class label
9 classes
Here's some links, should have all you need.
3Entertainment & Music
Please feel free to send me your e-mail address & I can send you one via .pdf entitled VoIP Security dated January 2006 written by Covad Communications. [email protected]
1Computers & Internet
he likes you more than just friends but maybe he doesnt want to lose the friendship if you guys go out or something!
4Family & Relationships
Probably. Eventually he'll be a jerk to you, too. Why would you want to be with someone who is a jerk to everyone, anyway? Don't you want a social life? Don't you want your friends and family around? He could be a controlling person who wants you all to himself, so he tries to drive everyone else away. I'd avoid him like he was poison... because he is.
4Family & Relationships
Go on people.com,or classmates.com.....N
4Family & Relationships
Your loser friends allow your mean friends to be mean to them. You can only be treated how you allow yourself to be treated. \n\nTime for some new friends.
4Family & Relationships
2Education & Reference
Hamilton and Adams
6Politics & Government
So, if he likes the streets so much, threaten to put him there permanently. You can always find someone who loves you enough to be there with you and spend time with you. This is not to say that the hubby shouldn't do some things on his own - you need your separate interests, too - but he should not only want to be with you, but he should look forward to the time he gets to spend with you.
4Family & Relationships
If they have any favorite foods that are shippping safe, any music that they like that maybe they can not find over there, a personal video of family and friends wishing them well and safe return, pictures, if they have any kids CDS of them talking to them or pics, personal hygiene products. A very close friends of mine would send her son deodorant, music CDS, pop tarts, soda, body wash, sun glasses, video pics of family and friends. I would ask the next time i was in contact with them and ask them what they would really like to have. Also maybe some phone calling cards so they can talk to everyone they need too. I wish your sibs well and a safe return.
6Politics & Government
no you retarded little kid
7Society & Culture
Sure. They had a solid team last year, but they fell a little short. I think they have a lot of potential. I know people say "Atlanta is weaker this year" just about every year, but I think the Phillies could overtake them in 2006. And if they can get into the playoffs, anything can happen.
I agree. The book has been changed, there is proof of that. So why would you follow something and believe whole-heartily hat it is the word of god when it's been changed? I don't get this! Not only that there is no empirical evidence that proves that book is what it says it is! How you can take this literally I will never understand!
7Society & Culture
Somewhere between 130-150 I think not sure hold on. As stated in the Road&Track Magazine of April 2005. It goes 143 stock.
2Education & Reference
It is simple. From your Outlook at work,select Import/Export under the File Drop-down. Follow the next button instructions. If you plan to use the email info outside of MS-Outlook, when asked for file type select word or xls.
1Computers & Internet
There have been reports that lamotrigine may worsen parkinsonian symptoms in patients with pre-existing Parkinson’ s disease, and isolated reports of extrapyramidal effects and choreoathetosis in patients without this underlying condition.
5Medical Domain
to fly must be really call to fly like a bird in the fresh air just would be relaxing and could see things that noone else could see be well cool used to wish i could when i was ikkle girl
4Family & Relationships
gigglepoetry.com might have something out there. Have fun! or make up your own silly rhymes!!
7Society & Culture
I'm not a psychologist but I beleive that in dreams you often see things which are causing you anxiety. It may be that you did not realize it was causing you a problem, so dreams can often be a good way of bringing to your attention something you should deal with.\n\nIn short - you are worried about your brothers (obvious really).
7Society & Culture
go into "My Computer"\nthen "control panel"\nthen "add/remove programs"\nthen find the one you want to delete and delete it.
