The scheme covers the installation of main drainage along the Old Bath Road from the Peggy Bedford public house to Kings Bridge. Until the advent of the scheme the whole of this area, which comprises some 90 dwellings, was on Cesspit drainage. The scheme is in two parts β€” the Duke of Northumberland's River forms a barrier and the area to the West of this river could not drain by gravity to the main sewer near the Peggy Bedford. The scheme is therefore a gravity sewer, 9" diameter, draining the area to the east of the river and a combined gravity and pumped system draining the area to the west. The western section comprises 6" diameter gravity sewer bringing the sew age from this area to a pump house sited behind the "White Horse" public house. From this pump house a 4" diameter rising main carried the sewage over the river discharging into the head manhole of the 9" diameter gravity sewer.
The whole construction was made difficult by the very high ground water tableβ€”most of the pipes were laid below the river levelβ€”and by the nature of the ground, which was loose water beaiing gravel and in some places running sand. In all, 50 cesspools were done away with and ample provision was made for all future development to be taken into the new system. The gravity section to the east of the river has been operational since November. 1961 and the whole scheme since early March of this year. (b) General. The only properties in the Urban District not yet connected to the main drainage system are: β€” (1) West Drayton Common β€” 18 houses. (2) Stockley β€” 8 houses and 4 factories. (3) Caravan Site β€” (a) Municipal Caravan Site (West Drayton). (b) Riverside Caravan Site (West Drayton). (c) Mayfield Caravan Site (West Drayton).
(4) Harmondsworth Moor β€” 2 houses. 20 SUMMARY OF INSPECTIONS AND ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES GENERAL SANITATION Water Supply 26 Drainage 122 Stables and Piggeries 27 Fried Fish Shops 4 Tents, Vans and Sheds 341 Factories 208 Workshops 1 Workplaces l6 Outworkers 24 Bakehouses 7 Public Conveniences 37 Licensed Premises 34 Refuse Collection 44 Refuse Disposal 72 Rats and Mice 257 Schools 6 Shops 34 Miscellaneous Sanitary Visits 236 Petroleum 34 Clean Air 664 Buffer Depot 37 Noise Abatement I HOUSING: Under Public Health Act: No. of Houses inspected 90 Visits paid to above houses 222 Under Housing Acts: No. of Houses inspected 80 Visits paid to above houses 351 21 Overcrowding: No.
of Houses inspected 4 Visits paid to above houses 4 Filthy or Verminous Premises: No. of Houses inspected 21 Visits paid to above houses 25 Miscellaneous housing visits 278 INFECTIOUS DISEASES Inquiries in cases of I D.
32 Visits re : disinfection 1 Miscellaneous infectious disease visits 145 MEAT AND FOOD INSPECTION Inspection of Meat: Visits to Slaughterhouse 460 Visits to shops and stalls 4 Total Meat inspection visits 1 Visits to: Bakeries 4 Butchers 29 Canteens 77 Dairies and milk distributors 7 Fishmongers and poulterers 11 Food Preparing premises 93 Grocers 75 Greengrocers and Fruiterers 12 Ice-cream premises 15 Market Stalls 5 Restaurants 24 22 Visits in connection with sampling: Milkβ€”Bacteriological 5 Ice Cream 6 Miscellaneous food visits 71 London Airport 385 Licensed premises 14 NOTICES SERVED No. of nuisances found 39 No. of nuisances abated 23 No. of verbal notices served 17 No. of verbal notices complied with 17 No. of Informal notices served 48 No.
of Informal notices complied with 17 No. of Statutory notices served 11 No. of Statutory notices complied with 7 23 DEFECTS REMEDIED AND IMPROVEMENTS EFFECTED Dwelling Houses: Roofs: Repaired or renewed 16 External walls: pointed or rendered 19 External walls: brickwork rebuilt Chimney Stacks: repaired or rebuilt 3 Gutters cleared, repaired or renewed 10 Wallplaster: repaired or renewed 15 Damp walls: rendered damp-proof 20 Ceilings: repaired or renewed 10 Floors: repaired or renewed 15 Windows: repaired or renewed 52 Sashcords: renewed 6 Additional lighting provided 2 Stairs: repaired or renewed 3 Doors: repaired or renewed 14 Walls: cleansed or redecorated 6 Woodwork: repaired or renewed 4 Firegrates: repaired or renewed 2 Sinks: new, provided 2 Sinks: Wastepipes, repaired,
renewed or trapped 3 Repairs to water supplies 2 Food stores: provided and repaired 3 Gypsy vans removed 30 Miscellaneous defects remedied 1 Drainage: Choked drains cleared 331 Old drains repaired 2 Inspection chambers repaired 1 New drains provided 1 New gullies inserted 1 New inspection chambers provided 1 Other defects remedied 1 Water Closets: Flushing cisterns repaired or renewed 1 New closets provided 3 Pans renewed Other defects 1 Dustbins: New : provided 6 Miscellaneous: Offensive accummulations removed 3 Verminous reoms disinfected 4 24 RODENT CONTROL The Rodent Control Service operated throughout the year even though the operator was ill for quite some lime. During his illness complaints were investigated by an Inspector who visited the premises, advised action, and left bait for any complainant to lay himself, with instructions on care and the use of the bait. Below is a Statistical Summary of the work done.
TYPE OF PROPERTY Local Authority Dwelling Houses (inc. Council Houses) All other (including Business Premises) Total Of Cols (1) (2) (3) Agricultural I. Number of properties in Local Authority's District 37 6829 1617 8483 18 2. Total number of properties inspected as a result of notification 20 112 15 147 - Number of such properties found to be infested by :β€” Common rat Major 3 β€” β€” 3 β€” Minor 15 105 10 130 β€” Ship rat Major - β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” House mouse Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor 2 7 5 14 β€” 3.
Total number of properties inspected in the course of survey under the Act Number of such properties found to be infested by :β€” β€” 23 1 24 β€” Common rat Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor β€” 23 1 24 β€” Ship rat Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” House mouse Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor β€” β€” β€” β€” - 25 Local Authority Dwelling Houses (inc. Council Houses) All other (including Business Premises) Total Of Cols (1) (2) (3) Agricultural 4. Total number of properties otherwise inspected (e.g. when visited primarily for some other purpose) Number of such properties found to be infested by :β€” β€” 36 1 37 β€” Common rat Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor β€” 36 1 37 β€” Ship rat Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” House mouse Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” 5.
Total inspections carried out including reinspections 48 249 297 6. Number of infested properties (in Sect. 2, 3 and 4) treated by the L.A. 20 171 17 208 7. Number of notices served under Section 4 of the Act:β€” (a) Treatment - - - - - (b) Structural Work (i.e., Proofing) β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” 8. Number of cases in which default action was taken following the issue of a notice under Section 4 of the Act - - - - - 9. Legal Proceedings β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” 10. Number of "Block" Control schemes carried out - 7 - - - 26 Out of sight, out of mind ; not a watchword that the Public Health Department can afford to adopt with regard to this important function. I am pleased to report that the service has operated efficiently throughout the year. As before much work has been done without fuss.
All complaints leceived from the general public continue to be dealt with as soon as possible. It is a happy thought to realise that so far as rodent control is concerned the public is very much on the alert and is most co-operative with the Local Authority in its efforts to control this particular pest. One appreciates that this branch is but one small cog in the wheel of public health service to the ratepayers but it plays its part in no small measure in maintaining the well-being of the inhabitants of the district. Your sewers are still being treated bi-annually by the specialist firm who have now carried out this control for the past three years. I am happy to say that the general level of infestation in the sewers is low ; this despite the added load of new housing estates, but none the less vigilance is maintained and it is only through sustained effort by the department, that the rat population is kept down to a low level.
Compared to the previous year the incidence of infestations throughout the district remains about the same. It goes withoui saying that the surveillance of your tips is regarded as of the utmost importance and routine checks are made as a matter of course. As in previous years infestation control of the banks of the Duke of Northumberland's river is carried out on behalf of the Middlesex County Council. Once again I am pleased to report that it was not necessary in any instance lo carry out statutory action in connection with a reported infestation. 27 FOOD INSPECTIONS Regular inspections of all types of food premises continued throughout the whole year and where action needed to be taken this was done, in the form of advice, sometimes by notice and reports to the Public Health Committee in cases where authority for legal action for non-compliance was needed. No. of Shops. inspections.
