class label
9 classes
I have no clue,why dont you just ask his mommy?!
7Society & Culture
I have a hard time sleeping! Have a crazy schedule so my body doesn't like to go to sleep sometimes! LOL! When i can't sleep i try to answer, rate and vote on as many questions that i can, on Yahoo Answers..... Might as well make the most of my time. Everyone else is in bed sleeping so this is one of the quiet things to do besides read! How about you?
0Business & Finance
sometimes people will do things just to get a reaction hun. So if he knows he bothers you and keeps doing certain things I would chalk it up to teenage male immaturity.If ignoring him doesnt work I would do to him everything he does to you see how he likes it. Best thing it will probably relieve your stress and make you feel a whole better!
4Family & Relationships
Just the right to be deported.
6Politics & Government
sign in to yahoo, then go to avatars.yahoo.com\n\nYou can manage your avatar there, it will transfer to answers when you're done.
1Computers & Internet
Miss Nurse should post a link to her 360 page, so's i can contact her ! I need to break my leg, so's i can go to her hospital ;)
0Business & Finance
Without, in both instances... :)}
6Politics & Government
If you want a national plan (in the event you do a significant amount of travel) then you might want to use Blue Cross or Medica. I would suggest looking at a plan that has a deductible that is at least $1,500 for a single person or $3,000 for a family. This will keep the premium costs lower and also qualify you for contributions into an HSA (Health Savings Account). These contributions are pre-tax and can be withdrawn and used tax free for qualified medical expenses. \nThis type of strategy saves you premium costs and taxes. If you or a family member who will be on the plan has a large amount of health care expenses per year, you might do better to consider a lower deductible. The increased premiums might be less expensive than the out of pocket expenses if you are more likely to use more services or ongoing prescription medications that are expensive.
0Business & Finance
then u should tell him to tell her that he does not like her and then go out with him
4Family & Relationships
Start by asking your course instructors what they expect in an essay. I have found what different professors want are as different as fingerprints.\n\nKeep your notes in a journal so you can remember because the details may be quite specific. Further, they may appreciate your asking and that will help too.Then give them what they want and you will get the grade.
2Education & Reference
You can get some god information at these sites.\n\nRespiratory Therapist (Occupational Outlook Handbook)\nhttp://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos084.htm\n\nAmerican Association for Respiratory Care\nhttp://www.aarc.org\n\nCanadian Society of Respiratory Therapists\nhttp://www.csrt.com
2Education & Reference
It is no a law yet. It is a proposal agreed upon by the senate judiciary committee. It must be passed now by the senate and the house, the two must reach a consensus and after that the president must sign it so it's a long way until it becomes a law. It will most likely change in some way before it is passed.\nThe law tries to deal with the issue of illegal immigration and address issues such as a guest worker program.
6Politics & Government
Yes you can, as long as that person signed on yahoo.com with their real name.
0Business & Finance
Tel. +386 1 58 14 400
5Medical Domain
I like to be a unique individual,like everyone is, I think I like to meet people with different perspectives,lifestyles and experiences,and I learn alot from them ,I think that hating and rejecting others without hesitation because they do not share your dogma or beliefs is dooming yourself to ignorance by not even considering how someone would feel or act a certain way or what would you be like if you were raised like them and had their experiences you close yourself off to gainig understanding and frustration from believing assumptions and then getting confused because you cannot develop or identify an issue accurately if you start with assumptions,then you are hopeless to resolve your problem because your plan is based on fantasy not reality , I do not understand what is so difficult for some people to agree to disagree or live and let live
7Society & Culture
I believe in strange thing happening with no explanation. and no explanation sometimes is better than knowing.\nI can be la yin in bed and here someone walk down the hall\ntoward the bedroom some times i think it is my wife. but when i open my eyes she is already lying there sound asleep.
7Society & Culture
Both President of U.S.A.\nBoth known by 3 initials.\nBoth white.\nBoth men.\nBoth died in office.\nBoth married.
6Politics & Government
Cause its a challenge. Plus we like cocky men. Men that are too nice are sometimes mistaken for weak. I know it sux but hey, I love jerks too.
