# OfficialZodokin The official Zodokin YouTube channel that does television channels, news, government videos, cultures, musics, full episodes, documentaries, trailers, relationships, tutorials, military news, and president speeches.
# Ohcland Ohcland (officially The United Boroughs of Ohcland; French: Arrondissements Unis d'Ohcland) is a small island nation located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Western Europe near the Celtic Sea. This small nation is known for its unique culture, work ethic, and rocky shores. History. Kingdom of Ohcland. ~1100-1921 Believed to have been founded around 1100 the Kingdom of Ohcland was ruled over by the Dupont family throughout its entire existence. Not much is know about the history of Ohcland before their rule. It is believed much of the culture of ancient Ohcland has been destroyed. King Théophile Dupont was the ruling monarch from 1915-1921. 1921 Revolution. 1921 Seven Years of Unrest. 1922-1929 Ohcland Commons (Commune d'Ohcland). 1929-1935 United Boroughs of Ohcland. 1935-Present In 1935 seeing the rise in far-right politics across the European continent, a rapidly failing economy, and growing tensions between factions across the Ohcland Commons, the first National Workers Council was created and met in Ostan on February 11. On September 4. The September Accords were ratified by the 1st National Workers Council. These accords dictated the creation of a formal state, currency, a charter of rights, a national labor board, and more. In the first call for representatives was put out in the beginning of 1936, the newly founded Workers Unity Party took an overwhelming 63% of seats in the National Workers Council with Noël Christeau appointed as the first National Chairman. When civil war broke out in Spain in July of 1936 there was much debate over whether Ohcland should send volunteers or if they should remain out of the conflict. In a vote split amongst coalition lines, it was decided that Ohcland stay out of the Spanish conflict in favor of focusing on domestic matters. This did not sit well with many citizens and in the 1938 Call for Representatives, the Workers Unity Party lost many of their seats. This had widespread consequences as local policies intended to unify the new nation were reverted. When the Second World War broke out Ohcland aligned itself with the Allied Forces as a major trading partner and center for manufacturing. The conflict helped reunify the nation around a common cause at a time where it appeared to be splitting apart once more due to disagreement over how the National Workers Council handled the Spanish Civil War response. Politics. Elections. Elections, known as A Call for Representatives are held every 2 years in every borough across Ohcland. Citizens vote for their local Borough Workers Council directly in a popular, rank voting system. Citizens of a borough may recall their local councilmembers but cannot recall their National Workers Council representative until their full term has been served. Legislature. National Workers Council. The National Workers Council (NWC) is a national collection of senior Borough Worker Councilmembers. The NWC as a body legislates for the entire nation of Ohcland and is responsible for appointing a National Chairperson who is the executive head of Ohcland. The National Chairperson is typically the most senior member of the majority party. The National Chairperson of the 42nd National Workers Council is Sara Macron who is the leader of the Workers Unity Party. Borough Workers Council. Every 2 years a call for representatives is put out and citizens of Ohcland vote on members for their local Borough Workers Council (BWC). Members of BWC legislate local communities. The size of a BWC is dependant on the regulatory procedures of a particular Borough. The senior-most member of a BWC is the representative of that Borough to the National Workers Council. Each Borough only sends 1 representative to the National Workers Council. Laws. Charter of Rights. In 1935 as part of The September Accords, the Charter of Rights was enacted, granting freedoms, guarantees, human rights to all. The Right of Expression; Guarantees the right of free thought, free association, public inquiry, public assembly, and the right to hold a religious belief without censorship or restriction. The Right of Self-Governance; Guarantees the right of Boroughs to local self-governance, the election of political representatives, the ability to recall representatives*, and the right to amend all governing documents, laws, and procedures. "*The right to recall representatives does not apply to National Workers Council members." The Right to Equality; Guarantees that all persons within the borders of Ohcland are governed fairly and equally under the Charter of Rights without prejudice due to ones; race, national origin, sex, status in government, occupation, language, union affiliation, or religious preference. In 1988 this right was expanded to include sexual orientation. It has been the opinion of high courts that the word '"sex" is an all-encompassing term that includes gender identity, gender, and sexual stereotypes. In 2018 it was once again expanded, to include learning, mental and physical disability. The Right to Housing; Guarantees that all persons are provided sufficient housing. The Right to Welfare and Dignity; Guarantees that persons have access to sufficient medical care, food, clean drinking water, a meaningful occupation, and foundational education. The Right to Unionize; Guarantees that all working people have the right to join a union of their choice to protect their interests in the workplace. The Right of Judicial Procedure; Guarantees a public trial by jury, search and seizure by court order only, the right against self-incrimination, the right to arbitration, the guarantee of habeas corpus, freedom from political detention, and reasonable sentencing. Adult Industries. Sex work and pornography are legal for persons over the age of 19 although the occupation and consumption of adult labor is heavily regulated. All sex workers must be card-carrying members of an adult industries union in order to ensure compliance with local and national regulations. This also helps ensure that workers have entered the trade via their own free will and not coercion or force. Violation of Adult Industries labour regulations can be met with harsh fines and jail time. Alcohol and Smoke Products. Alcohol, cannabis, and tobacco products are legal to purchase, possess, and consume for all persons age 17 and older. The importing of cannabis products is forbidden to protect domestic cooperatives. Firearms. Firearms are legal to possess and own for all persons over the age of 18. Firearms for non-active military members are limited for hunting and sport only. Press Freedoms. Journalists must be a card-carrying member of one of the four press unions in order to receive credentials and the rights of access it provides. The four press unions currently recognized are; "The Press Workers Union", Association Internationale des Journalistes ("The International Association of Journalists)", "Broadcasters United, "and the "IWW Freelance Journalists Union". The International Association of Journalists is only open to members who are on a foreign correspondence assignment from another nation. It has 311 members from foreign print, radio, television, and digital media outlets as of November 2020. Vehicle Operation. The minimum age to operate a motor vehicle, motorized sea vessel, or aircraft in Ohcland is 16. The maximum age to operate a motor vehicle or aircraft is 76. There is no maximum age to operate sea vessels. Agricultural vehicles are exempt from the Code of Vehicle Operations.
# Okano Shojiro Okano Shojiro is the Prime minister of Kimsu and the leader of the Kimsu Hope Party. He is a descendant of Li Shojiro, but is not on speaking terms with the Gonsunese side of his family. Honours and awards. Stranger Companion Equite of the Order of the Runan Blackbird- Awarded by Runan King Arthur IV in the 2022 King's Conditacena Honours. Galerian Order of Merit- Awarded during a state visit to Galeria in 2010.
Okano Shojiro
# Olaf Miener Olaf Miener (born 3 October 1980), is a South German- politician who is the Prime Minister of Sudland from 2019 until his defeat in the 2022 South German presidential election. He is the first Asian ruler of Sudland. He is also the former South German Ambassador to Vietnam from 2012 to 2017.
Olaf Miener
# Old Dynasty The old Dynasty is a Binditist Chinese Horde Located in what is now Macau and Hong Kong. The old dynasty has gone through a lot of Changes, including their territory Formation. A person simply called "Juni" migrated from Siberia to Southern China in 2012 BC for trading. He later migrated from South China to Hong Kong. He later colonized Macau and made Tini Biang the new Emperor.
Old Dynasty
# Old Stakan
Old Stakan
# Oleg Sulzer Oleg Sulzer is the 32nd President of Galeria. He was first elected as president in the 2018 general election and is the leader of the Galerian Labour Party. He is very popular with the Galerian people, having passed several laws to increase quality of education and healthcare as well as laws surrounding LGBTQ+ rights, such as banning conversion therapy. His popularity has recently gone up to 83% in opinion polls, the highest since being elected into office, due to his efficient response to the COVID-19 pandemic which significantly slowed the death and infection rates in Galeria. Biography. Oleg Sulzer was born on the 8th June 1976 and grew up in Armstadt, Sâreni's largest district. He studied History and Political Science at the University of Sâreni, and graduated with a bachelor's degree in both subjects in 1998 and obtained a GCTQ (Galerian Certificate of Teaching Qualification) in 1999. Shortly afterwards, he began teaching as a career. He met his future husband, George Sulzer, at university in 1994 and they began dating in 1995. They married in 2010 when gay marriage was legalised in Galeria. Whilst a Labour voter for all of his life, he officially joined the Galerian Labour Party in 2000 whilst working as a teacher and gained his position as MP for Armstadt North in the 2001 by-election following the previous MP's assassination by members of an extremist faction of the then-banned Political Potato Party. Sulzer quickly rose to prominence within his party and eventually became Minister of Education during a 2010 cabinet reshuffle. Sulzer was elected as leader of the labour party in 2018 after Nadia Eich stepped down due to the presidential term limit. He won the general election alongside new deputy leader Angela Peters with a total of 308 seats. Political positions. Social Issues. Abortion. Sulzer is unapologetically pro-choice and is responsible for passing the law that fully legalised abortion. Death Penalty. During his 2018 election campaign, Sulzer said in a interview he would support the death penalty remaining as it is- for pedophiles only: "for someone to ruin a child's life like that, I believe the punishment is more than suitable." Drugs. Sulzer supports legalisation and regulation of marijuana and decriminalisation of other drugs, believing that "the only way to win the war on drugs is by helping those the dealers exploit." Education. As a former teacher and Minister of Education, he is passionate about educating children and believes everyone should be able to study for the qualifications they want without the burden of tuition fees. He once controversially called creationist protestors campaigning for evolution being taught in schools to be banned "fools who seem to actively despise scientific progress." Gun Rights. Sulzer was one of the ministers responsible for drawing up the "one strike and you're out" system in 2011, which introduced stronger gun regulation and he still maintains this view. Religion. Whilst he advocates for freedom of religion, Sulzer believes that religion should not have a direct influence on government policy. During a speech, he stated that "secularisation is the way forward" and that "involvement of the church in state affairs is a concept of the dark ages that has prolonged itself for too long." Economic Issues. Taxation. Sulzer supports higher taxation on the super rich, and numerous crackdowns on tax evasion and avoidance have happened during his presidency (drawn up by scrolling through landlord/business advice TikTok and closing every loophole they mention). Honours and awards. Medal of Service to the Galerian Republic - Awarded in 2003 for setting up a foodbank in his constituency with his own money. Honorary Doctorate of Political Science - Awarded in 2019 by The University of Sâreni. Grant of Arms - Granted by Chief Heraldic Officer of Galeria Markus Vinther upon assuming the presidency. Imperial Order of Friendship - Awarded in 2018 on Sulzer's first diplomatic visit to Kimsu as president by Emperor Zhanqing XVII. Stranger Companion Equite of the Order of the Runan Blackbird- Awarded by Runan King Arthur IV in the 2022 King's Conditacena Honours. CrumpetEnjoyer Seal of Approval - Awarded for "making Galerian law based ["sic"]".
Oleg Sulzer
# Oliver Drümpterzeed Oliver Idirk Drömpterzeed (born 17 November 1972) is a Davernish politician currently serving as Chief Justice of the Davernish High Court.
Oliver Drümpterzeed
# Olpasia Olpasia is a country north of Canada and south of Karichia. It's capitol city is the city of Faran. Military. The Military of Olpasia was established in 1936 following the leave of the British Army. Weapons. Issue Rifle: MN94 Issue LMG: M1971MG Issue SMG: SP76 Issue Tank: L33NMBT Issue Rocket: BMMD-1 Issue Fighter Jet: Owl S-34 Issue Helicopter(s): Chinook, HN74, NpH98 Timeline. 1734: Immigrants from India find this land, them and the natives live in peace together. 1740: The Olpasi Empire is established, eastern Russia and the west coast of Canada are taken by Olpasi troops. 1783: The British become sour after losing the 13 colonies, they set off on a journey and find Olpasia, they then capture it as a colony. 1800: The Industrial Revolution reaches Olpasia, all sorts of new machines are introduced. 1854: The first electricity system reaches Olpasia, although most people couldn't afford it, this was a big step in industrial life. 1861: Olpasi workers work harder to support the United States in their own civil war. 1914: (WW1) Neutral, although many Olpasi men were enlisted into the British Army. 1930s: Olpasi copes well with the Great Depression at the beginning but soon the economy collapses. 1936: Olpasia gains independence from the UK, Olpasi Royal Military is established. 1940: Germany invades western Olpasia, Olpasi troops fight back. 1944: Battle of Faran happens, Germany is expelled from North America. 1946: West Asian war happens with UK. UK wants the Olpasi Colonies of Egypt, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. 1947: West Asian war ends, All colonies involved in the war get their independence. 1956: Paramilitary groups supported by Pakistan spring up in the Indian state of Punjab, Olpasia helps defend the state. 1960: A coup d'etat is staged by the leader of the paramilitary group known as Free Olpasia (This name is ironic as the group's destiny is to assassinate the leader, make their leader become dictator, and segregate men from women, they also will kill anyone that speaks out against them.) 1965: Free Olpasia wins the war and Alzia Al Assad becomes dictator, Free Olpasi becomes the Ka'rath party. 1981: Protests against the dictator spring up, Ka'rath forces use bullets and extensive force. The peaceful protests become a full-fledged revolution. 1982: Alzia Al Assad is assassinated. Federation of Olpasia becomes a country again. 1983: Olpasia recovers quickly, China launches missiles at them after the dictator is assassinated and Olpasia declares war. 1990: Olpasia wins the war. 2001: IMSO (A paramilitary group) bombs the Peace Tower in Faran. 2 weeks later, the parliament building is attacked. 2003: Olpasia cuts ties with U.S. because of the unnecessary Invasion of Iraq. 2010: Olpasia imposes travel ban to Karichia because of rising tensions. 2015: Olpasia raises its support for Saudi Arabian backed fighters in Saudi Arabia-Iran proxy wars. 2020: COVID-19 restrictions are imposed