Grocers 45 75 Cafes, Restaurants, Snack Bars and Canteens 43 194 Greengrocers 18 12 Sweet Shops and Ice Cream Premises 26 21 Confectionery and Bread 4 4 Fried Fish and Chip Shops 6 4 Butchers 22 29 Public Houses and Off-Licences 25 14 Chemists 7 6 Bakehouses 4 4 OTHER FOOD INSPECTIONS Fishmongers and Poulterers 11 Ministry of Food, Buffer Depot 37 Imported Food. London Airport 385 Ice Cream Samples 6 Water Samples 2 Milk Samples 5 Miscellaneous Food Visits 71 New certificates of registration were granted to four premises during the year for the sale and storage of ice-cream. The total number of premises registered for the manufacture of preserved foods is 22 and the total number of premises registered for the sale of ice-cream is 67.
Four mobile vehicles are registered under the Middlesex County Council Act for the sale of ice-cream. Two other mobile canteens which are stationed on the grass verge of the Great South West Road near London Airport were inspected under the Food Hygiene Regulations 1960 but the Council decided that a Street Trading Licence, under Section 320 of the Middlesex County Council Act 1944, did not apply owing to the peculiar situation of the vans on the grass verge. The Police were informed of this situation for any action they considered might be necessary if road obstructions were caused by motorists stopping for refreshments from these vans. 28 2 Defects found in Factories : Particulars Number of cases in which defects were found Number of cases in which prosecutions were instituted Found Remedied To H.M. Inspector By H.M. Inspector (1) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1. Want of cleanliness 1 1 β€” β€” β€” 2.
Inadequate ventilation 2 2 β€” β€” β€” 3. Sanitary conveniences: (a) Insufficient 1 1 β€” β€” β€” (b) Unsuitable or defective 1 1 β€” β€” β€” (c) Not separate for sexes β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Other offences against the Act (not including offences relating to outwork) 1 1 β€” β€” β€” Total: 6 6 β€” β€” β€” 3. Outworkers: There are 53 outworkers, all of which were visited during the year. Conditions were found to be satisfactory in every case. 29 FACTORIES 1. Inspections of Factories: Premises No. on Register No. of Inspections No. of Written Notices No. of Prosecutions 1. Factories in which Sections 1-4 and 6 are to be enforced by L.A. 8 8 β€” β€” 2.
Factories not included in Section 1 in which Section 7 is enforced by L.A 144 200 6 3. Other premises in which Section 7 is enforced by L.A. (excluding Outworkers premises) Total: 152 208 6 β€” SECTION E HOUSING The total number of visits and inspections of dwelling houses in connection with complaints and other matters was 1,075. Unfit houses made fit and houses in which defects were remedied: By Local By Owner Authority 1. After informal action by Local Authority 16 2. After formal notice under (a) Public Health Act 1936 (b) Housing Act 1957 2 β€” Unfit Houses Closed: No. of houses closed under Housing Act β€” Unfit Houses Demolished: No.
of houses demolished pursuant to Section 17 of the Housing Act 1957 8 SLUM CLEARANCE Four of the five Clearance Areas, I reported in my previous report for 1961, were confirmed by the Minister of Housing and Local Government and towards the end of the year displacement of tenants was under way to alternative council house accommodation. The fifth area, Whites Cottages, Bath Road, Harlington, is held up because the Crown have part interest in the freehold of the property and a legal complication has arisen. Negotiations are taking place to arrive at a solution. 30 RENT ACT 1957 Part Iβ€”Applications for Certificates of Disrepair.
(1) Number of applications for certificates 1 (2) Number of decisions not to issue certificates β€” (3) Number of decisions to issue certificates 1 (a) In respect of some but not all defects 1 (b) In respect of all defects (4) Number of undertakings given by landlords under paragraph 5 of the First Schedule 1 (5) Number of undertakings refused by Local Authority under proviso to paragraph 5 of the First Schedule β€” (6) Number of certificates issued β€” Part IIβ€”A pplications for Cancellation of Certificates.
(7) Application by landlords to Local Authority for cancellation of certificates β€” (8) Objections by tenants to cancellation of certificates β€” (9) Decisions by Local Authority to cancel in spite of tenant's objection β€” (10) Certificates cancelled by Local Authority β€” Housing (Financial Provisions) Act 1958 House Purchase and Housing Act 1959 Housing Act 1961 During the year three standard and five discretionary grant applications for Improvement Grants were received and the Council agreed to contribute financial aid as follows :β€” Total cost of approved work was (a) for Standard Grant Β£395 0 0 (b) Discretionary Grant Β£1310 3 9 Total payments made or to be (a) for Standard Grant Β£324 17 9 made by Local Authority (b) Discretionaey Grant Β£347 0 0 31 SECTION F FOOD HYGIENE The inspection of food premises has always been considered high in the list of environmental functions and the supervision of these premises has been maintained.
Their condition, over the whole of the Urban District can be considered extremely good. Ice Cream : 6 ice-cream samples were taken during the year under review, and the results of these, which were satisfactory, are shown in the provision grade below : β€” Grade No. of Samples 1 6 2 β€” 3 β€” 4 β€” Food Inspections: The following table shows the amount of food condemned during the year under review, but does not include meat condemned at the Slaughterhouse Lbs. Ozs. Lbs. Ozs.
Apricots 13 0 Pears 5 10 Beans 1 14 Pilchards 15 Cheese 41 7 Pineapple 14 8 Cherries 1 5 Plum Pudding 12 Cooked Ham 119 0 Pork 179 0 Corned Beef 20 4 Pork Luncheon Meat 4 0 Evaporated Milk 2 0 Ravioli 24 4 Fish 56 4 Red Salmon 4 0 Fruit Salad 7 5 Sparkling Crush 1 0 Jam 4 0 Steak & Kidney Pies 1 3 Oranges 12 Stewed Steak 2 0 Peaches 13 3 Tomatoes 10 0 Peas 1 13 Veal 6 0 32 SLAUGHTERING AND MEAT INSPECTIONS Your Public Health Inspectors carried out 100% inspection of all animals killed for human consumption and also operated the Deadweight Certification Centie for the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
The number of pigs weighed and graded totalled 3 862 and the income to the Council was Β£113 7s. 6d. From a total number of 6,672 animals inspected it was necessary to condemn 1 ton 15 cwts. 0 qrs. 22 lbs. of pork, beef, mutton and veal which was diseased and unfit for consumption. All condemned meat was coloured with an approved dye and sent, by arrangement, to Smithfield Animal Products Ltd., for processing into fertilisers. My thanks are due to both the Director of the Pathological Laboratory at Hillingdon and the Director of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Research Laboratory at Byfleet, whose services and help have been available when difficult diagnosis of disease has been encountered.
Carcases and Offal inspected and condemned in whole or in part: Cattle Cows excluding Cows Calves Sheep and L.ambs Pigs Horses Number killed 441 76 216 931 5008 β€” All diseases except Tuberculosis and Cystcrcerci . 1 1 13 Whole carcases condemned Carcases of which some part or organ was condemned 32 15 1 5 159 β€” Percentage of the number inspected affected with disease other than Tuberculosis and Cystercerci 7.5% 21.1% .46% M"/r 3.4% 33 Cattle excluding Cows Cows Calves Sheep and Lambs Pigs Horses Tuberculosis only: β€” Whole carcase condemned - - - - - - Carcase of which some part or organ was condemned β€” 1 β€” β€” 55 β€” Percentage of the number inspected affected with Tuberculosis β€” 23% β€” β€” 1.1% β€” Cystercercosis .
Carcase of which some part or organ was condemned - - - - - - Carcases submitted to treatment by refrigeration - - - - - - Generalised and totally condemned 1 - - - - - Percentage of the number inspected affected with Cystercercosis 23% - - - - - BUFFER DEPOT, HARMONDSWORTH The Inspection of canned meats continued throughout the year at Buffer Depot 11L, Harmondsworth. 14 tons 8 cwts. 1 qrs. 25 lbs. of meat was condemned. 34 FOOD AND DRUGS ACT 1955 The Chief Officer of the Public Control Department, Middlesex County Council has supplied the following information regarding worki carried out by his department. Samples procured in Yiewsley and West Drayton during this year 1962.
Article Procured Total Samples Unsatisfactory Milk 3 Butter 18 Cakes and Biscuits 2 1 Cream 12 Drugs 3 Fish and Fish Products 14 Fruit (all kinds) 6 Ice Cream 17 Liver 32 1 Margarine 3 Meat and Meat Products 24 Sausages 6 Spirits 7 Vinegar 3 Miscellaneous 12 T otals 162 2 Mr. O'Keefe also made the following comments in connection with the Food and Drugs Act 1955. "The Merchandise Marks Acts, 1887-1953 Inspections are carried out under the above Acts to ensure that the requirements of the various Marking Orders relating to the indication of origin of imported foodstuffs are applied. Inspections were made at 72 premises, and 14 stacks and displays of meat, 91 of apples, 38 of tomatoes, 69 of butter and 30 of other miscellaneous foods were examined for compliancs with the Orders.
