1 value
1 value
What I've learned is that first impressions are made on shoes and grooming. You seem to have the grooming squared up. I would replace my older shoes as soon as they get scruffy rather than buying additional ones.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Any brand or site recommendations for a quality leather jacket ?
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Hello! I work in a swimsuit store in Canada and can give you a pretty good idea for what styles are in right now. Kimono style coverups have been very trendy the last few years, as have been looser coverups with a drawstring to tighten in the waist. Mesh and sheer materials have been very popular as well. Honestly, when in doubt a sarong is a great choice because you can make it into whatever shape and style you were looking for and it’ll only cost you a fraction of the price. A nice sarong clip will also tie it together really nicely and give it a bit of extra oomph
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Lads, please help me find the mighty Liam Gallagher’s sunglasses from the Saturday set at Glasto. LG shades 1 LG Shades 2
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I'm looking to get some custom cufflinks made (single pair) I don't want a simple engraving. More like I have a design and material I'm looking for, and would want a pair made (probably expensive, but that's not really an issue)
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Hahahaha. that's awesome.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I usually just have a pair of daisy dukes and a tank top or other lightweight tee.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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From the wiki. Pick your price point.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Has anyone used an eyelash serum to strengthen the hair follicles? Any recommendations? I get lash extensions done every month or so and lately the technicians have been commenting on how brittle/weak my eyelashes are.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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He's actually pretty good about chores! I was halfway living at his house before anyways and what we've been doing is picking one of our days off and cleaning up. He vacuums which I appreciate because I haaate doing that, and he's happy to cook as long as I clean up. In exchange I scrub the bathroom which is grosser but quicker lol. I do sense I'm going to do a lot more of the day-to-day tidying because he just does. not. care. that there are beer cans lying around.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I just want to caution you on buying a Fresh lip treatment.. especially if you’re in a hot climate. The formula is so incredibly soft and fragile that even 30 minutes in your purse while outside will cause it to melt and smush up all in the cap. It also breaks off from the base so quick because of how soft the formula is. Might I suggest the Kiehl’s Butterstick? It’s a nice balm with a nice sheer tint and they have berry/wine colours. It’s also not shiny or sticky.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Where can I find good high-waisted shorts? I can only seem to find shorts that are so short my butt practically hangs out or shorts that don't come up to my natural waist. High-waisted pants are pretty hard to find too, so I can't just cut some to my desired length. Please help!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Ah, cool. I feel you on the tidying, that is definitely more on me too, because I care a lot more!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I think personal space is going to be a big one! It's a one bedroom that's pretty big for a city, and there's a balcony which is really nice, but I think I need to get into the habit that just because I'm there doesn't mean I have to be 'with' him, if that makes sense. Versus earlier, I was still a guest in his home so I felt like if he went outside/to visit a friend/watched something I had to do that too.
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Unfortunately, no. In less urban areas of the American West, maybe. Elsewhere you may look cool in a straw, not felt cowboy hat on a hot day. Otherwise you will stand out in not a good way. This is coming from someone who loves cowboy hats and boots. If you do buy a hat, be very mindful of the crease. It can change your style considerably. Your other option is to move to West Texas. :)
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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That one is going to be hard! He has a habit of losing his phone, keys and wallet cause he just cannot put them in one place every time! He also can't close the lid on ANYTHING to save his life, but I guess as long as nothing goes bad/dries out that's his problem...
