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1 value
Just suit jackets not allowed for you? Because you could get away with cotton blazers or wool blazers with patch pockets as they're much less formal
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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hi! i'm looking for a white top (doesn't matter whether short or long sleeve) that is kind of looser around the bust, but taken in underneath the bust. sorry it's hard to explain, here is an example: https://www.zalando.ch/na-kd-graduation-drop-cropped-fitted-button-t-shirt-print-white-naa21e04f-a11.html. (i'd order the one i sent, but it's extremely cropped and i'm not sure i want that). has anyone seen something similar lately? grateful for any pointers!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Can you clarify what blouse means in this case? Do you mean I should or should not insert my pants into the Blundstones? And yes, they do hem for free, but I'm not sure if hemming would void the ability to return them if they end up doing a job that doesn't satisfy me, fit-wise. It could fit as a 34" but through hemming, the leg opening might change, fit might change, etc. So I don't want to be saddled with a pair of hemmed pants that I can't return, y'know?
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Are those backless loafers that are in style work appropriate?
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Have you considered online MTM shirts from places like Proper Cloth or Tailor Store? That way you can get a great cut, and you can choose the fabric, collar style, cuff style, etc.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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How would be this outfit https://imgur.com/a/c3DKFif This is what i want to buy but still im not sure about that T-Shirt. What should i change? Also can you please tell me some legit sites where i can buy this kind of clothes I found just scammers.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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i've always mixed black/navy and black/brown. i think it looks awesome styled well tbh
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Does any one have recommendations for an online company with sexy, sheek, festival style clothes? At a decent price? I live in a very rural area with very few options for shopping and am forced to do most online. I’d describe my style as very simple yet bohemian and I’m not afraid to show some skin. In particular I’m looking for a satin type dress. Any help would be amazing :)
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Okay, in order: 1. Almost any shoe brand will sell you some good chelsea boots and black is the traditional color (b/c it's a city boot). Here's a good buying guide. Buy from a European maker if you can, because they typically have sleeker lasts and styling and I think that's what you're going for. Oh also, jodhpers are a similarly styled ankle boot. Whereas chelsea boots are...well from London, jodhpers are from...Jodhper, India. They aren't interchangeable but they are similar looking. 2. If you're just looking for a small leg opening you can pay a tailor to do that for you. It'll cost you no more than 40-45 dollars. 3. Unless commanded to as part of a military uniform or if you're slopping the hogs, you should generally avoid tucking in your pants to your boots.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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i got a super similar bikini from the pacsun website last year for a vacation in hawaii. while i haven’t shopped at pacsun since my high school days (i’m 32 now), their online store has a great selection of bikinis and styles that are very close to that image you provided! you may also want to try the RVCA website too :)
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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What's your actual budget? My first inclination is to check Asos and Revolve, each of which sell a lot of brands with a similar aesthetic.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I expected varying opinions about this, but I'm surprised that all of the initial replies are "no way" so far. All the male partners I've had have been able to get away with going out carrying only a wallet and keys either most or all of the time. My current boyfriend does have a bag that he will carry other things in when he needs to tote his laptop around anyway, but that's not every day. Agree regarding cultural reasons women seem more likely to jump in and help with a stranger's spill, or similar. I always have Excedrin with me in case of headache, and feel like I dole it out to others a lot. Good for you for not carrying a purse full of things for other people!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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As a compliment to the article I STRONGLY recommend listening to the 99% Percent Invisible episode "Pockets: Articles of Interest #3". It's a short podcast that talks about the history of men's and women's fashion, why men have larger pockets and why they're more frequent in men's clothing and how that affects how we all live our lives. It's really informative and makes you think about how our clothing affects our lives and vice versa.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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A bit of a specific suggestion, but I really like Bloomingdale's in-house brand, AQUA. They have lots of dresses to browse through, so maybe some of them will appeal to you? I believe some of their dresses are designer-inspired (like this is very similar to a Zimmermann dress).
