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Barefoot on a beach, drink in hand. Or try pool slides, birkenstocks, boat shoes, or tevas. The less shoe the better!
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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for most people I'd say 10 shirts, with 3-4 ties. shirts: solid white, solid pale blue, solid pale pink, fill rest with patterns + poplin vs. oxford vs. twill as you will depending on your taste. personally if you don't wear jackets often, i personally prefer pattern > solids. ties: solid navy, solid grey, can get a burgundy, or do like 1 dot + 1 stripe
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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If you have Facebook, their marketplace is pretty good for selling used stuff. I often browse it for used clothing and there's tons of posts for all kinds of clothing.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Not as far as I've noticed, though it's been a couple of months since I bought anything from them. What led you to think this?
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Actually my boyfriend does this, as well! Always forgets sunglasses, always forgets a jacket, etc. He's actually often really miserable when he forgets a jacket and we end up in an air-conditioned movie theater or somesuch, and then he complains, but it doesn't seem to help him remember for next time. It's wild.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Any advice on smaller sunglasses for a skinnier face? I find any sunglasses I buy end up looking massive, like 3D movie glasses.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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There is no care label...I'm guessing it is a fake. How much do fakes go for usually? It is pretty damn soft haha
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I mean how much did you pay? Fakes go for cheap. That’s what they are for.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Pockets people... When are we going to give pockets to women again? (Did they have them in past?)
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Hemming doesn’t really change fit, it seems like this dude wants a close taper and smaller leg opening.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I absolutely love this question and some of the responses here have been full of serious wisdom. All I've got to say is that lack of knowledge is not a weakness. Strength lies in the willingness to challenge yourself and be challenged by others. It's times when we know very little that offer the most opportunity for growth. The additional perspective is truly worth its weight in gold.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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My fiancee bought me the Fossil Chronograph, it's a decent watch. I've owned a Citizen Eco-drive for the past 15 years and the Citizen is a much better watch. That being said, I wouldn't worry too much about people saying "the watch probably won't last a decade". It's probably true, but it's not that important. Fossil is decent enough, it's not one of those menswear alibaba watch. If your husband really like watches and he's slightly style conscious, he'll probably get other watches of different colors. Also, navy is a really easy color to match for men, so outfit wise, navy will go a long way. If you are open to getting the watch engrave somewhere other than from the watch brand, here are my recommendation. Orient Bambino version 2: https://www.orientwatchusa.com/collections/bambino Hamilton Khaki Field: https://www.hamiltonwatch.com/en-int/filter-by/mens-watches.html Good luck
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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My Adidas x Missoni are a hit, red CPs get quite a few comments as well, plus a bit of here and there on the others.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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The few times I’ve looked at Nordstrom, I’ve only ever seen stretch slim fit and in the most basic colors, khaki, navy, gray, etc.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Should look good depending how tapered your jeans are
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Dude, these fits are mostly awful and I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading these comments. The one with the Birkenstocks...oof.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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It would be a good 'Casual Friday' blazer but as others have stated, the colour doesn't come off as business appropriate (even if other coworkers don't wear jackets normally)
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I purchased a Prettiest Star Ring from them earlier this year. It took much longer to arrive than listed and the quality was so poor that I immediately requested to return it. There was no ageing (black bits in the ring?) and the edges were so sharp that it cut my finger as I put it on. The metal was thin and looked completely different from what I received. Image of what I received They refused to acknowledge that they sent me actual garbage, charged me for return shipping, and didn't refund the original shipping cost. It also took them well over a week after receiving the item to tell me they "agreed" to offer a refund. How gracious. I'll never purchase from them again. Nothing they make is worth dealing with their arrogance or horrible customer service.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I find this interesting as it does not mirror my life at all. I do carry a huge purse for my office job, since I am out and about all day. If we are just running errands on the weekend, though, it is usually my husband who has his keys and his wallet and I give him my license to put in his wallet so I don't have to carry anything. Even in my big bag, though, I have makeup, my laptop, a wallet, keys, and my notebook, but I have never in my life carried extra asprin or things that I hand out to others.