Dreamoon likes to play with sets, integers and . is defined as the largest positive integer that divides both a and b.Let S be a set of exactly four distinct integers greater than 0. Define S to be of rank k if and only if for all pairs of distinct elements si, sj from S, .Given k and n, Dreamoon wants to make up n sets of rank k using integers from 1 to m such that no integer is used in two different sets (of course you can leave some integers without use). Calculate the minimum m that makes it possible and print one possible solution.
Input: ['1 1'] Output:['51 2 3 5']
[ 2, 3 ]
Dreamoon loves summing up something for no reason. One day he obtains two integers a and b occasionally. He wants to calculate the sum of all nice integers. Positive integer x is called nice if and , where k is some integer number in range [1, a].By we denote the quotient of integer division of x and y. By we denote the remainder of integer division of x and y. You can read more about these operations here: answer may be large, so please print its remainder modulo 1 000 000 007 (109 + 7). Can you compute it faster than Dreamoon?
Input: ['1 1'] Output:['0']
[ 3 ]
Dreamoon is standing at the position 0 on a number line. Drazil is sending a list of commands through Wi-Fi to Dreamoon's smartphone and Dreamoon follows them.Each command is one of the following two types: Go 1 unit towards the positive direction, denoted as '+' Go 1 unit towards the negative direction, denoted as '-' But the Wi-Fi condition is so poor that Dreamoon's smartphone reports some of the commands can't be recognized and Dreamoon knows that some of them might even be wrong though successfully recognized. Dreamoon decides to follow every recognized command and toss a fair coin to decide those unrecognized ones (that means, he moves to the 1 unit to the negative or positive direction with the same probability 0.5). You are given an original list of commands sent by Drazil and list received by Dreamoon. What is the probability that Dreamoon ends in the position originally supposed to be final by Drazil's commands?
Input: ['++-+-+-+-+'] Output:['1.000000000000']
[ 0, 3 ]
Dreamoon wants to climb up a stair of n steps. He can climb 1 or 2 steps at each move. Dreamoon wants the number of moves to be a multiple of an integer m. What is the minimal number of moves making him climb to the top of the stairs that satisfies his condition?
Input: ['10 2'] Output:['6']
[ 3 ]
Given a sequence of integers a1, ..., an and q queries x1, ..., xq on it. For each query xi you have to count the number of pairs (l, r) such that 1 ≀ l ≀ r ≀ n and gcd(al, al + 1, ..., ar) = xi. is a greatest common divisor of v1, v2, ..., vn, that is equal to a largest positive integer that divides all vi.
Input: ['32 6 3512346'] Output:['12201']
[ 0, 3 ]
Rumors say that one of Kamal-ol-molk's paintings has been altered. A rectangular brush has been moved right and down on the painting.Consider the painting as a n × m rectangular grid. At the beginning an x × y rectangular brush is placed somewhere in the frame, with edges parallel to the frame, (1 ≀ x ≀ n, 1 ≀ y ≀ m). Then the brush is moved several times. Each time the brush is moved one unit right or down. The brush has been strictly inside the frame during the painting. The brush alters every cell it has covered at some moment.You have found one of the old Kamal-ol-molk's paintings. You want to know if it's possible that it has been altered in described manner. If yes, you also want to know minimum possible area of the brush.
Input: ['4 4XX..XX..XXXXXXXX'] Output:['4']
[ 0, 2 ]
Imagine a city with n horizontal streets crossing m vertical streets, forming an (n - 1) × (m - 1) grid. In order to increase the traffic flow, mayor of the city has decided to make each street one way. This means in each horizontal street, the traffic moves only from west to east or only from east to west. Also, traffic moves only from north to south or only from south to north in each vertical street. It is possible to enter a horizontal street from a vertical street, or vice versa, at their intersection. The mayor has received some street direction patterns. Your task is to check whether it is possible to reach any junction from any other junction in the proposed street direction pattern.
Input: ['3 3><>v^v'] Output:['NO']
[ 0 ]
Mole is hungry again. He found one ant colony, consisting of n ants, ordered in a row. Each ant i (1 ≀ i ≀ n) has a strength si.In order to make his dinner more interesting, Mole organizes a version of Β«Hunger GamesΒ» for the ants. He chooses two numbers l and r (1 ≀ l ≀ r ≀ n) and each pair of ants with indices between l and r (inclusively) will fight. When two ants i and j fight, ant i gets one battle point only if si divides sj (also, ant j gets one battle point only if sj divides si). After all fights have been finished, Mole makes the ranking. An ant i, with vi battle points obtained, is going to be freed only if vi = r - l, or in other words only if it took a point in every fight it participated. After that, Mole eats the rest of the ants. Note that there can be many ants freed or even none.In order to choose the best sequence, Mole gives you t segments [li, ri] and asks for each of them how many ants is he going to eat if those ants fight.
Input: ['51 3 2 4 241 52 53 54 5'] Output:['4411']
[ 3 ]
Marmot found a row with n pillars. The i-th pillar has the height of hi meters. Starting from one pillar i1, Marmot wants to jump on the pillars i2, ..., ik. (1 ≀ i1 < i2 < ... < ik ≀ n). From a pillar i Marmot can jump on a pillar j only if i < j and |hi - hj| β‰₯ d, where |x| is the absolute value of the number x.Now Marmot is asking you find out a jump sequence with maximal length and print it.
Input: ['5 21 3 6 7 4'] Output:['41 2 3 5 ']
[ 4 ]
Captain Marmot wants to prepare a huge and important battle against his enemy, Captain Snake. For this battle he has n regiments, each consisting of 4 moles.Initially, each mole i (1 ≀ i ≀ 4n) is placed at some position (xi, yi) in the Cartesian plane. Captain Marmot wants to move some moles to make the regiments compact, if it's possible.Each mole i has a home placed at the position (ai, bi). Moving this mole one time means rotating his position point (xi, yi) 90 degrees counter-clockwise around it's home point (ai, bi).A regiment is compact only if the position points of the 4 moles form a square with non-zero area.Help Captain Marmot to find out for each regiment the minimal number of moves required to make that regiment compact, if it's possible.
Input: ['41 1 0 0-1 1 0 0-1 1 0 01 -1 0 01 1 0 0-2 1 0 0-1 1 0 01 -1 0 01 1 0 0-1 1 0 0-1 1 0 0-1 1 0 02 2 0 1-1 0 0 -23 0 0 -2-1 1 -2 0'] Output:['1-133']
[ 0 ]
It is lunch time for Mole. His friend, Marmot, prepared him a nice game for lunch.Marmot brought Mole n ordered piles of worms such that i-th pile contains ai worms. He labeled all these worms with consecutive integers: worms in first pile are labeled with numbers 1 to a1, worms in second pile are labeled with numbers a1 + 1 to a1 + a2 and so on. See the example for a better understanding.Mole can't eat all the worms (Marmot brought a lot) and, as we all know, Mole is blind, so Marmot tells him the labels of the best juicy worms. Marmot will only give Mole a worm if Mole says correctly in which pile this worm is contained.Poor Mole asks for your help. For all juicy worms said by Marmot, tell Mole the correct answers.
Input: ['52 7 3 4 931 25 11'] Output:['153']
[ 4 ]
There are some tasks which have the following structure: you are given a model, and you can do some operations, you should use these operations to achive the goal. One way to create a new task is to use the same model and same operations, but change the goal.Let's have a try. I have created the following task for Topcoder SRM 557 Div1-Hard: you are given n integers x1, x2, ..., xn. You are allowed to perform the assignments (as many as you want) of the following form xi ^= xj (in the original task i and j must be different, but in this task we allow i to equal j). The goal is to maximize the sum of all xi.Now we just change the goal. You are also given n integers y1, y2, ..., yn. You should make x1, x2, ..., xn exactly equal to y1, y2, ..., yn. In other words, for each i number xi should be equal to yi.
Input: ['23 56 0'] Output:['21 22 2']
[ 3 ]
A way to make a new task is to make it nondeterministic or probabilistic. For example, the hard task of Topcoder SRM 595, Constellation, is the probabilistic version of a convex hull.Let's try to make a new task. Firstly we will use the following task. There are n people, sort them by their name. It is just an ordinary sorting problem, but we can make it more interesting by adding nondeterministic element. There are n people, each person will use either his/her first name or last name as a handle. Can the lexicographical order of the handles be exactly equal to the given permutation p?More formally, if we denote the handle of the i-th person as hi, then the following condition must hold: .
