Python client library for REST API v1 and v2
Python client library for REST API v1 and v2
zoomwrapA module containing classes that can be easily serialized to JSON for use with Zoom's APIs.importzoomwrapclient=zoomwrap.WebhookClient("your_endpoint_url","your_auth_str")msg=zoomwrap.Message(head=zoomwrap.messageElements.Head("hello, world"))client.send(msg)I have only tested this with Zoom'sincoming webhook APIbut it should work with the Chatbot API as well since they use the same object structures.For convenience, there is aWebhookClientclass with methods for sending API requests using your credentials.DocumentationCurrently, there is no documentaion for this module because it is still a heavy work in progress.For now, have a loop at Zoom'sincoming webhook API docsand their more detailed docs for both the Chatbot and Webhook APIshere.Most of the different types of messages and their attributes have been implemented in this module, with the exception of messages with buttons, because they only work with the Chatbot API.ContributionsThis is my first pypi package and it is not very sophisticated (or neat, for that matter). Contributions are certainly welcome but may not get checked often.
Zoomy - a Zoom utility for the terminalMade with Python, April 2020.Created byKewbish.Available onPyPi as Zoomy. Released under theGPLv3 License.Issues are welcome!:camera: Why Zoomy?For the developer, the power user, the student who's just tired of going through countless emails to find a link, then flip through for passwords, and finally try to join the call.Zoomy is for you. Quick to use, light, and besides,cool automation.Also works in signed-out mode - just in case (like me) you don't want to give Zoom your personal information!:movie_camera: UsageRunzmy [alias]to open youraliasmeeting. For example,zmy mathto open your math meeting.Runzmy add [alias] [confno] [*pwd]orzmy a [alias] [confno] [*pwd]to add a meeting calledaliaswith the conference numberconfnoand the passwordpwd. Adding a password is optional. Your meetings cannot be calledadd,delete,list, orpath(ora/d/l/p). This option can also be used to edit currently saved meetings.Runzmy delete [alias]orzmy d [alias]to delete youraliasmeeting. For example,zmy d mathto delete your math meeting.Runzmy listorzmy lto list all your available meetings.Runzmy pathorzmy pto print yourconfig.zmyfilepath.Runzmy --helporzmy --hto get help.:wrench: InstallationInstall via PyPi by runningpip install zoomy. This requires Python to be installed.Alternatively, build from source by running thesetup.pyafter downloading the ZIP.:gear: How it worksZoom actually comes with acustom URL scheme, most of which is technically deprecated, but still works well.Your conference number is passed in from a saved configuration file, and passed to the URL, which is then started with your system's equivalent ofstart.It simplifies the process of remembering all those links and passwords, especially if you don't use Zoom signed in or if you don't keep passwords saved.:warning: - This does expose your meeting IDs and passwords (if you choose to supply them), and itispossible, if a hacker decided, togrepyour entire system for a.zmyfile and infiltrate your meeting. Use at your own risk.:fast_forward: Changelog0.5:Feature: Add success messages0.4:Feature: Changezoomyalias tozmy0.4.1:Feature: Add path print0.4.2:Feature: Disallow invalid names0.3:Bugfix: Add meeting checks (breaks more elegantly)0.3.1:Feature: Add a help flagRestructure elif blocksDocs: Update for help flag0.3.2:Bugfix: Revert conference logic0.2:Feature: Add list meetings functionDocs: Update docs with additional instructions for list and warning about commasDocs: Add long description to PyPiDocs: Add changelog0.2.1:Bugfix: Implement file generator if fresh install0.2.2:Feature: Add support for passwords with commas0.2.3:Delete requirements.txt0.2.4:Bugfix: Fix logic if password added0.1:Started project!Docs: Create docs
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## ZoonomiaZoonomia is a library for multi-objective strongly typed genetic programming. The aim is to unify some ideas from various sub-fields of evolutionary optimization under a simple yet sufficiently expressive API. At this stage this project is much more an autodidactic exploration of this kind of system than a “stable”, “performant”, or “useful” artifact. Everything here is subject to change, there are no guarantees.
Zookeeperis a highly reliable distributed coordination service.Zoopgives you a Pythonic API for accessing ZooKeeper instances, as well as implementations of some common ZooKeeper patterns. This leaves you free to concentrate on whatever it was you were originally doing:>>> zk = zoop.ZooKeeper('localhost:2181') >>> zk.connect() >>> q = zk.Queue('/howdy') >>> def gotit(data): ... print "Gotit got data:", data >>> >>> q.put("frist!") Gotit got data: frist!Check out:DocumentationSourceIssuesHistory0.1.1Expanding the Filesystem metaphor: Client now has rm_rf() and rm() methodsQueues now have variable item prefix (Useful for watching Queues created by other libraries) Queues now have multiple watch options - watch for lists of items, or data added.0.1 (2012-05-07)Initial release with * complete CRUD * Lock Implementation * Queue Implementation
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A python wrapper for the Zoopla API.Zoopla has launched an open API to allow developers to create applications using hyper local data on 27m homes, over 1m sale and rental listings, and 15 years of sold price data.Registerfor a user account and apply for an instant API key.Browse thedocumentationto understand how to use the API and the specifications for the individual APIs.Installation$ pip install zooplaTestsInstall the dev requirements:$pipinstall-rrequirements.txtRun py.test with your developer key (otherwise you won’t be able to hit the liveAPI upon which these tests depend).$py.test--api_key=<your-api-key>tests/# pytest under Python 3+ExamplesRetrieve property listings for a given area.fromzooplaimportZooplazoopla=Zoopla(api_key='your_api_key')search=zoopla.property_listings({'maximum_beds':2,'page_size':100,'listing_status':'sale','area':'Blackley, Greater Manchester'})forresultinsearch.listing:print(result.price)print(result.description)print(result.image_url)Retrieve a list of house price estimates for the requested area.zed_indices=zoopla.area_zed_indices({'area':'Blackley, Greater Manchester','output_type':'area','area_type':'streets','order':'ascending','page_number':1,'page_size':10})print( a graph of values for an outcode over the previous 3 months and return the URL to the generated image.area_graphs=zoopla.area_value_graphs({'area':'SW11'})print(area_graphs.average_values_graph_url)print(area_graphs.value_trend_graph_url)Retrieve the average sale price for houses in a particular area.average=zoopla.average_area_sold_price({'area':'SW11'})print(average.average_sold_price_7year)print(average.average_sold_price_5year)Submit a viewing request to an agent regarding a particular listing.session_id=zoopla.get_session_id()arrange_viewing=zoopla.arrange_viewing({'session_id':session_id,'listing_id':44863256,'name':'Tester','email':"[email protected]",'phone':'01010101','phone_type':'work','best_time_to_call':'anytime','message':'Hi, I seen your listing on and I would love to arrange a viewing!'})ContributingFork the project and clone locally.Create a new branch for what you’re going to work on.Push to your origin repository.Include tests and update documentation if necessary.Create a new pull request in GitHub.
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.. |br| raw:: html|br|.. image:: # :alt: Zoop Logo :height: 130 :align: center|br|.. container::.. image:: :target: :alt: PyPI Version :height: 23 .. image:: :target: :alt: PyPI - Python Version :height: 23.. container::.. image:: :target: :alt: Test status :height: 23 .. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status :height: 23.. container::.. image:: :target: :alt: Licença :height: 23 .. image:: :target: :alt: Contributors :height: 23.. container::.. image:: :target: :alt: Coverage :height: 21 .. image:: :target: :alt: Known Vulnerabilities :height: 23|br|Cliente não oficial da Zoop feito em Python, para realizar integração com o gateway de pagamento.Documentação oficial da Zoop <>_InstalandoNosso pacote está hospedado noPyPI <>_.. code-block:: bashpip install zoop-wrapperConfiguraçãoPara utilizar ozoop-wrapperé necessário ter duas constantes/variáveis. sendo elas:.. code-block:: pythonZOOP_KEY='chave de autenticação recebida da zoop' MARKETPLACE_ID='ID do market place'Recomendamos criar um arquivo.envcontendo essas varíaveis de ambiente.Podem ser criadas diretamente no terminal utilizando (não recomendado):.. code-block:: bashexport ZOOP_KEY='chave de autenticação recebida da zoop' export MARKETPLACE_ID='ID do market place'Podem ser criadas também diretamente danger::Fazer isso além de não ser recomendado é uma **FALHA** de segurança.Documentação da ZoopA Zoop fornece diversas formas de comunicação. Sendo uma telas API's baseadas na tecnologia REST. A documentação da API da zoop não é uma das melhores, mas está disponível abertamente... warning::Não temos conhecimento se TODOS os testes podem ser realizados sem ônus ao desenvolvedor. As transações de cartão podem ser extornadas e não há problema em gerar boletos (não paga a baixa).Saiba mais nadocumentação oficial da Zoop <>_Recursos disponíveisMarket Place☐ detalhesWebhooks☑ Cadastro☑ listagem☑ detalhes☑ remoçãoBuyer☑ Atualização☑ Cadastro☑ listagem☑ detalhes☑ remoçãoSeller☑ Atualização☑ Cadastro☑ listagem☑ detalhes☑ remoçãoToken☑ Cadastro de token cartão de crédito☑ Cadastro de token conta bancária☐ detalhesCartão de crédito☑ Conexão☑ detalhes☐ remoçãoConta bancária☐ Atualização☑ Conexão☑ listagem☑ detalhes☐ remoçãoBoleto☑ detalhesTransação☑ listagem☑ detalhes☑ cancelamento☑ Cadastro transação boleto☑ Cadastro transação cartão de crédito
A Python script for automatic MongoDB backupsFeaturesBackup for just one or all your MongoDB Databases.Encrypt and Decrypt output dump file.Upload file to S3 bucket.RequirementsPython 2.6 | 2.7LicenseMIT licensed. See the bundledLICENSEfile for more details.
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ZoosyncZoosync is a simple service discovery tool using Zookeeper as database backend.UsageSeezoosync –helpfor brief usage or manual page for more detailed usage.The output is in the form of shell variable assignement. Tool could be used this way:ZOO=',,' REQ_SERVICES='impala,hadoop-hdfs,test,test2,test3' zoosync --zookeeper ${ZOO} --services ${REQ_SERVICES} cleanup eval `zoosync --zookeeper ${ZOO} --services ${REQ_SERVICES} --wait 1800 wait` echo "active: ${SERVICES}" echo "missing: ${MISSING}"Deployment# install pip install zoosync # configure (/etc/zoosynrc and startup scripts) zoosync -z zoo1,zoo2,zoo3 -s service1,service2 -u user -p password deployTestsTests require running zookeeper and proper configuration of zoosync (see Usage).Launch:python test
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📦 (for humans)This repo exists to providean example setup.pyfile, that can be used to bootstrap your next Python project. It includes some advanced patterns and best practices, as well as some commented–out nice–to–haves.For example, thissetup.pyprovides a$ python uploadcommand, which creates auniversal wheel(andsdist) and uploads your package toPyPiusingTwine, without the need for an annoyingsetup.cfgfile. It also creates/uploads a new git tag, automatically.In short,setup.pyfiles can be daunting to approach, when first starting out — even Guido has been heard saying, "everyone cargo cults thems". It's true — so, I want this repo to be the best place to copy–paste from :)Check out the example!Installationcdyour_project# Download the file:# download with wgetwget download with curlcurl-O DoTests via$ test(if it's concise).Pull requests are encouraged!More ResourcesWhat is Stack OverflowOfficial Python Packaging User GuideThe Hitchhiker's Guide to PackagingCookiecutter template for a Python packageLicenseThis is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.
Zopache Page TemplatesPage Templates content type.CHANGES0.1.0 (2013-05-21)Initial release.Copied code from abandoned ZPT Page code.
Zopache Python ScriptsZopache Python Scripts are a port of Zoep 2 Python scripts, which allows users to write Python functions via a Web UI.CHANGES0.1.0 (2013-05-23)Initial release.A simple Python Script implementation behaving similar to Zope 2’s version.
📦 (for humans)This repo exists to providean example setup.pyfile, that can be used to bootstrap your next Python project. It includes some advanced patterns and best practices, as well as some commented–out nice–to–haves.For example, thissetup.pyprovides a$ python uploadcommand, which creates auniversal wheel(andsdist) and uploads your package toPyPiusingTwine, without the need for an annoyingsetup.cfgfile. It also creates/uploads a new git tag, automatically.In short,setup.pyfiles can be daunting to approach, when first starting out — even Guido has been heard saying, "everyone cargo cults thems". It's true — so, I want this repo to be the best place to copy–paste from :)Check out the example!Installationcdyour_project# Download the file:# download with wgetwget download with curlcurl-O DoTests via$ test(if it's concise).Pull requests are encouraged!More ResourcesWhat is Stack OverflowOfficial Python Packaging User GuideThe Hitchhiker's Guide to PackagingCookiecutter template for a Python packageLicenseThis is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.
IntroductionThe Zope Management Interface, withBootstrap.Installation$ virtualenv-2.7 . $ bin/pip install zc.buildout $ cat > buildout.cfg << EOF [buildout] extends = [plone] eggs = Zope2 zope2_bootstrap zcml = zope2_bootstrap EOF $ bin/buildout $ bin/plone fgChangelog0.3.0 (2016-08-31)Upgrade Bootstrap 3.3.5 -> (2015-07-19)Upgrade Bootstrap 3.1.1 -> - 2014-02-26Adjust button styles0.0.9 - 2014-02-26Bump Bootstrap version to - 2013-12-08Upgrade to Bootstrap 3Add Zope2-only splash screen based on Plone’sFix JavaScript0.0.7 - 2012-06-11Use SERVER_URL and SERVER_URL for logo src and href respectively (instead of SERVER_URL, ACTUAL_URL)0.0.6 - 2012-06-11Use SERVER_URL and ACTUAL_URL for logo src and href respectively (instead of URLX, BASEX)Add ZMI warning (suggested by vangheem)0.0.5 - 2012-06-11Add contextual logo above manage_tabs0.0.4 - 2012-06-01Re-apply Plone ZMI hacks0.0.3 - 2012-06-01Fix brown bag0.0.2 - 2012-06-01Add table styles0.0.1 - 2012-06-01Initial release
This package provides abuildoutrecipe for creating a Zope 2 instance based around adeployment.Thedeploymentconcept originates fromzc.recipe.deploymentand allows the deployment to control where resources of a particular type are created.Whilezc.recipe.deploymentis suited to production use, you will likely find thatgocept.recipe.deploymentsandboxis more useful for development.This recipe is only compatible with Zope 2.12+.
zope2.sessioncookieBridge to allow using Pyramid’scookie session implementationin Zope2.NoteInitial development of this library was sponsored by ZeOmega Inc.InstallationClone the repository. E.g.:$ cd /path/to/ $ git clone [email protected]:zopefoundation/zope2.sessioncookieGetzope2.sessioncookieinstalled on the Python path. E.g.:$ cd /path/to/zope2.sessioncookie $ /path/to/virtualenv_with_zope2/bin/pip install -e . ...Copy / link thezope2.sessioncookie-meta.zcmlfile into the$INSTANCE_HOME/etc/package-includesof your Zope instance. (You might need to create the directory first.) E.g.:$ cd /path/to/zopes_instance $ mkdir -p etc/package-includes $ cd etc/package-includes $ ln -s \ /path/to/zope2.sessioncookie/zope2.sessioncookie-meta.zcml .Generate a 32-byte, hexlified secret:$ /path/to/virtualenv_with_zope2/bin/print_secret DEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFEdit thesite.zcmlfor your instance. E.g.:$ cd /path/to/zopes_instance $ vim etc/site.zcmlAdd an XML namespace declaration at the top, e.g.:xmlns:sc=""Add a stanza near the end, configuring the cookie session. E.g.:<sc:sessioncookie secret="DEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEF" secure="False" encrypt="True"/>Run the installation script, which disables the standard session manager and adds the new hook. E.g.:$ bin/zopectl run \ /path/to/zope2.sessioncookie/zope2/sessioncookie/scripts/ your Zope instance. Test methods which set session variables, and inspect request / response cookies to see that_ZopeIdis no longer being set, whilesessionisset (with encrypted, base64-encoded data).Changelog0.8 (2016-04-28)Add aZopeCookieSession.setmethod (PR #4).0.7.1 (2015-12-16)Packaging bug: fix rendering ofREADME.txtin--long-descriptionoutput.0.7 (2015-12-16)Fix example ZCML snippet inREADME.rst(PR #3).Fix ZCML namespace inzope2/sessioncookie/meta.zcml(PR #3).Add script for uninstalling the root traversal hook (PR #2).0.6.1 (2015-12-08)Packaging bug: add (2015-11-23)Transferred copyright to Zope Foundation, relicensed to ZPL 2.1.Rename fromzope2.signedsessioncookie->zope2.sessioncookie.Replace locally-definedEncryptingPickleSerialzerwithpyramid_nacl_session.EncryptedSerializer. Closes #8 and #9.0.5 (2015-10-08)Add support for (optionally) encrypting session cookies, rather than signing them.0.4 (2015-10-05)Add an attribute,signedsessioncookie_installed, to the root object during installation.0.3 (2015-09-30)Fix renderinghttp_onlycookie attribute.0.2 (2015-09-29)Add support for extra Pyramid session configuration via ZCML:hash_algorithm,timeout,reissue_time.Suppress empty / None values in cookie attributes passed toZPublisher.HTTPResponse.setCookie.Refactor install script to allow reuse from other modules.Fix compatibility w/zope.configuration (2015-09-18)Initial release.
IntroductionZope2.ZodbBrowser is a web application to browse, inspect and introspect Zope’s zodb objects. It is inspired on smalltalk’s class browser and zodbbrowsers for zope3.There is a demo video available atYouTube’s menttes channel.Using ZodbBrowser with your buildoutIf you already have a buildout for Zope2.13 or Plone4 running, edit buildout.cfg to add zope2.zodbbrowser to eggs and zcml sections at buildout and instance parts respectively.[buildout] ... eggs = zope2.zodbbrowser ... [instance] ... zcml = zope2.zodbbrowserThen run bin/buildout to make the changes effective.Buildout Install$ svn co zodbbrowser $ python2.6 $ bin/buildout -v $ bin/instance fgUse of zodbbrowserTo access zodbbrowser add /zodbbrowser in your zope instance url, for example:http://localhost:8080/zodbbrowserChangelog0.2 experimental versionAdded ui.layout for better layout and resizable panels. Thanks to Quimera.Updated jquery from 1.4.2 to 1.4.4.Added Pretty printing format to show propertie’s values. Thanks to Laurence Rowe and Emanuel Sartor.Added support for older pythons 2.4 , 2.5. Thanks to Laurence Rowe.Included module and file path for source code. Thanks to davidjb.Added z3c.autoinclude.plugin support to remove the zcml entry on buildout. Thanks to aclark.0.1 experimental versionInitial release includes: Class and Ancestors, Properties, Callables and Interfaces provided.Support for Zope 2.13.x and Plone 4.0. Not tested with older or newer versions of Zope although it should work.Support for Firefox 3.6 and Chrome 5.0. No support Internet Explorer yet.
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zope.annotationREADMEThis package provides a mechanism to store additional information about objects without need to modify object class.Changes5.0 (2023-03-27)Add support for Python 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2022-09-06)Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.Drop support for Python (2018-10-16)Add support for Python 3.7 and drop support for Python 3.3.Fix a DeprecationWarning fromzope.annotation.attribute. Seeissue (2017-09-22)MakeAttributeAnnotationshave a__parent__. The__parent__is the object that it stores__annotations__on. This is a convenience for upwards traversal as used by things likezope.keyreference. See (2017-06-03)Drop support for Python 2.6.Claim support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Reach 100% test coverage.AttributeAnnotationsis now always acollections.MutableMapping. Previously on Python 2 it was aUserDict.DictMixin.4.4.1 (2015-01-09)Convert doctests to Sphinx documentation. Doctest snippets are still tested viatox-edocs.4.4.0 (2015-01-09)LP #98462: add additional “iterable mapping” methods toIAnnotations.LP #878265:Makepersistent(used only for doctests) a soft dependency, installable via thezope.annotation[btree]extra.MakeBTrees(used for attribute storage) a soft dependency, installable via thezope.annotation[btree]extra. Fall back to usingdictfor attribute storage ifBTreesis not importable.4.3.0 (2014-12-26)Add support for Python (2013-03-18)Don’t make AttributeAnnotations available as a view.4.1.0 (2013-02-24)Add__bool__method toIAnnotationsAPI for Python 3 compatibility.4.0.1 (2013-02-11)Addtox.ini.4.0.0 (2013-02-11)Add support for Python 3.3 and PyPy.Replace deprecatedzope.component.adaptsusage with equivalentzope.component.adapterdecorator.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.Include zcml dependencies in configure.zcml, require the necessary packages via a zcml extra, added tests for zcml.3.5.0 (2009-09-07)Add ZODB3 to install_requires, because it’s a true requirement of this package, not just a testing requirement, as BTrees are in use.Fix one test that was inactive because it’s function was overriden by a mistake.3.4.2 (2009-03-09)Clean up package description and documentation a bit.Change mailing list address to zope-dev at, as zope3-dev at is now retired.Remove old zpkg-related files.3.4.1 (2008-08-26)Annotation factories take care not to store proxies in the database, so adapting an object wrapped in aLocationProxyworks correctly. Fixes (2007-08-29)Annotation factories are no longer containing the factored object. Instead the objects are located usingzope.location. This removes a dependency
This Zope 3 package provides helper utilities to discover your Application API and the Zopen Component Registry.ContentsZope 3 API DocumentationComponent Inspection UtilitiesgetRequiredAdapters(iface, withViews=False)getProvidedAdapters(iface, withViews=False)getClasses(iface)getFactories(ifaces)getUtilities(iface)getRealFactory(factory)getInterfaceInfoDictionary(iface)getTypeInfoDictionary(type)getSpecificationInfoDictionary(spec)getAdapterInfoDictionary(reg)getFactoryInfoDictionary(reg)getUtilityInfoDictionary(name, factory)Interface Inspection UtilitiesgetElements(iface, type=IElement)getFieldsInOrder(iface, _itemsorter=…)getAttributes(iface)getMethods(iface)getFields(iface)getInterfaceTypes(iface)getFieldInterface(field)getAttributeInfoDictionary(attr, format=’restructuredtext’)getMethodInfoDictionary(method, format=’restructuredtext’)getFieldInfoDictionary(field, format=’restructuredtext’)Presentation Inspection UtilitiesgetViewFactoryData(factory)getPresentationType(iface)getViews(iface, type=IRequest)filterViewRegistrations(regs, iface, level=SPECIFC_INTERFACE_LEVEL)getViewInfoDictionary(reg)Miscellaneous UtilitiesrelativizePath(path)truncateSysPath(path)getPythonPath(obj)isReferencable(path)getPermissionIds(name, checker=_marker, klass=_marker)getFunctionSignature(func)getPublicAttributes(obj)getInterfaceForAttribute(name, interfaces=_marker, klass=_marker, asPath=True)columnize(entries, columns=3)getDocFormat(module)dedentString(text)renderText(text, module=None, format=None)The Class RegistrygetClassesThatImplement(iface)getSubclassesOf(klass)Safe ImportsCHANGESZope 3 API DocumentationThis Zope 3 package provides fully dynamic API documentation of Zope 3 and registered add-on components. The package is very extensible and can be easily extended by implementing new modules.Besides being an application, the API doctool also provides several public APIs to extract information from various objects used by Zope 3.utilities – Miscellaneous classes and functions that aid all documentation modules. They are broadly usable.interface – This module contains functions to inspect interfaces and schemas.component – This modules provides utility functions to lookup components given an interface.presentation – Presentation components are generally more complex than others, so a separate utilities module is provided to inspect views.classregistry – Here a simple dictionary-based registry for all known classes is provided. It allows us to search in classes.Component Inspection UtilitiesOnce you have an interface, you really want to discover on how this interface interacts with other components in Zope 3. The functions in>>> from zope.apidoc import componentprovide you with utilities to make those discoveries. The functions are explained in detail in this document. Before we start though, we have to have some interfaces to work with:>>> from zope.interface import Interface >>> class IFoo(Interface): ... pass>>> class IBar(Interface): ... pass>>> class IFooBar(IFoo, IBar): ... pass>>> class IResult(Interface): ... pass>>> class ISpecialResult(IResult): ... passgetRequiredAdapters(iface, withViews=False)This function returns adapter registrations for adapters that require the specified interface. So let’s create some adapter registrations:>>> from zope.publisher.interfaces import IRequest >>> from zope.component import provideAdapter, provideHandler >>> provideAdapter(None, (IFoo,), IResult) >>> provideAdapter(None, (IFoo, IBar), ISpecialResult) >>> provideAdapter(None, (IFoo, IRequest), ISpecialResult) >>> provideHandler('stubFactory', (IFoo,))>>> regs = list(component.getRequiredAdapters(IFoo)) >>> regs.sort() >>> regs [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, u'', None, u''), AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFoo], IResult, u'', None, u''), HandlerRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFoo], u'', 'stubFactory', u'')]Note how the adapter requiring anIRequestat the end of the required interfaces is neglected. This is because it is recognized as a view and views are not returned by default. But you can simply turn this flag on:>>> regs = list(component.getRequiredAdapters(IFoo, withViews=True)) >>> regs.sort() >>> regs [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, u'', None, u''), AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFoo, IRequest], ISpecialResult, u'', None, u''), AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFoo], IResult, u'', None, u''), HandlerRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFoo], u'', 'stubFactory', u'')]The function will also pick up registrations that have required interfaces the specified interface extends:>>> regs = list(component.getRequiredAdapters(IFoo)) >>> regs.sort() >>> regs [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, u'', None, u''), AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFoo], IResult, u'', None, u''), HandlerRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFoo], u'', 'stubFactory', u'')]And all of the required interfaces are considered, of course:>>> regs = list(component.getRequiredAdapters(IBar)) >>> regs.sort() >>> regs [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, u'', None, u'')]getProvidedAdapters(iface, withViews=False)Of course, we are also interested in the adapters that provide a certain interface. This function returns those adapter registrations, again ignoring views by default.>>> regs = list(component.getProvidedAdapters(ISpecialResult)) >>> regs.sort() >>> regs [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, u'', None, u'')]And by specifying thewithViewflag, we get views as well:>>> regs = list(component.getProvidedAdapters(ISpecialResult, withViews=True)) >>> regs.sort() >>> regs [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, u'', None, u''), AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFoo, IRequest], ISpecialResult, u'', None, u'')]We can of course also ask for adapters specifyingIResult:>>> regs = list(component.getProvidedAdapters(IResult, withViews=True)) >>> regs.sort() >>> regs [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, u'', None, u''), AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFoo, IRequest], ISpecialResult, u'', None, u''), AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFoo], IResult, u'', None, u'')]getClasses(iface)This package comes with a little tool called the class registry (seeclassregistry.txt). It provides a dictionary of all classes in the visible packages. This function utilizes the registry to retrieve all classes that implement the specified interface.Let’s start by creating and registering some classes:>>> from zope.interface import implements >>> from zope.apidoc.classregistry import classRegistry>>> class MyFoo(object): ... implements(IFoo) >>> classRegistry['MyFoo'] = MyFoo>>> class MyBar(object): ... implements(IBar) >>> classRegistry['MyBar'] = MyBar>>> class MyFooBar(object): ... implements(IFooBar) >>> classRegistry['MyFooBar'] = MyFooBarLet’s now see whether what results we get:>>> classes = component.getClasses(IFooBar) >>> classes.sort() >>> classes [('MyFooBar', <class 'zope.apidoc.doctest.MyFooBar'>)]>>> classes = component.getClasses(IFoo) >>> classes.sort() >>> classes [('MyFoo', <class 'zope.apidoc.doctest.MyFoo'>), ('MyFooBar', <class 'zope.apidoc.doctest.MyFooBar'>)]getFactories(ifaces)Return the factory registrations of the factories that will return objects providing this interface.Again, the first step is to create some factories:>>> from zope.component.factory import Factory >>> from zope.component.interfaces import IFactory >>> from zope.component import provideUtility >>> provideUtility(Factory(MyFoo), IFactory, 'MyFoo') >>> provideUtility(Factory(MyBar), IFactory, 'MyBar') >>> provideUtility( ... Factory(MyFooBar, 'MyFooBar', 'My Foo Bar'), IFactory, 'MyFooBar')Let’s see whether we will be able to get them:>>> regs = list(component.getFactories(IFooBar)) >>> regs.sort() >>> regs [UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, IFactory, 'MyFooBar', <Factory for <class 'zope.apidoc.doctest.MyFooBar'>>, None, u'')]>>> regs = list(component.getFactories(IFoo)) >>> regs.sort() >>> regs [UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, IFactory, 'MyFoo', <Factory for <class 'zope.apidoc.doctest.MyFoo'>>, None, u''), UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, IFactory, 'MyFooBar', <Factory for <class 'zope.apidoc.doctest.MyFooBar'>>, None, u'')]getUtilities(iface)Return all utility registrations for utilities that provide the specified interface.As usual, we have to register some utilities first:>>> provideUtility(MyFoo(), IFoo) >>> provideUtility(MyBar(), IBar) >>> provideUtility(MyFooBar(), IFooBar)Now let’s have a look what we have:>>> regs = list(component.getUtilities(IFooBar)) >>> regs.sort() >>> regs #doctest:+ELLIPSIS [UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, IFooBar, u'', <zope.apidoc.doctest.MyFooBar object at ...>, None, u'')]>>> regs = list(component.getUtilities(IFoo)) >>> regs.sort() >>> regs #doctest:+ELLIPSIS [UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, IFoo, u'', <zope.apidoc.doctest.MyFoo object at ...>, None, u''), UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, IFooBar, u'', <zope.apidoc.doctest.MyFooBar object at ...>, None, u'')]getRealFactory(factory)During registration, factories are commonly masked by wrapper functions. Also, factories are sometimes alsoIFactoryinstances, which are not referencable, so that we would like to return the class. If the wrapper objects/functions play nice, then they provide afactoryattribute that points to the next wrapper or the original factory.The task of this function is to remove all the factory wrappers and make sure that the returned factory is referencable.>>> class Factory(object): ... pass>>> def wrapper1(*args): ... return Factory(*args) >>> wrapper1.factory = Factory>>> def wrapper2(*args): ... return wrapper1(*args) >>> wrapper2.factory = wrapper1So whether we pass inFactory,>>> component.getRealFactory(Factory) <class 'zope.apidoc.doctest.Factory'>wrapper1,>>> component.getRealFactory(wrapper1) <class 'zope.apidoc.doctest.Factory'>orwrapper2,>>> component.getRealFactory(wrapper2) <class 'zope.apidoc.doctest.Factory'>the answer should always be theFactoryclass. Next we are going to pass in an instance, and again we should get our class aas a result:>>> factory = Factory() >>> component.getRealFactory(factory) <class 'zope.apidoc.doctest.Factory'>Even, if the factory instance is wrapped, we should get the factory class:>>> def wrapper3(*args): ... return factory(*args) >>> wrapper3.factory = factory>>> component.getRealFactory(wrapper3) <class 'zope.apidoc.doctest.Factory'>getInterfaceInfoDictionary(iface)This function returns a small info dictionary for an interface. It only reports the module and the name. This is useful for cases when we only want to list interfaces in the context of other components, like adapters and utilities.>>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint(component.getInterfaceInfoDictionary(IFoo), width=1) {'module': 'zope.apidoc.doctest', 'name': 'IFoo'}The functions using this function use it with little care and can also sometimes pass inNone. In these cases we want to returnNone:>>> component.getInterfaceInfoDictionary(None) is None TrueIt’s also possible for this function to be passed a zope.interface.declarations.Implements instance. For instance, this function is sometimes used to analyze the required elements of an adapter registration: if an adapter or subscriber is registered against a class, then the required element will be an Implements instance. In this case, we currently believe that we want to return the module and name of the object that the Implements object references. This may change.>>> from zope.interface import implementedBy >>> pprint(component.getInterfaceInfoDictionary(implementedBy(MyFoo)), width=1) {'module': 'zope.apidoc.doctest', 'name': 'MyFoo'}getTypeInfoDictionary(type)This function returns the info dictionary of a type.>>> pprint(component.getTypeInfoDictionary(tuple), width=1) {'module': '__builtin__', 'name': 'tuple', 'url': '__builtin__/tuple'}getSpecificationInfoDictionary(spec)Thsi function returns an info dictionary for the given specification. A specification can either be an interface or class. If it is an interface, it simply returns the interface dictionary:>>> pprint(component.getSpecificationInfoDictionary(IFoo)) {'isInterface': True, 'isType': False, 'module': 'zope.apidoc.doctest', 'name': 'IFoo'}In addition to the usual interface infos, there are two flags indicating whether the specification was an interface or type. In our case it is an interface.Let’s now look at the behavior when passing a type:>>> import zope.interface >>> tupleSpec = zope.interface.implementedBy(tuple)>>> pprint(component.getSpecificationInfoDictionary(tupleSpec)) {'isInterface': False, 'isType': True, 'module': '__builtin__', 'name': 'tuple', 'url': '__builtin__/tuple'}For the type, we simply reuse the type info dictionary function.getAdapterInfoDictionary(reg)This function returns a page-template-friendly dictionary representing the data of an adapter registration in an output-friendly format.Let’s first create an adapter registration:>>> class MyResult(object): ... implements(IResult)>>> from zope.component.registry import AdapterRegistration >>> reg = AdapterRegistration(None, (IFoo, IBar), IResult, 'FooToResult', ... MyResult, 'doc info')And now get the info dictionary:>>> pprint(component.getAdapterInfoDictionary(reg), width=1) {'doc': 'doc info', 'factory': 'zope.apidoc.doctest.MyResult', 'factory_url': 'zope/apidoc/doctest/MyResult', 'name': u'FooToResult', 'provided': {'module': 'zope.apidoc.doctest', 'name': 'IResult'}, 'required': [{'isInterface': True, 'isType': False, 'module': 'zope.apidoc.doctest', 'name': 'IFoo'}, {'isInterface': True, 'isType': False, 'module': 'zope.apidoc.doctest', 'name': 'IBar'}], 'zcml': None}If the factory’s path cannot be referenced, for example if a type has been created using thetype()builtin function, then the URL of the factory will beNone:>>> MyResultType = type('MyResult2', (object,), {}) >>> from zope.interface import classImplements >>> classImplements(MyResultType, IResult)>>> reg = AdapterRegistration(None, (IFoo, IBar), IResult, 'FooToResult', ... MyResultType, 'doc info') >>> pprint(component.getAdapterInfoDictionary(reg), width=1) {'doc': 'doc info', 'factory': 'zope.apidoc.doctest.MyResult2', 'factory_url': None, 'name': u'FooToResult', 'provided': {'module': 'zope.apidoc.doctest', 'name': 'IResult'}, 'required': [{'isInterface': True, 'isType': False, 'module': 'zope.apidoc.doctest', 'name': 'IFoo'}, {'isInterface': True, 'isType': False, 'module': 'zope.apidoc.doctest', 'name': 'IBar'}], 'zcml': None}This function can also handle subscription registrations, which are pretty much like adapter registrations, except that they do not have a name. So let’s see how the function handles subscriptions:>>> from zope.component.registry import HandlerRegistration >>> reg = HandlerRegistration(None, (IFoo, IBar), u'', MyResult, 'doc info')>>> pprint(component.getAdapterInfoDictionary(reg)) {'doc': 'doc info', 'factory': 'zope.apidoc.doctest.MyResult', 'factory_url': 'zope/apidoc/doctest/MyResult', 'name': u'', 'provided': None, 'required': [{'isInterface': True, 'isType': False, 'module': 'zope.apidoc.doctest', 'name': 'IFoo'}, {'isInterface': True, 'isType': False, 'module': 'zope.apidoc.doctest', 'name': 'IBar'}], 'zcml': None}getFactoryInfoDictionary(reg)This function returns a page-template-friendly dictionary representing the data of a factory (utility) registration in an output-friendly format.Luckily we have already registered some factories, so we just reuse their registrations:>>> pprint(component.getFactoryInfoDictionary( ... component.getFactories(IFooBar).next())) {'description': u'<p>My Foo Bar</p>\n', 'name': u'MyFooBar', 'title': 'MyFooBar', 'url': 'zope/apidoc/doctest/MyFooBar'}If the factory’s path cannot be referenced, for example if a type has been created using thetype()builtin function, then the URL of the factory will beNone:>>> class IMine(Interface): ... pass>>> class FactoryBase(object): ... def getInterfaces(self): return [IMine]>>> MyFactoryType = type('MyFactory', (FactoryBase,), {}) >>> from zope.interface import classImplements >>> classImplements(MyFactoryType, IFactory) >>> provideUtility(MyFactoryType(), IFactory, 'MyFactory')>>> pprint(component.getFactoryInfoDictionary( ... component.getFactories(IMine).next()), width=1) {'description': u'', 'name': u'MyFactory', 'title': u'', 'url': None}getUtilityInfoDictionary(name, factory)This function returns a page-template-friendly dictionary representing the data of a utility registration in an output-friendly format.Luckily we have already registered some utilities, so we just reuse their registrations:>>> pprint(component.getUtilityInfoDictionary( ... component.getUtilities(IFooBar).next())) {'iface_id': 'zope.apidoc.doctest.IFooBar', 'name': u'<i>no name</i>', 'path': 'zope.apidoc.doctest.MyFooBar', 'url': 'Code/zope/apidoc/doctest/MyFooBar', 'url_name': 'X19ub25hbWVfXw=='}Interface Inspection UtilitiesThis document is a presentation of the utility functions provided by>>> from zope.apidoc import interfaceFor the following demonstrations, we need a nice interface that we can inspect:>>> from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute >>> from zope.schema import Field, TextLine>>> class IFoo(Interface): ... foo = Field(title=u"Foo") ... ... bar = TextLine(title=u"Bar", ... description=u"The Bar", ... required=True, ... default=u"My Bar") ... ... baz = Attribute('baz', ... 