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scikit-learn like interface and stacked autoencoder for chainerRequirementsnumpyscikit-learnchainer >= 1.5Installationpip install zChainerUsageAutoencoderimportnumpyasnpimportchainer.functionsasFimportchainer.linksasLfromchainerimportChainList,optimizersfromzChainerimportNNAutoEncoder,utilitydata=(..).astype(np.float32)encoder=ChainList(L.Linear(784,200),L.Linear(200,100))decoder=ChainList(L.Linear(200,784),L.Linear(100,200))# You can set your own forward function. Default is as below.#def forward(self, x):# h = F.dropout(F.relu(self.model[0](x)))# return F.dropout(F.relu(self.model[1](h)))##NNAutoEncoder.forward = forwardae=NNAutoEncoder(encoder,decoder,optimizers.Adam(),epoch=100,batch_size=100,log_path="./ae_log_"".csv",export_path="./ae_"".model") and Testingimportnumpyasnpimportchainer.functionsasFimportchainer.linksasLfromchainerimportChainList,optimizersfromzChainerimportNNManager,utilityimportpickleX_train=(..).astype(np.float32)y_train=(..).astype(np.int32)X_test=(..).astype(np.float32)y_test=(..).astype(np.int32)# Create a new networkmodel=ChainList(L.Linear(784,200),L.Linear(200,100),L.Linear(100,10))# or load a serialized model#f = open("./ae_2015-12-01_11-26-45.model")#model = pickle.load(f)#f.close()#model.add_link(L.Linear(100,10))defforward(self,x):h=F.relu(self.model[0](x))h=F.relu(self.model[1](h))returnF.relu(self.model[2](h))defoutput(self,y),dtype=np.int32)NNManager.forward=forwardNNManager.output=outputnn=NNManager(model,optimizers.Adam(),F.softmax_cross_entropy,epoch=100,batch_size=100,log_path="./training_log_"".csv"),y_train,is_classification=True)nn.predict(X_test,y_test)
zcheck is a command-line utility to check the configuration of a production Zenko deployment and diagnose problems in it.Pre-Requisiteszcheck requires aHelminstallation that is configured to access Tiller running inside Kubernetes.Installationzcheck can be installed directly from PyPi using Pip:pip install zcheckA Docker image is also provided for convenience.docker pull zenko/zcheck:latest docker run -it zenko/zcheck helpSyntaxzcheck commands conform to the following syntax:zcheck <global option> <subcommand> <-flag or --verbose_option> <optional target>Global Options--mongo Override the default Mongo connection string (host:port) -r, --helm-release The Helm release name under which Zenko was installed.SubcommandscheckupRun all checks and tests (may take a while).k8sCheck Kubernetes-related configuration.-c, --check-services Attempt to connect to defined services and report their status.orbitCheck overlay configuration applied via Orbit.backendsCheck existence and configuration of backend buckets.-d, --deep Enable deep checking. Check every Zenko bucket for its backing bucket (same as zcheck buckets)bucketsCheck every Zenko bucket for its backend bucket.
HTML/DOM CheckerWhen testing code (like widgets) that generates DOM nodes, we want to be able to make assertions about what matters. Examples of things we’d like to ignore:attribute orderextra attributesattribute orderextra classesextra nodeszc.htmlchecker provides a checker object that can be used by itself, or as a doctest output checker.ContentsHTML/DOM CheckerGetting starteddoctest CheckerExpecting multiple nodesWildcardsYou can use other BeautifulSoup parsersChangesGetting startedLet’s look at some examples.Here’s a sample expected string:<body> <button class="mybutton">press me</button> </body>Let’s create a checker:>>> import zc.htmlchecker >>> checker = zc.htmlchecker.HTMLChecker()You can call its check method with expected and observed HTML:>>> checker.check( ... expected, ... """<html><body><button x='1' class="widget mybutton">press me</button> ... </body></html>""")If there’s a match, then nothing is returned. For there to be a match, the expected output merely has to be unambiguously found in the observed output. In the above example, there was a single body tag, so it knew how to do the match. Note that whitespace differences were ignored, as were extra observed attributes and an extra class.doctest CheckerTo usezc.htmlcheckeras a doctest checker, pass an instance ofHTMLCheckeras an output checker when setting up your doctests.When used as a doctest checker, expected text that doesn’t start with<is checked with the default checker, or a checker you pass in as base.You may want to have some html examples checked with another checker. In that case, you can specify a prefix. Only examples that begin with the prefix will be checked with the HTML checker, and the prefix will be removed.Expecting multiple nodesWe can expect more than a single node:<button>Cancel</button> <button>Save</button>This example expects 2 button nodes somewhere in the output.>>> checker.check(expected, ... """<html><body> ... <button id='cancel_button' class="button">Cancel</button> ... <button id='save_button' class="button">Save</button> ... </body></html>""")But if there isn’t a match, it can be harder to figure out what’s wrong:>>> checker.check(expected, ... """<html><body> ... <button id='cancel_button' class="button">Cancel</button> ... <button id='save_button' class="button">OK</button> ... </body></html>""") Traceback (most recent call last): ... MatchError: Couldn't find wildcard match Expected: <button> Save </button> <BLANKLINE> Observed: <html> <body> <button class="button" id="cancel_button"> Cancel </button> <button class="button" id="save_button"> OK </button> </body> </html>We’ll come back to wild card matches in a bit. Here, the matcher detected that it didn’t match a button, but couldn’t be specific about which button was the problem. We can make its job easier using ids:<button id='cancel_button'>Cancel</button> <button id='save_button'>Save</button>Now we’re looking for button nodes with specific ids.>>> checker.check(expected, ... """<html><body> ... <button id='cancel_button' class="button">Cancel</button> ... <button id='save_button' class="button">OK</button> ... </body></html>""") Traceback (most recent call last): ... MatchError: text nodes differ u'Save' != u'OK' Expected: <button id="save_button"> Save </button> <BLANKLINE> Observed: <button class="button" id="save_button"> OK </button> <BLANKLINE>That’s a lot more helpful.WildcardsSpeaking of wild card matches, sometimes you want to ignore intermediate nodes. You can do this by using an ellipsis at the top of a node that has intermediate nodes you want to ignore:<form> ... <button id='cancel_button'>Cancel</button> <button id='save_button'>Save</button> </form>In this case, we want to find button nodes inside a form node. We don’t care if there are intermediate nodes.>>> checker.check(expected, ... """<html><body> ... <form> ... <div> ... <button id='cancel_button' class="button">Cancel</button> ... <button id='save_button' class="button">Save</button> ... </div> ... </form> ... </body></html>""")When looking for expected text, we basically do a wild-card match on the observed text.Sometimes, we want to check for text nodes that may be embedded in some generated construct that we can’t control (like a grid produced by a library). To do that, include a text node that starts with a line containing an ellipsis. For example, we may expect a grid/table with some data:<div id="mygrid" name=""> ... Name Favorite Color Sally Red Bill Blue </div>We don’t know exactly how our library is going to wrap the data, so we just test for the presense of the data.>>> import sys >>> try: checker.check(expected, ... """<html><body> ... <div id='mygrid' name='' xid="1"> ... <table> ... <tr><th>Name</th><th>Favorite Color</th></tr> ... <tr><td>Sally</td><td>Red </td></tr> ... <tr><td>Bill </td><td>Green</td></tr> ... </table> ... </div> ... </body></html>""") ... except zc.htmlchecker.MatchError: ... error = sys.exc_info()[1] ... else: print 'oops' >>> print error # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Blue not found in text content. ...>>> checker.check(expected, ... """<html><body> ... <div id='mygrid' name='' xid="1"> ... <table> ... <tr><th>Name</th><th>Favorite Color</th></tr> ... <tr><td>Sally</td><td>Red </td></tr> ... <tr><td>Bill </td><td>Blue</td></tr> ... </table> ... </div> ... </body></html>""")You can use other BeautifulSoup parsersHTMLChecker uses BeautifulSoup. It uses the'html5lib'parser by default, but you can pass a different parser name. You probably want to stere clear of the'html.parser'parser, as it’s buggy:>>> checker = zc.htmlchecker.HTMLChecker(parser='html.parser') >>> checker.check('<input id="x">', '<input id="x"><input>') Traceback (most recent call last): ... MatchError: Wrong number of children 1!=0 Expected: <input id="x"/> <BLANKLINE> Observed: <input id="x"> <input/> </input>Here,'html.parser'decided that the input tags needed closing tags, even though the HTML input tag is empty. This is likely in part because the underlying parser is an XHTML parser.Changes0.1.0 2013-08-31Initial release.
This is pretty much an idea at this stage. More details to follow.
This package provides additional I18n and L10n features. In particular it provides an API to compute the time duratrions over various timezones.Detailed DcoumentationTime Duration ComputationThe duration format code is not ideal, but as the code notes, the icu library does not appear to support internationalizing dates. Therefore, this approach tries to get close enough to be flexible enough for most localization. Only time, and localizers, will tell if it is a reasonable approach.The formatter always gives the first two pertinent measures of a duration, leaving off the rest. The rest of the file just shows some examples.>>> from zc.i18n.duration import format >>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest >>> request = TestRequest() >>> from datetime import timedelta >>> format(request, timedelta(days=5)) u'5 days ' >>> format(request, timedelta(days=1)) u'1 day ' >>> format(request, timedelta(days=1, hours=13, minutes=12)) u'1 day 13 hours ' >>> format(request, timedelta(hours=13, minutes=12)) u'13 hours 12 minutes ' >>> format(request, timedelta(hours=13)) u'13 hours ' >>> format(request, timedelta(hours=1, minutes=1, seconds=1)) u'1 hour 1 minute ' >>> format(request, timedelta(minutes=45, seconds=1)) u'45 minutes 1 second' >>> format(request, timedelta(seconds=5)) u'5 seconds' >>> format(request, timedelta(days=-1, hours=-2)) u'-1 day -2 hours ' >>> format(request, timedelta(days=-2, hours=22)) u'-1 day -2 hours ' >>> format(request, timedelta(days=-1)) u'-1 day ' >>> format(request, timedelta(days=-1, hours=-13, minutes=-12)) u'-1 day -13 hours ' >>> format(request, timedelta(hours=-13, minutes=-12)) u'-13 hours -12 minutes ' >>> format(request, timedelta(hours=-13)) u'-13 hours ' >>> format(request, timedelta(hours=-1, minutes=-1, seconds=-1)) u'-1 hour -1 minute ' >>> format(request, timedelta(minutes=-45, seconds=-1)) u'-45 minutes -1 second' >>> format(request, timedelta(seconds=-5)) u'-5 seconds' >>> format(request, timedelta()) u'No time'CHANGES0.7.0 (2009-07-24)Fixed tests to work with latest package versions.The buildout now also pulls in the test extras, which is required.0.6.1 (2008-05-20)No code changes, and only a very minor documentation tweak. Re-released to avoid confusion over package versions found in the wild.0.5.2 (2007-11-03)Improve package data.0.5.1 (2006-05-24)Package data update.0.5.0 (2006-05-24)Initial release.
This is a security placeholder package. If you want to claim this name for legitimate purposes, please contact us [email protected]
In multi-machine (or multi-process) web server installations some set of web servers will likely be more able to quickly service an HTTP request than others. HTTP accelerators (reverse proxies) likeSquidcan useICPqueries to find the most appropriate server(s) to handle a particular request. This package provides a small UDP server that can respond to ICP queries based on pluggable policies.[ICP][Squid] history1.0.0 (2008-02-07)Initial release.When ICP is UsefulWhen generating content dynamically, having all the data available locally to fulfil a request can have a profound effect on service time. One approach to having the data available is to have one or more caches. In some situations those caches are not large enough to contain the entire working set required for efficient servicing of incoming requests. Adding additional request handlers (servers or processes) doesn’t help because the time to load the data from one or more storage servers (e.g., databases) is the dominant factor in request time. In those situations the request space can be partitioned such that the portion of the working set a particular handler (server or process) is responsible for can fit in its cache(s).Statically configuring request space partitioning may be difficult, error-prone, or even impossible. In those circumstances it would be nice to let the origin servers provide feedback on whether or not they should handle a particular request. That’s where ICP comes in.Hits and MissesWhen an ICP query request is received, the server can return one of ICP_OP_HIT, ICP_OP_MISS, ICP_OP_ERR, ICP_OP_MISS_NOFETCH, or ICP_OP_DENIED. The meanings of these result codes are defined in the ICP RFC as below.ICP_OP_HITAn ICP_OP_HIT response indicates that the requested URL exists in this cache and that the requester is allowed to retrieve it.ICP_OP_MISSAn ICP_OP_MISS response indicates that the requested URL does not exist in this cache. The querying cache may still choose to fetch the URL from the replying cache.ICP_OP_ERRAn ICP_OP_ERR response indicates some kind of error in parsing or handling the query message (e.g. invalid URL).ICP_OP_MISS_NOFETCHAn ICP_OP_MISS_NOFETCH response indicates that this cache is up, but is in a state where it does not want to handle cache misses. An example of such a state is during a startup phase where a cache might be rebuilding its object store. A cache in such a mode may wish to return ICP_OP_HIT for cache hits, but not ICP_OP_MISS for misses. ICP_OP_MISS_NOFETCH essentially means “I am up and running, but please don’t fetch this URL from me now.”Note, ICP_OP_MISS_NOFETCH has a different meaning than ICP_OP_MISS. The ICP_OP_MISS reply is an invitation to fetch the URL from the replying cache (if their relationship allows it), but ICP_OP_MISS_NOFETCH is a request to NOT fetch the URL from the replying cache.ICP_OP_DENIEDAn ICP_OP_DENIED response indicates that the querying site is not allowed to retrieve the named object from this cache. Caches and proxies may implement complex access controls. This reply must be be interpreted to mean “you are not allowed to request this particular URL from me at this particular time.”Because we want to use ICP to communicate about whether or not an origin server (as opposed to a cache server) wants to handle a particular request, we will use slightly different definitions for some of the result codes.ICP_OP_HITAn ICP_OP_HIT response indicates that the queried server would prefer to handle the HTTP request. The reason the origin server is returning a hit might be that it has recently handled “similar” requests, or that it has been configured to handle the partition of the URL space occupied by the given URL.ICP_OP_MISSAn ICP_OP_MISS response indicates that the queried server does not have a preference to service the request, but will be able to handle the request nonetheless. This is normally the default response.ICP_OP_MISS_NOFETCHAn ICP_OP_MISS_NOFETCH response indicates that the requesting server may not request the named object from this server. This may be because the origin server is under heavy load at the time or some other policy indicates that the request must not be forwarded at the moment.The response (hit, miss, etc.) to a particular ICP query is based on one or more configured policies. The mechanics of defining and registering those policies is explained in the next section.This package does not implement the deprecated ICP_OP_HIT_OBJ.Defining PoliciesTo use this package one or more polices must be defined and registered. The Zope component architecture is used to manage the polices as “utilities”.Policies must implement the IICPPolicy interface.>>> from zc.icp.interfaces import IICPPolicy >>> IICPPolicy <InterfaceClass zc.icp.interfaces.IICPPolicy>At this point no policy is registered, so any URL will generate a miss.>>> import zc.icp >>> zc.icp.check_url('') 'ICP_OP_MISS'Let’s say we want to return an ICP_OP_HIT for all URLs containing “foo”, we can define that policy like so:>>> def foo_hit_policy(url): ... if 'foo' in url: ... return 'ICP_OP_HIT'When registering this policy we have to provide an associated name. Any subsequent registration with the same name will override the previous registration. The default name is the empty string.>>> import zope.component >>> zope.component.provideUtility(foo_hit_policy, IICPPolicy, 'foo')The registered policy is immediately available.>>> zc.icp.check_url('') 'ICP_OP_HIT'Non-foo URLs are still misses.>>> zc.icp.check_url('') 'ICP_OP_MISS'Now we can add another policy to indicate that we don’t want any requests with “baz” in them.>>> def baz_hit_policy(url): ... if 'baz' in url: ... return 'ICP_OP_MISS_NOFETCH' >>> zope.component.provideUtility(baz_hit_policy, IICPPolicy, 'baz')>>> zc.icp.check_url('') 'ICP_OP_HIT' >>> zc.icp.check_url('') 'ICP_OP_MISS' >>> zc.icp.check_url('') 'ICP_OP_MISS_NOFETCH'The policies are prioritized by name. The first policy to return a non-None result is followed. Therefore if we check a URL with both “foo” and “baz” in it, the policy for “baz” is followed.>>> zc.icp.check_url('') 'ICP_OP_MISS_NOFETCH'Running the ServerStarting the server begins listening on the given port and IP.>>> zc.icp.start_server('localhost', 3130) info: ICP server started Address: localhost Port: 3130Now we can start sending ICP requests and get responses back. To do so we must first construct an ICP request.>>> import struct >>> query = zc.icp.HEADER_LAYOUT + zc.icp.QUERY_LAYOUT >>> url = '\0' >>> format = query % len(url) >>> icp_request = struct.pack( ... format, 1, 2, struct.calcsize(format), 0xDEADBEEF, 0, 0, 0, 0, url) >>> print zc.icp.format_datagram(icp_request) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | ICP_OP_QUERY | Version: 2 | Message Length: 44 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Request Number: DEADBEEF | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Options: 0 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Option Data: 0 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Sender Host Address: 0 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | Payload: \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00 | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+After sending the request we get back a response.>>> import socket >>> s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) >>> s.connect(('localhost', 3130))>>> s.send(icp_request) 44 >>> icp_response = s.recv(16384) >>> icp_response '\x03\x02\x00(\xde\xad\xbe\xef\x00\x00\x00\x00\...\x00' >>> print zc.icp.format_datagram(icp_response) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | ICP_OP_MISS | Version: 2 | Message Length: 40 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Request Number: DEADBEEF | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Options: 0 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Option Data: 0 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Sender Host Address: 0 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | Payload:\x00 | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+That was a miss. We can also provoke a hit by satisfying one of our policies.>>> url = '\0' >>> format = query % len(url) >>> icp_request = struct.pack( ... format, 1, 2, struct.calcsize(format), 0xDEADBEEF, 0, 0, 0, 0, url) >>> print zc.icp.format_datagram(icp_request) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | ICP_OP_QUERY | Version: 2 | Message Length: 47 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Request Number: DEADBEEF | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Options: 0 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Option Data: 0 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Sender Host Address: 0 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | Payload: \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00 | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+>>> s.send(icp_request) 47 >>> print zc.icp.format_datagram(s.recv(16384)) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | ICP_OP_HIT | Version: 2 | Message Length: 43 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Request Number: DEADBEEF | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Options: 0 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Option Data: 0 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Sender Host Address: 0 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | Payload:\x00 | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
This package provides an API to create integer ids for any object. Objects can later be looked up by their id as well. This is similar to thezope.intidpackage, but it has the advantage of producing fewer conflicts.Documentation, including installation and configuration instructions and a detailedchangelogis hosted at
A zc.monitor plugin for testing whether function hangsSomtimes, computation stops and it can be hard to find out why. Tools like strace can be helpful, but are very low level. If a call hangs calling external network services, all you might see is a select or poll call and not what serveice was being called.Isithanging provides a simple registry and a helper function for registering and unregistering calls. To illustrate how this, we’ll use a test function that blocks until we unblock it by setting an event:>>> import zc.isithanging.tests >>> event, blocker = zc.isithanging.tests.create_blocker()The blocker function just returns any arguments it was passed.To check whether a function is blocking, we usezc.isinhanging.runto run the function. We’ll do so here in a thread:>>> import zc.thread >>> @zc.thread.Thread ... def thread(): ... print, 1, foo=2)There’s also a decorator that takes wraps a function and takes care of callingrun.Let’s create seome more jobs:>>> e1, b1 = zc.isithanging.tests.create_blocker() >>> suspect = zc.isithanging.suspect(b1) >>> @zc.thread.Thread ... def t1(): ... print suspect(1)Above, we used the suspect decorator as a function (rather than with decorator syntax.)>>> e2, b2 = zc.isithanging.tests.create_blocker() >>> @zc.thread.Thread ... def t2(): ... print, 2)We can see what’s running by looking atzc.isithanging.running:>>> now = time.time() >>> for r in zc.isithanging.running: ... print Sun Nov 16 09:48:29 2014 1s <function f at 0x10251e500> (1,) {'foo': 2} Sun Nov 16 09:48:29 2014 1s <function f at 0x10251e9b0> (1,) {} Sun Nov 16 09:48:29 2014 1s <function f at 0x10251eb18> (2,) {}The show function shows start time, elapsed time in seconds, function and arguments.When a job stops, it’s automatically unregistered:>>> e1.set(); t1.join() ((1,), {})>>> for r in zc.isithanging.running: ... print r Sun Nov 16 09:48:29 2014 2s <function f at 0x102d1e500> (1,) {'foo': 2} Sun Nov 16 09:48:29 2014 2s <function f at 0x102d1eb18> (2,) {}There’s a zc.monitor command that prints the jobs:>>> import sys >>> zc.isithanging.isithanging(sys.stdout) Sun Nov 16 09:48:29 2014 2s <function f at 0x102d1e500> (1,) {'foo': 2} Sun Nov 16 09:48:29 2014 2s <function f at 0x102d1eb18> (2,) {}Let’s finish the jobs and try again:>>> event.set(); thread.join() ((1,), {'foo': 2}) >>> e2.set(); t2.join() ((2,), {})>>> zc.isithanging.isithanging(sys.stdout)Changes0.3.0 (2014-11-17)Added a “suspect” decorator to decorate functions suspected of hanging.0.2.0 (2014-11-17)(Accidental re-release of 0.1.)0.1.0 (2014-11-17)Initial release
This package collects together functions supporting the data formats described in ISO 8601. Time zone support is provided by thepytzpackage.The following functions are provided in thezc.iso8601.parsemodule:date(s)Parse a date value that does not include time information. Returns a Python date value.datetime(s)Parse a date-time value that does not include time-zone information. Returns a Python datetime value.datetimetz(s)Parse a date-time value that includes time-zone information. Returns a Python datetime value in the UTC timezone.Changes0.2.0 (2011-10-10)Addeddatefunction, for completeness.0.1.0 (2008-05-12)Initial release.
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The zc.lockfile package provides a basic portable implementation of interprocess locks using lock files. The purpose if not specifically to lock files, but to simply provide locks with an implementation based on file-locking primitives. Of course, these locks could be used to mediate access tootherfiles. For example, the ZODB file storage implementation uses file locks to mediate access to file-storage database files. The database files and lock file files are separate files.ContentsDetailed DocumentationLock file supportHostname in lock fileChange History3.0.post1 (2023-02-28)3.0 (2023-02-23)2.0 (2019-08-08)1.4 (2018-11-12)1.3.0 (2018-04-23)1.2.1 (2016-06-19)1.2.0 (2016-06-09)1.1.0 (2013-02-12)1.0.2 (2012-12-02)1.0.1 (2012-11-30)1.0.0 (2008-10-18)1.0.0b1 (2007-07-18)Detailed DocumentationLock file supportThe ZODB lock_file module provides support for creating file system locks. These are locks that are implemented with lock files and OS-provided locking facilities. To create a lock, instantiate a LockFile object with a file name:>>> import zc.lockfile >>> lock = zc.lockfile.LockFile('lock')If we try to lock the same name, we’ll get a lock error:>>> import zope.testing.loggingsupport >>> handler = zope.testing.loggingsupport.InstalledHandler('zc.lockfile') >>> try: ... zc.lockfile.LockFile('lock') ... except zc.lockfile.LockError: ... print("Can't lock file") Can't lock fileTo release the lock, use it’s close method:>>> lock.close()The lock file is not removed. It is left behind:>>> import os >>> os.path.exists('lock') TrueOf course, now that we’ve released the lock, we can create it again:>>> lock = zc.lockfile.LockFile('lock') >>> lock.close()Hostname in lock fileIn a container environment (e.g. Docker), the PID is typically always identical even if multiple containers are running under the same operating system instance.Clearly, inspecting lock files doesn’t then help much in debugging. To identify the container which created the lock file, we need information about the container in the lock file. Since Docker uses the container identifier or name as the hostname, this information can be stored in the lock file in addition to or instead of the PID.Use thecontent_templatekeyword argument toLockFileto specify a custom lock file content format:>>> lock = zc.lockfile.LockFile('lock', content_template='{pid};{hostname}') >>> lock.close()If you now inspected the lock file, you would see e.g.:$ cat lock123;myhostnameChange History3.0.post1 (2023-02-28)Addpython_requirestosetup.pyto prevent installing on not supported old Python versions.3.0 (2023-02-23)Add support for Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Drop support for deprecatedpython test.2.0 (2019-08-08)Extracted newSimpleLockFilethat removes implicit behavior writing to the lock file, and instead allows a subclass to define that behavior. (#15)SimpleLockFileand thusLockFileare now new-style classes. Any clients relying onLockFilebeing an old-style class will need to be adapted.Drop support for Python 3.4.Add support for Python 3.8b3.1.4 (2018-11-12)Claim support for Python 3.6 and 3.7.Drop Python 2.6 and (2018-04-23)Stop logging failure to acquire locks. Clients can do that if they wish.Claim support for Python 3.4 and 3.5.Drop Python 3.2 support because pip no longer supports it.1.2.1 (2016-06-19)Fixed: unlocking and locking didn’t work when a multiprocessing process was running (and presumably other conditions).1.2.0 (2016-06-09)Added the ability to include the hostname in the lock file content.Code and ReST markup cosmetics. [alecghica]1.1.0 (2013-02-12)Added Trove classifiers and made zest.releaser friendly.Added Python 3.2, 3.3 and PyPy 1.9 support.Removed Python 2.4 and Python 2.5 support.1.0.2 (2012-12-02)Fixed: the fix included in 1.0.1 caused multiple pids to be written to the lock file1.0.1 (2012-11-30)Fixed: when there was lock contention, the pid in the lock file was lost.Thanks to Daniel Moisset reporting the problem and providing a fix with tests.Added test extra to declare test dependency onzope.testing.Using Python’sdoctestmodule instead of depreactedzope.testing.doctest.1.0.0 (2008-10-18)Fixed a small bug in error logging.1.0.0b1 (2007-07-18)Initial release
The zc.loggermonitor package provides a zc.monitor plugin for getting and setting logger levels.>>> import sys, zc.loggermonitorIt is an error to call the monitor without user arguments.>>> zc.loggermonitor.level(sys.stdout) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: level() takes at least 2 arguments (1 given)If you pass it a logger name, it returns the current effective level:>>> zc.loggermonitor.level(sys.stdout, '.') NOTSET >>> zc.loggermonitor.level(sys.stdout, 'mylogger') NOTSETIf you pass a level it sets the level:>>> zc.loggermonitor.level(sys.stdout, '.', 'INFO')>>> zc.loggermonitor.level(sys.stdout, '.') INFO >>> zc.loggermonitor.level(sys.stdout, 'mylogger') INFOYou can also pass a numeric value:>>> zc.loggermonitor.level(sys.stdout, 'mylogger', '5') >>> zc.loggermonitor.level(sys.stdout, '.') INFO >>> zc.loggermonitor.level(sys.stdout, 'mylogger') Level 5>>> zc.loggermonitor.level(sys.stdout, 'mylogger', '10') >>> zc.loggermonitor.level(sys.stdout, '.') INFO >>> zc.loggermonitor.level(sys.stdout, 'mylogger') DEBUG>>> zc.loggermonitor.level(sys.stdout, 'mylogger', 'NOTSET') >>> zc.loggermonitor.level(sys.stdout, '.') INFO >>> zc.loggermonitor.level(sys.stdout, 'mylogger') INFO>>> zc.loggermonitor.level(sys.stdout, '.', 'NOTSET') >>> zc.loggermonitor.level(sys.stdout, '.') NOTSET >>> zc.loggermonitor.level(sys.stdout, 'mylogger') NOTSETDownload
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Language: 🇺🇸🇨🇳«ZCls» is a classification model training/inferring frameworkSupported Recognizers:Refer toroadmapfor detailsTable of ContentsTable of ContentsBackgroundInstallationUsageMaintainersThanksContributingLicenseBackgroundIn the fields of object detection/object segmentation/action recognition, there have been many training frameworks with high integration and perfect process, such asfacebookresearch/detectron2,open-mmlab/mmaction2...Object classification is the most developed and theoretically basic field in deeplearning. Referring to the existing training framework, a training/inferring framework based on object classification model is implemented. I hope ZCls can bring you a better realization.InstallationSeeINSTALLUsageHow to train, seeGet Started with ZClsUse builtin datasets, seeUse Builtin DatasetsUse custom datasets, seeUse Custom DatasetsUse pretrained model, seeUse Pretrained ModelMaintainerszhujian -Initial work-zjykzjThanks@misc{ding2021diverse, title={Diverse Branch Block: Building a Convolution as an Inception-like Unit}, author={Xiaohan Ding and Xiangyu Zhang and Jungong Han and Guiguang Ding}, year={2021}, eprint={2103.13425}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} } @misc{ding2021repvgg, title={RepVGG: Making VGG-style ConvNets Great Again}, author={Xiaohan Ding and Xiangyu Zhang and Ningning Ma and Jungong Han and Guiguang Ding and Jian Sun}, year={2021}, eprint={2101.03697}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} } @misc{fan2020pyslowfast, author = {Haoqi Fan and Yanghao Li and Bo Xiong and Wan-Yen Lo and Christoph Feichtenhofer}, title = {PySlowFast}, howpublished = {\url{}}, year = {2020} } @misc{zhang2020resnest, title={ResNeSt: Split-Attention Networks}, author={Hang Zhang and Chongruo Wu and Zhongyue Zhang and Yi Zhu and Haibin Lin and Zhi Zhang and Yue Sun and Tong He and Jonas Mueller and R. Manmatha and Mu Li and Alexander Smola}, year={2020}, eprint={2004.08955}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} } @misc{han2020ghostnet, title={GhostNet: More Features from Cheap Operations}, author={Kai Han and Yunhe Wang and Qi Tian and Jianyuan Guo and Chunjing Xu and Chang Xu}, year={2020}, eprint={1911.11907}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} }For more thanks, checkTHANKSContributingAnyone's participation is welcome! Open anissueor submit PRs.Small note:Git submission specifications should be complied withConventional CommitsIf versioned, please conform to theSemantic Versioning 2.0.0specificationIf editing the README, please conform to thestandard-readmespecification.LicenseApache License 2.0© 2020 zjykzj
Language: 🇺🇸🇨🇳«ZCls2» is a more faster classification model training frameworkTable of ContentsTable of ContentsBackgroundInstallationUsageMaintainersThanksContributingLicenseBackgroundAfter nearly one and a half years of development,ZClshas integrated many training features, includes configuration module, register module, training module, and many model implementations (resnet/mobilenet/senet-sknet-resnest/acbnet-repvgg-dbbnet/ghostnet/gcnet...) and so on. In the development process, it is found that compared with the current excellent classification training framework, such asapex, the training speed ofZClsis not outstanding.In order to better improve the training speed, we decided to develop a new training frameworkZCls2, which is implemented based onapexand provides more friendly and powerful functions. In the preliminary implementation, it can be found thatZCls2improves the training speed by at least 50% compared withZCls. More functions are being added.InstallationSeeInstallUsageSeeGet startedMaintainerszhujian -Initial work-zjykzjThanksNVIDIA/apexZJCV/ZClsContributingAnyone's participation is welcome! Open anissueor submit PRs.Small note:Git submission specifications should be complied withConventional CommitsIf versioned, please conform to theSemantic Versioning 2.0.0specificationIf editing the README, please conform to thestandard-readmespecification.LicenseApache License 2.0© 2022 zjykzj
zClusteris a package for measuring galaxy cluster photometric redshifts using data from large public surveys. It can also produce photometric redshift estimates and galaxy density maps for any point in the sky using the includedzFieldtool.Documentation:https://zcluster.readthedocs.ioLicense:GPL v3Authors:Matt Hilton, with contributions from Kabelo Kesebonye, Phumlani Phakathi, Denisha Pillay, and Damien Ragavan (not all reflected on GitHub).Installation:pip install zClusterSupport:Please use theGitHub issues page, and/or contactMatt Hilton.zClusterhas built-in support for querying large photometric surveys - currently:SDSS (DR7 - DR12)SDSS Stripe 82 (from SDSS DR7)CFHTLenSPS1 (DR2)DECaLS (DR8 - DR10)DES (DR1, DR2 and Y3 internal)KiDS (DR4)For details of the algorithm, its performance, and the output of the code, refer toHilton et al. (2018), which presents results based on SDSS, S82, and CFHTLenS, and/orHilton et al. (2021), which presents results based on DECaLS DR8. The other surveys listed above are work in progress (so use with caution; PS1 in particular is problematic).Pillay et al. (2021)presents the first use of the package for producing projected galaxy density maps.If you findzClusteruseful in your work, please cite whichever one of the above papers that you think is appropriate (together, of course, with the appropriate papers for the optical/IR survey used).zClustercan also run on user-supplied .fits table photometric catalogs, provided that they have columns namedID,RADeg,decDeg, and magnitude column names in the formu_MAG_AUTO,u_MAGERR_AUTOetc..zClusteris under active development, and not all documentation is up to date. The package also contains some experimental features that are not necessarily well tested.
ZCM is a lightweight component model using ZeroMQ ( are the building blocks of an applicationComponents are characterized by ports and timers.Timers are bound to anoperationand fire periodicallyThere are four basic types of ports in ZCM: publisher, subscriber, client and serverPublishers publish messages and Subscribers receive messagesClients request the services of a server by sending a request message; Servers receive such requests, process the requests, and respond back to the Client. Until the Server responds, the Client port blocksA Component can be instantiated multiple times in an application with different port configurationsA component has a single operation queue that handles timer triggers and receives messagesA component has an executor thread that processes this operation queueComponents register functionality e.g. timer_operations, subscribers_operations etc.Component instances are grouped together into a process, calledActorAn actor receives a configuration (.JSON) file, that contains information regarding the components to instantiateThis configuration file also contains properties of all timers and ports contained by the component instances
Sometimes, you want to use a mapping object like a regular object.zc.mappingobjectprovides a wrapper for a mapping objects that provides both attribute and item access.>>> import zc.mappingobject >>> mapping = dict(a=1) >>> ob = zc.mappingobject.mappingobject(mapping)>>> ob.a 1 >>> ob.a = 2 >>> ob.a 2 >>> mapping {'a': 2}>>> list(ob) ['a']>>> len(ob) 1>>> ob['a'] = 3 >>> ob.a 3 >>> mapping {'a': 3}>>> del ob.a >>> mapping {} >>> ob.a Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: a>>> ob.b = 1 >>> mapping {'b': 1}>>> del ob['b'] >>> mapping {}
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zcmdsCross platform(ish) productivity commands written in python. Tools for doing media manipulation through ffmpeg and AI. On Windows ls, rm and other common unix file commands are installed. Whenever there is something that doesn't work on Windows but does on Mac/Linux, I will apply a tool to make it work here. This toolset is ever-evolving and it's going to get insane in 2024 with all the AI that I'm now integrating.Install>pipinstallzcmds >zcmds# shows all commands>diskaudit# audits the disk usage from the current directory.CommandsarchiveZips up the specified directory or file.askaiAsks a question to OpenAI from the terminal command. Requires an openai token which will be requested and saved on first use.Prefix your query with!to run command directly.aicodeA front end forAider, an AI pair programming tool. This is the future the sci fi writers promised you.audnormNormalizes audio in a media file to a standard volume.comportsShows all the ports that are in use at the current computer (useful for Arduino debugging).diskauditwalks the directory from the current directory and catalogs which of the child folders take up the most space.git-bash (win32)launches git-bash terminal (windows only).gitsummaryGenerates a summary of the git repository commits, useful for invoicingfindfilesfinds a file with the given glob.img2webpConversion tool for converting images into webp format.img2vidConverts a series of images to a video.obs_organizeorganizes the files in your default obs directory.merge-toMerges a clean git repo (no untracked files) to the target branch, pushes that target branch, then switches back to the original branch.newOpens a new terminal command window from the current terminal command window.printenvprints the current environment variables, including path. Everything is sortedpdf2pngConverts a pdf to a series of imagespdf2txtConverts a pdf to a text file.pushA safer way togit push, checks if the rebase is dirty.removbackgroundLaunches an AI tool in the browser to remove the background from an Image. Front end forrembgbackend.search_and_replaceSearch all the files from the current directory and applies exact text search and replace.search_in_filesSearch all files from current working directory for exact string matches matches.sharedirtakes the current folder and shares it via a reverse proxy using ngrok.stereo2monoReduces a stereo audio / video to a single mono track.sudo (win32 only)Runs a command as in sudo, using the gsudo tool.vidcatConcatenates two videos together, upscaling a lower resolution video.vidmuteStrips out the audio in a video file and saves it as a new file.vidinfoUses ffprobe to find the information from a video file.vid2gifA video is converted into an animated gif.vid2jpgA video is converted to a series of jpegs.vid2mp3A video is converted to an mp3.vid2mp4A video is converted to mp4. Useful for obs which saves everything as mkv. Extremely fast with mkv -> mp4 converstion.vidclipClips a video using timestamps.viddurGet's the during, use vidinfo instead.vidshrinkShrinks a video. Useful for social media posts.vidspeedChanges the speed of a video.vidvolChanges the volume of a video.ytclipDownload and clip a video from a url from youtube, rumble, bitchute, twitter... The timestamps are prompted by this program.trashSends the folder or files to the trash. This sometimes works better than deleting files on Windows.whichallFinds all the executables in the path.unzipunzip the provided filefixinternetAttempts to fix the internet connection by flushing the dns and resetting the network adapter.fixvmmem (win32 only)Fixes the vmmem consuming 100% cpu on windows 10 after hibernate.transcribe-anythingTranscribe media content using state of the art insanely-fast-whispertxEasily send files over the internet.tx README.mdFront end towomrhole send file, but gives you the code upfront so the client can auto connect.Install (dev):git clone zcmdspython -pip install -e .Test by typing inzcmdsAdditional installFor the pdf2image use:win32:choco install poppler... ?Note:Running tox will install hooks into the .tox directory. Keep this in my if you are developing. TODO: Add a cleanup function to undo this.Release Notes1.4.64: Addsnewto open a new terminal command window from the current terminal command window.1.4.63: Addsgitconfigureto give sane defaults to your git.1.4.62:askaican now run commands by prefixing with!1.4.61: Fix bug intx1.4.60: New tooltx, a wrapper aroundwormhole sendbut easier to use.1.4.59: New toolpush, a safe way togit push1.4.58: Fixesaskaiwith positional args (asking a question and then immediatly exiting.)1.4.57: Bring in newzcmds_win32includesshpass1.4.56: Fixesaicodeon first run crash.1.4.54: Bring in newzcmds_win32fixes and improvements.1.4.53: Fixestranscribe-anythingwith python 3.11 for--device insane1.4.52: Updatetranscribe-anythingfor bug fix Updatestranscribe-anythingto Uses git-bash version of ssh for windows.1.4.49: Addstrashwhich sends files to the trash.1.4.48: Addsremovebackgroundwhich uses AI to remove a background image. Usesrembgbackend1.4.47: Addstranscribe-anythingto the command stack.1.4.46: Fixmerge-towith missing push step from target step.1.4.45: Adds new toolmerge-to, which streamlines merge a current branch into the other and then pushing.1.4.44: Fixes vidwebmaster (Qt6 pinned version just stopped working!!)1.4.43: Addsaicodewhich is the same asaskai --code1.4.42: Addsimgshrink1.4.41:aidernow installed withpipxto avoid package conflicts because of it's pinned deps.1.4.40: Fixaskaiin python 3.11 with linux.1.4.39:aideris now part of this command set. An awesome ai pair programmer. Enable it withaskai --code1.4.37:askainow streams output to the console.1.4.36:losslesscut(on windows) can now be executed on other drivers and doesn't block the current terminal.1.4.35:askainow assumed--fast. You can use gpt4 vs--slow1.4.34: Fixes geninvoice1.4.32: OpenAI now requires version 1.3.8 or higher (fixes breaking changes from OpenAI)1.4.31: Improveaudnormso that it uses sox instead offfmpeg-normalize. Fix bug where not all commands were installed. Fixes openai api changes.1.4.30: Fix error in diskaudit when no files found in protected dir.1.4.29: Fix img2webp.1.4.28: Bug fix1.4.27: askai now has--fast1.4.26: vid2jpg now has--no-open-folder1.4.24: Addsarchive1.4.23: Bump zcmds-win321.4.21:askaihandles pasting text that has double lines in it.1.4.20:askaiis now at gpt-41.4.19: Addslosslesscutfor win32.1.4.18: Fix win32zcmds_win321.4.17:vid2mp4now adds--nvencand--height--crf1.4.16: Fixesimg2webp.1.4.15: Addsimg2webputility.1.4.13: Add--no-fast-startto vidwebmaster.1.4.12: Fixes a bug in find files when an exception is thrown during file inspection.1.4.11:findfilesnow has --start --end --larger-than --smaller-then1.4.10:zcmdsnow usesget_cmds.pyto get all of the commands from the exe list.1.4.8:audnormnow encodes in mp3 format (improves compatibility). vid2mp3 now allows--normalize1.4.7: Fixes broken build.1.4.6: Addssaycommand to speak out the text you give the program1.4.5: Adds saved settings for gitsummary1.4.4: Addspdf2txtcommand1.4.3: Addsgitsummarycommand1.4.2: Bump up zcmds_win32 to Adds 'whichall' command1.4.0: Askai now supports question-answer-question-... interactive mode1.3.17: Adds syntax highlighting to open askai tool1.3.16: Improves openai by using gpt Improve vidinfo for more data and be a lot faster with single pass probing.1.3.14: Improve vidinfo to handle non existant streams and bad files.1.3.13: Addedimg2vidcommand.1.3.12: Addedfixinternetcommand.1.3.11: Fix badges.1.3.10: Suppress spurious warnings with chardet in openai1.3.9: Changes sound driver, should eliminate the runtime dependency on win32.1.3.8: Adds askai tool1.3.7: findfile -> findfiles1.3.6: zcmds[win32] is now at 1.0.2 (includesunzip)1.3.5: zcmds[win32] is now at 1.0.1 (includesnanoandpico)1.3.4: Addsprintenvutility1.3.3: Addsfindfileutility.1.3.2: Addscomportsto display all comports that are active on the computer.1.3.1: Nit improvement in search_and_replace to improve ui1.3.0: vidwebmaster now does variable rate encoding. --crf and --heights has been replaced by --encodings1.2.1: Adds improvements to vidhero for audio fade and makes vidclip improves usability1.2.0: stripaudio -> vidmute1.1.30: Improves vidinfo with less spam on the console and allows passing height list1.1.29: More improvements to vidinfo1.1.28: vidinfo now has more encoding information1.1.27: Fix issues with spaces in vidinfo1.1.26: Adds vidinfo1.1.26: Vidclip now supports start_time end_time being omitted.1.1.25: Even better performance of diskaudit. 50% reduction in execution time.1.1.24: Fixes diskaudit from double counting1.1.23: Fixes test_net_connection1.1.22: vid2mp4 - if file exists, try another name.1.1.21: Adds --fps option to vidshrink utility1.1.19: Using pyprojec.toml build system now.1.1.17: vidwebmaster fixes heights argument for other code path1.1.16: vidwebmaster fixes heights argument1.1.15: vidwebmaster fixed1.1.14: QT5 -> QT61.1.13: vidwebmaster fixes () bash-bug in linux1.1.12: vidwebmaster now has a gui if no file is supplied1.1.11: Adds vidlist1.1.10: Adds vidhero1.1.9: adds vidwebmaster1.1.8: adds vidmatrix to test out different settings.1.1.7: vidshrink and vidclip now both feature width argument1.1.6: Adds touch to win321.1.5: Adds unzip to win321.1.4: Fix home cmd.1.1.3: Fix up cmds so it returns int1.1.2: Fix git-bash on win321.1.1: ReleaseTODO:Add silence remover: lossless cut to vidclip
zcmds_win32Optional zcmds package for win32 to make it feel more like a linux distribution. This is a great package to use if you want to use things liketee,grepand unix commands and have it work on windows.Commandscatcpdugit-bashgrephomefalseidlsmd5summvnanopicopsopenrmtruetestteetouchunzipwhichwcxargsuniqunamefixvmmemIf CPU consumption for vmmem high, run this command to fix it.yesInstall (normal)python -m pip install zcmdsInstall (dev):git clone zcmds_win32python -pip install -e .Release Notes1.2.19:python3andpip3now map topythonandpip1.2.18: Betterbash, which now paths the default git-bash `/usr/bin``1.2.17: Addeddate1.2.16:opennow accepts double back slashes.1.2.15: Addsrealpathandunameto git-bash utils.1.2.14: Fixesbashfrom missing file.1.2.13: Addsbashfrom git-bash anddirname.1.2.12:sshpassand nowzcmds_win32 --installto force re-download of unix tools.1.2.10:opennow handles git paths1.2.9: Fixssh-keygentrampoline and other new ssh commands.1.2.8: Improvedopencommand to now open extensionless text files1.2.7: Adds ssh related tools for windows from git-bash.1.2.4: Fixesopenwhen passing in a '.' directory.1.2.3:homenow works in non C: drive1.2.2: Addsmaketool for building code.1.2.1: Adds tooldig1.0.26: When sublime is opened viaopenit now opens in it's own window.1.0.25: Fixopenfor python Addsed1.0.23: Yank 1.0.21/221.0.20: Addsuniqanduname1.0.19: Change default text editor to sublime over textpad1.0.18: Addstrueandfalseandtimeout1.0.17: Minor fixes.1.0.16: Addsxargs,ps,id,wc,md5sum,tee1.0.15: fixed 'no' command, which doesn't exist.1.0.13: Addsyes1.0.12: open tries to find a text editor.1.0.11: Addssudo_win32[sudo]1.0.10: Fixesfixvmmemwhich now uses elevated_exec1.0.9: Fixesopenwhen using forward slashes1.0.8: Fixesopenwhen usingopen .1.0.7: Fixes missingfixvmmem1.0.5:opennow assumes current directory if no path is given1.0.4:fixvmmemnow runs in elevated privledges1.0.3: Addsfixvmmem1.0.2: Addsunzip1.0.1: Addspico/nano1.0.0: Moved zcmds_win32 from zcmds
Buildout recipes provide reusable Python modules for common configuration tasks. The most widely used recipes tend to provide low-level functions, like installing eggs or software distributions, creating configuration files, and so on. The normal recipe framework is fairly well suited to building these general components.Full-blown applications may require many, often tens, of parts. Defining the many parts that make up an application can be tedious and often entails a lot of repetition. Buildout provides a number of mechanisms to avoid repetition, including merging of configuration files and macros, but these, while useful to an extent, don’t scale very well. Buildout isn’t and shouldn’t be a programming language.Meta-recipes allow us to bring Python to bear to provide higher-level abstractions for buildouts.A meta-recipe is a regular Python recipe that primarily operates by creating parts. A meta recipe isn’t merely a high level recipe. It’s a recipe that defers most of it’s work to lower-level recipe by manipulating the buildout database.Unfortunately, buildout doesn’t yet provide a high-level API for creating parts. It has a private low-level API which has been promoted to public (meaning it won’t be broken by future release), and it’s straightforward to write the needed high-level API, but it’s annoying to repeat the high-level API in each meta recipe.This small package provides the high-level API needed for meta recipes and a simple testing framework. It will be merged into a future buildout release.Apresentation at PyCon 2011described early work with meta recipes.ContentsA simple meta-recipe exampleTestingChanges0.2.1 (2014-01-24)0.2.0 (2012-09-24)0.1.0 (2012-05-31)A simple meta-recipe exampleLet’s look at a fairly simple meta-recipe example. First, consider a buildout configuration that builds a database deployment:[buildout] parts = ctl pack [deployment] recipe = zc.recipe.deployment name = ample user = zope [ctl] recipe = zc.recipe.rhrc deployment = deployment chkconfig = 345 99 10 parts = main [main] recipe = zc.zodbrecipes:server deployment = deployment address = 8100 path = /var/databases/ample/main.fs zeo.conf = <zeo> address ${:address} </zeo> %import zc.zlibstorage <zlibstorage> <filestorage> path ${:path} </filestorage> </zlibstorage> [pack] recipe = zc.recipe.deployment:crontab deployment = deployment times = 1 2 * * 6 command = ${buildout:bin-directory}/zeopack -d3 -t00 ${main:address}This buildout doesn’t build software. Rather it builds configuration for deploying a database configuration using already-deployed software. For the purpose of this document, however, the details are totally unimportant.Rather than crafting the configuration above every time, we can write a meta-recipe that crafts it for us. We’ll use our meta-recipe as follows:[buildout] parts = ample [ample] recipe = com.example.ample:db path = /var/databases/ample/main.fsThe idea here is that the meta recipe allows us to specify the minimal information necessary. A meta-recipe often automates policies and assumptions that are application and organization dependent. The example above assumes, for example, that we want to pack to 3 days in the past on Saturdays.So now, let’s see the meta recipe that automates this:import zc.metarecipe class Recipe(zc.metarecipe.Recipe): def __init__(self, buildout, name, options): super(Recipe, self).__init__(buildout, name, options) self.parse(''' [deployment] recipe = zc.recipe.deployment name = %s user = zope ''' % name) self['main'] = dict( recipe = 'zc.zodbrecipes:server', deployment = 'deployment', address = 8100, path = options['path'], **{ 'zeo.conf': ''' <zeo> address ${:address} </zeo> %import zc.zlibstorage <zlibstorage> <filestorage> path ${:path} </filestorage> </zlibstorage> '''} ) self.parse(''' [pack] recipe = zc.recipe.deployment:crontab deployment = deployment times = 1 2 * * 6 command = ${buildout:bin-directory}/zeopack -d3 -t00 ${main:address} [ctl] recipe = zc.recipe.rhrc deployment = deployment chkconfig = 345 99 10 parts = main ''')The meta recipe just adds parts to the buildout. It does this by calling inherited __setitem__ andparsemethods. Theparsemethod just takes a string inConfigParsersyntax. It’s useful when we want to add static, or nearly static part data. The setitem syntax is useful when we have non-trivial computation for part data.The order that we add parts is important. When adding a part, any string substitutions and other dependencies are evaluated, so the referenced parts must be defined first. This is why, for example, thepackpart is added after themainpart.Note that the meta recipe supplied an integer for one of the options. In addition to strings, it’s legal to supply integer and unicode values.TestingNow, let’s test it. We’ll test it without actually running buildout. Rather, we’ll use a faux buildout provided by the zc.metarecipe.testing module.>>> import zc.metarecipe.testing >>> buildout = zc.metarecipe.testing.Buildout()>>> _ = Recipe(buildout, 'ample', dict(path='/var/databases/ample/main.fs')) [deployment] name = ample recipe = zc.recipe.deployment user = zope [main] address = 8100 deployment = deployment path = /var/databases/ample/main.fs recipe = zc.zodbrecipes:server zeo.conf = <zeo> address ${:address} </zeo> <BLANKLINE> %import zc.zlibstorage <BLANKLINE> <zlibstorage> <filestorage> path ${:path} </filestorage> </zlibstorage> [ctl] chkconfig = 345 99 10 deployment = deployment parts = main recipe = zc.recipe.rhrc [pack] command = ${buildout:bin-directory}/zeopack -d3 -t00 ${main:address} deployment = deployment recipe = zc.recipe.deployment:crontab times = 1 2 * * 6When we call our recipe, it will add sections to the test buildout and these are simply printed as added, so we can verify that the correct data was generated.That’s pretty much it.Changes0.2.1 (2014-01-24)Fixed: When parsing configuration text, sections were input andevaluated at the same time in section sorted order. This caused problems if a section that sorted early referred to a section that sorted late.0.2.0 (2012-09-24)When setting option values, unicode and int values will be converted to strings. Other non-string values are rejected. Previously, it was easy to get errors from buildout when setting options with values read from ZooKeeper trees, which are unicode due to the use of JSON.Fixed: When using the meta-recipe parse method, the order that resulting sections were added was non-deterministic, due to the way ConfigParser works. Not sections are added to a buildout in sortd order, by section name.0.1.0 (2012-05-31)Initial release
Monitor ServerThe monitor server is a server that provides a command-line interface to request various bits of information. The server is zc.ngi based, so we can use the zc.ngi testing infrastructure to demonstrate it.>>> import zc.ngi.testing >>> import zc.monitor>>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.TextConnection() >>> server = zc.monitor.Server(connection)The server supports an extensible set of commands. It looks up commands as named zc.monitor.interfaces.IMonitorPlugin “utilities”, as defined by the zope.component package.To see this, we’ll create a hello plugin:>>> def hello(connection, name='world'): ... """Say hello ... ... Provide a name if you're not the world. ... """ ... connection.write("Hi %s, nice to meet ya!\n" % name)and register it:>>> zc.monitor.register(hello)When we register a command, we can provide a name. To see this, we’ll registerhelloagain:>>> zc.monitor.register(hello, 'hi')Now we can give the hello command to the server:>>> connection.test_input('hi\n') Hi world, nice to meet ya! -> CLOSEWe can pass a name:>>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.TextConnection() >>> server = zc.monitor.Server(connection) >>> connection.test_input('hello Jim\n') Hi Jim, nice to meet ya! -> CLOSEThe server comes with a few basic commands. Let’s register them so we can see what they do. We’ll use the simplfied registration interface:>>> zc.monitor.register_basics()The first is the help command. Giving help without input, gives a list of available commands:>>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.TextConnection() >>> server = zc.monitor.Server(connection) >>> connection.test_input('help\n') Supported commands: hello -- Say hello help -- Get help about server commands hi -- Say hello interactive -- Turn on monitor's interactive mode quit -- Quit the monitor -> CLOSEWe can get detailed help by specifying a command name:>>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.TextConnection() >>> server = zc.monitor.Server(connection) >>> connection.test_input('help help\n') Help for help: <BLANKLINE> Get help about server commands <BLANKLINE> By default, a list of commands and summaries is printed. Provide a command name to get detailed documentation for a command. <BLANKLINE> -> CLOSE>>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.TextConnection() >>> server = zc.monitor.Server(connection) >>> connection.test_input('help hello\n') Help for hello: <BLANKLINE> Say hello <BLANKLINE> Provide a name if you're not the world. <BLANKLINE> -> CLOSETheinteractivecommand switches the monitor into interactive mode. As seen above, the monitor usually responds to a single command and then closes the connection. In “interactive mode”, the connection is not closed until thequitcommand is used. This can be useful when accessing the monitor via telnet for diagnostics.>>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.TextConnection() >>> server = zc.monitor.Server(connection) >>> connection.test_input('interactive\n') Interactive mode on. Use "quit" To exit. >>> connection.test_input('help interactive\n') Help for interactive: <BLANKLINE> Turn on monitor's interactive mode <BLANKLINE> Normally, the monitor releases the connection after a single command. By entering the interactive mode, the monitor will not end the connection until you enter the "quit" command. <BLANKLINE> In interactive mode, an empty line repeats the last command. <BLANKLINE> >>> connection.test_input('help quit\n') Help for quit: <BLANKLINE> Quit the monitor <BLANKLINE> This is only really useful in interactive mode (see the "interactive" command). <BLANKLINE>Notice that the result of the commands did not end with “-> CLOSE”, which would have indicated a closed connection.Also notice that the interactive mode allows you to repeat commands.>>> connection.test_input('hello\n') Hi world, nice to meet ya! >>> connection.test_input('\n') Hi world, nice to meet ya! >>> connection.test_input('hello Jim\n') Hi Jim, nice to meet ya! >>> connection.test_input('\n') Hi Jim, nice to meet ya!Now we will usequitto close the connection.>>> connection.test_input('quit\n') Goodbye. -> CLOSEFinally, it’s worth noting that exceptions will generate a traceback on the connection.>>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.TextConnection() >>> server = zc.monitor.Server(connection) >>> connection.test_input('hello Jim 42\n') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: hello() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given) <BLANKLINE> -> CLOSECommand loopsUsing the “MORE” mode, commands can signal that they want to claim all future user input. We’ll implement a silly example to demonstrate how it works.Here’s a command that implements a calculator.>>> PROMPT = '.' >>> def calc(connection, *args): ... if args and args[0] == 'quit': ... return zc.monitor.QUIT_MARKER ... ... if args: ... connection.write(str(eval(''.join(args)))) ... connection.write('\n') ... ... connection.write(PROMPT) ... return zc.monitor.MORE_MARKERIf we register this command…>>> zc.monitor.register(calc)…we can invoke it and we get a prompt.>>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.TextConnection() >>> server = zc.monitor.Server(connection) >>> connection.test_input('calc\n') .If we then give it more input we get the result plus another prompt.>>> connection.test_input('2+2\n') 4 .>>> connection.test_input('4*2\n') 8 .Once we’re done we can tell the calculator to let us go.>>> connection.test_input('quit\n') -> CLOSEStart server>>> import time >>> import zope.testing.loggingsupport, logging >>> loghandler = zope.testing.loggingsupport.InstalledHandler( ... None, level=logging.INFO)>>> zc.monitor.start(9644) ('', 9644)>>> print loghandler zc.ngi.async.server INFO listening on ('', 9644)>>> zc.monitor.last_listener.close() >>> zc.monitor.last_listener = None >>> time.sleep(0.1)>>> loghandler.clear()>>> zc.monitor.start(('', 9644)) ('', 9644)>>> print loghandler zc.ngi.async.server INFO listening on ('', 9644)>>> zc.monitor.last_listener.close() >>> zc.monitor.last_listener = None >>> time.sleep(0.1)Bind to port 0:>>> addr = zc.monitor.start(0) >>> addr == zc.monitor.last_listener.address True>>> zc.monitor.last_listener.close() >>> zc.monitor.last_listener = None >>> time.sleep(0.1)Trying to rebind to a port in use:>>> loghandler.clear()>>> zc.monitor.start(('', 9644)) ('', 9644)>>> zc.monitor.start(('', 9644)) False>>> print loghandler zc.ngi.async.server INFO listening on ('', 9644) zc.ngi.async.server WARNING unable to listen on ('', 9644) root WARNING unable to start zc.monitor server because the address ('', 9644) is in use.>>> zc.monitor.last_listener.close() >>> zc.monitor.last_listener = None >>> time.sleep(0.1)>>> loghandler.uninstall()Change History0.4.0.post1 (2019-12-06)Fix change log on PyPI.0.4.0 (2019-12-06)Use new Python 2.6/3.x compatible exception syntax. (This does not mean that this package is already Python 3 compatible.)0.3.1 (2012-04-27)When binding the monitor to a Unix-domain socket, remove an existing socket at the same path so the bind is successful. This may affect existing usage with respect to zopectl debug behavior, but will be more predictable.0.3.0 (2011-12-12)Added a simplified registration interface.0.2.1 (2011-12-10)Added anaddressoption tostartto be able to specify an adapter to bind to.startnow returns the address being listened on, which is useful when binding to port 0.Using Python’sdoctestmodule instead of depreactedzope.testing.doctest.0.2.0 (2009-10-28)Add the “MORE” mode so commands can co-opt user interaction0.1.2 (2008-09-15)Bugfix: The z3monitor server lacked a handle_close method, which caused errors to get logged when users closed connections before giving commands.0.1.1 (2008-09-14)Bugfix: fixed and added test for regression in displaying tracebacks.0.1.0 (2008-09-14)Initial release
zc.montorcache is a zc.z3monitor plugin that allows one to modify or check the cache size (in objects or bytes) of a running instance.>>> import zc.monitorcache >>> import zope.component >>> import zc.ngi.testing >>> import zc.monitor >>> import zc.monitor.interfaces >>> import zc.z3monitor >>> import zc.z3monitor.interfaces>>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.TextConnection() >>> server = zc.monitor.Server(connection)>>> zope.component.provideUtility(zc.monitorcache.cacheMonitor, ... zc.z3monitor.interfaces.IZ3MonitorPlugin, 'cache_size')>>> connection.test_input('cache_size\n') -> CLOSEWe have no databases right now. Let’s add a few so that we can test.>>> import ZODB.tests.util >>> import ZODB.interfaces >>> main = ZODB.tests.util.DB() >>> zope.component.provideUtility(main, ZODB.interfaces.IDatabase) >>> test = ZODB.tests.util.DB() >>> zope.component.provideUtility( ... test, ZODB.interfaces.IDatabase, 'test')Now we should get information on each of the database’s cache sizes>>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.TextConnection() >>> server = zc.monitor.Server(connection)>>> connection.test_input('cache_size\n') DB cache sizes for main Max objects: 400 Max object size bytes: 0MB DB cache sizes for test Max objects: 400 Max object size bytes: 0MB -> CLOSEWe can request information about a specific db as well>>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.TextConnection() >>> server = zc.monitor.Server(connection)>>> connection.test_input('cache_size -\n') DB cache sizes for main Max objects: 400 Max object size bytes: 0MB -> CLOSE>>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.TextConnection() >>> server = zc.monitor.Server(connection)>>> connection.test_input('cache_size test\n') DB cache sizes for test Max objects: 400 Max object size bytes: 0MB -> CLOSEWe can also modify cache sizes for a specific db>>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.TextConnection() >>> server = zc.monitor.Server(connection)>>> connection.test_input('cache_size test 300\n') Set max objects to 300 -> CLOSE>>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.TextConnection() >>> server = zc.monitor.Server(connection)>>> connection.test_input('cache_size test 10MB\n') Set max object size bytes to 10MB -> CLOSE>>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.TextConnection() >>> server = zc.monitor.Server(connection)>>> connection.test_input('cache_size test\n') DB cache sizes for test Max objects: 300 Max object size bytes: 10MB -> CLOSE
zc.monitorlogstats provides a zc.z3monitor plugin and log handler to track log statistics. The idea is that you can conect to it to find out how many log entries of various types have been posted. If you sample it over time, youcan see how many entries are added. In particular, if you get new warning, error, or critical entries, someone might want to look at the logs to find out what’s going on.Counting Log HandlerLet’s start by looking at the log handler. The factory zc.monitorlogstats.CountingHandler can be installed like any other handler. It doesn’t emit anything. It just counts.Let’s create one to see how it works:>>> import logging, zc.monitorlogstats >>> handler = zc.monitorlogstats.CountingHandler() >>> logging.getLogger().addHandler(handler) >>> logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO)Now, let’s log:>>> for i in range(5): ... logging.getLogger('foo').critical('Yipes')>>> for i in range(9): ... logging.getLogger('bar').error('oops')>>> for i in range(12): ... logging.getLogger('baz').warn('hm')>>> for i in range(21): ... logging.getLogger('foo').info('yawn')>>> for i in range(99): ... logging.getLogger('xxx').log(5, 'yuck yuck')We can ask the handler for statistics:>>> handler.start_time datetime.datetime(2008, 9, 5, 21, 10, 14)>>> for level, count, message in handler.statistics: ... print level, count ... print `message` 20 21 'yawn' 30 12 'hm' 40 9 'oops' 50 5 'Yipes'The statistics consist of the log level, the count of log messages, and the formatted text of last message.We can also ask it to clear it’s statistics:>>> handler.clear() >>> for i in range(3): ... logging.getLogger('foo').critical('Eek')>>> handler.start_time datetime.datetime(2008, 9, 5, 21, 10, 15)>>> for level, count, message in handler.statistics: ... print level, count ... print `message` 50 3 'Eek'There’s ZConfig support for defining counting handlers:>>> import ZConfig, StringIO >>> schema = ZConfig.loadSchemaFile(StringIO.StringIO(""" ... <schema> ... <import package="ZConfig.components.logger"/> ... <multisection type="logger" attribute="loggers" name="*" required="no"> ... </multisection> ... </schema> ... """))>>> conf, _ = ZConfig.loadConfigFile(schema, StringIO.StringIO(""" ... %import zc.monitorlogstats ... <logger> ... name test ... level INFO ... <counter> ... format %(name)s %(message)s ... </counter> ... </logger> ... """))>>> testhandler = conf.loggers[0]().handlers[0]>>> for i in range(2): ... logging.getLogger('test').critical('Waaa') >>> for i in range(22): ... logging.getLogger('').info('Zzzzz')>>> for level, count, message in handler.statistics: ... print level, count ... print `message` 20 22 'Zzzzz' 50 5 'Waaa'>>> for level, count, message in testhandler.statistics: ... print level, count ... print `message` 20 22 ' Zzzzz' 50 2 'test Waaa'Note that the message output from the test handler reflects the format we used when we set it up.The example above illustrates that you can install as many counting handlers as you want to.Monitor PluginThe zc.monitorlogstats Monitor plugin can be used to query log statistics.>>> import sys >>> plugin = zc.monitorlogstats.monitor(sys.stdout) 2008-09-05T21:10:15 20 22 'Zzzzz' 50 5 'Waaa'The output consists of the start time and line for each log level for which there are statistics. Each statistics line has the log level, entry count, and a repr of the last log message.By default, the root logger will be used. You can specify a logger name:>>> plugin = zc.monitorlogstats.monitor(sys.stdout, 'test') 2008-09-05T21:10:16 20 22 ' Zzzzz' 50 2 'test Waaa'You can use ‘.’ for the root logger:>>> plugin = zc.monitorlogstats.monitor(sys.stdout, '.') 2008-09-05T21:10:15 20 22 'Zzzzz' 50 5 'Waaa'Note that if there are multiple counting handlers for a logger, only the first will be used. (So don’t define more than one. :)It is an error to name a logger without a counting handler:>>> plugin = zc.monitorlogstats.monitor(sys.stdout, '') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Invalid logger name: test.fooYou can specify a second argument with a value of ‘clear’, ro clear statistics:>>> plugin = zc.monitorlogstats.monitor(sys.stdout, 'test', 'clear') 2008-09-05T21:10:16 20 22 ' Zzzzz' 50 2 'test Waaa'>>> plugin = zc.monitorlogstats.monitor(sys.stdout, 'test', 'clear') 2008-09-05T21:10:17Download
zc.montorpdb is a small plugin for the (very) lightweight zc.monitor system. It allows a user to telnet to a monitor port and invoke a Python debugger (PDB) prompt.To use it, one must first register the command so zc.monitor is aware of it.>>> import zc.monitorpdb >>> import zope.component >>> import zc.monitor.interfaces >>> zope.component.provideUtility(zc.monitorpdb.command, ... zc.monitor.interfaces.IMonitorPlugin, 'pdb')Since zc.monitor is implemented with zc.ngi, we can use zc.ngi’s testing helpers.>>> import zc.ngi.testing >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.TextConnection() >>> server = zc.monitor.Server(connection)If we invoke the command, we’ll get the appropriate prompt.>>> connection.test_input('pdb\n') (Pdb)Now we can do normal pdb things like list the code being executed.>>> connection.test_input('l\n') 34 global fakeout 35 36 fakeout = FakeStdout(connection.connection) 37 debugger = pdb.Pdb(stdin=None, stdout=fakeout) 38 debugger.reset() 39 -> debugger.setup(sys._getframe(), None) 40 41 42 def command(connection, *args): 43 global debugger 44 global fakeout (Pdb)As well as go “up” in the function call stack.>>> connection.test_input('u\n') > /graphted-storage/workspace/zc.monitorpdb/src/zc/monitorpdb/ -> reset(connection) (Pdb)There is a “reset” command that gives us a fresh debugger (just in case something bad happend to ours and we don’t want to restart the host process). Here we go from the current location being one thing (the result of the previous “u” command) to another.>>> connection.test_input('l\n') 57 return zc.monitor.QUIT_MARKER 58 else: 59 debugger.onecmd(' '.join(args)) 60 61 connection.write(debugger.prompt) 62 -> return zc.monitor.MORE_MARKER [EOF] (Pdb) >>> connection.test_input('reset\n') (Pdb) >>> connection.test_input('l\n') 34 global fakeout 35 36 fakeout = FakeStdout(connection.connection) 37 debugger = pdb.Pdb(stdin=None, stdout=fakeout) 38 debugger.reset() 39 -> debugger.setup(sys._getframe(), None) 40 41 42 def command(connection, *args): 43 global debugger 44 global fakeout (Pdb)Some features don’t work, however.>>> connection.test_input('debug 1+1\n') the "debug" command is not supported (Pdb)Once we’re done, we ask to be let go.>>> connection.test_input('quit\n') -> CLOSE
================================zcms : 基于文件系统的超轻CMS================================zcms是一个极简的基于文件系统CMS(类Jekyll),都是你熟悉的:- 无需数据库, 每个页面是一个文本文件(rst/md)- 扩展reStructuredText指令(.rst),轻松实现博客、导航、新闻等动态内容示例站点:- http://edodocs.com运行自带的demo站点(8000端口访问):docker run -d -p 8000:80 panjunyong/zcms运行自己位于/home/panjy/sites的站点::docker run -d -v /home/panjy/sites:/var/sites -p 8000:80 panjunyong/zcms调试站点皮肤(即时刷新,但是运行速度较慢):docker run -d -v /home/panjy/sites:/var/sites -p 8000:80 panjunyong/zcms debug如有反馈,请微博联系:无阻力建站============================站点放在sites文件夹内容,每个站点包括内容(contents)和皮肤(themes)设置栏目顺序和标题-----------------------每个文件夹下,可以放置一个 `_config.yaml` 的文件,在这里设置文件夹的属性:title: 教程 # 标题order: [index.rst, tour, blog, about.rst] # 显示顺序exclude: [img] # 隐藏图片文件夹的显示对于rst/md的页面文件, 可直接在文件头部指定这些信息:---title: 教程 # 标题creator: 潘俊勇 # 创建人created: 2010-12-12 9:12 # 创建时间,新闻根据这个时间排序---页面文件的属性,必须以三个短横开始和结束设置左右列以及头部区域--------------------------对整个文件夹下的页面模版,可以定制左侧、右侧和头部的显示信息,分别加入: `_left.rst` , `_right.rst` , `_upper.rst`如果具体某个页面,需要定制,也可以单独设置,通过命名来区分:1. index.rst 页面的头部信息 `_upper_index.rst`2. about.rst 页面的左侧信息 `_left_about.rst`动态内容-------------可在reST中使用如下指令即可:1. 最近新闻.. news:::size: 5:path: blog2. 博客页面.. blogs:::size: 203. 导航树.. navtree:::root_depth: 2外观模版的设置---------------------在站点根文件夹下面的_config.yaml里面,定义了整个站点的皮肤theme_base: http://localhost:6543/themes/bootstrap # 存放模版的基准位置,这里可能存放了多个模版theme: default.html # 默认的模版外观模版是通过一个网址来指定的,上面的完整外观模版地址是:http://localhost:6543/themes/bootstrap/default.html如果不想使用默认的外观模版,可文件夹或页面属性中,设置个性化的外观模版:theme: home.html # 首页模版,可能没有左右列这里会使用外观模版:http://localhost:6543/themes/bootstrap/home.html制作外观模版-----------------可看看themes文件夹里面的文件,其实就是一个python的String Template.一个最基础的外观模版可以是:<html><head><title>$title - $site_title</title><meta name="Description" content="$site_description"/></head><body><ul>$nav</ul><div>$upper</div><table><tr><td>$left</td><td>$content</td><td>$right</td></tr></table></body></html>这个文件里面可以包括如下变量:- `site_title` : 站点的标题- `site_description` : 当前内容的描述信息- `nav` : 站点的导航栏目- `title` : 当前内容的标题- `description` : 当前内容的描述信息- `content` : 当前内容正文- `left` : 左侧列显示的内容- `right` : 右侧列显示的内容- `upper` : 上方区域显示的内容- `theme_base` : 外观模版的所在的位置虚拟主机设置-----------------在站点根文件夹下面的_config.yaml里面,定义了整个站点的虚拟主机设置:domain_name:, # 域名这表示,可以通过上述 `domain_name` 直接访问站点,url路径上可省略 `site_name`更新缓存===================默认系统会自动对theme进行缓存,最近更新等内容是每天刷新一次。可调用如下地址,手动进行即时刷新:1. 更新皮肤: ``2. 更新内容: ``开发调试代码===================使用本地代码(/home/panjy/git/zcms):docker run -t -i -v /home/panjy/git/zcms:/opt/zcms/ -p 8000:80 panjunyong/zcms shellbin/buildoutbin/pserve development.iniJekyll参考===================- 优化默认的bootstrap风格皮肤2. 简化虚拟主机的配置:- 合并nginx和zcms这2个docker- 各个站点部署方面的配置转到站点的 `` 中- 自动生成nginx的配置文件3. production模式下,应该大量缓存加速,减少io4. 提供webdav api5. 提供RSS输出CHANGESv1.2 - 2014.2.27- 默认生成html5风格的html- 支持docker方式的运行- 简化VHM的配置,只需要在nginx上设置即可,无需调整配置文件v1.0 - 2013.1.1- 借鉴Jekyll,简化配置- 大量简化从前的历史代码v0.5 - 2012.12.30- 去除wsgi Theme Filter, 简化- 去除对themes文件夹的依赖,在站点metadata.json中可设置theme_url里面是皮肤的url地址,默认是自带的bootstrap风格皮肤- 支持markdownv0.1 - 2012.12.14- 调整.json的位置,去除多余的文件夹- 调整.json的内容,简化
Network Gateway InterfaceThe Network Gateway Interface provides:the ability to test application networking code without use of sockets, threads or subprocessesclean separation of application code and low-level networking codea fairly simple inheritence free set of networking APIsan event-based framework that makes it easy to handle many simultaneous connections while still supporting an imperative programming style.To learn more, see (2017-08-31)New features:support IPv62.0.1 (2012-04-06)Bugs FixedSending data faster than a socket could transmit it wasn’t handled correctly.2.0.0 (2011-12-10)Bugs Fixedzc.ngi.async listeners didn’t provide the real address when binding to port (2011-05-26)Bugs FixedIf application code made many small writes, each write was sent individually, which could trigger Nagle’s algorithm.2.0.0a5 (2010-08-19)New Features:Connection objects have a new peer_address attribute, which is equivilent to callinggetpeername()on sockets.Bugs Fixed:Servers using unix-domain sockets didn’t clean up socket files.When testing listeners were closed, handle_close, rather than close, was called on server connections.The zc.ngi.async connections’writeandwritelinesmethods didn’t raise errors when called on closed connections.The built-in connection adapters and handy adapter base class didn’t implement __nonzero__.2.0.0a4 (2010-07-27)Bugs Fixed:When using zc.ngi.testing and a server sent input and closed a connection before set_handler was called on the client, the input sent by the server was lost.By default, calling close on a connection could caause already written data not to be sent. Now, don’t close connections until data passed to write or writelines as, at least, been passed to the underlying IO system (e.g. socket.send).(This means the undocumented practive of sending zc.ngi.END_OF_DATA to write is now deprecated.)2.0.0a3 (2010-07-22)Bugs Fixed:Fixed a packaging bug.2.0.0a2 (2010-07-22)New Features:There’s a new experimental zc.ngi.async.Implementation.listener option to run each client (server connection) in it’s own thread.(It’s not documented. It’s experimental, but there is a doctest.)Bugs Fixed:There was a bug in handling connecting to testing servers that caused printing handlers to be used when they shouldn’t have been.2.0.0a1 (2010-07-08)New Features:New improved documentationSupport for writing request handlers in an imperative style using generators.Cleaner testing interfacesRefactoredzc.ngi.asyncthread management to make the blocking APIs unnecessary.zc.ngi.async.blockingis now deprecated.Added support for running multipleasyncimplementations in separate threads. This is useful in applications with fewer network connections and with handlers that tend to perform long-lating computations that would be unacceptable with a single select loop.Renamed IConnection.setHandler to set_handler.Dropped support for Python 2.4.Bugs Fixed:TheSizedrequest adapter’swritelinesmethod was broken.There we a number of problems with error handling in theasyncimplementation.1.1.6 (2010-03-01)Bug fixed:Fixed bad logging oflistening on .... The message was emitted before the actual operation was successful. Emits now a warningunable to listenon...if binding to the given address fails.1.1.5 (2010-01-19)Bug fixed:Fixed a fatal win32 problem (socket.AF_UNIX usage).Removed impropper use of the SO_REUSEADDR socket option on windows.The sized adapter performed poorly (because it triggered Nagle’s algorithm).1.1.4 (2009-10-28)Bug fixed:Spurious warnings sometimes occurred due to a race condition in setting up servers.Added missing “writelines” method to zc.ngi.adapters.Lines.1.1.3 (2009-07-30)Bug fixed:zc.ngi.async bind failures weren’t handled properly, causing lots of annoying log messages to get spewed, which tesnded to fill up log files.1.1.2 (2009-07-02)Bugs fixed:The zc.ngi.async thread wasn’t named. All threads should be named.1.1.1 (2009-06-29)Bugs fixed:zc.ngi.blocking didn’t properly handle connection failures.1.1.0 (2009-05-26)Bugs fixed:Blocking input and output files didn’t properly synchronize closing.The testing implementation made muiltiple simultaneous calls to handler methods in violation of the promise made in TCP servers used too low a listen depth, causing performance issues and spurious test failures.New features:Added UDP support.Implementation responsibilities were clarified through an IImplementation interface. The “connector” attribute of the testing and async implementations was renamed to “connect”. The old name still works.Implementations are now required to log handler errors and to close connections in response to connection-handler errors. (Otherwise, handlers, and especially handler adapters, would have to do this.)1.0.1 (2007-05-30)Bugs fixed:Server startups sometimes failed with an error like:warning: unhandled read event warning: unhandled write event warning: unhandled read event warning: unhandled write event ------ 2007-05-30T22:22:43 ERROR zc.ngi.async.server listener error Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 69, in read obj.handle_read_event() File "", line 385, in handle_read_event self.handle_accept() File "/zc/ngi/", line 325, in handle_accept sock, addr = self.accept() TypeError: unpack non-sequence
The objectlog package provides a customizable log for a single object. The system was designed to provide information for a visual log of important object changes and to provide analyzable information for metrics.It provides automatic recording for each log entry of a timestamp and the principals in the request when the log was made.Given a schema of data to collect about the object, it automatically calculates and stores changesets from the last log entry, primarily to provide a quick and easy answer to the question “what changed?” and secondarily to reduce database size.It accepts optional summary and detail values that allow the system or users to annotate the entries with human-readable messages.It allows each log entry to be annotated with zero or more marker interfaces so that log entries may be classified with an interface.Moreover, the log entries can be set to occur at transition boundaries, and to only ocur if a change was made (according to the changeset) since the last log entry.To show this, we need to set up a dummy interaction. We do this below, then create an object with a log, then actually make a log.>>> import >>> import >>> import >>> from zope import interface, schema >>> from import ztapi >>> class DummyPrincipal(object): ... interface.implements( ... def __init__(self, id, title, description): ... = unicode(id) ... self.title = title ... self.description = description ... >>> alice = DummyPrincipal('alice', 'Alice Aal', 'first principal') >>> betty = DummyPrincipal('betty', 'Betty Barnes', 'second principal') >>> cathy = DummyPrincipal('cathy', 'Cathy Camero', 'third principal') >>> class DummyParticipation(object): ... interface.implements( ... interaction = principal = None ... def __init__(self, principal): ... self.principal = principal ... >>> import zope.publisher.interfaces>>> import zc.objectlog >>> import zope.location >>> WORKING = u"Where I'm working" >>> COUCH = u"On couch" >>> BED = u"On bed" >>> KITCHEN = u"In kitchen" >>> class ICat(interface.Interface): ... name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name", required=True) ... location = schema.Choice( ... (WORKING, COUCH, BED, KITCHEN), ... title=u"Location", required=False) ... weight = schema.Int(title=u"Weight in Pounds", required=True) ... getAge, = schema.accessors( ... schema.Int(title=u"Age in Years", readonly=True, ... required=False)) ... >>> import persistent >>> class Cat(persistent.Persistent): ... interface.implements(ICat) ... def __init__(self, name, weight, age, location=None): ... = name ... self.weight = weight ... self.location = location ... self._age = age ... self.log = zc.objectlog.Log(ICat) ... zope.location.locate(self.log, self, 'log') ... def getAge(self): ... return self._age ...Notice in the __init__ for cat that we located the log on the cat. This is an important step, as it enables the automatic changesets.Now we are set up to look at examples. With one exception, each example runs within a faux interaction so we can see how the principal_ids attribute works. First we’ll see that len works, that the record_schema attribute is set properly, that the timestamp uses a pytz.utc timezone for the timestamp, that log iteration works, and that summary, details, and data were set properly.>>> import pytz, datetime >>> a_p = DummyParticipation(alice) >>> interface.directlyProvides(a_p, zope.publisher.interfaces.IRequest) >>> >>> emily = Cat(u'Emily', 16, 5, WORKING) >>> len(emily.log) 0 >>> emily.log.record_schema is ICat True >>> before = >>> entry = emily.log( ... u'Starting to keep track of Emily', ... u'Looks like\nshe might go upstairs soon') >>> entry is emily.log[0] True >>> after = >>> len(emily.log) 1 >>> before <= entry.timestamp <= after True >>> entry.timestamp.tzinfo is pytz.utc True >>> entry.principal_ids (u'alice',) >>> list(emily.log) == [entry] True >>> entry.record_schema is ICat True >>> entry.summary u'Starting to keep track of Emily' >>> entry.details u'Looks like\nshe might go upstairs soon'The record and the record_changes should have a full set of values from the object. The record has a special security checker that allows users to access any field defined on the schema, but not to access any others nor to write any values.>>> record = emily.log[0].record >>> u'Emily' >>> record.location==WORKING True >>> record.weight 16 >>> record.getAge() 5 >>> ICat.providedBy(record) True >>> emily.log[0].record_changes == { ... 'name': u'Emily', 'weight': 16, 'location': u"Where I'm working", ... 'getAge': 5} True >>> from import ProxyFactory >>> proxrecord = ProxyFactory(record) >>> ICat.providedBy(proxrecord) True >>> from zc.objectlog import interfaces >>> interfaces.IRecord.providedBy(proxrecord) True >>> from import canAccess, canWrite >>> canAccess(record, 'name') True >>> canAccess(record, 'weight') True >>> canAccess(record, 'location') True >>> canAccess(record, 'getAge') True >>> canAccess(record, 'shazbot') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ForbiddenAttribute: ('shazbot', ... >>> canWrite(record, 'name') False >>> with multiple principals are correctly recorded as well. Note that non-request participations are not included in the records. We also look a bit more at the record and the change set.>>> a_p = DummyParticipation(alice) >>> b_p = DummyParticipation(betty) >>> c_p = DummyParticipation(cathy) >>> interface.directlyProvides(a_p, zope.publisher.interfaces.IRequest) >>> interface.directlyProvides(b_p, zope.publisher.interfaces.IRequest) >>>, b_p, c_p) >>> emily.location = KITCHEN >>> entry = emily.log(u"Sounds like she's eating", u"Dry food,\nin fact.") >>> len(emily.log) 2 >>> emily.log[0].summary u'Starting to keep track of Emily' >>> emily.log[1].summary u"Sounds like she's eating" >>> after <= emily.log[1].timestamp <= True >>> emily.log[1].principal_ids # cathy was not a request, so not included (u'alice', u'betty') >>> emily.log[1].details u'Dry food,\nin fact.' >>> emily.log[1].record_changes {'location': u'In kitchen'} >>> record = emily.log[1].record >>> record.location u'In kitchen' >>> u'Emily' >>> record.weight 16 >>> is possible to make a log without an interaction as well.>>> emily._age = 6 >>> entry = emily.log(u'Happy Birthday') # no interaction >>> len(emily.log) 3 >>> emily.log[2].principal_ids () >>> emily.log[2].record_changes {'getAge': 6} >>> record = emily.log[2].record >>> record.location u'In kitchen' >>> u'Emily' >>> record.weight 16 >>> record.getAge() 6Entries may be marked with marker interfaces to categorize them. This approach may be difficult with security proxies, so it may be changed. We’ll do all the rest of our examples within the same interaction.>>> c_p = DummyParticipation(cathy) >>> interface.directlyProvides(c_p, zope.publisher.interfaces.IRequest) >>> >>> emily.location = None >>> emily.weight = 17 >>> class IImportantLogEntry(interface.Interface): ... "A marker interface for log entries" >>> interface.directlyProvides( ... emily.log(u'Emily is in transit...and ate a bit too much'), ... IImportantLogEntry) >>> len(emily.log) 4 >>> [e for e in emily.log if IImportantLogEntry.providedBy(e)] == [ ... emily.log[3]] True >>> emily.log[3].principal_ids (u'cathy',) >>> emily.log[3].record_changes=={'weight': 17, 'location': None} True >>> record = emily.log[3].record >>> old_record = emily.log[2].record >>> == == u'Emily' True >>> record.weight 17 >>> old_record.weight 16 >>> record.location # None >>> old_record.location u'In kitchen'Making a log will fail if the record it is trying to make does not conform to its schema.>>> emily.location = u'Outside' >>> emily.log(u'This should never happen') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ConstraintNotSatisfied: Outside >>> len(emily.log) 4 >>> emily.location = BEDIt will also fail if the arguments passed to it are not correct.>>> emily.log("This isn't unicode so will not succeed") Traceback (most recent call last): ... WrongType: ("This isn't unicode so will not succeed", <type 'unicode'>) >>> len(emily.log) 4 >>> success = emily.log(u"Yay, unicode")The following is commented out until we have more# >>> emily.log(u”Data without an interface won’t work”, None, ‘boo hoo’) Traceback (most recent call last): … WrongContainedType: []Zero or more additional arbitrary data objects may be included on the log entry as long as they implement an interface.>>> class IConsumableRecord(interface.Interface): ... dry_food = schema.Int( ... title=u"Dry found consumed in ounces", required=False) ... wet_food = schema.Int( ... title=u"Wet food consumed in ounces", required=False) ... water = schema.Int( ... title=u"Water consumed in teaspoons", required=False) ...# >>> class ConsumableRecord(object): … interface.implements(IConsumableRecord) … def __init__(self, dry_food=None, wet_food=None, water=None): … self.dry_food = dry_food … self.wet_food = wet_food … self.water = water … # >>> entry = emily.log(u’Collected eating records’, None, ConsumableRecord(1)) # >>> len(emily.log) 5 # >>> len(emily.log[4].data) 1 # >>> IConsumableRecord.providedBy(emily.log[4].data[0]) True # >>> emily.log[4].data[0].dry_food 1__getitem__ and __iter__ work as normal for a Python sequence, including support for extended slices.>>> list(emily.log) == [emily.log[0], emily.log[1], emily.log[2], ... emily.log[3], emily.log[4]] True >>> emily.log[-1] is emily.log[4] True >>> emily.log[0] is emily.log[-5] True >>> emily.log[5] Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: list index out of range >>> emily.log[-6] Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: list index out of range >>> emily.log[4:2:-1] == [emily.log[4], emily.log[3]] TrueThe log’s record_schema may be changed as long as there are no logs or the interface extends (or is) the interface for the last log.>>> emily.log.record_schema = IConsumableRecord # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Once entries have been made, may only change schema to one... >>> class IExtendedCat(ICat): ... parent_object_intid = schema.Int(title=u"Parent Object") ... >>> emily.log.record_schema = IExtendedCat >>> emily.log.record_schema = ICat >>> emily.log.record_schema = IExtendedCat >>> class ExtendedCatAdapter(object): ... interface.implements(IExtendedCat) ... def __init__(self, cat): # getAge is left off ... = ... self.weight = cat.weight ... self.location = cat.location ... self.parent_object_intid = 42 ... >>> ztapi.provideAdapter((ICat,), IExtendedCat, ExtendedCatAdapter) >>> entry = emily.log(u'First time with extended interface') >>> emily.log.record_schema = ICat # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Once entries have been made, may only change schema to one... >>> emily.log[5].record_changes == { ... 'parent_object_intid': 42, 'getAge': None} True >>> record = emily.log[5].record >>> record.parent_object_intid 42 >>> u'Emily' >>> record.location u'On bed' >>> record.weight 17 >>> record.getAge() # None >>> IExtendedCat.providedBy(record) True >>> old_record = emily.log[3].record >>> IExtendedCat.providedBy(old_record) False >>> ICat.providedBy(old_record) True >>> old_record.parent_object_intid # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: ...Entries support convenience next and previous attributes, which make them act like immutable doubly linked lists:>>> entry = emily.log[5] >>> entry.previous is emily.log[4] True >>> # None >>> entry.previous.previous.previous.previous.previous is emily.log[0] True >>> emily.log[0].previous # None >>> emily.log[0].next is emily.log[1] TrueObjectlogs also support deferring until the end of a transaction. To show this, we will need a sample database, a transaction, and key reference adapters. We show the simplest example first.>>> from ZODB.tests import util >>> import transaction>>> db = util.DB() >>> connection = >>> root = connection.root() >>> root["emily"] = emily >>> transaction.commit() >>> import >>> import >>> import ZODB.interfaces >>> import persistent.interfaces >>> from zope import component >>> component.provideAdapter( ..., ... (persistent.interfaces.IPersistent,), ... >>> component.provideAdapter( ..., ... (persistent.interfaces.IPersistent,), ... ZODB.interfaces.IConnection)>>> len(emily.log) 6 >>> emily.log(u'This one is deferred', defer=True) # returns None: deferred! >>> len(emily.log) 6 >>> transaction.commit() >>> len(emily.log) 7 >>> emily.log[6].summary u'This one is deferred' >>> emily.log[6].record_changes {}While this is interesting, the point is to capture changes to the object, whether or not they happened when the log was called. Here is a more pertinent example, then.>>> len(emily.log) 7 >>> emily.weight = 16 >>> emily.log(u'Also deferred', defer=True) # returns None: deferred! >>> len(emily.log) 7 >>> emily.location = COUCH >>> transaction.commit() >>> len(emily.log) 8 >>> emily.log[7].summary u'Also deferred' >>> import pprint >>> pprint.pprint(emily.log[7].record_changes) {'location': u'On couch', 'weight': 16}Multiple deferred log entries can be deferred, if desired.>>> emily.log(u'One log', defer=True) >>> emily.log(u'Two log', defer=True) >>> len(emily.log) 8 >>> transaction.commit() >>> len(emily.log) 10 >>> emily.log[8].summary u'One log' >>> emily.log[9].summary u'Two log'Another option is if_changed. It should not make a log unless there was a change.>>> len(emily.log) 10 >>> emily.log(u'If changed', if_changed=True) # returns None: no change! >>> len(emily.log) 10 >>> emily.location = BED >>> entry = emily.log(u'If changed', if_changed=True) >>> len(emily.log) 11 >>> emily.log[10] is entry True >>> entry.summary u'If changed' >>> pprint.pprint(entry.record_changes) {'location': u'On bed'} >>> transaction.commit()The two options, if_changed and defer, can be used together. This makes for a log entry that will only be made at a transition boundary if there have been no previous changes. Note that a log entry that occurs whether or not changes were made (hereafter called a “required” log entry) that is also deferred will always eliminate any deferred if_changed log entry, even if the required log entry was registered later in the transaction.>>> len(emily.log) 11 >>> emily.log(u'Another', defer=True, if_changed=True) # returns None >>> transaction.commit() >>> len(emily.log) 11 >>> emily.log(u'Yet another', defer=True, if_changed=True) # returns None >>> emily.location = COUCH >>> len(emily.log) 11 >>> transaction.commit() >>> len(emily.log) 12 >>> emily.log[11].summary u'Yet another' >>> emily.location = KITCHEN >>> entry = emily.log(u'non-deferred entry', if_changed=True) >>> len(emily.log) 13 >>> entry.summary u'non-deferred entry' >>> emily.log(u'will not write', defer=True, if_changed=True) >>> transaction.commit() >>> len(emily.log) 13 >>> emily.log(u'will not write', defer=True, if_changed=True) >>> emily.location = WORKING >>> emily.log(u'also will not write', defer=True, if_changed=True) >>> emily.log(u'required, deferred', defer=True) >>> len(emily.log) 13 >>> transaction.commit() >>> len(emily.log) 14 >>> emily.log[13].summary u'required, deferred'This should all work in the presence of multiple objects, of course.>>> sam = Cat(u'Sam', 20, 4) >>> root['sam'] = sam >>> transaction.commit() >>> sam.weight = 19 >>> sam.log(u'Auto log', defer=True, if_changed=True) >>> sam.log(u'Sam lost weight!', defer=True) >>> sam.log(u'Saw sam today', defer=True) >>> emily.log(u'Auto log', defer=True, if_changed=True) >>> emily.weight = 15 >>> transaction.commit() >>> len(sam.log) 2 >>> sam.log[0].summary u'Sam lost weight!' >>> sam.log[1].summary u'Saw sam today' >>> len(emily.log) 15 >>> emily.log[14].summary u'Auto log'>>> # TEAR DOWN >>> >>> ztapi.unprovideUtility( (2008-05-16)removed dependency on; loosened restrictions on principal_ids.0.1.1 (2008-04-02)Updated path in for setup to work on platforms other than linux.0.1 (2008-04-02)Initial release (removeddevstatus)
Zee CodeZCode is a custom compression algorithm I originally developed for a competition held for the Spring 2019 Datastructures and Algorithms course ofDr. Mahdi Safarnejad-BoroujeniatSharif University of Technology, at which I became first-place. The code is pretty slow and has a lot of room for optimization, but it is pretty readable. It can be an excellent educational resource for whoever is starting on compression algorithms.The algorithm is a cocktail of classical compression algorithms mixed and served for Unicode documents. It hinges around theLZW algorithmto create a finite size symbol dictionary; the results are then byte-coded into variable-length custom symbols, which I callzeecodes! Finally, the symbol table is truncated accordingly, and the compressed document is encoded into a byte stream.Huffman treeshighly inspirezeecodes, but because in normal texts, symbols are usually much more uniformly distributed than the original geometrical (or exponential) distribution assumption for effective Huffman coding, the gains of using variable-sized byte-codes both from an implementation and performance perspective outweighed bit Huffman encodings. Results may vary, but my tests showed a steady ~4-5x compression ratio on Farsi texts, which is pretty nice!InstallationZCode is available on pip, and only requires a 3.6 or higher python installation beforehand.pipinstall-UzcodeUsageYou can run the algorithm for anyutf-8encoded file using thezcodecommand. It will automatically decompress files ending with a.zeeextensions and compress others into.zeefiles, but you can always override the default behavior by providing optional arguments like:zcodeINPUTFILE[--outputOUTPUT_FILE--actioncompress/decompress--symbol-sizeSYMBOL_SIZE--code-sizeCODE_SIZE]Thesymbol-sizeargument controls the algorithms' buffer size for processing symbols (in bytes). It is automatically set depending on your input file size but you can change it as you wish.code-sizecontrols the maximum length for coded bytes while encoding symbols (this equals to 2 by default and needs to be provided to the algorithm upon decompression).LICENSEMIT LICENSE, seevahidzee/zcode/LICENSE
zcode system discountpip3zcodesystemdiscount
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This project is a Python library allowing manipulating data partitioned into acollectionofZarrgroups.This collection allows dividing a dataset into several partitions to facilitate acquisitions or updates made from new products. Possible data partitioning is: bydate(hour, day, month, etc.) or bysequence.A collection partitioned by date, with a monthly resolution, may look like on the disk:collection/ ├── year=2022 │ ├── month=01/ │ │ ├── time/ │ │ │ ├── 0.0 │ │ │ ├── .zarray │ │ │ └── .zattrs │ │ ├── var1/ │ │ │ ├── 0.0 │ │ │ ├── .zarray │ │ │ └── .zattrs │ │ ├── .zattrs │ │ ├── .zgroup │ │ └── .zmetadata │ └── month=02/ │ ├── time/ │ │ ├── 0.0 │ │ ├── .zarray │ │ └── .zattrs │ ├── var1/ │ │ ├── 0.0 │ │ ├── .zarray │ │ └── .zattrs │ ├── .zattrs │ ├── .zgroup │ └── .zmetadata └── .zcollectionPartition updates can be set to overwrite existing data with new ones or to update them using differentstrategies.TheDask libraryhandles the data to scale the treatments quickly.It is possible to create views on a reference collection, to add and modify variables contained in a reference collection, accessible in reading only.This library can store data on POSIX, S3, or any other file system supported by the Python libraryfsspec. Note, however, only POSIX and S3 file systems have been tested.
