_instance)) except Exception: pass if len(oneof_instances) == 0: raise ApiValueError( "Invalid inputs given to generate an instance of %s. None " "of the oneOf schemas matched the input data." % cls.__name__ ) elif len(oneof_instances) > 1: raise ApiValueError( "Invalid inputs given to generate an instance of %s. Multiple " "oneOf schemas matched the inputs, but a max of one is allowed. " "Candidates: %s" % (cls.__name__, oneof_instances) ) return oneof_instances[0][1] def get_anyof_instances(self, model_args, constant_args): """ Args: self: the class we are handling model_args (dict): var_name to var_value The input data, e.g. the payload that must match at least one anyOf child schema in the OpenAPI document. constant_args (dict): var_name to var_value args that every model requires, including configuration, server and path to item. Returns anyof_instances (list) """ anyof_instances = [] if len(self._composed_schemas['anyOf']) == 0: return anyof_instances for anyof_class in self._composed_schemas['anyOf']: # The composed oneOf schema allows the 'null' type and the input data # is the null value. This is a OAS >= 3.1 feature. if anyof_class is none_type: # skip none_types because we are deserializing dict data. # none_type deserialization is handled in the __new__ method continue try: if constant_args.get('_spec_property_naming'): anyof_instance = anyof_class._new_from_openapi_data(**model_args, **constant_args) else: anyof_instance = anyof_class(**model_args, **constant_args) anyof_instances.append(anyof_instance) except Exception: pass if len(anyof_instances) == 0: raise ApiValueError( "Invalid inputs given to generate an instance of %s. None of the " "anyOf schemas matched the inputs." % self.__class__.__name__ ) return anyof_instances def get_discarded_args(self, composed_instances, model_args): """ Gathers the args that were discarded by configuration.discard_unknown_keys """ model_arg_keys = model_args.keys() discarded_args = set() # arguments passed to self were already converted to python names # before __init__ was called for instance in composed_instances: if instance.__class__ in self._composed_schemas['allOf']: try: keys = instance.to_dict().keys() discarded_keys = model_args - keys discarded_args.update(discarded_keys) except Exception: # allOf integer schema will throw exception pass else: try: all_keys = set(model_to_dict(instance, serialize=False).keys()) js_keys = model_to_dict(instance, serialize=True).keys() all_keys.update(js_keys) discarded_keys = model_arg_keys - all_keys discarded_args.update(discarded_keys) except Exception: # allOf integer schema will throw exception pass return discarded_args def validate_get_composed_info(constant_args, model_args, self): """ For composed schemas, generate schema instances for all schemas in the oneOf/anyOf/allOf definition. If additional properties are allowed, also assign those properties on all matched schemas that contain additionalProperties. Openapi schemas are python classes. Exceptions are raised if: - 0 or > 1 oneOf schema matches the model_args input data - no anyOf schema matches the model_args input data - any of the allOf schemas do not match the model_args input data Args: constant_args (dict): these are the args that every model requires model_args (dict): these are the required and optional spec args that were passed in to make this model self (class): the class that we are instantiating This class contains self._composed_schemas Returns: composed_info (list): length three composed_instances (list): the composed instances which are not self var_name_to_model_instances (dict): a dict going from var_name to the model_instance which holds that var_name the model_instance may be self or an instance of one of the classes in self.composed_instances() additional_properties_model_instances (list): a list of the model instances which have the property additional_properties_type. This list can include self """ # create composed_instances composed_instances = [] allof_instances = get_allof_instances(self, model_args, constant_args) composed_instances.extend(allof_instances) oneof_instance = get_oneof_instance(self.__class__, model_args, constant_args) if oneof_instance is not None: composed_instances.append(oneof_instance) anyof_instances = get_anyof_instances(self, model_args, constant_args) composed_instances.extend(anyof_instances) """ set additional_properties_model_instances additional properties must be evaluated at the schema level so self's additional properties are most important If self is a composed schema with: - no properties defined in self - additionalProperties: False Then for object payloads every property is an additional property and they are not allowed, so only empty dict is allowed Properties must be set on all matching schemas so when a property is assigned toa composed instance, it must be set on all composed instances regardless of additionalProperties presence keeping it to prevent breaking changes in v5.0.1 TODO remove cls._additional_properties_model_instances in 6.0.0 """ additional_properties_model_instances = [] if self.additional_properties_type is not None: additional_properties_model_instances = [self] """ no need to set properties on self in here, they will be set in __init__ By here all composed schema oneOf/anyOf/allOf instances have their properties set using model_args """ discarded_args = get_discarded_args(self, composed_instances, model_args) # map variable names to composed_instances var_name_to_model_instances = {} for prop_name in model_args: if prop_name not in discarded_args: var_name_to_model_instances[prop_name] = [self] + composed_instances return [ composed_instances, var_name_to_model_instances, additional_properties_model_instances, discarded_args ]
import re # noqa: F401 import sys # noqa: F401 from identitylib.photo_client.model_utils import ( # noqa: F401 ApiTypeError, ModelComposed, ModelNormal, ModelSimple, cached_property, change_keys_js_to_python, convert_js_args_to_python_args, date, datetime, file_type, none_type, validate_get_composed_info, OpenApiModel ) from identitylib.photo_client.exceptions import ApiAttributeError def lazy_import(): from identitylib.photo_client.model.scheme_enum import SchemeEnum from identitylib.photo_client.model.v1_beta1_photo_identifier_summary import V1Beta1PhotoIdentifierSummary globals()['SchemeEnum'] = SchemeEnum globals()['V1Beta1PhotoIdentifierSummary'] = V1Beta1PhotoIdentifierSummary class PhotoIdentifier(ModelNormal): """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator. Ref: Do not edit the class manually. Attributes: allowed_values (dict): The key is the tuple path to the attribute and the for var_name this is (var_name,). The value is a dict with a capitalized key describing the allowed value and an allowed value. These dicts store the allowed enum values. attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition. discriminator_value_class_map (dict): A dict to go from the discriminator variable value to the discriminator class name. validations (dict): The key is the tuple path to the attribute and the for var_name this is (var_name,). The value is a dict that stores validations for max_length, min_length, max_items, min_items, exclusive_maximum, inclusive_maximum, exclusive_minimum, inclusive_minimum, and regex. additional_properties_type (tuple): A tuple of classes accepted as additional properties values. """ allowed_values = { } validations = { } @cached_property def additional_properties_type(): """ This must be a method because a model may have properties that are of type self, this must run after the class is loaded """ lazy_import() return (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type,) # noqa: E501 _nullable = False @cached_property def openapi_types(): """ This must be a method because a model may have properties that are of type self, this must run after the class is loaded Returns openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type. """ lazy_import() return { 'id': (str,), # noqa: E501 'photos': ([str],), # noqa: E501 'related_identifiers': ([V1Beta1PhotoIdentifierSummary],), # noqa: E501 'scheme': (SchemeEnum,), # noqa: E501 'value': (str,), # noqa: E501 'deleted_at': (datetime, none_type,), # noqa: E501 'is_deleted': (bool,), # noqa: E501 'is_highest_primary_identifier': (bool,), # noqa: E501 'retain_until': (datetime, none_type,), # noqa: E501 } @cached_property def discriminator(): return None attribute_map = { 'id': 'id', # noqa: E501 'photos': 'photos', # noqa: E501 'related_identifiers': 'relatedIdentifiers', # noqa: E501 'scheme': 'scheme', # noqa: E501 'value': 'value', # noqa: E501 'deleted_at': 'deletedAt', # noqa: E501 'is_deleted': 'isDeleted', # noqa: E501 'is_highest_primary_identifier': 'isHighestPrimaryIdentifier', # noqa: E501 'retain_until': 'retainUntil', # noqa: E501 } read_only_vars = { 'id', # noqa: E501 } _composed_schemas = {} @classmethod @convert_js_args_to_python_args def _from_openapi_data(cls, id, photos, related_identifiers, scheme, value, *args, **kwargs): # noqa: E501 """PhotoIdentifier - a model defined in OpenAPI Args: id (str): photos ([str]): Photos identified by this identifier related_identifiers ([V1Beta1PhotoIdentifierSummary]): scheme (SchemeEnum): value (str): The identifier's value Keyword Args: _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types will be type checked and a TypeError will be raised if the wrong type is input. Defaults to True _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to drill down to the model in received_data when deserializing a response _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document. False if the variable names in the input data are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default) _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when deserializing a file_type parameter. If passed, type conversion is attempted If omitted no type conversion is done. _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of classes that we have traveled through so that if we see that class again we will not use its discriminator again. When traveling through a discriminator, the composed schema that is is traveled through is added to this set. For example if Animal has a discriminator petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal once using the discriminator, and pick Dog. Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the Animal class but this time we won't travel through its discriminator because we passed in _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,) deleted_at (datetime, none_type): [optional] # noqa: E501 is_deleted (bool): [optional] # noqa: E501 is_highest_primary_identifier (bool): Photo identifier is highest primary identifier. [optional] # noqa: E501 retain_until (datetime, none_type): If non-NULL, the minimum period the record should be retained. [optional] # noqa: E501 """ _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True) _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', True) _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ()) _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None) _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ()) self = super(OpenApiModel, cls).__new__(cls) if args: for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, dict): kwargs.update(arg) else: raise ApiTypeError( "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments." % ( args, self.__class__.__name__, ), path_to_item=_path_to_item, valid_classes=(self.__class__,), ) self._data_store = {} self._check_type = _check_type self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming self._path_to_item = _path_to_item self._configuration = _configuration self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (self.__class__,) = id = photos self.related_identifiers = related_identifiers self.scheme = scheme self.value = value for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items(): if var_name not in self.attribute_map and \ self._configuration is not None and \ self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys and \ self.additional_properties_type is None: # discard variable. continue setattr(self, var_name, var_value) return self required_properties = set([ '_data_store', '_check_type', '_spec_property_naming', '_path_to_item', '_configuration', '_visited_composed_classes', ]) @convert_js_args_to_python_args def __init__(self, photos, related_identifiers, scheme, value, *args, **kwargs): # noqa: E501 """PhotoIdentifier - a model defined in OpenAPI photos ([str]): Photos identified by this identifier related_identifiers ([V1Beta1PhotoIdentifierSummary]): scheme (SchemeEnum): value (str): The identifier's value Keyword Args: _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types will be type checked and a TypeError will be raised if the wrong type is input. Defaults to True _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to drill down to the model in received_data when deserializing a response _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document. False if the variable names in the input data are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default) _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when deserializing a file_type parameter. If passed, type conversion is attempted If omitted no type conversion is done. _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of classes that we have traveled through so that if we see that class again we will not use its discriminator again. When traveling through a discriminator, the composed schema that is is traveled through is added to this set. For example if Animal has a discriminator petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal once using the discriminator, and pick Dog. Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the Animal class but this time we won't travel through its discriminator because we passed in _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,) deleted_at (datetime, none_type): [optional] # noqa: E501 is_deleted (bool): [optional] # noqa: E501 is_highest_primary_identifier (bool): Photo identifier is highest primary identifier. [optional] # noqa: E501 retain_until (datetime, none_type): If non-NULL, the minimum period the record should be retained. [optional] # noqa: E501 """ _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True) _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', False) _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ()) _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None) _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ()) if args: for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, dict): kwargs.update(arg) else: raise ApiTypeError( "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments." % ( args, self.__class__.__name__, ), path_to_item=_path_to_item, valid_classes=(self.__class__,), ) self._data_store = {} self._check_type = _check_type self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming self._path_to_item = _path_to_item self._configuration = _configuration self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (self.__class__,) = photos self.related_identifiers = related_identifiers self.scheme = scheme self.value = value for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items(): if var_name not in self.attribute_map and \ self._configuration is not None and \ self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys and \ self.additional_properties_type is None: # discard variable. continue setattr(self, var_name, var_value) if var_name in self.read_only_vars: raise ApiAttributeError(f"`{var_name}` is a read-only attribute. Use `from_openapi_data` to instantiate " f"class with read only attributes.")
Onium - Inject hebrew support into slack desktop app ===================================================== Onium is a small utility to inject Hebrew support (automatic RTL) into Slack's desktop app. Onium does this by modifying Slack's app.asar (Slack application code) and changes the Slack app itself. What is Onium? -------------- Onium fixes one of Slack's most glaring issues for users in countries whose script is written Right-to-left. It does so by injecting code into Slack that modifies the displayed text to correctly show Right-to-left words. The Slack app is built using Electron, which essentially wraps a Chromium browser and a Node.js server together. Onium modifies the HTML displayed by the Chromium browser to properly support Hebrew (and RTL) languages. Onium does this by modifying Slack's internal code (creating a "Fixed" solution), until Slack adds a new update. Requirements ------------ You need Python 2.7 or 3.5 or later to run Onium. Onium should work on Windows, Mac and Linux. Quick start ----------- Onium can be installed using pip: $ python -m pip install onium As long as python's scripts folder is in your path, simply run $ onium Usage ----- Onium supports various command line parameters ``` usage: onium [-h] [-l LOCATION] [--no-kill] [--no-start] [-b BACKUP] [-f] [-d] Inject hebrew support plugin into Slack's tab inside an electron app. This program injects the Chrome's hebrew_slack plugin into any electron (desktop) version of the slack app optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -l LOCATION, --location LOCATION Location of application to run, or auto, local (Windows only), store (Windows only) [default: auto] --no-kill Do not attempt to kill original application before starting --no-start Do not attempt to start application (assume already running) -b BACKUP, --backup BACKUP Name to use save original slack app backup. This will never overwrite an existing backup file. Fails if file already exists and not used with -f [default: app.asar.orig] -f, --force Proceed even if backup file already exists [default: False] -d, --debug Pass --remote-debugging-port=9222 to enable rendered debugger with chrome ``` Contribute / Join the conversation ---------------------------------- Onium is an open-source project distributed under the MIT license. Basically means go wild. Development is taking place at []( Please report issues [here]( License ------- Onium is licensed under the terms of the MIT License (see the file LICENSE.txt). Acknowledgement --------------- Shlomi Matichin for his [slack_hebrew]( plugin Yuval Raz and Lital Lechtman for Mac port and testing Ami Chayun for Linux port
import numpy as np from .experiments import run_experiments from ..plots import colors from .. import __version__ from . import models from . import methods from . import metrics import sklearn import io import base64 import os try: import matplotlib.pyplot as pl import matplotlib except ImportError: pass metadata = { # "runtime": { # "title": "Runtime", # "sort_order": 1 # }, # "local_accuracy": { # "title": "Local Accuracy", # "sort_order": 2 # }, # "consistency_guarantees": { # "title": "Consistency Guarantees", # "sort_order": 3 # }, # "keep_positive_mask": { # "title": "Keep Positive (mask)", # "xlabel": "Max fraction of features kept", # "ylabel": "Mean model output", # "sort_order": 4 # }, # "keep_negative_mask": { # "title": "Keep Negative (mask)", # "xlabel": "Max fraction of features kept", # "ylabel": "Negative mean model output", # "sort_order": 5 # }, # "keep_absolute_mask__r2": { # "title": "Keep Absolute (mask)", # "xlabel": "Max fraction of features kept", # "ylabel": "R^2", # "sort_order": 6 # }, # "keep_absolute_mask__roc_auc": { # "title": "Keep Absolute (mask)", # "xlabel": "Max fraction of features kept", # "ylabel": "ROC AUC", # "sort_order": 6 # }, # "remove_positive_mask": { # "title": "Remove Positive (mask)", # "xlabel": "Max fraction of features removed", # "ylabel": "Negative mean model output", # "sort_order": 7 # }, # "remove_negative_mask": { # "title": "Remove Negative (mask)", # "xlabel": "Max fraction of features removed", # "ylabel": "Mean model output", # "sort_order": 8 # }, # "remove_absolute_mask__r2": { # "title": "Remove Absolute (mask)", # "xlabel": "Max fraction of features removed", # "ylabel": "1 - R^2", # "sort_order": 9 # }, # "remove_absolute_mask__roc_auc": { # "title": "Remove Absolute (mask)", # "xlabel": "Max fraction of features removed", # "ylabel": "1 - ROC AUC", # "sort_order": 9 # }, # "keep_positive_resample": { # "title": "Keep Positive (resample)", # "xlabel": "Max fraction of features kept", # "ylabel": "Mean model output", # "sort_order": 10 # }, # "keep_negative_resample": { # "title": "Keep Negative (resample)", # "xlabel": "Max fraction of features kept", # "ylabel": "Negative mean model output", # "sort_order": 11 # }, # "keep_absolute_resample__r2": { # "title": "Keep Absolute (resample)", # "xlabel": "Max fraction of features kept", # "ylabel": "R^2", # "sort_order": 12 # }, # "keep_absolute_resample__roc_auc": { # "title": "Keep Absolute (resample)", # "xlabel": "Max fraction of features kept", # "ylabel": "ROC AUC", # "sort_order": 12 # }, # "remove_positive_resample": { # "title": "Remove Positive (resample)", # "xlabel": "Max fraction of features removed", # "ylabel": "Negative mean model output", # "sort_order": 13 # }, # "remove_negative_resample": { # "title": "Remove Negative (resample)", # "xlabel": "Max fraction of features removed", # "ylabel": "Mean model output", # "sort_order": 14 # }, # "remove_absolute_resample__r2": { # "title": "Remove Absolute (resample)", # "xlabel": "Max fraction of features removed", # "ylabel": "1 - R^2", # "sort_order": 15 # }, # "remove_absolute_resample__roc_auc": { # "title": "Remove Absolute (resample)", # "xlabel": "Max fraction of features removed", # "ylabel": "1 - ROC AUC", # "sort_order": 15 # }, # "remove_positive_retrain": { # "title": "Remove Positive (retrain)", # "xlabel": "Max fraction of features removed", # "ylabel": "Negative mean model output", # "sort_order": 11 # }, # "remove_negative_retrain": { # "title": "Remove Negative (retrain)", # "xlabel": "Max fraction of features removed", # "ylabel": "Mean model output", # "sort_order": 12 # }, # "keep_positive_retrain": { # "title": "Keep Positive (retrain)", # "xlabel": "Max fraction of features kept", # "ylabel": "Mean model output", # "sort_order": 6 # }, # "keep_negative_retrain": { # "title": "Keep Negative (retrain)", # "xlabel": "Max fraction of features kept", # "ylabel": "Negative mean model output", # "sort_order": 7 # }, # "batch_remove_absolute__r2": { # "title": "Batch Remove Absolute", # "xlabel": "Fraction of features removed", # "ylabel": "1 - R^2", # "sort_order": 13 # }, # "batch_keep_absolute__r2": { # "title": "Batch Keep Absolute", # "xlabel": "Fraction of features kept", # "ylabel": "R^2", # "sort_order": 8 # }, # "batch_remove_absolute__roc_auc": { # "title": "Batch Remove Absolute", # "xlabel": "Fraction of features removed", # "ylabel": "1 - ROC AUC", # "sort_order": 13 # }, # "batch_keep_absolute__roc_auc": { # "title": "Batch Keep Absolute", # "xlabel": "Fraction of features kept", # "ylabel": "ROC AUC", # "sort_order": 8 # }, # "linear_shap_corr": { # "title": "Linear SHAP (corr)" # }, # "linear_shap_ind": { # "title": "Linear SHAP (ind)" # }, # "coef": { # "title": "Coefficents" # }, # "random": { # "title": "Random" # }, # "kernel_shap_1000_meanref": { # "title": "Kernel SHAP 1000 mean ref." # }, # "sampling_shap_1000": { # "title": "Sampling SHAP 1000" # }, # "tree_shap_tree_path_dependent": { # "title": "Tree SHAP" # }, # "saabas": { # "title": "Saabas" # }, # "tree_gain": { # "title": "Gain/Gini Importance" # }, # "mean_abs_tree_shap": { # "title": "mean(|Tree SHAP|)" # }, # "lasso_regression": { # "title": "Lasso Regression" # }, # "ridge_regression": { # "title": "Ridge Regression" # }, # "gbm_regression": { # "title": "Gradient Boosting Regression" # } } benchmark_color_map = { "tree_shap": "#1E88E5", "deep_shap": "#1E88E5", "linear_shap_corr": "#1E88E5", "linear_shap_ind": "#ff0d57", "coef": "#13B755", "random": "#999999", "const_random": "#666666", "kernel_shap_1000_meanref": "#7C52FF" } # negated_metrics = [ # "runtime", # "remove_positive_retrain", # "remove_positive_mask", # "remove_positive_resample", # "keep_negative_retrain", # "keep_negative_mask", # "keep_negative_resample" # ] # one_minus_metrics = [ # "remove_absolute_mask__r2", # "remove_absolute_mask__roc_auc", # "remove_absolute_resample__r2", # "remove_absolute_resample__roc_auc" # ] def get_method_color(method): for l in getattr(methods, method).__doc__.split("\n"): l = l.strip() if l.startswith("color = "): v = l.split("=")[1].strip() if v.startswith("red_blue_circle("): return colors.red_blue_circle(float(v[16:-1])) else: return v return "#000000" def get_method_linestyle(method): for l in getattr(methods, method).__doc__.split("\n"): l = l.strip() if l.startswith("linestyle = "): return l.split("=")[1].strip() return "solid" def get_metric_attr(metric, attr): for l in getattr(metrics, metric).__doc__.split("\n"): l = l.strip() # string prefix = attr+" = \"" suffix = "\"" if l.startswith(prefix) and l.endswith(suffix): return l[len(prefix):-len(suffix)] # number prefix = attr+" = " if l.startswith(prefix): return float(l[len(prefix):]) return "" def plot_curve(dataset, model, metric, cmap=benchmark_color_map): experiments = run_experiments(dataset=dataset, model=model, metric=metric) pl.figure() method_arr = [] for (name,(fcounts,scores)) in experiments: _,_,method,_ = name transform = get_metric_attr(metric, "transform") if transform == "negate": scores = -scores elif transform == "one_minus": scores = 1 - scores auc = sklearn.metrics.auc(fcounts, scores) / fcounts[-1] method_arr.append((auc, method, scores)) for (auc,method,scores) in sorted(method_arr): method_title = getattr(methods, method).__doc__.split("\n")[0].strip() l = "{:6.3f} - ".format(auc) + method_title pl.plot( fcounts / fcounts[-1], scores, label=l, color=get_method_color(method), linewidth=2, linestyle=get_method_linestyle(method) ) metric_title = getattr(metrics, metric).__doc__.split("\n")[0].strip() pl.xlabel(get_metric_attr(metric, "xlabel")) pl.ylabel(get_metric_attr(metric, "ylabel")) model_title = getattr(models, dataset+"__"+model).__doc__.split("\n")[0].strip() pl.title(metric_title + " - " + model_title) pl.gca().xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') pl.gca().yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') pl.gca().spines['right'].set_visible(False) pl.gca().spines['top'].set_visible(False) ahandles, alabels = pl.gca().get_legend_handles_labels() pl.legend(reversed(ahandles), reversed(alabels)) return pl.gcf() def plot_human(dataset, model, metric, cmap=benchmark_color_map): experiments = run_experiments(dataset=dataset, model=model, metric=metric) pl.figure() method_arr = [] for (name,(fcounts,scores)) in experiments: _,_,method,_ = name diff_sum = np.sum(np.abs(scores[1] - scores[0])) method_arr.append((diff_sum, method, scores[0], scores[1])) inds = np.arange(3) # the x locations for the groups inc_width = (1.0 / len(method_arr)) * 0.8 width = inc_width * 0.9, method_arr[0][2], width, label="Human Consensus", color="black", edgecolor="white") i = 1 line_style_to_hatch = { "dashed": "///", "dotted": "..." } for (diff_sum, method, _, methods_attrs) in sorted(method_arr): method_title = getattr(methods, method).__doc__.split("\n")[0].strip() l = "{:.2f} - ".format(diff_sum) + method_title inds + inc_width * i, methods_attrs.flatten(), width, label=l, edgecolor="white", color=get_method_color(method), hatch=line_style_to_hatch.get(get_method_linestyle(method), None) ) i += 1 metric_title = getattr(metrics, metric).__doc__.split("\n")[0].strip() pl.xlabel("Features in the model") pl.ylabel("Feature attribution value") model_title = getattr(models, dataset+"__"+model).__doc__.split("\n")[0].strip() pl.title(metric_title + " - " + model_title) pl.gca().xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') pl.gca().yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') pl.gca().spines['right'].set_visible(False) pl.gca().spines['top'].set_visible(False) ahandles, alabels = pl.gca().get_legend_handles_labels() #pl.legend(ahandles, alabels) pl.xticks(np.array([0, 1, 2, 3]) - (inc_width + width)/2, ["", "", "", ""]) pl.gca().xaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.FixedLocator([0.4, 1.4, 2.4])) pl.gca().xaxis.set_minor_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.FixedFormatter(["Fever", "Cough", "Headache"])) pl.gca().tick_params(which='minor', length=0) pl.axhline(0, color="#aaaaaa", linewidth=0.5) box = pl.gca().get_position() pl.gca().set_position([ box.x0, box.y0 + box.height * 0.3, box.width, box.height * 0.7 ]) # Put a legend below current axis pl.gca().legend(ahandles, alabels, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.15), ncol=2) return pl.gcf() def _human_score_map(human_consensus, methods_attrs): """ Converts human agreement differences to numerical scores for coloring. """ v = 1 - min(np.sum(np.abs(methods_attrs - human_consensus)) / (np.abs(human_consensus).sum() + 1), 1.0) return v def make_grid(scores, dataset, model): color_vals = {} metric_sort_order = {} for (_,_,method,metric),(fcounts,score) in filter(lambda x: x[0][0] == dataset and x[0][1] == model, scores): metric_sort_order[metric] = metric_sort_order.get(metric, len(metric_sort_order)) if metric not in color_vals: color_vals[metric] = {} transform = get_metric_attr(metric, "transform") if transform == "negate": score = -score elif transform == "one_minus": score = 1 - score if fcounts is None: color_vals[metric][method] = score elif fcounts == "human": color_vals[metric][method] = _human_score_map(*score) else: auc = sklearn.metrics.auc(fcounts, score) / fcounts[-1] color_vals[metric][method] = auc col_keys = sorted(list(color_vals.keys()), key=lambda v: metric_sort_order[metric]) row_keys = list(set([v for k in col_keys for v in color_vals[k].keys()])) data = -28567 * np.ones((len(row_keys), len(col_keys))) for i in range(len(row_keys)): for j in range(len(col_keys)): data[i,j] = color_vals[col_keys[j]][row_keys[i]] assert np.sum(data == -28567) == 0, "There are missing data values!" data = (data - data.min(0)) / (data.max(0) - data.min(0) + 1e-8) # sort by performans inds = np.argsort(-data.mean(1)) row_keys = [row_keys[i] for i in inds] data = data[inds,:] return row_keys, col_keys, data from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap red_blue_solid = LinearSegmentedColormap('red_blue_solid', { 'red': ((0.0, 198./255, 198./255), (1.0, 5./255, 5./255)), 'green': ((0.0, 34./255, 34./255), (1.0, 198./255, 198./255)), 'blue': ((0.0, 5./255, 5./255), (1.0, 24./255, 24./255)), 'alpha': ((0.0, 1, 1), (1.0, 1, 1)) }) from IPython.core.display import HTML def plot_grids(dataset, model_names, out_dir=None): if out_dir is not None: os.mkdir(out_dir) scores = [] for model in model_names: scores.extend(run_experiments(dataset=dataset, model=model)) prefix = "<style type='text/css'> .shap_benchmark__select:focus { outline-width: 0 }</style>" out = "" # background: rgb(30, 136, 229) # out += "<div style='font-weight: regular; font-size: 24px; text-align: center; background: #f8f8f8; color: #000; padding: 20px;'>SHAP Benchmark</div>\n" # out += "<div style='height: 1px; background: #ddd;'></div>\n" #out += "<div style='height: 7px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgb(30, 136, 229), rgb(255, 13, 87));'></div>" out += "<div style='position: fixed; left: 0px; top: 0px; right: 0px; height: 230px; background: #fff;'>\n" # box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19); out += "<div style='position: absolute; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px;' align='center'><table style='border-width: 1px; margin-right: 100px'>\n" for ind,model in enumerate(model_names): row_keys, col_keys, data = make_grid(scores, dataset, model) # print(data) # print(colors.red_blue_solid(0.)) # print(colors.red_blue_solid(1.)) # return for metric in col_keys: save_plot = False if metric.startswith("human_"): plot_human(dataset, model, metric) save_plot = True elif metric not in ["local_accuracy", "runtime", "consistency_guarantees"]: plot_curve(dataset, model, metric) save_plot = True if save_plot: buf = io.BytesIO() pl.gcf().set_size_inches(1200.0/175,1000.0/175) pl.savefig(buf, format='png', dpi=175) if out_dir is not None: pl.savefig("%s/plot_%s_%s_%s.pdf" % (out_dir, dataset, model, metric), format='pdf') pl.close() data_uri = base64.b64encode('utf-8').replace('\n', '') plot_id = "plot__"+dataset+"__"+model+"__"+metric prefix += "<div onclick='document.getElementById(\"%s\").style.display = \"none\"' style='display: none; position: fixed; z-index: 10000; left: 0px; right: 0px; top: 0px; bottom: 0px; background: rgba(255,255,255,0.9);' id='%s'>" % (plot_id, plot_id) prefix += "<img width='600' height='500' style='margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 230px; box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19);' src='data:image/png;base64,%s'>" % data_uri prefix += "</div>" model_title = getattr(models, dataset+"__"+model).__doc__.split("\n")[0].strip() if ind == 0: out += "<tr><td style='background: #fff; width: 250px'></td></td>" for j in range(data.shape[1]): metric_title = getattr(metrics, col_keys[j]).__doc__.split("\n")[0].strip() out += "<td style='width: 40px; min-width: 40px; background: #fff; text-align: right;'><div style='margin-left: 10px; margin-bottom: -5px; white-space: nowrap; transform: rotate(-45deg); transform-origin: left top 0; width: 1.5em; margin-top: 8em'>" + metric_title + "</div></td>" out += "</tr>\n" out += "</table></div></div>\n" out += "<table style='border-width: 1px; margin-right: 100px; margin-top: 230px;'>\n" out += "<tr><td style='background: #fff'></td><td colspan='%d' style='background: #fff; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; margin-top: 10px;'>%s</td></tr>\n" % (data.shape[1], model_title) for i in range(data.shape[0]): out += "<tr>" # if i == 0: # out += "<td rowspan='%d' style='background: #fff; text-align: center; white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: middle; '><div style='font-weight: bold; transform: rotate(-90deg); transform-origin: left top 0; width: 1.5em; margin-top: 8em'>%s</div></td>" % (data.shape[0], model_name) method_title = getattr(methods, row_keys[i]).__doc__.split("\n")[0].strip() out += "<td style='background: #ffffff; text-align: right; width: 250px' title='shap.LinearExplainer(model)'>" + method_title + "</td>\n" for j in range(data.shape[1]): plot_id = "plot__"+dataset+"__"+model+"__"+col_keys[j] out += "<td onclick='document.getElementById(\"%s\").style.display = \"block\"' style='padding: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; border-left: 0px solid #999; width: 42px; min-width: 42px; height: 34px; background-color: #fff'>" % plot_id #out += "<div style='opacity: "+str(2*(max(1-data[i,j], data[i,j])-0.5))+"; background-color: rgb" + str(tuple(v*255 for v in colors.red_blue_solid(0. if data[i,j] < 0.5 else 1.)[:-1])) + "; height: "+str((30*max(1-data[i,j], data[i,j])))+"px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width:"+str((30*max(1-data[i,j], data[i,j])))+"px'></div>" out += "<div style='opacity: "+str(1)+"; background-color: rgb" + str(tuple(int(v*255) for v in colors.red_blue_no_bounds(5*(data[i,j]-0.8))[:-1])) + "; height: "+str((30*data[i,j]))+"px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width:"+str((30*data[i,j]))+"px'></div>" #out += "<div style='float: left; background-color: #eee; height: 10px; width: "+str((40*(1-data[i,j])))+"px'></div>" out += "</td>\n" out += "</tr>\n" # out += "<tr><td colspan='%d' style='background: #fff'></td></tr>" % (data.shape[1] + 1) out += "</table>" out += "<div style='position: fixed; left: 0px; top: 0px; right: 0px; text-align: left; padding: 20px; text-align: right'>\n" out += "<div style='float: left; font-weight: regular; font-size: 24px; color: #000;'>SHAP Benchmark <span style='font-size: 14px; color: #777777;'>v"+__version__+"</span></div>\n" # select { # margin: 50px; # width: 150px; # padding: 5px 35px 5px 5px; # font-size: 16px; # border: 1px solid #ccc; # height: 34px; # -webkit-appearance: none; # -moz-appearance: none; # appearance: none; # background: url( 96% / 15% no-repeat #eee; # } #out += "<div style='display: inline-block; margin-right: 20px; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; font-size: 18px; color: #000;'>Dataset:</div>\n" out += "<select id='shap_benchmark__select' onchange=\"document.location = '../' + this.value + '/index.html'\"dir='rtl' class='shap_benchmark__select' style='font-weight: normal; font-size: 20px; color: #000; padding: 10px; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #fff; -webkit-appearance: none; appearance: none;'>\n" out += "<option value='human' "+("selected" if dataset == "human" else "")+">Agreement with Human Intuition</option>\n" out += "<option value='corrgroups60' "+("selected" if dataset == "corrgroups60" else "")+">Correlated Groups 60 Dataset</option>\n" out += "<option value='independentlinear60' "+("selected" if dataset == "independentlinear60" else "")+">Independent Linear 60 Dataset</option>\n" #out += "<option>CRIC</option>\n" out += "</select>\n" #out += "<script> document.onload = function() { document.getElementById('shap_benchmark__select').value = '"+dataset+"'; }</script>" #out += "<div style='display: inline-block; margin-left: 20px; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; font-size: 18px; color: #000;'>CRIC</div>\n" out += "</div>\n" # output the legend out += "<table style='border-width: 0px; width: 100px; position: fixed; right: 50px; top: 200px; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)'>\n" out += "<tr><td style='background: #fff; font-weight: normal; text-align: center'>Higher score</td></tr>\n" legend_size = 21 for i in range(legend_size-9): out += "<tr>" out += "<td style='padding: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; border-left: 0px solid #999; height: 34px'>" val = (legend_size-i-1) / (legend_size-1) out += "<div style='opacity: 1; background-color: rgb" + str(tuple(int(v*255) for v in colors.red_blue_no_bounds(5*(val-0.8)))[:-1]) + "; height: "+str(30*val)+"px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width:"+str(30*val)+"px'></div>" out += "</td>" out += "</tr>\n" # out += "<tr><td style='background: #fff; font-weight: normal; text-align: center'>Lower score</td></tr>\n" out += "</table>\n" if out_dir is not None: with open(out_dir + "/index.html", "w") as f: f.write("<html><body style='margin: 0px; font-size: 16px; font-family: \"Myriad Pro\", Arial, sans-serif;'><center>") f.write(prefix) f.write(out) f.write("</center></body></html>") else: return HTML(prefix + out)
import logging import warnings from turbomail.control import interface from turbomail.exceptions import ManagerException __all__ = ['Extension', 'TransportFactory', 'Transport', 'Manager'] class Extension(object): """Basic extension API that allows for startup and shutdown hooks.""" def __init__(self): super(Extension, self).__init__() self.ready = False def start(self): self.ready = True return True def stop(self): if not self.ready: return False self.ready = False return True class TransportFactory(Extension): """An extension that creates new Transport instances. This is useful to perform configuration or startup tasks outside the Transport's initializer. """ transport = None def __init__(self): super(TransportFactory, self).__init__() def new(self): if not self.ready: return None return self.transport() class Transport(object): """Message delivery subsystem API. A Transport can deliver messages towards their recipients with a specific method, e.g. SMTP. They don't care about delivery strategies like queing or batch submission.""" def __init__(self): super(Transport, self).__init__() def deliver(self, message): raise NotImplementedError, "Transport plugin must override this method without inheritance." def config_get(self, key, default=None, tm2_key=None): """Returns the value for the given key from the configuration. If the value was not found, this method looks if old configuration option (specified in tm2_key) is used. If tm2_key was ommitted, it tries to calculate the old key from the new one by cutting out the 'smtp.' in the middle. If an old configuration key is used, a DeprecationWarning is issued. As a final fallback, the default value (default None) is returned.""" # We can not use 'key in interface.config' because TurboGears' # configuration (ConfigObj) does not support this (it does provide any # possibility to detect if a value is present or not. value = interface.config.get(key, None) if value == None: if tm2_key != None and not tm2_key.startswith('mail.'): tm2_key = 'mail.' + tm2_key elif tm2_key == None: tm2_key = key.replace('.smtp.', '.') value = interface.config.get(tm2_key, None) if value is not None: basemsg = 'Configuration key "%s" is deprecated, please use "%s" instead' warn_text = basemsg % (tm2_key, key) warnings.warn(warn_text, category=DeprecationWarning) if value == None: value = default return value def stop(self): """Called by the manager before the transport instance is destroyed. The transport can do some final cleanups (like releasing external resources) here.""" pass class Manager(Extension): """Manager instances orchestrate the delivery of messages.""" def __init__(self): super(Manager, self).__init__() self.transport_factory = None def get_new_transport(self): if self.transport_factory == None: self.transport_factory = interface.transport transport = if transport is None: raise ManagerException('Unable to allocate new transport.') return transport def deliver(self, message): return self.ready
pyDHL === Python module to work with DHL REST Webservice integration. ## pyDHL as module ``` import pyDHL ``` By running it as a module pyDHL will expose the following resources. ### Package Inputs: * `weight` (Mandatory): Package weight * `length` (Mandatory): Package length * `width` (Mandatory): Package width * `height` (Mandatory): Package height * `price` (Optional): Package price * `description` (Optional): Package description * `reference` (Optional): Package reference ``` from pyDHL import Package package = Package( weight=<package_weight>, length=<package_length>, width=<package_width>, height=<package_height> )] ``` ### Person A person is a combination of a Contact and Address information. This class is used for both sender and recipient of the the package. > Rate request just needs shipment's Address. #### Address Inputs: * `street_lines` (Mandatory): Person's address first line * `city` (Mandatory): Person's city * `postal_code` (Mandatory): Person's postal code * `country` (Mandatory): Person's country, Must oblige to the DHL's country codes. * `street_lines2` (Optional): Person's address second line. `'N/A'` by default. * `street_lines3` (Optional): Person's address third line. #### Contact Inputs: * `name` (Mandatory): Person's name * `phone` (Mandatory): Person's phone * `email` (Optional): Person's email. `'null'` by default * `company` (Optional): Person's company. `name` by default ### Shipment Mandatory inputs: * `packages`: A list of Package * `sender` and `recipient`: Persons (or Address in rate request) In order to build a correct Shipment, please refer to the documentation. Some parameters are set by default and others such as `SERVICE_TYPE` are set following a set of conditions and properties of the Shipment itself. ### Requests All requests will have as input a valid Shipment object or a dict or dict-like structure. In order to send requests to DHL Webservices you must first set credentials: ``` from pyDHL import requests credentials = { 'account': # your account number 'username': # your username 'password': # your password } requests.set_credentials(credentials) ``` Optionally it is possible to set the 'sandbox' environment for testing purposes. ``` requests.set_sandbox([True|False]) # use DHL's sandbox endpoints ``` The result of every request is either the JSON response of the DHL endpoint or, if the requests was wrong, a JSON-like object if twith `error` and `message` keys describing the error. Every requests will update the shipment object given by input if the request was successful. #### Rate Request Rate Request will return DHL’s product capabilities (products, services and estimated delivery time) and prices (where applicable) for a certain set of input data. * Input: Shipment * Output: JSON response. DHL Rate Request ``` from pyDHL.requests import rate # create a valid shipment response = rate(shipment) ``` #### Shipment Request The key elements in the response of the Shipment Request will be a base64 encoded PDF label and the Shipment and Piece identification numbers, which you can use for tracking on the DHL web site. * Input: Shipment * Output: JSON response. DHL Shipment Request ``` from pyDHL.requests import shipment # create a valid shipment response = shipment(shipment) ``` #### Update Request The updateShipment request allows for additional pieces to be added to a previously created shipment that has not been picked up by DHL Express/had a scan against it. * Input: Shipment * Output: JSON response. DHL Update Request ``` from pyDHL.requests import update # create a valid shipment response = update(shipment) ``` #### Tracking Request The resulting response will provide tracking events at both the Shipment and/or Piece events corresponding to the DHL Waybill(s) submitted. * Input: Shipment * Output: JSON response. DHL Tracking Request ``` from pyDHL.requests import tracking # create a valid shipment response = tracking(, level=[TRACKING_LAST|TRACKING_ALL]) ``` ## pyDHL's Command Line interface Use pyDHL as a command line program to set up a quick shipment ``` pyDHL <option> <shipment_file> [mode] ``` ### Options Options flag gets mapped with each of the available requests: * **-r RATE, --rate RATE**: Rate Request will return DHL’s product capabilities (products, services and estimated delivery time) and prices (where applicable) for a certain set of input data. * **-s SHIPMENT, --shipment SHIPMENT**: The key elements in the response of the Shipment Request will be a base64 encoded PDF label and the Shipment and Piece identification numbers, which you can use for tracking on the DHL web site. * **-u UPDATE, --update UPDATE**: The updateShipment request allows for additional pieces to be added to a previously created shipment that has not been picked up by DHL Express/had a scan against it. * **-t TRACK, --track TRACK**: The resulting response will provide tracking events at both the Shipment and/or Piece events corresponding to the submitted DHL Waybill (Shipment id). * **-p PICKUP, --pickup PICKUP**: The requestPickup request allows users to request standalone pickup requests for local and remote/import pickups. * **-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT**: Output File * **--sandbox**: Set sandbox mode ### Shipment File Following every option there is a shipment file. This is a file that contains all necessary data to build and send requests to DHL. There is an example in `shipment.json`. ### Mode By default `pyDHL` will use DHL endpoints that will execute real shipments and other actions. For testing purposes and development there is a "sandbox" mode that can be activated by adding `-snd|--sandbox` at the end of the command ## Testing In order to a successful testing, please edit `tests/` file with valid DHL credentials for accessing HTTPS endpoints. pyDHL uses pytest and coverage to execute tests and to check if everything was correctly executed. ``` coverage run -m pytest ``` Tests are separated between different kinds of shipments available: * National: Shipments with origin and source in the same country. * EU: Shipments coming from an country in Europe and with destination to a country in Europe. * International: None of the cases above.
import json from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote from asposewordscloud import * from asposewordscloud.models import * from asposewordscloud.models.requests import * from asposewordscloud.models.responses import * class UpdateCommentOnlineRequest(BaseRequestObject): """ Request model for update_comment_online operation. Initializes a new instance. :param document The document. :param comment_index The index of the comment. :param comment Comment data. :param load_encoding Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. :param password Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass a password via SDK. SDK encrypts it automatically. We don't recommend to use the parameter to pass a plain password for direct call of API. :param encrypted_password Password of protected Word document. Use the parameter to pass an encrypted password for direct calls of API. See SDK code for encyption details. :param dest_file_name Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is omitted then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. :param revision_author Initials of the author to use for revisions.If you set this parameter and then make some changes to the document programmatically, save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions. :param revision_date_time The date and time to use for revisions. """ def __init__(self, document, comment_index, comment, load_encoding=None, password=None, encrypted_password=None, dest_file_name=None, revision_author=None, revision_date_time=None): self.document = document self.comment_index = comment_index self.comment = comment self.load_encoding = load_encoding self.password = password self.encrypted_password = encrypted_password self.dest_file_name = dest_file_name self.revision_author = revision_author self.revision_date_time = revision_date_time def create_http_request(self, api_client): # verify the required parameter 'document' is set if self.document is None: raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `document` when calling `update_comment_online`") # noqa: E501 # verify the required parameter 'comment_index' is set if self.comment_index is None: raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `comment_index` when calling `update_comment_online`") # noqa: E501 # verify the required parameter 'comment' is set if self.comment is None: raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `comment` when calling `update_comment_online`") # noqa: E501 path = '/v4.0/words/online/put/comments/{commentIndex}' path_params = {} if self.comment_index is not None: path_params['commentIndex'] = self.comment_index # noqa: E501 else: path_params['commentIndex'] = '' # noqa: E501 # path parameters collection_formats = {} if path_params: path_params = api_client.sanitize_for_serialization(path_params) path_params = api_client.parameters_to_tuples(path_params, collection_formats) for k, v in path_params: # specified safe chars, encode everything path = path.replace( '{%s}' % k, quote(str(v), safe=api_client.configuration.safe_chars_for_path_param) ) # remove optional path parameters path = path.replace('//', '/') query_params = [] if self.load_encoding is not None: query_params.append(('loadEncoding', self.load_encoding)) # noqa: E501 if self.password is not None: query_params.append(('password', self.password)) # noqa: E501 if self.encrypted_password is not None: query_params.append(('encryptedPassword', self.encrypted_password)) # noqa: E501 if self.dest_file_name is not None: query_params.append(('destFileName', self.dest_file_name)) # noqa: E501 if self.revision_author is not None: query_params.append(('revisionAuthor', self.revision_author)) # noqa: E501 if self.revision_date_time is not None: query_params.append(('revisionDateTime', self.revision_date_time)) # noqa: E501 header_params = {} # HTTP header `Content-Type` header_params['Content-Type'] = api_client.select_header_content_type( # noqa: E501 ['multipart/form-data']) # noqa: E501 file_content_params = [] form_params = [] if self.document is not None: form_params.append(['document', self.document, 'file']) # noqa: E501 if self.comment is not None: form_params.append(['comment', self.comment, 'json']) # noqa: E501 for file_content_value in file_content_params: form_params.append([file_content_value.reference, file_content_value.content, 'file']) # noqa: E501 return { "method": "PUT", "path": path, "body": None, "query_params": query_params, "header_params": header_params, "form_params": form_params, "collection_formats": collection_formats, "response_type": 'UpdateCommentOnlineResponse' # noqa: E501 } def get_response_type(self): return 'UpdateCommentOnlineResponse' # noqa: E501 def deserialize_response(self, api_client, response): multipart = self.getparts(response) return UpdateCommentOnlineResponse( api_client.deserialize(api_client.findMultipartByName(multipart, "Model").content, api_client.findMultipartByName(multipart, "Model").headers, CommentResponse), api_client.deserialize_files_collection(api_client.findMultipartByName(multipart, "Document").content, api_client.findMultipartByName(multipart, "Document").headers))
This library builds a graph-representation of the content of PDFs. The graph is then clustered, resulting page segments are classified and returned. Tables are retrieved formatted in a CSV-style. How-to ======== * Pass the path of the PDF file (as a string) which is wanted to be converted to ``PDFSegmenter``. * Call the function ``segment_document()``. * The function ``get_labeled_graphs()`` returns page-wise document graph representations as a list of ``networkx`` graphs. The labels indicate a clustering assignment. * ``segments2json()`` returns a JSON representation of the segmented document. * ``segments2text()`` returns a textual representation of the segmented document. This can be either annotated (lists, text and tables are supported) or not and controlled via the boolean parameter ``annotate``. * Media boxes of a PDF can be accessed using ``get_media_boxes()``, the page count over ``get_page_count()``. Example call: segmenter = PDFSegmenter(pdf) segmenter.segment\_document() result = segmenter.segments2json() text = segmenter.segments2text() graphs = get\_labeled\_graphs() A file is the only parameter mandatory for the page segmentation. Beside the graph conversion, media boxes of a document can be accessed using ``get_media_boxes()`` and the page count over ``get_page_count()``. JSON ======= tbd Annotated text ================= tbd Settings ========== Clustering ============= tbd Merging ========== tbd Classification ================= tbd Graph ======== General parameters: * ``file``: file name * ``merge_boxes``: indicating if PDF text boxes should be graph nodes, based on visual rectangles present in documents. * ``regress_parameters``: indicating if graph parameters are regressed or used as a priori optimized default ones. Edge restrictions: * ``use_font``: differing font size * ``use_width``: differing width * ``use_rect``: nodes contained in differing visual structures * ``use_horizontal_overlap``: indicating if horizontal edges should be built on overlap. If not, default deltas are used. * ``use_vertical_overlap``: indicating if vertical edges should be built on overlap. If not, default deltas are used. Edge thresholds: * ``page_ratio_x``: maximal relative horizontal distance of two nodes where an edge can be created * ``page_ratio_y``: maximal relative vertical distance of two nodes where an edge can be created * ``x_eps``: alignment epsilon for vertical edges in points if ``use_horizontal_overlap`` is not enabled * ``y_eps``: alignment epsilon for horizontal edges in points if ``use_vertical_overlap`` is not enabled * ``font_eps_h``: indicates how much font sizes of nodes are allowed to differ as a constraint for building horizontal edges when ``use_font`` is enabled * ``font_eps_v``: indicates how much font sizes of nodes are allowed to differ as a constraint for building vertical edges when ``use_font`` is enabled * ``width_pct_eps``: relative width difference of nodes as a condition for vertical edges if ``use_width`` is enabled * ``width_page_eps``: indicating at which maximal width of a node the width should act as an edge condition if ``use_width`` is enabled Project Structure =================== tbd Output Format =============== JSON ======= tbd Text ======= tbd Graph ======== As a result, a list of ``networkx`` graphs is returned. Each graph encapsulates a structured representation of a single page. Edges are attributed with the following features: * ``direction``: shows the direction of an edge. \* ``v``: Vertical edge \* ``h``: Horizontal edge \* ``l``: Rectangular loop. This represents a novel concept encapsulating structural characteristics of document segments by observing if two different paths end up in the same node. * ``length``: Scaled length of an edge * ``lengthx_phys``: Horizontal edge length * ``lengthy_phys``: Vertical edge length * ``weight``: Scaled total length All nodes contain the following content attributes: * ``id``: unique identifier of the PDF element * ``page``: page number, starting with 0 * ``text``: text of the PDF element * ``x_0``: left x coordinate * ``x_1``: right x coordinate * ``y_0``: top y coordinate * ``y_1``: bottom y coordinate * ``pos_x``: center x coordinate * ``pos_y``: center y coordinate * ``abs_pos``: tuple containing a page independent representation of ``(pos_x,pos_y)`` coordinates * ``original_font``: font as extracted by pdfminer * ``font_name``: name of the font extracted from ``original_font`` * ``code``: font code as provided by pdfminer * ``bold``: factor 1 indicating that a text is bold and 0 otherwise * ``italic``: factor 1 indicating that a text is italic and 0 otherwise * ``font_size``: size of the text in points * ``masked``: text with numeric content substituted as # * ``frequency_hist``: histogram of character type frequencies in a text, stored as a tuple containing percentages of textual, numerical, text symbolic and other symbols * ``len_text``: number of characters * ``n_tokens``: number of words * ``tag``: tag for key-value pair extractions, indicating keys or values based on simple heuristics * ``box``: box extracted by pdfminer Layout Analysis * ``in_element_ids``: contains IDs of surrounding visual elements such as rectangles or lists. They are stored as a list [left, right, top, bottom]. -1 is indicating that there is no adjacent visual element. * ``in_element``: indicates based on in_element_ids whether an element is stored in a visual rectangle representation (stored as "rectangle") or not (stored as "none"). * ``is_loop``: indicates whether or not a node is connected via a rectangular loop The media boxes possess the following entries in a dictionary: * ``x0``: Left x page crop box coordinate * ``x1``: Right x page crop box coordinate * ``y0``: Top y page crop box coordinate * ``y1``: Bottom y page crop box coordinate * ``x0page``: Left x page coordinate * ``x1page``: Right x page coordinate * ``y0page``: Top y page coordinate * ``y1page``: Bottom y page coordinate Acknowledgements ================== * Example PDFs are obtained from the ICDAR Table Recognition Challenge 2013 Authors ========= * Michael Benedikt Aigner * Florian Preis
from builtins import object import threading class WMFactory(object): """ A factory Class that is 'not thread safe' but is intended to work in threads (no sharing). The class dynamically loads objects from files when needed and caches them. """ def __init__(self, name, namespace=''): """ Initializes the factory, and checks if this thread already has an attribute for storing registries. It uses the reserved 'registries' attribute in the thread. """ self.namespace = namespace self.objectList = {} myThread = threading.currentThread() if not hasattr(myThread, "factory"): myThread.factory = {} myThread.factory[name] = self def loadObject(self, classname, args=None, storeInCache=True, getFromCache=True, listFlag=False, alteredClassName=None): """ Dynamically loads the object from file. For this to work the class name has to be the same as the file name (minus the .py) Be default objects are loaded from cache. However if you want several different instances of the same object in one thread, you set cache to False. """ if getFromCache: if classname in self.objectList: return self.objectList[classname] if self.namespace == '': module = classname # FIXME: hoky way of doing this! Change this please! errModule = classname else: module = "%s.%s" % (self.namespace, classname) errModule = "%s.%s" % (self.namespace, classname) if alteredClassName: classname = alteredClassName module = __import__(module, globals(), locals(), [classname]) obj = getattr(module, classname.split('.')[-1]) if args is None: classinstance = obj() else: # This handles the passing of list-style arguments instead of dicts # Primarily for setting the schema # Or anywhere you need arguments of the form (a,b,c,...) if isinstance(args, list) and listFlag: classinstance = obj(*args) elif isinstance(args, dict): classinstance = obj(**args) else: # But if you actually need to pass a list, better do it the old fashioned way classinstance = obj(args) if storeInCache: self.objectList[classname] = classinstance return classinstance
import warnings import pulumi import pulumi.runtime from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union from ... import _utilities, _tables from . import outputs from ._enums import * from ._inputs import * __all__ = ['VirtualNetworkTap'] warnings.warn("""The 'latest' version is deprecated. Please migrate to the resource in the top-level module: 'azure-nextgen:network:VirtualNetworkTap'.""", DeprecationWarning) class VirtualNetworkTap(pulumi.CustomResource): warnings.warn("""The 'latest' version is deprecated. Please migrate to the resource in the top-level module: 'azure-nextgen:network:VirtualNetworkTap'.""", DeprecationWarning) def __init__(__self__, resource_name: str, opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None, destination_load_balancer_front_end_ip_configuration: Optional[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['FrontendIPConfigurationArgs']]] = None, destination_network_interface_ip_configuration: Optional[pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['NetworkInterfaceIPConfigurationArgs']]] = None, destination_port: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None, id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, location: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, resource_group_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None, tap_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None, __props__=None, __name__=None, __opts__=None): """ Virtual Network Tap resource. Latest API Version: 2020-08-01. :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['FrontendIPConfigurationArgs']] destination_load_balancer_front_end_ip_configuration: The reference to the private IP address on the internal Load Balancer that will receive the tap. :param pulumi.Input[pulumi.InputType['NetworkInterfaceIPConfigurationArgs']] destination_network_interface_ip_configuration: The reference to the private IP Address of the collector nic that will receive the tap. :param pulumi.Input[int] destination_port: The VXLAN destination port that will receive the tapped traffic. :param pulumi.Input[str] id: Resource ID. :param pulumi.Input[str] location: Resource location. :param pulumi.Input[str] resource_group_name: The name of the resource group. :param pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]] tags: Resource tags. :param pulumi.Input[str] tap_name: The name of the virtual network tap. """ pulumi.log.warn("VirtualNetworkTap is deprecated: The 'latest' version is deprecated. Please migrate to the resource in the top-level module: 'azure-nextgen:network:VirtualNetworkTap'.") if __name__ is not None: warnings.warn("explicit use of __name__ is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) resource_name = __name__ if __opts__ is not None: warnings.warn("explicit use of __opts__ is deprecated, use 'opts' instead", DeprecationWarning) opts = __opts__ if opts is None: opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions() if not isinstance(opts, pulumi.ResourceOptions): raise TypeError('Expected resource options to be a ResourceOptions instance') if opts.version is None: opts.version = _utilities.get_version() if is None: if __props__ is not None: raise TypeError('__props__ is only valid when passed in combination with a valid to get an existing resource') __props__ = dict() __props__['destination_load_balancer_front_end_ip_configuration'] = destination_load_balancer_front_end_ip_configuration __props__['destination_network_interface_ip_configuration'] = destination_network_interface_ip_configuration __props__['destination_port'] = destination_port __props__['id'] = id __props__['location'] = location if resource_group_name is None and not opts.urn: raise TypeError("Missing required property 'resource_group_name'") __props__['resource_group_name'] = resource_group_name __props__['tags'] = tags if tap_name is None and not opts.urn: raise TypeError("Missing required property 'tap_name'") __props__['tap_name'] = tap_name __props__['etag'] = None __props__['name'] = None __props__['network_interface_tap_configurations'] = None __props__['provisioning_state'] = None __props__['resource_guid'] = None __props__['type'] = None alias_opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions(aliases=[pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-nextgen:network:VirtualNetworkTap"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-nextgen:network/v20180801:VirtualNetworkTap"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-nextgen:network/v20181001:VirtualNetworkTap"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-nextgen:network/v20181101:VirtualNetworkTap"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-nextgen:network/v20181201:VirtualNetworkTap"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-nextgen:network/v20190201:VirtualNetworkTap"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-nextgen:network/v20190401:VirtualNetworkTap"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-nextgen:network/v20190601:VirtualNetworkTap"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-nextgen:network/v20190701:VirtualNetworkTap"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-nextgen:network/v20190801:VirtualNetworkTap"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-nextgen:network/v20190901:VirtualNetworkTap"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-nextgen:network/v20191101:VirtualNetworkTap"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-nextgen:network/v20191201:VirtualNetworkTap"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-nextgen:network/v20200301:VirtualNetworkTap"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-nextgen:network/v20200401:VirtualNetworkTap"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-nextgen:network/v20200501:VirtualNetworkTap"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-nextgen:network/v20200601:VirtualNetworkTap"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-nextgen:network/v20200701:VirtualNetworkTap"), pulumi.Alias(type_="azure-nextgen:network/v20200801:VirtualNetworkTap")]) opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions.merge(opts, alias_opts) super(VirtualNetworkTap, __self__).__init__( 'azure-nextgen:network/latest:VirtualNetworkTap', resource_name, __props__, opts) @staticmethod def get(resource_name: str, id: pulumi.Input[str], opts: Optional[pulumi.ResourceOptions] = None) -> 'VirtualNetworkTap': """ Get an existing VirtualNetworkTap resource's state with the given name, id, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup. :param str resource_name: The unique name of the resulting resource. :param pulumi.Input[str] id: The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup. :param pulumi.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. """ opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions.merge(opts, pulumi.ResourceOptions(id=id)) __props__ = dict() return VirtualNetworkTap(resource_name, opts=opts, __props__=__props__) @property @pulumi.getter(name="destinationLoadBalancerFrontEndIPConfiguration") def destination_load_balancer_front_end_ip_configuration(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional['outputs.FrontendIPConfigurationResponse']]: """ The reference to the private IP address on the internal Load Balancer that will receive the tap. """ return pulumi.get(self, "destination_load_balancer_front_end_ip_configuration") @property @pulumi.getter(name="destinationNetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration") def destination_network_interface_ip_configuration(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional['outputs.NetworkInterfaceIPConfigurationResponse']]: """ The reference to the private IP Address of the collector nic that will receive the tap. """ return pulumi.get(self, "destination_network_interface_ip_configuration") @property @pulumi.getter(name="destinationPort") def destination_port(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[int]]: """ The VXLAN destination port that will receive the tapped traffic. """ return pulumi.get(self, "destination_port") @property @pulumi.getter def etag(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ A unique read-only string that changes whenever the resource is updated. """ return pulumi.get(self, "etag") @property @pulumi.getter def location(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[str]]: """ Resource location. """ return pulumi.get(self, "location") @property @pulumi.getter def name(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ Resource name. """ return pulumi.get(self, "name") @property @pulumi.getter(name="networkInterfaceTapConfigurations") def network_interface_tap_configurations(self) -> pulumi.Output[Sequence['outputs.NetworkInterfaceTapConfigurationResponse']]: """ Specifies the list of resource IDs for the network interface IP configuration that needs to be tapped. """ return pulumi.get(self, "network_interface_tap_configurations") @property @pulumi.getter(name="provisioningState") def provisioning_state(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ The provisioning state of the virtual network tap resource. """ return pulumi.get(self, "provisioning_state") @property @pulumi.getter(name="resourceGuid") def resource_guid(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ The resource GUID property of the virtual network tap resource. """ return pulumi.get(self, "resource_guid") @property @pulumi.getter def tags(self) -> pulumi.Output[Optional[Mapping[str, str]]]: """ Resource tags. """ return pulumi.get(self, "tags") @property @pulumi.getter def type(self) -> pulumi.Output[str]: """ Resource type. """ return pulumi.get(self, "type") def translate_output_property(self, prop): return _tables.CAMEL_TO_SNAKE_CASE_TABLE.get(prop) or prop def translate_input_property(self, prop): return _tables.SNAKE_TO_CAMEL_CASE_TABLE.get(prop) or prop
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, Future from contextlib import contextmanager import json import logging from typing import Union from packaging.version import parse as parse_version import certifi from import HowsoDirectClient from import __version__ as community_version import urllib3 from urllib3.util import Retry, Timeout logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # If True, the version has already been checked for this process. VERSION_HOST = "" _VERSION_CHECKED = False @contextmanager def squelch_logs(log_level: int): """A context manager to temporarily disable logs.""" _old_level = logging.root.manager.disable logging.disable(log_level) try: yield finally: logging.disable(_old_level) class HowsoEngineClient(HowsoDirectClient): """ Creates a distinct HowsoDirectClient for howso-engine. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, default False Set verbose output. debug: bool, default False Sets logger debug output. """ def __init__(self, verbose=False, debug=False, **kwargs): """ Creates a HowsoClient which executes via a direct interface using dynamic libraries. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, default False Set verbose output. debug: bool, default False Sets logger debug output. """ global _VERSION_CHECKED with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) as executor: if kwargs.pop("check_version", True) and not _VERSION_CHECKED: _VERSION_CHECKED = True self.version_check_task = executor.submit(self.check_version) self.version_check_task.add_done_callback(self.report_version) super().__init__(verbose=verbose, debug=debug, **kwargs) def check_version(self) -> Union[str, None]: """Check if there is a more recent version.""" http = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs='CERT_REQUIRED', ca_certs=certifi.where(), retries=Retry(total=1), timeout=Timeout(total=3), maxsize=10) url = f"{VERSION_HOST}/v1/how-reactor-community?version={community_version}" with squelch_logs(logging.WARNING + 1): response = http.request(method="GET", url=url) if 200 <= response.status < 300: payload = json.loads('utf-8')) return payload.get('version') raise AssertionError("Not OK response.") def report_version(self, task: Future): try: latest_version = task.result() except Exception: pass else: if latest_version and latest_version != community_version: if parse_version(latest_version) > parse_version(community_version): logger.warning( f"Version {latest_version} of Howso® Engine is " f"available. You are using version {community_version}.") elif parse_version(latest_version) < parse_version(community_version): logger.debug( f"Version {latest_version} of Howso® Engine is " f"available. You are using version {community_version}. " f"This is a pre-release version.")
