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1 value
You might have better luck finding the wearer of this strange ensemble over at /r/malefashionadvice. And if he's not yet there send him over.
{ "section": "MotorcycleLogistics" }
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Party shirts are (imo) the kind of thing you definitely want to try and thrift, specially if you live in a medium/large city. Thriftstores and consignment stores tend to have a much wider array of colorful/interesting patterns that will make you stand out. Also, cheap silk is always worth trying out. Aside from that, if going to a party, I'd stay away from solid colors (except a classic white button up, which can always work with a good jacket) and most square/checkered patterns (unless they're subtle).
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Jewelry is such a personal thing that it becomes hard to pinpoint your demographic. As a stylist I tell men to keep the size of their jewelry in keeping with the size of thier bodies. So no huge, clunky rings or huge chains on a smaller body. It looks off. Same with bigger guys. Dainty rings, necklaces and earrings can look almost comical on them. Natural materials like leather and high end metals are what I guide male clients towards when choosing jewelry. Many times I find men prefer mixed material (generally metal and leather), ecclectic pieces that will pair down for casual looks but stand out in formal settings.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I’m a little older than you, and I wear mostly loafers or drivers. I got a pair of chukka boots recently that I really like, as well. I also have a pair of Justin’s boots if that’s your style. I really like them for just hanging out. If you’re experimenting, I don’t see a reason to break the bank as you find your style. Maybe shop cheaper, see what you like, then invest in nicer items once you find a style. I’d maybe start with a couple pairs of loafers or moccasins, dark brown and light brown, and a pair of chukkas. Then just go from there. Good luck!
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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whatever you want man. do you want an adequate wardrobe, or do you want to get into fashion for fun? it's personal preference from here
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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similar to the "i went to a music festival once so i could put the pictures on my tinder" hat
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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This is a confusing post since I'm not really sure what "quitting fashion" means. You're still gonna be wearing clothes, right? I'd hate it for you to get in trouble for not wearing clothes.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Driving loafers, espadrilles
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I think he's talking about the fact that the people on reddit literally sift through another's post history to build a come back against a stranger possibly thousands of kilometres away who they'll never even meet.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Wrangler on my booty
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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thanks, im mostly looking for the crown shape. edit looks like a stetson seneca alright, thank you
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I’ve been invited last minute to a wedding, are there any dresses on amazon folks would recommend ?
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Why do people use the word pre-loved? It sounds a bit weird to me. You know feels like I'm referring to a living thing. I think it's a word that people use to avoid saying pre-owned. What do you guys think?
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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It seems to have been purchased by another equity fund whose mission is to squeeze the last drop of blood before they pull the plug. But I'm surprised you can't cancel immediately.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Find something difficult to do that you would like to get better at and start working your ass off. Humans feel most fulfilled when they are working towards a goal.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Dress to the company culture. If you would wear it to work there, wear it to the interview.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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No stress, my dude. I could try writing things but honestly I'm starting as well. I was hoping someone else would jump on your response to help you out. Based on what you've said, I think you should check out 5 things from the sidebar. 1) Understanding Color 2) Building Outfits That Work 3) The Basic Bastard Wardrobe 4) How Clothes Should Fit 5) General inspiration albums
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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weird ad. the use of colour in a lot of the doctors looks actually inspired me a lot as a kid, brown and blue layers and such
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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The pair I got were on sale for $80 and they’re leather and well-made. Entirely reasonable at the sale price
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Hrm I see the two strategies as cut from the same cloth. Maybe it's only Levi's that does this because they're known for having certain jeans in certain fits [501] [511] etc. To keep that part of the brand consistent they have to tier through quality, whereas different companies just put different things in each store. Maybe someone should actually put it to the test because I've seen the Levi's claim thrown around a lot and assumed it was real based on the fact that tiers exist for other brands. *(edit: looks like I'm probably completely wrong about Levi's: https://www.reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice/comments/1t893k/the_truth_about_levis_quality_from_store_to_store/* *Nothing really showing up on google other then reddit links about it.)
{ "section": "AskReddit" }
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Danm ok. How do people afford wearing that on a daily basis for work? I only own 2 suits :(
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Old company hat Salt life/Magellan shirt Khaki shorts/old jeans Nike shoes/boots
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Bonobos haul. Got the lightweight travel jeans in blue and stone, a short-sleeve henley, and one of the graphic tees because I've never really tried their T-shirts. I also finally bit the bullet and ordered white leather sneakers from Frank & Oak, which I have yet to test out but they look pretty nice.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Wing ding font tattoos?
