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[![PyPI version](]( IndicatorUn applet Ubuntu pour Zeste de Savoir. Il permet de visualiser les messages privés et les notifications forums. Testé pour l’instant sur Ubuntu 14.04 et 14.10.Screenshot![Menu principal](![Notification de bureau]( via pip :` $ pip install zdsindicator `Deuxième solution, télécharger la dernière archive disponible, puis l’extraire. Une fois dans le répertoire de l’application :` $ python install `Pour lancer l’application :` $ zdsindicator `Icônes : (2014-12-23)AuthentificationMessages privésNotificationsMise en place paquet pip
Zds Member it’s a fork ofzds-sitemember app to make a reusable application.zds-memberzds-member is a django application that allows to manage members of website.FeaturesSign in (email or username)Sign up (with email confirmation)Reset passwordUpdate users settings (email, username, password)UnsubscribeSanction (ban, read only)GeolocationREST API (Json, Xml)A lot of templatesRequirementsDjango 1.7 or 1.8Python 2.7, 3.3 or 3.4DocumentationSee documentation.
ZDS-Schema voorziet een generieke API schema-generatiestrategie die gedeeld wordt tussen verschillende componenten betrokken in zaakgericht werken.Contents1Features2Installatie2.1Benodigdheden2.2Installeren3Gebruik1FeaturesCentraal beheer van cosntanten die de verschillende componenten overstijgenGeoJSON OpenAPI definitiesSupport voor Geo CRS negotationIngebouwde support voor nested viewsets met declaratievere syntax voor registratieVaak voorkomende validators:RSIN/BSN validatorNumerieke waarde validatorNiet-negatieve waarde validatorAlfanumerieke waarde (zonder diacritics)URL-validator (test dat URL bestaat) met pluggable link-checkerUntilNowValidator- valideer datetimes tot en metnu.UniekeIdentificatieValidator(in combinatie met organisatie)InformatieObjectUniqueValidatorom te valideren dat M2M entries slechts eenmalig voorkomenObjectInformatieObjectValidatorom te valideren dat de synchronisatie van een object-informatieobject relatie pas kan nadat deze relatie in het DRC gemaakt isIsImmutableValidator- valideer dat bepaalde velden niet gewijzigd worden bij een (partial) update, maar wel mogen gezet worden bij een createResourceValidator- valideer dat een URL een bepaalde resource ontsluitCustom inspectors voor drf-yasg:Support voorrest_framework_gisGeometryFieldSUpport voordjango-extra-fieldsBase64FieldMixinURL-based related resource filtering (django-filtersupport)verzameling van mogelijke error-responses per operationManagement commandgenerate_swaggeroverloadedneemt default versie mee en maakt server-informatie domein-agnostischoptie om informatiemodel-resources naar markdown te renderen met backlinks naar gemmaonline.nlSupport voor ISO 8601 durationsCustom model fields:RSINFieldBSNFieldLanguageFieldVertrouwelijkheidsAanduidingFieldDaysDurationFieldMocks voor de validators die netwerk IO hebben, eenvoudig via@override_settingstoe te passen2Installatie2.1BenodigdhedenPython 3.6 of hogersetuptools 30.3.0 of higher2.2Installerenpipinstallzds_schema3GebruikZie de referentie-implementaties voorZRC,DRC,BRCenZTC.
# zds-to-gravConverts an article or an opinion from [Zeste de Savoir]( to [Grav]( either an URL to a ZdS article/optinion, or an exported archive.Note: the generated frontmatter includes some non-standard fields, as this was initially built for my own use and my theme uses them. Standard fields are covered. Authors are assumed to be a taxonomy.## InstallationRequires Python 3.6 or newer.`bash (sudo) pip install zds_to_grav `## Usage`bashzds-to-grav--help`Typical use: from the directory you want to put the exported grav article directory into:`bashzds-to-grav`See options in–helpto specify explicit slug, article type, lang, or destination directory (numbered or not).## Development & testsInstallation for development (requirespipenv:sudo pip install pipenv):`bash pipenv install `Unit tested usingdoctest. From the project directory, within a virtualenv:`bash python`No output means everything is good.
zdsyncis a command-line utility for syncing Zendesk environments.DependenciesPython 3.5+zenpyUsageIf you install withpython installor through pip, this should drop a program namedzdsyncinto your PYTHONHOME. Otherwise, you can usePYTHONPATH=. python -m zdsync.clito get the same effect.There are two required environment variables,SANDBOX_SUBDOMAIN- The subdomain of your sandbox environment, e.g.mycompany1552085434.PRODUCTION_SUBDOMAIN- The subdomain of your production environment, e.g.mycompany.There are three ways to authenticate to the Zendesk API and different environment variables are needed depending on your preferred method of authentication.Email & PasswordSANDBOX_EMAIL- The email that is used as your username when logging into your sandbox environment.SANDBOX_PASSWORD- The password that is used when logging into your sandbox environment.PRODUCTION_EMAIL- The email that is used as your username when logging into your production environment.PRODUCTION_PASSWORD- The password that is used when logging into your production environment.Email & API TokenSANDBOX_EMAIL- The email that is used as your username when logging into your sandbox environment.SANDBOX_TOKEN- An API Token for the sandbox environment.PRODUCTION_EMAIL- The email that is used as your username when logging into your production environment.PRODUCITON_TOKEN- An API Token for the production environment.OAuth TokenSANDBOX_OAUTH_TOKEN- An oauth token withread/writeaccess to the sandbox environment.PRODUCTION_OAUTH_TOKEN- An oauth token withread onlyaccess to the production environment.There are five supported objects for syncing,--brands--groups--ticket-fields--ticket-forms--macrosIt its recommended to sync in this order since there are object dependencies as you progress through the list. If you pass the--allflag it will sync in this order.Just passing an object flag or--allwill print out the status of the environments,$ zdsync --macros The following Macros only exist in the sandbox: The following Macros only exist in production: The following Macros are different between environments: Customer not responding Downgrade and inform Close and redirect to topics Take it! There are 257 other Macros that are the same between environments.In order to actually execute the sync you must pass the--executeflag,$ zdsync --macros --executeLicenseThis tool is licensed under the ISC License, the text of which is available atLICENSE.txt.
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Example PackageThis is a simple example package. You can useGithub-flavored Markdownto write your content.
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Hello Zdpyt85
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zdzpython3 -m venv .venv source ./.venv/bin/activate pip install maturin maturin build --strip -r // -v pip3 install --debug xxx.whl
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zeppelin2nb: Zeppelin to jupyter notebookThis is my Zeppelin notebook to jupyter notebook python library repositories. This library is based on Ryan Blue's Jupyter/Zeppelin conversion: be found at: If you want to install it, you canInstall from PyPIYou can install the zeppelin2nb fromPyPI:pip install ze2nbInstall from RepoOr you can install the zeppelin2nb from the repo:1. clonegit clone installcd ze2nb pip install -r requirements.txt python install3. testcd zeppelin2nb/test python demo.py4. uninstallpip uninstall ze2nb
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Zeal CLIZeal CLI is a command-line-interface for managingZealdocsets on Linux. It's syntax is roughly based on the basic syntax of theaptpackage manager, because Zeal CLI is basically a package manager for docsets.FeaturesSimple, familiar command-line interfaceGets docsets from the same source as ZealEasy to install and use - no additional dependencies required.Docsets can still be managed within the Zeal GUIFree and Open-SourceTechnologiesPython 3PyInstallerUsageView theusage documentationfor using instructions.ContactTo submit a Bug Report or Feature Request, please open aGitHub Issue.To ask a question or get support, you can join myDiscord Serveror create a Discussions thread within this repository.ContributingThis project is maintained my Morpheus636. Contribution guidelines for all of my projects can be found at sources docsets fromDash, just like Zeal. Special thanks to Dash's developer,Kapelifor granting me permission to use their docsets.Copyright Notice© Copyright 2021-2022 Josh Levin (Morpheus636)This repository (and everything in it) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.This repository is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this repository. If not, see
zeal-feedszeal-feedsis a command line application for adding user contributed docsets toZeal, as an alternative to looking up the URL of the XML feed and pasting in theAdd Feedoption.Table of ContentsInstallationUsageAcknowledgementsLicenseInstallationThe recommended way to installzeal-feedsis viapipx, to provide an isolated installation.$pipxinstallzeal-feedsAlternatively,zeal-feedscan be installed viapip, either for the current user or into the current Python virtual environment.WarningThis package will install several dependencies into the current environment. Consider usingpipxto avoid dependency conflicts.$pipinstall--userzeal-feedsor$pipinstallzeal-feedsUsageTo search available feeds, usezeal-feeds search:$zeal-feedssearchalpine⠴ Loading index of user contributed docsetsMatching docsets:Alpinejs (3.7.x/5_2021-12-14)To install feeds, usezeal-feeds install. The docset name needs to match the name from thesearchresults:$zeal-feedsinstallalpinejsattrsUsing cached index of user contributed docsetsDownloading Alpinejs ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 0:00:00. Installing AlpinejsDownloading attrs ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 0:00:00. Installing attrsIf a docset is already installed then it will be skipped.AcknowledgementsThis project was inspired byzeal-user-contrib, but the apparent lack of annpmequivalent ofpipxfor isolated installations prompted writing a Python version.Thisarticleby Hynek Schlawack for introducing Dash/Zeal. providing the docset API with XML feeds for Zeal.ContributingPlease open an issue or pull request on GitHub if you have questions, ideas, or issues.zeal-feedsuseshatch. Runhatch run lintto run checks (Black, Ruff, and mypy) andhatch run test:pytestto run unit tests.Licensezeal-feedsis distributed under the terms of theMITlicense.
Zealous FrameworkDocumentation: Code: is a framework that aims to simplify specification-driven development.It is built from the ground up with emphasis on static type checking to ensure that the specification is respected while developing around it.The framework's core elements run in an asyncio event loop so concurrency is supported out of the box.
zeam.componentis inspired byzope.componentandgrokcore.component, but stays much simpler, and have less base concepts. Hopefully this improve flexibility.RegistrationA base class can be used to register a component,zeam.component.Component. It supports all the directivesgrok.context,grok.adapts,grok.providesandgrok.namelike they are defined in Grok. You can use those to register your component as either an Utility, an (named) Adapter or a (named) MultiAdapter.An another possibility to register a component is to use thecomponentdecorator,zeam.component.component. It takes as arguments the interfaces that the component adapts, and as keyword arguments,providestheInterfacethat the component provides, and asnamethe name under which it will be registered.LookupYou can lookup a specific registered component withzeam.component.getComponent. You can optionally provide:specs: a tuple of objects or specifications that the component must adapt in order to be returned.provided: anInterfacethat the component must provides in order to be a name under which the component must be registered in order to be returned.default: a default value that will be returned if no component match the requirements. If you no default value is provided, and no component is found, an exception will be triggered.You can lookup a list of possible registered component withzeam.component.getAllComponents. You can optionally provide:specs: tuple of objects or specification stat the component must adapt in order to be returned.provided: anInterfacethat the component must provides in order to be returned.Please note that in both cases the component is directly returned. In any case, no construction is done with the result of the lookup.An helperzeam.component.getWrapperthat support the same options than thezeam.component.getComponentfunction will call the result of the lookup passing as argument the values given asspecsto it. This is used in order to have agetAdapterorqueryAdapterlike behavior. Please note that if an error happens during the initialization of the component, the error won’t be catched for you.Changes1.0 (2012/09/03)Initial release.