7Society & Culture
Goalie: Dominik Hasek\nDefense: Nicklas Lidstrom, Bryan McCabe\nForwards: Daniel Alfredsson, Dany Heatley\nCenter: Sidney Crosby
you tell her alrite!!!.. lol....... she/he need to know wats goin on!.......she/he might be living in a wohle different universe and needs to know the truth! be the hero and tell her/him
4Family & Relationships
Yes.\n\nThere are already previews on the Comedy Central website.\n\nhttp://www.comedycentral.com/shows/chappelles_show/index.jhtml
3Entertainment & Music
The ultimate is "SKYPE".. \n\nHere is the web site: http://www.skype.com
1Computers & Internet
watermelon and humans.
2Education & Reference
This code would prompt you the value for M and C. Upon entering the values click the button to view the result.\n\n\n\n<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">\n<html>\n<head>\n<title></title>\n<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 7.1">\n<meta name="vs_targetSchema" content="http://schemas.microsoft.com/intellisense/ie5">\n<script id="clientEventHandlersJS" language="javascript">\n\nfunction Button1_onclick(frm) {\nvar val;\nval = document.forms[0].Text1.value * document.forms[0].Text2.value * document.forms[0].Text2.value\nalert(val);\n}\n\n//-->\n</script>\n</head>\n<body>\n<form>\n<DIV title="Enter M" style="DISPLAY: inline; WIDTH: 70px; HEIGHT: 15px" ms_positioning="FlowLayout">Enter \nM</DIV>\n<INPUT id="Text1" type="text" name="Text1"><br>\n<DIV title="Enter M" style="DISPLAY: inline; WIDTH: 70px; HEIGHT: 15px" ms_positioning="FlowLayout">Enter \nC</DIV>\n<INPUT id="Text2" type="text" name="Text2" language="javascript" onclick="return Text2_onclick()">\n<INPUT id="Button1" type="button" value="E = Mc2" name="Button1" language="javascript"\nonclick="return Button1_onclick(this)"><br>\n \n</form>\n</body>\n</html>
1Computers & Internet
If you mean as a person - get to know him. Get out with him, talk and so on. And generally look at the way he treats others.\nIf you mean in bed - try him. That is the only way.
4Family & Relationships
The excretion of dibotermin alfa has not been studied in animals.
5Medical Domain
Tried to check Kazaa but mine crashed. Try that or another p2p...
3Entertainment & Music
no it sound really dodgey
4Family & Relationships
Shrove Tuesday is the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday which is the first day of Lent. It's a day of penitence, to clean the soul, and a day of celebration as the last chance to feast before Lent begins.\n\nShrove Tuesday is probably the Christian festival that the family enjoys most, after Christmas, of course.\n\nBut there's more to Shrove Tuesday than pigging out on pancakes or taking part in a public pancake race. The pancakes themselves are part of an ancient custom with deeply religious roots. \n\nPenitence \nShrove Tuesday gets its name from the ritual of shriving that Christians used to undergo in the past. In shriving, a person confesses their sins and receives absolution for them.\n\nWhen a person receives absolution for their sins, they are forgiven for them and released from the guilt and pain that they have caused them.\n\nIn the Catholic or Orthodox context, the absolution is pronounced by a priest. \n\nThis tradition is very old. Over 1000 years ago a monk wrote in the Anglo-Saxon Ecclesiastical Institutes: \n\nIn the week immediately before Lent everyone shall go to his confessor and confess his deeds and the confessor shall so shrive him.\n\nShrove Tuesday celebrations \nShrove Tuesday is a day of celebration as well as penitence, because it's the last day before Lent. \n\nLent is a time of abstinence, of giving things up. So Shrove Tuesday is the last chance to indulge yourself, and to use up the foods that aren't allowed in Lent.\n\nGiving up foods: but not wasting them \nIn the old days there were many foods that observant Christians would not eat during Lent: foods such as meat and fish, fats, eggs, and milky foods.\n\nSo that no food was wasted, families would have a feast on the shriving Tuesday, and eat up all the foods that wouldn't last the forty days of Lent without going off.\n\nThe need to eat up the fats gave rise to the French name Mardi Gras; meaning fat tuesday. Pancakes became associated with Shrove Tuesday as they were a dish that could use up all the eggs, fats and milk in the house with just the addition of flour.\n\nThe origin of pancake racing \nPancake races are thought to have begun in 1445. A woman had lost track of the time on Shrove Tuesday, and was busy cooking pancakes in her kitchen.\n\nSuddenly she heard the church bell ringing to call the faithful to church for confession. The woman raced out of her house and ran all the way to church; still holding her frying pan and wearing her apron.\n\n\nGoing for gold in the pancake olympics \nOne of the most famous pancake races is held at Olney in Buckinghamshire over a 415 yard course. The rules are strict; contestants have to toss their pancake at both the start and the finish, as well as wearing an apron and a scarf. The race is followed by a church service.\n\nSince 1950 Olney has competed with Liberal in Kansas, which holds an identical race, to see which town can produce the fastest competitor. After the 2000 race, Liberal was leading with 26 wins to Olney's 24.
