This package implements transaction undo capabilities in Zope 3 applications and specifically the Zope 3 ZMI.CHANGES3.5.0 (2009-02-01)Adjusted tests so that basic objects and interfaces are pulled fromzope.siteandzope.locationrather (2007-10-27)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package provides a framework for managing multiple versions of objects within a ZODB database.Detailed DocumentationCHANGESVersion 0.1 (2009-07-24)Initial Release as an egg.
This package provides Zope application level integration of thezope.wfmcpackage including ZCML directives.Detailed DocumentationLoading XPDLXPDL can be loaded in zcml files with thexpdltag:>>> import os >>> file_name = os.path.join(this_directory, 'publication.xpdl') >>> zcml(""" ... <configure ... xmlns="" ... xmlns:wfmc="" ... i18n_domain="test" ... > ... ... <wfmc:xpdl ... file="%(file_name)s" ... process="Publication" ... id="example.publication" ... integration="zope.wfmc.adapter.integration" ... /> ... ... </configure> ... """ % locals())Lets verify that they were configured:>>> from zope.wfmc.interfaces import IProcessDefinition >>> import zope.component >>> pd = zope.component.getUtility(IProcessDefinition, ... 'example.publication') >>> pd ProcessDefinition('example.publication') >>> import zope.wfmc.adapter >>> pd.integration is zope.wfmc.adapter.integration TrueCHANGES0.1.2 (2007-11-02)Fix package meta-data.0.1.1 (2007-06-01)Add CHANGES.txtFix to include package data correctly (zcml, xpdl, txt)
This package provides the original implementation of a workflow engine based on Zope 3. It has been superceeded byzope.wfmcandhurry.workflow.CHANGES3.5.0 (2009-02-01)Use zope.container instead of mark test dependency on (2009-01-27)Fix broken tests,Remove dependency on (2007-11-04)Move functional tests to tests/ directory.Remove find-links configuration in buildout.cfg.3.4.0 (2007-11-04)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package provides theWSGIPublisherApplicationclass which exposes the object publishing machinery inzope.publisheras a WSGI application. It also lets us bring up the Zope application server (parsingzope.confandsite.zcml) with a mere function call:>>> db ='zope.conf')This is especially useful for debugging.To bring up Zope and obtain the WSGI application object at the same time, use thegetWSGIApplicationfunction.This package also provides an easy to use application factory forPasteDeploy. You can simply specify an application configuration like this in your Paste configuration file:[app:main] use = config_file = %(here)s/zope.confLook for more documentation inside the package itself.CHANGES5.0 (2023-01-19)Add support for Python 3.11.Add support for Python 3.10.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2022-07-13)Add support for Python 3.9.Remove unused dependencies onzope.configuration,zope.error,zope.lifecycleevent,zope.session,zope.testing, and unused test dependencies onzope.annotation,zope.login, andzope.password.4.3.0 (2020-07-06)Fix the testlayer’shttp()to pass through the request protocol as the response protocol, for compatibility with’s HTTPCaller. SeePR (2020-03-23)Add support for Python 3.7 and 3.8.Drop support for Python 3.3 and 3.4.Fix the testlayer’shttp()to accept leading whitespace in HTTP requests, for compatibility with’s HTTPCaller.Add aserver_protocolattribute toFakeResponseso you can customize the output to be more compatible with’s HTTPCaller.Drop support for running the tests usingpython test.4.1.0 (2017-04-27)Usebase64.b64encodeto avoid deprecation warning with Python 3.Add support for PyPy.Add support for Python 3.6.Fix the testlayer’sFakeResponseassuming that headers were in unicode on Python 2, where they should usually be encoded bytes already. This could lead to UnicodeDecodeError if the headers contained non-ascii characters. Also make it implement__unicode__on Python 2 and__bytes__on Python 3 to ease cross version testing. Seeissue (2016-08-08)Update dependencies to no longer pin alpha versions of packages which already have final releases.Drop support for Python 2.6.Claim support for Python 3.4 and 3.5. This requires to update>=>= 4.0Fix a bug occurring in Python 3 when the principal could not be adapted toILoggingInfo.4.0.0a4 (2013-03-19)Improve Trove classifiers.FixBrowserLayer(allowTearDown=True)to actually allow tear downs.4.0.0a3 (2013-03-03)You can now specify additional WSGI middleware components wihtout subclassing theBrowserLayerclass.toxnow uses the Zope test runner’sftestcommand to execute tests, since setup tests cannot deal with layers, especially when they need to spawn sub-proceeses.Switched all functional tests to useWebTestinstead ofzope.testbrowser. Set up proper layering.Do not rely onzope.testbrowser.wsgiWSGI layer support. It was not needed anyways.Minimized theftesting.zcmlsetup.Backwards incompatibility: if you depend, you will need to[testlayer] >= 4.0(version constraint is there because older releases did not define atestlayerextra).4.0.0a2 (2013-03-02)Fixed a bug in WSGI Test Layer setup, where the DB is not correctly set.4.0.0a1 (2013-02-28)Added support for Python 3.3.Replaced deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Dropped support for Python 2.4 and (2012-01-19)Fixed: didn’t emit ProcessStarting events.NOTEIf an application compensated for this by generating the event, it will need to stop or there will be multiple events emited. (Whether or not multiple events will do any harm is application specific.)3.14.0 (2012-01-10)Set the WSGI environment’sREMOTE_USERitem (if not already set) with the Zope principal label. (This is the same data set in thewsgi.logging_infoenvironment item.)This change allows user info to be used bypaste.transloggermiddleware (or any similar middleware that usesREMOTE_USER), which provides access logging.3.13.0 (2011-03-15)Update to zope.testbrowser 4.0.0 which uses WebTest instead of wsgi_intercept.3.12.0 (2011-01-25) work with changes made in version (2011-01-24)Movedwsgi_interceptsupport tozope.testbrowser.wsgi, thus requiring at least version 3.11 of this, but left BBB import here.Split generic WSGI browser layer (zope.testbrowser.wsgi.Layer) and ZODB/ZOPE specific part ( before).3.10.0 (2010-11-18)Add pluggability for setting up WSGI middleware in testlayer.3.9.3 (2010-10-14)Python 2.7 compatibility for xmlrpc. Transplant of r116141.3.9.2 (2010-05-23)Fixed test breakage due to changes in mechanize (2010-04-24)Add support for testing XMLRPC using a bug in the status string handling in’s FakeResponse.3.9.0 (2010-04-19)Return a FakeResponse object in, so it becomes easier to port over tests from’s HTTPCaller.X-Powered-By header is now stripped by as it is by initialize any <logger> defined in the config, as does. (Fixes #291147)3.8.0 (2010-04-14) is now a lot more compatible with the HTTPCaller() functionality in, which it can replace:same transaction behavior - pending transactions are committed before request and synchronized for browser.handleErrors (for zope.testbrowser).support for clear-text (non-base64) Basic authentication headers, which are easier to read in the tests (though not correct in actual HTTP traffic).3.7.0 (2010-04-13)Rewrite tests in order not to dependent new testing functionality that can replace the old functionality In addition, it supports usingzope.testbrowserwith WSGI directly (instead of relying, which pulls in a lot of dependencies).The interesting parts this sets up a minimal layer that allows you to use the new WSGI-enabled this is a subclass of Browser fromzope.testbrowser.browser. Use it instead ofzope.testbrowser.browserdirectly to use the test browser with WSGI. You need to useBrowserLayerwith your tests for this to this is the equivalent to thehttp()function It allows low-level HTTP access through WSGI. You need to useBrowserLayerwith your tests for this to work.3.6.1 (2010-01-29)Support product configuration sections in Zope configuration files.3.6.0 (2009-06-20)Import database events directly fromzope.processlifetimeinstead of using BBB imports (2009-04-03)TheWSGIPublisherApplicationuses now theILoggingInfoconcept given from zope.publisher.interfaces.logginginfo for log user infos usable for access logs. This allows you to implement your own access log user info message. See zope.publisher.interfaces.logginginfo.ILoggingInfo for more information.3.5.1 (2009-03-31)TheWSGIPublisherApplicationcall now provides a user name in the environment meant for use in logs.3.5.0 (2009-02-10)Make devmode warning message more generic. We don’t nesessary have theetc/zope.conffile nowadays when using buildout-based setups.Add an application factory for Paste. So Zope application can now be easily deployed with Paste .ini configuration like this:[app:main] use = config_file = %(here)s/zope.conf handle_errors = falseThe config_file is a required argument, however the handle_errors defaults to True if not specified. Setting it to False allows you to make WSGIPublisherApplication not handle exceptions itself but propagate them to an upper middleware, like WebError or something.TheWSGIPublisherApplicationconstructor andgetWSGIApplicationfunction now accept optionalhandle_errorsargument, described above.Change mailing list address to zope-dev at instead of retired one.3.4.1 (2008-07-30)Added Trove classifiers.NotifyWSGIPublisherApplicationCreatedevent when WSGI application is created.Fixed deprecation warning inftesting.zcml: ZopeSecurityPolicy moved tozope.securitypolicy.3.4.0 (2007-09-14)Fixed the tests to run on Python 2.5 as well as Python 2.4.SplitgetApplicationintoconfigandgetApplicationso thatconfigcould be reused, for example for debugging.3.4.0a1 (2007-04-22)Initial release as a separate project, corresponds Zope 3.4.0a1
This Zope 3 package provides an XML-RPC introspection mechanism.Detailed DocumentationXMLRPC IntrospectionWhat’s introspection now ?This Zope 3 package provides an xmlrpcintrospection mechanism, as defined here: registers three new xmlrpc methods:listMethods(): Lists all xmlrpc methods (ie views) registered for the current objectmethodHelp(method_name): Returns the method documentation of the given method.methodSignature(method_name): Returns the method documentation of the given method.How do I use it ?Basically, if you want to add introspection into your XMLRPCView, you just have to add a decorator for each method of the view, that specifies the return type of the method and the argument types.The decorator is calledxmlrpccallable>>> from import xmlrpccallable >>> from import XMLRPCView >>> class MySuperXMLRPCView(XMLRPCView): ... @xmlrpccallable(str, str, str, str) ... def myMethod(self, a, b, c): ... """ my help """ ... return '%s %s, %s, lalalala, you and me, lalalala' % (a, b, c)myMethod()will then be introspectable. (find a full examples below, grep for (*))How does it works ?It is based on introspection mechanisms provided by the apidoc package.*ripped form xmlrpc doctests*Let’s write a view that returns a folder listing:>>> class FolderListing: ... def contents(self): ... return list(self.context.keys())Now we’ll register it as a view:>>> from zope.configuration import xmlconfig >>> ignored = xmlconfig.string(""" ... <configure ... xmlns="" ... xmlns:xmlrpc="" ... > ... <!-- We only need to do this include in this example, ... Normally the include has already been done for us. --> ... <include package="" file="meta.zcml" /> ... ... <xmlrpc:view ... for="" ... methods="contents" ... class="" ... permission="zope.ManageContent" ... /> ... </configure> ... """)Now, we’ll add some items to the root folder:>>> print http(r""" ... POST /@@contents.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic bWdyOm1ncnB3 ... Content-Length: 73 ... Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded ... ...""") HTTP/1.1 303 See Other ...>>> print http(r""" ... POST /@@contents.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic bWdyOm1ncnB3 ... Content-Length: 73 ... Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded ... ...""") HTTP/1.1 303 See Other ...And call our xmlrpc method:>>> print http(r""" ... POST / HTTP/1.0 ... Authorization: Basic bWdyOm1ncnB3 ... Content-Length: 102 ... Content-Type: text/xml ... ... <?xml version='1.0'?> ... <methodCall> ... <methodName>contents</methodName> ... <params> ... </params> ... </methodCall> ... """) HTTP/1.0 200 OK ... <?xml version='1.0'?> <methodResponse> <params> <param> <value><array><data> <value><string>f1</string></value> <value><string>f2</string></value> </data></array></value> </param> </params> </methodResponse> <BLANKLINE>*end of ripped form xmlrpc doctests*Now we want to provide to that view introspection. Let’s add three new xmlrcp methods, that published the introspection api.>>> ignored = xmlconfig.string(""" ... <configure ... xmlns="" ... xmlns:xmlrpc="" ... > ... <!-- We only need to do this include in this example, ... Normally the include has already been done for us. --> ... <include package="" file="meta.zcml" /> ... <xmlrpc:view ... for="zope.interface.Interface" ... methods="listMethods methodHelp methodSignature" ... class="" ... permission="zope.Public" ... /> ... </configure> ... """)They are linked to XMLRPCIntrospection class, that actuallyknows how to lookup to all interfacesAnd call our xmlrpc method, that should list the content method:>>> print http(r""" ... POST / HTTP/1.0 ... Content-Type: text/xml ... ... <?xml version='1.0'?> ... <methodCall> ... <methodName>listMethods</methodName> ... <params> ... </params> ... </methodCall> ... """, handle_errors=False) HTTP/1.0 200 OK ... <?xml version='1.0'?> <methodResponse> ... <value><string>contents</string></value> ... </methodResponse> <BLANKLINE>Let’s try to add another method, to se if it gets listed…>>> class FolderListing2: ... def contents2(self): ... return list(self.context.keys()) >>> from zope.configuration import xmlconfig >>> ignored = xmlconfig.string(""" ... <configure ... xmlns="" ... xmlns:xmlrpc="" ... > ... <!-- We only need to do this include in this example, ... Normally the include has already been done for us. --> ... <include package="" file="meta.zcml" /> ... ... <xmlrpc:view ... for="" ... methods="contents2" ... class="" ... permission="zope.ManageContent" ... /> ... </configure> ... """) >>> print http(r""" ... POST / HTTP/1.0 ... Content-Type: text/xml ... ... <?xml version='1.0'?> ... <methodCall> ... <methodName>listMethods</methodName> ... <params> ... </params> ... </methodCall> ... """, handle_errors=False) HTTP/1.0 200 OK ... <?xml version='1.0'?> <methodResponse> ... <value><string>contents</string></value> <value><string>contents2</string></value> ... </methodResponse> <BLANKLINE>No we want to test methodHelp and methodSignature, to check that it returns,The method docThe list of attributesIn RPC, the list of attributes has to be return in an array of type:[return type, param1 type, param2 type]Since in Python we cannot have a static type for the method return type, we introduce here a new mechanism based on a decorator, that let the xmlrpcview developer add his own signature.If the signature is not given, a defaut list is returned:[None, None, None…]The decorator append to the function objet two new parameters, to get back the signature.>>> from import xmlrpccallable >>> class JacksonFiveRPC: ... @xmlrpccallable(str, str, str, str) ... def says(self, a, b, c): ... return '%s %s, %s, lalalala, you and me, lalalala' % (a, b, c)Let’s try to get back the signature:>>> JacksonFiveRPC().says.return_type <type 'str'> >>> JacksonFiveRPC().says.parameters_types (<type 'str'>, <type 'str'>, <type 'str'>)The method is still callable as needed:>>> JacksonFiveRPC().says('a', 'b', 'c') 'a b, c, lalalala, you and me, lalalala'Let’s try out decorated and not decorated methods signatures (*):>>> class JacksonFiveRPC: ... @xmlrpccallable(str, str, str, str) ... def says(self, a, b, c): ... return '%s %s, %s, lalalala, you and me, lalalala' % (a, b, c) ... def says_not_decorated(self, a, b, c): ... return '%s %s, %s, lalalala, you and me, lalalala' % (a, b, c) >>> from zope.configuration import xmlconfig >>> ignored = xmlconfig.string(""" ... <configure ... xmlns="" ... xmlns:xmlrpc="" ... > ... <!-- We only need to do this include in this example, ... Normally the include has already been done for us. --> ... <include package="" file="meta.zcml" /> ... ... <xmlrpc:view ... for="" ... methods="says says_not_decorated" ... class="" ... permission="zope.ManageContent" ... /> ... </configure> ... """)Now let’s try to get the signature forsays():>>> print http(r""" ... POST / HTTP/1.0 ... Content-Type: text/xml ... ... <?xml version='1.0'?> ... <methodCall> ... <methodName>methodSignature</methodName> ... <params> ... <param> ... <value>says</value> ... </param> ... </params> ... </methodCall> ... """, handle_errors=False) HTTP/1.0 200 OK ... <?xml version='1.0'?> <methodResponse> <params> <param> <value><array><data> <value><array><data> <value><string>str</string></value> <value><string>str</string></value> <value><string>str</string></value> <value><string>str</string></value> </data></array></value> </data></array></value> </param> </params> </methodResponse> <BLANKLINE>Now let’s try to get the signature for says_not_decorated()`:>>> print http(r""" ... POST / HTTP/1.0 ... Content-Type: text/xml ... ... <?xml version='1.0'?> ... <methodCall> ... <methodName>methodSignature</methodName> ... <params> ... <param> ... <value>says_not_decorated</value> ... </param> ... </params> ... </methodCall> ... """, handle_errors=False) HTTP/1.0 200 OK ... <?xml version='1.0'?> <methodResponse> <params> <param> <value><array><data> <value><array><data> <value><string>undef</string></value> <value><string>undef</string></value> <value><string>undef</string></value> <value><string>undef</string></value> </data></array></value> </data></array></value> </param> </params> </methodResponse> <BLANKLINE>Last, but not least, the method help:>>> class JacksonFiveRPCDocumented: ... @xmlrpccallable(str, str, str, str) ... def says(self, a, b, c): ... """ this is the help for ... says() ... """ ... return '%s %s, %s, lalalala, you and me, lalalala' % (a, b, c) ... def says_not_documented(self, a, b, c): ... return '%s %s, %s, lalalala, you and me, lalalala' % (a, b, c) >>> from zope.configuration import xmlconfig >>> ignored = xmlconfig.string(""" ... <configure ... xmlns="" ... xmlns:xmlrpc="" ... > ... <!-- We only need to do this include in this example, ... Normally the include has already been done for us. --> ... <include package="" file="meta.zcml" /> ... ... <xmlrpc:view ... for="" ... methods="says says_not_documented" ... class="" ... permission="zope.ManageContent" ... /> ... </configure> ... """) >>> print http(r""" ... POST / HTTP/1.0 ... Content-Type: text/xml ... ... <?xml version='1.0'?> ... <methodCall> ... <methodName>methodHelp</methodName> ... <params> ... <param> ... <value>says</value> ... </param> ... </params> ... </methodCall> ... """, handle_errors=False) HTTP/1.0 200 OK ... <?xml version='1.0'?> <methodResponse> <params> <param> <value><string> this is the help for says() </string></value> </param> </params> </methodResponse> <BLANKLINE> >>> print http(r""" ... POST / HTTP/1.0 ... Content-Type: text/xml ... ... <?xml version='1.0'?> ... <methodCall> ... <methodName>methodHelp</methodName> ... <params> ... <param> ... <value>says_not_documented</value> ... </param> ... </params> ... </methodCall> ... """, handle_errors=False) HTTP/1.0 200 OK ... <?xml version='1.0'?> <methodResponse> <params> <param> <value><string>undef</string></value> </param> </params> </methodResponse> <BLANKLINE>CHANGES3.5.1 (2010-02-06)Fix test by including zope.loginInclude ftesting.zcml from meta.zcml from zope.securitypolicy3.5.0 (2009-02-01) (2007-11-03)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
ContentsCHANGES3.5.0 (2011-03-01)3.4.1 (2009-07-23)3.4.0 (2007-10-03)Zope Application Programming Interfaceprincipals()DownloadCHANGES3.5.0 (2011-03-01)Removed BBB imports of deprecated parts (services, multiviews etc.) which were removed inzope.component3.6, thus requiring at least this version.Using Python’sdoctestmodule instead of depreactedzope.testing.doctest.3.4.1 (2009-07-23)Explicitely list all dependencies. Fixes test failures.3.4.0 (2007-10-03)Initial public release as an individual package.Zope Application Programming InterfaceThis package provides a collection of commonly used APIs to make imports simpler.Mostly, the APIs provided here are imported from elsewhere. A few are provided here.principals()The principals method returns the authentication service. If no service is defined, a ComponentLookupError is raised:>>> from import zapi >>> zapi.principals() #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Traceback (most recent call last): ... ComponentLookupError: (<InterfaceClass zope.authentication.interfaces.IAuthentication>, '')But if we provide an authentication service:>>> import zope.interface >>> from zope.authentication.interfaces import IAuthentication >>> class FakeAuthenticationUtility: ... zope.interface.implements(IAuthentication) >>> fake = FakeAuthenticationUtility()>>> from import ztapi >>> ztapi.provideUtility(IAuthentication, fake)Then we should be able to get the service back when we ask for the principals:>>> zapi.principals() is fake TrueDownload
ContentsChange History5.0 (2023-07-10)4.1.0 (2022-08-23)4.0.0 (2017-05-29)3.8.0 (2013-08-27)3.7.1 (2011-07-26)3.7.0 (2009-12-28)3.6.1 (2009-12-16)3.6.0 (2009-07-11)3.5.5 (2009-05-23)3.5.4 (2009-05-18)3.5.3 (2009-02-04)3.5.2 (2009-01-31)3.5.1 (2008-12-28)3.5.0 (2008-12-16)3.4.3 (2007-11-01)3.4.2 (2007-10-30)3.4.1 (2007-10-23)3.4.0 (2007-10-03)Change History5.0 (2023-07-10)Add support for Python 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2022-08-23)Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.Drop support for Python (2017-05-29)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy. Update minimum dependency versions appropriately.3.8.0 (2013-08-27)Remove include is not useful unless upgrading a database older than Zope 3.4. This cuts the last dependency the ZTK.3.7.1 (2011-07-26)Move include ofzope.dublincore.browserhere fromzope.dublincore(LP: #590668).3.7.0 (2009-12-28)Use has its ownconfigure.zcml.No longer usingzope.testing.doctestunitas it is deprecated now. Using python’sdoctestmodule.3.6.1 (2009-12-16)Removed reference to no longer existing configure.zcml (2009-07-11)No longer depends on onzope.componentvocabulary.3.5.5 (2009-05-23)Added missing dependencies, (2009-05-18)Added, as we include its ZCML.Added dependency to make tests pass.3.5.3 (2009-02-04) (we include its ZCML).3.5.2 (2009-01-31)We depended onzope.formlibbut didn’t include its configuration. Now it’s included inconfigure.zcml.We include ZCML didn’t mention it as a dependency.3.5.1 (2008-12-28)Add include Because component-based vocabularies are used everywhere and we need to import somehow to make it work. This is needed because of removal of the include of’s meta.zcml in the previous release.3.5.0 (2008-12-16)Remove deprecated include deprecated include use of zope.modulealias.3.4.3 (2007-11-01)Fix test failure due to Now it is moved (2007-10-30)Fix test failure due to Now it is moved (2007-10-23)Added missing dependency.3.4.0 (2007-10-03)Initial public release as an individual package.
This package provides the ZODB schema update generations for all components included in the classic Zope 3 releases.CHANGES3.6.1 (2010-12-22)Fixed evolve3 that used no longer existing API.3.6.0 (2010-09-18)Now depends onzope.generationsinstead (2009-04-05)MovedgetRootFolderutility method author email and home page address.3.4.0 (2007-10-29)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
ContentsCHANGES3.5.1 (2010-01-08)3.5.0 (2009-01-31)3.4.1 (2007-10-31)3.4.0 (2007-10-03)CHANGES3.5.1 (2010-01-08)Usezope.pagetemplateinstead tests using a newer zope.publisher that requires zope.login.3.5.0 (2009-01-31)Usezope.containerinstead Add missing dependency (2007-10-31)ResolveZopeSecurityPolicydeprecation warning.3.4.0 (2007-10-03)Initial public release as an individual package.
zope.authenticationThis package provides a definition of authentication concepts for use in Zope Framework. This includes:IAuthenticationIUnauthenticatedPrincipalILogoutDocumentation is hosted at (2023-01-06)Add support for Python 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2021-03-19)Add support for Python 3.8 and 3.9.Drop support for Python 3.4.Fix deprecated test imports from zope.component to use the correct imports from zope.interface.4.4.0 (2018-08-24)Host documentation athttps://zopeauthentication.readthedocs.ioAdd support for Python 3.7.Drop support for Python 3.3.Drop support forpython test.4.3.0 (2017-05-11)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6 and (2015-06-05)Add support for PyPy3 and Python (2014-12-26)Add support for PyPy. PyPy3 support is blocked on a release of a fix for: support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.4.1.0 (2013-02-21)Add support for Python (2012-07-04)Break inappropriate testing dependency onzope.component.nextutility.(Forward-compatibility withzope.component4.0.0).Replace deprecatedzope.component.adaptsusage with equivalentzope.component.adapterdecorator.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2010-04-30)Remove undeclared testing dependency onzope.testing.3.7.0 (2009-03-14)Initial release. This package was split off provide a separate common interface definition for authentication utilities without extra dependencies.
BForest APIBForests are dictionary-like objects that use multiple BTrees for a backend and support rotation of the composite trees. This supports various implementations of timed member expirations, enabling caches and semi-persistent storage. A useful and simple subclass would be to promote a key-value pair to the first (newest) bucket whenever the key is accessed, for instance. It also is useful with disabling the rotation capability.Like btrees, bforests come in four flavors: Integer-Integer (IIBForest), Integer-Object (IOBForest), Object-Integer (OIBForest), and Object-Object (OOBForest). The examples here will deal with them in the abstract: we will create classes from the imaginary and representative BForest class, and generate keys from KeyGenerator and values from ValueGenerator. From the examples you should be able to extrapolate usage of all four types.First let’s instantiate a bforest and look at an empty example. By default, a new bforest creates two composite btree buckets.>>> d = BForest() >>> list(d.keys()) [] >>> list(d.values()) [] >>> len(d.buckets) 2 >>> dummy_key = KeyGenerator() >>> d.get(dummy_key) >>> d.get(dummy_key, 42) 42Now we’ll populate it. We’ll first create a BTree we’ll use to compare.>>> original = BForest._treemodule.BTree() >>> for i in range(10): ... original[KeyGenerator()] = ValueGenerator() ... >>> d.update(original) >>> d == original True >>> list(d) == list(original) True >>> list(d.keys()) == list(original.keys()) True >>> list(d.values()) == list(original.values()) True >>> list(d.items()) == list(original.items()) True >>> original_min = original.minKey() >>> d.popitem() == (original_min, original.pop(original_min)) True >>> original_min = original.minKey() >>> d.pop(original_min) == original.pop(original_min) True >>> len(d) == len(original) TrueNow let’s rotate the buckets.>>> d.rotateBucket()…and we’ll do the exact same test as above, first.>>> d == original True >>> list(d) == list(original) True >>> list(d.keys()) == list(original.keys()) True >>> list(d.values()) == list(original.values()) True >>> list(d.items()) == list(original.items()) True >>> original_min = original.minKey() >>> d.popitem() == (original_min, original.pop(original_min)) True >>> original_min = original.minKey() >>> d.pop(original_min) == original.pop(original_min) True >>> len(d) == len(original) TrueNow we’ll make a new dictionary to represent changes made after the bucket rotation.>>> second = BForest._treemodule.BTree() >>> for i in range(10): ... key = KeyGenerator() ... value = ValueGenerator() ... second[key] = value ... d[key] = value ... >>> original.update(second)…and we’ll do the exact same test as above, first.>>> d == original True >>> list(d) == list(original) True >>> list(d.keys()) == list(original.keys()) True >>> list(d.values()) == list(original.values()) True >>> list(d.items()) == list(original.items()) True >>> original_min = original.minKey() >>> d.popitem() == (original_min, original.pop(original_min)) True >>> if original_min in second: ... _ = second.pop(original_min) >>> original_min = original.minKey() >>> d.pop(original_min) == original.pop(original_min) True >>> if original_min in second: ... _ = second.pop(original_min) >>> len(d) == len(original) TrueThe bforest offersitervalues,iterkeys, anditeritemsthat have the same extended arguments as BTrees’values,keys, anditems.>>> list(d.itervalues()) == list(original.values()) True >>> list(d.iteritems()) == list(original.items()) True >>> list(d.iterkeys()) == list(original.keys()) True>>> keys = list(original) >>> mid = keys[len(keys)//2] >>> list(d.itervalues(min=mid)) == list(original.itervalues(min=mid)) True >>> list(d.itervalues(max=mid)) == list(original.itervalues(max=mid)) True >>> list(d.itervalues(min=mid, excludemin=True)) == list( ... original.itervalues(min=mid, excludemin=True)) True >>> list(d.itervalues(max=mid, excludemax=True)) == list( ... original.itervalues(max=mid, excludemax=True)) True>>> list(d.iterkeys(min=mid)) == list(original.iterkeys(min=mid)) True >>> list(d.iterkeys(max=mid)) == list(original.iterkeys(max=mid)) True >>> list(d.iterkeys(min=mid, excludemin=True)) == list( ... original.iterkeys(min=mid, excludemin=True)) True >>> list(d.iterkeys(max=mid, excludemax=True)) == list( ... original.iterkeys(max=mid, excludemax=True)) True>>> list(d.iteritems(min=mid)) == list(original.iteritems(min=mid)) True >>> list(d.iteritems(max=mid)) == list(original.iteritems(max=mid)) True >>> list(d.iteritems(min=mid, excludemin=True)) == list( ... original.iteritems(min=mid, excludemin=True)) True >>> list(d.iteritems(max=mid, excludemax=True)) == list( ... original.iteritems(max=mid, excludemax=True)) TrueIt also offers maxKey and minKey, like BTrees.>>> d.maxKey() == original.maxKey() True >>> d.minKey() == original.minKey() True >>> d.maxKey(mid) == original.maxKey(mid) True >>> d.minKey(mid) == original.minKey(mid) TrueNow if we rotate the buckets, the first set of items will be gone, but the second will remain.>>> d.rotateBucket() >>> d == original False >>> d == second TrueLet’s set a value, check the copy behavior, and then rotate it one more time.>>> third = BForest._treemodule.BTree({KeyGenerator(): ValueGenerator()}) >>> d.update(third) >>> copy = d.copy() >>> copy == d True >>> copy != second # because second doesn't have the values of third True >>> list(copy.buckets[0].items()) == list(d.buckets[0].items()) True >>> list(copy.buckets[1].items()) == list(d.buckets[1].items()) True >>> copy[KeyGenerator()] = ValueGenerator() >>> copy == d False >>> d.rotateBucket() >>> d == third True >>> d.clear() >>> d == BForest() == {} True>>> d.update(second)We’ll make a value in one bucket that we’ll override in another.>>> d[third.keys()[0]] = ValueGenerator() >>> d.rotateBucket() >>> d.update(third) >>> second.update(third) >>> d == second True >>> second == d TrueThe tree method converts the bforest to a btree efficiently for a common case of more items in buckets than buckets.>>> tree = d.tree() >>> d_items = list(d.items()) >>> d_items.sort() >>> t_items = list(tree.items()) >>> t_items.sort() >>> t_items == d_items TrueFinally, comparisons work similarly to dicts but in a simpleminded way–improvements welcome! We’ve already looked at a lot of examples above, but here are some additional cases>>> d == None False >>> d == [1, 2] False >>> d != None True >>> None == d False >>> d != None True >>> d >= second True >>> d >= dict(second) True >>> d <= second True >>> d <= dict(second) True >>> d > second False >>> d > dict(second) False >>> d < second False >>> d > dict(second) False >>> original_min = second.minKey() >>> del second[original_min] >>> original_min in d True >>> d > second True >>> d < second False >>> d >= second True >>> d <= second False >>> second < d True >>> second > d False >>> second <= d True >>> second >= d FalseCHANGES1.2 (2008-05-09)Bugfixes:added omitted __ne__ implementation.Features:added minKey, maxKey, like BTrees.gave itervalues, iteritems, and iterkeys same extra arguments as BTrees’ values, items, and keys: min, max, excludemin, excludemax.changed implementation of iter[…] functions to try to only wake up buckets as needed.Incompatible Changes:changed definition of __eq__: now compares contentsandorder. Tries to only wake up buckets as needed.1.1.1 (2008-04-09)Bugfix:periodic variant was pseudo-guaranteeing maximum period, not minimum period, contradicting documentation. Changed implementation and test to match documentation (i.e., guarantees minimum period; maximum period is a bit fuzzy, as described in docs).1.1 (2008-03-08)Features:added periodic variantadded L-variants1.0 (?)Initial release
OverviewThis package is obsolete and its functionality has been merged into the ZODB3 distribution itself. If you use version 3.10 or later of ZODB3, please change your imports of the IBroken interface to a direct:from ZODB.interfaces import IBrokenYou can use this package with older versions of the ZODB3, which didn’t have the IBroken interface yet.Changelog3.6.0 (2010-01-09)The IBroken interface has been merged into the ZODB3 distribution. Import the interface from there, while providing a copy for backwards compatibility with older versions of the ZODB3.3.5.0 (2009-02-04)Createdzope.brokento hold depended upon bits
zope.browserThis package provides shared browser components for the Zope Toolkit. These components consist of a set of interfaces defining common concepts, including:IViewIBrowserViewIAddingITermsISystemErrorViewDocumentation is hosted athttps://zopebrowser.readthedocs.ioChangelog3.0 (2023-03-27)Add support for Python 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2022-04-06)Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.Drop support for Python (2018-10-05)Add support for Python (2017-08-10)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6, 3.2 and 3.3.Host documentation athttps://zopebrowser.readthedocs.io2.1.0 (2014-12-26)Add support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.2.0.2 (2013-03-08)Add Trove classifiers indicating CPython, 3.2 and PyPy support.2.0.1 (2013-02-11)Add support for testing with tox.2.0.0 (2013-02-11)Test coverage of 100% verified.Add support for Python 3.3 and PyPy.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2010-04-30)Removetestextra andzope.testingdependency.1.2 (2009-05-18)MoveISystemErrorViewinterface here break undesirable dependencies.Fix home page and author’s e-mail address.Add doctests tolong_description.1.1 (2009-05-13)MoveIAddinginterface here break undesirable dependencies.1.0 (2009-05-13)MoveIViewandIBrowserViewinterfaces here fromzope.publisher.interfacesto break undesirable dependencies.0.5.0 (2008-12-11)MoveITermsinterface here break undesirable dependencies.
zope.browsermenuNoteThis package is at present not reusable without depending on a large chunk of the Zope Toolkit and its assumptions. It is maintained by theZope Toolkit project.This package provides an implementation of browser menus and ZCML directives for configuring them.Changes5.0 (2023-02-08)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, (2018-10-05)Add support for Python (2017-08-03)Drop support for Python 3.3.Add support for PyPy3 3.5.Fix test compatibility with zope.component (2017-05-28)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.2.Drop support for ‘ test’.4.1.1 (2015-06-05)Add support for PyPy3 and Python (2014-12-24)Add support for PyPy. PyPy3 support is pending a release of fix for support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.4.1.0a1 (2013-02-22)Add support for Python (2012-07-04)Strip noise from context actions in doctests.Make output is now more meaningful, and hides irrelevant details. (forward-compatibility withzope.component4.0.0).Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2010-04-30)Remove use ofzope.testing.doctestunitin favor of stdlib’sdoctest.3.9.0 (2009-08-27)Initial release. This package was splitted off
zope.browserpageNoteThis package is at present not reusable without depending on a large chunk of the Zope Toolkit and its assumptions. It is maintained by theZope Toolkit project.This package provides ZCML directives for configuring browser views. More specifically it defines the following ZCML directives:browser:pagebrowser:pagesbrowser:viewThese directives also support menu item registration for pages, whenzope.browsermenupackage is installed. Otherwise, they simply ignore the menu attribute.Changes5.0 (2023-01-19)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for running the tests usingpython test. (#11)4.4.0 (2019-06-18)Fix regression inallowed_attributesandallowed_interface. (#7)Drop support for Python (2018-10-05)Add support for Python (2017-08-02)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6 and (2014-12-24)Fix deprecated unittest methods.Add explicit support for Python 3.4.Add explicit support for PyPy.4.1.0a1 (2013-02-22)Add support for Python (2012-07-04)When registering views, no longer pass the deprecated ‘layer’ agrument tozope.component.registerAdapter. Instead, pass(for_, layer)as expected (forward-compatibility withzope.component4.0.0).Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2010-05-24)Fix unit tests broken under Python 2.4 by the switch to the standard librarydoctestmodule.3.12.1 (2010-04-30)Prefer the standard library’sdoctestmodule to the one fromzope.testing.3.12.0 (2010-04-26)Move the implementation oftales:expressiontypehere (2009-12-22)Move the named template implementation here (2009-12-22)Depend on theuntrustedpythonextra, since we import fromzope.pagetemplate.engine.3.10.0 (2009-12-22)Remove the dependency movingviewpagetemplatefile,simpleviewclassandmetaconfigure.registerTypeinto this package.3.9.0 (2009-08-27)Initial release. This package was split off
zope.browserresourceNoteThis package is at present not reusable without depending on a large chunk of the Zope Toolkit and its assumptions. It is maintained by theZope Toolkit project.This package provides an implementation of browser resources. It also provides directives for defining those resources using ZCML.Resources are static files and directories that are served to the browser directly from the filesystem. The most common example are images, CSS style sheets, or JavaScript files.Resources are be registered under a symbolic name and can later be referred to by that name, so their usage is independent from their physical location. Resources can also easily be internationalized.Documentation is hosted athttps://zopebrowserresource.readthedocs.ioChanges5.1 (2023-08-28)Make tests more resilient.5.0 (2023-02-14)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.Drop support forpython test.4.4 (2019-12-10)Make the registration of theFileETagadapter conditional on the environment as Zope 4 registers this adapter explicitly inProducts.Five.browser. See#12.Add support for Python 3.8.Drop support for Python (2018-10-05)Add support for Python 3.7.Host documentation athttps://zopebrowserresource.readthedocs.ioAdd.gitto the list of directory names that are ignored by default.Fix test compatibility with zope.i18n 4.3. See#84.2.1 (2017-09-01)Fix dependencies of thezcmlextra.4.2.0 (2017-08-04)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6 and (2014-12-26)Add support for PyPy. PyPy3 support awaits release of fix for: support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.4.0.2 (2014-11-04)Return no ETag if no adapter is registered, disabling the requirement for applications that was introduced in 3.11.0 (GitHub #1)4.0.1 (2013-04-03)Fix some Python 3 string vs bytes issues.4.0.0 (2013-02-20)Replace deprecatedzope.component.adaptsusage with equivalentzope.component.adapterdecorator.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.classProvidesusage with equivalentzope.interface.providerdecorator.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsOnlyusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementer_onlydecorator.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.Add support for Python (2010-12-14)Addzcmlextra dependencies and fixed dependencies ofconfigure.zcmlon other packages’meta.zcml.Add a test for including our ownconfigure.zcml.3.11.0 (2010-08-13)Support the HTTP ETag header for file resources. ETag generation can be customized or disabled by providing an IETag multi-adapter on (IFileResource, your-application-skin).3.10.3 (2010-04-30)Prefer the standard libraries doctest module to the one from zope.testing.3.10.2 (2009-11-25)The previous release had a broken egg, sorry.3.10.1 (2009-11-24)Import hooks functionality from zope.component after it was moved there from This lifts the dependency on and thereby, ZODB.Import ISite and IPossibleSite from zope.component after they were moved there from zope.location.3.10.0 (2009-09-25)Add an ability to forbid publishing of some files in the resource directory, this is done by fnmatch’ing the wildcards in theforbidden_names``classattribute of ``DirectoryResource. By default, the.svnis in that attribute, so directories won’t publish subversion system directory that can contain private information.3.9.0 (2009-08-27)Initial release. This package was splitted off as a part of refactoring process.Additional changes that are made during refactoring:Resource class for file resources are now selected the pluggable way. The resource directory publisher and browser:resource ZCML directive now creating file resources using factory utility lookup based on the file extension, so it’s now possible to add new resource types without introducing new ZCML directives and they will work inside resource directories as well.NOTE: the “resource_factories” attribute from the DirectoryResource was removed, so if you were using this attribute for changing resource classes for some file extensions, you need to migrate your code to new utility-based mechanism.See zope.browserresource.interfaces.IResourceFactoryFactory interface.The Image resource class was removed, as they are actually simple files. To migrate, simply rename the “image” argument in browser:resource and browser:i18n-resource directives to “file”, if you don’t do this, resouces will work, but you’ll get deprecation warnings.If you need custom behaviour for images, you can register a resource factory utility for needed file extensions.The PageTemplateResource was moved into a separate package, “zope.ptresource”, which is a plugin for this package now. Because of that, the “template” argument of browser:resource directive was deprecated and you should rename it to “file” to migrate. The PageTemplateResource will be created for “pt”, “zpt” and “html” files automatically, if zope.ptresource package is included in your configuration.Fix stripping the “I” from an interface name for icon title, if no title is specified.When publishing a resource via Resources view, set resource parent to an ISite object, not to current site manager.Clean up code and improve test coverage.
zope.cachedescriptorsCached descriptors cache their output. They take into account instance attributes that they depend on, so when the instance attributes change, the descriptors will change the values they return.Cached descriptors cache their data in_v_attributes, so they are also useful for managing the computation of volatile attributes for persistent objects.Persistent descriptors:propertyA simple computed property.Seesrc/zope/cachedescriptors/property.rst.methodIdempotent method. The return values are cached based on method arguments and on any instance attributes that the methods are defined to depend on.NoteOnly a cache based on arguments has been implemented so far.Seesrc/zope/cachedescriptors/method.rst.Cached PropertiesCached properties are computed properties that cache their computed values. They take into account instance attributes that they depend on, so when the instance attributes change, the properties will change the values they return.CachedPropertyCached properties cache their data in_v_attributes, so they are also useful for managing the computation of volatile attributes for persistent objects. Let’s look at an example:>>> from zope.cachedescriptors import property >>> import math>>> class Point: ... ... def __init__(self, x, y): ... self.x, self.y = x, y ... ... @property.CachedProperty('x', 'y') ... def radius(self): ... print('computing radius') ... return math.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)>>> point = Point(1.0, 2.0)If we ask for the radius the first time:>>> '%.2f' % point.radius computing radius '2.24'We see that the radius function is called, but if we ask for it again:>>> '%.2f' % point.radius '2.24'The function isn’t called. If we change one of the attribute the radius depends on, it will be recomputed:>>> point.x = 2.0 >>> '%.2f' % point.radius computing radius '2.83'But changing other attributes doesn’t cause recomputation:>>> point.q = 1 >>> '%.2f' % point.radius '2.83'Note that we don’t have any non-volitile attributes added:>>> names = [name for name in point.__dict__ if not name.startswith('_v_')] >>> names.sort() >>> names ['q', 'x', 'y']For backwards compatibility, the same thing can alternately be written without using decorator syntax:>>> class Point: ... ... def __init__(self, x, y): ... self.x, self.y = x, y ... ... def radius(self): ... print('computing radius') ... return math.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2) ... radius = property.CachedProperty(radius, 'x', 'y')>>> point = Point(1.0, 2.0)If we ask for the radius the first time:>>> '%.2f' % point.radius computing radius '2.24'We see that the radius function is called, but if we ask for it again:>>> '%.2f' % point.radius '2.24'The function isn’t called. If we change one of the attribute the radius depends on, it will be recomputed:>>> point.x = 2.0 >>> '%.2f' % point.radius computing radius '2.83'Documentation and the__name__are preserved if the attribute is accessed through the class. This allows Sphinx to extract the documentation.>>> class Point: ... ... def __init__(self, x, y): ... self.x, self.y = x, y ... ... @property.CachedProperty('x', 'y') ... def radius(self): ... '''The length of the line between self.x and self.y''' ... print('computing radius') ... return math.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)>>> print(Point.radius.__doc__) The length of the line between self.x and self.y >>> print(Point.radius.__name__) radiusIt is possible to specify a CachedProperty that has no dependencies. For backwards compatibility this can be written in a few different ways:>>> class Point: ... def __init__(self, x, y): ... self.x, self.y = x, y ... ... @property.CachedProperty ... def no_deps_no_parens(self): ... print("No deps, no parens") ... return 1 ... ... @property.CachedProperty() ... def no_deps(self): ... print("No deps") ... return 2 ... ... def no_deps_old_style(self): ... print("No deps, old style") ... return 3 ... no_deps_old_style = property.CachedProperty(no_deps_old_style) >>> point = Point(1.0, 2.0) >>> point.no_deps_no_parens No deps, no parens 1 >>> point.no_deps_no_parens 1 >>> point.no_deps No deps 2 >>> point.no_deps 2 >>> point.no_deps_old_style No deps, old style 3 >>> point.no_deps_old_style 3Lazy Computed AttributesThepropertymodule provides another descriptor that supports a slightly different caching model: lazy attributes. Like cached proprties, they are computed the first time they are used. however, they aren’t stored in volatile attributes and they aren’t automatically updated when other attributes change. Furthermore, the store their data using their attribute name, thus overriding themselves. This provides much faster attribute access after the attribute has been computed. Let’s look at the previous example using lazy attributes:>>> class Point: ... ... def __init__(self, x, y): ... self.x, self.y = x, y ... ... @property.Lazy ... def radius(self): ... print('computing radius') ... return math.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)>>> point = Point(1.0, 2.0)If we ask for the radius the first time:>>> '%.2f' % point.radius computing radius '2.24'We see that the radius function is called, but if we ask for it again:>>> '%.2f' % point.radius '2.24'The function isn’t called. If we change one of the attribute the radius depends on, it still isn’t called:>>> point.x = 2.0 >>> '%.2f' % point.radius '2.24'If we want the radius to be recomputed, we have to manually delete it:>>> del point.radius>>> point.x = 2.0 >>> '%.2f' % point.radius computing radius '2.83'Note that the radius is stored in the instance dictionary:>>> '%.2f' % point.__dict__['radius'] '2.83'The lazy attribute needs to know the attribute name. It normally deduces the attribute name from the name of the function passed. If we want to use a different name, we need to pass it:>>> def d(point): ... print('computing diameter') ... return 2*point.radius>>> Point.diameter = property.Lazy(d, 'diameter') >>> '%.2f' % point.diameter computing diameter '5.66'Documentation and the__name__are preserved if the attribute is accessed through the class. This allows Sphinx to extract the documentation.>>> class Point: ... ... def __init__(self, x, y): ... self.x, self.y = x, y ... ... @property.Lazy ... def radius(self): ... '''The length of the line between self.x and self.y''' ... print('computing radius') ... return math.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)>>> print(Point.radius.__doc__) The length of the line between self.x and self.y >>> print(Point.radius.__name__) radiusThe documentation of the attribute when accessed through the instance will be the same as the return-value:>>> p = Point(1.0, 2.0) >>> p.radius.__doc__ == float.__doc__ computing radius TrueThis is the same behaviour as the standard Pythonpropertydecorator.readpropertyreadproperties are like lazy computed attributes except that the attribute isn’t set by the property:>>> class Point: ... ... def __init__(self, x, y): ... self.x, self.y = x, y ... ... @property.readproperty ... def radius(self): ... print('computing radius') ... return math.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)>>> point = Point(1.0, 2.0)>>> '%.2f' % point.radius computing radius '2.24'>>> '%.2f' % point.radius computing radius '2.24'But youcanreplace the property by setting a value. This is the major difference to the builtinproperty:>>> point.radius = 5 >>> point.radius 5Documentation and the__name__are preserved if the attribute is accessed through the class. This allows Sphinx to extract the documentation.>>> class Point: ... ... def __init__(self, x, y): ... self.x, self.y = x, y ... ... @property.readproperty ... def radius(self): ... '''The length of the line between self.x and self.y''' ... print('computing radius') ... return math.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)>>> print(Point.radius.__doc__) The length of the line between self.x and self.y >>> print(Point.radius.__name__) radiuscachedInThecachedInproperty allows to specify the attribute where to store the computed value:>>> class Point: ... ... def __init__(self, x, y): ... self.x, self.y = x, y ... ... @property.cachedIn('_radius_attribute') ... def radius(self): ... print('computing radius') ... return math.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)>>> point = Point(1.0, 2.0)>>> '%.2f' % point.radius computing radius '2.24'>>> '%.2f' % point.radius '2.24'The radius is cached in the attribute with the given name,_radius_attributein this case:>>> '%.2f' % point._radius_attribute '2.24'When the attribute is removed the radius is re-calculated once. This allows invalidation:>>> del point._radius_attribute>>> '%.2f' % point.radius computing radius '2.24'>>> '%.2f' % point.radius '2.24'Documentation is preserved if the attribute is accessed through the class. This allows Sphinx to extract the documentation.>>> class Point: ... ... def __init__(self, x, y): ... self.x, self.y = x, y ... ... @property.cachedIn('_radius_attribute') ... def radius(self): ... '''The length of the line between self.x and self.y''' ... print('computing radius') ... return math.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)>>> print(Point.radius.__doc__) The length of the line between self.x and self.yMethod CachecachedInThecachedInproperty allows to specify the attribute where to store the computed value:>>> import math >>> from zope.cachedescriptors import method>>> class Point(object): ... ... def __init__(self, x, y): ... self.x, self.y = x, y ... ... @method.cachedIn('_cache') ... def distance(self, x, y): ... """Compute the distance""" ... print('computing distance') ... return math.hypot(self.x - x, self.y - y) ... >>> point = Point(1.0, 2.0)The value is computed once:>>> point.distance(2, 2) computing distance 1.0 >>> point.distance(2, 2) 1.0Using different arguments calculates a new distance:>>> point.distance(5, 2) computing distance 4.0 >>> point.distance(5, 2) 4.0The data is stored at the given_cacheattribute:>>> isinstance(point._cache, dict) True>>> sorted(point._cache.items()) [(((2, 2), ()), 1.0), (((5, 2), ()), 4.0)]It is possible to exlicitly invalidate the data:>>> point.distance.invalidate(point, 5, 2) >>> point.distance(5, 2) computing distance 4.0Invalidating keys which are not in the cache, does not result in an error:>>> point.distance.invalidate(point, 47, 11)The documentation of the function is preserved (whether through the instance or the class), allowing Sphinx to extract it:>>> print(point.distance.__doc__) Compute the distance >>> print(point.distance.__name__) distance >>> print(Point.distance.__doc__) Compute the distance >>> print(Point.distance.__name__) distanceIt is possible to pass in a factory for the cache attribute. Create another Point class:>>> class MyDict(dict): ... pass >>> class Point(object): ... ... def __init__(self, x, y): ... self.x, self.y = x, y ... ... @method.cachedIn('_cache', MyDict) ... def distance(self, x, y): ... print('computing distance') ... return math.sqrt((self.x - x)**2 + (self.y - y)**2) ... >>> point = Point(1.0, 2.0) >>> point.distance(2, 2) computing distance 1.0Now the cache is a MyDict instance:>>> isinstance(point._cache, MyDict) TrueChanges5.0 (2023-03-27)Add support for Python 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2022-09-07)Drop support for Python 3.4.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, (2017-12-09)Fix test which will break in the upcoming Python 3.7 release.4.3.0 (2017-07-27)Add support for Python 3.6.Drop support for Python (2016-09-05)Add support for Python 3.5.Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.2.The properties from thepropertymodule all preserve the documentation string of the underlying function, and all exceptcachedInpreserve everything usable as a decorator, with or without dependent attribute names.method.cachedInpreserves the documentation string of the underlying function, and everything else thatfunctools.wrapspreserves.4.1.0 (2014-12-26)Add support for PyPy and PyPy3.Add support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.4.0.0 (2013-02-13)Drop support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.Add support for Python 3.2 and (2010-04-30)Remove undeclared testing dependency on zope.testing.3.5.0 (2009-02-10)Remove dependency on ZODB by allowing to specify storage factory forzope.cachedescriptors.method.cachedInwhich is nowdictby default. If you need to use BTree instead, you must pass it asfactoryargument to thezope.cachedescriptors.method.cachedIndecorator.Remove zpkg-related file.Clean up package description and documentation a bit.Change package mailing list address to zope-dev at, as zope3-dev at is now retired.3.4.0 (2007-08-30)Initial release as an independent package
zope.catalogCatalogs provide management of collections of related indexes with a basic search algorithm.Changes5.0 (2023-09-01)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Drop support for deprecatedpython test.Add support for Python (2022-09-01)Fix deprecation warning.4.4.0 (2022-04-06)Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.Drop support for Python (2021-03-19)Drop support for Python 3.3.Replace deprecated usage deprecated test usage ofzope.component.interfaces.IComponentLookupwith the proper import fromzope.interface. This only impacted testing this package.4.2.1 (2017-05-09)Fix the definition ofIAttributeIndexto specify aNativeStringLineinstead of aBytesLine. Bytes cannot be used withgetattron Python 3. Seeissue (2017-05-05)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6.Fix the text index throwing aWrongTypeerror on import in Python 3. Seeissue (2015-06-02)Replace use of long-deprecatedzope.testing.doctestwith stdlib’sdoctest.Add support for PyPy (PyPy3 support is blocked on a PyPy3-compatible release ofzodbpickle).Convert doctests to Sphinx documentation, including building docs and running doctest snippets undertox.4.0.0 (2014-12-24)Add support for Python (2013-02-25)Add support for Python 3.3.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2011-11-29)Conform to repository policy.3.8.1 (2009-12-27) (2009-02-01)Move core functionality this package. now only contains ZMI-related browser views and backward-compatibility imports.
zope.componentNoteThis package is intended to be independently reusable in any Python project. It is maintained by theZope Toolkit project.This package represents the core of the Zope Component Architecture. Together with thezope.interfacepackage, it provides facilities for defining, registering and looking up components.Please see the documentation.Changes6.0 (2023-04-14)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2023-01-03)Fix crash when the environment variablePYTHONOPTIMIZEDis set to2and docstrings are set toNoneby the interpreter. (#67)Add support for Python 3.10 and (2021-07-09)Fix unregistering utilities on old persistent adapter registries. Previously this could raiseTypeError. Seeissue (2021-03-19)Remove backwards compatibility imports that were emitting deprecation warnings. This affects certain imports fromzope.component.interfaces(which should be imported fromzope.interface.interfaces) as well as certain imports fromzope.component.registery(import fromzope.interface.registry), and the entirezope.component.hookablemodule. Seeissue 59.Respect permission value for utility factory registrations (#54)Add support for Python 3.9Fix the<subscriber>ZCML directive to allow a missingprovides=attribute when afactory=is given and the Python object has been decorated with@implementerand implements a single interface. This has been documented, but hasn’t worked before. Seeissue 9.MakePersistentAdapterRegistryuse persistent objects (PersistentMappingandPersistentList) for its internal data structures instead of plain dicts and lists. This helps make it scalable to larger registry sizes.This requires zope.interface 5.3.0a1 or later.New registries (and their primary users,PersistentComponentsand’sLocalSiteManager) take full advantage of this automatically. For existing persistent registries to take advantage of this, you must call theirrebuild()method and commit the transaction.Seeissue 51.Fixzope.interface.interface.provideInterfaceand the various search and query methods to use the current site manager instead of always using the global site manager. (provideInterfaceis called implicitly when registering components from ZCML.) The search and query methods continue to return interfaces registered in base site managers.Seeissue (2020-07-03)Improve the documentation, both published and in docstrings. SeePR (2020-03-23)Ensure the resolution order ofBaseGlobalComponentsis consistent. Seeissue (2019-11-12)Add support for Python 3.8.Drop support for Python 3.4.Fix tests on Python 2 following changes in ZODB (2018-10-10)Add support for Python 3.7.Always installzope.hookableas a dependency (thehookextra is now empty).zope.hookablerespects the PURE_PYTHON environment variable, and has an optional C extension.Make accessing names that have been moved tozope.interfaceproduce aDeprecationWarning.4.4.1 (2017-09-26)Remove obsolete call ofsearchInterfacefrominterfaceToName. See (2017-07-25)Add support for Python 3.6.Drop support for Python 3.3.Drop support for “ test”.Code coverage reports are nowproduced and hosted by, and PRs must keep them at 100%.Internal test code inzope.component.testfileshas been adjusted and in some cases removed.4.3.0 (2016-08-26)When testingPURE_PYTHONenvironments undertox, avoid poisoning the user’s global wheel cache.Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.2.Add support for Python (2015-06-04)Fix test cases for PyPy and PyPy3.4.2.1 (2014-03-19)Add support for Python (2014-02-05)Updateboostrap.pyto version 2.2.Reset the cachedadapter_hooksatzope.testing.cleanup.cleanUptime (LP1100501).Implement ability to specify adapter and utility names in Python. Use [email protected](name)decorator to specify the name.4.1.0 (2013-02-28)Change “ZODB3” depdendency to “persistent”.toxnow runs all tests for Python 3.2 and 3.3.Enable buildout for Python 3.Fix new failing tests.4.0.2 (2012-12-31)Flesh out PyPI Trove classifiers.4.0.1 (2012-11-21)Add support for Python (2012-07-02)Add PyPy and Python 3.2 support:Security support omitted untilzope.securityported.Persistent registry support omitted untilZODBported (orpersistentfactored out).Bring unit test coverage to 100%.Remove the long-deprecatedlayerargument to thezope.component.zcml.viewandzope.component.zcml.resourceZCML directives.Add support for continuous integration usingtoxandjenkins.Got tests to run docsalias (installsSphinxand dependencies) devalias ( developplus installsnoseandcoverage).3.12.1 (2012-04-02)Wrapwith site(foo)in try/finally (LP768151).3.12.0 (2011-11-16)Add convenience function (a contextmanager), so one can writewith site(foo): ....3.11.0 (2011-09-22)Move code fromzope.component.registrywhich implements a basic nonperistent component registry tozope.interface.registry. This code was moved fromzope.componentintozope.interfaceto make porting systems (such as Pyramid) that rely only on a basic component registry to Python 3 possible without needing to port the entirety of thezope.componentpackage. Backwards compatibility import shims have been left behind inzope.component, so this change will not break any existing code.Move interfaces fromzope.component.interfacestozope.interface.interfaces:ComponentLookupError,Invalid,IObjectEvent,ObjectEvent,IComponentLookup,IRegistration,IUtilityRegistration,IAdapterRegistration,ISubscriptionAdapterRegistration,IHandlerRegistration,IRegistrationEvent,RegistrationEvent,IRegistered,Registered,IUnregistered,Unregistered,IComponentRegistry, andIComponents. Backwards compatibility shims left in place.Depend onzope.interface>= (2010-09-25)Remove thedocsextra and thesphinxdocrecipe.Create asecurityextra to move security-related dependencies out of thetestextra.Use the newzope.testrunnerpackage for tests.Add a basic test for theconfigure.zcmlfile provided.3.9.5 (2010-07-09)Fix test requirements specification.3.9.4 (2010-04-30)Prefer the standard librarydoctestto the one fromzope.testing.3.9.3 (2010-03-08)The ZCML directives provided byzope.componentnow register the components in the registry returned bygetSiteManagerinstead of the global registry. This change allows the hooking of thegetSiteManagermethod before the load of a ZCML file to register the components in a custom registry.3.9.2 (2010-01-22)Fix a bug introduced by recent refactoring, where passingCheckerPublictosecurityAdapterFactorywrongly wrapped the factory into aLocatingUntrustedAdapterFactory.3.9.1 (2010-01-21)Modify the tests to avoid allowing the tested testrunner to be influenced by options of the outer testrunner, such a the-voption.3.9.0 (2010-01-21)Add testlayer support. It is now possible to load a ZCML file within tests more easily. Seesrc/zope/component/testlayer.pyandsrc/zope/component/testlayer.txt.3.8.0 (2009-11-16)Remove the dependencies onzope.proxyandzope.securityfrom the zcml extra:zope.componentno longer has a hard dependency on them; the support for security proxied components ZCML registrations is enabled only ifzope.securityandzope.proxyare available.Move theIPossibleSiteandISiteinterfaces here fromzope.locationas they are dealing withzope.component’s concept of a site, but not with location.Move tozope.component.hooksas it isn’t actually dealing’s concept of a site.3.7.1 (2009-07-24)Fix a problem, wherequeryNextUtilitycould fail if the context could not be adapted to aIComponentLookup.Fix 2 related bugs:When a utility is registered and there was previously a utility registered for the same interface and name, then the old utility is unregistered. The 2 bugs related to this:There was noUnregisteredfor the implicit unregistration. Now there is.The old utility was still held and returned bygetAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor. In other words, it was still considered registered, eeven though it wasn’t. A particularly negative consequence of this is that the utility is held in memory or in the database even though it isn’t used.3.7.0 (2009-05-21)Ensure thatHookableTestsare run by the testrunner.Addzope:viewandzope:resourceimplementations intozope.component.zcml(dependency loaded withzope.component [zcml]).3.6.0 (2009-03-12)IMPORTANT: the interfaces that were defined in thezope.component.bbb.interfacesand deprecated for years are now (re)moved. However, some packages, including part of zope framework were still using those interfaces. They will be adapted for this change. If you were using some of those interfaces, you need to adapt your code as,IPresentation,IPresentationRequest,IResourceFactory, andIViewFactorycompletely.If you usedIViewFactoryin context, there’s nowIWidgetFactoryin here were earlier).Add a pure-Pythonhookableimplementation, for use whenzope.hookableis not present.Remove use ofzope.deferredimportby breaking import cycles.Cleanup package documentation and changelog a bit. Add sphinx-based documentation building command to the buildout.Remove deprecated code.Change package’s mailing list address to zope-dev at, because zope3-dev at is now retired.3.5.1 (2008-07-25)Fix bug introduced in 3.5.0:<utilityfactory="...">no longer supported interfaces declared in Python and always wanted an explicitprovides="..."attribute. (2008-07-25)Support registration of utilities via factories through the component registry and return factory information in the registration information. Fixes storing an optimized data structure for efficient retrieval of already registered utilities. This avoids looping over all utilities when registering a new one.3.4.0 (2007-09-29)No further changes since 3.4.0a1.3.4.0a1 (2007-04-22)Corresponds tozope.componentfrom Zope 3.4.0a1.In the Zope 3.3.x series,zope.componentwas simplified yet once more. See the proposal describing the changes. (2006-04-15)Fix packaging bug:package_dirmust be arelativepath. (2006-04-14)Packaging change: suppress inclusion ofsetup.cfginsdistbuilds.3.2.0 (2006-01-05)Corresponds to the verison of thezope.componentpackage shipped as part of the Zope 3.2.0 release.Deprecated services and related APIs. The adapter and utility registries are now available directly via the site manager’s ‘adapters’ and ‘utilities’ attributes, respectively. Services are accessible, but deprecated, and will be removed in Zope 3.3.Deprecated all presentation-related APIs, including all view-related API functions. Use the adapter API functions instead. See`Deprecatedcontextdependentpackage: site managers are now looked up via a thread global, set during URL traversal. Thecontextargument is now always optional, and should no longer be passed.3.0.0 (2004-11-07)Corresponds to the verison of thezope.componentpackage shipped as part of the Zope X3.0.0 release.
