stringlengths 0
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stringlengths 0
Infection of intervertebral disc (pyogenic), thoracolumbar region | Okužba medvretenčne ploščice (diskusa) (gnojna), torakolumbalni predel |
Other fish meat, frozen, of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae, other than Alaska pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), other (excl. surimi), n.e.s. | Drugo ribje meso (nemleto ali mleto) iz družin Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae in Muraenolepididae, razen aljaškega polaka (Theragra chalcogramma), razen surima drugih rib, zamrznjeno |
01.03.081 | MUTA |
Fibre cement | Izdelki iz vlaknatega cementa |
Nicotine and its salts | Nikotin in soli |
long-pile textile fabrics | dolgolasasta tkanina |
Date format: | Oblika datuma: |
Network address translation: How to avoid common problems | Prevajanje omrežnega naslova: kako se izogniti pogostim težavam |
results | rezultat |
5.XVI.149 violation of copyright and related rights | 5.XVI.149 kršitev avtorskih sorodnih pravic |
4.XXV.252012 special cases of forgery of documents - Par. 1, It. 2 | 4.XXV.252012 posebni primeri ponarejanja listin - od. 1, tč. 2 |
pickling acids (hazardous) | Kisline za luženja (nevaren) |
4.XXIX.298032 participation in group committing a criminal offence - Par. 3 in resp. of par. 2 | 4.XXIX.298032 sodelovanje v skupini, ki stori kaznivo dejanje - od. 3 v zvezi z od. 2 |
Crude safflower oil (excl. for technical or industrial uses, chemically modified) | Olje iz žafranike, surovo, drugo, kemično nemodificirano |
- | - |
Plugged in fully charged icon | Ikona stanja, ko je telefon priključen na napajanje in povsem napolnjen |
Statistics of building permits, Slovenia | Statistika gradbenih dovoljenj za stavbe, Slovenija, november 2017 |
Minimized error potential with one-time entry of information and system-wide, automated updates | minimalna možnost napak z enkratnim vnosom informacij in samodejne posodobitve v celotnem sistemu |
Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of heading 8535, 8536 or 8537, n.e.s. | Deli za varovalke, releje, odklopnike in pa drugo, drugi, ostali |
Edit chemical structures and reactions | Uredite kemijske strukture in reakcije |
Procurement Card Number | Številka nabavne kartice |
The contracting authority or its authorised representative must send it to the contractor, who has 30 days following the date of receipt to submit observations. | Javni naročnik ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik ga mora poslati izvajalcu, ta pa ima po prejemu poročila na voljo 30 dni za predložitev pripomb. |
Your short description about the plugin goes here | Name |
Working assumption should be full Schengen membership of all MS by EES launch date. | Delovna predpostavka bi morala biti polnopravno schengensko članstvo vseh držav članic do datuma vzpostavitve SVI. |
Smooth surface | Smooth surface (gladka površina) |
Professional. | Profesionalen. |
Friend options | Možnosti pri prijateljih |
Ploughs (excluding mouldboard ploughs) | Krožnični in drugi plugi |
Note the message on the command line that the indexes are being updated. | V ukazni vrstici lahko opazite sporočilo, ki pravi, da se kazala posodabljajo. |
stresses that the presumption of innocence is a fundamental principle in any constitutional state; | poudarja, da je domnevna nedolžnost temeljno načelo v vsaki ustavni državi; |
Melanoma in situ of eyelid, including canthus | Melanom in situ veke, vključno kantus |
Have questions? Contact us 24/7 at [email protected] | Za več vprašanj nam pišite na [email protected] 24 ur na dan, 7 dni v tednu. |
Ammochostos | Ammochostos |
0,2622 | 0,2622 |
Women's or girls' suits of textile materials, knitted or crocheted (excl. of synthetic fibres, and ski overalls and swimwear) | Kostimi, pleteni ali kvačkani, iz drugih tekstilnih surovin |
The Commission shall maintain a constantly updated public website containing this information. | Stalno tudi posodablja spletno mesto, ki vsebuje te informacije. |
Memory: 128 MB of RAM or more (we recommend 256 MB or more) | Pomnilnik: 128 MB RAM-a ali več (priporočamo 256 MB ali več) |
Aquaculture | Ribogojstvo |
purge | splakovanje |
Humidity is | Vlažnost je |
ICER | mejno razmerje stroškovne učinkovitosti |
Other tools | Drugo orodje |
shorebirds | pobrežniki |
Knives and cutting blades, for machines or for mechanical appliances | Drugi noži in rezila za stroje ali mehanske naprave |
tidal areas | območja plimovanja |
The level of the Seine is alarmingly high (Paris, 3 June 2016) | Vodostaj Sene je kritično visok (Pariz, 3. junij 2016) |
family benefit | družinske doklade |
OECD Decision | sklep OECD |
river channelling | preusmerjanje vodotokov |
Message body name | Ime za telo sporočila |
For Articles 9-11: | Za člene 9–11: |
Flexographic printing machinery | Tiskarski stroji, stroji za fleksografski tisk (za brezkončne obrazce) |
See, inter alia: | Glej med drugim |
Rethink what the web can be | Zamislite si splet v novi podobi |
