# Kapitel 64 "This article is about the manga chapter. You may be looking for the character of the same name." Kapitel 64: Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg is the sixty-fourth chapter overall, and the fourth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of January 2011 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5576-5. Summary. The chapter opens with Ouka walking down a corridor, on her way to start a new day of attending to her royal duties. She is formally greeted by several bowing palace maids, and returns the greeting. She then meets with her three ladies-in-waiting and Hakuren. Gyokuran informs Ouka of her schedule for the day as the five walk on, and Ouka listens until they encounter Ouka's Aunt Granne. Granne greets Ouka and shows Ouka her new 'pet' (a slave). An annoyed Ouka reminds Granne that she (Ouka) has told her (Granne) many times not to do anything that tramples on a person's dignity. Granne mocks the fact that Ouka has not ascended to the imperial throne yet and remarks that Ouka does not have the right to give Granne orders. Granne then goes on to mention that she (Granne) had 'disposed of' (killed) another of her slaves recently. Fuming silently, Ouka restrains Kururu, who wants to attack Granne for being rude to Ouka, while Gyokuran snaps at Granne until Hakuren diplomatically steps in. Hakuren manages to politely get Granne to leave. Ohruri and Kikune marvel at Hakuren's ability to deal with Granne while Gyokuran silently fumes in jealousy that Hakuren handled Granne better than she did. Meanwhile, Ouka, who is now feeling upset, walks away from the rest of the group, and as she walks past several of her other relatives who are indulging in cruel activities such as admiring a collection of human eyes in jars and laughing over some recently seen fighting and killing among slaves (considered a sport in the Barsburg Empire), she broods over why the imperial family is 'so rotten'. The scene changes to Ouka being given a history lesson by Hakuren. However, Ouka is distracted when she sees that Hakuren has a stuffed toy somewhat similar to the one Teito gave her, and talks to Hakuren about Teito, finding out more about Hakuren's relationship with Teito. Hakuren tells Ouka that he considers Teito his 'light'. Inspired, when she encounters Granne again a while later, Ouka tells her aunt not to lose sight of her (Granne's) own light, and excuses herself, an infuriated Granne glaring after her as she leaves. After ending her conversation with Granne, Ouka goes to watch the Hawkzile race, accompanied by her ladies-in-waiting and Hakuren. At the Hawkzile Race, both Ouka and Hakuren are shocked to see that Teito is one of the contestants, and Ouka is shown to be happy that Teito appears to be doing well in the race. The chapter ends with the question of whether Teito and Ouka will be reunited.
Kapitel 64
# Kapitel 65 Kapitel 65: Tiashe (1) is the sixty-fifth chapter overall, and the fifth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of January 2011 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5576-5. Summary. Day 2 of the Hawkzile Race begins. Teito asks if Frau is all right, and Frau reassures him that he won't freeze this time. One of the other teams is disqualified while Carl and Parl continue to harass Frau and Teito, who remain undeterred. Castor and Labrador notice two suspicious contestants, but do nothing about it for the moment. About 72 minutes after the start of the race, Frau and Teito enter the airspace territory of District 1. Teito sees an Eye of God remnant of the Raggs War, and, overwhelmed by a flashback, promptly faints. In the flashback, Weldeschtein Krom Raggs, Teito's father, asks Fea Kreuz, Teito's uncle and the vessel of the Ghost, Vertrag, to erase his memories. Kreuz then flees the Raggs royal home, carrying Teito, and Kreuz and Teito are soon joined by the Black Beast Squadron. However, one of the squadron's members is swiftly killed by Hyuuga.
Kapitel 65
# Kapitel 66 Kapitel 66: Tiashe (2) is the sixty-sixth chapter overall, and the sixth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of January 2011 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5576-5. Summary. Carrying Teito, Kreuz continues to race towards Barsburg, with Karan and Agas alongside him. Karan hands his cherished muffler over to Teito, and detaches himself from the others to engage Hyuuga in a duel. Despite being highly skilled, Karan proves to be no match for Hyuuga, who defeats and kills him. Agas launches an attack that splits the ground, but Hyuuga remains undeterred. Mikhail senses Raphael and warns Kreuz and Agas that 7 seconds remain until "impact". To Hyuuga's annoyance, Raphael then attacks, destroying a large area of land and killing Agas, who falls to his death. Shocked at the damage Raphael has caused, Mikhail mutters that he had believed Raphael to be irreparable. Meanwhile, Nanase is gleefully presenting Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg's power over the Eye of Raphael to some officials.
Kapitel 66
# Kapitel 67 Kapitel 67: Tiashe (3) is the sixty-seventh chapter overall, and the sixth and final chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of January 2011 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5576-5. Summary. Teito despairs over the deaths of Mark, Karan and Agas. He meets Ouka, who says that she does not want to kill anyone. Back in the laboratory, an official demands that she be stopped, viewing the destruction she has caused as a decrease in Barsburg's spoils of war. However, Nanase insists that the Raphael Project continue for a while longer. The official remains displeased and calls Nanase a fool, but Wakaba Oak interrupts, remarking that any reason would suffice for starting a war. Teito reaches out towards Ouka, but she disappears, due to the scientists putting the Eye of Raphael on standby mode. As the scientists continue to experiment on Ouka, Fea Kreuz observes with dismay the destruction she has caused, and tends to Teito's injuries in an old church. Teito laments his (Teito's) inability to protect Mark, Karan and Agas, and Kreuz comforts him, telling him that he must not let go of the "baton of life" they entrusted him with. Kreuz and Teito hug as a cloaked figure approaches from behind them. Moments later, as Hyuuga enters the old church and finds it empty, Kreuz and Teito note with surprise that they have been suddenly transported to a bright place full of flowers. Teito asks Kreuz if the place is heaven, but it turns out that Landkarte had brought them there. The other ghosts congratulate Landkarte on his "good work", and surround Kreuz and Teito, asking Kreuz to hand over Pandora's Box.
Kapitel 67
# Kapitel 68 Kapitel 68: The Land of Seele is the sixty-eighth chapter overall, and first chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga. The volume was released on the 25th July 2011 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5624-3. Summary. The six other Ghosts insist that Fea Kreuz Raggs hand Pandora's Box over, but he refuses and declares that if they want to get to Teito, they will have to fight him (Kreuz) first. However, they reveal that they were testing him, and assure him that they intend to help. Guido comments on the strangeness of Pandora's Box being sealed inside such a small child and teasingly pokes Teito's cheek, annoying Kreuz and Mikhail. Mikhail attempts to attack Guido, but the attack misses and hits Karu instead. Fortunately, Karu recovers quickly, and all seven of the Ghosts begin to discuss the matter of Pandora's Box, Verloren and the Land of Seele. Mikhail assures them that he will do his utmost to protect Teito. The Land of Seele is revealed to be a place where one can meet God, and Guido advises Teito to tell the Chief of Heaven that he (Teito) wants to live in the human world again, patting Teito's head as he says this. Guido's touch reminds Teito of Frau, and Teito begins to regain consciousness, returning to the present.
Kapitel 68
# Kapitel 69 Kapitel 69: Confrontation is the sixty-ninth chapter overall, and second chapter of Volume 12 of the 07 ghost manga series. The volume was released on 25 July 2011 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5624-3. Summary. Teito regains consciousness and returns to the present. He sees Frau looking down at him, and wonders for a moment why Guido is there, then realises that he is back in the present and it is Frau he is looking at, not Guido. Teito and Frau briefly argue, with Frau saying that he is no longer popular with female spectators of the Hawkzile race due to rumours that they (Frau and Teito) are father and son, and Teito retorting that he (Teito) doesn't care. Teito asks how long he was unconscious for, and Frau tells him that he was unconscious for half an hour. Frau asks Teito if his memories have returned again, and Teito replies in the affirmative, reflecting that his memories are "dazzling yet cruel", but he won't avert his eyes from them. Frau advises Teito not to "let go of it (the baton of life)", and Teito agrees, stating that his pain is proof that the people who are connected to his life have lived and renewing his determination to go to the next God House. Castor and Labrador notice that the number of racers has suddenly increased, and Labrador realises that Ayanami is nearby. Ayanami and the Black Hawks then reveal themselves, and begin to fight against Teito, Frau, Castor and Labrador. Labrador grows a mountain plant to a monstrous size in order to block the path of the ordinary human contestants, Konatsu declares himself to be Castor's opponent, and Hyuuga takes on Frau. Yukinami and Suzunami confront Teito, and although Yukinami hesitates at first, both twins begin to attack him, but Teito manages to escape with the help of the plant manipulated by Labrador. However, he is now in even more danger than before, as Ayanami approaches him.
Kapitel 69
# Kapitel 7 Kapitel 7: Cycle of Rebirth is the seventh chapter overall, and second chapter of Volume 2 of the 07 ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of May 2005 in Japan, and March (date unknown) 2009 in North America. Its ISBNs are 978-4-7580-5225-2 and 978-1-60510-033-3 respectively. Summary. The fight with Mikage and Frau continues on the Bridge of Trials, Ayanami, who is in control of half of Mikage's soul, recognises Frau as, Zehel, one of the Seven Ghosts, and calls him by his name. Upon hearing this, Teito remembers hearing the same from one of the sisters in the Church and believes he has come to help, as the sister had said the Ghosts appear to those in need. Frau realises that Mikage's soul is being eaten by the Kor wing, and that it is impossible to save him. Teito does not realise this and begs for Mikage to be saved by the Ghost. Mikage goads Teito into taking revenge against the Barsburg Imperial Army, and then he throws himself against the scythe Zehel is wielding, which cuts his wing, thus killing himself. Ayanami, noticing the scythe Zehel wields, warns Frau that his scythe will soon return to him(Ayanami), so he must treat it with care until then. As Mikage begins to crumble away, Teito runs to him, and he and Teito share one last hug. As Ayanami lets Mikage's soul go, he realises why Miroku sent him after Teito. Meanwhile, Teito remembers his friendship with Mikage and becomes depressed. Frau comforts him, and brings him Mikage's reincarnation, an orphaned Fyulong dragon that had fallen from its mother's nest. Frau notices the promise collar, and tries to remove it, but as he tries the collar bites him, meaning he has accidentally become Teito's master. Castor explains that if they are separated for more than 48 hours, the collar will explode.
Kapitel 7
# Kapitel 70 Kapitel 70: Separation is the seventieth chapter overall, and third chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga. The volume was released on the 25th July 2011 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5624-3. Summary. The Bishops and Teito continue their battle with Ayanami and the Black Hawks. Ayanami has a flashback of Eve. The Bishops and Teito are eventually defeated, and Ayanami succeeds in capturing Teito. Castor tries to kill Konatsu, but Katsuragi arrives in the nick of time to save Konatsu and shocks Castor with his speed.
Kapitel 70
# Kapitel 71 Kapitel 71: Disappearance is the seventy-first chapter overall, and fourth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga. The volume was released on the 25th July 2011 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5624-3. Summary. Teito wakes up in the Hohburg Fortress infirmary and wonders where he is. Katsuragi, who is sitting nearby and reading a book, greets him, and the other Black Hawks (except Ayanami) come in. Teito learns that he has been made Ayanami's begleiter but, since his memories have been erased, has forgotten who Ayanami is, to the Black Hawks' shock. A short while later, Teito is discharged from the infirmary and reports to Ayanami, who assigns him begleiter duties. As Teito turns to leave, Ayanami points his sword at him, and Teito asks if anything is wrong. Ayanami replies that there isn't, lowers his sword and dismisses Teito. Meanwhile, Frau's unconscious body has been found by three beggars: Barm, Moz and Ryuu. They check for a pulse, and, finding none, assume that he is dead. While they are performing a burial ceremony, Frau unexpectedly regains consciousness and sits up, frightening them. When they have recovered from their initial fright, Ryuu calls for his younger sister, Nene, and asks her to get some water for Frau. In his exhausted state, Frau mistakes Nene for Teito and apologises when he realises his mistake. Ryuu, thinking that Frau intends to harm Nene, tries to attack him. Barm restrains Ryuu and apologises to Frau as Nene and Moz give Frau the water. Back in Hohburg Fortress, Teito begins his begleiter duties.
Kapitel 71
# Kapitel 72 Kapitel 72: Déjà vu is the seventy-second chapter overall, and fifth chapter of Volume 12 of the 07 ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th July 2011 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5624-3. Summary. As Teito adapts to life as a Military personnel, not being able to help feeling strange upon learning that he had been working at Hohburg Fortress for two months, he begins to experience a sense of déjà vu. He is introduced to his new workmates, and talks to Konatsu, who at first seems wary of him but then quizzes him on his exam grade and is pleased with Teito's top grade. Konatsu hopes he will lessen the burden for him as his teammates rarely try hard, and gives him his baseball bat. Konatsu introduces Teito to his new room mate, who turns out to be none other than Shuri Oak, who reacts with outrage upon learning this. The two soldiers beg Konatsu to change their roommates, but Konatsu refuses to. Shuri becomes annoyed at Teito as he has become Ayanami's begleiter. Teito himself experiences another bout of déjà vu, a reference towards his first encounter with Hakuren Oak, but dismisses this as he believes that he has never had a roommate before Shuri. Teito's thoughts turn to what has become of Mikage, and he goes to the information center in an attempt to find Mikage, but his attempt is met with failure. He turns desperate and hopes that Mikage will receive his messages. Meanwhile, the Military learns that Teito is the lost child of Raggs, and the holder of the Eye of Mikhail.
Kapitel 72
# Kapitel 73 Kapitel 73: Curse is the seventy-third chapter overall, and sixth and final chapter of of the 07 Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th July 2011 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5624-3. Summary. The army is determined to use the Eye of Mikhail to its advantage, and conducts the same experiments on Teito as it has done with Princess Ouka and the Eye of Raphael. Before they can begin, a messenger arrives and informs the scientists that both Wakaba Oak and Chairman Miroku are missing, but the scientists continue with the experiment. As they attempt to access the psyche of the Eye, the system appears to malfunction and floods the computer with strange symbols as the Eye attempts to defend itself. It is revealed that the Chief of Heaven had recorded Verloren's judgement within Verloren's body, hence the abnormal amount of information stored within the Eye of Mikhail. The scientists attempt to get the Eye to obey them by appearing as a guardian towards the host, as the Eyes will obey those who adopt a guardian position. However, the Eye of Mikhail damages the restraints, which results in Mikhail awakening. The scientists attempt to stop the experiment but are unable to as the machine will not allow them. Mikhail begins to destroy the lab and threaten the scientists, but is quickly apprehended by Ayanami and the Eye taken from him, with Doctor Nanase planning to utilise the Eye of Raphael to analyse Mikhail.
Kapitel 73
# Kapitel 74 Kapitel 74: Impatient is the seventy-fourth chapter overall, and first chapter of of the 07 Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 24th December 2011 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4758-05679-3. Summary. Teito wakes from the experiment and is greeted by the scientists who attach a strange choker to his neck and tell him that it will help him in his everyday life, which Teito believes, despite the choker hurting him. Teito rushes back to work, taking the elevator. Meanwhile, Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg, Hakuren Oak and her ladies in waiting receive news that Ouka's check-up is cancelled, due to an "operational error" (actually due to Mikhail's destroying the Lab). Gyokuran is excited due to the masquerade ball on Ouka's birthday where she may meet a potential husband, and an annoyed Ouka leaves. As Teito arrives, he is noticed by Hakuren, who confronts him. When Teito fails to recognise him, Hakuren presents a picture of Frau and Teito in the Hawkzile race, which Teito does not believe due to his hair being blonde in the picture. Teito attempts to leave when Hakuren mentions Mikage, but then becomes furious and runs off when Hakuren comments on Mikage's death. Meanwhile, Burupya has managed to find his way into Hohburg and is found by Hakuren, who is relieved to see Burupya is safe. Hyuuga and Ayanami talk about Teito and it's revealed that Ayanami has used Vertrag's power to wipe Teito's memory. Ayanami attacks Hyuuga, warning him his reaction time is slow, and Hyuuga then teases Ayanami about being worried about his safety, to which an annoyed Ayanami responds by telling Hyuuga to die. Hyuuga then says that something is going to be discovered soon, and Wakaba Oak's body is shown floating in a pool of water.
Kapitel 74
# Kapitel 75 Kapitel 75: Younger Brother is the seventy-fifth chapter overall, and second chapter of of the 07 Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 24th December 2011 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4758-05679-3. Summary. Following the death of his father, Wakaba Oak, Shuri mourns over his father's body. While this is going on, Teito finds out that the letter he had sent to Mikage had been returned to him as it could not be delivered to its designated address. Teito also receives a letter from Mikage's family inviting him to attend Mikage's funeral. Teito later sees two guards attempting to drag Shuri away from Wakaba's corpse, and protests, then attacks the guards when they refuse to let go. Meanwhile, Chairman Miroku and Karu watch the security footage of Wakaba's death, seeing him fall into the fountain as if drunk and not get back up, which was generally accepted as the cause of his death. Karu believes Ayanami is pulling strings, and is prepared to kill anyone who gets in his way, as he (Ayanami) is the new favourite for Field Marshal and can decide the fate of the Eyes. Miroku and Karu decide that Ayanami must be killed. The scene changes to show the Black Hawks traveling to the Oak House to pay their condolences. As they walk through the main hall it is obvious that no one is truly saddened by Wakaba's death, not even other Oak family members, which angers Shuri. As a way of thanking them, each guest is given a precious gemstone, which has helped the Oaks increase their fortune, but as Teito touches the stone he is suddenly overpowered by a strong feeling and drops it. A short while later, Teito meets a young man who resembles Mikage and learns that the young man is Mikage's older brother, after which he is introduced to the rest of Mikage's family. After visiting Mikage's grave, Teito is taken to his (Mikage's) room and upon seeing the many photos of himself and Mikage, breaks down and cries.
Kapitel 75
# Kapitel 76 Kapitel 76: Ea is the seventy-sixth chapter overall, and third chapter of of the 07 Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 24th December 2011 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4758-05679-3. Summary. As Teito stops crying at Mikage's death, Karein notices Shuri listening to their conversation and confronts him, telling Teito that Shuri and Mikage were childhood friends. As Karein and Kokuyou leave, Shuri reveals to Teito that he had been jealous that Teito and Mikage were so close, and Teito then thanks an annoyed Shuri. Meanwhile, Castor and Labrador arrive in the slums of District 1 to heal an injured Frau, whose life was saved by his special coat (made from the fibres of the holy Cuvere tree), but the attack still damaged Frau's core, which will leave him unable to fight for a few days. Castor and Labrador know of Ayanami's plan, and Lance has infiltrated the military in an attempt to stop it. Castor assures Frau that the rest of them will be joining him undercover in two days. The scene cuts to Lance making his way through Hohburg, looking through the memories of researchers for information, and discovers that the only way to free Teito from the collar is to kill its master. Reasoning that Landkarte and Ea are still alive and unharmed, Lance looks at the last memories the two Ghosts had before leaving. In the memory, the two Ghosts reveal their reason for going undercover is to watch Verloren's reincarnation, and their last words are questioning the power given to a Warsfeil. When Lance resumes his temporary job as a Bishop in Hohburg Fortress, he is confronted by Ea, who tells him there is a traitor within the Ghosts.
Kapitel 76
# Kapitel 77 Kapitel 77: Black Pearl is the seventy-seventh chapter overall, and fourth chapter of of the 07 Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 24th December 2011 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4758-05679-3. Summary. As Eve and Verloren walk, Eve confesses to him that she feels guilty about visiting him as she hasn't spoken to her father for a whole week already, which she says isn't good. Verloren complains that he has already told her not to visit him and that she is distracting him from his work. When Eve sees the black jewels Verloren makes, he explains that evil thoughts can be turned into black stones, whereas pure feelings, such as love, cannot have a form. Back in the present, Teito and Kohaku go to Wakaba Oak's exhibition of the black jewels. Whilst touching the jewels, Teito has a flashback of his past, and asks Kohaku whether the crown was originally white. Buran (the Oak family's jewel designer and a Warsfeil) sees them and scolds Kohaku for bringing somebody into the exhibition. Teito and Kohaku hurriedly leave.  Rinka then arrives and Buran asks her for her opinion on a statue of a boy. He comments that he hates that statue and it feels like he (the boy statue) keeps on scolding him, but Rinka praises it and says that the statue is an amazing masterpiece. Buran is pleased by the compliment and says that Rinka will be his next statue as she is gentle, smart and would be perfect for his collection. Rinka cries in fear. Teito hears her cry and rescues her, defeating Buran. It is revealed that since Raggs was defeated, Wakaba wanted to get rid of their language, culture and everything related to Raggs, so Buran turned the jewels black and sold them. When the Raggs jewelry ran out, he began turning people into jewels. A young Lance realises what Buran is doing, and Buran turns him into a statue to silence him. 
Kapitel 77
# Kapitel 78 Kapitel 78: Cage is the seventy-eighth chapter overall, and fifth chapter of of the 07 Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 24th December 2011 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4758-05679-3. Summary. Following Buran's defeat, the black jewelry seems to vanish, leaving everyone but Ayanami panicked and confused. Meanwhile, Teito Klein feels relieved that Rinka and Kohaku are unhurt, explaining that if he let Mikage's family get hurt, he'd never be able to see Mikage with pride. Kohaku feels sorry and apologises to Teito for being rude earlier, and revealed he was the one who gave Mikage the scar and forced him to go to military school, as the Oak House would not accept a butler with a scarred face. Suddenly, Teito feels another presence behind him and falls asleep. This prompts Relikt to appear, and the ghost is devoured by Ayanami. Back in the lab, the scientists use the angel Raphael to investigate Teito's mind further. Ayanami and Doctor Nanase look into Teito's mind, where Teito meets a boy inside a cage and tries to get him out. The mysterious boy tells him that only the bearer of Mikhail can read the characters to unlock the gate. Teito gets confused and disappears from his mind, waking up in the hospital room. Teito is surprised to see Ayanami sitting beside the bed, and tells him his dream, then apologises to him. Ayanami pats Teito's head, telling him to quickly remember. Teito had a feeling somebody else patted his head like that before, but he couldn't remember. As Teito rests, Ayanami leaves and meets with the rest of the Black Hawks, and promises Kuroyuri that he will devour Fest's other arm so that he can connect her/him to Haruse completely.
Kapitel 78
# Kapitel 79 Kapitel 79: Emperor is the seventy-ninth chapter overall, and sixth chapter of of the 07 Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 24th December 2011 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4758-05679-3. Summary. The scientists of Hohburg Fortress search the mind of a sleeping Teito, and during the search, Mikhail appears. He notices that one of the locks on the gate has been broken and attempts to fix it but is stopped by Ayanami, who orders him to obey him. When Mikhail refuses, Ayanami reveals that Teito is wired to a machine that releases brainwaves that frighten him, meaning the only way Mikhail can protect Teito is by listening to Ayanami. As Mikhail leaves, Teito regains control and remembers when Frau patted his head. Later, Teito recovers in the bathroom, and Konatsu tells him that the royal family attendant has called for him. When Teito arrives it is revealed that he has been made a guard of Princess Ouka, and has to go disguised as Miroku's adopted son, member of the Barsburg Family, and fiancé candidate. As Hakuren and Teito walk down the hallway, Hakuren attempts to make Teito remember his past, showing him Burupya as proof. Teito, however, struggles to believe him. Meanwhile, the Emperor of Barsburg plots the assassination of Roseamanelle, as when she chooses a husband the next day, he will be forced to retire and the husband will become emperor of Barsburg. The 'shadow man' appears from behind the emperor and is revealed to be his war advisor, the one who has convinced him to kill the princess, and the emperor orders the wielder of the Eye of Mikhail to be imprisoned. Frau, Castor and Labrador prepare to infiltrate Hohburg Fortress while Ryuu and Nene watch.
Kapitel 79
# Kapitel 8 Kapitel 8: Mikhail is the eighth chapter overall, and third chapter of of the 07 ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of May 2005 in Japan, and March (date unknown) 2009 in North America. Its ISBNs are 978-4-7580-5225-2 and 978-1-60510-033-3 respectively. Summary. Teito remembers Mikage's last words, telling Teito that he loves him and not to take revenge against the Imperial Army, scrawled all over the Church walls with his Zaiphon. However, during the fight it was revealed to Ayanami that Teito has the Eye of Mikhail, and, fearing a repeat of the Raggs War if the Pope were to get a hold of it, Ayanami vows to retrieve the stone for the military. Meanwhile, Teito confronts Castor, wishing to travel to Hohburg Fortress to take revenge despite Mikage's earlier warnings to him. When questioned on past events, Teito tells Castor that he knows Frau is Zehel, one of the Seven Ghosts and Castor has the same scent. Castor suddenly renders Teito unconscious, revealing himself to be a Ghost too, and attempts to erase Teito's memory of the battle with Mikage and Zehel's reveal. However, he is stopped by Frau who reasons that it will take away Mikage's last smile: Teito's last treasure. Castor warns Frau that he will lose his position as a Ghost if a human were to find out about their existence, but before they are able to take it any further, Frau's scythe malfunctions and attacks an unconscious Teito, despite Frau's protests. The Eye of Mikhail intervenes before Teito is injured, and a furious Mikhail attacks the two Bishops. When Mikhail demands the removal of the collar, Castor counters that only the army can remove it. To control Mikhail, Frau makes use of the commands of the collar, and once Teito has been incapacitated, the Bishops decide to enrol Teito in the clergy exams.
Kapitel 8
# Kapitel 80 Kapitel 80: Masquerade: First Part is the eightieth chapter overall, and seventh chapter of of the 07 Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 24th December 2011 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4758-05679-3. Summary. After the experiment, Teito wakes up in the waiting room outside Ayanami's office, finding that he has been covered with Ayanami's overcoat. Teito apologises to the Chief of Staff and Ayanami reveals that he had to carry Teito inside after he fell asleep against the door. Teito insists he will write a letter of apology, but Ayanami ignores him and dismisses him, telling him to take care of himself. The compliment makes Teito happy, as no one had told him that he was irreplaceable before. Hyuuga questions Ayanami, and Ayanami replies that it's his body Teito is in charge of and it is not long before his wish comes true. Meanwhile, Castor, Frau and Labrador have infiltrated the ball disguised as members of the Hausen House. Ouka's attendants, including Hakuren, are also at the ball, and Gyokuran begins criticizing the potential emperors. The candidate from the 1st District, Granne's son, is ill so Teito is his replacement. During the dancing, Teito notices a presence and follows the princess onto the balcony where she is approached by several men, including the 'shadow man', and is attacked. Teito protects her, and they both flee when the guards arrive. However, a few seconds later, the 'shadow man' kills all the guards and pursues them.
Kapitel 80
# Kapitel 81 Kapitel 81: Masquerade: Last Part is the eighty-first chapter overall, and eighth and final chapter of of the 07 Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 24th December 2011 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4758-05679-3. Summary. Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg tries to get Teito to regain his memories of her, having been told earlier by Hakuren Oak how Teito had had all his memories of the past three months erased. Teito becomes frustrated as he recognises the names but cannot remember where they come from. Seeing this, Ouka grabs Teito and attempts to escape to the Barsburg Church in the 7th District, as she believes this will trigger his memories to return. However, they are stopped when they hear a voice and the room begins filling with smoke. Ayanami tells Hyuuga something has gotten into the building, and Hyuuga is surprised it's not a ghost. The 'shadow man' appears and tells them there is still one key left to open Pandora's Box, which causes Ayanami to wonder who the 'shadow man' really is. The 'shadow man' attempts to kill Ouka but is protected by Teito, who is reminded of the former Pope. The shadow threatens to devour Teito and the chandelier falls, causing all the people to run out of the hall. As Ouka is protected by Gyokuran, Teito fights a skull-wearing figure, and Hyuuga blocks an attack by a giant mutant plant created by Labrador. Ayanami is stabbed by Castor as he jumps down, but the stabbed Ayanami is revealed to actually be a puppet, and the real Ayanami destroys Castor's puppet hand. As Teito fights the skull-wearing man, he (Teito) kicks off the skull mask, and it is revealed to be Frau- who had earlier infiltrated the building. As Frau attempts to take Teito outside the building, he (Frau) is stabbed by Mikhail when the archangel suddenly takes control of Teito's body. Mikhail prepares to release level 40.
Kapitel 81
# Kapitel 82 Kapitel 82: Reunion is the eighty-second chapter overall, and first chapter of of the 07 Ghost manga series. Summary. Labrador and Hyuuga are still in battle, and Hyuuga seeks revenge for the attack that left Ayanami with a missing arm, attempting to cut off Labrador's arm. During the battle, Labrador attempts to trick Hyuuga with an illusion, but it fails to work and Labrador is defeated. Meanwhile, Castor fights with Ayanami. Castor strikes out at Ayanami but it is revealed to be just a decoy doll allowing the real Ayanami to stab Castor through the chest. In the fight with Teito and Frau, Mikhail is ready to release his power when Teito tries to stop him. As he tries, brainwaves are sent that awaken his fears, and Mikhail is there to try to take away his pain, but Teito answered that it's wrong. Mikhail tries fighting the fear with him, but Teito remembers everyone's love for him, though not in time to stop Mikhail's attack. Ayanami returns, and orders Teito to go for a check-up, then muses over the strange appearance of the 'shadow man' and realises that he is Landkarte. As Teito walks, Mikhail informs him that Frau is fine, and they decide to find Ouka in order to obtain the cursed ticket. Back in the lab, several soldiers investigate a mysterious black mass inside a cage when suddenly it begins to move, scaring the soldiers there. As they flee, the mass is revealed to be Frau who was shielded by Verloren's scythe. Frau wonders why the scythe rescued him, since it obeys only Verloren and the scythe answers it found two people as food. Frau attempts to get out of the cage, but his arm, being bound to the scythe, is held inside. The cage is one specifically designed to keep the scythe in.
Kapitel 82
# Kapitel 83 Kapitel 83: Replica is the eighty-third chapter overall, and second chapter of Volume 14 of the 07 Ghost manga series. This chapter marks the beginning of the Replica arc.  The chapter was released on the 22nd April 2012 in Japan, and has so far not been released in North America. Its ISBNs are unknown. Summary. The Barsburg Emperor, Wolfram Eifeler Barsburg, is overseeing the repair of the main hall when he is called away to see someone whose "condition has worsened". Meanwhile, Castor and Labrador awake in a place that they first believe to be Ayanami's stomach, but instead is a cell built specifically for holding Ghosts. It is revealed that Ayanami had tried to absorb Castor and Labrador but because his body was human it was unable to cope and he was forced to spit the two ghosts out. Labrador thinks that Ayanami wanted to save Haruse. Castor uses his doll strings to grab Kuroyuri through the bars but Haruse moves in front of him/her. Upon seeing this, Castor decides to save Haruse instead of leaving him to die like he had originally planned. The three Black Hawks leave. Meanwhile, Teito Klein is searching for Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg. He and Mikhail come to the conclusion that she is currently undergoing maintenance. While an experiment is being conducted on her, Teito rescues her. When the two attempt to make their escape, they stumble into the private lab of the Barsburg Emperor and find hundreds of Ouka clones. The Emperor appears and tells Ouka that overuse of the Eye of Raphael's power quickly broke the previous wielders, so they decided to clone the wielder, ensuring that there would always be a supply of wielders when the latest one broke. He then tells Ouka that her only remaining purpose is to eliminate Teito.
Kapitel 83
# Kapitel 84 Kapitel 84: Replica 2 is the eighty-fourth chapter overall, and third chapter of Volume 14 of the 07 Ghost manga series. The chapter was released on the 25th May 2012 in Japan, and has so far not been released in North America. Its ISBNs are unknown. Summary. A flashback of the reign of the Raggs King is shown, with Weldeschtein Krom Raggs giving a speech to the masses about racial harmony between the nations. Although Krom's speech is well-received, Wolfram Eifeler Barsburg, who is among the crowd, remains unimpressed. Back in the present, Teito and Wolfram are still talking, and Wolfram orders Ouka to kill Teito Klein as he is a descendant of the Raggs royal line. Roseamanelle attacks Teito and the two fight, and Teito attempts to appeal to Ouka's human side by reminding her of the time she said she didn't want to kill, but he is ignored. Teito is reminded of the time when his father and Fea Kreuz took him to visit a falling island, and his father reminded him that everything will come to an end, but the power of the Eye of Mikhail can restore something that has reached its end. Teito then uses this memory to tell Ouka that the Eyes are not intended for war, and Ouka's attack destroys a large portion of the surrounding area, causing her to return to normal. It is revealed that the previous empress of Barsburg died due to experimentation on the Eye of Raphael, and during an experiment with the daughter, the true Roseamanelle died too. Wakaba Oak and Nanase then form a plan to cover up the death of the real princess and replace her with one of the 47 clones they have made from her. Since then, clone OR-0007 has been living as the present princess of Barsburg.
Kapitel 84
# Kapitel 85 Kapitel 85: Replica 3 is the eighty-fifth chapter overall, and forth chapter of Volume 14 of the 07 Ghost manga series. The chapter was released on the 25th June 2012 in Japan, and has so far not been released in North America. Its ISBNs are unknown. Summary. The search for the missing Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg (OR-0007) continues as Ouka questions her true identity. As the princess transforms into a child and falls into darkness, Teito Klein takes firm hold of her and tells her that she surely must have inherited the so-called baton of life from the true Ouka. The brainwashing ends for both the bearer of the Eye of Raphael and Raphael himself as Ouka realizes she had been allowed to live. Emperor Wolfram Eifeler Barsburg recovers and Teito aims to have him open his eyes to the truth as well when Mikhail stops him to heal his wounds. The security systems in the OR-Lab are triggered and shoot Teito, and the Emperor plans to get rid of now unusable Ouka and re-install the Eye of Raphael in a new clone body that can be brainwashed. However, Chief Nanase arrives in time to stab the deranged emperor. The Emperor is stunned by such betrayal and falls, fatally wounded. The doctor turns to the princess and asks her to leave with him, but Ouka refuses. Nanase becomes angry and attempts to choke Ouka. Raphael then comes to rescue his mistress, dealing a death blow to the doctor. Ouka, hearing the suffering of the other replicas in their tanks, tearfully destroys them all with Raphael's powers to allow them to rest. In a fit of panic and insanity, Nanase runs to his creations and is killed by the fire. Wolfram escapes the blast but is confronted by Teito, who declines to kill him. A black shadow separates itself from the body of the Emperor and the Ghost Ea appears behind Teito, stating that the shadow is what is left of his fallen comrade.
Kapitel 85
# Kapitel 86 Kapitel 86: Confession is the eighty-sixth chapter overall, and fifth chapter of Volume 14 of the 07 Ghost manga series. The chapter was released on the 25th July 2012 in Japan, and has so far not been released in North America. Its ISBNs are unknown. Summary. The Research Department of the Barsburg empire struggles to deal with the vast damage dealt to their laboratory by the earlier events, as Teito Klein is confronted by the Ghost Ea, who states his admiration towards the Raggs Prince's unpredictability and courage leading to the release of Raphael from generations of brainwashing. Ea then reveals that his human form is Karu, and that he has been protecting Teito, though it meant he had been somewhat rough on him. Mikhail asks Teito's permission to have a word with a tearfully grateful Raphael, who had taken over Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg. After Mikhail and Raphael have talked for a while, Ea addresses the two bearers, particularly Ouka, whom he confirms to have the true Barsburg Princess's soul due to him transferring it from its former body to the body of her clone when she (the real Ouka) died. Ea then confronts Emperor Wolfram Eifeler Barsburg regarding what the Shadow Man had actually bargained with him for, to cause all this trouble. To Teito's surprise, the Emperor replies, "Millea Klein" whom he loved but had rejected his affections because she had fallen for a painter. The painter turned out to be none other than Weldeschtein Krom Raggs whom, five years after ascending to the throne and working hard to lead his kingdom, had asked for the hand of Millea in marriage. The young Barsburg Emperor had already admitted defeat and was willing to give way for the sake of his beloved's happiness. However, he was tempted by the Shadow Man, who asked why someone like Wolfram, who was on the very top of the Empire, would give up so easily.