zope.componentvocabularyThis package contains various vocabularies.Changes2.3.0 (2021-12-17)Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10.Drop support for Python (2018-10-19)Add support for Python 3.7.Drop support test.2.1.0 (2017-07-25)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6 and (2014-12-24)Added support for PyPy. (PyPy3 is pending release of a fix for: support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.2.0.0a1 (2013-02-25)Add support for Python 3.3.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.classProvidesusage with equivalentzope.interface.providerdecorator.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.When loading this package’s ZCML configuration, make sure to configurezope.componentfirst since we require part of its configuration.1.0.1 (2010-09-25)Add undeclared but needed dependency onzope.component.Add test extra to declare test dependency onzope.component[test].1.0 (2009-05-19)Initial public release, derived from and to replace them.
zope.configurationThe Zope configuration system provides an extensible system for supporting various kinds of configurations.It is based on the idea of configuration directives. Users of the configuration system provide configuration directives in some language that express configuration choices. The intent is that the language be pluggable. An XML language is provided by default.Please see the documentation.Changes5.0.1 (2024-02-12)Fix tests when running from a distribution.5.0 (2023-05-04)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python (2022-04-07)Avoid creating reference cycles through tracebacks inreraise(change imported fromsix).Add support for Python 3.9, (2020-03-22)Ensure a consistent interface resolution order for all objects. Seeissue 49.Drop support for Python 3.4.Add support for Python (2019-02-12)Do not break when running the tests from a wheel.4.3.0 (2018-10-01)Simplify exception chaining and nested exception error messages. Seeissue (2018-09-27)FixGlobalObject(andGlobalInterface) no longer allowing multiple leading dots. Seeissue 41.Add__all__to all modules listing the documented members of the module. Note that this is currently a broad list and may be reduced in the future.4.2.1 (2018-09-26)FixGlobalObject(andGlobalInterface) no longer allowing just a single ‘.’. Seeissue (2018-09-26)Reach 100% automated test coverage.Add support for Python 3.7.Drop support for Python 3.3 and remove internal compatibility functions needed to support it. Seeissue 20andissue 26.Drop support forpython test.Makezope.configuration.fields.Pathandzope.configuration.config.ConfigurationContextexpand environment variables and expand user home directories in paths. Seeissue 3.Fix resolving names from a Python 2 package whose__init__.pyhas unicode elements in__all__.MakeGroupingContextDecoratorstop shadowing builtins in its__getattr__. These were not intended as arguments to be used by subclasses, and the signature caused confusion.Fix the doctests with zope.schema 4.7 and above, and run the doctests on both Python 2 and Python 3. Seeissue 21.FixGlobalObjectandGlobalInterfacefields to only accept dotted names instead of names with/. Previously, slash delimited names could result in incorrect imports. Seeissue 6.Fix the schema fields to include thevalueandfieldvalues on exceptions they raise.Makezope.configuration.fields.PythonIdentifiersubclassPythonIdentifierfromzope.schema. It now implementsfromBytes, always produces a native string, and validates the value infromUnicode. Seeissue 28.AddConfigurationMachine.pass_through_exceptionsto allow customizing the exceptions thatConfigurationMachine.execute_actionswraps in aConfigurationExecutionError. Seeissue 10.Stop catchingBaseExceptionand wrapping it in eitherConfigurationExecutionErrororZopeXMLConfigurationError.SystemExitandKeyboardInterruptwere always allowed to propagate; nowGeneratorExitand custom subclasses ofBaseExceptionare also allowed te propagate.4.1.0 (2017-04-26)Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.2.Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Fix thedomainof MessageID fields to be a native string. Previously on Python 3 they were bytes, which meant that they couldn’t be used to find translation utilities registered by zope.i18n. Seeissue (2014-03-19)Add explicit support for Python (2012-12-31)Flesh out PyPI Trove classifiers.Remove spurious declaration of ‘test’ dependency onzope.testing.4.0.1 (2012-11-21)Add support for Python 3.3.Remove the deprecated ‘zope.configuration.stxdocs’ script. and made the ‘zope.configuration.tests.conditions’ helper module (used in running Sphinx doctest snippets) Py3k compatible. (2012-05-16)Bring unit test coverage to 100%.Automate build of Sphinx HTML docs and running doctest snippets via tox.Drop hard testing dependency onzope.testing.Add explicit support for PyPy.Add explicit support for Python 3.2.Drop explicit support for Python 2.4 / 2.5.Add support for continuous integration docsalias (installsSphinxand dependencies) devalias ( developplus installsnoseandcoverage).3.8.1 (2012-05-05)Fix Python 2.4 backwards incompat (itemgetter used with multiple args); Python 2.4 now works (at least if you use zope.schema == 3.8.1). This is the last release which will support Python 2.4 or (2011-12-06)Change action structures from tuples to dictionaries to allow for action structure extensibility (merged chrism-dictactions branch).3.7.4 (2011-04-03)Apply test fixes for Windows.3.7.3 (2011-03-11)Correctly locate packages with a __path__ attribute but no __file__ attribute (such as namespace packages installed with install –single-version-externally-managed).Allow “info” and “includepath” to be passed optionally to context.action.3.7.2 (2010-04-30)Prefer the standard libraries doctest module over zope.testing.doctest.3.7.1 (2010-01-05)Jython support: use__builtin__module import rather than assuming__builtins__is available.Jython support: deal with the fact that the Jython SAX parser returns attribute sets that have an empty string indicating no namespace instead testto run at least a subset of the tests that would be run when using the zope testruns 53 tests, whilebin/testruns (2009-12-22)Adjust testing output to newer zope.schema.Prefer zope.testing.doctest over doctestunit.3.6.0 (2009-04-01)Removed dependency ofzope.deprecationpackage.Don’t suppress deprecation warnings any more in ‘zope.configuration’ package level. This makes it more likely other packages will generate deprecation warnings now, which will allow us to remove more outdated ones.Don’t fail when zope.testing is not installed.Added missingprocessFilemethod toIConfigurationContext. It is already implemented in the mix-in class,zope.configuration.config.ConfigurationContext, and used by implementations ofincludeandexcludedirectives.3.5.0 (2009-02-26)Added theexcludedirective to standard directives. It was previously available viazc.configurationpackage and now it’s merged intozope.configuration.Changed package’s mailing list address to zope-dev at, change “cheeseshop” to “pypi” in the package’s url.3.4.1 (2008-12-11)Use built-in ‘set’ type, rather than importin the ‘sets’ module, which is deprecated in Python 2.6.Added support to bootstrap on Jython.3.4.0 (2007-10-02)Initial release as a standalone package.Before 3.4.0This package was part of the Zope 3 distribution and did not have its own CHANGES.txt. For earlier changes please refer to either our subversion log or the CHANGES.txt of earlier Zope 3 releases.
zope.containerThis package define interfaces of container components, and provides container implementations such as a BTreeContainer and OrderedContainer, as well as the base class used the Folder implementation.Documentation is hosted athttps://zopecontainer.readthedocs.ioChanges5.2 (2023-10-05)Add support for Python (2023-04-24)Drop usingsetup_requiresdue to constant problems on GHA.Add preliminary support for Python 3.12a7.5.0 (2023-01-24)Build Linux binary wheels for Python 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2022-11-17)Release to rebuild a full set of binary wheels.4.9 (2022-11-16)Add support for building arm64 wheels on macOS.4.8 (2022-11-06)Add support for final Python 3.11 release.4.7 (2022-09-15)Disable unsafe math optimizations in C code. Seepull request 46.4.6 (2022-07-14)Add support for Python 3.11 (as of 3.11.0b3).4.5.0 (2021-11-19)Add support for Python 3.9 and (2020-04-02)Support thePURE_PYTHONenvironment variable at runtime instead of just at wheel build time. A value of 0 forces the C extensions to be used failing if they aren’t present. Any other value forces the Python implementation to be used, ignoring the C extensions.Drop support for the deprecatedpython testcommand.Ensure all objects have consistent interface resolution orders. This may slightly change the order of interfaces forContainedProxyobjects. Seeissue 34.Stop including outdated versions ofzope.proxy(implementation) andpersistentheaders. Instead, locate and use the installed versions. Seeissue 32.NoteThis adds those two dependencies tosetup_requires.4.3.0 (2019-11-11)Add support for Python 3.8.Drop support for Python (2018-08-10)Add a dependency onzope.cachedescriptors, previously removed in 3.11.zope.cachedescriptorsis a lightweight package, and the copied code had diverged from the source. See the possibility of a rare crash in the C extension when deallocating items. See support for Python (2017-08-02)MakeOrderedContainer.updateOrdernormalize and store text keys the same way that__setitem__does. Fixes (2017-07-31)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.MakeOrderedContainerproperly store the decoded text keys for maintaining order instead of the raw bytes. Also make it able to accept raw bytes under Python 3 in the first place. Fixes inconsistent if an event subscriber threw an exception when adding an item. See 100% test coverage. See the defaultNameChooseralways decode bytes using ASCII instead of whatever the current system codec happens to be.Make the defaultNameChooserstop catchingKeyboardInterruptand otherBaseExceptiontypes when it potentially calls user-defined code to convert a name to a text string. Instead, just catchException.Respect thePURE_PYTHONenvironment variable at runtime in addition to build time. This makes it possible to use the pure-Python implementation of the container proxy on CPython for ease of debugging. See (2015-05-22)Makezope.container._proxy.PyContainedProxyBaseinherit directly fromzope.proxy.AbstractProxyBaseas well aspersistent.Persistent, removing a bunch of redundant code, and fixing bugs in interaction with pure-Python persistence. See: direct dependencies onzope.proxyandpersistentsince we import from them; pin them to the versions needed for pure-Python.Drop deprecated BBB imports module,zope.container.dependency.4.0.0 (2014-03-19)Add support for Python 3.4.Add support for PyPy.4.0.0a3 (2013-02-28)RestoreFolderpickle forward/backward compatibility with version 3.12.0 after making it inherit fromBTreeContainer.4.0.0a2 (2013-02-21)Allow testing without checkouts of unreleasedzope.publisherandZODB.Add Python 3 Trove classifiers.4.0.0a1 (2013-02-20)Add support for Python 3.3.MakeFolderclass inherit fromBTreeContainerclass, so that the IContainer interface does not need to be re-implemented. Added adataattribute for BBB.Replace deprecatedzope.component.adaptsusage with equivalentzope.component.adapterdecorator.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.SendIContainerModifiedEventafterthe container is modified (LP#705600).Preserve the original exception traceback inOrderedContainer.__setitem__.Handle Broken Objects more gracefullyFix a bug that made it impossible to store None values in containers (LP#1070719).3.12.0 (2010-12-14)Fix detection of moving folders into itself or a subfolder of itself. (LP#118088)Fix ZCML-related tests and dependencies.Addzcmlextra dependencies.3.11.1 (2010-04-30)Prefer the standard libraries doctest module to the one fromzope.testing.Add compatibility with ZODB3 3.10 by importing theIBrokeninterface from it directly. Once we can rely on the new ZODB3 version exclusively, we can remove the dependency onto thezope.brokendistribution.Never fail if the suggested name is in a wrong type (#227617)checkNamefirst checks the parameter type before the emptiness.3.11.0 (2009-12-31)Copy two trivial classes fromzope.cachedescriptorsinto this package, which allows us to remove that dependency. We didn’t actually use any caching properties as the dependency suggested.3.10.1 (2009-12-29)Movezope.copypastemoverelated tests into that package.Remove no longer used zcml prefix from the configure file.Stop importing DocTestSuite fromzope.testing.doctestunit. Fixes compatibility problems withzope.testing3. (2009-12-15)Break testing dependency testing dependency moving the code and tests into that package.ImportISitefromzope.componentafter it was moved there fromzope.location.3.9.1 (2009-10-18)Rerelease 3.9.0 as it had a broken Windows 2.6 egg.Mark this project as part of the ZTK.3.9.0 (2009-08-28)Previous releases should be versioned 3.9.0 as they are not pure bugfix releases and worth a “feature” release, increasing feature version.Packages that depend on any changes introduced in version 3.8.2 or 3.8.3 should depend on version 3.9 or greater.3.8.3 (2009-08-27)MoveIXMLRPCPublisherZCML registrations for containers now.3.8.2 (2009-05-17)Rid ourselves ofIContainedinterface. This interface was moved tozope.location.interfaces. A b/w compat import still exists to keep old code running. Depend onzope.location>=3.5.4.Rid ourselves of the implementations ofIObjectMovedEvent,IObjectAddedEvent,IObjectRemovedEventinterfaces andObjectMovedEvent,ObjectAddedEventandObjectRemovedEventclasses. B/w compat imports still exist. All of these were moved tozope.lifecycleevent. Depend onzope.lifecycleevent>=3.5.2.Fix a bug inOrderedContainerwhere trying to set the value for a key that already exists (duplication error) would actually delete the key from the order, leaving a dangling reference.Partially break dependency onzope.traversingby disusingzope.traversing.api.getPathin favor of usingILocationInfo(object).getPath(). The rest of the runtime dependencies onzope.traversingare currently interface dependencies.Break runtime dependency using a zcml condition on the subscriber ZCML directive that registers theCheckDependencyhandler forIObjectRemovedEvent. not installed, this subscriber will never be now a testing dependency only.3.8.1 (2009-04-03)Fix misspackaged (2009-04-03)Changeconfigure.zcmlto not depend Fixes: the declaration ofIOrderedContainer.updateOrderto a new, basicIOrderedinterface and letIOrderedContainerinherit it. This allows easier reuse of the declaration.3.7.2 (2009-03-12)Fix: added missingComponentLookupError, missing since revision 95429 and missing in last release.Adapt to the move of IDefaultViewName fromzope.component.interfacestozope.publisher.interfaces.Add support for reserved names for containers. To specify reserved names for some container, you need to provide an adapter from the container to thezope.container.interfaces.IReservedNamesinterface. The defaultNameChooseris now also aware of reserved names.3.7.1 (2009-02-05)Raise more “Pythonic” errors from__setitem__, losing the dependency onzope.exceptions:ozope.exceptions.DuplicationError->KeyErrorozope.exceptions.UserError->ValueErrorMove import ofIBrokeninterface to use newzope.brokenpackage, which has no dependencies beyondzope.interface.Maketestpart pull in the extra test requirements of this package.Split thez3c.recipe.compattestconfiguration out into a new file,compat.cfg, to reduce the burden of doing standard unit tests.Strip out bogus develop eggs frombuildout.cfg.3.7.0 (2009-01-31)Split this package This package is intended to have far less dependencies package also contains the container implementation that used to be
zope.contentproviderThis package provides a framework to develop componentized Web GUI applications. Instead of describing the content of a page using a single template or static system of templates and METAL macros, content provider objects are dynamically looked up based on the setup/configuration of the application.Detailed documentation is available athttps://zopecontentprovider.readthedocs.ioChanges5.0 (2023-04-14)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Drop support for deprecatedpython test.Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, (2018-11-08)Fix deprecation warnings.4.2 (2018-10-05)Add support for Python 3.7.Fixed UpdateNotCalled being an instance rather than an exception class (#4).Host documentation athttps://zopecontentprovider.readthedocs.io4.1.0 (2017-08-08)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6 and (2014-12-24)Add support for PyPy and PyPy3.Add support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.4.0.0a1 (2013-02-22)Add Python 3.3 support.Replace deprecatedzope.component.adaptsusage with equivalentzope.component.adapterdecorator.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2010-05-25)Fix unit tests broken under Python 2.4 by the switch to the standard librarydoctestmodule.3.7.1 (2010-04-30)Prefer the standard library’sdoctestmodule to the one fromzope.testing.3.7 (2010-04-27)Sincetales:expressiontypeis now inzope.browserpage, update conditional ZCML accordingly so it doesn’t depend on the presence (2009-12-23)Ensure that ourconfigure.zcmlcan be loaded without requiring further dependencies. It uses atales:expressiontypedirective defined keep that dependency optional, as not all consumers of this package use ZCML to configure the expression type.3.6.0 (2009-12-22)Update test dependency to usezope.browserpage.3.5.0 (2009-03-18)Add very simple, but useful base class for implementing content providers, seezope.contentprovider.provider.ContentProviderBase.Remove unneeded testing dependencies. We only zcml slug and old zpkg-related files.Add setuptools dependency to up package’s description and documentation a bit. Remove duplicate text in README.Change mailing list address to zope-dev at instead of retired one.Changecheeseshoptopypiin the package url.3.4.0 (2007-10-02)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
zope.contenttypeA utility module for content-type (MIME type) handling.Functions include:Guessing a content type given a name and (optional) body data.Guessing a content type given some text.Parsing MIME types.Documentation is hosted at History5.1 (2023-09-21)Add some more MIME types and extensions.5.0 (2023-03-27)Add support for Python 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Drop support for deprecatedpython test.4.6 (2022-09-07)Add support for Python 3.9, 3.10.Drop support for Python (2019-12-19)Fix tests on Python 3.8 (#7).Add support for Python (2018-10-05)Add support for Python (2017-08-10)Add support for Python 3.6.Drop support for Python 3.3.Host documentation athttps://zopecontenttype.readthedocs.io4.2.0 (2016-08-26)Add support for Python 3.5.Drop support for Python (2014-12-26)Add support for Python 3.4 and PyPy3.Add support for testing on Travis.4.0.1 (2013-02-20)Change the file contents argument ofguess_content_typefrom string to bytes. This change has no effect on Python (2013-02-11)Add some tests for better coverage.Addtox.iniand manifest.Add support for Python 3.3 and PyPy.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2011-07-27)Properly restore the HTML snippet detection, by looking at the entire string and not just its start.3.5.4 (2011-07-26)Restore detection of HTML snippets from 3.4 series.3.5.3 (2011-03-18)Add new mime types for web fonts, cache manifest and new media formats.3.5.2 (2011-02-11)LP #717289: addvideo/x-m4vmimetype for the.m4vextension.3.5.1 (2010-03-23)LP #242321: fix IndexError raised when testing strings consisting solely of leading whitespace.3.5.0 (2009-10-22)Move the implementation ofzope.publisher.contenttypetozope.contenttype.parse, moved tests along.3.4.3 (2009-12-28)Update mime-type for.jsto be application/javascript.3.4.2 (2009-05-28)Add MS Office 12 types based on: (2009-02-04)Improvetext_type(). Based on the patch from missingsetuptoolsdependency to reference documentation.3.4.0 (2007-09-13)First stable release as an independent package.
Popularity has its price. Tired of having to review pull requests, answer questions about your code, participate in Reddit discussions, all to support open source software that you’ve given to the world for free? Now you can send potential new users heading for the hills with a simple addition to theinstall_requiresin Depending on this package will cause the wordZopeto appear on the screen while your package is being installed, thus dramatically reducing the support burden for releasing open source software.All you have to do is depend onzope.cootiesand your project will obtain transitive dependencies on two different Zope packages chosen at random at install time, as well as any of their dependencies. Suddenly your users will be installing ZODB or the ZCA for no apparent reason just to use your code.Try it today and give the haters more to hate.
zope.copyThis package provides a pluggable mechanism for copying persistent objects.Documentation is hosted at (2022-11-29)Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for Python (2018-10-04)Use the latest and fastest protocol when pickling and unpickling and object during the clone operationAdd support for Python (2017-07-31)Drop support for Python 2.6, 3.2 and 3.3.Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Restorezope.componentas a testing requirement for running doctests.4.0.3 (2014-12-26)Add support for PyPy3.4.0.2 (2014-03-19)Add support for Python 3.3 and 3.4.Updateboostrap.pyto version (2012-12-31)Flesh out PyPI Trove classifiers.4.0.0 (2012-06-13)Add support for Python 3.2.Dropzope.componentas a testing requirement. Instead, register explicit (dummy) adapter hooks where needed.Add PyPy support.100% unit test coverage.Add support for continuous integration usingtoxandjenkins.Add Sphinx documentation: moved doctest examples to API reference.Add ‘ docs’ alias (installsSphinxand dependencies).Add ‘ dev’ alias ( developplus installsnose,coverage, and testing dependencies).Drop support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.Include tests of the LocationCopyHook from zope.location.3.5.0 (2009-02-09)Initial release. The functionality was extracted fromzc.copyto provide a generic object copying mechanism with minimal dependencies.
zope.copypastemoveThis package provides Copy, Paste and Move support for content components in Zope. In particular, it defines the following interfaces for this kind of functionality:IObjectMover,IObjectCopier,IContentItemRenamer,IPrincipalClipboardas well as standard implementations for containers and contained objects as known from thezope.containerpackage.Changes5.0 (2023-07-06)Add support for Python 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Drop deprecated support forpython test.4.2.1 (2022-08-25)Fix DeprecationWarnings.4.2.0 (2022-01-24)Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10.Drop support for Python (2017-08-04)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6 and (2014-12-24)Add support for PyPy.Add support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.4.0.0a1 (2013-02-24)Add support for Python 3.3.Replace deprecatedzope.component.adaptsusage with equivalentzope.component.adapterdecorator.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.Include zcml dependencies inconfigure.zcml, require the necessary packages via a zcml extra, and add tests for zcml.3.8.0 (2010-09-14)Add a test that makes sure that dublin core meta data of folder contents get updated when the folder gets copied. (Requireszope.dublincore3.8 or above.)3.7.0 (2010-09-14)Honor the name given by theIObjectMoverinOrderedContainerItemRenamer.renameItem. It now returns the new of the obejct, too. Thanks to Marius Gedminas for the patch, and to Justin Ryan for the test. Fixes a check for name and container if the namechooser computes a name which is the same as the current name. Fixes use ofzope.testing.doctestunitin favor of stdlib’sdoctest.Movezope.copypastemove-related tests fromzope.containerhere.3.6.0 (2009-12-16)Favorzope.principalannotationover testing dependencies.3.5.2 (2009-08-15)Fix documentation for theIObjectCopier.copyTomethod.Add a missing dependency (2009-02-09)Use the newzope.copypackage for ObjectCopier to provide pluggable copying mechanism that is not dependent onzope.locationhardly.Move theItemNotFoundErrorexception to the interfaces module as it’s part of public API. Old import still works as we actually use it where it was previously defined, however, the new import place is preferred.3.5.0 (2009-01-31)Usezope.containerinstead (2009-01-26)Move the test dependencies to atestextra requirement.3.4.0 (2007-09-28)No further changes since 3.4.0a1.3.4.0a1 (2007-04-22)Initial release as a separate project, corresponds tozope.copypastemovefrom Zope 3.4.0a1
zope.datetimeFunctions to parse and format date/time strings in common formats.The documentation is hosted at (2023-04-25)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.10, (2021-02-26)Drop support for Python 3.4.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9.Prevent aDeprecationWarningin Python 3.8+ when using a parameter foriso8601_date,rfc850_date, orrfc1123_datewhich has to be converted via its__int__method.4.2.0 (2017-08-14)Remove support for guessing the timezone name when a timestamp exceeds the value supported by Python’slocaltimefunction. On platforms with a 32-bittime_t, this would involve parsed values that do not specify a timezone and are past the year 2038. Now the underlying exception will be propagated. Previously an undocumented heuristic was used. This is not expected to be a common issue; Windows, as one example, always uses a 64-bittime_t, even on 32-bit platforms. See true division on Python 2 to match Python 3, in case certain parameters turn out to be integers instead of floating point values. This is not expected to be user-visible, but it can arise in artificial tests of internal functions.Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6, 3.2 and (2014-12-26)Add support for PyPy and PyPy3.Add support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.4.0.0 (2013-02-19)Add support for Python 3.2 and 3.3.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2011-11-29)Add test cases from LP #139360 (all passed without modification to theparsefunction).Remove unneededzope.testingdependency.3.4.0 (2007-07-20)Initial release as a separate project.
Decorator Support.DEPRECATED!CHANGES3.4.0 (2007-11-04)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
zope.deferredimportOften, especially for package modules, you want to import names for convenience, but not actually perform the imports until necessary. The zope.deferredimport package provided facilities for defining names in modules that will be imported from somewhere else when used. You can also cause deprecation warnings to be issued when a variable is used.Documentation is hosted at (2023-06-29)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python (2021-12-10)Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10.Drop support for Python (2019-08-05)Avoid race condition indeferredmodule.ModuleProxy.__getattr__#8.4.3 (2018-10-05)Add support for Python (2017-10-24)Preserve the docstrings of proxied modules created withdeprecatedFrom,deferredFrom, etc. Seeissue (2017-08-08)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.Convert doctests to Sphinx documentation, including building docs and running doctest snippets undertox.4.1.0 (2014-12-26)Add support for PyPy. PyPy3 support is blocked on release of fix for: support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.4.0.0 (2013-02-28)Add support for Python 3.3.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2010-09-25)Add test extra to declare test dependency onzope.testing.3.5.2 (2010-05-24)Fix unit tests broken under Python 2.4 by the switch to the standard librarydoctestmodule.3.5.1 (2010-04-30)Prefer the standard library’sdoctestmodule to the one fromzope.testing.3.5.0 (2009-02-04)Add support to bootstrap on Jython.Add reference documentation.3.4.0 (2007-07-19)Finish release ofzope.deferredimport.3.4.0b1 (2007-07-09)Initial release as a separate project, corresponding to thezope.deferredimportfrom Zope 3.4.0b1.
This package installs a script that allows a developer to discover the used packages of a given package. This is useful when creating a list of dependencies 3.4.0 (9/21/2007)Initial Release
zope.deprecationThis package provides a simple function calleddeprecated(names, reason)to mark deprecated modules, classes, functions, methods and properties.Please seehttps://zopedeprecation.readthedocs.iofor the documentation.zope.deprecationChangelog5.0 (2023-03-29)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Drop support for deprecatedpython test.Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, (2018-12-03)Add support for Python (2017-08-07)Allow custom warning classes to be specified to override the defaultDeprecationWarning. See support for Python 3.6.Drop support for Python (2016-11-07)Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.2.Add support for Python (2015-01-13)Do not require aselfparameter for deprecated functions. See: (2014-03-19)Added explicit support for Python (2013-12-20)Added aSuppressorcontext manager, allowing scoped suppression of deprecation warnings.Updatedboostrap.pyto version (2012-12-31)Fleshed out PyPI Trove classifiers.4.0.1 (2012-11-21)Added support for Python (2012-05-16)Automated build of Sphinx HTML docs and running doctest snippets via tox.Added Sphinx documentation:API docs moved from package-data README intodocs/api.rst.Snippets can be tested by running ‘make doctest’.Updated support for continuous integration usingtoxandjenkins.100% unit test devalias ( developplus installsnoseandcoverage) docsalias (installsSphinxand dependencies).Removed spurious dependency onzope.testing.Dropped explicit support for Python 2.4 / 2.5 / (2012-03-15)Revert a move ofREADME.txtto (2011-09-05)Replaced doctesting with unit testing.Python 3 compatibility.3.4.1 (2011-06-07)Removed import cycle for__show__by defining it in thezope.deprecation.deprecationmodule.Added support to bootstrap on Jython.Fixzope.deprecation.warn()to make the signature identical towarnings.warn()and to check for .pyc and .pyo files.3.4.0 (2007-07-19)Release 3.4 final, corresponding to Zope (2007-02-18)Corresponds to the version of thezope.deprecationpackage shipped as part of the Zope 3.3.0 release.
Document Templating Markup LanguageThis package implements the Document Templating Markup Language (DTML). It uses custom SGML tags to implement simple programmatic feratures, such as variable replacement, conditional logic and loops.DTML was the first templating language developed for Zope 2 and is still preferred by some over newer templating solutions due to its speed and simplicity.CHANGES3.4.3 (2011-10-31)LP #267820: Fix broken multi-exception ‘except:’ clause.Removed use of ‘zope.testing.doctestunit’ in favor of stdlib’s doctest.Simpler, faster implementation of dt_var.newline_to_br(). (It still uses HTML 4 style <br> tags rather than XHTML style.)3.4.2 (2008/10/10)Re-release (2008/10/10)Fixed usage of ‘with’ as a variable name. It is now a keyword in Python 2.6, causing a SyntaxError.zope.documenttemplatenow supports Python (2007/10/02)zope.documenttemplatenow supports Python (2006/01/05)Corresponds to the verison of thezope.documenttemplatepackage shipped as part of the Zope 3.2.0 release.‘’: replaced another string exception, ‘InError’.Coding style cleanups.3.1.0 (2005/10/03)Corresponds to the verison of thezope.documenttemplatepackage shipped as part of the Zope 3.1.0 Replace use of named string exception,ParseError, with normal exception class of the same name ( (2004/11/07)Corresponds to the verison of thezope.documenttemplatepackage shipped as part of the Zope X3.0.0 release.
zope.dottednameResolve strings containing dotted names into the appropriate python object.Changes6.0 (2023-03-27)Add support for Python 3.11.Drop support for Python (2022-09-08)Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, (2018-10-05)Add support for Python 3.7.Drop support for Python (2017-05-11)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.2.100% unit test coverage (including branches).Convert doctests to Sphinx documentation, including building docs and running doctest snippets undertox.4.1.0 (2014-12-26)Add support for PyPy3.Add support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.4.0.0 (2013-02-05)Made tests pass on Python 3.2, 3.3 and PyPy.Add support for continuous integration usingtox.3.4.6 (2009-09-15)Make tests pass on python26.3.4.5 (2009-01-27)Move README.txt in the egg, so tests works with the released egg as well.3.4.4 (2009-01-27)Fix ReST in README.txt, fix broken tests with recent zope.testing.3.4.3 (2008-12-02)More documentation and tests.3.4.2 (2007-10-02)Fix broken release.3.4.1 (2007-10-02)Update package meta-data.3.4.0 (2007-07-19)Initial Zope-independent release.
zope.dublincoreThis package provides a Dublin Core support for Zope-based web applications. This includes:anIZopeDublinCoreinterface definition that can be implemented by objects directly or via an adapter to support DublinCore metadata.anIZopeDublinCoreadapter for annotatable objects (objects providingIAnnotatablefromzope.annotation).a partial adapter for objects that already implement some of theIZopeDublinCoreAPI,a “Metadata” browser page (which by default appears in the ZMI),subscribers to various object lifecycle events that automatically set the created and modified date and some other metadata.Complete documentation is hosted at (2023-07-05)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Add back support for Python 3.5.Add support for Python 3.10, (2020-10-14)Port.browsersub-package to Python 3.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9.Drop support for running the tests usingpython test.Drop support for Python 3.4 and (2017-07-25)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.Convert doctests to Sphinx, including building docs and testing doctest snippets undertox.4.1.1 (2014-01-10)Add explicit dependency onpersistent(required but not declared).Add explicit dependency onzope.annotation(required but not declared).4.1.0 (2014-12-26)Add support for PyPy. (PyPy3 is pending release of a fix for: support for Python (2014-12-20)Add support for testing on Travis-CI.4.0.0 (2013-02-20)Add support for Python 3.3.Replace deprecatedzope.component.adaptsusage with equivalentzope.component.adapterdecorator.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2010-02-19)Update <DATETIME> regex normalizer to guard against test failure when a datetime’s microseconds value is zero.3.8.1 (2010-12-14)Add missing test dependency on zope.configuration and missing dependency of security.zcml on’s meta.zcml.3.8.0 (2010-09-14)Register the annotators also for (object, event), so copy-pasting a folder, changes the dublin core data of the contained objects, too. The changed annotators are the following:zope.dublincore.timeannotators.ModifiedAnnotatorzope.dublincore.timeannotators.CreatedAnnotatorzope.dublincore.creatorannotator.CreatorAnnotator3.7.0 (2010-08-19)Remove backward-compatibility shims for*permissions.Remove include the zcml configuration ofzope.dublincore.browser.Use python`s doctest instead of deprecatedzope.testing.doctest.3.6.3 (2010-04-23)Restore*permissions, mapping them onto the new permissions using the<meta:redefinePermission>directive. These shims will be removed in 3.7.0.Add unit (not functional) test for loadability ofconfigure.zcml.3.6.2 (2010-04-20)Repair regression introduced in 3.6.1: the renamed permissions were not updated in other ZCML files.3.6.1 (2010-04-19)Rename*permissions tozope.dublincore.*. Applications may need to fix up grants based on the old permissions.Add tests forzope.dublincore.timeannotators.Add not declared dependency onzope.lifecycleevent.3.6.0 (2009-12-02)Remove the marker interface IZopeDublinCoreAnnotatable which doesn’t seem to be used.Make the registration of ZDCAnnotatableAdapter conditional, lifting the dependency on zope.annotation and thereby the ZODB, leaving it as a test dependency.3.5.0 (2009-09-15)Add missing dependencies.Get rid of any testing dependencies beyond zope.testing.Include browser ZCML configuration only if zope.browserpage is installed.Specify i18n domain in package’sconfigure.zcml, because we use message IDs for permission titles.Remove unused imports, fix one test that was inactive because of being overriden by another one by a mistake.3.4.2 (2009-01-31)Declare dependency on zope.datetime.3.4.1 (2009-01-26)Test dependencies are declared in atestextra now.Fix: Make CreatorAnnotator not to fail if participation principal is None3.4.0 (2007-09-28)No further changes since 3.4.0a1.3.4.0a1 (2007-04-22)Initial release as a separate project, corresponds to zope.dublincore from Zope 3.4.0a1
zope.errorThis package provides an error reporting utility which is able to store errors.Changes5.0 (2023-07-06)Add support for Python 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2022-08-29)Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.Drop support for Python (2018-10-19)Add support for Python (2017-07-22)Drop support for Python 3.3.Add support for Python 3.6.100% test coverage.Remove internal_compatmodule in favor ofsix, which we already had a dependency on.Stop decoding in ASCII (whatever the default codec is) in favor of UTF-8.Tighten the interface ofILocalErrorReportingUtility.setProperties. Nowignored_exceptionsis required to be str or byte objects. Previously any object that could be converted into a text object via the text constructor was accepted, but this encouraged passing class objects, when in actuality we need the classname.Stop ignoringKeyboardInterruptexceptions and other similarBaseExceptionexceptions during theraisingmethod.4.3.0 (2016-07-07)Add support for Python 3.5.Drop support for Python 2.6.bugfix: fix leak by convertingrequest.URLto string inErrorReportingUtility4.2.0 (2014-12-27)Add support for PyPy and PyPy3.Add support for Python (2014-12-22)Enable testing on Travis.4.1.0 (2013-02-21)Add compatibility with Python (2012-12-10)Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.Sort request items for presentation in the error reporting utility.Don’t HTML-escape HTML tracebacks twice.3.7.4 (2012-02-01)Add explicit tests for escaping introduced in 3.7.3.Handing names of classes those string representation cannot be determined as untrusted input thus escaping them in error reports.Fix tests on Python 2.4 and (2012-01-17)Escape untrusted input before constructing HTML for error reporting.3.7.2 (2010-10-30)Setcopy_to_zlogby default to 1/True. Having it turned off is a small problem, because fatal (startup) errors will not get logged anywhere.3.7.1 (2010-09-25)Add test extra to declare test dependency onzope.testing.3.7.0 (2009-09-29)Clean up dependencies. Droped all testing dependencies as we only need zope.testing now.Fix ImportError when zope.testing is not available for some reason.Remove zcml slug and old zpkg-related files.Remove word “version” from changelog entries.Change package’s mailing list address to zope-dev at as zope3-dev at is now retired. Also changedcheeseshoptopypiin the package’s homepage url.Add dependency on ZODB3 as we use Persistent.Use a mock request for testing. Dropped the dependency on zope.publisher which was really only a testing dependency.Reduce the dependency on zope.container to one on zope.location by no longer using the Contained mix-in class.3.6.0 (2009-01-31)Use zope.container instead of error log bootstrapping logic (which was untested), to which we added a test.3.5.1 (2007-09-27)Rebump to replace faulty egg3.5.0Initial documented releaseMoved core components this package.
zope.errorviewProvides basic HTTP and Browser views for common exceptions.Refactored (2023-02-09)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, (2018-01-15)Remove the whitespace between the content-type and charset of the default error views. This is because in certain cases zope.publisher.http will parse the content type parameters and combine them back again without the whitespace. This fix makes things more predictable esp. in tests.1.1 (2018-01-10)Additional fixes for Python 3 compatibility.NOTE: The error view base classes now set a Content-Type response header to “text/plain”. If your error view subclassing from the zope.errorview classes return a response body other than “text/plain” you need to explicitly set the Content-Type in your views.1.0.0 (2017-05-10)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.Fix typo in Dutch translation0.11 (2011-06-28)Added nl translations.0.10 (2011-02-08)Exception views do not by default provide ISystemErrorView anymore as it would result in duplicate log output. The mixin class still exists for writing custom error views that do provide ISystemErrorView.0.9 (2011-01-20)Initial release.
zope.eventREADMEThezope.eventpackage provides a simple event system, including:An event publishing API, intended for use by applications which are unaware of any subscribers to their events.A very simple synchronous event-dispatching system, on which more sophisticated event dispatching systems can be built. For example, a type-based event dispatching system that builds onzope.eventcan be found inzope.component.Please see the documentation.zope.eventChangelog5.0 (2023-06-23)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2022-12-15)Port documentation to Python 3.Add support for Python 3.10, (2020-09-18)Add support for Python 3.8 and 3.9.Remove support for Python (2018-10-05)Add support for Python (2017-07-25)Add support for Python 3.6.Drop support for Python (2016-02-17)Add support for Python 3.5.Drop support for Python 2.6 and (2015-10-18)Require 100% branch (as well as statement) coverage.Add a simple class-based handler implementation.4.0.3 (2014-03-19)Add support for Python 3.4.Updateboostrap.pyto version (2012-12-31)Flesh out PyPI Trove classifiers.Add support for jython (2012-11-21)Add support for Python (2012-05-16)Automate build of Sphinx HTML docs and running doctest snippets via tox.Drop explicit support for Python 2.4 / 2.5 / 3.1.Add support for PyPy.3.5.2 (2012-03-30)This release is the last which will maintain support for Python 2.4 / Python 2.5.Add support for continuous integration usingtoxandjenkins.Add ‘ dev’ alias ( developplus installsnoseandcoverage).Add ‘ docs’ alias (installsSphinxand dependencies).3.5.1 (2011-08-04)Add Sphinx documentation.3.5.0 (2010-05-01)Add change log tolong-description.Add support for Python 3.x.3.4.1 (2009-03-03)A few minor cleanups.3.4.0 (2007-07-14)Initial release as a separate project.
zope.exceptionsThis package contains exception exceptions and implementations which are so general purpose that they don’t belong in Zope application-specific packages.Please see the documentation.zope.exceptions Changelog5.0.1 (2023-07-11)Fix issue introduced in the last release which is breakingHTMLExceptionFormatterwhen using non-str__traceback_info__.5.0 (2023-06-29)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2022-11-10)Catch exceptions informatExceptionOnly. Getting an exception when reporting about a different exception is not helpful. On Python 3.11 this is needed for some HTTPErrors.Add official support for Python (2022-02-11)Add official support for Python 3.9 and 3.10.Undo dropping support for Python 3.5.Drop support for running the tests usingpython test.4.4 (2020-07-16)Add support for Python 3.8 and preliminary support for 3.9b4.Drop support for Python 3.4 and (2018-10-04)Add support for Python (2017-09-12)Add support for Python 3.6.Drop support for Python 3.3.Fix handling of unicode supplemental traceback information on Python 2. Now such values are always encoded to UTF-8; previously the results were undefined and depended on system encodings and the values themselves. Seeissue (2017-04-12)Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.2.Makeexceptionformatter.extract_stacksignature comply withtraceback.extract_stackAdd support for Python (2015-08-13)Fixes aroundTextExceptionFormatterlimit:formatExceptionandextractStackwas cutting the traceback at the bottom, at the most interesting point. Now it will cut from the middle. Some text about the missing entries will be inserted.Maybe fix forextractStack, it did not detect recursions in the frames.4.0.7 (2014-03-19)Added explicit support for Python 3.4.Updatedboostrap.pyto version (2013-02-28)Make sure thatsetup.pyfinds all tests. Now tox runs them all as well.Fix failing test under Python 3.Made buildout work under Python 3 and Buildout (2012-12-31)Fleshed out PyPI Trove classifiers.Fixed a test failure under Python (2012-12-13)Release with a fixed (withoutdocs/)4.0.3 (2012-12-10)Fixed format_exception(…, as_html=True) not to HTML-escape the ‘<br />’ it adds to the exception value.4.0.2 (2012-11-21)Test Python 3.3 support under tox.4.0.1 (2012-08-20)Fixed optional dependency code for‘`to work under Python (2012-05-16)Fixed rendering of package docs on PyPI.4.0.0 (2012-05-16)Automated build of Sphinx HTML docs and running doctest snippets via tox.Added Sphinx documentation.Added support for continuous integration usingtoxandjenkins.Removed use of ‘2to3’ and associated fixers when installing under Py3k. The code is now in a “compatible subset” which supports Python 2.6, 2.7, and 3.2, including PyPy 1.8 (the version compatible with the 2.7 language spec).100% unit test coverage.Dropped explicit support for Python 2.4 / 2.5 / 3.1.Added ‘ dev’ alias ( developplus installsnoseandcoverage).Added ‘ docs’ alias (installsSphinxand dependencies).3.7.1 (2012-03-28)Fix: missed to reverse extractStack entries3.7.0 (2012-03-28)Added TextExceptionFormatter.extractStack and extract_stack3.6.2 (2012-03-28)Fallback to traceback.format_tb when the formatter is called recursively. i.e. Don’t let errors in the formatter pass silently.Fix deprecated unittest functions:assert_andassertEquals.3.6.1 (2010-07-06)Fixed tests to work under Python 2.7.PEP8 cleanup and removed obsolete build infrastructure files.3.6.0 (2010-05-02)Added support to bootstrap on Jython.Added Python 3 support.The dependency on zope.testing seemed spurious, possibly a rest of a real dependency that is gone now. I removed it.3.5.2 (2008-04-30)Updated CHANGES.txt.3.5.1 (2008-04-28)Reverted changes in the capability for exceptions to be formatted line-by-line. Unfortunately, also introduced a bug cause each line of the exception to be its own log message.3.4.0 (2007-10-02)Updated package meta-data.3.4.0b2 (2007-08-14)Removed superfluous dependency onzope.deprecation.3.4.0b1 (2007-07-09)Corresponds to the version of thezope.exceptionspackage shipped as part of the Zope 3.4.0b1 release.3.2.0 (2006-01-05)Corresponds to the version of thezope.exceptionspackage shipped as part of the Zope 3.2.0 release.Deprecated theINotFoundErrorinterface and the correspondingNotFoundErrorexception class, in favor of “standard” exceptionsAttributeError,KeyError). The deprecated items will be removed in Zope (2004-11-07)Corresponds to the version of the zope.exceptions package shipped as part of the Zope X3.0.0 release.
Zope integration for fanstaticThis package provides Zope integration for fanstatic. This means it’s taking care of three things:provide access to the needed resources throughout the request/response cycle.provide the base URL for the resources to be rendered.clear the needed resources when an exception view is rendered.This library fulfills these conditions for a Zope Toolkit/Grok setup.We’ll run through a few tests to demonstrate it. Note that the real code being tested is not in this document itself, but in the views described inftesting.zcml.We need to be in a request to make this work, so let’s up a request to a page we have set up inftesting.zcmlthat should cause the inclusion of a single resource in its header:>>> from zope.testbrowser.wsgi import Browser >>> browser = Browser() >>>'http://localhost/zope.fanstatic.test_single') >>> print(browser.contents) <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/fanstatic/foo/a.js"></script></head> <body> <p>the widget HTML itself</p> </body> </html>If a resource happens to need another resource, this resource is also automatically included:>>>'http://localhost/zope.fanstatic.test_multiple') >>> print(browser.contents) <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/fanstatic/foo/a.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/fanstatic/foo/b.js"></script></head> <body> <p>the widget HTML itself</p> </body> </html>Bottom rendering of resources, just before the</body>tag:>>>'http://localhost/zope.fanstatic.test_bottom') >>> print(browser.contents) <html> <head> </head> <body> <p>the widget HTML itself</p> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/fanstatic/foo/c.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/fanstatic/foo/d.js"></script></body> </html>In-template resourceszope.fanstatic provides support for rendering resource publisher aware URLs to in-template resources:>>>'http://localhost/zope.fanstatic.test_inline_resource') >>> print(browser.contents) <html> <head> </head> <body> <img src="http://localhost/fanstatic/foo/evencaveman.jpg" /> <img src="http://localhost/fanstatic/foo/sub/evencaveman.jpg" /> </body> </html>Exception viewsWhen an exception occurs in the rendering of a view, we don’t want to have any needed resources intended for a view being also injected in the error view. The needed resources are cleared and if the exception view chooses to do so, it can need resources itself.>>> browser.raiseHttpErrors = False >>>'http://localhost/zope.fanstatic.test_error') >>> import fanstatic >>> fanstatic.get_needed().has_resources() FalseCHANGES3.0.0 (2018-01-16)Python 3 and Fanstatic 1.0.0 compatibility.0.12 (2011-08-31)Similar to the fix in 0.11, make sure calling for the URL of a resource will not failed for aDummyNeededResourcesobject which would badly hurt testability of function or “browser” tests of applications that depend on fanstatic/zope.fanstatic.0.11 (2011-08-17)Fix bug where callingensure_base_url()failed forDummyNeededResourcesobjects. This was problematic when writing functional or “browser” tests of applications that depend on fanstatic/zope.fanstatic.0.10 (2011-04-11)Update to fanstatic 0.11 API.0.9.1 (2011-01-20)Do not clear resources on DummyNeededResources objects.0.9 (2011-01-20)Integrate zope.errorview, subscribing to the HandleExceptionEvent. This will clear the needed resources thusfar required, to have a clean slate for the error view to be rendered.0.9b (2011-01-06)Zope.fanstatic version 0.9 is a fundamental rewrite ofhurry.zoperesource, as a result of the rewrite ofhurry.resourceintofanstatic.Here’s a list of essential changes since version 0.7 of hurry.zoperesource:Compliance with the Fanstatic API.++resource++foo/bar/baz.jpgexpressions in Page Templates are still supported by way registering a traversable component for all available resource libraries. There are no zope.browserresource components involved anymore in zope.fanstatic.Download
Thezope.filepackage provides a content object used to store a file. The interface supports efficient upload and download.ContentsFile ObjectDownloading File ObjectsHeadersBodyThe Download ViewThe Inline ViewThe Default Display ViewLarge Unicode CharactersUploading a new fileContent type and encoding controlsPresentation AdaptersCHANGES1.2.0 (2020-03-06)1.1.0 (2017-09-30)1.0.0 (2017-04-25)0.6.2 (2012-06-04)0.6.1 (2012-01-26)0.6.0 (2010-09-16)0.5.0 (2009-07-23)0.4.0 (2009-01-31)0.3.0 (2007-11-01)0.2.0 (2007-04-18)0.1.0 (2007-04-18)File ObjectThezope.filepackage provides a content object used to store a file. The interface supports efficient upload and download. Let’s create an instance:>>> from zope.file.file import File >>> f = File()The object provides a limited number of data attributes. ThemimeTypeattribute is used to store the preferred MIME content-type value for the data:>>> f.mimeType>>> f.mimeType = "text/plain" >>> f.mimeType 'text/plain'>>> f.mimeType = "application/postscript" >>> f.mimeType 'application/postscript'Theparametersattribute is a mapping used to store the content-type parameters. This is where encoding information can be found when applicable (and available):>>> f.parameters {} >>> f.parameters["charset"] = "us-ascii" >>> f.parameters["charset"] 'us-ascii'Both,parametersandmimeTypecan optionally also be set when creating aFileobject:>>> f2 = File(mimeType = "application/octet-stream", ... parameters = dict(charset = "utf-8")) >>> f2.mimeType 'application/octet-stream'>>> f2.parameters["charset"] 'utf-8'File objects also sport asizeattribute that provides the number of bytes in the file:>>> f.size 0The object supports efficient upload and download by providing all access to content data through accessor objects that provide (subsets of) Python’s file API.A file that hasn’t been written to is empty. We can get a reader by callingopen(). Note that all blobs are binary, thus the mode always contains a ‘b’:>>> r ="r") >>> r.mode 'rb'Theread()method can be called with a non-negative integer argument to specify how many bytes to read, or with a negative or omitted argument to read to the end of the file:>>> '' >>> '' >>> ''Once the accessor has been closed, we can no longer read from it:>>> r.close() >>> Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: I/O operation on closed fileWe’ll see that readers are more interesting once there’s data in the file object.Data is added by using a writer, which is also created using theopen()method on the file, but requesting a write file mode:>>> w ="w") >>> w.mode 'wb'Thewrite()method is used to add data to the file, but note that the data may be buffered in the writer:>>> _ = w.write(b"some text ") >>> _ = w.write(b"more text")Theflush()method ensure that the data written so far is written to the file object:>>> w.flush()We need to close the file first before determining its file size>>> w.close() >>> f.size 19We can now use a reader to see that the data has been written to the file:>>> w ="w") >>> _ = w.write(b'some text more text') >>> _ = w.write(b" still more") >>> w.close() >>> f.size 30Now create a new reader and let’s perform some seek operations.>>> r = reader also has aseek()method that can be used to back up or skip forward in the data stream. Simply passing an offset argument, we see that the current position is moved to that offset from the start of the file:>>> _ = >>> 'still more'That’s equivalent to passing 0 as thewhenceargument:>>> _ =, 0) >>> 'still more'We can skip backward and forward relative to the current position by passing 1 forwhence:>>> _ =, 1) >>> 'still' >>> _ =, 1) >>> 'ore'We can skip to some position backward from the end of the file using the value 2 forwhence:>>> _ =, 2) >>> 'still more'>>> _ = >>> _ =, 2) >>> 'more'>>> r.close()Attempting to write to a closed writer raises an exception:>>> w ='w') >>> w.close()>>> w.write(b'foobar') Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: I/O operation on closed fileSimilarly, usingseek()ortell()on a closed reader raises an exception:>>> r.close() >>> _ = Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: I/O operation on closed file>>> r.tell() Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: I/O operation on closed fileDownloading File ObjectsThe file content type provides a view used to download the file, regardless of the browser’s default behavior for the content type. This relies on browser support for the Content-Disposition header.The download support is provided by two distinct objects: A view that provides the download support using the information in the content object, and a result object that can be used to implement a file download by other views. The view can override the content-type or the filename suggested to the browser using the standard IResponse.setHeader method.Note that result objects are intended to be used once and then discarded.Let’s start by creating a file object we can use to demonstrate the download support:>>> import transaction >>> from zope.file.file import File >>> f = File() >>> getRootFolder()['file'] = f >>> transaction.commit()HeadersNow, let’s get the headers for this file. We use a utility function calledgetHeaders:>>> from import getHeaders >>> headers = getHeaders(f, contentDisposition='attachment')Since there’s no suggested download filename on the file, the Content-Disposition header doesn’t specify one, but does indicate that the response body be treated as a file to save rather than to apply the default handler for the content type:>>> sorted(headers) [('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="file"'), ('Content-Length', '0'), ('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')]Note that a default content type of ‘application/octet-stream’ is used.If the file object specifies a content type, that’s used in the headers by default:>>> f.mimeType = "text/plain" >>> headers = getHeaders(f, contentDisposition='attachment') >>> sorted(headers) [('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="file"'), ('Content-Length', '0'), ('Content-Type', 'text/plain')]Alternatively, a content type can be specified togetHeaders:>>> headers = getHeaders(f, contentType="text/xml", ... contentDisposition='attachment') >>> sorted(headers) [('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="file"'), ('Content-Length', '0'), ('Content-Type', 'text/xml')]The filename provided to the browser can be controlled similarly. If the content object provides one, it will be used by default:>>> headers = getHeaders(f, contentDisposition='attachment') >>> sorted(headers) [('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="file"'), ('Content-Length', '0'), ('Content-Type', 'text/plain')]Providing an alternate name togetHeadersoverrides the download name from the file:>>> headers = getHeaders(f, downloadName="foo.txt", ... contentDisposition='attachment') >>> sorted(headers) [('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="foo.txt"'), ('Content-Length', '0'), ('Content-Type', 'text/plain')]The default Content-Disposition header can be overridden by providing an argument togetHeaders:>>> headers = getHeaders(f, contentDisposition="inline") >>> sorted(headers) [('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename="file"'), ('Content-Length', '0'), ('Content-Type', 'text/plain')]If thecontentDispositionargument is not provided, none will be included in the headers:>>> headers = getHeaders(f) >>> sorted(headers) [('Content-Length', '0'), ('Content-Type', 'text/plain')]BodyWe use DownloadResult to deliver the content to the browser. Since there’s no data in this file, there are no body chunks:>>> transaction.commit() >>> from import DownloadResult >>> result = DownloadResult(f) >>> list(result) []We still need to see how non-empty files are handled. Let’s write some data to our file object:>>> with"w") as w: ... _ = w.write(b"some text") ... w.flush() >>> transaction.commit()Now we can create a result object and see if we get the data we expect:>>> result = DownloadResult(f) >>> L = list(result) >>> b"".join(L) 'some text'If the body content is really large, the iterator may provide more than one chunk of data:>>> with"w") as w: ... _ = w.write(b"*" * 1024 * 1024) ... w.flush() >>> transaction.commit()>>> result = DownloadResult(f) >>> L = list(result) >>> len(L) > 1 TrueOnce iteration over the body has completed, further iteration will not yield additional data:>>> list(result) []The Download ViewNow that we’ve seen thegetHeadersfunction and the result object, let’s take a look at the basic download view that uses them. We’ll need to add a file object where we can get to it using a browser:>>> f = File() >>> f.mimeType = "text/plain" >>> with"w") as w: ... _ = w.write(b"some text") >>> transaction.commit()>>> getRootFolder()["abcdefg"] = f>>> transaction.commit()Now, let’s request the download view of the file object and check the result:>>> print(http(b""" ... GET /abcdefg/@@download HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """, handle_errors=False)) HTTP/1.0 200 Ok Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="abcdefg" Content-Length: 9 Content-Type: text/plain <BLANKLINE> some textThe Inline ViewIn addition, it is sometimes useful to view the data inline instead of downloading it. A basic inline view is provided for this use case. Note that browsers may decide not to display the image when this view is used and there is not page that it’s being loaded into: if this view is being referenced directly via the URL, the browser may show nothing:>>> print(http(b""" ... GET /abcdefg/@@inline HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """, handle_errors=False)) HTTP/1.0 200 Ok Content-Disposition: inline; filename="abcdefg" Content-Length: 9 Content-Type: text/plain <BLANKLINE> some textThe Default Display ViewThis view is similar to the download and inline views, but no content disposition is specified at all. This lets the browser’s default handling of the data in the current context to be applied:>>> print(http(b""" ... GET /abcdefg/@@display HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """, handle_errors=False)) HTTP/1.0 200 Ok Content-Length: 9 Content-Type: text/plain <BLANKLINE> some textLarge Unicode CharactersWe need to be able to support Unicode characters in the filename greater than what Latin-1 (the encoding used by WSGI) can support.Let’s rename a file to contain a high Unicode character and try to download it; the filename will be encoded:>>> getRootFolder()["abcdefg"].__name__ = u'Big \U0001F4A9' >>> transaction.commit()>>> print(http(b""" ... GET /abcdefg/@@download HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """, handle_errors=False)) HTTP/1.0 200 Ok Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Big 💩" Content-Length: 9 Content-Type: text/plain <BLANKLINE> some textUploading a new fileThere’s a simple view for uploading a new file. Let’s try it:>>> from io import BytesIO as StringIO>>> sio = StringIO(b"some text")>>> from zope.testbrowser.wsgi import Browser >>> browser = Browser() >>> browser.handleErrors = False >>> browser.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic mgr:mgrpw") >>> browser.addHeader("Accept-Language", "en-US")>>>"http://localhost/@@+/zope.file.File")>>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name="") >>> ctrl.add_file( ... sio, "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "plain.txt") >>> browser.getControl("Add").click()Now, let’s request the download view of the file object and check the result:>>> print(http(b""" ... GET /plain.txt/@@download HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """, handle_errors=False)) HTTP/1.0 200 Ok Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="plain.txt" Content-Length: 9 Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8 <BLANKLINE> some textWe’ll peek into the database to make sure the object implements the expected MIME type interface:>>> from zope.mimetype import types >>> ob = getRootFolder()["plain.txt"] >>> types.IContentTypeTextPlain.providedBy(ob) TrueWe can upload new data into our file object as well:>>> sio = StringIO(b"new text") >>>"http://localhost/plain.txt/@@edit.html")>>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name="") >>> ctrl.add_file( ... sio, "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "stuff.txt") >>> browser.getControl("Edit").click()Now, let’s request the download view of the file object and check the result:>>> print(http(b""" ... GET /plain.txt/@@download HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """, handle_errors=False)) HTTP/1.0 200 Ok Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="plain.txt" Content-Length: 8 Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8 <BLANKLINE> new textIf we upload a file that has imprecise content type information (as we expect from browsers generally, and MSIE most significantly), we can see that the MIME type machinery will improve the information where possible:>>> sio = StringIO(b"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n" ... b"<html>...</html>\n")>>>"http://localhost/@@+/zope.file.File")>>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name="") >>> ctrl.add_file( ... sio, "text/html; charset=utf-8", "simple.html") >>> browser.getControl("Add").click()Again, we’ll request the download view of the file object and check the result:>>> print(http(b""" ... GET /simple.html/@@download HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """, handle_errors=False)) HTTP/1.0 200 Ok Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="simple.html" Content-Length: 56 Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml;charset=utf-8 <BLANKLINE> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <html>...</html> <BLANKLINE>Further, if a browser is bad and sends a full path as the file name (as sometimes happens in many browsers, apparently), the name is correctly truncated and changed.>>> sio = StringIO(b"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n" ... b"<html>...</html>\n")>>>"http://localhost/@@+/zope.file.File")>>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name="") >>> ctrl.add_file( ... sio, "text/html; charset=utf-8", r"C:\Documents and Settings\Joe\naughty name.html") >>> browser.getControl("Add").click()Again, we’ll request the download view of the file object and check the result:>>> print(http(b""" ... GET /naughty%20name.html/@@download HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """, handle_errors=False)) HTTP/1.0 200 Ok Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="naughty name.html" Content-Length: 56 Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml;charset=utf-8 <BLANKLINE> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <html>...</html> <BLANKLINE>In zope.file <= 0.5.0, a redundant ObjectCreatedEvent was fired in the Upload view. We’ll demonstrate that this is no longer the case.>>> import zope.component >>> from zope.file.interfaces import IFile >>> from zope.lifecycleevent import IObjectCreatedEventWe’ll register a subscriber for IObjectCreatedEvent that simply increments a counter.>>> count = 0 >>> def inc(*args): ... global count; count += 1 >>> zope.component.provideHandler(inc, (IFile, IObjectCreatedEvent))>>>"http://localhost/@@+/zope.file.File")>>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name="") >>> sio = StringIO(b"some data") >>> ctrl.add_file( ... sio, "text/html; charset=utf-8", "name.html") >>> browser.getControl("Add").click()The subscriber was called only once.>>> print(count) 1Content type and encoding controlsFiles provide a view that supports controlling the MIME content type and, where applicable, the content encoding. Content encoding is applicable based on the specific content type of the file.Let’s demonstrate the behavior of the form with a simple bit of content. We’ll upload a bit of HTML as a sample document:>>> from io import BytesIO >>> sio = BytesIO(b"A <sub>little</sub> HTML." ... b" There's one 8-bit Latin-1 character: \xd8.")>>> from zope.testbrowser.wsgi import Browser >>> browser = Browser() >>> browser.handleErrors = False >>> browser.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic mgr:mgrpw") >>> browser.addHeader("Accept-Language", "en-US") >>>"http://localhost/@@+/zope.file.File")>>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name="") >>> ctrl.add_file( ... sio, "text/html", "sample.html") >>> browser.getControl("Add").click()We can see that the MIME handlers have marked this as HTML content:>>> import zope.mimetype.interfaces >>> import zope.mimetype.mtypes>>> file = getRootFolder()[u"sample.html"] >>> zope.mimetype.mtypes.IContentTypeTextHtml.providedBy(file) TrueIt’s important to note that this also means the content is encoded text:>>> zope.mimetype.interfaces.IContentTypeEncoded.providedBy(file) TrueThe “Content Type” page will show us the MIME type and encoding that have been selected:>>> browser.getLink("sample.html").click() >>> browser.getLink("Content Type").click()>>> browser.getControl(name="form.mimeType").value ['zope.mimetype.mtypes.IContentTypeTextHtml']The empty string value indicates that we have no encoding information:>>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name="form.encoding") >>> print(ctrl.value) ['']Let’s now set the encoding value to an old favorite, Latin-1:>>> ctrl.value = ["iso-8859-1"] >>> browser.handleErrors = False >>> browser.getControl("Save").click()We now see the updated value in the form, and can check the value in the MIME content-type parameters on the object:>>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name="form.encoding") >>> print(ctrl.value) ['iso-8859-1']>>> file = getRootFolder()["sample.html"] >>> file.parameters {'charset': 'iso-8859-1'}Something more interesting is that we can now use a non-encoded content type, and the encoding field will be removed from the form:>>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name="form.mimeType") >>> ctrl.value = ["zope.mimetype.mtypes.IContentTypeImageTiff"] >>> browser.getControl("Save").click()>>> browser.getControl(name="form.encoding") Traceback (most recent call last): ... LookupError: name 'form.encoding' ...If we switch back to an encoded type, we see that our encoding wasn’t lost:>>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name="form.mimeType") >>> ctrl.value = ["zope.mimetype.mtypes.IContentTypeTextHtml"] >>> browser.getControl("Save").click()>>> browser.getControl(name="form.encoding").value ['iso-8859-1']On the other hand, if we try setting the encoding to something which simply cannot decode the input data, we get an error message saying that’s not going to work, and no changes are saved:>>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name="form.encoding") >>> ctrl.value = ["utf-8"]>>> browser.getControl("Save").click()>>> print(browser.contents) <...Selected encoding cannot decode document...Presentation AdaptersObject sizeThe size of the file as presented in the contents view of a container is provided using an adapter implementing thezope.size.interfaces.ISizedinterface. Such an adapter is available for the file object.Let’s do some imports and create a new file object:>>> from zope.file.file import File >>> from zope.file.browser import Sized >>> from zope.size.interfaces import ISized>>> f = File() >>> f.size 0>>> s = Sized(f) >>> ISized.providedBy(s) True >>> s.sizeForSorting() ('byte', 0) >>> s.sizeForDisplay() u'0 KB'Let’s add some content to the file:>>> with'w') as w: ... _ = w.write(b"some text")The sized adapter now reflects the updated size:>>> s.sizeForSorting() ('byte', 9) >>> s.sizeForDisplay() u'1 KB'Let’s try again with a larger file size:>>> with'w') as w: ... _ = w.write(b"x" * (1024*1024+10))>>> s.sizeForSorting() ('byte', 1048586) >>> m = s.sizeForDisplay() >>> m u'${size} MB' >>> m.mapping {'size': '1.00'}And still a bigger size:>>> with'w') as w: ... _ = w.write(b"x" * 3*512*1024)>>> s.sizeForSorting() ('byte', 1572864) >>> m = s.sizeForDisplay() >>> m u'${size} MB' >>> m.mapping {'size': '1.50'}CHANGES1.2.0 (2020-03-06)Add support for Python 3.7 and 3.8Drop Python 3.4 support.1.1.0 (2017-09-30)Move more browser dependencies to thebrowserextra.Begin testing PyPy3 on Travis CI.1.0.0 (2017-04-25)Remove unneeded test dependencies,,, and others.Update to work with zope.testbrowser 5.Add PyPy support.Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6. SeePR (2012-06-04)Moved menu-oriented registrations into new menus.zcml. This is now loaded if is available only.Increase test coverage.0.6.1 (2012-01-26)Declared more dependencies.0.6.0 (2010-09-16)Bug fix: remove duplicate firing of ObjectCreatedEvent in zope.file.upload.Upload (the event is already fired in its base class, zope.formlib.form.AddForm).Move browser-related zcml tobrowser.zcmlso that it easier for applications to exclude it.Import content-type parser from zope.contenttype, adding a dependency on that package.Removed undeclared dependency on, depend on zope.browser.Using Python’sdoctestmodule instead of deprecatedzope.testing.doctest.0.5.0 (2009-07-23)Change package’s mailing list address to zope-dev at instead of the retired one.Made tests compatible with ZODB 3.9.Removed not needed install requirement declarations.0.4.0 (2009-01-31)openDetachedis now protected by zope.View instead of zope.ManageContent.Use zope.container instead of (2007-11-01)Package data update.0.2.0 (2007-04-18)Fix code for Publisher version (2007-04-18)Initial release.