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Who cares how it looks irl, if it looks good in your head then go for it. I think I'm going to do the same this weekend!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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If you're proactive with secondhand/sales you can find denim from brands like acne studios or naked & famous for less than $100
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I don't have much call for Regency wear on the regular, but I do love the top comment after the article: >This man reminds me of my late mother-in-law soooooo much. My mil was a woman of style who LOVED fashion and being fashionable. And she wasn’t about to let the fact that she lived in a rural, podunk, backwoods stop her from dressing fabulously EVERYTIME she left her house. Going to buy groceries at Wal-Mart? She dressed. Eating dinner at Cracker Barrel? She dressed. Clothes, jewelry, shoes, handbags - the whole nine yards all the time. And even though she was always at least somewhat overdressed, she never looked ostentatious or like she was trying to hard, or even trying at all. She always wore the clothes, they never wore her. And she wasn’t precious about her clothes, most of which were expensive, if she spilled something on them or stained them she was very “oh well” about it. She believed clothes were meant to be worn, not hung in a closet waiting for that perfect event. Now, that's something I can apply to my daily life.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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i just saw an instagram ad for this sweater
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Do you want them to be somewhat athletic looking? Otherwise, I love my Cole Haan GrandPros. Not sure about Canada, but I think CH should have locations there, and also department stores should have!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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> eccentric dowager fantasies This is exactly how I want to feel around the pool. And in the hotel lobby. And at home. And getting the groceries. I basically wanna feel this way 24/7
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Dressing well is a compliment to having a good attitude and being an approachable person. There are three levels of fashion that I see. 1) Someone simply doesn’t care, and usually this hits every age range; people just couldn’t give two fucks how they look. 2) Someone dresses well to feel good/confident/in control. I like to dress well to feel good, but it doesn’t define who I am, many of my friends dress like this, they choose outfits to compliment themselves, but couldn’t care less about fashion trends. I feel most of MFA falls into this category. “Dress for success” or however you’d put it. 3) Dressing to make a statement/interpreting fashion as a key personality trait; someone dresses because they see fashion as an art. I see this as a less common but popular MFA category. Men dressing because it’s something more than just a compliment to their personality. Dressing well IS their personality. There is nothing wrong at all with this category, it is simply fashion taken to the maximum possible level. Where am I going with all this? Well I believe your inherent problem is that you are confusing dress well with dressing fashionably. Everyone should aspire to dress well and compliment their personality, looks, charm, etc. but not everyone needs to dress fashionably, nor should they. You should definitely take a step back and look at who you are as a person physically, mentally, and socially, and think about how adapting your outward appearance to match that can help you. When you do that, you won’t think of choosing outfits or buying new clothes as either a chore or hobby, but instead an extension to yourself. TLDR: find what works for you and rock it, no need to “quit fashion” to realize personal characteristics. Use dressing well as a compliment to the man you want to be.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Thanks man, that means a lot. I’d never thought about meetups before, but I’ll definitely consider it. Cheers!
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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They just want to get a few more clicks from /r/malefashionadvice
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Looks like someone's been to flavortown.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I would post this in Daily Questions! And also look at r/streetwear and similar subreddits for inspiration
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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my jorts frayed more after a tumble dry too!
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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My goodness, I feel completely attacked... All good though, because this is what I am comfortable in and is well dressed in Arkansas lol. ​ \[img\][https://i.imgur.com/qocTCM2.jpg\[/img\]](https://i.imgur.com/qocTCM2.jpg[/img]) \[img\][https://i.imgur.com/zan7rhq.jpg\[/img\]](https://i.imgur.com/zan7rhq.jpg[/img])
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https://www.alchemygoods.com/collections/upcycled-backpacks-and-messengers/products/haversack <—- for more casual situations Whenever you can wear a jacket/blazer and put your extra stuff in it.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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MEEEE I’m so bad at not going into the Superdrug and buying makeup - I’m too lazy nowadays to even do nice interesting makeup looks so there not even any point in me buying more makeup....Its just so fun having new makeup :c
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Go minimalist my dude you can still wear nice clothes, but you dont have to spend money every week on a new piece just to feel good. Good luck on your quest!
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I'll check that out!