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[^_^]: 名称: 小发明系列-zfind背景我们经常会使用 find 命令, 奈何 find命令实在不怎么好用, 于是写一个python 脚本来包装 find命令,让它更友好一些,使用它可以极高的提高效率. 它可以让我们以更少的输入来快速完成原来很复杂的查询, 而且会打印出生成的底层语句, 来看几个例子吧例子以前我要使用 find 查找当前目录下的"名称中包含XX的后缀是XX的文档", 而且希望它能忽略大小写, 能查找目录软链接下的内容, 我必须写很长的参数.case1 简单初体验比如我之前想查找 当前目录下,名称中含有 make 的markdown 文件, 那么我必须写成:find -L . -iname "*make*.md" -type f作为对比, 我现在只用写:zfind make实际效果如下:➜interviewzfindmake thecommandis:find-L.-iname"*make*.md"-typef ./writings/cpp_rank/25_0_什么是 ./writings/cpp-interview/cpp_rank/25_0_什么是 ./writings/cpp-interview/cpp_basic/18_0_make的用法 ./writings/cpp-interview/cpp_basic/12_0_make的用法 ./htmls/cpp-html/make/@makefile写法 ./htmls/cpp-html/make/@make命令零基础教程 ./htmls/cpp-html/make/ ./cpp-interview/cpp_rank/25_0_什么是 ./cpp-interview/cpp_basic/18_0_make的用法 ./cpp-interview/cpp_basic/12_0_make的用法_11291.mdcase2 指定特定文件后缀查询再比如, 我想找 当前目录下,名称中含有 make 的 html 文件, 那么我必须写成find -L . -iname "*make*.html" -type f作为对比, 我现在只用写:zfind make -s html实际效果如下:➜interviewzfindmake-shtml thecommandis:find-L.-iname"*make*.html"-typef ./htmls/cpp-html/make/Make命令零基础教程.html ./htmls/cpp-html/make/makefile-Whatisthedifferencebetween_make_and_makeall__-StackOverflow.htmlcase3 多种文件后缀查询再比如, 我想找 当前目录下,名称中含有 make 的 html和htm 文件, 那么我必须写成两条语句find -L . -iname "*make*.html" -type f和find -L . -iname "*make*.htm" -type f作为对比, 我现在只用写:zfind make -s html+htmcase4 排除特定路径有的时候,我不想找某个路径, 那么我可以使用 -e 来排除这个路径, e 是 exclude 的首字母. 它强制是模糊查询的. 我写这么一条语句:zfind find -e blog其实它会生成这么复杂的一条语句.the command is: find -L . -iname "*find*.md" -type f -print -o -path "*blog*" -prune使用方法1我将提供下面一段脚本, 只要你:将它命令为 zfind, 不要带.py后缀, 使用chmod a+x zfind成为可执行文件把它放到可执行文件的查找路径下使用 zfind 关键字 就可以愉快地使用了 因为我喜欢使用markdown 来写文档, 所以我默认让 find 命令查找 markdown 文件方法2pip install zcommands-zx脚本展示#! /Users/zxzx/.conda/envs/scrapy/bin/python #换成你本机的python解释器路径#coding=utf-8importos,syshelp_txt="""使用 zfind -h 来获取帮助使用 zfind 关键字 在当前目录查询含有`关键字`的md文档使用 zfind 关键字 -d 路径 在指定目录查询含有`关键字`的md文档使用 zfind 关键字 -d 路径 -s 文件后缀 在指定目录查询含有`关键字`的指定后缀文档"""######################## 准备变量search_dir=''keyword=''suffix=''type=''args=sys.argviflen(args)>1andargs[1]=='-h':print(help_txt)iflen(args)>=2:keyword=sys.argv[1]# 捕捉多余可选参数opt_args=args[2:]foriinrange(len(opt_args)):if(opt_args[i]=='-s'):suffix=opt_args[i+1]if(opt_args[i]=='-d'):search_dir=opt_args[i+1]if(opt_args[i]=='-t'):type=opt_args[i+1]######### 执行命令search_dir=search_diror'.'suffix=suffixor'md'type=typeor'f'iftype=='d':suffix=''else:suffix='.'+suffixcommand='find -L{}-iname "*{}*{}" -type{}'.format(search_dir,keyword,suffix,type)# example as: find . -iname "*@make*.md"######### 执行查询软链接命令print("the command is: ",command)ret=os.popen(command).readlines()forlineinret:print(line,end='')缺点目前还没有发现
Please see the github repo and help @
How to installpip install zcommon4py # or pip3Loggerfromzcommon4pyimportZLoggerif__name__=="__main__":logger=ZLogger("logger")logger.debug("debug")"info")logger.warning("warning")logger.error("error")AuthorKhoiDD
zcommons for pythonA collection of common utils for python.RequirementsPython >= 3.6colorama, dataclasses(if python==3.6), sortedcontainersInstallpipinstallzcommons==0.2.0
OverviewThis project allows you to execute a list of http operations asynchronously from within an synchronous context.It does not care whether you should do this. It simply allows you to do so if you desire.InstallingThe package is available via pip.pipinstallzconcurrentIf you're not on Windows, install the uvloop extra to increase performance.pipinstall"zconcurrent[uvloop]"UsageThe package can be imported as shown:fromzconcurrent.zsessionimportzSession,RequestMap,RequestResultsClassDescriptionzSessionSession object containing collection of requests to sendRequestMapContainer object that stores all info about an individual request to sendRequestResultsContainer object that stores the request responses and any exceptions raisedExample# Create RequestMap objectsreq1=RequestMap(url="",httpOperation="GET",queryParams={"type":"meat-and-filler","format":"json"},)req2=RequestMap(url="",httpOperation="GET",queryParams={"type":"all-meat","format":"json"},)req3=RequestMap(url="",httpOperation="GET",queryParams={"type":"meat-and-filler","format":"json"},)# Create zSession and call sendRequests()session=zSession(requestMaps=[req1,req2,req3])reqResps:RequestResults=session.sendRequests(return_exceptions=True)# Handle exceptions raised for individual requestsiflen(reqResps.taskExceptions)>0:print("Handling exceptions")# Handle responses for individual requestsforrespinrequestResponses:httpVerb=resp.requestMap.httpOperationprint(f"Evaluating response for{httpVerb}request to{resp.requestMap.url}")print(f"Status Code:{resp.statusCode}")ifresp.bodyisnotNone:print(resp.body)RequestMap ClassclassRequestMap(msgspec.Struct):url:strhttpOperation:Literal["GET","POST","PUT","PATCH","OPTIONS","DELETE"]body:dict|None=NonequeryParams:dict[str,str]|None=Noneheaders:dict[str,str]|None=NoneRequestResponse ClassclassRequestResponse(msgspec.Struct):requestMap:RequestMapstatusCode:intbody:dict|None=NoneRequestResults Class@dataclassclassRequestResults:requestResponses:list[RequestResponse]taskExceptions:list[BaseException]
This is a python3 (3.6+) library to provide some section inheritance functionality toconfigparser.For details, seedocumentation.LicenseThe software is licensed under The MIT License. SeeLICENSE.
zconfig_watchedfileProvides a ZConfig statement to register a logging handler that uses aWatchedFileHandler, which is helpful for integrating with an external logrotate service:%import zconfig_watchedfile <logger> name example <watchedfile> path /path/to/logfile.log </watchedfile> </logger>The<watchedfile>supports both the default ZConfig settings for handlers (formatter, dateformat, level) and the parameters ofWatchedFileHandler(mode, encoding, delay).This package is compatible with Python version 3.8 up to 3.11.Change log for zconfig_watchedfile2.0 (2023-08-17)Drop support for all Python versions older than 3.8.Add support for Python 3.9, 3.10, (2019-12-04)Migrated to github.Add support for Python 3.7 and (2019-01-25)Makesetup.pycompatible with newersetuptoolsversions.Drop support for Python (2013-11-29)initial release
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常量常用包包括三种常量实现方式1.基类继承from zconst.const_base import const class my_const(const): a = 1 my_const = my_const() print(my_const.a) my_const.a = 12.装饰器from zconst.const_decorator import const @const class my_const(): a = 1 print(my_const.a) my_const.a = 13.元类metaclassfrom zconst.const_metaclass import const class my_const(metaclass=const): a = 1 print(my_const.a) my_const.a = 1
ZContact is an online contact management application built on the Zope3 web application framework. Below are instructions for managing ZContact on Ubuntu Linux. With some tweaks, this might even work on Mac OSX and Windows.Quick StartFollow these instructions to install ZContact and create a default server setup.Install dependencies if they are not installed already (most of these dependencies are from Zope 3):$ sudo apt-get install build-essential python-all python-all-dev libc6-dev libicu-dev python-setuptoolsInstall ZContact:$ sudo easy_install-2.4 zcontactCreate an “instance” of zcontact (including server configuration, log files and database) called “MyZContactServer”. Feel free to replace MyZContactServer with whatever you want, or leave it blank and it will default to just “zcontact”:$ paster make-config zcontact MyZContactServerGo to the newly created configuration area for your zcontact instance and start the server:$ cd MyZContactServer $ paster serve deploy.iniZContact will now be available athttp://localhost:8080.Updating Your ZContact InstallationTo update your ZContact application, simply run the following command and restart your server.$ sudo easy_install-2.4 -U zcontact(the -U stands for “Update”).Running ZContact as a DaemonTo run ZContact as a daemon, go to the directory where your ZContact instance is located and type:$ paster serve deploy.ini –daemonThe running daemon can be stopped with:$ paster serve deploy.ini stopMigrating DataTo migrate data from one zcontact server to another follow these steps:Make sure both zcontact instances arenotrunning.Copy the database file you want to migrate to the new instance. The database file is located in the var/ directory of the ZContact instance and is called Data.fs. You do not need to move any of the Data.fs.* files.Restart your ZContact instance.Developer InstallationIf you want to setup ZContact as a developer (i.e. from a repository checkout) rather than installing it as an egg on your system, follow these steps:Grab a branch of the latest ZContact code from Launchpad:$ bzr branch (Note: you can also use bzr checkout instead of bzr branch if you don't want to get all the revision information)Change to the directory where you just create the branch:$ cd zcontact-lpRun make:$ make (Note: This will run the script which sets up buildout, and it will invoke buildout which downloads all the necessary eggs to the eggs/ directory. If you have a common place where you have development eggs available, you should modify buildout.cfg before running make.)Run the tests:$ make testCreate the configuration:$ make install (This adds the var and log directories along with a deploy.ini, site.zcml, and zope.conf in the checkout)Start the server:$ make runGenerate test coverage reports:$ make coverageNOTE: if you get errors about setuptools not being the right version, then you need to install the easy_install script and run:$ sudo easy_install-2.4 -U setuptools(The -U option forces setuptools to look online for the latest updates)If you don’t like using make, or you are not on a Linux system, then try the following:$ python $ ./bin/buildout -vNA note to the wise: It seems to be the consensus of the Zope community that one should never use the standard system python to run your software because you might screw it up. And screwing up system pythong is not a good idea if you can avoid it. So to really do this properly, you should install your own python by actually downloading the src, compiling it, and installing it to some place like /opt/mypython. Then when you install the checkout, use:$ /opt/mypython/bin/python $ ./bin/buildout -vNAnd that will be best.Getting More InformationContact me on My most common username is pcardune and I hang around #schooltool and #zope3-dev. Otherwise, email me at paul_at_carduner_dot_netPlease send me requests for other instructions you want to be put into this README holder for changes
ZCool DownloaderZCool picture crawler. Download ZCool ( Designer’s or User’s pictures, photos and illustrations.Free software: MIT licenseDocumentation:极速下载:多线程异步下载,可以根据需要设置线程数异常重试:只要重试次数足够多,就没有下载不下来的图片 (^o^)/!增量下载:设计师/用户有新的上传,再跑一遍程序就行了 O(∩_∩)O 嗯!自选主题:可以选择下载用户的特定主题,而不是该用户下的所有内容下载收藏夹New:使用-c <收藏夹 URL, …>下载收藏夹中的作品(收藏夹可自由创建)QuickstartInstall zcooldl via pip:$pipinstall-UzcooldlDownload all username’s pictures to current directory:$zcooldl-u<username>CreditsThis package was created withCookiecutterand theaudreyr/cookiecutter-pypackageproject template.History0.1.4 (2020.12.01)新增功能:新参数-c <收藏夹 URL, …>,支持下载收藏夹中的作品0.1.3 (2020.07.22)首次发布到 PyPI修复了在动态加载页面中无法获取并下载所有图片的问题保存的图片文件名中加入了序号,以保持原始顺序添加了注释,并对代码细节做了调整2020.03.25优化了终端输出信息,用不同颜色文字进行了标识修复了在低网速下无法下载图片的问题,并加快了整体下载速度0.1.2 (2020.03.24)新功能:新增下载超清原图(默认选项,约几 MB),使用参数–thumbnail下载缩略图(宽最大 1280px,约 500KB)新增支持下载 JPG、PNG、GIF、BMP 格式的图片0.1.1 (2019.12.09)新功能:可以选择下载用户的特定主题支持一次性输入多个用户名或 IDBUG 修复:修复用户如果没有上传任何图片时的下载错误0.1.0 (2019.09.09)主要功能:极速下载:多线程异步下载,可以根据需要设置线程数异常重试:只要重试次数足够多,就没有下载不下来的图片 (^o^)/增量下载:设计师/用户有新的上传,再跑一遍程序就行了 O(∩_∩)O 嗯!支持代理:可以配置使用代理(0.1.3 版本后改为自动读取系统代理)
ObjectiveThis project started as a way to integrate monitoring information collected in a Cloud environment, namely by OpenStack’s Ceilometer, integrating it with an already existing monitoring solution using Zabbix.FeaturesIntegration of OpenStack’s available monitoring information (e.g. using Ceilometer) with already existing Monitoring systems (e.g. Zabbix);Automatically gather information about the existing Cloud Infrastructure being considered (tenants, instances);Seamlessly handle changes in the Cloud Infrastructure (creation and deletion of tenants and/or instances);Periodically retrieve resources/meters details from OpenStack;Allow to have one common monitoring system (e.g Zabbix) for several OpenStack-based Cloud Data Centres;Support keystone v3 to allow multiple domains using multiple proxies;Support rabbitmq clusters to consume messages from topics of keystone and nova;Provide default template(Template ZCP) to import through zabbix web interface;Provide mongo driver to retrive metrics from Ceilometer mongodb directly.RequirementsThe Zabbix-Ceilometer Proxy was written using _Python_ version 2.7.5 but can be easily ported to version 3. It uses the Pika library for support of AMQP protocol, used by OpenStack.For installing Pika, if you already have _Python_ and the _pip_ packet manager configured, you need only to use a terminal/console and simply run following command under the project directory:sudo pip install -r requirement.txtIf the previous command fails, download and manually install the library on the host where you intend to run the ZCP.NoteSince the purpose of this project is to be integrated with OpenStack and Zabbix it is assumed that apart from a running installation of these two, some knowledge of OpenStack has already been acquired.UsageAssuming that all the above requirements are met, the ZCP can be run with 3 simple steps:On your OpenStack installation point to your Keystone configuration file (keystone.conf) and updatenotification_driverto messaging(only support this driver for now):notification_driver = messagingRemember to modify ceilometerevent_pipline.yaml. When the setup of notification_driver is done, a number of events ofidentity.authenticatewill be put into ceilometer queue(notification.sample). There is no sense if record those events. The sample configuration in/etc/ceilometer/event_pipeline.yamlfollows:| sources: | - name: event_source | events: | - "*" | - "!identity.authenticate" | sinks: | - event_sink | sinks: | - name: event_sink | transformers: | triggers: | publishers: | - notifier://Create directory for ZCP’s log file and configuration file:$ sudo mkdir /var/log/zcp/ $ sudo mkdir /etc/zcp/Copyproxy.confto/etc/zcp/and edit theproxy.confconfiguration file to reflect your own system, including the IP addresses and ports of Zabbix and of the used OpenStack modules (RabbitMQ, Ceilometer Keystone and Nova). You can also tweak some ZCP internal configurations such as the polling interval and proxy name (used in Zabbix):$ sudo cp etc/proxy.conf /etc/zcp/proxy.confInstall zcp source code:$ python installAdd template name(UseTemplate ZCPas default) under ‘zcp_configs’ and import the template to Zabbix through Zabbix Web Interface. You can seeTemplate ZCPin ZabbixTemplatesif import success.Finally, run the Zabbix-Ceilometer Proxy in your console:$ eszcp-pollingIf all goes well the information retrieved from OpenStack’s Ceilometer will be pushed in your Zabbix monitoring system.NoteYou can check out ademofrom a premilinary version of ZCP running with OpenStack Havana and Zabbix.SourceIf not doing so already, you can check out the latest version ofZCP.CopyrightCopyright (c) 2014 OneSource Consultoria Informatica, Lda.Copyright (c) 2017 EasyStack Inc.Thanks Cláudio Marques, David Palma and Luis Cordeiro for the original idea.This project has been developed for the demand of Industrial Bank Co., Ltd by Branty and Hanxi Liu.
Parse network addresses of the form: HOST:PORT>>> import zc.parse_addr >>> zc.parse_addr.parse_addr('') ('', 56)It would be great if this little utility function was part of the socket module.
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Persistent QueuesPersistent queues are simply queues that are optimized for persistency via the ZODB. They assume that the ZODB is using MVCC to avoid read conflicts. They attempt to resolve write conflicts so that transactions that add and remove objects simultaneously are merged, unless the transactions are trying to remove the same value from the queue.An important characteristic of these queues is that they do not expect to hold more than one reference to any given equivalent item at a time. For instance, some of the conflict resolution features will not perform desirably if it is reasonable for your application to hold two copies of the string “hello” within the same queue at once[1].The module provides two flavors: a simple persistent queue that keeps all contained objects in one persistent object (Queue), and a persistent queue that divides up its contents into multiple composite elements (CompositeQueue). They should be equivalent in terms of API and so are mostly examined in the abstract in this document: we’ll generate instances with a representativeQueuefactory, that could be either class. They only differ in an aspect of their write conflict resolution behavior, which is discussed below.Queues can be instantiated with no arguments.>>> q = Queue() >>> from zc.queue.interfaces import IQueue >>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject >>> verifyObject(IQueue, q) TrueThe basic API is simple: useputto add items to the back of the queue, andpullto pull things off the queue, defaulting to the front of the queue. Note thatItemcould be either persistent or non persistent object.>>> q.put(Item(1)) >>> q.put(Item(2)) >>> q.pull() 1 >>> q.put(Item(3)) >>> q.pull() 2 >>> q.pull() 3Thepullmethod takes an optional zero-based index argument, and can accept negative values.>>> q.put(Item(4)) >>> q.put(Item(5)) >>> q.put(Item(6)) >>> q.pull(-1) 6 >>> q.pull(1) 5 >>> q.pull(0) 4Requesting an item from an empty queue raises an IndexError.>>> q.pull() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: ...Requesting an invalid index value does the same.>>> q.put(Item(7)) >>> q.put(Item(8)) >>> q.pull(2) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: ...Beyond these core queue operations, queues support len…>>> len(q) 2 >>> q.pull() 7 >>> len(q) 1 >>> q.pull() 8 >>> len(q) 0…iter (which doesnotempty the queue)…>>> next(iter(q)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... StopIteration >>> q.put(Item(9)) >>> q.put(Item(10)) >>> q.put(Item(11)) >>> next(iter(q)) 9 >>> [i for i in q] [9, 10, 11] >>> q.pull() 9 >>> [i for i in q] [10, 11]…bool…>>> bool(q) True >>> q.pull() 10 >>> q.pull() 11 >>> bool(q) False…and list-like bracket access (which again doesnotempty the queue).>>> q.put(Item(12)) >>> q[0] 12 >>> q.pull() 12 >>> q[0] # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: ... >>> for i in range (13, 23): ... q.put(Item(i)) ... >>> q[0] 13 >>> q[1] 14 >>> q[2] 15 >>> q[-1] 22 >>> q[-10] 13That’s it–there’s no additional way to add anything beyondput, and no additional way to remove anything beyondpull.The only other wrinkle is the conflict resolution code. Conflict resolution in ZODB has some general caveats of which you should be aware[2].These general caveats aside, we’ll now examine some examples of zc.queue conflict resolution at work. To show this, we will have to have two copies of the same queue, from two different connections.NOTE: this testing approach has known weaknesses. See discussion in>>> import transaction >>> from zc.queue.tests import ConflictResolvingMappingStorage >>> from ZODB import DB >>> db = DB(ConflictResolvingMappingStorage('test')) >>> transactionmanager_1 = transaction.TransactionManager() >>> transactionmanager_2 = transaction.TransactionManager() >>> connection_1 = >>> root_1 = connection_1.root()>>> q_1 = root_1["queue"] = Queue() >>> transactionmanager_1.commit()>>> transactionmanager_2 = transaction.TransactionManager() >>> connection_2 = >>> root_2 = connection_2.root() >>> q_2 = root_2['queue']Now we have two copies of the same queue, with separate transaction managers and connections about the same way two threads would have them. The ‘_1’ suffix identifies the objects for user 1, in thread 1; and the ‘_2’ suffix identifies the objects for user 2, in a concurrent thread 2.First, let’s have the two users add some items to the queue concurrently. For concurrent commits of only putting a single new item (one each in two transactions), in both types of queue the user who commits first gets the lower position in the queue–that is, the position that will leave the queue sooner using defaultpullcalls.In this example, even though q_1 is modified first, q_2’s transaction is committed first, so q_2’s addition is first after the merge.>>> q_1.put(Item(1001)) >>> q_2.put(Item(1000)) >>> transactionmanager_2.commit() >>> transactionmanager_1.commit() >>> connection_1.sync() >>> connection_2.sync() >>> list(q_1) [1000, 1001] >>> list(q_2) [1000, 1001]For commits of more than one additions per connection of two, or of more than two concurrent adding transactions, the behavior is the same for the Queue: the first commit’s additions will go before the second commit’s.>>> from zc import queue >>> if isinstance(q_1, queue.Queue): ... for i in range(5): ... q_1.put(Item(i)) ... for i in range(1002, 1005): ... q_2.put(Item(i)) ... transactionmanager_2.commit() ... transactionmanager_1.commit() ... connection_1.sync() ... connection_2.sync() ...As we’ll see below, that will again reliably put all the values from the first commit earlier in the queue, to result in [1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4].For the CompositeQueue, the behavior is different. The order will be maintained with a set of additions in a transaction, but the values may be merged between the two transactions’ additions. We will compensate for that here to get a reliable queue state.>>> if isinstance(q_1, queue.CompositeQueue): ... for i1, i2 in ((1002, 1003), (1004, 0), (1, 2), (3, 4)): ... q_1.put(Item(i1)) ... q_2.put(Item(i2)) ... transactionmanager_1.commit() ... transactionmanager_2.commit() ... connection_1.sync() ... connection_2.sync() ...Whichever kind of queue we have, we now have the following values.>>> list(q_1) [1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4] >>> list(q_2) [1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]If two users try to add the same item, then a conflict error is raised.>>> five = Item(5) >>> q_1.put(five) >>> q_2.put(five) >>> transactionmanager_1.commit() >>> from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError, InvalidObjectReference >>> try: ... transactionmanager_2.commit() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... except (ConflictError, InvalidObjectReference): ... print("Conflict Error") Conflict Error >>> transactionmanager_2.abort() >>> connection_1.sync() >>> connection_2.sync() >>> list(q_1) [1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> list(q_2) [1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]Users can also concurrently remove items from a queue…>>> q_1.pull() 1000 >>> q_1[0] 1001>>> q_2.pull(5) 0 >>> q_2[5] 1>>> q_2[0] # 1000 value still there in this connection 1000>>> q_1[4] # 0 value still there in this connection. 0>>> transactionmanager_1.commit() >>> transactionmanager_2.commit() >>> connection_1.sync() >>> connection_2.sync() >>> list(q_1) [1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> list(q_2) [1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]…as long as they don’t remove the same item.>>> q_1.pull() 1001 >>> q_2.pull() 1001 >>> transactionmanager_1.commit() >>> transactionmanager_2.commit() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ConflictError: ... >>> transactionmanager_2.abort() >>> connection_1.sync() >>> connection_2.sync() >>> list(q_1) [1002, 1003, 1004, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> list(q_2) [1002, 1003, 1004, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]There’s actually a special case: the composite queue’s buckets will refuse to merge if they started with a non-empty state, and one of the two new states is empty. This is to prevent the loss of an addition to the queue. See for an example.Also importantly, users can concurrently remove and add items to a queue.>>> q_1.pull() 1002 >>> q_1.pull() 1003 >>> q_1.pull() 1004 >>> q_2.put(Item(6)) >>> q_2.put(Item(7)) >>> transactionmanager_1.commit() >>> transactionmanager_2.commit() >>> connection_1.sync() >>> connection_2.sync() >>> list(q_1) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] >>> list(q_2) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]As a final example, we’ll show the conflict resolution code under extreme duress, with multiple simultaneous puts and pulls.>>> res_1 = [] >>> for i in range(6, -1, -2): ... res_1.append(q_1.pull(i)) ... >>> res_1 [7, 5, 3, 1] >>> res_2 = [] >>> for i in range(5, 0, -2): ... res_2.append(q_2.pull(i)) ... >>> res_2 [6, 4, 2] >>> for i in range(8, 12): ... q_1.put(Item(i)) ... >>> for i in range(12, 16): ... q_2.put(Item(i)) ... >>> list(q_1) [2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11] >>> list(q_2) [1, 3, 5, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15] >>> transactionmanager_1.commit() >>> transactionmanager_2.commit() >>> connection_1.sync() >>> connection_2.sync()After these commits, if the queue is a Queue, the new values are in the order of their commit. However, as discussed above, if the queue is a CompositeQueue the behavior is different. While the order will be maintained comparitively–so if objectAis ahead of objectBin the queue on commit thenAwill still be ahead ofBafter a merge of the conflicting transactions–values may be interspersed between the two transactions.For instance, if our example queue were a Queue, the values would be [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. However, if it were a CompositeQueue, the values might be the same, or might be any combination in which [8, 9, 10, 11] and [12, 13, 14, 15], from the two transactions, are still in order. One ordering might be [8, 9, 12, 13, 10, 11, 14, 15], for instance.>>> if isinstance(q_1, queue.Queue): ... res_1 = list(q_1) ... res_2 = list(q_2) ... elif isinstance(q_1, queue.CompositeQueue): ... firstsrc_1 = list(q_1) ... firstsrc_2 = list(q_2) ... secondsrc_1 = firstsrc_1[:] ... secondsrc_2 = firstsrc_2[:] ... for val in [12, 13, 14, 15]: ... firstsrc_1.remove(Item(val)) ... firstsrc_2.remove(Item(val)) ... for val in [8, 9, 10, 11]: ... secondsrc_1.remove(Item(val)) ... secondsrc_2.remove(Item(val)) ... res_1 = firstsrc_1 + secondsrc_1 ... res_2 = firstsrc_2 + secondsrc_2 ... >>> res_1 [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] >>> res_2 [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]>>> db.close() # cleanupPersistentReferenceProxyAsZODB.ConflictResolution.PersistentReferencedoesn’t get handled properly insetdue to lack of__hash__method, we define a class utilizing__cmp__method of contained items[3].Let’s make some stub persistent reference objects. Also make some objects that have same oid to simulate different transaction states.>>> from zc.queue.tests import StubPersistentReference >>> pr1 = StubPersistentReference(1) >>> pr2 = StubPersistentReference(2) >>> pr3 = StubPersistentReference(3) >>> pr_c1 = StubPersistentReference(1) >>> pr_c2 = StubPersistentReference(2) >>> pr_c3 = StubPersistentReference(3)>>> pr1 == pr_c1 True >>> pr2 == pr_c2 True >>> pr3 == pr_c3 True >>> id(pr1) == id(pr_c1) False >>> id(pr2) == id(pr_c2) False >>> id(pr3) == id(pr_c3) False>>> set1 = set((pr1, pr2)) >>> set1 set([SPR (1), SPR (2)]) >>> len(set1) 2 >>> set2 = set((pr_c1, pr_c3)) >>> set2 set([SPR (1), SPR (3)]) >>> len(set2) 2 >>> set_c1 = set((pr_c1, pr_c2)) >>> set_c1 set([SPR (1), SPR (2)]) >>> len(set_c1) 2setdoesn’t handle persistent reference objects properly. All following set operations produce wrong results.Deduplication (notice that for items longer than length two we’re only checking the length and contents, not the ordering of the representation, because that varies among different versions of Python):>>> set((pr1, pr_c1)) set([SPR (1), SPR (1)]) >>> set((pr2, pr_c2)) set([SPR (2), SPR (2)]) >>> set4 = set((pr1, pr_c1, pr2)) >>> len(set4) 3 >>> pr1 in set4 and pr_c1 in set4 and pr2 in set4 True >>> set4 = set((pr1, pr2, pr3, pr_c1, pr_c2, pr_c3)) >>> len(set4) 6Minus operation:>>> set3 = set1 - set2 >>> len(set3) 2 >>> set3 set([SPR (1), SPR (2)])Contains:>>> pr3 in set2 FalseIntersection:>>> set1 & set2 set([])Compare:>>> set1 == set_c1 FalseSo we madePersistentReferenceProxywrappingPersistentReferenceto work with sets.>>> from zc.queue._queue import PersistentReferenceProxy >>> prp1 = PersistentReferenceProxy(pr1) >>> prp2 = PersistentReferenceProxy(pr2) >>> prp3 = PersistentReferenceProxy(pr3) >>> prp_c1 = PersistentReferenceProxy(pr_c1) >>> prp_c2 = PersistentReferenceProxy(pr_c2) >>> prp_c3 = PersistentReferenceProxy(pr_c3) >>> prp1 == prp_c1 True >>> prp2 == prp_c2 True >>> prp3 == prp_c3 True >>> id(prp1) == id(prp_c1) False >>> id(prp2) == id(prp_c2) False >>> id(prp3) == id(prp_c3) False>>> set1 = set((prp1, prp2)) >>> set1 set([SPR (1), SPR (2)]) >>> len(set1) 2 >>> set2 = set((prp_c1, prp_c3)) >>> set2 set([SPR (1), SPR (3)]) >>> len(set2) 2 >>> set_c1 = set((prp_c1, prp_c2)) >>> set_c1 set([SPR (1), SPR (2)]) >>> len(set_c1) 2sethandles persistent reference properly now. All following set operations produce correct results.Deduplication:>>> set4 = set((prp1, prp2, prp3, prp_c1, prp_c2, prp_c3)) >>> len(set4) 3 >>> set((prp1, prp_c1)) set([SPR (1)]) >>> set((prp2, prp_c2)) set([SPR (2)]) >>> set((prp1, prp_c1, prp2)) set([SPR (1), SPR (2)])Minus operation:>>> set3 = set1 - set2 >>> len(set3) 1 >>> set3 set([SPR (2)]) >>> set1 - set1 set([]) >>> set2 - set3 set([SPR (1), SPR (3)]) >>> set3 - set2 set([SPR (2)])Contains:>>> prp3 in set2 True >>> prp1 in set2 True >>> prp_c1 in set2 True >>> prp2 not in set2 TrueIntersection:>>> set1 & set2 set([SPR (1)]) >>> set1 & set_c1 set([SPR (1), SPR (2)]) >>> set2 & set3 set([])Compare:>>> set1 == set_c1 True >>> set1 == set2 False >>> set1 == set4 False[1]The queue’spullmethod is actually the interesting part in why this constraint is used, and it becomes more so when you allow an arbitrary pull. By asserting that you do not support having equal items in the queue at once, you can simply say that when you remove equal objects in the current state and the contemporary, conflicting state, it’s a conflict error. Ideally you don’t enter another equal item in that queue again, or else in fact this is still an error-prone heuristic:start queue == [X];begin transactions A and B;B removes X and commits;transaction C adds X and Y and commits;transaction A removes X and tries to commit, and conflict resolution code believes that it is ok to remove the new X from transaction C because it looks like it was just an addition of Y). Commit succeeds, and should not.If you don’t assert that you can use equality to examine conflicts, then you have to come up with another heuristic. Given that the conflict resolution code only gets three states to resolve, I don’t know of a reliable one.Therefore, zc.queue has a policy of assuming that it can use equality to distinguish items. It’s limiting, but the code can have a better confidence of doing the right thing.Also, FWIW, this is policy I want: for my use cases, it would be possible to put in two items in a queue that handle the same issue. With the right equality code, this can be avoided with the policy the queue has now.[2]Here are a few caveats about the state (as of this writing) of ZODB conflict resolution in general.The biggest is that, if you store persistent.Persistent subclass objects in a queue (or any other collection with conflict resolution code, such as a BTree), the collection will get a placeholder object (ZODB.ConflictResolution.PersistentReference), rather than the real contained object. This object has __cmp__ method, but doesn’t have __hash__ method, The same oid will get different placeholder in the different states because of different identity in memory ( for conflict resolution, which is wrong behavior in a queue.Another is that, in ZEO, conflict resolution is currently done on the server, so the ZEO server must have a copy of the classes (software) necessary to instantiate any non-persistent object in the collection.A corollary to the above is that objects such as, which are not persistent themselves but rely on a persistent object for their __cmp__, will fail during conflict resolution. A reasonable solution in the case of code is to have the object store the information it needs to do the comparison on itself, so the absence of the persistent object during conflict resolution is unimportant.[3]The reason why we definedPersistentReferenceProxyis that there would be a significant risk of unintended consequenses for some ZODB users if we add __hash__ method to PersistentReference.CHANGES2.0.1 (unreleased)Nothing changed yet.2.0.0 (2017-05-11)Dropped support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.Added support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.Fix using complex slices (e.g., negative strides) inCompositeQueue. The cost is higher memory usage.2.0.0a1 (2013-03-01)Added support for Python 3.3.Replaced deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Dropped support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.Fixed an issue where slicing a composite queue would fail due to a programming error. [malthe]1.3 (2012-01-11)Fixed a conflict resolution bug that didn’t handleZODB.ConflictResolution.PersistentReferencecorrectly. Note that due to syntax we require Python 2.5 or higher now.1.2.1 (2011-12-17)Fixed ImportError in [maurits]1.2 (2011-12-17)Fixed undefined ZODB.POSException.StorageTransactionError in tests.Let tests pass with ZODB 3.8 and ZODB 3.9.Added test extra to declare test dependency onzope.testing.Using Python’sdoctestmodule instead of deprecatedzope.testing.doctest.Clean up the generation of reST docs.1.1Fixed a conflict resolution bug in CompositeQueueRenamed PersistentQueue to Queue, CompositePersistentQueue to CompositeQueue. The old names are nominally deprecated, although no warnings are generated and there are no current plans to eliminate them. The PersistentQueue class has more conservative conflict resolution than it used to. (The Queue class has the same conflict resolution as the PersistentQueue used to have.)1.0.1Minor buildout changesInitial release to PyPI1.0Initial release to
Recipe installing a download via configure/make/make installThe configure-make-make-install recipe automates installation of configure-based source distribution into buildouts.ContentsRecipe installing a download via configure/make/make installOptionsRelease History4.0 (2023-07-07)3.0.0 (2019-03-30)2.0.0 (2017-06-21)1.3.6 (2014-04-14)1.3.5 (2011-08-06)1.3.4 (2011-01-18)1.3.3 (2010-11-10)1.3.2 (2010-08-09)1.3.1 (2009-09-10)1.3 (2009-09-03)1.2.1 (2009-08-12)1.2.0 (2009-05-18)1.1.6 (2009-03-17)1.1.5 (2008-11-07)1.1.4 (2008-06-25)1.1.3 (2008-06-03)1.1.2 (2008-02-28)After (2007-06-03)1.0.1 (2006-11-22)1.0 (2006-11-22)Detailed DocumentationDownload CacheOptionsurlThe URL of a source archive to downloadconfigure-commandThe name of the configure script.The option defaults to./configure.configure-optionsBasic configure options.Defaults to a--prefixoption that points to the part directory.extra_optionsA string of extra options to pass to configure inaddition tothe base options.environmentOptional environment variable settings of the forme NAME=VALUE.Newlines are ignored. Spaces may be included in environment values as long as they can’t be mistaken for environment settings. So:environment = FOO=bar bazSets the environment variable FOO, but:environment = FOO=bar xxx=bazSets 2 environment values, FOO and xxx.patchThe name of an optional patch file to apply to the distribution.patch_optionsOptions to supply to the patch command (if a patch file is used).This defaults to-p0sharedShare the build accross buildouts.autogenThe name of a script to run to generate a configure script.source-directory-containsThe name of a file in the distribution’s source directory.This is used by the recipe to determine if it has found the source directory. It defaults top “configure”.NoteThis recipe is not expected to work in a Microsoft Windows environment.Release History4.0 (2023-07-07)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.9, 3.10, (2019-03-30)Drop support for Python 3.4.Add support for Python 3.7 and 3.8a2.Flake8 the code.2.0.0 (2017-06-21)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.Automated testing is enabled on Travis CI.1.3.6 (2014-04-14)Fixed: Strings were incorrectly compared using “is not ‘’” rather than !=Fixed: Spaces weren’t allowed in the installation location.1.3.5 (2011-08-06)Fixed: Spaces weren’t allowed in environment variables.Fixed: Added missing option reference documentation.1.3.4 (2011-01-18)Fixed a bug in location book-keeping that caused shared builds to be deleted from disk when a part didn’t need them anymore. (#695977)Made tests pass with both zc.buildout 1.4 and 1.5, lifted the upper version bound on zc.buildout. (#695732)1.3.3 (2010-11-10)Remove the temporary build directory when cmmi succeeds.Specify that the zc.buildout version be <1.5.0b1, as the recipe is currently not compatible with zc.buildout (2010-08-09)Remove the build directory for a shared build when the source cannot be downloaded.Declared a test dependency on zope.testing.1.3.1 (2009-09-10)Declare dependency on zc.buildout 1.4 or later. This dependency was introduced in version (2009-09-03)Use zc.buildout’s download API. As this allows MD5 checking, added the md5sum and patch-md5sum options.Added options for changing the name of the configure script and overriding the--prefixparameter.Moved the core “configure; make; make install” command sequence to a method that can be overridden in other recipes, to support packages whose installation process is slightly different.1.2.1 (2009-08-12)Bug fix: keep track of reused shared builds.1.2.0 (2009-05-18)Enabled using a shared directory for completed builds.1.1.6 (2009-03-17)Moved ‘zc’ package from root of checkout into ‘src’, to prevent testrunner from finding eggs installed locally by buildout.Removed deprecations under Python (2008-11-07)Added to the README.txt file a link to the SVN repository, so that Setuptools can automatically find the development version when asked to install the “-dev” version of zc.recipe.cmmi.Applied fix for bug #261367 i.e. changed open() of file being downloaded to binary, so that errors like the following no longer occur under Windows.uncompress = self.decompress.decompress(buf) error: Error -3 while decompressing: invalid distance too far back1.1.4 (2008-06-25)Add support to autogen configure files.1.1.3 (2008-06-03)Add support for updating the environment.1.1.2 (2008-02-28)Check if thelocationfolder exists before creating it.After 1.1.0Added support for patches to be downloaded from a url rather than only using patches on the filesystem1.1.0Added support for:download-cache: downloaded files are cached in the ‘cmmi’ subdirectory of the cache cache keys are hashes of the url that the file was downloaded from cache information recorded in the cache.ini file within each directoryoffline mode: cmmi will not go online if the package is not in the cachevariable location: build files other than in the parts directory if requiredadditional logging/output1.0.2 (2007-06-03)Added support for patches.Tests fixed (buildout’s output changed)1.0.1 (2006-11-22)Added missing zip_safe flag.1.0 (2006-11-22)Initial release.Detailed DocumentationWe have an archive with a demo foo tar ball and publish it by http in order to see offline effects:>>> ls(distros) - bar.tgz - baz.tgz - foo.tgz>>> distros_url = start_server(distros)Let’s update a sample buildout to installs it:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = foo ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi ... url = %sfoo.tgz ... """ % distros_url)We used the url option to specify the location of the archive.If we run the buildout, the configure script in the archive is run. It creates a make file which is also run:>>> print(system('bin/buildout').strip()) Installing foo. foo: Downloading http://localhost/foo.tgz foo: Unpacking and configuring configuring foo --prefix=/sample-buildout/parts/foo echo building foo building foo echo installing foo installing fooThe recipe also creates the parts directory:>>> import os.path >>> os.path.isdir(join(sample_buildout, "parts", "foo")) TrueIf we run the buildout again, the update method will be called, which does nothing:>>> print(system('bin/buildout').strip()) Updating foo.You can supply extra configure options:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = foo ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi ... url = %sfoo.tgz ... extra_options = -a -b c ... """ % distros_url)>>> print(system('bin/buildout').strip()) Uninstalling foo. Installing foo. foo: Downloading http://localhost/foo.tgz foo: Unpacking and configuring configuring foo --prefix=/sample-buildout/parts/foo -a -b c echo building foo building foo echo installing foo installing fooThe recipe sets the location option, which can be read by other recipes, to the location where the part is installed:>>> cat('.installed.cfg') [buildout] installed_develop_eggs = parts = foo <BLANKLINE> [foo] ... location = /sample_buildout/parts/foo ...It may be necessary to set some environment variables when running configure or make. This can be done by adding an environment statement:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = foo ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi ... url = %sfoo.tgz ... environment = ... CFLAGS=-I/usr/lib/postgresql7.4/include ... """ % distros_url)>>> print(system('bin/buildout').strip()) Uninstalling foo. Installing foo. foo: Downloading http://localhost/foo.tgz foo: Unpacking and configuring foo: Updating environment: CFLAGS=-I/usr/lib/postgresql7.4/include configuring foo --prefix=/sample_buildout/parts/foo echo building foo building foo echo installing foo installing fooSometimes it’s necessary to patch the sources before building a package. You can specify the name of the patch to apply and (optional) patch options:First of all let’s write a patchfile:>>> import sys >>> mkdir('patches') >>> write('patches/config.patch', ... """--- configure ... +++ /dev/null ... @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ ... #!%s ... import sys ... -print("configuring foo " + ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])) ... +print("configuring foo patched " + ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])) ... ... Makefile_template = ''' ... all: ... -\techo building foo ... +\techo building foo patched ... ... install: ... -\techo installing foo ... +\techo installing foo patched ... ''' ... ... with open('Makefile', 'w') as f: ... _ = f.write(Makefile_template) ... ... """ % sys.executable)Now let’s create a buildout.cfg file. Note: If no patch option is beeing passed, -p0 is appended by default.>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = foo ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi ... url = %sfoo.tgz ... patch = ${buildout:directory}/patches/config.patch ... patch_options = -p0 ... """ % distros_url)>>> print(system('bin/buildout').strip()) Uninstalling foo. Installing foo. foo: Downloading http://localhost/foo.tgz foo: Unpacking and configuring patching file configure ... configuring foo patched --prefix=/sample_buildout/parts/foo echo building foo patched building foo patched echo installing foo patched installing foo patchedIt is possible to autogenerate the configure files:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = foo ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi ... url = %s/bar.tgz ... autogen = ... """ % distros_url)>>> print(system('bin/buildout').strip()) Uninstalling foo. Installing foo. foo: Downloading http://localhost//bar.tgz foo: Unpacking and configuring foo: auto generating configure files configuring foo --prefix=/sample_buildout/parts/foo echo building foo building foo echo installing foo installing fooIt is also possible to support configure commands other than “./configure”:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = foo ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi ... url = %s/baz.tgz ... source-directory-contains = ... configure-command = ./ ... configure-options = ... --bindir=bin ... """ % distros_url)>>> print(system('bin/buildout').strip()) Uninstalling foo. Installing foo. foo: Downloading http://localhost//baz.tgz foo: Unpacking and configuring configuring foo --bindir=bin echo building foo building foo echo installing foo installing fooWhen downloading a source archive or a patch, we can optionally make sure of its authenticity by supplying an MD5 checksum that must be matched. If it matches, we’ll not be bothered with the check by buildout’s output:>>> from hashlib import md5 >>> with open(join(distros, 'foo.tgz'), 'rb') as f: ... foo_md5sum = md5(>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = foo ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi ... url = %sfoo.tgz ... md5sum = %s ... """ % (distros_url, foo_md5sum))>>> print(system('bin/buildout').strip()) Uninstalling foo. Installing foo. foo: Downloading http://localhost/foo.tgz foo: Unpacking and configuring configuring foo --prefix=/sample_buildout/parts/foo echo building foo building foo echo installing foo installing fooBut if the archive doesn’t match the checksum, the recipe refuses to install:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = foo ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi ... url = %sbar.tgz ... md5sum = %s ... patch = ${buildout:directory}/patches/config.patch ... """ % (distros_url, foo_md5sum))>>> print(system('bin/buildout').strip()) Uninstalling foo. Installing foo. foo: Downloading http://localhost:20617/bar.tgz While: Installing foo. Error: MD5 checksum mismatch downloading 'http://localhost/bar.tgz'Similarly, a checksum mismatch for the patch will cause the buildout run to be aborted:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = foo ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi ... url = %sfoo.tgz ... patch = ${buildout:directory}/patches/config.patch ... patch-md5sum = %s ... """ % (distros_url, foo_md5sum))>>> print(system('bin/buildout').strip()) Installing foo. foo: Downloading http://localhost:21669/foo.tgz foo: Unpacking and configuring While: Installing foo. Error: MD5 checksum mismatch for local resource at '/.../sample-buildout/patches/config.patch'.>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = foo ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi ... url = %sfoo.tgz ... patch = ${buildout:directory}/patches/config.patch ... """ % (distros_url))If the build fails, the temporary directory where the tarball was unpacked is logged to stdout, and left intact for debugging purposes.>>> write('patches/config.patch', "dgdgdfgdfg")>>> res = system('bin/buildout') >>> print(res) Installing foo. foo: Downloading http://localhost/foo.tgz foo: Unpacking and configuring patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line foo: cmmi failed: /.../...buildout-foo patch: **** Only garbage was found in the patch input. While: Installing foo. <BLANKLINE> An internal error occurred due to a bug in either zc.buildout or in a recipe being used: ... subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command 'patch -p0 < ...' returned non-zero exit status ... <BLANKLINE>>>> import re >>> import os.path >>> import shutil >>> path ='foo: cmmi failed: (.*)', res).group(1) >>> os.path.exists(path) True >>> shutil.rmtree(path)After a successful build, such temporary directories are removed.>>> import glob >>> import tempfile>>> old_tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir() >>> tempdir = tempfile.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='') >>> dirs = glob.glob(os.path.join(tempdir, '*buildout-foo'))>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = foo ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi ... url = %sfoo.tgz ... """ % (distros_url,))>>> print(system("bin/buildout")) Installing foo. foo: Downloading http://localhost:21445/foo.tgz foo: Unpacking and configuring configuring foo --prefix=/sample_buildout/parts/foo echo building foo building foo echo installing foo installing foo <BLANKLINE>>>> new_dirs = glob.glob(os.path.join(tempdir, '*buildout-foo')) >>> len(dirs) == len(new_dirs) == 0 True >>> tempfile.tempdir = old_tempdirDownload CacheThe recipe supports use of a download cache in the same way as zc.buildout. See downloadcache.txt for details
ContentsChanges1.3.0 (2015-11-11)1.1.0 (2013-11-04)1.0.0 (2013-04-24)0.10.2 (2013-04-10)0.10.1 (2013-04-10)0.10.0 (2013-03-28)0.9.0 (2011-11-21)0.8.0 (2010-05-18)0.7.1 (2010-03-05)0.7.0 (2010-02-01)0.6 (2008-02-01)0.5 (Mar 23, 2007)0.4 (Mar 22, 2007)Features AddedBugs Fixed0.3 (Feb 14, 2007)0.2.1 (Feb 13, 2007)0.2 (Feb 7, 2007)Detailed DocumentationDeployment NameConfiguration filesRunning a command when a configuration file changesCron supportSharedConfigEdgecasesDownloadThe zc.recipe.deployment recipe provides support for deploying applications with multiple processes on Unix systems. (Perhaps support for other systems will be added later.) It creates directories to hold application instance configuration, log and run-time files. It also sets or reads options that can be read by other programs to find out where to place files:cache-directoryThe name of the directory where application instances should write cached copies of replacable data. This defaults to /var/cache/NAME, where NAME is the deployment name.crontab-directoryThe name of the directory in which cron jobs should be placed. This defaults to /etc/cron.d.etc-directoryThe name of the directory where configuration files should be placed. This defaults to /etc/NAME, where NAME is the deployment name.var-prefixThe path of the directory where configuration should be stored for all applications. This defaults to /etc.lib-directoryThe name of the directory where application instances should write valuable data. This defaults to /var/lib/NAME, where NAME is the deployment name.log-directoryThe name of the directory where application instances should write their log files. This defaults to /var/log/NAME, where NAME is the deployment name.logrotate-directoryThe name of the directory where logrotate configuration files should be placed, typically, /etc/ name of the directory where application instances should put their run-time files such as pid files and inter-process communication socket files. This defaults to /var/run/NAME, where NAME is the deployment name.rc-directoryThe name of the directory where run-control scripts should be installed. This defaults to /etc/init.d.var-prefixThe path of the directory where data should be stored for all applications. This defaults to /var.Directories traditionally placed in the /var hierarchy are created in such a way that the directories are owned by the user specified in theuseroption and are writable by the user and the user’s group. Directories usually found in the /etc hierarchy are created owned by the user specified by theetc-usersetting (default to ‘root’) with the same permissionsA system-wide configuration file, zc.recipe.deployment.cfg, located in theetc-prefixdirectory, can be used to specify thevar-prefixsetting. The file uses the Python-standard ConfigParser syntax:[deployment] var-prefix = /mnt/fatdiskNote that the section name is not related to the name of the deployment parts being built; this is a system-wide setting not specific to any deployment. This is useful to identify very large partitions where control over /var itself is difficult to achieve.ChangesPython 3 support.1.3.0 (2015-11-11)Added anon-changeoption to the configuration recipe to run a command when a configuration file changes.1.1.0 (2013-11-04)Do not touch an existing configuration file if the content hasn’t changed.1.0.0 (2013-04-24)Added anameoption to theconfigurationrecipe to allow explicit control of generated file paths.0.10.2 (2013-04-10)Fix packaging bug.0.10.1 (2013-04-10)Fix for 0.9 -> 0.10 .installed.cfg migration0.10.0 (2013-03-28)Addetc-prefixandvar-prefixto specify new locations of these entire trees. Final versions of these paths are exported.Previously undocumented & untestedetc,logandrunsettings are deprecated. Warnings are logged if their values are used.Addcache-directoryandlib-directoryto the set of output directories.Add system-wide configuration, allowing locations of the “root” directories to be specified for an entire machine.Allow*-directoryoptions (e.g.log-directory) to be overridden by configuration data.0.9.0 (2011-11-21)Fixed test dependencies.Using Python’sdoctestmodule instead of deprecatedzope.testing.doctest.Added a directory option for configuration to override default etc directory.0.8.0 (2010-05-18)Features AddedAdded recipe for updating configuration files that may shared by multiple applications.0.7.1 (2010-03-05)Bugs fixedFixed a serious bug that cause buildouts to fail when using new versions of the deployment recipe with older buildouts.Made uninstall more tolerant of directories it’s about to delete already being deleted.0.7.0 (2010-02-01)Features AddedYou can now specify a user for crontab entries that is different than a deployment user.0.6 (2008-02-01)Features AddedAdded the ability to specify a name independent of the section name. Also, provide a name option for use by recipes.Important note to recipe authors: Recipes should use the deployment name option rather than the deployment name when computing names of generated files.0.5 (Mar 23, 2007)Features AddedAdded recipe for generating crontab files in /etc/cron.d.0.4 (Mar 22, 2007)Features AddedAdded setting for the logrotate configuration directories.Bugs FixedThe documentation gave the wrong name for the crontab-directory option.0.3 (Feb 14, 2007)Features AddedAdded a configuration recipe for creating configuration files.0.2.1 (Feb 13, 2007)Fixed bug in setup file.0.2 (Feb 7, 2007)Bugs FixedNon-empty log and run directories were deleated in un- and re-install.Detailed DocumentationUsing the deployment recipe is pretty simple. Just specify a deployment name, specified via the part name, and a deployment user.Let’s add a deployment to a sample buildout:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... parts = foo ... ... [foo] ... prefix = %s ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment ... user = %s ... etc-user = %s ... ''' % (sample_buildout, user, user))>>> from six import print_ >>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') Installing foo. zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/cache/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/lib/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/log/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/run/foo', mode 750, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/cron.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/init.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/logrotate.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP'Note that we are providing a prefix and an etc-user here. These options default to ‘/’ and ‘root’, respectively.Now we can see that directories named foo in PREFIX/etc, PREFIX/var/log and PREFIX/var/run have been created:>>> import os >>> print_(ls(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'etc/foo'))) drwxr-xr-x USER GROUP PREFIX/etc/foo>>> print_(ls(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/cache/foo'))) drwxr-xr-x USER GROUP PREFIX/var/cache/foo>>> print_(ls(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/lib/foo'))) drwxr-xr-x USER GROUP PREFIX/var/lib/foo>>> print_(ls(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/log/foo'))) drwxr-xr-x USER GROUP PREFIX/var/log/foo>>> print_(ls(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/run/foo'))) drwxr-x--- USER GROUP PREFIX/var/run/fooBy looking at .installed.cfg, we can see the options available for use by other recipes:>>> cat('.installed.cfg') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [buildout] ... [foo] __buildout_installed__ = ... cache-directory = PREFIX/var/cache/foo crontab-directory = PREFIX/etc/cron.d etc-directory = PREFIX/etc/foo etc-prefix = PREFIX/etc etc-user = USER lib-directory = PREFIX/var/lib/foo log-directory = PREFIX/var/log/foo logrotate-directory = PREFIX/etc/logrotate.d name = foo prefix = PREFIX rc-directory = PREFIX/etc/init.d recipe = zc.recipe.deployment run-directory = PREFIX/var/run/foo user = USER var-prefix = PREFIX/varIf we uninstall, then the directories are removed.>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')+' buildout:parts='), end='') Uninstalling foo. Running uninstall recipe. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/foo' zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/cron.d'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/init.d'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/logrotate.d'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/var/cache/foo'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/var/lib/foo'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/var/log/foo'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/var/run/foo'.>>> import os >>> os.path.exists(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'etc/foo')) False >>> os.path.exists(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/cache/foo')) False >>> os.path.exists(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/lib/foo')) False >>> os.path.exists(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/log/foo')) False >>> os.path.exists(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/run/foo')) FalseThe cache, lib, log and run directories are only removed if they are empty. To see that, we’ll put a file in each of the directories created:>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Installing foo. zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/cache/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/lib/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/log/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/run/foo', mode 750, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/cron.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/init.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/logrotate.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP'>>> write(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'etc/foo/x'), '') >>> write(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/cache/foo/x'), '') >>> write(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/lib/foo/x'), '') >>> write(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/log/foo/x'), '') >>> write(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/run/foo/x'), '')And then uninstall:>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')+' buildout:parts='), end='') Uninstalling foo. Running uninstall recipe. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/foo' zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/cron.d'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/init.d'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/logrotate.d'. zc.recipe.deployment: Can't remove non-empty directory 'PREFIX/var/cache/foo'. zc.recipe.deployment: Can't remove non-empty directory 'PREFIX/var/lib/foo'. zc.recipe.deployment: Can't remove non-empty directory 'PREFIX/var/log/foo'. zc.recipe.deployment: Can't remove non-empty directory 'PREFIX/var/run/foo'.>>> os.path.exists(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'etc/foo')) False>>> print_(ls(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/cache/foo'))) drwxr-xr-x USER GROUP PREFIX/var/cache/foo>>> print_(ls(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/lib/foo'))) drwxr-xr-x USER GROUP PREFIX/var/lib/foo>>> print_(ls(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/log/foo'))) drwxr-xr-x USER GROUP PREFIX/var/log/foo>>> print_(ls(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/run/foo'))) drwxr-x--- USER GROUP PREFIX/var/run/fooHere we see that the var and run directories are kept. The etc directory is discarded because only buildout recipes should write to it and all of its data are expendible.If we reinstall, remove the files, and uninstall, then the directories are removed:>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') Installing foo. zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Updating 'PREFIX/var/cache/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Updating 'PREFIX/var/lib/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Updating 'PREFIX/var/log/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Updating 'PREFIX/var/run/foo', mode 750, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/cron.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/init.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/logrotate.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP'>>> os.remove(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/cache/foo/x')) >>> os.remove(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/lib/foo/x')) >>> os.remove(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/log/foo/x')) >>> os.remove(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/run/foo/x'))>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')+' buildout:parts='), end='') Uninstalling foo. Running uninstall recipe. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/foo' zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/cron.d'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/init.d'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/logrotate.d'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/var/cache/foo'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/var/lib/foo'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/var/log/foo'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/var/run/foo'.>>> os.path.exists('' + os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'PREFIX/etc/foo')) False >>> os.path.exists('' + os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'PREFIX/var/cache/foo')) False >>> os.path.exists('' + os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'PREFIX/var/lib/foo')) False >>> os.path.exists('' + os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'PREFIX/var/log/foo')) False >>> os.path.exists('' + os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'PREFIX/var/run/foo')) FalsePrior to zc.recipe.deployment 0.10.0, some directories (eg., cache-directory, lib-directory) were not managed by zc.recipe.deployment. So on uninstall, we can expect any nonexistent directory keys to be silently ignored.>>> _ = system(join('bin', 'buildout')), # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> new_installed_contents = "" >>> with open( ... os.path.join(sample_buildout, ".installed.cfg")) as fi: ... for line in fi.readlines(): ... if (not line.startswith("cache-directory = ") and ... not line.startswith("lib-directory = ")): ... new_installed_contents += line >>> with open( ... os.path.join(sample_buildout, ".installed.cfg"), 'w') as fi: ... _ = fi.write(new_installed_contents) >>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')+' buildout:parts='), end='') Uninstalling foo. Running uninstall recipe. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing '/tmp/tmpcokpi_buildoutSetUp/_TEST_/sample-buildout/etc/foo' zc.recipe.deployment: Removing '/tmp/tmpcokpi_buildoutSetUp/_TEST_/sample-buildout/etc/cron.d'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing '/tmp/tmpcokpi_buildoutSetUp/_TEST_/sample-buildout/etc/init.d'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing '/tmp/tmpcokpi_buildoutSetUp/_TEST_/sample-buildout/etc/logrotate.d'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing '/tmp/tmpcokpi_buildoutSetUp/_TEST_/sample-buildout/var/log/foo'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing '/tmp/tmpcokpi_buildoutSetUp/_TEST_/sample-buildout/var/run/foo'.We’ll finish the cleanup our modified .installed.cfg missed.>>> os.removedirs(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/cache/foo')) >>> os.removedirs(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/lib/foo'))Deployment NameThe deployment name is used for naming generated files and directories. The deployment name defaults to the section name, but the deployment name can be specified explicitly:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... parts = foo ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment ... prefix = %s ... name = bar ... user = %s ... etc-user = %s ... ''' % (sample_buildout, user, user))>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') Installing foo. zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/bar', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/cache/bar', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/lib/bar', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/log/bar', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/run/bar', mode 750, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/cron.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/init.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/logrotate.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP'>>> print_(ls(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'etc/bar'))) drwxr-xr-x USER GROUP PREFIX/etc/bar>>> print_(ls(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/cache/bar'))) drwxr-xr-x USER GROUP PREFIX/var/cache/bar>>> print_(ls(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/lib/bar'))) drwxr-xr-x USER GROUP PREFIX/var/lib/bar>>> print_(ls(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/log/bar'))) drwxr-xr-x USER GROUP PREFIX/var/log/bar>>> print_(ls(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'var/run/bar'))) drwxr-x--- USER GROUP PREFIX/var/run/bar>>> cat('.installed.cfg') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [buildout] installed_develop_eggs = parts = foo <BLANKLINE> [foo] __buildout_installed__ = ... cache-directory = PREFIX/var/cache/bar crontab-directory = PREFIX/etc/cron.d etc-directory = PREFIX/etc/bar etc-prefix = PREFIX/etc etc-user = USER lib-directory = PREFIX/var/lib/bar log-directory = PREFIX/var/log/bar logrotate-directory = PREFIX/etc/logrotate.d name = bar prefix = PREFIX rc-directory = PREFIX/etc/init.d recipe = zc.recipe.deployment run-directory = PREFIX/var/run/bar user = USER var-prefix = PREFIX/varNote (here and earlier) that the options include the name option, which defaults to the part name. Other parts that use the deployment name should use the name option rather than the part name.Configuration filesNormally, configuration files are created by specialized recipes. Sometimes, it’s useful to specify configuration files in a buildout configuration file. The zc.recipe.deployment:configuration recipe can be used to do that.Let’s add a configuration file to our buildout:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... parts = foo x.cfg ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment ... prefix = %s ... user = %s ... etc-user = %s ... ... [x.cfg] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment:configuration ... text = xxx ... yyy ... zzz ... ''' % (sample_buildout, user, user))>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') Uninstalling foo. Running uninstall recipe. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/bar' zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/cron.d'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/init.d'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/logrotate.d'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/var/cache/bar'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/var/lib/bar'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/var/log/bar'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/var/run/bar'. Installing foo. zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/cache/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/lib/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/log/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/run/foo', mode 750, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/cron.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/init.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/logrotate.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' Installing x.cfg.By default, the configuration is installed as a part:>>> cat('parts', 'x.cfg') xxx yyy zzzIf a deployment is specified, then the file is placed in the deployment etc directory:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... parts = foo x.cfg ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment ... prefix = %s ... user = %s ... etc-user = %s ... ... [x.cfg] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment:configuration ... text = xxx ... yyy ... zzz ... deployment = foo ... ''' % (sample_buildout, user, user))>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') Uninstalling x.cfg. Updating foo. Installing x.cfg. zc.recipe.deployment: Updating 'PREFIX/etc/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP'>>> os.path.exists(join('parts', 'x.cfg')) False>>> cat(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'etc/foo/x.cfg')) xxx yyy zzzIf a directory is specified, then the file is placed in the directory.>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... parts = foo x.cfg ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment ... prefix = %s ... user = %s ... etc-user = %s ... ... [x.cfg] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment:configuration ... text = xxx ... yyy ... zzz ... directory = etc/foobar ... deployment = foo ... ''' % (sample_buildout, user, user))>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') Uninstalling x.cfg. Updating foo. Installing x.cfg. zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/foobar', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP'>>> os.path.exists(join('parts', 'x.cfg')) False >>> os.path.exists(join(sample_buildout, 'etc/foo/x.cfg')) False>>> cat(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'etc/foobar/x.cfg')) xxx yyy zzzA directory option works only with a deployment option.>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... parts = foo x.cfg ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment ... prefix = %s ... user = %s ... etc-user = %s ... ... [x.cfg] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment:configuration ... text = xxx ... yyy ... zzz ... directory = etc/foobar ... ''' % (sample_buildout, user, user))>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') Uninstalling x.cfg. Updating foo. Installing x.cfg.>>> os.path.exists(join('parts', 'x.cfg')) True >>> os.path.exists(join(sample_buildout, 'etc/foobar/x.cfg')) False>>> cat('parts', 'x.cfg') xxx yyy zzzWe can read data from a file rather than specifying in the configuration:>>> write('', '1\n2\n3\n')>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... parts = foo x.cfg ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment ... prefix = %s ... user = %s ... etc-user = %s ... ... [x.cfg] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment:configuration ... file = ... deployment = foo ... ''' % (sample_buildout, user, user))>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') Uninstalling x.cfg. Updating foo. Installing x.cfg. zc.recipe.deployment: Updating 'PREFIX/etc/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP'>>> cat(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'etc/foo/x.cfg')) 1 2 3The recipe sets a location option that can be used by other recipes:>>> cat('.installed.cfg') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [buildout] ... [x.cfg] ... location = PREFIX/etc/foo/x.cfg ...By default, the part name is used as the file name. You can specify a name explicitly using the name option:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... parts = foo x.cfg ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment ... prefix = %s ... user = %s ... etc-user = %s ... ... [x.cfg] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment:configuration ... name = y.cfg ... text = this is y ... deployment = foo ... ''' % (sample_buildout, user, user))>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') Uninstalling x.cfg. Updating foo. Installing x.cfg. zc.recipe.deployment: Updating 'PREFIX/etc/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP'>>> cat(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'etc/foo/y.cfg')) this is yIf name is given, only the file so named is created:>>> os.path.exists(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'etc', 'foo', 'x.cfg')) FalseThe name can be a path, or even absolute:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... parts = foo x.cfg ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment ... prefix = %s ... user = %s ... etc-user = %s ... ... [x.cfg] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment:configuration ... name = ${buildout:directory}/y.cfg ... text = this is y also ... deployment = foo ... ''' % (sample_buildout, user, user))>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') Uninstalling x.cfg. Updating foo. Installing x.cfg. zc.recipe.deployment: Updating 'PREFIX/etc/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP'>>> cat('y.cfg') this is y alsoIf the content of the configuration file is unchanged between builds, and the path hasn’t been changed, the file isn’t actually written in subsequent builds. This is helpful if processes that use the file watch for changes.>>> mod_time = os.stat('y.cfg').st_mtime>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') Updating foo. Updating x.cfg. zc.recipe.deployment: Updating 'PREFIX/etc/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP'>>> os.stat('y.cfg').st_mtime == mod_time TrueRunning a command when a configuration file changesOften, when working with configuration files, you’ll need to restart processes when configuration files change. You can specify anon-changeoption that takes a command to run whenever a configuration file changes:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... parts = foo x.cfg ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment ... prefix = %s ... user = %s ... etc-user = %s ... ... [x.cfg] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment:configuration ... name = ${buildout:directory}/y.cfg ... text = this is y ... deployment = foo ... on-change = echo /etc/init.d/x start ... ''' % (sample_buildout, user, user))>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') Uninstalling x.cfg. Updating foo. Installing x.cfg. zc.recipe.deployment: Updating 'PREFIX/etc/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' /etc/init.d/x startCron supportThe crontab recipe provides support for creating crontab files. It uses a times option to specify times to run the command and a command option containing the command.>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... parts = foo cron ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment ... prefix = %s ... user = %s ... etc-user = %s ... ... [cron] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment:crontab ... times = 30 23 * * * ... command = echo hello world! ... deployment = foo ... ''' % (sample_buildout, user, user))>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') Updating foo. Installing cron.This example creates PREFIX/etc/cron.d/foo-cron>>> open(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'etc/cron.d/foo-cron')).read() '30 23 * * *\tUSER\techo hello world!\n'The crontab recipe gets its user from the buildout’s deployment by default, but it doesn’t have to.>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... parts = foo cron ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment ... name = bar ... prefix = %s ... user = %s ... etc-user = %s ... ... [cron] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment:crontab ... times = 30 23 * * * ... user = bob ... command = echo hello world! ... deployment = foo ... ''' % (sample_buildout, user, user))>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') Uninstalling cron. Updating foo. Installing cron.>>> open('etc/cron.d/bar-cron').read() '30 23 * * *\tbob\techo hello world!\n'SharedConfigThis recipe can be used to update configuration files that are shared by multiple applications. The absolute path of the file must be specified. Also, the configuration files must accept comments that start with “#”.Like the configuration recipe, the content to add in the configuration file can be provided using the “text” or the “file” option.First let’s create a file that will be used as the shared configuration file.>>> _ = open('y.cfg', 'w').write( ... '''Some ... existing ... configuration ... ''')We now create our buildout configuration and use the “sharedconfig” recipe and run buildout.>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... parts = foo y.cfg ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment ... prefix = %s ... user = %s ... etc-user = %s ... ... [y.cfg] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment:sharedconfig ... path = y.cfg ... deployment = foo ... text = xxx ... yyy ... zzz ... ''' % (sample_buildout, user, user))>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') Installing foo. zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/cache/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/lib/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/log/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/run/foo', mode 750, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Updating 'PREFIX/etc/cron.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Updating 'PREFIX/etc/init.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Updating 'PREFIX/etc/logrotate.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' Installing y.cfg.>>> print_(open('y.cfg', 'r').read()) Some existing configuration <BLANKLINE> #[foo_y.cfg DO NOT MODIFY LINES FROM HERE# xxx yyy zzz #TILL HERE foo_y.cfg]# <BLANKLINE>Running buildout again without modifying the configuration leaves the file the same.>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') Updating foo. Updating y.cfg.>>> print_(open('y.cfg', 'r').read()) Some existing configuration <BLANKLINE> #[foo_y.cfg DO NOT MODIFY LINES FROM HERE# xxx yyy zzz #TILL HERE foo_y.cfg]# <BLANKLINE>If we add some more lines to the file>>> _ = open('y.cfg', 'a').write( ... '''Some ... additional ... configuration ... ''')and run buildout again, but this time after modifying the configuration for “y.cfg”, the sections will be moved to the end of the file.>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... parts = foo y.cfg ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment ... prefix = %s ... user = %s ... etc-user = %s ... ... [y.cfg] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment:sharedconfig ... path = y.cfg ... deployment = foo ... text = 111 ... 222 ... 333 ... ''' % (sample_buildout, user, user))>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') Uninstalling y.cfg. Running uninstall recipe. Updating foo. Installing y.cfg.>>> print_(open('y.cfg', 'r').read()) Some existing configuration Some additional configuration <BLANKLINE> #[foo_y.cfg DO NOT MODIFY LINES FROM HERE# 111 222 333 #TILL HERE foo_y.cfg]# <BLANKLINE>The text to append to the shared configuration file can also be provided via a file.>>> write('x.cfg', ''' ... [foo] ... a = 1 ... b = 2 ... ... [log] ... c = 1 ... ''')>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... parts = foo y.cfg ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment ... prefix = %s ... user = %s ... etc-user = %s ... ... [y.cfg] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment:sharedconfig ... path = %s/etc/z.cfg ... deployment = foo ... file = x.cfg ... ''' % (sample_buildout, user, user, sample_buildout)) >>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') While: Installing. Getting section y.cfg. Initializing section y.cfg. Error: Path 'PREFIX/etc/z.cfg' does not existOops. The path of the configuration file must exist. Let’s create one.>>> write(join(sample_buildout, 'etc', 'z.cfg'), '') >>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') Uninstalling y.cfg. Running uninstall recipe. Updating foo. Installing y.cfg.>>> print_(open(join(sample_buildout, 'etc', 'z.cfg'), 'r').read()) <BLANKLINE> #[foo_y.cfg DO NOT MODIFY LINES FROM HERE# <BLANKLINE> [foo] a = 1 b = 2 <BLANKLINE> [log] c = 1 <BLANKLINE> #TILL HERE foo_y.cfg]# <BLANKLINE>While uninstalling, only the lines that the recipe installed are removed.>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')+' buildout:parts='), end='') Uninstalling y.cfg. Running uninstall recipe. Uninstalling foo. Running uninstall recipe. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/foo' zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/cron.d'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/init.d'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/logrotate.d'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/var/cache/foo'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/var/lib/foo'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/var/log/foo'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/var/run/foo'.But the files are not deleted.>>> os.path.exists('y.cfg') True>>> print_(open('y.cfg', 'r').read()) Some existing configuration Some additional configuration <BLANKLINE>>>> os.path.exists(join(sample_buildout, 'etc', 'z.cfg')) True>>> print_(open(join(sample_buildout, 'etc', 'z.cfg'), 'r').read()) <BLANKLINE>EdgecasesThe SharedConfig recipe checks to see if the current data in the file ends with a new line. If it doesn’t exist it adds one. This is in addition to the blank line the recipe adds before the section to enhance readability.>>> _ = open('anotherconfig.cfg', 'w').write('one') >>> write('buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... parts = foo y.cfg ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment ... prefix = %s ... user = %s ... etc-user = %s ... ... [y.cfg] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment:sharedconfig ... path = anotherconfig.cfg ... deployment = foo ... text = I predict that there will be a blank line above this. ... ''' % (sample_buildout, user, user)) >>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') Installing foo. zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/cache/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/lib/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/log/foo', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/run/foo', mode 750, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/cron.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/init.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/logrotate.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' Installing y.cfg.>>> print_(open('anotherconfig.cfg').read()) one <BLANKLINE> #[foo_y.cfg DO NOT MODIFY LINES FROM HERE# I predict that there will be a blank line above this. #TILL HERE foo_y.cfg]# <BLANKLINE>But the recipe doesn’t add a new line if there was one already at the end.>>> _ = open('anotherconfig.cfg', 'w').write('ends with a new line\n') >>> print_(open('anotherconfig.cfg').read()) ends with a new line <BLANKLINE>We modify the buildout configuration so that “install” is invoked again:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... parts = foo y.cfg ... ... [foo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment ... prefix = %s ... user = %s ... etc-user = %s ... ... [y.cfg] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment:sharedconfig ... path = anotherconfig.cfg ... deployment = foo ... text = there will still be only a single blank line above. ... ''' % (sample_buildout, user, user)) >>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') Uninstalling y.cfg. Running uninstall recipe. Updating foo. Installing y.cfg.>>> print_(open('anotherconfig.cfg').read()) ends with a new line <BLANKLINE> #[foo_y.cfg DO NOT MODIFY LINES FROM HERE# there will still be only a single blank line above. #TILL HERE foo_y.cfg]# <BLANKLINE>If we uninstall the file, the data will be the same as “original_data”:>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')+' buildout:parts='), end='') Uninstalling y.cfg. Running uninstall recipe. Uninstalling foo. Running uninstall recipe. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/foo' zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/cron.d'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/init.d'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/etc/logrotate.d'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/var/cache/foo'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/var/lib/foo'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/var/log/foo'. zc.recipe.deployment: Removing 'PREFIX/var/run/foo'.>>> print_(open('anotherconfig.cfg').read()) ends with a new line <BLANKLINE>Download
