class label
9 classes
heres a complete list of every Pet ever..\n\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penthouse_Pet
3Entertainment & Music
People throw the word "love" around too loosely. No one can love a person whom they do not know. That is lust, not love. If people would drop petty criteria such as height, weight, skin, hair and eye color, dress, flash and bling and look at how the object of their interest is treating them and others around them, they would experience true and lasting love. When one knows the value and rarity of real love and appreciates it, then love can be returned to the one who deserves it. One cannot receive or give what he or she cannot recognize and identify.
4Family & Relationships
You might be able to find one on E-bay
3Entertainment & Music
umm its yahoo answers. supposed to be questions. some are dumb yes but hey never know unless you ask.
0Business & Finance
the easiest way is to soak it in a 50/50 mixture of vinegar and hot water if its a plastic holder you are talking about. If its a metal holder coat the holder with baking soda and dip it in full strenght vinegar.
0Business & Finance
1Computers & Internet
they are the best for sure.
Which of us do you wish to know about? We are kinda crowded, you know?\n\n;)
7Society & Culture
The current capitol building is actually the fourth to serve as the U.S. capitol, after Maryland State House (Maryland), Federal Hall (New York) and Independance Hall (Philadelphia). It is built to house Congress, the legislative branch of the United States government. It was built in Washington, D.C. because it is the capital of the United States.
6Politics & Government
The jersey is probably worth close to $200 mabey. The cards probably arn't worth to much but could go up in value when he retires.
I would think the previous poster is probably correct (just because that seems reasonable to me), but since they didn't post any source for their opinion, and since it's a fairly serious issue you wouldn't want to be wrong about, you need to check with the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (or whatever their equivalent is).
6Politics & Government
www.gamewinners.com, www.gamefaqs.com, www.1up.com, www.gamespot.com, www.gamespy.com, these are all good sites, just pick one.
1Computers & Internet
I buy some things on the internet because it is convenient and I can sometimes get a better price (though you have to take shipping into account). It's nice not to have to go fight with all the morons at the mall or the discount store just to get a DVD.\n\nOther things I can't see buying online - clothes, furniture, a car. Some things you just want to physically view and touch before buying.
1Computers & Internet
My aunt, she's younger and taller.
3Entertainment & Music
For more information on these, please read section 4 (Possible Side Effects).
5Medical Domain
I only resently heard of this... why would you do it in the first place... have you never watched the old western movies when they Branded the cattle... doesn't even register as to WHY anyone would want to brand themselves.
1Computers & Internet
Hurricane Katrina is just one of the natural disasters that Jesus said will be increasingly more numerous as the world comes closer to the end and His return.\nMark 13:\n5 And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you: \n6 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. \n7 And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet. \n8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be EARTHQUAKES in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows. \n9 But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them. \n10 And the gospel must first be published among all nations. \n\nIf it landed there because of a particular judgment of God on that city, we will never know unless He tells us. He judged the world with a flood, Soddom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone, Jericho by the children of Israel, Miriam with leprocy and a host of others. \nHe told us why he judged those things. He hasn't said why there was a hurricane in Katrina. If it was because of wickednes, then everyone better prepare because there isn't a nation left that isn't wicked.
7Society & Culture
uninstall the program? unfortunately i guess it means the smileys go together too.. a friend of mine installed it, used all the smileys in a conversation window (in msn messenger), copied and added them as custom emotes and uninstalled the whole downloaded smileys thing. I believe it works that way too :)
1Computers & Internet
that varies from facility to facility, some places make more. I have noticed that a non-profit organization makes less than one for profit.
0Business & Finance
Army dreamers.A better anti-war song has yet to be written.Listen to the lyrics and realise that war is a waste off life and talent.
3Entertainment & Music
However, the role that this plays in the therapeutic effects of< Renitec > remains to be elucidated.
5Medical Domain
patience bubba I just answered this for you in another q.
2Education & Reference
Tell your doctor immediately about any new or unusual symptoms that you notice after stopping treatment (see “ If you stop taking Sebivo” in section 3 of this leaflet).
5Medical Domain
Arsenal - go gunners...\nLiverpool\nMan U
as such there is no technique but it comes from practice. u can also take coaching for chess or buy a book for it but if u r serious then a good chess teacher is the best option.:)
Definitely very scary movie.\n\nAddition\nThe reply to you was halfway cut because of letters limit... I will post it again.\n\nPlease contact me via email. My email address is [email protected] I live in Kyoto-city.
