class label
9 classes
The best thing is to be completely open with her and take a chance otherwise your always be wondering. Tell her how you feel and see where it goes from there. You never know until you try!
4Family & Relationships
4Family & Relationships
width is more important. 7 inches is the smallest length. but it is equal for me if it is 4 inches long and wide or 10 inches long and thin - they both re useless. it should be "big" - long and wide both. maybe 3 inches in diameter and 7 inches long the smallest big size for me
4Family & Relationships
Here are a few options to display the video on your myspace site. I think the first one would probably be your best bet but there are some options incase you want them.\n\n\n-----------------------------\nInsert This code into Your Website(Autoplay)(?):\n-----------------------------\n\n<div id='video' style='width:300px'><b><a href='http://www.myspacevideocode.com/artist/Postal%20Service%2C%20The/'>Postal Service, The</a> - <a href='http://www.myspacevideocode.com/Postal-Service-The/16526-Such-Great-Heights/'>Such Great Heights</a></b><br><a href='http://www.myspacevideocode.com'><embed name='MySpaceVideoCode' src='http://www.myspacevideocode.com/asx/16526.asx' type='application/x-mplayer2' width='300' height='300' ShowControls='1' ShowStatusBar='0' loop='true' EnableContextMenu='0' DisplaySize='0' pluginspage='http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/Downloads/Contents/Products/MediaPlayer/'></embed></a><center><font style='font-size: 10pt;'><a href='http://www.myspacevideocode.com'>Video Code</a> by <a href='http://www.myspacevideocode.com'>MySpace Video Code</a></font></center>\n\n\n-----------------------------\nInsert This code into Your Website(?):\n-----------------------------\n<div id='video' style='width:300px'><b><a href='http://www.myspacevideocode.com/artist/Postal%20Service%2C%20The/'>Postal Service, The</a> - <a href='http://www.myspacevideocode.com/Postal-Service-The/16526-Such-Great-Heights/'>Such Great Heights</a></b><br><a href='http://www.myspacevideocode.com'><embed name='MySpaceVideoCode' src='http://www.myspacevideocode.com/asx/16526.asx' type='application/x-mplayer2' width='300' height='300' ShowControls='1' ShowStatusBar='0' loop='true' Autoplay='false' EnableContextMenu='0' DisplaySize='0' pluginspage='http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/Downloads/Contents/Products/MediaPlayer/'></embed></a><center><font style='font-size: 10pt;'><a href='http://www.myspacevideocode.com'>Video Code</a> by <a href='http://www.myspacevideocode.com'>MySpace Video Code</a></font></center>\n\n\n-----------------------------\nPop up window link(?):\n-----------------------------\n<a href='#' onClick="Javascript:window.open('http://www.myspacevideocode.com/playvideo.php?id=16526','','toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=360,height=450');">Postal Service, The - Such Great Heights</a>
1Computers & Internet
0Business & Finance
8/ 61
5Medical Domain
What you mean: just people asking and answering questions. I'll admit some of them are off the wall, but it's fun.
0Business & Finance
Argentina , Brasil or some european team, most probably european 'couse the world cup is going to be there.
No. We look for security and comfort.
4Family & Relationships
i hope i am the only one to answer this question
3Entertainment & Music
Go to the Finder/Preferences/General Tab and check the 'Open new windows in column view' check box.
1Computers & Internet
The information for male partners of women with child-bearing potential should include the following information:
5Medical Domain
I think for most sensitive girls (I would say I am one) I think it is best done like a band-aid - really. A lot of the time we fake that we are sensitive and vulnerable so guys feel they can't leave us. Also, how do you know that she doesnt doubt the relationship as well. Above all - you need to tell her how you feel. I can guarentee that is the only way to go forward. And when you tell her, just say 'we need to talk about us' so she knows exactly what is coming.
4Family & Relationships
The pure sound of rain. No traffic noise, no other sounds, just nature and rain. It feels as if it's washing the cares from my soul. I can literally feel the tension ease from me. It's wonderful.