One infringement was disclosed as a result of which, for exposing imported meat and offal not marked with the country of origin, a butcher in your district was cautioned. Other minor infringements were dealt with by verbal warning. 35 Safe Milk Six samples of pasteurised or sterilised milk were procured from retailers in the district and tested to ascertain whether or not pasteurisation or sterilisation had been correctly performed. No failures have been reported. Seven inspections of premises at which milk is pasteurised or at which it is sold were carried out during the year to ensure that the premises concerned conformed to the requirements of the Milk (Special Designation) Regulations, 1960. The Labelling of Food Order, 1953 This Order requires prepacked food to be marked with the name and address of the packer or labeller.
or to bear a registered trade mark; to be marked with its common or usual name or its appropriate designation; and to bear a statement of ingredients if the food consists of more than one ingredient. It also controls the manner in which the presence of vitamins and minerals is disclosed. A total of 41 premises have been visited in connection with the Order, and 256 articles of food have been examined. One infringement was disclosed. A tin of creamed rice milk pudding was labelled as being made from skimmed milk powder, milk, rice and sugar. In fact it was made from milk, rice and sugar. Correction of the label was secured. Labelling and Advertising of Foodstuffs A considerable amount of work was done in the year which, whilst it did not arise from samples and inspections in the area of Yiewsley and West Drayton, nevertheless has the effect of protecting the residents of your county district.
The matters mentioned below were of nationally retailed articles of food, which are widely distributed throughout the County. Several manufacturers and importers were reminded of the obligation to put on the labels of food the name and address of the packer or labeller. Similar action was taken in respect of pickles, canned peas and mixed vegetables which did not bear a statement of ingredients. One manufacturer of icecream was found to be putting all the statutory declarations on the base of the carton. He was reminded that these declarations are required to be both conspicuous and prominent. Two advertisements for honey did not disclose that the honeys offered were of foreign origin. The Merchandise Marks Act requires this and letters were sent to the advertisers reminding them of their obligations to declare the origin in advertisements. Some prepacked lamb chops found to be generally on sale were of imported origin.
The declaration in such a case is required to be in half-inch letters ; the lettering used was so small as to be quite inconspicuous, and the packers were required to comply with the prescribed conditions. 36 Matters dealt with under the Food and Drugs Act by correspondence included a sample of cream cheese containing less milk fat than, was considered sufficient to justify the title. Five examples of cake-mixes, which were not complete mixes in that other additions, such as egg or milk were necessary before the mix could be used, were found. The manufacturers were required prominently to show what additions were necessary. The manufacturers of four brands of milk pudding which were described on the label as "creamed rice" were challenged on the ground that the product was in fact a rice milk pudding and not creamed rice. Correction to the labels was secured. The manufacturer of a lemon juice was challenged that a claim on the label for slimming properties for the juice was not justified and he amended his labels to delete the claim.
A sample of cream was procured which was labelled "thick cream". The fat content of this cream was less than the standard prescribed for thick cream and the product was re-labelled "sterilised cream". A manufacturer of a canned meat product claimed on the label that it was "full of lean red meat". In fact, the meat content was no more than is normal for this class of product, and the manufacturer was therefore challenged as to the accuracy of the claim. It was withdrawn. It was claimed for a sample of chopped pork that it contained "more meat". In fact the percentage of meat was no greater than that of comparable products and the manufacturer was required to delete the claim. The manufacturers of several breakfast cereals were challenged on the ground that the labels claimed the foods to be "vitamin enriched". The vitamins present did not provide one half of the daily requirement which, it is considered, is the minimum to support claim to enrichment.
The labels were amended to "vitamin fortified" which, because vitamins were added, was true. A sample of ice lollies for which it was claimed that glucose was present, was found on analysis not to be correct. It was found that originally that the lollies had been made with added glucose, but glucose had been dropped from the recipe. The label was not amended to conform to the new recipe and was therefore incorrect. Reference to glucose was deleted from the new labels. A sample of butter mintoes was labelled "made with butler". This was not true; other fats were present as well; the label was amended after representations, to the manufacturer to "contains butter". A sample of sodium fluoride tablets was found on analysis to be deficient of the stated amount of the chemical. Because, in spite of the deficiency in the chemical, it was considered that the efficacy of the tablets was not impaired, the manufacturer was sent a letter of caution.
37 Two samples of instant coffee were found to contain sulphur dioxide, a preservative not at the time permitted in instant coffee. The manufacturers and importers concerned were sent letters of caution. Similar action was taken in respect of a sample of dried apricots which were found to contain sulphur dioxide. The quantity of preservative would have been satisfactory if its presence had been declared, and the manufacturers were required to amend the label. A firm of confectionery importers were cautioned for selling sweets containing colouring matter not permitted. The firm had withdrawn from retailers sweets imported earlier and had thought the stock from which the sample was procured was satisfactory. Only permitted colours are now used. During the year a manufacturer put on to the market with a large scale newspaper advertising campaign a new product which consisted of 99% pure sugar with 1% of saccharin. It was claimed for this product that it was ' Slimmers Sugar".
The manufacturer was challenged on the ground that the product (because it contained scharin) was not sugar. Exception was taken to advertising matter for the same reasons. Correction of advertising matter and the labels was secured, the manufacturer devising a new description for his product. An advertisement for vitamin capsules made extravagant claims. On being challenged, the advertisement and literature were modified so as to delete the objectionable wording used". SECTION C GENERAL PUBLIC HEALTH GYPSIES AND DIDICOITS This problem again had to be dealt with by your Inspectors, but in July the Middlesex County Council held a Conference at which it was decided that in order to ascertain the full extent of this problem as far as Middlesex was concerned, a survey should be made on an appointed day, in all county districts. This survey was indeed carried out on the 15.10.62 and the Statistical table and report shown hereunder, will, I am sure, be of interest.
38 SURVEY OF GYPSY OR ITINERANT CARAVAN DWELLERS IN MIDDLESEX October 15th, 1962 District Sites Caravans Other Vehicles Families Adults Children Animals Would move to permanent pitch Expenses incurred in clearing Yes No Enfield 4 70 72 60 128 129 58 49 11 Finchley 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Potters Bar 1 4 5 3 7 5 8 2 1 No record. Hendon 1 5 5 5 NO CO OPERATION Ealing 6 6 4 6 13 5 17 5 1 Β£954 for year ended 31.3.62. Ruislip- Northwood NIL RETURN Say Β£100 p.a.
Uxbridge 2 5 4 5 16 10 14 5 0 Yiewsley and West Drayton 5 8 5 8 21 10 6 5 3 Heston and Isleworth 2 4 3 4 7 9 2 4 Say Β£100 p.a. Staines 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 Nominal Sunbury 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 Hayes and Harlington NIL RETURN Β£300 (includes ad ministrative expenses). TOTALS 24 105 99 94 198 175 107 68 21 39 Smoke Control Areas Smoke Control Areas Nos. 3 and 4 came into operation on the 1st July and 1st December, 1962, respectively. Area No.
3 contained 1087 acres and was bounded "in the north by the Parish Boundary of Harmondsworth proceeding eastwards to its junction with the West side of Holloway Lane; thence southwards along the West side of Holloway Lane, the West side of Hatch Lane, across the Bath Road, and along the West Perimeter Road of the London Airport to its junction with the Urban District Boundary proceeding north westwards along this boundary and thence northwards to its junction with the Parish Boundary of Harmondsworth". Area No. 4 contained 491 acres and was bounded by "the Ward Boundary of Harmondsworth, the west side of Harmondsworth Road, the west side of Station Road to its junction with Church Road, the south side of Church Road, west side of Swan Road to its junction with Old Farm Road, the south side of Old Farm Road and westwards to the River Colne and on to its junction with the Urban District Boundary and then bounded in the west by the Urban District Boundary, West Drayton".