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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whats your favorite color? Pick that one
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Pact has a couple of styles like that.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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The way he typed it and in a funky font made it even more bizarre.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I don't really talk about this much because it all sounds super cheesy, but here it goes. The ultimate goal, for me, was to learn how to love myself. I found that I was always trying to change myself because I was never good enough in some way. I'd beat myself up for not being attractive enough, successful enough, or "traditional" enough (disclaimer: I'm a super unconventional dude. Sometimes "too unconventional" or "weird" to some people). I'd constantly focus on changing those things, failing, and then beating myself up. It was a vicious cycle. In order to break the cycle I did a bunch of stuff to learn how to love myself despite all my flaws. * I started seeing a therapist. Finding the right one was key. We share the same values, but she has a totally different background. I end up explaining a lot of stuff to her more than I would to someone who naturally "gets" me, and she offers me insight from a different perspective. It's pretty wonderful. * I took a ton of personality tests to identify my values and how I think. Think, like, those quizzes and career development exercises that help you identify goals, tell you what career to choose, what values you have, and what your work styles are. It really helped me learn to understand myself and eventually show compassion towards myself. * I read a lot of self-help books. They seem really, really cheesy, and I hate admitting I read them. They really helped inspire me when I first started out trying to build up confidence. I personally liked reading books about failure the best. Subtle Art of Not Giving a F\*ck and Outliers were two of my favorites. * I started journaling. No, I didn't keep a diary or anything super personal with all my secrets. I started by writing down 3 positive things every day before bedtime. The next morning, I'd wake up and read over those 3 things to start the day off on a positive note. One day I started making a list of everything I consider an accomplishment, and I've been working on it for awhile. When I feel like a failure, I go back and read that list. It's super helpful. Right now I'm working on learning to do things for myself. Reward my successes, forgive my failures, and believe I'm worth doing good things for. I started with basics like making my bed every morning, buying plants to take care of, setting aside time to meal prep. Things I did, but didn't do regularly because something else was *more important.* Currently, I'm doing meditation/mindfulness, practicing yoga, and creating a sleep schedule for myself. The goal is to sustain the confidence I built and continue to build on it. And, if you're wondering, I got back into fashion about a year and a half ago when I started on my self-care journey. My style ended up being similar to what I wore as a teenager, just updated to be a bit more age appropriate and on-trend.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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TW: diet/body related talk ahead Y'all I dropped my cholesterol by 20 points in 6 months, 30 points from my highest a year or so ago! I have hereditary high cholesterol and for the first time since my early 20s, I'm in a healthy range for it. I've lost some weight but I am way more excited about this.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Unless I'm using the site wrong, only found 3 pairs. None are really what I'm looking for. But thank you!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I dig #3 but I agree
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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| absurdly low pay of contract teaching prevents you from getting a new one. &amp;#x200B; Made me laugh. Too many smart people I know are going to adjunct route, It makes me sad.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I think Burts Bees makes a great tinted balm! I bet they have a great dark berry!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Keds are alright. I think they do have the stereotype of "early 2010s teenage girl" (maybe just because I wore them as a teenage girl in like 2012 haha). I haven't worn Keds in a few years, but I think they're just okay. I wore mine a lot and they didn't hold up that well. And if you want or need a supportive shoe, then I'd suggest wearing an insert with Keds because there's absolutely no arch support. I'm a bigger fan of Superga now. They're similar to Keds but I think they look more modern and adult. I still wear an insert with Supergas, though.
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Brave of them to pander to Doctor Who fans without knowing that canonically, 'Doctor' is never abbreviated
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Which city did you move from? I'm from Perth and it feels like no one makes any effort at all here. Amongst men anyway, there are plenty of well-dressed and very stylish women.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Are you bleaching or using a deep purple meant to go over dark hair? I've maintained colored hair for years - I like mixing whatever dye I'm using into my shampoo or conditioner. You also should wash with cold water and as little as possible.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Seattle checking in - work downtown for a tech company so a lot of jeans, hoodies and business casual. On the weekends a lot Patabronia in my neighborhood (Ballard) and other outdoor brands. More folks seem to actually get out from the city for backpacking so not entirely poserwear but there still is that feel. And of course we still have pockets of those in there 50’s that are still hanging on to their granola ways. All-in-all a good mix.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Both of these things actually apply to me, I actually started caring about skincare around the same time I got into fashion, and would use it for a similar reason (though honestly, acne is annoying as fuck, so that is my very valid excuse lol). And I’m not quitting fashion entirely, I’m not a Sith lord. Really, I’m just taking a break to try and find a balance between genuine self confidence and my hobby in fashion, instead of using fashion more as an end to the means of a false confidence boost. Cheers!