zope.filerepresentationThe interfaces defined here are used for file-system and file-system-like representations of objects, such as file-system synchronization, FTP, PUT, and WebDAV.Documentation is hosted at (2023-01-14)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.9, 3.10, (2020-03-31)Drop support for Python 3.4.Add support for Python 3.7 and 3.8.Ensure all objects have a consistent interface resolution order. Seeissue (2017-08-10)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6 and (2014-12-27)Add support for PyPy3.Add support for Python (2013-03-08)Add Trove classifiers indicating CPython and PyPy support.4.0.1 (2013-02-11)Add tox.ini to release.4.0.0 (2013-02-11)Add support for Python 3.3 and PyPy.Drop support for Python 2.4 / (2011-11-29)Add undeclaredzope.schemadependency.Removezope.testingtest dependency andtestextra.3.6.0 (2009-10-08)AddIRawReadFileandIRawWriteFileinterfaces. These extendIReadFileandIWritefile, respectively, to behave pretty much like a standard Python file object with a few embellishments. This in turn allows efficient, iterator- based implementations of file reading and writing.Remove dependency onzope.container:IReadDirectoryandIWriteDirectoryinherit only from interfaces defined inzope.interfaceandzope.interface.common.mapping.3.5.0 (2009-01-31)Change use (2007-10-02)Initial Zope-independent release.
IntroductionFixers for Zope Component Architecture and the frameworks built with it.Currently, there is only one fixer, fix_implements. This fixer will change all uses of implements(IFoo) in a class body to the class decorator @implementer(IFoo), which is the most likely Python 3 syntax for zope.interfaces implements statements.UsageTypically you will use zope.fixers together with Distribute’s 2to3 support. This is done by adding zope.fixers to some parameters in setup():>>> setup( ... install_requires = ['zope.fixers'], ... use_2to3 = True, ... use_2to3_fixers = ['zope.fixers'], ... )For an example usage of a complex case, look at: supports both distutils, setuptools and distribute, all versions of python from 2.4 to 3.1, and has an optional C-extension, so don’t worry if it’s overwhelming. For simple projects all you need is to use Distribute and add the above three lines to the Distribute has more documentation on how to use it to support Python 3 porting.If you don’t want to use Distribute things get a bit more complex, as you have to make the list of fixers yourself and call lib2to3 with that:>>> from lib2to3.refactor import RefactoringTool, get_fixers_from_package >>> fixers = get_fixers_from_package('lib2to3.fixes') + \ ... get_fixers_from_package('zope.fixers')And the run the fixing with the fixers:>>> tool = RefactoringTool(fixers) >>> tool.refactor(files, write=True)Fixer ScriptThe package also provides a console script calledzope-2to3that has the same arguments as2to3but applies the fixers defined in this package.CHANGES1.1.2 (2013-02-23)Removed setup.cfg and make sure that we point to real Change Log.1.1.1 (2013-02-23)Remove support for Python 2.7 again. It did not work.1.1.0 (2013-02-22)Added console scriptzope-2to3.1.0.0 (2009-09-12)Initial release. Includes the implements fix to change implements(IFoo) class body call to@implementer(IFoo)class decorator.
Copyright (c) 2011, Robert Collins <[email protected]>Licensed under either the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the BSD 3-clause license at the users choice. A copy of both licenses are available in the project source as Apache-2.0 and BSD. You may not use this file except in compliance with one of these two licences.Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under these licenses is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the license you chose for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under that license.Zope fixtures provides Fixtures ( for use with Zope tests. These permit easy unit testing in Zope environments.DependenciesPython 2.4+ This is the base language fixtures is written in and for.zope.interfaces.Fixtures ( use in a unit test suite using the included glue, one of:Python 2.7unittest2bzrlib.testsOr any other test environment that supports TestCase.addCleanup.Writing your own glue code is easy, or you can simply use the fixtures directly without any support code.To run the test suite for zope_fixtures, testtools is needed.See the Fixtures documentation for overview and design information.Stock FixturesComponentsFixtureThis permits overlaying registrations in the zope registry. While the fixture is setup any registrations made are local to the fixture, and will be thrown away when the fixture is torn down.>>> from zope_fixtures import ComponentsFixture >>> from zope.interface import Interface, implements >>> from zope.component import getSiteManager >>> class ITestUtility(Interface):pass >>> class TestUtility(object): ... implements(ITestUtility) >>> with ComponentsFixture(): ... getSiteManager().registerUtility(TestUtility())UtilityFixtureThis permits simple replacement of a single utility.>>> from zope_fixtures import UtilityFixture >>> with UtilityFixture(TestUtility()): ... pass
zope.formlibForms are web components that use widgets to display and input data. Typically a template displays the widgets by accessing an attribute or method on an underlying class.Documentation is hosted at (2023-03-27)Add support for Python 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2021-10-25)Add support for Python (2021-10-25)Possibly breaking changesFix checking of constraints on field contents. Theprefixof anIFormFieldcan still be empty and now officially allows dots. Seepull request 35.FeaturesAdd support for Python 3.9.Other changesRemove unused non-BBB imports.Adjust checkbox widget test to new default forrequiredon boolean fields.4.7.1 (2020-03-31)Ensure all objects have consistent interface resolution orders. Seeissue 30.Remove support for deprecatedpython testcommand.4.7.0 (2020-02-27)Move inline javascript function definitions containing “<”, “>” or “&” into external files to follow the XHTML recommendation concerning XML/HTML compatibility (#25)Add support for Python 3.8.Drop support for Python (2019-02-12)Add support for Python 3.7.Make the tests compatible withzope.i18n >= (2018-09-27)Fix IE issue in /@@user-information?user_id=TestUser for orderedSelectionList (GH#17)Move documentation tohttps://zopeformlib.readthedocs.io4.4.0 (2017-08-15)Add support for Python 3.5, and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.UseUTF-8as default encoding when casting bytes to unicode for Python 2and3.4.3.0 (2014-12-24)Add support for PyPy. (PyPy3 is pending release of a fix for: support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.Explicitly hide span This only contains hidden inputs, but Internet Explorer 10 was showing them anyway.Support for CSRF protection.Added support for restricting the acceptable request method for the form submit.4.3.0a1 (2013-02-27)Added support for Python (2013-02-22)Moved default values for theBooleanDisplayWidgetfrom module to class definition to make them changeable in instance.4.2.0 (2012-11-27)LP #1017884: Add redirect status codes (303, 307) to the set which prevent form rendering.Replaced deprecatedzope.component.adaptsusage with equivalentzope.component.adapterdecorator.Replaced deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Dropped support for Python 2.5.Make separator ofSourceSequenceDisplayWidgetconfigurable.4.1.1 (2012-03-16)AddedignoreContextattribute to form classes to control whethercheckInvariantstakes the context of the form into account when checking interface invariants.By defaultignoreContextis set toFalse. On theAddFormit isTrueby default because the context of this form is naturally not suitable as context for the interface invariant.4.1.0 (2012-03-15)checkInvariantsnow takes the context of the form into account when checking interface invariants.Tests are no longer compatible with Python (2011-08-20)Fixed bug inorderedSelectionList.pttemplate.4.0.5 (2010-09-16)Fixed Action name parameter handling, since 4.0.3 all passed names were lowercased.4.0.4 (2010-07-06)Fixed tests to pass under Python 2.7.Fix validation of “multiple” attributes in (2010-05-06)Keep Actions from raising exceptions when passed Unicode lables [LP:528468].Improve display of the “nothing selected” case for optional Choice fields [LP:269782].Improve truth testing for ItemDisplayWidget [LP:159232].Don’t blow up if TypeError raised during token conversion [LP:98491].4.0.2 (2010-03-07)Adapted tests for Python 2.4 (enforce sorting for short pprint output)4.0.1 (2010-02-21)Documentation uploaded to PyPI now contains widget documentation.Escape MultiCheckBoxWidget content [LP:302427].4.0 (2010-01-08)Widget implementation and all widgets from have been moved into zope.formlib, breaking zope.formlib’s dependency on (instead now depends on zope.formlib).Widgets can all be imported fromzope.formlib.widgets.Widget base classes and render functionality is inzope.formlib.widget.All relevant widget interfaces are now inzope.formlib.interfaces.3.10.0 (2009-12-22)Use named template from zope.browserpage in favor of (2009-12-22)Use ViewPageTemplateFile from zope.browserpage.3.8.0 (2009-12-22)Adjusted test output to new zope.schema release.3.7.0 (2009-12-18)Rid ourselves from test dependencies.Fix: Button label needs escaping3.6.0 (2009-05-18)Remove deprecated imports.Remove dependency on (useIAddingfromzope.browser.interfaces) instead. Depend onzope.browser>=1.1(the version withIAdding), to cut some dependencies onzope.formlibwhen using this feature. Left BBB imports here.3.5.2 (2009-02-21)Adapt tests for Python 2.5 output.3.5.1 (2009-01-31)Adapt tests to upcoming zope.schema release (2009-01-26)New FeaturesTest dependencies are declared in atestextra now.Introducedzope.formlib.form.applyDatawhich works likeapplyChangesbut returns a dictionary with information about which attribute of which schema changed. This information is then sent along with theIObjectModifiedEvent.This fixes FixedActions that cause a redirect (301, 302) do not cause therendermethod to be called anymore.The zope.formlib.form.Action class didn’t fully implement zope.formlib.interfaces.IAction.zope.formlib.form.setupWidgets and zope.formlib.form.setupEditWidgets did not check for write access on the adapter but on context. This fixes (2007-09-28)No further changes since 3.4.0a1.3.4.0a1 (2007-04-22)Initial release as a separate project, corresponds to zope.formlib from Zope 3.4.0a1
zope.fssync PackageThis package provides filesystem synchronization utilities for Zope 3. It is used by the package.Filesystem SynchronizationThis package provides an API for the synchronization of Python objects with a serialized filesystem representation. This API does not address security issues. (See for a protected web-based API). This API is Zope and ZODB independent.The main use cases aredata export / import (e.g. moving data from one place to another)content management (e.g. managing a wiki or other collections of documents offline)The target representation depends on your use case. In the use case of data export/import, for instance, it is crucial that all data are exported as completely as possible. Since the data need not be read by humans in most circumstances a pickle format may be the most complete and easy one to use. In the use case of content management it may be more important that all metadata are readable by humans. In this case another format, e.g. RDFa, may be more appropriate.Main componentsA synchronizer serializes content objects and stores the serialized data in a repository in an application specific format. It uses deserializers to read the object back into the content space. The serialization format must be rich enough to preserve various forms of references which should be reestablished on deserialization.All these components should be replaceable. Application may use different serialization formats with different references for different purposes (e.g. backup vs. content management) and different target systems (e.g. a zip archive vs. a svn repository).The main components are:ISyncTasks like Checkout, Check, and Commit which synchronize a content space with a repository. These tasks uses serializers to produce serialized data for a repository in an application specific format. They use deserializers to read the data back. The default implementation uses xmlpickle for python objects, data streams for file contents, and special directories for extras and metadata. Alternative implementations may use standard pickles, a human readable format like RDFa, or application specific formats.ISynchronizer: Synchronizers produce serialized pieces of a Python object (the ISerializer part of a synchronizer) and consume serialized data to (re-)create Python objects (the IDeserializer part of a synchronizer).IPickler: An adapter that determines the pickle format.IRepository: represents a target system that can be used to read and write serialized data.Let’s take some samples:>>> from StringIO import StringIO >>> from zope import interface >>> from zope import component >>> from zope.fssync import interfaces >>> from zope.fssync import task >>> from zope.fssync import synchronizer >>> from zope.fssync import repository >>> from zope.fssync import pickle>>> class A(object): ... data = 'data of a' >>> class B(A): ... pass >>> a = A() >>> b = B() >>> = 'data of b' >>> b.extra = 'extra of b' >>> root = dict(a=a, b=b)Persistent ReferencesMany applications use more than one system of persistent references. Zope, for instance, uses p_oids, int ids, key references, traversal paths, dotted names, named utilities, etc.Other systems might use generic reference systems like global unique ids or primary keys together with domain specific references, like emails, URI, postal addresses, code numbers, etc. All these references are candidates for exportable references as long as they can be resolved on import or reimport.In our example we use simple integer ids:>>> class GlobalIds(object): ... ids = dict() ... count = 0 ... def getId(self, obj): ... for k, v in self.ids.iteritems(): ... if obj == v: ... return k ... def register(self, obj): ... uid = self.getId(obj) ... if uid is not None: ... return uid ... self.count += 1 ... self.ids[self.count] = obj ... return self.count ... def resolve(self, uid): ... return self.ids.get(int(uid), None)>>> globalIds = GlobalIds() >>> globalIds.register(a) 1 >>> globalIds.register(b) 2 >>> globalIds.register(root) 3In our example we use the int ids as a substitute for the default path references which are the most common references in Zope.In our examples we use a SnarfRepository which can easily be examined:>>> snarf = repository.SnarfRepository(StringIO()) >>> checkout = task.Checkout(synchronizer.getSynchronizer, snarf)Snarf is a Zope3 specific archive format where the key need is for simple software. The format is dead simple: each file is represented by the string‘<size> <pathname>n’followed by exactly <size> bytes. Directories are not represented explicitly.Entry IdsPersistent ids are also used in the metadata files of fssync. The references are generated by an IEntryId adapter which must have a string representation in order to be saveable in a text file. Typically these object ids correspond to the persistent pickle ids, but this is not necessarily the case.Since we do not have paths we use our integer ids:>>> @component.adapter(interface.Interface) ... @interface.implementer(interfaces.IEntryId) ... def entryId(obj): ... global globalIds ... return globalIds.getId(obj) >>> component.provideAdapter(entryId)SynchronizerIn the use case of data export / import it is crucial that fssync is able to serialize “all” object data. Note that it isn’t always obvious what data is intrinsic to an object. Therefore we must provide special serialization / de-serialization tools which take care of writing and reading “all” data.An obvious solution would be to use inheriting synchronization adapters. But this solution bears a risk. If someone created a subclass and forgot to create an adapter, then their data would be serialized incompletely. To give an example: What happens if someone has a serialization adapter for class Person which serializes every aspect of Person instances and defines a subclass Employee(Person) later on? If the Employee class has some extra aspects (for example additional attributes like insurance id, wage, etc.) these would never be serialized as long as there is no special serialization adapter for Employees which handles this extra aspects. The behavior is different if the adapters are looked up by their dotted class name (i.e. the most specific class) and not their class or interface (which might led to adapters written for super classes). If no specific adapter exists a default serializer (e.g a xmlpickler) can serialize the object completely. So even if you forget to provide special serializers for all your classes you can be sure that your data are complete.Since the component architecture doesn’t support adapters that work one class only (not their subclasses), we register the adapter classes as named ISynchronizerFactory utilities and use the dotted name of the class as lookup key. The default synchronizer is registered as a unnamed ISynchronizerFactory utility. This synchronizer ensures that all data are pickled to the target repository.>>> component.provideUtility(synchronizer.DefaultSynchronizer, ... provides=interfaces.ISynchronizerFactory)All special synchronizers are registered for a specific content class and not an abstract interface. The class is represented by the dotted class name in the factory registration:>>> class AFileSynchronizer(synchronizer.Synchronizer): ... interface.implements(interfaces.IFileSynchronizer) ... def dump(self, writeable): ... writeable.write( ... def load(self, readable): ... =>>> component.provideUtility(AFileSynchronizer, ... interfaces.ISynchronizerFactory, ... name=synchronizer.dottedname(A))The lookup of the utilities by the dotted class name is handled by the getSynchronizer function, which first tries to find a named utility. The IDefaultSynchronizer utility is used as a fallback:>>> synchronizer.getSynchronizer(a) <zope.fssync.doctest.AFileSynchronizer object at ...>If no named adapter is registered it returns the registered unnamed default adapter (as long as the permissions allow this):>>> synchronizer.getSynchronizer(b) <zope.fssync.synchronizer.DefaultSynchronizer object at ...>This default serializer typically uses a pickle format, which is determined by the IPickler adapter. Here we use Zope’s xmlpickle.>>> component.provideAdapter(pickle.XMLPickler) >>> component.provideAdapter(pickle.XMLUnpickler)For container like objects we must provide an adapter that maps the container to a directory. In our example we use the buildin dict class:>>> component.provideUtility(synchronizer.DirectorySynchronizer, ... interfaces.ISynchronizerFactory, ... name=synchronizer.dottedname(dict))Now we can export the object to the snarf archive:>>> checkout.perform(root, 'test') >>> print 00000213 @@Zope/Entries.xml <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <entries> <entry name="test" keytype="__builtin__.str" type="__builtin__.dict" factory="__builtin__.dict" id="3" /> </entries> 00000339 test/@@Zope/Entries.xml <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <entries> <entry name="a" keytype="__builtin__.str" type="zope.fssync.doctest.A" factory="zope.fssync.doctest.A" id="1" /> <entry name="b" keytype="__builtin__.str" type="zope.fssync.doctest.B" id="2" /> </entries> 00000009 test/a data of a00000370 test/b <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <pickle> <object> <klass> <global name="B" module="zope.fssync.doctest"/> </klass> <attributes> <attribute name="data"> <string>data of b</string> </attribute> <attribute name="extra"> <string>extra of b</string> </attribute> </attributes> </object> </pickle> <BLANKLINE>After the registration of the necessary generators we can reimport the serialized data from the repository:>>> component.provideUtility(synchronizer.FileGenerator(), ... provides=interfaces.IFileGenerator)>>> target = {} >>> commit = task.Commit(synchronizer.getSynchronizer, snarf) >>> commit.perform(target, 'root', 'test') >>> sorted(target.keys()) ['root'] >>> sorted(target['root'].keys()) ['a', 'b']>>> target['root']['a'].data 'data of a'>>> target['root']['b'].extra 'extra of b'If we want to commit the data back into the original place we must check whether the repository is still consistent with the original content. We modify the objects in place to see what happens:>>> check = task.Check(synchronizer.getSynchronizer, snarf) >>> check.check(root, '', 'test') >>> check.errors() []>>> root['a'].data = 'overwritten' >>> root['b'].extra = 'overwritten'>>> check = task.Check(synchronizer.getSynchronizer, snarf) >>> check.check(root, '', 'test') >>> check.errors() ['test/a', 'test/b']>>> commit.perform(root, '', 'test') >>> sorted(root.keys()) ['a', 'b'] >>> root['a'].data 'data of a' >>> root['b'].extra 'extra of b'>>> del root['a'] >>> commit.perform(root, '', 'test') >>> sorted(root.keys()) ['a', 'b']>>> del root['b'] >>> commit.perform(root, '', 'test') >>> sorted(root.keys()) ['a', 'b']>>> del root['a'] >>> del root['b'] >>> commit.perform(root, '', 'test') >>> sorted(root.keys()) ['a', 'b']PicklingIn many data structures, large, complex objects are composed of smaller objects. These objects are typically stored in one of two ways:The smaller objects are stored inside the larger object.The smaller objects are allocated in their own location, and the larger object stores references to them.In case 1 the object is self-contained and can be pickled completely. This is the default behavior of the fssync pickler:>>> pickler = interfaces.IPickler([42]) >>> pickler <zope.fssync.pickle.XMLPickler object at ...> >>> print pickler.dumps() <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <pickle> <list> <int>42</int> </list> </pickle> <BLANKLINE>Case 2 is more complex since the pickler has to take persistent references into account.>>> class Complex(object): ... def __init__(self, part1, part2): ... self.part1 = part1 ... self.part2 = part2Everthing here depends on the definition of what we consider to be an intrinsic reference. In the examples above we simply considered all objects as intrinsic.>>> from zope.fssync import pickle >>> c = root['c'] = Complex(a, b) >>> stream = StringIO() >>> print interfaces.IPickler(c).dumps() <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <pickle> <initialized_object> <klass> <global id="o0" name="_reconstructor" module="copy_reg"/> </klass> <arguments> <tuple> <global name="Complex" module="zope.fssync.doctest"/> <global id="o1" name="object" module="__builtin__"/> <none/> </tuple> </arguments> <state> <dictionary> <item key="part1"> <object> <klass> <global name="A" module="zope.fssync.doctest"/> </klass> <attributes> <attribute name="data"> <string>data of a</string> </attribute> </attributes> </object> </item> <item key="part2"> <object> <klass> <global name="B" module="zope.fssync.doctest"/> </klass> <attributes> <attribute name="data"> <string>data of b</string> </attribute> <attribute name="extra"> <string>overwritten</string> </attribute> </attributes> </object> </item> </dictionary> </state> </initialized_object> </pickle> <BLANKLINE>In order to use persistent references we must define a PersistentIdGenerator for our pickler, which determines whether an object should be pickled completely or only by reference:>>> class PersistentIdGenerator(object): ... interface.implements(interfaces.IPersistentIdGenerator) ... component.adapts(interfaces.IPickler) ... def __init__(self, pickler): ... self.pickler = pickler ... def id(self, obj): ... if isinstance(obj, Complex): ... return None ... return globalIds.getId(obj)>>> component.provideAdapter(PersistentIdGenerator)>>> globalIds.register(a) 1 >>> globalIds.register(b) 2 >>> globalIds.register(root) 3>>> xml = interfaces.IPickler(c).dumps() >>> print xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <pickle> <object> <klass> <global name="Complex" module="zope.fssync.doctest"/> </klass> <attributes> <attribute name="part1"> <persistent> <string>1</string> </persistent> </attribute> <attribute name="part2"> <persistent> <string>2</string> </persistent> </attribute> </attributes> </object> </pickle> <BLANKLINE>The persistent ids can be loaded if we define and register a IPersistentIdLoader adapter first:>>> class PersistentIdLoader(object): ... interface.implements(interfaces.IPersistentIdLoader) ... component.adapts(interfaces.IUnpickler) ... def __init__(self, unpickler): ... self.unpickler = unpickler ... def load(self, id): ... global globalIds ... return globalIds.resolve(id)>>> component.provideAdapter(PersistentIdLoader) >>> c2 = interfaces.IUnpickler(None).loads(xml) >>> c2.part1 == a TrueAnnotations, Extras, and MetadataComplex objects often combine metadata and content data in various ways. The fssync package allows to distinguish between file content, extras, annotations, and fssync specific metadata:The file content or body is directly stored in a corresponding file.The extras are object attributes which are part of the object but not part of the file content. They are typically store in extra files.Annotations are content related metadata which can be stored as attribute annotations or outside the object itself. They are typically stored in seperate pickles for each annotation namespace.Metadata directly related to fssync are stored in Entries.xml files.Where exactly these aspects are stored is defined in the synchronization format. The default format uses a @@Zope directory with subdirectories for object extras and annotations. These @@Zope directories also contain an Entries.xml metadata file which defines the following attributes:id: the system id of the object, in Zope typically a traversal pathname: the filename of the serialized objectfactory: the factory of the object, typically a dotted name of a classtype: a type identifier for pickled objects without factoryprovides: directly provided interfaces of the objectkey: the original name in the content space which is usedin cases where the repository is not able to store this key unambigouslybinary: a flag that prevents merging of binary dataflag: a status flag with the values ‘added’ or ‘removed’In part the metadata have to be delivered by the synchronizer. The base synchronizer, for instance, returns the directly provided interfaces of an object as part of it’s metadata:>>> class IMarkerInterface(interface.Interface): ... pass >>> interface.directlyProvides(a, IMarkerInterface) >>> pprint(synchronizer.Synchronizer(a).metadata()) {'factory': 'zope.fssync.doctest.A', 'provides': 'zope.fssync.doctest.IMarkerInterface'}The setmetadata method can be used to write metadata back to an object. Which metadata are consumed is up to the synchronizer:>>> metadata = {'provides': 'zope.fssync.doctest.IMarkerInterface'} >>> synchronizer.Synchronizer(b).setmetadata(metadata) >>> [x for x in interface.directlyProvidedBy(b)] [<InterfaceClass zope.fssync.doctest.IMarkerInterface>]In order to serialize annotations we must first provide a ISynchronizableAnnotations adapter:>>> snarf = repository.SnarfRepository(StringIO()) >>> checkout = task.Checkout(synchronizer.getSynchronizer, snarf)>>> from zope import annotation >>> from zope.annotation.attribute import AttributeAnnotations >>> component.provideAdapter(AttributeAnnotations) >>> class IAnnotatableSample(interface.Interface): ... pass >>> class AnnotatableSample(object): ... interface.implements(IAnnotatableSample, ... annotation.interfaces.IAttributeAnnotatable) ... data = 'Main file content' ... extra = None >>> sample = AnnotatableSample()>>> class ITestAnnotations(interface.Interface): ... a = interface.Attribute('A') ... b = interface.Attribute('B') >>> import persistent >>> class TestAnnotations(persistent.Persistent): ... interface.implements(ITestAnnotations, ... annotation.interfaces.IAnnotations) ... component.adapts(IAnnotatableSample) ... def __init__(self): ... self.a = None ... self.b = None>>> component.provideAdapter(synchronizer.SynchronizableAnnotations)>>> from zope.annotation.factory import factory >>> component.provideAdapter(factory(TestAnnotations)) >>> ITestAnnotations(sample).a = 'annotation a' >>> ITestAnnotations(sample).a 'annotation a' >>> sample.extra = 'extra'Without a special serializer the annotations are pickled since the annotations are stored in the __annotions__ attribute:>>> root = dict() >>> root['test'] = sample >>> checkout.perform(root, 'test') >>> print 00000197 @@Zope/Entries.xml <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <entries> <entry name="test" keytype="__builtin__.str" type="__builtin__.dict" factory="__builtin__.dict" /> </entries> 00000182 test/@@Zope/Entries.xml <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <entries> <entry name="test" keytype="__builtin__.str" type="zope.fssync.doctest.AnnotatableSample" /> </entries> 00001929 test/test <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <pickle> <object> <klass> <global name="AnnotatableSample" module="zope.fssync.doctest"/> </klass> ... </attributes> </object> </pickle> <BLANKLINE>If we provide a directory serializer for annotations and extras we get a file for each extra attribute and annotation namespace.>>> component.provideUtility( ... synchronizer.DirectorySynchronizer, ... interfaces.ISynchronizerFactory, ... name=synchronizer.dottedname(synchronizer.Extras))>>> component.provideUtility( ... synchronizer.DirectorySynchronizer, ... interfaces.ISynchronizerFactory, ... name=synchronizer.dottedname( ... synchronizer.SynchronizableAnnotations))Since the annotations are already handled by the Synchronizer base class we only need to specify the extra attribute here:>>> class SampleFileSynchronizer(synchronizer.Synchronizer): ... interface.implements(interfaces.IFileSynchronizer) ... def dump(self, writeable): ... writeable.write( ... def extras(self): ... return synchronizer.Extras(extra=self.context.extra) ... def load(self, readable): ... = >>> component.provideUtility(SampleFileSynchronizer, ... interfaces.ISynchronizerFactory, ... name=synchronizer.dottedname(AnnotatableSample))>>> interface.directlyProvides(sample, IMarkerInterface) >>> root['test'] = sample >>> checkout.perform(root, 'test') >>> print 00000197 @@Zope/Entries.xml <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <entries> <entry name="test" keytype="__builtin__.str" type="__builtin__.dict" factory="__builtin__.dict" /> </entries> 00000182 test/@@Zope/Entries.xml <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <entries> <entry name="test" keytype="__builtin__.str" type="zope.fssync.doctest.AnnotatableSample" /> </entries> 00001929 test/test <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <pickle> <object> <klass> <global name="AnnotatableSample" module="zope.fssync.doctest"/> </klass> <attributes> <attribute name="__annotations__"> ... </attribute> <attribute name="extra"> <string>extra</string> </attribute> </attributes> </object> </pickle> 00000197 @@Zope/Entries.xml <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <entries> <entry name="test" keytype="__builtin__.str" type="__builtin__.dict" factory="__builtin__.dict" /> </entries> 00000296 test/@@Zope/Entries.xml <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <entries> <entry name="test" keytype="__builtin__.str" type="zope.fssync.doctest.AnnotatableSample" factory="zope.fssync.doctest.AnnotatableSample" provides="zope.fssync.doctest.IMarkerInterface" /> </entries> 00000211 test/@@Zope/Annotations/test/@@Zope/Entries.xml <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <entries> <entry name="zope.fssync.doctest.TestAnnotations" keytype="__builtin__.str" type="zope.fssync.doctest.TestAnnotations" /> </entries> 00000617 test/@@Zope/Annotations/test/zope.fssync.doctest.TestAnnotations <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <pickle> ... </pickle> 00000161 test/@@Zope/Extra/test/@@Zope/Entries.xml <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <entries> <entry name="extra" keytype="__builtin__.str" type="__builtin__.str" /> </entries> 00000082 test/@@Zope/Extra/test/extra <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <pickle> <string>extra</string> </pickle> 00000017 test/test Main file contentThe annotations and extras can of course also be deserialized. The default deserializer handles both cases:>>> target = {} >>> commit = task.Commit(synchronizer.getSynchronizer, snarf) >>> commit.perform(target, 'root', 'test') >>> result = target['root']['test'] >>> result.extra 'extra' >>> ITestAnnotations(result).a 'annotation a'Since we use an IDirectorySynchronizer each extra attribute and annotation namespace get’s it’s own file:>>> for path in sorted(snarf.iterPaths()): ... print path @@Zope/Entries.xml test/@@Zope/Annotations/test/@@Zope/Entries.xml test/@@Zope/Annotations/test/zope.fssync.doctest.TestAnnotations test/@@Zope/Entries.xml test/@@Zope/Extra/test/@@Zope/Entries.xml test/@@Zope/Extra/test/extra test/testThe number of files can be reduced if we provide the default synchronizer which uses a single file for all annotations and a single file for all extras:>>> component.provideUtility( ... synchronizer.DefaultSynchronizer, ... interfaces.ISynchronizerFactory, ... name=synchronizer.dottedname(synchronizer.Extras))>>> component.provideUtility( ... synchronizer.DefaultSynchronizer, ... interfaces.ISynchronizerFactory, ... name=synchronizer.dottedname( ... synchronizer.SynchronizableAnnotations))>>> root['test'] = sample >>> snarf = repository.SnarfRepository(StringIO()) >>> checkout.repository = snarf >>> checkout.perform(root, 'test') >>> for path in sorted(snarf.iterPaths()): ... print path @@Zope/Entries.xml test/@@Zope/Annotations/test test/@@Zope/Entries.xml test/@@Zope/Extra/test test/testThe annotations and extras can of course also be deserialized. The default deserializer handles both>>> target = {} >>> commit = task.Commit(synchronizer.getSynchronizer, snarf) >>> commit.perform(target, 'root', 'test') >>> result = target['root']['test'] >>> result.extra 'extra' >>> ITestAnnotations(result).a 'annotation a' >>> [x for x in interface.directlyProvidedBy(result)] [<InterfaceClass zope.fssync.doctest.IMarkerInterface>]If we encounter an error, or multiple errors, while commiting we’ll see them in the traceback.>>> def bad_sync(container, key, fspath, add_callback): ... raise ValueError('1','2','3')>>> target = {} >>> commit = task.Commit(synchronizer.getSynchronizer, snarf) >>> old_sync_new = commit.synchNew >>> commit.synchNew = bad_sync >>> commit.perform(target, 'root', 'test') Traceback (most recent call last): ... Exception: test: '1', '2', '3'Notice that if we encounter multiple exceptions we print them all out at the end.>>> old_sync_old = commit.synchOld >>> commit.synchOld = bad_sync >>> commit.perform(target, 'root', 'test') Traceback (most recent call last): ... Exceptions: test: '1', '2', '3' test: '1', '2', '3'>>> commit.synchNew = old_sync_new >>> commit.synchOld = old_sync_oldChanges3.6.1 (2013-05-02)Fixed exception raising on unpickling errors when checking in.Improved reporting of unpickling errors.3.6.0 (2012-03-15)Commit task will collect errors and send them all back rather than stopping on the first error encountered.3.5.2 (2010-10-18)Fix tests; zope.location no longer exports TLocation.Raise the right error in zope.fssync.synchronizer when the configured synchronizer does not exist.Update dependency information.Minor code cleanups.3.5.1 (2009-07-24)Properly setup tests, so that they will work in a release as well.Removed slugs.3.5 (????)Added the support for empty directories in snarf format. Now directories can be explicitly described by snarf.Synchronizers can now return callbacks from the load method. This allows for fix ups to be run later. This is useful when adding multiple objects at the same time that depend on each other. Callbacks can in turn return callbacks.Add support to FSMerger to allow locally modified files to be overwritten by files returned from the server. The purpose of this is to avoid conflicts after commit on files that are formatted differently on the server from local versions.3.4.0b1 (????)Refactoring of zope.fssync and into two clearly separated packages:zope.fssync contains now a Python API that has no critical dependencies on Zope, the ZODB, and the security contains a protected web-based API and special synchronizers for content types.Other major changes aresynchronizers (i.e. serialization/de-serialization adapters) are created by named utilities which use dotted class names as lookup keysadded doctestssupport for large filesadapters for pickler, unpickler and handling of persistent pickle idsbinaries are no longer mergedcase-insensitive filesystems and repositories use disambiguated names on export and the original names on importexport and import of directly provided interfacesdirect export to archives/direct import from archivesaddressed encoding problems on Mac OSX
zope.generationsGenerations are a way of updating objects in the database when the application schema changes. An application schema is essentially the structure of data, the structure of classes in the case of ZODB or the table descriptions in the case of a relational database.See complete documentation.CHANGES5.1.0 (2022-02-11)Drop support for Python 3.4.Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9 and (2019-09-23)Add support for transaction managers operating in explicit mode. Schema managers were previously required not to commit transactions in theirevolveorinstallmethods, but a loophole was open to allow them to commit “if there were no subsequent operations”. That loophole is now closed, at least in explicit mode. Seeissue (2018-10-23)Add support for Python (2017-07-20)Dropped support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.Added support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, PyPy2 and PyPy3.4.0.0a1 (2013-02-25)Added support for Python 3.3.Replaced deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Dropped support for Python 2.4 and (2011-12-22)Removed buildout part which was used during development but does not compile on Windows.Generation scripts add a transaction note.3.7.0 (2010-09-18)Initial release extracted key (stored in database root) has been changed Migration is done whenevolveis run the first time by coping the existing generations data over to the new key. So the old and the new key can be used in parallel.
IntroductionThis package provides a contextless way to retrieve the currently active request object in a zope-based web framework. To do so you simply need to do the following:from zope.globalrequest import getRequest request = getRequest()This package is mainly intended to be used with the Zope/Plone stack. While it also works with the Zope3 framework, the latter promotes a clean separation of concerns and the pattern of having a globally available request object is discouraged.Changelog2.0 (2023-03-27)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Mention Python 3.11 support in trove classifiers.1.6 (2022-10-18)Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11Drop support for Python (2018-10-04)Add support for Python (2017-05-29)Turn functional tests into better covering unit tests and also add more tests. This removes test dependencies on unrelated packages.1.3 (2016-10-22)Python 3 compatibility.1.2 (2016-06-07)Lighten test dependencies by using longer.1.1 (2015-04-29)Fix import locations and declare all dependencies. [thet]1.0 (2010-08-07)Fix test setup regardingzope.securitypolicy. [ldr]1.0a2 (2009-01-17)Update documentation to clarify the intentions of this package. Also see more information. [witsch]1.0a1 (2009-01-15)Initial release [witsch]
zope.hookableThis package supports the efficient creation of “hookable” objects, which are callable objects that are meant to be optionally replaced.The idea is that you create a function that does some default thing and make it hookable. Later, someone can modify what it does by calling its sethook method and changing its implementation. All users of the function, including those that imported it, will see the change.Documentation is hosted athttps://zopehookable.readthedocs.ioChanges6.0 (2023-10-05)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python (2022-11-17)Add support for building arm64 wheels on macOS.5.3 (2022-11-03)Add support for the final release of Python (2022-09-13)Add support for Python 3.10 and 3.11 (as of 3.11.0rc1).Disable unsafe math optimizations in C code. Seepull request (2021-07-20)Add support for Python 3.9.Create Linux aarch64 wheels.5.0.1 (2020-03-10)Stop using the setuptoolsFeatureclass, allowing this project to be built from source with newer versions of setuptools that remove that functionality.5.0.0 (2019-11-12)Add support for Python 3.7 and 3.8.Drop support for Python (2017-11-07)Expose the__doc__(and, where applicable,__bases__and__dict__) of the hooked object. This lets Sphinx document them. Seeissue 6.RespectPURE_PYTHONat runtime. At build time, always try to build the C extensions on supported platforms, but allow it to fail. Seeissue (2017-07-26)Drop support for Python 2.6, 3.2 and 3.3.Add support for Python 3.5 and (2014-03-19)Add support for Python (2014-03-17)Updateboostrap.pyto version 2.2.Fix extension compilation on Py3k.4.0.2 (2012-12-31)Flesh out PyPI Trove classifiers.4.0.1 (2012-11-21)Add support for Python 3.3.Avoid building the C extension explicitly (use the “feature” indirection instead). (2012-06-04)Add support for PyPy.Add support for continuous integration usingtoxandjenkins.Add a pure-Python reference implementation.Move doctests to Sphinx documentation.Bring unit test coverage to 100%.Add ‘ docs’ alias (installsSphinxand dependencies).Add ‘ dev’ alias ( developplus installsnoseandcoverage).Drop support for Python 2.4 / 2.5.Remove of ‘zope.testing.doctestunit’ in favor of stdlib’s ‘doctest.Add Python 3 support.3.4.1 (2009-04-05)Update for compatibility with Python 2.6 traceback formats.Use (2007-07-20)Initial release as a separate project.
This package contains support for editing HTML and XHTML inside a web page using the FCKeditor as a widget. This is a fairly simple application of FCKeditor, and simply instantiates a pre-configured editor for each widget. There are no options to control the editors individually.Detailed DocumentationHTML file editing supportThis package contains support for editing HTML and XHTML inside a web page using the FCKeditor as a widget. This is a fairly simple application of FCKeditor, and simply instantiates a pre-configured editor for each widget. There are no options to control the editors individually.In creating this, we ran into some limitations of the editor that are worth being aware of. Noting these as limitations does not mean that other editors do any better; what’s available seems to be a mixed bag.The editor only deals with what can be contained inside a <body> element; anything that goes outside that, including the <body> and </body> tags, get lost or damaged. If there’s any way to configure FCKeditor to deal with such material, it isn’t documented.There’s no real control of the HTML source; whitespace is not preserved as a programmer would expect. That’s acceptable in many use cases, but not all. Applications should avoid using this widget if the original whitespace must be maintained.Implementation problemsThese are problems with the widget used to integrate FCKeditor rather than problems with FCKeditor itself. These should be dealt with.The width of the editor is hardcoded; this should be either configurable or the editor should stretch to fill the available space. The sample uses of the FCKeditor don’t seem to exhibit this problem, so it can be better than it is.The height of the editor should be configurable in a way similar to the configuration of the basic textarea widget.Ideas for future developmentThese ideas might be interesting to pursue, but there are no specific plans to do so at this time:Categorize the applications of the editor and provide alternate toolbar configurations for those applications. There’s a lot of configurability in the editor itself, so it can be made to do different things.Add support for some of the other fancy client-side HTML editors, and allow a user preference to select which to use for what applications, including the option of disabling the GUI editors when detailed control over the HTML is needed (or for luddite users who don’t like the GUI editors).XINHA ( appears to be an interesting option as well, and may be more usable for applications that want more than editing of small HTML fragments, especially if the user is fairly HTML-savvy.HTMLArea ( may become interesting at some point, but a rough reading at this time indicates that XINHA may be a more reasonable route.More information about FCKeditor of supplemental informationThezope.htmlpackage provides additional views on files containing HTML and XHTML data that allow editing the files over the web. The files may contain either complete documents or fragments that may be composed into larger documents. Preview views are also provided.The editing and preview views rely on getting supplemental information about the file being edited using theIEditableHtmlInformationadapter for the file. That adapter uses annotations on the content object to store information that needs to be persisted.TheIEditableHtmlInformationinterface is very simple; there’s only one field defined, and it’s a simple boolean value: whether the file should be treated as a fragment or not. Let’s create a simple content object that we can use for testing:>>> import zope.file.file >>> import zope.interface >>> import zope.annotation >>> class File(zope.file.file.File): ... zope.interface.implements( ... zope.annotation.IAttributeAnnotatable) ... ... def __init__(self, text=None): ... super(File, self).__init__("text/html", {"charset": "utf-8"}) ... f ="w") ... f.write(text) ... f.close()Let’s create a file and the correspondingIEditableHtmlInformationobject:>>> import zope.html.docinfo >>> file = File("This is a <em>fragment</em>.") >>> info = zope.html.docinfo.EditableHtmlInformation(file)We can now check that the initial value of theisFragmentattribute is computed reasonably:>>> info.isFragment TrueThe user can cause theisFragmentflag to be toggled from the UI, so it should remember the current state of the flag:>>> info.isFragment = False >>> info.isFragment FalseA new instance of theIEditableHtmlInformationinstance should also remember the last value of the setting:>>> zope.html.docinfo.EditableHtmlInformation(file).isFragment False(X)HTML fragment editor widgetThe widget included in this package is a simple application of the FCKeditor control. It is only expected to work for fragments, not for arbitrary documents. Let’s create a field and a widget:>>> from zope.html import field >>> from zope.html import widget >>> from zope.publisher import browser >>> class Context(object): ... sample = u"" >>> myfield = field.XhtmlFragment( ... __name__="sample", ... title=u"Sample Field", ... ).bind(Context()) >>> request = browser.TestRequest() >>> mywidget = widget.FckeditorWidget(myfield, request) >>> mywidget.setPrefix("form") >>> mywidget.configurationPath = "/myconfig.js" >>> mywidget.editorWidth = 360 >>> mywidget.editorHeight = 200 >>> mywidget.toolbarConfiguration = "mytoolbars" >>> print mywidget() <textarea...></textarea> <script... "form.sample", 360, 200, "mytoolbars"); ...Config["CustomConfigurationsPath"] = "/myconfig.js"; ... </script> <BLANKLINE>We should also test the CkeditorWidget.>>> ckwidget = widget.CkeditorWidget(myfield, request) >>> ckwidget.configurationPath = "/myconfig.js" >>> ckwidget.editorHeight = 200The “fckVersion” attribute holds the version of CKEditor library.>>> ckwidget.fckVersion '3.6.2'>>> print ckwidget() <textarea...></textarea> <script... ...height: 200... ...customConfig : "/myconfig.js"... </script> <BLANKLINE>Views on editable HTMLLet’s start by uploading some HTML to create a file object:>>> import StringIO >>> sio = StringIO.StringIO("This is a <em>fragment</em>." ... " There's one 8-bit Latin-1 character: \xd8.") >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser >>> browser = Browser() >>> browser.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic user:userpw") >>> browser.addHeader("Accept-Language", "en-US") >>>"http://localhost/@@+/zope.file.File") >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name="") >>> ctrl.mech_control.add_file(sio, "text/html", "sample.html") >>> browser.getControl("Add").click()We can see that the MIME handlers have marked this as HTML content:>>> import zope.mimetype.types >>> file = getRootFolder()["sample.html"] >>> zope.mimetype.types.IContentTypeTextHtml.providedBy(file) TrueThe “Edit” view can be used to check and modify the “Is fragment?” field, which is stored by the views in an annotation on the object. The particular fragment we uploaded here should be see as a fragment by default:>>> browser.getLink("sample.html").click() >>> browser.getLink("Edit").click() >>>"http://localhost/sample.html/@@htmledit.html") >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name="form.isFragment") >>> ctrl.value TrueThe setting can be toggle by unchecking the checkbox and clicking “Save”:>>> ctrl.value = False >>> browser.getControl("Save").click() >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name="form.isFragment") >>> ctrl.value FalseThe edit view also allows editing of the HTML content if the document can be decoded. If the encoding of the document is not known, the document cannot be edited by the user is prompted to select an encoding that should be used.Our example document does not have a specified encoding, so we expect the form to indicate that the encoded is needed, and to allow the user to select and encoding. Let’s reload the form to get rid of the “Updated…” message so we can see what the user is told:>>> browser.getLink("Edit").click() >>> print browser.contents <...Can't decode text for editing; please specify the document encoding... >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name="form.encoding") >>> ctrl.value ['']The user can then select an encoding:>>> ctrl.value = ["utf-8"] >>> browser.getControl("Save").click()Since we just selected an encoding that doesn’t work with the Latin-1 data we uploaded for the file, we’re told that that encoding is not acceptable:>>> print browser.contents <...Selected encoding cannot decode document...We need to select an encoding that actually makes sense for the data that we’ve uploaded:>>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name="form.encoding") >>> ctrl.value = ["iso-8859-1"] >>> browser.getControl("Save").click()Now that the encoding has been saved, the document can be encoded and edited, and the encoding selection will no longer be available on the form:>>> browser.getControl(name="form.encoding") Traceback (most recent call last): ... LookupError: name 'form.encoding'...Since our selected encoding does not support all Unicode characters, there is an option available to allow re-encoding of the document if the content being saved after editing cannot be encoded in the original encoding of the document. The value of this option defaults to False since the user needs to be aware that the document encoding may be modified:>>> browser.getControl(name="form.reencode").value FalseIf we edit the text such that characters are included that cannot be encoded in the current encoding and try to save our changes without allowing re-encoding, we see a notification that the document can’t be encoded in the original encoding and that re-encoding is needed:>>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name="form.text") >>> ctrl.value = u"\u3060\u3051\u306e\u30b5\u30a4\u30c8".encode("utf-8") >>> browser.getControl("Save").click() >>> print browser.contents <...Can't encode text in current encoding...At this point, we can select the “Re-encode” option to allow the text to be saved in an encoding other than the original; this would allow us to save any text:>>> browser.getControl(name="form.reencode").value = True >>> browser.getControl("Save").click() >>> print browser.contents <...Updated on ...If we now take a look at the “Content Type” view for the file, we see that the encoding has been updated to UTF-8:>>> browser.getLink("Content Type").click() >>> browser.getControl(name="form.encoding").value ['utf-8']CHANGES2.4.2 (2014-04-17)Remove unneeded test dependencies.Support for test output changed in zope.testbrowser (2012-01-26)Fix path of CKEditor resources.2.4.0 (2012-01-26)Use CKEditor 3.6.2Using Python’sdoctestmodule instead of deprecatedzope.testing.doctest.2.3.0 (2011-02-22)Use CKEditor (2010-11-19)Make the use of un-minified ckeditor source explicit2.1.0 (2010-05-25)Use CKEditor 3.2.1Added configuration to use un-minified version of CKEditor when using dev mode.Fixed import that caused test failures.2.0.0 (2009-09-04)Add CKeditor 3.0 widget.1.2.0 (2009-07-06)Use FCKeditor _samples directory and erect a barrier to its resurrection1.1.0 (2008-06-18)Use FCKeditor 2.6Use versioned directories for javascript to cache-bust1.0.1 (2007-11-02)Package data update.Updated code to work with packages in Zope 3.4 release.1.0.0 (2007-10-29)Initial release.
zope.httpformis a library that, given a WSGI or CGI environment dictionary, will return a dictionary back containing converted form/query string elements. The form and query string elements contained in the environment are converted into simple Python types when the form element names are decorated with special suffixes. For example, in an HTML form that you’d like this library to process, you might say:<form action="."> Age : <input type="hidden" name="age:int" value="20"/> <input type="submit" name="Submit"/> </form>Likewise, in the query string of the URL, you could put: both of these cases, when provided the WSGI or CGI environment, and asked to return a value, this library will return a dictionary like so:{'age':20}This functionality has lived for a long time inside Zope’s publisher, but now it has been factored into this small library, making it easier to explain, test, and use.ContentsForm/Query String Element ParsingGotchasAcknowledgementsCHANGESVersion 1.0.2 (2009-07-24)Version 1.0.1 (2009-02-07)Version 1.0.0 (2009-02-06)Form/Query String Element Parsingzope.httpformprovides a way for you to specify form input types in the form, rather than in your application code. Instead of converting theagevariable to an integer in a controller or view, you can indicate that it is an integer in the form itself:Age <input type="text" name="age:int" />The:intappended to the form input name tells this library to convert the form input to an integer when it is invoked. If the user of your form types something that cannot be converted to an integer in the above case (such as “22 going on 23”) then this library will raise a ValueError.Here is a list of the standard parameter converters.:booleanConverts a variable to true or false. Empty strings are evaluated as false and non-empty strings are evaluated as true.:intConverts a variable to an integer.:longConverts a variable to a long integer.:floatConverts a variable to a floating point number.:stringConverts a variable to a string. Most variables are strings already, so this converter is not often used except to simplify file uploads.:textConverts a variable to a string with normalized line breaks. Different browsers on various platforms encode line endings differently, so this script makes sure the line endings are consistent, regardless of how they were encoded by the browser.:listConverts a variable to a Python list.:tupleConverts a variable to a Python tuple.:tokensConverts a string to a list by breaking it on white spaces.:linesConverts a string to a list by breaking it on new lines.:requiredRaises an exception if the variable is not present.:ignore_emptyExcludes the variable from the form data if the variable is an empty string.These converters all work in more or less the same way to coerce a form variable, which is a string, into another specific type.The:listand:tupleconverters can be used in combination with other converters. This allows you to apply additional converters to each element of the list or tuple. Consider this form:<form action="."> <p>I like the following numbers</p> <input type="checkbox" name="favorite_numbers:list:int" value="1" /> One<br /> <input type="checkbox" name="favorite_numbers:list:int" value="2" />Two<br /> <input type="checkbox" name="favorite_numbers:list:int" value="3" />Three<br /> <input type="checkbox" name="favorite_numbers:list:int" value="4" />Four<br /> <input type="checkbox" name="favorite_numbers:list:int" value="5" />5<br /> <input type="submit" /> </form>By using the:listand:intconverters together, this library will convert each selected item to an integer and then combine all selected integers into a list namedfavorite_numbers.A more complex type of form conversion is to convert a series of inputs intorecords. Records are structures that have attributes. Using records, you can combine a number of form inputs into one variable with attributes. The available record converters are::recordConverts a variable to a record attribute.:recordsConverts a variable to a record attribute in a list of records.:defaultProvides a default value for a record attribute if the variable is empty.:ignore_emptySkips a record attribute if the variable is empty.Here are some examples of how these converters are used:<form action="."> First Name <input type="text" name="person.fname:record" /><br /> Last Name <input type="text" name="person.lname:record" /><br /> Age <input type="text" name="person.age:record:int" /><br /> <input type="submit" /> </form>If the information represented by this form post is passed tozope.httpform, the resulting dictionary will container one parameter,person. Thepersonvariable will have the attributesfname,lnameandage. Here’s an example of how you might usezope.httpformto process the form post (assuming you have a WSGI or CGI environment in hand):from zope.httpform import parse info = parse(environ, environ['wsgi.input']) person = info['person'] full_name = "%s %s" % (person.fname, person.lname) if person.age < 21: return ("Sorry, %s. You are not old enough to adopt an " "aardvark." % full_name) return "Thanks, %s. Your aardvark is on its way." % full_nameTherecordsconverter works like therecordconverter except that it produces a list of records, rather than just one. Here is an example form:<form action="."> <p>Please, enter information about one or more of your next of kin.</p> <p> First Name <input type="text" name="people.fname:records" /> Last Name <input type="text" name="people.lname:records" /> </p> <p> First Name <input type="text" name="people.fname:records" /> Last Name <input type="text" name="people.lname:records" /> </p> <p> First Name <input type="text" name="people.fname:records" /> Last Name <input type="text" name="people.lname:records" /> </p> <input type="submit" /> </form>If you callzope.httpform’s parse method with the information from this form post, a dictionary will be returned from it with a variable calledpeoplethat is a list of records. Each record will havefnameandlnameattributes. Note the difference between therecordsconverter and thelist:recordconverter: the former would create a list of records, whereas the latter would produce a single record whose attributesfnameandlnamewould each be a list of values.The order of combined modifiers does not matter; for example,:int:listis identical to:list:int.GotchasThe file pointer passed tozope.httpform.parse()will be consumed. For all intents and purposes this means you should make a tempfile copy of thewsgi.inputfile pointer before callingparse()if you intend to use the POST file input data in your application.AcknowledgementsThis documentation was graciously donated by the team at Agendaless Consulting. Thezope.httpformpackage is expected to replace therepoze.montypackage.CHANGESVersion 1.0.2 (2009-07-24)Include package data in release.Default to UTF-8 decodingFixed a test failure on Python 2.6Version 1.0.1 (2009-02-07)Fixed some misleading documentation.Relaxed the requirement for REQUEST_METHOD because the zope.publisher tests do not set it.Used documentation and design ideas from repoze.monty. Thanks, Chris and Agendaless.Version 1.0.0 (2009-02-06)First release of zope.httpform. Extracted from zope.publisher 3.5.5.