zeam.form.autofieldsis able to collect fields definition for your form. This enable you to create forms with a plugable list of fields.ContentsExampleAPIClassesDirectivesPropertiesChangelog1.0.1 (2012/05/02)1.0 (2011/11/08)ExampleYou need first to define a group of fields. This will be just an interface:>>> from zope.interface import Interface >>> class IReplyFields(Interface): ... passNow you can define groups of fields:>>> from zeam.form import base, autofields >>> class ReplyInformation(autofields.AutoFields): ... ... autofields.order(0) ... fields = base.Fields(base.Field('Comment')) >>> class ReplyBlogInformation(autofields.AutoFields): ... ... autofields.order(10) ... fields = base.Fields(base.Field('Blog URL'))And you will be able to use those fields on your form somewhere else:>>> class ReplyForm(base.Form): ... fields = autofields.FieldsCollector(IReplyFields)APIIn addition to its API,zeam.form.autofieldsexport the one ofzeam.form.base.ClassesAutoFieldsBase classes used to define a group of Fields to be included in a form.DirectivesgroupDirective used onAutoFieldswhich select for which group you whish to provide the fields for. A group is just a plain zope interface, that will be given as parameter to theFieldsCollector.viewDirective used onAutoFieldsthat will let you specify for which Form (or view) you whish to provide the fields for. This directive is not required, and default toIBrowserView.orderOptional directive which let decide in wich order the fields will included at the end.PropertiesFieldsCollectorProperty used to collect form Fields for you.Changelog1.0.1 (2012/05/02)Update to use the latest version ofgrokcore.component.1.0 (2011/11/08)Initial release
Summaryzeam.form.baseis a form framework for Zope. It has common goals and purposes withformliborz3c.formbut tries to:define small sane and reusable components : you don’t need a full flavored form to render and display only few widgets in your application,be easily customizable without using hundreds of adapters: most of settings are set with properties on your form/fields,prevent ZCML declarations by using Grok to register the few needed adapters (widgets and widgets value extractors),always keep the context untouched: the form works on a content that can be something else than the context, it can even be a dictionnary. That means everywhere in the form, including in widgets, and actions, you can either access the context as the real context of the form, and have a way to access the content that the form is working on. This helps greatly if you have complicated widgets working, including when they are embedded in other widgets (like in a list or a table),let people easily change form templates, by usingmegrok.pagetemplateby default, selecting which fields goes where they want,let people define easily their widgets, and use them,be able to create complex forms, like composed or table forms, where each form can modify the data it needs without having to hack-o-refresh other sub-forms:allactions are executed before any widget compute its value to render,By default, it is unware of things like Zope-schema. Generating fields from a Zope-schema would be done with the help ofzeam.form.ztk.It work with Python 2.6, 2.7 (tested in Zope 2.13 and Grok 1.5). Older versions works for older versions of Zope 2 and Grok.ExampleLet’s define a quick example. Actions can be defined standalone:from zeam.form.base import Action, SUCCESS class MailAction(Action): def available(self, form): return form.context.haveMailHost() def __call__(self, form): # Send a mail form.status = u"Mail sent" return SUCCESSAnd included as attributes to the form:class MailForm(Form): label = u"Send a mail" description = u"to people" fields = Fields(Field(u'Name'), Field(u'E-mail'), Field(u'Message')) actions = Actions(MailAction(u'Send mail'))(A decoractor can be used on a form method as well if you don’t need lot of code for your action).For more informationYou can refer to the functional and doctest included in the package. Since it tries to be composed of small components, there is many way to put them together.Changelog1.4.1 (2020-08-25)Fixed ‘url’ method as it was faulty. Added tests accordingly.1.4.0 (2020-08-20)Python3.6+ only. Python2 support was dropped.1.3.2 (2019-01-15)Added the defaultFactory handling (needs testing)Updated to newer versions of the GTK packagesSwitch tests to zope.testbrowser.wsgi1.3.1 (2012/11/19)Improve actionshtmlAttributesto reflect fields API.Improve and fixconstrainValuevalidation on fields.1.3 (2012/10/12)Fields now support more options. There is aconstrainValuemethod that can be used in addition tovalidate(to be compatible withzope.schemafields). An optioninterfacehad been added as well, and can be used by other zeam.form components to group fields.Fields can be created with more options given through their constructor.Fields and widget now support extrahtmlAttributes. They can be given to the field constructor, and are rendered automatically by the widget.Actions supportshtmlAttributestoo.Update translations.Add some backward compatiblity helpers.1.2.3 (2012/09/24)grokcore.chameleonis able to negociate i18n by himself. Remove thei18nLanguageattribute that was an hack.Refactor how the widgets and extractors are created. This is now done via the form data, and is customizable.1.2.2 (2012/05/02)Update to use the latestgrokcore.componentandgrokcore.view.1.2.1 (2012/04/27)Improve the sorting support on components (fields, actions, widgets).Add adeletemethod to the data manager.Now usegrokcore.chameleoninstead ofmegrok.chameleon.Add the missingstaticto a form default_namespace template.1.2 (2011/11/08)This version no longer support Zope 2 before 2.12.And an helper to know if a field is hidden (so you don’t display the label).Support a callable to know if a field is required (the callable takes the form as parameter).Add the HTML 5 attribute required by default in the widgets. Use novalidate attribute on your form tag if you want to disable it.Improve error reporting. A widget can now return a collection of error (usefull is the widget is composed of more sub-widgets).Extend API fordataValidatorand widgetprepareRequestValue.Add support for CompoundActions (actions implemented by different action collections).updateActionsnow return the form on which the action have been executed. This is usefull in case of sub-forms.1.1 (2011/02/01)zeam.form.basenow uses the latestgrokcore.viewtemplate grokker.Dependencies have been updated for the latest grokcore and megrok packages.1.0 (2010/10/19)Translation have been completed and reviewed in Dutch, French and German.An infrastructure to write generic validatators on all fields have been added (dataValidatorson aFormData).FieldgetDefaultValueanddefaultValuenow take a parameter, the form itself. It allows you to compute a default value that needs the context.Some extraction issues have been fixed: a field which is not available is no longer extracte and theextractDatamethod can now be called multiple times with different collection of fields.Some options have been added to Actions: apostOnlyflag that requires the form to be submitted via thePOSTmethod only, and adescriptionandaccesskeyproperties. ThepostOnlyoption is also available at the form level.Actions return a status flag for the success or the failure.Some helpers have been added to a form:haveRequiredFieldsandhtmlId. Default forms as well have astaticattribute like Grok views do.Changed the attribute formError to formErrors which now a list of errors instead of a single error. Because it’s possible to have more then one main error in a form (eg. invariants).Changed the formtemplate to display the new formError in an <ul> <li> structure instead of the … tal:replace … for a single error.Added thesortandreversemethods on theCollectioncomponent. Tests have been added accordingly.Provided acmpfunction to order components in aCollection. This is now thoroughly tested and demonstrated.1.0rc2 (2010/07/16)The marker to allow extraction affect as well processing them redisplaying values coming from the request.DataManager API is exported by default.DecoratedAction can be extended. You can provide your own implementation with thefactoryparameter of the decorator.1.0rc1 (2010/07/05)TheExtractDatamethod has been splitted in two, with the introduction of thevalidateDatamethod, that allows the form to override the global form validation process. This lets the fields validation at the very same place, and only involves the general form validation process.Created a new marker subclass for the form modes. This marker class defines a boolean allowing or not the extraction of the affected component, while the form is processed. Added tests for it.Look for entry pointszeam.form.componentsbefore adapting items into components in collection. This let you register adapters before they are used.1.0b4 (2010/06/22)Now the ‘Errors’ class can be used as a logical grouping of ‘Error’ and it stacks, in this case. Added tests to demonstrate and fix the behavior.1.0b3 (2010/06/04)Fixed the way the identifiers are generated. Now, empty prefixes are no longer generating malformed ids/names. Added tests to fix that behavior.1.0b2 (2010/05/13)Fix a bug in FormData initialization.Add a NO_CHANGE marker.1.0b1 (2010/05/03)Initial release
This package let you defines forms containing other forms inzeam.form.base.ContentsExampleAPIClassesDirectivesChangelog1.3.3 (2019/01/15)1.3.2 (2012/05/02)1.3.1 (2012/04/27)1.3 (2011/11/08)1.2 (2010/10/19)1.1 (2010/07/16)1.0 (2010/05/03)ExampleHere a simple example. Let’s define a setting form:from zeam.form import composed, base from zope.interface import Interface class Setting(composed.ComposedForm): composed.context(Interface) label = u"Settings"After, a module can add some mail settings on that screen:class MailSetting(composed.SubForm): composed.context(MyApplication) composed.view(Setting) composed.order(99) label = u"Mail delivery settings" ...And publications of that application could add some publication settings:class PublicationSetting(composed.SubForm): composed.context(MyPublications) composed.view(Setting) composed.order(10) label = u"Publication settings" ...Some default templates are included as well, but you can replace like you will do inzeam.form.base.APIClassesComposedFormThis class define a form which able to contain other forms. It behave like azeam.form.baseForm, but does use its fields. A usefull method can give you back a given subform :getSubForm(identifier).SubFormThis class represent a form which is contained inside aComposedForm. This form behave exactly like azeam.form.baseForm to which you add:a methodavailable()which is called before anything else to know if the form shoud still be included in theComposedForm.a methodgetComposedForm()that gives you back the composed form in which this form is rendered.SubFormGroupThis class let you groupSubFormtogether. They are rendered within the group template, and prefixed by the group name. Like aSubFormthey have anavailable()and agetComposedForm()method. It as well have agetSubForm(identifier)method.DirectivesAll those directives comes from Grokcore component. Please refer to theGrok documentationfor more information.contextDefine for which object the form/sub form is available.layerDefine the skin for which the form/sub form is aviable.requireDefine a permission need to access the form.templateDefine a Grok-like template for the form. After you done that, the Grok template will be look up and used. You can’t use anymore amegrok.pagetemplatetemplate, unless you settemplate=Noneagain on your form class.viewOn a sub form, define for which form the sub form is available.orderLet you specify a number to sort your sub form afterwards using that setting.Changelog1.3.3 (2019/01/15)Updated versions of GTK packages.1.3.2 (2012/05/02)Update to use the latestgrokcore.component.1.3.1 (2012/04/27)Now usegrokcore.chameleoninstead ofmegrok.chameleon.1.3 (2011/11/08)Fix various stupid bugs.Fix available issue after executing actions.Properly support zeam.form.base 1.2 (actions return the sub form on which the action have been executed).Updates tests.1.2 (2010/10/19)Add the concept of groups : subforms in a composed one can be grouped with them : they act as a composed form to the subform, and a subform to the composed form.Update default templates to reflect changes inzeam.form.base.1.1 (2010/07/16)Default templates now use Chameleon.Callupdatefor all subforms when theupdateof the composed form is called.1.0 (2010/05/03)Initial release.
zeam.form.layoutlet you embbed azeam.form.baseform inside a layout created withgrokcore.layout.You just have to importForm(orComposedForm) fromzeam.form.layoutinstead of their original package.Default templates are defined ready to be used inside a layout.Changelog0.3.1 (2012/10/11)Modernize and fix broken tests, that were still relying onmegrok.layout.0.3 (2012/04/27)Usegrokcore.chameleoninstead ofmegrok.chameleon.Usegrokcore.layoutinstead ofmegrok.layout.0.2 (2010-10-27)Corrected templates to use the latest version ofzeam.form.base.Added tests related to templates rendering.0.1 (2010-06-01)Initial release
zeam.form.ploneprovides support forzeam.form.baseinto Plone 3, 4 and 5:make forms and security work in Zope 2,default form template using Plone macros,provide a simple simple edit form,use Plone status message system to report status,provides extra widgets, like a WYSIWYG text widget.ExampleLet’s define a simple example:from zeam.form.plone import EditForm from zeam.form.base import Fields class EditPeople(EditForm): label = u"Edit people" fields = Fields(IPeople) fields['summary'].mode = 'plone.wysiwyg'If you install the extensionZeam Formyou will get nicer CSS and extra JS for the widgets.For more information information, please refer tozeam.form.baseand to the Grok documentation.Changes1.1 (2017-06-22)Support zeam.form.ztk and zeam.form.base >= 1.31.0 (2011/08/11)Support zeam.form.ztk 1.1.Add CSS and JS for new collection widgets.1.0b1 (2010/05/03)Initial release.
zeam.form.rdbprovides an helper to generate form fields forzeam.form.base, usingzeam.form.ztkfields from anSQLAlchemymodel.To accomplish, you must create your fields using the descriptorModelFieldsin your form. It will automatically fetch the context of the form, and generate the fields accordingly, caching them (for performance reasons).Example:from zeam.form.rdb import ModelFields from zeam.form.base import Form class MyForm(Form): label = "Test form" fields = ModelFields()In yourSQLAlchemyschema, you can use the extra dictionnaryinfoto control the widget generated. Foreign key will generate a choice of possible values to select, using the column you desire as title.Example:from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String from zeam.form.ztk.widgets.uri import URIField idT_Effort = Column( 'idT_Effort', Integer, primary_key=True, info={'title': u"Identifier"}) idT_Opportunity = Column( 'idT_Opportunity', Integer, ForeignKey('T_Opportunity.idT_Opportunities'), info={'title': u'Opportunity', 'foreignTitleColumn': 'Title'}) Name = Column( 'Name', String(45), info={'minLength': 20, 'maxLength': 45}) URL = Column( 'URL', String(63), info={'title': u"URL", 'description': u"Website URL" 'factory': URIField, 'defaultValue': '', 'required': True})For a ForeignKey, you have the possibility to provides multiple columns toforeignTitleColumn, and a function to be called to create the title asforeignTitleFactory, both in theinfodictionnary.foreignTitleQuerycan specified to refine the SQLAlchemy request used to obtain the title terms.A field will be required unless the column is nullable, or the optionrequiredis given throughinfo.titleanddescriptionfrominfowill be used as well in order to create the form field.Changes1.0.1 (2012/12/12)Fix title factory to support unicode values.1.0 (2012/10/11)Refactor not to rely any longer onzope.schemaormegrok.rdb. SQLAlchemy Column’s are directly converted to zeam form fields. This requireszeam.form.ztk1.3 or higher.Add tests on field generation.1.0b2 (2012/06/21)Add support fortitle_queryto filter out terms in a generated ForeignKey vocabulary.1.0b1 (2012/04/27)Initial version.
zeam.form.silvais the integration ofZeam ForminSilva.This packages provides forms for SMI (including default add and edit forms for content), ZMI (service configuration forms), and public views usage (page forms, and viewlet/content provider forms).For more information about this, please check theSilva developer documentation.Code repositoryYou can find the code of this extension in Git: (2013/12/20)Add classes to create forms for Silva services in SMI.Improve the upload widget when a clear button is displayed.2.0.4 (2013/10/09)Implement a new upload widget based on a different extension than before.2.0.3 (2013/05/24)Add a specific template and CSS for public form.Update SMI templates.Update javascript to support jQuery 1.9.Improve ID widget.2.0.2 (2013/03/07)Fix inline validation that was not activated inside dialogs.2.0.1 (2013/03/06)Update ID widget to work in a Zope context (for theAdd a Silva RootZope homepage).Update default z-index for the upload widget, in order to make it usuable via the reference windows inside the text editor.2.0 (2012/12/11)Use alternate layout for checkbox: they are displayed before the label and not after.Add more contextual help in SMI special widgets.Update to Zeam form 1.3.IE and Webkit fixes for some Javascript widgets.Add a custom widget for the identifier field.Add support for a confirmation dialog when an action is clicked on.2.0c1 (2012/09/24)Add new widgets, combobox, multipickup and a date widget with the jqueryUI date selector.Add support for XML serialization.Improve form templates and styling.Improve the JS (inline validation and form popup) integration.2.0b1 (2011/11/10)Update code for Zope 2.13 and Python 2.7.Add a bit HTML 5 support for forms.Usesfanstatic.Inline validation works on more fields now.Popup forms have been updated to work withsilva.ui.SMI forms now are REST-based on top ofsilva.ui.Add a new file upload widget, and a image cropping one, improves other existing widgets.1.2 (2010/12/20)Add a new textarea widget calledlinesable to edit collection of textlines.1.1 (2010/10/27)Review security restriction on add forms and edit forms.Add support foradd in positionin default add forms.Various improvements in the form code (status feedback), default form templates and i18n.Add a datetime widget based on the JQueryUI datetime picker.Add some Javascript helpers: inline validation via AJAX query on simple form widgets. By default the first required field of a form gets the focus.Add support to create REST forms in a popup in SMI or included in Kupu.Add support for public forms.Add support for zope.interfaces invariant by default in SMI forms.1.0 (2010/07/16)Initial release.