7Society & Culture
Hi, I'm from Iran, and I don't like their idea. What kind of reason is to band CNN because they mistakenly said that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wanted Nuclear Weapons. And knowing that I'm from Iran, no they don't want nuclear weapons. But CNN made a mistake, and it is no reason to be banned. Iran has turned to a very strict country after the revolution 27 years ago. Since the revolution, people can't wear shorts, t-shirts, sandals, or anything. Women have to have their head covered. And must be always be covered. \nSince Mahmoud Ahmadinejad became president, he has banned music. I read recently that bands have moved in the basement, and that they must play illigally.
6Politics & Government
I feel that you should first look at what you really want to do and what industry/field you'd want to be in. Like how someone said, "When you take up something you like, you'd never have to work for another day in your life".\n\nKnow what your passion is first. Once you realize that, you'd start finding enough and more avenues in that field for sure.\n\nOn the other side, some of the "evergreen" industries you might want to look at, after your Business administration degree (if you are interested) are\n-Bio tech\n-advertising
0Business & Finance
Changes that have been approved by both houses of congress.The constitution has been amended.
6Politics & Government
especially if he is under your bed...but i have to disagree...chuck norris is not afraid of the burger king!! he is only trying to lure him in closer...
3Entertainment & Music
Probably the formats are different. Are you using the same applciation, i mean MS word to open the files?
1Computers & Internet
Try Craigslist. Start here...\nhttp://losangeles.craigslist.org/about/cities.html\n\n\nFind the city you live in, or live closest to, or are \nplanning to visit.\n\n\nThis is a large community site with free ads for housing \nand rentals, finding new friends or lovers, pen pals, \nvarious items for sale, want ads, personals, \nservices,volunteers, job openings, local events and \nclasses, and global discussion forums, ...\n\n\nBest of luck,\nJeffrey
3Entertainment & Music
Stephen F. Austin back in Texas history is where the name 'Austin' came from. Austin is also the capitol of Texas. He was a white man.
7Society & Culture
She's sending you mixed messages, either deliberately or accidentally.\n\nShe may not realize that telling you she misses you a bit sounds to you like an invitation to get back together. She really shouldn't be telling you this, even if that's how she feels.\n\nTelling you explicitly "stay away" is bigger than "occasionally I have passing thoughts about you.". So stay away.
4Family & Relationships
I don't completely believe in any one religion. So I tend to consider myself spiritual but not religious. I don't go to church but I do have very strong beliefs and I do worship. My beliefs just take a little of every religion.
7Society & Culture
if you can find it, take some time for yourself. it's hard, i know. i've done it. \n\ni hope your partner or husband is understanding. you are both sacrificing time with your school and work to get to a better place in life. I'm assuming.\n\nIf you can make it though this, hopefully the reward will be good.\n\ntake some time for yourself and for him. take a nice quiet bubble bath everynow in then. drink a glass of wine. have wild sex. have fun. it's not all work and school. enjoy life.
4Family & Relationships
Very common • Vomiting • Nausea
5Medical Domain
You can refer to this site:\n\nClick here\nhttp://www.uwf.edu/finaid/
2Education & Reference
the zoo or six flags.
3Entertainment & Music
Tell him straight on that you can only be friends. Though be really polite and sweet.
4Family & Relationships
er Do not use Nespo after the expiry date which is stated on the carton and on the pre-filled pen label ng after EXP.