Kapitel 86
# Kapitel 87 Kapitel 87: Millea Klein is the eighty-sixth chapter overall, and sixth chapter of Volume 14 of the 07 Ghost manga series. The chapter was released on the 25th August 2012 in Japan, and has so far not been released in North America. Its ISBNs are unknown. Summary. The Barsburg Emperor reveals to Ea and the two bearers his past with the stranger, who called himself a 'Warmonger', and used his power to corrupt Wolfram with plans of invading and destroying the Kingdom of Raggs. The Shadow Man poisons Millea Klein, making her fall into a deep sleep as Barsburg blames the stealing of Pandora's Box on the Kingdom of Raggs. Thus the war commences. After Krom dies during the war, Emperor Wolfram realizes Millea will only hate him once she awakens and may never forgive him for what he's done. Because of this, he is reluctant to use the antidote and revive her, and she remained in her comatose state. Wolfram Barsburg then reveals the whereabouts of Millea and the antidote to Teito, the latter administering it to his mother. Millea awakens to a tearful Tiashe. As Teito struggles to tell her that the man she loved was no longer with them, she tells him of a dream where she had reached a garden and said farewell to a lot of people she used to know including Tiashe's father, meaning she already knows what had happened. As the two (Teito and Millea) revel in their reunion, Ouka uses her power and heals Wolfram's injuries, and Wolfram apologizes to Ouka with all his heart. Meanwhile, Hyuuga talks to Ayanami about the last key to Pandora's Box. Ayanami dismisses Hyuuga's thoughts as idle chitchat, and proceeds towards where the Bearers are with Ea, Millea and the Emperor. Despite warnings from those around him, he heads for the door with a specific intention in mind. Quotes from this Chapter. ""I painted it as an admonition...Instead I was soothed by it. By the infinite sky that envelops everything..." "_King Krom Raggs, recall (Page 06) "However, even if I've gotten Millea back, there was nothing I could do. Once she opens her eyes, Millea will surely hate me. Not to mention, I won't be able to hold on to Millea. Because, she doesn't love me.The days where I could only watch her sleeping face. Even so, this was my only...for me, it was my only happiness...It's a foolish happiness...No wonder my wish to make the one I love happy, could never be fulfilled, even once. At least before I die, I wanted to wake her up with these hands but...I know now that even that is not allowed...when the antidote fell into your hands." _Wolfram Barsburg, confession, to Teito Klein (Page 07-10) ""Mom...I'm home...today...my friends came...I'll introduce...them to you after this..." "_Teito, tearful after being reunited with his mother (Page 14/15) ""Mom! The sky is great today too! I'm sure it will be tomorrow too! And the day after tomorrow's tomorrow! And the day after tomorrow's tomorrow's tomorrow!" "_Tiashe (Page 15/16) "Oh my...Before I...know it...you've...grown up...this big...you're...the spitting image...of Krom-sama." _Millea's words to Tiashe (Page 17) ""Mom saw a long dream...when I climbed up a long stairs...at a beautiful flower garden...there I said goodbye to a lot of people...I've heard about you too. You've endured it well. You did great Tiashe...you lived on..." "(Page 18-20) "These hands...even now, I still can't say that they are big and strong but...they're awkward and full of scars but...I've grabbed on lots of things with these hands. From now on too, I will never let them go, the proof that I've lived, and the hope. Til the end..."_Teito, promise to Millea (Page 21-23) "You still have something to do. To Teito...and to Millea-san...you should be able to do it now that the black shadow has disappeared...you are my only father. My important and beloved blood relative..." _Ouka to the emperor (Page 24/25) "I have to atone myself to you too...Ouka, what a foolish person I am...forgive me...what a precious thing I've lost..." _Emperor Wolfram (Page 26/27) "What have I done...For a long time, I've only been facing that black shadow...I haven't even been looking at my daughter's honest face..." _Emperor Wolfram, thought (Page 26) "I probably hate things called changes..." _Hyuuga (Page 29)
Kapitel 87
# Kapitel 88 "This article is about the manga chapter. You may be looking for the heavenly being." Kapitel 88: Landkarte is the eighty-eighth chapter overall, and seventh chapter of Volume 14 of the 07 Ghost manga series. The chapter was released on the 28th September 2012 in Japan, and has so far not been released in North America. Its ISBNs are unknown. Summary. Ea recalls his past when, after death via poison, he awakens as the new incarnate of a 07 Ghost. He meets his fellow ghosts and is introduced to Landkarte, the older ghosts thinking it best they become friends as they are almost the same age. Ea's first impression of Lankarte is that he might be the kind of person he's not good with. This proves to be true as the not-so-sociable Ea is annoyed by the energetic and sometimes overly friendly Landkarte. The latter tries to persuade him to show him the Book of Hades, reasoning that he (Landkarte) has a need to teleport to souls on the verge of turning black to persuade them to turn white and thus must know their numbers—something only Ea has the power of. Eventually, Ea gives in to Landkarte's request but warns him to treat the realm (presumably the realm of the Book of Hades) with utmost care after Landkarte steps on a soul number Ea just recently wrote on and it vanished. Roaming about in the Book's realm, Landkarte was also able to determine who killed Ea after seeing the latter reacting to one of the souls. Despite Ea saying that he was no longer concerned by this and that dragging his past life to the current will only interfere with their work, Landkarte tells him how it is all right to do so as it was normal and that all other ghosts had gone through the same thing before getting purified. Landkarte teleports Ea to a lighthouse somewhere to deal with his issues. Ea, after some time, confesses to doubting as to why he became one of the ghosts (i.e. why he became a reaper), since he admits that due to the hatred he felt, he was less than qualified. Landkarte responds that maybe this is due to the fact that he was more sensitive to human pain than others and that is why he was chosen. He likewise tells Ea of the things he calls "impurities", the things which cause humans to be foolish in life, like vanity, attachment, hatred and other emotions that destroy humans, and that he someday aims to create a world without such, with Ea's help. From then on, for the first time, Ea recognized the existence of a comrade. Back in the present, Emperor Wolfram advises Teito and the others to take Millea and escape, seeing as he has broken his promise to the Warmonger and may be punished for it. However, Kal declines, stating he has been waiting for this opportunity to kill "him" and will stay. He then reveals the warmonger to be Landkarte as Teito figured out that the shadow behind the Pope and the Masked Man at the ball were one and the same and that they were also him. Kal/Ea continues to narrate the rest of his story, of how Landkarte had betrayed the Church by enticing the Pope to open Pandora's Box the first time and how when Landkarte revealed his true intentions, he had beheaded Relikt, the female Profe and Fest. He almost killed Ea but only managed to injure his eyes. Injured and fleeing, Ea changed his own soul number to escape a murderous Landkarte, who was now aiming to erase both love and hate to bring peace to the world by using Verloren's powers. Landkarte, following after him, was led to a corpse. Back in the present, as the revelations continue, elsewhere, Katsuragi is called to wait in Ayanami's room and discusses with Konatsu, the appearance of the masked man at the ball and the possibility that he may be Landkarte. Katsuragi ponders where Ea might be, to which Konatsu replies by asking how Katsuragi knows despite being absent from the ball, when he hears the Colonel speak about how Zehel dropped the chandelier, revealing that Katsuragi might just be the traitor in the Black Hawks that Ayanami was talking about.
Kapitel 88
# Kapitel 89 Kapitel 89: The Never-ending Night is the eighty-ninth chapter overall, and eighth chapter of Volume 14 of the 07 Ghost manga series. This chapter marks the beginning of the Never-Ending Night arc. The chapter was released in October 2012 in Japan, and has so far not been released in North America. Its ISBNs are unknown. Summary. Katsuragi smiles at Konatsu's question and calmly states that he doesn't dislike perceptive people like Konatsu, then begins to attack Konatsu, but Hyuuga intervenes and fights Katsuragi, ordering Konatsu not to interfere. Ayanami suddenly possesses Hyuuga, and speaks to Katsuragi, who reveals that the soul he gave Ayanami is actually the soul of the real Katsuragi, who died years ago during the Raggs war. Katsuragi furiously declares that as Ayanami, Verloren has become too close to the Black Hawks, and that he (Katsuragi) will not let Verloren meet Eve again. Ayanami realises that Katsuragi has been corrupted by a "defect", and recalls the Chief of Heaven telling him (Verloren) that a "defect" happens when a reaper strays from the right path.  As Katsuragi and Hyuuga continue to fight, Hyuuga reasserts control over his body. Ayanami demands that Hyuuga "change with" him again, but Hyuuga refuses to, and Katsuragi defeats him. Konatsu tries to kill Katsuragi, but is also defeated. Katsuragi then heads towards Teito with the intenton of opening Pandora's Box. In the laboratory, Teito tells Millea that he will come back for her, and asks Karu to change his (Teito's) soul number, as he plans to be bait and draw Katsuragi away from the others. Ouka points out that Teito's wings still have not recovered, indicating that the restoration of the Eye of Mikhail has not finished. Teito reflects that "there is no feeling". Ouka and the Eye of Raphael then sense that Ayanami is approaching, and Ouka declares that she will reseal Verloren's soul. Teito tries to use the Eye of Mikhail to help her, and is shocked to realise that the Eye of Mikhail is broken and not responding.
Kapitel 89
# Kapitel 9 Kapitel 9: Atonement is the ninth chapter overall, and fourth chapter of of the 07 ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of May 2005 in Japan, and March (date unknown) 2009 in North America. Its ISBNs are 978-4-7580-5225-2 and 978-1-60510-033-3 respectively. Summary. As the Bishops ask Teito if he will take the Bishop's Apprentice Exam, Teito says that he will avenge Mikage by travelling to Hohburg Fortress. As Teito breaks down and expresses that he now has no reason to live now that Mikage is dead, Frau comforts him. Castor then explains the need for a Clergy Pass, and how taking the clergy exam will help him in his revenge. However, it's revealed Castor only said that to keep Teito in the Church where he is safe. Teito agrees and Castor introduces Teito to preparation for the first half of the exam, which is a written test. While Frau thinks it impossible to learn everything within the space of a month, Teito surpasses expectations after revealing Fea Kreuz taught him all he needed to know when he was a child. Satisfied, Castor turns his attention to the training for the practical half of the exam, introducing Teito to a Baculus, which he struggles to control. Teito is given the task of catching a Kor something which he does not succeed at. Feeling defeated at his lack of progress, he is comforted by Bishop Labrador, and he (Teito) admits to Labrador that he feels that he deserves to be punished for Mikage's death. Whilst delivering a book, Teito mistakenly believes Hakuren Oak is Mikage, and pursues him and grabs his shoulder to get his attention. Hakuren, irked at his actions behaves rudely, and, upon seeing Teito's Exam Badge, declares Teito his rival.
Kapitel 9
# Kapitel 90 Kapitel 90: The Never-ending Night 2 is the ninetieth chapter overall, and ninth chapter of Volume 14 of the 07 Ghost manga series. The chapter was released in November 2012 in Japan, and has so far not been released in North America. Its ISBNs are unknown. Summary. The chapter opens with Ouka preparing to fight Ayanami, the one containing Verloren's soul. She tells Teito to leave the place to her, and hurry and go. Emperor Wolfram, Millea, Karu and Teito escape using an emergency elevator. Karu runs out of the laboratories while carrying Teito, despite Teito's protests that he can run by himself, while Wolfram stays behind with Millea. The memories before Teito was brainwash by Ayanami returned . The blood that drops taste like Raggs bloodline and Ayanami revealed that the previous Raggs king had sbilings but it wasn't just two . A brief flashback show Krom and Tiashe with the portrait of the deceased Raggs king (top left) with his wife and sons ( Krom , Kruez , Krowell ) . Millea Klein confirmed that Krom had at least two sbilings ( Kreuz and Krowell ) . Krowell was deeply loved by his siblings , but died when he was young . Teito don't believed that there is a ridiculous story for Ayanami to be within his precious family . Meanwhile, Frau is arguing with some soldiers and struggling to restrain Verloren's scythe. He observes that something or someone is 'getting nearer'. The scene cuts to Teito don't believed that there is a ridiculous story for Ayanami to be within his precious family . Landkarte (Katsuragi) heading to where Teito is at, using Teito's soul number to track him. However, Karu switches his (Karu's) soul number with Teito, to give Teito a chance to escape Landkarte and reunite with Frau. The chapter ends with Karu and Katsuragi facing off and preparing to fight.
Kapitel 90
# Kapitel 91 Kapitel 91: The Never Ending Night 3 is the ninety-first chapter overall, and first chapter of Volume 16 of the 07 Ghost manga series. The chapter was released on December the 25th 2012 in Japan, and has so far not been released in North America. Its ISBNs are unknown. Summary. The chapter opens with a flashback of Ea and Landkarte when they were children, having a conversation. They talk about how Ea knows when Landkarte is approaching him. The scene then cuts back to the present, with Karu/Ea and Katsuragi/Landkarte facing off inside the Book of Hades.  Karu traps Katsuragi with the words of 'purification' and 'restriction'. The two Ghosts have a conversation in which it is revealed that years ago, as Landkarte, Katsuragi took upon himself the darkness of people he (Landkarte) couldn't purify in their stead, with the end result being Landkarte's soul becoming impeded by the darkness. Karu offers to purify Katsuragi's darkness forever, but Katsuragi refuses, saying that he does not wish for his redemption. Katsuragi then proceeds to kill Karu, and reads Karu's memory to find out Teito's soul number so that he can locate Teito. The scene cuts to the past again, showing another flashback of Ea and Landkarte. It is revealed in this flashback that Landkarte was offered as a 'hitobashira' (lit. human sacrifice) to prevent one of the rivers in District 3 from flooding. After being thrown into the river, Landkarte's last thoughts as a human were that it was eternally quiet, and in a world where he had been freed from any kind of feelings, it was a perfect world. Back in the present, Katsuragi goes to find Teito, while wondering why his (Katsuragi's) heart still hurts even though his soul has already turned black. The scene changes to the battle between Ouka and Ayanami. Ayanami tells Ouka that because her body is inferior to the original by 0.03 %, she cannot win against him. It is then revealed that Ouka's 'predecessor' (possibly referring to the late Empress Dalia, Ouka's mother) unsealed the Eye of Raphael. Ayanami defeats Ouka and leaves her lying unconscious on the floor. Meanwhile, Katsuragi has located Teito and is pursuing him. Frau notices that they are approaching, and throws many wooden planks through the ceiling of his (Frau's) prison (the floor Teito was running on). Teito falls through the large hole in the floor created by Frau into Frau's prison, and the chapter ends with Frau saying 'Bingo', as he has successfully managed to rescue Teito.
Kapitel 91
# Kapitel 92 Kapitel 92: The Never Ending Night 4 is the ninety-second chapter overall, and the second chapter of Volume 16 of the 07 Ghost manga series. Summary. Teito reunites with Frau, and Landkarte reveals that he is indeed the "Shadow Man" . Frau and Teito fight together against Landkarte, who tries to force Teito to open Pandora's Box. Teito, seeing that Landkarte's heart is still pure despite the darkness corrupting the rest of his body, holds on to it (the heart) and purifies Landkarte.
Kapitel 92
# Kapitel 93 Kapitel 93: Release is the third chapter of  and overall ninety-third chapter of the 07-Ghost manga series. Synopsis. Labrador foresees something happening to Teito. Teito, meanwhile, is still holding Landkarte's heart. He wonders out loud if Landkarte's soul can be returned to the Chief of Heaven's side so that Landkarte can atone for his sins, but Frau rebukes him and calls him naive. Frau then notices that there are many lights shining from inside Teito's body, and it is revealed that due to the Eye of Mikhail being broken, Pandora's Box is no longer sealed.  Teito asks Frau to kill him using Verloren's Scythe. Frau refuses and calls out to Mikhail, but receives no response. Meanwhile, Castor and Labrador escape their prison, due to the barrier of their prison breaking from the impact of Pandora's Box being unsealed. Labrador advises Kuroyuri and Haruse to evacuate.  A despairing Frau tries to come up with a way to stop the unsealing of Pandora's Box, but is eventually unable to. Castor thinks Verloren hasn't fully awakened, that the 'soul which will become the core is absolutely necessary' for Verloren to be completely resurrected, and that Teito's soul hasn't been devoured yet. The chapter ends with the question of whether Teito will be saved.
Kapitel 93
# Kapitel 94 Kapitel 94: Something that exists at the end of darkness is the ninety-fourth chapter overall and the fourth chapter of Volume 16 of the 07 Ghost manga series. Summary. Teito is shown to be sinking into darkness, where he finds that he is naked, but moments later, his clothes reappear. He then sees and chases after Eve, who leads him to Landkarte. Teito finds Landkarte and frees him, encouraging him to move forward. While climbing a set of stairs, Landkarte and Teito meet Karu, who comforts Landkarte. After the help Teito has given him, Landkarte gives Teito his cursed ticket and leaves Teito alone with Karu. Karu and Teito talk for a while before Karu smiles at Teito and gently pats his head as a final farewell, before going to heaven with Landkarte. After Karu leaves, Teito spots Eve again and pursues her. She leads him to Verloren's scythe, and the two have a conversation. The chapter ends with Teito touching the scythe and saying Frau's name.
Kapitel 94
# Kapitel 95 Kapitel 95: Door is the ninety-fifth chapter overall and the fifth chapter of Volume 16 of the 07 Ghost manga series. Summary. Within Verloren's core, Teito and Eve are still talking. Eve tells Teito that Frau is still alive, and 'merged' with the scythe in order to protect Teito and also because he (Frau) wants to be cut down by Teito on purpose. Eve says that Teito has no choice but to persuade Frau's heart from the inside, and after wishing Teito good luck, disappears. Teito then sees a 'video' (flashback) of Frau's past. Upon seeing a teen-aged Frau, Teito grabs him, but Frau apparently does not recognise Teito. Frau asks Teito who he is, and thinking that Teito is a stowaway on the Aegis warship they are riding, informs Teito that a stowaway will be sentenced to death by hanging. Teito tries to get Frau to listen to him, but Frau ignores him and keeps trying to get rid of him. However, Teito persists, and after Frau discovers that Teito knows the Raggs language (as Teito sees Frau looking at a Raggs song in a language book), asks Teito to teach him. Teito does so, but the lesson is interrupted by a sudden attack from the Barsburg Army.  The scene cuts to Frau arguing with Guido. Frau wants to go with Guido, who plans to secure the route for Raggs refugees to pass, but Guido refuses. Despite Guido's refusal, Frau insists on doing as he (Frau) wishes. Teito joins Frau again, to Frau's shock. Frau then meets with Magdalen, and states that he hates being left behind or abandoned. As the Barsburg Army continues to attack, the chapter ends with the question of whether Teito can save Frau.
Kapitel 95
# Kapitel 96 Kapitel 96: Baton is the ninety-sixth chapter overall and the first chapter of volume 17 of the 07 Ghost manga series. Summary. Hyuuga is revealed to be alive, much to the joy of Konatsu, who tells him to focus on healing his body. Hyuuga is then put in a regeneration tank after refusing Konatsu's offer to donate his (Konatsu's) limbs. Meanwhile, Teito successfully saves Frau, and Frau comes to terms with Guido's death. Teito then pulls Verloren's Scythe out of the throne within Verloren's core, and convinces Frau to fight with him against Verloren. Ayanami comes face to face with his headless, incompletely revived true body, and Hyuuga congratulates him.
Kapitel 96
# Kapitel 97 Kapitel 97: Dearest Wish is the ninety-seventh chapter overall and second chapter of Volume 17 of the 07 Ghost manga series. Summary. Ayanami has a flashback of his past life as Verloren. The chapter opens with Eve climbing up a cliff and rescuing a Heavenly Bird. It is then revealed that Eve tried to break Verloren out of a prison the Chief of Heaven had put him in, because the Chief of Heaven intended to execute Verloren and Eve wanted to prove Verloren's innocence. However, Eve dies when Verloren holds her in his arms, due to Verloren's fatal touch. Verloren buries Eve in a Flower of Eden field and, insane with grief and rage, leaves Heaven to search for her reincarnation. Back in the present, Ayanami and Teito are fighting within Verloren's core. Teito strikes Ayanami's back with Verloren's Scythe and Ayanami retaliates by shoving his (Ayanami's) hand into Teito's chest. Teito smiles at Ayanami, and disappears along with Verloren's scythe. Ayanami then sits on the throne within Verloren's core, implying that Verloren is about to be fully revived.
Kapitel 97
# Kapitel 98 Kapitel 98: The Form of Love is the ninety-eighth chapter overall, third chapter of volume 17 of the 07 Ghost manga series, and second-last chapter of the series. Summary. Eve is revealed to have become 'invisible love' mixed with the lives and hearts of humans after her death. A flashback shows that at the age of fourteen, while attending Dalia Barsburg's coronation ceremony, Dalia's unsealing of the Eye of Raphael caused Ayanami to remember that he is Verloren, and become a [[Warsfeil. Unable to bear the scandal, his [[Raggs Family|family]] decided to execute him. Ayanami, then known as Krowell, escaped to Barsburg with [[Yukikaze]], and on the way there, changed his name to Ayanami. Yukikaze's death is revealed to have reminded Ayanami of [[Weldeschtein Krom Raggs]]'s and [[Eve]]'s deaths. Back in the present, Ayanami is gravely injured and dying as a result of being impaled by [[Verloren's Scythe]]. [[Teito Klein|Teito]] tries to save him, but he calls Teito a fool and forcefully separates himself from Teito so that Teito won't be devoured by the darkness. In the afterlife, Verloren is pleasantly surprised to see white feathers all around him, signifying that he is forgiven by the [[Chief of Heaven]]. Characters in order of appearance. [[Category:Chapters]] [[Category:Latest Chapters]] [[Category:Popular articles]] [[Category:Manga]] [[Category:Volume 16]]
Kapitel 98
# Kapitel 99 Kapitel 99 is the ninety-ninth chapter, fourth chapter of volume 17 of the 07 Ghost manga series, and final chapter of the series. Summary. Teito escapes from Verloren's collapsed body and Ouka uses the Eye of Raphael to heal him. Lance and Fea Kreuz also escape from Verloren, meet Teito, and reassure him that they are all right despite having been devoured by Verloren. Teito and Kreuz have an emotional reunion, to the irritation of Frau, who emerges with Verloren's scythe from Teito's right wrist. It is revealed that Teito only survived the final attack from Ayanami because Eve took the blow in his place. Teito tells Frau that he will go to the land of Seele to rescue him from Verloren's scythe. Frau and Fea Kreuz give Teito the cursed tickets of Zehel and Vertrag, and hope that Teito will return to the human world. Burupya bites Teito's cheeks because he's very upset that Teito will leave. Teito consoles him by saying he'll come to find him (Mikage/Burupya) like Mikage/Burupya has done with him before, whereupon Burupya begins to cry. Frau, Castor, Labrador, Ouka, Kreuz, Lance, Hakuren and Burupya all hug and bid him farewell before they watch Teito leave the human world for Seele. Two years later, Hyuuga and Konatsu remain in the Barsburg military while Haruse and Kuroyuri have retired and opened a cake shop. Millea, Labrador, Fea Kreuz and Castor have a picnic and discuss a few matters from the past. Fea Kreuz reveals that before he became a Ghost, he was King Krom's substitute. An assassin killed him (Kreuz), and he reincarnated as Vertrag, with Krom the only one aware of his death and reincarnation. Castor went back to his home to come to terms with his father. Beforehand he visited the grave of his mother, Lady Hausen, but was immediately spotted and recognized by his former servant, Seilan. Seilan was utterly surprised and delighted, not believing that Teito had been telling the truth about Castor being alive. After the first shock, he instantly called for his master, Castor's father. Whereas Labrador didn't go back, as his beloved ones were already gone. He only visited the grave of his father.  He comments on how surprised they were about the birth of "that child's" reincarnation. On the day everyone dreamed about Teito, Millea suddenly became pregnant. While he speaks a toddler playing with Burupya in the background is visible. The toddler turns his head and one can see that he looks just like Teito, heavily implying that this is Teito's reincarnation.  Carl and Parl are shown leaving Barsburg, to which Carl explains that it was only a matter of time before the slavery will be abolished. Now they want to search for a new home and occupation. Yukinami and Suzunami show up at the same airport, implying that they also want to have a fresh start.  Frau has become the new God of Death and has got his hands full.  Forty years later, Wahrheit Teito Klein becomes the Pope of Barsburg Church and re-establishes the Raggs kingdom peacefully.
Kapitel 99
# Karan SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Karan (sometimes alternatively spelled as Calan or Caren) is a minor protagonist in the 07-Ghost series. He was one of the three bodyguards of King Krom of Raggs who were ordered to protect Fea Kreuz and Tiashe when they hurried to the port in the Raggs War. He was an orphan and cherished a muffler which was given to him by a nun, saying that it's his lucky charm. He died in manga chapter 66 when Hyuuga used his Warsfeil powers to pour down a rain of swords. Etymology. 'Karan' means 'helper, companion' in Sanskrit. This could allude to his being of invaluable assistance during the Raggs war. Appearance. Physical appearance. Karan was a rather tall man, standing at around 5 foot 10 inches, with a lean, athletic build. His face was heart shaped, with fair skin, a long nose that curved upwards at the tip, and a wide mouth with full lips. His hair was cut short, spiked out at all angles and a light sandy-blonde in colour. His eyes are a light shade of purple and narrowed. He wears looped earrings. Clothing. He wore the standard armour of the Black Beast Squadron. It consisted of a gray upper armour plate, with a neck guard that is open at the front, which covered his entire torso as well as bulky paddings at his shoulders. At the centre of the armour plate is the Raggs Kingdom's insignia. Underneath the armour plate is a black shirt with gray linings which corresponds to the sleeves. The upper arms were covered with black sleeves with gray linings at the edge, which was linked to the paddings at the shoulders, and ended at the wrist. Attached to the lower part of the armour plate is a black cape-like clothing with gray linings. The outfit was finished with gray gloves, black trousers, which was tucked in the boots covered with leg braces and paddings. In addition to the armour, he always wore a red muffler that had been given to him by a nun. Personality. Although Karan has only appeared briefly a few times, he has been shown to be courageous, loyal and kind. He was the most composed of the bodyguards. This was shown when Fea Kreuz was planning to go to the Seven Houses of God with Teito alone, he retained his composure, unlike Mark and Agas, who insisted in coming with Kreuz and Teito, the reason being it was unfair for Kreuz to go on his own. Karan appears to be straightforward and doesn't hesitate to correct people as when Agas tells Teito to make three wishes for the rainbow he made, Karan indicated that wishing was for shooting stars. Nevertheless, he enjoyed playing with Teito. This further highlighted that he was good at taking care of children. In addition, he appreciates favours done for him, as shown by his cherishing a muffler which was given to him by a sister. Relationships. Teito Klein. Karan was kind and caring towards Teito. He, alongside Agas, often played with him in the water when he was not guarding Krom and was, at one point, in charge of getting Teito to sleep and nap. Karan expressed surprise and worry when it was revealed by Krom that Teito was functioning as Pandora's Box. He protected Teito during the Raggs War as they were ordered by Krom to guard Kreuz and Teito when they go the Seven Houses of God. Karan treasured Teito that he willingly gave his cherished muffler to him and asked him to take care of it until he returns from the battle. Teito, in return, affectionately calls Karan as 'Ka-kun' and cares for him. This was shown when Teito thought that he had cold because of Karan constantly wearing a muffler and asked if he (Karan) was alright. Fea Kreuz Raggs. Karan and Kreuz got along well. They didn't interact much however, both of them protected Teito with their lives. Karan protected Kreuz during the Raggs War by battling Hyuuga in order for Kreuz, Teito and Agas to escape and visit the Seven Houses of God safely.   Agas and Mark. Karan was often seen with Agas and Mark. The three appeared to be friends, and were colleagues, as all three were members of the Black Beast Squadron. All three shared the duty of playing and protecting Teito alongside Fea Kreuz and all of them seemed to get along very well with each other. Also, they were the personal bodyguards of the Weldeschtein Krom Raggs so they spend most of the time together.  When Fea Kreuz was planning on bringing along Teito around the Seven Houses of God, Agas and Mark were the ones who most notably insisted in escorting Teito with Kreuz, saying that it was unfair for him (Kreuz) to go alone, with Karan sustaining his composure by the sidelines. Unnamed Nun. An unknown sister gave him a muffler, which he cherished. It is implied that he had romantic feelings for that sister, as he became flustered and coughed when young Tiashe asked if he loves the sister.  Abilities and Attributes. When Karan confronted Hyuuga after Mark's demise, he managed to stand on the same ground with a Warsfeil as he is part of the Black Beast Squadron which was composed of very strong humans. His strength was immense that Hyuuga complimented him and even had to use his Warsfeil powers. According to Hyuuga, Karan wields a sword of wind and found his technique very interesting. Due to this, he tried doing it for himself. Like Agas, he was seen to have used two swords for battle. History. Early childhood Karan was an orphan; how his family died is unknown. He was acquainted with a nun, suggesting that he lived for a while in the Church orphanage. Adulthood. At some point in his life, he began working as a bodyguard for King Weldeschtein Krom Raggs. Manga Synopsis. Teito's disappearance. The night Teito Klein went missing, Karan had been in palace garden with him, Fea Kreuz, and the rest of the Black Beast Squadron, where Teito had prepared 'food' for them all that consisted of poisonous mushrooms. Karan calmly watches as the other guards panic at the sight, but Kreuz attempts to eat his as it will please Teito, leading to Agas and Mark overpowering him and forcibly taking the plate from him before he can poison himself.  The ambassador from the Barsburg Empire then arrives as informed by the Royal Attendant, leading Fea Kreuz and the Black Beast Squadron to leave in order to meet him. Afterwards, Teito is left in the company of a Royal Attendant, whereupon he is kidnapped by Vanessa Antwort. In Kapitel 41, he is seen in a flashback as Teito enters Raggs Castle. He was playing with a young Teito in the water, along with Agas, as Karan watches him a rainbow for Teito's amusement and tells him to make three wishes. However, he corrects Agas by telling that it should be for a shooting star. Pandora's Box. After Fea Kreuz rescued Teito from The Pope, Teito rested on the table in which afterwards, Krom revealed that he was acting as Pandora's Box successfully as Teito accepted the 'body'. He was visibly shocked at this revelation along with the Agas and Mark. When Krom wanted implant the Eye of Mikhail to Teito in order to stop his soul from being devoured by Verloren, Karan appeared to be worried but nevertheless maintained his composure and stood silently by the side.As Kreuz planned to go with Teito to the Houses of God, Agas and Mark volunteered without hesitation to escort Teito and Kreuz, while Karan remained calm by the sidelines. However, Kreuz indicated that they needed to wait for the reply from the Barsburg Empire so they had to remain with Krom. Krom was also present when a messenger told Krom that the Empire was using the Eye of Raphael to attack the Raggs Kingdom and Krom giving the order to strengthen the shield around Raggs. In Kapitel 44, he was seen briefly along with Agas as one of many of Teito's precious people when Teito wonders how much time he has left as he realizes that without the Eye of Mikhail, Verloren is breaking free from his cage and is waiting to devour his soul. Escort Mission. As Fea Kreuz and Teito were about to get attacked by the Barsburg soldiers, Karan arrives to rescue and guard them to the Seven Houses of God, together with Agas and Mark, as ordered by Krom. As the number of pursuers were increasing, Karan and Agas stayed with Kreuz and Teito as Mark volunteers himself to stop the enemy forces from closing in on them. Agas, Karan and Kreuz were surprised by the tremor caused by Mark's last attack and looks back. After Mark's demise in Hyuuga's hands, Agas and Karan continue running to the route Karan gave in which afterwards, Karan was the second to go while Agas continued to guard Kreuz and Teito. As Karan wraps his muffler around Teito's neck, Agas and Kreuz could only look in return. When the battle intensifies between Hyuuga and Karan, Agas and Kreuz continue running and were briefly halted in their tracks as Teito wanted to activate the Eye of Mikhail due to his desire to save Karan. Teito had flashbacks regarding Karan where he told him how precious his muffler is, who gave it to him and whether he likes the nun, only to stutter and cough in response. However, because of Karan's disadvantage of being human, Karan dies after Hyuuga unleashes a rain of swords on him. In Kapitel 67, as all three members of the Black Beast Squadron passes away, Teito is shown to have cried and desperately kept on pleading on getting them to come back and to not leave him as they wave goodbye to Teito. In Kapitel 87, the Black Beast Squadron and Weldeschtein Krom Raggs is seen in a dream flashback by Millea Klein when she awakens. Krom and Millea held hands and the Squadron had greeted and informed her that her son was still among the living and is continuing to survive despite hardship. By then, Teito need not have told his mother about their deaths.
# Karein Celestine SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!Karein Celestine is a minor character in the 07-Ghost series. He is the husband (or possibly widower) of an unknown woman, and the father of Mikage, Kokuyou, Kohaku and Rinka Celestine. Etymology. 'Celestine' is a name of English and French origins that means 'heavenly'. Appearance. Physical appearance. His height is similar to that of Kokuyou, his eldest son, and he has short, light-coloured hair (probably blonde like his sons'). Clothing. He wears a monocle over his left eye, and as a butler, dresses in the appropriate attire. Personality. He may be rather strict, as he called Kokuyou a fool for addressing him as 'Father' in front of guests. However, he also appears to be kind. History. Early childhood. Little is known about Karein's early years. There is a chance that one or both of his parents also worked for the Oak family. Adulthood. At some point in his life, he married an unnamed woman and had four children with her. Exactly when he became a butler is unknown, but it could have been after the Raggs War. Manga synopsis. Karein hugs Teito and cries when he first meets him in person, thanking him for saving Mikage (in an omake in Supreme Sugar, Teito saved Mikage, and a pillar fell onto Teito. When Teito was unconscious in the hospital, Mikage made a thousand senbatsuru, folded paper cranes Japanese people give to those who are sick to wish for them to get well soon or live a long life, and prayed hard to God that Teito would be okay). Karein said that he has always been worried about Teito, as he heard Mikage say that Teito wasn't free (Kapitel 75). After Teito was rendered unconscious and brought back to the military by Ayanami, it is likely that Karein and the rest of the Celestine family were informed of his (Teito's) condition and whereabouts.