'This is the baz attribute') ... ... def blah(one, two, three=None, *args, **kwargs): ... """This is the `blah` method."""getElements(iface, type=IElement)Return a dictionary containing all elements in an interface. The type specifies whether we are looking for attributes, fields or methods. So let’s look at an example.First, let’s get the methods of an interface:>>> from zope.interface.interfaces import IMethod >>> interface.getElements(IFoo, type=IMethod).keys() ['blah']and now the fields:>>> from zope.schema.interfaces import IField >>> names = interface.getElements(IFoo, type=IField).keys() >>> names.sort() >>> names ['bar', 'foo']We can also get all attributes of course.>>> from zope.interface.interfaces import IAttribute >>> names = interface.getElements(IFoo, type=IAttribute).keys() >>> names.sort() >>> names ['bar', 'baz', 'blah', 'foo']You might be surprised by the above result, since the fields and methods are again included. However, fields and methods are just attributes and thus extend the simple attribute implementation. If you want to get a list of attributes that does not include fields and methods, see thegetAttributes(iface)function.The default type isIElementwhich will simply return all elements of the interface:>>> names = interface.getElements(IFoo).keys() >>> names.sort() >>> names ['bar', 'baz', 'blah', 'foo']Note: The interface you pass to this functioncannotbe proxied! Presentation code often like to wrap interfaces in security proxies and apidoc even uses location proxies for interface.getFieldsInOrder(iface, _itemsorter=…)For presentation purposes we often want fields to have the a certain order, most comonly the order they have in the interface. This function returns a list of (name, field) tuples in a specified order.The_itemsorterargument provides the function that is used to order the fields. The default function, which sorts by the fields’orderattribute, should be the correct one for 99% of your needs.Reusing the interface created above, we check the output:>>> [n for n, a in interface.getFieldsInOrder(IFoo)] ['foo', 'bar']By changing the sort method to sort by names, we get:>>> [n for n, a in interface.getFieldsInOrder( ... IFoo, _itemsorter=lambda x, y: cmp(x[0], y[0]))] ['bar', 'foo']getAttributes(iface)This function returns a (name, attr) tuple for every attribute in the interface. Note that this function will only return pure attributes; it ignores methods and fields.>>> attrs = interface.getAttributes(IFoo) >>> attrs.sort() >>> attrs #doctest: +ELLIPSIS [('baz', <zope.interface.interface.Attribute object at ...>)]getMethods(iface)This function returns a (name, method) tuple for every declared method in the interface.>>> methods = interface.getMethods(IFoo) >>> methods.sort() >>> methods #doctest: +ELLIPSIS [('blah', <zope.interface.interface.Method object at ...>)]getFields(iface)This function returns a (name, field) tuple for every declared field in the interface.>>> interface.getFields(IFoo) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS [('foo', <zope.schema._bootstrapfields.Field object at ...>), ('bar', <zope.schema._bootstrapfields.TextLine object at ...>)]Note that this returns the same result asgetFieldsInOrder()with the fields sorted by theirorderattribute, except that you cannot specify the sort function here. This function was mainly provided for symmetry with the other functions.getInterfaceTypes(iface)Interfaces can be categorized/grouped by using interface types. Interface types simply extendzope.interface.interfaces.IInterface, which are basically meta-interfaces. The interface types are then provided by particular interfaces.ThegetInterfaceTypes()function returns a list of interface types that are provided for the specified interface. Note that you commonly expect only one type per interface, though.Before we assign any type to ourIFoointerface, there are no types declared.>>> interface.getInterfaceTypes(IFoo) []Now we define a new type calledIContentType>>> from zope.interface.interfaces import IInterface >>> class IContentType(IInterface): ... passand have our interface provide it:>>> from zope.interface import directlyProvides >>> directlyProvides(IFoo, IContentType)Note that ZCML has some more convenient methods of doing this. Now let’s get the interface types again:>>> interface.getInterfaceTypes(IFoo) [<InterfaceClass zope.apidoc.doctest.IContentType>]Again note that the interface passed to this functioncannotbe proxied, otherwise this method will pick up the proxy’s interfaces as well.getFieldInterface(field)This function tries pretty hard to determine the best-matching interface that represents the field. Commonly the field class has the same name as the field interface (minus an “I”). So this is our first choice:>>> from zope.schema import Text, Int >>> interface.getFieldInterface(Text()) <InterfaceClass zope.schema.interfaces.IText>>>> interface.getFieldInterface(Int()) <InterfaceClass zope.schema.interfaces.IInt>If the name matching method fails, it picks the first interface that extendsIField:>>> from zope.schema.interfaces import IField >>> class ISpecialField(IField): ... pass >>> class ISomething(Interface): ... pass>>> from zope.interface import implements >>> class MyField: ... implements(ISomething, ISpecialField)>>> interface.getFieldInterface(MyField()) <InterfaceClass zope.apidoc.doctest.ISpecialField>getAttributeInfoDictionary(attr, format=’restructuredtext’)This function returns a page-template-friendly dictionary for a simple attribute:>>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint(interface.getAttributeInfoDictionary(IFoo['baz'])) {'doc': u'<p>This is the baz attribute</p>\n', 'name': 'baz'}getMethodInfoDictionary(method, format=’restructuredtext’)This function returns a page-template-friendly dictionary for a method:>>> pprint(interface.getMethodInfoDictionary(IFoo['blah'])) #doc {'doc': u'<p>This is the <cite>blah</cite> method.</p>\n', 'name': 'blah', 'signature': '(one, two, three=None, *args, **kwargs)'}getFieldInfoDictionary(field, format=’restructuredtext’)This function returns a page-template-friendly dictionary for a field:>>> pprint(interface.getFieldInfoDictionary(IFoo['bar']), width=1) {'class': {'name': 'TextLine', 'path': 'zope/schema/_bootstrapfields/TextLine'}, 'default': "u'My Bar'", 'description': u'<p>The Bar</p>\n', 'iface': {'id': 'zope.schema.interfaces.ITextLine', 'name': 'ITextLine'}, 'name': 'bar', 'required': True, 'required_string': u'required', 'title': u'Bar'}Presentation Inspection UtilitiesThepresentationmodule provides some nice utilities to inspect presentation registrations.>>> from zope.apidoc import presentationgetViewFactoryData(factory)This function tries really hard to determine the correct information about a view factory. For example, when you create a page, a new type is dynamically generated upon registration. Let’s look at a couple examples.First, let’s inspect a case where a simple browser page was configured without a special view class. In these cases the factory is aSimpleViewClass:>>> from zope.browserpage.simpleviewclass import SimpleViewClass >>> view = SimpleViewClass('') >>> info = presentation.getViewFactoryData(view)Before we can check the result, we have to make sure that all Windows paths are converted to Unix-like paths. We also clip off instance-specific parts of the template path:>>> info['template'] = info['template'].replace('\\', '/')[-21:] >>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint(info) {'path': 'zope.browserpage.simpleviewclass.simple', 'referencable': True, 'resource': None, 'template': 'zope/apidoc/', 'template_obj': <BoundPageTemplateFile of None>, 'url': 'zope/browserpage/simpleviewclass/simple'}So in the result above we see what the function returns. It is a dictionary (converted to a list for test purposes) that contains the Python path of the view class, a flag that specifies whether the factory can be referenced and thus be viewed by the class browser, the (page) template used for the view and the URL under which the factory will be found in the class browser. Some views, like icons, also use resources to provide their data. In these cases the name of the resource will be provided. Of course, not in all cases all values will be available. Empty values are marked withNone.Believe it or not, in some cases the factory is just a simple type. In these cases we cannot retrieve any useful information:>>> info = presentation.getViewFactoryData(3) >>> pprint(info) {'path': None, 'referencable': False, 'resource': None, 'template': None, 'url': None}In some cases factories are callable class instances, where we cannot directly have a referencable name, so we lookup the class and use its name:>>> class Factory(object): ... pass>>> info = presentation.getViewFactoryData(Factory()) >>> pprint(info) {'path': 'zope.apidoc.doctest.Factory', 'referencable': True, 'resource': None, 'template': None, 'url': 'zope/apidoc/doctest/Factory'}One of the more common cases, however, is that the factory is a class or type. In this case we can just retrieve the reference directly:>>> info = presentation.getViewFactoryData(Factory) >>> pprint(info) {'path': 'zope.apidoc.doctest.Factory', 'referencable': True, 'resource': None, 'template': None, 'url': 'zope/apidoc/doctest/Factory'}When factories are created by a directive, they can also be functions. In those cases we just simply return the function path:>>> def factory(): ... pass# The testing framework does not set the __module__ correctly >>> factory.__module__ = ‘__builtin__’>>> info = presentation.getViewFactoryData(factory) >>> pprint(info) {'path': '__builtin__.factory', 'referencable': True, 'resource': None, 'template': None, 'url': '__builtin__/factory'}However, the function is rather unhelpful, since it will be the same for all views that use that code path. For this reason the function keeps track of the original factory component in a function attribute calledfactory:>>> factory.factory = Factory>>> info = presentation.getViewFactoryData(factory) >>> pprint(info) {'path': 'zope.apidoc.doctest.Factory', 'referencable': True, 'resource': None, 'template': None, 'url': 'zope/apidoc/doctest/Factory'}Let’s now have a look at some extremly specific cases. If a view is registered using thezope:viewdirective and a permission is specified, aProxyViewclass instance is created that references its original factory:>>> class ProxyView(object): ... ... def __init__(self, factory): ... self.factory = factory >>> proxyView = ProxyView(Factory)>>> info = presentation.getViewFactoryData(proxyView) >>> pprint(info) {'path': 'zope.apidoc.doctest.Factory', 'referencable': True, 'resource': None, 'template': None, 'url': 'zope/apidoc/doctest/Factory'}Another use case is when a new type is created by thebrowser:pageorbrowser:viewdirective. In those cases the true/original factory is really the first base class. Those cases are detected by inspecting the__module__string of the type:>>> new_class = type(Factory.__name__, (Factory,), {}) >>> new_class.__module__ = 'zope.browserpage.viewmeta'>>> info = presentation.getViewFactoryData(new_class) >>> pprint(info) {'path': 'zope.apidoc.doctest.Factory', 'referencable': True, 'resource': None, 'template': None, 'url': 'zope/apidoc/doctest/Factory'}The same sort of thing happens for XML-RPC views, except that those are wrapped twice:>>> new_class = type(Factory.__name__, (Factory,), {}) >>> new_class.__module__ = ''>>> new_class2 = type(Factory.__name__, (new_class,), {}) >>> new_class2.__module__ = ''>>> info = presentation.getViewFactoryData(new_class2) >>> pprint(info) {'path': 'zope.apidoc.doctest.Factory', 'referencable': True, 'resource': None, 'template': None, 'url': 'zope/apidoc/doctest/Factory'}Finally, it sometimes happens that a factory is wrapped and the wrapper is wrapped in return:>>> def wrapper1(*args): ... return Factory(*args) >>> wrapper1.__module__ = None>>> def wrapper2(*args): ... return wrapper1(*args) >>> wrapper2.__module__ = NoneInitially, the documentation is not very helpful:>>> info = presentation.getViewFactoryData(wrapper2) >>> pprint(info) {'path': 'None.wrapper2', 'referencable': True, 'resource': None, 'template': None, 'url': 'None/wrapper2'}However, if those wrappers play nicely, they provide a factory attribute each step of the way …>>> wrapper1.factory = Factory >>> wrapper2.factory = wrapper1and the result is finally our original factory:>>> info = presentation.getViewFactoryData(wrapper2) >>> pprint(info) {'path': 'zope.apidoc.doctest.Factory', 'referencable': True, 'resource': None, 'template': None, 'url': 'zope/apidoc/doctest/Factory'}getPresentationType(iface)In Zope 3, presentation types (i.e. browser, ftp, …) are defined through their special request interface, such asIBrowserRequestorIFTPRequest. To complicate matters further, layer interfaces are used in browser presentations to allow skinning. Layers extend any request type, but most commonlyIBrowserRequest. This function inspects the request interface of any presentation multi-adapter and determines its type, which is returned in form of an interface.>>> from zope.apidoc.presentation import getPresentationType >>> from zope.publisher.interfaces.http import IHTTPRequest >>> from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest>>> class ILayer1(IBrowserRequest): ... pass>>> presentation.getPresentationType(ILayer1) <InterfaceClass zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserRequest>>>> class ILayer2(IHTTPRequest): ... pass>>> presentation.getPresentationType(ILayer2) <InterfaceClass zope.publisher.interfaces.http.IHTTPRequest>If the function cannot determine the presentation type, the interface itself is returned:>>> from zope.interface import Interface >>> class ILayer3(Interface): ... pass>>> presentation.getPresentationType(ILayer3) <InterfaceClass zope.apidoc.doctest.ILayer3>Note that more specific presentation types are considered first. For example,IBrowserRequestextendsIHTTPRequest, but it will always determine the presentation type to be anIBrowserRequest.getViews(iface, type=IRequest)This function retrieves all available view registrations for a given interface and presentation type. The default argument for the presentation type isIRequest, which will effectively return all views for the specified interface.To see how this works, we first have to register some views:>>> class IFoo(Interface): ... pass>>> from zope.component import provideAdapter >>> provideAdapter(None, (IFoo, IHTTPRequest), Interface, name='foo') >>> provideAdapter(None, (Interface, IHTTPRequest), Interface, ... name='bar') >>> provideAdapter(None, (IFoo, IBrowserRequest), Interface, ... name='blah')Now let’s see what we’ve got. If we do not specify a type, all registrations should be returned:>>> regs = list(presentation.getViews(IFoo)) >>> regs.sort() >>> regs #doctest:+ELLIPSIS [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFoo, IBrowserRequest], Interface, 'blah', None, u''), AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFoo, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'foo', None, u''), AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [Interface, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'bar', None, u'')]>>> regs = list(presentation.getViews(Interface, IHTTPRequest)) >>> regs.sort() >>> regs #doctest:+ELLIPSIS [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [Interface, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'bar', None, u'')]filterViewRegistrations(regs, iface, level=SPECIFC_INTERFACE_LEVEL)Oftentimes the amount of views that are being returned for a particular interface are too much to show at once. It is then good to split the view into categories. ThefilterViewRegistrations()function allows you to filter the views on how specific they are to the interface. Here are the three levels you can select from:SPECIFC_INTERFACE_LEVEL – Only return registrations that require thespecified interface directly.EXTENDED_INTERFACE_LEVEL – Only return registrations that require aninterface that the specified interface extends.GENERIC_INTERFACE_LEVEL – Only return registrations that explicitelyrequire theInterfaceinterface.So, let’s see how this is done. We first need to create a couple of interfaces and register some views:>>> class IContent(Interface): ... pass >>> class IFile(IContent): ... passClear out the registries first, so we know what we have. >>> from zope.testing.cleanup import cleanUp >>> cleanUp()>>> provideAdapter(None, (IContent, IHTTPRequest), Interface, ... name='view.html') >>> provideAdapter(None, (IContent, IHTTPRequest), Interface, ... name='edit.html') >>> provideAdapter(None, (IFile, IHTTPRequest), Interface, ... name='view.html') >>> provideAdapter(None, (Interface, IHTTPRequest), Interface, ... name='view.html')Now we get all the registrations:>>> regs = list(presentation.getViews(IFile, IHTTPRequest))Let’s now filter those registrations:>>> result = list(presentation.filterViewRegistrations( ... regs, IFile, level=presentation.SPECIFIC_INTERFACE_LEVEL)) >>> result.sort() >>> result [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFile, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'view.html', None, u'')]>>> result = list(presentation.filterViewRegistrations( ... regs, IFile, level=presentation.EXTENDED_INTERFACE_LEVEL)) >>> result.sort() >>> result [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IContent, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'edit.html', None, u''), AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IContent, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'view.html', None, u'')]>>> result = list(presentation.filterViewRegistrations( ... regs, IFile, level=presentation.GENERIC_INTERFACE_LEVEL)) >>> result.sort() >>> result [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [Interface, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'view.html', None, u'')]You can also specify multiple levels at once using the Boolean OR operator, since all three levels are mutually exclusive.>>> result = list(presentation.filterViewRegistrations( ... regs, IFile, level=presentation.SPECIFIC_INTERFACE_LEVEL | ... presentation.EXTENDED_INTERFACE_LEVEL)) >>> result.sort() >>> result [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IContent, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'edit.html', None, u''), AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IContent, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'view.html', None, u''), AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFile, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'view.html', None, u'')]>>> result = list(presentation.filterViewRegistrations( ... regs, IFile, level=presentation.SPECIFIC_INTERFACE_LEVEL | ... presentation.GENERIC_INTERFACE_LEVEL)) >>> result.sort() >>> result [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [IFile, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'view.html', None, u''), AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, [Interface, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'view.html', None, u'')]getViewInfoDictionary(reg)Now that we have all these utilities to select the registrations, we need to prepare the them for output. For page templates the best data structures are dictionaries and tuples/lists. This utility will generate an informational dictionary for the specified registration.Let’s first create a registration:>>> from zope.component.registry import AdapterRegistration >>> reg = AdapterRegistration(None, (IFile, Interface, IHTTPRequest), ... Interface, 'view.html', Factory, 'reg info')>>> pprint(presentation.getViewInfoDictionary(reg), width=1) {'doc': 'reg info', 'factory': {'path': 'zope.apidoc.doctest.Factory', 'referencable': True, 'resource': None, 'template': None, 'url': 'zope/apidoc/doctest/Factory'}, 'name': u'view.html', 'provided': {'module': 'zope.interface', 'name': 'Interface'}, 'read_perm': None, 'required': [{'module': 'zope.apidoc.doctest', 'name': 'IFile'}, {'module': 'zope.interface', 'name': 'Interface'}, {'module': 'zope.publisher.interfaces.http', 'name': 'IHTTPRequest'}], 'type': 'zope.publisher.interfaces.http.IHTTPRequest', 'write_perm': None, 'zcml': None}Miscellaneous UtilitiesThe utilities module provides some useful helper functions and classes that make the work of the API doctool and inspection code easier.>>> from zope.apidoc import utilitiesrelativizePath(path)When dealing with files, such as page templates and text files, and not with Python paths, it is necessary to keep track of the the absolute path of the file. However, for presentation purposes, the absolute path is inappropriate and we are commonly interested in the path starting at the Zope 3 root directory. This function attempts to remove the absolute path to the root directory and replaces it with “Zope3”.>>> import os >>> path = os.path.join(utilities.BASEDIR, 'src', 'zope', 'README.txt')>>> utilities.BASEDIR in path True>>> path = utilities.relativizePath(path)>>> utilities.BASEDIR in path False# Be kind to Windows users >>> path.replace(’', ‘/’) ‘Zope3/src/zope/README.txt’If the base path is not found in a particular path, the original path is returned:>>> otherpath = 'foo/bar/blah.txt' >>> utilities.relativizePath(otherpath) 'foo/bar/blah.txt'truncateSysPath(path)In some cases it is useful to just know the path after the sys path of a module. For example, you have a path of a file in a module. To look up the module, the simplest to do is to retrieve the module path and look into the system’s modules list.>>> import sys >>> sysBase = sys.path[0]>>> utilities.truncateSysPath(sysBase + '/some/module/path') 'some/module/path'If there is no matching system path, then the whole path is returned:>>> utilities.truncateSysPath('some/other/path') 'some/other/path'getPythonPath(obj)Return the path of the object in standard Python dot-notation.This function makes only sense for objects that provide a name, since we cannot determine the path otherwise. Instances, for example, do not have a__name__attribute, so we would expect them to fail.For interfaces we simply get>>> from zope.interface import Interface >>> class ISample(Interface): ... pass>>> utilities.getPythonPath(ISample) 'zope.apidoc.doctest.ISample'and for classes>>> class Sample(object): ... def sample(self): ... pass>>> utilities.getPythonPath(Sample.sample) 'zope.apidoc.doctest.Sample'One can also pass functions>>> def sample(): ... pass>>> utilities.getPythonPath(sample) 'zope.apidoc.doctest.sample'and even methods. If a method is passed in, its class path is returned.>>> utilities.getPythonPath(Sample.sample) 'zope.apidoc.doctest.Sample'Modules are another kind of objects that can return a python path:>>> utilities.getPythonPath(utilities) 'zope.apidoc.utilities'Passing inNonereturnsNone:>>> utilities.getPythonPath(None)Clearly, instance lookups should fail:>>> utilities.getPythonPath(Sample()) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'Sample' object has no attribute '__name__'isReferencable(path)Determine whether a path can be referenced in the API doc, usually by the code browser module. Initially you might think that all objects that have paths can be referenced somehow. But that’s not true, partially by design of apidoc, but also due to limitations of the Python language itself.First, here are some cases that work:>>> utilities.isReferencable('zope') True >>> utilities.isReferencable('') True >>> utilities.isReferencable('zope.apidoc.classregistry.ClassRegistry') True >>> utilities.isReferencable('zope.apidoc.utilities.isReferencable') TrueThe first case isNone. When you ask for the python path ofNone, you getNone, so that result should not be referencable:>>> utilities.isReferencable(None) FalseBy design we also do not document any private classes and functions:>>> utilities.isReferencable('') False >>> utilities.isReferencable('') False >>> utilities.isReferencable('zope.apidoc.__doc__') TrueSome objects might fake their module name, so that it does not exist:>>> utilities.isReferencable('') FalseOn the other hand, you might have a valid module, but non-existent attribute:>>> utilities.isReferencable('zope.apidoc.MyClass') FalseNote that this case is also used for types that are generated using thetype()function:>>> mytype = type('MyType', (object,), {}) >>> path = utilities.getPythonPath(mytype) >>> path 'zope.apidoc.doctest.MyType'>>> utilities.isReferencable(path) FalseNext, since API doc does not allow the documentation of instances yet, it is not possible to document singletons, so they are not referencable:>>> class Singelton(object): ... pass>>> utilities.isReferencable('zope.apidoc.doctest.Singelton') True>>> Singelton = Singelton()>>> utilities.isReferencable('zope.apidoc.doctest.Singelton') FalseFinally, the globalIGNORE_MODULESlist from the class registry is also used to give a negative answer. If a module is listed inIGNORE_MODULES, thenFalseis returned.>>> import classregistry >>> classregistry.IGNORE_MODULES.append('zope.apidoc')>>> utilities.isReferencable('') True >>> utilities.isReferencable('zope.apidoc') False >>> utilities.isReferencable('zope.apidoc.apidoc.APIDocumentation') False>>> classregistry.IGNORE_MODULES.pop() 'zope.apidoc' >>> utilities.isReferencable('zope.apidoc') TruegetPermissionIds(name, checker=_marker, klass=_marker)Get the permissions of a class attribute. The attribute is specified by name.Either theklassor thecheckerargument must be specified. If the class is specified, then the checker for it is looked up. Furthermore, this function only works withINameBasedCheckercheckers. If another checker is found,Noneis returned for the permissions.We start out by defining the class and then the checker for it:>>> from import Checker, defineChecker >>> from import CheckerPublic>>> class Sample(object): ... attr = 'value' ... attr3 = 'value3'>>> class Sample2(object): ... pass>>> checker = Checker({'attr': 'zope.Read', 'attr3': CheckerPublic}, ... {'attr': 'zope.Write', 'attr3': CheckerPublic}) >>> defineChecker(Sample, checker)Now let’s see how this function works:>>> entries = utilities.getPermissionIds('attr', klass=Sample) >>> entries['read_perm'] 'zope.Read' >>> entries['write_perm'] 'zope.Write'>>> from import getCheckerForInstancesOf >>> entries = utilities.getPermissionIds('attr', ... getCheckerForInstancesOf(Sample)) >>> entries['read_perm'] 'zope.Read' >>> entries['write_perm'] 'zope.Write'TheSampleclass does not know about theattr2attribute:>>> entries = utilities.getPermissionIds('attr2', klass=Sample) >>> print entries['read_perm'] n/a >>> print entries['write_perm'] n/aTheSample2class does not have a checker:>>> entries = utilities.getPermissionIds('attr', klass=Sample2) >>> entries['read_perm'] is None True >>> print entries['write_perm'] is None TrueFinally, theSampleclass’attr3attribute is public:>>> entries = utilities.getPermissionIds('attr3', klass=Sample) >>> print entries['read_perm'] zope.Public >>> print entries['write_perm'] zope.PublicgetFunctionSignature(func)Return the signature of a function or method. Thefuncargumentmustbe a generic function or a method of a class.First, we get the signature of a function that has a specific positional and keyword argument:>>> def func(attr, attr2=None): ... pass >>> utilities.getFunctionSignature(func) '(attr, attr2=None)'Here is a function that has an unspecified amount of keyword arguments:>>> def func(attr, **kw): ... pass >>> utilities.getFunctionSignature(func) '(attr, **kw)'And here we mix specified and unspecified keyword arguments:>>> def func(attr, attr2=None, **kw): ... pass >>> utilities.getFunctionSignature(func) '(attr, attr2=None, **kw)'In the next example we have unspecified positional and keyword arguments:>>> def func(*args, **kw): ... pass >>> utilities.getFunctionSignature(func) '(*args, **kw)'And finally an example, where we have on unspecified keyword arguments without any positional arguments:>>> def func(**kw): ... pass >>> utilities.getFunctionSignature(func) '(**kw)'Next we test whether the signature is correctly determined for class methods. Note that theselfargument is removed from the signature, since it is not essential for documentation.We start out with a simple positional argument:>>> class Klass(object): ... def func(self, attr): ... pass >>> utilities.getFunctionSignature(Klass.func) '(attr)'Next we have specific and unspecified positional arguments as well as unspecified keyword arguments:>>> class Klass(object): ... def func(self, attr, *args, **kw): ... pass >>> utilities.getFunctionSignature(Klass.func) '(attr, *args, **kw)'If you do not pass a function or method to the function, it will fail:>>> utilities.getFunctionSignature('func') Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: func must be a function or methodA very uncommon, but perfectly valid, case is that tuple arguments are unpacked inside the argument list of the function. Here is an example:>>> def func((arg1, arg2)): ... pass >>> utilities.getFunctionSignature(func) '((arg1, arg2))'Even default assignment is allowed:>>> def func((arg1, arg2)=(1, 2)): ... pass >>> utilities.getFunctionSignature(func) '((arg1, arg2)=(1, 2))'However, lists of this type are not allowed inside the argument list:>>> def func([arg1, arg2]): ... pass Traceback (most recent call last): ... SyntaxError: invalid syntaxInternal assignment is also not legal:>>> def func((arg1, arg2=1)): ... pass Traceback (most recent call last): ... SyntaxError: invalid syntaxgetPublicAttributes(obj)Return a list of public attribute names for a given object.This excludes any attribute starting with ‘_’, which includes attributes of the form__attr__, which are commonly considered public, but they are so special that they are excluded. Theobjargument can be either a classic class, type or instance of the previous two. Note that the term “attributes” here includes methods and properties.First we need to create a class with some attributes, properties and methods:>>> class Nonattr(object): ... def __get__(*a): ... raise AttributeError('nonattr')>>> class Sample(object): ... attr = None ... def __str__(self): ... return '' ... def func(self): ... pass ... def _getAttr(self): ... return self.attr ... attr2 = property(_getAttr) ... ... nonattr = Nonattr() # Should not show up in public attrsWe can simply pass in the class and get the public attributes:>>> attrs = utilities.getPublicAttributes(Sample) >>> attrs.sort() >>> attrs ['attr', 'attr2', 'func']Note that we exclude attributes that would raise attribute errors, like our silly Nonattr.But an instance of that class will work as well.>>> attrs = utilities.getPublicAttributes(Sample()) >>> attrs.sort() >>> attrs ['attr', 'attr2', 'func']The function will also take inheritance into account and return all inherited attributes as well:>>> class Sample2(Sample): ... attr3 = None>>> attrs = utilities.getPublicAttributes(Sample2) >>> attrs.sort() >>> attrs ['attr', 'attr2', 'attr3', 'func']getInterfaceForAttribute(name, interfaces=_marker, klass=_marker, asPath=True)Determine the interface in which an attribute is defined. This function is nice, if you have an attribute name which you retrieved from a class and want to know which interface requires it to be there.Either theinterfacesorklassargument must be specified. Ifinterfacesis not specified, theklassis used to retrieve a list of interfaces.interfacesmust be iterable.asPathspecifies whether the dotted name of the interface or the interface object is returned.First, we need to create some interfaces and a class that implements them:>>> from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute, implements >>> class I1(Interface): ... attr = Attribute('attr')>>> class I2(I1): ... def getAttr(): ... '''get attr'''>>> class Sample(object): ... implements(I2)First we check whether an aatribute can be found in a list of interfaces:>>> utilities.getInterfaceForAttribute('attr', (I1, I2), asPath=False) <InterfaceClass zope.apidoc.doctest.I1> >>> utilities.getInterfaceForAttribute('getAttr', (I1, I2), asPath=False) <InterfaceClass zope.apidoc.doctest.I2>Now we are repeating the same lookup, but using the class, instead of a list of interfaces:>>> utilities.getInterfaceForAttribute('attr', klass=Sample, asPath=False) <InterfaceClass zope.apidoc.doctest.I1> >>> utilities.getInterfaceForAttribute('getAttr', klass=Sample, asPath=False) <InterfaceClass zope.apidoc.doctest.I2>By default,asPathisTrue, which means the path of the interface is returned:>>> utilities.getInterfaceForAttribute('attr', (I1, I2)) 'zope.apidoc.doctest.I1'If no match is found,Noneis returned.>>> utilities.getInterfaceForAttribute('attr2', (I1, I2)) is None True >>> utilities.getInterfaceForAttribute('attr2', klass=Sample) is None TrueIf both, theinterfacesandklassargument are missing, raise an error:>>> utilities.getInterfaceForAttribute('getAttr') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: need to specify interfaces or klassSimilarly, it does not make sense if both are specified:>>> utilities.getInterfaceForAttribute('getAttr', interfaces=(I1,I2), ... klass=Sample) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: must specify only one of interfaces and klasscolumnize(entries, columns=3)This function places a list of entries into columns.Here are some examples:>>> utilities.columnize([1], 3) [[1]]>>> utilities.columnize([1, 2], 3) [[1], [2]]>>> utilities.columnize([1, 2, 3], 3) [[1], [2], [3]]>>> utilities.columnize([1, 2, 3, 4], 3) [[1, 2], [3], [4]]>>> utilities.columnize([1], 2) [[1]]>>> utilities.columnize([1, 2], 2) [[1], [2]]>>> utilities.columnize([1, 2, 3], 2) [[1, 2], [3]]>>> utilities.columnize([1, 2, 3, 4], 2) [[1, 2], [3, 4]]getDocFormat(module)This function inspects a module to determine the supported documentation format. The function returns a valid renderer source factory id.If the__docformat__module attribute is specified, its value will be used to look up the factory id:>>> from zope.apidoc import utilities >>> utilities.getDocFormat(utilities) ''By default structured text is returned:>>> from zope.apidoc import tests >>> utilities.getDocFormat(tests) 'zope.source.stx'This is a sensible default, since we only decided later in development to endorse restructured text, so that many files are still in the structured text format. All converted and new modules will have the__docformat__attribute.The__docformat__attribute can also optionally specify a language field. We simply ignore it:>>> class Module(object): ... pass >>> module = Module() >>> module.__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en' >>> utilities.getDocFormat(module) ''dedentString(text)Before doc strings can be processed using STX or ReST they must be dendented, since otherwise the output will be incorrect. Let’s have a look at some docstrings and see how they are correctly dedented.Let’s start with a simple one liner. Nothing should happen:>>> def func(): ... '''One line documentation string'''>>> utilities.dedentString(func.__doc__) 'One line documentation string'Now what about one line docstrings that start on the second line? While this format is discouraged, it is frequently used:>>> def func(): ... ''' ... One line documentation string ... '''>>> utilities.dedentString(func.__doc__) '\nOne line documentation string\n'We can see that the leading whitespace on the string is removed, but not the newline character. Let’s now try a simple multi-line docstring:>>> def func(): ... '''Short description ... ... Lengthy description, giving some more background information and ... discuss some edge cases. ... '''>>> print utilities.dedentString(func.__doc__) Short description <BLANKLINE> Lengthy description, giving some more background information and discuss some edge cases. <BLANKLINE>Again, the whitespace was removed only after the first line. Also note that the function determines the indentation level correctly. So what happens if there are multiple indentation levels? The smallest amount of indentation is chosen:>>> def func(): ... '''Short description ... ... Root Level ... ... Second Level ... '''>>> print utilities.dedentString(func.__doc__) Short description <BLANKLINE> Root Level <BLANKLINE> Second Level <BLANKLINE>>>> def func(): ... '''Short description ... ... $$$ print 'example' ... example ... ... And now the description. ... '''>>> print utilities.dedentString(func.__doc__) Short description <BLANKLINE> $$$ print 'example' example <BLANKLINE> And now the description. <BLANKLINE>renderText(text, module=None, format=None)A function that quickly renders the given text using the specified format.If themoduleargument is specified, the function will try to determine the format using the module. If theformatargument is given, it is simply used. Clearly, you cannot specify both, themoduleandformatargument.You specify the format as follows:>>> utilities.renderText('Hello!\n', format='') u'<p>Hello!</p>\n'Note that the format string must be a valid source factory id; if the factory id is not given, ‘zope.source.stx’ is used. Thus, specifying the module is often safer (if available):>>> utilities.renderText('Hello!\n', module=utilities) u'<p>Hello!</p>\n'The Class RegistryThis little registry allows us to quickly query a complete list of classes that are defined and used by Zope 3. The prime feature of the class is thegetClassesThatImplement(iface)method that returns all classes that implement the passed interface. Another method,getSubclassesOf(klass)returns all registered subclassess of the given class.The class registry, subclassing the dictionary type, can be instantiated like any other dictionary:>>> from zope.apidoc.classregistry import ClassRegistry >>> reg = ClassRegistry()Let’s now add a couple of classes to registry. The classes should implement some interfaces, so that we can test all methods on the class registry:>>> from zope.interface import Interface, implements>>> class IA(Interface): ... pass >>> class IB(IA): ... pass >>> class IC(Interface): ... pass >>> class ID(Interface): ... pass>>> class A(object): ... implements(IA) >>> reg['A'] = A>>> class B: ... implements(IB) >>> reg['B'] = B>>> class B2(object): ... implements(IB) >>> reg['B2'] = B2>>> class C(object): ... implements(IC) >>> reg['C'] = C >>> class A2(A): ... pass >>> reg['A2'] = A2Since the registry is just a dictionary, we can ask for all its keys, which are the names of the classes:>>> names = reg.keys() >>> names.sort() >>> names ['A', 'A2', 'B', 'B2', 'C']>>> reg['A'] is A TrueThere are two API methods specific to the class registry:getClassesThatImplement(iface)This method returns all classes that implement the specified interface:>>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint(reg.getClassesThatImplement(IA)) #doctest:+ELLIPSIS [('A', <class 'A'>), ('B', <class __builtin__.B at ...>), ('A2', <class 'A2'>), ('B2', <class 'B2'>)]>>> pprint(reg.getClassesThatImplement(IB)) #doctest:+ELLIPSIS [('B', <class __builtin__.B at ...>), ('B2', <class 'B2'>)]>>> pprint(reg.getClassesThatImplement(IC)) [('C', <class 'C'>)]>>> pprint(reg.getClassesThatImplement(ID)) []getSubclassesOf(klass)This method will find all classes that inherit the specified class:>>> pprint(reg.getSubclassesOf(A)) [('A2', <class 'A2'>)]>>> pprint(reg.getSubclassesOf(B)) []Safe ImportsUsing thesafe_import()we can quickly look up modules by minimizing import calls.>>> from zope.apidoc import classregistry >>> from zope.apidoc.classregistry import safe_importFirst we try to find the path insys.modules, since this lookup is much more efficient than importing it. If it was not found, we go back and try to import the path. For security reasons, importing new modules is disabled by default, unless the global__import_unknown_modules__variable is set to true. If that also fails, we return thedefaultvalue.Here are some examples:>>> import sys >>> 'zope' in sys.modules True >>> safe_import('zope') is sys.modules['zope'] True >>> safe_import('weirdname') is None TrueFor this example, we’ll create a dummy module:>>> import os >>> import tempfile >>> dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() >>> filename = os.path.join(dir, '') >>> sys.path.insert(0, dir) >>> f = open(filename, 'w') >>> f.write('# dummy module\n') >>> f.close()The temporary module is not already imported:>>> module_name = 'testmodule' >>> module_name in sys.modules FalseWhen we trysafe_import()now, we will still get thedefaultvalue, because importing new modules is disabled by default:>>> safe_import(module_name) is None TrueBut once we activate the__import_unknown_modules__hook, the module should be imported:>>> classregistry.__import_unknown_modules__ = True>>> safe_import(module_name).__name__ == module_name True >>> module_name in sys.modules TrueNow clean up the temporary module, just to play nice:>>> del sys.modules[module_name]Importing some code we cannot control, such as twisted, might raise errors when imported without having a certain environment. In those cases, the safe import should prevent the error from penetrating:>>> open(os.path.join(dir, ''), 'w').write('raise ValueError\n') >>> sys.path.insert(0, dir)>>> safe_import('alwaysfail') is None TrueLet’s clean up the python path and temporary files:>>> del sys.path[0] >>> import shutil >>> shutil.rmtree(dir)Another method to explicitely turning off the import of certain modules is to declare that they should be ignored. For example, if we tell the class registry to ignorezope,>>> classregistry.IGNORE_MODULES.append('zope')then we cannot import it anymore, even though we know it is available:>>> safe_import('zope') is None TrueNote that all sub-packages are also unavailable:>>> safe_import('zope.apidoc') is None TrueWe also need to play nice concerning variables and have to reset the module globals:>>> classregistry.IGNORE_MODULES.pop() 'zope' >>> classregistry.__import_unknown_modules__ = FalseCHANGES1.0.0 (2013-02-25)Initial release independent