zeam.form.tableis a extension tozeam.form.baseto create CRUD forms: it let define forms that can work on a collection of contents sharing the same form schema.As wellzeam.form.tablecan be embedded as a sub form in a composed form built withzeam.form.composed.Changelog1.1.1 (2012/10/11)Update SelectField to be compatible withzeam.form.base1.3.1.1 (2012/09/24)Add support to provide item specific identifiers for lines checkbox.Update API to usezeam.form.base1. (2012/04/27)Update to usegrokcore.chameleoninstead ofmegrok.chameleon.Fix some action type when used withpostOnly.Fix template, add missing fields in it.1.0 (2011/11/07)Add different strategies to apply actions to table lines. You can by choice have one action that takes all selected and all not selected lines, one actions on lines that have been selected or deselected or lastly an action that execute only on select lines.Add support for batching on table forms.You can now customize the selection field.Update to work with zeam.form.base 1.2.Update tests.1.0b1 (2010/10/27)Initialproof of conceptrelease.
zeam.form.viewletprovide you with aZeam Formin a viewlet.ExampleQuick example:from zeam.form import base from zeam.form.viewlet import ViewletForm class CallUs(ViewletForm): label = u"Call us" fields = base.Fields(base.Field("Phone number")) actions = base.Actions(base.Action("Call"))Changelog1.2.1 (2012/04/27)Update to usegrokcore.chameleoninstead ofmegrok.chameleon.1.2 (2011/11/08)Update test with a cleaner setup.1.1 (2010/10/18)Add a ViewletManagerForm.Add tests.Update form templates to be compatible with last version ofzeam.form.base.1.0 (2010/07/16)Initial release.
zeam.form.ztkhelp you to integratezeam.form.basewith the Zope Tool Kit. It provides:Form fields generation out of zope.schema fields, and zope.schema fields listed in a Zope interface,Widgets for those fields,Default action to Add, Edit a content, Cancel a current action by returning on the default view of a content.Likezeam.form.basethe focus is to have an API usable by the developer, not a support of theorical use-cases that you don’t need.ContentsExampleAdd formEdit formAPIActionsFieldsChangelog1.4.0 (2020/08/20)1.3.6 (2018/01/15)1.3.5 (2016/03/08)1.3.4 (2014/04/15)1.3.3 (2013/12/20)1.3.2 (2013/04/23)1.3.1 (2012/11/19)1.3 (2012/10/12)1.2.3 (2012/09/24)1.2.2 (2012/07/25)1.2.1 (2012/04/27)1.2 (2011/11/08)1.0 (2010/10/19)1.0rc2 (2010/07/16)1.0rc1 (2010/07/05)1.0b3 (2010/06/22)1.0b2 (2010/05/13)1.0b1 (2010/05/03)ExampleLet’s create a form to edit a content. Here we have an interface for our content:from zope import schema, interface class IClan(interface.Interface): pass class IPerson(interface.Interface): first_name = schema.TextLine(title=u"First Name") last_name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Last Name") age = schema.Int(title=u"Age", required=False) single = schema.Bool(title=u"Is single ?", default=True)We assume that a Person is in a Clan. We can implement a Person:from persistence import Persistent class Person(Persistent): interface.implements(IPerson) first_name = None last_name = None age = None single = TrueAdd formYou can add a new Person in a clan like this:import zeam.form.ztk as form class Add(form.Form): form.context(IClan) label = u"New person" fields = form.Fields(IPerson) actions = form.Actions( form.AddAction("Add", factory=Person), form.CancelAction("Cancel")) actions['add'].fieldName = 'last_name'Edit formYou can edit a Person like this:class Edit(form.Form): form.context(IPerson) label = u"Change person details" fields = form.Fields(IPerson) actions = form.Actions( form.EditAction("Update"), form.CancelAction("Cancel")) ignoreContent = FalseAPIAll the API ofzeam.form.baseis exported as well.ActionsAddActionAction which take an extra parameter, factory, to create an object stored on the content object. The created object is added with the help ofINameChooserto get its identifier. The optionfieldNamewill be used to lookup a value in the form data to give as potential identifier toINameChooser. Afterwards the created object is edited (like EditAction does) with the form data.EditActionAction which use the form data to change values on the content object, designated by the form fields, after validation of the form submission.CancelActionSimple action which return on default view of the content without validating the form submission.FieldsCurrently supported fields:Date, Datetime: generate a text line input and parse/display the date using the locale,TextLine, Text, Boolean, URI, Email, and numbers (Int, Float …),Password,Choice: generate a select or a radio boxes (widget moderadio),Object,Collections: List, Set, Tuple in input and display mode:Collection of choices: generate a widget with a list of checkboxes,Collection of objects: generate a table to edit multiple objects,Other collection: generate a widget with generic add an remove actions.For more documentation, please report to the doctests included in the code.Changelog1.4.0 (2020/08/20)Moved to Python3.6+. Python2 support dropped.1.3.6 (2018/01/15)Fixed the use of defaultFactoryUpdated to newer versions of GTK packages1.3.5 (2016/03/08)Extended the Mock Library class to make it compatible with the newest fanstatic api.1.3.4 (2014/04/15)Introducing the “defaultFactory” attributes fromzope.schema. It was necessary to hijack the default value computing from zope.schema DefaultProperty.1.3.3 (2013/12/20)Update collection javascript not to bind events on the document anymore, but on the field. This prevent breakage if the events get intercepted. The reordering buttons no longer submit the form, even if the javascript isn’t included.Allow people to customize thedisabledattributes on fields.Update collection javascript to work with jQuery 1.9. It now requires at least jQuery (2013/04/23)Add a native email widget.1.3.1 (2012/11/19)Update fields to properly pass alongzope.schemathecontrainValuevalidator.Fix all fields to properly handle required (it got broken in the previous release for some fields).1.3 (2012/10/12)Update fields and widgets to no longer proxyzope.schema. Instead they do their own validation and are standalone (they can be created and used withoutzope.schema).Support more HTML 5 features, like for number fields, and extra attributes that can be inserted with the help ofhtmlAttributes, likeplaceholder…Add aCurrencyField, that can be used to display nicely currencies.1.2.3 (2012/09/24)Update API to usezeam.form.base1. (2012/07/25)Adjust CheckboxWidgetExtractor to convertFalseinput to boolFalse.1.2.1 (2012/04/27)Improve choice widgets, to make possible to customize the source of it. Add support for aIFormSourceBinder, that works like aIContextSourceBinderexcept it takes the form as parameter instead of the context (thus giving access to request as well for instance).Add a methoddeleteto the data manager.Now usegrokcore.chameleoninstead ofmegrok.chameleon.1.2 (2011/11/08)Improve error reporting in collection widgets. Thanks to Novareto for the sponsorship.Add an validation option in collection widgets while adding and removing values from it. Thanks to Novareto for the sponsorship.Improve Javascript for collection widgets. Add an extra with fanstatic to automatically require required files.If a collection widget is required, it will by default display one empty item in the collection when it is empty. That prevent an extra click to add it.Various fixes inInvariantsValidator.SchemaWidgetExtractorandSchemaFieldnow catch Invalid exceptions.Add support for the HTML 5 attribute required in every template. Use the attribute novalidate on the form tag to disable it.Add a display widget for object and uri fields.Add an optionvalueLengthto the date widgets. Any Zope formatter size can be use (short,medium…).1.0 (2010/10/19)Add amultiselectwidget for multiple choices.Add areadonlywidget.Add adisplaywidget for booleans and collections.Add HTML5 widgets for URIs.Schema field can be adapted now, even if they don’t have a interface (if they provide an attribute __name__).Add more tests, fix issues in collection widgets, and invariant validator.Translations are all located inzeam.form.base.Update to use the last version ofzeam.form.base.1.0rc2 (2010/07/16)Addradiowidget for choices.Add a display widgets for multiple choices.All fields have thefieldCSS class.Multiple choices widgets now properly respect the value of a vocabulary term.1.0rc1 (2010/07/05)Updated entry points registrations to be compatible with latestzeam.form.base.1.0b3 (2010/06/22)Field wrapper registration is now made thanks to an entry point.Added invariants validation.Added A generic adaptive datamanager that can adapt the form content to one or several interfaces.1.0b2 (2010/05/13)Improve widget initialization, and testing layer support.Fix choice widgets when they are used with vocabulary factories.1.0b1 (2010/05/03)Initial release, with not all the widgets.
zeam.jsontemplateIntroductionThis library packages a patched version of json template forfanstatic. This behaved exactly like the official version, except it add an optionundefined_callablethat is a function that will be called in case of an undefined value, to return the value to be use.This requires integration between your web framework andfanstatic, and making sure that the original resources (shipped in theresourcesdirectory inzeam.jsontemplate) are published to some URL.How to use?You can importjsontemplatefromzeam.jsontemplateandneedit where you want these resources to be included on a page:>>> from zeam.jsontemplate import jsontemplate >>> jsontemplate.need()CHANGES0.1 (2011/11/07)Initial release.