ContentsChange History2.0.7 (2018-07-02)2.0.6 (2018-07-02)2.0.5 (2017-12-04)2.0.4 (2017-08-17)2.0.3 (2015-10-02)2.0.2 (2015-07-01)2.0.1 (2013-09-05)2.0.0 (2013-04-02)2.0.0a3 (2012-11-19)2.0.0a2 (2012-05-03)1.3.2 (2010-08-23)1.3.1 (2010-08-23)1.3.0 (2010-08-23)1.2.3b1 (2010-04-29)1.2.2 (2009-03-18)1.2.1 (2009-03-18)1.2.0 (2009-03-17)1.1.0 (2008-07-19)1.1.0b1 (2008-06-27)1.0.0 (2007-11-03)1.0.0b5 (2007-02-08)1.0.0b4 (2007-01-17)1.0.0b3 (2006-12-04)1.0.0b2 (2006-10-16)1.0.0b11.0.0a31.0.0a21.0.0a1Detailed DocumentationInstallation of distributions as eggsScript generationEgg updatingControlling script generationSpecifying extra script pathsRelative egg pathsSpecifying initialization code and argumentsSpecifying entry pointsGenerating all scriptsOffline modeCreating eggs with extensions needing custom build settingsUpdatingControlling the version usedControlling environment variablesControlling develop-egg generationEgg Recipe API for other RecipesWorking set cachingDownloadThe egg-installation recipe installs eggs into a buildout eggs directory. It also generates scripts in a buildout bin directory with egg paths baked into them.Change History2.0.7 (2018-07-02)For the 2.0.6 change, we require zc.buildout 2.12.0. Theinstall_requiresinsetup.pynow also says that.2.0.6 (2018-07-02)Added extra keyword argumentallow_unknown_extrasto support zc.buildout (2017-12-04)Fixed #429: added sorting of working set by priority of different type of paths (develop-eggs-directory, eggs-directory, other paths).2.0.4 (2017-08-17)Fixed #153: buildout should cache working set environments [rafaelbco]2.0.3 (2015-10-02)Releasing zc.recipe.egg as a wheel in addition to only an sdist. No functional changes. [reinout]2.0.2 (2015-07-01)Fixed: Inzc.recipe.egg#customrecipe’srpathsupport, don’t assume path elements are buildout-relative if they start with one of the “special” tokens (e.g.,$ORIGIN). See: [tseaver]2.0.1 (2013-09-05)Accomodatedzc.buildoutswitch to post-mergesetuptools.2.0.0 (2013-04-02)Enabled ‘prefer-final’ option by default.2.0.0a3 (2012-11-19)Added support for Python 3.2 / 3.3.Added ‘’.Support non-entry-point-based scripts.Honor exit codes from scripts ( (2012-05-03)Always unzip installed eggs.Switched from using ‘setuptools’ to ‘distribute’.Removed multi-python support.1.3.2 (2010-08-23)Bugfix for the change introduced in (2010-08-23)Support recipes that are using zc.recipe.egg by passing in a dict, rather than a zc.buildout.buildout.Options object as was expected/tested.1.3.0 (2010-08-23)Small further refactorings past 1.2.3b1 to be compatible with zc.buildout (2010-04-29)Refactored to be used with z3c.recipe.scripts and zc.buildout 1.5.0. No new user-visible features.1.2.2 (2009-03-18)Fixed a dependency information. zc.buildout >1.2.0 is required.1.2.1 (2009-03-18)Refactored generation of relative egg paths to generate simpler code.1.2.0 (2009-03-17)Added thedependent-scriptsoption. When set totrue, scripts will be generated for all required eggs in addition to the eggs named specifically. This idea came from two forks of this recipe,repoze.recipe.eggandpylons_sandbox, but the option name is spelled with a dash instead of underscore and it defaults tofalse.Added a relative-paths option. When true, egg paths in scripts are generated relative to the script names.1.1.0 (2008-07-19)Refactored to work honor the new buildout-level unzip option.1.1.0b1 (2008-06-27)Addedenvironmentoption to custom extension building options.1.0.0 (2007-11-03)No code changes from last beta, just some small package meta-data improvements.1.0.0b5 (2007-02-08)Feature ChangesAdded support for the buildout newest option.1.0.0b4 (2007-01-17)Feature ChangesAdded initialization and arguments options to the scripts recipe.Added an eggs recipe thatjustinstalls eggs.Advertized the scripts recipe for creating scripts.1.0.0b3 (2006-12-04)Feature ChangesAdded a develop recipe for creating develop eggs.This is useful to:Specify custom extension building options,Specify a version of Python to use, and toCause develop eggs to be created after other parts.The develop and build recipes now return the paths created, so that created eggs or egg links are removed when a part is removed (or changed).1.0.0b2 (2006-10-16)Updated to work with (not get a warning from) zc.buildout 1.0.0b10.1.0.0b1Updated to work with zc.buildout 1.0.0b3.1.0.0a3Extra path elements to be included in generated scripts can now be set via the extra-paths option.No longer implicitly generate “py_” scripts for each egg. There is now an interpreter option to generate a script that, when run without arguments, launches the Python interactive interpreter with the path set based on a parts eggs and extra paths. If this script is run with the name of a Python script and arguments, then the given script is run with the path set.You can now specify explicit entry points. This is useful for use with packages that don’t declare their own entry points.Added Windows support.Now-longer implicitly generate “py_” scripts for each egg. You can now generate a script for launching a Python interpreter or for running scripts based on the eggs defined for an egg part.You can now specify custom entry points for packages that don’t declare their entry points.You can now specify extra-paths to be included in generated scripts.1.0.0a2Added a custom recipe for building custom eggs using custom distutils build_ext arguments.1.0.0a1Initial public versionDetailed DocumentationInstallation of distributions as eggsThe zc.recipe.egg:eggs recipe can be used to install various types if distutils distributions as eggs. It takes a number of options:eggsA list of eggs to install given as one or more setuptools requirement strings. Each string must be given on a separate line.find-linksA list of URLs, files, or directories to search for distributions.indexThe URL of an index server, or almost any other valid URL. :)If not specified, the Python Package Index,, is used. You can specify an alternate index with this option. If you use the links option and if the links point to the needed distributions, then the index can be anything and will be largely ignored. In the examples, here, we’ll just point to an empty directory on our link server. This will make our examples run a little bit faster.We have a link server that has a number of distributions:>>> print_(get(link_server), end='') <html><body> <a href="bigdemo-0.1-py2.3.egg">bigdemo-0.1-py2.3.egg</a><br> <a href="demo-0.1-py2.3.egg">demo-0.1-py2.3.egg</a><br> <a href="demo-0.2-py2.3.egg">demo-0.2-py2.3.egg</a><br> <a href="demo-0.3-py2.3.egg">demo-0.3-py2.3.egg</a><br> <a href="demo-0.4rc1-py2.3.egg">demo-0.4rc1-py2.3.egg</a><br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href="du_zipped-1.0-pyN.N.egg">du_zipped-1.0-pyN.N.egg</a><br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href="index/">index/</a><br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href="other-1.0-py2.3.egg">other-1.0-py2.3.egg</a><br> </body></html>We have a sample buildout. Let’s update it’s configuration file to install the demo package.>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = demo ... ... [demo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg:eggs ... eggs = demo<0.3 ... find-links = %(server)s ... index = %(server)s/index ... """ % dict(server=link_server))In this example, we limited ourselves to revisions before 0.3. We also specified where to find distributions using the find-links option.Let’s run the buildout:>>> import os >>> print_(system(buildout), end='') Installing demo. Getting distribution for 'demo<0.3'. Got demo 0.2. Getting distribution for 'demoneeded'. Got demoneeded 1.1.Now, if we look at the buildout eggs directory:>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'eggs') d demo-0.2-py2.3.egg d demoneeded-1.1-py2.3.egg - setuptools-0.7-py2.3.egg d zc.buildout-1.0-py2.3.eggWe see that we got an egg for demo that met the requirement, as well as the egg for demoneeded, which demo requires. (We also see an egg link for the recipe in the develop-eggs directory. This egg link was actually created as part of the sample buildout setup. Normally, when using the recipe, you’ll get a regular egg installation.)Script generationThe demo egg defined a script, but we didn’t get one installed:>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'bin') - buildoutIf we want scripts provided by eggs to be installed, we should use the scripts recipe:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = demo ... ... [demo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg:scripts ... eggs = demo<0.3 ... find-links = %(server)s ... index = %(server)s/index ... """ % dict(server=link_server))>>> print_(system(buildout), end='') Uninstalling demo. Installing demo. Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/demo'.Now we also see the script defined by the demo script:>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'bin') - buildout - demoThe scripts recipe defines some additional options:entry-pointsA list of entry-point identifiers of the form:name=module:attrswhere name is a script name, module is a dotted name resolving to a module name, and attrs is a dotted name resolving to a callable object within a module.This option is useful when working with distributions that don’t declare entry points, such as distributions not written to work with setuptools.Examples can be seen in the section “Specifying entry points” below.scriptsControl which scripts are generated. The value should be a list of zero or more tokens. Each token is either a name, or a name followed by an ‘=’ and a new name. Only the named scripts are generated. If no tokens are given, then script generation is disabled. If the option isn’t given at all, then all scripts defined by the named eggs will be generated.dependent-scriptsIf set to the string “true”, scripts will be generated for all required eggs in addition to the eggs specifically named.interpreterThe name of a script to generate that allows access to a Python interpreter that has the path set based on the eggs installed.extra-pathsExtra paths to include in a generated script.initializationSpecify some Python initialization code. This is very limited. In particular, be aware that leading whitespace is stripped from the code given.argumentsSpecify some arguments to be passed to entry points as Python source.relative-pathsIf set to true, then egg paths will be generated relative to the script path. This allows a buildout to be moved without breaking egg paths. This option can be set in either the script section or in the buildout section.Let’s add an interpreter option:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = demo ... ... [demo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg ... eggs = demo<0.3 ... find-links = %(server)s ... index = %(server)s/index ... interpreter = py-demo ... """ % dict(server=link_server))Note that we omitted the entry point name from the recipe specification. We were able to do this because the scripts recipe is the default entry point for the zc.recipe.egg egg.>>> print_(system(buildout), end='') Uninstalling demo. Installing demo. Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/demo'. Generated interpreter '/sample-buildout/bin/py-demo'.Now we also get a py-demo script for giving us a Python prompt with the path for demo and any eggs it depends on included in sys.path. This is useful for debugging and testing.>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'bin') - buildout - demo - py-demoIf we run the demo script, it prints out some minimal data:>>> print_(system(join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'demo')), end='') 2 1The value it prints out happens to be some values defined in the modules installed.We can also run the py-demo script. Here we’ll just print_(out) the bits if the path added to reflect the eggs:>>> print_(system(join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'py-demo'), ... """import os, sys ... for p in sys.path: ... if 'demo' in p: ... _ = sys.stdout.write(os.path.basename(p)+'\\n') ... ... """).replace('>>> ', '').replace('... ', ''), end='') ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE demo-0.2-py2.4.egg demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg...Egg updatingThe recipe normally gets the most recent distribution that satisfies the specification. It won’t do this is the buildout is either in non-newest mode or in offline mode. To see how this works, we’ll remove the restriction on demo:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = demo ... ... [demo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg ... find-links = %(server)s ... index = %(server)s/index ... """ % dict(server=link_server))and run the buildout in non-newest mode:>>> print_(system(buildout+' -N'), end='') Uninstalling demo. Installing demo. Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/demo'.Note that we removed the eggs option, and the eggs defaulted to the part name. Because we removed the eggs option, the demo was reinstalled.We’ll also run the buildout in off-line mode:>>> print_(system(buildout+' -o'), end='') Updating demo.We didn’t get an update for demo:>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'eggs') d demo-0.2-py2.3.egg d demoneeded-1.1-py2.3.egg - setuptools-0.7-py2.3.egg d zc.buildout-1.0-py2.3.eggIf we run the buildout on the default online and newest modes, we’ll get an update for demo:>>> print_(system(buildout), end='') Updating demo. Getting distribution for 'demo'. Got demo 0.3. Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/demo'.Then we’ll get a new demo egg:>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'eggs') d demo-0.2-py2.3.egg d demo-0.3-py2.3.egg d demoneeded-1.1-py2.3.egg - setuptools-0.7-py2.4.egg d zc.buildout-1.0-py2.4.eggThe script is updated too:>>> print_(system(join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'demo')), end='') 3 1Controlling script generationYou can control which scripts get generated using the scripts option. For example, to suppress scripts, use the scripts option without any arguments:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = demo ... ... [demo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg ... find-links = %(server)s ... index = %(server)s/index ... scripts = ... """ % dict(server=link_server))>>> print_(system(buildout), end='') Uninstalling demo. Installing demo.>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'bin') - buildoutYou can also control the name used for scripts:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = demo ... ... [demo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg ... find-links = %(server)s ... index = %(server)s/index ... scripts = demo=foo ... """ % dict(server=link_server))>>> print_(system(buildout), end='') Uninstalling demo. Installing demo. Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/foo'.>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'bin') - buildout - fooSpecifying extra script pathsIf we need to include extra paths in a script, we can use the extra-paths option:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = demo ... ... [demo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg ... find-links = %(server)s ... index = %(server)s/index ... scripts = demo=foo ... extra-paths = ... /foo/bar ... ${buildout:directory}/spam ... """ % dict(server=link_server))>>> print_(system(buildout), end='') Uninstalling demo. Installing demo. Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/foo'.Let’s look at the script that was generated:>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'foo') # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE #!/usr/local/bin/python2.7 <BLANKLINE> import sys sys.path[0:0] = [ '/sample-buildout/eggs/demo-0.3-py2.4.egg', '/sample-buildout/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg', '/foo/bar', '/sample-buildout/spam', ] <BLANKLINE> import eggrecipedemo <BLANKLINE> if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(eggrecipedemo.main())Relative egg pathsIf the relative-paths option is specified with a true value, then paths will be generated relative to the script. This is useful when you want to be able to move a buildout directory around without breaking scripts.>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = demo ... ... [demo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg ... find-links = %(server)s ... index = %(server)s/index ... scripts = demo=foo ... relative-paths = true ... extra-paths = ... /foo/bar ... ${buildout:directory}/spam ... """ % dict(server=link_server))>>> print_(system(buildout), end='') Uninstalling demo. Installing demo. Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/foo'.Let’s look at the script that was generated:>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'foo') # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE #!/usr/local/bin/python2.7 <BLANKLINE> import os <BLANKLINE> join = os.path.join base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__))) base = os.path.dirname(base) <BLANKLINE> import sys sys.path[0:0] = [ join(base, 'eggs/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg'), join(base, 'eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg'), '/foo/bar', join(base, 'spam'), ] <BLANKLINE> import eggrecipedemo <BLANKLINE> if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(eggrecipedemo.main())You can specify relative paths in the buildout section, rather than in each individual script section:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = demo ... relative-paths = true ... ... [demo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg ... find-links = %(server)s ... index = %(server)s/index ... scripts = demo=foo ... extra-paths = ... /foo/bar ... ${buildout:directory}/spam ... """ % dict(server=link_server))>>> print_(system(buildout), end='') Uninstalling demo. Installing demo. Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/foo'.>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'foo') # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE #!/usr/local/bin/python2.7 <BLANKLINE> import os <BLANKLINE> join = os.path.join base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__))) base = os.path.dirname(base) <BLANKLINE> import sys sys.path[0:0] = [ join(base, 'eggs/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg'), join(base, 'eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg'), '/foo/bar', join(base, 'spam'), ] <BLANKLINE> import eggrecipedemo <BLANKLINE> if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(eggrecipedemo.main())Specifying initialization code and argumentsSometimes, we need to do more than just calling entry points. We can use the initialization and arguments options to specify extra code to be included in generated scripts:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = demo ... ... [demo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg ... find-links = %(server)s ... index = %(server)s/index ... scripts = demo=foo ... extra-paths = ... /foo/bar ... ${buildout:directory}/spam ... initialization = a = (1, 2 ... 3, 4) ... interpreter = py ... arguments = a, 2 ... """ % dict(server=link_server))>>> print_(system(buildout), end='') Uninstalling demo. Installing demo. Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/foo'. Generated interpreter '/sample-buildout/bin/py'.>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'foo') # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE #!/usr/local/bin/python2.7 <BLANKLINE> import sys sys.path[0:0] = [ '/sample-buildout/eggs/demo-0.3-py2.4.egg', '/sample-buildout/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg', '/foo/bar', '/sample-buildout/spam', ] <BLANKLINE> a = (1, 2 3, 4) <BLANKLINE> import eggrecipedemo <BLANKLINE> if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(eggrecipedemo.main(a, 2))Here we see that the initialization code we specified was added after setting the path. Note, as mentioned above, that leading whitespace has been stripped. Similarly, the argument code we specified was added in the entry point call (to main).Our interpreter also has the initialization code:>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'py') ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS #!/usr/local/bin/python2.7 <BLANKLINE> import sys <BLANKLINE> sys.path[0:0] = [ '/sample-buildout/eggs/demo-0.3-py3.3.egg', '/sample-buildout/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-py3.3.egg', '/foo/bar', '/sample-buildout/spam', ] <BLANKLINE> a = (1, 2 3, 4) <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> _interactive = True ...Specifying entry pointsScripts can be generated for entry points declared explicitly. We can declare entry points using the entry-points option:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = demo ... ... [demo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg ... find-links = %(server)s ... index = %(server)s/index ... extra-paths = ... /foo/bar ... ${buildout:directory}/spam ... entry-points = alt=eggrecipedemo:alt ... """ % dict(server=link_server))>>> print_(system(buildout), end='') Uninstalling demo. Installing demo. Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/demo'. Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/alt'. Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/other'.>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'bin') - alt - buildout - demo - other>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'other') #!/usr/local/bin/python2.7 <BLANKLINE> import sys sys.path[0:0] = [ '/sample-buildout/eggs/demo-0.3-py2.4.egg', '/sample-buildout/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg', '/foo/bar', '/sample-buildout/spam', ] <BLANKLINE> import <BLANKLINE> if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit( all scriptsThebigdemopackage doesn’t have any scripts, but it requires thedemopackage, which does have a script. Specifydependent-scripts = trueto generate all scripts in required packages:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = bigdemo ... ... [bigdemo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg ... find-links = %(server)s ... index = %(server)s/index ... dependent-scripts = true ... """ % dict(server=link_server)) >>> print_(system(buildout+' -N'), end='') Uninstalling demo. Installing bigdemo. Getting distribution for 'bigdemo'. Got bigdemo 0.1. Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/demo'.Offline modeIf the buildout offline option is set to “true”, then no attempt will be made to contact an index server:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = demo ... offline = true ... ... [demo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg ... index = eek! ... scripts = demo=foo ... """ % dict(server=link_server))>>> print_(system(buildout), end='') Uninstalling bigdemo. Installing demo. Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/foo'.Creating eggs with extensions needing custom build settingsSometimes, It’s necessary to provide extra control over how an egg is created. This is commonly true for eggs with extension modules that need to access libraries or include files.The zc.recipe.egg:custom recipe can be used to define an egg with custom build parameters. The currently defined parameters are:include-dirsA new-line separated list of directories to search for include files.library-dirsA new-line separated list of directories to search for libraries to link with.rpathA new-line separated list of directories to search for dynamic libraries at run time.defineA comma-separated list of names of C preprocessor variables to define.undefA comma-separated list of names of C preprocessor variables to undefine.librariesThe name of an additional library to link with. Due to limitations in distutils and despite the option name, only a single library can be name of an link object to link against. Due to limitations in distutils and despite the option name, only a single link object can be specified.debugCompile/link with debugging informationforceForcibly build everything (ignore file timestamps)compilerSpecify the compiler typeswigThe path to the swig executableswig-cppMake SWIG create C++ files (default is C)swig-optsList of SWIG command line optionsIn addition, the following options can be used to specify the egg:eggAn specification for the egg to be created, to install given as a setuptools requirement string. This defaults to the part name.find-linksA list of URLs, files, or directories to search for distributions.indexThe URL of an index server, or almost any other valid URL. :)If not specified, the Python Package Index,, is used. You can specify an alternate index with this option. If you use the links option and if the links point to the needed distributions, then the index can be anything and will be largely ignored. In the examples, here, we’ll just point to an empty directory on our link server. This will make our examples run a little bit faster.environmentThe name of a section with additional environment variables. The environment variables are set before the egg is built.To illustrate this, we’ll define a buildout that builds an egg for a package that has a simple extension module:#include <Python.h> #include <extdemo.h> static PyMethodDef methods[] = {}; PyMODINIT_FUNC initextdemo(void) { PyObject *m; m = Py_InitModule3("extdemo", methods, ""); #ifdef TWO PyModule_AddObject(m, "val", PyInt_FromLong(2)); #else PyModule_AddObject(m, "val", PyInt_FromLong(EXTDEMO)); #endif }The extension depends on a system-dependent include file, extdemo.h, that defines a constant, EXTDEMO, that is exposed by the extension.The extension module is available as a source distribution, extdemo-1.4.tar.gz, on a distribution server.We have a sample buildout that we’ll add an include directory to with the necessary include file:>>> mkdir('include') >>> write('include', 'extdemo.h', ... """ ... #define EXTDEMO 42 ... """)We’ll also update the buildout configuration file to define a part for the egg:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = extdemo ... ... [extdemo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom ... find-links = %(server)s ... index = %(server)s/index ... include-dirs = include ... ... """ % dict(server=link_server))>>> print_(system(buildout), end='') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Installing extdemo...We got the zip_safe warning because the source distribution we used wasn’t setuptools based and thus didn’t set the option.The egg is created in the develop-eggs directorynotthe eggs directory because it depends on buildout-specific parameters and the eggs directory can be shared across multiple buildouts.>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'develop-eggs') d extdemo-1.4-py2.4-unix-i686.egg - zc.recipe.egg.egg-linkNote that no scripts or dependencies are installed. To install dependencies or scripts for a custom egg, define another part and use the zc.recipe.egg recipe, listing the custom egg as one of the eggs to be installed. The zc.recipe.egg recipe will use the installed egg.Let’s define a script that uses out ext demo:>>> mkdir('demo') >>> write('demo', '', ... """ ... import extdemo, sys ... def print_(*args): ... sys.stdout.write(' '.join(map(str, args)) + '\\n') ... def main(): ... print_(extdemo.val) ... """)>>> write('demo', '', ... """ ... from setuptools import setup ... setup(name='demo') ... """)>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... develop = demo ... parts = extdemo demo ... ... [extdemo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom ... find-links = %(server)s ... index = %(server)s/index ... include-dirs = include ... ... [demo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg ... eggs = demo ... extdemo ... entry-points = demo=demo:main ... """ % dict(server=link_server))>>> print_(system(buildout), end='') Develop: '/sample-buildout/demo' Updating extdemo. Installing demo. Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/demo'...When we run the script, we’ll 42 printed:>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'demo')), end='') 42UpdatingThe custom recipe will normally check for new source distributions that meet the given specification. This can be suppressed using the buildout non-newest and offline modes. We’ll generate a new source distribution for extdemo:>>> update_extdemo()If we run the buildout in non-newest or offline modes:>>> print_(system(buildout+' -N'), end='') Develop: '/sample-buildout/demo' Updating extdemo. Updating demo.>>> print_(system(buildout+' -o'), end='') Develop: '/sample-buildout/demo' Updating extdemo. Updating demo.We won’t get an update.>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'develop-eggs') - demo.egg-link d extdemo-1.4-py2.4-unix-i686.egg - zc.recipe.egg.egg-linkBut if we run the buildout in the default on-line and newest modes, we will. This time we also get the test-variable message again, because the new version is imported:>>> print_(system(buildout), end='') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Develop: '/sample-buildout/demo' Updating extdemo. zip_safe flag not set; analyzing archive contents... Updating demo. ...>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'develop-eggs') - demo.egg-link d extdemo-1.4-py2.4-linux-i686.egg d extdemo-1.5-py2.4-linux-i686.egg - zc.recipe.egg.egg-linkControlling the version usedWe can specify a specific version using the egg option:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... develop = demo ... parts = extdemo demo ... ... [extdemo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom ... egg = extdemo ==1.4 ... find-links = %(server)s ... index = %(server)s/index ... include-dirs = include ... ... [demo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg ... eggs = demo ... extdemo ==1.4 ... entry-points = demo=demo:main ... """ % dict(server=link_server))>>> print_(system(buildout+' -D'), end='') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Develop: '/sample-buildout/demo' ...>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'develop-eggs') - demo.egg-link d extdemo-1.4-py2.4-linux-i686.egg - zc.recipe.egg.egg-linkControlling environment variablesTo set additional environment variables, theenvironmentoption is used.Let’s create a recipe which prints out environment variables. We need this to make sure the set environment variables are removed after the egg:custom recipe was run.>>> mkdir(sample_buildout, 'recipes') >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '', ... """ ... import logging, os, zc.buildout ... ... class Environ: ... ... def __init__(self, buildout, name, options): ... = name ... ... def install(self): ... logging.getLogger( ... 'test-variable left over: %s' % ( ... 'test-variable' in os.environ)) ... return [] ... ... def update(self): ... self.install() ... """) >>> write(sample_buildout, 'recipes', '', ... """ ... from setuptools import setup ... ... setup( ... name = "recipes", ... entry_points = {'zc.buildout': ['environ = environ:Environ']}, ... ) ... """)Create our buildout:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... develop = recipes ... parts = extdemo checkenv ... ... [extdemo-env] ... test-variable = foo ... ... [extdemo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom ... find-links = %(server)s ... index = %(server)s/index ... include-dirs = include ... environment = extdemo-env ... ... [checkenv] ... recipe = recipes:environ ... ... """ % dict(server=link_server)) >>> print_(system(buildout), end='') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes' Uninstalling demo. Uninstalling extdemo. Installing extdemo. Have environment test-variable: foo zip_safe flag not set; analyzing archive contents... Installing checkenv. ...The also printed out that we have set the environmenttest-variableto foo. After the buildout the variable is reset to its original value (i.e. removed).When an environment variable has a value before zc.recipe.egg:custom is run, the original value will be restored:>>> import os >>> os.environ['test-variable'] = 'bar' >>> print_(system(buildout), end='') Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes' Updating extdemo. Updating checkenv. checkenv: test-variable left over: True>>> os.environ['test-variable'] 'bar'Sometimes it is required to prepend or append to an existing environment variable, for instance for adding something to the PATH. Therefore all variables are interpolated with os.environ before the’re set:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... develop = recipes ... parts = extdemo checkenv ... ... [extdemo-env] ... test-variable = foo:%%(test-variable)s ... ... [extdemo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom ... find-links = %(server)s ... index = %(server)s/index ... include-dirs = include ... environment = extdemo-env ... ... [checkenv] ... recipe = recipes:environ ... ... """ % dict(server=link_server)) >>> print_(system(buildout), end='') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes' Uninstalling extdemo. Installing extdemo. Have environment test-variable: foo:bar zip_safe flag not set; analyzing archive contents... Updating checkenv. ...>>> os.environ['test-variable'] 'bar' >>> del os.environ['test-variable']Create a clean buildout.cfg w/o the checkenv recipe, and delete the recipe:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... develop = recipes ... parts = extdemo ... ... [extdemo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom ... find-links = %(server)s ... index = %(server)s/index ... include-dirs = include ... ... """ % dict(server=link_server)) >>> print_(system(buildout), end='') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes' Uninstalling checkenv. Uninstalling extdemo. Installing extdemo...>>> rmdir(sample_buildout, 'recipes')Controlling develop-egg generationIf you want to provide custom build options for a develop egg, you can use the develop recipe. The recipe has the following options:setupThe path to a setup script or directory containing a startup script. This is required.include-dirsA new-line separated list of directories to search for include files.library-dirsA new-line separated list of directories to search for libraries to link with.rpathA new-line separated list of directories to search for dynamic libraries at run time.defineA comma-separated list of names of C preprocessor variables to define.undefA comma-separated list of names of C preprocessor variables to undefine.librariesThe name of an additional library to link with. Due to limitations in distutils and despite the option name, only a single library can be name of an link object to link against. Due to limitations in distutils and despite the option name, only a single link object can be specified.debugCompile/link with debugging informationforceForcibly build everything (ignore file timestamps)compilerSpecify the compiler typeswigThe path to the swig executableswig-cppMake SWIG create C++ files (default is C)swig-optsList of SWIG command line optionsTo illustrate this, we’ll use a directory containing the extdemo example from the earlier section:>>> ls(extdemo) - MANIFEST - - README - extdemo.c ->>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... develop = demo ... parts = extdemo demo ... ... [extdemo] ... setup = %(extdemo)s ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg:develop ... include-dirs = include ... define = TWO ... ... [demo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg ... eggs = demo ... extdemo ... entry-points = demo=demo:main ... """ % dict(extdemo=extdemo))Note that we added a define option to cause the preprocessor variable TWO to be defined. This will cause the module-variable, ‘val’, to be set with a value of 2.>>> print_(system(buildout), end='') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Develop: '/sample-buildout/demo' Uninstalling extdemo. Installing extdemo. Installing demo. ...Our develop-eggs now includes an egg link for extdemo:>>> ls('develop-eggs') - demo.egg-link - extdemo.egg-link - zc.recipe.egg.egg-linkand the extdemo now has a built extension:>>> contents = os.listdir(extdemo) >>> bool([f for f in contents if f.endswith('.so') or f.endswith('.pyd')]) TrueBecause develop eggs take precedence over non-develop eggs, the demo script will use the new develop egg:>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'demo')), end='') 2Egg Recipe API for other RecipesIt is common for recipes to accept a collection of egg specifications and generate scripts based on the resulting working sets. The egg recipe provides an API that other recipes can use.A recipe can reuse the egg recipe, supporting the eggs, find-links, index, and extra-paths options. This is done by creating an egg recipe instance in a recipes’s constructor. In the recipe’s install script, the egg-recipe instance’s working_set method is used to collect the requested eggs and working set.To illustrate, we create a sample recipe that is a very thin layer around the egg recipe:>>> mkdir(sample_buildout, 'sample') >>> write(sample_buildout, 'sample', '', ... """ ... import logging, os, sys ... import zc.recipe.egg ... ... def print_(*args): ... sys.stdout.write(' '.join(map(str, args)) + '\\n') ... ... class Sample: ... ... def __init__(self, buildout, name, options): ... self.egg = zc.recipe.egg.Scripts(buildout, name, options) ... = name ... self.options = options ... ... def install(self): ... extras = self.options['extras'].split() ... requirements, ws = self.egg.working_set(extras) ... print_('Part:', ... print_('Egg requirements:') ... for r in requirements: ... print_(r) ... print_('Working set:') ... for d in ws: ... print_(d) ... print_('extra paths:', self.egg.extra_paths) ... return () ... ... update = install ... """)Here we instantiated the egg recipe in the constructor, saving it in an attribute. This also initialized the options dictionary.In our install method, we called the working_set method on the instance we saved. The working_set method takes an optional sequence of extra requirements to be included in the working set.>>> write(sample_buildout, 'sample', '', ... """ ... from setuptools import setup ... ... setup( ... name = "sample", ... entry_points = {'zc.buildout': ['default = sample:Sample']}, ... install_requires = 'zc.recipe.egg', ... ) ... """)>>> write(sample_buildout, 'sample', 'README.txt', " ")>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... develop = sample ... parts = sample-part ... ... [sample-part] ... recipe = sample ... eggs = demo<0.3 ... find-links = %(server)s ... index = %(server)sindex ... extras = other ... """ % dict(server=link_server))>>> import os >>> os.chdir(sample_buildout) >>> buildout = os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'buildout') >>> print_(system(buildout + ' -q'), end='') Part: sample-part Egg requirements: demo<0.3 Working set: demoneeded 1.1 other 1.0 demo 0.2 extra paths: []We can see that the options were augmented with additional data computed by the egg recipe by looking at .installed.cfg:>>> cat(sample_buildout, '.installed.cfg') [buildout] installed_develop_eggs = /sample-buildout/develop-eggs/sample.egg-link parts = sample-part <BLANKLINE> [sample-part] __buildout_installed__ = __buildout_signature__ = ... _b = /sample-buildout/bin _d = /sample-buildout/develop-eggs _e = /sample-buildout/eggs bin-directory = /sample-buildout/bin develop-eggs-directory = /sample-buildout/develop-eggs eggs = demo<0.3 eggs-directory = /sample-buildout/eggs extras = other find-links = http://localhost:27071/ index = http://localhost:27071/index recipe = sampleIf we use the extra-paths option:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... develop = sample ... parts = sample-part ... ... [sample-part] ... recipe = sample ... eggs = demo<0.3 ... find-links = %(server)s ... index = %(server)sindex ... extras = other ... extra-paths = /foo/bar ... /spam/eggs ... """ % dict(server=link_server))Then we’ll see that reflected in the extra_paths attribute in the egg recipe instance:>>> print_(system(buildout + ' -q'), end='') Part: sample-part Egg requirements: demo<0.3 Working set: demo 0.2 other 1.0 demoneeded 1.1 extra paths: ['/foo/bar', '/spam/eggs']Working set cachingWorking sets are cached, to improve speed on buildouts with multiple similar parts based onzc.recipe.egg.The egg-recipe instance’s_working_sethelper method is used to make the caching easier. It does the same job asworking_set()but with some differences:The signature is different: all information needed to build the working set is passed as parameters.The return value is simpler: only an instance ofpkg_resources.WorkingSetis returned.Here’s an example:>>> from zc.buildout import testing >>> from zc.recipe.egg.egg import Eggs >>> import os >>> import pkg_resources >>> recipe = Eggs(buildout=testing.Buildout(), name='fake-part', options={}) >>> eggs_dir = os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'eggs') >>> develop_eggs_dir = os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'develop-eggs') >>> testing.install_develop('zc.recipe.egg', develop_eggs_dir) >>> ws = recipe._working_set( ... distributions=['zc.recipe.egg', 'demo<0.3'], ... eggs_dir=eggs_dir, ... develop_eggs_dir=develop_eggs_dir, ... index=link_server, ... ) Getting... >>> isinstance(ws, pkg_resources.WorkingSet) True >>> sorted(dist.project_name for dist in ws) ['demo', 'demoneeded', 'setuptools', 'zc.buildout', 'zc.recipe.egg']We’ll monkey patch a method in theeasy_installmodule in order to verify if the cache is working:>>> import zc.buildout.easy_install >>> old_install = zc.buildout.easy_install.Installer.install >>> def new_install(*args, **kwargs): ... print('Building working set.') ... return old_install(*args, **kwargs) >>> zc.buildout.easy_install.Installer.install = new_installNow we check if the caching is working by verifying if the same working set is built only once.>>> ws_args_1 = dict( ... distributions=['demo>=0.1'], ... eggs_dir=eggs_dir, ... develop_eggs_dir=develop_eggs_dir, ... offline=True, ... ) >>> ws_args_2 = dict(ws_args_1) >>> ws_args_2['distributions'] = ['demoneeded'] >>> recipe._working_set(**ws_args_1) Building working set. <pkg_resources.WorkingSet object at ...> >>> recipe._working_set(**ws_args_1) <pkg_resources.WorkingSet object at ...> >>> recipe._working_set(**ws_args_2) Building working set. <pkg_resources.WorkingSet object at ...> >>> recipe._working_set(**ws_args_1) <pkg_resources.WorkingSet object at ...> >>> recipe._working_set(**ws_args_2) <pkg_resources.WorkingSet object at ...>Undo monkey patch:>>> zc.buildout.easy_install.Installer.install = old_installSincepkg_resources.WorkingSetinstances are mutable, we must ensure thatworking_set()always returns a pristine copy. Otherwise callers would be able to modify instances inside the cache.Let’s create a working set:>>> ws = recipe._working_set(**ws_args_1) >>> sorted(dist.project_name for dist in ws) ['demo', 'demoneeded']Now we add a distribution to it:>>> dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution('zc.recipe.egg') >>> ws.add(dist) >>> sorted(dist.project_name for dist in ws) ['demo', 'demoneeded', 'zc.recipe.egg']Let’s call the working_set function again and see if the result remains valid:>>> ws = recipe._working_set(**ws_args_1) >>> sorted(dist.project_name for dist in ws) ['demo', 'demoneeded']Download
Recipe for setting up a filestorageThis recipe can be used to define a file-storage. It creates a ZConfig file-storage database specification that can be used by other recipes to generate ZConfig configuration files.This recipe takes an optional path option. If none is given, it creates and uses a subdirectory of the buildout parts directory with the same name as the part.The recipe records a zconfig option for use by other recipes.We’ll show a couple of examples, using a dictionary as a simulated buildout object:>>> import zc.recipe.filestorage >>> buildout = dict( ... buildout = { ... 'directory': '/buildout', ... }, ... db = { ... 'path': 'foo/Main.fs', ... }, ... ) >>> recipe = zc.recipe.filestorage.Recipe( ... buildout, 'db', buildout['db'])>>> print(buildout['db']['path']) /buildout/foo/Main.fs>>> print(buildout['db']['zconfig'], end='') <zodb> <filestorage> path /buildout/foo/Main.fs </filestorage> </zodb>>>> recipe.install() ()>>> import tempfile >>> d = tempfile.mkdtemp() >>> buildout = dict( ... buildout = { ... 'parts-directory': d, ... }, ... db = {}, ... )>>> recipe = zc.recipe.filestorage.Recipe( ... buildout, 'db', buildout['db'])>>> print(buildout['db']['path']) /tmp/tmpQo0DTB/db/Data.fs>>> print(buildout['db']['zconfig'], end='') <zodb> <filestorage> path /tmp/tmpQo0DTB/db/Data.fs </filestorage> </zodb>>>> recipe.install() ()>>> import os >>> os.listdir(d) ['db']The update method doesn’t do much, as the database part’s directory already exists, but it is present, so buildout doesn’t complain and doesn’t accidentally run install() again:>>> recipe.update()If the storage’s directory is removed, is it re-added by the update method:>>> os.rmdir(os.path.join(d, 'db')) >>> os.listdir(d) [] >>> recipe.update() >>> os.listdir(d) ['db']This is useful in development when the directory containing the database is removed in order to start the database from scratch.CHANGES2.0 (2023-02-10)Drop support for Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, PyPy3.1.1.2 (2014-02-21)Fixed: packaging bug that caused ‘pip install zc.recipe.filestorage’ to fail with an error about missing README.txt1.1.1 (2014-02-16)Fixed: packaging bug that caused a test failure in a test runner that didn’t use buildout to run (2014-02-14)Python 3 compatibilityUsing Python’sdoctestmodule instead of deprecatedzope.testing.doctest.Removed ‘shared-blob-dir’ from blobstorage section.1.0.0 (2007-11-03)Initial release.
The recipe installs the International Component for Unicode (ICU) library into abuildout.The recipe takes a single option, version:[icu] recipe = version = 3.2
Macro Quickstartzc.recipe.macro is a set of recipes allowing sections, or even parts, to be created dynamically from a macro section and a parameter section. This enables the buildout to keep its data seperate from its output format.Basic UseIn the most basic use of a macro, a section invokes the macro on itself, and uses itself as the parameter provider. Buildout:[buildout] parts = hard-rocker [rock] question = Why do I rock $${:rocking-style}? [hard-rocker] recipe = zc.recipe.macro macro = rock rocking-style = so hardResult:[hard-rocker] recipe = zc.recipe.macro:empty result-sections = hard-rocker rocking-style = so hard question = Why do I rock so hard?The recipe gets changed to zc.recipe.macro:empty, which is a do nothing recipe, because the invoking secion must be a part in order to execute recipes, and buildout demands that parts have a recipe, so it couldn’t be emptied.Default ValuesIt is possible to include default values for parameters in a macro.Buildout:[buildout] parts = hard-rocker [rock] question = Why do I rock $${:rocking-style}? rocking-style = so hard [hard-rocker] recipe = zc.recipe.macro macro = rockResult:[hard-rocker] recipe = zc.recipe.macro:empty result-sections = hard-rocker rocking-style = so hard question = Why do I rock so hard?Creating PartsOf course, there wouldn’t much point to this if one could only create sections with a dummy recipe. This is where the result-recipe option comes in.Buildout:[buildout] parts = hard-rocker [rock] question = Why do I rock $${:rocking-style}? [hard-rocker] recipe = zc.recipe.macro result-recipe = zc.recipe.macro:test1 macro = rock rocking-style = so hardResult:[hard-rocker] recipe = zc.recipe.macro:test1 result-sections = hard-rocker question = Why do I rock so hard? rocking-style = so hardTargetsOften, one wants to create multiple new sections. This is possible with the targets option. This is only useful, however, if one can provide multiple sources for parameters. Fortunately, you can. Each new section can optionally be followed by a colon and the name of a section to use for parameters.Buildout:[buildout] parts = rockers hard-rocker socks-rocker tired-rocker [rock] question = Why do I rock $${:rocking-style}? rocking-style = $${:rocking-style} [hard-rocker-parameters] rocking-style = so hard [socks-rocker-parameters] rocking-style = my socks [tired-rocker-parameters] rocking-style = all night [rockers] recipe = zc.recipe.macro result-recipe = zc.recipe.macro:empty macro = rock targets = hard-rocker:hard-rocker-parameters socks-rocker:socks-rocker-parameters tired-rocker:tired-rocker-parametersResult:[rockers] recipe = zc.recipe.macro:empty result-sections = hard-rocker socks-rocker tired-rocker [hard-rocker] recipe = zc.recipe.macro:empty rocking-style = so hard question = Why do I rock so hard? [socks-rocker] recipe = zc.recipe.macro:empty rocking-style = my socks question = Why do I rock my socks? [tired-rocker] recipe = zc.recipe.macro:empty rocking-style = all night question = Why do I rock all night?In the previous example we hardcoded the result parts after the invoker in ${buildout:parts}. This is brittle, because someone might change the names of the targets or alphabetize the parts list. An invocation will have a list of the sections it modified in its result-sections variable, which is created when the macro is executed.Buildout:[buildout] parts = ${rockers:result-sections} [rock] question = Why do I rock $${:rocking-style}? rocking-style = $${:rocking-style} [hard-rocker-parameters] rocking-style = so hard [socks-rocker-parameters] rocking-style = my socks [tired-rocker-parameters] rocking-style = all night [rockers] recipe = zc.recipe.macro result-recipe = zc.recipe.macro:test1 macro = rock targets = hard-rocker:hard-rocker-parameters socks-rocker:socks-rocker-parameters tired-rocker:tired-rocker-parametersResult:[rockers] result-sections = hard-rocker socks-rocker tired-rocker [hard-rocker] question = Why do I rock so hard? recipe = zc.recipe.macro:test1 rocking-style = so hard [socks-rocker] question = Why do I rock my socks? recipe = zc.recipe.macro:test1 rocking-style = my socks [tired-rocker] question = Why do I rock all night? recipe = zc.recipe.macro:test1 rocking-style = all nightOrder of Precedence for Recipes for Result SectionsThe source for therecipeoption for result sections has a particular precedence, as follows:1) recipe in the parameters section of the macro target 2) result-recipe in the parameters section for the macro target 3) result-recipe in the macro invocation 4) recipe in the macro definitionThe following tests will illustrate these rules, starting with rule 4 and building up.In the following buildout, rock:recipe will be used in the [hard-rockers] section as the recipe, because of rule 4. Buildout:[buildout] parts = rockers [rock] question = Why do I rock $${:rocking-style}? rocking-style = $${:rocking-style} recipe = zc.recipe.macro:test4 [hard-rocker-parameters] rocking-style = so hard [rockers] recipe = zc.recipe.macro macro = rock targets = hard-rocker:hard-rocker-parametersResult:[hard-rocker] question = Why do I rock so hard? recipe = zc.recipe.macro:test4 rocking-style = so hardIn the following buildout, ${rockers:result-recipe} will be used because of rule 3. Buildout:[buildout] parts = rockers [rock] question = Why do I rock $${:rocking-style}? rocking-style = $${:rocking-style} recipe = zc.recipe.macro:test4 [hard-rocker-parameters] rocking-style = so hard [rockers] recipe = zc.recipe.macro result-recipe = zc.recipe.macro:test3 macro = rock targets = hard-rocker:hard-rocker-parametersResult:[hard-rocker] question = Why do I rock so hard? recipe = zc.recipe.macro:test3 rocking-style = so hardIn the following buildout, ${hard-rocker-paramers:result-recipe} will be used because of rule 2. Buildout:[buildout] parts = rockers [rock] question = Why do I rock $${:rocking-style}? rocking-style = $${:rocking-style} recipe = zc.recipe.macro:test4 [hard-rocker-parameters] result-recipe = zc.recipe.macro:test2 rocking-style = so hard [rockers] recipe = zc.recipe.macro result-recipe = zc.recipe.macro:test3 macro = rock targets = hard-rocker:hard-rocker-parametersResult:[hard-rocker] question = Why do I rock so hard? recipe = zc.recipe.macro:test2 rocking-style = so hardIn the following buildout, ${hard-rocker-parameters:recipe} will be used because of rule 1. Buildout:[buildout] parts = rockers [rock] question = Why do I rock $${:rocking-style}? rocking-style = $${:rocking-style} recipe = zc.recipe.macro:test4 [hard-rocker-parameters] recipe = zc.recipe.macro:test1 result-recipe = zc.recipe.macro:test2 rocking-style = so hard [rockers] recipe = zc.recipe.macro result-recipe = zc.recipe.macro:test3 macro = rock targets = hard-rocker:hard-rocker-parametersResult:[hard-rocker] question = Why do I rock so hard? recipe = zc.recipe.macro:test1 rocking-style = so hardSpecial Variableszc.recipe.macro uses __name__ to mean the name of the section the macro is being invoked upon. This allows one to not know the name of particular section, but still use it in output.Buildout:[buildout] parts = rockers [rock] question = Why does $${:__name__} rock $${:rocking-style}? [hard-rocker-parameters] rocking-style = so hard [socks-rocker-parameters] rocking-style = my socks [tired-rocker-parameters] rocking-style = all night [rockers] recipe = zc.recipe.macro result-recipe = zc.recipe.macro:empty macro = rock targets = hard-rocker:hard-rocker-parameters socks-rocker:socks-rocker-parameters tired-rocker:tired-rocker-parametersResult:[rockers] recipe = zc.recipe.macro:empty result-sections = hard-rocker socks-rocker tired-rocker [hard-rocker] question = Why does hard-rocker rock so hard? recipe = zc.recipe.macro:empty [socks-rocker] question = Why does socks-rocker rock my socks? recipe = zc.recipe.macro:empty [tired-rocker] question = Why does tired-rocker rock all night? recipe = zc.recipe.macro:emptyCHANGES1.3.0 (2009-07-22)The recipe option for result sections is now pulled from the following sources, in this order:recipe in the parameters section of the macro targetresult-recipe in the parameters section for the macro targetresult-recipe in the macro invocationrecipe in the macro definitionCorrect a rest error, that prevent the package of being installed with docutils (2009-03-05)Removed version sections from the documentation.Improved test coverage.Put QUICKSTART.txt under test, using manuel.Macro invocations will grow a result-sections value that lists the sections they modified or created.README.txt is now mostly Manuellified.1.2.4 (2008-07-18)Fixed a bug that made self-targetting invocations fail when the macro utilized default values and the option that read the default came out the Options iteration first, added a regression test.Changed the test setup so that buildouts are tested by calling methods rather than creating a subprocess. This allows for the –coverage flage to work in bin/test, and makes debugging and mimmicking the test output significantly easier.Fixed addition of targets so that they will show up properly when one calls buildout.keys().1.2.3 (2008-07-11)Fixed a bug in the CHANGES ReST1.2.2 (2008-07-11)Fixed a bug in where setuptools was not being importedChanged date format in CHANGES.txt to YYYY-MM-DD1.2.1 (2008-07-10)Fixed a typo in the quickstart1.2.0 (2008-07-10)First release
This package provides a zc.buildout recipe for creating Red-Hat Linux compatible run-control scripts.ContentsChanges1.4.2 (2012-12-20)1.4.1 (2012-08-31)1.4.0 (2012-05-18)1.3.0 (2010/05/26)New FeaturesBugs Fixed1.2.0 (2009/04/06)1.1.0 (2008/02/01)1.0.0 (2008/01/15)Detailed DocumentationCreate Red-Hat Linux (chkconfig) rc scriptsWorking with existing control scriptsMultiple processesIndependent processesDeploymentsProcess ManagementRegression TestsDownloadChanges1.4.2 (2012-12-20)Fixed: Errors were raised if stopping a run script failed duringuninstall. This could cause a buildout to be wedged, because you couldn’t uninstall a broken/missing run script.1.4.1 (2012-08-31)Fixed: Processes weren’t started on update.In a perfect world, this wouldn’t be necessary, as in the update case, the process would already be running, however, it’s helpful to make sure the process is running by trying to start it.1.4.0 (2012-05-18)Added optional process-management support. If requested, then run scripts are run as part of install and uninstall.Fixed: missingtestdependency onzope.testing1.3.0 (2010/05/26)New FeaturesA new independent-processes option causes multiple processes to be restarted independently, rather then stoping all of the and the starting all of them.Bugs FixedGenerated run scripts had trailing whitespace.1.2.0 (2009/04/06)displays the name of the script being run for each script when it is started, stopped, or restarted1.1.0 (2008/02/01)Use the deployment name option (as provided by zc.recipe.deployment 0.6.0 and later) if present when generating script names.Use the deployment rc-directory as the destination when a deployment is used.Use /sbin/chkconfig rather than chkconfig, as I’m told it is always in that location and rarely in anyone’s path. :)1.0.0 (2008/01/15)Initial public releaseDetailed DocumentationCreate Red-Hat Linux (chkconfig) rc scriptsThe recipe creates Red-Hat Linux (chkconfig) rc scripts. It can create individual rc scripts, as well as combined rc scripts that start multiple applications.The recipe has a parts option that takes the names of sections that define run scripts. They should either:Define a run-script option that contains a one-line shell script, orThe file /etc/init.d/PART should exist, where PART is the part name.A simple example will, hopefully make this clearer.>>> demo = tmpdir('demo')>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = zoperc ... ... [zoperc] ... recipe = zc.recipe.rhrc ... parts = zope ... dest = %(dest)s ... ... [zope] ... run-script = /opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/zope.conf ... """ % dict(dest=demo))Normally the recipe writes scripts to /etc/init.d. We can override the destination, which we’ve done here, using a demonstration directory. We specified a that it should get run-script source from the zope section. Here the zope section is simply a configuration section with a run-script option set directly, but it could have been a part with a run-script option computed from the recipe.If we run the buildout:>>> print system('bin/buildout'), Installing zoperc.We’ll get a zoperc script in our demo directory:>>> ls(demo) - zoperc>>> cat(demo, 'zoperc') #!/bin/sh <BLANKLINE> # This script is for adminstrator convenience. It should # NOT be installed as a system startup script! <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> case $1 in stop) <BLANKLINE> /opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/zope.conf $* <BLANKLINE> ;; restart) <BLANKLINE> ${0} stop sleep 1 ${0} start <BLANKLINE> ;; *) <BLANKLINE> /opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/zope.conf $* <BLANKLINE> ;; esac <BLANKLINE>There are a couple of things to note about the generated script:It uses $* to pass arguments, so arguments can’t be quoted. This is OK because the arguments will be simple verbs like start and stop.It includes a comment saying that the script shouldn’t be used as a system startup script.For the script to be used for system startup, we need to specify run-level information. We can to that using the chkconfig option:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = zoperc ... ... [zoperc] ... recipe = zc.recipe.rhrc ... parts = zope ... dest = %(dest)s ... chkconfig = 345 90 10 ... chkconfigcommand = echo ... ... [zope] ... run-script = /opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/zope.conf ... """ % dict(dest=demo))Here we included a chkconfig option saying that Zope should be started at run levels 3, 4, and 5 and that it’s start and stop ordered should be 90 and 10.For demonstration purposes, we don’treallywant to run chkconfig, so we use the chkconfigcommand option to tell the recipe to run echo instead.>>> print system('bin/buildout'), Uninstalling zoperc. Running uninstall recipe. Installing zoperc. --add zopercNow the script contains a chkconfig comment:>>> cat(demo, 'zoperc') #!/bin/sh <BLANKLINE> # the next line is for chkconfig # chkconfig: 345 90 10 # description: please, please work <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> case $1 in stop) <BLANKLINE> /opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/zope.conf $* \ </dev/null <BLANKLINE> ;; restart) <BLANKLINE> ${0} stop sleep 1 ${0} start <BLANKLINE> ;; *) <BLANKLINE> /opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/zope.conf $* \ </dev/null <BLANKLINE> ;; esac <BLANKLINE>We can specify a user that the script should be run as:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = zoperc ... ... [zoperc] ... recipe = zc.recipe.rhrc ... parts = zope ... dest = %(dest)s ... chkconfig = 345 90 10 ... chkconfigcommand = echo ... user = zope ... ... [zope] ... run-script = /opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/zope.conf ... """ % dict(dest=demo))>>> print system('bin/buildout'), Uninstalling zoperc. Running uninstall recipe. --del zoperc Installing zoperc. --add zopercNote the –del output. If we hadn’t set the chkconfigcommand to echo, then chkconfig –del would have been run on the zoperc script.>>> cat(demo, 'zoperc') #!/bin/sh <BLANKLINE> # the next line is for chkconfig # chkconfig: 345 90 10 # description: please, please work <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> if [ $(whoami) != "root" ]; then echo "You must be root." exit 1 fi <BLANKLINE> case $1 in stop) <BLANKLINE> su zope -c \ "/opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/zope.conf $*" \ </dev/null <BLANKLINE> ;; restart) <BLANKLINE> ${0} stop sleep 1 ${0} start <BLANKLINE> ;; *) <BLANKLINE> su zope -c \ "/opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/zope.conf $*" \ </dev/null <BLANKLINE> ;; esac <BLANKLINE>Note that now the su command is used to run the script. Because the script is included in double quotes, it can’t contain double quotes. (The recipe makes no attempt to escape double quotes.)Also note that now the script must be run as root, so the generated script checks that root is running it.If we say the user is root:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = zoperc ... ... [zoperc] ... recipe = zc.recipe.rhrc ... parts = zope ... dest = %(dest)s ... chkconfig = 345 90 10 ... chkconfigcommand = echo ... user = root ... ... [zope] ... run-script = /opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/zope.conf ... """ % dict(dest=demo))Then the generated script won’t su, but it will still check that root is running it:>>> print system('bin/buildout'), Uninstalling zoperc. Running uninstall recipe. --del zoperc Installing zoperc. --add zoperc>>> cat(demo, 'zoperc') #!/bin/sh <BLANKLINE> # the next line is for chkconfig # chkconfig: 345 90 10 # description: please, please work <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> if [ $(whoami) != "root" ]; then echo "You must be root." exit 1 fi <BLANKLINE> case $1 in stop) <BLANKLINE> /opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/zope.conf $* \ </dev/null <BLANKLINE> ;; restart) <BLANKLINE> ${0} stop sleep 1 ${0} start <BLANKLINE> ;; *) <BLANKLINE> /opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/zope.conf $* \ </dev/null <BLANKLINE> ;; esac <BLANKLINE>A part that defines a run script can also define environment-variable settings to be used by the rc script by supplying an env option:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = zoperc ... ... [zoperc] ... recipe = zc.recipe.rhrc ... parts = zope ... dest = %(dest)s ... chkconfig = 345 90 10 ... chkconfigcommand = echo ... user = zope ... ... [zope] ... run-script = /opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/zope.conf ... env = LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/foolib ... """ % dict(dest=demo))>>> print system('bin/buildout'), Uninstalling zoperc. Running uninstall recipe. --del zoperc Installing zoperc. --add zoperc>>> cat(demo, 'zoperc') #!/bin/sh <BLANKLINE> # the next line is for chkconfig # chkconfig: 345 90 10 # description: please, please work <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> if [ $(whoami) != "root" ]; then echo "You must be root." exit 1 fi <BLANKLINE> case $1 in stop) <BLANKLINE> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/foolib \ su zope -c \ "/opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/zope.conf $*" \ </dev/null <BLANKLINE> ;; restart) <BLANKLINE> ${0} stop sleep 1 ${0} start <BLANKLINE> ;; *) <BLANKLINE> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/foolib \ su zope -c \ "/opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/zope.conf $*" \ </dev/null <BLANKLINE> ;; esac <BLANKLINE>Working with existing control scriptsIn the example above, we generated a script based on a command line. If we have a part that creates a control script on it’s own, then it can ommit the run-script option and it’s already created run script will be used. Let’s create a run script ourselves:>>> write(demo, 'zope', '/opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/zope.conf $*')Now we can remove the run-script option from the Zope section:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = zoperc ... ... [zoperc] ... recipe = zc.recipe.rhrc ... parts = zope ... dest = %(dest)s ... chkconfig = 345 90 10 ... chkconfigcommand = echo ... user = zope ... ... [zope] ... env = LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/foolib ... """ % dict(dest=demo))>>> print system('bin/buildout'), Uninstalling zoperc. Running uninstall recipe. --del zoperc Installing zoperc. --add zoperc>>> cat(demo, 'zoperc') #!/bin/sh <BLANKLINE> # the next line is for chkconfig # chkconfig: 345 90 10 # description: please, please work <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> if [ $(whoami) != "root" ]; then echo "You must be root." exit 1 fi <BLANKLINE> case $1 in stop) <BLANKLINE> echo zope: /demo/zope "$@" \ </dev/null <BLANKLINE> ;; restart) <BLANKLINE> ${0} stop sleep 1 ${0} start <BLANKLINE> ;; *) <BLANKLINE> echo zope: /demo/zope "$@" \ </dev/null <BLANKLINE> ;; esac <BLANKLINE>Here we just invoke the existing script. Note that don’t pay any reflect the env or user options in the script. When an existing script is used, it is assumed to be complete.>>> import os >>> os.remove(join(demo, 'zope'))Multiple processesSometimes, you need to start multiple processes. You can specify multiple parts. For example, suppose we wanted to start 2 Zope instances:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = zoperc ... ... [zoperc] ... recipe = zc.recipe.rhrc ... parts = instance1 instance2 ... dest = %(dest)s ... chkconfig = 345 90 10 ... chkconfigcommand = echo ... user = zope ... ... [instance1] ... run-script = /opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/instance1.conf ... env = LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/foolib ... ... [instance2] ... """ % dict(dest=demo))>>> write(demo, 'instance2', '')Note that for instance 2, we are arranging for the script to pre-exist.>>> print system('bin/buildout'), Uninstalling zoperc. Running uninstall recipe. --del zoperc Installing zoperc. --add zoperc>>> cat(demo, 'zoperc') #!/bin/sh <BLANKLINE> # the next line is for chkconfig # chkconfig: 345 90 10 # description: please, please work <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> if [ $(whoami) != "root" ]; then echo "You must be root." exit 1 fi <BLANKLINE> case $1 in stop) <BLANKLINE> echo instance2: /demo/instance2 "$@" \ </dev/null <BLANKLINE> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/foolib \ su zope -c \ "/opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/instance1.conf $*" \ </dev/null <BLANKLINE> ;; restart) <BLANKLINE> ${0} stop sleep 1 ${0} start <BLANKLINE> ;; *) <BLANKLINE> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/foolib \ su zope -c \ "/opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/instance1.conf $*" \ </dev/null <BLANKLINE> echo instance2: /demo/instance2 "$@" \ </dev/null <BLANKLINE> ;; esac <BLANKLINE>Now the rc script starts both instances. Note that it stops them in reverese order. This isn’t so important in a case like this, but would be more important if a later script depended on an earlier one.In addition to the zoperc script, we got scripts for the instance with the run-script option:>>> ls(demo) - instance2 - zoperc - zoperc-instance1>>> cat(demo, 'zoperc-instance1') #!/bin/sh <BLANKLINE> # This script is for adminstrator convenience. It should # NOT be installed as a system startup script! <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> if [ $(whoami) != "root" ]; then echo "You must be root." exit 1 fi <BLANKLINE> case $1 in stop) <BLANKLINE> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/foolib \ su zope -c \ "/opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/instance1.conf $*" <BLANKLINE> ;; restart) <BLANKLINE> ${0} stop sleep 1 ${0} start <BLANKLINE> ;; *) <BLANKLINE> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/foolib \ su zope -c \ "/opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/instance1.conf $*" <BLANKLINE> ;; esac <BLANKLINE>The individual scripts don’t have chkconfig information.Independent processesNormally, processes are assumed to be dependent and are started in order, stopped in referese order, and, on restart, are all stopped and then all started.If the independent-processes option is used, then the generated master run script will treat the processes as independent and restart processed individually. With lots of independent processes, this can reduce the amount of time individual processes are down.>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = zoperc ... ... [zoperc] ... recipe = zc.recipe.rhrc ... parts = instance1 instance2 ... dest = %(dest)s ... chkconfig = 345 90 10 ... chkconfigcommand = echo ... user = zope ... independent-processes = true ... ... [instance1] ... run-script = /opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/instance1.conf ... env = LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/foolib ... ... [instance2] ... """ % dict(dest=demo))>>> print system('bin/buildout'), Uninstalling zoperc. Running uninstall recipe. --del zoperc Installing zoperc. --add zoperc>>> cat(demo, 'zoperc') #!/bin/sh <BLANKLINE> # the next line is for chkconfig # chkconfig: 345 90 10 # description: please, please work <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> if [ $(whoami) != "root" ]; then echo "You must be root." exit 1 fi <BLANKLINE> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/foolib \ su zope -c \ "/opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/instance1.conf $*" \ </dev/null <BLANKLINE> echo instance2: /demo/instance2 "$@" \ </dev/nullDeploymentsThe zc.recipe.rhrc recipe is designed to work with the zc.recipe.deployment recipe. You can specify the name of a deployment section. If a deployment section is specified then:the deployment name will be used for the rc scriptsthe user from the deployment section will be used if a user isn’t specified in the rc script’s own section.the rc-directory option from the deployment will be used if destination isn’t specified.>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = zoperc ... ... [deployment] ... name = acme ... user = acme ... rc-directory = %(dest)s ... ... [zoperc] ... recipe = zc.recipe.rhrc ... parts = instance1 instance2 ... chkconfig = 345 90 10 ... chkconfigcommand = echo ... deployment = deployment ... ... [instance1] ... run-script = /opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/instance1.conf ... env = LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/foolib ... ... [instance2] ... """ % dict(dest=demo))If a deployment is used, then any existing scripts must be prefixed with the deployment name. We’ll rename the instance2 script to reflect that:>>> os.rename(join(demo, 'instance2'), join(demo, 'acme-instance2'))>>> print system('bin/buildout'), Uninstalling zoperc. Running uninstall recipe. --del zoperc Installing zoperc. --add acme>>> ls(demo) - acme - acme-instance1 - acme-instance2>>> cat(demo, 'acme') #!/bin/sh <BLANKLINE> # the next line is for chkconfig # chkconfig: 345 90 10 # description: please, please work <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> if [ $(whoami) != "root" ]; then echo "You must be root." exit 1 fi <BLANKLINE> case $1 in stop) <BLANKLINE> echo acme-instance2: /demo/acme-instance2 "$@" \ </dev/null <BLANKLINE> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/foolib \ su acme -c \ "/opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/instance1.conf $*" \ </dev/null <BLANKLINE> ;; restart) <BLANKLINE> ${0} stop sleep 1 ${0} start <BLANKLINE> ;; *) <BLANKLINE> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/foolib \ su acme -c \ "/opt/zope/bin/zopectl -C /etc/instance1.conf $*" \ </dev/null <BLANKLINE> echo acme-instance2: /demo/acme-instance2 "$@" \ </dev/null <BLANKLINE> ;; esac <BLANKLINE>Edge case, when we remove the part, we uninstall acme:>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = ... """) >>> print system('bin/buildout'), Uninstalling zoperc. Running uninstall recipe. --del acmeProcess ManagementNormally, the recipe doesn’t start and stop processes. If we want it to, we can use the process-management option with a ‘true’ value.>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = zoperc ... ... [zoperc] ... recipe = zc.recipe.rhrc ... parts = zope ... dest = %(dest)s ... process-management = true ... ... [zope] ... run-script = echo zope ... """ % dict(dest=demo))When the part is installed, the process is started:>>> print system('bin/buildout'), Installing zoperc. zope startIt also gets started when the part updates. This is just to make sure it is running.>>> print system('bin/buildout'), Updating zoperc. zope startIf we update the part, then when the part is uninstalled and reinstalled, the process will be stopped and started. We’ll often force this adding a digest option that exists solely to force a reinstall, typically because something else in the buildout has changed.>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = zoperc ... ... [zoperc] ... recipe = zc.recipe.rhrc ... parts = zope ... dest = %(dest)s ... process-management = true ... digest = 1 ... ... [zope] ... run-script = echo zope ... """ % dict(dest=demo))>>> print system('bin/buildout'), Uninstalling zoperc. Running uninstall recipe. zope stop Installing zoperc. zope start>>> print system('bin/buildout buildout:parts='), Uninstalling zoperc. Running uninstall recipe. zope stopRegression TestsException formatting bugIf we do not provide a runscript, we get an exception (bug was: improperly formatted exception string, contained literal ‘%s’):>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... parts = zoperc ... ... [zoperc] ... recipe = zc.recipe.rhrc ... parts = zope ... dest = %(dest)s ... ... [zope] ... """ % dict(dest=demo)) >>> print system('bin/buildout'), Installing zoperc. zc.recipe.rhrc: Part zope doesn't define run-script and /demo/zope doesn't exist. While: Installing zoperc. Error: No script for zopeDownload
Many deployments provide scripts that tie the configurations into the software. This is often done to make it easier to work with specific deployments of the software.The conventional Unix file hierarchy doesn’t really provide a good shared place for such scripts; the zc.recipe.deployment:script recipe generates these scripts in the deployment’s bin-directory, but we’d rather have the resulting scripts associated with the deployment itself.The options for the recipe are the same as those for the zc.recipe.egg:script recipe, with the addition of a required deployment setting. The etc-directory from the deployment is used instead of the buildout’s bin-directory. This allows deployment-specific information to be embedded in the script via the initialization setting.Let’s take a look at a simple case. We’ll need a package with a console_script entry point:>>> write('', '''\ ... from setuptools import setup ... setup( ... name="testpkg", ... package_dir={"": "src"}, ... py_modules=["testmodule"], ... zip_safe=False, ... entry_points={ ... "console_scripts": [ ... "myscript=testmodule:main", ... ], ... }, ... ) ... ''')>>> mkdir('src') >>> write('src', '', '''\ ... some_setting = "42" ... def main(): ... print some_setting ... ''')>>> write('buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... develop = . ... parts = somescript ... ... [mydep] ... recipe = zc.recipe.deployment ... prefix = %s ... user = %s ... etc-user = %s ... ... [somescript] ... recipe = zc.recipe.script ... deployment = mydep ... eggs = testpkg ... scripts = myscript ... initialization = ... import testmodule ... testmodule.some_setting = "24" ... ''' % (sample_buildout, user, user))>>> print system(join('bin', 'buildout')), # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Develop: 'PREFIX/.' Installing mydep. zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/mydep', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/cache/mydep', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/lib/mydep', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/log/mydep', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/var/run/mydep', mode 750, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/cron.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/init.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' zc.recipe.deployment: Creating 'PREFIX/etc/logrotate.d', mode 755, user 'USER', group 'GROUP' Installing somescript. Generated script 'PREFIX/etc/mydep/myscript'.>>> print ls("etc/mydep") drwxr-xr-x USER GROUP etc/mydep>>> cat("etc/mydep/myscript") # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE #!/usr/bin/python <BLANKLINE> import sys sys.path[0:0] = [ 'PREFIX/src', ] <BLANKLINE> import testmodule testmodule.some_setting = "24" <BLANKLINE> import testmodule <BLANKLINE> if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(testmodule.main())Release history1.0.2 (2014-08-19)Fix packaging bug (include src/zc/recipe/script/README.txt).1.0.1 (2014-08-19)Initial public release.1.0.0 (2011-12-29)Initial release (ZC internal).