This module has moved to zope.annotationCHANGES3.4.0 (2007-10-10)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This Zope 3 package provides fully dynamic API documentation of Zope 3 and registered add-on components. The package is very extensible and can be easily extended by implementing new modules.Documentation is available at (2023-07-06)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python (2021-12-15)Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10.Drop support for Python (2018-08-21)Add support for Python 3.7.The rootCodedocumentation node no longer allows incidental traversal and documentation of unregistered root modules such asreandlogging(builtinsis special cased). These were not listed in the tables of contents or menus, and mostly served to slow down static exports. To document a root module, explicitly include it in ZCML with<apidoc:rootModulemodule="MODULE"/>. Seeissue #20.Fixcodemodule.Modulefor modules that have a__file__ofNone. This can be the case with namespace packages, especially under Python 3.7. Seeissue #17.Rendering documentation for a class that has a__doc__property no longer fails but produces a descriptive message. Seeissue 16.Host documentation at argument tostatic-apidocfor loading a specific ZCML file. To use this feature, the ZCML file you specify needs to establish a working Zope 3 publication environment. The easiest way to do so is to include this line in the ZCML:<includepackage=''file='static.zcml'condition='havestatic-apidoc'/>. SeePR #13.Class Finder entries in live apidoc are now displayed on separate lines, like in static exports. SeePR #14.Class Finder search in static exports will search on Enter, not just when clicking “Find”. SeePR #15.__main__.pyfiles are no longer imported by the code documentation module. Seeissue #22.Cython functions registered as adapters on Python 2 no longer break page generation with anAttributeError. Seeissue 25.Static exports no longer highlight lines in ZCML files. Seeissue # (2017-05-25)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.The long-deprecated layer configuration was removed. It was only ever available if thedeprecatedlayersZCML feature was installed.Modernize some of the now be used with Chameleon 3.2 via and z3c.ptcompat.Declared install dependency are treated as UTF-8 on Python 2.Handle keyword only arguments and annotations in function signatures on Python 3.Change the default documentation format torestructuredtextfor modules that do not specify a__docformat__. Previously it wasstructuredtext(STX).3.7.5 (2010-09-12)Define__file__in doctests to make them pass under Python (2010-09-01)Prefer the standard library’s doctest module to the one from zope.testing.Remove unneeded dependencies and (2010-07-14)Apply refactoring from #153309.Fix LP bug 605057: ZCML links were no longer working (Guilherme Salgado)3.7.2 (2010-03-07)Adapted tests for Python2.43.7.1 (2010-01-05)Updated tests to work with zope.publisher 3.12 (usingzope.login).3.7.0 (2009-12-22)Updated tests to work with latestzope.testingand usezope.browserpagein favor (2009-11-18)Updated the tests after movingIPossibleSiteandISitetozope.component.3.6.7 (2009-09-29)Updated the tests after movingITraverserback tozope.traversing.3.6.6 (2009-09-15)Made the tests work again with the most recent Zope Toolkit KGS.3.6.5 (2009-07-24)Update documentation file inzope.sitefromREADME.txttosite.txt.3.6.4 (2009-07-23)TheIContainedinterface moved tozope.location.interfaces. Make a test pass.3.6.3 (2009-05-16)Explicitly defined default views.Replace relative url links with absolute ones.Addedz3cpackages to the code browser.Madebin/static-apidocprincipally working (publisher and webserver mode). There are still some files which are not correctly fetched.3.6.2 (2009-03-17)Adapt principal registry book chapter to a new place, as it was moved from to zope.principalregistry.Remove zcml slugs and old zpkg-related files.3.6.1 (2009-02-04)When a module provides an interface or has an __all__ attribute, use one of those for the module documentation. Fixes LP #323375.Undid broken link tosavepoint.txtcaused in 3.6.0. The latest version of the transaction package puts savepoint.txt in thetestssubpackage.Expanded the presentation of module documentation.Class documentation now includes constructor information.3.6.0 (2009-01-31)Use zope.container instead of instead of and (in at least a few places).savepoint.txtmoved from ZODB’s test directory a level up – we follow.Make compatible with new zope.traversing and zope.location.3.5.0 (2009-01-17)Adapted transaction book chapters for new transaction egg. The README.txt was removed and savepoint.txt was moved. Also add chapter about dooming transactions (doom.txt).Changed mailing list address to zope-dev at, because zope3-dev is retired now.Cleaned up dependencies.3.4.3 (2007-11-10)Fix Misleading text in the interface viewer.Fix The zope3-dev mailinglist has been retired, point to zope-dev.3.4.2 (2007-10-30)Avoid deprecation warnings forZopeMessageFactory.3.4.1 (2007-10-23)Avoid deprecation warnings.3.4.0 (2007-10-10)Improved package meta-data.Fixed the code to at least gracefully ignore unzipped eggs. Eventually we want to handle eggs well.3.4.0a1 (2007-04-22)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree. application control instance is usually generated upon startup. This package provides runtime information adapter for application control and Zope version. Also provide a utility with methods for shutting down and restarting the server.CHANGES4.1.0 (2022-07-13)Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.Drop support for Python 3.3 and 3.4.Make tests compatible >= (2017-05-03)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 and PyPy.Remove test dependency, among others.Change dependency onZODB3toZODB.Remove the ability ofZopeVersionto parse information from a subversion checkout. packages are in git now.3.5.10 (2011-11-02)Extended the locale-specific fix from version 3.5.6 for hosts which setLC_*in the environment: those variables shadowLANG.Replaced a testing dependency on with zope.password.Removed unneeded test dependency.3.5.9 (2010-12-18)Bugfix: AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘__file__’ when you usedpip installinstead ofeasy_install.The IZopeVersion utility now returns “Meaningless”, since there’s no monolithic Zope 3 in the modern eggified world.3.5.8 (2010-09-17)Replaced a testing dependency on with one on zope.securitypolicy.3.5.7 (2010-07-08)3.5.6 was a bad egg release.3.5.6 (2010-07-07)Bugfix: Launchingsvnreplaced the whole environment instead of just appendingLANG.3.5.5 (2010-01-09)Extracted RuntimeInfo and ApplicationRoot functionality into zope.applicationcontrol. Import this functionality from this package instead (see BBB imports inside this package).3.5.4 (2010-01-08)Test dependency on zptpage removed.3.5.3 (2010-01-05)Updated to use newer zope.publisher 3.12 and zope.login to make tests work.3.5.2 (2009-12-19)Move ‘zope.ManageApplication’ permission from packageBreak dependency using a conditional import3.5.1 (2009-08-15)Added missing (normal and test) dependencies.Renenabled functional tests.3.5.0 (2009-05-23)The application controller is now registered as a utility so that other packages like zope.traversing and do not need to depend on this package directly. This also makes the application controller pluggable.3.4.3 (2008-07-30)Make the test for the ZopeVersion bugfix in 3.4.2 not fail when run from an egg rather than a checkout.3.4.2 (2008-07-30)Substitute by direct calls to its wrapped apis. See ZopeVersion used to report an unknown version when running on a machine with a locale different than English. See deprecation warning in ftesting.zcml: import ZopeSecurityPolicy from the new location.3.4.1 (2007-09-27)rebumped to replace faulty egg3.4.0 (2007-09-25)Initial documented releaseReflect changes form refactoring READMEThis package provides application setup helpers for the Zope3 READMEBootstrap helpersCheck the Security PolicyDebug consoleProduct-specific configurationFaux configuration objectApplication APITest support functionsChangelog5.0 (2023-02-09)4.2.0 (2020-05-20)4.1.0 (2018-12-15)4.0.0 (2016-08-08)4.0.0a1 (2013-03-03)3.16.0 (2011-01-27)3.15.0 (2010-09-25)3.14.0 (2010-04-13)3.13.0 (2009-12-24)3.12.0 (2009-06-20)3.11 (2009-05-13)3.10.1 (2009-03-31)3.10.0 (2009-03-19)3.9.0 (2009-01-31)3.8.0 (2008-08-25)3.7.0 (2008-08-19)3.6.0 (2008-07-23)3.5.0 (2008-06-17)3.4.1 (2007-09-27)3.4.0 (2007-09-25)Bootstrap helpersThe bootstrap helpers provide a number of functions that help with bootstrapping.The bootStrapSubscriber function makes sure that there is a root object. It subscribes to DatabaseOpened events:>>> from import bootstrap >>> import zope.processlifetime>>> from ZODB.MappingStorage import DB >>> db = DB() >>> bootstrap.bootStrapSubscriber(zope.processlifetime.DatabaseOpened(db))The subscriber makes sure that there is a root folder:>>> from import ZopePublication >>> conn = >>> root = conn.root()[ZopePublication.root_name] >>> sm = root.getSiteManager() >>> conn.close()A DatabaseOpenedWithRoot is generated with the database.>>> from zope.component.eventtesting import getEvents >>> [event] = getEvents(zope.processlifetime.IDatabaseOpenedWithRoot) >>> event.database is db TrueGenerally, startup code that expects the root object and site to have been created will want to subscribe to this event, not IDataBaseOpenedEvent.The subscriber generates the event whether or not the root had to be set up:>>> bootstrap.bootStrapSubscriber(zope.processlifetime.DatabaseOpened(db)) >>> [e, event] = getEvents(zope.processlifetime.IDatabaseOpenedWithRoot) >>> event.database is db TrueCheck the Security PolicyWhen the security policy got refactored to be really pluggable, the inclusion of the security policy configuration was moved to the very top level, to site.zcml. This happened in r24770, after ZopeX3 3.0 was released, but before 3.1.Now the maintainers of existing 3.0 sites need to manually update their site.zcml to include securitypolicy.zcml while upgrading to 3.1. See also>>> from zope.testing.loggingsupport import InstalledHandler >>> handler = InstalledHandler('')If the security policy is unset from the default ParanoidSecurityPolicy, we get a warning:>>> from import checkSecurityPolicy >>> event = object() >>> checkSecurityPolicy(event) >>> print(handler) WARNING Security policy is not configured. Please make sure that securitypolicy.zcml is included in site.zcml immediately before principals.zcmlHowever, if any non-default security policy is installed, no warning is emitted:>>> from import setSecurityPolicy >>> defaultPolicy = setSecurityPolicy(object()) >>> handler.clear() >>> checkSecurityPolicy(event) >>> print(handler) <BLANKLINE>Clean up:>>> handler.uninstall()Debug consoleThe debug console lets you have a Python prompt with the full Zope environment loaded (which includes the ZCML configuration, as well as an open database connection).Let’s define a helper to run the debug script and trap SystemExit exceptions that would otherwise hide the output>>> from __future__ import print_function >>> import sys >>> from import debug >>> def run(*args): ... sys.argv[0] = 'debug' ... sys.stderr = sys.stdout ... try: ... debug.main(args) ... except SystemExit as e: ... print("(exited with status %d)" % e.code)If you call the script with no arguments, it displays a brief error message on stderr>>> run() Error: please specify a configuration file For help, use debug -h (exited with status 2)We need to pass a ZConfig configuration file as an argument>>> run('-C', 'test.conf.txt') The application root is known as `root`.Now you have the root object from the open database available as a global variable named ‘root’ in the __main__ module:>>> main_module = sys.modules['__main__'] >>> main_module.root # doctest: +ELLIPSIS < object at ...>and we have asked Python to enter interactive mode by setting the PYTHONINSPECT environment variable>>> import os >>> os.environ.get('PYTHONINSPECT') 'true'We have to do extra work to honor the PYTHONSTARTUP environment variable:>>> pythonstartup = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(debug.__file__), ... 'testdata', '') >>> os.environ['PYTHONSTARTUP'] = pythonstartup >>> run('-C', 'test.conf.txt') The application root is known as `root`.You can see that our pythonstartup file was executed because it changed the prompt>>> sys.ps1 'debug> 'Product-specific configurationTheproductmodule of this package provides a very simple way to deal with what has traditionally been called “product configuration”, where “product” refers to the classic Zope 2 notion of a product.The configuration schema for the application server allows named <product-config> sections to be added to the configuration file, and product code can use the API provided by the module to retrieve configuration sections for given names.There are two public functions in the module that should be used in normal operations, and additional functions and a class that can be used to help with testing:>>> from __future__ import print_function >>> from import productLet’s look at the helper class first, since we’ll use it in describing the public (application) interface. We’ll follow that with the functions for normal operation, then the remaining test-support functions.Faux configuration objectTheFauxConfigurationclass constructs objects that behave like the ZConfig section objects to the extent needed for the product configuration API. These will be used here, and may also be used to create configurations for testing components that consume such configuration.The constructor requires two arguments: the name of the section, and a mapping of keys to values that the section should provide. Let’s create a simple example:>>> one = product.FauxConfiguration("one", {}) >>> one.getSectionName() 'one' >>> one.mapping {}Providing a non-empty set of key/value pairs trivially behaves as expected:>>> two = product.FauxConfiguration("two", {"abc": "def"}) >>> two.getSectionName() 'two' >>> two.mapping {'abc': 'def'}Application APIThere are two functions in the application interface for this module. One is used by the configuration provider, and the other is used by the consumer.The provider’s API takes a sequence of configuration objects that conform to the behaviors exhibited by the default ZConfig section objects. Since theFauxConfigurationclass provides these behaviors, we can easily see how this can be used:>>> product.setProductConfigurations([one, two])Now that we’ve established some configuration, we want to be able to use it. We do this using thegetProductConfiguration()function. This function takes a name and returns a matching configuration section if there is one, of None if not:>>> product.getProductConfiguration("one") {}>>> product.getProductConfiguration("not-there") is None TrueNote that for a section that exists, only the internal mapping is provided, not the containing section object. This is a historical wart; we’ll just need to live with it until new APIs are introduced.Setting the configuration a second time will overwrite the prior configuration; sections previously available will no longer be:>>> product.setProductConfigurations([two]) >>> product.getProductConfiguration("one") is None TrueThe new sections are available, as expected:>>> product.getProductConfiguration("two") {'abc': 'def'}Test support functionsAdditional functions are provided that make it easier to manage configuration state in testing.The first can be used to provide configuration for a single name. The function takes a name and either a configuration mapping orNoneas arguments. IfNoneis provided as the second argument, any configuration settings for the name are removed, if present. If the second argument is notNone, it will be used as the return value forgetProductConfigurationfor the given name.>>> product.setProductConfiguration("first", None) >>> print(product.getProductConfiguration("first")) None>>> product.setProductConfiguration("first", {"key": "value1"}) >>> product.getProductConfiguration("first") {'key': 'value1'}>>> product.setProductConfiguration("first", {"key": "value2"}) >>> product.getProductConfiguration("first") {'key': 'value2'}>>> product.setProductConfiguration("first", {"alt": "another"}) >>> product.getProductConfiguration("first") {'alt': 'another'}>>> product.setProductConfiguration("second", {"you": "there"}) >>> product.getProductConfiguration("first") {'alt': 'another'} >>> product.getProductConfiguration("second") {'you': 'there'}>>> product.setProductConfiguration("first", None) >>> print(product.getProductConfiguration("first")) NoneThe other two functions work in concert, saving and restoring the entirety of the configuration state.Our current configuration includes data for the “second” key, and none for the “first” key:>>> print(product.getProductConfiguration("first")) None >>> print(product.getProductConfiguration("second")) {'you': 'there'}Let’s save this state:>>> state = product.saveConfiguration()Now let’s replace the kitchen sink:>>> product.setProductConfigurations([ ... product.FauxConfiguration("x", {"a": "b"}), ... product.FauxConfiguration("y", {"c": "d"}), ... ])>>> print(product.getProductConfiguration("first")) None >>> print(product.getProductConfiguration("second")) None>>> product.getProductConfiguration("x") {'a': 'b'} >>> product.getProductConfiguration("y") {'c': 'd'}The saved configuration state can be restored:>>> product.restoreConfiguration(state)>>> print(product.getProductConfiguration("x")) None >>> print(product.getProductConfiguration("y")) None>>> print(product.getProductConfiguration("first")) None >>> print(product.getProductConfiguration("second")) {'you': 'there'}There’s an additional function that can be used to load product configuration from a file object; only product configuration components are accepted. The function returns a mapping of names to configuration objects suitable for passing tosetProductConfiguration. Using this withsetProductConfigurationswould require constructingFauxConfigurationobjects.Let’s create some sample configuration text:>>> product_config = ''' ... <product-config product1> ... key1 product1-value1 ... key2 product1-value2 ... </product-config> ... ... <product-config product2> ... key1 product2-value1 ... key3 product2-value2 ... </product-config> ... '''We can now load the configuration using theloadConfigurationfunction:>>> import io >>> import pprint>>> sio = io.StringIO(product_config) >>> config = product.loadConfiguration(sio)>>> pprint.pprint(config, width=1) {'product1': {'key1': 'product1-value1', 'key2': 'product1-value2'}, 'product2': {'key1': 'product2-value1', 'key3': 'product2-value2'}}Extensions that provide product configurations can be used as well:>>> product_config = ''' ... %import ... ... <testproduct foobar> ... </testproduct> ... ... <testproduct barfoo> ... key1 value1 ... key2 value2 ... </testproduct> ... '''>>> sio = io.StringIO(product_config) >>> config = product.loadConfiguration(sio)>>> pprint.pprint(config, width=1) {'barfoo': {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2', 'product-name': 'barfoo'}, 'foobar': {'product-name': 'foobar'}}Changelog5.0 (2023-02-09)Add support for Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2020-05-20)Drop support forpython test.Add support for Python 3.8.Drop support for Python (2018-12-15)Add support for Python 3.6, 3.7 and PyPy3.Drop support for Python (2016-08-08)Add dependency onzdaemon(split off fromZODB).Claim support for Python 3.4, 3.5 and PyPy which>= 4.0.Drop Python 2.6 support.4.0.0a1 (2013-03-03)Added support for Python 3.3.Replaced deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Dropped support for Python 2.4 and (2011-01-27)Added stacking of storages for layer/test level setup separation in derived ZODBLayers.3.15.0 (2010-09-25)Updated tests to run withzope.testing >= 3.10, requiring at least this version andzope.testrunner.SwitchIErrorReportingUtility copy_to_zlogfield toTrue.Using Python’sdoctestmodule instead of depreactedzope.testing.doctest.3.14.0 (2010-04-13)Madezope.testingan optional (test) dependency.Removed test dependency (2009-12-24)Import hooks functionality from zope.component after it was moved there from ISite from zope.component after it was moved there from zope.location. This lifts the dependency on zope.location.Added missing install dependency onzope.testing.3.12.0 (2009-06-20)Usingzope.processlifetimeinterfaces and implementations directly instead of BBB imports rid of depencency rid of test dependency (2009-05-13)Event interfaces / implementations moved tozope.processlifetime, version 1.0. Depend on this package, and add BBB imports.3.10.1 (2009-03-31)Fixed aDeprecationWarningintroduced in 3.10.0.Added doctests to long description to show up at pypi.3.10.0 (2009-03-19)Finally deprecate the “asObject” argument of helper functions in If your code uses any of these functions, please remove the “asObject=True” argument passing anywhere, because the support for that argument will be dropped soon.Move session utility bootstrapping logic fromzope.sessioninto this package. This removes a dependency from zope.session to this package.Remove one more deprecated function.3.9.0 (2009-01-31)Usezope.siteinstead error log bootstrapping logic fromzope.errorinto this package. This removes a dependency from zope.error to this package. Also added a test for bootstrapping the error log here, which was missing inzope.error.3.8.0 (2008-08-25)Feature: Developed an entry point that allows you to quickly bring up an application instance for debugging purposes. (Implemented by Marius Gedminas and Stephan Richter.)3.7.0 (2008-08-19)Added.product.loadConfigurationtest-support function; loads product configuration (only) from a file object, allowing test code (including setup) to make use of the same configuration schema support used by normal startup.3.6.0 (2008-07-23)Added additional test support functions to set the configuration for a single section, and save/restore the entire configuration.3.5.0 (2008-06-17)Added helper class for supporting product configuration tests.Added documentation for the product configuration API, with tests.3.4.1 (2007-09-27)Egg was faulty, re-released.3.4.0 (2007-09-25)Initial documented release.Reflect changes form refactoring.
This package provides a flexible and pluggable authentication utility for Zope 3, usingzope.pluggableauth. Several common plugins are provided.ContentsPluggable-Authentication UtilityAuthenticationSimple Credentials PluginSimple Authenticator PluginPrincipal FactoriesConfiguring a PAUUsing the PAU to AuthenticateAuthenticated Principal Creates EventsMultiple Authenticator PluginsMultiple Credentials PluginsPrincipal SearchingFound Principal Creates EventsMultiple Authenticator PluginsIssuing a ChallengeChallenge ProtocolsPluggable-Authentication PrefixesSearchingPrincipal FolderAuthenticationSearchChanging credentialsRemoving principalsVocabulariescredentialsPluginsChanges5.0 (2023-02-09)4.0.0 (2017-05-02)3.9 (2010-10-18)3.8.0 (2010-09-25)3.7.1 (2010-02-11)3.7.0 (2010-02-08)3.6.2 (2010-01-05)3.6.1 (2009-10-07)3.6.0 (2009-03-14)3.5.0 (2009-03-06)3.5.0a2 (2009-02-01)3.5.0a1 (2009-01-31)3.4.4 (2008-12-12)3.4.3 (2008-08-07)3.4.2 (2008-07-09)3.4.1 (2007-10-24)3.4.0 (2007-10-11)3.4.0b1 (2007-09-27)Pluggable-Authentication UtilityThe Pluggable-Authentication Utility (PAU) provides a framework for authenticating principals and associating information with them. It uses plugins and subscribers to get its work done.For a pluggable-authentication utility to be used, it should be registered as a utility providing thezope.authentication.interfaces.IAuthenticationinterface.AuthenticationThe primary job of PAU is to authenticate principals. It uses two types of plug-ins in its work:Credentials PluginsAuthenticator PluginsCredentials plugins are responsible for extracting user credentials from a request. A credentials plugin may in some cases issue a ‘challenge’ to obtain credentials. For example, a ‘session’ credentials plugin reads credentials from a session (the “extraction”). If it cannot find credentials, it will redirect the user to a login form in order to provide them (the “challenge”).Authenticator plugins are responsible for authenticating the credentials extracted by a credentials plugin. They are also typically able to create principal objects for credentials they successfully authenticate.Given a request object, the PAU returns a principal object, if it can. The PAU does this by first iterateing through its credentials plugins to obtain a set of credentials. If it gets credentials, it iterates through its authenticator plugins to authenticate them.If an authenticator succeeds in authenticating a set of credentials, the PAU uses the authenticator to create a principal corresponding to the credentials. The authenticator notifies subscribers if an authenticated principal is created. Subscribers are responsible for adding data, especially groups, to the principal. Typically, if a subscriber adds data, it should also add corresponding interface declarations.Simple Credentials PluginTo illustrate, we’ll create a simple credentials plugin:>>> from zope import interface >>> from import interfaces >>> @interface.implementer(interfaces.ICredentialsPlugin) ... class MyCredentialsPlugin(object): ... ... ... def extractCredentials(self, request): ... return request.get('credentials') ... ... def challenge(self, request): ... pass # challenge is a no-op for this plugin ... ... def logout(self, request): ... pass # logout is a no-op for this pluginAs a plugin, MyCredentialsPlugin needs to be registered as a named utility:>>> myCredentialsPlugin = MyCredentialsPlugin() >>> provideUtility(myCredentialsPlugin, name='My Credentials Plugin')Simple Authenticator PluginNext we’ll create a simple authenticator plugin. For our plugin, we’ll need an implementation of IPrincipalInfo:>>> @interface.implementer(interfaces.IPrincipalInfo) ... class PrincipalInfo(object): ... ... def __init__(self, id, title, description): ... = id ... self.title = title ... self.description = description ... ... def __repr__(self): ... return 'PrincipalInfo(%r)' % self.idOur authenticator uses this type when it creates a principal info:>>> @interface.implementer(interfaces.IAuthenticatorPlugin) ... class MyAuthenticatorPlugin(object): ... ... def authenticateCredentials(self, credentials): ... if credentials == 'secretcode': ... return PrincipalInfo('bob', 'Bob', '') ... ... def principalInfo(self, id): ... pass # plugin not currently supporting searchAs with the credentials plugin, the authenticator plugin must be registered as a named utility:>>> myAuthenticatorPlugin = MyAuthenticatorPlugin() >>> provideUtility(myAuthenticatorPlugin, name='My Authenticator Plugin')Principal FactoriesWhile authenticator plugins provide principal info, they are not responsible for creating principals. This function is performed by factory adapters. For these tests we’ll borrow some factories from the principal folder:>>> from import principalfolder >>> provideAdapter(principalfolder.AuthenticatedPrincipalFactory) >>> provideAdapter(principalfolder.FoundPrincipalFactory)For more information on these factories, see their docstrings.Configuring a PAUFinally, we’ll create the PAU itself:>>> from import authentication >>> pau = authentication.PluggableAuthentication('xyz_')and configure it with the two plugins:>>> pau.credentialsPlugins = ('My Credentials Plugin', ) >>> pau.authenticatorPlugins = ('My Authenticator Plugin', )Using the PAU to AuthenticateWe can now use the PAU to authenticate a sample request:>>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest >>> print(pau.authenticate(TestRequest())) NoneIn this case, we cannot authenticate an empty request. In the same way, we will not be able to authenticate a request with the wrong credentials:>>> print(pau.authenticate(TestRequest(credentials='let me in!'))) NoneHowever, if we provide the proper credentials:>>> request = TestRequest(credentials='secretcode') >>> principal = pau.authenticate(request) >>> principal Principal('xyz_bob')we get an authenticated principal.Authenticated Principal Creates EventsWe can verify that the appropriate event was published:>>> [event] = getEvents(interfaces.IAuthenticatedPrincipalCreated) >>> event.principal is principal True >>> PrincipalInfo('bob') >>> event.request is request TrueThe info object has the id, title, and description of the principal. The info object is also generated by the authenticator plugin, so the plugin may itself have provided additional information on the info object:>>> 'Bob' >>> # does not include pau prefix 'bob' >>> ''It is also decorated with two other attributes, credentialsPlugin and authenticatorPlugin: these are the plugins used to extract credentials for and authenticate this principal. These attributes can be useful for subscribers that want to react to the plugins used. For instance, subscribers can determine that a given credential plugin does or does not support logout, and provide information usable to show or hide logout user interface:>>> is myCredentialsPlugin True >>> is myAuthenticatorPlugin TrueNormally, we provide subscribers to these events that add additional information to the principal. For example, we’ll add one that sets the title:>>> def add_info(event): ... event.principal.title = >>> provideHandler(add_info, [interfaces.IAuthenticatedPrincipalCreated])Now, if we authenticate a principal, its title is set:>>> principal = pau.authenticate(request) >>> principal.title 'Bob'Multiple Authenticator PluginsThe PAU works with multiple authenticator plugins. It uses each plugin, in the order specified in the PAU’s authenticatorPlugins attribute, to authenticate a set of credentials.To illustrate, we’ll create another authenticator:>>> class MyAuthenticatorPlugin2(MyAuthenticatorPlugin): ... ... def authenticateCredentials(self, credentials): ... if credentials == 'secretcode': ... return PrincipalInfo('black', 'Black Spy', '') ... elif credentials == 'hiddenkey': ... return PrincipalInfo('white', 'White Spy', '') >>> provideUtility(MyAuthenticatorPlugin2(), name='My Authenticator Plugin 2')If we put it before the original authenticator:>>> pau.authenticatorPlugins = ( ... 'My Authenticator Plugin 2', ... 'My Authenticator Plugin')Then it will be given the first opportunity to authenticate a request:>>> pau.authenticate(TestRequest(credentials='secretcode')) Principal('xyz_black')If neither plugins can authenticate, pau returns None:>>> print(pau.authenticate(TestRequest(credentials='let me in!!'))) NoneWhen we change the order of the authenticator plugins:>>> pau.authenticatorPlugins = ( ... 'My Authenticator Plugin', ... 'My Authenticator Plugin 2')we see that our original plugin is now acting first:>>> pau.authenticate(TestRequest(credentials='secretcode')) Principal('xyz_bob')The second plugin, however, gets a chance to authenticate if first does not:>>> pau.authenticate(TestRequest(credentials='hiddenkey')) Principal('xyz_white')Multiple Credentials PluginsAs with with authenticators, we can specify multiple credentials plugins. To illustrate, we’ll create a credentials plugin that extracts credentials from a request form:>>> @interface.implementer(interfaces.ICredentialsPlugin) ... class FormCredentialsPlugin: ... ... def extractCredentials(self, request): ... return request.form.get('my_credentials') ... ... def challenge(self, request): ... pass ... ... def logout(request): ... pass >>> provideUtility(FormCredentialsPlugin(), ... name='Form Credentials Plugin')and insert the new credentials plugin before the existing plugin:>>> pau.credentialsPlugins = ( ... 'Form Credentials Plugin', ... 'My Credentials Plugin')The PAU will use each plugin in order to try and obtain credentials from a request:>>> pau.authenticate(TestRequest(credentials='secretcode', ... form={'my_credentials': 'hiddenkey'})) Principal('xyz_white')In this case, the first credentials plugin succeeded in getting credentials from the form and the second authenticator was able to authenticate the credentials. Specifically, the PAU went through these steps:Get credentials using ‘Form Credentials Plugin’Got ‘hiddenkey’ credentials using ‘Form Credentials Plugin’, try to authenticate using ‘My Authenticator Plugin’Failed to authenticate ‘hiddenkey’ with ‘My Authenticator Plugin’, try ‘My Authenticator Plugin 2’Succeeded in authenticating with ‘My Authenticator Plugin 2’Let’s try a different scenario:>>> pau.authenticate(TestRequest(credentials='secretcode')) Principal('xyz_bob')In this case, the PAU went through these steps:- Get credentials using 'Form Credentials Plugin' - Failed to get credentials using 'Form Credentials Plugin', try 'My Credentials Plugin' - Got 'scecretcode' credentials using 'My Credentials Plugin', try to authenticate using 'My Authenticator Plugin' - Succeeded in authenticating with 'My Authenticator Plugin'Let’s try a slightly more complex scenario:>>> pau.authenticate(TestRequest(credentials='hiddenkey', ... form={'my_credentials': 'bogusvalue'})) Principal('xyz_white')This highlights PAU’s ability to use multiple plugins for authentication:Get credentials using ‘Form Credentials Plugin’Got ‘bogusvalue’ credentials using ‘Form Credentials Plugin’, try to authenticate using ‘My Authenticator Plugin’Failed to authenticate ‘boguskey’ with ‘My Authenticator Plugin’, try ‘My Authenticator Plugin 2’Failed to authenticate ‘boguskey’ with ‘My Authenticator Plugin 2’ – there are no more authenticators to try, so lets try the next credentials plugin for some new credentialsGet credentials using ‘My Credentials Plugin’Got ‘hiddenkey’ credentials using ‘My Credentials Plugin’, try to authenticate using ‘My Authenticator Plugin’Failed to authenticate ‘hiddenkey’ using ‘My Authenticator Plugin’, try ‘My Authenticator Plugin 2’Succeeded in authenticating with ‘My Authenticator Plugin 2’ (shouts and cheers!)Principal SearchingAs a component that provides IAuthentication, a PAU lets you lookup a principal with a principal ID. The PAU looks up a principal by delegating to its authenticators. In our example, none of the authenticators implement this search capability, so when we look for a principal:>>> print(pau.getPrincipal('xyz_bob')) Traceback (most recent call last): zope.authentication.interfaces.PrincipalLookupError: bob >>> print(pau.getPrincipal('white')) Traceback (most recent call last): zope.authentication.interfaces.PrincipalLookupError: white >>> print(pau.getPrincipal('black')) Traceback (most recent call last): zope.authentication.interfaces.PrincipalLookupError: blackFor a PAU to support search, it needs to be configured with one or more authenticator plugins that support search. To illustrate, we’ll create a new authenticator:>>> @interface.implementer(interfaces.IAuthenticatorPlugin) ... class SearchableAuthenticatorPlugin: ... ... def __init__(self): ... self.infos = {} ... self.ids = {} ... ... def principalInfo(self, id): ... return self.infos.get(id) ... ... def authenticateCredentials(self, credentials): ... id = self.ids.get(credentials) ... if id is not None: ... return self.infos[id] ... ... def add(self, id, title, description, credentials): ... self.infos[id] = PrincipalInfo(id, title, description) ... self.ids[credentials] = idThis class is typical of an authenticator plugin. It can both authenticate principals and find principals given a ID. While there are cases where an authenticator may opt to not perform one of these two functions, they are less typical.As with any plugin, we need to register it as a utility:>>> searchable = SearchableAuthenticatorPlugin() >>> provideUtility(searchable, name='Searchable Authentication Plugin')We’ll now configure the PAU to use only the searchable authenticator:>>> pau.authenticatorPlugins = ('Searchable Authentication Plugin',)and add some principals to the authenticator:>>> searchable.add('bob', 'Bob', 'A nice guy', 'b0b') >>> searchable.add('white', 'White Spy', 'Sneaky', 'deathtoblack')Now when we ask the PAU to find a principal:>>> pau.getPrincipal('xyz_bob') Principal('xyz_bob')but only those it knows about:>>> print(pau.getPrincipal('black')) Traceback (most recent call last): zope.authentication.interfaces.PrincipalLookupError: blackFound Principal Creates EventsAs evident in the authenticator’s ‘createFoundPrincipal’ method (see above), a FoundPrincipalCreatedEvent is published when the authenticator finds a principal on behalf of PAU’s ‘getPrincipal’:>>> clearEvents() >>> principal = pau.getPrincipal('xyz_white') >>> principal Principal('xyz_white') >>> [event] = getEvents(interfaces.IFoundPrincipalCreated) >>> event.principal is principal True >>> PrincipalInfo('white')The info has an authenticatorPlugin, but no credentialsPlugin, since none was used:>>> is None True >>> is searchable TrueAs we have seen with authenticated principals, it is common to subscribe to principal created events to add information to the newly created principal. In this case, we need to subscribe to IFoundPrincipalCreated events:>>> provideHandler(add_info, [interfaces.IFoundPrincipalCreated])Now when a principal is created as a result of a search, it’s title and description will be set (by the add_info handler function).Multiple Authenticator PluginsAs with the other operations we’ve seen, the PAU uses multiple plugins to find a principal. If the first authenticator plugin can’t find the requested principal, the next plugin is used, and so on.To illustrate, we’ll create and register a second searchable authenticator:>>> searchable2 = SearchableAuthenticatorPlugin() >>> provideUtility(searchable2, name='Searchable Authentication Plugin 2')and add a principal to it:>>> searchable.add('black', 'Black Spy', 'Also sneaky', 'deathtowhite')When we configure the PAU to use both searchable authenticators (note the order):>>> pau.authenticatorPlugins = ( ... 