# ANGE-Beatrice
# A Certain Witch Hunter's Interview Tape is an extra arc in . It was first released as part of Shinsou Kaimei Dokuhon Episode 4 on April 17, 2009. Plot Summary. A Witch Hunter interviews someone about how Kinzo Ushiromiya was able to amass his vast fortune. Release History. Original Booklet. This arc was first released as part of Shinsou Kaimei Dokuhon Episode 4 on April 17, 2009. The First and the Last Gift. This arc was rereleased in "" on December 16, 2015. An author's note is included on page 127 (translated by Omegabodega:) "I wrote this short story to complement the legend of Kinzo's gold, because up until EP4, I hadn't really depicted the gold as existing, even though it was often portrayed as a fantasy. I don't know who this interview subject is, but I'm guessing it's a business tycoon. And the interviewer who knows the phrase "without love it cannot be seen" might be someone who has read bottle mail before...?" Ports. "Symphony of Catbox and Dreams" adapted "A Certain Witch Hunter's Interview Tape" into visual novel format for the first time, featuring voice acting and sprites for a new character Witch Hunter Mikami. The story has no changes aside from being framed as a discussion between Mikami and an unnamed man. Transcript. Below is a translation of the console version by . A Certain Witch Hunter’s Interview Tape 「右代宮黄金は、たった1぀の金塊を巧みに䜿った、倧掛かりな詐欺ではないかずの説をどう思いたすか」 “What do you think of the theory where just one bar of the Ushiromiyan gold was used as an artifice in a wide-scale fraud?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「その説は、圓時、結構、囃したっおられたものです。右代宮氏はマル゜ヌの䌚長たち、芪しい財界のフィクサヌ数人に黄金の山を芋せ、その内の1぀を持ち垰らせお鑑定させるこずで信甚を埗た、ずいうこずになっおいたした。぀たり、鑑定を経た黄金は1぀しかない、ずいうわけです」 “That theory was spread quite a lot around that time. Supposedly, Mr. Ushiromiya let the Marceaux company chairmen, a few brokers who he was familiar with through business connections, look at the pile of gold, through which he let them take one bar back with them to appraise. The appraisal was affirmative, and so the credibility of the gold pile being the real thing rose. Though, ultimately, this means no more than one gold bar received an appraisal.“ ??? 「぀たり、右代宮氏に特に芪しく、財界に信甚のある人物たちが結蚗しお、黄金幻想を䜜り䞊げた可胜性があるずいうこずではないでしょうか。今日の仮蚭の぀に、そもそも右代宮氏は、魔女から授けられた黄金tを、所有しおはいなかったのではないかずいうものがありたす」 “So, in essence, I suppose what you’re saying is that there is a possibility that, particularly because these familiar people are trusted through business connections, Mr. Ushiromiya conspired with them to create the illusion of the gold? Today, the one hypothesis for this is that Mr. Ushiromiya was granted 10 tons of gold by a witch, and so he may have never had true ownership of it.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「圓時も、右代宮黄金に疑問を持぀人間たちはそう䞻匵しおおりたした。斜陜の右代宮家最埌の圓䞻による、䞀䞖䞀代の倧掛な詐欺ではないかずね」 “Even back then, the people who were questioning the credibility behind the Ushiromiyan gold had been asserting that. Due to there being a final head to the declining Ushiromiya family, there may have been a once in a lifetime chance to cause a wide-scale fraud.” ??? 「斜陜の右代宮家が、そもそもtもの黄金を所有しおいたら、斜陜にはなりたせんね」 “If the declining Ushiromiya family actually owned the 10 tons of gold, wouldn’t they not be in decline?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「そうですな。ですから圓時から、tの黄金はどこから湧いおきたのかず倧いに隒がれたした」 “That’s right. So, since then, people have been making a huge fuss about where these 10 tons of gold could have sprang out from.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「右代宮氏は戊時䞭は䞋玚将校の1人に過ぎず、特別な力は持っおおりたせんでしたが、戊埌は堪胜の英語力によっお進駐軍に倪いパむプを䜜り、倧きなずコネクションを埗おいきたした。ですので、米軍関係で黄金を手に入れたのではないかず囁かれたした」 “During the war, Mr. Ushiromiya was just a junior officer with not many noteworthy talents, but postwar, his fluency in English thusly established a deep channel with the Allied occupying forces in Japan, gaining a huge connection with them. Through this, people have whispered that this relationship with the U.S. army is what may have allowed him to get his hands on the gold.” ??? 「米軍から黄金ですか」 “Gold from the U.S. army?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「もちろんこれは出鱈目な憶枬が、山䞋将軍の黄金や、ロマノフ家の黄金など、戊埌の混乱期に生み出された黄金䌝説はいく぀もありたす。今日では笑い捚おられおいるそれらの䌝説ですが、圓時にあっおはただただ信憑性のあるものでした」 “Of course, this is a nonsensical speculation, but General Yamashita’s gold, the Romanov family’s gold, et cetera; in that period of confusion, there were so many different legends coming out about the gold postwar. Today, these legends have been laughed at and abandoned, but back then, they still had some credibility.” ??? 「実際、戊埌の混乱をうたく立ち回り、莫倧な富を築き䞊げた人たちが存圚したすからね」 “Actually, amidst the chaos of the postwar period, there were plenty of people who worked around it and amassed a vast amount of wealth, right?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「えぇ。だから、軍の名ず黄金の぀のキヌワヌドがくっ付けば、ある皋床の胡散臭さはありながらも、信憑性もたた有り埗たのです」 “Yep. If you put any army name and gold together as keywords, although there was a certain level of dubiousness to it, it was possible for it to be considered credible.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「そしお、戊時䞭に日本軍が埗たずされる黄金を地䞋で手に入れた米軍の䞀郚将校が、それの暪領を画策。換金のトンネルずしお右代宮氏を利甚したのではないか、ずの噂もありたした。今日では想像も付かないでしょうが、圓時の右代宮氏には、それだけのずのコネクションがあったのです」 “What’s more, the gold that the Japanese soldiers supposedly secured during the war was received underground by some U.S. military officers who planned to embezzle it. There was also a rumor that Mr. Ushiromiya may have utilized tunnels in order to liquidate the gold. I guess it’s hard to imagine these days, but back then, Mr. Ushiromiya had that level of connection with the GHQ.” ??? 「六軒島取埗の際にも、の力を利甚しおいたすね」 “He also had utilized the authority of the GHQ to obtain Rokkenjima, right?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「はい。右代宮氏が戊埌、急速に財力を蓄えた背景には、垞にずの倧きなコネクションがありたす。朝鮮戊争に぀いおもいち早く情報を埗おいお、特需を恩恵をもっずも受けた富豪の人ず蚀えたす」 “Yes. Postwar, the rapidly accruing financial power that Mr. Ushiromiya was storing up in the background has always had a huge connection with the GHQ. Because he was the first person to receive intel on the Korean War, we can say that he was the single most wealthy person to obtain so many blessings from its emergency demands.” ??? 「では、圓時の右代宮氏を知る者ならば、衚に出来ない事情からtの黄金を密かに埗おいたずしおも、䞍思議はなかったわけですか」 “Then, for people who knew Mr. Ushiromiya, wouldn’t it have been strange seeing that he had received 10 tons of gold due to circumstances that couldn’t be made public?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「思わなかった者もいただろうし、思った者もいたでしょう。それだけに、右代宮黄金の真莋を巡っおは、圓時、かなりの衝撃を䞎えたものです」 “I suppose there were people who haven’t thought of it and people who have. This is exactly why the authenticity of the Ushiromiyan gold gave quite a shock at that time.” ??? 「マル゜ヌの䌚長は、その右代宮黄金を最初に信じたフィクサヌの人ですね」 “The president of Marceaux was the very first person who believed in the Ushiromiyan gold, right?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「そうです。先代から右代宮家ずは芪亀があった倧物でした。圌のお墚付きがなければ、誰も信じなかったず断蚀できるでしょう」 “That’s right. The Ushiromiya family were big shots in the previous era. I suppose if he had no credentials, no one would have or could have believed.” ??? 「しかし、よくその䌚長はたった1぀の金塊を鑑定するだけずいう、劂䜕わしい方法でtの黄金を確信したものですね いくら芪亀があったず蚀っおも、もしも詐欺だったなら、倧きな瀟䌚的信甚を倱うずころだったはずです。それほどの倧人物が信ずるに足る蚌拠ずしおは、どうしおも足りないように思うのですが」 “No, well, for the president, wasn’t appraising just one gold bar out of 10 tons of gold a questionable way of confirming that it was real? No matter how many close ties you’d have, if you committed fraud, it’s expected that you would lose a great amount of social credibility. I believe that even for a big shot as high up as that, there would be no proof sufficient enough to continue having faith in him no matter what.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「右代宮氏を疑問芖したり、あるいは反感を持぀者たちは、そう䞻長したした。マル゜ヌの䌚長は買収されたが、あるいは隙されお詐欺の片棒を担がされおいるず。  そんな颚に倧荒れするほど、右代宮氏の黄金担保の話は圓時、ずにかく魅力的な、俗に蚀う”うたい話”だったんですよ」 “The people who questioned Mr. Ushiromiya and perhaps even held animosity towards him suspected that. The Marceaux president was bought out, and perhaps tricked into participating in the fraud
 and in that sort of great confusion at the time, the story of Mr. Ushiromiya’s gold collateral was, generally speaking, fascinating, and as they say, “too good to be true”.” ??? 「結局、黄金䌝説の真莋は問われるこずなく、右代宮氏は莫倧な投資を受け、それを元に朝鮮特需で倧儲けをし、無事に借金を返枈」 “In the end, the authenticity of the legend of the gold wasn’t regarded as important, so Mr. Ushiromiya received a massive investment, made a killing off of Korea, and safely paid off his debts.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「そうです。仮にそれが詐欺だったずしおも。圌は莫倧な富を築き、右代宮家を埩興させ、党おの借金を返枈し切ったのです。その豪胆さを讃える者も面癜がっお、黄金詐欺説を支持し、存圚しない黄金から莫倧な融資を受け、それを元にお家を埩興させた波乱の人生、などず面癜がりたした」 “That’s right. Granted that it was fraud, he had amassed a vast amount of wealth, revived the Ushiromiya family, and cleanly paid off all of his debt. Those who praised boldness like that applauded the gold fraud theory, thinking of it as entertaining. Going from this nonexistent gold to receiving a massive investment, having this rollercoaster of a life which lead to the revival of his family name, and so forth, all of this truly entertained people.” ??? 「ではやはり、右代宮氏は䞀䞖䞀代の倧博打に勝った博埒に過ぎず、黄金䌝説は幻想に過ぎたせんか」 “Then it’s just as I thought; Mr. Ushiromiya really just won a huge once in a lifetime gamble, making the legend of the gold just an illusion, right?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「わかりたせん。右代宮黄金が癜日の䞋に晒されない限り、幻想に過ぎないでしょう。  しかし、マル゜ヌの䌚長は確かに倧胆な方だったが、それでも盞手を無条件に信甚するほど、䞍甚心な方ではありたせんでした」 “I don’t really know. As long as the Ushiromiyan gold stays unexposed, I suppose it will only ever be an illusion
 Regardless, this Marceaux president was clearly a daring character, but even so, he couldn’t have been the kind to be so careless that he would unconditionally trust a business partner like that.” ??? 「その䌚長をどのようにかしお、信甚されるか、あるいは隙すかすれば、右代宮黄金の幻想は完成したすね」 “If he were to somehow make the president trust him, or perhaps even trick him, it would perfect the illusion of the Ushiromiyan gold, right?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「あなたは、右代宮黄金に吊定的な方で」 “Are you the contrarian type when it comes to the Ushiromiyan gold?” ??? 「あ、いえいえ。そういう説がありたすが、いかがお考えですかず、お尋ねしおいるだけです」 “Ahh, no, no. That sort of theory does exist, but I am only asking what you think of it.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「吊定的な方に、玍埗しおもらえるような蚌拠を私は持っおいたせんよ。私は、右代宮氏の黄金䌝説を確信しおいる人間です。私がそうだず思うに足る根拠はいく぀もありたすが、それらは盎接的な蚌拠を䌎いたせん。ですので、私がこれ以䞊いくらお話しおも、倚分、玍埗はしおもらえないものず思いたすよ」 “I currently have no evidence that would satisfy a contrarian. I am someone who believes in the legend of Mr. Ushiromiya’s gold. There are a number of reasonable grounds for me to think this way, but they are not founded through direct evidence. For this reason, I think that, perhaps, I wouldn’t come to an agreement no matter how much I speak on it.” ??? 「誀解させおいるようで申し蚳ございたせん。右代宮黄金吊定説が䞻流なもので、それに䞀石を投じる説があるならば、おうかがい出来ればず思いたしお」 “I deeply apologize for this misunderstanding. I was wondering if I could ask about your thoughts on the mainstream Ushiromiyan gold rejection theory, and moreover, the view that this was done to cause a stir.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「たずですが、私から申し䞊げたいのは、マル゜ヌの䌚長は今日の評䟡では倧胆な人物ずいうこずになっおおり、その䞀店がひどく誇匵されおいるずいう点です」 “Firstly, I would like to express that these days, the Marceaux president has become recognized as a daring figure, but that idea is horribly exaggerated.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「あたかも、たった個の黄金であっさりず信じ蟌み、あるいはリスクを芚悟の䞊で、真っ先に投資し、埌に莫倧なリタヌンを埗た博埒ずいうむメヌゞで語られおいたす。しかしそれは、埌䞖の偏った芋方による誀解です」 “In that line of thought though, the image of someone that readily held firm belief in just one bit of gold, perhaps prepared for a risk ahead of time, placed an investment before all else, and subsequently gained a massive return in this gamble is what is being spoken about. Nonetheless, this is a misunderstanding as a result of a biased viewpoint, from seeing it from the world after the fact.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「䌚長は、確かに倧胆で知られた方だが、それは財界人ずしおはずいう意味です。玠性の知れない黄金を、たった1぀だけで信甚するほどお人奜しだずいう意味ではない」 “The president was clearly known as daring, but that is what it means to be someone in the business world. It is not the same as having such good will to have faith in just one gold bar whose history is unknown.” ??? 「しかし、真っ先に信甚し、莫倧な投資を行ないたすよね」 “But he trusted it from the beginning and made a massive investment, right?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「信甚するに足る蚌拠が瀺されたず、私たちは考えおいたす。第䞀、圓時、マル゜ヌの䌚長が仰っおおられた話は、今日のものずは倧きく異なりたした」 “We are still considering evidence that demonstrates that he did put trust into it. First and foremost, how the Marceaux president was spoken about back then as opposed to how he is now is hugely different.” ??? 「ず、申したすず」 “And in what way is that?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「今日の説は、右代宮黄金に吊定的なフィクサヌたちが、右代宮氏を貶める目的で捏造したものだからです。圓時の䌚長は、“たった1぀の黄金を芋せられただけで信甚した”ずは䞀蚀も蚀っおいないからです」 “Today’s view on the matter has been fabricated by the brokers who were contrarian towards the idea of the Ushiromiyan gold, as they plotted to cause the fall of Mr. Ushiromiya. Back then, the president was considered ‘the person who trusted in just the one bar of gold he was shown’ without even saying a word.” ??? 「それは぀たり、”たった1぀の黄金”以倖にも、蚌拠を芋せられた可胜性があるずいうこずですか」 “So, that means that there is a possibility that he was shown evidence other than ‘just the one gold bar’?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「これが䌚長が亡くなりになられおから、圓時、近しかったある先生から䌺った話です。  こんなこずを蚀うず、䌚長に倱瀌なんですがね」 “This is what a certain close doctor of the president’s had told me when I asked him backed then, a bit after his passing
 ‘Saying something like that is quite impolite to the president.’” Witch Hunter Mikami 「䌚長は、䞖間で倧胆ず蚀われるほど倧胆ではなく、むしろ石橋を叩いお枡る慎重な方だったらしいんです。確かに、飲みっぷりず喰いっぷりの倧胆な方でね。そのむメヌゞのせいもあったでしょう。しかし、カネに関しおだけは倧胆さずは正反察だったようです」 “The president wasn’t the same kind of daring society made him out to be; if anything, he was more like the type to be extremely cautious and discreet. Clearly, he was daring in the way that he drank and in the way that he ate. I suppose it was also his image that was at fault for that. But his daringness was the complete opposite in relation to the kind involving dirty money.” ??? 「それほど慎重な方が、なぜ信じたのでしょうか」 “For someone with that level of prudency, how was it that he could have believed?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「これもその先生に䌺った話なのですが。  なんでも、マル゜ヌの䌚長にだけは、担保に保蚌されおいた、ずいうのです」 “This is also something I had gotten from the doctor