Input: ['3gennady korotkevichpetr mitrichevgaoyuan chen1 2 3'] Output:['NO']
[ 2 ]
One way to create a task is to learn from math. You can generate some random math statement or modify some theorems to get something new and build a new task from that.For example, there is a statement called the "Goldbach's conjecture". It says: "each even number no less than four can be expressed as the sum of two primes". Let's modify it. How about a statement like that: "each integer no less than 12 can be expressed as the sum of two composite numbers." Not like the Goldbach's conjecture, I can prove this theorem.You are given an integer n no less than 12, express it as a sum of two composite numbers.
Input: ['12'] Output:['4 8']
[ 3 ]
Polar bears Menshykov and Uslada from the zoo of St. Petersburg and elephant Horace from the zoo of Kiev decided to build a house of cards. For that they've already found a hefty deck of n playing cards. Let's describe the house they want to make: The house consists of some non-zero number of floors. Each floor consists of a non-zero number of rooms and the ceiling. A room is two cards that are leaned towards each other. The rooms are made in a row, each two adjoining rooms share a ceiling made by another card. Each floor besides for the lowest one should contain less rooms than the floor below. Please note that the house may end by the floor with more than one room, and in this case they also must be covered by the ceiling. Also, the number of rooms on the adjoining floors doesn't have to differ by one, the difference may be more. While bears are practicing to put cards, Horace tries to figure out how many floors their house should consist of. The height of the house is the number of floors in it. It is possible that you can make a lot of different houses of different heights out of n cards. It seems that the elephant cannot solve this problem and he asks you to count the number of the distinct heights of the houses that they can make using exactly n cards.
Input: ['13'] Output:['1']
[ 0, 2, 3, 4 ]
There is a game called "I Wanna Be the Guy", consisting of n levels. Little X and his friend Little Y are addicted to the game. Each of them wants to pass the whole game.Little X can pass only p levels of the game. And Little Y can pass only q levels of the game. You are given the indices of levels Little X can pass and the indices of levels Little Y can pass. Will Little X and Little Y pass the whole game, if they cooperate each other?
Input: ['43 1 2 32 2 4'] Output:['I become the guy.']
[ 2 ]
Little X has solved the #P-complete problem in polynomial time recently. So he gives this task to you. There is a special n × n matrix A, you should calculate its permanent modulo 1000000007 (109 + 7). The special property of matrix A is almost all its elements equal to 1. Only k elements have specified value.You can find the definition of permanent at the link:
Input: ['3 11 1 2'] Output:['8']
[ 3 ]
Little X has met the following problem recently. Let's define f(x) as the sum of digits in decimal representation of number x (for example, f(1234) = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4). You are to calculate Of course Little X has solved this problem quickly, has locked it, and then has tried to hack others. He has seen the following C++ code: ans = solve(l, r) % a; if (ans <= 0) ans += a; This code will fail only on the test with . You are given number a, help Little X to find a proper test for hack.
Input: ['46'] Output:['1 10']
[ 3, 4 ]
Little X has n distinct integers: p1, p2, ..., pn. He wants to divide all of them into two sets A and B. The following two conditions must be satisfied: If number x belongs to set A, then number a - x must also belong to set A. If number x belongs to set B, then number b - x must also belong to set B. Help Little X divide the numbers into two sets or determine that it's impossible.
Input: ['4 5 92 3 4 5'] Output:['YES0 0 1 1']
[ 2 ]
Little X used to play a card game called "24 Game", but recently he has found it too easy. So he invented a new game.Initially you have a sequence of n integers: 1, 2, ..., n. In a single step, you can pick two of them, let's denote them a and b, erase them from the sequence, and append to the sequence either a + b, or a - b, or a × b.After n - 1 steps there is only one number left. Can you make this number equal to 24?
Input: ['1'] Output:['NO']
[ 2, 3 ]
After you have read all the problems, probably, you think Alex is genius person. That's true! One day he came up with the following task.Given a sequence of integer numbers a1, a2, ..., an. You are to find a longest sequence b1, b2, ..., b4m, that satisfies the following conditions: b4k + 1 = b4k + 3 for all valid integer k; b4k + 2 = b4k + 4 for all valid integer k; sequence b is subsequence of a (not necessarily contiguous subsequence). And finally... Alex had given this complicated task to George, and George gave it to you. Help George to cope with the task.
Input: ['43 5 3 5'] Output:['43 5 3 5']
[ 2 ]
After you had helped George and Alex to move in the dorm, they went to help their friend Fedor play a new computer game Β«Call of Soldiers 3Β».The game has (m + 1) players and n types of soldiers in total. Players Β«Call of Soldiers 3Β» are numbered form 1 to (m + 1). Types of soldiers are numbered from 0 to n - 1. Each player has an army. Army of the i-th player can be described by non-negative integer xi. Consider binary representation of xi: if the j-th bit of number xi equal to one, then the army of the i-th player has soldiers of the j-th type. Fedor is the (m + 1)-th player of the game. He assume that two players can become friends if their armies differ in at most k types of soldiers (in other words, binary representations of the corresponding numbers differ in at most k bits). Help Fedor and count how many players can become his friends.
Input: ['7 3 18511117'] Output:['0']
[ 0 ]
You've got array a[1], a[2], ..., a[n], consisting of n integers. Count the number of ways to split all the elements of the array into three contiguous parts so that the sum of elements in each part is the same. More formally, you need to find the number of such pairs of indices i, j (2 ≀ i ≀ j ≀ n - 1), that .
Input: ['51 2 3 0 3'] Output:['2']
[ 0, 4 ]
The start of the new academic year brought about the problem of accommodation students into dormitories. One of such dormitories has a a × b square meter wonder room. The caretaker wants to accommodate exactly n students there. But the law says that there must be at least 6 square meters per student in a room (that is, the room for n students must have the area of at least 6n square meters). The caretaker can enlarge any (possibly both) side of the room by an arbitrary positive integer of meters. Help him change the room so as all n students could live in it and the total area of the room was as small as possible.
Input: ['3 3 5'] Output:['183 6']
[ 0, 3 ]
Peter had a cube with non-zero length of a side. He put the cube into three-dimensional space in such a way that its vertices lay at integer points (it is possible that the cube's sides are not parallel to the coordinate axes). Then he took a piece of paper and wrote down eight lines, each containing three integers β€” coordinates of cube's vertex (a single line contains coordinates of a single vertex, each vertex is written exactly once), put the paper on the table and left. While Peter was away, his little brother Nick decided to play with the numbers on the paper. In one operation Nick could swap some numbers inside a single line (Nick didn't swap numbers from distinct lines). Nick could have performed any number of such operations.When Peter returned and found out about Nick's mischief, he started recollecting the original coordinates. Help Peter restore the original position of the points or else state that this is impossible and the numbers were initially recorded incorrectly.
Input: ['0 0 00 0 10 0 10 0 10 1 10 1 10 1 11 1 1'] Output:['YES0 0 00 0 10 1 01 0 00 1 11 0 11 1 01 1 1']
[ 0 ]
Paul hates palindromes. He assumes that string s is tolerable if each its character is one of the first p letters of the English alphabet and s doesn't contain any palindrome contiguous substring of length 2 or more.Paul has found a tolerable string s of length n. Help him find the lexicographically next tolerable string of the same length or else state that such string does not exist.
Input: ['3 3cba'] Output:['NO']
[ 2 ]
Caisa is now at home and his son has a simple task for him.Given a rooted tree with n vertices, numbered from 1 to n (vertex 1 is the root). Each vertex of the tree has a value. You should answer q queries. Each query is one of the following: Format of the query is "1 v". Let's write out the sequence of vertices along the path from the root to vertex v: u1, u2, ..., uk (u1 = 1; uk = v). You need to output such a vertex ui that gcd(value of ui, value of v) > 1 and i < k. If there are several possible vertices ui pick the one with maximum value of i. If there is no such vertex output -1. Format of the query is "2 v w". You must change the value of vertex v to w. You are given all the queries, help Caisa to solve the problem.