'Searchable Authentication Plugin 2', ... 'Searchable Authentication Plugin')we see how the PAU uses both plugins:>>> pau.getPrincipal('xyz_white') Principal('xyz_white') >>> pau.getPrincipal('xyz_black') Principal('xyz_black')If more than one plugin know about the same principal ID, the first plugin is used and the remaining are not delegated to. To illustrate, we’ll add another principal with the same ID as an existing principal:>>> searchable2.add('white', 'White Rider', '', 'r1der') >>> pau.getPrincipal('xyz_white').title 'White Rider'If we change the order of the plugins:>>> pau.authenticatorPlugins = ( ... 'Searchable Authentication Plugin', ... 'Searchable Authentication Plugin 2')we get a different principal for ID ‘white’:>>> pau.getPrincipal('xyz_white').title 'White Spy'Issuing a ChallengePart of PAU’s IAuthentication contract is to challenge the user for credentials when its ‘unauthorized’ method is called. The need for this functionality is driven by the following use case:A user attempts to perform an operation he is not authorized to perform.A handler responds to the unauthorized error by calling IAuthentication ‘unauthorized’.The authentication component (in our case, a PAU) issues a challenge to the user to collect new credentials (typically in the form of logging in as a new user).The PAU handles the credentials challenge by delegating to its credentials plugins.Currently, the PAU is configured with the credentials plugins that don’t perform any action when asked to challenge (see above the ‘challenge’ methods).To illustrate challenges, we’ll subclass an existing credentials plugin and do something in its ‘challenge’:>>> class LoginFormCredentialsPlugin(FormCredentialsPlugin): ... ... def __init__(self, loginForm): ... self.loginForm = loginForm ... ... def challenge(self, request): ... request.response.redirect(self.loginForm) ... return TrueThis plugin handles a challenge by redirecting the response to a login form. It returns True to signal to the PAU that it handled the challenge.We will now create and register a couple of these plugins:>>> provideUtility(LoginFormCredentialsPlugin('simplelogin.html'), ... name='Simple Login Form Plugin') >>> provideUtility(LoginFormCredentialsPlugin('advancedlogin.html'), ... name='Advanced Login Form Plugin')and configure the PAU to use them:>>> pau.credentialsPlugins = ( ... 'Simple Login Form Plugin', ... 'Advanced Login Form Plugin')Now when we call ‘unauthorized’ on the PAU:>>> request = TestRequest() >>> pau.unauthorized(id=None, request=request)we see that the user is redirected to the simple login form:>>> request.response.getStatus() 302 >>> request.response.getHeader('location') 'simplelogin.html'We can change the challenge policy by reordering the plugins:>>> pau.credentialsPlugins = ( ... 'Advanced Login Form Plugin', ... 'Simple Login Form Plugin')Now when we call ‘unauthorized’:>>> request = TestRequest() >>> pau.unauthorized(id=None, request=request)the advanced plugin is used because it’s first:>>> request.response.getStatus() 302 >>> request.response.getHeader('location') 'advancedlogin.html'Challenge ProtocolsSometimes, we want multiple challengers to work together. For example, the HTTP specification allows multiple challenges to be issued in a response. A challenge plugin can provide achallengeProtocolattribute that effectively groups related plugins together for challenging. If a plugin returnsTruefrom its challenge and provides a non-None challengeProtocol, subsequent plugins in the credentialsPlugins list that have the same challenge protocol will also be used to challenge.Without a challengeProtocol, only the first plugin to succeed in a challenge will be used.Let’s look at an example. We’ll define a new plugin that specifies an ‘X-Challenge’ protocol:>>> class XChallengeCredentialsPlugin(FormCredentialsPlugin): ... ... challengeProtocol = 'X-Challenge' ... ... def __init__(self, challengeValue): ... self.challengeValue = challengeValue ... ... def challenge(self, request): ... value = self.challengeValue ... existing = request.response.getHeader('X-Challenge', '') ... if existing: ... value += ' ' + existing ... request.response.setHeader('X-Challenge', value) ... return Trueand register a couple instances as utilities:>>> provideUtility(XChallengeCredentialsPlugin('basic'), ... name='Basic X-Challenge Plugin') >>> provideUtility(XChallengeCredentialsPlugin('advanced'), ... name='Advanced X-Challenge Plugin')When we use both plugins with the PAU:>>> pau.credentialsPlugins = ( ... 'Basic X-Challenge Plugin', ... 'Advanced X-Challenge Plugin')and call ‘unauthorized’:>>> request = TestRequest() >>> pau.unauthorized(None, request)we see that both plugins participate in the challange, rather than just the first plugin:>>> request.response.getHeader('X-Challenge') 'advanced basic'Pluggable-Authentication PrefixesPrincipal ids are required to be unique system wide. Plugins will often provide options for providing id prefixes, so that different sets of plugins provide unique ids within a PAU. If there are multiple pluggable-authentication utilities in a system, it’s a good idea to give each PAU a unique prefix, so that principal ids from different PAUs don’t conflict. We can provide a prefix when a PAU is created:>>> pau = authentication.PluggableAuthentication('mypau_') >>> pau.credentialsPlugins = ('My Credentials Plugin', ) >>> pau.authenticatorPlugins = ('My Authenticator Plugin', )When we create a request and try to authenticate:>>> pau.authenticate(TestRequest(credentials='secretcode')) Principal('mypau_bob')Note that now, our principal’s id has the pluggable-authentication utility prefix.We can still lookup a principal, as long as we supply the prefix:>> pau.getPrincipal('mypas_42') Principal('mypas_42', "{'domain': 42}") >> pau.getPrincipal('mypas_41') OddPrincipal('mypas_41', "{'int': 41}")SearchingPAU implements ISourceQueriables:>>> from zope.schema.interfaces import ISourceQueriables >>> ISourceQueriables.providedBy(pau) TrueThis means a PAU can be used in a principal source vocabulary (Zope provides a sophisticated searching UI for principal sources).As we’ve seen, a PAU uses each of its authenticator plugins to locate a principal with a given ID. However, plugins may also provide the interface IQuerySchemaSearch to indicate they can be used in the PAU’s principal search scheme.Currently, our list of authenticators:>>> pau.authenticatorPlugins ('My Authenticator Plugin',)does not include a queriable authenticator. PAU cannot therefore provide any queriables:>>> list(pau.getQueriables()) []Before we illustrate how an authenticator is used by the PAU to search for principals, we need to setup an adapter used by PAU:>>> import >>> provideAdapter( ... authentication.authentication.QuerySchemaSearchAdapter, ... provides=interfaces.IQueriableAuthenticator)This adapter delegates search responsibility to an authenticator, but prepends the PAU prefix to any principal IDs returned in a search.Next, we’ll create a plugin that provides a search interface:>>> @interface.implementer(interfaces.IQuerySchemaSearch) ... class QueriableAuthenticatorPlugin(MyAuthenticatorPlugin): ... ... schema = None ... ... def search(self, query, start=None, batch_size=None): ... yield 'foo' ...and install it as a plugin:>>> plugin = QueriableAuthenticatorPlugin() >>> provideUtility(plugin, ... provides=interfaces.IAuthenticatorPlugin, ... name='Queriable') >>> pau.authenticatorPlugins += ('Queriable',)Now, the PAU provides a single queriable:>>> list(pau.getQueriables()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [('Queriable', ...QuerySchemaSearchAdapter object...)]We can use this queriable to search for our principal:>>> queriable = list(pau.getQueriables())[0][1] >>> list('not-used')) ['mypau_foo']Note that the resulting principal ID includes the PAU prefix. Were we to search the plugin directly:>>> list('not-used')) ['foo']The result does not include the PAU prefix. The prepending of the prefix is handled by the PluggableAuthenticationQueriable.Queryiable plugins can provide the ILocation interface. In this case the QuerySchemaSearchAdapter’s __parent__ is the same as the __parent__ of the plugin:>>> import zope.location.interfaces >>> @interface.implementer(zope.location.interfaces.ILocation) ... class LocatedQueriableAuthenticatorPlugin(QueriableAuthenticatorPlugin): ... ... __parent__ = __name__ = None ... >>> import zope.component.hooks >>> site = zope.component.hooks.getSite() >>> plugin = LocatedQueriableAuthenticatorPlugin() >>> plugin.__parent__ = site >>> plugin.__name__ = 'localname' >>> provideUtility(plugin, ... provides=interfaces.IAuthenticatorPlugin, ... name='location-queriable') >>> pau.authenticatorPlugins = ('location-queriable',)We have one queriable again:>>> queriables = list(pau.getQueriables()) >>> queriables # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [('location-queriable', ...QuerySchemaSearchAdapter object...)]The queriable’s __parent__ is the site as set above:>>> queriable = queriables[0][1] >>> queriable.__parent__ is site TrueIf the queriable provides ILocation but is not actually locatable (i.e. the parent is None) the pau itself becomes the parent:>>> plugin = LocatedQueriableAuthenticatorPlugin() >>> provideUtility(plugin, ... provides=interfaces.IAuthenticatorPlugin, ... name='location-queriable-wo-parent') >>> pau.authenticatorPlugins = ('location-queriable-wo-parent',)We have one queriable again:>>> queriables = list(pau.getQueriables()) >>> queriables # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [('location-queriable-wo-parent', ...QuerySchemaSearchAdapter object...)]And the parent is the pau:>>> queriable = queriables[0][1] >>> queriable.__parent__ # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <zope.pluggableauth.authentication.PluggableAuthentication object ...> >>> queriable.__parent__ is pau TruePrincipal FolderPrincipal folders contain principal-information objects that contain principal information. We create an internal principal using theInternalPrincipalclass:>>> from import InternalPrincipal >>> p1 = InternalPrincipal('login1', '123', "Principal 1", ... passwordManagerName="SHA1") >>> p2 = InternalPrincipal('login2', '456', "The Other One")and add them to a principal folder:>>> from import PrincipalFolder >>> principals = PrincipalFolder('principal.') >>> principals['p1'] = p1 >>> principals['p2'] = p2AuthenticationPrincipal folders provide theIAuthenticatorPlugininterface. When we provide suitable credentials:>>> from pprint import pprint >>> principals.authenticateCredentials({'login': 'login1', 'password': '123'}) PrincipalInfo(u'principal.p1')We get back a principal id and supplementary information, including the principal title and description. Note that the principal id is a concatenation of the principal-folder prefix and the name of the principal-information object within the folder.None is returned if the credentials are invalid:>>> principals.authenticateCredentials({'login': 'login1', ... 'password': '1234'}) >>> principals.authenticateCredentials(42)SearchPrincipal folders also provide the IQuerySchemaSearch interface. This supports both finding principal information based on their ids:>>> principals.principalInfo('principal.p1') PrincipalInfo('principal.p1')>>> principals.principalInfo('p1')and searching for principals based on a search string:>>> list({'search': 'other'})) [u'principal.p2']>>> list({'search': 'OTHER'})) [u'principal.p2']>>> list({'search': ''})) [u'principal.p1', u'principal.p2']>>> list({'search': 'eek'})) []>>> list({})) []If there are a large number of matches:>>> for i in range(20): ... i = str(i) ... p = InternalPrincipal('l'+i, i, "Dude "+i) ... principals[i] = p>>> pprint(list({'search': 'D'}))) [u'principal.0', u'principal.1', u'principal.10', u'principal.11', u'principal.12', u'principal.13', u'principal.14', u'principal.15', u'principal.16', u'principal.17', u'principal.18', u'principal.19', u'principal.2', u'principal.3', u'principal.4', u'principal.5', u'principal.6', u'principal.7', u'principal.8', u'principal.9']We can use batching parameters to specify a subset of results:>>> pprint(list({'search': 'D'}, start=17))) [u'principal.7', u'principal.8', u'principal.9']>>> pprint(list({'search': 'D'}, batch_size=5))) [u'principal.0', u'principal.1', u'principal.10', u'principal.11', u'principal.12']>>> pprint(list({'search': 'D'}, start=5, batch_size=5))) [u'principal.13', u'principal.14', u'principal.15', u'principal.16', u'principal.17']There is an additional method that allows requesting the principal id associated with a login id. The method raises KeyError when there is no associated principal:>>> principals.getIdByLogin("not-there") Traceback (most recent call last): KeyError: 'not-there'If there is a matching principal, the id is returned:>>> principals.getIdByLogin("login1") u'principal.p1'Changing credentialsCredentials can be changed by modifying principal-information objects:>>> p1.login = 'bob' >>> p1.password = 'eek'>>> principals.authenticateCredentials({'login': 'bob', 'password': 'eek'}) PrincipalInfo(u'principal.p1')>>> principals.authenticateCredentials({'login': 'login1', ... 'password': 'eek'})>>> principals.authenticateCredentials({'login': 'bob', ... 'password': '123'})It is an error to try to pick a login name that is already taken:>>> p1.login = 'login2' Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Principal Login already taken!If such an attempt is made, the data are unchanged:>>> principals.authenticateCredentials({'login': 'bob', 'password': 'eek'}) PrincipalInfo(u'principal.p1')Removing principalsOf course, if a principal is removed, we can no-longer authenticate it:>>> del principals['p1'] >>> principals.authenticateCredentials({'login': 'bob', ... 'password': 'eek'})VocabulariesThe vocabulary module provides vocabularies for the authenticator plugins and the credentials plugins.The options should include the unique names of all of the plugins that provide the appropriate interface (interfaces.ICredentialsPlugin or interfaces.IAuthentiatorPlugin, respectively) for the current context– which is expected to be a pluggable authentication utility, hereafter referred to as a PAU.These names may be for objects contained within the PAU (“contained plugins”), or may be utilities registered for the specified interface, found in the context of the PAU (“utility plugins”). Contained plugins mask utility plugins of the same name. They also may be names currently selected in the PAU that do not actually have a corresponding plugin at this time.Here is a short example of how the vocabulary should work. Let’s say we’re working with authentication plugins. We’ll create some faux authentication plugins, and register some of them as utilities and put others in a faux PAU.>>> from import interfaces >>> from zope import interface, component >>> @interface.implementer(interfaces.IAuthenticatorPlugin) ... class DemoPlugin(object): ... ... def __init__(self, name): ... = name ... >>> utility_plugins = dict( ... (i, DemoPlugin(u'Plugin %d' % i)) for i in range(4)) >>> contained_plugins = dict( ... (i, DemoPlugin(u'Plugin %d' % i)) for i in range(1, 5)) >>> sorted(utility_plugins.keys()) [0, 1, 2, 3] >>> for p in utility_plugins.values(): ... component.provideUtility(p, ... >>> sorted(contained_plugins.keys()) # 1 will mask utility plugin 1 [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> @interface.implementer(interfaces.IPluggableAuthentication) ... class DemoAuth(dict): ... ... def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ... super(DemoAuth, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) ... self.authenticatorPlugins = (u'Plugin 3', u'Plugin X') ... self.credentialsPlugins = (u'Plugin 4', u'Plugin X') ... >>> auth = DemoAuth((, p) for p in contained_plugins.values())>>> @component.adapter(interface.Interface) ... @interface.implementer(component.IComponentLookup) ... def getSiteManager(context): ... return component.getGlobalSiteManager() ... >>> component.provideAdapter(getSiteManager)We are now ready to create a vocabulary that we can use. The context is our faux authentication utility,auth.>>> from import vocabulary >>> vocab = vocabulary.authenticatorPlugins(auth)Iterating over the vocabulary results in all of the terms, in a relatively arbitrary order of their names. (This vocabulary should typically use a widget that sorts values on the basis of localized collation order of the term titles.)>>> [term.value for term in vocab] # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [u'Plugin 0', u'Plugin 1', u'Plugin 2', u'Plugin 3', u'Plugin 4', u'Plugin X']Similarly, we can useinto test for the presence of values in the vocabulary.>>> ['Plugin %s' % i in vocab for i in range(-1, 6)] [False, True, True, True, True, True, False] >>> 'Plugin X' in vocab TrueThe length reports the expected value.>>> len(vocab) 6One can get a term for a given value usinggetTerm(); its token, in turn, should also return the same effective term fromgetTermByToken.>>> values = ['Plugin 0', 'Plugin 1', 'Plugin 2', 'Plugin 3', 'Plugin 4', ... 'Plugin X'] >>> for val in values: ... term = vocab.getTerm(val) ... assert term.value == val ... term2 = vocab.getTermByToken(term.token) ... assert term2.token == term.token ... assert term2.value == val ...The terms have titles, which are message ids that show the plugin title or id and whether the plugin is a utility or just contained in the auth utility. We’ll give one of the plugins a dublin core title just to show the functionality.>>> import zope.dublincore.interfaces >>> class ISpecial(interface.Interface): ... pass ... >>> interface.directlyProvides(contained_plugins[1], ISpecial) >>> @interface.implementer(zope.dublincore.interfaces.IDCDescriptiveProperties) ... @component.adapter(ISpecial) ... class DemoDCAdapter(object): ... def __init__(self, context): ... pass ... title = u'Special Title' ... >>> component.provideAdapter(DemoDCAdapter)We need to regenerate the vocabulary, since it calculates all of its data at once.>>> vocab = vocabulary.authenticatorPlugins(auth)Now we’ll check the titles. We’ll have to translate them to see what we expect.>>> from zope import i18n >>> import pprint >>> pprint.pprint([i18n.translate(term.title) for term in vocab]) [u'Plugin 0 (a utility)', u'Special Title (in contents)', u'Plugin 2 (in contents)', u'Plugin 3 (in contents)', u'Plugin 4 (in contents)', u'Plugin X (not found; deselecting will remove)']credentialsPluginsFor completeness, we’ll do the same review of the credentialsPlugins.>>> @interface.implementer(interfaces.ICredentialsPlugin) ... class DemoPlugin(object): ... ... def __init__(self, name): ... = name ... >>> utility_plugins = dict( ... (i, DemoPlugin(u'Plugin %d' % i)) for i in range(4)) >>> contained_plugins = dict( ... (i, DemoPlugin(u'Plugin %d' % i)) for i in range(1, 5)) >>> for p in utility_plugins.values(): ... component.provideUtility(p, ... >>> auth = DemoAuth((, p) for p in contained_plugins.values()) >>> vocab = vocabulary.credentialsPlugins(auth)Iterating over the vocabulary results in all of the terms, in a relatively arbitrary order of their names. (This vocabulary should typically use a widget that sorts values on the basis of localized collation order of the term titles.) Similarly, we can useinto test for the presence of values in the vocabulary. The length reports the expected value.>>> [term.value for term in vocab] # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [u'Plugin 0', u'Plugin 1', u'Plugin 2', u'Plugin 3', u'Plugin 4', u'Plugin X'] >>> ['Plugin %s' % i in vocab for i in range(-1, 6)] [False, True, True, True, True, True, False] >>> 'Plugin X' in vocab True >>> len(vocab) 6One can get a term for a given value usinggetTerm(); its token, in turn, should also return the same effective term fromgetTermByToken.>>> values = ['Plugin 0', 'Plugin 1', 'Plugin 2', 'Plugin 3', 'Plugin 4', ... 'Plugin X'] >>> for val in values: ... term = vocab.getTerm(val) ... assert term.value == val ... term2 = vocab.getTermByToken(term.token) ... assert term2.token == term.token ... assert term2.value == val ...The terms have titles, which are message ids that show the plugin title or id and whether the plugin is a utility or just contained in the auth utility. We’ll give one of the plugins a dublin core title just to show the functionality. We need to regenerate the vocabulary, since it calculates all of its data at once. Then we’ll check the titles. We’ll have to translate them to see what we expect.>>> interface.directlyProvides(contained_plugins[1], ISpecial) >>> vocab = vocabulary.credentialsPlugins(auth) >>> pprint.pprint([i18n.translate(term.title) for term in vocab]) [u'Plugin 0 (a utility)', u'Special Title (in contents)', u'Plugin 2 (in contents)', u'Plugin 3 (in contents)', u'Plugin 4 (in contents)', u'Plugin X (not found; deselecting will remove)']Changes5.0 (2023-02-09)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, (2017-05-02)Drop test dependency on and explicit dependency on ZODB3.Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6, and PyPy.3.9 (2010-10-18)Move concrete IAuthenticatorPlugin implementations to zope.pluggableauth.plugins. Leave backwards compatibility imports.Use zope.formlib throughout to lift the dependency on As it turns out, is still a indirect test dependency though.3.8.0 (2010-09-25)Using python’sdoctestmodule instead of deprecatedzope.testing.doctest[unit].Moved the following views, to inverse dependency between these two packages, in ZTK 1.0:@@grant.html@@AllRolePermissions.html@@RolePermissions.html@@RolesWithPermission.html3.7.1 (2010-02-11)Using the newprincipalfactories.zcmlfile, fromzope.pluggableauth, to avoid duplication errors, in the adapters registration.3.7.0 (2010-02-08)The Pluggable Authentication utility has been severed and released in a standalone package:zope.pluggableauth. We are now using this new package, providing backward compatibility imports to assure a smooth transition.3.6.2 (2010-01-05)Fix tests by using zope.login, and require new zope.publisher (2009-10-07)Fix ftesting.zcml due tozope.securitypolicyupdate.Don’t tests, use zope.component’s testing functions instead.Fix functional tests and stop using port 8081. Redirecting to different port without trusted flag is not allowed.3.6.0 (2009-03-14)Separate the presentation template and camefrom/redirection logic for theloginForm.htmlview. Now the logic is contained in login form redirection failure in some cases with Python 2.6.Use the newzope.authenticationpackage instead “Password Manager Names” vocabulary and simple password manager registry were moved to thezope.passwordpackage.Remove deprecated code.3.5.0 (2009-03-06)Split password manager functionality off to the newzope.passwordpackage. Backward-compatibility imports are left in place.Usezope.siteinstead (Browser code still it depends on view classes of this package.)3.5.0a2 (2009-02-01)Make old encoded passwords really work.3.5.0a1 (2009-01-31)Usezope.containerinstead (Browser code still it depends on view classes of this package.)Encoded passwords are now stored with a prefix ({MD5}, {SHA1}, {SSHA}) indicating the used encoding schema. Old (encoded) passwords can still be used.Add an SSHA password manager that is compatible with standard LDAP passwords. As this encoding gives better security agains dictionary attacks, users are encouraged to switch to this new password schema.InternalPrincipal now uses SSHA password manager by default.3.4.4 (2008-12-12)Depend on zope.session instead of The first one currently has all functionality we need.Fix deprecation warnings formd5andshaon Python (2008-08-07)No changes. Retag for correct release on PyPI.3.4.2 (2008-07-09)Make it compatible with 3.6.1 and 3.5.4 changes, Changedsuper(BTreeContainer,self).__init__()tosuper(GroupFolder,self).__init__()inGroupFolderclass.3.4.1 (2007-10-24)Avoid deprecation warning.3.4.0 (2007-10-11)Updated package meta-data.3.4.0b1 (2007-09-27)First release independent of Zope.
A very simple skin for the original Zope 3 ZMI.CHANGES5.0 (2023-02-07)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, (2017-04-22)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6.Add support for PyPy.3.5.1 (2010-09-25)Added test extra to declare test dependency onzope.component [test].3.5.0 (2009-12-16)Avoid extraneous testing dependencies and remove test extra.Avoid testing dependency.Removed BBB import for IBasicSkin.3.4.1 (2009-08-15)Added missing test dependency: (2007-10-11)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
The Boston skin is a new UI for the Zope Management Interface called ZMI.Detailed DcoumentationThe Boston SkinThe Boston skin is a new UI for the Zope Management Interface called ZMI. Feel free to write comments, ideas and wishes to the zope3-dev mailinglist.>>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser >>> browser = Browser() >>> browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic mgr:mgrpw') >>> browser.handleErrors = FalseCheck if the css viewlet is available in the Boston skin.>>>'http://localhost/++skin++Boston/@@contents.html') >>> browser.url 'http://localhost/++skin++Boston/@@contents.html' >>> browser.contents '...href="http://localhost/++skin++Boston/@@/skin.css"...' >>> browser.contents '...href="http://localhost/++skin++Boston/@@/widget.css"...' >>> browser.contents '...href="http://localhost/++skin++Boston/@@/toolbar.css"...' >>> browser.contents '...href="http://localhost/++skin++Boston/@@/xmltree.css"...'Check if the javascript viewlet is available in the Boston skin.>>>'http://localhost/++skin++Boston/@@contents.html') >>> browser.url 'http://localhost/++skin++Boston/@@contents.html' >>> browser.contents '...src="http://localhost/++skin++Boston/@@/boston.js"...' >>> browser.contents '...src="http://localhost/++skin++Boston/@@/xmltree.js"...'Check if the left viewlet is available in the Boston skin.>>>'http://localhost/++skin++Boston/@@contents.html') >>> browser.url 'http://localhost/++skin++Boston/@@contents.html' >>> browser.contents '"ToolBar"...' >>> browser.contents '"xmltree"...' >>> browser.contents '"addinginfo"...'Make sure the edit form “works”:>>> ... 'http://localhost/++skin++Boston/+/')CHANGES3.5.1 (2010-01-08)Fix test bug (in combination with a newer (2010-01-05)Use zope.container instead of zope.browsermenu instead of zope.publisher 3.12 and new zope.login to make tests work.3.4.0 (2007-11-03)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.3.4.0b1Fixed invalid HTML in wiget_macros.
When an object cannot be correctly loaded from the ZODB, this package allows this object still to be instantiated, but as a “Broken” object. This allows for gracefully updating the database without interruption.CHANGES5.0 (2023-02-08)Add support for Python 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, It had been moved toZODB.interfaceslong ago.4.2 (2020-11-18) Please import it directly fromZODB.interfaces.Add support for Python (2020-03-31)Drop dependency onzope.broken, because the correct imports have moved into ZODB.Add support for Python 3.7 and (2017-05-16)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.Change dependency onZODB3toZODB.Thebrowser.zcmlwill only be loaded ifzope.browserpageis installed.Accessing the__parent__and__name__attributes of broken objects will no longer raiseAttributeErrorif the state is an unexpected type, instead returningNone.3.6.0 (2010-09-25)Depend on newzope.processlifetimeinterfaces and implementations instead of using BBB imports test extra to declare test dependency onzope.testing.Using Python’sdoctestmodule instead of depreactedzope.testing.doctest.3.5.0 (2009-02-05)Depend on newzope.brokenpackage for theIBrokeninterface.3.4.0 (2007-10-11)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package provides a caching mechanism for Zope applications.CHANGES3.7.0 (2009-07-25)Use the RAM cache implementation from zope.ramcache.3.6.0 (2009-05-27)Use zope.componentvocabulary instead of (2009-01-31)Use zope.container instead of (2008-07-30)Remove find-links from buildout.cfg.Get rid of as a dependency. See deprecation warning in became zope.i18nmessageid.3.4.0 (2007-10-11)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package provides ZMI-based browser management pages and menu items for zope.catalog - the cataloging and indexing framework for Zope 3.CHANGES4.0.0 (2017-05-05)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.Remove test dependency, among others.3.8.1 (2010-01-08)Removed unneeded dependencies on and, moved to the test dependencies.Import hooks functionality from zope.component after it was moved there from This lifts the test dependency on new zope.publisher that requires zope.login.3.8.0 (2009-02-01)Move most of this package’s code to newzope.catalogpackage, leaving only ZMI-related views and backward-compatibility imports here.3.7.0 (2009-01-31)Change catalog’s addMenuItem permission to zope.ManageServices as it doesn’t make any sense to add an empty catalog that you can’t modify with zope.ManageContent permission and it’s completely useless without indexes. So there’s no need to show a menu item.Replaced dependency a lighter-weight dependency upon the newly refactoredzope.containerpackage.3.6.0 (2009-01-03)Make TextIndex addform use default values as specified in interface. Also, change “searchableText” to “getSearchableText” there, as it’s the right value.Add Keyword (case-insensitive and case-sensitive) catalog indices. It’s now possible to use them, because ones in zope.index now implement IIndexSearch interface.Add support for sorting, reversing and limiting result set in thesearchResultsmethod, using new IIndexSort interface features of zope.index.3.5.2 (2008-12-28)Remove testing dependencies from install_requires.3.5.1 (2007-10-31)ResolveZopeSecurityPolicydeprecation warning.3.5.0 (2007-10-11)Updated some (2007-09-27)removed some deprecations3.5.0a2 (2007-09-21)bugfix: passing the context to getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor in all eventhandlers because no catalog was found which was located in a sub site and for example the ObjectModifiesEvent get fired from somewhere in the root.3.5.0a1 (2007-06-26)Added marker interfaces to prevent automatic indexing (see:event.txt)
NOTE: this package is deprecated. Its functionality has been moved to more reusable packages, namely: zope.component,, and zope.componentvocabulary. Please import from there instead.This package provides various ZCML directives (view, resource) and a user interface related to local component management.ContentsCHANGES5.0 (2023-02-21)4.1.0 (2018-10-22)4.0.0 (2017-05-02)3.9.3 (2011-07-27)3.9.2 (2010-09-17)3.9.1 (2010-09-01)3.9.0 (2010-07-19)3.8.4 (2010-01-08)3.8.3 (2009-07-11)3.8.2 (2009-05-22)3.8.1 (2009-05-21)3.8.0 (2009-05-21)3.7.0 (2009-04-01)3.6.1 (2009-03-12)3.6.0 (2009-01-31)3.5.0 (2008-10-13)3.4.1 (2007-10-31)3.4.0 (2007-10-11)CHANGES5.0 (2023-02-21)Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Remove replacement) replacement)4.1.0 (2018-10-22)Add support for Python (2017-05-02)Remove test dependencies on,, and others.Remove install dependency on, replaced with direct imports of remove the deprecated or broken functionality intestingNextUtilityandSiteManagerStub.PlacefulSetupis retained (and incorporates much of what was previously inherited, although use ofzope.component.testing.PlacelessSetupis suggested when possible.Add support for PyPy and Python 3.4, 3.5 and (2011-07-27)Replaced an undeclared test dependency unneeded dependencies.3.9.2 (2010-09-17)Replaced a testing dependency one onzope.securitypolicy.3.9.1 (2010-09-01)No longer using deprecatedzope.testing.doctest. Use python’s build-indoctestinstead.Replaced the dependency onzope.deferredimportwith BBB imports.3.9.0 (2010-07-19)Added missing BBB import at leastzope.component3.8 where some modules have moved which are BBB imported here.3.8.4 (2010-01-08)Import hooks functionality from zope.component after it was moved there from ISite and IPossibleSite from zope.component after they were moved there from zope.location. This lifts the direct dependency on zope.location.Fix tests using a newer zope.publisher that requires zope.login.3.8.3 (2009-07-11)Removed unnecessary dependency (2009-05-22)Fix missing import (2009-05-21)Add deprecation note.3.8.0 (2009-05-21)IMPORTANT: this package is now empty except for some ZMI definitions in Functionality from this package has been moved,zope.componentvocabularyandzope.component, so preferably import from those locations.zope.componentvocabulary has the vocabulary implementations that were in now, import them from there for backwards compatibility.moved zope:resource and zope:view directive implementation and tests over into zope.component [zcml].3.7.0 (2009-04-01)Removed deprecatedzope:defaultViewdirective and its implementation. New directive to set default view isbrowser:defaultView.3.6.1 (2009-03-12)Makeclassdirective schemas importable from old location, raising a deprecation warning. It was moved in the previous release, but some custom directives could possibly use its schemas.Deprecate import of ClassDirective to announce about new location.Change package’s mailing list address to zope-dev at, because zope3-dev at is now retired.Adapt to the move of IDefaultViewName from zope.component.interfaces to zope.publisher.interfaces.3.6.0 (2009-01-31)Moved the implementation of the <class> directive from this package In particular, the moved, and a compatibility import has been left in its place.Extractedzope.sitefrom with backwards compatibility imports in place. Local site related functionality is now inzope.siteand packages should import from there.Remove more deprecated on 3.5 module that was pointing to the removed back35’s module that was moved to zope.component.interface ages ago.zope:content and zope:localUtility directives.zope:factory directive.deprecated imports in zope.component.metaconfigurebrowser:tool directive and all zope.component.browser meta.zcml stuff.Remove “back35” extras_require as it doesn’t make any sense now.Remove zope.modulealias test dependency as it is not used anywhere.Deprecate ISite and IPossibleSite imports from They were moved to zope.location.interfaces ages ago. Fix imports in itself.3.5.0 (2008-10-13)Remove deprecated code slated for removal on (2007-10-31)ResolveZopeSecurityPolicydeprecation warning.3.4.0 (2007-10-11)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package define interfaces of container components, and provides sample container implementations such as a BTreeContainer and OrderedContainer.CHANGES5.0 (2023-02-08)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.Fix deprecation warnings.4.0.0 (2017-04-24)Added support for PyPy and Python 3.4, 3.5 and (2012-01-23)Replaced an undeclared test dependency undeclared test dependency the use (2010-09-14)Removed a testing dependency a testing dependency the basezope.securitypolicydistribution.3.9.0 (2010-08-19)Updatedftesting.zcmlto use the new permission names exported byzope.dublincore3. (2010-01-08)Fixed tests using a newer zope.publisher that requires zope.login.3.8.1 (2009-12-26)Fixed test_directive. Some parts of were moved to zope.browsermenu and zope.browserpage.Moved tests/ to browser/tests.Added undeclared install dependency no longer use deprecatedzope.testing.doctestunitbut python’sdoctestinstead.3.8.0 (2009-05-13)MovedIAddinginterface tozope.browser.interfaces, leaving BBB imports.3.7.2 (2009-03-12)Show a “nothing to add” message instead of empty list in the adding view, if there’s nothing to add.Don’t show the “Add” menu item if there’s nothing to add.Adapt to the removal of deprecated interfaces fromzope.component.interfaces. NowIAddinginherits fromzope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserView.3.7.1 (2009-02-05)Updated test to accomodate “Pythonic” exception now raised from__setitem__provided byzope.container(KeyErrorinstead ofzope.exceptions.UserError).3.7.0 (2009-01-31)Remove long-time deprecatedIContentContainerclass.We now rely on a new package calledzope.container, which contains the basic implementation ofzope.containerand is intended to have less dependencies. We have gone through a wide range of packages and updated their dependencies to point tozope.containerso that they will also have less indirect dependencies.For backwards compatibility we have left the original modules place and have placed imports to make sure the symbols exist in their original locations.3.6.2 (2008-10-21)Fixed bug in_zope_app_container_contained.c.3.6.1 (2008-10-15)Reimplemented theBTreeContainerso that it directly accesses the btree methods (removed an old #TODO)Removed usage of deprecatedLayerField.Made C code compatible with Python 2.5 on 64bit architectures.Fixed bug: Error thrown during__setitem__for an ordered container leaves bad key in orderFixed, Error with unicode traversingFixed The Adding menu is sorted with translated item by using a collator (better localized sorting)Fixed the namechooser from failing on ‘+’, ‘@’ and ‘/’added tests in the namechooserbe sure the name chooser returns unicodeFixed The setitem’s size modification is now done insetitemf: setting an existing item does not change the size, and the event subscribers should see the new size instead of the old size.3.6.0 (2008-05-06)Added anIBTreeContainerinterface that allows an argument to theitems,keys, andvaluesmethods with the same semantics as for a BTree object. The extended interface is implemented by theBTreeContainerclass.3.5 (2007-10-11)Updated bootstrap script to current version.Store length ofBTreeContainerin its ownLengthobject for faster__len__implementation of huge containers.SendIObjectModifiedEventwhen changing the title through the@@contents.htmlview. This fixes warning.3.4 (2007-04-22)Initial release as a separate project, corresponds Zope 3.4.0a1.
