# Prince Isakes, Duke of Runis
Prince Isakes, Duke of Runis
# Prince Mostafa of Khoran Prince Mostafa (born Mostafa Valziri; Khorani: مصطفی والزیری; born 25 August 1981), is a Khorani politician who is the second child of Reza II, Emperor of Khoran & is the current Forgein Secretary of Khoran since 2016. He arranged the marriage of Alaric II of Davern & Mostafa's sister, Princess Farah in 2022.
Prince Mostafa of Khoran
# Prince Ture Prince Ture (born 26 November, 1983) is one of the 3 children of Queen Ingrid III of Freyand and thus a current prince. He's the youngest of the 3.Ture has restricted himself mostly to the royal life and goes out in public few times. Like his mother, he's a strong appreciator of art and has the hobby of painting. He's created his own art exposition that contains one of the biggest private art collections in the whole world. Contrary to his mother and his siblings, he holds pretty conservative views on most social issues. This has seriously hurt his relationship with his brother, specially. He also is one of the strongest opponents of a referendum on the monarchy, having even claimed those in the monarchy who were behind those efforts were "the work of the devil". Due to his views and claims, he has distanced himself from the rest of his family and is regarded as the black sheep.
Prince Ture
# Prince of the Gladehursts Prince of the Gladehursts (Runan: Principe D'Gladehursts, Latin: Princeps Gladehursts) is a title of Runan Nobility, traditionally given to the heir apparent to the Runan Throne. The title was originally held by the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of the Gladehursts, but following the signing of the Carscano Charter in 1010, and the merging of the Gladehursts Crown into the new Crown of Runa, the title was abolished. The title was re-created by Isakes II for his son and heir Clarus in 1670, and has been the title carried by Runan Heir Apparents ever since. The incumbent, Diana, received the title on the 6th October 2018, the day after her father's ascension as Arthur IV.
Prince of the Gladehursts
# Princess Leila of Khoran Princess Leila (born Leila Shookofeh; Khorani: لیلا شکوفه; born 26 June 1986), is a Khorani activist and tiktoker who is the oldest daughter of Reza II, Emperor of Khoran & sister of Farah, Queen of Davern, wife of Alaric II of Davern.
Princess Leila of Khoran
# Principality Of Nunavut Not to be confused with Principality of Grendilistan or Principality of Tröysdävo! The principality of Nunavut is a region that was formerly part of Canada before it split from the nation in 2020. RELATIONSHIPS. Taured - Strong national bond Principality of Tröysdävo - Slight National Bond Farabiania - Unbreakable Bond Inavik - Galactic Unbreakable centurial weakly compact bond
Principality Of Nunavut
# Principality of California The Principality of California (Spanish: "Principado de California") is a country located in North America, It borders with Texan Empire, Cascadian Khanate, Coloradan Caliphate and Mexican Khanate, Its capital is San Francisco, The largest city is Los Angeles, The king is Paul II, The population is 865,369.
Principality of California
# Principality of Dorvania
Principality of Dorvania
# Principality of Grendilistan Grendilistan or officially the Principality of Grendilistan (PG) or the Constitutional Republic of Grendilistan (CRG). Grendilistan is situated on the equator in the Indian Ocean. The closest territory to Grendilistan is the British Indian Ocean Territory and the closet country is the Maldives. Economy:. Most of the economic trade is from the United Kingdom, the People’s Republic of China, Australia and New Zealand. Grendilistan has a shiny ore called “Marendaki” after the Euro-Chinese (Anglo-Hindu slaves from China). In English which translates to “Shiny”. This ore is so useful that it’s expensive to buy from 1000 to 10,000 USD. The Principality biggest fisher importer is the Japan. The country exports the ore to the following: Japan People's Republic of China and the USA. In 1957 Grendilistan found the the Twin Diamonds ( Diamonds that have a rare chance of have two rough diamonds inside of them). After the discovery many countries like the USA, the UK, the Union of South Africa, USSR ( only lasted until 1991) etc. The old Grend Diamond Company ( GDC ) went bankrupted after the Social Mining Inc. (SMI) found the diamonds in the South province. In 1959 the Twin Diamonds were worth two million USD. Capitals:. Grendilistan has two capitals Megreba in the North and Baselone in the East. Grendilistan has 8 islands (4 of them are Small Island). Magreba in on the Haribia Island and Baselone is on the Kiroltina Island. Government type:. Grendilistan is a principality, even though it seems like a monarchy. They still have elections every 5 years. The prince of the country is always there at the elections, but since of quarantine the old prime minister has resigned. Government. Laws. The Principality Of Grendilistan has laws like all countries, but doesn't have any death trail (even assassination of the royal family). The only death sentence happened in 1946 when Vhutaril and his companions were hanged in a small crowed ( people then didn't like live death). Grendilistan's laws are different to other countries like, 1st degree murder is 10 years in prison, 2nd degree murder is 8 and half years in prison and 3rd degree murder is 40 years in prison. The other crimes in Grendilistan is: theft, hiring a hitman, hacking, cyberbullying, trespassing etc. Since cyberbullying is