This package provides a batch functionality for Zope 2, Zope 3 and Grok.ContentsExampleAPIChangelog1.1 (2012-09-24)1.0 (2011-11-07)0.7 (2010-10-05)0.6 (2010-07-15)0.5 (2009-11-17)0.4.1 (2009-10-16)0.4 (2009-10-16)0.3 (2008-10-18)0.2ExampleA very straightforward example. We need to define a context to work on:>>> import grokcore.view as grok >>> from persistent import Persistent >>> from zope.component import queryMultiAdapter >>> from zeam.utils.batch import Batch >>> from zeam.utils.batch.interfaces import IBatching >>> class Content(Persistent): ... passAnd now, you can define a view which use a batch, and render it:>>> class MyViewClass(grok.View): ... grok.context(Content) ... ... def update(self): ... fulllist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ... self.myitems = Batch( ... fulllist , count=3, name='nbs', request=self.request, ... factory=lambda x: str(x)) ... ... self.batch = queryMultiAdapter( ... (self, self.myitems, self.request), ... IBatching)() ... ... template = grok.PageTemplate(''' ... <tal:navigation tal:replace="structure view/batch" /> ... <span tal:content="item" tal:repeat="item view/myitems" /> ... <tal:navigation tal:replace="structure view/batch" /> ... ''')And this work:>>> from grokcore.component import testing >>> testing.grok_component("view", MyViewClass) True >>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest >>> request = TestRequest() >>> root = getRootFolder() >>> root['myObject'] = Content() >>> myobj = root['myObject'] >>> view = queryMultiAdapter((myobj, request), name="myviewclass") >>> "batchNav" in view() TrueAPIBatchThis object implements the batch.The batch object is instanciated with the following arguments:a list of the objects to batchthe requestthe number of items per page (as count, default to 10)a name (optional)a factory that will be passed each item before each iteration (optional)The batch is an iterable object behaving like a list. It only gives access to the set of objects for the current page.It provides the number of pages generated and the current position. Please refer to the interface, for more information.A multi adapter providingIBatchingcan render the batch. It adapts the context, the batch object and the request. The __call__ method of this component will return a snippet of HTML containing basic controls for your batch: a next and previous link and a direct access to the other pages.DateBatchThis object implements a batch for date range. It follows the same API than the regular batch, except:the list of objects is replaced by a callable that takes a datetime value has parameter and return a list of objects for the given periodethe count option is changed to use either theBATCH_DAYorBATCH_MONTHmarker object.Changelog1.1 (2012-09-24)Add a new type of batch, AlphabeticalBatch, that like the DateBatch, and can be used to iterate through a fixed set of items like letters or digits.Fix a bug when thestartvalue is higher than the number of element in the batch in the regular batch.Add two optionsminandmaxto the date batch in order to define possible limits for it.1.0 (2011-11-07)Add a new batch component,DateBatch, which is able to browser period of years or months.batchis renamed intoBatch. Methods have been renamed to follow pep8 recommandations (i.e.batchLenintobatch_length).Template have been reviewed: values are accessible via the template variablebatchinsted of directly. This fix an issue of compatiblity with Chameleon, wherenextcould not be defined (that’s a Python built-in).0.7 (2010-10-05)Add a __len__ method do a batch object, which returns the number of objects viewable via this current batch. Like this, it can be used with tal:condition in templates.An option keep_form_data on the view prevent to include posted form data in generated links (sometime you want them, some other you don’t).0.6 (2010-07-15)Generated batch links can include other parameters in the link. That let you batch form results for instance.0.5 (2009-11-17)Batching views have two new properties:firstandlastwhich gives links to the first and last batch.0.4.1 (2009-10-16)Corrected the broken distribution that was missing the i18n folder.0.4 (2009-10-16)NoteThis release is incompatible with previous ones. You are recomanded to review and adapt your code in order to use it.Added README.txt as a doctest [trollfot]The rendering is made by a IPageTemplate component, not longer by the Batching itself. [trollfot]We no longer use the IBatchedContent. It has been removed. [trollfot]zeam.utils.batchis now fully grokked. [trollfot]batchView has been renamed Batching. [trollfot]You adapt the batch with the view on which you display the batch: its name will keep when generating links,Batch can bedisabledwith a count of 0,Add translations for french, english and dutch.0.3 (2008-10-18)Fix and add tests,Don’t display batch navigation if everything fits on one page,No more special links are generated for the first page of the batch.0.2Initial release
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Zebra printer configuration toolThis package provides a command-line configuration tool for Zebraprinters. For example:Get product name:zebconf get device.product_nameSet hostname:zebconf set device.friendy_name myzq520Configure WiFi:zebconf wifi myessid -p mypasswordUpgrade firmware:zebconf upgrade
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zebedee-pyA python library that makes building with the ZBD API easy and fast. To sign-up for the ZBD API, use get started, you'll need to create a project using using the Developer Dashboard. Once you have a project, grab the API key from the API key tab. We will now assume that you have an API Key.featuresThe Project class has all available endpoints for theZBD API.example usageInstall the package using:pip install zebedeeNow you're ready to get started!Here's example code.from zebedee import * # create a new ZBD object with callback URL to get updates after there is a status update. project_a = zebedee.Project("your_api_key", "") # Call the get_wallet_details function to retrieve your wallet details wallet_details = project_a.get_wallet_details() # Create a new charge for 1 hour with an amount of 5000 msats and a description charge_details = project_a.create_charge(amount_of_seconds_to_expire_after=3600, amount_msats=5000, description='Test Charge') # Get the details of a charge with the specified ZBD ID charge_id = charge_details["id"] charge_details = project_a.get_charge_details(charge_id) # Create a new static charge with the specified parameters static_charge_details = project_a.create_static_charge(allowed_slots=10, min_amount_msats=1000, max_amount_msats=10000, description='Test Static Charge', internal_id='123', success_message='Payment successful') # Update the details of an existing static charge static_charge_id = static_charge_details["id"] updated_static_charge_details = project_a.update_static_charge_details(id=static_charge_id,allowed_slots=None, min_amount_msats=2000, max_amount_msats=20000, description='Updated Static Charge', success_message='Payment successful') # Get the details of a static charge with the specified ZBD ID static_charge_id = static_charge_details["id"] static_charge_details = project_a.get_static_charge_details(static_charge_id) # Create a new withdrawal request with the specified parameters withdrawal_request_details = project_a.create_withdrawal_request(amount_of_seconds_to_expire_after=3600, amount_msats=10000, description='Test Withdrawal Request', internal_id='123') # Get the details of a withdrawal request with the specified ZBD ID withdrawal_request_id = withdrawal_request_details["id"] withdrawal_request_details = project_a.get_withdrawal_request_details(withdrawal_request_id) # Send a keysend payment to the specified public key with the specified amount and metadata public_key = 'your_public_key_here' amount_msats = 1000 metadata = {'key': 'value'} payment_details = project_a.send_keysend_payment(public_key, amount_msats, metadata=metadata) print(payment_details) # Pay an invoice with the specified parameters invoice = 'your_invoice_here' description = 'Test Invoice Payment' internal_id = '123' payment_details = project_a.pay_invoice(invoice, description, internal_id) # get payment details for a Zebedee payment with zbd_id=123 get_payment_details = project_a.get_payment_details(zbd_id=payment_details["id"]) # validate a lightning address validate_lightning_address = project_a.validate_lightning_address(lightning_address="[email protected]") # send a payment to a lightning address payment_response = project_a.send_payment_to_lightning_address( lightning_address="[email protected]", amount_msats=10000, comment="payment comment", internal_id="test:1" ) # fetch a charge for a lightning address charge_response = project_a.fetch_charge_from_lightning_address( lightning_address="[email protected]", amount_msats=10000, description="charge description" ) # send a payment to a gamertag gamertag_payment_details = project_a.send_payment_to_gamertag(gamertag="santos", amount_msats=1000, description="payment description") # get details for a gamertag transaction with zbd_id=123 transaction_details = project_a.get_gamertag_transaction_details(zbd_id=gamertag_payment_details["transactionId"]) # get the user ID associated with a gamertag user_id = project_a.get_user_id_from_gamertag(gamertag="santos") # get the gamertag associated with a user ID gamertag = project_a.get_gamertag_from_user_id(user_id=user_id) # fetch a charge for a gamertag charge_response = project_a.fetch_charge_from_gamertag( gamertag="santos", amount_msats=1000, description="charge description", internal_id="internal_id" ) # check if an IP is in a supported region supported = project_a.is_supported_region(ip="") # get the IP address of the ZBD production server prod_server_ip = project_a.get_zbd_prod_server_ip() # get the current BTC-USD exchange rate btc_usd_price = project_a.get_btc_usd_quote_price() # convert sats to msats -> returns 1000 amount_msats = project_a.convert_sats_to_msats(amount_sats=1) # convert msats to sats -> returns 1 amount_sats = project_a.convert_msats_to_sats(amount_msats=1000) # transfer funds between ZBD wallets transfer_response = project_a.transfer_zbd_funds(amount_msats=1000, receiver_wallet_id="receiver_wallet_id")best practicesuse an environmental variable for each apikey before going live with this code.
Doc can be foundhere
# zebe-python-utils
Zeblok Python SDK to interact the Zeblok Ai-MicroCloud
Zeblok Python SDK to interact the Zeblok Ai-MicroCloud
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Usage:from zebra import Zebra z = Zebra( [queue] ) Constructor with optional printer queue z.getqueues() Return a list containing available printer queues z.setqueue( queue ) Set the printer queue z.setup( direct_thermal=None, label_height=None, label_width=None ) Set up the label printer using EPL2. Parameters are not set if they are None. Not necessary if using AutoSense (hold feed button while powering on) direct_thermal - True if using direct thermal labels label_height - tuple (label height, label gap) in dots label_width - in dots z.reset_default() Resets the printer to factory settings using EPL2 z.reset() Resets the printer using EPL2 - equivalent of switching off/on z.autosense() Run AutoSense by sending an EPL2 command Get the printer to detect label and gap length and set the sensor levels z.print_config_label() Send an EPL2 command to print label(s) with current config settings z.store_graphic( name, filename ) Store a 1 bit .PCX file on the label printer using EPL2 name - name to be used on printer filename - local filename z.print_graphic( x, y, width, length, data, qty ) Print a label from 1 bit data, using EPL2 x,y - top left coordinates of the image, in dots width - width of image, in dots. Must be a multiple of 8. length - length of image, in dots data - raw graphical data, in bytes qty - number of labels to print z.output( commands ) Output raw commands to the printer z.print_config_label() Print label(s) containing the current printer configuration using EPL2Note:If you are on a Linux or MacOSX machine using CUPS, you may need to set up a printer queue using the admin panel athttp://localhost:631Changelog0.1.0class name is now ‘Zebra’ instead of ‘zebra’Fix for missing win32print module in pypiDrop python 2 supportuse setuptools instead of distutilsimprove documentationAdded reset(), reset_default(), autosense(), print_config_label() and print_graphic() functions0.0.5Added -oraw to lpr command to make more CUPS installations work0.0.4 and earlierUndocumented!
Monitoring PackageThis is monitoring client package. just use it for Zebracat monitoring serverfromzebracat_monitoring_client.clientimportZebraClientcli=ZebraClient(sensor_id="1",server_address="<address>:<port>",schema="http")handler=cli.get_handler()"hi")cli.send(value="100")
ZebracornZebracorn is a lightweight, multi-platform, multi-architecture CPU emulator framework based on a fork ofUnicorn.The API is identical to Unicorn, but Zebracorn offers a few additional features:Hooks:RDTSC instructionBlock TranslationCallback after N blocks executedExecution Info:Block count executedInstruction count executedInstruction Meta:Tiny Code Generator (TCG) representation of each instructionUnicorn AFL integrationThese APIs are only supported through the Python bindings.The Zebracorn engine is primarily made available to support functionality in thezelos binary emulator.InstallationZebracorn is distributed as a pythonpippackage. Other bindings are not supported. To install the python package:$pipinstallzebracornPython packages are available for Windows, Linux and MacOS.LicenseUnicorn and Qemu are released under theGPL license.