7Society & Culture
Bush doesn't give a damn about democracy in the United States or Iraq. He cares about oil and money. WAKE UP!
6Politics & Government
Chloe lists her self at about 5-feet tall in interviews but is no more specific than that ... so I would guess you could say 4-10 or 4-11
3Entertainment & Music
it is an instinctive feeling from the way, the person deals with you. over-anxiety could be dangerous as could be under-anxiety. many mannerisms and behavioral tendencies with the way your boyfriend deals with you could indicate presence or absence of true feelings
4Family & Relationships
it depends on how you will use it if you want it as a srver fedora is the best if you want it for home use mandriva is suitable if you don't need to install linux you can use knoppix live cd.\n\nand after all i recommend you to have a look at arabian a magnificent live-cd that could be also installed. it contains tons of programmes. you can found it at http://arabian.arabicos.com\nyou can visit some comparison sites
1Computers & Internet
UMM well there are thousands of them, which section of missouri were you wondering about
you can get a green card.\ngoogle "us immigration" and you'll get all the info you need.
0Business & Finance
I hope you will find a good friend or teacher or pastor or counselor or neighbor or other relative that can sit and listen to you for a while...\nYou sound so troubled, I wish I could sit and talk to you...\nI also found this other info on the net...\nHope it helps...
0Business & Finance
The appointment is with effect from January 2001.
5Medical Domain
About your first statement. It's too late. Being born is fatal in the end and you're waaaay past that.\n\nThe alternative to getting old is to die young. Looking at your first statement I don't think you'd consider that a viable alternative.\n\nAs for picking an age and staying there; why not? I celebrated my 43rd annual 19th birthday back on Valentine's Day. If I can do it, so can you.
7Society & Culture
If i could imagine, i would say like the drums in Africa as they beat the drums that could be heard from village to village each village taking it farther and farther to its destination..sometimes the enemy would hear it,(hackers). progress called computers have the same problems (hackers) life repeats itself, is we only really looked in a place called the third eye, or vision, for there is nothing new under the sun....most times we dont catch on till we are nearing what we call the end of life....which could start in our 50's unless remain a fool all of our life
7Society & Culture
Because they have forgotten the fact that according to their religion, God is the only one who needs to worry about other people believing.\n\nI am also an atheist. I have no problem with people practicing religion, or even talking about religion- but when people tell me that I'm wrong, I get pretty angry. Even if I am wrong, and God does exist, I'm going to hell and you're not going to have to deal with me when you're all the way up in heaven.\n\nSome atheists are guilty of that too, though, and it pisses me off just as badly. Live and let live.
7Society & Culture
My personal choices:\n\nMicrosoft Office- go here first! This has very high quality stock pics. Just make sure to select "photos" when you make a search, instead of leaving it as "All Media Types" http://office.microsoft.com/clipart/default.aspx?lc=en-us\n\nFree Foto\nhttp://www.freefoto.com/index.jsp\n\nTripod Image Gallery\nhttp://build.tripod.lycos.com/imagebrowser/photos/index.html
1Computers & Internet
Its all real..every bit of the movies...yegods this site is getting sadder..lol
3Entertainment & Music
The ones that come to mind are bulemia and anorexia nervosa.
2Education & Reference
1Computers & Internet
You might want to try something on different steroids(they r a type of lipid) and how they affect the athlete. A good example would be former NFL pro bowler Bill Romanowski.
3Entertainment & Music
• The Docetaxel Winthrop 80 mg vial contains a solution of docetaxel in polysorbate 80 at a concentration of 40 mg/ ml.
5Medical Domain
Sayid. He's definitely the one I'd want to be on a desert island with. Hot, resourceful, a good leader, smart, and sensible. He doesn't react hysterically, but stays cool and in control. \n\nSecond fave: Locke. Walkabout was the best episode of them all, and Locke's character development continues to intrigue.\n\nNext: Mr. Eko. One of the best flashback epis, hot, and complex. \n\nI love 'em all!