Karein Celestine
# Karu SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Karu Ien is a protagonist in the 07-Ghost anime and manga series. He was Chairman Miroku's Begleiter, and on several occasions was shown to be secretly following Ayanami around, presumably in order to fulfill his heavenly duties and keep the reincarnation of Verloren under surveillance.  Etymology. In Japanese, 'karu' has various meanings, including 'to cut', 'to harvest', 'to spur on', 'to hunt' or 'to impel'. Ien, the surname he used while infiltrating the military, can mean 'beyond, further than'. Appearance. Physical appearance. Karu was a tall man, being the same height as Hyuuga and Frau who are six foot two, and had a muscular build. His exact age at the time of his death as a Ghost is unknown, but it is presumed that he was fairly young; manga chapter 88 revealed that he was the youngest member of the previous generation of Ghosts. During the Raggs War, he appeared to be around the same age as Teito or slightly older, putting his age at the time of his death in his mid to late twenties or early thirties. Karu had a long, diamond-shaped face with a rather large, straight nose, and a large mouth with full lips. The upper half of his face was wrapped with bandages, obscuring his eyes. Karu's hair was straight, cropped short, and spiked up in a hairstyle similar to Hyuuga's. The anime shows that his hair was light brown in colour and his skin was also quite dark, but in the manga he had dark hair like Katsuragi (although the cover of manga vol. 15 colors his hair brunette and his eyes amethyst). As he was a member of royalty, it can be considered unusual for him to have dark skin (in the anime). It is possible that he became more tanned as a result of being in the military (he may have had to participate in combat in the sun). In the manga, he had fair skin. Ten years ago, during the Raggs War, Karu's hair appeared to be worn in a different style, and his build was not as muscular. Although dark-haired, his facial features resembled Miroku's, Ouka's and Dalia's, indicating his heritage as a member of the Barsburg Family. Manga chapter 88 showed how he looked when he was a child. Before Landkarte injured his eyes, Karu was shown to have narrow, dark-coloured eyes. Both as a child and as an adult, Karu looked somewhat like Teito, and like Teito, kept his hair short throughout his life. In Kapitel 94, Karu's eyes are shown to be fully healed, and in the afterlife, his appearance is similar to how he looked during the Raggs War. As Ea. Being one of the Seven Ghosts, Karu appears as a skeleton when in his true form. Clothing. Karu appeared to wear the military uniform: consisting of a black, or dark blue, ankle-length overcoat with golden trimmings on the chest, sleeve cuffs and neck guard. He wore black trousers, knee-length, black, buckled boots, and white gloves, similar to the Black Hawks. It is thought that he wore a plain white shirt under his overcoat (as Mikage was shown to wear a plain, white shirt whilst wearing the Barsburg military uniform). His uniform had a small half mantle hanging off his left shoulder emblazoned with the Barsburg military insignia and a golden shoulder board on his right. Over this he wore a trench coat, of the same colour as the military uniform, with a high neck-guard and a large, rectangular, metal brooch around his neck. Because of his wound which he received in the past, he bandaged his face. His hands were also bandaged, possibly to hide the Ghost symbol of Ea on his right hand. In the days before he infiltrated the military, Karu wore plain, dark clothes, with a long, plain, light-coloured scarf wrapped around his neck. In his Ghost form, he wore a hooded black cloak. Personality. While Karu initially appeared to be mild-mannered and very quiet, the manga later showed that he ridiculed others, as shown when he told Teito that Kurena had not had an audience with Chairman Miroku because she was talentless and therefore useless. When he saw that Teito was injured, he also said that Teito would be killed if he didn't try hard. In order to perform the duties delegated to him, he could be manipulative and emotionally abusive, as shown when he told Teito that if Teito ever tried to escape, he would kill Kurena, whom Teito was close with. However, as of manga chapter 86, it was revealed that he was actually the reincarnation of Ea and therefore an ally of Teito's, and the reason for his past emotional abuse of Teito was so that he (Karu) would escape detection. Karu tended to outwardly appear emotionally detached, and was usually good at hiding what he felt. Even during the Raggs War era, his expression revealed little, and when Teito was annoyed upon finding out Karu's true identity as the Ghost Ea, Karu was unfazed. However, Karu's stoic exterior belied a kind-hearted nature. He did much to protect both Teito and Ouka, and often engaged in playful banter with Landkarte. He was also genuinely horrified when he saw Landkarte kill the other Ghosts during the Raggs War. In Kapitel 90, he switched his soul number with Teito's and sacrificed himself so that Teito could escape Landkarte. Karu was also able and willing to hold a grudge for long periods of time. When he saw the soul number of the man who killed him, he felt angry and vengeful. Karu also mentioned that he'd been tracking down Landkarte for ten years so he could avenge the deaths of his companions, whom Landkarte killed during the Raggs War. At the same time, he was also very loyal, being determined to purify Landkarte's darkness and eventually sacrificing his life in the attempt. Similar to Teito, Karu took his work seriously, and expected others to be equally hardworking.  Relationships. Superiors. Miroku. Karu has been Miroku's Begleiter for over ten years, and Karu accompanies him almost everywhere he goes. However, considering that Karu is one of the Seven Ghosts and therefore an ally of Teito's, Karu may not be truly loyal to him. Military. Ayanami. Karu has been shown to be following Ayanami around. It is unknown whether he does this on Miroku's orders or for his own personal reasons, but being one of the Seven Ghosts, it is likely that he does so in order to collect information on Ayanami that could help in the fight against Verloren. In manga chapter 75, he said that Ayanami is a Warsfeil that cannot be trusted. He also said that Ayanami probably will kill anyone who stands in his way. Teito Klein. Because Teito's mother, Millea, is a biological descendant of the Barsburg family, Teito is related to Karu by blood. Teito first met Karu during the Raggs war, when the 07-Ghosts convened to discuss the Pope's treachery by making Teito Pandora's Box. Karu suggested erasing Teito's memories of the Raggs war so that he did not accidentally open Pandora's Box himself. However, after witnessing Teito's courage and willingness to fight, he rescinds his suggestion and decides to put his faith in him, commenting upon his fighting spirit and complimenting Teito's courage with a rare smile. After the Raggs war, when Chairman Miroku decided to take Teito in as his battle slave, Karu was left in charge of watching Teito to make sure that he didn't escape. During this time, Karu was aloof around Teito because he didn't want anyone suspecting his identity as one of the 07-Ghosts. After Kal reveals his true identity as Ea to Teito, he admits to admiring Teito's courage. Karu helped train Teito into becoming the formidable fighter he is now and urged Teito to work harder at his training. In chapter 86 Karu said that he felt an urgent need to train Teito well, as Teito's body held Pandora's Box. Despite his aloofness towards Teito when he was a child, Karu reveals that he truly does care about Teito. During their first meeting in the Raggs war, after witnessing Teito's bravery, he gives the child a rare smile and comments upon his feistiness. In Kapitel 76 and 77, he was willing to put his position as a spy for the church in potential jeopardy so he could contact Relikt and warn him about the danger Teito is in. In Kapitel 86, Karu admitted that he kept Teito sheltered within the mansion due to over-protectiveness, and once beat Teito half to death as punishment for trying to leave. In Kapitel 90, instead of allowing Teito to use himself as "bait" to draw Landkarte away from his bedridden mother and friends, Kal switches his current soul number (which Landkarte doesn't know) with Teito's so that Landkarte will come after Karu instead, giving Teito time to reunite with Frau. This decision ultimately causes Karu's death when Landkarte kills him to escape the Book of Hades to find Teito. In chapter 94, Kal reunites with Teito within Verloren's core, thanking Teito for helping Landkarte and telling Teito that he has to escape Pandora's Box. Before he ascends to heaven, Karu gently pats Teito's head and gives him another rare smile as a final farewell. Raggs War Ghosts. Landkarte. When Karu was a child, he had a good relationship with the child Landkarte. He said that Landkarte was the first person who made him have the idea of friends. During the Raggs War, when Landkarte killed the other Ghosts, Karu/Ea evidently felt anguished and sad. Landkarte then tried to kill Karu as well, but Karu switched his (Karu's) soul number with someone else's, and managed to escape. Karu then remained undercover in the military while keeping an eye on Landkarte for ten years. When Karu was reincarnated as Ea, the first time he met Landkarte, his first impression was that they would not get along.. Karu was initially often annoyed with Landkarte, but over time, they grew closer, and by the time the Raggs War broke out, Landkarte was already an important friend to him. In chapter 90, Landkarte finally reunites with Karu, and the two began to fight in chapter 91. Karu tried to trap Landkarte in the Book of Hades forever to purify all human souls' darkness that the Shadow Man has taken over from humans, but Landkarte, unknown how he could disobey Ea's command inside the Book's realm, managed to move to Karu's back and killed him. Before Karu died and vanished, he expressed regret that he could not save or help Landkarte. The two reunited and reconciled in the afterlife. Fea Kreuz Raggs: After Karu woke up at Barsburg's Great Church, Fea Kreuz was the first of the Ghosts to greet him, introducing himself politely and talking kindly with him. It seems that Karu has a lot of respect for Kreuz, as even after his eyes are severely wounded by Landkarte, Karu still tries his best to warn Kreuz of the danger a traitorous Landkarte poses to him. After Fea Kreuz died in the Raggs war and Vertrag's soul was devoured by Verloren, Karu became the guardian of Teito, Fea Kreuz's nephew, and protected him for the next ten years of his life in place of his fallen comrade. Raggs War Profe: Was the second Ghost to meet and introduce herself to the new Ea, and commented on how cute Karu was when he first awoke. Raggs War Relikt: Relikt was the third Ghost to greet Karu, and commented on his age, questioning whether or not he'd be able to handle the Book of Hades. Guido: Zehel was the fourth Ghost to greet Karu as the new Ea. During their first meeting after Karu woke up, Zehel gets too close to Karu, causing him to become defensive at Guido's proximity. Despite the fact that Relikt was doubtful that Karu could handle the Book of Hades, Guido supported him, saying that kids like Karu were energetic and he would be able to handle the Book fine. Raggs War Fest: Was the fifth Ghost to introduce himself to Karu. He deduced that Karu must have been killed off for another Barsburg family member's benefit. Others. Lance: Karu contacted Lance while both of them were in the Hohburg Fortress, and warned him of Teito's current situation in an attempt to help Teito. Karu has not commented on Lance's death, but is presumably aware of it. Kurena: Karu supervised Kurena, and seemed to treat her unkindly. However, he once told her about Teito's whereabouts. It is possible that, as with Teito, Karu treated her roughly in order to not rouse suspicion. Mikhail: In Kapitel 86, Mikhail expressed displeasure at Karu's past abusive treatment of Teito, although Karu never truly had bad intentions towards Teito. When the Raggs War broke out and Kreuz, with Teito, met with the other Ghosts, Mikhail attempted to attack Zehel (who had made a remark that annoyed the angel) whilst possessing Teito, but the attack missed and hit Ea instead. However, Karu did not retaliate. It seems that Mikhail was aware of Karu's moving the original Ouka's soul into the current Ouka's body ten years ago, even before Karu said so himself. Both of them being immortal beings, Mikhail and Karu have known each other for very long. Apart from that, little else is known about their relationship. As with the other Ghosts, Mikhail addresses Karu by his Ghost name instead of by his human name. Raphael: As with Mikhail, Karu has known Raphael for a very long time, both of them being immortal beings. Apart from that, little else is known about their relationship. Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg (OR-0007): Ten years ago, Karu overwrote the Book of Hades and moved the original Ouka's soul into the body of her 7th clone. As with Teito, he has praised Ouka (see Kapitel 86). As both Karu and Ouka are blood Barsburgs, they are related by blood. Karu has been shown to share Ouka's dislike of most of the rest of the Barsburg family. Other members of the Barsburg Family. It was implied in Kapitel 88 that Karu was killed by one of his own relatives (Karu was shown having a flashback of an unnamed man saying 'It's too late! Now my son will have an upper hand in his promotion!'). Once, when Karu was managing the Book of Hades and noticed the man's soul number, he was angered and felt murderous. Karu thought of relationships in the Barsburg Family as 'love-hate drama', and felt desperate when he was a child. This could indicate that, as a human, he felt helpless and disliked his family. When Emperor Wolfram wanted to stay with Ouka while she prepared to fight Ayanami, Karu told him that he (Wolfram) had to protect Millea, Teito's mother, indicating that he may care somewhat for Millea, or at least, that he cares enough about her to ensure that she is protected and taken care of in her ill condition. Emperor Wolfram did not object when Karu prevented him from staying with Ouka, and told a team of scientists who were trying to prevent Karu and Teito from leaving the laboratory to let them through, showing that he trusts Karu to a certain extent. Abilities and Attributes. Karu has been shown to be very quick and agile, despite his eyes being covered. He was able to easily dodge Katsuragi's sword strike. Ghost Ability. Karu's ability as the Ghost Ea is to decide who goes to Heaven, and who is reincarnated based on their actions. He also can move that person's soul from the first broken body (vessel) to a new one, and that person can then continue to live, for example Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg (OR-0007). Ea is also the only one who can use the Book of Hades after Verloren's fall. Like the other Ghosts, Karu's heart does not beat and his body does not give off heat, so he has higher resistance to low temperatures than ordinary humans. As a Ghost, Karu would also recover more quickly than ordinary humans if injured. History. Early childhood. Karu was born on May 3 ("Citation Needed") to two unknown members of the Barsburg royal family. Manga chapter 88 shows that when he was a child, there was a lot of conflict happening inside the Barsburg royal home. One of his own relatives killed him via poisoning. Karu reincarnated as Ea after his physical death and was the youngest Ghost in the previous generation of Ghosts. In Miroku's employment. Karu was shown to have watched Teito, from when he was a child under Miroku's supervision, in order to make sure he didn't escape. Manga synopsis. A meeting about the Eye. Karu first appears with Miroku Barsburg in a meeting about Teito Klein and the Eye of Mikhail. Ayanami's return. When Ayanami returns from Antwort, Miroku speaks to Ayanami in private. Karu stands guard as this happens (this is all he does in the anime). Karu is shown to be keeping a close eye on Kurena, the maid who took care of Teito while he was under Miroku's supervision. In the manga, Karu was shown to be following the Chief of Staff, Ayanami, around on several occasions. On one occasion Ayanami returned to his job after recovering from a serious injury sustained whilst fighting Castor, Karu was shown to be listening to the conversation he (Ayanami) was having with Katsuragi through the walls. When Katsuragi suspected something, and drove his sword through the wall, Karu was able to dodge it, making the attack miss by mere inches. Karu continued to follow Ayanami as the Black Hawks walked on.
# Kasuga Kasuga is a minor antagonist who only appeared in the special side chapter SPEEDSTER. He was sent by the Barsburg Empire to become the new ruler of F-31, but the locals strongly disapproved of the decision. Kasuga competed with Guido in a contest known as 'Fair Handle' in a bid to be recognised as the new ruler of F-31, but he lost and was unable to achieve this goal. However, he decided to remain on F-31, despite losing the contest. His status is currently unknown, as Frau has not returned to F-31 for years. Etymology. Kasuga is the name of a city in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Kasugayama Castle was the primary fortress of the Japanese warlord Uesugi Kenshin, who lived in the Sengoku era. Appearance. Physical appearance. He appeared to be a tall man, as there was not much difference between his height and Guido's (190 cm). Kasuga had short, light-coloured hair with a fringe that was longer on the left than on the right, an oval face, a large, straight nose, a wide mouth and narrow, light-coloured eyes. Clothing. He wore elaborate and formal clothing that included a long, light-coloured cloak fastened with a jewel at his throat. The collar of his cloak was edged with triangular patches of black. When competing in 'Fair Handle', he wore a light-coloured bodysuit with a dark vest over the top, three dark belts around his waist (one larger than the other two), a dark buckle strap around his left leg, light-coloured, elbow-length arm guards, and goggles. Personality. Kasuga was arrogant, looking down on the inhabitants of F-31 and calling them 'ruffians'. He can also be considered cowardly and bullying, as he tried to intimidate a child (young Frau). Relationships. Guido. Guido apparently did not like Kasuga, and voiced his disapproval of Kasuga's and his (Kasuga's) men's willingness to 'lay hands on a little kid (Frau)'. Kasuga showed that the dislike was mutual, as he taunted Guido before the contest started. However, he eventually conceded defeat after Guido won the contest, though he apparently still hopes to defeat Guido in future. His men: Kasuga's men were loyal and respectful towards him, and he appeared to be fairly open and honest with them.
# Katsuragi
# Katsuragi (current) SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Katsuragi is an antagonist in the 07-Ghost manga and anime series. Introduced as Colonel of the Barsburg Imperial Army, he was Chief of Staff Ayanami's direct subordinate and second-in-command of the Black Hawks. His real name is unknown, but following his death as a human, he was reincarnated as a Ghost and acted under the alias of Landkarte. However, the Ghost's body contained a defect, and this defect corrupted Landkarte and turned him into the "black shadow". Manipulating both the Pope and the Emperor, he was directly responsible for the Raggs War, and later betrayed the other Ghosts for Verloren; killing them all with the sole exception of Karu, who escaped. Infiltrating the Barsburg Armed Forces, he assumed the identity of one of Admiral Ogi's subordinates, the real Katsuragi, whom he found dying on the battlefield. He later used this to win Ayanami's favour and kill Ogi.  However, Katsuragi later betrayed the Black Hawks, as he believed Ayanami had become too attached to his (Ayanami's) subordinates. He engaged Frau and Teito Klein, but this proved his downfall, and he was purified by Teito. He ascended to Heaven after the Chief of Heaven forgave him, and after giving his Cursed Ticket to Teito. Etymology. Katsuragi's name may have come from the Japanese aircraft carrier during World War 2 of the same name. His name follows the trend of the founding members of the Black Hawks being named after battleships. In Japanese, "katsura gi" can mean "Cercidiphyllum japonicum", a species of flowering tree native to China and Japan. Katsura wood is often used to make boards for "Go", a board game that requires complex practical strategy. The authors may have intended this as a reference to Katsuragi's cunning personality. In the Japanese language, "katsu" can mean "win". Appearance. Physical appearance. Katsuragi has a relatively normal looking appearance. Though his official height is not given, he is a tall man- being the third tallest Black Hawk in the manga (after Haruse and Hyuuga respectively) and the second tallest in the anime. Katsuragi's weight is unknown, though his build is slender. His face is long and angular with a pointy chin and sharp jawline, and he has a small mouth with full lips. His nose is long and the bridge is slightly crooked. He has the darkest skin-tone out of the Black Hawks. Although appearing the eldest member of the Black Hawks, with the wrinkles around his eyes making him appear middle-aged, he is likely younger than both Ayanami and Hyuuga. It is possible that the surgery he performed, in order to pass for the real Katsuragi, has made him look much older than he really is.  One of Katsuragi's most distinguishable features is a small mole on the right side of his mouth. His hair is brown and cut relatively short with a few strands hanging over his face. His eyes are hooded, (possibly caused by the surgery) and a greyish-blue (greyish-purple in some images) colour. Due to their colour his pupils are very hard to distinguish. In the manga, he has dark hair and dark eyes. As he is consumed by the shadow, he loses most of his resemblance to a human being.  As Landkarte. His appearance before he performed surgery on himself was very different to how it is now. As Landkarte, he was of average height with a slender build. His face was much fuller, his skin was paler, and his jaw and nose were not crooked. He had long, light-colored hair that was cut short on the left side and kept in a ponytail on the right (before his death as a human, he kept his hair in two long ponytails of equal length). He also had large, light-coloured eyes with long eyelashes. In the afterlife, Katsuragi's appearance is shown to have been reverted to that of Landkarte. Here, his physical appearance shows no signs of ageing, and he looks as young as he did during the Raggs War. Being one of the Seven Ghosts, Katsuragi appears as a skeleton when in his true form. Clothing. When first introduced, he wears the standard Black Hawk uniform, which consists of a dark blue, ankle-length overcoat with a gold trim on the neck-guard, chest and sleeve cuffs. A small half mantle emblazoned with the Barsburg military insignia hangs off his left shoulder, and he wears golden shoulder boards on his right shoulder. Similar to the rest of the Black Hawks, Katsuragi wears black trousers, as well as white gloves and black army boots. He carries a broadsword that is identical to Ayanami's with a golden hilt and a handle that is part of the underside of the guard. He is usually seen carrying a book. When acting as Landkarte in the past, he wore a knee-length, white-hooded robe with an elbow-length mantle. His trousers were a light colour, and he wore knee-length boots. He always wore the hood up. However, in the afterlife he wears the hood down. Personality. Katsuragi initially appeared to be a calm and mild-mannered man. He enjoys reading, was always courteous when speaking to others (even to his enemies), and has said that he prefers desk work to fighting. Before his betrayal, he maintained a cheerful and light-hearted demeanour, smiling often and having an optimistic attitude towards most things. His role within the Black Hawks can be described as "motherly". He has a love for cooking and eating, is often the one who cooks for the rest of the team, and frequently fusses about the health of his allies. He was repeatedly shown to be one of the most mature and reliable of the Black Hawks, and often calmed his more unconventional team mates down when they became hyperactive. Before his betrayal, he was often the voice of reason, and was well-liked among the Black Hawks. However, Katsuragi had been hiding a much darker aspect of his personality. His dream is to achieve a perfect world; one without "love nor hate". He displays a cruel and plan-oriented streak- showing a lack of hesitation when eliminating former allies, and is capable of extreme ruthlessness and capriciousness. His own goals are given the ultimate priority, and as a result his loyalty is easily swayed when he feels his companions put these goals at risk. He both betrayed and murdered his fellow Ghosts, and later defected from the the Black Hawks out of fear his plans will be spoilt. However, if he likes the other party and believes they are not a threat, he will spare them. A master of manipulation and deceit, he shows considerable skill in reading the motives of others and using it against them. His cunning nature allows him to deceive many people, strangers as well as people very familiar with his character, including renowned tactician, Ayanami. He is very aware of details, and tactically-minded. His long-term plans are well thought-out and demonstrate his patience, though he is also quick-thinking and is able to improvise when something goes awry. At times, particularly during battle with former allies, his demeanour can shift without warning: he calmly explains his plan to Karu, but grins manically when Karu rejects it, and attacks him. His emotional state also fluctuates during his fight with 'Ayanami' (possessing Hyuuga), and changes from professing his love for Verloren to expressing outrage at Eve. Despite the crimes he has committed, though, the goddess Eve believes that he is actually a kind person. Relationships. Superiors. Ayanami. At the beginning of the series Katsuragi has a high degree of loyalty to Ayanami, similar to the rest of the Black Hawks. As the reincarnation of Verloren, Ayanami was vital to Katsuragi's plan to create a 'perfect' world, and even before they had met in person, Katsuragi expressed a fondness for Ayanami; his betrayal of his fellow Ghosts was in part motivated by his willingness to be close to Ayanami and Verloren. His admiration for Verloren meant he held Ayanami in very high esteem, informing Ogi he (Ayanami) is 'the only one whom I love and respect'. Katsuragi is always respectful when talking with him, and appears to dislike those who are rude to him. Katsuragi also acted as Ayanami's Begleiter, despite not fully recognized by Ayanami emotionally. He was devoted to serving Ayanami, and valued his welfare above his own. His devotion was shown as he was willing to disfigure himself in order to help Ayanami achieve his goals. He was also very concerned with Ayanami's well-being, as shown when he became worried when he noticed Ayanami looked ill, and he made some nutritious, digestible jelly with Kuroyuri for Ayanami to welcome him back to the Black Hawks. Katsuragi is also shown to take pride in working for Ayanami, and becomes pleased whenever Ayanami compliments his work. He compliments Ayanami fairly frequently, as he has said that Ayanami's Zaiphon is spectacular, and that he has a beautiful face. In regards to work, they get on rather well, possibly as their personalities are very similar, with both being quiet, polite, calm, and prepared. However, later in the series Katsuragi's opinion on Ayanami began to change. His love for Ayanami was only there when Ayanami was an asset to him, and as Ayanami grew more attached to his subordinates, the more Katsuragi saw him as unfit to become Verloren. Katsuragi feared this emotion would jeopardise his dream of a perfect world with neither "love nor hate", and at some point started to deceive the Black Hawks. Katsuragi planned to prevent the revived Verloren from reuniting with Eve, though it remains unknown whether he planned to kill Ayanami. Ogi. 'Katsuragi' had been a subordinate of Ogi's for more than 10 years. At first Katsuragi appeared to be working with Ogi in an attempt to usurp Ayanami, but it is later revealed that Katsuragi was an agent of Ayanami's and had been posing as the real Katsuragi (after performing re-constructive surgery on himself in order to look more like the real Katsuragi) who he found dying on the battlefield ten years ago. He first appeared to love and admire Ogi in order to avoid suspicion, but in reality he hated Ogi, commenting that Ogi's eyes were pathetic and with them he (Ogi) betrayed and looked down on others. Colleagues and other members of the military. Hyuuga. Katsuragi does not interact much with Hyuuga, but there is some evidence to suggest he may not like Hyuuga, even before his betrayal. This may be because Katsuragi is very reserved and polite, while Hyuuga is cheeky and rebellious, particularly towards Ayanami- whom Katsuragi held in high esteem. After Katsuragi's change in goals, he displayed extreme animosity towards him. Katsuragi saw Hyuuga as an object to his plan, and attacks and tries to kill him- almost succeeding. Katsuragi apparently felt no remorse for what he has done, as he stood over Hyuuga and said mockingly: 'For you to die in vain, it's so unlike you.' Konatsu. Before Katsuragi's betrayal, he and Konatsu had a good relationship. Katsuragi appeared to care for Konatsu and would take care of him when it was within his power. During a fight with Castor, Katsuragi used his teletransportation abilities, which put him at serious risk of revealing his identity as Landkarte, in order to save Konatsu from a would-be fatal attack. Although an experienced and cautious spy by nature, he has at times let his guard down when in Konatsu's presence. As a Ghost, Katsuragi has a keen eye for souls, and his liking for Konatsu may be due to his (Konatsu's) "pure" soul. Gods. Verloren. Katsuragi is fanatical about Verloren. His betrayal and murder of the other Ghosts was so he could become affiliated with Verloren. His love for Verloren was because Verloren had the power to create a perfect world by eliminating both love and hate. Eve. Katsuragi strongly disliked Eve, believing her to be the reason Verloren become 'imperfect'. As a result of this, he holds a grudge against her, and tries to prevent her and Verloren from reuniting. After he was purified by Teito and guided out of the Ninth Circle of Hell by Eve, his opinion of her seems to change for the better. Mikhail and Raphael. Mikhail and Raphael helped to seal Verloren's true body and memories through the Eyes of Mikhail and Raphael respectively, hindering Katsuragi's plans. Thus, he presumably hates the archangels, a sentiment which is probably mutual since Katsuragi has hurt both archangels' masters (Teito and Ouka). Mikhail and Raphael may have been among the inhabitants of Heaven whom the Chief of Heaven spoke to about Verloren's 'defect'. Chief of Heaven. Despite the destruction Katsuragi had caused, the Chief forgave him, though according to Karu, the Chief intended to give Katsuragi a "severe scolding". Other Ghosts. Karu. As the Ghosts of Ea and Landkarte, Karu and Katsuragi were friends. As they were the two youngest members of the previous generation of Ghosts, Katsuragi interacted with Karu the most. Katsuragi seemed to like Karu very much, as he visited him frequently and always brought treats for them to share. However when Katsuragi felt his 'allies' were interfering with his plans, he severed all ties with the Ghosts, and attempted to murder Karu. Throughout the ten years after Landkarte's betrayal, both Karu and Katsuragi remained in the military- aware of each other's existence.  When Katsuragi's plan appeared to be failing, him and Karu came face-to-face again and fought, with Katsuragi emerging as the victor. However, Katsuragi may have felt remorse for his actions. Guido: It seems they had a good relationship. When Landkarte was upset about purified souls regressing back to their evil ways, Zehel told Landkarte to give him a list of those who "became dark again" and he would help. Landkarte also often escorted Zehel using his teleporting abilities. Vessels. Teito Klein. Katsuragi is the current Ghost Landkarte and he helps the 07-Ghosts oppose Verloren by sealing Pandora's Box, Verloren's true body, through the Eye of Mikhail and the Eye of Raphael . Katsuragi does not care for Teito , betrayed his duties and tried to harm Teito . He later tried to force Teito to open Pandora's Box twice, which endangered his life each time. However , Katsuragi may have felt remorse for his actions and want to atone for what he had done . Despite being enemies , Teito cares for Katsuragi to some extent , as shown in Kapitel 92 , Teito , seeing that Landkarte's heart is still pure despite the darkness corrupting the rest of his body, holds on to it (the heart) and purifies Landkarte , and later in Kapitel 93 , Teito wonders out loud if Landkarte's soul can be returned to the Chief of Heaven's side so that Landkarte can atone for his sins . Later , in Kapitel 94 , he ascended to Heaven after the Chief of Heaven forgave him, and after giving his Cursed Ticket to Teito. Karu/Ea mentioned that Landkarte will get a 'severe scolding' for his crimes from the Chief. Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg (OR-0007). Katsuragi does not care for the Princess, viewing her as an obstacle (as it is her job to seal Verloren's memories and this interferes with his plan) that needs to be removed, and he personally tried to kill her at her Groom Choosing ball. Abilities and Attributes. Due to being a Ghost, Katsuragi is able to recover for injuries that would kill a normal human. Spiritual. Katsuragi is able to possess others and use their bodies as hosts or vessels, resulting in drastic changes in his vessels' personalities, to the extent that they lose sight of their original intentions and goals.  Zaiphon. Like most of the Black Hawks, Katsuragi has a Zaiphon and is extremely proficient at using it, though he has not been seen using it in the anime. Attacking: Katsuragi has been shown to have an attacking Zaiphon, and he uses his sword to manipulate his attacks, similar to how those in the Church use a bascule. He is able to generate a wave of energy upon a sword swing. Katsuragi is able to do this many times in a row and upon close inspection, he seems to be able to generate two waves upon a single swing in the anime. Ghost power. As the Ghost Landkarte, Katsuragi is the "extinguishing spirit": able to move to any coordinates on Earth (possibly limited to the places he has been to before) and any person he wishes to go to as long as he knows a soul's number, meaning his 'prey' can never escape from him unless he/she changed his/her soul number. Keeping a soul: He can keep a soul in his custody for at least 10 years (manga chapter 88). The maximum numbers of souls he can keep is unknown. Hand-to-hand combat. He appears to be a highly skilled and dangerous fighter, able to fight on par with Lance (who was a skilled fighter himself) and to see through Castor (who was a well-trained assassin)'s move. In the past, he was swift enough to decapitate three Ghosts from behind with a single sway of his scythe. His 'teletransportation' means he is able to outmanoeuvre Hyuuga, who was believed to be the fastest Hawk second only to Ayanami and eventually bested him. However, while his combat abillities and speed are immense, he still does not seem to be skilled enough to truly rival Ayanami in one-on-one combat, as Ayanami expressed confidence he can defeat Katsurugi should he take control of Hyugga's body. History. Early childhood. His birth name unknown, 'Katsuragi' was born into the noble lineage of the Reuen Family of District 3. He was a distant relative of the family Head. Death and reincarnation. When the District was plagued with floods that caused the deaths of many, the Krat Family prophesied the rivers could be appeased with a "human sacrifice" for each river. Hearing this, the people of the District revolted: fearing they would lose their children while the upper classes would suffer no such loss. To set an example and show solidarity with the people, the Reuen God House decided to make the first sacrifice: a member of their own God House. However, they protected themselves by selecting one of the most distantly related family members, and 'Katsuragi' was chosen. Katsuragi was briefly worshipped as a saviour, but grew to hate the selfishness of those praying to him. At the sacrifice, as he sank deeper the feelings of hatred disappeared, and Katsuragi found the lack of feeling "beautiful". After he drowned, he was reincarnated as the Ghost Landkarte. Pre-Raggs War. Katsuragi acted as Landkarte: purifying tainted souls. He grew close with fellow Ghost Ea, and the two would often spend a lot of time together. While carrying out his Ghost duties, Katsuragi adopted an optimistic view on redemption, refusing to let Guido punish the souls that regressed back to their evil ways after he purified them. He sought to eliminate hatred from the world, but soon realised that when there is love, there will always be hatred. However, the body of Landkarte contained a 'defect' that was carried over from Verloren during Landkarte's creation, and over time, Katsuragi became more and more corrupted. His views on purity turned fanatical, and in order to achieve his dream of a "perfect world": one without love or hate, he plotted to revive the Death God Verloren- the very being the Ghosts had been created to stop.  The Pope and the Emperor. Using his teletransportation to move swiftly between districts, Katsuragi built a repertoire with both the Pope and the Emperor. He became a consultant of the Pope, and used his (the Pope's) dream of world peace to convince him releasing Verloren could make this dream come true. He also became the Emperor's military advisor, and when Kreuz threatened to sabotage his plan by escaping with Pandora's Box, made use of the Emperor's love for Millea to tempt Wolfram to invade Raggs. This triggered the Raggs War. During the Raggs War. During the war, Katsuragi continued to deceive the other Ghosts. When Fea Kreuz took Pandora's Box, Katsuragi acted as his guide to the Seven Houses of God on their way to The Land of Seele. He killed Guido (who acted as Zehel) first, though whether this was because Guido discovered his plan, or just as a precaution is unknown. He then killed three of the six remaining Ghosts, after his plan was uncovered by them, to prevent them from warning Kreuz. Landkarte swung his scythe and decapitated Raggs War Fest, Raggs War Profe and Raggs War Relikt, but Karu, who was shorter than them, was instead sliced across the eyes- blinding him but not killing him. Karu changed his soul number and fled. It is likely that Landkarte played a significant role in Vertrag being devoured by Ayanami/Verloren, as he may have lead Kreuz and Tiashe to Ayanami/Verloren. A change of identity. Presumably after Kreuz's death, Landkarte happened upon a man dying on the battlefield. The dying man was Katsuragi, and he was a subordinate of Admiral Ogi. Recognising Ogi as a man whom "Ayanami-sama finds an eyesore", Landkarte surgically modified his own face to resemble the real Katsuragi, stole his identity, and from then on was known as Katsuragi. Manga synopsis. Begleiter exam. Katsuragi first appears with Ayanami and the Black Hawks quietly observing the students during the Barsburg Academy entry examination. A meeting about the Eye. He is seen standing behind Ayanami during the meeting, reading a book and he later says how he looks forward to meeting Teito. After the meeting he is later seen delivering a report to Ayanami where he reminds him of his schedule. Upon Ayanami showing gratitude, Katsuragi simply replies that his words flatter him and that he is happy to be of service to him. A meeting about Antwort. Katsuragi later appears in a meeting with Ayanami about the war with Antwort. Discovery of the Eye of Mikhail. Katsuragi, unlike the other Black Hawks, is not present on the Ribidzile travelling to Antwort but instead appears in another meeting concerning Ayanami's loss of two imperial fleet ships. Katsuragi does not react when some of the generals demand Ayanami's execution, but after Field Marshal Wakaba Oak silences them and asks about Ayanami's condition, he replies that the Chief of Staff is unharmed. Their attention is then drawn to the Eye of God left in the mountains of District 7- it being proof the Eye of Mikhail was present at the attack. Once the meeting has ended, Katsuragi speaks with Ogi, who had placed him in the Black Hawks as a spy to watch Ayanami. Ogi is frustrated that Ayanami had neglected to take Katsuragi on the trip to Antwort- demonstrating a lack of trust on Ayanami's part, but together with Ogi, Katsuragi plots an attack against the Chief of Staff. Ayanami's return. Once the rest of the Black Hawks have returned from Antwort War, Katsuragi greets them in their office and brings them sweet potato. Katsuragi (though unrecognisable) appeared when Lance confronted the Pope. While Lance was questioning the Pope, he (the Pope) became hysterical and protested that what he had done (making Teito the container of Pandora's Box) had been against his will.  Later in the series, Katsuragi continues to manipulate Emperor Wolfram Eifeler Barsburg, and is seen standing behind the Emperor, appearing as a black shadow or shadow man. The Emperor tells his royal attendants that the shadow man is his trusted advisor, and that thanks to him (shadow man), the Raggs War had a good outcome for Barsburg. However, when Teito pointed the light of the Eye of Mikhail at him, Emperor Wolfram regained his conscience, and it was revealed that the shadow man had influenced him into starting the Raggs War so that his (Wolfram's) love, Millea Klein, could be brought to Barsburg. It was eventually revealed that the shadow man had been acting as Landkarte. As of Kapitel 91, he headed towards Teito, presumably with the aim of opening Pandora's Box. Fortunately for Teito, Frau rescued him (Teito) in time. Frau and Teito then fought against Landkarte and Teito purified Landkarte's soul.
Katsuragi (current)
# Katsuragi (original) "This article is about the original Katsuragi. For the article about the Katsuragi who has been shown to the readers so far, see "Katsuragi (current). The original Katsuragi is a minor antagonist in the 07-Ghost series. He was a member of Ogi's Intelligence Unit, and died during the Raggs War. Appearance. Physical appearance. Although the original Katsuragi has only appeared in the series a few times and has never been shown clearly, the current Katsuragi has mentioned that their physiques were similar, making the surgery to modify his appearance easy. The current Katsuragi reconstructed his cheekbones and nose, sliced off his flesh, and slit his mouth a little wider, in order to look like the original Katsuragi. Clothing. He wore a Barsburg military uniform. Relationships. Ogi. Not only was the original Katsuragi a loyal subordinate of Ogi's and a member of the latter's intelligence unit, it seems that they had a good personal relationship. Ogi had raised the original Katsuragi since the latter was fifteen  and Ogi has said: 'It is I who has adored you (Katsuragi) so much!', implying that he loved the original Katsuragi.
Katsuragi (original)
# Kikune Kikune is a minor character in the 07-Ghost series. She is one of Ouka's three ladies-in-waiting. Etymology. In the Japanese language, 'kiku' can mean 'chrysanthemum branch' and 'ne' can mean 'root'. Appearance. Physical appearance. Kikune is tall and slim, with long, straight, dark-coloured hair and narrow, dark-coloured eyes. A coloured picture on the cover of volume 11 shows that she has dark blue/purple hair and light blue eyes. Her height and build are similar to Gyokuran's and Ohruri's. Clothing. Kikune is always seen in civilian clothing. When she debuted, she wore a lacy, beribboned shawl. Personality. Kikune is the calmest and most reserved of the trio, rarely smiling or showing any facial expressions, and has a deadpan sense of humour. However, she is also kind and helpful. Relationships. Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg. Like Gyokuran and Ohruri, despite being obligated to care for Ouka as her servant, Kikune has been shown to genuinely care for Ouka, and seems to be a mother figure or older sister figure to the princess. Gyokuran and Ohruri. Kikune spends a great deal of time with Gyokuran and Ohruri, all three of them being attendants of Ouka, and gets along well with both of them. Kikune usually reacts with apathy or indifference to Gyokuran's outbursts. Hakuren Oak. Kikune and Hakuren seem to get along well. Like Ohruri, Kikune does not share Gyokuran's apparent dislike of Hakuren. However, she does seem to share Gyokuran's disdain for the Oak Family, as in manga chapter 63, when Hakuren tells her, Gyokuran, Ouka, and Ohruri about his 'woman sickness' and the cause of it, she is shown thinking to herself, 'As expected of the Oaks...'. Teito Klein. Like Gyokuran and Ohruri, Kikune is mildly curious about Teito. Abilities and Attributes. She has been shown to know how to construct self-defense items. Ouka has used a staff made by her to stun the loanshark Parl.  Manga synopsis. Kikune plays a relatively minor role in the series. She first appeared when Ouka was at the Krat House with Teito, and searched for her with Gyokuran and Ohruri. The three women appeared again, along with Hakuren, when they eventually found Ouka and convoyed her back to the royal palace. Kikune appeared a few more times in the royal palace, and along with Gyokuran, Ohruri and Hakuren, accompanied Ouka to the Hawkzile race. Kikune was also present at Ouka's birthday ball, where she quietly observed Ouka's fiance candidates. When the ball was abruptly brought to an end, Kikune presumably evacuated with Ohruri and Hakuren while Gyokuran restrained Ouka, who wanted to search for Teito. Her eventual fate is uncertain. 