ContentsChange History3.0 (2023-02-08)2.2 (2020-11-30)2.1 (2019-05-14)2.0.0 (2013-02-10)1.4.0 (2010-08-27)1.3.0 (2010-06-09)1.2.1 (2010-08-24)1.2.0 (2009-03-23)1.1.0 (2008-08-25)1.0.0 (2007-11-04)1.0.0b8 (2007-07-17)1.0.0b7 (2007-04-26)1.0.0b6 (2007-02-25)1.0.0b5 (2007-01-24)1.0.0b4 (2006-10-24)1.0.0b3 (2006-10-16)1.0.0b21.0.0b11.0.0a31.0.0a21.0.0a1Detailed DocumentationThis recipe generates zope.testing test-runner scripts for testing a collection of eggs.Example usage inbuildout.cfg:[buildout] parts = test [test] recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner eggs = <eggs to test>Change History3.0 (2023-02-08)Add support for Python 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2020-11-30)Add support for Python 3.9, PyPy2 and PyPy3.2.1 (2019-05-14)Add support for Python 3.5 up to 3.8a3.2.0.0 (2013-02-10)Work with buildout 2.This was accomplised by starting from 1.3.0 then:Merge fixes from 1.2.1 (svn:// Excluding nailing zope.testing version. That fixes a bunch of windows issues1.4.0 (2010-08-27)Update to using zc.buildout 1.5.0 script generation. This adds the following options: include-site-packages, allowed-eggs-from-site-packages, extends, and exec-sitecustomize.Merge fixes from 1.2.1 (svn:// Excluding nailing zope.testing version. That fixes a bunch of windows issues1.3.0 (2010-06-09)Updated tests to run with the last versions of all modules.Removed the usage of the deprecated zope.testing.doctest, therby also dropping Python 2.3 support.Started using zope.testrunner instead of zope.testing.testrunner.1.2.1 (2010-08-24)Fixed a lot of windows issuesNailed versions to ZTK 1.0a2 (oh well, we have to have at least some stability)Fixed some other test failures that seemed to come from other packages1.2.0 (2009-03-23)Added a relative-paths option to use egg, test, and working-directory paths relative to the test script.1.1.0 (2008-08-25)Requiring at least zope.testing 3.6.0.Fixed a bug: Parallel runs of layers failed when using working-directory parameter.1.0.0 (2007-11-04)Preparing stable release.1.0.0b8 (2007-07-17)Added the ability to useinitializationoption that will be inserted into the bin/test after the environment is set up.1.0.0b7 (2007-04-26)Feature ChangesAdded optional optionenvironmentthat allows defining a section in your buildout.cfg to specify environment variables that should be set before running the tests.1.0.0b6 (2007-02-25)Feature ChangesIf the working directory is not specified, or specified as the empty string, an empty part directory is created for the tests to run in.1.0.0b5 (2007-01-24)Bugs fixedWhen:the working-directory option was used,and the test runner needed to restart itselfand the test runner was run with a relative path (e.g. bin/test)then the testrunner could not restart itself successfully because the relative path in sys.argv[0] was no-longer valid.Now we convert sys.argv[0] to an absolute path.1.0.0b4 (2006-10-24)Feature ChangesAdded a working-directoy option to specify a working directory for the generated script.1.0.0b3 (2006-10-16)Updated to work with (not get a warning from) zc.buildout 1.0.0b10.1.0.0b2Added a defaults option to specify testrunner default options.1.0.0b1Updated to work with zc.buildout 1.0.0b5.1.0.0a3Added a defaults option that lets you specify test-runner default options.1.0.0a2Now provide a extra-paths option for including extra paths in test scripts. This is useful when eggs depend on Python packages not packaged as eggs.1.0.0a1Initial public versionDetailed DocumentationTest-Runner RecipeThe test-runner recipe, zc.recipe.testrunner, creates a test runner for a project.The test-runner recipe has several options:eggsThe eggs option specified a list of eggs to test given as one ore more setuptools requirement strings. Each string must be given on a separate line.scriptThe script option gives the name of the script to generate, in the buildout bin directory. Of the option isn’t used, the part name will be used.extra-pathsOne or more extra paths to include in the generated test script.defaultsThe defaults option lets you specify testrunner default options. These are specified as Python source for an expression yielding a list, typically a list literal.working-directoryThe working-directory option lets to specify a directory where the tests will run. The testrunner will change to this directory when run. If the working directory is the empty string or not specified at all, the recipe will create a working directory among the parts.environmentA set of environment variables that should be exported before starting the tests.initializationProvide initialization code to run before running tests.relative-pathsUse egg, test, and working-directory paths relative to the test script.(Note that, at this time, due to limitations in the Zope test runner, the distributions cannot be zip files. TODO: Fix the test runner!)To illustrate this, we’ll create a pair of projects in our sample buildout:>>> mkdir(sample_buildout, 'demo') >>> mkdir(sample_buildout, 'demo', 'demo') >>> write(sample_buildout, 'demo', 'demo', '', '') >>> write(sample_buildout, 'demo', 'demo', '', ... ''' ... import unittest ... ... class TestDemo(unittest.TestCase): ... def test(self): ... pass ... ... def test_suite(): ... loader = unittest.TestLoader() ... return loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestDemo) ... ''')>>> write(sample_buildout, 'demo', '', ... """ ... from setuptools import setup ... ... setup(name = "demo") ... """)>>> write(sample_buildout, 'demo', 'README.txt', '')>>> mkdir(sample_buildout, 'demo2') >>> mkdir(sample_buildout, 'demo2', 'demo2') >>> write(sample_buildout, 'demo2', 'demo2', '', '') >>> write(sample_buildout, 'demo2', 'demo2', '', ... ''' ... import unittest ... ... class Demo2Tests(unittest.TestCase): ... def test2(self): ... pass ... ... def test_suite(): ... loader = unittest.TestLoader() ... return loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(Demo2Tests) ... ''')>>> write(sample_buildout, 'demo2', '', ... """ ... from setuptools import setup ... ... setup(name = "demo2", install_requires= ['demoneeded']) ... """)>>> write(sample_buildout, 'demo2', 'README.txt', '')Demo 2 depends on demoneeded:>>> mkdir(sample_buildout, 'demoneeded') >>> mkdir(sample_buildout, 'demoneeded', 'demoneeded') >>> write(sample_buildout, 'demoneeded', 'demoneeded', '', '') >>> write(sample_buildout, 'demoneeded', 'demoneeded', '', ... ''' ... import unittest ... ... class TestNeeded(unittest.TestCase): ... def test_needed(self): ... pass ... ... def test_suite(): ... loader = unittest.TestLoader() ... return loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestNeeded) ... ''')>>> write(sample_buildout, 'demoneeded', '', ... """ ... from setuptools import setup ... ... setup(name = "demoneeded") ... """)>>> write(sample_buildout, 'demoneeded', 'README.txt', '')We’ll update our buildout to install the demo project as a develop egg and to create the test script:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... develop = demo demoneeded demo2 ... parts = testdemo ... offline = true ... ... [testdemo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner ... eggs = ... demo ... demo2 ... script = test ... """)Note that we specified both demo and demo2 in the eggs option and that we put them on separate lines.We also specified the offline option to run the buildout in offline mode.Now when we run the buildout:>>> import os >>> os.chdir(sample_buildout) >>> print_(system(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'buildout') + ' -q'), ... end='')We get a test script installed in our bin directory:>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'bin') - buildout - testWe also get a part directory for the tests to run in:>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'parts') d testdemoAnd updating leaves its contents intact:>>> _ = system(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'test') + ... ' -q --coverage=coverage') >>> ls(sample_buildout, 'parts', 'testdemo') d coverage >>> print_(system(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'buildout') + ' -q'), ... end='') >>> ls(sample_buildout, 'parts', 'testdemo') d coverageWe can run the test script to run our demo test:>>> print_(system(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'test') + ' -vv'), ... end='') Running tests at level 1 Running zope.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests: Set up zope.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.001 seconds. Running: test (demo.tests.TestDemo...) test2 (demo2.tests.Demo2Tests...) Ran 2 tests with 0 failures, 0 errors and 0 skipped in 0.001 seconds. Tearing down left over layers: Tear down zope.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.001 seconds.Note that we didn’t run the demoneeded tests. Tests are only run for the eggs listed, not for their dependencies.If we leave the script option out of the configuration, then the test script will get it’s name from the part:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... develop = demo ... parts = testdemo ... offline = true ... ... [testdemo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner ... eggs = demo ... """)>>> print_(system(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'buildout') + ' -q'), ... end='')>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'bin') - buildout - testdemoWe can run the test script to run our demo test:>>> print_(system(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'testdemo') + ' -q'), ... end='') Running zope.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests: Set up zope.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.001 seconds. Ran 1 tests with 0 failures, 0 errors and 0 skipped in 0.001 seconds. Tearing down left over layers: Tear down zope.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.001 seconds.If we need to include other paths in our test script, we can use the extra-paths option to specify them:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... develop = demo ... parts = testdemo ... offline = true ... ... [testdemo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner ... eggs = demo ... extra-paths = /usr/local/zope/lib/python ... """)>>> print_(system(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'buildout') + ' -q'), ... end='')>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'testdemo') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS #!/usr/local/bin/python2.4 <BLANKLINE> import sys sys.path[0:0] = [ ... ] <BLANKLINE> import os sys.argv[0] = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) os.chdir('/sample-buildout/parts/testdemo') <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> import zope.testrunner <BLANKLINE> if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit([ '--test-path', '/sample-buildout/demo', ]))We can use the working-directory option to specify a working directory:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... develop = demo ... parts = testdemo ... offline = true ... ... [testdemo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner ... eggs = demo ... extra-paths = /usr/local/zope/lib/python ... working-directory = /foo/bar ... """)>>> print_(system(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'buildout') + ' -q'), ... end='')>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'testdemo') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS #!/usr/local/bin/python2.4 <BLANKLINE> import sys sys.path[0:0] = [ ... ] <BLANKLINE> import os sys.argv[0] = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) os.chdir('/foo/bar') <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> import zope.testrunner <BLANKLINE> if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit([ '--test-path', '/sample-buildout/demo', ]))Now that out tests use a specified working directory, their designated part directory is gone:>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'parts')If we need to specify default options, we can use the defaults option. For example, Zope 3 applications typically define test suites in modules named ftests or tests. The default test runner behaviour is to look in modules named tests. To specify that we want to look in tests and ftests module, we’d supply a default for the –tests-pattern option. If we like dots, we could also request more verbose output using the -v option:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... develop = demo ... parts = testdemo ... offline = true ... ... [testdemo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner ... eggs = demo ... extra-paths = /usr/local/zope/lib/python ... defaults = ['--tests-pattern', '^f?tests$', ... '-v' ... ] ... """)>>> print_(system(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'buildout') + ' -q'), ... end='')>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'testdemo') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS #!/usr/local/bin/python2.4 <BLANKLINE> import sys sys.path[0:0] = [ ... ] <BLANKLINE> import os sys.argv[0] = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) os.chdir('/sample-buildout/parts/testdemo') <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> import zope.testrunner <BLANKLINE> if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(['--tests-pattern', '^f?tests$', '-v' ]) + [ '--test-path', '/sample-buildout/demo', ]))Some things to note from this example:Parentheses are placed around the given expression.Leading whitespace is removed.To demonstrate theenvironmentoption, we first update the tests to include a check for an environment variable:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'demo', 'demo', '', ... ''' ... import unittest ... import os ... ... class DemoTests(unittest.TestCase): ... def test(self): ... self.assertEqual('42', os.environ.get('zc.recipe.testrunner', '23')) ... ... def test_suite(): ... loader = unittest.TestLoader() ... return loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(DemoTests) ... ''')Running them with the current buildout will produce a failure:>>> print_(system(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'testdemo') ... + ' -vv'), ... end='') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Running tests at level 1 Running zope.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests: Set up zope.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.001 seconds. Running: test (demo.tests.DemoTests...) (... s) <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> Failure in test test (demo.tests.DemoTests...) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: '42' != '23' ... Ran 1 tests with 1 failures, 0 errors and 0 skipped in 0.001 seconds. Tearing down left over layers: Tear down zope.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.001 seconds. <BLANKLINE> Tests with failures: test (demo.tests.DemoTests...)Let’s update the buildout to specify the environment variable for the test runner:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... develop = demo ... parts = testdemo ... offline = true ... ... [testdemo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner ... eggs = demo ... environment = testenv ... ... [testenv] ... zc.recipe.testrunner = 42 ... """)We run buildout and see that the test runner script now includes setting up the environment variable. Also, the tests pass again:>>> print_(system(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'buildout') + ' -q'), ... end='')>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'testdemo') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS #!/usr/local/bin/python2.4 <BLANKLINE> import sys sys.path[0:0] = [ ... ] <BLANKLINE> import os sys.argv[0] = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) os.chdir('/sample-buildout/parts/testdemo') os.environ['zc.recipe.testrunner'] = '42' <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> import zope.testrunner <BLANKLINE> if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit([ '--test-path', '/sample-buildout/demo', ]))>>> print_(system(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'testdemo')+' -vv'), ... end='') Running tests at level 1 Running zope.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests: Set up zope.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.001 seconds. Running: test (demo.tests.DemoTests...) Ran 1 tests with 0 failures, 0 errors and 0 skipped in 0.001 seconds. Tearing down left over layers: Tear down zope.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.001 seconds.One can add initialization steps in the buildout. These will be added to the end of the script:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... r""" ... [buildout] ... develop = demo ... parts = testdemo ... offline = true ... ... [testdemo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner ... eggs = demo ... extra-paths = /usr/local/zope/lib/python ... defaults = ['--tests-pattern', '^f?tests$', ... '-v' ... ] ... initialization = sys.stdout.write('Hello all you egg-laying pythons!\n') ... """)>>> print_(system(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'buildout') + ' -q'), ... end='')>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'testdemo') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS #!/usr/local/bin/python2.4 <BLANKLINE> import sys sys.path[0:0] = [ ... ] <BLANKLINE> import os sys.argv[0] = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) os.chdir('/sample-buildout/parts/testdemo') sys.stdout.write('Hello all you egg-laying pythons!\n') <BLANKLINE> import zope.testrunner <BLANKLINE> if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(['--tests-pattern', '^f?tests$', '-v' ]) + [ '--test-path', '/sample-buildout/demo', ]))This will also work with a multi-line initialization section:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... r""" ... [buildout] ... develop = demo ... parts = testdemo ... offline = true ... ... [testdemo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner ... eggs = demo ... extra-paths = /usr/local/zope/lib/python ... defaults = ['--tests-pattern', '^f?tests$', ... '-v' ... ] ... initialization = sys.stdout.write('Hello all you egg-laying pythons!\n') ... sys.stdout.write('I thought pythons were live bearers?\n') ... """)>>> print_(system(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'buildout') + ' -q'), ... end='')>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'testdemo') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS #!/usr/local/bin/python2.4 <BLANKLINE> import sys sys.path[0:0] = [ ... ] <BLANKLINE> import os sys.argv[0] = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) os.chdir('/sample-buildout/parts/testdemo') sys.stdout.write('Hello all you egg-laying pythons!\n') sys.stdout.write('I thought pythons were live bearers?\n') <BLANKLINE> import zope.testrunner <BLANKLINE> if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(['--tests-pattern', '^f?tests$', '-v' ]) + [ '--test-path', '/sample-buildout/demo', ]))If the relative-paths option is used, egg (and extra) paths are generated relative to the test script.>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... develop = demo ... parts = testdemo ... offline = true ... ... [testdemo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner ... eggs = demo ... extra-paths = /usr/local/zope/lib/python ... ${buildout:directory}/sources ... relative-paths = true ... """)>>> print_(system(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'buildout') + ' -q'), ... end='')>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'testdemo') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS #!/usr/local/bin/python2.4 <BLANKLINE> import os <BLANKLINE> join = os.path.join base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__))) base = os.path.dirname(base) <BLANKLINE> import sys sys.path[0:0] = [ join(base, 'demo'), ... '/usr/local/zope/lib/python', join(base, 'sources'), ] <BLANKLINE> import os sys.argv[0] = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) os.chdir(join(base, 'parts/testdemo')) <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> import zope.testrunner <BLANKLINE> if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit([ '--test-path', join(base, 'demo'), ]))The relative-paths option can be specified at the buildout level:>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg', ... """ ... [buildout] ... develop = demo ... parts = testdemo ... offline = true ... relative-paths = true ... ... [testdemo] ... recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner ... eggs = demo ... extra-paths = /usr/local/zope/lib/python ... ${buildout:directory}/sources ... """)>>> print_(system(os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'buildout') + ' -q'), ... end='')>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'testdemo') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS #!/usr/local/bin/python2.4 <BLANKLINE> import os <BLANKLINE> join = os.path.join base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__))) base = os.path.dirname(base) <BLANKLINE> import sys sys.path[0:0] = [ join(base, 'demo'), ... '/usr/local/zope/lib/python', join(base, 'sources'), ] <BLANKLINE> import os sys.argv[0] = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) os.chdir(join(base, 'parts/testdemo')) <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> import zope.testrunner <BLANKLINE> if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit([ '--test-path', join(base, 'demo'), ]))
1.1.0 (2010-05-21)Fixed testsThe wrapper now uses a path relative to its location to invoke a script1.0.1 (2009-12-15)Re-release.1.0.0 (2008-09-03)First Open Source release.1.0.0a1 (2008-08-28)First internal release
Recipe for creating a Zope 3 checkout in a buildout.Hopefully, when Zope is packaged as eggs, this won’t be necessary.The recipe has two options:urlThe Subversion URL to use to checkout Zope. For example, to get the 3.3 branch, use:url = svn:// option is required.revisionThe revision to check out. This is optional and defaults to “HEAD”.The checkout is installed into a subdirectory of the buildout parts directory whose name is the part name used for the recipe.This location is recorded in a ‘location’ option within the section that other recipes can query to get the location.Change History1.2 (2007-02-09)Added support for the buildout newest mode (-N option) to avoid checking for updates when -N is used.1.1 (2007-01-22)Feature ChangesAdded an update method to work well with current buildout versions.Bugs FixedWhen updating installs, extensions and package-includes weren’t updated properly.1.0.dev_r68900Initial release.Download
This recipe creates a Zope instance that has been extended by a collection of eggs.The recipe takes the following options:zope3The name of a section providing a Zope 3 installation definition. This defaults to zope3. The section is required to have a location option giving the location of the installation. This could be a section used to install a part, like a Zope 3 checkout, or simply a section with a location option pointing to an existing install.databaseThe name of a section defining a zconfig option that has a zodb section.userThe user name and password for manager usereggsOne or more requirements for distributions to be included.zcmlIf specified, provides the list of package ZCML files to include in the instance’s package includes and their order.By default, the ZCML files normally included in package-includes are ommitted. To includes these, include ‘*’ in the list of includes.Each entry is a package name with an optional include type and file name. An package name can be optionally followed by a ‘:’ and a file name within the package. The default file name is configure.zcml. The string ‘-meta’ can be included between the file name and the package name. If so, then the default file name is meta.zcml and the include will be treated as a meta include. Similarly for ‘-overrides’. For example, the include:foo.barCauses the file named to be inserted into package-includes containing:<include package=”” file=”configure.zcml” />where NNN is a 3-digit number computed from the order if the entry in the zcml option.The the file named to be inserted into package-includes containing:<include package=”” file=”meta.zcml” />The the file named to be inserted into package-includes containing:<include package=”” file=”x.zcml” />To doNeed testsHopefully, for Zope 3.4, we’ll be able to make the instance-creation process more modular, which will allow a cleaner implementation for this recipe.Support for multiple storagesSupport for more configuration options.
Modern authoriZation-centric credential format, ala SPKI/SDSI, Macaroons, and Vanadium
Relation CatalogContentsRelation CatalogOverviewHistorySetting Up a Relation CatalogCreating the CatalogAdding RelationsSearchingQueries,findRelations, and special query valuesfindValuesand theRELATIONquery keyTokensTransitive Searching, Query Factories, andmaxDepthfindRelationChainsandtargetQueryfilterandtargetFilterSearch indexesTransitive cycles (and updating and removing relations)canFindWorking with More Complex RelationsExtrinsic Two-Way RelationsMulti-Way RelationsAdditional FunctionalityListenersTheclearMethodThecopyMethodTheignoreSearchIndexargumentfindRelationTokens()findValueTokens(INDEX_NAME)ConclusionReviewNext StepsTokens and Joins: zc.relation Catalog Extended ExampleIntroduction and Set UpOrganizationsRolesQuery Factory JoinsSearch Index for Query Factory JoinsListeners, Catalog Administration, and Joining Across Relation CatalogsWorking with Search Indexes: zc.relation Catalog Extended ExampleIntroductionTransitive Search IndexesHelpersOptimizing Relation Catalog UseChanges2.0 (2023-04-05)1.2 (2023-03-28)1.1.post2 (2018-06-18)1.1.post1 (2018-06-18)1.1 (2018-06-15)1.0 (2008-04-23)Incompatibilities with zc.relationship 1.x indexChanges and new featuresOverviewThe relation catalog can be used to optimize intransitive and transitive searches for N-ary relations of finite, preset dimensions.For example, you can index simple two-way relations, like employee to supervisor; RDF-style triples of subject-predicate-object; and more complex relations such as subject-predicate-object with context and state. These can be searched with variable definitions of transitive behavior.The catalog can be used in the ZODB or standalone. It is a generic, relatively policy-free tool.It is expected to be used usually as an engine for more specialized and constrained tools and APIs. Three such tools are zc.relationship containers, plone.relations containers, and zc.vault. The documents in the package, including this one, describe other possible uses.HistoryThis is a refactoring of the ZODB-only parts of the zc.relationship package. Specifically, the zc.relation catalog is largely equivalent to the zc.relationship index. The index in the zc.relationship 2.x line is an almost-completely backwards-compatible wrapper of the zc.relation catalog. zc.relationship will continue to be maintained, though active development is expected to go into zc.relation.Many of the ideas come from discussions with and code from Casey Duncan, Tres Seaver, Ken Manheimer, and more.Setting Up a Relation CatalogIn this section, we will be introducing the following ideas.Relations are objects with indexed values.You add value indexes to relation catalogs to be able to search. Values can be identified to the catalog with callables or interface elements. The indexed value must be specified to the catalog as a single value or a collection.Relations and their values are stored in the catalog as tokens: unique identifiers that you can resolve back to the original value. Integers are the most efficient tokens, but others can work fine too.Token type determines the BTree module needed.You must define your own functions for tokenizing and resolving tokens. These functions are registered with the catalog for the relations and for each of their value indexes.Relations are indexed withindex.We will use a simple two way relation as our example here. A brief introduction to a more complex RDF-style subject-predicate-object set up can be found later in the document.Creating the CatalogImagine a two way relation from one value to another. Let’s say that we are modeling a relation of people to their supervisors: an employee may have a single supervisor. For this first example, the relation between employee and supervisor will be intrinsic: the employee has a pointer to the supervisor, and the employee object itself represents the relation.Let’s say further, for simplicity, that employee names are unique and can be used to represent employees. We can use names as our “tokens”.Tokens are similar to the primary key in a relational database. A token is a way to identify an object. It must sort reliably and you must be able to write a callable that reliably resolves to the object given the right context. In Zope 3, intids ( and keyreferences ( are good examples of reasonable tokens.As we’ll see below, you provide a way to convert objects to tokens, and resolve tokens to objects, for the relations, and for each value index individually. They can be the all the same functions or completely different, depending on your needs.For speed, integers make the best tokens; followed by other immutables like strings; followed by non-persistent objects; followed by persistent objects. The choice also determines a choice of BTree module, as we’ll see below.Here is our toyEmployeeexample class. Again, we will use the employee name as the tokens.>>> employees = {} # we'll use this to resolve the "name" tokens >>> from functools import total_ordering >>> @total_ordering ... class Employee(object): ... def __init__(self, name, supervisor=None): ... if name in employees: ... raise ValueError('employee with same name already exists') ... = name # expect this to be readonly ... self.supervisor = supervisor ... employees[name] = self ... # the next parts just make the tests prettier ... def __repr__(self): ... return '<Employee instance "' + + '">' ... def __lt__(self, other): ... return < ... def __eq__(self, other): ... return self is other ... def __hash__(self): ... ''' Dummy method needed because we defined __eq__ ... ''' ... return 1 ...So, we need to define how to turn employees into their tokens. We call the tokenization a “dump” function. Conversely, the function to resolve tokens into objects is called a “load”.Functions to dump relations and values get several arguments. The first argument is the object to be tokenized. Next, because it helps sometimes to provide context, is the catalog. The last argument is a dictionary that will be shared for a given search. The dictionary can be ignored, or used as a cache for optimizations (for instance, to stash a utility that you looked up).For this example, our function is trivial: we said the token would be the employee’s name.>>> def dumpEmployees(emp, catalog, cache): ... return ...If you store the relation catalog persistently (e.g., in the ZODB) be aware that the callables you provide must be picklable–a module-level function, for instance.We also need a way to turn tokens into employees, or “load”.The “load” functions get the token to be resolved; the catalog, for context; and a dict cache, for optimizations of subsequent calls.You might have noticed in ourEmployee.__init__that we keep a mapping of name to object in theemployeesglobal dict (defined right above the class definition). We’ll use that for resolving the tokens.>>> def loadEmployees(token, catalog, cache): ... return employees[token] ...Now we know enough to get started with a catalog. We’ll instantiate it by specifying how to tokenize relations, and what kind of BTree modules should be used to hold the tokens.How do you pick BTree modules?If the tokens are 32-bit ints, chooseBTrees.family32.II,BTrees.family32.IForBTrees.family32.IO.If the tokens are 64 bit ints, chooseBTrees.family64.II,BTrees.family64.IForBTrees.family64.IO.If they are anything else, chooseBTrees.family32.OI,BTrees.family64.OI, orBTrees.family32.OO(orBTrees.family64.OO–they are the same).Within these rules, the choice is somewhat arbitrary unless you plan to merge these results with that of another source that is using a particular BTree module. BTree set operations only work within the same module, so you must match module to module. The catalog defaults to IF trees, because that’s what standard zope catalogs use. That’s as reasonable a choice as any, and will potentially come in handy if your tokens are in fact the same as those used by the zope catalog and you want to do some set operations.In this example, our tokens are strings, so we want OO or an OI variant. We’ll choose BTrees.family32.OI, arbitrarily.>>> import zc.relation.catalog >>> import BTrees >>> catalog = zc.relation.catalog.Catalog(dumpEmployees, loadEmployees, ... btree=BTrees.family32.OI)[1][1]The catalog provides ICatalog.>>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject >>> import zc.relation.interfaces >>> verifyObject(zc.relation.interfaces.ICatalog, catalog) True[2][2]Old instances of zc.relationship indexes, which in the newest version subclass a zc.relation Catalog, used to have a dict in an internal data structure. We specify that here so that the code that converts the dict to an OOBTree can have a chance to run.>>> catalog._attrs = dict(catalog._attrs)Look! A relation catalog! We can’t do very much searching with it so far though, because the catalog doesn’t have any indexes.In this example, the relation itself represents the employee, so we won’t need to index that separately.But we do need a way to tell the catalog how to find the other end of the relation, the supervisor. You can specify this to the catalog with an attribute or method specified fromzope.interface Interface, or with a callable. We’ll use a callable for now. The callable will receive the indexed relation and the catalog for context.>>> def supervisor(emp, catalog): ... return emp.supervisor # None or another employee ...We’ll also need to specify how to tokenize (dump and load) those values. In this case, we’re able to use the same functions as the relations themselves. However, do note that we can specify a completely different way to dump and load for each “value index,” or relation element.We could also specify the name to call the index, but it will default to the__name__of the function (or interface element), which will work just fine for us now.Now we can add the “supervisor” value index.>>> catalog.addValueIndex(supervisor, dumpEmployees, loadEmployees, ... btree=BTrees.family32.OI)Now we have an index[3].[3]Adding a value index can generate several exceptions.You must supply both of dump and load or neither.>>> catalog.addValueIndex(supervisor, dumpEmployees, None, ... btree=BTrees.family32.OI, name='supervisor2') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: either both of 'dump' and 'load' must be None, or neitherIn this example, even if we fix it, we’ll get an error, because we have already indexed the supervisor function.>>> catalog.addValueIndex(supervisor, dumpEmployees, loadEmployees, ... btree=BTrees.family32.OI, name='supervisor2') ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ('element already indexed', <function supervisor at ...>)You also can’t add a different function under the same name.>>> def supervisor2(emp, catalog): ... return emp.supervisor # None or another employee ... >>> catalog.addValueIndex(supervisor2, dumpEmployees, loadEmployees, ... btree=BTrees.family32.OI, name='supervisor') ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ('name already used', 'supervisor')Finally, if your function does not have a__name__and you do not provide one, you may not add an index.>>> class Supervisor3(object): ... __name__ = None ... def __call__(klass, emp, catalog): ... return emp.supervisor ... >>> supervisor3 = Supervisor3() >>> supervisor3.__name__ >>> catalog.addValueIndex(supervisor3, dumpEmployees, loadEmployees, ... btree=BTrees.family32.OI) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: no name specified>>> [info['name'] for info in catalog.iterValueIndexInfo()] ['supervisor']Adding RelationsNow let’s create a few employees. All but one will have supervisors. If you recall our toyEmployeeclass, the first argument to the constructor is the employee name (and therefore the token), and the optional second argument is the supervisor.>>> a = Employee('Alice') >>> b = Employee('Betty', a) >>> c = Employee('Chuck', a) >>> d = Employee('Diane', b) >>> e = Employee('Edgar', b) >>> f = Employee('Frank', c) >>> g = Employee('Galyn', c) >>> h = Employee('Howie', d)Here is a diagram of the hierarchy.Alice __/ \__ Betty Chuck / \ / \ Diane Edgar Frank Galyn | HowieLet’s tell the catalog about the relations, using theindexmethod.>>> for emp in (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h): ... catalog.index(emp) ...We’ve now created the relation catalog and added relations to it. We’re ready to search!SearchingIn this section, we will introduce the following ideas.Queries to the relation catalog are formed with dicts.Query keys are the names of the indexes you want to search, or, for the special case of precise relations, thezc.relation.RELATIONconstant.Query values are the tokens of the results you want to match; orNone, indicating relations that haveNoneas a value (or an empty collection, if it is a multiple). Search values can usezc.relation.catalog.any(args)orzc.relation.catalog.Any(args)to specify multiple (non-None) results to match for a given key.The index has a variety of methods to help you work with tokens.tokenizeQueryis typically the most used, though others are available.To find relations that match a query, usefindRelationsorfindRelationTokens.To find values that match a query, usefindValuesorfindValueTokens.You search transitively by using a query factory. Thezc.relation.queryfactory.TransposingTransitiveis a good common case factory that lets you walk up and down a hierarchy. A query factory can be passed in as an argument to search methods as aqueryFactory, or installed as a default behavior usingaddDefaultQueryFactory.To find how a query is related, usefindRelationChainsorfindRelationTokenChains.To find out if a query is related, usecanFind.Circular transitive relations are handled to prevent infinite loops. They are identified infindRelationChainsandfindRelationTokenChainswith azc.relation.interfaces.ICircularRelationPathmarker methods share the following arguments:maxDepth, limiting the transitive depth for searches;filter, allowing code to filter transitive paths;targetQuery, allowing a query to filter transitive paths on the basis of the endpoint;targetFilter, allowing code to filter transitive paths on the basis of the endpoint; andqueryFactory, mentioned above.You can set up search indexes to speed up specific transitive searches.Queries,findRelations, and special query valuesSo who works for Alice? That means we want to get the relations–the employees–with asupervisorof Alice.The heart of a question to the catalog is a query. A query is spelled as a dictionary. The main idea is simply that keys in a dictionary specify index names, and the values specify the constraints.The values in a query are always expressed with tokens. The catalog has several helpers to make this less onerous, but for now let’s take advantage of the fact that our tokens are easily comprehensible.>>> sorted(catalog.findRelations({'supervisor': 'Alice'})) [<Employee instance "Betty">, <Employee instance "Chuck">]Alice is the direct (intransitive) boss of Betty and Chuck.What if you want to ask “who doesn’t report to anyone?” Then you want to ask for a relation in which the supervisor is None.>>> list(catalog.findRelations({'supervisor': None})) [<Employee instance "Alice">]Alice is the only employee who doesn’t report to anyone.What if you want to ask “who reports to Diane or Chuck?” Then you use the zc.relationAnyclass oranyfunction to pass the multiple values.>>> sorted(catalog.findRelations( ... {'supervisor': zc.relation.catalog.any('Diane', 'Chuck')})) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [<Employee instance "Frank">, <Employee instance "Galyn">, <Employee instance "Howie">]Frank, Galyn, and Howie each report to either Diane or Chuck.[4][4]Anycan be compared.>>> zc.relation.catalog.any('foo', 'bar', 'baz') <zc.relation.catalog.Any instance ('bar', 'baz', 'foo')> >>> (zc.relation.catalog.any('foo', 'bar', 'baz') == ... zc.relation.catalog.any('bar', 'foo', 'baz')) True >>> (zc.relation.catalog.any('foo', 'bar', 'baz') != ... zc.relation.catalog.any('bar', 'foo', 'baz')) False >>> (zc.relation.catalog.any('foo', 'bar', 'baz') == ... zc.relation.catalog.any('foo', 'baz')) False >>> (zc.relation.catalog.any('foo', 'bar', 'baz') != ... zc.relation.catalog.any('foo', 'baz')) TruefindValuesand theRELATIONquery keySo how do we find who an employee’s supervisor is? Well, in this case, look at the attribute on the employee! If you can use an attribute that will usually be a win in the ZODB.>>> h.supervisor <Employee instance "Diane">Again, as we mentioned at the start of this first example, the knowledge of a supervisor is “intrinsic” to the employee instance. It is possible, and even easy, to ask the catalog this kind of question, but the catalog syntax is more geared to “extrinsic” relations, such as the one from the supervisor to the employee: the connection between a supervisor object and its employees is extrinsic to the supervisor, so you actually might want a catalog to find it!However, we will explore the syntax very briefly, because it introduces an important pair of search methods, and because it is a stepping stone to our first transitive search.So, o relation catalog, who is Howie’s supervisor?To ask this question we want to get the indexed values off of the relations:findValues. In its simplest form, the arguments are the index name of the values you want, and a query to find the relations that have the desired values.What about the query? Above, we noted that the keys in a query are the names of the indexes to search. However, in this case, we don’t want to search one or more indexes for matching relations, as usual, but actually specify a relation: Howie.We do not have a value index name: we are looking for a relation. The query key, then, should be the constantzc.relation.RELATION. For our current example, that would mean the query is{zc.relation.RELATION: 'Howie'}.>>> import zc.relation >>> list(catalog.findValues( ... 'supervisor', {zc.relation.RELATION: 'Howie'}))[0] <Employee instance "Diane">Congratulations, you just found an obfuscated and comparitively inefficient way to writehowie.supervisor![5][5]Here’s the same with token results.>>> list(catalog.findValueTokens('supervisor', ... {zc.relation.RELATION: 'Howie'})) ['Diane']While we’re down here in the footnotes, I’ll mention that you can search for relations that haven’t been indexed.>>> list(catalog.findRelationTokens({zc.relation.RELATION: 'Ygritte'})) [] >>> list(catalog.findRelations({zc.relation.RELATION: 'Ygritte'})) [][6][6]If you usefindValuesorfindValueTokensand try to specify a value name that is not indexed, you get a ValueError.>>> catalog.findValues('foo') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ('name not indexed', 'foo')Slightly more usefully, you can use other query keys along with zc.relation.RELATION. This asks, “Of Betty, Alice, and Frank, who are supervised by Alice?”>>> sorted(catalog.findRelations( ... {zc.relation.RELATION: zc.relation.catalog.any( ... 'Betty', 'Alice', 'Frank'), ... 'supervisor': 'Alice'})) [<Employee instance "Betty">]Only Betty is.TokensAs mentioned above, the catalog provides several helpers to work with tokens. The most frequently used istokenizeQuery, which takes a query with object values and converts them to tokens using the “dump” functions registered for the relations and indexed values. Here are alternate spellings of some of the queries we’ve encountered above.>>> catalog.tokenizeQuery({'supervisor': a}) {'supervisor': 'Alice'} >>> catalog.tokenizeQuery({'supervisor': None}) {'supervisor': None} >>> import pprint >>> result = catalog.tokenizeQuery( ... {zc.relation.RELATION: zc.relation.catalog.any(a, b, f), ... 'supervisor': a}) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> pprint.pprint(result) {None: <zc.relation.catalog.Any instance ('Alice', 'Betty', 'Frank')>, 'supervisor': 'Alice'}(If you are wondering about thatNonein the last result, yes,zc.relation.RELATIONis just readability sugar forNone.)So, here’s a real search usingtokenizeQuery. We’ll make an alias forcatalog.tokenizeQueryjust to shorten things up a bit.>>> query = catalog.tokenizeQuery >>> sorted(catalog.findRelations(query( ... {zc.relation.RELATION: zc.relation.catalog.any(a, b, f), ... 'supervisor': a}))) [<Employee instance "Betty">]The catalog always has parallel search methods, one for finding objects, as seen above, and one for finding tokens (the only exception iscanFind, described below). Finding tokens can be much more efficient, especially if the result from the relation catalog is just one step along the path of finding your desired result. But finding objects is simpler for some common cases. Here’s a quick example of some queries above, getting tokens rather than objects.You can also spell a query intokenizeQuerywith keyword arguments. This won’t work if your key iszc.relation.RELATION, but otherwise it can improve readability. We’ll see some examples of this below as well.>>> sorted(catalog.findRelationTokens(query(supervisor=a))) ['Betty', 'Chuck']>>> sorted(catalog.findRelationTokens({'supervisor': None})) ['Alice']>>> sorted(catalog.findRelationTokens( ... query(supervisor=zc.relation.catalog.any(c, d)))) ['Frank', 'Galyn', 'Howie']>>> sorted(catalog.findRelationTokens( ... query({zc.relation.RELATION: zc.relation.catalog.any(a, b, f), ... 'supervisor': a}))) ['Betty']The catalog provides several other methods just for working with tokens.resolveQuery: the inverse oftokenizeQuery, converting a tokenizedquery to a query with objects.tokenizeValues: returns an iterable of tokens for the values of the given index name.resolveValueTokens: returns an iterable of values for the tokens of the given index name.tokenizeRelation: returns a token for the given relation.resolveRelationToken: returns a relation for the given token.tokenizeRelations: returns an iterable of tokens for the relations given.resolveRelationTokens: returns an iterable of relations for the tokens given.These methods are lesser used, and described in more technical documents in this package.Transitive Searching, Query Factories, andmaxDepthSo, we’ve seen a lot of one-level, intransitive searching. What about transitive searching? Well, you need to tell the catalog how to walk the tree. In simple (and very common) cases like this, thezc.relation.queryfactory.TransposingTransitivewill do the trick.A transitive query factory is just a callable that the catalog uses to ask “I got this query, and here are the results I found. I’m supposed to walk another step transitively, so what query should I search for next?” Writing a factory is more complex than we want to talk about right now, but using theTransposingTransitiveQueryFactoryis easy. You just tell it the two query names it should transpose for walking in either direction.For instance, here we just want to tell the factory to transpose the two keys we’ve used,zc.relation.RELATIONand ‘supervisor’. Let’s make a factory, use it in a query for a couple of transitive searches, and then, if you want, you can read through a footnote to talk through what is happening.Here’s the factory.>>> import zc.relation.queryfactory >>> factory = zc.relation.queryfactory.TransposingTransitive( ... zc.relation.RELATION, 'supervisor')Nowfactoryis just a callable. Let’s let it help answer a couple of questions.Who are all of Howie’s supervisors transitively (this looks up in the diagram)?>>> list(catalog.findValues('supervisor', {zc.relation.RELATION: 'Howie'}, ... queryFactory=factory)) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [<Employee instance "Diane">, <Employee instance "Betty">, <Employee instance "Alice">]Who are all of the people Betty supervises transitively, breadth first (this looks down in the diagram)?>>> people = list(catalog.findRelations( ... {'supervisor': 'Betty'}, queryFactory=factory)) >>> sorted(people[:2]) [<Employee instance "Diane">, <Employee instance "Edgar">] >>> people[2] <Employee instance "Howie">Yup, that looks right. So how did that work? If you care, read this footnote.[13]This transitive factory is really the only transitive factory you would want for this particular catalog, so it probably is safe to wire it in as a default. You can add multiple query factories to match different queries usingaddDefaultQueryFactory.>>> catalog.addDefaultQueryFactory(factory)Now all searches are transitive by default.>>> list(catalog.findValues('supervisor', {zc.relation.RELATION: 'Howie'})) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [<Employee instance "Diane">, <Employee instance "Betty">, <Employee instance "Alice">] >>> people = list(catalog.findRelations({'supervisor': 'Betty'})) >>> sorted(people[:2]) [<Employee instance "Diane">, <Employee instance "Edgar">] >>> people[2] <Employee instance "Howie">We can force a non-transitive search, or a specific search depth, withmaxDepth[7].[7]A search with amaxDepth> 1 but noqueryFactoryraises an error.>>> catalog.removeDefaultQueryFactory(factory) >>> catalog.findRelationTokens({'supervisor': 'Diane'}, maxDepth=3) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: if maxDepth not in (None, 1), queryFactory must be available>>> catalog.addDefaultQueryFactory(factory)>>> list(catalog.findValues( ... 'supervisor', {zc.relation.RELATION: 'Howie'}, maxDepth=1)) [<Employee instance "Diane">] >>> sorted(catalog.findRelations({'supervisor': 'Betty'}, maxDepth=1)) [<Employee instance "Diane">, <Employee instance "Edgar">][8][8]maxDepthmust be None or a positive integer, or else you’ll get a value error.>>> catalog.findRelations({'supervisor': 'Betty'}, maxDepth=0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: maxDepth must be None or a positive integer>>> catalog.findRelations({'supervisor': 'Betty'}, maxDepth=-1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: maxDepth must be None or a positive integerWe’ll introduce some other available search arguments later in this document and in other documents. It’s important to note thatall search methods share the same arguments as ``findRelations``.findValuesandfindValueTokensonly add the initial argument of specifying the desired value.We’ve looked at two search methods so far: thefindValuesandfindRelationsmethods help you ask what is related. But what if you want to knowhowthings are transitively related?findRelationChainsandtargetQueryAnother search method,findRelationChains, helps you discover how things are transitively related.The method name says “find relation chains”. But what is a “relation chain”? In this API, it is a transitive path of relations. For instance, what’s the chain of command above Howie?findRelationChainswill return each unique path.>>> list(catalog.findRelationChains({zc.relation.RELATION: 'Howie'})) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(<Employee instance "Howie">,), (<Employee instance "Howie">, <Employee instance "Diane">), (<Employee instance "Howie">, <Employee instance "Diane">, <Employee instance "Betty">), (<Employee instance "Howie">, <Employee instance "Diane">, <Employee instance "Betty">, <Employee instance "Alice">)]Look at that result carefully. Notice that the result is an iterable of tuples. Each tuple is a unique chain, which may be a part of a subsequent chain. In this case, the last chain is the longest and the most comprehensive.What if we wanted to see all the paths from Alice? That will be one chain for each supervised employee, because it shows all possible paths.>>> sorted(catalog.findRelationChains( ... {'supervisor': 'Alice'})) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(<Employee instance "Betty">,), (<Employee instance "Betty">, <Employee instance "Diane">), (<Employee instance "Betty">, <Employee instance "Diane">, <Employee instance "Howie">), (<Employee instance "Betty">, <Employee instance "Edgar">), (<Employee instance "Chuck">,), (<Employee instance "Chuck">, <Employee instance "Frank">), (<Employee instance "Chuck">, <Employee instance "Galyn">)]That’s all the paths–all the chains–from Alice. We sorted the results, but normally they would be breadth first.But what if we wanted to just find the paths from one query result to another query result–say, we wanted to know the chain of command from Alice down to Howie? Then we can specify atargetQuerythat specifies the characteristics of our desired end point (or points).>>> list(catalog.findRelationChains( ... {'supervisor': 'Alice'}, ... targetQuery={zc.relation.RELATION: 'Howie'})) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(<Employee instance "Betty">, <Employee instance "Diane">, <Employee instance "Howie">)]So, Betty supervises Diane, who supervises Howie.Note thattargetQuerynow joinsmaxDepthin our collection of shared search arguments that we have introduced.filterandtargetFilterWe can take a quick look now at the last of the two shared search arguments:filterandtargetFilter. These two are similar in that they both are callables that can approve or reject given relations in a search based on whatever logic you can code. They differ in thatfilterstops any further transitive searches from the relation, whiletargetFiltermerely omits the given result but allows further search from it. LiketargetQuery, then,targetFilteris good when you want to specify the other end of a path.As an example, let’s say we only want to return female employees.>>> female_employees = ('Alice', 'Betty', 'Diane', 'Galyn') >>> def female_filter(relchain, query, catalog, cache): ... return relchain[-1] in female_employees ...Here are all the female employees supervised by Alice transitively, usingtargetFilter.>>> list(catalog.findRelations({'supervisor': 'Alice'}, ... targetFilter=female_filter)) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [<Employee instance "Betty">, <Employee instance "Diane">, <Employee instance "Galyn">]Here are all the female employees supervised by Chuck.>>> list(catalog.findRelations({'supervisor': 'Chuck'}, ... targetFilter=female_filter)) [<Employee instance "Galyn">]The same method used as a filter will only return females directly supervised by other females–not Galyn, in this case.>>> list(catalog.findRelations({'supervisor': 'Alice'}, ... filter=female_filter)) [<Employee instance "Betty">, <Employee instance "Diane">]These can be combined with one another, and with the other search arguments[9].[9]For instance:>>> list(catalog.findRelationTokens( ... {'supervisor': 'Alice'}, targetFilter=female_filter, ... targetQuery={zc.relation.RELATION: 'Galyn'})) ['Galyn'] >>> list(catalog.findRelationTokens( ... {'supervisor': 'Alice'}, targetFilter=female_filter, ... targetQuery={zc.relation.RELATION: 'Not known'})) [] >>> arbitrary = ['Alice', 'Chuck', 'Betty', 'Galyn'] >>> def arbitrary_filter(relchain, query, catalog, cache): ... return relchain[-1] in arbitrary >>> list(catalog.findRelationTokens({'supervisor': 'Alice'}, ... filter=arbitrary_filter, ... targetFilter=female_filter)) ['Betty', 'Galyn']Search indexesWithout setting up any additional indexes, the transitive behavior of thefindRelationsandfindValuesmethods essentially relies on the brute force searches offindRelationChains. Results are iterables that are gradually computed. For instance, let’s repeat the question “Whom does Betty supervise?”. Notice thatresfirst populates a list with three members, but then does not populate a second list. The iterator has been exhausted.>>> res = catalog.findRelationTokens({'supervisor': 'Betty'}) >>> unindexed = sorted(res) >>> len(unindexed) 3 >>> len(list(res)) # iterator is exhausted 0The brute force of this approach can be sufficient in many cases, but sometimes speed for these searches is critical. In these cases, you can add a “search index”. A search index speeds up the result of one or more precise searches by indexing the results. Search indexes can affect the results of searches with aqueryFactoryinfindRelations,findValues, and the soon-to-be-introducedcanFind, but they do not affectfindRelationChains.The zc.relation package currently includes two kinds of search indexes, one for indexing transitive membership searches in a hierarchy and one for intransitive searches explored in tokens.rst in this package, which can optimize frequent searches on complex queries or can effectively change the meaning of an intransitive search. Other search index implementations and approaches may be added in the future.Here’s a very brief example of adding a search index for the transitive searches seen above that specify a ‘supervisor’.>>> import zc.relation.searchindex >>> catalog.addSearchIndex( ... zc.relation.searchindex.TransposingTransitiveMembership( ... 'supervisor', zc.relation.RELATION))Thezc.relation.RELATIONdescribes how to walk back up the chain. Search indexes are explained in reasonable detail in searchindex.rst.Now that we have added the index, we can search again. The result this time is already computed, so, at least when you ask for tokens, it is repeatable.>>> res = catalog.findRelationTokens({'supervisor': 'Betty'}) >>> len(list(res)) 3 >>> len(list(res)) 3 >>> sorted(res) == unindexed TrueNote that the breadth-first sorting is lost when an index is used[10].[10]The scenario we are looking at in this document shows a case in which special logic in the search index needs to address updates. For example, if we move Howie from DianeAlice __/ \__ Betty Chuck / \ / \ Diane Edgar Frank Galyn | Howieto GalynAlice __/ \__ Betty Chuck / \ / \ Diane Edgar Frank Galyn | Howiethen the search index is correct both for the new location and the old.>>> h.supervisor = g >>> catalog.index(h) >>> list(catalog.findRelationTokens({'supervisor': 'Diane'})) [] >>> list(catalog.findRelationTokens({'supervisor': 'Betty'})) ['Diane', 'Edgar'] >>> list(catalog.findRelationTokens({'supervisor': 'Chuck'})) ['Frank', 'Galyn', 'Howie'] >>> list(catalog.findRelationTokens({'supervisor': 'Galyn'})) ['Howie'] >>> h.supervisor = d >>> catalog.index(h) # move him back >>> list(catalog.findRelationTokens({'supervisor': 'Galyn'})) [] >>> list(catalog.findRelationTokens({'supervisor': 'Diane'})) ['Howie']Transitive cycles (and updating and removing relations)The transitive searches and the provided search indexes can handle cycles. Cycles are less likely in the current example than some others, but we can stretch the case a bit: imagine a “king in disguise”, in which someone at the top works lower in the hierarchy. Perhaps Alice works for Zane, who works for Betty, who works for Alice. Artificial, but easy enough to draw:______ / \ / Zane / | / Alice / __/ \__ / Betty__ Chuck \-/ / \ / \ Diane Edgar Frank Galyn | HowieEasy to create too.>>> z = Employee('Zane', b) >>> a.supervisor = zNow we have a cycle. Of course, we have not yet told the catalog about it.indexcan be used both to reindex Alice and index Zane.>>> catalog.index(a) >>> catalog.index(z)Now, if we ask who works for Betty, we get the entire tree. (We’ll ask for tokens, just so that the result is smaller to look at.)[11][11]The result of the query for Betty, Alice, and Zane are all the same.>>> res1 = catalog.findRelationTokens({'supervisor': 'Betty'}) >>> res2 = catalog.findRelationTokens({'supervisor': 'Alice'}) >>> res3 = catalog.findRelationTokens({'supervisor': 'Zane'}) >>> list(res1) == list(res2) == list(res3) TrueThe cycle doesn’t pollute the index outside of the cycle.>>> res = catalog.findRelationTokens({'supervisor': 'Diane'}) >>> list(res) ['Howie'] >>> list(res) # it isn't lazy, it is precalculated ['Howie']>>> sorted(catalog.findRelationTokens({'supervisor': 'Betty'})) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ['Alice', 'Betty', 'Chuck', 'Diane', 'Edgar', 'Frank', 'Galyn', 'Howie', 'Zane']If we ask for the supervisors of Frank, it will include Betty.>>> list(catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'supervisor', {zc.relation.RELATION: 'Frank'})) ['Chuck', 'Alice', 'Zane', 'Betty']Paths returned byfindRelationChainsare marked with special interfaces, and special metadata, to show the chain.>>> res = list(catalog.findRelationChains({zc.relation.RELATION: 'Frank'})) >>> len(res) 5 >>> import zc.relation.interfaces >>> [zc.relation.interfaces.ICircularRelationPath.providedBy(r) ... for r in res] [False, False, False, False, True]Here’s the last chain:>>> res[-1] # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE cycle(<Employee instance "Frank">, <Employee instance "Chuck">, <Employee instance "Alice">, <Employee instance "Zane">, <Employee instance "Betty">)The chain’s ‘cycled’ attribute has a list of queries that create a cycle. If you run the query, or queries, you see where the cycle would restart–where the path would have started to overlap. Sometimes the query results will include multiple cycles, and some paths that are not cycles. In this case, there’s only a single cycled query, which results in a single cycled relation.>>> len(res[4].cycled) 1>>> list(catalog.findRelations(res[4].cycled[0], maxDepth=1)) [<Employee instance "Alice">]To remove this craziness[12], we can unindex Zane, and change and reindex Alice.[12]If you want to, look what happens when you go the other way:>>> res = list(catalog.findRelationChains({'supervisor': 'Zane'})) >>> def sortEqualLenByName(one): ... return len(one), one ... >>> res.sort(key=sortEqualLenByName) # normalizes for test stability >>> from __future__ import print_function >>> print(res) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(<Employee instance "Alice">,), (<Employee instance "Alice">, <Employee instance "Betty">), (<Employee instance "Alice">, <Employee instance "Chuck">), (<Employee instance "Alice">, <Employee instance "Betty">, <Employee instance "Diane">), (<Employee instance "Alice">, <Employee instance "Betty">, <Employee instance "Edgar">), cycle(<Employee instance "Alice">, <Employee instance "Betty">, <Employee instance "Zane">), (<Employee instance "Alice">, <Employee instance "Chuck">, <Employee instance "Frank">), (<Employee instance "Alice">, <Employee instance "Chuck">, <Employee instance "Galyn">), (<Employee instance "Alice">, <Employee instance "Betty">, <Employee instance "Diane">, <Employee instance "Howie">)]>>> [zc.relation.interfaces.ICircularRelationPath.providedBy(r) ... for r in res] [False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False] >>> len(res[5].cycled) 1 >>> list(catalog.findRelations(res[5].cycled[0], maxDepth=1)) [<Employee instance "Alice">]>>> a.supervisor = None >>> catalog.index(a)>>> list(catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'supervisor', {zc.relation.RELATION: 'Frank'})) ['Chuck', 'Alice']>>> catalog.unindex(z)>>> sorted(catalog.findRelationTokens({'supervisor': 'Betty'})) ['Diane', 'Edgar', 'Howie']canFindWe’re to the last search method:canFind. We’ve gotten values and relations, but what if you simply want to know if there is any connection at all? For instance, is Alice a supervisor of Howie? Is Chuck? To answer these questions, you can use thecanFindmethod combined with thetargetQuerysearch argument.ThecanFindmethod takes the same arguments as findRelations. However, it simply returns a boolean about whether the search has any results. This is a convenience that also allows some extra optimizations.Does Betty supervise anyone?>>> catalog.canFind({'supervisor': 'Betty'}) TrueWhat about Howie?>>> catalog.canFind({'supervisor': 'Howie'}) FalseWhat about…Zane (no longer an employee)?>>> catalog.canFind({'supervisor': 'Zane'}) FalseIf we want to know if Alice or Chuck supervise Howie, then we want to specify characteristics of two points on a path. To ask a question about the other end of a path, usetargetQuery.Is Alice a supervisor of Howie?>>> catalog.canFind({'supervisor': 'Alice'}, ... targetQuery={zc.relation.RELATION: 'Howie'}) TrueIs Chuck a supervisor of Howie?>>> catalog.canFind({'supervisor': 'Chuck'}, ... targetQuery={zc.relation.RELATION: 'Howie'}) FalseIs Howie Alice’s employee?>>> catalog.canFind({zc.relation.RELATION: 'Howie'}, ... targetQuery={'supervisor': 'Alice'}) TrueIs Howie Chuck’s employee?>>> catalog.canFind({zc.relation.RELATION: 'Howie'}, ... targetQuery={'supervisor': 'Chuck'}) False(Note that, if your relations describe a hierarchy, searching up a hierarchy is usually more efficient than searching down, so the second pair of questions is generally preferable to the first in that case.)Working with More Complex RelationsSo far, our examples have used a simple relation, in which the indexed object is one end of the relation, and the indexed value on the object is the other. This example has let us look at all of the basic zc.relation catalog functionality.As mentioned in the introduction, though, the catalog supports, and was designed for, more complex relations. This section will quickly examine a few examples of other uses.In this section, we will see several examples of ideas mentioned above but not yet demonstrated.We can use interface attributes (values or callables) to define value indexes.Using interface attributes will cause an attempt to adapt the relation if it does not already provide the interface.We can use themultipleargument when defining a value index to indicate that the indexed value is a collection.We can use thenameargument when defining a value index to specify the name to be used in queries, rather than relying on the name of the interface attribute or callable.Thefamilyargument in instantiating the catalog lets you change the default btree family for relations and value indexes fromBTrees.family32.IFtoBTrees.family64.IF.Extrinsic Two-Way RelationsA simple variation of our current story is this: what if the indexed relation were between two other objects–that is, what if the relation were extrinsic to both participants?Let’s imagine we have relations that show biological parentage. We’ll want a “Person” and a “Parentage” relation. We’ll define an interface forIParentageso we can see how using an interface to define a value index works.>>> class Person(object): ... def __init__(self, name): ... = name ... def __repr__(self): ... return '<Person %r>' % (,) ... >>> import zope.interface >>> class IParentage(zope.interface.Interface): ... child = zope.interface.Attribute('the child') ... parents = zope.interface.Attribute('the parents') ... >>> @zope.interface.implementer(IParentage) ... class Parentage(object): ... ... def __init__(self, child, parent1, parent2): ... self.child = child ... self.parents = (parent1, parent2) ...Now we’ll define the dumpers and loaders and then the catalog. Notice that we are relying on a pattern: the dump must be called before the load.>>> _people = {} >>> _relations = {} >>> def dumpPeople(obj, catalog, cache): ... if _people.setdefault(, obj) is not obj: ... raise ValueError('we are assuming names are unique') ... return ... >>> def loadPeople(token, catalog, cache): ... return _people[token] ... >>> def dumpRelations(obj, catalog, cache): ... if _relations.setdefault(id(obj), obj) is not obj: ... raise ValueError('huh?') ... return id(obj) ... >>> def loadRelations(token, catalog, cache): ... return _relations[token] ... >>> catalog = zc.relation.catalog.Catalog(dumpRelations, loadRelations, family=BTrees.family64) >>> catalog.addValueIndex(IParentage['child'], dumpPeople, loadPeople, ... btree=BTrees.family32.OO) >>> catalog.addValueIndex(IParentage['parents'], dumpPeople, loadPeople, ... btree=BTrees.family32.OO, multiple=True, ... name='parent') >>> catalog.addDefaultQueryFactory( ... zc.relation.queryfactory.TransposingTransitive( ... 'child', 'parent'))Now we have a catalog fully set up. Let’s add some relations.>>> a = Person('Alice') >>> b = Person('Betty') >>> c = Person('Charles') >>> d = Person('Donald') >>> e = Person('Eugenia') >>> f = Person('Fred') >>> g = Person('Gertrude') >>> h = Person('Harry') >>> i = Person('Iphigenia') >>> j = Person('Jacob') >>> k = Person('Karyn') >>> l = Person('Lee')>>> r1 = Parentage(child=j, parent1=k, parent2=l) >>> r2 = Parentage(child=g, parent1=i, parent2=j) >>> r3 = Parentage(child=f, parent1=g, parent2=h) >>> r4 = Parentage(child=e, parent1=g, parent2=h) >>> r5 = Parentage(child=b, parent1=e, parent2=d) >>> r6 = Parentage(child=a, parent1=e, parent2=c)Here’s that in one of our hierarchy diagrams.Karyn Lee \ / Jacob Iphigenia \ / Gertrude Harry \ / /-------\ Fred Eugenia Donald / \ Charles \ / \ / Betty AliceNow we can index the relations, and ask some questions.>>> for r in (r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6): ... catalog.index(r) >>> query = catalog.tokenizeQuery >>> sorted(catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'parent', query(child=a), maxDepth=1)) ['Charles', 'Eugenia'] >>> sorted(catalog.findValueTokens('parent', query(child=g))) ['Iphigenia', 'Jacob', 'Karyn', 'Lee'] >>> sorted(catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'child', query(parent=h), maxDepth=1)) ['Eugenia', 'Fred'] >>> sorted(catalog.findValueTokens('child', query(parent=h))) ['Alice', 'Betty', 'Eugenia', 'Fred'] >>> catalog.canFind(query(parent=h), targetQuery=query(child=d)) False >>> catalog.canFind(query(parent=l), targetQuery=query(child=b)) TrueMulti-Way RelationsThe previous example quickly showed how to set the catalog up for a completely extrinsic two-way relation. The same pattern can be extended for N-way relations. For example, consider a four way relation in the form of SUBJECTS PREDICATE OBJECTS [in CONTEXT]. For instance, we might want to say “(joe,) SELLS (doughnuts, coffee) in corner_store”, where “(joe,)” is the collection of subjects, “SELLS” is the predicate, “(doughnuts, coffee)” is the collection of objects, and “corner_store” is the optional context.For this last example, we’ll integrate two components we haven’t seen examples of here before: the ZODB and adaptation.Our example ZODB approach uses OIDs as the tokens. this might be OK in some cases, if you will never support multiple databases and you don’t need an abstraction layer so that a different object can have the same identifier.>>> import persistent >>> import struct >>> class Demo(persistent.Persistent): ... def __init__(self, name): ... = name ... def __repr__(self): ... return '<Demo instance %r>' % (,) ... >>> class IRelation(zope.interface.Interface): ... subjects = zope.interface.Attribute('subjects') ... predicate = zope.interface.Attribute('predicate') ... objects = zope.interface.Attribute('objects') ... >>> class IContextual(zope.interface.Interface): ... def getContext(): ... 'return context' ... def setContext(value): ... 'set context' ... >>> @zope.interface.implementer(IContextual) ... class Contextual(object): ... ... _context = None ... def getContext(self): ... return self._context ... def setContext(self, value): ... self._context = value ... >>> @zope.interface.implementer(IRelation) ... class Relation(persistent.Persistent): ... ... def __init__(self, subjects, predicate, objects): ... self.subjects = subjects ... self.predicate = predicate ... self.objects = objects ... self._contextual = Contextual() ... ... def __conform__(self, iface): ... if iface is IContextual: ... return self._contextual ...(When using zope.component, the__conform__would normally be unnecessary; however, this package does not depend on zope.component.)>>> def dumpPersistent(obj, catalog, cache): ... if obj._p_jar is None: ... catalog._p_jar.add(obj) # assumes something else places it ... return struct.unpack('<q', obj._p_oid)[0] ... >>> def loadPersistent(token, catalog, cache): ... return catalog._p_jar.get(struct.pack('<q', token)) ...>>> from ZODB.tests.util import DB >>> db = DB() >>> conn = >>> root = conn.root() >>> catalog = root['catalog'] = zc.relation.catalog.Catalog( ... dumpPersistent, loadPersistent, family=BTrees.family64) >>> catalog.addValueIndex(IRelation['subjects'], ... dumpPersistent, loadPersistent, multiple=True, name='subject') >>> catalog.addValueIndex(IRelation['objects'], ... dumpPersistent, loadPersistent, multiple=True, name='object') >>> catalog.addValueIndex(IRelation['predicate'], btree=BTrees.family32.OO) >>> catalog.addValueIndex(IContextual['getContext'], ... dumpPersistent, loadPersistent, name='context') >>> import transaction >>> transaction.commit()ThedumpPersistentandloadPersistentis a bit of a toy, as warned above. Also, while our predicate will be stored as a string, some programmers may prefer to have a dump in such a case verify that the string has been explicitly registered in some way, to prevent typos. Obviously, we are not bothering with this for our example.We make some objects, and then we make some relations with those objects and index them.>>> joe = root['joe'] = Demo('joe') >>> sara = root['sara'] = Demo('sara') >>> jack = root['jack'] = Demo('jack') >>> ann = root['ann'] = Demo('ann') >>> doughnuts = root['doughnuts'] = Demo('doughnuts') >>> coffee = root['coffee'] = Demo('coffee') >>> muffins = root['muffins'] = Demo('muffins') >>> cookies = root['cookies'] = Demo('cookies') >>> newspaper = root['newspaper'] = Demo('newspaper') >>> corner_store = root['corner_store'] = Demo('corner_store') >>> bistro = root['bistro'] = Demo('bistro') >>> bakery = root['bakery'] = Demo('bakery')>>> SELLS = 'SELLS' >>> BUYS = 'BUYS' >>> OBSERVES = 'OBSERVES'>>> rel1 = root['rel1'] = Relation((joe,), SELLS, (doughnuts, coffee)) >>> IContextual(rel1).setContext(corner_store) >>> rel2 = root['rel2'] = Relation((sara, jack), SELLS, ... (muffins, doughnuts, cookies)) >>> IContextual(rel2).setContext(bakery) >>> rel3 = root['rel3'] = Relation((ann,), BUYS, (doughnuts,)) >>> rel4 = root['rel4'] = Relation((sara,), BUYS, (bistro,))>>> for r in (rel1, rel2, rel3, rel4): ... catalog.index(r) ...Now we can ask a simple question. Where do they sell doughnuts?>>> query = catalog.tokenizeQuery >>> sorted(catalog.findValues( ... 'context', ... (query(predicate=SELLS, object=doughnuts))), ... key=lambda ob: [<Demo instance 'bakery'>, <Demo instance 'corner_store'>]Hopefully these examples give you further ideas on how you can use this tool.Additional FunctionalityThis section introduces peripheral functionality. We will learn the following.Listeners can be registered in the catalog. They are alerted when a relation is added, modified, or removed; and when the catalog is cleared and copied (see below).Theclearmethod clears the relations in the catalog.Thecopymethod makes a copy of the current catalog by copying internal data structures, rather than reindexing the relations, which can be a significant optimization opportunity. This copies value indexes and search indexes; and gives listeners an opportunity to specify what, if anything, should be included in the new copy.TheignoreSearchIndexargument to the five pertinent search methods causes the search to ignore search indexes, even if there is an appropriate one.findRelationTokens()(without arguments) returns the BTree set of all relation tokens in the catalog.findValueTokens(INDEX_NAME)(where “INDEX_NAME” should be replaced with an index name) returns the BTree set of all value tokens in the catalog for the given index name.ListenersA variety of potential clients may want to be alerted when the catalog changes. zc.relation does not depend on zope.event, so listeners may be registered for various changes. Let’s make a quick demo listener. Theadditionsandremovalsarguments are dictionaries of {value name: iterable of added or removed value tokens}.>>> def pchange(d): ... pprint.pprint(dict( ... (k, v is not None and sorted(set(v)) or v) for k, v in d.items())) >>> @zope.interface.implementer(zc.relation.interfaces.IListener) ... class DemoListener(persistent.Persistent): ... ... def relationAdded(self, token, catalog, additions): ... print('a relation (token %r) was added to %r ' ... 'with these values:' % (token, catalog)) ... pchange(additions) ... def relationModified(self, token, catalog, additions, removals): ... print('a relation (token %r) in %r was modified ' ... 'with these additions:' % (token, catalog)) ... pchange(additions) ... print('and these removals:') ... pchange(removals) ... def relationRemoved(self, token, catalog, removals): ... print('a relation (token %r) was removed from %r ' ... 'with these values:' % (token, catalog)) ... pchange(removals) ... def sourceCleared(self, catalog): ... print('catalog %r had all relations unindexed' % (catalog,)) ... def sourceAdded(self, catalog): ... print('now listening to catalog %r' % (catalog,)) ... def sourceRemoved(self, catalog): ... print('no longer listening to catalog %r' % (catalog,)) ... def sourceCopied(self, original, copy): ... print('catalog %r made a copy %r' % (catalog, copy)) ... copy.addListener(self) ...Listeners can be installed multiple times.Listeners can be added as persistent weak references, so that, if they are deleted elsewhere, a ZODB pack will not consider the reference in the catalog to be something preventing garbage collection.We’ll install one of these demo listeners into our new catalog as a normal reference, the default behavior. Then we’ll show some example messages sent to the demo listener.>>> listener = DemoListener() >>> catalog.addListener(listener) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS now listening to catalog <zc.relation.catalog.Catalog object at ...> >>> rel5 = root['rel5'] = Relation((ann,), OBSERVES, (newspaper,)) >>> catalog.index(rel5) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS a relation (token ...) was added to <...Catalog...> with these values: {'context': None, 'object': [...], 'predicate': ['OBSERVES'], 'subject': [...]} >>> rel5.subjects = (jack,) >>> IContextual(rel5).setContext(bistro) >>> catalog.index(rel5) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS a relation (token ...) in ...Catalog... was modified with these additions: {'context': [...], 'subject': [...]} and these removals: {'subject': [...]} >>> catalog.unindex(rel5) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS a relation (token ...) was removed from <...Catalog...> with these values: {'context': [...], 'object': [...], 'predicate': ['OBSERVES'], 'subject': [...]}>>> catalog.removeListener(listener) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS no longer listening to catalog <...Catalog...> >>> catalog.index(rel5) # doctest: +ELLIPSISThe only two methods not shown by those examples aresourceClearedandsourceCopied. We’ll get to those very soon below.TheclearMethodTheclearmethod simply indexes all relations from a catalog. Installed listeners havesourceClearedcalled.>>> len(catalog) 5>>> catalog.addListener(listener) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS now listening to catalog <zc.relation.catalog.Catalog object at ...>>>> catalog.clear() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS catalog <...Catalog...> had all relations unindexed>>> len(catalog) 0 >>> sorted(catalog.findValues( ... 'context', ... (query(predicate=SELLS, object=doughnuts))), ... key=lambda ob: []ThecopyMethodSometimes you may want to copy a relation catalog. One way of doing this is to create a new catalog, set it up like the current one, and then reindex all the same relations. This is unnecessarily slow for programmer and computer. Thecopymethod makes a new catalog with the same corpus of indexed relations by copying internal data structures.Search indexes are requested to make new copies of themselves for the new catalog; and listeners are given an opportunity to react as desired to the new copy, including installing themselves, and/or another object of their choosing as a listener.Let’s make a copy of a populated index with a search index and a listener. Notice in our listener thatsourceCopiedadds itself as a listener to the new copy. This is done at the very end of thecopyprocess.>>> for r in (rel1, rel2, rel3, rel4, rel5): ... catalog.index(r) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS a relation ... was added... a relation ... was added... a relation ... was added... a relation ... was added... a relation ... was added... >>> BEGAT = 'BEGAT' >>> rel6 = root['rel6'] = Relation((jack, ann), BEGAT, (sara,)) >>> henry = root['henry'] = Demo('henry') >>> rel7 = root['rel7'] = Relation((sara, joe), BEGAT, (henry,)) >>> catalog.index(rel6) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS a relation (token ...) was added to <...Catalog...> with these values: {'context': None, 'object': [...], 'predicate': ['BEGAT'], 'subject': [..., ...]} >>> catalog.index(rel7) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS a relation (token ...) was added to <...Catalog...> with these values: {'context': None, 'object': [...], 'predicate': ['BEGAT'], 'subject': [..., ...]} >>> catalog.addDefaultQueryFactory( ... zc.relation.queryfactory.TransposingTransitive( ... 'subject', 'object', {'predicate': BEGAT})) ... >>> list(catalog.findValues( ... 'object', query(subject=jack, predicate=BEGAT))) [<Demo instance 'sara'>, <Demo instance 'henry'>] >>> catalog.addSearchIndex( ... zc.relation.searchindex.TransposingTransitiveMembership( ... 'subject', 'object', static={'predicate': BEGAT})) >>> sorted( ... catalog.findValues( ... 'object', query(subject=jack, predicate=BEGAT)), ... key=lambda o: [<Demo instance 'henry'>, <Demo instance 'sara'>]>>> newcat = root['newcat'] = catalog.copy() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS catalog <...Catalog...> made a copy <...Catalog...> now listening to catalog <...Catalog...> >>> transaction.commit()Now the copy has its own copies of internal data structures and of the searchindex. For example, let’s modify the relations and add a new one to the copy.>>> mary = root['mary'] = Demo('mary') >>> buffy = root['buffy'] = Demo('buffy') >>> zack = root['zack'] = Demo('zack') >>> rel7.objects += (mary,) >>> rel8 = root['rel8'] = Relation((henry, buffy), BEGAT, (zack,)) >>> newcat.index(rel7) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS a relation (token ...) in ...Catalog... was modified with these additions: {'object': [...]} and these removals: {} >>> newcat.index(rel8) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS a relation (token ...) was added to ...Catalog... with these values: {'context': None, 'object': [...], 'predicate': ['BEGAT'], 'subject': [..., ...]} >>> len(newcat) 8 >>> sorted( ... newcat.findValues( ... 'object', query(subject=jack, predicate=BEGAT)), ... key=lambda o: # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [<Demo instance 'henry'>, <Demo instance 'mary'>, <Demo instance 'sara'>, <Demo instance 'zack'>] >>> sorted( ... newcat.findValues( ... 