3Entertainment & Music
Contact your state's attorney
6Politics & Government
Chinese is more difficult, but it's more helpful. Many Asian languages including Japanese and Korean are derived from Chinese. So if you can write Chinese, even educated Japanese and Koreans can understand you. Don't learn simplified Chinese for 2 reasons. 1) only people in China can read it and 2) it's incredibly ugly, and disrupts the traditional calligraphy of the characters.
7Society & Culture
you have to multiply them all together, so you get 60
2Education & Reference
2Education & Reference
It is a business that caters to its' audience. Very simple.\n\nNot much different than CNN or Fox News.\n\nThis isn't to say that their coverage may be biased towards their audience - it certainly is - and that's what sells advertising.
6Politics & Government
There are some lenders who now will finance a person with no bankruptsy seasoning. You will pay a much higher rate but after a year as long as you make all your payments on time you should be able to re-finance and recieve a lower rate. Be careful of large pre-payment penalties and large closing costs lenders tend to take atvantage of persons in a desparate situation. The best way to handle this situation is to re-establish your credit and not overextend yourself. There are several ways to re-estblish your credit in a short ammount of time.
0Business & Finance
Scholarships are a great way to go. The private school admissions/finacial aid office is the first place to check. Don't be shy - they'll have a bunch of resources, starting with what the school can offer, and possibly information about what might also be available from other sources.\n\nNote that loans must be repaid, but scholarships do not.
2Education & Reference
1Computers & Internet
Is this in a legal document? It generally means that the terms and conditions in the document will hold, except when there is an error or an omission.
2Education & Reference
About 50 bucks
0Business & Finance
It's at 37635 Dequindre Road. The phone number is 248-689-4664. Services are saturday at 6:00PM, sunday at 9:15AM, and sunday at 11:00AM. It looks (from the web site) like it tries to be family friendly. I didn't see any information about the pastor.
7Society & Culture
As part of the safety assessment, the effect of bosentan on the antiretroviral therapy (i.e. reduced systemic concentrations of the co- administered antiretroviral agents with a potential negative impact on the efficacy of the antiretroviral therapy) was assessed through CD4 cell counts and HIV-1 RNA titers.
5Medical Domain
There was also no difference in 28-day mortality (17.1% versus 17.3% in the Xigris and placebo groups, respectively).
5Medical Domain
Killing as a sport? Is this really what we want our citizens to do?\nMore accidental shootings are hunting related than any other cause. Last year X people were killed in (your state) by hunting accidents.\nDo the benefits of hunting really outweight the costs? Lets investigate.
2Education & Reference
The other fellow kicked him in the face therfore he was disqualified.
3Entertainment & Music
mabie you should go talk to you local title company as this is where they resuuch and write the deeds. usaly listed in you white pages under name of county title co. they are usaly friendly and may tell you more than any one else can.
6Politics & Government
Its the same reason we check out men. Honestly, why would you waste your time to look into someone's eyes, if they don't look like what you're into? Looks aren't everything but there has to be a physical attraction...
4Family & Relationships
You will be able to know if he/she is a real friend of yours if in times of trouble he's/she's always there for you despite how hard would it be. The main purpose of internet is to amuse us in times if we are bore.
0Business & Finance
UN pays their volunteers reasonably well. And you also get diplomatic status everywhere you go. The perks are not all monetary in the beginning but eventually if you pursue a career in development it may also pay you much. If you're into cultural diversity, travelling to remote places, charity, challenging yourself to contribute something to society or if you want to be a politician then that is a good start. It's not all humanitarian work, you also learn how governments prioritize the use of their money and how they tie aid with certain interests.
7Society & Culture
ME!.........just messin wit ya gurl!!! no he said on 106 & Park that he is single.