This is a small library that extends thezope.httpformlibrary to support date/time parsing. It provides a:dateconverter that uses the parser from thezope.datetimelibrary to convert a variety of date/time formats to a standarddatetime.datetimeobject.CHANGESVersion 1.0.1 (2009-07-24)Include package data in release.Version 1.0.0 (2009-02-07)First release of zope.httpformdate. Extracted from
zope.i18nThis package implements several APIs related to internationalization and localization.Locale objects for all locales maintained by the ICU project.Gettext-based message catalogs for message strings.Locale discovery for Web-based requests.CHANGES5.1 (2023-08-28)Include*.mofiles in release but remove them from repository.5.0 (2023-03-27)Add support for Python 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Drop deprecated support for running the tests usingpython test.4.9.0 (2021-12-09)Fix date/time format for zh, sv, and es_US. (#17)Fix problems withzope_i18n_compile_mo_filesearly assignment to module variable inconfig.pyin a non-breaking way. See alsoZope issue #994Add support for Python (2021-09-07)Support character sets. Example:sr@Latnandsr@Cyrlwill be added to languagesr(Serbian). See can choose which one to use by setting eithersr@Latnorsr@Cyrlin environment variablezope_i18n_allowed_languages.Support and test Python 3.8 and 3.9. Full supported list is now: 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, PyPy, PyPy3.4.7.0 (2019-07-10)Drop Python 3.4 support.Fix the signature ofIMessageCatalog.getPluralMessage(). Seeissue (2019-02-19)FixNumberFormatto respect the thousand grouping given by the pattern. Triple grouping was hardcoded, which is not true for all locales.4.6.1 (2018-10-24)Fixdefault_pluralagain if azope.i18n.messageid.Messageis used withtranslate(). Seeissue (2018-10-22)Usemsgid_pluralasdefault_pluralif not provided intranslate().4.5 (2018-10-19)Add support for pluralization.translate()now takes the additional optional argumentsmsgid_plural,default_pluralandnumberin order to support it.4.4 (2018-10-05)Add support for Python (2017-12-19)MakePlacelessSetupnot extendzope.testing.cleanup.CleanUp. ExtendingCleanUpwas introduced in 4.3.0 but turned out to have unexpected consequences. Seeissue (2017-12-18)Ensure that all files are properly closed when compiling .mo files, such as when theregisterTranslationsZCML directive is used.Remove the private_compatmodule and its utility function_uin favor of Unicode literals.TranslationDomainno longer extendsSimpleTranslationDomain. It overrode every method and didn’t properly initialize the super class.TranslationDomaincontinues to implementITranslationDomain.TranslationDomainandGettextMessageCatalognow ensure that theirdomainandlanguageattributes are text in order to match their respective interfaces. Byte strings (such as native string literals on Python 2) are decoded using UTF-8.FixLocaleCalendar.getFirstWeekDayName. Previously it raised a KeyError when theweekmapping contained an integer forfirstDayas documented.Reach 100% test coverage and maintain in through tox.ini and Previously it implemented a separatevaluemethod by mistake.Fix parsing times with a timezone. Previously it could raise aTypeError.4.2.0 (2017-05-23)Better error message on PO-File Syntax Errors. [SyZn]Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6, 3.2 and 3.3.Support for formatting really small numbers, e.g. 1e-9. These numbers needs special treatment, because standard str(x) collapses them to scientific representation.Support for specifying rounding in NumberFormatter. This is required in some cases, e.g. when you format a Decimal(‘0.9999’) that sould not be rounded. Currently, formatting Decimal(‘0.99999’) will raise a TypeError if rounding is not set to False4.1.0 (2015-11-06)interpolate()now works recursively, if the mapping has a value which is azope.i18nmessageid.Messageitself.4.0.1 (2015-06-05)Add support for Python 3.2 and PyPy3.4.0.0 (2014-12-20)Add support for testing with Travis.Add explicit support for Python 3.4 and PyPy.4.0.0a4 (2013-02-18)Restore zope.i18n.testing.{setUp,PlacelessSetup} that got lost in 4.0.0a3. These require zope.publisher, which is not ported to Python 3 yet, so I haven’t added it back to install_requires in User beware.4.0.0a3 (2013-02-15)Add support for Python 3.3.Log DEBUG when loading translations from directories.Replacezope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2012-03-15)Add optionaldomainattribute toregisterTranslationsdirective to only load the specified translation domain. Allows to move catalogs to/usr/share/localeand avoid loading hundreds of unrelated domains.Include meta.zcml files in our own zcml configuration as needed, added a test for our configure.zcml.Update zope.i18n.NAME_RE to be identical to zope.tal as required by the comment next to it. Fixes #611746.3.7.4 (2010-07-08)Add missing test dependency onzope.testing.3.7.3 (2010-04-30)Remove of ‘zope.testing.doctestunit’ in favor of stdlib’s ‘doctest.3.7.2 (2009-12-14)It’s a critical error when theGetTextlibrary is unavailable and compilation is required.Use getSiteManager rather than getGlobalSiteManager in ZCML (these should be one in the same in any non-fancy setup, however if you’ve hooked getSiteManager, you want the ZCML handler to use the hooked version).3.7.1 (2009-08-07)Fix the interpackage translation domain merging feature to actually work. We need to defer the merging into the ZCML handler execution phase, as the utilities don’t exist yet during the ZCML parsing phase. Thx to Andreas Zeidler for finding and fixing the issue in PlacelessTranslationService in the first place.Fix translation domains translating a message for a different domain. In the process, fix testMessageIDTranslateForDifferentDomain which seemed to work by mistake as the “other” and “default” domains used the same catalog. This is basically a reversion of 39991.3.7.0 (2009-03-18)Update data to CLDR 1.1. This introduces contextual month and day names and different month/day name widths. More CLDR updates are expected, see the “nadako-cldr” branch of zope.i18n.Addconfigure.zcmlthat registers standard negotiator utility and includeszope.i18n.localesconfiguration. This was previously done (2008-10-26)Fix a test failure in the compile mo file support.Move the zcml support into an extra. This reduces the dependencies of a standard zope.i18n install by half a dozen packages.3.5.0 (2008-07-10)Feature: Add new top-level negotiate function, which can be used to negotiate the language when the available languages are set globally viazope_i18n_allowed_languages.Feature: Add support for restricting the available languages. We support an environment variable calledzope_i18n_allowed_languagesnow, which is a list of comma or space separated language codes. If the environment variable is set, the ZCML registration will only process those folders which are in the allowed languages list.Feature: Add optional automatic compilation of mo files from po files. You need to depend on thezope.i18n [compile]extra and set an environment variable calledzope_i18n_compile_mo_filesto any True value to enable this option.Feature: Re-use existing translation domains when registering new ones. This allows multiple packages to register translations in the same domain. If the same message exists in multiple catalogs the one registered first will take precedence.Feature: Recursive translations of message strings with mappings (, thanks to Hermann Himmelbauer for the inital patch.Bug: When parsing a date, the parsing pattern did not ensure that the line started and ended with the matching pattern, so that ‘1/1/2007’ parsed into ‘1/1/20’ for example.3.4.0 (2007-10-02)Update meta-data. No code changes.3.4.0b5 (2007-08-15)Bug: Fix dependency onzope.componentto require it with the ‘zcml’ extra instead of requiringzope.securitydirectly.3.4.0b4 (2007-07-19)Bug: Number parsing was too forgiving, allowing non-numerical and/or formatting characters before, after and within the number. The parsing is more strict now.3.4.0b3 (2007-06-28)Bug: There was a bug in the parser that if no decimal place is given you still had to type the decimal symbol. Corrected this problem (one character ;-) and provided a test.3.4.0b2 (2007-06-25)Feature: Add ability to change the output type when parsing a number.3.4.0b1 (?)Bug: Fix dependency onzope.securityto require a version that does not have the hidden dependency onzope.testing.Note: Releases between 3.2.0 and 3.4.0b1 were not tracked as individual packages. The changes can be reconstructed from the Zope 3 changelog.3.2.0 (2006-01-05)Corresponds to the verison of the zope.i18n package shipped as part of the Zope 3.2.0 release.Add a picklable offset-based timezone to ‘pytz’, a la’. Added tests in ‘zope.i18n’ to show that we need something like it, and then actually use it in ‘zope.18n.format’.Add support for parsing / formatting timezones using ‘pytz’ (new external dependency).Implement remaining date/time formatters, including adding week information to the calendar.3.0.0 (2004-11-07)Corresponds to the version of the zope.i18n package shipped as part of the Zope X3.0.0 release.
zope.i18nmessageidTo translate any text, we must be able to discover the source domain of the text. A source domain is an identifier that identifies a project that produces program source strings. Source strings occur as literals in python programs, text in templates, and some text in XML data. The project implies a source language and an application context.We can think of a source domain as a collection of messages and associated translation strings.We often need to create unicode strings that will be displayed by separate views. The view cannot translate the string without knowing its source domain. A string or unicode literal carries no domain information, therefore we use messages. Messages are unicode strings which carry a translation source domain and possibly a default translation. They are created by a message factory. The message factory is created by callingMessageFactorywith the source domain.This package provides facilities fordeclaringsuch messages within program source text; translation of the messages is the responsiblitiy of the ‘zope.i18n’ package.Please see the documentation.Changes6.1.0 (2023-10-05)Add support for Python (2023-03-24)Drop dependency onsix.6.0.0 (2023-03-23)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Add preliminary support for Python 3.12a5.5.1.1 (2022-11-17)Add support for building arm64 wheels on macOS.5.1.0 (2022-11-06)Added support for Python 3.9, 3.10 and (2020-03-10)Remove deprecated use of setuptools features. Seeissue (2019-11-12)Drop support for Python 3.4.Add support for Python (2018-10-19)Fix a regression copying Message objects in the Python implementation. Seeissue (2018-10-18)Add attributes to support pluralization on a Message and update the MessageFactory accordingly.4.2.0 (2018-10-05)Fix the possibility of a rare crash in the C extension when deallocating items. Seeissue 7.Drop support for Python 3.3.Add support for Python (2017-05-02)Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.2.Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Fix the C extension not being used in Python 3. Seeissue 4.Make the Python implementation of Message accept any object for thedefaultargument, just as the C extension does. This should be a unicode or byte string. Seeissue (2014-03-19)Add support for Python 3.4.Updateboostrap.pyto version (2012-12-31)Flesh out PyPI Trove classifiers.4.0.1 (2012-11-21)Add support for Python (2012-05-16)Automate generation of Sphinx HTML docs and running doctest snippets via tox.Remove use of ‘2to3’ and associated fixers when installing under Py3k. The code is now in a “compatible subset” which supports Python 2.6, 2.7, and 3.2, including PyPy 1.8 (the version compatible with the 2.7 language spec).Bring unit test coverage to 100%.Move doctest examples into Sphinx documentation.Drop explicit support for Python 2.4 / 2.5 / 3.1.Add explicit support for PyPy.Add ‘ dev’ alias ( developplus installsnoseandcoverage).Add ‘ docs’ alias (installsSphinxand dependencies).3.6.1 (2011-07-20)Correct metadata in this file for release date.3.6.0 (2011-07-20)Python 3 support.Suppress compiling C extensions on PyPy or Jython.Add a tox.ini (see for easier automated testing.3.5.3 (2010-08-10)Make compilation of C extension optional again; 3.5.1 broke this inasmuch as this package become unusable on non-CPython platforms. Making the compilation of the C extension optional again implied removingsetup.pycode added in 3.5.1 which made the C extension a setuptools “Feature” and readding code from 3.5.0 which overrides the distutilsbuild_extcommand.Move pickle equality tests into a unittest.TestCase test to make it easier to condition the tests on whether the C extension has been compiled. This also makes the tests pass on Jython.3.5.2 (2010-04-30)Remove use of ‘zope.testing.doctestunit’ in favor of stdlib’s ‘doctest.3.5.1 (2010-04-10)LP #257657 / 489529: Fix memory leak in C extension.Fix the compilation of the C extension with python 2.6: refactored it as a setuptools Feature.3.5.0 (2009-06-27)Make compilation of C extension optional.Add support to bootstrap on Jython.Change package’s mailing list address from zope3-dev at to zope-dev at, because zope3-dev is now retired.Reformat change log to common formatting style.Update package description and docs a little.Remove old .cfg files for zpkg.3.4.3 (2007-09-26)Make PyPI the home URL.3.4.2 (2007-09-25)Move this package.3.4.0 (2007-07-19)Remove incorrect dependency.Create final release to reflect package status.3.2.0 (2006-01-05)Corresponds to the verison of the zope.i18nmessageid package shipped as part of the Zope 3.2.0 release.Implement ‘zope.i18nmessageid.message’ as a C extension.Deprecate ‘zope.i18nmessageid.messageid’ APIs (‘MessageID’, ‘MessageIDFactory’) in favor of replacements in ‘zope.i18nmessageid.message’ (‘Message’, ‘MessageFactory’). Deprecated items are scheduled for removal in Zope (2004-11-07)Corresponds to the verison of the zope.i18nmessageid package shipped as part of the Zope X3.0.0 release.
zope.indexThezope.indexpackage provides several indices for the Zope catalog. These include:a field index (for indexing orderable values),a keyword index,a topic index,a text index (with support for lexicon, splitter, normalizer, etc.)Changes6.1 (2024-02-02)Add support for Python 3.12.Add preliminary support for Python 3.13 as of 3.13a3.Fix error inOkapiIndex._search_widsfor Python 3.10+, occurring when a word is contained in more than 10 documents.#486.0 (2023-03-24)Add support for Python 3.11.Add preliminary support for Python 3.12a5.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2022-09-15)Disable unsafe math optimizations in C code. Seepull request (2022-04-06)Add support for Python (2021-07-19)Add support for Python 3.9.Build aarch64 wheels.5.0.0 (2019-11-12)Fixzope.index.text.ricecode.decode_deltas(...,[]). Seeissue 22.Drop support for Python 3.4.Add support for Python (2018-10-05)Drop support for Python 3.3.Add support for Python 3.7.SortingIndexMixin.sortnow just returns instead of raisingStopIterationas required byPEP 479. Seeissue 20.Docs are now hosted at support test.Remove some internal test scripts that were never ported to Python 3.Reach and maintain 100% test coverage.4.3.0 (2017-04-24)Noneare now valid values in a field index. This requires BTrees >= 4.4.1.AllowTypeErrorto propagate from a field index when the value cannot be stored in a BTree. Previously it was silently ignored because it was expected that these were usuallyNone.Add support for Python 3.6. Seeissue 8.Make the C implementation of the text index’s score function (zope.text.index.okascore) importable under Python 3. Previously we would fall back to a pure-Python implementation. Seeissue 14.Packaging: Distributemanylinuxwheels and Windows wheels.4.2.0 (2016-06-10)Drop support for Python 2.6.Add support for Python (2014-12-27)Add support for PyPy. (PyPy3 is pending release of a fix for: support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.4.0.1 (2013-02-28)Add the forgotten dependency onsix. Fixes (2013-02-25)Add support for Python 3.3.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2012-03-12)Insure proper unindex behavior if index_doc is called with a empty sequence.Use the standard Python doctest module instead of zope.testing.doctest3.6.3 (2011-12-03)KeywordIndex: Minor optimization; use __nonzero__ instead of __len__ to avoid loading the full TreeSet.3.6.2 (2011-12-03)KeywordIndex: Store docids in TreeSet rather than a Set when the number of documents matching a word reaches a configurable threshold (default 64). The rule is applied to individual words at indexing time, but you can call the new optimize method to optimize all the words in an index at once. Designed to fix LP #881950.3.6.1 (2010-07-08)TextIndex: reuse the lexicon from the underlying Okapi / Cosine index, if passed. (LP #232516)Lexicon: avoid raising an exception when indexing None. (LP #598776)3.6.0 (2009-08-03)Improve test readability and reached 100% test coverage.Fix a broken optimization in okascore.c: it was passing a Python float to the PyInt_AS_LONG() macro. This resulted in wrong scores, especially on 64 bit platforms, where all scores typically ended up being zero.Change okascore.c to produce the same results as its Python equivalent, reducing the brittleness of the text index tests.3.5.2 (2009-06-09)Port okascore.c optimization used in okapiiindex from Zope2 catalog implementation. This module is compiled conditionally, based on whether your environment has a working C compiler.Don’t uselen(self._docweight)in okapiindex _search_wids method (obtaining the length of a BTree is very expensive at scale). Instead use self.documentCount(). Also a Zope2 port.3.5.1 (2009-02-27)The baseindex, okapiindex, and lexicon used plain counters for various lengths, which is unsuitable for production applications. Backport code from Zope2 indexes which opportunistically replaces the counters with BTree.Length objects.Backport non-insane version of baseindex._del_wordinfo from Zope2 text index. This improves deletion performance by several orders of magnitude.Don’t modify given query dictionary in the KeywordIndex.apply method.Move FieldIndex’s sorting functionality to a mixin class so it can be reused by zc.catalog’s ValueIndex.3.5.0 (2008-12-30)Remove zope.testing from dependencies, as it’s not really needed.Define IIndexSort interface for indexes that support sorting.Implement sorting for FieldIndex (adapted from repoze.catalog/ZCatalog).Add anapplymethod for KeywordIndex/TopicIndex, making them implement IIndexSearch that can be useful in catalog.Optimize thesearchmethod of KeywordIndex/TopicIndex by using multiunion for theoroperator and sorting before intersection forand.IMPORTANT: KeywordIndex/TopicIndex now use IFSets instead of IISets. This makes it more compatible with other indexes (for example, when using in catalog). This change can lead to problems, if your code somehow depends on the II nature of sets, as it was before.Also, FilteredSets used to use IFSets as well, if you have any FilteredSets pickled in the database, you need to migrate them to IFSets yourself. You can do it like that:filter._ids = an instance of FilteredSet.IMPORTANT: KeywordIndex are now non-normalizing. Because it can be useful for non-string keywords, where case-normalizing doesn’t make any sense. Instead, it provides thenormalizemethod that can be overriden by subclasses to provide some normalization.The CaseInsensitiveKeywordIndex class is now provided that do case-normalization for string-based keywords. The old CaseSensitiveKeywordIndex is gone, applications should use KeywordIndex for that.Looks like the KeywordIndex/TopicIndex was sort of abadonware and wasn’t used by application developers, so after some discussion we decided to refactor them to make them more usable, optimal and compatible with other indexes and catalog.Porting application from old KeywordIndex/TopicIndex to new ones are rather easy and explained above, so we believe that it isn’t a problem. Please, [email protected]@zope.orgmailing lists, if you have any problems with migration.Thanks Chris McDonough of repoze for supporting and useful code.3.4.1 (2007-09-28)Fix bug in package metadata (wrong homepage URL).3.4.0 (2007-09-28)No further changes since 3.4.0a1.3.4.0a1 (2007-04-22)Initial release as a separate project, corresponds to zope.index from Zope 3.4.0a1
zope.interfaceThis package is intended to be independently reusable in any Python project. It is maintained by theZope Toolkit project.This package provides an implementation of “object interfaces” for Python. Interfaces are a mechanism for labeling objects as conforming to a given API or contract. So, this package can be considered as implementation of theDesign By Contractmethodology support in Python.For detailed documentation, please see (2024-02-16)Add preliminary support for Python 3.13 as of 3.13a3.Add support to use the pipe (|) syntax fortyping.Union. (#280)6.1 (2023-10-05)Build Linux binary wheels for Python 3.12.Add support for Python 3.12.Fix building of the docs for non-final versions.6.0 (2023-03-17)Build Linux binary wheels for Python 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Fix test deprecation warning on Python 3.11.Add preliminary support for Python 3.12 as of 3.12a5.Drop:zope.interface.implementszope.interface.implementsOnlyzope.interface.classProvides5.5.2 (2022-11-17)Add support for building arm64 wheels on macOS.5.5.1 (2022-11-03)Add support for final Python 3.11 release.5.5.0 (2022-10-10)Add support for Python 3.10 and 3.11 (as of 3.11.0rc2).Add missing Trove classifier showing support for Python 3.9.Add some more entries tozope.interface.interfaces.__all__.Disable unsafe math optimizations in C code. Seepull request (2021-04-15)Make the C implementation of the__providedBy__descriptor stop ignoring all errors raised when accessing the instance’s__provides__. Now it behaves like the Python version and only catchesAttributeError. The previous behaviour could lead to crashing the interpreter in cases of recursion and errors. Seeissue 239.Update therepr()andstr()of various objects to be shorter and more informative. In many cases, therepr()is now something that can be evaluated to produce an equal object. For example, what was previously printed as<implementedBy builtins.list>is now shown asclassImplements(list, IMutableSequence, IIterable). Seeissue 236.MakeDeclaration.__add__(as inimplementedBy(Cls) + ISomething) try harder to preserve a consistent resolution order when the two arguments share overlapping pieces of the interface inheritance hierarchy. Previously, the right hand side was always put at the end of the resolution order, which could easily produce invalid orders. Seeissue (2020-03-21)No changes from 5.3.0a15.3.0a1 (2021-03-18)Improve the repr ofzope.interface.Providesto remove ambiguity about what is being provided. This is especially helpful diagnosing IRO issues.Allow subclasses ofBaseAdapterRegistry(includingAdapterRegistryandVerifyingAdapterRegistry) to have control over the data structures. This allows persistent implementations such as those based on ZODB to choose more scalable options (e.g., BTrees instead of dicts). Seeissue 224.Fix a reference counting issue inBaseAdapterRegistrythat could lead to references to interfaces being kept around even when all utilities/adapters/subscribers providing that interface have been removed. This is mostly an issue for persistent implementations. Note that this only corrects the issue moving forward, it does not solve any already corrupted reference counts. Seeissue 227.Add the methodBaseAdapterRegistry.rebuild(). This can be used to fix the reference counting issue mentioned above, as well as to update the data structures when custom data types have changed.Add the interface methodIAdapterRegistry.subscribed()and implementationBaseAdapterRegistry.subscribed()for querying directly registered subscribers. Seeissue 230.Add the maintenance methodComponents.rebuildUtilityRegistryFromLocalCache(). Most users will not need this, but it can be useful if theComponents.utilitiesregistry is suspected to be out of sync with theComponentsobject itself (this might happen to persistentComponentsimplementations in the face of bugs).Fix theProvidesandClassProvidesdescriptors to stop allowing redundant interfaces (those already implemented by the underlying class or meta class) to produce an inconsistent resolution order. This is similar to the change in@implementerin 5.1.0, and resolves inconsistent resolution orders withzope.proxyandzope.location. Seeissue (2020-11-05)Add documentation sectionPersistency and Equality(#218).Create arm64 wheels.Add support for Python (2020-10-01)Make sure to call each invariant only once when validating invariants. Previously, invariants could be called multiple times because when an invariant is defined in an interface, it’s found by in all interfaces inheriting from that interface. Seepull request (2020-09-30)Fix the method definitions ofIAdapterRegistry.subscribe,subscriptionsandsubscribers. Previously, they all were defined to accept anamekeyword argument, but subscribers have no names and the implementation of that interface did not accept that argument. Seeissue 208.Fix a potential reference leak in the C optimizations. Previously, applications that dynamically created uniqueSpecificationobjects (e.g., used@implementeron dynamic classes) could notice a growth of small objects over time leading to increased garbage collection times. Seeissue 216.Caution!This leak could prevent interfaces used as the bases of other interfaces from being garbage collected. Those interfaces will now be collected.One way in which this would manifest was thatweakref.refobjects (and things built upon them, likeWeak[Key|Value]Dictionary) would continue to have access to the original object even if there were no other visible references to Python and the original objectshouldhave been collected. This could be especially problematic for theWeakKeyDictionarywhen combined with dynamic or local (created in the scope of a function) interfaces, since interfaces are hashed based just on their name and module name. See the linked issue for an example of a resultingKeyError.Note that such potential errors are not new, they are just once again a possibility.5.1.0 (2020-04-08)Make@implementer(*iface)andclassImplements(cls, *iface)ignore redundant interfaces. If the class already implements an interface through inheritance, it is no longer redeclared specifically forcls. This solves many instances of inconsistent resolution orders, while still allowing the interface to be declared for readability and maintenance purposes. Seeissue 199.Remove all bareexcept:statements. Previously, when accessing special attributes such as__provides__,__providedBy__,__class__and__conform__, this package wrapped such access in a bareexcept:statement, meaning that many errors could pass silently; typically this would result in a fallback path being taken and sometimes (like withprovidedBy()) the result would be non-sensical. This is especially true when those attributes are implemented with descriptors. Now, onlyAttributeErroris caught. This makes errors more obvious.Obviously, this means that some exceptions will be propagated differently than before. In particular,RuntimeErrorraised by Acquisition in the case of circular containment will now be propagated. Previously, when adapting such a broken object, aTypeErrorwould be the common result, but now it will be a more informativeRuntimeError.In addition, ZODB errors likePOSKeyErrorcould now be propagated where previously they would ignored by this package.Seeissue 200.Require that the second argument (bases) toInterfaceClassis a tuple. This only matters when directly usingInterfaceClassto create new interfaces dynamically. Previously, an individual interface was allowed, but did not work correctly. Now it is consistent withtypeand requires a tuple.Let interfaces define custom__adapt__methods. This implements the other side of thePEP 246adaptation protocol: objects being adapted could already implement__conform__if they know about the interface, and now interfaces can implement__adapt__if they know about particular objects. There is no performance penalty for interfaces that do not supply custom__adapt__methods.This includes the ability to add new methods, or override existing interface methods using the [email protected] 3.Make the internal singleton object returned by APIs likeimplementedByanddirectlyProvidedByfor objects that implement or provide no interfaces more immutable. Previously an internal cache could be mutated. Seeissue (2020-03-30)Ensure that objects that implement no interfaces (such as direct subclasses ofobject) still includeInterfaceitself in their__iro___and__sro___. This fixes adapter registry lookups for such objects when the adapter is registered forInterface. Seeissue (2020-03-21)Ensure the resolution order forInterfaceClassis consistent. Seeissue 192.Ensure the resolution order forcollections.OrderedDictis consistent on CPython 2. (It was already consistent on Python 3 and PyPy).Fix the handling of theZOPE_INTERFACE_STRICT_IROenvironment variable. Previously,ZOPE_INTERFACE_STRICT_ROwas read, in contrast with the documentation. Seeissue (2020-03-19)Make an internal singleton object returned by APIs likeimplementedByanddirectlyProvidedByimmutable. Previously, it was fully mutable and allowed changing its__bases___. That could potentially lead to wrong results in pathological corner cases. Seeissue 158.Support thePURE_PYTHONenvironment variable at runtime instead of just at wheel build time. A value of 0 forces the C extensions to be used (even on PyPy) failing if they aren’t present. Any other value forces the Python implementation to be used, ignoring the C extensions. SeePR 151.Cache the result of__hash__method inInterfaceClassas a speed optimization. The method is called very often (i.e several hundred thousand times during Plone 5.2 startup). Because the hash value never changes it can be cached. This improves test performance from 0.614s down to 0.575s (1.07x faster). In a real world Plone case a reindex index came down from 402s to 320s (1.26x faster). SeePR 156.Change the C classesSpecificationBaseand its subclassClassProvidesBaseto store implementation attributes in their structures instead of their instance dictionaries. This eliminates the use of an undocumented private C API function, and helps make some instances require less memory. SeePR 154.Reduce memory usage in other ways based on observations of usage patterns in Zope (3) and Plone code bases.Specifications with no dependents are common (more than 50%) so avoid allocating aWeakKeyDictionaryunless we need it.Likewise, tagged values are relatively rare, so don’t allocate a dictionary to hold them until they are used.Use__slots___or the C equivalenttp_membersin more common places. Note that this removes the ability to set arbitrary instance variables on certain objects. SeePR 155.The changes in this release resulted in a 7% memory reduction after loading about 6,000 modules that define about 2,200 interfaces.Caution!Details of many private attributes have changed, and external use of those private attributes may break. In particular, the lifetime and default value of_v_attrshas changed.Remove support for hashing uninitialized interfaces. This could only be done by subclassingInterfaceClass. This has generated a warning since it was first added in 2011 (3.6.5). Please call theInterfaceClassconstructor or otherwise set the appropriate fields in your subclass before attempting to hash or sort it. Seeissue 157.Remove unneeded override of the__hash__method fromzope.interface.declarations.Implements. Watching a reindex index process in ZCatalog with on a Py-Spy after 10k samples the time for.adapter._lookupwas reduced from 27.5s to 18.8s (~1.5x faster). Overall reindex index time shrunk from 369s to 293s (1.26x faster). SeePR 161.Make the Python implementation closer to the C implementation by ignoring all exceptions, not justAttributeError, during (parts of) interface adaptation. Seeissue 163.Micro-optimization in.adapter._lookup,.adapter._lookupAlland.adapter._subscriptions: By loadingcomponents.getinto a local variable before entering the loop a bytcode “LOAD_FAST 0 (components)” in the loop can be eliminated. In Plone, while running all tests, average speedup of the “owntime” of_lookupis ~5x. SeePR 167.Add__all__declarations to all modules. This helps tools that do auto-completion and documentation and results in less cluttered results. Wildcard (“*”) are not recommended and may be affected. Seeissue 153.FixverifyClassandverifyObjectfor builtin types likedictthat have methods taking an optional, unnamed argument with no default value likedict.pop. On PyPy3, the verification is strict, but on PyPy2 (as on all versions of CPython) those methods cannot be verified and are ignored. Seeissue 118.Update the common interfacesIEnumerableMapping,IExtendedReadMapping,IExtendedWriteMapping,IReadSequenceandIUniqueMemberWriteSequenceto no longer require methods that were removed from Python 3 on Python 3, such as__setslice___. Now,dict,listandtupleproperly verify asIFullMapping,ISequenceandIReadSequence,respectively on all versions of Python.Add human-readable__str___and__repr___toAttributeandMethod. These contain the name of the defining interface and the attribute. For methods, it also includes the signature.Change the error strings raised byverifyObjectandverifyClass. They now include more human-readable information and exclude extraneous lines and spaces. Seeissue 170.Caution!This will break consumers (such as doctests) that depended on the exact error messages.MakeverifyObjectandverifyClassreport all errors, if the candidate object has multiple detectable violations. Previously they reported only the first error. Seeissue.Like the above, this will break consumers depending on the exact output of error messages if more than one error is present.Addzope.interface.common.collections,zope.interface.common.numbers, These modules define interfaces based on the ABCs defined in the standard,numbersandiomodules, respectively. Importing these modules will make the standard library concrete classes that are registered with those ABCs declare the appropriate interface. Seeissue 138.Addzope.interface.common.builtins. This module defines interfaces of common builtin types, such asITextStringandIByteString,IDict, etc. These interfaces extend the appropriate interfaces fromcollectionsandnumbers, and the standard library classes implement them after importing this module. This is intended as a replacement for third-party packages likedolmen.builtins. Seeissue 138.MakeprovidedBy()andimplementedBy()respectsuperobjects. For instance, if classDerivedimplementsIDerivedand extendsBasewhich in turn implementsIBase, thenprovidedBy(super(Derived, derived))will return[IBase]. Previously it would have returned[IDerived](in general, it would previously have returned whatever would have been returned withoutsuper).Along with this change, adapter registries will unpacksuperobjects into their__self___before passing it to the factory. Together, this means thatcomponent.getAdapter(super(Derived, self), ITarget)is now meaningful.Seeissue 11.Fix a potential interpreter crash in the low-level adapter registry lookup functions. See issue 11.Adopt Python’s standardC3 resolution orderto compute the__iro__and__sro__of interfaces, with tweaks to support additional cases that are common in interfaces but disallowed for Python classes. Previously, an ad-hoc ordering that made no particular guarantees was used.This has many beneficial properties, including the fact that base interface and base classes tend to appear near the end of the resolution order instead of the beginning. The resolution order in general should be more predictable and consistent.Caution!In some cases, especially with complex interface inheritance trees or when manually providing or implementing interfaces, the resulting IRO may be quite different. This may affect adapter lookup.The C3 order enforces some constraints in order to be able to guarantee a sensible ordering. Older versions of zope.interface did not impose similar constraints, so it was possible to create interfaces and declarations that are inconsistent with the C3 constraints. In that event, zope.interface will still produce a resolution order equal to the old order, but it won’t be guaranteed to be fully C3 compliant. In the future, strict enforcement of C3 order may be the default.A set of environment variables and module constants allows controlling several aspects of this new behaviour. It is possible to request warnings about inconsistent resolution orders encountered, and even to forbid them. Differences between the C3 resolution order and the previous order can be logged, and, in extreme cases, the previous order can still be used (this ability will be removed in the future). For details, see the documentation inherited tagged values in interfaces respect the resolution order (__iro__), as method and attribute lookup does. Previously tagged values could give inconsistent results. Seeissue 190.AddgetDirectTaggedValue(and related methods) to interfaces to allow accessing tagged values irrespective of inheritance. Seeissue 190.Ensure thatInterfaceis always the last item in the__iro__and__sro__. This is usually the case, but if classes that do not implement any interfaces are part of a class inheritance hierarchy,Interfacecould be assigned too high a priority. Seeissue 8.Implement sorting, equality, and hashing in C forInterfaceobjects. In micro benchmarks, this makes those operations 40% to 80% faster. This translates to a 20% speed up in querying adapters.Note that this changes certain implementation details. In particular,InterfaceClassnow has a non-default metaclass, and it is enforced that__module__in instances ofInterfaceClassis read-only.SeePR (2020-03-10)Remove deprecated use of setuptools features. Seeissue (2019-11-11)Use Python 3 syntax in the documentation. Seeissue (2019-11-11)Drop support for Python 3.4.ChangequeryTaggedValue,getTaggedValue,getTaggedValueTagsin interfaces. They now include inherited values by following__bases__. SeePR 144.Caution!This may be a breaking change.Add support for Python (2018-10-23)Add support for Python 3.7FixverifyObjectfor class objects with staticmethods on Python 3. Seeissue (2018-04-19)Drop support for 3.3, avoid accidental dependence breakage via SeePR 110.Allow registering and unregistering instance methods as listeners. Seeissue 12andPR 102.Synchronize and simplify zope/ Seeissue 1144.4.3 (2017-09-22)Avoid exceptions when the__annotations__attribute is added to interface definitions with Python 3.x type hints. Seeissue 98.Fix the possibility of a rare crash in the C extension when deallocating items. Seeissue (2017-06-14)Fix a regression storingzope.component.persistentregistry.PersistentRegistryinstances. Seeissue 85.Fix a regression that could lead to the utility registration cache ofComponentsgetting out of sync. Seeissue (2017-05-13)Simplify the caching of utility-registration data. In addition to simplification, avoids spurious test failures when checking for leaks in tests with persistent registries. Seepull 84.RaiseValueErrorwhen non-text names are passed to adapter registry methods: prevents corruption of lookup caches.4.4.0 (2017-04-21)Avoid a warning from the C compiler. ( support for Python (2016-12-13)Correct typos and ReST formatting errors in documentation.Add API documentation for the adapter registry.Ensure that theLICENSE.txtfile is included in built wheels.Fix C optimizations broken on Py3k. See the Python bug at: (2016-09-05)Fix equality testing ofimplementedByobjects and proxies. ( (2016-08-31)Support Components subclasses that are not hashable. ( (2016-08-31)Add the ability to sort the objects returned byimplementedBy. This is compatible with the way interface classes sort so they can be used together in ordered containers like BTrees. ( hard dependency ( a linear algorithm (O(n)) inComponents.registerUtilityandComponents.unregisterUtilityinto a dictionary lookup (O(1)) for hashable components. This substantially improves the time taken to manipulate utilities in large registries at the cost of some additional memory usage. ( (2016-06-10)Add support for Python 3.5Drop support for Python 2.6 and (2015-10-05)Fix installation without a C compiler on Python 3.5 ( (2014-12-27)Add support for PyPy3.Remove unittest assertions deprecated in Python3.x.Addzope.interface.document.asReStructuredText, which formats the generated text for an interface using ReST double-backtick markers.4.1.1 (2014-03-19)Add support for Python (2014-02-05)Updateboostrap.pyto version 2.2.Add@named(name)declaration, that specifies the component name, so it does not have to be passed in during registration.4.0.5 (2013-02-28)Fix a bug where a decorated method caused false positive failures onverifyClass().4.0.4 (2013-02-21)Fix a bug that was revealed by porting zope.traversing. During a loop, the loop body modified a weakref dict causing aRuntimeErrorerror.4.0.3 (2012-12-31)Fleshed out PyPI Trove classifiers.4.0.2 (2012-11-21)Add support for Python 3.3.Restored ability to install the package in the absence ofsetuptools.LP #1055223: Fix test which depended on dictionary order and failed randomly in Python (2012-05-22)Drop explicitDeprecationWarningsfor “class advice” APIS (these APIs are still deprecated under Python 2.x, and still raise an exception under Python 3.x, but no longer cause a warning to be emitted under Python 2.x).4.0.0 (2012-05-16)Automated build of Sphinx HTML docs and running doctest snippets via tox.Deprecate the “class advice” APIs fromzope.interface.declarations:implements,implementsOnly, andclassProvides. In their place, prefer the equivalent class decorators:@implementer,@implementer_only, and@provider. Code which uses the deprecated APIs will not work as expected under Py3k.Remove use of ‘2to3’ and associated fixers when installing under Py3k. The code is now in a “compatible subset” which supports Python 2.6, 2.7, and 3.2, including PyPy 1.8 (the version compatible with the 2.7 language spec).Drop explicit support for Python 2.4 / 2.5 / 3.1.Add support for PyPy.Add support for continuous integration usingtoxandjenkins.Add ‘ dev’ alias ( developplus installsnoseandcoverage).Add ‘ docs’ alias (installsSphinxand dependencies).Replace all unittest coverage previously accomplished via doctests with unittests. The doctests have been moved into adocssection, managed as a Sphinx collection.LP #910987: Ensure that the semantics of thelookupmethod ofzope.interface.adapter.LookupBaseare the same in both the C and Python implementations.LP #900906: Avoid exceptions due to tne new__qualname__attribute added in Python 3.3 (see PEP 3155 for rationale). Thanks to Antoine Pitrou for the patch.3.8.0 (2011-09-22)New modulezope.interface.registry. This is code moved fromzope.component.registrywhich implements a basic nonperistent component registry aszope.interface.registry.Components. This class was moved fromzope.componentto make porting systems (such as Pyramid) that rely only on a basic component registry to Python 3 possible without needing to port the entirety of thezope.componentpackage. Backwards compatibility import shims have been left behind inzope.component, so this change will not break any existing code.Newtests_requiredependency:zope.eventto test events sent by Components implementation. Thezope.interfacepackage does not have a hard dependency onzope.event, but ifzope.eventis importable, it will send component registration events when methods of an instance ofzope.interface.registry.Componentsare called.New interfaces added to supportzope.interface.registry.Componentsaddition:ComponentLookupError,Invalid,IObjectEvent,ObjectEvent,IComponentLookup,IRegistration,IUtilityRegistration,IAdapterRegistration,ISubscriptionAdapterRegistration,IHandlerRegistration,IRegistrationEvent,RegistrationEvent,IRegistered,Registered,IUnregistered,Unregistered,IComponentRegistry, andIComponents.No longer Python 2.4 compatible (tested under 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, and 3.2).3.7.0 (2011-08-13)Move changes from 3.6.2 - 3.6.5 to a new 3.7.x release line.3.6.7 (2011-08-20)Fix sporadic failures on x86-64 platforms in tests of rich comparisons of interfaces.3.6.6 (2011-08-13)LP #570942: Now correctly compare interfaces from different modules but with the same names.N.B.: This is a less intrusive / destabilizing fix than the one applied in 3.6.3: we only fix the underlying cmp-alike function, rather than adding the other “rich comparison” functions.Revert to software as released with 3.6.1 for “stable” 3.6 release branch.3.6.5 (2011-08-11)LP #811792: work around buggy behavior in some subclasses ofzope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass, which invoke__hash__before initializing__module__and__name__. The workaround returns a fixed constant hash in such cases, and issues aUserWarning.LP #804832: Under PyPy,zope.interfaceshould not build its C extension. Also, prevent attempting to build it under Jython.Add a tox.ini for easier xplatform testing.Fix testing deprecation warnings issued when tested under Py3K.3.6.4 (2011-07-04)LP 804951: InterfaceClass instances were unhashable under Python 3.x.3.6.3 (2011-05-26)LP #570942: Now correctly compare interfaces from different modules but with the same names.3.6.2 (2011-05-17)Moved detailed documentation out-of-line from PyPI page, linking instead to for small issues when running tests under Python 3.2 usingzope.testrunner.LP # 675064: Specify return value type for C optimizations module init under Python 3: undeclared value caused warnings, and segfaults on some 64 bit now raises RuntimeError if you don’t have Distutils installed when running under Python (2010-05-03)A non-ASCII character in the changelog made 3.6.0 uninstallable on Python 3 systems with another default encoding than UTF-8.Fix compiler warnings under GCC (2010-04-29)LP #185974: Clear the cache used bySpecificaton.getinsideSpecification.changed. Thanks to Jacob Holm for the patch.Add support for Python 3.1. Contributors:Lennart Regebro Martin v Loewis Thomas Lotze Wolfgang SchnerringThe 3.1 support is completely backwards compatible. However, the implements syntax used under Python 2.X does not work under 3.X, since it depends on how metaclasses are implemented and this has changed. Instead it now supports a decorator syntax (also under Python 2.X):class Foo: implements(IFoo) ...can now also be written:@implementer(IFoo): class Foo: ...There are 2to3 fixers available to do this change automatically in the zope.fixers package.Python 2.3 is no longer supported.3.5.4 (2009-12-23)Use the standard Python doctest module instead of zope.testing.doctest, which has been deprecated.3.5.3 (2009-12-08)Fix an edge case: make providedBy() work when a class has ‘__provides__’ in its __slots__ (see (2009-07-01)BaseAdapterRegistry.unregister, unsubscribe: Remove empty portions of the data structures when something is removed. This avoids leaving references to global objects (interfaces) that may be slated for removal from the calling application.3.5.1 (2009-03-18)verifyObject: use getattr instead of hasattr to test for object attributes in order to let exceptions other than AttributeError raised by properties propagate to the callerAdd Sphinx-based documentation building to the package buildout configuration. Use thebin/docscommand after buildout.Improve package description a bit. Unify changelog entries formatting.Change package’s mailing list address to zope-dev at as zope3-dev at is now retired.3.5.0 (2008-10-26)Fix declaration of _zope_interface_coptimizations, it’s not a top level package.Add a DocTestSuite for module, so their tests are run.Allow to bootstrap on Jython.Fix ISpecification was missing a declaration for __iro__.Add optional code optimizations support, which allows the building of C code optimizations to fail (Jython).Replace_flattenwith a non-recursive implementation, effectively making it 3x faster.3.4.1 (2007-10-02)Fix a setup bug that prevented installation from source on systems without setuptools.3.4.0 (2007-07-19)Final release for (2007-05-22)When checking whether an object is already registered, use identity comparison, to allow adding registering with picky custom comparison methods. (2007-01-03)Made a reference to OverflowWarning, which disappeared in Python 2.5, conditional.3.3.0 (2007/01/03)New FeaturesRefactor the adapter-lookup algorithim to make it much simpler and faster.Also, implement more of the adapter-lookup logic in C, making debugging of application code easier, since there is less infrastructre code to step through.Treat objects without interface declarations as if they declared that they providezope.interface.Interface.Add a number of richer new adapter-registration interfaces that provide greater control and introspection.Add a new interface decorator to zope.interface that allows the setting of tagged values on an interface at definition time (see zope.interface.taggedValue).Bug FixesA bug in multi-adapter lookup sometimes caused incorrect adapters to be returned. (2006-04-15)Fix packaging bug: ‘package_dir’ must be arelativepath. (2006-04-14)Packaging change: suppress inclusion of ‘setup.cfg’ in ‘sdist’ builds.3.2.0 (2006-01-05)Corresponds to the version of the zope.interface package shipped as part of the Zope 3.2.0 release.3.1.0 (2005-10-03)Corresponds to the version of the zope.interface package shipped as part of the Zope 3.1.0 release.Made attribute resolution order consistent with component lookup order, i.e. new-style class MRO semantics.Deprecate ‘isImplementedBy’ and ‘isImplementedByInstancesOf’ APIs in favor of ‘implementedBy’ and ‘providedBy’.3.0.1 (2005-07-27)Corresponds to the version of the zope.interface package shipped as part of the Zope X3.0.1 release.Fix a bug reported by James Knight, which caused adapter registries to fail occasionally to reflect declaration changes.3.0.0 (2004-11-07)Corresponds to the version of the zope.interface package shipped as part of the Zope X3.0.0 release.
zope.intidThis package provides an API to create integer ids for any object. Later objects can be looked up by their id as well. This functionality is commonly used in situations where dealing with objects is undesirable, such as in search indices or any code that needs an easy hash of an object.Documentation is hosted athttp://zopeintid.readthedocs.ioChanges5.0 (2023-02-21)Add support for Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Drop support for deprecatedpython test.4.4.0 (2021-03-19)Fixed deprecation warning tests.Add support for Python 3.7 and 3.8.Drop support for Python 3.4.Fix incorrect import ofzope.interface.interfaces.IComponentLookupin tests.4.3.0 (2017-07-26)Add support for Python 3.6.Drop support for Python (2016-12-08)Raise more informative KeyError subclasses from the utility when intids or objects cannot be found. This distinguishes them from errors raised by normal dictionaries or BTrees, and is useful in unit testing or when persisting intids or sharing them among processes for later or concurrent use.PropagatePOSKeyErrorfromqueryIdinstead of returning the default object. This exception indicates a corrupt database, not a missing object. ThequeryObjectfunction already behaved this way.Stop depending on ZODB for anything except testing.Add support for Python 3.5 and PyPy3 5.2.Drop support for Python (2014-12-27)Add support for PyPy (PyPy3 blocked on PyPy3-compatiblezodbpickle).Add support for Python (2014-12-20)Add support for testing on Travis.4.0.0a1 (2013-02-22)Add support for Python 3.3.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.Bug fix: ensure that the IntId utility never generates ids greater than the maxint of the BTree family being used.3.7.2 (2009-12-27)Use the zope.component API in favor of (2009-05-18)Remove dependencies onzope.container. Instead importObject*Eventclasses fromzope.lifecycleeventand importIContainedfromzope.location. In order to be able to do this, depend onzope.lifecycleevent>=3.5.2 andzope.location>=3.5.4.Remove a dependency onzope.container.contained.Contained(this is a dumb base class that defines __parent__ and __name__ as None and declares that the class implements IContained).3.7.0 (2009-02-01)Split out this package The latter one now only contains browser views and compatibility imports while whole IntId functionality is moved here.
No description available on PyPI.