Input: ['4 610 8 4 31 22 33 41 11 21 31 42 1 91 4'] Output:['-112-11']
[ 0, 3 ]
Gargari is jealous that his friend Caisa won the game from the previous problem. He wants to prove that he is a genius.He has a n × n chessboard. Each cell of the chessboard has a number written on it. Gargari wants to place two bishops on the chessboard in such a way that there is no cell that is attacked by both of them. Consider a cell with number x written on it, if this cell is attacked by one of the bishops Gargari will get x dollars for it. Tell Gargari, how to place bishops on the chessboard to get maximum amount of money.We assume a cell is attacked by a bishop, if the cell is located on the same diagonal with the bishop (the cell, where the bishop is, also considered attacked by it).
Input: ['41 1 1 12 1 1 01 1 1 01 0 0 1'] Output:['122 2 3 2']
[ 2 ]
Caisa solved the problem with the sugar and now he is on the way back to home. Caisa is playing a mobile game during his path. There are (n + 1) pylons numbered from 0 to n in this game. The pylon with number 0 has zero height, the pylon with number i (i > 0) has height hi. The goal of the game is to reach n-th pylon, and the only move the player can do is to jump from the current pylon (let's denote its number as k) to the next one (its number will be k + 1). When the player have made such a move, its energy increases by hk - hk + 1 (if this value is negative the player loses energy). The player must have non-negative amount of energy at any moment of the time. Initially Caisa stand at 0 pylon and has 0 energy. The game provides a special opportunity: one can pay a single dollar and increase the height of anyone pylon by one. Caisa may use that opportunity several times, but he doesn't want to spend too much money. What is the minimal amount of money he must paid to reach the goal of the game?
Input: ['53 4 3 2 4'] Output:['4']
[ 0, 3 ]
Caisa is going to have a party and he needs to buy the ingredients for a big chocolate cake. For that he is going to the biggest supermarket in town.Unfortunately, he has just s dollars for sugar. But that's not a reason to be sad, because there are n types of sugar in the supermarket, maybe he able to buy one. But that's not all. The supermarket has very unusual exchange politics: instead of cents the sellers give sweets to a buyer as a change. Of course, the number of given sweets always doesn't exceed 99, because each seller maximizes the number of dollars in the change (100 cents can be replaced with a dollar).Caisa wants to buy only one type of sugar, also he wants to maximize the number of sweets in the change. What is the maximum number of sweets he can get? Note, that Caisa doesn't want to minimize the cost of the sugar, he only wants to get maximum number of sweets as change.
Input: ['5 103 9012 09 705 507 0'] Output:['50']
[ 0 ]
Appleman has n cards. Each card has an uppercase letter written on it. Toastman must choose k cards from Appleman's cards. Then Appleman should give Toastman some coins depending on the chosen cards. Formally, for each Toastman's card i you should calculate how much Toastman's cards have the letter equal to letter on ith, then sum up all these quantities, such a number of coins Appleman should give to Toastman.Given the description of Appleman's cards. What is the maximum number of coins Toastman can get?
Input: ['15 10DZFDFZDFDDDDDDF'] Output:['82']
[ 2 ]
Toastman came up with a very easy task. He gives it to Appleman, but Appleman doesn't know how to solve it. Can you help him?Given a n × n checkerboard. Each cell of the board has either character 'x', or character 'o'. Is it true that each cell of the board has even number of adjacent cells with 'o'? Two cells of the board are adjacent if they share a side.
Input: ['3xxoxoxoxx'] Output:['YES']
[ 0 ]
Appleman and Toastman like games. Today they play a game with strings with the following rules. Firstly Toastman tells Appleman two strings s and t both consisting only of letters 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'. Then Appleman must build string s as quickly as possible. Initially he has empty string, and in one second he can append to end of the current string any contiguous substring of t.Now, Toastman and Appleman are beginning to play the game. Toastman has already told string t to Appleman, but he hasn't come up with string s yet. Toastman only thinks, that he should choose string s consisting of n characters. Of course, he wants to find the worst string for Appleman (such string, that Appleman will spend as much time as possible during the game). Tell Toastman, how much time will Appleman spend during the game if Toastman finds the worst string for him. You can assume that Appleman plays optimally, therefore he builds any string s in minimal possible time.
Input: ['5ABCCAD'] Output:['5']
[ 4 ]
Toastman came up with a very complicated task. He gives it to Appleman, but Appleman doesn't know how to solve it. Can you help him?Given a n × n checkerboard. Each cell of the board has either character 'x', or character 'o', or nothing. How many ways to fill all the empty cells with 'x' or 'o' (each cell must contain only one character in the end) are there, such that for each cell the number of adjacent cells with 'o' will be even? Find the number of ways modulo 1000000007 (109 + 7). Two cells of the board are adjacent if they share a side.
Input: ['3 21 1 x2 2 o'] Output:['2']
[ 3 ]
Appleman and Toastman play a game. Initially Appleman gives one group of n numbers to the Toastman, then they start to complete the following tasks: Each time Toastman gets a group of numbers, he sums up all the numbers and adds this sum to the score. Then he gives the group to the Appleman. Each time Appleman gets a group consisting of a single number, he throws this group out. Each time Appleman gets a group consisting of more than one number, he splits the group into two non-empty groups (he can do it in any way) and gives each of them to Toastman. After guys complete all the tasks they look at the score value. What is the maximum possible value of score they can get?
Input: ['33 1 5'] Output:['26']
[ 2 ]
Roland loves growing flowers. He has recently grown a beautiful rose at point (0, 0) of the Cartesian coordinate system. The rose is so beautiful that Roland is afraid that the evil forces can try and steal it. To protect the rose, Roland wants to build n watch towers. Let's assume that a tower is a point on the plane at the distance of at most r from the rose. Besides, Roland assumes that the towers should be built at points with integer coordinates and the sum of squares of distances between all pairs of towers must be as large as possible. Note, that Roland may build several towers at the same point, also he may build some of them at point (0, 0).Help Roland build the towers at the integer points so that the sum of squares of distances between all towers is maximum possible. Note that the distance in this problem is defined as the Euclidian distance between points.
Input: ['4 1'] Output:['160 10 10 -10 -1']
[ 0, 3 ]
Little Victor adores the sets theory. Let us remind you that a set is a group of numbers where all numbers are pairwise distinct. Today Victor wants to find a set of integers S that has the following properties: for all x the following inequality holds l ≀ x ≀ r; 1 ≀ |S| ≀ k; lets denote the i-th element of the set S as si; value must be as small as possible. Help Victor find the described set.
Input: ['8 15 3'] Output:['1210 11']
[ 0, 3 ]
Little beaver is a beginner programmer, so informatics is his favorite subject. Soon his informatics teacher is going to have a birthday and the beaver has decided to prepare a present for her. He planted n flowers in a row on his windowsill and started waiting for them to grow. However, after some time the beaver noticed that the flowers stopped growing. The beaver thinks it is bad manners to present little flowers. So he decided to come up with some solutions. There are m days left to the birthday. The height of the i-th flower (assume that the flowers in the row are numbered from 1 to n from left to right) is equal to ai at the moment. At each of the remaining m days the beaver can take a special watering and water w contiguous flowers (he can do that only once at a day). At that each watered flower grows by one height unit on that day. The beaver wants the height of the smallest flower be as large as possible in the end. What maximum height of the smallest flower can he get?
Input: ['6 2 32 2 2 2 1 1'] Output:['2']
[ 2, 4 ]
Little Dima misbehaved during a math lesson a lot and the nasty teacher Mr. Pickles gave him the following problem as a punishment. Find all integer solutions x (0 < x < 109) of the equation:x = bΒ·s(x)a + c,  where a, b, c are some predetermined constant values and function s(x) determines the sum of all digits in the decimal representation of number x.The teacher gives this problem to Dima for each lesson. He changes only the parameters of the equation: a, b, c. Dima got sick of getting bad marks and he asks you to help him solve this challenging problem.
Input: ['3 2 8'] Output:['310 2008 13726 ']
[ 0, 3 ]
Vasya has n pairs of socks. In the morning of each day Vasya has to put on a pair of socks before he goes to school. When he comes home in the evening, Vasya takes off the used socks and throws them away. Every m-th day (at days with numbers m, 2m, 3m, ...) mom buys a pair of socks to Vasya. She does it late in the evening, so that Vasya cannot put on a new pair of socks before the next day. How many consecutive days pass until Vasya runs out of socks?