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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"Blousing" means tucking your pants into your boots.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Do you mean mules? I think they're appropriate for up to a solidly business casual workplace, maybe a little on the casual side. This is barring that there's no explicit line in your company's dress code that you need shoes that cover your foot all around.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Tell me about the nicest looking shoes that you'd regularly wear to the gym. (specific brands or models very much appreciated) ​ I'd like lifting and light running -capable shoes that don't look like I'm headed to the gym. What do you wear? It seems like there should be some boots that would work with a sort of biker chic aesthetic that are flat and solid enough for lifting and grippy and cinched to your foot enough for running (a semi- hiking boot, basically). Or some oxfords/brogues that are basically sneakers in a slightly more aesthetic disguise. style board
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Slimmer pants, smaller cuffs.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I went on vacation to the fingerlakes region recently, which might be similar (?), and I kept reaching for the Tribeca Crop Pant I got at Athleta. They have multiple pant styles in "featherweight" fabric that is great for travel. I had also tried on the sutton jogger (also featherweight fabric), but could only buy one pant style at the time but I'm probably going back for them.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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The old pants still work great for hiking. But yeah the tops and jackets feel weird to wear now. I might wear them if I need to visually identify as a veteran, like at a protest or something. Other than that though...
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Woah, they are so unique, i wouldn't wear them, but they look awesome
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Lately i’ve seen many IG fit pictures with people wearing buttoned shirts or polo while showing a lot of white undershirt underneath. Is it a thing now? I kinda remember it seems to be a no-no on mfa not so long ago.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Anyone have recommendations for round (like, perfectly round), large, metal frame sunglasses ~$200?
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Earrings. My gay necklace. Plain white button up with pants and suit jacket that match in black. Black heals/stilettos. Hair pulled back. I looked good
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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any places I can find brown chinos? uniqlo doesn't have the darker color I want and cm/br are very expensive off sale. tan blazer as well.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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How would you go about picking a necklace? I've recently wanted to start wearing one but I have no idea where to find a masculine one without a skull or a cross or smthn like that.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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The Popover is a very overlooked and underproduced shirt that has the "beach/warm weather" look to it. J Crew had some a few years back, BR might have one now, and Club Monaco has this current one.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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We're approaching this. It's super trendy for men to wear fanny packs as crossbodies. It's becoming common even in my shitty Midwest town.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I recently picked up a Thom Browne hoodie at a thrift shop. I was wondering if it was a fake? How much can I get for it? http://imgur.com/gallery/VnTSF9q
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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How is this outfit https://imgur.com/a/c3DKFif This is what i want to buy but still im not sure about that T-Shirt. What should i change? Also can you please tell me some legit sites where i can buy this kind of clothes I found just scammers. Thanks!
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I just recommended these to someone else so I feel kinda shilly, but I've fallen in love with Athleta's featherweight fabric. I got the Tribeca crop pant and will go back for the Sutton jogger. I took the crop pant with me to the finger lakes region in NY and wanted to wear them every day. Back home in South Florida they've become a wardrobe staple. Great for hot weather, stylish, and doesn't wrinkle.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Depends what you want - something for daily wear or a statement piece? Also budget ofc
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Where do you get your trousers? I feel like we have a similar body shape and it's always a struggle for me to get trousers 😩
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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One time someone complimented my AE double monks. I was really happy because I got them on Amazon for sub $200.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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AM90s Infrareds got to be my most complimented pair followed by the Zebras although this ones also get some negative reactions because of the their retail price in my country My boots always get the “wtf arent those women’s shoes?!?!?” lol
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Yeah, same. I'm a woman, but I don't rush to help others clean up their messes. I also don't carry tissues in my bag, so in the mentioned scenario in the article, I would also be edging away from the mess and playing on my phone.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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This has been a trend in my city/country for at least 10 years now, only for the younger crowd of course.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Shoes make or break outfits. There was one post on here where a guy wore the same clothing in the same lighting striking the same pose. The only difference were his shoes. It really made me pay more attention to my shoes.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Thats super interesting. I definitely expected it to be different among companies, but I figured pants, especially the same model, would be cut the same length.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Yes, once a guy noticed a new and fresh pair of my Axel Arigato Clean 90 white sneakers while walking in a laundry room. That was so random 😁
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Interest, I'll give the BR ones a try! And yup, they definitely used to be better quality. I'm not sure if they degraded or if the stretch version is just not as durable as the non-stretch. My non-stretch ones have outlasted all my stretch chinos.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Is this jacket too casual for the office? I work in an environment where most people rarely wear more than a dress shirt and chinos. I have other jackets/suits for more important meetings with clients. https://ca.suitsupply.com/en_CA/jackets/havana-mint-green-jacket/C5754I.html?cgid=Jackets&prefn1=size&prefv1=36&pdp=true
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Wow, thats crazy and pretty unsetting. Glad you see your friend took it in high spirits haha
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Oh yeah it's definitely only the youths right now, but a lot of stuff does cross over.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Finally got a haircut. Left 3/4 of my hair on the floor. Missed having it shorter. So much better for the summer as well. Now to not postpone it again till that state.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Yeah man, its a great feeling. These Nike Roshe Tyedyes are my most complimented sneaker, followed by my Pharell x Adidas Stan Smiths, and most recently my Vapormax Utility Runs Nome of these are grails, but they are each great shoes for different outfits and scenarios!