3Entertainment & Music
The all-tournament team is the tournament's "All Star" team.\nThey are chosen by their overall performance in the NCAA tournament. The tournament committee chooses them.
march 26 1968
3Entertainment & Music
We can't answer that without knowing which city. The best place to ask is that city's public library. To find the library's website, go to the site linked below.
6Politics & Government
Yes definitely.. and i can clear this to you by giving you an example..\n\nAlmost a decade ago, pascal was condidered to be a revolutionary language and people programming in java were considered to be the masters. Now if any of them didn't learn any new language, you can yourself imagine where that guy would be.. :)
1Computers & Internet
if you mean zero it means less than one\nhowever if you mean alphebet "o" it means Outstanding
2Education & Reference
Well, they break because you cut into them ever so slightly every time you hit the ball. It will happen more often if the little grommets break.\n\nA light recreational player might only need to restring their raquet once a year. If you're playing pretty regularly, practicing your serve and hitting against a machine, it might be monthly--or when you break them!
I think it is going to be an interesting season for the Vikings. They got rid of Tice, who seemed to want to be everyone's buddy instead of their coach, and got Childress, who seems to run a tight ship (no pun intended) (OK, maybe a little pun intended). They got rid of Culpepper, who proved the critics correct last season that he could not play without Moss. Yeah, the front line was not great (they kind of sucked), but Johnson was able to adapt to it, and if Culpepper was as high caliber QB as he thinks he is, he should have adapted also. Speaking of the front line, Hutchinson will really improve the line, and with Birk coming back this season, and the addition of Taylor as running back, their running game (hopefully) will be vastly improved.\n\nOne area that will hurt them is the loss of Burleson. But they still have some pretty good receivers. I think KRob may get the starting job. He started as kick-off returns last season, but step up as one of the go-to guys when Johnson took over. If they draft a receiver with one of their 2nd round picks, they should be OK in that department. And defense is an area that has really plagued them for the last few years. Now, with a new defensive scheme, it may take half the year (hopefully not longer) for the players to adapt. The area they really need help is linebackers. But, if they can at least play to the level they did at the second half of last season, and with the improvements to the offense, they may have a shot this year. But, I've been a Vikings fan long enough to know not to hold my breath over it.
Katherine McPhee. She has the most talent and control over her voice.
3Entertainment & Music
Legal immigrants are people who enter the country lawfully by obtaining a visa (immigrant and non-immigrant) from the American Embassy.\nThey usually go through background checks, criminal checks and have to provide medical records to be allowed to get the visa. They also have to wait for their priority date (each country has different priority dates). \nOnce they enter the U.S. they go to a Custom and Border Protection Offficer/Agent to be inspected before they are allowed into the U.S.\n\nIllegal Aliens bypass these checks by entering the country without inspection and any kind of checks. Usually by crossing the border through Mexico or Canada.
6Politics & Government
if you are in the year 2047 and jane jannet or jennifer( i see fem j but i cant feel stronger between these 3) are not with you, the #s will be less than37 but more than 3 this is your one shot... sorry for the wait
4Family & Relationships
on top of the mom
3Entertainment & Music
(nearly) impossible to predict with just birthday..anywez you should be piscean (i.e. sun in pisces) so only advice that I can give you is stop living under illusions and face the reality & btw at times self-sacrifice is not the best thing that u cud ever do! wish u luck.
3Entertainment & Music
I do this a lot in my work.\n\nWhat I use and highly recommend is: Multimedia Builder by Media Chance. It's an amazing program that makes building CDs of all kinds very easy.\n\nThere are also a lot of tutorials out there for the program, so getting up to speed on it shouldn't be too much of a burden.
1Computers & Internet
Jesus loves the little children\nAll the children of the world\nRed and yellow, black and white\nThey are precious in His sight\nJesus loves the little children of the world.
3Entertainment & Music
Avoid exposure to freezing and excessive heat.
5Medical Domain
why any color named what it is? \nb/c it is.
3Entertainment & Music
Not yet.\nIndian rural still suffers of poverty. \nIndia doesn't have good Health Care Policies. \nEducation is not standardised. \n\nIndia has a great chance of becoming one of the elite countries like USA, Japan, UK, France. Good news is India is democratic, friendly, rich cultural than anyother country in the world.\n\nBest wishes for India and the future World.