3Entertainment & Music
You will never be able to pick a best answer. Love is the forever unknown. The first time you think you're in love, you're not. You just have a very strong emotional connection to that person. When you are actually in love it will hit you one day that you are, it will surprise you. And once you lose it, it's going to scar you, so bad that some people don't know how to cope and actually shutdown. But you can live again and love again. But you will never love in the same way. Love is universal. Even animals have it. I've seen where monogamous mates will die, and the other will die shortly there after, why? I say love. Always remember love isn't all we need, but we definitely need it.
4Family & Relationships
What are you doing?
7Society & Culture
No not really. I care if my hair is washed, I don't smell and my clothes are clean. Makeup and other things I don't fuss with. I care what i look like, but I am not going to change how I look to make other people feel better.
7Society & Culture
http://www.yamoslair.com/reaper.html\nhttp://www.ghostnet7.org/grimreaper.html\nDeath to many is something to fear because its the great unknown, it comes with a sinister stigma or image, many cultures and religions all over the world have ways of coping with the one thing all men and women will one day have to stand face to face with, the greatest of unknowns "Death". \n\nThe fact is that we are ALL going to have to take the plunge of death. Through out time human kind has delved into the deepest and darkest places in there minds and imaginations to try and find an answer to death, or to give it a face and to better understand that dark and frightening thing that we all put to the back of our minds, but know that one day we will all have to take the plunge into that dark unknown. \n\nTo many death is a dark and sinister and unforgiving and unrelenting shadow, so you can probably see how the modern idea and image of what the grim reaper or death looks like comes from, its a dark figure holding a scythe, dressed in a black hooded robe, with a skull for a head. How did this image come about, and is there really a ghostly figure called death ready to introduce him self to us when our flame has eventually been extinguished ? \n\nThe image of death or of The Grim Reaper probably comes from human kinds fear of dyeing, many people want to live forever and the fact that they know they cant live forever has caused them to give a face to that nasty obstacle that stops them from being able to stay alive for good, so of course the picture that is going to be painted by a death fearing society is going to be that of a scary and mysterious one. \n\nThe reaper is seen to be carrying a scythe, the idea of this comes from the idea that when death comes to us he’s coming to chop down the living and to sever the soul from the body. The scythe is used for chopping down crops so the image of the grim reaper and his scythe would indicate that its seen as death coming and "reaping his harvest" his crops being the souls of the just departed. \n\nThe Reaper is not just seen as a figure to meet at ones own death, but its also seen as a warning to the living, that if they dont change there ways then "death" is just around the corner, so he can be seen in a positive light too. \n\nMany people who claimed to have been visited by The Reaper say that he was totally silent and did nothing except pull out an old watch on a chain or an hour glass and is said to gently tap on it like the seconds ticking away all the while not saying a word, but even though he says nothing the message is clear to the person seeing it. His skull like face probably comes from the skull symbolising death myth, so it would make sense that people would see the reapers face as a skull. \n\nMany people might see The Reaper as the sinister man in a black robe because that is how they view death, so the reaper will probably show him self to each person how that person views death personally, if someone longed for death or did not look at death as something to fear I can imagine then death would probably show them selves to them people as something more pleasant looking. Death is what we want him (or it) to be. \n\nThe image of the grim reaper in a long robe comes from the garb of Death or the black mourning robe first seen in the 1500s, in them times a monk would stand over the dyeing persons bed, so again the images of things people have seen surrounding death have been associated with how people view The Grim Reaper, which is why he looks a little like a monk dressed in a abbot. \n\nThe belief in The Grim Reaper probably goes back to ancient times. In Greek mythology you have the god Chronos or Cronus also know as "Father time" who could also be seen carrying a scythe and his saying was "nothing lasts forever - except time(death)". The word ‘corone’ to the Greeks (translated to English) means crow, so its no wonder that the crow i
2Education & Reference
The release date is nowhere to be found.. I think it will be in the summer though.. Keep looking into it at http://www.HBO.com and http://www.disbealig.com/
3Entertainment & Music
you can buy in bulk from eBay
0Business & Finance
It is used to treat infections such as infections of the abdomen, community- acquired pneumonia (infection of the lungs – community-acquired means that when the infection has been caught outside of hospital), gynaecological infections, and foot infections in diabetic patients.