 I am told that only the Marceaux president was guaranteed a collateral.” ??? 「担保を保蚌」 “Guaranteed a collateral?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「はい。右代宮氏は、䌚長の信甚を欲しがっおいたした。なので、䜕ずしおもこの話に乗っおほしい思惑があったのです。その為、秘密で、䌚長にだけは特別に有利な条件で、話を持ちかけたずいうのです」 “Yes. Mr. Ushiromiya wanted the president’s trust. Because of this, he had the ulterior motive to do anything he could to get him to listen to what he had to say. For that sake, the president was secretly proposed an extraordinarily profitable condition in this conversation.” ??? 「それは぀たり、他のフィクサヌの投資から元本を保蚌、返枈するずいう、無限連鎖講の詐欺のような」 “So, essentially, guaranteeing capital from the other brokers’ investments, and then ‘reimbursing’, sort of like a pyramid scheme?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「違いたす。䌚長は最終的には、掟閥党䜓で割もの投資を行いたすが、その内個人的に割の投資を行いたす。その割分。぀たり、tの黄金の割、t分に぀いお、黄金を実際に預かっおいたず蚀うのです」 “That is wrong. Ultimately, the president made a 40% investment in the group as a whole, but a 10% share was a personal investment. It was that 10% share. In other words, 10% of the 10 tons of gold, or 1 ton, was practically entrusted with him.” ??? 「の金塊ですか 今日の䟡倀で、億円ほどはありたすね」 “1 ton of gold bars!? Today, the relative value would be about two billion yen, right?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「その金塊は、最終的には財を成した右代宮氏の手元に戻りたすが、それでも䞀時的に、䌚長の手元に眮かれおいたず蚀われおいたす。私は残念ながら芋おいたせんが、圓時、特に芪しかった䞀郚の先生方が、それを実際に披露されたこずがあるず申しおおりたした」 “Those gold bars were eventually returned to Mr. Ushiromiya, but it is said they were temporarily placed in the possession of the president. I haven’t seen this unfortunately, but back then, they were talking about how he had actually revealed it to this one doctor he was familiar with.” ??? 「では、その話が事実なら、少なくずもtの金塊は実圚するず」 “Then, if that story is true, at least 1 ton of gold bars has to exist?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「䌚長の話が本圓なら、あぁ  いえいえいえ、もちろん私は本圓ず信じおおりたすが」 “If the president’s story is right, then, aah
 no, no, no, of course I am in belief that it is right.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「  䌚長は右代宮氏によっお、目隠しの䞊、六軒島某所の隠し倉庫に連れお行かれ、そこで実際にt党おの黄金の山を芋せられたそうです。そしお、その内からtの山を分け䞎えられたず蚀うのです」 “
Somewhere on Rokkenjima, Mr. Ushiromiya took the president to a warehouse, hidden underground in a blind spot on the surface, where he was actually shown the full 10 tons of gold. And then, from that point, he handed 1 ton of the gold out to him.” ??? 「そしお、そのtは再び右代宮氏のずころぞ戻った  」 “And then, that 1 ton eventually made it back to Mr. Ushiromiya’s hands
” Witch Hunter Mikami 「はい。右代宮氏は芋事に事業を成功させ、利子を付けお完枈したした。䌚長がお亡くなりになられた埌の遺産敎理では、右代宮黄金を裏付ける蚌拠品はたった䞀点。㎏のむンゎット぀が出おきただけでした。これは恐らく、䜕かの蚘念に寄莈されたものだず考えたす」 “Yes. Mr. Ushiromiya splendidly succeeded in his endeavor, receiving a full reimbursement for the loan. In the distribution of the president’s inheritance after his passing, there was but one piece of evidence left which substantiated the Ushiromiyan gold. A single 10kg ingot was found. We consider that this might have been a commemorative gift of sorts.” ??? 「䌚長の協力がなければ、他のフィクサヌの信甚が埗られなかったわけですからね。それに察する謝瀌か感謝でしょうか」 “Without the president's cooperation, there's no way he could have gained the trust of the other brokers. Perhaps it was a reward or out of gratitude for that.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「私はそう考えおいたす。ただ、その埌、その黄金は残念ながら玛倱しおしたっおいるようです。写真も残っおいたせんが、家人、関係者など、これに぀いおは倧勢の目撃者がいたす」 “I think so too. However, after that, it seems the gold ingot was unfortunately lost. There are no photos left of it either, but there are many who were witnesses to it, such as the family and stakeholders.” ??? 「なるほど、では、右代宮氏がtの黄金を持぀こず自䜓には懐疑的でも、t分に぀いおは信じる䟡倀があるず仰られるわけですね」 “I see. So, as I’m told, you are skeptical of whether Mr. Ushiromiya had the 10 tons of gold, but believe there is merit in believing in the 1 ton, right?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「博打は貧乏人のするこずです。金を持぀者であればあるほど。絶察の保蚌がない限り、カネを動かせないものです。私は、䌚長が乗った割分。぀たりt分の黄金に぀いおは、間違いなく存圚したものず確信しおたす」 “Gambling is a poor man’s activity. For the wealthy, as long as there are no absolute guarantees, they won’t fork over their dough. As for me and the president’s 10%, well, we’ve confirmed that the 1 ton of gold exists, undeniably.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「たた、䞇が䞀、右代宮氏が事業に倱敗したなら、マル゜ヌの䌚長も詐欺垫呌ばわりされるリスクが残る。圓時、䌚長は率先しお、右代宮黄金の宣䌝塔的な圹割を担いたした。それから考えお  」 “Again, in the worst-case scenario that Mr. Ushiromiya failed in his endeavor, the Marceaux president would also risk being denounced as a con-man. Back then, it was the president who took the initiative to shoulder the role of being the poster man for the Ushiromiyan gold. Thinking about it from there
” ??? 「絶察にリスクを負わないのが金持ちの鉄則である以䞊  䌚長はtの黄金に぀いお絶察の確信を持っおいた、ずいうこずですね」 “Seeing that it is the iron law of the rich never to take risks
 what you’re saying is the president had absolute confidence in the 10 tons of gold?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「はい。カネを持たん者にはわからんでしょうな。しかし、カネずいうモノを本圓に知る者ならば、䌚長の動きから、芋ずずもtの黄金の圱を確信できるのです」 “Yes. I suppose people who don’t deal in dirty money wouldn’t understand. But for someone who really does, just from the president’s moves, they could confirm the existence of the 10 tons of gold without even looking.” ??? 「貧乏人の私から聞くず、よくもそれだけの莫倧なカネを、話だけの黄金に投資できるものだなず思いたす」 “As someone who is poor, I hear that and think, ‘How dare you be capable of making a huge investment from gold you’ve only heard of!’” Witch Hunter Mikami 「ある䞀定以䞊の金持ちになるずね。カネよりも䜓裁ず、そしお死んだ埌のこずが気になるようになるんですよ。生きおる内だけ取り繕えればどうでもいい、ずいうのは貧乏人の考えです。死埌も自分の評䟡が損なわれない生き様でありたいず願うのが金持ちずいうものです」 “When you reach a certain level of wealth, right, you begin to worry less about money and more about appearances, as well as what happens after your death. In a poor man’s mindset, while you’re alive, it doesn’t matter how you deal with your money. The wealthy want to live a life that does not soil their reputation even after death.” ??? 「぀たり、死埌であっおも詐欺垫呌ばわりされるような話には乗らないず」 “So, essentially, he wasn’t denounced as a con-man even after his death?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「えぇ。䌚長は、tの黄金を確実に保蚌できる蚌拠を絶察に埗おいたのです。埌は、マル゜ヌの䌚長ずいう方が、どれほどの方だったかをどれだけ理解しおいるかで信甚が倉わるでしょうな」 “Nope. The president absolutely received proof that could safely guarantee the 10 tons of gold. After that, how credible it is, I suppose, will change depending on your understanding of what type of character the Marceaux president was.” ??? 「あなたは、信甚できるず」 “You are able to have faith in him, so
” Witch Hunter Mikami 「えぇ。そしお、あなたには信甚できないこずもわかりたすよ」 “Yep. Just like how I can see that you aren’t able to have faith in him.” ??? 「いやいや、それを蚀われるずこちらも蟛い。  それをはっきり瀺せる蚌拠があれば、私も考えを改めるのですが」 “Oh, no, no, if you say that, it hurts me too
 If there was evidence that plainly demonstrated this, I would adjust my view on it.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「あのね。䞖の䞭、蚌拠をモノで瀺せないこずっおたくさんあるんですよ。あなた、奥さんを愛しおおられる」 “Well, there are a lot of things in this world that cannot be proven with physical evidence. Do you love your wife?” ??? 「すみたせん、独身です」 “Sorry, I’m single.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「結婚指茪っおのはね、お互いの氞遠の愛を誓い合ったっおいう蚌拠なわけ。でも、だからっお浮気や䞍倫はなくならないでしょ互いが今も盞手を愛しおいるかどうか、蚌拠を瀺せっお迫ったら、それ自䜓がもう、愛がさめた蚌拠なわけでしょ」 “A wedding ring can serve as proof of your vow to eternally love one another. But then, even so, affairs and unfaithfulness don’t just disappear, right? Whether or not you love each other, wouldn’t pressing for proof that you still love each other in and of itself be proof that the love is gone?” ??? 「そうなりたすね」 “It is that way, huh?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「かみさんが、愛しおるっお繰り返しおくれるその蚀葉を、男は鵜吞みにするしかないわけよ。きっずかみさんもそう。毎朝、になっおもになっおも、朝はキスから始たるわけ。でも、それは単なる習慣に過ぎず、愛はずっくにさめおるなんおいわれたら、もうどうにもならない」 “As the wife keeps repeating that she loves her husband, he has no choice but to take her words at face value. It's surely the same for the wife. Every morning, when you turn 50 or 60, you start the day with a kiss. But if that's nothing but a habit and the love's long gone, there's nothing you can do anymore.” ??? 「”愛がなければ芋えない”、ずいうわけですか」 “Is that because ‘Without love, it cannot be seen’?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「お、キザな蚀葉を知っおるね。そういうこずです。䌚長を信じ、敬愛しお止たなかった人々には、確かにtの黄金が芋えた。䌚長や右代宮氏が気に入らなかった人々には芋えなかった。そういうこずじゃないですかね」 “Oh, it seems you know that pretentious saying. Yes, it's exactly that. The people who didn't stop respecting and believing in the president could certainly see the 10 tons of gold. The people who didn't care about the president or Mr. Ushiromiya could not see it. Something like that?” ??? 「せめお、その䌚長さんの遺品から出た、むンゎットだけでも芋぀かれば、信憑性は増すのですが」 “At the very least, though, the credibility does goes up if they found just that one ingot from his inheritance.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「これは噂だけどね  」 “So, this is a rumor, but
” Witch Hunter Mikami 「右代宮氏のご子息の蔵臌氏が入手したっお噂がありたすよ。蔵臌氏は独自に黄金の隠し堎所を探しおたらしいですから。それを入手し、tの黄金の実圚を確信したため、六軒島の党島調査の準備を進めおた、っお聞いおたす」 “There is a rumor that Mr. Ushiromiya’s son, Krauss, had gotten a hold of that bar. It seems like Krauss might have searched for the hiding place on his own. After obtaining it, he had set forward a full island investigation to confirm the existence of the 10 tons of gold
 is what I hear.” ??? 「しかし、蔵臌も䟋の事件で亡くなられおたすね。  圓然、そのむンゎットも闇の䞭に」 “But then, Krauss passed in the recent incident, didn’t he? 
And of course, that ingot fell back into darkness as well.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「六軒島っお、昔、悪食島っお呌ばれおたの、ご存知で」 “Are you familiar with how Rokkenjima used to be called Akujikijima long ago?” ??? 「えぇ。それが蚛っお小豆島になり、最埌に六軒島になったず」 “Yeah. That was mispronounced to be Azukijima, and then finally made into Rokkenjima.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「そうそう。悪霊が䜏んでお、魂を食らっお飲み蟌む島ね。  飲み蟌んじゃったんだよ。ぺろりず」 “Yes, yes. The evil spirits of the island would eat the souls of passersby, swallowing them up
 They were all gobbled up quickly.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「圓時、黄金䌝説を蚌明する蚌拠はきっずあったんです。それを倧勢が目撃した。だから黄金は事実だった。しかし、時を経お、それらの蚌拠は倱われた、飲み蟌たれた。その結果、事実だったはずの黄金䌝説はその存圚を疑われるようになった」 “Back then, there surely was evidence proving the legend of the gold. There were a bunch of eyewitnesses. Therefore, the gold was real, but over time, that proof was lost, being swallowed up by the island. As a result, the legend that should have existed in reality became something doubtable.” ??? 「確かに、そうずも蚀えたすね」 “It clearly must be as you say.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「私はね、女房を愛しおる。今日たで浮気を疑ったこずもないし、女房ず同じ日に同じ畳で死ねたら最高だず思っおるよ。胞を匵っお、息子たちや孫たちに、最高の人生だったず語っお倧埀生できる。そしお、それを芋た息子たち孫たちは、祖父さたは最高に幞せな人生を歩んだず、確かにそういったず語り継ぐだろうねぇ」 “You know, I love my wife. Up until today, I don’t doubt she’s been faithful to me, and if her and I died together in the same bed, we would have no complaints. I can say with confidence that my children and my grandchildren will recount me living my best life and dying at peace. And due to that, my children and grandchildren who watched this will follow in their grandfather’s footsteps, surely passing it down generation to generation.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「しかし、盎接聞いた子孫がみんな死ぬほどの未来。  俺の末裔が、死んだ曟祖父さたは䞍幞で、倫婊仲は悪く䞍倫だらけだったず蚀い出したらどうなるかねぇ それを吊定する蚌拠に、俺は䜕を残せばいいんだろうねぇ 䜕を残したっお、疑う未来のそい぀の元に届かなきゃ、意味がない」 “Nonetheless, in the future, all of my descendants who have directly heard of this will die. 
If my descendant suddenly came out and said that their great grandfather had an unhappy marital life riddled with adultery, what would happen? What can I leave behind as proof against that? Nothing I leave will have meaning if that doubtful future comes first.” ??? Witch Hunter Mikami 「もうね、あんたらの远い求める六軒島の真実なんお、䜕も存圚しないんだよ。あれから長い時間が経っお、党おの蚌拠が消え去った。  だから、あんたらが奜きに決めればいいのさ」 “And now, you people are pursuing a truth where nothing happened on Rokkenjima. Such a long time has passed since then, and all of the evidence has vanished
 so you people can just do whatever you want with it.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「黄金はあった、なかった。メッセヌゞボトルはどれが本物でどれが停物で。圓日、䜕があったのなかったの。奜きに決めればいいのさ。だが、あんたらが䜕を決めたっお、圓時の本圓の真実は揺るがない」 “Did the gold exist, or did it not exist? Which message bottle is real and which is fake? What happened and didn’t happen that day? You can just do whatever you want with it. But whatever you people choose, it won’t align with the real truth from that time.” ??? 「耳が痛いお蚀葉です。しかしそれでも、その真実に迫りたいず思っおいる我々は、今埌、䜕を指針に過去を探れば良いのでしょう」 “What hurtful words. But then, what should the people who wish to get closer to the truth seek out as a guide to the past?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「心だよ。人の心は、時代を経おも倉わらない」 “The heart. No matter the era, the human heart will never change.” ??? 「心ずはたた、抜象的なものが出おきたしたね  」 “The heart is
 yet another abstract thing you’re throwing out there, huh
?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「䜕があったかを知ろうずするから、蚌拠が必芁になる。そうじゃなくお、䜕を考えおたかを知ろうずすれば、必然的に䜕が起こったかを知るこずが出来るんじゃないかな」 “You need evidence to know what happened. Actually, no, if you figure out what they were thinking, you might inevitably be able to understand what happened.” ??? 「“チェス盀をひっくり返す”ずいうこずですか」 “You mean like ’spinning the chessboard around’?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「䜕です、それ」 “What is that?” ??? 「あ、いえ。芁するに、盞手の指し手を読めずいう意味です。敵の思考を探れず蚀いたすか」 “Ah, er
 basically, it means to read your opponent's moves. Getting a feel for your enemy's thought process.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「あぁ、そういう意味ね。うん、それでもいいず思いたす。右代宮氏や、その関係者が、䜕を考え、どう生きたかったのか。それに思いを銳せなきゃ、真実なんか蟿り着けないですよ」 “Oh, that's what it means. Yeah, that sounds about right. What were Mr. Ushiromiya and the other related people thinking, how did they want to live their lives? If you don't think about things like that, you'll never arrive at the truth.” ??? 「“愛がなければ芋えない”」 “’Without love, it cannot be seen.’?” Witch Hunter Mikami 「はっははは、たたキザなこず蚀うねぇ、あぁ  それでもいいや。おかしなお金持ちが、どんな銬鹿げたこずをしたかったのか。そういう考えじゃ芖えるわけもない。金持ちは奇人倉人で䜕を考えおるかわからないずいう、色県鏡を倖しおね人の人間ずしお考えおみるこずをお勧めしたすよ」 “Hahahaha, again with that pretentious line. Yeah
 that's fine too. What ridiculous schemes could that rich weirdo have been up to? Thinking that way, it cannot be seen either. If you assume you couldn't possibly understand what a strange, wealthy eccentric was thinking, take off those rose-colored glasses! I suggest that you think of him as just a human being.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「  それくらいでいいですかね これくらい付き合いすれば、私の幌銎染の顔は立぀んじゃないですかね」 “
Shouldn't that be enough? After talking this long, I must have helped my childhood friend save face, huh?” ??? 「ありがずうございたした。原皿を起こしたしたら、怒りさせおいただきたすので、確認をお願いいたしたす」 “Thank you very much. Once I've prepared the transcript, I will send it to you, so please check it over.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「いやっは、や、いいよいいよ。チェック面倒臭いからそのたた掲茉しおくれおいいよ、䜕をどう蚀い繕ったっお、悪意ある人が聞けが悪意あるように解釈できちゃうんだから。あぁ、ただ匿名でお願いね。そういう条件で話したんですから」 “No, hahaha, it’s fine, it’s fine. Checking is a pain, so just publish it as it is. No matter what gets glossed over, anyone reading it in bad faith will come up with a spiteful interpretation anyway. Just please leave me anonymous. That was my condition for talking to you in the first place.” ??? 「はい、心埗おいたす。今日は本圓にありがずうございたした」 “Yes, I understand. Thank you again for today.” Witch Hunter Mikami 「どういたしたしお。もうテヌプ止めおもらえたす 録音っおのは、䜕床やっ」 “You're welcome. Could you stop the tape now? No matter how many times I do it, the recording “ bzzrrt.
A Certain Witch Hunter's Interview Tape
# A Little Bit of Chocolate is the fifty-ninth event in . It is a Valentine's Day event that ran from February 1, 2023 . Related Units. The following units increased event-related drops when brought into battle. They are units and character stories associated with this event. All following units have a rarity of SSR.