In areas Nos. 3 and 4, the classification of properties is as follows:β€” Area Industrial Commercial Dwelling Houses others 3. 14 18 293 3 4. 10 26 1089 122 Private Houses Council Houses A rea Grant Aided Non-Grant Aided Grant Aided Non-Grant Aided 3. 197 44 42 10 4. 365 17 556 151 Legal Proceedings 1. A fine of Β£5 was imposed on an employee in a bakery for smoking while engaged in the handling of food. 2. A dairy was fined Β£20 with Β£6 costs for selling milk not of the nature, substance or quality demanded by the purchaser. 3. A catering firm was fined Β£10 with Β£6 6s. 0d. costs for selling food not of the nature or quality demanded by the purchaser. 4.
Fines of 40/- were imposed on the occupiers of four caravans, for stationing caravans contrary to Section 268 of the Public Health Aci 1936 such as to be prejudicial to health or a nuisance, Court Orders in each case required the removal of the caravans in a specified time. 5. Two fines, one of Β£350 and one of Β£30 were imposed on the owner of premises, for non-compliance with Demolition Orders The same owner was lined Β£415 and Β£384 for non compliance with Court Orders in respect of the above Demolition Orders. 40 LONDON AIRPORT The complete transfer of all long-haul passenger handling from the North Terminal Area took place during the year and there are now additional catering establishments, offices and shops occupying the new Passenger Building No. 3. The catering section of the premises is a great improvement on the old premises formerly situated in the North Terminal Area.
British European Airways also completed its new Aircraft Catering Premises on North Terminal Area and abandoned former premises in the Passenger Building No. 1 in Central Terminal Area. These new premises are the acme of perfection as far as aircraft catering is concerned and although much larger than the Companies' old premises should not present much of a problem as far as hygiene is concerned because the constructional finishes have been designed for ease of maintenance and cleaning. Pan American World Airways System also completed its new Aircraft Catering Premises in No. 2 Maintenance Area near the Great South Road. These premises are also a vast improvement over the old. In both cases Registration Certificates under Section 16 of the Food and Drugs Act 1955 were granted to the Airline Operating Companies concerned, and there was also satisfactory compliance with the Clean Air Act 1956 as regards the furnaces operating from both establishments. All other catering and food premises on the Airport were inspected regularly during the year and no food poisoning of any description was notified.
Food Inspection The Public Health (Imported Food) Regulations 1937-48 were administered by your Staff and 108 tons 19 cwts. 3 qrs. 4 lbs. of food imported into the Country from Austria, Germany, Australia, U.S.A., France, Holland, Czechoslovakia and Ireland were inspected. 385 inspections during the day and night were made. Details of the various foods inspected are as follows:β€” Tons C wis. Qrs. Lbs.
Confectionery and Flour Confectionery 1 2 3 15 Fresh Meat 26 6 0 9 Cooked Meat and Meat Products 23 18 0 27 Salami and Other Sausages 28 16 3 21 Fish 5 16 2 25 Shellfish 1 3 3 2 Fruit 1 14 3 27 Vegetables 4 3 3 18 Offal 1 16 1 22 Cheese 3 4 2 16 Miscellaneous 11 0 3 0 41 In addition to the above inspections, sampling of foods was also carried out and the results are shown hereunder: β€” Foodstuff No.
of Samples Taken Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Gypsy Pork Roast 14 5 9 Egg Mayonnaise 1 1 - Meat Mayonnaise 1 1 - Prepared Meal in Metal Tray (frozen) l 1 - Sausage 3 2 1 Salami 4 4 - Dried Mushroom 2 2 - Cooked Pork Luncheon Meat 1 1 - Powdered Mayonnaise 1 1 - Gypsy Pork Roll 2 - 2 Tinned Chicken 1 1 - TOTALS 31 19 12 Appropriate action was taken in all cases where imported food did not comply with regulations regarding Official Certificates, or was unfit.
Drinking Water from Aircraft 60 samples of drinking water were taken from Aircraft during the year and details of these are as follows:β€” Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Taken from fixed tank system 6 - Taken from portable flasks 47 7 Taken from Bowsers - - Taken from Mains Water - - 53 7 Petroleum Installations The four major fuel storage installations were again licensed for the year, and all alterations to both storage and supply lines were inspected and approved. Paraffin Fumes and Smoke from Aircraft It has been considered and decided that any action in this respect is firmly excluded from existing legislation and that no action is possible except perhaps under common law. 42 WEST DRAYTON PRINTING COMPANY
YIE 29 I Library Yiewsley & West Drayton Urban District Council ANNUAL REPORT of the Medical Officer of Health and Chief Public Health Inspector for the year 1963 Medical Officer of Health PATRICK M. J. BOBBETT, M.A., MB., B.Ch, B.A.O., D.P.H (Resigned 24.8.63) Temporary Medical Officer of Health LAURENCE F. KEENAN (Appointed 24.8.63) Chief Public Health Inspector ALFRED MAKIN, M.R.S.H., F.A.P.H.I. Yiewsley & West Drayton Urban District Council ANNUAL REPORT of the Medical Officer of Health and Chief Public Health Inspector for the year 1963 Medical Officer of Health PATRICK M. J. BOBBHTT, M.A., M B., B.Ch .
B.A.O.. D.P.H (Resigned 24.8.63) Temporary Medical Officer of Health LAURENCE F. KEENAN (Appointed 24.8.63) Chief Public Health Inspector ALFRED MAKIN, M.R.S.H.. F.A.P.H.I. YIEWSLEY AND WEST DRAYTON URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL LIST OF MEMBERS MUNICIPAL YEAR 1963-64 Chairman Councillor S. J. Orme Vice-Chairman Councillor Mrs. D. K. E. EglEton Members Councillor R. W. Aoslin Mrs. B. A. Beaumont T. Cluny J. W. Coupe R. W. Cox J. T. Croly ,, W. W. Daniell A. H. Dilley T. Earnshaw β€ž Mrs. J. Gorman Mrs.
R. M. Holus T. Holt H. J. C. Key R. Perry ,, A. V. Redwood ,, J. Rowe T. H. Seers β€ž T. B. Thomas β€ž S. F. G. Walker ,, M. J. R. Waplington 3 PUBLIC HEALTH COMMITTEE Chair man Councillor T. Earnshaw V ice-Chairman Councillor T. Cluny Members Councillor R. W. Cox W. W. Daniell Mrs. R. M. Holijs S. J. Orme T. H. Seers T. B. Thomas S. F. G. Walker HOUSING COMMITTEE Chairman Councillor S. F. G. Walker Vice-Chairman Councillor Mrs. J. Gorman Members The Committee is composed of all members of the Council 4 PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT STAFF Medical Officer of Health Patrick M. J. Bobbett, M.A., M B.. B.Ch..
B.A.O., IIP H. Temporary Medical Officer of Health Laurence F. Keenan (Appointed 24.8.63) Chief Public Health Inspector Alfred Makin, M.R.S.H., F.A.P.H.I Deputy Chief Public Health Inspector Thomas Marshall, M.A.P.H.I. Additional Public Health Inspectors Seth Maher, M.A.P.H.I. David G. Coombes, M.A.P.H.I. Chief Clerk Mr. K. B. Paul Administrative Assistant and Secretary Mrs. C. Taylor (deceased) (retired 31.3.63) Clerical Assistants Mrs. P. M. Steele, Miss A. V. Lawrence, Miss P. S. Barker 5 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH FOR 1963 Public Health Department. Drayton Hall, West Drayton, Middlesex. October, 1964.
To The Chairman and Members of the Yiewsley and West Drayton Urban District Council. Madam Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. I have the honour to submit my report of the Health of the District for the year 1963. The health of the district on the whole has been good. Coronary disease was again the principal cause of death during the year. Malignant Disease of the lung and Bronchitis combined were a close second. It is gratifying to record that there were no deaths from Tuberculosis. There were approximately 20 times more cases of Measles notified than all the other Infectious Diseases combined. I would like to add my tribute to Dr. P. M J Bobbett who retired during the year after 24 years sterling service to the Council and hope he will enjoy many years of well-earned leisure. My sincere thanks are due to Mr. Makin, Chief Public Health Inspector, Mr.
Marshall, his Deputy, the other Health Inspectors and the Staff of the Public Health Department for their help and co-operation during the year. It has indeed been a pleasure to work with them. Your obedient servant, L. F. KEENAN. Temporary Medical Officer of Health. 6 SECTION A Area in acres 5,276 Total population 1963 (midsummer) (estimated by the Registrar General) 24,190 Estimated number of inhabited dwellings 8,960 Rateable Value (31st March, 1963) 6/3d. Product of the Penny Rate 1963/64 Β£12,668 4 5d.