Input: ['2 2'] Output:['3']
[ 0, 3 ]
Recently Pashmak has been employed in a transportation company. The company has k buses and has a contract with a school which has n students. The school planned to take the students to d different places for d days (each day in one place). Each day the company provides all the buses for the trip. Pashmak has to arrange the students in the buses. He wants to arrange the students in a way that no two students become close friends. In his ridiculous idea, two students will become close friends if and only if they are in the same buses for all d days.Please help Pashmak with his weird idea. Assume that each bus has an unlimited capacity.
Input: ['3 2 2'] Output:['1 1 2 1 2 1 ']
[ 3 ]
Pieguy and Piegirl are playing a game. They have a rooted binary tree, that has a property that each node is either a leaf or has exactly two children. Each leaf has a number associated with it.On his/her turn a player can choose any two leafs that share their immediate parent, remove them, and associate either of their values with their parent, that now became a leaf (the player decides which of the two values to associate). The game ends when only one node (the one that was the root of the tree) is left.Pieguy goes first, and his goal is to maximize the value that will be associated with the root when the game ends. Piegirl wants to minimize that value. Assuming that both players are playing optimally, what number will be associated with the root when the game ends?
Input: ['43-1 1 21055-1 1 2-1 3 4105207-1 1 2-1 3 4-1 5 6123411-1 1 2-1 3 4-1 5 6-1 7 8157-1 9 1078911'] Output:['101048']
[ 2 ]
There is a computer network consisting of n nodes numbered 1 through n. There are links in the network that connect pairs of nodes. A pair of nodes may have multiple links between them, but no node has a link to itself.Each link supports unlimited bandwidth (in either direction), however a link may only transmit in a single direction at any given time. The cost of sending data across a link is proportional to the square of the bandwidth. Specifically, each link has a positive weight, and the cost of sending data across the link is the weight times the square of the bandwidth.The network is connected (there is a series of links from any node to any other node), and furthermore designed to remain connected in the event of any single node failure.You needed to send data from node 1 to node n at a bandwidth of some positive number k. That is, you wish to assign a bandwidth to each link so that the bandwidth into a node minus the bandwidth out of a node is  - k for node 1, k for node n, and 0 for all other nodes. The individual bandwidths do not need to be integers.Wishing to minimize the total cost, you drew a diagram of the network, then gave the task to an intern to solve. The intern claimed to have solved the task and written the optimal bandwidths on your diagram, but then spilled coffee on it, rendering much of it unreadable (including parts of the original diagram, and the value of k).From the information available, determine if the intern's solution may have been optimal. That is, determine if there exists a valid network, total bandwidth, and optimal solution which is a superset of the given information. Furthermore, determine the efficiency of the intern's solution (if possible), where efficiency is defined as total cost divided by total bandwidth.
Input: ['4 51 2 1 21 3 4 12 3 2 12 4 4 13 4 1 2'] Output:['6']
[ 3 ]
The game of bingo is played on a 5 × 5 square grid filled with distinct numbers between 1 and 75. In this problem you will consider a generalized version played on an n × n grid with distinct numbers between 1 and m (m β‰₯ n2). A player begins by selecting a randomly generated bingo grid (generated uniformly among all available grids). Then k distinct numbers between 1 and m will be called at random (called uniformly among all available sets of k numbers). For each called number that appears on the grid, the player marks that cell. The score at the end is 2 raised to the power of (number of completely marked rows plus number of completely marked columns).Determine the expected value of the score. The expected score may be very large. If the expected score is larger than 1099, print 1099 instead (for example as "1e99" without the quotes).
Input: ['1 2 1'] Output:['2.5']
[ 3 ]
You are running for a governor in a small city in Russia. You ran some polls and did some research, and for every person in the city you know whom he will vote for, and how much it will cost to bribe that person to vote for you instead of whomever he wants to vote for right now. You are curious, what is the smallest amount of money you need to spend on bribing to win the elections. To win elections you need to have strictly more votes than any other candidate.
Input: ['51 21 21 22 10 0'] Output:['3']
[ 0 ]
Piegirl was asked to implement two table join operation for distributed database system, minimizing the network traffic.Suppose she wants to join two tables, A and B. Each of them has certain number of rows which are distributed on different number of partitions. Table A is distributed on the first cluster consisting of m partitions. Partition with index i has ai rows from A. Similarly, second cluster containing table B has n partitions, i-th one having bi rows from B. In one network operation she can copy one row from any partition to any other partition. At the end, for each row from A and each row from B there should be a partition that has both rows. Determine the minimal number of network operations to achieve this.
Input: ['2 22 63 100'] Output:['11']
[ 2 ]
Piegirl got bored with binary, decimal and other integer based counting systems. Recently she discovered some interesting properties about number , in particular that q2 = q + 1, and she thinks it would make a good base for her new unique system. She called it "golden system". In golden system the number is a non-empty string containing 0's and 1's as digits. The decimal value of expression equals to .Soon Piegirl found out that this system doesn't have same properties that integer base systems do and some operations can not be performed on it. She wasn't able to come up with a fast way of comparing two numbers. She is asking for your help.Given two numbers written in golden system notation, determine which of them has larger decimal value.
Input: ['1000111'] Output:['<']
[ 3 ]
Fedya studies in a gymnasium. Fedya's maths hometask is to calculate the following expression:(1n + 2n + 3n + 4n) mod 5for given value of n. Fedya managed to complete the task. Can you? Note that given number n can be extremely large (e.g. it can exceed any integer type of your programming language).
Input: ['4'] Output:['4']
[ 3 ]
Andrew plays a game called "Civilization". Dima helps him.The game has n cities and m bidirectional roads. The cities are numbered from 1 to n. Between any pair of cities there either is a single (unique) path, or there is no path at all. A path is such a sequence of distinct cities v1, v2, ..., vk, that there is a road between any contiguous cities vi and vi + 1 (1 ≀ i < k). The length of the described path equals to (k - 1). We assume that two cities lie in the same region if and only if, there is a path connecting these two cities.During the game events of two types take place: Andrew asks Dima about the length of the longest path in the region where city x lies. Andrew asks Dima to merge the region where city x lies with the region where city y lies. If the cities lie in the same region, then no merging is needed. Otherwise, you need to merge the regions as follows: choose a city from the first region, a city from the second region and connect them by a road so as to minimize the length of the longest path in the resulting region. If there are multiple ways to do so, you are allowed to choose any of them. Dima finds it hard to execute Andrew's queries, so he asks you to help him. Help Dima.
Input: ['6 0 62 1 22 3 42 5 62 3 22 5 31 1'] Output:['4']
[ 4 ]
Princess Twilight went to Celestia and Luna's old castle to research the chest from the Elements of Harmony. A sequence of positive integers bi is harmony if and only if for every two elements of the sequence their greatest common divisor equals 1. According to an ancient book, the key of the chest is a harmony sequence bi which minimizes the following expression:You are given sequence ai, help Princess Twilight to find the key.
Input: ['51 1 1 1 1'] Output:['1 1 1 1 1 ']
[ 0 ]
You have k pieces of laundry, each of which you want to wash, dry and fold. You are at a laundromat that has n1 washing machines, n2 drying machines and n3 folding machines. Each machine can process only one piece of laundry at a time. You can't dry a piece of laundry before it is washed, and you can't fold it before it is dried. Moreover, after a piece of laundry is washed, it needs to be immediately moved into a drying machine, and after it is dried, it needs to be immediately moved into a folding machine.It takes t1 minutes to wash one piece of laundry in a washing machine, t2 minutes to dry it in a drying machine, and t3 minutes to fold it in a folding machine. Find the smallest number of minutes that is enough to wash, dry and fold all the laundry you have.
Input: ['1 1 1 1 5 5 5'] Output:['15']
[ 2 ]
Alex enjoys performing magic tricks. He has a trick that requires a deck of n cards. He has m identical decks of n different cards each, which have been mixed together. When Alex wishes to perform the trick, he grabs n cards at random and performs the trick with those. The resulting deck looks like a normal deck, but may have duplicates of some cards.The trick itself is performed as follows: first Alex allows you to choose a random card from the deck. You memorize the card and put it back in the deck. Then Alex shuffles the deck, and pulls out a card. If the card matches the one you memorized, the trick is successful.You don't think Alex is a very good magician, and that he just pulls a card randomly from the deck. Determine the probability of the trick being successful if this is the case.