a big thing is the principality the government has banned it. If you are found doing it, you'll have a sentence from 10-15 years in prison. After you have served your sentence you cannot work in environments that have technology And you won't be allowed to use a device or have a certain time to be on them. If you are caught again your sentence will double to 20-30 years in prison. However you can redeem your selves you go to court with the Royal Family if they believe that you have turned a new leaf. Human Rights. The Human rights in Grendilistan is very equal, but due to the fascist times the country has a huge racism problem, going from small riots to big protest. The racism problem start in 1941 when the leader (Vhutaril Mosul) wanted to lower down the Muslim, Hindu and Christian population by killing them (this led to the Great Religion Genocide) in 1946 Vhutaril and his companions were caught and sentence to death (Grendilistan first and last death sentence). Every twice a year the people of Grendilistan celebrate the end of Fascism. Military. The military of Grendilistan is named the Grendilian Royal Defense Forced (GRDF). The Grendilian Royal Defense Forces is divided into 5 forces namely the Grendilian Royal Air Force ,(GRAF), the Grendilian Royal Navy (GRN), Grendilian Armed Forces (GAF), the Grendilian Royal Special Forces (GRDF) and the Grendilian Royal Nuclear Force (GRNF). Grendilian Armed Forces. The GAF was founded in 1949 after the British, French and American governments allowed the principality to have one. They all signed the Baseline Agreement. The agreement stated that the Government of Grendilistan was allowed to have a navy, an air force, an armed force and a special force. They were not allowed to have a nuclear research program for 80 years. Brit, French and American governments allow the principality to have one. The governments signed the Baselont Geography. The geography of Grendilistan is a little complex, mainly because of global warming and World War damages. In pre-colonization the country had one of the plants from the national plant the Kilopel plant of the forest cactus. The Government of Grendilistan installed the Country Repairment Act in 2005. Royal Family. The Royal Family originated from Poland (which makes them have polish decent). The Royal Family consists of Prince Kelop I, his heir Prince Kelopia II and Prince Kelop I has a sister named Princess Herria I. In Grendilistan version the constitutional republic (the monarch) has most of the control, but the Party is still in control. When Grendilistan was under Vhutaril control the Royal Family was exiled to Windhoek, Union Of South Africa and stayed there until they were liberated under a democratic country. During their stay the were many anti-apartheid separates, the Royal Family grew a liking to the South West African People's Organisation (SWAPO). After WW2 the Royal family started sending supplies to help the Organization. Island:. The island names are Haribia in the North, Kiroltina in the East, Agehta in the West and Miligeri in the South. The Principality has 4 provinces: The North province, the West province, the East province and the South province. codice_1. There is officially 20 districts in Grendilistan, this is also includes the two Capital districts. Baselone is the only district with two name; The Capital district and the Economic District Center of Grendilistan (EDC). The flag. The flag of Grendilistan consist of 8 stars, a blue background and a yellow strip. The stars represent the Islands of the country, the white star represent growth and future. The small yellow stars represent the four people to bring the nation. The blue background represents the Indian Ocean. The yellow strip represent the equator. This flag has a history has the British using the British ilistan national flag, which consist of a red background, a big white star and the Union Jack in the left hand corner. And the Fascist using the 1st Empire of Grendilistan national flag, which consist of blue background, yellow strip(horizontal), four big white stars, four small yellow stars and a hand on the left hand side of the flag. The Dominion Of Grendilistan used a flag with a green background, yellow strip (horizontal), three white stars, two small yellow stars and the Union Jack in the left hand corner History:. The islands of the Grend archipelago was mostly populated with the native people from North Sentinel Island. On 19 February 1890 the British finally took control of all the Island. Even though the British took control of the island easily the natives of the country didn't like the occupation, so in 1898 the rebels (or natives) rebelled against the United Kingdom. The colony was a huge hub for slave transfers, most of them were Hindu slaves from British India. (Anglo-Hindu slave) The rebels had an upper hand but failed when reinforcements came. The United Kingdom installed a new government in the islands (in 1900) and the Dominion Of Grendilistan was born, but it didn't last long though. So in 1920 Grendilistan gained independence from the United Kingdom. Its 1933 and Grendilistan was neutral, but was being forced (politically) to choose the Allies or Axis. Unlucky they had their first civil war. It was the Constitutional Republican Army of Grendilistan (CRAG) against the National Communal Army (NCA). Even though the NCA was out numbered they still won the civil war (also know as the Great loss of Grend). The National Communal Army took control of the islands in days. 1935 The