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Saxx Quest IMO
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Lmao way to miss the point
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Try Etsy.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I found mine at Forever 21, believe it or not. They always seem to have a rack of them in fun prints.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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No advice either but congrats!! I'm happy you didn't have to try for too long! Wishing you a happy healthy pregnancy and baby :D
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Why are we all sick?! I hope you're on the upswing and get to feeling better soon!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Nice one, thanks
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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If you want jean shorts, Levi’s! I saw some nice non-jean shorts at Loft the other day too.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Hi, sorry I took forever to respond! That is longer than I would like, but I appreciate you providing the measurement :) good luck selling!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Trying to figure out fit on T-shirts. I’ve recently lost (and continue to lose) a lot of weight, so I’m trying to go cheap but decent looking into I settle into a final weight. Is this T-shirt too tight? How is the length? It’s a Target Goodfellow XL basic Lyndale T-shirt. Will it shrink after washing? Fit check picture
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Congrats!! I had my first 8 months ago and it is such a cool journey. No advice except a couple fabulous book recommendations. I read a ton of books and in hindsight the only real helpful ones with accurate and up to date information are the ones by Emily Oster: Expecting Better, and Cribsheet. They don't tell you what to do but give you all the info and best research to consider for helping to make decisions on various topics. And clothing wise, my favourite leggings were the Bumpstart leggings that come in a 2 pack with the overlapping band. Good for all stages because they grow with you. I wore them from 15 weeks pregnant and I'm 8 months PP and still wear them. I have 4 pair that I rotate, and I am really hard on my clothes. One just got a hole yesterday but they are otherwise comfortable, and non-restricting. Also, Thyme Maternity have nice briefs underwear (also other types but I love briefs) with an overlapping band too that I love and will continue to wear because they are so comfy (wear pre-pregnancy size because they do stretch for when you get bigger.) Maternity clothes are expensive so I got most things on swap groups online and second hand. Good luck!!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Everything would be better if more people were like you! : )
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I would find a jeweler locally.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Jesus you are one angry man
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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They're aviators, a very common style. I don't see much to distinguish them.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I normally hate wearing swimsuits so I bought this gorgeous Ted Baker cover up and I absolutely love it. I even got it hemmed (!!!) and it’s pretty enough to be a dress but looks absolutely amazing with my pink suit. It’s not super functional (it’s terrible at absorbing water) but it looks incredible.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Dude. I feel this. I took Thursday and Friday off so I could have a five day weekend and I SPENT THE ENTIRE TIME WEEDING AND CRAP. I have effing zero-scaping. It is gravel and shrubs, no lawn. But because our neighbours didn’t weed their final-graded dirt before they threw landscaping fabric and rocks down, I get SO MANY WEEDS because *they* have so many weeds. It is so frustrating because we bought the place new with no landscaping, we deliberately put something low-maintenance in, and I still spend half my weekends dealing with it because my husband is allergic to anything that grows. I look fondly back on the time we had expensive-ass condo fees and I didn’t have to do anything at all outside our place.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Ties are simple. Be mindful of the width and it being silk. I would go with a different texture and tone of blue with a subtle. Don't match with your dress colors but just make sure they don't clash. Personally I don't go for pocket squares. If you do, try white first. It is the easiest. Stay with a white shirt. Have fun!
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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To parrot the other two responses, no show socks are a must. The best two brands I've found for no-shows are american eagle and uniqlo. I have a pretty skinny heel and other brands tend to slip off like crazy
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I'm from LA so it's a bit nerve-wracking. Hoping it's the Lakers, but I wouldn't be mad if he stays on the Raps.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Yay Blood Orange
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Loake brogues https://imgur.com/a/5tAhsRA https://imgur.com/a/LcgR3GP
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Oh wow, thanks for the compliment! What kind words! Hugs to you!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Snap tab / snap collar?
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Thank you, that’s so good to know! Do you have a guess at around what temperature it gets melty? I live in Maine so my summers aren’t too intense.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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https://i.imgur.com/JpnH7MF.png anyone know where I can buy snapbacks with this specific material in the above image? seems like leather or rubber
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I'm also a government worker and side with you on this. It's astonishing how people treat us and think about our workload, and what they expect. They also seem to think the government is out to get them and does shady things, and in the same breath want you to cut a deal or pay them money because they feel they're owed it. It's so frustrating. Also solidarity fist bump on the child thing. It's heartbreaking. I haven't seen anything locally for it but I'm keeping my eyes out so I can support.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Make sure you air them before wearing them.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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For walking round a fashionable city: sneakers or espadrilles ?