Input: ['2 2'] Output:['0.6666666666666666']
[ 3 ]
You are given a rectangular grid of lattice points from (0, 0) to (n, m) inclusive. You have to choose exactly 4 different points to build a polyline possibly with self-intersections and self-touching. This polyline should be as long as possible.A polyline defined by points p1, p2, p3, p4 consists of the line segments p1 p2, p2 p3, p3 p4, and its length is the sum of the lengths of the individual line segments.
Input: ['1 1'] Output:['1 10 01 00 1']
[ 0 ]
You are solving the crossword problem K from IPSC 2014. You solved all the clues except for one: who does Eevee evolve into? You are not very into pokemons, but quick googling helped you find out, that Eevee can evolve into eight different pokemons: Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, and Sylveon.You know the length of the word in the crossword, and you already know some letters. Designers of the crossword made sure that the answer is unambiguous, so you can assume that exactly one pokemon out of the 8 that Eevee evolves into fits the length and the letters given. Your task is to find it.
Input: ['7j......'] Output:['jolteon']
[ 0 ]
We call a string good, if after merging all the consecutive equal characters, the resulting string is palindrome. For example, "aabba" is good, because after the merging step it will become "aba".Given a string, you have to find two values: the number of good substrings of even length; the number of good substrings of odd length.
Input: ['bb'] Output:['1 2']
[ 3 ]
There are n games in a football tournament. Three teams are participating in it. Currently k games had already been played. You are an avid football fan, but recently you missed the whole k games. Fortunately, you remember a guess of your friend for these k games. Your friend did not tell exact number of wins of each team, instead he thought that absolute difference between number of wins of first and second team will be d1 and that of between second and third team will be d2.You don't want any of team win the tournament, that is each team should have the same number of wins after n games. That's why you want to know: does there exist a valid tournament satisfying the friend's guess such that no team will win this tournament?Note that outcome of a match can not be a draw, it has to be either win or loss.
Input: ['53 0 0 03 3 0 06 4 1 06 3 3 03 3 3 2'] Output:['yesyesyesnono']
[ 0, 3 ]
Jzzhu has invented a kind of sequences, they meet the following property:You are given x and y, please calculate fn modulo 1000000007 (109 + 7).
Input: ['2 33'] Output:['1']
[ 3 ]
Jzzhu has two integers, n and m. He calls an integer point (x, y) of a plane special if 0 ≀ x ≀ n and 0 ≀ y ≀ m. Jzzhu defines a unit square as a square with corners at points (x, y), (x + 1, y), (x + 1, y + 1), (x, y + 1), where x and y are some integers.Let's look at all the squares (their sides not necessarily parallel to the coordinate axes) with corners at the special points. For each such square Jzzhu paints a dot in every unit square that is fully inside it. After that some unit squares can contain several dots. Now Jzzhu wonders, how many dots he has painted on the plane. Find this number modulo 1000000007 (109 + 7).
Input: ['41 32 22 53 4'] Output:['382658']
[ 3 ]
Jzzhu is the president of country A. There are n cities numbered from 1 to n in his country. City 1 is the capital of A. Also there are m roads connecting the cities. One can go from city ui to vi (and vise versa) using the i-th road, the length of this road is xi. Finally, there are k train routes in the country. One can use the i-th train route to go from capital of the country to city si (and vise versa), the length of this route is yi.Jzzhu doesn't want to waste the money of the country, so he is going to close some of the train routes. Please tell Jzzhu the maximum number of the train routes which can be closed under the following condition: the length of the shortest path from every city to the capital mustn't change.
Input: ['5 5 31 2 12 3 21 3 33 4 41 5 53 54 55 5'] Output:['2']
[ 2 ]
Jzzhu has a big rectangular chocolate bar that consists of n × m unit squares. He wants to cut this bar exactly k times. Each cut must meet the following requirements: each cut should be straight (horizontal or vertical); each cut should go along edges of unit squares (it is prohibited to divide any unit chocolate square with cut); each cut should go inside the whole chocolate bar, and all cuts must be distinct. The picture below shows a possible way to cut a 5 × 6 chocolate for 5 times. Imagine Jzzhu have made k cuts and the big chocolate is splitted into several pieces. Consider the smallest (by area) piece of the chocolate, Jzzhu wants this piece to be as large as possible. What is the maximum possible area of smallest piece he can get with exactly k cuts? The area of a chocolate piece is the number of unit squares in it.
Input: ['3 4 1'] Output:['6']
[ 2, 3 ]
Bizon the Champion isn't just friendly, he also is a rigorous coder.Let's define function f(a), where a is a sequence of integers. Function f(a) returns the following sequence: first all divisors of a1 go in the increasing order, then all divisors of a2 go in the increasing order, and so on till the last element of sequence a. For example, f([2, 9, 1]) = [1, 2, 1, 3, 9, 1].Let's determine the sequence Xi, for integer i (i β‰₯ 0): X0 = [X] ([X] is a sequence consisting of a single number X), Xi = f(Xi - 1) (i > 0). For example, at X = 6 we get X0 = [6], X1 = [1, 2, 3, 6], X2 = [1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 6].Given the numbers X and k, find the sequence Xk. As the answer can be rather large, find only the first 105 elements of this sequence.
Input: ['6 1'] Output:['1 2 3 6 ']
[ 0 ]
Bizon the Champion isn't just charming, he also is very smart.While some of us were learning the multiplication table, Bizon the Champion had fun in his own manner. Bizon the Champion painted an n × m multiplication table, where the element on the intersection of the i-th row and j-th column equals iΒ·j (the rows and columns of the table are numbered starting from 1). Then he was asked: what number in the table is the k-th largest number? Bizon the Champion always answered correctly and immediately. Can you repeat his success?Consider the given multiplication table. If you write out all nΒ·m numbers from the table in the non-decreasing order, then the k-th number you write out is called the k-th largest number.
Input: ['2 2 2'] Output:['2']
[ 0, 4 ]
Bizon the Champion isn't just attentive, he also is very hardworking.Bizon the Champion decided to paint his old fence his favorite color, orange. The fence is represented as n vertical planks, put in a row. Adjacent planks have no gap between them. The planks are numbered from the left to the right starting from one, the i-th plank has the width of 1 meter and the height of ai meters.Bizon the Champion bought a brush in the shop, the brush's width is 1 meter. He can make vertical and horizontal strokes with the brush. During a stroke the brush's full surface must touch the fence at all the time (see the samples for the better understanding). What minimum number of strokes should Bizon the Champion do to fully paint the fence? Note that you are allowed to paint the same area of the fence multiple times.
Input: ['52 2 1 2 1'] Output:['3']
[ 2 ]
DZY loves collecting special strings which only contain lowercase letters. For each lowercase letter c DZY knows its value wc. For each special string s = s1s2... s|s| (|s| is the length of the string) he represents its value with a function f(s), where Now DZY has a string s. He wants to insert k lowercase letters into this string in order to get the largest possible value of the resulting string. Can you help him calculate the largest possible value he could get?
Input: ['abc31 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1'] Output:['41']
[ 2 ]
DZY owns 2m islands near his home, numbered from 1 to 2m. He loves building bridges to connect the islands. Every bridge he builds takes one day's time to walk across.DZY has a strange rule of building the bridges. For every pair of islands u, v (u ≠ v), he has built 2k different bridges connecting them, where (a|b means b is divisible by a). These bridges are bidirectional.Also, DZY has built some bridges connecting his home with the islands. Specifically, there are ai different bridges from his home to the i-th island. These are one-way bridges, so after he leaves his home he will never come back.DZY decides to go to the islands for sightseeing. At first he is at home. He chooses and walks across one of the bridges connecting with his home, and arrives at some island. After that, he will spend t day(s) on the islands. Each day, he can choose to stay and rest, or to walk to another island across the bridge. It is allowed to stay at an island for more than one day. It's also allowed to cross one bridge more than once.Suppose that right after the t-th day DZY stands at the i-th island. Let ans[i] be the number of ways for DZY to reach the i-th island after t-th day. Your task is to calculate ans[i] for each i modulo 1051131.