VITAL STATISTICS LIVE BIRTHS: Male Female Total Legitimate 219 218 437 Illegitimate 12 12 24 231 230 461 Live Birth Rate per 1,000 estimated population (adjusted) (1): 1963: 18.09 Live Birth Rate per 1.000 estimated population (adjusted) (2): 1962 : 17.3 County of Middlesex : 1963 : 17.1 (1) This figure has been adjusted from 19.05 by the Registrar's ability Factor of .95. (2) This figure has been adjusted from 19.3 by the Registrar's ability Factor of .90. Percentage of Illegitimate Births to total live births = 5.49.
STILL BIRTHS: Male Female Total Legitimate 3 5 8 Illegitimate - - - 3 5 8 Rate per 1,000 (live and still) births (adjusted) (1): 1963 : 18.33 Rate per 1,000 (live and still) births (adjusted) (2): 1962 : 17.8 (1) This figure has been adjusted from 19.3 by the Registrar's ability Factor of .95. (2) This figure has been adjusted from 19.8 by the Registrar's ability Factor of .90.
Still birth rate per 1,000 population : 1963 : .33 1962 : .46 7 DEATHS: Male Female Total 109 103 212 Death rate per 1,000 estimated population (adjusted) (1): 1963: 12.52 Death rate per 1,000 estimated population (adjusted) (2): 1962 : 12.74 County of Middlsex: 1963 : 12.00 (1) This figure has been adjusted from 8.76 by use of Registrar's ability Factor of 1.43. (2) This figure has been adjusted from 8.85 by use of Registrar's ability Factor of 1.44. INFANTILE MORTALITY: Deaths of Infants under one year. Male Female Total Legitimate 4 9 13 Illegitimate - - - 4 9 13 Death rate of infants under one year : 1962 1963 All infants per 1,
000 live births 21.5 28.19 Legitimate infants per 1,000 live births 20.72 29.74 Illegitimate infants per 1,000 live births 2.15 β€” NEO-NATAL DEATHS: (Under four weeks of age) Male Female Total Legitimate 3 6 9 Illegitimate - - - 3 6 9 Death rate per 1,000 live births 19.52 EARLY NEO-NATAL DEATHS: (Under one week) Male Female Total Legitimate 3 5 8 Illegitimate - - - 3 5 8 Death rate per 1,000 live births 17.35 8 PERINATAL MORTALITY : (Still births and deaths of infants under one week) Male Female Total Legitimate 3 5 8 Illegitimate - - - 3 5 8 Death rate per 1,000 live and still births 17.
05 MATERNAL MORTALITY : Deaths from Puerperal Sepsis Nil Deaths from Abortions Nil Deaths from other Puerperal causes Nil Maternal Mortality Rate per 1,000 births 1963: Nil (Live and still) 1962 : Nil County of Middlesex : 1963 : 0.3 9 CAUSE OF DEATH Male Female Total 1962 All causes 109 103 212 212 Tuberculosis, respiratory - - - 2 Tuberculosis, other - - - - Syphilitic disease 1 - 1 - Whooping Cough - - - - Diptheria - - - - Acute Poliomyelitis - - - - Measles - - - - Meningococcal Infections - - - - Other infective and parasitic disease 1 - 1 1 Malignant Neoplasm, stomach 1 7 8 4 Malignant Neoplasm, lung,
bronchus 14 1 15 16 Malignant Neoplasm, breast - 1 1 6 Malignant Neoplasm, uterus - 1 1 1 Other malignant and lymphatic neoplasms 11 6 17 18 Diabetes 1 2 3 - Leukaemia, Aleukaemia 1 - 1 - Vascular lesions of nervous system 6 10 16 21 Coronary diseases, angina 20 16 36 42 Hypertension with heart disease 2 2 4 2 Other heart diseases 9 16 25 21 Other circulatory diseases 3 3 6 14 Influenza - 2 2 - Pneumonia 9 9 18 17 Bronchitis 12 6 18 5 Other disease of respiratory system 1 1 2 4 Ulcer of stomach and duodenum 2 2 4 3 Gastritis,
enteritis and diarrhoea 3 - 3 2 Nephritis and Nephrosis 1 - 1 2 Congenital Malformation 2 - 2 4 Other defined and ill-defined diseases 4 15 19 16 Hyperplasia of Prostrate - - - 1 Motor Vehicle Accidents 3 - 3 4 All other accidents 2 2 4 6 Suicide - - - - Pregnancy, childbirth, abortion - - - - Homicide and operations of war - 1 1 - 10 SECTION B LABORATORY FACILITIES The Central Public Health Laboratory at Colindale have undertaken work in connection with the analysis of food imported into this country via London Airport, as most of the imported food arriving at London Docks is also examined by this Laboratory. Reference to work done in connection with this matter can be seen in the chapter on London Airport.
MATERNITY AND CHILD WELFARE The responsibility for this service is with the Middlesex County Council and the Medical Officer of Area 8. i.e. the area in which this Urban District is situated, is Dr. O. C. Dobson. There are two clinics in the district, one at 20, High Street, Yiewsley and one in Harmondsworth. There is also a mobile clinic which operates in the Urban District. MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS The Council maintain a register cf Ihese establishments operating in the Urban District and the two establishments have been inspected during the year and have had their licences renewed. 11 12 SECTION C PREVALENCE OF, AND CONTROL OVER, INFECTIOUS AND OTHER DISEASES. Cases of Infectious Diseases (other than Tuberculosis) notified during the year 1963.
Under 1 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5-9 years 10-14 years 15-24 years 25 & over Age Unknown No. Notified (all ages) Scarlet Fever 1 β€” - β€” 1 3 β€” β€” β€” β€” 5 Whooping Cough 5 β€” β€” 6 3 2 β€” β€” β€” β€” 16 Poliomyelitis (Non-paralytic) - - - - - - - - - - - Poliomyelitis (paralytic) β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Measles 19 52 52 69 57 225 14 4 4 β€” 499 Diphtheria β€” β€” - - - - - - - - - Dysentery - - - - - - - - - - - Meningococcal Infection 1 1 - - - - - - - - - Under 5 5-14 years 15-44 years 5-64
years 65 & over Age Unknown Total Acute Pneumonia β€” 2 β€” 2 1 β€” 5 Smallpox - - - - - - - Acute Encephalitis (infective) β€” 1 β€” β€” β€” β€” 1 Acute Encephalitis (post-infectious) 2 - - - - - 2 Enteric or Typhoid Fever - - - - - - - Paratyphoid Fever - - - - - - - Erysipelas - - - - - - - Food Poisoning β€” β€” β€” 1 - - 1 TUBERCULOSIS : ANALYSIS OF NEW CASES AND MORTALITY DURING 1963 (LOCAL RECORDS) NEW CASES: DEATHS: Respiratory NonRespiratory Respiratory NonRespiratory Age (years) M F M F M F M F Under 5 β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” 5-14 β€” 1 1 β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” 15-24 β€”
1 - - - - - - 25-44 2 β€” β€” 1 β€” β€” β€” β€” 45-64 β€” β€” - - - - - - 65 and over - - - - - - - - Age Unknown - - - - - - - - Total 2 2 1 1 β€” β€” β€” β€” Number of cases remaining on the Register : Respiratory : 222 Non-Respiratory : 40 I am, Ladies and Gentlemen. Your obedient servant. Laurence F. Keenan, Temporary Medical Officer of Health. 13 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CHIEF PUBLIC HEALTH INSPECTOR FOR THE YEAR 1963 October, 1964. To The Chairman and Members of the Yiewsley and West Drayton Urban District Council. Madam Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, I beg to submit my Annual Report for 1963.
I must again apologise for the delay in producing it but I am sure you will appreciate that there have been many difficulties, not least, the pressure of work. You will observe from the Report that the department has been quite busy and I am grateful for the co-operation 1 have received from the Public Health and Housing Committees of the Council and from the staff of the department both inspectorial and clerical. I do not propose this year to make any specific comments on any aspect of the work of the department. I am, Your obedient servant, A. Makin, Chief Public Health Inspector. 14 SECTION D WATER SUPPLY Mains water was supplied by Rickmansworth and Uxbridge Valley Water Company. There are only 5 houses in the Urban District where the water supply is derived from wells. Several complaints were received about brown discolouration in mains water. This was found on investigation, to be coincidental with the flushing of water mains.