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I want some thing to wear daily and as for budget, I'd say around $50.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Yeah, that's pretty disappointing. I'm right on the edge of a size being too short, so it's tough to know if a particular pair will work or if ill need to upsize.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I'm ashamed to admit how long i've spent looking for them, but I believe I found the right ones. They're from an Australian brand called Bailey Nelson. The model is Markova. Edit: As for the exact colors, I think they are custom or sold out
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Im lazy af so short hair is the best as washing it takes little to no effort
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Both me and my ex used to wear backpacks. Maybe it’s the new generation (we’re 18) but I hardly see anyone my age using purses
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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>I’ve had this problem with them. They have a store here I can go into and I tried a pair on that were perfect., but they then have to send you the ones you want from their warehouse. I got them and they were both (I got same style in 2 colors) short despite being the same size. I took them back to the store and tried on the longer size. I was going to go with them but they needed to be tailored and They don’t offer that as a free service so I walked across the street to Nordstrom and got the same two pair with tailoring included. Oh, good idea. I didn't even think about that. I might do that as well. Any idea if Nordstrom has all the stretch chinos available?
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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The proportions look okay but I don’t think you need to shorten it.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Id on the Uniqlo pants?
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I just did a color consultation and found I'm a warm, rich autumn color palette. I'm having a hard time visualizing how this translates into my work wardrobe (business casual) and style (classic, clean). I'd love some inspiration!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I had a camo phase in high school, so it would be weird for me to do it again. However, I'll wear a camo boonie hat when hiking too. Great to soak with water to help cool you.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Target. Search for brown chinos and scroll down a bit. They have some darker brown ones.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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My boyfriend has a leather crossbody bag that's essentially a purse that he carries sometimes, if we're going to be out for a while.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Honestly I just carry a Madewell transport tote like a basic bitch
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Feel free to let me know if you have any Réalisation Par sizing questions -- it can be so tricky (and daunting tbh) to find the right size!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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For lifting heavy I wear converse (specifically these). I would encourage you to use appropriate sneakers for running to avoid injuring yourself.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Thanks. I still don't see the exact style. These have a dark part in the arms of the sun glasses that I can't find anywhere. These look very close however. I really don't understand why GQ do a top 10 essentials them don't actually note what those essentials are 😔
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I try to carry as little as possible because I hate having to hold a bag so it's usually me trying to get my partner to put a water bottle or lip balm in his pocket or bag. I know that might not be the norm though (although in this sub it appears to be!) I think perhaps this is a generational thing. I do believe there's an expectation for women to clean up after others but women now are tired of that crap and are starting to stop babying people who refuse to clean up after themselves or resolve their own problems.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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If you have a good rotation of ties, it can make every outfit look so much different. Try playing with textures (shantung, grenadine) and patterns (paisley, rep stripe). Look at the sidebar for color matching tips. For dress shirts, your main goal should be versatility. Stay away from darker color dress shirts. Have 3-4 white and blue dress shirts on hand, and maybe look at an ivory shirt for brown suits and look at pastel colors for a more casual look.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Um, I placed an enormous Madewell order at 11 PM last night when t was still 30% off. Any chance they refund me?
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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[ { "end": 33, "input_hash": -250620357, "label": "FASHION_BRAND", "source": "tmp/rule-based-model", "start": 25, "text": "Madewell", "token_end": 6, "token_start": 6 } ]
https://shop.lululemon.com/c/women-pants/\_/N-1z109yvZ7yh my all time favorites for running/HIIT workouts. pricey but 100% worth it. pocket on the side. Fit my 5'1" self perfectly.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Linen blend relaxed fit trousers, from another season. Unfortunately they changed the fit, colours and material, so they won't be exactly the same. I think the new version is shorter and more tapered around the ankle.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Etsy or or local jeweller. Go for a thin or mid-weight silver chain and a pendant. Or can go for a leather cord.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Holy Fuck pricey I bought the set of the big and small book for like a hundred the first couple months it came out
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Who the heck down votes reasonable SQs in the SQ thread? Absolute wankers
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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This is spot on, even at my university I constantly see women with backpacks and boys just walking between classes with naked laptops. The number of times I’ve been asked to store a laptop in my bag like ughhhh.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I don't know what brand those are, but Stan Ray/Earl's Apparel make tiger shorts with a similar fit.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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#8 APC Jacket, anyone have a link?