import logging import os import random import zipfile from glob import glob from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List, Tuple import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn from tqdm import tqdm from import IM_EXTENSIONS, ResizeDataset, denormalise_tensors from ..utils.settings import ExtractionSettings, NetworkSettings from ..utils.stats import histogram_per_channel def get_min_max_features(acc_feats, feats, layer): with torch.no_grad(): # Keep only min and max values in 2 tensor channels of the last dimension. Min and max values are taken over the batch if layer in acc_feats: # Get min and max over batch b_min_max = torch.stack( ( torch.min(feats[layer], dim=0, keepdim=True).values, torch.max(feats[layer], dim=0, keepdim=True).values, ), dim=-1, ) # Keep min max between previous data and current batch acc_feats[layer] = torch.stack( ( torch.min(acc_feats[layer][..., 0], b_min_max[..., 0]), torch.max(acc_feats[layer][..., 1], b_min_max[..., 1]), ), dim=-1, ) else: # If first batch, then just keep the histogram acc_feats[layer] = torch.stack( ( torch.min(feats[layer], dim=0, keepdim=True).values, torch.max(feats[layer], dim=0, keepdim=True).values, ), dim=-1, ) return acc_feats def get_pre_hist_norm_params_from_min_max( min_max_per_neuron: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[int, float]]], range_scale: float, device: str = "cpu" ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]: """Get the parameters for normalisation of the histogram of the neuron activations. Args: min_max_per_neuron (dict): Dictionary with the min and max activation for each neuron. range_scale (float): Scaling to apply to the range boundaries before finding normalisation parameters. Returns: dict: Dictionary with the mean and std tensors to apply to each layer """ norm_means_per_layer = {} norm_stds_per_layer = {} for layer in min_max_per_neuron["mins_per_neuron"]: min_activations = [] max_activations = [] for neuron in min_max_per_neuron["mins_per_neuron"][layer]: min_activations.append(min_max_per_neuron["mins_per_neuron"][layer][neuron] * range_scale) max_activations.append(min_max_per_neuron["maxs_per_neuron"][layer][neuron] * range_scale) min_activations = torch.DoubleTensor(min_activations) max_activations = torch.DoubleTensor(max_activations) mean = (min_activations + max_activations) / 2 std = (max_activations - min_activations) / 2 + 1e-8 norm_means_per_layer[layer] = mean.reshape(1, -1, 1, 1).to(device) norm_stds_per_layer[layer] = std.reshape(1, -1, 1, 1).to(device) return norm_means_per_layer, norm_stds_per_layer class FeatureExtractionModel(nn.Module): def __init__( self, network_settings: NetworkSettings = NetworkSettings(), extraction_settings: ExtractionSettings = ExtractionSettings(), activation_ranges_per_neuron={"mins_per_neuron": {}, "maxs_per_neuron": {}}, ): super(FeatureExtractionModel, self).__init__() self.network_settings = network_settings self.extraction_settings = extraction_settings self.norm_means_per_layer, self.norm_stds_per_layer = get_pre_hist_norm_params_from_min_max( activation_ranges_per_neuron, self.extraction_settings.range_scale_for_norm_params, device=self.extraction_settings.device, ) = "not_set" def get_features(self, batch): raise NotImplementedError """ Compute the features for a batch of images. Should return a dict with features at each layer. """ def get_batch_features(self, batch, device): return self.get_features( def get_dataloader(self, data_settings): # Check if data_settings.source is a list of np arrays if isinstance(data_settings.source, List) and isinstance(data_settings.source[0], np.ndarray): images = data_settings.source l_files = None else: images = None l_files = self.get_files_list(data_settings) dataset = ResizeDataset( l_files, images, crop_to_square_pre_resize=data_settings.crop_to_square_pre_resize, size=self.network_settings.expected_size, resize_mode=data_settings.resize_mode, norm_mean=self.network_settings.norm_mean, norm_std=self.network_settings.norm_std, ) if data_settings.custom_np_image_tranform is not None: dataset.custom_np_image_tranform = data_settings.custom_np_image_tranform if data_settings.custom_pil_image_tranform is not None: dataset.custom_pil_image_tranform = data_settings.custom_pil_image_tranform if data_settings.custom_fn_resize is not None: dataset.fn_resize = data_settings.custom_fn_resize dataloader = dataset, batch_size=self.extraction_settings.batch_size, shuffle=False, drop_last=False, num_workers=self.extraction_settings.num_workers, ) return dataloader def get_data_features(self, data_settings): dataloader = self.get_dataloader(data_settings) # wrap the images in a dataloader for parallelizing the resize operation if ( not self.extraction_settings.average_feats_spatially and not self.extraction_settings.accumulate_spatial_feats_in_hist and not self.extraction_settings.keep_only_min_max ): logging.warning( "Will try to accumulate all features from dataset with no spatial reduction, expect huge RAM usage if using many images!" ) device = torch.device(self.extraction_settings.device) # collect all features acc_feats = {} if self.extraction_settings.verbose: pbar = tqdm(dataloader, desc=self.extraction_settings.description) else: pbar = dataloader for batch in pbar: with torch.no_grad(): feats = self.get_batch_features(batch, device) if self.extraction_settings.average_feats_spatially: for layer in feats: feats[layer] = torch.mean(feats[layer], dim=(2, 3), keepdim=True) if self.extraction_settings.normalise_feats: for layer in feats: feats[layer] = (feats[layer] - self.norm_means_per_layer[layer]) / self.norm_stds_per_layer[layer] if ( self.extraction_settings.accumulate_spatial_feats_in_hist or self.extraction_settings.accumulate_sample_feats_in_hist ): for layer in feats: feats[layer] = histogram_per_channel( feats[layer], hist_nb_bins=self.extraction_settings.hist_nb_bins, hist_range=self.extraction_settings.hist_range, ) for layer in feats: if ( not self.extraction_settings.accumulate_sample_feats_in_hist and not self.extraction_settings.keep_only_min_max ): # Keep all features for each batch in a list acc_feats[layer] = acc_feats.get(layer, []) + [feats[layer]] elif self.extraction_settings.keep_only_min_max: # Keep only min and max features over all samples acc_feats = get_min_max_features(acc_feats, feats, layer) else: # Accumulate histograms if layer in acc_feats: # Sum the histograms over all samples acc_feats[layer] += feats[layer] else: # If first batch, then just keep the histogram acc_feats[layer] = feats[layer] if ( not self.extraction_settings.accumulate_sample_feats_in_hist and not self.extraction_settings.keep_only_min_max ): acc_feats = {layer:[layer]) for layer in acc_feats} dataset = dataloader.dataset n_sample_ims = min(len(dataset), self.extraction_settings.n_sample_images) sample_images = [dataset[i] for i in random.sample(range(len(dataset)), n_sample_ims)] sample_images = denormalise_tensors( sample_images, self.network_settings.norm_mean, self.network_settings.norm_std ) return acc_feats, len(dataset), sample_images def get_files_list(self, data_settings): # get all relevant files in the dataset if isinstance(data_settings.source, List): # Check that all files exists and are images using pathlib for file in data_settings.source: assert Path(file).is_file(), f"File {file} does not exist" assert file.split(".")[-1] in IM_EXTENSIONS, f"File {file} is not an image" files = data_settings.source elif data_settings.source.split(".")[-1] in IM_EXTENSIONS: files = [data_settings.source] elif data_settings.source.split(".")[-1] == "txt": files = [] # Read the text file with open(data_settings.source, "r") as f: for line in f: files.append(line.strip()) # If path is relative, make it absolute using the directory of the text file if not os.path.isabs(files[-1]): files[-1] = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(data_settings.source)), files[-1]) # Check if the file is an image assert files[-1].split(".")[-1] in IM_EXTENSIONS, f"File {files[-1]} is not an image" # Check if the file exists assert os.path.exists(files[-1]), f"File {files[-1]} does not exist" # Sort files files = sorted(files) elif ".zip" in data_settings.source: files = list(set(zipfile.ZipFile(data_settings.source).namelist())) # remove the non-image files inside the zip files = [x for x in files if os.path.splitext(x)[1].lower()[1:] in IM_EXTENSIONS] else: files = sorted( [ file for ext in IM_EXTENSIONS for file in glob(os.path.join(data_settings.source, f"**/*.{ext}"), recursive=True) ] ) if self.extraction_settings.verbose: print(f"Found {len(files)} images in the provided source") # use a subset number of files if needed if data_settings.num_images > 0 and data_settings.num_images < len(files): if data_settings.shuffle_files: random.seed(self.extraction_settings.seed) random.shuffle(files) files = files[: data_settings.num_images] if self.extraction_settings.verbose: print(f"Using {len(files)} images") return files def forward(self, x): self.get_features(x)
import logging from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.gis import gdal from django.contrib.gis.geometry import json_regex from django.contrib.gis.geos import GEOSException, GEOSGeometry from django.forms.widgets import Widget from django.utils import translation logger = logging.getLogger('django.contrib.gis') class BaseGeometryWidget(Widget): """ The base class for rich geometry widgets. Render a map using the WKT of the geometry. """ geom_type = 'GEOMETRY' map_srid = 4326 map_width = 600 map_height = 400 display_raw = False supports_3d = False template_name = '' # set on subclasses def __init__(self, attrs=None): self.attrs = {} for key in ('geom_type', 'map_srid', 'map_width', 'map_height', 'display_raw'): self.attrs[key] = getattr(self, key) if attrs: self.attrs.update(attrs) def serialize(self, value): return value.wkt if value else '' def deserialize(self, value): try: return GEOSGeometry(value) except (GEOSException, ValueError, TypeError) as err: logger.error("Error creating geometry from value '%s' (%s)", value, err) return None def get_context(self, name, value, attrs): context = super().get_context(name, value, attrs) # If a string reaches here (via a validation error on another # field) then just reconstruct the Geometry. if value and isinstance(value, str): value = self.deserialize(value) if value: # Check that srid of value and map match if value.srid and value.srid != self.map_srid: try: ogr = value.ogr ogr.transform(self.map_srid) value = ogr except gdal.GDALException as err: logger.error( "Error transforming geometry from srid '%s' to srid '%s' (%s)", value.srid, self.map_srid, err ) context.update(self.build_attrs(self.attrs, { 'name': name, 'module': 'geodjango_%s' % name.replace('-', '_'), # JS-safe 'serialized': self.serialize(value), 'geom_type': gdal.OGRGeomType(self.attrs['geom_type']), 'STATIC_URL': settings.STATIC_URL, 'LANGUAGE_BIDI': translation.get_language_bidi(), **(attrs or {}), })) return context class OpenLayersWidget(BaseGeometryWidget): template_name = 'gis/openlayers.html' map_srid = 3857 class Media: css = { 'all': ( '', 'gis/css/ol3.css', ) } js = ( '', 'gis/js/OLMapWidget.js', ) def serialize(self, value): return value.json if value else '' def deserialize(self, value): geom = super().deserialize(value) # GeoJSON assumes WGS84 (4326). Use the map's SRID instead. if geom and json_regex.match(value) and self.map_srid != 4326: geom.srid = self.map_srid return geom class OSMWidget(OpenLayersWidget): """ An OpenLayers/OpenStreetMap-based widget. """ template_name = 'gis/openlayers-osm.html' default_lon = 5 default_lat = 47 default_zoom = 12 def __init__(self, attrs=None): super().__init__() for key in ('default_lon', 'default_lat', 'default_zoom'): self.attrs[key] = getattr(self, key) if attrs: self.attrs.update(attrs)
# 召唤宇宙能量的幸运整理术 ## 下载 ### Docker ``` docker pull apachecn0/zhaohuan-yuzhou-nengliangde-xingyun-zhenglishu docker run -tid -p <port>:80 apachecn0/zhaohuan-yuzhou-nengliangde-xingyun-zhenglishu # 访问 http://localhost:{port} 查看文档 ``` ### PYPI ``` pip install zhaohuan-yuzhou-nengliangde-xingyun-zhenglishu zhaohuan-yuzhou-nengliangde-xingyun-zhenglishu <port> # 访问 http://localhost:{port} 查看文档 ``` ### NPM ``` npm install -g zhaohuan-yuzhou-nengliangde-xingyun-zhenglishu zhaohuan-yuzhou-nengliangde-xingyun-zhenglishu <port> # 访问 http://localhost:{port} 查看文档 ```
import sys as _sys from tensorflow.python.distribute.combinations import env from tensorflow.python.distribute.combinations import generate from tensorflow.python.distribute.combinations import in_main_process from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import central_storage_strategy_with_gpu_and_cpu from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import central_storage_strategy_with_two_gpus from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import cloud_tpu_strategy from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import default_strategy from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import mirrored_strategy_with_cpu_1_and_2 from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import mirrored_strategy_with_gpu_and_cpu from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import mirrored_strategy_with_one_cpu from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import mirrored_strategy_with_one_gpu from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import mirrored_strategy_with_two_cpus from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import mirrored_strategy_with_two_gpus from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import mirrored_strategy_with_two_gpus_no_merge_call from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import multi_worker_mirrored_2x1_cpu from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import multi_worker_mirrored_2x1_gpu from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import multi_worker_mirrored_2x1_gpu_noshare from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import multi_worker_mirrored_2x2_gpu from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import multi_worker_mirrored_2x2_gpu_no_merge_call from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import one_device_strategy from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import one_device_strategy_gpu from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import parameter_server_strategy_1worker_2ps_1gpu from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import parameter_server_strategy_1worker_2ps_cpu from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import parameter_server_strategy_3worker_2ps_1gpu from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import parameter_server_strategy_3worker_2ps_cpu from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import tpu_strategy from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import tpu_strategy_one_core from tensorflow.python.distribute.strategy_combinations import tpu_strategy_packed_var
.. _guide-canvas: ============================= Canvas: Designing Workflows ============================= .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 .. _canvas-subtasks: .. _canvas-signatures: Signatures ========== .. versionadded:: 2.0 You just learned how to call a task using the tasks ``delay`` method in the :ref:`calling <guide-calling>` guide, and this is often all you need, but sometimes you may want to pass the signature of a task invocation to another process or as an argument to another function. A :func:`~celery.signature` wraps the arguments, keyword arguments, and execution options of a single task invocation in a way such that it can be passed to functions or even serialized and sent across the wire. Signatures are often nicknamed "subtasks" because they describe a task to be called within a task. - You can create a signature for the ``add`` task using its name like this:: >>> from celery import signature >>> signature('tasks.add', args=(2, 2), countdown=10) tasks.add(2, 2) This task has a signature of arity 2 (two arguments): ``(2, 2)``, and sets the countdown execution option to 10. - or you can create one using the task's ``subtask`` method:: >>> add.subtask((2, 2), countdown=10) tasks.add(2, 2) - There is also a shortcut using star arguments:: >>> add.s(2, 2) tasks.add(2, 2) - Keyword arguments are also supported:: >>> add.s(2, 2, debug=True) tasks.add(2, 2, debug=True) - From any signature instance you can inspect the different fields:: >>> s = add.subtask((2, 2), {'debug': True}, countdown=10) >>> s.args (2, 2) >>> s.kwargs {'debug': True} >>> s.options {'countdown': 10} - It supports the "Calling API" which means it supports ``delay`` and ``apply_async`` or being called directly. Calling the signature will execute the task inline in the current process:: >>> add(2, 2) 4 >>> add.s(2, 2)() 4 ``delay`` is our beloved shortcut to ``apply_async`` taking star-arguments:: >>> result = add.delay(2, 2) >>> result.get() 4 ``apply_async`` takes the same arguments as the :meth:`Task.apply_async <@Task.apply_async>` method:: >>> add.apply_async(args, kwargs, **options) >>> add.subtask(args, kwargs, **options).apply_async() >>> add.apply_async((2, 2), countdown=1) >>> add.subtask((2, 2), countdown=1).apply_async() - You can't define options with :meth:`[email protected]`, but a chaining ``set`` call takes care of that:: >>> add.s(2, 2).set(countdown=1) proj.tasks.add(2, 2) Partials -------- With a signature, you can execute the task in a worker:: >>> add.s(2, 2).delay() >>> add.s(2, 2).apply_async(countdown=1) Or you can call it directly in the current process:: >>> add.s(2, 2)() 4 Specifying additional args, kwargs or options to ``apply_async``/``delay`` creates partials: - Any arguments added will be prepended to the args in the signature:: >>> partial = add.s(2) # incomplete signature >>> partial.delay(4) # 2 + 4 >>> partial.apply_async((4,)) # same - Any keyword arguments added will be merged with the kwargs in the signature, with the new keyword arguments taking precedence:: >>> s = add.s(2, 2) >>> s.delay(debug=True) # -> add(2, 2, debug=True) >>> s.apply_async(kwargs={'debug': True}) # same - Any options added will be merged with the options in the signature, with the new options taking precedence:: >>> s = add.subtask((2, 2), countdown=10) >>> s.apply_async(countdown=1) # countdown is now 1 You can also clone signatures to create derivates: >>> s = add.s(2) proj.tasks.add(2) >>> s.clone(args=(4,), kwargs={'debug': True}) proj.tasks.add(4, 2, debug=True) Immutability ------------ .. versionadded:: 3.0 Partials are meant to be used with callbacks, any tasks linked or chord callbacks will be applied with the result of the parent task. Sometimes you want to specify a callback that does not take additional arguments, and in that case you can set the signature to be immutable:: >>> add.apply_async((2, 2), link=reset_buffers.subtask(immutable=True)) The ``.si()`` shortcut can also be used to create immutable signatures:: >>> add.apply_async((2, 2), Only the execution options can be set when a signature is immutable, so it's not possible to call the signature with partial args/kwargs. .. note:: In this tutorial I sometimes use the prefix operator `~` to signatures. You probably shouldn't use it in your production code, but it's a handy shortcut when experimenting in the Python shell:: >>> ~sig >>> # is the same as >>> sig.delay().get() .. _canvas-callbacks: Callbacks --------- .. versionadded:: 3.0 Callbacks can be added to any task using the ``link`` argument to ``apply_async``:: add.apply_async((2, 2), link=other_task.s()) The callback will only be applied if the task exited successfully, and it will be applied with the return value of the parent task as argument. As I mentioned earlier, any arguments you add to a signature, will be prepended to the arguments specified by the signature itself! If you have the signature:: >>> sig = add.s(10) then `sig.delay(result)` becomes:: >>> add.apply_async(args=(result, 10)) ... Now let's call our ``add`` task with a callback using partial arguments:: >>> add.apply_async((2, 2), link=add.s(8)) As expected this will first launch one task calculating :math:`2 + 2`, then another task calculating :math:`4 + 8`. The Primitives ============== .. versionadded:: 3.0 .. topic:: Overview - ``group`` The group primitive is a signature that takes a list of tasks that should be applied in parallel. - ``chain`` The chain primitive lets us link together signatures so that one is called after the other, essentially forming a *chain* of callbacks. - ``chord`` A chord is just like a group but with a callback. A chord consists of a header group and a body, where the body is a task that should execute after all of the tasks in the header are complete. - ``map`` The map primitive works like the built-in ``map`` function, but creates a temporary task where a list of arguments is applied to the task. E.g. ``[1, 2])`` results in a single task being called, applying the arguments in order to the task function so that the result is:: res = [task(1), task(2)] - ``starmap`` Works exactly like map except the arguments are applied as ``*args``. For example ``add.starmap([(2, 2), (4, 4)])`` results in a single task calling:: res = [add(2, 2), add(4, 4)] - ``chunks`` Chunking splits a long list of arguments into parts, e.g the operation:: >>> items = zip(xrange(1000), xrange(1000)) # 1000 items >>> add.chunks(items, 10) will split the list of items into chunks of 10, resulting in 100 tasks (each processing 10 items in sequence). The primitives are also signature objects themselves, so that they can be combined in any number of ways to compose complex workflows. Here's some examples: - Simple chain Here's a simple chain, the first task executes passing its return value to the next task in the chain, and so on. .. code-block:: python >>> from celery import chain # 2 + 2 + 4 + 8 >>> res = chain(add.s(2, 2), add.s(4), add.s(8))() >>> res.get() 16 This can also be written using pipes:: >>> (add.s(2, 2) | add.s(4) | add.s(8))().get() 16 - Immutable signatures Signatures can be partial so arguments can be added to the existing arguments, but you may not always want that, for example if you don't want the result of the previous task in a chain. In that case you can mark the signature as immutable, so that the arguments cannot be changed:: >>> add.subtask((2, 2), immutable=True) There's also an ``.si`` shortcut for this:: >>>, 2) Now you can create a chain of independent tasks instead:: >>> res = (, 2) |, 4) | add.s(8, 8))() >>> res.get() 16 >>> res.parent.get() 8 >>> res.parent.parent.get() 4 - Simple group You can easily create a group of tasks to execute in parallel:: >>> from celery import group >>> res = group(add.s(i, i) for i in xrange(10))() >>> res.get(timeout=1) [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18] - Simple chord The chord primitive enables us to add callback to be called when all of the tasks in a group have finished executing, which is often required for algorithms that aren't embarrassingly parallel:: >>> from celery import chord >>> res = chord((add.s(i, i) for i in xrange(10)), xsum.s())() >>> res.get() 90 The above example creates 10 task that all start in parallel, and when all of them are complete the return values are combined into a list and sent to the ``xsum`` task. The body of a chord can also be immutable, so that the return value of the group is not passed on to the callback:: >>> chord((import_contact.s(c) for c in contacts), ... Note the use of ``.si`` above which creates an immutable signature. - Blow your mind by combining Chains can be partial too:: >>> c1 = (add.s(4) | mul.s(8)) # (16 + 4) * 8 >>> res = c1(16) >>> res.get() 160 Which means that you can combine chains:: # ((4 + 16) * 2 + 4) * 8 >>> c2 = (add.s(4, 16) | mul.s(2) | (add.s(4) | mul.s(8))) >>> res = c2() >>> res.get() 352 Chaining a group together with another task will automatically upgrade it to be a chord:: >>> c3 = (group(add.s(i, i) for i in xrange(10)) | xsum.s()) >>> res = c3() >>> res.get() 90 Groups and chords accepts partial arguments too, so in a chain the return value of the previous task is forwarded to all tasks in the group:: >>> new_user_workflow = (create_user.s() | group( ... import_contacts.s(), ... send_welcome_email.s())) ... new_user_workflow.delay(username='artv', ... first='Art', ... last='Vandelay', ... email='[email protected]') If you don't want to forward arguments to the group then you can make the signatures in the group immutable:: >>> res = (add.s(4, 4) | group(, i) for i in xrange(10)))() >>> res.get() <GroupResult: de44df8c-821d-4c84-9a6a-44769c738f98 [ bc01831b-9486-4e51-b046-480d7c9b78de, 2650a1b8-32bf-4771-a645-b0a35dcc791b, dcbee2a5-e92d-4b03-b6eb-7aec60fd30cf, 59f92e0a-23ea-41ce-9fad-8645a0e7759c, 26e1e707-eccf-4bf4-bbd8-1e1729c3cce3, 2d10a5f4-37f0-41b2-96ac-a973b1df024d, e13d3bdb-7ae3-4101-81a4-6f17ee21df2d, 104b2be0-7b75-44eb-ac8e-f9220bdfa140, c5c551a5-0386-4973-aa37-b65cbeb2624b, 83f72d71-4b71-428e-b604-6f16599a9f37]> >>> res.parent.get() 8 .. _canvas-chain: Chains ------ .. versionadded:: 3.0 Tasks can be linked together, which in practice means adding a callback task:: >>> res = add.apply_async((2, 2), link=mul.s(16)) >>> res.get() 4 The linked task will be applied with the result of its parent task as the first argument, which in the above case will result in ``mul(4, 16)`` since the result is 4. You can also add *error callbacks* using the ``link_error`` argument:: >>> add.apply_async((2, 2), link_error=log_error.s()) >>> add.subtask((2, 2), link_error=log_error.s()) Since exceptions can only be serialized when pickle is used the error callbacks take the id of the parent task as argument instead: .. code-block:: python from __future__ import print_function import os from proj.celery import app @app.task def log_error(task_id): result = app.AsyncResult(task_id) result.get(propagate=False) # make sure result written. with open(os.path.join('/var/errors', task_id), 'a') as fh: print('--\n\n{0} {1} {2}'.format( task_id, result.result, result.traceback), file=fh) To make it even easier to link tasks together there is a special signature called :class:`~celery.chain` that lets you chain tasks together: .. code-block:: python >>> from celery import chain >>> from proj.tasks import add, mul # (4 + 4) * 8 * 10 >>> res = chain(add.s(4, 4), mul.s(8), mul.s(10)) proj.tasks.add(4, 4) | proj.tasks.mul(8) | proj.tasks.mul(10) Calling the chain will call the tasks in the current process and return the result of the last task in the chain:: >>> res = chain(add.s(4, 4), mul.s(8), mul.s(10))() >>> res.get() 640 It also sets ``parent`` attributes so that you can work your way up the chain to get intermediate results:: >>> res.parent.get() 64 >>> res.parent.parent.get() 8 >>> res.parent.parent <AsyncResult: eeaad925-6778-4ad1-88c8-b2a63d017933> Chains can also be made using the ``|`` (pipe) operator:: >>> (add.s(2, 2) | mul.s(8) | mul.s(10)).apply_async() .. note:: It's not possible to synchronize on groups, so a group chained to another signature is automatically upgraded to a chord: .. code-block:: python # will actually be a chord when finally evaluated res = (group(add.s(i, i) for i in range(10)) | xsum.s()).delay() Trails ~~~~~~ Tasks will keep track of what subtasks a task calls in the result backend (unless disabled using :attr:`Task.trail <[email protected]>`) and this can be accessed from the result instance:: >>> res.children [<AsyncResult: 8c350acf-519d-4553-8a53-4ad3a5c5aeb4>] >>> res.children[0].get() 64 The result instance also has a :meth:`[email protected]` method that treats the result as a graph, enabling you to iterate over the results:: >>> list(res.collect()) [(<AsyncResult: 7b720856-dc5f-4415-9134-5c89def5664e>, 4), (<AsyncResult: 8c350acf-519d-4553-8a53-4ad3a5c5aeb4>, 64)] By default :meth:`[email protected]` will raise an :exc:`~@IncompleteStream` exception if the graph is not fully formed (one of the tasks has not completed yet), but you can get an intermediate representation of the graph too:: >>> for result, value in res.collect(intermediate=True)): .... Graphs ~~~~~~ In addition you can work with the result graph as a :class:`~celery.datastructures.DependencyGraph`: .. code-block:: python >>> res = chain(add.s(4, 4), mul.s(8), mul.s(10))() >>> res.parent.parent.graph 285fa253-fcf8-42ef-8b95-0078897e83e6(1) 463afec2-5ed4-4036-b22d-ba067ec64f52(0) 872c3995-6fa0-46ca-98c2-5a19155afcf0(2) 285fa253-fcf8-42ef-8b95-0078897e83e6(1) 463afec2-5ed4-4036-b22d-ba067ec64f52(0) You can even convert these graphs to *dot* format:: >>> with open('', 'w') as fh: ... res.parent.parent.graph.to_dot(fh) and create images: .. code-block:: bash $ dot -Tpng -o graph.png .. image:: ../images/result_graph.png .. _canvas-group: Groups ------ .. versionadded:: 3.0 A group can be used to execute several tasks in parallel. The :class:`` function takes a list of signatures:: >>> from celery import group >>> from proj.tasks import add >>> group(add.s(2, 2), add.s(4, 4)) (proj.tasks.add(2, 2), proj.tasks.add(4, 4)) If you **call** the group, the tasks will be applied one after one in the current process, and a :class:`~celery.result.GroupResult` instance is returned which can be used to keep track of the results, or tell how many tasks are ready and so on:: >>> g = group(add.s(2, 2), add.s(4, 4)) >>> res = g() >>> res.get() [4, 8] Group also supports iterators:: >>> group(add.s(i, i) for i in xrange(100))() A group is a signature object, so it can be used in combination with other signatures. Group Results ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The group task returns a special result too, this result works just like normal task results, except that it works on the group as a whole:: >>> from celery import group >>> from tasks import add >>> job = group([ ... add.s(2, 2), ... add.s(4, 4), ... add.s(8, 8), ... add.s(16, 16), ... add.s(32, 32), ... ]) >>> result = job.apply_async() >>> result.ready() # have all subtasks completed? True >>> result.successful() # were all subtasks successful? True >>> result.get() [4, 8, 16, 32, 64] The :class:`~celery.result.GroupResult` takes a list of :class:`~celery.result.AsyncResult` instances and operates on them as if it was a single task. It supports the following operations: * :meth:`~celery.result.GroupResult.successful` Return :const:`True` if all of the subtasks finished successfully (e.g. did not raise an exception). * :meth:`~celery.result.GroupResult.failed` Return :const:`True` if any of the subtasks failed. * :meth:`~celery.result.GroupResult.waiting` Return :const:`True` if any of the subtasks is not ready yet. * :meth:`~celery.result.GroupResult.ready` Return :const:`True` if all of the subtasks are ready. * :meth:`~celery.result.GroupResult.completed_count` Return the number of completed subtasks. * :meth:`~celery.result.GroupResult.revoke` Revoke all of the subtasks. * :meth:`~celery.result.GroupResult.join` Gather the results for all of the subtasks and return a list with them ordered by the order of which they were called. .. _canvas-chord: Chords ------ .. versionadded:: 2.3 .. note:: Tasks used within a chord must *not* ignore their results. If the result backend is disabled for *any* task (header or body) in your chord you should read ":ref:`chord-important-notes`". A chord is a task that only executes after all of the tasks in a group have finished executing. Let's calculate the sum of the expression :math:`1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 ... n + n` up to a hundred digits. First you need two tasks, :func:`add` and :func:`tsum` (:func:`sum` is already a standard function): .. code-block:: python @app.task def add(x, y): return x + y @app.task def tsum(numbers): return sum(numbers) Now you can use a chord to calculate each addition step in parallel, and then get the sum of the resulting numbers:: >>> from celery import chord >>> from tasks import add, tsum >>> chord(add.s(i, i) ... for i in xrange(100))(tsum.s()).get() 9900 This is obviously a very contrived example, the overhead of messaging and synchronization makes this a lot slower than its Python counterpart:: sum(i + i for i in xrange(100)) The synchronization step is costly, so you should avoid using chords as much as possible. Still, the chord is a powerful primitive to have in your toolbox as synchronization is a required step for many parallel algorithms. Let's break the chord expression down: .. code-block:: python >>> callback = tsum.s() >>> header = [add.s(i, i) for i in range(100)] >>> result = chord(header)(callback) >>> result.get() 9900 Remember, the callback can only be executed after all of the tasks in the header have returned. Each step in the header is executed as a task, in parallel, possibly on different nodes. The callback is then applied with the return value of each task in the header. The task id returned by :meth:`chord` is the id of the callback, so you can wait for it to complete and get the final return value (but remember to :ref:`never have a task wait for other tasks <task-synchronous-subtasks>`) .. _chord-errors: Error handling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So what happens if one of the tasks raises an exception? This was not documented for some time and before version 3.1 the exception value will be forwarded to the chord callback. From 3.1 errors will propagate to the callback, so the callback will not be executed instead the callback changes to failure state, and the error is set to the :exc:`~@ChordError` exception: .. code-block:: python >>> c = chord([add.s(4, 4), raising_task.s(), add.s(8, 8)]) >>> result = c() >>> result.get() Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "*/celery/", line 120, in get interval=interval) File "*/celery/backends/", line 150, in wait_for raise meta['result'] celery.exceptions.ChordError: Dependency 97de6f3f-ea67-4517-a21c-d867c61fcb47 raised ValueError('something something',) If you're running 3.0.14 or later you can enable the new behavior via the :setting:`CELERY_CHORD_PROPAGATES` setting:: CELERY_CHORD_PROPAGATES = True While the traceback may be different depending on which result backend is being used, you can see the error description includes the id of the task that failed and a string representation of the original exception. You can also find the original traceback in ``result.traceback``. Note that the rest of the tasks will still execute, so the third task (``add.s(8, 8)``) is still executed even though the middle task failed. Also the :exc:`~@ChordError` only shows the task that failed first (in time): it does not respect the ordering of the header group. .. _chord-important-notes: Important Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tasks used within a chord must *not* ignore their results. In practice this means that you must enable a :const:`CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND` in order to use chords. Additionally, if :const:`CELERY_IGNORE_RESULT` is set to :const:`True` in your configuration, be sure that the individual tasks to be used within the chord are defined with :const:`ignore_result=False`. This applies to both Task subclasses and decorated tasks. Example Task subclass: .. code-block:: python class MyTask(Task): abstract = True ignore_result = False Example decorated task: .. code-block:: python @app.task(ignore_result=False) def another_task(project): do_something() By default the synchronization step is implemented by having a recurring task poll the completion of the group every second, calling the signature when ready. Example implementation: .. code-block:: python from celery import maybe_signature @app.task(bind=True) def unlock_chord(self, group, callback, interval=1, max_retries=None): if group.ready(): return maybe_signature(callback).delay(group.join()) raise self.retry(countdown=interval, max_retries=max_retries) This is used by all result backends except Redis and Memcached, which increment a counter after each task in the header, then applying the callback when the counter exceeds the number of tasks in the set. *Note:* chords do not properly work with Redis before version 2.2; you will need to upgrade to at least 2.2 to use them. The Redis and Memcached approach is a much better solution, but not easily implemented in other backends (suggestions welcome!). .. note:: If you are using chords with the Redis result backend and also overriding the :meth:`Task.after_return` method, you need to make sure to call the super method or else the chord callback will not be applied. .. code-block:: python def after_return(self, *args, **kwargs): do_something() super(MyTask, self).after_return(*args, **kwargs) .. _canvas-map: Map & Starmap ------------- :class:`` and :class:`~celery.starmap` are built-in tasks that calls the task for every element in a sequence. They differ from group in that - only one task message is sent - the operation is sequential. For example using ``map``: .. code-block:: python >>> from proj.tasks import add >>>[range(10), range(100)]) [45, 4950] is the same as having a task doing: .. code-block:: python @app.task def temp(): return [xsum(range(10)), xsum(range(100))] and using ``starmap``:: >>> ~add.starmap(zip(range(10), range(10))) [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18] is the same as having a task doing: .. code-block:: python @app.task def temp(): return [add(i, i) for i in range(10)] Both ``map`` and ``starmap`` are signature objects, so they can be used as other signatures and combined in groups etc., for example to call the starmap after 10 seconds:: >>> add.starmap(zip(range(10), range(10))).apply_async(countdown=10) .. _canvas-chunks: Chunks ------ Chunking lets you divide an iterable of work into pieces, so that if you have one million objects, you can create 10 tasks with hundred thousand objects each. Some may worry that chunking your tasks results in a degradation of parallelism, but this is rarely true for a busy cluster and in practice since you are avoiding the overhead of messaging it may considerably increase performance. To create a chunks signature you can use :meth:`@Task.chunks`: .. code-block:: python >>> add.chunks(zip(range(100), range(100)), 10) As with :class:`` the act of sending the messages for the chunks will happen in the current process when called: .. code-block:: python >>> from proj.tasks import add >>> res = add.chunks(zip(range(100), range(100)), 10)() >>> res.get() [[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18], [20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38], [40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58], [60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78], [80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98], [100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118], [120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138], [140, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 152, 154, 156, 158], [160, 162, 164, 166, 168, 170, 172, 174, 176, 178], [180, 182, 184, 186, 188, 190, 192, 194, 196, 198]] while calling ``.apply_async`` will create a dedicated task so that the individual tasks are applied in a worker instead:: >>> add.chunks(zip(range(100), range(100)), 10).apply_async() You can also convert chunks to a group:: >>> group = add.chunks(zip(range(100), range(100)), 10).group() and with the group skew the countdown of each task by increments of one:: >>> group.skew(start=1, stop=10)() which means that the first task will have a countdown of 1, the second a countdown of 2 and so on.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # needed for 3d projection import numpy as np import egse from egse.coordinates.referenceFrame import ReferenceFrame from egse.coordinates.point import Point, Points def plot_reference_frame(frame, master=None, figname=None, **kwargs): """Plot a Reference Frame. Args: frame : egse.coordinates.referenceFrame.ReferenceFrame master : master ReferenceFrame (optional) figname: string. Name of matplotlib figure (can be pre-existing) kwargs : passed to matplotlib.axes._subplots.Axes3DSubplot.quiver Returns: matplotlib.axes._subplots.Axes3DSubplot displaying the reference frame. The three unit vectors are shown with the following colors ('RGB'): x: Red y: Green z: Blue .. note:: Use ax.set_xlim3d(min,max) to properly set the ranges of the display """ if master is None: tmpmaster = ReferenceFrame.createMaster() else: tmpmaster = master.__copy__() f0 = frame.getOrigin() fx = frame.getAxis('x', name='fx') fy = frame.getAxis('y', name='fy') fz = frame.getAxis('z', name='fz') f0m = f0.expressIn(tmpmaster)[:3] fxm = fx.expressIn(tmpmaster)[:3] fym = fy.expressIn(tmpmaster)[:3] fzm = fz.expressIn(tmpmaster)[:3] del tmpmaster # Origin of the X,Y and Z vectors (x = the 'x' coordinates of the origin of all 3 vectors) # Every vector independently (--> plot in diff. colors) x, y, z = np.array([f0m[0]]), np.array([f0m[1]]), np.array([f0m[2]]) # Orientation of the X,Y and Z vectors vecxx, vecyx, veczx = np.array([fxm[0] - f0m[0]]), np.array([fym[0] - f0m[0]]), np.array([fzm[0] - f0m[0]]) vecxy, vecyy, veczy = np.array([fxm[1] - f0m[1]]), np.array([fym[1] - f0m[1]]), np.array([fzm[1] - f0m[1]]) vecxz, vecyz, veczz = np.array([fxm[2] - f0m[2]]), np.array([fym[2] - f0m[2]]), np.array([fzm[2] - f0m[2]]) kwargs.setdefault('length', 1) kwargs.setdefault('normalize', True) #kwargs.setdefault('figsize', (10,10)) fig = plt.figure(figname, figsize=plt.figaspect(1.0)) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.quiver(x, y, z, vecxx, vecxy, vecxz, color='r', **kwargs) ax.quiver(x, y, z, vecyx, vecyy, vecyz, color='g', **kwargs) ax.quiver(x, y, z, veczx, veczy, veczz, color='b', **kwargs) #ax.axis('equal') return ax def plot_points(points, master=None, figname=None, **kwargs): """Plot the Points object. Args: points : either a (egse.coordinate.point.)Points object or a list of Point objects master : master ReferenceFrame (optional) figname: string. Name of matplotlib figure (can be pre-existing) kwargs : passed to matplotlib.axes._subplots.Axes3DSubplot.scatter Returns: matplotlib.axes._subplots.Axes3DSubplot displaying the reference frame. .. note:: Use ax.set_xlim3d(min,max) to properly set the ranges of the display. """ if master is None: tmpmaster = ReferenceFrame.createMaster() else: tmpmaster = master.__copy__() # if isinstance(points, list): allpoints = Points(points, ref=tmpmaster) elif isinstance(points, Points) or isinstance(points, egse.coordinates.point.Points): allpoints = points else: raise ValueError("If the input is a list, all items in it must be Point objects") # del tmpmaster # coordinates = allpoints.coordinates xs = coordinates[0, :] ys = coordinates[1, :] zs = coordinates[2, :] # kwargs.setdefault('s', 50) kwargs.setdefault('marker', 'o') kwargs.setdefault('color', 'k') # fig = plt.figure(figname) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, **kwargs) return ax def plot_vectors(points, master=None, figname=None, fromorigin=True, **kwargs): """Plot the Points object. Args: points : either a (egse.coordinate.point.)Points object or a list of Point objects master : master ReferenceFrame (optional) figname: string. Name of matplotlib figure (can be pre-existing) fromorigin: bool if True, all vectors are displayed starting from the origin if False, all vectors go towards the origin kwargs : passed to matplotlib.axes._subplots.Axes3DSubplot.scatter Returns: matplotlib.axes._subplots.Axes3DSubplot displaying the reference frame. .. note:: Use ax.set_xlim3d(min,max) to properly set the ranges of the display. """ #from egse.coordinates.point import Points if master is None: tmpmaster = ReferenceFrame.createMaster() else: tmpmaster = master.__copy__() # if isinstance(points, list): allpoints = Points(points, ref=tmpmaster) elif isinstance(points, Points) or isinstance(points, egse.coordinates.point.Points): allpoints = points else: raise ValueError("If the input is a list, all items in it must be Point objects") # del tmpmaster # # SET DEFAULTS kwargs.setdefault('color', 'k') # # PREPARE VECTOR COORDINATES coordinates = allpoints.coordinates xs = coordinates[0, :] ys = coordinates[1, :] zs = coordinates[2, :] # Origin of the X,Y and Z vectors # ==> x = the 'x' coordinates of the origin of all vectors) # ==> [x,y,z] = the origin of points.ref x, y, z = points.ref.getOrigin().coordinates[:3] x = np.ones_like(xs) * x y = np.ones_like(xs) * y z = np.ones_like(xs) * z ### PLOT fig = plt.figure(figname) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') if fromorigin == True: ax.quiver(x, y, z, xs-x, ys-y, zs-z, **kwargs) elif fromorigin == False: ax.quiver(xs, ys, zs, x-xs, y-ys, z-zs, **kwargs) else: print("Parameter 'fromorigin' must be True or False") print("Setting it to True by default") ax.quiver(x, y, z, xs-x, ys-y, zs-z, **kwargs) return ax
import os import sys from gpipe.dsl import * # ================================================================================ # # ================================================================================ reference = import_relative_file('./libs/') common = import_relative_file('./') # ================================================================================ # # ================================================================================ options.validate({'reference': common.REFERENCE_SCHEMA}) reference.update_reference_options(options.reference) # ================================================================================ # # ================================================================================ def verify_par_masked(fasta, pars, non_pars): cpus(1) memory('4GB') parameter('python', sys.executable) parameter('pars', pars) parameter('non_pars', non_pars) input('fasta', fasta) output('fasta_par_mask_verified', f'{fasta}.par_mask_verified') script(r""" {{ python }} {{ workflow_directory }}/scripts/\{% for p in pars %} --par {{ p.chrY }}\{% endfor %}{% for np in non_pars %} --non-par {{ np.chrY }}\{% endfor %} {{ fasta }} touch {{ fasta_par_mask_verified }} """) def mask_pars(fasta_par2, fasta_par3, pars): cpus(1) memory('4GB') parameter('python', sys.executable) parameter('pars', pars) input('fasta_par2', fasta_par2) output('fasta_par3', fasta_par3) script(r""" {{ python }} {{ workflow_directory }}/scripts/\{% for p in pars %} --mask {{ p.chrY }}\{% endfor %} {{ fasta_par2 }}\ > {{ fasta_par3 }} """) def shift_chrMT(fasta_original, fasta_mt_shifted, shift_size): cpus(1) memory('4GB') parameter('python', sys.executable) parameter('shift_size', shift_size) input('fasta_original', fasta_original) input('fasta_original_mt_interval_ist', f'{fasta_original}.chrMT.interval_list') output('fasta_mt_shifted', fasta_mt_shifted) script(r""" # options.reference.contigs.chrMT might be null, thus, we have to manually resolve contig name chrMT=$(cat {{ fasta_original_mt_interval_ist }} | awk 'END { print $1 }') # {{ python }} {{ workflow_directory }}/scripts/\ --shift $chrMT:{{ shift_size }}\ {{ fasta_original }}\ > {{ fasta_mt_shifted }} """) def bwa_index(fasta): module(common.BWA_MODULE) cpus(1) memory('32GB') input('fasta', fasta) output('fasta_amb', f'{fasta}.amb') output('fasta_ann', f'{fasta}.ann') output('fasta_bwt', f'{fasta}.bwt') output('fasta_pac', f'{fasta}.pac') output('fasta_sa', f'{fasta}.sa') script(r""" bwa index {{ fasta }} """) def samtools_faidx(fasta): module(common.SAMTOOLS_MODULE) cpus(1) memory('4GB') input('fasta', fasta) output('fasta_fai', f'{fasta}.fai') script(r""" samtools faidx {{ fasta }} """) def samtools_dict(fasta): module(common.SAMTOOLS_MODULE) cpus(1) memory('4GB') input('fasta', fasta) output('dict', os.path.splitext(fasta)[0] + '.dict') script(r""" samtools dict {{ fasta }} -o {{ dict }} """) def generate_interval_lists(fasta): cpus(1) memory('4GB') parameter('python', sys.executable) input('dict', os.path.splitext(fasta)[0] + '.dict') output('autosome', f'{fasta}.autosome.interval_list') output('chrX', f'{fasta}.chrX.interval_list') output('chrY', f'{fasta}.chrY.interval_list') output('chrMT', f'{fasta}.chrMT.interval_list') script(r""" python={{ python }} script={{ workflow_directory }}/scripts/ dict={{ dict }} $python $script --autosome $dict > {{ autosome }} $python $script --chrX $dict > {{ chrX }} $python $script --chrY $dict > {{ chrY }} $python $script --chrMT $dict > {{ chrMT }} """) # ================================================================================ # Original # ================================================================================ with task('s00-ORIG-verify_PARs_masked'): verify_par_masked( options.reference.fasta, [p for p in options.reference.chrXY.PARs if != 'XTR'], [p for p in options.reference.chrXY.PARs if == 'XTR']) with task('s01-ORIG-bwa_index'): bwa_index(options.reference.fasta) with task('s02-ORIG-samtools_faidx'): samtools_faidx(options.reference.fasta) with task('s03-ORIG-samtools_dict'): samtools_dict(options.reference.fasta) with task('s04-ORIG-interval_list'): generate_interval_lists(options.reference.fasta) # ================================================================================ # PAR3 # ================================================================================ with task('s10-PAR3-mask_PARs'): mask_pars( options.reference.fasta_PAR2, options.reference.fasta_PAR3, options.reference.chrXY.PARs3) with task('s11-PAR3-bwa_index'): bwa_index(options.reference.fasta_PAR3) with task('s12-PAR3-samtools_faidx'): samtools_faidx(options.reference.fasta_PAR3) with task('s13-PAR3-samtools_dict'): samtools_dict(options.reference.fasta_PAR3) with task('s14-PAR3-interval_list'): generate_interval_lists(options.reference.fasta_PAR3) # ================================================================================ # MT # ================================================================================ with task('s20-MT-shift_chrMT'): shift_chrMT( options.reference.fasta, options.reference.fasta_mt_shifted, options.reference.chrMT.shift_size) with task('s21-MT-bwa_index'): bwa_index(options.reference.fasta_mt_shifted) with task('s22-MT-samtools_faidx'): samtools_faidx(options.reference.fasta_mt_shifted) with task('s23-MT-samtools_dict'): samtools_dict(options.reference.fasta_mt_shifted) with task('s24-MT-interval_list'): generate_interval_lists(options.reference.fasta_mt_shifted)
# Simiki # [![Latest Version](]( [![The MIT License](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( Simiki is a simple wiki framework, written in [Python]( * Easy to use. Creating a wiki only needs a few steps * Use [Markdown]( Just open your editor and write * Store source files by category * Static HTML output * A CLI tool to manage the wiki Simiki is short for `Simple Wiki` :) > New in version (2019-05-11) > > - Fix Issue #124 > > > New in version (2019-04-21) > > - Fix PyYAML CVE-2017-18342 > - Fix Jinja2 CVE-2019-10906 > > > New in version (2017-06-04) > > - Fix preview not work in py3 ## Installation ## It is available for **Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6**, with Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. Install from [PyPI]( pip install simiki Update: pip install -U simiki ## Quick Start ## ### Init Site ### mkdir mywiki && cd mywiki simiki init ### Generate ### simiki g ### Preview ### simiki p For more information, `simiki -h` or have a look at []( ## Others ## * []( * <> * Email: <[email protected]> * [Simiki Users]( ## Contribution ## Your contributions are always welcome! Sending pull requests on [Pull Requests Page]( is the preferred method for receiving contributions. * Bug fixes can be based on **`master`** branch and I will also merge into `dev` branch. * Feature can be based on **`dev`** branch. Following links are the contribution guidelines you may need: * [Fork A Repo]( * [Contributing to Processing with Pull Requests]( Thanks to every [contributor]( ## License ## The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013 Tanky Woo Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
from .qtuic import uic from pyqtgraph import QtCore import os try: from pyqtgraph import QtWidgets except Exception: from pyqtgraph import QtGui as QtWidgets try: try: import tango except ImportError: import PyTango as tango #: (:obj:`bool`) tango imported TANGO = True except ImportError: #: (:obj:`bool`) tango imported TANGO = False _formclass, _baseclass = uic.loadUiType( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "ui", "TakeMotorsDialog.ui")) class TakeMotorsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog): """ detector geometry widget class""" def __init__(self, parent=None): """ constructor :param parent: parent object :type parent: :class:`pyqtgraph.QtCore.QObject` """ QtWidgets.QDialog.__init__(self, parent) #: (:class:`Ui_Dialog') ui_dialog object from qtdesigner self.__ui = _formclass() self.__ui.setupUi(self) #: (:obj:`str`) x motor name self.xmotorname = "" #: (:obj:`str`) y motor name self.ymotorname = "" #: (:obj:`list`<:obj:`str`>) motortips list self.motortips = [] #: (:obj:`str`) group title self.title = None #: (:class:`tango.DeviceProxy`) x motor device self.xmotordevice = None #: (:class:`tango.DeviceProxy`) y motor device self.ymotordevice = None def createGUI(self): """ create GUI """ if self.title is not None: self.__ui.groupBox.setTitle(str(self.title)) self.__updateComboBox(self.__ui.xComboBox, str(self.xmotorname)) self.__updateComboBox(self.__ui.yComboBox, str(self.ymotorname)) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def accept(self): """ updates class variables with the form content """ try: self.xmotorname = str(self.__ui.xComboBox.currentText()) self.xmotordevice = tango.DeviceProxy(self.xmotorname) for attr in ["state", "position"]: if not hasattr(self.xmotordevice, attr): raise Exception("Missing %s" % attr) except Exception: self.__ui.xComboBox.setFocus() return try: self.ymotorname = str(self.__ui.yComboBox.currentText()) self.ymotordevice = tango.DeviceProxy(self.ymotorname) for attr in ["state", "position"]: if not hasattr(self.ymotordevice, attr): raise Exception("Missing %s" % attr) except Exception: self.__ui.yComboBox.setFocus() return QtWidgets.QDialog.accept(self) def __updateComboBox(self, combobox, motorname): """ updates a value of motor combo box """ combobox.clear() for mt in sorted(self.motortips): combobox.addItem(mt) if motorname not in self.motortips: combobox.addItem(motorname) ind = combobox.findText(motorname) combobox.setCurrentIndex(ind)
import math def lab2rgb(L, A, B): y = (L + 16) / 116 x = A / 500 + y z = y - B / 200 r = 0; g = 0; b = 0 if x * x * x > 0.008856: x = (x * x * x ) * 0.95047 else: x = ((x - 16 / 116) / 7.787) * 0.95047 if y * y * y > 0.008856: y = (y * y * y ) * 1.00000 else: y = ((y - 16 / 116) / 7.787) * 1.00000 if z * z * z > 0.008856: z = (z * z * z ) * 1.08883 else: z = ((z - 16 / 116) / 7.787) * 1.08883 r = x * 3.2406 + y * -1.5372 + z * -0.4986 g = x * -0.9689 + y * 1.8758 + z * 0.0415 b = x * 0.0557 + y * -0.2040 + z * 1.0570 if r > 0.0031308: r = (1.055 * math.pow(r, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055) else: r = 12.92 * r if g > 0.0031308: g = (1.055 * math.pow(g, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055) else: g = 12.92 * g if b > 0.0031308: b = (1.055 * math.pow(g, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055) else: b = 12.92 * b return [max(0, min(1, r)) * 255, max(0, min(1, g)) * 255, max(0, min(1, b)) * 255] def rgb2lab(R: float, G: float, B: float): r = R / 255 g = G / 255 b = B / 255 x = 0; y = 0; z = 0 if r > 0.04045: r = math.pow((r + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) else: r = r / 12.92 if g > 0.04045: g = math.pow((g + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) else: g = g / 12.92 if b > 0.04045: b = math.pow((b + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) else: b = b / 12.92 # r = (r > 0.04045) ? Math.pow((r + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) : r / 12.92; # g = (g > 0.04045) ? Math.pow((g + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) : g / 12.92; # b = (b > 0.04045) ? Math.pow((b + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) : b / 12.92; x = (r * 0.4124 + g * 0.3576 + b * 0.1805) / 0.95047 y = (r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722) / 1.00000 z = (r * 0.0193 + g * 0.1192 + b * 0.9505) / 1.08883 if x > 0.008856: x = math.pow(x, 1 / 3) else: x = (7.787 * x) + 16 / 116 if y > 0.008856: y = math.pow(y, 1 / 3) else: y = (7.787 * y) + 16 / 116 if z > 0.008856: z = math.pow(z, 1 / 3) else: z = (7.787 * z) + 16 / 116 # x = (x > 0.008856) ? Math.pow(x, 1 / 3) : (7.787 * x) + 16 / 116; # y = (y > 0.008856) ? Math.pow(y, 1 / 3) : (7.787 * y) + 16 / 116; # z = (z > 0.008856) ? Math.pow(z, 1 / 3) : (7.787 * z) + 16 / 116; return [(116 * y) - 16, 500 * (x - y), 200 * (y - z)] def distance2(x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1): return ((x1 - x0) * (x1 - x0)) + ((y1 - y0) * (y1 - y0)) + ((z1 - z0) * (z1 - z0)) def distance(x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1): return math.sqrt(distance2(x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1))
# cioat The goal of this project is to visualize COVID-19's impact on airport traffic during Australia', 'Chile', 'Canada', 'United States of America (the). Using a Geotab dataset, this dataset shows traffic to and from the Airport as a Percentage of the Traffic volume during the baseline period. The dataset is downloadable from: # How to install cioat You may need matplotlib library. $ pip install matplotlib $ pip install cioat # How to run cioat cioat program allows user to specify up to visualize COVID-19's impact on airport traffic. $ python <img src='' height=480 width=640>
import import contextlib import dataclasses import functools import itertools import sys import typing from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union from absl import logging import click import psutil from tensorflow_datasets.core import example_serializer from tensorflow_datasets.core import features as features_lib from tensorflow_datasets.core import file_adapters from tensorflow_datasets.core import lazy_imports_lib from tensorflow_datasets.core import naming from tensorflow_datasets.core import splits as splits_lib from tensorflow_datasets.core import utils from tensorflow_datasets.core import writer as writer_lib from tensorflow_datasets.core.utils import shard_utils if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: import apache_beam as beam # pytype: disable=import-error # Example key used for shuffling Key = Union[str, int] # The nested example dict passed to `features.encode_example` Example = Dict[str, Any] KeyExample = Tuple[Key, Example] # Possible values returned by `GeneratorBasedBuilder._split_generators` SplitGenerator = Union[ Iterable[KeyExample], # Ideally we should add input/output type annotations # `beam.PTransform[[], KeyExample]`, similar to `Callable[[], KeyExample]` 'beam.PTransform', 'beam.PCollection[KeyExample]', ] @dataclasses.dataclass class SplitGeneratorLegacy: """Defines the split information for the generator. DEPRECATED: `_split_generators` should return `dict<split_name, generators>` instead. See the [documentation]( Attributes: name: `str`, name of the Split for which the generator will create the examples. gen_kwargs: `dict`, kwargs to forward to the _generate_examples() method of the builder. """ name: str gen_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict) class _SplitInfoFuture: """Future containing the `tfds.core.SplitInfo` result.""" def __init__(self, callback: Callable[[], splits_lib.SplitInfo]): self._callback = callback def result(self) -> splits_lib.SplitInfo: return self._callback() @dataclasses.dataclass class PipelineProxy: """Proxy which allows access to beam.Pipeline result after completion. This is yielded by the maybe_beam_pipeline() context and can only be used if beam is used to generate the dataset. """ _beam_pipeline: Optional['beam.Pipeline'] @property def result(self): return self._beam_pipeline.result class SplitBuilder: """Util class to build splits. Usage is as follow: ```py split_builder = SplitBuilder(...) with split_builder.maybe_beam_pipeline(): split_info_future = split_builder.submit_split_generation(...) split_info = split_info_future.result() ``` * submit_split_generation: * For generator based split: Generate the split * For Apache Beam based split: Create the `beam.PCollection` and returns a future. * `split_info_future.result()`: Called after all `beam.PCollection`s have finished. Finalize the `split_info` by collecting all pipeline results. `submit_split_generation` / `.result` should be called once per split. """ def __init__( self, *, split_dict: splits_lib.SplitDict, # Used for precomputed nb of examples features: features_lib.FeatureConnector, dataset_size: utils.Size, beam_options: Optional['beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions'], beam_runner: Optional['beam.runners.PipelineRunner'], max_examples_per_split: Optional[int], file_format: file_adapters.FileFormat = file_adapters.DEFAULT_FILE_FORMAT, shard_config: Optional[shard_utils.ShardConfig] = None, ): self._split_dict = split_dict self._features = features self._dataset_size = dataset_size self._max_examples_per_split = max_examples_per_split self._in_contextmanager: bool = False self._beam_options = beam_options self._beam_runner = beam_runner self._beam_pipeline: Optional['beam.Pipeline'] = None self._file_format = file_format self._shard_config = shard_config @contextlib.contextmanager def maybe_beam_pipeline(self) -> Iterator[PipelineProxy]: """Context manager wrapping the beam pipeline. If Apache Beam is used, then the pipeline created withing the contextmanager will be launched when exiting the context manager: ```py with split_builder.maybe_beam_pipeline(): pcollection = ( split_builder.beam_pipeline | beam.Create() | beam.Map() ) ``` Is equivalent to: ```py with beam.Pipeline() as beam_pipeline: pcollection = ( beam_pipeline | beam.Create() | beam.Map() ) ``` If `split_builder.beam_pipeline` is never called, then `beam.Pipeline` is never created and this function is a no-op. Yields: PipelineProxy containing a reference to the beam pipeline, allowing access to the pipeline result for (e.g) logging metrics to file. """ self._in_contextmanager = True try: # Entering the contextmanager is a no-op. Only if Apache Beam is used # is the `beam.Pipeline` contextmanager activated. # Construct pipeline proxy with a placeholder beam pipeline. pipeline_proxy = PipelineProxy(_beam_pipeline=None) yield pipeline_proxy except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except # Close and forward the exception if not self._beam_pipeline or not self._beam_pipeline.__exit__( *sys.exc_info() ): raise # Forward the exception else: # If the Beam pipeline was used, then exit it. if self._beam_pipeline is not None: self._beam_pipeline.__exit__(None, None, None) # Fill in the beam pipeline in the proxy. pipeline_proxy._beam_pipeline = self._beam_pipeline # pylint:disable=protected-access self._in_contextmanager = False @functools.cached_property def beam_pipeline(self) -> 'beam.Pipeline': """Instanciates and returns Apache Beam pipeline. Calling this function starts the Apache Beam mode. Returns: pipeline: The beam pipeline """ if not self._in_contextmanager: raise AssertionError( 'beam_pipeline has to be created from within `SplitBuilder` ' 'contextmanager.' ) beam = lazy_imports_lib.lazy_imports.apache_beam # On Colab, stderr isn't displayed by default, so using `print`. print_fn = print if utils.is_notebook() else logging.warning if not self._beam_runner and not self._beam_options: msg = utils.dedent( """ **************************** WARNING ********************************* Warning: The dataset you're trying to generate is using Apache Beam, yet no `beam_runner` nor `beam_options` was explicitly provided. Some Beam datasets take weeks to generate, so are usually not suited for single machine generation. Please have a look at the instructions to setup distributed generation: ********************************************************************** """ ) print_fn(msg) total_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().total if self._dataset_size >= total_memory: if not click.confirm( ( f'The dataset is {self._dataset_size} in size, but your machine' f' has only {utils.Size(total_memory)} of memory. Continue?' ), default=True, ): sys.exit(1) beam_options = ( self._beam_options or beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions() ) # Beam type checking assumes transforms multiple outputs are of same type, # which is not our case. Plus it doesn't handle correctly all types, so we # are better without it. beam_options.view_as( beam.options.pipeline_options.TypeOptions ).pipeline_type_check = False # Create the global pipeline object common for all splits pipeline = beam.Pipeline(runner=self._beam_runner, options=beam_options) self._beam_pipeline = pipeline.__enter__() return self._beam_pipeline def normalize_legacy_split_generators( self, split_generators: Union[ Dict[str, SplitGenerator], List[SplitGeneratorLegacy] ], generator_fn: Callable[..., Any], is_beam: bool, ) -> Dict[str, SplitGenerator]: """Normalize legacy split API into new dict[split_name, generator]. This function convert the legacy `List[tfds.core.SplitGenerator]` into the new `{'split_name': generator}` structure. Could be removed if all datasets were updated. Args: split_generators: Either legacy or new split_generators generator_fn: The `GeneratorBasedBuilder._generate_examples` function. is_beam: `True` if using legacy `tfds.core.BeamBasedBuilder` Returns: split_generators: New split generator structure. """ if isinstance(split_generators, dict): # New structure return split_generators if isinstance(split_generators, list): # Legacy structure if is_beam: # Legacy `tfds.core.BeamBasedBuilder` beam = lazy_imports_lib.lazy_imports.apache_beam generator_fn = beam.ptransform_fn(generator_fn) return { generator_fn(**s.gen_kwargs) # Create the `beam.PTransform` for s in split_generators } else: return { generator_fn(**split_generator.gen_kwargs) for split_generator in split_generators } else: raise TypeError( f'Invalid `_split_generators` returned value: {split_generators}' ) def submit_split_generation( self, split_name: str, generator: SplitGenerator, filename_template: naming.ShardedFileTemplate, disable_shuffling: bool, ) -> _SplitInfoFuture: """Start the split generation. Args: split_name: Name of the split to generate generator: Generator, beam.PTransform,... yielding the examples filename_template: Template to format the filename for a shard. disable_shuffling: Specifies whether to shuffle the examples Returns: split_info_future: Future containing the `split_info`, once generation is complete. The `tfds.core.SplitInfo` can be accessed through `split_info_future.result()` """ build_kwargs = dict( split_name=split_name, generator=generator, filename_template=filename_template, disable_shuffling=disable_shuffling, ) # Depending on the type of generator, we use the corresponding # `_build_from_xyz` method. if isinstance(generator, return self._build_from_generator(**build_kwargs) else: # Otherwise, beam required unknown_generator_type = TypeError( f'Invalid split generator value for split `{split_name}`. ' 'Expected generator or apache_beam object. Got: ' f'{type(generator)}' ) try: import apache_beam as beam # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top except ImportError: # Beam can't be imported, what was the object returned by the user ? raise unknown_generator_type # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from if isinstance(generator, beam.PTransform): # Generate the beam.PCollection pcollection = self.beam_pipeline | split_name >> generator build_kwargs['generator'] = pcollection return self._build_from_pcollection(**build_kwargs) elif isinstance(generator, beam.PCollection): return self._build_from_pcollection(**build_kwargs) else: raise unknown_generator_type def _build_from_generator( self, split_name: str, generator: Iterable[KeyExample], filename_template: naming.ShardedFileTemplate, disable_shuffling: bool, ) -> _SplitInfoFuture: """Split generator for example generators. Args: split_name: str, generator: Iterable[KeyExample], filename_template: Template to format the filename for a shard. disable_shuffling: Specifies whether to shuffle the examples, Returns: future: The future containing the `tfds.core.SplitInfo`. """ if self._max_examples_per_split is not None: logging.warning( 'Splits capped at %s examples max.', self._max_examples_per_split ) generator = itertools.islice(generator, self._max_examples_per_split) total_num_examples = self._max_examples_per_split else: # If dataset info has been pre-downloaded from the internet, # we can use the pre-computed number of example for the progression bar. split_info = self._split_dict.get(split_name) if split_info and split_info.num_examples: total_num_examples = split_info.num_examples else: total_num_examples = None serialized_info = self._features.get_serialized_info() writer = writer_lib.Writer( serializer=example_serializer.ExampleSerializer(serialized_info), filename_template=filename_template, hash_salt=split_name, disable_shuffling=disable_shuffling, # TODO(weide) remove this because it's already in filename_template? file_format=self._file_format, shard_config=self._shard_config, ) for key, example in utils.tqdm( generator, desc=f'Generating {split_name} examples...', unit=' examples', total=total_num_examples, leave=False, ): try: example = self._features.encode_example(example) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except utils.reraise(e, prefix=f'Failed to encode example:\n{example}\n') writer.write(key, example) shard_lengths, total_size = writer.finalize() split_info = splits_lib.SplitInfo( name=split_name, shard_lengths=shard_lengths, num_bytes=total_size, filename_template=filename_template, ) return _SplitInfoFuture(lambda: split_info) def _build_from_pcollection( self, split_name: str, generator: 'beam.PCollection[KeyExample]', filename_template: naming.ShardedFileTemplate, disable_shuffling: bool, ) -> _SplitInfoFuture: """Split generator for `beam.PCollection`.""" # TODO(tfds): Should try to add support to `max_examples_per_split` beam = lazy_imports_lib.lazy_imports.apache_beam beam_writer = writer_lib.BeamWriter( serializer=example_serializer.ExampleSerializer( self._features.get_serialized_info() ), filename_template=filename_template, hash_salt=split_name, disable_shuffling=disable_shuffling, file_format=self._file_format, shard_config=self._shard_config, ) def _encode_example(key_ex, encode_fn=self._features.encode_example): # We do not access self._features in this function to avoid pickling the # entire class. return key_ex[0], encode_fn(key_ex[1]) # Note: We need to wrap the pipeline in a PTransform to avoid # errors due to duplicated ``>> beam_labels` @beam.ptransform_fn def _encode_pcollection(pipeline): """PTransformation which build a single split.""" pcoll_examples = pipeline | 'Encode' >> beam.Map(_encode_example) return beam_writer.write_from_pcollection(pcoll_examples) # Add the PCollection to the pipeline _ = generator | f'{split_name}_write' >> _encode_pcollection() # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter def _resolve_future(): if self._in_contextmanager: raise AssertionError( '`future.result()` should be called after the ' '`maybe_beam_pipeline` contextmanager.' )'Retrieving split info for %s...', split_name) shard_lengths, total_size = beam_writer.finalize() return splits_lib.SplitInfo( name=split_name, shard_lengths=shard_lengths, num_bytes=total_size, filename_template=filename_template, ) return _SplitInfoFuture(_resolve_future)
"""Convert vCard-formatted string to the JSON format expected by Name Shark.""" # coding=utf-8 import base64 import json import collections import argparse import vobject NAMES = collections.namedtuple('Names', ['first_name', 'surname']) def get_pp_names(fn_field): """ Use probablepeople to extract firstname/surname from vCard 'fn' field. :param fn_field: the input vCard 'fn' field. :return: a namedtuple containing the first name and surname. >>> get_names('John Smith') Extracting data for John Smith Names(first_name='John', surname='Smith') """ first_name = None surname = None try: import probablepeople as pp # not python 2.6 compatible # Use probablepeople to tag the parts of the name. full_name_dict = pp.tag(fn_field)[0] if 'GivenName' in full_name_dict: # If probablepeople has successfully extracted the first name, # use it. first_name = full_name_dict['GivenName'] if 'Surname' in full_name_dict: # If probablepeople has successfully extracted the surname, # use it. surname = full_name_dict['Surname'] except (ImportError, SyntaxError, TypeError) as error: print(error) return NAMES(first_name, surname) def get_names(fn_field): """ Extract the first name and surname from a vCard 'fn' field. :param fn_field: the input vCard 'fn' field. :return: a namedtuple containing the first name and surname. >>> get_names('John Smith') Extracting data for John Smith Names(first_name='John', surname='Smith') """ names = get_pp_names(fn_field) first_name = names.first_name surname = names.surname try: fn_field_split = fn_field.split(' ') except (TypeError, AttributeError): fn_field_split = [''] if first_name is None: # If we can't get first name from probablepeople, assume it's the # first part of the string. first_name = fn_field_split[0] if first_name == surname: first_name = '' if surname is None: # If we can't get surname from probablepeople, assume it's the # second part of the string, if that exists. if len(fn_field_split) > 1: surname = fn_field_split[1] else: surname = '' print('Extracting data for ' + first_name + ' ' + surname) return NAMES(first_name, surname) def get_photo(photo): """ Extract the photo data (if it exists) from a vCard 'photo' field. :param photo: the input vCard 'photo' field. :return: a base64-encoded string containing the photo data. """ # TODO: Add doctest above? or pytest if photo is not None: photo_data = base64.b64encode(photo) photo_data = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + photo_data.decode('utf8') else: photo_data = "" return photo_data def extract_contact_from_component(component): """ Extract the contact info from a vCard component. :param component: the input vCard component text. :return: a dictionary containing the extracted contact info. """ names = get_names(component.getChildValue('fn')) photo_data = get_photo(component.getChildValue('photo')) if photo_data == '': print('Warning: Missing photo for ' + names.first_name + ' ' + names.surname + '...!') entry = {'first': names.first_name, 'last': names.surname, 'photoData': photo_data, 'details': ''} return entry def extract_contacts_from_vcard(vcard): """ Extract the contact info from a vCard. :param vcard: the vCard text to convert. :return: a list containing the extracted contact info. """ contacts = [] for v_component in vobject.readComponents(vcard): entry = extract_contact_from_component(v_component) contacts.append(entry) return contacts def convert_to_nameshark(group_name, contacts, ): """ Convert a list containing contact info into JSON for Name Shark. :param group_name: the Name Shark group to use. :param contacts: :return: the list containing contact info extracted from a vCard. """ shark = {'name': group_name, 'contacts': contacts} json_str = json.dumps(shark, sort_keys=True, indent=4) return json_str def vcard_to_nameshark(vcard, group_name): """ Convert vCard-formatted string to the JSON format expected by Name Shark. :param vcard: the vCard text to convert. :param group_name: the Name Shark group to use. :return: JSON version of vCard input. """ contacts = extract_contacts_from_vcard(vcard) json_str = convert_to_nameshark(group_name, contacts) return json_str def main(): """ The main nameshark_vcard module. :return: None """ # TODO: Add pytest? # TODO: Switch to using click, and apply click-man parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('file', help='the input file') parser.add_argument('group', help='the output group name') args = parser.parse_args() with open(args.file, 'r') as input_file: text = json_str = vcard_to_nameshark(text, with open( + '.json', 'w') as output_file: output_file.write(json_str) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
***** Usage ***** .. Setting analytic budgets: Setting analytic budgets ======================== New `Analytic Budgets <model-analytic_account.budget>` can easily be created, and existing budgets updated, by changing the budgets that are found in the [:menuselection:`Financial --> Budgets --> Analytic Budgets`] main menu entry. .. tip:: To quickly add missing lines to a budget, you can use the :guilabel:`Update Lines` button. This creates a budget line for each missing analytic account. .. tip:: An analytic budget can be copied by using the `Copy Budget <wizard-analytic_account.budget.copy>` wizard from the budget's :guilabel:`Copy` button. .. Tracking analytic budgets Tracking analytic budgets ========================= A report of actual amounts of each `Analytic Budget <model-analytic_account.budget>` can be found by opening the [:menuselection:`Financial --> Reporting --> Analytic Budgets`] main menu item.