zope.introspectoruiWhat is zope.introspectorui?zope.introspectoruiis a set of views for the information objects provided by zope.introspector.Installing zope.introspectoruizope.introspectoruiis provided as an Python egg on cheeseshop and set up viazc.buildoutYou may have setuptools already installed for your system Python. In that case, you may need to upgrade it first because buildout requires a very recent version:$ sudo easy_install -U setuptoolsIf this command fails because easy_install is not available, there is a good chance you do not have setuptools available for your system Python. If so, there is no problem because setuptools will be installed locally by buildout.Becausezope.introspectoruiis a developer tool, you normally use it by including the package thesetup.pyfile of your own package. There will most probably a section calledinstall_requireswhere you add ‘zope.introspector’ like this:... install_requires=['setuptools', # Add extra requirements here 'zope.introspectorui', ... ],Inzc.buildoutbased package setups you can ‘activate’ usage ofzope.introspectoruiafterwards simply by (re)runningbin/buildout.CHANGES0.2 (2009-01-29)Add explicit dependency to zope.location and clean up ZCML activation.0.1 (2008-10-24)Initial Release
zope.keyreferenceObject references that support stable comparison and hashes.Documentation can be found athttps://zopekeyreference.readthedocs.ioChanges6.0 (2023-04-25)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.11.Make the tests compatible withzope.testing >= (2022-03-25)Remove__cmp__methods. Since the implementation of the rich comparison methods (__eq__, etc) in 4.0a1, the interpreter won’t call__cmp__, even on Python 2. Seeissue 10.Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10.Drop support for Python (2018-10-26)Add support for Python 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7.Drop support for Python 2.6 and (2014-12-27)Add support for PyPy (PyPy3 blocked on PyPy3-compatiblezodbpickle).Add support for Python (2014-12-20)Add support for testing on Travis.4.0.0a2 (2013-02-25)Ensure that theSimpleKeyReferenceimplementation (used for testing) also implements rich comparison properly.4.0.0a1 (2013-02-22)Add support for Python 3.3.Replace deprecatedzope.component.adaptsusage with equivalentzope.component.adapterdecorator.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2011-11-30)Fix tests broken by removal ofzope.testingfrom test dependencies: avoid theZODB3module that needs it.3.6.3 (2011-11-29)Prefer the standard libraries doctest module to the one fromzope.testing.3.6.2 (2009-09-15)Make the tests pass with ZODB3.9, which changed the repr() of the persistent classes.3.6.1 (2009-02-01)Load keyreferences, pickled by old even if its not installed anymore (so don’t break if one updates a project that don’t directly depends on (2009-01-31)
===============================Zope 3 Controlled Package Index===============================This package has been developed to support the maintenance of a stable set ofZope project distributions. It manages the controlled packages configurationfile and supports the generation of buildout configuration files that can beused by developers.Another use of this package is to use it for testing new distributions againstthe index. Here is the workflow for testing a new package against stable set:1. Install the correct version of this package.(a) Download the version of this package that manages the stable set thatyou are interested in. Currently only the trunk exists, which managesthe Zope 3.4 release::$ svn co svn:// zope3.4$ cd zope3.4(b) Bootstrap the checkout::$ python ./ Run buildout to create the scripts::$ ./bin/buildout(d) Run the ``buildout.cfg`` generation script to build a configurationfile that can be used for testing:$ ./bin/generate-buildout2. From the generated configuration file, you can now build a testingenvironment.(a) Enter the test directory and create a buildout:$ cd test$ python ../$ ./bin/buildout(b) Run all the tests to verify that all tests are initially passing:$ ./bin/test -vpc13. Modify the ``buildout.cfg`` to look for your the new distribution to betested:(a) Comment out the "index" option. This needs to be done, so that the newpackage is going to be picked up.(b) Change the version number of the package of interest in the "versions"section.Alternative:(a) Check out the new distribution from SVN.(b) Add a "develop path/to/my/package" line in the "buildout" section of``buildout.cfg``.4. Run the tests, making sure that they all pass.5. Modify ``controlled-packages.cfg`` by adding the new version of the packageto the package's version list.6. Generate all files again and upload them:$ cd ..$ ./bin/generate-buildout$ ./bin/generate-versions$ ./bin/uploadOnce the files are uploaded, a crontab-job, running every minute, willdetect the changes in ``controlled-pages.cfg`` and will generate the newcontrolled package pages.Note: I think the process is still a tiny bit too long. I probably write ascript that makes testing a new version of a package easier, but let's seewhether this process is workable first.===============Known Good Sets===============This package provides a set of scripts and tools to manage Good-Known-Sets, orshort KGSs. A KGS is a set of package distributions that are known to workwell together. You can verify this, for example, by running all the tests ofall the packages at once.Let me show you how a typical controlled packages configuration file lookslike:>>> import tempfile>>> cfgFile = tempfile.mktemp('-cp.cfg')>>> open(cfgFile, 'w').write('''\... [DEFAULT]... tested = true...... [KGS]... name = zope-dev... version = 1.2.0... date = 2009-01-01... changelog = CHANGES.txt... announcement = ANNOUNCEMENT.txt... files =... zope-dev-1.2.0.tgz... zope-dev-1.2.0.exe...... [packageA]... versions = 1.0.0... 1.0.1...... [packageB]... versions = 1.2.3... test-extras = test...... [packageC]... # Do not test this package.... tested = false... versions = 4.3.1... ''')As you can see, this file uses an INI-style format. The "DEFAULT" section isspecial, as it will insert the specified options into all other sections asdefault. The "KGS" section specifies some global information about the KGS,such as the name of the KGS. Since this section references several externalfiles, we should quickly create those.>>> import os>>> dir = os.path.dirname(cfgFile)>>> open(os.path.join(dir, 'CHANGES.txt'), 'w').write('''\... =======... Changes... =======...... packageA... ========...... Version 1.0.0... -------------...... * Initial Release... ''')>>> open(os.path.join(dir, 'ANNOUNCEMENT.txt'), 'w').write('''\... =======================... zope-dev 1.2.0 Released... =======================...... The announcement text!... ''')>>> open(os.path.join(dir, 'zope-dev-1.2.0.tgz'), 'w').write('tgz')>>> open(os.path.join(dir, 'zope-dev-1.2.0.exe'), 'w').write('exe')All other sections refer to package names. Currently each package sectionsupports two options. The "versions" option lists all versions that are knownto work in the KGS. Those versions should *always* only be bug fixes to thefirst listed version. The second option, "tested", specifies whether thepackage should be part of the KGS test suite. By default, we want all packagesto be tested, but some packages require very specific test setups that cannotbe easily reproduced _[1], so we turn off those tests.You can also stack controlled package configurations on top of eachother. Base configurations can be specified using the `extends` option:>>> import tempfile>>> cfgFile2 = tempfile.mktemp('-cp.cfg')>>> open(cfgFile2, 'w').write('''\... [DEFAULT]... tested = true...... [KGS]... name = grok-dev... version = 0.1.0... extends = %s...... [packageA]... versions = 1.0.2...... [packageD]... versions = 2.2.3... 2.2.4... ''' %cfgFile)As you can see, you can completely override another package's versionspecification as well.Generating the configuration file and managing it is actually the hardpart. Let's now see what we can do with it... [1]: This is usually due to bugs in setuptools or buildout, such as PYCfiles not containing the correct reference to their PY file.Generate Versions-----------------One of the easiest scripts, is the version generation. This script willgenerate a "versions" section that is compatible with buildout.>>> versionsFile = tempfile.mktemp('-versions.cfg')>>> from zope.kgs import version>>> version.main((cfgFile, versionsFile))>>> print open(versionsFile, 'r').read()[versions]packageA = 1.0.1packageB = 1.2.3packageC = 4.3.1Let's now ensure that the versions also work for the extended configuration:>>> versionsFile2 = tempfile.mktemp('-versions.cfg')>>> version.main((cfgFile2, versionsFile2))>>> print open(versionsFile2, 'r').read()[versions]packageA = 1.0.2packageB = 1.2.3packageC = 4.3.1packageD = 2.2.4Generate Buildout-----------------In order to be able to test the KGS, you can also generate a full buildoutfile that will create and install a testrunner over all packages for you:>>> buildoutFile = tempfile.mktemp('-buildout.cfg')>>> from zope.kgs import buildout>>> buildout.main((cfgFile, buildoutFile))>>> print open(buildoutFile, 'r').read()[buildout]parts = testversions = versions<BLANKLINE>[test]recipe = zc.recipe.testrunnereggs = packageApackageB [test]<BLANKLINE>[versions]packageA = 1.0.1packageB = 1.2.3packageC = 4.3.1<BLANKLINE>Let's make sure that the buildout generation also honors the extensions:>>> buildoutFile2 = tempfile.mktemp('-buildout.cfg')>>> buildout.main((cfgFile2, buildoutFile2))>>> print open(buildoutFile2, 'r').read()[buildout]parts = testversions = versions<BLANKLINE>[test]recipe = zc.recipe.testrunnereggs = packageApackageB [test]packageD<BLANKLINE>[versions]packageA = 1.0.2packageB = 1.2.3packageC = 4.3.1packageD = 2.2.4<BLANKLINE>Flat Links Pages----------------We can also create a flat links page that can be used in the`dependency_links` argument in your `` file. Since this moduleaccesses the original PyPI to ask for the download locations and filenames, wehave to create a controlled packages configuration file that contains realpackages with real version numbers:>>> cfgFileReal = tempfile.mktemp('-cp.cfg')>>> open(cfgFileReal, 'w').write('''\... [DEFAULT]... tested = true...... [KGS]... name = zope-dev... version = 3.4.0b2...... [PIL]... versions = 1.1.6...... [zope.component]... versions = 3.4.0...... [zope.interface]... versions = 3.4.0... 3.4.1...... [z3c.formdemo]... versions = 1.1.0... ''')Let's now create the links page:>>> linksFile = tempfile.mktemp('-links.html')>>> from zope.kgs import link>>> link.main((cfgFileReal, linksFile))>>> print open(linksFile, 'r').read()<html><head><title>Links for the "zope-dev" KGS (version 3.4.0b2)</title></head><body><h1>Links for the "zope-dev" KGS (version 3.4.0b2)</h1><a href="">z3c.formdemo-1.1.0-py2.4.egg</a><br/><a href="">z3c.formdemo-1.1.0.tar.gz</a><br/><a href="">zope.component-3.4.0-py2.4.egg</a><br/><a href="">zope.component-3.4.0.tar.gz</a><br/><a href="">zope.interface-3.4.0.tar.gz</a><br/><a href="">zope.interface-3.4.0-py2.4-win32.egg</a><br/><a href="">zope.interface-3.4.1.tar.gz</a><br/></body></html>PPIX Support------------You can also use the KGS to limit the available packages in a package indexgenerated ``zc.mirrorcheeseshopslashsimple``. This script also uses PyPI tolook up distribution file, so wave to use the real configuration file again.Let's create the pages:>>> indexDir = tempfile.mkdtemp('-ppix')>>> from zope.kgs import ppix>>> ppix.main((cfgFileReal, indexDir))The index contains one directory per package. So let's have a look:>>> import os>>> sorted(os.listdir(indexDir))['PIL', 'z3c.formdemo', 'zope.component', 'zope.interface']Each directory contains a single "index.html" file with the download links:>>> pkgDir = os.path.join(indexDir, 'zope.component')>>> sorted(os.listdir(pkgDir))['index.html']>>> pkgIndex = os.path.join(pkgDir, 'index.html')>>> print open(pkgIndex, 'r').read()<html><head><title>Links for "zope.component"</title></head><body><h1>Links for "zope.component"</h1><a href="">zope.component-3.4.0-py2.4.egg</a><br/><a href="">zope.component-3.4.0.tar.gz</a><br/></body></html>PIL is an interesting case, because it does not upload its distribution filesyet, at least not for version 1.1.6:>>> pkgIndex = os.path.join(indexDir, 'PIL', 'index.html')>>> print open(pkgIndex, 'r').read()<html><head><title>Links for PIL</title></head><body><h1>Links for PIL</h1><a href='' rel="homepage">1.1.5 home_page</a><br/><a href='' rel="download">1.1.5 download_url</a><br/><a href='' rel="homepage">1.1.5a2 home_page</a><br/><a href='' rel="download">1.1.5a2 download_url</a><br/><a href='' rel="homepage">1.1.5a1 home_page</a><br/><a href='' rel="download">1.1.5a1 download_url</a><br/><a href='' rel="homepage">1.1.4 home_page</a><br/><a href='' rel="homepage">1.1.3 home_page</a><br/><a href='' rel="download">1.1.3 download_url</a><br/><a href='' rel="homepage">1.1.6 home_page</a><br/><a href='' rel="download">1.1.6 download_url</a><br/></body></html>Optionally, you can also specify the `-i` option to generate an overview:>>> ppix.main(('-i', cfgFileReal, indexDir))>>> sorted(os.listdir(indexDir))['PIL', 'index.html', 'z3c.formdemo', 'zope.component', 'zope.interface']Let's now look at the file:>>> indexPage = os.path.join(indexDir, 'index.html')>>> print open(indexPage, 'r').read()<html><head><title>Simple Index for the "zope-dev" KGS (version 3.4.0b2)</title></head><body><h1>Simple Index for the "zope-dev" KGS (version 3.4.0b2)</h1><a href="PIL">PIL</a><br/><a href="z3c.formdemo">z3c.formdemo</a><br/><a href="zope.component">zope.component</a><br/><a href="zope.interface">zope.interface</a><br/></body></html>Allowing exisitng package pages to be overwritten and making the main indexpage an optional feature makes it possible to use this script for two usecases: (1) Merge the constraints into a PPIX index created by``zc.mirrorcheeseshopslashsimple``, and (2) create a standalone index whichonly provides the packages of the KGS.Getting the Latest Versions---------------------------When updating the KGS, it is often useful to know for which packages have newreleases.>>> from zope.kgs import latest>>> latest.main((cfgFileReal,))z3c.formdemo: 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.2.0, 1.3.0, 1.3.0b1, 1.4.0, ...However, it is often desired only to show new minor versions; in this case, wecan pass an option to exclude all versions that have a different majorversion:>>> latest.main(('-m', cfgFileReal))z3c.formdemo: 1.1.1, 1.1.2Sometimes you're only interested in changes that apply to a single package,and you won't want to wait for the script to query all of the others>>> latest.main(('-m', cfgFileReal, ''))>>> latest.main(('-m', cfgFileReal, 'z3c.formdemo'))z3c.formdemo: 1.1.1, 1.1.2Extracting Change Information-----------------------------When releasing a version of the KGS, it is desirable to produce a list ofchanges since the last release. Changes are commonly compared to an olderversion.>>> cfgFileRealOrig = tempfile.mktemp('-cp.cfg')>>> open(cfgFileRealOrig, 'w').write('''\... [DEFAULT]... tested = true...... [KGS]... name = zope-dev... version = 3.4.0b1...... [PIL]... versions = 1.1.6...... [zope.component]... versions = 3.4.0...... [zope.interface]... versions = 3.4.0... ''')Let's now produce the changes:>>> from zope.kgs import change>>> change.main((cfgFileReal, cfgFileRealOrig))Processing ('PIL', '1.1.6')Processing ('z3c.formdemo', '1.1.0')Processing ('zope.component', '3.4.0')Processing ('zope.interface', '3.4.1')===PIL===<BLANKLINE>No changes or information not found.<BLANKLINE>============z3c.formdemo============<BLANKLINE>1.1.0 (unknown)---------------<BLANKLINE>- Feature: New "SQL Message" demo shows how ``z3c.form`` can be used withnon-object data. Specificically, this small application demonstrates using aGadfly database using pure SQL calls without any ORM.<BLANKLINE>- Feature: New "Address Book" demo that demonstrates more complex use cases,such as subforms, composite widgets, and mappings/lists<BLANKLINE><BLANKLINE>==============zope.component==============<BLANKLINE>3.4.0 (2007-09-29)------------------<BLANKLINE>No further changes since 3.4.0a1.<BLANKLINE><BLANKLINE>==============zope.interface==============<BLANKLINE>3.4.1 (unknown)---------------<BLANKLINE>Fixed a setup bug that prevented installation from source on systemswithout setuptools.<BLANKLINE>3.4.0 (unknown)---------------<BLANKLINE>Final release for 3.4.0.<BLANKLINE><BLANKLINE>You can also create the changes without an original file, in which case onlythe versions listed in the current KGS are considered.>>> change.main((cfgFileReal,))Processing ('PIL', '1.1.6')Processing ('z3c.formdemo', '1.1.0')Processing ('zope.component', '3.4.0')Processing ('zope.interface', '3.4.1')===PIL===<BLANKLINE>No changes or information not found.<BLANKLINE>============z3c.formdemo============<BLANKLINE>1.1.0 (unknown)---------------<BLANKLINE>- Feature: New "SQL Message" demo shows how ``z3c.form`` can be used withnon-object data. Specificically, this small application demonstrates using aGadfly database using pure SQL calls without any ORM.<BLANKLINE>- Feature: New "Address Book" demo that demonstrates more complex use cases,such as subforms, composite widgets, and mappings/lists<BLANKLINE><BLANKLINE>==============zope.component==============<BLANKLINE>3.4.0 (2007-09-29)------------------<BLANKLINE>No further changes since 3.4.0a1.<BLANKLINE><BLANKLINE>==============zope.interface==============<BLANKLINE>3.4.1 (unknown)---------------<BLANKLINE>Fixed a setup bug that prevented installation from source on systemswithout setuptools.<BLANKLINE>3.4.0 (unknown)---------------<BLANKLINE>Final release for 3.4.0.<BLANKLINE><BLANKLINE>The Site Generator------------------The easiest way to publish the KGS is via a directory published by a Webserver. Whenever a new `controlled-packages.cfg` file is uploaded, a script isrun that generates all the files. I usually set up a crontab job to dothis. The site generator script acts upon a directory, in which it assumes a`controlled-packages.cfg` file was placed:>>> siteDir = tempfile.mkdtemp()>>> cfgFileSite = os.path.join(siteDir, 'controlled-packages.cfg')>>> import shutil>>> shutil.copy(cfgFileReal, cfgFileSite)>>> from zope.kgs import site>>> site.main(['-s', siteDir])Let's have a look at the generated files:>>> from pprint import pprint>>> pprint(sorted(os.listdir(siteDir)))['3.4.0b2', 'index.html', 'intro.html', 'resources']>>> sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(siteDir, '3.4.0b2')))['ANNOUNCEMENT.html', 'CHANGES.html','buildout.cfg', 'controlled-packages.cfg', 'index', 'index.html','links.html', 'minimal', 'versions.cfg']>>> sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(siteDir, '3.4.0b2', 'minimal')))['PIL', 'index.html', 'z3c.formdemo', 'zope.component', 'zope.interface']If you try to generate the site again without adding the controlled packagesconfig file to the site directory again, it will simply return:>>> site.main(['-s', siteDir])Basic Parser API----------------The ```` module provides a simple class that parses the KGSconfiguration file and provides all data in an object-oriented manner.>>> from zope.kgs import kgsThe class is simply instnatiated using the path to the config file:>>> myKGS = kgs.KGS(cfgFile)>>> myKGS<KGS 'zope-dev'>The name, version and date of the KGS is available via:>>>'zope-dev'>>> myKGS.version'1.2.0'>>>, 1, 1)When the changelog and/or announcement files are available, the KGS referencesthe absolute path:>>> myKGS.changelog'.../CHANGES.txt'>>> myKGS.announcement'.../ANNOUNCEMENT.txt'The same is true for other release-related files:>>> myKGS.files('.../zope-dev-1.2.0.tgz','.../zope-dev-1.2.0.exe')The packages are available under `packages`:>>> myKGS.packages[<Package 'packageA'>, <Package 'packageB'>, <Package 'packageC'>]Each package is also an object:>>> pkgA = myKGS.packages[0]>>> pkgA<Package 'packageA'>>>>'packageA'>>> pkgA.versions['1.0.0', '1.0.1']>>> pkgA.testedTrueAs we have seen in the scripts above, the KGS class also supports the`entends` option. Thus, let's load the KGS for the config file 2:>>> myKGS2 = kgs.KGS(cfgFile2)>>> myKGS2<KGS 'grok-dev'>>>>'grok-dev'>>> myKGS2.packages[<Package 'packageA'>,<Package 'packageB'>,<Package 'packageC'>,<Package 'packageD'>]=======CHANGES=======1.2.0 (2009-07-24)------------------- Add ability to specify the extra-includes for running tests.1.1.0 (2009-02-01)------------------- Added '--no-links', '--no-index', and '--no-minimal-index' options to thesite generation sctipt to make it faster.- Generating list of latest versions does not fail anymore, if downloading andparsing of the index page fails.- Update links to PyPI web sites.1.0.1 (2009-01-29)------------------- Fix documentation in all scripts, fixing missing imports and incorrectwording.- The package should depend on `python-dateutl` and not `datetutil`, since thelatter is not available in PyPI anymore.1.0.0 (2009-01-29)------------------- Initial version as ``zope.kgs``.* A script that extracts the relevant part of the changelog of each packagein the KGS.* A script that lists all versions of a package released after the latestversion listed in the KGS.* A script that manages the generation of the entire KGS site.+ Generates generic and version-specific pages.+ Page generation is template-based for easy customization.* Generate `links.html` file which lists all controlled packages files.* Features copied from ``zope.release``:+ Parser for KGS configuration files.+ Generate `versions.cfg` and `buildout.cfg` script.* Features copied from ``zc.mirrorcheeseshopslashsimple``:+ Generate new index pages for the controlled packages.
zope.lifecycleeventOverviewIn a loosely-coupled system, events can be used by parts of the system toinform each otherabout relevant occurrences. Thezope.eventpackage (optionally together withzope.interfaceandzope.component) provides a generic mechanism to dispatch objects representing those events to interested subscribers (e.g., functions). This package defines a specific set of event objects and API functions for describing the life-cycle of objects in the system: object creation, object modification, and object removal.Documentation is hosted athttps://zopelifecycleevent.readthedocs.ioChanges5.0 (2023-07-06)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python (2022-05-09)Add support for Python 3.8, 3,9, 3.10.Drop support for Python (2018-10-05)Add support for Python (2017-07-12)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.Documentation is hosted athttps://zopelifecycleevent.readthedocs.io4.1.0 (2014-12-27)Add support for PyPy3.Add support for Python (2013-09-12)Drop the dependency onzope.componentas the interface and implementation ofObjectEventis now inzope.interface. Retained the dependency for the tests.Fix:.movedtried to notify the wrong event.4.0.2 (2013-03-08)Add Trove classifiers indicating CPython and PyPy support.4.0.1 (2013-02-11)Addtox.ini.4.0.0 (2013-02-11)Test coverage at 100%.Add support for Python 3.3 and PyPy.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2011-03-17)Add convenience functions to parallelzope.lifecycleevent.modifiedfor the other events defined in this package.3.6.2 (2010-09-25)Add not declared, but needed test dependency onzope.component [test].3.6.1 (2010-04-30)Remove dependency on undeclaredzope.testing.doctest.3.6.0 (2009-12-29)Refactor tests to losezope.annotationandzope.dublincoreas dependencies.3.5.2 (2009-05-17)CopyIObjectMovedEvent,IObjectAddedEvent,IObjectRemovedEventinterfaces andObjectMovedEvent,ObjectAddedEventandObjectRemovedEventclasses here fromzope.container(plus tests). The intent is to allow packages that rely on these interfaces or the event classes to rely onzope.lifecycleevent(which has few dependencies) instead ofzope.container(which has many).3.5.1 (2009-03-09)Remove deprecated code and therefore dependency onzope.deferredimport.Change package’s mailing list address to zope-dev at, as zope3-dev at is now retired.Update package’s description and documentation.3.5.0 (2009-01-31)Remove old module declarations from classes.Usezope.containerinstead (2007-09-01)Initial release as an independent package
zope.locationIn Zope 3, “locations” are special objects that have a structural location, indicated with__name__and__parent__attributes.Seezope.containerfor a useful extension of this concept to “containers.”Documentation is hosted at (2023-05-25)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2022-11-29)Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for Python (2018-10-09)Add support for Python (2017-08-03)Drop support for Python 2.6, 3.2 and 3.3.Add a page to the docs on hackingzope.location.Note additional documentation dependencies.Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Remove internal_compatimplementation module.4.0.3 (2014-03-19)Add Python 3.4 support.Updateboostrap.pyto version (2013-03-11)Change the behavior ofLocationProxy’s__setattr__()to correctly behave when dealing with the pure Python version of theProxyBaseclass. Also added a test suite that fully tests the pure Python proxy version of theLocationProxyclass.4.0.1 (2013-02-19)Add Python 3.3 support.4.0.0 (2012-06-07)Remove backward-compatibility imports:zope.copy.clone(aliased aszope.location.pickling.locationCopy)zope.copy.CopyPersistent(aliased aszope.location.pickling.CopyPersistent) aszope.location.interfaces.IPossibleSite).Add Python 3.2 support.Makezope.componentdependency optional. Use thecomponentextra to force its installation (or just require it directly). Ifzope.componentis not present, this package defines theISiteinterface itself, and omits adapter registrations from its ZCML.Add support for PyPy.Add support for continuous integration usingtoxandjenkins.Bring unit test coverage to 100%.Add Sphinx documentation: moved doctest examples to API reference.Add ‘ docs’ alias (installsSphinxand dependencies).Add ‘ dev’ alias ( developplus installsnoseandcoverage).Replace deprecatedzope.component.adaptsusage with equivalentzope.component.adapterdecorator.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2011-08-22)Add zcml extra as well as a test for configure.zcml.3.9.0 (2009-12-29)Move LocationCopyHook related tests to zope.copy and remove a test dependency on that package.3.8.2 (2009-12-23)Fix a typo in the configure.zcml.3.8.1 (2009-12-23)Remove dependency on zope.copy: the LocationCopyHook adapter is registered only if zope.copy is available.Use the standard Python doctest module instead of zope.testing.doctest, which has been deprecated.3.8.0 (2009-12-22)Adjust to testing output caused by new zope.schema.3.7.1 (2009-11-18)Move the IPossibleSite and ISite interfaces to zope.component as they are dealing with zope.component’s concept of a site, but not with location.3.7.0 (2009-09-29)Add getParent() to ILocationInfo and moved the actual implementation here from zope.traversal.api, analogous to getParents().Actually remove deprecated PathPersistent class from zope.location.pickling.Move ITraverser back to zope.traversing where it belongs conceptually. The interface had been moved to zope.location to invert the package interdependency but is no longer used here.3.6.0 (2009-08-27)New feature release: deprecate locationCopy, CopyPersistent and PathPersistent from zope.location.pickling. These changes were already part of the 3.5.3 release, which was erroneously numbered as a bugfix relese.Remove dependency on zope.deferredimport, directly import deprecated modules without using it.3.5.5 (2009-08-15)Add zope.deferredimport as a dependency as it’s used directly by zope.location.pickling.3.5.4 (2009-05-17)AddIContainedinterface tozope.location.interfacesmodule. This interface was moved fromzope.container(afterzope.container3.8.2); consumers ofIContainedmay now depend on zope.location rather than zope.container to reduce dependency cycles.3.5.3 (2009-02-09)Use new zope.copy package for implementing location copying. Thus there’s changes in thezope.locaton.picklingmodule:ThelocationCopyandCopyPersistentwas removed in prefer to their equivalents in zope.copy. Deprecated backward-compatibility imports provided.The module now provides azope.copy.interfaces.ICopyHookadapter forILocationobjects that replaces the old CopyPersistent functionality of checking for the need to clone objects based on their location.3.5.2 (2009-02-04)Split RootPhysicallyLocatable adapter back from LocationPhysicallyLocatable, because the IRoot object may not always provide ILocation and the code for the root object is also simplier. It’s basically a copy of the RootPhysicallyLocatable adapter from zope.traversing version 3.5.0 and below withgetParentsmethod added (returns an empty list).3.5.1 (2009-02-02)Improve test coverage.The newgetParentsmethod was extracted fromzope.traversingand added to ILocationInfo interface in the previous release. Custom ILocationInfo implementations should make sure they have this method as well. That method is already used inzope.traversing.api.getParentsfunction.MakegetNameof LocationPhysicallyLocatable always return empty string for the IRoot object, like RootPhysicallyLocatable fromzope.traversingdid. So, now LocationPhysicallyLocatable is fully compatible with RootPhysicallyLocatable, making the latter one obsolete.Change package mailing list address to zope-dev at instead of retired zope3-dev at (2009-01-31)Reverse the dependency between zope.location and zope.traversing. This also causes the dependency to various other packages go away.3.4.0 (2007-10-02)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
Advisory exclusive locks, shared locks, and freezes (locked to no-one).The zope.locking package provides three main features:advisory exclusive locks for individual objects;advisory shared locks for individual objects; andfrozen objects (locked to no one).Locks and freezes by themselves are advisory tokens and inherently meaningless. They must be given meaning by other software, such as a security policy.This package approaches these features primarily from the perspective of a system API, largely free of policy; and then provides a set of adapters for more common interaction with users, with some access policy. We will first look at the system API, and then explain the policy and suggested use of the provided adapters.ContentsAdvisory exclusive locks, shared locks, and freezes (locked to no-one).System APIExclusive LocksShared LocksEndableFreezesFreezesUser API, Adapters and SecurityTokenBrokerslocklockSharedfreezegetTokenHandlersExclusiveLockHandlersSharedLockHandlersWarningsIntended Security ConfigurationRandom ThoughtsChanges2.1.0 (2020-04-15)2.0.0 (2018-01-23)1.2.2 (2011-01-31)1.2.1 (2010-01-20)1.2 (2009-11-23)1.11.1b1.01.0bSystem APIThe central approach for the package is that locks and freeze tokens must be created and then registered by a token utility. The tokens will not work until they have been registered. This gives the ability to definitively know, and thus manipulate, all active tokens in a system.The first object we’ll introduce, then, is the TokenUtility: the utility that is responsible for the registration and the retrieving of tokens.>>> from zope import component, interface >>> from zope.locking import interfaces, utility, tokens >>> util = utility.TokenUtility() >>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject >>> verifyObject(interfaces.ITokenUtility, util) TrueThe utility only has a few methods–get,iterForPrincipalId,__iter__, andregister–which we will look at below. It is expected to be persistent, and the included implementation is in fact persistent.Persistent, and expects to be installed as a local utility. The utility needs a connection to the database before it can register persistent tokens.>>> from zope.locking.testing import Demo >>> lock = tokens.ExclusiveLock(Demo(), 'Fantomas') >>> util.register(lock) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'add'>>> conn = get_connection() >>> conn.add(util)If the token provides IPersistent, the utility will add it to its connection.>>> lock._p_jar is None True>>> lock = util.register(lock) >>> lock._p_jar is util._p_jar True>>> lock.end() >>> lock = util.register(lock)The standard token utility can accept tokens for any object that is adaptable to IKeyReference.>>> import datetime >>> import pytz >>> before_creation = >>> demo = Demo()Now, with an instance of the demo class, it is possible to register lock and freeze tokens for demo instances with the token utility.As mentioned above, the general pattern for making a lock or freeze token is to create it–at which point most of its methods and attributes are unusable–and then to register it with the token utility. After registration, the lock is effective and in place.The TokenUtility can actually be used with anything that implements zope.locking.interfaces.IAbstractToken, but we’ll look at the four tokens that come with the zope.locking package: an exclusive lock, a shared lock, a permanent freeze, and an endable freeze.Exclusive LocksExclusive locks are tokens that are owned by a single principal. No principal may be added or removed: the lock token must be ended and another started for another principal to get the benefits of the lock (whatever they have been configured to be).Here’s an example of creating and registering an exclusive lock: the principal with an id of ‘john’ locks the demo object.>>> lock = tokens.ExclusiveLock(demo, 'john') >>> res = util.register(lock) >>> res is lock TrueThe lock token is now in effect. Registering the token (the lock) fired an ITokenStartedEvent, which we’ll look at now.(Note that this example uses an events list to look at events that have fired. This is simply a list whoseappendmethod has been added as a subscriber to the zope.event.subscribers list. It’s included as a global when this file is run as a test.)>>> from zope.component.eventtesting import events >>> ev = events[-1] >>> verifyObject(interfaces.ITokenStartedEvent, ev) True >>> ev.object is lock TrueNow that the lock token is created and registered, the token utility knows about it. The utilitiesgetmethod simply returns the active token for an object or None–it never returns an ended token, and in fact none of the utility methods do.>>> util.get(demo) is lock True >>> util.get(Demo()) is None TrueNote thatgetaccepts alternate defaults, like a dictionary.get:>>> util.get(Demo(), util) is util TrueTheiterForPrincipalIdmethod returns an iterator of active locks for the given principal id.>>> list(util.iterForPrincipalId('john')) == [lock] True >>> list(util.iterForPrincipalId('mary')) == [] TrueThe util’s__iter__method simply iterates over all active (non-ended) tokens.>>> list(util) == [lock] TrueThe token utility disallows registration of multiple active tokens for the same object.>>> util.register(tokens.ExclusiveLock(demo, 'mary')) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.RegistrationError: ... >>> util.register(tokens.SharedLock(demo, ('mary', 'jane'))) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.RegistrationError: ... >>> util.register(tokens.Freeze(demo)) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.RegistrationError: ...It’s also worth looking at the lock token itself. The registered lock token implements IExclusiveLock.>>> verifyObject(interfaces.IExclusiveLock, lock) TrueIt provides a number of capabilities. Arguably the most important attribute is whether the token is in effect or not:ended. This token is active, so it has not yet ended:>>> lock.ended is None TrueWhen it does end, the ended attribute is a datetime in UTC of when the token ended. We’ll demonstrate that below.Later, thecreation,expiration,duration, andremaining_durationwill be important; for now we merely note their existence.>>> before_creation <= lock.started <= True >>> lock.expiration is None # == forever True >>> lock.duration is None # == forever True >>> lock.remaining_duration is None # == forever TrueTheendmethod and the related ending and expiration attributes are all part of the IEndable interface–an interface that not all tokens must implement, as we will also discuss later.>>> interfaces.IEndable.providedBy(lock) TrueThecontextand__parent__attributes point to the locked object–demo in our case.contextis the intended standard API for obtaining the object, but__parent__is important for the Zope 3 security set up, as discussed towards the end of this document.>>> lock.context is demo True >>> lock.__parent__ is demo # important for security TrueRegistering the lock with the token utility set the utility attribute and initialized the started attribute to the datetime that the lock began. The utility attribute should never be set by any code other than the token utility.>>> lock.utility is util TrueTokens always provide aprincipal_idsattribute that provides an iterable of the principals that are part of a token. In our case, this is an exclusive lock for ‘john’, so the value is simple.>>> sorted(lock.principal_ids) ['john']The only method on a basic token like the exclusive lock isend. Calling it without arguments permanently and explicitly ends the life of the token.>>> lock.end()Like registering a token, ending a token fires an event.>>> ev = events[-1] >>> verifyObject(interfaces.ITokenEndedEvent, ev) True >>> ev.object is lock TrueIt affects attributes on the token. Again, the most important of these is ended, which is now the datetime of ending.>>> lock.ended >= lock.started True >>> lock.remaining_duration == datetime.timedelta() TrueIt also affects queries of the token utility.>>> util.get(demo) is None True >>> list(util.iterForPrincipalId('john')) == [] True >>> list(util) == [] TrueDon’t try to end an already-ended token.>>> lock.end() Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.EndedErrorThe other way of ending a token is with an expiration datetime. As we’ll see, one of the most important caveats about working with timeouts is that a token that expires because of a timeout does not fire any expiration event. It simply starts providing theexpirationvalue for theendedattribute.>>> one = datetime.timedelta(hours=1) >>> two = datetime.timedelta(hours=2) >>> three = datetime.timedelta(hours=3) >>> four = datetime.timedelta(hours=4) >>> lock = util.register(tokens.ExclusiveLock(demo, 'john', three)) >>> lock.duration datetime.timedelta(seconds=10800) >>> three >= lock.remaining_duration >= two True >>> lock.ended is None True >>> util.get(demo) is lock True >>> list(util.iterForPrincipalId('john')) == [lock] True >>> list(util) == [lock] TrueThe expiration time of an endable token is always the creation date plus the timeout.>>> lock.expiration == lock.started + lock.duration True >>> ((before_creation + three) <= ... (lock.expiration) <= # this value is the expiration date ... (before_creation + four)) TrueExpirations can be changed while a lock is still active, using any of theexpiration,remaining_durationordurationattributes. All changes fire events. First we’ll change the expiration attribute.>>> lock.expiration = lock.started + one >>> lock.expiration == lock.started + one True >>> lock.duration == one True >>> ev = events[-1] >>> verifyObject(interfaces.IExpirationChangedEvent, ev) True >>> ev.object is lock True >>> ev.old == lock.started + three TrueNext we’ll change the duration attribute.>>> lock.duration = four >>> lock.duration datetime.timedelta(seconds=14400) >>> four >= lock.remaining_duration >= three True >>> ev = events[-1] >>> verifyObject(interfaces.IExpirationChangedEvent, ev) True >>> ev.object is lock True >>> ev.old == lock.started + one TrueNow we’ll hack our code to make it think that it is two hours later, and then check and modify the remaining_duration attribute.>>> def hackNow(): ... return ( + ... datetime.timedelta(hours=2)) ... >>> import zope.locking.utils >>> oldNow = >>> = hackNow # make code think it's 2 hours later >>> lock.duration datetime.timedelta(seconds=14400) >>> two >= lock.remaining_duration >= one True >>> lock.remaining_duration -= one >>> one >= lock.remaining_duration >= datetime.timedelta() True >>> three + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) >= lock.duration >= three True >>> ev = events[-1] >>> verifyObject(interfaces.IExpirationChangedEvent, ev) True >>> ev.object is lock True >>> ev.old == lock.started + four TrueNow, we’ll hack our code to make it think that it’s a day later. It is very important to remember that a lock ending with a timeout ends silently–that is, no event is fired.>>> def hackNow(): ... return ( ... + datetime.timedelta(days=1)) ... >>> = hackNow # make code think it is a day later >>> lock.ended == lock.expiration True >>> util.get(demo) is None True >>> util.get(demo, util) is util # alternate default works True >>> lock.remaining_duration == datetime.timedelta() True >>> lock.end() Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.EndedErrorOnce a lock has ended, the timeout can no longer be changed.>>> lock.duration = datetime.timedelta(days=2) Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.EndedErrorWe’ll undo the hacks, and also end the lock (that is no longer ended once the hack is finished).>>> = oldNow # undo the hack >>> lock.end()Make sure to register tokens. Creating a lock but not registering it puts it in a state that is not fully initialized.>>> lock = tokens.ExclusiveLock(demo, 'john') >>> lock.started # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.UnregisteredError: ... >>> lock.ended # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.UnregisteredError: ...Shared LocksShared locks are very similar to exclusive locks, but take an iterable of one or more principals at creation, and can have principals added or removed while they are active.In this example, also notice a convenient characteristic of the TokenUtilityregistermethod: it also returns the token, so creation, registration, and variable assignment can be chained, if desired.>>> lock = util.register(tokens.SharedLock(demo, ('john', 'mary'))) >>> ev = events[-1] >>> verifyObject(interfaces.ITokenStartedEvent, ev) True >>> ev.object is lock TrueHere, principals with ids of ‘john’ and ‘mary’ have locked the demo object. The returned token implements ISharedLock and provides a superset of the IExclusiveLock capabilities. These next operations should all look familiar from the discussion of the ExclusiveLock tokens above.>>> verifyObject(interfaces.ISharedLock, lock) True >>> lock.context is demo True >>> lock.__parent__ is demo # important for security True >>> lock.utility is util True >>> sorted(lock.principal_ids) ['john', 'mary'] >>> lock.ended is None True >>> before_creation <= lock.started <= True >>> lock.expiration is None True >>> lock.duration is None True >>> lock.remaining_duration is None True >>> lock.end() >>> lock.ended >= lock.started TrueAs mentioned, though, the SharedLock capabilities are a superset of the ExclusiveLock ones. There are two extra methods:addandremove. These are able to add and remove principal ids as shared owners of the lock token.>>> lock = util.register(tokens.SharedLock(demo, ('john',))) >>> sorted(lock.principal_ids) ['john'] >>> lock.add(('mary',)) >>> sorted(lock.principal_ids) ['john', 'mary'] >>> lock.add(('alice',)) >>> sorted(lock.principal_ids) ['alice', 'john', 'mary'] >>> lock.remove(('john',)) >>> sorted(lock.principal_ids) ['alice', 'mary'] >>> lock.remove(('mary',)) >>> sorted(lock.principal_ids) ['alice']Adding and removing principals fires appropriate events, as you might expect.>>> lock.add(('mary',)) >>> sorted(lock.principal_ids) ['alice', 'mary'] >>> ev = events[-1] >>> verifyObject(interfaces.IPrincipalsChangedEvent, ev) True >>> ev.object is lock True >>> sorted(ev.old) ['alice'] >>> lock.remove(('alice',)) >>> sorted(lock.principal_ids) ['mary'] >>> ev = events[-1] >>> verifyObject(interfaces.IPrincipalsChangedEvent, ev) True >>> ev.object is lock True >>> sorted(ev.old) ['alice', 'mary']Removing all participants in a lock ends the lock, making it ended.>>> lock.remove(('mary',)) >>> sorted(lock.principal_ids) [] >>> lock.ended >= lock.started True >>> ev = events[-1] >>> verifyObject(interfaces.IPrincipalsChangedEvent, ev) True >>> ev.object is lock True >>> sorted(ev.old) ['mary'] >>> ev = events[-2] >>> verifyObject(interfaces.ITokenEndedEvent, ev) True >>> ev.object is lock TrueAs you might expect, trying to add (or remove!) users from an ended lock is an error.>>> lock.add(('john',)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.EndedError >>> lock.remove(('john',)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.EndedErrorThe token utility keeps track of shared lock tokens the same as exclusive lock tokens. Here’s a quick summary in code.>>> lock = util.register(tokens.SharedLock(demo, ('john', 'mary'))) >>> util.get(demo) is lock True >>> list(util.iterForPrincipalId('john')) == [lock] True >>> list(util.iterForPrincipalId('mary')) == [lock] True >>> list(util) == [lock] True >>> util.register(tokens.ExclusiveLock(demo, 'mary')) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.RegistrationError: ... >>> util.register(tokens.SharedLock(demo, ('mary', 'jane'))) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.RegistrationError: ... >>> util.register(tokens.Freeze(demo)) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.RegistrationError: ... >>> lock.end()Timed expirations work the same as with exclusive locks. We won’t repeat that here, though look in the annoying.txt document in this package for the actual repeated tests.EndableFreezesAn endable freeze token is similar to a lock token except that it grants the ‘lock’ to no one.>>> token = util.register(tokens.EndableFreeze(demo)) >>> verifyObject(interfaces.IEndableFreeze, token) True >>> ev = events[-1] >>> verifyObject(interfaces.ITokenStartedEvent, ev) True >>> ev.object is token True >>> sorted(token.principal_ids) [] >>> token.end()Endable freezes are otherwise identical to exclusive locks. See annoying.txt for the comprehensive copy-and-paste tests duplicating the exclusive lock tests. Notice that an EndableFreeze will never be a part of an iterable of tokens by principal: by definition, a freeze is associated with no principals.FreezesFreezes are similar to EndableFreezes, except they are not endable. They are intended to be used by system level operations that should permanently disable certain changes, such as changes to the content of an archived object version.Creating them is the same…>>> token = util.register(tokens.Freeze(demo)) >>> verifyObject(interfaces.IFreeze, token) True >>> ev = events[-1] >>> verifyObject(interfaces.ITokenStartedEvent, ev) True >>> ev.object is token True >>> sorted(token.principal_ids) []But they can’t go away…>>> token.end() Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'Freeze' object has no attribute 'end'They also do not have expirations, duration, remaining durations, or ended dates. They are permanent, unless you go into the database to muck with implementation-specific data structures.There is no API way to end a Freeze. We’ll need to make a new object for the rest of our demonstrations, and this token will exist through the remaining examples.>>> old_demo = demo >>> demo = Demo()User API, Adapters and SecurityThe API discussed so far makes few concessions to some of the common use cases for locking. Here are some particular needs as yet unfulfilled by the discussion so far.It should be possible to allow and deny per object whether users may create and register tokens for the object.It should often be easier to register an endable token than a permanent token.All users should be able to unlock or modify some aspects of their own tokens, or remove their own participation in shared tokens; but it should be possible to restrict access to ending tokens that users do not own (often called “breaking locks”).In the context of the Zope 3 security model, the first two needs are intended to be addressed by the ITokenBroker interface, and associated adapter; the last need is intended to be addressed by the ITokenHandler, and associated adapters.TokenBrokersToken brokers adapt an object, which is the object whose tokens are brokered, and uses this object as a security context. They provide a few useful methods:lock,lockShared,freeze, andget. The TokenBroker expects to be a trusted adapter.lockThe lock method creates and registers an exclusive lock. Without arguments, it tries to create it for the user in the current interaction.This won’t work without an interaction, of course. Notice that we start the example by registering the utility. We would normally be required to put the utility in a site package, so that it would be persistent, but for this demonstration we are simplifying the registration.>>> component.provideUtility(util, provides=interfaces.ITokenUtility)>>> import zope.interface.interfaces >>> @interface.implementer(zope.interface.interfaces.IComponentLookup) ... @component.adapter(interface.Interface) ... def siteManager(obj): ... return component.getGlobalSiteManager() ... >>> component.provideAdapter(siteManager)>>> from zope.locking import adapters >>> component.provideAdapter(adapters.TokenBroker) >>> broker = interfaces.ITokenBroker(demo) >>> broker.lock() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError >>> broker.lock('joe') Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.ParticipationErrorIf we set up an interaction with one participation, the lock will have a better chance.>>> import >>> @interface.implementer( ... class DemoPrincipal(object): ... def __init__(self, id, title=None, description=None): ... = id ... self.title = title ... self.description = description ... >>> joe = DemoPrincipal('joe') >>> import >>> @interface.implementer( ... class DemoParticipation(object): ... def __init__(self, principal): ... self.principal = principal ... self.interaction = None ... >>> >>>>>> token = broker.lock() >>> interfaces.IExclusiveLock.providedBy(token) True >>> token.context is demo True >>> token.__parent__ is demo True >>> sorted(token.principal_ids) ['joe'] >>> token.started is not None True >>> util.get(demo) is token True >>> token.end()You can only specify principals that are in the current interaction.>>> token = broker.lock('joe') >>> sorted(token.principal_ids) ['joe'] >>> token.end() >>> broker.lock('mary') Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.ParticipationErrorThe method can take a duration.>>> token = broker.lock(duration=two) >>> token.duration == two True >>> token.end()If the interaction has more than one principal, a principal (in the interaction) must be specified.>>> mary = DemoPrincipal('mary') >>> participation = DemoParticipation(mary) >>> >>> broker.lock() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError >>> broker.lock('susan') Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.ParticipationError >>> token = broker.lock('joe') >>> sorted(token.principal_ids) ['joe'] >>> token.end() >>> token = broker.lock('mary') >>> sorted(token.principal_ids) ['mary'] >>> token.end() >>> has similar characteristics, except that it can handle multiple principals.Without an interaction, principals are either not found, or not part of the interaction:>>> broker.lockShared() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError >>> broker.lockShared(('joe',)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.ParticipationErrorWith an interaction, the principals get the lock by default.>>>>>> token = broker.lockShared() >>> interfaces.ISharedLock.providedBy(token) True >>> token.context is demo True >>> token.__parent__ is demo True >>> sorted(token.principal_ids) ['joe'] >>> token.started is not None True >>> util.get(demo) is token True >>> token.end()You can only specify principals that are in the current interaction.>>> token = broker.lockShared(('joe',)) >>> sorted(token.principal_ids) ['joe'] >>> token.end() >>> broker.lockShared(('mary',)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.ParticipationErrorThe method can take a duration.>>> token = broker.lockShared(duration=two) >>> token.duration == two True >>> token.end()If the interaction has more than one principal, all are included, unless some are singled out.>>> participation = DemoParticipation(mary) >>> >>> token = broker.lockShared() >>> sorted(token.principal_ids) ['joe', 'mary'] >>> token.end() >>> token = broker.lockShared(('joe',)) >>> sorted(token.principal_ids) ['joe'] >>> token.end() >>> token = broker.lockShared(('mary',)) >>> sorted(token.principal_ids) ['mary'] >>> token.end() >>> allows users to create an endable freeze. It has no requirements on the interaction. It should be protected carefully, from a security perspective.>>> token = broker.freeze() >>> interfaces.IEndableFreeze.providedBy(token) True >>> token.context is demo True >>> token.__parent__ is demo True >>> sorted(token.principal_ids) [] >>> token.started is not None True >>> util.get(demo) is token True >>> token.end()The method can take a duration.>>> token = broker.freeze(duration=two) >>> token.duration == two True >>> token.end()getThegetmethod is exactly equivalent to the token utility’s get method: it returns the current active token for the object, or None. It is useful for protected code, since utilities typically do not get security assertions, and this method can get its security assertions from the object, which is often the right place.Again, the TokenBroker does embody some policy; if it is not good policy for your application, build your own interfaces and adapters that do.TokenHandlersTokenHandlers are useful for endable tokens with one or more principals–that is, locks, but not freezes. They are intended to be protected with a lower external security permission then the usual token methods and attributes, and then impose their own checks on the basis of the current interaction. They are very much policy, and other approaches may be useful. They are intended to be registered as trusted adapters.For exclusive locks and shared locks, then, we have token handlers. Generally, token handlers give access to all of the same capabilities as their corresponding tokens, with the following additional constraints and capabilities:expiration,duration, andremaining_durationall may be set only if all the principals in the current interaction are owners of the wrapped token; andreleaseremoves some or all of the principals in the interaction if all the principals in the current interaction are owners of the wrapped token.Note thatendis unaffected: this is effectively “break lock”, whilereleaseis effectively “unlock”. Permissions should be set accordingly.Shared lock handlers have two additional methods that are discussed in their section.ExclusiveLockHandlersGiven the general constraints described above, exclusive lock handlers will generally only allow access to their special capabilities if the operation is in an interaction with only the lock owner.>>> >>> component.provideAdapter(adapters.ExclusiveLockHandler) >>> lock = broker.lock() >>> handler = interfaces.IExclusiveLockHandler(lock) >>> verifyObject(interfaces.IExclusiveLockHandler, handler) True >>> handler.__parent__ is lock True >>> handler.expiration is None True >>> handler.duration = two >>> lock.duration == two True >>> handler.expiration = handler.started + three >>> lock.expiration == handler.started + three True >>> handler.remaining_duration = two >>> lock.remaining_duration <= two True >>> handler.release() >>> handler.ended >= handler.started True >>> lock.ended >= lock.started True >>> lock = util.register(tokens.ExclusiveLock(demo, 'mary')) >>> handler = interfaces.ITokenHandler(lock) # for joe's interaction still >>> handler.duration = two # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.ParticipationError: ... >>> handler.expiration = handler.started + three # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.ParticipationError: ... >>> handler.remaining_duration = two # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.ParticipationError: ... >>> handler.release() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.ParticipationError: ... >>> lock.end()SharedLockHandlersShared lock handlers let anyone who is an owner of a token set the expiration, duration, and remaining_duration values. This is a ‘get out of the way’ policy that relies on social interactions to make sure all the participants are represented as they want. Other policies could be written in other adapters.>>> component.provideAdapter(adapters.SharedLockHandler) >>> lock = util.register(tokens.SharedLock(demo, ('joe', 'mary'))) >>> handler = interfaces.ITokenHandler(lock) # for joe's interaction still >>> verifyObject(interfaces.ISharedLockHandler, handler) True >>> handler.__parent__ is lock True >>> handler.expiration is None True >>> handler.duration = two >>> lock.duration == two True >>> handler.expiration = handler.started + three >>> lock.expiration == handler.started + three True >>> handler.remaining_duration = two >>> lock.remaining_duration <= two True >>> sorted(handler.principal_ids) ['joe', 'mary'] >>> handler.release() >>> sorted(handler.principal_ids) ['mary'] >>> handler.duration = two # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.ParticipationError: ... >>> handler.expiration = handler.started + three # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.ParticipationError: ... >>> handler.remaining_duration = two # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.ParticipationError: ... >>> handler.release() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.ParticipationError: ...The shared lock handler adds two additional methods to a standard handler:joinandadd. They do similar jobs, but are separate to allow separate security settings for each. Thejoinmethod lets some or all of the principals in the current interaction join.>>> handler.join() >>> sorted(handler.principal_ids) ['joe', 'mary'] >>> handler.join(('susan',)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.ParticipationErrorTheaddmethod lets any principal ids be added to the lock, but all principals in the current interaction must be a part of the lock.>>> handler.add(('susan',)) >>> sorted(handler.principal_ids) ['joe', 'mary', 'susan'] >>> handler.release() >>> handler.add('jake') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.locking.interfaces.ParticipationError: ... >>> lock.end() >>> token utility will register a token for an object if it can. It does not check to see if it is actually the local token utility for the given object. This should be arranged by clients of the token utility, and verified externally if desired.Tokens are stored as keys in BTrees, and therefore must be orderable (i.e., they must implement __cmp__).Intended Security ConfigurationUtilities are typically unprotected in Zope 3–or more accurately, have no security assertions and are used with no security proxy–and the token utility expects to be so. As such, the broker and handler objects are expected to be the objects used by view code, and so associated with security proxies. All should have appropriate __parent__ attribute values. The ability to mutate the tokens–end,addandremovemethods, for instance–should be protected with an administrator-type permission such as ‘zope.Security’. Setting the timeout properties on the token should be protected in the same way. Setting the handlers attributes can have a less restrictive setting, since they calculate security themselves on the basis of lock membership.On the adapter, theendmethod should be protected with the same or similar permission. Calling methods such as lock and lockShared should be protected with something like ‘zope.ManageContent’. Getting attributes should be ‘zope.View’ or ‘zope.Public’, and unlocking and setting the timeouts, since they are already protected to make sure the principal is a member of the lock, can probably be ‘zope.Public’.These settings can be abused relatively easily to create an insecure system–for instance, if a user can get an adapter to IPrincipalLockable for another principal–but are a reasonable start.>>> broker.__parent__ is demo True >>> handler.__parent__ is lock TrueRandom ThoughtsAs a side effect of the design, it is conceivable that multiple lock utilities could be in use at once, governing different aspects of an object; however, this may never itself be of use.Changes2.1.0 (2020-04-15)Fix DeprecationWarnings for ObjectEvent.Add support for Python 3.7 and 3.8.Drop support for Python 3.3 and (2018-01-23)Python 3 compatibility.Note: The browser views and related code where removed. You need to provide those in application-level code now.Package the zcml files.Updated dependencies.Revived from svn.zope.org1.2.2 (2011-01-31)Consolidate duplicate evolution code.Split generations config into its own zcml file.1.2.1 (2010-01-20)Bug fix: the generation added in 1.2 did not properly clean up expired tokens, and could leave the token utility in an inconsistent state.1.2 (2009-11-23)Bug fix: tokens were stored in a manner that prevented them from being cleaned up properly in the utility’s _principal_ids mapping. Make zope.locking.tokens.Token orderable to fix this, as tokens are stored as keys in BTrees.Add a Schema Manager to clean up any lingering tokens due to this bug. Token utilities not accessible through the component registry can be cleaned up manually with zope.locking.generations.fix_token_utility.TokenUtility’s register method will now add the token to the utility’s database connection if the token provides IPersistent.Clean up the tests and docs and move some common code to some missing imports.1.1(series for Zope 3.4; eggs)1.1bconverted to use eggs1.0(series for Zope 3.3; no dependencies on Zope eggs)1.0bInitial non-dev release
zope.loginThis package provides login helpers forzope.publisherbased on the concepts ofzope.authentication. This includes support for HTTP password logins and FTP logins.Documentation is hosted athttps://zopelogin.readthedocs.ioChanges3.0 (2023-08-23)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python (2022-04-29)Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, (2017-09-01)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.Host documentation at (2014-12-24)Add support for PyPy and PyPy3.Add support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.Add support for Python 3.3.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2009-12-31)Extracted BasicAuthAdapter and FTPAuth adapters from zope.publisher. They should have never gone into that package in the first place.
Table of contentsIntroductionHow to useResultsSingle entry meaningAuthorsChangelog0.5 (2016-06-13)0.4 (2012-12-06)0.3 (2012-11-15)0.2 (2012-09-19)0.1 (2012-04-27)IntroductionThis project adds to your system a new utility command:zope_lrr_analyzer. This utility only works with Zope instance logs withhaufe.requestmonitoringinstalled (and where themonitoring long running requests hookis enabled).So, yourinstance.logmust be filled by entries like this:------ 2012-03-27T15:58:19 WARNING RequestMonitor.DumpTrace Long running request Request 28060 "/VirtualHostBase/http/" running in thread 1133545792 since 10.7206499577s Python call stack (innermost first) ... lot of lines, depends on Python traceback ... Module ZPublisherEventsBackport.patch, line 80, in publish Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 202, in publish_module_standard Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 401, in publish_module Module ZServer.PubCore.ZServerPublisher, line 25, in __init__ <BLANKLINE>The utility will help you to parse long running request collecting some statistical data.How to useUsage: zope_lrr_analyzer [options] logfile [logfile…]Analyze Zope instance log with haufe.requestmonitoring entriesOptions:--versionshow program’s version number and exit-h,--helpshow this help message and exit-sSTART_FROM,--start=START_FROMstart analysis after a given date/time (format like “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”)-eEND_AT,--end=END_ATstop analysis at given date/time (format like “YYYY- MM-DD HH:MM:SS”)-lLOG_SIZE,--log-size=LOG_SIZEkeep only an amount of slow requests. Default is: no limit.-iINCLUDE_REGEX,--include=INCLUDE_REGEXa regexp expression that a calling path must match or will be discarded. Can be called multiple times, expanding the set-tTRACEBACK_INCLUDE_REGEX,--traceback-include=TRACEBACK_INCLUDE_REGEXa regexp expression that the Python traceback must match or will be discarded. Can be called multiple times, expanding the set-r,--keep-request-idUse request and thread ids to handle every match as a different entryResultsLet’s explain the results:Stats from 2012-11-14 00:02:07 to 2012-11-15 09:55:41 (347 LRR catched) ... ---- 2 /VirtualHostBase/http/ 25 - 3654.05561542 (1:00:54.055615) - from 2012-11-15 07:48:10 to 2012-11-15 08:45:29 ---- 1 /VirtualHostBase/http/ 77 - 16029.3731236 (4:27:09.373124) - from 2012-11-15 07:43:55 to 2012-11-15 08:45:30You’ll get a rank of slowest request paths (top one is fastest, last one is slowest). The order is done by collecting all request’s performed to the same path and then getting the total time.This mean that a request called only once that needs 30 seconds is faster that another path that only requires 10 seconds, but is called ten times (30x1 < 10x10).If you use also the--keep-request-idoption, every request is count as a separate entry, so the output change a little:Stats from 2012-04-27 00:02:07 to 2012-04-27 16:55:41 (347 LRR catched) ... ---- 2 /VirtualHostBase/http/ 1510.2860291 (0:25:10.286029) - from 2012-09-19 08:36:27 to 2012-09-19 09:01:22 ---- 1 /VirtualHostBase/http/ 1750.49365091 (0:29:10.493651) - from 2012-09-19 08:30:34 to 2012-09-19 09:00:58Single entry meaningEvery entry gives that kind of data:Entry position Called path | | 1 /VirtualHostBase/http/ 15 - 171.913325071 (0:02:51.913325) - from 2012-09-19 08:30:34 to 2012-09-19 09:00:58 | | | | | Times called | Time needed (human readable) | | | | Slow request end date Time needed (in seconds) Slow request start dateWhen--keep-request-idused:Entry position Called path | | 1 /VirtualHostBase/http/ 1750.49365091 (0:29:10.493651) - from 2012-09-19 08:30:34 to 2012-09-19 09:00:58 | | | | Time needed (in seconds) | Slow request start date | | | Time needed (human readable) Slow request end datePlease note that the “Time needed” info is machine computation time.AuthorsThis product was developed by RedTurtle Technology team.Changelog0.5 (2016-06-13)Display info about total count of catched LRR [keul]Can now use-sand-eas a date string (no time needed) [keul]0.4 (2012-12-06)added the--traceback-includeoption [keul]0.3 (2012-11-15)Always display the start and end date of the request (not only if-roption is given) [keul]0.2 (2012-09-19)added the--keep-request-idoption [keul]also store (and display if-roption is given) the start and end request time [keul]0.1 (2012-04-27)First release
Table of contentsMain ideazopemetadatamakerHow to useComplete list of optionsWhat to put in the .metadata contentChangelogMain ideaOldZope2products were heavily based onskinsresources. A lot of additional information for those resources are taken from.metadatafile, so commonly if you have a:my_icon.gif…you will want to have also a:my_icon.gif.metadataIn old Zope/Plone installation (let me say “before Varnish begin to be a Plone standard”) you can use those metadata for performing associations withHttpCacheobjects, making the user browser to perform some cache of resources:[default] title=my_icon.gif cache=HTTPCachezopemetadatamakerThis product will install for you a new executable:zopemetadatamaker. Using this you can automatically create your.metadatafiles. when you have a lot of static images, css and javascript files this can save you some times, for example: you downloaded a big Javascript library with a lot of sub-directories inside and other related resources.How to useThe basic use of the command is something like this:zopemetadatamaker *.gifThis will create for you all “.metadata” related to all gif file found in the current directory. You need to know that:you must provide at least one filter pattersthe directory where files are searched is the current working directory (but you can customize this, see below).Complete list of optionsHere the full documentation:Usage: zopemetadatamaker [options] pattern [patterns] Bulk creation of .metadata files for Zope skins resources Options: --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit -c METADATA, --content=METADATA choose a metadata text different from default; use quoting for multiline input -d, --default print default metadata (if --content is not provided), then exit -p PATHS, --path=PATHS directories path where to look for metadata. You can use this multiple times. Default is the current working directory --dry-run dry run, simply print what I would like to do -f, --force force .metadata creation; if another one exists it will be replaced -r, --recursive search and create recursively inside subdirsWhat to put in the .metadata contentThe default metadata content is like this:[default] title=%(filename)s cache=HTTPCacheThe%(filename)ssection will be replaced with the original file name. You can use this, or omit it, when defining you custom.metadata.I use this default content because it is the minimal “cache” information forPlone CMSstatic resouces.Changelog0.1.0 (2011-04-04)Initial release
zope.mimetypeThis package provides a way to work with MIME content types. There are several interfaces defined here, many of which are used primarily to look things up based on different bits of information.See complete documentation at (2024-02-08)Add support for Python (2023-02-27)Add support for Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Drop support for deprecatedpython test.2.5.1 (2021-04-15)Fix test compatibility with zope.interface (2020-03-30)Add support for Python 3.8.Drop support for Python 3.4.Ensure all objects have consistent interface resolution orders. Seeissue (2018-10-16)Add support for Python 3.7.Fix DeprecationWarnings forIObjectEventandObjectEventby importing them fromzope.interface.interfaces. Seeissue (2018-07-30)Documentation was moved tohttps://zopemimetype.readthedocs.ioFix an AttributeError accessing thepreferredCharsetof anICodecTermwhen noICodecPreferredCharsetwas registered.Reach and automatically require 100% test coverage.2.3.1 (2018-01-09)Only try to register the browser stuff in the ZCA whenzope.formlibis available as it breaks otherwise.2.3.0 (2017-09-28)Drop support for Python 3.3.Move the dependencies onzope.browser,zope.publisherandzope.formlib(only needed to use thesourceandwidgetmodules) into a newbrowserextra. SeePR (2017-04-24)Fixissue 6:typegetter.smartMimeTypeGuesserwould raiseTypeErroron Python 3 when the data wasbytesand thecontent_typewastext/html.Add support for Python (2016-08-09)Add support for Python 3.5.Drop support for Python 2.6.Fix configuring the package via its included ZCML on Python (2014-12-24)Add support for PyPy and PyPy3.Add support for Python 3.4.Restore the ability to writefrom zope.mimetype import types.Makeconfigure.zcmlrespect the renaming of thetypesmodule so that it can be loaded.2.0.0a1 (2013-02-27)Add support for Python 3.3.Replace deprecatedzope.component.adaptsusage with equivalentzope.component.adapterdecorator.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Renamezope.mimetype.typestozope.mimetype.mtypes.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2010-11-10)No longer dependg usingzope.formlibinstead, where the needed interfaces are living now.1.3.0 (2010-06-26)Add testing dependency onzope.component[test].Use zope.formlib instead of for select widget.Conform to repository policy.1.2.0 (2009-12-26)Convert functional tests to unit tests and get rid of all extra test dependencies as a result.Use the ITerms interface from zope.browser.Declare missing dependencies, resolved direct dependency on content-type parser fromzope.contenttype, adding a dependency on that package.1.1.2 (2009-05-22)No longer depend (2009-04-03)Fix wrong package version (version1.1.0was released as0.4.0atpypibut author email and home page address.1.1.0 (2007-11-01)Package data update.First public release.1.0.0 (2007-??-??)Initial release.
zope.minmaxThis package provides support for homogeneous values favoring maximum or minimum (e.g., numbers) for ZODB conflict resolution.Seehttps://zopeminmax.readthedocs.iofor a detailed description.Changes2.3 (2022-08-30)Drop support for Python 3.4.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.Make theAbstractValueclass public inzope.minmax. It was already documented to be public.2.2.0 (2017-08-14)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.Bring unit test coverage to 100% (including branches).Convert doctests to Sphinx documentation, including building docs and running doctest snippets undertox.Host documentation athttps://zopeminmax.readthedocs.io2.1.0 (2014-12-27)Add support for PyPy3.Add support Python (2013-02-19)Add support for Python 3.3 and PyPy.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2009-09-24)Use the standard Python doctest module instead of the deprecated zope.testing.doctest.1.1.1 (2009-09-09)Fix homepage link and mailing list address.1.1 (2007-10-02)Refactor package setup.1.0 (2007-09-28)No further changes since 1.0b21.0b2 (2007-07-09)Remove_p_independentmethod fromAbstractValueclass.1.0b1 (2007-07-03)Initial release.
zope.mkzeoinstanceThis package provides a single script,mkzeoinstance, which creates a standalone ZEO server instance.Changelog5.1.1 (2023-05-05)Makeblob_dirparameter added in 5.1 optional. (#18)5.1 (2023-04-28)Add configuration option-bresp.--blobsfor passing blob directory path. (#16)5.0 (2023-02-09)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for running tests usingpython test.4.1 (2017-05-26)Fix generatedrunzeoandzeoctlscripts to run with ZEO 5.4.0 (2017-02-28)100% unit test coverage.Drop support for Python 2.6.Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6.Move dependency fromZODB3-> [zdaemon,ZODB,ZEO]. Even though this package doesn’t actually import anything from the last two, the generated instance won’t be usable unless the host python has them installed.3.9.6 (2014-12-23)Add support for testing on Travis, and with tox.3.9.5 (2011-10-31)Place the socket used by thezeoctlcontrol process to conmmunicate with itsrunzeodaemaon in$INSTANCE_HOME/var, instead of$INSTANCE_HOME/etc(which would idealy not be writable by the process). See: (2010-04-22)Rename the script / packagemkzeoinstanceto avoid clashing with the script bundled with ZODB.Add an option to spell the host interface to be listened on, as well as the port the generated ZEO server configuration. Thanks to Igor Stroh for the patch. See: generated templates to cope with the move ofzdaemoncode into its own project.Fork from the version of themkzeoinstscript contained in ZODB 3.9.4.