# King Antwort King Antwort is a minor antagonist in the 07-Ghost manga series. He was the King of Antwort and Teito Klein's step-grandfather until his death at the hands of Ayanami during the Antwort War. Appearance. Physical appearance. The Antwort king appears to be a rather short, plump man standing at an estimated 5 foot 3 inches, though his actual height and weight are unknown. He appears to be elderly as he has many wrinkles around his eyes and marionette lines around his mouth. His face is square in shape with large, narrowed eyes, a large, pointy nose, and a large mouth with thin lips. His hair is thinning and black in colour. Clothing. When seen the Antwort King was dressed in long, extravagant robes embroidered with swirls and lined with fur. His crown somewhat resembles an Aviator hat, but is decorated with jewels. He wears earrings. Personality. Though he was only shown briefly, King Antwort's personality was shown to be rather similar to his daughter's, being very irritable, verbally abusive and prone to angry outbursts. Like his daughter, social status is important to him, as shown when he called Ayanami a 'low-born Warsfeil'. Relationships. Family. Ayanami: Despite never being seen interacting with Ayanami before the War, King Antwort appeared to know Ayanami, (as he immediately recognised him) or at least knew of Ayanami's origin concerning the Raggs family. Upon seeing Ayanami, he called him a "Barsburg dog"- a possible reference to Ayanami's seeming abandonment of his Raggs family to accept Barsburg, and called him a "low-born Warsfeil". He also knew of Ayanami's intention to open Pandora's Box (something which only the Black Hawks are supposed to know). The two are distantly related, Ayanami being King Antwort's son-in-law's brother. However, neither of them openly acknowledged the fact that they are kin. Vanessa Antwort: Little is known about King Antwort's relationship with his daughter. He gave Vanessa's hand in marriage to Weldeschtein Krom Raggs for political reasons. It seems likely that his personality influenced hers. though he dosn't really seem to have cared much for her as he married her off to form an alliance with Raggs but then turned around and abruptly broke the alliance so he basically just used her as a tool to steal Pandora's Box. Weldeschtein Krom Raggs: Little is known about King Antwort's relationship with his son-in-law, but considering that Antwort eventually seceded from its alliance with Raggs and stole Pandora's Box from Raggs, it is possible that King Antwort, unlike his daughter, did not like or respect Krom and Antwort's alliance with Raggs. History. Little is known of the Antwort King's history. He was born into the royal family of Antwort and probably grew up in Antwort Palace. At some point in his life, his queen gave birth to a daughter named Vanessa. Vanessa eventually married the King of Raggs to ally the Raggs and Antwort kingdoms. Shortly before the Raggs War began, Antwort broke off its alliance with Raggs and allegedly stole Pandora's Box from Raggs. It was seen in the King's possession during the Antwort War. Manga synopsis. Death. When King Antwort was first introduced he was hiding in the throne room of Antwort Palace, which was heavily guarded, and standing protectively before Pandora's Box. Ayanami breaks down the door using his Zaiphon and entered the room, after having fought his way past the guards there. He approaches the King and accuses him of stealing Pandora's Box. King Antwort recognises Ayanami, and responds by angrily calling Ayanami a 'Barsburg dog'. Ayanami seems unfazed by the comment, and replies that he understands that King Antwort wants to keep Pandora's Box, as nobody would refuse the opportunity to obtain the world's knowledge. King Antwort shouts that he (Ayanami) cannot open the box, as Pandora's Box needs the Eye of Mikhail to be opened. He then mocks Ayanami, calling him a 'low-born Warsfeil', greatly offending Ayanami, who then decapitates the King.
King Antwort
# Klein Family The Klein Family is the family Millea Klein and her son, Teito Klein, are descended from. Appearance. Kleins tend to have slender builds, round or oval faces and wide eyes. It seems that Kleins are generally considered attractive within the series universe. Evidence of this is the fact that Emperor Wolfram thought that Millea's beauty and shine surpassed any member of the Barsburg family, and Teito is considered an attractive character in-universe. The fact that Teito's eye colour is green could indicate that green eyes are a characteristic of the Klein family, especially since his father's eyes were not green. Marriage. For the past three generations, the Klein family has had ties to the Barsburg and Raggs royal families through concubinage, or unofficial marriage. Family Tree. Millea's Mother──────┬──────Millea's Father │ Millea Klein─────────┬────────Weldeschtein Krom Raggs Teito Klein
Klein Family
# Klein Family (Raggs Family)
Klein Family (Raggs Family)
# Kohaku Celestine SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Kohaku Celestine is Mikage Celestine's younger brother and the youngest son of Karein Celestine. Etymology. 'Kohaku' means 'amber' in Japanese.  'Celestine' is a name of English and French origins that means 'heavenly'. Appearance. Physical appearance. Being a member of the Celestine family, Kohaku bears a resemblance to Mikage, and, like Mikage, has blonde hair. His facial features also somewhat resemble Mikage's. Kohaku does not appear to have reached his teenage years yet, and is of average height, with a slender build. Clothing. Kohaku was seen wearing a formal black suit, a black tie, and a white undershirt. Personality. At first, Kohaku seems to have a cold, rude and blunt personality, speaking unkindly to Teito despite never having met him before. After being rescued by Teito, he is shown to actually be kind, as well as willing to admit his mistakes. Relationships. Family. Rinka Celestine. Kohaku is protective of his younger sister Rinka, and rushed to her aid when he heard her being attacked by Buran.  Kokuyou Celestine. Kokuyou got angry at Kohaku for being rude to Teito, but they otherwise appear to have a good relationship. Mikage Celestine. Kohaku clearly loves Mikage and, like his other siblings and father, is shown to mourn Mikage's passing. Parents. He appears to have a fairly good relationship with his father. Nothing is known about his mother and his relationship with her. Others. Teito Klein. They did not get along well at first, but Kohaku eventually warmed up to Teito and Teito was determined to protect both him and Rinka. Kohaku has voiced his support of a romantic relationship between Rinka and Teito. History. Kohaku is Karein Celestine's third son and the second-youngest of the Celestine children. Manga synopsis. He is not polite to Teito when he first sees him, saying that his brother's funeral had ended long ago and if Teito is really his brother's friend, he should have come earlier. However, after Teito saves him and Rinka from an attack by the Warsfeil jewel designer, Buran, he warms up to Teito and apologises to him for having been rude earlier. Later, it turns out that Kohaku blamed himself for Mikage's death, believing that if he had not injured Mikage during a sparring match, Mikage would not have had to join the military (Mikage sustained a scar during the match and consequently could not become a steward in the Celestine family's tradition as he was supposed to, because appearance is apparently a rather important factor in becoming a steward). Kohaku seems to think that Rinka has a crush on Teito, and has voiced his support of a romantic relationship between Teito and Rinka. He and Kokuyou agreed that if Teito and Rinka married, Teito would then really become part of the Celestine family. After Teito was knocked unconscious and taken back to the military by Ayanami, Kohaku and Rinka were shown frantically searching for Teito, wondering where he had gone. It is not shown what happened to Kohaku after that, but it is possible that the military informed him and the rest of the Celestine Family of Teito's condition and whereabouts.
Kohaku Celestine
# Kokujyuseki Kokujyuseki, also called Black Pearl, is a precious jewel whose supply has been monopolized by the Oak Family since the Raggs War. Its sale has further increased the Oak Family's wealth. At Wakaba's funeral, each guest is given a kokujyuseki as a gift in return for a funeral offering. When Teito Klein first touches the jewel, he suddenly feels a strange disgust and drops it carelessly. Katsuragi picks it up, and remarks that the history behind the kokujyuseki is probably a whirlpool of grudge and vanity, and that the cost the Oak Family and other people have paid for this jewel is unknown. In manga chapter 77, it is shown that back in heaven when Verloren heard Eve said that feelings cannot be materialized, he materialized the negative feelings (e.g. vanity, jealousy) of human beings and showed them to Eve. They are the kokujyuseki.
# Kokuyou Celestine SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Kokuyou Celestine is Karein Celestine's eldest son and Mikage Celestine's older brother. At present, he is the Oak Family's butler (manga chapter 75). Etymology. In Japanese, 'kokuyou seki' means 'obsidian' (seki means stone). 'Koku' can mean 'black'. 'Celestine' is a name of English and French origins that means 'heavenly'. Appearance. Physical appearance. Kokuyou bears a strong resemblance to Mikage, something which Teito notices immediately upon meeting him. Kokuyou is about a head taller than Teito, and has a slender build. Like his brothers and father, he has blonde hair. Clothing. As a butler, he wears the appropriate attire. Personality. Due to his profession, he presents himself as a very dignified and polite young man. Relationships. Teito Klein. Kokuyou has a lot of respect for his deceased younger brother's best friend , Teito. They visit Mikage's grave together to pay their respects. When Teito confides to Kokuyou that he's missing his memories and can't remember how Mikage died, Kokuyou sympathizes with him and comments that it must be hard on Teito. He later scolds Kohaku, his younger brother, for being impolite to Teito. Shuri Oak. Kokuyou and Shuri have a master-servant relationship. His family. Kokuyou is close to his family. However, he is also blunt and stern towards them, shown when he scolded Kohaku for being rude to Teito and when he accused Karein of making Teito cry. History. Kokuyou was born to Karein Celestine and is following in his father's footsteps, continuing the tradition of the Celestine family. Manga synopsis. Kokuyou first appears at Wakaba Oak's funeral, greeting visitors at the entrance of the Oak House. He welcomes Shuri back and compliments him, saying that Shuri is looking very respectable. Kokuyou then meets Teito in person for the first time and takes Teito to see Mikage's grave. The Celestine family, including Kokuyou, could have been informed of Teito's condition and whereabouts after Ayanami took Teito back to Hohburg Fortress.
Kokuyou Celestine
# Konatsu
# Konatsu's Grandfather Konatsu's Grandfather is an unnamed minor character who appeared in Konatsu's flashbacks in the side chapter: Aspiration. He is the grandfather of Konatsu Warren, a Warsfeil and a very capable swordsman. He was Konatsu's inspiration for becoming a swordsman and joining the Black Hawks. Appearance. Physical appearance. Konatsu's grandfather's weight is unknown, but he has a thin build, and he appears to be of average height. He has a square jaw, a small, pointy nose, marionette lines around his mouth and frown lines on his forehead reflecting his old age. As he is a noble, he probably has pale skin. His light-coloured hair is worn short and spiked up at the front. It is likely that he has blonde hair, like Konatsu. Konatsu bears a fairly strong resemblance to him. Clothing. Konatsu's grandfather was seen wearing a long, dark cloak with a hood, and he wore the hood down. He carried a sabre at his belt. Personality. Konatsu's grandfather only briefly appeared once, and not much is known about his personality. However, considering that he was the only member of the Warren Family who did not look down on Konatsu Warren for not having been born a Warsfeil, it is possible that he is kinder and more understanding than the rest of the Warren Family. Relationships. Konatsu Warren: He appears to care for his grandson very much, as he was the only member of the Warren Family who supported Konatsu in his decision to learn how to fight with a sword and did not ostracise Konatsu for not having the powers of a Warsfeil. He seemed to want Konatsu to do well as it was he who advised Konatsu to aspire to join the Black Hawks.  Ayanami: Though it is likely they have never met, Konatsu's grandfather had a lot of respect for Ayanami; calling him "Ayanami-dono" and "magnificent leader of Warsfeil". Abilities and Attributes. Being a member of the Warren Family, Konatsu's grandfather is a Warsfeil and able to control a Wars. He is also implied to be a talented swordsman, as he taught Konatsu how to fight. History. Childhood. Konatsu's grandfather was born into the Warren Family as a Warsfeil. Adulthood. He married and had a child, who later went on to marry and have a son: Konatsu Warren, who was born a human. While the other Warsfeil shunned Konatsu for being an "ill omen", his grandfather instead nurtured Konatsu's ambition to fight, taught him swordsmanship and informed him of the Black Hawks.
Konatsu's Grandfather
# Konatsu Strongest Kapitel 5: Konatsu Strongestコナツが最強 "Konatsu ga saikyou "
Konatsu Strongest
# Konatsu Warren SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!Konatsu Warren is a secondary character, an antagonist in the 07-Ghost series and one of Ayanami's subordinates. He is a member of the Black Hawks and, before Shuri Oak and Teito Klein had joined, was the only one of the group without the power of a Warsfeil. However Konatsu makes up for this significant disadvantage with his skill as a swordsman. Konatsu has not been a member of the Black Hawks for very long (in the anime he is the newest recruit and second youngest), is the sixth youngest (after Kuroyuri, Shuri, Teito, Yukinami and Suzunami) in the manga, and acts as Hyuuga's Begleiter. Out of the Black Hawks, Konatsu can be considered the most 'sane'. Etymology. "Konatsu" is the name of a famous citric fruit in Japan. Konatsu differs from other citric fruits in that its white rind is sweet and edible, while other citric fruits' white rind is bitter and inedible; this may have inspired the authors to name the character "Konatsu", as he is the only one in a family of Warsfeil that cannot use black magic. It is also worth noting that the konatsu citric fruit is also called 'hyuuga natsu' in some parts of Japan, and Konatsu (the character) is Hyuuga's begleiter. In Japanese, "little summer" is pronounced as "ko natsu". "Warren" is a name of German origin. It means "protector". In the English language, a warren is a network of interconnecting rabbit burrows, and in Teutonic, "Warren" means "protecting friend". Appearance. Physical appearance. Konatsu appears to be a young boy in his mid-teens, of average height and average build (estimated to be 51 kg, since his build is similar to Mikage's). Since he joined the Black Hawks, Konatsu has grown considerably, but in the present series it is estimated that he is around 175 cm. Aside from the change in height, Konatsu's hair was also much longer (neck length) when he was younger. He has a youthful, slightly round face, large brownish-amber coloured eyes, a small nose and small mouth. Konatsu's hair is a light, golden blonde colour and is rather messy with a long fringe that is parted in the middle. His skin is also a fair, pinkish colour. Konatsu bears a resemblance to Mikage and Shuri, and his facial features look somewhat like Teito's. The resemblance between Teito and Konatsu is particularly evident when Teito dyed his hair blonde during the Hawkzile Race. Clothing. During his academy years, Konatsu wore the Barsburg Military cadet uniform, consisting of a black, or dark blue, thigh-length tunic with long sleeves and a neck guard. He wore black trousers, knee-length back boots and white gloves, similar to the other military cadets. His uniform had golden trimming on the shoulders, chest, sleeve cuffs and neck guard. He also wore a gold belt, as well as gold shoulder boards on his right shoulder and a small version of the Barsburg Military insignia over his left shoulder. Once he has graduated, he wears the standard Black Hawks uniform, consisting of a black, or possibly dark blue, ankle length overcoat with golden trimming on the chest, neck guard and sleeve cuffs. It is possible that he wears a white shirt under his overcoat. Like the other Black Hawks, Konatsu wears black trousers, knee-length, black, buckled boots and white gloves, as well as a small half mantle emblazoned with the military insignia over his left shoulder and a gold shoulder board on his right. When the Black Hawks went to Antwort, Konatsu wore a winter version of the military uniform. It looked very similar to the standard uniform, but was made of a thicker material, with a higher neck-guard and silver decoration instead of gold. Personality. Konatsu is regarded as the most 'sane' out of the Black Hawks, and is often stressed or irritated by the behaviour of his fellow Black Hawks, especially Hyuuga and Shuri. He apparently has a 'beautiful' soul, as said by Katsuragi in Kapitel 89. Possibly as a result of being the only non-Warsfeil on the Black Hawks (before Yukinami, Suzunami, Teito and Shuri joined), Konatsu is a hard worker and always tries to complete his paperwork to a high standard. He also appreciates it when others work hard, as shown by his happiness at Yukinami's initiative and his displeasure at Hyuuga's laziness. He is the introspective type when things go wrong. He can also be seen as the voice of reason towards the more eccentric behaviour displayed by his team mates. He is always polite when speaking with others and is quite courteous (bringing a snack which Kuroyuri likes with him). He is quite shy, and blushes or overreacts when he is teased or embarrassed. Relationships. Superiors. Ayanami. Since Konatsu was a child, it has been his dream (or the only reason why he practises swordsmanship very hard) to become Ayanami's subordinate to protect him. Konatsu displays a great level of respect towards Ayanami, pledging to risk his own life to ensure his safety. In the second drama CD, when Hyuuga told him that Ayanami asked Konatsu to do him a personal favour, he became very excited and nervous at the same time. Konatsu appears to be a little afraid of his superior, sometimes flinching and occasionally runs away (second drama CD) when Ayanami speaks in a sulky tone. Ayanami is shown to approve of Konatsu and his hard-working attitude, and defends him from Hyuuga's 'abuse' at one point, because Hyuuga had been manipulating Konatsu into doing Hyuuga's work for him, which Ayanami reprimands him for. Hyuuga. Konatsu is rather shy around Hyuuga especially when, or perhaps because of, Hyuuga's constant teasing and prank pulling. Konatsu is sometimes embarrassed by Hyuuga's antics and finds his behaviour irritating, often hitting him out of stress, such as when he shoves Hyuuga off the bed when he is late for work yet refuses to wake up, or when he splashes a bucket of salty water at him because Hyuuga complains he needs a holiday at the beach. Katsuragi has said that Hyuuga's working attitude and behavior are bad because Konatsu has spoiled him (mini-drama in the 8th Limited Animate DVD). However, despite Hyuuga dumping most of his paperwork onto Konatsu and abusing him, Konatsu still cares for Hyuuga and is willing to risk his own life to help him, as shown in an episode in the anime when he hurried to help Hyuuga from Labrador's attack and caused himself to be strangled by the opponent's attack, and in manga chapter 89 when he knows that he is not a match to Katsuragi in terms of fighting at all, but still attacks Katsuragi, wanting to avenge Hyuuga's 'death'. Hyuuga has also been shown to care for Konatsu, as he ordered Konatsu not to fight Katsuragi, for the sake of Konatsu's safety. In Kapitel 96, Konatsu is overwhlemed with emotion upon seeing that Hyuuga survived his battle with Katsuragi. Hyuuga occasionally calls Konatsu 'Kona-chan'. Katsuragi. Before Katsuragi 'killed' Hyuuga, Konatsu has had a good relationship with Katsuragi. He relies on Katsuragi. In a manga chapter, when he sees that everyone is messing the work, he screams for Katsuragi helplessly. He also seems to like Katsuragi's cooking (e.g. he eats Katsuragi's snack in the dream pot chapter) and company (e.g. in the first drama CD, he said it's a pity that Katsuragi is sick and cannot go to the hot spring with them). It seems that he does respect Katsuragi, as even when Konatsu is in deep anger and hatred when he sees Hyuuga being 'killed' by Katsuragi and took up his sword to kill 'the traitor', he still uses 'anata' (the formal, polite 'you') when he talks with Katsuragi, which is unlike him, as he used 'omae' (the rude, informal 'you') when he talked with his enemy (e.g. when he fought against Castor). However, their good relationship comes to an end in manga chapter 89, when Katsuragi 'killed' Hyuuga before Konatsu's eyes. Despite knowing that Katsuragi outmatched him in terms of skill, he tried to kill Katsuragi, saying: 'I'll kill you even if we end up stabbing each other!'. Katsuragi easily defeated him, but decided not to kill him, and told Konatsu that if ever his (Konatsu's) hatred turns his beautiful soul jet black, he (Katsuragi) will let Konatsu be his opponent. Kuroyuri. He gets along with Kuroyuri well, possibly because they are the only members in the Black Hawks who have "strange" tastes when it comes to food (he is the only one who finds Kuroyuri's cooking delicious while Ayanami,Hyuuga, Haruse and Katsuragi faint after eating it). He is very worried when he sees Kuroyuri fall from the airship and rushes to save them. Wakaba Oak. As his rank is much lower than Wakaba's, for manner's sake he talks to his superior respectfully and kneels down immediately when the field marshal approaches and talks to him. In truth, he is indifferent towards Marshal Oak. Family. Konatsu's Grandfather Konatsu seems to have a good relationship with his grandfather, as his grandfather is the only member of his family who did not ostracise or reject him for not having been born a Warsfeil, and is also the only member of his family who came to watch Konatsu during sword practice. Konatsu's grandfather has also complimented Konatsu's skill with the sword, saying that it is 'splendid'. Konatsu applied to join the Black Hawks after his grandfather advised him to, showing that he respects his grandfather's opinion. Other members of the Warren Family Konatsu makes little mention of his other relatives, including his parents, and does not seem to be close to any of them. It was shown in the side chapter 'Aspiration' that some of his relatives called him an 'ill-omened child', even going as far as to say: 'Get him out of here.' and 'There's no use for him in our family.' Konatsu also said in the same chapter: 'I don't need that family', implying that he dislikes and resents his family. Peers. Shuri Oak. He dislikes Shuri and is fed up with having to protect "THAT OAK" by himself As a peer, he does not even bother to comfort Shuri when Shuri mourns his father's death. Shuri had sadly developed a hero complex with Konatsu, calling him 'onii-sama' (lit. 'honourable elder brother-sama'). Teito Klein. While Konatsu has no hesitation in attacking Teito, like Hyuuga and unlike Ayanami, he has no personal grudge towards him. likes Teito's capability. Upon hearing that Teito scored Grade A for information processing, Konatsu was so touched that he cried and welcomed Teito happily, thinking that finally there's someone who can lessen his workload. He then proceeded to give Teito a baseball bat, probably to hit Shuri and Hyuuga with. Konatsu also gave Teito a can of peach juice and a ballpoint pen. Both boys were bullied during their student years, so they have something in common. Abilities and Attributes. Sword. Konatsu is a skilled swordsman, making up for his lack of Warsfeil abilities with his swordsmanship. Strength. He displays average physical strength for a boy his size and age.  History. Early childhood. Konatsu was born to two unknown members of the Warren Family, a rich and influential family of nobles known for being gifted with the births of many Warsfeil. However, despite the Warsfeil blood running through his family, Konatsu was born a normal human, and so he was shunned for being an "ill omen" by the Warsfeil in his family save for his grandfather. His grandfather convinced Konatsu not to give up, and told him of Ayanami, the leader of the Black Hawks and rumoured reincarnation of Verloren. His grandfather taught him swordsmanship under the belief that if he joined the Black Hawks to guard the reincarnation of Verloren, he might be accepted by his family. Academy years and application to the Black Hawks. Konatsu was part of the 312th class. During his academy years, Konatsu grew to become an excellent swordsman: achieving top marks in the practical examination, an A on 'military data processing', and having never lost a battle, all of which allowed him to graduate with the top seat. Despite this, it is implied he was bullied by the other students for his ambition. Konatsu applied for the Black Hawks but was rejected, as despite his academic achievement and swordsmanship he still was not a Warsfeil. Konatsu is heartbroken by this and angrily comments that 'years spent honing a skill is nothing compared to natural-born talent'. A fight with Hyuuga. One morning, he catches sight of Hyuuga in the courtyard practising with his sword and mistakes him for a new instructor. Konatsu moves closer for a better look, but Hyuuga catches him staring, approaches him and strikes up a conversation. Hyuuga recognises Konatsu as the human who wants to join the Black Hawks and jokingly says Konatsu looks too weak to have won the top seat. Konatsu asserts his skill, and Hyuuga challenges him to a fight, saying that if Konatsu can land one 'hit' on him, Hyuuga would give him the katana he had earlier caught Konatsu staring at. Konatsu gratefully accepts the challenge, unaware Hyuuga is a member of the Black Hawks. As Black Hawks Haruse, Kuroyuri and Katsuragi come to watch, Hyuuga remains stood in one place and lets Konatsu come to him. Konatsu lunges for Hyuuga, but Hyuuga strikes out- sending Konatsu sliding backwards (cutting Konatsu's arm in the process) and felling the tree behind him. Konatsu again goes for Hyuuga but Hyuuga uppercuts him and sends Konatsu's sword flying out of his hands. As Konatsu gropes for his sword Hyuuga criticises him for attacking without thinking to defend himself. Konatsu looks at Hyuuga and sees an image of himself standing next to Hyuuga and mocking him (Konatsu) and he (Konatsu) grabs his sword and lashes out at the image. The image of Konatsu is cut in two, leaving Hyuuga amused that Konatsu is fighting an imaginary enemy instead of him. Hyuuga hits Konatsu in the ribs with the back of his sword, breaking a few and Konatsu keels over in pain. Seeing Konatsu lying on the floor in pain, Hyuuga announces that the fight is over and begins to walk away, but Konatsu becomes angry at himself for failing to close the gap between them and he screams for the fight to continue. Hyuuga shoots some of his Zaiphon at Konatsu, but Konatsu gets up and still refuses to allow the fight to end. He continues to try and attack Hyuuga right up until he faints from a combination of exhaustion and his injuries. Hyuuga sighs and approaches Konatsu to check if he is alright but as he leans in, Konatsu unconsciously grabs Hyuuga's throat. Hyuuga smiles at the rest of the Black Hawks watching, as Konatsu has scored the 'hit'. Acceptance. Konatsu wakes up in hospital some time later to find Hyuuga sitting on his hospital bed and Hyuuga tells Konatsu not to move due to his injuries. Konatsu apologises for his "careless, shameful behaviour" but Hyuuga ignores him and compliments him on his fighting spirit and tenacity (showing him the hand shaped bruises Konatsu left on his neck) and gives him his katana. Konatsu thanks Hyuuga for the honour of duelling "with an instructor" and Hyuuga smiles and gets up to leave- handing Konatsu a Black Hawks acceptance form before he does. Konatsu is shocked, finally realising Hyuuga is part of the Black Hawks. Manga synopsis. Begleiter exam. He first appears alongside Ayanami and the other Black Hawks as they observe the candidates taking the entrance exam for the Barsburg Army, where he sees Shuri bang against the glass screaming for help. A meeting about the Eye. He is later seen in a meeting, with other high-ranking officers discussing Teito's escape, where he suggests that as Teito was just a sklave he will have nowhere to go. Wars Attacks. It is then revealed that Teito holds the Eye of Mikhail and Ayanami sends the Black Hawks to retrieve it. Ayanami believes that they must be in possession of both Eyes so a repeat of the Raggs War is avoided. Konatsu, Katsuragi and Hyuuga are seen with Ayanami attending a meeting about the hostile situation with the neighbouring country, Antwort. Konatsu plays a small part in the first mission, in which the Eye of Mikhail is eventually retrieved, appearing briefly to save Kuroyuri as they fall from a Hawkzile. Antwort War. As the Black Hawks approach Antwort, Ayanami asks about Haruse's condition, and Konatsu replies that Haruse is sleeping. Just then, Shuri Oak appears, having earlier been brought aboard by Hyuuga on Wakaba's orders, and begins behaving rudely in front of Ayanami, announcing that he (Shuri) is Ayanami's begleiter. Konatsu is appalled, but tells Kuroyuri they cannot kill him. When Shuri asks what Antwort is, Konatsu is annoyed, and explains it is the last allied nation of Raggs. The fleet is spotted by Antwort soldiers approaching the country. The soldiers do nothing, confident that their anti-battleship shield will block any attack and deter them. Once the Black Hawks have reached Antwort, Ayanami breaks the anti-battleship shield with his Zaiphon and tells Shuri Oak that his begleiters are expected to fight on the front line. Hyuuga then throws Shuri overboard, where he (Shuri) lands in the centre of the countries Eastern camp. He survives the fall, but is mistaken by Antwort's men as the fleet's only front-liner, and they fire at him in panic. Shuri almost meets his death via Antwort's arsenal, but Konatsu leaps from the Ribidzile after him and saves him by cutting the cannons in half. Konatsu, denies he is saving Shuri Oak, stating that he was only doing it so as to avoid getting his lieutenant Hyuuga's reputation damaged. Konatsu then proceeds to slash at the incoming enemies and cuts them down into bloody heaps that stun Shuri speechless. Konatsu warns him not to look away, saying that this is the true face of war. Once the battle has ended, Shuri kicks a dead body that lies on the floor- prompting Konatsu to slap him and tells him not to "mock the dead". Shuri begins to panic- saying he has never seen a dead body before. He cries on Konatsu. Return from Antwort. Konatsu waits with the rest of the Black Hawks as Ayanami is in a meeting with Wakaba Oak. When the two arrive, a tearful Shuri Oak runs into his father's arms and is comforted by him. Hyuuga laughs and jokes that Konatsu has been abusing Shuri (as an explanation for Shuri's battle wounds) which causes Konatsu to shout at Hyuuga for joking about such a thing in front of Shuri's father. Just as Wakaba talks with Ayanami about Shuri being his (Ayanami's) begleiter, Shuri interrupts him to introduce Konatsu. Konatsu is horrified as Shuri expresses his admiration for him, calling him onii-sama, and vows to be like him. Wakaba, seeing how attached Shuri has become to Konatsu places Shuri under Konatsu's care. Konatsu obliges, but when the Field Marshal leaves, Konatsu looses his composure and readies his bat, forcing Hyuuga to restrain him. Konatsu further laments that he will be also be taking care of the Antwort twins, as Hyuuga (their true carer) cannot be expected to do so himself. When the Black Hawks return to their office, Konatsu is initially pleased when he sees Hyuuga doing his paperwork, but when he comes closer he sees that Hyuuga has actually drawn a picture of Ayanami on the documents. Konatsu begins to shout at Hyuuga, drawing attention to the two Antwort twins who he cites as a good example. However when he looks at them, he sees Suzunami has been using his own hand-made tulip seal instead of the proper staff seal and Yukinami has spilt a bottle of ink on the floor. Konatsu begins to panic as he searches for the seal and when Katsuragi appears, Konatsu runs to him for help. Title. Konatsu is seen on a cliff overlooking the Barsburg Church, where he salutes Ayanami and tells him "preparations for the meeting are in order". The Black Hawks were then sent on a mission to infiltrate the Church and capture the host of the Eye of Mikhail, as it was revealed that the Eye is useless without its host. He accompanies Hyuuga to the Church where they confront Castor and Labrador - seemingly winning before the fight is interrupted when Teito warps everyone to Pandora's box where Ayanami instructs the Black Hawks to retreat. At the end of the manga, Konatsu and Hyuuga are the only Black Hawks confirmed to have remained in the Barsburg military.
Konatsu Warren
# Kor   "See also the relevant page ." A Kor is a messenger and follower of the God of Death, Verloren. After Verloren's fall and imprisonment, the Kor continue to wage war against the Chief of Heaven like their master did, and seek humans in order to make a contract with them: tempting them with the prospect of granting them three wishes, but at the price of the host's soul. Once a person has had their three wishes granted by a Kor, he or she becomes what is known as a Wars, at which point the Kor has killed the host and now inhabits the body. A person who is in the late stages of a contract with a Kor cannot be saved. Etymology. In the Ainu language of Japan, there is a closed class of 'count verbs'. The word 'Kor' means 'to have something'. Anatomy. The true form of a Kor is that of a bodiless pair of pale grey, barbed wings about the size of a pair of man's hands. They appear to be made from bone, but bear little resemblance to the actual bone structure of wings. The physical changes to a person that has been possessed by a Kor are a pair of skeletal wings that sprout from their backs, exactly like the ones the Kor has in its original form, only much larger. The human's eyes also glow red when possessed. Temperament. The Kor are notoriously sly and malicious. However, before their fall from Heaven, they were shown to be friendly and affectionate, especially towards the goddess Eve. Relationships. Verloren. The Kor have a high amount of respect for Verloren and have been gathering souls for when he revives. They faithfully serve his current incarnation, Ayanami. Eve. The Kor were attached to Eve, preferring to obey her orders over Verloren's and warmly welcomed her "home." They remarked that her soul is 'beautiful' and 'delicious', but Verloren quickly silenced them before she could overhear. Ayanami. Ayanami is the current incarnation of Verloren, and as such, the Kor faithfully serve him. The actions of the Kor. Those who follow the main religion of the 07-Ghost series believe that the creator, the Chief of Heaven, gives every soul three life objectives (dreams) to complete, which could be anything from making money to having a family. When the soul is born in a physical body, they do not remember these dreams. Discovering what they are and completing them is what makes life enjoyable. The Kor encourage humans to be greedy, so that humans will fall into darkness and cannot go to heaven in this life, as a way of getting revenge on the Chief of Heaven for the exile of their master. They encourage people to cheat at the Chief of Heaven's game of life, and receive the wishes the easy way (the Kor grant the wishes outright, like a genie) instead of working to have them granted like the Chief of Heaven wanted. Becoming a Kor. The Kor work by first finding a human being. They are not particularly choosy when it comes to selecting a victim, and their hosts range from old men to young children. However, Kor only choose a person if they have a complete soul, and they will refuse a host with half a soul. Once they have found their victim, they tempt them into a contract with the idea of instantly granting them the three wishes promised by the Chief of Heaven instead of the human having to work to have them granted, in exchange for the human's soul (effectively encouraging the human to 'sell their soul'). If the human agrees, the Kor then possesses the human, and 'signs' their contract by leaving its 'signature', the mark of Verloren (see the diabolical mark) on the chest of its new host, where the heart is. Now that that they have found their new host, the Kor begin to grant their wishes, each one having a more serious effect on the soul than the last, until it has been tainted completely and that person is left unable to return to the Chief of Heaven. Many characters in the series have been possessed by a Kor, including the Old Man and the Boy Kor, among others. The Three Wishes. Once a wish has been granted, it is eternal, permanent, and cannot be undone by a wielder of a Baculus. Only the Ghost Zehel is able to remove the effects of the wishes. Apart from Zehel, it appears only the Chief of Heaven can remove the effects, as he is known for allowing the corrupted souls a chance of redemption by reincarnating them. The effects of the granted wishes will remain even if the victim dies before all three can be completed. The First wish. When a Kor first makes its mark on a human, they become mentally unstable. The Kor begins to affect the host's mind: the person loses sight of what their goals were, loses all their ambition and perseverance, and succumbs to depression. The Second wish. When the second of the person's wishes are granted, the Kor begins to affect the host's body. The person begins to suffer from thirst that cannot be quenched by drinking and hunger than cannot be satisfied by eating. The Third wish. The third wish results in the contract being completed. The person's soul will have indulged in too much so it is filled with darkness, meaning it is unable to enter Heaven in this life and has to be reincarnated. The Bishops are then unable to reverse the damage to the soul, as it results in the death of the host. Since the body naturally dies after three wishes have been granted, a completed deal with a Kor will result in a premature death, since the wishes are granted early. The Kor then takes the host body for itself. A person who has had all three wishes fulfilled is known as a Wars. Attacking and removing a Kor. Kor are incapable of physically injuring a person, as they are intangible like ghosts, but they also cannot be injured themselves (as attacks will pass through them). Even when a Kor is in a human body, it is still impossible to attack the Kor with a standard Zaiphon, as it only injures the host body. The wings need to be destroyed to kill the Kor. The Baculus (バクルス), a device commonly used by bishops in the 7th District, allows those with either an attacking or manipulation Zaiphon to channel their Zaipon to attack or capture a Kor. Those with the healing type of Zaiphon are unable to attack a Kor directly, but are able to remove the Kor from the body of its host.  The only people who can remove a Kor are experienced Bishops, or people who have witnessed the removal of a Kor and have the skill to do so. Since the addiction symptoms do not disappear so easily, a person is able to go to a correction centre if they need help in resisting the temptations of Kor. It is possible that holy water does some damage to the Kor, as when a soldier was possessed, the civilians of the town started to douse the streets with holy water. Abilities and Attributes. Once a person has been possessed they show an increased speed, strength and endurance, and can also use the Kor wings to fly. A newly possessed person displays the ability of bargaining with others, even if all three wishes have not been granted in the bargaining Kor. It is implied that the Kor cannot be seen by normal humans, and they are instead disguised as somethig less threatening, like birds. The air is cold around a Kor. It is implied that a Kor has the ability to bestow a Zaiphon upon its host, as the Boy Kor said: "I can use Zaiphon now too", implying he was unable to use it before. However, this ability is mentioned in the anime only, so it is unknown if this is true. Relation to real-world belief. The Kor appear to be based on the devil in Christian belief. The contract with the Kor draws many parallels with the 'deal with the Devil' in Christian belief as their deeds are similar to those believed to be done by the devil: seeking humans and tempting them to 'sell their souls' with the promise of wealth, power or any other gain. The outcome of a completed contract, like the real-world belief, is the damnation of the host's soul. The oral agreement with a Kor results in Verloren's mark appearing over the person's heart, and this is similar to the belief that a pact with the devil will be evidenced by a 'diabolical mark'.
# Krat Family The Krat Family is a noble family living in Krat House, which is one of the Seven Houses of God and located in District 4. They are the blood descendants of Profe, thus, members of the Krat Family can be reincarnated as Profe. Family Tree. Unknown───┬───Profe (Many generations) │ │ │ Unknown Unknown───┬───Unknown Raggs War Profe │ Head of Krat household───┬───Unknown │ Ilyusha's mother───┬───Ilyusha's father │ Lem Lirin Ilyusha Krat
Krat Family
# Krat House The Krat House was Labrador's home when he was human, and is one of the Seven God Houses. The bloodline of Profe comes from here, that is, descendants of the Krat family are able to reincarnate as the Ghost Profe after death. Labrador's father is buried somewhere within the grounds of the house. Somewhere inside the Krat House, there is a vast room with a balcony, and Labrador's uncle used it as a gathering place for his cult.