5Medical Domain
Error on page occurs when there is something wrong in the script of that web site.\n\nFrom advance tab in internet options unclick Report on error might give you help otherwise you can report to the site about the error. When they correct the error, you will be able to listen. \n\nTry another radio for a change.
3Entertainment & Music
Actually,\nsmart middle eastern countries are preparing for this.\nTake Dubai as an example.\nThey are foreseeing that oil will run out at sometime in the near future. So what they are transitioning into a tourist attraction. They are infact building super luxury manmade islands in the shape of the continents, and have built a super luxury island in the shape of a palm tree!!! Since I am a proffesional soils engineer i can tell you that what they are doing there is truly magnificent in engineering terms and very smart in terms of business. \n\nSo in a way you are already right in your question. Dubai is already selling sand!!! And even more amazing, wealthy people are already buying it at astounding prices!!!
6Politics & Government
there would be plenty of female species in the woods though so he still might be wrong
4Family & Relationships
He was the leader of Panama, not Nicaragua. And yes he is still in prison in Miami.
6Politics & Government
My favourites are:\n\n1) Princess Mononoke\n2) Spirited Away\n3) My Neighbour Totaro\n4) Kiki's Delivery Service\n\nActually, with the exception of Castle of Cagliostro(sp?) I haven't been disappointed with any Miyazaki films I have seen to date. If there is a chance to see one that I haven't seen yet, I always grab it. :)
3Entertainment & Music
I watched the game. Unfortunately, a playoff caliber team can't expect to go very far with 5 turnovers. I think the dynasty is over.
10 being the biggest? You mean I can't go over that? Ok. 11. I refuse to give it a lower rating. (I'm one of those obsessed lunatics that everyone's afraid of.)
3Entertainment & Music
Mabe he's just not the kind of guy that likes to talk on the phone thair are lots of them BELIEVE me
4Family & Relationships
Religion is a tightly held set of beliefs that touches every part of a person's world view. When that world view could be attacked, it is natural to either start attacking first or to flee. I believe attacking someone's religion to their face brings about a fight of flight response just as if they were in danger of physical harm. \n\nTo be open minded about religion and religious at the same time requires a great deal of respect for others and their rights to their own beliefs.
7Society & Culture
Is this it?\nhttp://www.pharosgames.com/ally4/
1Computers & Internet
I'm not sure what you mean by a "Galileo Telescope." Do you mean a small refractor (the type where the light goes straight down the tube with no mirrors and you look in the other end).\n\nAny star chart will do, of course, but it sound like you're also looking for one with relatively bright stars.\n\nIf I understand the question correctly I would not get a CD. You want to have something you can take outside.
0Business & Finance
Please...I think your being a bit extreme. Your animals were taken care of, why you wanted her to come 4x a day is ridiculous to me.Granted she should have followed the directions agreed upon...but to try to SUE HER???? Your getting a bit nuts there.
6Politics & Government
Love is the best emotion that God has given us! I don't know if you believe this, but its written that God is love, and we are made in his image......so when we love we are actually doing something that God does too!\nWhen we are love a special someone its the most beautiful thing in the world! We have a capacity to love different people and things! I love being in love!\n\nThanks for the love...ly question!
4Family & Relationships
Ditch the current guy, go back to the ex...
4Family & Relationships
jingle berriees?
3Entertainment & Music
Fascism is militaristic and nationalistic. In a Fascist government, there are no elections. Any major threats to the Fascist party are expelled from the country, killed, or otherwise silenced.\n\nIf the President bans elections and has the Democrats shot, we're living in Fascism. Until them, we're still a Republic.