# Phishing Tracker [![PyPi](]( [![Python Versions](]( [![Build Status](]( [![License](]( Utility to manage sets of phishing links making it easier to track their removal progress over time. Project started out of frustration in dealing over-and-over again with phishing threat-actors and wanting an easy tool to handle the tracking of these links over time without needing to roll out a full-fledged CERT stack (eg The Hive) Captures everything per-run in a single JSON file making it easy to compare and track change over time - and integrate with other tooling if desired. See examples to get a clear idea on usage and possibilities. ## Features * Batch mode with `.yml` configuration file * Single shot mode by passing link/hostname/domain in at cli * Collects useful reference-information and artifacts per phish link stored in an easy reference json file * Create rules to define expected (or desired) analyzers output responses * Easy to re-run and hence re-compare the latest status of phish-links over time * Debug mode output to STDERR ## Analyzers ### `dig` * dig-domain - determine domain relative to TLD and collect A, CNAME, NS, MX, TXT records * dig-hostname - collect hostname A, AAAA, CNAME, NS, MX, TXT records ### `http` * http-get - perform http (clear-text) GET request capturing request/response headers and response content ### `https` * https-get - as per http-get using HTTPS ### `https_certificate` * https-certificate - obtain the https SSL certificate and parse certificate attributes ### `smtp` * smtp-headers - connect to hostname/domain MX records and capture the server header ### `safe_browsing` * safe-browsing - query the Google safe-browsing API - ### `whois` * whois - perform a whois and parse associated attributes ## Analyzers - Todo * Virustotal lookup - ## Install #### via PyPi ```bash pip3 install phishing-tracker ``` #### via Source ```bash git clone cd phishing-tracker python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate pip3 install -r requirements.txt python3 clean python3 test python3 install ``` ## Project * []( ## Analyzer Response Reports ```dns_domainname_aaaa_record dns_domainname_a_record dns_domainname_cname_record dns_domainname_mx_record dns_domainname_ns_record dns_domainname_txt_record dns_domainname_unknown_tld dns_hostname_aaaa_record dns_hostname_a_record dns_hostname_cname_record dns_hostname_eq_dns_domainname dns_hostname_mx_record dns_hostname_ns_record dns_hostname_txt_record http_exception http_hostname_<statuscode>_response https_certificate_exception https_certificate_hostname_mismatch https_exception https_hostname_<statuscode>_response safe_browsing_exception safe_browsing_record smtp_domainname_active smtp_exception smtp_hostname_active whois_domainname_record whois_exception ``` ## Google Safe Browsing API key In order to make use of the Google Safe Browsing API lookup, the environment variable `GCP_API_KEY` needs to be set with an appropriate GCP key that has access to the safe-browsing API - [read more here]( ## Examples * [examples01.yml]( ## Authors [Nicholas de Jong]( ## License BSD-2-Clause - see LICENSE file for full details.
from __future__ import annotations from typing import Iterator, List, Tuple, Union from chinilla.types.blockchain_format.program import Program from chinilla.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32 from chinilla.types.condition_opcodes import ConditionOpcode from chinilla.util.ints import uint64 from chinilla.wallet.nft_wallet.nft_puzzles import NFT_STATE_LAYER_MOD, create_nft_layer_puzzle_with_curry_params from chinilla.wallet.puzzles.load_clvm import load_clvm_maybe_recompile # from chinilla.types.condition_opcodes import ConditionOpcode # from chinilla.wallet.util.merkle_tree import MerkleTree, TreeType ACS_MU = # returns the third argument a.k.a the full solution ACS_MU_PH = ACS_MU.get_tree_hash() SINGLETON_TOP_LAYER_MOD = load_clvm_maybe_recompile("singleton_top_layer_v1_1.clvm") SINGLETON_LAUNCHER = load_clvm_maybe_recompile("singleton_launcher.clvm") GRAFTROOT_DL_OFFERS = load_clvm_maybe_recompile("graftroot_dl_offers.clvm") P2_PARENT = load_clvm_maybe_recompile("p2_parent.clvm") def create_host_fullpuz(innerpuz: Union[Program, bytes32], current_root: bytes32, genesis_id: bytes32) -> Program: db_layer = create_host_layer_puzzle(innerpuz, current_root) mod_hash = SINGLETON_TOP_LAYER_MOD.get_tree_hash() singleton_struct =, (genesis_id, SINGLETON_LAUNCHER.get_tree_hash()))) return SINGLETON_TOP_LAYER_MOD.curry(singleton_struct, db_layer) def create_host_layer_puzzle(innerpuz: Union[Program, bytes32], current_root: bytes32) -> Program: # some hard coded metadata formatting and metadata updater for now return create_nft_layer_puzzle_with_curry_params(, None)), ACS_MU_PH, # TODO: the nft driver doesn't like the Union yet, but changing that is out of scope for me rn - Quex innerpuz, # type: ignore ) def match_dl_singleton(puzzle: Program) -> Tuple[bool, Iterator[Program]]: """ Given a puzzle test if it's a CAT and, if it is, return the curried arguments """ mod, singleton_curried_args = puzzle.uncurry() if mod == SINGLETON_TOP_LAYER_MOD: mod, dl_curried_args ="rf").uncurry() if mod == NFT_STATE_LAYER_MOD and"rrf") == ACS_MU_PH: launcher_id ="frf") root ="rff") innerpuz ="rrrf") return True, iter((innerpuz, root, launcher_id)) return False, iter(()) def launch_solution_to_singleton_info(launch_solution: Program) -> Tuple[bytes32, uint64, bytes32, bytes32]: solution = launch_solution.as_python() try: full_puzzle_hash = bytes32(solution[0]) amount = uint64(int.from_bytes(solution[1], "big")) root = bytes32(solution[2][0]) inner_puzzle_hash = bytes32(solution[2][1]) except (IndexError, TypeError): raise ValueError("Launcher is not a data layer launcher") return full_puzzle_hash, amount, root, inner_puzzle_hash def launcher_to_struct(launcher_id: bytes32) -> Program: struct: Program = (SINGLETON_TOP_LAYER_MOD.get_tree_hash(), (launcher_id, SINGLETON_LAUNCHER.get_tree_hash())) ) return struct def create_graftroot_offer_puz( launcher_ids: List[bytes32], values_to_prove: List[List[bytes32]], inner_puzzle: Program ) -> Program: return GRAFTROOT_DL_OFFERS.curry( inner_puzzle, [launcher_to_struct(launcher) for launcher in launcher_ids], [NFT_STATE_LAYER_MOD.get_tree_hash()] * len(launcher_ids), values_to_prove, ) def create_mirror_puzzle() -> Program: return P2_PARENT.curry( MIRROR_PUZZLE_HASH = create_mirror_puzzle().get_tree_hash() def get_mirror_info(parent_puzzle: Program, parent_solution: Program) -> Tuple[bytes32, List[bytes]]: conditions = for condition in conditions.as_iter(): if ( condition.first().as_python() == ConditionOpcode.CREATE_COIN and"rf").as_python() == create_mirror_puzzle().get_tree_hash() ): memos: List[bytes] ="rrrf").as_python() launcher_id = bytes32(memos[0]) return launcher_id, [url for url in memos[1:]] raise ValueError("The provided puzzle and solution do not create a mirror coin")
import datetime import logging import os import pathlib from typing import List, Union from peewee import ( # type: ignore CharField, DatabaseProxy, DateTimeField, FloatField, ForeignKeyField, IntegerField, Model, SqliteDatabase, ) logger = logging.getLogger("mate") db = DatabaseProxy() class Mate(Model): name = CharField() version = IntegerField() item_count = IntegerField(null=True) created_at = DateTimeField( class Meta: database = db table_name = "mate" class Inference(Model): mate = ForeignKeyField(Mate) runtime = CharField(null=True) created_at = DateTimeField( class Meta: database = db table_name = "inference" class Feature(Model): name = CharField() inferred_type = CharField() mate = ForeignKeyField(Mate) created_at = DateTimeField( class Meta: database = db table_name = "feature" class NumericalStats(Model): num_present = IntegerField() num_missing = IntegerField() mean = FloatField() sum = IntegerField() std_dev = FloatField() min = IntegerField() max = IntegerField() feature = ForeignKeyField(Feature) created_at = DateTimeField( class Meta: database = db table_name = "numerical_stats" class StringStats(Model): num_present = IntegerField() num_missing = IntegerField() distinct_count = IntegerField() feature = ForeignKeyField(Feature) created_at = DateTimeField( class Meta: database = db table_name = "string_stats" class FeatureValue(Model): value = CharField(null=True) feature = ForeignKeyField(Feature) inference = ForeignKeyField(Inference) created_at = DateTimeField( class Meta: database = db table_name = "feature_value" class FeatureAlert(Model): name = CharField() kind = CharField() feature_value = ForeignKeyField(FeatureValue) feature = ForeignKeyField(Feature) inference = ForeignKeyField(Inference) class Meta: database = db table_name = "feature_alert" def connect_db(): db = init_db() db.connect() if ( not db.table_exists("mate") or not db.table_exists("inference") or not db.table_exists("feature") or not db.table_exists("numerical_stats") or not db.table_exists("string_stats") or not db.table_exists("feature_alert") or not db.table_exists("feature_value") ): db.create_tables( [ Mate, Inference, Feature, NumericalStats, StringStats, FeatureValue, FeatureAlert, ] ) def get_current_mate(name: str) -> Union[Mate, None]: mate = == name).order_by(Mate.version.desc()).limit(1) if mate: return mate[0] return None def get_features(mate: Mate) -> List[Feature]: features = == mate) return features def get_feature_values(mate: Mate) -> List[FeatureValue]: feature_values = == mate) return feature_values def get_statistics(Stats: Model, feature: Feature) -> Model: return Stats.get(feature=feature) def init_db() -> SqliteDatabase: test_mode = int(os.getenv("TESTING", "0")) if test_mode: database = SqliteDatabase(":memory:")"Using in-memory SQLite") else: BASE = pathlib.Path.cwd() database = SqliteDatabase(BASE / "mate.db")"Using disk-based SQLite") db.initialize(database) return db def version_or_create_mate(name: str) -> Mate: current_mate = get_current_mate(name) if current_mate: version = int(current_mate.version) + 1"Model found. Creating new version: {version}.") else: version = 1"Model not found. Creating new mate.") mate = Mate(name=name, version=version) return mate
from typing import ( Tuple, ) from eth_typing import ( Address, ) import rlp from eth.consensus.clique.datatypes import ( Snapshot, Tally, Vote, VoteAction, ) from eth.rlp.sedes import ( uint256, ) ADDRESS_TALLY_SEDES = rlp.sedes.List((rlp.sedes.binary, rlp.sedes.binary)) VOTE_SEDES = rlp.sedes.List( ( rlp.sedes.binary, uint256, rlp.sedes.binary, rlp.sedes.binary, ) ) SNAPSHOT_SEDES = rlp.sedes.List( ( rlp.sedes.binary, rlp.sedes.CountableList(rlp.sedes.binary), rlp.sedes.CountableList(rlp.sedes.binary), rlp.sedes.CountableList(rlp.sedes.binary), ) ) TALLY_SEDES = rlp.sedes.List((rlp.sedes.binary, uint256)) def encode_address_tally_pair(pair: Tuple[Address, Tally]) -> bytes: return rlp.encode( [pair[0], encode_tally(pair[1])], sedes=ADDRESS_TALLY_SEDES, ) def decode_address_tally_pair(pair: bytes) -> Tuple[Address, Tally]: ( address, tally_bytes, ) = rlp.decode( pair, sedes=ADDRESS_TALLY_SEDES, ) tally = decode_tally(tally_bytes) return address, tally def encode_vote(vote: Vote) -> bytes: return rlp.encode( [ vote.signer, vote.block_number, vote.subject, vote.action.value, ], sedes=VOTE_SEDES, ) def decode_vote(vote: bytes) -> Vote: signer, block_number, subject, action = rlp.decode( vote, sedes=VOTE_SEDES, ) return Vote( signer=signer, block_number=block_number, subject=subject, action=VoteAction.NOMINATE if action == VoteAction.NOMINATE.value else VoteAction.KICK, ) def encode_snapshot(snapshot: Snapshot) -> bytes: return rlp.encode( [ snapshot.block_hash, list(snapshot.signers), [encode_vote(vote) for vote in snapshot.votes], [ encode_address_tally_pair((address, tally)) for address, tally in snapshot.tallies.items() ], ], sedes=SNAPSHOT_SEDES, ) def decode_snapshot(snapshot: bytes) -> Snapshot: block_hash, signers, votes_rlp, tallies_rlp = rlp.decode( snapshot, sedes=SNAPSHOT_SEDES, ) votes = [decode_vote(vote) for vote in votes_rlp] tallies = dict(decode_address_tally_pair(pair) for pair in tallies_rlp) return Snapshot( signers=frozenset(signers), block_hash=block_hash, votes=frozenset(votes), tallies=tallies, ) def encode_tally(tally: Tally) -> bytes: return rlp.encode( [tally.action.value, tally.votes], sedes=TALLY_SEDES, ) def decode_tally(tally: bytes) -> Tally: action_binary, votes = rlp.decode( tally, sedes=TALLY_SEDES, ) return Tally(action=VoteAction(action_binary), votes=votes)
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import os, sys import time import platform import zlib # # class SystemMsgObj(object): """docstring for SystemMsgObj""" def __init__(self): super(SystemMsgObj, self).__init__() self.sysversion = platform.version() self.sysplatform = platform.platform() self.sysSystem = platform.system() self.ver = '' self.ostype = 0,2.mac,3.linux if self.sysSystem == 'Windows': #mac系统 self.ostype = 1,2.mac,3.linux self.ver = platform.win32_ver() elif self.sysSystem == 'Darwin': self.ostype = 2 self.ver = platform.mac_ver() elif self.sysSystem == 'Linux': self.ostype = 3 self.ver = platform.linux_distribution() self.c = None self.sysMsg = {} self.sysMsg['osversion'] = str(self.sysversion) self.sysMsg['osplatform'] = str(self.sysplatform) self.sysMsg['os'] = str(self.sysSystem) self.sysMsg['ver'] = self.ver self.sysMsg['ostype'] = self.ostype if self.ostype == 1: import wmi self.c = wmi.WMI() self.initWinSystemHardMsg() elif self.ostype == 2: self.initMacSystemHardMsg() elif self.ostype == 3: self.initLinuxSystemHardMsg() self.getUserHardID() def initWinSystemHardMsg(self): self.sysMsg['cpu'] = self._printCPU() self.sysMsg['mainboard'] = self._printMain_board() self.sysMsg['BIOS'] = self._printBIOS() self.sysMsg['disk'] = self._printDisk() self.sysMsg['memory'] = self._printPhysicalMemory() self.sysMsg['battery'] = self._printBattery() self.sysMsg['MacAddr'] = self._printMacAddress() self.getUserHardID() return self.sysMsg def initMacSystemHardMsg(self): pass def initLinuxSystemHardMsg(self): pass def getSysMsg(self): return self.sysMsg def getUserHardID(self): if self.ostype == 1: #windwos self.sysMsg['userHardID'] = '' #windows下以电脑主板的UUID为编号 #当主板UUID不存存或者无效时,使用容量最大硬盘的UUID + CPUID的MD5值 #如果硬盘UUID无法获取,使用网卡MAC地址 + CPUID elif self.ostype == 2: #mac self.sysMsg['userHardID'] = '' elif self.ostype == 3: #linux self.sysMsg['userHardID'] = '' #处理器 def _printCPU(self): tmpdict = {} tmpdict["CpuCores"] = 0 for cpu in self.c.Win32_Processor(): tmpdict["cpuid"] = cpu.ProcessorId.strip() tmpdict["CpuType"] = cpu.Name tmpdict['systemName'] = cpu.SystemName try: tmpdict["CpuCores"] = cpu.NumberOfCores except: tmpdict["CpuCores"] += 1 tmpdict["CpuClock"] = cpu.MaxClockSpeed tmpdict['DataWidth'] = cpu.DataWidth # print tmpdict return tmpdict #主板 def _printMain_board(self): boards = [] # print len(c.Win32_BaseBoard()): for board_id in self.c.Win32_BaseBoard(): tmpmsg = {} tmpmsg['UUID'] = board_id.qualifiers['UUID'][1:-1] #主板UUID,有的主板这部分信息取到为空值,ffffff-ffffff这样的 tmpmsg['SerialNumber'] = board_id.SerialNumber #主板序列号 tmpmsg['Manufacturer'] = board_id.Manufacturer #主板生产品牌厂家 tmpmsg['Product'] = board_id.Product #主板型号 boards.append(tmpmsg) print boards return boards #BIOS def _printBIOS(self): bioss = [] for bios_id in self.c.Win32_BIOS(): tmpmsg = {} tmpmsg['BiosCharacteristics'] = bios_id.BiosCharacteristics #BIOS特征码 tmpmsg['version'] = bios_id.Version #BIOS版本 tmpmsg['Manufacturer'] = bios_id.Manufacturer.strip() #BIOS固件生产厂家 tmpmsg['ReleaseDate'] = bios_id.ReleaseDate #BIOS释放日期 tmpmsg['SMBIOSBIOSVersion'] = bios_id.SMBIOSBIOSVersion #系统管理规范版本 bioss.append(tmpmsg) print bioss return bioss #硬盘 def _printDisk(self): disks = [] for disk in self.c.Win32_DiskDrive(): # print disk.__dict__ tmpmsg = {} tmpmsg['SerialNumber'] = disk.SerialNumber.strip() tmpmsg['DeviceID'] = disk.DeviceID tmpmsg['Caption'] = disk.Caption tmpmsg['Size'] = disk.Size tmpmsg['UUID'] = disk.qualifiers['UUID'][1:-1] disks.append(tmpmsg) for d in disks: print d return disks #内存 def _printPhysicalMemory(self): memorys = [] for mem in self.c.Win32_PhysicalMemory(): tmpmsg = {} tmpmsg['UUID'] = mem.qualifiers['UUID'][1:-1] tmpmsg['BankLabel'] = mem.BankLabel tmpmsg['SerialNumber'] = mem.SerialNumber.strip() tmpmsg['ConfiguredClockSpeed'] = mem.ConfiguredClockSpeed tmpmsg['Capacity'] = mem.Capacity tmpmsg['ConfiguredVoltage'] = mem.ConfiguredVoltage memorys.append(tmpmsg) for m in memorys: print m return memorys #电池信息,只有笔记本才会有电池选项 def _printBattery(self): isBatterys = False for b in self.c.Win32_Battery(): isBatterys = True return isBatterys #网卡mac地址: def _printMacAddress(self): macs = [] for n in self.c.Win32_NetworkAdapter(): mactmp = n.MACAddress if mactmp and len(mactmp.strip()) > 5: tmpmsg = {} tmpmsg['MACAddress'] = n.MACAddress tmpmsg['Name'] = n.Name tmpmsg['DeviceID'] = n.DeviceID tmpmsg['AdapterType'] = n.AdapterType tmpmsg['Speed'] = n.Speed macs.append(tmpmsg) print macs return macs def main(): ostmp = SystemMsgObj() osmsg = ostmp.getSysMsg() print osmsg if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import numpy as np import cv2 import pycalib from pycalib.util import transpose_to_col from skimage.transform import SimilarityTransform, EuclideanTransform def undistort_points(pt2d, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs): return cv2.undistortPoints(pt2d, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, P=cameraMatrix) def distort_points(pt2d, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs): assert False, "not tested" # a bit tricky. # # step1. **undistort** without dist & P to get normalized coord. n2d = cv2.undistortPoints(pt2d, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs=None, P=None) # step2. get homogeneous coord n3d = cv2.convertPointsToHomogeneous(n2d) # step3. project WITH dist, and R=I, t=0 pt2d_d = cv2.projectPoints(n3d, np.zeros(3), np.zeros(3), cameraMatrix, distCoeffs) return pt2d_d def excalib(p1, p2, A, d): """ Returns R, t satisfying x2 = R * x1 + t (= p1 will be the world camera) """ p1 = transpose_to_col(p1, 2).reshape((-1,1,2)).astype(np.float) p2 = transpose_to_col(p2, 2).reshape((-1,1,2)).astype(np.float) # Undistort n1 = undistort_points(p1, A, d) n2 = undistort_points(p2, A, d) E, status = cv2.findEssentialMat(n1, n2, A, method=cv2.RANSAC, prob=0.999, threshold=3.0) _, R, t, _ = cv2.recoverPose(E, n1, n2, A, mask=status) return R, t, E, status def recoverPose2(E, n1, n2, K1, K2, mask): n1 = n1.reshape((-1, 2)) n2 = n2.reshape((-1, 2)) R2a, R2b, t2 = cv2.decomposeEssentialMat(E) R1 = np.eye(3) t1 = np.zeros((3,1)) def z_count(R1, t1, R2, t2, K1, K2, n1, n2): """ Count number of points appeared in front of the cameras """ P1 = K1 @ np.hstack((R1, t1)) P2 = K2 @ np.hstack((R2, t2)) Xh1 = cv2.triangulatePoints(P1, P2, n1, n2) Xh1 /= Xh1[3,:] z1 = np.sum(Xh1[2,:]>0) # num of positive z points in Cam1 coordinate system Xh2 = R2 @ Xh1[:3,:] + t2 z2 = np.sum(Xh2[2,:]>0) # num of positive z points in Cam2 coordinate system return (z1 + z2), Xh1[:3,:] zmax = -1 for R2x, t2x in [[R2a, t2], [R2a, -t2], [R2b, t2], [R2b, -t2]]: z, Xx = z_count(R1, t1, R2x, t2x, K1, K2, n1.T, n2.T) if zmax < z: zmax = z R2_est = R2x t2_est = t2x X_est = Xx return R2_est, t2_est, X_est def excalib2(p1, p2, A1, d1, A2, d2): """ Returns R, t satisfying x2 = R * x1 + t (= p1 will be the world camera) """ p1 = transpose_to_col(p1, 2).reshape((-1,1,2)).astype(np.float) p2 = transpose_to_col(p2, 2).reshape((-1,1,2)).astype(np.float) # Undistort n1 = undistort_points(p1, A1, d1) n2 = undistort_points(p2, A2, d2) # Find E F, status = cv2.findFundamentalMat(n1, n2, cv2.FM_RANSAC) E = A2.T @ F @ A1 E = E / np.linalg.norm(E) # Decompose E R, t, X = recoverPose2(E, n1, n2, A1, A2, mask=status) return R, t, E, status, X def skew(x): """ Returns the skew-symmetric matrix [x]_\times of vector x. """ x = x.flatten() return np.array([[0, -x[2], x[1]], [x[2], 0, -x[0]], [-x[1], x[0], 0]]) def pose_registration_R(N, Rt_pairs): """ Subfunction for pose_registration """ A = [] for (i, j), Rt in Rt_pairs.items(): Rij = Rt[0:3,0:3] x = np.zeros((3, N*3)) x[:, i*3:i*3+3] = -Rij x[:, j*3:j*3+3] = np.eye(3) A.append(x) A = np.vstack(A) # solve Ax=0 w, v = np.linalg.eigh(A.T @ A) err = np.sum(w[0:3]) / np.sum(w) R = v[:,0:3] # find a set of coeffs to make R0 be I k = np.linalg.inv(R[:3, :3]) R = R @ k # force R to be SO(3) for i in range(N): u, _, vt = np.linalg.svd(R[i*3:i*3+3,:]) R[i*3:i*3+3,:] = u @ vt # let R[0] be identity k = np.linalg.inv(R[0:3,0:3]) for i in range(1, N): R[i*3:i*3+3,:] = R[i*3:i*3+3,:] @ k R[0:3,0:3] = np.eye(3,3) return R, err def pose_registration_T(N, Rt_pairs, R_w2c): """ Subfunction for pose_registration Does not work if camera motion is collinear """ B = [] for (i, j), Rt in Rt_pairs.items(): Tij = Rt[0:3,3] Ri = R_w2c[3*i:3*i+3] Rj = R_w2c[3*j:3*j+3] # T vector -> skew-symmetric matrix Tij = skew(Tij) x = np.zeros((3, N*3)) x[:, 3*i:3*i+3] = Tij @ Rj @ Ri.T x[:, 3*j:3*j+3] = -Tij B.append(x) B = np.vstack(B) # solve Bx=0 _, s, vt = np.linalg.svd(B.T @ B) err = np.sum(s[-4:]) / np.sum(s) # null-space has 4-dim = any-translation for x/y/z + global-scale k = vt.T[:,-4:] # find a set of coeffs to make t0 be (0, 0, 0) _, s, vt = np.linalg.svd(k[0:3,:]) T = k @ vt[3,:].T T = T / np.linalg.norm(T[3:6]) # overwrite noisy zeros in t0 T[0:3] = 0 # fix T sign using the 1st pair for (i, j), Rt in Rt_pairs.items(): Tij = Rt[0:3,3] Ri = R_w2c[3*i:3*i+3,:] Rj = R_w2c[3*j:3*j+3,:] Ti = T[3*i:3*i+3] Tj = T[3*j:3*j+3] # compare Tij with the estimated one tij = - Rj @ Ri.T @ Ti + Tj if tij @ Tij < 0: T = -T # return immediately in the loop return T, err def pose_registration(N, Rt_pairs, get_c2w=False): """ Global pose registration from pair-wise R_ij, t_ij. The output R_i, t_i are W2C by default, i.e., they satisfy x_i = R_i x_w + t_i . Parameters ---------- N : int Number of cameras Rt_pairs : dict 2D dict of R_ij, t_ij where Rt_pairs[i,j] holds R_ij, t_ij satisfying x_j = R_ij x_i + t_ij . get_c2w : Bool Output C2W rotation and translation. That is, R_i and t_i satisfy x_w = R_i x_i + t_i . Returns ------- R : ndarray 3N x 3 array of rotation matrices t : ndarray 3N x 1 array of translation vectors Notes ----- Martinec and Padjla. "Robust Rotation and Translation Estimation in Multiview Reconstruction," CVPR 2007. Nianjuan Jiang, Zhaopeng Cui, and Ping Tan. "A global linear method for camera pose registration," ICCV 2013. """ #print(Rt_pairs) R_w2c, Rerr = pose_registration_R(N, Rt_pairs) #print(R_w2c, Rerr) T_w2c, Terr = pose_registration_T(N, Rt_pairs, R_w2c) #print(T_w2c, Terr) # W2C -> C2W if get_c2w is True: assert False, "not tested" for i in range(N): R[i*3:i*3+3,:] = R[i*3:i*3+3,:].T T[i*3:i*3+3] = - R[i*3:i*3+3,:] @ T[i*3:i*3+3] return R_w2c, T_w2c.reshape((-1,1)), Rerr, Terr def quat2mat(q): """ Quaternion to rotation matrix conversion """ x, y, z, w = q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3] return np.array([ [1 - 2*y*y - 2*z*z, 2*x*y + 2*w*z, 2*x*z - 2*w*y], [ 2*x*y - 2*w*z, 1 - 2*x*x - 2*z*z, 2*y*z + 2*w*x], [ 2*x*z + 2*w*y, 2*y*z - 2*w*x, 1 - 2*x*x - 2*y*y]]) def rebase(R0_w2c, t0_w2c, R_w2c, t_w2c): """Return R and t that satisfy c0 = R @ c + t. The camera c0 is specified by R0_w2c and t0_w2c, and the camera c is specified by R_w2c and t_w2c. In other words, this computes the pose of camera c in the camera c0 coordinate system. """ assert R0_w2c.shape == (3, 3) assert R_w2c.shape == (3, 3) assert t0_w2c.size == 3 assert t_w2c.size == 3 t0_w2c = t0_w2c.reshape((3, 1)) t_w2c = t_w2c.reshape((3, 1)) if np.allclose(R0_w2c, R_w2c): R = np.eye(3) if np.allclose(t0_w2c, t_w2c): return R, np.zeros(t_w2c.shape) else: R = R_w2c @ R0_w2c.T return R, t_w2c - R @ t0_w2c def rebase_all(R_w2c_Nx3x3, t_w2c_Nx3x1, *, normalize_scaling=False): """Transform all the poses to be in the first camera coordinate system""" R_est = [] t_est = [] Nc = R_w2c_Nx3x3.shape[0] assert R_w2c_Nx3x3.shape == (Nc, 3, 3), R_w2c_Nx3x3.shape assert t_w2c_Nx3x1.shape == (Nc, 3, 1), t_w2c_Nx3x1.shape for c in reversed(range(Nc)): Rx, tx = rebase(R_w2c_Nx3x3[0], t_w2c_Nx3x1[0], R_w2c_Nx3x3[c], t_w2c_Nx3x1[c]) R_est.append(Rx) t_est.append(tx) R_est = np.array(R_est[::-1]) t_est = np.array(t_est[::-1]) if normalize_scaling: for c in reversed(range(Nc)): t_est[c] /= np.linalg.norm(t_est[1]) return R_est, t_est def triangulate(pt2d, P): """ Triangulate a 3D point from two or more views by DLT. """ N = len(pt2d) assert N == len(P) assert N >= 2 AtA = np.zeros((4, 4)) x = np.zeros((2, 4)) for i in range(N): x[0,:] = P[i][0,:] - pt2d[i][0] * P[i][2,:] x[1,:] = P[i][1,:] - pt2d[i][1] * P[i][2,:] AtA += x.T @ x _, v = np.linalg.eigh(AtA) if np.isclose(v[3, 0], 0): return v[:,0] else: return v[:,0] / v[3,0] def triangulate_Npts(pt2d_CxPx2, P_Cx3x4): """ Triangulate multiple 3D points from two or more views by DLT. """ assert pt2d_CxPx2.ndim == 3 assert P_Cx3x4.ndim == 3 Nc, Np, _ = pt2d_CxPx2.shape assert P_Cx3x4.shape == (Nc, 3, 4) # P0 - xP2 x = P_Cx3x4[:,0,:][:,None,:] - np.einsum('ij,ik->ijk', pt2d_CxPx2[:,:,0], P_Cx3x4[:,2,:]) # P1 - yP2 y = P_Cx3x4[:,1,:][:,None,:] - np.einsum('ij,ik->ijk', pt2d_CxPx2[:,:,1], P_Cx3x4[:,2,:]) Ab = np.concatenate([x, y]) Ab = np.swapaxes(Ab, 0, 1) assert Ab.shape == (Np, Nc*2, 4) A = Ab[:,:,:3] b = - Ab[:,:,3] AtA = np.linalg.pinv(A) X = np.einsum('ijk,ik->ij', AtA, b) return X def undistortN(A, D, camera_indices, points_2d, *, allow_unused_camera=False): Nc = A.shape[0] assert A.ndim == 3 assert A.shape == (Nc, 3, 3) assert D.ndim == 2 assert D.shape[0] == Nc assert len(camera_indices) == len(points_2d) if allow_unused_camera is False: assert camera_indices.max() == Nc - 1 p_new = points_2d.copy() CIDs = np.unique(camera_indices) for c in CIDs: p2d = points_2d[camera_indices == c] p_new[camera_indices == c] = undistort_points(p2d, A[c], D[c]).reshape((-1, 2)) return p_new def triangulateN(A, D, P, camera_indices, point_indices, points_2d): Nc = A.shape[0] assert A.ndim == 3 assert A.shape == (Nc, 3, 3) assert D.ndim == 2 assert D.shape[0] == Nc assert P.ndim == 3 assert P.shape == (Nc, 3, 4) pycalib.util.check_observations(camera_indices, point_indices, points_2d, allow_unused_camera=True) points_2d = undistortN(A, D, camera_indices, points_2d, allow_unused_camera=True) PIDs = np.unique(point_indices.astype(np.int32)) Y_est = [] PIDs_ok = [] for pid in sorted(PIDs): c = camera_indices[point_indices == pid] x = points_2d[point_indices == pid].copy() if len(c) < 2: continue PIDs_ok.append(pid) p = [] for i in c: p.append(P[i]) p = np.array(p) y = triangulate(x, p) Y_est.append(y) Y_est = np.array(Y_est).T Y_est = Y_est[:3,:] / Y_est[3,:] return Y_est, PIDs_ok def reprojection_error(pt3d, pt2d, P): N = len(pt2d) err = [] for i in range(N): x = P[i] @ pt3d x /= x[2] x[0] -= pt2d[i][0] x[1] -= pt2d[i][1] err.append(x[0:2]) return err def excalibN(A, D, camera_indices, point_indices, points_2d): """Calibrate N cameras from 2D correspondences Args: A: N x 3 x 3 matrix describing the N intrinsic parameters D: N x (3 or 5) matrix describing the N dist coeffs observations: M x 4 matrix describing M 2D observations in M x [camera id, point id, u, v] format """ Nc = A.shape[0] assert A.ndim == 3 assert A.shape == (Nc, 3, 3) assert D.ndim == 2 assert D.shape[0] == Nc camera_indices = camera_indices.astype(np.int32) point_indices = point_indices.astype(np.int32) pycalib.util.check_observations(camera_indices, point_indices, points_2d) def reproj_error(A, R, t, X, x): y = R @ X + t y[:2,:] /= y[2,:] return np.array([y[0,:] - x[0,:], y[1,:] - x[1,:]]) # pairwise calibration Rt_pairs = dict() for i in range(Nc - 1): # pid, u, v pid_i = point_indices[camera_indices==i] p2d_i = points_2d[camera_indices==i,:] for j in range(i + 1, Nc): # pid, u, v pid_j = point_indices[camera_indices==j] p2d_j = points_2d[camera_indices==j,:] _, idx_i, idx_j = np.intersect1d(pid_i, pid_j, assume_unique=True, return_indices=True) if len(idx_i) < 8: continue xi = p2d_i[idx_i,:] xj = p2d_j[idx_j,:] R, t, _, _, x3d = excalib2(xi, xj, A[i], D[i], A[j], D[j]) # debug #ei = reproj_error(A[i], np.eye(3), np.zeros((3, 1)), x3d, xi.T) #ej = reproj_error(A[j], R, t, x3d, xj.T) #e = np.sqrt(np.linalg.norm(ei)+np.linalg.norm(ej)) / len(idx_i) #print(f'{i}-{j} -> {e}') #print(- R @ t) Rt_pairs[i, j] = np.hstack((R, t)) # Registration R, t, err_r, err_t = pose_registration(Nc, Rt_pairs) # Transform to make Camera0 be WCS R_est = [] t_est = [] for c in reversed(range(Nc)): Rx, tx = rebase(R[:3, :3], t[:3], R[3*c:3*c+3, :3], t[3*c:3*c+3]) R_est.append(Rx) t_est.append(tx) R_est = np.array(R_est[::-1]) t_est = np.array(t_est[::-1]) # This estimation is up-to-scale. So normalize by the cam1-cam2 distance. for c in reversed(range(Nc)): t_est[c] /= np.linalg.norm(t_est[1]) # Projection matrix P_est = [] for i in range(Nc): P_est.append(A[i] @ np.hstack((R_est[i], t_est[i]))) P_est = np.array(P_est) # Triangulate 3D points Y_est, PIDs_ok = triangulateN(A, D, P_est, camera_indices, point_indices, points_2d) return R_est, t_est, Y_est.T, PIDs_ok class Camera: __W2C = np.zeros((3, 4)) __A = np.eye(3) __d = np.zeros(5) def __init__(self): pass def set_A(self, *, f=None, u0=None, v0=None, A=None): if f is not None: assert u0 is not None assert v0 is not None __A = np.array([[f, 0, u0], [0, f, v0], [0, 0, 1]]) if A is not None: __A = A def set_d(self, *, dist_coeffs=None): if dist_coeffs is not None: __d = dist_coeffs def undistort_points(self, pt2d): return cv2.undistortPoints(pt2d, cameraMatrix=self.__A, distCoeffs=self.__d, P=self.__A) def distort_points(self, pt2d): # a bit tricky. # # step1. **undistort** without dist & P to get normalized coord. n2d = cv2.undistortPoints(pt2d, cameraMatrix=self.__A, distCoeffs=None, P=None) # step2. get homogeneous coord n3d = cv2.convertPointsToHomogeneous(n2d) # step3. project WITH dist, and R=I, t=0 pt2d_d = cv2.projectPoints(n3d, np.zeros(3), np.zeros(3), cameraMatrix=self.__A, distCoeffs=self.__d) return pt2d_d def lookat(eye, center, up): eye = transpose_to_col(eye, 3) center = transpose_to_col(center, 3) up = transpose_to_col(up, 3) ez = center - eye ez = ez / np.linalg.norm(ez) ey = up ey = ey / np.linalg.norm(ey) ex = np.cross(ey.T, ez.T).reshape((3,1)) ex = ex / np.linalg.norm(ex) ey = np.cross(ez.T, ex.T).reshape((3,1)) ey = ey / np.linalg.norm(ey) t_c2w = eye R_c2w = np.hstack((ex, ey, ez)) return R_c2w.T, -R_c2w.T @ t_c2w def absolute_orientation(p, q, no_scaling=False): """ Returns R, t, s satisfying q = s * R * p + t p and q must be 3xN matrices. """ if no_scaling: st = EuclideanTransform() else: st = SimilarityTransform() st.estimate(p.T, q.T) R = st.params[:3, :3] t = st.params[:3, 3] s = np.linalg.norm(R) / np.sqrt(3) R = R / s return R, t, s # def absolute_orientation(p, q, *, no_scaling=False): # """ # Returns R, t, s satisfying q = s * R * p + t # # p and q must be 3xN matrices. # # Horn. Closed-form solution of absolute orientation using unit quaternions, JOSA 1987 # """ # # assert len(p.shape) == len(q.shape) == 2 # assert p.shape[0] == q.shape[0] == 3 # assert p.shape[1] == q.shape[1] # # # Centerize # mp = np.mean(p, axis=1) # mq = np.mean(q, axis=1) # p = p - mp[:, None] # q = q - mq[:, None] # # # Scale # if no_scaling is False: # s = np.sum(np.linalg.norm(q, axis=0)) / np.sum(np.linalg.norm(p, axis=0)) # else: # s = 1 # # # orthogonal Procrustes problem # u, _, vt = np.linalg.svd(q @ (s * p).T) # R = u @ vt # # # translation # t = mq - s * (R @ mp) # # return R, t, s
import jax import jax.numpy as jnp import jax.random as jr from functools import partial from jax_moseq.utils.kalman import kalman_sample from jax_moseq.utils.distributions import sample_vonmises_fisher from jax_moseq.models import arhmm, slds from jax_moseq.models.keypoint_slds.alignment import ( to_vanilla_slds, estimate_coordinates, estimate_aligned, apply_rotation, vector_to_angle, ) na = jnp.newaxis @partial(jax.jit, static_argnames=("parallel_message_passing",)) def resample_continuous_stateseqs( seed, Y, mask, v, h, s, z, Cd, sigmasq, Ab, Q, jitter=1e-3, parallel_message_passing=True, **kwargs ): """ Resamples the latent trajectories ``x``. Parameters ---------- seed : jr.PRNGKey JAX random seed. Y : jax array of shape (N, T, k, d) Keypoint observations. mask : jax array of shape (N, T) Binary indicator for valid frames. v : jax array of shape (N, T, d) Centroid positions. h : jax array of shape (N, T) Heading angles. s : jax array of shape (N, T, k) Noise scales. z : jax_array of shape (N, T - n_lags) Discrete state sequences. Cd : jax array of shape ((k - 1) * d, latent_dim + 1) Observation transform. sigmasq : jax_array of shape k Unscaled noise. Ab : jax array of shape (num_states, latent_dim, ar_dim) Autoregressive transforms. Q : jax array of shape (num_states, latent_dim, latent_dim) Autoregressive noise covariances. jitter : float, default=1e-3 Amount to boost the diagonal of the covariance matrix during backward-sampling of the continuous states. parallel_message_passing : bool, default=True, Use associative scan for Kalman sampling, which is faster on a GPU but has a significantly longer jit time. **kwargs : dict Overflow, for convenience. Returns ------ x : jax array of shape (N, T, latent_dim) Latent trajectories. """ Y, s, Cd, sigmasq = to_vanilla_slds(Y, v, h, s, Cd, sigmasq) x = slds.resample_continuous_stateseqs( seed, Y, mask, z, s, Ab, Q, Cd, sigmasq, jitter=jitter, parallel_message_passing=parallel_message_passing, ) return x @jax.jit def resample_obs_variance( seed, Y, mask, Cd, x, v, h, s, nu_sigma, sigmasq_0, **kwargs ): """ Resample the observation variance ``sigmasq``. Parameters ---------- seed : jr.PRNGKey JAX random seed. Y : jax array of shape (N, T, k, d) Keypoint observations. mask : jax array of shape (N, T) Binary indicator for valid frames. Cd : jax array of shape ((k - 1) * d, latent_dim + 1) Observation transform. x : jax array of shape (N, T, latent_dim) Latent trajectories. v : jax array of shape (N, T, d) Centroid positions. h : jax array of shape (N, T) Heading angles. s : jax array of shape (N, T, k) Noise scales. nu_sigma : float Chi-squared degrees of freedom in sigmasq. sigmasq_0 : float Scaled inverse chi-squared scaling parameter for sigmasq. **kwargs : dict Overflow, for convenience. Returns ------ sigmasq : jax_array of shape k Unscaled noise. """ sqerr = compute_squared_error(Y, x, v, h, Cd, mask) return slds.resample_obs_variance_from_sqerr( seed, sqerr, mask, s, nu_sigma, sigmasq_0 ) @jax.jit def resample_scales(seed, Y, x, v, h, Cd, sigmasq, nu_s, s_0, **kwargs): """ Resample the scale values ``s``. Parameters ---------- seed : jr.PRNGKey JAX random seed. Y : jax array of shape (N, T, k, d) Keypoint observations. x : jax array of shape (N, T, latent_dim) Latent trajectories. v : jax array of shape (N, T, d) Centroid positions. h : jax array of shape (N, T) Heading angles. Cd : jax array of shape ((k - 1) * d, latent_dim + 1) Observation transform. sigmasq : jax_array of shape k Unscaled noise. nu_s : int Chi-squared degrees of freedom in noise prior. s_0 : scalar or jax array broadcastable to ``Y`` Prior on noise scale. **kwargs : dict Overflow, for convenience. Returns ------ s : jax array of shape (N, T, k) Noise scales. """ sqerr = compute_squared_error(Y, x, v, h, Cd) return slds.resample_scales_from_sqerr(seed, sqerr, sigmasq, nu_s, s_0) @jax.jit def compute_squared_error(Y, x, v, h, Cd, mask=None): """ Computes the squared error between model predicted and true observations. Parameters ---------- Y : jax array of shape (..., k, d) Keypoint observations. x : jax array of shape (..., latent_dim) Latent trajectories. v : jax array of shape (..., d) Centroid positions. h : jax array Heading angles. Cd : jax array of shape ((k - 1) * d, latent_dim + 1) Observation transform. mask : jax array, optional Binary indicator for valid frames. Returns ------ sqerr : jax array of shape (..., k) Squared error between model predicted and true observations. """ Y_est = estimate_coordinates(x, v, h, Cd) sqerr = ((Y - Y_est) ** 2).sum(-1) if mask is not None: sqerr = mask[..., na] * sqerr return sqerr @jax.jit def resample_heading(seed, Y, x, v, s, Cd, sigmasq, **kwargs): """ Resample the heading angles ``h``. Parameters ---------- seed : jr.PRNGKey JAX random seed. Y : jax array of shape (N, T, k, d) Keypoint observations. x : jax array of shape (N, T, latent_dim) Latent trajectories. v : jax array of shape (N, T, d) Centroid positions. s : jax array of shape (N, T, k) Noise scales. Cd : jax array of shape ((k - 1) * d, latent_dim + 1) Observation transform. sigmasq : jax_array of shape k Unscaled noise. **kwargs : dict Overflow, for convenience. Returns ------ h : jax array of shape (N, T) Heading angles. """ k = Y.shape[-2] Y_bar = estimate_aligned(x, Cd, k) Y_cent = Y - v[..., na, :] variance = s * sigmasq # [(..., t, k, d, na) * (..., t, k, na, d) / (..., t, k, na, na)] -> (..., t, d, d) S = (Y_bar[..., :2, na] * Y_cent[..., na, :2] / variance[..., na, na]).sum( -3 ) del Y_bar, Y_cent, variance # free up memory kappa_cos = S[..., 0, 0] + S[..., 1, 1] kappa_sin = S[..., 0, 1] - S[..., 1, 0] del S mean_direction = jnp.stack([kappa_cos, kappa_sin], axis=-1) sampled_direction = sample_vonmises_fisher(seed, mean_direction) h = vector_to_angle(sampled_direction) return h @jax.jit def resample_location( seed, Y, mask, x, h, s, Cd, sigmasq, sigmasq_loc, parallel_message_passing=True, **kwargs ): """ Resample the centroid positions ``v``. Parameters ---------- seed : jr.PRNGKey JAX random seed. Y : jax array of shape (N, T, k, d) Keypoint observations. mask : jax array of shape (N, T) Binary indicator for valid frames. x : jax array of shape (N, T, latent_dim) Latent trajectories. h : jax array of shape (N, T) Heading angles. s : jax array of shape (N, T, k) Noise scales. Cd : jax array of shape ((k - 1) * d, latent_dim + 1) Observation transform. sigmasq : jax_array of shape k Unscaled noise. sigmasq_loc : float Assumed variance in centroid displacements. parallel_message_passing : bool, default=True, Use associative scan for Kalman sampling, which is faster on a GPU but has a significantly longer jit time. **kwargs : dict Overflow, for convenience. Returns ------ v : jax array of shape (N, T, d) Centroid positions. """ k, d = Y.shape[-2:] Y_rot = apply_rotation(estimate_aligned(x, Cd, k), h) variance = s * sigmasq gammasq = 1 / (1 / variance).sum(-1, keepdims=True) mu = jnp.einsum("...tkd,>", Y - Y_rot, gammasq / variance) # Apply Kalman filter to get smooth headings # TODO Parameterize these distributional hyperparameter seed = jr.split(seed, mask.shape[0]) m0 = jnp.zeros(d) S0 = jnp.eye(d) * 1e4 A = jnp.eye(d)[na] B = jnp.zeros(d)[na] Q = jnp.eye(d)[na] * sigmasq_loc C = jnp.eye(d) D = jnp.zeros(d) R = jnp.repeat(gammasq, d, axis=-1) zz = jnp.zeros_like(mask[:, 1:], dtype=int) masked_dynamics_noise = sigmasq_loc * 10 masked_obs_noise = sigmasq.max() * 10 masked_dynamics_params = { "weights": jnp.eye(d), "bias": jnp.zeros(d), "cov": jnp.eye(d) * masked_dynamics_noise, } masked_obs_noise_diag = jnp.ones(d) * masked_obs_noise in_axes = (0, 0, 0, 0, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, 0, na, na) v = jax.vmap( partial(kalman_sample, parallel=parallel_message_passing), in_axes )( seed, mu, mask, zz, m0, S0, A, B, Q, C, D, R, masked_dynamics_params, masked_obs_noise_diag, ) return v def resample_model( data, seed, states, params, hypparams, noise_prior, ar_only=False, states_only=False, resample_global_noise_scale=False, resample_local_noise_scale=True, fix_heading=False, verbose=False, jitter=1e-3, parallel_message_passing=False, **kwargs ): """ Resamples the Keypoint SLDS model given the hyperparameters, data, noise prior, current states, and current parameters. Parameters ---------- data : dict Data dictionary containing the observations and mask. seed : jr.PRNGKey JAX random seed. states : dict State values for each latent variable. params : dict Values for each model parameter. hypparams : dict Values for each group of hyperparameters. noise_prior : scalar or jax array broadcastable to ``s`` Prior on noise scale. ar_only : bool, default=False Whether to restrict sampling to ARHMM components. states_only : bool, default=False Whether to restrict sampling to states. resample_global_noise_scale : bool, default=False Whether to resample the global noise scales (``sigmasq``) resample_local_noise_scale : bool, default=True Whether to resample the local noise scales (``s``) fix_heading : bool, default=False Whether to exclude ``h`` from resampling. jitter : float, default=1e-3 Amount to boost the diagonal of the covariance matrix during backward-sampling of the continuous states. verbose : bool, default=False Whether to print progress info during resampling. parallel_message_passing : bool, default=True, Use associative scan for Kalman sampling, which is faster on a GPU but has a significantly longer jit time. Returns ------ model : dict Dictionary containing the hyperparameters and updated seed, states, and parameters of the model. """ model = arhmm.resample_model( data, seed, states, params, hypparams, states_only, verbose=verbose ) if ar_only: model["noise_prior"] = noise_prior return model seed = model["seed"] params = model["params"].copy() states = model["states"].copy() if (not states_only) and resample_global_noise_scale: if verbose: print("Resampling sigmasq (global noise scales)") params["sigmasq"] = resample_obs_variance( seed, **data, **states, **params, s_0=noise_prior, **hypparams["obs_hypparams"] ) if verbose: print("Resampling x (continuous latent states)") states["x"] = resample_continuous_stateseqs( seed, **data, **states, **params, jitter=jitter, parallel_message_passing=parallel_message_passing ) if not fix_heading: if verbose: print("Resampling h (heading)") states["h"] = resample_heading(seed, **data, **states, **params) if verbose: print("Resampling v (location)") states["v"] = resample_location( seed, **data, **states, **params, **hypparams["cen_hypparams"] ) if resample_local_noise_scale: if verbose: print("Resampling s (local noise scales)") states["s"] = resample_scales( seed, **data, **states, **params, s_0=noise_prior, **hypparams["obs_hypparams"] ) return { "seed": seed, "states": states, "params": params, "hypparams": hypparams, "noise_prior": noise_prior, }
'use strict'; /** * `password` type prompt */ var chalk = require('chalk'); var { map, takeUntil } = require('rxjs/operators'); var Base = require('./base'); var observe = require('../utils/events'); function mask(input, maskChar) { input = String(input); maskChar = typeof maskChar === 'string' ? maskChar : '*'; if (input.length === 0) { return ''; } return new Array(input.length + 1).join(maskChar); } class PasswordPrompt extends Base { /** * Start the Inquiry session * @param {Function} cb Callback when prompt is done * @return {this} */ _run(cb) { this.done = cb; var events = observe(this.rl); // Once user confirm (enter key) var submit = events.line.pipe(map(this.filterInput.bind(this))); var validation = this.handleSubmitEvents(submit); validation.success.forEach(this.onEnd.bind(this)); validation.error.forEach(this.onError.bind(this)); events.keypress .pipe(takeUntil(validation.success)) .forEach(this.onKeypress.bind(this)); // Init this.render(); return this; } /** * Render the prompt to screen * @return {PasswordPrompt} self */ render(error) { var message = this.getQuestion(); var bottomContent = ''; if (this.status === 'answered') { message += this.opt.mask ? chalk.cyan(mask(this.answer, this.opt.mask)) : chalk.italic.dim('[hidden]'); } else if (this.opt.mask) { message += mask(this.rl.line || '', this.opt.mask); } else { message += chalk.italic.dim('[input is hidden] '); } if (error) { bottomContent = '\n' +'>> ') + error; } this.screen.render(message, bottomContent); } /** * When user press `enter` key */ filterInput(input) { if (!input) { return this.opt.default == null ? '' : this.opt.default; } return input; } onEnd(state) { this.status = 'answered'; this.answer = state.value; // Re-render prompt this.render(); this.screen.done(); this.done(state.value); } onError(state) { this.render(state.isValid); } onKeypress() { // If user press a key, just clear the default value if (this.opt.default) { this.opt.default = undefined; } this.render(); } } module.exports = PasswordPrompt;
============ Contributing ============ Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given. Before contributing, please be sure to take a look at our `code of conduct <>`_. You can contribute in many ways: Types of Contributions ---------------------- Report Bugs ~~~~~~~~~~~ Report bugs at If you are reporting a bug, please include: * Any details about your local setup that might be helpful in troubleshooting. * Detailed steps to reproduce the bug. Fix Bugs ~~~~~~~~ Look through the GitHub issues for bugs. Anything tagged with "bug" is open to whoever wants to implement it. Implement Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Look through the GitHub issues for features. Anything tagged with "feature" is open to whoever wants to implement it. Write Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wayback could always use more documentation, whether as part of the official wayback docs, in docstrings, or even on the web in blog posts, articles, and such. Submit Feedback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The best way to send feedback is to file an issue at If you are proposing a feature: * Explain in detail how it would work. * Keep the scope as narrow as possible, to make it easier to implement. * Remember that this is a volunteer-driven project, and that contributions are welcome :) Get Started! ------------ Ready to contribute? Here's how to set up `wayback` for local development. 1. Fork the `wayback` repo on GitHub. 2. Clone your fork locally:: $ git clone [email protected]:your_name_here/wayback.git 3. Install your local copy into a virtualenv. Assuming you have virtualenvwrapper installed, this is how you set up your fork for local development:: $ mkvirtualenv wayback $ cd wayback/ $ python develop 4. Create a branch for local development:: $ git checkout -b name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature Now you can make your changes locally. 5. When you're done making changes, check that your changes pass flake8 and the tests, including testing other Python versions with tox:: $ flake8 wayback tests $ pytest $ tox To get flake8, pytest and tox, just pip install them into your virtualenv using `pip install -r requirements-dev.txt`. 6. Commit your changes and push your branch to GitHub:: $ git add . $ git commit -m "Your detailed description of your changes." $ git push origin name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature 7. Submit a pull request through the GitHub website. Pull Request Guidelines ----------------------- Before you submit a pull request, check that it meets these guidelines: 1. The pull request should include tests. 2. If the pull request adds functionality, the docs should be updated. Put your new functionality into a function with a docstring, and add the feature to the list in README.rst. 3. The pull request should work for Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and for PyPy. Check and make sure that the tests pass for all supported Python versions.