Krat House
# Krom's Father Krom's Father was the king of Raggs before, and father of, Weldeschtein Krom Raggs, and also the father of Fea Kreuz Raggs and Ayanami, making him the paternal grandfather of Teito Klein. Being a Raggs monarch, he could have been a bearer of the Eye of Mikhail before his death, although it is also possible that his queen held that position. However, it is most likely him that held the Eye of Mikhail as he wore the same necklace as his son, Krom, which held the Eye as seen in the Raggs family portrait. Appearance. Physical appearance. He had short, side-parted fair hair, narrow eyes, a large nose, a wide mouth and a tall, lean build. Out of his three sons, Kreuz resembles him the most. Clothing. Like adult Krom, he wore long, white robes similar to a bishop's robes. He also wore the same necklace as his son, Krom, which held the Eye of Mikhail. Personality. Although only shown briefly, he displayed a kind personality. After his wife's death, he warned his three sons not to move around by themselves and subsequently tightened the security within Raggs castle, displaying a caring personality towards his children. Relationships. His family. He has been shown to be close to his wife and all three of his sons. When his youngest son, Krowell Raggs ( later known as Ayanami ) became a Warsfeil, after regaining his memories as Verloren, he could not bring himself to execute Krowell. Instead, he exiled Krowell to Barsburg Empire with Yukikaze. History. He was presumably either born or married into the Raggs Family. At some point in his life, he ascended to the Raggs throne and, after marrying, had three sons. Manga synopsis. He was first seen in a family portrait. When Krowell regained memories of being Verloren, he fabricated Krowell's execution and sent Krowell to Barsburg. He was eventually killed by Krowell; exactly when is unknown.
Krom's Father
# Krom's Mother Krom's Mother was the mother of Weldeschtein Krom Raggs, Fea Kreuz Raggs and Ayanami, thus making her Teito Klein's paternal grandmother. As a Raggs monarch, she could have been a bearer of the Eye of Mikhail, although it is also possible that her husband held that position. Appearance. Physical appearance. Her hair (what can be seen of it) was long, straight and dark, possibly the same colour as Krom's and Teito's, and worn in an elaborate updo. Krom and Teito both greatly resemble her. She had a tall and slender build, large dark eyes and a small nose. Clothing. She wore a long dress of an unknown light colour, with patterned embroidery on the sleeves. She also wore a tasselled shawl of the same colour on her head. Personality. Although only shown briefly, she displayed a kind and cheerful personality. Relationships. Her family. She appeared to be very close to her husband and all three of her sons. However, Ayanami (then known as Krowell) killed her after regaining his memories of Verloren. History. The unnamed Queen was presumably born and raised in the Raggs kingdom. It is likely that she came from a wealthy and prestigious family, though whether she was already a member of royalty before her marriage is unknown. She married Krom's predecessor, the previous king of Raggs, and bore him three sons. She eventually gained two daughters-in-law and a grandson through her eldest son Krom, though she did not live long enough to see them. Manga synopsis. Eve revealed that the Queen's youngest son, Krowell, killed his mother, but this was unknown at first and the Queen was initially thought to have committed suicide. She is first seen in a family portrait.
Krom's Mother
# Kurena Kurena is a minor character who has so far only appeared in a flashback. She was one of Miroku's maids and housekeepers, looked after Teito when he was under Miroku's supervision, and was herself being supervised by Karu before his death. Appearance. Physical appearance. Kurena appears to be a fairly tall woman with a slim build. Her face is rather round, with a small nose, a small mouth and large eyes. Her hair is neck length and curled up at the sides, with a full fringe that reaches past her eyebrows. Clothing. Kurena wears a typical maid uniform, consisting of a dark dress and a frilly apron. She wears bandages around her neck as a result of the injury caused by a former punishment that disabled her vocal cords. Personality. Although she outwardly appears quiet and rather unemotional, Kurena was shown to be a kind and motherly person, being the one who looked after Teito. She can also be considered courageous and selfless, as she was willing to defy her superiors and let Teito escape despite knowing that she would be killed for doing so. Relationships. With her superiors. Karu: Kurena appears to interact with Karu more than anyone else in the household. She is a little intimidated by him. However, Karu once told Kurena about Teito's whereabouts and hinted that Teito was doing well when he saw her looking at a photo of Teito, suggesting that he did not truly dislike her. It is likely that, as with Teito, Karu treated Kurena roughly in order to escape detection.  Miroku Barsburg: Kurena and Miroku have not been shown interacting so far. However, considering that Miroku leaves Karu in charge of her and does not supervise her himself, it is possible that he is indifferent towards her, or uninterested in her activities. With others. Teito: Kurena looked after Teito when he was under Miroku's care. She has a scar on her neck as punishment for her carelessness under her previous master. She cares for Teito a lot, as even after he has left the household, she still keeps all the gifts Teito brought her . Teito was shown to keep Kurena in his thoughts after deserting the military. She is the only female character in the series so far who's truly important to Teito, as she is the closest thing he has to a mother.  Abilities. When Teito tried to escape, Kurena stopped him at first (but then changed her mind when Teito pleaded with her, and moved out of the way). She was shown to be able to move so quickly that Teito almost did not see her at first, and Teito was running at the time. History. Early childhood. Little is known about Kurena's early years. Considering that she works as a servant, it is likely that she was born into a lower-class family. At some point in her life, she began working as a maid. Employment by a previous master. According to Karu, while employed by a previous master, Kurena was careless (exactly how and why she was careless is unknown), and her throat was slit as punishment, rendering her mute. Employment by Miroku Barsburg. After joining Miroku's household (exactly when this was is unknown), in addition to doing household chores, Kurena took care of Teito. Manga synopsis. Kurena is seen in flashbacks of Teito's days as a sklave, where she is revealed to have been the only person to show him any kindness. When Teito attempted to escape, she made no attempt to stop him from doing so despite knowing the consequences. Kal then reminded Teito that if he escaped, Kurena would be killed for taking her eyes off him, stopping Teito's escape attempt. This prompted Teito to work harder so that he would be accepted into the military and she would be free. He also brought her many presents from the outside as she was not allowed to go outside herself. Kurena was later seen, present time, looking fondly at a picture of Teito, surrounded by all the little gifts he used to bring her, and smiling happily when Karu spoke to her about Teito.
# Kuroyuri SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! First, let´s go with the name, they, them and their, like two people in one body when describing this character. (Since the gender is unknown) Kuroyuri is a secondary antagonist of the 07 ghost series. They are the youngest of Ayanami's subordinates, holding the rank of lieutenant colonel (commander), and is a member of The Black Hawks, being a powerful Warsfeil. Kuroyuri is easily recognized by their short height, long, plaited hair, and eye patch. Despite their innocent appearance, Kuroyuri has been shown to make a hobby of killing people, as seen when they sit on a pile of corpses whose bodies their black magic had mutilated. Kuroyuri is fanatically devoted to Ayanami and hates the Seven Ghosts, particularly Frau because he possesses Verloren's scythe. Etymology. In Japanese, kuro means black and yuri means lily. Kuro is a boy's name, and Yuri is feminine.  Applying to their androgynous nature. The lily is also sometimes seen as a symbol of death, and in Western tradition, black is the colour of death. This could allude to Kuroyuri's murderous nature. In Russia, Yuri is a common masculine given name and the Russian equivalent of the English name 'George'. Appearance. Physical appearance. Kuroyuri has a small, petite build and the age is unknown but estimated to be between 13 and 16. they are the second smallest character in the 07-ghost series at a height of 145 cm and weighs 37 kg. Kuroyuri´s blood type is A. Kuroyuri has slightly rosy skin, a round, childlike face with large, pink eyes, a small nose, a small mouth with thin lips, and long pink hair that reaches their mid-back, tied in a plait. Kuroyuri's fringe is parted slightly towards the left, and the bangs almost obscure their right eye. The left bang is tied back with a small skull-shaped clip. Kuroyuri wears a black eye patch over the right eye; it is unknown if it's because that eye is lost or if it's due to other reasons. Gender. Kuroyuri's gender has not been revealed by the author. It appears that not even their fellow Black Hawks know Kuroyuri's gender. Kuroyuri uses 'boku' to refer to themselves. "Boku" is a Japanese pronoun used by boys or young males, but some girls also like using it. Evidence for Kuroyuri being a boy includes a man referring to them as a 'little girl', and they angrily replied 'I'm not a little girl.' However, this could mean they are not a 'little' girl (meaning that they think of themselves as a big girl/boy). In an English translation of "Platonic cafe", Kuroyuri complains: 'Haruse must think I'm a girl'; however, in the Chinese translation of the same chapter, what Kuroyuri says is "Haruse must think I'm effeminate". Labrador once refers to Kuroyuri as 'that boy', however Labrador could be making an assumption on Kuroyuri's gender, based on their androgynous appearance and the relative rarity of female military personnel. Clothing. Kuroyuri usually wears their standard Black Hawks uniform. It consists of a black, or possibly dark blue, overcoat that goes down to the ankles with golden trimmings on the chest, neck guard and sleeve cuffs. Similar to their team mates, Kuroyuri wears black trousers, a pair of black, buckled boots that go up to the knees, and a pair of white gloves. It is possible that Kuroyuri wears a plain white shirt under the overcoat, as Mikage was shown wearing one when in the military garb. Like the other Black Hawks, their uniform has a small half mantle hanging off the left shoulder emblazoned with the Barsburg military insignia and a golden shoulder board on the right shoulder. When Kuroyuri infiltrated the Church, they wore an acolytes' uniform, consisting of a long, white robe down to the ankles, having two slits, going from the bottom of the robe to the hips, at each side of the body, and long, white sleeves with large, dark blue sleeve cuffs. Down the back of the robe is a criss-cross stitching like that of a corset with dark blue thread. A small, white poncho (mid-back length) with a high collar and dark blue around the edges is worn over the robe, and the exam badge is worn at the front of the collar. Acolytes wear dark blue trousers and knee-length brown boots. Personality. Kuroyuri has a vicious streak that belies someone who looks so small, young and innocent. They have a strong belief that those who break the law need to be punished severely, and has a cat like habit of toying with their enemies similar to how a child plays with dolls. They like to be around the few people they like but has little patience for everyone else, and being in the company of those they don't like excites their aggressive tendencies. Kuroyuri also exhibits a steely determination and ruthlessness when doing something, and does not give up easily, adopting this trait after surviving from an incident in their childhood and becoming a person 'who refuses to die'. Similarly, Kuroyuri sees human life as having little value, especially the lives of criminals, and will kill, or attack, those who annoy them. Due to their youth, Kuroyuri often naively says things that might upset some people if said to their faces, and often doesn't understand the implications of what they are saying. They speak their mind, regardless of consequence, and will retaliate if confronted by friend or foe alike. They also have a childlike tendency to be easily amused by trivial things, enjoys being carried on people's shoulders, and finds it funny when their team mates toy with their victims like they do. Kuroyuri has a passion for cooking (possibly inspired by Haruse), yet the food they makes is inedible and foul enough to cause anyone who eats it to faint. Despite this they becomes upset when their team mates refuse to eat it. Kuroyuri's bad cooking is explained as they has no sense of taste. When team-mates express no desire to eat their food, Kuroyuri will force them to. Despite their formidable fighting ability, Kuroyuri is still a small child and as a result is easily upset when things do not go their way, usually crying or sulking even on missons. In the side chapters, it's shown that they also have a tendency to throw angry tantrums and lash out at team mates when they annoy them, Hyuuga usually being the only one that does annoy them. Kuroyuri is very possessive of those they like and is easily upset when they are injured. Like any other young child, Kuroyuri needs more hours of sleep than their older team mates, so they are more often than not found sleeping in the arms of their Begleiter. Kuroyuri is also a very heavy sleeper, and does not wake up when the people around them are shouting at each other, or fighting with each other. Relationships. Superiors. Ayanami. Kuroyuri is fanatical about Ayanami, will do anything to protect him, and holds a great level of respect towards him. Kuroyuri was very upset, even offended, when they saw Frau using Ayanami's scythe. Ayanami is something of a parental figure to Kuroyuri, and comforts them when they cry. When Ayanami became injured, Kuroyuri was worried about him and was delighted to see him well again, offering him the jam they made for him. Kuroyuri also considers Ayanami to be something of a Prince to them, and may have a small crush on him, as when Haruse talked about a Prince, Kuroyuri blushed and asked him 'How can I kiss Ayanami-sama?' Peers. Haruse. In the side chapter "Platonic cafe", Kuroyuri was shown first meeting Haruse when they were trying to press a button on a vending machine, but was too small to reach the one they wanted. Haruse saw Kuroyuri struggling and helped them, but Kuroyuri became embarrassed at needing help, and ran off. Haruse became Kuroyuri's Begleiter after saying that he didn't mind that Kuroyuri was a Black Hawk or that they were a Warsfeil, and was still kind to them. As a result of this, the bond between the two is very strong. Haruse acts like a caring older brother to Kuroyuri, giving them hugs when they are upset, and his main role as their Begleiter seems to be carrying Kuroyuri around as they sleep. Kuroyuri cares for Haruse very much, they were distraught when Haruse was injured, so much that they contemplated suicide, and goes to visit him often. After Haruse was unable to carry out missions with the rest of the Black Hawks, Kuroyuri often commented that they missed him. They cried out of happiness when Castor 'fixed' Haruse. A romantic relationship between Kuroyuri and Haruse is vaguely hinted at, but remains open to interpretation. Hyuuga. Kuroyuri often bullies Hyuuga into doing what they want him to do, such as forcing him to eat their cooking. However they have been shown to get along most of the time, when Hyuuga is not annoying them, as they behave in a similar way; both enjoying toying with their victims. Kuroyuri has been shown to enjoy watching Hyuuga fight because of this. However whenever Hyuuga irritates Kuroyuri, they often resort to violence (Hyuuga being the only Black Hawk that they hit) and they also insult Hyuuga quite a lot, often calling him an 'idiot'. Konatsu. They gets along well with Konatsu. They have similar tastes (an omake showing that Konatsu is the only one who enjoys Kuroyuri's horrible cooking; and in the first drama CD, among Konatsu's snacks, Kuroyuri's favorite is the vinegar seaweed flavored chocolates, prompting Hyuuga to comment that both of them have strange tastes). They are also the two youngest members in the Black Hawks. Shuri. They despise Shuri and often asks the other Black Hawks if they can kill Shuri, once even referring to Shuri as 'it', as if Shuri were an object and not a person. Teito Klein. Earlier in the series, Kuroyuri appeared to have a low opinion of Teito, speculating that the Eye of Mikhail left Teito because he was weak. They also had no hesitation attacking Teito under Ayanami's orders. However , after Teito was brainwashed and joined the Black Hawks , it seems that Kuroyuri has no personal dislike for him and actually seems to get along well with him . In chapter 71, they greet Teito happily when he wakes up in the hospital, cheerfully telling him that he's "unexpectedly clumsy" for hitting his head during a mission, which is the lie that the Black Hawks tell Teito as an explanation for how he forgot two months worth of his memories (in truth Ayanami sealed the memories). They also inform Teito of his new position as Ayanami's Begleiter, and is shocked when he doesn't remember who Ayanami is, shouting at him for needing to ask who Ayanami is. In chapter 74, Kuroyuri were seen helping Teito and Konatsu with their paper work, showing that they don't mind spending time working with Teito. Enemies. Frau. Kuroyuri hates and fiercely resents Frau for wielding Verloren's scythe. Due to Frau's unwillingness to hurt children, he has never attacked or injured Kuroyuri, but Kuroyuri is violent in their interactions with Frau, and once framed Frau for being a Warsfeil, then tried to kill him. Despite his reluctance to physically harm Kuroyuri, Frau did once become angry at them for trying to harm Teito, and warned Kuroyuri not to "lay a single finger" on Teito. Castor. Kuroyuri appears to hate Castor as much as they hates Frau. The first time Castor and Kuroyuri interacted, they fought hard against each other, neither hesitating to seriously injure the other. However, later in the series, Castor tied Kuroyuri's and Haruse's souls together, and when Castor and Labrador escaped their prison, Castor did not attack Kuroyuri.  Labrador. Kuroyuri and Labrador seem to hold no respect for each other, referring to each other as 'flower guy' and 'that boy'. Labrador also once severely weakened Haruse, Kuroyuri's important person. However, Labrador advised Kuroyuri to evacuate when Pandora's Box was unsealed, implying that Labrador does not dislike Kuroyuri enough to want to see them die. Mikhail. Mikhail apparently dislikes Kuroyuri, once attacking them. Kuroyuri appears to possess some knowledge of the Eye of Mikhail, as they once remarked that the Eye probably left Teito because he was weak. Abilities and Attributes. Being a Black Hawk, Kuroyuri is a Warsfeil, and appears to be the third most powerful Warsfeil in the Black Hawks, after Ayanami and Hyuuga. Zaiphon:. Attacking Zaiphon: Kuroyuri has an attacking Zaiphon, which manifests itself as a tornado of letters that explodes upon impact. Hand-to-hand combat. Kuroyuri normally attacks opponents using a Wars. This mostly manifests itself as a black, sludge ball that Kuroyuri throws at enemies, or appears as shadow-like tendrils that gradually weaken anyone in their presence (as shown during their fight with Frau). Kuroyuri has also been seen wielding a very large sword, despite their small size, and is very skilled at using it, shown when they fights Castor. It can be assumed that they are very strong, as it would take considerable strength to be able to swing their weapon around. Kuroyuri also uses a Warsfeil Dagger, although they don't need to. History. Early childhood. Kuroyuri was born a Warsfeil. When they were younger, someone poisoned their food, which resulted in Kuroyuri losing their sense of taste. Joining the Black Hawks. At some point after the Raggs War, Kuroyuri joined the Black Hawks.  Manga synopsis. Begleiter exam. Kuroyuri is first seen entering the observation room for the Barsburg Empire army exam along with Ayanami and the other Black Hawks. A meeting about the Eye. Kuroyuri along with the other members of the Black Hawks are later seen in a meeting with other high-ranking officers who are discussing the escaped fugitive, Teito Klein. Whereas the other Black Hawks all come up with their own theories why Teito escaped, Kuroyuri only manages a snore- having fallen asleep during the meeting and having to be carried out by their Begleiter, Haruse. Wars Attacks. Kuroyuri, and their begleiter Haruse are sent on a mission to infiltrate the Barsburg Church after it is revealed that Teito holds the Eye of Mikhail. Their superior, Ayanami, believed that the only way to avoid another war like the Raggs War is if the Barsburg empire is in possession of both eyes - so the Church is unable to use one of the Eyes as a weapon against them. Kuroyuri is sent to the Church by Ayanami - who possesses half their soul so he is able to communicate telepathically with Kuroyuri whilst they are on the mission. Kuroyuri controls the Wars that hijacked Aldo's body, and attacks Teito Klein and Hakuren Oak as they walk back to their rooms. It lunges for Teito, but Hakuren takes the blow instead. It follows the two as they fall from the window, but is cut down by Frau before it can reach them. As Frau attacks Kuroyuri and Haruse, they teleport to safety. Frau's arrest. Kuroyuri finds a group of criminals within the Church. However Frau notices Kuroyuri's presence in the Church and quickly finds them. Kuroyuri is found in a dungeon where they have mutilated the criminals that have sought refuge in the Church. While Frau is enraged that they hurt them Kuroyuri says that criminals like them don't deserve refuge and instead should be punished because of their crimes. As Frau draws his scythe, Kuroyuri is furious but before they can fight, they are told to retreat by Ayanami. Kuroyuri then disappears, making it seem as if Frau mutilated the criminals, and Frau is promptly arrested. Following Frau's arrest, Kuroyuri is then shown still on the Church grounds, sitting on a ledge with Haruse behind them. Kuroyuri contacts Ayanami, who is in a meeting about Antwort threatening the Barsburg empire, and reveals that Frau being imprisoned was part of a plan. Kuroyuri then begins to cry to Ayanami, telling him that they are so sad to see his master's precious scythe being tainted by Frau. Ayanami comforts Kuroyuri and they promise that they will capture the Eye of Mikhail for the military. Dan just Fight with Castor. For the next part of the mission, Kuroyuri infiltrates the Church again, this time to attack Frau while he is in his cell. Kuroyuri summons a Wars but Frau is revealed to be a doll made by Castor. Kuroyuri is then confronted by Castor, who fights and ensnares the Black Hawk with his ghost strings. Castor knows that Ayanami holds half a soul and if Kuroyuri received an injury Ayanami will suffer the pain of it too. Castor uses this to interrogate and torture Ayanami and demands information from him. Kuroyuri begs their superior to release their soul so Ayanami does not have to endure the same pain that they do. Ayanami refuses to leave them like this and manages to snap the Ghost strings holding them and fires a Wars at Castor, which sends them (Castor and Kuroyuri) both hurtling in opposite directions. Haruse catches Kuroyuri and they both escape. The two of them sit on a ledge to recover from the fights and Kuroyuri begins to get upset, blaming themself for Ayanami's injury, prompting Haruse to comfort them. When Kuroyuri becomes alarmed at Haruse's injury, Haruse reassures them his health is fine. However, Kuroyuri donates some of their blood to help him. Capturing the Eye of Mikhail. Kuroyuri and Haruse then confront Hakuren and Teito. Kuroyuri manipulates the Wars within the Eye of Mikhail inside Teito Klein and uses it to teleport him to the roof where they expect to regroup with the rest of The Black Hawks. Kuroyuri is surprised to find Hakuren Oak had been teleported too- but decides to take both to the Ribidzile. Haruse notices when Hakuren wakes up and blocks one of Hakuren's attack. The blow misses but Hakuren destroys some of the Hawkzile- resulting in the unconscious Teito being thrown overboard. Hakuren dives after him, and both are saved by Frau and the Eye of Mikhail is released. Once Hyuuga intervenes and separates Teito Klein and Frau, Haruse and Kuroyuri pursue the falling Mikhail. Mikhail prepares to attack Kuroyuri but they are pushed out of the way by Haruse who restrains Mikhail using the Wars. Ayanami demands Haruse switch places with him but Haruse refuses, knowing he is being sapped of power by Labrador's flowers. Kuroyuri can only watch as Haruse successfully separates the Eye from Teito but loses his soul in the process, and the resulting explosion destroys a large portion of the ground below. The Black Hawks leave with the Eye but Haruse is rendered comatose. Antwort. The Black Hawks prepare to enter Antwort's airspace. Just then, Shuri Oak appears, having been earlier brought aboard by Hyuuga, and loudly complains that the ship is "smaller than Papa's" but "suitable". Shuri introduces himself as Ayanami's begleiter, and when Hyuuga questions Shuri, Shuri says Wakaba Oak, Shuri's father and Ayanami's superior, had told him he had been made Ayanami's begleiter. Kuroyuri asks Konatsu Warren if they can kill him, prompting outrage from the human guards, and Konatsu informs him they shouldn't. They look awkwardly away when Hyuuga confesses to bringing him (Shuri) on board- and Hyuuga is punished by Ayanami. Once Ayanami has destroyed the anti-battleship shield protecting the country, and Shuri has been thrown overboard by Hyuuga, the fleet lands on the plaza in front of Antwort's Royal Palace- meaning reinforcements from the coast will be unable to travel to and defend the palace in time. The country's men scramble, revealing that Antwort doesn't actually have the capacity to fend off Warsfeil, as their weapons have no effect against their Zaiphon. Kuroyuri uses their Wars to kill the remaining guards, and Hyuuga kills the infantry inside the palace. Once the battle is over, Kuroyuri comments how much they miss Haruse.  Return from Antwort. After they return from Antwort, Kuroyuri waits with the rest of the Black Hawks as their leader, Ayanami is in a meeting with Field Marshal Wakaba Oak about the mission's success. When the meeting ends and the two (Ayanami and Wakaba) arrive, a tearful Shuri Oak runs into his father's arms and Wakaba praises and comforts him. When Shuri interrupts Ayanami and his father to loudly proclaim his admiration for Konatsu Warren, the soldier that had saved him during the Antwort War, Kuroyuri asks Hyuuga if they can kill Shuri. Hyuuga doesn't answer, but traps Kuroyuri in a one-armed hug so they cannot make an attempt. They then watch as Hyuuga is forced to restrain Konatsu to stop him from lashing out at Shuri. As the rest of the Black Hawks do their office work, Kuroyuri instead goes to visit Haruse in hospital, and promises him that they will retrieve his missing soul without fail. Later in the series, Kuroyuri and Haruse (who had been revived by Ayanami) guard a prison Castor and Labrador had been trapped in. However, Castor and Labrador manage to escape in manga chapter 93, and an inidignant Kuroyuri shouts after them. Labrador advises them and Haruse to evacuate. The bishops and Black Hawks alike are then distracted by Verloren's Revival, and when Eve appears, they, along with everyone else, look down at the lights shining from within them in shock. After Ayanami's Death. At the end of the series, Kuroyuri retires from the Barsburg military and opens a cake shop (which the sweet-toothed Hyuuga wants to visit) with Haruse. Kuroyuri suggests marketing the Blue Sky Sauce, but Haruse seems uncertain about this idea.
# Kururu Kururu is a minor protagonist in the 07-Ghost series. She is Ouka's pet fyulong dragon. Etymology. Kururu's name sounds like the Japanese loanword 'kuuru', which is how the Japanese hear the word 'cool'. Appearance. Kururu's fur is darker than Burupya's, and is described as black by Lem in chapter 50 of the manga. In the color art on the cover of volume 11, however, she's colored a dark blue. She also appears to be somewhat larger than Burupya, and thinner, with narrower eyes, longer ears, and two small white horns between her ears. Personality. Kururu has an outspoken and blunt personality, and says what she thinks or feels without thinking twice. She can also be seen as loyal, as she tried to attack Ouka's aunt Granne for being rude to Ouka.  Relationships. Ouka Ouka says that Kururu is like a sister to her, and Kururu is often seen riding on Ouka's shoulder. At the Krat House, when Ouka and Kururu were temporarily separated, Ouka was shown to be worried about Kururu. While Kururu and Ouka care for each other, Kururu is not above acknowledging Ouka's 'peculiarities', and Ouka sometimes chides Kururu for her rudeness. Kururu is respectful towards Ouka, addressing and referring to her as 'Ouka-sama', and becomes angry when someone threatens Ouka, as seen when she tried to attack one of Ouka's aunts for being rude to Ouka. Teito Kururu was rather rude to Teito the first time they met, but eventually warmed up to him. Burupya As with Teito, Kururu was rather rude to Burupya the first time they met, but eventually warmed up to him. Granne Barsburg Kururu appears to dislike Ouka's aunt Granne, and once attempted to attack Granne for being rude to Ouka, making Ouka have to restrain her. Manga synopsis. Kururu is first seen with Ouka when Ouka meets Teito and Burupya. Kururu does not have a good first impression of Teito and Burupya, and insults them, causing Ouka to scold her. Kururu and Burupya are then temporarily separated from Ouka and Teito. Once the four are reunited, they confront a Wars-controlled boy named Lem, and after Teito defeats and purifies him, Ouka and Kururu return to the palace while Teito resumes his journey with Frau and Capella. Later in the series, Kururu defends Ouka from her (Ouka's) malicious aunt Granne.This is Kururu's last appearance in the series. Abilities and Attributes. Like most Fyulong, Kururu is able to speak human languages.
# Kyle Kyle was one of two acolytes that took the Bishop's Apprentice Exam as a pair, first seen taunting Teito and the former assistant Archbishops. He and his partner managed to last until the end of the first exam, where only Kyle passed after he forgave his partner for punching him and running through the door of victory. Kyle is later seen again in the Barsburg Church, serving under Bishop Lance. It is unknown what happened to him after Lance's death, but it is possible that he went on to work under another bishop. Etymology. Kyle is a name of Gaelic origin. It means "narrow, straight". In English, the saying "the straight and narrow" means the way of proper conduct and moral integrity (source: TFD), thus referring to Kyle's integrity in contrast to his partner Wade. Appearance. Physical appearance. Kyle has a square jaw with pale skin, a large nose, full lips, and sports a mean-looking expression at first. His hair and eyes are a pale grey and his hair is spiked up with a few strands falling over his forehead. His eyebrows are thick. He has a sturdy build and is estimated around 178cm. He looks to be somewhere in his late teens or early twenties. Possibly due to the grey hair, Kyle resembles his grandfather greatly. Clothing. He is first seen wearing the typical Bishop's apprentice uniform: consisting of a long, white robe down to the ankles, having two slits, going from the bottom of the robe to the hips, at each side of the body, and long, white sleeves with large, dark blue sleeve cuffs. Down the back of the robe is a criss-cross stitching like that of a corset with dark blue thread. A small, white poncho (mid-back length) with a high collar and dark blue around the edges is worn over the robe, and he wears his Exam Badge at the front of his collar. He wears dark blue trousers and knee-length brown boots. Later in the series, Kyle becomes Lance's apprentice, and is shown wearing what appears to be a shawl decorated with the cross of the Church on the left, over a long, plain white shirt with full-length sleeves and long, plain white trousers. Personality. Kyle first appears to be an aggressive and unkind individual, as during his first appearance he shouts at an old man and mocks Teito Klein when his Zaiphon does not start. He was also shown to be personal, as he called Hakuren "fox-face" as a result of his characteristic Oak features.  However, during the exam the more flattering aspects of his personality are shown, and he exhibits bravery and determination that eventually lead him to success. Despite panicking initially, he was able to overcome his fears quite quickly and walked through the hall of shadows, face several monsters and Kor, and cross a tightrope above a chasm. A quality that set him apart from his partner was the ability to control his anger, as when wronged, Kyle was able to calm himself and forgive Wade for punching him, whereas Wade simply lashed out. Kyle also demonstrated great humility during the exam, as he said his partner deserved to pass over him and listed his partner's talents, none of which were shown during the exam, instead of becoming angry. He also showed respect for the Church, as he was appalled upon hearing Teito had damaged the Church.  In the manga, he is shown to become friendlier and more cheerful after the exam. He also shows an adventurous side, willingly accompanying Lance on mountain-climbing and Ribidzile-jumping trips. Relationships. Superiors. Lance: Kyle became Lance's apprentice after passing the exam. From what little has been shown of their relationship, they got along well, and Kyle was apparently obedient to Lance. Kyle's reaction to Lance's death (it is likely that he was informed of it) has not been shown. Peers. Wade: Kyle at first appeared to be friends with Wade, but they had an argument over who should walk through the door of the victor, which resulted in Wade punching Kyle. Kyle was shocked by Wade's actions, and complimented Wade's skills by saying they were better than his own, suggesting he may have considered him a friend. Even after this, Kyle bore no ill will towards Wade for what he had done. Teito Klein: The first time they appeared, Kyle taunted Teito. Upon meeting him again, Kyle seemed unimpressed at Teito's lack of knowledge of the Ghost marks, and appalled that he had previously destroyed a part of the Church. However, he may not dislike Teito as much as initially thought, as when Teito looked upset , he asked him what was wrong. He has had no further contact with Teito since the Bishop's Apprentice Exam. Hakuren Oak: Kyle initially disliked Hakuren due to the argument they had prior to the exam, where Hakuren retaliated after Kyle taunted Teito by calling Kyle a 'failure face'. Kyle took exception to the insult, and his fury at Hakuren and desire to best him was his motivation for passing the first half of the exam. However, it seems that their relationship improved somewhat after the exam, though they did not interact much. Ouida: Ouida and Kyle seem to be friends. Kyle once called Ouida a 'brother-complexed weirdo'. When Kyle informed Ouida and Hakuren that he (Kyle) was going mountain climbing with Lance, Ouida told him to 'try to come back unharmed'. Ouida also helped Kyle when Kyle was feeling unwell. Family. Unnamed parents: Kyle has been shown to have an unnamed mother and father. He shares no resemblance to his mother, and instead looks like his grandfather. Kyle's parents may have been abusive to him, as he took exception to Hakuren's insult of "failure face", wondering how he knew what his parents said. It is possible that Kyle decided to become a clergyman and move to District 7 because he wants to distance himself from his parents. Abilities and Attributes. During the Bishop's exam Arc, Kyle demonstrated a quick mind, considerable physical fitness and skill with a Baculus. He was shown to possess enough strength to best the monster in the exam simply by kicking it. History. Early childhood. Little is known of Kyle's early years. A panel in the manga suggests Kyle's parents may have been abusive to him, as he took exception to Hakuren's insult of "failure face", wondering how he knew what his parents said. It is possible that one of the reasons Kyle moved to the Church and began pursuing the path of the clergy is a desire to distance himself from his parents. Joining the Church. At some point, he enrolled in the bishop's apprentice exam and met Wade, eventually becoming partners for the exam with him. Considering that partners for the exam share a room before the exam starts, it is presumed that Kyle and Wade shared a room previously. Manga Synopsis. Part one of the exam. He is first seen bumping into one of the former assistant archbishops, and is shouted at by Teito Klein. He leaves without argument, but is later shown laughing at Teito and Hakuren Oak when Teito is unable to start his Zaiphon. When he insults Teito and Hakuren, Teito attempts to argue, but Hakuren stops him and calls him (Kyle) a "failure face" which insults him greatly. After Teito's Zaiphon is restored the exam begins, and Kyle is forced to walk through fear to enter. Despite screaming as he does so, he walks through unharmed. Making it through to the next stage, Kyle is faced with a difficult arithmetic question, and manages to solve it despite being initially overwhelmed. He then goes on to solve more questions; angrily facing a monster and kicking it into submission, and is then sent to the Kor's palace where he answers 50 questions and passes through.  He and his partner do very well during the duration of the exam, mostly due to Kyle. When the pair face the last challenge: where only one of the pair can pass through the door of the victor, Wade attacks Kyle- punching him in the face, writes his own name on the wall, and runs through the door of the victor. Kyle is left to walk through the door of the defeated, where he says he failed because he wasn't as good as his comrade, and upon saying this, he passes. Part two of the exam. As the remaining candidates pass through to the next exam, Teito Klein asks what the marks engraved in the walls were, much to the annoyance of Hakuren Oak and Kyle. Lance interrupts, and explains the marks are the signs of each of the Ghosts, and that the Ghosts are unable to enter heaven.  The Bishops and candidates then part, and Kyle then enters the second part of the exam, where he is confronted with an image of Wade. Kyle is initially shocked at the sight, but passes the exam when he tells his partner that he bears no ill will towards him for what he has done. Kyle takes Wade's hand and tells him that they can go together.  After the exam. Kyle passes the exam, and later goes on to work under Bishop Lance, and presumably has a cross tattooed on his back to show he has been chosen to "pursue the path of a Bishop". Regrouping with Hakuren Oak and Ouida, Kyle informs them he will be leaving the 7th District to go rock climbing with Lance, whose desire to travel was not sated by his earlier adventure. The two other acolytes think the idea is terrible, yet wish him a safe return. He is shown parachute-jumping from a Ribidzile at 7500 metres, and Lance mentions that he (Kyle) went to rest in the break room of the Barsburg Church, hinting that Kyle felt unwell after the incident. The last time he appears in the series, Kyle is seen talking to Ouida as they watch a group of children play a 'Seven Ghosts' hide-and-seek game in the Church. Kyle calls Ouida a "brother-complexed weirdo" when Ouida reminisces about how Liam used to play that game, and the two friends muse out loud about why the Statue of Vertrag had fallen. Kyle has not appeared again since.