5Medical Domain
5Medical Domain
I think they are telling the truth, "truth" being defined as that which the speaker honestly believes. Whether or not they are relating FACTS is another matter entirely. I think much of what they relate is influenced by media and prompting. \n\nMany people misunderstand hypnosis, falsely believeing that it is impossible to lie while in a hypnotic trance. Not true! It is not only possible, but quite common. Hypnosis puts a person into a state of mind which makes them highly suseptible to suggestion. The hypnotist has to be extremely careful not to plant a suggestion into the subject's mind, but this still happens anyway.\n\nSo, combining media influences with hypnotic suggestions, a subject will often fabricate what he believes the hypnotist is asking for. Technically the subject is not "lying", however. He honestly believes he is telling the truth. But in many cases it is only a creation of his mind, intending to satisfy the questioner. \n\nWith all that said, do I believe that some people have actually been abducted? I'm skeptical, but willing to consider SOLID evidence. So far I'm not convinced.
7Society & Culture
2Education & Reference
.tmp files are temporary files generated by programs as they run and can usually be safely deleted. The format will depend on the program that created it. You may be able to read the contents of the file in a text editor, but this is not guaranteed.\n\nSee the second item on the page below for some info.
1Computers & Internet
On July 3rd 1999 Jim Thome hit a 511 foot shot to center field against Kansas City.
sorry cant help you\nexecutive summaries are waaaaaayyy behind me =)\nmy university years gave me BIG headaches\ni dont even want to think about it *shiver*\n\nps: when that thing happened to me, and i didnt have much time left, i used to just cut and paste and edit a few words from the real essay =) and bam... my LAME executive summary
2Education & Reference
Yes,infact there are various websites devoted to finding e-mail addresses.
0Business & Finance
their first choice is Vince Young, if he is not on the table, then they will draft A.J. Hawk, in the event that both players are gone by 7, the Raiders may draft Huff from Texas.
playstation 2 is a console just like xbox, u attach it to your tv and play games on it. isn't it enough ?
5Medical Domain
in my prviouse answer i thaught it read cancer soz; but cappies and virgo are a perfect match in love and very powerfull in buisness, cappies are very deep and quit gifted in the spitual world and are very thaughtfull and sentimental, they seem to carry the world on there shoulders and take things to heart, they like to do thing right and to full potential or not at all, unlike virgo see things as they are,but also like to do things right where cappies go in feet first virgo studie to make sure its right cos if its not virgo worry and sometimes fret untill they get the result very good compatibility
3Entertainment & Music
Leflunomide is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with: • active rheumatoid arthritis as a "disease-modifying antirheumatic drug" (DMARD), • active psoriatic arthritis,.
5Medical Domain
I don't know but I do know is that they should be all wearing suits from http://www.pimphats.com but they aren't. Too bad!
3Entertainment & Music
Here is his website. http://www.shelsilverstein.com/indexSite.html\n\nOf course for more indepth information you may find it at http://wikipedia.org
2Education & Reference
I watch porn and it's a turn on when you have your woman sitting there right beside you watching it too.
4Family & Relationships
Try using the face of your opponent!....Works everytime!
It'll really depend on where you live plus how much experience you have plus any additional degrees/certifications.\n\nTry this, I havent tried it yet, but give it a whirl:\nhttp://www.payscale.com/?src=G32
0Business & Finance
I depends on many factors. Your location and industry are 2 primary factors. Also, experience, education level, size of the organization, and number of people you manage play a role. Experience is an important part of this question because you obviously (although, I've seen it happen) won't became a manager right away. \n\nIn Chicago, I would say that a new HR Manager with a BA degree and 3 years experience working in HR previously could earn $35,000 to $50,000 a year. The range is huge because...well...you'll learn that once you get into HR.
0Business & Finance
The X-men and that people of the x-files only.
7Society & Culture
none of those use grind king the trucks you picked out suck
It can be as quick as 3 months.. but since he is from the philippines, then plan for 9 months.
6Politics & Government
Maria Montessori's desire to help children was so strong, however, that in 1906 she gave up both her university chair and her medical practice to work with a group of sixty young children of working parents in the San Lorenzo district of Rome. It was there that she founded the first Casa dei Bambini, or "Children's House." What ultimately became the Montessori method of education developed there, based upon Montessori's scientific observations of these children's almost effortless ability to absorb knowledge from their surroundings, as well as their tireless interest in manipulating materials. Every piece of equipment, every exercise, every method Montessori developed was based on what she observed children to do "naturally," by themselves, unassisted by adults. \n\nChildren teach themselves. This simple but profound truth inspired Montessori's lifelong pursuit of educational reform, methodology, psychology, teaching, and teacher training--all based on her dedication to furthering the self-creating process of the child.