This package defines anIInterfacethat allows the developer to mark interfaces as content types.CHANGES5.0 (2023-02-07)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, (2017-04-23)Add support for PyPy.Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5 and (2010-12-21) withzope.componentvocabulary.3.5.0 (2010-09-20) inverse dependency.3.4.0 (2007-10-11)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package provides basic WebDAV support for a Zope application. A more advanced implementation is available inz3c.dav.CHANGES3.5.3 (2010-03-11)Avoid creating a DAV namespace adapter per property in PROPPATCH (create only one per namespace in a given request). See LP #98454.3.5.2 (2010-01-08)Fix tests using a newer zope.publisher that requires zope.login.3.5.1 (2009-09-15)Corrected invalid use of datetime.strftime. The timezone is denoted by %Z.3.5.0 (2009-02-01)Usezope.containerinstead (2009-01-27)Substitute by direct calls to its wrapped apis. See bug 219302.3.4.1 (2007-10-30)Removed deprecation warnings forZopeMessageFactoryandZopeSecurityPolicy.3.4.0 (2007-10-11)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package provides a debugger for the Zope publisher. After Zope is isntantiated, it drops the user into an interactive Python shell where the full Zope environment and the database root are available.CHANGES4.0.0 (2017-05-08)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.3.4.1 (2008-02-02)Fix of 599 error on conflict error in request see: (2007-10-23)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
The debug skin publishes failure tracebacks in the HTTP result.CHANGES3.4.1 (2010-09-16)Made tests compatible with current package versions.3.4.0 (2007-11-01)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
A simple object-dependency framework for Zope.CHANGES5.0 (2023-02-20)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for deprecatedpython test.4.1.0 (2018-10-22)Add support for Python (2017-04-22)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 and PyPy.Removed support for Python 2.6.Addedtox.iniand manifest.Removed dependency.3.5.1 (2009-12-15)Added missing zcml namespace to the configure file.3.5.0 (2009-12-15)Moved CheckDependency event handler and its tests into this package from its former place in zope.container.3.4.0 (2007-10-23)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package provides a Zope 3 content component that contains DTML code, which is executed when the component is accessed via its URL.CHANGES3.5.0 (2009-02-01)Reduced the dependency be simply a dependency uponzope.container.3.4.1 (2007-10-31)ResolveZopeSecurityPolicydeprecation warning.3.4.0 (2007-10-23)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package provides management views for the error reporting utility defined in zope.error package.READMEThis package provides an error reporting utility which is able to store errors. (Notice that the implementation classes have been moved to thezope.errorpackage.)Let’s create one:>>> from import ErrorReportingUtility >>> util = ErrorReportingUtility() >>> util <zope.error.error.ErrorReportingUtility object at ...>>>> from import IErrorReportingUtility >>> IErrorReportingUtility.providedBy(util) True >>> IErrorReportingUtility <InterfaceClass zope.error.interfaces.IErrorReportingUtility>This package contains ZMI views in thebrowsersub-package:>>> from import EditErrorLog, ErrorRedirect >>> EditErrorLog <class ''> >>> ErrorRedirect <class ''>These are configured when the configuration for this package is executed (as long as the right dependencies are available).Certain ZMI menus must first be available:>>> from zope.configuration import xmlconfig >>> _ = xmlconfig.string(r""" ... <configure xmlns="" i18n_domain="zope"> ... <include package="zope.browsermenu" file="meta.zcml" /> ... <menu ... id="zmi_views" ... title="Views" ... /> ... ... <menu ... id="zmi_actions" ... title="Actions" ... /> ... </configure> ... """)Now we can configure the package:>>> _ = xmlconfig.string(r""" ... <configure xmlns=""> ... <include package="" /> ... </configure> ... """)CHANGES4.1.0 (2021-11-17)Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10.Drop support for Python (2017-05-16)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.3.5.3 (2010-09-01)Removed the dependency on, added missing dependencies.Replaced the use of zope.deferredimport with direct imports.3.5.2 (2009-01-22)Removed from dependencies, replacing its uses with direct imports.Clean dependencies.Changed mailing list address [email protected], changed url from cheeseshop to pypi.Use zope.ManageServices permission instead of zope.ManageContent for errorRedirect view and menu item, because all IErrorReportingUtility views are registered for zope.ManageServices as well.Fix package’s README.txt3.5.1 (2007-09-27)rebumped to replace faulty egg3.5.0Move core components tozope.error3.4.0 (2007-09-24)Initial documented release
This packages provides Zope 3 browser views for some generic exceptions.ContentsSystem ErrorsCHANGES5.0 (2023-02-07)4.1.0 (2021-03-22)4.0.1 (2017-05-15)4.0.0 (2017-05-01)3.6.3 (2011-05-23)3.6.2 (2010-09-14)3.6.1 (2010-01-08)3.6.0 (2009-05-18)3.5.0 (2009-04-06)3.4.2 (2009-01-27)3.4.1 (2007-10-31)3.4.0 (2007-10-24)System ErrorsSystem Errors are errors representing a system failure. At the application level, they are errors that are uncaught by the application and that a developer hasn’t provided a custom error view for.Zope provides a default system error view that prints an obnoxius terse message and that sets the response status.There is a simple view registered inftesting.zcmlwhich raisesException():>>> print(http(r""" ... GET /error.html HTTP/1.1 ... """)) HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error ... A system error occurred. ...Another way of getting a system error is the occurrence of a system error, such asComponentLookupError. I have registered a simple view inftesting.zcml, too, that will raise a component lookup error. So if we callcomponentlookuperror.html, we should get the error message:>>> print(http(r""" ... GET /componentlookuperror.html HTTP/1.1 ... """)) HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error ... A system error occurred. ...CHANGES5.0 (2023-02-07)Add support for Python 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2021-03-22)Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9.Drop support for Python 3.4.Fix tests to run withzope.component >= (2017-05-15)Fix rendering of user errors on Python 3. Seeissue (2017-05-01)Add support for PyPy, and Python 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6.Remove test dependency, many others.3.6.3 (2011-05-23)Replaced an undeclared test dependency (2010-09-14)No longer depend tests.Replaced dependency (2010-01-08)Require zope.browserpage which now containsnamedtemplate.Fix ftesting.zcml due tozope.securitypolicyupdate.Fix tests using a newer zope.publisher that requires zope.login.3.6.0 (2009-05-18)ISystemErrorViewinterface has been moved tozope.browser.interfaces, leaving BBB import here.Cut dependency onzope.formlibby requiring newer version now containsnamedtemplate.3.5.0 (2009-04-06)Use newzope.authenticationinstead deprecated code and thus removed dependency on zope.deferredimport.Removed old zpkg-related SETUP.cfg file.3.4.2 (2009-01-27)Substitute by direct calls to its wrapped apis. See bug 219302.Fixed author email and home page.3.4.1 (2007-10-31)ResolveZopeSecurityPolicydeprecation warning.3.4.0 (2007-10-24)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package allows Zope 3 content components to be edited via an editor of your choice.CHANGES3.5.0 (2009-02-01)Change dependency make it a test dependency as it’s only used in the tests.Remove dependency on (2007-11-03)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package provides two basic Zope 3 content components, File and Image, and their ZMI-compliant browser views.ContentsFile objectsAdding FilesBinary FilesText FilesNon-ASCII Text FilesNon-ASCII FilenamesSpecial URL handling for DTML pagesChanges4.0.0 (2017-05-16)3.6.1 (2010-09-17)3.6.0 (2010-08-19)3.5.1 (2010-01-08)3.5.0 (2009-01-31)3.4.6 (2009-01-27)3.4.5 (2009-01-27)3.4.4 (2008-09-05)3.4.3 (2008-06-18)3.4.2 (2007-11-09)3.4.1 (2007-10-31)3.4.0 (2007-10-24)File objectsAdding FilesYou can add File objects from the common tasks menu in the ZMI.>>> result = http(r""" ... GET /@@contents.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """) >>> "http://localhost/@@+/action.html?" in str(result) TrueLet’s follow that link.>>> print(http(r""" ... GET /@@+/action.html? HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """, handle_errors=False)) HTTP/1.1 303 See Other Content-Length: ... Location: http://localhost/+/ <BLANKLINE>The file add form lets you specify the content type, the object name, and optionally upload the contents of the file.>>> print(http(r""" ... GET /+/ HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """)) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: ... Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 <BLANKLINE> ... <title>Z3: +</title> ... ... <form action="http://localhost/+/" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <h3>Add a File</h3> ...<input class="textType" id="field.contentType" name="field.contentType" size="20" type="text" value="" />... ...<input class="fileType" id="" name="" size="20" type="file" />... <div class="controls"><hr /> <input type="submit" value="Refresh" /> <input type="submit" value="Add" name="UPDATE_SUBMIT" /> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Object Name</b>&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="text" name="add_input_name" value="" /> </div> ... </form> ...Binary FilesLet us upload a binary file.>>> print(http(b""" ... POST /+/ HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------73793505419963331401738523176 ... ... -----------------------------73793505419963331401738523176 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field.contentType" ... ... application/octet-stream ... -----------------------------73793505419963331401738523176 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""; filename="hello.txt.gz" ... Content-Type: application/x-gzip ... ... \x1f\x8b\x08\x08\xcb\x48\xea\x42\x00\x03\x68\x65\x6c\x6c\x6f\x2e\ ... \x74\x78\x74\x00\xcb\x48\xcd\xc9\xc9\xe7\x02\x00\x20\x30\x3a\x36\ ... \x06\x00\x00\x00 ... -----------------------------73793505419963331401738523176 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="UPDATE_SUBMIT" ... ... Add ... -----------------------------73793505419963331401738523176 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="add_input_name" ... ... ... -----------------------------73793505419963331401738523176-- ... """)) HTTP/1.1 303 See Other Content-Length: ... Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Location: http://localhost/@@contents.html <BLANKLINE> ...Since we did not specify the object name in the form, Zope 3 will use the filename.>>> response = http(""" ... GET /hello.txt.gz HTTP/1.1 ... """) >>> print(response) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 36 Content-Type: application/octet-stream <BLANKLINE> ...Let’s make sure the (binary) content of the file is correct>>> response.getBody() == b'\x1f\x8b\x08\x08\xcbH\xeaB\x00\x03hello.txt\x00\xcbH\xcd\xc9\xc9\xe7\x02\x00 0:6\x06\x00\x00\x00' TrueAlso, lets test a (bad) filename with full path that generates MS Internet Explorer, Zope should process it successfully and get the actual filename. Let’s upload the same file with bad filename.>>> print(http(b""" ... POST /+/ HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------73793505419963331401738523176 ... ... -----------------------------73793505419963331401738523176 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field.contentType" ... ... application/octet-stream ... -----------------------------73793505419963331401738523176 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""; filename="c:\\windows\\test.gz" ... Content-Type: application/x-gzip ... ... \x1f\x8b\x08\x08\xcb\x48\xea\x42\x00\x03\x68\x65\x6c\x6c\x6f\x2e\ ... \x74\x78\x74\x00\xcb\x48\xcd\xc9\xc9\xe7\x02\x00\x20\x30\x3a\x36\ ... \x06\x00\x00\x00 ... -----------------------------73793505419963331401738523176 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="UPDATE_SUBMIT" ... ... Add ... -----------------------------73793505419963331401738523176 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="add_input_name" ... ... ... -----------------------------73793505419963331401738523176-- ... """)) HTTP/1.1 303 See Other Content-Length: ... Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Location: http://localhost/@@contents.html <BLANKLINE> ...The file should be saved as “test.gz”, let’s check it name and contents.>>> response = http(""" ... GET /test.gz HTTP/1.1 ... """) >>> print(response) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 36 Content-Type: application/octet-stream <BLANKLINE> ...>>> response.getBody() == b'\x1f\x8b\x08\x08\xcbH\xeaB\x00\x03hello.txt\x00\xcbH\xcd\xc9\xc9\xe7\x02\x00 0:6\x06\x00\x00\x00' TrueText FilesLet us now create a text file.>>> print(http(r""" ... POST /+/ HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------167769037320366690221542301033 ... ... -----------------------------167769037320366690221542301033 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field.contentType" ... ... text/plain ... -----------------------------167769037320366690221542301033 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""; filename="" ... Content-Type: application/octet-stream ... ... ... -----------------------------167769037320366690221542301033 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="UPDATE_SUBMIT" ... ... Add ... -----------------------------167769037320366690221542301033 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="add_input_name" ... ... sample.txt ... -----------------------------167769037320366690221542301033-- ... """)) HTTP/1.1 303 See Other Content-Length: ... Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Location: http://localhost/@@contents.html <BLANKLINE> ...The file is initially empty, since we did not upload anything.>>> print(http(""" ... GET /sample.txt HTTP/1.1 ... """)) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: text/plain Last-Modified: ... <BLANKLINE>Since it is a text file, we can edit it directly in a web form.>>> print(http(r""" ... GET /sample.txt/edit.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """, handle_errors=False)) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: ... Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 <BLANKLINE> ... <title>Z3: sample.txt</title> ... <form action="http://localhost/sample.txt/edit.html" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div> <h3>Change a file</h3> ...<input class="textType" id="field.contentType" name="field.contentType" size="20" type="text" value="text/plain" />... ...<textarea cols="60" id="" name="" rows="15" ></textarea>... ... <div class="controls"> <input type="submit" value="Refresh" /> <input type="submit" name="UPDATE_SUBMIT" value="Change" /> </div> ... </form> ...Files of type text/plain without any charset information can contain UTF-8 text. So you can use ASCII text.>>> print(http(r""" ... POST /sample.txt/edit.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------165727764114325486311042046845 ... ... -----------------------------165727764114325486311042046845 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field.contentType" ... ... text/plain ... -----------------------------165727764114325486311042046845 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="" ... ... This is a sample text file. ... ... It can contain US-ASCII characters. ... -----------------------------165727764114325486311042046845 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="UPDATE_SUBMIT" ... ... Change ... -----------------------------165727764114325486311042046845-- ... """, handle_errors=False)) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: ... Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 <BLANKLINE> ... <title>Z3: sample.txt</title> ... <form action="http://localhost/sample.txt/edit.html" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div> <h3>Change a file</h3> <BLANKLINE> <p>Updated on ...</p> <BLANKLINE> <div class="row"> ...<input class="textType" id="field.contentType" name="field.contentType" size="20" type="text" value="text/plain" />... <div class="row"> ...<textarea cols="60" id="" name="" rows="15" >This is a sample text file. <BLANKLINE> It can contain US-ASCII characters.</textarea></div> ... <div class="controls"> <input type="submit" value="Refresh" /> <input type="submit" name="UPDATE_SUBMIT" value="Change" /> </div> ... </form> ...Here’s the file>>> print(http(r""" ... GET /sample.txt HTTP/1.1 ... """)) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: ... Content-Type: text/plain Last-Modified: ... <BLANKLINE> This is a sample text file. <BLANKLINE> It can contain US-ASCII characters.Non-ASCII Text FilesWe can also use non-ASCII charactors in text file.>>> print(http(""" ... POST /sample.txt/edit.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------165727764114325486311042046845 ... ... -----------------------------165727764114325486311042046845 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field.contentType" ... ... text/plain ... -----------------------------165727764114325486311042046845 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="" ... ... This is a sample text file. ... ... It can contain non-ASCII(UTF-8) characters, e.g. \xe2\x98\xbb (U+263B BLACK SMILING FACE). ... -----------------------------165727764114325486311042046845 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="UPDATE_SUBMIT" ... ... Change ... -----------------------------165727764114325486311042046845-- ... """)) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: ... Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 <BLANKLINE> ... <title>Z3: sample.txt</title> ... <form action="http://localhost/sample.txt/edit.html" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div> <h3>Change a file</h3> <BLANKLINE> <p>Updated on ...</p> <BLANKLINE> <div class="row"> ...<input class="textType" id="field.contentType" name="field.contentType" size="20" type="text" value="text/plain" />... <div class="row"> ...<textarea cols="60" id="" name="" rows="15" >This is a sample text file. <BLANKLINE> It can contain non-ASCII(UTF-8) characters, e.g. ... (U+263B BLACK SMILING FACE).</textarea></div> ... <div class="controls"> <input type="submit" value="Refresh" /> <input type="submit" name="UPDATE_SUBMIT" value="Change" /> </div> ... </form> ...Here’s the file>>> response = http(r""" ... GET /sample.txt HTTP/1.1 ... """) >>> print(response) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: ... Content-Type: text/plain Last-Modified: ... <BLANKLINE> This is a sample text file. <BLANKLINE> It can contain non-ASCII(UTF-8) characters, e.g. ... (U+263B BLACK SMILING FACE).>>> u'\u263B' in response.getBody().decode('UTF-8') TrueAnd you can explicitly specify the charset. Note that the browser form is always UTF-8.>>> print(http(""" ... POST /sample.txt/edit.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------165727764114325486311042046845 ... ... -----------------------------165727764114325486311042046845 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field.contentType" ... ... text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 ... -----------------------------165727764114325486311042046845 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="" ... ... This is a sample text file. ... ... It now contains Latin-1 characters, e.g. \xc2\xa7 (U+00A7 SECTION SIGN). ... -----------------------------165727764114325486311042046845 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="UPDATE_SUBMIT" ... ... Change ... -----------------------------165727764114325486311042046845-- ... """)) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: ... Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 <BLANKLINE> ... <title>Z3: sample.txt</title> ... <form action="http://localhost/sample.txt/edit.html" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div> <h3>Change a file</h3> <BLANKLINE> <p>Updated on ...</p> <BLANKLINE> <div class="row"> ...<input class="textType" id="field.contentType" name="field.contentType" size="20" type="text" value="text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1" />... <div class="row"> ...<textarea cols="60" id="" name="" rows="15" >This is a sample text file. <BLANKLINE> It now contains Latin-1 characters, e.g. ... (U+00A7 SECTION SIGN).</textarea></div> ... <div class="controls"> <input type="submit" value="Refresh" /> <input type="submit" name="UPDATE_SUBMIT" value="Change" /> </div> ... </form> ...Here’s the file>>> response = http(r""" ... GET /sample.txt HTTP/1.1 ... """) >>> print(response) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: ... Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Last-Modified: ... <BLANKLINE> This is a sample text file. <BLANKLINE> It now contains Latin-1 characters, e.g. ... (U+00A7 SECTION SIGN).Body is actually encoded in ISO-8859-1, and not UTF-8>>> response.getBody().splitlines()[-1].decode('latin-1') 'It now contains Latin-1 characters, e.g. \xa7 (U+00A7 SECTION SIGN).'The user is not allowed to specify a character set that cannot represent all the characters.>>> print(http(""" ... POST /sample.txt/edit.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------165727764114325486311042046845 ... ... -----------------------------165727764114325486311042046845 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field.contentType" ... ... text/plain; charset=US-ASCII ... -----------------------------165727764114325486311042046845 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="" ... ... This is a slightly changed sample text file. ... ... It now contains Latin-1 characters, e.g. \xc2\xa7 (U+00A7 SECTION SIGN). ... -----------------------------165727764114325486311042046845 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="UPDATE_SUBMIT" ... ... Change ... -----------------------------165727764114325486311042046845-- ... """, handle_errors=False)) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: ... Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 <BLANKLINE> ... <title>Z3: sample.txt</title> ... <form action="http://localhost/sample.txt/edit.html" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div> <h3>Change a file</h3> <BLANKLINE> <p>The character set you specified (US-ASCII) cannot encode all characters in text.</p> <BLANKLINE> <div class="row"> ...<input class="textType" id="field.contentType" name="field.contentType" size="20" type="text" value="text/plain; charset=US-ASCII" />... <div class="row"> ...<textarea cols="60" id="" name="" rows="15" >This is a slightly changed sample text file. <BLANKLINE> It now contains Latin-1 characters, e.g. ... (U+00A7 SECTION SIGN).</textarea></div> ... <div class="controls"> <input type="submit" value="Refresh" /> <input type="submit" name="UPDATE_SUBMIT" value="Change" /> </div> ... </form> ...Likewise, the user is not allowed to specify a character set that is not supported by Python.>>> print(http(""" ... POST /sample.txt/edit.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------165727764114325486311042046845 ... ... -----------------------------165727764114325486311042046845 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field.contentType" ... ... text/plain; charset=I-INVENT-MY-OWN ... -----------------------------165727764114325486311042046845 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="" ... ... This is a slightly changed sample text file. ... ... It now contains just ASCII characters. ... -----------------------------165727764114325486311042046845 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="UPDATE_SUBMIT" ... ... Change ... -----------------------------165727764114325486311042046845-- ... """, handle_errors=False)) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: ... Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 <BLANKLINE> ... <title>Z3: sample.txt</title> ... <form action="http://localhost/sample.txt/edit.html" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div> <h3>Change a file</h3> <BLANKLINE> <p>The character set you specified (I-INVENT-MY-OWN) is not supported.</p> <BLANKLINE> <div class="row"> ...<input class="textType" id="field.contentType" name="field.contentType" size="20" type="text" value="text/plain; charset=I-INVENT-MY-OWN" />... <div class="row"> ...<textarea cols="60" id="" name="" rows="15" >This is a slightly changed sample text file. <BLANKLINE> It now contains just ASCII characters.</textarea></div> ... <div class="controls"> <input type="submit" value="Refresh" /> <input type="submit" name="UPDATE_SUBMIT" value="Change" /> </div> ... </form> ...If you trick Zope and upload a file with a content type that does not match the file contents, you will not be able to access the edit view:>>> print(http(r""" ... GET /hello.txt.gz/@@edit.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """, handle_errors=True)) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: ... Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 <BLANKLINE> ... <li>The character set specified in the content type (UTF-8) does not match file content.</li> ...Non-ASCII FilenamesFilenames are not restricted to ASCII.>>> print(http(b""" ... POST /+/ HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------73793505419963331401738523176 ... ... -----------------------------73793505419963331401738523176 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field.contentType" ... ... application/octet-stream ... -----------------------------73793505419963331401738523176 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""; filename="bj\xc3\xb6rn.txt.gz" ... Content-Type: application/x-gzip ... ... \x1f\x8b\x08\x08\xcb\x48\xea\x42\x00\x03\x68\x65\x6c\x6c\x6f\x2e\ ... \x74\x78\x74\x00\xcb\x48\xcd\xc9\xc9\xe7\x02\x00\x20\x30\x3a\x36\ ... \x06\x00\x00\x00 ... -----------------------------73793505419963331401738523176 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="UPDATE_SUBMIT" ... ... Add ... -----------------------------73793505419963331401738523176 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="add_input_name" ... ... ... -----------------------------73793505419963331401738523176-- ... """)) HTTP/1.1 303 See Other Content-Length: ... Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Location: http://localhost/@@contents.html <BLANKLINE> ...Since we did not specify the object name in the form, Zope 3 will use the filename.>>> response = http(""" ... GET /bj%C3%B6rn.txt.gz HTTP/1.1 ... """) >>> print(response) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 36 Content-Type: application/octet-stream <BLANKLINE> ...Special URL handling for DTML pagesWhen an HTML File page containing a head tag is visited, without a trailing slash, the base href isn’t set. When visited with a slash, it is:>>> print(http(r""" ... POST /+/ HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... Content-Length: 610 ... Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------32826232819858510771857533856 ... Referer: http://localhost:8081/+/ ... ... -----------------------------32826232819858510771857533856 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field.contentType" ... ... text/html ... -----------------------------32826232819858510771857533856 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""; filename="" ... Content-Type: application/octet-stream ... ... ... -----------------------------32826232819858510771857533856 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="UPDATE_SUBMIT" ... ... Add ... -----------------------------32826232819858510771857533856 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="add_input_name" ... ... file.html ... -----------------------------32826232819858510771857533856-- ... """)) HTTP/1.1 303 See Other ...>>> print(http(r""" ... POST /file.html/edit.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... Content-Length: 507 ... Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------10196264131256436092131136054 ... Referer: http://localhost:8081/file.html/edit.html ... ... -----------------------------10196264131256436092131136054 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field.contentType" ... ... text/html ... -----------------------------10196264131256436092131136054 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="" ... ... <html> ... <head></head> ... <body> ... <a href="eek.html">Eek</a> ... </body> ... </html> ... -----------------------------10196264131256436092131136054 ... Content-Disposition: form-data; name="UPDATE_SUBMIT" ... ... Change ... -----------------------------10196264131256436092131136054-- ... """)) HTTP/1.1 200 OK ...>>> print(http(r""" ... GET /file.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """)) HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... <html> <head></head> <body> <a href="eek.html">Eek</a> </body> </html>>>> print(http(r""" ... GET /file.html/ HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """)) HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... <html> <head> <base href="http://localhost/file.html" /> </head> <body> <a href="eek.html">Eek</a> </body> </html>Changes4.0.0 (2017-05-16)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.Remove test dependency, among others.Change dependency from ZODB3 to persistent and add missing dependencies (2010-09-17)Removed ZPKG slugs and ZCML ones.Moved a functional test here Python’sdoctestinstead of deprecatedzope.testing.doctest.3.6.0 (2010-08-19)Updatedftesting.zcmlto use the new permission names exported byzope.dublincore3.7.Using python’sdoctestinstead of deprecatedzope.testing.doctest.3.5.1 (2010-01-08)Fix ftesting.zcml due to zope.securitypolicy update.Added missing dependency on transaction.Import content-type parser from zope.contenttype, reducing zope.publisher to a test dependency.Fix tests using a newer zope.publisher that requires zope.login.3.5.0 (2009-01-31) Add missing dependency (2009-01-27)Remove dependency again. Previous release was wrong. We removed the uses before, so we don’t need it anymore.3.4.5 (2009-01-27)added missing dependency: (2008-09-05)Bug: Get actual filename instead of full filesystem path when adding file/image using Internet Explorer.3.4.3 (2008-06-18)Using IDCTimes interface instead of IZopeDublinCore to determine the modification date of a file.3.4.2 (2007-11-09)Include information about which attributes changed in theIObjectModifiedEventafter upload.This fixes (2007-10-31)ResolveZopeSecurityPolicydeprecation warning.3.4.0 (2007-10-24)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This packages provides the standard Folder content type for Zope 3. It also implements the root folder of a Zope application. Folders can also be converted to sites, which allow one to register components locally.CHANGES5.0 (2023-02-07)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, (2017-05-09)Add support for Python 3.4. 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.3.5.2 (2010-12-28)Removed There are no functional tests and ftesting.zcml now.Removed unneeded dependencies.3.5.1 (2009-02-14)Added missing dependency to e-mail address and homepage.Fixed buildout.cfg, as there is no test extra.3.5.0 (2009-01-31)Everything except moved to and zope.container.Import IPossibleSite from zope.location.interfaces instead of deprecated place in zope.container instead of (2007-10-24)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package provides the old form framework for Zope 3. It also implements a few high-level ZCML directives for declaring forms. More advanced alternatives are implemented inzope.formlibandz3c.form. The widgets that were defined in here were moved tozope.formlib. Version 4.0 and newer are maintained for backwards compatibility reasons only.Detailed documentation:CHANGES6.0 (2023-02-24)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.Adapt to changes inzope.configuration >= (2018-10-22)Add support for Python (2017-04-27)Add support for PyPy, Python 3.4, 3.5 and (2010-01-22)Seems like 4.0.1 was released already. Brown bag.4.0.1 (2010-01-08)Import ‘escape’ for backwards compatibility as packages turn out to be importing this too, even though it’s actually from the Python standard library.Widget documentation is now on PyPI too.4.0 (2010-01-08)The widget implementations have been moved to zope.formlib. This makes this package depend on zope.formlib. The dependency of zope.formlib on this package has been broken.3.12.1 (2009-12-22)Added missing zope.datetime dependency.3.12.0 (2009-12-22)Use zope.browserpage in favor of (2009-12-22)Prefer zope.testing.doctest over doctestunit and adjust test output to newer zope.schema release.3.11.0 (2009-12-18)Use zope.component.testing in favor of where possible.Define dummy standard_macros for test purposes. This reduces the test dependencies by and zope.browserresource.Removed the and testing dependencies.Refactored code to remove dependency.Made the tests independent of test dependencies by avoiding and (2009-12-17)Avoid, by defining our own FormMacros.3.9.0 (2009-10-08)Internationalized ‘Invalid value’ used with ConversionErrorAdded dependency on transaction and test dependency on dependencies on ZODB3 and zope.location to the test extra.Reduced the dependency on to a dependency on zope.browsermenu plus a test dependency on zope.browserpage.3.8.1 (2009-07-23)Fix unittest failure due to translation update.3.8.0 (2009-05-24)Use standard properties instead ofzope.cachedescriptors.Requirezope.browser1.1 instead IAdding.3.7.3 (2009-05-11)Fixed invalid markup.3.7.2 (2009-03-12)Fixed bug where OrderedMultiSelectWidget did not respect the widgets size attribute.Fixed bug in SequenceWidget where it crashed while trying to iterate a missing_value (None in most of cases) on _getRenderedValue.Adapt to removal of deprecated interfaces from zope.component.interfaces. The IView was moved to zope.publisher and we use our custom IWidgetFactory interface instead of removed zope.component.interfaces.IViewFactory.Fix tests to work on Python (2009-01-31)Adapt to the upcoming zope.schema release 3.5.1 which will also silence the spurioussetfailures.3.7.0 (2008-12-11)use zope.browser.interfaces.ITerms instead of on zope.schema>=3.5a1 which uses the builtinsetinstead of thesetsmodule.3.6.4 (2008-11-26)The URIDisplayWidget doesn’t render an anchor for empty/None values.3.6.3 (2008-10-15)Get rid of deprecated usage of LayerField from, replaced by zope.configuration.fields.GlobalInterface.3.6.2 (2008-09-08)Fixed restructured text in doc tests to unbreak the PyPI page.(3.6.1 skipped due to a typo)3.6.0 (2008-08-22)Dropdown widgets display an item for the missing value even if the field is required when no value is selected. See zope/app/form/browser/README.txt on how to switch this off for BBB.Source select widgets for required fields are now required as well. They used not to be required on the assumption that some value would be selected by the browser, which had always been wrong except for dropdown widgets.3.5.0 (2008-06-05)Translate the title on SequenceWidget’s “Add <title>” button.No longer uses zapi.3.4.2 (2008-02-07)Made display widgets for sources translate message IDs correctly.3.4.1 (2007-10-31)ResolveZopeSecurityPolicydeprecation warning.3.4.0 (2007-10-24) supports Python2.5Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.Before 3.4This package was part of the Zope 3 distribution and did not have its own CHANGES.txt. For earlier changes please refer to either our subversion log or the CHANGES.txt of earlier Zope 3 releases.
File Synchronization for Zope3The FSSync project ( provides support for filesystem synchronization of Zope3 content that resides in a ZODB. This package defines a Web-based API with basic support for some standard content types and the standard security policy.This project is build on top of the more general zope.fssync package which provides object serialization and deserialization tools. If you need a pure Python API which is independent of the ZODB and the Zope3 security machinery you should look at zope.fssync.FSSync includes a command line client that resembles svn or cvs. Type:bin/zsync helpfor available commands and further information. If you want to see the zsync client in action you can run the demo application:bin/demo startOpenhttp://localhost:8080/managein your browser and login withzsyncas your username and password. Add ademofolder with some files via the ZMI. After that run the command line client for an initial checkout:bin/zsync checkout http://zsync:zsync@localhost:8080/demo ./parts/checkoutEdit one of the files in the checkout directory and commit the changes:bin/zsync commit ./parts/checkoutThe modified file should now be available on the server.SSHZsync now supports communication over ssh in addition to http. ssh urls look like:zsync+ssh://user:passwd@host:port/pathThe zsync protocol is the same as over HTTP, it simply is sent via ssh.On the server side, the ssh server can check public keys to enforce security (though the demo server doesn’t bother), and is responsible for passing the zsync request to zope and returning the response over ssh.There is an example ssh server in src/zope/app/fssync/ To use it, first make sure that zope is running. Then start the server:sudo bin/demo-ssh-serverThis starts a demo ssh server on port 2200. The server must be run as root in order to read the ssh host keys.In another terminal use the zsync client to connect to it:bin/zsync co zsync+ssh://zsync:zsync@localhost:2200/demo parts/co2This checks out the demo folder into the parts/co2 folder.You should be able to work in the check out normally. Zsync will use ssh to communicate, but will otherwise act normally.Extending zsyncThe zsync script is generated by the following part of the buildout.cfg:[zsync] recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = entry-points = you want to use in your own application you propably have to define application specific serializers and deserializers. See zope/app/fssync/fssync.txtfor further documentation. You probably also need your own zsync script with additional dependencies. Simply add the necessary eggs to the corresponding buildout snippet of your project.Changes3.6The ssh transport now looks for known_hosts in an application specific file, as well as the normal known_hosts file and in the user’s Agent. This file is ~/.ssh/fssync_known_hosts if POSIX and ~/ssh/fssync_known_hosts if win32.BUGFIX: The ssh transport now will prompt the user if he wishes to use an unrecognized hostkey. If he says ‘yes’, it will be added to the fssync known_hosts file. if he says ‘no’, an exception is raised.BUGFIX: If the user’s public key is encrypted, fssync will prompt for a password.3.5Added -v –verbose switches to zsync status command. Verbose is off by default.Added support for avoiding conflicts after commiting metadata files.Added ‘resolved’ as an alias for the ‘resolve’ command.Added a ‘merge’ command. It allows merging changes from one checkout to another.Added ssh network transport. The client can now use zsync+ssh:// urls to communicate with the server.