# Omega Omega is a Material found near the mantle of the earth.
# Omega-6 "For the project: Project Omega, click here." Omega-6 is a substance that could grow plants, trees, and more.
# Omega-7 "For the project: Project Omega, click here." Omega-7 is a substance that could kill plants, trees, and more.
# Omega Federation The Omega Federation is the current country of Harvard Island. Founding. The Omega Republic turned to use the federal system and the country became a Federation. Pinewood-Innovation Wars. War of Babel. Following the start of the Third Space Race,Pinewood has interest on a planet named Babel,an ocean planet with a 10000 floored building.The Pinewood navy was attacked by the Water Monsters there but was safe due to the engines is hot.In the air,they began bombing the building and causing it to collapse.The aliens fought back by throwing huge spears to damage aircraft.But the damage to the tower caused the tower to collapse.The war was over. War on Seia. Planet Seia,a ocean planet in the Innovation-owned Innovste System was discovered by Pinewood and made a base there.The base was bombed and the Pinewood military there fought back,the Omega Federation started attacking back and won the Planet. Battle of Eucharisa. Eucharsia is a habitable planet in the Eva System.The Innovation side conquered the content of Eudain while the Pinewood side conquered the content of Rueohd.The kingdom of Eucharisa fought back was lost.The last queen of Eucharsia was killed by Innovation.But the Pinewood also stormed the city and burst in the thorne room where the queen’s head was.A small skirmish killed the governor there and the Innovation side retreated.The Second in-command general’s head was cut off a mouth after the battle by the Innovation government for his ‘Cowardice’.The victory made Edward Cloux the third and Yienea Cloux to go to Eucharia but Edward died from cancer.An emergency stop on Torben(a habitable planet with no aliens which is under the OF government) was made and a tomb of edward was built. Battle of Torben. News of the death of edward was heard by fake Madattak.He ordered to attack Torben as it’s next target.An operation successfully brought edward’s body back to earth but Yienea died from a heart attack after hearing news about the invasion.Yienea’s son became the ruler of the OF.Torben fell after Innovation rule. Innovation Discovery and Research Ship 2.0 disaster. Green Goo,a werid thing made by meat,electricity and Omega,is a acidic thing that can burn threw metal.Green Goo is imported by the OF but the secret was found by the Innovation government.Green goo proved useful,but no one knows the dangers to humans.The answers was shown when the Innovation Discovery and Research Ship 2.0’s cloning mechice malfunctioned and turned 1 person to a huge zombie,self destruct is ordered and people evacuated the ship,which was in it’s maiden voyage.The zombies got 24 people infected and all died after self-destruct.What’s left of the ship fell down to Planet Seia and hit a water city. Collpais War. The planet Collpais is like the planet Mustafar from star wars.War started there when a pinewood space colony orbiting around the planet suffered major damage.The Omega Federation used a terraforming laser to cool the planet.The Aliens in Collpais all froze to death the war was won. War in Naban. War happens in Naban following the capture of a research group sent by pinewood.The Naban army failed to protect their planet and retreated to Naboot for a final stand.The Kingdom of Naban surrenders. Droid Wars. Innovation.inc is unhappy that their ally,The Kingdom of Naban betrayed them.They allied themselves with Birtart,an icy planet which is the birthplace of Droid Warfare.In the planet of Feffa,natives there with pinewood forces are crushed by the huge amount of innovation and Birtart droids.The Droid Wars begins.Both sides made thousands of millions of droids and send them to battle.Many mining plants are damaged.And lot’s metal shortages caused the war to end. Naban Civil War. Separatists in Naban conducted a Space Blockade for a month.Nothing can go in or out.War finally started with a space plane shot down by separatist forces.Separatists raids the capital of Naban and outs the monarch and some military commanders in exile.Both inside and outside the planet,allies of the Kingdom of Naban struggled to destory the blockade.Major battles starts in the peaceful plains.A small weakness in the blockade was found and a major space battle on Naban starts with the Naban Royal Forces and Pinewood victorious.They stormed the capital and the monarchy was restored. Edeni System war. The deadliest ever conflict in the history of mankind.Mostly due to the destruction of a innocent planet with 9.3 billion people living on it.The Edeni System war is a huge war that shocked the world.Fighting breaks out on the entire system and some fighting in some other systems.One of the most terrifying and deadliest battle,the battle of Tarok or battle of the death star-1 was fought in this war.The war was won by Pinewood,the Russian Republic, American Empire and the Democratic Republic of Tarok. Sabot War. This horrible war started following the defeat of the Sarith Empire and Innovation Japan in the Edeni System War.O-bombs were dropped on the planet of Sabot,killing many aliens.The war ends with Pinewood victory. War on Ashdi. This is one of the most important war in the history of pinewood and innovation.inc.A butterfly effect has caused the following things. Mass evacuations started at the first of the war as the moon will fall on the planet and a droid war begins.The war ends with many droids destoryed,the moons colliding and falling to it’s planet and the crash of the Innovation Research and Discovery spaceship.But also,a huge factor of this war is that this will be the start of the end of innovation.inc.With the secret of the current chairman of the company is a TMS imposter.The surviving ISS(Innovation research and discovery SpaceShip) crew members trusted diddleshot and helped pinewood to navigate the Innovation HQs.And being pinewood spies.All of this caused the defeat of Innovation during the War of Innovation-1.
Omega Federation
# Omega Republic
Omega Republic
# On this Day (Test) this is a test, if you want to add stuff, then comment it and i will add it
On this Day (Test)
# Oofian Oofian is the language spoken by Noobs. Old Oofian. Old oofian is weird words which is pronounced in Oofs.The ‘A’ of the language is pronounced as ‘o’.While the ‘z’ is pronounced as Oooooooooooooooooooooooooof. Modern Oofian. Oofian today is not all oofs.Every single words either has ‘o’,’oo’ or ‘oof’ as it’s first words.Such as Robloxian becomes Oofbloxian.
# Operation Communication Breakdown Operation Communication Breakdown was millitary operation led by The Kingdom of Runa against the Weston Republic, during the Multiverse War. The objective of the operation was cut off the Weston Republic from the world by deystroying key communication infrastructure, disabling the internet, and putting the power grid offline. Timeline. June 18. At approximately 7:00 AM CEST, the Runan Cyber Warfare Division launched a disruptive cyber attack on the Westin Republic, codenamed Operation Communication Breakdown, which put the gird off line, disabled the internet, and override Weston's Nuclear Codes. The attack left the country in darkness, and the westonian internet was down for over 12 hours. At 9:00 AM CEST, No.1 SQN Runis, as well as planes from NATO allies, such as Italy, Greece, France and the US, launched a heavy airstrike on Leige, destroying key communication infrastructure such as cell phone towers and telephone exchanges. June 19. At 12:00 AM CEST 19/06/22, No.5 SQN (Caris), as well as planes from NATO allies, such as France, the US, The UK, Italy and Greece, launched a heavy air strike on Bridgetown, destroying its cellphone towers, and half of the Bridgetown Re-education School. At. 2:00 AM CEST, the Runan Cyberwarfare division temporarily paused the attack in order to allow citizens to use power to keep themselves warm overnight.
Operation Communication Breakdown
# Operation Jury Operation Jury is the code name of a secret infiltration of the Runan capital, Runis. History. Bombing of Runis. In the earlier hours of July 3rd, Westonian Special Forces personeel entered Runis, supported by 45 bomber attacked Runis. The Runan Armed Forces, were not prepared for the attack, and reacted when it was too late. Though fighter jets eventually entered the skies, the bomber mangaed to do signifcant damage to several Runan Government Buildings, including the Senate House, Lucretia Palace, Bascilica D'Runa and Libertus House, before being shot down. The Special Forces soldiers were confronted by Runan Soldiers, and around 40 were arrested by civilians. A small group of the Westonic Special Forces soldiers made it to the gates of Lucretia Palace, but were shot at by the Praetorian Guard. Several of these soldiers were wounded or killed, with all of the surviving members being arrested and taken as Prisoners of War. Attacks on the Runan and British Military Bases. After the Bombing of Runis, Westonic Planes bombed several millitary bases such as Minerva Military Camp in Iliés, Neptune Naval Complex in Carscano, and Pristés Naval Complex in Epava. Unlike the initial attack on Runis, the Runan Armed Forces were prepared for the attack and managed to shoot down many westonic bombers. Aftermath. At 7:00 AM CEST, Arthur IV addressed the nation, calling the Westonic Forces "facist scumbags", "anti-human" and "warmongering". At 7:30 AM CEST, with the support of the Senate (the members of whom he personally rung), the King officially and formally declared war on the Weston Republic. The Runan Senate's base of operations was moved to the Prince Cornelius Theater whilst the senate house was being rebuilt
Operation Jury
# Operation Misty Mountain Hop
Operation Misty Mountain Hop
# Operation No Quarter Operation No Quarter is an ongoing millitary operation being undertaken by NATO, against the Weston Republic. Operations. Phase One. At 5:30 AM CEST, over 200 bombers and fighters attacked the abandoned city of Leige. The attack destroyed City Hall and Leige Tower, and set Downtown on fire. During phase one, Runan pilot Aviatore Stefanés Melloni reported to his superiors in Runis that: "La Vexillium De La Westonic Feccia ex turri ceceit" [The flag of the Westonic Scum has fallen from their tower] To which his superiors replied:"Egregie Aviatore" [Very Good , Aviatore]
Operation No Quarter
# Operation Nyx Operation Nyx was a highly classified and controversial intelligence operation carried out by the GNSA and GSIS from the end of WW2 to the final years of the Cold War. Its primary objective was to "Protect the sovereignty of the Constitution of the Republic of Galeria from the growing threat of communist expansion by whatever means necessary" by ensuring that Galeria would never become a satellite state of the USSR like its neighbours. They were able do this due to the fact that the Galerian intelligence services had remained mostly intact during the war, coordinating the efforts of resistance fighters from a network of hidden safehouses and facilities. The operation and its two main components were named after the ancient Greek goddess Nyx (night), and the twin deities Hypnos (sleep) and Thanatos (death), Nyx's children. Hypnos. The objective of Hypnos was to build an extensive network of spies within Warsaw Pact governments, militaries, intelligence and law enforcement organisations to gather intelligence and get close to high ranking officials so they could be easily assassinated if needed, collapsing the enemy from the inside. Notable assassinations included the killing of Damir Stehlík, dictator of the People's Republic of Bakaslia, at the hands of his own wife in 1956. Citizens of these countries who held anti-communist views were recruited, as well as Galerian nationals who would "defect". The positions they infiltrated varied greatly from high ranking intelligence officers to the secretaries and even spouses of government officials. The identities of these assets were highly classified and nobody had a full list of names - they were separated into 3 lists that were split between 3 GSIS section chiefs, and no more than two of those chiefs could attend a given Wisemännen Komitee meeting. Regular GSIS agents were also sent into the field to serve as handlers and were normally assigned 1-3 operatives to meet with and gather information from. They were not aware of other Hypnos assets but memorised lists of incorrect names (normally of senior members of the KGB, GRU and other enemy intelligence organisations) to disclose in the event of capture and were trained to resist most forms of torture, though they were expected to commit suicide if necessary. Cyanide capsules were hidden in various objects, including watches, jewellery, pens, and even the arms of eyeglasses. One of the most notable handlers was Hugo Schormann, the consul of the Galerian embassy in Moscow who was discovered and assassinated in retaliation for the death of Damir Stehlík. Whilst Hypnos officially ended when the iron curtain fell, it merely evolved into the GSIS's massive network of spies across the world. Thanatos. Thanatos was the GNSA's component of Operation Nyx, designed to prevent the Soviets from installing a puppet government. This was done by infiltrating various far-left political parties that were in support of the USSR and manipulated the leadership to create internal conflict, causing the parties to separate into splinter groups that would be unwilling to form coalitions with each other. If a party managed to withstand the GNSA's manipulations, their leader would be assassinated and another senior member framed in order to create a power vacuum and further distrust. Paramilitary organisations such as the Conservative Party's "Wachterkorps" and Labour Party's "Weit Vigels" who had been used against the Nazis during the war were also used to attack Soviet forces that remained behind, which the government could then officially condemn but back in secret. Thanatos ended in 1989 and the GNSA no longer actively targets communist parties - the Galerian Communist Party currently holds several seats in parliament. Command. Operation Nyx was overseen by the Wisemännen Komitee (English: "Wisemen's Committee"), a board of delegates selected from the Galerian Intelligence agencies. Controversially, they answered only to the president but were even known to withdraw information from them. For example, they neglected to inform many left-leaning presidents (including Arthur Sundermann) about the full extent of Thanatos for fear that they would object and the project would be dissolved. Legacy. The existence of Operation Nyx was first leaked to the public by investigative journalists in 2000, and after immense public pressure various files relating to the operation - albeit heavily redacted ones - have been declassified since 2001 though most of the operation remains top secret. Former Presidents and Director-Generals of the Galerian intelligence services have expressed some regret for the unethical methods used in Thanatos but insisted that it was a necessary evil to maintain Galeria's independence, as they were surrounded by Warsaw pact states.
