[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:对外宣称只不过是追回逃奴,搜索仇家而已。”唐源嘟囔,越来越搞不清楚君邪到底卖的什么药。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Externally, we only announced that we are chasing after some runaway slaves and some enemies,” Tang Yuan mumbled. He was becoming confused as to what kind of solution Jun Xie was trying to give him.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:但这种光流,于人无益,星罗海因为星流光泉太多,此起彼伏的爆发,所以常年处于光流笼罩范围内。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "However, this starlight was not beneficial to martial practitioners. Due to there being too many springs in the Star shifting Sea that erupted intermittently, the entire area was enveloped by starlight all year round.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:专为此人,联盟甚至修改了一项比赛设定:团战中死掉的人禁止再发消息。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Just for him, the Alliance created a special competition rule: in the team competition, dead players were prohibited from sending out messages.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:笔言飞是个爱憎很分明的人,高兴、不高兴,都不会藏着。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Flying Brushstroke was someone who wasn’t afraid to say what his opinions were. Whether he was happy or not, he wouldn’t hide it.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:每次训练,倘若没有到极限的话,基本就没有什么效果。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "If he didn’t take go to the extreme each time he trained, there would basically be no results.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:她崇拜汪墨涵,崇拜他的聪明、勤奋、意志力、威望、魅力、舞蹈和在篮球比赛中毫不费力的三分球。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "She worshiped Wang Mohan for his intelligence, diligence, will power, prestige, charm, dancing and effortless three-pointer shots in basketball. ", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:具体样貌体型有编辑器,自己设计也行,直接随机生成也行,喜欢真实的,更可以直接把自己照片扫进编辑器,再提供部分基本数据后,编辑器就可以自动会生成游戏里的角色模型,和本人基本一致。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The details of appearance and build were done through an editor. A self-designed one worked too. A random generated one also worked. If you liked reality, then you could directly take a picture and put your own face into the editor. After providing basic body measurements, the editor could automatically create a character model that looked the same as the original player.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:所以会有大把的玩家会辛酸落泪了,会有陈果一提到斗神一叶之秋就开始黯然神伤。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "As a result, a large handful of players bitterly wept and like Chen Guo, would sadden at the mention of the Battle God One Autumn Leaf.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:随着长刀品级的攀升,此刀似乎越来越内敛,越来越沉寂,唯有出刀对敌的一刻,方才一鸣惊人。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Accompanied by the increase in grade of this sabre, this sabre seemed to have become more and more drawn in into itself, having become more and more silent. Only when this sabre was facing its enemies did it shock the world.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:一是强化攻击性技能,放弃部分鬼阵,最终达到伤害最大化的鬼剑士,俗称斩鬼。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The first type used skills that buffed their attacks. They gave up some of their Phantom Ghosts, in order to achieve the highest attack. They were commonly referred to as Sword Demons.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:两人都是极为刚猛的武学,极为暴烈霸道的作风,动手就分生死,区区几招便一同挂彩。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Their martial arts were both extremely tough and ferocious with their styles violent and tyrannical such that life and death could be decided in a matter of blows, just a mere few blows already being greatly remarkable and awe-inspiring.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:玩家的水平无论多高,只要能达到副本极限的要求,那就能刷出极限记录,水平比这更高,却也没用。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "No matter how skilled a player was, as long as they hit the limit, that player wouldn’t be able to beat it.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:一个吻而已,却似要吻到地老天荒,此生无期。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "It was just a kiss, but it seemed that they would kiss to the end of time and forever.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:拥有十年荣耀经历的人,在玩家群中不少,但在职业圈中反而不剩几个。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Those with ten years of experience in Glory weren’t few among the player population. But there were only a few left in the pro-scene.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:东卫学府的学生一般使用的都是轻卡,轻卡是气流卡的简化版,它能产生一定的向下气流,减轻体重对双腿的负荷。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "What the Eastern Wei Academy students generally used was the lightweight card. The lightweight card was a simplified jet stream card, which could emit a specific downward flow, to lighten the load on the legs.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:它是天生的刀客,那双强劲的镰刀前爪,加上高超的捕食技巧,令它在丛林中横行无忌。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "It was a natural knife master with its two powerful sickle-blade front claws.When you added to that its excellent hunting skills, it could run amok in the jungle.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:郑洁跟了他,便觉得日子比以前快了许多,春花秋月一晃就没了,而一天一天的日子又都是实实在在的。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "After marrying him, Zheng Jie felt that the romantic life was much faster than before but every day was real. ", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:手速,并不能提高角色的攻速,角色的攻速是以本身的职业和装备来决定的,是一个固定的数据。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Hand speed wouldn’t increase the character’s attack speed. The character’s attack speed was determined by class and equipment. It was a fixed number.