NCA changes the government to a nationalist state and joined the Axis in 1939. On 29th July of 1939 the name changed from the Republic of Grendilistan to the 1st Empire of Grendilistan and leader Vhutaril Mosul was put in charge. He had one of the best generals in the country General Benils Astron. June 19th 1941 Grendilistan saw the worst thing to happen, all Muslims, Christians and Hindus were killed, even prime minister Jackul Mazert was killed along with his family. All 300,000 people were killed this is remembered as the Religion Genocide of Grendilistan. On 12 April of 1945 Grendilistan was liberated to become the Principality of Grendilistan or the Constitutional Republic of Grendilistan, however 1 month after the liberated, on 10 May 1945 the Haribia province was under Soviet control for two days. In 1997, Grendilistan once tried to make a unification with the Maldives and the Seychelles it would of being called the Indian Ocean Republic. But the agreement did go well, because of Grendilistan's dictatorial past. They attempted in 2011 but the attempt failed when the governments back down at the last seconds. Infrastructure. Transportation. Road: There is many local and national road systems in the country. One of the most used road is the Q2 road route. There are many road routes like the Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, L34, L23 and L61. Rail: There is many railways owned by both government and by private companies. The many years of colonial control the United Kingdom, the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics helped to construct the Northeastern railway. 4 years later the London and North Eastern Railway offered the state-owned rail company the Nord-Est Railway. The Nord-Est Railway (NER) doesn't serve all of the country. Water: There are many ports and docks, but there is many sea airports (but most of them are small ports for yachts MWPI is the only sea port where international flights land) and that is Magreba Water Port International (MWPI). Air: Unlike other Island nations Instead of having one international airport they have 3. Magreba International Airport, Baselone International Airport and a local international airport, Pretios International Transfer Airport ( An airport we all planes from sea ports and local airfields, land and transfer to the international airports in the country). The Principality has a national airline named Grendilian Airways (owned by the Government not the prince). The airline goes to many places like Socialist Republic of South Africa, the USA and parts of Europe. Buildings:. Most of Grendilistan is built on ground that is weak affected by pollution in the world. In fact they lost a statue on the island of Robert( which sunk because of pollution ).The structure of the country was good until mines and factories were built up and made, many builders of the biggest, oldest working factory (Grend Mine Corp) ,was the main cause of how many buildings were made. Population. Even though they have a rather but small population. They are the 51st populated country in Asia. Education. The education in Grendilistan is very good, but unlike small island nations they aren't poor because of the prince. Even since independence Grendilistan has been helping its fellow small island nation with education. More books are shipped to the Maldives than any small island nation. Diplomatic Relations. Grendilistan has great relations with many countries like Socialist Republic of South Africa (SRSA), the USA, the United European Republic (UER),
Principality of Grendilistan
# Principality of Tröysdävo The Principality of Tröysdävo is a country located in Europe. It is ruled by Prince Andötr II of the House of Skïja and he has taken a completely autocratic rule on the country rather than it’s original oligarchical stance on political matters and issues. It has no monetary system as all domestic economic investments are by direct trade of goods rather than a currency. Foreign economic affairs are done through the country they are trading with’s currency with no conversion between different currencies needed. The prince has no desire to add a monetary system despite the complications. It has no tourism as all foreign visitors are deterred and/or imprisoned unless they have a Tröyan approval seal on their passport (only given to important foreigners such as messengers and such). History. Tröysdävo is a suprisingly new country, only existing as far back as 1908 as a breakaway state from the Törvirgä Empire unfinsihed
Principality of Tröysdävo
# Principality of the South Sandwich Islands Principality of the South Sandwich Islands is a country situated in the chain of islands known as (you guessed it) the south sandwich islands. How it formed, and some other events. Trying to get away from wars & politics, a group of people went to the South Sandwich Islands, which was currently unclaimed. After they got on the biggest island, Montagu, they established the Principality of the South Sandwich Islands, they made an underground bunker, making this their capital. After the Principality was recognized, they claimed the other islands, creating a bunker on the second largest island, Bristol. Thulian Conflict. In the area of southern Thule, some Antarctic pirates wanted to claim them and use them for a base, obviously, the PSSI didn't allow that and tried to stop them, 6 people volunteered to fight, and they used a frigate to sail over there. The fight was tough, but eventually they ran away, and the PSSI was victorious.