6Politics & Government
Erbitux 5 mg/ ml solution for infusion
5Medical Domain
I strongly believe that his "ugliness" is more related with the change of behaviour towards you or others than it is related with physical appearance.\n\nIn any case, if you are "not attracted anymore" it is usually because of that you can't see the person you firstly loved. I think you just started to know him better, or that he's going through some big changes related to his character.\n\nCouples who love each other usually doesn't care much appearance.
4Family & Relationships
How to 'attrack' them?\n\nWell, first you need to learn to spell.\n\nI hope you didn't mean 'attack'..
7Society & Culture
You make it sound like it's something arranged or orchestrated. Who do you think does it?\n\nPeople--all people--fall in love because it happens. Just because those two people happen to both be men or women doesn't make it any less real. And it happens because those two people have found a connection between them--a spark.\n\nHomophobia's greatest danger is the unwillingness to believe that gays are capable of real human emotion. That their "urges" are unnatural and strange, and whatever happens between "them" is some kind of perversion.\n\nTwo men fall in love with each other because they wanted it to happen or they just couldn't stop it from happening. You know--just like normal people.\n\nI don't mean to sound harsh or judgemental, but your question suggests that you at least have some preconceived notions about gays. Why don't you start now by trying not to think of gays as different. It will give you a whole new perspective on things.
4Family & Relationships
Im not going ,,but the colorado mountians have gotten a lot of snow this last few days.. should be a good time to go..
There are reasons, and mainly they have to do with power supply kicking off, pulling a lot of current and then your hard drive spin up. They are using air as bearings for the drive, so they float when running but when off sit metal on metal. \n\nIt is like starting a car, a lot of things are happening and typically that is when a car fails. \n\nAlso, if you mean just rebooting all the time, that is because windows creates virtual memory allocations of your hard drive for swap memory. These tend to get fragmented and take up a lot of memory if you just power off without shutting down. If you have done a lot of these, just fragment your hard drive and that will clean up the fragmentation, just not the files themselves.
1Computers & Internet
I haven't been there, but I know some people who have, and they said I should shoot for a Masters Degree in film there, if I choose that route.\n\nSo it's definately tried and recommended.
2Education & Reference
In the first question, St. Thomas addresses sacred scripture and whether it is science, wisdom, what is its subject, whether it is a matter of argument, etc. You can read it yourself to figure out his answers:\n\nhttp://www.newadvent.org/summa/100100.htm\n\nIn Q. 12, St. Thomas addresses how God, an infinite being, may be known by us, finite creatures. This is a difficult matter, and must be addressed article by article. \n\nhttp://www.newadvent.org/summa/101200.htm\n\nFinally, in the 13th question, St. Thomas deals with the names of God, that it, whether anything can properly be said of God. \n\nhttp://www.newadvent.org/summa/101300.htm\n\nRegarding salvation, St. Thomas argues that man cannot attain happiness (a vision of God ala Q. 12) by his own action. However, "rectitude of will" is necessary on the part of man for happiness. http://www.newadvent.org/summa/200507.htm\n\nI'm not sure, however, of the 3 ways St. Thomas said that man can obtain salvation.
2Education & Reference
if they get by the pistons their home free
I feel your pain. I live in the Inland Empire area and often drive to Disneyland, or friends houses or whatever in OC. I avoid the 91 like the plague. I usually take the 60 to the 57. I have not heard specific details, but there was some buzz on KFI a few weeks ago about expanding. I'm curious to know how and if they can fix it.\n\nBest wishes.....
6Politics & Government
Good site on anything with networking. What I did on my 2 XP machines was set up "internet sharing", so both have the internet via crossover cable. From there I shared the drive from the "host" and was able to see the drive in the other machine.
1Computers & Internet
If you have pay account \nserver name should use...\nincoming is pop3, outgoing is smtp\nsmtp = smtp.mail.yahoo.com \npop3 = pop.mail.yahoo.com\nfree account but using ypops\nsmtp =\npop3 =
1Computers & Internet
100 sq. meters is 1075.84 sq. ft. (1 sq. meter is 10.76 sq. ft).
2Education & Reference
Yes the is a difference. Besides the size of the ball, the distance between the bases are shorter and you can only throw underhand pitches. Other than that the rules are the same involving the innings and the line-up.