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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So everyone there is named Kyle? Pray for the drywall.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I’m similar, I think. And me educating myself on how to be my best self, fashion-wise, has been a fairly quick thing for me to pick up. And it’s given me an extra little boost in confidence to feel that I actually am dressed well. And that self-confidence helps in almost everything we all deal with daily. I’m still not the most secure or confident guy by most measures, but certainly a hell of a lot better than I was prior. So, I will continue to strive to present my best self (fashion-wise) to the world, as it absolutely does boost my self-confidence, which is probably the real thing that makes me most attractive
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Try vans authentics or eras. The pro versions have more padding and are more comfortable. Also maybe look at a pair of J. Crew killshots.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Which company?
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Where do y’all buy your work shirts? I’m looking to buy a few “fun” blouses for work. I’m rather busty so button ups don’t really work for me. Edit: by fun I mean something other than the polished tees I wear
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Thanks. I knew this but didn't know it had a name.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I think that's called a "Western neckbeard wide-brim." It's for gentlesirs who studied the colt instead of the blade.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Utter rubbish. Headline promises an article discussing fashion typified by a beloved television series spanning decades… and includes a total of three mediocre, unrelated images.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I agree fully, I'm younger than most here and picked up a pair, they're my favorites now. My dad had the originals with the green back when he was a kid in the 60s. Recipe didn't change, I now own the original green back ones too. Definitely buy a pair op.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Because of bunions I've tried most of these things. None really work. If it is possible to lace them tighter it might help. Additional insoles also help a bit, but give a weird feeling. If it is not too expensive buy the right size.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I'm over in El Dorado county. Placerville?
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Try getting a reservation at Dorsia now you stupid bastard.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Yep, way way more people should see therapists! I've seen one when I was down in life but I've also seen one to figure out how to keep myself in a good place. Can't recommend it enough
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Elastane actually helps longevity for heavy use. I get 15-18 months on heavy use denim. Weight gain/loss, physical activity, how rough you are on them are all factors to consider. While I wouldn't expect denim to rip in a few months, it's not implausible, this may also speak to the quality of $30 denim (however my current set of denim are 14 months old and were only $10). My reaction not towards OP, rather to the choir of people outraged over worn through pants.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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For hot topic? Bust out the wallet chain and cargo shorts and you’ll be fine. But seriously, don’t bother with a polo and khakis, maybe some dark colored chinos and and a casual button up would be the most dressed up I think they’d expect
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Suit, tie, dress shoes, minimal jewellery.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I would say more individual things with an idea of when I would wear them with a stable of reliable matches. So any pants I get will at least pair with a white, grey, or black shirt. Any shirt I get will go with khaki, black, or denim. Then sometimes the 'weird' matches with the 'weird' just fine.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Super acceptable
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I take pride in my work
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Premium is a marketing term, and raw denim is a type of denim that does not indicate quality at all. You can have crap "premium" denim and you can have crap raw denim. The same way there are both raw and washed denim that can rightfully be called "premium". Anyone trying to make any correlation between raws and denim quality is misguided. You really need to look at each individual brand.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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It's the Fiore skirt from the Rome Collection by Closet Case Patterns. You can make it in lots of fabrics, I just choose to sew with linen a lot!
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Get a vintage camera bag like this nobody will ever question it. https://www.etsy.com/listing/624850062/vintage-leather-camera-hard-case-gray?gpla=1&amp;gao=1&amp;&amp;utm\_source=google&amp;utm\_medium=cpc&amp;utm\_campaign=shopping\_us\_c-bags\_and\_purses-accessory\_cases-other&amp;utm\_custom1=334104d7-67e0-47c4-b08f-501268cf2bac&amp;utm\_content=go\_1843970605\_72372951040\_346364216802\_pla-352229244467\_c\_\_624850062&amp;gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0urXnuyS4wIVC\_5kCh1vSwWYEAQYAiABEgL4YfD\_BwE
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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If you invest yourself in your passion, fashion doesn't even exist as an issue. This is a good reason why certain disciplines or fields of work have people who all dress similar. They bum from the milieu they're apart of by default.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I've personally walked to over 15+ stores in a very bougie mall to try on fanny packs. I was looking for something that didnt scream with a logo, or the super dumpling shape. I can say that the best quality to value as well as clean design, outside of GUCCI/Prada is the fanny pack at Aritzia, an upscale sort of J Crew prices without the discounts store. Metal clip, and a strap that I've only seen on 500 dollar plus fanny packs. Around 50 bucks. I'd recommend it.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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This man exudes sex
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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If you must fold it tightly, there are a few techniques that involve turning one shoulder or both inside out. With the lining on the outside, the outer shell is safe from the worst wrinkles. Generally, don't put anything heavy on top of it (remember that every side is the top if the suitcase moves).
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Wrangler on my booty?