This package provides an API for clients connecting via FTP.Detailed DcoumentationHow FTP Works in ZopeThe FTP server implementation is inzope.server.ftp.server. See the README.txt file there.The publisher-based ftp server is inzope.server.ftp.publisher.The FTP server gets wired up with a request factory that creates ftp requests with ftp publication objects.The ftp request object is defined inzope.publisher.ftp.The ftp publication object is defined publication object gets views to handle ftp requests. It looks up a separate view for each method defined inzope.publisher.interfaces.ftp.IFTPPublisher.We provide a single class here that implements all of these methods.The view, in turn, uses adapters for theIReadFile,IWriteFile,IReadDirectory,IWriteDirectory,IFileFactory, andIDirectoryFactory, defined inzope.filerepresentation.interfaces.CHANGES3.5.0 (2009-02-01)Use zope.container instead of (2007-10-24)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
Generations are a way of updating objects in the database when the application schema changes. An application schema is essentially the structure of data, the structure of classes in the case of ZODB or the table descriptions in the case of a relational database.This package only contains the ZMI user interface forzope.generationsContentsCHANGES5.0 (2023-02-07)4.0.0 (2017-05-09)3.7.1 (2012-01-23)3.7.0 (2010-09-18)3.6.0 (2010-09-17)3.5.1 (2010-01-08)3.5.0 (2009-04-05)3.4.2 (2009-01-27)3.4.1 (2007-10-31)3.4.0 (2007-10-24)CHANGES5.0 (2023-02-07)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, (2017-05-09)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.Fix theevolveview to use independent transactions instead of committing or aborting the thread-local current transaction.Drop dependency test dependency, others.3.7.1 (2012-01-23)Replaced an undeclared test dependency (2010-09-18)Depends now on the extractedzope.generations.3.6.0 (2010-09-17) did not declare it. Modernized dependecy tozope.applicationcontrolas the needed interface has been moved there.Using python’sdoctestmodule instead of deprecatedzope.testing.doctest[unit].Replaced a testing dependency one onzope.securitypolicy.3.5.1 (2010-01-08)Depend on newzope.processlifetimeinterfaces instead of using BBB imports ftesting.zcml due tozope.securitypolicyupdate.Fix tests using a newer zope.publisher that requires zope.login.3.5.0 (2009-04-05)MovedgetRootFolderutility method not necessary install dependency (2009-01-27)Provide more logging output for the various stages and actions of evolving a database.Fixed bug: A failing last generation would allow starting an app server without having evolved to the minimum generation.Substitute by direct calls to its wrapped apis. See bug 219302.Corrected author email and home page address.3.4.1 (2007-10-31)ResolveZopeSecurityPolicydeprecation warning.3.4.0 (2007-10-24)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
The principal home folder subscriber lets you assign home folders to principals as you would do in any OS. This particular implementation of such a feature is intended as a demo of the power of the way to handle principals and not as the holy grail. If you have concerns about the assumptions made in this implementation (which are probably legitimate), just ignore this package altogether.Detailed DcoumentationPrincipal Home FolderThe principal home folder subscriber lets you assign home folders to principals as you would do in any OS. This particular implementation of such a feature is intended as a demo of the power of the way to handle principals and not as the holy grail. If you have concerns about the assumptions made in this implementation (which are probably legitimate), just ignore this package altogether.Managing the Home FoldersLet’s say we have a principal and we want to have a home folder for it. The first task is to create the home folder manager, which keeps track of the principal’s home folders:>>> from import HomeFolderManager >>> manager = HomeFolderManager()Now the manager will not be able to do much, because it does not know where to look for the principal home folders. Therefore we have to specify a folder container:>>> from zope.container.btree import BTreeContainer >>> baseFolder = BTreeContainer() >>> manager.homeFolderBase = baseFolderNow we can assign a home folder to a principal:>>> manager.assignHomeFolder('stephan')Since we did not specify the name of the home folder, it is just the same as the principal id:>>> manager.assignments['stephan'] 'stephan'Since the home folder did not exist and thecreateHomeFolderoption was turned on, the directory was created for you:>>> 'stephan' in baseFolder TrueWhen creating the home folder, the principal also automatically receives thezope.Managerrole:>>> from zope.securitypolicy.interfaces import IPrincipalRoleManager >>> roles = IPrincipalRoleManager(baseFolder['stephan']) >>> [(role, str(setting)) ... for role, setting in roles.getRolesForPrincipal('stephan')] [(u'zope.Manager', 'PermissionSetting: Allow')]If a folder already exists for the provided name, then the creation is simply skipped silently:>>> from import Folder >>> baseFolder['sc3'] = Folder() >>> manager.assignHomeFolder('sc3') >>> manager.assignments['sc3'] 'sc3'This has the advantage that you can choose your ownIContainerimplementation instead of relying on the vanilla folder.Now let’s look at some derivations of the same task.Sometimes you want to specify an alternative folder name:>>> manager.assignHomeFolder('jim', folderName='J1m') >>> manager.assignments['jim'] 'J1m' >>> 'J1m' in baseFolder TrueEven though folders are created by default, you can specifically turn that behavior off for a particular assignment:>>> manager.assignHomeFolder('dreamcatcher', create=False) >>> manager.assignments['dreamcatcher'] 'dreamcatcher' >>> 'dreamcatcher' in baseFolder FalseYou wish not to create a folder by default:>>> manager.createHomeFolder = False >>> manager.assignHomeFolder('philiKON') >>> manager.assignments['philiKON'] 'philiKON' >>> 'philiKON' in baseFolder FalseYou do not want to create a folder by default, you want to create the folder for a specific user:>>> manager.assignHomeFolder('stevea', create=True) >>> manager.assignments['stevea'] 'stevea' >>> 'stevea' in baseFolder TrueLet’s now look at removing home folder assignments. By default, removing an assignment willnotdelete the actual folder:>>> manager.unassignHomeFolder('stevea') >>> 'stevea' not in manager.assignments True >>> 'stevea' in baseFolder TrueBut if you specify thedeleteargument, then the folder will be deleted:>>> 'J1m' in baseFolder True >>> manager.unassignHomeFolder('jim', delete=True) >>> 'jim' not in manager.assignments True >>> 'J1m' in baseFolder FalseNext, let’s have a look at retrieving the home folder for a principal. This can be done as follows:>>> homeFolder = manager.getHomeFolder('stephan') >>> homeFolder is baseFolder['stephan'] TrueIf you try to get a folder and it does not yet exist,Nonewill be returned if autoCreateAssignment is False. Remember ‘dreamcatcher’, which has an assignment, but not a folder:>>> 'dreamcatcher' in baseFolder False >>> homeFolder = manager.getHomeFolder('dreamcatcher') >>> homeFolder is None TrueHowever, if autoCreateAssignment is True and you try to get a home folder of a principal which has no assignment, the assignment and the folder will be automatically created. The folder will always be created, regardless of the value of createHomeFolder. The name of the folder will be identically to the principalId:>>> manager.autoCreateAssignment = True >>> homeFolder = manager.getHomeFolder('florian') >>> 'florian' in manager.assignments True >>> 'florian' in baseFolder TrueSometimes you want to create a homefolder which is not a You can change the object type that is being created by changing the containerObject property. It defaults to ‘’. Let’s create a homefile.>>> manager.containerObject = '' >>> manager.assignHomeFolder('fileuser', create=True) >>> homeFolder = manager.getHomeFolder('fileuser') >>> print homeFolder #doctest: +ELLIPSIS < object at ...>You see that now a File object has been created. We reset containerObject to zope,folder.Folder to not confuse the follow tests.>>> manager.containerObject = 'zope.folder.Folder'Accessing the Home FolderBut how does the home folder get assigned to a principal? There are two ways of accessing the homefolder. The first is via a simple adapter that provides ahomeFolderattribute. The second method provides the folder via a path adapter calledhomefolder.Let’s start by creating a principal:>>> from import IPrincipal >>> from zope.interface import implements >>> class Principal: ... implements(IPrincipal) ... def __init__(self, id): ... = id >>> principal = Principal('stephan')We also need to register our manager as a utility:>>> from import ztapi >>> from import IHomeFolderManager >>> ztapi.provideUtility(IHomeFolderManager, manager, 'manager')Now we can access the home folder via the adapter:>>> from import IHomeFolder >>> adapter = IHomeFolder(principal) >>> adapter.homeFolder is baseFolder['stephan'] TrueOr alternatively via the path adapter:>>> import zope.component >>> from zope.traversing.interfaces import IPathAdapter >>> zope.component.getAdapter(principal, IPathAdapter, ... "homefolder") is baseFolder['stephan'] TrueAs you can see, the path adapter just returns the homefolder. This way we can guarantee that the folder’s full API is always available. Of course the real way it will be used is via a TALES expression:Setup of the Engine>>> from import Engine >>> from zope.tales.tales import Context >>> context = Context(Engine, {'principal': principal})Executing the TALES expression>>> bytecode = Engine.compile('principal/homefolder:keys') >>> list(bytecode(context)) [] >>> baseFolder['stephan'][u'documents'] = Folder() >>> list(bytecode(context)) [u'documents']CHANGES3.5.0 (2009-02-01)Usezope.containerinstead dependency (2007-11-03)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package implements the simplest HTTP behavior within the Zope Publisher. It implements all HTTP verbs as views and defines the necessary HTTP exceptions.CHANGES5.0 (2023-02-07)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8 and (2017-05-16)The PUT views return an empty byte string instead of an empty native string. On Python 3, the unicode native string leads to a TypeError in zope.publisher.http.4.0.0 (2016-08-08)Added support for Python 3.3 up to 3.6.Added support for PyPy2.3.10.2 (2011-08-09)Fixing brown bag release 3.10.1, failing tests.3.10.1 (2011-08-04)Replaced an undeclared test dependency the testing dependency explicit dependencies of a minimal set of packages.3.10.0 (2011-01-25)PUT raises405 MethodNotAllowedwhen the context cannot be adapted tozope.filerepresentation.interfaces.IWriteFilefor existing objects resp.zope.filerepresentation.interfaces.IFileFactoryfor not existing ones.3.9.0 (2010-09-17)Replaced a testing dependency one onzope.securitypolicy.Removed test dependency moving the test which needs this package (2010-04-19)Remove dependency using instead.At the time of this writing the test dependency be removed however, because there is a dependency testing, which pulls in the world.3.7 (2010-04-13)Remove unnecessary dependency for an edge case: If someone does adefaultViewfor the context object and someone comes with a not allowed method, the exception view fails ongetAdapters.3.6.1 (2010-01-08)Replaced the dependency onzope.deprecationwith BBB importsMade the dependency tests using a newerzope.publisherthat requireszope.login.3.6.0 (2009-05-23)MovedIHTTPException,IMethodNotAllowed,, fixing dependency cycles (2009-04-01)Replaced deprecatedzope:defaultViewdirective withbrowser:defaultView.3.5.1 (2009-03-12)If the ‘CONTENT_LENGTH’ header is provided, provide this length as argument to thereadmethod of the input stream object.3.5.0 (2009-02-01)Change dependency (2010-01-28)Backport r108613 from trunk: Fix for an edge case: If someone does adefaultViewfor the context object and someone comes with a not allowed method, the exception view fails ongetAdapters.3.4.4 (2009-01-29)Make tests compatible with newzope.traversingrelease.3.4.3 (2009-01-27)Added missing (2009-01-26)Add a couple of tests to the OPTIONS direct calls to its wrapped APIs and get rid a dependency. See bug #LP219302.3.4.1 (2007-10-31)ResolvedZopeSecurityPolicydeprecation warning.3.4.0 (2007-10-24)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree. package provides placeful persistent translation domains and message catalogs along with ZMI views for managing them.CaveatsCurrently this integration does not support the feature of plural messages which is supported by the underlyingzope.i18nlibrary. In case you need this feature, please discuss this in the issue tracker in the repository.CHANGES4.1.0 (2020-10-07)Add compatibility withzope.i18n >= 4.7. We fulfill the interface for plural messages now, although we do not provide any implementation. This is documented and raises NotImplementedError.4.0.1 (2019-07-10)Add support for Python 3.7.Fix deprecation warning about importing IRegistered/IUnregistered from their old locations in zope.component.interfaces instead of their current locations in zope.interface.interfaces.4.0.0 (2017-05-25)Add support for Python 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.Replace dependency onZODB3withBTreesandpersistent.Drop test dependency synchronization view now uses Python’s built-in transport for handling Basic Authentication. As a reminder, Basic Authentication does not permit a colon (:) in the username, but does allow colons in the password (if the server properly conforms to the specification).3.6.4 (2012-12-14)Fix translate() when used with ZODB 4.Remove test dependency on (2010-09-01)Remove undeclared dependency on zope.deferredimport.Use zope.publisher >= 3.9 instead of (2009-10-07)Fix test_translate and follow recent change of HTTPResponse.redirect.3.6.1 (2009-08-15)Added a missing testing dependency on (2009-03-18)Some of ZCML configuration was moved into another packages:The global INegotiator utility registration was moved intozope.i18n.The include ofzope.i18n.localeswas also moved intozope.i18n.The registration of IModifiableUserPreferredLanguages adapter was moved IAttributeAnnotation implementation statement for HTTPRequest was moved intozope.publisherand will only apply ifzope.annotationis available.The IUserPreferredCharsets adapter registration was also moved intozope.publisher.Depend on zope.component >= 3.6 instead of as thequeryNextUtilityfunction was moved there.Remove the as the directive was moved tozope.i18nages ago.3.5.0 (2009-02-01)Use zope.container instead of (2009-01-27)Fix a simple inconsistent MRO problem in testsSubstitute by direct calls to its wrapped apis. See bug 219302.3.4.5 (unreleased)This was skipped over by accident.3.4.4 (2007-10-23)Fix deprecation warning.3.4.3 (2007-10-23)Fix imports in tests.Clean up long lines.3.4.2 (2007-9-26)Release to fix packaging issues with (2007-9-25)Added missing Changes.txt and README.txt files to egg3.4.0 (2007-9-25)Initial documented releaseMove ZopeMessageFactory to zope.i18nmessageid
This package provides an extension to the File and Image content components for Zope 3, allowing the content to be localized.Detailed DcoumentationI18nFile testsFirst, let’s create an I18nFile instance:>>> print http(r""" ... POST /@@contents.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """, form={"type_name": "", ... "new_value": "i18nfile"}) HTTP/1.1 303 See Other ...Then add some sample data for default (en) language:>>> print http(r""" ... POST /i18nfile/edit.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """, form={"contentType": "text/plain", ... "defaultLanguage": "en", ... "language": "en", ... "newLanguage": "", ... "data": "English", ... "edit": "Save"}) HTTP/1.1 303 See Other ...Ok, now we can view the data in the edit form:>>> print http(r""" ... GET /i18nfile/editForm.html?language=en HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """) HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... <textarea ...>English</textarea> ...and as file content:>>> print http(r""" ... GET /i18nfile/index.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """) HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... EnglishLet’s add new (russian) language:>>> print http(r""" ... POST /i18nfile/edit.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """, form={"contentType": "text/plain", ... "defaultLanguage": "en", ... "language": "en", ... "addLanguage": "Add new language", ... "newLanguage": "ru", ... "data": "English"}) HTTP/1.1 303 See Other ...and add some sample data for russian (ru) language:>>> print http(r""" ... POST /i18nfile/edit.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """, form={"contentType": "text/plain", ... "defaultLanguage": "en", ... "language": "ru", ... "newLanguage": "", ... "data": "Russian", ... "edit": "Save"}) HTTP/1.1 303 See Other ...Then we can view sample data for russain language in the edit form:>>> print http(r""" ... GET /i18nfile/editForm.html?language=ru HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """) HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... <textarea ...>Russian</textarea> ...and if our preferred language is russian as file content:>>> print http(r""" ... GET /i18nfile/index.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... Accept-Language: ru,en ... """) HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... RussianI18nImage testsFirst, let’s create an I18nImage instance:>>> print http(r""" ... POST /@@contents.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """, form={ ... "type_name": "", ... "new_value": "i18nimage"}) HTTP/1.1 303 See Other ...Then add some sample image data for default (en) language:>>> print http(r""" ... POST /i18nimage/uploadAction.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """, form={"contentType": "image/gif", ... "defaultLanguage": "en", ... "language": "en", ... "newLanguage": "", ... "data": 'GIF89aENEN', ... "edit": "Save"}) HTTP/1.1 303 See Other ...Ok, now we can view the image size in the edit form:>>> print http(r""" ... GET /i18nimage/upload.html?language=en HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """) HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... ...>1 KB 20037x20037</... ...and the image data as file content:>>> print http(r""" ... GET /i18nimage/ HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 10 Content-Type: image/gif <BLANKLINE> GIF89aENENLet’s add new (russian) language:>>> print http(r""" ... POST /i18nimage/uploadAction.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """, form={"contentType": "image/gif", ... "defaultLanguage": "en", ... "language": "en", ... "addLanguage": "Add new language", ... "newLanguage": "ru", ... "data": ""}) HTTP/1.1 303 See Other ...and add some sample image data for russian (ru) language:>>> print http(r""" ... POST /i18nimage/uploadAction.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """, form={"contentType": "image/gif", ... "defaultLanguage": "en", ... "language": "ru", ... "newLanguage": "", ... "data": "GIF89aRURU", ... "edit": "Save"}) HTTP/1.1 303 See Other ...Then we can view the size of sample image for russain language in the edit form:>>> print http(r""" ... GET /i18nimage/upload.html?language=ru HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """) HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... ...>1 KB 21842x21842</... ...and if our preferred language is russian we can view the image as file content:>>> print http(r""" ... GET /i18nimage/ HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... Accept-Language: ru,en ... """) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 10 Content-Type: image/gif <BLANKLINE> GIF89aRURUCHANGES3.4.1 (2007-10-31)ResolveZopeSecurityPolicydeprecation warning.3.4.0 (2007-10-24)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package provides several extensions to Zope interfaces, such as a persistent implementation, interface type queries, and a vocabulary of all registered interfaces of the system (or of a particular type).CHANGES3.6.0 (2010-09-20)Added test extra to declare test dependency inverse dependency, leaving BBB import here.3.5.2 (2010-07-08)3.5.1 was a bad release3.5.1 (2010-07-07)Fixed tests and test tearDown to actually close the DB.3.5.0 (2009-05-21)Factor out ObjectInterfacesVocabulary intozope.componentvocabulary.Remove various test dependencies.3.4.0 (2007-10-24)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
Integration of the safe Python interpreter in Zope 3.CHANGES3.4.0 (2007-10-24)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package provides browser views for adding and managing integer id utility, provided by thezope.intidpackage.CHANGES3.7.1 (2010-01-10)Fix ftesting.zcml due to the zope.securitypolicy update.Removed unneeded dependency on, added the missing one on test dependency on zope.login.3.7.0 (2009-02-01)Move core functionality to newzope.intidpackage, leaving only ZMI-related browser views here.Note, that if you used theexcludedirective fromzc.configurationpackage to exclude thesubscribers.zcmlfile, you need to change the directive to exclude it fromzope.intidnow.3.6.0 (2009-01-31)Changed dependency test (2008-12-11)Make it possible to subscribe object-specific handlers for IntIdAddedEvent/IntIdRemovedEvent. Use them like the utility->id mapping of added ids to the IntIdAddedEvent.Removed testing dependencies from install_requires.3.5.0 (2008-06-19)Separate subscriber configuration into a separate ZCML file.3.4.1 (2007-10-31)ResolveZopeSecurityPolicydeprecation warning.3.4.0 (2007-10-24)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package used to provide object references with support for support stable comparison and hashes. But all functionality was moved to thezope.keyreferencepackage. This package now only provides backward-compatibility imports for objects defined inzope.keyreference.CHANGES3.6.1 (2010-03-07)Adapted tests for Python 2.4Added license file3.6.0 (2009-01-39)Move all functionality to newzope.keyreferencepackage. This package only provides backward-compatibility imports now.3.5.0b2 (unknown)Performance related change to the conflict resolution code support for newZODB.ConflictResolution.PersistentReferencebehavior to persistent key references so that they can now, in many cases, allow conflict resolution when they are used as keys or set members in ZODBBTreesdata structures.Move zope.testing to the “test” extra require, because it’s only needed for testing.3.4.0 (2007-10-24)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
A meta-package in which generated layer interfaces are placed.CHANGES3.4.0 (2007-10-24)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
zope.applicationcontrolThe application control instance can be generated upon startup of an application built with the Zope Toolkit.This package provides an API to retrieve runtime information. It also provides a utility with methods for shutting down and restarting the server.Changes5.0 (2023-07-06)Add support for Python 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2022-06-24)Drop support for Python 3.4.Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, (2018-10-19)Drop support test.Drop support for Python 3.3.Add support for Python (2017-05-03)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6.Drop support for Python 3.2 and (2015-06-05)Add support for Python 3.2 and PyPy3.4.0.0 (2014-12-24)Add support for PyPy. (PyPy3 is pending release of a fix for: support for Python 3.4.Add support for testing on Travis.4.0.0a1 (2013-02-22)Add support for Python 3.3.Replace deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Drop support for Python 2.4 and (2010-01-09)Initial release, extracted package provides some facilities for extracting and managing i18n messages that occur in Zope software. More specifically, i18n messages can occur in Python code, in Page Templates and in ZCML a utility that can extract messages from all three and write them to a standard gettext template (potfile).UsageVersion 4.2 does not contain any*.mofiles. They are the compiled translation files (*.po). (Future versions will contain them again.)To generate or update*.mofiles on the fly set the following environment variable:zope_i18n_compile_mo_files=TrueTo restrict the allowed languages setzope_i18n_allowed_languagesto a list of languages. Example:zope_i18n_allowed_languages=de,en,es,frDetailed DocumentationInternationalization (I18n) and Localization (L10n)This document assumes that you have a Zope 3 checkout and the gettext utilities installed.Creating/Updating Message Catalog Template (POT) FilesWhenever you’ve made a change to Zope that affects the i18n messages, you need to re-extract i18n messages from the code. To do that, executei18nextract.pyfrom theutilitiesdirectory of your Zope 3 checkout:$ python utilities/ -d zope -p src/zope -o app/localesThis will update thezope.potfile. Make sure that the checkout’ssrcdirectory is part of yourPYTHONPATHenvironment variable.After that, you need to merge those changes to all existing translations. You can do that by executing thei18nmergeall.pyscript from theutilitiesdirectory of your Zope 3 checkout:$ python utilities/ -l src/zope/app/localesTranslatingTo translate messages you need to do the following steps:If a translation for your language is already present and you just want to update, skip ahead to step 2. If you want to start translation on a new language, you need tocreate a directorysrc/zope/app/locales/<lang_code>/LC_MESSAGESwith the appropriate code for your language as <lang_code>. Note that the two letters specifying the language should always be lower case (e.g. ‘pt’); if you additionally specify a region, those letters should be upper case (e.g. ‘pt_BR’).copy thezope.pottemplate file to<lang_code>/LC_MESSAGES/zope.po.edit the PO header of the newly createdzope.pofile and fill in all the necessary information.Translate messages within the PO file. Make sure the gettext syntax stays intact. Tools like poEdit and KBabel can help you.Finally, when you’re done translating, compile the PO file to its binary equivalent using themsgfmttool:$ cd <lang_code>/LC_MESSAGES $ msgfmt -o zope.poCHANGES5.0 (2023-08-28)Add support for Python 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2022-09-12)Remove*.mofiles from the repository and document in the README how to generate them on the fly. (#7)Automatically create*.mofiles during the release process so this release will again contain*.mofiles.4.2 (2022-06-10)Add support for Python 3.9, 3.10.Make path in ZCML extraction relative.This release does not contain any*.mofiles.4.1 (2019-06-24)Flake8 the code.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8b1 and PyPy3.Port usage of custom POT file header template here fromz3c.recipe.i18n. (#11)Prevent POT files from collecting duplicate location specifiers over time. (#12)4.0.1 (2018-06-29)Recompile the*.motranslation files.4.0.0 (2017-05-02)Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6 and PyPy.3.7.5 (2016-03-28)Add a test for the zcml_extraction.Remove and dependencies.Add list of supported Python versions to Trove classifiers.3.7.4 (2012-05-14)In version 3.7.2 msgids and default values were forced to beunicode. This was too strict because at least the TAL extractor returns UTF-8 encoded default values. Fixed this by allowing the default value to be a string again.3.7.3 (2012-01-06)i18nextract bugfix: _(“msgid”, mapping={…}) does not have a default, just like _(“msgid”). Previously it would get a#. Default: ""annotation in the .pot file.3.7.2 (2011-12-12)Handle Unicode msgids and default values.Consistent sorting of source filenames for each msgid. Also sort line numbers numerically, not lexicographically.3.7.1 (2011-12-07)Fix nl translations.Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation [erico_andrei]3.7.0 (2011-03-02)Include zcml dependencies inconfigure.zcml, require the necessary packages via azcmlextra, added tests for zcml.Using Python’sdoctestmodule instead of depreactedzope.testing.doctest.3.6.2 (2010-07-31)Updated copyright toZope Foundation, even in pot template.Updated e-mail address in pot template to current address of zope mailing list.Added missing test dependency onzope.i18n.3.6.1 (2010-05-17)Updated Dutch and German translations.3.6.0 (2009-12-28)Addedconfigure.zcmlwhich registers the translations in the package. So the package contains its configuration. (Till now it was done (2009-12-22)Updated tests to handle Unicode correctly.Update Japanese Translation (thanks Takeshi Yamamoto).3.5.1 (2009-01-27)Added missing dependency (zope.tal) for tests.3.5.0 (2009-01-26)Moved the dependencies of the extract console script into anextractextras_require to avoid runtime dependencies.Fixed bug #227582 (bad size in zh_CN locale)3.4.5 (2008-07-16)added filePattern parameter for tal_strings to be able to not only parse.ptfiles.Updated Dutch translation3.4.4 (2008-03-05)Updated Spanish translation3.4.3 (2008-02-20)Updated Spanish translationUpdated Japanese translation3.4.2 (2008-02-06)Fixed and updated Russian translation. Fixed issue #186628 (Typos and errors in russian translation)3.4.1 (2007-12-12)Fixed and updated the french translation3.4.0 (2007-10-25)Folded the i18nextract script exposed it as a console script entry point.3.4.0a1 (2007-04-22)Initial release as a separate project, corresponds Zope 3.4.0a1
This package implements local persistent permissions for that can be added and registered per site.This is a part of “Through The Web” development pattern that is not used much by zope community and not really supported in zope framework anymore nowadays, so it can be considered as deprecated.CHANGES5.0 (2023-02-08)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, (2018-10-19)Add support for Python (2017-04-23)Add support for PyPy.Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6.Remove dependency on ZODB3. Instead, depend on the separatepersistentpackage.3.7.2 (2010-03-21)Added missing i18n domain tobrowser.zcml.3.7.1 (2010-02-22)The namespace wasn’t declared correctly.3.7.0 (2009-03-14)Initial release. This package was extracted from to separate the functionality without additional dependencies.