2Education & Reference
3Entertainment & Music
I wouldn't say I was disappointed. I liked the movie and the story itself. It didn't make me uncomfortable in any way but that's because I'm actually open minded about this sort of thing and I think everybody should be allowed to love anybody they like whether they're opposite sex or the same sex. I thought the acting was really good in the movie but the story was slow at times and dragged on. I think Jake Gyllenhaal's character was more 'in love' than Heath Ledger's character. But there were a few times where I felt really sad for them 'cause they couldn't be together - like that one scene at the lake where Jake's character is really upset they can't see each other. I'm glad the movie was made. It definitely shows Hollywood is a bit more open minded these days. I mean when you think of some foreign movies this subject is not that controversial but for Hollywood it obviously is. I mean the supposed 'sex scene' wasn't all that bad - at least not as bad as everybody made it seem. I'm not homophobic so for me it was fine to watch. And it'll open doors for other small movies with interesting subject matters unlike the same old same old lame Hollywood bullcrap.
3Entertainment & Music
If there is one in my area I would go because I think that the USA needs help with this issue!
6Politics & Government
he was married and had 1 child-but she died now hes married to Marni Capellinni
3Entertainment & Music
While its possible some FEMA assitance was given to saints players (not likely, but I dont know the FEMA rules on that) the money your probably thinking of was given by the NFL as part of the "pay for play" adjustment in the CBA. Normally, this adjustment goes to those players who played alot of downs but were not paid "starter" money. The theory is, minimal contracts are given for backup players and if a player hired for just special teams/backup is moved to a starter position through injury or great performance he has earned to be paid along with other starters. \n\nThe Saints recieved their money for "performance in adverse conditions" notably havingno true locker room, practing under an underpass and playing a home game in NY.
I think the kind of christians he is refering to are those who are born in a country where christianity is the state relgion and you are automatically born as a christian like Finland etc. So there you will find many people who are regestered as christians but who are actually athiests or only visit the church when its for their own convenience or when there is some special function like christmas etc. Also these kinds of christians like to visit churches only on sunday to confess their sins because they feel guilty for all the shameful activities they have done during the past week.\n\nIn every religion you will find sincere followers and those who follow just for the sake of following. And because Christianity is the biggest world religion you find more of these kind of people. By percentage I cant say though...
7Society & Culture
I think that he will stay on another couple of years. I also think it depends on his health on how long he will still as the Jazz coach.
65,000. It was raised to 195,000 in FY2001, FY2002 and FY2003 but that raise was temporary and has now reverted back to 65,000.\n\nThere are proposals to increase that limit to 115,000 for Fiscal Year 2007, but that bill has not been passed, and unless it is passed the total will remain at 65,000.
6Politics & Government
The Shia and the Sunni have been rivals since shortly after the death of Muhammad (whom both recognize as thier first prophet) when the two groups could not agree on who was teh rightful hier to Muhammad. One group supported on person, the other group supported someone else. As a westerner, I can never truly understand the ethnic tensions between teh two groups, or why in some cases they live in peace while in others, they fight each other. In Iraq the tensions relate to more modern times. Although the country of Iraq is mostly Shia (60-something percent), during the reign of Saddam Hussien (who is a Sunni), the Sunni held th epowere and badly mistreated the Shia population. Once saddam and his regime were removed from power, the Shia began to retaliate for the decades of persecution. The Sunni (in the government, at least) were ruthless and brutal to the Shia Maojority- of course the Shia are angry now. Unfortunately, thier retribuative actions against the sunni have only helped to increase teh violence between the two groups. Until teh Sunni and teh Shia start to work together, Iraq is going to be locked into a downward spiral. The trick to sucess in Iraq is that the Iraqis have to learn to live together. No one else can make them do that, certainly not America.
6Politics & Government
What you want to do is ask your service Provider if they host an internet service for your model of phone. If yes, be sure to ask what features are included so that you don't needlessly spend money. If no, ask if you can upgrade to a phone that is capable of the features you are looking for. It may be free, it may not.
3Entertainment & Music
i think it's the MARRIOTT at center point parkway in pontiac, michigan.
Here's a good site which lists the rules for using semicolons:\n\nhttp://www.wisc.edu/writing/Handbook/Semicolons.html\n\nand another: http://www.virtualsalt.com/semicoln.htm\n\nand another: http://chuma.cas.usf.edu/~olson/pms/semicolon.html
2Education & Reference
If you want a list of files, then open a command prompt, go to the root of each drive and do something like:\ndir /s >list.txt\nTry dir /? to see various other switches you can use.