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:这是个不需要化妆,仅仅一出现就能艳压四方的女人。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "This was a woman who didn’t need any makeup, and only needs to be present to captivate her surroundings.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:我在你身边时,一直怯懦得要命。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "I was such a coward when you were by my side.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:在长光村之中,没有法律。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "There were no laws in Always Bright Village.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:但夏欣怡不减速!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "But, Elaine Shire didn't slow down!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:在这个瞬息万变的战场,几秒是一段漫长的时间。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "In such a tumultuous battlefield, a few seconds was a long time.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:除了对练区和专业级训练区对卡修的等级有严格的限制外,其他区都是对所有人开放的。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Apart from the drilling grounds and the specialized training grounds which were strictly limited to the card artisan classification, other areas were open to anyone.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:这不是“灵摆法”的简化,而是“梦境占卜”的简化,刚刚那个瞬间,克莱恩借助冥想,让自身强行入睡,“神”游灵界,硬币正反面则是外显的象征符号。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "This was not a simplification of spirit dowsing. Instead, it was a simplification of dream divination. At that moment, Klein had forced himself into a state of sleep with the aid of Cogitation in order to take a tour through the spirit world. The heads and tails of the coin were a symbolic manifestation.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:赶上心情好时请个大餐什么的,赶上的员工都是幸福满满。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Sometimes she would be in a good mood and would invite everyone over for a big meal. Those that were there during those times always felt very lucky.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:任何地方,都不缺无法无天的亡命之徒,你比他强,自然什么都不用多说,但如果当前奈何不得对方,那还是以和为贵,毕竟动起手来,对方不会顾忌自家身后的宗门。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "There was never a place which lacked lawless people who cared not about the possible consequences, being completely willing to the deed and go on the run after. If you were stronger than him, nothing would naturally have to be said. If you were unable to stand against him, however, it would be best to maintain a harmonious relationship with him. After all, if you fought, he would not care about the sect that stood behind you at all.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:对于楚斯哲来说,楚衍不是长辈,而是一个威仪而疼爱他的哥哥,楚衍对他的感情,不次于他的父母。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "For him, Joseph Chum was not an elder but a dignified and loving elder brother. Joseph Chum's affection for him was no less than that of his parents.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:这豪宅高大雄伟犹如殿堂,一楼大厅南北跨度一千多米,夏欣怡强撑着走出大门,这一刻,再坚持不下去,双腿一软,瘫坐在门前的金玉石阶上。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "This villa was lofty and majestic as if it was a palace. The hall on the first floor was more than 1,000 meters in width from north to south. Elaine Shire had to support herself and walked out of the gate. At this moment, she couldn't hold on any longer and she slumped on the golden stone steps in front of the gate.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:华灯初上,京都的夜生活刚刚开始,灯红酒绿,流光溢彩,悄然迷了众人的眼。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "When the evening lights were lit, nightlife was just beginning in the capital. The flowing light and color silently attracted everyone's eyes.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:媒介的不同将直接影响感知的特姓。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Media had different characteristic ways to directly influence perception, ", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:男人的力量这么大,夏欣怡感觉自己的脖子都快被捏断了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "His strength was so great that Elaine Shire felt her neck was almost broken.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:这个过程是“近距感知”最危险的阶段,每个人的身体都有自我保护意识,卡修在这方面更是尤其突出。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "That procedure was the most dangerous part of near-field perception. Every person’s body had self-defense awareness, and card artisans were especially outstanding in that regard.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:顾小姐这身子骨实在是太弱了,这几个月,霍少也鲜少见到人,都说怀孕的女人最要陪伴的,偏偏……\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Miss Koo was really too weak. In recent months, Mr. Horton had rarely been seen. Companionship was what a pregnant woman needed most, but...", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:入乡随俗,生活在乱世,就得习惯乱世的规则。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Since he was now living in these chaotic times, he would have to get used to the rules of this new world.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:而他肖夜的人生,也再也与她夏欣怡无关!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "And Samuel Shaw's life had nothing to do with her anymore!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:客厅里坐满了人,全都是萧家直系或旁枝的女眷。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The living room was full of people, all of them were females from the immediate or collateral relatives of the Shaws.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:嘴角邪气的勾着,男子水墨画般的双眉仿佛要扬到天上去。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "He smiled fascinatingly, with ink-like eyebrows raising obviously.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:他真的病到必须看医生的程度了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "He had to see a doctor.