The Water Company's attention was drawn to this matter and the cause stated to be due to the disturbing of rust sediment by mains flushing, abnormal consumption, use of fire hydrants and other factors. One hesitates to think what a housewife would say after using a fully automatic washing machine into which the discoloured water had entered. The Company's reaction to this is that the British Waterworks Association have been recommended to approach manufacturers to fit fillers to their machines. The recommendation to fit filters is given to consumers who make complaints direct to the Company. That we have water in practically all our houses, we are truly grateful, because some people in this country still, believe it or not, have to carry water from a well or village pump, and some unfortunates in other parts of the world have no water at all except that which falls from above occasionally If only we had softer water we would be truly, truly grateful. 15 91 BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION Location Type Residual Chlorine p.p.m.
Colonies per ml 2 days Colonies per ml 3 days Bad. coli (Type 1) Probable number per 100 ml Presumptive Colicerogenes Probable number per 100 ml West Drayton P.S. Treated water 5 0 0 0 Sample No. : 62402. Date Taken : 10th April, 1954. Remarks: This water is moderately hard in character and contains no excess of mineral or saline constituents. It conforms to the highest standard of organic quality. CHEMICAL EXAMINATION Location: West Drayton Pumping Station. Raw or Treated : Treated Colour: Nil Hazen. Chloride (C1) 20 p.p.m. Turbidity (Si02): Nil Hazen. Alkalinity (CaC03) 230 p.p.m. Odour: Nil. Hardness (CaC03) Carbonate 215 p.p.m.
Taste: Normal. Non-Carbonate Nil p.p.m. pH: 7.4. Total 215 p.p.m. Electrical Conductivity (20Β°C): 480. Residual Chlorine (CI2) .08 p.p.m. Total Solids (180Β°C): 325 p.p.m. Copper: Nil p.p m. Nitrate (N) 0.3 p.p.m. Iron: Nil p.p.m. Nitrite (N) .085 p.p.m. Zinc: Trace p.p.m. Ammonia (N) .120 p.p.m. Albuminoid Nitrogen (N) Nil p.p.m. 17 The table showing costs for Refuse Collection and Refuse Disposal for the Year ended 31st March, 1964,
is below:- Item Particulars Collection Costs Disposal Costs Total Conservancy Total (All services) A Gross Expenditure 23512 4 6 55421 8 4 78933 12 10 3385 10 2 82319 3 0 B Gross Income 13356 19 8 76015 2 9 89372 2 5 2468 1 11 91840 4 4 C Net Cost 10155 4 10 β€” β€” 917 8 3 β€” Net Income β€” 20593 14 5 10438 9 7 β€” 9521 1 4 UNIT COSTS D Nett Cost per 1,000 Population 419 16 3 851 6 8 431 10 5 37 18 6 393 11 11 Credit Credit Credit F Nett Cost per 1,
000 houses and premises 1133 8 0 2298 8 2 1165 0 2 102 7 16 1062 12 4 Credit Credit Credit F Nett cost equivalent rate in the pound 0.81 1.63 0.82 0.07 0.75 Credit Credit Credit 1. populationβ€”Midsummer, 1963 24,190 2. Number of houses and premises 8,960 3. Product of Penny Rate Β£12,668 4 5 4. Total rate in the Pound (including County and Police Rate 6 3 SEWERAGE The "Hardy annua" about Longford sewerage can now be dropped, the wholes scheme having been in operation since March, 1962. The only properties in the Urban District not yet connected to the main drainage system are : β€” (1) West Drayton Common β€” 18 houses.
(21 Stockley β€” 8 houses and 4 factories. (3j Caravan Site β€” (a) Municipal Caravan Site, West Drayton. (b) Riverside Caravan Site, West Drayton. (c) Mayfield Caravan Site, West Drayton. (4) Harmondsworth Moor β€” 2 houses.
18 SUMMARY OF INSPECTIONS AND ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES CENERAL SANITATION Water supply 53 Drainage 179 Stables and Piggeries 29 Offensive Trades 2 Fried Fish Shops 11 Tents, Vans and Sheds 519 Canal Boats 1 Factories 217 Factories Non-Power 4 Workplaces 14 Outworkers 36 Bakehouses 11 Public Conveniences 35 Theatres and Places of Entertainment 6 Licensed Premises 19 Refuse Collection 22 Refuse Disposal 157 Rats and Mice 508 Schools 5 Shops 254 Miscellaneous Sanitary Visits 290 Petroleum 73 Clean Air 286 Buffer Depot 31 Noise Abatement 9 HOUSING Under Public Health Act : No. of Houses inspected 62 Visits paid to above houses 165 Under Housing Acts: No. of Houses inspected 144 Visits paid to above houses 452 19 Overcrowding: No.
of Houses inspected 21 Visits paid to above houses 19 Filthy or Verminous Premises: No. of Houses inspected 27 Visits paid to above houses 25 Miscellaneous housing visits 366 INFECTIOUS DISEASES Inquiries in cases of I.D.
11 Visits re : disinfection β€” Miscellaneous infectious disease visits 54 MEAT AND FOOD INSPECTION Inspection of Meat : Visits to Slaughterhouses 455 Visits to shops and stalls 1 Visits to : Bakeries 11 Butchers 23 Canteens 103 Dairies and milk distributors β€” Fishmongers and poulterers 17 Food preparing premises 62 Grocers 151 Greengrocers and Fruiterers 26 Ice Cream premises 29 Market Stalls β€” Restaurants 49 Street vendors and Hawkers 14 Wholesalers 7 Schools 2 Hospitals 8 Clubs - 20 Visits in connection with sampling : Milkβ€”Bacteriological 3 Ice Cream 5 Miscellaneous food visits 192 London Airport 509 Licensed premises 30 Buffer Depot 31 Food and Drug Samples 12 Fertilizers and Feeding Stuffs 3 NOTICES SERVED No. of nuisances found β€” No. of nuisances abated - No. of verbal notices served 4 No.
of verbal notices complied with - No. of Informal notices served 30 No. of Informal notices complied with 9 No. of Statutory Notices served 6 No. of Statutory Notices complied with 8 21 DEFECTS REMEDIED AND IMPROVEMENTS MADE Dwelling Houses: Roofs : Repaired or renewed 23 External walls : pointed or rendered 12 External walls : brickwork rebuilt 3 Chimney Stacks : repaired or rebuilt 5 Gutters cleared, repaired or renewed 14 Wallplaster : repaired or renewed 11 Damp walls : rendered damp proof 17 Ceilings : repaired or renewed 14 Floors : repaired or renewed 7 Windows : repaired or renewed 75 Sashcords : renewed 9 Handrails provided 5 Doors : repaired or renewed 27 Walls : cleansed or redecorated 22 Woodwork : repaired, repainted or renewed 4 Yard, Passages : repaired 7 Firegrates : repaired or renewed 2 Sinks : new,
provided 3 Sinks : Wastepipes, repaired, renewed or trapped 7 External painting 18 Gypsy Vans removed 115 Overcrowding abated 1 Miscellaneous defects remedied 18 Rainwater pipes 5 Drainage: Choked drains cleared 321 New drains provided 4 New gullies inserted 7 Other defects remedied 2 Water Closets: Flushing cisterns repaired or renewed 2 New closets provided 24 Miscellaneous: Offensive accummulations removed 10 Verminous rooms disinfected 8 22 RODENT CONTROL Once again I bring to your notice the activities of the department with respect to rodent control. As you will see by reference to the statistics much work has been done and in no case has legal action been necessary lo cnforce compliance with the law. The service has operated satisfactorily during the year under review and splendid co-operation by the general public continues.
Complaints were received during the year concerning infestation of your tips by rats, this, despite constant surveillance which is exercised regularly. Prompt investigation and thorough action was undertaken to deal with the nuisance; this resulted in quick abatement It is worthy of note to mention that despite considerable disturbance of the Cherry Lane Tip by Contractors constructing the new motorway, there was no increase in the incidence of reported rat infestations of surrounding properties. As in the previous year, your sewers throughout the district were treated bi-annually by a specialist firm ; a most successful service. For some time now a proprietory poison has been in general use throughout the country with outstanding results. However, there are signs that resistance to this poison is appearing in the rodent population and the position is being watched very closely by all concerned This is just another reminder of the vigilance that must be maintained at all times in the war against the rat.