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Get compliments on my Tecovas boots every time I wear them. I live in the south though, so people are more likely to like the shoes I am wearing, especially when boots. I've got a pair of lizard on the way, to add to the rotation. These are my go to shoe. Wear them just about every day, as you can see in the pic.. they're beat lol. Tecovas
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I take a tiny little purse now when I go out so I just laugh when they ask
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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The jacket? No, it's plenty formal for the office. I'd br more worried about the color not being business appropriate. So if you've seen the same color on your co-workers before, then you could likely wear it. Otherwise, I wouldn't wear it at work.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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How is the silhouette on these chelseas ? I found these boots in store and googled the model, so pardon the currency - I'm Canadian if that makes a difference. I know the quality isn't all that there, but I'm interested in experimenting with chelsea boots and it's hard to find something in the sub 200CAD range that doesn't look super chunky or weird. Here's a pic of me trying them in person - https://imgur.com/a/v6OPRXD (pardon the chinos, ideally I'd have jeans on instead) Thanks in advance!
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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men are already wearing purses
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I wonder if there’s a comfort issue at play here. I’m much less willing to be uncomfortable than my husband. He will leave the house without sunglasses even if it’s bright outside and just deal with it, whereas I will carry sunglasses even if it’s cloudy in case the sun comes out. He will not carry a jacket and if he gets cold he just shrugs it off, whereas I’m not very tolerant of being cold. He isn’t constantly thinking about germs, whereas I’m really squicked out by touching public surfaces and not being able to clean my hands. I would rather haul a few extra things that I may not end up needing than risk being uncomfortable because of sunlight, dry lips, the temperature, etc.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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When I was in college I just used a backpack, but now I use a purse
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Thanks - converse are a pretty good option because I know people wear them with "nicer" clothes. I'm specifically looking for something that doesn't look too much like sneakers, though. If I can't find anything running-friendly I can do that barefoot, but I generally prefer shoes.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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[ { "end": 17, "input_hash": -1184460125, "label": "FASHION_BRAND", "source": "tmp/rule-based-model", "start": 9, "text": "converse", "token_end": 2, "token_start": 2 } ]
Key to being stylish is less styleforum, more mushrooms.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Head east to Dallas one day. ​ Hit Genesis Benefit Thrift on Lemmon (best thrift store in the metroplex as far as quality goes). When I lived in Las Colinas, I strictly shopped there. Scored so so many nice pairs of AG/Paige jeans, Peter Millar golf shirts, various dress shirts/button downs, jackets, everything. And it is greatly organized. ​ Next, go to Out of the Closet, which is down the road from Genesis. Another store with great stuff and quality items. ​ Then, hit all the random thrifts on your way back to the house. There are a ton of great thrifts.. and I can't remember their names and locations off the top of my head, but always found gems in there too when I first moved to Texas.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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What should i get instead of the bomber? Please suggest me an outfit that will work. i ran out of ideas
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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In Japanese fashion/dating, girls really care about shoes because it shows how much attention to detail/money you have.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I was just bopping around Madewell's site looking at their sale items, and they have some costs similar to this, although the texture is a little different. Might be worth a look.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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This was a really interesting read! Thanks for sharing!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I just emailed them! Fingers crossed. Also, for those who looked at this sale last week and were disappointed, they’ve added lots of new stuff- especially more stuff in the size 10-14 range, which was super tapped out when I looked last week.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Do you find it comfortable for walking?
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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:) I was going to say that when ironing, cleaning your shoes, cutting your nails, etc. came to mind. But it's up there. Which reminds me to go to the barber.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Doing it now! Thank you for the reminder.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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It's nice to be a person who doesn't need a bag big enough to hold all your meds AND something to get them down with, I guess?
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Aldo! I’m really hard on shoes and I find their leather boots actually hold up really well over time for me.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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probably more that it's tight around buttoning instead of vents still being stitched
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I think better wording is price-efficient. Impact to cost is very high. Reminds me I have a stack of ironing to do, RIP
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Mum come pick me up I'm scared
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Mine is the Everlane Commute backpack. I like the dark gray as it looks professional.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I’m not sure - I haven’t been in there in a little while. I have chinos and also the dressier version but I’m not sure how they categorize them. Good luck!
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Got a pic of care label? Also think there should be the tri colour stripe somewhere
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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