A Little Bit of Chocolate
# A Little Bit of Chocolate/Summary Keiichi reunites the Soul Brothers regarding an important matter. Valentine's Day was approaching. Mion reunites the club and brings the matter of Valentine's day. Nao and Rena were making a cake together and Nao was looking forward to Rena eating it. Miyuki reminds her how in Valentine's you should be giving gifts to boys, but they say there was also a present for Keiichi on the side. Rika and Satoko were planning handmade chocolates for each other in valentine's, although Hanyuu cried on the side about being left out and how she wanted chocolate too. Rika offered buying a bunch of cheap chocolate for her to her protests. Satoko says Rika is just joking and their chocolate party will include Hanyuu too. Mion interrupts everyone again reminding how the focus should be gifting boys, and by that she means Keiichi. Mion wants to make a competition to give Keiichi the most thrilling Valentine's Day gift. Nao, Satoko and Rika all complain about it. Even Rena is confused about why it's a competition. Kazuho attempts to protest, mentioning other men they knew, but Miyuki pushes her aside. Shion soon arrives. Apparently Mion was too shy to give a gift to Keiichi by herself, so she had planned this entire competition as a "disguise" for it. Everyone eventually agrees. The next day, Kazuho stumbles on Shion and Takano going after chocolates in the SevenMart, but it was empty. A suspicious group all in black had gone there earlier and bought everything. Mion and the others soon arrive. The same has happened in other stores around Hinamizawa and Okinomiya. Nao and Rena's cake and ingredients also were stolen. Satoko is surprised Takano is attempting to buy chocolate and mentions it must actually be a trap that blows up when one attempts to eat it. Although Rika says that's just Satoko's own plan. They go to Angel Mort since apparently they got too many chocolates and there should be lots of raw materials, but arriving there the place is surrounded by police. Oishi appears and reveals everything was stolen. Yes, just chocolate. Apparently the same happened in various houses too. Oishi tells them he had a strange meeting with Keiichi, Irie and Tomitake a few days ago, although he had to leave before the ending, but they did talk about Valentines and a "chocolate golem". Could they really be behind this? Everyone heads to the clinic. Maybe Takano got a day off to keep her away due to whatever they were planning with the chocolates? In the Irie Clinic, there's a strong chocolate smell. Keiichi, Irie and Tomitake are there but knocked out... then they see another Keiichi. Mion and Shion quickly recognize that the way he acts feels odd. Mion uses a Role Card and summons a weapon that pierces the fake Keiichi. Brown blood spills all over Miyuki. Then she licks it. It's actually chocolate. The chocolate golem was aggressive, and could regenerate from the damage. Satoko complains about how it's hard to fight against someone with Keiichi's face, but Rika points out her words are empty as she proceeds to bash and slice him up over and over. However, he quickly regenerates. Finally, as the group attacks him, they see a black Role Card inside it. That was its core, and eventually Miyuki opens the path to it and Kazuho crushes it. The real Keiichi wakes up, getting hugged by a worried Mion and Rena. Apparently, he has cavities so even if he receives chocolates he can't eat anything. To avoid disappointing the girls, especially after learning Nao and Rena are preparing cake for him, so they couldn't just wait until he recovered, he wants to stop Valentines somehow. Then he met "someone" who told him about the chocolate golem. Somehow though, he couldn't remember that person anymore. They went and bought all chocolate around town in order to push forward that plan. Nao mutters on the sidelines that the cake wasn't even for him. Everyone has misgivings about the stolen chocolate though, but, as it turns out, that was done by a group of unrelated thieves who wanted revenge for never getting any gifts on Valentine's day and were stealing love by stealing the chocolate itself.
A Little Bit of Chocolate/Summary
# A Song For Miyao-chan Trying To Fix His Reputation As A Pervert Who Loves Being Scolded But Ends Up Self-Destructing and Humiliated By Having His Own Fetishes Exposed
A Song For Miyao-chan Trying To Fix His Reputation As A Pervert Who Loves Being Scolded But Ends Up Self-Destructing and Humiliated By Having His Own Fetishes Exposed
# A Thistle of Vengeance is the sixth chapter of and the thirteenth chapter in the overall series. Plot. When Yukari is transferred to another class, she sees a boy in her class named Masaaki Yoshikawa that is being bullied by the boys in her class. He says that he's not being bullied to Yukari but really he is getting bullied. After school, he sees Azami and She tells him that if he eats a magic thistle, then He'll get payback by bulling the boys. Sumire wants to get revenge on Higanbana but Higanbana is more strong and scary, so she changes her mind and wants to get revenge on Yukari for saying that bullying is not fun. One day, Masaaki steals an boy's pencil case by playing "tag" and the boy commits sucide. He tells everybody in his class that He fell on purpose but his classmates think that he's lying. He is once bullied again when the power in the magic thistle is gone. After school, Yukari calls Sumire and Azami. She tells the powerful youkais that She has to eat the thistle to stop bullying. One day at school, she slams her desk and the teacher's desk and she tells the whole class to stop bullying and She says that Masaaki is her assistant. At the end, Masaaki learns his lesson.
A Thistle of Vengeance
# Abdou , from ACR Senegal, is a member of the Gauntlet Knight squad Squad 601. Profile. "From ACR Senegal" "A member of the June 1st King's Tour Memorial Squad of the ACR Royal Aerial Knight Corps" "Because of a streak of bad luck, he was kicked out of the elite course despite having considerable Aerial Augmented Infantry talent." "Ishak recognized his talent and recommended him for the Aerial Knights. Rethabile took a liking to him, which brings us to the present day." "His P3 level measurements are very unstable, but many people call him a diamond in the rough, who stands out more and more the longer he trains." Appearance. Abdou has green hair and wears a white suit jacket over an orange vest. He wears yellow pants and black shoes. His Gauntlet is very boxy and is painted with camouflage colors. Special Abilities. Advantages of Youth (S) "He has a youthful quality that allows him to face all challenges without fearing risk. Because of this, he's able to accept the kind of training, experimentation, and drugs that require signing a consent form beforehand, all without having to bear an emotional cost." Overkill (S) "He's talented at summoning multiple cannons at once and performing simultaneous target tracking. It's a flashy skill typical of the young that clearly wastes ammo. However, an all-out attack with plenty of tracers can be quite intimidating. " The Invincible Stamina of Youth (S) "He's young. He's spirited. He can get by just fine without sleep. He can do after-parties and all-nighters unceasingly. And he still has never relied on anti-fatigue drugs." "On top of that, he never gets fat no matter how much he eats. He says he has a body that's incapable of getting fat. I'd like to record those words and play them back 20 years later." Story. Abdou is first introduced alongside his squad mates in Chapter 2 at the International Battle Standard Festival. He accepts the Public Bath Oath and later helps Jayden with his troubles regarding Miyao's alternate personality and subsequent relationship. In Chapter 12, Abdou's squad faces off against the AOU Atlantic Fleet and makes them retreat. Chapter 18 later has Squad 601 facing off against ABN forces above the Mediterranean Sea. In Chapter 23, Abdou and his squad mates suppress the drone revolt. In the final chapter, he attends Miyao's Christmas party during the final battle before the second global truce.
# Abdou/Gallery
# Abdou/Sprites <tabber> </tabber>
# Abducted by Demons Arc
Abducted by Demons Arc
# Abducted by Demons Arc Manga Volume 1
Abducted by Demons Arc Manga Volume 1
# Abducted by Demons Arc Manga Volume 2
Abducted by Demons Arc Manga Volume 2
# About Rokkenjima
About Rokkenjima
# Abrahamic Brother Nations The (ABN), also known as , is a faction consisting primarily of European and Middle Eastern countries. Profile. "Using the end of World War III as a turning point, the three religions that once stood in opposition succeeded in a historic reconciliation. The result was this newly-born religious nation group." "They're extremely respectful of religious traditions and precepts, and for the sake of protecting religious freedom, slander against other religions is strictly prohibited. The Religious Police who oversee this are famous for being incredibly strict." "They claim to be a beautiful, reverent nation group that respects precepts, traditions, and religious art. For that reason, they pity other factions and work to expand their influence and evangelize." "Because of the level of the Religious Police's authority, other factions think of it as a police state without freedom of speech." Politics. The ABN Joint Parliament governs the faction as a whole. There are several departments in the ABN: Geography. Countries within the Middle East and Europe primarily form the nations of the ABN. Many of these nations predominantly practice Abrahamic religions such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Member Nations. While the Saint Florian International Airport is mentioned to be in the ABN, it is unclear whether it is located in , Austria. Society. Homosexuality is tolerated in ABN nations, however the official stance on it is not clear. Thought-policing is also very strict, as any citizen suspected of intent to disobey the military or government will be arrested. After the drone attacks, an "order of harmony" goes into effect where anybody accused of religion-based hate crimes will be "given justice" without trial. Reporting of atheists and religious fundamentalists also becomes encouraged for "contribution points." Military. Aerial Augmented Infantry. They have fielded two squads for the International Battle Standard Festival: Thalathat Suyuf and Yeladot Shavit. Known Units Foreign Relations. AOU. Due to a treaty, the AOU is supposed to assist the ABN if they're attacked. The Seven-State Alliance in Western ABN Ukraine seeks admission into AOU Russia, which are considering military intervention on behalf of protecting Russian citizens. The ABN Peace Department has opposed this move. After the outbreak of Erbil L5, several affected AOU countries push for investigation into the ABN for their suspected involvement. COU. The Kashmir Spirit Field is a source of dispute between the COU and the ABN, stemming from previous conflicts. Each faction claims it as their territory, with tensions being further exacerbated by the ABN performing illegal mining operations and introducing anti-aircraft weaponry. Several COU countries are affected by the outbreak of Erbil L5, and as retaliation they send forces to destroy ABN agricultural plants. ACR. Members of the ABN Guidance Department are accused of assassinating the Prime Minister of ACR Libya. After the formation of the Africa Commonwealth Realm long ago, many groups of people were exiled and leased land from the ABN to live there on a refugee camp. This land had largely been ignored by both factions afterwards, though members of the ACR government long accused the camp of harboring terrorists. After an ABN Leader of Peace is found to be there, the ACR uses this as a chance to drive the refugees off of the African continent. After the outbreak of Erbil L5 and subsequent damage to ACR nations, ACR Gauntlet Knights are sent to attack ABN agricultural plants and engage their forces above the Mediterranean Sea. LATO. LATO recruits several politicians from other factions and appoints them as provisional directors for the signing of a global peace treaty. However, most of them are killed during an explosion incident at the IPMA HQ. LATO is suspected of masterminding it, though it is determined to be an accident and swiftly brushed off. LATO later arranges a second simultaneous global truce and pulls it off with no problems.
Abrahamic Brother Nations
# Accept Accept is the tenth episode of the and the fifth episode of Turn of the Golden Witch. Synopsis. Nanjo and Kumasawa are dead, but when the group returns to check their bodies, they've once again disappeared. Rosa's trust in the servants diminishes as Battler begins to lose faith against Beatrice. But when they learn of an object that could defeat her, George sets out to retrieve it. Plot Summary. First Half. At 13:15, Genji, Shannon, and Gohda are in the parlor to report that Nanjo and Kumasawa were killed. Gohda has trouble describing the events, as he's still in shock over the fake Kanon killing them before disappearing into thin air. Rosa gets increasingly frustrated at Gohda's inability to speak when Shannon says that "they" came to the kitchen's back door, and Gohda adds that they were also covered in blood with a deep wound. Rosa asks who "they" were, and Gohda keeps panicking. Genji finally says that he thought "they" was Kanon at first. Rosa is excited that her theory was correct until George asks him to clarify. Genji also expresses disbelief, but calmly testifies that Kanon killed Nanjo and Kumasawa before disappearing; they soon realized that it clearly wasn't Kanon. Shannon agrees with their story. Growing impatient, Rosa brings the group to the servant room to check on the corpses. George waits outside the room with Maria as the others enter; strangely, Nanjo and Kumasawa's corpses are gone, leaving only bloodstains. Gohda explains that he locked the door to the room, and Battler thinks about how similar it is to Jessica's room. Battler reasons that Kanon couldn't do it since his master key was on Jessica's body, but Rosa reminds him that Nanjo pulled it out, and had the key on him. Gohda vouches for his innocence again, and Rosa silences him; Beatrice has left another letter. The letter asks the Ushiromiya family if they've made any progress with the epitaph, imploring them to solve it if they want the murders to stop; no other method will interrupt her ceremony. Beatrice ends by confessing that she's borrowed Nanjo and Kumasawa's corpses for the ceremony, planning to give them back later. She's also returning their keys; as such, Nanjo and Kumasawa's keys are found inside the envelope. In the metaworld, Battler expresses his disbelief that Beatrice has, once again, locked the keys to the room inside the room; the servants continue to be suspects. Battler asks where the original servant room key is, and Beatrice gives him several red truths. For one thing, all of the servant room keys are inside a key box in the center of the servant room. Also, it's impossible to enter or exit except by the single door and the single window, and both of those were locked. The door and window cannot be entered or exited through when locked. Finally, it's impossible to unlock the door except with a servant room key or a master key. Battler is at a loss for words, unable to come up with theories; Beatrice mocks him and suggests for him to surrender, explaining all of the mysteries if he does. With Nanjo and Kumasawa's keys in her hands, Rosa declares that they aren't dead; the two of them must have faked their deaths and are hiding in the mansion, waiting to attack. Gohda swears that the Ushiromiya servants would never do such a thing, and Rosa keeps accusing him of being a wolf, not until they can find Nanjo and Kumawawa's corpses. She assumes the servants were bought off by Beatrice; Shannon protests, and Rosa raises her gun. George defends her, accusing Rosa of going too far. As Shannon starts crying, Genji places his master key on the table. He was given that as a sign of trust, and so thought it necessary that he return it since Rosa doesn't trust him. Genji motions for Shannon and Gohda to do the same; Rosa understands why Kinzo placed his trust in Genji for so many years. Rosa borrows Maria's bag and puts all the master keys inside, remarking how the only person she can really trust is herself. Maria starts acting creepy again, saying how keys don't matter; Beatrice can open any door with magic. Rosa raises her arm, ready to hit Maria again, when Battler stops her. Looking dejected, he says that Maria was right about everything. As Rosa stands confused, Battler gets on his knee and hugs Maria, apologizing for doubting her so much. Battler has given up completely and now believes in Beatrice; he sheds tears as Maria questions him. She hugs him back, saying that they can solve the epitaph together like Beatrice wanted all along. Genji and the servants have decided that they'll stay in the kitchen and won't enter the parlor without asking permission first; Rosa wonders if they'll be able to trust each other again when the typhoon passes. Genji notes how furniture's fate is determined by the family; if he were to die, he hopes that Rosa would regain her trust in them. Gohda tearfully says that he'll be ready to cook more food for them. Rosa apologizes to Shannon for being mean to her, expecting Gohda to make a good breakfast for them and to have tea with Shannon. George then announces that he's accompaning Shannon and the servants as his personal decision. Rosa locks the door to the servant room, and George's group walks off, leaving Rosa, Battler, and Maria together. When they're out of sight, Rosa reaffirms her distrust for them, surprising Battler. She can't believe them when the servants say there's only five master keys, thinking there's a duplicate somewhere. Battler objects to her declaration, shocked that Rosa would trample on their hard work and even take their keys away, suspecting the servants to the very end. Battler doesn't take this too well in the metaworld either, asking Beatrice to tell Rosa that there are only five keys; she'll do it if Battler agrees to submit and become her furniture. Beatrice continues to taunt him, saying she can tell Rosa there only five master keys at any time, cackling as thunder strikes. Second Half. At 18:00, George hears the entire story of what happened in the servant room: Gohda wrestled with a fake Kanon, and Shannon defeated him with a spiderweb. Shannon clarifies that she heard a story long ago where evil spirits lived on Rokkenjima, and spiderwebs were used in charms to repel magic. She laments how she destroyed the sacred mirror in the shrine long ago, releasing the spirits' power and making Beatrice stronger as well. Shannon then remembers that Natsuhi was in possession of a similar mirror, and Genji explains that Natsuhi came from a family of Shinto priests. George then formulates a plan to retrieve her mirror to resist Beatrice. However, the mirror is inside Natsuhi's room, which is locked, and the key must still be on her corpse. Genji can't go with them to retrieve the mirror, as he must be available at any time for any orders from Kinzo. As George, Gohda, and Shannon leave the kitchen, Genji notices a golden butterfly floating behind him and throws a knife at it. Inside the parlor, the furniture has been stacked against the doors to block them. Battler and Maria try to solve the epitaph like Beatrice requested, as no one else should die if they solve it. Battler thinks it's a rule Beatrice made up, and Maria insists that the gold belonged to Beatrice in the first place. Maria goes on to explain that magic has to have risk; the lower the chance of victory, the greater the power. Beatrice's power comes from enacting the resurrection ceremony, with the risk coming from the family solving the epitaph. This is a promise that Beatrice has made. George, Gohda, and Shannon arrive at the chapel, having broken a window with a rock in order to get in. Shannon is asked to retrieve the key from Natsuhi's corpse, being a fellow lady, and she grabs it when suddenly, swarms of golden butterflies appear around them. The three of them run to the door and struggle with the lock as Beatrice appears, floating in midair. The group watches in awe at Beatrice's presence, who plots to kill them. George gets the door open, and they run back to the mansion. They unlock and enter Natsuhi's room and search the dresser for the mirror; it's inside a locked jewelry box. George starts prying it open as they hear Beatrice's laughing; Gohda runs to close the door and sees goat butlers coming down the hall. He locks the door, but it magically unlocks; he tries it again, and Beatrice mocks him, saying the locks are no match for her magic. Gohda then tries to hold the door closed as a pair of arms reaches through the door and picks him up; Beatrice has summoned another one of her furniture, Beelzebub of Gluttony. Gohda falls over dead when Beelzebub transforms into a stake and flies through the door, piercing his chest. The door opens, and the goat butlers begin marching in. They outnumber George and Shannon and block the entrance as Beatrice appears, laughing all the way. Teaser. Kumasawa narrates the preview, annoyed that she couldn't find her flan. She says it was to be her afternoon snack, and was her personal favorite flavor: Mama's Milk. The flan was one of a kind, as it was a mold Gohda made out of Kumasawa's breasts. She begins extolling the virtues of flan, her voice echoing with every mention of the word "flan." Kumasawa then says the next episode title, noticing that Kanon has something around the corner of his mouth. Comparisons to Source Material. This episode adapts the visual novel chapters "Devil's Proof" and "Fleeting Resistance".