0Business & Finance
The advice about getting spyware to clean up a trojan is bad. Trojans are a form of virus, and good anti virus software is needed. This specific trojan can usually be cleaned up with AVG anti-Virus. You can go to www.majorgeeks.com and download the free version. Then download the updates, then let it run it's scan. When it detects the virus, have it HEAL the infected files. This means it will attempt to clean it out.\n\nIf any problems, feel free to IM me CH_DHarden (Yahoo messenger)
1Computers & Internet
I don't think that you are alone but I also know that there are many people who claim to be insanely ticklish and LOVE to be tickled to their limits and beyond.\n\nI picked up an a key phrase, "I really hate it sometimes." If I am reading it correctly, you want to be able to enjoy it more but you are so ticklish that it sometimes scares you and sometimes people just take advantage of you and you hate that.\n\nIf there is a person in your life that wants to tickle you and you want to accommodate - you can build up to it and learn to not only take it but also enjoy it quite a bit.\n\nHave him/her massage your feet firm enough were it does not hurt and not soft enough to tickle. Then let him/her GENTLY drag their fingers across your feet. Fight the urge to say "NO" or "STOP". Instead, while you are laughing, say "IT TICKLES!!! IT TICKLES!!!" or "I'M TICKLISH!!! I'm TICKLISH!!!" Soon, you will find yourself enjoying the tickling and taking it longer and longer. If you need an air break, let them know. If they respect you they will give the the air breaks you need.\n\nIf somebody tickles you and you do NOT want them to tickle you, let them know that you find their tickling to be very disrespectful of you and your feelings. If they have a conscience, they will not tickle you again.\n\nI hope that this helped.
4Family & Relationships
Join the club buddy! You seem to be one of the guys that seem to arouse the gay feelings in supposedly straight guys!\n\nI am a member of that elite group myself. Actually most of the boyfriends I had identify themselves as straight. Unfortunately, they freak out when their feelings towards you move from the lust slot to the romance slot. They usually bolt out of the door before you know what has happened.\n\nHuman sexuality is ever so complicated. No one can give you a straight answer on this issue, pun intended! ;)
7Society & Culture
Maybe he doesn't like illiterate chicks...or he just lost your number.
4Family & Relationships
Look at this!\n\nhttp://answers.yahoo.com/search/search_result;_ylt=Aqq3ZDZZPxqRhe7iC3iqDI8ezKIX?p=what+is+the+difference+between+democrat+and+a+republican
6Politics & Government
Are you reffering to the NASCAR's 2005 gatorade duel's?\n\nIt was on February 17, 2005
Absolutely Not. You can have a professional train you. Or you could've grew up on a ranch and taught it like me, by your dad (or someone). I've been riding almost as long as I've been walking. \n I trained my children and I now train my grandchildren. They start learning by the age of three. My oldest started breaking children horses by the age of 7 years with my help.\n You might even get a job at a boarding stable and work for the training.\n But it certainly doesn't require college.
Shoutcast.\n\nGet Total Recorder and save hours of music that you can burn to disk or MP3 player.\n\n160kbs is near CD quality btw.\n\nhttp://www.shoutcast.com/
3Entertainment & Music
Well that would depend on the type of claim you have, and where the file is being handled. Your best bet is to have claim number handy, and contact 866-622-7296, M-F 7:00am to 7:45 PM, and Sat. 08:00am to 4:30 pm. But as a rule Allstate is going to start having all is mail sent to a centralized mailing point.
0Business & Finance
I think there may be something to it.
7Society & Culture
I believe that would depend on the laws in your state.
2Education & Reference
Prophylaxis of surgical site infection following elective colorectal surgery in adults:
5Medical Domain
i do r.i.p.eddie
Try drinking lots of milk. It has vit. D and Calcium. It is not only good for bones but hair too. \n\nMy hair is very strong and think. I have been a major milk drinker since I was a kid.
1Computers & Internet
i'm willing to confess. why would i want to hide it? everyone is responsible for their acts. i expect truthfulness from anyone else so why would i chickened out?\nand yeah i think sharing past mistakes is good so you can help others from making the same mistake you did. though this is a bit inconvenient if you made mistake of more embarrassing nature...
7Society & Culture
I would ask about the length of the lease, the amount of the security deposit, and whether heat and water are included. Those are basic, important questions.