# Labrador SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!  Labrador, born Ilyusha Krat, is one of the main characters of the 07-ghost manga and anime series. He serves as a Bishop of the Barsburg Church located in District 7, and his job there is to protect the citizens by removing Verloren's messengers, the Kor. Labrador is seen spending most of his time in the gardens of the Church where he takes care of and converses with the plants there and makes them into herbal remedies. He is also able to manipulate them using his healing Zaiphon, meaning he is able to weaponize them. The manga later reveals that he was originally born into the Krat Family, being a descendant of the ghost Profe, and after he died began serving as one of the Seven Ghosts. Labrador is the Ghost known as Profe, the one that is able to see one's future. In the final manga chapter, he became an ordinary human and lost his Ghost powers. Appearance. Physical appearance. Labrador is a handsome young man. He is the smallest of the three main Bishops, standing at 170 cm, and his build is very boyish and slender. Despite his youthful appearance of a young boy in his late teens, an omake revealed that Labrador is the oldest of the 3 bishops. He has pale, peachy skin; the lightest among the three bishops. Labrador's face is boyish and youthful, rather androgynous in appearance, and very round with a small nose and a small mouth with full lips. His eyes are very large with no discernible pupils in the manga (although he is drawn as having normal eyes in the anime), and dark eyelashes. They are a dark purple in colour, and are usually not fully opened, giving him a sleepy look. Labrador's hair is wavy, usually messy, cropped neck-length, and a white/pale-purple color, with a fringe that stops just above his eyes and longer bangs at each side of his face. Labrador has been described as beautiful rather than handsome. As a teenager, Labrador's hair was longer than it is at present, and he kept it in a ponytail. As Profe/Prophe. Being one of the Seven Ghosts, Labrador appears as a skeleton when in his true form. Clothing. In his casual attire, Labrador wears something akin to a black (purple on the cover page of Kapitel 96), form-fitting, leather catsuit with large shoulder pads. The catsuit has fur of a lighter shade of black on the neck-guard and sleeve cuffs. He also wears a long corset-type piece with a v-shaped/split tail coat and knee-high gothic-style boots. In his church attire, Labrador appears to wear a dark blue cassock with white trimming on the collar, under a long white outer cassock that hides his arms. The cassock is held together with a loose belt and a large, silver, rectangular brooch emblazoned with the carving of a cross. Labrador wears a plain, white mitre with a cross in the center and a veil that extends from the mitre to fall over his face. Following the death of Bastien, Labrador changed to mourning attire, consisting of a simple black cassock that almost reaches the ground and a gold strip of cloth, that appears to be a modification of a stole, around five feet long, and worn around the collar. He wears a clergy badge on his collar. During the funeral service he also wears a black mitre, not unlike his church one, with a golden cross emblazoned in the centre and a veil that extends from the mitre to fall over his face. In Kapitel 80, Labrador attended the masquerade and wore the appropriate noble clothing. Before entering, he was seen wearing a woman's clothing, but shed the feminine attire when he, Castor and Frau successfully infiltrated the masquerade. Personality. Labrador is shown to be very kind and gentle, always speaking softly and kindly to those around him, sometimes even his enemies. He is very patient, and almost impossible to anger (usually becoming upset instead of angry), and does not show his frustration on his face. He has a love for gardening and holds extensive knowledge about plants, seeds and flowers; an obsession which sometimes leads him to sleep in the flower patches or under trees. He also seems to be in charge of taking care of the plantations in the Barsburg church. Possibly due to his precognitive visions, Labrador often appears dreary and behaves in a sleepy or dazed manner. Despite this, he is a capable fighter, being able to defend himself when attacked, and can be dangerous when he fights seriously. Labrador is very sympathetic and can be considered a pacifist, as he is very rarely seen in combat, objecting to killing even if his opponent poses a serious threat to his life. However, this quality makes him susceptible to being taken advantage of. Labrador also has a mischievous and sarcastic side, often insulting Frau's intelligence, and may have a sadistic streak, as he seems to enjoy watching Castor beat Frau up, and smiled when he informed Teito and Frau that the promise collar would explode if they (Teito and Frau) are apart for forty-eight hours. Despite his pacifistic nature, Labrador will not hesitate to kill or gravely injure his opponents under certain circumstances, as shown when he killed the Barsburg Spy in the manga and severely weakened Haruse with darkness-eating flowers. While it is not often shown, he does have a dangerous side and is not easily intimidated by even the most powerful of his opponents, shown when he openly challenged Ayanami in mid-air during the fight for the Eye of Mikhail, and when he sardonically told Hyuuga to cut off "whichever [of my limbs] you like". Abilities and Attributes. Due to his experience with plants, Labrador shows a talent for making them into food and medicine. Zaiphon. Healing Zaiphon: Labrador says that he is an expert in a healing-based Zaiphon, which means he is able to remove a Kor which leaves the patient fully unharmed. He is able to exorcise a Kor in a manner that simply binds and exorcises as opposed to destroying them. Labrador is also able to heal the injuries he has sustained whilst in battle or the injures of his allies with high proficiency, extending as far as to healing Castor's detached arm (but not regenerating it). Manipulation Zaiphon: Labrador is able to control plants and use them as vines to entangle opponents (or possibly choke them, although his nature usually prevents him from doing this). A theory as to how he grows the flowers is by forcing his Healing Zaiphon through seeds and controlling them using his Manipulation Zaiphon. He also makes good use of plants to discharge certain effects such as putting people to sleep or eating away dark powers. He was also able to calm and befriend a wild plant which took out many racers during the Hawkzile race in Kapitel 59. He became such good friends with it that it even gave him some seeds which he used later in the fight against the Black Hawks. Ghost abilities. Labrador's power as the Ghost Profe is that he is able to look into a person's future. Prophecy. Labrador's Ghost power is that of a prophet, allowing him to see into future events and making proclamations on it. His predictions will always come true. He had spoke of future events in Teito's life, made weather forecasts, and had seemed to see into what would Frau and Teito need during their travel to Seele (seeing as to how Frau always managed to have something in his hands and saying that it's from Labrador). Another proof of Labrador's foretelling is when he was battling Ayanami. He foretold that what Ayanami desired the most (probably Eve) cannot be held in his hands again. In truth, the Krat family (Labrador included) also possessed the ability of a prophet. Like the other Ghosts, Labrador has a higher resistance to extremely low temperatures than ordinary humans, as his heart does not beat and his body does give off heat. This was shown when he slept outside some nights and did not seem affected by the cold. As a Ghost, he also recovers more quickly from injuries than ordinary humans, and can shift between his human and Ghost forms at will. He is probably able to speak the Language of the Gods.
# Labrador's Father  Labrador's Father is a minor, unseen character who nevertheless plays a fairly important role in his son's backstory. Relationships. Labrador. Although no direct interaction has been shown between them, Labrador is implied to respect his father. After losing his Ghost powers, he returned to the Krat House and visited his father's grave. Manga synopsis. When Teito Klein and Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg visited the Krat House, Labrador's father is revealed to have died in a way similar to Labrador's manner of death.  It is also revealed that when Labrador's father was alive, the Krat House was in its "golden era". After his death, Labrador's uncle seized control of the Krat House. In the final manga chapter, Labrador mentions having paid a visit to his father's grave, revealing that Labrador's father is buried at the Krat House.
Labrador's Father
# Labrador's Uncle Labrador's uncle appeared in the Krat House arc. Appearance. Labrador's uncle was tall and stocky, with long, wavy dark hair tied into a ponytail, a square jawline, and narrow eyes. Personality. Labrador's uncle was corrupt and used his position as a member of aGod House to escape detection (the Church is not allowed to investigate a God House). He was also cruel and selfish; he brainwashed many people for his personal gain. Relationships. Labrador Their relationship is unclear. The two appeared to have no problem working with each other, and in a flashback of Labrador's past, he (Labrador) was shown helping his uncle. However, Labrador is apparently aware of his uncle's misdeeds, and was not shown to feel any sadness at his uncle's death. Labrador's uncle was also not shown to feel sad when his nephew died. Lem He apparently did not care for Lem, doing nothing to help Lem when the latter went mad with grief and became a Wars. After Lem had become a Wars, Labrador's uncle kept him hidden in the Krat House's greenhouse. He was also the one to tell Lem about the Flower of Eden. History. Labrador's uncle is the most recent head of the Krat family, but only rose to the position after the death of his nephew's father. This implies that his ascension was achieved through unethical means. He has somehow managed to create and develop a cult around himself through the use of warped incense, and beautiful female assistants who help to charm and seduce his brainwashed worshippers. After two children from a lower social class were orphaned, he adopted them and gave them a home. Whether he is Labrador's maternal uncle or paternal uncle is unknown.  Manga synopsis. Labrador's uncle is first seen in a flashback, working as a healer and medicine maker with assistance from his nephew. When discussing Lirin's illness with Lem, he mentions the Flower of Eden, causing Lem to enlist Labrador's help in using the Flower of Eden to cure Lirin. At some point in time after Labrador's and Lirin's deaths (both caused by the Flower of Eden), he hid Lem, who had become a Wars by then, in the Krat House's greenhouse, and founded a cult that brainwashed people, making them believe in false prophecies. However, his crime was discovered by Frau, who killed him. In his final moments, he predicted that Frau would disappear from the human world. Abilities and Attributes. Being a member of the Krat family, he could predict the future and make absolute prophecies.
Labrador's Uncle
# Labrador/History Labrador, born Ilyusha Krat, is one of the main characters of the 07-ghost manga and anime series. He serves as a Bishop of the Barsburg Church located in District 7, and his job there is to protect the citizens by removing Verloren's messengers, the Kor. Labrador is seen spending most of his time in the gardens of the Church where he takes care of and converses with the plants there and makes them into herbal remedies. He is also able to manipulate them using his healing Zaiphon, meaning he is able to weaponize them. The manga later reveals that he was originally born into the Krat Family, being a descendant of the ghost Profe, and after he died began serving as one of the Seven Ghosts. Labrador is the Ghost known as Profe, the one that is able to see one's future. In the final manga chapter, he became an ordinary human and lost his Ghost powers. Childhood. Early childhood. Labrador was born into the Krat Family. His father, who had led the Krat family during its golden era, died by the time Labrador was a teenager. Nothing is known about his mother. His home when he was human, the Krat House, is one of the Seven Houses of God and the God House of Profe. Labrador's name when he was human was Ilyusha Krat. Labrador spent most of his time in his greenhouse, occasionally also helping his uncle, who worked as a healer and medicine-maker. For generations, his bloodline was shown to have the power to be able to see into the future, being able to see medicines to heal illnesses. However, their precognitive visions were misleading and disguised an unhappy outcome. Teenage years. Lem, Labrador's childhood friend, and Lem's younger sister, Lirin, were orphans that the Krat Family adopted. The three of them were close friends, and Lirin said that she would marry Labrador when she was older. But Lirin was a sickly child, suffering from an unnamed, terminal illness, and Labrador's prophecies of herbs were the only things that had kept her alive for so long. One day she fell very ill and Labrador knew she was going to die as her illness could not be cured. Lem went to see Labrador's uncle, who mentioned the Flower of Eden - a mystical flower that was said to be not only able to heal any illness, but also any sadness. Lem rushed to Labrador and asked him about the Flower of Eden. Labrador only smiled and nodded. A few days later, a sealed letter filled with petals reached Lem. The letter said; "If you burn these petals as incense, Lirin will definitely be happy." Lem did as the letter said and Lirin expressed that she felt much better. Grateful, Lem rushed to Labrador's greenhouse, only to discover that the place has been sealed off from the public with tape by the Imperial Guards, because Labrador had been devoured by the forbidden flower that should not blossom - the Flower of Eden. Labrador was sealed off for being a danger, since he had devoured the maid that found him in this state, and Lem was stopped by the guards when he rushed towards Labrador. Later, it was revealed that Labrador actually suffered from the same illness as Lirin. Death and reincarnation. As Labrador tried to reach out to Lem, but Lem denied knowing him, so that the petals he had would not be confiscated by the guards and he could continue to make the medicine to save Lirin's life. Unable to destroy the plant, the Imperial Guard moved it to the North pole where it was frozen. It is revealed that Lirin died anyway, but her death helped scientists research the disease she had been suffering from to help others with the same condition. Blinded by grief, Lem made a pact with a Kor and sealed Labrador's body and Profe's soul together, calling it 'his most precious treasure in the world', and making Labrador the Ghost Profe. The Barsburg Church. Meeting Teito. Labrador first appears flying his Hawkzile along one of the chasms between Districts 1 and 7 when he, as well as the other two Bishops, Castor and Frau, encounter Teito falling from the sky. When Teito crashes into Frau and Frau's Hawkzile also crashes, he runs to Frau's side and helps him get Teito to the Church where he introduces himself to a frightened Teito. Flower of protection and the Kor. Labrador is next seen giving Teito the flower of protection, something which disturbs Castor. Labrador is the Bishop tasked with helping Mikage recover, and is the one who notices that Mikage only has half a soul. He next appears with the other two Bishops, Castor and Frau, when confronting the elderly man possessed by a Kor. He catches Teito as he falls, then leaves with Castor and the Old Man. Despite the Kor being destroyed, Labrador is still worried. Mikage's death. Labrador later confides in the other Bishop's that he predicts Mikage will soon 'disappear' as he only has half a soul. Labrador reveals he knows someone is hunting Teito, yet does not know whom, but is sure it is not Mikage. The Bishops decide to continue to watch Mikage in case the situation takes a turn for the worse. Labrador is in the baptism ceremony when Mikage dies. Labrador is present when Frau gives Teito Mikage's reincarnation. Bishop's Apprentice Exam Arc. Frau's arrest and confrontation with Haruse. Labrador receives word of Frau's imprisonment in Light Dungeon from his flowers and he quickly informs the others. Later he notices several guards that possess fake clergy passes and uses his plants to restrain and sedate them. When Haruse arrives, Labrador confronts him and infects him with a parasitic plant that eats away at the Wars. The two are later separated but both arrive at the scene as Castor and Kuroyuri fight. Labrador uses his plants to cushion the wall as Castor is thrown against it and Haruse and Kuroyuri escape. Bastien's funeral. Bastien's funeral takes place as normal. Labrador, along with Bishops Frau and Castor discusses the possibility of any Warsfeil remaining in the Barsburg Church- since Bastien's death has restored the protective barrier around the Church. When a nun approaches Frau, suspecting him to be one of the Seven Ghosts, Castor elbows Frau causing him to drop a porn book to dispel any notions that he is a guardian of the Church. Confident that their secret is safe, the three Bishops make their escape. Capture of the Eye of Mikhail. Labrador is not present during the battle for the Eye but appears at its climax, when the Eye of Mikhail has been taken, and reminds Ayanami that military activity in the 7th District is forbidden. Ayanami, in turn, tells Labrador the ships intend to pass through peacefully on their way to Antwort. Since the existence of the Eye is a secret, Labrador is forced to let them pass- and shows them the shortest route out of the district.  Eve of the exam. Labrador appears before Teito Klein and Hakuren Oak as the two boys have met Bishop Lance. Unlike the other two Bishops, Labrador welcomes Lance warmly. He is pleased with his present Lance got him from the 3rd District, and smiles when viewing the photo album he bought Frau. Teito's escape from the Church. Labrador works together with Castor to kill any guards that block Teito's path to the secret tunnel. They both confront the Barsburg Spy, and Labrador executes him using a large Venus fly trap. Regrouping with the fleeing Teito and Frau, he uses his flower petals to create a path to guide them out of the Pope's secret passage-way. He warns Teito of the dangers he faces on his path to justice, then wishes him luck on his journey. Teito and Frau escape while he (Labrador), Castor and Lance hold off approaching forces. Hausen House Arc. Labrador appears briefly during the Hausen House arc, falling asleep outside amongst the tree roots after getting too cold to get up. Ouida, his new apprentice, panics until he(Labrador) is found, prompting Castor to chastise him for sleeping outside. Krat House Arc. After Teito's encounter with the Wars Lem and managed to give him the peace and answer on Illyusha's cause of death, Lem believed in Teito's words and broke a seal that released Profe, killing the Wars that was controlling him at the same time. Labarador in his Ghost form then appears and thanks Teito on freeing Lem. He later on explains that the Church had conducted a secret investigation involving the brainwashed criminals in the fourth district, which was connected to the "incense" at the Krat House symposium for half a year. However, the Church and himself cannot interfere with the God House. As his last act to end his uncle's twisted ambitions and closure to his life situation as a human, he passed a self crafted bomb to Teito, requesting him to use it to burn all of the Flowers of Eden in the greenhouse. The bomb given was proven to be more destructive than expected, as it was powerful enough to blow up the entire greenhouse to flames. Raggs Castle Arc. Labrador was in the garden with Castor when Hakuren Oak rushed towards them. Hakuren informed them he had received a letter commanding him (Hakuren) to return to the 1st District to serve as tutor to the Imperial princess. Castor congratulated Hakuren on the news and encourages him to take the offer, but after Hakuren protests, Labrador offered him a good luck charm, so his "journey will go smoothly". When Ayanami infiltrated the Church, Labrador fought with Ayanami, saying that what he (Ayanami) truly desired, he cannot hold in his hands again. He was rescued by Castor, who lost an arm in the process, when Verloren took over Ayanami's personality and became hysterical. He and Castor met with Frau and Teito at one of the stops during the race. He aided Frau when he was deeply injured. In the ballroom, he challenged Hyuuga to a fight while Ayanami fought with Castor. Labrador attempted to trick his opponent with an illusion, but it failed when Hyuuga stabbed himself to regain focus, and he was defeated and knocked unconscious. Later, when Labrador regains consciousness, he finds out that he and Castor have been trapped in a prison made specifically for the Ghosts. In a flashback of Hyuuga's, it is revealed that he offered a darkness-eating flower seed to Hyuuga, to help Hyuuga protect his 'important person', and Hyuuga accepted the seed, despite Labrador warning him that he (Hyuuga) might be devoured. In manga chapter 93, Labrador and Castor manage to escape their prison. When an indignant Kuroyuri shouts after them, he advises him/her and Haruse to evacuate. In Kapitel 96, it's revealed that despite what Labrador said to Hyuuga, the darkness-eating flower seed did not devour Hyuuga, but saved his life instead, though it also seems to have deprived Hyuuga of his ability to use black magic. After Ayanami dies and Teito goes to Seele, Labrador is last seen picnicking with Castor, Fea Kreuz Raggs and Millea Klein. He mentions that he has visited his father's grave and watches Wahrheit Teito Klein play with Burupya.
# Labrador/Relationships Labrador, born Ilyusha Krat, is one of the main characters of the 07-ghost manga and anime series. He serves as a Bishop of the Barsburg Church located in District 7, and his job there is to protect the citizens by removing Verloren's messengers, the Kor. Labrador is seen spending most of his time in the gardens of the Church where he takes care of and converses with the plants there and makes them into herbal remedies. He is also able to manipulate them using his healing Zaiphon, meaning he is able to weaponize them. The manga later reveals that he was originally born into the Krat Family, being a descendant of the ghost Profe, and after he died began serving as one of the Seven Ghosts. Labrador is the Ghost known as Profe, the one that is able to see one's future. In the final manga chapter, he became an ordinary human and lost his Ghost powers. Relationships. Peers. Castor. Labrador is shown interacting with Castor the most out of the Bishops and the two are often found together. Castor trusts Labrador greatly and always takes his premonitions very seriously. Castor and Labrador share a love for the Church cuisine, and both enjoy winding up Frau. He and Castor sometimes undermine Frau's intelligence for the fun of it. Castor has also admitted that he liked Labrador for his naivety. Castor worried about Labrador's health and warning him against sleeping outdoors. Both will not hesitate to risk their own lives to protect each other as shown when Castor going as far as taking a would-be fatal attack meant for Labrador. Labrador has tended to Castor's wounds on numerous occasions. While infiltrating Princess Ouka's birthday party, Labrador posed as Castor's wife. Frau. Labrador and Frau are shown interacting little but they seem to get along relatively well, Frau comforting Labrador when he was worried on one occasion. Labrador also stated of Frau (Vol 01, Chap 001, Page 42) that "only fools and crazies like high places" when Frau refused to take the safer path back saying he was a man of thrills and the dangerous path was his road. After foreseeing Teito's future, Labrador advised Frau to "never let go of Teito's hand" with an uncharacteristically serious expression. During the Hawkzile Race, Labrador assisted Frau and Teito. Lance. Of all the Bishops, Labrador is the one who interacts with Lance the most and is the most friendly towards him, with Hakuren Oak remarking that they look like good friends. Lance is always very polite and respectful to Labrador, calling him: 'Lab-shishou' (literally, 'Master/Instructor Lab'), and they share similar interests such as plants and drinking herbal tea.  When Lance returned from his travels, Labrador greeted him warmly and expressed relief to see him as due to his abnormally long absence , he was believed dead. Lance also brought back a mountain plant as a present for Labrador , showing that he is familiar with Labrador's character and wanted to give him something he would enjoy . Labrador seemed to be the Bishop most tolerant of Lance's character, as he smiled upon hearing Lance's stories, and laughed at his "Baculus divining" instead of chastising him like Bishops Frau and Castor. Mikhail. As Mikhail is biased in favour of those who possess beauty, he tends to favour Profe over the other Ghosts, as reincarnations of Profe tend to be very beautiful. Mikhail seemed to have a good relationship with the previous reincarnation of Profe , Raggs War Profe . Both Labrador and his predecessor were quite indulgent towards Mikhail . Hakuren noted that out of the three main bishops, Labrador was the best at dealing with Mikhail. In a drama CD track, Labrador was shown to be respectful towards Mikhail, calling him "Mikhail-sama". However , Labrador was also somewhat wary of him , and makes some tea for the angel . He also attempting to convince the angel to hand over a bottle of vodka that he (Mikhail) had found in Frau's room. Landkarte ( Katsuragi ). Given that Landkarte betrayed his duties and killed Labrador's predecessor , Raggs War Profe , it is hinted that Labrador hated him . Raphael. Little is known about Labrador's relationship with Raphael. Being one of the Seven Ghosts and therefore an immortal being, Labrador has known Raphael for a very long time. Apart from that, nothing else is known about their relationship. Subordinates. Ouida. Labrador seems fond of his apprentice, and Castor and Lance remark that their (Labrador and Ouida's) relationship is similar to a mother-son relationship. Ouida is respectful and caring towards Labrador, telling him not to sleep outdoors, making tea for him, and obediently following his instructions (e.g. preparing some light food for Kyle, Lance's apprentice, on Labrador's orders, when Kyle was unwell). In return, Labrador seems to care for Ouida as well, and acknowledges his apprentice's abilities, saying that Ouida learns fast and has been a great help. The Black Hawks. As the Black Hawks are Verloren/Ayanami's followers, and, like their leader, have done bad things , it is likely that Labrador hates them . Verloren ( Ayanami ). As compared to his attitude towards Frau/Zehel and Castor/Fest, Ayanami/Verloren seems to like Labrador/Profe somewhat more, calling him 'beautiful Profe', and retreating after an attack in an attempt to capture Teito and bring him back to the military instead of harming Labrador/Profe (episode 20). In Kapitel 46 , it is shown that Ayanami/Verloren did not hesitate to attack Labrador/Profe when the latter prophesied that he (Verloren) would not be able to hold Eve in his arms again, suggesting that though Verloren may be biased in favour of Profe, this bias is still limited. As with the other Ghosts, Ayanami/Verloren wants to devour Profe so that he (Ayanami/Verloren) can regain all of his original powers. Hyuuga. Labrador's relationships with Hyuuga is unclear . However , it is likely that Labrador dislike Hyuuga , as he is a member of Black Hawks and one of Ayanami's subordinates . In Kapitel 89, it was shown in a flashback of Hyuuga's that he accepted a darkness-eating flower seed from Labrador, in order to protect his 'important person', Ayanami, despite Labrador's warning that Hyuuga might be devoured as well. Kuroyuri. Kuroyuri and Labrador seem to hold no respect for each other, referring to each other as 'flower guy' and 'that boy'. Labrador also once severely weakened Haruse, Kuroyuri's important person. However, Labrador advised Kuroyuri to evacuate when Pandora's Box was unsealed, implying that Labrador does not dislike Kuroyuri enough to want to see them die. Haruse. It seems that Labrador dislikes Haruse, as he severely weakened Haruse with darkness-eating flowers despite his (Labrador's) usual pacifistic nature. However, when Verloren revived, Labrador did not attack Haruse, instead advising him and Kuroyuri to evacuate. Family. Father. Although no direct interaction has been shown between them, Labrador is implied to respect his father. After losing his Ghost powers, he returned to the Krat House and visited his father's grave. They are said to have died in similar ways. Lem and Lirin. Labrador dearly loved his adoptive siblings and sacrificed his life for them. Uncle. Their relationship is unclear. The two appeared to have no problem working with each other, and in a flashback of Labrador's past, he (Labrador) was shown helping his uncle. However, Labrador is apparently aware of his uncle's misdeeds, and was not shown to feel any sadness at his uncle's death. Labrador's uncle was also not shown to feel sad when his nephew died. Others. Teito Klein. Labrador and Teito do not interact much but have a good relationship , and Teito is respectful towards Labrador . His first conversation with Labrador was when the latter gave him the Flower of Protection, saying it will help keep him safe. Despite knowing nothing of Labrador and the flower , Teito still believed him and offered to give the flower to Mikage. When Teito broke down at Mikage's death, Teito felt comfortable enough around Labrador to reveal his feelings, despite normally keeping them to himself. When Labrador comforted him, telling him Mikage's feelings, and encouraging him to move on, Teito took his words to heart. Teito has been shown to respect Labrador, calling him "Labrador-san". Later in the series, along with Frau and Castor, Labrador defended Teito during the Hawkzile Race and, after Teito was captured, sneaked into Hohburg Fortress in an attempt to rescue Teito. When Teito uncovered the sin of the Krat House of God, Labrador as Profe personally thanked him. Labrador was one of the people who witnessed Teito depart for Seele. Hakuren Oak. Labrador spends little time with Hakuren, but they get along well. He gave Hakuren a flower (Kapitel 36) as a good luck charm so that 'his journey would go smoothly and he wouldn't forget his friends'.
# Labrador/Trivia Labrador, born Ilyusha Krat, is one of the main characters of the 07-Ghost manga and anime series. He serves as a Bishop of the Barsburg Church located in District 7, and his job there is to protect the citizens by removing Verloren's messengers, the Kor. Labrador is seen spending most of his time in the gardens of the Church where he takes care of and converses with the plants there and makes them into herbal remedies. He is also able to manipulate them using his healing Zaiphon, meaning he is able to weaponize them. The manga later reveals that he was originally born into the Krat Family, being a descendant of the ghost Profe, and after he died began serving as one of the Seven Ghosts. Labrador is the Ghost known as Profe, the one that is able to see one's future. In the final manga chapter, he became an ordinary human and lost his Ghost powers. Etymology. Labrador's name could come from a flower known as the Bog Labrador tea (Rhododendron groenlandicum) which is used in herbal teas, with herbalism being a field Labrador excels at. Another Labrador tea, known as Marsh Labrador tea (Rhododendron tomentosum) causes delirium, and illusions are one of Labrador's abilities. Labrador is also the name of a dog breed. 'Rabu', from the romaji of his name, 'Raburadouru', is how the Japanese hear the word 'love'. Ilyusha is a diminutive of the Russian name Ilya. Ilya comes from the name Elijah, meaning "My God is He". Elijah was a Hebrew prophet and miracle worker, as told in the two Books of Kings in the Old Testament. Early 07-Ghost. Labrador's earliest appearance was in the pilot chapter Seven Ghosts. His character design and personality remain relatively unchanged. The only changes made to Labrador's design after the Seven Ghosts pilot chapter were that his hair was made wavier, his catsuit made tighter and darker and his earrings were removed. Early Labrador still had the kind and gentle personality of his finalised character, but his movements were much less drowsy and he was much more energetic. Labrador first appears riding his Hawkzile when Frau crashes into Teito. He mistakenly believes Teito is a girl and attempts to remove Teito's tattoo by giving him a "prince's kiss". Labrador appears around the Church but his next major appearance is helping the other two Bishops thwart a military invasion using his plant manipulation to control rose plants and using their thorny stems as barbed wire.
# Lady Hausen Lady Hausen is a minor antagonist in the 07-Ghost manga series. She is the former Lady of the Hausen House, a God House located in the 6th District. Her first name is never mentioned. Lady Hausen is the wife of Xingfa Hausen and the mother of Xing-lu Hausen (otherwise known as Castor), as well as the adoptive mother of Seilan and the Hausen House Servants. Following the Raggs War and the death of her son, she made a deal with a Kor and eventually became a Wars. Her husband, unwilling to lose both a son and a wife, kept the Wars in the house and was feeding it with the souls of those who wanted to go to Seele. Appearance. Physical appearance. Lady Hausen was a young woman with a slim build. She appears around 153cm (5 foot 7). Her face was almost heart-shaped with a pointy chin and straight hairline, and she had a small, slightly upturned nose, and a small mouth. She had large, light-coloured eyes, with long, dark lashes, and thin eyebrows the same colour as her hair. Her hair was long (down to her lower-back), straight and dark in colour with a side parting, and two shorter bangs at each side of her face. Castor appears to have inherited her facial shape, as well as her eyes. When she became a Wars, all of her eyes (the whites, iris and pupil) became black. Lady Hausen appears to be considerably younger than her husband. Clothing. Being the Lady of a noble family, she wears elaborate and formal clothing. She wears a dress loosely resembling a Hanfu style dress; a floor-length dress, with long sleeves wide at the cuff embroidered with a swirling pattern, and a v-neck, frilled collar. She also wears a thick, outer gown over her shoulders with a small back train. She wears earrings resembling Chinese lanterns, and a wedding ring. Personality. Lady Hausen was only seen briefly, but as a human and after her soul was purified, she appeared to be kind and gentle, particularly towards her son, whom she lavished attention upon. As a Wars, she was aggressive. Relationships. Family. Xing-lu. Castor's mother was the only one who was allowed to spoil him, and Castor loved her very much. Castor would make dolls in his mother's image so that he could have her all to himself. Selian said he had a mother complex. After the death of her son, Lady Hausen was driven insane with grief and made a deal with a Kor in an effort to find him again. In Kapitel 32 , before going to heaven, her soul is carried by the wind to District 7 and the Barsburg Church where her son, Castor, is blessing someone. The wind brushes by Castor, blowing his hat off, but he recognize his mother's soul, and as the wind moves upwards to heaven, Castor bids his mother farewell.  Xingfa Hausen. Xingfa's relationship with his wife has not been shown in much detail, but Xingfa appeared to love his wife very much. Xing-lu said that 'Mother belongs to Father'. After his wife's grief induced bargain with a Kor and evolution into a Wars, Xingfa was unwilling to have a Bishop destroy her. He kept her trapped in the house, hid her existence from the public, and resorted to feeding her those who came searching for Seele. He expressed regret on how he couldn't save her. Hausen House Servants. They seem to respect her, calling her 'my lady' and 'our lady'. They also warned Seilan not to go against her wishes when she wanted to devour Teito. Others. Teito Klein. Teito's relationship with Lady Hausen is unknown, but it's hinted that they had a complicated relationship. Lady Hausen had ambush Teito twice . She first attempt to attack Teito in the bathroom after enters his room and sensing the clothes thus thinking her son is also with them but find no sign of Xing-lu. Teito senses the presence and defends himself by knocking his attacker back. Teito later being dragged towards the Wars by the porcelain dolls the lady is controlling. In Kapitel 31 , while Teito distracted, the lady grabs Teito and begins to devour him. Teito holds her face and attempt to reassuring her by telling her that her son is alive and well and still loves her . Hearing this, parts of the Wars's humanity begin to return; the lady begins to cry for her son, apologise for her actions and she begs Teito to save her.  Teito uses his Baculus to purify her soul and, as she thanks Teito, her body dissolves into doves and lights, showing that her soul has been set free. Xingfa later appears, where he explains his actions was due to desperation from losing his wife . Abilities and Attributes. Following her becoming a Wars, Lady Hausen merged with the dolls in Xing-lu's room, allowing her to control them. History. Childhood. Little is known about Lady Hausen's past before her marriage, but she is most likely the daughter of a nobleman or aristocrat. Adulthood. She later married into the affluent Hausen family with her wedding to Xingfa Hausen. Lady Hausen would later give birth to Xing-lu Hausen. At one point, Seilan was adopted into the family. Raggs War. During the Raggs War, each of the Seven Houses of God chose sides, and battles were fought between houses who chose Barsburg, and houses who chose Raggs. The Hausen House sided with Raggs. Castor's death and reincarnation. Following Raggs' defeat, to appease the God Houses that fought with Barsburg and to prevent them from destroying entire bloodlines, the Houses that sided with Raggs said that they would kill the Head of their house. Xing-lu, being the heir to the Hausen Family was no exception. Xingfa, was outraged at the idea. He organised a plan to save his son; proposing that the Noel Mermaid Xing-lu had saved long ago, Razette, change her face to look like Xing-lu's- and they decapitate her, and give her head instead. When Castor adamantly refused, Xingfa broke down and held onto his son tightly, begging him not to give himself up. Razette soon appeared, willing to die for Castor, and shapeshifted to look like Castor. Xingfa drew his sword and lunged at her to kill her, but Castor threw himself in the way and the blow impaled him through the chest. Castor was mortally injured, and would later die from his injuries. His head was presented to the Barsburg families, and Xingfa became head of the House once again, a position he has held ever since. Bargain with a Kor. After Xing-lu's death Lady Hausen was stricken with grief and became depressed. She locked herself in her son's room and would not leave. A Kor found her, and she bargained with it in return for her son. After having all three wishes granted, the Kor killed her. She became a Wars, and her tainted soul inhabited one of her son's dolls of her. Her husband, Xingfa Hausen was unable to have her destroyed, as he did not want to lose a son and a wife, so he had the Wars trapped in Xing-lu's room. He fed her on those who came to the God House to find the Cursed Tickets. The story told to the authorities and the outside world was that the Lady Hausen 'disappeared' after a bout of grief-induced madness. Manga synopsis. First ambush on Teito. Seilan escorts Teito Klein to a room. He (Seilan) finds Xing-lu's clothes, on Xingfa Hausen's request, and puts them in the room- hoping the clothes will lure the Wars into the room. Teito later runs himself a bath to relax. As he bathes, Lady Hausen enters his room after sensing the clothes and thinking her son is also with them. She finds the clothes but no sign of Xing-lu, and then notices Teito in the bathroom, and attempts to attack him while he is distracted. However, Teito senses the presence and defends himself by knocking his attacker back. As Teito pulls away the shower curtain to discover his attacker's identity, he sees that there is nothing there. Lady Hausen escapes, leaving nothing behind but a ransacked room and a small piece of rubble that Burupya notices. Teito collects it as evidence. The trap in Xing-lu's room. Since the last attempt on Teito's life failed, on Xingfa Hausen's orders, Seilan leads Teito to Xing-lu's room, under the assumption that Xing-lu's room was significant as the Wars that attacked Teito had been interested in Xing-lu's clothes. Xing-lu's room is where they had been keeping the Wars. Whilst thinking of his former master, Seilan suddenly has a change of heart. Remembering the trap, he demands Teito leave the room. Teito is at first confused, but the servants of the Hausen House let down the protective barrier surrounding the room- allowing the Wars to get out of its enclosure. Sensing food, the Wars appears before Teito and Seilan, and Seilan attempts to save Teito by pushing him out of the way, but he (Seilan) is unable to help Teito further as the Wars separates them and advances on Teito. Teito draws his Baculus, and Seilan is dragged to safety by the other Hausen House Servants. Distracted, Teito is dragged towards the Wars by the porcelain dolls the lady is controlling. With Seilan now safe, the room is again sealed off to prevent the Wars from getting out, but Teito is trapped in the room with it. He fights off the dolls and is confronted with Lady Hausen, who begs for her child to return to her. Sensing the 'food' (Seilan and the other servants) outside the room, parts of the Wars begin to attack the barrier to get at those outside. The servants begin to panic and frantically try to repair it, but the dolls break it, and the Wars gets out. It immediately attacks the nearest servant, but Teito uses his Zaiphon to defend them. With Teito distracted, the lady grabs Teito and begins to devour him. Moved by her love for her child, Teito holds her face and begins to speak for Xing-lu: telling her that her son is alive and well and still loves her. Hearing this, parts of the Wars's humanity begin to return; the lady begins to cry for her son, apologise for her actions and she begs Teito to save her. The Wars begins to melt away, and the lady's soul is exposed. Teito uses his Baculus to purify her soul and, as she thanks Teito, her body dissolves into doves and lights, showing that her soul has been set free. Bidding her son goodbye. Before going to heaven, her soul is carried by the wind to District 7 and the Barsburg Church where her son, Castor, is blessing someone. The wind brushes by Castor, blowing his hat off, but he recognizes his mother's soul, and as the wind moves upwards to heaven, Castor bids his mother farewell. 