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Zebrafyis a Python 3 library for converting PDF and images to and fromZebra Programming Language (ZPL)graphic fields (^GF).Zebrafyconsists of three conversion tools:ZebrafyImage— convert an image into valid ZPLZebrafyPDF— convert a PDF into valid ZPLZebrafyZPL— convert valid ZPL graphic fields into images or PDFIf you want more control over the resulting ZPL data,ZebrafyImageandZebrafyPDFsupport the following optional parameters:ParameterDescriptioncompression_typeZPL graphic field compression type (default"A")"A"— ASCII hexadecimal (most compatible)"B"— Base64 Binary"C"— Z64 compressed binary (best compression)invertInvert the black and white in the image/PDF output. (TrueorFalse, defaultFalse)ditherDither the result instead of hard limit on black pixels. (TrueorFalse, defaultTrue)thresholdBlack pixel threshold for image without dithering (0-255, default128)widthWidth of the image in the resulting ZPL,0to use original image/PDF width (default0)heightHeight of the image in the resulting ZPL,0to use original image/PDF height (default0)pos_xPixel x position of the graphic field in resulting ZPL (default0)pos_yPixel y position of the graphic field in resulting ZPL (default0)complete_zplAdd ZPL header and footer or only get the ZPL graphic field output (TrueorFalse, defaultTrue)Getting StartedInstallationpip install zebrafyDependenciesPip handles all dependencies automatically. This library is built on top of:Pillow— Python Imaging Librarypypdfium2— Python 3 binding toPDFiumExample UsageImage to ZPL Graphic Field withZebrafyImageConvert image bytes into a complete ZPL string and save to file:fromzebrafyimportZebrafyImagewithopen("source.png","rb")asimage:zpl_string=ZebrafyImage("output.zpl","w")aszpl:zpl.write(zpl_string)Example usage with optional parameters:fromzebrafyimportZebrafyImagewithopen("source.png","rb")asimage:zpl_string=ZebrafyImage(,compression_type="C",invert=True,dither=False,threshold=128,width=720,height=1280,pos_x=100,pos_y=100,complete_zpl=True,).to_zpl()withopen("output.zpl","w")aszpl:zpl.write(zpl_string)Alternatively,ZebrafyImagealso accepts PIL Image as the image parameter instead of image"RGB",size=(100,100))zpl_string=ZebrafyImage(pil_image).to_zpl()withopen("output.zpl","w")aszpl:zpl.write(zpl_string)PDF to ZPL Graphic Field withZebrafyPDFConvert PDF bytes into a complete ZPL string and save to file:fromzebrafyimportZebrafyPDFwithopen("source.pdf","rb")aspdf:zpl_string=ZebrafyPDF("output.zpl","w")aszpl:zpl.write(zpl_string)ZebrafyPDFconversion supports the same optional parameters asZebrafyImageconversion:fromzebrafyimportZebrafyPDFwithopen("source.pdf","rb")aspdf:zpl_string=ZebrafyPDF(,compression_type="C",invert=True,dither=False,threshold=128,width=720,height=1280,pos_x=100,pos_y=100,complete_zpl=True,).to_zpl()withopen("output.zpl","w")aszpl:zpl.write(zpl_string)ZPL to PDF or Images withZebrafyZPLConvert all graphic fields from a valid ZPL file to PIL Images and save to image files:fromzebrafyimportZebrafyZPLwithopen("source.zpl","r")aszpl:pil_images=ZebrafyZPL(,pil_imageinenumerate(pil_images)"output_{count}.png","PNG")Convert all graphic fields from a valid ZPL file to PDF bytes and save to PDF file:fromzebrafyimportZebrafyZPLwithopen("source.zpl","r")aszpl:pdf_bytes=ZebrafyZPL("output.pdf","wb")aspdf:pdf.write(pdf_bytes)Contributing and IssuesContributions and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted on theGitHub page.The project does not yet have a well-defined scope, and I’m open to new feature requests. Features currently in consideration are:HTML to ZPL conversion by implementing standard HTML elements into ZPL commandsExtract text from a PDF to render it as a native ZPL command instead of graphic fieldLicenseThis source is released under theGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0.Logo
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Supported boardsCheck issuesMS4717: CMD_DEVICE_SWITCH_HOST_MODE does not workInstallingIt’s working on Ubuntu 18.04 with Zebra SDK 4.4, which you can download from can easily install zebra_scanner with pip:sudoapt-getinstalllibboost-devlibboost-python-devlibpugixml-devsudopip3installpybind11sudopip3install.# in zebra-scanner directoryA minimal exampleimportpprintimporttimefromzebra_scannerimportCoreScannerpp=pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)scanners=[]cs=CoreScanner()@cs.on_scanner_addeddefon_scanner_added(scanner):print("New scanner found:")pp.pprint(scanner.__dict__)scanners.append(scanner)scanner.pull_trigger()scanner.fetch_attributes()forid,attributeinscanner.attributes.items():ifid<10:pp.pprint({"id":id,"datatype":attribute.datatype,"value":attribute.value,"permission":attribute.permission})@scanner.on_barcodedefon_barcode(barcode):print("Scanned:")print(barcode.code,barcode.type)@cs.on_scanner_removeddefon_scanner_removed(scanner):print("Scanner removed:")scanner.release_trigger()scanners.remove(scanner)pp.pprint(scanner.__dict__)whileTrue:time.sleep(0.1)# do nothing while the scanner is reading in continous modeRunning the example~/Development/zebra-scanner/examples$pythontest.pyNewscannerfound:{'DoM':'10Mar18','GUID':'AFF531D4821A3E4BB2127A380DA81FB0','PID':'1900','VID':'05e0','firwmare':'PAABLS00-005-R05','modelnumber':'PL-3307-B100R','scannerID':'1','serialnumber':'00000000K10U532B','type':'SNAPI'}{'datatype':'F','id':0,'permission':7,'value':True}{'datatype':'F','id':1,'permission':7,'value':True}{'datatype':'F','id':2,'permission':7,'value':True}{'datatype':'F','id':3,'permission':7,'value':True}{'datatype':'F','id':4,'permission':7,'value':True}{'datatype':'F','id':5,'permission':7,'value':False}{'datatype':'F','id':6,'permission':7,'value':True}{'datatype':'F','id':7,'permission':7,'value':False}{'datatype':'F','id':8,'permission':7,'value':True}{'datatype':'F','id':9,'permission':7,'value':False}Scanned:('Hello World','3')Scanned:('00140092390052832143','15')Scanned:('31039999993000000072\x1d','15')Scanned:('01540092393881021000017500861331','15')Scanned:('00140092390052832143','15')^CScannerremoved:{'DoM':'10Mar18','GUID':'AFF531D4821A3E4BB2127A380DA81FB0','PID':'1900','VID':'05e0','firwmare':'PAABLS00-005-R05','modelnumber':'PL-3307-B100R','scannerID':'1','serialnumber':'00000000K10U532B','type':'SNAPI'}
ZebraZoomZebraZoom can be used to track the heads and tails of freely swimming and of head-embedded larval and adult zebrafish. It can also be used to track the center of mass of other animal species, such as mice or drosophila. The graphical user interface of ZebraZoom offers options to compare populations based on kinematic parameters and/or on based on unsupervised clustering of bouts of movements. The software operates through an intuitive graphical user interface, making it very simple to use for people with no programming background.For more information view theonline documentation, visitzebrazoom.orgor email [email protected]
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ZEBU /ˈzeɪbuː/ - Bos primigenius indicus or Bos indicus or Bos taurus indicus sometimes known as indicine cattle or humped cattle, is a species or subspecies of domestic cattle originating in South Asia. Zebu are characterised by a fatty hump on their shoulders, a large dewlap, and sometimes drooping ears. They are well adapted to withstanding high temperatures, and are farmed throughout the tropical countries, both as pure zebu and as hybrids with taurine cattle, the other main type of domestic cattle. Zebu are used as draught oxen, dairy cattle, and beef cattle, as well as for byproducts such as hides and dung for fuel and manure. In 1999, researchers at Texas A&M University successfully cloned a zebu. was taken, since I am French and ZEBU relies on 0MQ I thought thebus pronounced zebus could be a cool name. Of course, I could not resist the temptation to name this module after a cow.Ze serviceZEBU is a uber minimalistic bus which I implemented for fun and turned out to be useful (to me at least).To run ZEBU you need to set 2 environment variables. ZEBU_PUBLISH is the endpoint the publishers connect to. ZEBU_SUBSCRIBE the endpoint the subscribers connect to.Endpoints have the format transport://address where transport would more than likely be ipc or tcp.$ ZEBU_PUBLISH=ipc://publish ZEBU_SUBSCRIBE=ipc://subscribe python -m zebuZe moduleZEBU is also a module you can import to use carefully crafted helpers to define …Subscribers>>> from zebu import subscribe >>> messages = subscribes('a/topic', 'another/topic') >>> for message in messages: ... # do something with messagePublishers>>> from zebu import publisher >>> publish = publisher() >>> publish('a/topic', 'a message on that topic')
Python Zebull APIZebull is set of REST-like APIs based platform of all input and output parameters are based on JSON. Zebull rest provide an easy way to place order,and view orderbook.DocumentationZebull API DocumentationInstalling the clientYou can install the pre release via pippip install --upgrade zebullIts recommended to updatesetuptoolsto latest if you are facing any issue while installingpip install -U pip setuptoolsFor more details checkofficial Python documentation.API usage (Sample method calls)importrequestsimportjsonimporthashlibfromzebullconnect.zebullapiimportZebullapisas_api=Zebullapi(user_id='Your_user_id',api_key='Your_api_key')# # Method will invoke teh get encryption key and get User session Id methods# # Login with userid and API key and then receive the session Id# # after got the session Id ,obtain the session Id# # as follows.response=sas_api.getEncryptionKey()# # Market Watch Scrips# # Search Scripsscrip_response=sas_api.get_scrips(symbol='search_symbol_name',exchange=['exchange_name'])# ====> Sample input parameters : symbol='TCS', exchange=[sas_api.EXCHANGE_NSE]# Other available exchanges are as below## EXCHANGE_NSE --- For NSE Cash# EXCHANGE_NFO --- For NSE DERIVATIVES# EXCHANGE_CDS --- For NSE Currency Derivatives# EXCHANGE_BSE --- For BSE Cash# EXCHANGE_BSE --- For BSE Derivatives# EXCHANGE_BSE --- For BSE Currency Derivatives# EXCHANGE_MCX --- For MCX Contracts# If the search has to be global, like search on NSE and BSE for example,# send the exchange parameter as below# exchange=[sas_api.EXCHANGE_NSE, sas_api.EXCHANGE_BSE]# SAMPLE RESPONSE# {.....'exch': 'NSE', 'exchange': None, 'exchange_segment': 'nse_cm', 'symbol': 'TCS-EQ', 'token': '11536', 'instrument_name': 'TATA CONSULTANCY SERV LT'....}# There will be more parameters in teh response, but you can ignore them# SYMBOL and TOKEN are the important ones to call further APIs# Market Watch Listmarketwatchrespdata=sas_api.getmarketwatch_list()## =====> Fetch Market Watch List## SAMPLE RESPONSE# {'stat': 'Ok', 'values': ['mwGrpRM', 'mwGrpLN', 'mwGrpFk', 'mwGrpFF'], 'MaxMWCount': 200, 'logindefaultmw': 'mwGrpLN'}# There will be no parameters in teh response,# # Market Watch Scripsmarketwatchresp=sas_api.marketwatch_scripsdata(mwname='Enter_your_market_watch_name')## ====> Sample input parameters :mwname='mwGrpFk'## SAMPLE RESPONSE# {'stat': 'Ok', 'values': [{'tcksize': '5', 'openinterest': '0', 'optiontype': 'XX', 'BestSellPrice': '132.20', 'ExchSeg': 'nse_cm',......}## values are in Json array with watch names and maximum scrip counts are allowed# # Add Scripsaddscripsresp=sas_api.addscrips(mwname='Enter_your_market_watch_name',exchange='exchange_name',token='Enter_your_tokenno')## ====> Sample input parameters : mwname='mwGrpFk', exchange='NSE', token='1235'## SAMPLE RESPONSE# {'emsg': 'Scrip is present in mwGrpFk', 'stat': 'Ok'}## Give the input parameters and status as ok and result as success# # Delete Scripsdeletescripsresp=sas_api.deletescrips(mwname='Enter_your_market_watch_name',exchange='exchange_name',token='Enter_your_tokenno')## Sample input parameters : mwname='mwGrpLn', exchange='NSE', token='245'## SAMPLE RESPONSE# {'emsg': 'Scrip is delete in mwGrpLn', 'stat': 'Ok'}## Delete the parameters value and status as ok then result as success# # Scrip Detailsscripsdetailresp=sas_api.scrips_details(exchange='exchange_name',token='Enter_your_tokenno')# ====> Sample input parameters : exchange=[sas_api.EXCHANGE_NSE],token='777'#### SAMPLE RESPONSE# {'vwapAveragePrice': 'NA', 'LTQ': 'NA', 'DecimalPrecision': 2, 'openPrice': 'NA', 'LTP': 'NA', 'Ltp': 'NA', 'BRate': 'NA', 'defmktproval': '3', 'symbolname': 'UTIRGR28P2',...... }## There given exchange and token numbers are given the bunch of response will be displayed on output format## Order Management# # Position Bookpositionbookresp=sas_api.positionbook(ret='retention_type')# ====> Sample input parameters : ret=[sas_api.RETENTION_DAY]## SAMPLE RESPONSE# {"emsg": "Success","stat": "Ok"}## The Retention type of input parameters DAY/NET will be given after response are bunch of data's are displayed like that stat,exchange,pcode,symbol,token....# # Square of positionsquareoffresp=sas_api.squareoff_positions(exchange='exchange_name',symbol='Enter_your_symbol',qty='Enter_your_Qty',pCode='Entey_your_productcode',tokenno='Enter_your_tokenno')# ====> Sample input parameters : ret=[sas_api.RETENTION_DAY], symbol='ASHOKLEY',qty='0',pCode=[sas_api.PRODUCT_INTRADAY], tokenno='12356'## SAMPLE RESPONSE# {"stat": "Ok","nestOrderNumber:"200626000052824"}# The input parameters are given and response are ok, nestordernumbers are displayed# # Place Orderplaceorderresp=sas_api.place_order(complexty='Enter_your_ordertype',discqty='Enter_your_discqty',exch='exchange_name',pCode='Enter_your_productcode',price='Enter_your_Price',qty='Enter_your_Quantity',prctyp='Enter_your_pricetype',ret='Enter_your_retention_type',symbol_id='Enter_your_symbol_id',trading_symbol='Enter_your_trading_symbol',transtype='Enter_your_transaction_type',trigPrice='Enter_your_trigPrice')# ====> Sample input parameters : ret=[sas_api.RETENTION_DAY], complexity=[sas_api.REGULAR_ORDER], exchange=[sas_api.EXCHANGE_NSE],pCode='MIS',# price='1',Qty='1',prctype=[sas_api.LIMIT_ORDER],ret=[sas_api.RETENTION_DAY],trading_symbol='49234',transtype=[sas_api.BUY_ORDER],# trigprice='1'# SAMPLE RESPONSE# {['stat': 'Ok', 'nestOrderNumber': '191015000018737']}# Same as the process of Square off positions given parameters and response are ok,nestordernumbers are displayed# Bracket Orderbracketorderresp=sas_api.bracket_order(complexty='Enter_your_ordertype',discqty='Enter_your_discqty',exch='exchange_name',pCode='Enter_your_productcode',price='Enter_your_price',qty='Enter_your_qty',prctyp='Enter_your_pricetype',stopLoss='Enter_your_stopLoss',ret='Enter_your_retention_type',symbol_id='Enter_your_symbol_id',trading_symbol='Enter_your_trading_symbol',trailing_stop_loss='Enter_your_trailing_stop_loss_value',target='Enter_your_target_value',transtype='Enter_your_transaction_type',trigPrice='Enter_your_trigPrice')# ====> Sample input parameters : ret=[sas_api.RETENTION_DAY], complexity=[sas_api.REGULAR_ORDER], exchange=[sas_api.EXCHANGE_NSE],pCode='MIS',# price='1',qty='1',prctype=[sas_api.LIMIT_ORDER],ret=[sas_api.RETENTION_DAY],trading_symbol='49234',transtype=[sas_api.BUY_ORDER],# trigprice='1',discqty='0',symbol_id='13611',trailimg_stop_loss='3.4',target='28.0',transtype=[sas_api.BUY_ORDER],stoploss='28.0'# SAMPLE RESPONSE# [{"stat": "Ok", "nestOrderNumber": "210218000070901"}# Same process of previous one input parameters like retention type,complexity,exchange....... and response are ok,nestordernumbers displayed on screen# Fetch Order Bookorderresp=sas_api.order_data()# ===>No Parameters are passed to get response# SAMPLE RESPONSE# [{....... "Prc": "1454.90", "RequestID": "1", "Cancelqty": 0, "discQtyPerc": "10", "Qty": 8, "Prctype": "SL", "Status": "rejected","Exchange": "NSE" ,"Avgprc": "00.00", "Trgprc": "1450.90",.....