Do you want to ftp files automatically using scripts or do you want to design a ftp client. Ftping files in .net to me seems a bit tricky although just yesterday I discovered you can use webclient object which has an uploadfile method to do file transfers. The other question would be do you want to implement a pull or push ftp. \n\nEdit: Take a look at these links :\n\nhttp://www.csharphelp.com/archives/archive9.html\n\nhttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/36s52zhs.aspx\n\nThe first gives you a ftp client library code which you can then use within your application. The second link talks about the webclient object and how to use it. There is a downloadfile method available with webclient as well. Give them a try\n\nhope this helps
1Computers & Internet
Buddhism was founded in Northern India by Siddhartha Gautama in 535 BCE. Learn more here: http://www.religioustolerance.org/buddhism.htm
7Society & Culture
Nah, but your hurting the other sites because they'll be caught easily. Its bad that your exposing treasured sites like that but in a way, its good because your helping the law. Overall opinion, just do it.
1Computers & Internet
I too have been a fan of the show since Episode 1 and am sad to see it come to an end.\n\nIt's a victim of poor ratings and liberal politics, I guess. With the shocking passing of John Spencer, it seems only right to send the show off to the horizon and salute it for what it was--a darn fine show more often than not.
3Entertainment & Music
my ideal job would be as a msw or masters in social work. in that capacity, i would like to work with at-risk-adolescents. why? because my daughter did some things when she was a teenager, that required the services of a sw, and i would like to help other adolescents, like she was helped. but also because of a bad experience with the first social worker she had, that had no compassion for anyone, and i figured i could be a better sw then he was, with no education. so far i got a b.a in that field and will soon start pursuing my masters.
0Business & Finance
I do not think God is blessing America. America is set up as a secular society, and the people are just living for material happiness. God's blessing is not reflected in the accumulation of material goods if those goods just distance people from God, which they do, and God does not bless a country that does not actually recognize Him as God. Just the fact that we are a secular nation means that God would not bless us, because we are not recognizing Him as the one who would bless us. If anything our current success could be a curse, because our success seems to take us further from worshipping and interacting with God.
7Society & Culture
You must follow your intuition, where mind, heart and soul combine to tell you what's the best thing to do!
4Family & Relationships
That would be sick dude. It might not work the first year but one or two years down the road this would be insane in the membrane. Forget Isaih and Larry! Let's have a mutiny and do it. I love Thomas on defense and Williams is going to be J Kidd not long from now if he keeps on at this rate.
Abbott GmbH & Co.
5Medical Domain
You just put the CD in the CD-ROM drive and then go in there from my computer and copy the picture files back on your hard drives where you want them to be.
1Computers & Internet
Dry cleaning. Send to a laundry specialist. Dont DIY unless you're ready to loose it all together. Good Luck.
0Business & Finance
I'd go with both the drummer and bass player answers but Vapor Trails is possibly their best album/CD.\n\nI'd also call them the best (but certianly not most popular).\n\nOh, and fantastic lyrics, detailed time signature changes, and if anyone out there knows of a band that writes more complicated music, I'd like to know about it.
3Entertainment & Music
there is no way before getting marry.
7Society & Culture
kobe bryant.
Scientology doesn't believe that mental illnesses are real, not do they condone the use of medication for such disorders. Take a look at what the Scientology founder said about the issue...\n\nFrom the Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter of 14 Jan. 1969, "Thus in the case of Scientology Orgs [organizations] one should attack with the end view of taking over the whole field of mental health." "Our war has been forced to become, to take over absolutely the field of mental healing on the planet in all forms." "Our only justification in doing these things is that Scientology is the only game where everybody wins...." \n\nApparently they think that Scientology can cure mental illnesses...even though "they don't exist."\n\nWhatever.
7Society & Culture
First of all this is the greatest question ever, I can't believe I didn't think of it.\n\nKeeper: Gianluigi Buffon(Italy)\nDefense:Lilian Thuram(France)\n Carles Puyol(Spain)\n Rio Ferdinand(England)\n Gabriel Heinze(Argentina)\nMidfielders:Cristiano Ronaldo(Portugal)\n Francesco Totti(Italy)\n Pavel Nedved(Czech Republic)\n Ronaldinho(Brasil)\nForwards:Andriy Shevchenko(Ukraine)\n Ruud Van Nistelrooy(Holland)\nBench:Thierry Henry(France)\n Iker Casillas(Spain)\n Rafael Van der Vaart(Holland)\n Michael Ballack(Germany)\n Cafu(Brasil)
I don't think you would get the money. Instead, I would have a friend turn you in and split the money with him/her.