0Business & Finance
No way that I know of. It's her private business. If you are vanessa, why can't you read your own mail?
1Computers & Internet
I would imagine it's legal.
6Politics & Government
Under Armour is a brand of clothing meant to be worn under uniforms. It is underwear, t shirts, socks, etc. that wick away moisture from your body and help keep your skin cool. They have a website. I have worn their t shirts that are used under bulletproof vests and they do work very well!
Everyone is still in the group except for Michael McCary (deep voice dude). He had back problems, so he had to quit and now he owns his own restaurant.
3Entertainment & Music
1. Chris Masters vs Carlito- Carlito won with a backbreaker to chris masters.\n\n2. Umaga vs Ric Flair- Umaga won with his usual moves =(\n\n3. Mickie James vs Trish Stratus- Mickie James lost via DQ she kept choking Trish until after a 5 count. Mickie James is still champ. PSYCHO!\n\n4. RVD vs Shelton Benjamin- RVD won, while the ref was knocked out he did a Vandaminator on Shelton Benjamin with the Money in the Bank briefcase, then he did a Five-Star Frog Splash and pinned Benjamin.\n\n5. Big Show vs Kane- No decision, while they were wrestling the lights dimmed down and Kane heard, MAY 19th then Big Show got a chair and put Kane out of his misery, Big Show then walked away sad.\n\n6. Shane McMahon and Mr. McMahon vs Shawn Michaels and "God"- Vince and Shane won, before the match Vince announced that the match was a No Holds Barred match. They made Shawn bleed but he got back up and he did a repeat of Wrestlemania 22 except he was going to break both Shane and Vinceon seperate tables, while he was on top the Spirit Squad came and Shawn jumped on them instead of the McMahons then it was a 7 on 1 and the Spirit Squad broke Shawn on the table (like they threw Big Show to win the Tag Team titles) then he got pinned by Vince.\n\nMain Event- John cena vs Edge vs HHH- Cena took it, it was a hellacios match HHH was bleeding like crazy. While HHH went 4 a pedigree Cane reversed it into a pin. Edge almost tapped but was later taken out with a steel chair can't go into details cuz i'll spend all night here. I hope this helps =)\n\nAlso Eugene represented for Kentucky by putting a booger on Matt Striker's mouth then Eugene stunnered him.(Striker was talking trash about kentucky being dumb)
I believe probate records are not public records, so you can't search for them. You can go to the County Clerk's office with proper ID, and they can probably help.
6Politics & Government
If this question could be answered, then they would no longer be Lost and the show would end.
3Entertainment & Music
If you want to have DSL you probably need to order it through a company. I dont know much about computers and the web but i dont think you can just get DSL. maybe I am wrong.. but I have SBC its pretty good. I was going through my cable company but they were much more money so I switched. Try searching online for DSL providers.
1Computers & Internet
are you sure that's a person???\n\nanabolic - sound interesting\n\nmaybe we should discuss what anabolic is
\nWorks salvation\nSeventh day Adventist still cling to much of the old covenant and have not put their full trust in the atoning death and resurrection of Jesus Chris
7Society & Culture
I've had a few personal ones, but never anything on a larger scale than that. \n\nThe most interesting one for me was dreaming that one of my friends who I was very close to had a very profane MSN name, and then said something that I found very disturbing, since it was a total perversion of their normal charecter. The next day, it happened. It meant a lot to me that I had had the dream, because it felt like a warning - it gave me a chance to think about what I would do if something like that were to happen, and when it did, I felt like I was more emotionally able to cope with it because of the short warning I had been given.
7Society & Culture
How can you care about hair and be a fan of indie rock like your name implies?\n\nIts time to dust off the old Pavement albums and get things in perspective.
3Entertainment & Music
That would depend on the consequences. And whether those consequences affect you. Getting arrested for indecent exposure is not all that funny. Seeing a friend get arrested for indecent exposure can be funny!. But again, there are consequences to think about. Getting the crap beat out of you by your best pal for laughing at his arrest is not so funny.