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I’m 33 and only started wearing sneakers 3 years ago. I like the kate spade + keds line. I’ve been wearing it constantly and when I travel. It holds up well and feels very comfortable.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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'Affordable Luxury' and all those brands that these instagrammers and fashion youtubers bend over for to get their 10% discount code are such a sham. Oliver Cabell shoes have massive problems with their QC - just google 'Oliver Cabell Reviews' and you see it over and over again: damaged leather (like OP described), lose threads and other parts not glued/sown together properly. Speaking from (second hand) experience: a friend of mine bought a pair of GATs from them and the quality was subpar. Massive color differences compared to the website - the suede parts were especially bad - loose threads, excess glue etc. He was refunded the money after repeatedly urging the somewhat unresponsive customer service and threatening to file a paypal dispute. Common Projects and Margiela GATs are on sale somewhere, someplace all the time. You shouldn't pay full price for them - and neither should you spend all that money for those 'affordable luxury' shoe brands, that do the majority of their business preying on people that watch basic fashion youtubers and can't afford the real deal. Bottom line is: Save your money, wait for sales or offers to get the real deal. For example: The Oliver Cabell GAT is $188 without shipping. I bought a Margiela GAT during the flash sales some websites had last week for $261 including shipping. So for a mere $73 difference you get the real deal instead of the instagram brand knockoff - Margielas are lightyears ahead in terms of quality and craftsmanship and will last you a long time if you take proper care of it. I know that $73 is a lot of money for some people but if you are poor, can you really afford cheap stuff? **Tl;dr** wait for good deals/sales for the real and don't spend your money on instagram brands.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I had a gf from Fairfield who turned me on to Leatherman belts a couple of years back, idk how popular they are over there but I guess that means they’re still around.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Try pairing it with a wardrobe challenge! Choose a bunch (10, 20, 30?) items and challenge yourself to mix and match them exclusively for a month. Or pick 7 items you love, and wear one a day, in a new outfit, each week (4 times per item through the month).
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Only if the fabric doesn't strech out. For example I always get raw denium that's too tight because jeans always end up stretching out.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Long down parkas are still popular because it gets friggin cold here. Think of them as a mode of transportation than a piece of attire.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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My favorite pair of jeans are a pair of selvedge Levi 511s. Its not raw or unsanforized, but I haven't found any other pair of jeans that are as versatile or fit better. I think the Raw denim crowd is very in it for the jeans/fade themselves, not always necessarily after the best fit or look.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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You’re in the right direction but please don’t go shoe shopping at Macy’s. Most Macy’s stores don’t carry a single quality shoe.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I...need to see this now. Who knew that J. R. R. Tolkien would be a trendsetter in the fashion world.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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Local tailor or dry cleaner that does alternations can usually do this. Men's section at most decent department stores like Macy's. Any place that sells suits or tailored clothing also. If you have no relationship with the tailor a tip isn't out of the question.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Im having hard time deciding between three wallets. Im leaning towards #2 since its a classic canvas for their brand. But #3 looks pretty sick but might be to dark to even appreciate its design. 1: https://us.louisvuitton.com/eng-us/products/pocket-organizer-damier-graphite-006217 2: https://us.louisvuitton.com/eng-us/products/pocket-organizer-monogram-eclipse-014391 3: https://us.louisvuitton.com/eng-us/products/pocket-organizer-damier-infini-006283#N63197
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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If you're a socially anxious person, great style is unlikely to mitigate that. If you are a confident person, great style will push your confidence up another level. I was led to an interest in fashion from self-confidence. And I gained self-confidence by dedicating myself to achieving things that I can be proud of. I know this from hindsight, as I really need to get back to dedicating myself to success like I have done in the past.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Where can I find a fur coat like the one toward the beginning?
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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I think it’s called the ‘Morning Phase’
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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I’m trying to identify whether this style of pant (in the below links) is just normal black jeans, or chinos, or something else? here (guy in the middle, not the cop) here (again, dude in the middle) Ooor here (guy on the right)
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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Iowa; Like you'd expect a farming state to dress. Only people who care about fashion are Highschoolers/college kids who spend too much time here or on the streetwear subs.
{ "section": "malefashionadvice" }
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OMG that Imgur album brought back so many memories! I watched all of those shows and definitely adopted some of those styles. Uggs/boots with socks peeking over the top was a fave in the PNW which had my dad saying the look was "confused" ("if you're cold, why are you wearing a skirt...cover up!"). And I definitely still have a box full of those wide belts that look like weightlifting belts. I'm not sure if it was late 2000s but I have some of Selena Gomez's clothing line from KMart (?)...felt so cool back then wearing her styles.
{ "section": "femalefashionadvice" }
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