# Adjourn Adjourn is the twenty-fourth episode of the and the sixth episode of Alliance of the Golden Witch. Synopsis. George and Jessica's tests come to a head as Krauss and co. stage a prison escape. Soon after, Maria and Battler are called to take their tests, with Battler finally meeting Beatrice in person on the gameboard. As part of his test, Battler must remember his past. Plot Summary. First Half. The goats guarding the prison have disappeared, and Krauss uses this chance for an attempt at prying the bars open. Kanon asks Shannon if they should struggle one more time and she agrees, willing to do so as many times as it takes. Kanon tells Krauss to stand back and conjures his magic sword, slicing the bars clean open. Kyrie and the rest are dumbfounded at this sight, asking what the servants really are; Shannon replies that they're humans. The Chiesters notify Virgilia of the jailbreak, and she throws a tantrum upon learning Gaap stole her soldiers without asking. Chiester 00 requests permission to fire at the escapees, and Virgilia permits it. Meanwhile, Jessica is still pounding away at Ronove's shield, backing him into a wall. Jessica thinks he's finally getting tired, but he replies that he'll end it soon, casting his shield farther out from him. At the same time, George dispatches the last of Gaap's borrowed goats and concentrates his attention to just her. George delivers a roundhouse kick that Gaap easily dodges, but she's distracted by a flurry of rose petals that George kicked up. The petals dissipate and Gaap sees that George suddenly disappeared, seeing a shadow covering her; George comes crashing down with an axe kick. As the prisoners run through the halls of Kuwadorian's basement, Jessica delivers another blow to Ronove's shield and receives an electric shock; it's been upgraded with reactive armor, powerful enough to counter Jessica's attacks. She doesn't care and keeps punching harder, receiving even more shocks. Ronove advises her to stop, seeing how she's most likely putting her strength into one last attack. Jessica thinks Ronove's shield is about to break and so she continues her assault. George is about to connect with his axe kick, but both him and Gaap disappear into another portal. The pit reopens in midair and Gaap gracefully lands while George anticipated it, still preparing his axe kick. Gaap looks irritated at George, but her expression suddenly changes and she creates yet another portal to swallow George, who notices it too late. Jessica launches one last punch towards Ronove, but she also disappears into a portal. Ronove shrugs, saying he did ask her to stop. Jessica and George are then teleported into the center of the garden, where they wind up killing each other; Jessica's head is smashed by George's kick, and George is punched though the gut by her superpowered fist. Gaap reclines, having pretended to be in danger the entire time, and sends Jessica's corpse back to Ronove. Jessica is then brought back to life and the demon butler laments how he tried to warn her, but she'd never listen anyways. Jessica feels her head, surprised that she's alive, and Ronove tells her that it's temporary; she has only three minutes to settle any attachments she might have to this world. He disappears, and Jessica calls Battler on the phone. She tells him that she's already dead, having half of her head smashed open. Battler curses Kinzo, and he learns that George was also killed instantly. Jessica knows that Battler is up next for his test and tells him to be on his guard because their enemies are not human; they're demons with terrifying magic. Jessica's wound begins reappearing and, seeing her time is up, she wishes Battler luck before falling over dead. Krauss and the other prisoners make it outside, coming out of a grate. Nanjo says they're behind the mansion, recognizing the scenery. Kanon is the last one to come out of the grate, but a hole suddenly appears in his chest; he falls back down the grate as Shannon reaches out to him. She tells everyone to run and a golden arrow flies through her head, killing her. Kyrie, Krauss, and Nanjo start running, but Nanjo falls behind and also gets shot through the head. They make it to the mansion gate but Krauss gets shot too, much to Kyrie's horror. Kyrie makes it to the mansion and calls Battler with the kitchen phone. She tells him that the call might cut out partway through, meaning she's been killed. Kyrie also gives him some advice: if a demon or witch appears in front of him, there's no need to doubt their existence. Battler is unable to believe that Kyrie would ever say this, and she understands. Kyrie thanks him and says goodbye, asking that he forgive her for acting so cold to him just because he was Asumu's son. Battler says there's nothing to forgive because Kyrie is like a real mother to him right now, but Kyrie becomes unresponsive. Battler starts calling her name, not realizing she'd just been killed as the clock strikes 23:47. Second Half. Battler punches the wall, angry that most of his family's been killed by Kinzo. Maria realizes that with all of these sacrifices, Beatrice has been revived. Battler swears to find Beatrice and beat her up, preparing to go outside with a hat stand weapon when the phone rings again. Maria picks it up and happily speaks to the person on the other side. Maria passes it to Battler and leaves the cousin room. Battler asks where she's going, and Maria replies that it's time for her test. He doesn't want her to go since she'll be killed, but Maria has faith since the ceremony is over now; she's already been invited to the Golden Land. Maria gives one last laugh and leaves, and Battler speaks to the person on the phone; it's Beatrice, who gives a hearty "Congratulations!" Battler asks if she's working for Kinzo, and then demands to know where she is. Beato talks back to Kinzo, saying she wants to gives Battler his test instead. Kinzo calls her fickle, and Beato says Battler reminds her of the old sorcerer when he was young. Beato informs the incompetent boy that she'll supervise his test personally, and tells him to meet her in front of the mansion. Soon after, Battler heads out into the rain to check on Gohda and Kumasawa, banging on the door to the storehouse. When he doesn't get an answer, he looks through the window to find them dead and hanging from the ceiling with wounds in their foreheads. He then heads to the mansion and finds a box sitting outside, and Beatrice calls down to him from the roof. She tells him that Battler's test is in the box; he threatens to beat her up and the other people who killed his family, and Beato replies that he can do that if he passes the test. Battler opens the box to find a letter, same as the ones given to George and Jessica. He reads the letter out loud: "Among the three mentioned below, sacrifice one in order to gain two. Battler asks why the second option is blank, and Beato tells him that's where the name of the person he loves most goes. They knew of George and Jessica's loves beforehand, so they wrote those in there; Beato has no idea who Battler loves, so she left it blank. Battler mockingly says he loves Beatrice the most, and chooses the second option. She tells him to stop fooling around and say the name of who he "really" likes, as it's a test after all. Battler says there's no girl in particular that he likes, and asks why he would even tell this to Beatrice. Beato grabs her forehead, realizing that this test is a bust, and then gives him a different test: Battler must atone for a sin he committed six years ago. She invokes him to remember, confess and repent. Battler tries to remember, and thinks of the time Rudolf got remarried and Battler abandoned the Ushiromiya family name. Beato denies it, having no interest in anything between him and his parents. She hints that it has something to do with Rokkenjima, and that he should easily remember it given their location. Battler still doesn't understand, and Beato gets even more frustrated and tells him that forgetting it is his sin; remembering it will be his atonement. In the metaworld, Battler asks Beato if this sin had anything to do with the two of them. She asks why that is, and he says her eyes seem to be telling her to apologize. She explains that six years ago, Battler and Beato still hadn't met; the sin has no relation between them. He's still confused and Beato continues, saying that Battler has definitely sinned; because of his sin, people died. Battler is one of the causes for this tragedy on Rokkenjima. Battler looks stunned as the scene returns to the island. Beato sees that Battler cannot remember, and so she plans to leave the gameboard, walking away as Battler yells at her to come down and face him. Beato returns to Kinzo's study, where the old man wishes to know Battler's results. He says Maria passed her test splendidly, impressed despite how much he's always looked down on her. Beato is too dejected to say anything, and Kinzo asks what's wrong. He happily suggests to roast a whole cow, but Beato says he should get roasted instead; Kinzo spontaneously combusts, and Beato watches as he burns to a crisp. Ronove appears to ask what's wrong, and Beato says it's not fun anymore. Virgilia appears too, and Beato is too pained to even answer her. Gaap arrives to cheer her up and asks if Battler said something, but is cut off when she suddenly freezes. Beato orders everyone to leave since she's in a bad mood and then returns to the metaworld. Battler asks her what's wrong, and Beato says it's over; she's grown tired of the game. Battler takes it to mean he wins, and Beato responds that that's not the case; the game will be forgotten, abandoned with no winner or loser. Bernkastel arrives to clarify that Beato means to close the game without it ending for all eternity. Lambdadelta arrives too, saying she won't let Beato abandon the game, and Gretel arrives to say that Beato got Battler involved, so she should take responsibility. Beatrice angrily responds to Gretel's request, asking if Battler was ever qualified to be her opponent in the first place. Battler is asked to repeat several things in red; Battler is confused, and Beato says she's letting him do it just this once. Lambda sees what Beato is doing and is told not to interfere. Battler begins repeating after Beato; he confirms that Battler Ushiromiya's mother is Asumu Ushiromiya without any problems. Beato then asks to repeat that "Battler Ushiromiya was born from Asumu Ushiromiya," but Battler gags when he tries to say it. He tries it again, but realizes that he's completely unable to say it. Beato claims that because Battler cannot repeat it in red, he is not qualified to be her opponent; she started this game so she could fight with Kinzo Ushiromiya's grandson, Battler Ushiromiya. The man in front of her cannot repeat this information, so he loses all of his qualifications. Battler tries one more time to repeat it in red, but fails yet again; Beatrice calls checkmate and determines Battler is not Asumu Ushiromiya's son. Battler protests but suddenly disappears, and Beato disappears too. Lambda asks Bern if she's okay with this, and she replies that if Battler's lost the will to fight, then there's nothing she can do. Bern hopes to meet Lambda again in some other world, and she, Gretel and Lambda all disappear. Beatrice goes to the Golden Land, where golden roses reach as far as the eye can see. She speaks to Maria, saying they're the only ones who can understand magic. Maria says they should just forget about everything and relax, where nobody can ever hurt them again. The episode ends as Beatrice sheds tears, ready to be with her friend for all eternity. Teaser. Amakusa narrates the preview talking about how he's a veteran, all the way from the Self-Defense Force to the French Foreign Legion. He remembers a time serving under President Okonogi when he was deep in the mountains of Gifu or Toyama, getting himself caught in a trap an enemy had set. He was shocked to see the enemy's exhilarating passion, and started talking about his hobbies with him. A baseball-player joined in and they talked about who would in a fight between "Ultimate Maid" and "Commander Catears." Amakusa says the next episode title and then prepares a costume for Ange, saying it's the "Angel Mort," created by the US special forces. He demonstrates that the skirt transforms into a parachute and gets beat up afterwards. Comparisons to Source Material. This episode adapts the chapters "The Next Head" and "Cause of the Tragedy".
# Adult Rika
Adult Rika
# Advanced Story The is a saga of four arcs introduced in "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kizuna" consisting of Someutsushi, Kageboushi, Tokihogushi, and Miotsukushi Ura. The first two arcs are based on and expand upon the Onisarashi manga, while the latter two were adapted into a manga title also named "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kizuna".
Advanced Story
# Aerial Augmented Infantry
Aerial Augmented Infantry
# Africa Commonwealth Realm The (ACR) is a faction consisting of African nations. Profile. "Immediately following World War III, a hero king shockingly united the African continent. He built up a powerful group of nations that now forms one of the world's Great Factions." "Rather than trying to forcibly integrate all of Africa's countless ancient cultures and religions, the Commonwealth King ruled while serving as the highest-ranking member of all cultures and religions." "While they respect tradition and culture, they have also taken up factory-managed childbirth following the AOU's example, claiming to be a new nation group that combines both tradition and the state-of-the-art." "Some members of the Royal Family blame failures in national policy on other factions, taking an overly hostile attitude in the belief that the people from other factions are looking to split Africa up into colonies once again." "Because of the excesses of some Royal Family members, other factions believe the Royal Family is corrupt and abusing their people." Politics. The ACR Royal Family, who are all tied to the Father-King who founded the ACR long ago, is the main governing body of the faction. Geography. The ACR is comprised entirely of African nations. Society. The ACR has a population of around 2 billion. Same-sex marriages were accepted in the ACR, however the Royal Family may not allow it among their members, as one of the princes came out as gay and was chased out of the succession, becoming a monk. Military. The ACR Combined Military is the collective designation for Gauntlet Knights and standard infantry. Aerial Augmented Infantry. Squads are officially part of the Aerial Knight Corps. The ACR has fielded two squads for the International Battle Standard Festival: Squad 601 and Cairo Memorial Squad. Known Units Other Military Units. The warship "Atlantis" is the flagship of the ACR Combined Navy. It's actually comprised of seven warships linked together. Foreign Relations. AOU. The Atlantis Spirit Field, the greatest supply of Spiritium for the ACR, has been a contested region between the ACR and AOU over ownership of the area. The ACR launches their warship "Atlantis "to occupy the area, which AOU America has accused them of illegally doing. The Atlantic Fleet is sent in response. The ACR dispatches the Aerial Augmented Infantry kette Squad 601 to counter the Atlantic fleet, however the leader of the kette Rethabile orders the Atlantis Fleet into a defensive position, leaving only her kette to attack. After a brief discussion between Rethabile and the captain of the Atlantic Fleet, both sides engage each other. No casualties are sustained, and the Atlantic Fleet soon retreats after disarmed heavy torpedoes are given as a "gift" and placed inside the main bridge of the "Roger Jamison". COU. An ACR politician receives asylum in COU Madagascar, whom the ACR demand be returned to them. Skirmishes between COU India and ACR Libya also break out for unclear reasons. ABN. Members of the ABN Guidance Department are accused of assassinating the Prime Minister of ACR Libya. After the formation of the Africa Commonwealth Realm long ago, many groups of people were exiled and leased land from the ABN to live there on a refugee camp. This land had largely been ignored by both factions afterwards, though members of the ACR government long accused the camp of harboring terrorists. After an ABN Leader of Peace is found to be there, the ACR uses this as a chance to drive the refugees off of the African continent. After the outbreak of Erbil L5 and subsequent damage to ACR nations, ACR Gauntlet Knights are sent to attack ABN agricultural plants and engage their forces above the Mediterranean Sea. LATO. LATO recruits several politicians from other factions and appoints them as provisional directors for the signing of a global peace treaty. However, most of them are killed during an explosion incident at the IPMA HQ. LATO is suspected of masterminding it, though it is determined to be an accident and swiftly brushed off. LATO later arranges a second simultaneous global truce and pulls it off with no problems.
Africa Commonwealth Realm
# After After is a manga chapter that takes place several years after "Onisarashi". Summary. Akasaka is in a phone booth talking with his wife and is scolded for having to take on an urgent job over the weekend. Akasaka’s call is cut off when his phone card ejects. Akasaka goes to a store and sees no workers around when Akira appears and asks the cashier for change. They both recognize each other from long ago. Akasaka gets a new phone card, and Akira calls somewhere on the phone and tells the other end he’ll be there soon. Akira and Akasaka reconnect, where Akira reveals he’s since graduated university, and they start talking about Hinamizawa and Oyashiro-sama's Curse. Akasaka laments that he was going about the investigation all wrong and feels like he’ll never reach the truth. Akira then says it’s taken five years to find out Natsumi’s whereabouts after everyone was keeping quiet about Hinamizawa. Akasaka is surprised to hear that Natsumi Kimiyoshi is in this town, and Akira corrects him: she is now Natsumi Toudou. Natsumi’s killing of her family is recounted, where it was seen as proof that the residents of Hinamizawa were truly demons; the Kimiyoshis, one of the Three Families, had demon’s blood among them. A flashback occurs. Akira is invited inside a building by an old lady, a distant member of the Kimiyoshi family from a different branch. The lady guides Akira to a door locked with a heavy chain, and she pulls out a key. She asks Akira not to misunderstand, as they weren’t imprisoning Natsumi but rather heeding her wishes; Natsumi never wanted to leave that room in the first place. The lady then shows disdain for her neighbors gossiping that her family will be killed by her next, and she opens the door while saying Natsumi will shoulder all of Oyashiro-sama’s curse. Akira enters the room to see paper talismans and effigies hanging everywhere, and rushes inside to find Natsumi, much to the lady’s caution. Natsumi profusely apologizes, and Akira hugs her. Akira tells all of this to Akasaka. He took Natsumi out of that house and married her, taking her name out of the Kimiyoshi register. As Akira began to live with her, he realized that Natsumi blamed herself for killing her family, and she was heavily restrained to protect those around her. The two of them then go to the mental hospital to meet Natsumi, who’s finished her examination. They talk some more, and Akasaka asks Akira what made him go so far. Akira says Natsumi’s realized the truth and has stopped considering suicide for killing her family. Akasaka begins to realize what Akira did: he told Natsumi that "he" was the one who killed her family. Akasaka is surprised, but Akira says it was a necessary truth for Natsumi to live and is sure that this will let her stop getting hurt. However, even Akira is unsure of why he did that. If it were six years ago, before the incident happened, maybe his answer would be different. Akira truly loved Natsumi and wanted to save her, but at the cost of messing up his own life. Akira thanks Akasaka for taking the time to meet him, and Natsumi runs up and hugs Akira. Akira quickly spins her around to greet Akasaka, then goes off to retrieve her coat and talk to the doctor. Akasaka and Natsumi go outside to talk for a bit, where Natsumi reveals that Akira is always lying to her. She’s aware that she killed her own family and ruined Akira’s life, but even so she wants to make up for it. If the demon possesses her again, then she will die alone; the demon may actually kill Akira this time if it gets out. Akira returns and takes Natsumi’s hand, and they go off smiling. Akasaka returns to the phone booth and leaves a message for his family, asking his daughter where they should play.