2Education & Reference
I bucked one, while Timbuktu :)
3Entertainment & Music
I bought a package of Memorex DVD label refills that came with software for making labels. Some packages have the software and some don't so read the label. I can use any picture I can find to make DVD labels. It is a lot of fun. I don't have a label applier so I have to be very careful to center the label on the disk. It's an inexpensive way to go. Good Luck
1Computers & Internet
Insurance licenses are handled on the state level. They are called the Insurance Department. I can tell in Pennsylvania there is no requirement for a college degree, but there may be a requirement from whatever company you are applying to write insurance through. To study for the exam, I would check out Dearborn. http://www.dearborn.com\nAlso talk to some local agents about their experiences with the test in your state - http://www.findlocalinsurance.com
0Business & Finance
b/c hotness is a genetic trait.
4Family & Relationships
bush is the president because he played it dirty.\nand people who play it dirty always win but they lose at the end.\nyou,ll see! this i promise you.\nespecially bush
6Politics & Government
I'd say most of the people there--75%. I think a majority of people go to church because they think they should. But how many people go to church to get something out of it? I think the people who go just to go because that is what they are told to are the same as the people who only go during holidays. You go to church to grow and learn. Not just to say you do--God doesn't keep a tall of how many days you go. I think what you get out of church is more important than the amount of times you go.
7Society & Culture
As a southern cal boy, I had never known how Welsh "Jones" was until I played Detective Jones in Agatha Chritie's Spider Web. I also enjoyed the challenge of working on the lyric Welsh accent.\n\n"Jones is a common family name that comes from the term 'Son of John' or 'Son of Joan' but can also be attributed to the name 'Jonah' – a name of Icelandic origins suggesting a Viking connection. It has further been suggested it derives from Germanic settlers in the United Kingdom with the name Johannes. It is also the most common last name in Wales, United Kingdom, and is the fourth-most common last name in the United States according to the U.S. Census. "
7Society & Culture
Thank God & split the money 60-40 as soon as we get home.
4Family & Relationships
I lived in south Louisiana for a long time and the people there call each other "boo" and "shy". It's not anything bad or demeaning, just another expression of "friend", so relax and go with it.
7Society & Culture
Probably not.\nA lot of practicing lawyers take pro-bono work, if you are looking for representation.\nIf you are looking for an arbitrator or mediator, you can ask an attorney (pro-bono) or go to an arbitration organzation...some have free workshops, others charge a small amount.
6Politics & Government
This never happened. Please provide some documentation or sources that it did.
6Politics & Government
I doubt you can watch it on a TV channel in the States - but you will be able to watch it online over the net.\n\nTry www.eurovision.tv\n\nThe semi final and final will be screened live there over the net, and currently on that official website you are able to see the videos of all the countries entries.\n\nHave fun watching! I shall actually be in the audience on both nights. :)
3Entertainment & Music
The Call of Ktulu-no lyrics but its great
3Entertainment & Music
There are plenty of PPC (pay per click) programs. The 2 biggest, I think, are Google & Yahoo!.\n\nAlso, consider signing up for an affiliate program. These programs enable you to advertise on other's sites (your affiliates) and once a sale is made to you, your affiliates & the program are paid a commission. We use ShareASale & pay out $25 to our affiliates once a sale is made & ShareASale takes another $5. $30 a sale is a pretty small price to pay for us. And I'm sure most programs like that allow you to set the commission rate (no point in your commission being half the price of a sale for you!)\n\nI listed a couple of handy sites relating to marketing, promotion & advertising. I hope they’re helpful for you.\n\nLastly, have you checked to make sure the name you're using is truly available? Prior to investing your time, money & effort into a name, it is strongly advised that comprehensive research be conducted to ensure that the name you're interested in is truly available. \n\nThis entails searching the pending & registered Federal and State trademark files as well as the US National Common-Law files. Then, if clear, you can decide if you would like to file for a Federal or a State trademark. \n\nResearch is needed to make sure your trade name is legally available, before opening, before expansion, before incorporation or before designing your logo. Similarities in sound, appearance and meaning affect you too!\n\nThere are 16+ million trade names in use in the United States. Similar names matter, if close in sound, appearance or meaning. Similar names in related classes, distribution channels and customer matter too. You are affected by Common Law use (14 million), State Trademarks (500,000) and Federal Trademarks (2 million).
0Business & Finance
Wal Mart Supercenter\n1100 New York Ave NW\nWashington, DC 20527\n\n(202) 842-3742
0Business & Finance
Hi...nice too meet you\nyes
4Family & Relationships
Why can't you make those vows yourself why do you think you need to be a Catholic Religious Brother?