'object', query(subject=sara)), ... key=lambda o: # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [<Demo instance 'bistro'>, <Demo instance 'cookies'>, <Demo instance 'doughnuts'>, <Demo instance 'henry'>, <Demo instance 'mary'>, <Demo instance 'muffins'>]The original catalog is not modified.>>> len(catalog) 7 >>> sorted( ... catalog.findValues( ... 'object', query(subject=jack, predicate=BEGAT)), ... key=lambda o: [<Demo instance 'henry'>, <Demo instance 'sara'>] >>> sorted( ... catalog.findValues( ... 'object', query(subject=sara)), ... key=lambda o: # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [<Demo instance 'bistro'>, <Demo instance 'cookies'>, <Demo instance 'doughnuts'>, <Demo instance 'henry'>, <Demo instance 'muffins'>]TheignoreSearchIndexargumentThe five methods that can use search indexes,findValues,findValueTokens,findRelations,findRelationTokens, andcanFind, can be explicitly requested to ignore any pertinent search index using theignoreSearchIndexargument.We can see this easily with the token-related methods: the search index result will be a BTree set, while without the search index the result will be a generator.>>> res1 = newcat.findValueTokens( ... 'object', query(subject=jack, predicate=BEGAT)) >>> res1 # doctest: +ELLIPSIS LFSet([..., ..., ..., ...]) >>> res2 = newcat.findValueTokens( ... 'object', query(subject=jack, predicate=BEGAT), ... ignoreSearchIndex=True) >>> res2 # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <generator object ... at 0x...> >>> sorted(res2) == list(res1) True>>> res1 = newcat.findRelationTokens( ... query(subject=jack, predicate=BEGAT)) >>> res1 # doctest: +ELLIPSIS LFSet([..., ..., ...]) >>> res2 = newcat.findRelationTokens( ... query(subject=jack, predicate=BEGAT), ignoreSearchIndex=True) >>> res2 # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <generator object ... at 0x...> >>> sorted(res2) == list(res1) TrueWe can see that the other methods take the argument, but the results look the same as usual.>>> res = newcat.findValues( ... 'object', query(subject=jack, predicate=BEGAT), ... ignoreSearchIndex=True) >>> res # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <generator object ... at 0x...> >>> list(res) == list(newcat.resolveValueTokens(newcat.findValueTokens( ... 'object', query(subject=jack, predicate=BEGAT), ... ignoreSearchIndex=True), 'object')) True>>> res = newcat.findRelations( ... query(subject=jack, predicate=BEGAT), ... ignoreSearchIndex=True) >>> res # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <generator object ... at 0x...> >>> list(res) == list(newcat.resolveRelationTokens( ... newcat.findRelationTokens( ... query(subject=jack, predicate=BEGAT), ... ignoreSearchIndex=True))) True>>> newcat.canFind( ... query(subject=jack, predicate=BEGAT), ignoreSearchIndex=True) TruefindRelationTokens()If you callfindRelationTokenswithout any arguments, you will get the BTree set of all relation tokens in the catalog. This can be handy for tests and for advanced uses of the catalog.>>> newcat.findRelationTokens() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <BTrees.LFBTree.LFTreeSet object at ...> >>> len(newcat.findRelationTokens()) 8 >>> set(newcat.resolveRelationTokens(newcat.findRelationTokens())) == set( ... (rel1, rel2, rel3, rel4, rel5, rel6, rel7, rel8)) TruefindValueTokens(INDEX_NAME)If you callfindValueTokenswith only an index name, you will get the BTree structure of all tokens for that value in the index. This can be handy for tests and for advanced uses of the catalog.>>> newcat.findValueTokens('predicate') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <BTrees.OOBTree.OOBTree object at ...> >>> list(newcat.findValueTokens('predicate')) ['BEGAT', 'BUYS', 'OBSERVES', 'SELLS']ConclusionReviewThat brings us to the end of our introductory examples. Let’s review, and then look at where you can go from here.Relations are objects with indexed values.The relation catalog indexes relations. The relations can be one-way, two-way, three-way, or N-way, as long as you tell the catalog to index the different values.Creating a catalog:Relations and their values are stored in the catalog as tokens: unique identifiers that you can resolve back to the original value. Integers are the most efficient tokens, but others can work fine too.Token type determines the BTree module needed.If the tokens are 32-bit ints, chooseBTrees.family32.II,BTrees.family32.IForBTrees.family32.IO.If the tokens are 64 bit ints, chooseBTrees.family64.II,BTrees.family64.IForBTrees.family64.IO.If they are anything else, chooseBTrees.family32.OI,BTrees.family64.OI, orBTrees.family32.OO(or BTrees.family64.OO–they are the same).Within these rules, the choice is somewhat arbitrary unless you plan to merge these results with that of another source that is using a particular BTree module. BTree set operations only work within the same module, so you must match module to module.Thefamilyargument in instantiating the catalog lets you change the default btree family for relations and value indexes fromBTrees.family32.IFtoBTrees.family64.IF.You must define your own functions for tokenizing and resolving tokens. These functions are registered with the catalog for the relations and for each of their value indexes.You add value indexes to relation catalogs to be able to search. Values can be identified to the catalog with callables or interface elements.Using interface attributes will cause an attempt to adapt the relation if it does not already provide the interface.We can use themultipleargument when defining a value index to indicate that the indexed value is a collection. This defaults to False.We can use thenameargument when defining a value index to specify the name to be used in queries, rather than relying on the name of the interface attribute or callable.You can set up search indexes to speed up specific searches, usually transitive.Listeners can be registered in the catalog. They are alerted when a relation is added, modified, or removed; and when the catalog is cleared and copied.Catalog Management:Relations are indexed withindex(relation), and removed from the catalog withunindex(relation).index_doc(relation_token, relation)andunindex_doc(relation_token)also work.Theclearmethod clears the relations in the catalog.Thecopymethod makes a copy of the current catalog by copying internal data structures, rather than reindexing the relations, which can be a significant optimization opportunity. This copies value indexes and search indexes; and gives listeners an opportunity to specify what, if anything, should be included in the new copy.Searching a catalog:Queries to the relation catalog are formed with dicts.Query keys are the names of the indexes you want to search, or, for the special case of precise relations, thezc.relation.RELATIONconstant.Query values are the tokens of the results you want to match; orNone, indicating relations that haveNoneas a value (or an empty collection, if it is a multiple). Search values can usezc.relation.catalog.any(args)orzc.relation.catalog.Any(args)to specify multiple (non-None) results to match for a given key.The index has a variety of methods to help you work with tokens.tokenizeQueryis typically the most used, though others are available.To find relations that match a query, usefindRelationsorfindRelationTokens. CallingfindRelationTokenswithout any arguments returns the BTree set of all relation tokens in the catalog.To find values that match a query, usefindValuesorfindValueTokens. CallingfindValueTokenswith only the name of a value index returns the BTree set of all tokens in the catalog for that value index.You search transitively by using a query factory. Thezc.relation.queryfactory.TransposingTransitiveis a good common case factory that lets you walk up and down a hierarchy. A query factory can be passed in as an argument to search methods as aqueryFactory, or installed as a default behavior usingaddDefaultQueryFactory.To find how a query is related, usefindRelationChainsorfindRelationTokenChains.To find out if a query is related, usecanFind.Circular transitive relations are handled to prevent infinite loops. They are identified infindRelationChainsandfindRelationTokenChainswith azc.relation.interfaces.ICircularRelationPathmarker methods share the following arguments:maxDepth, limiting the transitive depth for searches;filter, allowing code to filter transitive paths;targetQuery, allowing a query to filter transitive paths on the basis of the endpoint;targetFilter, allowing code to filter transitive paths on the basis of the endpoint; andqueryFactory, mentioned above.In addition, theignoreSearchIndexargument tofindRelations,findRelationTokens,findValues,findValueTokens, andcanFindcauses the search to ignore search indexes, even if there is an appropriate one.Next StepsIf you want to read more, next steps depend on how you like to learn. Here are some of the other documents in the zc.relation package.optimization.rst:Best practices for optimizing your use of the relation catalog.searchindex.rst:Queries factories and search indexes: from basics to nitty gritty details.tokens.rst:This document explores the details of tokens. All God’s chillun love tokens, at least if God’s chillun are writing non-toy apps using zc.relation. It includes discussion of the token helpers that the catalog provides, how to use registries with zc.relation, how to use tokens to “join” query results reasonably efficiently, and how to index joins. It also is unnecessarily mind-blowing because of the examples contract, for nuts and bolts.Finally, the truly die-hard might also be interested in the timeit directory, which holds scripts used to test assumptions and learn.[13]OK, you care about how that query factory worked, so we will look into it a bit. Let’s talk through two steps of the transitive search in the second question. The catalog initially performs the initial intransitive search requested: find relations for which Betty is the supervisor. That’s Diane and Edgar.Now, for each of the results, the catalog asks the query factory for next steps. Let’s take Diane. The catalog says to the factory, “Given this query for relations where Betty is supervisor, I got this result of Diane. Do you have any other queries I should try to look further?”. The factory also gets the catalog instance so it can use it to answer the question if it needs to.OK, the next part is where your brain hurts. Hang on.In our case, the factory sees that the query was for supervisor. Its other key, the one it transposes with, iszc.relation.RELATION.The factory gets the transposing key’s result for the current token.So, for us, a key ofzc.relation.RELATIONis actually a no-op: the resultisthe current token, Diane. Then, the factory has its answer: replace the old value of supervisor in the query, Betty, with the result, Diane. The next transitive query should be {‘supervisor’, ‘Diane’}. Ta-da.Tokens and Joins: zc.relation Catalog Extended ExampleIntroduction and Set UpThis document assumes you have read the introductory README.rst and want to learn a bit more by example. In it, we will explore a more complicated set of relations that demonstrates most of the aspects of working with tokens. In particular, we will look at joins, which will also give us a chance to look more in depth at query factories and search indexes, and introduce the idea of listeners. It will not explain the basics that the README already addressed.Imagine we are indexing security assertions in a system. In this system, users may have roles within an organization. Each organization may have multiple child organizations and may have a single parent organization. A user with a role in a parent organization will have the same role in all transitively connected child relations.We have two kinds of relations, then. One kind of relation will model the hierarchy of organizations. We’ll do it with an intrinsic relation of organizations to their children: that reflects the fact that parent organizations choose and are comprised of their children; children do not choose their parents.The other relation will model the (multiple) roles a (single) user has in a (single) organization. This relation will be entirely extrinsic.We could create two catalogs, one for each type. Or we could put them both in the same catalog. Initially, we’ll go with the single-catalog approach for our examples. This single catalog, then, will be indexing a heterogeneous collection of relations.Let’s define the two relations with interfaces. We’ll include one accessor, getOrganization, largely to show how to handle methods.>>> import zope.interface >>> class IOrganization(zope.interface.Interface): ... title = zope.interface.Attribute('the title') ... parts = zope.interface.Attribute( ... 'the organizations that make up this one') ... >>> class IRoles(zope.interface.Interface): ... def getOrganization(): ... 'return the organization in which this relation operates' ... principal_id = zope.interface.Attribute( ... 'the pricipal id whose roles this relation lists') ... role_ids = zope.interface.Attribute( ... 'the role ids that the principal explicitly has in the ' ... 'organization. The principal may have other roles via ' ... 'roles in parent organizations.') ...Now we can create some classes. In the README example, the setup was a bit of a toy. This time we will be just a bit more practical. We’ll also expect to be operating within the ZODB, with a root and transactions.[14][14]Here we will set up a ZODB instance for us to use.>>> from ZODB.tests.util import DB >>> db = DB() >>> conn = >>> root = conn.root()Here’s how we will dump and load our relations: use a “registry” object, similar to an intid utility.[15][15]Here’s a simple persistent keyreference. Notice that it is not persistent itself: this is important for conflict resolution to be able to work (which we don’t show here, but we’re trying to lean more towards real usage for this example).>>> from functools import total_ordering >>> @total_ordering ... class Reference(object): # see ... def __init__(self, obj): ... self.object = obj ... def _get_sorting_key(self): ... # this doesn't work during conflict resolution. See ... #, 3.5 release, for current ... # best practice. ... if self.object._p_jar is None: ... raise ValueError( ... 'can only compare when both objects have connections') ... return self.object._p_oid or '' ... def __lt__(self, other): ... # this doesn't work during conflict resolution. See ... #, 3.5 release, for current ... # best practice. ... if not isinstance(other, Reference): ... raise ValueError('can only compare with Reference objects') ... return self._get_sorting_key() < other._get_sorting_key() ... def __eq__(self, other): ... # this doesn't work during conflict resolution. See ... #, 3.5 release, for current ... # best practice. ... if not isinstance(other, Reference): ... raise ValueError('can only compare with Reference objects') ... return self._get_sorting_key() == other._get_sorting_key()Here’s a simple integer identifier tool.>>> import persistent >>> import BTrees >>> class Registry(persistent.Persistent): # see ... def __init__(self, family=BTrees.family32): ... = family ... self.ids = ... self.refs = ... def getId(self, obj): ... if not isinstance(obj, persistent.Persistent): ... raise ValueError('not a persistent object', obj) ... if obj._p_jar is None: ... self._p_jar.add(obj) ... ref = Reference(obj) ... id = self.refs.get(ref) ... if id is None: ... # naive for conflict resolution; see ... if self.ids: ... id = self.ids.maxKey() + 1 ... else: ... id = ... self.ids[id] = ref ... self.refs[ref] = id ... return id ... def __contains__(self, obj): ... if (not isinstance(obj, persistent.Persistent) or ... obj._p_oid is None): ... return False ... return Reference(obj) in self.refs ... def getObject(self, id, default=None): ... res = self.ids.get(id, None) ... if res is None: ... return default ... else: ... return res.object ... def remove(self, r): ... if isinstance(r, int): ... self.refs.pop(self.ids.pop(r)) ... elif (not isinstance(r, persistent.Persistent) or ... r._p_oid is None): ... raise LookupError(r) ... else: ... self.ids.pop(self.refs.pop(Reference(r))) ... >>> registry = root['registry'] = Registry()>>> import transaction >>> transaction.commit()In this implementation of the “dump” method, we use the cache just to show you how you might use it. It probably is overkill for this job, and maybe even a speed loss, but you can see the idea.>>> def dump(obj, catalog, cache): ... reg = cache.get('registry') ... if reg is None: ... reg = cache['registry'] = catalog._p_jar.root()['registry'] ... return reg.getId(obj) ... >>> def load(token, catalog, cache): ... reg = cache.get('registry') ... if reg is None: ... reg = cache['registry'] = catalog._p_jar.root()['registry'] ... return reg.getObject(token) ...Now we can create a relation catalog to hold these items.>>> import zc.relation.catalog >>> catalog = root['catalog'] = zc.relation.catalog.Catalog(dump, load) >>> transaction.commit()Now we set up our indexes. We’ll start with just the organizations, and set up the catalog with them. This part will be similar to the example in README.rst, but will introduce more discussions of optimizations and tokens. Then we’ll add in the part about roles, and explore queries and token-based “joins”.OrganizationsThe organization will hold a set of organizations. This is actually not inherently easy in the ZODB because this means that we need to compare or hash persistent objects, which does not work reliably over time and across machines out-of-the-box. To side-step the issue for this example, and still do something a bit interesting and real-world, we’ll use the registry tokens introduced above. This will also give us a chance to talk a bit more about optimizations and tokens. (If you would like to sanely and transparently hold a set of persistent objects, try the zc.set package XXX not yet.)>>> import BTrees >>> import persistent >>> @zope.interface.implementer(IOrganization) ... @total_ordering ... class Organization(persistent.Persistent): ... ... def __init__(self, title): ... self.title = title ... = BTrees.family32.IF.TreeSet() ... # the next parts just make the tests prettier ... def __repr__(self): ... return '<Organization instance "' + self.title + '">' ... def __lt__(self, other): ... # pukes if other doesn't have name ... return self.title < other.title ... def __eq__(self, other): ... return self is other ... def __hash__(self): ... return 1 # dummy ...OK, now we know how organizations will work. Now we can add thepartsindex to the catalog. This will do a few new things from how we added indexes in the README.>>> catalog.addValueIndex(IOrganization['parts'], multiple=True, ... name="part")So, what’s different from the README examples?First, we are using an interface element to define the value to be indexed. It provides an interface to which objects will be adapted, a default name for the index, and information as to whether the attribute should be used directly or called.Second, we are not specifying a dump or load. They are None. This means that the indexed value can already be treated as a token. This can allow a very significant optimization for reindexing if the indexed value is a large collection using the same BTree family as the index–which leads us to the next difference.Third, we are specifying thatmultiple=True. This means that the value on a given relation that provides or can be adapted to IOrganization will have a collection ofparts. These will always be regarded as a set, whether the actual colection is a BTrees set or the keys of a BTree.Last, we are specifying a name to be used for queries. I find that queries read more easily when the query keys are singular, so I often rename plurals.As in the README, We can add another simple transposing transitive query factory, switching between ‘part’ andNone.>>> import zc.relation.queryfactory >>> factory1 = zc.relation.queryfactory.TransposingTransitive( ... 'part', None) >>> catalog.addDefaultQueryFactory(factory1)Let’s add a couple of search indexes in too, of the hierarchy looking up…>>> import zc.relation.searchindex >>> catalog.addSearchIndex( ... zc.relation.searchindex.TransposingTransitiveMembership( ... 'part', None))…and down.>>> catalog.addSearchIndex( ... zc.relation.searchindex.TransposingTransitiveMembership( ... None, 'part'))PLEASE NOTE: the search index looking up is not a good idea practically. The index is designed for looking down[16].[16]The TransposingTransitiveMembership indexes provide ISearchIndex.>>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject >>> import zc.relation.interfaces >>> index = list(catalog.iterSearchIndexes())[0] >>> verifyObject(zc.relation.interfaces.ISearchIndex, index) TrueLet’s create and add a few organizations.We’ll make a structure like this[24]:Ynod Corp Mangement Zookd Corp Management / | \ / | \ Ynod Devs Ynod SAs Ynod Admins Zookd Admins Zookd SAs Zookd Devs / \ \ / / \ Y3L4 Proj Bet Proj Ynod Zookd Task Force Zookd hOgnmd Zookd NbdHere’s the Python.>>> orgs = root['organizations'] = BTrees.family32.OO.BTree() >>> for nm, parts in ( ... ('Y3L4 Proj', ()), ... ('Bet Proj', ()), ... ('Ynod Zookd Task Force', ()), ... ('Zookd hOgnmd', ()), ... ('Zookd Nbd', ()), ... ('Ynod Devs', ('Y3L4 Proj', 'Bet Proj')), ... ('Ynod SAs', ()), ... ('Ynod Admins', ('Ynod Zookd Task Force',)), ... ('Zookd Admins', ('Ynod Zookd Task Force',)), ... ('Zookd SAs', ()), ... ('Zookd Devs', ('Zookd hOgnmd', 'Zookd Nbd')), ... ('Ynod Corp Management', ('Ynod Devs', 'Ynod SAs', 'Ynod Admins')), ... ('Zookd Corp Management', ('Zookd Devs', 'Zookd SAs', ... 'Zookd Admins'))): ... org = Organization(nm) ... for part in parts: ... ignore =[part])) ... orgs[nm] = org ... catalog.index(org) ...Now the catalog knows about the relations.>>> len(catalog) 13 >>> root['dummy'] = Organization('Foo') >>> root['dummy'] in catalog False >>> orgs['Y3L4 Proj'] in catalog TrueAlso, now we can search. To do this, we can use some of the token methods that the catalog provides. The most commonly used istokenizeQuery. It takes a query with values that are not tokenized and converts them to values that are tokenized.>>> Ynod_SAs_id = registry.getId(orgs['Ynod SAs']) >>> catalog.tokenizeQuery({None: orgs['Ynod SAs']}) == { ... None: Ynod_SAs_id} True >>> Zookd_SAs_id = registry.getId(orgs['Zookd SAs']) >>> Zookd_Devs_id = registry.getId(orgs['Zookd Devs']) >>> catalog.tokenizeQuery( ... {None: zc.relation.catalog.any( ... orgs['Zookd SAs'], orgs['Zookd Devs'])}) == { ... None: zc.relation.catalog.any(Zookd_SAs_id, Zookd_Devs_id)} TrueOf course, right now doing this with ‘part’ alone is kind of silly, since it does not change within the relation catalog (because we said that dump and load wereNone, as discussed above).>>> catalog.tokenizeQuery({'part': Ynod_SAs_id}) == { ... 'part': Ynod_SAs_id} True >>> catalog.tokenizeQuery( ... {'part': zc.relation.catalog.any(Zookd_SAs_id, Zookd_Devs_id)} ... ) == {'part': zc.relation.catalog.any(Zookd_SAs_id, Zookd_Devs_id)} TrueThetokenizeQuerymethod is so common that we’re going to assign it to a variable in our example. Then we’ll do a search or two.So…find the relations that Ynod Devs supervise.>>> t = catalog.tokenizeQuery >>> res = list(catalog.findRelationTokens(t({None: orgs['Ynod Devs']})))OK…we usedfindRelationTokens, as opposed tofindRelations, so res is a couple of numbers now. How do we convert them back?resolveRelationTokenswill do the trick.>>> len(res) 3 >>> sorted(catalog.resolveRelationTokens(res)) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [<Organization instance "Bet Proj">, <Organization instance "Y3L4 Proj">, <Organization instance "Ynod Devs">]resolveQueryis the mirror image oftokenizeQuery: it converts tokenized queries to queries with “loaded” values.>>> original = {'part': zc.relation.catalog.any( ... Zookd_SAs_id, Zookd_Devs_id), ... None: orgs['Zookd Devs']} >>> tokenized = catalog.tokenizeQuery(original) >>> original == catalog.resolveQuery(tokenized) True>>> original = {None: zc.relation.catalog.any( ... orgs['Zookd SAs'], orgs['Zookd Devs']), ... 'part': Zookd_Devs_id} >>> tokenized = catalog.tokenizeQuery(original) >>> original == catalog.resolveQuery(tokenized) TrueLikewise,tokenizeRelationsis the mirror image ofresolveRelationTokens.>>> sorted(catalog.tokenizeRelations( ... [orgs["Bet Proj"], orgs["Y3L4 Proj"]])) == sorted( ... registry.getId(o) for o in ... [orgs["Bet Proj"], orgs["Y3L4 Proj"]]) TrueThe other token-related methods are as follows[17]:[17]For what it’s worth, here are some small examples of the remaining token-related methods.These two are the singular versions oftokenizeRelationsandresolveRelationTokens.tokenizeRelationreturns a token for the given relation.>>> catalog.tokenizeRelation(orgs['Zookd Corp Management']) == ( ... registry.getId(orgs['Zookd Corp Management'])) TrueresolveRelationTokenreturns a relation for the given token.>>> catalog.resolveRelationToken(registry.getId( ... orgs['Zookd Corp Management'])) is orgs['Zookd Corp Management'] TrueThe “values” ones are a bit lame to show now, since the only value we have right now is not tokenized but used straight up. But here goes, showing some fascinating no-ops.tokenizeValues, returns an iterable of tokens for the values of the given index name.>>> list(catalog.tokenizeValues((1,2,3), 'part')) [1, 2, 3]resolveValueTokensreturns an iterable of values for the tokens of the given index name.>>> list(catalog.resolveValueTokens((1,2,3), 'part')) [1, 2, 3]tokenizeValues, which returns an iterable of tokens for the values of the given index name;resolveValueTokens, which returns an iterable of values for the tokens of the given index name;tokenizeRelation, which returns a token for the given relation; andresolveRelationToken, which returns a relation for the given token.Why do we bother with these tokens, instead of hiding them away and making the API prettier? By exposing them, we enable efficient joining, and efficient use in other contexts. For instance, if you use the same intid utility to tokenize in other catalogs, our results can be merged with the results of other catalogs. Similarly, you can use the results of queries to other catalogs–or even “joins” from earlier results of querying this catalog–as query values here. We’ll explore this in the next section.RolesWe have set up the Organization relations. Now let’s set up the roles, and actually be able to answer the questions that we described at the beginning of the document.In our Roles object, roles and principals will simply be strings–ids, if this were a real system. The organization will be a direct object reference.>>> @zope.interface.implementer(IRoles) ... @total_ordering ... class Roles(persistent.Persistent): ... ... def __init__(self, principal_id, role_ids, organization): ... self.principal_id = principal_id ... self.role_ids = BTrees.family32.OI.TreeSet(role_ids) ... self._organization = organization ... def getOrganization(self): ... return self._organization ... # the rest is for prettier/easier tests ... def __repr__(self): ... return "<Roles instance (%s has %s in %s)>" % ( ... self.principal_id, ', '.join(self.role_ids), ... self._organization.title) ... def __lt__(self, other): ... _self = ( ... self.principal_id, ... tuple(self.role_ids), ... self._organization.title, ... ) ... _other = ( ... other.principal_id, ... tuple(other.role_ids), ... other._organization.title, ... ) ... return _self <_other ... def __eq__(self, other): ... return self is other ... def __hash__(self): ... return 1 # dummy ...Now let’s add add the value indexes to the relation catalog.>>> catalog.addValueIndex(IRoles['principal_id'], btree=BTrees.family32.OI) >>> catalog.addValueIndex(IRoles['role_ids'], btree=BTrees.family32.OI, ... multiple=True, name='role_id') >>> catalog.addValueIndex(IRoles['getOrganization'], dump, load, ... name='organization')Those are some slightly new variations of what we’ve seen inaddValueIndexbefore, but all mixing and matching on the same ingredients.As a reminder, here is our organization structure:Ynod Corp Mangement Zookd Corp Management / | \ / | \ Ynod Devs Ynod SAs Ynod Admins Zookd Admins Zookd SAs Zookd Devs / \ \ / / \ Y3L4 Proj Bet Proj Ynod Zookd Task Force Zookd hOgnmd Zookd NbdNow let’s create and add some roles.>>> principal_ids = [ ... 'abe', 'bran', 'cathy', 'david', 'edgar', 'frank', 'gertrude', ... 'harriet', 'ignas', 'jacob', 'karyn', 'lettie', 'molly', 'nancy', ... 'ophelia', 'pat'] >>> role_ids = ['user manager', 'writer', 'reviewer', 'publisher'] >>> get_role = dict((v[0], v) for v in role_ids).__getitem__ >>> roles = root['roles'] = BTrees.family32.IO.BTree() >>> next = 0 >>> for prin, org, role_ids in ( ... ('abe', orgs['Zookd Corp Management'], 'uwrp'), ... ('bran', orgs['Ynod Corp Management'], 'uwrp'), ... ('cathy', orgs['Ynod Devs'], 'w'), ... ('cathy', orgs['Y3L4 Proj'], 'r'), ... ('david', orgs['Bet Proj'], 'wrp'), ... ('edgar', orgs['Ynod Devs'], 'up'), ... ('frank', orgs['Ynod SAs'], 'uwrp'), ... ('frank', orgs['Ynod Admins'], 'w'), ... ('gertrude', orgs['Ynod Zookd Task Force'], 'uwrp'), ... ('harriet', orgs['Ynod Zookd Task Force'], 'w'), ... ('harriet', orgs['Ynod Admins'], 'r'), ... ('ignas', orgs['Zookd Admins'], 'r'), ... ('ignas', orgs['Zookd Corp Management'], 'w'), ... ('karyn', orgs['Zookd Corp Management'], 'uwrp'), ... ('karyn', orgs['Ynod Corp Management'], 'uwrp'), ... ('lettie', orgs['Zookd Corp Management'], 'u'), ... ('lettie', orgs['Ynod Zookd Task Force'], 'w'), ... ('lettie', orgs['Zookd SAs'], 'w'), ... ('molly', orgs['Zookd SAs'], 'uwrp'), ... ('nancy', orgs['Zookd Devs'], 'wrp'), ... ('nancy', orgs['Zookd hOgnmd'], 'u'), ... ('ophelia', orgs['Zookd Corp Management'], 'w'), ... ('ophelia', orgs['Zookd Devs'], 'r'), ... ('ophelia', orgs['Zookd Nbd'], 'p'), ... ('pat', orgs['Zookd Nbd'], 'wrp')): ... assert prin in principal_ids ... role_ids = [get_role(l) for l in role_ids] ... role = roles[next] = Roles(prin, role_ids, org) ... role.key = next ... next += 1 ... catalog.index(role) ...Now we can begin to do searches[18].[18]We can also show the values token methods more sanely now.>>> original = sorted((orgs['Zookd Devs'], orgs['Ynod SAs'])) >>> tokens = list(catalog.tokenizeValues(original, 'organization')) >>> original == sorted(catalog.resolveValueTokens(tokens, 'organization')) TrueWhat are all the role settings for ophelia?>>> sorted(catalog.findRelations({'principal_id': 'ophelia'})) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [<Roles instance (ophelia has publisher in Zookd Nbd)>, <Roles instance (ophelia has reviewer in Zookd Devs)>, <Roles instance (ophelia has writer in Zookd Corp Management)>]That answer does not need to be transitive: we’re done.Next question. Where does ophelia have the ‘writer’ role?>>> list(catalog.findValues( ... 'organization', {'principal_id': 'ophelia', ... 'role_id': 'writer'})) [<Organization instance "Zookd Corp Management">]Well, that’s correct intransitively. Do we need a transitive queries factory? No! This is a great chance to look at the token join we talked about in the previous section. This should actually be a two-step operation: find all of the organizations in which ophelia has writer, and then find all of the transitive parts to that organization.>>> sorted(catalog.findRelations({None: zc.relation.catalog.Any( ... catalog.findValueTokens('organization', ... {'principal_id': 'ophelia', ... 'role_id': 'writer'}))})) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [<Organization instance "Ynod Zookd Task Force">, <Organization instance "Zookd Admins">, <Organization instance "Zookd Corp Management">, <Organization instance "Zookd Devs">, <Organization instance "Zookd Nbd">, <Organization instance "Zookd SAs">, <Organization instance "Zookd hOgnmd">]That’s more like it.Next question. What users have roles in the ‘Zookd Devs’ organization? Intransitively, that’s pretty easy.>>> sorted(catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'principal_id', t({'organization': orgs['Zookd Devs']}))) ['nancy', 'ophelia']Transitively, we should do another join.>>> org_id = registry.getId(orgs['Zookd Devs']) >>> sorted(catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'principal_id', { ... 'organization': zc.relation.catalog.any( ... org_id, *catalog.findRelationTokens({'part': org_id}))})) ['abe', 'ignas', 'karyn', 'lettie', 'nancy', 'ophelia']That’s a little awkward, but it does the trick.Last question, and the kind of question that started the entire example.What roles does ophelia have in the “Zookd Nbd” organization?>>> list(catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', t({'organization': orgs['Zookd Nbd'], ... 'principal_id': 'ophelia'}))) ['publisher']Intransitively, that’s correct. But, transitively, ophelia also has reviewer and writer, and that’s the answer we want to be able to get quickly.We could ask the question a different way, then, again leveraging a join. We’ll set it up as a function, because we will want to use it a little later without repeating the code.>>> def getRolesInOrganization(principal_id, org): ... org_id = registry.getId(org) ... return sorted(catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', { ... 'organization': zc.relation.catalog.any( ... org_id, ... *catalog.findRelationTokens({'part': org_id})), ... 'principal_id': principal_id})) ... >>> getRolesInOrganization('ophelia', orgs['Zookd Nbd']) ['publisher', 'reviewer', 'writer']As you can see, then, working with tokens makes interesting joins possible, as long as the tokens are the same across the two queries.We have examined tokens methods and token techniques like joins. The example story we have told can let us get into a few more advanced topics, such as query factory joins and search indexes that can increase their read speed.Query Factory JoinsWe can build a query factory that makes the join automatic. A query factory is a callable that takes two arguments: a query (the one that starts the search) and the catalog. The factory either returns None, indicating that the query factory cannot be used for this query, or it returns another callable that takes a chain of relations. The last token in the relation chain is the most recent. The output of this inner callable is expected to be an iterable of BTrees.family32.OO.Bucket queries to search further from the given chain of relations.Here’s a flawed approach to this problem.>>> def flawed_factory(query, catalog): ... if (len(query) == 2 and ... 'organization' in query and ... 'principal_id' in query): ... def getQueries(relchain): ... if not relchain: ... yield query ... return ... current = catalog.getValueTokens( ... 'organization', relchain[-1]) ... if current: ... organizations = catalog.getRelationTokens( ... {'part': zc.relation.catalog.Any(current)}) ... if organizations: ... res = BTrees.family32.OO.Bucket(query) ... res['organization'] = zc.relation.catalog.Any( ... organizations) ... yield res ... return getQueries ...That works for our current example.>>> sorted(catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', t({'organization': orgs['Zookd Nbd'], ... 'principal_id': 'ophelia'}), ... queryFactory=flawed_factory)) ['publisher', 'reviewer', 'writer']However, it won’t work for other similar queries.>>> getRolesInOrganization('abe', orgs['Zookd Nbd']) ['publisher', 'reviewer', 'user manager', 'writer'] >>> sorted(catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', t({'organization': orgs['Zookd Nbd'], ... 'principal_id': 'abe'}), ... queryFactory=flawed_factory)) []oops.The flawed_factory is actually a useful pattern for more typical relation traversal. It goes from relation to relation to relation, and ophelia has connected relations all the way to the top. However, abe only has them at the top, so nothing is traversed.Instead, we can make a query factory that modifies the initial query.>>> def factory2(query, catalog): ... if (len(query) == 2 and ... 'organization' in query and ... 'principal_id' in query): ... def getQueries(relchain): ... if not relchain: ... res = BTrees.family32.OO.Bucket(query) ... org_id = query['organization'] ... if org_id is not None: ... res['organization'] = zc.relation.catalog.any( ... org_id, ... *catalog.findRelationTokens({'part': org_id})) ... yield res ... return getQueries ...>>> sorted(catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', t({'organization': orgs['Zookd Nbd'], ... 'principal_id': 'ophelia'}), ... queryFactory=factory2)) ['publisher', 'reviewer', 'writer']>>> sorted(catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', t({'organization': orgs['Zookd Nbd'], ... 'principal_id': 'abe'}), ... queryFactory=factory2)) ['publisher', 'reviewer', 'user manager', 'writer']A difference between this and the other approach is that it is essentially intransitive: this query factory modifies the initial query, and then does not give further queries. The catalog currently always stops calling the query factory if the queries do not return any results, so an approach like the flawed_factory simply won’t work for this kind of problem.We could add this query factory as another default.>>> catalog.addDefaultQueryFactory(factory2)>>> sorted(catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', t({'organization': orgs['Zookd Nbd'], ... 'principal_id': 'ophelia'}))) ['publisher', 'reviewer', 'writer']>>> sorted(catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', t({'organization': orgs['Zookd Nbd'], ... 'principal_id': 'abe'}))) ['publisher', 'reviewer', 'user manager', 'writer']The previously installed query factory is still available.>>> list(catalog.iterDefaultQueryFactories()) == [factory1, factory2] True>>> list(catalog.findRelations( ... {'part': registry.getId(orgs['Y3L4 Proj'])})) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [<Organization instance "Ynod Devs">, <Organization instance "Ynod Corp Management">]>>> sorted(catalog.findRelations( ... {None: registry.getId(orgs['Ynod Corp Management'])})) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [<Organization instance "Bet Proj">, <Organization instance "Y3L4 Proj">, <Organization instance "Ynod Admins">, <Organization instance "Ynod Corp Management">, <Organization instance "Ynod Devs">, <Organization instance "Ynod SAs">, <Organization instance "Ynod Zookd Task Force">]Search Index for Query Factory JoinsNow that we have written a query factory that encapsulates the join, we can use a search index that speeds it up. We’ve only used transitive search indexes so far. Now we will add an intransitive search index.The intransitive search index generally just needs the search value names it should be indexing, optionally the result name (defaulting to relations), and optionally the query factory to be used.We need to use two additional options because of the odd join trick we’re doing. We need to specify what organization and principal_id values need to be changed when an object is indexed, and we need to indicate that we should update when organization, principal_id,orparts changes.getValueTokensspecifies the values that need to be indexed. It gets the index, the name for the tokens desired, the token, the catalog that generated the token change (it may not be the same as the index’s catalog, the source dictionary that contains a dictionary of the values that will be used for tokens if you do not override them, a dict of the added values for this token (keys are value names), a dict of the removed values for this token, and whether the token has been removed. The method can return None, which will leave the index to its default behavior that should work if no query factory is used; or an iterable of values.>>> def getValueTokens(index, name, token, catalog, source, ... additions, removals, removed): ... if name == 'organization': ... orgs = source.get('organization') ... if not removed or not orgs: ... orgs = index.catalog.getValueTokens( ... 'organization', token) ... if not orgs: ... orgs = [token] ... orgs.extend(removals.get('part', ())) ... orgs = set(orgs) ... orgs.update(index.catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'part', ... {None: zc.relation.catalog.Any( ... t for t in orgs if t is not None)})) ... return orgs ... elif name == 'principal_id': ... # we only want custom behavior if this is an organization ... if 'principal_id' in source or index.catalog.getValueTokens( ... 'principal_id', token): ... return '' ... orgs = set((token,)) ... orgs.update(index.catalog.findRelationTokens( ... {'part': token})) ... return set(index.catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'principal_id', { ... 'organization': zc.relation.catalog.Any(orgs)})) ...>>> index = zc.relation.searchindex.Intransitive( ... ('organization', 'principal_id'), 'role_id', factory2, ... getValueTokens, ... ('organization', 'principal_id', 'part', 'role_id'), ... unlimitedDepth=True) >>> catalog.addSearchIndex(index)>>> res = catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', t({'organization': orgs['Zookd Nbd'], ... 'principal_id': 'ophelia'})) >>> list(res) ['publisher', 'reviewer', 'writer'] >>> list(res) ['publisher', 'reviewer', 'writer']>>> res = catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', t({'organization': orgs['Zookd Nbd'], ... 'principal_id': 'abe'})) >>> list(res) ['publisher', 'reviewer', 'user manager', 'writer'] >>> list(res) ['publisher', 'reviewer', 'user manager', 'writer'][19][19]The Intransitive search index provides ISearchIndex and IListener.>>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject >>> import zc.relation.interfaces >>> verifyObject(zc.relation.interfaces.ISearchIndex, index) True >>> verifyObject(zc.relation.interfaces.IListener, index) TrueNow we can change and remove relations–both organizations and roles–and have the index maintain correct state. Given the current state of organizations–Ynod Corp Mangement Zookd Corp Management / | \ / | \ Ynod Devs Ynod SAs Ynod Admins Zookd Admins Zookd SAs Zookd Devs / \ \ / / \ Y3L4 Proj Bet Proj Ynod Zookd Task Force Zookd hOgnmd Zookd Nbd–first we will move Ynod Devs to beneath Zookd Devs, and back out. This will briefly give abe full privileges to Y3L4 Proj., among others.>>> list(catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', t({'organization': orgs['Y3L4 Proj'], ... 'principal_id': 'abe'}))) [] >>> orgs['Zookd Devs'].parts.insert(registry.getId(orgs['Ynod Devs'])) 1 >>> catalog.index(orgs['Zookd Devs']) >>> res = catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', t({'organization': orgs['Y3L4 Proj'], ... 'principal_id': 'abe'})) >>> list(res) ['publisher', 'reviewer', 'user manager', 'writer'] >>> list(res) ['publisher', 'reviewer', 'user manager', 'writer'] >>> orgs['Zookd Devs'].parts.remove(registry.getId(orgs['Ynod Devs'])) >>> catalog.index(orgs['Zookd Devs']) >>> list(catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', t({'organization': orgs['Y3L4 Proj'], ... 'principal_id': 'abe'}))) []As another example, we will change the roles abe has, and see that it is propagated down to Zookd Nbd.>>> rels = list(catalog.findRelations(t( ... {'principal_id': 'abe', ... 'organization': orgs['Zookd Corp Management']}))) >>> len(rels) 1 >>> rels[0].role_ids.remove('reviewer') >>> catalog.index(rels[0])>>> res = catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', t({'organization': orgs['Zookd Nbd'], ... 'principal_id': 'abe'})) >>> list(res) ['publisher', 'user manager', 'writer'] >>> list(res) ['publisher', 'user manager', 'writer']Note that search index order matters. In our case, our intransitive search index is relying on our transitive index, so the transitive index needs to come first. You want transitive relation indexes before name. Right now, you are in charge of this order: it will be difficult to come up with a reliable algorithm for guessing this.Listeners, Catalog Administration, and Joining Across Relation CatalogsWe’ve done all of our examples so far with a single catalog that indexes both kinds of relations. What if we want to have two catalogs with homogenous collections of relations? That can feel cleaner, but it also introduces some new wrinkles.Let’s use our current catalog for organizations, removing the extra information; and create a new one for roles.>>> role_catalog = root['role_catalog'] = catalog.copy() >>> transaction.commit() >>> org_catalog = catalog >>> del catalogWe’ll need a slightly different query factory and a slightly different search indexgetValueTokensfunction. We’ll write those, then modify the configuration of our two catalogs for the new world.The transitive factory we write here is for the role catalog. It needs access to the organzation catalog. We could do this a variety of ways–relying on a utility, or finding the catalog from context. We will make the role_catalog have a .org_catalog attribute, and rely on that.>>> role_catalog.org_catalog = org_catalog >>> def factory3(query, catalog): ... if (len(query) == 2 and ... 'organization' in query and ... 'principal_id' in query): ... def getQueries(relchain): ... if not relchain: ... res = BTrees.family32.OO.Bucket(query) ... org_id = query['organization'] ... if org_id is not None: ... res['organization'] = zc.relation.catalog.any( ... org_id, ... *catalog.org_catalog.findRelationTokens( ... {'part': org_id})) ... yield res ... return getQueries ...>>> def getValueTokens2(index, name, token, catalog, source, ... additions, removals, removed): ... is_role_catalog = catalog is index.catalog # role_catalog ... if name == 'organization': ... if is_role_catalog: ... orgs = set(source.get('organization') or ... index.catalog.getValueTokens( ... 'organization', token) or ()) ... else: ... orgs = set((token,)) ... orgs.update(removals.get('part', ())) ... orgs.update(index.catalog.org_catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'part', ... {None: zc.relation.catalog.Any( ... t for t in orgs if t is not None)})) ... return orgs ... elif name == 'principal_id': ... # we only want custom behavior if this is an organization ... if not is_role_catalog: ... orgs = set((token,)) ... orgs.update(index.catalog.org_catalog.findRelationTokens( ... {'part': token})) ... return set(index.catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'principal_id', { ... 'organization': zc.relation.catalog.Any(orgs)})) ... return ''If you are following along in the code and comparing to the originals, you may see that this approach is a bit cleaner than the one when the relations were in the same catalog.Now we will fix up the the organization catalog[20].[20]Before we modify them, let’s look at the copy we made. The copy should currently behave identically to the original.>>> len(org_catalog) 38 >>> len(role_catalog) 38 >>> indexed = list(org_catalog) >>> len(indexed) 38 >>> orgs['Zookd Devs'] in indexed True >>> for r in indexed: ... if r not in role_catalog: ... print('bad') ... break ... else: ... print('good') ... good >>> org_names = set(dir(org_catalog)) >>> role_names = set(dir(role_catalog)) >>> sorted(org_names - role_names) [] >>> sorted(role_names - org_names) ['org_catalog']>>> def checkYnodDevsParts(catalog): ... res = sorted(catalog.findRelations(t({None: orgs['Ynod Devs']}))) ... if res != [ ... orgs["Bet Proj"], orgs["Y3L4 Proj"], orgs["Ynod Devs"]]: ... print("bad", res) ... >>> checkYnodDevsParts(org_catalog) >>> checkYnodDevsParts(role_catalog)>>> def checkOpheliaRoles(catalog): ... res = sorted(catalog.findRelations({'principal_id': 'ophelia'})) ... if repr(res) != ( ... "[<Roles instance (ophelia has publisher in Zookd Nbd)>, " + ... "<Roles instance (ophelia has reviewer in Zookd Devs)>, " + ... "<Roles instance (ophelia has writer in " + ... "Zookd Corp Management)>]"): ... print("bad", res) ... >>> checkOpheliaRoles(org_catalog) >>> checkOpheliaRoles(role_catalog)>>> def checkOpheliaWriterOrganizations(catalog): ... res = sorted(catalog.findRelations({None: zc.relation.catalog.Any( ... catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'organization', {'principal_id': 'ophelia', ... 'role_id': 'writer'}))})) ... if repr(res) != ( ... '[<Organization instance "Ynod Zookd Task Force">, ' + ... '<Organization instance "Zookd Admins">, ' + ... '<Organization instance "Zookd Corp Management">, ' + ... '<Organization instance "Zookd Devs">, ' + ... '<Organization instance "Zookd Nbd">, ' + ... '<Organization instance "Zookd SAs">, ' + ... '<Organization instance "Zookd hOgnmd">]'): ... print("bad", res) ... >>> checkOpheliaWriterOrganizations(org_catalog) >>> checkOpheliaWriterOrganizations(role_catalog)>>> def checkPrincipalsWithRolesInZookdDevs(catalog): ... org_id = registry.getId(orgs['Zookd Devs']) ... res = sorted(catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'principal_id', ... {'organization': zc.relation.catalog.any( ... org_id, *catalog.findRelationTokens({'part': org_id}))})) ... if res != ['abe', 'ignas', 'karyn', 'lettie', 'nancy', 'ophelia']: ... print("bad", res) ... >>> checkPrincipalsWithRolesInZookdDevs(org_catalog) >>> checkPrincipalsWithRolesInZookdDevs(role_catalog)>>> def checkOpheliaRolesInZookdNbd(catalog): ... res = sorted(catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', { ... 'organization': registry.getId(orgs['Zookd Nbd']), ... 'principal_id': 'ophelia'})) ... if res != ['publisher', 'reviewer', 'writer']: ... print("bad", res) ... >>> checkOpheliaRolesInZookdNbd(org_catalog) >>> checkOpheliaRolesInZookdNbd(role_catalog)>>> def checkAbeRolesInZookdNbd(catalog): ... res = sorted(catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', { ... 'organization': registry.getId(orgs['Zookd Nbd']), ... 'principal_id': 'abe'})) ... if res != ['publisher', 'user manager', 'writer']: ... print("bad", res) ... >>> checkAbeRolesInZookdNbd(org_catalog) >>> checkAbeRolesInZookdNbd(role_catalog) >>> org_catalog.removeDefaultQueryFactory(None) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... LookupError: ('factory not found', None)>>> org_catalog.removeValueIndex('organization') >>> org_catalog.removeValueIndex('role_id') >>> org_catalog.removeValueIndex('principal_id') >>> org_catalog.removeDefaultQueryFactory(factory2) >>> org_catalog.removeSearchIndex(index) >>> org_catalog.clear() >>> len(org_catalog) 0 >>> for v in orgs.values(): ... org_catalog.index(v)This also shows using theremoveDefaultQueryFactoryandremoveSearchIndexmethods[21].[21]You get errors by removing query factories that are not registered.>>> org_catalog.removeDefaultQueryFactory(factory2) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... LookupError: ('factory not found', <function factory2 at ...>)Now we will set up the role catalog[22].[22]Changes to one copy should not affect the other. That means the role_catalog should still work as before.>>> len(org_catalog) 13 >>> len(list(org_catalog)) 13>>> len(role_catalog) 38 >>> indexed = list(role_catalog) >>> len(indexed) 38 >>> orgs['Zookd Devs'] in indexed True >>> orgs['Zookd Devs'] in role_catalog True>>> checkYnodDevsParts(role_catalog) >>> checkOpheliaRoles(role_catalog) >>> checkOpheliaWriterOrganizations(role_catalog) >>> checkPrincipalsWithRolesInZookdDevs(role_catalog) >>> checkOpheliaRolesInZookdNbd(role_catalog) >>> checkAbeRolesInZookdNbd(role_catalog)>>> role_catalog.removeValueIndex('part') >>> for ix in list(role_catalog.iterSearchIndexes()): ... role_catalog.removeSearchIndex(ix) ... >>> role_catalog.removeDefaultQueryFactory(factory1) >>> role_catalog.removeDefaultQueryFactory(factory2) >>> role_catalog.addDefaultQueryFactory(factory3) >>> root['index2'] = index2 = zc.relation.searchindex.Intransitive( ... ('organization', 'principal_id'), 'role_id', factory3, ... getValueTokens2, ... ('organization', 'principal_id', 'part', 'role_id'), ... unlimitedDepth=True) >>> role_catalog.addSearchIndex(index2)The new role_catalog index needs to be updated from the org_catalog. We’ll set that up using listeners, a new concept.>>> org_catalog.addListener(index2) >>> list(org_catalog.iterListeners()) == [index2] TrueNow the role_catalog should be able to answer the same questions as the old single catalog approach.>>> t = role_catalog.tokenizeQuery >>> list(role_catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', t({'organization': orgs['Zookd Nbd'], ... 'principal_id': 'abe'}))) ['publisher', 'user manager', 'writer']>>> list(role_catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', t({'organization': orgs['Zookd Nbd'], ... 'principal_id': 'ophelia'}))) ['publisher', 'reviewer', 'writer']We can also make changes to both catalogs and the search indexes are maintained.>>> list(role_catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', t({'organization': orgs['Y3L4 Proj'], ... 'principal_id': 'abe'}))) [] >>> orgs['Zookd Devs'].parts.insert(registry.getId(orgs['Ynod Devs'])) 1 >>> org_catalog.index(orgs['Zookd Devs']) >>> list(role_catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', t({'organization': orgs['Y3L4 Proj'], ... 'principal_id': 'abe'}))) ['publisher', 'user manager', 'writer'] >>> orgs['Zookd Devs'].parts.remove(registry.getId(orgs['Ynod Devs'])) >>> org_catalog.index(orgs['Zookd Devs']) >>> list(role_catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', t({'organization': orgs['Y3L4 Proj'], ... 'principal_id': 'abe'}))) []>>> rels = list(role_catalog.findRelations(t( ... {'principal_id': 'abe', ... 'organization': orgs['Zookd Corp Management']}))) >>> len(rels) 1 >>> rels[0].role_ids.insert('reviewer') 1 >>> role_catalog.index(rels[0])>>> res = role_catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', t({'organization': orgs['Zookd Nbd'], ... 'principal_id': 'abe'})) >>> list(res) ['publisher', 'reviewer', 'user manager', 'writer']Here we add a new organization.>>> orgs['Zookd hOnc'] = org = Organization('Zookd hOnc') >>> orgs['Zookd Devs'].parts.insert(registry.getId(org)) 1 >>> org_catalog.index(orgs['Zookd hOnc']) >>> org_catalog.index(orgs['Zookd Devs'])>>> list(role_catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', t({'organization': orgs['Zookd hOnc'], ... 'principal_id': 'abe'}))) ['publisher', 'reviewer', 'user manager', 'writer']>>> list(role_catalog.findValueTokens( ... 'role_id', t({'organization': orgs['Zookd hOnc'], ... 'principal_id': 'ophelia'}))) ['reviewer', 'writer']Now we’ll remove it.>>> orgs['Zookd Devs'].parts.remove(registry.getId(org)) >>> org_catalog.index(orgs['Zookd Devs']) >>> org_catalog.unindex(orgs['Zookd hOnc'])TODO make sure that intransitive copy looks the way we expect[23][23]You can add listeners multiple times.>>> org_catalog.addListener(index2) >>> list(org_catalog.iterListeners()) == [index2, index2] TrueNow we will remove the listeners, to show we can.>>> org_catalog.removeListener(index2) >>> org_catalog.removeListener(index2) >>> org_catalog.removeListener(index2) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Traceback (most recent call last): ... LookupError: ('listener not found', <zc.relation.searchindex.Intransitive object at ...>) >>> org_catalog.removeListener(None) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Traceback (most recent call last): ... LookupError: ('listener not found', None)Here’s the same for removing a search index we don’t have>>> org_catalog.removeSearchIndex(index2) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Traceback (most recent call last): ... LookupError: ('index not found', <zc.relation.searchindex.Intransitive object at ...>)[24]In “2001: A Space Odyssey”, many people believe the name HAL was chosen because it was ROT25 of IBM…. I cheat a bit sometimes and use ROT1 because the result sounds better.Working with Search Indexes: zc.relation Catalog Extended ExampleIntroductionThis document assumes you have read the README.rst document, and want to learn a bit more by example. In it, we will explore a set of relations that demonstrates most of the aspects of working with search indexes and listeners. It will not explain the topics that the other documents already addressed. It also describes an advanced use case.As we have seen in the other documents, the relation catalog supports search indexes. These can return the results of any search, as desired. Of course, the intent is that you supply an index that optimizes the particular searches it claims.The searchindex module supplies a few search indexes, optimizing specified transitive and intransitive searches. We have seen them working in other documents. We will examine them more in depth in this document.Search indexes update themselves by receiving messages via a “listener” interface. We will also look at how this works.The example described in this file examines a use case similar to that in the zc.revision or zc.vault packages: a relation describes a graph of other objects. Therefore, this is our first concrete example of purely extrinsic relations.Let’s build the example story a bit. Imagine we have a graph, often a hierarchy, of tokens–integers. Relations specify that a given integer token relates to other integer tokens, with a containment denotation or other meaning.The integers may also have relations that specify that they represent an object or objects.This allows us to have a graph of objects in which changing one part of the graph does not require changing the rest. zc.revision and zc.vault thus are able to model graphs that can have multiple revisions efficiently and with quite a bit of metadata to support merges.Let’s imagine a simple hierarchy. The relation has atokenattribute and achildrenattribute; children point to tokens. Relations will identify themselves with ids.>>> import BTrees >>> relations = BTrees.family64.IO.BTree() >>> relations[99] = None # just to give us a start>>> class Relation(object): ... def __init__(self, token, children=()): ... self.token = token ... self.children = BTrees.family64.IF.TreeSet(children) ... = relations.maxKey() + 1 ... relations[] = self ...>>> def token(rel, self): ... return rel.token ... >>> def children(rel, self): ... return rel.children ... >>> def dumpRelation(obj, index, cache): ... return ... >>> def loadRelation(token, index, cache): ... return relations[token] ...The standard TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory will be able to handle this quite well, so we’ll use that for our index.>>> import zc.relation.queryfactory >>> factory = zc.relation.queryfactory.TransposingTransitive( ... 'token', 'children') >>> import zc.relation.catalog >>> catalog = zc.relation.catalog.Catalog( ... dumpRelation, loadRelation, BTrees.family64.IO, BTrees.family64) >>> catalog.addValueIndex(token) >>> catalog.addValueIndex(children, multiple=True) >>> catalog.addDefaultQueryFactory(factory)Now let’s quickly create a hierarchy and index it.>>> for token, children in ( ... (0, (1, 2)), (1, (3, 4)), (2, (10, 11, 12)), (3, (5, 6)), ... (4, (13, 14)), (5, (7, 8, 9)), (6, (15, 16)), (7, (17, 18, 19)), ... (8, (20, 21, 22)), (9, (23, 24)), (10, (25, 26)), ... (11, (27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32))): ... catalog.index(Relation(token, children)) ...[25]That hierarchy is arbitrary. Here’s what we have, in terms of tokens pointing to children:_____________0_____________ / \ ________1_______ ______2____________ / \ / | \ ______3_____ _4_ 10 ____11_____ 12 / \ / \ / \ / / | \ \ \ _______5_______ 6 13 14 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 / | \ / \ _7_ _8_ 9 15 16 / | \ / | \ / \ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24Twelve relations, with tokens 0 through 11, and a total of 33 tokens, including children. The ids for the 12 relations are 100 through 111, corresponding with the tokens of 0 through 11.Without a transitive search index, we can get all transitive results. The results are iterators.>>> res = catalog.findRelationTokens({'token': 0}) >>> getattr(res, '__next__') is None False >>> getattr(res, '__len__', None) is None True >>> sorted(res) [100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111] >>> list(res) []>>> res = catalog.findValueTokens('children', {'token': 0}) >>> sorted(res) == list(range(1, 33)) True >>> list(res) [][26]canFindalso can work transitively, and will use transitive search indexes, as we’ll see below.>>> catalog.canFind({'token': 1}, targetQuery={'children': 23}) True >>> catalog.canFind({'token': 2}, targetQuery={'children': 23}) False >>> catalog.canFind({'children': 23}, targetQuery={'token': 1}) True >>> catalog.canFind({'children': 23}, targetQuery={'token': 2}) FalsefindRelationTokenChainswon’t change, but we’ll include it in the discussion and examples to show that.>>> res = catalog.findRelationTokenChains({'token': 2}) >>> chains = list(res) >>> len(chains) 3 >>> len(list(res)) 0Transitive Search IndexesNow we can add a couple of transitive search index. We’ll talk about them a bit first.There is currently one variety of transitive index, which indexes relation and value searches for the transposing transitive query factory.The index can only be used under certain conditions.The search is not a request for a relation chain.It does not specify a maximum depth.Filters are not used.If it is a value search, then specific value indexes cannot be used if a target filter or target query are used, but the basic relation index can still be used in that case.The usage of the search indexes is largely transparent: set them up, and the relation catalog will use them for the same API calls that used more brute force previously. The only difference from external uses is that results that use an index will usually be a BTree structure, rather than an iterator.When you add a transitive index for a relation, you must specify the transitive name (or names) of the query, and the same for the reverse. That’s all we’ll do now.>>> import zc.relation.searchindex >>> catalog.addSearchIndex( ... zc.relation.searchindex.TransposingTransitiveMembership( ... 'token', 'children', names=('children',)))Now we should have a search index installed.Notice that we went from parent (token) to child: this index is primarily designed for helping transitive membership searches in a hierarchy. Using it to index parents would incur a lot of write expense for not much win.There’s just a bit more you can specify here: static fields for a query to do a bit of filtering. We don’t need any of that for this example.Now how does the catalog use this index for searches? Three basic ways, depending on the kind of search, relations, values, orcanFind. Before we start looking into the internals, let’s verify that we’re getting what we expect: correct answers, and not iterators, but BTree structures.>>> res = catalog.findRelationTokens({'token': 0}) >>> list(res) [100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111] >>> list(res) [100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111]>>> res = catalog.findValueTokens('children', {'token': 0}) >>> list(res) == list(range(1, 33)) True >>> list(res) == list(range(1, 33)) True>>> catalog.canFind({'token': 1}, targetQuery={'children': 23}) True >>> catalog.canFind({'token': 2}, targetQuery={'children': 23}) False[27]Note that the last twocanFindexamples from when we went through these examples without an index do not use the index, so we don’t show them here: they look the wrong direction for this index.So how do these results happen?The first,findRelationTokens, and the last,canFind, are the most straightforward. The index finds all relations that match the given query, intransitively. Then for each relation, it looks up the indexed transitive results for that token. The end result is the union of all indexed results found from the intransitive search.canFindsimply casts the result into a boolean.findValueTokensis the same story as above with only one more step. After the union of relations is calculated, the method returns the union of the sets of the requested value for all found relations.It will maintain itself when relations are reindexed.>>> rel = list(catalog.findRelations({'token': 11}))[0] >>> for t in (27, 28, 29, 30, 31): ... rel.children.remove(t) ... >>> catalog.index(rel)>>> catalog.findValueTokens('children', {'token': 0}) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE LFSet([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 32]) >>> catalog.findValueTokens('children', {'token': 2}) LFSet([10, 11, 12, 25, 26, 32]) >>> catalog.findValueTokens('children', {'token': 11}) LFSet([32])>>> rel.children.remove(32) >>> catalog.index(rel)>>> catalog.findValueTokens('children', {'token': 0}) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE LFSet([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26]) >>> catalog.findValueTokens('children', {'token': 2}) LFSet([10, 11, 12, 25, 26]) >>> catalog.findValueTokens('children', {'token': 11}) LFSet([])>>> rel.children.insert(27) 1 >>> catalog.index(rel)>>> catalog.findValueTokens('children', {'token': 0}) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE LFSet([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27]) >>> catalog.findValueTokens('children', {'token': 2}) LFSet([10, 11, 12, 25, 26, 27]) >>> catalog.findValueTokens('children', {'token': 11}) LFSet([27])When the index is copied, the search index is copied.>>> new = catalog.copy() >>> res = list(new.iterSearchIndexes()) >>> len(res) 1 >>> new_index = res[0] >>> res = list(catalog.iterSearchIndexes()) >>> len(res) 1 >>> old_index = res[0] >>> new_index is old_index False >>> old_index.index is new_index.index False >>> list(old_index.index.keys()) == list(new_index.index.keys()) True >>> from __future__ import print_function >>> for key, value in old_index.index.items(): ... v = new_index.index[key] ... if v is value or list(v) != list(value): ... print('oops', key, value, v) ... break ... else: ... print('good') ... good >>> old_index.names is not new_index.names True >>> list(old_index.names) == list(new_index.names) True >>> for name, old_ix in old_index.names.items(): ... new_ix = new_index.names[name] ... if new_ix is old_ix or list(new_ix.keys()) != list(old_ix.keys()): ... print('oops') ... break ... for key, value in old_ix.items(): ... v = new_ix[key] ... if v is value or list(v) != list(value): ... print('oops', name, key, value, v) ... break ... else: ... continue ... break ... else: ... print('good') ... goodHelpersWhen writing search indexes and query factories, you often want complete access to relation catalog data. We’ve seen a number of these tools already:getRelationModuleToolsgets a dictionary of the BTree tools needed to work with relations.>>> sorted(catalog.getRelationModuleTools().keys()) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ['BTree', 'Bucket', 'Set', 'TreeSet', 'difference', 'dump', 'intersection', 'load', 'multiunion', 'union']‘multiunion’ is only there if the BTree is an I* or L* module. Use the zc.relation.catalog.multiunion helper function to do the best union you can for a given set of tools.getValueModuleToolsdoes the same for indexed values.>>> tools = set(('BTree', 'Bucket', 'Set', 'TreeSet', 'difference', ... 'dump', 'intersection', 'load', 'multiunion', 'union')) >>> tools.difference(catalog.getValueModuleTools('children').keys()) == set() True>>> tools.difference(catalog.getValueModuleTools('token').keys()) == set() TruegetRelationTokenscan return all of the tokens in the catalog.>>> len(catalog.getRelationTokens()) == len(catalog) TrueThis also happens to be equivalent tofindRelationTokenswith an empty query.>>> catalog.getRelationTokens() is catalog.findRelationTokens({}) TrueIt also can return all the tokens that match a given query, or None if there are no matches.>>> catalog.getRelationTokens({'token': 0}) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <BTrees.LOBTree.LOTreeSet object at ...> >>> list(catalog.getRelationTokens({'token': 0})) [100]This also happens to be equivalent tofindRelationTokenswith a query, a maxDepth of 1, and no other arguments.>>> catalog.findRelationTokens({'token': 0}, maxDepth=1) is ( ... catalog.getRelationTokens({'token': 0})) TrueExcept that if there are no matches,findRelationTokensreturns an empty set (so italwaysreturns an iterable).>>> catalog.findRelationTokens({'token': 50}, maxDepth=1) LOSet([]) >>> print(catalog.getRelationTokens({'token': 50})) NonegetValueTokenscan return all of the tokens for a given value name inthe catalog.>>> list(catalog.getValueTokens('token')) == list(range(12)) TrueThis is identical to catalog.findValueTokens with a name only (or with an empty query, and a maxDepth of 1).>>> list(catalog.findValueTokens('token')) == list(range(12)) True >>> catalog.findValueTokens('token') is catalog.getValueTokens('token') TrueIt can also return the values for a given token.>>> list(catalog.getValueTokens('children', 100)) [1, 2]This is identical to catalog.findValueTokens with a name and a query of {None: token}.>>> list(catalog.findValueTokens('children', {None: 100})) [1, 2] >>> catalog.getValueTokens('children', 100) is ( ... catalog.findValueTokens('children', {None: 100})) TrueExcept that if there are no matches,findValueTokensreturns an empty set (so italwaysreturns an iterable); while getValueTokens will return None if the relation has no values (or the relation is unknown).>>> catalog.findValueTokens('children', {None: 50}, maxDepth=1) LFSet([]) >>> print(catalog.getValueTokens('children', 50)) None>>> rel.children.remove(27) >>> catalog.index(rel) >>> catalog.findValueTokens('children', {None:}, maxDepth=1) LFSet([]) >>> print(catalog.getValueTokens('children', NoneyieldRelationTokenChainsis a search workhorse for searches that use aquery factory. TODO: describe.[25]The query factory knows when it is not needed–not only when neither of its names are used, but also when both of its names are used.>>> list(catalog.findRelationTokens({'token': 0, 'children': 1})) [100][26]When values are the same as their tokens,findValuesreturns the same result asfindValueTokens. Here we see this without indexes.>>> list(catalog.findValueTokens('children', {'token': 0})) == list( ... catalog.findValues('children', {'token': 0})) True[27]Again, when values are the same as their tokens,findValuesreturns the same result asfindValueTokens. Here we see this with indexes.>>> list(catalog.findValueTokens('children', {'token': 0})) == list( ... catalog.findValues('children', {'token': 0})) TrueOptimizing Relation Catalog UseThere are several best practices and optimization opportunities in regards to the catalog.Use integer-keyed BTree sets when possible. They can use the BTrees’multiunionfor a speed boost. Integers’ __cmp__ is reliable, and in C.Never use persistent objects as keys. They will cause a database load every time you need to look at them, they take up memory and object caches, and they (as of this writing) disable conflict resolution. Intids (or similar) are your best bet for representing objects, and some other immutable such as strings are the next-best bet, and (or similar) are after that.Use multiple-token values in your queries when possible, especially in your transitive query factories.Use the cache when you are loading and dumping tokens, and in your transitive query factories.When possible, don’t load or dump tokens (the values themselves may be used as tokens). This is especially important when you have multiple tokens: store them in a BTree structure in the same module as the zc.relation module for the value.For some operations, particularly with hundreds or thousands of members in a single relation value, some of these optimizations can speed up some common-case reindexing work by around 100 times.The easiest (and perhaps least useful) optimization is that all dump calls and all load calls generated by a single operation share a cache dictionary per call type (dump/load), per indexed relation value. Therefore, for instance, we could stash an intids utility, so that we only had to do a utility lookup once, and thereafter it was only a single dictionary lookup. This is what the defaultgenerateTokenandresolveTokenfunctions in zc.relationship’s do: look at them for an example.A further optimization is to not load or dump tokens at all, but use values that may be tokens. This will be particularly useful if the tokens have __cmp__ (or equivalent) in C, such as built-in types like ints. To specify this behavior, you create an index with the ‘load’ and ‘dump’ values for the indexed attribute descriptions explicitly set to None.>>> import zope.interface >>> class IRelation(zope.interface.Interface): ... subjects = zope.interface.Attribute( ... 'The sources of the relation; the subject of the sentence') ... relationtype = zope.interface.Attribute( ... '''unicode: the single relation type of this relation; ... usually contains the verb of the sentence.''') ... objects = zope.interface.Attribute( ... '''the targets of the relation; usually a direct or ... indirect object in the sentence''') ...>>> import BTrees >>> relations = BTrees.family32.IO.BTree() >>> relations[99] = None # just to give us a start>>> @zope.interface.implementer(IRelation) ... class Relation(object): ... ... def __init__(self, subjects, relationtype, objects): ... self.subjects = subjects ... assert relationtype in relTypes ... self.relationtype = relationtype ... self.objects = objects ... = relations.maxKey() + 1 ... relations[] = self ... def __repr__(self): ... return '<%r %s %r>' % ( ... self.subjects, self.relationtype, self.objects)>>> def token(rel, self): ... return rel.token ... >>> def children(rel, self): ... return rel.children ... >>> def dumpRelation(obj, index, cache): ... return ... >>> def loadRelation(token, index, cache): ... return relations[token] ...>>> relTypes = ['has the role of'] >>> def relTypeDump(obj, index, cache): ... assert obj in relTypes, 'unknown relationtype' ... return obj ... >>> def relTypeLoad(token, index, cache): ... assert token in relTypes, 'unknown relationtype' ... return token ...>>> import zc.relation.catalog >>> catalog = zc.relation.catalog.Catalog( ... dumpRelation, loadRelation) >>> catalog.addValueIndex(IRelation['subjects'], multiple=True) >>> catalog.addValueIndex( ... IRelation['relationtype'], relTypeDump, relTypeLoad, ... BTrees.family32.OI, name='reltype') >>> catalog.addValueIndex(IRelation['objects'], multiple=True) >>> import zc.relation.queryfactory >>> factory = zc.relation.queryfactory.TransposingTransitive( ... 'subjects', 'objects') >>> catalog.addDefaultQueryFactory(factory)>>> rel = Relation((1,), 'has the role of', (2,)) >>> catalog.index(rel) >>> list(catalog.findValueTokens('objects', {'subjects': 1})) [2]If you have single relations that relate hundreds or thousands of objects, it can be a huge win if the value is a ‘multiple’ of the same type as the stored BTree for the given attribute. The default BTree family for attributes is IFBTree; IOBTree is also a good choice, and may be preferrable for some applications.>>> catalog.unindex(rel) >>> rel = Relation( ... BTrees.family32.IF.TreeSet((1,)), 'has the role of', ... BTrees.family32.IF.TreeSet()) >>> catalog.index(rel) >>> list(catalog.findValueTokens('objects', {'subjects': 1})) [] >>> list(catalog.findValueTokens('subjects', {'objects': None})) [1]Reindexing is where some of the big improvements can happen. The following gyrations exercise the optimization code.>>> rel.objects.insert(2) 1 >>> catalog.index(rel) >>> list(catalog.findValueTokens('objects', {'subjects': 1})) [2] >>> rel.subjects = BTrees.family32.IF.TreeSet((3,4,5)) >>> catalog.index(rel) >>> list(catalog.findValueTokens('objects', {'subjects': 3})) [2]>>> rel.subjects.insert(6) 1 >>> catalog.index(rel) >>> list(catalog.findValueTokens('objects', {'subjects': 6})) [2]>>> rel.subjects.update(range(100, 200)) 100 >>> catalog.index(rel) >>> list(catalog.findValueTokens('objects', {'subjects': 100})) [2]>>> rel.subjects = BTrees.family32.IF.TreeSet((3,4,5,6)) >>> catalog.index(rel) >>> list(catalog.findValueTokens('objects', {'subjects': 3})) [2]>>> rel.subjects = BTrees.family32.IF.TreeSet(()) >>> catalog.index(rel) >>> list(catalog.findValueTokens('objects', {'subjects': 3})) []>>> rel.subjects = BTrees.family32.IF.TreeSet((3,4,5)) >>> catalog.index(rel) >>> list(catalog.findValueTokens('objects', {'subjects': 3})) [2]tokenizeValues and resolveValueTokens work correctly without loaders and dumpers–that is, they do nothing.>>> catalog.tokenizeValues((3,4,5), 'subjects') (3, 4, 5) >>> catalog.resolveValueTokens((3,4,5), 'subjects') (3, 4, 5)Changes2.0 (2023-04-05)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6. [ale-rt]Fix the dependency on the ZODB, we just need to depend on the BTrees package. Refs. #11. [ale-rt]1.2 (2023-03-28)Adapt code for PEP-479 (Change StopIteration handling inside generators). See: Fixes #11. [ale-rt]1.1.post2 (2018-06-18)Another attempt to fix PyPI page by using correct expected metadata syntax.1.1.post1 (2018-06-18)Fix PyPI page by using correct ReST syntax.1.1 (2018-06-15)Add support for Python 3.5 and (2008-04-23)This is the initial release of the zc.relation package. However, it represents a refactoring of another package, zc.relationship. This package contains only a modified version of the relation(ship) index, now called a catalog. The refactored version of zc.relationship index relies on (subclasses) this catalog. zc.relationship also maintains a backwards-compatible subclass.This package only relies on the ZODB, zope.interface, and zope.testing software, and can be used inside or outside of a standard ZODB database. The software does have to be there, though (the package relies heavily on the ZODB BTrees package).If you would like to switch a legacy zc.relationship index to a zc.relation catalog, try this trick in your generations script. Assuming the old index isold, the following line should create a new zc.relation catalog with your legacy data:>>> new = old.copy(zc.relation.Catalog)Why is the same basic data structure called a catalog now? Because we exposed the ability to mutate the data structure, and what you are really adding and removing are indexes. It didn’t make sense to put an index in an index, but it does make sense to put an index in a catalog. Thus, a name change was born.The catalog in this package has several incompatibilities from the earlier zc.relationship index, and many new features. The zc.relationship package maintains a backwards-compatible subclass. The following discussion compares the zc.relation catalog with the zc.relationship 1.x index.Incompatibilities with zc.relationship 1.x indexThe two big changes are that method names now refer toRelationrather thanRelationship; and the catalog is instantiated slightly differently from the index. A few other changes are worth your attention. The following list attempts to highlight all incompatibilities.Big incompatibilities:findRelationshipTokenSetandfindValueTokenSetare renamed, with some slightly different semantics, asgetRelationTokensandgetValueTokens. The exact same result asfindRelationTokenSet(query)can be obtained withfindRelationTokens(query, 1)(where 1 is maxDepth). The same result asfindValueTokenSet(reltoken, name)can be obtained withfindValueTokens(name, {zc.relation.RELATION: reltoken}, 1).findRelationsreplacesfindRelatonships. The new method will use the defaultTransitiveQueriesFactory if it is set and maxDepth is not 1. It shares the call signature offindRelationChains.isLinkedis nowcanFind.The catalog instantiation arguments have changed from the old index.loadanddump(formerlyloadRelanddumpRel, respectively) are now required arguments for instantiation.The only other optional arguments arebtree(wasrelFamily) andfamily. You now specify what elements to index withaddValueIndexNote also thataddValueIndexdefaults to no load and dump function, unlike the old instantiation options.query factories are different. SeeIQueryFactoryin the interfaces.they first get (query, catalog, cache) and then return a getQueries callable that gets relchains and yields queries; OR None if they don’t match.They must also handle an empty relchain. Typically this should return the original query, but may also be used to mutate the original query.They are no longer thought of as transitive query factories, but as general query mutators.Medium:The catalog no longer inherits from index requires ZODB 3.8 or higher.Small:deactivateSetsis no longer an instantiation option (it was broken because of a ZODB bug anyway, as had been described in the documentation).Changes and new featuresThe catalog now offers the ability to index certain searches. The indexes must be explicitly instantiated and registered you want to optimize. This can be used when searching for values, when searching for relations, or when determining if two objects are linked. It cannot be used for relation chains. Requesting an index has the usual trade-offs of greater storage space and slower write speed for faster search speed. Registering a search index is done after instantiation time; you can iteratate over the current settings used, and remove them. (The code path expects to support legacy zc.relationship index instances for all of these APIs.)You can now specify new values after the catalog has been created, iterate over the settings used, and remove values.The catalog has a copy method, to quickly make new copies without actually having to reindex the relations.query arguments can now specify multiple values for a given name by using zc.relation.catalog.any(1, 2, 3, 4) or zc.relation.catalog.Any((1, 2, 3, 4)).The catalog supports specifying indexed values by passing callables rather than interface elements (which are also still supported).findRelationsand new methodfindRelationTokenscan find relations transitively and intransitively.findRelationTokenswhen used intransitively repeats the legacy zc.relationship index behavior offindRelationTokenSet. (findRelationTokenSetremains in the API, not deprecated, a companion tofindValueTokenSet.)in findValues and findValueTokens,queryargument is now optional. If the query evaluates to False in a boolean context, all values, or value tokens, are returned. Value tokens are explicitly returned using the underlying BTree storage. This can then be used directly for other BTree operations.Completely new docs. Unfortunately, still really not good enough.The package has drastically reduced direct dependecies from zc.relationship: it is now more clearly a ZODB tool, with no other Zope dependencies than zope.testing and zope.interface.Listeners allow objects to listen to messages from the catalog (which can be used directly or, for instance, to fire off events).You can search for relations, using a key of zc.relation.RELATION…which is really an alias for None. Sorry. But hey, use the constant! I think it is more readable.tokenizeQuery (and resolveQuery) now accept keyword arguments as an alternative to a normal dict query. This can make constructing the query a bit more attractive (i.e.,query = catalog.tokenizeQuery; res =catalog.findValues('object',query(subject=joe, predicate=OWNS))).