Module AliasingThis package enables the developer to make one module available under a different path.CHANGES3.4.0 (2007-10-02)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
frs.core is a pure python package for a simple file repository system(FRS). FRS use a virtual file system which map to the physical disk using a configuration file. FRS support trash box, metadata and attachments storge, caching and more.做什么定义了一套虚拟的文件路径系统,可和实际的存储路径映射,避免直接和操作系统的文件系统打交道支持版本管理,可存储文件的历史版本。存放到(.frs目录中)支持缓存/数据转换,比如图片的各种大小的 格式转换和存储,word文件的html预览转换和存储支持垃圾箱,删除的文件可自动存放在垃圾箱里面三级目录映射网站 (zpath) -> FRS (vpath)FRS (vpath) -> ospath (path)准备文件系统上的文件找到临时文件夹: /tmp/frs>>> import os, tempfile, shutil >>> temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() + '/frs' >>> if os.path.exists(temp_dir): ... shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) >>> os.mkdir(temp_dir)创建缓存文件夹: /tmp/frscache>>> cache = temp_dir + '/frscache' >>> os.mkdir(cache)创建文件夹结构:/tmp/frs/d1/f11 /tmp/frs/lala/d2/d21 /tmp/frs/lala/d2/f21 >>> d1 = temp_dir + '/d1' >>> os.mkdir(d1) >>> f11 = d1 + '/f11' >>> open(f11, 'w').write('hello') >>> lala = temp_dir + '/lala' >>> os.mkdir(lala) >>> d2 = lala + '/d2' >>> os.mkdir(d2) >>> f21 = d2 + '/f21' >>> open(f21, 'w').write('hello') >>> d21 = d2 + '/d21' >>> os.mkdir(d21)初始化得到一个:>>> frs_root = FRS()什么都没有:>>> frs_root.listdir('/') []Now we can mount some paths to the top folders:>>> frs_root.mount('d1', d1) >>> frs_root.mount('d2', d2)同时设置缓存目录>>> frs_root.setCacheRoot(cache)通过配置文件初始化上面很麻烦,通过配置文件更简单配置文件:>>> config = """ ... [cache] ... path = /tmp/frscache ... ... [root] ... aa = /tmp/a ... bb = /tmp/b ... ... [site] ... / = /aa ... """加载:>>> from zopen.frs import loadFRSFromConfig >>> frs_root = loadFRSFromConfig(config)基本的文件系统功能>>> sorted(frs_root.listdir('/')) ['d1', 'd2'] >>> frs_root.isdir('/d1') True >>> frs_root.listdir('/d1') ['f11'] >>> frs_root.isdir('/d1/f1') False >>> sorted(frs_root.listdir('/d2')) ['d21', 'f21'] >>>'/d2/f21').read() 'hello'现在还不能跨区移动!>>> frs_root.move('/d2/f21', '/d1') Traceback (most recent call last): ... Exception: ...自动映射其实配置文件中可以在site栏目中配置的。也可以手工配置:>>> frs_root.mapSitepath2Vpath(u'/site1/members', u'/d2') >>> frs_root.mapSitepath2Vpath(u'/site2/members', u'/d2') >>> frs_root.mapSitepath2Vpath(u'/', u'/d1')我们看看根据站点路径自动计算的路径:>>> frs_root.sitepath2Vpath('/58080_1/zopen/project/1222/files/uncategoried/aaa.doc') u'/d1/58080_1/zopen/project/1222/files/uncategoried/aaa.doc'2个站点可以指向同一文件的:>>> frs_root.sitepath2Vpath('/site1/members/aaa.doc') u'/d2/aaa.doc' >>> frs_root.sitepath2Vpath('/site2/members/aaa.doc') u'/d2/aaa.doc'
zope.optionalextensionREADMEThis package provides a distutils extension for building optional C extensions. It is intended for use in projects which have a Python reference implementation of one or more features, and which can function without needing any C extensions to be successfully compiled.Using the Command with baredistutilsIn thesetup.pyfor your package:from distutils.core import setup setup(name='your.package', ... command_packages = ['zope.optionalextension', 'distutils.command', ] ... )You need to ensure thatzope.optionalextensionis installed first yourself.Using the Command with baresetuptoolsIn thesetup.pyfor your package:from setuptools import setup setup(name='your.package', ... setup_requires=['zope.optionalextension'], command_packages=['zope.optionalextension', 'distutils.command', ] ... )zope.optionalextensionChangelog1.1 (2010-07-03)Make the package work as a distutilscommand_packagesplugin.1.0 (2010-07-03)Extracted fromzope.i18nmessageid3.5.0.
Output CheckersThis package provides various output checkers to be used in doctests.OutputChecker: Extends and combines lxml’sLHTMLOutputCheckerand zope.testing’sRENormalizingchecker.CHANGES1.0.0 (2013-03-06)Initial release on PyPI.Improved lxml-based HTML output checker with RE-normalizing support.
zope.pagetemplatePage Templates provide an elegant templating mechanism that achieves a clean separation of presentation and application logic while allowing for designers to work with templates in their visual editing tools (FrontPage, Dreamweaver, GoLive, etc.).Page Templates are based ona Template Attribute Languagewith expressions provided byTALES. For a description of their syntax, seethe reference documentation.For detailed documentation on the usage of this package, seehttps://zopepagetemplate.readthedocs.ioChanges5.1 (2024-02-08)Add support for Python (2023-02-07)Add support forzope.untrustedpythonon Python 3. With it, Python expressions are now protected. It is activated using theuntrustedextra.Add support for Python 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2021-11-04)Avoid traceback reference cycle inPageTemplate._cook.Add support for Python 3.9 and (2020-02-10)Add support for Python 3.8.Drop support for Python (2018-10-16)Fix DeprecationWarnings forComponentLookupErrorby importing them fromzope.interface.interfaces. Seeissue 17.4.4 (2018-10-05)Add support for Python 3.7.Host documentation at (2017-09-04)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6, 3.2 and 3.3.Certain internal test support objects in thetestspackage were removed or modified.TheTraversableModuleImporterproperly turnsImportErrorintoTraversalError. Previously it was catchingKeyError, which cannot be raised.Reach 100% code coverage and maintain it through automated testing.4.2.1 (2015-06-06)Add support for Python (2015-06-02)Allow short-circuit traversal for non-proxied dict subclasses. See: support for PyPy / PyPy3.4.1.0 (2014-12-27)Add support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.4.0.4 (2013-03-15)Ensure thatZopePythonExprandPythonExprare separate classes even whenzope.untrustedpythonis not available. Fixes a ZCML conflict error (2013-02-28)Only allowzope.untrustedpythonto be a dependency in Python 2.Fix buildout to work properly.4.0.2 (2013-02-22)Migrate extra dependency. Without it, python expressions are not protected, even though path expressions are still security wrapped.Add support for Python (2012-01-23)LP#732972: PageTemplateTracebackSupplement no longer passescheck_macro_expansion=Falseto old templates which do not accept this argument.4.0.0 (2012-12-13)Replace deprecatedzope.interface.classProvidesusage with equivalentzope.interface.providerdecorator.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.PageTemplate.pt_render() has a new argument,check_macro_expansion, defaulting to True.PageTemplateTracebackSupplement passescheck_macro_expansion=False, to avoid LP#732972.3.6.3 (2011-09-21)Fix test assertions to be compatible withzope.tal3. (2011-09-21)Change interface for engine and program such that the return type of thecookmethod is a tuple(program, macros). This follows the interface for the TAL parser’sgetCodemethod.Fixes a legacy compatibility issue where code would expect an_v_macrosvolatile attribute which was missing.3.6.1 (2011-08-23)Fix issue with missing default value forstrictinsert.3.6.0 (2011-08-20)Replace StringIO stream class with a faster list-based implementation.Abstract out the template engine and program interfaces and allow implementation replacement via a utility registration.Remove ancient copyright from test files (LP: #607228)3.5.2 (2010-07-08)FixPTRuntimeErrorexception messages to be consistent across Python versions, and compatibile with the output under Python 2.4. (More readable than the previous output under Python 2.6 as well.)3.5.1 (2010-04-30)Remove use ofzope.testing.doctestunitin favor of stdlib’s doctest.Add dependency on “ [untrustedpython]” because theenginemodule uses it.3.5.0 (2009-05-25)Add test coverage reporting support.Move ‘engine’ module and related test scaffolding here (2009-03-17)Remove old zpkg-related DEPENDENCIES.cfg file.Change package’s mailing list address to zope-dev at, as zope3-dev at is now retired.Changecheeseshoptopypiin the packages’ homepage url.3.4.1 (2009-01-27)Fix test due to recent changes in zope.tal.3.4.0 (2007-10-02)Initial release independent of the Zope 3 tree.3.2.0 (2006-01-05)Corresponds to the version of the zope.pagetemplate package shipped as part of the Zope 3.2.0 release.ZPTPage macro expansion: changed label text to match the corresponding label in Zope 2 and activated the name spaces for macro expansion in ‘read’. See style cleanups.3.1.0 (2005-10-03)Corresponds to the version of the zope.pagetemplate package shipped as part of the Zope 3.1.0 release.Fixed apidoc and Cookie, which were using wrong descriptor class (changed to ‘property’). See / style / testing cleanups.3.0.0 (2004-11-07)Corresponds to the version of the zope.pagetemplate package shipped as part of the Zope X3.0.0 release.
zope.passwordThis package provides a password manager mechanism. Password manager is an utility object that can encode and check encoded passwords.Documentation is hosted at (2022-09-01)Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.Drop support for Python (2017-09-01)Fix runningconfigure.zcmlwhenzope.securityis installed. Seeissue (2017-08-31)Added abcrypt-based password manager (available only if thebcryptlibrary is importable). This manager can also check passwords that were encoded withz3c.bcrypt. If that package isnotinstalled, thenconfigure.zcmlwill install this manager as a utility with both theBCRYPT(preferred) andbcryptnames for compatibility with it. (See abcrypt_kdfpassword manager. This allows tunable numbers of rounds. See thezpasswdconsole script on Python 3.Update thezpasswdscript to useargparseinstead ofoptparse.Usehmac.compare_digestwhen checking passwords to prevent timing analysis. This requires Python 2.7.7 or above.Add support for Python 3.6.Drop support for Python 3.3 and Python 2.7.6 and below.Drop support forpython test.4.2.0 (2016-07-07)Drop support for Python 2.6.Converted documentation to Sphinx, including testing doctest snippets undertox.Add support for Python (2014-12-27)Add support for PyPy. (PyPy3 is pending release of a fix for: supprt for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.4.0.2 (2013-03-11)Fix some final resource warnings.4.0.1 (2013-03-10)Fix test failures under Python 3.3 when warnings are enabled.4.0.0 (2013-02-21)Makezpasswda proper console script entry support for Python 3.3Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.Add a newIMatchingPasswordManagerinterface with a ‘match’ method, which returns True if a given password hash was encdoded with the scheme implemented by the specific manager. All managers in this package implement this interface.Use “{SHA}” as the prefix for SHA1-encoded passwords to be compatible with RFC 2307, but support matching against “{SHA1}” for backwards compatibility.Add a crypt password manager to fully support all methods named in RFC 2307. It is contained in thelegacymodule however, to flag crypt’s status.Add a SMD5 (salted MD5) password manager to fully support all encoding schemes implemented by OpenLDAP.Add a MySQLPASSWORD()(versions before 4.1) password manager, as also found in Zope2’sAccessControl.AuthEncodingmodule.Remove the useless, cosmetic salt from the MD5 and SHA1 password managers, and use base64 encoding instead of hexdigests. This makes the output of these managers compatible with other MD5 and SHA1 hash implementations such as RFC 2307 but doesn’t lower it’s security in any way. Checking passwords against old, still ‘salted’ password hashes with hexdigests is still supported.Use thestandard_base64encodemethod instead ofurl_base64encodeto maintain compatibility with LDAP.3.6.1 (2010-05-27)The SSHAPasswordManager.checkPassword() would not handle unicode input (even if the string would only contain ascii characters). Now, theencoded_passwordinput will be encoded to ascii, which is deemed safe as it should not contain non-ascii characters anyway.3.6.0 (2010-05-07)Removezope.testingdependency for tests.Update some copyright headers to comply to repository policy.Addzpasswdscript formerly hold in Contrary to former zpasswd script, which used “Plain Text” as default password manager, now SSHA is used as default.3.5.1 (2009-03-14)Make security protection directives inconfigure.zcmlexecute only ifzope.securityis installed. This will allow reuse of theconfigure.zcmlfile in environments, for example withrepoze.zcml.Add “Password Manager Names” vocabulary for use withzope.schemaandzope.component, like it was It’s an optional feature so it doesn’t add hard dependency. We use “vocabulary” extra to list dependencies needed for vocabulary functionality.3.5.0 (2009-03-06)First release. This package was splitted off separate password manager functionality that is greatly re-usable without any bit to reduce its dependencies.
zope.paste allows you to deploy the Zope 3 application server on any WSGI-capable webserver usingPasteDeploy.zope.paste allows you to run Zope 3 on any WSGI-capable webserver software usingPasteDeploy. For this you will no longer need a Zope 3 instance (though you can still have one), you won’t configure Zope 3 throughzope.confand won’t start it usingrunzopeorzopectl.Configuring the applicationzope.paste provides aPasteDeploy-compatible factory for Zope 3’s WSGI publisher application and registers it in an entry point. We can therefore create a very simple Zope 3 application in aPasteDeployconfiguration file (e.g.paste.ini):[app:main] use = egg:zope.paste site_definition = /path/to/site.zcml file_storage = /path/to/Data.fs devmode = onIn this case,/path/to/site.zcmlrefers to asite.zcmlas known from a Zope 3 instance. You can, for example, putpaste.iniinto an existing Zope 3 instance, next tosite.zcml.Configuring the ZODB databaseInstead of referring to a ZODB FileStorage using thefile_storagesetting, you can also configure multiple or other ZODB database backends in a ZConfig-style configuration file (much likezope.conf), e.g. the following configures a ZEO client:<zodb> <zeoclient> server localhost:8100 storage 1 cache-size 20MB </zeoclient> </zodb>Refer to this file frompaste.inithis way (and delete thefile_storagesetting):db_definition = db.confConfiguring the serverIn order to be able to use our Zope application, we only need to add a server definition. We can use the one that comes with Paste orPasteScript, rather:[server:main] use = egg:PasteScript#wsgiutils host = port = 8080Now we can start the application using thepastercommand that comes withPasteScript:$ paster serve paste.iniWSGI middlewares can be configured like described above or on thePasteDeploywebsite.Multiple WSGI applications within Zope 3If you wanted to hostmorethan one WSGI application there are a couple ways of doing it:Using acomposite applicationas described inPasteDeploy.Setting up extraIServerTypeutilities.I’m going to show you how to do the latter now.The trick here is that you have the option to use both thezserverand thetwistedWSGI servers.zope.pasteis just glue code, so we defined aIServerTypeutility for each, and the only thing special is that the utility name is passed on to the WSGI application factory.Here’s an excerpt from theconfigure.zcmlas found on this package:<configure zcml:condition="have zserver"> <utility name="Paste.Main" component="._server.http" provides="" /> </configure> <configure zcml:condition="have twisted"> <utility name="Paste.Main" component="._twisted.http" provides="" /> </configure>Depending on which server is available, the rightIServerTypeutility is registered. You are encouraged to use the same pattern when defining yours.So suppose you want to have a second WSGI application. Here’s how you could do it.Create a newIServerTypeutility. This excerpt could be added to aconfigure.zcmlin your own package, or to a standalone file inetc/package_includes:<configure zcml:condition="have zserver"> <utility name="Paste.Another" component="zope.paste._server.http" provides="" /> </configure> <configure zcml:condition="have twisted"> <utility name="Paste.Another" component="zope.paste._twisted.http" provides="" /> </configure>Change yourzope.conffile to define a new server, using the newly-createdPaste.Anotherutility:<server> type Paste.Main address 8080 </server> <server> type Paste.Another address 8180 </server>Define a WSGI applicationPaste.Anotherinpaste.ini:[pipeline:Paste.Main] pipeline = xslt main [app:main] paste.app_factory = zope.paste.application:zope_publisher_app_factory [filter:xslt] paste.filter_factory = xslfilter:filter_factory [app:Paste.Another] paste.app_factory = zope.paste.application:zope_publisher_app_factoryChange History1.1.0 (2022-11-21)Add support for Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7 and (2017-01-04)Changed support from Python 3.3 to 3.5.Dropped Python 2.6 support.1.0.0a1 (2013-02-27)Added support for Python 3.3.Dropped support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.Removed support for employing WSGI middlewares inside a Zope 3 application. Only the script-based server startup is now supported.Added a new console script to run a paste-configured WSGI server and application.Conform to standard ZF project layout.Added license and copyright file. Also fixed copyright statement in file headers.AddedMANIFEST.inandtox.ini.0.4 (2012-08-21)Add this changelog, reconstructed from svn logs and release dates on PyPI.Support a ‘features’ config option in the PasteDeploy INI file, which can contain a space-separated list of feature names. These can be tested for in ZCML files with the <directivezcml:condition=”havefeaturename”> syntax.Previously the only feature that could be enabled was ‘devmode’ and it had its own option. For backwards compatibility,devmode = onadds a ‘devmode’ feature to the feature list.0.3 (2007-06-02)Release as an egg with explicit dependencies for packages.Buildoutify the source tree.0.2 (2007-05-29)Extended documentation.Added a real PasteDeploy application factory. This allows you to run Zope 3 on any WSGI capable server, without integration code.Support for devmode.Support multiple databases through a config file (specify db_definition instead of file_storage).Accept filenames relative to the location of the PasteDeploy INI file.0.1 (2006-01-25)Initial release.
zope.pluggableauthBased onzope.authentication, this package provides a flexible and pluggable authentication utility, and provides a number of common plugins.Pluggable-Authentication UtilityThe Pluggable-Authentication Utility (PAU) provides a framework for authenticating principals and associating information with them. It uses plugins and subscribers to get its work done.For a pluggable-authentication utility to be used, it should be registered as a utility providing thezope.authentication.interfaces.IAuthenticationinterface.AuthenticationThe primary job of PAU is to authenticate principals. It uses two types of plug-ins in its work:Credentials PluginsAuthenticator PluginsCredentials plugins are responsible for extracting user credentials from a request. A credentials plugin may in some cases issue a ‘challenge’ to obtain credentials. For example, a ‘session’ credentials plugin reads credentials from a session (the “extraction”). If it cannot find credentials, it will redirect the user to a login form in order to provide them (the “challenge”).Authenticator plugins are responsible for authenticating the credentials extracted by a credentials plugin. They are also typically able to create principal objects for credentials they successfully authenticate.Given a request object, the PAU returns a principal object, if it can. The PAU does this by first iterating through its credentials plugins to obtain a set of credentials. If it gets credentials, it iterates through its authenticator plugins to authenticate them.If an authenticator succeeds in authenticating a set of credentials, the PAU uses the authenticator to create a principal corresponding to the credentials. The authenticator notifies subscribers if an authenticated principal is created. Subscribers are responsible for adding data, especially groups, to the principal. Typically, if a subscriber adds data, it should also add corresponding interface declarations.Simple Credentials PluginTo illustrate, we’ll create a simple credentials plugin:>>> from zope import interface >>> from zope.pluggableauth.authentication import interfaces>>> @interface.implementer(interfaces.ICredentialsPlugin) ... class MyCredentialsPlugin(object): ... ... def extractCredentials(self, request): ... return request.get('credentials') ... ... def challenge(self, request): ... pass # challenge is a no-op for this plugin ... ... def logout(self, request): ... pass # logout is a no-op for this pluginAs a plugin, MyCredentialsPlugin needs to be registered as a named utility:>>> myCredentialsPlugin = MyCredentialsPlugin() >>> provideUtility(myCredentialsPlugin, name='My Credentials Plugin')Simple Authenticator PluginNext we’ll create a simple authenticator plugin. For our plugin, we’ll need an implementation of IPrincipalInfo:>>> @interface.implementer(interfaces.IPrincipalInfo) ... class PrincipalInfo(object): ... ... def __init__(self, id, title, description): ... = id ... self.title = title ... self.description = description ... ... def __repr__(self): ... return 'PrincipalInfo(%r)' % self.idOur authenticator uses this type when it creates a principal info:>>> @interface.implementer(interfaces.IAuthenticatorPlugin) ... class MyAuthenticatorPlugin(object): ... ... def authenticateCredentials(self, credentials): ... if credentials == 'secretcode': ... return PrincipalInfo('bob', 'Bob', '') ... ... def principalInfo(self, id): ... pass # plugin not currently supporting searchAs with the credentials plugin, the authenticator plugin must be registered as a named utility:>>> myAuthenticatorPlugin = MyAuthenticatorPlugin() >>> provideUtility(myAuthenticatorPlugin, name='My Authenticator Plugin')Configuring a PAUFinally, we’ll create the PAU itself:>>> from zope.pluggableauth import authentication >>> pau = authentication.PluggableAuthentication('xyz_')and configure it with the two plugins:>>> pau.credentialsPlugins = ('My Credentials Plugin', ) >>> pau.authenticatorPlugins = ('My Authenticator Plugin', )Using the PAU to Authenticate>>> from zope.pluggableauth.factories import AuthenticatedPrincipalFactory >>> provideAdapter(AuthenticatedPrincipalFactory)We can now use the PAU to authenticate a sample request:>>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest >>> print(pau.authenticate(TestRequest())) NoneIn this case, we cannot authenticate an empty request. In the same way, we will not be able to authenticate a request with the wrong credentials:>>> print(pau.authenticate(TestRequest(credentials='let me in!'))) NoneHowever, if we provide the proper credentials:>>> request = TestRequest(credentials='secretcode') >>> principal = pau.authenticate(request) >>> principal Principal('xyz_bob')we get an authenticated principal.Multiple Authenticator PluginsThe PAU works with multiple authenticator plugins. It uses each plugin, in the order specified in the PAU’s authenticatorPlugins attribute, to authenticate a set of credentials.To illustrate, we’ll create another authenticator:>>> class MyAuthenticatorPlugin2(MyAuthenticatorPlugin): ... ... def authenticateCredentials(self, credentials): ... if credentials == 'secretcode': ... return PrincipalInfo('black', 'Black Spy', '') ... elif credentials == 'hiddenkey': ... return PrincipalInfo('white', 'White Spy', '')>>> provideUtility(MyAuthenticatorPlugin2(), name='My Authenticator Plugin 2')If we put it before the original authenticator:>>> pau.authenticatorPlugins = ( ... 'My Authenticator Plugin 2', ... 'My Authenticator Plugin')Then it will be given the first opportunity to authenticate a request:>>> pau.authenticate(TestRequest(credentials='secretcode')) Principal('xyz_black')If neither plugins can authenticate, pau returns None:>>> print(pau.authenticate(TestRequest(credentials='let me in!!'))) NoneWhen we change the order of the authenticator plugins:>>> pau.authenticatorPlugins = ( ... 'My Authenticator Plugin', ... 'My Authenticator Plugin 2')we see that our original plugin is now acting first:>>> pau.authenticate(TestRequest(credentials='secretcode')) Principal('xyz_bob')The second plugin, however, gets a chance to authenticate if first does not:>>> pau.authenticate(TestRequest(credentials='hiddenkey')) Principal('xyz_white')Multiple Credentials PluginsAs with with authenticators, we can specify multiple credentials plugins. To illustrate, we’ll create a credentials plugin that extracts credentials from a request form:>>> @interface.implementer(interfaces.ICredentialsPlugin) ... class FormCredentialsPlugin: ... ... def extractCredentials(self, request): ... return request.form.get('my_credentials') ... ... def challenge(self, request): ... pass ... ... def logout(request): ... pass>>> provideUtility(FormCredentialsPlugin(), ... name='Form Credentials Plugin')and insert the new credentials plugin before the existing plugin:>>> pau.credentialsPlugins = ( ... 'Form Credentials Plugin', ... 'My Credentials Plugin')The PAU will use each plugin in order to try and obtain credentials from a request:>>> pau.authenticate(TestRequest(credentials='secretcode', ... form={'my_credentials': 'hiddenkey'})) Principal('xyz_white')In this case, the first credentials plugin succeeded in getting credentials from the form and the second authenticator was able to authenticate the credentials. Specifically, the PAU went through these steps:Get credentials using ‘Form Credentials Plugin’Got ‘hiddenkey’ credentials using ‘Form Credentials Plugin’, try to authenticate using ‘My Authenticator Plugin’Failed to authenticate ‘hiddenkey’ with ‘My Authenticator Plugin’, try ‘My Authenticator Plugin 2’Succeeded in authenticating with ‘My Authenticator Plugin 2’Let’s try a different scenario:>>> pau.authenticate(TestRequest(credentials='secretcode')) Principal('xyz_bob')In this case, the PAU went through these steps:- Get credentials using 'Form Credentials Plugin'Failed to get credentials using ‘Form Credentials Plugin’, try ‘My Credentials Plugin’Got ‘scecretcode’ credentials using ‘My Credentials Plugin’, try to authenticate using ‘My Authenticator Plugin’Succeeded in authenticating with ‘My Authenticator Plugin’Let’s try a slightly more complex scenario:>>> pau.authenticate(TestRequest(credentials='hiddenkey', ... form={'my_credentials': 'bogusvalue'})) Principal('xyz_white')This highlights PAU’s ability to use multiple plugins for authentication:Get credentials using ‘Form Credentials Plugin’Got ‘bogusvalue’ credentials using ‘Form Credentials Plugin’, try to authenticate using ‘My Authenticator Plugin’Failed to authenticate ‘boguskey’ with ‘My Authenticator Plugin’, try ‘My Authenticator Plugin 2’Failed to authenticate ‘boguskey’ with ‘My Authenticator Plugin 2’ – there are no more authenticators to try, so lets try the next credentials plugin for some new credentialsGet credentials using ‘My Credentials Plugin’Got ‘hiddenkey’ credentials using ‘My Credentials Plugin’, try to authenticate using ‘My Authenticator Plugin’Failed to authenticate ‘hiddenkey’ using ‘My Authenticator Plugin’, try ‘My Authenticator Plugin 2’Succeeded in authenticating with ‘My Authenticator Plugin 2’ (shouts and cheers!)Multiple Authenticator PluginsAs with the other operations we’ve seen, the PAU uses multiple plugins to find a principal. If the first authenticator plugin can’t find the requested principal, the next plugin is used, and so on.>>> @interface.implementer(interfaces.IAuthenticatorPlugin) ... class AnotherAuthenticatorPlugin: ... ... def __init__(self): ... self.infos = {} ... self.ids = {} ... ... def principalInfo(self, id): ... return self.infos.get(id) ... ... def authenticateCredentials(self, credentials): ... id = self.ids.get(credentials) ... if id is not None: ... return self.infos[id] ... ... def add(self, id, title, description, credentials): ... self.infos[id] = PrincipalInfo(id, title, description) ... self.ids[credentials] = idTo illustrate, we’ll create and register two authenticators:>>> authenticator1 = AnotherAuthenticatorPlugin() >>> provideUtility(authenticator1, name='Authentication Plugin 1')>>> authenticator2 = AnotherAuthenticatorPlugin() >>> provideUtility(authenticator2, name='Authentication Plugin 2')and add a principal to them:>>> authenticator1.add('bob', 'Bob', 'A nice guy', 'b0b') >>> authenticator1.add('white', 'White Spy', 'Sneaky', 'deathtoblack') >>> authenticator2.add('black', 'Black Spy', 'Also sneaky', 'deathtowhite')When we configure the PAU to use both searchable authenticators (note the order):>>> pau.authenticatorPlugins = ( ... 'Authentication Plugin 2', ... 'Authentication Plugin 1')we register the factories for our principals:>>> from zope.pluggableauth.factories import FoundPrincipalFactory >>> provideAdapter(FoundPrincipalFactory)we see how the PAU uses both plugins:>>> pau.getPrincipal('xyz_white') Principal('xyz_white')>>> pau.getPrincipal('xyz_black') Principal('xyz_black')If more than one plugin know about the same principal ID, the first plugin is used and the remaining are not delegated to. To illustrate, we’ll add another principal with the same ID as an existing principal:>>> authenticator2.add('white', 'White Rider', '', 'r1der') >>> pau.getPrincipal('xyz_white').title 'White Rider'If we change the order of the plugins:>>> pau.authenticatorPlugins = ( ... 'Authentication Plugin 1', ... 'Authentication Plugin 2')we get a different principal for ID ‘white’:>>> pau.getPrincipal('xyz_white').title 'White Spy'Issuing a ChallengePart of PAU’s IAuthentication contract is to challenge the user for credentials when its ‘unauthorized’ method is called. The need for this functionality is driven by the following use case:A user attempts to perform an operation he is not authorized to perform.A handler responds to the unauthorized error by calling IAuthentication ‘unauthorized’.The authentication component (in our case, a PAU) issues a challenge to the user to collect new credentials (typically in the form of logging in as a new user).The PAU handles the credentials challenge by delegating to its credentials plugins.Currently, the PAU is configured with the credentials plugins that don’t perform any action when asked to challenge (see above the ‘challenge’ methods).To illustrate challenges, we’ll subclass an existing credentials plugin and do something in its ‘challenge’:>>> class LoginFormCredentialsPlugin(FormCredentialsPlugin): ... ... def __init__(self, loginForm): ... self.loginForm = loginForm ... ... def challenge(self, request): ... request.response.redirect(self.loginForm) ... return TrueThis plugin handles a challenge by redirecting the response to a login form. It returns True to signal to the PAU that it handled the challenge.We will now create and register a couple of these plugins:>>> provideUtility(LoginFormCredentialsPlugin('simplelogin.html'), ... name='Simple Login Form Plugin')>>> provideUtility(LoginFormCredentialsPlugin('advancedlogin.html'), ... name='Advanced Login Form Plugin')and configure the PAU to use them:>>> pau.credentialsPlugins = ( ... 'Simple Login Form Plugin', ... 'Advanced Login Form Plugin')Now when we call ‘unauthorized’ on the PAU:>>> request = TestRequest() >>> pau.unauthorized(id=None, request=request)we see that the user is redirected to the simple login form:>>> request.response.getStatus() 302 >>> request.response.getHeader('location') 'simplelogin.html'We can change the challenge policy by reordering the plugins:>>> pau.credentialsPlugins = ( ... 'Advanced Login Form Plugin', ... 'Simple Login Form Plugin')Now when we call ‘unauthorized’:>>> request = TestRequest() >>> pau.unauthorized(id=None, request=request)the advanced plugin is used because it’s first:>>> request.response.getStatus() 302 >>> request.response.getHeader('location') 'advancedlogin.html'Challenge ProtocolsSometimes, we want multiple challengers to work together. For example, the HTTP specification allows multiple challenges to be issued in a response. A challenge plugin can provide achallengeProtocolattribute that effectively groups related plugins together for challenging. If a plugin returnsTruefrom its challenge and provides a non-None challengeProtocol, subsequent plugins in the credentialsPlugins list that have the same challenge protocol will also be used to challenge.Without a challengeProtocol, only the first plugin to succeed in a challenge will be used.Let’s look at an example. We’ll define a new plugin that specifies an ‘X-Challenge’ protocol:>>> class XChallengeCredentialsPlugin(FormCredentialsPlugin): ... ... challengeProtocol = 'X-Challenge' ... ... def __init__(self, challengeValue): ... self.challengeValue = challengeValue ... ... def challenge(self, request): ... value = self.challengeValue ... existing = request.response.getHeader('X-Challenge', '') ... if existing: ... value += ' ' + existing ... request.response.setHeader('X-Challenge', value) ... return Trueand register a couple instances as utilities:>>> provideUtility(XChallengeCredentialsPlugin('basic'), ... name='Basic X-Challenge Plugin')>>> provideUtility(XChallengeCredentialsPlugin('advanced'), ... name='Advanced X-Challenge Plugin')When we use both plugins with the PAU:>>> pau.credentialsPlugins = ( ... 'Basic X-Challenge Plugin', ... 'Advanced X-Challenge Plugin')and call ‘unauthorized’:>>> request = TestRequest() >>> pau.unauthorized(None, request)we see that both plugins participate in the challenge, rather than just the first plugin:>>> request.response.getHeader('X-Challenge') 'advanced basic'Pluggable-Authentication PrefixesPrincipal ids are required to be unique system wide. Plugins will often provide options for providing id prefixes, so that different sets of plugins provide unique ids within a PAU. If there are multiple pluggable-authentication utilities in a system, it’s a good idea to give each PAU a unique prefix, so that principal ids from different PAUs don’t conflict. We can provide a prefix when a PAU is created:>>> pau = authentication.PluggableAuthentication('mypau_') >>> pau.credentialsPlugins = ('My Credentials Plugin', ) >>> pau.authenticatorPlugins = ('My Authenticator Plugin', )When we create a request and try to authenticate:>>> pau.authenticate(TestRequest(credentials='secretcode')) Principal('mypau_bob')Note that now, our principal’s id has the pluggable-authentication utility prefix.We can still lookup a principal, as long as we supply the prefix:>> pau.getPrincipal('mypas_42') Principal('mypas_42', "{'domain': 42}") >> pau.getPrincipal('mypas_41') OddPrincipal('mypas_41', "{'int': 41}")Principal FolderPrincipal folders contain principal-information objects that contain principal information. We create an internal principal using theInternalPrincipalclass:>>> from zope.pluggableauth.plugins.principalfolder import InternalPrincipal >>> p1 = InternalPrincipal('login1', '123', "Principal 1", ... passwordManagerName="SHA1") >>> p2 = InternalPrincipal('login2', '456', "The Other One")and add them to a principal folder:>>> from zope.pluggableauth.plugins.principalfolder import PrincipalFolder >>> principals = PrincipalFolder('principal.') >>> principals['p1'] = p1 >>> principals['p2'] = p2AuthenticationPrincipal folders provide theIAuthenticatorPlugininterface. When we provide suitable credentials:>>> from pprint import pprint >>> principals.authenticateCredentials({'login': 'login1', 'password': '123'}) PrincipalInfo('principal.p1')We get back a principal id and supplementary information, including the principal title and description. Note that the principal id is a concatenation of the principal-folder prefix and the name of the principal-information object within the folder.None is returned if the credentials are invalid:>>> principals.authenticateCredentials({'login': 'login1', ... 'password': '1234'}) >>> principals.authenticateCredentials(42)SearchPrincipal folders also provide the IQuerySchemaSearch interface. This supports both finding principal information based on their ids:>>> principals.principalInfo('principal.p1') PrincipalInfo('principal.p1')>>> principals.principalInfo('p1')and searching for principals based on a search string:>>> list({'search': 'other'})) ['principal.p2']>>> list({'search': 'OTHER'})) ['principal.p2']>>> list({'search': ''})) ['principal.p1', 'principal.p2']>>> list({'search': 'eek'})) []>>> list({})) []If there are a large number of matches:>>> for i in range(20): ... i = str(i) ... p = InternalPrincipal('l'+i, i, "Dude "+i) ... principals[i] = p>>> pprint(list({'search': 'D'})), width=25) ['principal.0', 'principal.1', 'principal.10', 'principal.11', 'principal.12', 'principal.13', 'principal.14', 'principal.15', 'principal.16', 'principal.17', 'principal.18', 'principal.19', 'principal.2', 'principal.3', 'principal.4', 'principal.5', 'principal.6', 'principal.7', 'principal.8', 'principal.9']We can use batching parameters to specify a subset of results:>>> pprint(list({'search': 'D'}, start=17))) ['principal.7', 'principal.8', 'principal.9']>>> pprint(list({'search': 'D'}, batch_size=5)), width=60) ['principal.0', 'principal.1', 'principal.10', 'principal.11', 'principal.12']>>> pprint(list({'search': 'D'}, start=5, batch_size=5)), ... width=25) ['principal.13', 'principal.14', 'principal.15', 'principal.16', 'principal.17']There is an additional method that allows requesting the principal id associated with a login id. The method raises KeyError when there is no associated principal:>>> principals.getIdByLogin("not-there") Traceback (most recent call last): KeyError: 'not-there'If there is a matching principal, the id is returned:>>> principals.getIdByLogin("login1") 'principal.p1'Changing credentialsCredentials can be changed by modifying principal-information objects:>>> p1.login = 'bob' >>> p1.password = 'eek'>>> principals.authenticateCredentials({'login': 'bob', 'password': 'eek'}) PrincipalInfo('principal.p1')>>> principals.authenticateCredentials({'login': 'login1', ... 'password': 'eek'})>>> principals.authenticateCredentials({'login': 'bob', ... 'password': '123'})It is an error to try to pick a login name that is already taken:>>> p1.login = 'login2' Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Principal Login already taken!If such an attempt is made, the data are unchanged:>>> principals.authenticateCredentials({'login': 'bob', 'password': 'eek'}) PrincipalInfo('principal.p1')Removing principalsOf course, if a principal is removed, we can no-longer authenticate it:>>> del principals['p1'] >>> principals.authenticateCredentials({'login': 'bob', ... 'password': 'eek'})Group FoldersGroup folders provide support for groups information stored in the ZODB. They are persistent, and must be contained within the PAUs that use them.Like other principals, groups are created when they are needed.Group folders contain group-information objects that contain group information. We create group information using theGroupInformationclass:>>> import zope.pluggableauth.plugins.groupfolder >>> g1 = zope.pluggableauth.plugins.groupfolder.GroupInformation("Group 1")>>> groups = zope.pluggableauth.plugins.groupfolder.GroupFolder('group.') >>> groups['g1'] = g1Note that when group-info is added, a GroupAdded event is generated:>>> from zope.pluggableauth import interfaces >>> from zope.component.eventtesting import getEvents >>> getEvents(interfaces.IGroupAdded) [<GroupAdded 'group.g1'>]Groups are defined with respect to an authentication service. Groups must be accessible via an authentication service and can contain principals accessible via an authentication service.To illustrate the group interaction with the authentication service, we’ll create a sample authentication service:>>> from zope import interface >>> from zope.authentication.interfaces import IAuthentication >>> from zope.authentication.interfaces import PrincipalLookupError >>> from import IGroupAwarePrincipal >>> from zope.pluggableauth.plugins.groupfolder import setGroupsForPrincipal>>> @interface.implementer(IGroupAwarePrincipal) ... class Principal: ... def __init__(self, id, title='', description=''): ..., self.title, self.description = id, title, description ... self.groups = []>>> class PrincipalCreatedEvent: ... def __init__(self, authentication, principal): ... self.authentication = authentication ... self.principal = principal>>> from zope.pluggableauth.plugins import principalfolder>>> @interface.implementer(IAuthentication) ... class Principals: ... def __init__(self, groups, prefix='auth.'): ... self.prefix = prefix ... self.principals = { ... 'p1': principalfolder.PrincipalInfo('p1', '', '', ''), ... 'p2': principalfolder.PrincipalInfo('p2', '', '', ''), ... 'p3': principalfolder.PrincipalInfo('p3', '', '', ''), ... 'p4': principalfolder.PrincipalInfo('p4', '', '', ''), ... } ... self.groups = groups ... groups.__parent__ = self ... ... def getAuthenticatorPlugins(self): ... return [('principals', self.principals), ('groups', self.groups)] ... ... def getPrincipal(self, id): ... if not id.startswith(self.prefix): ... raise PrincipalLookupError(id) ... id = id[len(self.prefix):] ... info = self.principals.get(id) ... if info is None: ... info = self.groups.principalInfo(id) ... if info is None: ... raise PrincipalLookupError(id) ... principal = Principal(, ... info.title, info.description) ... setGroupsForPrincipal(PrincipalCreatedEvent(self, principal)) ... return principalThis class doesn’t really implement the fullIAuthenticationinterface, but it implements thegetPrincipalmethod used by groups. It works very much like the pluggable authentication utility. It creates principals on demand. It callssetGroupsForPrincipal, which is normally called as an event subscriber, when principals are created. In order forsetGroupsForPrincipalto find out group folder, we have to register it as a utility:>>> from zope.pluggableauth.interfaces import IAuthenticatorPlugin >>> from zope.component import provideUtility >>> provideUtility(groups, IAuthenticatorPlugin)We will create and register a new principals utility:>>> principals = Principals(groups) >>> provideUtility(principals, IAuthentication)Now we can set the principals on the group:>>> g1.principals = ['auth.p1', 'auth.p2'] >>> g1.principals ('auth.p1', 'auth.p2')Adding principals fires an event.>>> getEvents(interfaces.IPrincipalsAddedToGroup)[-1] <PrincipalsAddedToGroup ['auth.p1', 'auth.p2'] ''>We can now look up groups for the principals:>>> groups.getGroupsForPrincipal('auth.p1') ('group.g1',)Note that the group id is a concatenation of the group-folder prefix and the name of the group-information object within the folder.If we delete a group:>>> del groups['g1']then the groups folder loses the group information for that group’s principals:>>> groups.getGroupsForPrincipal('auth.p1') ()but the principal information on the group is unchanged:>>> g1.principals ('auth.p1', 'auth.p2')It also fires an event showing that the principals are removed from the group (g1 is group information, not a>>> getEvents(interfaces.IPrincipalsRemovedFromGroup)[-1] <PrincipalsRemovedFromGroup ['auth.p1', 'auth.p2'] ''>Adding the group sets the folder principal information. Let’s use a different group name:>>> groups['G1'] = g1>>> groups.getGroupsForPrincipal('auth.p1') ('group.G1',)Here we see that the new name is reflected in the group information.An event is fired, as usual.>>> getEvents(interfaces.IPrincipalsAddedToGroup)[-1] <PrincipalsAddedToGroup ['auth.p1', 'auth.p2'] ''>In terms of member events (principals added and removed from groups), we have now seen that events are fired when a group information object is added and when it is removed from a group folder; and we have seen that events are fired when a principal is added to an already-registered group. Events are also fired when a principal is removed from an already-registered group. Let’s quickly see some more examples.>>> g1.principals = ('auth.p1', 'auth.p3', 'auth.p4') >>> getEvents(interfaces.IPrincipalsAddedToGroup)[-1] <PrincipalsAddedToGroup ['auth.p3', 'auth.p4'] ''> >>> getEvents(interfaces.IPrincipalsRemovedFromGroup)[-1] <PrincipalsRemovedFromGroup ['auth.p2'] ''> >>> g1.principals = ('auth.p1', 'auth.p2') >>> getEvents(interfaces.IPrincipalsAddedToGroup)[-1] <PrincipalsAddedToGroup ['auth.p2'] ''> >>> getEvents(interfaces.IPrincipalsRemovedFromGroup)[-1] <PrincipalsRemovedFromGroup ['auth.p3', 'auth.p4'] ''>Groups can contain groups:>>> g2 = zope.pluggableauth.plugins.groupfolder.GroupInformation("Group Two") >>> groups['G2'] = g2 >>> g2.principals = ['']>>> groups.getGroupsForPrincipal('') ('group.G2',)>>> old = getEvents(interfaces.IPrincipalsAddedToGroup)[-1] >>> old <PrincipalsAddedToGroup [''] ''>Groups cannot contain cycles:>>> g1.principals = ('auth.p1', 'auth.p2', '') ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Traceback (most recent call last): ... zope.pluggableauth.plugins.groupfolder.GroupCycle: ('', ['', ''])Trying to do so does not fire an event.>>> getEvents(interfaces.IPrincipalsAddedToGroup)[-1] is old TrueThey need not be hierarchical:>>> ga = zope.pluggableauth.plugins.groupfolder.GroupInformation("Group A") >>> groups['GA'] = ga>>> gb = zope.pluggableauth.plugins.groupfolder.GroupInformation("Group B") >>> groups['GB'] = gb >>> gb.principals = ['']>>> gc = zope.pluggableauth.plugins.groupfolder.GroupInformation("Group C") >>> groups['GC'] = gc >>> gc.principals = ['']>>> gd = zope.pluggableauth.plugins.groupfolder.GroupInformation("Group D") >>> groups['GD'] = gd >>> gd.principals = ['', '']>>> ga.principals = ['auth.p1']Group folders provide a very simple search interface. They perform simple string searches on group titles and descriptions.>>> list({'search': 'gro'})) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ['group.G1', 'group.G2', 'group.GA', 'group.GB', 'group.GC', 'group.GD']>>> list({'search': 'two'})) ['group.G2']They also support batching:>>> list({'search': 'gro'}, 2, 3)) ['group.GA', 'group.GB', 'group.GC']If you don’t supply a search key, no results will be returned:>>> list({})) []Identifying groupsThe function,setGroupsForPrincipal, is a subscriber to principal-creation events. It adds any group-folder-defined groups to users in those groups:>>> principal = principals.getPrincipal('auth.p1')>>> principal.groups ['', '']Of course, this applies to groups too:>>> principal = principals.getPrincipal('') >>> ''>>> principal.groups ['']In addition to setting principal groups, thesetGroupsForPrincipalfunction also declares theIGroupinterface on groups:>>> [iface.__name__ for iface in interface.providedBy(principal)] ['IGroup', 'IGroupAwarePrincipal']>>> [iface.__name__ ... for iface in interface.providedBy(principals.getPrincipal('auth.p1'))] ['IGroupAwarePrincipal']Special groupsTwo special groups, Authenticated, and Everyone may apply to users created by the pluggable-authentication utility. There is a subscriber, specialGroups, that will set these groups on any non-group principals if IAuthenticatedGroup, or IEveryoneGroup utilities are provided.Lets define a group-aware principal:>>> import >>> @interface.implementer( ... class GroupAwarePrincipal(Principal): ... def __init__(self, id): ... Principal.__init__(self, id) ... self.groups = []If we notify the subscriber with this principal, nothing will happen because the groups haven’t been defined:>>> prin = GroupAwarePrincipal('x') >>> event = interfaces.FoundPrincipalCreated(42, prin, {}) >>> zope.pluggableauth.plugins.groupfolder.specialGroups(event) >>> prin.groups []Now, if we define the Everybody group:>>> import zope.authentication.interfaces >>> @interface.implementer(zope.authentication.interfaces.IEveryoneGroup) ... class EverybodyGroup(Principal): ... pass>>> everybody = EverybodyGroup('all') >>> provideUtility(everybody, zope.authentication.interfaces.IEveryoneGroup)Then the group will be added to the principal:>>> zope.pluggableauth.plugins.groupfolder.specialGroups(event) >>> prin.groups ['all']Similarly for the authenticated group:>>> @interface.implementer( ... zope.authentication.interfaces.IAuthenticatedGroup) ... class AuthenticatedGroup(Principal): ... pass>>> authenticated = AuthenticatedGroup('auth') >>> provideUtility(authenticated, zope.authentication.interfaces.IAuthenticatedGroup)Then the group will be added to the principal:>>> prin.groups = [] >>> zope.pluggableauth.plugins.groupfolder.specialGroups(event) >>> prin.groups.sort() >>> prin.groups ['all', 'auth']These groups are only added to non-group principals:>>> prin.groups = [] >>> interface.directlyProvides(prin, >>> zope.pluggableauth.plugins.groupfolder.specialGroups(event) >>> prin.groups []And they are only added to group aware principals:>>> @interface.implementer( ... class SolitaryPrincipal: ... id = title = description = ''>>> event = interfaces.FoundPrincipalCreated(42, SolitaryPrincipal(), {}) >>> zope.pluggableauth.plugins.groupfolder.specialGroups(event) >>> prin.groups []Member-aware groupsThe groupfolder includes a subscriber that gives group principals the interface and an implementation thereof. This allows groups to be able to get and set their members.Given an info object and a group…>>> @interface.implementer( ... zope.pluggableauth.plugins.groupfolder.IGroupInformation) ... class DemoGroupInformation(object): ... def __init__(self, title, description, principals): ... self.title = title ... self.description = description ... self.principals = principals ... >>> i = DemoGroupInformation( ... 'Managers', 'Taskmasters', ('joe', 'jane')) ... >>> info = zope.pluggableauth.plugins.groupfolder.GroupInfo( ... 'groups.managers', i) >>> @interface.implementer(IGroupAwarePrincipal) ... class DummyGroup(object): ... def __init__(self, id, title='', description=''): ... = id ... self.title = title ... self.description = description ... self.groups = [] ... >>> principal = DummyGroup('foo') >>> False…when you call the subscriber, it adds the two pseudo-methods to the principal and makes the principal provide the IMemberAwareGroup interface.>>> zope.pluggableauth.plugins.groupfolder.setMemberSubscriber( ... interfaces.FoundPrincipalCreated( ... 'dummy auth (ignored)', principal, info)) >>> principal.getMembers() ('joe', 'jane') >>> principal.setMembers(('joe', 'jane', 'jaimie')) >>> principal.getMembers() ('joe', 'jane', 'jaimie') >>> TrueThe two methods work with the value on the IGroupInformation object.>>> i.principals == principal.getMembers() TrueLimitationThe current group-folder design has an important limitation!There is no point in assigning principals to a group from a group folder unless the principal is from the same pluggable authentication utility.If a principal is from a higher authentication utility, the user will not get the group definition. Why? Because the principals group assignments are set when the principal is authenticated. At that point, the current site is the site containing the principal definition. Groups defined in lower sites will not be consulted,It is impossible to assign users from lower authentication utilities because they can’t be seen when managing the group, from the site containing the group.A better design might be to store user-role assignments independent of the group definitions and to look for assignments during (url) traversal. This could get quite complex though.While it is possible to have multiple authentication utilities long a URL path, it is generally better to stick to a simpler model in which there is only one authentication utility along a URL path (in addition to the global utility, which is used for bootstrapping purposes).Changes3.0 (2023-02-14)Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Drop support for deprecatedpython test.2.3.1 (2021-03-19)Drop support for Python 3.4.Add support for Python 3.7.Import from zope.interface.interfaces to avoid deprecation warning.2.3.0 (2017-11-12)Drop support for Python (2017-05-02)Add support for Python 3.6.Fix a NameError in the idpicker under Python 3.6. Seeissue (2016-07-04)Add support for Python 3.5.Drop support for Python (2014-12-24)Add support for Python 3.4.Refactorzope.pluggableauth.plugins.session.redirectWithComeFrominto a reusable function.Fix: allow password containing colon(s) in HTTP basic authentication credentials extraction plug-in, to conform with RFC26172.0.0a1 (2013-02-21) support for Python 3.3.Replace deprecatedzope.component.adaptsusage with equivalentzope.component.adapterdecorator.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2011-02-08)As thecamefrominformation is most probably used for a redirect, require it to be an absolute URL (see also (2010-12-16)Add a hook toSessionCredentialsPlugin(_makeCredentials) that can be overriden in subclasses to store the credentials in the session differently.For example, you could usekeas.kmiand encrypt the passwords of the currently logged-in users so they don’t appear in plain text in the ZODB.1.1 (2010-10-18)Move concreteIAuthenticatorPluginimplementations a result, projects that want to use theIAuthenticatorplugins (previously found do not automatically also pull in*dependencies that are needed to register the ZMI views.1.0.3 (2010-07-09)Fix dependency declaration.1.0.2 (2010-07-90)Addpersistent.Persistentandzope.container.contained.Containedas bases forzope.pluggableauth.plugins.session.SessionCredentialsPlugin, so instances’t be changed. ( (2010-02-11)Declare adapter in a new ZCML file :principalfactories.zcml. Avoids duplication errors (2010-02-05)Splitting off from
This package provides an API to create and maintain hierarchical user preferences. Preferences can be easily created by defining schemas.ContentsUser PreferencesPreference GroupsPreference Group TreesDefault PreferencesCreating Preference Groups Using ZCMLSimple Python-Level AccessTraversalSecurityCHANGES5.0 (2023-02-10)4.1.0 (2018-09-27)4.0.0 (2017-05-09)4.0.0a1 (2013-02-24)3.8.0 (2010-06-12)User PreferencesImplementing user preferences is usually a painful task, since it requires a lot of custom coding and constantly changing preferences makes it hard to maintain the data and UI. Thepreferencepackage>>> from zope.preference import preferenceeases this pain by providing a generic user preferences framework that uses schemas to categorize and describe the preferences.Preference GroupsPreferences are grouped in preference groups and the preferences inside a group are specified via the preferences group schema:>>> import zope.interface >>> import zope.schema >>> class IZMIUserSettings(zope.interface.Interface): ... """Basic User Preferences""" ... ... email = zope.schema.TextLine( ... title=u"E-mail Address", ... description=u"E-mail Address used to send notifications") ... ... skin = zope.schema.Choice( ... title=u"Skin", ... description=u"The skin that should be used for the ZMI.", ... values=['Rotterdam', 'ZopeTop', 'Basic'], ... default='Rotterdam') ... ... showZopeLogo = zope.schema.Bool( ... title=u"Show Zope Logo", ... description=u"Specifies whether Zope logo should be displayed " ... u"at the top of the screen.", ... default=True)Now we can instantiate the preference group. Each preference group must have an ID by which it can be accessed and optional title and description fields for UI purposes:>>> settings = preference.PreferenceGroup( ... "ZMISettings", ... schema=IZMIUserSettings, ... title=u"ZMI User Settings", ... description=u"")Note that the preferences group provides the interface it is representing:>>> IZMIUserSettings.providedBy(settings) Trueand the id, schema and title of the group are directly available:>>> settings.__id__ 'ZMISettings' >>> settings.__schema__ <InterfaceClass zope.preference.README.IZMIUserSettings> >>> settings.__title__ 'ZMI User Settings'So let’s ask the preference group for theskinsetting:>>> #doctest:+ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... why did the lookup fail? Because we have not specified a principal yet, for which we want to lookup the preferences. To do that, we have to create a new interaction:>>> class Principal: ... def __init__(self, id): ... = id >>> principal = Principal('zope.user')>>> class Participation: ... interaction = None ... def __init__(self, principal): ... self.principal = principal>>> participation = Participation(principal)>>> import >>> also need an IAnnotations adapter for principals, so we can store the settings:>>> from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAnnotations >>> @zope.interface.implementer(IAnnotations) ... class PrincipalAnnotations(dict): ... data = {} ... def __new__(class_, principal, context): ... try: ... annotations =[] ... except KeyError: ... annotations = dict.__new__(class_) ...[] = annotations ... return annotations ... def __init__(self, principal, context): ... pass>>> from zope.component import provideAdapter >>> provideAdapter(PrincipalAnnotations, ... (Principal, zope.interface.Interface), IAnnotations)Let’s now try to access the settings again:>>> 'Rotterdam'which is the default value, since we have not set it yet. We can now reassign the value:>>> = 'Basic' >>> 'Basic'However, you cannot just enter any value, since it is validated before the assignment:>>> = 'MySkin' Traceback (most recent call last): ... ConstraintNotSatisfied: MySkinPreference Group TreesThe preferences would not be very powerful, if you could create a full preferences. So let’s create a sub-group for our ZMI user settings, where we can adjust the look and feel of the folder contents view:>>> class IFolderSettings(zope.interface.Interface): ... """Basic User Preferences""" ... ... shownFields = zope.schema.Set( ... title=u"Shown Fields", ... description=u"Fields shown in the table.", ... value_type=zope.schema.Choice(['name', 'size', 'creator']), ... default=set(['name', 'size'])) ... ... sortedBy = zope.schema.Choice( ... title=u"Sorted By", ... description=u"Data field to sort by.", ... values=['name', 'size', 'creator'], ... default='name')>>> folderSettings = preference.PreferenceGroup( ... "ZMISettings.Folder", ... schema=IFolderSettings, ... title=u"Folder Content View Settings")Note that the id was chosen so that the parent id is the prefix of the child’s id. Our new preference sub-group should now be available as an attribute or an item on the parent group …>>> settings.Folder Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'Folder' is not a preference or sub-group. >>> settings['Folder'] Traceback (most recent call last): ... KeyError: 'Folder'but not before we register the groups as utilities:>>> from zope.preference import interfaces >>> from zope.component import provideUtility>>> provideUtility(settings, interfaces.IPreferenceGroup, ... name='ZMISettings') >>> provideUtility(folderSettings, interfaces.IPreferenceGroup, ... name='ZMISettings.Folder')If we now try to lookup the sub-group again, we should be successful:>>> settings.Folder #doctest:+ELLIPSIS <zope.preference.preference.PreferenceGroup object at ...>>>> settings['Folder'] #doctest:+ELLIPSIS <zope.preference.preference.PreferenceGroup object at ...> >>> 'Folder' in settings True >>> list(settings) [<zope.preference.preference.PreferenceGroup object at ...>]While the registry of the preference groups is flat, the careful naming of the ids allows us to have a tree of preferences. Note that this pattern is very similar to the way modules are handled in Python; they are stored in a flat dictionary insys.modules, but due to the naming they appear to be in a namespace tree.While we are at it, there are also preference categories that can be compared to Python packages. They basically are just a higher level grouping concept that is used by the UI to better organize the preferences. A preference group can be converted to a category by simply providing an additional interface:>>> zope.interface.alsoProvides(folderSettings, interfaces.IPreferenceCategory)>>> interfaces.IPreferenceCategory.providedBy(folderSettings) TruePreference group objects can also hold arbitrary attributes, but since they’re not persistent this must be used with care:>>> settings.not_in_schema = 1 >>> settings.not_in_schema 1 >>> del settings.not_in_schema >>> settings.not_in_schema Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'not_in_schema' is not a preference or sub-group.Default PreferencesIt is sometimes desirable to define default settings on a site-by-site basis, instead of just using the default value from the schema. The preferences package provides a module that implements a default preferences provider that can be added as a unnamed utility for each site:>>> from zope.preference import defaultWe’ll begin by creating a new root site:>>> from import rootFolder >>> root = rootFolder() >>> from import LocalSiteManager >>> rsm = LocalSiteManager(root) >>> root.setSiteManager(rsm)And we’ll make the new site the current site:>>> zope.component.hooks.setSite(root)Now we can register the default preference provider with the root site:>>> provider = addUtility( ... rsm, default.DefaultPreferenceProvider(), ... interfaces.IDefaultPreferenceProvider)So before we set an explicit default value for a preference, the schema field default is used:>>> settings.Folder.sortedBy 'name'But if we now set a new default value with the provider,>>> defaultFolder = provider.getDefaultPreferenceGroup('ZMISettings.Folder') >>> defaultFolder.sortedBy = 'size'then the default of the setting changes:>>> settings.Folder.sortedBy 'size'Because theZMISettings.Folderwas declared as a preference category, the default implementation is too:>>> interfaces.IPreferenceCategory.providedBy(defaultFolder) TrueThe default preference providers also implicitly acquire default values from parent sites. So if we add a new child folder calledfolder1, make it a site and set it as the active site:>>> from import Folder >>> root['folder1'] = Folder() >>> folder1 = root['folder1']>>> from import LocalSiteManager >>> sm1 = LocalSiteManager(folder1) >>> folder1.setSiteManager(sm1) >>> zope.component.hooks.setSite(folder1)and add a default provider there,>>> provider1 = addUtility( ... sm1, default.DefaultPreferenceProvider(), ... interfaces.IDefaultPreferenceProvider)then we still get the root’s default values, because we have not defined any in the higher default provider:>>> settings.Folder.sortedBy 'size'But if we provide the new provider with a default value forsortedBy,>>> defaultFolder1 = provider1.getDefaultPreferenceGroup('ZMISettings.Folder') >>> defaultFolder1.sortedBy = 'creator'then it is used instead:>>> settings.Folder.sortedBy 'creator'Of course, once the root site becomes our active site again>>> zope.component.hooks.setSite(root)the default value of the root provider is used:>>> settings.Folder.sortedBy 'size'Of course, all the defaults in the world are not relevant anymore as soon as the user actually provides a value:>>> settings.Folder.sortedBy = 'name' >>> settings.Folder.sortedBy 'name'Oh, and have I mentioned that entered values are always validated? So you cannot just assign any old value:>>> settings.Folder.sortedBy = 'foo' Traceback (most recent call last): ... ConstraintNotSatisfied: fooFinally, if the user deletes his/her explicit setting, we are back to the default value:>>> del settings.Folder.sortedBy >>> settings.Folder.sortedBy 'size'Just as with regular preference groups, the default preference groups are arranged in a matching hierarchy:>>> defaultSettings = provider.getDefaultPreferenceGroup('ZMISettings') >>> defaultSettings.get('Folder') <zope.preference.default.DefaultPreferenceGroup object at ...> >>> defaultSettings.Folder <zope.preference.default.DefaultPreferenceGroup object at ...>They also report useful AttributeErrors for bad accesses:>>> defaultSettings.not_in_schema Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'not_in_schema' is not a preference or sub-group.Creating Preference Groups Using ZCMLIf you are using the user preference system in Zope 3, you will not have to manually setup the preference groups as we did above (of course). We will use ZCML instead. First, we need to register the directives:>>> from zope.configuration import xmlconfig >>> import zope.preference >>> context = xmlconfig.file('meta.zcml', zope.preference)Then the system sets up a root preference group:>>> context = xmlconfig.string(''' ... <configure ... xmlns="" ... i18n_domain="test"> ... ... <preferenceGroup ... id="" ... title="User Preferences" ... /> ... ... </configure>''', context)Now we can use the preference system in its intended way. We access the folder settings as follows:>>> import zope.component >>> prefs = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IPreferenceGroup) >>> prefs.ZMISettings.Folder.sortedBy 'size'Let’s register the ZMI settings again under a new name via ZCML:>>> context = xmlconfig.string(''' ... <configure ... xmlns="" ... i18n_domain="test"> ... ... <preferenceGroup ... id="ZMISettings2" ... title="ZMI Settings NG" ... schema="zope.preference.README.IZMIUserSettings" ... category="true" ... /> ... ... </configure>''', context)>>> prefs.ZMISettings2 #doctest:+ELLIPSIS <zope.preference.preference.PreferenceGroup object at ...>>>> prefs.ZMISettings2.__title__ 'ZMI Settings NG'>>> IZMIUserSettings.providedBy(prefs.ZMISettings2) True >>> interfaces.IPreferenceCategory.providedBy(prefs.ZMISettings2) TrueAnd the tree can built again by carefully constructing the id:>>> context = xmlconfig.string(''' ... <configure ... xmlns="" ... i18n_domain="test"> ... ... <preferenceGroup ... id="ZMISettings2.Folder" ... title="Folder Settings" ... schema="zope.preference.README.IFolderSettings" ... /> ... ... </configure>''', context)>>> prefs.ZMISettings2 #doctest:+ELLIPSIS <zope.preference.preference.PreferenceGroup object at ...>>>> prefs.ZMISettings2.Folder.__title__ 'Folder Settings'>>> IFolderSettings.providedBy(prefs.ZMISettings2.Folder) True >>> interfaces.IPreferenceCategory.providedBy(prefs.ZMISettings2.Folder) FalseSimple Python-Level AccessIf a site is set, getting the user preferences is very simple:>>> from zope.preference import UserPreferences >>> prefs2 = UserPreferences() >>> prefs2.ZMISettings.Folder.sortedBy 'size'This function is also commonly registered as an adapter,>>> from zope.location.interfaces import ILocation >>> provideAdapter(UserPreferences, [ILocation], interfaces.IUserPreferences)so that you can adapt any location to the user preferences:>>> prefs3 = interfaces.IUserPreferences(folder1) >>> prefs3.ZMISettings.Folder.sortedBy 'creator'TraversalOkay, so all these objects are nice, but they do not make it any easier to access the preferences in page templates. Thus, a special traversal namespace has been created that makes it very simple to access the preferences via a traversal path. But before we can use the path expressions, we have to register all necessary traversal components and the specialpreferencesnamespace:>>> import zope.traversing.interfaces >>> provideAdapter(preference.preferencesNamespace, [None], ... zope.traversing.interfaces.ITraversable, ... 'preferences')We can now access the preferences as follows:>>> from zope.traversing.api import traverse >>> traverse(None, '++preferences++ZMISettings/skin') 'Basic' >>> traverse(None, '++preferences++/ZMISettings/skin') 'Basic'SecurityYou might already wonder under which permissions the preferences are available. They are actually available publicly (CheckerPublic), but that is not a problem, since the available values are looked up specifically for the current user. And why should a user not have full access to his/her preferences?Let’s create a checker using the function that the security machinery is actually using:>>> checker = preference.PreferenceGroupChecker(settings) >>> checker.permission_id('skin') Global(CheckerPublic, >>> checker.setattr_permission_id('skin') Global(CheckerPublic, id, title, description, and schema are publicly available for access, but are not available for mutation at all:>>> checker.permission_id('__id__') Global(CheckerPublic, >>> checker.setattr_permission_id('__id__') is None TrueThe only way security could be compromised is when one could override the annotations property. However, this property is not available for public consumption at all, including read access:>>> checker.permission_id('annotation') is None True >>> checker.setattr_permission_id('annotation') is None TrueCHANGES5.0 (2023-02-10)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, (2018-09-27)Support newer zope.configuration and persistent. Seeissue 2.Add support for Python 3.7 and PyPy3.Drop support for Python (2017-05-09)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6.Add support for PyPy.Drop support for Python (2013-02-24)Added support for Python 3.3.Replaced deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Dropped support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.Refactored tests not to rely a bug while accessing the parent of a preference group.3.8.0 (2010-06-12)Split out dependency usingzope.component.hooks.Removed dependency usingzope.container.
zope.principalannotationThis package implements annotations for principals. Common annotation techniques, likeAttributeAnnotationscannot be applied to principals, since they are created on the fly for every request.Documentation is hosted at (2023-06-29)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Drop support for deprecatedpython test.Add support for Python (2022-03-17)Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10.Drop support for Python (2018-10-19)Add support for Python (2017-08-18)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6 and (2015-06-02)Replace use of long-deprecatedzope.testing.doctestwith stdlib’sdoctest.4.1.0 (2015-01-09)Accomodate new methods added tozope.annotation.interfaces.IAnnotationsin upcoming zope.annotation 4.4.0 release.4.0.0 (2014-12-24)Add support for PyPy.Add support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.4.0.0a2 (2013-02-25)Correct Trove classifiers.4.0.0a1 (2013-02-24)Add support for Python 3.3.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2010-05-05)Fix a test failure in nested local site manager setup.Remove dependency on zope.container.3.6.0 (2009-03-09)Initial release. This package was splitted off to remove its dependencies on “zope 3 application server” components.In addition, the following changes were made after split off:The IAnnotations implementation was fixed to look in the higher-level utility not only on__getitem__, but also ongetand__nonzero.Tests was reworked into the README.txt doctest.Added a buildout part that generates Sphinx documentation from the README.txt
zope.principalregistryThis package provides an authentication utility forzope.authenticationthat uses a simple non-persistent principal registry. This is typically registered as a global utility, and it is usually configured in ZCML.Documentation is hosted athttps://zopeprincipalregistry.readthedocs.ioChanges5.0 (2023-07-06)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Drop support for deprecatedpython test.Add support for Python (2022-07-14)Drop support for Python 3.4.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, (2017-10-01)Fix principal and group objects registered in ZCML or directly with the principalregistry being invalid under Python 2 (having byte strings foridinstead of text strings). See (2017-09-04)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.Host documentation athttps://zopeprincipalregistry.readthedocs.ioReach 100% test coverage and ensure we remain there.Test PyPy3 on Travis CI.4.0.0 (2014-12-24)Add support for PyPy. (PyPy3 is pending release of a fix for: support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing under Travis.4.0.0a2 (2013-03-03)Make sure that the password is always bytes when passed into the principal registry.Fix deprecation warnings.4.0.0a1 (2013-02-22)Add support for Python 3.3.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Dropd support for Python 2.4 and (2010-09-25)Add test extra to declare test dependency onzope.component [test].Use Python’sdoctestmodule instead of deprecatedzope.testing.doctest.3.7.0 (2009-03-14)Removezope.containerdependency, as contained principals didn’t make any sense, since PrincipalRegistry never provided IContainer. Also, zope.container pulls a number dependencies, that are not needed for non-persistent principal registry (like, ZCML, for example).Set__name__and__parent__by hand to provide some backward-compatibility and to save a pointer to registry from principal objects.Initial release. This package was split from as a part of the refactoring process to provide global principal registry without extra dependencies.
zope.processlifetimeThis package provides interfaces / implementations for events relative to the lifetime of a server process (startup, database opening, etc.) These events are usually used withzope.event.Documentation is hosted at (2023-03-27)Add support for Python 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Drop support for deprecatedpython test.2.4 (2022-08-26)Drop support for Python 3.4.Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, (2018-10-05)Add support for Python (2017-09-01)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6, 3.2 and 3.3.Host documentation at (2014-12-27)Add support for PyPy and PyPy3.Add support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.2.0.0 (2013-02-22)Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Add support for Python 3.2 and 3.3Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2009-05-13)Split out event interfaces / implementations 3.10.2.