This package provides a framework for object locking. The implementation is intended to provide a simple general-purpose locking architecture upon which other locking applications can be built (WebDAV locking, for example).Detailed DcoumentationObject LockingThis package provides a framework for object locking. The implementation is intended to provide a simple general-purpose locking architecture upon which other locking applications can be built (WebDAV locking, for example).The locking system is purelyadvisory- it provides a way to associate a lock with an object, but it does not enforce locking in any way. It is up to application-level code to ensure that locked objects are restricted in a way appropriate to the application.The Zope 3 locking model defines interfaces and a default implementation that:allows for a single lock on an object, owned by a specific principaldoes not necessarily impose inherent semantic meaning (exclusive vs. non-exclusive, write vs. read) on locks, though it will provide fields that higher-level application components can use to implement and enforce such semanticscan potentially be used to build more ambitious locking mechanisms (such as WebDAV locking equivalent to Zope 2)supports common use cases that have been uncovered in several years of development of real-world applications (such as reporting all of the objects locked by a given user)The Zope3 locking architecture defines anILockableinterface and provides a default adapter implementation that requires only that an object be adaptable toIKeyReference. All persistent objects can be adapted to this interface by default in Zope 3, so in practice all persistent objects are lockable.The defaultILockableadapter implementation provides support for:locking and unlocking an objectbreaking an existing lock on an objectobtaining the lock information for an objectLocking operations (lock, unlock, break lock) fire events that may be handled by applications or other components to interact with the locking system in a loosely-coupled way.Lock information is accessible through an object that supports theILockInfointerface. TheILockInfointerface impliesIAnnotatable, so that other locking implementations (superseding or complementing the default implementation) can store more information if needed to support extended locking semantics.The locking architecture also supports an efficient method of lock tracking that allows you to determine what locks are held on objects. The default implementation provides anILockTrackerutility that can be used by applications to quickly find all objects locked by a particular principal.Locking essentialsNormally, locking is provided by the default locking implementation. In this example, we’ll create a simple content class. The content class is persistent, which allows us to use the default locking adapters and utilities.>>> import persistent>>> class Content(persistent.Persistent): ... """A sample content object""" ... ... def __init__(self, value): ... self.value = value ... ... def __call__(self): ... return self ... ... def __hash__(self): ... return self.value ... ... def __cmp__(self, other): ... return cmp(self.value, other.value)Now we will create a few sample objects to work with:>>> item1 = Content("item1") >>> item1.__name__ = "item1">>> item2 = Content("item2") >>> item2.__name__ = "item2">>> item3 = Content("item3") >>> item3.__name__ = "item3"It is possible to test whether an object supports locking by attempting to adapt it to the ILockable interface:>>> from import ILockable >>> from import ILockInfo>>> ILockable(item1, None) <Locking adapter for...>>> ILockable(42, None)There must be an active interaction to use locking, to allow the framework to determine the principal performing locking operations. This example sets up some sample principals and a helper to switch principals for further examples:>>> class FauxPrincipal: ... def __init__(self, id): ... = id>>> britney = FauxPrincipal('britney') >>> tim = FauxPrincipal('tim')>>> class FauxParticipation: ... interaction = None ... def __init__(self, principal): ... self.principal = principal>>> import >>> def set_principal(principal): ... if ... ... participation = FauxParticipation(principal) ...>>> set_principal(britney)Now, let’s look at basic locking. To perform locking operations, we first have to adapt an object toILockable:>>> obj = ILockable(item1) >>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject >>> verifyObject(ILockable, obj) TrueWe can ask if the object is locked:>>> obj.locked() FalseIf it were locked, we could get the id of the principal that owns the lock. Since it is not locked, this will returnNone:>>> let’s lock the object. Note that the lock method return an instance of an object that implementsILockInfoon success:>>> info = obj.lock() >>> verifyObject(ILockInfo, info) True>>> obj.locked() True>>> 'britney'Methods are provided to check whether the current principal already has the lock on an object and whether the lock is already owned by a different principal:>>> obj.ownLock() True>>> obj.isLockedOut() FalseIf we switch principals, we see that the answers reflect the current principal:>>> set_principal(tim) >>> obj.ownLock() False>>> obj.isLockedOut() TrueA principal can only release his or her own locks:>>> obj.unlock() Traceback (most recent call last): ... LockingError: Principal is not lock ownerIf we switch back to the original principal, we see that the original principal can unlock the object:>>> set_principal(britney) >>> obj.unlock()There is a mechanism for breaking locks that does not take the current principal into account. This will break any existing lock on an object:>>> obj.lock() <...LockInfo...>>>> set_principal(tim) >>> obj.locked() True>>> obj.breaklock() >>> obj.locked() FalseLocks can be created with an optional timeout. If a timeout is provided, it should be an integer number of seconds from the time the lock is created.>>> # fake time function to avoid a time.sleep in tests! >>> import time >>> def faketime(): ... return time.time() + 3600.0>>> obj.lock(timeout=10) <...LockInfo...>>>> obj.locked() True>>> import >>> = faketime >>> obj.locked() False(Note that we undo our time hack in the tearDown of this module.)Finally, it is possible to explicitly get anILockInfoobject that contains the lock information for the object. Note that locks that do not have a timeout set have a timeout value ofNone.>>> obj = ILockable(item2) >>> obj.lock() <...LockInfo...>>>> info = obj.getLockInfo() >>> info.principal_id 'tim' >>> info.timeoutIt is possible to get the object associated with a lock directly from anILockInfoinstance:>>> target = >>> target.__name__ == 'item2' TrueTheILockInfointerface extends the IMapping interface, so application code can store extra information on locks if necessary. It is recommended that keys for extra data use qualified names following the convention that is commonly used for annotations:>>> info['my.namespace.extra'] = 'spam' >>> info['my.namespace.extra'] 'spam' >>> obj.unlock() >>> obj.locked() FalseLock trackingIt is often desirable to be able to report on the currently held locks in a system (particularly on a per-user basis), without requiring an expensive brute-force search. AnILockTrackerutility allows an application to get the current locks for a principal, or all current locks:>>> set_principal(tim) >>> obj = ILockable(item2) >>> obj.lock() <...LockInfo...>>>> set_principal(britney) >>> obj = ILockable(item3) >>> obj.lock() <...LockInfo...>>>> from import ILockTracker >>> from zope.component import getUtility >>> util = getUtility(ILockTracker) >>> verifyObject(ILockTracker, util) True>>> items = util.getLocksForPrincipal('britney') >>> len(items) == 1 True>>> items = util.getAllLocks() >>> len(items) >= 2 TrueThese methods allow an application to create forms and other code that performs unlocking or breaking of locks on sets of objects:>>> items = util.getAllLocks() >>> for item in items: ... obj = ILockable( ... obj.breaklock()>>> items = util.getAllLocks() >>> len(items) 0The lock storage utility provides further capabilities, and is a part of the standard lock adapter implementation, but the ILockable interface does not depend on ILockStorage. Other implementations of ILockable may not use ILockStorage. However, if used by the adapter, it provides useful capabilties.>>> from import ILockStorage >>> util = getUtility(ILockStorage) >>> verifyObject(ILockStorage, util) TrueLocking eventsLocking operations (lock, unlock, break lock) fire events that can be used by applications. Note that expiration of a lockdoes notfire an event (because the current implementation uses a lazy expiration approach).>>> import zope.event>>> def log_event(event): ... print event>>> zope.event.subscribers.append(log_event)>>> obj = ILockable(item2) >>> obj.lock() LockedEvent ...>>> obj.unlock() UnlockedEvent ...>>> obj.lock() LockedEvent ...>>> obj.breaklock() BreakLockEvent ...TALES conditions based on lockingTALES expressions can use a named path adapter to get information about the lock status for an object, including whether or not the object can be locked. The default registration for this adapter uses the name “locking”, so a condition might be expressed like “context/locking:ownLock”, for example.For objects that aren’t lockable, the adapter provides information that makes sense:>>> from zope.component import getAdapter >>> from zope.traversing.interfaces import IPathAdapter >>> ns = getAdapter(42, IPathAdapter, "locking") >>> ns.lockable False >>> ns.locked False >>> ns.lockedOut False >>> ns.ownLock FalseUsing an object that’s lockable, but unlocked, also gives the expected results:>>> ns = getAdapter(item1, IPathAdapter, "locking") >>> ns.lockable True >>> ns.locked False >>> ns.lockedOut False >>> ns.ownLock FalseIf we lock the object, the adapter indicates that the object is locked and that we own it:>>> ob = ILockable(item1) >>> ob.lock() LockedEvent for ... >>> ns.lockable True >>> ns.locked True >>> ns.lockedOut False >>> ns.ownLock TrueCHANGES3.5.0 (2009-02-01)Usezope.siteinstead test.Remove usage of (2007-10-25)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
Persistent Python modules allow us to develop and store Python modules in the ZODB in contrast to storing them on the filesystem. You might want to look at thezodbcodepackage for the details of the implementation. In Zope 3 we implemented persistent modules as utilities. These utilities are known as module managers that manage the source code, compiled module and name of the module. We then provide a special module registry that looks up the utilities to find modules.Detailed DocumentationPersistent Python ModulesPersistent Python modules allow us to develop and store Python modules in the ZODB in contrast to storing them on the filesystem. You might want to look at thezodbcodepackage for the details of the implementation. In Zope 3 we implemented persistent modules as utilities. These utilities are known as module managers that manage the source code, compiled module and name of the module. We then provide a special module registry that looks up the utilities to find modules.The Module ManagerOne can simply create a new module manager by instantiating it:>>> from import ModuleManager >>> manager = ModuleManager()If I create the manager without an argument, there is no source code:>>> manager.source ''When we add some code>>> manager.source = """\n ... foo = 1 ... def bar(): return foo ... class Blah(object): ... def __init__(self, id): = id ... def __repr__(self): return 'Blah(id=%s)' % ... """we can get the compiled module and use the created objects:>>> module = manager.getModule() >>> 1 >>> 1 >>> module.Blah('blah') Blah(id=blah)We can also ask for the name of the module:>>> >>> module.__name__But why is itNone? Because we have no registered it yet. Once we register and activate the registration a name will be set:>>> from import setup >>> root = setup.buildSampleFolderTree() >>> root_sm = setup.createSiteManager(root)>>> from import interfaces >>> manager = setup.addUtility(root_sm, 'mymodule', ... interfaces.IModuleManager, manager)>>> 'mymodule'>>> manager.getModule().__name__ 'mymodule'Next, let’s ensure that the module’s persistence works correctly. To do that let’s create a database and add the root folder to it:>>> from ZODB.tests.util import DB >>> db = DB() >>> conn = >>> conn.root()['Application'] = root>>> import transaction >>> transaction.commit()Let’s now reopen the database to test that the module can be seen from a different connection.>>> conn2 = >>> root2 = conn2.root()['Application'] >>> module2 = root2.getSiteManager().queryUtility( ... interfaces.IModuleManager, 'mymodule').getModule() >>> 1 >>> 1 >>> module2.Blah('blah') Blah(id=blah)Module Lookup APIThe way the persistent module framework hooks into Python is via module registires that behave pretty much likesys.modules. Zope 3 provides its own module registry that uses the registered utilities to look up modules:>>> from import ZopeModuleRegistry >>> ZopeModuleRegistry.findModule('mymodule')But why did we not get the module back? Because we have not set the site yet:>>> from import hooks >>> hooks.setSite(root)Now it will find the module and we can retrieve a list of all persistent module names:>>> ZopeModuleRegistry.findModule('mymodule') is module True >>> ZopeModuleRegistry.modules() [u'mymodule']Additionally, the package provides two API functions that look up a module in the registry and then insys.modules:>>> import >>>'mymodule') is module True >>>'') is TrueThe second function can be used to lookup objects inside any module:>>>'') 1 >>>'')In order to use this framework in real Python code import statements, we need to install the importer hook, which is commonly done with an event subscriber:>>> import __builtin__ >>> event = object() >>> >>> __builtin__.__import__ # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <bound method ZopePersistentModuleImporter.__import__ of ...>Now we can simply import the persistent module:>>> import mymodule >>> mymodule.Blah('my id') Blah(id=my id)Finally, we unregister the hook again:>>> >>> __builtin__.__import__ <built-in function __import__>Persistent’s ModuleManagers behave a little differently when interfaces are involved:>>> from import ModuleManager >>> manager = ModuleManager() >>> source = """\n ... from zope.interface import Interface ... class IFoo(Interface): pass ... class IBar(IFoo): pass ... """ >>> manager.source = sourceA ModuleManager doesn’t get a name until it’s registered and the zodbcode wrappers break without a name, so we can’t retrieve our module until our manager is registered:>>> from import setup >>> from import interfaces >>> root = setup.buildSampleFolderTree() >>> root_sm = setup.createSiteManager(root) >>> manager = setup.addUtility(root_sm, u'foo', ... interfaces.IModuleManager, manager)Now we can compile a module with interfaces and access everything appropriately:>>> module = manager.getModule() >>> module <PersistentModule foo> >>> module.IFoo <PersistentInterfaceClass foo.IFoo> >>> module.IBar <PersistentInterfaceClass foo.IBar>CHANGES3.5.0 (2009-02-01)Use zope.container instead of (2007-10-25)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package provides a framework for creating help pages for Zope 3 applications. ZCML directives are used to minimize the overhead of creating new help pages.Documentation is hosted athttps://zopeapponlinehelp.readthedocs.ioCHANGES5.0 (2023-07-06)Add support for Python 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2022-04-05)Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10.Drop support for Python (2017-07-12)The help namespace no longer modifies the global help object on traversal. Instead it returns a new proxy object. This makes it thread-safe. Seeissue 4.getTopicFornow really returns the first found topic in the event that the object implements multiple interfaces that have registered topics for the given view. Previously it would return the topic for the least-specific interface.4.0.1 (2017-05-21)Drop test dependency It wasn’t used, and it isn’t yet fully ported to Python (2017-05-17)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.Change ZODB dependency to persistent.Drop test dependency,, among others.3.5.2 (2010-01-08)Fix tests using a newer zope.publisher that requires zope.login.3.5.1 (2009-03-21)Usezope.siteinstead (2009-02-01)RemovedOnlineHelpTopicFactory,simpleandSimpleViewClass. All of them where using old deprecated and removed Zope3 imports. None of them where used and tested.Usezope.containerinstead use (2007-10-25)Package meta-data update.3.4.0 (2007-10-23)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.OlderMake the onlinehelp utility more component oriented.Use registred page/view instead of ViewPageTemplate for rendering topic tree This way we can use/register own templates for tree layout.Add page template based topic for rendering topics which has to call other zope3 resources like javascripts and css styles sheets etc. This resources can be rendered in the header area of the onlinehelp_macros.Enhance the API of topics and simplyfie the view part.Implemented getSubTopics() method on topics. This way we can sublist topics.Remove unused onlinehelp code in rotterdam template.ptAdd type to directive, this supports registration of README.txt as ‘rest’ topics integrates the Page Template templating system (zope.pagetemplate) into the Zope 3 application server. In particular, it provides:a TALES engine implementation that uses Zope’s security system for checking access,TALES namespace adapters for easy access to DublinCore metadata (e.g.obj/zope:title) and URL quoting (e.g.obj/@@absolute_url/url:quote).ContentsChanges5.0 (2023-02-07)4.0.0 (2017-04-22)3.11.2 (2010-09-25)3.11.1 (2010-09-01)3.11.0 (2010-04-26)3.10.1 (2010-01-04)3.10.0 (2009-12-22)3.9.0 (2009-12-22)3.8.0 (2009-12-16)3.7.1 (2009-05-27)3.7.0 (2009-05-25)3.6.0 (2009-05-18)3.5.0 (2009-02-01)3.4.1 (2008-07-30)3.4.0 (2007-09-28)Changes5.0 (2023-02-07)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, (2017-04-22)Add support for Python 3 and PyPy.Do not explicitly [untrustedpython]. Olderzope.pagetemplateversions require it, newer ones do not.3.11.2 (2010-09-25)Declared test dependency onzope.component [test]as it is needed to run the tests.3.11.1 (2010-09-01)Added metaconfigure.registerType BBB import because some packages use it.Using doctest from standard library instead ofzope.testing.doctest.3.11.0 (2010-04-26)Moved tales:expressiontype directive down into zope.browserpage.3.10.1 (2010-01-04)Fixed thezope.browserpageimports in thenamedtemplatemodule.3.10.0 (2009-12-22)Moved named template implementation to zope.browserpage.3.9.0 (2009-12-22)Moved viewpagetemplatefile, simpleviewclass and metaconfigure.registerType into the zope.browserpage package, reversing the dependency.3.8.0 (2009-12-16)Refactored nested macro test from a functional test into a unit test. This allowed to remove the last outside dependencies.Fixed undeclared testing dependency on trivial NoTraverser class from to avoid a ZCML dependency on that package.Correct testing dependency to point to zope.securitypolicy instead of its variant. The app version is no longer required since 3.4.1.Removed theinline-evaluationextra referring to There’s no code or ZCML left pointing to that package.3.7.1 (2009-05-27), using BBB imports fromzope.pagetemplate.engine.3.7.0 (2009-05-25)Moved theenginemodule and associated testing machinery tozope.pagetemplate(version 3.5.0).3.6.0 (2009-05-18)Movednamedtemplate.*fromzope.formlibhere as it is more about a page template engine than a formular library. This also breaks some dependencies onzope.formlib.Added doctests to long_description to show up on pypi.3.5.0 (2009-02-01)Usezope.containerinstead (2008-07-30)Substitute by direct calls to its wrapped apis. See deprecation warning in ftesting.zcml: ZopeSecurityPolicy now lives in zope.securitypolicy.3.4.0 (2007-09-28)Initial release as standalone package.Dependency on moved to an extra [inline-evaluation]. It is only needed by, which is an oddity.
This package provides the original implementation of the pluggable authentication utility. It has been superceded DcoumentationNew Authentication Service DesignThe current implementation will be replaced. The following is a design I came up with together with Jim Fulton. – itamarNote that this design is implemented (in some form) by the pluggable auth service. This document needs to be updated to reflect the final implementation.Design notes for new AuthenticationServiceThe service contains a list of user sources. They implement interfaces, starting with:class IUserPassUserSource: """Authenticate using username and password.""" def authenticate(username, password): "Returns boolean saying if such username/password pair exists" class IDigestSupportingUserSource(IUserPassUserSource): """Allow fetching password, which is required by digest auth methods""" def getPassword(username): "Return password for username"etc. Probably there will be others as well, for dealing with certificate authentication and what not. Probably we need to expand above interfaces to deal with principal titles and descriptions, and so on.A login method (cookie auth, HTTP basic auth, digest auth, FTP auth), is registered as a view on one of the above interfaces.class ILoginMethodView: def authenticate(): """Return principal for request, or None.""" def unauthorized(): """Tell request that a login is required."""The authentication service is then implemented something like this:class AuthenticationService: def authenticate(self, request): for us in self.userSources: loginView = getView(self, us, "login", request) principal = loginView.authenticate() if principal is not None: return principal def unauthorized(self, request): loginView = getView(self, self.userSources[0], request) loginView.unauthorized()CHANGES3.4.0 (2007-10-25)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package provides a UI to maintain hierarchical user preferences in the upEditing PreferencesPreference Group TreesCHANGES4.1.0 (2022-08-05)4.0.0 (2017-05-17)3.8.1 (2010-06-15)3.8.0 (2010-06-12)3.7.0 (2010-06-11)3.6.0 (2009-02-01)3.5.0 (2009-01-17)3.4.1 (2007-10-30)3.4.0 (2007-10-25) package provides a user interface in the ZMI, so the user can edit the preferences.Set upTo show the user interface functions we need some setup beforehand:>>> from zope.testbrowser.wsgi import Browser >>> browser = Browser() >>> browser.handleErrors = FalseAs the preferences cannot be defined through the web we have to define them in python code:>>> import zope.interface >>> import zope.schema >>> class IZMIUserSettings(zope.interface.Interface): ... """Basic User Preferences""" ... ... email = zope.schema.TextLine( ... title=u"E-mail Address", ... description=u"E-mail Address used to send notifications") ... ... skin = zope.schema.Choice( ... title=u"Skin", ... description=u"The skin that should be used for the ZMI.", ... values=['Rotterdam', 'ZopeTop', 'Basic'], ... default='Rotterdam') ... ... showZopeLogo = zope.schema.Bool( ... title=u"Show Zope Logo", ... description=u"Specifies whether Zope logo should be displayed " ... u"at the top of the screen.", ... default=True) >>> class INotCategorySettings(zope.interface.Interface): ... """An example that's not a categary""" ... comment = zope.schema.TextLine( ... title=u'A comment', ... description=u'A description')The preference schema is usually registered using a ZCML statement:>>> from zope.configuration import xmlconfig >>> import zope.preference >>> context = xmlconfig.file('meta.zcml', zope.preference)>>> context = xmlconfig.string(''' ... <configure ... xmlns="" ... i18n_domain="test"> ... ... <preferenceGroup ... id="ZMISettings" ... title="ZMI Settings" ... schema="" ... category="true" ... /> ... ... <preferenceGroup ... id="NotCategory" ... title="Not Category" ... schema="" ... category="false" ... /> ... ... </configure>''', context)Editing PreferencesThe preferences are accessable in the++preferences++namespace:>>>'http://localhost/++preferences++')The page shows a form which allows editing the preference values:>>> browser.getControl("comment").value = "A comment" >>> browser.getControl('E-mail').value = '[email protected]' >>> browser.getControl('Skin').displayOptions ['Rotterdam', 'ZopeTop', 'Basic'] >>> browser.getControl('Skin').displayValue = ['ZopeTop'] >>> browser.getControl('Show Zope Logo').selected True >>> browser.getControl('Show Zope Logo').click()After selectingChangethe values get persisted:>>> browser.getControl('Change').click() >>> browser.url 'http://localhost/++preferences++/@@index.html' >>> browser.getControl('E-mail').value '[email protected]' >>> browser.getControl('Skin').displayValue ['ZopeTop'] >>> browser.getControl('Show Zope Logo').selected FalseThe preference group is shown in a tree. It has a link to the form:>>> browser.getLink('ZMISettings').click() >>> browser.url 'http://localhost/++preferences++/ZMISettings/@@index.html' >>> browser.getControl('E-mail').value '[email protected]'Preference Group TreesThe preferences would not be very powerful, if you could create a full preferences. So let’s create a sub-group for our ZMI user settings, where we can adjust the look and feel of the folder contents view:>>> class IFolderSettings(zope.interface.Interface): ... """Basic Folder Settings""" ... ... shownFields = zope.schema.Set( ... title=u"Shown Fields", ... description=u"Fields shown in the table.", ... value_type=zope.schema.Choice(['name', 'size', 'creator']), ... default=set(['name', 'size'])) ... ... sortedBy = zope.schema.Choice( ... title=u"Sorted By", ... description=u"Data field to sort by.", ... values=['name', 'size', 'creator'], ... default='name')And register it:>>> context = xmlconfig.string(''' ... <configure ... xmlns="" ... i18n_domain="test"> ... ... <preferenceGroup ... id="ZMISettings.Folder" ... title="Folder Content View Settings" ... schema="" ... /> ... ... </configure>''', context)The sub-group is displayed inside the parent group as a form:>>> browser.reload() >>> browser.getControl('Shown Fields').displayOptions ['name', 'size', 'creator'] >>> browser.getControl('Shown Fields').displayValue ['name', 'size'] >>> browser.getControl('Shown Fields').displayValue = ['size', 'creator'] >>> browser.getControl('Sorted By').displayOptions ['name', 'size', 'creator'] >>> browser.getControl('Sorted By').displayValue = ['creator']SelecingChangepersists these values, too:>>> browser.getControl('Change').click() >>> browser.getControl('Shown Fields').displayValue ['size', 'creator'] >>> browser.getControl('Sorted By').displayValue ['creator'] >>>"http://localhost/++preferences++/ZMISettings.Folder/@@index.html")CHANGES4.1.0 (2022-08-05)Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.Drop support for Python (2017-05-17)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.Removed test dependency, among still required at runtime.Broke test dependency (2010-06-15)Fixed BBB imports which pointed to a not existingzope.preferencespackage.3.8.0 (2010-06-12)Depend on split outzope.preference.3.7.0 (2010-06-11)Added HTML labels to ZMI forms.Removededit.ptas it seems to be unused.Added tests for the ZMI views.3.6.0 (2009-02-01)Usezope.containerinstead (2009-01-17)Got rid, replacing its uses with direct imports from original places.Change mailing address from zope3-dev to zope-dev, as the first one is retired now.Fix tests for python 2.6.Remove zpkg stuff and zcml include files for old mkzopeinstance-based instances.3.4.1 (2007-10-30)Avoid deprecation warnings forZopeMessageFactory.3.4.0 (2007-10-25)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package provides a simple page template that is shared among several other packages. It is used in the Zope 3 ZMI.CHANGES3.4.0 (2007-10-26)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package used to provide implementation of IAnnotations for principal objects, but it’s now moved to thezope.principalannotationpackage. This package only contains a bootstrap subscriber that sets up the principal annotation utility for the root site and the browser add menu item for adding the annotation utility through ZMI.CHANGES5.0 (2023-02-07)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, (2017-05-01)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 and PyPy.3.7.0 (2009-12-26)Depend on newzope.processlifetimeinterfaces instead of using BBB imports unneeded dependency on, added the missing one on transaction.3.6.1 (2009-03-31)Got rid>= 3.10. Ironically older versions now produce aDeprecationWarning.3.6.0 (2009-03-09)Most of functionality is now moved to thezope.principalannotationpackage. This package now only provides the bootstrap subscriber for thezope3 application serveras well as browser menu item for adding PrincipalAnnotationUtility using ZMI.3.5.1 (2009-03-06)Make boostrap subscriber called on IDatabaseOpenedWithRootEvent instead of IDatabaseOpenedEvent, because this can cause bug if subscriber will be called before root object is created.Use instead of (2009-02-01)Move boostrap subscriber to bootstrap.zcml file and browser menu item definition to browser.zcml file to ease overriding and excluding configuration.Use zope.container instead of (2007-10-26)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
Publication and traversal components.CHANGES5.0 (2023-02-08)Add support for Python 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2020-11-05)Add support for Python 3.8 and 3.9.Update the tests >= (2020-05-14)Drop support forpython test.4.3.2 (2019-12-04)Fix deprecation warning in tests.4.3.1 (2019-07-01)Updated expected doc output to match latest library versions (yes, again).Fixed supported Python versions in .travis.yml.Avoid passing unicode text to logging.Logger.warning() on Python 2 (issue 8).4.3.0 (2018-10-09)Drop Python 3.4 support and added 3.7.Updated expected doc output to match latest library versions.Removed all deprecation warnings.4.2.1 (2017-04-17)IncludeMANIFEST.insince it is needed for pip install.4.2.0 (2016-11-23)Update the code to be compatible withtransaction >= 2.0.Update tests to be compatible withZODB >= 5.1, thus requiring at least this version for the tests.Drop Python 3.3 support.4.1.0 (2016-08-08)Test against released final versions, thus>= 4.0 (test dependency).4.0.0 (2016-08-08)Claim compatibility to Python 3.4 and 3.5 and drop support for Python 2.6.Improve the publication factory lookup by falling back to a more generic registration if the specific factory chooses not to handle the request after all.Relax ZODB dependency to allow 3.10dev builds from SVN.Introduce ZopePublication.callErrorView as a possible hook point.3.14.0 (2012-03-09)Replace ZODB.POSException.ConflictError with transaction.interfaces.TransientError. The latter should be a more generic signal to retry a transaction/request. This requires ZODB3 >= 3.10.0 and transaction >= 1.1.0.Get rid of ZODB dependency.3.13.2 (2011-08-04)Add missing test dependency on zope.testing.Remove test dependency on (2011-03-14)Test fix: HTTP request should not have leading whitespace.3.13.0 (2011-01-25)Reenabled a test which makes sure405 MethodNotAllowedis returned when PUT is not supported. This requires at least version 3.10 of (2010-09-14)Use the standard libraries doctest module.Include thenotfound.txttest again but reduce its scope to functionality relevant to this distribution.Notify with IStartRequestEvent at the start of the request publication cycle.3.11.1 (2010-04-19)Fix up tests to work with newer release (3.9.0).3.11.0 (2010-04-13)Don’t depend on and anymore in the tests.3.10.2 (2010-01-08)Lift the test dependency on (2010-01-08)make zope.testing an optional (test) dependencyFix tests using a newer zope.publisher that requires zope.login.3.10.0 (2009-12-15)Moved EndRequestEvent and IEndRequestEvent to zope.publisher.Moved BeforeTraverseEvent and IBeforeTraverseEvent to zope.traversing.Removed dependency on zope.i18n.Import hooks functionality from zope.component after it was moved there from ISite from zope.component after it was moved there from zope.location.3.9.0 (2009-09-29)An abort within handleExceptions could have failed without logging what caused the error. It now logs the original problem.Moved registration of and tests for two publication-specific event handlers here from in order to invert the package dependency.Declared the missing dependency on zope.location.3.8.1 (2009-06-21)Bug fix: The publication traverseName method used ProxyFactory rather than the publication proxy method.3.8.0 (2009-06-20)Added a proxy method that can be overridden in subclasses to control how/if security proxies are created.Replaced zope.deprecation dependency with backward-compatible imports3.7.0 (2009-05-23)Moved the publicationtraverse module to zope.traversing, removing the -> dependency (which was a cycle).Moved IHTTPException to zope.publisher, removing the dependency on the DefaultViewName API from to zope.publisher.defaultview, making it accessible to other packages that need it.Look up the application controller through a utility registration rather than a direct reference.3.6.0 (2009-05-18)Usezope:adapterZCML directive instead ofzope:view. This avoid dependency imports avoid dependency tests so they can run successfully with ZODB 3.8 and (2009-03-13)Adapt to the removal of IXMLPresentation from which was removed to adapt to removal of deprecated interfaces from zope.component.3.5.2 (2009-03-10)Use ISkinnable.providedBy(request) instead of IBrowserRequest as condition for calling setDefaultSkin. This at the same time removes dependency to the browser part of zope.publisher.Remove deprecated code.Use built-in set class instead of the deprecated sets.Set and thus don’t cause deprecation warning in Python (2009-01-31)Import ISite from zope.location.interfaces instead of deprecated place in (2008-10-09) the request with the connection to the main ZODB whengetApplicationis called.Removed support for non-existent Zope versions.3.4.3 (2007-11-01)Removed unused imports.ResolveZopeSecurityPolicydeprecation warning.3.4.2 (2007-09-26)Added missing files to egg distribution.3.4.1 (2007-09-26)Added missing files to egg distribution.3.4.0 (2007-09-25)Initial documented release.Reflect changes
OverviewThis package is at present not reusable without depending on a large chunk of the Zope Toolkit and its assumptions. It is maintained by theZope Toolkit project.This package used to provide browser page, resource and menu classes for use with zope.publisher object publishing framework, as well as some other useful utilities and adapters, but most of things was factored out to separate packages, leaving here only backward-compatibility imports.However, some potentially useful things are still contained in this package:“date” field converter for zope.publisher’s BrowserRequest field converter mechanism.“Browser Skins” vocabulary (a vocabulary for IBrowserSkinType utilities)ManagementViewSelector (a browser view that redirects to a first available management view)XML-RPC view and method publishing mechanism along with xmlrpc:view ZCML directive.CHANGES5.0 (2023-02-10)Add support for Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Make.xmlrpc.testing.ServerProxyset an appropriateHostheader in its request, allowing WSGI applications that serve multiple virtual hosts to tell the difference between them.4.3.1 (2020-06-08)Fix handling of HTTP body in.xmlrpc.testingto enable characters beyond ASCII. (#11)4.3.0 (2020-05-12)Support optionsuse_datetime(Python >= 2.7) anduse_builtin_types(Python >= 3.5) in.xmlrpc.testing.ServerProxy.4.2.0 (2019-12-05)Move XMLRPC testing infrastructure from.xmlrpc.teststo.xmlrpc.testingand make it reusable by requiring the WSGI app to be provided. Use thetestingextra fromsetup.pyto use this testing infrastructure. (#8)Add support for Python 3.8.Drop support for Python (2018-10-22)Add support for Python (2017-05-05)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.Replaced an undeclared test dependency on with zope.password.Removed test dependency, others.3.10.2 (2010-09-14)Remove a testing dependency on (2010-01-08)Fix tests using a newer zope.publisher that requires zope.login.3.10.0 (2009-08-31)Fix test dependency on zope.container, now we depend on zope.container >= (2009-08-27)Refactor package, spliting it to several new packages:zope.browserresource- the resources mechanism was moved here, see its CHANGES.txt for more information about changes during move.zope.ptresource- the page template resource was moved into another package so zope.browserresource doesn’t depend on any templating system. See zope.ptresource’s CHANGES.txt for more information.zope.browsermenu- the menu mechanism was moved here completely.zope.browserpage- the browser:page directive and friends were moved here. Also, these directives don’t depend hardly on menu system anymore, so they simply ignore the “menu” argument when zope.browsermenu is not available.Backward-compatibility imports are provided, so there should not be much impact for those who uses old imports.The CacheableBrowserLanguages and ModifiableBrowserLanguages adapters were moved intozope.publisherpackage, as well as browser:defaultSkin and browser:defaultView ZCML directives and ZCML class configuration for zope.publisher classes.ZCML registrations of IXMLRPCPublisher adapters for zope.container were moved into zope.container for now.3.8.4 (2009-07-23)Added dependency, it is used (2009-06-18)Bugfix: FixIAbsoluteURLforIResourceconfiguration. The latest release was moving the url generation for resources to an adapter which was a good idea. But the adapter was configured forIDefaultBrowserLayer. This means every existing project which dosen’t useIDefaultBrowserLayerwill get a wrongIAbsoluteURLadapter and is loosing the@@part in the resource url.3.8.2 (2009-06-16)Remove test dependency a resource to get its URL now usesIAbsoluteURL.3.8.1 (2009-05-25)Updated to usezope.pagetemplate.enginemodule (requires versino 3.5.0 or later), instead with BBB imports3.8.0 (2009-05-23)There is no direct dependency on anymore (even in the tests).Moved the publicationtraverse module to zope.traversing, removing the -> dependency (which was a cycle).Moved the DefaultViewName API from to zope.publisher.defaultview, making it accessible to other packages that need it.3.7.0 (2009-05-22)Use zope.componentvocabulary instead of (except for tests and IBasicViewInformation).Use zope.browser for IAdding interface (instead of references point to the new locations inzope.component.testfiles.views.3.6.2 (2009-03-18)RegisterIModifiableUserPreferredLanguagesadapter in the ZCML configuration This was previously done (2009-03-12)Remove deprecated code.Adapt to removal of deprecated interfaces from zope.component.interfaces. The IResource is now moved to The IView and IDefaultViewName is now in zope.publisher.interfaces. The IPresentation interface was removed completely.3.6.0 (2009-01-31)Use zope.container instead of instead of (2009-01-27)Finally removed <browser:skin> and <browser:layer> that were marked as deprecated in 2006/ (2008-12-06)Added possibility to specify custom item class in menuItem, subMenuItem and addMenuItem directives using theitem_classargument (LP #291865).Menu items registered with <browser:page/> were not re-registered after the first functional test layer ran. In any subsequent functional test layer the items where not availabe (introduced in 3.5.0a3).Added a hook to specify a different BaseURL for resources. This makes sense if you want to put resources on a Content Delivery Network. All you need to do is to register an named Adapter ‘resource’ that implements IAbsoluteURL.3.5.1 (2008-10-13)Removed usage of deprecated LayerField from (2008-08-05)Refactored code to provide more hooks when deriving code from this pacakge.A resource’s URL creation is now in its own method.The resource class of factories can be overwritten.The cache timeout value can now be set as a class or instance attribute.3.5.0a4 (2007-12-28)Backed out the changes for the controversial XML-RPC skin support.3.5.0a3 (2007-11-27)make it possible to override menus: this was not possible because new interfaces where created any time a menu with the same name was created.ResolveZopeSecurityPolicydeprecation warning.3.5.0a2 (2007-08-23)<browser:defaultView> now accepts classes as well as interfaces.3.5.0a1 (2007-08-21)Added alayerattribute toxmlrpc:view. This works just like layers forbrowser:viewetc. but uses theIXMLRPCSkinType.