Infestation control of the banks of the Duke of Northumberland river continues to operate satisfactorily; this work is undertaken on behalf of the Middlesex County Council. TYPE OF PROPERTY Local Authority Dwelling Houses (inc. Council Houses) All other (including Business Premises) Total of Cols (1) (2) (3) Agricultural 1. Number of properties in Local Authority's District 37 6859 1717 8613 10 2. Total number of properties inspected as a result of notification 8 100 34 142 1 Number of such properties found to be infested by: β€” Common Rat Major β€” β€” 27 27 β€” Minor 8 100 β€” 108 1 Ship Rat Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” House Mouse Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor β€” 6 β€” 6 β€” 23 TYPE OF PROPERTY Local Authority Dwelling Houses (inc. Council Houses) All other (including Business Premises) T otal.
of Cols (1) (2) (3) Agricultural 3. Total number of properties inspected in the course of survey under the Act 9 78 5 92 2 Common Rat Major 2 β€” 5 7 2 Minor 7 78 β€” 85 β€” Ship Rat Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” House Mouse Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” 4. Total number of properties otherwise inspected (e.g. when visited primarily for for some other purpose) β€” β€” 101 101 β€” Number of such properties found to be infested by: β€” Common Rat Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Ship Rat Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” House Mouse Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” 5. Total inspections carried out including reinspections (if readily available) β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” 6.
Number of infested properties (in Sections 2, 3 and 4) treated by the L.A. 17 178 32 227 3 7. Number of notices served under Section 4 of the Act: β€” (a) Treatment β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” (b) Structural Work (i.e., Proofing) β€” β€” 3 3 β€” 24 25 TYPE OF PROPERTY Local Authority Dwelling Houses (inc. Council ) Houses) All other (including Business Premises) Total of Cols (1) (2) (3) Agrlcultural 8. Number of cases in which default action was taken following the issue of a notice under Section 4 of the Act - - - - - 9. Legal Proceedings β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” 10.
Number of β€œBlock ” Control schemes carried out - 8 - 8 - FOOD INSPECTION Regular inspections of all types of food premises continued throughout the whole year and where action needed to be taken this was done, in the form of advice, sometimes by notice and reports to the Public Health Committee in cases where authority for legal action for non compliance was needed. No. of Shops. Inspections.
Grocers 39 151 Cafes Restaurants, Snack Bars, Canteens and Food Preparing Premises 38 214 Greengrocers 15 26 Sweet Shops and Ice Cream Premises 24 26 Confectionery and Bread 8 4 Fried Fish and Chip Shops 7 11 Butchers 22 23 Public Houses and Off-Licences 31 20 Chemists 7 6 Bakehouses 5 11 Pet Shops 3 3 OTHER FOOD INSPECTIONS Fishmongers and Poulterers 17 Ministry of Food, Buffer Depot 31 Imported Food, London Airport 509 Ice Cream Samples 5 Water Samples 1 Milk Samples 3 Miscellaneous; Food Visits 254 New certificates of registration were granted to three premises during the year for the sale and storage of ice-cream. The total number of premises registered for the manufacture of preserved foods is 22 and the total number of premises registered for the sale of ice-cream is 70.
Four mobile vehicles are registered under the Middlesex County Council Act for the sale of ice-cream. 26 FACTORIES 1 Inspections of Factories: Premises No. on Register No. of Inspections No. of Written Notices No. of Prosecutions 1. Factories in which Sections 1-4 and 6 are to be enforced by L.A. 7 3 1 β€” 2. Factories not included in Section 1 in which Section 7 is enforced by L.A 162 113 9 β€” 3. Other premises in which Section 7 is enforced by L.A. (excluding Outworkers premises) β€” β€” β€” β€” TOTAL : 169 116 10 β€” 2. Defects found in Factories : Particulars Number of cases in which defects were found Number of cases in which prosecutions were instituted Found Remedied Referred To H.M. Inspector By H.M.
Inspector (1) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1. Want of cleanliness 4 2 β€” β€” β€” 2. Inadequate ventilation 3 2 β€” β€” β€” 3. Sanitary conveniences : (a) Insufficient 1 1 - - - (b) Unsuitable or defective - β€” β€” β€” β€” (c) Not separate for sexes β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Other offences against the Act (not including offences relating to outwork) 2 2 - - - TOTAL: 10 7 - - - 3. Outworkers: There are 30 outworkers, all of which were visited during the year. Conditions were found to be satisfactory in every case. 27 SECTION E HOUSING The total number of visits and inspections of dwelling houses in connection with complaints and other matters was 1.281. Unfit houses made fit and houses in which defects were remedied: By Local By Owner Authority 1.
After informal action by Local Authority 21 β€” 2. After formal notice under (a) Public Health Act 1936 7 (b) Housing Act 1957 16 Unfit Houses Closed: No. of houses closed under Housing Act β€” Unfit Houses Demolished: No. of houses demolished pursuant to Section 17 of the Housing Act 1957 2 SLUM CLEARANCE Of the five Clearance Areas I mentioned in my previous report, four have now been demolished and the fifthβ€”White's Cottages, Bath Road, Harlington, is still occupied because of legal complications and a Crown Interest in the freehold. Houses demolished in Clearance Areas: 34. 28 RENT ACT 1957 Part Iβ€”A pplications for Certificates of Disrepair.
(1) Number of applications for certificates 2 (2) Number of decisions not to issue certificates β€” (3) Number of decisions to issue certificates 2 (a) In respect of some but not all defects β€” (b) In respect of all defects 2 (4) Number of undertakings given by landlords under paragraph 5 of the First Schedule β€” (5) Number of undertakings refused by Local Authority under proviso to paragraph 5 of the First Schedule (6) Number of certificates issued 1 Part IIβ€”A pplications for Cancellation of Certificates (7) Application by landlords to Local Authority for cancellation of certificates β€” (8) Objections by tenants to cancellation of certificates (9) Decisions by Local Authority to cancel in spite of tenant's objection - (10) Certificates cancelled by Local Authority Housing (Financial Provisions) Act 1958. House Purchase and Housing Act 1959. Housing Act 1961.
During the year seven standard and five discretionary grant applications for Improvement Grants were received and the Council agreed to contribute financial aid as follows:β€” Total cost of approved work was (a) for Standard Grant Β£2020 0 0 (b) Discretionary Grant Β£794 14 2 Total payments made or to be made by Local Authority (a) for Standard Grant Β£810 9 7 (b) Discretionary Grant Β£1435 17 6 29 SECTION F FOOD HYGIENE The importance attaching to the inspection of food premises has always been considered high in the list of environmental functions and the supervision of these premises has been maintained. Their condition, over the whole of the Urban District can be considered extremely good. Food Inspections: The following table shows the amount of food condemned during the year under review, but does not include meat condemned at the Slaughterhouse. Lbs. Ozs. Lbs. Ozs. Apricots 34 10 Oranges 2 1 Bacon 16
0 Oxtail 5 0 Beef 244 0 Ox Tripe 25 0 Blackberries 15 Peaches 21 4 Cheese 22 0 Pears 22 1 Cream 11 14 Peas 12 3 Creamed Rice 2 15 Pilchards 1 1 Cooked Ham 162 5 Pineapple 8 13 Corned Beef 13 7 Plums 5 0 Evaporated Milk 7 6 Pork 287 12 Fish 114 0 Pork Luncheon Meat 16 12 Fruit Salad 7 10 Red Salmon 1 7 Grapefruit Juice 2 6 Sardines 4 Jam 2 4 Steak and Kidney Pies 3 8 Lamb 53 0 Stewed Steak 11 10 Lamb Hearts 5 0 Strawberries 6 12 Lemonade Shandy 1 3 Soups 4 14 Livers 30 0 Tomatoes 37 2 Mixed Vegetables 163 0
Tongue 6 8 Veal 65 12 Ice Cream: 19 ice-cream samples were taken during the year under review, and the results of these, which were satisfactory, are shown in the provision grade below:β€” 6 ice lollies were also examined, 5 of which were satisfactory, and 1 which was suspicious. Grade No. of Samples 1 19 2 β€” 3 - 4 β€” 30 SLAUGHTERING AND MEAT INSPECTIONS Your Public Health Inspectors carried out 100% inspection of all animals killed for human consumption and also operated the Deadweight Certification Centre for the Ministry of Agriculture. Fisheries and Food for the first three months of 1964. The number of pigs weighed and graded totalled 4,453 and the income to the Council was Β£19 8s. 6d. From a total number of 6,060 animals inspected it was necessary to condemn 2 tons 2 cwts 2 qrs.
22Β½ lbs. of pork, beef, mutton and veal which was diseased and unfit for human consumption. All condemned meat was coloured with an approved dye and sent, by arrangement, to Smithfield Animal Products Ltd , for processing into fertilisers. My thanks are due to both the Director of the Pathological Laboratory at Hillingdon and the Director of the Ministry of Agriculture. Fisheries and Food Research Laboratory at Byfleet, whose services and help have been available when difficult diagnosis of disease has been encountered.