}]# This one get method and no input parameters and output will be bunch of data's are shown on response# Fetch Trade Booktradebookresp=sas_api.tradebook()# ===>No Parameters are passed to get response# SAMPLE RESPONSE# This one also get method and no input parameters and data's will be shown# # Exit Bracket Orderexitboorderresp=sas_api.exitboorder(nestOrderNumber='Enter_your_nestOrderNumber',symbolOrderId="Enter_your_symbolOrderId",status='Enter_your_status')# ====> Sample input parameters : nestOrderNumber='200626000052824', symbolOrderId='', status='OPEN',## SAMPLE RESPONSE# {"stat":"Ok}# The input parameters are nestordernumber,symbolid,and status will be given and response like ok.# # Modify Ordermodifyorderresp=sas_api.modifyorder(discqty='Your_Quantity_No',qty='Enter_your_Quantity',exch='exchange_name',filledQuantity='Enter_your_Filledquantity',nestOrderNumber='Enter_your_nestordernumber',prctyp='Enter_your_pricetype',price='Enter_your_Price',trading_symbol='Your_Trading_Symbol',trigPrice='Enter_your_trigger_Price',transtype='Enter_your_transaction_type',pCode='Enter_your_productcode'),# ====> Sample input parameters : discqty='0', qty='1', exchange=[sas_api.EXCHANGE_NSE],filledQuantity='0',# nestOrderNumber='191015000018737',prctype=[sas_api.LIMIT_ORDER], price='1'# ,trading_symbol='ASHOKLEY-EQ',trigPrice='00.OO',transtype=[sas_api.BUY_ORDER],# pCode=[sas_api.MARKET_ORDER]## SAMPLE RESPONSE# [{"stat": "Ok", "nestOrderNumber": "210218000070901"}# The Input parameters are given and results are displayed on Sample response# # Market Ordermarketorderresp=sas_api.marketorder(complexty='Enter_your_ordertype',discqty='Enter_your_discqty',exch='exchange_name',pCode='Enter_your_productcode',prctyp='Enter_your_pricetype',price="",qty='Enter_your_qty',ret='Enter_your_retention_type',symbol_id='Enter_your_symbol_id',trading_symbol='Enter_your_trading_symbol',transtype='Enter_your_transaction_type',trigPrice="")# ====> Sample input parameters : complexity=[sas_api.REGULAR_ORDER], discqty='0', qty='1', exchange=[sas_api.EXCHANGE_NSE],filledQuantity='0',nestOrderNumber='191015000018737',prctype=[sas_api.LIMIT_ORDER],price='1',trading_symbol='ASHOKLEY-EQ'# trigPrice='00.OO',transtype=[sas_api.BUY_ORDER],pCode=[sas_api.MARKET_ORDER]# SAMPLE RESPONSE# {"stat": "Ok", "nestOrderNumber": "210218000070991"}# The market order data's can be input and output's are displayed# Cancel Ordercancelresp=sas_api.cancel_order(exchange=sas_api.EXCHANGE_NSE,nestordernmbr='Enter_your_nestordernmbr',tradingsymbol='Enter_your_tradingsymbol')# ====> Sample input parameters : exchange=[sas_api.EXCHANGE_NSE], nestordernumbrr='191015000018737',tradingsymbol='ASHOKLEY-EQ',# SAMPLE RESPONSE# {"stat": "Ok", "nestOrderNumber": "210218000070991"}# The Input parameters exchange,nestordernumber and trading symbol are given after output's are status ok, and nestordernumber are displayed# Order Historyorderhistoryresp=sas_api.order_history(nextorder='Enter_your_nextorder')# =====> Sample input parameter: nestOrderNumber": "200628000000004"# SAMPLE RESPONSE# {'stat':'Ok' ...}# The nestordernumber's are displayed# Fetch Holdingsdataholdingresp=sas_api.holdingsdata()# =====> No parameter are passed to get holdings# SAMPLE RESPONSE# {'stat':'Ok' ...}# This are get method no input parameters and output parameters will be displayed# Funds# Get Limitfundsresp=sas_api.fundsdata()# =====> Fetch Market Watch List# SAMPLE RESPONSE# {'emsg': None, 'stat': 'Ok'}# No parameters to send get fundsdetails
zec2Easily manage your AWS EC2 instancesINSTALLpipinstallzec2CONFIGURE AWS CREDENTIALSYou should have this two files on your computer:~/.aws/config:[default]region=your_aws_regionoutput=json~/.aws/credentials:[default]aws_access_key_id=your_access_key_idaws_secret_access_key=your_secret_access_keyTo learn more about AWS credentials and how to install them on your computer, please read this: AWS PROFILESYou can put as many profiles in your aws credentials file and call them with zec2:# use default aws profile>zec2ls# use different aws profile>zec2-pmy_profilelsUse this option with every command.CLI COMMANDS# list all EC2 instances>zec2ls# list all EC2 instances using custom aws profile (applies to all commands)>zec2-pworkls# live list all EC2 instances>zec2ls-f# ssh to 1st instance from the list>$(zec2ssh1)# ssh using different user (the default is ec2-user)>$(zec2ssh1-uubuntu)# ssh using different pem key path (the default is ~/.ssh/__instance_key_pair__.pem)>$(zec2ssh1-i~/path/to/key.pem)# stop 1st EC2 instance from the list>zec2stop1# start 1st EC2 instance from the list>zec2start1# restart 1st EC2 instance from the list>zec2restart1# terminate 1st EC2 instance from the list>zec2terminate1
Zech ZimmermanVisit me
ZE Python ClientThe ZE Python Client provides a unified module - ZemaClient for retrieving data from ZEMA web services.PrerequisitesPython 3.5 or above and the following packagesrequestslxmlpandaszeepdicttoxmlThe packages will be automatically installed during the installation.Installationpip install zeclientUsagefromzeclient.zema_clientimportZemaClient# ZEMA Data Direct server URLdatadirect_url="";# Create ZEMA client instance and start a sessionclient=ZemaClient(datadirect_url,'','password','Client')# Get profile dataresult=client.get_profile('','profile group','profile name')SupportPlease report bugs [email protected]
Zecwallet-PythonA wrapper around Zecwallet Command Line LightClient, written in PythonTable of ContentsAboutInstallationUsageExamplesAboutZecwallet-Python is a simple wrapper around the Zecwallet Command Line LightClient written in Python, allowing Python programs to easily interact with a fully-capable, lightweight Zcash wallet. Using this package with Zecwallet, one can easily send and receive (shielded) transactions, encrypt and decrypt messages, fetch the current, market value of Zcash, and so much more. This package makes all of the Zecwallet functionality easily available in Python, and uses no dependencies outside of Zecwallet, and the Python Standard Library. Common use cases for this package include cryptocurrency trading bots, online payment processing for Zcash (including support for shielded transactions), and encrypted communication systems.Please note that this project is independent fromZecwallet, and has not been audited for security and reliability. Use at your own risk.InstallationTo use Zecwallet-Python, you will need to installZecwallet Command Line LightClientfirst. You can do this by downloading their latest release, unzipping it, and then making note of the filepath to thezecwallet-cliexecutable on your system.Note: The latest version of Zecwallet to be tested for full compatibility with Zecwallet-Python is v1.7.7Example installation for most Linux distributions:wget unzip/tmp/, you will need to install Zecwallet-Python, which can by done usingpip:pip3installzecwalletAlternatively, you may copy thewallet.pyfile fromour GitHub repository, and import that locally into your project.UsageTo interact with your Zcash wallet in Python, you must first import the Wallet class, then initialize it, providing the full filepath to thezecwallet-cliexecutable and your wallet decryption key. It is not required nor recommended to provide the wallet decryption key unless you need to take advantage of functionality that requires the key.fromzecwallet.walletimportWalletmyWallet=Wallet('/path/to/zecwallet-cli','MyDecryptionKey')Once you've instantiated your wallet, you'll have access to all of the following functions. These functions accept (sometimes optional) arguments as indicated below, and return the same datatypes returned by the Zecwallet CLI (usually a dictionary or a list).Note that, as a wrapper, the descriptions, functionality, and returned results are nearly identical to those provided by Zecwallet.| addresses() | List current addresses in the wallet | | addressBalance(targetAddress, fullResult=False) | Shows the current ZEC balance of a specific address in the wallet | | By default, the transparent address's balance or shielded address's zbalance is returned as a Decimal object. | If fullResult == True, a dictionary containing the address's full balance information is returned. | | balance() | Show the current ZEC balance in the wallet | | Transparent and Shielded balances, along with the addresses they belong to are displayed | | clear() | Clear the wallet state, rolling back the wallet to an empty state. | | This command will clear all notes, utxos and transactions from the wallet, setting up the wallet to be synced from scratch. | | communicate(command) | Send a custom command directly to zecwallet | | decrypt() | Completely remove wallet encryption, storing the wallet in plaintext on disk | Note 1: This will decrypt the seed and the sapling and transparent private keys and store them on disk. | Note 2: If you've forgotten the password, the only way to recover the wallet is to restore | from the seed phrase. | | decryptMessage(encryptedMessageBase64) | Attempt to decrypt a message with all the view keys in the wallet. | | defaultFee(blockHeight='') | Returns the default fee in zats for outgoing transactions | | encrypt(WALLET_ENCRYPTION_KEY) | Encrypt the wallet with a password | Note 1: This will encrypt the seed and the sapling and transparent private keys. | Use 'decrypt' to permanatly remove the encryption | Note 2: If you forget the password, the only way to recover the wallet is to restore | from the seed phrase. | | encryptMessage(address, memo) | Encrypt a memo to be sent to a z-address offline | | NOTE: This command only returns the encrypted payload. It does not broadcast it. You are expected to send the encrypted payload to the recipient offline | | encryptionStatus() | Check if the wallet is encrypted and if it is locked | | export() | Export private key for an individual wallet addresses. | Note: To backup the whole wallet, use the 'seed' command insted | | getOption(optionName) | Get a wallet option | | height() | Get the latest block height that the wallet is at. | | importKey(spendingOrViewingKey, birthday, noRescan=False) | Import an external spending or viewing key into the wallet | | Birthday is the earliest block number that has transactions belonging to the imported key. Rescanning will start from this block. If not sure, you can specify '0', which will start rescanning from the first sapling block. | Note that you can import only the full spending (private) key or the full viewing key. | | info() | Get info about the lightwalletd we're connected to | | lastTXID() | Show the latest TxId in the wallet | | list(allMemos=False) | List all incoming and outgoing transactions from this wallet | | If you include the 'allmemos' argument, all memos are returned in their raw hex format | | newShieldedAddress() | Create a new shielded address in this wallet | | newTransparentAddress() | Create a new transparent address in this wallet | | notes(all=False) | Show all sapling notes and utxos in this wallet | | If you supply the "all = True" argument, all previously spent sapling notes and spent utxos are also included | | quit() | Save the wallet to disk and quit | | Destroys the wallet instance | | rescan() | Rescan the wallet, rescanning all blocks for new transactions | | This command will download all blocks since the intial block again from the light client server | and attempt to scan each block for transactions belonging to the wallet. | | save() | Save the wallet to disk | | The wallet is saved to disk. The wallet is periodically saved to disk (and also saved upon exit) | but you can use this command to explicitly save it to disk | | seed() | Show the wallet's seed phrase | | Your wallet is entirely recoverable from the seed phrase. Please save it carefully and don't share it with anyone | | send(destinationAddress, amountInZatoshis, memo='') | Send ZEC to a given address(es) | | NOTE: The fee required to send this transaction is additionally deducted from your balance. | | sendProgress() | Get the progress of any send transactions that are currently computing | | setOption(optionName, optionValue) | Set a wallet option | | List of available options: | download_memos : none | wallet | all | | shield(optionalAddress='') | Shield all your transparent funds | | NOTE: The fee required to send this transaction is additionally deducted from your balance. | | sync() | Sync the light client with the server | | syncStatus() | Get the sync status of the wallet | | zecPrice() | Get the latest ZEC price in the wallet's currency (USD)Examples>>>fromzecwallet.walletimportWallet>>>myWallet=Wallet('/home/ubuntu/ZcashWallet/zecwallet-cli','decryptionKey')>>>myWallet.zecPrice(){'zec_price':Decimal('93.12'),'fetched_at':Decimal('1654321098'),'currency':'USD'}>>>myWallet.newShieldedAddress()['zs1tnk62y6sn4mwrwyxrhjxjth6lzlsaggmnkEXAMPLEwsftk760yxrsme44kp997eps0w6z4g7vd9']>>>{'result':'success'}>>>myWallet.encryptMessage('zs1d0fx24crh2kuyqs7yp0jf4wswyuEXAMPLE8mgejmf7qev2jnhjhwevhvzgjczcjzptl9xsace80','Hello World!'){'encrypted_base64':'WmNhc2hPZmZsaW5lTWVtSHORTENEDEXAMPLEUi0JRXAleZ4ep2yg=='}>>>myWallet.send('zs1d0fx24crh2kuyqs7yp0jf4wswyuEXAMPLE8mgejmf7qev2jnhjhwevhvzgjczcjzptl9xsace80',123456,'Paying you back for coffee. Thanks again!'){'result':'success'}
zedZed is a thin wrapper for integrating ZeroMQ sockets into the Twisted reactor. It's based on a very old version of txZMQ but stripped down to just the minimum required to integrate ZeroMQ sockets into the reactor.