Lady Hausen
# Lance Lance is one of the secondary protagonists in the 07-Ghost manga and anime series. He serves as a bishop of the Barsburg Church, located in District 7, and his job is to protect the citizens by removing Kor and to also oversee the Bishop's Apprentice Exam. He is easily recognised by his dramatic, flamboyant nature and the large, blonde curl or ringlet in his hair.  After Lance's physical death when he was a child, he acted as the vessel of one of the Seven Ghosts, Relikt. Relikt is the Ghost that can see into one's past, and he used this ability to discover the Pope's crimes during the Raggs War. In manga chapter 78, Lance was devoured by Verloren's reincarnation. However, in manga chapter 99, he escaped from Verloren and revived, though he became an ordinary human and no longer had Ghost powers. Etymology. A lance is a type of spear. Lance's name could be an allusion to the shape of Relikt's Ghost symbol. Alternatively, Lance is a derivative of Lancelot, the name of one of the characters in Arthurian legend. Appearance. Physical appearance. Like the three main bishops, he appears to be a twentysomething. Considering his age when he died and turned into a Ghost, he is very likely around the same age as Frau or perhaps even younger. Though Lance's official height and weight are unknown, his height and build are shown to be similar to Bishop Castor's, roughly putting him at a height of 180 cm. Like Castor, he has a willowy frame. Lance has a very angular, diamond-shaped face with wide cheeks and a pointy chin. He has a long, thin, slightly up-turned nose, a small mouth with full lips and narrowed eyes; in the anime his eyes are yellow-orange-brown and appear quite reptilian from a distance, but in the manga they are blue-green, which resembles Shuri's eye colour. Lance has a pale skin tone with a rosy tint to it. His hair is a very light blonde in colour with a short back and long fringe. His fringe reaches his collar-bone, curls around like a ringlet, is held in place with a blue headband, and he wears it swept up over the right side of his face, often obscuring his right eye. Lance wears earrings like Shuri and Wakaba, but lacks the long bottom eyelashes typical of many Oaks. When in chibi form, his eyes tend to be either blank or very small, drawn as dots.  As Relikt. Being one of the Seven Ghosts, Lance appears as a skeleton when in his true form. Clothing. Lance first appeared wearing a light brown, ankle-length cloak (seem in the anime as well). During the Bishop's Apprentice Exam, Lance wore a dark blue, ankle-length cassock with long sleeves and two white stripes going down the front. There was also a white stripe running down the back, and dark blue cross-stitching like that of a corset over it. Over his shoulders he wore a white mantle with a high neck-guard and a blue stripe going down the left side. Lance also wore a thick, brown belt around his hips. He wore dark gloves and a crucifix around his neck.  During his journey to the 1st District, Lance changes into the typical Bishop wear: consisting of a dark blue cassock with white trimming on the collar, under a long white outer cassock that hides his arms. The cassock is held together with a loose belt and a large, silver, rectangular brooch emblazoned with the carving of a cross. Lance also wears a plain, white mitre with a cross in the centre and a veil that extends from the mitre to fall over his face. Like Verloren and the other Ghosts, Lance wore a black hooded cloak in his true form, with the hood worn up. Personality. Lance is very flamboyant in nature, and often behaves in a dramatic way. Fond of expressing his emotions through dance, Lance speaks loudly, and makes exaggerated arm movements as he talks. However, he is more serious, focused and purposeful when performing his duties as a Ghost. He has a great respect for manners, and becomes offended whenever anyone uses foul language. According to Castor, Lance is honest. Castor, who was a contender to be the next Assistant Archbishop after Bastien's death, recommended Lance for the position, because according to Castor, Lance was a person of prestige and would like the assignment better (something which Lance openly agreed to).  He is a rather jocular character who enjoys winding up his friends, often calling Castor a nerd or "glasses", and is shown to enjoy battling. Lance occasionally displays a tendency to not think things through.  He reads horoscopes and believes in what is being foretold for him and has an interest in astrology (e.g. manga chapter 78). He has a poor sense of orientation: once attempting to find his way by putting up his cross and letting it fall, and then following the direction it pointed to which had him going through six Districts instead of two. Lance is a very confident person, and can also be seen as vain. He has a great appreciation of art or beauty: it was he who designed the "successful applicant's chair", and has sharp art sense, as when he was a child, he was the only one who felt that the kokujyuseki statue made by Buran was made from living human beings. Lance can also be seen as helpful, as in a manga chapter, he helped a child to find something she had lost using his powers as Relikt. In the anime, the dramatic side of Lance's nature is somewhat less frequently shown. Relationships. Superiors. The Pope: Lance appears familiar with the Pope, as prior to his arrival in the Church the Pope had already informed him of Mikhail's theft. Lance was also the Ghost that discovered the Pope's actions during the Raggs War, and confronted him about it.  Bastien: Lance was not seen interacting with Bastien, but he was seen visiting his grave, suggesting that he respected the Assistant Archbishop. Former Assistant Archbishops: Lance appears to be on good terms with the two old men, as he welcomes them warmly when he first sees them. They appear to share similar interests, as Lance excitedly shows them his lucky headband and they are equally excited to see it. Peers. Castor. Lance and Castor argue often, and don't get along well most of the time due to Lance's easy-going nature causing conflict with the rule-abiding Castor. Lance often insults Castor by calling him a nerd, and Castor once retaliated by punching Lance. During his absence from the Church, Lance forgot Castor's name which suggests he does not think much of Castor. However, Lance remembered to get Castor a present: a doll- suggesting Lance is familiar with Castor's character and wanted to get him something he would appreciate. Lance and Castor have occasionally been shown to care for each other. When Castor lost one of his eyes and one of his arms after a battle against Ayanami, Lance showed sympathy, saying that Castor's injuries were 'a terrible wound' and that Castor had been through a lot. Also, Castor has suggested having himself devoured so that Ayanami will spit Lance (and Fea Kreuz) out, showing that Castor keeps Lance in his thoughts. Frau. Little direct interaction has been shown between Lance and Frau, but Lance considers Frau his biggest rival. Although Frau and Lance argue a lot, Lance still remembered to get Frau a present when he travelled, suggesting he considered Frau a friend. According to an old concept art, Lance and Frau are the same age. At times, Frau seems to dislike Lance, and once tried to cut off Lance's large side curl with a pair of shears. However, Frau trusted Lance enough to let Lance do his (Frau's) bishop tattoo, a long and complicated process. Labrador. Labrador is the Bishop Lance interacts with the most and seems the most friendly towards, with Hakuren commenting that they looked like old friends. Lance is always very polite and respectful to Labrador, calling him: 'Lab-shishou' (literally, 'Master/Instructor Lab'), and they share similar interests such as plants and drinking herbal tea.   In the manga, when Lance returned from a trip he went on, he brought back a mountain plant as a present for Labrador, showing that he is familiar with Labrador's character and wanted to give him something he would enjoy.  Subordinates. Ouida. Lance does not interact much with Ouida, but he appears to approve of Ouida's generosity and kindness, as he smiled warmly at Ouida when he saw him donate his Zaiphon to Teito. Lance was also shown thinking that Ouida was a match for his friend, Labrador, whom he has a very high opinion of, and that Ouida is like a mother to Labrador. Kyle. Kyle became Lance's apprentice after passing the Bishop's Apprentice Exam. From what little has been shown of their relationship, they got along well. Kyle obediently follows Lance's instructions, even when it comes to an extreme situation like jumping from a Ribidzile at 7500 metres and being told to 'wait a bit before opening the parachute'. Kyle's reaction to Lance's death (it is likely that he was informed of it) has yet to be shown. Hakuren Oak. Lance oversaw the Bishop's Apprentice Exam in which Teito and Hakuren took part. Lance appears to like Hakuren, as he smiles at him and praised his conduct in the exam. When Hakuren noticed Lance's presence in the Hohburg Fortress, he enlisted Lance's help and told him of Teito's situation- indicating that Hakuren trusts Lance. As both of them are members of the Oak family, they are related by blood, though Hakuren is probably unaware that Lance is also an Oak.  Others. Teito Klein. Lance does not interact with Teito as much as Castor, Frau and Labrador do, but as one of the Seven Ghosts, he carries out his duty to protect Teito and keep Pandora's Box sealed. Lance also oversaw the Bishop's Apprentice Exam in which Teito and Hakuren took part. He (Lance) was annoyed at Teito the first time they met due to Teito accidentally breaking his clergy pass, and was somewhat unfriendly to Teito at first, but after a while, it seems that his annoyance abated. However, his feelings towards Teito continue to be mixed: he referred to Teito as an 'uncharming brat' after Teito swore, yet was the examiner who officially assigned Teito to be Frau's apprentice after the exam, where he smiled at Teito and wished him luck on his journey. Teito also had mixed feelings towards Lance; he yelled at Lance when the latter refused to rescue some candidates who were in trouble during the exam, but otherwise respected him as a bishop and a Ghost. Despite their mutual mixed feelings, they don't seem to particularly hate or resent each other. When Lance escaped Verloren, Teito was pleasantly surprised to see him alive and well, and Lance made it a point to inform Teito of Kreuz's survival. Lance also did his best to protect Teito from a distance when the boy was brainwashed by Ayanami, and was among the allies who saw Teito off when the boy departed for Seele. Whenever Teito thinks about the people dear to him, Lance is one of the people shown to appear in his mind. Buran: At first, Lance admired Buran's artistic skill. However, when Lance found out that Buran was actually turning real humans and animals into kokujyuuseki, he lost his respect for Buran, and in his last moments as a human, declared that Buran would be punished by the power of Relikt, something which came true years later.  Mikhail: Of all the present-day Ghosts, Lance has the least interaction with Mikhail. The archangel did not appear particularly interested in his previous incarnation,the unnamed Raggs War Relikt. When infiltrating Hohburg Fortress, Lance's main concern was the Eye of Mikhail. However, he has on occasion not displayed most characters' usual reverence for the Eye, and spoke quite loudly about it in the Church until Castor forcibly silenced him.  Abilities and Attributes. Lance is the Ghost Relikt, and his Ghost power is to be able to see into the past. In the manga he was shown to be able to turn back time on a person, turning them into a child. Like the other Ghosts, Lance's heart did not beat and his body did not give off heat, granting him higher resistance to low temperatures than ordinary humans. As a Ghost, he would also have recovered more quickly from injuries than an ordinary human. Zaiphon. Attacking Zaiphon: Lance has an attacking Zaiphon, and he uses his Baculus to channel his attacks at his opponents. He appears to be quite strong as he was shown to fight on par with Katsuragi, who is a member of the Black Hawks. Tattooing. Lance appears to have some skill at tattooing, as he did the Bishop tattoo on Frau's back.  Physical strength. Lance has quick reflexes. His apprentice, Kyle, once mentioned that the two of them were going to go mountain climbing, indicating that Lance's physical strength was at least average. Lance has also been shown to have physical resilience beyond that of an ordinary human-in a manga chapter, after Teito jumped from a Church window to catch some balloons and landed on Lance's back, Lance stood up only moments later, completely unscathed. He is graceful, often shown dancing. Mental. Being a god, Lance was probably able to understand the Language of the Gods. History. Early childhood. Lance is a member of the noble Oak Family by birth, and spent at least part of his early childhood in the Oak House.  When he was a child, he discovered that Buran, a Warsfeil employed by Wakaba Oak, turned real humans into kokujyuseki, a monopolized black jewel sold by the Oak Family, and to cover his secret, Buran used black magic to turn Lance into a dark jewel statue, resulting in Lance's death. Before the series start. Lance presumably joined the Church after being reincarnated as Relikt, eventually becoming a bishop. At some point, he travelled the seven districts as Bishop on duty, initially planning to only visit two, and went missing for three months after getting lost. During this time, he was feared dead. He returned to the Barsburg Church mid-series.  Manga synopsis. Bishop's Apprentice Exam. Lance first appears paying his respects to Bastien's grave. After a short prayer, Lance checks his daily fortune book which informs him the first item he obtains that morning will bring him luck. Lance discovers the late assistant Archbishop's Clergy Pass and takes it as a sign that he will be the next assistant Archbishop. However, as he celebrates his luck- Teito Klein lands on him after attempting to catch some balloons, breaking Bastien's pass. Lance, angry at the two boys, attempts to reprimand Teito but is bitten by Burupya. Frau appears, and upon seeing Lance, his self-professed rival, attacks him with a pair of shears in an attempt to cut off his large curl. Castor, then appears and quickly silences Lance with a kick when Lance almost divulges information about the Eye of Mikhail in the presence of civilians. Labrador welcomes Lance warmly. Lance reveals he had been touring the seven continents looking for souvenirs instead of performing his Bishop duties, which annoys Bishops Frau and Castor. Lance then shows the gifts he got them and Frau, at first excited to receive a present, attempts to burn it once he discovers it is a photo album full of pictures of Lance. Lance voices his desire to be Bastien's successor, and Castor reveals he had also been a candidate for the position of Assistant Archbishop but had decided to refuse the position as he would not be able to make his sister dolls. During the interview, he instead complimented Lance, which makes Lance very happy as his chances have improved significantly. Now in a good mood, Lance bids the Bishops farewell and leaves to prepare the exam. Part one of the exam. Lance next appears in the exam hall where he introduces himself to the candidates as chief executive of the Bishop's Apprentice Exam- much to Teito Klein and Hakuren Oak's horror, as Lance is still angry at Teito for beaking his pass. He watches the students pass through the hall of shadows and sees many fail. When the remaining candidates reach the wall, he explains to them what must be done to pass and then disqualifies two candidates for cheating. He later watches the candidates enter the Kor palace. When Hakuren and Teito exit the tank after defeating 50 Kor and Teito shouts at Lance for not helping a drowning candidate, Lance reminds Teito he is to remain impartial, and deducts marks from Teito for speaking back. He then disqualifies several candidates for exiting the tank before defeating 50 Kor. Lance watches the candidates attempt the final challenge where he says 9% of the remaining students will fail, as they must measure themselves against each other. he watches Teito Klein and Hakuren Oak argue, with each boy thinking that the other deserves to pass more than himself. The Former Assistant Archbishops offer to give up, allowing them both to pass, but they go unheard. Lance becomes appalled when the two boys write an obscenity on the door as opposed to their names, and both decide to walk through the door of the defeated. When asked why they chose the door of defeat they say: "there are no losers, just companions to fight alongside- brothers in arms", where Bishop Lance appears and tells them that their selfless solution made them pass. Part two of the exam. As the remaining candidates pass through to the next exam, Teito Klein asks what the marks engraved in the walls were, much to the annoyance of Hakuren Oak and Kyle. Lance interrupts, and explains the marks are the signs of each of the Ghosts, and that the Ghosts' souls are unable to return to heaven. He then reminds Teito not to destroy the Church, like he did before, explains the rules of the exam to the candidates, and then the Bishops and candidates part ways.  He is with the Former Assistant Archbishops when they notice a commotion outside. Lance informs them the Barsburg Imperial Army is investigating the Barsburg Church in order to find the wielder of the Eye of Mikhail, after yesterdays incident. He continues to watch the examinees in the exam, watching Hakuren Oak, Ouida, and Kyle pass, but sees Teito be stabbed by an Ayanami illusion and declares he failed the exam. He is about to stop Teito's exam, but notices the expression on Teito's face has changed, and is shocked when a vision of Mikhail appears. As Teito faces his fear, the illusion disappears, and Teito passes the exam. Teito's escape from the Church. Regrouping with the fleeing Teito and Frau, Lance presents Teito with his Clergy Pass, and informs him he is now Frau's apprentice. Lance wishes him luck on his journey, and then allows Teito and Frau escape while he (Lance), Castor and Labrador hold off approaching forces. Lance later appears before several soldiers that are in the Church where he informs them that the vessel of the Eye of Mikhail has left the building. When they comment that he is armed, Lance uses his Zaiphon and informs them that they should leave. Leaving with Kyle. Four days after the military's invasion, Lance's desire to travel was not sated by his earlier adventure, and Lance and his new apprentice, Kyle, opted to go mountain climbing, when the other Bishops and their apprentices were leaving to practice Kor extermination. He decided to go undercover in the First District to gather information about the disappearance of 2 of the seven ghosts. There, he found Ea and looked into his past using his powers. He found Teito, but was caught by Ayanami from behind and devoured by him. Frau, Labrador and Castor sensed his annihilation. At the end of the series, he escapes unharmed from Verloren and, alongside the other major protagonists, watches Teito leave for Seele. He then loses his Ghost powers and becomes a human again. Lance is last seen at a picnic with Castor, Labrador, Millea Klein and Teito's newly reincarnated form.
# Landkarte SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! "This article is about the heavenly being. You may be looking for the manga chapter of the same name." Landkarte is one of the Seven Ghosts in the 07 Ghost series. He is the extinguishing spirit and can purify souls, as well as teleport to and locate anyone he wishes to find using their soul numbers. There is a statue of Landkarte in one of the seven Ghost towers in the Barsburg Church. It is currently unknown what people pray to the statue for, though considering Landkarte's power, it is possible that they ask Landkarte to reunite them with someone. Etymology. This is the most debated of the Ghost names. In German 'Landkarte' translates to 'map', which does not immediately seem to tie in to the kanji meaning of the 'extinguishing spirit'. It has been speculated that this is because what does not exist on a map is often believed to not exist at all, or that it could symbolise the effects wars have on towns and cities, as the act of razing a town to the ground effectively extinguishes it from the map. It's possible however that Landkarte's name is in reference to his teleporting ability rather than his role of warning people away from and eliminating darkness. In the pilot chapter Begleiter, Yukinami says he knows Zaiphon technique which is called Landkarte, this technique involves moving objects from place to place; both these abilities seem to be related with the map's theory of the name (that will make this ghost's name to be Landkarte rather than Randkalt). The German word 'rand' means 'border' and the word 'kalt' translates to mean 'cold'. The combination 'Randkalt' is not a German word. Form. Landkarte's true appearance is in the form of a hooded skeleton, (like the grim reaper) wielding a large scythe. His appearance is the same as Verloren since the Ghosts are made up of fragments from Verloren. Landkarte's Ghost symbol is light red and looks to be a scythe with a large heel and large, curved blade, with an orb in the centre of the snath. Human. During the Raggs War, Landkarte appeared to be tall and slender, following the 'bishounen' ideal that all of the Ghosts' reincarnations seem to follow (except Zehel, whose reincarnations tend to look more 'masculine'). His eyes were narrow and light-coloured, with long eyelashes, and he had long, light-coloured hair that was tied in two ponytails before he was drowned alive; one of his ponytails was cut when he reappeared as Landkarte, making his hairstyle look similar to Hakuren Oak's except that the left side of his hair was short. He had pale skin. Personality. Landkarte is an optimistic and kind Ghost, but is also susceptible to taking his determination to save/help people too far. Abilities and attributes. The Seven Ghosts all possess the ability to erase or otherwise alter a person's memories. Like the other Ghosts, Landkarte can make his true form temporarily leave his human/host body. Also, it is possible that the Ghosts can recover faster from injuries than ordinary humans. But they "die" (vanish or soul returning to the Chief of Heaven's) too if they receive fatal injuries (e.g. if his/her head is cut off, see manga chapter 88). Since the host body is dead, their hearts do not beat and their bodies do not give off heat, it is probable that all of them have a much greater tolerance of extremely low temperatures than ordinary humans. Although it is shown that a ghost can freeze in his bodily form or reincarnated body as what had happened to Frau (Vol 10 Chp 59: Hawkzile Race) when he literally turned to ice during the race and Teito had to thaw him out. This situation was only remedied when Castor and Labrador brought Frau a portable heater which he used in the next parts of the competition. Specific abilities. Apart from teletransporting himself (manga chapter 62), Landkarte/Randkalt can also use his powers to locate and bring someone to a determined place with him (manga chaper 66). Landkarte can also go to someone in a flash anytime he wishes, as long as he knows that person's soul number. In manga chapter 88, he uses this ability to appear behind the Raggs War Relikt, Profe, Fest to cut their heads off with his scythe and killed them, and injured Ea (Karu)'s eyes. However, without knowing that person's soul number, he cannot teletransport himself to that person as he wishes, as it has been ten years after the Raggs' War and he still cannot find Karu, as he said he didn't know Karu's new soul number (Karu has switched his own soul number with someone else after he has shown the Book of Hades to Landkarte). History. The creation of the Ghosts. The Seven Ghosts are amongst the earliest 'gods' created by the Chief of heaven and their existence dates back roughly 1000 years. At the time of their creation, humanity was already present. The legend of the ghosts tells that Verloren (the God of Death) was in love with the Chief of Heaven's daughter, Eve, but after her skeleton was found and her soul devoured, the Chief of Heaven accused Verloren of killing her. As Eve's soul being devoured automatically forced it to be sent to earth and reincarnated, Verloren escaped the heavens and fled to earth to find her reincarnation. Verloren began looking into the hearts of humans in order to find the soul that originally belonged to Eve. However as he looked, that person's heart was instantly tainted by his presence, and slowly slipped into despair. This meant those souls could not enter Heaven in this life because they were no longer pure, and they would be forced to reincarnate again once they died. When the Chief of Heaven noticed the consequences Verloren's actions had on those souls he looked into, he fashioned seven heavenly lights out of Verloren's fragments, each with one of Verloren's powers, and sent them to execute him. Schedel's Crusade. The Ghosts' mission was to take Verloren's body to The Land of Seele- where it would be judged and destroyed, and after they had fulfilled this mission their souls would be able to return to heaven. The ghosts drove Verloren to Seele, but even with their combined strength, they weren't strong enough to destroy him. Faced with this, they instead used the powers of the two angel eyes (Mikhail and Raphael) to tear Verloren's soul from his body, in the hope that they never join again so he could never be at his full power. They sealed his physical body in Pandora's Box on earth, and used the Eye of Mikhail to make sure it could not escape from its prison. They sealed his soul using the Eye of Raphael, putting his soul in a human- and forcing it to undergo a process of constant reincarnation whenever the human body died- regardless of how the person had lived their life- so it could never enter Heaven again. The threat of Verloren had been eliminated, but since the Ghosts were unable to judge Verloren, they could not return to heaven; instead staying in the mortal world to serve as guardians. Landkarte went on to become the progenitor of the Reuen bloodline. After sealing Verloren. Now on earth, each Ghost assumed human form and went on to live human lives; they married humans, had human children and died as humans. The Seven Ghosts and their human families went on to form the Seven Houses of God, and the Ghosts' powers were passed on to their children, and further generations. The current ghosts are the descendants of the original seven. The Raggs War. Around 990 years after Verloren had been sealed, the Eye of Raphael malfunctioned- resulting in Verloren's soul awakening (Verloren's current human reincarnation, an officer in Barsburg called Ayanami, regained all of Verloren's memories) and continued with Verloren's crusade against the Chief of Heaven. The descendants of the Ghosts that first fought Verloren were again forced to re-group and prevent Verloren from awakening completely (i.e. getting back his original body which is sealed in Pandora's Box). The Raggs' War was triggered by the missing of the Pandora's Box. Fea Kreuz, a vessel for the Raggs War Vertrag, was accused of stealing the Pandora's Box and fleeing with it. In fact the Pandora's Box had not ben stolen, but instead been moved mistakenly into a human body, i.e. Wahrheit Tiashe Raggs' body. Because Verloren's body can affect a person's mind and the host (as well as its 'box') of it can become a destroyer of the world if he yields to the desire of using Verloren's Body for worldly gain, the Ghosts suggested Landkarte to take Vertrag through the Seven God Houses to receive the cursed tickets, so that Tiashe, the human Pandora's Box, can travel to the Land of Seele to ask the Chief of Heaven there to destroy Verloren's body within him. However, unknown to the Raggs War Ghosts, Landarte is the 'traitor' among them that wanted Verloren's body for himself- desiring to use it to create a peaceful world that has no intense feeling, such as hatred or love, as they are the source of the uncleanness of the world. Vertrag's devourment. When Landkarte escorted Vertrag and Tiashe to the Seven God Houses, the Raggs War Vertrag met Ayanami and was devoured by him. Considering the circumstances and Landkarte's purposes, it is plausible that Landkarte used teletransportation to take Vertrag and Tiashe to Ayanami, as he wanted to take Verloren's body out of the Pandora's Box (possibly thinking if Ayanami devoured Tiashe's soul, Verloren's body could escape from its box). Battle with the remaining Ghosts. Landkarte then returned to the remaining Ghosts. Ghosts Profe, Fest, Relikt and Ea were discussing The Pope's motives for the Raggs War, when they realised Landkarte was the perpetrator. Landkarate appears, cutting the former three Ghosts' head off, killing them, but the wounded Ea (Karu) escaped. Landkarte intimidated and lured Ea to come out and work with him, when failed, he lost his patience and used teletransportation to move to Ea, but was furious when he appeared before a stranger on his death-bed, as Ea had switched his own soul number with another person.  Infiltration into the Barsburg Army. This happened somewhere during the Raggs War. Modern history. In chronological order:
# Language of Barsburg The Language of Barsburg is spoken by citizens of the Barsburg Empire. Most of the characters in the series are able to speak it, with the exceptions of Yukinami and Suzunami, who can only speak the language of Raggs. The language of Barsburg appears to be the most widely spoken language in the 07-Ghost world, presumably because the Barsburg Empire is the largest and most powerful empire in the 07-Ghost world and has dealings with many other countries.
Language of Barsburg
# Language of Raggs The Language of Raggs is a language in the 07-Ghost universe that is mostly spoken by former citizens of the fallen kingdom of Raggs. It has dialect forms. In a manga chapter, when Yukinami and Suzunami were speaking, Frau commented that they were speaking Raggs but 'a more northern dialect'. In Kapitel 95, Teito mentioned that one of the words in the language of Raggs is 'Belnirose', meaning 'small red rose', and refers to a type of rose that is only seen in Raggs. After the Raggs War, the Barsburg Empire tried to destroy the Raggs language and were mostly successful, though a few speakers remain. It is likely that with Wahrheit Teito Klein's restoration of the Raggs kingdom, the Raggs language is now regaining speakers.
Language of Raggs
# Language of the Gods The Language of the Gods, also known as the Language of Heaven, is a language in the 07-Ghost universe that is only spoken by the  and their vessels. It is not spoken in the anime. When the language of the gods is being spoken, dialogue bubbles have a shaded background, unlike dialogue bubbles for human languages, which have a white background. The written form of the language of the gods consists of strange logograms .A team of human researchers who were conducting experiments on Teito Klein saw the language of the gods on the laboratory monitors surrounding him when they tried to access his psyche, and were unable to decipher the symbols. This indicates that humans cannot read the gods' language either. 
Language of the Gods
# Lem Lem is a minor character in the 07-Ghost series, seen only in flashbacks of Labrador's past. He was Labrador's childhood friend and adoptive brother when the latter was human. Appearance. Lem appeared to be of average height and had a slender build. His hair was short and light-coloured. His eyes were also light-coloured. Personality. Lem was initially shown to have a cheerful personality. However, his desperation to save Lirin from her illness caused him to deny knowing Labrador when Labrador's body mutated into a plant-like being, so that he (Lem) could continue using the Flower of Eden to try to cure Lirin. Labrador's and Lirin's deaths drove him mad with guilt and grief, after which he eventually became a Wars. As a Wars, he was violent and aggressive, attempting to kill Teito and Ouka when they stumbled into the greenhouse of the Krat House of God. When his soul was finally able to depart in peace, he was shown to be happy and more like his former self. Relationships. Lirin. Lem cared deeply for his sister, desperately searching for a cure for her illness and enlisting Labrador's help when he heard about the Flower of Eden. He was evidently stricken with grief at her death. Labrador. Lem and Labrador were childhood friends, and along with Lirin, they often spent time together as children. Towards the end of his life, he said, 'Ilyusha...you're not cold anymore?' and was shown to be overjoyed as his soul left the human world. Labrador's Uncle. Labrador's uncle displayed a lack of concern for Lem. History. Early childhood. After their biological family died (how is unknown), Lem and Lirin were adopted by the Krat family. The two oftne spent time with Labrador. Teenage years. After Lirin's and Labrador's deaths, Lem made a bargain with a Kor and eventually became a Wars. His soul remained in the greenhouse of the Krat House for many years until Teito freed him. Manga synopsis. Teito and Ouka encountered Lem upon visiting the Krat House, and discovered that Lem was a Wars, but had a human conscience. A flashback revealed that Labrador (then known as Ilyusha) had tried to cure Lirin's terminal illness with the Flower of Eden. However, using the Flower of Eden caused Ilyusha's own body to mutate into a plant-like being, and both Ilyusha and Lirin died. Teito consoled Lem and told him that Ilyusha chose to die to save Lirin. Lem believed in Teito's words and broke a seal that released Profe, killing the Wars that was controlling him at the same time. Moments later, his soul departed in peace.
# Liam Liam is a minor character and one of two brothers who were acolytes training to become bishops. It would appear the two made the decision to become bishops after their parents died and the brothers' relatives took the opportunity to try and steal the extravagant inheritance left to the two young boys. Liam is the younger of the two, recognised by his smaller stature and light pink hair. In the manga Liam took the Bishop's Apprentice Exam, but failed, and is now training to retake the exam next year. Etymology. 'Liam' is a derivative of 'William', a name of Old German origins that means 'will helmet, protection'. This could allude to Ouida's protectiveness towards him. Appearance. Physical appearance. Liam appears as a young boy who is probably in his preteen years. He has a small, slim build, being an estimated 5 foot 3 inches in height, and his weight is unknown. Liam has a round face with chubby cheeks, a small nose, a small mouth, with large, dark purple-pink eyes. His hair is a pale pink colour, neck length and worn rather messy, with his fringe parted to the right. Clothing. He is first seen in the Bishop's apprentice uniform which appears as a long, white robe down to the ankles, having two slits, going from the bottom of the rob to the hips, at each side of the body, and long, white sleeves with large, dark blue sleeve cuffs. Down the back of the robe is a criss-cross stitching like that of a corset with dark blue thread. A small, white poncho (mid-back length) with a high collar and dark blue round the edges is worn over the robe, and he wears his exam badge at the front of his collar. He wears dark blue trousers and knee-length brown boots. Personality. When introduced, he appears very chatty and friendly, as when he found out about Teito Klein training with Castor he excitedly spoke to Teito about the rumours surrounding Castor, despite just having met Teito. He is eager to make new friends and nice to those he meets, as he waves at Teito and Hakuren Oak before the exam. Due to his young age Liam is curious about new things and often naive. However, he has demonstrated considerable guile, as he managed to trick his older brother, using a distraction, in an attempt to get his brother to pass the exam. During the exam he also appeared overwhelmed and frightened by strange things, yet his confidence appears to have grown since then, as he is seen waving goodbye to his brother (who he will not see again for a considerable amount of time) as he leaves, and rushing towards a group of friends he has made. Liam is not a worshiper of the Seven Ghosts, and this may be the reason he failed his exam. Relationship. With his family. Unnamed mother and father: Liam's mother and father died before he and Ouida came to the Church. It can be assumed that Liam was very close to his parents. Various relatives: Liam's relatives used his parents' deaths to take the house and inheritance, and attempted to separate him from Ouida. Ouida says that Liam was very frightened by them. Ouida. Ouida is Liam's guardian following the death of their parents, and is almost like a substitute father for Liam. Liam looks up to his older brother, has a lot of respect for him, and cares for him deeply, saying that he does not need to pray to the statue of Fest because he could not love Ouida more than he already does. Liam instead prays that the bond between them will never break. He wishes for Ouida to succeed in his dreams to become a Bishop and became upset when he thought he was preventing Ouida from succeeding. Liam was willing to sacrifice his place in the exam so Ouida could have it.  Peers. Teito Klein: Liam does not interact much with Teito, but they get along fairly well. When Liam found out that Teito was training with Castor, he excitedly spoke to Teito about the rumours surrounding Castor, despite having just met Teito. Abilities and Attributes. Liam is able to use a Baculus, having an attacking Zaiphon, but was not skilled enough to pass the Bishop exam. History. Childhood. It is revealed that Liam was born into a very wealthy, possibly noble, family, native to District 5. He was the younger of two sons. Escape to District 7. Liam's parents died sometime before he and Ouida fled to the Barsburg Church. It is unknown if his parents were assassinated by members of their own family, but after their deaths there was a large fortune left unclaimed, and relatives of the boys took advantage of this and claimed it, and their parents house, for themselves. It seems his relatives also tried to separate Ouida and Liam, and it could be that they (Ouida and Liam) travelled to the Church to protect themselves from potential assassination, as they were set to inherit their parents' money. Manga synopsis. Bishop's Apprentice Exam. Liam is first seen after Teito returns something Ouida dropped. Liam begins to question Teito on his private lessons with Castor, and is then introduced to Teito and Hakuren by his brother. Statue of Fest. Liam and his brother are then seen in one of the Ghosts towers, looking at the statue of, Fest. Upon arrival Liam asks whether this is the statue in which Ouida replies "it sure is, he's the God that Links peoples hearts together." Ouida then explains that the examinations are taken in pairs and that the examiners will be testing their bond as they go along. Liam says that despite not worshiping the ghost, he will pray that the bond between him and Ouida never breaks. Part one of the exam. The next time the brothers appear is right before the exam starts, where Liam waves at Teito and Hakuren.  He and his brother appear near the end of the first exam: at the final challenge, which is to decide which one of them passes, as only one can walk through the door of the victor. Ouida tells Liam to walk through the door of the victor, but Liam distracts Ouida, writes Ouida's name on the wall and runs through the door of the defeated, crying and saying Ouida should pass. Ouida follows him through the door, saying he wishes to protect his brother and they both pass. Part two of the exam. The events of Liam's final exam were not shown, but he did not pass. It is possible his worst fear were his relatives- like his brother's fear. After the exam. Upon failing the exam, Liam opts to retake the year in the hopes that he will pass the exam next year. He is seen with his new friends, preparing to leave the Barsburg Church as all the acolytes are moved back to their dorm rooms. It is likely he will not see his brother Ouida, who is leaving the district, for some time. Differences between the manga and anime. Introduction. In the manga, Liam is first introduced in the church refractory, where his brother drops something and Teito returns it. In the anime, Liam is first seen late for a sermon.
# Libelle Libelle is a minor character in the 07-Ghost anime series. She does not appear in the manga. Libelle is one of three recurring nuns who work in the Barsburg Church doing odd jobs, such as cooking, cleaning, and manual labour, and is often seen together with Athena and Rosalie. Out of the three sisters, Libelle is the eldest, and is recognised by her pink hair, blue eyes and tall stature. Etymology. Libelle is a German feminine given name that means 'dragonfly'.  Appearance. Physical appearance. Libelle physically appears to be the eldest of the three sisters, but whether she is really older than the other two is unknown. She is the tallest by almost a head, putting her roughly at five foot eight inches, and has a curvaceous build with a large bust and narrow waist. Libelle has a peachy skintone with an oval-shaped face, a long, up-turned nose, a small mouth with thin lips, as well as rather large, blue eyes with long eyelashes. Her hair is a dark pink in colour, straight, plaited and pinned up behind her head. Clothing. Sister Libelle is always seen in her Church wear, a nun's habit, which consists of a black tunic, and a white wimple over the tunic over her head and shoulders. Personality. Libelle first appears as friendly, cheerful, and willing to help when someone has a problem. However, she is easily the most hot-tempered of the three recurring nuns, and shouts when angry. Libelle is not afraid to speak her mind, and if she thinks someone is neglecting their duty, she will tell them. She is dutiful, does not slack off or forget the job at hand, and often pressures those around her to do their own jobs properly. Some apprentice bishop candidates are shown to be intimidated by her. Libelle is also somewhat domineering, bossing Athena and Rosalie around. However, she does genuinely care for others. Relationships. With her peers. Athena: Libelle and Athena get along relatively well, with Libelle acting like an older sister to Athena. However, Libelle often bosses Athena around. Rosalie: Libelle is often frustrated by Rosalie's clumsiness, and shouts at her when she accidentally causes trouble. Libelle acts like an older sister to Rosalie, taking care of her because of Rosalie's clumsy and naive nature. With others. Teito Klein: Like Athena and Rosalie, Libelle is kind and caring towards Teito. History. Much of Libelle's history is unknown. At some point in her life, she joined the Barsburg Church and became a nun. She has worked there for more than five years, as she remembers the time when Frau and Castor took the Bishop's apprentice exam. Anime synopsis. Meeting Teito. Libelle plays a relatively minor role in the anime and she is first seen when Teito is brought to the Church by Frau. She, along with the two other Sisters, takes Teito back to his room after they find him lying on the ground, him (Teito) having fainted, and gives him medicine, food and drink. Libelle is later seen in the dining room of the Church, where she has helped to prepare Teito's food. Introduction of Razette. She is later seen outside where she is doing the laundry with the other Sisters. When Teito aks her if she wants help, she politely declines and then chides Rosalie when the latter falls and drops all the washing she was carrying. The three nuns perform in a play for the Church and are briefly interrupted by Tajio, who is then taken away by Mikage and Teito.  During the Bishop exam, Sister Libelle monitors the dormitories of the examinees to make sure they get to bed on time, along with the other two Sisters, Athena and Rosalie. After seeing two examinees messing around, Libelle angrily comments that the standards of the students gets lower every year. Libelle is seen when the Barsburg Army invades the Church, where she angrily tells the soldiers that they have no right to enter the Church. She later helps to calm the hostages by preaching to them.
# Light Dungeon Light dungeon is an underwater prison in the 7th District where criminals on death row are kept. It is guarded by the Imperial Guard. Imprisonment. Although District 7 opens its borders to any criminals from the other Districts, if they continue to commit crimes when the Church has given them sanctuary, they are imprisoned in a dungeon located in the Barsburg Church. The list of offences that carry a death penalty in District 7 is unknown, though being a Warsfeil is instant execution. Description. Light dungeon is located deep under water, underneath the Church fountain, and is difficult to both reach and escape from. It is accessed by a hole in the floor in one of the streams running towards the fountain, which leads down through a labyrinth of tunnels and out the wall of the Church reservoir. Its location appears to be kept a secret from most people (possibly to stop fellow criminals attempting to free those trapped), but Razette apparently knows about it. Exterior. Light dungeon somewhat resembles a sunken temple or Church, with many pillars, staircases, archways and alleyways. Although it is unknown how or when this building was submerged, or if it was there before the reservoir, the ragged state of the stone, and fragile structure shows that it has been there for some time. It appears to be made of marble or limestone similar to the rest of the Church. Most of the stone there has already been covered by algae and is now inhabited by many of the fish living in the Church pool. Interior. Cells: Light dungeon houses many cells, the cells being small, square in shape with a single bed, as well as one small, barred, window. Water is prevented from entering the cell by the means of either strong glass, or some form of shield. Wildlife. The water is home to many species of fish, including Eyefish, and algae.