Carcases and Offal Inspected: Cattle excluding Cows Cows Calves Sheep and Lambs Pigs Horses Number killed 457 52 166 934 4453 β€” All diseases except Tuberculosis and Cystercerci β€” 2 3 2 19 β€” Whole carcases condemned β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Carcases of which some part or organ was condemned 38 14 β€” β€” 199 β€” Percentage of the number inspected affected with disease other than Tuberculosis and Cystercerci 8.3% 30.7% 1.8% 21 % 4.8% β€” Tuberculosis only:β€” Whole carcase condemned β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Carcase of which some part or organ was condemned β€” β€” β€” β€” 52 β€” 31 Cattle excluding Cows Cows Calves Sheep and Lambs Pigs s Percentage of the number inspected affected with Tuberculosis β€” β€” β€” β€” 1.
1% β€” Cystercercosis: Carcase of which some part or organ was condemned β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Carcases submitted to treatment by refrigeration β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Generalised and totally condemned β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Percentage of the number inspected affected with Cystercercosis β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” BUFFER DEPOT, HARMONDSWORTH The inspection of canned meats continued throughout the year at Buffer Depot 11L, Harmondsworth. 11tons 7cwts. 3qrs. 4lbs. 7ozs. of meat was condemned representing 7,860 tins. 32 SMOKE CONTROL AREAS The effect of Smoke Control Areas No. 3 and 4, coming into operation in 1962, resulted in the Council's programme being brought up to its timed schedule of bringing an area into operation every year. This programme was maintained in 1963 as Smoke Control Area No. 5 became operative on 1.12.63.
Area No. 5, comprised 281 acres and was bounded on the North by Whitethorn Avenue, Laburnum Avenue and the northern boundary of Kingston Lane Playing Fields, thence easterly along the Urban District Boundary to its junction with Hayes and Harlington Urban District Boundary, thence southwards to Starveall Bridge, thence westerly to Horton Bridge Road, thence northwards along Horton Bridge Road to the junction of that read with Horton Road, thence westerly along Horton Road to Acacia Avenue, thence northerly along Acacia Avenue to its junction with Whitethorn Avenue, Yiewsley. The classification of properties in the area are as follows:β€” Area No.
Industrial Commercial DwellingΒ« Others 5 24 3 244 - Private Houses Council Houses Grant Aided Non-Grant Aided Grant Aided Non-Grant Aided 32 β€” 180 32 33 LONDON AIRPORT The year that has passed represents the first full year of passenger handling in the Central Terminal Area, and one can already see the start of redevelopment work on the North Terminal Area. Two new Aircraft Kitchens are in the process of construction to take the place of existing kitchens which are both outdated and inadequate to cope with increased passenger handling. Routine inspections have been made throughout the year in all the catering premises but unfortunately in one case summonses had to be issued for contravention of the Food Hygiene Regulations. These were withdrawn following compliance with the regulations before the case should have been heard. Food inspection: The Public Health (Imported Food) Regulations 1937.48 were administered by your Staff and 152tons 12cwts. 2qrs. 12 lbs.
of food imported into the Country from Austria, Germany, Australia. U.S.A. France, Holland, Czechoslovakia and Ireland were inspected. 509 inspections during the day and night were made. Details of the various foods inspected are as follows:β€” No. of Samples Confectionery and Flour Confectionery 1 4 3 1 Fresh Meat 41 2 3 18 Cooked Meat and Meat Products 14 19 1 13 Salami and Other Sausages 56 7 1 25 Fish 5 16 0 10 Shellfish 1 11 2 22 Fruit 7 8 3 24 Vegetables 3 9 0 23 Offal 1 1 17 Cheese 2 12 1 10 Butter 2 0 7 Miscellaneous 17 16 1 10 34 In addition to the above inspections, sampling of foodswas also carried out and the results are shown hereunder:β€” No.
of Samples Taken Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Gypsy Pork Roast 36 16 20 Sausages 44 32 12 Fish in Aspic 1 β€” 1 Cooked Meats 29 17 12 Pate de fois 3 3 β€” Pastry 3 2 1 Mayonnaise 4 4 β€” Cheese 11 8 3 Lobster 2 1 1 Fresh Meat 2 2 β€” TOTALS 135 85 50 Drinking Water from Aircraft: 52 samples of drinking water were taken from Aircraft during the year and details of these are as follows:β€” Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Taken from fixed tank system 4 β€” Taken from portable flasks 17 β€” Taken from Bowsers 6 β€” Taken from Mains Water 6 β€” Taken from Siphons 19 β€” 52 - Petroleum Installations: There are four major petroleum storage depots, holding a total of 3,765,900 gallons of fuel, which were licensed for the year,
and approval in principal has been given for a fifth major installation. Fumes and Noise from Aircraft: Complaints of fumes and particularly of noise from aircraft are still voiced loudly by complainants and although many high level meetings have taken place on this subject existing legislation does not seem to offer any remedy. 35 WEST DRAYTON PRINTING CO. LTD. With the Clerks Compliments Yieusley and West Drayton Urban District Concil Telephone: West Drayton 2215
D. K. E. Egleton, J.P. Vice-Chairman Councillor T. Earnshaw Members Councillor R. W. Aoslin β€ž Mrs. B. A. Beaumont, J.P. β€ž T. Cluny β€ž J. W. Coupe R. W. Cox β€ž J. T. Croly W. W. Daniell β€ž A. H. Dilley β€ž Mrs. J. Gorman f β€ž Mrs.
R. M. Hollis T. Holt S. J. Orme H. J. C. Key β€ž R. Perry β€ž A. V. Redwood β€ž J. Rowe β€ž T. H. Seers β€ž T. B. Thomas β€ž S. F. G. Walker β€ž M. J. R. Wapltngton 3 PUBLIC HEALTH COMMITTEE Chairman Councillor J. Rowe Vice-Chairman Councillor R. W. Cox Members Councillor T. Cluny β€ž W. W. Daniell β€ž T. Earnshaw β€ž Mrs.
R. M. Hollis β€ž S. J. Orme β€ž T. H. Seers β€ž S. F. G. Walker HOUSING COMMITTEE Chairman Councillor S. F. G. Walker Vice-Chairman Councillor J. T. Croly Members The Committee is composed of all members of the Council 4 PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT STAFF Temporary Medical Officer of Health Laurence F. Keenan Chief Public Health Inspector Alfred Marin, M.R.S.H., F.A.P.H.I. Deputy Chief Public Health Inspector Thomas Marshall, M.A.P.H.I. Additional Public Health Inspectors Seth Maher, M.A.P.H.I. David G. Coombes, M.A.P.H.I. Chief Clerk Mr. K. B. Paul Clerical Assistants Mrs.
P. M. Steele, Miss A. V. Lawrbnce, Miss P. S. Barker (left 23.8.64), Miss P. A. Nash (appointed 10.8.64) 5 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH FOR 1964 Madam Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the honour to present my report on the health of the district for the year 1964. On the whole the district was healthy during the year. There were no major epidemics of infectious diseases, Measles and Whooping Cough being the two chief diseases notified. The principal cause of death was Coronary Thrombosis. This disease and other Cardio-Vascular diseases accounted for over one third of all deaths notified.
In presenting my report I feel a certain sadness as it is the last time a Medical Officer's report will be presented to your Council and I would like to record my sincere thanks to yourself, Madam Chairman, and to all members of the Council for their courteousness to me during my time as Medical Officer of Health. 1 also wish to thank Mr. Makin, Chief Public Health Inspector, his Deputy, Mr. Marshall, the other Public Health Inspectors and the clerical staff of the Public Health Department for their help and kindness to me. It has been a very great pleasure to work with such a fine team. In conclusion I wish the new Hillingdon Borough Council, and in particular Dr. Dobson the Medical Officer of Health, every good wish for the future.
6 SECTION A Area in acres 5,276 Total population 1964 (midsummer) (estimated by the Registrar General 24,550 Estimated number of inhabited dwellings 7,342 Rateable Value (31st March, 1964) Β£3,067,141 Product of the Penny Rate 1964/65 Β£12,838 12s. Od. VITAL STATISTICS LIVE BIRTHS Male Female Total Legitimate 249 223 472 Illegitimate 16 8 24 265 231 496 Live Birth Rate per 1,000 estimated population (adjusted) (1) 1964: 19.19. Live Birth Rate per 1,000 estimated population (adjusted) (2) 1963: 18.09. (1) This figure has been adjusted from 20.20 by the Registrar's Comparability Factor of .95. (2) This figure has been adjusted from 19.05 by the Registrar's Comparability Factor of .90.