6Politics & Government
If Muslims are peaceful as they claim then they should prove it and let this go and they should also condemn any act of violence towards anything or anyone if they are peaceful
7Society & Culture
go to espn.com click nhl then stats and at the bottom it has rookies
Important information about some of the ingredients of EM ADINE
5Medical Domain
You need to use a proxy server to bypass the censorware/firewall which was installed by Saudi Arabia. The link under sources provides you with a list of publicly accessible proxy servers. I scanned through some of the lists and there are public proxy servers in Saudi Arabia.
3Entertainment & Music
What is your question? Have someone read along as you read?
2Education & Reference
I think better to get in touch with her earlier than the day you ask het for a date. That way, it won't sound like the invite just came out of the blue.
7Society & Culture
Sort of. They're ninth cousins, twice removed.
6Politics & Government
around 60k euros a year
6Politics & Government
Whether you like it or not, the winner's gonna be Brasil!\n\nDream Semi's - England/Italy & France/Brasil
Rafalesia arnoldi - large and smelly
2Education & Reference
Ubuntu is a great way to go. It is free, and they will even send you free CD's if you can't download it for some reason (if you are asking a question here, I assume you are already online). For me, the best part of Ubuntu is the community. There is a great community of people from around the world, that are very polite and always happy to help answer any questions that you may have: http://www.ubuntuforums.org\n\nEven though Ubuntu is currently on version 5.1 (Breezy Badger), http://ubuntuguide.org which was written for version 5.04 (Warty Warthog), is still a great guide that is very helpful as well.\n\nThe Synaptic Package Manager makes it VERY easy to install additional programs, and most of them are free.\n\nThere is a live CD (which runs from the CD), if you would like to try it without having to install it to your hard drive first:\nhttp://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/5.10/\n\nGive it a try, I am sure that you will like it. I installed Ubuntu as a dual-boot about 5 months ago, and I finally removed Windows about two months ago. I am here to stay.
1Computers & Internet
There is no experience on the use of EXUBERA in pregnant women.
5Medical Domain
Add the vaccine to the sodium hydrogen carbonate solution.
5Medical Domain
To sharpen pencils?
2Education & Reference
You know well that people can let icons go away! They need to faind a reason or an explanation as if celebrities were immortal! I think he's dead, even though I'd be glad to be wrong!
3Entertainment & Music
I believe the Windows 2000 Professional or Server CDs are bootable. Are you looking to create floppy disks? I can't imagine you would want to.
1Computers & Internet
Green Bay
I am a 'conservative' and I am very, very concerned about the dangers of eavesdropping. If you would take the time to study history you would know the answer to the 'dangers of eavesdropping'.\n\nGOVERNMENTS in the 20th century (many of them democracies!) murdered more than 100 million innocent men, women and children - their own citizens!\n\nP.S. If you think it can't happen in the U.S., remember the Clinton Whitehouse was 'caught' illegally possessing about 900 FBI files - all of them on their political opponents! And... the media ignored it (because they agreed with the Clinton politics). \n\nP.P.S. The media and educated professionals are the first targets when a government 'goes bad'!\n\nHistory. History. History. The future is found in history! Learn from it or it repeats itself. When that happens, millions of innocent people will die again.\n\nGood luck!
6Politics & Government
LUMIGAN has not been studied in patients with inflammatory ocular conditions, neovascular, inflammatory, angle-closure glaucoma, congenital glaucoma or narrow-angle glaucoma.
5Medical Domain
I love FOB, especially Pete Wentz!
3Entertainment & Music
well its your choice its about time you experience true pleasure
4Family & Relationships
no, but you can get external ones !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but they cost allot. or you could get a better sound card
1Computers & Internet
load and install yahoo messenger in ur computer. so u can log in and follow the instruction. good luck.
7Society & Culture
The patients can inject Rebif themselves if they have been trained appropriately.
5Medical Domain