Principality of the South Sandwich Islands
# Priustav City Priustav City, officially The City of Priustav, is a country located in upper Shia, Britannica and Nirvana. It is the smallest country on Earth. Culture. Food. The country is known for having tomatoes in everything. Not only tacos or burgers, but they have a food called "Punjabia Doramata" ("ਰਾਜਕੋਟਰੀ ਡੋਰਾਮਾ" in Zhengde), which translates as "tomato cake." It is a large cake with low carbohydrate ingredients, and with tomato chunks inside. sounds gross, but it's the #1 liked food in and Priustav City. The second is just plain tomato soup. Art. Art is similar to art in B&N. The Gallery Umenium (ਹੂਪੂ ਏ ਇਮੂਨਿ in Zhengde) is the only gallery in the small nation, where you can see scupltures, mosaic art, pop art, and paintings from all around the globe, including a priceless replica of Venus de Milo form the 1800s, when the city was a village. Customs. Tomato Soup is considered a drink. Say what?. Yes, same with any soup, including cereal, chicken soup, and beef stew. Yes, cereal is considered "a dry soup." Splitting cheques amongst everyone is common. You have to literally tear the cheque into pieces and give a piece to everyone so everyone gets an eual amount. A punzamana is basically a set of pajamas. At hotels, people who visit bars, restaurants, and having breakfast requires you to wear a set of them. Another custom is that they have a very basic thing that is considered rude to do. Don't go into the alley between buildings. There are usually people hiding there. These people are called "alley stalkers." They usually dont participate in the census every year and they are very antisocial. Clothing. Men usually where black, orange, blue jumpsuits (for some reason), jeans, striped shirts, and casual american clothes Women usually where skinny jeans, plain shirts, and have their hair tied back into a tail. Remember, this is traditional stuff. Mockery of people's clothing comes in the Mock Act. Music. Pop music is very common in Priustav City. Rock, metal, and country are also common in the residential zone. Sports. Basketball is the most popular sport. Car donuts is a game where people drive a car in circles until they can't do it anymore. Laws. Driving. Driving age is very low. The age 11 is the age when you can drive. It is so low for no reason. Drugs. Surprisingly, drugs are legal! Cocaine and LSD are also legal, which is why they have the largest percentage of deaths linked to drugs (29%)!. Alcohol. This, however, is ILLEGAL. Alcohol is illegal to consume. Smoking. Smoking is allowed anywhere in the city. Hate Crimes or Personality-Phobic Actions. The Mock Act or Mockery Act protects the right of religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, clothing styles, speech, protest, race, country of origin, education, occupations, and other things about personality, beliefs, and/or attraction. nRHVID-20-2. There has been 13 cases of Novel Insomnic Rhinovirus Disease 2020 (shortened by scientists as nRHVID-20-2). These people are told to stay away from people, be lazy, and to stay at home. If they need to go out, they'll have to be 5 ft. away or more (1.67 meters).
Priustav City
# Private Military Research Lab of Belka The Private Military Research Lab of Belka is a private military research lab where the most dangerous, most important and secretive things are. It's also the main and largest military lab operated by the Gonsunese Armed Forces. Information. Founded in April 4th, 1964, it was made as a government research lab. Codenames for Rooms & More. HS. "HS" (or HlS) stands for "Harmless Substance" and HS Rooms are for experiments/energies/substances on the Danger Level of 0. SS. "SS" stands for "Safe Substance" and SS Rooms are for experiments/energies/substances between the Danger Level of 1 and 2. SSS. "SSS" stands for "Semi-Safe Substance" and SSS Rooms are for experiments/energies/substances between the Danger Level of 3 and 4. SRD. "SRD" stands for "Secure Research and Development" and SRD Rooms are for experiments/energies/substances between the Danger Level of 5 and 7. PDS. "PDS" stands for "Pure Dangerous Substance" and PDS Rooms are for experiments/energies/substances between the Danger Level of 8 and 10.
Private Military Research Lab of Belka
# Prof. Cringe Professor Cringe (Full name: Cringeiton Datsmah Nembois) is the curent president of Canaxicorica. He is very cringey and likes to trolololol. Occupation. Prof. Cringe is the leader of the A4EC party, a amogus stan, dream stan, a cringster, specieist, racist, agist, homophobic, Gensokyophobic, Youkaiphobic, Cirnophobic, Dictator, and secretly likes anime to the point that he got 3 sleepless day weird, the sentence just disappear.