The zc.relationship package currently contains two main types of components: a relationship index, and some relationship containers. Both are designed to be used within the ZODB, although the index is flexible enough to be used in other contexts. They share the model that relationships are full-fledged objects that are indexed for optimized searches. They also share the ability to perform optimized intransitive and transitive relationship searches, and to support arbitrary filter searches on relationship tokens.The index is a very generic component that can be used to optimize searches for N-ary relationships, can be used standalone or within a catalog, can be used with pluggable token generation schemes, and generally tries to provide a relatively policy-free tool. It is expected to be used primarily as an engine for more specialized and constrained tools and APIs.The relationship containers use the index to manage two-way relationships, using a derived mapping interface. It is a reasonable example of the index in standalone use.Another example, using the container model but supporting five-way relationships (“sources”, “targets”, “relation”, “getContext”, “state”), can be found in plone.relations. Its README is a good read. current document describes the relationship index. See container.rst for documentation of the relationship container.PLEASE NOTE: the index in zc.relationship, described below, now exists for backwards compatibility. zc.relation.catalog now contains the most recent, backward-incompatible version of the index code.IndexContentsIndexOverviewSimplest ExampleStarting the N-Way ExamplesToken conversionBasic searchingAn even simpler exampleSearching for empty setsWorking with transitive searchesDetecting cyclesTransitively mapping multiple elementsLies, damn lies, and statisticsReindexing and removing relationshipsOptimizing relationship index use__contains__ and UnindexingRelationshipContainerAdvanced UsageSearch FiltersMultiple Sources and/or Targets; Duplicate RelationshipsRelating Relationships and Relationship ContainersExposing Unresolved TokensConvenience classesOne-To-One RelationshipManyToOneRelationshipOneToManyRelationshipChanges2.1 (2021-03-22)2.0.post1 (2018-06-19)2.0 (2018-06-19)New RequirementsIncompatibilities with 1.0Changes in 2.0Branch index takes a very precise view of the world: instantiation requires multiple arguments specifying the configuration; and using the index requires that you acknowledge that the relationships and their associated indexed values are usually tokenized within the index. This precision trades some ease-of-use for the possibility of flexibility, power, and efficiency. That said, the index’s API is intended to be consistent, and to largely adhere to “there’s only one way to do it”[11].Simplest ExampleBefore diving into the N-way flexibility and the other more complex bits, then, let’s have a quick basic demonstration: a two way relationship from one value to another. This will give you a taste of the relationship index, and let you use it reasonably well for light-to-medium usage. If you are going to use more of its features or use it more in a potentially high-volume capacity, please consider trying to understand the entire document.Let’s say that we are modeling a relationship of people to their supervisors: an employee may have a single supervisor.Let’s say further that employee names are unique and can be used to represent employees. We can use names as our “tokens”. Tokens are similar to the primary key in a relational database, or in intid or keyreference in Zope 3–some way to uniquely identify an object, which sorts reliably and can be resolved to the object given the right context.>>> from __future__ import print_function >>> from functools import total_ordering >>> employees = {} # we'll use this to resolve the "name" tokens >>> @total_ordering ... class Employee(object): ... def __init__(self, name, supervisor=None): ... if name in employees: ... raise ValueError('employee with same name already exists') ... = name # expect this to be readonly ... self.supervisor = supervisor ... employees[name] = self ... def __repr__(self): # to make the tests prettier... ... return '<' + + '>' ... def __eq__(self, other): ... return self is other ... def __lt__(self, other): # to make the tests prettier... ... # pukes if other doesn't have name ... return < ...So, we need to define how to turn employees into their tokens. That’s trivial. (We explain the arguments to this function in detail below, but for now we’re aiming for “breezy overview”.)>>> def dumpEmployees(emp, index, cache): ... return ...We also need a way to turn tokens into employees. We use our dict for that.>>> def loadEmployees(token, index, cache): ... return employees[token] ...We also need a way to tell the index to find the supervisor for indexing:>>> def supervisor(emp, index): ... return emp.supervisor # None or another employee ...Now we have enough to get started with an index. The first argument to Index is the attributes to index: we pass thesupervisorfunction (which is also used in this case to define the index’s name, since we do not pass one explicitly), the dump and load functions, and a BTree module that specifies sets that can hold our tokens (OO or OL should also work). As keyword arguments, we tell the index how to dump and load our relationship tokens–the same functions in this case–and what a reasonable BTree module is for sets (again, we choose OI, but OO or OL should work).>>> from zc.relationship import index >>> import BTrees >>> ix = index.Index( ... ({'callable': supervisor, 'dump': dumpEmployees, ... 'load': loadEmployees, 'btree': BTrees.family32.OI},), ... dumpRel=dumpEmployees, loadRel=loadEmployees, ... relFamily=BTrees.family32.OI)Now let’s create a few employees.>>> a = Employee('Alice') >>> b = Employee('Betty', a) >>> c = Employee('Chuck', a) >>> d = Employee('Duane', b) >>> e = Employee('Edgar', b) >>> f = Employee('Frank', c) >>> g = Employee('Grant', c) >>> h = Employee('Howie', d)In a diagram style with which you will become familiar if you make it to the end of this document, let’s show the hierarchy.Alice __/ \__ Betty Chuck / \ / \ Duane Edgar Frank Grant | HowieSo who works for Alice? To ask the index, we need to tell it about them.>>> for emp in (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h): ... ix.index(emp) ...Now we can ask. We always need to ask with tokens. The index provides a method to try and make this more convenient:tokenizeQuery[1].[1]You can also resolve queries.>>> ix.resolveQuery({None: 'Alice'}) {None: <Alice>} >>> ix.resolveQuery({'supervisor': 'Alice'}) {'supervisor': <Alice>}The spelling of the query is described in more detail later, but the idea is simply that keys in a dictionary specify attribute names, and the values specify the constraints.>>> t = ix.tokenizeQuery >>> sorted(ix.findRelationshipTokens(t({'supervisor': a}))) ['Betty', 'Chuck'] >>> sorted(ix.findRelationships(t({'supervisor': a}))) [<Betty>, <Chuck>]How do we find what the employee’s supervisor is? Well, in this case, look at the attribute! If you can use an attribute that will usually be a win in the ZODB. If you want to look at the data in the index, though, that’s easy enough. Who is Howie’s supervisor? The None key in the query indicates that we are matching against the relationship token itself[2].[2]You can search for relations that haven’t been indexed.>>> list(ix.findRelationshipTokens({None: 'Ygritte'})) []You can also combine searches with None, just for completeness.>>> list(ix.findRelationshipTokens({None: 'Alice', 'supervisor': None})) ['Alice'] >>> list(ix.findRelationshipTokens({None: 'Alice', 'supervisor': 'Betty'})) [] >>> list(ix.findRelationshipTokens({None: 'Betty', 'supervisor': 'Alice'})) ['Betty']>>> h.supervisor <Duane> >>> list(ix.findValueTokens('supervisor', t({None: h}))) ['Duane'] >>> list(ix.findValues('supervisor', t({None: h}))) [<Duane>]What about transitive searching? Well, you need to tell the index how to walk the tree. In simple cases like this, the index’s TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory will do the trick. We just want to tell the factory to transpose the two keys, None and ‘supervisor’. We can then use it in queries for transitive searches.>>> factory = index.TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory(None, 'supervisor')Who are all of Howie’s supervisors transitively (this looks up in the diagram)?>>> list(ix.findValueTokens('supervisor', t({None: h}), ... transitiveQueriesFactory=factory)) ['Duane', 'Betty', 'Alice'] >>> list(ix.findValues('supervisor', t({None: h}), ... transitiveQueriesFactory=factory)) [<Duane>, <Betty>, <Alice>]Who are all of the people Betty supervises transitively, breadth first (this looks down in the diagram)?>>> people = list(ix.findRelationshipTokens( ... t({'supervisor': b}), transitiveQueriesFactory=factory)) >>> sorted(people[:2]) ['Duane', 'Edgar'] >>> people[2] 'Howie' >>> people = list(ix.findRelationships( ... t({'supervisor': b}), transitiveQueriesFactory=factory)) >>> sorted(people[:2]) [<Duane>, <Edgar>] >>> people[2] <Howie>This transitive search is really the only transitive factory you would want here, so it probably is safe to wire it in as a default. While most attributes on the index must be set at instantiation, this happens to be one we can set after the fact.>>> ix.defaultTransitiveQueriesFactory = factoryNow all searches are transitive.>>> list(ix.findValueTokens('supervisor', t({None: h}))) ['Duane', 'Betty', 'Alice'] >>> list(ix.findValues('supervisor', t({None: h}))) [<Duane>, <Betty>, <Alice>] >>> people = list(ix.findRelationshipTokens(t({'supervisor': b}))) >>> sorted(people[:2]) ['Duane', 'Edgar'] >>> people[2] 'Howie' >>> people = list(ix.findRelationships(t({'supervisor': b}))) >>> sorted(people[:2]) [<Duane>, <Edgar>] >>> people[2] <Howie>We can force a non-transitive search, or a specific search depth, with maxDepth[3].[3]A search with a maxDepth > 1 but no transitiveQueriesFactory raises an error.>>> ix.defaultTransitiveQueriesFactory = None >>> ix.findRelationshipTokens({'supervisor': 'Duane'}, maxDepth=3) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: if maxDepth not in (None, 1), queryFactory must be available>>> ix.defaultTransitiveQueriesFactory = factory>>> list(ix.findValueTokens('supervisor', t({None: h}), maxDepth=1)) ['Duane'] >>> list(ix.findValues('supervisor', t({None: h}), maxDepth=1)) [<Duane>] >>> sorted(ix.findRelationshipTokens(t({'supervisor': b}), maxDepth=1)) ['Duane', 'Edgar'] >>> sorted(ix.findRelationships(t({'supervisor': b}), maxDepth=1)) [<Duane>, <Edgar>]Transitive searches can handle recursive loops and have other features as discussed in the larger example and the interface.Our last two introductory examples show off three other methods:isLinkedfindRelationshipTokenChainsandfindRelationshipChains.isLinked lets you answer whether two queries are linked. Is Alice a supervisor of Howie? What about Chuck? (Note that, if your relationships describe a hierarchy, searching up a hierarchy is usually more efficient, so the second pair of questions is generally preferable to the first in that case.)>>> ix.isLinked(t({'supervisor': a}), targetQuery=t({None: h})) True >>> ix.isLinked(t({'supervisor': c}), targetQuery=t({None: h})) False >>> ix.isLinked(t({None: h}), targetQuery=t({'supervisor': a})) True >>> ix.isLinked(t({None: h}), targetQuery=t({'supervisor': c})) FalsefindRelationshipTokenChainsandfindRelationshipChainshelp you discoverhowthings are transitively related. A “chain” is a transitive path of relationships. For instance, what’s the chain of command between Alice and Howie?>>> list(ix.findRelationshipTokenChains( ... t({'supervisor': a}), targetQuery=t({None: h}))) [('Betty', 'Duane', 'Howie')] >>> list(ix.findRelationshipChains( ... t({'supervisor': a}), targetQuery=t({None: h}))) [(<Betty>, <Duane>, <Howie>)]This gives you a quick overview of the basic index features. This should be enough to get you going. Now we’ll dig in some more, if you want to know the details.Starting the N-Way ExamplesTo exercise the index further, we’ll come up with a somewhat complex relationship to index. Let’s say we are modeling a generic set-up like SUBJECT RELATIONSHIPTYPE OBJECT in CONTEXT. This could let you let users define relationship types, then index them on the fly. The context can be something like a project, so we could say“Fred” “has the role of” “Project Manager” on the “ redesign project”.Mapped to the parts of the relationship object, that’s[“Fred” (SUBJECT)] [“has the role of” (RELATIONSHIPTYPE)] [“Project Manager” (OBJECT)] on the [“ redesign project” (CONTEXT)].Without the context, you can still do interesting things like[“Ygritte” (SUBJECT)] [“manages” (RELATIONSHIPTYPE)] [“Uther” (OBJECT)]In our new example, we’ll leverage the fact that the index can accept interface attributes to index. So let’s define a basic interface without the context, and then an extended interface with the context.>>> from zope import interface >>> class IRelationship(interface.Interface): ... subjects = interface.Attribute( ... 'The sources of the relationship; the subject of the sentence') ... relationshiptype = interface.Attribute( ... '''unicode: the single relationship type of this relationship; ... usually contains the verb of the sentence.''') ... objects = interface.Attribute( ... '''the targets of the relationship; usually a direct or ... indirect object in the sentence''') ... >>> class IContextAwareRelationship(IRelationship): ... def getContext(): ... '''return a context for the relationship''' ...Now we’ll create an index. To do that, we must minimally pass in an iterable describing the indexed values. Each item in the iterable must either be an interface element (a zope.interface.Attribute or zope.interface.Method associated with an interface, typically obtained using a spelling likeIRelationship[‘subjects’]) or a dict. Each dict must have either the ‘element’ key, which is the interface element to be indexed; or the ‘callable’ key, which is the callable shown in the simpler, introductory example above[4].[4]instantiating an index with a dictionary containing both the ‘element’ and the ‘callable’ key is an error:>>> def subjects(obj, index, cache): ... return obj.subjects ... >>> ix = index.Index( ... ({'element': IRelationship['subjects'], ... 'callable': subjects, 'multiple': True}, ... IRelationship['relationshiptype'], ... {'element': IRelationship['objects'], 'multiple': True}, ... IContextAwareRelationship['getContext']), ... index.TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory('subjects', 'objects')) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: cannot provide both callable and elementWhile we’re at it, as you might expect, you must provide one of them.>>> ix = index.Index( ... ({'multiple': True}, ... IRelationship['relationshiptype'], ... {'element': IRelationship['objects'], 'multiple': True}, ... IContextAwareRelationship['getContext']), ... index.TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory('subjects', 'objects')) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: must provide element or callableIt then can contain other keys to override the default indexing behavior for the element.The element’s or callable’s __name__ will be used to refer to this element in queries, unless the dict has a ‘name’ key, which must be a non-empty string[5].[5]It’s possible to pass a callable without a name, in which case you must explicitly specify a name.>>> @total_ordering ... class AttrGetter(object): ... def __init__(self, attr): ... self.attr = attr ... def __eq__(self, other): ... return self is other ... def __lt__(self, other): ... return self.attr < getattr(other, 'attr', other) ... def __call__(self, obj, index, cache): ... return getattr(obj, self.attr, None) ... >>> subjects = AttrGetter('subjects') >>> ix = index.Index( ... ({'callable': subjects, 'multiple': True}, ... IRelationship['relationshiptype'], ... {'element': IRelationship['objects'], 'multiple': True}, ... IContextAwareRelationship['getContext']), ... index.TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory('subjects', 'objects')) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: no name specified >>> ix = index.Index( ... ({'callable': subjects, 'multiple': True, 'name': subjects}, ... IRelationship['relationshiptype'], ... {'element': IRelationship['objects'], 'multiple': True}, ... IContextAwareRelationship['getContext']), ... index.TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory('subjects', 'objects'))It’s also an error to specify the same name or element twice, however you do it.>>> ix = index.Index( ... ({'callable': subjects, 'multiple': True, 'name': 'objects'}, ... IRelationship['relationshiptype'], ... {'element': IRelationship['objects'], 'multiple': True}, ... IContextAwareRelationship['getContext']), ... index.TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory('subjects', 'objects')) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ('name already used', 'objects')>>> ix = index.Index( ... ({'callable': subjects, 'multiple': True, 'name': 'subjects'}, ... IRelationship['relationshiptype'], ... {'callable': subjects, 'multiple': True, 'name': 'objects'}, ... IContextAwareRelationship['getContext']), ... index.TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory('subjects', 'objects')) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ('element already indexed', <zc.relationship.README.AttrGetter object at ...>)>>> ix = index.Index( ... ({'element': IRelationship['objects'], 'multiple': True, ... 'name': 'subjects'}, ... IRelationship['relationshiptype'], ... {'element': IRelationship['objects'], 'multiple': True}, ... IContextAwareRelationship['getContext']), ... index.TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory('subjects', 'objects')) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ('element already indexed', <zope.interface.interface.Attribute object at ...>)The element is assumed to be a single value, unless the dict has a ‘multiple’ key with a value equivalent True. In our example, “subjects” and “objects” are potentially multiple values, while “relationshiptype” and “getContext” are single values.By default, the values for the element will be tokenized and resolved using an intid utility, and stored in a BTrees.IFBTree. This is a good choice if you want to make object tokens easily mergable with typical Zope 3 catalog results. If you need different behavior for any element, you can specify three keys per dict:‘dump’, the tokenizer, a callable taking (obj, index, cache) and returning a token;‘load’ the token resolver, a callable taking (token, index, cache) to return the object which the token represents; and‘btree’, the btree module to use to store and process the tokens, such as BTrees.OOBTree.If you provide a custom ‘dump’ you will almost certainly need to provide a custom ‘load’; and if your tokens are not integers then you will need to specify a different ‘btree’ (either BTrees.OOBTree or BTrees.OIBTree, as of this writing).The tokenizing function (‘dump’)mustreturn homogenous, immutable tokens: that is, any given tokenizer should only return tokens that sort unambiguously, across Python versions, which usually mean that they are all of the same type. For instance, a tokenizer should only return ints, or only return strings, or only tuples of strings, and so on. Different tokenizers used for different elements in the same index may return different types. They also may return the same value as the other tokenizers to mean different objects: the stores are separate.Note that both dump and load may also be explicitly None in the dictionary: this will mean that the values are already appropriate to be used as tokens. It enables an optimization described in theOptimizing relationship index usesection[6].[6]It is not allowed to provide only one or the other of ‘load’ and ‘dump’.>>> ix = index.Index( ... ({'element': IRelationship['subjects'], 'multiple': True, ... 'name': 'subjects','dump': None}, ... IRelationship['relationshiptype'], ... {'element': IRelationship['objects'], 'multiple': True}, ... IContextAwareRelationship['getContext']), ... index.TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory('subjects', 'objects')) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: either both of 'dump' and 'load' must be None, or neither>>> ix = index.Index( ... ({'element': IRelationship['objects'], 'multiple': True, ... 'name': 'subjects','load': None}, ... IRelationship['relationshiptype'], ... {'element': IRelationship['objects'], 'multiple': True}, ... IContextAwareRelationship['getContext']), ... index.TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory('subjects', 'objects')) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: either both of 'dump' and 'load' must be None, or neitherIn addition to the one required argument to the class, the signature contains four optional arguments. The ‘defaultTransitiveQueriesFactory’ is the next, and allows you to specify a callable as described in interfaces.ITransitiveQueriesFactory. Without it transitive searches will require an explicit factory every time, which can be tedious. The index package provides a simple implementation that supports transitive searches following two indexed elements (TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory) and this document describes more complex possible transitive behaviors that can be modeled. For our example, “subjects” and “objects” are the default transitive fields, so if Ygritte (SUBJECT) manages Uther (OBJECT), and Uther (SUBJECT) manages Emily (OBJECT), a search for all those transitively managed by Ygritte will transpose Uther from OBJECT to SUBJECT and find that Uther manages Emily. Similarly, to find all transitive managers of Emily, Uther will change place from SUBJECT to OBJECT in the search[7].[7]The factory lets you specify two names, which are transposed for transitive walks. This is usually what you want for a hierarchy and similar variations: as the text describes later, more complicated traversal might be desired in more complicated relationships, as found in genealogy.It supports both transposing values and relationship tokens, as seen in the text.In this footnote, we’ll explore the factory in the small, with index stubs.>>> factory = index.TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory( ... 'subjects', 'objects') >>> class StubIndex(object): ... def findValueTokenSet(self, rel, name): ... return { ... ('foo', 'objects'): ('bar',), ... ('bar', 'subjects'): ('foo',)}[(rel, name)] ... >>> ix = StubIndex() >>> list(factory(['foo'], {'subjects': 'foo'}, ix, {})) [{'subjects': 'bar'}] >>> list(factory(['bar'], {'objects': 'bar'}, ix, {})) [{'objects': 'foo'}]If you specify both fields then it won’t transpose.>>> list(factory(['foo'], {'objects': 'bar', 'subjects': 'foo'}, ix, {})) []If you specify additional fields then it keeps them statically.>>> list(factory(['foo'], {'subjects': 'foo', 'getContext': 'shazam'}, ... ix, {})) == [{'subjects': 'bar', 'getContext': 'shazam'}] TrueThe next three arguments, ‘dumpRel’, ‘loadRel’ and ‘relFamily’, have to do with the relationship tokens. The default values assume that you will be using intid tokens for the relationships, and so ‘dumpRel’ and ‘loadRel’ tokenize and resolve, respectively, using the intid utility; and ‘relFamily’ defaults to BTrees.IFBTree.If relationship tokens (from ‘findRelationshipChains’ or ‘apply’ or ‘findRelationshipTokenSet’, or in a filter to most of the search methods) are to be merged with other catalog results, relationship tokens should be based on intids, as in the default. For instance, if some relationships are only available to some users on the basis of security, and you keep an index of this, then you will want to use a filter based on the relationship tokens viewable by the current user as kept by the catalog index.If you are unable or unwilling to use intid relationship tokens, tokens must still be homogenous and immutable as described above for indexed values tokens.The last argument is ‘family’, which effectively defaults to BTrees.family32. If you don’t expicitly specify BTree modules for your value and relationship sets, this value will determine whether you use the 32 bit or the 64 bit IFBTrees[8].[8]Here’s an example of specifying the family64. This is a “white box” demonstration that looks at some of the internals.>>> ix = index.Index( # 32 bit default ... ({'element': IRelationship['subjects'], 'multiple': True}, ... IRelationship['relationshiptype'], ... {'element': IRelationship['objects'], 'multiple': True}, ... IContextAwareRelationship['getContext']), ... index.TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory('subjects', 'objects')) >>> ix._relTools['BTree'] is BTrees.family32.IF.BTree True >>> ix._attrs['subjects']['BTree'] is BTrees.family32.IF.BTree True >>> ix._attrs['objects']['BTree'] is BTrees.family32.IF.BTree True >>> ix._attrs['getContext']['BTree'] is BTrees.family32.IF.BTree True>>> ix = index.Index( # explicit 32 bit ... ({'element': IRelationship['subjects'], 'multiple': True}, ... IRelationship['relationshiptype'], ... {'element': IRelationship['objects'], 'multiple': True}, ... IContextAwareRelationship['getContext']), ... index.TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory('subjects', 'objects'), ... family=BTrees.family32) >>> ix._relTools['BTree'] is BTrees.family32.IF.BTree True >>> ix._attrs['subjects']['BTree'] is BTrees.family32.IF.BTree True >>> ix._attrs['objects']['BTree'] is BTrees.family32.IF.BTree True >>> ix._attrs['getContext']['BTree'] is BTrees.family32.IF.BTree True>>> ix = index.Index( # explicit 64 bit ... ({'element': IRelationship['subjects'], 'multiple': True}, ... IRelationship['relationshiptype'], ... {'element': IRelationship['objects'], 'multiple': True}, ... IContextAwareRelationship['getContext']), ... index.TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory('subjects', 'objects'), ... family=BTrees.family64) >>> ix._relTools['BTree'] is BTrees.family64.IF.BTree True >>> ix._attrs['subjects']['BTree'] is BTrees.family64.IF.BTree True >>> ix._attrs['objects']['BTree'] is BTrees.family64.IF.BTree True >>> ix._attrs['getContext']['BTree'] is BTrees.family64.IF.BTree TrueIf we had an IIntId utility registered and wanted to use the defaults, then instantiation of an index for our relationship would look like this:>>> ix = index.Index( ... ({'element': IRelationship['subjects'], 'multiple': True}, ... IRelationship['relationshiptype'], ... {'element': IRelationship['objects'], 'multiple': True}, ... IContextAwareRelationship['getContext']), ... index.TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory('subjects', 'objects'))That’s the simple case. With relatively little fuss, we have an IIndex, and a defaultTransitiveQueriesFactory, implementing ITransitiveQueriesFactory, that switches subjects and objects as described above.>>> from zc.relationship import interfaces >>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject >>> verifyObject(interfaces.IIndex, ix) True >>> verifyObject( ... interfaces.ITransitiveQueriesFactory, ... ix.defaultTransitiveQueriesFactory) TrueFor the purposes of a more complex example, though, we are going to exercise more of the index’s options–we’ll use at least one of ‘name’, ‘dump’, ‘load’, and ‘btree’.‘subjects’ and ‘objects’ will use a custom integer-based token generator. They will share tokens, which will let us use the default TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory. We can keep using the IFBTree sets, because the tokens are still integers.‘relationshiptype’ will use a name ‘reltype’ and will just use the unicode value as the token, without translation but with a registration check.‘getContext’ will use a name ‘context’ but will continue to use the intid utility and use the names from their interface. We will see later that making transitive walks between different token sources must be handled with care.We will also use the intid utility to resolve relationship tokens. See the relationship container (and container.rst) for examples of changing the relationship type, especially in are the methods we’ll use for the ‘subjects’ and ‘objects’ tokens, followed by the methods we’ll use for the ‘relationshiptypes’ tokens.>>> lookup = {} >>> counter = [0] >>> prefix = '_z_token__' >>> def dump(obj, index, cache): ... assert (interfaces.IIndex.providedBy(index) and ... isinstance(cache, dict)), ( ... 'did not receive correct arguments') ... token = getattr(obj, prefix, None) ... if token is None: ... token = counter[0] ... counter[0] += 1 ... if counter[0] >= 2147483647: ... raise RuntimeError("Whoa! That's a lot of ids!") ... assert token not in lookup ... setattr(obj, prefix, token) ... lookup[token] = obj ... return token ... >>> def load(token, index, cache): ... assert (interfaces.IIndex.providedBy(index) and ... isinstance(cache, dict)), ( ... 'did not receive correct arguments') ... return lookup[token] ... >>> relTypes = [] >>> def relTypeDump(obj, index, cache): ... assert obj in relTypes, 'unknown relationshiptype' ... return obj ... >>> def relTypeLoad(token, index, cache): ... assert token in relTypes, 'unknown relationshiptype' ... return token ...Note that these implementations are completely silly if we actually cared about ZODB-based persistence: to even make it half-acceptable we should make the counter, lookup, and and relTypes persistently stored somewhere using a reasonable persistent data structure. This is just a demonstration example.Now we can make an index.As in our initial example, we are going to use the simple transitive query factory defined in the index module for our default transitive behavior: when you want to do transitive searches, transpose ‘subjects’ with ‘objects’ and keep everything else; and if both subjects and objects are provided, don’t do any transitive search.>>> from BTrees import OIBTree # could also be OOBTree >>> ix = index.Index( ... ({'element': IRelationship['subjects'], 'multiple': True, ... 'dump': dump, 'load': load}, ... {'element': IRelationship['relationshiptype'], ... 'dump': relTypeDump, 'load': relTypeLoad, 'btree': OIBTree, ... 'name': 'reltype'}, ... {'element': IRelationship['objects'], 'multiple': True, ... 'dump': dump, 'load': load}, ... {'element': IContextAwareRelationship['getContext'], ... 'name': 'context'}), ... index.TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory('subjects', 'objects'))We’ll want to put the index somewhere in the system so it can find the intid utility. We’ll add it as a utility just as part of the example. As long as the index has a valid __parent__ that is itself connected transitively to a site manager with the desired intid utility, everything should work fine, so no need to install it as utility. This is just an example.>>> from zope import interface >>> sm = app.getSiteManager() >>> sm['rel_index'] = ix >>> import zope.interface.interfaces >>> registry = zope.interface.interfaces.IComponentRegistry(sm) >>> registry.registerUtility(ix, interfaces.IIndex) >>> import transaction >>> transaction.commit()Now we’ll create some representative objects that we can relate, and create and index our first example relationship.In the example, note that the context will only be available as an adapter to ISpecialRelationship objects: the index tries to adapt objects to the appropriate interface, and considers the value to be empty if it cannot adapt.>>> import persistent >>> from import Contained >>> class Base(persistent.Persistent, Contained): ... def __init__(self, name): ... = name ... def __repr__(self): ... return '<%s %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, ... >>> class Person(Base): pass ... >>> class Role(Base): pass ... >>> class Project(Base): pass ... >>> class Company(Base): pass ... >>> @interface.implementer(IRelationship) ... class Relationship(persistent.Persistent, Contained): ... def __init__(self, subjects, relationshiptype, objects): ... self.subjects = subjects ... assert relationshiptype in relTypes ... self.relationshiptype = relationshiptype ... self.objects = objects ... def __repr__(self): ... return '<%r %s %r>' % ( ... self.subjects, self.relationshiptype, self.objects) ... >>> class ISpecialRelationship(interface.Interface): ... pass ... >>> from zope import component >>> @component.adapter(ISpecialRelationship) ... @interface.implementer(IContextAwareRelationship) ... class ContextRelationshipAdapter(object): ... def __init__(self, adapted): ... self.adapted = adapted ... def getContext(self): ... return getattr(self.adapted, '_z_context__', None) ... def setContext(self, value): ... self.adapted._z_context__ = value ... def __getattr__(self, name): ... return getattr(self.adapted, name) ... >>> component.provideAdapter(ContextRelationshipAdapter) >>> @interface.implementer(ISpecialRelationship) ... class SpecialRelationship(Relationship): ... pass ... >>> people = {} >>> for p in ['Abe', 'Bran', 'Cathy', 'David', 'Emily', 'Fred', 'Gary', ... 'Heather', 'Ingrid', 'Jim', 'Karyn', 'Lee', 'Mary', ... 'Nancy', 'Olaf', 'Perry', 'Quince', 'Rob', 'Sam', 'Terry', ... 'Uther', 'Van', 'Warren', 'Xen', 'Ygritte', 'Zane']: ... app[p] = people[p] = Person(p) ... >>> relTypes.extend( ... ['has the role of', 'manages', 'taught', 'commissioned']) >>> roles = {} >>> for r in ['Project Manager', 'Software Engineer', 'Designer', ... 'Systems Administrator', 'Team Leader', 'Mascot']: ... app[r] = roles[r] = Role(r) ... >>> projects = {} >>> for p in [' redesign', 'Zope 3 manual', ... 'improved test coverage', 'Vault design and implementation']: ... app[p] = projects[p] = Project(p) ... >>> companies = {} >>> for c in ['Ynod Corporation', 'HAL, Inc.', 'Zookd']: ... app[c] = companies[c] = Company(c) ...>>> app['fredisprojectmanager'] = rel = SpecialRelationship( ... (people['Fred'],), 'has the role of', (roles['Project Manager'],)) >>> IContextAwareRelationship(rel).setContext( ... projects[' redesign']) >>> ix.index(rel) >>> transaction.commit()Token conversionBefore we examine the searching features, we should quickly discuss the tokenizing API on the index. All search queries must use value tokens, and search results can sometimes be value or relationship tokens. Therefore converting between tokens and real values can be important. The index provides a number of conversion methods for this purpose.Arguably the most important istokenizeQuery: it takes a query, in which each key and value are the name of an indexed value and an actual value, respectively; and returns a query in which the actual values have been converted to tokens. For instance, consider the following example. It’s a bit hard to show the conversion reliably (we can’t know what the intid tokens will be, for instance) so we just show that the result’s values are tokenized versions of the inputs.>>> res = ix.tokenizeQuery( ... {'objects': roles['Project Manager'], ... 'context': projects[' redesign']}) >>> res['objects'] == dump(roles['Project Manager'], ix, {}) True >>> from import IIntIds >>> intids = component.getUtility(IIntIds, context=ix) >>> res['context'] == intids.getId(projects[' redesign']) TrueTokenized queries can be resolved to values again using resolveQuery.>>> sorted(ix.resolveQuery(res).items()) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [('context', <Project ' redesign'>), ('objects', <Role 'Project Manager'>)]Other useful conversions aretokenizeValues, which returns an iterable of tokens for the values of the given index name;>>> examples = (people['Abe'], people['Bran'], people['Cathy']) >>> res = list(ix.tokenizeValues(examples, 'subjects')) >>> res == [dump(o, ix, {}) for o in examples] TrueresolveValueTokens, which returns an iterable of values for the tokens of the given index name;>>> list(ix.resolveValueTokens(res, 'subjects')) [<Person 'Abe'>, <Person 'Bran'>, <Person 'Cathy'>]tokenizeRelationship, which returns a token for the given relationship;>>> res = ix.tokenizeRelationship(rel) >>> res == intids.getId(rel) TrueresolveRelationshipToken, which returns a relationship for the given token;>>> ix.resolveRelationshipToken(res) is rel TruetokenizeRelationships, which returns an iterable of tokens for the relations given; and>>> app['another_rel'] = another_rel = Relationship( ... (companies['Ynod Corporation'],), 'commissioned', ... (projects['Vault design and implementation'],)) >>> res = list(ix.tokenizeRelationships((another_rel, rel))) >>> res == [intids.getId(r) for r in (another_rel, rel)] TrueresolveRelationshipTokens, which returns an iterable of relations for the tokens given.>>> list(ix.resolveRelationshipTokens(res)) == [another_rel, rel] TrueBasic searchingNow we move to the meat of the interface: searching. The index interface defines several searching methods:findValuesandfindValueTokensask “to what is this related?”;findRelationshipChainsandfindRelationshipTokenChainsask “how is this related?”, especially for transitive searches;isLinkedasks “does a relationship like this exist?”;findRelationshipTokenSetasks “what are the intransitive relationships that match my query?” and is particularly useful for low-level usage of the index data structures;findRelationshipsasks the same question, but returns an iterable of relationships rather than a set of tokens;findValueTokenSetasks “what are the value tokens for this particular indexed name and this relationship token?” and is useful for low-level usage of the index data structures such as transitive query factories; andthe standard zope.index methodapplyessentially exposes thefindRelationshipTokenSetandfindValueTokensmethods via a query object spelling.findRelationshipChainsandfindRelationshipTokenChainsare paired methods, doing the same work but with and without resolving the resulting tokens; andfindValuesandfindValueTokensare also paired in the same way.It is very important to note that all queries must use tokens, not actual objects. As introduced above, the index provides a method to ease that requirement, in the form of atokenizeQuerymethod that converts a dict with objects to a dict with tokens. You’ll see below that we shorten our calls by stashingtokenizeQueryaway in the ‘q’ name.>>> q = ix.tokenizeQueryWe have indexed our first example relationship–“Fred has the role of project manager in the redesign”–so we can search for it. We’ll first look atfindValuesandfindValueTokens. Here, we ask ‘who has the role of project manager in the redesign?’. We do it first with findValues and then with findValueTokens[9].[9]findValueTokensandfindValuesraise errors if you try to get a value that is not indexed.>>> list(ix.findValues( ... 'folks', ... q({'reltype': 'has the role of', ... 'objects': roles['Project Manager'], ... 'context': projects[' redesign']}))) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ('name not indexed', 'folks')>>> list(ix.findValueTokens( ... 'folks', ... q({'reltype': 'has the role of', ... 'objects': roles['Project Manager'], ... 'context': projects[' redesign']}))) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ('name not indexed', 'folks')>>> list(ix.findValues( ... 'subjects', ... q({'reltype': 'has the role of', ... 'objects': roles['Project Manager'], ... 'context': projects[' redesign']}))) [<Person 'Fred'>]>>> [load(t, ix, {}) for t in ix.findValueTokens( ... 'subjects', ... q({'reltype': 'has the role of', ... 'objects': roles['Project Manager'], ... 'context': projects[' redesign']}))] [<Person 'Fred'>]If you don’t pass a query to these methods, you get all indexed values for the given name in a BTree (don’t modify this! this is an internal data structure– we pass it out directly because you can do efficient things with it with BTree set operations). In this case, we’ve only indexed a single relationship, so its subjects are the subjects in this result.>>> res = ix.findValueTokens('subjects', maxDepth=1) >>> res # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <BTrees.IOBTree.IOBTree object at ...> >>> [load(t, ix, {}) for t in res] [<Person 'Fred'>]If we want to find all the relationships for which Fred is a subject, we can usefindRelationshipTokenSet. It, combined withfindValueTokenSet, is useful for querying the index data structures at a fairly low level, when you want to use the data in a way that the other search methods don’t support.findRelationshipTokenSet, given a single dictionary of {indexName: token}, returns a set (based on the btree family for relationships in the index) of relationship tokens that match it, intransitively.>>> res = ix.findRelationshipTokenSet(q({'subjects': people['Fred']})) >>> res # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <BTrees.IFBTree.IFTreeSet object at ...> >>> [intids.getObject(t) for t in res] [<(<Person 'Fred'>,) has the role of (<Role 'Project Manager'>,)>]It is in fact equivalent tofindRelationshipTokenscalled without transitivity and without any filtering.>>> res2 = ix.findRelationshipTokens( ... q({'subjects': people['Fred']}), maxDepth=1) >>> res2 is res TrueThefindRelationshipTokenSetmethod always returns a set, even if the query does not have any results.>>> res = ix.findRelationshipTokenSet(q({'subjects': people['Ygritte']})) >>> res # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <BTrees.IFBTree.IFTreeSet object at ...> >>> list(res) []An empty query returns all relationships in the index (this is true of other search methods as well).>>> res = ix.findRelationshipTokenSet({}) >>> res # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <BTrees.IFBTree.IFTreeSet object at ...> >>> len(res) == ix.documentCount() True >>> for r in ix.resolveRelationshipTokens(res): ... if r not in ix: ... print('oops') ... break ... else: ... print('correct') ... correctfindRelationshipscan do the same thing but with resolving the relationships.>>> list(ix.findRelationships(q({'subjects': people['Fred']}))) [<(<Person 'Fred'>,) has the role of (<Role 'Project Manager'>,)>]However, likefindRelationshipTokensand unlikefindRelationshipTokenSet,findRelationshipscan be used transitively, as shown in the introductory section of this document.findValueTokenSet, given a relationship token and a value name, returns a set (based on the btree family for the value) of value tokens for that relationship.>>> src = ix.findRelationshipTokenSet(q({'subjects': people['Fred']}))>>> res = ix.findValueTokenSet(list(src)[0], 'subjects') >>> res # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <BTrees.IFBTree.IFTreeSet object at ...> >>> [load(t, ix, {}) for t in res] [<Person 'Fred'>]LikefindRelationshipTokenSetandfindRelationshipTokens,findValueTokenSetis equivalent tofindValueTokenswithout a transitive search or filtering.>>> res2 = ix.findValueTokenSet(list(src)[0], 'subjects') >>> res2 is res TrueThe apply method, part of the zope.index.interfaces.IIndexSearch interface, can essentially only duplicate thefindValueTokensandfindRelationshipTokenSetsearch calls. The only additional functionality is that the results always are IFBTree sets: if the tokens requested are not in an IFBTree set (on the basis of the ‘btree’ key during instantiation, for instance) then the index raises a ValueError. A wrapper dict specifies the type of search with the key, and the value should be the arguments for the search.Here, we ask for the current known roles on the redesign.>>> res = ix.apply({'values': ... {'resultName': 'objects', 'query': ... q({'reltype': 'has the role of', ... 'context': projects[' redesign']})}}) >>> res # doctest: +ELLIPSIS IFSet([...]) >>> [load(t, ix, {}) for t in res] [<Role 'Project Manager'>]Ideally, this would fail, because the tokens, while integers, are not actually mergable with a intid-based catalog results. However, the index only complains if it can tell that the returning set is not an IFTreeSet or IFSet.Here, we ask for the relationships that have the ‘has the role of’ type.>>> res = ix.apply({'relationships': ... q({'reltype': 'has the role of'})}) >>> res # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <BTrees.IFBTree.IFTreeSet object at ...> >>> [intids.getObject(t) for t in res] [<(<Person 'Fred'>,) has the role of (<Role 'Project Manager'>,)>]Here, we ask for the known relationships types for the redesign. It will fail, because the result cannot be expressed as an IFBTree.IFTreeSet.>>> res = ix.apply({'values': ... {'resultName': 'reltype', 'query': ... q({'context': projects[' redesign']})}}) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: cannot fulfill `apply` interface because cannot return an (I|L)FBTree-based resultThe same kind of error will be raised if you request relationships and the relationships are not stored in IFBTree or LFBTree structures[10].[10]Only one key may be in the dictionary.>>> res = ix.apply({'values': ... {'resultName': 'objects', 'query': ... q({'reltype': 'has the role of', ... 'context': projects[' redesign']})}, ... 'relationships': q({'reltype': 'has the role of'})}) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: one key in the primary query dictionaryThe keys must be one of ‘values’ or ‘relationships’.>>> res = ix.apply({'kumquats': ... {'resultName': 'objects', 'query': ... q({'reltype': 'has the role of', ... 'context': projects[' redesign']})}}) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ('unknown query type', 'kumquats')If a relationship uses LFBTrees, searches are fine.>>> ix2 = index.Index( # explicit 64 bit ... ({'element': IRelationship['subjects'], 'multiple': True}, ... IRelationship['relationshiptype'], ... {'element': IRelationship['objects'], 'multiple': True}, ... IContextAwareRelationship['getContext']), ... index.TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory('subjects', 'objects'), ... family=BTrees.family64)>>> list(ix2.apply({'values': ... {'resultName': 'objects', 'query': ... q({'subjects': people['Gary']})}})) []>>> list(ix2.apply({'relationships': ... q({'subjects': people['Gary']})})) []But, as with shown in the main text for values, if you are using another BTree module for relationships, you’ll get an error.>>> ix2 = index.Index( # explicit 64 bit ... ({'element': IRelationship['subjects'], 'multiple': True}, ... IRelationship['relationshiptype'], ... {'element': IRelationship['objects'], 'multiple': True}, ... IContextAwareRelationship['getContext']), ... index.TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory('subjects', 'objects'), ... relFamily=BTrees.OIBTree)>>> list(ix2.apply({'relationships': ... q({'subjects': people['Gary']})})) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: cannot fulfill `apply` interface because cannot return an (I|L)FBTree-based resultThe last basic search methods,isLinked,findRelationshipTokenChains, andfindRelationshipChains, are most useful for transitive searches. We have not yet created any relationships that we can use transitively. They still will work with intransitive searches, so we will demonstrate them here as an introduction, then discuss them more below when we introduce transitive relationships.findRelationshipChainsandfindRelationshipTokenChainslet you find transitive relationship paths. Right now a single relationship–a single point–can’t create much of a line. So first, here’s a somewhat useless example:>>> [[intids.getObject(t) for t in path] for path in ... ix.findRelationshipTokenChains( ... q({'reltype': 'has the role of'}))] ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [[<(<Person 'Fred'>,) has the role of (<Role 'Project Manager'>,)>]]That’s useless, because there’s no chance of it being a transitive search, and so you might as well use findRelationshipTokenSet. This will become more interesting later on.Here’s the same example with findRelationshipChains, which resolves the relationship tokens itself.>>> list(ix.findRelationshipChains(q({'reltype': 'has the role of'}))) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(<(<Person 'Fred'>,) has the role of (<Role 'Project Manager'>,)>,)]isLinkedreturns a boolean if there is at least one path that matches the search–in fact, the implementation is essentiallytry: iter(ix.findRelationshipTokenChains(...args...)).next() except StopIteration: return False else: return TrueSo, we can say>>> ix.isLinked(q({'subjects': people['Fred']})) True >>> ix.isLinked(q({'subjects': people['Gary']})) False >>> ix.isLinked(q({'subjects': people['Fred'], ... 'reltype': 'manages'})) FalseThis is reasonably useful as is, to test basic assertions. It also works with transitive searches, as we will see below.An even simpler example(This was added to test that searching for a simple relationship works even when the transitive query factory is not set.)Let’s create a very simple relation type, using strings as the source and target types:>>> class IStringRelation(interface.Interface): ... name = interface.Attribute("The name of the value.") ... value = interface.Attribute("The value associated with the name.")>>> @interface.implementer(IStringRelation) ... class StringRelation(persistent.Persistent, Contained): ... ... def __init__(self, name, value): ... = name ... self.value = value>>> app[u"string-relation-1"] = StringRelation("name1", "value1") >>> app[u"string-relation-2"] = StringRelation("name2", "value2")>>> transaction.commit()We can now create an index that uses these:>>> from BTrees import OOBTree>>> sx = index.Index( ... ({"element": IStringRelation["name"], ... "load": None, "dump": None, "btree": OOBTree}, ... {"element": IStringRelation["value"], ... "load": None, "dump": None, "btree": OOBTree}, ... ))>>> app["sx"] = sx >>> transaction.commit()And we’ll add the relations to the index:>>> app["sx"].index(app["string-relation-1"]) >>> app["sx"].index(app["string-relation-2"])Getting a relationship back out should be very simple. Let’s look for all the values associates with “name1”:>>> query = sx.tokenizeQuery({"name": "name1"}) >>> list(sx.findValues("value", query)) ['value1']Searching for empty setsWe’ve examined the most basic search capabilities. One other feature of the index and search is that one can search for relationships to an empty set, or, for single-value relationships like ‘reltype’ and ‘context’ in our examples, None.Let’s add a relationship with a ‘manages’ relationshiptype, and no context; and a relationship with a ‘commissioned’ relationship type, and a company context.Notice that there are two ways of adding indexes, by the way. We have already seen that the index has an ‘index’ method that takes a relationship. Here we use ‘index_doc’ which is a method defined in zope.index.interfaces.IInjection that requires the token to already be generated. Since we are using intids to tokenize the relationships, we must add them to the ZODB app object to give them the possibility of a connection.>>> app['abeAndBran'] = rel = Relationship( ... (people['Abe'],), 'manages', (people['Bran'],)) >>> ix.index_doc(intids.register(rel), rel) >>> app['abeAndVault'] = rel = SpecialRelationship( ... (people['Abe'],), 'commissioned', ... (projects['Vault design and implementation'],)) >>> IContextAwareRelationship(rel).setContext(companies['Zookd']) >>> ix.index_doc(intids.register(rel), rel)Now we can search for Abe’s relationship that does not have a context. The None value is always used to match both an empty set and a singleNonevalue. The index does not support any other “empty” values at this time.>>> sorted( ... repr(load(t, ix, {})) for t in ix.findValueTokens( ... 'objects', ... q({'subjects': people['Abe']}))) ["<Person 'Bran'>", "<Project 'Vault design and implementation'>"] >>> [load(t, ix, {}) for t in ix.findValueTokens( ... 'objects', q({'subjects': people['Abe'], 'context': None}))] [<Person 'Bran'>] >>> sorted( ... repr(v) for v in ix.findValues( ... 'objects', ... q({'subjects': people['Abe']}))) ["<Person 'Bran'>", "<Project 'Vault design and implementation'>"] >>> list(ix.findValues( ... 'objects', q({'subjects': people['Abe'], 'context': None}))) [<Person 'Bran'>]Note that the index does not currently support searching for relationships that have any value, or one of a set of values. This may be added at a later date; the spelling for such queries are among the more troublesome parts.Working with transitive searchesIt’s possible to do transitive searches as well. This can let you find all transitive bosses, or transitive subordinates, in our ‘manages’ relationship type. Let’s set up some example relationships. Using letters to represent our people, we’ll create three hierarchies like this:A JK R / \ / \ B C LM NOP S T U / \ | | /| | \ D E F Q V W X | | | \--Y H G | | Z IThis means that, for instance, person “A” (“Abe”) manages “B” (“Bran”) and “C” (“Cathy”).We already have a relationship from Abe to Bran, so we’ll only be adding the rest.>>> relmap = ( ... ('A', 'C'), ('B', 'D'), ('B', 'E'), ('C', 'F'), ... ('F', 'G'), ('D', 'H'), ('H', 'I'), ('JK', 'LM'), ('JK', 'NOP'), ... ('LM', 'Q'), ('R', 'STU'), ('S', 'VW'), ('T', 'X'), ('UX', 'Y'), ... ('Y', 'Z')) >>> letters = dict((name[0], ob) for name, ob in people.items()) >>> for subs, obs in relmap: ... subs = tuple(letters[l] for l in subs) ... obs = tuple(letters[l] for l in obs) ... app['%sManages%s' % (''.join( for o in subs), ... ''.join( for o in obs))] = rel = ( ... Relationship(subs, 'manages', obs)) ... ix.index(rel) ...Now we can do both transitive and intransitive searches. Here are a few examples.>>> [load(t, ix, {}) for t in ix.findValueTokens( ... 'subjects', ... q({'objects': people['Ingrid'], ... 'reltype': 'manages'})) ... ] [<Person 'Heather'>, <Person 'David'>, <Person 'Bran'>, <Person 'Abe'>]Here’s the same thing using findValues.>>> list(ix.findValues( ... 'subjects', ... q({'objects': people['Ingrid'], ... 'reltype': 'manages'}))) [<Person 'Heather'>, <Person 'David'>, <Person 'Bran'>, <Person 'Abe'>]Notice that they are in order, walking away from the search start. It also is breadth-first–for instance, look at the list of superiors to Zane: Xen and Uther come before Rob and Terry.>>> res = list(ix.findValues( ... 'subjects', ... q({'objects': people['Zane'], 'reltype': 'manages'}))) >>> res[0] <Person 'Ygritte'> >>> sorted(repr(p) for p in res[1:3]) ["<Person 'Uther'>", "<Person 'Xen'>"] >>> sorted(repr(p) for p in res[3:]) ["<Person 'Rob'>", "<Person 'Terry'>"]Notice that all the elements of the search are maintained as it is walked–only the transposed values are changed, and the rest remain statically. For instance, notice the difference between these two results.>>> [load(t, ix, {}) for t in ix.findValueTokens( ... 'objects', ... q({'subjects': people['Cathy'], 'reltype': 'manages'}))] [<Person 'Fred'>, <Person 'Gary'>] >>> res = [load(t, ix, {}) for t in ix.findValueTokens( ... 'objects', ... q({'subjects': people['Cathy']}))] >>> res[0] <Person 'Fred'> >>> sorted(repr(i) for i in res[1:]) ["<Person 'Gary'>", "<Role 'Project Manager'>"]The first search got what we expected for our management relationshiptype– walking from Cathy, the relationshiptype was maintained, and we only got the Gary subordinate. The second search didn’t specify the relationshiptype, so the transitive search included the Role we added first (Fred has the role of Project Manager for the redesign).ThemaxDepthargument allows control over how far to search. For instance, if we only want to search for Bran’s subordinates a maximum of two steps deep, we can do so:>>> res = [load(t, ix, {}) for t in ix.findValueTokens( ... 'objects', ... q({'subjects': people['Bran']}), ... maxDepth=2)] >>> sorted(repr(i) for i in res) ["<Person 'David'>", "<Person 'Emily'>", "<Person 'Heather'>"]The same is true for findValues.>>> res = list(ix.findValues( ... 'objects', ... q({'subjects': people['Bran']}), maxDepth=2)) >>> sorted(repr(i) for i in res) ["<Person 'David'>", "<Person 'Emily'>", "<Person 'Heather'>"]A minimum depth–a number of relationships that must be traversed before results are desired–can also be achieved trivially using the targetFilter argument described soon below. For now, we will continue in the order of the arguments list, sofilteris up next.Thefilterargument takes an object (such as a function) that provides interfaces.IFilter. As the interface lists, it receives the current chain of relationship tokens (“relchain”), the original query that started the search (“query”), the index object (“index”), and a dictionary that will be used throughout the search and then discarded that can be used for optimizations (“cache”). It should return a boolean, which determines whether the given relchain should be used at all–traversed or returned. For instance, if security dictates that the current user can only see certain relationships, the filter could be used to make only the available relationships traversable. Other uses are only getting relationships that were created after a given time, or that have some annotation (available after resolving the token).Let’s look at an example of a filter that only allows relationships in a given set, the way a security-based filter might work. We’ll then use it to model a situation in which the current user can’t see that Ygritte is managed by Uther, in addition to Xen.>>> s = set(intids.getId(r) for r in app.values() ... if IRelationship.providedBy(r)) >>> relset = list( ... ix.findRelationshipTokenSet(q({'subjects': people['Xen']}))) >>> len(relset) 1 >>> s.remove(relset[0]) >>> dump(people['Uther'], ix, {}) in list( ... ix.findValueTokens('subjects', q({'objects': people['Ygritte']}))) True >>> dump(people['Uther'], ix, {}) in list(ix.findValueTokens( ... 'subjects', q({'objects': people['Ygritte']}), ... filter=lambda relchain, query, index, cache: relchain[-1] in s)) False >>> people['Uther'] in list( ... ix.findValues('subjects', q({'objects': people['Ygritte']}))) True >>> people['Uther'] in list(ix.findValues( ... 'subjects', q({'objects': people['Ygritte']}), ... filter=lambda relchain, query, index, cache: relchain[-1] in s)) FalseThe next two search arguments are the targetQuery and the targetFilter. They both are filters on the output of the search methods, while not affecting the traversal/search process. The targetQuery takes a query identical to the main query, and the targetFilter takes an IFilter identical to the one used by thefilterargument. The targetFilter can do all of the work of the targetQuery, but the targetQuery makes a common case–wanting to find the paths between two objects, or if two objects are linked at all, for instance–convenient.We’ll skip over targetQuery for a moment (we’ll return when we revisitfindRelationshipChainsandisLinked), and look at targetFilter. targetFilter can be used for many tasks, such as only returning values that are in specially annotated relationships, or only returning values that have traversed a certain hinge relationship in a two-part search, or other tasks. A very simple one, though, is to effectively specify a minimum traversal depth. Here, we find the people who are precisely two steps down from Bran, no more and no less. We do it twice, once with findValueTokens and once with findValues.>>> [load(t, ix, {}) for t in ix.findValueTokens( ... 'objects', q({'subjects': people['Bran']}), maxDepth=2, ... targetFilter=lambda relchain, q, i, c: len(relchain)>=2)] [<Person 'Heather'>] >>> list(ix.findValues( ... 'objects', q({'subjects': people['Bran']}), maxDepth=2, ... targetFilter=lambda relchain, q, i, c: len(relchain)>=2)) [<Person 'Heather'>]Heather is the only person precisely two steps down from Bran.Notice that we specified both maxDepth and targetFilter. We could have received the same output by specifying a targetFilter oflen(relchain)==2and no maxDepth, but there is an important difference in efficiency. maxDepth and filter can reduce the amount of work done by the index because they can stop searching after reaching the maxDepth, or failing the filter; the targetFilter and targetQuery arguments simply hide the results obtained, which can reduce a bit of work in the case of getValues but generally don’t reduce any of the traversal work.The last argument to the search methods istransitiveQueriesFactory. It is a powertool that replaces the index’s default traversal factory for the duration of the search. This allows custom traversal for individual searches, and can support a number of advanced use cases. For instance, our index assumes that you want to traverse objects and sources, and that the context should be constant; that may not always be the desired traversal behavior. If we had a relationship of PERSON1 TAUGHT PERSON2 (the lessons of PERSON3) then to find the teachers of any given person you might want to traverse PERSON1, but sometimes you might want to traverse PERSON3 as well. You can change the behavior by providing a different factory.To show this example we will need to add a few more relationships. We will say that Mary teaches Rob the lessons of Abe; Olaf teaches Zane the lessons of Bran; Cathy teaches Bran the lessons of Lee; David teaches Abe the lessons of Zane; and Emily teaches Mary the lessons of Ygritte.In the diagram, left-hand lines indicate “taught” and right-hand lines indicate “the lessons of”, soE Y \ / Mshould be read as “Emily taught Mary the lessons of Ygritte”. Here’s the full diagram:C L \ / O B \ / E Y D Z \ / \ / M A \ / \ / RYou can see then that the transitive path of Rob’s teachers is Mary and Emily, but the transitive path of Rob’s lessons is Abe, Zane, Bran, and Lee.Transitive queries factories must do extra work when the transitive walk is across token types. We have used the TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory to build our transposers before, but now we need to write a custom one that translates the tokens (ooh! a TokenTranslatingTransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory! …maybe we won’t go that far…).We will add the relationships, build the custom transitive factory, and then again do the search work twice, once with findValueTokens and once with findValues.>>> for triple in ('EMY', 'MRA', 'DAZ', 'OZB', 'CBL'): ... teacher, student, source = (letters[l] for l in triple) ... rel = SpecialRelationship((teacher,), 'taught', (student,)) ... app['%sTaught%sTo%s' % ( ...,,] = rel ... IContextAwareRelationship(rel).setContext(source) ... ix.index_doc(intids.register(rel), rel) ...>>> def transitiveFactory(relchain, query, index, cache): ... dynamic = cache.get('dynamic') ... if dynamic is None: ... intids = cache['intids'] = component.getUtility( ... IIntIds, context=index) ... static = cache['static'] = {} ... dynamic = cache['dynamic'] = [] ... names = ['objects', 'context'] ... for nm, val in query.items(): ... try: ... ix = names.index(nm) ... except ValueError: ... static[nm] = val ... else: ... if dynamic: ... # both were specified: no transitive search known. ... del dynamic[:] ... cache['intids'] = False ... break ... else: ... dynamic.append(nm) ... dynamic.append(names[not ix]) ... else: ... intids = component.getUtility(IIntIds, context=index) ... if dynamic[0] == 'objects': ... def translate(t): ... return dump(intids.getObject(t), index, cache) ... else: ... def translate(t): ... return intids.register(load(t, index, cache)) ... cache['translate'] = translate ... else: ... static = cache['static'] ... translate = cache['translate'] ... if dynamic: ... for r in index.findValueTokenSet(relchain[-1], dynamic[1]): ... res = {dynamic[0]: translate(r)} ... res.update(static) ... yield res>>> [load(t, ix, {}) for t in ix.findValueTokens( ... 'subjects', ... q({'objects': people['Rob'], 'reltype': 'taught'}))] [<Person 'Mary'>, <Person 'Emily'>] >>> [intids.getObject(t) for t in ix.findValueTokens( ... 'context', ... q({'objects': people['Rob'], 'reltype': 'taught'}), ... transitiveQueriesFactory=transitiveFactory)] [<Person 'Abe'>, <Person 'Zane'>, <Person 'Bran'>, <Person 'Lee'>]>>> list(ix.findValues( ... 'subjects', ... q({'objects': people['Rob'], 'reltype': 'taught'}))) [<Person 'Mary'>, <Person 'Emily'>] >>> list(ix.findValues( ... 'context', ... q({'objects': people['Rob'], 'reltype': 'taught'}), ... transitiveQueriesFactory=transitiveFactory)) [<Person 'Abe'>, <Person 'Zane'>, <Person 'Bran'>, <Person 'Lee'>]transitiveQueryFactories can be very powerful, and we aren’t finished talking about them in this document: see “Transitively mapping multiple elements” below.We have now discussed, or at least mentioned, all of the available search arguments. Theapplymethod’s ‘values’ search has the same arguments and features asfindValues, so it can also do these transitive tricks. Let’s get all of Karyn’s subordinates.>>> res = ix.apply({'values': ... {'resultName': 'objects', 'query': ... q({'reltype': 'manages', ... 'subjects': people['Karyn']})}}) >>> res # doctest: +ELLIPSIS IFSet([...]) >>> sorted(repr(load(t, ix, {})) for t in res) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ["<Person 'Lee'>", "<Person 'Mary'>", "<Person 'Nancy'>", "<Person 'Olaf'>", "<Person 'Perry'>", "<Person 'Quince'>"]As we return tofindRelationshipChainsandfindRelationshipTokenChains, we also return to the search argument we postponed above: targetQuery.ThefindRelationshipChainsandfindRelationshipTokenChainscan simply find all paths:>>> res = [repr([intids.getObject(t) for t in path]) for path in ... ix.findRelationshipTokenChains( ... q({'reltype': 'manages', 'subjects': people['Jim']} ... ))] >>> len(res) 3 >>> sorted(res[:2]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ["[<(<Person 'Jim'>, <Person 'Karyn'>) manages (<Person 'Lee'>, <Person 'Mary'>)>]", "[<(<Person 'Jim'>, <Person 'Karyn'>) manages (<Person 'Nancy'>, <Person 'Olaf'>, <Person 'Perry'>)>]"] >>> res[2] # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE "[<(<Person 'Jim'>, <Person 'Karyn'>) manages (<Person 'Lee'>, <Person 'Mary'>)>, <(<Person 'Lee'>, <Person 'Mary'>) manages (<Person 'Quince'>,)>]" >>> res == [repr(list(p)) for p in ... ix.findRelationshipChains( ... q({'reltype': 'manages', 'subjects': people['Jim']} ... ))] TrueLikefindValues, this is a breadth-first search.If we use a targetQuery withfindRelationshipChains, you can find all paths between two searches. For instance, consider the paths between Rob and Ygritte. While afindValuessearch would only include Rob once if asked to search for supervisors, there are two paths. These can be found with the targetQuery.>>> res = [repr([intids.getObject(t) for t in path]) for path in ... ix.findRelationshipTokenChains( ... q({'reltype': 'manages', 'subjects': people['Rob']}), ... targetQuery=q({'objects': people['Ygritte']}))] >>> len(res) 2 >>> sorted(res[:2]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ["[<(<Person 'Rob'>,) manages (<Person 'Sam'>, <Person 'Terry'>, <Person 'Uther'>)>, <(<Person 'Terry'>,) manages (<Person 'Xen'>,)>, <(<Person 'Uther'>, <Person 'Xen'>) manages (<Person 'Ygritte'>,)>]", "[<(<Person 'Rob'>,) manages (<Person 'Sam'>, <Person 'Terry'>, <Person 'Uther'>)>, <(<Person 'Uther'>, <Person 'Xen'>) manages (<Person 'Ygritte'>,)>]"]Here’s a query with no results:>>> len(list(ix.findRelationshipTokenChains( ... q({'reltype': 'manages', 'subjects': people['Rob']}), ... targetQuery=q({'objects': companies['Zookd']})))) 0You can combine targetQuery with targetFilter. Here we arbitrarily say we are looking for a path between Rob and Ygritte that is at least 3 links long.>>> res = [repr([intids.getObject(t) for t in path]) for path in ... ix.findRelationshipTokenChains( ... q({'reltype': 'manages', 'subjects': people['Rob']}), ... targetQuery=q({'objects': people['Ygritte']}), ... targetFilter=lambda relchain, q, i, c: len(relchain)>=3)] >>> len(res) 1 >>> res # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ["[<(<Person 'Rob'>,) manages (<Person 'Sam'>, <Person 'Terry'>, <Person 'Uther'>)>, <(<Person 'Terry'>,) manages (<Person 'Xen'>,)>, <(<Person 'Uther'>, <Person 'Xen'>) manages (<Person 'Ygritte'>,)>]"]isLinkedtakes the same arguments as all of the other transitive-aware methods. For instance, Rob and Ygritte are transitively linked, but Abe and Zane are not.>>> ix.isLinked( ... q({'reltype': 'manages', 'subjects': people['Rob']}), ... targetQuery=q({'objects': people['Ygritte']})) True >>> ix.isLinked( ... q({'reltype': 'manages', 'subjects': people['Abe']}), ... targetQuery=q({'objects': people['Ygritte']})) FalseDetecting cyclesSuppose we’re modeling a ‘king in disguise’: someone high up in management also works as a peon to see how his employees’ lives are. We could model this a number of ways that might make more sense than what we’ll do now, but to show cycles at work we’ll just add an additional relationship so that Abe works for Gary. That means that the very longest path from Ingrid up gets a lot longer– in theory, it’s infinitely long, because of the cycle.The index keeps track of this and stops right when the cycle happens, and right before the cycle duplicates any relationships. It marks the chain that has cycle as a special kind of tuple that implements ICircularRelationshipPath. The tuple has a ‘cycled’ attribute that contains the one or more searches that would be equivalent to following the cycle (given the same transitiveMap).Let’s actually look at the example we described.>>> res = list(ix.findRelationshipTokenChains( ... q({'objects': people['Ingrid'], 'reltype': 'manages'}))) >>> len(res) 4 >>> len(res[3]) 4 >>> interfaces.ICircularRelationshipPath.providedBy(res[3]) False >>> rel = Relationship( ... (people['Gary'],), 'manages', (people['Abe'],)) >>> app['GaryManagesAbe'] = rel >>> ix.index(rel) >>> res = list(ix.findRelationshipTokenChains( ... q({'objects': people['Ingrid'], 'reltype': 'manages'}))) >>> len(res) 8 >>> len(res[7]) 8 >>> interfaces.ICircularRelationshipPath.providedBy(res[7]) True >>> [sorted(ix.resolveQuery(search).items()) for search in res[7].cycled] [[('objects', <Person 'Abe'>), ('reltype', 'manages')]] >>> tuple(ix.resolveRelationshipTokens(res[7])) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE (<(<Person 'Heather'>,) manages (<Person 'Ingrid'>,)>, <(<Person 'David'>,) manages (<Person 'Heather'>,)>, <(<Person 'Bran'>,) manages (<Person 'David'>,)>, <(<Person 'Abe'>,) manages (<Person 'Bran'>,)>, <(<Person 'Gary'>,) manages (<Person 'Abe'>,)>, <(<Person 'Fred'>,) manages (<Person 'Gary'>,)>, <(<Person 'Cathy'>,) manages (<Person 'Fred'>,)>, <(<Person 'Abe'>,) manages (<Person 'Cathy'>,)>)The same kind of thing works forfindRelationshipChains. Notice that the query in the .cycled attribute is not resolved: it is still the query that would be needed to continue the cycle.>>> res = list(ix.findRelationshipChains( ... q({'objects': people['Ingrid'], 'reltype': 'manages'}))) >>> len(res) 8 >>> len(res[7]) 8 >>> interfaces.ICircularRelationshipPath.providedBy(res[7]) True >>> [sorted(ix.resolveQuery(search).items()) for search in res[7].cycled] [[('objects', <Person 'Abe'>), ('reltype', 'manages')]] >>> res[7] # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE cycle(<(<Person 'Heather'>,) manages (<Person 'Ingrid'>,)>, <(<Person 'David'>,) manages (<Person 'Heather'>,)>, <(<Person 'Bran'>,) manages (<Person 'David'>,)>, <(<Person 'Abe'>,) manages (<Person 'Bran'>,)>, <(<Person 'Gary'>,) manages (<Person 'Abe'>,)>, <(<Person 'Fred'>,) manages (<Person 'Gary'>,)>, <(<Person 'Cathy'>,) manages (<Person 'Fred'>,)>, <(<Person 'Abe'>,) manages (<Person 'Cathy'>,)>)Notice that there is nothing special about the new relationship, by the way. If we had started to look for Fred’s supervisors, the cycle marker would have been given for the relationship that points back to Fred as a supervisor to himself. There’s no way for the computer to know which is the “cause” without further help and policy.Handling cycles can be tricky. Now imagine that we have a cycle that involves a relationship with two objects, only one of which causes the cycle. The other object should continue to be followed.For instance, lets have Q manage L and Y. The link to L will be a cycle, but the link to Y is not, and should be followed. This means that only the middle relationship chain will be marked as a cycle.>>> rel = Relationship((people['Quince'],), 'manages', ... (people['Lee'], people['Ygritte'])) >>> app['QuinceManagesLeeYgritte'] = rel >>> ix.index_doc(intids.register(rel), rel) >>> res = [p for p in ix.findRelationshipTokenChains( ... q({'reltype': 'manages', 'subjects': people['Mary']}))] >>> [interfaces.ICircularRelationshipPath.providedBy(p) for p in res] [False, True, False] >>> [[intids.getObject(t) for t in p] for p in res] ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [[<(<Person 'Lee'>, <Person 'Mary'>) manages (<Person 'Quince'>,)>], [<(<Person 'Lee'>, <Person 'Mary'>) manages (<Person 'Quince'>,)>, <(<Person 'Quince'>,) manages (<Person 'Lee'>, <Person 'Ygritte'>)>], [<(<Person 'Lee'>, <Person 'Mary'>) manages (<Person 'Quince'>,)>, <(<Person 'Quince'>,) manages (<Person 'Lee'>, <Person 'Ygritte'>)>, <(<Person 'Ygritte'>,) manages (<Person 'Zane'>,)>]] >>> [sorted( ... (nm, nm == 'reltype' and t or load(t, ix, {})) ... for nm, t in search.items()) for search in res[1].cycled] [[('reltype', 'manages'), ('subjects', <Person 'Lee'>)]]Transitively mapping multiple elementsTransitive searches can do whatever searches the transitiveQueriesFactory returns, which means that complex transitive behavior can be modeled. For instance, imagine genealogical relationships. Let’s say the basic relationship is “MALE and FEMALE had CHILDREN”. Walking transitively to get ancestors or descendants would need to distinguish between male children and female children in order to correctly generate the transitive search. This could be accomplished by resolving each child token and examining the object or, probably more efficiently, getting an indexed collection of males and females (and cacheing it in the cache dictionary for further transitive steps) and checking the gender by membership in the indexed collections. Either of these approaches could be performed by a transitiveQueriesFactory. A full example is left as an exercise to the reader.Lies, damn lies, and statisticsThe zope.index.interfaces.IStatistics methods are implemented to provide minimal introspectability. wordCount always returns 0, because words are irrelevant to this kind of index. documentCount returns the number of relationships indexed.>>> ix.wordCount() 0 >>> ix.documentCount() 25Reindexing and removing relationshipsUsing an index over an application’s lifecycle usually requires changes to the indexed objects. As per the zope.index interfaces,index_doccan reindex relationships,unindex_doccan remove them, andclearcan clear the entire index.Here we change the project manager from Fred to Emily.>>> [load(t, ix, {}) for t in ix.findValueTokens( ... 'subjects', ... q({'reltype': 'has the role of', ... 'objects': roles['Project Manager'], ... 'context': projects[' redesign']}))] [<Person 'Fred'>] >>> rel = intids.getObject(list(ix.findRelationshipTokenSet( ... q({'reltype': 'has the role of', ... 'objects': roles['Project Manager'], ... 'context': projects[' redesign']})))[0]) >>> rel.subjects = (people['Emily'],) >>> ix.index_doc(intids.register(rel), rel) >>> q = ix.tokenizeQuery >>> [load(t, ix, {}) for t in ix.findValueTokens( ... 'subjects', ... q({'reltype': 'has the role of', ... 'objects': roles['Project Manager'], ... 'context': projects[' redesign']}))] [<Person 'Emily'>]Here we remove the relationship that made a cycle for Abe in the ‘king in disguise’ scenario.>>> res = list(ix.findRelationshipTokenChains( ... q({'objects': people['Ingrid'], ... 'reltype': 'manages'}))) >>> len(res) 8 >>> len(res[7]) 8 >>> interfaces.ICircularRelationshipPath.providedBy(res[7]) True >>> rel = intids.getObject(list(ix.findRelationshipTokenSet( ... q({'subjects': people['Gary'], 'reltype': 'manages', ... 'objects': people['Abe']})))[0]) >>> ix.unindex(rel) # == ix.unindex_doc(intids.getId(rel)) >>> ix.documentCount() 24 >>> res = list(ix.findRelationshipTokenChains( ... q({'objects': people['Ingrid'], 'reltype': 'manages'}))) >>> len(res) 4 >>> len(res[3]) 4 >>> interfaces.ICircularRelationshipPath.providedBy(res[3]) FalseFinally we clear out the whole index.>>> ix.clear() >>> ix.documentCount() 0 >>> list(ix.findRelationshipTokenChains( ... q({'objects': people['Ingrid'], 'reltype': 'manages'}))) [] >>> [load(t, ix, {}) for t in ix.findValueTokens( ... 'subjects', ... q({'reltype': 'has the role of', ... 'objects': roles['Project Manager'], ... 'context': projects[' redesign']}))] []Optimizing relationship index useThere are three optimization opportunities built into the index.use the cache to load and dump tokens;don’t load or dump tokens (the values themselves may be used as tokens); andhave the returned value be of the same btree family as the result family.For some operations, particularly with hundreds or thousands of members in a single relationship value, some of these optimizations can speed up some common-case reindexing work by around 100 times.The easiest (and perhaps least useful) optimization is that all dump calls and all load calls generated by a single operation share a cache dictionary per call type (dump/load), per indexed relationship value. Therefore, for instance, we could stash an intids utility, so that we only had to do a utility lookup once, and thereafter it was only a single dictionary lookup. This is what the defaultgenerateTokenandresolveTokenfunctions in do: look at them for an example.A further optimization is to not load or dump tokens at all, but use values that may be tokens. This will be particularly useful if the tokens have __cmp__ (or equivalent) in C, such as built-in types like ints. To specify this behavior, you create an index with the ‘load’ and ‘dump’ values for the indexed attribute descriptions explicitly set to None.>>> ix = index.Index( ... ({'element': IRelationship['subjects'], 'multiple': True, ... 'dump': None, 'load': None}, ... {'element': IRelationship['relationshiptype'], ... 'dump': relTypeDump, 'load': relTypeLoad, 'btree': OIBTree, ... 'name': 'reltype'}, ... {'element': IRelationship['objects'], 'multiple': True, ... 'dump': None, 'load': None}, ... {'element': IContextAwareRelationship['getContext'], ... 'name': 'context'}), ... index.TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory('subjects', 'objects')) ... >>> sm['rel_index_2'] = ix >>> app['ex_rel_1'] = rel = Relationship((1,), 'has the role of', (2,)) >>> ix.index(rel) >>> list(ix.findValueTokens('objects', {'subjects': 1})) [2]Finally, if you have single relationships that relate hundreds or thousands of objects, it can be a huge win if the value is a ‘multiple’ of the same type as the stored BTree for the given attribute. The default BTree family for attributes is IFBTree; IOBTree is also a good choice, and may be preferrable for some applications.>>> ix = index.Index( ... ({'element': IRelationship['subjects'], 'multiple': True, ... 'dump': None, 'load': None}, ... {'element': IRelationship['relationshiptype'], ... 'dump': relTypeDump, 'load': relTypeLoad, 'btree': OIBTree, ... 'name': 'reltype'}, ... {'element': IRelationship['objects'], 'multiple': True, ... 'dump': None, 'load': None}, ... {'element': IContextAwareRelationship['getContext'], ... 'name': 'context'}), ... index.TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory('subjects', 'objects')) ... >>> sm['rel_index_3'] = ix >>> from BTrees import IFBTree >>> app['ex_rel_2'] = rel = Relationship( ... IFBTree.IFTreeSet((1,)), 'has the role of', IFBTree.IFTreeSet()) >>> ix.index(rel) >>> list(ix.findValueTokens('objects', {'subjects': 1})) [] >>> list(ix.findValueTokens('subjects', {'objects': None})) [1]Reindexing is where some of the big improvements can happen. The following gyrations exercise the optimization code.>>> rel.objects.insert(2) 1 >>> ix.index(rel) >>> list(ix.findValueTokens('objects', {'subjects': 1})) [2] >>> rel.subjects = IFBTree.IFTreeSet((3,4,5)) >>> ix.index(rel) >>> list(ix.findValueTokens('objects', {'subjects': 3})) [2]>>> rel.subjects.insert(6) 1 >>> ix.index(rel) >>> list(ix.findValueTokens('objects', {'subjects': 6})) [2]>>> rel.subjects.update(range(100, 200)) 100 >>> ix.index(rel) >>> list(ix.findValueTokens('objects', {'subjects': 100})) [2]>>> rel.subjects = IFBTree.IFTreeSet((3,4,5,6)) >>> ix.index(rel) >>> list(ix.findValueTokens('objects', {'subjects': 3})) [2]>>> rel.subjects = IFBTree.IFTreeSet(()) >>> ix.index(rel) >>> list(ix.findValueTokens('objects', {'subjects': 3})) []>>> rel.subjects = IFBTree.IFTreeSet((3,4,5)) >>> ix.index(rel) >>> list(ix.findValueTokens('objects', {'subjects': 3})) [2]tokenizeValues and resolveValueTokens work correctly without loaders and dumpers–that is, they do nothing.>>> ix.tokenizeValues((3,4,5), 'subjects') (3, 4, 5) >>> ix.resolveValueTokens((3,4,5), 'subjects') (3, 4, 5)__contains__ and UnindexingYou can test whether a relationship is in an index with __contains__. Note that this uses the actual relationship, not the relationship token.>>> ix = index.Index( ... ({'element': IRelationship['subjects'], 'multiple': True, ... 'dump': dump, 'load': load}, ... {'element': IRelationship['relationshiptype'], ... 'dump': relTypeDump, 'load': relTypeLoad, 'btree': OIBTree, ... 'name': 'reltype'}, ... {'element': IRelationship['objects'], 'multiple': True, ... 'dump': dump, 'load': load}, ... {'element': IContextAwareRelationship['getContext'], ... 'name': 'context'}), ... index.TransposingTransitiveQueriesFactory('subjects', 'objects')) >>> ix.documentCount() 0 >>> app['fredisprojectmanager'].subjects = (people['Fred'],) >>> ix.index(app['fredisprojectmanager']) >>> ix.index(app['another_rel']) >>> ix.documentCount() 2 >>> app['fredisprojectmanager'] in ix True >>> list(ix.findValues( ... 'subjects', ... q({'reltype': 'has the role of', ... 'objects': roles['Project Manager'], ... 'context': projects[' redesign']}))) [<Person 'Fred'>]>>> app['another_rel'] in ix True>>> app['abeAndBran'] in ix FalseAs noted, you can unindex using unindex(relationship) or unindex_doc(relationship token).>>> ix.unindex_doc(ix.tokenizeRelationship(app['fredisprojectmanager'])) >>> app['fredisprojectmanager'] in ix False >>> list(ix.findValues( ... 'subjects', ... q({'reltype': 'has the role of', ... 'objects': roles['Project Manager'], ... 'context': projects[' redesign']}))) []>>> ix.unindex(app['another_rel']) >>> app['another_rel'] in ix FalseAs defined by zope.index.interfaces.IInjection, if the relationship is not in the index then calling unindex_doc is a no-op; the same holds true for unindex.>>> ix.unindex(app['abeAndBran']) >>> ix.unindex_doc(ix.tokenizeRelationship(app['abeAndBran']))[11]applyand the other zope.index-related methods are the obvious exceptions.RelationshipContainerThe relationship container holds IRelationship objects. It includes an API to search for relationships and the objects to which they link, transitively and intransitively. The relationships are objects in and of themselves, and they can themselves be related as sources or targets in other relationships.There are currently two implementations of the interface in this package. One uses intids, and the other uses key references. They have different advantages and disadvantages.The intids makes it possible to get intid values directly. This can make it easier to merge the results with catalog searches and other intid-based indexes. Possibly more importantly, it does not create ghosted objects for the relationships as they are searched unless absolutely necessary (for instance, using a relationship filter), but uses the intids alone for searches. This can be very important if you are searching large databases of relationships: the relationship objects and the associated keyref links in the other implementation can flush the entire ZODB object cache, possibly leading to unpleasant performance characteristics for your entire application.On the other hand, there are a limited number of intids available: sys.maxint, or 2147483647 on a 32 bit machine. As the intid usage increases, the efficiency of finding unique intids decreases. This can be addressed by increasing IOBTrees maximum integer to be 64 bit (9223372036854775807) or by using the keyref implementation. The keyref implementation also eliminates a dependency–the intid utility itself–if that is desired. This can be important if you can’t rely on having an intid utility, or if objects to be related span intid utilities. Finally, it’s possible that the direct attribute access that underlies the keyref implementation might be quicker than the intid dereferencing, but this is unproven and may be false.For our examples, we’ll assume we’ve already imported a container and a relationship from one of the available sources. You can use a relationship specific to your usage, or the generic one in shared, as long as it meets the interface requirements.It’s also important to note that, while the relationship objects are an important part of the design, they should not be abused. If you want to store other data on the relationship, it should be stored in another persistent object, such as an attribute annotation’s btree. Typically relationship objects will differ on the basis of interfaces, annotations, and possibly small lightweight values on the objects themselves.We’ll assume that there is an application namedappwith 30 objects in it (named ‘ob0’ through ‘ob29’) that we’ll be relating.Creating a relationship container is easy. We’ll use an abstract Container, but it could be from the keyref or the intid modules.>>> from zc.relationship import interfaces >>> container = Container() >>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject >>> verifyObject(interfaces.IRelationshipContainer, container) TrueThe containers can be used as parts of other objects, or as standalone local utilities. Here’s an example of adding one as a local utilty.>>> sm = app.getSiteManager() >>> sm['lineage_relationship'] = container >>> import zope.interface.interfaces >>> registry = zope.interface.interfaces.IComponentRegistry(sm) >>> registry.registerUtility( ... container, interfaces.IRelationshipContainer, 'lineage') >>> import transaction >>> transaction.commit()Adding relationships is also easy: instantiate and add. Theaddmethod adds objects and assigns them random alphanumeric keys.>>> rel = Relationship((app['ob0'],), (app['ob1'],)) >>> verifyObject(interfaces.IRelationship, rel) True >>> container.add(rel)Although the container does not have__setitem__and__delitem__(definingaddandremoveinstead), it does define the read-only elements of the basic Python mapping interface.>>> container[rel.__name__] is rel True >>> len(container) 1 >>> list(container.keys()) == [rel.__name__] True >>> list(container) == [rel.__name__] True >>> list(container.values()) == [rel] True >>> container.get(rel.__name__) is rel True >>> container.get('17') is None True >>> rel.__name__ in container True >>> '17' in container False >>> list(container.items()) == [(rel.__name__, rel)] TrueIt also supports four searching methods:findTargets,findSources,findRelationships, andisLinked. Let’s add a few more relationships and examine some relatively simple cases.>>> container.add(Relationship((app['ob1'],), (app['ob2'],))) >>> container.add(Relationship((app['ob1'],), (app['ob3'],))) >>> container.add(Relationship((app['ob0'],), (app['ob3'],))) >>> container.add(Relationship((app['ob0'],), (app['ob4'],))) >>> container.add(Relationship((app['ob2'],), (app['ob5'],))) >>> transaction.commit() # this is indicative of a bug in ZODB; if you ... # do not do this then new objects will deactivate themselves into ... # nothingness when _p_deactivate is calledNow there are six direct relationships (all of the relationships point down in the diagram):ob0 | |\ ob1 | | | | | | ob2 ob3 ob4 | ob5The mapping methods still have kept up with the new additions.>>> len(container) 6 >>> len(container.keys()) 6 >>> sorted(container.keys()) == sorted( ... v.__name__ for v in container.values()) True >>> sorted(container.items()) == sorted( ... zip(container.keys(), container.values())) True >>> len([v for v in container.values() if container[v.__name__] is v]) 6 >>> sorted(container.keys()) == sorted(container) TrueMore interestingly, lets examine some of the searching methods. What are the direct targets of ob0?>>> container.findTargets(app['ob0']) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <generator object ...>Ah-ha! It’s a generator! Let’s try that again.>>> sorted( for o in container.findTargets(app['ob0'])) ['ob1', 'ob3', 'ob4']OK, what about the ones no more than two relationships away? We use themaxDepthargument, which is the second placeful argument.>>> sorted( for o in container.findTargets(app['ob0'], 2)) ['ob1', 'ob2', 'ob3', 'ob4']Notice that, even though ob3 is available both through one and two relationships, it is returned only once.Passing in None will get all related objects–the same here as passing in 3, or any greater integer.>>> sorted( for o in container.findTargets(app['ob0'], None)) ['ob1', 'ob2', 'ob3', 'ob4', 'ob5'] >>> sorted( for o in container.findTargets(app['ob0'], 3)) ['ob1', 'ob2', 'ob3', 'ob4', 'ob5'] >>> sorted( for o in container.findTargets(app['ob0'], 25)) ['ob1', 'ob2', 'ob3', 'ob4', 'ob5']This is true even if we put in a cycle. We’ll put in a cycle between ob5 and ob1 and look at the results.An important aspect of the algorithm used is that it returns closer relationships first, which we can begin to see here.>>> container.add(Relationship((app['ob5'],), (app['ob1'],))) >>> transaction.commit() >>> sorted( for o in container.findTargets(app['ob0'], None)) ['ob1', 'ob2', 'ob3', 'ob4', 'ob5'] >>> res = list( for o in container.findTargets(app['ob0'], None)) >>> sorted(res[:3]) # these are all one step away ['ob1', 'ob3', 'ob4'] >>> res[3:] # ob 2 is two steps, and ob5 is three steps. ['ob2', 'ob5']When you see the source in the targets, you know you are somewhere inside a cycle.>>> sorted( for o in container.findTargets(app['ob1'], None)) ['ob1', 'ob2', 'ob3', 'ob5'] >>> sorted( for o in container.findTargets(app['ob2'], None)) ['ob1', 'ob2', 'ob3', 'ob5'] >>> sorted( for o in container.findTargets(app['ob5'], None)) ['ob1', 'ob2', 'ob3', 'ob5']If you ask for objects of a distance that is not a positive integer, you’ll get a ValueError.