Python Page provides the user with a content object that interprets Python in content space.Detailed DcoumentationPython PagePython Page provides the user with a content object that interprets Python in content space. To save typing and useless messing with output, any free-standing string and print statement are considered for output; see the example below.ExampleCreate a new content type called “Python Page” and enter the following code example:''' <html> <body> <ul> ''' import time print time.asctime() ''' </ul> </body> </html> '''CHANGES3.5.1 (2009-08-15)Fixed a spurious test failure when run with with Python (2009-02-01) (2007-07-30)Get rid of as a dependency. See deprecation warning in zope/app/pythonpage/ was moved to zope.i18nmessageid.3.4.0 (2007-10-24)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package provides a framework to convert a string from one format, such as Structured or Restructured Text, to another, such as HTML. Converters are looked up by adapter and uses other packages to implement the converters.CHANGES5.0 (2023-02-08)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, (2017-05-25)Raise the docutils ReST error report level from its default oferrortosevere. An error-level report is issued for directives that are unknown, such as:class:, which are increasingly common due to the use of Sphinx. This change prevents such an error being printed on stderr as well as rendered in the HTML.4.0.0 (2017-05-17)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.Remove dependency the standard librarydoctestmodule.3.5.1 (2009-07-21)Require the newromanpackage, since docutils does not install it correctly.3.5.0 (2009-01-17)Adapted to docutils 0.5 for ReST rendering: get rid of the ZopeTranslator class, because docutils changed the way it uses translator so previous implementation doesn’t work anymore. Instead, use publish_parts and join needed parts in therendermethod of the renderer itself.Removed deprecated meta.zcml stuff and zpkg stuff.Replaced __used_for__ with zope.component.adapts calls.3.4.0 (2007-10-27)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package provides an advanced skin for the Zope 3 ZMI.CHANGES5.0 (2023-02-07)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.Drop support is deprecated since 2006.4.0.1 (2017-05-25)Remove long-deprecated <browser:layer> configuration which was hidden behind ahave deprecatedlayerscondition. That directive simply doesn’t exist any longer and defining that feature would cause an “Unknown directive” ConfigurationError.4.0.0 (2017-04-27)Remove test dependency, several has been replaced withzope.formlib.Add support for PyPy, Python 3.4, 3.5 and (2012-01-23)Replaced an undeclared test dependency an undeclared test dependency (2010-09-14)Removed not needed test dependency test dependency Python’sdoctestinstead of deprecatedzope.testing.doctest.3.5.1 (2010-01-08)Fix tests using a newer zope.publisher that requires zope.login.3.5.0 (2009-02-01)Use zope.container instead of (2007-10-31)ResolveZopeSecurityPolicydeprecation warning.3.4.0 (2007-10-27)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package provides a component architecture based vocabulary registry.Component-based Vocabulary RegistryThis package provides a vocabulary registry for zope.schema, based on the component architecture.NOTE:This functionality has been replaced withzope.vocabularyregistry. These imports continue to work for backwards compatibility.It replaces the zope.schema’s simple vocabulary registry is imported, so it’s done automatically. All we need is provide vocabulary factory utilities:>>> import >>> from zope.component import provideUtility >>> from zope.schema.interfaces import IVocabularyFactory >>> from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleTerm >>> from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleVocabulary>>> def SomeVocabulary(context=None): ... terms = [SimpleTerm(1), SimpleTerm(2)] ... return SimpleVocabulary(terms)>>> provideUtility(SomeVocabulary, IVocabularyFactory, ... name='SomeVocabulary')Now we can get the vocabulary using standard zope.schema way:>>> from zope.schema.vocabulary import getVocabularyRegistry >>> vr = getVocabularyRegistry() >>> voc = vr.get(None, 'SomeVocabulary') >>> [term.value for term in voc] [1, 2]ConfigurationThis package provides configuration that sets security permissions and factories for the objects provided inzope.schema. Thezope.securitypackage must be installed to use it.>>> from zope.configuration import xmlconfig >>> _ = xmlconfig.string(r""" ... <configure xmlns="" i18n_domain="zope"> ... <include package="" /> ... </configure> ... """)CHANGES5.0 (2023-02-07)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, (2017-05-10)Replaced the local implementation ofZopeVocabularyRegistrywith one imported fromzope.vocabularyregistry. Backwards compatibility imports remain.4.0.1 (2017-05-10)Packaging: Add the Python version and implementation classifiers.4.0.0 (2017-04-17)Support for Python 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy has been added.Added support for tox.Drop dependency, since it was not needed.3.6.0 (2017-04-17)Package modernization including manifest.3.5.0 (2008-12-16)Remove deprecatedvocabularydirective.Add test for component-based vocabulary registry.3.4.0 (2007-10-27)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package provides ZMI browser views for Zope security components.It used to provide a large part of security functionality for Zope 3, but it was factored out from this package to several little packages to reduce dependencies and improve reusability.The functionality was splitted into these new packages:zope.authentication - the IAuthentication interface and related utilities.zope.principalregistry - the global principal registry and its zcml - the LocalPermission class that implements persistent permissions.The rest of functionality that were provided by this package is merged intozope.securityandzope.publisher.Backward-compatibility imports are provided to ensure that older applications work. See CHANGES.txt for more info.Detailed DocumentationThe Query View for Authentication UtilitiesA regular authentication service will not provide theISourceQueriablesinterface, but it is a queriable itself, since it provides the simplegetPrincipals(name)method:>>> class Principal: ... def __init__(self, id): ... = id>>> class MyAuthUtility: ... data = {'jim': Principal(42), 'don': Principal(0), ... 'stephan': Principal(1)} ... ... def getPrincipals(self, name): ... return [principal ... for id, principal in ... if name in id]Now that we have our queriable, we create the view for it:>>> from import AuthUtilitySearchView >>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest >>> request = TestRequest() >>> view = AuthUtilitySearchView(MyAuthUtility(), request)This allows us to render a search form.>>> print(view.render('test')) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE <h4>principals.zcml</h4> <div class="row"> <div class="label"> Search String </div> <div class="field"> <input type="text" name="test.searchstring" /> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="field"> <input type="submit" name="" value="Search" /> </div> </div>If we ask for results:>>> view.results('test')We don’t get any, since we did not provide any. But if we give input:>>> request.form['test.searchstring'] = 'n'we still don’t get any:>>> view.results('test')because we did not press the button. So let’s press the button:>>> request.form[''] = 'Search'so that we now get results (!):>>> ids = list(view.results('test')) >>> ids.sort() >>> ids [0, 1]Login/Logout SnippetThe class LoginLogout:>>> from import LoginLogoutis used as a view to generate an HTML snippet suitable for logging in or logging out based on whether or not the current principal is authenticated.When the current principal is unauthenticated, it provides IUnauthenticatedPrincipal:>>> from zope.authentication.interfaces import IUnauthenticatedPrincipal >>> from zope.principalregistry.principalregistry import UnauthenticatedPrincipal >>> anonymous = UnauthenticatedPrincipal('anon', '', '') >>> IUnauthenticatedPrincipal.providedBy(anonymous) TrueWhen LoginLogout is used for a request that has an unauthenticated principal, it provides the user with a link to ‘Login’:>>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest >>> request = TestRequest() >>> request.setPrincipal(anonymous) >>> print(LoginLogout(None, request)()) <a href="@@login.html?nextURL=http%3A//">[Login]</a>Attempting to login at this point will fail because nothing has authorized the principal yet:>>> from import HTTPAuthenticationLogin >>> login = HTTPAuthenticationLogin() >>> login.request = request >>> login.context = None >>> login.failed = lambda: 'Login Failed' >>> login.login() 'Login Failed'There is a failsafe that will attempt to ask for HTTP Basic authentication:>>> from import HTTPBasicAuthenticationLogin >>> basic_login = HTTPBasicAuthenticationLogin() >>> basic_login.request = request >>> basic_login.failed = lambda: 'Basic Login Failed' >>> basic_login.login() 'Basic Login Failed' >>> request._response.getHeader('WWW-Authenticate', literal=True) 'basic realm="Zope"' >>> request._response.getStatus() 401Of course, an unauthorized principal is confirmed to be logged out:>>> from import HTTPAuthenticationLogout >>> logout = HTTPAuthenticationLogout(None, request) >>> logout.logout(nextURL="bye.html") 'bye.html' >>> logout.confirmation = lambda: 'Good Bye' >>> logout.logout() 'Good Bye'Logout, however, behaves differently. Not all authentication protocols (i.e. credentials extractors/challengers) support ‘logout’. Furthermore, we don’t know how an admin may have configured Zope’s authentication. Our solution is to rely on the admin to tell us explicitly that the site supports logout.By default, the LoginLogout snippet will not provide a logout link for an unauthenticated principal. To illustrate, we’ll first setup a request with an unauthenticated principal:>>> from import IPrincipal >>> from zope.interface import implementer >>> @implementer(IPrincipal) ... class Bob: ... id = 'bob' ... title = description = '' >>> bob = Bob() >>> IUnauthenticatedPrincipal.providedBy(bob) False >>> request.setPrincipal(bob)In this case, the default behavior is to return None for the snippet:>>> print(LoginLogout(None, request)()) NoneAnd at this time, login will correctly direct us to the next URL, or to the confirmation page:>>> login = HTTPAuthenticationLogin() >>> login.request = request >>> login.context = None >>> login.login(nextURL='good.html') >>> login.confirmation = lambda: "You Passed" >>> login.login() 'You Passed'Likewise for HTTP Basic authentication:>>> login = HTTPBasicAuthenticationLogin() >>> login.request = request >>> login.context = None >>> login.confirmation = lambda: "You Passed" >>> login.login() 'You Passed'To show a logout prompt, an admin must register a marker adapter that provides the interface:>>> from zope.authentication.interfaces import ILogoutSupportedThis flags to LoginLogout that the site supports logout. There is a ‘no-op’ adapter that can be registered for this:>>> from zope.authentication.logout import LogoutSupported >>> from zope.component import provideAdapter >>> provideAdapter(LogoutSupported, (None,), ILogoutSupported)Now when we use LoginLogout with an unauthenticated principal, we get a logout prompt:>>> print(LoginLogout(None, request)()) <a href="@@logout.html?nextURL=http%3A//">[Logout]</a>And we can log this principal out, passing a URL to redirect to:>>> logout = HTTPAuthenticationLogout(None, request) >>> logout.redirect = lambda: 'You have been redirected.' >>> logout.logout(nextURL="loggedout.html") 'You have been redirected.'CHANGES6.0 (2023-02-17)Add support for Python 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2020-10-28)Add support for Python 3.8 and 3.9.Drop support for Python 3.5.Drop security declarations for the deprecatedbinhexstandard library module from globalmodules.zcml.Note that globalmodules.zcml should be avoided. It’s better to make declarations for only what you actually need to use.5.0.0 (2019-07-12)Add support for Python 3.7.Drop support for Python 3.4.Drop security declarations for the deprecatedformatterstandard library module from globalmodules.zcml.Note that globalmodules.zcml should be avoided. It’s better to make declarations for only what you actually need to use.4.0.0 (2017-04-27)Removed use of ‘zope.testing.doctestunit’ in favor of stdlib’s doctest.Removed use favor support for PyPy, Python 3.4, 3.5 and (2010-01-08)Move ‘zope.ManageApplication’ permission to tests using a newer zope.publisher that requires zope.login.3.7.3 (2009-11-29)provide a clean zope setup and move to a test dependencyremoved unused dependencies like ZODB3 etc. from install_requires3.7.2 (2009-09-10)Added data attribute to ‘_protections.zcml’ for PersistentList and PersistentDict to accomodate UserList and UserDict behavior when they are proxied.3.7.1 (2009-08-15)Changed globalmodules.zcml to avoid making declarations for deprecated standard modules, to avoid deprecation warnings.Note that globalmodules.zcml should be avoided. It’s better to make declarations for only what you actually need to use.3.7.0 (2009-03-14)All interfaces, as well as some authentication-related helper classes and functions (checkPrincipal, PrincipalSource, PrincipalTerms, etc.) were moved into the newzope.authenticationpackage. Backward-compatibility imports are provided.The “global principal registry” along with its zcml directives was moved into new “zope.principalregistry” package. Backward-compatibility imports are provided.The IPrincipal -> zope.publisher.interfaces.logginginfo.ILoggingInfo adapter was moved tozope.publisher. Backward-compatibility import is provided.The PermissionsVocabulary and PermissionIdsVocabulary has been moved to thezope.securitypackage. Backward-compatibility imports are provided.The registration of the “zope.Public” permission as well as some other common permissions, like “zope.View” have been moved Its configure.zcml is now included by this package.The “protect” function is now a no-op and is not needed anymore, because now knows about i18n messages and __name__ and __parent__ attributes and won’t protect them by default.The addCheckerPublic was moved from to Backward-compatibility import is provided.TheLocalPermissionclass is now moved to This package now only has backward-compatibility imports and zcml includes.Cleanup dependencies after refactorings. Also, don’t depend on for tests anymore.Update package’s description to point about refactorings done.3.6.2 (2009-03-10)TheAllow,DenyandUnsetpermission settings was preferred to be imported fromzope.securitypolicy.interfacesfor a long time and now they are completely moved there well as thePermissionSettingclass. The only thing left for backward compatibility is the import of Allow/Unset/Deny constants ifzope.securitypolicyis installed to allow unpickling of security settings.3.6.1 (2009-03-09)Depend on newzope.passwordpackage instead get password managers for the authentication utility, thus remove dependency template for AuthUtilitySearchView instead of ugly HTML constructing in the python code.Bug: Theshaandmd5modules has been deprecated in Python 2.6. Whenever the ZCML of this package was included when using Python 2.6, a deprecation warning had been raised stating thatmd5andshahave been deprecated. Provided a simple condition to check whether Python 2.6 or later is installed by checking for the presense ofjsonmodule thas was added only in Python 2.6 and thus optionally load the security declaration formd5andsha.Remove deprecated code, thus removing explicit dependency on zope.deprecation and zope.deferredimport.Cleanup code a bit, replace old __used_for__ statements byadaptscalls.3.6.0 (2009-01-31)Changed mailing list address to zope-dev at, because zope3-dev is retired now. Changed “cheeseshop” to “pypi” in the package homepage.Moved theprotectclassmodule tozope.securityleaving only a compatibility module here that imports from the new location.Moved the <module> directive implementation;.3.5.3 (2008-12-11)use zope.browser.interfaces.ITerms instead (2008-07-31)Bug: It turned out that checking for regex was not much better of an idea, since it causes deprecation warnings in Python 2.4. Thus let’s look for a library that was added in Python (2008-06-24)Bug: Thegopherlibmodule has been deprecated in Python 2.5. Whenever the ZCML of this package was included when using Python 2.5, a deprecation warning had been raised stating thatgopherlibhas been deprecated. Provided a simple condition to check whether Python 2.5 or later is installed by checking for the deletedregexmodule and thus optionally load the security declaration forgopherlib.3.5.0 (2008-02-05) its id is used for the search key.3.4.0 (2007-10-27)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package provides management views forzope.securitypolicy. It’s intended to be used within the “ZMI-based” browser interface.It used to contain a security policy implementation ages ago, but the implementation was moved to the UI-independentzope.securitypolicypackage.CHANGES3.6.1 (2010-09-25)Added missing minimum version declaration, namely (2010-09-25)LP: #161906: Remove superfluous “helpful” message. Improve wording of of the relation between roles and permissions in the manage_permissionform.Moved the following views inverse dependency between these two packages, deprecated in ZTK 1.0 (leaving BBB imports in place):@@grant.html@@AllRolePermissions.html@@RolePermissions.html@@RolesWithPermission.html3.5.2 (2010-01-08)Remove deprecated compatibility imports. Now, this package only contains ZMI views for zope.securitypolicy.Update package’s description and mailing list address.Fix tests using a newer zope.publisher that requires zope.login.3.5.1 (2009-01-27)Added missing dependency for tests: (2008-12-11)use zope.browser.interfaces.ITerms instead of This version requires 3.7.0 or higher if you use the browser part of this package. (grant form)Substitute by direct calls to its wrapped apis. See bug 2193023.4.6 (2007-11-09) needs at least zope.i18nmessageid 3.4.2, it wasn’t stating that in its dependencies.3.4.5 (2007-10-31)ResolveZopeSecurityPolicydeprecation warning.Re-activated the functional tests.3.4.4 (2007-10-23)Avoid deprecation warnings.3.4.3 (2007-10-01)Correct deferred import for BBB.3.4.2 (2007-09-27)Add back securitypolicy.zcml ( (2007-09-26)Zip releases don’t seem to work, so let’s create a new one.3.4.0 (2007-09-25)Initial documented release
This package integrates ZServer – Zope’s HTTP and FTP server – into a Zope 3 application setup. It also defines the script skeleton for a classic Zope 3 application.CHANGES5.0 (2023-02-28)Add support for Python 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2020-11-11)Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9.Drop support for Python 3.4 and (2017-11-15)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6.Add support for PyPy.3.6.0 (2011-03-23) (2009-12-19)Usezope.passwordinstead on newzope.processlifetimeimplementations instead of using BBB imports (2008-08-18)Moved a doctest into a unittest to fix failures in the KGS test suite (see LP #257954)3.4.1 (2008-02-25)Fixed restart so that the process exits with a non-zero exit status so it gets restarted by zdaemon, or an equivalent mechanism.Removed the use ofThreadedAsync.3.4.0 (2007-10-27)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package provides session support.Zope3 Session ImplementationNoteAll interfaces and implementations provided by this package have been migrated tozope.session. This package now merely provides ZMI menu configuration.OverviewCaution!Session data is maintained on the server. This gives a security advantage in that we can assume that a client has not tampered with the data. However, this can have major implications for scalability as modifying session data too frequently can put a significant load on servers and in extreme situations render your site unusable. Developers should keep this in mind when writing code or risk problems when their application is run in a production environment.Applications requiring write-intensive session implementations (such as page counters) should consider using cookies or specialized session implementations.Sessions allow us to fake state over a stateless protocol - HTTP. We do this by having a unique identifier stored across multiple HTTP requests, be it a cookie or some id mangled into the URL.TheIClientIdManagerUtility provides this unique id. It is responsible for propagating this id so that future requests from the client get the same id (eg. by setting an HTTP cookie). (Note that this, and all interfaces, are imported from this package for demonstration purposes only. They have been moved tozope.session.interfaces) This utility is used when we adapt the request to the unique client id:>>> from import IClientId >>> IClientId <InterfaceClass zope.session.interfaces.IClientId> >>> client_id = IClientId(request)TheISessionadapter gives us a mapping that can be used to store and retrieve session data. A unique key (the package id) is used to avoid namespace clashes:>>> from import ISession >>> pkg_id = '' >>> session = ISession(request)[pkg_id] >>> session['color'] = 'red'>>> session2 = ISession(request)[''] >>> session2['color'] = 'blue'>>> session['color'] 'red' >>> session2['color'] 'blue'Data StorageThe actual data is stored in anISessionDataContainerutility.ISessionchooses whichISessionDataContainershould be used by looking up as a named utility using the package id. This allows the site administrator to configure where the session data is actually stored by adding a registration for desiredISessionDataContainerwith the correct name.>>> from import ISessionDataContainer >>> from zope.component import getUtility >>> sdc = getUtility(ISessionDataContainer, pkg_id) >>> sdc[client_id][pkg_id] is session True >>> sdc[client_id][pkg_id]['color'] 'red'If noISessionDataContainerutility can be located by name using the package id, then the unnamedISessionDataContainerutility is used as a fallback. An unnamedISessionDataContaineris automatically created for you, which may replaced with a different implementation if desired.>>> ISession(request)['unknown'] \ ... is getUtility(ISessionDataContainer)[client_id]['unknown'] TrueTheISessionDataContainercontainsISessionDataobjects, andISessionDataobjects in turn containISessionPkgDataobjects. You should never need to know this unless you are writing administrative views for the session machinery.>>> from import ISessionData, ISessionPkgData >>> ISessionData.providedBy(sdc[client_id]) True >>> ISessionPkgData.providedBy(sdc[client_id][pkg_id]) TrueTheISessionDataContaineris responsible for expiring session data. The expiry time can be configured by settings itstimeoutattribute.>>> sdc.timeout = 1200 # 1200 seconds or 20 minutesRestrictionsData stored in the session must be persistent or picklable.>>> class NoPickle(object): ... def __getstate__(self): ... raise TypeError("Cannot serialize") >>> session['oops'] = NoPickle() >>> import transaction >>> transaction.commit() Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Cannot serializePage TemplatesSession data may be accessed in page template documents using TALES:<span tal:content="request/ | default"> green </span>or:<div tal:define="session request/"> <script type="text/server-python"> try: session['count'] += 1 except KeyError: session['count'] = 1 </script> <span tal:content="session/count" /> </div>CHANGES5.0 (2023-02-10)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, (2018-10-22)Add support for Python (2017-05-29)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.Remove dependency onZODB3and other packages that are not used by this package, leaving behind onlyzope.session. Packages that are used during testing are now test dependencies.3.6.2 (2010-09-01)Remove undeclared dependency onzope.deferredimport.3.6.1 (2010-02-06)Include meta.zcml from zope.securitypolicy3.6.0 (2009-02-01)Usezope.siteinstead tests.3.5.2 (2009-01-27)Fixed tearDown-Error in tests.3.5.1 (2007-10-31)ResolveZopeSecurityPolicydeprecation warning.3.5.0 (2007-09-27)A release to override an untagged, unreasoned dev release (2007-09-27)Fix package meta-data.3.4.2 (2007-09-24)rebumped to replace faulty eggadded missing dependecy tozope.session3.4.1 (2007-09-24)Added missing files to egg distribution3.4.0 (2007-09-24)Initial documented release
A meta-package in which generated skin interfaces are placed.CHANGES3.4.0 (2007-10-27)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
The goal of the SQL TALES expression is to allow quick SQL queries right out of TALES expressions and Zope Page Templates. While this is certainly not the Zopeish way of doing things, it allows the newbie Web scripter an easier entrance to the world of Zope 3.Detailed DocumentationCHANGESVersion 0.1 (2009-07-24)Initial Release as an egg.
This package provides the SQL Script content type for Zope 3 applications. SQL Scripts are connected to execute SQL statements and the result is return in an object-oriented data structure.Detailed DocumentationUsing additional DTML tags in SQLScriptInserting optional tests with ‘sqlgroup’It is sometimes useful to make inputs to an SQL statement optinal. Doing so can be difficult, because not only must the test be inserted conditionally, but SQL boolean operators may or may not need to be inserted depending on whether other, possibly optional, comparisons have been done. The ‘sqlgroup’ tag automates the conditional insertion of boolean operators.The ‘sqlgroup’ tag is a block tag that has no attributes. It can have any number of ‘and’ and ‘or’ continuation tags.Suppose we want to find all people with a given first or nick name and optionally constrain the search by city and minimum and maximum age. Suppose we want all inputs to be optional. We can use DTML source like the following:<dtml-sqlgroup> <dtml-sqlgroup> <dtml-sqltest name column=nick_name type=nb multiple optional> <dtml-or> <dtml-sqltest name column=first_name type=nb multiple optional> </dtml-sqlgroup> <dtml-and> <dtml-sqltest home_town type=nb optional> <dtml-and> <dtml-if minimum_age> age >= <dtml-sqlvar minimum_age type=int> </dtml-if> <dtml-and> <dtml-if maximum_age> age <= <dtml-sqlvar maximum_age type=int> </dtml-if> </dtml-sqlgroup>This example illustrates how groups can be nested to control boolean evaluation order. It also illustrates that the grouping facility can also be used with other DTML tags like ‘if’ tags.The ‘sqlgroup’ tag checks to see if text to be inserted contains other than whitespace characters. If it does, then it is inserted with the appropriate boolean operator, as indicated by use of an ‘and’ or ‘or’ tag, otherwise, no text is inserted.Inserting optional tests with ‘sqlgroup’It is sometimes useful to make inputs to an SQL statement optinal. Doing so can be difficult, because not only must the test be inserted conditionally, but SQL boolean operators may or may not need to be inserted depending on whether other, possibly optional, comparisons have been done. The ‘sqlgroup’ tag automates the conditional insertion of boolean operators.The ‘sqlgroup’ tag is a block tag. It can have any number of ‘and’ and ‘or’ continuation tags.The ‘sqlgroup’ tag has an optional attribure, ‘required’ to specify groups that must include at least one test. This is useful when you want to make sure that a query is qualified, but want to be very flexible about how it is qualified.Suppose we want to find people with a given first or nick name, city or minimum and maximum age. Suppose we want all inputs to be optional, but want to requiresomeinput. We can use DTML source like the following:<dtml-sqlgroup required> <dtml-sqlgroup> <dtml-sqltest name column=nick_name type=nb multiple optional> <dtml-or> <dtml-sqltest name column=first_name type=nb multiple optional> </dtml-sqlgroup> <dtml-and> <dtml-sqltest home_town type=nb optional> <dtml-and> <dtml-if minimum_age> age >= <dtml-sqlvar minimum_age type=int> </dtml-if> <dtml-and> <dtml-if maximum_age> age <= <dtml-sqlvar maximum_age type=int> </dtml-if> </dtml-sqlgroup>This example illustrates how groups can be nested to control boolean evaluation order. It also illustrates that the grouping facility can also be used with other DTML tags like ‘if’ tags.The ‘sqlgroup’ tag checks to see if text to be inserted contains other than whitespace characters. If it does, then it is inserted with the appropriate boolean operator, as indicated by use of an ‘and’ or ‘or’ tag, otherwise, no text is inserted.Inserting values with the ‘sqlvar’ tagThe ‘sqlvar’ tag is used to type-safely insert values into SQL text. The ‘sqlvar’ tag is similar to the ‘var’ tag, except that it replaces text formatting parameters with SQL type information.The sqlvar tag has the following attributes:nameThe name of the variable to insert. As with other DTML tags, the ‘name=’ prefix may be, and usually is, ommitted.typeThe data type of the value to be inserted. This attribute is required and may be one of ‘string’, ‘int’, ‘float’, or ‘nb’. The ‘nb’ data type indicates a string that must have a length that is greater than 0.optionalA flag indicating that a value is optional. If a value is optional and is not provided (or is blank when a non-blank value is expected), then the string ‘null’ is inserted.For example, given the tag:<dtml-sqlvar x type=nb optional>if the value of ‘x’ is:Let\'s do itthen the text inserted is:‘Let’’s do it’however, if x is ommitted or an empty string, then the value inserted is ‘null’.CHANGES3.5.0 (2009-02-01)Usezope.containerinstead (2007-10-31)ResolveZopeSecurityPolicydeprecation warning.3.4.0 (2007-10-27)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree. package provides testing support for Zope 3 applications. Besides providing numerous setup convenience functions, it implements a testing setup that allows the user to make calls to the publisher allowing to write functional (How-To)DocTest Functional TestsRequest/Response Functional TestsAccess to the object systemCHANGES5.0 (2023-02-10)4.0.0 (2018-10-24)3.10.0 (2012-01-13)3.9.0 (2011-03-14)3.8.1 (2011-01-07)3.8.0 (2010-09-14)3.7.7 (2010-09-14)3.7.6 (2010-09-14)3.7.5 (2010-04-10)3.7.4 (2010-01-08)3.7.3 (2009-08-20)3.7.2 (2009-07-24)3.7.1 (2009-07-21)3.7.0 (2009-06-19)3.6.2 (2009-04-26)3.6.1 (2009-03-12)3.6.0 (2009-02-01)3.5.6 (2008-10-13)3.5.5 (2008-10-10)3.5.4 (2008-08-25)3.5.3 (2008-08-22)3.5.2 (2008-08-21)3.5.1 (2008-08-20)3.5.0 (2008-08-20)3.4.3 (2008-07-25)3.4.2 (2008-02-02)3.4.1 (2007-10-31)3.4.0 (2007-10-27)FDocTest (How-To)Steps to get started:Use a clean/missing Data.fsCreate a manager with the name “mgr”, password “mgrpw”, and grant the zope.Manager role.Install tcpwatch.Create a temporary directory to record tcpwatch output.Run tcpwatch using: -L 8081:8080 -s -r tmpdir (the ports are the listening port and forwarded-to port; the second need to match the Zope configuration)In a browser, connect to the listening port and do whatever needs to be recorded.Shut down tcpwatch.Run the script src/zope/app/testing/ python2.4 src/zope/app/testing/ tmpdir > somefile.txtEdit the generated text file to add explanations and elide uninteresting portions of the output.In a functional test module (usually, import FunctionalDocFileSuite from and instantiate it, passing the name of the text file containing the test.DocTest Functional TestsThis file documents and tests doctest-based functional tests and basic Zope web-application functionality.Request/Response Functional TestsYou can create Functional tests as doctests. Typically, this is done by using a script such as src/zope/app/testing/ to convert tcpwatch recorded output to a doctest, which is then edited to provide explanation and to remove uninteresting details. That is how this file was created.Here we’ll test some of the most basic types of access.First, we’ll test accessing a protected page without credentials:>>> print(http(r""" ... GET /@@contents.html HTTP/1.1 ... """)) HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate Content-Length: ... Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT Pragma: no-cache WWW-Authenticate: basic realm="Zope" <BLANKLINE> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ...Here we see that we got:A 401 response,A WWW-Authenticate header, andAn html body with an error messageSome technical headers to keep squid happyNote that we used ellipsis to indicate ininteresting details.Next, we’ll access the same page with credentials:>>> print(http(r""" ... GET /@@contents.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """)) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: ... Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 <BLANKLINE> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ...Important note: you must use the user named “mgr” with a password “mgrpw”.And we get a normal output.Next we’ll try accessing site management. Since we used “/manage”, we got redirected:>>> print(http(r""" ... GET /++etc++site/@@manage HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... Referer: http://localhost:8081/ ... """)) HTTP/1.1 303 See Other Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8 Location: @@contents.html <BLANKLINE>Note that, in this case, we got a 303 response. A 303 response is the prefered response for this sort of redirect with HTTP 1.1. If we used HTTP 1.0, we’d get a 302 response:>>> print(http(r""" ... GET /++etc++site/@@manage HTTP/1.0 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... Referer: http://localhost:8081/ ... """)) HTTP/1.0 302 Moved Temporarily Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8 Location: @@contents.html <BLANKLINE>Lets visit the page we were redirected to:>>> print(http(r""" ... GET /++etc++site/@@contents.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... Referer: http://localhost:8081/ ... """)) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: ... Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 <BLANKLINE> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ...Finally, lets access the default page for the site:>>> print(http(r""" ... GET / HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """)) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: ... Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 <BLANKLINE> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ...Access to the object systemYou can use thegetRootFolder()function:>>> root = getRootFolder() >>> root < object at ...>You can intermix HTTP requests with regular Python calls. Note, however, that making anhttp()call implied a transaction commit. If you want to throw away changes made in Python code, abort the transaction before the HTTP request.>>> print(http(r""" ... POST /@@contents.html HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... Content-Length: 73 ... Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded ... ...""", ... handle_errors=False)) HTTP/1.1 303 See Other Content-Length: ... Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Location: http://localhost/@@contents.html <BLANKLINE> <!DOCTYPE html ...Now we can see that the new folder was added:>>> [str(x) for x in root.keys()] ['f1']CHANGES5.0 (2023-02-10)Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2018-10-24) It was not compatible with zope.testbrowser version 5.Add basic support for Python 3.5, 3.6 and (2012-01-13)Removed test dependency 4 depends on this change (seriously) if it find (2011-03-14)Move testbrowser functionality into This requires zope.testbrowser version 4.0.0 or above.3.8.1 (2011-01-07)Include REMOTE_ADDR (‘’) in the request environment.3.8.0 (2010-09-14)Remove invalid HTTP_REFERER default. (We both don’t want a default to allow others testing without a referer and ‘localhost’ is not a reasonable default anyway.) This improves the situation for #98437Made the xmlrpc code compatible with Python 2.7.Removed test dependency test dependency (2010-09-14)Rereleasing 3.7.5 as 3.7.7 to fix brown bag release.3.7.6 (2010-09-14)Brown bag release: It broke the tests ofzope.testbrowser.3.7.5 (2010-04-10)Switch doctests to use the stdlibdoctestmodule, rather than the deprecatedzope.testing.doctestvariant.3.7.4 (2010-01-08)Import hooks functionality from zope.component after it was moved there from ISite from zope.component after it was moved there from zope.location. This lifts the dependency on zope.location.Fix tests using a newer zope.publisher that requires zope.login.3.7.3 (2009-08-20)Fixed tests for python 2.4 as well as python 2.5 and 2.6; the change in version 3.7.1 introduced test regressions in python (2009-07-24)Adjusted tests after the referenced memory leak problem has been fixed inzope.component.3.7.1 (2009-07-21)Fixed failing tests. The code revealed that the tests expected the wrong value.3.7.0 (2009-06-19)Depend on newzope.processlifetimeinterfaces instead of using BBB imports unused dependency (2009-04-26)Removed deprecated back35 module and loose the dependency onzope.deferredimport.Adapt We depend onzope.passwordnow instead.Adapt to We don’t need this package anymore.3.6.1 (2009-03-12)Use ISkinnable.providedBy(request) instead of IBrowserRequest as condition for calling setDefaultSkin in HTTPCaller. This at the same time removes dependency to the browser part of zope.publisher.Adapt to the move of IDefaultViewName from zope.component.interfaces to zope.publisher.interfaces.Remove the DEPENDENCIES.cfg file for zpkg.3.6.0 (2009-02-01)Fix AttributeError called without name argument).Usezope.containerinstead some parts.3.5.6 (2008-10-13)Change argument variable name in provideAdapter to not conflict with buitin keyword in Python (2008-10-10)Re-configured functional test setup to create test-specific instances of HTTPCaller to ensure that cookies are not shared by doctests in a test suite.3.5.4 (2008-08-25)Clean up some transaction management in the functional test setup.3.5.3 (2008-08-22)Fix isolation enforcement for product configuration around individual tests.3.5.2 (2008-08-21)Added missing dependency information in missing import.Repair memory leak fix released in 3.4.3 to be more sane in the presence of generations.3.5.1 (2008-08-20)Correct Fred’s “I’m a doofus” release.3.5.0 (2008-08-20)Add support for product-configuration as part of functional layers; this more closely mirrors the configuration order for normal operation.3.4.3 (2008-07-25)Fix memory leak in all functional tests. see: (2008-02-02)Fix of 599 error on conflict error in request see: (2007-10-31)Fixed deprecation warning forZopeSecurityPolicy.3.4.0 (2007-10-27)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
The zope.traversing package provides adapteres for resolving object paths by traversing an object hierarchy. This also includes support for traversal namespaces (e.g.++view++,++skin++, etc.) as well as computing URLs via the@@absolute_urlview.DEPRECATED: This package has been deprecated and its functionality moved tozope.traversing.CHANGES3.4.0 (2007-10-24)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.
This package was designed to be a light-weight and easy-to-use static tree implementation. It allows the developer to quickly create trees with nodes that can be opened and closed without the use of JavaScript. The tree state can be retained over multiple sessions.Documentation is hosted athttps://zopeapptree.readthedocs.ioCHANGES4.1.0 (2021-03-22)Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9.Add support forzope.component >= 5.Drop support for Python 3.4.Update PyPy versions.4.0.0 (2017-05-16)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.Fix #264614: Test for node filter didn’t do what it was expected to do.Import ISite from zope.component after it was moved there from zope.location.3.6.0 (2009-02-01)Converted from using to zope.container.3.5.1 (2009-01-29)Add compatibility for newer zope.traversing releases that require us to explicitly set up testing. This also works with older releases.3.5.0 (2009-01-17)Get rid of dependency, replacing its uses with direct imports.Clean up dependencies, move testing and rotterdam dependencies to extra requires.Fix mailing list address [email protected] of [email protected]. Changecheeseshoptopypiin the package url.Replace __used_for__ in with zope.component.adapts calls to make more sense.Remove obsolete zpkg files, zcml include file for mkzopeinstance-based installations, versions.txt that makes no sense now.3.4.0 (2007-10-28)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.v1.2 (2004-02-19) – ‘Scruffy’Moved is now called ‘ZopeTree’ again. Hoorray!Refactored browser stuff into its own browser subpackage.Separated the handling of tree state from the cookie functionality to provide a base class for views based on other tree state sources.v1.1 (2004-02-16) – ‘Zapp’Added support for displaying lines in a tree (Stephan Richter)Changes inNode.getFlatDict()to provide more data. Removed ‘depth’ from node info, but added ‘row-state’ and ‘last-level-node’. Changed interface and test accordingly.Updated templates forStaticTreeskin and example. Note that third party templates from 1.0.x will not work anymore and must be updated as well!v1.0.1 (2004-01-16) – ‘Nibbler’Added last remaining pieces for unit testsUpdated documentationRounded some rough edges in the skinIntegrated it into the Zope3 distribution below thezope.productspackagev1.0 (2003-11-24) – ‘Lur’Ported to Zope 3Renamed it to ‘statictree’Much more unit testsAdded filter functionalityProvided sample implementations as well as an alternate rotterdam-like skin using the static tree
This package integrates the Twisted HTTP and FTP server into a Zope 3 application setup. It also defines the script skeleton for a classic Zope 3 application.Detailed DocumentationZope 3 Application Server SupportThis package is responsible for initializing and starting the servers that will provide access to the Zope 3 application. This package is heavily twisted-depedent, though some pieces can be reused to bring up the Zope 3 application server in other environemnts.Server TypesZope 3 needs to support many server types – HTTP, FTP, HTTP with postmortem debugging, etc. All of them are registered asIServerTypeutilities in ZCML. This allows developers to easily develop and register new servers for Zope 3.ServerTypeis an implementation ofIServerTypethat is specific to the standard Twisted servers.. The constructor ofServerTypetakes three arguments: the factory that will create a TwistedIServerFactoryobject and the default port and IP to which to bind the server.Thefactoryargument should be a callable expecting one argument, the ZODB instance. It is up to the factory, to implement the necessary glue between the server and the application:>>> class TwistedServerFactoryStub(object): ... def doStart(self): pass>>> def factory(db): ... print 'ZODB: %s' %db ... return TwistedServerFactoryStub()For the other two constructor arguments ofServerType, thedefaultPortargument specifies the default TCP port number for the server. ThedefaultIPargument specifies the network interface for listening on. You can specify the network interface IP address, or an empty string if you want to listen on all interfaces.We are now ready to instantiate the server type:>>> from import ServerType >>> st = ServerType(factory, defaultPort=8080)and let’s make sure it really implements the promised interface:>>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject >>> from import IServerType >>> verifyObject(IServerType, st) TrueA server type is then registered as a named utility. These utilities are used while interpreting<server>sections ofzope.confto create instances of servers listening on a specific port.When you create an instance of a server using thecreate()method of the server type, you need to tell it an identifying name and a the ZODB database object. The IP address, port and backlog count can be optionally passed to the method.>>> db = 'my database' >>> server = st.create('Example-HTTP', db, port=0) ZODB: my database >>> server #doctest:+ELLIPSIS < instance at ...>As you can see the server type creates a Zope-specific TCP server, which is simply a standardtwisted.internet.TCPServerthat creates a log entry upon startup.>>> server.startService() >>> print log.getvalue() -- Example-HTTP Server started. Hostname: localhost Port: 0You can, of course, create multiple instances of the same server type, and bind them to different ports.>>> server2 = st.create('Example-HTTP-2', db, port=0) ZODB: my database>>> server2.startService() >>> print log.getvalue() -- Example-HTTP Server started. Hostname: localhost Port: 0 -- Example-HTTP-2 Server started. Hostname: localhost Port: 0A special type of server type is the SSL server type; it requires some additional information (private key path, certificate path, and TLS flag) to start up the server. The setup will only work, if OpenSSL is installed:# >>> from import SSLServerType # >>> ssl_st = SSLServerType(factory, defaultPort=8443) # # >>> ssl_server = ssl_st.create(‘Example-HTTPS’, db, # … ‘server.pem’, ‘server.pem’) # ZODB: my database # >>> ssl_server #doctest:+ELLIPSIS # < instance at …>Server FactoriesNow, of course we do not hardwire the setup of actual servers in Python. Instead, we are using ZConfig to setup the servers. Unfortunately that means that we need yet another abstraction layer to setup the servers. ZConfig-based configuration code creates so calledServerFactoryandSSLServerFactoryobjects that then use the server types to create the servers.>>> from zope.interface import implements >>> from import IServerType >>> class MyServerType: ... implements(IServerType) ... def create(self, name, db, ... port='unknown', ip='', backlog=50): ... if not ip: ... ip = '*' # listen on all interfaces ... return ('%s server on %s:%d, registered with %s, backlog %d' ... % (name, ip, port, db, backlog))>>> from import ztapi >>> ztapi.provideUtility(IServerType, MyServerType(), name='HTTP') >>> ztapi.provideUtility(IServerType, MyServerType(), name='FTP')ServerFactoryis used to hook into ZConfig and create instances of servers specified inzope.conf. It gets asectionargument that contains settings specified in a ZConfig<server>section.>>> class ServerSectionStub: ... type = 'HTTP' ... address = ('', 8080) ... backlog = 30 >>> my_section = ServerSectionStub()>>> from import ServerFactory >>> sf = ServerFactory(my_section)The server factory object knows how to create a server, given a ZODB database object. The name is a combination of type, ip, and port, so that the Twisted code can distinguish between the different HTTP servers.>>> db = 'my db' >>> print sf.create(db) HTTP:localhost:8080 server on *:8080, registered with my db, backlog 30It can create more than one, using different ports.>>> my_section.address = ('', 8081) >>> sf = ServerFactory(my_section) >>> print sf.create(db) HTTP:localhost:8081 server on *:8081, registered with my db, backlog 30The settings should actually work with FTP as well.>>> my_section.type = 'FTP' >>> my_section.address = ('', 8021) >>> sf = ServerFactory(my_section) >>> print sf.create(db) FTP: server on, registered with my db, backlog 30CHANGES3.5.0 (2009-07-24)Update tests to work with latest packages.3.4.2 (2009-01-27)Fix tests. Remove unused code.Add zope.testbrowser to testing dependencies for ZEO tests.Remove unneeded dependency on ZODB3.Remove dependency on, substituting its uses with direct imports.Change “cheeseshop” to “pypi” in the package homepage.3.4.1 (2008-02-02)Fix of 599 error on conflict error in request see: (2007-10-27)Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.