from qtpy.QtCore import Qt from pyqode.core.api import Mode class SmartBackSpaceMode(Mode): """Improves backspace and delete behaviour. The exact behavior is intended to be as intuitive as possible, but is quite complex and described in more detail in the functions below. """ def on_state_changed(self, state): if state: self.editor.key_pressed.connect(self._on_key_pressed) else: self.editor.key_pressed.disconnect(self._on_key_pressed) def _on_key_pressed(self, event): if (event.modifiers() != Qt.NoModifier or event.isAccepted()): return key = event.key() if key == Qt.Key_Backspace: do_backspace = True do_delete = False elif key == Qt.Key_Delete: do_delete = True do_backspace = False else: return cursor = self.editor.textCursor() cursor.beginEditBlock() if cursor.hasSelection(): cursor.removeSelectedText() elif do_backspace: if cursor.atBlockStart(): self._do_backspace_at_block_start(cursor) else: self._do_regular_backspace(cursor) else: if cursor.atBlockEnd(): self._do_delete_at_block_end(cursor) else: self._do_regular_delete(cursor) cursor.endEditBlock() self.editor.setTextCursor(cursor) event.accept() def _do_delete_at_block_end(self, cursor): """When deleting while the cursor is at the end of a block, the next newline and all subsequent whitespace is deleted. """ cursor.deleteChar() while not cursor.atBlockEnd(): cursor.movePosition(cursor.Right, cursor.KeepAnchor) if not cursor.selectedText().isspace(): cursor.movePosition(cursor.Left) break cursor.removeSelectedText() def _do_regular_delete(self, cursor): """A delete does different things depending on the context. 1. If the cursor is in the trailing whitespace of a block, then all trailing whitespace is removed. `x = 1| ` -> `x = 1|` 2. If the cursor is followed by whitespace, then what follows is de-indented by one tab stop, or until the cursor position is reached. `| x = 1` -> `|x = 1` ` | x = 1` -> ` |x = 1` ` | x = 1` -> ` | x = 1` ` | x = 1` -> ` | x = 1` ` | x = 1` -> ` |x = 1` 3. Else, the next character is deleted: `|x = 1` -> ` = 1` """ orig_pos = cursor.position() selected_text, selected_whitespace, selected_entire_block = \ self._select_until_block_end(cursor) if selected_whitespace: cursor.removeSelectedText() return cursor.setPosition(orig_pos) # For tab-based indentation, no specific de-indenting logic is # necessary. if not self.editor.use_spaces_instead_of_tabs: cursor.deleteChar() return new_pos = self._move_right_until_non_whitespace(cursor) # If there was no whitespace after, simply delete the next character if orig_pos == new_pos: cursor.setPosition(orig_pos) cursor.deleteChar() # Determine the maximum number of characters to delete n_del = cursor.positionInBlock() % self.editor.tab_length if not n_del: n_del = self.editor.tab_length n_del = min(new_pos - orig_pos, n_del) # don't delete beyond cursor cursor.movePosition(cursor.Left, cursor.KeepAnchor, n=n_del) cursor.removeSelectedText() cursor.setPosition(orig_pos) def _do_backspace_at_block_start(self, cursor): """When backspacing at the start of a block, first delete the previous character, which is the newline that takes the cursor to the previous block. If the cursor was initially at a line of only whitespace, we delete the whitespace so that it's not carried over to the previous block. """ if cursor.block().text().isspace(): cursor.movePosition(cursor.EndOfBlock, cursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.removeSelectedText() cursor.deletePreviousChar() def _do_regular_backspace(self, cursor): """A backspace does different things depending on the context. If the cursor is in the trailing white space of a block that is not only whitespace, then all trailing whitespace is deleted. `x = 1 | ` -> `x = 1|` Otherwise, we deindent to the previous tab stop, or until the first non whitespace character, while deleting at least one character even if it is non whitespace. `x = 1|` -> `x = |` `y = 1; |x = 1` -> `y = 1; x = 1` If the block is only whitespace, then the trailing whitespace is also deleted: ` | ` -> `|` """ orig_pos = cursor.position() self._move_left_until_non_whitespace(cursor) selected_text, selected_whitespace, selected_entire_block = \ self._select_until_block_end(cursor) # If we've selected some whitespace, delete this selection. But not # if the entire line is whitespace, because then we want # to de-indent. if selected_whitespace and not selected_entire_block: cursor.removeSelectedText() # Otherwise, return the cursor to its original position and # fall back to a de-indent-like behavior, such that as many # whitespaces are removed as are necessary to de-indent by one # level. else: cursor.setPosition(orig_pos) # If there's only whitespace on the line, we also remove the # trailing whitespace. if selected_whitespace: cursor.movePosition(cursor.EndOfBlock, cursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.removeSelectedText() if self.editor.use_spaces_instead_of_tabs: cursor_pos = cursor.positionInBlock() n_del = cursor_pos % self.editor.tab_length ch_del = ' ' if not n_del: n_del = self.editor.tab_length if n_del > cursor_pos: # Don't delete beyond the line n_del = cursor_pos else: n_del = 1 ch_del = '\t' for i in range(n_del): cursor.movePosition( cursor.PreviousCharacter, cursor.KeepAnchor ) if cursor.selectedText() == ch_del: cursor.removeSelectedText() # The first time, we also delete non-whitespace characters. # However, this means that we are not de-indenting, and # therefore we break out of the loop. In other words, this # is a regular backspace. else: if not i: cursor.removeSelectedText() else: cursor.clearSelection() cursor.movePosition(cursor.Right) break def _move_left_until_non_whitespace(self, cursor): """Moves the cursor left until the first non-whitespace character or until the start of the block. """ while not cursor.atBlockStart(): cursor.movePosition( cursor.Left, cursor.KeepAnchor ) if not cursor.selectedText().isspace(): cursor.setPosition(cursor.position() + 1) break cursor.setPosition(cursor.position()) return cursor.position() def _move_right_until_non_whitespace(self, cursor): """Moves the cursor right until the first non-whitespace character or until the end of the block. """ while not cursor.atBlockEnd(): cursor.movePosition( cursor.Right, cursor.KeepAnchor ) if not cursor.selectedText().isspace(): cursor.setPosition(cursor.position() - 1) break cursor.setPosition(cursor.position()) return cursor.position() def _select_until_block_end(self, cursor): """Select all the characters until the end of the block. Returns the selected text, whether this text contains only whitespace (and is not) empty, and whether this text corresponds to the entire block """ cursor.movePosition(cursor.EndOfBlock, cursor.KeepAnchor) selected_text = cursor.selectedText() return ( selected_text, selected_text.isspace() and selected_text, cursor.block().text() == selected_text )
import warnings import pulumi import pulumi.runtime from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union from ... import _utilities, _tables from . import outputs __all__ = [ 'GetPrivateLinkServicePrivateEndpointConnectionResult', 'AwaitableGetPrivateLinkServicePrivateEndpointConnectionResult', 'get_private_link_service_private_endpoint_connection', ] @pulumi.output_type class GetPrivateLinkServicePrivateEndpointConnectionResult: """ PrivateEndpointConnection resource. """ def __init__(__self__, etag=None, id=None, link_identifier=None, name=None, private_endpoint=None, private_link_service_connection_state=None, provisioning_state=None, type=None): if etag and not isinstance(etag, str): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'etag' to be a str") pulumi.set(__self__, "etag", etag) if id and not isinstance(id, str): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'id' to be a str") pulumi.set(__self__, "id", id) if link_identifier and not isinstance(link_identifier, str): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'link_identifier' to be a str") pulumi.set(__self__, "link_identifier", link_identifier) if name and not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'name' to be a str") pulumi.set(__self__, "name", name) if private_endpoint and not isinstance(private_endpoint, dict): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'private_endpoint' to be a dict") pulumi.set(__self__, "private_endpoint", private_endpoint) if private_link_service_connection_state and not isinstance(private_link_service_connection_state, dict): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'private_link_service_connection_state' to be a dict") pulumi.set(__self__, "private_link_service_connection_state", private_link_service_connection_state) if provisioning_state and not isinstance(provisioning_state, str): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'provisioning_state' to be a str") pulumi.set(__self__, "provisioning_state", provisioning_state) if type and not isinstance(type, str): raise TypeError("Expected argument 'type' to be a str") pulumi.set(__self__, "type", type) @property @pulumi.getter def etag(self) -> str: """ A unique read-only string that changes whenever the resource is updated. """ return pulumi.get(self, "etag") @property @pulumi.getter def id(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Resource ID. """ return pulumi.get(self, "id") @property @pulumi.getter(name="linkIdentifier") def link_identifier(self) -> str: """ The consumer link id. """ return pulumi.get(self, "link_identifier") @property @pulumi.getter def name(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. """ return pulumi.get(self, "name") @property @pulumi.getter(name="privateEndpoint") def private_endpoint(self) -> 'outputs.PrivateEndpointResponse': """ The resource of private end point. """ return pulumi.get(self, "private_endpoint") @property @pulumi.getter(name="privateLinkServiceConnectionState") def private_link_service_connection_state(self) -> Optional['outputs.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateResponse']: """ A collection of information about the state of the connection between service consumer and provider. """ return pulumi.get(self, "private_link_service_connection_state") @property @pulumi.getter(name="provisioningState") def provisioning_state(self) -> str: """ The provisioning state of the private endpoint connection resource. """ return pulumi.get(self, "provisioning_state") @property @pulumi.getter def type(self) -> str: """ The resource type. """ return pulumi.get(self, "type") class AwaitableGetPrivateLinkServicePrivateEndpointConnectionResult(GetPrivateLinkServicePrivateEndpointConnectionResult): # pylint: disable=using-constant-test def __await__(self): if False: yield self return GetPrivateLinkServicePrivateEndpointConnectionResult( etag=self.etag,, link_identifier=self.link_identifier,, private_endpoint=self.private_endpoint, private_link_service_connection_state=self.private_link_service_connection_state, provisioning_state=self.provisioning_state, type=self.type) def get_private_link_service_private_endpoint_connection(expand: Optional[str] = None, pe_connection_name: Optional[str] = None, resource_group_name: Optional[str] = None, service_name: Optional[str] = None, opts: Optional[pulumi.InvokeOptions] = None) -> AwaitableGetPrivateLinkServicePrivateEndpointConnectionResult: """ Use this data source to access information about an existing resource. :param str expand: Expands referenced resources. :param str pe_connection_name: The name of the private end point connection. :param str resource_group_name: The name of the resource group. :param str service_name: The name of the private link service. """ __args__ = dict() __args__['expand'] = expand __args__['peConnectionName'] = pe_connection_name __args__['resourceGroupName'] = resource_group_name __args__['serviceName'] = service_name if opts is None: opts = pulumi.InvokeOptions() if opts.version is None: opts.version = _utilities.get_version() __ret__ = pulumi.runtime.invoke('azure-nextgen:network/latest:getPrivateLinkServicePrivateEndpointConnection', __args__, opts=opts, typ=GetPrivateLinkServicePrivateEndpointConnectionResult).value return AwaitableGetPrivateLinkServicePrivateEndpointConnectionResult( etag=__ret__.etag,, link_identifier=__ret__.link_identifier,, private_endpoint=__ret__.private_endpoint, private_link_service_connection_state=__ret__.private_link_service_connection_state, provisioning_state=__ret__.provisioning_state, type=__ret__.type)
from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Optional import pandas as pd import yaml from import _QCCommon from import QCData from import PropertyAggregation from import GridProps2df from import WellLogs2df QCC = _QCCommon() class QCProperties: """ The QCProperties class consists of a set of methods for extracting property statistics from 3D Grids, Raw and Blocked wells. Statistics can be collected from either discrete or continous properties. Dependent on the property different statistics are collected. The methods for statistics extraction can be run individually, or a yaml-configuration file can be used to enable an automatic run of the methods. See the method 'from_yaml'. When several methods of statistics extraction has been run within the instance, a merged dataframe is available through the 'dataframe' property. All methods can be run from either RMS python, or from files. XTGeo is being utilized to get a dataframe from the input parameter data. XTGeo data is reused in the instance to increase performance. """ def __init__(self): self._xtgdata = QCData() # QCData instance, general XTGeo data self._dfs = [] # list of dataframes with aggregated statistics self._selectors_all = [] self._proptypes_all = [] self._ids = [] self._dataframe = pd.DataFrame() # merged dataframe with statistics # Properties: # ================================================================================== @property def dataframe(self): """Dataframe with statistics""" self._dataframe = self._create_or_return_dataframe() return self._dataframe # Hidden methods: # ================================================================================== def _initiate_from_config(self, cfg: str, project: Optional[object]): """Run methods for statistics extraction based on entries in yaml-config""" with open(cfg, "r", encoding="utf-8") as stream: data = yaml.safe_load(stream) if "grid" in data: for item in data["grid"]: self.get_grid_statistics(data=item, project=project) if "wells" in data: for item in data["wells"]: self.get_well_statistics(data=item, project=project) if "blockedwells" in data: for item in data["blockedwells"]: self.get_bwell_statistics(data=item, project=project) def _create_or_return_dataframe(self): """ Combine dataframes from all runs within the instance. Only update dataframe if more data have been run within the instance, else return previous dataframe. """ dframe = self._dataframe dframes = self._dfs if dframe.empty or len(dframes) > len(dframe["ID"].unique()): QCC.print_debug("Updating combined dataframe") self._warn_if_different_property_types() dframe = pd.concat(dframes) # fill NaN with "Total" for dataframes with missing selectors dframe[self._selectors_all] = dframe[self._selectors_all].fillna("Total") # Specify column order in statistics dataframe cols_first = ["PROPERTY"] + self._selectors_all dframe = dframe[ cols_first + [x for x in dframe.columns if x not in cols_first] ] return dframe def _warn_if_different_property_types(self): """Give warning if dataframes have different property types""" if not all(ptype == self._proptypes_all[0] for ptype in self._proptypes_all): QCC.give_warn( "Merging statistics dataframes from different property types " "(continous/discrete). Is this intentional?" ) def _adjust_id_if_duplicate(self, run_id: str) -> str: """ Check for equal run ids, modify ids by adding a number to get them unique. """ check_id = run_id count = 0 while check_id in self._ids: check_id = f"{run_id}({count+1})" count += 1 return check_id def _set_dataframe_id_and_class_attributes( self, statistics: PropertyAggregation, source: str, run_id: str ): """ Set source and id column of statistics datframe, and different class attributes. """ run_id = self._adjust_id_if_duplicate(run_id) # set id and source columns in statistics dataframe statistics.dataframe["ID"] = run_id statistics.dataframe["SOURCE"] = source self._ids.append(run_id) self._dfs.append(statistics.dataframe) for selector in statistics.controls["selectors"]: if selector not in self._selectors_all: self._selectors_all.append(selector) self._proptypes_all.append(statistics.controls["property_type"]) # pylint: disable = no-self-argument, not-callable def _check_multiple_filters(method: Any): """Decorator function for extracting statistics with different filters""" def wrapper(self, **kwargs): if "multiple_filters" in kwargs["data"]: for name, filters in kwargs["data"]["multiple_filters"].items(): kwargs["data"].update(filters=filters, name=name) method(self, **kwargs) return self.dataframe return method(self, **kwargs) return wrapper @_check_multiple_filters def _extract_statistics( self, dtype: str, data: dict, project: Optional[object], source: str ): """Create dataframe from properties and extract statistics""" QCC.verbosity = data.get("verbosity", 0) QCC.print_info("Starting run...") # Create Property dataframe from input (using XTGeo) property_data = ( GridProps2df(project=project, data=data, xtgdata=self._xtgdata) if dtype == "grid" else WellLogs2df( project=project, data=data, xtgdata=self._xtgdata, blockedwells=dtype == "bwells", ) ) # Compute statistics stats = PropertyAggregation(property_data) self._set_dataframe_id_and_class_attributes( stats, source=source, run_id=data.get("name", source), ) return stats.dataframe # QC methods: # ================================================================================== def get_grid_statistics( self, data: dict, project: Optional[object] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Extract property statistics from 3D Grid""" return self._extract_statistics( dtype="grid", data=data, project=project, source=data.get("source", Path(data["grid"]).stem), ) def get_well_statistics( self, data: dict, project: Optional[object] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Extract property statistics from wells""" return self._extract_statistics( dtype="wells", data=data, project=project, source=data.get("source", "wells"), ) def get_bwell_statistics( self, data: dict, project: Optional[object] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Extract property statistics from blocked wells""" return self._extract_statistics( dtype="bwells", data=data, project=project, source=data.get( "source", "bwells" if project is None else data["wells"].get("bwname", "BW"), ), ) def from_yaml(self, cfg: str, project: Optional[object] = None): """Use yaml-configuration file to run the statistics extractions methods""" self._initiate_from_config(cfg, project) def to_csv(self, csvfile: str): """Write combined dataframe to csv""" self.dataframe.to_csv(csvfile, index=False) QCC.print_info(f"Dataframe with statistics written to {csvfile}")
import hashlib import re from lxml import etree import json from base64 import b64encode, b64decode import xml2tree from common import RawInput, MetaInfo, CompileResult from debug_bridge import DebugBridge import logging import constant # 需要在XML格式验证前,以字符串格式对一些特殊的字符进行替换,这样最终的xml验证能通过,然后转成的json也没问题 MAGIC_URL = { '<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;', '&': '&amp;', '\'': '&apos;', '\"': '&quot;' } def replace_url_magic(src_str_): p = re.compile(r'[src|srcMock|url]=\"(https?:\/\/[^\"]*)\"') found = p.findall(src_str_) target_str = src_str_ for url in found: new_url = url for source, target in MAGIC_URL.items(): new_url = new_url.replace(source, target) if new_url != url: target_str = target_str.replace(url, new_url) return target_str class CompileTask: result: CompileResult raw_input: RawInput def __init__(self, raw: RawInput, exist_bridge: DebugBridge = None) -> None: super().__init__() self.raw_input = raw self.bridge = exist_bridge def compile(self): logging.debug('编译中...') if self.raw_input.src_64 is not None: "传入的是base64的xml内容字符串" raw_xml_string = str(b64decode(self.raw_input.src_64), encoding='utf-8') else: "传入的是xml文件" with open(self.raw_input.src_file, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as fx: raw_xml_string = if raw_xml_string is None: raise Exception('无效的编译输入') self.result = self._compileString(raw_xml_string) if self.raw_input.only_compile_str: # DEBUG状态下只要求输出编译字符串 print(self.result.compiled_str) return if self.raw_input.debug: if self.bridge is not None: self.bridge.update(self.result) else: b = DebugBridge(self.raw_input) if self.raw_input.release: print(self.result.compiled_str) def _compileString(self, xml_string) -> CompileResult: xml_string_ = xml_string try: # 对其中的http URL中可能存在的特殊字符做替换 xml_string_ = replace_url_magic(xml_string_) etree.XML(xml_string_) logging.debug('通过XML有效性检查') except etree.XMLSyntaxError as err: raise Exception('不是有效的XML,请检查输入文件\n', err) json_objects = xml2tree.convert(xml_string_, self.raw_input) converted_json = json.dumps(json_objects, indent=1) json_bytes_ = bytes(converted_json, encoding='utf-8') md5 = hashlib.md5(json_bytes_).hexdigest() base64_string_ = b64encode(json_bytes_).decode('utf-8') cli_ver_str = "CLI ver: %s" % constant.CLI_VER runtime_ver_str = "min support RUNTIME ver: %s" % constant.TARGET_RUNTIME_VER # 20位保留字 keep_internal = '0' * 20 logging.debug("\tMD5: %s " % md5) logging.debug("\t%s" % cli_ver_str) logging.debug('\t%s' % runtime_ver_str) logging.debug("\tKeep space len: %s" % len(keep_internal)) logging.debug("\tJson source len: %s" % len(json_bytes_.decode('utf-8'))) logging.debug("\tBase64 data len: %s" % len(base64_string_)) meta_info = MetaInfo(md5, cli_ver_str, runtime_ver_str) ret = CompileResult() ver_str = [] for num in constant.TARGET_RUNTIME_VER.split('.'): ver_str.append('%02d' % int(num)) ret.compiled_str = md5 + ''.join(ver_str) + keep_internal + base64_string_ ret.raw_json = converted_json ret.raw_xml = xml_string_ ret.meta_info = meta_info return ret
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals import re import warnings from .constants import DataLossWarning baseChar = """ [#x0041-#x005A] | [#x0061-#x007A] | [#x00C0-#x00D6] | [#x00D8-#x00F6] | [#x00F8-#x00FF] | [#x0100-#x0131] | [#x0134-#x013E] | [#x0141-#x0148] | [#x014A-#x017E] | [#x0180-#x01C3] | [#x01CD-#x01F0] | [#x01F4-#x01F5] | [#x01FA-#x0217] | [#x0250-#x02A8] | [#x02BB-#x02C1] | #x0386 | [#x0388-#x038A] | #x038C | [#x038E-#x03A1] | [#x03A3-#x03CE] | [#x03D0-#x03D6] | #x03DA | #x03DC | #x03DE | #x03E0 | [#x03E2-#x03F3] | [#x0401-#x040C] | [#x040E-#x044F] | [#x0451-#x045C] | [#x045E-#x0481] | [#x0490-#x04C4] | [#x04C7-#x04C8] | [#x04CB-#x04CC] | [#x04D0-#x04EB] | [#x04EE-#x04F5] | [#x04F8-#x04F9] | [#x0531-#x0556] | #x0559 | [#x0561-#x0586] | [#x05D0-#x05EA] | [#x05F0-#x05F2] | [#x0621-#x063A] | [#x0641-#x064A] | [#x0671-#x06B7] | [#x06BA-#x06BE] | [#x06C0-#x06CE] | [#x06D0-#x06D3] | #x06D5 | [#x06E5-#x06E6] | [#x0905-#x0939] | #x093D | [#x0958-#x0961] | [#x0985-#x098C] | [#x098F-#x0990] | [#x0993-#x09A8] | [#x09AA-#x09B0] | #x09B2 | [#x09B6-#x09B9] | [#x09DC-#x09DD] | [#x09DF-#x09E1] | [#x09F0-#x09F1] | [#x0A05-#x0A0A] | [#x0A0F-#x0A10] | [#x0A13-#x0A28] | [#x0A2A-#x0A30] | [#x0A32-#x0A33] | [#x0A35-#x0A36] | [#x0A38-#x0A39] | [#x0A59-#x0A5C] | #x0A5E | [#x0A72-#x0A74] | [#x0A85-#x0A8B] | #x0A8D | [#x0A8F-#x0A91] | [#x0A93-#x0AA8] | [#x0AAA-#x0AB0] | [#x0AB2-#x0AB3] | [#x0AB5-#x0AB9] | #x0ABD | #x0AE0 | [#x0B05-#x0B0C] | [#x0B0F-#x0B10] | [#x0B13-#x0B28] | [#x0B2A-#x0B30] | [#x0B32-#x0B33] | [#x0B36-#x0B39] | #x0B3D | [#x0B5C-#x0B5D] | [#x0B5F-#x0B61] | [#x0B85-#x0B8A] | [#x0B8E-#x0B90] | [#x0B92-#x0B95] | [#x0B99-#x0B9A] | #x0B9C | [#x0B9E-#x0B9F] | [#x0BA3-#x0BA4] | [#x0BA8-#x0BAA] | [#x0BAE-#x0BB5] | [#x0BB7-#x0BB9] | [#x0C05-#x0C0C] | [#x0C0E-#x0C10] | [#x0C12-#x0C28] | [#x0C2A-#x0C33] | [#x0C35-#x0C39] | [#x0C60-#x0C61] | [#x0C85-#x0C8C] | [#x0C8E-#x0C90] | [#x0C92-#x0CA8] | [#x0CAA-#x0CB3] | [#x0CB5-#x0CB9] | #x0CDE | [#x0CE0-#x0CE1] | [#x0D05-#x0D0C] | [#x0D0E-#x0D10] | [#x0D12-#x0D28] | [#x0D2A-#x0D39] | [#x0D60-#x0D61] | [#x0E01-#x0E2E] | #x0E30 | [#x0E32-#x0E33] | [#x0E40-#x0E45] | [#x0E81-#x0E82] | #x0E84 | [#x0E87-#x0E88] | #x0E8A | #x0E8D | [#x0E94-#x0E97] | [#x0E99-#x0E9F] | [#x0EA1-#x0EA3] | #x0EA5 | #x0EA7 | [#x0EAA-#x0EAB] | [#x0EAD-#x0EAE] | #x0EB0 | [#x0EB2-#x0EB3] | #x0EBD | [#x0EC0-#x0EC4] | [#x0F40-#x0F47] | [#x0F49-#x0F69] | [#x10A0-#x10C5] | [#x10D0-#x10F6] | #x1100 | [#x1102-#x1103] | [#x1105-#x1107] | #x1109 | [#x110B-#x110C] | [#x110E-#x1112] | #x113C | #x113E | #x1140 | #x114C | #x114E | #x1150 | [#x1154-#x1155] | #x1159 | [#x115F-#x1161] | #x1163 | #x1165 | #x1167 | #x1169 | [#x116D-#x116E] | [#x1172-#x1173] | #x1175 | #x119E | #x11A8 | #x11AB | [#x11AE-#x11AF] | [#x11B7-#x11B8] | #x11BA | [#x11BC-#x11C2] | #x11EB | #x11F0 | #x11F9 | [#x1E00-#x1E9B] | [#x1EA0-#x1EF9] | [#x1F00-#x1F15] | [#x1F18-#x1F1D] | [#x1F20-#x1F45] | [#x1F48-#x1F4D] | [#x1F50-#x1F57] | #x1F59 | #x1F5B | #x1F5D | [#x1F5F-#x1F7D] | [#x1F80-#x1FB4] | [#x1FB6-#x1FBC] | #x1FBE | [#x1FC2-#x1FC4] | [#x1FC6-#x1FCC] | [#x1FD0-#x1FD3] | [#x1FD6-#x1FDB] | [#x1FE0-#x1FEC] | [#x1FF2-#x1FF4] | [#x1FF6-#x1FFC] | #x2126 | [#x212A-#x212B] | #x212E | [#x2180-#x2182] | [#x3041-#x3094] | [#x30A1-#x30FA] | [#x3105-#x312C] | [#xAC00-#xD7A3]""" ideographic = """[#x4E00-#x9FA5] | #x3007 | [#x3021-#x3029]""" combiningCharacter = """ [#x0300-#x0345] | [#x0360-#x0361] | [#x0483-#x0486] | [#x0591-#x05A1] | [#x05A3-#x05B9] | [#x05BB-#x05BD] | #x05BF | [#x05C1-#x05C2] | #x05C4 | [#x064B-#x0652] | #x0670 | [#x06D6-#x06DC] | [#x06DD-#x06DF] | [#x06E0-#x06E4] | [#x06E7-#x06E8] | [#x06EA-#x06ED] | [#x0901-#x0903] | #x093C | [#x093E-#x094C] | #x094D | [#x0951-#x0954] | [#x0962-#x0963] | [#x0981-#x0983] | #x09BC | #x09BE | #x09BF | [#x09C0-#x09C4] | [#x09C7-#x09C8] | [#x09CB-#x09CD] | #x09D7 | [#x09E2-#x09E3] | #x0A02 | #x0A3C | #x0A3E | #x0A3F | [#x0A40-#x0A42] | [#x0A47-#x0A48] | [#x0A4B-#x0A4D] | [#x0A70-#x0A71] | [#x0A81-#x0A83] | #x0ABC | [#x0ABE-#x0AC5] | [#x0AC7-#x0AC9] | [#x0ACB-#x0ACD] | [#x0B01-#x0B03] | #x0B3C | [#x0B3E-#x0B43] | [#x0B47-#x0B48] | [#x0B4B-#x0B4D] | [#x0B56-#x0B57] | [#x0B82-#x0B83] | [#x0BBE-#x0BC2] | [#x0BC6-#x0BC8] | [#x0BCA-#x0BCD] | #x0BD7 | [#x0C01-#x0C03] | [#x0C3E-#x0C44] | [#x0C46-#x0C48] | [#x0C4A-#x0C4D] | [#x0C55-#x0C56] | [#x0C82-#x0C83] | [#x0CBE-#x0CC4] | [#x0CC6-#x0CC8] | [#x0CCA-#x0CCD] | [#x0CD5-#x0CD6] | [#x0D02-#x0D03] | [#x0D3E-#x0D43] | [#x0D46-#x0D48] | [#x0D4A-#x0D4D] | #x0D57 | #x0E31 | [#x0E34-#x0E3A] | [#x0E47-#x0E4E] | #x0EB1 | [#x0EB4-#x0EB9] | [#x0EBB-#x0EBC] | [#x0EC8-#x0ECD] | [#x0F18-#x0F19] | #x0F35 | #x0F37 | #x0F39 | #x0F3E | #x0F3F | [#x0F71-#x0F84] | [#x0F86-#x0F8B] | [#x0F90-#x0F95] | #x0F97 | [#x0F99-#x0FAD] | [#x0FB1-#x0FB7] | #x0FB9 | [#x20D0-#x20DC] | #x20E1 | [#x302A-#x302F] | #x3099 | #x309A""" digit = """ [#x0030-#x0039] | [#x0660-#x0669] | [#x06F0-#x06F9] | [#x0966-#x096F] | [#x09E6-#x09EF] | [#x0A66-#x0A6F] | [#x0AE6-#x0AEF] | [#x0B66-#x0B6F] | [#x0BE7-#x0BEF] | [#x0C66-#x0C6F] | [#x0CE6-#x0CEF] | [#x0D66-#x0D6F] | [#x0E50-#x0E59] | [#x0ED0-#x0ED9] | [#x0F20-#x0F29]""" extender = """ #x00B7 | #x02D0 | #x02D1 | #x0387 | #x0640 | #x0E46 | #x0EC6 | #x3005 | #[#x3031-#x3035] | [#x309D-#x309E] | [#x30FC-#x30FE]""" letter = " | ".join([baseChar, ideographic]) # Without the name = " | ".join([letter, digit, ".", "-", "_", combiningCharacter, extender]) nameFirst = " | ".join([letter, "_"]) reChar = re.compile(r"#x([\d|A-F]{4,4})") reCharRange = re.compile(r"\[#x([\d|A-F]{4,4})-#x([\d|A-F]{4,4})\]") def charStringToList(chars): charRanges = [item.strip() for item in chars.split(" | ")] rv = [] for item in charRanges: foundMatch = False for regexp in (reChar, reCharRange): match = regexp.match(item) if match is not None: rv.append([hexToInt(item) for item in match.groups()]) if len(rv[-1]) == 1: rv[-1] = rv[-1] * 2 foundMatch = True break if not foundMatch: assert len(item) == 1 rv.append([ord(item)] * 2) rv = normaliseCharList(rv) return rv def normaliseCharList(charList): charList = sorted(charList) for item in charList: assert item[1] >= item[0] rv = [] i = 0 while i < len(charList): j = 1 rv.append(charList[i]) while i + j < len(charList) and charList[i + j][0] <= rv[-1][1] + 1: rv[-1][1] = charList[i + j][1] j += 1 i += j return rv # We don't really support characters above the BMP :( max_unicode = int("FFFF", 16) def missingRanges(charList): rv = [] if charList[0] != 0: rv.append([0, charList[0][0] - 1]) for i, item in enumerate(charList[:-1]): rv.append([item[1] + 1, charList[i + 1][0] - 1]) if charList[-1][1] != max_unicode: rv.append([charList[-1][1] + 1, max_unicode]) return rv def listToRegexpStr(charList): rv = [] for item in charList: if item[0] == item[1]: rv.append(escapeRegexp(chr(item[0]))) else: rv.append(escapeRegexp(chr(item[0])) + "-" + escapeRegexp(chr(item[1]))) return "[%s]" % "".join(rv) def hexToInt(hex_str): return int(hex_str, 16) def escapeRegexp(string): specialCharacters = (".", "^", "$", "*", "+", "?", "{", "}", "[", "]", "|", "(", ")", "-") for char in specialCharacters: string = string.replace(char, "\\" + char) return string # output from the above nonXmlNameBMPRegexp = re.compile('[\x00-,/:-@\\[-\\^`\\{-\xb6\xb8-\xbf\xd7\xf7\u0132-\u0133\u013f-\u0140\u0149\u017f\u01c4-\u01cc\u01f1-\u01f3\u01f6-\u01f9\u0218-\u024f\u02a9-\u02ba\u02c2-\u02cf\u02d2-\u02ff\u0346-\u035f\u0362-\u0385\u038b\u038d\u03a2\u03cf\u03d7-\u03d9\u03db\u03dd\u03df\u03e1\u03f4-\u0400\u040d\u0450\u045d\u0482\u0487-\u048f\u04c5-\u04c6\u04c9-\u04ca\u04cd-\u04cf\u04ec-\u04ed\u04f6-\u04f7\u04fa-\u0530\u0557-\u0558\u055a-\u0560\u0587-\u0590\u05a2\u05ba\u05be\u05c0\u05c3\u05c5-\u05cf\u05eb-\u05ef\u05f3-\u0620\u063b-\u063f\u0653-\u065f\u066a-\u066f\u06b8-\u06b9\u06bf\u06cf\u06d4\u06e9\u06ee-\u06ef\u06fa-\u0900\u0904\u093a-\u093b\u094e-\u0950\u0955-\u0957\u0964-\u0965\u0970-\u0980\u0984\u098d-\u098e\u0991-\u0992\u09a9\u09b1\u09b3-\u09b5\u09ba-\u09bb\u09bd\u09c5-\u09c6\u09c9-\u09ca\u09ce-\u09d6\u09d8-\u09db\u09de\u09e4-\u09e5\u09f2-\u0a01\u0a03-\u0a04\u0a0b-\u0a0e\u0a11-\u0a12\u0a29\u0a31\u0a34\u0a37\u0a3a-\u0a3b\u0a3d\u0a43-\u0a46\u0a49-\u0a4a\u0a4e-\u0a58\u0a5d\u0a5f-\u0a65\u0a75-\u0a80\u0a84\u0a8c\u0a8e\u0a92\u0aa9\u0ab1\u0ab4\u0aba-\u0abb\u0ac6\u0aca\u0ace-\u0adf\u0ae1-\u0ae5\u0af0-\u0b00\u0b04\u0b0d-\u0b0e\u0b11-\u0b12\u0b29\u0b31\u0b34-\u0b35\u0b3a-\u0b3b\u0b44-\u0b46\u0b49-\u0b4a\u0b4e-\u0b55\u0b58-\u0b5b\u0b5e\u0b62-\u0b65\u0b70-\u0b81\u0b84\u0b8b-\u0b8d\u0b91\u0b96-\u0b98\u0b9b\u0b9d\u0ba0-\u0ba2\u0ba5-\u0ba7\u0bab-\u0bad\u0bb6\u0bba-\u0bbd\u0bc3-\u0bc5\u0bc9\u0bce-\u0bd6\u0bd8-\u0be6\u0bf0-\u0c00\u0c04\u0c0d\u0c11\u0c29\u0c34\u0c3a-\u0c3d\u0c45\u0c49\u0c4e-\u0c54\u0c57-\u0c5f\u0c62-\u0c65\u0c70-\u0c81\u0c84\u0c8d\u0c91\u0ca9\u0cb4\u0cba-\u0cbd\u0cc5\u0cc9\u0cce-\u0cd4\u0cd7-\u0cdd\u0cdf\u0ce2-\u0ce5\u0cf0-\u0d01\u0d04\u0d0d\u0d11\u0d29\u0d3a-\u0d3d\u0d44-\u0d45\u0d49\u0d4e-\u0d56\u0d58-\u0d5f\u0d62-\u0d65\u0d70-\u0e00\u0e2f\u0e3b-\u0e3f\u0e4f\u0e5a-\u0e80\u0e83\u0e85-\u0e86\u0e89\u0e8b-\u0e8c\u0e8e-\u0e93\u0e98\u0ea0\u0ea4\u0ea6\u0ea8-\u0ea9\u0eac\u0eaf\u0eba\u0ebe-\u0ebf\u0ec5\u0ec7\u0ece-\u0ecf\u0eda-\u0f17\u0f1a-\u0f1f\u0f2a-\u0f34\u0f36\u0f38\u0f3a-\u0f3d\u0f48\u0f6a-\u0f70\u0f85\u0f8c-\u0f8f\u0f96\u0f98\u0fae-\u0fb0\u0fb8\u0fba-\u109f\u10c6-\u10cf\u10f7-\u10ff\u1101\u1104\u1108\u110a\u110d\u1113-\u113b\u113d\u113f\u1141-\u114b\u114d\u114f\u1151-\u1153\u1156-\u1158\u115a-\u115e\u1162\u1164\u1166\u1168\u116a-\u116c\u116f-\u1171\u1174\u1176-\u119d\u119f-\u11a7\u11a9-\u11aa\u11ac-\u11ad\u11b0-\u11b6\u11b9\u11bb\u11c3-\u11ea\u11ec-\u11ef\u11f1-\u11f8\u11fa-\u1dff\u1e9c-\u1e9f\u1efa-\u1eff\u1f16-\u1f17\u1f1e-\u1f1f\u1f46-\u1f47\u1f4e-\u1f4f\u1f58\u1f5a\u1f5c\u1f5e\u1f7e-\u1f7f\u1fb5\u1fbd\u1fbf-\u1fc1\u1fc5\u1fcd-\u1fcf\u1fd4-\u1fd5\u1fdc-\u1fdf\u1fed-\u1ff1\u1ff5\u1ffd-\u20cf\u20dd-\u20e0\u20e2-\u2125\u2127-\u2129\u212c-\u212d\u212f-\u217f\u2183-\u3004\u3006\u3008-\u3020\u3030\u3036-\u3040\u3095-\u3098\u309b-\u309c\u309f-\u30a0\u30fb\u30ff-\u3104\u312d-\u4dff\u9fa6-\uabff\ud7a4-\uffff]') # noqa nonXmlNameFirstBMPRegexp = re.compile('[\x00-@\\[-\\^`\\{-\xbf\xd7\xf7\u0132-\u0133\u013f-\u0140\u0149\u017f\u01c4-\u01cc\u01f1-\u01f3\u01f6-\u01f9\u0218-\u024f\u02a9-\u02ba\u02c2-\u0385\u0387\u038b\u038d\u03a2\u03cf\u03d7-\u03d9\u03db\u03dd\u03df\u03e1\u03f4-\u0400\u040d\u0450\u045d\u0482-\u048f\u04c5-\u04c6\u04c9-\u04ca\u04cd-\u04cf\u04ec-\u04ed\u04f6-\u04f7\u04fa-\u0530\u0557-\u0558\u055a-\u0560\u0587-\u05cf\u05eb-\u05ef\u05f3-\u0620\u063b-\u0640\u064b-\u0670\u06b8-\u06b9\u06bf\u06cf\u06d4\u06d6-\u06e4\u06e7-\u0904\u093a-\u093c\u093e-\u0957\u0962-\u0984\u098d-\u098e\u0991-\u0992\u09a9\u09b1\u09b3-\u09b5\u09ba-\u09db\u09de\u09e2-\u09ef\u09f2-\u0a04\u0a0b-\u0a0e\u0a11-\u0a12\u0a29\u0a31\u0a34\u0a37\u0a3a-\u0a58\u0a5d\u0a5f-\u0a71\u0a75-\u0a84\u0a8c\u0a8e\u0a92\u0aa9\u0ab1\u0ab4\u0aba-\u0abc\u0abe-\u0adf\u0ae1-\u0b04\u0b0d-\u0b0e\u0b11-\u0b12\u0b29\u0b31\u0b34-\u0b35\u0b3a-\u0b3c\u0b3e-\u0b5b\u0b5e\u0b62-\u0b84\u0b8b-\u0b8d\u0b91\u0b96-\u0b98\u0b9b\u0b9d\u0ba0-\u0ba2\u0ba5-\u0ba7\u0bab-\u0bad\u0bb6\u0bba-\u0c04\u0c0d\u0c11\u0c29\u0c34\u0c3a-\u0c5f\u0c62-\u0c84\u0c8d\u0c91\u0ca9\u0cb4\u0cba-\u0cdd\u0cdf\u0ce2-\u0d04\u0d0d\u0d11\u0d29\u0d3a-\u0d5f\u0d62-\u0e00\u0e2f\u0e31\u0e34-\u0e3f\u0e46-\u0e80\u0e83\u0e85-\u0e86\u0e89\u0e8b-\u0e8c\u0e8e-\u0e93\u0e98\u0ea0\u0ea4\u0ea6\u0ea8-\u0ea9\u0eac\u0eaf\u0eb1\u0eb4-\u0ebc\u0ebe-\u0ebf\u0ec5-\u0f3f\u0f48\u0f6a-\u109f\u10c6-\u10cf\u10f7-\u10ff\u1101\u1104\u1108\u110a\u110d\u1113-\u113b\u113d\u113f\u1141-\u114b\u114d\u114f\u1151-\u1153\u1156-\u1158\u115a-\u115e\u1162\u1164\u1166\u1168\u116a-\u116c\u116f-\u1171\u1174\u1176-\u119d\u119f-\u11a7\u11a9-\u11aa\u11ac-\u11ad\u11b0-\u11b6\u11b9\u11bb\u11c3-\u11ea\u11ec-\u11ef\u11f1-\u11f8\u11fa-\u1dff\u1e9c-\u1e9f\u1efa-\u1eff\u1f16-\u1f17\u1f1e-\u1f1f\u1f46-\u1f47\u1f4e-\u1f4f\u1f58\u1f5a\u1f5c\u1f5e\u1f7e-\u1f7f\u1fb5\u1fbd\u1fbf-\u1fc1\u1fc5\u1fcd-\u1fcf\u1fd4-\u1fd5\u1fdc-\u1fdf\u1fed-\u1ff1\u1ff5\u1ffd-\u2125\u2127-\u2129\u212c-\u212d\u212f-\u217f\u2183-\u3006\u3008-\u3020\u302a-\u3040\u3095-\u30a0\u30fb-\u3104\u312d-\u4dff\u9fa6-\uabff\ud7a4-\uffff]') # noqa # Simpler things nonPubidCharRegexp = re.compile("[^\x20\x0D\x0Aa-zA-Z0-9\\-'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%]") class InfosetFilter(object): replacementRegexp = re.compile(r"U[\dA-F]{5,5}") def __init__(self, dropXmlnsLocalName=False, dropXmlnsAttrNs=False, preventDoubleDashComments=False, preventDashAtCommentEnd=False, replaceFormFeedCharacters=True, preventSingleQuotePubid=False): self.dropXmlnsLocalName = dropXmlnsLocalName self.dropXmlnsAttrNs = dropXmlnsAttrNs self.preventDoubleDashComments = preventDoubleDashComments self.preventDashAtCommentEnd = preventDashAtCommentEnd self.replaceFormFeedCharacters = replaceFormFeedCharacters self.preventSingleQuotePubid = preventSingleQuotePubid self.replaceCache = {} def coerceAttribute(self, name, namespace=None): if self.dropXmlnsLocalName and name.startswith("xmlns:"): warnings.warn("Attributes cannot begin with xmlns", DataLossWarning) return None elif (self.dropXmlnsAttrNs and namespace == ""): warnings.warn("Attributes cannot be in the xml namespace", DataLossWarning) return None else: return self.toXmlName(name) def coerceElement(self, name): return self.toXmlName(name) def coerceComment(self, data): if self.preventDoubleDashComments: while "--" in data: warnings.warn("Comments cannot contain adjacent dashes", DataLossWarning) data = data.replace("--", "- -") if data.endswith("-"): warnings.warn("Comments cannot end in a dash", DataLossWarning) data += " " return data def coerceCharacters(self, data): if self.replaceFormFeedCharacters: for _ in range(data.count("\x0C")): warnings.warn("Text cannot contain U+000C", DataLossWarning) data = data.replace("\x0C", " ") # Other non-xml characters return data def coercePubid(self, data): dataOutput = data for char in nonPubidCharRegexp.findall(data): warnings.warn("Coercing non-XML pubid", DataLossWarning) replacement = self.getReplacementCharacter(char) dataOutput = dataOutput.replace(char, replacement) if self.preventSingleQuotePubid and dataOutput.find("'") >= 0: warnings.warn("Pubid cannot contain single quote", DataLossWarning) dataOutput = dataOutput.replace("'", self.getReplacementCharacter("'")) return dataOutput def toXmlName(self, name): nameFirst = name[0] nameRest = name[1:] m = nonXmlNameFirstBMPRegexp.match(nameFirst) if m: warnings.warn("Coercing non-XML name: %s" % name, DataLossWarning) nameFirstOutput = self.getReplacementCharacter(nameFirst) else: nameFirstOutput = nameFirst nameRestOutput = nameRest replaceChars = set(nonXmlNameBMPRegexp.findall(nameRest)) for char in replaceChars: warnings.warn("Coercing non-XML name: %s" % name, DataLossWarning) replacement = self.getReplacementCharacter(char) nameRestOutput = nameRestOutput.replace(char, replacement) return nameFirstOutput + nameRestOutput def getReplacementCharacter(self, char): if char in self.replaceCache: replacement = self.replaceCache[char] else: replacement = self.escapeChar(char) return replacement def fromXmlName(self, name): for item in set(self.replacementRegexp.findall(name)): name = name.replace(item, self.unescapeChar(item)) return name def escapeChar(self, char): replacement = "U%05X" % ord(char) self.replaceCache[char] = replacement return replacement def unescapeChar(self, charcode): return chr(int(charcode[1:], 16))
# UPF to JSON converter UPF is a file format to describe atomic pseudo-potentials used by (DFT) density functional theory codes. This package provides scripts for converting UPF v1 and UPF v2 (Unified Pseudopotential Format) to json format as required by the SIRIUS DFT library [SIRIUS github]( More information about the unified pseudopotential format can be found here:
import * as Redux from "redux"; import * as React from "react"; import * as reactDom from "react-dom"; import {setUserPermission,getUsersForObject,getUserList} from "./PostFunctions"; import {Loader} from "./Constants"; export class ExportMenu extends React.Component{ constructor(props){ super(props); this.state={type:"outcome"} } render(){ let object_sets; if(>0){ object_sets = ( [<h4>{gettext("Object Set Visibility")}:</h4>,> <div> <input onChange={this.inputChange.bind(this,"set",} name="object_sets[]" value={} type="checkbox" id={} checked={(!this.state[])}/><label>{objectset.title}</label> </div> ) ] ) } return( <div class="message-wrap"> <h2>{gettext("Export files")}</h2> <p>{gettext("Use this menu to export files.")}</p> <form id="export-form" enctype="multipart/form-data" action={post_paths.get_export} method="POST" id="export-form" target="redirect-iframe" onSubmit={this.submit.bind(this)}> <input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value={root.getCsrfToken()}/> <h4>{gettext("Export Type")}:</h4> {this.getExportTypes()} <h4>{gettext("Export Format")}:</h4> <select name="export_format"> <option value="excel">Excel</option> <option value="csv">CSV</option> </select> {object_sets} <input type="hidden" id="objectID" name="objectID" value={JSON.stringify(}/> <input type="hidden" id="objectType" name="objectType" value={JSON.stringify(}/> <input onClick={} id="submit-button" type="submit"/> </form> <iframe hidden name="redirect-iframe" id='redirect-iframe'></iframe> <div class="window-close-button" onClick = {this.props.actionFunction}> <img src = {iconpath+"close.svg"}/> </div> </div> ); } getExportTypes(){ let type =; let exports=[]; exports.push( [<input name="export_type" type="radio" value="outcome" onChange={this.inputChange.bind(this,"type","")} checked={this.state.type=="outcome"}/>,<label for="export_type">{gettext("Outcomes")}</label>] ); exports.push( [<input name="export_type" type="radio" value="node" onChange={this.inputChange.bind(this,"type","")} checked={this.state.type=="node"}/>,<label for="export_type">{gettext("Nodes")}</label>] ); if(type=="project"||type=="course")exports.push( [<input name="export_type" type="radio" value="framework" onChange={this.inputChange.bind(this,"type","")} checked={this.state.type=="framework"}/>,<label for="export_type">{gettext("Course Framework")}</label>] ); if(type=="project"||type=="program")exports.push( [<input name="export_type" type="radio" value="matrix" onChange={this.inputChange.bind(this,"type","")} checked={this.state.type=="matrix"}/>,<label for="export_type">{gettext("Competency Matrix")}</label>] ); return exports; } inputChange(type,id,evt){ if(type=="set"){ let new_state={}; new_state[id]=!; this.setState(new_state); }else if(type=="type" &&{ this.setState({}); } } click(evt){ if(evt.ctrlKey){ this.ctrlKey=true; $("#export-form")[0].action=post_paths.get_export_download } } submit(evt){ $("#submit-button").attr("disabled",true); setTimeout(()=>{ if(!this.ctrlKey)this.props.actionFunction(); alert(gettext("Your file is being generated and will be emailed to you shortly.")); },100); return true; } }
function MCTabs() { this.settings = []; this.onChange = tinyMCEPopup.editor.windowManager.createInstance('tinymce.util.Dispatcher'); }; MCTabs.prototype.init = function(settings) { this.settings = settings; }; MCTabs.prototype.getParam = function(name, default_value) { var value = null; value = (typeof(this.settings[name]) == "undefined") ? default_value : this.settings[name]; // Fix bool values if (value == "true" || value == "false") return (value == "true"); return value; }; MCTabs.prototype.showTab =function(tab){ tab.className = 'current'; tab.setAttribute("aria-selected", true); tab.setAttribute("aria-expanded", true); tab.tabIndex = 0; }; MCTabs.prototype.hideTab =function(tab){ var t=this; tab.className = ''; tab.setAttribute("aria-selected", false); tab.setAttribute("aria-expanded", false); tab.tabIndex = -1; }; MCTabs.prototype.showPanel = function(panel) { panel.className = 'current'; panel.setAttribute("aria-hidden", false); }; MCTabs.prototype.hidePanel = function(panel) { panel.className = 'panel'; panel.setAttribute("aria-hidden", true); }; MCTabs.prototype.getPanelForTab = function(tabElm) { return tinyMCEPopup.dom.getAttrib(tabElm, "aria-controls"); }; MCTabs.prototype.displayTab = function(tab_id, panel_id, avoid_focus) { var panelElm, panelContainerElm, tabElm, tabContainerElm, selectionClass, nodes, i, t = this; tabElm = document.getElementById(tab_id); if (panel_id === undefined) { panel_id = t.getPanelForTab(tabElm); } panelElm= document.getElementById(panel_id); panelContainerElm = panelElm ? panelElm.parentNode : null; tabContainerElm = tabElm ? tabElm.parentNode : null; selectionClass = t.getParam('selection_class', 'current'); if (tabElm && tabContainerElm) { nodes = tabContainerElm.childNodes; // Hide all other tabs for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (nodes[i].nodeName == "LI") { t.hideTab(nodes[i]); } } // Show selected tab t.showTab(tabElm); } if (panelElm && panelContainerElm) { nodes = panelContainerElm.childNodes; // Hide all other panels for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (nodes[i].nodeName == "DIV") t.hidePanel(nodes[i]); } if (!avoid_focus) { tabElm.focus(); } // Show selected panel t.showPanel(panelElm); } }; MCTabs.prototype.getAnchor = function() { var pos, url = document.location.href; if ((pos = url.lastIndexOf('#')) != -1) return url.substring(pos + 1); return ""; }; //Global instance var mcTabs = new MCTabs(); tinyMCEPopup.onInit.add(function() { var tinymce = tinyMCEPopup.getWin().tinymce, dom = tinyMCEPopup.dom, each = tinymce.each; each('div.tabs'), function(tabContainerElm) { var keyNav; dom.setAttrib(tabContainerElm, "role", "tablist"); var items ='li', tabContainerElm); var action = function(id) { mcTabs.displayTab(id, mcTabs.getPanelForTab(id)); mcTabs.onChange.dispatch(id); }; each(items, function(item) { dom.setAttrib(item, 'role', 'tab'); dom.bind(item, 'click', function(evt) { action(; }); }); dom.bind(dom.getRoot(), 'keydown', function(evt) { if (evt.keyCode === 9 && evt.ctrlKey && !evt.altKey) { // Tab keyNav.moveFocus(evt.shiftKey ? -1 : 1); tinymce.dom.Event.cancel(evt); } }); each('a', tabContainerElm), function(a) { dom.setAttrib(a, 'tabindex', '-1'); }); keyNav = tinyMCEPopup.editor.windowManager.createInstance('tinymce.ui.KeyboardNavigation', { root: tabContainerElm, items: items, onAction: action, actOnFocus: true, enableLeftRight: true, enableUpDown: true }, tinyMCEPopup.dom); }); });
import tkinter as tk from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk from tkinter import filedialog from pynvn.csv.rcsv import rcsv from pynvn.csv.tocsv import wrcsv from pathlib import Path from pynvn.path.ppath import (getpathfromtk, PathSteel, ExtractFileNameFromPath, PathFromFileNameAndDirpath, abspath, getdirpath, ExtractFileNameFromPath, getfilenamewoexten, credirfol) from import namefile from tkinter import messagebox from datetime import datetime from appnvn.balstock.dataexc import comparetwofile import pandas as pd def getdirpathfromorigin(output1): # Get path full global pathinout pathinout = getpathfromtk(output1) filename =ExtractFileNameFromPath(pathinout) filename1 = getfilenamewoexten(filename) # get dirpath from full path dn = getdirpath(pathinout) ps = PathSteel(dir_path =dn,FileName = filename1 + ".csv") pathf = ps.refpath() return pathf class bl (tk.Tk): def __init__(self,*args, **kwargs): tk.Tk.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) #self.setcfbs() nmgui(tktk = self).setcfbs() self.container = tk.Frame(self) #container.config(anchor=CENTER) self.container.pack(side="top", fill=Y, expand=YES) nmgui(tktk = self).createmenu() frame = nameuser(self.container, self) #self.frames[F] = frame frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew") def show_frame(self, cont): frame = self.frames[cont] frame.tkraise() class nmgui: def __init__(self,tktk = None): # set logo and title self.tktk = tktk def setcfbs (self): #self.tktk.iconbitmap('clienticon.ico') self.tktk.title ( "ATAD STEEL STRUCTURE CORPORATION" ) self.tktk.configure(background='khaki1') def createmenu (self): menubar = Menu(self.tktk) filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) filemenu.add_command(label="New", command=lambda: self.donothing()) filemenu.add_command(label="Open", command=lambda: self.donothing()) filemenu.add_command(label="Save", command=lambda: self.donothing()) filemenu.add_command(label="Backup", command=lambda: self.donothing()) filemenu.add_command(label="Close", command=lambda: self.donothing()) filemenu.add_separator() filemenu.add_command(label="Exit", command=self.tktk.quit) menubar.add_cascade(label="Option", menu=filemenu) self.tktk.config(menu=menubar) def donothing(self): filewin = Toplevel(self.tktk) columns = ("#1","#2") self.tktk.tree = ttk.Treeview(filewin, show = "headings", columns = columns) self.tktk.tree.heading("#1", text="Name User") self.tktk.tree.heading("#2", text="Time") ysb = ttk.Scrollbar(filewin, orient=tk.VERTICAL, command=self.tktk.tree.yview) self.tktk.tree.configure(yscroll=ysb.set) pathf = getdirpathfromorigin(output1) dtpd = pd.read_csv(pathf,usecols=[0, 1], header=None) sh = dtpd.shape for ix in range(sh[0]): k = dtpd.iloc[ix] k1 = k.values.tolist() self.tktk.tree.insert("", tk.END, values=k1) self.tktk.tree.grid(row=0, column=0) ysb.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tk.N + tk.S) self.tktk.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.tktk.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) button = Button(filewin,command=lambda: self.dowloadfilexcelfromeven(fullnamekkk), text="DownLoad") button.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "we" ) self.tktk.tree.column("#1",anchor=tk.CENTER) self.tktk.tree.column("#2",anchor=tk.CENTER) self.tktk.tree.bind("<<TreeviewSelect>>", self.print_selection) def returndirpath(self,filename1): pathfulloutput = self.getfullnamefromoutput() #filename1 = self.getfilenamefromoutput() dbk = credirfol(getdirpath(pathfulloutput), filename1) return dbk # get file name def getfilenamefromoutput(self): pathfulloutput = self.getfullnamefromoutput() filename1 = getfilenamewoexten(ExtractFileNameFromPath(pathfulloutput)) return filename1 def getfullnamefromoutput(self): pathfulloutput = getpathfromtk(output1) return pathfulloutput def print_selection(self,event): for selection in self.tktk.tree.selection(): item = self.tktk.tree.item(selection) last_name, first_name = item["values"][0:2] #A = (last_name + first_name) namefilefromtkk = first_name.translate({ord(c): None for c in '!@#$?/: '}) + "_" + last_name namefilefromtkk1 = namefilefromtkk.replace(" ", "") dbk = self.returndirpath(self.getfilenamefromoutput()) nf = namefile (dirpath = dbk,fnamesub = namefilefromtkk1) nflist = nf.returnfilfullnamefromsubname() global fullnamekkk fullnamekkk = PathFromFileNameAndDirpath(dir_path = dbk, filename = nflist) def dowloadfilexcelfromeven(self,fullname): # save as file path from path original pathst = PathSteel (pathorigrn = fullname) pathst.saveasfiletopathAndopen() class nameuser(tk.Frame): def __init__(self,parent, controller): self.parent = parent self.controller = controller tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.inyname = Label(self, text = "INPUT YOUR NAME", width = 17, bg = "SteelBlue2", fg="black" ) # create full path self.pathcre = r"C:\NLT" Path(self.pathcre).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # return path full ps = PathSteel(dir_path =self.pathcre, FileName = "nhuan.csv") self.pathf = ps.refpath() rinput = rcsv(pathtor = self.pathf,indexarrtoget = [0]) row = rinput.Rerowbyindxaindexarr() row = list(set(row)) self.inynamein = ttk.Combobox(self, values=row) self.button = tk.Button(self, text="Next", command=lambda: self.checkinputyourname()) self.inyname.pack() self.inynamein.pack() self.button.pack() def checkinputyourname(self): global inynameing inynameing = self.inynamein.get() if inynameing is "": print ("Check your name input:") else: global dt_string global dt_string_sr now = dt_string = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y") dt_string_sr = now.strftime("%H%M%S%d%m%Y") self.controller.withdraw() filewin = Toplevel(self) app = primaryc(filewin) wv = wrcsv(pathtow = self.pathf,list =[inynameing]) wv.writefilecsvFromRowArr() class primaryc(bl): def __init__(self,master): self.master = master self.container = tk.Frame(self.master) self.container.pack() nmgui(tktk = master).createmenu() #bl.createmenu(self.master) large_font = ('Verdana',10) #bl.__init__ (self) nmgui(tktk = master).setcfbs() #create buttom for open file button = tk.Button(self.container,text = "Directory file 1", width = 10, height = 2, command = self.mfileopen ) button.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "we" ) self.master.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.doSomething) # create output text, it is used to save directory self.output1 = tk.Text (self.container, width = 60, height = 2, font = large_font, selectborderwidth = 10, bg = "yellow" ) self.output1.grid(row = 0, column = 1, ) global output1 output1 = self.output1 # open file 1 self.openfile = tk.Button(self.container,text = "OPEN FILE 1", width = 10, height = 2, command = lambda: self.openfile1(self.output1) ) self.openfile.grid(row = 0, column = 2, sticky = "we" ) # syn on server self.syn = tk.Button(self.container,text = "SYN", width = 5, height = 2, command = lambda: self.synserverfileexc(self.pathinout) ) self.syn.grid(row = 0, column = 3, sticky = "we" ) #quit widget buttom_quit = tk.Button (self.container, text = "Exit", width = 20, command = self.container.quit ) buttom_quit.grid(row = 3, column = 1, ) # open file follow directory def mfileopen(self): files = filedialog.askopenfilename() self.output1.insert(tk.END, files) # open file out put def mfileopenout(self): files = filedialog.askopenfilename() self.output2.insert(tk.END, files) # Open file 1 def openfile1 (self,output): # get path full self.pathinout = getpathfromtk(output) # save as file path from path original pathst = PathSteel (pathorigrn = self.pathinout) pathst.saveasfiletopathAndopen() def synserverfileexc (self,pathtemp,indexcol = None): filenametemp = ExtractFileNameFromPath(path = pathtemp) dirname = abspath("") fullname = PathFromFileNameAndDirpath(dir_path = dirname, filename = filenametemp) ######################################## pathfulloutput = getpathfromtk(output1) filename =ExtractFileNameFromPath(pathfulloutput) dbk = nmgui(tktk = self.master).returndirpath(getfilenamewoexten(filename)) ######################################## #create diff forder for diff file dirpathdiff = nmgui(tktk = self.master).returndirpath("diff_history") inynameing1 = inynameing.replace(" ", " ") pathdiff = PathFromFileNameAndDirpath(dir_path = dirpathdiff, filename = dt_string_sr +\ "_" + inynameing1 +\ "_" + filename) ps = PathSteel(dir_path =dbk, FileName = dt_string_sr +\ "_" + inynameing1 +\ "_" + filename) dbk_fullpath = ps.refpath() #get path to orginal location with file name diff comparetwofile1 = comparetwofile(path_OLD = pathtemp, path_NEW = fullname, index_col = None, usernamein = inynameing1, pathtcsvtosavedata = getdirpathfromorigin(output1), difpathtobk = dbk_fullpath, pathtorgindiff = pathdiff, dt = dt_string) comparetwofile1.excel_diff() def doSomething(self): if messagebox.askyesno("Exit", "Do you want to quit the application?"): self.master.quit() app = bl() app.mainloop()
Installation ============ Pexpect is on PyPI, and can be installed with standard tools:: pip install pexpect Or:: easy_install pexpect Requirements ------------ This version of Pexpect requires Python 3.3 or above, or Python 2.7. As of version 4.0, Pexpect can be used on Windows and POSIX systems. However, :class:`pexpect.spawn` and :func:`` are only available on POSIX, where the :mod:`pty` module is present in the standard library. See :ref:`windows` for more information.