Operation Nyx
# Operation Pearl of the East Operation Pearl of the East is a code name of the Invasion of the Hong Kong SAR during the start of the Great Eurasian War. Following the invasion of Taiwan of Operation Xiamen, Allied leaders began to find a suitable candidate to invade, their choice was Hong Kong. The invasion surprised the Chinese Government and they scrambled to send troops to defend the SAR. The first two days were “calm” with only fighting with the Police Tactical Unit of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Garrison. After May 7, Chinese reinforcements arrived and fighting became even more intense. The Coalition will later drive the Chinese forces out of Hong Kong and invade Shenzhen and Macau. Background. Large amounts of Chinese troops were grouping on the opposite of the Taiwan Strait. Triggering the Fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis in 2028. President Joe Biden and other world leaders scrambled to meditate both sides. Taiwan mobilises their troops and prepares for invasion. Military aid was being pumped to both sides. China orders Taiwan to stand down their troops while Taiwan argues that China should do it, not them. The crisis escalated after China fired several missiles to the strait. Then, in 2031, April 23rd, Taiwan was blockaded by China. Realising invasion was inevitable, the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan and their allies scrambled to send troops to Taiwan. Then, in 2031, May 5th, the invasion began. Allied Leaders launched Operation Pearl of the East following the declaration of war by China. A combined Anglo-Americans force, joined by Taiwanese volunteers and the Japanese Military prepares for the 5-day long invasion of Hong Kong. Their Strategy is simple, invade the outlaying islands, invade Hong Kong Island, the Kowloon and the New territories and Lantau Island. After finishing off the Chinese in Hong Kong, the Allied Forces will invade Shenzhen using the land border and the bridges. Timeline. May 5. Invasion of Dangan Island. Dangan Island is a outlaying island with a small population, however, it’s now used as an Army Camp as the threat of invasion is near. At Hong Kong time 11:32 am, an Allied squadron bombed the island, killing much of the Chinese troops there. The invasion was met with little resistance. Bombing of the Hong Kong International Airport. During the invasion of Dangan Island, missiles were launched from the Florida-Class Missile Destroyers from the blockade. Their target was the Hong Kong International Airport’s runways to stop any planes from landing or taking off. The bombing was met with criticism by some military officials of the allies due to it was a civilian airport. As some missiles were inaccurate, some hit the terminal buildings of the airport. 1 hit the airport hotel and another one hit Asia World Expo. Other than those, the other missiles succeeded with damaging the 3 runways of the Airport. Bomber planes were also called to inflict more damage to the airport. The result of the bombing was the HKIA inoperable with all runways damaged. The Allies also have total air superiority over Hong Kong with the Government Flying Service’s HQ bombed in the airport. Invasions of Po Toi, Beaufort Island and Sung Kong. The Invasion of these three islands were met with little to no resistance, unless you count the Police Patrol Boats patrolling the regions. However, the invasions frightened civilian tourists. Invasion of Shek O. The invasion of Shek O began with the 5th and 6th Coalition Amphibious Assault Battalions landing at Cape D’Aguilar. The Hong Kong Police was first to know of this and sent a message to the Hong Kong Garrison saying: 「他們來了!美軍來了!」(“They are here! The Americans are here!”) The Garrison began transporting troops to Shek O, while the Hong Kong Government orders an evacuation of civilians except the males who can fight. The Invasion of Shek O was relatively less violent with the other campaign at Stanley, facing resistance from the local police force. Major fighting only began when the 2 battalions neared Chai Wan. Invasion of Stanley. While the Shek O invasion was carrying out, Stanley was invaded by the 7 and 8th AmAs Battlaions. Due to a military base was stationed there, the urban warfare began in Tung Tau Wan. Coalition troops landed in Bluff Head, a pretty risky place to land due to a Prison and the military base is nearby. 3 Charles-Class Destroyers and 2 Keller-class Cruisers opened fire at Bluff Head before the landings. However, the troops there already evacuated the military base, holding a defensive position at the Stanley Prison and the town of Tung Tau Wan. Siege of the Stanley Prison Day 1. The 8th AmAs Battalion was tasked with the Siege of the prison while the 7th one was tasked with capturing Tung Tau Wan. The 8th Battalion moved alongside the Wong Ma Kok road while hiding themselves in the trees. The Garrison was prepared for this and mines were hidden in the forest. Soldiers were blown up by mines and the explosions pit-pointed their positions and the defenders of Stanley Prison starts firing at the trees. They were later ambushed by a group of the Stanley Army Force. The attack was later repelled and the Battalion held their position. The Battalion was pinned down by enemy fire for the rest of the day and set up camp on the smoking remains of the Stanley Military Base. Battle of Tung Tau Wan. The 7th Battalion was joined by the Coalition 1st Armoured Company at St. Stephen’s Beach and launched an assault on Tung Tau Wan. The 7th Battalion breached a wall and started raiding the Tung Tau Correction Institution. A SAF force failed to protect the Institution and the Coalition forces began to surround the Stanley Prison. The Police Force in the prison failed to stop the advance with a roadblock and the SAF and the police force was forced to shut themselves inside the prison complex. However, the roadblock caused some time to stop the 7th Battalion from besieging the prison by launching an ambush which failed. The city was then later captured with the Stanley Prison surrounded by Coalition troops. Pro-Democratic Protesters and other rioters and protesters detained in the prison was executed to prevent the Coalition from saving them. Battle of Stanley. The Hong Kong Garrison successfully deployed around 1000 troops to Stanley during the Battle of Tung Tau Wan. Which caused the high command of the coalition to face with a difficult question. Sacrifice troops in a frontal assault or bomb Stanley which is fulled of civilians. Meanwhile, the 7th battalion already moved troops to a position near the Stanley Post office when they were ambushed by Chinese forces. More reinforcements arrived and Lieutenant colonel Nur Alexis requested air support and retreated. The defenders of Stanley held their position and prepared for a second wave, however, attack helicopters from the 3rd helicopter squadron bombarded Stanley and Chinese positions were broken. Chinese reinforcements clashed with the Allied troops, but the allies gained the upper hand and Stanley was captured by the allies. Chinese forces retreated to Red Hill and Repulse Bay. Allied troops also began setting up camp in Stanley. May 6. Siege for Stanley Prison day 2. The siege is coming into a standstill, the SAF and police still held the prison and Chinese reinforcements are coming. Admiral Meine Emmie orders Attack Helicopters to be sent to break the siege. The battalion retreats to the Stanley Military Base, which during that time, the helicopters was just launched from the Helicopter Carrier, USS Makin Island. At 5:00AM HK time, the 3rd Helicopter Squadron flew back to Hong Kong Island for a attack on the Stanley Prison. The attack was devastating with much of the Prison Complex destroyed and fires still burning when the 8th Battalion besieged the ruined prison. With morale destroyed and much confusion along the ranks, the defence plan was ineffective when Allied forces stormed the prison. The prison was taken by allied forces at 6:48 am. Battle of Repulse Bay. The 7th Battalion began rapidly advancing towards Repulse Bay, which was now used as camp by the 23rd Battalion of the HKG. The first engagement of both sides happened as “The Lilly”, a condominium complex. The 31st company in charge of the defence of the complex failed and was forced to fight in other people’s apartments. USS Kennedy, the Spanish ship Carlos and HMS Fawkes opened fire at Repulse Bay and USS Okinawa prepares for the beach landing. The 7th Battalion began to attack the Hong Kong International School at about 7:30 in the morning. Which was used as the HQ of the 23rd Battalion. Police reinforcements failed to help as the superior allied troops occupied the school in just 30 minutes. However, the Hong Kong Garrison sent more troops to the bay. The 24th and 25th battalions were rapidly approaching the bay. The 24th battalion already made it to the bay and set up a position at the Repulse Bay apartments. The 2 battalions clashed at the Repulse Bay hotel at 8:12 am. Reinforcements arrived too, landing on the beach just a few minutes after the engagement at the hotel started. The battle ended in an allied victory, the 25th battalion was ordered to set up a defence at Deep Water Bay. To counter this, the allied troops ordered an invasion of Ocean Park and Wong Chuk Hang in order to out flank the enemy. Battle of Ocean Park. The 9th and 10th battalions were tasked with the Operation codenamed as Mariana. The 10th battalion was in charge of the controversial Battle of Ocean Park. The 10th Battalion landed in the Summit part of ocean park, with paratrooper reinforcements from the 1st allied paratroops division. This frightened most of the visitors of the park and most world leaders condemned the invasion of a theme park with lot’s of citizens in it. General Zhong Tai, leader of the Hong Kong Garrison, orders more reinforcements to Hong Kong Island. With the 26th, 27th and 28th battalions being shipped and driven across Victoria Harbour. He also dispatched 40 Harbin-Z11s from Shek Kong Airfield. The 40 helicopters of the 1st Helicopter Squadron arrived first at the battlefield, providing air support using their mounted machine guns. However, they also shot civilians along with the allied forces. The 10th battalion was pinned down near the cable car lines of the park. Lieutenant colonel Marjut Camilla orders help. Then at 9:23 am, after refuelling and re-arming, the 3rd Helicopter Squadron was given the task to shoot down the enemy helicopters and reinforcements. The enemy helicopters managed to down some helicopters and when the causalities were too high, the 1st helicopter squadron of the Hong Kong Garrison retreated. The allied helicopters proceeded with a bombing of Ocean Park and the mountain beside it. Much of the reinforcements were killed, but many civilian lives were lost. Battle of Wong Chuk Hang. What’s left of the 25th battalion retreated to Wong Chuk Hang, a neighbouring town for them to stay. What they don’t know is that after a naval and aerial bombardment of the town during the same time as the Battle of Ocean Park, the 9th battalion occupied the town already and has also captured the nearby island, Ap Lei Chau. The 9th and 10th battalions encircled the enemy and crushed them. Battle of the Wan Nai Chong Gap. The battle of the Wan Nai Chong Gap was a battle fought between the 9th and 10th battalions with the 26th, 27th and 28th Battalions. The battle happened when the 4th scout platoon ironically faced bad luck and got attacked by 3 separate chinese battalions. However, they were able to call in for air support and more reinforcements. This will later cause the Battle of Tai Tam. The 9th and 10th battalions sent reinforcements but the whole battle came to a standstill. Battle of Chai Wan. The Battle of Chai Wan or the Siege of Chai Wan is one of the largest battles in the campaign for Hong Kong. Along with the battle’s smaller “twin” Battle of Siu Shai Wan. The 5th and 6th Battalions split into the 31st to 39th companies and surrounded the towns of Chai Wan and Siu Shai Wan. The battle of Siu Shai Wan was much calmer with only a small “Police Garrison” protecting it. However, fearing for the fall of Hong Kong Island, Chinese High Command sent a small detachment of the “Reclamation Fleet” to Hong Kong. Along with the 15th Division, which was transported using the East Rail Line and transport planes. The 34th to 39th companies surrounded Chai Wan while the 31st to 33rd companies surrounded Siu Shai Wan and capturing it not long after. The 34th to 39th companies engaged the division at 11:47 am. They were severely outnumbered, the 31st and 33rd companies rushed to their aid. Meanwhile, the Hong Kong Fleet arrived and 1 cruiser and 2 destroyers bombarded the 31st to 33rd with shells. More reinforcements rushed to arrive and the battle will go on until more reinforcements arrived. The battle officially ended at sometime between 5:30 pm to 5:35 pm. Bombing of Tarmar. When the Battle of Chai Wan raged on, 2 destroyers and a cruiser from the allied fleet sailed to Victoria Harbour and started bombarding Tarmar with shells. And, using missiles, HMS Repulse effectively destroyed the Wan Chai police station and later the military barracks with the Hong Kong Garrison HQ. Realising this happened, Admiral Chan-Hoi of the Fleet orders a cruiser, a destroyer with their escorts to eliminate the enemy ships. Naval Battle of Victoria Harbour. As another shell hits the CGC, a corvette and frigate was eliminated by the allied ships. Captain John Paul of HMS Wellington orders reinforcements as predicted a Chinese fleet was nearby. He was right, a cruiser and destroyer arrived and they with the combined force of other missiles launched from the fleet, sank HMS Repulse and USS Grant. Air support was ordered by John Paul and he gave the order to abandon ship was the ship was hit by another missile. The 3 carriers from the allied fleet responded with launching of Aircraft squadrons 1-4. Squadrons 1-3 will deal with the Chinese fleet while the 4th squadrons will join the bombing run after helping out with the ground troops. The 4th squadron managed to inflict heavy damage to the 3 warships bombarding the ground troops and proceeded to bombing Chai Wan. The 1st-3rd Squadrons overwhelmed the Chinese fleet and the Aircraft Carrier—Fujian sent the 2nd Aircraft Squadron to repel the attack. The 2nd squadrons was wiped out in the attack and the remaining planes of the 4th Squadron arrived at the Chinese fleet. The fleet suffered heavy damage on their ships and many of them were sank as they were unprepared. What is left of the 2nd Aircraft Squadron and the Hong Kong Fleet retreated and the naval battle was over. New Territories Campaign, day 1. The new territories campaign was part of Operation Pearl of the East. It’s goal was to capture New Territories, stop Chinese reinforcements and finally corner and destroy the Chinese forces at Kowloon. Landings started at the Sai Kung East Country Park, with the newly formed New Territories Division (3rd Infantry Division with the 25th armoured battalion) launched an offensive of Sai Kung and Ma On Shan. During the time of the Battle for Stanley, airstrikes were ordered on Sai Kung and the nearby islands. Ma on Shan was later bombed due to a large amount of Chinese troops arriving at the town. Soldiers were dropped from their planes or landing crafts shortly after the Naval Battle of Victoria Harbour. The Ma On Shan Garrison used buses to travel down to Sai Kung. Meanwhile, Soldiers were being transported to Sai Kung mostly by ferries used by the Golf Course on Kai Shai Chu. Chinese troops and allied troops first engaged in combat with an ambush by the 9th and 10th battalions which landed at the country park. In this engagement, the Sai Kung end of the Sai Sha Road was captured by the allies. Any forces that got threw were met with the 11th battalion which just finished capturing Sai Kung. The ensuring firefight was quick and Sai Kung was safely held by the allies. The allied reinforcements also arrived with the 13th to 15th battalions. However, the 15th battalion will later be diverted to Hong Kong Island. The allies later went up the Sai Sha Road, captured the villages along the way. They encountered some enemy resistance in Wu Kai Sha but they were fought off. Then, at around 3:45 pm, Allied forces encountered the Ma On Shan Garrison, starting the Battle of Ma On Shan. The Garrison fought until the very end, in some of the worst and most chaotic urban fighting in Hong Kong. What’s left of the garrison either surrendered or fled using the MTR, which was still evacuating civilians at the time. The Ma On Shan Garrison merged with the Sha Tin Garrison and they turned back to fight. The Battle for Sha Tin was one of the worst battles in the entire campaign, both sides bought more and more reinforcements to capture or hold the city. The battle was won by the Allies and both sides suffered enormous casualties. Chinese supply routes to Kowloon was broken, mostly due to the capture of Tai Wai. The Chinese later bombed the East Rail Line and the line was rendered useless to both sides. The allies were able to hold their positions until the next day when, with additional reinforcements, tried to take Tai Po, which has a lot of Chinese troops there due to the Battle for Sha Tin. May 7. Battle of Victoria Harbour. Following the Siege of Chai Wan, Allied forces began rapidly advancing to Tarmar. Chinese resistance was harsh and brutal urban fighting started. Paratroopers were dropped threw out Hong Kong Island, the 5th and 6th battalions along with the 4th Division faced off the Chinese 16th division and the Hong Kong Garrison. The 9th and 10th battalions were also moving up the island, engaging the Chinese 17th division in Pok Fu Lam. Fighting carried on from the early morning to noon. At noon, Causeway bay was attacked by the 4th division;Sheung Wan was attacked by the 9th and 10th battalions along with the 5th division. At 2:00 pm, the 6th division and the 7th division poured down the mountains after winning separate engagements at Victoria Peak and Tai Nam. Happy Valley was captured and the 5th and 6th divisions began to push into Admiralty. The 7th division and the 4th division began besieging Central. Chinese troops from the Hong Kong Garrison and the 2 divisions on the island hurried the evacuate the island. The Allies bombed the coasts of Victoria Harbour, trapping the Chinese troops on the island. At 4:24pm, the last Chinese troops on the island surrenders and the Battles ends. Battle of Tai Nam. As the urban fighting rages on along Victoria Harbour, the 6th division along with the 9th and 10th battalions pushed the Chinese 26 to 28 battalions out of the Wong Nai Chung Gap. However, the Chinese 18th Division landed on he island and prepared a counterattack. The gap along with Repulse Bay was attacked by the Chinese. The 6th Division stopped the counterattack and advanced to defeat the division. As the 18th Division could provide aid for the Chinese forces fighting at Quarry Bay. Allied forces pushed up the island. Helicopters are used to transport troops and provide reconnaissance. Troops from the ground trekked threw the mountain, they assaulted the Chinese troops near the Reservoirs of Tai Nam. They were finally pinned down at Tai Nam Reservoir and the Chinese troops surrendered. The 6th division later besieged Happy Valley along with the 7th division.
Operation Pearl of the East
# Operation Rohingya Operation Rohingya is a military operation of a military invasion of Poorland.It was proposed after the Weston Republic repeatedly sent threats of moving the population of Kimsu and Galeria to Poorland. It was put to action following the second declaration of war by the Second British Empire. A small Amphibious assault by the British successfully transported British Troops to Poorland, they are currently reaching the capital.