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I'm always low-key annoyed about my bike basket situation--I have a bike basket, my husband has a rack that he can strap panniers to but he usually leaves them at home because he "doesn't want to weigh down his bike" meaning that I end up carrying all the stuff if we end up stopping at the grocery store. It's on a bike so not really a big deal, I guess, but I still wish he would just put a (semi-) permanent basket on so I wouldn't always have to be the one carrying all the stuff.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I can immediately picture that hat and I’m jealousy by proxy. I love how “soft” the texture/print it is.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I don't believe it's your generation, but more likely your current age. I didn't start wearing a purse until late in my college years. Before that I wore backpacks or messenger bags. I don't recall seeing teenagers or early 20's wearing purses often, either.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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And if they do carry something that doesn't fit in a pocket, the assumption is that it can be stored in my bag. On one hand, that's practical and I often don't mind. On the other, I can't do that which is why I have the bag to begin with.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Your situation is just an interesting twist on the normal “I wear business casual but want to look nicer” since you can’t just add a sport coat (the usual recommendation). I’d still shy away from the tie unless you’re doing a cardigan or similar.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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A Google search for "corset shirt" brings up some similar ones.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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The teen boys at the high school I teach at rock fanny packs too. It started as a joke as a response to clear/mesh backpacks, but small purses allowed. Then people just liked them.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I don’t mean a school backpack, I mean the small ones the size of a normal purse like https://www.guess.ca/en/catalog/browse/handbags/backpacks/
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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That's great to hear! Yeah, her stuff generally seems to have fancier construction going on, and lots of it would be special-occasion wear for me. I'd probably have to go for one of the linen/cotton pieces.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Not knocking you personally. I've personally done summer camp, day labor, tech sales, high end retail sales, corporate firm like investment banking and startup tech. So have personally worn and seen it all and trust me PLENTY OF FAUX PAS in there haha.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I don’t mean like school backpacks, I meant like fashion backpacks which are basically purses but not really https://www.guess.ca/en/catalog/view/handbags/backpacks/skye-debossed-logo-backpack/sp741132?color=ivo
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Any good suggestions for ripped jeans in a light color? Looking for more than just a couple knee holes. Nothing over $100 preferably
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Viscose smart or semi-smart shirts - is this a thing? For an office casual look tucked into chinos, rather than brightly patterned camp-collar summery shirts. Ideally in a single colour or subtly patterned. ​ Budget would be about £30
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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It will depend some on the weave/quality/etc. of course, but I’ve never had a big issue! Glad you found something, I hope the interviews go well!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Hey FFA! I’ve recently gone through a large size change (18-20US to around a 10US) and love the fit of joggers/harem pants (tighter in the waist/ankles, looser in the legs). Any recommendations for similar pants that I could wear in a business casual workplace? Thanks!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I've been shopping for tech-fabric joggers like the ones available for men at Lululemon or Nike and although I can buy a men's style jogger and hike them up to accommodate the roomy crotch, I'd love to find a pair cut for a lady. The women's styles are usually *soft* and leggings-like, which is not what I'm going after. Any brand suggestions?
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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i’m not sure what your budget is, but i second ASOS. they’ve good range of styles for what you may be going for. you may also want to checkout websites like; dolls kill, princess polly and lulus.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Got a TON of complements when I wore my Snoopy Vans around campus, shit just grabbed people's eyes I guess. Image below https://i.imgur.com/LvRYAfv.jpg
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Yes, unless I'm wearing a heavy coat in the winter, but it comes with a crossbody strap so I'll either use that or just hold it by the handles if I need to. I do walk quite a bit and haven't had any issues with it, I typically carry it over my shoulder. It can get a little uncomfortable if I pack it full of stuff
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Can anyone suggest an unlined or quarter lined 100% linen jacket? I saw a nice one from Muji on the warm-weather layers thread, but it doesn't seem to be available in the UK sadly. I am looking for one around the same price. Any other smart casual linen jackets would be good too.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Yeah but random overzealous never got to go to combat guy strikes from the shadows. And there were always laws about impersonating government employees via uniforms. I'm just trying to help people avoid drama.