# After School serves as an epilogue for the series. All characters from previous chapters appear. After finishing the epilogue, and are unlocked in the menu.
After School
# Aiko Maebara is the mother of Keiichi Maebara. Profile. "Ichirou / Aiko Maebara." "My father is a painter, and the main reason we moved to Hinamizawa was to set up his studio in a peaceful place away from the city." "My mother is a housewife, but she sometimes goes with my father to Tokyo to help (manage?) with his work." "She is also a good cook and loves mystery novels?" Appearance. Aiko does not have sprites in any version of the visual novels. Her appearances in the anime and manga adaptations all greatly differ from each other. Personality. Ichirou and Aiko are very supportive of Keiichi. "Tsumihoroboshi" shows that they felt guilty about partially contributing to Keiichi's shooting incident by not being aware of his struggles and tried hard to rectify this mistake. Background. Keiichi's family used to live in Tokyo. Hoping to start a new life, they moved to Hinamizawa in 1983 after buying an empty lot and building a mansion there. "Tsumihoroboshi" reveals that they did it after an incident where Keiichi shot at kids with a BB gun. Role in the Story. Tatarigoroshi. The credits say that Ichirou and Aiko die on 6/22/1983 in the Great Hinamizawa Disaster. Meakashi. The credits say that Ichirou and Aiko reside in Tokyo as of 2004, two decades after Keiichi's death from acute heart failure. Tsumihoroboshi. The Great Hinamizawa Disaster leaves the fate of Ichirou and Aiko after Rika's death unclear. Minagoroshi. Keiichi's parents are presumed to have been killed in the Great Hinamizawa Disaster. Other Appearances. Higurashi Gou (manga). In "Nekodamashi", Rika goes through many death loops and encounters a deranged Aiko, who believes Rika kidnapped her family; Ichirou and Keiichi are shown dead next to her. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei (manga). In 2019, an elderly Ichirou and Aiko are still living in Hinamizawa with Keiichi, his wife, and their son Keitarou.
Aiko Maebara
# Aishuu no Cross Knife
Aishuu no Cross Knife
# Aishuu no Cross Knife Volume 1
Aishuu no Cross Knife Volume 1
# Aishuu no Cross Knife Volume 2 Aishuu no Cross Knife Volume 2 is is the second and final volume of the manga-exclusive arc "Aishuu no Cross Knife". Synopsis (Translated). "The sad truth is now revealed." "Wayne has finally located Jack. Accused of murder and hunted by the police, Jack is so wounded that he can't even hear Wayne's voice anymore. Is Jack the murderer, or is it someone else? The story comes to an unexpected conclusion! A hard-boiled suspense painting the bonds between men and the people who live strong amidst postwar chaos! The final volume of the novel game "Rose Guns Days"' gaiden comic, completely written by Ryukishi07 of " and " fame!"
Aishuu no Cross Knife Volume 2
# Akai Higasa
Akai Higasa
# Akane
# Akane Sonozaki is Mion and Shion's mother. She was originally going to be the next head of the Sonozaki family but due to complications that role went to Mion instead. Akane is first introduced in "Meakashi". Profile. <tabber> "Mion and Shion's mother.She is an energetic and dynamic woman whose personality is like her daughters combined.She and Ooishi seem to be on bad terms." "She is Mion and Shion's mother, but she was disowned from the Sonozaki family due to troubles with her husband." </tabber> Appearance. Akane has green eyes and green hair tied back and wears a black kimono. She wears purple earrings. Personality. Akane is very kind and sympathetic to people most of the time. Her kindness is such that, as revealed in "Matsuribayashi", every year she gives personally-grown flowers and gifts to the grave of Ooishi's friend the dam construction manager, regretting that they couldn't make up for the dam conflict. Akane hates liars. She acts serious when it comes to Sonozaki family business. Background. Akane was meant to succeed the Sonozaki family as its next head after her mother Oryou Sonozaki. However, Akane planned to marry a yakuza member instead of the fiance that the family had picked for her. To compromise, Akane was disowned and had some of her fingernails removed in exchange for being allowed to marry her husband freely. She would later give birth to Mion and Shion. Akane's name used to be written as 蒐 to include the character for demon (鬌) as is tradition for Sonozaki family heads, but after her disowning it was changed to 茜. Relationships. Oryou Sonozaki. Because she was disowned, it may seem as though Akane and her mother have a difficult relationship but they are actually very close. Oryou had some fingernails removed at the same time Akane did, and they meet up for tea sometimes. Oryou isn't able to treat Akane normally because she has to keep up appearances. Kuraudo Ooishi. Although Akane and Ooishi rarely interact, Ooishi is not very fond of her due to longstanding hatred of the Sonozakis because of the dam war. In "Matsuribayashi", they reconcile and start to play mahjong together. Story. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Question Arcs. Watanagashi. The TIPS first reveal the details of Akane's disowning and name change. In the epilogue, after Keiichi survives Mion's killing spree and recovers in the hospital, Akane and her husband profusely apologize to his family and provide lots of consolation money. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai. Meakashi. Akane becomes aware of Shion's escape from St. Lucia Academy but opts not to do anything about it for the time being, having anticipated that it would happen. She is later present during Shion's nail punishment. In the final TIP "Disowned", Akane makes her first proper appearance in a flashback and reveals to a young Shion that both her and Oryou ripped off three of their fingernails at one point and suffered punishment for tarnishing the Sonozaki name after falling in love with an outsider. Tsumihoroboshi. Akane meets with Ooishi and the police at a restaurant to resolve a misunderstanding: Kasai needed to speak to Rena since she claimed to have found one of his belongings and sent several men looking for her when she didn't come home. The police believed the Sonozakis were after Rena because she had the deceased Takano's scrapbooks pinning the Three Families as the mastermind behind a conspiracy to control Hinamizawa through parasites and were protecting her. Akane calls for Kasai to bring out a suitcase full of Takano's other scrapbooks, explaining that they found those in her house after she passed away; all of Takano's books are shown to be speculative fiction about Hinamizawa's past, nothing more. Akane professes that though they are a yakuza group, the Sonozakis want to preserve peace and stability; she knows Ooishi was planning to raid various Sonozaki properties using the scrapbooks as an excuse and that the Sonozakis will lose face because of it, but Akane dares him to follow through with it if he's prepared for the liability suit that will follow should they turn up with nothing. Akane offers to give the police the scrapbooks as a sign of friendship if they agree to call off the raid. Ooishi excuses himself and Kumagai takes over, saying that the police also want to have any other scrapbooks the Sonozakis find and for Rena to be turned over to them immediately when she's found. Akane adds to the second condition that they want to appoint Rena a lawyer and that she can only be questioned in their presence, and that if the police find Rena then they must call the Sonozakis immediately. Kumagai accepts the deal and leaves with the scrapbooks. Akane compliments Mion for having so many good friends, especially with how Rena made a fool of Ooishi, and shows interest in seeing a movie with her sometime. Minagoroshi. Akane mediates between Keiichi and Oryou when the former aims to get the Sonozakis' help in saving Satoko from Teppei. Akane and Oryou are unwilling to forgive Satoko because of her parents' involvement in the dam war and the ensuing rivalry with the Sonozakis however, but Akane is open to forgiving her if Satoko apologizes to them after she is saved. Akane eventually ends the meeting due to Oryou's headache and dismisses Keiichi's group, still not giving a definite answer to his plea. Soon after, Akane tells Keiichi that Oryou will support Satoko, but to keep up appearances they must make it the official story that Keiichi tried to strangle Oryou and she agreed to help out of respect. Matsuribayashi. Akane and Shion visit the grave of the dam construction manager, where Ooishi is also paying his respects. They leave behind some gifts, with Ooishi realizing that Akane is the mystery person who leaves flowers on his grave every year and gets confused. Akane explains that, though the Sonozakis and the dam workers were rivals, since the dam war ended there's no reason for them to fight anymore. Akane encourages Ooishi to forget about the dam war and shares her own regrets that she couldn't make up with the dam manager personally, and they start to develop a friendship. She also explains that she ripped apart a traffic ticket earlier and wants to get a new one, and Ooishi tells her to go to the police station. Akane heads to the police station to take care of her ticket and sees Ooishi trying to stop his superior Ootaka from interrupting Rika's "autopsy" and finding out she's not really dead. Ootaka claims he was sent on behalf of Representative Saburou Sonozaki, but unfortunately for him, said representative was with Akane that day and has no idea who he is. Akane reveals the circumstances behind her ticket issuing, thinking it was unfair for a policeman to be waiting near a road sign hidden from view, and she brought Saburou along to assist with her complaint. Ooishi formally introduces Akane and Saburou to Ootaka, and the two Sonozakis take the liar off with them for some kendo training. In the future, Ooishi and Akane start playing mahjong together. Tataridamashi. Keiichi attempts to get the Sonozaki family's assistance in petitioning the child consultation center to save Satoko. Akane sits in on the meeting between Keiichi and Oryou, telling the former to leave when Oryou gets agitated. Oryou gives her support to Keiichi, and she and Akane later visit the mayor of Okinomiya to tell him to call the child consultation center. Nekodamashi. In one of Rika's loops, Akane succumbs to Hinamizawa Syndrome and kills several people at the Sonozaki main house. She sees that Mion is alive and claims that the Sonozaki's demon blood must be purged before decapitating her with a katana. Akane gives her condolences to an injured Rika for being born a Furude and wishes that she was never born in Hinamizawa before decapitating Rika as well.
Akane Sonozaki
# Akane Sonozaki/Sprites <tabber> </tabber>
Akane Sonozaki/Sprites
# Akari Akitake is the sister of Urara Akitake. She appears in "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Mei". Appearance. Akari has gray eyes and orange hair, with one side longer than the other. Personality. Akari has a verbal tic where she sometimes says . Background. Akari is a college graduate. Role in the Story. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Mei. Akari first appears in part 3 of the main story, in Heisei Chapter 4. She meets Miyuki Akasaka and Chisame Kurosawa in 1993.
Akari Akitake
# Akari Akitake/Sprites
Akari Akitake/Sprites
# Akasaka
# Akihiko Chiba is the main antagonist of the Advanced Story. He is a corrupt politician responsible for the Lowell Incident and the spread of the Placil drug, causing many mental illness patients to suffer problems. Chiba was also responsible for having Tomoe Minai's parents murdered when her father was investigating the incident. Personality. Chiba is greedy and corrupt. Background. Chiba was originally Assistant Director of the Pharmaceutical Safety Bureau. He was the mastermind behind the Lowell Incident, importing dangerous drugs like Placil into Japan and prescribing them to mental patients despite the risks it posed. He became a head of the Alphabet Project after Koizumi's death. Chiba's corruption gives him connections to many government organizations, and he is working to get elected as deputy Prime Minister of Japan. As a consequence of Chiba’s actions, Natsumi Kimiyoshi develops an evil split personality because of her regular usage of Placil. Role in the Story. Tokihogushi. Chiba is introduced doing a political campaign, trying to garner support for Minoru Yasukawa for the House of Councilors election. He talks about wanting to reform Japan's medical system to bring it on par with the West. The TIP "Lecture Material" describes Chiba's plans to give a speech at Saeki General Hospital about solving psychopathology. Connecting Fragments. The Fragment "Copy Medicine" features Chiba speaking with Nomura about Hinamizawa Syndrome, the stigma against mental illness in Japan, and the refinement of Placil. Nomura convinces Chiba to sell the Placil data to Lowell Inc. so he can gain a lot of economic and political power. Miotsukushi Ura. Tomoe and her comrades manage to gain evidence of some of Chiba's corruption and begin sending it off to the Nagoya District Proescutors Office for investigation, but Sorimachi of the Tokyo DPO informs them that Nagoya is actually working for Chiba. If they get the evidence, then they'll delay the investigation, and with elections coming up soon, it will be impossible to arrest Chiba then. Using a key Tsukada provided to her, Tomoe obtains definitive evidence pointing to Chiba's corruption and tasks Sorimachi with processing it. After the Kaiuchi Airport raid, Chiba loses the backing of Lowell Inc, but still thinks he's in the clear. Right before he can board an airplane, a group of police officers led by Sorimachi stop him with an arrest warrant. Chiba scoffs at them, but Sorimachi proves he has definitive evidence by name-dropping a restaurant Chiba had dealings in and takes him away. The investigation ends with Chiba being tried for bribery related to foreign companies. Miotsukushi Omote. Due to Chiba’s arrest, Tokyo loses much of their funding and opts to ditch Takano.
Akihiko Chiba
# Akihiko Ishizumi
Akihiko Ishizumi
# Akiko Minase is a character appearing in in the "" collaboration event Bright Schoolhouse.
Akiko Minase
# Akiko Minase/Sprites
Akiko Minase/Sprites
# Akiko Shikata is a Japanese singer known for singing various vocal tracks in .
Akiko Shikata
# Akio Watanabe
Akio Watanabe
# Akira Otobe is the main protagonist of the manga-exclusive arc "Yoigoshi-hen"" "and its visual novel adaptation. He heads to Hinamizawa long after the Great Hinamizawa Disaster for some sightseeing with friends and winds up separated from them. Profile. "I visited Hinamizawa for a certain purpose, but I got separated from my companions and fell into a mess with Mion when I was lost in the rain. Mindless, always reluctant. She said that I look similar to a boy named "Satoshi"..." Appearance. Otobe has blonde hair and red eyes. He wears a blue and black striped shirt under a black jacket and white pants. Personality. At first, Otobe is very melancholic because of his background. Over time he learns to take responsibility for his actions and gets a new lease on life. Background. Otobe was born and raised in the countryside, and feeling that he was meant for better, he ran away from home. He went to Tokyo and enjoyed his newfound freedom, working hard to save money for college. However, Otobe spent more of his money on having fun and wound up deep in debt, having to borrow money from his friends. He kept falling into debt and was unable to pay them back, eventually giving up on college. Otobe received calls from his parents to come back home but he was too afraid to face them and became depressed. Otobe gave up on life entirely and soon arranged with some people to commit suicide in Hinamizawa, having heard it described as a suicide village. Story. "Yoigoshi-hen". Otobe is first introduced driving to Hinamizawa with his companions Akutagawa, Machi, and Chiaki. After a short while the car stops and Otobe gets out to check the signal on his phone, and he accidentally falls down a cliff. He soon runs into Mion Sonozaki and asks for some help, and she initially confuses him for someone named Satoshi. After explaining that he left his friends' car to use the bathroom and lost his way, Otobe goes with Mion to the Furude Shrine and encounter Yae Towada resting there with her boyfriend Takumi. Mion begins talking about the act of demoning away and Otobe becomes concerned that his friends may have disappeared when Ryuunosuke Arakawa suddenly appears to report a car full of people who've committed suicide. Otobe attempts to call the police on his phone however he runs out of battery. With nothing else to do, Otobe and Ryuunosuke follow Mion into the ritual storehouse and learn about how alien parasites supposedly infected Hinamizawa long ago. 20 years ago, before the Great Hinamizawa Disaster, a girl was espousing the same theory and later took the school hostage, which ultimately blew up and killed everyone inside it. Mion gives an ominous message that she's actually being possessed by a parasite, and a frightened Ryuunosuke drags Otobe outside. Otobe then learns from him that Mion Sonozaki was supposed to have died in that same school explosion. Questioning the identity of the Mion that stood before them, Otobe and Ryuunosuke rejoin Mion after she finishes her business and hear Yae screaming outside. As they rush to confirm her safety, Otobe accidentally drops his phone. They learn that Yae was attacked and Takumi was kidnapped, and Mion goes to search around while Otobe retrieves his phone to call the police again, having swapped out his battery with Mion's since they had similar phones. However, Otobe finds that his phone is broken, considering it an act of sabotage by their unknown attackers. The group returns to the meeting hall inside the shrine, and Otobe goes to retrieve a blanket for a shivering Yae and opens the closet to discover Takumi's corpse. After a brief argument amongst the group, Mion deduces that Otobe destroyed his own phone earlier, as Ryuunosuke's phone was left inside the meeting hall and yet it's perfectly fine; the perpetrator knew Ryuunosuke dropped it in a puddle earlier and it was disabled. Mion then pulls out a bank card that Otobe dropped when he opened the closet, and the name doesn't match his at all. Otobe then confesses that he did destroy his own phone and begins explaining himself. Otobe was considering suicide and arranged with some companions to go to Hinamizawa and kill themselves there. As they began the preparations, Otobe saw that Chiaki had a bank card on her, figuring he could use it to pay off all of his debts. He stole the card and ran away from the car, planning to withdraw all of the money before calling the police. Otobe however claims he didn't kill Takumi, and Mion believes him. Yae then admits to killing Takumi, and after explaining herself and a brief conversation with Takumi's ghost, the group becomes surrounded by Mifune's men. Mion gets rid of the men and then explains her own side of things, taking Otobe and Ryuunosuke to the Sonozaki estate. On the way to the estate they discover the car Ryuunosuke was talking about, which has Otobe's companions dead from suicide. Otobe returns Chiaki's bank card and apologizes to the group, and Chiaki's ghost appears to tell him it's okay to use it. Otobe still refuses to take it, having decided to pay off all of his debts himself; he won't give up on life so easily anymore. They reach the estate and encounter more of Mifune's men. Mion fends them off but gets wounded, asking Otobe to retrieve the hand bell and give it to Shion when she arrives. Otobe successfully finds the bell but is cornered by Mifune, who holds him at gunpoint and demands to have the bell or else he'll shoot. Otobe has a brief conflict with his conscience over handing the bell over, but Otobe stands his ground and declares that Mifune will die if he fires. Mifune doesn't heed his words and is soon slain by Mion. Otobe hands Mion the bell and thanks her, and Mion then explains she's actually Shion. Shion's past is explained, and she escorts Otobe and everyone else back to civilization. They stop at the site where the Hinamizawa school once was, and Otobe relays to Shion Mion's final words as the latter accepts them tearfully.