7Society & Culture
It means formatting your code in a way that is easy to read (indenting code blocks, using functions and procedures, using meaningful variable names, using comments for documentation, etc.) It allows you (or someone else) to more easily understand and/or modify your code. Even you will forget what your code does after a while.
1Computers & Internet
Searching for the relevant keywords in Google turned up\n\n ArahPaint 2.8e Open Source\n http://www.arahne.si/openApaint.html\n\nYou can also click on the ad link for\n\n "Learn Textile Design Using Adobe Photoshop!"\n\nthat may come up in the search results.\n\nThere are further leads in\n\n http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m3638/is_1_41/ai_59512018
1Computers & Internet
There are 89 ZIP codes for the city of San Antonio, TX. In order to get the ZIP code, you will need the exact address. The source link below will give you the ZIP code for the address you need.
0Business & Finance
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5Medical Domain
28/ 01/ 2000 Renewal date:
5Medical Domain
Of course there is some question of, "Why are we here?" and the "Meaning of life?" I believe strongly in God. I believe he sent his son down to earth to die for my sins, your sins, and everyone sins. Jesus, bridges the gap between God and us that was separated when Adam and Eve first turn their backs on him in the Garden of Eden. Sacrificing something pure, like a lamb, then was the gap filled. But then Jesus came, a pure being, God’s only son, he was like the lamb, pure and without sin, sacrificed for our sins to fill the gap between God and us. Believing in Jesus and accepting him into our lives fill that gap to God and we have access to eternal life. \n\nGod is so significant in my life. My mother was taken from me at 12 years old by ovarian cancer. I didn’t think God cared. Later I experienced trials of my faith. I grew to learn that there is a purpose to everything and that everything happens for a reason. Everything happens for the best. \n\nOne certain case, I believe, would be that an angel of the Lord confronted me. I had had some troubles at home and I stormed off to my school. I sat there on the swing sets looking down at the ground. I noticed the school was completely empty. I cannot recall any sound of the highway that could be heard very clearly near by. Then I noticed a young woman with blonde hair. She was pushing a baby in a stroller. She had been walking around the track and soon came to the playground, which I had been the whole time. She slowly approached and asked if I was all right. Of course, I said yes, trying to shrug her off. She asked me if I knew about Jesus. I thought that she saw it was a perfect opportunity to preach about Jesus and God. I already knew all that stuff, I told her I knew him and told her my father is involved with the church. She smiled and said that that was nice. She then said something I will never forget. She said with a smile on her face, “Alright, just know that He loves you and knows that you are upset.” I smiled, thinking that she was being nice. She started walking away and she said, “Nice talking to you, Michael.” She walked away towards the surrounding school buildings. I then realized, I never mentioned my name. I didn’t even know her. In a small community, I had never seen her before. I then got on my bike and rode to the building to talk again with her. She had gone past the building very shortly before I arrived there on my bike. I turned the corner and she wasn’t there. It was physically impossible to get out of the school that fast, especially with a baby. I was then filled with a great sense of power and strength. It was a great feeling. I rode my bike home faster than ever. I was crying all the way home.\n\nI have told this story to only a few people. I never expected people to believe me; I could care less if they didn’t. I believe what happened. I was there. That helped incidence helped me so much. I felt much better after that. Today, I still have problems. I am human. But I can always turn to Jesus for help. I believe in him by Faith, and Faith alone. That is all you need to attain salvation! Faith.\n\nI hope you understand to that God loves you. \n God Bless You!\n Michael DeCourcy
0Business & Finance
Cohens v. Virginia \nCohens v. Virginia, 19 U.S. 264 (1821), was a United States Supreme Court decision most noted for the Marshall Court's assertion of its power to review state supreme court decisions in criminal law matters. The Court had previously asserted a similar jurisdiction over civil cases in Martin v. Hunter's Lessee, 14 U.S. 304 (1816).\n\nIn this case, the Cohens were prosecuted successfully by the state of Virginia for selling lottery tickets from the District of Columbia in Virginia, thereby violating Virginia state law. The Supreme Court upheld their convictions.\n\n\nSee also\nList of United States Supreme Court cases \n\nReferences\nJean Edward Smith, John Marshall: Definer Of A Nation, New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1996. \n\nExternal links\nLII: full text of Cohens v. Virginia \nFull text of the decision courtesy of Findlaw.com
6Politics & Government
So if the Steelers beat them two out of three and win the divisional playoff does that mean the Begals are weak little farm cats?