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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As an obscure size let me say, nowhere carries obscure sizes. All stores carry 8 to 13ish and never in the wide. It's the worst and I hate it and it's awful.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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You may have considered this already, but cow leather is pretty well-recognized as a byproduct of the meat industry. There are very few (if any) cows raised primarily for their leather. And if we all stopped buying cow leather, we wouldn't really be saving any cows. While this doesn't always hold true for calf/lamb/exotics/etc., I personally view a cow leather belt as a way to utilize more of an animal that was going to be killed anyway, rather than the cause of said animal's death.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I bought the same NPL wool-linen pants which also rapidly developed holes (5 mos of regular wear)-- I've previously bought other clothes from NPL which are holding up really well and look just as good as the day I bought them. Anyway, I left them some feedback via pm and they said they've discontinued the wool-linen since other customers have come across the same issue.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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It would melt for me in the spring when it was around 20 degrees Celsius. Even keeping it in a pocket would warm it up too much for me. Honestly don’t recommend it for the price as I always had to keep it in the fridge. The Kiehl’s butterstick is pretty similar but has a more stiff formula that won’t break or melt.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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hi everyone i'm gushy af right now. i have a new boyfriend and he is SO LOVELY and i have never met someone who actually cares about me and is an adult and wants to go down on me (tmi???) and UGH i am so happy. the happiness is noticeable!!!! to everyone!!! i hope everyone experiences lovely emotions and lovely humans to be in a relationship with!! if that's what you want!!!!!!!!! xxxxx anyway that's me this is the first time i have ever been with someone who is not a complete c\*\*\* lmao thank you for reading
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I agree, I actually haven't really seen any Vejas in my city at all, so I think I'm good on that front. They're not too out there so I don't consider them as ~ trendy ~ as the Filas, for example.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Thanks so much, I have some hunting to do now :D
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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close but not quite. Maybe it's a prior year shoe? Regardless, thanks.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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This is so helpful. I’ll check out the Kiehl’s formula. Thank you!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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What made you decide to come into my life and reveal these cute af shoes to me when I'm doing a the no buy new clothes until 9/21. But for reals great recommendation I'm pinning some of these to come back to in September.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I am struggling to find a proper solution to my clothing issues. Essentially I always try shirts on, and if I find one that is comfortable, it becomes much smaller, distorted, and shorter after washing a few times. It is not typically after the first wash, but usually after a couple months of wearing any clothing I am left with a shirt that is much shorter and tighter on me that when I purchased. Usually my shirts are getting short enough where they "hover" around my belt line and makes it look "billowy" and unfaltering. I hope that makes sense haha. I have bought cheap and mid-tear so any suggestions are great! My issue is from purchases at from the following stores/brands: Nike, Old Navy, Express, H&M, Target, Kohls, and Adidas. Typically I will find about 4 shirts that work for about 3 months, then the problem happens again and I restock. It is very frustrating and I need to figure out what I am doing wrong.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Well I am into sneakers so maybe that's why I picked them up lol. J/K I really got them because I need some good fitting joggers or black pants. Impossible to find something that fits my weird shaped body. Plus they were only $12. Might just return them now though, I didn't see the elastic part online I just thought they were longer joggers.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I used to work for the nursing board. Once a friend invited me out for drinks and when I showed up she had a co-worker with her (which was kind of annoying, I wish she had told me beforehand that someone else would be there). Anyway, he asked me what I did for a living, so I told him. He then proceeded to *freak the fuck out* at me about how the government shouldn't be meddling in people's professions, apparently he was some kind of "libertarian" or something. I was just like, "Ok, is it alright if nurses steal drugs or hurt patients? With no ramifications?" and I informed him how regulatory agencies work and that all of the board members aside from one or two public members were nurses. He was a total fucking idiot.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Something just short of what you might see on the runway.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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KS on that cropped jawnz wave way ahead of us.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I meant, they only carry a few sizes of each model, so nobody's finding something good in the right size.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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18 East White Khadi Denim chino in white and size medium. Tried on but new otherwise. $135 shipped. They're wide, loose and slightly hefty. Color is white but can look slightly ecru. The actual fabric hem is 3" hem which can be cuffed 3". It's slightly slubby inside and the cotton feels soft and quite comfortable. Measurements for size medium (from website): Waist: 33" Front Rise: 12.5" Inseam: 29" Hem Width 9.5"
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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You're washing in cold water and hanging to dry, yes? The only other thing I can suggest is to try different shirts. I've had good luck with Uniqlo and Everlane.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I work at a pretty casual office but I wear Free People blouses a lot. Also am big on buying from Tj Maxx/Ross/Marshall's.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I also really like AE's jeans. The curvy super high waist is my favorite style.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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So jealous about the water. For me it's when I don't want my bare skin to be touching whatever surface I'm on, whether it be because I'm sweaty and sticking to it, or if I'm sitting on a surface that is getting hot in the sun, or if my skin is starting to feel hot in the sun, or sand is getting everywhere.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Chicwish really has some pretty maxi dresses.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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> That one is going to be hard! He has a habit of losing his phone, keys and wallet cause he just cannot put them in one place every time! OMG this is my life. He just constantly yells 'have you seen my glasses' and I say 'no' unless I have.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Ribbons attached to ponytail holders are really in right now. I guess you'd call them a hair tie?