Operation Rohingya
# Operation Waterloo Operation Waterloo was the code name of an invasion of the Democratic Republic of Charles in the Multiverse War and later the Charlesite-Chinese War. Prelude. Following the Second Declaration of war by the Second British Empire, they have plans to invade Charles in the right moment or if talks about arresting the real George Weston fails. Then, in 3/7/2022, Westonic forces which was supported by Charles bombs and invades Runis. Several hours later, the Second British Empire, Normandy and Runa declares war on the Country History. July 3. Following the declaration of war, a coalition fleet of Norman, British and Runan ships began sailing to Charles. They are still currently sailing but war discovered by a scout ship by radar. Scout drones were sent to look for Westonic military presence. Which there wasn’t. July 5. After the Charlesite-Chinese War started, a naval bombardment of of Croissant was planned, the Coalition Croissant Fleet or the Bread Fleet was created from Imperial British and Runan ships. July 7. The Bread Fleet arrived in Charles at around 10AM GMT+8, where they start opening fire to the Croissant Port, the Charlesite navy begins to intervene and the naval bombardment and naval battle of Croissant begins.
Operation Waterloo
# Operation What Is and What Should Never Be Operation What Is and What Should Never Be was a planned military operation, part of the Multiverse War. The goals of the operation were to capture the 84th Westonic Regiment and the Village of Georia, whilst providing support for the Coalition forces already there. History. Background. Following Operation No Quarter, and the capture of Leige, plans were made to support the Coaltion offensive in Victoria City. Following the retreat of the Westonic 84th Regiment, and the beginning of the Siege of Georia, plans were made to aid the coalition's siege efforts. A planning team led by Runan Generale Legies (Brigadier General) Sjhann Ginola. tba
Operation What Is and What Should Never Be
# Ophelia Dräksi Ophelia Zelenon Dräksi was a Sincin/New American revolutionary leader. She is known for leading the New American revolutionaries in the Battle of Polperfaan, and the Battle of Venden, two of the largest battles in the New American Revolutionary War. She was born on Zet 17, 18 BME (October 17, 1837) in Altermriethun, New America, which is now called Sinco, and died on Benjo 38, 134 BY (April 7, 1979) in Trollberg, Igenfelld, Sinco, due to old age at the age of 152. Ophelia Dräksi is recognized as a National Hero by the Sincin government, and there is a massive stone statue of her in central San Marino. Timeline. TBA Medals. Order of the Falcon - Earned in 7 BY during the New American Revolutionary War for bravery during the Defense of San Marino National Medal of Freedom - Earned in 10 BY during the New American Revolutionary War for valor and skill during the Battle of Yulem. TBA
Ophelia Dräksi
# Oppurtunitas La Partito Oppurtunitas (The Opportunities Party) is a centrist Runan Political Party.
# Oprah The Oprahn Republic (República Oprahnia) is a nation located in Western Europe, it consists of 6 provinces. It shares land borders with two countries, Annt and Pigland. Oprah is home to 17 million people making it the 12th most populated country in Europe. Its capital its Oprahnia City,it is home to 2 million. The largest city is Biue, it has a metropolitan population of 5 million. Oprah is a democratic republic with a parliament. The Parliament has 68 seats. Oprah is not apart of the European Union History. -Oprahn people arise from early latin people -Oprah is conquered by Rome -Rome falls -Oprah is conquered by Pigland -Oprah stays conquered by Pigland for a thousand years -Oprah rebels and forms the Oprahn Republic -Oprah stays neutral in both World Wars -Oprah becomes an ally of the Soviet Union during the cold war. -Oprah rebels against communist dictaor -Oprah becomes democracy -Oprah stays neutral in both Estorian Wars -Oprahn president extends term and becomes dictator -Oprah and Annt conflict -Zalewskin and Lavaland conquers Oprah -Oprah gains independence
# Orbsha Islands The Orbsha Islands are a territory of Gonsu.
Orbsha Islands
# Order 666 Order 666 or Operation 666 was a code name for a large-scale evacuation of the Charlesite Population in case of a invasion of Charles or the fall of Croissant. History. Planning. The planning of a possibility of a full country wide evacuation was first thought during the height of the Second World War in 1942. where the neutral country of Charles might be invaded by Germany.While the fears of a german invasion ended in 1945, the cold war caused a possibility of the Third World War of the Untied States and the Soviet Union attack each other. During 1950 to 1960, a large tunnel connecting Charles to either the North or South Pole was created with another decade building the place where the population will stay. The place was codenamed, the Doomday Bunker. The Multiverse War. Operation Jury. After 81 Charlesite Protesters(or terrorists) attack Runis with Westonic Troops, the Kingdom of Runa, the Second British Empire and the Second Empire of Normandy declared war on Charles, which restarted the dead of an invasion and the Doomday bunker begins to be repaired to make it more comfortable and habitable for human life.
Order 666
# Order of Carscano
Order of Carscano
# Order of the Golden Spear and Eagle The Order of the Golden Spear and Eagle (Keserdian: "Ordé dela Lança d'Ouro i l'Eguila") is the highest order in the Keserdian honours system. It was created in 1777 by King Felip I, the founder of the Second Keserdian Empire. It can be bestowed on both civilian and military Keserdians and foreigners. History. The Order of the Golden Spear and Eagle was created in 1777, 2 years after the formation of the Second Keserdian Empire. King Felip I created the award, and gave it to himself and military leader Cristovor Savete d'Aveina, in their roles in liberating Keserda from foreign powers. Originally, the order was to be given to members of the Keserdian Armed Forces only. When the republicans founded the republic of Keserda in 1886, all orders that existed in the monarchy were abolished and replaced, with the exception of the Order of the Golden Spear and Eagle. Eligibility was expanded to civilians and foreigners. Following the Reformist victory in the Second Keserdian Civil War, eligibility was expanded to women. The first female recipient of the Order was Ana Valasina Kaversora, a nurse who was gravely injured in battle while trying to protect wounded Reformist soldiers from being tortured by Labourists.
Order of the Golden Spear and Eagle
# Order of the Runan Blackbird The Order of the Runa Blackbird (Runan: Ordés Menrula Runan) is a Runan order of chivalry, rewarding persons who give great service in any given field, particularly in social care, are loyal and friendly to their peers and fellow Runans, or show friendship to the people of the Kingdom of Runa. The Order of the Runan Blackbird is the only Runan chivalric honor that can be awarded to foreigners, but foreign members will have the prefix "Stranger" added before their class in order to defrintiate them from native Runan recipients. The Order of the Runan Blackbird was established on the 24th October 1854 by King Marek III and comprises of five classes, the most senior four of which make someone a Equite (Knight) if male, or Dama (Dame) if female. Current Classes. The five classes of appointment to the Order, and the postnominals used are:
Order of the Runan Blackbird
# Order of the Runan Eagle The Order of the Runan Eagle (Runan: Ordés Aquailae Runan) is a Runan order of chivalry, rewarding persons who show "excellence above and beyond their peers"(sic) in any given field. The Order of the Runan Eagle is limited to 20 living members at any one time, and as such, is the most prestigous honour in the Kingdom of Runa's honours system. The order has two divisions, one civil and one military. There a four grades, all of which make someone an knight or dame.
Order of the Runan Eagle
# Order of the Stakanish Swan The Most Illustrious Order of the Stakanish Swan was an order of chivalry founded by King Erwin IV of Galeria upon his ascension to the throne in 1360. It was the most senior order of knighthood in the Honours system of the Kingdom of Galeria and known for its exclusive use of the title "Oberitter" ('High Knight'). The Order of the Swan was dedicated to the image and arms of Saint Psellus, Galeria's patron saint. As "Oberitter" pledged sole and absolute loyalty to the throne, no foreign delegates were ever inducted into the order. History. Founded in 1360 by Erwin IV, the Order of the Stakanish Swan was initially created to serve as the personal bodyguard of the monarch. They came to also function as an elite military unit during the Third Proreiv War (1366-1373), where they accompanied the king in leading the Galerian Army from the frontlines. When knights became obsolete in the mid to late 16th century, the order became an award often given to military leaders and statesmen. During the Galerian Civil War the "Oberitter" remained loyal to the very end, resulting in the order's dissolution and the execution of its members following the fall of the monarchy. Composition. "Oberitter". All members inducted into the order were elevated to the noble rank of "Oberitter" (High Knight) unless they were of more senior nobility. In feudal Galeria, they were nominally ranked above Knight and below Lord, but were vassals of and answered directly to the monarch. Unlike some knighthoods in the Kingdom of Galeria, the title of "Oberitter" was not hereditary and exclusive to members of the order, to the point where spouses were given the title of "Ritterin" (Dame) instead of "Oberitterin". "Oberitter" and their families were often given large amounts of land as a reward for their service, and retired knights of the order were amongst the wealthiest in the country. "Oberitterin". Excluding Queen regnants, there were 4 known female members of the Order of the Stakanish Swan.
Order of the Stakanish Swan
# Order of the stone The Order of Stone is the order of knights protecting the Kingdom of Minecraftia
Order of the stone
# Ordgar The Great
Ordgar The Great
# Ordgar the Great Ordgar the Great was the King of Galeria from 1107 to 1134. The sixth monarch of Galeria and the first from the House of Grelles, he stabilised the nation after the Galerian House Wars.
Ordgar the Great
# Orfes
# Orfés Orfés is a town in the duchy of Serinais in the Kingdom of Runa. It is the County Capital of Orfés County, and as such is the seat of the Count of Orfés. Notable people from Orfés include Minister of the Interior Peidre Quadrés and Physician Enrico Rizzés. Notable Places. Villa Orfés. Villa Orfés is the Monarch's primary winter estate, though it is seldomly used. It is built on the outskirts of the town of Orfés, and sits on a 140 acre vineyard. The Villa features apartments for the King, his family and a handful of staff, and a wine cellar that is said to be among the best in Europe. The Villa was built by the wealthy Winegrower Sjhann Beneduce in the 1850s, and served as his primary residence until his death in the 1890s. The villa was inherited by his son Sjackes-Isakes Beneduce, who sold the villa in 1911 to King Estar of Runa for 5000 Denarii. The Villa has been in royal possession ever since, but has served as a residence for the Duke of Serinais, and the Count of Orfés during this time. The villa is open to tourists all year round. Castallés Orfés. TBA Sjhann Chrést House. TBA
# Orio Eri Orio Eri is a Kimsu actress.
Orio Eri
# Orlomín Orlomín is a city in Galeria, and the capital of the Province of Saulet. Orlomín was briefly occupied by the Bakaslian Military for two days during the Bakaslian War. Notable people from Orlomín include politician Sara Erhard. Orlomín lies on the Mínolen River. Points of interest. The Bend. The Bend is a district of the city south of the city centre, named as such because of its situation on the meander of the Mínolen River. The district is known for its markets and commercial industry. Schloss Orlomín. A castle in the heart of the national park just outside of the city, it belonged to House Saulet before they were overthrown in the Galerian Civil War. It is now a major tourist attraction and - like most former castles and palaces of the nobility - is occasionally used by the government for official functions. The Orlomín Peace Agreement was signed and negotiated there.
# Orlomín Peace Agreement The Orlomín Peace Agreement was the peace treaty that brought The Bakaslian War to an end. It was signed in a castle just outside the city of Orlomín near Galeria's border with the north of Bakaslia. It was negotiated from the 22nd to the 25th of February 2022, taking a remarkably short period of time for such a significant treaty. Response. Galeria. Whilst most Galerians were relatively happy with the end of the war, Oleg Sulzer personally disliked the treaty as he believed that they could've pushed harder to completely end Sebastian Tarus' fascist regime. Opposition leader Julian Hersh also criticised the treaty, believing not only that Tarus' regime should've been completely destroyed but also that Galeria should've taken the opportunity to annex some predominantly Galerian speaking parts of Bakaslia in the north. North Bakaslia. The provisional government of the newly formed North Bakaslia was not happy with the outcome as they wanted to liberate the whole of Bakaslia, though they have accepted there was little more they could do due to Bakaslia's interference. Alongside Galeria, they continue to smuggle refugees out of South Bakaslia. They have since joined the Kuwon Accords. South Bakaslia. As the Bakaslian delegation left Schloss Orlomín, they randomly switched route and cars approximately one quarter of the way to the border. They would later release a statement accusing the GNSA of planning to assassinate Vasil Yemelin, something which they are yet to confirm nor deny. This did not matter anyways, as Yemelin was publicly executed in Zasna only a few hours afterwards for essentially signing away 5/8 of Bakaslia's territory. Sebastian Tarus was outraged at the treaty and became increasingly paranoid - he declared the largest purge in Bakaslian history, investigating every single person in every single public sector organisation in the country. 50 North Bakaslian sympathizers caught trying to smuggle people out of the country were publicly tortured and executed on a livestream everyone in Bakaslia was forced to watch. Kimsu. The Kimsu government was happy that the war ended and that they had received their reparations.
Orlomín Peace Agreement
# Orphés
# Oskar Oskar is the Supreme Mouser of Bakaslia. He is the arch-nemesis of Tim.
# Ostland Autonomous Region The Ostland Autonomous Region (: Východní Autonomní Oblast; German: Autonome Region Ostland), is one of the provinces of the Kingdom of Sudland and is also a self-proclaimed nation which the two sides have been fighting for Ostland since 1992.
Ostland Autonomous Region
# Ostland Conflict The Ostland Conflict, is a conflict in the Ostland Autonomous Region between the Republic of Ostland & the Kingdom of Sudland since 1992.
Ostland Conflict
# Otakar von Madek Count Otakar von Madek was a Galerian military officer and nobleman who served as Lord High Marshal of the Galerian Army during the 10th Proreiv War and Galerian Civil War. A close friend and relative of King Igor II, he enjoyed considerable influence within the kingdom. He was captured on the 25th April 1794 -during the Siege of Sâreni- and publicly executed the following day.
Otakar von Madek
# Otto Kohlberg Otto Kohlberg is the Galerian Minister of Defence. He was originally a Major in the Galerian Army but a leg injury he suffered during The Potato Putsch left him with a permanent limp which meant he was honourably discharged. He has been the Labour MP of Sardilsk since 2010 and Minister of Defence since 2018. Honours. Cross of Army Service - Awarded upon his honourable discharge for his service in the Galerian Army. Long Service Medal, Third Class - Awarded for serving 10 years in the Galerian Army. Long Service Medal, Second Class - Awarded for serving 20 years in the Galerian Army. Medal of Sacrifice - Awarded after suffering a leg injury whilst protecting civilians sheltering in a shop during the Potato Putsch.