>>> container.findTargets(app['ob0'], 0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: maxDepth must be None or a positive integer >>> container.findTargets(app['ob0'], -1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: maxDepth must be None or a positive integer >>> container.findTargets(app['ob0'], 'kumquat') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ...ThefindSourcesmethod is the mirror offindTargets: given a target, it finds all sources. Using the same relationship tree built above, we’ll search for some sources.>>> container.findSources(app['ob0']) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <generator object ...> >>> list(container.findSources(app['ob0'])) [] >>> list( for o in container.findSources(app['ob4'])) ['ob0'] >>> list( for o in container.findSources(app['ob4'], None)) ['ob0'] >>> sorted( for o in container.findSources(app['ob1'])) ['ob0', 'ob5'] >>> sorted( for o in container.findSources(app['ob1'], 2)) ['ob0', 'ob2', 'ob5'] >>> sorted( for o in container.findSources(app['ob1'], 3)) ['ob0', 'ob1', 'ob2', 'ob5'] >>> sorted( for o in container.findSources(app['ob1'], None)) ['ob0', 'ob1', 'ob2', 'ob5'] >>> sorted( for o in container.findSources(app['ob3'])) ['ob0', 'ob1'] >>> sorted( for o in container.findSources(app['ob3'], None)) ['ob0', 'ob1', 'ob2', 'ob5'] >>> list( for o in container.findSources(app['ob5'])) ['ob2'] >>> list( for o in container.findSources(app['ob5'], maxDepth=2)) ['ob2', 'ob1'] >>> sorted( for o in container.findSources(app['ob5'], maxDepth=3)) ['ob0', 'ob1', 'ob2', 'ob5'] >>> container.findSources(app['ob0'], 0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: maxDepth must be None or a positive integer >>> container.findSources(app['ob0'], -1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: maxDepth must be None or a positive integer >>> container.findSources(app['ob0'], 'kumquat') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ...ThefindRelationshipsmethod finds all relationships from, to, or between two objects. Because it supports transitive relationships, each member of the resulting iterator is a tuple of one or more relationships.All arguments to findRelationships are optional, but at least one ofsourceortargetmust be passed in. A search depth defaults to one relationship deep, like the other methods.>>> container.findRelationships(source=app['ob0']) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <generator object ...> >>> sorted( ... [repr(rel) for rel in path] ... for path in container.findRelationships(source=app['ob0'])) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [['<Relationship from (<Demo ob0>,) to (<Demo ob1>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob0>,) to (<Demo ob3>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob0>,) to (<Demo ob4>,)>']] >>> list(container.findRelationships(target=app['ob0'])) [] >>> sorted( ... [repr(rel) for rel in path] ... for path in container.findRelationships(target=app['ob3'])) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [['<Relationship from (<Demo ob0>,) to (<Demo ob3>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob1>,) to (<Demo ob3>,)>']] >>> list( ... [repr(rel) for rel in path] ... for path in container.findRelationships( ... source=app['ob1'], target=app['ob3'])) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [['<Relationship from (<Demo ob1>,) to (<Demo ob3>,)>']] >>> container.findRelationships() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: at least one of `source` and `target` must be providedThey may also be used as positional arguments, with the ordersourceandtarget.>>> sorted( ... [repr(rel) for rel in path] ... for path in container.findRelationships(app['ob1'])) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [['<Relationship from (<Demo ob1>,) to (<Demo ob2>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob1>,) to (<Demo ob3>,)>']] >>> sorted( ... [repr(rel) for rel in path] ... for path in container.findRelationships(app['ob5'], app['ob1'])) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [['<Relationship from (<Demo ob5>,) to (<Demo ob1>,)>']]maxDepthis again available, but it is the third positional argument now, so keyword usage will be more frequent than with the others. Notice that the second path has two members: from ob1 to ob2, then from ob2 to ob5.>>> sorted( ... [repr(rel) for rel in path] ... for path in container.findRelationships(app['ob1'], maxDepth=2)) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [['<Relationship from (<Demo ob1>,) to (<Demo ob2>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob1>,) to (<Demo ob2>,)>', '<Relationship from (<Demo ob2>,) to (<Demo ob5>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob1>,) to (<Demo ob3>,)>']]Unique relationships are returned, rather than unique objects. Therefore, while ob3 only has two transitive sources, ob1 and ob0, it has three transitive paths.>>> sorted( ... [repr(rel) for rel in path] ... for path in container.findRelationships( ... target=app['ob3'], maxDepth=2)) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [['<Relationship from (<Demo ob0>,) to (<Demo ob1>,)>', '<Relationship from (<Demo ob1>,) to (<Demo ob3>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob0>,) to (<Demo ob3>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob1>,) to (<Demo ob3>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob5>,) to (<Demo ob1>,)>', '<Relationship from (<Demo ob1>,) to (<Demo ob3>,)>']]The same is true for the targets of ob0.>>> sorted( ... [repr(rel) for rel in path] ... for path in container.findRelationships( ... source=app['ob0'], maxDepth=2)) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [['<Relationship from (<Demo ob0>,) to (<Demo ob1>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob0>,) to (<Demo ob1>,)>', '<Relationship from (<Demo ob1>,) to (<Demo ob2>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob0>,) to (<Demo ob1>,)>', '<Relationship from (<Demo ob1>,) to (<Demo ob3>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob0>,) to (<Demo ob3>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob0>,) to (<Demo ob4>,)>']]Cyclic relationships are returned in a special tuple that implements ICircularRelationshipPath. For instance, consider all of the paths that lead from ob0. Notice first that all the paths are in order from shortest to longest.>>> res = list( ... [repr(rel) for rel in path] ... for path in container.findRelationships( ... app['ob0'], maxDepth=None)) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> sorted(res[:3]) # one step away # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [['<Relationship from (<Demo ob0>,) to (<Demo ob1>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob0>,) to (<Demo ob3>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob0>,) to (<Demo ob4>,)>']] >>> sorted(res[3:5]) # two steps away # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [['<Relationship from (<Demo ob0>,) to (<Demo ob1>,)>', '<Relationship from (<Demo ob1>,) to (<Demo ob2>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob0>,) to (<Demo ob1>,)>', '<Relationship from (<Demo ob1>,) to (<Demo ob3>,)>']] >>> res[5:] # three and four steps away # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [['<Relationship from (<Demo ob0>,) to (<Demo ob1>,)>', '<Relationship from (<Demo ob1>,) to (<Demo ob2>,)>', '<Relationship from (<Demo ob2>,) to (<Demo ob5>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob0>,) to (<Demo ob1>,)>', '<Relationship from (<Demo ob1>,) to (<Demo ob2>,)>', '<Relationship from (<Demo ob2>,) to (<Demo ob5>,)>', '<Relationship from (<Demo ob5>,) to (<Demo ob1>,)>']]The very last one is circular.Now we’ll change the expression to only include paths that implement ICircularRelationshipPath.>>> list( ... [repr(rel) for rel in path] ... for path in container.findRelationships( ... app['ob0'], maxDepth=None) ... if interfaces.ICircularRelationshipPath.providedBy(path)) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [['<Relationship from (<Demo ob0>,) to (<Demo ob1>,)>', '<Relationship from (<Demo ob1>,) to (<Demo ob2>,)>', '<Relationship from (<Demo ob2>,) to (<Demo ob5>,)>', '<Relationship from (<Demo ob5>,) to (<Demo ob1>,)>']]Note that, because relationships may have multiple targets, a relationship that has a cycle may still be traversed for targets that do not generate a cycle. The further paths will not be marked as a cycle.Cycle paths not only have a marker interface to identify them, but include acycledattribute that is a frozenset of the one or more searches that would be equivalent to following the cycle(s). If a source is provided, the searches cycled searches would continue from the end of the path.>>> path = [path for path in container.findRelationships( ... app['ob0'], maxDepth=None) ... if interfaces.ICircularRelationshipPath.providedBy(path)][0] >>> path.cycled [{'source': <Demo ob1>}] >>> app['ob1'] in path[-1].targets TrueIf only a target is provided, thecycledsearch will continue from the first relationship in the path.>>> path = [path for path in container.findRelationships( ... target=app['ob5'], maxDepth=None) ... if interfaces.ICircularRelationshipPath.providedBy(path)][0] >>> path # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE cycle(<Relationship from (<Demo ob5>,) to (<Demo ob1>,)>, <Relationship from (<Demo ob1>,) to (<Demo ob2>,)>, <Relationship from (<Demo ob2>,) to (<Demo ob5>,)>) >>> path.cycled [{'target': <Demo ob5>}]maxDepth can also be used with the combination of source and target.>>> list(container.findRelationships( ... app['ob0'], app['ob5'], maxDepth=None)) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(<Relationship from (<Demo ob0>,) to (<Demo ob1>,)>, <Relationship from (<Demo ob1>,) to (<Demo ob2>,)>, <Relationship from (<Demo ob2>,) to (<Demo ob5>,)>)]As usual, maxDepth must be a positive integer or None.>>> container.findRelationships(app['ob0'], maxDepth=0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: maxDepth must be None or a positive integer >>> container.findRelationships(app['ob0'], maxDepth=-1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: maxDepth must be None or a positive integer >>> container.findRelationships(app['ob0'], maxDepth='kumquat') ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ...TheisLinkedmethod is a convenient way to test if two objects are linked, or if an object is a source or target in the graph. It defaults to a maxDepth of 1.>>> container.isLinked(app['ob0'], app['ob1']) True >>> container.isLinked(app['ob0'], app['ob2']) FalseNote that maxDepth is pointless when supplying only one of source or target.>>> container.isLinked(source=app['ob29']) False >>> container.isLinked(target=app['ob29']) False >>> container.isLinked(source=app['ob0']) True >>> container.isLinked(target=app['ob4']) True >>> container.isLinked(source=app['ob4']) False >>> container.isLinked(target=app['ob0']) FalseSetting maxDepth works as usual when searching for a link between two objects, though.>>> container.isLinked(app['ob0'], app['ob2'], maxDepth=2) True >>> container.isLinked(app['ob0'], app['ob5'], maxDepth=2) False >>> container.isLinked(app['ob0'], app['ob5'], maxDepth=3) True >>> container.isLinked(app['ob0'], app['ob5'], maxDepth=None) TrueAs usual, maxDepth must be a positive integer or None.>>> container.isLinked(app['ob0'], app['ob1'], maxDepth=0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: maxDepth must be None or a positive integer >>> container.isLinked(app['ob0'], app['ob1'], maxDepth=-1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: maxDepth must be None or a positive integer >>> container.isLinked(app['ob0'], app['ob1'], maxDepth='kumquat') ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ...Theremovemethod is the next to last of the core interface: it allows you to remove relationships from a container. It takes a relationship object.As an example, let’s remove the relationship from ob5 to ob1 that we created to make the cycle.>>> res = list(container.findTargets(app['ob2'], None)) # before removal >>> len(res) 4 >>> res[:2] [<Demo ob5>, <Demo ob1>] >>> sorted(repr(o) for o in res[2:]) ['<Demo ob2>', '<Demo ob3>'] >>> res = list(container.findSources(app['ob2'], None)) # before removal >>> res[0] <Demo ob1> >>> res[3] <Demo ob2> >>> sorted(repr(o) for o in res[1:3]) ['<Demo ob0>', '<Demo ob5>'] >>> rel = list(container.findRelationships(app['ob5'], app['ob1']))[0][0] >>> rel.sources (<Demo ob5>,) >>> rel.targets (<Demo ob1>,) >>> container.remove(rel) >>> list(container.findRelationships(app['ob5'], app['ob1'])) [] >>> list(container.findTargets(app['ob2'], None)) # after removal [<Demo ob5>] >>> list(container.findSources(app['ob2'], None)) # after removal [<Demo ob1>, <Demo ob0>]Finally, thereindexmethod allows objects already in the container to be reindexed. The default implementation of the relationship objects calls this automatically when sources and targets are changed.To reiterate, the relationships looked like this before.ob0 | |\ ob1 | | | | | | ob2 ob3 ob4 | ob5We’ll switch out ob3 and ob4, so the diagram looks like this.ob0 | |\ ob1 | | | | | | ob2 ob4 ob3 | ob5 >>> sorted( for ob in container.findTargets(app['ob1'])) ['ob2', 'ob3'] >>> sorted( for ob in container.findSources(app['ob3'])) ['ob0', 'ob1'] >>> sorted( for ob in container.findSources(app['ob4'])) ['ob0'] >>> rel = next( ... iter(container.findRelationships(app['ob1'], app['ob3']) ... ))[0] >>> rel.targets (<Demo ob3>,) >>> rel.targets = [app['ob4']] # this calls reindex >>> rel.targets (<Demo ob4>,) >>> sorted( for ob in container.findTargets(app['ob1'])) ['ob2', 'ob4'] >>> sorted( for ob in container.findSources(app['ob3'])) ['ob0'] >>> sorted( for ob in container.findSources(app['ob4'])) ['ob0', 'ob1']The same sort of thing happens if we change sources. We’ll change the diagram to look like this.ob0 | |\ ob1 | | | | | ob2 | ob3 | \ | ob5 ob4 >>> rel.sources (<Demo ob1>,) >>> rel.sources = (app['ob2'],) # this calls reindex >>> rel.sources (<Demo ob2>,) >>> sorted( for ob in container.findTargets(app['ob1'])) ['ob2'] >>> sorted( for ob in container.findTargets(app['ob2'])) ['ob4', 'ob5'] >>> sorted( for ob in container.findTargets(app['ob0'])) ['ob1', 'ob3', 'ob4'] >>> sorted( for ob in container.findSources(app['ob4'])) ['ob0', 'ob2']Advanced UsageThere are four other advanced tricks that the relationship container can do: enable search filters; allow multiple sources and targets for a single relationship; allow relating relationships; and exposing unresolved token results.Search FiltersBecause relationships are objects themselves, a number of interesting usages are possible. They can implement additional interfaces, have annotations, and have other attributes. One use for this is to only find objects along relationship paths with relationships that provide a given interface. Thefilterargument, allowed infindSources,findTargets,findRelationships, andisLinked, supports this kind of use case.For instance, imagine that we change the relationships to look like the diagram below. Thexxxlines indicate a relationship that implements ISpecialRelationship.ob0 x |x ob1 | x x | x ob2 | ob3 | x | ob5 ob4That is, the relationships from ob0 to ob1, ob0 to ob3, ob1 to ob2, and ob2 to ob4 implement the special interface. Let’s make this happen first.>>> from zope import interface >>> class ISpecialInterface(interface.Interface): ... """I'm special! So special!""" ... >>> for src, tgt in ( ... (app['ob0'], app['ob1']), ... (app['ob0'], app['ob3']), ... (app['ob1'], app['ob2']), ... (app['ob2'], app['ob4'])): ... rel = list(container.findRelationships(src, tgt))[0][0] ... interface.directlyProvides(rel, ISpecialInterface) ...Now we can useISpecialInterface.providedByas a filter for all of the methods mentioned above.findTargets>>> sorted( for ob in container.findTargets(app['ob0'])) ['ob1', 'ob3', 'ob4'] >>> sorted( for ob in container.findTargets( ... app['ob0'], filter=ISpecialInterface.providedBy)) ['ob1', 'ob3'] >>> sorted( for ob in container.findTargets( ... app['ob0'], maxDepth=None)) ['ob1', 'ob2', 'ob3', 'ob4', 'ob5'] >>> sorted( for ob in container.findTargets( ... app['ob0'], maxDepth=None, filter=ISpecialInterface.providedBy)) ['ob1', 'ob2', 'ob3', 'ob4']findSources>>> sorted( for ob in container.findSources(app['ob4'])) ['ob0', 'ob2'] >>> sorted( for ob in container.findSources( ... app['ob4'], filter=ISpecialInterface.providedBy)) ['ob2'] >>> sorted( for ob in container.findSources( ... app['ob4'], maxDepth=None)) ['ob0', 'ob1', 'ob2'] >>> sorted( for ob in container.findSources( ... app['ob4'], maxDepth=None, filter=ISpecialInterface.providedBy)) ['ob0', 'ob1', 'ob2'] >>> sorted( for ob in container.findSources( ... app['ob5'], maxDepth=None)) ['ob0', 'ob1', 'ob2'] >>> list( for ob in container.findSources( ... app['ob5'], filter=ISpecialInterface.providedBy)) []findRelationships>>> len(list(container.findRelationships( ... app['ob0'], app['ob4'], maxDepth=None))) 2 >>> len(list(container.findRelationships( ... app['ob0'], app['ob4'], maxDepth=None, ... filter=ISpecialInterface.providedBy))) 1 >>> len(list(container.findRelationships(app['ob0']))) 3 >>> len(list(container.findRelationships( ... app['ob0'], filter=ISpecialInterface.providedBy))) 2isLinked>>> container.isLinked(app['ob0'], app['ob5'], maxDepth=None) True >>> container.isLinked( ... app['ob0'], app['ob5'], maxDepth=None, ... filter=ISpecialInterface.providedBy) False >>> container.isLinked( ... app['ob0'], app['ob2'], maxDepth=None, ... filter=ISpecialInterface.providedBy) True >>> container.isLinked( ... app['ob0'], app['ob4']) True >>> container.isLinked( ... app['ob0'], app['ob4'], ... filter=ISpecialInterface.providedBy) FalseMultiple Sources and/or Targets; Duplicate RelationshipsRelationships are not always between a single source and a single target. Many approaches to this are possible, but a simple one is to allow relationships to have multiple sources and multiple targets. This is an approach that the relationship container supports.>>> container.add(Relationship( ... (app['ob2'], app['ob4'], app['ob5'], app['ob6'], app['ob7']), ... (app['ob1'], app['ob4'], app['ob8'], app['ob9'], app['ob10']))) >>> container.add(Relationship( ... (app['ob10'], app['ob0']), ... (app['ob7'], app['ob3'])))Before we examine the results, look at those for a second.Among the interesting items is that we have duplicated the ob2->ob4 relationship in the first example, and duplicated the ob0->ob3 relationship in the second. The relationship container does not limit duplicate relationships: it simply adds and indexes them, and will include the additional relationship path in findRelationships.>>> sorted( for o in container.findTargets(app['ob4'])) ['ob1', 'ob10', 'ob4', 'ob8', 'ob9'] >>> sorted( for o in container.findTargets(app['ob10'])) ['ob3', 'ob7'] >>> sorted( for o in container.findTargets(app['ob4'], maxDepth=2)) ['ob1', 'ob10', 'ob2', 'ob3', 'ob4', 'ob7', 'ob8', 'ob9'] >>> sorted( ... [repr(rel) for rel in path] ... for path in container.findRelationships( ... app['ob2'], app['ob4'])) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [['<Relationship from (<Demo ob2>, <Demo ob4>, <Demo ob5>, <Demo ob6>, <Demo ob7>) to (<Demo ob1>, <Demo ob4>, <Demo ob8>, <Demo ob9>, <Demo ob10>)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob2>,) to (<Demo ob4>,)>']]There’s also a reflexive relationship in there, with ob4 pointing to ob4. It’s marked as a cycle.>>> list(container.findRelationships(app['ob4'], app['ob4'])) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [cycle(<Relationship from (<Demo ob2>, <Demo ob4>, <Demo ob5>, <Demo ob6>, <Demo ob7>) to (<Demo ob1>, <Demo ob4>, <Demo ob8>, <Demo ob9>, <Demo ob10>)>,)] >>> list(container.findRelationships(app['ob4'], app['ob4']))[0].cycled [{'source': <Demo ob4>}]Relating Relationships and Relationship ContainersRelationships are objects. We’ve already shown and discussed how this means that they can implement different interfaces and be annotated. It also means that relationships are first-class objects that can be related themselves. This allows relationships that keep track of who created other relationships, and other use cases.Even the relationship containers themselves can be nodes in a relationship container.>>> container1 = app['container1'] = Container() >>> container2 = app['container2'] = Container() >>> rel = Relationship((container1,), (container2,)) >>> container.add(rel) >>> container.isLinked(container1, container2) TrueExposing Unresolved TokensFor specialized use cases, usually optimizations, sometimes it is useful to have access to raw results from a given implementation. For instance, if a relationship has many members, it might make sense to have an intid-based relationship container return the actual intids.The containers include three methods for these sorts of use cases:findTargetTokens,findSourceTokens, andfindRelationshipTokens. They take the same arguments as their similarly-named cousins.Convenience classesThree convenience classes exist for relationships with a single source and/or a single target only.One-To-One RelationshipAOneToOneRelationshiprelates a single source to a single target.>>> from zc.relationship.shared import OneToOneRelationship >>> rel = OneToOneRelationship(app['ob20'], app['ob21'])>>> verifyObject(interfaces.IOneToOneRelationship, rel) TrueAll container methods work as for the general many-to-many relationship. We repeat some of the tests defined in the main section above (all relationships defined there are actually one-to-one relationships).>>> container.add(rel) >>> container.add(OneToOneRelationship(app['ob21'], app['ob22'])) >>> container.add(OneToOneRelationship(app['ob21'], app['ob23'])) >>> container.add(OneToOneRelationship(app['ob20'], app['ob23'])) >>> container.add(OneToOneRelationship(app['ob20'], app['ob24'])) >>> container.add(OneToOneRelationship(app['ob22'], app['ob25'])) >>> rel = OneToOneRelationship(app['ob25'], app['ob21']) >>> container.add(rel)findTargets>>> sorted( for o in container.findTargets(app['ob20'], 2)) ['ob21', 'ob22', 'ob23', 'ob24']findSources>>> sorted( for o in container.findSources(app['ob21'], 2)) ['ob20', 'ob22', 'ob25']findRelationships>>> sorted( ... [repr(rel) for rel in path] ... for path in container.findRelationships(app['ob21'], maxDepth=2)) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [['<Relationship from (<Demo ob21>,) to (<Demo ob22>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob21>,) to (<Demo ob22>,)>', '<Relationship from (<Demo ob22>,) to (<Demo ob25>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob21>,) to (<Demo ob23>,)>']]>>> sorted( ... [repr(rel) for rel in path] ... for path in container.findRelationships( ... target=app['ob23'], maxDepth=2)) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [['<Relationship from (<Demo ob20>,) to (<Demo ob21>,)>', '<Relationship from (<Demo ob21>,) to (<Demo ob23>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob20>,) to (<Demo ob23>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob21>,) to (<Demo ob23>,)>'], ['<Relationship from (<Demo ob25>,) to (<Demo ob21>,)>', '<Relationship from (<Demo ob21>,) to (<Demo ob23>,)>']]>>> list(container.findRelationships( ... app['ob20'], app['ob25'], maxDepth=None)) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(<Relationship from (<Demo ob20>,) to (<Demo ob21>,)>, <Relationship from (<Demo ob21>,) to (<Demo ob22>,)>, <Relationship from (<Demo ob22>,) to (<Demo ob25>,)>)]>>> list( ... [repr(rel) for rel in path] ... for path in container.findRelationships( ... app['ob20'], maxDepth=None) ... if interfaces.ICircularRelationshipPath.providedBy(path)) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [['<Relationship from (<Demo ob20>,) to (<Demo ob21>,)>', '<Relationship from (<Demo ob21>,) to (<Demo ob22>,)>', '<Relationship from (<Demo ob22>,) to (<Demo ob25>,)>', '<Relationship from (<Demo ob25>,) to (<Demo ob21>,)>']]isLinked>>> container.isLinked(source=app['ob20']) True >>> container.isLinked(target=app['ob24']) True >>> container.isLinked(source=app['ob24']) False >>> container.isLinked(target=app['ob20']) False >>> container.isLinked(app['ob20'], app['ob22'], maxDepth=2) True >>> container.isLinked(app['ob20'], app['ob25'], maxDepth=2) Falseremove>>> res = list(container.findTargets(app['ob22'], None)) # before removal >>> res[:2] [<Demo ob25>, <Demo ob21>] >>> container.remove(rel) >>> list(container.findTargets(app['ob22'], None)) # after removal [<Demo ob25>]reindex>>> rel = next( ... iter(container.findRelationships(app['ob21'], app['ob23'])) ... )[0]>>> <Demo ob23> >>> = app['ob24'] # this calls reindex >>> <Demo ob24>>>> rel.source <Demo ob21> >>> rel.source = app['ob22'] # this calls reindex >>> rel.source <Demo ob22>ManyToOneRelationshipAManyToOneRelationshiprelates multiple sources to a single target.>>> from zc.relationship.shared import ManyToOneRelationship >>> rel = ManyToOneRelationship((app['ob22'], app['ob26']), app['ob24'])>>> verifyObject(interfaces.IManyToOneRelationship, rel) True>>> container.add(rel) >>> container.add(ManyToOneRelationship( ... (app['ob26'], app['ob23']), ... app['ob20']))The relationship diagram now looks like this:ob20 (ob22, obj26) (ob26, obj23) | |\ | | ob21 | | obj24 obj20 | | | ob22 | ob23 | \ | ob25 ob24We created a cycle for obj20 via obj23.>>> sorted( for o in container.findSources(app['ob24'], None)) ['ob20', 'ob21', 'ob22', 'ob23', 'ob26']>>> sorted( for o in container.findSources(app['ob20'], None)) ['ob20', 'ob23', 'ob26']>>> list(container.findRelationships(app['ob20'], app['ob20'], None)) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [cycle(<Relationship from (<Demo ob20>,) to (<Demo ob23>,)>, <Relationship from (<Demo ob26>, <Demo ob23>) to (<Demo ob20>,)>)] >>> list(container.findRelationships( ... app['ob20'], app['ob20'], 2))[0].cycled [{'source': <Demo ob20>}]TheManyToOneRelationship’ssourcesattribute is mutable, while it’stargetsattribute is immutable.>>> rel.sources (<Demo ob22>, <Demo ob26>) >>> rel.sources = [app['ob26'], app['ob24']]>>> rel.targets (<Demo ob24>,) >>> rel.targets = (app['ob22'],) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: can't set attributeBut the relationship has an additional mutabletargetattribute.>>> <Demo ob24> >>> = app['ob22']OneToManyRelationshipAOneToManyRelationshiprelates a single source to multiple targets.>>> from zc.relationship.shared import OneToManyRelationship >>> rel = OneToManyRelationship(app['ob22'], (app['ob20'], app['ob27']))>>> verifyObject(interfaces.IOneToManyRelationship, rel) True>>> container.add(rel) >>> container.add(OneToManyRelationship( ... app['ob20'], ... (app['ob23'], app['ob28'])))The updated diagram looks like this:ob20 (ob26, obj24) (ob26, obj23) | |\ | | ob21 | | obj22 obj20 | | | | | ob22 | ob23 (ob20, obj27) (ob23, obj28) | \ | ob25 ob24Alltogether there are now three cycles for ob22.>>> sorted( for o in container.findTargets(app['ob22'])) ['ob20', 'ob24', 'ob25', 'ob27'] >>> sorted( for o in container.findTargets(app['ob22'], None)) ['ob20', 'ob21', 'ob22', 'ob23', 'ob24', 'ob25', 'ob27', 'ob28']>>> sorted( for o in container.findTargets(app['ob20'])) ['ob21', 'ob23', 'ob24', 'ob28'] >>> sorted( for o in container.findTargets(app['ob20'], None)) ['ob20', 'ob21', 'ob22', 'ob23', 'ob24', 'ob25', 'ob27', 'ob28']>>> sorted(repr(c) for c in ... container.findRelationships(app['ob22'], app['ob22'], None)) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ['cycle(<Relationship from (<Demo ob22>,) to (<Demo ob20>, <Demo ob27>)>, <Relationship from (<Demo ob20>,) to (<Demo ob21>,)>, <Relationship from (<Demo ob21>,) to (<Demo ob22>,)>)', 'cycle(<Relationship from (<Demo ob22>,) to (<Demo ob20>, <Demo ob27>)>, <Relationship from (<Demo ob20>,) to (<Demo ob24>,)>, <Relationship from (<Demo ob26>, <Demo ob24>) to (<Demo ob22>,)>)', 'cycle(<Relationship from (<Demo ob22>,) to (<Demo ob24>,)>, <Relationship from (<Demo ob26>, <Demo ob24>) to (<Demo ob22>,)>)']TheOneToManyRelationship’stargetsattribute is mutable, while it’ssourcesattribute is immutable.>>> rel.targets (<Demo ob20>, <Demo ob27>) >>> rel.targets = [app['ob28'], app['ob21']]>>> rel.sources (<Demo ob22>,) >>> rel.sources = (app['ob23'],) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: can't set attributeBut the relationship has an additional mutablesourceattribute.>>> rel.source <Demo ob22> >>> = app['ob23']Changes2.1 (2021-03-22)Add support for Python 3.7 up to 3.9.Update tozope.component >= 5.2.0.post1 (2018-06-19)Fix PyPI page by using correct ReST syntax.2.0 (2018-06-19)The 2.x line is almost completely compatible with the 1.x line. The one notable incompatibility does not affect the use of relationship containers and is small enough that it will hopefully affect noone.New Requirementszc.relationIncompatibilities with 1.0findRelationshipswill now use the defaultTransitiveQueriesFactory if it is set. SetmaxDepthto 1 if you do not want this behavior.Some instantiation exceptions have different error messages.Changes in 2.0the relationship index code has been moved out to zc.relation and significantly refactored there. A fully backwards compatible subclass remains in zc.relationship.indexsupport both 64-bit and 32-bit BTree familiessupport specifying indexed values by passing callables rather than interface elements (which are also still supported).in findValues and findValueTokens,queryargument is now optional. If the query evaluates to False in a boolean context, all values, or value tokens, are returned. Value tokens are explicitly returned using the underlying BTree storage. This can then be used directly for other BTree operations.In these and other cases, you should not ever mutate returned results! They may be internal data structures (and are intended to be so, so that they can be used for efficient set operations for other uses). The interfaces hopefully clarify what calls will return an internal data structure.README has a new beginning, which both demonstrates some of the new features and tries to be a bit simpler than the later sections.findRelationshipsand new methodfindRelationshipTokenscan find relationships transitively and intransitively.findRelationshipTokenswhen used intransitively repeats the behavior offindRelationshipTokenSet. (findRelationshipTokenSetremains in the API, not deprecated, a companion tofindValueTokenSet.)100% test coverage (per the usual misleading line analysis :-) of index module. (Note that the significantly lower test coverage of the container code is unlikely to change without contributions: I use the index exclusively. See plone.relations for a zc.relationship container with very good test coverage.)Tested with Python 2.7 and Python >= 3.5Added test extra to declare test dependency 1.1(supports Zope 3.4/Zope 2.11/ZODB 3.8)1.1.0adjust to BTrees changes in ZODB 3.8 (thanks Juergen Kartnaller)converted buildout to rely exclusively on eggsBranch 1.0(supports Zope 3.3/Zope 2.10/ZODB 3.7)1.0.2Incorporated tests and bug fixes to relationship containers from Markus Kemmerling:ManyToOneRelationship instantiation was brokenThefindRelationshipsmethod misbehaved if both,sourceandtarget, are not None, butbool(target)evaluated to False.ISourceRelationship and ITargetRelationship had errors.1.0.1Incorporated test and bug fix from Gabriel Shaar:if the target parameter is a container with no objects, then `shared.AbstractContainer.isLinked` resolves to False in a bool context and tokenization fails. `target and tokenize({'target': target})` returns the target instead of the result of the tokenize function.Made README.rst tests pass on hopefully wider set of machines (this was a test improvement; the relationship index did not have the fragility). Reported by Gabriel Shaar.1.0.0Initial release
zc.reloadmonitorzc.reloadmonitor provides a plug-in for zc.monitor. It allows you to cause already imported modules to be reloaded.To use, just connect to the monitor port and give the command:reload my.moduleTo configure/enable from Python, use:import zc.reloadmodule zc.reloadmonitor.configure()To configure from ZCML, use:<include package="zc.reloadmonitor" />Changes0.3.0 (2010-10-07)Fixed so thatconfigure.zcmlgets properly included on install.0.2.0 (2010-10-07)Make the reload monitor compatible with zope.interface (2010-09-03)Initial release
The resource library is a Zope 3 extension that is designed to make the inclusion of JavaScript, CSS, and other resources easy, cache-friendly, and component-friendly.ContentsResource LibraryLoading FilesUsageContent-type checkingDependenciesError ConditionsMultiple HeadsError during publishingCustom “directory” factoriesLibrary insertion place markerFuture WorkCHANGES2.1.0 (2018-10-19)2.0.0 (2017-05-23)1.3.4 (2012-01-20)1.3.2 (2010-08-16)1.3.1 (2010-03-24)1.3.0 (2009-10-08)1.2.0 (2009-06-04)1.1.0 (2009-05-05)1.0.2 (2009-01-27)1.0.1 (2008-03-07)1.0.0 (2008-02-17)0.8.2 (2007-12-07)0.8.1 (2007-12-05)0.8 (2007-12-04)0.6.1 (2007-11-03)0.6.0 (2006-09-22)0.5.2 (2006-06-15)0.5.1 (2006-06-06)0.5.0 (2006-04-24)Resource LibraryThe resource library is designed to make the inclusion of JavaScript, CSS, and other resources easy, cache-friendly, and component-friendly. For instance, if two widgets on a page need the same JavaScript library, the library should be only loaded once, but the widget designers should not have to concern themselves with the presence of other widgets.Imagine that one widget has a copy of a fictional Javascript library. To configure that library as available use ZCML like this:>>> zcml(""" ... <configure ... xmlns="" ... package="zc.resourcelibrary"> ... <include package="." file="meta.zcml" /> ... <resourceLibrary name="some-library"> ... <directory source="tests/example"/> ... </resourceLibrary> ... ... </configure> ... """)This is exactly equivalent to a resourceDirectory tag, with no additional effect.Loading FilesIt is also possible to indicate that one or more Javascript or CSS files should be included (by reference) into the HTML of a page that needs the library. This is the current difference between resourceLibrary and resourceDirectory.>>> zcml(""" ... <configure ... xmlns="" ... package="zc.resourcelibrary"> ... <include package="." file="meta.zcml" /> ... <resourceLibrary name="my-lib"> ... <directory ... source="tests/example/my-lib" ... include="included.js included.css included.kss" ... /> ... </resourceLibrary> ... ... </configure> ... """)If a file is included that the resource library doesn’t understand (i.e. it isn’t Javascript or CSS), an exception will occur.>>> zcml(""" ... <configure ... xmlns="" ... package="zc.resourcelibrary"> ... <include package="." file="meta.zcml" /> ... <resourceLibrary name="bad-lib"> ... <directory ... source="tests/example/my-lib" ... include="included.bad" ... /> ... </resourceLibrary> ... ... </configure> ... """) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ConfigurationError: Resource library doesn't know how to include this file: "included.bad". File...UsageComponents signal their need for a particular resource library (Javascript or otherwise) by using a special TAL expression. (The use of replace is not mandated, the result may be assigned to a dummy variable, or otherwise ignored.)>>> zpt('<tal:block replace="resource_library:my-lib"/>')We’ll be using a testbrowser.Browser to simulate a user viewing web pages.>>> from zope.testbrowser.wsgi import Browser >>> browser = Browser() >>> browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic mgr:mgrpw') >>> browser.handleErrors = FalseWhen a page is requested that does not need any resource libraries, the HTML will be untouched.>>>'http://localhost/zc.resourcelibrary.test_template_1') >>> browser.contents '...<head></head>...'When a page is requested that uses a component that needs a resource library, the library will be referenced in the rendered page.>>>'http://localhost/zc.resourcelibrary.test_template_2')A reference to the JavaScript is inserted into the HTML.>>> '/@@/my-lib/included.js' in browser.contents TrueAnd the JavaScript is available from the URL referenced.>>>'/@@/my-lib/included.js') >>> browser.headers['Content-Type'] 'application/javascript' >>> print(browser.contents.decode('ascii')) function be_annoying() { alert('Hi there!'); }For inclusion of resources the full base url with namespaces is used.>>>'http://localhost/++skin++Basic/zc.resourcelibrary.test_template_2') >>> print(browser.contents) <html... src="http://localhost/++skin++Basic/@@/my-lib/included.js"... </html>A reference to the CSS is also inserted into the HTML.>>>'http://localhost/zc.resourcelibrary.test_template_2') >>> '/@@/my-lib/included.css' in browser.contents TrueAnd the CSS is available from the URL referenced.>>>'/@@/my-lib/included.css') >>> browser.headers['Content-Type'] 'text/css' >>> print(browser.contents.decode('ascii')) div .border { border: 1px silid black; }A reference to an unknown library causes an exception.>>>'http://localhost/zc.resourcelibrary.test_template_3') Traceback (most recent call last): ... RuntimeError: Unknown resource library: "does-not-exist"Library usage may also be signaled programattically. For example, if a page would not otherwise include a resource library…>>> page = ('<html><head></head>' ... '<body tal:define="unused view/doSomething">' ... 'This is the body.</body>')>>> class View(object): ... context = getRootFolder() ... def doSomething(self): ... pass>>> zpt(page, view=View()) '...<head></head>...'If we then programmatically indicate that a resource library is needed, it will be included.>>> import zc.resourcelibrary >>> class View(object): ... context = getRootFolder() ... def doSomething(self): ... zc.resourcelibrary.need('my-lib')>>> '/@@/my-lib/included.js' in zpt(page, view=View()) TrueContent-type checkingResources should be referenced only from HTML and XML content, other content types should not be touched by the resource library:>>> page = ('<html><head>' ... '<tal:block replace="resource_library:my-lib"/>' ... '</head><body></body></html>')>>> '/@@/my-lib/included.js' in zpt(page, content_type='text/html') True>>> '/@@/my-lib/included.js' in zpt(page, content_type='text/xml') True>>> '/@@/my-lib/included.js' in zpt(page, content_type='text/none') FalseThis also works if the content type contains uppercase characters, as per RfC 2045 on the syntax of MIME type specifications (we can’t test uppercase characters in the major type yet since the publisher is not completely up to the RfC on that detail yet):>>> '/@@/my-lib/included.js' in zpt(page, content_type='text/hTMl') True>>> '/@@/my-lib/included.js' in zpt(page, content_type='text/nOne') FalseParameters to the content type can’t fool the check either:>>> '/@@/my-lib/included.js' in zpt( ... page, content_type='text/xml; charset=utf-8') True>>> '/@@/my-lib/included.js' in zpt( ... page, content_type='text/none; charset=utf-8') FalseThe content type is, however, assumed to be a strictly valid MIME type specification, implying that it can’t contain any whitespace up to the semicolon signalling the start of parameters, if any (we can’t test whitespace around the major type as that would already upset the publisher):>>> '/@@/my-lib/included.js' in zpt( ... page, content_type='text/ xml') False>>> '/@@/my-lib/included.js' in zpt( ... page, content_type='text/xml ; charset=utf-8') FalseThe content type may also be None if it was never set, which of course doesn’t count as HTML or XML either:>>> from zc.resourcelibrary import publication >>> from io import BytesIO >>> request = publication.Request(body_instream=BytesIO(), environ={}) >>> request.response.setResult("This is not HTML text.") >>> b'/@@/my-lib/included.js' in request.response.consumeBody() FalseDependenciesIf a resource library registers a dependency on another library, the dependency must be satisfied or an error will be generated.>>> zcml(""" ... <configure ... xmlns="" ... package="zc.resourcelibrary"> ... <include package="." file="meta.zcml" /> ... ... <resourceLibrary name="dependent-but-unsatisfied" require="not-here"> ... <directory source="tests/example"/> ... </resourceLibrary> ... ... </configure> ... """) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ConfigurationError:...Resource library "dependent-but-unsatisfied" has unsatisfied dependency on "not-here"... ...When the dependencies are satisfied, the registrations will succeed.>>> zcml(""" ... <configure ... xmlns="" ... package="zc.resourcelibrary"> ... <include package="." file="meta.zcml" /> ... ... <resourceLibrary name="dependent" require="dependency"> ... <directory source="tests/example" include="1.js"/> ... </resourceLibrary> ... ... <resourceLibrary name="dependency"> ... <directory source="tests/example" include="2.css"/> ... </resourceLibrary> ... ... </configure> ... """)If one library depends on another and the first library is referenced on a page, the second library will also be included in the rendered HTML.>>> zpt('<tal:block replace="resource_library:dependent"/>') >>>'http://localhost/zc.resourcelibrary.test_template_4') >>> '/@@/dependent/1.js' in browser.contents True >>> '/@@/dependency/2.css' in browser.contents TrueOrder matters, espacially for js files, so the dependency should appear before the dependent library in the page>>> print(browser.contents.strip()) <html>...dependency/2.css...dependent/1.js...</html>It is possible for a resource library to only register a list of dependencies and not specify any resources.When such a library is used in a resource_library statement in a template, only its dependencies are referenced in the final rendered page.>>> zcml(""" ... <configure ... xmlns="" ... package="zc.resourcelibrary"> ... <include package="." file="meta.zcml" /> ... ... <resourceLibrary name="only_require" require="my-lib dependent"/> ... ... </configure> ... """) >>> zpt('<tal:block replace="resource_library:only_require"/>') >>>'http://localhost/zc.resourcelibrary.test_template_7') >>> '/@@/my-lib/included.js' in browser.contents True >>> '/@@/my-lib/included.css' in browser.contents True >>> '/@@/dependent/1.js' in browser.contents True >>> '/@@/dependency/2.css' in browser.contents True >>> '/@@/only_require' in browser.contents FalseError ConditionsErrors are reported if you do something wrong.>>> zcml(""" ... <configure ... xmlns="" ... package="zc.resourcelibrary"> ... <include package="." file="meta.zcml" /> ... ... <resourceLibrary name="some-library"> ... <directory source="does-not-exist"/> ... </resourceLibrary> ... ... </configure> ... """) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ConfigurationError: Directory u'...does-not-exist' does not exist File...Multiple HeadsOn occasion the body of an HTML document may contain the text “<head>”. In those cases, only the actual head tag should be manipulated. The first occurrence of “<head>” has the script tag inserted…>>>'http://localhost/zc.resourcelibrary.test_template_5') >>> print(browser.contents) <html>...<head> <script src="http://localhost/@@/my-lib/included.js"...…but that is the only time it is inserted.>>> browser.contents.count('src="http://localhost/@@/my-lib/included.js"') 1Error during publishingNote that in case an exception is raised during publishing, the resource library is disabled.>>> browser.handleErrors = True >>> ... 'http://localhost/zc.resourcelibrary.test_template_5', ... 'value:int=dummy', 'multipart/form-data') Traceback (most recent call last): ... urllib.error.HTTPError: ... >>> '/@@/my-lib/included.js' in browser.contents FalseCustom “directory” factoriesBy default, a resource directory is created when a directory directive is used. You can add a factory option to specify a different resource-directory factory. This can be used, for example, to provide dynamic resources.>>> zcml(""" ... <configure ... xmlns="" ... package="zc.resourcelibrary"> ... <include package="." file="meta.zcml" /> ... ... <resourceLibrary name="my-lib"> ... <directory ... source="tests/example/my-lib" ... include="foo.js" ... factory="zc.resourcelibrary.tests.tests.TestFactory" ... /> ... </resourceLibrary> ... ... </configure> ... """, clear=['my-lib'])The factory will be called with a source directory, a security checker and a name. We’ve created a class that implements a resource directory dynamically.>>>'http://localhost/zc.resourcelibrary.test_template_2') >>> '/@@/my-lib/foo.js' in browser.contents True>>>'http://localhost/@@/my-lib/foo.js') >>> print(browser.contents) foo = 1;Library insertion place markerYou can explicitly mark where to insert HTML. Do do that, add the special comment “<!– zc.resourcelibrary –>” (exact string, w/o quotes) to the template. It will be replaced by resource libraries HTML on processing.>>>'http://localhost/zc.resourcelibrary.test_template_6')A reference to the JavaScript is inserted into the HTML.>>> print(browser.contents) <html> <head> <title>Marker test</title> <BLANKLINE> <!-- Libraries will be included below --> <script src="http://localhost/@@/my-lib/foo.js" type="text/javascript"> </script> </head> ... </html>Future WorkWe want to be able to specify a single file to add to the resource.We may want to be able to override a file in the resource with a different file.Currently only one <directory> tag is allowed per-library. If multiple tags are allowed, should they be merged or have distinct prefixes?Add a test to ensure that files are only included once, and in the proper orderCHANGES2.1.0 (2018-10-19)Add support for Python (2017-05-23)Add support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.Drop test dependency, among others.Make dependency optional.1.3.4 (2012-01-20)Register adapters with getSiteManager rather than getGlobalSiteManager. This allows registering resource libraries in non-global sites. For detais see: NotImplementedError if we find that a second ZCML declaration would change the global library_info dict in a way that may (depending on ZCML ordering) break applications at runtime. These errors were pretty hard to debug.Remove unneeded test dependencies dependency (2010-08-16)Response._addDependencies will only include a ResourceLibrary in the list of dependencies if the ResourceLibrary actually has included resources.This makes directives that simply declare dependencies on other libraries work again.Add missing depedency, clean up unused imports and whitespace.1.3.1 (2010-03-24)Resource libraries that are required during a retried request are now correctly registered and injected to the HTML.Import hooks functionality from zope.component after it was moved there from This lifts the dependency on an unused ISite import and thereby, the undeclared dependency on zope.location.1.3.0 (2009-10-08)Usezope.browserresourceinstead, removing a dependency on latter.Look up the “resources view” via queryMultiAdapter instead of looking into the adapter registry.Moved the dependency on to the test dependencies.1.2.0 (2009-06-04)Usezope.siteinstead Removes direct dependency (2009-05-05)New features:An attempt to generate resource URLs using the “resources view” (@@) is now made; if unsuccesful, we fall back to the previous method of crafting the URL by hand from the site url. This ensures that the resource library respects the existing plugging points for resource publishing ( can now explicitly specify where resource links should be inserted using the special marker comment ‘<!– zc.resourcelibrary –>’.1.0.2 (2009-01-27)Remove from dependencies, substituting its uses with direct imports.Use zope-dev at mailing list address instead of zope3-dev at as the latter one is retired.Change “cheeseshop” to “pypi” in the package homepage.1.0.1 (2008-03-07)Bugs fixed:added the behavior from the standard Zope 3 response to guess that a body that is not HTML without an explicit mimetype should have a ‘text/plain’ mimetype. This means that, for instance, redirects with a body of ‘’ and no explicit content type will no longer cause an exception in the resourcelibrary response code.1.0.0 (2008-02-17)New features:You can now provide an alternative “directory-resource” factory. This facilitates implementation of dynamic resources.Bugs fixed:Updated the functional-testing zcml file to get rid of a deprecation warning.0.8.2 (2007-12-07)bug fix: when checking content type, take into account that it may be None0.8.1 (2007-12-05)changed MIME type handling to be more restrictive about whitespace to conform to RfC 20450.8 (2007-12-04)fixed the check for HTML and XML content to allow content type parameters0.6.1 (2007-11-03)Update package meta-data.Fixed package dependencies.Merged functional and unit tests.0.6.0 (2006-09-22)???0.5.2 (2006-06-15)Add more package meta-data.0.5.1 (2006-06-06)Update package code to work with newer versions of other packages.0.5.0 (2006-04-24)Initial release.
This package provides a load balancer for WSGI applications that sorts requests into request classes and assigns requests of a given class to the same workers.The load balancer can benefit you if you have an application that:has too much load (or is too slow) to be handled by a single process,has a working set that is too large to fit in the caches used by your process, andthere is a way to classify requests so that there is little overlap in the working sets of the various classes.If what’s above applies to you (or if you’re curious), read on.ContentsArchitectureStatusRequest ClassificationDeploymentBasic deploymentBasic worker deploymentBasic load-balancer deploymentBasic ExampleZooKeeper-based deploymentZooKeeoper-based worker deploymentZooKeeper-based load-balancer deploymentZooKeeper ExampleChange History1.0.2 (2015-03-11)1.0.1 (2015-03-03)1.0.0 (2015-02-19)0.7.5 (2014-11-18)0.7.4 (2014-10-29)0.7.3 (2014-06-04)0.7.2 (2014-06-02)0.7.1 (2012-10-17)0.7.0 (2012-07-05)0.6.2 (2012-06-15)0.6.0 (2012-05-11)0.5.2 (2012-05-09)0.5.1 (2012-05-07)0.5.0 (2012-05-03)0.4.0 (2012-04-27)0.3.0 (2012-03-28)0.2.0 (2012-03-27)0.1.0 (2012-03-09)ArchitectureAn application deployed using the load balancer consistes of one or more load balancers, and multiple workers. Web requests come into the load balancers, are converted to WSGI environments and requests, in environment form, are handed over to workers over long-lived multi-plexed connections.Workers compute résumés, which are dictionaries mapping request classes to scores, which are average requests per second. Workers send load balancers their résumés periodically, and when load balancers connect to them.Multiple load balancers can be used for redundancy or load distribution. Résumés are managed by workers to assure that load balancer’s have the same information about worker skills.StatusThe current version of the load-balancer should be considered experimental. We’re currently testing it in production.The documentation is a bit thin, but there are extensive doctests.Request ClassificationYou need to provide a request-classification function that takes a WSGI environment and returns a request class string.Two classifiers are built-in:hostThe host classifier uses HTTP Host header values, normalized by removing leading “www.” prefixes, if present.re_classifierA general classifier (factory) that applies a regular expression with aclassgroup to an environment value.For example, to use the first step in a request URL path, you’d use the following request-classifier option to one of the load-balancer scripts described below:-r '"PATH_INFO",r"/(?P<class>[^/]+)")'DeploymentDeploying the load balancer requires deploying each of the workers, and deploying the load balancer(s) itself. The workers are deployed much like any WSGI stack. The workers serve as WSGI servers, even though they don’t accept HTTP requests directly.There are two built-in strategies for deploying applications, depending on whether you’re willing to drink some ZooKeeper kool-aid.If you use ZooKeeper, workers can bind to ephemeral ports and register them with ZooKeeper. The load balancer monitors ZooKeeper and adds and removes workers to it’s pool as worker processes are worker processes are started and stopped.Basic deploymentThe basic deployment is the easiest to get up and running quickly.Basic worker deploymentIn the basic deployment, you deploy each worker as you would any WSGI application. A Paste Deployment server runner is provided by thepaste.server_runnermainentry point. The runner accepts parameters:use egg:zc.resumelbThis selects the basic worker runner.address HOST:PORTThe address to listen on, in the form HOST:PORThistory SIZERoughly, the number of requests to consider when computing a worker’s résumé. This defaults to 9999.max_skill_age SIZEThe maximum number of requests without a request in a request class before a request class is dropped from a worker’s résumé.If not specified, this defaults to 10 times the history.threads NTHREADSIf specified with a number greater than zero, then a thread pool of the given size is used to call the underlying WSGI stack.resume_file PATHThe path to a résumé file. Periodically, the worker’s résumé is saved to this file and the file is read on startup to initialize the worker’s résumé.tracelog LOGGERRequest trace logging and specify the name of the Python logger to use.Basic load-balancer deploymentThe load balancer is a program that should be run with a daemonizer, like zdaemon, or supervisor. It get’s it’s configuration by way of command-line arguments. Run it with-hto get a list of options.The basic load-balancer is provided by theresumelbscript provided by the package.Basic ExampleHere’s a samplepaste.inifile defining a WSGI stack:[app:main] use = egg:bobo bobo_resources = zc.resumelb.tests [server:main] use = egg:zc.resumelb address = here’s a load-balancer command you’d use with this worker:resumelb -LINFO -a :8080 this example, the load balancer listens on port 8080 and connects to the worker on port 8000.ZooKeeper-based deploymentIn a ZooKeeper-based deployment, workers register with ZooKeeper and the load balancer gets worker addresses from ZooKeeper. As workers are started and stopped, they’re automatically added to and removed from the load-balancer pool. In addition, most configuration parameters are read from ZooKeeper and are updated at run time when they are changed in ZooKeeper. To learn more about ZooKeeper and how to build and maintain a ZooKeeper tree, see worker deploymentAs with the basic deployment, you deploy ZooKeeoper-based workers as servers in a WSGI stack. A Paste Deployment server runner is provided by thepaste.server_runnerzkentry point. The runner accepts parameters:use egg:zc.resumelb#zkThis selects the ZooKeeoper-based worker runner.zookeeper CONNECTIONA ZooKeeoper connection string.path PATHThe path to a ZooKeeper node where the worker should get configuration and register it’s address. The node should have aproviderssubnode where address is is published.address HOST:PORTThe address to listen on, in the form HOST:PORTthreads NTHREADSIf specified with a number greater than zero, then a thread pool of the given size is used to call the underlying WSGI stack.resume_file PATHThe path to a résumé file. Periodically, the worker’s résumé is saved to this file and the file is read on startup to initialize the worker’s résumé.tracelog LOGGERRequest trace logging and specify the name of the Python logger to use.ZooKeeper-based load-balancer deploymentThe load balancer is a program that should be run with a daemonizer, like zdaemon, or supervisor. It get’s it’s configuration by way of command-line arguments. Run it with-hto get a list of options.ZooKeeper ExampleHere’s a samplepaste.inifile defining a WSGI stack:[app:main] use = egg:bobo bobo_resources = zc.resumelb.tests [server:main] use = egg:zc.resumelb#zk zookeeper = path = /lb/workersAnd here’s a load-balancer command you’d use with this worker:zkresumelb -LINFO /lbThe above example assumes you have a ZooKeeper server running on port 2181 and that it includes a tree that looks like:/lb /providers /workers /providersSee learn more about building and maintaining ZooKeeper trees.Change History1.0.2 (2015-03-11)Fixed: the nagios monitor metric for max request age showed -1 when there were no outstanding requests. This was silly.Fixed a packaging bug.1.0.1 (2015-03-03)Fixed: uncaught applications exceptions were mishandled for HEAD requests.Fixed: LB worker paths couldn’t be links in single-version mode, or when using alternate pool implementations.1.0.0 (2015-02-19)Nagios monitoring plugin. See src/zc/resumelb/nagios.rst.You can now supply alternative pool implementations.Thanks to:’s a new pool implementationzc.resumelb.classlesspool.ClasslessPoolthat allocates work solely based on backlogs, ignoring resumes. This is useful for smaller applications that don’t have large resident sets or a good way to segregate requests, but that can benefit from ZooKeeper-aware load balancing.0.7.5 (2014-11-18)Fixed: Tracelogs didn’t include start and stop records.0.7.4 (2014-10-29)Fixed: Applications or middleware that didn’t call the WSGI start_response function before returning an iterator weren’t handled properly.Fixed: File-descriptors leaked when load balancers disconnected from workers.0.7.3 (2014-06-04)Added some optimizations to reduce latency between load balancers and workers.0.7.2 (2014-06-02)Added keep-alive messages from load balancers to workers to detect workers that have gone away uncleanly.(Note that workers don’t have to be updated.)0.7.1 (2012-10-17)Fixed: When used with ZooKeeper, a load balancer could end up with multiple connections to the same worker due to ZooKeeper “flapping”. (ZooKeeper might report that workers had gone away and come back without the workers actually going away.)Fixed: When using single-version mode, flapping between versions could cause worker and book backlogs to be computed concorrectly, causing assertion errors.In single-version mode, log version changes.0.7.0 (2012-07-05)Added support in the load balancer for applications that can’t have multiple worker versions. You can upgrade workers gradually. Workers with the new version will be ignored until they’re in the majority, at which time the lb will stop using workers with the old version.0.6.2 (2012-06-15)Fixed: a lack of socket timeout could cause requests to leak.0.6.0 (2012-05-11)Added a command-line script to fetch lb status data, assuming you’re using the ZooKeeper-aware load-balancer script and have requested a status server. (Also updated the status output to show request start times as integer seconds.)0.5.2 (2012-05-09)Fixed: Temporary files created when buffering data in the load balancers weren’t closed explicitly. Generally, they were closed through garbage collection, but in certain situations, their numbers could build quickly, leading to file-descriptor exhaustion.Fixed: Tracelog ‘I’ records didn’t always contain input length information.Fixed: Tracelog ‘I’ records were only included when using thread pools.0.5.1 (2012-05-07)Fixed: Worker resume data wasn’t initialized correctly when no parameters are passed to the constructor and when reading a resume file, causing resmes not not to update.Fixed: worker errors were written to standard out rather than being logged.Fixed: Poorly-behaved WSGI applications that fail to catch errors caused requests to hang rather than return 500 responses.0.5.0 (2012-05-03)Changed the way tracelog records are identified to reflect lb request numbers. Records are disambiguated by including an lb identifier as a prefix. For example “1.22” indicated request number 22 from lb 1.When defining workers that register with ZooKeeper, you can now supply a description in the paste.ini file that shows up in ZooKeeper. While the pid alone provides enough information to find a worker, often a description (e.g. instance name or path) can make it easier.0.4.0 (2012-04-27)Change the load-balancing algorithm to take backlogs of underutilized workers into account to allow a lower variance parameter to be used, which allows new workers to be better utilized.Changed the load-balancing algorithm to try just a little bit harder to keep work with skilled workers by not penalizing workers for their first outstanding request. (In other words, when adjusting worker scrores chacking a maximum backlog, we subtract 1 from the worker’s backlog if it’s non-zero.The status server provided when using ZooKeeper now listens on a unix-domain socket.The status server provided when using ZooKeeper now includes the start time of the oldest request for each worker, to be used for monitoring.Fixed: Workers buffered large request bodies in memory. Now large request bodies are buffered to disk.Internal optimizations, especially writh regard to handling large request and response bodies.0.3.0 (2012-03-28)Changed the way the zkresumelb (load-balancer program that works with ZooKeeper) handles access logs. Now, you pass a Python logging logger name. If you don’t pass anything, then nothing will be logged.0.2.0 (2012-03-27)There’s a new API for getting worker résumés, typically from monitoring code:>>> import zc.resume.worker >>> print zc.resume.worker.get_resume(addr)This is useful both for getting a worker’s résumé and for making sure that the worker is accepting load-balancer connections.There’s also a scriot version of this:bin/get-worker-resume using ZooKeeper, you can request an lb status server. The address gets registered with ZooKeeper. When you connect to it, you get back a json string containing the overall lb backlog and addresses and backlogs of each worker.The update settings methods were changed to revert settings to default when not provided. This is especially important when used with ZooKeeper, so you can look at a tree and know what settings are without knowing the change history.Added graceful load-balancer and worker shutdown on SIGTERM.Fixed: trace log request ids weren’t assigned correctly when using multiple load balancers.Added packaging meta data to help find gevent 1.0b1 (which is at the API for application trace logging to match that of zc.zservertracelog, mainly to get database logging for ZTK applications.0.1.0 (2012-03-09)Initial release.
Python Client Library
ZOHO CRM PYTHON SDKTable Of ContentsOverviewRegistering a Zoho ClientEnvironmental SetupIncluding the SDK in your projectPersistenceDataBase PersistenceFile PersistenceCustom PersistenceConfigurationInitializationClass HierarchyResponses And ExceptionsThreadingMultithreading in a Multi-User AppMulti-threading in a Single User AppSample CodeOverviewZoho CRM PYTHON SDK offers a way to create client Python applications that can be integrated with Zoho CRM.Registering a Zoho ClientSince Zoho CRM APIs are authenticated with OAuth2 standards, you should register your client app with Zoho. To register your app:Visit this pagehttps://api-console.zoho.comClick onADD CLIENT.Choose aClient Type.EnterClient Name,Client DomainorHomepage URLandAuthorized Redirect URIsthen clickCREATE.Your Client app would have been created and displayed by now.Select the created OAuth client.Generate grant token by providing the necessary scopes, time duration (the duration for which the generated token is valid) and Scope Description.Environmental SetupPython SDK is installable throughpip.pipis a tool for dependency management in Python. SDK expects the following from the client app.Client app must have Python(version 3 and above)Python SDK must be installed into client app throughpip.Including the SDK in your projectYou can include the SDK to your project not installed).InstallPython SDKNavigate to the workspace of your client app.Run the command below:pipinstallzcrmsdk==3.x.xThe Python SDK will be installed in your client application.Token PersistenceToken persistence refers to storing and utilizing the authentication tokens that are provided by Zoho. There are three ways provided by the SDK in which persistence can be utilized. They are DataBase Persistence, File Persistence and Custom Persistence.Table of ContentsDataBase PersistenceFile PersistenceCustom PersistenceImplementing OAuth PersistenceOnce the application is authorized, OAuth access and refresh tokens can be used for subsequent user data requests to Zoho CRM. Hence, they need to be persisted by the client app.The persistence is achieved by writing an implementation of the inbuilt Abstract Base ClassTokenStore, which has the following callback methods.get_token(self, user,token)- invoked before firing a request to fetch the saved tokens. This method should return implementation of inbuiltToken Classobject for the library to process it.save_token(self, user,token)- invoked after fetching access and refresh tokens from Zoho.delete_token(self,token)- invoked before saving the latest tokens.get_tokens(self)- The method to get the all the stored tokens.delete_tokens(self)- The method to delete all the stored tokens.Note:user is an instance of UserSignature Class.token is an instance of Token Class.DataBase PersistenceIn case the user prefers to use default DataBase persistence,MySQLcan be used.The database name should bezohooauth.There must be a table nameoauthtokenwith the following int(11)user_mail varchar(255)client_id varchar(255)refresh_token varchar(255)access_token varchar(255)grant_token varchar(255)expiry_time varchar(20)MySQL Querycreatetableoauthtoken(idint(11)notnullauto_increment,user_mailvarchar(255)notnull,client_idvarchar(255),refresh_tokenvarchar(255),access_tokenvarchar(255),grant_tokenvarchar(255),expiry_timevarchar(20),primarykey(id));altertableoauthtokenauto_increment=1;NoteThe Database persistence requires the following librariesmysql-connectormysql-connector-pythonCreate DBStore"""DBStore takes the following parameters1 -> DataBase host name. Default value "localhost"2 -> DataBase name. Default value "zohooauth"3 -> DataBase user name. Default value "root"4 -> DataBase password. Default value ""5 -> DataBase port number. Default value "3306""""store=DBStore()store=DBStore(host='host_name',database_name='database_name',user_name='user_name',password='password',port_number='port_number')File PersistenceIn case of File Persistence, the user can persist tokens in the local drive, by providing the absolute file path to the FileStore object.The File containsuser_mailclient_idrefresh_tokenaccess_tokengrant_tokenexpiry_timeCreate FileStore"""FileStore takes the following parameter1 -> Absolute file path of the file to persist tokens"""store=FileStore(file_path='/Users/username/Documents/python_sdk_token.txt')Custom PersistenceTo use Custom Persistence, the user must implement the Abstract Base ClassTokenStoreand override the,user,token):"""Parameters:user (UserSignature) : A UserSignature class instance.token (Token) : A Token ( class instance"""# Add code to get the tokenreturnNonedefsave_token(self,user,token):"""Parameters:user (UserSignature) : A UserSignature class instance.token (Token) : A Token ( class instance"""# Add code to save the tokendefdelete_token(self,token):"""Parameters:token (Token) : A Token ( class instance"""# Add code to delete the tokendefget_tokens():"""Returns:list: List of stored tokens"""# Add code to get all the stored tokensdefdelete_tokens():# Add code to delete all the stored tokensConfigurationBefore you get started with creating your Python application, you need to register your client and authenticate the app with Zoho.Create an instance ofLoggerClass to log exception and API"""Create an instance of Logger Class that takes two parameters1 -> Level of the log messages to be logged. Can be configured by typing Logger.Levels "." and choose any level from the list displayed.2 -> Absolute file path, where messages need to be logged."""logger=Logger.get_instance(level=Logger.Levels.INFO,file_path="/Users/user_name/Documents/python_sdk_log.log")Create an instance ofUserSignatureClass that identifies the current Create an UserSignature instance that takes user Email as parameteruser=UserSignature(email='[email protected]')Configure API environment which decides the domain and the URL to make API"""Configure the environmentwhich is of the pattern Domain.EnvironmentAvailable Domains: USDataCenter, EUDataCenter, INDataCenter, CNDataCenter, AUDataCenterAvailable Environments: PRODUCTION(), DEVELOPER(), SANDBOX()"""environment=USDataCenter.PRODUCTION()Create an instance of OAuthToken with the information that you get after registering your Zoho,TokenType"""Create a Token instance that takes the following parameters1 -> OAuth client id.2 -> OAuth client secret.3 -> REFRESH/GRANT token.4 -> token type.5 -> OAuth redirect URL. Default value is None"""token=OAuthToken(client_id='clientId',client_secret='clientSecret',token='REFRESH/ GRANT Token',token_type=TokenType.REFRESH/TokenType.GRANT,redirect_url='redirectURL')Create an instance ofTokenStoreto persist tokens, used for authenticating all the,FileStore"""DBStore takes the following parameters1 -> DataBase host name. Default value "localhost"2 -> DataBase name. Default value "zohooauth"3 -> DataBase user name. Default value "root"4 -> DataBase password. Default value ""5 -> DataBase port number. Default value "3306""""store=DBStore()#store = DBStore(host='host_name', database_name='database_name', user_name='user_name', password='password', port_number='port_number')"""FileStore takes the following parameter1 -> Absolute file path of the file to persist tokens"""#store = FileStore(file_path='/Users/username/Documents/python_sdk_tokens.txt')Create an instance ofSDKConfigcontaining the SDK"""auto_refresh_fields (Default value is False)if True - all the modules' fields will be auto-refreshed in the background, every hour.if False - the fields will not be auto-refreshed in the background. The user can manually delete the file(s) or refresh the fields using methods from ModuleFieldsHandler(zcrmsdk/src/com/zoho/crm/api/util/ (Default value is True)A boolean field that validates user input for a pick list field and allows or disallows the addition of a new value to the list.if True - the SDK validates the input. If the value does not exist in the pick list, the SDK throws an error.if False - the SDK does not validate the input and makes the API request with the user’s input to the pick list"""config=SDKConfig(auto_refresh_fields=True,pick_list_validation=False)The path containing the absolute directory path (in the key resource_path) to store user-specific files containing information about fields in modules.resource_path='/Users/user_name/Documents/python-app'Create an instance of RequestProxy containing the proxy properties of the"""RequestProxy takes the following parameters1 -> Host2 -> Port Number3 -> User Name. Default value is None4 -> Password. Default value is an empty string"""request_proxy=RequestProxy(host='proxyHost',port=80)request_proxy=RequestProxy(host='proxyHost',port=80,user='userName',password='password')Initializing the ApplicationInitialize the SDK using the following,,"""Create an instance of Logger Class that takes two parameters1 -> Level of the log messages to be logged. Can be configured by typing Logger.Levels "." and choose any level from the list displayed.2 -> Absolute file path, where messages need to be logged."""logger=Logger.get_instance(level=Logger.Levels.INFO,file_path='/Users/user_name/Documents/python_sdk_log.log')# Create an UserSignature instance that takes user Email as parameteruser=UserSignature(email='[email protected]')"""Configure the environmentwhich is of the pattern Domain.EnvironmentAvailable Domains: USDataCenter, EUDataCenter, INDataCenter, CNDataCenter, AUDataCenterAvailable Environments: PRODUCTION(), DEVELOPER(), SANDBOX()"""environment=USDataCenter.PRODUCTION()"""Create a Token instance that takes the following parameters1 -> OAuth client id.2 -> OAuth client secret.3 -> REFRESH/GRANT token.4 -> token type.5 -> OAuth redirect URL."""token=OAuthToken(client_id='clientId',client_secret='clientSecret',token='REFRESH/ GRANT Token',token_type=TokenType.REFRESH/TokenType.GRANT,redirect_url='redirectURL')"""Create an instance of TokenStore1 -> Absolute file path of the file to persist tokens"""store=FileStore(file_path='/Users/username/Documents/python_sdk_tokens.txt')"""Create an instance of TokenStore1 -> DataBase host name. Default value "localhost"2 -> DataBase name. Default value "zohooauth"3 -> DataBase user name. Default value "root"4 -> DataBase password. Default value ""5 -> DataBase port number. Default value "3306""""store=DBStore()store=DBStore(host='host_name',database_name='database_name',user_name='user_name',password='password',port_number='port_number')"""auto_refresh_fields (Default value is False)if True - all the modules' fields will be auto-refreshed in the background, every hour.if False - the fields will not be auto-refreshed in the background. The user can manually delete the file(s) or refresh the fields using methods from ModuleFieldsHandler(zcrmsdk/src/com/zoho/crm/api/util/ (Default value is True)A boolean field that validates user input for a pick list field and allows or disallows the addition of a new value to the list.if True - the SDK validates the input. If the value does not exist in the pick list, the SDK throws an error.if False - the SDK does not validate the input and makes the API request with the user’s input to the pick list"""config=SDKConfig(auto_refresh_fields=True,pick_list_validation=False)"""The path containing the absolute directory path (in the key resource_path) to store user-specific files containing information about fields in modules."""resource_path='/Users/user_name/Documents/python-app'"""Create an instance of RequestProxy class that takes the following parameters1 -> Host2 -> Port Number3 -> User Name. Default value is None4 -> Password. Default value is None"""request_proxy=RequestProxy(host='host',port=8080)request_proxy=RequestProxy(host='host',port=8080,user='user',password='password')"""Call the static initialize method of Initializer class that takes the following arguments1 -> UserSignature instance2 -> Environment instance3 -> Token instance4 -> TokenStore instance5 -> SDKConfig instance6 -> resource_path7 -> Logger instance. Default value is None8 -> RequestProxy instance. Default value is None"""Initializer.initialize(user=user,environment=environment,token=token,store=store,sdk_config=config,resource_path=resource_path,logger=logger,proxy=request_proxy)SDKInitializer.initialize()You can now access the functionalities of the SDK. Refer to the sample codes to make various API calls through the SDK.Class HierarchyResponses and ExceptionsAll SDK methods return an instance of the APIResponse class.After a successful API request, theget_object()method returns an instance of theResponseWrapper(forGET) or theActionWrapper(forPOST, PUT, DELETE)Whenever the API returns an error response, theget_object()returns an instance ofAPIExceptionclass.ResponseWrapper(forGETrequests) andActionWrapper(forPOST, PUT, DELETErequests) are the expected objects for Zoho CRM APIs’ responsesHowever, some specific operations have different expected objects, such as the following:Operations involving records in TagsRecordActionWrapperGetting Record Count for a specific Tag operationCountWrapperOperations involving BaseCurrencyBaseCurrencyActionWrapperLead convert operationConvertActionWrapperRetrieving Deleted records operationDeletedRecordsWrapperRecord image download operationFileBodyWrapperMassUpdate record operationsMassUpdateActionWrapperMassUpdateResponseWrapperGET RequestsTheget_object()returns an instance of one of the following classes, based on the return type.Forapplication/jsonresponsesResponseWrapperCountWrapperDeletedRecordsWrapperMassUpdateResponseWrapperAPIExceptionForfile downloadresponsesFileBodyWrapperAPIExceptionPOST, PUT, DELETE RequestsThegetObject()returns an instance of one of the following classesActionWrapperRecordActionWrapperBaseCurrencyActionWrapperMassUpdateActionWrapperConvertActionWrapperAPIExceptionThese wrapper classes may contain one or a list of instances of the following classes, depending on the response.SuccessResponse Class, if the request was successful.APIException Class, if the request was erroneous.For example, when you insert two records, and one of them was inserted successfully while the other one failed, the ActionWrapper will contain one instance each of the SuccessResponse and APIException classes.All other exceptions such as SDK anomalies and other unexpected behaviours are thrown under the SDKException class.Threading in the Python SDKThreads in a Python program help you achieve parallelism. By using multiple threads, you can make a Python program run faster and do multiple things simultaneously.ThePython SDK(from version 3.x.x) supports both single-user and multi-user app.Multithreading in a Multi-user AppMulti-threading for multi-users is achieved using Initializer's staticswitch_user()method.# without proxyInitializer.switch_user(user=user,environment=environment,token=token,sdk_config=sdk_config_instance)# with proxyInitializer.switch_user(user=user,environment=environment,token=token,sdk_config=sdk_config_instance,proxy=request_proxy)Here is a sample code to depict multi-threading for a multi-user,,*,environment,token,user,module_api_name,sdk_config,proxy=None):super().__init__()self.environment=environmentself.token=tokenself.user=userself.module_api_name=module_api_nameself.sdk_config=sdk_configself.proxy=proxydefrun(self):try:Initializer.switch_user(user=self.user,environment=self.environment,token=self.token,sdk_config=self.sdk_config,proxy=self.proxy)print('Getting records for User: '+Initializer.get_initializer() Get the status code from responseprint('Status Code: '+str(response.get_status_code()))ifresponse.get_status_code()in[204,304]:print('No Content'ifresponse.get_status_code()==204else'Not Modified')return# Get object from responseresponse_object=response.get_object()ifresponse_objectisnotNone:# Check if expected ResponseWrapper instance is received.ifisinstance(response_object,ResponseWrapper):# Get the list of obtained Record instancesrecord_list=response_object.get_data()forrecordinrecord_list:forkey,valueinrecord.get_key_values().items():print(key+" : "+str(value))# Check if the request returned an exceptionelifisinstance(response_object,APIException):# Get the Statusprint("Status: "+response_object.get_status().get_value())# Get the Codeprint("Code: "+response_object.get_code().get_value())print("Details")# Get the details dictdetails=response_object.get_details()forkey,valueindetails.items():print(key+' : '+str(value))# Get the Messageprint("Message: "+response_object.get_message().get_value())exceptExceptionase:print(e)@staticmethoddefcall():logger=Logger.get_instance(level=Logger.Levels.INFO,file_path="/Users/user_name/Documents/python_sdk_log.log")user1=UserSignature(email="[email protected]")token1=OAuthToken(client_id="clientId1",client_secret="clientSecret1",token="GRANT Token",token_type=TokenType.GRANT)environment1=USDataCenter.PRODUCTION()store=DBStore()sdk_config_1=SDKConfig(auto_refresh_fields=True,pick_list_validation=False)resource_path='/Users/user_name/Documents/python-app'user1_module_api_name='Leads'user2_module_api_name='Contacts'environment2=EUDataCenter.SANDBOX()user2=UserSignature(email="[email protected]")sdk_config_2=SDKConfig(auto_refresh_fields=False,pick_list_validation=True)token2=OAuthToken(client_id="clientId2",client_secret="clientSecret2",token="REFRESH Token",token_type=TokenType.REFRESH,redirect_url="redirectURL")request_proxy_user_2=RequestProxy("host",8080)Initializer.initialize(user=user1,environment=environment1,token=token1,store=store,sdk_config=sdk_config_1,resource_path=resource_path,logger=logger)t1=MultiThread(environment1,token1,user1,user1_module_api_name,sdk_config_1)t2=MultiThread(environment2,token2,user2,user2_module_api_name,sdk_config_2,request_proxy_user_2)t1.start()t2.start()t1.join()t2.join() program execution starts fromcall().The details ofuser1are given in the variables user1, token1, environment1.Similarly, the details of another useruser2are given in the variables user2, token2, environment2.For each user, an instance ofMultiThread classis created.When thestart()is called which in-turn invokes therun(), the details of user1 are passed to theswitch_usermethod through theMultiThread object. Therefore, this creates a thread for user1.Similarly, When thestart()is invoked again, the details of user2 are passed to theswitch_userfunction through theMultiThread object. Therefore, this creates a thread for user2.Multi-threading in a Single User AppHere is a sample code to depict multi-threading for a single-user,*classMultiThread(threading.Thread):def__init__(self,module_api_name):super().__init__()self.module_api_name=module_api_namedefrun(self):try:print("Calling Get Records for module: "+self.module_api_name)response=RecordOperations().get_records(self.module_api_name)ifresponseisnotNone:# Get the status code from responseprint('Status Code: '+str(response.get_status_code()))ifresponse.get_status_code()in[204,304]:print('No Content'ifresponse.get_status_code()==204else'Not Modified')return# Get object from responseresponse_object=response.get_object()ifresponse_objectisnotNone:# Check if expected ResponseWrapper instance is received.ifisinstance(response_object,ResponseWrapper):# Get the list of obtained Record instancesrecord_list=response_object.get_data()forrecordinrecord_list:forkey,valueinrecord.get_key_values().items():print(key+" : "+str(value))# Check if the request returned an exceptionelifisinstance(response_object,APIException):# Get the Statusprint("Status: "+response_object.get_status().get_value())# Get the Codeprint("Code: "+response_object.get_code().get_value())print("Details")# Get the details dictdetails=response_object.get_details()forkey,valueindetails.items():print(key+' : '+str(value))# Get the Messageprint("Message: "+response_object.get_message().get_value())exceptExceptionase:print(e)@staticmethoddefcall():logger=Logger.get_instance(level=Logger.Levels.INFO,file_path="/Users/user_name/Documents/python_sdk_log.log")user=UserSignature(email="[email protected]")token=OAuthToken(client_id="clientId",client_secret="clientSecret",token="GRANT Token",token_type=TokenType.GRANT,redirect_url="redirectURL")environment=USDataCenter.PRODUCTION()store=DBStore()sdk_config=SDKConfig()resource_path='/Users/user_name/Documents/python-app'Initializer.initialize(user=user,environment=environment,token=token,store=store,sdk_config=sdk_config,resource_path=resource_path,logger=logger)t1=MultiThread('Leads')t2=MultiThread('Quotes')t1.start()t2.start()t1.join()t2.join() program execution starts fromcall()where the SDK is initialized with the details of the user.When thestart()is called which in-turn invokes the run(), the module_api_name is switched through the MultiThread object. Therefore, this creates a thread for the particular MultiThread instance.SDK Sample,*,"""Create an instance of Logger Class that takes two parameters1 -> Level of the log messages to be logged. Can be configured by typing Logger.Levels "." and choose any level from the list displayed.2 -> Absolute file path, where messages need to be logged."""logger=Logger.get_instance(level=Logger.Levels.INFO,file_path="/Users/user_name/Documents/python_sdk_log.log")# Create an UserSignature instance that takes user Email as parameteruser=UserSignature(email="[email protected]")"""Configure the environmentwhich is of the pattern Domain.EnvironmentAvailable Domains: USDataCenter, EUDataCenter, INDataCenter, CNDataCenter, AUDataCenterAvailable Environments: PRODUCTION(), DEVELOPER(), SANDBOX()"""environment=USDataCenter.PRODUCTION()"""Create a Token instance that takes the following parameters1 -> OAuth client id.2 -> OAuth client secret.3 -> REFRESH/GRANT token.4 -> token type.5 -> OAuth redirect URL."""token=OAuthToken(client_id="clientId",client_secret="clientSecret",token="REFRESH/ GRANT Token",token_type=TokenType.REFRESH/TokenType.GRANT,redirect_url="redirectURL")"""Create an instance of TokenStore1 -> DataBase host name. Default value "localhost"2 -> DataBase name. Default value "zohooauth"3 -> DataBase user name. Default value "root"4 -> DataBase password. Default value ""5 -> DataBase port number. Default value "3306""""store=DBStore()"""auto_refresh_fields (Default value is False)if True - all the modules' fields will be auto-refreshed in the background, every hour.if False - the fields will not be auto-refreshed in the background. The user can manually delete the file(s) or refresh the fields using methods from ModuleFieldsHandler(zcrmsdk/src/com/zoho/crm/api/util/ (Default value is True)A boolean field that validates user input for a pick list field and allows or disallows the addition of a new value to the list.if True - the SDK validates the input. If the value does not exist in the pick list, the SDK throws an error.if False - the SDK does not validate the input and makes the API request with the user’s input to the pick list"""config=SDKConfig(auto_refresh_fields=True,pick_list_validation=False)"""The path containing the absolute directory path (in the key resource_path) to store user-specific files containing information about fields in modules."""resource_path='/Users/user_name/Documents/python-app'"""Call the static initialize method of Initializer class that takes the following arguments1 -> UserSignature instance2 -> Environment instance3 -> Token instance4 -> TokenStore instance5 -> SDKConfig instance6 -> resource_path7 -> Logger instance"""Initializer.initialize(user=user,environment=environment,token=token,store=store,sdk_config=config,resource_path=resource_path,logger=logger)try:module_api_name='Leads'param_instance=ParameterMap()param_instance.add(GetRecordsParam.converted,'both')param_instance.add(GetRecordsParam.cvid,'12712717217218')header_instance=HeaderMap()header_instance.add(GetRecordsHeader.if_modified_since,,param_instance,header_instance)ifresponseisnotNone:# Get the status code from responseprint('Status Code: '+str(response.get_status_code()))ifresponse.get_status_code()in[204,304]:print('No Content'ifresponse.get_status_code()==204else'Not Modified')return# Get object from responseresponse_object=response.get_object()ifresponse_objectisnotNone:# Check if expected ResponseWrapper instance is received.ifisinstance(response_object,ResponseWrapper):# Get the list of obtained Record instancesrecord_list=response_object.get_data()forrecordinrecord_list:# Get the ID of each Recordprint("Record ID: "+record.get_id())# Get the createdBy User instance of each Recordcreated_by=record.get_created_by()# Check if created_by is not Noneifcreated_byisnotNone:# Get the Name of the created_by Userprint("Record Created By - Name: "+created_by.get_name())# Get the ID of the created_by Userprint("Record Created By - ID: "+created_by.get_id())# Get the Email of the created_by Userprint("Record Created By - Email: "+created_by.get_email())# Get the CreatedTime of each Recordprint("Record CreatedTime: "+str(record.get_created_time()))ifrecord.get_modified_time()isnotNone:# Get the ModifiedTime of each Recordprint("Record ModifiedTime: "+str(record.get_modified_time()))# Get the modified_by User instance of each Recordmodified_by=record.get_modified_by()# Check if modified_by is not Noneifmodified_byisnotNone:# Get the Name of the modified_by Userprint("Record Modified By - Name: "+modified_by.get_name())# Get the ID of the modified_by Userprint("Record Modified By - ID: "+modified_by.get_id())# Get the Email of the modified_by Userprint("Record Modified By - Email: "+modified_by.get_email())# Get the list of obtained Tag instance of each Recordtags=record.get_tag()iftagsisnotNone:fortagintags:# Get the Name of each Tagprint("Record Tag Name: "+tag.get_name())# Get the Id of each Tagprint("Record Tag ID: "+tag.get_id())# To get particular field valueprint("Record Field Value: "+str(record.get_key_value('Last_Name')))print('Record KeyValues: ')forkey,valueinrecord.get_key_values().items():print(key+" : "+str(value))# Check if the request returned an exceptionelifisinstance(response_object,APIException):# Get the Statusprint("Status: "+response_object.get_status().get_value())# Get the Codeprint("Code: "+response_object.get_code().get_value())print("Details")# Get the details dictdetails=response_object.get_details()forkey,valueindetails.items():print(key+' : '+str(value))# Get the Messageprint("Message: "+response_object.get_message().get_value())exceptExceptionase:print(e)Record.get_records()
Failed to fetch description. HTTP Status Code: 404
ZCrossZCross is a python library used to read low pressure gas sections from various sources likeLXCat.InstallationTo install this package just use pip:pipinstallzcrossCross section databases are not provided byZCross: however, it is possible to download the cross section tables of interest from thedownload sectionofLXCat. Once you download the cross sections inXMLformat, you can save it somewhere (we suggest under/opt/zcross_data) and to define an enviroment variable pointing to that path:exportZCROSS_DATA=/opt/zcross_data(you can add it to your.profilefile)ExamplesList the database availables:importzcrosszs=zcross.load_all()# be patient, it will take a while ...forzinzs:print(z.database)Show the groups and references of a speficic database:importzcrossz=zcross.load_by_name('ccc')forgroupinz.database:print(group)forreferenceinz.database.references:print('[{}]:'.format(reference.type))fork,vinreference.items():print('{:<10}:{}'.format(k,v))Show the process of a specific group:importzcrossz=zcross.load_by_name('itikawa')group=z.database[0]forprocessingroup:print("Process{}:{}".format(,process.get_simple_type()))print("Comment:{}\n".format(process.comment))Show the cross section table of a specific process:importzcrossz=zcross.load_by_name('phelps')process=z.database['H2O'][5]print('Reaction:')print(process.get_reaction())print('Energy [{}],\tArea [{}]'.format(process.energy_units,process.cross_section_units))forenergy,areainprocess:print('{:8.2f}\t{:e}'.format(energy,area))
Script for converting from reStructuredText to various formats.Usage: rst2 writer [arguments]The first argument is tha name of a docutils “writer”.Changes0.2 (2006-02-04)Added support for loading custom reStructuredText directives from rst.directive entry points.