This is a simple library of wrapper functions for accessing the most common Apex API 2.0 requests. The included functions are createCardTransaction, captureCardTransaction, refundCardTransaction, cancelCardTransaction and hostedPaymentPage. Each of These functions is associated with an API request of the same name. The parameters listed for each API call are the same as those for the associated functions; view The documentation for a more in-depth look at the parameters for each function. A full list of API requests can be found at
import numpy as np import torch from .Sampling import Sampling, CoreSetMIPSampling import pycls.utils.logging as lu import os logger = lu.get_logger(__name__) class ActiveLearning: """ Implements standard active learning methods. """ def __init__(self, dataObj, cfg): self.dataObj = dataObj self.sampler = Sampling(dataObj=dataObj, cfg=cfg) self.cfg = cfg def sample_from_uSet( self, clf_model, lSet, uSet, trainDataset, supportingModels=None ): """ Sample from uSet using args.sampling_method. INPUT ------ clf_model: Reference of task classifier model class [Typically VGG] supportingModels: List of models which are used for sampling process. OUTPUT ------- Returns activeSet, uSet NOTE: args is obtained in class property """ assert ( self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.BUDGET_SIZE > 0 ), "Expected a positive budgetSize" assert self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.BUDGET_SIZE < len( uSet ), "BudgetSet cannot exceed length of unlabelled set. Length of unlabelled set: {} and budgetSize: {}".format( len(uSet), self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.BUDGET_SIZE ) if self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.SAMPLING_FN == "random": activeSet, uSet = self.sampler.random( uSet=uSet, budgetSize=self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.BUDGET_SIZE ) elif self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.SAMPLING_FN == "uncertainty": oldmode = clf_model.eval() activeSet, uSet = self.sampler.uncertainty( budgetSize=self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.BUDGET_SIZE, lSet=lSet, uSet=uSet, model=clf_model, dataset=trainDataset, ) clf_model.train(oldmode) elif self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.SAMPLING_FN == "uncertainty_mix": oldmode = clf_model.eval() activeSet, uSet = self.sampler.uncertainty_mix( budgetSize=self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.BUDGET_SIZE, lSet=lSet, uSet=uSet, model=clf_model, dataset=trainDataset, ) clf_model.train(oldmode) # torch.cuda.empty_cache() elif self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.SAMPLING_FN == "uncertainty_uniform_discretize": # if self.cfg.MODEL.TYPE == "vgg": clf_model.penultimate_active=False old_train_mode = old_penultimate_mode = clf_model.penultimate_active clf_model.eval() activeSet, uSet = self.sampler.uncertainty_uniform_discretize( budgetSize=self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.BUDGET_SIZE, lSet=lSet, uSet=uSet, model=clf_model, dataset=trainDataset, ) clf_model.train(old_train_mode) clf_model.penultimate_active = old_penultimate_mode # if self.cfg.MODEL.TYPE == "vgg": clf_model.penultimate_active=True elif ( self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.SAMPLING_FN == "centre_of_gravity" or self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.SAMPLING_FN == "cog" ): wastrain = clf_model.eval() waslatent = clf_model.penultimate_active clf_model.penultimate_active = True activeSet, uSet = self.sampler.centre_of_gravity( budgetSize=self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.BUDGET_SIZE, lSet=lSet, uSet=uSet, model=clf_model, dataset=trainDataset, istopK=True, ) clf_model.train(wastrain) clf_model.penultimate_active = waslatent elif self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.SAMPLING_FN == "coreset": # print("Is MIP Optimization: {}".format(self.args.isMIP)) waslatent = clf_model.penultimate_active wastrain = clf_model.penultimate_active = True if self.cfg.TRAIN.DATASET == "IMAGENET": clf_model.cuda(0) clf_model.eval() coreSetSampler = CoreSetMIPSampling(cfg=self.cfg, dataObj=self.dataObj) activeSet, uSet = coreSetSampler.query( lSet=lSet, uSet=uSet, clf_model=clf_model, dataset=trainDataset ) clf_model.penultimate_active = waslatent clf_model.train(wastrain) elif self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.SAMPLING_FN.lower() == "dbal": activeSet, uSet = self.sampler.dbal( budgetSize=self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.BUDGET_SIZE, uSet=uSet, clf_model=clf_model, dataset=trainDataset, ) elif self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.SAMPLING_FN.lower() == "bald": activeSet, uSet = self.sampler.bald( budgetSize=self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.BUDGET_SIZE, uSet=uSet, clf_model=clf_model, dataset=trainDataset, ) elif self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.SAMPLING_FN == "ensemble_dbal": activeSet, uSet = self.sampler.ensemble_dbal( budgetSize=self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.BUDGET_SIZE, uSet=uSet, clf_models=supportingModels, dataset=trainDataset, ) elif self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.SAMPLING_FN == "ensemble_bald": activeSet, uSet = self.sampler.ensemble_bald( budgetSize=self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.BUDGET_SIZE, uSet=uSet, clf_models=supportingModels, dataset=trainDataset, ) elif self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.SAMPLING_FN == "ensemble_var_R": activeSet, uSet = self.sampler.ensemble_var_R( budgetSize=self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.BUDGET_SIZE, uSet=uSet, clf_models=supportingModels, dataset=trainDataset, ) elif self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.SAMPLING_FN == "core_gcn": oldmode = clf_model.eval() activeSet, uSet = self.sampler.core_gcn( budgetSize=self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.BUDGET_SIZE, lSet=lSet, uSet=uSet, model=clf_model, dataset=trainDataset, ) clf_model.train(oldmode) elif self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.SAMPLING_FN == "tod": oldmode = clf_model.eval() activeSet, uSet = self.sampler.tod( budgetSize=self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.BUDGET_SIZE, lSet=lSet, uSet=uSet, model=clf_model, dataset=trainDataset, ) clf_model.train(oldmode) else: print( f"{self.cfg.ACTIVE_LEARNING.SAMPLING_FN} is either not implemented or there is some spelling mistake." ) raise NotImplementedError return activeSet, uSet
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import datetime import functools import numbers import socket import sys import twisted.internet.abstract # type: ignore from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred # type: ignore from twisted.internet.posixbase import PosixReactorBase # type: ignore from twisted.internet.interfaces import IReactorFDSet, IDelayedCall, IReactorTime, IReadDescriptor, IWriteDescriptor # type: ignore from twisted.python import failure, log # type: ignore from twisted.internet import error # type: ignore import twisted.names.cache # type: ignore import twisted.names.client # type: ignore import twisted.names.hosts # type: ignore import twisted.names.resolve # type: ignore from zope.interface import implementer # type: ignore from msgpackrpc.tornado.concurrent import Future from msgpackrpc.tornado.escape import utf8 from msgpackrpc.tornado import gen import msgpackrpc.tornado.ioloop from msgpackrpc.tornado.log import app_log from msgpackrpc.tornado.netutil import Resolver from msgpackrpc.tornado.stack_context import NullContext, wrap from msgpackrpc.tornado.ioloop import IOLoop from msgpackrpc.tornado.util import timedelta_to_seconds @implementer(IDelayedCall) class TornadoDelayedCall(object): """DelayedCall object for Tornado.""" def __init__(self, reactor, seconds, f, *args, **kw): self._reactor = reactor self._func = functools.partial(f, *args, **kw) self._time = self._reactor.seconds() + seconds self._timeout = self._reactor._io_loop.add_timeout(self._time, self._called) self._active = True def _called(self): self._active = False self._reactor._removeDelayedCall(self) try: self._func() except: app_log.error("_called caught exception", exc_info=True) def getTime(self): return self._time def cancel(self): self._active = False self._reactor._io_loop.remove_timeout(self._timeout) self._reactor._removeDelayedCall(self) def delay(self, seconds): self._reactor._io_loop.remove_timeout(self._timeout) self._time += seconds self._timeout = self._reactor._io_loop.add_timeout(self._time, self._called) def reset(self, seconds): self._reactor._io_loop.remove_timeout(self._timeout) self._time = self._reactor.seconds() + seconds self._timeout = self._reactor._io_loop.add_timeout(self._time, self._called) def active(self): return self._active @implementer(IReactorTime, IReactorFDSet) class TornadoReactor(PosixReactorBase): """Twisted reactor built on the Tornado IOLoop. `TornadoReactor` implements the Twisted reactor interface on top of the Tornado IOLoop. To use it, simply call `install` at the beginning of the application:: import tornado.platform.twisted tornado.platform.twisted.install() from twisted.internet import reactor When the app is ready to start, call ``IOLoop.current().start()`` instead of ````. It is also possible to create a non-global reactor by calling ``tornado.platform.twisted.TornadoReactor(io_loop)``. However, if the `.IOLoop` and reactor are to be short-lived (such as those used in unit tests), additional cleanup may be required. Specifically, it is recommended to call:: reactor.fireSystemEvent('shutdown') reactor.disconnectAll() before closing the `.IOLoop`. .. versionchanged:: 4.1 The ``io_loop`` argument is deprecated. """ def __init__(self, io_loop=None): if not io_loop: io_loop = msgpackrpc.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current() self._io_loop = io_loop self._readers = {} # map of reader objects to fd self._writers = {} # map of writer objects to fd self._fds = {} # a map of fd to a (reader, writer) tuple self._delayedCalls = {} PosixReactorBase.__init__(self) self.addSystemEventTrigger('during', 'shutdown', self.crash) # IOLoop.start() bypasses some of the reactor initialization. # Fire off the necessary events if they weren't already triggered # by def start_if_necessary(): if not self._started: self.fireSystemEvent('startup') self._io_loop.add_callback(start_if_necessary) # IReactorTime def seconds(self): return self._io_loop.time() def callLater(self, seconds, f, *args, **kw): dc = TornadoDelayedCall(self, seconds, f, *args, **kw) self._delayedCalls[dc] = True return dc def getDelayedCalls(self): return [x for x in self._delayedCalls if x._active] def _removeDelayedCall(self, dc): if dc in self._delayedCalls: del self._delayedCalls[dc] # IReactorThreads def callFromThread(self, f, *args, **kw): assert callable(f), "%s is not callable" % f with NullContext(): # This NullContext is mainly for an edge case when running # TwistedIOLoop on top of a TornadoReactor. # TwistedIOLoop.add_callback uses reactor.callFromThread and # should not pick up additional StackContexts along the way. self._io_loop.add_callback(f, *args, **kw) # We don't need the waker code from the super class, Tornado uses # its own waker. def installWaker(self): pass def wakeUp(self): pass # IReactorFDSet def _invoke_callback(self, fd, events): if fd not in self._fds: return (reader, writer) = self._fds[fd] if reader: err = None if reader.fileno() == -1: err = error.ConnectionLost() elif events & IOLoop.READ: err = log.callWithLogger(reader, reader.doRead) if err is None and events & IOLoop.ERROR: err = error.ConnectionLost() if err is not None: self.removeReader(reader) reader.readConnectionLost(failure.Failure(err)) if writer: err = None if writer.fileno() == -1: err = error.ConnectionLost() elif events & IOLoop.WRITE: err = log.callWithLogger(writer, writer.doWrite) if err is None and events & IOLoop.ERROR: err = error.ConnectionLost() if err is not None: self.removeWriter(writer) writer.writeConnectionLost(failure.Failure(err)) def addReader(self, reader): if reader in self._readers: # Don't add the reader if it's already there return fd = reader.fileno() self._readers[reader] = fd if fd in self._fds: (_, writer) = self._fds[fd] self._fds[fd] = (reader, writer) if writer: # We already registered this fd for write events, # update it for read events as well. self._io_loop.update_handler(fd, IOLoop.READ | IOLoop.WRITE) else: with NullContext(): self._fds[fd] = (reader, None) self._io_loop.add_handler(fd, self._invoke_callback, IOLoop.READ) def addWriter(self, writer): if writer in self._writers: return fd = writer.fileno() self._writers[writer] = fd if fd in self._fds: (reader, _) = self._fds[fd] self._fds[fd] = (reader, writer) if reader: # We already registered this fd for read events, # update it for write events as well. self._io_loop.update_handler(fd, IOLoop.READ | IOLoop.WRITE) else: with NullContext(): self._fds[fd] = (None, writer) self._io_loop.add_handler(fd, self._invoke_callback, IOLoop.WRITE) def removeReader(self, reader): if reader in self._readers: fd = self._readers.pop(reader) (_, writer) = self._fds[fd] if writer: # We have a writer so we need to update the IOLoop for # write events only. self._fds[fd] = (None, writer) self._io_loop.update_handler(fd, IOLoop.WRITE) else: # Since we have no writer registered, we remove the # entry from _fds and unregister the handler from the # IOLoop del self._fds[fd] self._io_loop.remove_handler(fd) def removeWriter(self, writer): if writer in self._writers: fd = self._writers.pop(writer) (reader, _) = self._fds[fd] if reader: # We have a reader so we need to update the IOLoop for # read events only. self._fds[fd] = (reader, None) self._io_loop.update_handler(fd, IOLoop.READ) else: # Since we have no reader registered, we remove the # entry from the _fds and unregister the handler from # the IOLoop. del self._fds[fd] self._io_loop.remove_handler(fd) def removeAll(self): return self._removeAll(self._readers, self._writers) def getReaders(self): return self._readers.keys() def getWriters(self): return self._writers.keys() # The following functions are mainly used in twisted-style test cases; # it is expected that most users of the TornadoReactor will call # IOLoop.start() instead of def stop(self): PosixReactorBase.stop(self) fire_shutdown = functools.partial(self.fireSystemEvent, "shutdown") self._io_loop.add_callback(fire_shutdown) def crash(self): PosixReactorBase.crash(self) self._io_loop.stop() def doIteration(self, delay): raise NotImplementedError("doIteration") def mainLoop(self): # Since this class is intended to be used in applications # where the top-level event loop is ``io_loop.start()`` rather # than ````, it is implemented a little # differently than other Twisted reactors. We override # ``mainLoop`` instead of ``doIteration`` and must implement # timed call functionality on top of `.IOLoop.add_timeout` # rather than using the implementation in # ``PosixReactorBase``. self._io_loop.start() class _TestReactor(TornadoReactor): """Subclass of TornadoReactor for use in unittests. This can't go in the file because of import-order dependencies with the Twisted reactor test builder. """ def __init__(self): # always use a new ioloop super(_TestReactor, self).__init__(IOLoop()) def listenTCP(self, port, factory, backlog=50, interface=''): # default to localhost to avoid firewall prompts on the mac if not interface: interface = '' return super(_TestReactor, self).listenTCP( port, factory, backlog=backlog, interface=interface) def listenUDP(self, port, protocol, interface='', maxPacketSize=8192): if not interface: interface = '' return super(_TestReactor, self).listenUDP( port, protocol, interface=interface, maxPacketSize=maxPacketSize) def install(io_loop=None): """Install this package as the default Twisted reactor. ``install()`` must be called very early in the startup process, before most other twisted-related imports. Conversely, because it initializes the `.IOLoop`, it cannot be called before `.fork_processes` or multi-process `~.TCPServer.start`. These conflicting requirements make it difficult to use `.TornadoReactor` in multi-process mode, and an external process manager such as ``supervisord`` is recommended instead. .. versionchanged:: 4.1 The ``io_loop`` argument is deprecated. """ if not io_loop: io_loop = msgpackrpc.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current() reactor = TornadoReactor(io_loop) from twisted.internet.main import installReactor # type: ignore installReactor(reactor) return reactor @implementer(IReadDescriptor, IWriteDescriptor) class _FD(object): def __init__(self, fd, fileobj, handler): self.fd = fd self.fileobj = fileobj self.handler = handler self.reading = False self.writing = False self.lost = False def fileno(self): return self.fd def doRead(self): if not self.lost: self.handler(self.fileobj, msgpackrpc.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.READ) def doWrite(self): if not self.lost: self.handler(self.fileobj, msgpackrpc.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.WRITE) def connectionLost(self, reason): if not self.lost: self.handler(self.fileobj, msgpackrpc.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.ERROR) self.lost = True def logPrefix(self): return '' class TwistedIOLoop(msgpackrpc.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop): """IOLoop implementation that runs on Twisted. `TwistedIOLoop` implements the Tornado IOLoop interface on top of the Twisted reactor. Recommended usage:: from tornado.platform.twisted import TwistedIOLoop from twisted.internet import reactor TwistedIOLoop().install() # Set up your tornado application as usual using `IOLoop.instance` Uses the global Twisted reactor by default. To create multiple ``TwistedIOLoops`` in the same process, you must pass a unique reactor when constructing each one. Not compatible with `tornado.process.Subprocess.set_exit_callback` because the ``SIGCHLD`` handlers used by Tornado and Twisted conflict with each other. See also :meth:`tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.install` for general notes on installing alternative IOLoops. """ def initialize(self, reactor=None, **kwargs): super(TwistedIOLoop, self).initialize(**kwargs) if reactor is None: import twisted.internet.reactor # type: ignore reactor = twisted.internet.reactor self.reactor = reactor self.fds = {} def close(self, all_fds=False): fds = self.fds self.reactor.removeAll() for c in self.reactor.getDelayedCalls(): c.cancel() if all_fds: for fd in fds.values(): self.close_fd(fd.fileobj) def add_handler(self, fd, handler, events): if fd in self.fds: raise ValueError('fd %s added twice' % fd) fd, fileobj = self.split_fd(fd) self.fds[fd] = _FD(fd, fileobj, wrap(handler)) if events & msgpackrpc.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.READ: self.fds[fd].reading = True self.reactor.addReader(self.fds[fd]) if events & msgpackrpc.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.WRITE: self.fds[fd].writing = True self.reactor.addWriter(self.fds[fd]) def update_handler(self, fd, events): fd, fileobj = self.split_fd(fd) if events & msgpackrpc.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.READ: if not self.fds[fd].reading: self.fds[fd].reading = True self.reactor.addReader(self.fds[fd]) else: if self.fds[fd].reading: self.fds[fd].reading = False self.reactor.removeReader(self.fds[fd]) if events & msgpackrpc.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.WRITE: if not self.fds[fd].writing: self.fds[fd].writing = True self.reactor.addWriter(self.fds[fd]) else: if self.fds[fd].writing: self.fds[fd].writing = False self.reactor.removeWriter(self.fds[fd]) def remove_handler(self, fd): fd, fileobj = self.split_fd(fd) if fd not in self.fds: return self.fds[fd].lost = True if self.fds[fd].reading: self.reactor.removeReader(self.fds[fd]) if self.fds[fd].writing: self.reactor.removeWriter(self.fds[fd]) del self.fds[fd] def start(self): old_current = IOLoop.current(instance=False) try: self._setup_logging() self.make_current() finally: if old_current is None: IOLoop.clear_current() else: old_current.make_current() def stop(self): self.reactor.crash() def add_timeout(self, deadline, callback, *args, **kwargs): # This method could be simplified (since tornado 4.0) by # overriding call_at instead of add_timeout, but we leave it # for now as a test of backwards-compatibility. if isinstance(deadline, numbers.Real): delay = max(deadline - self.time(), 0) elif isinstance(deadline, datetime.timedelta): delay = timedelta_to_seconds(deadline) else: raise TypeError("Unsupported deadline %r") return self.reactor.callLater( delay, self._run_callback, functools.partial(wrap(callback), *args, **kwargs)) def remove_timeout(self, timeout): if timeout.cancel() def add_callback(self, callback, *args, **kwargs): self.reactor.callFromThread( self._run_callback, functools.partial(wrap(callback), *args, **kwargs)) def add_callback_from_signal(self, callback, *args, **kwargs): self.add_callback(callback, *args, **kwargs) class TwistedResolver(Resolver): """Twisted-based asynchronous resolver. This is a non-blocking and non-threaded resolver. It is recommended only when threads cannot be used, since it has limitations compared to the standard ``getaddrinfo``-based `~tornado.netutil.Resolver` and `~tornado.netutil.ThreadedResolver`. Specifically, it returns at most one result, and arguments other than ``host`` and ``family`` are ignored. It may fail to resolve when ``family`` is not ``socket.AF_UNSPEC``. Requires Twisted 12.1 or newer. .. versionchanged:: 4.1 The ``io_loop`` argument is deprecated. """ def initialize(self, io_loop=None): self.io_loop = io_loop or IOLoop.current() # partial copy of twisted.names.client.createResolver, which doesn't # allow for a reactor to be passed in. self.reactor = msgpackrpc.tornado.platform.twisted.TornadoReactor(io_loop) host_resolver = twisted.names.hosts.Resolver('/etc/hosts') cache_resolver = twisted.names.cache.CacheResolver(reactor=self.reactor) real_resolver = twisted.names.client.Resolver('/etc/resolv.conf', reactor=self.reactor) self.resolver = twisted.names.resolve.ResolverChain( [host_resolver, cache_resolver, real_resolver]) @gen.coroutine def resolve(self, host, port, family=0): # getHostByName doesn't accept IP addresses, so if the input # looks like an IP address just return it immediately. if twisted.internet.abstract.isIPAddress(host): resolved = host resolved_family = socket.AF_INET elif twisted.internet.abstract.isIPv6Address(host): resolved = host resolved_family = socket.AF_INET6 else: deferred = self.resolver.getHostByName(utf8(host)) resolved = yield gen.Task(deferred.addBoth) if isinstance(resolved, failure.Failure): try: resolved.raiseException() except twisted.names.error.DomainError as e: raise IOError(e) elif twisted.internet.abstract.isIPAddress(resolved): resolved_family = socket.AF_INET elif twisted.internet.abstract.isIPv6Address(resolved): resolved_family = socket.AF_INET6 else: resolved_family = socket.AF_UNSPEC if family != socket.AF_UNSPEC and family != resolved_family: raise Exception('Requested socket family %d but got %d' % (family, resolved_family)) result = [ (resolved_family, (resolved, port)), ] raise gen.Return(result) if hasattr(gen.convert_yielded, 'register'): @gen.convert_yielded.register(Deferred) # type: ignore def _(d): f = Future() def errback(failure): try: failure.raiseException() # Should never happen, but just in case raise Exception("errback called without error") except: f.set_exc_info(sys.exc_info()) d.addCallbacks(f.set_result, errback) return f
import json from alipay.aop.api.FileItem import FileItem from alipay.aop.api.constant.ParamConstants import * from alipay.aop.api.domain.AlipayEcoRenthouseRoomStateSyncModel import AlipayEcoRenthouseRoomStateSyncModel class AlipayEcoRenthouseRoomStateSyncRequest(object): def __init__(self, biz_model=None): self._biz_model = biz_model self._biz_content = None self._version = "1.0" self._terminal_type = None self._terminal_info = None self._prod_code = None self._notify_url = None self._return_url = None self._udf_params = None self._need_encrypt = False @property def biz_model(self): return self._biz_model @biz_model.setter def biz_model(self, value): self._biz_model = value @property def biz_content(self): return self._biz_content @biz_content.setter def biz_content(self, value): if isinstance(value, AlipayEcoRenthouseRoomStateSyncModel): self._biz_content = value else: self._biz_content = AlipayEcoRenthouseRoomStateSyncModel.from_alipay_dict(value) @property def version(self): return self._version @version.setter def version(self, value): self._version = value @property def terminal_type(self): return self._terminal_type @terminal_type.setter def terminal_type(self, value): self._terminal_type = value @property def terminal_info(self): return self._terminal_info @terminal_info.setter def terminal_info(self, value): self._terminal_info = value @property def prod_code(self): return self._prod_code @prod_code.setter def prod_code(self, value): self._prod_code = value @property def notify_url(self): return self._notify_url @notify_url.setter def notify_url(self, value): self._notify_url = value @property def return_url(self): return self._return_url @return_url.setter def return_url(self, value): self._return_url = value @property def udf_params(self): return self._udf_params @udf_params.setter def udf_params(self, value): if not isinstance(value, dict): return self._udf_params = value @property def need_encrypt(self): return self._need_encrypt @need_encrypt.setter def need_encrypt(self, value): self._need_encrypt = value def add_other_text_param(self, key, value): if not self.udf_params: self.udf_params = dict() self.udf_params[key] = value def get_params(self): params = dict() params[P_METHOD] = '' params[P_VERSION] = self.version if self.biz_model: params[P_BIZ_CONTENT] = json.dumps(obj=self.biz_model.to_alipay_dict(), ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) if self.biz_content: if hasattr(self.biz_content, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['biz_content'] = json.dumps(obj=self.biz_content.to_alipay_dict(), ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) else: params['biz_content'] = self.biz_content if self.terminal_type: params['terminal_type'] = self.terminal_type if self.terminal_info: params['terminal_info'] = self.terminal_info if self.prod_code: params['prod_code'] = self.prod_code if self.notify_url: params['notify_url'] = self.notify_url if self.return_url: params['return_url'] = self.return_url if self.udf_params: params.update(self.udf_params) return params def get_multipart_params(self): multipart_params = dict() return multipart_params
import functools import json import logging from datetime import datetime from io import BytesIO from typing import Any, Callable, cast, Optional from zipfile import is_zipfile, ZipFile from flask import make_response, redirect, request, Response, send_file, url_for from flask_appbuilder import permission_name from flask_appbuilder.api import expose, protect, rison, safe from flask_appbuilder.hooks import before_request from flask_appbuilder.models.sqla.interface import SQLAInterface from flask_babel import gettext, ngettext from marshmallow import ValidationError from werkzeug.wrappers import Response as WerkzeugResponse from werkzeug.wsgi import FileWrapper from superset import is_feature_enabled, thumbnail_cache from superset.charts.schemas import ChartEntityResponseSchema from superset.commands.importers.exceptions import NoValidFilesFoundError from superset.commands.importers.v1.utils import get_contents_from_bundle from superset.constants import MODEL_API_RW_METHOD_PERMISSION_MAP, RouteMethod from superset.dashboards.commands.bulk_delete import BulkDeleteDashboardCommand from superset.dashboards.commands.create import CreateDashboardCommand from superset.dashboards.commands.delete import DeleteDashboardCommand from superset.dashboards.commands.exceptions import ( DashboardAccessDeniedError, DashboardBulkDeleteFailedError, DashboardCreateFailedError, DashboardDeleteFailedError, DashboardForbiddenError, DashboardInvalidError, DashboardNotFoundError, DashboardUpdateFailedError, ) from superset.dashboards.commands.export import ExportDashboardsCommand from superset.dashboards.commands.importers.dispatcher import ImportDashboardsCommand from superset.dashboards.commands.update import UpdateDashboardCommand from superset.dashboards.dao import DashboardDAO from superset.dashboards.filters import ( DashboardAccessFilter, DashboardCertifiedFilter, DashboardCreatedByMeFilter, DashboardFavoriteFilter, DashboardHasCreatedByFilter, DashboardTitleOrSlugFilter, FilterRelatedRoles, ) from superset.dashboards.schemas import ( DashboardDatasetSchema, DashboardGetResponseSchema, DashboardPostSchema, DashboardPutSchema, EmbeddedDashboardConfigSchema, EmbeddedDashboardResponseSchema, get_delete_ids_schema, get_export_ids_schema, get_fav_star_ids_schema, GetFavStarIdsSchema, openapi_spec_methods_override, thumbnail_query_schema, ) from superset.embedded.dao import EmbeddedDAO from superset.extensions import event_logger from superset.models.dashboard import Dashboard from superset.models.embedded_dashboard import EmbeddedDashboard from superset.tasks.thumbnails import cache_dashboard_thumbnail from superset.tasks.utils import get_current_user from superset.utils.cache import etag_cache from superset.utils.screenshots import DashboardScreenshot from superset.utils.urls import get_url_path from superset.views.base import generate_download_headers from superset.views.base_api import ( BaseSupersetModelRestApi, RelatedFieldFilter, requires_form_data, requires_json, statsd_metrics, ) from superset.views.filters import ( BaseFilterRelatedRoles, BaseFilterRelatedUsers, FilterRelatedOwners, ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def with_dashboard( f: Callable[[BaseSupersetModelRestApi, Dashboard], Response] ) -> Callable[[BaseSupersetModelRestApi, str], Response]: """ A decorator that looks up the dashboard by id or slug and passes it to the api. Route must include an <id_or_slug> parameter. Responds with 403 or 404 without calling the route, if necessary. """ def wraps(self: BaseSupersetModelRestApi, id_or_slug: str) -> Response: try: dash = DashboardDAO.get_by_id_or_slug(id_or_slug) return f(self, dash) except DashboardAccessDeniedError: return self.response_403() except DashboardNotFoundError: return self.response_404() return functools.update_wrapper(wraps, f) class DashboardRestApi(BaseSupersetModelRestApi): datamodel = SQLAInterface(Dashboard) @before_request(only=["thumbnail"]) def ensure_thumbnails_enabled(self) -> Optional[Response]: if not is_feature_enabled("THUMBNAILS"): return self.response_404() return None include_route_methods = RouteMethod.REST_MODEL_VIEW_CRUD_SET | { RouteMethod.EXPORT, RouteMethod.IMPORT, RouteMethod.RELATED, "bulk_delete", # not using RouteMethod since locally defined "favorite_status", "get_charts", "get_datasets", "get_embedded", "set_embedded", "delete_embedded", "thumbnail", } resource_name = "dashboard" allow_browser_login = True class_permission_name = "Dashboard" method_permission_name = MODEL_API_RW_METHOD_PERMISSION_MAP list_columns = [ "id", "published", "status", "slug", "url", "css", "position_json", "json_metadata", "thumbnail_url", "certified_by", "certification_details", "changed_by.first_name", "changed_by.last_name", "changed_by.username", "", "changed_by_name", "changed_by_url", "changed_on_utc", "changed_on_delta_humanized", "created_on_delta_humanized", "created_by.first_name", "", "created_by.last_name", "dashboard_title", "", "owners.username", "owners.first_name", "owners.last_name", "", "", "", "is_managed_externally", ] list_select_columns = list_columns + ["changed_on", "created_on", "changed_by_fk"] order_columns = [ "changed_by.first_name", "changed_on_delta_humanized", "created_by.first_name", "dashboard_title", "published", "changed_on", ] add_columns = [ "certified_by", "certification_details", "dashboard_title", "slug", "owners", "roles", "position_json", "css", "json_metadata", "published", ] edit_columns = add_columns search_columns = ( "created_by", "changed_by", "dashboard_title", "id", "owners", "published", "roles", "slug", ) search_filters = { "dashboard_title": [DashboardTitleOrSlugFilter], "id": [DashboardFavoriteFilter, DashboardCertifiedFilter], "created_by": [DashboardCreatedByMeFilter, DashboardHasCreatedByFilter], } base_order = ("changed_on", "desc") add_model_schema = DashboardPostSchema() edit_model_schema = DashboardPutSchema() chart_entity_response_schema = ChartEntityResponseSchema() dashboard_get_response_schema = DashboardGetResponseSchema() dashboard_dataset_schema = DashboardDatasetSchema() embedded_response_schema = EmbeddedDashboardResponseSchema() embedded_config_schema = EmbeddedDashboardConfigSchema() base_filters = [ ["id", DashboardAccessFilter, lambda: []], ] order_rel_fields = { "slices": ("slice_name", "asc"), "owners": ("first_name", "asc"), "roles": ("name", "asc"), } base_related_field_filters = { "owners": [["id", BaseFilterRelatedUsers, lambda: []]], "created_by": [["id", BaseFilterRelatedUsers, lambda: []]], "roles": [["id", BaseFilterRelatedRoles, lambda: []]], } related_field_filters = { "owners": RelatedFieldFilter("first_name", FilterRelatedOwners), "roles": RelatedFieldFilter("name", FilterRelatedRoles), "created_by": RelatedFieldFilter("first_name", FilterRelatedOwners), } allowed_rel_fields = {"owners", "roles", "created_by"} openapi_spec_tag = "Dashboards" """ Override the name set for this collection of endpoints """ openapi_spec_component_schemas = ( ChartEntityResponseSchema, DashboardGetResponseSchema, DashboardDatasetSchema, GetFavStarIdsSchema, EmbeddedDashboardResponseSchema, ) apispec_parameter_schemas = { "get_delete_ids_schema": get_delete_ids_schema, "get_export_ids_schema": get_export_ids_schema, "thumbnail_query_schema": thumbnail_query_schema, "get_fav_star_ids_schema": get_fav_star_ids_schema, } openapi_spec_methods = openapi_spec_methods_override """ Overrides GET methods OpenApi descriptions """ def __repr__(self) -> str: """Deterministic string representation of the API instance for etag_cache.""" return "Superset.dashboards.api.DashboardRestApi@v{}{}".format(["VERSION_STRING"],["VERSION_SHA"], ) @expose("/<id_or_slug>", methods=["GET"]) @protect() @etag_cache( get_last_modified=lambda _self, id_or_slug: DashboardDAO.get_dashboard_changed_on( # pylint: disable=line-too-long,useless-suppression id_or_slug ), max_age=0, raise_for_access=lambda _self, id_or_slug: DashboardDAO.get_by_id_or_slug( id_or_slug ), skip=lambda _self, id_or_slug: not is_feature_enabled("DASHBOARD_CACHE"), ) @safe @statsd_metrics @with_dashboard @event_logger.log_this_with_extra_payload # pylint: disable=arguments-differ def get( self, dash: Dashboard, add_extra_log_payload: Callable[..., None] = lambda **kwargs: None, ) -> Response: """Gets a dashboard --- get: description: >- Get a dashboard parameters: - in: path schema: type: string name: id_or_slug description: Either the id of the dashboard, or its slug responses: 200: description: Dashboard content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardGetResponseSchema' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/403' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/404' """ result = self.dashboard_get_response_schema.dump(dash) add_extra_log_payload(, action=f"{self.__class__.__name__}.get" ) return self.response(200, result=result) @expose("/<id_or_slug>/datasets", methods=["GET"]) @protect() @etag_cache( get_last_modified=lambda _self, id_or_slug: DashboardDAO.get_dashboard_and_datasets_changed_on( # pylint: disable=line-too-long,useless-suppression id_or_slug ), max_age=0, raise_for_access=lambda _self, id_or_slug: DashboardDAO.get_by_id_or_slug( id_or_slug ), skip=lambda _self, id_or_slug: not is_feature_enabled("DASHBOARD_CACHE"), ) @safe @statsd_metrics @event_logger.log_this_with_context( action=lambda self, *args, **kwargs: f"{self.__class__.__name__}.get_datasets", log_to_statsd=False, ) def get_datasets(self, id_or_slug: str) -> Response: """Gets a dashboard's datasets --- get: description: >- Returns a list of a dashboard's datasets. Each dataset includes only the information necessary to render the dashboard's charts. parameters: - in: path schema: type: string name: id_or_slug description: Either the id of the dashboard, or its slug responses: 200: description: Dashboard dataset definitions content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardDatasetSchema' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/403' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/404' """ try: datasets = DashboardDAO.get_datasets_for_dashboard(id_or_slug) result = [ self.dashboard_dataset_schema.dump(dataset) for dataset in datasets ] return self.response(200, result=result) except (TypeError, ValueError) as err: return self.response_400( message=gettext( "Dataset schema is invalid, caused by: %(error)s", error=str(err) ) ) except DashboardAccessDeniedError: return self.response_403() except DashboardNotFoundError: return self.response_404() @expose("/<id_or_slug>/charts", methods=["GET"]) @protect() @etag_cache( get_last_modified=lambda _self, id_or_slug: DashboardDAO.get_dashboard_and_slices_changed_on( # pylint: disable=line-too-long,useless-suppression id_or_slug ), max_age=0, raise_for_access=lambda _self, id_or_slug: DashboardDAO.get_by_id_or_slug( id_or_slug ), skip=lambda _self, id_or_slug: not is_feature_enabled("DASHBOARD_CACHE"), ) @safe @statsd_metrics @event_logger.log_this_with_context( action=lambda self, *args, **kwargs: f"{self.__class__.__name__}.get_charts", log_to_statsd=False, ) def get_charts(self, id_or_slug: str) -> Response: """Gets the chart definitions for a given dashboard --- get: description: >- Get the chart definitions for a given dashboard parameters: - in: path schema: type: string name: id_or_slug responses: 200: description: Dashboard chart definitions content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: result: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ChartEntityResponseSchema' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/403' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/404' """ try: charts = DashboardDAO.get_charts_for_dashboard(id_or_slug) result = [self.chart_entity_response_schema.dump(chart) for chart in charts] if is_feature_enabled("REMOVE_SLICE_LEVEL_LABEL_COLORS"): # dashboard metadata has dashboard-level label_colors, # so remove slice-level label_colors from its form_data for chart in result: form_data = chart.get("form_data") form_data.pop("label_colors", None) return self.response(200, result=result) except DashboardAccessDeniedError: return self.response_403() except DashboardNotFoundError: return self.response_404() @expose("/", methods=["POST"]) @protect() @safe @statsd_metrics @event_logger.log_this_with_context( action=lambda self, *args, **kwargs: f"{self.__class__.__name__}.post", log_to_statsd=False, ) @requires_json def post(self) -> Response: """Creates a new Dashboard --- post: description: >- Create a new Dashboard. requestBody: description: Dashboard schema required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/{{self.__class__.__name__}}.post' responses: 201: description: Dashboard added content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: id: type: number result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/{{self.__class__.__name__}}.post' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/404' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/500' """ try: item = self.add_model_schema.load(request.json) # This validates custom Schema with custom validations except ValidationError as error: return self.response_400(message=error.messages) try: new_model = CreateDashboardCommand(item).run() return self.response(201,, result=item) except DashboardInvalidError as ex: return self.response_422(message=ex.normalized_messages()) except DashboardCreateFailedError as ex: logger.error( "Error creating model %s: %s", self.__class__.__name__, str(ex), exc_info=True, ) return self.response_422(message=str(ex)) @expose("/<pk>", methods=["PUT"]) @protect() @safe @statsd_metrics @event_logger.log_this_with_context( action=lambda self, *args, **kwargs: f"{self.__class__.__name__}.put", log_to_statsd=False, ) @requires_json def put(self, pk: int) -> Response: """Changes a Dashboard --- put: description: >- Changes a Dashboard. parameters: - in: path schema: type: integer name: pk requestBody: description: Dashboard schema required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/{{self.__class__.__name__}}.put' responses: 200: description: Dashboard changed content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: id: type: number result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/{{self.__class__.__name__}}.put' last_modified_time: type: number 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/403' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/404' 422: $ref: '#/components/responses/422' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/500' """ try: item = self.edit_model_schema.load(request.json) # This validates custom Schema with custom validations except ValidationError as error: return self.response_400(message=error.messages) try: changed_model = UpdateDashboardCommand(pk, item).run() last_modified_time = changed_model.changed_on.replace( microsecond=0 ).timestamp() response = self.response( 200,, result=item, last_modified_time=last_modified_time, ) except DashboardNotFoundError: response = self.response_404() except DashboardForbiddenError: response = self.response_403() except DashboardInvalidError as ex: return self.response_422(message=ex.normalized_messages()) except DashboardUpdateFailedError as ex: logger.error( "Error updating model %s: %s", self.__class__.__name__, str(ex), exc_info=True, ) response = self.response_422(message=str(ex)) return response @expose("/<pk>", methods=["DELETE"]) @protect() @safe @statsd_metrics @event_logger.log_this_with_context( action=lambda self, *args, **kwargs: f"{self.__class__.__name__}.delete", log_to_statsd=False, ) def delete(self, pk: int) -> Response: """Deletes a Dashboard --- delete: description: >- Deletes a Dashboard. parameters: - in: path schema: type: integer name: pk responses: 200: description: Dashboard deleted content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/403' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/404' 422: $ref: '#/components/responses/422' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/500' """ try: DeleteDashboardCommand(pk).run() return self.response(200, message="OK") except DashboardNotFoundError: return self.response_404() except DashboardForbiddenError: return self.response_403() except DashboardDeleteFailedError as ex: logger.error( "Error deleting model %s: %s", self.__class__.__name__, str(ex), exc_info=True, ) return self.response_422(message=str(ex)) @expose("/", methods=["DELETE"]) @protect() @safe @statsd_metrics @rison(get_delete_ids_schema) @event_logger.log_this_with_context( action=lambda self, *args, **kwargs: f"{self.__class__.__name__}.bulk_delete", log_to_statsd=False, ) def bulk_delete(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Response: """Delete bulk Dashboards --- delete: description: >- Deletes multiple Dashboards in a bulk operation. parameters: - in: query name: q content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/get_delete_ids_schema' responses: 200: description: Dashboard bulk delete content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/403' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/404' 422: $ref: '#/components/responses/422' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/500' """ item_ids = kwargs["rison"] try: BulkDeleteDashboardCommand(item_ids).run() return self.response( 200, message=ngettext( "Deleted %(num)d dashboard", "Deleted %(num)d dashboards", num=len(item_ids), ), ) except DashboardNotFoundError: return self.response_404() except DashboardForbiddenError: return self.response_403() except DashboardBulkDeleteFailedError as ex: return self.response_422(message=str(ex)) @expose("/export/", methods=["GET"]) @protect() @safe @statsd_metrics @rison(get_export_ids_schema) @event_logger.log_this_with_context( action=lambda self, *args, **kwargs: f"{self.__class__.__name__}.export", log_to_statsd=False, ) # pylint: disable=too-many-locals def export(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Response: """Export dashboards --- get: description: >- Exports multiple Dashboards and downloads them as YAML files. parameters: - in: query name: q content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/get_export_ids_schema' responses: 200: description: Dashboard export content: text/plain: schema: type: string 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/404' 422: $ref: '#/components/responses/422' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/500' """ requested_ids = kwargs["rison"] token = request.args.get("token") if is_feature_enabled("VERSIONED_EXPORT"): timestamp ="%Y%m%dT%H%M%S") root = f"dashboard_export_{timestamp}" filename = f"{root}.zip" buf = BytesIO() with ZipFile(buf, "w") as bundle: try: for file_name, file_content in ExportDashboardsCommand( requested_ids ).run(): with"{root}/{file_name}", "w") as fp: fp.write(file_content.encode()) except DashboardNotFoundError: return self.response_404() response = send_file( buf, mimetype="application/zip", as_attachment=True, attachment_filename=filename, ) if token: response.set_cookie(token, "done", max_age=600) return response query = self.datamodel.session.query(Dashboard).filter( ) query = self._base_filters.apply_all(query) ids = [ for item in query.all()] if not ids: return self.response_404() export = Dashboard.export_dashboards(ids) resp = make_response(export, 200) resp.headers["Content-Disposition"] = generate_download_headers("json")[ "Content-Disposition" ] if token: resp.set_cookie(token, "done", max_age=600) return resp @expose("/<pk>/thumbnail/<digest>/", methods=["GET"]) @protect() @safe @rison(thumbnail_query_schema) @event_logger.log_this_with_context( action=lambda self, *args, **kwargs: f"{self.__class__.__name__}.thumbnail", log_to_statsd=False, ) def thumbnail(self, pk: int, digest: str, **kwargs: Any) -> WerkzeugResponse: """Get Dashboard thumbnail --- get: description: >- Compute async or get already computed dashboard thumbnail from cache. parameters: - in: path schema: type: integer name: pk - in: path name: digest description: A hex digest that makes this dashboard unique schema: type: string - in: query name: q content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/thumbnail_query_schema' responses: 200: description: Dashboard thumbnail image content: image/*: schema: type: string format: binary 202: description: Thumbnail does not exist on cache, fired async to compute content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string 302: description: Redirects to the current digest 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/404' 422: $ref: '#/components/responses/422' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/500' """ dashboard = cast(Dashboard, self.datamodel.get(pk, self._base_filters)) if not dashboard: return self.response_404() dashboard_url = get_url_path( "Superset.dashboard", ) # If force, request a screenshot from the workers current_user = get_current_user() if kwargs["rison"].get("force", False): cache_dashboard_thumbnail.delay( current_user=current_user,, force=True, ) return self.response(202, message="OK Async") # fetch the dashboard screenshot using the current user and cache if set screenshot = DashboardScreenshot( dashboard_url, dashboard.digest ).get_from_cache(cache=thumbnail_cache) # If the screenshot does not exist, request one from the workers if not screenshot: self.incr_stats("async", self.thumbnail.__name__) cache_dashboard_thumbnail.delay( current_user=current_user,, force=True, ) return self.response(202, message="OK Async") # If digests if dashboard.digest != digest: self.incr_stats("redirect", self.thumbnail.__name__) return redirect( url_for( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.thumbnail", pk=pk, digest=dashboard.digest, ) ) self.incr_stats("from_cache", self.thumbnail.__name__) return Response( FileWrapper(screenshot), mimetype="image/png", direct_passthrough=True ) @expose("/favorite_status/", methods=["GET"]) @protect() @safe @statsd_metrics @rison(get_fav_star_ids_schema) @event_logger.log_this_with_context( action=lambda self, *args, **kwargs: f"{self.__class__.__name__}" f".favorite_status", log_to_statsd=False, ) def favorite_status(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Response: """Favorite Stars for Dashboards --- get: description: >- Check favorited dashboards for current user parameters: - in: query name: q content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/get_fav_star_ids_schema' responses: 200: description: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GetFavStarIdsSchema" 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/404' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/500' """ requested_ids = kwargs["rison"] dashboards = DashboardDAO.find_by_ids(requested_ids) if not dashboards: return self.response_404() favorited_dashboard_ids = DashboardDAO.favorited_ids(dashboards) res = [ {"id": request_id, "value": request_id in favorited_dashboard_ids} for request_id in requested_ids ] return self.response(200, result=res) @expose("/import/", methods=["POST"]) @protect() @statsd_metrics @event_logger.log_this_with_context( action=lambda self, *args, **kwargs: f"{self.__class__.__name__}.import_", log_to_statsd=False, ) @requires_form_data def import_(self) -> Response: """Import dashboard(s) with associated charts/datasets/databases --- post: requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: formData: description: upload file (ZIP or JSON) type: string format: binary passwords: description: >- JSON map of passwords for each featured database in the ZIP file. If the ZIP includes a database config in the path `databases/MyDatabase.yaml`, the password should be provided in the following format: `{"databases/MyDatabase.yaml": "my_password"}`. type: string overwrite: description: overwrite existing dashboards? type: boolean responses: 200: description: Dashboard import result content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 422: $ref: '#/components/responses/422' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/500' """ upload = request.files.get("formData") if not upload: return self.response_400() if is_zipfile(upload): with ZipFile(upload) as bundle: contents = get_contents_from_bundle(bundle) else: contents = {upload.filename:} if not contents: raise NoValidFilesFoundError() passwords = ( json.loads(request.form["passwords"]) if "passwords" in request.form else None ) overwrite = request.form.get("overwrite") == "true" command = ImportDashboardsCommand( contents, passwords=passwords, overwrite=overwrite ) return self.response(200, message="OK") @expose("/<id_or_slug>/embedded", methods=["GET"]) @protect() @safe @permission_name("read") @statsd_metrics @event_logger.log_this_with_context( action=lambda self, *args, **kwargs: f"{self.__class__.__name__}.get_embedded", log_to_statsd=False, ) @with_dashboard def get_embedded(self, dashboard: Dashboard) -> Response: """Response Returns the dashboard's embedded configuration --- get: description: >- Returns the dashboard's embedded configuration parameters: - in: path schema: type: string name: id_or_slug description: The dashboard id or slug responses: 200: description: Result contains the embedded dashboard config content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EmbeddedDashboardResponseSchema' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/500' """ if not dashboard.embedded: return self.response(404) embedded: EmbeddedDashboard = dashboard.embedded[0] result = self.embedded_response_schema.dump(embedded) return self.response(200, result=result) @expose("/<id_or_slug>/embedded", methods=["POST", "PUT"]) @protect() @safe @statsd_metrics @event_logger.log_this_with_context( action=lambda self, *args, **kwargs: f"{self.__class__.__name__}.set_embedded", log_to_statsd=False, ) @with_dashboard def set_embedded(self, dashboard: Dashboard) -> Response: """Response Sets a dashboard's embedded configuration. --- post: description: >- Sets a dashboard's embedded configuration. parameters: - in: path schema: type: string name: id_or_slug description: The dashboard id or slug requestBody: description: The embedded configuration to set required: true content: application/json: schema: EmbeddedDashboardConfigSchema responses: 200: description: Successfully set the configuration content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EmbeddedDashboardResponseSchema' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/500' put: description: >- Sets a dashboard's embedded configuration. parameters: - in: path schema: type: string name: id_or_slug description: The dashboard id or slug requestBody: description: The embedded configuration to set required: true content: application/json: schema: EmbeddedDashboardConfigSchema responses: 200: description: Successfully set the configuration content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: result: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EmbeddedDashboardResponseSchema' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/500' """ try: body = self.embedded_config_schema.load(request.json) embedded = EmbeddedDAO.upsert(dashboard, body["allowed_domains"]) result = self.embedded_response_schema.dump(embedded) return self.response(200, result=result) except ValidationError as error: return self.response_400(message=error.messages) @expose("/<id_or_slug>/embedded", methods=["DELETE"]) @protect() @safe @permission_name("set_embedded") @statsd_metrics @event_logger.log_this_with_context( action=lambda self, *args, **kwargs: f"{self.__class__.__name__}.delete_embedded", log_to_statsd=False, ) @with_dashboard def delete_embedded(self, dashboard: Dashboard) -> Response: """Response Removes a dashboard's embedded configuration. --- delete: description: >- Removes a dashboard's embedded configuration. parameters: - in: path schema: type: string name: id_or_slug description: The dashboard id or slug responses: 200: description: Successfully removed the configuration content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/500' """ for embedded in dashboard.embedded: DashboardDAO.delete(embedded) return self.response(200, message="OK")