Input: ['2 1 41 1 1 2'] Output:['1']
[ 3 ]
Today DZY begins to play an old game. In this game, he is in a big maze with n rooms connected by m corridors (each corridor allows to move in both directions). You can assume that all the rooms are connected with corridors directly or indirectly.DZY has got lost in the maze. Currently he is in the first room and has k lives. He will act like the follows: Firstly he will randomly pick one of the corridors going from his current room. Each outgoing corridor has the same probability to be picked. Then he will go through the corridor and then the process repeats. There are some rooms which have traps in them. The first room definitely has no trap, the n-th room definitely has a trap. Each time DZY enters one of these rooms, he will lost one life. Now, DZY knows that if he enters the n-th room with exactly 2 lives, firstly he will lost one live, but then he will open a bonus round. He wants to know the probability for him to open the bonus round. Please, help him.
Input: ['5 5 30 0 1 0 11 22 33 44 51 2'] Output:['0.25000000']
[ 3 ]
In mathematical terms, the sequence Fn of Fibonacci numbers is defined by the recurrence relation F1 = 1; F2 = 1; Fn = Fn - 1 + Fn - 2 (n > 2).DZY loves Fibonacci numbers very much. Today DZY gives you an array consisting of n integers: a1, a2, ..., an. Moreover, there are m queries, each query has one of the two types: Format of the query "1 l r". In reply to the query, you need to add Fi - l + 1 to each element ai, where l ≀ i ≀ r. Format of the query "2 l r". In reply to the query you should output the value of modulo 1000000009 (109 + 9). Help DZY reply to all the queries.
Input: ['4 41 2 3 41 1 42 1 41 2 42 1 3'] Output:['1712']
[ 3 ]
As we know, DZY loves playing games. One day DZY decided to play with a n × m matrix. To be more precise, he decided to modify the matrix with exactly k operations.Each modification is one of the following: Pick some row of the matrix and decrease each element of the row by p. This operation brings to DZY the value of pleasure equal to the sum of elements of the row before the decreasing. Pick some column of the matrix and decrease each element of the column by p. This operation brings to DZY the value of pleasure equal to the sum of elements of the column before the decreasing. DZY wants to know: what is the largest total value of pleasure he could get after performing exactly k modifications? Please, help him to calculate this value.
Input: ['2 2 2 21 32 4'] Output:['11']
[ 0, 2 ]
DZY loves chemistry, and he enjoys mixing chemicals.DZY has n chemicals, and m pairs of them will react. He wants to pour these chemicals into a test tube, and he needs to pour them in one by one, in any order. Let's consider the danger of a test tube. Danger of an empty test tube is 1. And every time when DZY pours a chemical, if there are already one or more chemicals in the test tube that can react with it, the danger of the test tube will be multiplied by 2. Otherwise the danger remains as it is.Find the maximum possible danger after pouring all the chemicals one by one in optimal order.
Input: ['1 0'] Output:['1']
[ 2 ]
DZY loves planting, and he enjoys solving tree problems.DZY has a weighted tree (connected undirected graph without cycles) containing n nodes (they are numbered from 1 to n). He defines the function g(x, y) (1 ≀ x, y ≀ n) as the longest edge in the shortest path between nodes x and y. Specially g(z, z) = 0 for every z.For every integer sequence p1, p2, ..., pn (1 ≀ pi ≀ n), DZY defines f(p) as . DZY wants to find such a sequence p that f(p) has maximum possible value. But there is one more restriction: the element j can appear in p at most xj times.Please, find the maximum possible f(p) under the described restrictions.
Input: ['41 2 12 3 23 4 31111'] Output:['2']
[ 4 ]
DZY loves strings, and he enjoys collecting them.In China, many people like to use strings containing their names' initials, for example: xyz, jcvb, dzy, dyh.Once DZY found a lucky string s. A lot of pairs of good friends came to DZY when they heard about the news. The first member of the i-th pair has name ai, the second one has name bi. Each pair wondered if there is a substring of the lucky string containing both of their names. If so, they want to find the one with minimum length, which can give them good luck and make their friendship last forever.Please help DZY for each pair find the minimum length of the substring of s that contains both ai and bi, or point out that such substring doesn't exist.A substring of s is a string slsl + 1... sr for some integers l, r (1 ≀ l ≀ r ≀ |s|). The length of such the substring is (r - l + 1).A string p contains some another string q if there is a substring of p equal to q.
Input: ['xudyhduxyz3xyz xyzdyh xyzdzy xyz'] Output:['38-1']
[ 4 ]
DZY loves Physics, and he enjoys calculating density.Almost everything has density, even a graph. We define the density of a non-directed graph (nodes and edges of the graph have some values) as follows: where v is the sum of the values of the nodes, e is the sum of the values of the edges.Once DZY got a graph G, now he wants to find a connected induced subgraph G' of the graph, such that the density of G' is as large as possible.An induced subgraph G'(V', E') of a graph G(V, E) is a graph that satisfies: ; edge if and only if , and edge ; the value of an edge in G' is the same as the value of the corresponding edge in G, so as the value of a node. Help DZY to find the induced subgraph with maximum density. Note that the induced subgraph you choose must be connected.
Input: ['1 01'] Output:['0.000000000000000']
[ 2, 3 ]
Kolya got string s for his birthday, the string consists of small English letters. He immediately added k more characters to the right of the string.Then Borya came and said that the new string contained a tandem repeat of length l as a substring. How large could l be?See notes for definition of a tandem repeat.
Input: ['aaba2'] Output:['6']
[ 0 ]
Artem has an array of n positive integers. Artem decided to play with it. The game consists of n moves. Each move goes like this. Artem chooses some element of the array and removes it. For that, he gets min(a, b) points, where a and b are numbers that were adjacent with the removed number. If the number doesn't have an adjacent number to the left or right, Artem doesn't get any points. After the element is removed, the two parts of the array glue together resulting in the new array that Artem continues playing with. Borya wondered what maximum total number of points Artem can get as he plays this game.
Input: ['53 1 5 2 6'] Output:['11']
[ 2 ]
Andrey needs one more problem to conduct a programming contest. He has n friends who are always willing to help. He can ask some of them to come up with a contest problem. Andrey knows one value for each of his fiends β€” the probability that this friend will come up with a problem if Andrey asks him.Help Andrey choose people to ask. As he needs only one problem, Andrey is going to be really upset if no one comes up with a problem or if he gets more than one problem from his friends. You need to choose such a set of people that maximizes the chances of Andrey not getting upset.
Input: ['40.1 0.2 0.3 0.8'] Output:['0.800000000000']
[ 2, 3 ]
Have you ever played Hanabi? If not, then you've got to try it out! This problem deals with a simplified version of the game.Overall, the game has 25 types of cards (5 distinct colors and 5 distinct values). Borya is holding n cards. The game is somewhat complicated by the fact that everybody sees Borya's cards except for Borya himself. Borya knows which cards he has but he knows nothing about the order they lie in. Note that Borya can have multiple identical cards (and for each of the 25 types of cards he knows exactly how many cards of this type he has).The aim of the other players is to achieve the state when Borya knows the color and number value of each of his cards. For that, other players can give him hints. The hints can be of two types: color hints and value hints. A color hint goes like that: a player names some color and points at all the cards of this color. Similarly goes the value hint. A player names some value and points at all the cards that contain the value.Determine what minimum number of hints the other players should make for Borya to be certain about each card's color and value.
Input: ['2G3 G3'] Output:['0']
[ 0 ]
Valera is a coder. Recently he wrote a funny program. The pseudo code for this program is given below://input: integers x, k, pa = x;for(step = 1; step <= k; step = step + 1){ rnd = [random integer from 1 to 100]; if(rnd <= p) a = a * 2; else a = a + 1;}s = 0;while(remainder after dividing a by 2 equals 0){ a = a / 2; s = s + 1;}Now Valera wonders: given the values x, k and p, what is the expected value of the resulting number s?
Input: ['1 1 50'] Output:['1.0000000000000']
[ 3 ]
A permutation p of length n is a sequence of distinct integers p1, p2, ..., pn (1 ≀ pi ≀ n). A permutation is an identity permutation, if for any i the following equation holds pi = i. A swap (i, j) is the operation that swaps elements pi and pj in the permutation. Let's assume that f(p) is the minimum number of swaps that you need to make the permutation p an identity permutation. Valera wonders, how he can transform permutation p into any permutation q, such that f(q) = m, using the minimum number of swaps. Help him do that.