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:如今的叶修不只是君莫笑在游戏里有名,本人在网吧里也火了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Nowaday, Ye Xiu’s Lord Grim wasn’t well-known only in the game. Ye Xiu himself was well-known in the Internet Cafe.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:这样的情况下实在无法再坚持下去也已经没什么意义,最终会长春易老果断地选择了放弃。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "In this state, however, they had no way of advancing so Changing Spring eventually made the decision to give up.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:那职业选手未免也太不值钱了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "If that were true, then pro-players weren’t worth anything.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:道道清气散逸出来,将这片院落笼罩,外界难以看清其中究竟。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Streams of clear qi emanated, enveloping the entire courtyard such that it would be hard to view things within from the outside.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:最重要的是,冷漪凝遇到了少爷!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Most importantly, Rose encountered Mr. Jayden!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:怎么也想不到楚衍如此豪横,肖夜惊讶的瞪着这个冷如冰山的男人,双唇张开着,却哑口无言。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Unexpectedly, Joseph was so overbearing. Samuel stared at this indifferent man in surprise. His mouth opened, but he was speechless.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:正道同样有卑鄙小人,魔道同样有英雄豪杰。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "There were similarly underhanded scum on the side of Good and great heroes on the side of Evil.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:浑身仍然酸软无力,夏欣怡支撑着下了床,楚衍气场冷冽强势,这双冰眸犹如无底的深渊,她几乎用尽了自己全部勇气才敢和他对视\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Although she was still weak, Elaine Shire supported herself out of bed. Joseph Chum's aura was cold and strong and his cold eyes were like a bottomless abyss. She almost exhausted all her courage before she dared to look at him. \"Mr. Chum saved me and looked up to me so much. I was very grateful. However, Mr. Chum is so noble that I am not good enough for you and I can't out-marry you.\"", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:而难度八十的情况下,能得八十分,又是一个什么概念?\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "And what did it mean to get eighty points in those circumstances?", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:而这些天中,星云门也并不平静。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "And during these days, the Lucky Star School was also not at peace.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:这只土鸡高能有半米,又胖又圆,羽毛呈土黄色,扔进土坷垃堆里,估计没人会注意。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "This brown chicken was only half a meter tall, very fat and round. Its feathers were a yellow brown color, and if you were to throw it into a pile of dirt, most likely no one would be able to notice it.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:但这样存留的字迹,视武者修为而言,存续时间都有极限,而且相对较短。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "However, such markings that were left behind, based on the cultivation base of a martial practitioner, would only remain existent for a limited period of time, which was comparatively shorter.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:这就是狻猊,一头真正的太古遗种,虽然高贵血统已然不纯,不复太古祖先那般逆天,但依然在山脉深处称尊一方。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "This was a Suan Ni, a genuine archaic descendant. Despite the fact that its noble blood wasn’t the purest and not as heaven defying as that of its archaic ancestors, it was still the most respected existence within the depths of the mountains.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:同学们都羡慕得不行,说到底是大才女呀,阳子缺两次课就让老师惦记得不行。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The other students couldn’t have envied her more. They said, “Teacher's so concerned about her even though she only missed two classes. It’s so good to be a talented girl!” ", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:最令人惊恐的是房间正中间放着一把椅子,周身布满了电源,上面还有一些褐色的斑点。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "What was the most frightening was that there was a chair in the middle of the room which was covered with power sources and some brown spots.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:一个孩子而已,不足四岁,竟这般惊人,百骨虽断,精气神却不减,且更凶戾了,如神火炉子在燃烧,生平仅见。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "It was merely a child who wasn’t even four years old, yet he was already this astonishing. Although hundreds of bones had been broken, he became increasingly tyrannical as his divine furnace burned even brighter on the verge of death.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:只知道它的物理姓能出色,价格低廉,易加工。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "He only knew that it had excellent physical properties, was easy to process, and was inexpensive.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:身高186cm的楚衍高出夏欣怡一头,他的声音在夏欣怡上方掠过。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Joseph Chum, who was 6 feet tall, was one head taller than Elaine Shire, and his voice passed over Elaine Shire.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:燕狄静静听着,素来霸道锐利的目光,此刻格外的柔和。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "As Yan Di quietly listened, his usually sharp, domineering gaze was exceptionally gentle.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:制卡师和制卡师是不同的,他们制作出来的卡片也自然是不同的。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Each card master was different from the others, and the cards that they make are naturally different as well.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:床头背后的墙面上是颜色过渡的抽象图案,落地窗,白色半透明纱帘,窗前是一个小圆桌和两张沙发。