import json import os import sys import uuid import zipfile from inspect import isclass from tvb.basic.exceptions import TVBException from tvb.basic.logger.builder import get_logger from tvb.basic.profile import TvbProfile from tvb.config import MEASURE_METRICS_MODULE, MEASURE_METRICS_CLASS, MEASURE_METRICS_MODEL_CLASS, ALGORITHMS from tvb.core.adapters.abcadapter import ABCAdapter, AdapterLaunchModeEnum from tvb.core.adapters.exceptions import LaunchException from tvb.core.entities.generic_attributes import GenericAttributes from tvb.core.entities.load import get_class_by_name from tvb.core.entities.model.model_burst import PARAM_RANGE_PREFIX, RANGE_PARAMETER_1, RANGE_PARAMETER_2, \ BurstConfiguration from tvb.core.entities.model.model_datatype import DataTypeGroup from tvb.core.entities.model.model_operation import STATUS_FINISHED, STATUS_ERROR, Operation from import dao, transactional from tvb.core.neocom import h5 from tvb.core.neotraits.h5 import ViewModelH5 from import BackendClientFactory from import BurstService from import OperationException from import ProjectService from tvb.datatypes.time_series import TimeSeries from import StorageInterface RANGE_PARAMETER_1 = RANGE_PARAMETER_1 RANGE_PARAMETER_2 = RANGE_PARAMETER_2 GROUP_BURST_PENDING = {} class OperationService: """ Class responsible for preparing an operation launch. It will prepare parameters, and decide if the operation is to be executed immediately, or to be sent on the cluster. """ ATT_UID = "uid" def __init__(self): self.logger = get_logger(self.__class__.__module__) self.storage_interface = StorageInterface() ########################################################################################## ######## Methods related to launching operations start here ############################## ########################################################################################## def fits_max_operation_size(self, adapter_instance, view_model, project_id, range_length=1): project = dao.get_project_by_id(project_id) if project.max_operation_size is None: return True adapter_instance.configure(view_model) adapter_required_memory = adapter_instance.get_required_disk_size(view_model) return adapter_required_memory * range_length < project.max_operation_size def initiate_operation(self, current_user, project, adapter_instance, visible=True, model_view=None): """ Gets the parameters of the computation from the previous inputs form, and launches a computation (on the cluster or locally). Invoke custom method on an Adapter Instance. Make sure when the operation has finished that the correct results are stored into DB. """ if not isinstance(adapter_instance, ABCAdapter): self.logger.warning("Inconsistent Adapter Class:" + str(adapter_instance.__class__)) raise LaunchException("Developer Exception!!") algo = adapter_instance.stored_adapter operation = self.prepare_operation(, project, algo, visible, model_view) if adapter_instance.launch_mode == AdapterLaunchModeEnum.SYNC_SAME_MEM: return self.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance) else: return self._send_to_cluster(operation, adapter_instance, current_user.username) @staticmethod def prepare_metadata(algo_category, burst=None, current_ga=GenericAttributes()): """ Gather generic_metadata from submitted fields and current to be execute algorithm. Will populate STATE, GROUP, etc in generic_metadata """ generic_metadata = GenericAttributes() generic_metadata.state = algo_category.defaultdatastate generic_metadata.parent_burst = burst generic_metadata.fill_from(current_ga) return generic_metadata @staticmethod def _read_set(values): """ Parse a committed UI possible list of values, into a set converted into string.""" if isinstance(values, list): set_values = [] values_str = "" for val in values: if val not in set_values: set_values.append(val) values_str = values_str + " " + str(val) values = values_str return str(values).strip() def group_operation_launch(self, user_id, project, algorithm_id, category_id): """ Create and prepare the launch of a group of operations. """ algorithm = dao.get_algorithm_by_id(algorithm_id) ops, _ = self.prepare_operation(user_id, project, algorithm) for operation in ops: self.launch_operation(, True) def _prepare_metric_operation(self, sim_operation): # type: (Operation) -> Operation metric_algo = dao.get_algorithm_by_module(MEASURE_METRICS_MODULE, MEASURE_METRICS_CLASS) datatype_index = h5.REGISTRY.get_index_for_datatype(TimeSeries) time_series_index = dao.get_generic_entity(datatype_index,, 'fk_from_operation')[0] ga = self.prepare_metadata(metric_algo.algorithm_category, time_series_index.fk_parent_burst) ga.visible = False view_model = get_class_by_name("{}.{}".format(MEASURE_METRICS_MODULE, MEASURE_METRICS_MODEL_CLASS))() view_model.time_series = time_series_index.gid view_model.algorithms = tuple(ALGORITHMS.keys()) view_model.generic_attributes = ga parent_burst = dao.get_generic_entity(BurstConfiguration, time_series_index.fk_parent_burst, 'gid')[0] metric_op_group = dao.get_operationgroup_by_id(parent_burst.fk_metric_operation_group) metric_operation_group_id = parent_burst.fk_metric_operation_group range_values = sim_operation.range_values view_model.operation_group_gid = uuid.UUID(metric_op_group.gid) view_model.ranges = json.dumps(parent_burst.ranges) view_model.range_values = range_values view_model.is_metric_operation = True metric_operation = Operation(view_model.gid.hex, sim_operation.fk_launched_by, sim_operation.fk_launched_in,, user_group=ga.operation_tag, op_group_id=metric_operation_group_id, range_values=range_values) metric_operation.visible = False metric_operation = dao.store_entity(metric_operation) metrics_datatype_group = dao.get_generic_entity(DataTypeGroup, metric_operation_group_id, 'fk_operation_group')[0] if metrics_datatype_group.fk_from_operation is None: metrics_datatype_group.fk_from_operation = dao.store_entity(metrics_datatype_group) self.store_view_model(metric_operation, sim_operation.project, view_model) return metric_operation @transactional def prepare_operation(self, user_id, project, algorithm, visible=True, view_model=None, ranges=None, burst_gid=None, op_group_id=None): """ Do all the necessary preparations for storing an operation. If it's the case of a range of values create an operation group and multiple operations for each possible instance from the range. """ algo_category = dao.get_category_by_id(algorithm.fk_category) ga = self.prepare_metadata(algo_category, current_ga=view_model.generic_attributes, burst=burst_gid) ga.visible = visible view_model.generic_attributes = ga self.logger.debug("Saving Operation(userId=" + str(user_id) + ",projectId=" + str( + ",algorithmId=" + str( + ")") operation = Operation(view_model.gid.hex, user_id,,, user_group=ga.operation_tag, op_group_id=op_group_id, range_values=ranges) operation = dao.store_entity(operation) self.store_view_model(operation, project, view_model) return operation @staticmethod def store_view_model(operation, project, view_model): storage_path = StorageInterface().get_project_folder(, str( h5.store_view_model(view_model, storage_path) view_model_size_on_disk = StorageInterface.compute_recursive_h5_disk_usage(storage_path) operation.view_model_disk_size = view_model_size_on_disk dao.store_entity(operation) def initiate_prelaunch(self, operation, adapter_instance): """ Public method. This should be the common point in calling an adapter- method. """ result_msg = "" nr_datatypes = 0 temp_files = [] try: operation = dao.get_operation_by_id( # Load Lazy fields disk_space_per_user = TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE pending_op_disk_space = dao.compute_disk_size_for_started_ops(operation.fk_launched_by) user_disk_space = dao.compute_user_generated_disk_size(operation.fk_launched_by) # From kB to Bytes available_space = disk_space_per_user - pending_op_disk_space - user_disk_space view_model = adapter_instance.load_view_model(operation) try: form = adapter_instance.get_form() form = form() if isclass(form) else form fields = form.get_upload_field_names() project = dao.get_project_by_id(operation.fk_launched_in) tmp_folder = self.storage_interface.get_temp_folder( for upload_field in fields: if hasattr(view_model, upload_field): file = getattr(view_model, upload_field) if file.startswith(tmp_folder) or file.startswith(TvbProfile.current.TVB_TEMP_FOLDER): temp_files.append(file) except AttributeError: # Skip if we don't have upload fields on current form pass result_msg, nr_datatypes = adapter_instance._prelaunch(operation, view_model, available_space) operation = dao.get_operation_by_id( operation.mark_complete(STATUS_FINISHED) dao.store_entity(operation) self._update_vm_generic_operation_tag(view_model, operation) self._remove_files(temp_files) except zipfile.BadZipfile as excep: msg = "The uploaded file is not a valid ZIP!" self._handle_exception(excep, temp_files, msg, operation) except TVBException as excep: self._handle_exception(excep, temp_files, excep.message, operation) except MemoryError: msg = ("Could not execute operation because there is not enough free memory." + " Please adjust operation parameters and re-launch it.") self._handle_exception(Exception(msg), temp_files, msg, operation) except Exception as excep1: msg = "Could not launch Operation with the given input data!" self._handle_exception(excep1, temp_files, msg, operation) if operation.fk_operation_group and 'SimulatorAdapter' in operation.algorithm.classname and nr_datatypes == 1: next_op = self._prepare_metric_operation(operation) self.launch_operation( return result_msg def _send_to_cluster(self, operation, adapter_instance, current_username="unknown"): """ Initiate operation on cluster""" try: BackendClientFactory.execute(str(, current_username, adapter_instance) except TVBException as ex: self._handle_exception(ex, {}, ex.message, operation) except Exception as excep: self._handle_exception(excep, {}, "Could not start operation!", operation) return operation @staticmethod def _update_vm_generic_operation_tag(view_model, operation): project = dao.get_project_by_id(operation.fk_launched_in) h5_path = h5.path_for(, ViewModelH5, view_model.gid,, type(view_model).__name__) if not os.path.exists(h5_path): return with ViewModelH5(h5_path, view_model) as vm_h5: def launch_operation(self, operation_id, send_to_cluster=False, adapter_instance=None): """ Method exposed for Burst-Workflow related calls. It is used for cascading operation in the same workflow. """ if operation_id is not None: operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(operation_id) if adapter_instance is None: algorithm = operation.algorithm adapter_instance = ABCAdapter.build_adapter(algorithm) if send_to_cluster: self._send_to_cluster(operation, adapter_instance, operation.user.username) else: self.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance) def _handle_exception(self, exception, temp_files, message, operation=None): """ Common way to treat exceptions: - remove temporary files, if any - set status ERROR on current operation (if any) - log exception """ self.logger.exception(message) if operation is not None: BurstService().persist_operation_state(operation, STATUS_ERROR, str(exception)) self._remove_files(temp_files) exception.message = message raise exception.with_traceback( sys.exc_info()[2]) # when rethrowing in python this is required to preserve the stack trace def _remove_files(self, file_list): """ Remove any files that exist in the file_dictionary. Currently used to delete temporary files created during an operation. """ for pth in file_list: if pth is not None: pth = str(pth) try: if os.path.exists(pth) and os.path.isfile(pth): os.remove(pth) if len(os.listdir(os.path.dirname(pth))) == 0: self.storage_interface.remove_folder(os.path.dirname(pth)) self.logger.debug("We no longer need file:" + pth + " => deleted") else: self.logger.warning("Trying to remove not existent file:" + pth) except OSError: self.logger.exception("Could not cleanup file!") @staticmethod def _range_name(range_no): return PARAM_RANGE_PREFIX + str(range_no) def fire_operation(self, adapter_instance, current_user, project_id, visible=True, view_model=None): """ Launch an operation, specified by AdapterInstance, for current_user and project with project_id. """ operation_name = str(adapter_instance.__class__.__name__) try:"Starting operation " + operation_name) project = dao.get_project_by_id(project_id) result = self.initiate_operation(current_user, project, adapter_instance, visible, model_view=view_model)"Finished operation launch:" + operation_name) return result except TVBException as excep: self.logger.exception("Could not launch operation " + operation_name + " with the given set of input data, because: " + excep.message) raise OperationException(excep.message, excep) except Exception as excep: self.logger.exception("Could not launch operation " + operation_name + " with the given set of input data!") raise OperationException(str(excep)) @staticmethod def load_operation(operation_id): """ Retrieve previously stored Operation from DB, and load operation.burst attribute""" operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(operation_id) operation.burst = dao.get_burst_for_operation_id(operation_id) return operation @staticmethod def stop_operation(operation_id, is_group=False, remove_after_stop=False): # type: (int, bool, bool) -> bool """ Stop (also named Cancel) the operation given by operation_id, and potentially also remove it after (with all linked data). In case the Operation has a linked Burst, remove that too. :param operation_id: ID for Operation (or OperationGroup) to be canceled/removed :param is_group: When true stop all the operations from that group. :param remove_after_stop: if True, also remove the operation(s) after stopping :returns True if the stop step was successfully """ result = False if is_group: op_group = ProjectService.get_operation_group_by_id(operation_id) operations_in_group = ProjectService.get_operations_in_group(op_group) for operation in operations_in_group: result = OperationService.stop_operation(, False, remove_after_stop) or result elif dao.try_get_operation_by_id(operation_id) is not None: result = BackendClientFactory.stop_operation(operation_id) if remove_after_stop: burst_config = dao.get_burst_for_direct_operation_id(operation_id) ProjectService().remove_operation(operation_id) if burst_config is not None: result = dao.remove_entity(BurstConfiguration, or result return result
from import TLObject from import TLRequest from typing import Optional, List, Union, TYPE_CHECKING import os import struct from datetime import datetime class GetDifferenceRequest(TLRequest): CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xcd984aa5 SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x52662d55 def __init__(self, lang_pack: str, lang_code: str, from_version: int): """ :returns LangPackDifference: Instance of LangPackDifference. """ self.lang_pack = lang_pack self.lang_code = lang_code self.from_version = from_version def to_dict(self): return { '_': 'GetDifferenceRequest', 'lang_pack': self.lang_pack, 'lang_code': self.lang_code, 'from_version': self.from_version } def _bytes(self): return b''.join(( b'\xa5J\x98\xcd', self.serialize_bytes(self.lang_pack), self.serialize_bytes(self.lang_code), struct.pack('<i', self.from_version), )) @classmethod def from_reader(cls, reader): _lang_pack = reader.tgread_string() _lang_code = reader.tgread_string() _from_version = reader.read_int() return cls(lang_pack=_lang_pack, lang_code=_lang_code, from_version=_from_version) class GetLangPackRequest(TLRequest): CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xf2f2330a SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x52662d55 def __init__(self, lang_pack: str, lang_code: str): """ :returns LangPackDifference: Instance of LangPackDifference. """ self.lang_pack = lang_pack self.lang_code = lang_code def to_dict(self): return { '_': 'GetLangPackRequest', 'lang_pack': self.lang_pack, 'lang_code': self.lang_code } def _bytes(self): return b''.join(( b'\n3\xf2\xf2', self.serialize_bytes(self.lang_pack), self.serialize_bytes(self.lang_code), )) @classmethod def from_reader(cls, reader): _lang_pack = reader.tgread_string() _lang_code = reader.tgread_string() return cls(lang_pack=_lang_pack, lang_code=_lang_code) class GetLanguageRequest(TLRequest): CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x6a596502 SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xabac89b7 def __init__(self, lang_pack: str, lang_code: str): """ :returns LangPackLanguage: Instance of LangPackLanguage. """ self.lang_pack = lang_pack self.lang_code = lang_code def to_dict(self): return { '_': 'GetLanguageRequest', 'lang_pack': self.lang_pack, 'lang_code': self.lang_code } def _bytes(self): return b''.join(( b'\x02eYj', self.serialize_bytes(self.lang_pack), self.serialize_bytes(self.lang_code), )) @classmethod def from_reader(cls, reader): _lang_pack = reader.tgread_string() _lang_code = reader.tgread_string() return cls(lang_pack=_lang_pack, lang_code=_lang_code) class GetLanguagesRequest(TLRequest): CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0x42c6978f SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0x280912c9 def __init__(self, lang_pack: str): """ :returns Vector<LangPackLanguage>: This type has no constructors. """ self.lang_pack = lang_pack def to_dict(self): return { '_': 'GetLanguagesRequest', 'lang_pack': self.lang_pack } def _bytes(self): return b''.join(( b'\x8f\x97\xc6B', self.serialize_bytes(self.lang_pack), )) @classmethod def from_reader(cls, reader): _lang_pack = reader.tgread_string() return cls(lang_pack=_lang_pack) class GetStringsRequest(TLRequest): CONSTRUCTOR_ID = 0xefea3803 SUBCLASS_OF_ID = 0xc7b7353d def __init__(self, lang_pack: str, lang_code: str, keys: List[str]): """ :returns Vector<LangPackString>: This type has no constructors. """ self.lang_pack = lang_pack self.lang_code = lang_code self.keys = keys def to_dict(self): return { '_': 'GetStringsRequest', 'lang_pack': self.lang_pack, 'lang_code': self.lang_code, 'keys': [] if self.keys is None else self.keys[:] } def _bytes(self): return b''.join(( b'\x038\xea\xef', self.serialize_bytes(self.lang_pack), self.serialize_bytes(self.lang_code), b'\x15\xc4\xb5\x1c',struct.pack('<i', len(self.keys)),b''.join(self.serialize_bytes(x) for x in self.keys), )) @classmethod def from_reader(cls, reader): _lang_pack = reader.tgread_string() _lang_code = reader.tgread_string() reader.read_int() _keys = [] for _ in range(reader.read_int()): _x = reader.tgread_string() _keys.append(_x) return cls(lang_pack=_lang_pack, lang_code=_lang_code, keys=_keys)
from Trees.BinaryTree import BinaryTree, Node class Heap(BinaryTree): ''' FIXME: Heap is currently not a subclass of BinaryTree. You should make the necessary changes in the class declaration line above and in the constructor below. ''' def __init__(self, xs=None): ''' FIXME: If xs is a list (i.e. xs is not None), then each element of xs needs to be inserted into the Heap. ''' self.root = None if xs: self.insert_list(xs) def __repr__(self): ''' Notice that in the BinaryTree class, we defined a __str__ function, but not a __repr__ function. Recall that the __repr__ function should return a string that can be used to recreate a valid instance of the class. Thus, if you create a variable using the command Heap([1,2,3]) it's __repr__ will return "Heap([1,2,3])" For the Heap, type(self).__name__ will be the string "Heap", but for the AVLTree, this expression will be "AVLTree". Using this expression ensures that all subclasses of Heap will have a correct implementation of __repr__, and that they won't have to reimplement it. ''' return type(self).__name__+'('+str(self.to_list('inorder'))+')' def is_heap_satisfied(self): ''' Whenever you implement a data structure, the first thing to do is to implement a function that checks whether the structure obeys all of its laws. This makes it possible to automatically test whether insert/delete functions are actually working. ''' if self.root: return Heap._is_heap_satisfied(self.root) return True @staticmethod def _is_heap_satisfied(node): ''' FIXME: Implement this method. The lecture videos have the exact code you need, except that their method is an instance method when it should have been a static method. ''' if node is None or (node.left is None and node.right is None): return True elif node.right is None: return node.value <= node.left.value elif node.value <= node.left.value and node.value <= node.right.value: return Heap._is_heap_satisfied(node.left) and Heap._is_heap_satisfied(node.right) else: return False def insert(self, value): ''' Inserts value into the heap. ''' if self.root is None: self.root = Node(value) self.root.descendents = 1 else: Heap._insert(value, self.root) @staticmethod def _insert(value, node): ''' FIXME: Implement this function. ''' Heap._helpinsert(value, node) @staticmethod def size(node): if node is None: return 0 stack=[] stack.append(node) size=1 while stack: node=stack.pop() if node.left: size+=1 stack.append(node.left) if node.right: size+=1 stack.append(node.right) return size @staticmethod def _helpinsert(value, node): ''' FIXME: Implement this function. ''' if node.left is None: new_node = Node(value) node.left = new_node elif node.right is None: new_node = Node(value) node.right = new_node else: left = Heap.size(node.left) right = Heap.size(node.right) new_node = node.left if left <= right else node.right new_node = Heap._helpinsert(value, new_node) if new_node.value < node.value: tmp = new_node.value new_node.value = node.value node.value = tmp return node def insert_list(self, xs): ''' Given a list xs, insert each element of xs into self. FIXME: Implement this function. ''' for x in xs: self.insert(x) def find_smallest(self): ''' Returns the smallest value in the tree. FIXME: Implement this function. This function is not implemented in the lecture notes, but if you understand the structure of a Heap it should be easy to implement. HINT: Create a recursive staticmethod helper function, similar to how the insert and find functions have recursive helpers. ''' if Heap.is_heap_satisfied(self): return self.root.value @staticmethod def _find_smallest(node): if node is None: return else: return node.value def remove_min(self): ''' Removes the minimum value from the Heap. If the heap is empty, it does nothing. FIXME: Implement this function. ''' if self.root is None or (self.root.left is None and self.root.right is None): self.root = None return self.root else: return Heap._remove(self.root) @staticmethod def _min(node): if node.right is None and node.left is None: val = node.value return val elif node.right is None: val = node.left.value return val else: left = Heap.size(node.left) right = Heap.size(node.right) if left > right: return Heap._min(node.left) else: return Heap._min(node.right) @staticmethod def _other(node): if node.left is None or node.right is None: pass elif node.left.value == "other method": node.left = None elif node.right.value == "other method": node.right = None else: left = Heap.size(node.left) right = Heap.size(node.right) if left > right: return Heap._other(node.left) else: return Heap._other(node.right) @staticmethod def _find_min(node): if node.right is None and node.left is None: node.value = "other method" return node elif node.right is None: node.left = None return node else: left = Heap.size(node.left) right = Heap.size(node.right) if left > right: return Heap._find_min(node.left) else: return Heap._find_min(node.right) @staticmethod def _remove(node): val = Heap._min(node) Heap._find_min(node) node.value = val Heap._other(node) Heap._search(node.value, node) return node @staticmethod def _search(value, node): if Heap._is_heap_satisfied(node): return else: if node.right is None and node.left is None: return node elif node.right is None: if node.value <= node.left.value: return node else: tmp_node = node.value node.value = node.left.value node.left.value = tmp_node else: if node.left.value < node.right.value: tmp_node = node.value node.value = node.left.value node.left.value = tmp_node return Heap._search(value, node.left) else: tmp_node = node.value node.value = node.right.value node.right.value = tmp_node return Heap._search(value, node.right)
from __future__ import absolute_import __author__ = "Carlos Martin <[email protected]>" __license__ = "See LICENSE file for details" # Import here any required modules. from itertools import ifilter __all__ = ['PySideReconnectionStrategy', 'PySideConnection'] # Pyside requirements from PySide.QtCore import QObject, QSocketNotifier, QCoreApplication, QTimer from PySide.QtNetwork import QNetworkConfigurationManager, QNetworkSession # Project requirements from sleipnir.core.decorators import cached #Pika requirements from pika.reconnection_strategies import ReconnectionStrategy from pika.adapters.base_connection import BaseConnection, READ, WRITE class PySideReconnectionStrategy(ReconnectionStrategy): can_reconnect = True def __init__(self): self.manager = QNetworkConfigurationManager() self.session = self._session() self.manager.onlineStateChanged.connect(self._connect) def _session(self): return QNetworkSession(self.manager.defaultConfiguration()) def _connect(self, is_connected): if is_connected is False: # create a new session self.session = self._session() # start session if required caps = self.manager.capabilities() if caps & QNetworkConfigurationManager.CanStartAndStopInterfaces: self.session.waitForOpened(-1) def on_connect_attempt(self, conn): self._connect(self.manager.isOnline()) def on_connection_open(self, conn): caps = self.manager.capabilities() if caps & QNetworkConfigurationManager.ForcedRoaming: reconnect = conn.force_reconnect self.session.newConfigurationActivated.connect(reconnect) def on_connection_closed(self, conn): conn._reconnect() if not self.is_active else None class PySideTimer(object): def __init__(self, container, callback, single_shot): self.callback = callback self.single_shot = single_shot self.first_run = False def register(self, pool, deadline): timeout_id = pool.startTimer(deadline) pool.timers[timeout_id] = self return timeout_id def unregister(self, pool, timeout_id): pool.killTimer(timeout_id) del pool[timeout_id] def __call__(self, pool, timeout_id): self.callback() if self.single_shot: self.unregister(pool, timeout_id) class PySideConnectionPoller(QObject): def __init__(self, connection): # Set container self.parent = connection def __iter__(self): return iter((self.reader, self.writer,)) def _connect(self, notifier_type, callback): notifier = QSocketNotifier(self.parent.fileno, notifier_type) notifier.activated.connect(callback) notifier.setEnabled(False) return notifier def _read(self, _): self.parent._handle_read() self.parent._manage_event_state() def _write(self, _): self.parent._handle_write() self.parent._manage_event_state() def _error(self, _): self.parent._handle_disconnect() def poll(self): # Create Notifiers self.reader = self._connect(QSocketNotifier.Read, self._read) self.writer = self._connect(QSocketNotifier.Write, self._write) # Create Error watcher self.errors = self._connect(QSocketNotifier.Exception, self._error) self.errors.setEnabled(True) # update handlers self.parent.ioloop.update_handler(None, self.parent.event_state) def unpoll(self): self.reader = self.writer = self.errors = None class PySideConnection(BaseConnection): def __iter__(self): return iter(self.notifiers) def _adapter_connect(self): # Connect (blockignly!) to the server BaseConnection._adapter_connect(self) self.event_state |= WRITE # Setup the IOLoop self.ioloop = IOLoop(self.notifiers) # Let everyone know we're connected self._on_connected() def _flush_outbound(self): self._manage_event_state() @property def fileno(self): return self.socket.fileno() @property @cached def notifiers(self): return PySideConnectionPoller(self) class IOLoop(QObject): def __init__(self, poller): self.poller = poller self.timers = {} def timerEvent(self, event): self.timers[event.timerId()](self, timeout_id) def add_timeout(self, deadline, callback, oneshot=False): deadline = deadline - time.time() return PySideTimer(self, callback, oneshot).register(self, deadline) def add_soft_timeout(self, min_time, max_time, callback, oneshot=False): raise NotImplementedError def remove_timeout(self, handler): self.timers[timeout_id].unregister(self, handler) def stop(self): [timer.unregister(self, key) for key, timer in self.timers] QTimer.singleShot(0, self.poller.unpoll) self.exec_ and QCoreApplication.instance().quit() def start(self, exec_=True): self.exec_ = exec_ QTimer.singleShot(0, self.poller.poll) self.exec_ and QCoreApplication.instance().exec_() def remove_handler(self, fdn=None): [notifier.setEnabled(False) for notifier in self.poller] def update_handler(self, fdn, event_state): self.remove_handler() # update notifiers state if event_state & READ: self.poller.reader.setEnabled(True) if event_state & WRITE: self.poller.writer.setEnabled(True)
import numpy as np from itertools import combinations, product import re from snapper.src.seq_processing import gen_variants, letter_codes_rev, letter_anticodes from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency, mode from tqdm import tqdm from multiprocessing import Process, Manager regular_letters = ['A','G','C','T'] non_regular_letters = ['M', 'R', 'W', 'S', 'Y','K', 'V', 'H', 'D','B'] def filter_pos_variants_l3(pos_variants): filtered_pos_variants = [] for pos_variant in pos_variants: _p = sorted(pos_variant) if _p[-1] - _p[0] >= 6: continue if tuple(pos_variant) not in filtered_pos_variants: filtered_pos_variants.append(tuple(_p)) return filtered_pos_variants def filter_pos_variants(pos_variants): # custom filtering for pos_variants with length of 3 if len(pos_variants[0]) == 3: return filter_pos_variants_l3(pos_variants) filtered_pos_variants = [] for pos_variant in pos_variants: _p = sorted(pos_variant) if _p[-1] - _p[0] >= 6: continue filtered_pos_variants.append(_p) _2_filtered_pos_variants = [] for pos_variant in filtered_pos_variants: #for i in range(1, len(pos_variant) - 1): # if (pos_variant[i] - pos_variant[i-1] > 1) and (pos_variant[i+1] - pos_variant[i] > 1): # continue # if tuple(pos_variant) in _2_filtered_pos_variants: continue #if pos_variant[1] - pos_variant[0] > 1 or pos_variant[-1] - pos_variant[-2] > 1: # continue _2_filtered_pos_variants.append(tuple(pos_variant)) return _2_filtered_pos_variants def filter_motifs(motif_variants): filtered_motifs = [] for motif in motif_variants: if 'C' not in motif and 'A' not in motif: continue filtered_motifs.append(motif) return filtered_motifs def extract_template_subset(pos_variant, motif_variant, seq_array): subseq = seq_array for i in range(len(pos_variant)): if motif_variant[i] == '.': continue subseq = subseq[subseq[:,pos_variant[i]] == motif_variant[i]] return subseq def extract_template_count(pos_variant, motif_variant, seq_array): subseq = seq_array for i in range(len(pos_variant)): subseq = subseq[subseq[:,pos_variant[i]] == motif_variant[i]] return len(subseq) def gen_regexp_template(motif_variant, pos_variant, length=6): template = ['.',]*length base_pos = pos_variant[0] for i, pos in enumerate(pos_variant): template[pos-base_pos] = motif_variant[i] return ''.join(template) def normalized_variation(array): return np.std(array)/np.mean(array) def local_filter_seqs(seqs, pos_variant, motif_variant): new_seqs = [] template = ''.join(motif_variant) template = template.replace('.', 'N') template_subvariants = gen_variants(template) for s in seqs: str_vec = ''.join([s[i] for i in pos_variant]) if str_vec in template_subvariants: continue new_seqs.append(s) return new_seqs def modify_seq(seq, pos, target_letter): newseq = list(seq) newseq[pos] = target_letter return ''.join(newseq) def generate_reference_freqs_parallel(seq_array, batch, dict_per_length): for pos_variant, motif_variant in batch: variant_count = extract_template_count(pos_variant, motif_variant, seq_array) dict_per_length[(motif_variant, pos_variant)] = variant_count def generate_reference_freqs(reference, length, threads, lengths=(4,5,6)): variants_counter = {} seqs = list(set([ reference[i:i+length] for i in range(len(reference) - length) ])) seq_array = np.array([list(s) for s in seqs]) print(len(seq_array)) for LENGTH in lengths: print('Reference indexing with length of {}...'.format(LENGTH)) manager = Manager() dict_per_length = manager.dict() pos_variants = list(combinations(range(0,length), r=LENGTH)) pos_variants = filter_pos_variants(pos_variants) motif_variants = list(product(regular_letters, repeat=LENGTH)) motif_variants = filter_motifs(motif_variants) batch_len = len(pos_variants)*len(motif_variants)//threads processes = [] #all processes for i in range(threads+1): try: batch = list(product(pos_variants, motif_variants))[(i)*batch_len:(i+1)*batch_len] except IndexError: batch = list(product(pos_variants, motif_variants))[(i)*batch_len:] p = Process(target=generate_reference_freqs_parallel, args = (seq_array, batch, dict_per_length,)) processes.append(p) p.start() #join processes [p.join() for p in processes] variants_counter[LENGTH] = dict(dict_per_length) return variants_counter, len(seq_array) def add_N(motif): if motif[0] != 'N': motif = 'N' + motif if motif[-1] != 'N': motif += 'N' return motif def is_superset(motif1, motif2, edgelength=2): motif1 = add_N(motif1) motif2 = add_N(motif2) if len(motif2) <= len(motif1): extended_motif1 = motif1 else: extended_motif1 = 'N' * edgelength + motif1 + 'N' * edgelength motif1_variants = gen_variants(extended_motif1) motif2_variatns = gen_variants(motif2) global_match = True for variant2 in motif2_variatns: match = False for variant1 in motif1_variants: if variant2 in variant1: match = True break if match == False: global_match = False break return global_match def get_alternate_variants(motif_variant, lenmotif=11, range_of_filtering=5): seq_variant, pos_variant = motif_variant[1], motif_variant[2] while seq_variant[0] == 'N': seq_variant = seq_variant[1:] pos_variant = pos_variant[1:] while seq_variant[-1] == 'N': seq_variant = seq_variant[:-1] pos_variant = pos_variant[:-1] alternate_variants = [] for i in range( max(0, pos_variant[0] - range_of_filtering), min(lenmotif, pos_variant[-1] + range_of_filtering) ): shift = i - pos_variant[0] pos_alternate = tuple(j+shift for j in pos_variant) if pos_alternate[-1] >= lenmotif: break alternate_variants.append((motif_variant[0], seq_variant, pos_alternate)) return alternate_variants def is_subset(motif1, motif2, edgelength=2): return is_superset(motif2, motif1, edgelength=edgelength) def variant_counts_parallel(seq_array, ref_motifs_counter, N_REF, batch, LENGTH, total_variants_counter_list): variants_counter_list = [] N_VARIANT = len(seq_array) for pos_variant, motif_variant in batch: try: reference_count = ref_motifs_counter[LENGTH][(motif_variant, pos_variant)] except KeyError: variants_counter_list.append((0, motif_variant, pos_variant)) else: variant_count = extract_template_count(pos_variant, motif_variant, seq_array) if variant_count == 0 and reference_count == 0: variants_counter_list.append((0, motif_variant, pos_variant)) else: chi2_result = chi2_contingency( [ [variant_count, N_VARIANT-variant_count], [reference_count, N_REF-reference_count], ] ) # chi2_log_pval = -np.log10(chi2_result[1]) chi2_statistic = chi2_result[0] variants_counter_list.append((chi2_statistic, motif_variant, pos_variant)) total_variants_counter_list+=variants_counter_list def collect_variant_counts(seq_array, ref_motifs_counter, N_REF, threads, lengths=(4,5,6), lenmotif=11): merged_variants_counter_list = [] for LENGTH in lengths: print('\tOBSERVING ANCHOR MOTIFS WITH LENGTH OF', LENGTH) pos_variants = list(combinations(range(0,lenmotif), r=LENGTH)) pos_variants = filter_pos_variants(pos_variants) motif_variants = list(product(regular_letters, repeat=LENGTH)) motif_variants = filter_motifs(motif_variants) #create batch batch_len = len(pos_variants)*len(motif_variants)//threads total_variants_counter_list = Manager().list() #for all outputs processes = [] #all processes args_list = list(product(pos_variants, motif_variants)) for i in range(threads+1): try: batch = args_list[i*batch_len:(i+1)*batch_len] except IndexError: batch = args_list[i*batch_len:] p = Process(target=variant_counts_parallel, args = (seq_array, ref_motifs_counter, N_REF, batch, LENGTH, total_variants_counter_list)) processes.append(p) p.start() [p.join() for p in processes] merged_variants_counter_list+=list(total_variants_counter_list) # add to merged_variants_counter_list.sort(reverse=True) return merged_variants_counter_list def get_significant_letters(sub_seq_array, top_variant, pos, reference, threshold_ratio): print('\tLocal motif adjustment...') reference_letter_freqs = {'A':0, 'G':0, 'T':0, 'C':0} variant_subset_letter_freqs = {'A':0, 'G':0, 'T':0, 'C':0} ref_vs_variant_ratios = {'A':0, 'G':0, 'T':0, 'C':0} variant_length = (top_variant[2][-1] - top_variant[2][0] + 1) re_variant = gen_regexp_template(top_variant[1], top_variant[2], length=variant_length) pos_letters = sub_seq_array[:,pos] for letter in reference_letter_freqs: re_variant_mod = modify_seq(re_variant, pos-top_variant[2][0], letter) ref_letter_count = len(re.findall(re_variant_mod, reference)) variant_subset_letter_count = len(pos_letters[pos_letters == letter]) reference_letter_freqs[letter] += ref_letter_count variant_subset_letter_freqs[letter] += variant_subset_letter_count list_variant_letter_freqs = [ (variant_subset_letter_freqs[k], k) for k in variant_subset_letter_freqs ] list_variant_letter_freqs.sort(reverse=True) # consider the first letter to be presented apriori the_first_letter = list_variant_letter_freqs[0][1] ref_vs_variant_ratios[the_first_letter] = 1 significant_letters = set([the_first_letter]) for record in list_variant_letter_freqs[1:]: try: ref_letter_ratio = reference_letter_freqs[the_first_letter]/reference_letter_freqs[record[1]] except ZeroDivisionError: ref_letter_ratio = np.inf try: variant_subset_letter_ratio = variant_subset_letter_freqs[the_first_letter]/variant_subset_letter_freqs[record[1]] except ZeroDivisionError: variant_subset_letter_ratio = np.inf ref_vs_variant_ratio = variant_subset_letter_ratio/ref_letter_ratio ref_vs_variant_ratios[record[1]] = round(ref_vs_variant_ratio, 4) if ref_vs_variant_ratio > threshold_ratio: break significant_letters.add(record[1]) return tuple(sorted(list(significant_letters))) def adjust_letter(seq_array, top_variant, pos, reference, threshold_ratio=5): sub_seq_array = extract_template_subset(top_variant[2], top_variant[1], seq_array) pos_letters = get_significant_letters(sub_seq_array, top_variant, pos, reference, threshold_ratio=threshold_ratio) return letter_codes_rev[pos_letters] def change_subset_motif(supermotif, submotif, edgelength=2): extended_supermotif = 'N'*edgelength + ''.join(supermotif[1]) + 'N'*edgelength super_variants = gen_variants(extended_supermotif) sub_variants = gen_variants(''.join(submotif[1])) shifts = [] for subvariant in sub_variants: for supervariant in super_variants: if subvariant in supervariant: shift = edgelength - supervariant.find(subvariant) shifts.append(shift) shift = mode(shifts).mode[0] left_pos = max(0, submotif[2][0] + shift) right_pos = min(11, submotif[2][0] + shift + len(supermotif[2])) # check left edge case if shift < 0: adjusted_subvariant = ( submotif[0], supermotif[1][-shift:], tuple(range(submotif[2][0], submotif[2][0] + len(supermotif[1][-shift:]))) ) # check rigth edge case elif submotif[1][-1] in regular_letters and submotif[2][-1] == 10 and supermotif[1][-1] == 'N': adjusted_subvariant = ( submotif[0], supermotif[1][:-1], tuple(range(left_pos, 11)) ) # common case else: adjusted_subvariant = ( submotif[0], supermotif[1], tuple(range(left_pos, right_pos)) ) # just a patch, must be formalized!! if len(adjusted_subvariant[1]) != len(adjusted_subvariant[2]): adjusted_subvariant = [ submotif[0], supermotif[1], tuple(range(left_pos, left_pos + len(supermotif[1]))) ] while adjusted_subvariant[2][-1] > 10: adjusted_subvariant[1] = adjusted_subvariant[1][:-1] adjusted_subvariant[2] = adjusted_subvariant[2][:-1] return tuple(adjusted_subvariant) def extend_template(top_variant, maxlength=11): extended_top_variant = [ top_variant[0], list(top_variant[1]), list(top_variant[2])] if top_variant[2][0] != 0: extended_top_variant[2] = [extended_top_variant[2][0] - 1] + extended_top_variant[2] extended_top_variant[1] = ['.'] + extended_top_variant[1] if top_variant[2][-1] != maxlength-1: extended_top_variant[2] = extended_top_variant[2] + [extended_top_variant[2][-1] + 1] extended_top_variant[1] = extended_top_variant[1] + ['.'] variant_length = (extended_top_variant[2][-1] - extended_top_variant[2][0] + 1) re_variant = gen_regexp_template(extended_top_variant[1], extended_top_variant[2], length=variant_length) extended_top_variant = ( top_variant[0], tuple(re_variant), list(range(extended_top_variant[2][0], extended_top_variant[2][-1] + 1)) ) return extended_top_variant def save_results (motifs, out_fasta): with open(out_fasta, 'w') as f: cnt = 1 for m in motifs: f.write('>MOTIF_{} conflevel={}\n{}\n'.format(cnt, m[0], ''.join(m[1]))) cnt += 1 def save_k_mers (motifs, out_fasta): with open(out_fasta, 'w') as f: cnt = 1 for m in motifs: f.write('>MOTIF_{}\n{}\n'.format(cnt, m)) cnt += 1
from copy import deepcopy from typing import Dict from typing import List from typing import Optional from typing import Tuple from typing import Type import numpy as np import pandas as pd from ruptures.base import BaseEstimator from ruptures.costs import CostLinear from sklearn.base import RegressorMixin from etna.transforms.base import PerSegmentWrapper from etna.transforms.base import Transform TTimestampInterval = Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp] TDetrendModel = Type[RegressorMixin] class _OneSegmentChangePointsTrendTransform(Transform): """_OneSegmentChangePointsTransform subtracts multiple linear trend from series.""" def __init__( self, in_column: str, change_point_model: BaseEstimator, detrend_model: TDetrendModel, **change_point_model_predict_params, ): """Init _OneSegmentChangePointsTrendTransform. Parameters ---------- in_column: name of column to apply transform to change_point_model: model to get trend change points detrend_model: model to get trend in data change_point_model_predict_params: params for change_point_model predict method """ self.in_column = in_column self.out_columns = in_column self.change_point_model = change_point_model self.detrend_model = detrend_model self.per_interval_models: Optional[Dict[TTimestampInterval, TDetrendModel]] = None self.intervals: Optional[List[TTimestampInterval]] = None self.change_point_model_predict_params = change_point_model_predict_params def _prepare_signal(self, series: pd.Series) -> np.array: """Prepare series for change point model.""" signal = series.to_numpy() if isinstance(self.change_point_model.cost, CostLinear): signal = signal.reshape((-1, 1)) return signal def _get_change_points(self, series: pd.Series) -> List[pd.Timestamp]: """Fit change point model with series data and predict trends change points.""" signal = self._prepare_signal(series=series) timestamp = series.index # last point in change points is the first index after the series change_points_indices = self.change_point_model.predict(**self.change_point_model_predict_params)[:-1] change_points = [timestamp[idx] for idx in change_points_indices] return change_points @staticmethod def _build_trend_intervals(change_points: List[pd.Timestamp]) -> List[TTimestampInterval]: """Create list of stable trend intervals from list of change points.""" change_points = sorted(change_points) left_border = pd.Timestamp.min intervals = [] for point in change_points: right_border = point intervals.append((left_border, right_border)) left_border = right_border intervals.append((left_border, pd.Timestamp.max)) return intervals def _init_detrend_models( self, intervals: List[TTimestampInterval] ) -> Dict[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp], TDetrendModel]: """Create copy of detrend model for each timestamp interval.""" per_interval_models = {interval: deepcopy(self.detrend_model) for interval in intervals} return per_interval_models def _get_timestamps(self, series: pd.Series) -> np.ndarray: """Convert ETNA timestamp-index to a list of timestamps to fit regression models.""" timestamps = series.index timestamps = np.array([[ts.timestamp()] for ts in timestamps]) return timestamps def _fit_per_interval_model(self, series: pd.Series): """Fit per-interval models with corresponding data from series.""" for interval in self.intervals: tmp_series = series[interval[0] : interval[1]] x = self._get_timestamps(series=tmp_series) y = tmp_series.values self.per_interval_models[interval].fit(x, y) def _predict_per_interval_model(self, series: pd.Series) -> pd.Series: """Apply per-interval detrending to series.""" trend_series = pd.Series(index=series.index) for interval in self.intervals: tmp_series = series[interval[0] : interval[1]] if tmp_series.empty: continue x = self._get_timestamps(series=tmp_series) trend = self.per_interval_models[interval].predict(x) trend_series[tmp_series.index] = trend return trend_series def fit(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> "_OneSegmentChangePointsTrendTransform": """Fit OneSegmentChangePointsTransform: find trend change points in df, fit detrend models with data from intervals of stable trend. Parameters ---------- df: one segment dataframe indexed with timestamp Returns ------- self """ series = df.loc[df[self.in_column].first_valid_index() :, self.in_column] change_points = self._get_change_points(series=series) self.intervals = self._build_trend_intervals(change_points=change_points) self.per_interval_models = self._init_detrend_models(intervals=self.intervals) self._fit_per_interval_model(series=series) return self def transform(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Split df to intervals of stable trend and subtract trend from each one. Parameters ---------- df: one segment dataframe to subtract trend Returns ------- detrended df: pd.DataFrame df with detrended in_column series """ df._is_copy = False series = df.loc[df[self.in_column].first_valid_index() :, self.in_column] trend_series = self._predict_per_interval_model(series=series) df.loc[:, self.in_column] -= trend_series return df def inverse_transform(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Split df to intervals of stable trend according to previous change point detection and add trend to each one. Parameters ---------- df: one segment dataframe to turn trend back Returns ------- df: pd.DataFrame df with restored trend in in_column """ df._is_copy = False series = df.loc[df[self.in_column].first_valid_index() :, self.in_column] trend_series = self._predict_per_interval_model(series=series) df.loc[:, self.in_column] += trend_series return df class ChangePointsTrendTransform(PerSegmentWrapper): """ChangePointsTrendTransform subtracts multiple linear trend from series.""" def __init__( self, in_column: str, change_point_model: BaseEstimator, detrend_model: TDetrendModel, **change_point_model_predict_params, ): """Init ChangePointsTrendTransform. Parameters ---------- in_column: name of column to apply transform to change_point_model: model to get trend change points detrend_model: model to get trend in data change_point_model_predict_params: params for change_point_model predict method """ self.in_column = in_column self.change_point_model = change_point_model self.detrend_model = detrend_model self.change_point_model_predict_params = change_point_model_predict_params super().__init__( transform=_OneSegmentChangePointsTrendTransform( in_column=self.in_column, change_point_model=self.change_point_model, detrend_model=self.detrend_model, **self.change_point_model_predict_params, ) )
================= MyClickUp ================= 2022/january/1 - Jose Cordeiro The MyClickUp class allows you to encapsulate the integration with the ClickUp API. To connect: myClickUp = MyClickUp(token="18942493_f3779a347ec29bbd3f5e9d9c9e151bfc63462695") **getTeam()**: Returns a dict with the data of users registered in ClickUp. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. team = myClickUp.getTeam() **getSpace(spaceId)**: Returns a dict with data from a Space. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. space = myClickUp.getSpace(spaceId="1236") **getSpaceFolders(spaceId)**: Returns a list with the Folders of a Space. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. folders = myClickUp.getSpaceFolders(spaceId="1236") **getFolder(folderId)**: Returns a dict with data from a Folder. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. folder = myClickUp.getFolder(folderId="1236") **getFolderByName(folderName, spaceId)**: Returns a list with the Folders of a Space. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. folder = myClickUp.getFolderByName(folderName="Folder ABC", spaceId="1236") **getFolderLists(folderId)**: Returns a list with the Lists of a Folder. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. lists = myClickUp.getFolderLists(folderId="1236") **getList(listId)**: Returns a dict with data from a List. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. task = myClickUp.getList(listId="1236") **getListsByName(listName, folderId)**: Returns a dict with data from a List. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. task = myClickUp.getList(listName="List A", folderId="1236") **getListTasks(listId)**: Returns a list with the Tasks of a List. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. tasks = myClickUp.getListTasks(listId="1236") **getTask(taskId, flagSubtasks)**: Returns a dict with data from a Task. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. task = myClickUp.getTasksByName(taskId="1236", flagSubtasks=True) **getTasksByName(taskName, listId)**: Returns a dict with data from a Task. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. field = myClickUp.getTasksByName(taskName="Test", listId="1236") **getListCustomFields(listId)**: Returns a list with the Custom Fields of a List. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. fields = myClickUp.getListCustomFields(listId="1236") **getListCustomFieldByName(listId, fieldName)**: Returns a dict with the details of a Custom Fields of a List. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. field = myClickUp.getListCustomFieldByName(listId="1236", fieldName="CATEGORY") **getCustomFieldOption(listId, fieldName, optionName)**: Returns a list with the options of a Custom Fields of a List. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. options = myClickUp.getCustomFieldOption(listId="1236", fieldName="CATEGORY", optionName="abc") **getUser(userId)**: Returns a dict with a Users's data. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. user = myClickUp.getUser(userId=1236) **createFolder(folderJson, spaceId)**: Creates a Folder in a given Space, the Folder details are specified in the dict "folderJson", according to the ClickUp API . See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. **createList(listJson, folderId)**: Creates a List in a given Folder, the List details are specified in the dict "listJson", according to the ClickUp API. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. myList = { "name": "BLA BLA BLA", "content": "BLA BLA BLA", "due_date": 1567780450202, "due_date_time": False, "priority": 1, "assignee": 183, "status": "red" } resp = myClickUp.createList(listJson=myList, folderId="115031109") **createTask(taskJson, listId, parentTaskId)**: Creates a Task in a given Folder, the Task details are specified in the dict "taskJson", according to the ClickUp API. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. task = { "name": activityName, "description": descr, "assignees": [3247672, 18904985], "status": "To do", "priority": 3, # normal "due_date": dueDate, "due_date_time": False, "time_estimate": timeEstimate, "start_date": None, "start_date_time": False, "notify_all": True, "links_to": None } newTask = myClickUp.createTask(taskJson=task, listId=listId) **updateFolder(folderJson, folderId)**: Updates the Folder properties, the Folder details are specified in the dict "folderJson", according to the ClickUp API. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. **updateList(listJson, listId)**: Updates the List properties, the List details are specified in the dict "listJson", according to the ClickUp API. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. **updateTask(taskJson, taskId)**: Updates the Task properties, the Task details are specified in the dict "taskJson", according to the ClickUp API. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. **deleteFolder(folderId)**: Delete a Folder. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. myClickUp.deleteFolder(folderId="1249") **deleteList(listId)**: Delete a List. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. myClickUp.deleteList(listId="1249") **deleteTask(taskId)**: Delete a Task. See ClickUp API documentation for details of the structure of this data. myClickUp.deleteTask(taskId="1249")
Search - 搜索 ------------- 知乎的搜索功能通过 :any:`` 方法提供。 目前知乎提供了 6 个搜索方式, :any:`SearchType` 枚举常量表示这六种方式,作为参数传递给 :any:`` 方法。 方式与枚举常量对应关系如下: .. automodule:: :members: SearchType 搜索的常见用法: .. code-block:: Python'程序', SearchType.COLUMN)'7sDream', SearchType.PEOPLE) 除了 ``SearchType.GENERAL`` 方式,其他方式的搜索都会返回 :any:`SearchResult` 对象的迭代器。 可用属性如下: .. autoclass:: :members: :undoc-members: :special-members: __init__ 所以一般这样用: .. code-block:: Python for result in'程序', SearchType.COLUMN): column = result.obj print(column.title, # do something with `column` 结果: :: 程序员实验室 Wayne Shi 程序员达达 达达 程序人生 hi大头鬼hi 程序员的自我修养 luckystar 反转程序猿 大房 程序员作战手册 Jim Jin 红客联盟 小食妹 非著名程序员 loonggg 其他类型的搜索的用法也类似,就不赘述了。 而 ``SearchType.GENERAL`` 方式的搜索也是迭代器,但可能返回 :any:`SearchResult` 和 :any:`SearchResultSection` 对象。 :any:`SearchResultSection` 对象除了自身有一些属性(见下)之外,本身也是个 :any:`SearchResult` 的迭代器: .. autoclass:: :members: :special-members: __init__ 这样用起来就有点麻烦,你得判断迭代器返回的是那种对象,大概就要这样写: .. code-block:: Python for result in"panda", search_type=SearchType.GENERAL): if isinstance(result, SearchResultSection): print(result.type, "search result list:") for r in result: # do something with r print(r.obj) else: # result is SearchResult object r = result # do something with r print(r.highlight_title, r.highlight_desc) print(r.obj) print('-' * 20) 结果如下: :: topic search result list: <zhihu_oauth.zhcls.topic.Topic object at 0x7f19e9c1ce48> -------------------- column search result list: <zhihu_oauth.zhcls.column.Column object at 0x7f19e9c1ce48> -------------------- people search result list: <zhihu_oauth.zhcls.people.People object at 0x7f19e9c1ce48> <zhihu_oauth.zhcls.people.People object at 0x7f19e9c1ceb8> <zhihu_oauth.zhcls.people.People object at 0x7f19e9c1ce80> -------------------- 你有哪些收藏来反复看的<em>大熊猫</em>(<em>panda</em>)的图片? <em>熊猫</em><em>panda</em>的尾巴是白色的白色的白色的,重说三,看到好多<em>熊猫</em>玩偶都把<em>熊猫</em>尾巴做成黑色的,就连功夫<em>熊猫</em>里阿宝的尾巴都是黑色的,我觉得有必要科普一下哦,对了,图片来自ipanda, <zhihu_oauth.zhcls.answer.Answer object at 0x7f19e9c1cef0> -------------------- 如何评价<em>熊猫</em>tv狼人杀新节目<em>panda</em>kill? 10月22日局更新.就第一集而言个人分析仅供参考.首先十二位玩家一一点评.1号鼠大王:比上一季进步了,当民的时候站边,发言都阳光了很多,没有被抗推就是不错的进步,但是当狼的时候依然会紧张状态不稳,第三 <zhihu_oauth.zhcls.answer.Answer object at 0x7f19e9c1cef0> -------------------- # ... 未完 ... 由于这样写不是很方便,所以提供了 :any:`ZhihuClient.search_unfold` 方法,他会自动将 :any:`SearchResultSection` 展开,生成 :any:`SearchResult` 型的对象,用法: .. code-block:: Python for result in client.search_unfold("panda"): # result is SearchResult object r = result print(r.highlight_title, r.highlight_desc) print(r.obj) print('-' * 20) 结果: :: <zhihu_oauth.zhcls.topic.Topic object at 0x7f6ffa42bf60> -------------------- 我吃掉了一辆奔驰 <zhihu_oauth.zhcls.column.Column object at 0x7f6ffa42bf60> -------------------- <zhihu_oauth.zhcls.people.People object at 0x7f6ffa42bf60> -------------------- <zhihu_oauth.zhcls.people.People object at 0x7f6ffa42bf60> -------------------- <zhihu_oauth.zhcls.people.People object at 0x7f6ffa42bf60> -------------------- 你有哪些收藏来反复看的<em>大熊猫</em>(<em>panda</em>)的图片? <em>熊猫</em><em>panda</em>的尾巴是白色的白色的白色的,重说三,看到好多<em>熊猫</em>玩偶都把<em>熊猫</em>尾巴做成黑色的,就连功夫<em>熊猫</em>里阿宝的尾巴都是黑色的,我觉得有必要科普一下哦,对了,图片来自ipanda, <zhihu_oauth.zhcls.answer.Answer object at 0x7f6ffa42bf60> -------------------- 如何评价<em>熊猫</em>tv狼人杀新节目<em>panda</em>kill? 10月22日局更新.就第一集而言个人分析仅供参考.首先十二位玩家一一点评.1号鼠大王:比上一季进步了,当民的时候站边,发言都阳光了很多,没有被抗推就是不错的进步,但是当狼的时候依然会紧张状态不稳,第三 <zhihu_oauth.zhcls.answer.Answer object at 0x7f6ffa42bef0> -------------------- 如何评价11.5 <em>panda</em>kill 各位的表现? 其实这一期我感觉没有分析的必要,因为这一期总体上就是上一集坏现象进一步恶化后形成的的&quot;进阶版大乱斗&quot;,重复的话我觉得没必要再说了,这里随手放个上一期回答的链接~如何评价10.29 pandakill <zhihu_oauth.zhcls.answer.Answer object at 0x7f6ffa42bf28> -------------------- # ... 未完 ... 最前面那些空行是因为 `highlight_title` 和 `highlight_desc` 属性都是空。 推荐在综合搜索时使用 :any:`ZhihuClient.search_unfold` 方法,注意,此方法不支持设置搜索类型,也就是说只支持综合搜索。
from __future__ import annotations import numpy as np import numpy.typing as npt from skimage.util import img_as_float32 from skimage.util import img_as_ubyte from eyepy.core.filter import filter_by_height_enface from .annotations import EyeVolumeLayerAnnotation NDArrayFloat = npt.NDArray[np.float_] NDArrayBool = npt.NDArray[np.bool_] NDArrayInt = npt.NDArray[np.int_] class DynamicDefaultDict(dict): """A defaultdict for which the factory function has access to the missing key.""" def __init__(self, factory): self.factory = factory def __missing__(self, key): self[key] = self.factory(key) return self[key] def vol_intensity_transform(data: NDArrayFloat) -> NDArrayInt: """Wrapper around from_vol_intensity. Transform intensities from Heyex VOL exports to achieve a constrast similar to the one used in Heyex. Args: data: Input data Returns: Transformed data """ return from_vol_intensity(data) def from_vol_intensity(data: NDArrayFloat) -> NDArrayInt: selection_0 = data == np.finfo(np.float32).max selection_data = data <= 1 new = np.log(data[selection_data] + 2.44e-04) new = (new + 8.3) / 8.285 data[selection_data] = new data[selection_0] = 0 data = np.clip(data, 0, 1) return img_as_ubyte(data) # Function expects numpy array of uint8 type hint def to_vol_intensity(data: np.ndarray) -> NDArrayFloat: data = img_as_float32(data) data = data * 8.285 - 8.3 data = np.exp(data) - 2.44e-04 return data def default_intensity_transform(data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Default intensity transform. By default intensities are not changed. Args: data: Input data Returns: Input data unchanged """ return data intensity_transforms = { 'default': default_intensity_transform, 'vol': vol_intensity_transform, } def ideal_rpe(rpe_height: NDArrayFloat, bm_height: NDArrayFloat, volume_shape: tuple[int, int, int]) -> NDArrayFloat: """Compute the ideal RPE from an RPE with Drusen. Args: rpe_height: The RPE height as offset from the lower border of the B-Scan bm_height: The BM height as offset from the lower border of the B-Scan volume_shape: Shape of the OCT volume (number of B-Scans, height, width) Returns: The ideal RPE height as offset from the lower border of the B-Scan """ d, h, w = volume_shape # compute shift needed to align the BM to the horizontal center line shift = np.empty((d, w), dtype='int') shift.fill(h - (h / 2)) shift = shift - bm_height # now shift the RPE location array as well shifted_rpe_height = rpe_height + shift # Remove all NANs from the shifted RPE data clean_shifted = shifted_rpe_height[~np.isnan(shifted_rpe_height)] # Compute a histogram with a bin for every pixel height in a B-Scan hist, edges = np.histogram(clean_shifted.flatten(), bins=np.arange(volume_shape[1])) # Compute the ideal RPE as the mean of the biggest bin and its neighbours lower_edge = edges[np.argmax(hist) - 1] upper_edge = edges[np.argmax(hist) + 2] irpe_height = np.mean(clean_shifted[np.logical_and( clean_shifted <= upper_edge, clean_shifted >= lower_edge)]) ideal_rpe = np.full_like(shifted_rpe_height, irpe_height) # Shift back into original image space ideal_rpe = np.reshape(ideal_rpe, (d, w)) - shift return ideal_rpe def drusen(rpe_height: NDArrayFloat, bm_height: NDArrayFloat, volume_shape: tuple[int, int, int], minimum_height: int = 2) -> NDArrayBool: """Compute drusen from the RPE and BM layer segmentation. First estimate the ideal RPE based on a histogram of the RPE heights relativ to the BM. Then compute drusen as the area between the RPE and the normal RPE Args: rpe_height: The RPE height as offset from the lower border of the B-Scan bm_height: The BM height as offset from the lower border of the B-Scan volume_shape: Shape of the OCT volume (number of B-Scans, height, width) minimum_height: Minimum height of a drusen in pixels Returns: A boolean array with the same shape as the OCT volume. True indicates a voxel beeing part of a drusen. """ # Estimate ideal RPE if isinstance(rpe_height, EyeVolumeLayerAnnotation): rpe_height = np.copy( if isinstance(bm_height, EyeVolumeLayerAnnotation): bm_height = np.copy( irpe = ideal_rpe(rpe_height, bm_height, volume_shape) # Create drusen map drusen_map = np.zeros(volume_shape, dtype=bool) # Exclude normal RPE and RPE from the drusen area. nans = np.isnan(rpe_height + irpe) rpe = np.rint(rpe_height + 1) rpe[nans] = 0 rpe = rpe.astype(int) irpe = np.rint(irpe) irpe[nans] = 0 irpe = irpe.astype(int) for sli in range(drusen_map.shape[0]): for col in range(drusen_map.shape[2]): if not nans[sli, col]: drusen_map[sli, rpe[sli, col]:irpe[sli, col], col] = 1 drusen_map = filter_by_height_enface(drusen_map, minimum_height) return drusen_map