Otto Kohlberg
# Ottoarabian Republic
Ottoarabian Republic
# Oversea Territories of Sudland
Oversea Territories of Sudland
# Ovlinsonia Ovlinsonia (Ov-lean-son-ya), known officially as The Communist Republic of Ovlinsonia is a country located in the Atlantic Ocean. It has a population of 176 million. It is also one of the most developed countries. It was ruled by Portugal from 1296 to 1831 and Russia from 1831 to 1918. Flag. The white in the flag stands for peace in the country. The blue stands for ocean and its prosperity in fishing industry. The red stands for communism and bloodshed of the freedom fighters who fought against the Russians and the Portuguese =History= Colonisation by the Portuguese. Ovlinsonia was discovered by explorers in 2200 BC and remained undiscovered, in the year 1230 by Portuguese explorers on the still-existing ship Santiago (stored in the History of Maritime Museum in Svarsnya). The Santiago was captained by Emmanuel Cunha, who is considered the founder of Ovlinsonia. The people of early Ovlinsonia (who were the descendants of the first explorers) were called 'Orentans' by the Portuguese. These 'Orentans' are now extinct. They made the capital of Goreo at the east of the country where they landed. The Modernisation by Tristao Fortaleza. The Modernisation was a period where Portuguese modernised the 'Orentans' and taught them the modern ways at that time. Tristao Fortaleza started the 'Comitê de Modernização' (Modernisation Committee) abbreviated as the Comite. He started it in 1233 Tristao presented his ideas to Emmanuel Cunha, the self-proclaimed leader of what he called Ovlin. Cunha accepted Fortaleza's idea and ordered the building 'Sede de Modernização' (Modernisation Head Office) in Goreo. Today the 'Sede de Modernização' is in ruins and is a national monument. Cunha ordered many teachers from Portugal and gave the Head Teacher position to Mario Silveira. The head teacher mostly did the work and Cunha sat back. Silveira, with his team, travelled to different parts of the country to teach the people. As the population was low The Modernisation was fairly quick however it played a big role on society. It was finished in 1242 and now the 'Orentans' had learned about Christianity, common habits, etc.
# PAW Patrol Land (Canaxicorica) Paw Patrol Land is a province of Canaxicorica. It is one of the many popular tourist attractions (especially children) in Canaxicorica. This province is meant to brainwash anyone who visits it so they can become a citizen of Canaxicorica. History. Creation. It was created because some manlydudes was bored and screamed "PAW PATROL" until hte goverment gets sick of it and made an entirely new province called Paw Patrol Land so the dudes can stop screaming Popularity. It became popular after 1 month because it's lame so to make it no lame it became no lame and I'm dying please help. Times. The paw patrol team is sus so everybody ran for their lives and didn't die it was a major historical event in Canaxicorica. Destruction. Goverment decided that "PAW Patrol ain' cringey yo guy mah dudeses" because Skye flies in the sky and removes it and everybody got mad Rebuilding. Ryder gets mad so Paw Patrol Land was rise from the dead because it causes a civil war. After it was rebuilt, the civil war stopped and every is happy agan yay :D
PAW Patrol Land (Canaxicorica)
# Pacific Republic Pacific Republic is an country in Oceania, Its capital is Suva. And was divided in separated islands.
Pacific Republic
# Pacific States of America The Pacific States of America, or the East American Federation, is a country in Eastern North America which is a former colony of the Chinese Empire.
Pacific States of America
# Pacificus The Kingdom of Pacificus is a sovereign nation located in the Pacific Ocean. Pacificus has been a constitutional monarchy since its independence from Spain in 1823. The country's current king is King Alfonso I. Pacificus is the 66th largest country in population, with the majority of the country's residents living in the city of Marianosburg, however the capital of Pacificus is New Madrid. Pacificus is a great power and is a member of numerous international organizations, including the United Nations, NATO, and the Group of 7.
# Pacificusese Pacificusese is a Romance language that originated in Pacificus. It is spoken by over 75 million people, and is the 22nd most spoken language on Earth.
# Pahkakino the Great Pahkakino The great was a famous greek emperor who ruled the Amigan empire for 63 years. Expanding its borders and Turning a small kingdom Into a large scale Empire. Death. Pahkakino Died of Aneurysm In 1970 at the age of 63. He was found dead outside of the ofstabuth Palace in Heraklion
Pahkakino the Great
# Paijui History. Paijui War One (Paija Wat Un, Raima Wut Ur): 1500-1515. Alsea Cabrera wanted the Spaniards to leave his country. This would ignite a war in 1500 and lasted 15 years. Independence And The First Paijui Republic: 1515-1555. On December 10, 1853, The Country Was Finally Independent After The 15-year long "Paijui War 1 (PW1)" With Alsea Cabrera As The First President.
# Pakovo Pakovo is a city in Galeria. It was the historic capital of the Kingdom of Stakan, and is capital of the Duchy of Stakan, despite Sâreni, the capital of Galeria, being inside the county as well. It is the fifth largest city in Galeria. Notable people from Pakovo include politician Mathias Bruckner and his son, musician Leon Bruckner. Pakovo has the most military infrastructure in Galeria outside of the capital of Sâreni, hence the soldiers in its coat of arms. Administration. The city of Pakovo consists of two parliamentary constituencies - North Pakovo and South Pakovo. Additionally, the constituency of Langvik und Wärterdorf also covers part of the Pakovo district of Stakan. Points of interest. Pakovo Cathedral. Pakovo Cathedral, also known as Saint Psellus Cathedral, is one of the oldest and largest surviving churches in Galeria. It is a protected heritage site due to its historic importance. King's University of Pakovo. The King's University of Pakovo is one Galeria's largest universities. Schloss Pakovo. Schloss Pakovo (Pakovo Castle) was one of the residences of the King of Stakan and later the King of Galeria until the House of Stakan died out. Several monarchs have been entombed within its lower levels.
# Palmadio Palmadio is a town in the duchy of San Peidre in the Kingdom of Runa. It is the capital of Palmadio County and as such is the seat of the Count of Palmadio. Notable people from Palmadio include prime minister Matew Sjackesdavi and medieval monk Mattés of Palmadio. Points of Interest. San Augustinés Church. Constructed in the 810s, ... TBA
# Pamaba Pamaba (Pamabish: पमाबा; Buhin: "Pamaaba"), officially the Republic of Pamaba (Pamabish: रेबबुरिकी बां पमाबा; Buhin: "Rebaburikee baan Pamaaba") is a country in Southeast Asia.
# Panama Campaign The Panama Campaign was the first campaign of the Pacific War of World War II and the first campaign of the North American/Central American/Caribbean Front. The campaign began with the Japanese First Fleet bombarding American positions followed with an air raid on coastal batteries and American bases, then the landings began in the following hours. The attack caught the American and Panamanians off-guard, the canal was captured with fierce resistance and the American were faced with a naval blockade blocking Panama. Troops were later evacuated with help with neighbouring countries. The campaign was followed by the Caribbean Campaign where the Japanese landed troops on Colonies and American territories. Most of the colonies repelled the attack and by 1943, the Japanese were falling back and Panama was captured during Operation Maelstrom. Course of the Campaign. Aerial and Naval Bombardment. The 1st fleet sailed out of Japanese Harbours at about the same times as the 1st Air Fleet. Other than some Battleships, Cruisers and Destroyers the fleet also has the Hiyō-Class Carriers which were passenger liners before being hastily renovated by the navy to carriers. A total of 326 Aircraft were on the Carriers’ deck which were mostly composed of the famed Mitsubishi A6M Zero. At 10:00 am local time at December 7th, 1941, battleships "Nagato" and "Fusō" along with heavy cruiser "Aoba" fired at coastal batteries near Nueva Gorgona. Planes were also launched from the carriers to attack anti-air batteries and bomb military bases. This happened concurrently with the Attack on Pearl Harbour and much of the defences here was ready with most of the coastal batteries undermanned or there’s nobody there. The military air bases were all but destroyed with Japan having air superiority. The aerial bombardment continued when the landing crafts began to hit the sands of the Panamanian beaches. The Air corps in Panama found out the fleet all too late and the floatplane was quickly shot down. Landings. The Japanese landed with little to no resistance but their landings were discovered by a scout platoon of the 19th infantry brigade. The landings were alerted to the American bases in Panama and an urgent message was sent to Washington. Siege for Panama City. American forces were on the way to Panama with Royal Navy ships nearby helping. But the Japanese were making advances only to be bogged down when the defenders of almost 20k American soldiers from their respective units began to fight back against the Japanese. In order to secure victory as quick as possible and to undermine access of the canal to the Americans, Panama City quickly became the main target other than the canal. With reinforcements from Japan setting sail to Panama, including Armoured units, but the Americans were also setting sail from various naval establishments on the East Coast. Emperor Hirohito and Hitler exchanged letter asking the dictator to allow u-boats to the Caribbean to further stall the Americans. The Japanese steam-rolled threw the Panamanian lands and quickly laid siege to the city and the Japanese Navy began to take control of the canal, while Americans began to gather at the city of Colón. After 3 days of naval and land bombardment and with the Japanese forces pushing in the city, the defenders of Panama City began to retreat to Colón and Fort Kobbe which was also under siege. Some defenders decided to stay their along with some of the civilians, the city fell at December 11th. The remaining troops in Fort Kobbe managed to escape to Veracruz. The Raitoninguu~ō (Japanese Blitzkrieg). Troops from both sides began arriving at Panama in droves following the fall of Panama City. The Japanese knew that they cankt fight the Americans directly on land so they decided to rush it. Using Blitzkrieg Tactics from the Germans, they managed to captured most enemy territory over the course of December 11th to December 18th. In the Colón Campaign, the Japanese crossed the thick Jungles of Panama to the city of Colón and using flamethrowere and fire bombers they easily made it threw the Jungle, but Japanese Air Superiority was contested by the American air force. American ships were even crossing the canal and engaged the Japanese in the Battle of Gatun Lake. The Japanese managed to regain their Air Superiority and began to bomb Colón and captured the canal. The Americans began to retreat from the country as even more Japanese troops invaded the country. Most troops fled to Panama’s neighbouring countries or rushed for the Atlantic coast of Panama. The Japanese managed to secure both sides of the coast in December 23rd and the last American troops managed to leave at December 26th.
Panama Campaign
# Pangaea
# Papal Italy Papal Italy, or the State of the Church, is basically Italy but ruled by the Vatican government. They are in the same universe as Al-Andalus, and actually used to be part of it.
Papal Italy
# Parana Department Parana (pronounced Para-nah) officially the Republic of Parana (Repubred offe Parana) in Alegreian (Repubred offe Piranha) in Paran, also called Piranha. Etymology. Parana comes from the Alegreian word of Parana, which means Piranha because a lot of piranha's are there. History. Paran tribe Colonized by Spain and Portugal back and forth. Alegre Brazil Alegre Politics. Parana is a republic and is one of the "Rights Departments" meaning the government listens to what Parana says. Law. Same as Alegre's. Defenses and Security. Parana has a police force called the Parana Police Force (PPF) and 2 other police forces, The Curitiba Police Force (CPF), and the Londrina and Maringa Police Force (LAMPF). Driving. Parana drives on the right. Geography. Paranan States. There are 5 states in Parana Economy. Fishing makes up 80% tourism for 10% industrial 6% and trading for 4%. Demographics. Largest cities in Parana are Education. Dont go to school is sick, family emergency, or doctors note. Must be 4-20 to attend school.
Parana Department
# Parliament of Crescendo 12th Parliament of Crescendo 13th Parliament MPs in Crescendo List: TOTAL: Conservative: 142 Liberal: 96 NELU: 27 Green: 12 Current Status: Conservative Majority Caucuses: LIBERAL PARTY Progressive Socialist Caucus (PSC) - Far-Left New Liberal Caucus (NLC) - Left Union Caucus (UC) - Center-Left CONSERVATIVE PARTY Partnership Coalition Caucus (PCC) - Center-Right Crescendo National Caucus (CNC) - Right-Wing Nationalist Christian Conservative Caucus (CCC) - Right-Wing Christian Black Swan Caucus (BSC) - Far-Right NELU Tribal Interests' Caucus (TIC) - Separationist Crescendo Rights Caucus (CRC) - Interest Group GREEN Environmental Protection Caucus (EPC) - Green Caucus North. 14 Liberal 7 Conservative 4 Green 2 NELU Barria. 3 Green 2 Liberal Zildabia. 4 Liberal 1 NELU 1 Green Kagoshia. 4 Liberal 2 Conservative 1 NELU Durhailia. 5 Conservative 4 Liberal West. 44 Conservative 32 Liberal 3 NELU 3 Green Vunderia. 4 Liberal 1 Green Mizzia. 7 Liberal Dokam-Duchet. 5 Conservative 4 Liberal Nyguso. 7 Liberal 6 Conservative Crescendo City. 33 Conservative 10 Liberal 3 NELU 2 Green East. 25 Liberal 10 Conservative 3 NELU 2 Green Joberia. 4 Liberal 1 Conservative Kylta. 4 Liberal 1 Green Murria. 4 Liberal 2 Conservative 1 Green Tydashia. 7 Liberal 2 Conservative 1 NELU Korevia. 6 Liberal 5 Conservative 2 NELU Southwest. 10 Liberal 7 NELU 4 Conservative Barteria. 3 NELU 1 Conservative 1 Liberal Kozai. 2 Liberal 2 Conservative 1 NELU Madao. 4 Liberal 1 NELU Chesi. 3 Liberal 2 NELU 1 Conservative South Metro. 77 Conservative 15 Liberal 12 NELU 3 Green Kyzembia. 3 Conservative Jurhad City. 16 Conservative 4 Liberal 2 NELU 1 Green Kanze City. 22 Conservative 4 NELU 2 Liberal 1 Green Yokoshida City. 36 Conservative 9 Liberal 6 NELU 1 Green PGIMP. Under the Parliamentary Independents Law (2005), MPs who resign from their party will keep their ministerial position until the next parliament. They will still be part of their party in Parliament but have to vacate their party role. Timeline. Main Article: Timeline of the 13th Parliament of Crescendo
Parliament of Crescendo
# Parliament of the Szara Islands The "Parliament of the Szara Islands" is the legislative branch of the Szara Islands. It is made up of the Aszanalu and the House of Commons.