Light Dungeon
# Lirin Lirin (リリン) is a minor character in the 07-Ghost series, seen only in flashbacks of Labrador's past. She was his childhood friend and adoptive sister when he was human. Lirin and her older brother Lem were adopted by Labrador's family, the Krat Family. She died young as a result of illness, the same illness Labrador suffered from. Appearance. Being a child, Lirin was very short, with a height that was similar to Capella's, making her height about 121 cm. She always wore a flower-shaped hairclip on the right side of her head. This hairclip was given to Lem after her death. Personality. Lirin was a cheerful girl, as she was always shown smiling before her illness worsened. She also can be seen as affectionate, as she openly voiced her love and affection towards her older brother and Ilyusha. Relationships. Lem. Lirin appeared to be close to her older brother, and was seen playing and spending time with him and Labrador when they were children. Lem cared about his sister enough to try with all his might to find a cure for her illness, and was shown to be shocked and devastated at her death. Ilyusha Krat. Lirin was once shown putting a flower wreath on Labrador's head, despite his protests. She said that she would marry Labrador when she was older, though it seems that none of the three friends took this seriously. Lirin also said that Ilyusha was her god. Labrador cared about Lirin enough to use the petals of the Flower of Eden in an attempt to cure Lirin, though it eventually brought about his death. History. Early childhood. After their biological family died (how is unknown), Lirin and Lem were adopted by the Krat family. The two often spent time with Labrador. Not long after being adopted, Lirin died of an unnamed, presumably terminal illness. Manga synopsis. Labrador desperately searched for a cure for Lirin's illness, and after hearing about the Flower of Eden, which was reputed to be able to cure any illness, used it in an attempt to cure her. For a while, she seemed to be recovering, but eventually she died without feeling any pain (due to the power of the Flower of Eden, originally made by Verloren for taking away dead people's suffering when he led them to purgatory). Her death, and Labrador's, drove a grieving Lem to bargain with a Kor in his despair and eventually become a Wars.
# Lloyd Officer Lloyd is an officer that teaches at the Barsburg Military Academy, appearing to teach both written work and combat lessons. In the manga, he is referred to as 'Sensei' by the students he teaches. His name is given as Lloyd in the "Seven Ghosts" chapter, where he was the major antagonist, and attacked Teito after Teito escapes to the Church. However, he is neutral in the finalized series. Etymology. The name 'Lloyd' originates from the Welsh word: llwyd, which translates to 'grey'. This could be a reference to his grey/purple hair. Appearance. Physical apperance. Lloyd does not appear to be very tall, being estimated 170cm (in the anime at least) as he was shown to be a few inches smaller than Miroku. His build is slender and his weight is unknown. He has a long, oval-shaped face, with a long, thin nose, large mouth and full lips, and large, purple-coloured eyes. His hair is a light shade of purple/grey, cropped short at the back but with two longer bangs at the front at each side of his face. He has a full fringe with longer bangs to the left and right of his face. His two longer bangs are tied with cylindrical, red clips. In the Seven Ghosts chapter, Lloyd's hair is not tied back, and it reaches his knees. Clothing. Lloyd wears the Barsburg military uniform under a white robe that almost reaches his ankles. The robe has a high collar at the back that opens at the neck in a v-shape at the front. On the shoulders are rectangular, red clips and on the back of the robe is the insignia of the Barsburg military. At the front is a large, gold, decorative clip, that extends from his left shoulder and forms an upsidedown 'v' on his chest. The edges of the clip are two red jewels. Engraved across the clip is something written in Zaiphon symbols. Personality. Lloyd appears to be quite strict but friendly with his students. In lessons he is jokey and sarcastic, and chooses to settle problems in a light-hearted manner. He jokes with Teito, saying that him not attending his classes makes him sad, but does not look pleased when he sees Shuri with porn. Lloyd appears concerned about his own reputation, as he scolds Teito for not killing the criminal, as if one of his students hesitated it would make him look bad. Relationships. Lloyd is seen interacting with the officers around him warmly, suggesting he is on good terms with most of them. His relaxed nature during lessons suggest he has a friendly relationship with his students. However, he seems to dislike it when his students do things that disappoint him or do not meet his expectations, as he looks annoyed or unimpressed when Shuri's porn stash is revealed, and tells Teito that he (Teito) must kill the Begleiter Exam Prisoner, without any sympathy for Teito's personal feelings on the matter. History. Little is known of Lloyd's past other than he is a teacher at Barsburg Military Academy. It is likely that he went to a similar academy when he was younger, and he appeared to have worked at there for a while, as he was shown to be familiar with Miroku Barsburg and the officers around him. Manga Synopsis. Begleiter Exam. He is first in the assembly hall as Shuri gives his speech. He talks to Shigure about the candidates for the Begleiter Exam, where he comments on the difficulty of the exam. He next appears in one of the study rooms where he is Teito's teacher. He complains that Teito hasn't been attending his combat classes, but moves on when he hears Teito's reason: that he is excused from all combat lessons. When Mikage frames Shuri by planting porn on him, Lloyd looks rather unimpressed. Lloyd is finally seen at the examination, where he watches the students as they take their exam. When Teito refuses to kill the criminal, he becomes annoyed at him and tells him that he must kill him. Post-Begleiter exam. In the manga, Lloyd can be seen standing next to Ayanami when Teito launches his attempt on Ayanami's life. It is likely that Lloyd returned to teaching after Teito escaped. As he has not been seen again since the first episode/chapter, his status is unknown. Differences in the manga and anime. Teito's assassination attempt. In the manga, Lloyd is present when Teito attempts to kill Ayanami. In the anime, he is not there. Early 07-Ghost. Officer Lloyd appears in the pilot chapter, Seven Ghosts, as well as making a brief appearance in the Begleiter chapter. In Seven Ghosts he was a major antagonist. It was heavily implied that he was the one who killed Mikage, instead of Ayanami, and he pursued Teito when he fled to the Church. He arrives with a small army, with Teito believing he planned to kill all witnesses, and duelled Teito. He put the promise collar on Teito and was winning until the Eye of Mikhail is unleashed. Teito then kills Lloyd. In Begleiter, Lloyd appears to have been a scientist rather than a teacher, as he is seen in a lab and creates formulas. He appears very briefly where he shows Ayanami the new formula he had created. He looks defeated when Ayanami, unimpressed with the current one, asks him to make another one.
# Lyon Lyon is a minor character in the 07-Ghost series. She is Rena's maternal aunt. Etymology. Lyon is the name of a city in France.  Appearance. Physical appearance. She has short, fair hair, a small, upturned nose and a round face. Clothing. She was seen wearing a hat and clothing of an unknown light colour, as well as large, round earrings. Personality. She appears to be kind and friendly, as she smiled warmly at Rena and introduced herself and Sada enthusiastically. Relationships. Her siblings. She was clearly outraged when she learned that Ugur had murdered their sister, showing that she cared for Rena's mother. History. Very little is known about her history. She presumably grew up alongside her sister, Rena's mother; Ugur, Oole and Sada, her brothers. Like Oole, Sada and Ugur, she lives near Rena. Manga synopsis. She is first seen paying a visit to Rena's home. When Ugur's crimes are revealed, she is clearly shocked. She does not appear again after Ugur leaves for his trial, implying that she left. She has not been seen again since.
# Madame SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!Madame is a minor character, only known by her title, who owns the tavern in Baltos, that Teito Klein, Frau and Capella made their temporary home whilst on their journey to District 5. Etymology. 'Madame' is the French form of 'madam', and in French, is a respectful term used to address or refer to an older woman. In English, 'Madame' is also a term of address for a woman who manages a brothel. Appearance. Physical appearance. Madame is rather tall and full-figured, and appears to be somewhere in her 50s. Her face is round and shows signs of ageing with marionette lines and prominent jowls, and she has a large, pointy nose. Her face is heavily made-up: narrow, dark eyes with long eyelashes, pencilled eyebrows, and thick lips coated with a dark lipstick. She has thick, shiny, shoulder-length, curly dark hair. She also wears dark nail polish on her fingernails. Clothing. She wears a figure-hugging, knee-length, dark dress with a u-neckline and elbow-length sleeves. She also wears a dark bangle on her right arm, white stockings, and black high-heels, as well as a necklace made of a light-coloured stone, possibly pearl, and matching earrings. Madame is often seen smoking a long pipe, with carvings of roses on it. Personality. Despite appearances, Madame is caring and friendly, allowing Teito, Frau and Capella to stay in her tavern free of charge, and telling them to 'come again sometime' when they eventually leave to resume their journey. She believes in maintaining a good relationship with her employees, complimenting them when compliments are due, and joking with them. She appreciates it when others give her help, as shown when she gave Teito some money as a thank-you gift after Teito did some work as a waiter in her tavern. While friendly, she takes running her business seriously and may lose her temper if someone behaves inappropriately in her tavern. She is shown to be a heavy smoker. Relationships. Teito Klein: She likes Teito's hardworking attitude and gave him some money to reward him. Frau: Upon observing Frau's efficiency, Madame compliments him, jokingly saying that if Frau is this good, she will have him work there for the rest of his life. She also enjoys his cooking. Marie: Madame was Marie's employer. Their relationship is unknown, but chances are they had a good relationship. There is a painting of Marie in Madame's tavern which was painted during Marie's tenure as one of Madame's employees, and it remained in the tavern for years after Marie's death. Marie's soul was bound to the tavern by her insane ex-boyfriend, but Madame was unaware of this. History. Most of Madame's history is unknown. At some point during her adult life she became the manager and owner of the Tavern. Prior to her death, Marie was an employee of hers. Manga synopsis. Arrival at the Tavern. After Frau carries an unconscious Teito Klein through the Mountain Road to the city of Baltos, Madame lets them stay at her Tavern if Frau works there to pay for the food and rest they will be receiving. When Teito wakes, she greets him and introduces herself and the Tavern. Teito and Capella both offer to work for her tavern in return for letting him stay there, and she gratefully accepts. After the plaza ball, Madame provides her three new employees with clean clothes and towels, but becomes distressed when she sees them standing in the corridor with no clothes- telling them to cover themselves. Leaving District 6. As Teito Klein, Frau, and Capella leave for Dals in the 5th District, she rewards them with money for their hard work, and bids them farewell.
# Magdalen SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Magdalen (sometimes alternatively spelled as Magdalene) is a minor protagonist who has only appeared in SPEEDSTER, Kapitel 95 and Kapitel 96 so far. She was a mother figure to Frau, and died protecting him during the Sky Pirate Subjugation. Etymology. She may be named after Mary Magdalene, a woman in the Bible who lived during Jesus' time. The name 'Magdalene' itself is a name used in honour of Mary Magdalene. Appearance. Physical appearance. Magdalen is tall, with a slender build yet large bust, and long hair. Her face is oval-shaped, save for a slightly pointy chin. She wears lipstick. In SPEEDSTER, she has curly hair, but in manga chapters 95 and 96, her hair is straight and partially tied into a braid, with the rest of it worn as shoulder-length bangs. Magdalen is noted to be very beautiful as the Barsburg soldiers flirted and made moves on her until Frau bit their hand. When she encouraged the other contestants that this was their chance to surpass Guido, most of their motivation was because of her. Some of them were willing to risk their lives for her and one of them almost proposed to her before getting punched by his friend. Clothing. In SPEEDSTER, her clothes consist of a long-sleeved top that leaves her shoulders bare, over a long skirt, and she also carries what appears to be a fur wrap around. In Kapitel 95 and Kapitel 96, she is shown wearing a dark, sleeveless top with a collar shaped like two small belts and an X-shaped piece of fabric above the chest area, as well as plain, light-coloured drop earrings and high-waisted, knee-length pants. Personality. Magdalen has an outspoken and somewhat hot-tempered personality. However, she also shows a gentle, selfless and motherly side to Frau. This side of her is shown especially, when she dived on top of Frau to protect him from an explosion at the cost of her own life. Relationships. Vessels of Zehel. Frau Magdalen knew the two most recent reincarnations of Zehel. She was a mother figure to Frau, and it is likely that she was the closest thing Frau ever had to a mother, as Frau's biological mother was apparently absent from his life. Magdalen was rather strict with Frau at times, shouting at him when he sneaked off on his own and making sure that he did his job as a waiter properly.  However, the two also genuinely cared for each other, and despite initially disapproving of Frau wanting to become a sky pirate, she relented when she saw that it made him happy.  After Guido won the Fair Handle event, Magdalen immediately ran towards Frau and hugged him tightly and affectionately called him 'dear boy' to which some men jealously asked why is it always Frau. She sacrificed her life to protect him during the Sky Pirate Subjugation. Guido. Magdalen and Guido did not interact much but got along fairly well. She respected Guido enough to point out that he had seen hope inside of Frau. The two of them had a discussion about Frau's progress at the ship and were complimenting his skills and talents by being a fast learner, suggesting that they are proud of him. Both of them had parental roles in Frau's early life and tries to protect Frau whenever they possibly can. They died around the same time and shared a deep, sacrifical, familial love for Frau.  History. Early Childhood. Little is known about Magdalen's early years. She may have been born in Floating Island F-31 and lived there for most of her life. Adulthood. At some point after Frau's Father died due to a Hawkzile accident, she became Frau's guardian and took care of him. It is unknown if this was before or after she became a hostess. Sometime afterwards, Magdalen may have joined Guido's crew a few years after Frau left with Guido to become a Sky Pirate although this is not confirmed. Speedster. As Frau enters the tavern late, Magdalen immediately kicks the door next to his head and reprimands him for watching the Sky Pirates. She then notices that Frau is injured and asks if he was punched again. As the other hostesses welcome the Sky Pirates, Magdalen informs Frau that if he slacks off then there would be no dinner for him. The moment Kasuga came in, he declared to the people that he was sent by the Empire to become the new ruler and a tense conversation occured between him and another Sky Pirate. In order to diffuse the situation, Magdalen yelled them to stop as she understands that it is custom for Kasuga to be a new ruler but also defends that the Sky Pirates have their own way of doing things and that he should leave them alone. Afterwards, the Barsburg soldiers began intimidating her and then flirting with her. Just as they were about to grab her, Frau bit their hands and told them not to touch her. After Frau repeated what his Father said to him about the Sky Pirates, Magdalen looked on visibly shocked while calling out his name. When Kasuga and his men left after Guido's provocation, she scolded Frau that she did not raise him to act like an Sky Pirate. The next day, Magdalen looked at Kasuga's Hawkzile with surprise due to how he remodeled it. A fellow hostess asked what Fair Handle was and then explained it to her what it was. She also told her that the fastest man on the island is the Captain of Airborne Aegis, Guido. Magdalen explained the rules involved in Fair Handle and as Guido conversed with Kasuga, she encouraged the other contestants that it is their chance to surpass Guido and become famous themselves. As Magdalen, standing on a separated floating ground, releases the Pappy from its cage, the participants raced to get the creature. However, Magdalen becomes alert as she notices something zoom past her with a chain. She quickly recognizes Frau being connected to Guido's Hawkzile and screams in horror. During the race, Magdalen comments that contenders were rapidly dropping out and then thought out loud that it's the first time she's seen Frau's face look alive. As Frau catches the Pappy, Magdalen becomes wide-eyed at his achievement along with the others.  After the race, Frau lands with Guido together with Kasuga, and Magdalen suddenly hugs Frau and told him that he always makes her worried. When Kasuga yelled out his ambition of defeating Guido once again, Magdalen told Guido to not come boack for awhile. According to Frau, Magdalen chewed out Frau for what he did. When Guido welcomed Frau aboard the Airborne Aegis, he asked if it was all right with Magdalen and as Frau demonstrates his determination, she consented as he told him that he 'can't fight what is in his blood'. Magdalen hugged Frau again and told him to not come back if he doesn't become the man everyone will be proud of. Manga Synopsis. Frau's Past. In Kapitel 95, Guido and Magdalen had a discussion about Frau's progress at the ship and were complimenting his skills and talents as a fast learner.  When the Raggs War escalated in Kapitel 96 and the Aegis was targeted by the Barsburg Air Force, Magdalen encountered Frau in the hallway due to him not leaving the ship and hiding in the garbage chute. She grabbed Frau's shoulders and questioned why he hasn't left for the Barsburg Church already. As the enemy fired against the Aegis, the area where Frau and Magdalen was hit. She covered Frau and was fatally injured. With her dying breath, she told him that Guido saw hope inside of him. Afterwards, Magdalen died from her wounds.
# Main Page
Main Page
# Male Announcer Appearance. Physical appearance. He has short hair that is an unknown light colour and a moustache of the same colour, an angular face, a wide mouth and a pointed nose. Clothing. He wears a cowboy hat, sunglasses and a long-sleeved shirt. Personality. He appears to be excitable, though it is unknown whether this is his true personality or simply how he presents himself when doing his job. Manga synopsis. At the Hawkzile Race, he provides a constant commentary on the progress and conditions of the contestants. He has not appeared again since.
Male Announcer
# Male Scientist  The Male Scientist is a nameless minor character who was one of Nanase's subordinates on The Raphael Project.  Appearance. Physical appearance. He has short, fair hair, eyes of an unknown light colour, a large, straight nose and an angular face. Clothing. He wears a long, white lab coat and spectacles. Personality. When the Raphael Project was destroyed, he did not seem surprised and commented that there was no way defying God could have worked. He can therefore be assumed to be somewhat more religious than many of his colleagues.  Relationships. Nanase. He obeyed Nanase's instructions, but showed no grief at his death. Manga synopsis. He first appears in a flashback of the Raggs War, and is later seen helping to carry out experiments on Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg and Teito Klein despite having doubts about the experiments. When the Raphael Project is brought to an end, he is seen kneeling on the floor and surveying the damage. He then asks where Nanase is, but receives no response. Abilities. He possesses extensive scientific and technical knowledge.
Male Scientist
# Manga Listing Manga Listing is a list of all the volumes, and chapters within, of the 07-Ghost manga series. The 07 ghost manga is currently serialized in the monthly magazine Monthly Comic Zero Sum published by Ichijinsha. Eleven compilation volumes have been released as of January 2011. The first volume was released on November 25, 2005 and the eleventh volume was released on January 25, 2011. The manga has been licensed by Go! Comi for release in North America and Ever Glory Publishing Company Limited for the Chinese version. Volume list. A list of all the volumes and chapters in the 07 Ghost manga series, as well as the pilot chapters and extras.
Manga Listing
# Marie SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Marie is a minor character who only appears in the manga series. She was a beautiful woman who had worked for Madame as a hostess, artist's model and professional dancer when she was alive. She died five years prior to the series start, yet her soul remained in the mortal world because of a Kor's wish her former lover had made. Marie was eventually saved and freed by Frau, who had chosen to visit Madame's Tavern for this reason. Etymology. The name 'Marie' is the French form of 'Mary', and means 'bitter'. Marie's name is probably intended to be ironic, as she did not feel bitter towards her former lover despite what he had done to her. Appearance. Physical appearance. Marie was acknowledged as being very beautiful. She had a tall, slender build, with a large bust and long limbs. Her face was youthful and heart-shaped, with a small, pointy nose, a small mouth with thin lips, and large, light-coloured eyes with long eye-lashes. Her hair was long and loosely tied up in a bun at the back of her head though a large portion of it fell past her shoulders. Clothing. She wore an ankle-length, plain, light-coloured dress with full-length sleeves, though her shoulders were exposed. She wore light-coloured high-heels, and small, hanging, diamond-shaped earrings. Many flowers which resemble magnolias were woven into her hair. Personality. Marie was shown to be very kind and forgiving, not resenting her lover despite the evil he committed against her. Despite her dire situation, she remained optimistic and cheerful, smiling at people she knew couldn't see her. She was also a playful and affectionate woman, hugging and joking with Teito. Marie was slightly self-deprecating, hinting in her conversation with Teito that she thought she did not look like a dancer. Relationships. Her former lover: Despite his possessive behaviour towards her, eventually culminating in her murder and entrapment of her soul, she bore no ill feelings towards him. She willingly let Frau set her soul free so she wouldn't be bound by her lover's selfish wish any longer. Teito Klein: Marie seemed to like Teito. In the brief time they spent together, Marie was flattered by a compliment Teito had given her, hugged him and joked that he should grow up quickly so she could have his children. Abilities and Attributes. Marie was a very talented dancer, earning a reputation as the "town's best dancer". After dying she gained typical ghost-like abilities, such as intangibility (moving through objects), and invisibility to normal humans. History. During adulthood, Marie began working at Madame's tavern, where her skill earned her a reputation as the "town's best dancer". Death. At some point, she became romantically involved with an unnamed man. However, he was very jealous and violent, and he killed her five years prior to the series start. During his transformation into a Wars, one of the wishes he made was that Marie's soul would always be tied to the tavern, meaning her spirit was prevented from going to heaven when she died, so it remained in the human world. Manga synopsis. While working in Madame's tavern, Teito sees a painting of a woman who greatly resembles Marie. Marie is sitting at a table by the painting, and he asks her if she was the model. She replies that she was, and Teito watches as the Tavern owner sits in the same seat and Marie walks through her. Teito realises Marie is a spirit. Freedom. Frau happens upon her on the roof of the tavern, and asks for her hand. Marie accepts, and she has one last dance with Frau, before Frau uses his Ghost power to free her soul. Her soul departs in peace, returning to Heaven.
# Marie's Lover SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!Marie's Lover is an unnamed, minor antagonist who only appeared in Kapitel 35. He was romantically involved with a Tavern dancer named Marie but his jealousy drove him to murder her. During his transformation into a Wars, he wished that Marie's soul would always be tied to the tavern, meaning her soul stayed in the human world after she died. He was eventually devoured by Frau using Verloren's Scythe. Appearance. He appeared of average height, with a quite muscular build. His face was diamond-shaped, with a large nose, wide mouth and light-coloured hair and eyes. After becoming a Wars he lost most of his resemblance to a human being. Personality. He was shown to have an aggressive and vicious personality, shouting at and violently attacking Frau. He was also obsessive and jealous, killing Marie because he believed that her soul belonged to him, and showed an arrogant streak- mocking Frau because he believed that as a Wars he could not be harmed. Relationships. Marie: He was possessive of and obsessive towards Marie, referring to her as 'my woman' and saying that she 'belonged' to him. He killed her, and wished that her soul would always stay in the human world so that he could never lose her. History. At some point, he became romantically involved with the tavern dancer Marie, but became increasingly possessive of her. Deal with a Kor. His possessiveness lead to him making a deal with a Kor, and one of his wishes was that Marie's soul would "always be here" [the Tavern] so that she would never leave him. However, this failed to placate him, and he eventually killed her, the permanence of Kor wishes meaning her soul remained at the Tavern even after her death. He soon completed his transformation into a Wars. Manga synopsis. The Wars that used to be Marie's lover remained in the area around the Tavern, feeding and growing in size. He sensed that Frau had freed Marie's soul, recognised him as the Ghost Zehel, and attacked him: enraged that he and Marie were apart. During the fight he repeatedly antagonised Frau- thinking himself invincible. However, Frau was able to defeat him, using Verloren's Scythe to devour his tainted soul as punishment.
Marie's Lover
# Mark SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!Mark is a minor protagonist in the 07-Ghost series. He was one of the three bodyguards ordered by King Krom Raggs to protect Fea Kreuz and Tiashe during the Raggs War. He died in chapter 65 when he confronted Hyuuga. Etymology. 'Mark' is the name of one of Jesus' disciples in the Christian bible. Appearance. Physical appearance. Mark was apparently the eldest of the bodyguards. He appeared as a middle-aged man with a very muscular, broad shouldered build, and was very tall. He had fair-coloured skin. His jaw was square, and he had a long straight nose, and a wide mouth with thin lips. His hair was neck-length with a long fringe, and a yellow-blonde colour. It was wavy and parted down the middle. His eyes were small and a light amber-brown. Clothing. He wore the standard armour of the Black Beast Squadron. It consisted of a gray upper armour plate, with a neck guard that is open at the front, which covered his entire torso as well as bulky paddings at his shoulders. At the centre of the armour plate is the Raggs Kingdoms' insignia. Underneath the armour plate is a black shirt with gray linings which corresponds to the sleeves. The upper arms were covered with black sleeves with gray linings at the edge, which was linked to the paddings at the shoulders, and ended at the wrist. Attached to the lower part of the armour plate is a black cape-like clothing with gray linings. The outfit was finished with gray gloves, black trousers, which was tucked in the boots covered with leg braces and paddings. Personality. Mark only appeared briefly a few times, but was shown to have a courageous, respectful and loyal personality. An omake in the manga states that he is kind and liked by most people. According to the omake, he seems to like being asked for favours as he enthusiastically asked what the favour was when Kreuz told him he wanted something from him. Mark was generally calm, but like Agas, sometimes panicked easily around Fea Kreuz, when he tried to poison himself knowing that it would make Teito feel happy, as Mark tackled Kreuz, together with Agas, to the ground.  Relationships. Teito Klein Mark was kind and caring towards Teito. He protected Teito during the Raggs War. When Teito entered Raggs Castle, Mark appeared in a flashback where he answered Teito's question on what was falling on them; he responded snow. Teito then tells him that his hands are shivery and shortly afterwards, Mark breathes into his hands to make it warm. After Krom revealed that Teito was succesfully functioning as Pandora's Box, Mark was visibly surprised and desperately asked if it was no longer possible to save Teito, indicating his attachment to him. When Mark was about to confront Hyuuga, he smiled one last time to Teito in order to reassure him and make feel at ease. He did not want Teito to be sad at all and highlighted that it was his pride to do this for him. This showed that he was willing to sacrifice his life for Teito's In return, Teito was also deeply attached to Mark by calling him affectionately with his nickname, 'Mar-kun'. Before he went to battle, Teito wanted him to catch up with them and made him promise, to which he answered, that his heart will always be with him. Fea Kreuz. Mark got along well with Kreuz, and Mark protected Kreuz during the Raggs War. However, Kreuz occasionally made Mark do things against his (Mark's) will, e.g. in an omake in the manga, Kreuz made Mark call himself 'wild beast powder' and say 'Piong' at the end of every sentence, for the purpose of entertaining Teito, to Mark's embarrassment. In addition, when Teito gave him a leaf with a knife stabbed into it, as a form of salad, Kreuz told Mark to give up as it was the 'Prince's good will'. Both of them cherished Teito and would not hesitate to give their life for him. Also, the clearly respected each other by calling the other's names by the suffix 'dono'. Agas and Karan. Mark was often seen with Agas and Karan. The three appeared to be friends, and were colleagues, as all three were members of the Black Beast Squadron. All three shared the duty of playing and protecting Teito alongside Fea Kreuz and all of them seemed to get along very well with each other. Also, they were the personal bodyguards of the Weldeschtein Krom Raggs so they spend most of the time together.  When Fea Kreuz was planning on bringing along Teito around the Seven Houses of God, Agas and Mark were the ones who most notably insisted in escorting Teito with Kreuz, saying that it was unfair for him (Kreuz) to go alone, with Karan sustaining his composure by the sidelines. Abilities and Attributes. Because he is a member of the Black Beast Squadron, it is implied that he is very strong for a human. This was demonstrated when his attack could split the ground. According to Hyuuga, his attack was very powerful that if Hyuuga had not been a Warsfeil, he would have killed him then.  He was a highly skilled fighter, to the extent that some soldiers from the Barsburg Armed Forces were apparently shocked and impressed by his abilities, and Hyuuga genuinely complimented him on his skill. Unlike Agas and Kara, he was not seen dual-wielding therefore it is safe assume that he was not as good as the others with two swords. History. Early childhood. Little is known about Mark's early years. He was presumably born and raised in the kingdom of Raggs. Adulthood. At some point in his life, Mark began working as a bodyguard for King Weldeschtein Krom Raggs. Manga Synopsis. Teito's disappearance. The night Teito Klein went missing, Mark had been in palace garden with him, Fea Kreuz, and the rest of the Black Beast Squadron, where Teito had prepared 'food' for them all that consisted of poisonous mushrooms. Mark panicked at the sight of his food, but Kreuz told him he must eat it. Kreuz then attempts to eat his own as it will please Teito, leading to Mark and Agas overpowering him and forcibly taking the plate from him before he can poison himself. The ambassador from the Barsburg Empire then arrives as informed by the Royal Attendant, leading Fea Kreuz and the Black Beast Squadron to leave in order to meet him. Afterwards, Teito is left in the company of a Royal Attendant, whereupon he is kidnapped by Vanessa Antwort. In Kapitel 41, he is seen in a flashback as Teito enters Raggs Castle. He was playing with a young Teito in the water, along with Karan, as he makes a rainbow for Teito's amusement and tells him to make three wishes. Pandora's Box. After Fea Kreuz rescued Teito from The Pope, Teito rested on the table in which afterwards, Krom revealed that he was acting as Pandora's Box successfully as Teito accepted the 'body'. He was visibly shocked at this revelation along with the Karan and Mark and asked desperately if there was any way to save him. When Krom wanted implant the Eye of Mikhail to Teito in order to stop his soul from being devoured by Verloren, Mark was worried but decided not to say anything and listened to his King's orders. As Kreuz planned to go with Teito to the Houses of God, Mark and Agas volunteered without hesitation to escort Teito and Kreuz saying it was unfair but Karan maintained his composure by the sidelines. However, Kreuz indicated that they needed to wait for the reply from the Barsburg Empire so they had to remain with Krom. Mark was also present when a messenger told Krom that the Empire was using the Eye of Raphael to attack the Raggs Kingdom. In Kapitel 44, he was seen briefly along with Fea Kreuz as one of many of Teito's precious people when Teito wonders how much time he has left as he realizes that without the Eye of Mikhail, Verloren is breaking free from his cage and is waiting to devour his soul. Escort Mission. As Fea Kreuz and Teito were about to get attacked by the Barsburg soldiers, Agas arrives to rescue and guard them to the Seven Houses of God, together with Karan and Mark, as ordered by Krom. As the number of pursuers were increasing, Karan and Agas stayed with Kreuz and Teito as Mark volunteers himself to stop the enemy forces from closing in on them.  Teito called for Mark and wanted him to catch up with them and Mark responded that his heart will always be with him and smiled one last time. He stropped the Barsburg soldiers by sinking the land, in which afterwards, Hyuuga appeared. His enemy proved to be too strong and his right arm was ripped off by Hyuuga as a result. Nevertheless, he continued fighting him, and as a last resort, Mark got himself stabbed on the chest and destroyed the ground they were in a desperate attempt to Hyuuga by sacrificing himself. However, it was to no avail because of Hyuuga's advantage of being a Warsfeil. Agas, Karan and Kreuz were surprised by the tremor caused by Mark's last attack and looks back. In Kapitel 67, as all three members of the Black Beast Squadron passes away, Teito is shown to have cried and desperately kept on pleading on getting them to come back and to not leave him as they wave goodbye to Teito. In Kapitel 87, the Black Beast Squadron and Weldeschtein Krom Raggs is seen in a dream flashback by Millea Klein when she awakens. Krom and Millea held hands and the Squadron had greeted and informed her that her son was still among the living and is continuing to survive despite hardship. By then, Teito need not have told his mother about their deaths.
# Master Master is an acquaintance of Frau's and an unnamed minor character, known only by his title, who only appeared in manga chapter 55. He is a bartender who works in Neal, and Frau enlisted his help when searching for Capella's mother, Rutia. Etymology. In the Japanese language, a bartender can be addressed as 'Master'. Appearance. Physical appearance. Master is a rather tall man, being only somewhat shorter than Frau, and has an average build. He appears to be elderly, with a wrinkled face. His hair is short, light-coloured and slicked back, with a few strands falling over his forehead and reaching past his eyebrows. He has thick eyebrows, presumably the same colour as his hair, as well as a moustache and a squarish chin. Clothing. He wears glasses and a suit. Personality. Though only seen briefly, Master seems to be a helpful and hospitable man, as he let Teito Klein (who was unwell at the time) rest in his bar without asking any questions, and took the time to answer Frau's questions. He also showed signs of believing in the supernatural, though it is likely that he is unaware of Frau's true nature. Relationships. Frau: He appears to have known Frau for some time, and from what little interaction has been shown between them, they seem to have a cordial relationship. Master also seems to be familiar with Frau's drinking habits. Capella: Master was friendly towards Capella, and called him cute. Teito Klein: Master allowed Teito to sleep in his bar when he (Teito) was ill. History. Little is known about his history. At some point in time, he began working as a bartender. How he and Frau came to know each other is unknown. Manga synopsis. Master first appears when Frau carries a sick Teito into his bar, where Frau asks him if Teito can rest there. Master agrees and, after Frau has laid Teito down on the innermost sofa in the bar, fetches a blanket to cover Teito with. He then pours a bottle of vodka for Frau and informs Frau that the address they (Frau, Capella and Teito) are looking for is the Almarz Residence, also telling him about its owner. Master is puzzled when Frau says that they have already been past the place where the Almarz Residence is, but did not see it, and wonders out loud if the Almarz Residence had somehow turned into a 'ghost'. He has not been seen again since, and his current status is unknown. 
# Matilda Matilda is a minor character only mentioned in The Day of Retribution, a 07-Ghost drama CD. Etymology. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matilda_(name) Drama CD synopsis. Frau mentioned her in the drama CD The Day of Retribution, and said that she is his idol. One day when he was supposed to be doing chores in the Barsburg Church, he wanted to attend a commemoration marking the 50th anniversary of her debut, and bribed Mikage Celestine into doing the chores for him in exchange for porn. However, Castor found out and confiscated the porn, but relented and let Frau go out to meet Matilda on the condition of Frau agreeing to do the chores for the rest of the week. Frau accepted the condition and ran off to meet Matilda.
# Mechanic The Mechanic is a nameless, minor character who appeared briefly in chapter 27 of the 07-Ghost manga series.  Appearance. Physical appearance. She is fairly tall, with light-coloured hair that she wears tied up, large eyes and a small nose. Clothing. She wears a uniform that consists of a cap, gloves, a collared, short-sleeved shirt and long pants, all of which appear to be the same colour. Personality. Not much is known about her personality but she appears to be friendly. Relationships. Nothing is known about her relationships. History. At some point in her life, she began working in Ria's repair shop. Her job probably required her to gain technical expertise, so she may have studied engineering elsewhere before becoming a mechanic. Her nationality is unknown but she may be from Ria. Manga synopsis. The nameless mechanic appears very briefly in Ria's repair shop when Frau and Teito Klein need to have maintenance work done on their Hawkzile. She informs them about the price for Hawkzile maintenance, and Frau flirts with her, asking her how much maintenance on him would cost. Seeing Teito and Capella, she replies that she dislikes bringing kids along and walks away. She has not been seen again since, and her current status is unknown.
# Media See .
# Melody of Michael The 07-Ghost soundtrack was composed and arranged by Kotaro Nakagawa. The first Original Soundtrack, titled 'Melody of Michael', was released on 18 November 2009 and contains three discs with a total number of eighty-four tracks. The album cover art features the symbol of the Raggs-Antwort political alliance, surrounded by the symbols of the Seven Ghosts. Melody of Michael OST. Disc 1. 01. Teito Klein 02. Reminiscence (Piano version) 03. Reminiscence (Trombone version) 04. Guiding Memory 05. Busy Time 06. Imperial Military Academy 07. Warm Heart 08. Soul Killer ~Zehel 09. Soul Killer ~Zehel 2 10. Soul Keeper ~Profe 11. Soul Keeper ~Profe 2 12. Soul Binder ~Fest – Spinning Fate 13. Barsburg Empire 14. Empire’s Menace 15. Everyday wrapped in Light 16. Sisters’ Guidance 17. Ho-BURUGU Fort 18. The Next Move 19. End the Fight Violently 20. Power of Darkness becomes Powerful 21. Barsburg Church 22. A Song of Blessing 23. Requiem of the Beloved Sacrifices Disc 2. 01. Unreachable Thoughts ~Despair 02. The 7th District ~God’s Domain 03. The Night at Church Wears On 04. Darkness draws near 05. Noel Mermaid ~Razette 06. Legend ~Seven Ghost 07. Counterattack Signal 08. Counterattack Signal (chorus cut version) 09. Power of Darkness released 10. Eye of Michael ~Awakening 11. Escape 12. Spirit that sinks into darkness 13. God grants a kind power 14. God grants a kind power 2 15. Familiar ~Kor 16. Ayanami ~Verloren 17. Commence Operation 18. Tension 19. Heartless Decision 20. Crisis draws near 21. Anxiety 22. Powerful Imprisoning Darkness ~Wars 23. Be Pure My Child, and Sleep 24. Flow of Calm Times 25. Soul’s Path 26. Tree’s Filtered Sunlight 27. Fate’s Choice Disc 3. 01. Aka no Kakera (TV Size) 02. Snow of My Home 03. Light that guides forward 04. Power of Darkness crawls 05. Hymn A 06. Time Light Floods 07. Lamb that Falls From the Sky 08. Dark Clouds 09. Eye Catch A 10. Eye Catch B 11. Chance Meeting 12. Inside my dear daily memories 13. Raggs Requiem (album edit) 14. Hymn B 15. The 7th District’s Specialty 16. Unsettling Wind of the World’s Destruction 17. Lost Lamb 18. Premonition 19. Hitomi no Kotae ~The past ver.~ (TV Size) 20. Informing Flower ~Number 1 21. Informing Flower ~Number 2 22. Informing Flower ~Number 3 23. Bonus Tracks Mini Drama “Escape” 24. Hitomi no Kotae ~The future ver.~ (TV Size)
Melody of Michael
# Michael