import os import datetime import logging import threading from io import FileIO from abc import ABC from .base import StorageObject, StoragePrefixBase, StorageIOSeekable logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BucketStorageObject(StorageObject): """Represents a cloud storage object associated with a bucket. This object may not correspond to an actual object in the bucket, e.g. a folder in Google or S3 bucket. """ # Caches clients for each scheme cache_dict = dict() # Expiration time for each client cache_expire = dict() # Ensure that only one thread can initialize the client at one time # Multiple threads initializing the s3 client at the same time may cause a KeyError: 'credential_provider' # client_lock = threading.Lock() # The number of seconds before the client expires. CACHE_EXPIRE_SEC = 1200 def __init__(self, uri): StorageObject.__init__(self, uri) self._client = None self._bucket = None self._blob = None @classmethod def get_cached(cls, obj_id, init_method): """Gets an unexpired object by obj_id from cache, creates one using init_method() if needed. """ cached_obj = cls.cache_dict.get(obj_id) now = if cached_obj: client_expire = cls.cache_expire.get(obj_id) # Use the cached client if it is not expired. if client_expire and client_expire > now: return cached_obj obj = init_method() cls.cache_dict[obj_id] = obj cls.cache_expire[obj_id] = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=cls.CACHE_EXPIRE_SEC) return obj def get_client(self): obj_id = self.scheme with self.client_lock: return self.get_cached(obj_id, self.init_client) def get_bucket(self): obj_id = "%s://%s" % (self.scheme, self.bucket_name) return self.get_cached(obj_id, self.init_bucket) @property def bucket_name(self): """The name of the Cloud Storage bucket as a string.""" return self.hostname @property def client(self): if not self._client: self._client = self.get_client() return self._client @property def bucket(self): if not self._bucket: self._bucket = self.get_bucket() return self._bucket def is_file(self): """Determine if the object is a file. This will return False if the object does not exist or the object is a folder. """ if self.path.endswith("/"): return False if not self.exists(): return False return True def init_client(self): raise NotImplementedError() def init_bucket(self): raise NotImplementedError() def exists(self): raise NotImplementedError() class CloudStoragePrefix(StoragePrefixBase, ABC): def blobs(self, delimiter=""): """All blobs with the same prefix as this object The type of blobs depends on the actual implementation of the blobs() method. The delimiter causes a list operation to roll up all the keys that share a common prefix into a single result. See Also: """ raise NotImplementedError() class CloudStorageIO(StorageIOSeekable): def __init__(self, uri): """ """ StorageIOSeekable.__init__(self, uri) # Path of the temp local file self.temp_path = None # Stores the temp local FileIO object self.__file_io = None # Cache the size information # TODO: use cached property self.__size = None @property def size(self): if not self.__size: if self.__file_io: return os.fstat(self.__file_io.fileno).st_size self.__size = self.get_size() return self.__size def seek(self, pos, whence=0): if self.__file_io: self._offset =, whence) return self._offset return self._seek(pos, whence) def tell(self): if self.__file_io: self._offset = self.__file_io.tell() return self._offset def local(self): """Creates a local copy of the file. """ if not self.__file_io: file_obj = self.create_temp_file() # Download file if appending or updating if self.exists() and ('a' in self.mode or '+' in self.mode): # Close the temp file and open it with FileIO file_obj.close() mode = "".join([c for c in self.mode if c in "rw+ax"]) self.__file_io = FileIO(, mode) self.temp_path = return self def read(self, size=None): """Reads the file from the Google Cloud bucket to memory Returns: Bytes containing the contents of the file. """ start = self.tell() if self.__file_io: b = else: if not self.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError("File %s does not exists." % self.uri) file_size = self.size # TODO: size unknown? if not file_size: return b"" if start >= file_size: return b"" end = file_size - 1 if size: end = start + size - 1 if end > file_size - 1: end = file_size - 1 # logger.debug("Reading from %s to %s" % (start, end)) b = self.read_bytes(start, end) self._offset += len(b) return b def write(self, b): """Writes data into the file. Args: b: Bytes data Returns: The number of bytes written into the file. """ if self.closed: raise ValueError("write to closed file %s" % self.uri) # Create a temp local file self.local() # Write data from buffer to file size = self.__file_io.write(b) self._offset += size return size def __rm_temp(self): if self.temp_path and os.path.exists(self.temp_path): os.unlink(self.temp_path) logger.debug("Deleted temp file %s of %s" % (self.temp_path, self.uri)) self.temp_path = None return def open(self, mode='r', *args, **kwargs): """Opens the file for writing """ if not self._closed: self.close() super().open(mode) self._closed = False # Reset offset position when open if 'a' in self.mode: # Move to the end of the file if open in appending mode., 2) elif 'w' in self.mode: # Create empty local file self.local() return self def close(self): """Flush and close the file. This method has no effect if the file is already closed. """ if self._closed: return if self.__file_io: if not self.__file_io.closed: self.__file_io.close() self.__file_io = None if self.temp_path: logger.debug("Uploading file to %s" % self.uri) with open(self.temp_path, 'rb') as f: self.upload(f) # Remove __temp_file if it exists. self.__rm_temp() # Set _closed attribute self._closed = True @property def updated_time(self): raise NotImplementedError() def exists(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_size(self): raise NotImplementedError() def delete(self): raise NotImplementedError() def upload(self, from_file_obj): raise NotImplementedError() def download(self, to_file_obj): """Downloads the data to a file object Caution: This method does not call flush() """ raise NotImplementedError() def read_bytes(self, start, end): """Reads bytes from position start to position end, inclusive """ raise NotImplementedError()
import logging from homeassistant.components.media_player import ( SUPPORT_NEXT_TRACK, SUPPORT_PAUSE, SUPPORT_PREVIOUS_TRACK, SUPPORT_TURN_ON, SUPPORT_TURN_OFF, SUPPORT_VOLUME_SET, SUPPORT_VOLUME_MUTE, SUPPORT_VOLUME_STEP, SUPPORT_STOP, SUPPORT_PLAY, SUPPORT_SELECT_SOURCE, MediaPlayerDevice) from homeassistant.const import ( STATE_IDLE, STATE_PAUSED, STATE_PLAYING, STATE_OFF) REQUIREMENTS = ['openhomedevice==0.4.2'] SUPPORT_OPENHOME = SUPPORT_SELECT_SOURCE | \ SUPPORT_VOLUME_STEP | SUPPORT_VOLUME_MUTE | SUPPORT_VOLUME_SET | \ SUPPORT_TURN_OFF | SUPPORT_TURN_ON _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEVICES = [] def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Openhome platform.""" from openhomedevice.Device import Device if not discovery_info: return True name = discovery_info.get('name') description = discovery_info.get('ssdp_description')"Openhome device found: %s", name) device = Device(description) # if device has already been discovered if device.Uuid() in [x.unique_id for x in DEVICES]: return True device = OpenhomeDevice(hass, device) add_devices([device], True) DEVICES.append(device) return True class OpenhomeDevice(MediaPlayerDevice): """Representation of an Openhome device.""" def __init__(self, hass, device): """Initialise the Openhome device.""" self.hass = hass self._device = device self._track_information = {} self._in_standby = None self._transport_state = None self._volume_level = None self._volume_muted = None self._supported_features = SUPPORT_OPENHOME self._source_names = list() self._source_index = {} self._source = {} self._name = None self._state = STATE_PLAYING def update(self): """Update state of device.""" self._in_standby = self._device.IsInStandby() self._transport_state = self._device.TransportState() self._track_information = self._device.TrackInfo() self._volume_level = self._device.VolumeLevel() self._volume_muted = self._device.IsMuted() self._source = self._device.Source() self._name = self._device.Room().decode('utf-8') self._supported_features = SUPPORT_OPENHOME source_index = {} source_names = list() for source in self._device.Sources(): source_names.append(source["name"]) source_index[source["name"]] = source["index"] self._source_index = source_index self._source_names = source_names if self._source["type"] == "Radio": self._supported_features |= SUPPORT_STOP | SUPPORT_PLAY if self._source["type"] in ("Playlist", "Cloud"): self._supported_features |= SUPPORT_PREVIOUS_TRACK | \ SUPPORT_NEXT_TRACK | SUPPORT_PAUSE | SUPPORT_PLAY if self._in_standby: self._state = STATE_OFF elif self._transport_state == 'Paused': self._state = STATE_PAUSED elif self._transport_state in ('Playing', 'Buffering'): self._state = STATE_PLAYING elif self._transport_state == 'Stopped': self._state = STATE_IDLE else: # Device is playing an external source with no transport controls self._state = STATE_PLAYING def turn_on(self): """Bring device out of standby.""" self._device.SetStandby(False) def turn_off(self): """Put device in standby.""" self._device.SetStandby(True) def media_pause(self): """Send pause command.""" self._device.Pause() def media_stop(self): """Send stop command.""" self._device.Stop() def media_play(self): """Send play command.""" self._device.Play() def media_next_track(self): """Send next track command.""" self._device.Skip(1) def media_previous_track(self): """Send previous track command.""" self._device.Skip(-1) def select_source(self, source): """Select input source.""" self._device.SetSource(self._source_index[source]) @property def name(self): """Return the name of the device.""" return self._name @property def supported_features(self): """Flag of features commands that are supported.""" return self._supported_features @property def should_poll(self): """Return the polling state.""" return True @property def unique_id(self): """Return a unique ID.""" return self._device.Uuid() @property def state(self): """Return the state of the device.""" return self._state @property def source_list(self): """List of available input sources.""" return self._source_names @property def media_image_url(self): """Image url of current playing media.""" return self._track_information.get('albumArtwork') @property def media_artist(self): """Artist of current playing media, music track only.""" artists = self._track_information.get('artist') if artists: return artists[0] @property def media_album_name(self): """Album name of current playing media, music track only.""" return self._track_information.get('albumTitle') @property def media_title(self): """Title of current playing media.""" return self._track_information.get('title') @property def source(self): """Name of the current input source.""" return self._source.get('name') @property def volume_level(self): """Volume level of the media player (0..1).""" return self._volume_level / 100.0 @property def is_volume_muted(self): """Return true if volume is muted.""" return self._volume_muted def volume_up(self): """Volume up media player.""" self._device.IncreaseVolume() def volume_down(self): """Volume down media player.""" self._device.DecreaseVolume() def set_volume_level(self, volume): """Set volume level, range 0..1.""" self._device.SetVolumeLevel(int(volume * 100)) def mute_volume(self, mute): """Mute (true) or unmute (false) media player.""" self._device.SetMute(mute)
import sys import typing def blend_get(): ''' Current blending equation. ''' pass def blend_set(mode: str): ''' Defines the fixed pipeline blending equation. :param mode: The type of blend mode. * NONE No blending. * ALPHA The original color channels are interpolated according to the alpha value. * ALPHA_PREMULT The original color channels are interpolated according to the alpha value with the new colors pre-multiplied by this value. * ADDITIVE The original color channels are added by the corresponding ones. * ADDITIVE_PREMULT The original color channels are added by the corresponding ones that are pre-multiplied by the alpha value. * MULTIPLY The original color channels are multiplied by the corresponding ones. * SUBTRACT The original color channels are subtracted by the corresponding ones. * INVERT The original color channels are replaced by its complementary color. :type mode: str ''' pass def clip_distances_set(distances_enabled: int): ''' Sets the number of gl_ClipDistance planes used for clip geometry. :param distances_enabled: Number of clip distances enabled. :type distances_enabled: int ''' pass def color_mask_set(r: bool, g: bool, b: bool, a: bool): ''' Enable or disable writing of frame buffer color components. :param r: components red, green, blue, and alpha. :type r: bool :param g: components red, green, blue, and alpha. :type g: bool :param b: components red, green, blue, and alpha. :type b: bool :param a: components red, green, blue, and alpha. :type a: bool ''' pass def depth_mask_get(): ''' Writing status in the depth component. ''' pass def depth_mask_set(value): ''' Write to depth component. :type near: bool ''' pass def depth_test_get(): ''' Current depth_test equation. ''' pass def depth_test_set(mode: str): ''' Defines the depth_test equation. :param mode: The depth test equation name. Possible values are NONE , ALWAYS , LESS , LESS_EQUAL , EQUAL , GREATER and GREATER_EQUAL . :type mode: str ''' pass def face_culling_set(culling): ''' Specify whether none, front-facing or back-facing facets can be culled. :param mode: NONE , FRONT or BACK . :type mode: str ''' pass def framebuffer_active_get(enable): ''' Return the active frame-buffer in context. ''' pass def front_facing_set(invert): ''' Specifies the orientation of front-facing polygons. :type mode: bool ''' pass def line_width_get(): ''' Current width of rasterized lines. ''' pass def line_width_set(width): ''' Specify the width of rasterized lines. :type mode: float ''' pass def point_size_set(size): ''' Specify the diameter of rasterized points. :type mode: float ''' pass def program_point_size_set(enable: bool): ''' If enabled, the derived point size is taken from the (potentially clipped) shader builtin gl_PointSize. :param enable: True for shader builtin gl_PointSize. :type enable: bool ''' pass def scissor_get() -> int: ''' Retrieve the scissors of the active framebuffer. Note: Only valid between 'scissor_set' and a framebuffer rebind. :rtype: int :return: The scissor of the active framebuffer as a tuple (x, y, xsize, ysize). x, y: lower left corner of the scissor rectangle, in pixels. xsize, ysize: width and height of the scissor rectangle. ''' pass def scissor_set(x: int, y: int, xsize: int, ysize: int): ''' Specifies the scissor area of the active framebuffer. Note: The scissor state is not saved upon framebuffer rebind. :param x: lower left corner of the scissor rectangle, in pixels. :type x: int :param y: lower left corner of the scissor rectangle, in pixels. :type y: int :param xsize: width and height of the scissor rectangle. :type xsize: int :param ysize: width and height of the scissor rectangle. :type ysize: int ''' pass def scissor_test_set(enable: bool): ''' Enable/disable scissor testing on the active framebuffer. :param enable: True - enable scissor testing. False - disable scissor testing. :type enable: bool ''' pass def viewport_get(): ''' Viewport of the active framebuffer. ''' pass def viewport_set(x: int, y: int, xsize: int, ysize: int): ''' Specifies the viewport of the active framebuffer. Note: The viewport state is not saved upon framebuffer rebind. :param x: lower left corner of the viewport_set rectangle, in pixels. :type x: int :param y: lower left corner of the viewport_set rectangle, in pixels. :type y: int :param xsize: width and height of the viewport_set. :type xsize: int :param ysize: width and height of the viewport_set. :type ysize: int ''' pass
import copy import curses class MouseEvent: """Something done by a mouse; results of `curses.getmouse()`.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes _last_mouse = None def __init__(self): """Initialize `MouseEvent` with current mouse info.""" # _, x, y, _, bstate = curses.getmouse() self.x = x self.y = y self.bstate = bstate if bstate & curses.REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION != 0 and self._last_mouse: self.button = self._last_mouse.button self.nclicks = self._last_mouse.nclicks self.is_pressed = True self.is_released = False self.is_alt = self._last_mouse.is_alt self.is_ctrl = self._last_mouse.is_ctrl self.is_shift = self._last_mouse.is_shift self.is_moving = True return # if bstate & ( curses.BUTTON1_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON1_TRIPLE_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON1_PRESSED | curses.BUTTON1_RELEASED ): self.button = 1 # left elif bstate & ( curses.BUTTON2_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON2_DOUBLE_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON2_TRIPLE_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON2_PRESSED | curses.BUTTON2_RELEASED ): self.button = 2 # middle elif bstate & ( curses.BUTTON3_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON3_DOUBLE_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON3_TRIPLE_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON3_PRESSED | curses.BUTTON3_RELEASED ): self.button = 3 # right elif bstate & ( curses.BUTTON4_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON4_DOUBLE_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON4_TRIPLE_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON4_PRESSED | curses.BUTTON4_RELEASED ): self.button = 4 # wheelup / forward else: self.button = 5 # wheeldown / backward # self.nclicks = 0 self.is_pressed = False self.is_released = False if bstate & ( curses.BUTTON1_PRESSED | curses.BUTTON2_PRESSED | curses.BUTTON3_PRESSED | curses.REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION ): self.is_pressed = True elif bstate & ( curses.BUTTON1_RELEASED | curses.BUTTON2_RELEASED | curses.BUTTON3_RELEASED ): self.is_released = True elif bstate & (curses.BUTTON1_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON2_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON3_CLICKED): self.nclicks = 1 elif bstate & ( curses.BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON2_DOUBLE_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON3_DOUBLE_CLICKED ): self.nclicks = 2 elif bstate & ( curses.BUTTON1_TRIPLE_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON2_TRIPLE_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON3_TRIPLE_CLICKED ): self.nclicks = 3 # self.is_alt = bstate & curses.BUTTON_ALT != 0 self.is_ctrl = bstate & curses.BUTTON_CTRL != 0 self.is_shift = bstate & curses.BUTTON_SHIFT != 0 self.is_moving = bstate & curses.REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION != 0 self.__class__._last_mouse = copy.copy(self) def __str__(self): parts = [] if self.is_alt: parts.append("Alt") if self.is_ctrl: parts.append("Ctrl") if self.is_shift: parts.append("Shift") parts.append("M" + str(self.button)) string = "+".join(parts) if self.nclicks > 1: string += f"*{self.nclicks}" return string def __repr__(self): return ( self.__class__.__name__ + "(" + ", ".join( [ f"name='{self!s}'", f"y={self.y}", f"x={self.x}", f"bstate={self.bstate:#x}", # f'button={self.button}', f"nclicks={self.nclicks}", # f'is_alt={self.is_alt}', # f'is_ctrl={self.is_ctrl}', # f'is_shift={self.is_shift}', f"is_pressed={self.is_pressed}", f"is_released={self.is_released}", f"is_moving={self.is_moving}", ] ) + ")" )
import etcd3.etcdrpc as etcdrpc import etcd3.utils as utils _OPERATORS = { etcdrpc.Compare.EQUAL: "==", etcdrpc.Compare.NOT_EQUAL: "!=", etcdrpc.Compare.LESS: "<", etcdrpc.Compare.GREATER: ">" } class BaseCompare(object): def __init__(self, key, range_end=None): self.key = key self.range_end = range_end self.value = None self.op = None # TODO check other is of correct type for compare # Version, Mod and Create can only be ints def __eq__(self, other): self.value = other self.op = etcdrpc.Compare.EQUAL return self def __ne__(self, other): self.value = other self.op = etcdrpc.Compare.NOT_EQUAL return self def __lt__(self, other): self.value = other self.op = etcdrpc.Compare.LESS return self def __gt__(self, other): self.value = other self.op = etcdrpc.Compare.GREATER return self def __repr__(self): if self.range_end is None: keys = self.key else: keys = "[{}, {})".format(self.key, self.range_end) return "{}: {} {} '{}'".format(self.__class__, keys, _OPERATORS.get(self.op), self.value) def build_message(self): compare = etcdrpc.Compare() compare.key = utils.to_bytes(self.key) if self.range_end is not None: compare.range_end = utils.to_bytes(self.range_end) if self.op is None: raise ValueError('op must be one of =, !=, < or >') compare.result = self.op self.build_compare(compare) return compare class Value(BaseCompare): def build_compare(self, compare): = etcdrpc.Compare.VALUE compare.value = utils.to_bytes(self.value) class Version(BaseCompare): def build_compare(self, compare): = etcdrpc.Compare.VERSION compare.version = int(self.value) class Create(BaseCompare): def build_compare(self, compare): = etcdrpc.Compare.CREATE compare.create_revision = int(self.value) class Mod(BaseCompare): def build_compare(self, compare): = etcdrpc.Compare.MOD compare.mod_revision = int(self.value) class Put(object): def __init__(self, key, value, lease=None, prev_kv=False): self.key = key self.value = value = lease self.prev_kv = prev_kv class Get(object): def __init__(self, key, range_end=None): self.key = key self.range_end = range_end class Delete(object): def __init__(self, key, range_end=None, prev_kv=False): self.key = key self.range_end = range_end self.prev_kv = prev_kv class Txn(object): def __init__(self, compare, success=None, failure=None): = compare self.success = success self.failure = failure
m2bk ==== .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: Send your mongodump backups straight to AWS S3 ---------------------------------------------- *m2bk* is command line tool that performs a number of **mongodb database backups via mongodump**, compresses them into a gzipped tarball and finally sends them to an **AWS S3 bucket** (more options are about to be available). .. image:: - `Requirements <#requirements>`_ - `Contributing <#contributing>`_ - `Installation <#installation>`_ - `Basic usage <#basic-usage>`_ - `Options <#options>`_ - `Configuration file <#configuration-file>`_ - `Sections and directives <#configuration-file-sections-and-directives>`_ - `fs section <#fs-section>`_ - `mongodb section <#mongodb-section>`_ - `mongodb.host_defaults section <#mongodbhost_defaults-section>`_ - `mongodb.hosts section <#mongodbhosts-section>`_ - `Drivers (driver section) <#drivers-driver-section>`_ - `dummy <#dummy>`_ - `s3 <#s3>`_ - `Donating <#donating>`_ - `Copyright and licensing <#copyright-and-licensing>`_ Requirements ============ - `python <>`_ >= 3.3 - `boto <>`_ >= 2.33 - `envoy <>`_ >= 0.0.3 - `pyyaml <>`_ >= 3.11 - `mongodb <>`_ >= 2.4 - `clint <>`_ >= 0.4.1 Contributing ============ There are many ways in which you can contribute to m2bk. Code patches are just one thing amongst others that you can submit to help the project. We also welcome feedback, bug reports, feature requests, documentation improvements, advertisement and testing. Feedback contributions ---------------------- This is by far the easiest way to contribute something. If you’re using m2bk for your own benefit, don’t hesitate sharing. Feel free to `submit issues and enhancement requests. <>`_ Code contributions ------------------ Code contributions (patches, new features) are the most obvious way to help with the project’s development. Since this is so common we ask you to follow our workflow to most efficiently work with us. For code contributions, we follow the "fork-and-pull" Git workflow. 1. Fork, then clone your repo on GitHub :: git clone [email protected]:your-username/m2bk.git git add origin upstream If you already forked the repo, then be sure to merge the most recent changes from "upstream" before making a pull request. :: git pull upstream 2. Create a new feature branch in your local repo :: git checkout -b my_feature_branch 3. Make your changes, then make sure the tests passes :: pyvenv m2bk-pyve && source m2bk-pyve/bin/activate python3 test 4. Commit your changes once done :: git commit -a -m "My commit message" git push origin my_feature_branch 5. Submit a `pull request <>`_ with your feature branch containing your changes. Installation ============ Installation of m2bk can be made directly from source, via `pip <>`_ or `easy_install <>`_, whichever you prefer. Option # 1: pip --------------- :: $ pip install m2bk Option # 2: from source ----------------------- :: $ git clone [email protected]:axltxl/m2bk.git $ cd m2bk $ python3 install Option # 3: easy_install ------------------------ :: $ easy_install m2bk From this point you can edit your `configuration file <#configuration-file>`_ :: $ vi /etc/m2bk/m2bk.yaml Basic Usage =========== Normal execution :: $ m2bk Quiet output :: $ m2bk -q Dry run :: $ m2bk -d Specify an alternate configuration file :: $ m2bk -c /path/to/my/custom/m2bk.yaml Options ======= :: m2bk [options] - ``--version`` show version number and exit - ``-h | --help`` show a help message and exit - ``-c [file] | --config=[file] | --config [file]`` specify configuration file to use - ``-d | --dry-run`` don't actually do anything - ``-q | --quiet`` quiet output - ``--ll | --log-level=[num]`` set logging output level - ``-l LOG_FILE | --log-file LOG_FILE set log file`` Configuration file ------------------ The configuration is handled through a simple `YAML <>`_ file including a series of *sections* (which are YAML objects), each one composed by *directives* (YAML numbers, strings or arrays), these will determine a corresponding behavior on **m2bk**. If **m2bk** does not receive any configuration file on command line, it will try to read ``/etc/m2bk.yaml``. **Please note the configuration format is still a work in progress and will most likely change in the early stages of m2bk.** The following is an example of what a configuration file looks like: :: --- driver: name: s3 options: aws_access_key_id: "SDF73HSDF3663KSKDJ" aws_secret_access_key: "d577273ff885c3f84dadb8578bb41399" fs: output_dir: "/opt/tmp/mydir" mongodb: mongodump: "/opt/bin/mongodump" host_defaults: port: 666 user_name: "satan" password: "14mh4x0r" hosts: foo: address: "foo.example.local" port: 34127 dbs: - "app" - "sessions" - "another_one" bar: address: "" password: "1AmAn07h3rh4x0r" auth_db: bar dbs: - customers - sessions Through this configuration file, you can set key variables about the databases you want to backup and the AWS S3 bucket you wish to send them to. Configuration file: sections and directives ------------------------------------------- ``fs`` section ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This section has directives regarding files and directories manipulation Directives ^^^^^^^^^^ ``fs.output_dir`` """"""""""""""""" - Type: **string** - Default value : ``/tmp/m2bk`` - Role: directory where m2bk is going to temporarily save backup files ``mongodb`` section ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This section holds directives regarding mongodb servers **m2bk** is going to connect to, including databases that are going to be backed up through *mongodump*. **Example**: :: mongodb: mongodump: "/opt/bin/mongodump" host_defaults: user_name: tom address: db.example.local password: "457893mnfs3j" dbs: - halloran - grady hosts: foo: address: db0.example.internal port: 27654 user_name: matt password: "myS3cr37P455w0rd" dbs: # This list is going to be merged with dbs at host_defaults, thus # the resulting dbs will be: # ['halloran', 'grady', 'jack', 'wendy', 'danny'] - jack - wendy - danny bar: {} # This one is going to acquire all host_defaults values host_with_mixed_values: # This host will inherit port, password and dbs from host_defaults address: moloko.example.internal user_name: alex address: localhost auth_db: milk_plus Directives ^^^^^^^^^^ ``mongodb.mongodump`` """"""""""""""""""""" - Type: **string** - Default value : ``mongodump`` - Role: full path to the ``mongodump`` executable used by m2bk ``mongodb.host_defaults`` section ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Many directives (such as user name and/or password) could be common among the databases that are going to be backed up. For this reason, it is best to simply put those common directives under a single section, this is entirely optional but also it is the best for easily manageable configuration files in order to avoid redundancy, the supported directives are ``user_name``, ``password``, ``port``, ``dbs`` and ``auth_db`` . See ``hosts`` section. ``mongodb.hosts`` section ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is an object/hash, where each element contains a series of directives relative to a mongodb database located at a server, its specifications and databases themselves held by it, these are the main values used by ``mongodump`` when it does its magic. For each entry inside the ``hosts`` section, these are its valid directives: Directives ^^^^^^^^^^ ``mongodb.hosts.*.address`` """"""""""""""""""""""""""" - Type: **string** - Required: YES - Role: mongodb server location ``mongodb.hosts.*.port`` """""""""""""""""""""""" - Type: **integer** - Required: NO - Default value : ``mongo.host_defaults.port | 27017`` - Role: mongodb server listening port ``mongodb.hosts.*.user_name`` """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" - Type: **string** - Required: NO - Default value : ``mongodb.host_defaults.user_name | m2bk`` - Role: user name used for authentication against the mongodb server ``mongodb.hosts.*.password`` """""""""""""""""""""""""""" - Type: **string** - Required: NO - Default value : ``mongodb.host_defaults.pass | "pass"`` - Role: password used for authentication against the mongodb server ``mongodb.hosts.*.auth_db`` """"""""""""""""""""""""""" - Type: **string** - Required: NO - Default value : ``admin`` - Role: authentication database ``mongodb.hosts.*.dbs`` """"""""""""""""""""""" - Type: **array** - Required: NO - Default value : ``mongodb.host_defaults.dbs | []`` - Role: a list of databases who are expected inside the mongodb server **NOTE: particular "dbs" on one host will be merged with those of "host_defaults"** Drivers (``driver`` section) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Once backup files have been generated, they are then handled by a driver, whose job is to transfer resulting backup files to some form of storage (depending on the driver set on configuration). Drivers (and their options) are set and configured inside the ``driver`` section like so: :: driver: # First of all, you need to tell m2bk which driver to use name: dummy # Inside this key, driver options are set options: hello: world another_option: another_value Per driver, there are a bunch of available ``options`` to tweak them. These options vary among drivers. Though there is only one driver available on m2bk, there will be more drivers available with new releases. Current available drivers are the following: ``dummy`` ^^^^^^^^^ This driver is just a placeholder for testing out the driver interface as it won't do a thing on backup files. Options ^^^^^^^ There are no options for this driver. Any option passed to this driver will be logged at debug level. ``s3`` ^^^^^^ This driver holds directives regarding AWS credentials that **m2bk** is going to use in order to upload the *mongodump* backups to S3. If either ``aws_access_key_id`` or ``aws_secret_access_key`` are not specified, this driver will not try to use them to authenticate against AWS and will rely on `boto config <>`_ for that matter. **Example**: :: driver: name: s3 options: aws_access_key_id": "HAS6NBASD8787SD" aws_secret_access_key: "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" s3_bucket: "mybucket" Options ^^^^^^^ ``aws_access_key_id`` """"""""""""""""""""" - Type: **string** - Required: NO - Role: AWS access key ID ``aws_secret_access_key`` """"""""""""""""""""""""" - Type: **string** - Required: NO - Role: AWS access key ID ``s3_bucket`` """"""""""""" - Type: **string** - Required: NO - Default value: ``m2bk`` - Role: name of the main S3 bucket where m2bk is going to upload the compressed backups for each mongodb server specified in ``mongodb`` section Donating ======== Show your love and support this project via `gratipay <>`_ .. image:: :target: Copyright and Licensing ======================= Copyright (c) Alejandro Ricoveri Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
import logging import requests from celery import current_app from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.http import Http404, HttpRequest, HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import redirect from django.urls import reverse from django.views import View from ob_dj_factorial.core.factorial.models import FHOAuth logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class FactorialOAuthView(View): permissions: tuple = ("factorial.add_oauth",) def get(self, request: HttpRequest, *args, **kwargs) -> HttpResponse: if "code" not in request.GET: raise Http404 code = request.GET.get("code") site = Site.objects.get_current() response = url=f"{settings.FH_API_BASE_URL}/oauth/token", data={ "client_id": settings.FH_CLIENT_ID, "client_secret": settings.FH_CLIENT_SECRET, "redirect_uri": settings.FH_REDIRECT_URI, "grant_type": "authorization_code", "code": code, }, ) logger.debug(f"{response.content}") response.raise_for_status() logger.debug( f"{self.__class__.__name__}() Response " f"<url:{response.url}, " f"status_code:{response.status_code}>" ) _r = response.json() try: oa = FHOAuth.objects.get(site=site) oa.access_token = _r.get("access_token") oa.refresh_token = _r.get("refresh_token") oa.expires_in = _r.get("expires_in") except FHOAuth.DoesNotExist: oa = FHOAuth.objects.create( site=site, access_token=_r.get("access_token"), refresh_token=_r.get("refresh_token"), expires_in=_r.get("expires_in"), ) # TODO: Post message in sessions to show success in admin # messages return redirect(reverse("admin:factorial_fhoauth_change", args=[,])) class FactorialAllView(View): permissions: tuple = ("integrations.add_oauth",) def get(self, request: HttpRequest, *args, **kwargs) -> HttpResponse: site = Site.objects.get_current() instance = FHOAuth.objects.get(site=site) current_app.send_task("ob_dj_factorial.core.factorial.tasks.sync_all_objects",) return redirect(reverse("admin:factorial_fhoauth_change", args=[,]))
STL containers ############## Automatic conversion ==================== When including the additional header file :file:`pybind11/stl.h`, conversions between ``std::vector<>``/``std::deque<>``/``std::list<>``/``std::array<>``/``std::valarray<>``, ``std::set<>``/``std::unordered_set<>``, and ``std::map<>``/``std::unordered_map<>`` and the Python ``list``, ``set`` and ``dict`` data structures are automatically enabled. The types ``std::pair<>`` and ``std::tuple<>`` are already supported out of the box with just the core :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` header. The major downside of these implicit conversions is that containers must be converted (i.e. copied) on every Python->C++ and C++->Python transition, which can have implications on the program semantics and performance. Please read the next sections for more details and alternative approaches that avoid this. .. note:: Arbitrary nesting of any of these types is possible. .. seealso:: The file :file:`tests/test_stl.cpp` contains a complete example that demonstrates how to pass STL data types in more detail. .. _cpp17_container_casters: C++17 library containers ======================== The :file:`pybind11/stl.h` header also includes support for ``std::optional<>`` and ``std::variant<>``. These require a C++17 compiler and standard library. In C++14 mode, ``std::experimental::optional<>`` is supported if available. Various versions of these containers also exist for C++11 (e.g. in Boost). pybind11 provides an easy way to specialize the ``type_caster`` for such types: .. code-block:: cpp // `boost::optional` as an example -- can be any `std::optional`-like container namespace pybind11 { namespace detail { template <typename T> struct type_caster<boost::optional<T>> : optional_caster<boost::optional<T>> {}; }} The above should be placed in a header file and included in all translation units where automatic conversion is needed. Similarly, a specialization can be provided for custom variant types: .. code-block:: cpp // `boost::variant` as an example -- can be any `std::variant`-like container namespace pybind11 { namespace detail { template <typename... Ts> struct type_caster<boost::variant<Ts...>> : variant_caster<boost::variant<Ts...>> {}; // Specifies the function used to visit the variant -- `apply_visitor` instead of `visit` template <> struct visit_helper<boost::variant> { template <typename... Args> static auto call(Args &&...args) -> decltype(boost::apply_visitor(args...)) { return boost::apply_visitor(args...); } }; }} // namespace pybind11::detail The ``visit_helper`` specialization is not required if your ``name::variant`` provides a ``name::visit()`` function. For any other function name, the specialization must be included to tell pybind11 how to visit the variant. .. warning:: When converting a ``variant`` type, pybind11 follows the same rules as when determining which function overload to call (:ref:`overload_resolution`), and so the same caveats hold. In particular, the order in which the ``variant``'s alternatives are listed is important, since pybind11 will try conversions in this order. This means that, for example, when converting ``variant<int, bool>``, the ``bool`` variant will never be selected, as any Python ``bool`` is already an ``int`` and is convertible to a C++ ``int``. Changing the order of alternatives (and using ``variant<bool, int>``, in this example) provides a solution. .. note:: pybind11 only supports the modern implementation of ``boost::variant`` which makes use of variadic templates. This requires Boost 1.56 or newer. Additionally, on Windows, MSVC 2017 is required because ``boost::variant`` falls back to the old non-variadic implementation on MSVC 2015. .. _opaque: Making opaque types =================== pybind11 heavily relies on a template matching mechanism to convert parameters and return values that are constructed from STL data types such as vectors, linked lists, hash tables, etc. This even works in a recursive manner, for instance to deal with lists of hash maps of pairs of elementary and custom types, etc. However, a fundamental limitation of this approach is that internal conversions between Python and C++ types involve a copy operation that prevents pass-by-reference semantics. What does this mean? Suppose we bind the following function .. code-block:: cpp void append_1(std::vector<int> &v) { v.push_back(1); } and call it from Python, the following happens: .. code-block:: pycon >>> v = [5, 6] >>> append_1(v) >>> print(v) [5, 6] As you can see, when passing STL data structures by reference, modifications are not propagated back the Python side. A similar situation arises when exposing STL data structures using the ``def_readwrite`` or ``def_readonly`` functions: .. code-block:: cpp /* ... definition ... */ class MyClass { std::vector<int> contents; }; /* ... binding code ... */ py::class_<MyClass>(m, "MyClass") .def(py::init<>()) .def_readwrite("contents", &MyClass::contents); In this case, properties can be read and written in their entirety. However, an ``append`` operation involving such a list type has no effect: .. code-block:: pycon >>> m = MyClass() >>> m.contents = [5, 6] >>> print(m.contents) [5, 6] >>> m.contents.append(7) >>> print(m.contents) [5, 6] Finally, the involved copy operations can be costly when dealing with very large lists. To deal with all of the above situations, pybind11 provides a macro named ``PYBIND11_MAKE_OPAQUE(T)`` that disables the template-based conversion machinery of types, thus rendering them *opaque*. The contents of opaque objects are never inspected or extracted, hence they *can* be passed by reference. For instance, to turn ``std::vector<int>`` into an opaque type, add the declaration .. code-block:: cpp PYBIND11_MAKE_OPAQUE(std::vector<int>); before any binding code (e.g. invocations to ``class_::def()``, etc.). This macro must be specified at the top level (and outside of any namespaces), since it adds a template instantiation of ``type_caster``. If your binding code consists of multiple compilation units, it must be present in every file (typically via a common header) preceding any usage of ``std::vector<int>``. Opaque types must also have a corresponding ``class_`` declaration to associate them with a name in Python, and to define a set of available operations, e.g.: .. code-block:: cpp py::class_<std::vector<int>>(m, "IntVector") .def(py::init<>()) .def("clear", &std::vector<int>::clear) .def("pop_back", &std::vector<int>::pop_back) .def("__len__", [](const std::vector<int> &v) { return v.size(); }) .def("__iter__", [](std::vector<int> &v) { return py::make_iterator(v.begin(), v.end()); }, py::keep_alive<0, 1>()) /* Keep vector alive while iterator is used */ // .... .. seealso:: The file :file:`tests/test_opaque_types.cpp` contains a complete example that demonstrates how to create and expose opaque types using pybind11 in more detail. .. _stl_bind: Binding STL containers ====================== The ability to expose STL containers as native Python objects is a fairly common request, hence pybind11 also provides an optional header file named :file:`pybind11/stl_bind.h` that does exactly this. The mapped containers try to match the behavior of their native Python counterparts as much as possible. The following example showcases usage of :file:`pybind11/stl_bind.h`: .. code-block:: cpp // Don't forget this #include <pybind11/stl_bind.h> PYBIND11_MAKE_OPAQUE(std::vector<int>); PYBIND11_MAKE_OPAQUE(std::map<std::string, double>); // ... // later in binding code: py::bind_vector<std::vector<int>>(m, "VectorInt"); py::bind_map<std::map<std::string, double>>(m, "MapStringDouble"); When binding STL containers pybind11 considers the types of the container's elements to decide whether the container should be confined to the local module (via the :ref:`module_local` feature). If the container element types are anything other than already-bound custom types bound without ``py::module_local()`` the container binding will have ``py::module_local()`` applied. This includes converting types such as numeric types, strings, Eigen types; and types that have not yet been bound at the time of the stl container binding. This module-local binding is designed to avoid potential conflicts between module bindings (for example, from two separate modules each attempting to bind ``std::vector<int>`` as a python type). It is possible to override this behavior to force a definition to be either module-local or global. To do so, you can pass the attributes ``py::module_local()`` (to make the binding module-local) or ``py::module_local(false)`` (to make the binding global) into the ``py::bind_vector`` or ``py::bind_map`` arguments: .. code-block:: cpp py::bind_vector<std::vector<int>>(m, "VectorInt", py::module_local(false)); Note, however, that such a global binding would make it impossible to load this module at the same time as any other pybind module that also attempts to bind the same container type (``std::vector<int>`` in the above example). See :ref:`module_local` for more details on module-local bindings. .. seealso:: The file :file:`tests/test_stl_binders.cpp` shows how to use the convenience STL container wrappers.
# Copyright The Cloud Asset Authors. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import abc import copy import logging import datetime from typing import List from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Table, UniqueConstraint from boto3 import Session from aliyunsdkcore.client import AcsClient from asset.asset_table import AssetTable from asset.schema import DbConfig, AssetColumn, STSAssumeRoleCredential, RamRoleArnCredential, AwsCredential,\ TencentProfile, AliyunProfile, AwsProfile, HuaweiProfile, HuaweiCredential from asset.utils import to_hump_underline, get_tencent_account_id, get_aliyun_account_id, get_aws_account_id, \ tencent_parser_response, aliyun_parser_response, aws_parser_response, recursive_list, aws_assume_role, \ get_huawei_account_id, huawei_parser_response, retry from huaweicloudsdkcore.auth.credentials import BasicCredentials class Describe: def parser_response(self): raise NotImplementedError("") def describe(self): raise NotImplementedError("") class DescribeTencent(Describe): def __init__( self, client, des_request_func: str, des_request, response_filed: str, parser_response: callable = tencent_parser_response ): self.client = client self.des_request_func = des_request_func self.des_request = des_request self.response_field = response_filed self.parser_response_func = parser_response @retry(3) def parser_response(self): return self.parser_response_func(self.describe(), self.response_field) def describe(self): return getattr(self.client, self.des_request_func)(self.des_request) class DescribeAliyun(Describe): def __init__( self, client, des_request, response_filed: str, child_response_filed: str = None, parser_response_func: callable = aliyun_parser_response ): self.client = client self.des_request = des_request self.response_filed = response_filed self.child_response_filed = child_response_filed self.parser_response_func = parser_response_func @retry(5) def parser_response(self): return self.parser_response_func(self.describe(), self.response_filed, self.child_response_filed) def describe(self): return getattr(self.client, 'do_action_with_exception')(self.des_request) class DescribeAws(Describe): def __init__( self, client, des_request: str, response_field: str, child_response_filed: str = None, des_request_kwargs: dict = None, parser_response_func: callable = aws_parser_response ): self.client = client self.des_request = des_request self.des_request_kwargs = dict() if des_request_kwargs is None else des_request_kwargs self.response_field = response_field self.child_response_filed = child_response_filed self.parser_response_func = parser_response_func @retry(3) def parser_response(self): return self.parser_response_func(self.describe(), self.response_field, self.child_response_filed) def describe(self): return getattr(self.client, self.des_request)(**self.des_request_kwargs) class DescribeHuawei(Describe): def __init__( self, client: object, des: str, des_request: object, response_field: str, parser_response_func: callable = huawei_parser_response ): self.client = client self.des = des self.des_request = des_request self.response_field = response_field self.parser_response_func = parser_response_func @retry(3) def parser_response(self): return self.parser_response_func(self.describe(), self.response_field) def describe(self): return getattr(self.client, self.des)(self.des_request).to_json_object() class Asset(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): logger = logging.getLogger('cloud-asset-fetch') _platform: str = '' _table_name: str = None _asset_columns: List[AssetColumn] = None _is_hump_underline: bool = True _table_args: tuple = tuple() _table_kwargs: dict = None _default_columns = [ AssetColumn(name='account_id', type='str', len=128, kwargs={'nullable': False, 'default': ''}), AssetColumn(name='region', type='str', len=128, kwargs={'nullable': False, 'default': ''}), AssetColumn( name='record_date', type='date', kwargs={'nullable': False, 'default':, 'onupdate':} ) ] _field_document: str = '' def __init__( self, cred, region=None, dbconfig: DbConfig = None, parser_response: callable = None ): self.cred = cred self.region = region self.dbconfig = dbconfig self._engine = create_engine( "postgresql://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{database}".format(**self.dbconfig.dict()) ) if not self._table_name.startswith(f'{self._platform}_'): self._table_name = f'{self._platform}_{self._table_name}' self.asset_table = AssetTable( self._table_name, self._engine, self._asset_columns, default_columns=self._default_columns, is_hump_underline=self._is_hump_underline, args=self._table_args, kwargs=self._table_kwargs ) self.parser_response = parser_response self._account_id = self._get_account_id() for default_column in self._default_columns: if == 'account_id': default_column.kwargs['default'] = self.account_id if == 'region': default_column.kwargs['default'] = self.region @property def engine(self): return self._engine @property def table(self) -> Table: return self.asset_table.table @property def assets(self) -> list: return self._get_assets() @property def paginate_all_assets(self) -> list: return self._paginate_all_assets() @property def client(self): return self._get_client() @property def account_id(self): return self._account_id def _paginate_all_assets(self) -> list: raise NotImplementedError("") def _get_assets(self) -> list: raise NotImplementedError("") def _get_client(self): raise NotImplementedError("") def _get_account_id(self): raise NotImplementedError("") def fetch(self): if self._is_hump_underline: paginate_all_assets = self.assets_to_hump_underline(self.paginate_all_assets, self.asset_table.columns) else: paginate_all_assets = self.paginate_all_assets # all_assets datetime, bool, ... to str paginate_all_assets = recursive_list(paginate_all_assets) if paginate_all_assets: uc = [_ for _ in self._table_args if isinstance(_, UniqueConstraint)] if uc: AssetTable.insert_values_duplicat_do_nothing(self.table, paginate_all_assets, self.engine, uc[0].name) else: AssetTable.insert_values(self.table, paginate_all_assets, self.engine) return True @classmethod def assets_to_hump_underline(cls, assets: List[dict], asset_columns: List[AssetColumn]) -> List[dict]: _assets, asset_columns = [], [ for asset_column in asset_columns] for asset in assets: _ = copy.deepcopy(asset) _asset = {} _asset_keys = {to_hump_underline(key): key for key in _.keys()} for asset_column in asset_columns: if asset_column not in _asset_keys: if asset_column in ('account_id', 'record_date', 'region'): continue _asset.update({asset_column: None}) else: _asset[asset_column] = asset.pop(_asset_keys[asset_column]) _assets.append(_asset) return _assets @classmethod def load_creds(cls, profile): raise NotImplementedError("") class TencentAsset(Asset): _platform = 'tencent' _describe = DescribeTencent _des_request_func: str = '' _des_request: object = None _response_field: str = '' _paginate: bool = True _paginate_type = 'int' # int or str def __init__( self, cred: STSAssumeRoleCredential, region=None, dbconfig: DbConfig = None, parser_response: callable = tencent_parser_response ): super(TencentAsset, self).__init__(cred, region=region, dbconfig=dbconfig, parser_response=parser_response) self.asset_describe = self._describe( self.client, self._des_request_func, self._des_request, self._response_field) def _get_assets(self): return self.asset_describe.parser_response() def _paginate_all_assets(self): page, assets = 0, [] _des_request = copy.deepcopy(self._des_request) if self._paginate: _des_request.Limit = 50 if self._paginate_type == 'int' else '50' while True: response = self._describe( self.client, self._des_request_func, _des_request, self._response_field).parser_response() if not response: break assets += response page = 1 if self._paginate: if isinstance(_des_request.Limit, str): _des_request.Offset = str(page * int(_des_request.Limit)) else: _des_request.Offset = page * _des_request.Limit else: break return assets def _get_client(self): pass def _get_account_id(self): return get_tencent_account_id(self.cred) @classmethod def load_creds(cls, profile: TencentProfile) -> List[STSAssumeRoleCredential]: return [ STSAssumeRoleCredential( profile.ak,, role.arn, role.session_name, duration_seconds=role.duration_seconds ) for role in profile.roles ] class AliyunAsset(Asset): _platform = 'aliyun' _des_request: callable = None _response_field = '' _child_response_filed = None _describe = DescribeAliyun _paginate = True def __init__( self, cred: RamRoleArnCredential, region: str = None, dbconfig: DbConfig = None, parser_response: callable = aliyun_parser_response ): super(AliyunAsset, self).__init__(cred, region=region, dbconfig=dbconfig, parser_response=parser_response) self._des_request = self._des_request() self._des_request.set_accept_format('json') """ client, des_request, response_filed: str, parser_response_func: callable = aliyun_parser_response """ self.asset_describe = self._describe( self.client, self._des_request, self._response_field, self._child_response_filed, self.parser_response ) def _paginate_all_assets(self): page, page_size, assets = 0, 50, [] if self._paginate: self._des_request.set_PageSize(page_size) while True: response = self._describe( self.client, self._des_request, self._response_field, self._child_response_filed, self.parser_response ).parser_response() if not response: break assets += response page += 1 if self._paginate: self._des_request.set_PageNumber(page*page_size) else: break return assets def _get_client(self): return AcsClient(credential=self.cred, region_id=self.region) def _get_assets(self): return self.asset_describe.parser_response() def _get_account_id(self): return get_aliyun_account_id(cred=self.cred) @classmethod def load_creds(cls, profile: AliyunProfile) -> List[RamRoleArnCredential]: return [ RamRoleArnCredential( profile.ak,, role.arn, role.session_name ) for role in profile.roles ] class AwsAsset(Asset): _platform = 'aws' _client_name: str = '' _des_request: str = '' _response_field: str = '' _child_response_filed: str = None _des_request_kwargs: dict = {'MaxResults': 50} _next_type = 'NextToken' _describe = DescribeAws def __init__( self, cred: AwsCredential, region=None, dbconfig: DbConfig = None, parser_response: callable = aws_parser_response ): super(AwsAsset, self).__init__(cred, region=region, dbconfig=dbconfig, parser_response=parser_response) self.asset_describe = self._describe( self.client, self._des_request, self._response_field, des_request_kwargs=self._des_request_kwargs, parser_response_func=parser_response ) def _paginate_all_assets(self) -> list: assets = [] _des_request_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(self._des_request_kwargs) while True: _assets, next_token = self._describe( self.client, self._des_request, self._response_field, self._child_response_filed, des_request_kwargs=_des_request_kwargs, parser_response_func=self.parser_response ).parser_response() assets += _assets if next_token is None: break _des_request_kwargs.update({self._next_type: next_token}) return assets def _get_client(self): """由子类实现""" return Session(**self.cred.dict()).client(self._client_name, region_name=self.region) def _get_assets(self) -> list: assets, _ = self.asset_describe.parser_response() return assets def _get_account_id(self): return get_aws_account_id(self.cred) @classmethod def load_creds(cls, profile: AwsProfile) -> List[AwsCredential]: creds = [] for role in profile.roles: try: creds.append( aws_assume_role(role.arn, role_session_name=role.session_name, duration_seconds=role.duration_seconds) ) except Exception as e: cls.logger.error(f'aws_assume_role fail, error: {e} ') continue return creds class HuaweiAsset(Asset): _platform = 'huawei' _client = None _region_obj = None _describe = DescribeHuawei _des: str = '' _request_obj = None _request_pars: dict = {'limit': 50, 'offset': 1} _response_field = '' _offset = True def __init__( self, cred: HuaweiCredential, region=None, dbconfig: DbConfig = None, parser_response=huawei_parser_response ): super(HuaweiAsset, self).__init__(cred, region=region, dbconfig=dbconfig, parser_response=parser_response) @property def credential(self): return BasicCredentials(self.cred.ak, def _paginate_all_assets(self) -> list: assets = [] _des_request_kwargs = self._request_obj(**self._request_pars) while True: response = self._describe( self.client, self._des, _des_request_kwargs, self._response_field, self.parser_response ).parser_response() assets += response if not response: break if self._offset: _des_request_kwargs.offset += 1 else: if _des_request_kwargs.limit: if len(response) < _des_request_kwargs.limit: break else: break return assets def _get_assets(self) -> list: pass def _get_account_id(self): return get_huawei_account_id(self.credential) def _get_client(self): region = self._region_obj.value_of(self.region) return getattr( getattr(self._client.new_builder(), 'with_credentials')(self.credential), 'with_region' )(region).build() @classmethod def load_creds(cls, profile: HuaweiProfile) -> List[HuaweiCredential]: return profile.credentials
sphinxcontrib-yamcs =================== This repository holds the sources for the PyPI package sphinxcontrib-yamcs. This package includes a number of Sphinx directives and other extensions that are used during document generation of multiple Yamcs projects. To use this package, include the following in your Sphinx ````: .. code-block:: python extensions = [ "sphinxcontrib.yamcs", ] See source code for available directives. There are also a few configuration options: yamcs_api_protobin Path to a \*.protobin file. If present this plugin will autogenerate pages based on contained GPB services. yamcs_api_destdir Path where autogenerated files are generated (applies only when a protobin file was configured). Defaults to ``http-api``. yamcs_api_title Title of the document that contains links to generated API docs (applies only when a protobin file was configured). Defaults to ``HTTP API``. yamcs_api_additional_docs Additional non-autogenerated files to be included in the TOC. (applies only when a protobin file was configured). Defaults to ``[]``.