Parliament of the Szara Islands
# Parliamentary Procedure and Tradition of Galeria A centuries old institution, the Galerian Houses of Parliament have many traditions and procedures that dictate how they operate. Some of these procedures are outlined in articles 2, 3, 5 and 9 of the constitution, whereas others are merely conventions (an unwritten understanding about how something in Parliament should be done which, although not legally enforceable, is almost universally observed). The parliamentary year ends with a prorogation every 28th September - the day before Freuarteifeier - and the new one begins with the opening of parliament on the 1st October. There are also four 2 week recesses: one for Christmas, another for the summer and one in February to allow for party conferences. Both the President and the Speaker of the House of Commons can call emergency sessions of parliament during these times if necessary. Overview. House of Commons. The commons consists of members of parliament (MPs) elected every 5 years from 610 constituencies across Galeria using a voting system. The party with the most seats in the house wins the election and gets to form a government, with that party's leader becoming president. To see a visualisation of the seats within the House of Commons, please click here. Some MPs may have senior positions in the government or opposition, but all of them are responsible for representing their constituents in parliament and regularly consult with them. The Opposition. Whilst all political parties not in government can be considered opposition parties, the official opposition refers to the party that came second in the election. They form a 'shadow cabinet' of MPs responsible for scrutinising the actions of corresponding government ministers. House of Peers. Comprised of 350 Peers elected every 7 years using , the House of Peers is responsible for scrutinising legislation and has less power than its counterpart. To see a visualisation of the seats each party holds within the House of Peers, please click here. Procedure. Passing Legislation. Almost all laws are proposed by the president and their cabinet, but regular MPs can also propose bills. Legislative documents have 4 main types: Legislative process. Legislation is passed through the Houses of Parliament using this process: Voting. Both houses vote through the use of division lobbies. When a vote is called, all members of the house that are not currently in the chamber will be called down to the chamber to vote through bells that ring across all buildings in and around legislature park. They then enter either the "ja" lobby or the "nie" lobby and scan their pass on a terminal in each one, which counts their vote (though to prevent the risk of hacking there is always a steward manually counting at the door). Those abstaining from the vote remain inside the chamber until voting is completed. Minor votes (such as decisions on amendments) are done simply through either voice vote or rising vote. Excluding confidence votes, every vote an MP or peer makes is made publicly available the next day. A vote in the House of Commons and a vote in the House of Peers are distinguished through the bells. If MPs are being called to vote, the bell rings twice every 5 seconds, whereas if Peers are being called to vote, the bell will ring three times every 5 seconds. Quorum. For debates and minor votes, there is no minimum requirement of members in attendance as long as a speaker is present. However, in order to achieve the quorum for a vote on a bill, at least one quarter of the house must be present (153/610 MPs or 88/350 peers). Parliamentary Committees. A large amount of the work of parliament takes place in cross-party committees made up of around 10 to 50 backbench MPs or Peers. These committees examine issues in detail, from government policy and proposed new laws, to wider topics like the economy. Depending on its complexity, the consideration of a bill by committees can take anywhere from few minutes to a few months. Committees are proportional to the parties in parliament. For example, if a party has 10% of the seats in the House of Commons, they get 10% of the seats on committees formed from members of the commons. House of Commons. Select Committees. Each government department has a select committee attached to it that scrutinises its actions. If new laws relating to a department are being passed through parliament, its select committee is consulted in the committee stage. Liaison committee. The select committee attached to the Office of the President of the Republic of Galeria is known as the liaison committee and is comprised of the chairs of the other commons select committees. They meet with the President every month to question them on policy- much less frequently than the other select committees who tend to meet weekly. Bill Committees. Bill committees are created for each bill that goes through the House of Commons to examine and amend the legislation alongside relevant select committees. Grand Committees. Grand committees are made up of all MPs from each province. They examine legislation that only pertains to their regions and have limited veto powers (the veto can be overruled by a 2/3 majority). General Committees. General committees are any committee that is not a grand, select or bill committee. They tend to be created to carry out inquiries, for internal administrative purposes (such as parliamentary procedure and finance), or to scrutinise and help to further an area of government policy. House of Peers. Select Committees. The House of Peers has 6 select committees that serve a similar function to their commons counterparts: Bill Committees. Bill committees are created for each bill that goes through the House of Peers to examine and amend the legislation alongside relevant select committees. General Committees. General committees are any committee that is not a grand, select or bill committee. They tend to be created to carry out inquiries, for internal administrative purposes (such as parliamentary procedure and finance), or to scrutinise and help to further an area of government policy. Joint Committees. Joint Committees are committees consisting of both MPs and Peers. Most joint committees are temporary and exist to carry out inquiries or examine draft proposals for bills before their first reading in the commons, but there are also 3 permanent joint committees: Parliamentary Groups. Parliamentary groups are informal cross-party groups of members from both houses that meet to discuss and/or campaign for a particular subject but have no official status within parliamentary proceedings (they are not consulted in the committee stage, though may have members who are also on related committees). Subjects can greatly vary from more light-hearted topics such as sport and food to groups dedicated to campaigning for serious issues such as human rights. Parliamentary Inquiries. Parliamentary inquiries are investigations conducted by parliament, generally into the actions of a public body. They may be carried out by select, general or joint committees. Question Hour. Every Thursday from noon to 1pm in the House of Commons, there is allocated time where the President answers questions from MPs. MPs are permitted to ask any question they like and the President is required to give an answer. Whilst most MPs are only allowed to ask one question per session, the Leader of the Opposition gets to ask up to six questions, and the leaders of other opposition parties are allowed to ask up to three. If the President is unavailable, the Vice President or a senior minister stands in. Opening of Parliament. The opening of parliament occurs every 1st October and marks the beginning of the parliamentary year. Traditionally, the events are as follows: Grand Sessions. A Grand Session of Galerian Parliament is a rare occurrence where the commons and peers act as a unicameral body for a temporary period, usually during emergencies. The last time this happened was during WW2 when both houses of parliament joined and formed a government-in-exile though a coalition of all of the parties. Inauguration of Presidents. Presidents are generally sworn into office before both houses in Republic Hall, with the exception of emergency inaugurations. The inaugural oath is as follows: "I do solemnly swear that I will act in the best interests of the people of the Republic of Galeria as their President, and will, to the best of my ability, protect and preserve the constitution of the Republic of Galeria, against all who may threaten its sovereignty." The oath is sworn on either a religious text of the president-elect's choice or a copy of the constitution. Normally the inauguration ceremony is followed by a large celebration in Legislature Park. Confidence votes. In presidents. Presidents may be removed through a vote of no confidence. This can be triggered by the speaker if they receive letters of no confidence in the president's leadership from 30% of the government's own MPs or through a petition signed by 2/3 of the house (406 MPs). The commons will then vote via secret ballot and if the vote passes the president is removed. Alternatively, if the president is accused of a criminal offence, they can be tried by the Supreme Court. If they are found guilty, they are forced to resign. After the president has been voted out, the governing party has two options: Generally the Vice President will serve as an interim president until a decision is reached. In governments. Confidence votes in the government can be tabled by any MP, though it is generally done by opposition leaders or Presidents wanting to show strength of support. If the government loses the vote, a general election is called. Whilst an opposition party could in theory repeatedly put forward confidence motions in the government, this is generally frowned upon as the obstruction unnecessarily slows the work of parliament (confidence motions always take priority) and looks humiliating if the vote consistently fails. Intentionally using this tactic to obstruct the work of parliament has been nicknamed "confidence filibustering" and, if proven, can result in suspension from the house. Oath of Allegiance. Upon the first election of a new MP or Peer, they are required to swear an oath of allegiance: "I do solemnly swear that I will - to the best of my ability- bear true allegiance to the Republic of Galeria, its people and its constitution." As with the inaugural oath, the oath of allegiance is sworn on either a religious text of the individual's choice or a copy of the constitution. Maiden speeches. Upon election, new MPs and Peers are expected to give a “maiden speech”- their first speech in parliament that is usually focused on introducing themselves and the issues they care about before the chamber. Lobbying and financial restrictions. Lobbying is the act of attempting to influence the actions and/or policies of government officials. MPs are often lobbied by their constituents, who they have a duty to represent in parliament, though private companies and lobbying firms hired by wealthy individuals also attempt to influence government. To prevent corruption, there are very strict rules surrounding lobbying and party donations: To prevent insider trading, MPs, Peers and their spouses are outright banned from trading stocks. If someone owns publicly traded shares upon election, they are required to declare and sell them. Recall. A recall petition signed by 10% of all eligible voters within a constituency forces a by-election against the current MP. They can be started by anyone who is a resident of that constituency providing that they are eligible to vote. Roles. Speakers. The speakers of both the House of Commons and the House of Peers preside over their House's debates, determining which members may speak and which amendments are selected for consideration. The speaker is also responsible for maintaining order during debate, and may punish members who break the rules of the House. Speakers remain strictly non-partisan and renounce all affiliation with their former political parties when taking office. Both speakers are elected amongst members of their house. Official dress. Speakers wear a black gown over their suits and - up until the late 1960s - also wore a black . Speakers' staves. Each chamber has a 2 metre tall wooden staff stored on the right side of the speaker's chair, which is struck on the ground to call for order if the speaker's regular shouts of "order!" are ignored. Parliamentary convention dictates that if the staff is struck three times and still ignored, the house is in a state of 'great disorder' and the speaker is allowed to adjourn it for the rest of the day. The only other time the speakers are permitted to adjourn a session of parliament is in the event of an emergency. The brass head of each staff depicts an eagle's head. The last great disorder was following the Galerian Conservative Party schism on February 3rd 2023. Speaker of the House of Commons. The constitutional requirement for the speaker to be impartial means that the speaker cannot represent their constituents effectively as they are unable to vote (apart from to break a tie, which rarely happens, and even then the speaker is generally expected to vote for the status quo) so a rather confusing solution has been devised. Upon the MP's election as speaker a by-election is held in the constituency where they elect a second MP to represent them in parliament. If the speaker steps down from the position, another by-election is held to decide who will represent their constituency. This means that despite there being 610 constituencies, there are 611 MPs. The current Speaker of the House of Commons is Fabio Kosa. The speaker of the House of Commons also have the power to call emergency sessions of parliament, appoint the castellan, issue warrants authorising the presence of individuals before a parliamentary inquiry and oversee various ceremonial and administrative duties. Speaker of the House of Peers. The Speaker of the House of Peers is generally considered to be ranked below the commons speaker, and does not have all of the same powers. They are elected from the 350 peers with no additional by-elections as they do not represent constituencies. The current Speaker of the House of Peers is Pietro Wentzel. Deputy Speakers. Each house also has a deputy speaker that acts in the speaker's absence. They are also elected among Peers/MPs but they do not renounce their political affiliation and are only required to be impartial whilst filling in for the speaker, which they do so under an oath of impartiality. It is parliamentary convention that the deputy speaker of the commons is not a government minister or leading opposition figure, though there have been some exceptions. Leader of the House of Commons. The Leader of the House of Commons is a government MP responsible for organising government business in the commons. They hold a seat on the cabinet and have the following duties: The current leader of the House of Commons is James Hiraga. Leader of the House of Peers. Generally the only peer allowed to attend cabinet, the Leader of the House of Peers acts as the president's representative in the house and the leader of the governing party's peers. The current Leader of the House of Peers is Juliette Riedel. Whips. Each party has a group of MPs and Peers known as whips, who are responsible for encouraging party members to vote the way the party wants them to. They also have the power to suspend MPs and Peers (forcing them to become an independent or join another party) if they break the party's rules. Castellan of the Parliamentary Estate. The castellan is an official responsible for various duties - both ceremonial and practical - including carrying the sword of Galerius to and from the commons, leading MPs and Peers to the opening of parliament, and overseeing security as well as the work of stewards, clerks and custodians. They may also occasionally act like a bailiff, called upon to enforce the warrants of the Speaker in summoning a witness to testify before a parliamentary inquiry. While serving the warrant and encouraging a witness to attend parliament, the castellan has the power to call upon the full assistance of the police and other relevant authorities. They are appointed by the Speaker of the House of Commons and are generally ex-military, although some past castellans have occasionally been ex-police. The castellan wears a black tailcoat, white ascot and occasionally a black tricorn. They will sometimes also carry a ceremonial rapier. The castellan is the only person allowed to bear arms within the houses of parliament excluding the steward who carries the Sceptre of Stakan. Although not mandated, most castellans who are appointed before the age of sixty train in fencing. The current castellan is Ian Feldhaus, who formerly served as a lieutenant in the Presidential Guard Brigade. Stewards of the Parliamentary Estate. The Stewards are officials that assist the castellan. They do a number of duties including but not limited to: manually counting votes, acting as messengers, giving tours of the Houses of Parliament, opening doors, and carrying ceremonial regalia to and from the houses. Stewards wear black tailcoats and bow ties. Custodians of the Parliamentary Estate. Custodians are responsible for the maintenance of the Parliamentary Estate and Legislature Park. Clerks. Each house has two clerks that sit in front of the speaker's chair and are responsible for keeping record of debates and advising the speaker on matters of procedure. They wear black gowns and birettas. Father/Mother of the House. An unofficial title, it is given to the longest serving MP in the House of Commons. The current Father of the House is Albert Olberding. Parliamentary assistants. Parliamentary assistants are unelected, partisan members of staff employed by an MP or Peer to assist them with their duties. Other. Layout and design of the chambers. Both chambers contain several rows of benches, a large table where regalia is kept and frontbenchers speak from, the speaker's chair and desks for the clerks. They are overlooked by galleries from which the press and public can view debates. The difference between the two chambers is the shape of the benches- the House of Commons has benches arranged in a horseshoe shape whereas in the House of Peers they are square. Forms of Address. There are strict rules on how you refer to someone during a session of parliament. Regalia. Galerian Parliament uses some items of the Crown Jewels to symbolise the constitution's legitimacy as a successor to the systems of governance outlined by Galerius in the Treaty of Sâreni. They are kept in the Houses of Parliament's relic chamber, whilst items that are not used -such as the crown- are kept on public display in the Galerian Heritage Museum. Sword of Galerius. An elaborate gold, jewel-encrusted sword that was first used by Galerius to dub knights, it has been considered a symbol of authority over Galeria ever since. It is carried into the commons by the castellan at the start of every session in the commons and placed in a specially designed holder on the table. If it and the two orbs are not present, any debates or votes within the commons are not legal. Orb of Grelles. The Orb of Grelles is a "" that originally belonged to the royal family of the Kingdom of Grelles. It is carried in by a steward and sits on the right side of the sword of Galerius. Orb of Pasart. The Orb of Pasart is a "globus cruciger" that originally belonged to the royal family of the Kingdom of Pasart. It is carried in by a steward and sits on the left side of the sword of Galerius. Sceptre of Stakan. The Sceptre of Stakan is a sceptre that was used in the coronation of every Galerian monarch since Albert II. It is a replica of two previous sceptres that were used for the same purpose. Since the civil war, the sceptre has served the same function as the above regalia but for the House of Peers. It is carried in by a steward.
Parliamentary Procedure and Tradition of Galeria
# Parliamentary Pumpkin Party The Parliamentary Pumpkin Party, known commonly as the PPP, is a Davernish-Sincin extremist terrorist political organization founded in 2011. They are directly responsible for the Valkenrolfai Bombings of 2017, assassination of Martia Podsmyer, who was a conservative member of the Federal Senate, the failed assassination attempt on Olavin Gütenkaizjik due to beliefs that he wasn't hard enough on environmental protection, and the 2022 Arson Attack on Bergen, a series of arsons on known pro-monarchist homes in Bergen, Sinco. Ideology. Extreme Environmentalist Extreme Anarchist Libertarianism Anti-Monarchy Pro-Choice Pro-Revolutionary causes Pro-Agriculturist Anti-Industrialism
Parliamentary Pumpkin Party
# Parzev Parzev is Galeria's Second City. It was the site of the Potato Putsch. Notable people from Parzev include politicians Valerie Tuberosum, Zoe Steyer, and Edward Sumberg, Chief Justice Anita Heimz, and terrorist The Potato Supreme. Parzev is a metropolis in the centre of the mostly rural, mountainous duchy of Pasart, of which it is the capital. A lot of factories are situated in the city as companies take advantage of the resources in the local area - making it of great importance to Galeria's economy. Administration. The city is ran by a directly elected mayor who is scrutinised and can be overruled by the Parzev assembly- representatives elected from 32 constituencies (note: these constituencies are not the same as the ones used by parliament). Unlike other forms of city/town councils used across Galeria, they cannot be overruled by the duchy council and are second only to parliament. The current Mayor of Parzev is Judith Gehrig. To see a visualisation of the seats within the Parzev Assembly, please click here. The Galerian Labour Party and Political Potato Party have a "de facto" coalition within the assembly, partially to encourage cooperation in order to prevent a resurgence in the political violence Parzev was known for in the mid to late 20th century and limit the power of the conservatives. Hatló and Jastek. Hatló and Jastek are villages that form part of the greater suburban area around Parzev. They were prominent locations in the Potato Putsch. During the putsch, the Potato Militia and several rioters attacked Hatló, killing many police officers and occupying the village. They then occupied the neighbouring village of Jastek. Upon hearing the news, Superintendent Arno Lay of the Parzev Police Department orders SWAT teams to be on standby as the rioters move towards the city. When the Army - led by Colonel Kilian Stosch - arrived simultaneously at both villages in a coordinated strike. 15 Potato militants were killed in the following shootouts and 56 were arrested. Residents of Hatló and Jastek were angered at the destruction caused to their homes by the putsch. The Nationalist Party took this to their advantage - the 2 villages were the only 2 nationalist seats before a merger with the Conservative Party, and are now conservative safe seats.