1Computers & Internet
it will be a close race but i think he can pull it off
3Entertainment & Music
There are six teams that have never made it to the Super Bowl:\n\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Bowl#Teams_with_no_Super_Bowl_appearances\n\nArizona Cardinals\nCleveland Browns\nDetroit Lions\nHouston Texans \nJacksonville Jaguars \nNew Orleans Saints \n\nBut it's possible to make it, of course, and just not win. To be honest, the list of winners is far shorter and thus easier to provide. Anyone not in the list, of course, has not won.\n\n5 - San Francisco 49ers\n5 - Dallas Cowboys\n4 - Pittsburgh Steelers\n3 - Green Bay Packers\n3 - New England Patriots\n3 - Oakland Raiders (one win as Los Angeles Raiders)\n3 - Washington Redskins\n2 - Denver Broncos\n2 - Miami Dolphins\n2 - New York Giants\n1 - Indianapolis Colts (won as Baltimore Colts)\n1 - Baltimore Ravens\n1 - Chicago Bears\n1 - Kansas City Chiefs\n1 - New York Jets\n1 - St. Louis Rams\n1 - Tampa Bay Buccaneers\n\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Bowl
3Entertainment & Music
you should probably ask yourself \nwhy am so intelligent and creative?
0Business & Finance
Side of a Bullet from the newest album.
3Entertainment & Music
20 H-1034 Budapest Tel.: +36 1 430 2890
5Medical Domain
Have a wedding ring handy, slip it on when an unwanted temptress approaches and kindly tell her you're a married man.
4Family & Relationships
have you signed in??
1Computers & Internet
PAT means Profit after Tax. So, PAT margin means the amount of profit a firm earns after deducting all the taxes to be paid to the government
2Education & Reference
Shire will conduct a Post Authorisation Safety Study (PASS) Study SPD422-401 A non- interventional, post authorisation safety study, to continuously monitor safety and pregnancy outcomes in a cohort of at-risk Essential Thrombocythaemia (ET) subjects exposed to Xagrid compared to other conventional cytoreductive treatments.
5Medical Domain
You can use "DVD CSS+Region Free" software to do this. It works fine.
1Computers & Internet
Winning the big lottery.
2Education & Reference
i DO, of course. hmmm, i love the lyrics, and the clip, its good and funny, i guess, haha. its tre cool who dressed up like a woman, and he even wearing make ups?!?!
0Business & Finance
Police work under the clause of "good faith". They make a good faith effort to record the events as they are reported and what the officer observes.\n\nEveryone makes mistakes and everyone perceives things differently, including police officers. Officers are not exempt from having a bad day or missing things.\n\nPeople sue departments all the time, officers get paid time and 1/2 for court time. The officer doesn't usually have to pay out any fines because they are covered through (usually) a statewide insurance program as an individual (Like CLEAT in Texas) and municipalities have the same sort of insurance. Since the one you were dealing with was Highway Patrol.. they get a LOT more latitude in what they can do because they are presumed to have more training and experience than your regular city officer. You'd be fighting an uphill battle and the State won't settle a case such as this out of court. In my opinion. Good luck!
6Politics & Government
It is not. Perhaps you are actually imposing your beliefs on other and are not sensitive to their point of view?\n\nYour comment about Paul G suggests he might be on to something. Sounded like a sincere and reasonable comment he made to you. If you took it as an accusation, I think you're just too touchy.
7Society & Culture
Poor spelling and grammar skills?
4Family & Relationships
My husband is pretty cool... flowers have completely lost their power over me. My hubby will wash laundry or dishes with out me having to ask, he will get up with the kids and let me sleep in on weekends, he even cooks breakfast and keeps mine warm until I get up. He'll call me on his lunch break just to chat...He does too many sweet things to list here, but I will never take him for granted, he is the greatest husband and father you could ask for.
4Family & Relationships
At the stadium, I am afraid.
It's a pronoun. A pronoun is basically a word for something, but only if you already know what that something is (Like she, him, her, they, these) because it's already given what they're talking about,\nAn adjective is a describing word\nand an adverb just ends in "ly" Like: Heartily, happily, grumpily, sexily. all that stuff.\nCheers.
2Education & Reference
Mr Bean
3Entertainment & Music