Tags: | Oznake: |
Fresh or chilled edible offal of horses, asses, mules and hinnies (excl. for manufacture of pharmaceutical products) | Drugi užitni klavnični izdelki iz mesa konj, oslov, mul in mezgov, drugi, sveže ali ohlajeno |
Forged bars (of stainless steel) | Kovane palice iz nerjavnega jekla |
3 The water tank should be separated from pump module (including water tube) by turning the knob with a hand (90 degrees counterclockwise) | 3 Posodo za vodo ločite od modula črpalke (vključno s cevjo za vodo) tako, da z roko obrnete vrtljivi gumb (za 90 stopinj v nasprotni smeri urnega kazalca) |
360 | 360 |
fruit tree | sadno drevo |
Commission services | službe Komisije |
7.XXXIV.362 evasion of defence duties by deception | 7.XXXIV.362 izmikanje obrambnim dolžnostim s preslepitvijo |
AutoCAD 2008 now stores the scales list within the drawing file, and so this list can vary. | V AutoCAD-u 2008 se seznam meril shrani v datoteko risbe, zato je lahko ta seznam vsakič rahlo drugačen. |
200 | 200 |
Hand-made paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets (excluding newsprint) | Ročno izdelan papir in karton |
Wholesale of other machinery and equipment | Trgovina na debelo z drugimi napravami in opremo |
online image library software | elektronska programska oprema za knjižnice podob |
Check that the transfer amount has been withdrawn from your bank account. | Preverite, ali je bil znesek nakazila dvignjen z vašega bančnega računa. |
During workout, you may press the STOP button on the computer console to end your workout at any time. | Med vadbo lahko kadar koli končate vadbo s pritiskom tipke STOP na računalniški konzoli. |
Options: | Možnosti: |
Place a check mark in this field if you want the program to automatically calculate the invoice discount amount in connection with sales documents. | Potrdite polje, če naj program samodejno izračuna znesek popusta na računu v povezavi s prodajnimi dokumenti. |
11. avgust 2020 | 11. avgust 2020 |
To check if you already have credentials, follow these steps: | Če želite preveriti, ali že imate poverilnice za omrežje , sledite tem korakom: |
Its goals are: | Njeni cilji so: |
audio-visual media services; | avdio-vizualne medijske storitve; |
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico | Portoriko |
38 | 38 |
Invite or remove guests | Povabilo za goste ali odstranjevanje gostov s seznama |
Other rail locomotives, locomotive tenders | Druge lokomotive, lokomotivski zalogovniki |
3 (F)riends | 3 Prijatelji (F) |
AM 12, AM 15, AM 13, AM 14 | PS 12, PS 15, PS 13, PS 14. |
View Reported Panorama on Maps | Ogled prijavljenega panoramskega pogleda na zemljevidih |
Don't have a video ad? | Še nimate video oglasa? |
a. our gums provide support and protection for our teeth | a. naše dlesni nudijo zobem oporo in jih ščitijo |
Cumulative production in the first half of 2015 was almost 7% lower than in the same period last year. | V prvi polovici leta 2015 pa je bilo proizvedenih za skoraj 7% manj fermentiranih mlečnih izdelkov kot v istem obdobju prejšnjega leta. |
To see the country codes in the Countries window, click the AssistButton in the field. | Če želite videti šifre držav v oknu Države, kliknite AssistButton v polju. |
Bypass the schedule recalculation error. 1 for Yes, 0 for default No | Zaobidi napako preračuna terminskega plana. 1 za Da, 0 za privzeto Ne |
Collective Bank Services Fee Reports | Zbrana poročila o pristojbinah za bančne storitve |
For plasterboard walls, the test results are also valid for walls with a greater number of plasterboard layers on each side. | Pri montažnih stenah so rezultati preizkusa veljavni tudi za stene z večjim številom mavčno-kartonskih slojev na vsaki strani. |
(Insert the Job No. field with the design features.) | (Vnesite želene funkcije v polje Št. projekta.) |
TECHNICAL FEATURES ..........................................................................................................pag.18 | TEHNIČNE LASTNOSTI ............................................................................................ str. 18 |
Thermo-Mediterranean and pre-steppe brush | grmišča zmerno-sredozemskih in predstepskih območij |
Retail sale of stationery in specialized stores | Trgovina na drobno v specializiranih prodajalnah s papirjem in pisalnimi potrebščinami |
Agreement on the text | dogovor o besedilu |
Design information | Informacije o izvedbi |
5.XXXII.342010 poaching - Par. 1 | 5.XXXII.342010 nezakonit lov - od. 1 |
On May 10th, you receive a conversion from a click that occurred on May 6th. Because the conversion occurred less than 30 days after the click, your account is charged. | 10. maja prejmete preusmeritev klika z dne 6. maja. Ker je do preusmeritve prišlo manj kot 30 dni po kliku, strošek bremeni vaš račun. |
Annex I : | Priloga I: |
Click Remove alias. | Kliknite Odstrani vzdevek. |
6.XXXIII.359021 incitement to violent change of the constitutional order - Par. 2 in resp. of par. 1 | 6.XXXIII.359021 ščuvanje k nasilni spremembi ustavne ureditve - od. 2 v zvezi z od. 1 |