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I found it at goodwill. It sold on poshmark before I even knew fakes were a thing. I didn't know it was a high end brand.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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What’s the neck trick for jeans?
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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>Good for you for not carrying a purse full of things for other people! I haven't read the article so maybe it'll inspire me *not* to carry big bags full of useful stuff (that could potentially help others in a bind), but I think I want it the other way around where dudes should *also* be expected to carry around useful stuff (that could potentially help others). That way we're all keeping, using, and offering useful things to each other. It'd be a better, more helpful & less sloppy world this way, no?
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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This seems like 90% sleeze core when camo is a pretty big part of other styles, like hardcore, punk, rock, etc.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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You live in San Diego? Me too! What are your favorite places to thrift? I feel like I never have any luck and have kinda given up.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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>Can you clarify what blouse means in this case? Do you mean I should or should not insert my pants into the Blundstones? I recommend that you do not tuck your pants into your boots >And yes, they do hem for free, but I'm not sure if hemming would void the ability to return them if they end up doing a job that doesn't satisfy me, fit-wise. It could fit as a 34" but through hemming, the leg opening might change, fit might change, etc. So I don't want to be saddled with a pair of hemmed pants that I can't return, y'know? Yeah, I don't know about that. I'd shoot their customer service team an email and ask.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Jcrew just added a nice shade of brown to their chino line up ~$68. I’d wait for the next sale
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Darn... I cant recall the rules about a solid tie. I was told to never wear a solid tie, but forget the context, but I remember it was something about formality in work environment Is there a rule where you. Shoudnt wear a solid tie compared to a patterned?
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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If you made the purchase with a credit card, it's worth checking to see if the card company will price match.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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What would the point even be, it's sorted by new.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I have this exact problem. I'm 5'6 and slightly overweight, and mostly carry it in my legs and butt :/ So in most brands, large is huge, medium mostly fits but doesn't close because the waist is too low and my butt is too big, and small is so tight I can't move my arms. I wasn't ready to spend a lot, so I ended up getting a Wrangler size small. It's still a little long in the arms and torso, but it's a closer fit than any of the other brands I tried.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Does anybody know if the 68 Blue Uniqlo ultra stretch jeans bleed at all? https://www.uniqlo.com/us/en/men-ultra-stretch-skinny-fit-jeans-418912.html?dwvar_418912_color=COL68#BVReviewsContainer
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Yep. When you shorten the blazer, the space between the pocket framing and the bottom becomes shorter, visually pushing the pockets down and creating a weird look.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I have 2 pairs from Zara that I love! It's from their TRF line, they were about $40 CAD. They have a paperbag waist and are tapered and cuffed at the bottom, and looser in the butt/thigh area.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I used to have shoulder length, was odd when I cut it, very good decision long term
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I can use myself (a dude) as anecdotal evidence to support this claim. I usually carry a tote bag with a few hygenic supplies, personal care items, etc: * flushable wipes * loperamide (anti-diarrheal) * salinated nasal spray * earbuds * mints * deoderant * portable phone charger and usb cables
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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That shirt is awesome dude. In the winter try it with a double rider or any other black leather jacket, you'll probably like that.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Funnily enough, that's what I wore and what I saw other young adults wear in their late teens. In high school very few people wore school backpacks (early 2000's).