# Pasart succession The Pasart succession is the line through which the crown of Galeria would have descended had the Grelles Restoration -which saw the usurpation of the House of Pasart by Albert I- never happened. Support for the Pasart line's supposed right to claim the throne is commonly referred to as Pasartism. Both the House of Grelles and the early Republic of Galeria faced challenges from Pasartist groups such as the Spinach Society, who assassinated President Albert Gelstorf. Background. Galerian House Wars. Opposing claims to the throne of Galeria made by the houses of Pasart and Grelles can be traced back to the Galerian House Wars- a series of conflicts over the throne spanning five years after the death of Queen Ramona and the extinction of the Stakan line. The two main claimants to the throne were Ordgar the Great (of the House of Grelles) and Helmut von Pasart (of the House of Pasart). Ordgar defeated Helmut in battle and took the throne, beginning 253 years of Grelles rule. The Black Death. When the Black Death outbreak ended in Galeria, it left behind high levels of unrest, especially amongst peasants demanding social and land reforms. King Oeric II's incompetence and reluctance to negotiate only worsened the situation and he became very unpopular. The king's cousin, Erwin, Duke of Pasart staged a rebellion, deposed the king and forced him into exile. With popular support the count was crowned King Erwin IV, the first monarch of the House of Pasart. Oeric's younger brother -who had plotted with his cousin against the king- was installed as Duke of Grelles, though the house's status had been greatly downgraded. Grelles Restoration. In August 1571, Duke Albert of Grelles (a descendant of Oeric II) raised a large army of supporters and mercenaries on a quest to reclaim what he viewed as his "stolen birthright". He laid siege to Parzev, prompting King Erwin VII to attack the Grelles forces in order to liberate the city. The King was killed in battle -allegedly after being trampled by his own horse- and Albert was crowned in Sâreni one month later.
Pasart succession
# Pasartism
# Pat Yonzon Patrick 'Pat' Yonzon was a Crescendo politician who served as the Leader of the Opposition.
Pat Yonzon
# Patagonia Patagonia, officially the Federation of Patagonia (Welsh: Ffederasiwn Patagonia / Spanish: Federación de la Patagonia), is a sovereign state located in South America. It is bordered by Chile and Rio de la Plata to the north, and on both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. It has a land area of almost 2 million km² and a population of 32,233,269 inhabitants. Its capital is located in Port Davis, on the country's western coast. Patagonia is a multi-ethnic society due to immigration from all over the world. Although majority of the European population are divided into the Britons (of mainly Welsh and Scottish descent) and Spaniards, there are also multiple European peoples that have integrated into national society. Such immigration is not limited to Europeans, as there are also waves of immigration from Asia, Africa and the Pacific Islands as well as the rest of the Americas. Patagonia is a federal parliamentary Commonwealth realm with 13 states and 1 federal district: Araucany, Neuquén, Bariloche, Rio Negro, Seeland, Aysen, Chubut, Santa Croce, Gueryke, Magellania, Fireland, the Falklands and the capital district of Port Davis. Its Prime Minister is Jacob Dunham of the Labour Party. Etymology. The name Patagonia comes from the word "patagón". Magellan used this term in 1520 to describe the native tribes of the region, whom his expedition thought to be giants. The people he called the Patagons are now believed to have been the Tehuelche, who tended to be taller than Europeans of the time. See History of Argentina on Wikipedia. History. Colonization. In 1520, Ferdinand Magellan sailed across the present-day Strait of Magellan discovering the country during his circumnavigation of the world to the Spice Islands. The size of the Tehuelches, which he noted, gave the country its name. (See Etymology). Other Spanish expeditions followed, including Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa. On 17 December 1586 the privateer Thomas Cavendish sailed into the estuary on his flagship the "Desire" of 120 tons burthen, accompanied by the "Hugh Gallant" of 40 tons burthen and the "Content" of 60 tons burthen during his voyage of circumnavigation. He named the harbour "Port Desire" after his ship, and the point of land at the harbour mouth is still known as Cavendish Point. They met only a few Native Americans, who shot arrows that wounded some of the crew. After ten days Cavendish took his ships on their way, and returned to England in 1588. In 1669, the district around Port Desire was explored by John Davis and was claimed in 1670 by Sir John Narborough for King Charles II of England, but the English made no attempt to establish settlements or explore the interior. In 1678, Narborough, on an expedition carrying 300 families (mostly Welsh, with some Cumbrian and Cockney settlers), established the colony of New Dartmouth in present-day Chubut. More British settlements were built along the Atlantic coast, although barely any of them survived. The surviving colonies of New Dartmouth, Port Desire, and New Inverness (later Gallegos) merged to form what later came to be known as New Britain. British governance. The United Kingdom and Spain ended up in a rivalry over dominance in the region which came to be known as the "Race for Patagonia". The eastern portion of Patagonia had by then settled by British settlers from primarily Wales, although Scottish and English settlers were also present. In response Spain forced Great Britain into a deal where the Pampas (present-day Neuquén, Rio Negro and Bariloche) and the west coast of Patagonia (now the states of Seeland, Aysen, Magellania and Fireland) would be claimed by Spain. The British reluctantly agreed, ending the Anglo-Spanish Patagonian colonization rivalry in 1763. Captain John Byron claimed British possession of the Falklands in the 1760s, and when the Spanish attacked there in 1770 one of the ships forced to flee was the sloop-of-war Swift which returned to New Dartmouth, but was shipwrecked on a concealed rock. The Kingdom of France later tried to claim much of Patagonia for itself, establishing a puppet state called the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia in the hopes of doing so. This resulted in the Expulsion Wars which lasted from 1784-1791. The Wars ended with the Siege of Neuquén on April 19th 1791 and the death of various French colonists. During the Argentine Revolution of 1810, Britain was allowed to take the Pampas from Argentina as a colony. After the war the United Kingdom ceded subordinance of Patagonia to New Zealand, starting a mass migration of New Zealanders to Patagonia throughout much of the early 19th century. Immigration from Europe and other countries was also encouraged, which led to the so-called "Age of Domination". In 1888, Chile ceded their side of Patagonia as well as Araucania to the British, who then incorporated it into the Dominion of Patagonia thereafter. Independence and present day. In 1919, Patagonia gained dominion status from the United Kingdom. Patagonia would later merge with the Dominion of Araucany and the Pampas and the Falklands on June 1, 1930, in a formal ceremony held in Port Davis. Patagonia chose to stay neutral in the 2nd World War, but accepted refugees from Asia and Europe as well as took in enemy forces held by the British forces as prisoners of war. Patagonia became a safe haven for ethnic groups escaping persecution by Nazi Germany during that time. Under the Octavio Saez era, in 1972, the pornography ban that had been in place for 50 years was finally lifted. Abortion in case of medical emergencies was permitted the same year, but abortion on request is still pending legalization. In May 1974, Patagonia suffered a period of civil unrest by far-right student protesters that was quickly and peacefully silenced due to government fears of Patagonia becoming an authoritarian state, as authoritarianism was considered contradictory to the Patagonian government's principle of liquid democracy. Majority of Patagonians had by then been advocating for more cultural liberalism. This period of civil unrest was later known as "The Black Tide". On July 31, 2008, Prime Minister Nelson Kirchner was killed in a bombing carried out by far-right Christian fundamentalist terrorists. The terrorist group responsible was marked an enemy clan of the state. The country proceeded to place embargoes on Chinese electronics the same year. Michael Lanyon's regime from 2010 to 2018 was not received well, due to Lanyon's affiliation with the far-right Republican Party, and the 2017-18 Patagonian protests would later lead to Lanyon's resignation. As of 2020, the country is one of the most livable countries in South America. Geography. Patagonia's biomes include mountains, austral steppes, fjords, plains and austral forests. Lakes and ponds also appear in the hollows of the country's plains. Climate. Patagonia's climate is overall cold and dry, but the Atlantic regions are warmer than the Pacific regions due to a branch of the southern equatorial current reaching the eastern shores of the country. Winters get progressively colder southward. While the western region is mostly wet and lush, eastern Patagonia has less precipitation, harsher weather and extreme temperatures. Precipitation is seasonal in the northwest, while it is also common in the west, although it diminishes eastward. Meanwhile, the region of Tierra del Fuego is extremely wet in the west, relatively damp in the south, and dry in the north and east. In most areas of the east and north however, snow tends to fall in summer due to winters being more severe. Politics. Patagonia is currently a federal semi-presidential republic. It is governed by Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth Realms, as well as by Prime Minister Jacob Dunham of the Labour Party. States. Patagonia has 13 states and one federal district, and are as follows (in geographical order, west-east and in a southerly direction): "See Political parties in Patagonia."
# Patagonian Acadians Patagonian Acadians refer to French Patagonians who trace their ancestry to Acadians (French Canadians in Maritime Canada). Currently over 30 thousand Patagonians are of Acadian ancestry. They mostly live in Saint Croix, as part of the state's large French diaspora population, although some others live in Rio Negro, Chubut, Aisen and Port Davis. Like their Canadian and American counterparts, they are originated from French settlers from Occitania and the present-day region of Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
Patagonian Acadians
# Path of Badhortu The Path of Badhortu is the state religion of the United Ushthen Tribes. The religion worships the Badhortu.
Path of Badhortu
# Patricia Quint Patricia Quint is a Galerian MP and member of the Galerian Labour Party. She is currently serving as Minister of Regional Growth and Local Government.
Patricia Quint
# Patrik Berg Patrik Berg (born 27 December, 1961) is a Freyan businessman and politician. After Elsa Nyström's resignation, he became the interim prime minister of Freyand. He's a member of parliament since 1999, having been reelected 4 times. He's affiliated with the Center Party. Berg belongs to a more liberal wing of the party, both socially and economically. Prime Minister. Patrik Berg became interim prime minister of Freyand June 12 of 2020, succeeding Elsa Nystrom. While his government was seen initially as one to just keep things in control and stable until a new election, it went through some more significant policies and measures as it was confronted with one of the greatest crisis in freyan history. The new government has started distributing checks among all the people and unemployed people more specifically over the last months and started a pilot test program of a basic income. At the same time, a wealth tax was created, one of the first in the whole world. All those policies have proven popular among the electorate, that is expected to give the Center Party its best result in decades in the next legislative election. Besides those economic policies, the new government after a big rise in COVID-19 cases was able to get those numbers down. As of March 4 of 2021, the country has been able to live with less than 50 new cases per day for more than 20 days. Besides dealing well with the pandemic, the government has decided to cooperate with a private pharmaceutical company and private laboratories to come up with a COVID-19 vaccine. Some vaccines have already been produced and approved but the freyan one is taking longer, as in the words of Berg "Freyand is trying to make sure our vaccine is the best and is ready to protect people not only against the original virus but also its variants". Their vaccine is expected to be finished by 26 of March and approved in Freyand by 9 of April, 5 days after the next election. Meanwhile, the vaccination campaign has been going on since late December of 2020 with vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). According to government numbers, Freyand is in pace with other european countries when it comes to how many have been vaccinated so far but should be able to fasten up the process starting in April. Patrik Berg has been highly praised for his handling of the pandemic and his work at the front of the country. A February poll showed 63% of freyans had a favourable opinion of Berg. Those numbers are similar to other world leaders like Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador (62%) and Scott Morrison (60%) and superior to the numbers of Angela Merkel (58%), Joe Biden (55%), Justin Trudeau (47%), Moon Jae-In (43%), Jair Bolsonaro (43%), Boris Johnson (42%), Emmanuel Macron (34%), Pedro Sánchez (31%) and Yoshihide Suga (31%) but inferior to the approval rating of the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi (75%), according to the Morning Consult. Berg is more popular than most freyan political figures. One notable exception is Nils Enquist, current Speaker of the National Assembly, who left the Social Democratic Party after a scandal was revealed involving many of its senior members. Enquist holds an approval rating of 70%. While 24% have a negative view of him, 34% don't approve of the job of Patrik Berg. In early December of 2020, approval for Berg was at 53% and disapproval at 39%.
Patrik Berg
# Paul Hoelscher Paul Hoelscher is a Galerian politician who has served as Governor of the Galerian Antarctic Territory since 2012 and formerly served as a commodore in the Galerian Navy, leading the Antarctic Patrol Squadron. Honours and Awards. Cross of Naval Service - Awarded upon leaving the Navy. Long Service Medal, First class - Awarded on his 30th year of service to the Galerian Navy.
Paul Hoelscher
# Paula Grendel Paula Grendel is a Galerian MP and member of the Galerian Labour Party. She is currently serving as Minister of Equality.