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ZeddoNews CLI for lazy peopleInstallationpip install zeddoSet upCreate aNews API accountand remember the API key. (You can choose the free plan.)Then runzeddoand enter the API key when prompted.Usage$ zeddo [1] Public Protector finds procurement of 'scooter ambulances' was improper (News24) [2] | Salaries for Ramaphosa, ministers set to remain unchanged – for the second year in a row (News24) [3] JUST IN | SCA rules 2018 ANC Free State election 'unlawful and unconstitutional' (News24) [4] Specialized's Turbo Como SL Is a Comfy, Lightweight Cruiser (Wired) [5] 24 Times Teen Dramas Tried To Go Outside Their Genre And It Was Just So Weird (Buzzfeed) Please enter an article number to open:ConfigurationAdvanced usage:$ zeddo -h Usage: zeddo [OPTIONS] Options: -k, --api-key TEXT API key for News API -l, --language TEXT Filter articles by language -t, --category TEXT Filter by category -s, --search TEXT Search by key phrase -n, --max-count INTEGER Limit number of articles -v, --version Show the version and exit. -h, --help Show this message and exit. -c, --config FILE Read configuration from FILE.Example config file:api_key="<News API key>"language="en"The location of the config file depends on the operating system:Mac OS X (not POSIX):~/Library/Application Support/zeddo/configUnix (not POSIX):~/.config/zeddo/configMac OS X and Unix (POSIX):~/.zeddo/configWindowsRoaming:C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Foo Bar\configNot roaming:C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Foo Bar\configLicenseLicensed under the GNU Public License v3.0
🎯 zedmath | MathSimple library for mathematical expressionsVERSION:1.0.0INSTALLATIONUSING PIPpipinstallzedmathCLONE REPOgitclone MATH.gitUSAGEMethod namesDescriptionArgumentspowReturns the power of a numberx- Required - float or integerabsReturns the absolute value of the argumenta- Required - float or integerroundRound a number to a given precision in decimal digits.a- Required - float or integersumReturns sum of the given numbers.args- Required - integer, float, string, list[integer, float, string]is_oddReturns given numbers is odd or non odda- Required - integeris_evenReturns given numbers is even or non evena- Required - integerceilRounds a number up to its nearest integera- Required - integer, floatfloorReturns the value of a rounded down to its nearest integera- Required - integer, floatsignReturns given number is positive or negative using 1,-1,0a- Required - integer, floatminReturns minimum numbera- Required - integer, float, string, list[integer, float, string]maxReturns maximum numbera- Required - integer, float, string, list[integer, float, string]babyloniannoneS- Required - integer, floatdigitsReturns all digits of given numbern- Required - integer, floatEXAMPLESzedmath.pow(x)- Returns the power of a numbercode :# Import zedmath libraryimportzedmathaszm# Create variable called "result" and assign it the result of zd.pow methodresult=zm.pow(4,4)# Print the result variableprint(result)output :256zedmath.abs(a)- Returns the absolute value of the argumentcode :# Import zedmath libraryimportzedmathaszm# Create variable called "result" and assign it the result of zd.abs methodresult=zm.abs(-16)# Print the result variableprint(result)output :16zedmath.round(a)- Rounds a number to a given precision in decimal digits.code :# Import zedmath libraryimportzedmathaszm# Create variables called "result", "result2" and assign its the result of zd.round methodresult=zm.round(31.2)result2=zm.round(31.6)# Print variablesprint(result)print(result2)output :3132zedmath.sum(*args)- Returns sum of the given numbers.code :# Import zedmath libraryimportzedmathaszm# Create variable called "result" and assign it the result of zd.sum methodnumbers=[1,3,25,32.5,[21.6,"66.6",["4","6"]]]result=zm.sum(numbers)# Print the result variablesprint(result)output :159.7zedmath.is_odd(a)- Returns given numbers is odd or non odd.code :# Import zedmath libraryimportzedmathaszm# Create variables called "result", "result2" and assign its the result of zd.is_odd methodresult=zm.is_odd(17)result2=zm.is_odd(16)# Print the result variablesprint(result)print(result2)output :True Falsezedmath.is_even(a)- Returns given numbers is even or non even.code :# Import zedmath libraryimportzedmathaszm# Create variables called "result", "result2" and assign its the result of zd.is_even methodresult=zm.is_even(17)result2=zm.is_even(16)# Print the result variablesprint(result)print(result2)output :False Truezedmath.ceil(a)- Rounds a number up to its nearest integer.code :# Import zedmath libraryimportzedmathaszm# Create variables called "result", "result2" and assign its the result of zd.ceil methodresult=zm.ceil(11.7)result2=zm.ceil(11.3)# Print the result variablesprint(result)print(result2)output :1111zedmath.floor(a)- Returns the value of a rounded down to its nearest integer.code :# Import zedmath libraryimportzedmathaszm# Create variables called "result", "result2" and assign its the result of zd.floor methodresult=zm.floor(11.7)result2=zm.floor(11.3)# Print the result variablesprint(result)print(result2)output :1111zedmath.sign(a)- Returns given number is positive or negative using 1,-1,0.code :# Import zedmath libraryimportzedmathaszm# Create variables called "result", "result2", "result3" and assign its the result of zd.sign methodresult=zm.sign(17)result2=zm.sign(-17)result3=zm.sign(0)# Print the result variablesprint(result)print(result2)print(result3)output :1-10zedmath.ceil(a)- Rounds a number up to its nearest integer.code :# Import zedmath libraryimportzedmathaszm# Create variables called "result", "result2" and assign its the result of zd.ceil methodresult=zm.ceil(11.7)result2=zm.ceil(11.3)# Print the result variablesprint(result)print(result2)output :1111zedmath.floor(a)- Returns the value of a rounded down to its nearest integer.code :# Import zedmath libraryimportzedmathaszm# Create variables called "result", "result2" and assign its the result of zd.floor methodresult=zm.floor(11.7)result2=zm.floor(11.3)# Print the result variablesprint(result)print(result2)output :1111zedmath.min(*args)- Returns minimum number.code :# Import zedmath libraryimportzedmathaszm# Create variables called "result" and assign its the result of zd.min methodnumbers=[1,3,25,32.5,[21.6,"66.6",["4","6"]]]result=zm.min(numbers)# Print the result variableprint(result)output :1.0zedmath.max(*args)- Returns maximum number.code :# Import zedmath libraryimportzedmathaszm# Create variables called "result" and assign its the result of zd.max methodnumbers=[1,3,25,32.5,[21.6,"66.6",["4","6"]]]result=zm.max(numbers)# Print the result variableprint(result)output :66.66zedmath.digits(n)- Returns all digits of given number.code :# Import zedmath libraryimportzedmathaszm# Create variables called "result" and assign its the result of zd.digits methodnumbers=178result=zm.digits(numbers)# Print the result variableprint(result)output :(1,7,8)
Author:ZeD@UChicago<>Description:Tools for ML statisticsDocumentation: zedstat import zedstat zt=zedstat.processRoc(df=pd.read_csv('roc.csv'), order=3, total_samples=100000, positive_samples=100, alpha=0.01, prevalence=.002) zt.smooth(STEP=0.001) zt.allmeasures(interpolate=True) zt.usample(precision=3) zt.getBounds() print(zt.auc()) # find the high precision and high sensitivity operating points zt.operating_zone(LRminus=.65) rf0,txt0=zt.interpret(fpr=zt._operating_zone.fpr.values[0],number_of_positives=10) rf1,txt1=zt.interpret(fpr=zt._operating_zone.fpr.values[1],number_of_positives=10) display(zt._operating_zone) print('high precision operation:\n','\n '.join(txt0)) print('high recall operation:\n','\n '.join(txt1))
Pure python implementations of ZeD Codebase compiled with CythonInstalling$ pip install zedsuiteUsageSeenotebooks/from zedsuite.genesess import GenESeSS from zedsuite.quantizer import Quantizer from zedsuite.zutil import Llk, Lsmash, Prun, DrawPFSA
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No description available on PyPI.
No description available on PyPI.
zeebe Python gRPC gateway filesThis package contains two gRPC Gateway Files needed to build a zeebe-client or a zeebe-worker ( with Python.Both files were generated following the instructions on this (now outdated) blog post: to install and use this package?pipinstallzeebe-grpcimportjsonimportloggingimportgrpcfromzeebe_grpcimportgateway_pb2,gateway_pb2_grpcwithgrpc.insecure_channel("localhost:26500")aschannel:stub=gateway_pb2_grpc.GatewayStub(channel)# print the topology of the zeebe clustertopology=stub.Topology(gateway_pb2.TopologyRequest())print(topology)# deploy a process definitionwithopen("bpmn/echo.bpmn","rb")"echo.bpmn",definition=process_definition)stub.DeployProcess(gateway_pb2.DeployProcessRequest(processes=[process]))# start a process instancevariables={"message":"This is a Message"}stub.CreateProcessInstance(gateway_pb2.CreateProcessInstanceRequest(bpmnProcessId="ECHO",version=-1,variables=json.dumps(variables)))# start a workeractivate_jobs_response=stub.ActivateJobs(gateway_pb2.ActivateJobsRequest(type="echo",worker="Python worker",timeout=60000,maxJobsToActivate=32)),variables=json.dumps({})))"Job Completed")exceptExceptionase:stub.FailJob(gateway_pb2.FailJobRequest(jobKey=job.key))"Job Failed{e}")How to (re)build the Python gRPC?wget python-mgrpc_tools.protoc-I.--python_out=.--grpc_python_out=../zeebe_grpc/gateway.proto
Zeebe WorkerA simple Zeebe worker wrapper to let developers focus on what matters.Installpip install zeebe-workeror use your preferred package manager. See available versions.Usagefromzeebe_workerimportZeebeWorkerfromextensionsimportzeebe_stubfromconfigimportworker_nameclassMyWorker(ZeebeWorker):defmy_task_type_handler(self,job):"""Handling my_task_type"""variables=json.loads(job.variables)ifsomething_fails:# This will trigger a FailJobRequest with the exceptionraiseExceptionreturnvariablesdefanother_task_type_handler(self,job):"""Handles another task"""# This will always succeed as an exception will never be raisedpass# Create your own class instance with your own configurationmy_worker=MyWorker(zeebe_stub,worker_name)# Subscribe to a task type (uses threading.Thread for concurrency)my_worker.subscribe('my_task_type','my_task_type_handler')my_worker.subscribe('my-task-typo','my_task_type_handler')my_worker.subscribe('another_task_type','another_task_type_handler')APIZeebeWorker.__init__Initiates the worker class with the set defaults.argdescdefaultstubThe grpc stub to connect to Zeebe with-worker_nameThe worker_name to send to along to Zeebe (mainly for debugging purposes)-timeoutNumber of milliseconds for a job to timeout5*60*1000 (5 minutes)request_timeoutLong polling: number of milliseconds for an ActivateJobs request to timeout1*60*1000 (1 minute)max_jobs_to_activateMaximum amount of jobs to activate in one request1backoff_intervalNumber of milliseconds to backoff when unable to reach Zeebe5*1000 (5 seconds)ZeebeWorker.subscribeSubscribes the target to the task type concurrently.argdescdefaulttask_typeThe task or job type to subscribe to-targetThe function to execute. When using a string, it will convert that to the method within the current class-timeoutNumber of milliseconds for the jobs which are activated to timeoutset at class instantiationrequest_timeoutNumber of milliseconds for the ActivateJobs request to timeoutset at class instantiationmax_jobs_to_activateMaximum amount of jobs to activate in one requestset at class instantiationautocompleteComplete jobs when the handler returns a non-errorFalsebackoff_intervalNumber of milliseconds to backoff when unable to reach Zeebeset at class instantiationTarget functionsYour own target function must accept one argument, preferably calledjob. This will be provided as Zeebe'sActivatedJob(ref). Extract the variables usingvariables = json.loads(job.variables).Fail a jobRaisingany exceptionin the function will send a FailJobRequest to zeebe with the raised exception.Complete a jobA CompleteJobRequest will be sent for the job if the function excecutes without raising an exception.Setting variablesWhen the function returns a dict, it will send this dict as variables with the CompleteJobRequest.CompatabilityZeebe WorkerZeebe0.2.x>=
Zeef: Interactive Learning for PythonAn interactive learning framework for data-centric AI.Zeef is featured forActive learning- Off the shelf data selection algorithms to reduce the labor of data annotation.Continual learning- Easy to use APIs to prototype a continual learning workflow instantly.InstallationpipinstallzeefFor the local development, you can install from theAnacondaenvironment bycondaenvcreate-fenvironment.ymlQuick StartWe can start from the easiest example: random select data points from an unlabeled data pool.fromsklearnimportsvmfromzeef.dataimportPoolfromzeef.learner.sklearnimportLearnerfromzeef.strategyimportRandomSamplingdata_pool=Pool(unlabeled_data)# generate the data pool.# define the sampling strategy and the SVM learner.strategy=RandomSampling(data_pool,learner=Learner(net=svm.SVC(probability=True)))query_ids=strategy.query(1000)# query 1k samples for labeling.data_pool.label_by_ids(query_ids,data_labels)# label the 1k samples.strategy.learn()# train the model using all the labeled data.strategy.infer(test_data)# evaluate the model.A quick MNIST CNN example can be found inhere. Runpythontorch_al.pyto start the quick demonstration.LicenseApache License 2.0
The Z and K are forZookeeper, the E’s are just for fun.Break free from the menagerie of configuration. Zeek is a ZooKeeper command line application that makes it easy to see what is in all those cages. This CLI works best in ZSH.Turn On - (Installation)To install zeek:$ pip install git+ In - (Configuration)Zeek connects to localhost:2181 by default. To change this you can either set the environment variable ZEEK_HOSTS or add the option-H/–hoststo the zeek command. The value should be a comma separated list of zookeeper servers to connect to e.g. host1:2181,host2:2181Drop Out - (Usage)The goal of zeek is to provide reasonable facimilies of the unixfindandgrepcommands for the Zookeeper structure, so no new learning is required. Both find and grep return matches in the form of<node> - <value>wherenodeis the full path of the node andvalueis the stringified value of that node.lsList nodes underneath the node you specified.Example:$ zeek ls /animals /animals/ - /animals/mamals - /animals/reptiles -findExample of find which will perform a recursive find from the root.$ zeek find / / - /animals - /animals/mammals - /animals/reptiles - /animals/reptiles/foxes - ok /animals/reptiles/snakes - rad /animals/reptiles/crocodilia - /animals/reptiles/crocodilia/alligators - hungry /animals/reptiles/crocodilia/crocodiles - hungryZeek find is likefind / -name …and searches for zookeeper nodes that match your search:$ zeek find '*crocodile*' /animals/reptiles/crocodilia/crocodiles - hungrygrepZeek Grep searches zookeeper node values.$ zeek grep hungry /animals/reptiles/crocodilia/alligators - hungry /animals/reptiles/crocodilia/crocodiles - hungry
The Zeek Cluster Management ClientThis is the recommended command-line client for interacting with Zeek'sManagement framework. Built in Python and using Broker'sWebSocket pub/sub interface, it connects to a cluster controller to execute management tasks. Here's what it looks like:$zeek-client--helpusage: zeek-client [-h] [-c FILE] [--controller HOST:PORT] [--set SECTION.KEY=VAL] [--quiet | --verbose][--version]{deploy,deploy-config,get-config,get-id-value,get-instances,get-nodes,monitor,restart,stage-config,show-settings,test-timeout}...A Zeek management clientoptions:-h, --help show this help message and exit-c FILE, --configfile FILEPath to zeek-client config file. (Default: /home/christian/inst/opt/zeek/etc/zeek-client.cfg)--controller HOST:PORTAddress and port of the controller, either of which may be omitted (default: SECTION.KEY=VALAdjust a configuration setting. Can use repeatedly. See show-settings.--quiet, -q Suppress informational output to stderr.--verbose, -v Increase informational output to stderr. Repeat for more output (e.g. -vvv).--version Show version number and exit.commands:{deploy,deploy-config,get-config,get-id-value,get-instances,get-nodes,monitor,restart,stage-config,show-settings,test-timeout}See `zeek-client <command> -h` for per-command usage info.deploy Deploy a staged cluster configuration.deploy-config Upload a cluster configuration and deploy it.get-config Retrieve staged or deployed cluster configuration.get-id-value Show the value of a given identifier in Zeek cluster nodes.get-instances Show instances connected to the controller.get-nodes Show active Zeek nodes at each instance.monitor For troubleshooting: do nothing, just report events.restart Restart cluster nodes.stage-config Upload a cluster configuration for later Show zeek-client's own configuration.test-timeout Send timeout test event.environment variables:ZEEK_CLIENT_CONFIG_FILE: Same as `--configfile` argument, but lower precedence.ZEEK_CLIENT_CONFIG_SETTINGS: Same as a space-separated series of `--set` arguments, but lower precedence.InstallationThe recommended way to run the client is to install it with Zeek, since the client is part of the distribution. You may also run it directly from the official ZeekDocker image.The WebSocket-poweredzeek-clientcurrently requires Zeek built from the master branch, or via ourdevelopment Docker image.zeek-clientwill officially become available as a standalone package, installable viapip, with Zeek 5.2.QuickstartRun the following (as root) to launch an all-in-one management instance on your system:#zeek-C-jpolicy/frameworks/management/controllerpolicy/frameworks/management/agentThe above will stay in the foreground. In a new shell, save the following content to a filecluster.cfgand adapt the worker's sniffing interfaces to your system:[manager]role=manager[logger]role=logger[worker-01]role=workerinterface=lo[worker-02]role=workerinterface=eth0Run the following command (as any user) to deploy the configuration:$zeek-clientdeploy-configcluster.cfg{"errors": [],"results": {"id": "9befc56c-f7e8-11ec-8626-7c10c94416bb","nodes": {"logger": {"instance": "agent-testbox","success": true},"manager": {"instance": "agent-testbox","success": true},"worker-01": {"instance": "agent-testbox","success": true},"worker-02": {"instance": "agent-testbox","success": true}}}}You are now running a Zeek cluster on your system. Tryzeek-client get-nodesto see more details about the cluster's current status. (In the above, "testbox" is the system's hostname.)DocumentationTheZeek documentationcovers both the Management framework and the client's commands.