Akira Otobe
# Akira Otobe/Sprites
Akira Otobe/Sprites
# Akira Toudou is one of the main protagonists of the manga-exclusive arc "Onisarashi-hen"" "and its visual novel adaptations "Someutsushi-hen" and "Kageboushi-hen""." Profile. "Natsumi's classmate and one-sided love. Currently enrolled in school with an art scholarship. He's a childhood friend of Natsumi's two friends, Chisato and Tamako. He's a bit of a foul-mouthed, naive person and is often teased by Chisato." (Translated from the Entergram "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Hou" website.) Appearance. Akira has short hair and wears a white shirt with black pants most of the time. The console adaptations give him red hair. Personality. Akira is very upfront and serious with what he does. He genuinely cares for Natsumi despite the bizarre things he witnesses surrounding her. Story. "Onisarashi-hen". Akira is first introduced demanding his textbook back from Chisato. He later talks to Natsumi in private and confesses that he likes her, asking her to give a reply later. Akira shows up to interrupt Natsumi's talk with Ooishi and Akasaka when they interrogate her about her involvement with Hinamizawa, and he walks her home. Akira sees that Natsumi's house has been covered with strange talismans and charms, soon leaving without acknowledging it. The next day Natsumi swears to Akira that her grandmother was responsible for the charms and is insane, and she definitely isn't from Hinamizawa; Akira smiles and accepts her explanation. When more students begin gossiping that someone from Hinamizawa may actually be at their school, Akira blows off their rumors and insists that neither he nor Natsumi are from there. Akira is later asked by Chisato and Tamako if he's to blame for Natsumi's strange behavior. Akira and the rest later take Natsumi to a restaurant, and Natsumi quickly runs home after they watch a TV report playing in a nearby store about a dismembered woman being found. Akira follows Natsumi home and wants to know what's going on, and when Natsumi runs away instead of answering, Akira talks with Ooishi and Akasaka about Hinamizawa and Oyashiro-sama's curse. Akira grows tired of Ooishi and Akasaka's conspiracy theories and labeling Hinamizawans as weirdos and storms off, swearing that he will protect Natsumi no matter what. He goes to a phone booth to call Natsumi's house and hears her crying for help, soon rushing there. Akira enters the house to see Natsumi covered in blood and is soon knocked out from behind by her mom. Akira regains consciousness as Natsumi is rescued by the police, and she apologizes to Akira for lying to him about not being from Hinamizawa. Akira hugs her in response. A few days later, Akira and his friends comfort Natsumi in the hospital, and Akira breaks off for a bit to speak with Ooishi and Akasaka again. He learns that the person who knocked him out that day was actually Natsumi, and her mom was the one calling for help on the phone. Akira speaks to Natsumi alone on the hospital roof and explains this all to her, however Natsumi refuses to believe it's possible. Akira finally hugs her again, and Natsumi stabs him. Ooishi and Akasaka arrive with some security guards to help Akira, who's still conscious, and Natsumi is handcuffed. Akira continues to smile at Natsumi, and she's let go to hug him one more time. Several years later, Akira reconnects with Akasaka after graduating from university and reveals that he's married Natsumi, having spent many years looking for relatives of the Kimiyoshis and finding out Natsumi's whereabouts. Natsumi still shows feels guilty for killing her own family, and Akira had lied to her that "he" was the one who did it to try and ease her pain. Natsumi is soon released from the mental hospital, and she and Akira go off to live their lives in happiness.
Akira Toudou
# Akira Toudou/Sprites <tabber> </tabber>
Akira Toudou/Sprites
# Akutagawa
# Alan
# Alan Aramaki is a former soldier with an inseparable bond with Keith Kisaragi as an assassin duo and a member of Primavera's Battalion. He first appears in Season 3.  Profile. "A flurry of fights buzzed down the drunken main street tonight. He was the brawler, Alan, who would come from anywhere to join in if he heard it.<br>He was popular among the drunks for his willingness to get into fights. Underneath the surface, he is a skilled "problem eraser" who belongs to the Battalion led by Maurice Monobe.<br>But his cheerful nature meant that he was happy to do both jobs.<br>His relationship with his girlfriend Yuki has been going well lately, and it seems that his days are getting better and better." Appearance. Alan has spiky blue hair and brown eyes. He wears a black suit with a red shirt and yellow tie. Personality. Alan is generally lighthearted and sociable, and loves making lame jokes that only Keith seems to like. He enjoys fighting and regularly gets into friendly brawls with Chinese people, but he values Yuki more and tries to suppress this side of him when they're together. But despite his cheerful exterior, he also has a more serious, stoic side to him. Background. Alan and Keith fought in World War II as snipers as a two-man team even after their squad was wiped out, braving the Siberian winter alone for three months. They were eventually captured by Soviet forces and sent to a Siberian prison camp. After being released and repatriated a few years later, Alan and Keith were recruited by Maurice Monobe to join Battalion. Relationships. Keith Kisaragi. Alan and Keith have been extremely close since they met during the war, and vowed to survive together, considering themselves like a married couple. As a sniper duo, while Keith is the one to fire the final bullet, he acknowledges that he really can't do much else without Alan, who is his spotter and handles other logistics. After Keith kills Meixue, Alan is extremely conflicted between his hatred for what Keith had done and the friendship they both share, and hopes that their final meeting before he leaves will give him closure on the matter, but in the end they can't forgive each other. However, he still cares deeply for Keith, to the point that he sacrifices himself for him towards the end of the last season. Yuki. Ever since she had saved him from an unfortunate misunderstanding, Alan had fallen head over heels for her, and constantly gushes about her to Keith, much to the latter's annoyance. By the time they're introduced to the story, Alan and Yuki have been dating for a while, and things are going smoothly for them, except Alan's reluctance to tell him his true profession due to Yuki's dislike for anything violent or related to the mafia. Unbeknownst to him, she's also hiding her own involvement with the mafia, as well as her nationality, for fear that Alan, a Japanese person, wouldn't want anything to do with someone who's Chinese. He loves her cool, no-nonsense personality, but also sometimes thinks she comes off a bit sheltered. It isn't until later that he finds out her true identity, and starts to come around to her ideals of harmony between the Chinese and Japanese. Story. "Season 3". Alan is first introduced alongside Keith in 1949 where they get hired by Butler to assassinate a reporter harassing one of his subordinates. As the story progresses, Alan builds his relationship with Yuki while trying to hide from her the fact that he's a hitman. Alan and Keith are later hired to assassinate Davis Degawa, a man trying to oppose Primavera's plans for a City 23 Distribution Association. Alan's relationship with Yuki gets to the point where she invites him to meet her brother Meijiu. On the way they suddenly get attacked by Gabriel's men, who try to kill Yuki as part of "Operation: Great Justice." Alan and Meijiu protect Yuki, which leads to Alan getting wounded and losing consciousness. "Last Season". The wounded Alan is brought to an underground Chinese doctor for treatment, and his absence leads Keith to believe he was killed. Alan regains consciousness a few days later, and he learns that Yuki's real name is Lee Meixue while coming clean about his life as a hitman. Alan then learns that tensions between Primavera and the GDS were getting bad because the GDS is being blamed for Stella and Yuuji's deaths. Meijiu later informs Richard of Alan's survival and plans to return him soon, and Richard invites Meijiu and Zilong to lunch for a conference. Alan catches up with Maurice and learns that Keith was hired for a "big job," soon realizing that Keith is to assassinate Meijiu and Zilong as part of Richard's revenge. Alan and Meixue rush to prevent the assassination, and Meixue gets shot by Keith while protecting Meijiu and lies on the ground bleeding. Alan, Meijiu, and other Chinese men hide behind cover and struggle to save Meixue as Keith slowly picks them off. in the end Meixue dies, and Alan manages to retrieve her body and bring her to Meijiu while Keith hesitates to kill him. Maurice and Keith truly become convinced that Alan is a traitor. Meijiu asks Alan to accompany Meixue's body on its way to China for a funeral, but Alan wants to resolve his dispute with Keith first. The two of them meet at the docks, and after trading some parting words they fight. Ultimately Alan gets the upper hand on Keith and shoots him, but instead of finishing him off he turns around and leaves, leaving Keith to call out to him in despair. "Last Season". Alan returns to Japan in 1950 after spending a year in China and reunites with Meijiu. They come to the conclusion that Meixue's death and the dispute between Primavera and the GDS last year were ultimately masterminded by Gabriel Kaburaya, and they want Butler to testify to prove the GDS' innocence. Alan sneaks into GHQ to rescue Butler but fails when Butler refuses to leave under threat of something happening to his sister. Alan later joins Jeanne's side to fight Primavera and in the final chapter has another showdown with Keith inside of a bell tower. In the end they grab each other and fall outside a window, and Alan sacrifices himself to save Keith's life. Keith soon grieves over the death of his friend.
Alan Aramaki
# Alan Aramaki/Image Gallery Fight CGs. <tabber> </tabber>
Alan Aramaki/Image Gallery
# Alan Aramaki/Sprites <tabber> </tabber>
Alan Aramaki/Sprites
# Alchemist was a Japanese visual novel developer specializing in the porting of PC visual novels to console platforms. It is responsible for the various console ports of and . The company declared bankruptcy on April 1, 2016. 07th Expansion Works. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Matsuri A port and remaster of the series on PlayStation 2. It features new character sprite art and the addition of CGs and voice acting. Three additional arcs are added, as well as choices that determine the story branching of Question Arcs (as opposed to the standalone format of the original arcs). Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kizuna A port and remaster of the "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni" series on Nintendo DS. Higurashi Daybreak Portable A port and remaster of the spin-off "Higurashi" fighting game on PlayStation Portable. Umineko no Naku Koro ni: Rondo of the Witch and Reasoning A port and remaster of on Playstation 3. Golden Fantasia X A port and remaster of the spin-off "Umineko" fighting game on Xbox 360. Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru: Nocturne of Truth and Illusions A port and remaster of on Playstation 3.
# Alfred
# Alfred Akagi , also known as Crazy Alfred, is the leader of the Alfred Family, an American-Japanese mafia group. Alfred aims to destroy Primavera when they refuse to pay him protection money. Profile. "Alfred was just a ruthless hitman working for the mafia in City 23 until he killed the American bosses, took over the organization, and sought control of the city. The organization has weakened a little due to the internal conflicts at the time, but there is no doubt that Alfred was the most dangerous man in City 23. He needed a lot of cash to settle with mainland US organizations and was collecting money in a fairly rough way. Of course, Club Primavera fell into his sights." Appearance. Alfred has purple hair and wears a white suit with a red undershirt and black tie. Personality. As befitting his nickname, Alfred is psychotic and will gladly point his knife at anyone who crosses him. Alfred later shows some genuine compassion for others, as in Season 3 where he attends Stella's funeral and gives condolences to Richard. Background. Alfred was a member of a Japanese mafia group that became part of a larger American one that moved into City 23 shortly after the war. Alfred killed the old head and took his place, soon trying to gain money to pay off the American group. Role in the Story. "Season 1". Alfred is first introduced in 1947, pestering Primavera and demanding that they pay him protection money. When they reject him, he kidnaps Claudia and holds her hostage, prompting the club to rescue her. He also kidnaps Rose and attempts to rape her, however his advances are thwarted. Alfred later hatches a plan to destroy Primavera, having his henchmen prepare a truck with a bomb to drive it into the club. Primavera tracks down Alfred's hideout and Leo fights him one-on-one, soon putting an end to his crime spree. With Alfred's defeat, Caleb starts taking over City 23. "Season 2". Primavera tries to fight Caleb by luring his men to the club, where the police will be tipped off to a "large crime" and arrest them. However, Alfred and his lackeys rob a bank and attract the attention of the police instead. "Season 3". Alfred starts getting involved in the mafia business again in 1949 when he backs Davis Degawa, a man trying to oppose Primavera's plans for a distribution network; Primavera wanted to assassinate Davis but were concerned of what Alfred would do in return. Richard convinces Alfred to forget about his backing and ally with him, and Davis is promptly eliminated. "Last Season". In 1950, the Wandering Dogs try to rescue Rose and stop Primavera from coming under Richard's rule. Alfred is sent to take them out and almost defeats them before being distracted by Leo, soon entering a rematch with him. In the final chapter, Alfred has a fight with Alan and later Miguel.
Alfred Akagi
# Alfred Akagi/Image Gallery Fight CGs. <tabber> </tabber>
Alfred Akagi/Image Gallery
# Alfred Akagi/Sprites
Alfred Akagi/Sprites
# Alice is the main protagonist of . Background. Alice is an extremely powerful witch, known as the "Witch of Gutting" due to her tendency to experience the most interesting parts of a given fragment and discard or "gut" the rest. Appearance. Alice's design is inspired by Alice in Wonderland. She wears a light blue dress decorated with playing card suits. She has mismatched socks: one is white and other checkered white and black like a chessboard. Both socks are paired with red slippers. She wears a small crown on her head.
# Alice/Sprites <tabber> </tabber>
# All-Cast Review
All-Cast Review
# All-Cast Review Session The All-Cast Review Sessions, called in the Japanese versions, are skits featured at the end of some arcs. They usually feature the characters getting together and discussing the plot of the chapter while partaking in humorous scenarios. The feature is first introduced in . In , the All-Cast Review Sessions are replaced with Staff Rooms. Arcs with All-Cast Review Sessions. Other. The arc "Last note of the Golden Witch" also features an All-Cast Review Session at the end.