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I would also be in for this! I am doing a no-buy for the rest of the year so I'm looking to get creative with what I have.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Its all about the clickbait. The Helmut Lang AW00 Astro is gonna come home soon. Then it can chill in my closet for months until I can even think about wearing it.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Completely agree. My small crossbody purse is plenty, I hate carrying extra things around! All I ever have is my wallet, keys, phone, and occasionally some tampons. On occasion I’ll throw my apartment key, credit card, and phone into my back pocket and that works fine too.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I didn’t get a lot from this article, to be honest. I could totally understand the expectation on women to carry their kids’ crap while dads are given a free pass, but why are women *without kids* carrying “stacks of paper towels” in their purses? Are women anticipating a mess like the woman who dropped her drink on the subway and feeling responsible to help clean it up? I carry my phone, keys, and a cardholder.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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yeah that sounds cool with some black denim. I have a brown double rider but I'll need to pick up a black one at some point
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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To keep it masculine without being "macho" I stick to silver, no gemstones, and lean heavily on vintage Modernist and geometric styles.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Levi's 541!! (And if that fits well, you might also like Dockers classic, athletic or straight fits for non-jean pants.) If you don't mind a little DIY, you could probably get a better inseam on chinos by rolling the hem under a single time, and then hand sewing it in place. (With some carefulness and the right color thread, you can sew a seam that's nearly invisible on the outside of the pants.) Jeans are a little trickier, since their hem stitching is supposed to be visible, and it's hard to replicate the style with hand sewing or a standard sewing machine.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Ah ok, that’s really funny because in my highschool most people had normal school backpacks. Weird how fashion works (this comment sounds really passive aggressive and I’ve been trying to reword it and I can’t fix it, but I don’t mean it in a passive aggressive way)
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Keep in mind that they are generally pretty expensive so you might want to try and thrift for one first. I bought a black double rider for 40 bucks at a thrift store and was in pretty good condition and fit almost perfectly. Also for the shoes, Chelsea's, black combat boots, and white sneakers are all good options.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Hello all. I usually dress modestly and prefer long-sleeves button downs and blouses. I am looking for pretty patterns/colors but unable to find any cute tops these days like Sezane and Doen. I don’t want polyester/synthetic. Please share some brands easily available in Canada! Thanks
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I know this is true for a lot of suit jackets, but my reasoning is that the amount of length between the pockets and the bottom of the jacket was large to begin with, so taking 1.5" off doesn't actually look too bad. ​ Hell, you can even find unadjusted suits that have pockets as low as mine will be: https://eu.suitsupply.com/en\_GB/suits/napoli-dark-grey-suit/P5225M.html?cgid=Suits&from=suits\_overview&pdp=true https://eu.suitsupply.com/en\_GB/suits/lazio-mid-blue-suit/P5555TAH.html?cgid=Suits&from=suits\_overview&pdp=true
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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If your firm is so conscious of dress code vis-a-vis hierarchy in that there is a dress code barring non-attorneys from wearing jackets, I would be somewhat cautious about wearing ties. I'm guessing from your question that other non-lawyers do not wear ties. If you are going to the tie root, I would strongly recommend considering things like wool ties, knit ties, i.e. ties that are not the standard formal silk tie. I think the suggestions of sweaters and cardigans are good ones.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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IME the only men carrying briefcases are corporate types, the only ones carrying backpacks are outdoorsy types, the ones carrying gym bags are gym rats. None of the men in my friend group fall into any of those categories.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I am Canadian too and those don't look bad. Can I ask where you this was? PM if need be.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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A solid tie is a perfectly nice thing to wear, provided it has some texture. Knit ties and gaberdines look great in navy or black. On the other hand, a solid satin or untextured black tie will make you look like a waiter and/or funeral goer. A solid satin red tie will make you look ...uh..."presidential." Like with most things, there's a good and bad way to wear solid ties.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I'm not reading it in a passive aggressive way, you're perfectly fine :) I think it also depends heavily on region and your social circle, but of course - fashion of the time.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Haha, when my husband wears his cargo shorts I leave my purse at home and load him up! I feel so freeeeeee
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Strong vote against shortening it. It simply looks better unshortened.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Hey guys, need help picking a tie for a big presentation tomorrow. The dress code was described as "casual chic". I'm leaning red, what do you think?
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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My husband has been wearing his fanny packs like a bandolier/crossbody which has gotten the question "is that a fanny pack?" "Ok, just checking", but so far I haven't seen too many in our age group doing it (late 30s) but I've seen more early 20s guys doing it (bay area).