zeeklog2pandasRead Zeeek/Bro log and log.gz (even broken ones) into a Pandas DataFrame.Free software: MIT licenseDocumentation: allows to read Zeek/Bro .log files or compressed .log.gz files, transparently into a Pandas DataFrames.Best effort reading of corrupted or incomplete compressed .log.gz files.Columns filtering.Interface compatible with Pandasread_csv()function.CreditsThis package was created withCookiecutterand theaudreyr/cookiecutter-pypackageproject template.History0.1.0 (2022-08-02)First release on PyPI.
Zeekoers, a library for CQRS in pythonFree software: Apache Software License 2.0Installationpip install zeekoersYou can also install the in-development version with:pip install run the all tests run:toxNote, to combine the coverage data from all the tox environments run:Windowsset PYTEST_ADDOPTS=--cov-append toxOtherPYTEST_ADDOPTS=--cov-append toxChangelog0.0.0 (2020-02-05)First release on PyPI.
📦 (for humans)This repo exists to providean example setup.pyfile, that can be used to bootstrap your next Python project. It includes some advanced patterns and best practices, as well as some commented–out nice–to–haves.For example, thissetup.pyprovides a$ python uploadcommand, which creates auniversal wheel(andsdist) and uploads your package toPyPiusingTwine, without the need for an annoyingsetup.cfgfile. It also creates/uploads a new git tag, automatically.In short,setup.pyfiles can be daunting to approach, when first starting out — even Guido has been heard saying, "everyone cargo cults thems". It's true — so, I want this repo to be the best place to copy–paste from :)Check out the example!Installationcdyour_project# Download the file:# download with wgetwget download with curlcurl-O DoTests via$ test(if it's concise).Pull requests are encouraged!More ResourcesWhat is Stack OverflowOfficial Python Packaging User GuideThe Hitchhiker's Guide to PackagingCookiecutter template for a Python packageLicenseThis is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.
A toolchain to parse, analyze, and format Zeek scriptszeekscriptis a Python package that provides tooling to operate onZeekscripts.zeekscriptcomes with command line tools that make common tasks accessible, but its functionality is just animport zeekscriptaway in your own Python tools.zeekscriptis powered byTree-Sitter, itsPython bindings, and ourtree-sitter-zeekgrammar.Supported platforms and Python versionszeekscriptsupports Python 3.7+ on Linux, MacOS, and Windows. We recommend CPython. PyPy looks prone to crashing on Windows and MacOS, and we're not currently building PyPy wheels on those platforms. (We've not investigated PyPy in depth and feedback is welcome.)InstallationTo install our ready-made Python wheels, say:pip install zeekscriptFor a full list of available builds, you can check out thePyPI downloadsor take a look at ourCI build matrix.Thezeekscriptpackage includes native code (the compiledtree-sitter Zeek grammar). We strive to provide wheels for popular platforms and Python versions. In case your setup isn't covered, the installation process will build the package locally on your system, for which some dependencies need to be available. Read on for details, and feel free to file a ticket detailing your setup.Building from sourceIf our build matrix doesn't cover your platform and Python version, or if you'd simply like to build and install thezeekscriptpackage yourself, you need to provide two dependencies:Thetree-sitter Python bindings, available viapip install tree_sitterA C compiler, such asgccorclang.To obtain the sources, please clone this repository.Note: make sure to clone recursively (git clone --recurse-submodules), since this pulls in the needed Zeek grammar. We don't provide source packages on Github, but all releases are tagged ingit.For installation from local sources, say:pip install .Thezeekscriptpackage doesn't implement the Zeek grammar compilation itself, it outsources it to thetree-sitterPython bindings, which provide this ability directly from Python.zeekscriptmerely initiates compilation during the package build. See oursetup.pyfor details.TestingThe package comes with a testsuite. To run it, saymakefrom the toplevel. For details on the tests, take a look at thetestsdirectory.Usagezeek-formatMost significantly, the package includeszeek-format, a tool that formats Zeek scripts. Our philosophy is similar togofmtand the opposite ofclang-format: there is only one way to layout Zeek scripts, and this tool provides it. Accordingly, it features zero options for tweaking the formatting:$zeek-format--helpusage: zeek-format [-h] [--version] [--inplace] [--recursive] [FILES ...]A Zeek script formatterpositional arguments:FILES Zeek script(s) to process. Use "-" to specify stdin as a filename. Omitting filenames entirely impliesreading from stdin.options:-h, --help show this help message and exit--version, -v show version and exit--inplace, -i change provided files instead of writing to stdout--recursive, -r process *.zeek files recursively when provided directories instead of files. Requires --inplace.Parsing errors are not fatal, andzeek-formatdoes its best to continue formatting in the presence of errors. When it encounters parser errors,zeek-formatexits with a non-zero exit code and reports the trouble it encountered to stderr.$echo'event foo( a:count ) {print "hi" ; }'|zeek-formatevent foo(a: count){print "hi";}To format entire directory trees, combine--inplaceand--recursive, and point it at a directory:$cdzeek$zeek-format-irscripts430 files processed successfullyzeek-scriptThezeek-scriptcommand is the Swiss army knife in the toolbox: it provides access to a range of script-processing tools (including formatting) via subcommands. (Okay, so far "range" == two, but expect that to grow in the future.)$zeek-script--helpusage: zeek-script [-h] [--version] {format,parse} ...A Zeek script analyzeroptions:-h, --help show this help message and exit--version, -v show version and exitcommands:{format,parse} See `zeek-script <command> -h` for per-command usage info.format Format/indent Zeek scriptsparse Show Zeek script parse tree with parser metadata.Theparsecommand renders its script input as a parse tree. It resemblestree-sitter parse, but shows more context about the relevant snippets of content, including parsing errors.$echo'event zeek_init() { }'|zeek-scriptparsesource_file (0.0,1.0) 'event zeek_init() { }\n'decl (0.0,0.21) 'event zeek_init() { }'func_decl (0.0,0.21) 'event zeek_init() { }'func_hdr (0.0,0.17) 'event zeek_init()'event (0.0,0.17) 'event zeek_init()'event (0.0,0.5)id (0.6,0.15) 'zeek_init'func_params (0.15,0.17) '()'( (0.15,0.16)) (0.16,0.17)func_body (0.18,0.21) '{ }'{ (0.18,0.19)} (0.20,0.21)Here's a syntax error:$echo'event zeek_init)() { }'|zeek-scriptparsesource_file (0.0,1.0) [error] 'event zeek_init)() { }\n'decl (0.0,0.22) [error] 'event zeek_init)() { }'func_decl (0.0,0.22) [error] 'event zeek_init)() { }'func_hdr (0.0,0.18) [error] 'event zeek_init)()'event (0.0,0.18) [error] 'event zeek_init)()'event (0.0,0.5)id (0.6,0.15) 'zeek_init'ERROR (0.15,0.16) [error] ')') (0.15,0.16)func_params (0.16,0.18) '()'( (0.16,0.17)) (0.17,0.18)func_body (0.19,0.22) '{ }'{ (0.19,0.20)} (0.21,0.22)parse tree has problems: cannot parse line 0, col 15: ")"Seezeek-script parse --helpfor more information.Autocompletezeekscriptfeatures command-line auto-completion for users ofargcomplete.Integration into text editorsYou can integratezeekscriptinto any editor that supports the execution of shell commands on the currently edited files. The relevantzeekscriptcommands support reading from stdin or filename.EmacsWe offer anEmacs modewith support for script formatting and parse tree inspection via keyboard shortcuts.vimThe following snippet hooks upzeek-formatto format the current script:functionRunZeekScript()" Create a new undo block for reverting formatting without changing cursor" position."noautocmd normal! ii\<esc>\"_x"letl:save=winsaveview()execute"%!zeek-format"callwinrestview(l:save)endfunctionnnoremap<silent><buffer><leader>cf:callRunZeekScript()<CR>Usingzeek-formatwithpre-commitAdd this to your.pre-commit-config.yaml:-repo:''# Use the SHA/tag you want to point at.hooks:-id:zeek-format
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Dictalchemy adds asdict() and fromdict() methods to SQLAlchemy declarative models.DocumentationDocumentation can be found at source is hosted at is MIT licenced.
Zeel PublisherA Library meant to standardize the way zapi services interact with SNS/SQS.Getting StartedDockerThe infrastructure of this library is designed to be run inside of various docker containers. Specifically there is a container for:The python environment the library's code runs inA jaeger tracing instanceThe localstack AWS simulatorThese containers can be viewed inside the project's docker-compose.ymlBecause these containers are all needed to create a functioning local environment, proceeding without docker is NOT recommended. It can be installed using the docker for mac installer or viabrew cask install dockerThe pipenv Virtual EnvironmentThis service's dependencies are all managed with are enumerated inside the project's Pipfile and Pipfile.lock files. Pipenv is a superset of Pip, and will create a virtual python environment (the .venv folder) for this Service. To that end, please ensure you have pipenv installed on your local machine.brew install pipenvConfiguring your Virtual EnvironmentTo create a virtual environment (the .venv directory) inside your project folder instead of your home (~) directory, save the following in your .bash_profile or .zshrc:export PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1This is highly recommended for vscode users, as the project's linters and formatters are configured to use binaries installed to a local .venvRunning the Library's tests on DockerAlthough tests can be run locally, it is recommended to run them through docker, where they will have access to the infrastructure they need. To do so you can use this command:docker-compose run publisher-app bash test.shModulesEvent PublisherA Class meant for publishing Event Messages to a single SNS topic.DistributionThis Code is meant for distribution across multiple projects, namely our various zapi services which require zeel-publisher as a dependency. The library itself is hosted on PyPi and can be found at publisher versioning follows theSemantic Versioningsyntax:Major.Minor.PatchMake sure to update accordingly before publishing a new version.Commands for uploading to PyPiCreate build -pipenv run python3 sdistPublish -pipenv run twine upload dist/*
A Python SOAP clientHighlights:Compatible with Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 and PyPy3Build on top of lxml, requests and httpxSupport for Soap 1.1, Soap 1.2 and HTTP bindingsSupport for WS-Addressing headersSupport for WSSE (UserNameToken / x.509 signing)Support for asyncio using the httpx moduleExperimental support for XOP messagesPlease see for more information the documentation at that the latest version to support Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 is Zeep 3.4, install viapip install zeep==3.4.0Zeep uses the lxml library for parsing xml. See the installation requirements.UsagefromzeepimportClientclient=Client('tests/wsdl_files/example.rst') quickly inspect a WSDL file use:python -m zeep <url-to-wsdl>Please see the documentation athttp://docs.python-zeep.orgfor more information.SupportIf you want to report a bug then please first read only report bugs and not support requests to the GitHub issue tracker.
Python SOAP client + mtom with mime type management
This is a fork of (mvantellingen/python-zeep)[]. For now it just runs the plugins after signing when making the request, and before when processing the response.We did this because we needed to encrypt in those moments and we didn’t saw a way to do it. So we used plugins to do it, and needed to encrypt after sign in the request and before in the response.Maybe in the future we could implement a “Encryption Plugin” and return the “Normal Plugin” execution where it belongs.A fast and modern Python SOAP clientHighlights:Compatible with Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and PyPyBuild on top of lxml and requestsSupport for Soap 1.1, Soap 1.2 and HTTP bindingsSupport for WS-Addressing headersSupport for WSSE (UserNameToken / x.509 signing)Support for tornado async transport via gen.coroutine (Python 2.7+)Support for asyncio via aiohttp (Python 3.5+)Experimental support for XOP messagesPlease see for more information the documentation at'tests/wsdl_files/example.rst') quickly inspect a WSDL file use:python -m zeep <url-to-wsdl>Please see the documentation athttp://docs.python-zeep.orgfor more information.SupportIf you want to report a bug then please first read only report bugs and not support requests to the GitHub issue tracker.