All-Cast Review Session
# All Cast Review Session
All Cast Review Session
# All The Goats
All The Goats
# All of the Goats
All of the Goats
# All you need is love Volume 1
All you need is love Volume 1
# All you need is love Volume 2
All you need is love Volume 2
# All you need is love Volume 3
All you need is love Volume 3
# Alliance
# Alliance of the Golden Witch Alliance of the Golden Witch is the fourth episode of the series and the fourth and final episode in the "Question Arcs". It was released at Comiket 75 on December 29, 2008 and is followed by "End of the Golden Witch", the first episode in "Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru". The original release of "Alliance of the Golden Witch" contains the previous 3 episodes. In other words, it is effectively the full "Question Arcs" release. Introduction. "Good morning. How shocking that you haven't been forced to surrender even now.By this point, even I am forced to expect a lot from you." "Not all of the game takes place on the board.""How about taking a little peek on the outside this time around?""They say that if you know your enemy, you need not fight a hundred battles." "The difficulty level depends on you.""The manner in which you've fought until now will greatly influence the difficulty of this game." Plot Summary. This chapter introduces Battler's sister Ange as a secondary protagonist, who was absent from the 1986 Ushiromiya family conference and was taken in by Eva, the only survivor of the Rokkenjima Mass Murders. The narrative shifts between the gameboard and the outside world, showing readers the impact of the incident on Ange's life and exploring her relationship with Maria and magic through Maria's diary. Characters. New Characters. 1998 Furniture Release History. Original Release (Comiket 75). "Alliance of the Golden Witch" first released on PC at C75 on December 29, 2008. English Release. The Question Arcs were officially translated to English and released by MangaGamer on July 8, 2016. It featured new character artwork by Natsumi Kei based on the pachinko game. There are also a number of new CGs, however these are not enabled by default as they were added before release and could not be tested or approved. Saku. "Umineko no Naku Koro ni Saku" released as a compilation of every arc on PC on October 4, 2019. Ports. This arc has been featured in the following console ports: Adaptations. Manga. The manga adaptation of "Alliance of the Golden Witch" was illustrated by Soichiro and serialized in Square Enix's Gangan Online magazine from October 2009 to February 2012. It was later collected into six volumes. Yen Press published them in English in three omnibus volumes. The 2009 Umineko: When They Cry anime by Studio DEEN adapted "Alliance of the Golden Witch" in Episodes 19 to 26 as the final arc of the season. Novels. Kodansha released two volumes adapting "Alliance of the Golden Witch":
Alliance of the Golden Witch
# Alliance of the Golden Witch/CG <tabber> </tabber>
Alliance of the Golden Witch/CG
# Alliance of the Golden Witch/Characters This page contains the in-game character bios for the arc, including death bios. Gameboard. Kinzo Ushiromiya . <tabber> </tabber> Krauss Ushiromiya . <tabber> </tabber> Natsuhi Ushiromiya . <tabber> </tabber> Jessica Ushiromiya . <tabber> </tabber> Eva Ushiromiya . <tabber> </tabber>
Alliance of the Golden Witch/Characters
# Alliance of the Golden Witch/Colored Text This page contains all the red truths and blue truths for the episode, contextualized and arranged by chapter. Chapter 4: Red Truth, Blue Truth. Kinzo's Life or Death Status. As the adult guests had not seen Kinzo since the year before, they began to suspect that Krauss may have been covering up his death. Kyrie suspected that they might be aiming to declare him missing later, before having him declared legally dead when he remains so for seven years. Chapter 17: Cause of the Tragedy. Battler's Sin. During Battler's headship trial, Beatrice called on Battler to atone for his sin of six years ago. Battler spoke of his throwing away of the Ushiromiya name as rebellion towards his father's remarriage, but Beatrice states that he has another sin. She said that not remembering is his sin, and that she will forgive him if he does remember. Battler however could not remember anything that could be considered a sin. Battler's Parentage. Having lost the motivation to continue the game, Beatrice decided to abandon the gameboard. She decided to question if Battler is even qualified to be her opponent. Questioning Battler's qualifications Beatrice's theory Chapter 19: Ushiromiya Ange. Sakutarou. In the past, Rosa had ripped apart Sakutarou, a stuffed toy that she had made and given to Maria for her birthday. Ange was able to revive Sakutarou in 1998 even though Maria could not. This was because Maria placed a great importance on Sakutarou's vessel due to its being handmade by her mother. Upon witnessing its destruction, she decided that Sakutarou had died in her world too, and thus would not be able to summon him again. Ange later offered to revive Sakutarou for Maria while in the Golden Land. Being unable to revive him herself, Beatrice could not accept that Ange would be able to do so. Tea Party. For organizational purposes, this section will be divided by twilight or mystery. Each subsection will include both information from the first and second halves of the battle, indicated accordingly. Kinzo's Life or Death Status. Battler's theory Regarding Kinzo in the fourth game Kinzo's death confirmed First Game, First Twilight. Six corpses were found in the rose garden storehouse. Rudolf, Kyrie, Rosa, and Gohda had their faces completely destroyed, while Krauss and Shannon had their faces half destroyed. The corpses were identified by their clothing. Eva, Hideyoshi, Genji, and Kanon had been the first to discover the bodies. The storehouse can only be opened with a single key from the servant room, which was found in its proper place there. After Beatrice denies an 18th person First Game, Second Twilight. Eva and Hideyoshi's corpses were found in a guest room with stakes stabbed into their foreheads. Eva was found on the bed with her shoes on while Hideyoshi was in the still-running bathtub. The door had been found locked by Genji and Kanon. Genji had used his master key to unlock the door, but found that the chain was still on. Genji went to get Nanjo and Natsuhi, while Kanon went with Kumasawa to get wire cutters. Kanon and Kumasawa, who had returned first, found a magic circle painted on the door in the short span of about five minutes. Kanon then cut the chain and found the bodies, with the others following soon after. After Beatrice denies an 18th person First Game, Fifth Twilight. Kanon and Kumasawa had located the source of the stench to the boiler room. Kanon rushed in ahead and prepared to confront Beatrice, but was stabbed in the chest with a stake. He managed to pull the stake out of his body. The remaining survivors soon rushed in and found him wounded. Battler, discovering the other door to the boiler room was left ajar, attempted to pursue the culprit but failed to find them. Kanon was carried to the servant room and treated by Nanjo, and he was followed by George, Kumasawa, and Jessica. Nanjo's attempts were however in vain, and Kanon died there soon after. After Beatrice denies an 18th person First Game, Sixth to Eight Twilights. Genji, Nanjo, and Kumasawa's corpses were found in the parlor by Natsuhi, Jessica, George, and Battler. Their faces had been destroyed, and stakes were stabbed into their stomach, knee, and calf respectively. The room had been locked, and was opened by George with the servants' keys. The group also found Maria facing the wall singing a song. She claims that Beatrice had entered the room with magic and then killed the others, telling her to do this so as not to witness their murders. She obeyed. After Beatrice denies an 18th person First Game, Ninth Twilight. Natsuhi had left the parlor reading a letter and barred the parlor doors with a candlestick. She then confronted Beatrice with her gun. When the survivors forced their way through the door, they found her with a gunshot wound to her head, as well as the smell of smoke coming from the barrel of her gun. After Beatrice denies an 18th person Second Game, First Twilight. Krauss, Natsuhi, Eva, Hideyoshi, Rudolf, and Kyrie were found in the chapel with their stomachs sliced open and Halloween candy stuffed into the wounds. Rosa and the servants were the first to find the magic circle on the chapel, and she found the door to be locked. She retrieved the key from an envelope given to Maria by Beatrice the previous day and used it to open the chapel door. After Beatrice denies an 18th person Second Game, Second Twilight. Jessica and Kanon were shown to be killed by Beatrice's furniture beforehand. The survivors found Jessica's body face down in her room with a stake stabbed into her back. Kanon's corpse was not found. Jessica's room had been locked and was opened by Rosa with Gohda's master key. A key was found on the side table with a cute mascot next to it, likely Jessica's key to her room. After Beatrice denies an 18th person Second Game, Kanon's Appearance. Kanon had been killed for the second twilight, and his death was declared with the red truth by Beatrice. However, he later appeared in the kitchen with a gaping wound, and killed Nanjo and Kuwasawa in the servant room in front of Genji, Shannon, and Gohda. He had red eyes at the time, and was turned into golden butterflies via the application of a spiderweb. After Beatrice denies an 18th person Second Game, Fourth to Sixth Twilights. George, Shannon, and Gohda were found in Natsuhi's room. Gohda's corpse was lying face down with a stake in his chest. George's corpse was along the wall, stabbed with a stake in the stomach. Shannon's corpse was slumped face down over a dresser with an open wound in her head and a stake next to it, having fallen out. The three had earlier been killed by Beatrice and her furniture. The door was found locked, and Battler opened it with a master key under instructions from Rosa. Battler's culprit X theory After Beatrice denies an 18th person Third Game, First Twilight. The five servants and Kinzo were found dead by the adults in six separate rooms, all of which had their doors and windows locked. According to Nanjo, the chest wounds on the servants were likely due to a spear or a gun. Kinzo's corpse was burnt entirely, and had been identified due to him having polydactyly. The six rooms formed a closed "loop" of locked rooms. An envelope was found alongside each corpse, and contained both a master key (with the exception of Kinzo) and the room key to the next room in the sequence. Shannon's corpse had been discovered first via the breaking of a window, and the remaining corpses were found in the following order as per the room keys discovered: Battler's Eva culprit theory After Beatrice denies an 18th person Third Game, Second Twilight. Rosa and Maria's corpses were found by Rudolf in the rose garden. According to Nanjo, the causes of death were a stab to the medulla oblongata by the fence for Rosa and bare-handed strangling for Maria. The two had earlier been killed by EVA Beatrice in multiple cruel ways using the Endless Magic, and had been given this less brutal death by Beatrice. Rosa's gun had also been found at the scene with none of its ammunition expended. Hideyoshi had tested the gun and found it to be in working condition and not tampered with. Battler had argued during the third game that Hideyoshi's alibi for Eva was a cover, and that she had committed the murders of the third game. EVA Beatrice was unable to deny his argument. Battler's Eva culprit theory Third Game, Fourth to Sixth Twilights. The bodies of Rudolf, Kyrie, and Hideyoshi were found in the entrance hall by Battler, Eva, George, and Nanjo. They had wounds to their head, abdomen, and chest respectively, and stakes had been driven into these wounds. The corpses were not found next to each other, and their clothing was disordered, suggesting that they may have tried to resist or escape from the culprit. The three of them had gone to the mansion earlier to get food, with Rudolf and Hideyoshi carrying guns. Hideyoshi later gave his gun to Kyrie so that he could push the cart. Rudolf and Kyrie were then killed by the Chiesters under orders from EVA Beatrice. Hideyoshi had confronted EVA afterwards, causing her to use magic to remotely fire Rudolf's gun at him. Battler's Eva culprit theory Third Game, George's Disappearance. George went missing from the guesthouse and was later found dead in the mansion parlor. The doors and windows to the guesthouse were all locked from the inside. Before Beatrice denies an 18th person Third Game, Seventh and Eight Twilights. The bodies of Krauss and Natsuhi were found in the rose garden arbor by Battler, Jessica, Eva, and Nanjo. According to Nanjo, the markings on their necks indicated the cause of death to be strangulation. In addition, stakes had been found stabbed into Krauss's thigh and Natsuhi's calf. The two had been killed by the Chiesters under orders from EVA Beatrice while they were in the parlor, and then dragged out to the rose garden. Battler's Eva culprit theory Third Game, Nanjo's Murder. Nanjo was killed by EVA Beatrice in the corridor outside the servant room. Jessica, who was inside the room, heard the commotion, but had been blinded by the discharge from Eva's rifle during their struggle earlier. Eva had run off after that, and Battler had followed her. Battler's culprit X theory After Beatrice denies an 18th person Fourth Game, First Twilight. Kinzo arrived at the dining hall where all the family adults and servants had gathered. He summoned several fantasy characters who killed Natsuhi, Eva, Hideyoshi, Rudolf, Rosa, and Genji. Gohda and Kumasawa managed to escape and reported the situation to the cousins, though they were evasive about the details. The other survivors of the massacre were sent to a dungeon by Gaap, and they spoke to the cousins about this via a connected phone line. Battler found the corpses in the dining hall during his investigation on the second day. All had their heads half smashed. Battler's culprit X theory Fourth Game, Second Twilight. Jessica and George were called out by Kyrie and Shannon to Jessica's room and the rose garden arbor respectively in order to take headship tests ordered by Kinzo. There they fought Ronove and Gaap, but ended up killing each other due to a well-timed teleportation. George's body was restored by Gaap and then pierced in the forehead with her heel. His corpse was found by Battler with that head wound on the way to his headship test on the first night. Jessica's body was sent back to her room and temporarily revived. During this time, she told Battler about what had happened, including the magical abilities and of George's corpse, and warned him that those she faced were not human. She then died with her face half-smashed, and was found by Battler in this state on the second day. Battler's culprit X theory Fourth Game, Fourth to Eight Twilights. Kanon, Shannon, Krauss, and Nanjo had been killed by the Chiesters upon escaping from the dungeon, with Kanon's corpse falling down the well. Kyrie managed to escape to the mansion where she called Battler and told him of the situation. She told him that she would not be alive for long, and was currently being attacked by a golden thread flying through the keyhole. Battler heard a loud noise, and Kyrie did not respond again. Battler found their bodies on the second day. Kyrie's corpse was in a guest room, a stake pierced through her forehead. Krauss's body was found near the back door with his head half-destroyed, and a stake had been buried in the damaged area. Shannon and Nanjo's corpses were found near an old well with both their heads half-smashed. A stake was found lying on the ground next to each corpse. The well was covered with a metal grate and Battler's attempts to break through were unsuccessful. He was unable to find Kanon's corpse in the end. During Battler's investigation on the second day Battler's culprit X theory Fourth Game, Ninth Twilight. The cousins had been told to lock up Gohda and Kumasawa in the rose garden storehouse by the prisoners via phone call, as per Kinzo's orders. They then handed the single key to the shutter to Gohda via the window. On the way to his headship test, Battler passed by the storehouse and saw through the window that both Gohda and Kumasawa were hanging from nooses. He managed to break through the shutter with a hatchet on the second day. As a result, he realized that both their feet were actually touching the floor, and they had actually been killed by what seemed like gunshot wounds to their heads. He found the key in Gohda's pocket with the tag still attached. Kinzo's burnt corpse had been found in the boiler room. Maria's corpse was in the dining hall with the first twilight corpses, though she had no visible wounds on her. Lambdadelta's Red Truths. Regarding the first game Regarding the second game Manga Extras. The manga for this arc contains one extra blue truth, which was not shown via narration from the VN and was also included in the anime, and one extra red truth when Battler tells Beatrice that she's lying after she confirms in red that because of his sin, people on the island die. The additional information is documented here. Beatrice's example of the blue truth Battler's Sin
Alliance of the Golden Witch/Colored Text
# Alliance of the Golden Witch/Solution This article attempts to describe solutions to the gameboard's mysteries in "Alliance of the Golden Witch""." It is primarily based on content from the manga versions of the final two arcs, which Ryukishi07 has stated to be an official answer from him. Willard's solutions and the elaborations in the "Requiem of the Golden Witch" manga are the most direct solutions and are taken verbatim from the story. In addition, the page will contain additional information as well as solutions to other mysteries based interviews, side materials, and story content from analogous scenes in the "Twilight of the Golden Witch" manga. Clair's descriptions of the mysteries are also listed whenever they exist. This page only aims to describe the whodunnit and howdunnit of the mysteries. There is a wealth of additional emotional subtext behind many of these scenes that will not be described here due to its greater reliance on reader interpretation of the scenes themselves. We strongly encourage rereading the story in order to discover this for yourself. Before the Murders. Sayo enlists the help of Kumasawa and Nanjo in setting up a fake murder mystery for Battler. Genji is told the true nature of Sayo's murder-suicide plan, but still pledges his cooperation due to his loyalty and a sense of guilt for having contributed to Sayo's suffering. Sayo gave Maria an umbrella and told her to lie that Kinzo had given it to her. Sayo then gathered everyone in the dining hall of the mansion and made them accomplices in her plan. It is unknown if Sayo shut off the switchboard for the phones, as the internal line was used and it is not clear if Battler attempted to use the external line. First Twilight. "Fourth game, first twilight. A massacring storm sweeps through the dining hall." Red Truths Red Truths (Manga) Second Twilight. "Fourth game, second twilight. The two youths face their trials and pass away together." Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Twilights. "Fourth game, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth twilights. None of the runaways are left alive." Red Truths Battler's Sin. Red Truths Solution Battler's sin was forgetting his promise to Shannon. Six years ago, he visited Rokkenjima and promised Shannon that he would come back for her, just as mentioned in the previous episode. Due to his fight with Rudolf after Asumu's death, Battler forgot and thus broke his promise. While Beatrice existed as a persona of Sayo before Battler made that promise, he did not know about it and Sayo did not make Beatrice carry Shannon's love for Battler until 1983. After Sayo learned that Battler will visit Rokkenjima again on Oct 4, 1986, she planned out this massacre. By the time this conversation took place, Sayo had killed a number of people. Battler's Parentage. Red Truths Solution Battler's biological mother is Kyrie. Asumu and Kyrie both gave birth on the same day, but Asumu had a miscarriage. Rudolf, already engaged to Asumu at the time, bribed the doctor to switch the results. Battler grew up believing Asumu was his biological mother as a result. The baby that Asumu was supposed to give birth to was intended to be named Battler Ushiromiya, hence why Beatrice can repeat it in red without any issue. Ninth Twilight. "Fourth game, ninth twilight. And none shall be left alive." Tenth Twilight. "Who am I?" Red Truths
Alliance of the Golden Witch/Solution
# Alliance of the Golden Witch/Summary This chapter introduces Battler's sister Ange as a secondary protagonist, who was absent from the 1986 Ushiromiya family conference and was taken in by Eva, the only survivor of the Rokkenjima Massacre. The narrative shifts between the gameboard and the outside world, showing readers the impact of the incident on Ange's life and exploring her relationship with Maria and magic through Maria's diary. Character pages are linked as the characters first appear in the story, not when they are mentioned by others prior. Short meta-layer sections are indicated with curly brackets and italicized, while longer ones will be in their own rows and unmarked. Short gameboard sections in primarily meta-layer sections will also be italicized, but will be in square brackets. Song titles are in bold only when they are played for the first time. Chapters. Unlike in previous episodes, the chapter select screen for "Alliance of the Golden Witch" does not list dates and times. Information here is taken from the date and time screens from within the story itself. Italics indicate extrapolated dates. Prologue. Background Music Characters Appearing The New Guest. Background Music Characters Appearing Ange and Maria. Background Music Characters Appearing The Future 12 Years Later. Background Music Characters Appearing Red Truth, Blue Truth. Background Music Characters Appearing Ange's Recollection. Background Music Characters Appearing Mariage SorciÚre. Background Music Characters Appearing Lure Towards Illusions. Background Music Characters Appearing My World. Background Music Characters Appearing Sakutaro. Background Music Characters Appearing To the Island of the Witch. Background Music Characters Appearing Ushiromiya Kinzo. Background Music Characters Appearing The Sweet World of Witches. Background Music Characters Appearing Dungeon. Background Music Characters Appearing My Mission. Background Music Characters Appearing Final Family Conference. Background Music Characters Appearing The Next Head. Background Music Characters Appearing Cause of the Tragedy. Background Music Characters Appearing Journey's Endpoint. Background Music Characters Appearing Ushiromiya Ange. Background Music Characters Appearing Tea Party. Background Music Characters Appearing Background Music Characters Appearing
Alliance of the Golden Witch/Summary
# Alliance of the Golden Witch/TIPS Mariage SorciÚre. An alliance of witches formed by Lady MARIA, the Witch of Origins, and Lady Beatrice, the Endless Witch. Together, they created a groundbreaking magical compendium, which brought about an immense influx of strength to Beatrice's once-declining magical power. It's probably safe to say that the formation of this alliance allowed Beatrice to gain the Endless Power in its truest sense. According to its first clause, member witches must acknowledge each other and respect each other's magic. Young Ange did receive an invitation to join this alliance at one point, but she was later excommunicated. Magical Compendiums. This term refers to a foundation that gives birth to magic. In particular, it indicates a system through which magical power can be gained automatically by sharing. For witches, committing one's magical compendium to paper and leaving it behind for future generations is often considered to be an important life's work. However, the more fearsome the power of a magical compendium, the harder it is to comprehend and share with others. An easily-learned magical power may be easy to share, but such magical compendiums are doomed to end up as little more than good luck charms that are eventually forgotten. The essence of sorcery is maintaining a balance between these two outcomes when leaving a magical compendium behind for later generations. Grimoires. Simply put, any time a magical compendium is written down to be passed on to later generations, the result is a grimoire. It is said that today, the most famous grimoire in the world has a history of over 2000 years and is still in circulation, acquiring new alliance members even now. It is forbidden to speak the true name of that grimoire, so it is simply called "Book". Beatrice's Titles. As a witch, Beatrice holds two titles: "Golden" and "Endless". These originally came from separate magical compendiums, so it can be said she wields the power of two compendiums. The title of Endless Witch has its foundation in "Endless Creation" and is the root of her unmatched, endless magical power. The title of Golden Witch has its foundation in "the Realization of Magic", a magical power that can materialize imaginary precious metals, providing the miracle of manifestation to all less tangible forms of magic. These two titles were refined even further within Mariage Sorciere, leading to their sublimation into the compendium known as "Endless Realization". In that sense, she technically shouldn't be referred to as either the Endless Witch or the Golden Witch, but by a new title that is a fusion of the two. Regarding Witches. The definition of a witch is vague, but according to the generally accepted theory, one becomes a witch at the moment they gain possession of a power surpassing the boundaries of Humans that they can use at will. The world, or Fragment, in which they can use their power freely is known as their territory. Most witches cannot leave their territory at will, but those who can travel freely across the world of Fragments are called Voyagers. In the story, Bernkastel and Lambdadelta belonged to this special category. Regarding Voyagers. Worlds of different fates and circumstances are called Fragments, and witches capable of crossing the ocean of endless Fragments are called Voyagers. It is also a title used to indicate a high-order witch, and witches limited to their own territories cannot compare to their power. However, perhaps because they don't have well-defined territories of their own, their values are ever-changing, and it's easy for their souls to become vague and insubstantial. It isn't uncommon for this to result in them turning into scraps of seaweed in the Fragment ocean and fading away. Their voyage has no destination, and you might even say they're on a journey to escape a destination. Witches of a higher order than Voyagers are called Creators. Regarding Creators. Creators are sacred beings who can create 1 out of the sea of nothingness. They can give birth to 1 from 0, give birth to the endless, and then return it to 0 again in a flash. They are freed from all restrictions, and Voyagers sometimes even call them gods. In that sense, perhaps the Witch of Origins, MARIA, is a chosen girl, fated to become a Creator... All Voyagers fear that the destination of their own journeys is becoming a Creator. As to why they would fear advancing to the status of a higher-order being, only they themselves can comprehend the answer.