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I lean more towards the blue. But I desperately try to avoid red "power" ties.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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My boyfriend and I have found a pretty good balance about this. I usually carry a pretty big purse because I like to bring stuff with me while I’m out (water bottle, reusable shopping bag, etc) and I’ll let him put whatever he wants in there. However, when we go to music festivals, I usually have no bag or a verrrrry small one, while he carries a camelback and lets me keep whatever I want in there. In either case, the other person will take turns carrying the bag whenever it gets heavy, which I think is really key.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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aww, thank you! i actually commented on your teale dress review and got some helpful info from you. and yes, their sizing is for sure tricky! another tricky thing i’m dealing with réalisation is figuring out which styles i want first 😂
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I’ve seen men wearing tiny leather backpacks in my quite uncool Midwest city! If that’s not a gateway item for guys to get into purses I don’t know what is.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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nyc resident checking in! i gave up carrying a bag a few years ago because i HATE having something impeding my walking [i walk a lot], and i just hate the feeling of something heavy hanging off of my body. i only buy jackets that have interior pockets for: tiny wallet, keys, and somewhere to put earbuds once i get to my destination. in the summer, i have a tiny "phone pouch" that i shove my phone, debit card / license / metro card, and keys into. it's very freeing, and i don't see it as having anything to do with feminism or gender. just function and comfort.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Just buy more different colored shirts lol I personally really like uniqlos selection of shirts and pants, but that might be too basic for some people's taste.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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When we go to an event where we'll be walking around I leave my purse in the car's trunk and make him carry my wallet/keys in his pocket. *shakes fist* Payback.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I was about to say that they don’t carry shit because we do it for them lol 😂
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Basically, if you put the waistline of the jeans around your neck, and the waistline comfortably fits around it, then the jeans will fit your actual waist.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I have a pretty small head and I have Ray Ban Wayfarers in 52 mm (at least I think thats the size). They fit great. Looks like they have even smaller at 50 mm too
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Keys and phone with débet card in the phone case. I seldom carry more, unless I’m off to work. Pockets are often enough.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Doesn’t want to weigh down his bike, but he’s fine with weighing down yours! Yeah, sounds like the same situation.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Wrap the (zippered and buttoned) waistband around your neck like a cape. If the waistband ends meet comfortably, they’ll fit your waist. If they don’t touch or you feel like you’re choking yourself, grab a bigger size! Can’t tell you how many uncertain customers I’ve put in fitting rooms w perfectly sized jeans bc of this (source: sold jeans for too many years)
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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If you’re ok with used, you can fond Filson in that price range on ebay/grailed/etsy/etc
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I'm in the minority here, but I like carrying a purse. Not for others, but for my own convenience. I always have my wallet, phone, keys (+spare set), glasses case, protein bar or two, perfume, and small makeup bag with me. And yes, some napkins! They come in handy. An important distinction: I don't have a boyfriend, husband, or kids. I would definitely take issue with playing Mommy to some grown-up titty baby who expected me to carry his shit for him. If I wanted kids, I woulda birthed me some!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I think slacks are the easiest way to dress up what your current wardrobe is without worrying about how it coordinates. Not sure I can give any other opinion
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Ugh, I have a (male) friend like this. He always forgets sweaters and jackets, even when we used to live in an area that frequently gets cold at night even in summer. We did a big hiking/camping trip once in the mountains when there was a chance of snow, and all he brought was a sweatshirt. But he doesn't quietly suffer... he complains until someone helps him out. It's no surprise that his wife completely runs the show in their home life (not in a controlling way, in a "let's have a functional household" way). A few months after their first kid was born, I asked him how fatherhood was, it must be so crazy/such a big adjustment, etc., and he was like "yeah it's really not that different than before." Hmmm.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Thanks! I’ll try it to see how it works on my current favorite pairs.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Good luck in your endeavor. Do post pics of the final results. It's going to be quite instructive to see how the photoshop compares to the actual alteration.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Absolutely! And then I end up taking a bigger bag because his giant wallet doesn't fit in my smallest one, and then he figures he might as well throw in his umbrella too... I don't know about you, but personally it has never occurred to me to ask him to carry my wallet and keys in his pockets. I wonder what that's all about.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Fun conversational thread! Shoes with the most memorable compliments: * Doc Martens Mono Black 1461- Old Chinese dad * Reebok C Club Retro Creme Leather- Euro bro * CDG play lowtops- fashion type Asian girls/guys * Clarks DB Beeswax- MFA type dudes * Gucci Pursuit 72s- Young Zoomers
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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OP how could you forget the most important camo bomber?
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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