Input: ['51 2 3 4 52'] Output:['21 2 1 3 ']
[ 3 ]
Valera loves his garden, where n fruit trees grow.This year he will enjoy a great harvest! On the i-th tree bi fruit grow, they will ripen on a day number ai. Unfortunately, the fruit on the tree get withered, so they can only be collected on day ai and day ai + 1 (all fruits that are not collected in these two days, become unfit to eat).Valera is not very fast, but there are some positive points. Valera is ready to work every day. In one day, Valera can collect no more than v fruits. The fruits may be either from the same tree, or from different ones. What is the maximum amount of fruit Valera can collect for all time, if he operates optimally well?
Input: ['2 31 52 3'] Output:['8']
[ 2 ]
Prof. Vasechkin wants to represent positive integer n as a sum of addends, where each addends is an integer number containing only 1s. For example, he can represent 121 as 121=111+11+–1. Help him to find the least number of digits 1 in such sum.
Input: ['121'] Output:['6']
[ 0 ]
Petya has k matches, placed in n matchboxes lying in a line from left to right. We know that k is divisible by n. Petya wants all boxes to have the same number of matches inside. For that, he can move a match from its box to the adjacent one in one move. How many such moves does he need to achieve the desired configuration?
Input: ['61 6 2 5 3 7'] Output:['12']
[ 2 ]
Today is Devu's birthday. For celebrating the occasion, he bought n sweets from the nearby market. He has invited his f friends. He would like to distribute the sweets among them. As he is a nice guy and the occasion is great, he doesn't want any friend to be sad, so he would ensure to give at least one sweet to each friend. He wants to celebrate it in a unique style, so he would like to ensure following condition for the distribution of sweets. Assume that he has distributed n sweets to his friends such that ith friend is given ai sweets. He wants to make sure that there should not be any positive integer x > 1, which divides every ai.Please find the number of ways he can distribute sweets to his friends in the required way. Note that the order of distribution is important, for example [1, 2] and [2, 1] are distinct distributions. As the answer could be very large, output answer modulo 1000000007 (109 + 7).To make the problem more interesting, you are given q queries. Each query contains an n, f pair. For each query please output the required number of ways modulo 1000000007 (109 + 7).
Input: ['56 27 26 36 47 4'] Output:['2691020']
[ 3 ]
Devu and his brother love each other a lot. As they are super geeks, they only like to play with arrays. They are given two arrays a and b by their father. The array a is given to Devu and b to his brother. As Devu is really a naughty kid, he wants the minimum value of his array a should be at least as much as the maximum value of his brother's array b. Now you have to help Devu in achieving this condition. You can perform multiple operations on the arrays. In a single operation, you are allowed to decrease or increase any element of any of the arrays by 1. Note that you are allowed to apply the operation on any index of the array multiple times.You need to find minimum number of operations required to satisfy Devu's condition so that the brothers can play peacefully without fighting.
Input: ['2 22 33 5'] Output:['3']
[ 4, 4 ]
Devu being a small kid, likes to play a lot, but he only likes to play with arrays. While playing he came up with an interesting question which he could not solve, can you please solve it for him?Given an array consisting of distinct integers. Is it possible to partition the whole array into k disjoint non-empty parts such that p of the parts have even sum (each of them must have even sum) and remaining k - p have odd sum? (note that parts need not to be continuous).If it is possible to partition the array, also give any possible way of valid partitioning.
Input: ['5 5 32 6 10 5 9'] Output:['YES1 91 51 101 61 2']
[ 0 ]
Devu is a renowned classical singer. He is invited to many big functions/festivals. Recently he was invited to "All World Classical Singing Festival". Other than Devu, comedian Churu was also invited.Devu has provided organizers a list of the songs and required time for singing them. He will sing n songs, ith song will take ti minutes exactly. The Comedian, Churu will crack jokes. All his jokes are of 5 minutes exactly.People have mainly come to listen Devu. But you know that he needs rest of 10 minutes after each song. On the other hand, Churu being a very active person, doesn't need any rest.You as one of the organizers should make an optimal sсhedule for the event. For some reasons you must follow the conditions: The duration of the event must be no more than d minutes; Devu must complete all his songs; With satisfying the two previous conditions the number of jokes cracked by Churu should be as many as possible. If it is not possible to find a way to conduct all the songs of the Devu, output -1. Otherwise find out maximum number of jokes that Churu can crack in the grand event.
Input: ['3 302 2 1'] Output:['5']
[ 2 ]
At the children's day, the child came to Picks's house, and messed his house up. Picks was angry at him. A lot of important things were lost, in particular the favorite sequence of Picks.Fortunately, Picks remembers how to repair the sequence. Initially he should create an integer array a[1], a[2], ..., a[n]. Then he should perform a sequence of m operations. An operation can be one of the following: Print operation l, r. Picks should write down the value of . Modulo operation l, r, x. Picks should perform assignment a[i] = a[i] mod x for each i (l ≀ i ≀ r). Set operation k, x. Picks should set the value of a[k] to x (in other words perform an assignment a[k] = x). Can you help Picks to perform the whole sequence of operations?
Input: ['5 51 2 3 4 52 3 5 43 3 51 2 52 1 3 31 1 3'] Output:['85']
[ 3 ]
On Children's Day, the child got a toy from Delayyy as a present. However, the child is so naughty that he can't wait to destroy the toy.The toy consists of n parts and m ropes. Each rope links two parts, but every pair of parts is linked by at most one rope. To split the toy, the child must remove all its parts. The child can remove a single part at a time, and each remove consume an energy. Let's define an energy value of part i as vi. The child spend vf1 + vf2 + ... + vfk energy for removing part i where f1, f2, ..., fk are the parts that are directly connected to the i-th and haven't been removed.Help the child to find out, what is the minimum total energy he should spend to remove all n parts.
Input: ['4 310 20 30 401 41 22 3'] Output:['40']
[ 2 ]
At the children's day, the child came to Picks's house, and messed his house up. Picks was angry at him. A lot of important things were lost, in particular the favorite set of Picks.Fortunately, Picks remembers something about his set S: its elements were distinct integers from 1 to limit; the value of was equal to sum; here lowbit(x) equals 2k where k is the position of the first one in the binary representation of x. For example, lowbit(100102) = 102, lowbit(100012) = 12, lowbit(100002) = 100002 (binary representation). Can you help Picks and find any set S, that satisfies all the above conditions?
Input: ['5 5'] Output:['24 5']
[ 2 ]
All modern mobile applications are divided into free and paid. Even a single application developers often release two versions: a paid version without ads and a free version with ads. Suppose that a paid version of the app costs p (p is an integer) rubles, and the free version of the application contains c ad banners. Each user can be described by two integers: ai β€” the number of rubles this user is willing to pay for the paid version of the application, and bi β€” the number of banners he is willing to tolerate in the free version.The behavior of each member shall be considered strictly deterministic: if for user i, value bi is at least c, then he uses the free version, otherwise, if value ai is at least p, then he buys the paid version without advertising, otherwise the user simply does not use the application. Each user of the free version brings the profit of c × w rubles. Each user of the paid version brings the profit of p rubles.Your task is to help the application developers to select the optimal parameters p and c. Namely, knowing all the characteristics of users, for each value of c from 0 to (max bi) + 1 you need to determine the maximum profit from the application and the corresponding parameter p.
Input: ['2 12 00 2'] Output:['0 33 24 22 2']
[ 0 ]
Everyone who has played Cut the Rope knows full well how the gameplay is organized. All levels in the game are divided into boxes. Initially only one box with some levels is available. Player should complete levels to earn stars, collecting stars opens new box with levels. Imagine that you are playing Cut the Rope for the first time. Currently you have only the levels of the first box (by the way, it is called "Cardboard Box"). Each level is characterized by two integers: ai β€” how long it takes to complete the level for one star, bi β€” how long it takes to complete the level for two stars (ai < bi).You want to open the next box as quickly as possible. So, you need to earn at least w stars. How do make it happen? Note that the level can be passed only once: either for one star or for two. You do not necessarily need to pass all the levels.