ContentsQuickstartNotes for Windows usersSharing eggs among sandboxesCommand line options for zopeprojectThe sandboxWhat are the different files and directories for?RenamingSharing and archiving sandboxesDevelopingFirst steps with your applicationAdding dependencies to the applicationWriting and running testsFunctional testsDebuggingThe interpreter promptThe interactive debug promptDebugging exceptionsDeployingDisabling debugging toolsLinux/UnixWindowsReporting bugs or asking questions about zopeprojectCreditsChanges0.4.2 (2009-02-12)0.4.1 (2007-09-29)0.4 (2007-09-15)New featuresBugfixes and restructuring0.3.2 (2007-07-17)0.3.1 (2007-07-15)0.3 (2007-07-14)0.2 (2007-07-12)0.1 (2007-07-06)QuickstartYou can start a new Zope-based web application from scratch with just two commands:$ easy_install zopeproject $ zopeproject HelloWorldThe second command will ask you for a name and password for an initial administrator user. It will also ask you where to put the Python packages (“eggs”) that it downloads. This way multiple projects created withzopeprojectcan share the same packages and won’t have to download them each time (see alsoSharing eggs among sandboxesbelow).(Note: Depending on how they installed Python, Unix/Linux users may have to invokeeasy_installwithsudo. If that’s not wanted or possible,easy_installcan be invoked with normal privileges inside avirtual-pythonorworkingenv).After asking these questions,zopeprojectwill download thezc.buildoutpackage that will be used to build the sandbox, unless it is already installed locally. Then it will invokebuildoutto download Zope and its dependencies. If you’re doing this for the first time or not sharing packages between different projects, this may take a while.Whenzopeprojectis done, you will find a typical Python package development environment in theHelloWorlddirectory: the package itself (helloworld) and asetup.pyscript. There’s also abindirectory that contains scripts, such aspasterwhich can be used to start the application:$ cd HelloWorld $ bin/paster serve deploy.iniYou may also use thehelloworld-ctlscript which works much like thezopectlscript from Zope instances:$ bin/helloworld-ctl foregroundAfter starting the application, you should now be able to go tohttp://localhost:8080and see the default start screen of Zope. You will also be able to log in with the administrator user account that you specified earlier.Notes for Windows usersSome packages required by Zope contain C extension modules. There may not always be binary Windows distributions available for these packages. In this case, setuptools will try to compile them from source which will likely fail if you don’t have a compiler such as the Microsoft Visual C compiler installed. Alternatively, you can install the freeMinGWcompiler:DownloadMinGW-x.y.z.exefrom run it to do a full install into the standard location (ie.C:\MinGW).Tell Python to use the MinGW compiler by creatingC:\Documentsand Settings\YOUR USER\pydistutils.cfgwith the following contents:[build] compiler=mingw32Let Python know about the MinGW installation and thepydistutils.cfgfile. To do that, go to theControl Panel,Systemsection,Advancedtab and click on theEnvironment variablesbutton. Add theC:\MinGW\bindirectory to yourPathenvironment variable (individual paths are delimited by semicolons). Also add another environment variable calledHOMEwith the following value:C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR USERWhen installing packages from source, Python should now automatically use the MinGW compiler to build binaries.Sharing eggs among sandboxesA great feature ofzc.buildoutis the ability to share downloaded Python packages (“eggs”) between sandboxes. This is achieved by placing all eggs in a shared location. zopeproject will ask for this location each time. The setting will become part ofbuildout.cfg.It could very well be that your shared eggs directory is different from the suggested default value, so it would be good to avoid having to type it in every time. Furthermore, you may want to avoid having system-dependent paths appear inbuildout.cfgbecause they hinder the repeatibility of the setup on other machines.A way to solve these problems is to configure a user-specific default eggs directory for buildout in your home directory:~/.buildout/default.cfg:[buildout] eggs-directory = /home/philipp/eggszopeproject will understand that you have this default value and change its own default when asking you for the eggs directory. If you just hit enter there (thereby accepting the default in~/.buildout/default.cfg), the generatedbuildout.cfgwill not contain a reference to a path.Command line options for zopeproject--no-buildoutWhen invoked with this option,zopeprojectwill only create the project directory with the standard files in it, but it won’t download and invokezc.buildout.--newerThis option enables thenewest = truesetting inbuildout.cfg. That way, buildout will always check for newer versions of eggs online. If, for example, you have outdated versions of your dependencies in your shared eggs directory, this switch will force the download of newer versions. Note that you can always editbuildout.cfgto change this behaviour in an existing project area, or you can invokebin/buildoutwith the-noption.--svn-repository=REPOSThis option will import the project directory and the files in it into the given subversion repository and provide you with a checkout of thetrunk.REPOSis supposed to be a repository path that is going to be created, along withtags,branchesandtrunkbelow that. This checkin ignores any files and directories created by zc.buildout.-v,--verboseWhen this option is enabled,zopeprojectwon’t hide the output ofeasy_install(used to installzc.buildout) and thebuildoutcommand.The sandboxWhat are the different files and directories for?deploy.iniConfiguration file forPasteDeploy. It defines which server software to launch and which WSGI application to invoke upon each request (which is defined insrc/helloworld/ You may also define WSGI middlewares here. Invokebin/paster servewith this file as an argument.debug.iniAlternate configuration forPasteDeploythat configures middleware which intercepts exceptions for interactive debugging. SeeDebugging exceptionsbelow.zope.confThis file will be read by the application factory insrc/helloworld/ Here you can define which ZCML file the application factory should load upon startup, the ZODB database instance, an event log as well as whether developer mode is switched on or file is referred to byzope.confand will be loaded by the application factory. It is the root ZCML file and includes everything else that needs to be loaded. ‘Everything else’ typically is just the application package itself,helloworld, which then goes on to include its dependencies. Apart from this,site.zcmlalso defines the anonymous principal and the initial admin principal.setup.pyThis file defines the egg of your application. That definition includes listing the package’s dependencies (mostly Zope eggs) and the entry point for thePasteDeployapplication factory.buildout.cfgThis file tellszc.buildoutwhat to do when the buildout is executed. This mostly involves executingsetup.pyto enable theHelloWorldegg (which also includes downloading its dependencies), as well as installingPasteDeployfor the server. This files also refers to the shared eggs directory (eggs-directory) and determines whether buildout should check whether newer eggs are available online or not (newest).bin/This directory contains all executable scripts, e.g for starting the application (paster), installing or reinstalling dependencies (buildout), or invoking the debug prompt (helloworld-debug). It also contains a script (python) that invokes the standard interpreter prompt with all packages on the module search path.src/This directory contains the Python package(s) of your application. Normally there’s just one package (helloworld), but you may add more to this directory if you like. Thesrcdirectory will be placed on the interpreter’s search path byzc.buildout.var/The ZODB filestorage will place its files (Data.fs, lock files, etc.) here.RenamingYou can rename or move the sandbox directory any time you like. Just be sure to runbin/buildoutagain after doing so. Renaming the sandbox directory won’t change the name of the egg, however. To do that, you’ll have to change thenameparameter and archiving sandboxesYou can easily share sandboxes with co-developers or archive them in a version control system such as subversion. You can theoretically share or archive the whole sandbox directory, though it’s recommendednot to includethe following files and directories because they can and will be generated by zc.buildout from the configuration files:bin/parts/develop-eggs/all files invar/all files inlog/.installed.cfgIf you receive a sandbox thas has been archived (e.g. by checking it out from a version control system), you will first have to bootstrap it in order to obtain thebin/buildoutexecutable. To do that, use thebuildoutscript from any other sandbox on your machine:$ .../path/to/some/sandbox/bin/buildout bootstrapNow the sandbox has its ownbin/buildoutscript and can be installed:$ bin/buildoutDevelopingFirst steps with your applicationAfter having started up Zope for the first time, you’ll likely want to start developing your web application. Code for your application goes into thehelloworldpackage that was created by zopeproject in thesrcdirectory.For example, to get a simple “Hello world!” message displayed, createsrc/helloworld/browser.pywith the following contents:from zope.publisher.browser import BrowserPage class HelloPage(BrowserPage): def __call__(self): return "<html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>"Then all you need to do is hook up the page in ZCML. To do that, add the following directive towards the end ofsrc/helloworld/configure.zcml:<browser:page for="*" name="hello" class=".browser.HelloPage" permission="zope.Public" />Note that you’ll likely need to define thebrowsernamespace prefix at the top of the file:<configure xmlns="" xmlns:browser="" >After having restarted the application usingpaster serve, you can visithttp://localhost:8080/helloto see the page in action.Adding dependencies to the applicationThe standardsetup.pyandconfigure.zcmlfiles list a set of standard dependencies that are typical for most Zope applications. You may obviously remove things from this list, but typically you’ll want to re-use more libraries that others have written. Many, if not most, of additional Zope and third party libraries arelisted on the Python Cheeseshop.Let’s say you wanted to reuse thesome.librarypackage in your application. The first step would be to add it to the list of dependencies If this package defined any Zope components, you would probably also have to load its ZCML configuration by adding the following line tosrc/helloworld/configure.zcml:<include package="some.library" />After having, you would want the newly added dependency to be downloaded and added to the search path ofbin/paster. To do that, simply invoke the buildout:$ bin/buildoutWriting and running testsAutomated tests should be placed in Python modules. If they all fit in one module, the module should simply be namedtests. If you need many modules, create atestspackage and put the modules in there. Each module should start withtest(for example, the full dotted name of a test module could behelloworld.tests.test_app).If you prefer to separate functional tests from unit tests, you can put functional tests in anftestsmodule or package. Note that this doesn’t matter to the test runner whatsoever, it doesn’t care about the location of a test case.Each test module should define atest_suitefunction that constructs the test suites for the test runner, e.g.:def test_suite(): return unittest.TestSuite([ unittest.makeSuite(ClassicTestCase), DocTestSuite(), DocFileSuite('README.txt', package='helloworld'), ])To run all tests in your application’s packages, simply invoke thebin/testscript:$ bin/testFunctional testsWhile unit test typically require no or very little test setup, functional tests normally bootstrap the whole application’s configuration to create a real-life test harness. The configuration file that’s responsible for this test harness isftesting.zcml. You can add more configuration directives to it if you have components that are specific to functional tests (e.g. mockup components).To let a particular test run inside this test harness, simply apply thehelloworld.testing.FunctionalLayerlayer to it:from helloworld.testing import FunctionalLayer suite.layer = FunctionalLayerYou can also simply use one of the convenience test suites inhelloworld.testing:FunctionalDocTestSuite(based ondoctest.DocTestSuite)FunctionalDocFileSuite(based ondoctest.DocFileSuite)FunctionalTestCase(based onunittest.TestCase)DebuggingThe interpreter promptUse thebin/pythonscript if you’d like test some components from the interpreter prompt and don’t need the component registrations nor access to the ZODB. If you do need those, go on to the next section.The interactive debug promptOccasionally, it is useful to be able to interactively debug the state of the application, such as walking the object hierarchy in the ZODB or looking up components manually. This can be done with the interactive debug prompt, which is available underbin/helloworld-debug:$ bin/helloworld-debug Welcome to the interactive debug prompt. The 'root' variable contains the ZODB root folder. The 'app' variable contains the Debugger, 'app.publish(path)' simulates a request. >>>You can now get a folder listing of the root folder, for example:>>> list(root.keys()) [u'folder', u'file']Debugging exceptionsIn case your application fails with an exception, it can be useful to inspect the circumstances with a debugger. This is possible with thez3c.evalexceptionWSGI middleware. When an exception occurs in your application, stop the process and start it up again, now using thedebug.iniconfiguration file:$ bin/paster serve debug.iniWhen you then repeat the steps that led to the exception, you will see the relevant traceback in your browser, along with the ability to view the corresponding source code and to issue Python commands for inspection.If you prefer the Python debuggerpdb, replaceajaxwithpdbin the WSGI middleware definition indebug.ini:[filter-app:main] use = egg:z3c.evalexception#pdb next = zopeNote: Even exceptions such as Unauthorized (which normally leads to a login screen) or NotFound (which normally leads to an HTTP 404 response) will trigger the debugger.DeployingDisabling debugging toolsBefore deploying a zopeproject-based application, you should make sure that any debugging tools are disabled. In particular, this includesmaking sure there’s no debugging middleware indeploy.ini(normally these should be configured indebug.inianyway),switching offdeveloper-modeinzope.conf,disabling the APIDoc tool insite.zcml,disabling the bootstrap administrator principal insite.zcml.Linux/UnixYou can use thehelloworld-ctlscript to start the server process in daemon mode. It works much like theapachectltool as known from the Apache HTTPD server or INIT scripts known from Linux:$ bin/helloworld-ctl startTo stop the server, issue:$ bin/helloworld-ctl stopOther commands, such asstatusandrestartare supported as well.WindowsThere’s currently no particular support for deployment on Windows other than whatpasterprovides. Integration with Windows services, much like what could be found in older versions of Zope, is planned.Reporting bugs or asking questions about zopeprojectzopeproject maintains a bugtracker and help desk on Launchpad: can also be directed to the zope3-users mailinglist: is written and maintained by Philipp von Weitershausen. It was inspired by the similargrokprojecttool from the same author.James Gardner, Martijn Faassen, Jan-Wijbrand Kolman and others gave valuable feedback on the early prototype presented at EuroPython 2007.Michael Bernstein gave valuable feedback and made many suggestions for improvements.zopeproject is distributed under theZope Public License, v2.1. Copyright (c) by Zope Corporation and Contributors.Changes0.4.2 (2009-02-12)Use Zope 3.4.0 KGS in the default deployment buildout.cfg.Added blobstorage proxy to default ZODB config in zope.conf.Use ZopeSecurityPolicy from zope.securitypolicy instead of, which is a deprecated place for that.The zope.securitypolicy uses a special role name, thezope.Anonymousthat every user has, define it in site.zcml and grant view permissions to it, instead of zope.Anybody unauthenticated group.0.4.1 (2007-09-29)Improvements toREADME.txtandvar/README.txt(it was pointing to the wrong configuration file). Moved changelog fromREADME.txtinto separateCHANGES.txtfile.The--no-buildoutoption is no longer ignored now.Added abin/pythonscript that mimicks an interpreter.Enabled the APIDoc tool by default. You may access it underhttp://localhost:8080/++apidoc++.Simplified*package*/ (2007-09-15)New featuresAdded a zdaemon controller script much like zopectl called*package*-ctl(where*package*is the name of the package created with zopeproject).Added a debug script called*package*-debugthat configures the application and drops into an interpreter session. It is also available via*package*-ctldebug.Addeddebug.iniwhich configures a WSGI middleware for intercepting exceptions and live debugging (either using Paste’s evalexception middleware or the Python debuggerpdb).Added a functional test layer in*package*.testingwhich loads the newftesting.zcml. Convenience definitions of test suites pre-configured for that layer are available in*package*.testingas well.More improvements to the README.txt file.Bugfixes and restructuringMake use reduce the startup boiler-plate package that zopeproject creates is now located in asrcdirectory, where it’s easier to single out among the other files and directories.Fixed a bug when guessing the default eggs-directory: When ~/.buildout/default.cfg did not contain an eggs-directory option, zopeproject failed with a ConfigParser.NoOptionError.Renamedapplication.pytostartup.pyto make the intent of the module much clearer, and to avoid clashes with e.g. Grok (where “application” means something else, andapp.pyis commonly used for the application object).The eggs directory will no longer be written tobuildout.cfgif it is the same as the buildout default in~/.buidout/default.cfg.Cleaned up and enhanced the dependencies of the generated application. It no longer depends on, only the deployment (site.zcml) does. Obsolete dependencies (and their include statements in ZCML) have been friends have been added as a convenience.0.3.2 (2007-07-17)If the user already has a default eggs directory set in~/.buildout/default.cfg, it is used as the default value for the eggs directory.Greatly improved the README.txt file.0.3.1 (2007-07-15)Thebuildout.cfgtemplate was missing settings for the shared eggs directory and thewnewestflag.Assemble the default path for the eggs directory in a Windows-friendly way.0.3 (2007-07-14)Renamed tozopeproject.Incorporated much of thegrokproject0.5.x infrastructure. This makes it much more robust, especially when launching zc.buildout.Mergedmake-zope-appanddeploy-zope-appback into one command:zopeproject.0.2 (2007-07-12)Renamed tomake-zope-app.Splitmkzopeappinto two commands:make-zope-appanddeploy-zope-app.No longer usezope.pastefor the application factory. Instead, each application that’s created from the skeleton defines its own factory (which is reasonably small and gains flexibility).Get rid of thestart<<Project>>script. Simply usebin/paster serve deploy.inifor starting the server.Use thePaste#httpserver by default.0.1 (2007-07-06)Initial release asmkzopeapp
zope.proxyProxies are special objects which serve as mostly-transparent wrappers around another object, intervening in the apparent behavior of the wrapped object only when necessary to apply the policy (e.g., access checking, location brokering, etc.) for which the proxy is responsible.zope.proxy is implemented via a C extension module, which lets it do things like lie about its own__class__that are difficult in pure Python (and were completely impossible before metaclasses). It also proxies all the internal slots (such as__int__/__str__/__add__).Complete documentation is athttps://zopeproxy.readthedocs.ioChanges5.2 (2024-02-09)Add preliminary support for Python 3.13 as of 3.13a3.5.1 (2023-10-05)Add support for Python (2023-01-18)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Remove proxying code for names that no longer exist in Python 3 like__long__and some others. (#55)4.6.1 (2022-11-16)Add support for building arm64 wheels on macOS.4.6.0 (2022-11-03)Add support for Python (2022-09-15)Disable unsafe math optimizations in C code. Seepull request (2021-11-17)Add support for Python (2021-07-22)Add support for Python 3.9.Create aarch64 wheels.4.3.5 (2020-03-16)Stop installing C header files on PyPy (which is what zope.proxy before 4.3.4 used to do), fixesissue (2020-03-13)Fix a compilation warning on Python 3.8. The slottp_printchanged totp_vectorcall_offsetin 3.8 and must not be set. Prior to 3.8, it was reserved and ignored in all Python 3 versions. Seeissue 36.Remove deprecated use of setuptools features. Seeissue (2019-11-11)Add support for Python 3.8.Drop support for Python (2019-07-12)Fix error handling inProxyBase.__setattr__: any the exception raised byPyString_AsString/PyUnicode_AsUTF8would be silently swallowed up and ignored. Seeissue (2018-08-09)Simplify the internal C handling of attribute names in__getattribute__and__setattr__.Make building the C extension optional. We still attempt to build it on supported platforms, but we allow it to fail in case of a missing compiler or headers. Seeissue 26.Test the PURE_PYTHON environment and PyPy3 on Travis CI.Add support for Python (2017-09-13)Fix a potential rare crash when deallocating proxies. Seeissue 20.Drop support for Python 3.3.Drop support for “python test”.100% test coverage.Fix indexing pure-Python proxies with slices under Python 3, and restore the use of__getslice__(if implemented by the target’s type) under Python 2. Previously, pure-Python proxies would fail with an AttributeError when given a slice on Python 3, and on Python 2, a custom__getslice__was ignored. Seeissue (2017-04-23)Make the pure-Python implementation ofsameProxiedObjectshandlezope.securityproxies. Seeissue 15.Add support for Python (2016-05-05)Correctly stripzope.securityproxies inremoveAllProxies. Seeissue 13.Avoid poisoning the user’s global wheel cache when testingPURE_PYTHONenvironments undertox,Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.2.Add support for Python (2015-06-02)Make subclasses of ProxyBase properly delegate__module__to the wrapped object. This fixes somezope.interfacelookups under PyPy.Make the pure-Python implementation of ProxyBase properly report thezope.interfaceinterfaces implemented by builtin types likelist. This fixes somezope.interfacelookups under PyPy.4.1.5 (2015-05-19)Make the C implementation proxy__unicode__correctly.Make the C implementation use the standard methods to proxyintandfloat.Make the pure Python implementation handle descriptors defined in subclasses like the C version. See (2014-03-19)Add support for Python 3.4.Updatebootstrap.pyto version (2013-03-12)Fix interface object introspection in PyPy. For some reason PyPy makes attributes available despite the restrictive__slots__declaration.Add a bunch of tests surrounding interface lookup and adaptation.4.1.2 (2013-03-11)MakePyProxyBase.__iter__()return the result ofPyProxyBase._wrapped.__iter__if available, otherwise falling back to Python internals. The previous implementation always created a generator.InPyProxyBase.__setattr__(), allow setting of properties on the proxy itself. This is needed to properly allow proxy extensions as was evidenced int (2012-12-31)Fleshed out PyPI Trove classifiers.4.1.0 (2012-12-19)Enable compilation of dependent modules under Py3k.Replace use ofPyCObjectAPIs with equivalentPyCapsuleAPIs, except under Python 2.6.N.B. This change is an ABI incompatibility under Python 2.7:extensions built under Python 2.7 against 4.0.x versions ofzope.proxymust be rebuilt.4.0.1 (2012-11-21)Add support for Python (2012-06-06)Add support for PyPy.N.B.: the C extension isnotbuilt under PyPy.Add a pure-Python reference / fallback implementations ofzope.proxy.ProxyBaseand the proxy module API functions.N.B.: the pure-Python proxy implements all regular features ofProxyBase; however, it does not exclude access to the wrapped object in the same way that the C version does. If you need that information hiding (e.g., to implement security sandboxing), you still need to use the C version.Add support for continuous integration usingtoxandjenkins.100% unit test coverage.Add Sphinx documentation: moved doctest examples to API reference.Add ‘ docs’ alias (installsSphinxand dependencies).Add ‘ dev’ alias ( developplus installsnoseandcoverage).Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.Add Python 3.2 support.3.6.1 (2010-07-06)Make tests compatible with Python (2010-04-30)Remove test extra and the remaining dependency on zope.testing.Remove use of ‘zope.testing.doctestunit’ in favor of stdlib’s ‘doctest.3.5.0 (2009/01/31)Add support to bootstrap on Jython.Usezope.containerinstead (2008/07/27)Make C code compatible with Python 2.5 on 64bit architectures.3.4.1 (2008/06/24)Bug: Updatesetup.pyscript to conform to common layout. Also updated some of the fields.Bug: Honor pre-cooked indices for tuples and lists in the__getslice__()and__setslice__()methods. See (2007/07/12)Feature: Add adecoratormodule that supports declaring interfaces on proxies that get blended with the interfaces of the things they proxy.3.3.0 (2006/12/20)Corresponds to the verison of thezope.proxypackage shipped as part of the Zope 3.3.0 release.3.2.0 (2006/01/05)Corresponds to the verison of thezope.proxypackage shipped as part of the Zope 3.2.0 release.3.0.0 (2004/11/07)Corresponds to the verison of thezope.proxypackage shipped as part of the Zope X3.0.0 release.
psycopgdaThis file outlines the basics of using Zope3 with PostgreSQL via PsycopgDA.Installing PsycopgDACheck out the psycopgda package into a directory in your PYTHONPATH. INSTANCE_HOME/lib/python or Zope3/src is usually the most convenient place:svn co svn:// psycopgdaCopypsycopg-configure.zcmlto thepackage-includesdirectory of your Zope instance.You can also use the eggified version, by installing it sitewide:easy_install -U psycopgdaIf you’re using buildout, just by listing psycopgda in the ‘eggs’ key of your buildout.cfg, then buildout should be able to find and fetch it.Creating Database ConnectionsIt is time to add some connections. A connection in Zope 3 is registered as a utility.Open a web browser on your Zope root folder (http://localhost:8080/if you use the default settings in on the ‘Manage Site’ action on the right side of the screen. You should see a screen which reads ‘Common Site Management Tasks’Around the middle of that page, you should see a link named ‘Add Utility’. Click on it.Select ‘Psycopg DA’ and type in a name at the bottom of the page.Enter the database connection string. It looks like this:dbi://username:password@host:port/databasenameClick on the ‘Add’ button.You should be on a page which reads ‘Add Database Connection Registration’. There you can configure the permission needed to use the database connection, the name of the registration and the registration status. You can use any name for ‘Register As’ field, as long as it doesn’t clash with an existing one. Choose a permission. Choose between ‘Registered’ and ‘Active’ for the ‘Registration Status’. Only one component of a kind can be ‘Active’ at a time, so be careful.You should be redirected to the ‘Edit’ screen of the connection utility.If you want to, you can go to the Test page and execute arbitrary SQL queries to see whether the connection is working as expected.Using SQL ScriptsYou can create SQL Scripts in the content space. For example:Go to Zope root.Add an SQL script (you can use the Common Tasks box on the left, or the Add action on the right).Click on the name of your new SQL script.Choose a connection name (the one you entered in step 29) from the drop-down.Enter your query and click on the ‘Save Changes’ button.You can test the script in the – surprise! – Test page.CHANGES1.1.1 (2008/01/26)Bug: Some classes were incorrectly looked up.1.1.0 (2008/01/26)Feature: Produced a real egg.Restructuring: Moved frompsycopgdatozope.psycopgda.Bug: Fixed issue 561: PsycopgDA ForbiddenAttribute exception.
zope.ptresourceNoteThis package is at present not reusable without depending on a large chunk of the Zope Toolkit and its assumptions. It is maintained by theZope Toolkit project.This package provides a “page template”resource class, a resource whose content is processed with theZope Page Templatesengine before being returned to client.The resource factory class is registered for “pt”, “zpt” and “html” file extensions in the package’sconfigure.zcmlfile.Changes5.0 (2023-03-27)Add support for Python 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Drop support for deprecatedpython test.4.3.0 (2021-12-15)Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10.Drop support for Python (2018-10-05)Add support for Python (2017-08-31)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6 and (2014-12-24)Add support for PyPy and PyPy3.Add support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.4.0.0a1 (2013-02-25)Add support for Python 3.3.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2009-08-27)Initial release. This package was split off as a part of refactoring process. It’s now a plugin for another package that was refactored from - zope.browserresource. See its documentation for more details.Other changes:Don’t render PageTemplateResource when called as the IResource interface requires that __call__ method should return an absolute URL. When accessed by browser, it still will be rendered, because “browserDefault” method now returns a callable that will render the template to browser.
zope.publisherThis package allows you to publish Python objects on the web. It has support for plain HTTP/WebDAV clients, web browsers as well as XML-RPC and FTP clients. Input and output streams are represented by request and response objects which allow for easy client interaction from Python. The behaviour of the publisher is geared towards WSGI compatibility.Documentation is hosted at (2023-08-29)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Drop support forim_funcandfunc_code.Add support for Python (2022-03-15)Revamp handling of query string and form decoding inBrowserRequest.The previous approach was to tell underlying libraries to decode inputs using ISO-8859-1, then re-encode as ISO-8859-1 and decode using an encoding deduced from theAccept-Charsetrequest header. However, this didn’t make much conceptual sense (sinceAccept-Charsetdefines the preferredresponseencoding), and it made it impossible to handle cases where the encoding was specified as something other than ISO-8859-1 in the request (which might even be on a per-item basis, in the case ofmultipart/form-datainput).We now only perform the dubiousAccept-Charsetguessing for query strings; in other cases we letmultipartdetermine the encoding, defaulting to UTF-8 as per the HTML specification. For cases where applications need to specify some other default form encoding,BrowserRequestsubclasses can now setdefault_form_charset.Seeissue 65.Add support for Python (2021-06-07)Avoid traceback reference cycle inzope.publisher.publish.publish.Handle empty Content-Type environment variable gracefully.6.0.1 (2021-04-15)Fix test compatibility with zope.interface (2021-01-20)Port form data parsing tomultipart, which is a new dependency. Seeissue 39. Note that as a resultFileUploadobjects no longer have anameattribute: thenameattribute couldn’t be used in portable code in any case, and the usual methods on open files should be used instead.Add support for Python (2020-06-15)Fix text/bytes handling on Python 3 for some response edge cases. Seepull request (2020-03-30)Add support for Python 3.8.Ensure all objects have a consistent interface resolution order. Seeissue 49.Drop support for the deprecatedpython testcommand.5.1.1 (2019-08-08)Avoid usingurllib.parse.splitport()which was deprecated in Python 3.8. Seeissue 385.1.0 (2019-07-12)Drop support for Python 3.4.FileUploadobjects now support theseekable()method on Python 3. Fixesissue 44.Character set handling was rather comprehensively broken on Python 3. It should be fixed now. Seeissue (2018-10-19)Fix aDeprecationWarning.5.0.0 (2018-10-10)Backwards incompatible change: Removezope.publisher.tests.httprequest. It is not used inside this package and was never ported to Python 3. Fixes support for Python 3.7 and PyPy3.Drop support for Python 3.3.FixXMLRPCResponsehaving a str body (instead of a bytes body) which could lead toTypeErroron Python 3. Seeissue (2017-05-23)Fix instances ofBaseRequest(includingBrowserRequest) being unexpectedlyFalseon Python 3 by defining__bool__. Such instances were alwaysTrueon Python 2. Seeissue (2017-04-24)Add support for Python 3.6.Accept both new and old locations for__code__inzope.publisher.publisher.unwrapMethod. This restores compatibility with Products.PythonScripts, where parameters were not extracted. [maurits, thet, MatthewWilkes]Fix file uploads on python 3.4 and up. cgi.FieldStorage explicitly closes files when it is garbage collected. For details, see: now keep a reference to the FieldStorage till we are finished processing the request.Fix POST with large values on Python 3. Related to cgi.FieldStorage doing the decoding in Python 3. Seepull (2016-07-04)Add support for Python 3.5.Drop support for Python 2.6 and (2015-11-16)Emit HTTP response headers in a deterministic order (GH #8).4.2.1 (2015-06-05)Add support for Python (2015-06-02)Add support for PyPy and PyPy3.4.1.0 (2014-12-27)Add support for Python (2014-12-22)Enable testing on Travis.Add__traceback_info__toresponse.redirect()to ease debugging untrusted redirects.Addtrustedsupport forRedirectexception4.0.0a4 (2013-03-12)Support UTF-8-encoding application/json responses returned as Unicode.Add YAML for travis-ci.4.0.0a3 (2013-02-28)Return bytes fromPrincipalLogging.getLogMessageinstead of unicode.4.0.0a2 (2013-02-22)Use BytesIO inzope.publisher.xmlrpc.TestRequest.4.0.0a1 (2013-02-21)Replace deprecatedzope.component.adaptsusage with equivalentzope.component.adapterdecorator.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4, 2.5 and pypy.Add support for Python 3.3.Wrapwith interaction()in try/finally.Don’t guess the content type with 304 responses which MUST NOT / SHOULD NOT include it according to:, the content type will still be guessed if the result is set before the status.3.13.0 (2011-11-17)Fix error when no charset matches form data and HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET contains a*.Add test convenience helpercreate_interactionandwith interaction().3.12.6 (2010-12-17)Upload a non-CRLF version to pypi.3.12.5 (2010-12-14)Rename thetestsextra totest.Add a test for our own configure.zcml.Use UTF-8 as the charset if the browser does not set a header, per W3C spec.3.12.4 (2010-07-15)LP #131460: Make principal logging unicode safe.Remove use of string exceptions in tests, use up withIEndRequestEventandEndRequestEvent). Includes refactoring to produce one definition of ‘event with a request’ - IRequestEvent.3.12.3 (2010-04-30)LP #209440: Don’t obscure original exception when handling retries inpublish.publish()withhandleErrors == False. This change makes debugging such exception in unit tests easier. Thanks to James Henstridge for the patch.LP #98395: allow unicode output of XML content whose mimetype does not begin withtext/, per RFC 3023 as well as for content types ending in+xmlsuch as Mozilla XUL’sapplication/vnd+xml. Thanks to Justin Ryan for the patch.3.12.2 (2010-04-16)Remove use ofzope.testing.doctestunitin favor of stdlib’sdoctest.Fix bug where xml-rpc requests would hang when served usingpaster.httpserver.3.12.1 (2010-02-21)Ensure thatBaseRequest.traversedoes not call traversal hooks on elements previously traversed but wrapped in a security proxy.3.12.0 (2009-12-31)Revert change done in 3.6.2, removing thezope.authenticationdependency again. Move theBasicAuthAdapterandFTPAuthadapters to the newzope.loginpackage.3.11.0 (2009-12-15)MoveEndRequestEventandIEndRequestEventhere (2009-11-28)Declare minimum dependency onzope.contenttype3.5 (omitted in 3.10).3.10.0 (2009-10-22)Move the implementation ofzope.publisher.contenttypetozope.contenttype.parse, leaving BBB imports and moving tests along.zope.contenttypeis a new but light-weight dependency of this package.Support Python 2.6 by keeping QUERY_STRING out of request.form if the method is a POST. The original QUERY_STRING is still available if further processing is needed.Better support the zcmldefaultSkindirective’s behavior (registering an interface as a default skin) in thesetDefaultSkinfunction.3.9.3 (2009-10-08)Fix the check for untrusted redirects introduced in 3.9.0 so it works with virtual hosting.3.9.2 (2009-10-07)Make redirect validation works without HTTP_HOST variable.Add DoNotReRaiseException adapter that can be registered for exceptions to flag that they should not be re-raised by publisher whenhandle_errorsparameter of thepublishmethod is False.3.9.1 (2009-09-01)Convert a location, passed to a redirect method of HTTPRequest to string before checking for trusted host redirection, because a location object may be some non-string convertable to string, like URLGetter.3.9.0 (2009-08-27)Move some parts this package for requestsbrowser:defaultViewandbrowser:defaultSkinZCML directivesIHTTPView,IXMLRPCViewand like interfacessecurity ZCML declarations for some ofzope.publisherclassesIntroduceIReRaiseExceptioninterface. If during publishing an exception occurs and for this exception an adapter is available that returnsFalseon being called, the exception won’t be reraised by the publisher. This happens only ifhandle_errorsparameter of thepublish()method is set toFalse. Fixes problems when acting in a WSGI pipeline with a debugger middleware enabled.See details.Fix #98471: Restrict redirects to current host. This causes a ValueError to be raised in the case of redirecting to a different host. If this is intentional, the parametertrustedcan be given.Move dependency onzope.testingfrominstall_requirestotests_require.Removetime.sleepin thesupportsRetryhttp request.Add a fix for Internet Explorer versions which upload files with full filesystem paths as filenames.3.8.0 (2009-05-23)MoveIHTTPException,IMethodNotAllowed, andMethodNotAllowedhere, fixing dependency cycles theDefaultViewNameAPI here, making it accessible to other packages that need it.3.7.0 (2009-05-13)MoveIViewandIBrowserViewinterfaces intozope.browser.interfaces, leaving BBB imports.3.6.4 (2009-04-26)Add some BBB code to setDefaultSkin to allow IBrowserRequest’s to continue to work without configuring any special adapter for IDefaultSkin.MovegetDefaultSkinto the skinnable module next to thesetDefaultSkinmethod, leaving a BBB import in place. MarkIDefaultBrowserLayeras aIBrowserSkinTypein code instead of relying on the ZCML to be loaded.3.6.3 (2009-03-18)Mark HTTPRequest as IAttributeAnnotatable ifzope.annotationis available, this was previously done>IUserPreferredCharsetsadapter in ZCML configuration. This was also previously done (2009-03-14)Add an adapter It was moved a part of refactoring process.Add adapters from HTTP and FTP request tozope.authentication.ILoginPasswordinterface. They are moved a part of refactoring process. This change adds a dependency on thezope.authenticationpackage, but it’s okay, since it’s a tiny contract definition-only package.See reasoning.3.6.1 (2009-03-09)Fix: remove IBrowserRequest dependency in http implementation based on condition for setDefaultSkin. Use ISkinnable instead of IBrowserRequest.3.6.0 (2009-03-08)Clean-up: Move skin related code from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser and zope.publisher.browser to zope.publihser.interfaces and zope.publisher.skinnable and provide BBB imports. See skinnable.txt for more information.Fix: ensure that we only apply skin interface in setDefaultSkin which also provide IBrowserSkinType. This will ensure that we find a skin if the applySkin method will lookup for a skin based on this type interface.Fix: Make it possible to use adapters and not only interfaces as skins from the adapter registry. Right now the defaultSkin directive registers simple interfaces as skin adapters which will run into a TypeError if someone tries to adapter such a skin adapter. Probably we should change the defaultSkin directive and register real adapters instead of using the interfaces as fake adapters where we expect adapter factories.Feature: allow use ofapplySkinofwith different skin types using the optionalskinTypeargument, which is by default set toIBrowserSkinType.Feature: implement the default skin pattern within adapters. This allows us to register default skins for other requests then onlyIBrowserRequestusingIDefaultSkinadapters.Note,ISkinnableandISkinTypeand the skin implementation should be moved out of the browser request modules. Packages likez3c.jsonrpcdo not depend onIBrowserRequestbut they are skinnable.Feature: addISkinnableinterface which allows us to implement the apply skin pattern not only forIBrowserRequest.Fix: Don’t cause warnings on Python 2.6Fix: MakeIBrowserPageinheritIBrowserView.MoveIViewandIDefaultViewNamehere fromzope.component.interfaces. Stop inheriting from deprecated (for years) interfaces defined inzope.component.Remove deprecated code.Clean-up: Movezope.testingfrom extras to dependencies, per Zope Framework policy. a dependency: tests run fine without it.3.5.6 (2009-02-14)Fix an untested code path that incorrectly attempted to construct aNotFound, adding a test.3.5.5 (2009-02-04)LP #322486:setStatus()now allows anyint()-able status value.3.5.4 (2008-09-22)LP #98440: interfaces lost on retried requestLP #273296: dealing more nicely with malformed HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE headers within getPreferredLanguages().LP #253362: dealing more nicely with malformed HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET headers within getPreferredCharsets().LP #98284: Pass thesizeargument to readline, as the version of twisted used in supports it.Fix the LP #98284 fix: do not passsizeargument of None that causes cStringIO objects to barf with a TypeError.3.5.3 (2008-06-20)It turns out that some Web servers (Paste for example) do not send the EOF character after the data has been transmitted and the read() of the cached stream simply hangs if no expected content length has been specified.3.5.2 (2008-04-06)A previous fix to handle posting of non-form data broke handling of form data with extra information in the content type, as in:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-83.5.1 (2008-03-23)When posting non-form (and non-multipart) data, the request body was consumed and discarded. This makes it impossible to deal with other post types, like xml-rpc or json without resorting to overly complex “request factory” contortions. confused by the Zope 2 publisher, which gives misleading information about which headers it has.3.5.0 (2008-03-02)Added a PasteDeploy app_factory implementation. This should make it easier to integrate Zope 3 applications with PasteDeploy. It also makes it easier to control the publication used, giving far greater control over application policies (e.g. whether or not to use the ZODB).3.4.2 (2007-12-07)Made segmentation of URLs not strip (trailing) whitespace from path segments to allow URLs ending in %20 to be handled correctly. (#172742)3.4.1 (2007-09-29)No changes since 3.4.1b2.3.4.1b2 (2007-08-02)Add support for Python 2.5.Fix a problem withrequest.get()when the object that’s to be retrieved is the request itself.3.4.1b1 (2007-07-13)No changes.3.4.0b2 (2007-07-05)LP #122054:HTTPInputStreamunderstands both the CONTENT_LENGTH and HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH environment variables. It is also now tolerant of empty strings and will treat those as if the variable were absent.3.4.0b1 (2007-07-05)Fix caching issue. The input stream never got cached in a temp file because of a wrong content-length header lookup. Added CONTENT_LENGTH header check in addition to the previous used HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH. TheHTTP_prefix is sometimes added by some CGI proxies, but CONTENT_LENGTH is the right header info for the size.LP #98413:HTTPResponse.handleExceptionshould set the content type3.4.0a1 (2007-04-22)Initial release as a separate project, corresponds to zope.publisher from Zope 3.4.0a1
This package provides a few simple scripts to administrate the Python Package Index (PyPI).Adding and Removing RolesThe first two scripts allow to grant or revoke the owner role to/from a user for a list of packages. Here is the syntax:# addrole --user=USER --pwd=PASSWORD TARGETUSER PACKAGE1, PACKAGE2, ... # delrole --user=USER --pwd=PASSWORD TARGETUSER PACKAGE1, PACKAGE2, ...Optionally, you can also apply the role changes to all packages of the calling user:# addrole --user=USER --pwd=PASSWORD -a TARGETUSER # delrole --user=USER --pwd=PASSWORD -a TARGETUSERCHANGES0.1.1 (2009-02-08)Show command line help correctly.Show a error message instead of exception traceback, when user is not an owner and thus can not give someone else the owner role.Change mailing list to zope-dev at instead of retired one.Change “cheeseshop” to “pypi” in the package’s url.Fix package description.0.1.0 (2007-11-05)Initial release. Implementedaddroleanddelrolescripts, which allow one to add and remove roles for a user from one or more packages.