# From PySpotify's EventLoop # from __future__ import unicode_literals from colorama import Fore import threading try: # Python 3 import queue except ImportError: # Python 2 import Queue as queue import spotify __all__ = [ 'EventLoop', ] class EventLoop(threading.Thread): """Event loop for automatically processing events from libspotify. The event loop is a :class:`~threading.Thread` that listens to :attr:`~spotify.SessionEvent.NOTIFY_MAIN_THREAD` events and calls :meth:`~spotify.Session.process_events` when needed. To use it, pass it your :class:`~spotify.Session` instance and call :meth:`start`:: >>> session = spotify.Session() >>> event_loop = EventLoop(session) >>> event_loop.start() .. warning:: If you use :class:`EventLoop` to process the libspotify events, any event listeners you've registered will be called from the event loop thread. pyspotify itself is thread safe, but you'll need to ensure that you have proper synchronization in your own application code, as always when working with threads. """ name = 'SpotifyEventLoop' def __init__(self, session, timeout, ripper): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self._session = session self._runnable = True self._queue_timeout = timeout * 1000 self._queue = queue.Queue() self._ripper = ripper def start(self): """Start the event loop.""" self._session.on( spotify.SessionEvent.NOTIFY_MAIN_THREAD, self._on_notify_main_thread) threading.Thread.start(self) def stop(self): """Stop the event loop.""" self._runnable = False spotify.SessionEvent.NOTIFY_MAIN_THREAD, self._on_notify_main_thread) def run(self): timeout_countdown = self._session.process_events() while self._runnable and self._ripper.isAlive(): timeout = min(timeout_countdown, self._queue_timeout) try: self._queue.get(timeout=(timeout / 1000.0)) except queue.Empty: # queue timeout timeout_countdown -= timeout else: # notification timeout_countdown = 0 finally: if timeout_countdown <= 0: timeout_countdown = self._session.process_events() def _on_notify_main_thread(self, session): # WARNING: This event listener is called from an internal libspotify # thread. It must not block. try: self._queue.put_nowait(1) except queue.Full: print(Fore.RED + "event loop queue full. dropped notification event" + Fore.RESET)
import logging import numpy as np import pandas as pd from igraph import Graph def compress_memberships(*memberships): """ Compress membership vectors to int values, preserving index compatibility. Args: series (list): list of membership vectors (Series) to compress Returns: List of Series with int codes for index and values. Index are compatible accross the Series. Examples: >>> membership = pd.Series(["c1", "c1", "c1", "c2", "c2", "c3"], index=[0,1,2,3,4,5]) >>> compressed, = compress_memberships(membership) >>> compressed 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 1 4 1 5 2 Name: 0, dtype: int8 """ compressed = pd.concat(memberships, axis=1) compressed.index = pd.Categorical(compressed.index).codes for col in compressed.columns: compressed[col] = pd.Categorical(compressed[col]).codes return [compressed[col] for col in compressed.columns] class MembershipVector(pd.Series): """ Series wrapper to validate membership vector format and log potential issues. Given a Series ``membership`` representing a membership vector, you can validate it using: .. code:: membership = MembershipVector(membership) This casts its type to the MembershipVector subclass. If ``membership`` is already of the MembershipVector subtype, this does absolutely nothing and simply returns the ``membership`` object as-is. However, if ``membership`` is a Series, then it is validated, potential issues are logged, and then the object is returned as a instance of the MembershipVector subclass. This wrapper helps avoid duplicate validation and duplicate logging within the er_evaluation package. Externally, you may use :meth:`ismembership` to validate that a given pandas Series satisfies the requirements of a membership vector. Examples: >>> series = pd.Series([1,2,3,3]) >>> membership = MembershipVector(series) # Validates the series and logs potential issues. >>> membership = MembershipVector(membership) # Does nothing. """ def __init__(self, data=None, dropna=False, **kwargs): if not isinstance(data, MembershipVector): super().__init__(data=data, **kwargs) if ismembership(self): if len(self) == 0:"Membership vector is empty.") if self.hasnans:"Membership vector contains NA values.") else: logging.critical(f"Invalid membership vector: {self}") raise ValueError(f"Invalid membership vector: {self}") if dropna: self.dropna(inplace=True) def __new__(cls, data=None, dropna=False, **kwargs): if isinstance(data, MembershipVector): return data return super().__new__(cls) def isgraph(obj): r""" Check if given object is an iGraph :py:class:`Graph`. Graph: A graph is an igraph :py:class:`Graph` object with vertices representing clustering elements and with edges between all elements belonging to the same cluster. Note that clusters are unnamed in graphs. Example:: 1───2 4 │ │ │ 6 └─3─┘ 5 Returns: bool: True if Graph, False otherwise. Examples: >>> import igraph >>> g = igraph.Graph() >>> isgraph(g) True """ if isinstance(obj, Graph): return True else: return False def ismembership(obj): r""" Check if given object is a membership vector. Membership vector: A membership vector is a pandas :py:class:`Series` indexed by the elements of :math:`E` and with values corresponding to cluster identifiers. That is, the memebership vector maps elements to clusters. Example:: >>> pd.Series(["c1", "c1", "c1", "c2", "c2", "c3"], index=[0,1,2,3,4,5]) 0 c1 1 c1 2 c1 3 c2 4 c2 5 c3 dtype: object Returns: bool: True if membership vector, False otherwise. Examples: >>> import pandas as pd >>> obj = pd.Series(index=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], data=[1,1,2,3,2,4,4,4]) >>> ismembership(obj) True >>> ismembership([1,1,2,3,2,4,4,4]) False """ if isinstance(obj, pd.Series): return all( [ obj.index.has_duplicates == False, obj.index.hasnans == False, ] ) else: return False def isclusters(obj): r""" Check if given object is a clusters dictionary. Clusters dictionary: A clusters dictionary is a Python :py:class:`dict` with keys corresponding to cluster identifiers and values being list of cluster elements. Example:: {'c1': array([0, 1, 2]), 'c2': array([3, 4]), 'c3': array([5])} Returns: bool: True if clusters dictionary, False otherwise. Examples: >>> from numpy import array >>> obj = {'c1': array([0, 1, 2]), 'c2': array([3, 4]), 'c3': array([5])} >>> isclusters(obj) True Dictionary values should be numpy arrays: >>> obj = {'c1': [0, 1, 2], 'c2': [3, 4], 'c3': [5]} >>> isclusters(obj) False ⚠️ Warning: Clustering validity is not checked. >>> import pandas as pd >>> obj = {'c1': array([pd.NA]), 'c2': array([pd.NA])} >>> isclusters(obj) True Notes: * This function does not verify that clusters are non-overlapping with unique non-NaN elements. """ if isinstance(obj, dict): return all(isinstance(value, np.ndarray) for value in obj.values()) else: return False def ispairs(obj): r""" Check if given object is a pairs list. A pairwise links list is an array of pairwise links between elements of the clustering, where each element of a cluster is linked to every other element of the same cluster. Note that clusters are unnamed in pairwise links lists. Example:: array([[0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 2], [3, 4]]) Returns: bool: True if a pairs list, False otherwise. Examples: >>> from numpy import array >>> obj = array([[0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> ispairs(obj) True >>> obj = [[0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 2], [3, 4]] >>> ispairs(obj) False """ if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): shape = obj.shape if shape[1] == 2: return True else: return False else: return False def membership_to_clusters(membership): r""" Transform membership vector into clusters dictionary. Args: membership (Series): Membership vector. Returns: Cluters dictionary. Examples: >>> import pandas as pd >>> membership = pd.Series(index=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], data=[1,1,2,3,2,4,4,4]) >>> membership_to_clusters(membership) {1: array([1, 2]), 2: array([3, 5]), 3: array([4]), 4: array([6, 7, 8])} """ membership = MembershipVector(membership) return {k: np.array(v) for k, v in membership.groupby(membership).groups.items()} def membership_to_pairs(membership): r""" Transform membership vector into pairs list. Args: membership (Series): Membership vector. Returns: Pairs list. Examples: >>> membership = pd.Series(index=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], data=[1,1,2,3,2,4,4,4]) >>> membership_to_pairs(membership) array([[1, 2], [3, 5], [6, 7], [6, 8], [7, 8]]) """ membership = MembershipVector(membership) clusters = membership_to_clusters(membership) return clusters_to_pairs(clusters) def membership_to_graph(membership): r""" Transform membership vector into Graph. Args: membership (Series): Membership vector. Returns: Graph, with all elements converted to string. Note: All elements are converted to string before creating the graph. Examples: >>> membership = pd.Series(index=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], data=[1,1,2,3,2,4,4,4]) >>> graph = membership_to_graph(membership) """ membership = MembershipVector(membership) return pairs_to_graph(membership_to_pairs(membership), membership.index.values) def clusters_to_pairs(clusters): r""" Transform clusters dictionary into pairs list. Args: clusters (dictionary): Dictionary mapping cluster identifiers to numpy array of cluster elements. Returns: Pairs list. Examples: >>> from numpy import array >>> clusters = {1: array([1, 2]), 2: array([3, 5]), 3: array([4]), 4: array([6, 7, 8])} >>> clusters_to_pairs(clusters) array([[1, 2], [3, 5], [6, 7], [6, 8], [7, 8]]) """ assert isclusters(clusters) def single_cluster_to_pairs(c): """ References: - Carlos Gameiro (2021) Fast pairwise combinations in NumPy. Accessed online on November 1, 2022. """ I = np.stack(np.triu_indices(len(c), k=1), axis=-1) return c[I] return np.row_stack([single_cluster_to_pairs(c) for c in clusters.values()]) def clusters_to_membership(clusters): r""" Transform clusters dictionary into membership vector. Args: clusters (dictionary): Dictionary mapping cluster identifiers to numpy array of cluster elements. Returns: Membership vector. Examples: >>> from numpy import array >>> clusters = {1: array([1, 2]), 2: array([3, 5]), 3: array([4]), 4: array([6, 7, 8])} >>> clusters_to_membership(clusters) 1 1 2 1 3 2 5 2 4 3 6 4 7 4 8 4 dtype: int64 """ assert isclusters(clusters) return pd.concat([pd.Series(value, index=indices) for value, indices in clusters.items()]) def clusters_to_graph(clusters): r""" Transform clusters dictionary into Graph. Args: clusters (dictionary): Dictionary mapping cluster identifiers to numpy array of cluster elements. Returns: Membership vector. Examples: >>> from numpy import array >>> clusters = {1: array([1, 2]), 2: array([3, 5]), 3: array([4]), 4: array([6, 7, 8])} >>> graph = clusters_to_graph(clusters) """ assert isclusters(clusters) indices = np.concatenate(list(clusters.values())) return pairs_to_graph(clusters_to_pairs(clusters), indices) def pairs_to_membership(pairs, indices): r"""Transform pairs list into membership vector. Args: pairs (ndarray): array of paired elements. indices (ndarray): flat array of all elements to consider (paired and non-paired), including singletons. Returns: Membership vector Examples: >>> from numpy import array >>> pairs = array([[1, 2], [3, 5], [6, 7], [6, 8], [7, 8]]) >>> indices = array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]) >>> pairs_to_membership(pairs, indices) 1 0 2 0 3 1 4 2 5 1 6 3 7 3 8 3 dtype: int64 """ assert ispairs(pairs) assert all(np.isin(pairs.flatten(), indices)) return graph_to_membership(pairs_to_graph(pairs, indices)) def pairs_to_clusters(pairs, indices): r"""Transform pairs list into clusters dictionary. Args: pairs (ndarray): array of paired elements. indices (ndarray): flat array of all elements to consider (paired and non-paired), including singletons. """ assert ispairs(pairs) assert all(np.isin(pairs.flatten(), indices)) return membership_to_clusters(pairs_to_membership(pairs, indices)) def pairs_to_graph(pairs, indices): r""" Transform pairs list into Graph. Args: pairs (ndarray): array of paired elements. indices (ndarray): flat array of all elements to consider (paired and non-paired), including singletons. Returns: Graph corresponding to the pairs list with given indices as vertices. Note that all elements are converted to string before creating the graph. Note: All elements are converted to string before creating the graph. Examples: >>> from numpy import array >>> pairs = array([[1, 2], [3, 5], [6, 7], [6, 8], [7, 8]]) >>> indices = array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]) >>> graph = pairs_to_graph(pairs, indices) """ assert ispairs(pairs) assert all(np.isin(pairs.flatten(), indices)) g = Graph() g.add_vertices(indices.astype(str)) g.add_edges(pairs.astype(str)) return g def graph_to_membership(graph): r""" Transform Graph into membership vector. Args: graph (Graph): igraph Graph object. Returns: Membership vector Examples: >>> from numpy import array >>> membership = pd.Series(index=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], data=[1,1,2,3,2,4,4,4]) >>> graph = membership_to_graph(membership) >>> graph_to_membership(graph) # Note that cluster identifiers are arbitrary. 1 0 2 0 3 1 4 2 5 1 6 3 7 3 8 3 dtype: int64 """ assert isgraph(graph) return pd.Series( index=graph.get_vertex_dataframe().name.values, data=graph.connected_components().membership, ) def graph_to_clusters(graph): r""" Transform Graph into clusters dictionary. Args: graph (Graph): igraph Graph object. Returns: Membership vector Examples: >>> from numpy import array >>> clusters = {1: array([1, 2]), 2: array([3, 5]), 3: array([4]), 4: array([6, 7, 8])} >>> graph = clusters_to_graph(clusters) >>> graph_to_clusters(graph) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE {0: array(['1', '2'], dtype=object), 1: array(['3', '5'], dtype=object), 2: array(['4'], dtype=object), 3: array(['6', '7', '8'], dtype=object)} """ assert isgraph(graph) return membership_to_clusters(graph_to_membership(graph)) def graph_to_pairs(graph): r""" Transform Graph into pairs list. Args: graph (Graph): igraph Graph object. Returns: Membership vector Examples: >>> from numpy import array >>> pairs = array([[1, 2], [3, 5], [6, 7], [6, 8], [7, 8]]) >>> indices = array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]) >>> graph = pairs_to_graph(pairs, indices) >>> graph_to_pairs(graph) array([['1', '2'], ['3', '5'], ['6', '7'], ['6', '8'], ['7', '8']], dtype='<U1') """ assert isgraph(graph) names = graph.get_vertex_dataframe().name.values edges = graph.get_edgelist() return np.array([[names[e[0]], names[e[1]]] for e in edges])
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: azure_rm_ddosprotectionplan_info version_added: "1.7.0" short_description: Get Azure DDoS protection plan description: - Get facts of Azure DDoS protection plan. options: resource_group: description: - The name of the resource group. type: str name: description: - The name of the DDoS protection plan. type: str extends_documentation_fragment: - author: - Praveen Ghuge (@praveenghuge) - Karl Dasan (@ikarldasan) ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Get facts of specific DDoS protection plan azure_rm_ddosprotectionplan_info: resource_group: myResourceGroup name: myDDoSProtectionPlan ''' RETURN = ''' ''' from import AzureRMModuleBase try: from azure.core.exceptions import ResourceNotFoundError from msrest.serialization import Model except ImportError: # This is handled in azure_rm_common pass class AzureDDoSProtectionPlanInfo(AzureRMModuleBase): def __init__(self): self.module_arg_spec = dict( resource_group=dict( type='str' ), name=dict( type='str' ) ) # store the results of the module operation self.results = dict( changed=False) self.resource_group = None = None self.tags = None super(AzureDDoSProtectionPlanInfo, self).__init__( self.module_arg_spec, supports_check_mode=True, supports_tags=False) def exec_module(self, **kwargs): for key in self.module_arg_spec: setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) if is not None: results = self.get() elif self.resource_group: # all the DDoS protection plan listed in that specific resource group results = self.list_resource_group() else: # all the DDoS protection plan listed in the subscription results = self.list_subscription() self.results['ddosprotectionplan'] = [ self.ddos_protection_plan_to_dict(x) for x in results] return self.results def get(self): response = None results = [] try: response = self.network_client.ddos_protection_plans.get( self.resource_group, self.log("Response : {0}".format(response)) except ResourceNotFoundError as e:'Could not get info for DDoS protection plan. {0}'.format(str(e))) if response and self.has_tags(response.tags, self.tags): results = [response] return results def list_resource_group(self): self.log('List items for resource group') try: response = self.network_client.ddos_protection_plans.list_by_resource_group( self.resource_group) except ResourceNotFoundError as exc: "Failed to list for resource group {0} - {1}".format(self.resource_group, str(exc))) results = [] for item in response: if self.has_tags(item.tags, self.tags): results.append(item) return results def list_subscription(self): self.log('List items for subscription') try: response = self.network_client.ddos_protection_plans.list() except ResourceNotFoundError as exc: "Failed to list DDoS protection plan in the subscription - {0}".format(str(exc))) results = [] for item in response: if self.has_tags(item.tags, self.tags): results.append(item) return results def ddos_protection_plan_to_dict(self, item): # turn DDoS protection plan object into a dictionary (serialization) ddos_protection_plan = item.as_dict() result = dict( additional_properties=ddos_protection_plan.get('additional_properties', None), id=ddos_protection_plan.get('id', None), name=ddos_protection_plan.get('name', None), type=ddos_protection_plan.get('type', None), location=ddos_protection_plan.get('location', None), tags=ddos_protection_plan.get('tags', None), etag=ddos_protection_plan.get('etag', None), resource_guid=ddos_protection_plan.get('resource_guid', None), provisioning_state=ddos_protection_plan.get('provisioning_state', None), virtual_networks=ddos_protection_plan.get('virtual_networks', None) ) return result def main(): AzureDDoSProtectionPlanInfo() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from logging import Logger import pandas as pd from the_census._utils.log.factory import ILoggerFactory from the_census._utils.timer import timer from the_census._variables.models import GroupCode from the_census._variables.repository.interface import IVariableRepository from import IVariableSearchService class VariableSearchService(IVariableSearchService[pd.DataFrame]): _variable_repository: IVariableRepository[pd.DataFrame] _logger: Logger def __init__( self, variableRepository: IVariableRepository[pd.DataFrame], loggerFactory: ILoggerFactory, ) -> None: self._variable_repository = variableRepository self._logger = loggerFactory.getLogger(__name__) @timer def search_groups(self, regex: str) -> pd.DataFrame: self._logger.debug(f"searching groups for regex: `{regex}`") groups = self._variable_repository.get_groups() if groups.empty:"There are no groups for this dataset") return pd.DataFrame() series: pd.Series[bool] = groups["description"].str.contains( # type: ignore regex, case=False ) return groups[series].reset_index( drop=True, ) @timer def search_variables( self, regex: str, *in_groups: GroupCode, ) -> pd.DataFrame: self._logger.debug(f"searching variables for pattern `{regex}`") variables: pd.DataFrame if not len(in_groups): variables = self._variable_repository.get_all_variables() else: variables = self._variable_repository.get_variables_by_group(*in_groups) if variables.empty:"There are no variables for this dataset") return pd.DataFrame() series = variables["name"].str.contains(regex, case=False) # type: ignore return variables[series].reset_index(drop=True) # type: ignore
import numpy import copy from builtins import range from . import filter as pf from .filter import ParticleApproximation, TrajectoryStep def bsi_full(model, pa, ptraj, pind, future_trajs, find, ut, yt, tt, cur_ind): """ Perform backward simulation by drawing particles from the categorical distribution with weights given by \omega_{t|T}^i = \omega_{t|t}^i*p(x_{t+1}|x^i) Args: - pa (ParticleApproximation): particles approximation from which to sample - model (FFBSi): model defining probability density function - future_trajs (array-like): trajectory estimate of {t+1:T} - ut (array-like): inputs signal for {t:T} - yt (array-like): measurements for {t:T} - tt (array-like): time stamps for {t:T} """ M = len(find) N = len(pa.w) res = numpy.empty(M, dtype=int) for j in range(M): currfind = find[j] * numpy.ones((N,), dtype=int) p_next = model.logp_xnext_full(pa.part, ptraj, pind, future_trajs, currfind, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=cur_ind) w = pa.w + p_next w = w - numpy.max(w) w_norm = numpy.exp(w) w_norm /= numpy.sum(w_norm) res[j] = pf.sample(w_norm, 1) return res def bsi_rs(model, pa, ptraj, pind, future_trajs, find, ut, yt, tt, cur_ind, maxpdf, max_iter): """ Perform backward simulation by using rejection sampling to draw particles from the categorical distribution with weights given by \omega_{t|T}^i = \omega_{t|t}^i*p(x_{t+1}|x^i) Args: - pa (ParticleApproximation): particles approximation from which to sample - model (FFBSi): model defining probability density function - future_trajs (array-like): trajectory estimate of {t+1:T} - ut (array-like): inputs signal for {t:T} - yt (array-like): measurements for {t:T} - tt (array-like): time stamps for {t:T} - maxpdf (float): argmax p(x_{t+1:T}|x_t) - max_iter (int): number of attempts before falling back to bsi_full """ M = len(find) todo = numpy.arange(M) res = numpy.empty(M, dtype=int) weights = numpy.copy(pa.w) weights -= numpy.max(weights) weights = numpy.exp(weights) weights /= numpy.sum(weights) for _i in range(max_iter): ind = numpy.random.permutation(pf.sample(weights, len(todo))) pn = model.logp_xnext_full(pa.part[ind], ptraj, pind[ind], future_trajs, todo, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=cur_ind) test = numpy.log(numpy.random.uniform(size=len(todo))) accept = test < pn - maxpdf res[todo[accept]] = ind[accept] todo = todo[~accept] if (len(todo) == 0): return res # TODO, is there an efficient way to store those weights # already calculated to avoid double work, or will that # take more time than simply evaulating them all again? res[todo] = bsi_full(model, pa, ptraj, pind, future_trajs, todo, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=cur_ind) return res def bsi_rsas(model, pa, ptraj, pind, future_trajs, find, ut, yt, tt, cur_ind, maxpdf, x1, P1, sv, sw, ratio): """ Perform backward simulation by using rejection sampling to draw particles from the categorical distribution with weights given by \omega_{t|T}^i = \omega_{t|t}^i*p(x_{t+1}|x^i) Adaptively determine when to to fallback to bsi_full by using a Kalman filter to track the prediceted acceptance rate of the rejection sampler Based on "Adaptive Stopping for Fast Particle Smoothing" by Taghavi, Lindsten, Svensson and Sch\"{o}n. See orignal article for details about the meaning of the Kalman filter paramters Args: - pa (ParticleApproximation): particles approximation from which to sample - model (FFBSi): model defining probability density function - future_trajs (array-like): trajectory estimate of {t+1:T} - ut (array-like): inputs signal for {t:T} - yt (array-like): measurements for {t:T} - tt (array-like): time stamps for {t:T} - maxpdf (float): argmax p(x_{t+1:T}|x_t) - x1 (float): initial state of Kalman filter - P1 (float): initial covariance of Kalman filter estimate - sv (float): process noise (for Kalman filter) - sw (float): measurement noise (for Kalman filter) - ratio (float): cost ration of running rejection sampling compared to switching to the full bsi (D_0 / D_1) """ M = len(find) todo = numpy.arange(M) res = numpy.empty(M, dtype=int) weights = numpy.copy(pa.w) weights -= numpy.max(weights) weights = numpy.exp(weights) weights /= numpy.sum(weights) pk = x1 Pk = P1 stop_criteria = ratio / len(pa) while (True): ind = numpy.random.permutation(pf.sample(weights, len(todo))) pn = model.logp_xnext_full(pa.part[ind], ptraj, pind[ind], future_trajs, todo, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=cur_ind) test = numpy.log(numpy.random.uniform(size=len(todo))) accept = test < pn - maxpdf ak = numpy.sum(accept) mk = len(todo) res[todo[accept]] = ind[accept] todo = todo[~accept] if (len(todo) == 0): return res # meas update for adaptive stop mk2 = mk * mk sw2 = sw * sw pk = pk + (mk * Pk) / (mk2 * Pk + sw2) * (ak - mk * pk) Pk = (1 - (mk2 * Pk) / (mk2 * Pk + sw2)) * Pk # predict pk = (1 - ak / mk) * pk Pk = (1 - ak / mk) ** 2 * Pk + sv * sv if (pk < stop_criteria): break res[todo] = bsi_full(model, pa, ptraj, pind, future_trajs, todo, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=cur_ind) return res def bsi_mcmc(model, pa, ptraj, pind, future_trajs, find, ut, yt, tt, cur_ind, R, ancestors): """ Perform backward simulation by using Metropolis-Hastings to draw particles from the categorical distribution with weights given by \omega_{t|T}^i = \omega_{t|t}^i*p(x_{t+1}|x^i) Args: - pa (ParticleApproximation): particles approximation from which to sample - model (FFBSi): model defining probability density function - future_trajs (array-like): trajectory estimate of {t+1:T} - ut (array-like): inputs signal for {t:T} - yt (array-like): measurements for {t:T} - tt (array-like): time stamps for {t:T} - R (int): number of iterations to run the markov chain - ancestor (array-like): ancestor of each particle from the particle filter """ # Perform backward simulation using an MCMC sampler proposing new # backward particles, initialized with the filtered trajectory M = len(find) ind = ancestors weights = numpy.copy(pa.w) weights -= numpy.max(weights) weights = numpy.exp(weights) weights /= numpy.sum(weights) pcurr = model.logp_xnext_full(pa.part[ind], ptraj, pind[ind], future_trajs, find, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=cur_ind) for _j in range(R): propind = numpy.random.permutation(pf.sample(weights, M)) pprop = model.logp_xnext_full(pa.part[propind], ptraj, pind[propind], future_trajs, find, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=cur_ind) diff = pprop - pcurr diff[diff > 0.0] = 0.0 test = numpy.log(numpy.random.uniform(size=M)) accept = test < diff ind[accept] = propind[accept] pcurr[accept] = pprop[accept] return ind class SmoothTrajectory(object): """ Create smoothed trajectory from filtered trajectory Args: - pt (ParticleTrajectory): Forward estimates (typically generated by a ParticleFilter), combined with inputs and measurements - M (int): Number of smoothed trajectories to create - method (string): Smoothing method to use - options (dict): options to pass on to the smoothing algorithm """ def __init__(self, pt, M=1, method='full', options=None): self.traj = None self.u = numpy.copy(pt.uvec) self.y = numpy.copy(pt.yvec) self.t = numpy.copy(pt.tvec) self.M = M self.model = if (method == 'full' or method == 'mcmc' or method == 'rs' or method == 'rsas'): self.perform_bsi(pt=pt, M=M, method=method, options=options) elif (method == 'ancestor'): self.perform_ancestors(pt=pt, M=M) elif (method == 'mhips' or method == 'mhips_reduced'): if (method == 'mhips'): reduced = False else: reduced = True # Initialize using forward trajectories self.traj = self.perform_ancestors_int(pt=pt, M=M) if 'R' in options: R = options['R'] else: R = 10 for _i in range(R): # Recover filtering statistics for linear states if hasattr(self.model, 'pre_mhips_pass'): self.traj = self.model.pre_mhips_pass(self) self.traj = self.perform_mhips_pass(options=options, reduced=reduced) elif (method == 'mhbp'): if 'R' in options: R = options['R'] else: R = 10 self.perform_mhbp(pt=pt, M=M, R=R) else: raise ValueError('Unknown smoother: %s' % method) if hasattr(self.model, 'post_smoothing'): self.traj = self.model.post_smoothing(self) def __len__(self): return len(self.traj) def perform_ancestors(self, pt, M): """ Create smoothed trajectories by taking the forward trajectories Args: - pt (ParticleTrajectory): forward trajetories - M (int): number of trajectories to createa """ self.traj = self.perform_ancestors_int(pt, M) if hasattr(self.model, 'post_smoothing'): # Do e.g. constrained smoothing for RBPS models self.traj = self.model.post_smoothing(self) def calculate_ancestors(self, pt, ind): T = len(pt) M = len(ind) ancestors = pt[T - 1].ancestors[ind] find = numpy.arange(M, dtype=int) last_part = self.model.sample_smooth(part=pt[T - 1].pa.part[ind], ptraj=pt[:(T - 1)], anc=ancestors, future_trajs=None, find=None, ut=self.u, yt=self.y, tt=self.t, cur_ind=T - 1) traj = numpy.empty((len(pt),), dtype=object) traj[T - 1] = TrajectoryStep(ParticleApproximation(last_part), numpy.arange(M, dtype=int)) for t in reversed(range(T - 1)): ind = ancestors ancestors = pt[t].ancestors[ind] # Select 'previous' particle traj[t] = TrajectoryStep(ParticleApproximation(self.model.sample_smooth(part=pt[t].pa.part[ind], ptraj=pt[:t], anc=ancestors, future_trajs=traj[(t + 1):], find=find, ut=self.u, yt=self.y, tt=self.t, cur_ind=t)), ancestors=find) return traj def perform_ancestors_int(self, pt, M): """ Create smoothed trajectories by taking the forward trajectories, don't perform post processing Args: - pt (ParticleTrajectory): forward trajetories - M (int): number of trajectories to createa """ tmp = numpy.copy(pt[-1].pa.w) tmp -= numpy.max(tmp) tmp = numpy.exp(tmp) tmp = tmp / numpy.sum(tmp) ind = pf.sample(tmp, M) return self.calculate_ancestors(pt, ind) def perform_bsi(self, pt, M, method, options): """ Create smoothed trajectories using Backward Simulation Args: - pt (ParticleTrajectory): forward trajetories - M (int): number of trajectories to createa - method (string): Type of backward simulation to use - optiones (dict): Parameters to the backward simulator """ # Sample from end time estimates tmp = numpy.copy(pt[-1].pa.w) tmp -= numpy.max(tmp) tmp = numpy.exp(tmp) tmp = tmp / numpy.sum(tmp) ind = pf.sample(tmp, M) ancestors = pt[-1].ancestors[ind] last_part = self.model.sample_smooth(part=pt[-1].pa.part[ind], ptraj=pt[:-1], anc=ancestors, future_trajs=None, find=None, ut=self.u, yt=self.y, tt=self.t, cur_ind=len(pt) - 1) self.traj = numpy.empty((len(pt),), dtype=object) self.traj[-1] = TrajectoryStep(ParticleApproximation(last_part), numpy.arange(M, dtype=int)) if (method == 'full'): pass elif (method == 'mcmc' or method == 'ancestor' or method == 'mhips'): pass elif (method == 'rs'): max_iter = options['R'] elif (method == 'rsas'): x1 = options['x1'] P1 = options['P1'] sv = options['sv'] sw = options['sw'] ratio = options['ratio'] else: raise ValueError('Unknown sampler: %s' % method) find = numpy.arange(M, for cur_ind in reversed(range(len(pt) - 1)): ft = self.traj[(cur_ind + 1):] ut = self.u yt = self.y tt = self.t if (method == 'rs'): ind = bsi_rs(self.model, pt[cur_ind].pa, pt[:cur_ind], pt[cur_ind].ancestors, ft, find, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=cur_ind, maxpdf=options['maxpdf'][cur_ind], max_iter=int(max_iter)) elif (method == 'rsas'): ind = bsi_rsas(self.model, pt[cur_ind].pa, pt[:cur_ind], pt[cur_ind].ancestors, ft, find, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=cur_ind, maxpdf=options['maxpdf'][cur_ind], x1=x1, P1=P1, sv=sv, sw=sw, ratio=ratio) elif (method == 'mcmc'): ind = bsi_mcmc(self.model, pt[cur_ind].pa, pt[:cur_ind], pt[cur_ind].ancestors, ft, find, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=cur_ind, R=options['R'], ancestors=ancestors) ancestors = pt[cur_ind].ancestors[ind] elif (method == 'full'): ind = bsi_full(self.model, pt[cur_ind].pa, pt[:cur_ind], pt[cur_ind].ancestors, ft, find, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=cur_ind) elif (method == 'ancestor'): ind = ancestors ancestors = pt[cur_ind].ancestors[ind] # Select 'previous' particle find = numpy.arange(M, dtype=int) tmp = self.model.sample_smooth(part=pt[cur_ind].pa.part[ind], ptraj=pt[:cur_ind], anc=ancestors, future_trajs=ft, find=find, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=cur_ind) self.traj[cur_ind] = TrajectoryStep(ParticleApproximation(tmp), numpy.arange(M, dtype=int)) # if hasattr(self.model, 'post_smoothing'): # # Do e.g. constrained smoothing for RBPS models # self.traj = self.model.post_smoothing(self) def perform_mhbp(self, pt, M, R, reduced=False): """ Create smoothed trajectories using Metropolis-Hastings Backward Propeser Args: - pt (ParticleTrajectory): forward trajetories - M (int): number of trajectories to createa - R (int): Number of proposal for each time step """ T = len(pt) ut = self.u yt = self.y tt = self.t straj = numpy.empty((T,), dtype=object) # Initialise from end time estimates tmp = numpy.copy(pt[-1].pa.w) tmp -= numpy.max(tmp) tmp = numpy.exp(tmp) tmp = tmp / numpy.sum(tmp) cind = pf.sample(tmp, M) find = numpy.arange(M, dtype=int) # anc = pt[-1].ancestors[cind] # last_part = self.model.sample_smooth(part=pt[-1].pa.part[cind], # ptraj=pt[:-1], # anc=anc, # future_trajs=None, # find=find, # ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, # cur_ind=T - 1) for t in reversed(range(T)): # Initialise from filtered estimate if (t < T - 1): ft = straj[(t + 1):] else: ft = None # Initialize with filterted estimates pnew = pt[t].pa.part[cind] if (t > 0): anc = pt[t].ancestors[cind] tmp = numpy.copy(pt[t - 1].pa.w) tmp -= numpy.max(tmp) tmp = numpy.exp(tmp) tmp = tmp / numpy.sum(tmp) ptraj = pt[:t] else: ptraj = None for _ in range(R): if (t > 0): # Propose new ancestors panc = pf.sample(tmp, M) (pnew, acc) = mc_step(model=self.model, part=pnew, ptraj=ptraj, pind_prop=panc, pind_curr=anc, future_trajs=ft, find=find, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=t, reduced=reduced) anc[acc] = panc[acc] fpart = self.model.sample_smooth(part=pnew, ptraj=ptraj, anc=anc, future_trajs=ft, find=find, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=t) straj[t] = TrajectoryStep(ParticleApproximation(fpart)) cind = anc self.traj = straj if hasattr(self.model, 'post_smoothing'): # Do e.g. constrained smoothing for RBPS models self.traj = self.model.post_smoothing(self) def perform_mhips_pass(self, options, reduced=False): """ Runs MHIPS with the proposal density q as p(x_{t+1}|x_t) Args: - pt (ParticleTrajectory): Forward esimates - M (int): Number of backward trajectories - options (None): Unused """ T = len(self.traj) # Handle last time-step seperately ut = self.u yt = self.y tt = self.t pind = numpy.arange(self.M, straj = numpy.empty((T,), dtype=object) pt = self.traj[:T - 1] (part, _acc) = mc_step(model=self.model, part=self.traj[-1].pa.part, ptraj=pt, pind_prop=pind, pind_curr=pind, future_trajs=None, find=pind, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=T - 1, reduced=reduced) tmp = numpy.copy(self.model.sample_smooth(part=part, ptraj=pt, anc=pind, future_trajs=None, find=pind, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=T - 1)) straj[T - 1] = TrajectoryStep(ParticleApproximation(tmp), pind) for i in reversed(range(1, (T - 1))): ft = straj[(i + 1):] pt = self.traj[:i] (part, _acc) = mc_step(model=self.model, part=self.traj[i].pa.part, ptraj=pt, pind_prop=pind, pind_curr=pind, future_trajs=ft, find=pind, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=i, reduced=reduced) # The data dimension is not necessarily the same, since self.traj # contains data that has been processed by "post_smoothing". # This implementation assumes that the existing trajectory contains # enough space to hold the data, if that is not the case the # model class should extend "pre_mhips_pass" to allocate a larger # array #self.traj[i].pa.part[acc] = prop[acc] tmp = self.model.sample_smooth(part=part, ptraj=pt, anc=pind, future_trajs=ft, find=pind, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=i) straj[i] = TrajectoryStep(ParticleApproximation(tmp), pind) ft = straj[1:] (part, _acc) = mc_step(model=self.model, part=self.traj[0].pa.part, ptraj=None, pind_prop=None, pind_curr=None, future_trajs=ft, find=pind, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=0, reduced=reduced) tmp = self.model.sample_smooth(part, ptraj=None, anc=pind, future_trajs=ft, find=pind, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=0) straj[0] = TrajectoryStep(ParticleApproximation(tmp), pind) return straj def get_smoothed_estimates(self): """ Return smoothed estimates (must first have called 'simulate') Returns: - (T, N, D) array T is the length of the dataset, N is the number of particles D is the dimension of each particle """ T = len(self.traj) N = self.traj[0].pa.part.shape[0] D = self.traj[0].pa.part.shape[1] est = numpy.empty((T, N, D)) for t in range(T): est[t] = self.traj[t].pa.part return est def mc_step(model, part, ptraj, pind_prop, pind_curr, future_trajs, find, ut, yt, tt, cur_ind, reduced): """ Perform a single iteration of the MCMC sampler used for MHIPS and MHBP Args: - model: model definition - partp_prop (array-like): proposed previous particle - partp_prop (array-like): current previous particle - up (array-like): input at time t-1 - tp (array-like): timestamp at time t-1 - curpart: current accepted paricle - yt (array-like): measurement at time t - ut (array-like): input at time t - tt (array-like): timestamp at time t - future_trajs (array-like): particle approximations of {x_{t+1:T|T}} """ # The previously stored values for part already include the measurment from # cur_ind, we therefore need to recomputed the sufficient statistics # (for Rao-Blackwellized models) if (not ptraj is None): oldpart = numpy.copy(ptraj[-1].pa.part[pind_curr]) part = model.cond_predict_single_step(part=oldpart, past_trajs=ptraj[:-1], pind=ptraj[-1].ancestors[pind_curr], future_parts=part, find=numpy.arange(len(pind_curr)), ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=cur_ind - 1) else: part = model.cond_sampled_initial(part, tt[cur_ind]) if (reduced): if (ptraj is not None): noise = model.sample_process_noise_full(ptraj=ptraj, ancestors=pind_prop, ut=ut[:cur_ind], tt=tt[:cur_ind]) xprop = numpy.copy(ptraj[-1].pa.part[pind_prop]) model.update_full(particles=xprop, traj=ptraj, uvec=ut[:cur_ind], yvec=yt[:cur_ind], tvec=tt[:cur_ind], ancestors=pind_prop, noise=noise) else: xprop = model.create_initial_estimate(len(future_trajs[0].pa.part)) # Drawing from p(x_{t+1}|x_t), so these will be identical logp_prev_prop = 0.0 logp_prev_curr = 0.0 logp_q_prop = 0.0 logp_q_curr = 0.0 else: xprop = model.propose_smooth(ptraj=ptraj, anc=pind_prop, future_trajs=future_trajs, find=find, yt=yt, ut=ut, tt=tt, cur_ind=cur_ind) # Accept/reject new sample logp_q_prop = model.logp_proposal(prop_part=xprop, ptraj=ptraj, anc=pind_prop, future_trajs=future_trajs, find=find, yt=yt, ut=ut, tt=tt, cur_ind=cur_ind) logp_q_curr = model.logp_proposal(prop_part=part, ptraj=ptraj, anc=pind_curr, future_trajs=future_trajs, find=find, yt=yt, ut=ut, tt=tt, cur_ind=cur_ind) if (ptraj is not None): logp_prev_prop = model.logp_xnext_singlestep(part=ptraj[-1].pa.part[pind_prop], past_trajs=ptraj[:-1], pind=ptraj[-1].ancestors[pind_prop], future_parts=xprop, find=numpy.arange(len(xprop), dtype=int), ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=cur_ind - 1) logp_prev_curr = model.logp_xnext_singlestep(part=ptraj[-1].pa.part[pind_curr], past_trajs=ptraj[:-1], pind=ptraj[-1].ancestors[pind_curr], future_parts=part, find=numpy.arange(len(part), dtype=int), ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=cur_ind - 1) else: logp_prev_prop = model.eval_logp_x0(xprop, tt[0]) logp_prev_curr = model.eval_logp_x0(part, tt[0]) xpropy = numpy.copy(xprop) curparty = numpy.copy(part) if (yt[cur_ind] is not None): logp_y_prop = model.measure_full(particles=xpropy, traj=ptraj, uvec=ut[:cur_ind + 1], yvec=yt[:(cur_ind + 1)], tvec=tt[:cur_ind + 1], ancestors=pind_prop) logp_y_curr = model.measure_full(particles=curparty, traj=ptraj, uvec=ut[:cur_ind + 1], yvec=yt[:(cur_ind + 1)], tvec=tt[:cur_ind + 1], ancestors=pind_curr) else: logp_y_prop = 0.0 logp_y_curr = 0.0 if (future_trajs is not None): logp_next_prop = model.logp_xnext_full(part=xpropy, past_trajs=ptraj, pind=pind_prop, future_trajs=future_trajs, find=find, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=cur_ind) logp_next_curr = model.logp_xnext_full(part=curparty, past_trajs=ptraj, pind=pind_curr, future_trajs=future_trajs, find=find, ut=ut, yt=yt, tt=tt, cur_ind=cur_ind) else: logp_next_prop = 0.0 logp_next_curr = 0.0 # Calc ratio ratio = ((logp_prev_prop - logp_prev_curr) + (logp_y_prop - logp_y_curr) + (logp_next_prop - logp_next_curr) + (logp_q_curr - logp_q_prop)) test = numpy.log(numpy.random.uniform(size=len(ratio))) acc = test < ratio curparty[acc] = xpropy[acc] return (curparty, acc)
(function(mod) { if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS mod(require("../../lib/codemirror")); else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod); else // Plain browser env mod(CodeMirror); })(function(CodeMirror) { var modes = ["clike", "css", "javascript"]; for (var i = 0; i < modes.length; ++i) CodeMirror.extendMode(modes[i], {blockCommentContinue: " * "}); function continueComment(cm) { if (cm.getOption("disableInput")) return CodeMirror.Pass; var ranges = cm.listSelections(), mode, inserts = []; for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { var pos = ranges[i].head, token = cm.getTokenAt(pos); if (token.type != "comment") return CodeMirror.Pass; var modeHere = CodeMirror.innerMode(cm.getMode(), token.state).mode; if (!mode) mode = modeHere; else if (mode != modeHere) return CodeMirror.Pass; var insert = null; if (mode.blockCommentStart && mode.blockCommentContinue) { var end = token.string.indexOf(mode.blockCommentEnd); var full = cm.getRange(CodeMirror.Pos(pos.line, 0), CodeMirror.Pos(pos.line, token.end)), found; if (end != -1 && end == token.string.length - mode.blockCommentEnd.length && >= end) { // Comment ended, don't continue it } else if (token.string.indexOf(mode.blockCommentStart) == 0) { insert = full.slice(0, token.start); if (!/^\s*$/.test(insert)) { insert = ""; for (var j = 0; j < token.start; ++j) insert += " "; } } else if ((found = full.indexOf(mode.blockCommentContinue)) != -1 && found + mode.blockCommentContinue.length > token.start && /^\s*$/.test(full.slice(0, found))) { insert = full.slice(0, found); } if (insert != null) insert += mode.blockCommentContinue; } if (insert == null && mode.lineComment && continueLineCommentEnabled(cm)) { var line = cm.getLine(pos.line), found = line.indexOf(mode.lineComment); if (found > -1) { insert = line.slice(0, found); if (/\S/.test(insert)) insert = null; else insert += mode.lineComment + line.slice(found + mode.lineComment.length).match(/^\s*/)[0]; } } if (insert == null) return CodeMirror.Pass; inserts[i] = "\n" + insert; } cm.operation(function() { for (var i = ranges.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) cm.replaceRange(inserts[i], ranges[i].from(), ranges[i].to(), "+insert"); }); } function continueLineCommentEnabled(cm) { var opt = cm.getOption("continueComments"); if (opt && typeof opt == "object") return opt.continueLineComment !== false; return true; } CodeMirror.defineOption("continueComments", null, function(cm, val, prev) { if (prev && prev != CodeMirror.Init) cm.removeKeyMap("continueComment"); if (val) { var key = "Enter"; if (typeof val == "string") key = val; else if (typeof val == "object" && val.key) key = val.key; var map = {name: "continueComment"}; map[key] = continueComment; cm.addKeyMap(map); } }); });
from itertools import chain from django.contrib import messages from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404 from django.http import HttpResponse from . import forms from . import models def course_list(request): courses = models.Course.objects.all() email = '' # output = ', '.join([str(course) for course in courses]) # Joined Them Together With Commas # return HttpResponse(output) return render(request, 'courses/course_list.html', {'courses':courses, 'email':email}) def course_detail(request, pk): # course = Course.objects.get(pk=pk) course = get_object_or_404(models.Course, pk=pk) steps = sorted(chain(course.text_set.all(), course.quiz_set.all()), key=lambda step: step.order) return render(request, 'courses/course_detail.html', {'course':course, 'steps':steps}) def text_detail(request, course_pk, step_pk): step = get_object_or_404(models.Text, course_id=course_pk, pk=step_pk) return render(request, 'courses/step_detail.html', {'step':step}) def quiz_detail(request, course_pk, step_pk): step = get_object_or_404(models.Quiz, course_id=course_pk, pk=step_pk) return render(request, 'courses/quiz_detail.html', {'step':step}) @login_required def quiz_create(request, course_pk): course = get_object_or_404(models.Course, pk=course_pk) form = forms.QuizForm() if request.method == 'POST': form = forms.QuizForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): quiz = quiz.course = course messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, "Quiz Added!") return HttpResponseRedirect(quiz.get_absolute_url()) return render(request, 'courses/quiz_form.html', {'form':form, 'course':course}) @login_required def quiz_edit(request, course_pk, quiz_pk): quiz = get_object_or_404(models.Quiz, pk=quiz_pk, course_id=course_pk) form = forms.QuizForm(instance=quiz) if request.method == 'POST': form = forms.QuizForm(instance=quiz, data=request.POST) if form.is_valid(): messages.success(request, "Updated {}".format(form.cleaned_data['title'])) return HttpResponseRedirect(quiz.get_absolute_url()) return render(request, 'courses/quiz_form.html', {'form':form, 'course':quiz.course}) @login_required def create_question(request, quiz_pk, question_type): quiz = get_object_or_404(models.Quiz, pk=quiz_pk) if question_type == 'tf': form_class = forms.TrueFalseQuestionForm else: form_class = forms.MultipleChoiceQuestionForm form = form_class() answer_forms = forms.AnswerInlineFormSet( queryset = models.Answer.objects.none() ) if request.method == 'POST': form = form_class(request.POST) answer_forms = forms.AnswerInlineFormSet(request.POST, queryset = models.Answer.objects.none()) if form.is_valid() and answer_forms.is_valid(): question = question.quiz = quiz answers = for answer in answers: answer.question = question messages.success(request, "Added Question") return HttpResponseRedirect(quiz.get_absolute_url()) return render(request, 'courses/question_form.html', {'form':form, 'quiz':quiz, 'formset':answer_forms}) @login_required def edit_question(request, quiz_pk, question_pk): question = get_object_or_404(models.Question, pk=question_pk, quiz_id=quiz_pk) if hasattr(question, 'truefalsequestion'): form_class = forms.TrueFalseQuestionForm question = question.truefalsequestion else: form_class = forms.MultipleChoiceQuestionForm question = question.multiplechoicequestion form = form_class(instance=question) answer_forms = forms.AnswerInlineFormSet( queryset = form.instance.answer_set.all() ) if request.method == 'POST': form = form_class(request.POST, instance=question) answer_forms = forms.AnswerInlineFormSet( request.POST, queryset = form.instance.answer_set.all() ) if form.is_valid() and answer_forms.is_valid(): answers = for answer in answers: answer.question = question for answer in answer_forms.deleted_objects: answer.delete() messages.success(request, "Updated Question") return HttpResponseRedirect(question.quiz.get_absolute_url()) return render(request, 'courses/question_form.html', {'form':form, 'quiz':question.quiz, 'formset':answer_forms}) @login_required def answer_form(request, question_pk): question = get_object_or_404(models.Question, pk=question_pk) formset = forms.AnswerFormSet(queryset=question.answer_set.all()) if request.method == 'POST': formset = forms.AnswerFormSet(request.POST, queryset=question.answer_set.all()) if formset.is_valid(): answers = for answer in answers: answer.question = question messages.success(request, "Added Answers") return HttpResponseRedirect(question.quiz.get_absolute_url()) return render(request, 'courses/answer_form.html', {'formset':formset, 'question':question})
import asyncio import copy import json import logging import multiprocessing as mp from typing import Union, List, Tuple, Any, Optional, Dict import astroplan from astroplan import ObservingBlock from astropy.time import TimeDelta import astropy.units as u from import TaskFinishedEvent from import TaskStartedEvent from import GoodWeatherEvent, Event from pyobs.utils.time import Time from pyobs.interfaces import IStartStop, IRunnable from pyobs.modules import Module from pyobs.robotic import TaskArchive, TaskSchedule log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Scheduler(Module, IStartStop, IRunnable): """Scheduler.""" __module__ = "pyobs.modules.robotic" def __init__( self, tasks: Union[Dict[str, Any], TaskArchive], schedule: Union[Dict[str, Any], TaskSchedule], schedule_range: int = 24, safety_time: int = 60, twilight: str = "astronomical", trigger_on_task_started: bool = False, trigger_on_task_finished: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ): """Initialize a new scheduler. Args: scheduler: Scheduler to use schedule_range: Number of hours to schedule into the future safety_time: If no ETA for next task to start exists (from current task, weather became good, etc), use this time in seconds to make sure that we don't schedule for a time when the scheduler is still running twilight: astronomical or nautical trigger_on_task_started: Whether to trigger a re-calculation of schedule, when task has started. trigger_on_task_finishes: Whether to trigger a re-calculation of schedule, when task has finished. """ Module.__init__(self, **kwargs) # get scheduler self._task_archive = self.add_child_object(tasks, TaskArchive) self._schedule = self.add_child_object(schedule, TaskSchedule) # store self._schedule_range = schedule_range self._safety_time = safety_time self._twilight = twilight self._running = True self._initial_update_done = False self._need_update = False self._trigger_on_task_started = trigger_on_task_started self._trigger_on_task_finished = trigger_on_task_finished # time to start next schedule from self._schedule_start: Optional[Time] = None # ID of currently running task, and current (or last if finished) block self._current_task_id = None self._last_task_id = None # blocks self._blocks: List[ObservingBlock] = [] # update thread self.add_background_task(self._schedule_worker) self.add_background_task(self._update_worker) async def open(self) -> None: """Open module.""" await # subscribe to events if self.comm: await self.comm.register_event(TaskStartedEvent, self._on_task_started) await self.comm.register_event(TaskFinishedEvent, self._on_task_finished) await self.comm.register_event(GoodWeatherEvent, self._on_good_weather) async def start(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Start scheduler.""" self._running = True async def stop(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Stop scheduler.""" self._running = False async def is_running(self, **kwargs: Any) -> bool: """Whether scheduler is running.""" return self._running async def _update_worker(self) -> None: # time of last change in blocks last_change = None # run forever while True: # not running? if self._running is False: await asyncio.sleep(1) continue # got new time of last change? t = await self._task_archive.last_changed() if last_change is None or last_change < t: # get schedulable blocks and sort them"Found update in schedulable block, downloading them...") blocks = sorted( await self._task_archive.get_schedulable_blocks(), key=lambda x: json.dumps(x.configuration, sort_keys=True), )"Downloaded %d schedulable block(s).", len(blocks)) # compare new and old lists removed, added = self._compare_block_lists(self._blocks, blocks) # schedule update self._need_update = True # no changes? if len(removed) == 0 and len(added) == 0: # no need to re-schedule"No change in list of blocks detected.") self._need_update = False # has only the current block been removed?"Removed: %d, added: %d", len(removed), len(added)) if len(removed) == 1: "Found 1 removed block with ID %d. Last task ID was %s, current is %s.", removed[0], str(self._last_task_id), str(self._current_task_id), ) if len(removed) == 1 and len(added) == 0 and removed[0] == self._last_task_id: # no need to re-schedule"Only one removed block detected, which is the one currently running.") self._need_update = False # check, if one of the removed blocks was actually in schedule if len(removed) > 0 and self._need_update: schedule = await self._schedule.get_schedule() removed_from_schedule = [r for r in removed if r in schedule] if len(removed_from_schedule) == 0:"Found {len(removed)} blocks, but none of them was scheduled.") self._need_update = False # store blocks self._blocks = blocks # schedule update if self._need_update:"Triggering scheduler run...") # remember now last_change = self._initial_update_done = True # sleep a little await asyncio.sleep(5) @staticmethod def _compare_block_lists( blocks1: List[ObservingBlock], blocks2: List[ObservingBlock] ) -> Tuple[List[ObservingBlock], List[ObservingBlock]]: """Compares two lists of ObservingBlocks and returns two lists, containing those that are missing in list 1 and list 2, respectively. Args: blocks1: First list of blocks. blocks2: Second list of blocks. Returns: (tuple): Tuple containing: unique1: Blocks that exist in blocks1, but not in blocks2. unique2: Blocks that exist in blocks2, but not in blocks1. """ # get dictionaries with block names names1 = { b for b in blocks1} names2 = { b for b in blocks2} # find elements in names1 that are missing in names2 and vice versa additional1 = set(names1.keys()).difference(names2.keys()) additional2 = set(names2.keys()).difference(names1.keys()) # get blocks for names and return them unique1 = [names1[n] for n in additional1] unique2 = [names2[n] for n in additional2] return unique1, unique2 async def _schedule_worker(self) -> None: # run forever while True: # need update? if self._need_update and self._initial_update_done: # reset need for update self._need_update = False try: # prepare scheduler blocks, start, end, constraints = await self._prepare_schedule() # schedule scheduled_blocks = await self._schedule_blocks(blocks, start, end, constraints) # finish schedule await self._finish_schedule(scheduled_blocks, start) except ValueError as e: log.warning(str(e)) # sleep a little await asyncio.sleep(1) async def _prepare_schedule(self) -> Tuple[List[ObservingBlock], Time, Time, List[Any]]: """TaskSchedule blocks.""" # only global constraint is the night if self._twilight == "astronomical": constraints = [astroplan.AtNightConstraint.twilight_astronomical()] elif self._twilight == "nautical": constraints = [astroplan.AtNightConstraint.twilight_nautical()] else: raise ValueError("Unknown twilight type.") # make shallow copies of all blocks and loop them copied_blocks = [copy.copy(block) for block in self._blocks] for block in copied_blocks: # astroplan's PriorityScheduler expects lower priorities to be more important, so calculate # 1000 - priority block.priority = 1000.0 - block.priority if block.priority < 0: block.priority = 0 # it also doesn't match the requested observing windows exactly, so we make them a little smaller. for constraint in block.constraints: if isinstance(constraint, astroplan.TimeConstraint): constraint.min += 30 * u.second constraint.max -= 30 * u.second # get start time for scheduler start = self._schedule_start now_plus_safety = + self._safety_time * u.second if start is None or start < now_plus_safety: # if no ETA exists or is in the past, use safety time start = now_plus_safety # get running scheduled block, if any if self._current_task_id is None:"No running block found.") running_task = None else: # get running task from archive"Trying to find running block in current schedule...") tasks = await self._schedule.get_schedule() if self._current_task_id in tasks: running_task = tasks[self._current_task_id] else:"Running block not found in last schedule.") running_task = None # if start is before end time of currently running block, change that if running_task is not None:"Found running block that ends at %s.", running_task.end) # get block end plus some safety block_end = running_task.end + 10.0 * u.second if start < block_end: start = block_end"Start time would be within currently running block, shifting to %s.", start.isot) # calculate end time end = start + TimeDelta(self._schedule_range * u.hour) # remove currently running block and filter by start time blocks: List[ObservingBlock] = [] for b in filter(lambda x: x.configuration["request"]["id"] != self._current_task_id, copied_blocks): time_constraint_found = False # loop all constraints for c in b.constraints: if isinstance(c, astroplan.TimeConstraint): # we found a time constraint time_constraint_found = True # does the window start before the end of the scheduling range? if c.min < end: # yes, store block and break loop blocks.append(b) break else: # loop has finished without breaking # if no time constraint has been found, we still take the block if time_constraint_found is False: blocks.append(b) # if need new update, skip here if self._need_update: raise ValueError("Not running scheduler, since update was requested.") # no blocks found? if len(blocks) == 0: await self._schedule.set_schedule([], start) raise ValueError("No blocks left for scheduling.") # return all return blocks, start, end, constraints async def _schedule_blocks( self, blocks: List[ObservingBlock], start: Time, end: Time, constraints: List[Any] ) -> List[ObservingBlock]: # run actual scheduler in separate process and wait for it qout: mp.Queue = mp.Queue() p = mp.Process(target=self._schedule_process, args=(blocks, start, end, constraints, qout)) p.start() # wait for process to finish # note that the process only finishes, when the queue is empty! so we have to poll the queue first # and then the process. loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() scheduled_blocks: List[ObservingBlock] = await loop.run_in_executor(None, qout.get, True) await loop.run_in_executor(None, p.join) return scheduled_blocks async def _finish_schedule(self, scheduled_blocks: List[ObservingBlock], start: Time) -> None: # if need new update, skip here if self._need_update:"Not using scheduler results, since update was requested.") return # update await self._schedule.set_schedule(scheduled_blocks, start) if len(scheduled_blocks) > 0:"Finished calculating schedule for %d block(s):", len(scheduled_blocks)) for i, block in enumerate(scheduled_blocks, 1): " #%d: %s to %s (%.1f)", block.configuration["request"]["id"], block.start_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), block.end_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), block.priority, ) else:"Finished calculating schedule for 0 blocks.") def _schedule_process( self, blocks: List[ObservingBlock], start: Time, end: Time, constraints: List[Any], scheduled_blocks: mp.Queue, ) -> None: """Actually do the scheduling, usually run in a separate process.""" # log it"Calculating schedule for %d schedulable block(s) starting at %s...", len(blocks), start) # we don't need any transitions transitioner = astroplan.Transitioner() # create scheduler scheduler = astroplan.PriorityScheduler(constraints,, transitioner=transitioner) # run scheduler time_range = astroplan.Schedule(start, end) schedule = scheduler(blocks, time_range) # put scheduled blocks in queue scheduled_blocks.put(schedule.scheduled_blocks) async def run(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Trigger a re-schedule.""" self._need_update = True async def _on_task_started(self, event: Event, sender: str) -> bool: """Re-schedule when task has started and we can predict its end. Args: event: The task started event. sender: Who sent it. """ if not isinstance(event, TaskStartedEvent): return False # store it self._current_task_id = self._last_task_id = # trigger? if self._trigger_on_task_started: # get ETA in minutes eta = (event.eta - / 60"Received task started event with ETA of %.0f minutes, triggering new scheduler run...", eta) # set it self._need_update = True self._schedule_start = event.eta return True async def _on_task_finished(self, event: Event, sender: str) -> bool: """Reset current task, when it has finished. Args: event: The task finished event. sender: Who sent it. """ if not isinstance(event, TaskFinishedEvent): return False # reset current task self._current_task_id = None # trigger? if self._trigger_on_task_finished: # get ETA in minutes"Received task finished event, triggering new scheduler run...") # set it self._need_update = True self._schedule_start = return True async def _on_good_weather(self, event: Event, sender: str) -> bool: """Re-schedule on incoming good weather event. Args: event: The good weather event. sender: Who sent it. """ if not isinstance(event, GoodWeatherEvent): return False # get ETA in minutes eta = (event.eta - / 60"Received good weather event with ETA of %.0f minutes, triggering new scheduler run...", eta) # set it self._need_update = True self._schedule_start = event.eta return True async def abort(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: pass __all__ = ["Scheduler"]
from __future__ import absolute_import import sys import serial from import list_ports import glob from time import sleep from twisted.internet import reactor, defer def locate_firmware( baudrate = 57600, firmware_id = None, firmware_version = None, firmware_uid = None, outstream = sys.stdout, silent = False, delay = 1, max_attempts = 0 ): """ Parameters --- baudrate (int): Baudrate to open COM port at firmware_id (string): Firmware identifier to search for firmware_version (string): Firmware version to search for firmware_uid (string): Firmware instance UID to search for outstream (file): Output stream for logging. Defaults to stdout silent (boolean): Don't output anything to outstream delay (int): Seconds to delay between iterations max_attempts (int): Number of iterations to search for. Defaults to `0` (infinite) Returns ------- Deferred Deferred object that resolves once the port has been found """ d = defer.Deferred() attempts = 0 # outstream = sys.stdout if outstream is None else outstream def log (msg, *args): if not silent: outstream.write( msg.format(*args) ) def search(): ## Platform-dependant port enumeration log("[NTV-Firmware] Enumerating COM ports... ") ports = list_ports.comports() # if sys.platform.startswith('win'): # ports = ['COM%s' % (i + 1) for i in range(256)] # elif sys.platform.startswith('linux') or sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'): # # this excludes your current terminal "/dev/tty" # ports = glob.glob('/dev/ttyACM[0-9]*') # elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): # ports = glob.glob('/dev/tty.usbmodem[0-9]*') # else: # raise EnvironmentError('Unsupported platform') log("{} found\n", len(ports)) for port in ports: try: log("[NTV-Firmware] - Checking {}... ", port.device) with serial.Serial(port.device, baudrate, timeout=1) as sp: sleep(1) numBytes = sp.inWaiting() sp.reset_input_buffer() sp.write("IDENTIFY\n") replied = False tries = 0 id = None while not replied: id = sp.readline() if len(id) == 0: tries += 1 if tries > 6: id = '' replied = True else: replied = True if id == "": log("NOT_NTV_FIRMWARE\n") continue _,f_uid,f_id,f_version = id.strip().split(":") if firmware_id is not None and firmware_id != f_id: log("INVALID_FIRMWARE\n") continue if firmware_version is not None and firmware_version != f_version: log("INVALID_FIRMWARE_VERSION") continue if firmware_uid is not None and firmware_uid != f_uid: log("INVALID_UID\n") continue log("SUCCESS\n") return port.device except Exception as e: if hasattr(e,'errno') and e.errno == 16: log("DEVICE_BUSY\n") else: print e log("NOT_NTV_FIRMWARE\n") return None def deferred_search( attempts = 0, max_attempts = 0): try: found_port = search() attempts += 1 if found_port is None: if max_attempts > 0 and attempts >= max_attempts: d.errback() else: reactor.callLater(delay, deferred_search, attempts=attempts, max_attempts=max_attempts) else: d.callback(found_port) except Exception as err: d.errback(err) reactor.callLater(0, deferred_search, max_attempts=max_attempts ) return d
from typing import List from ......Internal.Core import Core from ......Internal.CommandsGroup import CommandsGroup from ......Internal.Types import DataType from ......Internal.StructBase import StructBase from ......Internal.ArgStruct import ArgStruct from ...... import enums from ...... import repcap # noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyAttributeOutsideInit,SpellCheckingInspection class MaximumCls: """Maximum commands group definition. 3 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 3 group commands""" def __init__(self, core: Core, parent): self._core = core self._cmd_group = CommandsGroup("maximum", core, parent) # noinspection PyTypeChecker class ResultData(StructBase): """Response structure. Fields: \n - Reliability: int: 'Reliability indicator' - Out_Of_Tol: float: Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals of the statistic count for spectrum emission measurements exceeding the specified transmit spectrum mask limits. - Margin_Tx: List[float]: Comma-separated list of margin values, one value per spectrum mask area The number of margin values depends on the selected standard, see Table 'Spectrum mask areas'.""" __meta_args_list = [ ArgStruct.scalar_int('Reliability', 'Reliability'), ArgStruct.scalar_float('Out_Of_Tol'), ArgStruct('Margin_Tx', DataType.FloatList, None, False, True, 1)] def __init__(self): StructBase.__init__(self, self) self.Reliability: int = None self.Out_Of_Tol: float = None self.Margin_Tx: List[float] = None def read(self, mimo=repcap.Mimo.Default) -> ResultData: """SCPI: READ:WLAN:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:TSMask:MIMO<n>:MAXimum \n Snippet: value: ResultData = = repcap.Mimo.Default) \n Return the limit line margin values of the transmit spectrum mask for MIMO measurements, antenna <n>, bandwidths with one segment. Margins for the current, average, minimum and maximum traces are returned. A positive result indicates that the trace is located above the limit line. The limit is exceeded. The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below. \n :param mimo: optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface 'Mimo') :return: structure: for return value, see the help for ResultData structure arguments.""" mimo_cmd_val = self._cmd_group.get_repcap_cmd_value(mimo, repcap.Mimo) return'READ:WLAN:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:TSMask:MIMO{mimo_cmd_val}:MAXimum?', self.__class__.ResultData()) def fetch(self, mimo=repcap.Mimo.Default) -> ResultData: """SCPI: FETCh:WLAN:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:TSMask:MIMO<n>:MAXimum \n Snippet: value: ResultData = driver.wlanMeas.multiEval.tsMask.mimo.maximum.fetch(mimo = repcap.Mimo.Default) \n Return the limit line margin values of the transmit spectrum mask for MIMO measurements, antenna <n>, bandwidths with one segment. Margins for the current, average, minimum and maximum traces are returned. A positive result indicates that the trace is located above the limit line. The limit is exceeded. The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below. \n :param mimo: optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface 'Mimo') :return: structure: for return value, see the help for ResultData structure arguments.""" mimo_cmd_val = self._cmd_group.get_repcap_cmd_value(mimo, repcap.Mimo) return'FETCh:WLAN:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:TSMask:MIMO{mimo_cmd_val}:MAXimum?', self.__class__.ResultData()) # noinspection PyTypeChecker class CalculateStruct(StructBase): """Response structure. Fields: \n - Reliability: int: 'Reliability indicator' - Out_Of_Tol: enums.ResultStatus2: Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals of the statistic count for spectrum emission measurements exceeding the specified transmit spectrum mask limits. - Margin_Tx: List[enums.ResultStatus2]: Comma-separated list of margin values, one value per spectrum mask area The number of margin values depends on the selected standard, see Table 'Spectrum mask areas'.""" __meta_args_list = [ ArgStruct.scalar_int('Reliability', 'Reliability'), ArgStruct.scalar_enum('Out_Of_Tol', enums.ResultStatus2), ArgStruct('Margin_Tx', DataType.EnumList, enums.ResultStatus2, False, True, 1)] def __init__(self): StructBase.__init__(self, self) self.Reliability: int = None self.Out_Of_Tol: enums.ResultStatus2 = None self.Margin_Tx: List[enums.ResultStatus2] = None def calculate(self, mimo=repcap.Mimo.Default) -> CalculateStruct: """SCPI: CALCulate:WLAN:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:TSMask:MIMO<n>:MAXimum \n Snippet: value: CalculateStruct = driver.wlanMeas.multiEval.tsMask.mimo.maximum.calculate(mimo = repcap.Mimo.Default) \n Return the limit line margin values of the transmit spectrum mask for MIMO measurements, antenna <n>, bandwidths with one segment. Margins for the current, average, minimum and maximum traces are returned. A positive result indicates that the trace is located above the limit line. The limit is exceeded. The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below. \n :param mimo: optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface 'Mimo') :return: structure: for return value, see the help for CalculateStruct structure arguments.""" mimo_cmd_val = self._cmd_group.get_repcap_cmd_value(mimo, repcap.Mimo) return'CALCulate:WLAN:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:TSMask:MIMO{mimo_cmd_val}:MAXimum?', self.__class__.CalculateStruct())
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <copyright company="Aspose Pty Ltd" file=""> # Copyright (c) 2003-2023 Aspose Pty Ltd # </copyright> # <summary> # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # </summary> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import pprint import re # noqa: F401 import six class FormatsResult(object): """ Describes object which contains list of supported file formats. """ """ Attributes: swagger_types (dict): The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type. attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition. """ swagger_types = { 'formats': 'list[Format]' } attribute_map = { 'formats': 'Formats' } def __init__(self, formats=None, **kwargs): # noqa: E501 """Initializes new instance of FormatsResult""" # noqa: E501 self._formats = None if formats is not None: self.formats = formats @property def formats(self): """ Gets the formats. # noqa: E501 Supported file formats collection # noqa: E501 :return: The formats. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[Format] """ return self._formats @formats.setter def formats(self, formats): """ Sets the formats. Supported file formats collection # noqa: E501 :param formats: The formats. # noqa: E501 :type: list[Format] """ self._formats = formats def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.swagger_types): value = getattr(self, attr) if isinstance(value, list): result[attr] = list(map( lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x, value )) elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"): result[attr] = value.to_dict() elif isinstance(value, dict): result[attr] = dict(map( lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict()) if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item, value.items() )) else: result[attr] = value return result def to_str(self): """Returns the string representation of the model""" return pprint.pformat(self.to_dict()) def __repr__(self): """For `print` and `pprint`""" return self.to_str() def __eq__(self, other): """Returns true if both objects are equal""" if not isinstance(other, FormatsResult): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Returns true if both objects are not equal""" return not self == other