Prof. Cringe
# Proism Proism is a type of extreme anti-noobism ideology.It's a ideology that pros rule over everything(the wealthy),and other suck.That hate noobs and kill them. History. Proism was theorised during when the legoland empire started to send robloxians to Robloxia island.
# Project Omega Project Omega was a secret project in the Private Military Research Lab of Belka to test if it was possible to make a substance that could kill soil and plants almost instantly and another one that could grow some. Stages. Stage 1: Idea. In October 3rd, 2021, they wanted to see if it was possible to kill soil and plants instantly and one that could grow some. Stage 2: Making It. They worked on two substances until April 11th, 2022, so they planned to test it on April 12th. The substances were called Omega-6, that could grow plants, and Omega-7, that could kill plants. Stage 2.5: Naming It. One took 6 tries to make, so they named it "Omega-6". Another one took 7 tries to make, so they named it "Omega-7". Stage 3: Testing It. They tested the substances on plants, and the test was successful. "Omega-6" sprouted the plant in 4 minutes, and "Omega-7" killed it's plant. But the Omega-7 didn't stop killing it and started to spread. So they tested things to see if it could stop it. They tested various things, but when they tested milk it worked. So they tested milk on "Omega-6", and it killed it too. They decided to contain the rest of "Omega-7" in SRD Room-5, and kept the rest of "Omega-6" in SS Room-2. Stage 4: Sharing to the Public. 5 hours later, they told the public and a few people thought it was just weed killer and fertilizer or something. One scientist said: "We basically just made plant killer and fertilizer." But the rest of the scientists didn't think that way. Some citizens didn't care, and some were intrigued.
Project Omega
# Project Omega-7
Project Omega-7
# Promjoran Law Promjoran Law, also known as Promjoran Primogeniture is a law of succession that is used in the Kingdom of Runa, by the Monarchy and the Peerage. Background. Promjoran Law, TBA
Promjoran Law
# Prophet Haznar
Prophet Haznar
# Protest of shenzhen The Protest of shenzhen was a Humanitarian crisis that would result in a domino affect resulting in the independence of Hong Kong which would later on become the Hong Kong Emporium.
Protest of shenzhen
# Provinces of Sudland
Provinces of Sudland
# Prudencio Armando Prudencio Heriberto Glauco Armando (born February 27, 1961), mostly known as Prudencio Armando is a Marquesian politician who currently serves as the 34th President of the Federative Republic of Marques.
Prudencio Armando
# Puerto Rico The Empire of Puerto Rico is a Country in The Caribbean That Owns A Lot of Land and Occupies a lot of it
Puerto Rico
# Puerto Rico (Reign of Kings) Puerto Rico, officially the Captaincy General of Puerto Rico is a Spanish Overseas Territory within the northeast Caribbean Sea, approximately 1,000 miles (1,600 km) southeast of Miami, Florida. History. to be added Government and Politics. Executive Branch. The territory operates as a parliamentary democracy. Ultimate executive authority in Puerto Rico is vested in the King, and is exercised on his behalf by the Governor General of Puerto Rico. The governor is appointed by the King on the advice of the Overseas Minister. Defence and most foreign affairs remain the responsibility of Spain. The head of government under the constitution is the Premier who is appointed by governor-general, and is the leader of the party with the most seats in the House of Representatives, Executive power is exercised by the cabinet is nominated by the Premier and appointed and chaired by the Governor, and drawn from his supporters in the House of Representatives. Legislative Branch. The Autonomous Constitution of 1897 establishes an Island Parliament, divided into two chambers, the Board of Directors (upper house) is made up of 15 individuals, appointed by the Overseas Minister on the advice of the governor. The House of Representatives (lower house) is composed of 51 members which are elected from single-member districts across the Captaincy General. Elections are held roughly every four years. Judicial Branch. to be added Administrative divisions. There are 78 municipalities. Municipalities are subdivided into "barrios", and those into sectors. Each municipality has a mayor and a municipal legislature elected to four-year term.
Puerto Rico (Reign of Kings)
# Pyongyang Pyongyang is one of the oldest cities in Korea. It was the capital of two ancient Korean kingdoms, Gojoseon and Goguryeo, and served as the secondary capital of Goryeo. Much of the city was destroyed during the First Sino-Japanese War, but it was revived under Japanese rule and became an industrial center. Following the establishment of North Korea in 1948, Pyongyang became its "de facto" capital. The city was again devastated during the Korean War, but was quickly rebuilt after the war with Soviet assistance.