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The wall at the head of the bed showed abstract patterns of shifting colors. Translucent, white curtains covered the French window, and in front of the window sat a small circular table and two comfortable chairs.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:老少咸宜,男女都爱,媒体吹捧,广告商青睐。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "He was suitable for the young and old. Both males and females liked him. The media praised his accomplishments.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:武器库这边更多是考古资料和历史文献,涉及非凡者和隐秘组织的有,但并不多,且都属于基础性常识。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "There were mostly archaeological and historical documents in the armory. There were documents involving Beyonders and mysterious organizations, but few in number. Furthermore, they were mostly basic knowledge.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:其实有三页,但那些文字太复杂太难记忆了,我现在的极限是两页多一点……\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Actually there were three pages, but the characters were too complicated and too difficult to memorize. My limit is only a little over two pages.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:还有,他是医生,做医生的按说该是比别的男人更不浪漫吧?\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "He was a doctor. She assumed that doctors were less romantic than other men. ", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:只是他们都只知道名字,才详细一点的资料就没有了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "But they only knew the names and didn’t have any more detail than that.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:更何况,这里的制卡师,哪一位不是实力出众,声名显赫之辈?\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Let alone that among the card artisans around there, who didn’t have outstanding power and wasn’t prominent and famous?", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:这一次,竟也不例外!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "This time was no exception!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:但刚刚吴雨晴被那陈狂擒在手中,那证明那陈狂也有着几分实力的。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "However, she had been controlled firmly by Jayden just now, which proved that Jayden was also somewhat powerful.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:然而屋里气氛却是一点不见沉闷,相反倒是有些热络。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The atmosphere in the room wasn’t heavy. On the contrary, it was somewhat friendly.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:若是这个孩子成长起来,必然可以睥睨天下,傲视群雄,到了那个时候,他们如何面对……\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "If this child was allowed to grow up, then he would inevitably look down on everything under the heavens and show disdain towards other talents. At that time, how would they face him…", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:蔷薇的游泳池,是用大型的鹅卵石铺垫而成。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Rose’s swimming pool was formed by using large pieces of cobblestone.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:首先阶级,按照天地玄黄,阶级中的小等级,则是下、中、上以及极品,四个小级。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "There were four levels, Sky, Ground, Heaven, Earth, and within each level there were four grades, Low, Middle, High, and Premium.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:想象一下吧,数百只伏蹲蛙悄然潜伏在茂密的丛林下方,忽然突然齐齐喷射出光弹,绝大多数飞行类野兽都无法躲过这种“炮阵”。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "One might imagine that hundreds of crouching frogs would quietly lurk at the bottom of the dense jungle, then suddenly spray out those glowing bombs simultaneously. Most flying beasts had no way to escape that kind of “bomb array.”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:无论是请人指点,还是材料设备,都需要贡献点。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Whether he was asking for instruction or for materials and equipment, it all required points.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:也就是说狂剑士生命越低,攻击力越高,这样在后期进行两败俱伤打法的话,吃亏的总是对手。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "In other words, the lower a Berserker’s health, the stronger the attacks would be. Later, if the two sides continued to fight with both sides suffering, then the one who would lose out in the end would be the opponent.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:自己从来没对任何人说过自己有儿子的事呀。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "I had never told anyone that I have a son.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:只要俱乐部愿意,角色就可以一直牢牢的掌握在自己手中不断提升,时间越久,技能点就有可能越多,装备就有可能越强悍。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "As long as the club wanted to, the character could firmly stay in their hands and continue to be upgraded. The older it was, the more skill points it could have and the better the equipment.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:不枉我投入那么多好材料。”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "I did not waste all those good materials.”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:至于体魄强度,很明显,就是与体质有关。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "As for his Physique Strength, it was clearly tied to his physical health.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:虽然一般说来,两强交手,一方分心保护他人,另一方将占据主动权和优势,但北冥分身速度太快,让惯常的道理也变得不切实际起来。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "While generally speaking, when two experts were clashing and one side was focused on protecting someone else, the other party would possess the initiative and the advantage, the Northern Ocean Clone was so fast that such usual principles also became meaningless.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:倪玉倒是一脸懵懂,她跟陆番半斤八两,啥也听不到,只是哼唧哼唧的喘着气撑着伞。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Ni Yu looked confused. She, like Lu Fan, hadn’t heard much. So she simply kept holding the umbrella as she hurried after them.", "role": "agent" } ]