zope.pytestIntroductionThis package contains a set of helper functions to test Zope/Grok usingpytest. It currently lacks special support for doctesting.Core functionszope.pytest.setup.create_appthis function creates a WSGI app object which utilizes a temporary db.zope.pytest.setup.configurethis function parses ZCML files and initializes the component registrySimple example:import my.project from zope.pytest import create_app, configure from my.project import Root def pytest_funcarg__app(request): return create_app(request, Root()) def pytest_funcarg__config(request): return configure(request, my.project, 'ftesting.zcml') def test_hello(app, config): assert 1 == 1DocumentationComplete documentation can be found on (2011-03-05)Initial implementation.Download
zope.ramcacheThis package provides a RAM-based cache implementation for Zope.The classzope.ramcache.ram.RAMCacheis a (persistent) object meant to be shared between threads. It implementszope.ramcache.interfaces.ram.IRAMCache, which provides a simple interface to cache information as well as defines a maximum number and age for cached entries.The cache is based on the idea of using arbitrary objects as keys, with the ability to associate additional information in the cache key for any given object. For example, it’s possible to cache information for an object for multiple different users simultaneously.Changes3.0 (2023-04-06)Add support for Python 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2021-12-06)Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10.Drop support for Python (2018-10-10)Add support for Python (2017-09-05)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.Drop support forpython test.Test PyPy3 on Travis CI.Stop requiring all values to support pickling in order to get statistics. Instead, returnFalsefor the size if such a value is found. Fixesissue 1.Change the internal storage format of the RAM cache to require less memory and be easier to maintain.2.1.0 (2014-12-29)Added support for PyPy. (PyPy3 is pending release of a fix for: support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.2.0.0 (2013-02-28)Add support for Python 3.3.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.Remove outdated classifier / keywords.1.0 (2009-07-23)Broke out the ram cache functionality
zope.rdbContentszope.rdbOverviewChange History3.5.0 (2009/01/31)3.4.2 (2008/10/10)3.4.1 (2008/10/10)3.4.0 (2007/09/01)DownloadOverviewZope RDBMS Transaction Integration.Provides a proxy for interaction between the zope transaction framework and the db-api connection. Databases which want to support sub transactions need to implement their own proxy.Change History3.5.0 (2009/01/31)Use zope.container instead of (2008/10/10)Re-release (2008/10/10)Remove body of DatabaseException, base Exception class already provides the same functionality.Use hashlib.md5 instead of if available. md5 module is deprecated and will be removed in a future Python release.Remove usage of ‘as’ as variable name. ‘as’ is a keyword in Python 2.6 and generates a SyntaxError.3.4.0 (2007/09/01)Initial release as an independent packageDownload
Zope 3 Controlled Package IndexThis package has been developed to support the maintenance of a stable set of Zope project distributions. It manages the controlled packages configuration file and supports the generation of buildout configuration files that can be used by developers.Another use of this package is to use it for testing new distributions against the index. Here is the workflow for testing a new package against stable set:Install the correct version of this package.Download the version of this package that manages the stable set that you are interested in. For the Zope 3.4 release, a 3.4 branch exists:$ svn co svn:// zope3.4 $ cd zope3.4Bootstrap the checkout:$ python ./bootstrap.pyRun buildout to create the scripts:$ ./bin/buildoutRun thebuildout.cfggeneration script to build a configuration file that can be used for testing:$ ./bin/generate-buildoutFrom the generated configuration file, you can now build a testing environment.Enter the test directory and create a buildout:$ cd test $ python ../ $ ./bin/buildoutRun all the tests to verify that all tests are initially passing:$ ./bin/test -vpc1Modify thebuildout.cfgto look for your the new distribution to be tested:Change the version number of the package of interest in the “versions” section.Alternative:Check out the new distribution from SVN.Add a “develop path/to/my/package” line in the “buildout” section ofbuildout.cfg.Run the tests, making sure that they all pass.Modifycontrolled-packages.cfgto reference the new version.Find the package that you are interested in and add the new of the package in theversionsattribute of the package’s section.In the[KGS]section, increase the version number in theversionattribute.Upload the new KGS release:$ cd .. $ ./bin/uploadOnce the files are uploaded, a crontab-job, running every minute, will detect the changes incontrolled-pages.cfgand will generate the new controlled package pages.Update the svn:externals in the Zope3 3.4 branch:$ svn co svn+ssh:// Zope3-3.4 $ ./bin/update-tree $ cd Zope3-3.4 $ svn diff $ svn commitNote: I think the process is still a tiny bit too long. I probably write a script that makes testing a new version of a package easier, but let’s see whether this process is workable first.Zope Release ToolsThis package provides some tools to manage Zope 3 releases. It extends the scripts provided byzope.kgswith Zope-specifc scripts, such as updating the Zope 3 source tree and uploading files to the download location.Here is an examplatory controlled packages configuration file:>>> import tempfile >>> cfgFile = tempfile.mktemp('-controlled-packages.cfg') >>> open(cfgFile, 'w').write('''\ ... [DEFAULT] ... tested = true ... ... [KGS] ... name = zope-dev ... version = 1.0.0 ... changelog = CHANGES.txt ... files = zope-dev-1.0.0.tgz ... ... [packageA] ... versions = 1.0.0 ... 1.0.1 ... ... [packageB] ... versions = 1.2.3 ... ... [packageC] ... # Do not test this package. ... tested = false ... versions = 4.3.1 ... ''')>>> import os >>> dir = os.path.dirname(cfgFile)>>> open(os.path.join(dir, 'CHANGES.txt'), 'w').write('Changes') >>> open(os.path.join(dir, 'zope-dev-1.0.0.tgz'), 'w').write('TGZ')Uploading FilesOnce the generated files are tested and ready for upload, you can use the upload script to upload the files to the KGS. Since we do not actually want to upload files, we simply switch into dry-run mode:>>> from zope.release import upload >>> upload.DRY_RUN = TrueUsually we only need to upload the controlled packages file, since site script of thezope.kgspackage will do the rest for us.>>> upload.main((cfgFile, '')) scp ...zope-dev-1.0.0.tgz scp .../CHANGES.txt scp ...controlled-packages.cfg ...controlled-packages.cfgUpdating the Zope 3 TreeSince we still want to create a Zope 3 source tree release, we need to be able to update its externals using the information of the controlled packages file. Since this script is clearly Zope3-specific, we need a new controlled packages config file that contains actual packages:>>> import tempfile >>> zopeCfgFile = tempfile.mktemp('-cp.cfg') >>> open(zopeCfgFile, 'w').write('''\ ... [DEFAULT] ... tested = true ... ... [KGS] ... name = zope ... version = dev ... ... [ZODB3] ... versions = 1.0.0 ... ... [ZConfig] ... versions = 1.1.0 ... ... [pytz] ... versions = 2007g ... ... [zope.interface] ... versions = 1.2.0 ... ... [] ... versions = 1.3.0 ... ''')We also need to stub the command execution, since we do not have an actual Zope 3 tree checked out:>>> cmdOutput = { ... 'svn propget svn:externals Zope3/src': '''\ ... docutils path/to/docutils ... pytz path/to/pytz ... twisted path/to/twisted ... ZConfig path/to/ZConfig ... ZODB path/to/ZODB''', ... 'svn propget svn:externals Zope3/src/zope': '''\ ... interface path/to/zope/interface''', ... 'svn propget svn:externals Zope3/src/zope/app': '''\ ... container path/to/zope/app/container''', ... }>>> def do(cmd): ... print cmd ... print '-----' ... return cmdOutput.get(cmd, '')>>> from zope.release import tree >>> = doLet’s now run the tree update:>>> tree.main((zopeCfgFile, 'Zope3')) svn propget svn:externals Zope3/src ----- svn propset svn:externals "docutils svn:// pytz svn:// twisted svn:// ZConfig svn:// ZODB svn://" Zope3/src ----- svn propget svn:externals Zope3/src/zope ----- svn propset svn:externals "interface svn://" Zope3/src/zope ----- svn propget svn:externals Zope3/src/zope/app ----- svn propset svn:externals "container svn://" Zope3/src/zope/app -----Zope KGS HistoryNOTE: The releases of this package are synced with the Zope 3 releases.3.4.0 (2009-01-29)Upgraded setuptools to 0.6c9Upgraded ZODB3 to 3.8.1Upgraded zc.resourcelibrary to 1.0.1Upgraded to (2008-09)Upgraded zope.server to 3.4.3Upgraded to 3.4.1 and 3.4.2Upgraded zope.publisher to 3.4.5, 3.4.6Upgraded zc.zope3recipes to 0.6.2Upgraded zope.testing to 3.5.6Upgraded z3c.form to 1.9.0Upgraded z3c.formui to 1.4.1Upgraded z3c.formdemo to 1.5.3Upgraded z3c.formjs to 0.4.0Upgraded z3c.formjsdemo to 0.3.1Upgraded zdaemon to 2.0.2Upgraded to 3.4.2, 3.4.3, 3.4.4, 3.4.5Upgraded z3c.traverser to 0.2.2, 0.2.3Upgraded zope.annotation to 3.4.1Upgraded to 3.4.3, 3.4.4Upgraded zope.cachedescriptors to 3.4.1Upgraded zope.securitypolicy to 3.4.1Upgraded zc.buildout to 1.1.1Fixed backwards incompatible change in handling of environment option.Seems to have fixed sporadic test failures under high system load3.4.0c6 (2008-08-14)Upgraded zope.publisher to 3.4.3.Upgraded to 3.4.3. Removed previous versions, as they are not compatible with >= 3.5.4Upgraded to 3.5.6Upgraded zope.testing 3.5.1 to 3.5.4.Upgraded zc.buildout 1.0.0 to 1.1.0.New global buildout option, unzipRecompiles pyc files to have correct paths.Upgraded zope.proxy 3.4.0 to 3.4.2: fixes problems using Python 2.5 on AMD64.Upgraded 3.4.0 to 3.4.1: fixes problems using Python 2.5 on AMD64.Upgraded z3c.form 1.8.0 to 1.8.2: fixes error on Python (2008-07-31)Upgraded setuptools to 0.6c8.Upgraded to 3.5.2. This is a major version bump, but the new feature in 3.5 should not interfere with existing code and 3.5.2 fixes a deprecation warning between Python 2.4 and (2008-07-30)no changes3.4.0c3 (2008-07-30)Upgraded z3c.coverage to 1.1.2Upgraded to 3.4.3Upgraded to 3.4.1Upgraded to 3.4.1Upgraded to 3.4.1Upgraded to 3.4.3Upgraded to 3.4.1Upgraded zope.traversing to (2008-07-23)Upgraded ClientForm to 0.2.9Upgraded to 3.4.1Upgraded to 3.4.2Upgraded to 3.4.1Upgraded zope.server to (2008-01-31)Added a KGS sectionUpgraded ZConfig to 2.5.1Upgraded ZODB3 to 3.8.0c1 and 3.8.0Upgraded pytz to 2007kUpgraded z3c.coverage to 1.1.1 (major version change)Upgraded z3c.form to 1.8.0 (major version change)Upgraded z3c.formui to 1.4.1 (major version change)Upgraded z3c.layer to 0.2.3Upgraded z3c.pagelet to 1.0.2Upgraded z3c.rml to 0.7.3 and removed version 0.7.1Upgraded z3c.traverser to 0.2.1Upgraded zc.buildout to 1.0.0Upgraded zc.resourcelibrary to 0.8.2Upgraded zc.zope3recipes to 0.6.1Upgraded to 3.4.3Upgraded to 3.5.3Upgraded to 3.4.2Upgraded to 3.4.1. Removed 3.4.0Upgraded to 3.4.1Upgraded to 3.4.3Upgraded to 3.4.6Upgraded zope.interface to 3.4.1Upgraded zope.minmax to 1.1.0 (major version change)Upgraded zope.publisher to 3.4.2Upgraded zope.tal to 3.4.1Upgraded zope.viewlet to 3.4.2No history was recorded before version 3.4.0c1
This package provides a framework to convert a string from one format, such as Structured or Restructured Text, to another, such as HTML. Converters are looked up by adapter and uses other packages to implement the converters.CHANGES4.0.0a1 (2013-03-01)Renamed package support for Python 3.3.Replaced deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Dropped support for Python 2.4 and (2009-07-21)Require the newromanpackage, since docutils does not install it correctly.3.5.0 (2009-01-17)Adapted to docutils 0.5 for ReST rendering: get rid of the ZopeTranslator class, because docutils changed the way it uses translator so previous implementation doesn’t work anymore. Instead, use publish_parts and join needed parts in therendermethod of the renderer itself.Removed deprecated meta.zcml stuff and zpkg stuff.Replaced __used_for__ with zope.component.adapts calls.3.4.0 (2007-10-27)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
zope.schemaSchemas extend the notion of interfaces to detailed descriptions of Attributes (but not methods). Every schema is an interface and specifies the public fields of an object. Afieldroughly corresponds to an attribute of a Python object. But a Field provides space for at least a title and a description. It can also constrain its value and provide a validation method. Besides you can optionally specify characteristics such as its value being read-only or not required.See more information.Changes7.0.1 (2023-01-02)Fix fallback whenzope.i18nmessageidis not installed (regression introduced in 7.0.0).7.0.0 (2023-01-01)Add support for Python 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Dropzope.schema._compatmodule.Fix test deprecation warning on Python 3.11. (#112)6.2.1 (2022-09-14)Fix outsized integer test values that break tests on newer Python versions. (#115)6.2.0 (2021-10-18)Add support for Python (2021-10-13)Fix incompatibility introduced in 6.1.0: TheBoolfield constructor implicitly set required to False if not given. While this is the desired behavior in most common cases, it broke special cases. Seeissue 104(scroll down, it is around thereopen).6.1.0 (2021-02-09)FixIField.requiredto not be required by default. Seeissue (2021-01-25)Bring branch coverage to 100%.Add support for Python 3.9.Fix FieldUpdateEvent implementation by having anobjectattribute as theIFieldUpdatedEventinterfaces claims there should be.6.0.0 (2020-03-21)Require zope.interface 5.0.Ensure the resolution orders of all fields are consistent and make sense. In particular,Boolfields now correctly implementIBoolbeforeIFromUnicode. Seeissue 80.Add support for Python 3.8.Drop support for Python (2020-03-06)Fix: addText.unicode_normalization = 'NFC'as default, because some are persisting schema fields. Setting that attribute only in__init__breaks loading old objects.5.0 (2020-03-06)SetIDecimalattributesmin,maxanddefaultasDecimaltype instead ofNumber. Seeissue 88.Enable unicode normalization forTextfields. The default is NFC normalization. Valid forms are ‘NFC’, ‘NFKC’, ‘NFD’, and ‘NFKD’. To disable normalization, setunicode_normalizationtoFalseorNonewhen calling__init__of theTextfield. Seeissue (2018-10-12)Fix a ReST error in getDoc() results when having “subfields” with titles.4.9.2 (2018-10-11)Make sure that the title forIObject.validate_invariantsis a unicode string.4.9.1 (2018-10-05)FixSimpleTermtoken for non-ASCII bytes values.4.9.0 (2018-09-24)MakeNativeStringandNativeStringLinedistinct types that implement the newly-distinct interfacesINativeStringandINativeStringLine. Previously these were just aliases for eitherText(on Python 3) orBytes(on Python 2).FixField.getDoc()whenvalue_typeorkey_typeis present. Previously it could produce ReST that generated Sphinx warnings. Seeissue 76.MakeDottedNameaccept leading underscores for each segment.AddPythonIdentifier, which accepts one segment of a dotted name, e.g., a python variable or class.4.8.0 (2018-09-19)Add the interfaceIFromBytes, which is implemented by the numeric and bytes fields, as well asURI,DottedName, andId.Fix passingNoneas the description to a field constructor. Seeissue (2018-09-11)MakeWrongTypehave anexpected_typefield.AddNotAnInterface, an exception derived fromWrongTypeandSchemaNotProvidedand raised by the constructor ofObjectand when validation fails forInterfaceField.GiveSchemaNotProvidedaschemafield.GiveWrongContainedTypeanerrorslist.GiveTooShort,TooLong,TooBigandTooSmallaboundfield and the common superclassesLenOutOfBounds,OrderableOutOfBounds, respectively, both of which inherit fromOutOfBounds.4.6.2 (2018-09-10)Fix checking a field’s constraint to set thefieldandvalueproperties if the constraint raises aValidationError. Seeissue (2018-09-10)Fix theFieldconstructor to again allowMessageIDvalues for thedescription. This was a regression introduced with the fix forissue 60. Seeissue (2018-09-07)Add support for Python 3.7.Objectinstances call their schema’svalidateInvariantsmethod by default to collect errors from functions decorated with@invariantwhen validating. This can be disabled by passingvalidate_invariants=Falseto theObjectconstructor. Seeissue 10.ValidationErrorcan be sorted on Python 3.DottedNameandIdconsistently handle non-ASCII unicode values on Python 2 and 3 by raisingInvalidDottedNameandInvalidIdinfromUnicoderespectively. Previously, aUnicodeEncodeErrorwould be raised on Python 2 while Python 3 would raise the descriptive exception.Fieldinstances are hashable on Python 3, and use a defined hashing algorithm that matches what equality does on all versions of Python. Previously, on Python 2, fields were hashed based on their identity. This violated the rule that equal objects should have equal hashes, and now they do. Since having equal hashes does not imply that the objects are equal, this is not expected to be a compatibility problem. Seeissue 36.Fieldinstances are only equal when their.interfaceis equal. In practice, this means that two otherwise identical fields of separate schemas are not equal, do not hash the same, and can both be members of the samedictorset. Prior to this release, when hashing was identity based but only worked on Python 2, that was the typical behaviour. (Field objects that arenotmembers of a schema continue to compare and hash equal if they have the same attributes and interfaces.) Seeissue 40.Orderable fields, includingInt,Float,Decimal,Timedelta,DateandTime, can now have amissing_valuewithout needing to specify concreteminandmaxvalues (they must still specify adefaultvalue). Seeissue 9.Choice,SimpleVocabularyandSimpleTermall gracefully handle using Unicode token values with non-ASCII characters by encoding them with thebackslashreplaceerror handler. Seeissue 15andPR 6.All instances ofValidationErrorhave afieldandvalueattribute that is set to the field that raised the exception and the value that failed validation.Float,IntandDecimalfields raiseValidationErrorsubclasses for literals that cannot be parsed. These subclasses also subclassValueErrorfor backwards compatibility.Add a new exceptionSchemaNotCorrectlyImplemented, a subclass ofWrongContainedTypethat is raised by theObjectfield. It has a dictionary (schema_errors) mapping invalid schema attributes to their corresponding exception, and a list (invariant_errors) containing the exceptions raised by validating invariants. Seeissue 16.Add new fieldsMappingandMutableMapping, corresponding to the collections ABCs of the same name;Dictnow extends and specializesMutableMappingto only accept instances ofdict.Add new fieldsSequenceandMutableSequence, corresponding to the collections ABCs of the same name;Tuplenow extendsSequenceandListnow extendsMutableSequence.Add new fieldCollection, implementingICollection. This is the base class ofSequence. Previously this was known asAbstractCollectionand was not public. It can be subclassed to addvalue_type,_typeanduniqueattributes at the class level, enabling a simpler constructor call. Seeissue 23.MakeObjectrespect aschemaattribute defined by a subclass, enabling a simpler constructor call. Seeissue 23.Add fields and interfaces representing Python’s numeric tower. In descending order of generality these areNumber,Complex,Real,RationalandIntegral. TheIntclass extendsIntegral, theFloatclass extendsReal, and theDecimalclass extendsNumber. Seeissue 49.MakeIterableandContainerproperly implementIIterableandIContainer, respectively.MakeSimpleVocabulary.fromItemsaccept triples to allow specifying the title of terms. Seeissue 18.MakeTreeVocabulary.fromDictonly createITitledTokenizedTermswhen a title is actually provided.MakeChoicefields reliably raise aValidationErrorwhen a named vocabulary cannot be found; for backwards compatibility this is also aValueError. Previously this only worked when the defaultVocabularyRegistrywas in use, not when it was replaced withzope.vocabularyregistry. Seeissue 55.MakeSimpleVocabularyandSimpleTermhave value-based equality and hashing methods.All fields of the schema of anObjectfield are bound to the top-level value being validated before attempting validation of their particular attribute. Previously onlyIChoicefields were bound. Seeissue 17.Share the internal logic ofObjectfield validation andzope.schema.getValidationErrors. Seeissue 57.MakeField.getDoc()return more information about the properties of the field, such as its required and readonly status. Subclasses can add more information using the new methodField.getExtraDocLines(). This is used to generate Sphinx documentation when usingrepoze.sphinx.autointerface. Seeissue (2017-07-10)Drop support for Python 2.6, 3.2, and 3.3.Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for ‘ test’. Use zope.testrunner instead.4.4.2 (2014-09-04)Fix description of min max field: max value is included, not excluded.4.4.1 (2014-03-19)Add support for Python (2014-01-22)Add an event on field properties to notify that a field has been updated. This event enables definition of subscribers based on an event, a context and a field. The event contains also the old value and the new value. (also see packagezope.schemaeventthat define a field event handler)4.3.3 (2014-01-06)PEP 8 cleanup.Don’t raise RequiredMissing if a field’s defaultFactory returns the field’s missing_value.Updateboostrap.pyto version 2.2.Add the ability to swallow ValueErrors when rendering a SimpleVocabulary, allowing for cases where vocabulary items may be duplicated (e.g., due to user input).Include the field name inConstraintNotSatisfied.4.3.2 (2013-02-24)Fix Python 2.6 support. (Forgot to run tox with all environments before last release.)4.3.1 (2013-02-24)Make sure that we do not fail during bytes decoding of term token when generated from a bytes value by ignoring all errors. (Another option would have been to hexlify the value, but that would break way too many tests.)4.3.0 (2013-02-24)Fix a bug where bytes values were turned into tokens inproperly in Python 3.Addzope.schema.fieldproperty.createFieldProperties()function which maps schema fields intoFieldPropertyinstances.4.2.2 (2012-11-21)Add support for Python (2012-11-09)Fix the default property of fields that have no defaultFactory attribute.4.2.0 (2012-05-12)Automate build of Sphinx HTML docs and running doctest snippets via tox.Drop explicit support for Python 3.1.Introduce NativeString and NativeStringLine which are equal to Bytes and BytesLine on Python 2 and Text and TextLine on Python 3.Change IURI from a Bytes string to a “native” string. This is a backwards incompatibility which only affects Python 3.Bring unit test coverage to 100%.Move doctests from the package and wired up as normal Sphinx documentation.Add explicit support for PyPy.Add support for continuous integration usingtoxandjenkins.Drop the externalsixdependency in favor of a much-trimmedzope.schema._compatmodule.Ensure tests pass when run devalias ( developplus installsnoseandcoverage) docsalias (installsSphinxand dependencies).4.1.1 (2012-03-23)Remove trailing slash in, it causes Winbot to crash.4.1.0 (2012-03-23)Add TreeVocabulary for nested tree-like vocabularies.Fix broken Object field validation where the schema contains a Choice with ICountextSourceBinder source. In this case the vocabulary was not iterable because the field was not bound and the source binder didn’t return the real vocabulary. Added simple test for IContextSourceBinder validation. But a test with an Object field with a schema using a Choice with IContextSourceBinder is still missing.4.0.1 (2011-11-14)Fix bug infromUnicodemethod ofDottedNamewhich would fail validation on being given unicode. Introduced in (2011-11-09)Fix deprecated unittest methods.Port to Python 3. This adds a dependency on six and removes support for Python (2011-09-23)Fix broken Object field validation. Previous version was using a volatile property on object field values which ends in a ForbiddenAttribute error on security proxied objects.3.8.0 (2011-03-18)Implement adefaultFactoryattribute for all fields. It is a callable that can be used to compute default values. The simplest case is:Date( the factory needs a context to compute a sensible default value, then it must provideIContextAwareDefaultFactory, which can be used as follows:@provider(IContextAwareDefaultFactory) def today(context): return Date(defaultFactory=today)3.7.1 (2010-12-25)Rename the validation token, used in the validation of schema with Object Field to avoid infinite recursion:__schema_being_validatedbecame_v_schema_being_validated, a volatile attribute, to avoid persistency and therefore, read/write conflicts.Don’t allow “[]^`” in DottedName. (2010-09-12)Improve error messages when term tokens or values are duplicates.Fix the buildout so the tests run.3.6.4 (2010-06-08)fix validation of schema with Object Field that specify Interface schema.3.6.3 (2010-04-30)Prefer the standard libraries doctest module to the one from zope.testing.3.6.2 (2010-04-30)Avoid maximum recursion when validating Object field that points to cyclesMake the dependency onzope.i18nmessageidoptional.3.6.1 (2010-01-05)Allow “ test” to run at least a subset of the tests runnable viabin/test(227 testvs. 258. forbin/test)Makezope.schema._bootstrapfields.ValidatedPropertydescriptor work under Jython.Make “ test” tests pass on Jython.3.6.0 (2009-12-22)Prefer zope.testing.doctest over doctestunit.Extend validation error to hold the field name.Add FieldProperty class that uses Field.get and Field.set methods instead of storing directly on the instance __dict__.3.5.4 (2009-03-25)Don’t fail trying to validate default value for Choice fields with IContextSourceBinder object given as a source. See an interface forDottedNamefield.AddvocabularyNameattribute to theIChoiceinterface, change “vocabulary” attribute description to be more sensible, making itzope.schema.Fieldinstead of plainzope.interface.Attribute.Make IBool interface of Bool more important than IFromUnicode so adapters registered for IBool take precendence over adapters registered for IFromUnicode.3.5.3 (2009-03-10)Make Choice and Bool fields implement IFromUnicode interface, because they do provide thefromUnicodemethod.Change package’s mailing list address to zope-dev at, as zope3-dev at is now retired.Fix package’s documentation formatting. Change package’s description.Add buildout part that builds Sphinx-generated documentation.Remove zpkg-related file.3.5.2 (2009-02-04)Made validation tests compatible with Python 2.5 again (hopefully not breaking Python 2.4)Add an __all__ package attribute to expose documentation.3.5.1 (2009-01-31)Stop using the old old set type.Make tests compatible and silent with Python 2.4.Fix __cmp__ method in ValidationError. Show some side effects based on the existing __cmp__ implementation. See validation.txtMake ‘repr’ of the ValidationError and its subclasses more sensible. This may require you to adapt your doctests for the new style, but now it makes much more sense for debugging for developers.3.5.0a2 (2008-12-11)Move zope.testing to “test” extras_require, as it is not needed for zope.schema itself.Change the order of classes in SET_TYPES tuple, introduced in previous release to one that was in 3.4 (SetType, set), because third-party code could be dependent on that order. The one example is z3c.form’s converter.3.5.0a1 (2008-10-10)Add the doctests to the long description.Remove use of deprecated ‘sets’ module when running under Python 2.6.Remove spurious doctest failure when running under Python 2.6.Add support to bootstrap on Jython.Add helper methods for schema validation:getValidationErrorsandgetSchemaValidationErrors.zope.schema now works on Python2.53.4.0 (2007-09-28)Add BeforeObjectAssignedEvent that is triggered before the object field sets a value.3.3.0 (2007-03-15)Corresponds to the version of the zope.schema package shipped as part of the Zope 3.3.0 release.3.2.1 (2006-03-26)Corresponds to the version of the zope.schema package shipped as part of the Zope 3.2.1 release.Fix missing import of ‘VocabularyRegistryError’. See (2006-01-05)Corresponds to the version of the zope.schema package shipped as part of the Zope 3.2.0 release.Add “iterable” sources to replace vocabularies, which are now deprecated and scheduled for removal in Zope (2005-10-03)Corresponds to the version of the zope.schema package shipped as part of the Zope 3.1.0 release.Allow ‘Choice’ fields to take either a ‘vocabulary’ or a ‘source’ argument (sources are a simpler implementation).Add ‘TimeDelta’ and ‘ASCIILine’ field types.3.0.0 (2004-11-07)Corresponds to the version of the zope.schema package shipped as part of the Zope X3.0.0 release.
ContentsIntroductionContributorsChangelog0.3 (2017-07-13)0.2 (2014-01-30)0.1 (2014-01-22)IntroductionEnable handler for event triggered on field by adding subscriber. We make the configuration glue betweenzope.schema(which doesn’t depend on zope.component) andzope.component.Example:<subscriber for=".interfaces.IExampleObject zope.schema.interfaces.IText zope.schema.interfaces.IFieldUpdatedEvent" handler=".localrolefield.set_local_role_on_object" />ContributorsAffinitic, Bubblenet - Original AuthorIMIO - ClientChangelog0.3 (2017-07-13)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.Drop support for Python (2014-01-30)Fix release, better [jfroche]0.1 (2014-01-22)Initial release [jfroche]Package created using templer [jfroche]
zope.securityThe Security framework provides a generic mechanism to implement security policies on Python objects.Documentation is available at (2023-10-05)Makenext()on C proxies call__next__rather thannext(see PEP 3114), and drop support for the Python 2nextmethod name from pure-Python proxies.Drop usingsetup_requiresdue to constant problems on GHA.Add support for Python (2023-01-18)Remove more proxying code for names that no longer exist in Python 3. (#92)6.0 (2023-01-16)Remove proxying code for names that no longer exist in Python 3. (#92)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2022-11-30)The extrauntrustedpythonnow for Python 3, too, installszope.untrustedpython.5.7 (2022-11-17)Release to rebuild full set of binary wheels.5.6 (2022-11-16)Add support for building arm64 wheels on macOS.5.5 (2022-11-06)Add support for final release of Python (2022-09-15)Disable unsafe math optimizations in C code. Seepull request 89.5.3 (2022-04-27)Allow calling bound methods of some built-in objects such as().__repr__and{}.__repr__by default. This worked on Python 2, but raisedForbiddenAttributeon Python 3. Seeissue 75.Remove usage ofunittest.makeSuiteas it is deprecated in Python 3.11+. Seeissue 83.Add support for Python 3.11 (as of 3.11.0a7).5.2 (2022-03-10)Add support for Python 3.9 and (2020-03-23)Ensure all objects have consistent interface resolution orders (if all dependencies are up-to-date). Seeissue (2020-02-14)Let proxied interfaces be iterated on Python 3. This worked on Python 2, but raisedForbiddenAttributean Python 3. Seezope.interface issue 141.Allow to use a common Sphinx version for Python 2 and (2019-11-11)Drop support for Python 3.4.Add support for Python 3.8.Properly declare dependency on zope.schema >= 4.2.0, introduced in 4.2.1.Fix dict item view iteration on PyPy3 7.x.4.3.1 (2019-01-03)Fix the decimal.Decimal checker,__truediv__was missing causingForbiddenAttributeon aProxyFactory(Decimal('1'))/ 1operation4.3.0 (2018-08-24)Add the interfaceISystemPrincipaland regular object that implements this interface. This facilitates providing adapter registrations specifically for thesystem_user.4.2.3 (2018-08-09)Add support for Python (2018-01-11)Make the pure-Python proxy on Python 2notcheck permissions for__unicode__just like the C implementation. Note that__str__is checked for both implementations on both Python 2 and 3, but if there is no__unicode__method defined, Python 2’s automatic fallback to__str__isnotchecked whenunicodeis called. Seeissue (2017-11-30)Fix the default values forPermissionfieldstitleanddescriptionunder Python 2. Seeissue 48.Change theIPermission.idfromText(unicode) to aNativeStringLine. This matches what ZCML creates and what is usually written in source code.4.2.0 (2017-09-20)Fix the extremely rare potential for a crash when the C extensions are in use. Seeissue 35.Fixissue 7: The pure-Python proxy didn’t propagateTypeErrorfrom__repr__and__str__like the C implementation did.Fixissue 27: iteration ofzope.interface.providedBy()is now allowed by default on all versions of Python. Previously it only worked on Python 2. Note thatprovidedByreturns unproxied objects for backwards compatibility.Fix__length_hint__of proxied iterator objects. Previously it was ignored.Drop support for Python 3.3.Enable for coverage measurement and run doctests on all supported Python versions.Fixissue 9: iteration ofitertools.groupbyobjects is now allowed by default. In addition, iteration of all the custom iterator types defined in itertools are also allowed by default.Simplify the internal_compat.pymodule now that we only run on newer Python versions. SeePR 32.RespectPURE_PYTHONat runtime. At build time, always try to build the C extensions on supported platforms, ignoringPURE_PYTHON. Seeissue 33.Fix watching checkers (ZOPE_WATCH_CHECKERS=1) in pure-Python mode. Seeissue 8.Remove unused internal files fromtests/ It was unused and did not work anyway.Fix the pure-Python proxy on Python 2 letting__getslice__and__setslice__fall through to__getitem__or__setitem__, respectively, if it raised an error.Fix the pure-Python proxy calling a wrapped__getattr__or__getattribute__more than once in situations where the C implementation only called it one time (when it raised an AttributeError).Reach 100% test coverage and maintain it via automated checks.4.1.1 (2017-05-17)Fixissue 23: iteration ofcollections.OrderedDictand its various views is now allowed by default on all versions of Python.As a further fix for issue 20, iteration ofBTreeitself is now allowed by default.4.1.0 (2017-04-24)When testingPURE_PYTHONenvironments undertox, avoid poisoning the user’s global wheel cache.Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.2.Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Fixissue 20: iteration of pure-PythonBTrees.items(), and also creating a list fromBTrees.items()on Python 3. The same applies forkeys()andvalues().4.0.3 (2015-06-02)Fix iteration over security proxies in Python 3 using the pure-Python implementation.4.0.2 (2015-06-02)Fix compatibility withzope.proxy4.1.5 under PyPy.Fix the very first call toremoveSecurityProxyreturning incorrect results if given a proxy under PyPy.4.0.1 (2014-03-19)Add support for Python (2013-07-09)Updateboostrap.pyto version 2.2.Bugfix: ZOPE_WATCH_CHECKERS=2 used to incorrectly suppress unauthorized/forbidden warnings.Bugfix: ZOPE_WATCH_CHECKERS=1 used to miss most of the checks.4.0.0b1 (2013-03-11)Add support for PyPy.Fix extension compilation on windows python 3.x4.0.0a5 (2013-02-28)Undo changes from 4.0.0a4. Instead,zope.untrustedpythonis only included during Python 2 installs.4.0.0a4 (2013-02-28)Removeuntrustedpythonextra again, since we do not want to supportzope.untrustedpythonin ZTK 2.0. If BBB is really needed, we will create a 3.10.0 release.4.0.0a3 (2013-02-15)Fix test breakage in 4.0.0a2 due to deprecation strategy.4.0.0a2 (2013-02-15)Add back theuntrustedpythonextra: now pulls inzope.untrustedpython. Restored deprecated backward-compatible imports{builtins,interpreter,rcompile}(the extra and the imports are to be removed in version 4.1).4.0.0a1 (2013-02-14)Add support for Python 3.2 and 3.3.Bring unit test coverage to to separate project:zope.untrustedpythonConvert use ofassertin non-test code to apprpriate error types:Non-dict’s passed toChecker.__init__.Remove dprecattion Although it has been marked as deprectaed since before Zope3 3.2, current versions ofzope.compoentstill rely on it.Convert doctests to Sphinx documentation in ‘docs’ docsalias (installsSphinxand dependencies) devalias ( developplus installsnoseandcoverage).Make non-doctest tests fully independent ofzope.testing.Two modules,, register cleanups withzope.testingIFF it is importable, but the tests no longer rely on it.Enable building extensions without thesvn:externalof thezope.proxyheaders into ourincludedir.Bumpzope.proxydependency to “>= 4.1.0” to enable compilation on Py3k.Replace deprecatedzope.component.adaptsusage with equivalentzope.component.adapterdecorator.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.classProvidesusage with equivalentzope.interface.providerdecorator.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.Add test convenience helpercreate_interactionandwith interaction().3.9.0 (2012-12-21)Pinzope.proxy >= 4.1.0Ship with an includedproxy.hheader which is compatible with the 4.1.x version ovzope.proxy.3.8.5 (2012-12-21)Ship with an includedproxy.hheader which is compatible with the supported versions ofzope.proxy.3.8.4 (2012-12-20)Pinzope.proxy >= 3.4.2, <4.1dev3.8.3 (2011-09-24)Fix a regression introduced in 3.8.1:zope.location's LocationProxy did not get a security checker not imported manually. imported re-introducing the circular import fixed in (2011-05-24)Fix a test that failed on Python (2011-05-03)Fix circular import led to anImportErrorwhen only (2010-12-14)Add tests for our ownconfigure.zcml.Addzcmlextra dependencies; run related tests only ifzope.configurationis available.Run tests related to theuntrustedpythonfunctionality only ifRestrictedPythonis available.3.7.3 (2010-04-30)Prefer the standard library’sdoctestmodule to the one fromzope.testing.EnsurePermissionIdsVocabularydirectly providesIVocabularyFactory, even though it might be unnecessary becauseIVocabularyFactoryis provided in ZCML.Remove the dependency on the zope.exceptions package: now importsDuplicationErrorfrom zope.exceptions if available, otherwise it defines a package-specificDuplicationErrorclass which inherits from Exception.3.7.2 (2009-11-10)Add compatibility with Python 2.6 abstract base classes.3.7.1 (2009-08-13)Fix for LP bug 181833 (from Gustavo Niemeyer). Before “visiting” a sub-object, a check should be made to ensure the object is still valid. Because garbage collection may involve loops, if you garbage collect an object, it is possible that the actions done on this object may modify the state of other objects. This may cause another round of garbage collection, eventually generating a segfault (see LP bug). The Py_VISIT macro does the necessary checks, so it is used instead of the previous code.3.7.0 (2009-05-13)Makepytza soft dependency: the checker forpytz.UTCis created / tested only if the package is already present. Runbin/test_pytzto run the tests withpytzon the path.3.6.3 (2009-03-23)Ensure that simple zope.schema’sVocabularyRegistryis used forPermissionVocabularytests, because it’s replaced implicitly in environments that makes that tests fail.Fix a bug inDecoratedSecurityCheckerDescriptorwhich made security-wrapping location proxied exception instances throw exceptions on Python 2.5. See (2009-03-14)Addzope.i18nmessageid.Messageto non-proxied basic types. It’s okay, because messages are immutable. Done previously to list of available by default. Done previously to from zcml permission definitions for most common and useful permissions, likezope.Viewandzope.ManageContent, as well as for the specialzope.Publicpermission. They are placed in a separatepermissions.zcmlfile, so it can be easily excluded/redefined. They are selected part of permissions moved used by manyzope.*packages.AddaddCheckerPublichelper function that registers the “zope.Public” permission as an IPermission utility.Add security declarations for test coverage.3.6.1 (2009-03-10)Usefromimports instead ofzope.deferredto avoid circular import problems, thus drop dependency called without interaction being active (LP #301565).Don’t define security checkers for deprecated set types from the “sets” module on Python 2.6. It’s discouraged to use them andsetandfrozensetbuilt-in types should be used instead.Change package’s mailng list address to zope-dev at as zope3-dev at is now retired.Remove old zpkg-related files.3.6.0 (2009-01-31)Install decorated security checker support onLocationProxyfrom the outside.Add support to bootstrap on Jython.Move theprotectclassmodule this package to reduce the number of dependencies the<module>directive implementation this package.Move the<class>directive implementation this package.3.5.2 (2008-07-27)Make C code compatible with Python 2.5 on 64bit architectures.3.5.1 (2008-06-04)Addfrozenset,set,reversed, andsortedto the list of safe builtins.3.5.0 (2008-03-05)Changed title be more presentable.3.4.3 - (2009/11/26)Backport a fix made by Gary Poster to the 3.4 branch: Fix for LP bug 181833 (from Gustavo Niemeyer). Before “visiting” a sub-object, a check should be made to ensure the object is still valid. Because garbage collection may involve loops, if you garbage collect an object, it is possible that the actions done on this object may modify the state of other objects. This may cause another round of garbage collection, eventually generating a segfault (see LP bug). ThePy_VISITmacro does the necessary checks, so it is used instead of the previous code.3.4.2 - (2009/03/23)Add dependency onzope.threadto; without it, the tests were failing.Backport a fix made by Albertas Agejevas to the 3.4 branch. He fixed a bug in DecoratedSecurityCheckerDescriptor which made security-wrapping location proxied exception instances throw exceptions on Python 2.5. See - 2008/07/27Make C code compatible with Python 2.5 on 64bit architectures.3.4.0 (2007-10-02)Update meta-data.3.4.0b5 (2007-08-15)Fix a circular import in the C implementation.3.4.0b4 (2007-08-14)Improve ugly/brittle ID (2007-08-14)Add support for Python’t a valid principal (didn’t provide IPrincipal).Bug: Fix inclusion of doctest to use the doctest module fromzope.testing. Now tests can be run multiple times without breaking. (#98250)3.4.0b2 (2007-06-15)Bug: Remove stack extraction innewInteraction. When using eggs this is an extremly expensive function. The publisher is now more than 10 times faster when using eggs and about twice as fast with a zope trunk checkout.3.4.0b1Temporarily fixed the hidden (and accidental) dependency on zope.testing to become optional.Note: The releases between 3.2.0 and 3.4.0b1 where not tracked as an individual package and have been documented in the Zope 3 changelog.3.2.0 (2006-01-05)Corresponds to the verison of thezope.securitypackage shipped as part of the Zope 3.2.0 release.Remove deprecated helper functions,proxy.trustedRemoveSecurityProxyandproxy.getProxiedObject.Make handling ofmanagement.{end,restore}Interactionmore careful w.r.t. edge cases.Make behavior ofcanWriteconsistent withcanAccess: ifcanAccessdoes not raiseForbiddenAttribute, then neither willcanWrite. See: style / documentation / test fixes.3.1.0 (2005-10-03)Add support for use of the new Python 2.4 datatypes,setandfrozenset, within checked code.Make the C security proxy depend on theproxy.hheader from thezope.proxypackage.XXX: the spelling of the#includeis bizarre! It seems to be related tozpkg-based builds, and should likely be revisited. For the moment, I have linked in thezope.proxypackage into our ownincludedirectory. See the subversion checkin: checker to avoid re-proxying objects which have and explicit__Security_checker__assigned.Corresponds to the verison of thezope.securitypackage shipped as part of the Zope 3.1.0 release.Clarify contract ofICheckerto indicate that itscheck*methods may raise onlyForbiddenorUnauthorizedexceptions.Add interfaces, (IPrincipal,IGroupAwarePrincipal,IGroup, andIPermission) specifying contracts of components in the security framework.Code style / documentation / test fixes.3.0.0 (2004-11-07)Corresponds to the version of thezope.securitypackage shipped as part of the Zope X3.0.0 release.
zope.securitypolicyThis package provides an useful security policy for Zope3. It’s the default security policy used in “zope3 the application” and many other zope-based projects.Classic Zope Security PolicyThis package implements a role-based security policy similar to the policy found in Zope 2. The security policy is responsible for deciding whether an interaction has a permission on an object. This security policy does this using grant and denial information. Managers can grant or deny:roles to principals,permissions to principals, andpermissions to rolesGrants and denials are stored as annotations on objects. To store grants and denials, objects must be annotatable:>>> import zope.interface >>> from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAttributeAnnotatable >>> @zope.interface.implementer(IAttributeAnnotatable) ... class Ob: ... pass>>> ob = Ob()We use objects to represent principals. These objects implement an interface namedIPrincipal, but the security policy only uses theidandgroupsattributes:>>> class Principal: ... def __init__(self, id): ... = id ... self.groups = []>>> principal = Principal('bob')Roles and permissions are also represented by objects, however, for the purposes of the security policy, only stringidsare used.The security policy provides a factory for creating interactions:>>> import zope.securitypolicy.zopepolicy >>> interaction = zope.securitypolicy.zopepolicy.ZopeSecurityPolicy()An interaction represents a specific interaction between some principals (normally users) and the system. Normally, we are only concerned with the interaction of one principal with the system, although we can have interactions of multiple principals. Multiple-principal interactions normally occur when untrusted users store code on a system for later execution. When untrusted code is executing, the authors of the code participate in the interaction. An interaction has a permission on an object only if all of the principals participating in the interaction have access to the object.ThecheckPermissionmethod on interactions is used to test whether an interaction has a permission for an object. An interaction without participants always has every permission:>>> interaction.checkPermission('P1', ob) TrueIn this example, ‘P1’ is a permission id.Normally, interactions have participants:>>> class Participation: ... interaction = None >>> participation = Participation() >>> participation.principal = principal >>> interaction.add(participation)If we have participants, then we don’t have a permission unless there are grants:>>> interaction.checkPermission('P1', ob) FalseNote, however, that we always have the CheckerPublic permission:>>> from import CheckerPublic >>> interaction.checkPermission(CheckerPublic, ob) TrueWe make grants and denials on objects by adapting them to various granting interfaces. The objects returned from the adaptation are object-specific manager objects:>>> from zope.securitypolicy import interfaces >>> roleper = interfaces.IRolePermissionManager(ob) >>> prinrole = interfaces.IPrincipalRoleManager(ob) >>> prinper = interfaces.IPrincipalPermissionManager(ob)The computations involved in checking permissions can be significant. To reduce the computational cost, caching is used extensively. We could invalidate the cache as we make grants, but the adapters for making grants will automatically invalidate the cache of the current interaction. They use the security-management apis to do this. To take advantage of the cache invalidation, we’ll need to let the security-management system manage our interactions. First, we’ll set our security policy as the default:>>> import >>> oldpolicy = ... zope.securitypolicy.zopepolicy.ZopeSecurityPolicy)and then we’ll create a new interaction:>>> participation = Participation() >>> participation.principal = principal >>> >>> interaction = normally provide access by granting permissions to roles for an object:>>> roleper.grantPermissionToRole('P1', 'R1')and then granting roles to principals for an object (local roles):>>> prinrole.assignRoleToPrincipal('R1', 'bob')The combination of these grants, which we call a role-based grant, provides the permission:>>> interaction.checkPermission('P1', ob) TrueWe can also provide a permission directly:>>> prinper.grantPermissionToPrincipal('P2', 'bob') >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2', ob) TruePermission grants or denials override role-based grant or denials. So if we deny P1:>>> prinper.denyPermissionToPrincipal('P1', 'bob')we cause the interaction to lack the permission, despite the role grants:>>> interaction.checkPermission('P1', ob) FalseSimilarly, even if we have a role-based denial of P2:>>> roleper.denyPermissionToRole('P2', 'R1')we still have access, because of the permission-based grant:>>> interaction.checkPermission('P2', ob) TrueA role-based denial doesn’t actually deny a permission; rather it prevents the granting of a permission. So, if we have both grants and denials based on roles, we have access:>>> roleper.grantPermissionToRole('P3', 'R1') >>> roleper.grantPermissionToRole('P3', 'R2') >>> roleper.denyPermissionToRole('P3', 'R3') >>> prinrole.removeRoleFromPrincipal('R2', 'bob') >>> prinrole.assignRoleToPrincipal('R3', 'bob')>>> interaction.checkPermission('P3', ob) TrueGlobal grantsGrants made to an object are said to be “local”. We can also make global grants:>>> from zope.securitypolicy.rolepermission import \ ... rolePermissionManager as roleperG >>> from zope.securitypolicy.principalpermission import \ ... principalPermissionManager as prinperG >>> from zope.securitypolicy.principalrole import \ ... principalRoleManager as prinroleGAnd the same rules apply to global grants and denials.>>> roleperG.grantPermissionToRole('P1G', 'R1G', False)In these tests, we aren’t bothering to define any roles, permissions, or principals, so we pass an extra argument that tells the granting routines not to check the validity of the values.>>> prinroleG.assignRoleToPrincipal('R1G', 'bob', False) >>> interaction.checkPermission('P1G', ob) True>>> prinperG.grantPermissionToPrincipal('P2G', 'bob', False) >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2G', ob) True>>> prinperG.denyPermissionToPrincipal('P1G', 'bob', False) >>> interaction.checkPermission('P1G', ob) False>>> roleperG.denyPermissionToRole('P2G', 'R1G', False) >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2G', ob) True>>> roleperG.grantPermissionToRole('P3G', 'R1G', False) >>> roleperG.grantPermissionToRole('P3G', 'R2G', False) >>> roleperG.denyPermissionToRole('P3G', 'R3G', False) >>> prinroleG.removeRoleFromPrincipal('R2G', 'bob', False) >>> prinroleG.assignRoleToPrincipal('R3G', 'bob', False) >>> interaction.checkPermission('P3G', ob) TrueLocal versus global grantsWe, of course, acquire global grants by default:>>> interaction.checkPermission('P1G', ob) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2G', ob) True >>> interaction.checkPermission('P3G', ob) TrueLocal role-based grants do not override global principal-specific denials:>>> roleper.grantPermissionToRole('P1G', 'R1G') >>> prinrole.assignRoleToPrincipal('R1G', 'bob') >>> interaction.checkPermission('P1G', ob) FalseAnd local role-based denials don’t override global principal-grants:>>> roleper.denyPermissionToRole('P2G', 'R1G') >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2G', ob) TrueA local role-based deny can cancel a global role-based grant:>>> roleper.denyPermissionToRole('P3G', 'R1G') >>> interaction.checkPermission('P3G', ob) Falseand a local role-based grant can override a global role-based denial:>>> roleperG.denyPermissionToRole('P4G', 'R1G', False) >>> prinroleG.assignRoleToPrincipal('R1G', "bob", False) >>> interaction.checkPermission('P4G', ob) False >>> roleper.grantPermissionToRole('P4G', 'R1G') >>> interaction.checkPermission('P4G', ob) True >>> prinroleG.removeRoleFromPrincipal('R1G', "bob", False) >>> interaction.checkPermission('P4G', ob) TrueOf course, a local permission-based grant or denial overrides any global setting and overrides local role-based grants or denials:>>> prinper.grantPermissionToPrincipal('P3G', 'bob') >>> interaction.checkPermission('P3G', ob) True>>> prinper.denyPermissionToPrincipal('P2G', 'bob') >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2G', ob) FalseSublocationsWe can have sub-locations. A sublocation of a location is an object whose__parent__attribute is the location:>>> ob2 = Ob() >>> ob2.__parent__ = obBy default, sublocations acquire grants from higher locations:>>> interaction.checkPermission('P1', ob2) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2', ob2) True >>> interaction.checkPermission('P3', ob2) True >>> interaction.checkPermission('P1G', ob2) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2G', ob2) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P3G', ob2) True >>> interaction.checkPermission('P4G', ob2) TrueSublocation role-based grants do not override their parent principal-specific denials:>>> roleper2 = interfaces.IRolePermissionManager(ob2) >>> prinrole2 = interfaces.IPrincipalRoleManager(ob2) >>> prinper2 = interfaces.IPrincipalPermissionManager(ob2)>>> roleper2.grantPermissionToRole('P1', 'R1') >>> prinrole2.assignRoleToPrincipal('R1', 'bob') >>> interaction.checkPermission('P1', ob2) FalseAnd local role-based denials don’t override their parents principal-grant:>>> roleper2.denyPermissionToRole('P2', 'R1') >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2', ob2) TrueA local role-based deny can cancel a parent role-based grant:>>> roleper2.denyPermissionToRole('P3', 'R1') >>> interaction.checkPermission('P3', ob2) Falseand a local role-based grant can override a parent role-based denial:>>> roleper.denyPermissionToRole('P4', 'R1') >>> prinrole.assignRoleToPrincipal('R1', 'bob') >>> interaction.checkPermission('P4', ob2) False >>> roleper2.grantPermissionToRole('P4', 'R1') >>> interaction.checkPermission('P4', ob2) True >>> prinrole.removeRoleFromPrincipal('R1', 'bob') >>> interaction.checkPermission('P4', ob2) TrueOf course, a local permission-based grant or denial overrides any global setting and overrides local role-based grants or denials:>>> prinper.grantPermissionToPrincipal('P3', 'bob') >>> interaction.checkPermission('P3', ob2) True>>> prinper.denyPermissionToPrincipal('P2', 'bob') >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2', ob2) FalseIf an object is not annotatable, but does have a parent, it will get its grants from its parent:>>> class C: ... pass>>> ob3 = C() >>> ob3.__parent__ = ob>>> interaction.checkPermission('P1', ob3) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2', ob3) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P3', ob3) True >>> interaction.checkPermission('P1G', ob3) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2G', ob3) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P3G', ob3) True >>> interaction.checkPermission('P4G', ob3) TrueThe same results will be had if there are multiple non-annotatable objects:>>> ob3.__parent__ = C() >>> ob3.__parent__.__parent__ = ob>>> interaction.checkPermission('P1', ob3) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2', ob3) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P3', ob3) True >>> interaction.checkPermission('P1G', ob3) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2G', ob3) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P3G', ob3) True >>> interaction.checkPermission('P4G', ob3) Trueand if an object doesn’t have a parent:>>> ob4 = C()it will have whatever grants were made globally:>>> interaction.checkPermission('P1', ob4) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2', ob4) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P3', ob4) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P1G', ob4) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2G', ob4) True >>> interaction.checkPermission('P3G', ob4) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P4G', ob4) False>>> prinroleG.assignRoleToPrincipal('R1G', "bob", False) >>> interaction.checkPermission('P3G', ob4) TrueWe’ll get the same result if we have a non-annotatable parent without a parent:>>> ob3.__parent__ = C()>>> interaction.checkPermission('P1', ob3) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2', ob3) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P3', ob3) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P1G', ob3) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2G', ob3) True >>> interaction.checkPermission('P3G', ob3) True >>> interaction.checkPermission('P4G', ob3) FalseThe Anonymous roleThe security policy defines a special role named “zope.Anonymous”. All principals have this role and the role cannot be taken away.>>> roleperG.grantPermissionToRole('P5', 'zope.Anonymous', False) >>> interaction.checkPermission('P5', ob2) TrueProxiesObjects may be proxied:>>> from import ProxyFactory >>> ob = ProxyFactory(ob) >>> interaction.checkPermission('P1', ob) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2', ob) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P3', ob) True >>> interaction.checkPermission('P1G', ob) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2G', ob) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P3G', ob) True >>> interaction.checkPermission('P4G', ob) Trueas may their parents:>>> ob3 = C() >>> ob3.__parent__ = ob>>> interaction.checkPermission('P1', ob3) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2', ob3) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P3', ob3) True >>> interaction.checkPermission('P1G', ob3) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P2G', ob3) False >>> interaction.checkPermission('P3G', ob3) True >>> interaction.checkPermission('P4G', ob3) TrueGroupsPrincipals may have groups. Groups are also principals (and, thus, may have groups).If a principal has groups, the groups are available as group ids in the principal’sgroupsattribute. The interaction has to convert these group ids to group objects, so that it can tell whether the groups have groups. It does this by calling thegetPrincipalmethod on the principal authentication service, which is responsible for, among other things, converting a principal id to a principal. For our examples here, we’ll create and register a stub principal authentication service:>>> from zope.authentication.interfaces import IAuthentication >>> @zope.interface.implementer(IAuthentication) ... class FauxPrincipals(object): ... def __init__(self): ... = {} ... def __setitem__(self, key, value): ...[key] = value ... def __getitem__(self, key): ... return[key] ... def getPrincipal(self, id): ... return[id]>>> auth = FauxPrincipals()>>> from zope.component import provideUtility >>> provideUtility(auth, IAuthentication)Let’s define a group:>>> auth['g1'] = Principal('g1')Let’s put the principal in our group. We do that by adding the group id to the new principals groups:>>> principal.groups.append('g1')Of course, the principal doesn’t have permissions not granted:>>> interaction.checkPermission('gP1', ob) FalseNow, if we grant a permission to the group:>>> prinper.grantPermissionToPrincipal('gP1', 'g1')We see that our principal has the permission:>>> interaction.checkPermission('gP1', ob) TrueThis works even if the group grant is global:>>> interaction.checkPermission('gP1G', ob) False>>> prinperG.grantPermissionToPrincipal('gP1G', 'g1', True)>>> interaction.checkPermission('gP1G', ob) TrueGrants are, of course, acquired:>>> interaction.checkPermission('gP1', ob2) True>>> interaction.checkPermission('gP1G', ob2) TrueInner grants can override outer grants:>>> prinper2.denyPermissionToPrincipal('gP1', 'g1') >>> interaction.checkPermission('gP1', ob2) FalseBut principal grants always trump group grants:>>> prinper2.grantPermissionToPrincipal('gP1', 'bob') >>> interaction.checkPermission('gP1', ob2) TrueGroups can have groups too:>>> auth['g2'] = Principal('g2') >>> auth['g1'].groups.append('g2')If we grant to the new group:>>> prinper.grantPermissionToPrincipal('gP2', 'g2')Then we, of course have that permission too:>>> interaction.checkPermission('gP2', ob2) TrueJust as principal grants override group grants, group grants can override other group grants:>>> prinper.denyPermissionToPrincipal('gP2', 'g1') >>> interaction.checkPermission('gP2', ob2) FalsePrincipals can be in more than one group. Let’s define a new group:>>> auth['g3'] = Principal('g3') >>> principal.groups.append('g3') >>> prinper.grantPermissionToPrincipal('gP2', 'g3')Now, the principal has two groups. In one group, the permission ‘gP2’ is denied, but in the other, it is allowed. In a case like this, the permission is allowed:>>> interaction.checkPermission('gP2', ob2) TrueIn a case where a principal has two or more groups, the group denies prevent allows from their parents. They don’t prevent the principal from getting an allow from another principal.Grants can be inherited from ancestor groups through multiple paths. Let’s grant a permission to g2 and deny it to g1:>>> prinper.grantPermissionToPrincipal('gP3', 'g2') >>> prinper.denyPermissionToPrincipal('gP3', 'g1')Now, as before, the deny in g1 blocks the grant in g2:>>> interaction.checkPermission('gP3', ob2) FalseLet’s make g2 a group of g3:>>> auth['g3'].groups.append('g2')Now, we get g2’s grant through g3, and access is allowed:>>> interaction.invalidate_cache() >>> interaction.checkPermission('gP3', ob2) TrueWe can assign roles to groups:>>> prinrole.assignRoleToPrincipal('gR1', 'g2')and get permissions through the roles:>>> roleper.grantPermissionToRole('gP4', 'gR1') >>> interaction.checkPermission('gP4', ob2) Truewe can override role assignments to groups through subgroups:>>> prinrole.removeRoleFromPrincipal('gR1', 'g1') >>> prinrole.removeRoleFromPrincipal('gR1', 'g3') >>> interaction.checkPermission('gP4', ob2) Falseand through principals:>>> prinrole.assignRoleToPrincipal('gR1', 'bob') >>> interaction.checkPermission('gP4', ob2) TrueWe clean up the changes we made in these examples:>>> >>> ignore = (2023-02-24)Add support for Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2021-03-19)Add support for Python 3.8.Drop support for Python 3.4.Fix some test imports to use the proper imports fromzope.interfaceinstead ofzope.component.4.3.1 (2018-10-11)Use current location forIRegisteredandIUnregisteredinterface.4.3.0 (2018-08-27)Add support for Python 3.7.Drop support for Python 3.3.Drop support forpython test.MakeSecurityMapandAnnotationGrantInfohave proper truth behaviour on Python 3; previously they were always true.MakeAnnotationGrantInfoconsistently return lists instead of dict views on Python 3.MakeAnnotationSecurityMap(and objects derived from it, such asAnnotationPrincipalPermissionManagerand the role managers) more efficient when adding or removing cells before they have been persisted. They now avoid some unnecessary object copying.4.2.0 (2017-08-24)Add<zope:deny>directive, which is a mirror of the<zope:grant>directive.Add support for Python (2016-11-05)Add support for Python 3.5.Drop support for Python 2.6.Add support to grant multiple permissions with one ZCML statement. Example:<grant role="my-role" permissions="" />4.0.0 (2014-12-24)Add support for PyPy. (PyPy3 is pending release of a fix for: support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.4.0.0a1 (2013-02-22)Add support for Python 3.3.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.classProvidesusage with equivalentzope.interface.providerdecorator.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2010-09-25)LP #131115: Clean up inconsistency ingetSettinginterface definitions and actual usage for the various security maps.LP #564525: fix permission moved tozope.dublincore.Remove unused imports and pep8 cleanup.Use doctest module instead of the deprecated zope.testing.doctest.AnnotationGrantInfo implements IGrantInfo.Add test extra to declare test dependency onzope.component [test].Add an extra nameddublincoreto express optional dependency onzope.dublincore >= 3.7.Add tests for ZCML files making sure they include everything they need.3.6.1 (2009-07-24)Make tests work when the default and Zope vocabulary registry compete in the cleanup.3.6.0 (2009-03-14) to the newzope.authenticationpackage, dropping a big number of unused dependencies.Get rid other testing dependencices.AddZODB3to install dependencies, because we usePersistentclass. We didn’t fail before, because it was installed implicitly.3.5.1 (2009-03-10)Don’t depend on thehookextra of zope.component, as we don’t need it explicitly.Import security settings (Allow, Deny, Unset) in theinterfacesmodule from thezope.securitypolicy.settings, added in previous release instead of be adapted to import them fromzope.securitypolicy.interfaces.Use_z_instancesinstead of__instances__for storing instances forzope.securitypolicy.settings.PermissionSettingsingleton implementation, because __*__ name pattern is reserved for special names in python.Add security protections for thePermissionSetting.Improve documentation formatting, add it to the package’s long description.Remove unneeded dependencies.Remove old zpkg-related files and zcml slugs.3.5.0 (2009-01-31)Include settings that were previously imported from (2009-01-28)Change mailing list address to zope-dev at Fix package homepage to the pypi page.Fix test in buildout which still depended on by mistake.Remove explicit dependency on; nothing in the code directly depends on this.3.4.1 (2008-06-02)Fix reference to deprecated security policy from ZCML.3.4.0 (2007-09-25)Initial documented release
zope.sendmailzope.sendmail is a package for email sending from Zope 3 applications. Email sending from Zope 3 applications works as follows:A Zope 3 application locates a mail delivery utility (IMailDelivery) and feeds a message to it. It gets back a unique message ID so it can keep track of the message by subscribing toIMailEventevents.The utility registers with the transaction system to make sure the message is only sent when the transaction commits successfully. (Among other things this avoids duplicate messages onConflictErrors.)If the delivery utility is aIQueuedMailDelivery, it puts the message into a queue (a Maildir mailbox in the file system). A separate process or thread (IMailQueueProcessor) watches the queue and delivers messages asynchronously. Since the queue is located in the file system, it survives Zope restarts or crashes and the mail is not lost. The queue processor can implement batching to keep the server load low.If the delivery utility is aIDirectMailDelivery, it delivers messages synchronously during the transaction commit. This is not a very good idea, as it makes the user wait. Note that transaction commits must not fail, but that is not a problem, because mail delivery problems dispatch an event instead of raising an exception.However, there is a problem – sending events causes unknown code to be executed during the transaction commit phase. There should be a way to start a new transaction for event processing after this one is commited.AnIMailQueueProcessororIDirectMailDeliveryactually delivers the messages by using a mailer (IMailer) component that encapsulates the delivery process. There currently is only one mailer:ISMTPMailersends all messages to a relay host using SMTP.Documentation is hosted at (2024-02-07)Fix SMTP protocol interoperability by avoiding hardcoded line endings. (see preliminary support for Python 3.13 as of 3.13a3.Add support for Python (2023-08-22)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python (2022-10-06)Add support for Python 3.10.Do not try to send queued emails to an empty address (#45).5.2 (2021-01-18)Add minimal savepoint support, so we do not fail if any code tries to create a savepoint. (#35).Fix TypeError: ‘error’ object is not subscriptable during error handling on Windows (#33).Add support for Python (2020-07-31)Usepywin32again, not any longer the meanwhile outdated fork namedpypiwin32. Add some information for installation with buildout. (#30)Supportbytesmessages; consistently convert messages using a “text” type (i.e.strfor Python 3,unicodefor Python 2) intobytesvia utf-8 encoding. Prerequisite to fixProducts.MailHost#30.5.0 (2019-04-03)Drop support for Python 3.4.Add support for Python 3.8a3.Fix text/bytes issue in MailDir for Python 3. (#24)4.2.1 (2019-02-07)Fix SMTP authentication on Python 3. Seeissue 16.4.2 (2018-10-10)Add support for Python (2017-09-02)Host documentation at the data manager sort key a string, this fixes Python 3 where strings and integers are not sortable. This would happen when using other data managers with string sort keys.Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.Declare explicit dependency onpywin32on Windows.Replace hard-coded constants with equivalents from the standarderrnomodule.Fix SSL support on Python 3. Seeissue 9.Reach 100% test coverage and maintain it via tox.ini and Travis CI.Replaced deprecated dependency onoptparsewith equivalentargparse. The help messages have changed and errors are generally more clear. Specifying a--configpath that doesn’t exist is now an error instead of being silently ignored.Fix SMTPMailer sending more than one message. It now reconnects to the SMTP server as needed. Previously it could only send one message since it closed the connection after each send. This also makes the SMTPMailer thread safe. Seeissue (2014-12-29)Add support for PyPy3.4.0.0 (2014-12-20)Add support for testing on Travis-CI against supported Python verisons.Drop use ofzope.testrunnerfor testing.Drop dependency onsix.Replace doctests with equivalent unittests.4.0.0a2 (2013-02-26)Fix license Trove classifier.4.0.0a1 (2013-02-25)Add support for Python 3.3.Delete event fossils (interfaceszope.sendmail.interfaces.IMailSentandzope.sendmail.interfaces.IMailError. plus thezope.sendmail.eventsmodule and associated tests). These events were never emitted, and couldn’t have been used safely even if they had been, due to two-phase commit. deprecatedzope.interface.classProvidesusage with equivalentzope.interface.providerdecorator.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.Add a vote method to Mailer implementations to allow them to abort a transaction if it is known to be unsafe.Prevent fatal errors in mail delivery causing potential database corruption.Add not declared, but needed test dependency onzope.component [test].Add handling for unicode usernames and passwords, encoding them to UTF-8. Fix for the background queue processor thread a name.Document the ini file keys forzope-sendmail--configin the help message printed byzope-sendmail--help. Also rewrote the command-line parsing to use optparse (not argparse, since Python 2.6 is still supported).3.7.5 (2012-05-23)Ensure that the ‘queuedDelivery’ directive has the same discriminator as the ‘directDelivery’ directive (they are mutually incompatible). requeuing messages after an SMTP “recipients refused” error. (2010-10-01)Handle unicode usernames and passwords, encoding them to UTF-8. Fix for (2010-09-25)Add not declared, but needed test dependency onzope.component [test].3.7.2 (2010-04-30)Remove no longer required testing dependency on zope.testing.Maildir storage for queue can now handle unicode passed in for message or to/from addresses (change backported from repoze.sendmail).Tests use stdlib doctest instead of zope.testing.doctest.3.7.1 (2010-01-13)Backward compatibility import of zope.sendmail.queue.QueueProcessorThread in (2010-01-12)Remove dependency the security support is optional, and only available if thezope.securitypackage is available. This change is similar to the optional security support introduced inzope.component3.8.0, and in fact it uses the same helpers.Sort by modification time the messages in zope.sendmail.maildir so earlier messages are sent before later messages during queue processing.Add the new parameterprocessorThreadto the queuedDelivery ZCML directive: if False, the QueueProcessorThread is not started and thus an independent process must process the queue; it defaults to True for b/c.Provide a console scriptzope-sendmailwhich can be used to process the delivery queue in case processorThread is False. The console script can either process the messages in the queue once, or run in “daemon” mode.3.6.1 (2009-11-16)Depend onzope.component>= 3.8.0, which supports the new semantic of zope.component.zcml.proxify needed by zope.sendmail.zcml.3.6.0 (2009-09-14)Use simple vocabulary factory function instead of customUtilityTermandUtilityVocabularyclasses, copied the previous release.Depend on thetransactionpackage instead ofZODB3.Remove zcml slugs and zpkg-related files.Work around problem when used with Python >=2.5.1. See (2009-01-26)Copyover the UtilityTerm and UtilityVocabulary implementation from to avoid a dependency.Work around a problem when smtp quit fails, the mail was considered not delivered where just the quit failed.3.5.0 (2008-07-05)final release (identical with 3.5.0b2)3.5.0b2 (2007-12-19)If the SMTP server rejects a message (for example, when the sender or recipient address is malformed), that email stays in the queue forever ( (2007-11-08)Add README.txtCan now talk to servers that don’t implement EHLOFix bug that caused files with very long names to be createdFix for move aside mail that’s causing 5xx server responses.3.5.0a2 (2007-10-23)Clean updoes_esmtpin faux SMTP connection classes provided by the tests.If theQueueProcessorThreadis asked to stop while sending messages, do so after sending the current message; previously if there were many, many messages to send, the thread could stick around for quite a while.3.5.0a1 (2007-10-23)QueueProcessorThreadnow accepts an optional parameterintervalfor defining how often to process the mail queue (default is 3 seconds)SeveralQueueProcessorThreads(either in the same process, or multiple processes) can now deliver messages from a single maildir without duplicates being sent.3.4.0 (2007-08-20)Bugfix: Don’t keep open files around for every email message to be sent on transaction commit. People who try to send many emails in a single transaction now will not run out of file descriptors.3.4.0a1 (2007-04-22)Initial release as a separate project, corresponds tozope.sendmailfrom Zope 3.4.0a1.
zope.sequencesortThis package provides support for sorting sequences based on multiple keys, including locale-based comparisons and per-key directions.Changelog5.0 (2023-01-19)Add support for Python 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Drop support for deprecatedpython test.4.2 (2021-11-04)Fix a TypeError exception incmpwhen operands areNone. Seeissue 7.Drop support for Python 3.4.Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9 and (2018-10-10)Fix regression introduced in 4.1.1 where two_Smallestobjects are no longer considered to be equal.4.1.1 (2018-10-05)Handle sorting of broken objects more gracefully. (#4)4.1.0 (2018-08-13)Updatedboostrap.pyto version 2.2.Drop support for Python 2.6, 3.2 and 3.3.Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7.The locale comparison functions,strcollandstrcoll_nocaseare always available, not only if thelocalemodule had been imported before this module.4.0.1 (2013-03-04)Fix omitted tests under Py3k.4.0.0 (2013-02-28) docsalias (installsSphinxand dependencies) devalias ( developplus installsnoseandcoverage).Dropped spurioustestextra requirement onzope.testing.100% unit test coverage.Added support for PyPy, Python 3.2 / 3.2.Dropped support for Python 2.4 / (2007-10-03)Initial release independent of the main Zope3 tree.