7Society & Culture
Yes, I would definitely talk with him straight out. I lost my exhub due to infidelity and some with internet chatting that started with online poker room. He even contacted the the lady one time that I know of from the chat room. I feel the internet is not any different than doing anything in person.
4Family & Relationships
probably in various graveyards all over the world. considering that the people went home and many died of natural causes years later.
3Entertainment & Music
One sure way to find out what something is worth is test the price that the market will bear, i.e. put it on Ebay. Assuming Ebay is (more or less) a fair marketplace at the time at which you sell the item then the marketplace can give you an idea of what the item is worth. \n\nPricing an item this way also "automatically" takes into account the condition of the item and (because of the size and scope of Ebay) also takes into account the rarity of the item. Where such a method fails is in the assumption: if the marketplace isn't fair (your item doesn't have the proper exposure or the people who are interested in your item aren't looking on Ebay) then you will of course fail to realize its true value.\n\nBut I still think Ebay will give you a good 1st-order approximation.\n\nWhile a newspaper
go to www.youtube.com type in sarah hughes and you'll find the video you're looking for.
Back before Hotmail hit the scene, ALL email was "off-line" so there are literally hundreds of "email client" programs out there.\n\nOutlook has a ton of features, but it's one of the least secure programs out there -- in any halfway decent email client it should not be possible to catch a computer virus just by reading an email message, but in Outlook it is. Don't use Outlook. It's just not safe for your computer.\n\nEudora -- http://www.eudora.com/ -- is probably one of the most popular email clients. It's been around a long time, and it has a decent variety of features including multiple sigs, automatic spell check as you type (the squiggly red underline like in Word), and robust mail filtering rules. The down side is that to get all its features, you have to either pay for it or let it display ads while you read your email. Also, personally I'm not very fond of the layout and interface, but that's just a matter of preference.\n\nI am rather fond of Pegasus Mail -- http://www.pmail.com/ -- It has all the useful features of Eudora, and it's completely, totally free. Its interface can be a little quirky, but in ways that I actually prefer over other programs I've tried. \n\nI'd probably consider those the top two contenders, but if you go to http://www.download.com/ I'm sure you can find dozens of other options. One other you might consider is Mozilla Thunderbird -- http://www.mozilla.com/thunderbird/ -- I haven't tried it yet myself, but if it's half as good as the Mozilla Firefox web browser, I'm sure it's worth checking out.
1Computers & Internet
Driving under influence came about from people who were arrested for driving after taking drugs. still impaired but not intoxicated. Also DWI can stand for driving while impaired or intoxicated. In either event it is just a term for being arrested or fined for violating a local, state or federal statute of operating a motor vehicle while driving abilities are impaired due to the consumption, injection or inhalation of a controlled substance.
6Politics & Government
Be prepared for answers before you ask questions. Genetically possible, but not likely (mutations are always possible). You need to go back one more generation to come up with a solution.\nIn the meantime, try the site below:
0Business & Finance
black history IS american history and should not be limited to any one month.
6Politics & Government
In this day an age that is a tuff one so many women and men are only interested in money and possessions it's sad but that is how so many people are. Try getting to know someone without letting them know your wealthy that way they get to know the man not his checking account I wish you luck and happiness I know this situation first hand it can bite anyway Good Luck and Be Happy :)-(:
4Family & Relationships
aaronsdaddy is not really correct. In any 740 day period, any day a Guardsman/Reservist spends deployed (whether overseas or in the States) is called a "high tempo day". If you accumulate more than 400 "high tempo days" you become effectively non-deployable. If a deployment will take you over 400 "high tempo days" in the middle of the deployment, you greatly lessen your chances of being deployed.\n\nIt is still technically possible to be deployed with more than 400 high tempo days, but the general grade officers that be have to jump through so many hoops they have decided it is just easier to activate someone else who has the high tempo days available to rack up.\n\nIf you are a Reservist and you want to volunteer, just talk to your personnel sergeant. I guarantee you that he will hook you up. And if you want to go, let them know. Maybe someone else who doesn't want to go will owe you a kegger when you get back.