Input: ['2 31 21 2'] Output:['312']
[ 2 ]
During the loading of the game "Dungeons and Candies" you are required to get descriptions of k levels from the server. Each description is a map of an n × m checkered rectangular field. Some cells of the field contain candies (each cell has at most one candy). An empty cell is denoted as "." on the map, but if a cell has a candy, it is denoted as a letter of the English alphabet. A level may contain identical candies, in this case the letters in the corresponding cells of the map will be the same. When you transmit information via a network, you want to minimize traffic β€” the total size of the transferred data. The levels can be transmitted in any order. There are two ways to transmit the current level A: You can transmit the whole level A. Then you need to transmit nΒ·m bytes via the network. You can transmit the difference between level A and some previously transmitted level B (if it exists); this operation requires to transmit dA, BΒ·w bytes, where dA, B is the number of cells of the field that are different for A and B, and w is a constant. Note, that you should compare only the corresponding cells of levels A and B to calculate dA, B. You cannot transform the maps of levels, i.e. rotate or shift them relatively to each other. Your task is to find a way to transfer all the k levels and minimize the traffic.
Input: ['2 3 3 2A.A...A.a..CX.Y...'] Output:['141 02 13 1']
[ 2 ]
Om Nom really likes candies and doesn't like spiders as they frequently steal candies. One day Om Nom fancied a walk in a park. Unfortunately, the park has some spiders and Om Nom doesn't want to see them at all. The park can be represented as a rectangular n × m field. The park has k spiders, each spider at time 0 is at some cell of the field. The spiders move all the time, and each spider always moves in one of the four directions (left, right, down, up). In a unit of time, a spider crawls from his cell to the side-adjacent cell in the corresponding direction. If there is no cell in the given direction, then the spider leaves the park. The spiders do not interfere with each other as they move. Specifically, one cell can have multiple spiders at the same time.Om Nom isn't yet sure where to start his walk from but he definitely wants: to start walking at time 0 at an upper row cell of the field (it is guaranteed that the cells in this row do not contain any spiders); to walk by moving down the field towards the lowest row (the walk ends when Om Nom leaves the boundaries of the park). We know that Om Nom moves by jumping. One jump takes one time unit and transports the little monster from his cell to either a side-adjacent cell on the lower row or outside the park boundaries.Each time Om Nom lands in a cell he sees all the spiders that have come to that cell at this moment of time. Om Nom wants to choose the optimal cell to start the walk from. That's why he wonders: for each possible starting cell, how many spiders will he see during the walk if he starts from this cell? Help him and calculate the required value for each possible starting cell.
Input: ['3 3 4...R.LR.U'] Output:['0 2 2 ']
[ 3 ]
The hero of the Cut the Rope game is a little monster named Om Nom. He loves candies. And what a coincidence! He also is the hero of today's problem. One day, Om Nom visited his friend Evan. Evan has n candies of two types (fruit drops and caramel drops), the i-th candy hangs at the height of hi centimeters above the floor of the house, its mass is mi. Om Nom wants to eat as many candies as possible. At the beginning Om Nom can make at most x centimeter high jumps. When Om Nom eats a candy of mass y, he gets stronger and the height of his jump increases by y centimeters.What maximum number of candies can Om Nom eat if he never eats two candies of the same type in a row (Om Nom finds it too boring)?
Input: ['5 30 2 41 3 10 8 30 20 101 5 5'] Output:['4']
[ 2 ]
You are given an n × m grid, some of its nodes are black, the others are white. Moreover, it's not an ordinary grid β€” each unit square of the grid has painted diagonals.The figure below is an example of such grid of size 3 × 5. Four nodes of this grid are black, the other 11 nodes are white. Your task is to count the number of such triangles on the given grid that: the corners match the white nodes, and the area is positive; all sides go along the grid lines (horizontal, vertical or diagonal); no side contains black nodes.
Input: ['3 5100001001000001'] Output:['20']
[ 0, 2 ]
Pasha has a positive integer a without leading zeroes. Today he decided that the number is too small and he should make it larger. Unfortunately, the only operation Pasha can do is to swap two adjacent decimal digits of the integer.Help Pasha count the maximum number he can get if he has the time to make at most k swaps.
Input: ['1990 1'] Output:['9190']
[ 2 ]
One day, Okazaki Tomoya has bought a tree for Furukawa Nagisa's birthday. The tree is so strange that every node of the tree has a value. The value of the i-th node is vi. Now Furukawa Nagisa and Okazaki Tomoya want to play a game on the tree.Let (s, e) be the path from node s to node e, we can write down the sequence of the values of nodes on path (s, e), and denote this sequence as S(s, e). We define the value of the sequence G(S(s, e)) as follows. Suppose that the sequence is z0, z1...zl - 1, where l is the length of the sequence. We define G(S(s, e)) = z0 × k0 + z1 × k1 + ... + zl - 1 × kl - 1. If the path (s, e) satisfies , then the path (s, e) belongs to Furukawa Nagisa, otherwise it belongs to Okazaki Tomoya.Calculating who has more paths is too easy, so they want to play something more difficult. Furukawa Nagisa thinks that if paths (p1, p2) and (p2, p3) belong to her, then path (p1, p3) belongs to her as well. Also, she thinks that if paths (p1, p2) and (p2, p3) belong to Okazaki Tomoya, then path (p1, p3) belongs to Okazaki Tomoya as well. But in fact, this conclusion isn't always right. So now Furukawa Nagisa wants to know how many triplets (p1, p2, p3) are correct for the conclusion, and this is your task.
Input: ['1 2 1 01'] Output:['1']
[ 4 ]
Ryouko is an extremely forgetful girl, she could even forget something that has just happened. So in order to remember, she takes a notebook with her, called Ryouko's Memory Note. She writes what she sees and what she hears on the notebook, and the notebook became her memory.Though Ryouko is forgetful, she is also born with superb analyzing abilities. However, analyzing depends greatly on gathered information, in other words, memory. So she has to shuffle through her notebook whenever she needs to analyze, which is tough work.Ryouko's notebook consists of n pages, numbered from 1 to n. To make life (and this problem) easier, we consider that to turn from page x to page y, |x - y| pages should be turned. During analyzing, Ryouko needs m pieces of information, the i-th piece of information is on page ai. Information must be read from the notebook in order, so the total number of pages that Ryouko needs to turn is .Ryouko wants to decrease the number of pages that need to be turned. In order to achieve this, she can merge two pages of her notebook. If Ryouko merges page x to page y, she would copy all the information on page x to y (1 ≀ x, y ≀ n), and consequently, all elements in sequence a that was x would become y. Note that x can be equal to y, in which case no changes take place.Please tell Ryouko the minimum number of pages that she needs to turn. Note she can apply the described operation at most once before the reading. Note that the answer can exceed 32-bit integers.
Input: ['4 61 2 3 4 3 2'] Output:['3']
[ 3 ]
Kitahara Haruki has bought n apples for Touma Kazusa and Ogiso Setsuna. Now he wants to divide all the apples between the friends.Each apple weights 100 grams or 200 grams. Of course Kitahara Haruki doesn't want to offend any of his friend. Therefore the total weight of the apples given to Touma Kazusa must be equal to the total weight of the apples given to Ogiso Setsuna.But unfortunately Kitahara Haruki doesn't have a knife right now, so he cannot split any apple into some parts. Please, tell him: is it possible to divide all the apples in a fair way between his friends?
Input: ['3100 200 100'] Output:['YES']
[ 0 ]
You have an n × m rectangle table, its cells are not initially painted. Your task is to paint all cells of the table. The resulting picture should be a tiling of the table with squares. More formally: each cell must be painted some color (the colors are marked by uppercase Latin letters); we will assume that two cells of the table are connected if they are of the same color and share a side; each connected region of the table must form a square. Given n and m, find lexicographically minimum coloring of the table that meets the described properties.
Input: ['1 3'] Output:['ABA']
[ 2 ]
You have an array a[1], a[2], ..., a[n], containing distinct integers from 1 to n. Your task is to sort this array in increasing order with the following operation (you may need to apply it multiple times): choose two indexes, i and j (1 ≀ i < j ≀ n; (j - i + 1) is a prime number); swap the elements on positions i and j; in other words, you are allowed to apply the following sequence of assignments: tmp = a[i], a[i] = a[j], a[j] = tmp (tmp is a temporary variable). You do not need to minimize the number of used operations. However, you need to make sure that there are at most 5n operations.
Input: ['33 2 1'] Output:['11 3']
[ 2 ]