Paula Grendel
# Paulino Ribeiro
Paulino Ribeiro
# Pavlovistan =Pavlovistan= Pavlovistan is a Philippine-Russian nation (formerly a micronation) that gained independence from Russia. This nation also adapts both Russian, Philippine, and Somali lifestyle. History:. 1946-1951 The first years of a nation: A Russian named Anatoly Pavlov along with his politican father, gathered 200 Russians to make a nation. A small fraction of the 200 we're not his relatives. It was named Pavlovgrad at that time. 1956 An hour long snowstorm hits the nation 1959 Russian Government gathered supplies and goods to make a nation. 1972 International Recognition 1975 Global call for help: Anatoly calls some Asian and European countries for help but no one responded except for Leon Malvar, a Senator from the Philippines 1977 Filipinos came to the nation to teach Protestantism 1978 Somalis came to the nation to adapt Islam. And that's how Pavlovistan was named. 1980 The death of Anatoliy. 1981 A Stavan cult came to the nation to teach Stavan Faith, an obscure Russian Religion. 1983 Participated in the '83 Olympics as Russia 1989 Pavlo-Vietnamese Alliance at the Brazilian 5 year-long war 1997 Viets started guarding the nation 1999 Some Pavlovs started living underground. 2001 Gained independence from Russia 2004 Egor Petrov's dictatorship which leads the deaths of 42,000 Somalis 2009 Petrov's well-deserved assassination by Somali Pirate, Asahd Mohamed 2011 Pavlovistan's first elected Female President Daniela De Castro 2017 First Pavlov on the Moon, Jerry Smirnov 2020 Covid hit the nation that leads to a year-long lockdown 2021 Lockdown lifted. Over 15% of the population infected and died. 2022 Pavlov Millionaire Anton Babanin plans to make a civilization in the Arctic Circle. 2023 Turkish nation Şövalye declares war on the nation after they rejected colonization. Geograpghy. Pavlovistan is a Macronation located at southern Russia with over 32 million citizens and one of the fastest growing nations in the world because of Russia. It borders Mongolia to the South and Russia to the West. There are only 4 Mountains named after Pavlov's family namely, Mt Anatoly, Mt Dimitri (Father), Mt Olga (Mother), and Mt Natasha (Sister), and 5 rivers name after his Wife and kids namely, River Ana (Wife), River Sergei (Eldest Son), River Anton (Middle Son), Maxim Deluge (dead son. Cause of death: War), and Nikita Deluge (youngest sister). There are over 121 Cities estimated above ground, and 7 cities undergound. Education. Pavlov Schools are mostly located inside large buildings and underground. Education is free there. No tuitions or anything even if it's private or public. There is a school law that if you remind a teacher for homework, you'll be sentenced for a week of suspension. If you do this 3 times, you're expelled. Army. Military. The Military army consists of 4 million soldiers. The Army was led by a Viet. They're the only nation to not yell at the soldiers. Each soldier must serve for at least 10 months for both men and women. They have over 34,000 tungsten tanks. Marine Corps. The Marine Corps consists of 3 Million soldiers and 720,000 Ships. Each Marine Corp soldier must serve at least 12 years for men and 10 years for women. Air Force. The Air Force consists of 870,000 soldiers and 520,000 fighter jets. Each Air force Soldier must serve at least 10 years or maybe a lifetime for both men and women. Food and Diet. A Pavlov diet consist of meat (preferably beef) , potatoes, leafy greens, and beans. They can also eat rye bread, melon, watermelon, corn, bananas, and cereal. National Dishes. You think Pavlovistan is known for Pavlova, you'd be dead wrong. Here are some local-made dishes: Fast food. Yes, there's fast food in this nation. There is a lot of fast food chains all around the nation. Most of which are locally made. There are around 45 Jollibee (Philippine Fast food Chain) Branches, 24 McDonalds Branches, 20 Burger King branches, 12 Dairy Queen branches, and more. Religion. This nation relies more on Christianity, Orthodox mainly. There are some signs of Islam in the nation because of Somalis. There are Stavan Temples and Mosques underground rather than above. Protestantism is also teached there with over 41 percent of the nation. There are more Baptist churches than Orthodox churches since Orthodox churches are bigger. Government. This nation is a Republic led by a President. But there are some democrats in this country. To qualify, you must be 35 years old above, unless you're a hero at a young age. Healthcare. Pavlov healthcare is definitely free. You'll be cured with little to no price. Most doctors there are Stavans. Television. List of TV Channels in Pavlovistan Transportation. There are buses like London's, taxis with different types of vehicles, subways, and luxury cars that can be bought at a cheap price. This nation uses eco-friendly, non-polluting oils. Some transportation uses electricity. There are 60 train stations, 14 subway stations, 105 airports, and approx. 345 bus stops. How to get there? You can't get direct flights to Pavlovistan from anywhere else. The only country that have direct flights to Pavlovistan are the neighboring countries of Russia. There are many ways you can fly to Russia if you're from Europe. If you're from Asia, you must book a flight to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, then ride a bus to the Pavlovistan Border. Your passport is required to enter. For coastal, you must ride a ship from Wakkanai, Japan to Vladivostok and ride a bus to the border.
# Pax Argonnica Universe The Pax Argonnica Universe is an alternative universe on an exoplanet identical to Earth, according to studies conducted on our home planet. Pax Argonnica refers to a universe where the Argonian Empire, a world superpower located in the Middle East, oversees a period of diplomatic peace. The universe is to include over ten countries, though only two are planned, which can be found below. Countries. Argonian Empire: A world superpower in the Middle East, and the overseer of Pax Argonnica. Ultach Republic: A country located in northern Ireland. Originated as a nationalistic rebellion in Ireland which resulted in the dissipation of the United Irish Republic and the foundation of the South Irish Democratic Republic and the Ultach Republic.
Pax Argonnica Universe
# Pchii language Pchii is the official and national language of Pchimlonouf. It is the only surviving language of the Pteroch language family. The Pchi language is known as the hardest language for English speakers. It usually takes a minimum of 10 years to be fluent. It uses the Latin script. Between the 1600s and the 1800s, it had no alphabet. The alphabet was adopted in 1899. History. The Pteroch language family started as a conlang in the late 1600s. Lafomasgigkapada-varaj'a created it as a way for the people to communicate with the huge diversity of languages. His son, Fysasf spoke no languages. Now, Fysasf speaks Pchii, Lithuanian, and Russian. Evolution. Historical spelling is very common. The most common type is /y/ sounds becoming /ee/ sounds. Word: Ammj Historical pronunciation: /awmy/ Current pronunciation: /awmee/ Another example of historical spelling is <kj> previously pronounce /ky/, now pronounce /ch/ Word: LAfds'kjavva Historical pronunciation: /hlatsv kyava/ Current pronunciation: /hlatsv tchava/
Pchii language
# Pchimlonouf Pchimlonouf [pxi:'mlanoʊf] pchi.MLA.nofe (like Scottish "ch") (Pchi: Pjciimlonoufj), officially the Pchimlonou Republic of Eurasia, is a country in Europe and Asia. It has 2.1 billion people which makes it the most populated country (in this universe). Cuisine. Pchimlonouf is known for food containing potatoes. They have potato 'khihsu which is a potato cut into a square with honey put inside. 'Khihsu is often served with rice. Flag. The four X's represent the four writers of the constitution. The darker blue represents how they were taken over by Jupiter. The lighter blue represents the republic. The 32-point star represents unity, and the pentagon represents peace.
# Pedra Perez Pedra Perez is the ninth and current president of Dormaloha. Life. Pedra Perez was born in Uanalosanca, a city in Madeira to Aleksandra and Pablo Perez. When she was 18, she moved to Eṅadeze and has been ever since. Education. Perez went to Domazore University from 1988 to 1996 for Computer Science and Political Science. Family. Parents. Alejandra Perez (age 75) and Pablo Perez (age 74) Siblings. Older Brother: Noe Perez (age 54) Spouse. Jamesonas Rodrigez (age 47) Children. Son: Diego Rodrigez (age 22)<br> Son: Antonio Rodrigez (age 19)<br> Daughter: Adriana Rodrigez (age 15)
Pedra Perez
# Peidre III Peidre Augustus (III) Shandavi (born Isakes Ceaser Peidre Shandavi 17th November 1905 -July 1st 1978) was King of the Kingdom of Runa, from his father, Estar's death in 1941, to his own death in 1978, when he was succeeded by his son Daniel.
Peidre III
# Peidre Quadres
Peidre Quadres
# Peidre Quadrés Peidre Hector Quadrés is a Runan Politician and Archivist who is currently serving as Minister of the Interior. Prior to becoming a politician, Quadrés worked as an archivist for the Civil Registry, part of the Ministry of the Interior.
Peidre Quadrés
# Penguin City
Penguin City
# Penguin Republic
Penguin Republic
# Penguinnorth <ns>0</ns> <revision> <parentid>47332</parentid> <timestamp>2023-03-09T19:50:57Z</timestamp> <contributor> <username>ErickZSEZTalls</username> </contributor> <comment>Adding categories</comment> <origin>47333</origin> <model>wikitext</model> <format>text/x-wiki</format> A country in Transport. High Speed Rail. It can go over 3000kph. SRT. A metro-like system used in cities, it can go over 130kph.
# Pentinasia Pentinasia is one of the wealthiest countries in Asia and it's also home to one of the most beautiful mountains in the world, ア乇ノ丂乇ᄃム乇ノᄊ乇ム (peisecaeimea) it is known for 80's fashions and their infamous president, 乃乇丂ノゐム丂乇りノイ (besiqasedit) who is known for making poor people suffer and killing guinea pigs. Because of this, he is considered one of the worst presidents to ever exist. The people in this place are one of the nicest you'll ever meet. Even though a large majority of people here only speak pentinese, there are a lot of other languages thrown into the mix (such as Turkmen, for example)
# Pentinese Pentinese is the official language of Pentinasia and also the most popular language out of the three. This language is in fact very similar to Chinese, only difference is that it has a very different sound and feel to it. It's also one of the hardest languages of all time. Words and Sentences. Hello (丂のノ ズリ乇) (Soi Kye) How are you today? (乇メᄃノ乇ムᄊ り乇丂ノᄃ乇ム ズ乇メᄃ乇丂ム丂?) (excieam desicea kexcesas?) I'm doing great (アム 丂ノメᄃ乇ム丂り乇ム丂) (Pa sixceasdeas) Good morning (ᄃん乇メ乇ムメ乇丂乇) (chexeaxese) Goodbye (ア乇ノ丂ム乇丂ム丂) (zesiome) You've been a really good boy today (丂W乇丂り乇丂ノズ乇 ア乇ズ丂ノ乇丂ム ズ乇丂ノのᄊム乇り乇 アム丂乇ム丂り乇ズ) (wesdesike peksiesa kesiomaede paseasdek) What's your name? (ア乇丂ノWズ乇りム丂) (pesiwkedas) My name is (りズ乇丂 りズ乇丂) (dkes dkes) I don't want to go (ノり乇丂ズムノム りW乇丂ノムズ乇乙 ズノ乇ノメ) (Ideskaia dwesiakez kieix) Give me the remote (ノりW乇りノりノり乇W丂 ア乇ノゐWム丂り乇ゐム アゐW乇丂ゐム丂) (idwedididews peiqwasdeqa pqwesqas) shut up (ズ乇ノゐ乇丂ム ゐW乇丂り乇丂ゐひノム) (keiqesa qwesdesquia) Farewell out there (ゐ乇丂ノムゐム丂ゐ ゐ乇丂ノムゐム丂ゐ) (qesiaqasq qesiaqasq) Toy (ᄊ乇刀ひ尺) (Menur) No (刀乇) (Ne) Yes (フノᄃの) (Jico) Thank you (乃ム ズ乇ノ丂ム) (Ba Keisa) A man and a woman (り乇ノ丂ズ乇 ᄊ乇ノ刀 ムᄃム W乇ノ乇ノᄊ乇) (Deiske mein aca weieime) You are under arrest (レ乇ノズ乇 ᄃ乇丂り乇ア乇 レ乇フレズ乇) (leike cesdepe lejlke) Dubs. Toy Story (ᄊ乇刀ひ尺乇 り乇丂ズノ乇ムᄊ丂) (menure deskieams) The Little Mermaid (り乇丂ズノ乇 フひᄃム尺) (deskie jucar) The Lion King (レ乇レ ᄃ乇丂ゐひム丂 ゐ乇W) (lel cesquas qew) Spongebob Squarepants (丂ア乇刀ノゐム W乇丂ノり乇√ム) (speniqa wesideva) Alvin And The Chipmunks (ムレ乇ム丂 ズノ乇丂ム丂り乇 ア乇ノズ乇 フ乇り乇丂ム) (aleas kiesasde peike jedesa) Aladdin (レ乇ズ丂乇ム) (leksea) The Simpsons (りW乇乇丂 丂ノ乇ズ乇乇) (dwees siekee) Family Guy (キ乇ノ ゐム丂) (fei qas) Amazing World Of Gumball (レ乇ズ丂乇ノ ムᄊム乙乙ノの 乙ムᄃ乇) (leksei amazzio zace) Regular Show (尺乇ムひレノ乇ム尺 丂のW) (reguliear sow) Adventure Time (ゐ乇丂ノムズ丂W乇 ᄊ乇ノイ丂) (qesiakswe meits) Chowder (りム丂 ᄃ乇ᄃ) (Das Cec)
# People's Commune of France "This country is part of the Red World alternate universe" The People's Commune of France (French: Commune populaire de France) is a communist state in Western Europe. They are part of the Comintern and fought in the Great Communist-Imperialist War. History. For a long time France has been a country that's most of time time on the verge of turning communist and the closest they got before the French Revolution of 1960 was the Paris Commune, formed by workers who were tired of the war against Prussia. At that time, France had basically lost the Franco-Prussian War, and Napoleon III, who started it, was imprisoned by the Prussians, leaving a power vacuum in the country. Many of the soldiers who did not enjoy losing joined the side of the workers, and they managed to create a socialist government in the city of Paris. But France eventually regained its stability and recaptured Paris. Then, later in 1945, after the Second World War, communist popularity was reignited but the French managed to keep the communists down, often using oppressive techniques to silence them because of the new cold war. Then, the Great Communist-Imperialist War/World War Three started, and again the communists started to push for a peaceful, communist government. The French again tried their best but it was very difficult to simultaneously wage war and suppress the communist movement and eventually, a revolution was started in late 1959, and was successfully completed in mid-1960, when the communists captured the last mainland anti-communist headquarters in Marseille, after which the remainder of the anti-communist force fled to Corsica. The People's Commune of France was formed, joining the communist side in the Third World War and greatly disrupting the power balance and soon after that, the Treaty of Berlin was signed, in a communist victory.
People's Commune of France
# People's Democratic Republic of Hajakuti The People's Democratic Republic of Hajakuti, also known as The People's Republic Of Hajakuti or just Hajakuti is a Country in Asia that owns much of japan's Land
People's Democratic Republic of Hajakuti
# People's Republic of Japan "This is a country in the Red World alternate universe." The People's Republic of Japan is a communist state in East Asia controlling the same territory as real life Japan, except the Ryukyu, Bonin and Volcano Islands but also with the addition of the southern Kuril islands and South Sakhalin (or Karafuto as the Japanese call it). They are a satellite state of the USSA.
People's Republic of Japan
# People's Republic of Kurdistan The People's Republic of Kurdistan is a Self-Governed Puppet state of The United States of America in The Middle East in Asia.
People's Republic of Kurdistan
# People's Republican Party of Easterozia People's Republican Party of Easterozia is the political party of Easterozia. History. People's Republican Party of Easterozia was founded by Mahmat Ibrahim in 15 July 1923. It was a resistance organization against Saudi Arabia. When Easterozia got independence from Saudi Arabia. It was officially as political party. During Mahmat Ibrahim rule, People's Republican Party of Easterozia became the one-party of Easterozia. After resignation of Mahmat Ferdinard and Easterozia became the multi-party country, People's Republican Party of Easterozia is no longer the one-party of Easterozia. As of nowadays, People's Republican Party of Easterozia is the second biggest political party in Easterozia.
People's Republican Party of Easterozia