6Politics & Government
beach pictures.
0Business & Finance
If you elaborate on the meaning of the word, it might be clearer. That word is not familiar to me, for instance, but if it's misspelled as you admit is possible, then someone might recognize it in context.
7Society & Culture
u can choose. what do u want more: sex or guy?\njust follow ur desires
4Family & Relationships
yup! there are alot of open source warehouse management system out there that is beter than other commercial software.\n\nand besides, u can get to modify and enhance it.\n\ntry this link:\nhttp://sourceforge.net/search/?words=warehouse+management&type_of_search=soft
1Computers & Internet
I guess the easiest illustration and application about slavery would be the fact that, because of the sin of Adam, and we being his offspring, we are born into the "slavery" of sin. However, since Jesus was our ransom, he "purchased" us with his blood, so those who put faith in him (Heb 11:6), learn about him and his father (John 17:3) and are baptized in accordance with true knowledge, and not just on a whim (Eph 4:5), we become his slaves.
7Society & Culture
France sucks.\n\nViva Brasil!
1Computers & Internet
Why is that? Dida became white recently????
yes baby death is the only way out..but, you can only be happy when you are alive so it is still the best alternative
4Family & Relationships
5Medical Domain
and other email programs all have different ways.\n\nBe more specific !\n\n(I use Mozilla Thunderbird these days, and I must say it's a PAIN for setting a sig - using an external text file system - incredibly clumsy).
1Computers & Internet
1. This forum is for discussion of Auto & Motor Sports, not your employment future.\n\n2. Your employment outlook is very dim, with the writing skills you're displaying. The words are WANT, not "wont"; and KNOW, not "no".\n\n3. How the hell should we know? We're not fortunetellers.\n\nGo out and buy a Magic 8-Ball. It will have the answers to all of your questions.
Oh yes. It was a nationally televised playoff game.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." -- Edmund Burke \n\n"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling that thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." -- John Stuart Mill \n\nLet every nation know, weather it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty. -John F. Kennedy
6Politics & Government
Get a lawyer and try to get back into court.\n\nCan this happen? Yes! You had a court appointment that you did not keep, thus enabling a "default judgment" by the court. Just not showing up does not stop court proceedings from happening.\n\nYou are going to have an uphill battle from here, and have a damn good explaination why you missed your court date.
6Politics & Government
learning british/irish/australian dialects of english will definitely hinder your chances of getting a job where english is necessary. that's why in korea and all other countries, americans are paid more to teach english. american english is not "pure," in the sense that it branched off from british english, but it is the standard dialect for international business.\ni suggest perhaps trying a 학원, or better still, make some american friends in korea.\nmost people will be very nice and help you with any english questions you might have, and will appreciate having a korean friend to teach them some korean while living in the country.
2Education & Reference
Some people do not like to register on websites because they do not want to have their e-mail address sold to companies that will send them spam. Other people are not comfortable sharing personal information with unknown companies on the web. You have to put in very compelling reasons to make people want to register, like special features or sections that you can only get to if you register.
1Computers & Internet
The angles of launch is independent of the height of the player, as the height of the player is only the datum level, in projectiles it is known the best angles for maximum distance is 45 degrees.\n\nAnhar Hussain Miah
Comparison with historical data suggests that the ovulation rate obtained with Luveris/ FSH is similar to what can be obtained with hMG.
5Medical Domain
you email the website that runs the service they send you a reply, you put in some info, and your email will be deleted.
0Business & Finance
Henry Hudson explored up the east coast of the U.S. from about Virginia up into the Hudson River.
2Education & Reference
Has ranged from 132 to 156 depending on the test.