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Thanks, I'll have to check it out! Appreciate the kind words - not sure who downvoted me but I didn't think this was inappropriate to post here or I wouldn't have done so.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Depends on the rest of your style! I personally lean towards athletic looking clothes so I'd go for sneakers but if you rock pretty dresses or rompers, espadrilles will be perfect!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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omg same thing is happening for me! Isn't it the best??
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Thank you! That's a nice idea and something I definitely wouldn't have thought to do.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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When looking at shorts online, look at the front rise and inseam. Since my torso is pretty long, I need at least an 11 inch front rise for shorts to be considered high waisted. And if you’re concerned about length, go for a longer inseam (at least 5 inches).
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Espadrilles are really cute!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Does anybody have recommendations for where to get some nice camis or tanks that can be worn without a bra? Both standalone and for layering. For reference, I’m petite and have a narrow torso and A-cups, but wide hips. Lots of tanks/camis that fit my bust will ride up my hips to settle at my natural waist. Would a bodysuit be a better option? Thanks!
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Seconding this! Also r/1200isplenty is awesome for low calorie meal/snack ideas! (Even if you are not doing 1200 cal diet!)
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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H&M has some highwaisted shorts and trousers for the summer rn.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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How are you washing your shirts? Washing on cold and hang drying, followed by a no-heat cycle in my dryer to soften the clothes, eliminates shrinkage all together for most items in my experience.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Banana Republic has a lot of feminine cuts and patterns, h&m has one piece (non-buttoned) tops and Uniqlo for some basic blouses and shirts.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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You could go to r/fashionreps and they could probably tell you
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I've heard fantastic things about the Dagne Dover laptop bag. Don't own one myself as I use a Kate Spade tote for all my stuff, but I would love one one day! I can't afford a new bag right now and my KS bag still works fine lol. I commute in Chicago and I see so many people with the Dagne Dover bags! And I've heard great things about them from friends :)
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Is the expectation that they wear in on the day? If not, and it's just a gift you shouldn't worry about whether it's cheap or not. It really is the thought that counts. But if it is to wear on the day, maybe look to get something more dressier. But that being said, it's your wedding, do what you like!
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Is this how it looks now? It's already on the short side. And the shoulders look too broad, which is not something I'd consider slight.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Aquascutum is an obvious choice here. I have a navy mac with a detachable lining that sees me through all year round
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Which shoes would go best with adidas tiro 17? I was thinking converse. Any suggestions?
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Target! All of my pajamas come from Target. I love the Gilligan and O'Malley brand and Xhilaration also has some good stuff. It's all so comfy, and some stuff I've had for YEARS. You can buy online but I recommend going to the store because they always (at least by me) seem to be on clearance, so almost all of my pajama sets have been less than $10! If you shop online I think there are shipping fees, and also, it's more expensive even if they're on clearance online bc they're not rushing to get stuff off the shelves to make room.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Definitely not in the cheaper end of any spectrum...
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Thank you.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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That would be it. I mean Imm not really sure what to tell you, it’s kind if hard to describe what differences in quality feel like tbh, generally I’d expect it to be less scratchy, thicker/more substantial, longer lasting, and a better design, dying and construction process
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I'm not defending him. I'm attacking you because you're being a little bitch. He wouldn't ask for advice if he knew what he was doing. Try constructive criticism.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Yes, I bought a suit in December. They are well regarded on Reddit in r/malefashionadvice The quality is well ahead almost everything at a comparable price. Mainly they use a half canvas instead of fused. Just search them on Reddit, lots of information
{ "section": "FrugalMaleFashionCDN" }
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You're definitely right about that. I usually go 1-2 sizes down on old Navy clothes depending on whether they are slim / regular fit.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I mean I could comfortably afford 350. But is the jacket worth 350, that's the issue.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Tbh if he’s going in chinos and an ocbd I think IR’s wouldn’t even be an issue, they’ll look a hell of a lot better than whatever crappy pleather shoe he can find from target
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I’m sorry for your loss. That said, I think you would benefit from tailoring.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Truth has been spoken here! I was able to graduate debt free thanks to scholarships and working while in college. It has afforded me a freedom my other college graduate friends don’t have. The degree is not worth the debt!!! Edit: I received my degree in apparel merchandising from a state university. The program also had a fashion design track. It would have been fairly easy to enroll in the merchandising courses in addition to design courses if you want to learn all the information.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Trader Joe’s gel moisturizer is great and lightweight and way cheaper than other brands :)
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Any casual sneaker really. Converse would work but I would recommend adidas ultraboost, stan smith, iniki’s, vans, etc too
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