Z Configuration System: a flexible powerful configuration system which takes advantage of both argparse and yacs
zc.s3uploadqueueContentszc.s3uploadqueueChanges0.1.1 (2012-06-15)0.1.0 (2012-06-15)This package provides a handy script to upload files to Amazon S3 asynchronously. To learn more, seesrc/zc/s3uploadqueue/README.txtChanges0.1.1 (2012-06-15)Use ‘OrdinaryCallingFormat’ to HTTPS certificate validation works when accessing buckets with period in the name.0.1.0 (2012-06-15)Initial release
ZCS Azzurro client for PythonThe unofficial python client for ZCS Azzurro API.InstructionsAccess rights and credentials has to be asked to ZCS Azzurro support. The maintainer of this package does not manage access, which is in total control of the ZCS Azzurro APIs developers.DisclaimerThis package is not managed by the developer of the APIs and comes with no warranty about the functioning or the timing. It is not guaranteed also the full implementation of all the functions of the APIs itself. The package could be discontinued at any time and it might be outdated with the APIs, though it will be updated as much as possible. You can use it under license conditions and under your responsibility.Keep this on going >Support
System BuildoutsThe system buildout script (sbo) provided by the zc.sbo package is used to perform “system” buildouts that write to system directories on unix-like systems. They are run usingsudoor asrootso they can write to system directiories. You can install thesbocommand into a Python environment using its setup script or a tool like easy_install.One installed, thesbocommand is typically run with 2 arguments:The name of an applicationThe name of a configurationIt expects the application to be a build-based application in/opt/APPLICATION-NAME. It expects to find a buildout configuration in/etc/APPLICATION-NAME/CONFIG-NAME.cfgFor example, if invoked with:sbo myapp abccorpIt will run:/opt/myapp/bin/buildout buildout:directory=/opt/myapp \ -oUc /etc/myapp/sbccorp.cfgRun with the -h option to get additional help.Changes0.6.1 (2011-03-10)Add missing –version option to report sbo’s version.0.6.0 (2010-11-05)Add –installation to point to a specific software installation to use.0.1.0 (yyyy-mm-dd)Initial release
ZCSCommonLibraryA Common Library For Use In Computer Science ProjectsPIP Package: zcscommonlibCurrent Version:License: Mozilla Public License Version 2.0Importing The Libraryfromzcscommonlibimportfunctionsaszcs# Then use the functions as zcs.function()Build The LibraryPrepare the library for development and build it.pip install -r requirements.txt python bdist_wheel pip install ./dist/zcscommonlib-VERSION-py3-none-any.whlRunning TestsRun tests on the functions listed pytestWiki/DocumentationAll documentation for ZCSCommonLibrary is availablehere.
Selenium testing for Zope 3This package provides an easy way to use Selenium tests for Zope 3 applications. It provides Selenium itself as a resource directory, and it provides a test suite listing generated from registered views, allowing different packages to provide tests without a central list of tests to be maintained.Selenium test views can also be written in Python using thezc.selenium.pytestmodule. This can make tests substantially easier to write.The file pytest.txt explains how to write tests using the Python format.The package also provides a test runner that:Runs a Zope instanceStarts a local browser, if necessary,Tells the local browser to run the tests.See selenium.txt to see how to set up and use the test runner.Selenium IssuesThere is a known issue in the included version of Selenium; this affects clicking on images in MSIE. The Selenium bug report for this problem is here: patch in the file is provided in the file:Selenium-Core-SRC-99.patchIt is not known whether this patch should always be applied.CHANGES1.2.1 (2009-02-16)Added missing tests.zcml.1.2.0 (2009-01-22)Moved self-test from configure.zcml to tests.zcml to not automatically include them when zc.selenium is included.pytest’s selenium coverts arguments to strings now. This allows calls likeself.selenium.pause(500).1.1.0 (2009-01-19)Feature: Updated to the latest Selenium Core release 0.8.3.Feature: Added a–base-urloption to the selenium script, so that one is not dependent to include the default layer in the default skin. (Who does this? What a security hole!)Feature: Added a-toption to filter selenium tests by regexps. You can also specify multiple-toptions.Bug: Added documentation on how to setupzc.selenium.Bug: Allow wsgi option to work with python 2.5First public release.1.0.0 (2008-03-27)Internal release.
This is a thin wrapper around theravenmiddleware which ensures SSL validation is performed and logging configuration is also applied.Release history1.1.0 (2014-11-26)Update to a much newerraven, and get out of the business of rewiring SSL support.1.0.1 (2014-11-26)Fixrequestsdependency to reflect the minimum version that providesmax_retriesas a contructor argument forrequests.adapters.HTTPAdapter.1.0.0 (2014-11-24)Initial release.
0.2 (2020-05-14)Make Python-3 compatibleAdd support for PyPy and PyPy3.0.1 (2007-05-09)Was never released to PyPIPersistent sets are persistent objects that have the API of standard Python sets. The persistent set should work the same as normal sets, except that changes to them are persistent.They have the same limitation as persistent lists and persistent mappings, as found in thepersistentpackage: unlikeBTreepackage data structures, changes copy the entire object in the database. This generally means that persistent sets, like persistent lists and persistent mappings, are inappropriate for very large collections. For those, useBTreedata structures.The rest of this file is tests, not documentation. Find out about the Python set API from standard Python documentation (, for instance) and find out about persistence in the ZODB documentation (, for instance).The persistent set module contains a simple persistent version of a set, that inherits from persistent.Persistent and marks _p_changed = True for any potentially mutating operation.>>> from ZODB.tests.util import DB >>> db = DB() >>> conn = >>> root = conn.root() >>> import # import rootFolder >>> app = root['Application'] = >>> import transaction >>> transaction.commit()>>> from zc.set import Set >>> s = Set() >>> app['s'] = s >>> transaction.commit()>>> import persistent.interfaces >>> persistent.interfaces.IPersistent.providedBy(s) True >>> original = factory() # set in one test run; a persistent set in another >>> sorted(set(dir(original)) - set(dir(s))) []add sets _p_changed>>> s._p_changed = False >>> s.add(1) # add >>> s._p_changed True__repr__ includes module, class, and a contents view like a normal set>>> s # __repr__ zc.set.Set([1])update works as normal, but sets _p_changed>>> s._p_changed = False >>> s.update((2,3,4,5,6,7)) # update >>> s._p_changed True__iter__ works>>> sorted(s) # __iter__ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]__len__ works>>> len(s) 7as does __contains__>>> 3 in s True >>> 'kumquat' in s False__gt__, __ge__, __eq__, __ne__, __lt__, and __le__ work normally, equating with normal set, at least if spelled in the right direction.>>> s > original True >>> s >= original True >>> s < original False >>> s <= original False >>> s == original False >>> s != original True>>> original.update(s) >>> s > original False >>> s >= original True >>> s < original False >>> s <= original True >>> s == original True >>> s != original False>>> original.add(8) >>> s > original False >>> s >= original False >>> s < original True >>> s <= original True >>> s == original False >>> s != original TrueI don’t know what __cmp__ is supposed to do–it doesn’t work with sets–so I won’t test it.issubset and issuperset work when it is a subset.>>> s.issubset(original) True >>> s.issuperset(original) False__ior__ works, including setting _p_changed>>> s._p_changed = False >>> s |= original >>> s._p_changed True >>> s == original Trueissubset and issuperset work when sets are equal.>>> s.issubset(original) True >>> s.issuperset(original) Trueissubset and issuperset work when it is a superset.>>> s.add(9) >>> s.issubset(original) False >>> s.issuperset(original) True__hash__ works, insofar as raising an error as it is supposed to.>>> hash(original) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError:...unhashable...__iand__ works, including setting _p_changed>>> s._p_changed = False >>> s &= original >>> s._p_changed True >>> sorted(s) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]__isub__ works, including setting _p_changed>>> s._p_changed = False >>> s -= factory((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) >>> s._p_changed True >>> sorted(s) [8]__ixor__ works, including setting _p_changed>>> s._p_changed = False >>> s ^= original >>> s._p_changed True >>> sorted(s) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]difference_update works, including setting _p_changed>>> s._p_changed = False >>> s.difference_update((7, 8)) >>> s._p_changed True >>> sorted(s) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]intersection_update works, including setting _p_changed>>> s._p_changed = False >>> s.intersection_update((2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) >>> s._p_changed True >>> sorted(s) [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]symmetric_difference_update works, including setting _p_changed>>> s._p_changed = False >>> original.add(9) >>> s.symmetric_difference_update(original) >>> s._p_changed True >>> sorted(s) [1, 7, 8, 9]remove works, including setting _p_changed>>> s._p_changed = False >>> s.remove(1) >>> s._p_changed True >>> sorted(s) [7, 8, 9]If it raises an error, _p_changed is not set.>>> s._p_changed = False >>> s.remove(1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... KeyError: 1 >>> s._p_changed False >>> sorted(s) [7, 8, 9]discard works, including setting _p_changed>>> s._p_changed = False >>> s.discard(9) >>> s._p_changed True >>> sorted(s) [7, 8]If you discard something that wasn’t in the set, _p_changed will still be set. This is an efficiency decision, rather than our desired behavior, necessarily.>>> s._p_changed = False >>> s.discard(9) >>> s._p_changed True >>> sorted(s) [7, 8]pop works, including setting _p_changed>>> s._p_changed = False >>> s.pop() in (7, 8) True >>> s._p_changed True >>> len(s) 1clear works, including setting _p_changed>>> s._p_changed = False >>> s.clear() >>> s._p_changed True >>> len(s) 0The methods that return sets all return persistent sets. They otherwise work identically.__and__>>> s.update((0,1,2,3,4)) >>> res = s & original >>> sorted(res) [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> res.__class__ is s.__class__ True__or__>>> res = s | original >>> sorted(res) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] >>> res.__class__ is s.__class__ True__sub__>>> res = s - original >>> sorted(res) [0] >>> res.__class__ is s.__class__ True__xor__>>> res = s ^ original >>> sorted(res) [0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] >>> res.__class__ is s.__class__ True__rand__>>> res = set((3,4,5)) & s >>> sorted(res) [3, 4] >>> res.__class__ is s.__class__ True__ror__>>> res = set((3,4,5)) | s >>> sorted(res) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> res.__class__ is s.__class__ True__rsub__>>> res = set((3,4,5)) - s >>> sorted(res) [5] >>> res.__class__ is s.__class__ True__rxor__>>> res = set((3,4,5)) ^ s >>> sorted(res) [0, 1, 2, 5] >>> res.__class__ is s.__class__ Truedifference>>> res = s.difference((3,4,5)) >>> sorted(res) [0, 1, 2] >>> res.__class__ is s.__class__ Trueintersection>>> res = s.intersection((3,4,5)) >>> sorted(res) [3, 4] >>> res.__class__ is s.__class__ Truesymmetric_difference>>> res = s.symmetric_difference((3,4,5)) >>> sorted(res) [0, 1, 2, 5] >>> res.__class__ is s.__class__ Trueunion>>> res = s.union((3,4,5)) >>> sorted(res) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> res.__class__ is s.__class__ Truecopy returns…a copy.>>> res = s.copy() >>> res == s True >>> res.__class__ is s.__class__ True
ShortcutsShortcuts are objects that allow other objects (theirtarget) to appear to be located in places other than the target’s actual location. They are somewhat like a symbolic link in Unix-like operating systems.Creating a shortcutShortcuts are created by calling theShortcutclass’s constructor with a target, parent, and name:>>> from zc.shortcut.shortcut import Shortcut >>> class MyTarget: ... attr = 'hi' ... __parent__ = 'Original Parent' ... __name__ = 'Original Name' >>> target = MyTarget() >>> sc = Shortcut(target) >>> sc.__parent__ = 'My Parent' >>> sc.__name__ = 'My Name'A shortcut provides an attribute to access its target:>>> <__builtin__.MyTarget instance at ...>A shortcut’s __parent__ and __name__ are independent of their target:>>> sc.__parent__ 'My Parent' >>> 'Original Parent' >>> sc.__name__ 'My Name' >>> 'Original Name'But the target knows the traversal parent, the traversal name, and the shortcut. This allows the shortcut to have annotations that may be accessed by views and other components that render or use the target.>>> 'My Parent' >>> 'My Name' >>> is sc TrueSee proxy.txt and adapters.txt for more detailsShortcut-related proxiesThezc.shortcut.proxymodule includes some code useful outside of the shortcut package and some code specifically for shortcut usage.The generally useful code includes a decorator class that puts decorator interfaces before all of the interfaces of the wrapped object (the opposite of the behavior It also includes a specialimplements()function that should be used to declare that a proxy implements a given set of interfaces. Using thezope.interface.implements()function instead will causeinterface.directlyProvides()to fail on the proxied object (and will also have side effects possibly causing other proxies with the same base class to also be broken.>>> from zope import interface >>> from zc.shortcut import proxy >>> class I1(interface.Interface): ... pass ... >>> class I2(interface.Interface): ... pass ... >>> class I3(interface.Interface): ... pass ... >>> class I4(interface.Interface): ... pass ... >>> class D1(proxy.Decorator): ... proxy.implements(I1) ... >>> class D2(proxy.Decorator): ... proxy.implements(I2) ... >>> class X(object): ... interface.implements(I3) ... >>> x = X() >>> [i.getName() for i in interface.providedBy(D1(x))] ['I1', 'I3'] >>> [i.getName() for i in interface.providedBy(D2(D1(x)))] ['I2', 'I1', 'I3'] >>> dec_x = D2(D1(X())) >>> interface.directlyProvides(dec_x, I4) >>> [i.getName() for i in interface.providedBy(dec_x)] ['I2', 'I1', 'I4', 'I3']Target proxiesTarget proxies are the primary shortcut-specific proxy type. When a shortcut is asked for its target it actually returns a proxy:>>> from zc.shortcut.shortcut import Shortcut >>> class MyTarget: ... attr = 'hi' ... __parent__ = 'Original Parent' ... __name__ = 'Original Name' >>> target = MyTarget() >>> sc = Shortcut(target) >>> sc.__parent__ = 'My Parent' >>> sc.__name__ = 'My Name' >>> proxy = >>> proxy is target FalseThe proxy acts as the target:>>> proxy == target True>>> target.__parent__ 'Original Parent' >>> proxy.__parent__ 'Original Parent'>>> target.__name__ 'Original Name' >>> proxy.__name__ 'Original Name'>>> target.attr 'hi' >>> proxy.attr 'hi'The proxy also has attributes point to the shortcut and its parent and name:>>> proxy.__shortcut__ is sc True >>> proxy.__traversed_parent__ 'My Parent' >>> proxy.__traversed_name__ 'My Name'As discussed in adapters.txt, once a traversal passes through a shortcut, all contained objects receive their own target proxies even if they did not themselves come from a shortcut. They have__traversed_parent__and__traversed_name__attributes, pointing to the target proxy of the object traversed to find them and the name used, respectively, but no__shortcut__attribute: they effectively implementinterfaces.ITraversalProxyand notinterfaces.ITargetProxy.Target proxies and the zope interface package are able to coexist with one another happily. For instance, consider the case ofdirectlyProvides():>>> list(interface.providedBy(target)) [] >>> import pprint >>> pprint.pprint(list(interface.providedBy(proxy))) [<InterfaceClass zc.shortcut.interfaces.ITargetProxy>] >>> class IDummy(interface.Interface): ... "dummy interface" ... >>> interface.directlyProvides(proxy, IDummy) >>> pprint.pprint(list(interface.providedBy(proxy))) [<InterfaceClass zc.shortcut.interfaces.ITargetProxy>, <InterfaceClass __builtin__.IDummy>] >>> list(interface.providedBy(target)) [<InterfaceClass __builtin__.IDummy>]AdaptersAdapters are provided to allow a shortcut to act as the target would when traversed.ITraversableFirst we have to import the interfaces we’ll be working with:>>> from zope.publisher.interfaces import IRequest >>> from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserPublisher >>> from zope.traversing.interfaces import ITraversable >>> from zc.shortcut.interfaces import IShortcut >>> from zope.location.interfaces import ILocation >>> from zc.shortcut import interfacesIf we have a target object with a root:>>> from zope import interface, component >>> class ISpam(interface.Interface): ... pass >>> class Spam: ... interface.implements(ISpam, ILocation) ... def __init__(self, parent, name): ... self.__parent__ = parent ... self.__name__ = name >>> from zope.traversing.interfaces import IContainmentRoot >>> class DummyContainmentRoot(object): ... __parent__ = __name__ = None ... interface.implements(IContainmentRoot) ... >>> root = DummyContainmentRoot() >>> real_parent = Spam(root, 'real_parent') >>> target = Spam(real_parent, 'target')The target object provides a multiadapter for the target and request to an ITraversable so it can be traversed:>>> class SpamTraversableAdapter: ... interface.implements(ITraversable) ... component.adapts(ISpam, IRequest) ... def __init__(self, spam, request): ... self.spam = spam >>> component.provideAdapter(SpamTraversableAdapter, name='view')There is an adapter to return the target object adapted to ITraversable when a shortcut and request is adapted to ITraversable. For example if we create a shortcut to our target:>>> from zc.shortcut.shortcut import Shortcut >>> shortcut = Shortcut(target) >>> shortcut_parent = Spam(root, 'shortcut_parent') >>> shortcut.__parent__ = shortcut_parent >>> shortcut.__name__ = 'shortcut'And call the adapter with a request:>>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest >>> from zc.shortcut.adapters import ShortcutTraversalAdapterFactory >>> request = TestRequest() >>> adapter = ShortcutTraversalAdapterFactory(shortcut, request)The result is the target’s ITraversal adapter:>>> adapter <...SpamTraversableAdapter instance at...> >>> adapter.spam <...Spam instance at...>Shortcut traversalShortcut traversal is unpleasantly tricky. First consider the case of traversing a shortcut and then traversing to get the default view (‘index.html’). In that case, the shortcut will be available to the view, and breadcrumbs and other view elements that care about how the object was traversed will merely need to look at the shortcut’s __parent__, or the target proxy’s __traversed_parent__. This is not too bad.It becomes more interesting if one traverses through a shortcut to another content object. A naive implementation will traverse the shortcut by converting it to its target, and then traversing the target to get the contained content object. However, views for the content object will have no idea of the traversal path used to get to the content object: they will only have the __parent__ of the content object, which is the shortcut’s targetwithout any target proxy. From there they will be able to find the target’s parent, but not the traversed shortcut’s parent. Breadcrumbs and other components that care about traversed path will be broken.In order to solve this use case, traversing a shortcut needs to traverse the target and then wrap the resulting object in another target proxy that holds a reference to the shortcut’s target proxy as its traversed parent.Traversing a shortcut and finding another shortcut is slightly trickier again. In this case, the shortcut’s target’s proxy should have a parent which is the shortcut’s proxy’s parent.Two adapters are available for IPublishTraverse: one for shortcuts, and one for traversal proxies. If a traversal target doesn’t provide IPublishTraverse, then it should provide an adapter:>>> from zc.shortcut import adapters >>> from zope.publisher.interfaces import IPublishTraverse >>> child_spam = Spam(real_parent, 'child_spam') >>> child_shortcut = Shortcut(child_spam) >>> child_shortcut.__parent__ = shortcut >>> child_shortcut.__name__ = 'child_shortcut' >>> class SpamPublishTraverseAdapter: ... interface.implements(IPublishTraverse) ... component.adapts(ISpam, IRequest) ... def __init__(self, spam, request): ... self.spam = spam ... def publishTraverse(self, request, name): ... print 'SpamPublishTraverseAdapter has been traversed.' ... return {'child_spam': child_spam, ... 'child_shortcut': child_shortcut}[name] >>> component.provideAdapter(SpamPublishTraverseAdapter)If it does, the adapter will be used to do the traversal:>>> adapter = adapters.ShortcutPublishTraverseAdapter(shortcut, request) >>> adapter <...ShortcutPublishTraverseAdapter object at...> >>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject >>> verifyObject(IPublishTraverse, adapter) True >>> res = adapter.publishTraverse(request, 'child_spam') SpamPublishTraverseAdapter has been traversed.Notice that the traversed object has a traversal proxy (but not a target proxy).>>> interfaces.ITraversalProxy.providedBy(res) True >>> interfaces.ITargetProxy.providedBy(res) False >>> res.__traversed_parent__ == True >>> res.__traversed_name__ 'child_spam' >>> res.__traversed_parent__.__shortcut__ is shortcut True >>> res.__traversed_parent__.__traversed_parent__ is shortcut_parent TrueTo traverse further down and still keep the traversal information, we need to register the ProxyPublishTraverseAdapter. Notice that we will also traverse to a shortcut this time, and look at the traversal trail up from the shortcut and from its target.>>> component.provideAdapter(adapters.ProxyPublishTraverseAdapter) >>> from zope import component >>> adapter = component.getMultiAdapter((res, request), IPublishTraverse) >>> res = adapter.publishTraverse(request, 'child_shortcut') SpamPublishTraverseAdapter has been traversed. >>> res.__traversed_parent__ == child_spam True >>> res.__traversed_name__ 'child_shortcut' >>> res.__traversed_parent__.__traversed_parent__ == True >>> == TrueIf, instead, the target implements IPublishTraverse itself…:>>> class SpamWithPublishTraverse(Spam): ... interface.implements(IPublishTraverse) ... def publishTraverse(self, request, name): ... print 'SpamWithPublishTraverse has been traversed.' ... return {'child_spam': child_spam, ... 'child_shortcut': child_shortcut}[name]…then it’spublishTraverse()will be called directly:>>> spam = SpamWithPublishTraverse(real_parent, 'special_spam') >>> shortcut = Shortcut(spam) >>> shortcut.__parent__ = shortcut_parent >>> shortcut.__name__ = 'special_spam_shortcut' >>> adapter = adapters.ShortcutPublishTraverseAdapter(shortcut, request) >>> adapter <...ShortcutPublishTraverseAdapter object at...> >>> another = adapter.publishTraverse(request, 'child_spam') SpamWithPublishTraverse has been traversed.Ending traversal at a shortcutWhen a shortcut is the target of a URL traversal, rather than a node along the way, the leaf-node handling of the target object must be invoked so that the shortcut behaves in the same way as the would would when accessed directly.When a URL from a request represents an object (rather than a view), the publisher uses thebrowserDefault()method of theIBrowserPublisherinterface to determine how the object should be handled. This method returns an object and a sequences of path elements that should be traversed.For shortcuts, this is handled by delegating to the target of the shortcut, substituting a proxy for the target so the traversedURL view and breadcrumbs still work correctly.Let’s start by defining anIBrowserPublisherforISpamobjects:>>> class SpamBrowserPublisherAdapter(SpamPublishTraverseAdapter): ... interface.implements(IBrowserPublisher) ... def browserDefault(self, request): ... print "browserDefault for", repr(self.spam) ... return self.spam, ("@@foo.html",) >>> component.provideAdapter(SpamBrowserPublisherAdapter, ... provides=IBrowserPublisher) >>> adapter.browserDefault(request) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS browserDefault for <...SpamWithPublishTraverse instance at 0x...> (<...SpamWithPublishTraverse instance at 0x...>, ('@@foo.html',))traversedURLIf shortcuts are traversed, an absolute url can lead a user to unexpected locations–to the real location of the object, rather than to the traversed location. In order to get the traversed url, the adapters module provides a traversedURL function, and the shortcut package also offers it from its the result of the next-to-last shortcut traversal described above, for instance, traversedURL returns a URL that behaves similarly to absoluteURL except when it encounters target proxies, at which point the traversal parents are used rather than the actual parents.>>> component.provideAdapter(adapters.TraversedURL) >>> component.provideAdapter(adapters.FallbackTraversedURL) >>> component.provideAdapter(adapters.RootTraversedURL) >>> adapters.traversedURL(res, request) ''Like absoluteURL, the returned value is html escaped.>>> shortcut_parent.__name__ = 'shortcut parent' >>> adapters.traversedURL(res, request) ''Also like absoluteURL, traversedURL is registered as a view so it can be used within page templates (as in context/@@traversedURL).>>> component.provideAdapter(adapters.traversedURL, name="traversedURL") >>> component.getMultiAdapter((res, request), name='traversedURL') ''BreadcrumbsThe zc.displayname package provides a way to obtain breadcrumbs that is not tied to the zope IAbsoluteURL interface and that takes advantage of zc.displayname features like the display name generator. The zc.shortcut package includes a breadcrumb adapter for the zc.displayname interface that is aware of the traversal proxies that are part of the shortcut package.>>> import zc.displayname.adapters >>> component.provideAdapter(zc.displayname.adapters.Breadcrumbs) >>> component.provideAdapter(zc.displayname.adapters.TerminalBreadcrumbs) >>> component.provideAdapter(zc.displayname.adapters.DefaultDisplayNameGenerator) >>> component.provideAdapter(zc.displayname.adapters.SiteDisplayNameGenerator) >>> from zope.publisher.interfaces.http import IHTTPRequest >>> from zope.traversing.browser.interfaces import IAbsoluteURL >>> from zope.traversing import browser >>> component.provideAdapter( ... browser.AbsoluteURL, adapts=(None, IHTTPRequest), ... provides=IAbsoluteURL) >>> component.provideAdapter( ... browser.SiteAbsoluteURL, adapts=(IContainmentRoot, IHTTPRequest), ... provides=IAbsoluteURL) >>> component.provideAdapter( ... browser.AbsoluteURL, adapts=(None, IHTTPRequest), ... provides=interface.Interface, name='absolute_url') >>> component.provideAdapter( ... browser.SiteAbsoluteURL, adapts=(IContainmentRoot, IHTTPRequest), ... provides=interface.Interface, name='absolute_url') >>> component.provideAdapter(adapters.Breadcrumbs) >>> from zc.displayname.interfaces import IBreadcrumbs >>> bc = component.getMultiAdapter((res, request), IBreadcrumbs) >>> import pprint >>> pprint.pprint(bc()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ({'name': u'[root]', 'name_gen': <zc.displayname.adapters.SiteDisplayNameGenerator object at ...>, 'object': <...DummyContainmentRoot object at ...>, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'shortcut parent', 'name_gen': <zc.displayname.adapters.DefaultDisplayNameGenerator object at ...>, 'object': <...Spam instance at ...>, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'target', 'name_gen': <zc.displayname.adapters.DefaultDisplayNameGenerator object at ...>, 'object': <...Spam instance at ...>, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'child_spam', 'name_gen': <zc.displayname.adapters.DefaultDisplayNameGenerator object at ...>, 'object': <...Spam instance at ...>, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'child_shortcut', 'name_gen': <zc.displayname.adapters.DefaultDisplayNameGenerator object at ...>, 'object': <zc.shortcut.shortcut.Shortcut object at ...>, 'url': ''}) >>> pprint.pprint(bc(6)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ({'name': u'[root]', 'name_gen': <zc.displayname.adapters.SiteDisplayNameGenerator object at ...>, 'object': <...DummyContainmentRoot object at ...>, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'sho...', 'name_gen': <zc.displayname.adapters.DefaultDisplayNameGenerator object at ...>, 'object': <...Spam instance at ...>, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'target', 'name_gen': <zc.displayname.adapters.DefaultDisplayNameGenerator object at ...>, 'object': <...Spam instance at ...>, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'chi...', 'name_gen': <zc.displayname.adapters.DefaultDisplayNameGenerator object at ...>, 'object': <...Spam instance at ...>, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'chi...', 'name_gen': <zc.displayname.adapters.DefaultDisplayNameGenerator object at ...>, 'object': <zc.shortcut.shortcut.Shortcut object at ...>, 'url': ''})Copy and LinkThe zope.copypastemove package provides a number of interfaces to provide copy, move, rename, and other similar operations. The shortcut package provides a replacement implementation of copy for objects that looks up a repository and uses it if available; an implementation of copy that actually makes shortcuts (useful for immutable objects stored in a repository); and an interface and two implementations, one for shortcuts and one for other objects, for a newlinkoperation, which makes a shortcut to the selected object.Copying an ObjectIf you want copying an object to use repositories if they are available, this adapter provides the functionality. It is installed for all objects by default, but could also be configured only for certain interfaces.In the example below, first we set up the dummy content objects, then we register the necessary adapters, and then we set up some event listener code that we use to show what events are being fired.>>> class IDummy(interface.Interface): ... pass ... >>> import >>> class Dummy(object): ... interface.implements( ... IDummy, >>> class DummyContainer(dict): ... interface.implements( ... __parent__ = __name__ = None ... def __repr__(self): ... return "<%s at %d>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self)) ... >>> repo = DummyContainer() >>> folder = DummyContainer() >>> @component.adapter(IDummy) ... @interface.implementer( ... def DummyRepoGetter(content): ... return repo ... >>> component.provideAdapter( ... DummyRepoGetter, name=interfaces.REPOSITORY_NAME) >>> from import NameChooser >>> component.provideAdapter(NameChooser, adapts=(interface.Interface,)) >>> # now, before we actually actually run the adding machinery, we'll >>> # set up some machinery that will let us look at events firing ... >>> heard_events = [] # we'll collect the events here >>> from zope import event >>> event.subscribers.append(heard_events.append) >>> import pprint >>> from zope import interface >>> showEventsStart = 0 >>> def iname(ob): ... return iter(interface.providedBy(ob)).next().__name__ ... >>> def getId(ob): ... if ob is None or isinstance(ob, (int, float, basestring, tuple)): ... return "(%r)" % (ob,) ... id = getattr(ob, 'id', getattr(ob, '__name__', None)) ... if not id: ... id = "a %s (%s)" % (ob.__class__.__name__, iname(ob)) ... return id ... >>> def showEvents(start=None): # to generate a friendly view of events ... global showEventsStart ... if start is None: ... start = showEventsStart ... res = [ ... '%s fired for %s.' % (iname(ev), getId(ev.object)) ... for ev in heard_events[start:]] ... res.sort() ... pprint.pprint(res) ... showEventsStart = len(heard_events) ... >>> component.provideAdapter(adapters.ObjectCopier) >>> from import NameChooser >>> component.provideAdapter(NameChooser, adapts=(interface.Interface,)) >>> dummy = Dummy() >>> repo['dummy'] = dummy >>> dummy.__parent__ = repo >>> dummy.__name__ = 'dummy' >>> = 'foo' >>> from zope import copypastemove >>> copier = copypastemove.IObjectCopier(dummy) >>> verifyObject(copypastemove.IObjectCopier, copier) True >>> copier.copyTo(folder) 'dummy' >>> showEvents() ['IObjectCopiedEvent fired for foo.', 'IObjectCreatedEvent fired for a Shortcut (IShortcut).'] >>> folder['dummy'].raw_target is not dummy True >>> folder['dummy'].raw_target is repo['dummy-2'] True>>> folder['dummy'] 'foo' >>> folder.clear() # prepare for next testLinkingIn addition to the copy and move operations, the shortcut package offers up a new ‘link’ operation: this creates a shortcut to the selected object. In the case of linking a shortcut, the provided adapter links instead to the original shortcut’s target.>>> from import contains >>> class INoDummyContainer(interface.Interface): ... contains(ISpam) # won't contain shortcuts ... >>> badcontainer = DummyContainer() >>> interface.alsoProvides(badcontainer, INoDummyContainer) >>> component.provideAdapter(adapters.ObjectLinkerAdapter) >>> component.provideAdapter(adapters.ShortcutLinkerAdapter) >>> dummy_linker = interfaces.IObjectLinker(dummy) >>> shortcut_linker = interfaces.IObjectLinker(shortcut) >>> verifyObject(interfaces.IObjectLinker, dummy_linker) True >>> verifyObject(interfaces.IObjectLinker, shortcut_linker) True >>> dummy_linker.linkable() True >>> shortcut_linker.linkable() True >>> dummy_linker.linkableTo(badcontainer) False >>> shortcut_linker.linkableTo(badcontainer) False >>> dummy_linker.linkableTo(folder) True >>> shortcut_linker.linkableTo(folder) True >>> dummy_linker.linkTo(badcontainer) Traceback (most recent call last): ... Invalid: ('Not linkableTo target with name', <DummyContainer...>, 'dummy') >>> shortcut_linker.linkTo(badcontainer) Traceback (most recent call last): ... Invalid: ('Not linkableTo target with name', <DummyContainer...>, 'special_spam_shortcut') >>> dummy_linker.linkTo(folder) 'dummy' >>> showEvents() ['IObjectCreatedEvent fired for a Shortcut (IShortcut).'] >>> folder['dummy'].raw_target is dummy True >>> shortcut_linker.linkTo(folder) 'special_spam_shortcut' >>> showEvents() ['IObjectCopiedEvent fired for a Shortcut (IShortcut).'] >>> folder['special_spam_shortcut'].raw_target is spam True >>> dummy_linker.linkTo(folder, 'dummy2') 'dummy2' >>> showEvents() ['IObjectCreatedEvent fired for a Shortcut (IShortcut).'] >>> folder['dummy2'].raw_target is dummy True >>> shortcut_linker.linkTo(folder, 'shortcut2') 'shortcut2' >>> showEvents() ['IObjectCopiedEvent fired for a Shortcut (IShortcut).'] >>> folder['shortcut2'].raw_target is spam TrueCopying as LinkingFor some objects–immutable objects that are primarily stored in a repository, for instance–having a copy gesture actually create a link may be desirable. The adapters module provides an ObjectCopierLinkingAdapter for these use cases. Whenever a copy is requested, a link is made instead. This adapter is not registered for any interfaces by default: it is expected to be installed selectively.>>> class IImmutableDummy(IDummy): ... pass ... >>> immutable_dummy = Dummy() >>> interface.directlyProvides(immutable_dummy, IImmutableDummy) >>> originalcontainer = DummyContainer() >>> originalcontainer['immutable_dummy'] = immutable_dummy >>> immutable_dummy.__name__ = 'immutable_dummy' >>> immutable_dummy.__parent__ = originalcontainer >>> component.provideAdapter( ... adapters.ObjectCopierLinkingAdapter, adapts=(IImmutableDummy,)) >>> copier = copypastemove.IObjectCopier(immutable_dummy) >>> copier.copyable() True >>> copier.copyableTo(badcontainer) False >>> copier.copyableTo(folder) True >>> copier.copyTo(folder) 'immutable_dummy' >>> showEvents() ['IObjectCreatedEvent fired for a Shortcut (IShortcut).'] >>> folder['immutable_dummy'].raw_target is immutable_dummy True>>> event.subscribers.pop() is not None # cleanup TrueShortcut IAddingThe shortcut adding has a couple of different behaviors than the standard Zope 3 adding. The differences are to support traversal proxies; and to provide more flexibility for choosing the nextURL after an add.Supporting Traversal ProxiesBoth the action method and the nextURL method redirect to the absoluteURL of the container in the implementation. In the face of shortcuts and traversal proxies, this can generate surprising behavior for users, directing their URL to a location other than where they thought they were working. The shortcut adding changes both of these methods to use traversedURL instead. As a result, adding to a shortcut of a container returns the user to the shortcut, not the absolute path of the container’s real location; and submitting the form of the default view of the adding redirects to within the context of the traversed shortcut(s), not the absoluteURL.The action method changes are pertinent to redirecting to an adding view.>>> from zc.shortcut import adding, interfaces >>> from zope import interface, component >>> from zope.location.interfaces import ILocation >>> class ISpam(interface.Interface): ... pass ... >>> class Spam(dict): ... interface.implements(ISpam, ILocation) ... def __init__(self, parent, name): ... self.__parent__ = parent ... self.__name__ = name ... >>> from zope.traversing.interfaces import IContainmentRoot >>> class DummyContainmentRoot(object): ... interface.implements(IContainmentRoot) ... >>> root = DummyContainmentRoot() >>> real_parent = Spam(root, 'real_parent') >>> target = Spam(real_parent, 'target') >>> from zc.shortcut.shortcut import Shortcut >>> shortcut = Shortcut(target) >>> shortcut_parent = Spam(root, 'shortcut_parent') >>> shortcut.__parent__ = shortcut_parent >>> shortcut.__name__ = 'shortcut' >>> from zc.shortcut import adapters >>> component.provideAdapter(adapters.TraversedURL) >>> component.provideAdapter(adapters.FallbackTraversedURL) >>> component.provideAdapter(adapters.RootTraversedURL) >>> from zope.publisher.interfaces import IRequest >>> @component.adapter(interfaces.IAdding, IRequest) ... @interface.implementer(interface.Interface) ... def dummyAddingView(adding, request): ... return 'this is a view' ... >>> component.provideAdapter(dummyAddingView, name='foo_type') >>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest >>> request = TestRequest() >>> adder = adding.Adding(, request) >>> adder.action('foo_type', 'foo_id') >>> request.response.getHeader('Location') ''The nextURL method changes are pertinent to the default behavior.>>> adder.contentName = 'foo_id' >>> target['foo_id'] = Spam(target, 'foo_id') >>> adder.nextURL() ''Adding Flexibility to ‘nextURL’The nextURL method in the implementation of an adding defines precisely what the nextURL should be: the @@contents.html view of the context. The shortcut adding recreates this behavior, but only after seeing if different behavior has been registered.nextURL tries to find an adapter named with the constant in zc.shortcut.interfaces.NEXT_URL_NAME, providing nothing, for the adding, the new content as found in the container (so it may be a shortcut), and the context. If an adapter is registered, it should be a string of the nextURL to be used; this value will be returned. If no adapter is registered or the registered adapter returns None, the @@contents.html view of the context is returned.>>> @component.adapter(interfaces.IAdding, ISpam, ISpam) ... @interface.implementer(interface.Interface) ... def sillyNextURL(adding, content, container): ... return '%s class added "%s" to "%s"' % ( ... adding.__class__.__name__, ... content.__name__, ... container.__name__) ... >>> component.provideAdapter(sillyNextURL, name=interfaces.NEXT_URL_NAME) >>> adder.nextURL() 'Adding class added "foo_id" to "target"'Shortcut factoriesShortcut factories are factories that place objects in a configured folder and then return a shortcut to the new object. Because they create objects and place them in containers, they fire an object creation event, and usually the configured folder fires an object added event.>>> from zc.shortcut import factory, interfaces, Shortcut >>> from zope import interface, component, event >>> class IDummy(interface.Interface): ... pass ... >>> from zope.location.interfaces import ILocation >>> class Dummy(object): ... interface.implements(IDummy, ILocation) ... def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ... self.args = args ... self.kwargs = kwargs ... >>> f = factory.Factory(Dummy, 'title', 'description') >>> from zope.interface import verify >>> verify.verifyObject(interfaces.IShortcutFactory, f) TrueThe factory always returns an interface declaration for a shortcut from getInterfaces, while getTargetInterfaces returns the declaration for the created object.>>> f.getInterfaces() == interface.implementedBy(Shortcut) True >>> f.getTargetInterfaces() == interface.implementedBy(Dummy) Truefactories will fail to create an object if a container has not been registered as a repository.>>> f() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Traceback (most recent call last): ... ComponentLookupError: (<Dummy...>, <...IContainer>, 'shortcutTargetRepository')If we register a repository then the factory will fire a creation event, add the object to the repository, and return a shortcut to the new object.>>> import >>> class DummyContainer(dict): ... interface.implements( ... >>> repo = DummyContainer() >>> @component.adapter(IDummy) ... @interface.implementer( ... def DummyRepoGetter(content): ... return repo ... >>> component.provideAdapter( ... DummyRepoGetter, name=interfaces.REPOSITORY_NAME) >>> from import NameChooser >>> component.provideAdapter(NameChooser, adapts=(interface.Interface,)) >>> # now, before we actually actually run the adding machinery, we'll >>> # set up some machinery that will let us look at events firing ... >>> heard_events = [] # we'll collect the events here >>> event.subscribers.append(heard_events.append) >>> import pprint >>> from zope import interface >>> showEventsStart = 0 >>> def iname(ob): ... return iter(interface.providedBy(ob)).next().__name__ ... >>> def getId(ob): ... if ob is None or isinstance(ob, (int, float, basestring, tuple)): ... return "(%r)" % (ob,) ... id = getattr(ob, 'id', getattr(ob, '__name__', None)) ... if not id: ... id = "a %s (%s)" % (ob.__class__.__name__, iname(ob)) ... return id ... >>> def showEvents(start=None): # to generate a friendly view of events ... global showEventsStart ... if start is None: ... start = showEventsStart ... res = [ ... '%s fired for %s.' % (iname(ev), getId(ev.object)) ... for ev in heard_events[start:]] ... res.sort() ... pprint.pprint(res) ... showEventsStart = len(heard_events) ... >>> sc = f(12, 'foo', 'barbaz', sloop=19) >>> showEvents() ['IObjectCreatedEvent fired for a Dummy (IDummy).'] >>> repo['Dummy'].args (12, 'foo', 'barbaz') >>> repo['Dummy'].kwargs {'sloop': 19} >>> sc.raw_target is repo['Dummy'] True>>> event.subscribers.pop() is not None # cleanup TrueUsing alternate shortcut implementationsThe shortcut factory takes an optional keyword parameter to specify the factory used to create the shortcut. By default,zc.shortcut.Shortcutis used, but more specialized shortcuts may be needed for some applications. This allows the factory to be used regardless of the specific shortcut implementation.Let’s create an alternate class that can be used as a shortcut (it doesn’t really matter that the example class isn’t useful):>>> class AlternateShortcut(object): ... interface.implements(interfaces.IShortcut) ... def __init__(self, object): ... self.raw_target = object ... = objectNow we can create a factory that creates instances of this class instead of the default shortcut class:>>> f = factory.Factory(Dummy, 'title', 'description', ... shortcut_factory=AlternateShortcut)Using the factory returns an instance of our alternate shortcut implementation:>>> sc = f(1, 2, 3) >>> isinstance(sc, AlternateShortcut) True >>> isinstance(sc.raw_target, Dummy) True >>> (1, 2, 3)
This package allows registration of signal handlers fromZConfigconfiguration files within the framework provided by the Zope Toolkit.Any number of handlers may be registered for any given signal.To use this from yourzope.conffile, ensure this package is available to your application, and include a section like this:%import zc.signalhandler <signalhandlers log-handling> USR1 ZConfig.components.logger.loghandler.reopenFiles USR1 yourapp.tasks.doSomethingUseful </signalhandlers>See theREADME.txtinside thezc.signalhandlerpackage for complete documentation.Release history1.2 (2010-11-12)Moved development to, licensed under the ZPL (2007-06-21)This was a Zope Corporation internal release.Fix compatibility (2007-06-21)Initial Zope Corporation internal release.
Source FactoriesSource factories are used to simplify the creation of sources for certain standard cases.Sources split up the process of providing input fields with choices for users into several components: a context binder, a source class, a terms class, and a term class.This is the correct abstraction and will fit many complex cases very well. To reduce the amount of work to do for some standard cases, the source factories allow users to define only the business relevant code for getting a list of values, getting a token and a title to display.ContentsSource FactoriesSimple caseContextual sourcesFilteringScalingSimple caseWARNING about the standard adapters for ITermsMapping source valuesScalingCustom constructorsCommon adapters for sourcesISourceQueriablesCleanupBrowser views for sources created by source factoriesSimple useExtended use: provide your own titlesExtended use: provide your own tokensValue mapping sourcesContextual sourcesInterfacesTokensUnicodeIntegerPersistentInterfacesChanges2.0 (2023-02-23)1.1 (2018-11-07)1.0.0 (2016-08-02)1.0.0a1 (2013-02-23)0.8.0 (2013-10-04)0.7.0 (2010-09-17)0.6.0 (2009-08-15)0.5.0 (2009-02-03)0.4.0 (2008-12-11)0.3.5 (2008-12-08)0.3.4 (2008-08-27)0.3.3 (2008-06-10)0.3.2 (2008-04-09)0.3.1 (2008-02-12)0.3.0 (??????????)0.2.1 (2007-07-10)0.2.0 (2007-07-10)Simple caseIn the most simple case, you only have to provide a method that returns a list of values and derive fromBasicSourceFactory:>>> import zc.sourcefactory.basic >>> class MyStaticSource(zc.sourcefactory.basic.BasicSourceFactory): ... def getValues(self): ... return ['a', 'b', 'c']When calling the source factory, we get a source:>>> source = MyStaticSource() >>> import zope.schema.interfaces >>> zope.schema.interfaces.ISource.providedBy(source) TrueThe values match ourgetValues-method of the factory:>>> list(source) ['a', 'b', 'c'] >>> 'a' in source True >>> len(source) 3Contextual sourcesSometimes we need context to determine the values. In this case, thegetValues-method gets a parametercontext.Let’s assume we have a small object containing data to be used by the source:>>> class Context(object): ... values = []>>> import zc.sourcefactory.contextual >>> class MyDynamicSource( ... zc.sourcefactory.contextual.BasicContextualSourceFactory): ... def getValues(self, context): ... return context.valuesWhen instanciating, we get a ContextSourceBinder:>>> binder = MyDynamicSource() >>> zope.schema.interfaces.IContextSourceBinder.providedBy(binder) TrueBinding it to a context, we get a source:>>> context = Context() >>> source = binder(context) >>> zope.schema.interfaces.ISource.providedBy(source) True>>> list(source) []Modifying the context also modifies the data in the source:>>> context.values = [1,2,3,4] >>> list(source) [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> 1 in source True >>> len(source) 4It’s possible to have the default machinery return different sources, by providing a source_class argument when calling the binder. One can also provide arguments to the source.>>> class MultiplierSource(zc.sourcefactory.source.FactoredContextualSource): ... def __init__(self, factory, context, multiplier): ... super(MultiplierSource, self).__init__(factory, context) ... self.multiplier = multiplier ... ... def _get_filtered_values(self): ... for value in self.factory.getValues(self.context): ... yield self.multiplier * value >>> class MultiplierSourceFactory(MyDynamicSource): ... source_class = MultiplierSource >>> binder = MultiplierSourceFactory() >>> source = binder(context, multiplier=5) >>> list(source) [5, 10, 15, 20] >>> 5 in source True >>> len(source) 4FilteringAdditional to providing thegetValues-method you can also provide afilterValue-method that will allow you to reduce the items from the list, piece by piece.This is useful if you want to have more specific sources (by subclassing) that share the same basic origin of the data but have different filters applied to it:>>> class FilteringSource(zc.sourcefactory.basic.BasicSourceFactory): ... def getValues(self): ... return iter(range(1,20)) ... def filterValue(self, value): ... return value % 2 >>> source = FilteringSource() >>> list(source) [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19]Subclassing modifies the filter, not the original data:>>> class OtherFilteringSource(FilteringSource): ... def filterValue(self, value): ... return not value % 2 >>> source = OtherFilteringSource() >>> list(source) [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]The “in” operator gets applied also to filtered values:>>> 2 in source True >>> 3 in source FalseThe “len” also gets applied to filtered values:>>> len(source) 9ScalingSometimes the number of items available through a source is very large. So large that you only want to access them if absolutely neccesary. One such occasion is with truth-testing a source. By default Python will call __nonzero__ to get the boolean value of an object, but if that isn’t available __len__ is called to see what it returns. That might be very expensive, so we want to make sure it isn’t called.>>> class MyExpensiveSource(zc.sourcefactory.basic.BasicSourceFactory): ... def getValues(self): ... yield 'a' ... raise RuntimeError('oops, iterated too far')>>> source = MyExpensiveSource()>>> bool(source) TrueSimple caseIn the most simple case, you only have to provide a method that returns a list of values and derive fromBasicSourceFactory:>>> import zc.sourcefactory.basic >>> class MyStaticSource(zc.sourcefactory.basic.BasicSourceFactory): ... def getValues(self): ... return ['a', 'b', 'c']When calling the source factory, we get a source:>>> source = MyStaticSource() >>> import zope.schema.interfaces >>> zope.schema.interfaces.ISource.providedBy(source) TrueThe values match ourgetValues-method of the factory:>>> list(source) ['a', 'b', 'c'] >>> 'a' in source True >>> len(source) 3WARNING about the standard adapters for ITermsThe standard adapters for ITerms are only suitable if the value types returned by yourgetValuesfunction are homogenous. Mixing integers, persistent objects, strings, and unicode within one source may create non-unique tokens. In this case, you have to provide a customgetToken-method to provide unique and unambigous tokens.Mapping source valuesSometimes a source provides the right choice of objects, but the actual values we want to talk about are properties or computed views on those objects. Themapping proxy sourcehelps us to map a source to a different value space.We start out with a source:>>> source = [1,2,3,4,5]and we provide a method that maps the values of the original source to the values we want to see (we map the numbers to the characters in the english alphabet):>>> map = lambda x: chr(x+96)Now we can create a mapped source:>>> from zc.sourcefactory.mapping import ValueMappingSource >>> mapped_source = ValueMappingSource(source, map) >>> list(mapped_source) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] >>> len(mapped_source) 5 >>> 'a' in mapped_source True >>> 1 in mapped_source FalseYou can also use context-dependent sources:>>> def bindSource(context): ... return [1,2,3,4,5] >>> from zc.sourcefactory.mapping import ValueMappingSourceContextBinder >>> binder = ValueMappingSourceContextBinder(bindSource, map) >>> bound_source = binder(object()) >>> list(bound_source) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] >>> len(bound_source) 5 >>> 'a' in bound_source True >>> 1 in bound_source FalseScalingSometimes the number of items available through a source is very large. So large that you only want to access them if absolutely neccesary. One such occasion is with truth-testing a source. By default Python will call __nonzero__ to get the boolean value of an object, but if that isn’t available __len__ is called to see what it returns. That might be very expensive, so we want to make sure it isn’t called.>>> class ExpensiveSource(object): ... def __len__(self): ... raise RuntimeError("oops, don't want to call __len__") ... ... def __iter__(self): ... return iter(range(999999))>>> expensive_source = ExpensiveSource() >>> mapped_source = ValueMappingSource(expensive_source, map) >>> bool(mapped_source) TrueCustom constructorsSource factories are intended to behave as natural as possible. A side-effect of using a custom factory method (__new__) on the base class is that sub-classes may have a hard time if their constructor (__init__) has a different signature.zc.sourcefactory takes extra measures to allow using a custom constructor with a different signature.>>> import zc.sourcefactory.basic>>> class Source(zc.sourcefactory.basic.BasicSourceFactory): ... ... def __init__(self, values): ... super(Source, self).__init__() ... self.values = values ... ... def getValues(self): ... return self.values>>> source = Source([1, 2, 3]) >>> list(source) [1, 2, 3]This is also true for contextual sources. The example is a bit silly but it shows that it works in principal:>>> import zc.sourcefactory.contextual >>> default_values = (4, 5, 6) >>> context_values = (6, 7, 8) >>> class ContextualSource( ... zc.sourcefactory.contextual.BasicContextualSourceFactory): ... ... def __init__(self, defaults): ... super(ContextualSource, self).__init__() ... self.defaults = defaults ... ... def getValues(self, context): ... return self.defaults + context>>> contextual_source = ContextualSource(default_values)(context_values) >>> list(contextual_source) [4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8]Common adapters for sourcesTo allow adapting factored sources specific to the factory, a couple of standard interfaces that can be adapters are re-adapted as using a multi-adapter for (FactoredSource, SourceFactory).ISourceQueriables>>> from zc.sourcefactory.basic import BasicSourceFactory >>> class Factory(BasicSourceFactory): ... def getValues(self): ... return [1,2,3] >>> source = Factory()>>> from zope.schema.interfaces import ISourceQueriables >>> import zope.interface >>> @zope.interface.implementer(ISourceQueriables) ... class SourceQueriables(object): ... def __init__(self, source, factory): ... self.source = source ... self.factory = factory ... def getQueriables(self): ... return [('test', None)]>>> from zc.sourcefactory.source import FactoredSource >>> zope.component.provideAdapter(factory=SourceQueriables, ... provides=ISourceQueriables, ... adapts=(FactoredSource, Factory))>>> queriables = ISourceQueriables(source) >>> queriables.factory <Factory object at 0x...> >>> queriables.source <zc.sourcefactory.source.FactoredSource object at 0x...> >>> queriables.getQueriables() [('test', None)]Cleanup>>> zope.component.getSiteManager().unregisterAdapter(factory=SourceQueriables, ... provided=ISourceQueriables, required=(FactoredSource, Factory)) TrueBrowser views for sources created by source factoriesSources that were created using source factories already come with ready-made terms and term objects.Simple useLet’s start with a simple source factory:>>> import zc.sourcefactory.basic >>> class DemoSource(zc.sourcefactory.basic.BasicSourceFactory): ... def getValues(self): ... return [b'a', b'b', b'c', b'd'] >>> source = DemoSource() >>> list(source) [b'a', b'b', b'c', b'd']We need a request first, then we can adapt the source to ITerms:>>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest >>> import zope.browser.interfaces >>> import zope.component >>> request = TestRequest() >>> terms = zope.component.getMultiAdapter( ... (source, request), zope.browser.interfaces.ITerms) >>> terms <zc.sourcefactory.browser.source.FactoredTerms object at 0x...>For each value we get a factored term:>>> terms.getTerm(b'a') <zc.sourcefactory.browser.source.FactoredTerm object at 0x...> >>> terms.getTerm(b'b') <zc.sourcefactory.browser.source.FactoredTerm object at 0x...> >>> terms.getTerm(b'c') <zc.sourcefactory.browser.source.FactoredTerm object at 0x...> >>> terms.getTerm(b'd') <zc.sourcefactory.browser.source.FactoredTerm object at 0x...>Unicode values are allowed as well:>>> terms.getTerm('\xd3') <zc.sourcefactory.browser.source.FactoredTerm object at 0x...>Our terms are ITitledTokenizedTerm-compatible:>>> import zope.schema.interfaces >>> zope.schema.interfaces.ITitledTokenizedTerm.providedBy( ... terms.getTerm('a')) TrueIn the most simple case, the title of a term is the string representation of the object:>>> terms.getTerm('a').title 'a'If an adapter from the value to IDCDescriptiveProperties exists, the title will be retrieved from this adapter:>>> import persistent >>> class MyObject(persistent.Persistent): ... custom_title = 'My custom title' ... _p_oid = 12 >>> class DCDescriptivePropertiesAdapter(object): ... def __init__(self, context): ... self.title = context.custom_title ... self.description = u"" >>> from zope.component import provideAdapter >>> from zope.dublincore.interfaces import IDCDescriptiveProperties >>> provideAdapter(DCDescriptivePropertiesAdapter, [MyObject], ... IDCDescriptiveProperties) >>> terms.getTerm(MyObject()).title 'My custom title'Extended use: provide your own titlesInstead of relying on string representation or IDCDescriptiveProperties adapters you can specify thegetTitlemethod on the source factory to determine the title for a value:>>> class DemoSourceWithTitles(DemoSource): ... def getTitle(self, value): ... return 'Custom title ' + value.custom_title >>> source2 = DemoSourceWithTitles() >>> terms2 = zope.component.getMultiAdapter( ... (source2, request), zope.browser.interfaces.ITerms) >>> o1 = MyObject() >>> o1.custom_title = u"Object one" >>> o2 = MyObject() >>> o2.custom_title = u"Object two" >>> terms2.getTerm(o1).title 'Custom title Object one' >>> terms2.getTerm(o2).title 'Custom title Object two'Extended use: provide your own tokensInstead of relying on default adapters to generate tokens for your values, you can override thegetTokenmethod on the source factory to determine the token for a value:>>> class DemoObjectWithToken(object): ... token = None >>> o1 = DemoObjectWithToken() >>> o1.token = "one" >>> o2 = DemoObjectWithToken() >>> o2.token = "two">>> class DemoSourceWithTokens(DemoSource): ... values = [o1, o2] ... def getValues(self): ... return self.values ... def getToken(self, value): ... return value.token>>> source3 = DemoSourceWithTokens() >>> terms3 = zope.component.getMultiAdapter( ... (source3, request), zope.browser.interfaces.ITerms)>>> terms3.getTerm(o1).token 'one' >>> terms3.getTerm(o2).token 'two'Looking up by the custom tokens works as well:>>> terms3.getValue("one") is o1 True >>> terms3.getValue("two") is o2 True >>> terms3.getValue("three") Traceback (most recent call last): KeyError: "No value with token 'three'"Value mapping sourcesXXX to comeContextual sourcesLet’s start with an object that we can use as the context:>>> zip_to_city = {'06112': 'Halle', ... '06844': 'Dessa'} >>> import zc.sourcefactory.contextual >>> class DemoContextualSource( ... zc.sourcefactory.contextual.BasicContextualSourceFactory): ... def getValues(self, context): ... return context.keys() ... def getTitle(self, context, value): ... return context[value] ... def getToken(self, context, value): ... return 'token-%s' % value >>> source = DemoContextualSource()(zip_to_city) >>> sorted(list(source)) ['06112', '06844']Let’s look at the terms:>>> terms = zope.component.getMultiAdapter( ... (source, request), zope.browser.interfaces.ITerms) >>> terms <zc.sourcefactory.browser.source.FactoredContextualTerms object at 0x...>For each value we get a factored term with the right title from the context:>>> terms.getTerm('06112') <zc.sourcefactory.browser.source.FactoredTerm object at 0x...> >>> terms.getTerm('06112').title 'Halle' >>> terms.getTerm('06844') <zc.sourcefactory.browser.source.FactoredTerm object at 0x...> >>> terms.getTerm('06844').title 'Dessa' >>> terms.getTerm('06844').token 'token-06844'And in reverse we can get the value for a given token as well:>>> terms.getValue('token-06844') '06844'InterfacesBoth the FactoredSource and FactoredContextualSource have associated interfaces.>>> from zc.sourcefactory import interfaces >>> from zc.sourcefactory import source >>> from zope import interface >>> interface.classImplements( ... source.FactoredSource, interfaces.IFactoredSource) >>> interface.classImplements( ... source.FactoredContextualSource, interfaces.IContextualSource)TokensTokens are an identifying representation of an object, suitable for transmission amongs URL-encoded data.The sourcefactory package provides a few standard generators for tokens:>>> import zc.sourcefactory.browser.tokenWe have generators for strings:>>> zc.sourcefactory.browser.token.fromString('somestring') '1f129c42de5e4f043cbd88ff6360486f'UnicodeArgh, I have to write the umlauts as unicode escapes otherwise distutils will have a encoding error in preparing upload to pypi:>>> zc.sourcefactory.browser.token.fromUnicode( ... 'somestring with umlauts \u00F6\u00E4\u00FC') '45dadc304e0d6ae7f4864368bad74951'Integer>>> zc.sourcefactory.browser.token.fromInteger(12) '12'Persistent>>> import persistent >>> class PersistentDummy(persistent.Persistent): ... pass >>> p = PersistentDummy() >>> p._p_oid = 1234 >>> zc.sourcefactory.browser.token.fromPersistent(p) '1234'If an object is persistent but has not been added to a database yet, it will be added to the database of it’s __parent__:>>> root = rootFolder >>> p1 = PersistentDummy() >>> p1.__parent__ = root >>> zc.sourcefactory.browser.token.fromPersistent(p1) '0x01'If an object has no parent, we fail:>>> p2 = PersistentDummy() >>> zc.sourcefactory.browser.token.fromPersistent(p2) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Can not determine OID for <builtins.PersistentDummy object at 0x...>Security proxied objects are unwrapped to get to their oid or connection attribute:>>> from import ProxyFactory >>> p3 = PersistentDummy() >>> root['p3'] = p3 >>> p3.__parent__ = root >>> p3p = ProxyFactory(p3) >>> p3p._p_jar Traceback (most recent call last): ... ('_p_jar', <builtins.PersistentDummy object at 0x...>)>>> zc.sourcefactory.browser.token.fromPersistent(p3p) '0x02'As a side-effectp3now has an _p_oid assigned. When an object already has an OID the connection is not queried, so a __parent__ would not be necessary:>>> del p3.__parent__ >>> zc.sourcefactory.browser.token.fromPersistent(p3p) '0x02'Interfaces>>> from zope.interface import Interface >>> class I(Interface): ... pass >>> zc.sourcefactory.browser.token.fromInterface(I) 'builtins.I'Changes2.0 (2023-02-23)Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, (2018-11-07)Add support for Python 3.6 and 3.7.Drop support for Python 3.3 and (2016-08-02)Claim support for Python 3.4 and 3.5.Drop support for Python (2013-02-23)Added support for Python 3.3.Drastically reduce testing dependencies to make porting easier.Replaced deprecatedzope.interface.implementsusage with equivalentzope.interface.implementerdecorator.Dropped support for Python 2.4 and (2013-10-04)BasicSourceFactorynow uses a class variable to tell what kind of source to make. (Same mechanism as it was added forContextualSourceFactoryin version 0.5.0).0.7.0 (2010-09-17)Using Python’sdoctestinstead of deprecatedzope.testing.doctest.Usingzope.keyreferenceas test dependency instead (2009-08-15)Change package homepage to PyPI instead of Subversion.Dropped Support for Zope 3.2 by removing a conditional import.Use hashlib for Python 2.5 and later to avoid deprecation warnings.0.5.0 (2009-02-03)FactoredContextualSourceBinder.__call__ now accepts arguments giving the args to pass to source class. ContextualSourceFactory now uses a class variable to tell what kind of Source to make.Use zope.intid instead of e-mail address [email protected] been retired.0.4.0 (2008-12-11)Removed dependency. Changed ITerms import from to zope.browser.interfaces. [projekt01]0.3.5 (2008-12-08)Fixed bug in __new__ of contexual factories that would disallow subclasses to use constructors that expect a different signature. [icemac]0.3.4 (2008-08-27)Added all documents in package to long description, so they are readable in pypi. [icemac]0.3.3 (2008-06-10)Fixed bug in __new__ of factories that would disallow subclasses to use constructors that expect a different signature. (Thanks to Sebastian Wehrmann for the patch.)0.3.2 (2008-04-09)Fixed scalability bug caused by missing __nonzero__ on ValueMappingSource0.3.1 (2008-02-12)Fixed scalability bug caused by missing __nonzero__ on BasicSourceFactory0.3.0 (??????????)Added class-level defaults for attributes that are declared in the interfaces to not have the Zope 2 security machinery complain about them.0.2.1 (2007-07-10)Fixed a bug in the contextual token policy that was handling the resolution of values for a given token incorrectly.0.2.0 (2007-07-10)Added a contextual token policy interface that allows getToken and getValue to access the cotext for contextual sources.Added a contextual term policy interface that allows createTerm and getTitle to access the context for contextual sources.Added compatibility for Zope 3.2 and Zope 2.9 (via Five 1.3)
ContentsCreating Source Releases from BuildoutsInstallationUsageRelease History0.4.0 (2012-12-17)0.3.1 (2009-09-25)0.3.0 (2008-11-21)New FeaturesBugs Fixed0.2 (2007-10-25)New FeaturesBugs Fixed0.1 (2007-10-24)DownloadCreating Source Releases from BuildoutsThe zc.sourcerelease package provides a script, buildout-source-release, that generates a source release from a buildout. The source release, is in the form of a gzipped tar archive[1]. The generated source release can be used as the basis for higher-level releases, such as RPMs or configure-make-make-install releases.The source releases includes data that would normally be installed in a download cache, such as Python distributions, or downloads performed by the zc.recipe.cmmi recipe. If a buildout uses a recipe that downloads data but does not store the downloaded data in the buildout download cache, then the data will not be included in the source release and will have to be downloaded when the source release is installed.The source release includes a Python install script. It is not executable and must be run with the desired Python, which must be the same version of Python used when making the release. The install script runs the buildout in place. This means that the source release will need to be extracted to and the install script run in the final install location[2]. While the install script can be used directly, it will more commonly be used by system-packaging (e.g. RPM) build scripts or make files.InstallationYou can install the buildout-source-release script with easy install:easy_install zc.sourcereleaseor you can install it into a buildout using zc.buildout.UsageTo create a source release, simply run the buildout-source-release script, passing a file URL or a subversion URL[3]and the name of the configuration file to use. File URLs are useful for testing and can be used with non-subversion source-code control systems.Let’s look at an example. We have a server with some distributions on it.>>> index_content = get(link_server) >>> if 'distribute' in index_content: ... lines = index_content.splitlines() ... distribute_line = lines.pop(1) ... lines.insert(4, distribute_line) ... index_content = '\n'.join(lines) >>> print index_content, <html><body> <a href="index/">index/</a><br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href="setuptools-0.6c7-py2.4.egg">setuptools-0.6-py2.4.egg</a><br> <a href="zc.buildout-1.0-py2.4.egg">zc.buildout-1.0-py2.4.egg</a><br> <a href="zc.buildout-99.99-pyN.N.egg">zc.buildout-99.99-pyN.N.egg</a><br> <a href="zc.recipe.egg-1.0-py2.4.egg">zc.recipe.egg-1.0-py2.4.egg</a><br> </body></html>We have the buildout-source-release installed in a local bin directory. We’ll create another buildout that we’ll use for our source release.>>> mkdir('sample') >>> sample = join(sample_buildout, 'sample') >>> write(sample, 'buildout.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... parts = sample ... find-links = %(link_server)s ... ... [sample] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg ... eggs = sample1 ... ''' % globals())We’ll run the release script against this sample directory:>>> print system(join('bin', 'buildout-source-release') ... +' file://'+sample+' buildout.cfg'), ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Creating source release in sample.tgz ...We end up with a tar file:>>> ls('.') - .installed.cfg d bin - buildout.cfg d develop-eggs d eggs d parts d sample - sample.tgzIf we want to give the file a custom name, in this case something other than sample.tgz, we can use the ‘-n’ or ‘–name’ option to specify one:>>> print system(join('bin', 'buildout-source-release') ... +' file://'+sample+' buildout.cfg -n custom_name_one'), ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Creating source release in custom_name_one.tgz ...>>> print system(join('bin', 'buildout-source-release') ... +' file://'+sample+' buildout.cfg --name custom_name_two'), ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Creating source release in custom_name_two.tgz ...>>> ls('.') - .installed.cfg d bin - buildout.cfg - custom_name_one.tgz - custom_name_two.tgz d develop-eggs d eggs d parts d sample - sample.tgzLet’s continue with the example using sample.tgz. Extract the tar file to a temporary directory:>>> mkdir('test') >>> import tarfile >>> tf ='sample.tgz', 'r:gz') >>> for name in tf.getnames(): ... tf.extract(name, 'test') >>> tf.close()>>> ls('test') d sample>>> ls('test', 'sample') - buildout.cfg d eggs - d release-distributionsThe extracted sample directory has eggs for buildout and setuptools:>>> ls('test', 'sample', 'eggs') - setuptools-0.6c7-py2.4.egg d zc.buildout-99.99-py2.4.eggNote that version 99.99 of zc.buildout was used because it was the most recent version on the link server. This happens to be different than the version of buildout used by the source-release script.It has a release-distributions directory containing distributions needed to install the buildout:>>> ls('test', 'sample', 'release-distributions', 'dist') - - - zc.buildout-99.99-pyN.N.egg - zc.recipe.egg-1.0.0b6-py2.4.egg(There normally aren’t distributions for buildout and setuptools, etc. because these are pre-installed in the eggs directory of the source release. In this case, we have a release for zc.buildout because it was downloaded from the link server. Anything that we downloaded is included.)So, now that we’ve extracted the source release we built, we can try to install it. To do this, we’ll to run the installer. Before we do, however, we’ll remove the data used by the link server:>>> import os >>> mkdir('sample_eggs_aside') >>> for p in os.listdir(sample_eggs): ... os.rename(join(sample_eggs, p), join('sample_eggs_aside', p)) >>> print get(link_server), <html><body> </body></html>This way, we know that when we run the source release, the distributions will come from the release, not from the link server. Now, let’s run the installer:>>> import sys>>> print system(sys.executable+' '+join('test', 'sample', '')), ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Creating directory ...Running the installer simply builds out the saved buildout, using the release-distribution as the source for installable eggs. In our case, we get a sample script that we can run:>>> print system(join('test', 'sample', 'bin', 'sample1')), Hello. My name is sample1Note that the sample bin directory doesn’t contain a buildout script:>>> ls('test', 'sample', 'bin') - sample1If we want one, we can run the install script again with an argument of ‘bootstrap’.>>> print system(sys.executable+ ... ' '+join('test', 'sample', ' bootstrap')), Generated script '/sample-buildout/test/sample/bin/buildout'.>>> ls('test', 'sample', 'bin') - buildout - sample1Note that the install script is a specialized buildout script, so other buildout options can be provided, although this shouldn’t normally be necessary.Often, we’ll use file URLs for testing, but store the buildouts to be released in a source code repository like subversion. We’ve created a simple sample in subversion. Let’s try to install it:>>> print system(join('bin', 'buildout-source-release')+' '+ ... 'svn://'+ ... ' release.cfg'), ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Creating source release in svnsample.tgz ... The referenced section, 'repos', was not defined.The svnsample config, release.cfg, has:find-links = ${repos:svnsample}Here, the expectation is that the value will be provided by a user’s default.cfg. We’ll provide a value that points to our link server. First, we’ll put the sample eggs back on the link server:>>> for p in os.listdir('sample_eggs_aside'): ... os.rename(join('sample_eggs_aside', p), join(sample_eggs, p)) >>> remove('sample_eggs_aside')>>> print system(join('bin', 'buildout-source-release')+' '+ ... 'svn://'+ ... ' release.cfg'+ ... ' repos:svnsample='+link_server), ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Creating source release in svnsample.tgz ...>>> ls('.') - .installed.cfg d bin - buildout.cfg - custom_name_one.tgz - custom_name_two.tgz d develop-eggs d eggs d parts d sample - sample.tgz - svnsample.tgz d test>>> mkdir('svntest') >>> import tarfile >>> tf ='svnsample.tgz', 'r:gz') >>> for name in tf.getnames(): ... tf.extract(name, 'svntest') >>> tf.close()>>> print system(sys.executable ... +' '+join('svntest', 'svnsample', '')), ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Creating directory ...>>> print system(join('svntest', 'svnsample', 'bin', 'sample')), sample from svn calledYou can specify a different configuration file of course. Let’s create one with an error as it contains an absolute path for the eggs-directory.>>> write(sample, 'wrong.cfg', ... ''' ... [buildout] ... parts = sample ... find-links = %(link_server)s ... eggs-directory = /somewhere/shared-eggs ... ... [sample] ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg ... eggs = sample1 ... ''' % globals())We’ll run the release script against this configuration file:>>> print system(join('bin', 'buildout-source-release') ... +' file://'+sample+' wrong.cfg'), ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Creating source release in sample.tgz Invalid eggs directory (perhaps not a relative path) /somewhere/shared-eggs[1]It is possible that an option will be added in the future to generate zip files rather than tar archives.[2]In the future, it is likely that we’ll also support a model in which the install script can install to a separate location. Buildouts will have to take this into account, providing for copying necessary files, other than just scripts and eggs, into the destination directory.[3]Other source code control systems may be supported in the future. In the mean time, you can check a project out to a directory and then use a file URL to get the buildout-source-release script to use it.Release History0.4.0 (2012-12-17)Added distribute support.Symbolic links in projects are preserved.0.3.1 (2009-09-25)Fixed a latent bug that was exposed by recent changes to zc.buildout.The bug causes installation scripts included in source releases to fail.0.3.0 (2008-11-21)New FeaturesYou can now use a –name (or -n) option to specify the name for a generated release.Bugs FixedHaving an absolute eggs-directory in buildout.cfg will now give an error instead of running forever trying to find a relative path.0.2 (2007-10-25)New FeaturesAdded support for passing buildout option settings as command-line options when building sources to supply values normally provided by ~/.buildout/default.cfg.Bugs FixedNon-standard eggs-directory settings weren’t handled correctly.0.1 (2007-10-24)Initial releaseDownload
This is a small wrapper around SQS that provides some testing support and and some abstraction over the boto SQS APIs.There are 2 basic parts, a producer API and a worker API.Note that these APIs don’t let you pass AWS credentials. This means that you must either pass credentials through ~/.boto configuration, through environment variables, or through temporary credentials provided via EC2 instance roles.Producing jobsTo send work to workers, instantiate a Queue:>>> import zc.sqs >>> queue = zc.sqs.Queue("myqueue") Connected to region us-east-1.The SQS queue must already exist. Creating queues is outside the scope of these APIs. Trying to create a Queue instance with a nonexistent queue name will result in an exception being raised.>>> import mock >>> with mock.patch("boto.sqs.connect_to_region") as conn: ... conn().get_queue.return_value = None ... zc.sqs.Queue("nonexistent") # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... NonExistentQueue: nonexistentTo place data in the queue, you call it. You can pass positional, and/or keyword arguments.>>> queue(1, 2, x=3) [[1, 2], {'x': 3}]In this example, we’re running in test mode. In test mode, data are simply echoed back (unless we wire up a worker, as will be discussed below).Arguments must be json encodable.WorkersWorkers are provided as factories that accept configuration data and return callables that are called with queued messages. A worker factory could be implemented with a class that has __init__ and __call__ methods, or with a function that takes configuration data and returns a nested function to handle messages.Normally, workers don’t return anything. If the input is bad, the worker should raise an exception. The exception will be logged, as will the input data. If the input is good, but the worker can’t perform the request, it should raise zc.sqs.TransientError to indicate that the work should be retried later.ContainersTo attach your workers to queues, you use a container, which is just a program that polls an SQS queue and calls your worker. There are currently 2 containers:sequentialThe sequential container pulls requests from an SQS queue and hands them to a worker, one at a time.This is a script entry point and accepts an argument list, containing the path to an ini file. It uses “long polling” to loop efficiently.testThe test container is used for writing tests. It supports integration tests of producer and worker code. When running in test mode, it replaces (part of) the sequential container.The sequential entry point takes the name of an ini file with 2 sections:containerThe container section configures the container with options:worker MODULE:exprThe worker constructorqueueThe name of an sqs queue to listen to.loggersA ZConfig-based logger configuration string.worker (optional)Worker options, passed to the worker constructor as a dictionary.If not provided, an empty dictionary will be passed.Here’s a simple (pointless) example to illustrate how this is wired up. First, we’ll define a worker factory:def scaled_addr(config): scale = float(config.get('scale', 1)) def add(a, b, x): if x == 'later': print ("not now") raise zc.sqs.TransientError # Not very imaginative, I know print (scale * (a + b + x)) return addNow, we’ll define a container configuration:[container] worker = zc.sqs.tests:scaled_addr queue = adder loggers = <logger> level INFO <logfile> path STDOUT format %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s </logfile> </logger> <logger> level INFO propagate false name zc.sqs.messages <logfile> path messages.log format %(message)s </logfile> </logger> [worker] scale = 2Now, we’ll run the container.>>> import zc.thread >>> @zc.thread.Thread ... def thread(): ... zc.sqs.sequential(['ini'])We ran the container in a thread because it runs forever and wouldn’t return.Normally, the entry point would run forever, but since we’re running in test mode, the container just wires the worker up to the test environment.Now, if we create a queue (in test mode):>>> adder = zc.sqs.Queue("adder") Connected to region us-east-1.and send it work:>>> adder(1, 2, 3) 12.0 deleted '[[1, 2, 3], {}]'We see that the worker ran.We also see a testing message showing that the test succeeded.If a worker can’t perform an action immediately, it indicates that the message should be delayed by raising TransientError as shown in the worker example above:>>> adder(1, 2, 'later') not nowIn this case, since the worker raised TransientError, the message wasn’t deleted from the queue. This means that it’ll be handled later when the job times out.If the worker rasies an exception, the exception and the message are logged:>>> adder(1, 2, '') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ERROR zc.sqs Handling a message Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and '...' deleted '[[1, 2, ""], {}]'>>> with open("messages.log") as f: ... print( [[1, 2, ""], {}] <BLANKLINE>Silencing testsSometimes, you don’t want the testing infrastructure to output information when sending messages. There testingsetUpmethod adds ansqs_queuesattribute to globals. You can callbe_silentto make it stop outputting infomation:>>> sqs_queues.be_silent()After calling this, any subsequent queues will be quiet:>>> queue = zc.sqs.Queue("quiet") >>> queue(1)You can get the queued data:>>> [m.get_body() for m in sqs_queues.get_queue("quiet").get_messages()] ['[[1], {}]']You can switch back to being noisy:>>> sqs_queues.be_silent()>>> queue = zc.sqs.Queue("loud") >>> queue(1)Changes1.0.0Python 3 support.0.3.0 (2014-10-17)Use long polling instead of a configurable polling interval.0.2.1 (2013-05-15)Better error handling when SQS queues don’t exist.0.2.0 (2013-05-15)A new silent mode for test queues.0.1.0 (2013-04-23)Initial release.
This is a Zope 3 extension that helps with the construction of (HTML) tables. Features include dynamic HTML table generation, batching and sorting.CHANGES1.0 (2023-02-17)Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.Add support for Python 3.5, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, (2020-02-06)Make Python 3 compatible0.9.0 (2012-11-21)Using Python’sdoctestmodule instead of deprecatedzope.testing.doctest.Removed dependency test extra, movezope.testingto it.0.8.1 (2010-05-25)Replaced html entities with unicode entities since they are xthml valid.0.8.0 (2009-07-23)Updated tests to latest packages.0.7.0 (2008-05-20)Fixed HTML-encoding of cell contents forGetterColumn.Addhrefattributes (for MSIE) and fix up JavaScript on Next/Prev links for batching.Update packaging.0.6 (2006-09-22)Initial release on Cheeseshop.