0Business & Finance
Your cheapest alternative is to buy the Linksys WGA11B Gaming adapter (between $30 and $50 depending on rebates). If you want to fork out the dough, buy the XBOX 360 wireless adapter (its $100 but runs at 611.A)\n\nI have been running the WGA11B with my linksys Wireless B wireless router and it works pretty smooth for gaming. If you are wanting to stream stuff off your computers then you will want to go with a G or A wireless protocal though.
1Computers & Internet
starnge question, but whatever:)... Slovakia is producing 67% of electricity by 2 nuclear powerplants, 17% from water, and only 16% from fossil fuels. So i think this situation is good. \nAbout emissions, Slovakia is member of European Union, so all the rules like in Germany or UK are also here - for example for cars. There is some poluttion around heavy industries complex in some valleys, but it isn't very different like in other rest of europe. It' very important to know about membership in EU and to necessity to tke their strict rules like our own.
6Politics & Government
Claudio Reyna
Skateboarding is for losers, Basketball is way better
Someone said that what is illegal today may be legal tomorrow. He wants to compare African American and Women's rights with illegal immigration. The difference is that these are citizens of the U.S.A. and have all the right to protest for equal rights in the country they were born in. Another says that illegals can't go through all the bother to become legal immigrants. Excuse me! if laws are bothersome. Some answers huh?
6Politics & Government
it depends on time and place\nif they are rutting they are easy to get close to but if not than it can be tough\na good cover all bases caliber would be a 25-06 \nit shoots flat for long range and has little recoil
Memory is autodected by the system bios and would not affect any of your CD-ROM boot disks since it doesn't need a special type of driver for the OS to recognize it.
1Computers & Internet
Take the cartridge out and reinsert it.
1Computers & Internet
Patients should be carefully monitored for any occurrence of drug toxicity and/ or loss of efficacy during the co-administration of voriconazole and HIV protease inhibitors.
5Medical Domain
http://search.help.yahoo.com/search/helpsrch_uk?p=text+size&R=Mail\n\ntry that link for information :-)
1Computers & Internet
The use of cefuroxime axetil may be accompanied by a false positive Coombs test.
5Medical Domain
Some additional side effects have been reported in men taking CIALIS that were not seen in clinical trials and their incidence is unknown.
5Medical Domain
That's a good question...probably b/c he's inconsiderate, or maybe something much more important to him came up.
4Family & Relationships
www.footdresser.com - Loads of different types od sparkly red shoes with varying heel heights including flat. They post international and are CHEAP!
7Society & Culture
In my old school, in honor choir, we recorded the Sloop John B.\n\nP.S. You spelle comercial wrong.
3Entertainment & Music
i am !! i luv that show u must be a dork if u don't like that show it's always funny i also like c-ing wut kinda of trouble malcom gets in w/his brothers & how they try 2 slove it i hate that its ending i'll have 2 c- wut i'm gonna watch it
3Entertainment & Music
Maybe because you really care what your husband thinks of you. You might think that you will lose his respect. I know how you feel. Maybe chat with him online while in another room or write him a letter telling him whatever you want. Sometimes its easier to write than talk.
4Family & Relationships
Its really not as bad as you think. I assume you have gone here: http://www.uspto.gov/main/trademarks.htm\nDon't let the huge amount of data on these pages confuse you. To file for a trademark logo, direct your browser to this page: http://www.uspto.gov/teas/index.html and click on "Apply for a new Mark". then click on \n"Trademark/Servicemark Application, Principal Register"\nThe filing fee for the TEAS form is $325 per class of goods and/or services, so essentially $325. \nOnce you have completed this application, keep the contact phone #'s and email addresses to reach the departments that will be reviewing your application. The process can easily take up to 6 months, but the good news is that once you are in the system this will supercede anyone else from filing for a similar trademark. Just stay on them. Call/email at least monthly. As long as no one else previously has applied for this trademark or currently owns the trademark, go ahead and begin drawing up signage/letterhead/t-shirts,etc. Don't wait 6 months, for the official approval.
0Business & Finance