Alliance of the Golden Witch/TIPS
# Alliance of the Golden Witch/Truth
Alliance of the Golden Witch/Truth
# Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 01
Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 01
# Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 02
Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 02
# Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 03
Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 03
# Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 04
Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 04
# Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 05
Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 05
# Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 06
Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 06
# Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 1 Alliance of the Golden Witch Vol. 1 is the first volume of Souichiro's manga adaptation of "Alliance of the Golden Witch" and the 15th overall volume of the manga adaptation of . The volume was released in English by Yen Press in an omnibus format with Volume 2. Publisher's Summary. Japanese. "六軒島の惚劇から遥かな未来。物語は聖ルチヌア孊園に通うある少女の悲しき日々から始たる。戊人の効、瞁寿が魔女の仕掛けた謎に挑む!!" English. "Twelve years after her loved ones were brutally murdered at the annual family meeting, Ange Ushiromiya, now eighteen, is the sole heir of the Ushiromiya family. Ostracized by her peers, Ange seeks companionship in the pages of a diary left behind by her cousin, Maria. The diary offers a precious glimpse of Maria's world--her struggles at school, her friendship with stuffed--lion Sakutarou, and her fascination with magic. It's as if the diary contains the last remnants of Ange's dear cousin...and an opportunity for Ange to discover the magic within herself..." Afterword. Ryukishi07. The True Beginning "Hello, I am Ryukishi07" "In Episode 4, Beato and Battler—with a newfound, deeper understanding of fighting witches—engage in a violent but intellectual battle with interlaced red-and-blue truths. You are no longer the helpless lamb, led astray by serial murders. You are now a brave challenger, tackling our mysterious riddle master's offering head-on." "I hope you will use the information and wisdom you've gained from observing this otherworldly struggle over the previous episodes to fully enjoy this particular battle of wits." "Episode 4 begins with eighteen-year-old Ange making the decision to travel back in search of the truth of what happened twelve years ago in 1986. What happened on Rokkenjima? By viewing the second day of that terrible storm from a perspective that is not Battler's you might discover something new that sheds light on the witch's darkness..." "Do you remember what Okonogi said to Ange? When we search for the truth of a story, we often unconsciously decide on an answer, seek out the pieces that only support that particular answer, and ignore all the other pieces. The latter is especially true if those other pieces seem to contradict the answer we've settled on." "But that is like viewing the picture with only one eye. You are unable to view the truth in its full three dimensions. Perhaps the perspective that seeks the truth in an effort to deny the witch is much the same as attempting to view something with one eye closed." "And if in order to learn the truth, one must not deny the witch, but accept her..." "In Episode 4, we will make a sharper examination of what a witch is and what magic is. I look forward to seeing you use that sharpened implement to pierce her heart and expose the truth. Hee-hee-hee..." Souichiro. "Special Thanks""Original Creator/Supervisor: Ryukishi07""07th Expansion Staff""Editors: Captain Takegasa, Koizumi""Assistants: Ikeda, Tsukuda, Morita, Sis""& You"
Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 1
# Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 2 Alliance of the Golden Witch Vol. 2 is the second volume of Souichiro's manga adaptation of "Alliance of the Golden Witch" and the 16th overall volume of the manga adaptation of . The volume was released in English by Yen Press in an omnibus format with Volume 1. Publisher's Summary. Japanese. "からくも須磚寺の远っ手から逃れた瞁寿。圌女は、か぀お信じた魔法の存圚を感じながら、黄金の魔女・ベアトリヌチェの埅぀六軒島ぞず向かう!!" English. "Twelve years after her loved ones were brutally murdered at the annual family meeting, Ange Ushiromiya, now eighteen, is the sole heir of the Ushiromiya family. Ostracized by her peers, Ange seeks companionship in the pages of a diary left behind by her cousin, Maria. The diary offers a precious glimpse of Maria's world--her struggles at school, her friendship with stuffed--lion Sakutarou, and her fascination with magic. It's as if the diary contains the last remnants of Ange's dear cousin...and an opportunity for Ange to discover the magic within herself..." Afterword. Souichiro. "Special Thanks" "Original Creator/Supervisor: Ryukishi07""07th Expansion Staff""Editors: Koizumi, Captain Takegasa" "Assistants:IkedaTsukudaSister&You"
Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 2
# Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 3 Alliance of the Golden Witch Vol. 3 is the third volume of Souichiro's manga adaptation of "Alliance of the Golden Witch" and the 17th overall volume of the manga adaptation of . The volume was released in English by Yen Press in an omnibus format with Volume 4. Publisher's Summary. Japanese. "綎られるのは真里亞の悲しき蚘録。愛がなければ芖えない茝かしい蚘憶は、もう戻っおはこない 。そこにあるのは、ただ暗く、救いのない珟実のみ 。" English. "The appearance of Gretel has strengthened Battler's resolve to face off against Beatrice once again. Both players have become more skillful tacticians over the course of time, and Battler's new "blue truth" ability, along with Gretel's support, will be a boon to his strategy. As the curtain rises on the fourth game, the Ushiromiya family has gathered on Rokkenjima for their annual meeting. Gretel observes the family she hardly knew with complicated emotions...She must come to terms with the past if she wants to help Battler overcome the Golden Witch!" Afterword. Souichiro. "Special Thanks" "Original Creator& Supervisor:Ryukishi0707th Expansion Staff" "Editors:Koizumi,Captain Takegasa" "Assistants:IkedaSister" "&YOU!"
Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 3
# Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 4 Alliance of the Golden Witch Vol. 4 is the fourth volume of Souichiro's manga adaptation of "Alliance of the Golden Witch" and the 18th overall volume of the manga adaptation of . The volume was released in English by Yen Press in an omnibus format with Volume 3. Publisher's Summary. Japanese. "亡きものず思われおいた金蔵が珟れた時、血ぬられた芪族䌚議が幕を開ける 第䞀の晩に繰り広げられる惚劇は、次期圓䞻を孫から決める号砲ず化した!!" English. "The appearance of Gretel has strengthened Battler's resolve to face off against Beatrice once again. Both players have become more skillful tacticians over the course of time, and Battler's new "blue truth" ability, along with Gretel's support, will be a boon to his strategy. As the curtain rises on the fourth game, the Ushiromiya family has gathered on Rokkenjima for their annual meeting. Gretel observes the family she hardly knew with complicated emotions...She must come to terms with the past if she wants to help Battler overcome the Golden Witch!" Afterword. Souichiro. "Special Thanks" "Original Creator& Supervisor:Ryukishi0707th Expansion Staff" "Editors:Koizumi,Captain Takegasa" "Assistants:IkedaSister" "&YOU!"
Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 4
# Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 5 Alliance of the Golden Witch Vol. 5 is the fifth volume of Souichiro's manga adaptation of "Alliance of the Golden Witch" and the 19th overall volume of the manga adaptation of . The volume was released in English by Yen Press in an omnibus format with Volume 6. Publisher's Summary. Japanese. "右代宮家次期圓䞻を決める最䞭、黄金の魔女・ベアトリヌチェから戊人に投げかけられた蚀葉。その真意を掎めぬたた、惚劇は続いおいく " English. "One by one, the attendants of the Ushiromiya family gathering are killed under what can only be described as supernatural circumstances. Even Kyrie, the strongest proponent of logic and reason, is convinced by the vicious parade of witches and demons she has witnessed. Battler and Maria have yet to be tested for their suitability as family head, but the greater test for Battler will be whether or not his logical stance can hold out against the seemingly undeniable tide of the witch's magic..." Afterword. No afterword by either Ryukishi07 or Souichiro.
Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 5
# Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 6 Alliance of the Golden Witch Vol. 6 is the sixth volume of Souichiro's manga adaptation of "Alliance of the Golden Witch" and the 20th overall volume of the manga adaptation of . The volume was released in English by Yen Press in an omnibus format with Volume 5. Publisher's Summary. Japanese. "長い旅の末に、぀いに魔法を理解した瞁寿。未来の六軒島で圌女を埅ち受けおいるものずは !? そしお自分の存圚を芋倱った戊人は、ゲヌムに埩垰できるか!? 出題線ラスト゚ピ゜ヌド、終焉。" English. "One by one, the attendants of the Ushiromiya family gathering are killed under what can only be described as supernatural circumstances. Even Kyrie, the strongest proponent of logic and reason, is convinced by the vicious parade of witches and demons she has witnessed. Battler and Maria have yet to be tested for their suitability as family head, but the greater test for Battler will be whether or not his logical stance can hold out against the seemingly undeniable tide of the witch's magic..." Afterword. Ryukishi07. In This Real World Without Red Text "Hello, I am Ryukishi07." "It is at this point in the very long saga of Umineko When They Cry that we mark a transition into Umineko When They Cry Chiru ("Scattering"). In Episode 4, we meet Ange Ushiromiya, who gives us an interpretation of this world that is different from those of the first three episodes. How did you readers interpret the "incident on Rokkenjima" after this episode?" "Ange refuses to believe in witches and steadfastly holds to her belief that Eva is the killer. Yet there are scenes where she speaks to Maria and Sakutarou. "What does this mean?"" "You cannot see it without love." "Neither Beatrice's true intentions nor the emotions of Eva the survivor. These things cannot be described by others. And without the red text of truth, how do we learn the "truth" in the real world?" "I beseech you to travel this story with an "eye of love" and an "eye without love." I believe that these eyes combined, when you are lost without truth in the real world, will give you just a tiny hint when you need it most." "Now, for those of you lamenting the loss of Soichiro-sensei's art, there is good news! As it happens, he will be providing character designs for Ryukishi07's latest work! The title is Rose Guns Days, and I am once again grateful for all the help of my editor Koizumi-san at Square Enix... (Cries)" "I hope you'll join me for the second half of Umineko When They Cry, as well as Rose Guns Days! Hopefully the two together will give you very different looks at the Ryukishi world!" Souichiro. "Special Thanks" "Original Creator& Supervisor:Ryukishi0707th Expansion Staff" "Editors:Koizumi,Captain Takegasa" "Assistants:IkedaSister" "&YOU!" "Thank you very much."
Alliance of the Golden Witch Manga Volume 6
# Alphabet Project The Alphabet Project is a secret organization that funds weapons research. One of the projects they sponsor is Hinamizawa Syndrome, having taken an interest in its potential as a biological weapon and providing the Irie Clinic with much of their resources. Background. The Alphabet Project is also known as the ABC Project, named after the types of weapons they research: Atomic, Biological, and Chemical. It was originally created and funded by Koizumi to help Japan maintain its position as a major world power following World War II by developing deterrent weapons. Hinamizawa Syndrome was originally considered for research by the Japanese army during World War II but rejected it on the grounds that it would cause issues with the Chinese due to its presumed cause in the Marco Polo Bridge Incident. Koizumi reached out to Miyo Takano, who had inherited her grandfather's research into the syndrome, and told her that it was being reconsidered by the SDF. She obtained funding from the Alphabet Project and opened the Irie Clinic in Hinamizawa soon after. Members. Other members include people from public institutions such as the Defense Agency, Ministry of Health and Welfare and National Institute of Infectious Diseases. Story. Matsuribayashi. "Matsuribayashi"'s beginning and the Connecting Fragments section show the Alphabet Project's involvement in Hinamizawa Syndrome research and their initial partnership with Takano. When they first contacted her, some bureaucrats offered to fund Takano's research but on several conditions: Takano must be made associate researcher of the project while someone else takes the position of lead director, as they were uncomfortable with having just her on board. Takano is allowed to pick from several candidates however, and so she chooses Kyousuke Irie as the lead director. After the Irie Clinic begins operation, Takano drafts Emergency Manual 34, a plan to execute the villagers should Rika the queen carrier die. The Alphabet Project works out the finer details of the plan and provides gas canisters and other equipment. The Alphabet Project's leadership changes a few years later, and so they switch focus to non-militaristic means of developing Japan's foreign relations. All of their sponsors are re-evaluated, with the Irie Clinic told to stop researching the syndrome as a weapon. They still expect the clinic to find a cure for it, but give them a reduced budget and want them to finish research of Hinamizawa Syndrome within three years. This prompts Nomura and Tokyo to take matters into their own hands, as they still had interest in developing the syndrome for military applications. It's shown that Hinamizawa Syndrome was the leading project run by the Alphabet Project, and the new leaders were using it as a scapegoat to voice their displeasure with the way the old leaders were running things. The Public Safety Division eventually uncovers the Alphabet Project's illegal spendings, with Mamoru Akasaka investigating them.
Alphabet Project
# Alternate Hirukowashi
Alternate Hirukowashi
# Amakusa
# Amanda
# Amanda Amamiya is a lady of the night and one of the many women working in alliance with Primavera. Appearance. Amanda has long purple hair tied into curls with a black and red headband. Her dress is similarly black and red with a large cleavage window. Personality. Amanda is a very strict woman with people, especially Rose Haibara, since she believes Rose's sincerity is what prevents her from making logical decisions. Background. Amanda was the leader of a group of ladies of the night and met Caleb when he tried to make her recruit his men as bodyguards. Caleb eventually pulled out, though he and Amanda formed a steady relationship. In the meantime, Amanda, Stella Maiougi and Meryl Tanashi formed Primavera as an alliance of ladies of the night. Amanda wanted to become Madam, but everyone disliked her and settled on Rose instead. Amanda then retired and went to teach kids English in her spare time. Story. "Season 1". Amanda is first introduced in 1947 where she gets recruited to provide some English-speaking girls for Philip Butler's party. Later, Caleb Keireiji takes over City 23 and Amanda acts a contact between him and Primavera where she soon strikes a deal with him and makes herself the Madam of Primavera, taking half of the protection money the girls are to pay. Stella Maiougi and Meryl Tanashi leave the club in defiance, with some other girls following them. "Season 2". Claudia Kurosaki and Wayne Uedera are captured by Caleb Keireiji's men and Amanda holds them at an apartment. Claudia believes that Amanda may actually just be playing the part of the villain to ultimately help Rose Haibara. Amanda later seems to prove her right when she takes several of her bodyguards and leaves the apartment unattended with an abandoned car nearby. Amanda then heads to Club Primavera, where Rose's group take her hostage to use as a bargaining chip against Caleb. Amanda decides to play along with them and pretends to be threatened by Richard when Maurice Monobe appears leading a strike force, however Maurice sees through her ruse and grazes her with a bullet. Amanda is later taken to a hospital. In 1948, the Wandering Dogs encounter Amanda and Caleb in a bar, who have retired from the mafia business and are living secretly. Amanda gives Rose and the Wandering Dogs advice from time to time. "Season 3". Amanda briefly appears to have a short conversation with Zel about her past as an assassin. "Last Season". Amanda appears for the last time in 1950 to give Jeanne some background support when she prepares to take on Primavera.
Amanda Amamiya
# Amanda Amamiya/Image Gallery
Amanda Amamiya/Image Gallery
# Amanda Amamiya/Sprites <tabber> </tabber>
Amanda Amamiya/Sprites
# American General Headquarters
American General Headquarters
# Analogy Analogy could refer to:
# Analogy (song) "For the album, please refer Analogy ~Ayane HIGURASHI Song Collection~" Analogy is the opening for the new anime. It was performed by Ayane; who also performed many of the console opening songs beginning with Nageki no Mori. The song was written by Ayane and composed by the famous anime producer/lyricist and composer Chiyomaru Shikura. A titular album featuring the full version was released on 28th July, 2021. "Analogy" was first featured in the promotional trailer for Higurashi no Naku Noro ni Sotsu on 20th May, 2021 and announced as the opening theme. Around 28th May, 2021—the TV size version of the song premiered on a radio broadcast for the very first time. Later on 26th June, 2021, a teaser version of the titular album was uploaded on Ayane's official YouTube channel, containing a clearer TV size version of "Analogy". On 1st July, 2021; the day of the anime's premiere—a teaser for the music video of "Analogy" was uploaded on MAGES' Official YouTube Channel and a TV Size Version became available for download on online digital media platforms. Video Releases. <tabber> </tabber> Lyrics. <tabber> </tabber> External Links. Translation:
Analogy (song)
# Analogy ~Ayane HIGURASHI Song Collection~ "For the song, please refer Analogy (song)" "This album has two releases:" =~Ayane HIGURASHI Song Collection~ (Regular Edition)= is a compilation album released for the series. It was composed by Chiyomaru Shikura and performed by Ayane, who also performed many of the console opening songs; beginning with Nageki no Mori. The album features all of Ayane's hit songs associated with the franchise up to date. The album was published by MAGES. and MAGES Inc. on July 28, 2021 and sold for 3300 JPY. MAGES Inc. was also in charge of distribution. The featured song Analogy is the opening theme for the TV anime . The B-side contains a newly written song Invisible Light. The album featured a newly drawn jacket by Akio Watanabe and a B2 size poster of the same was included with purchases on the date of release. Tracklisting. <tabber> Disc1. </tabber> =Analogy ~Ayane HIGURASHI Song Collection~ (Limited Edition)= is a compilation album released for the series. It was composed by Chiyomaru Shikura and performed by Ayane, who also performed many of the console opening songs; beginning with Nageki no Mori. The album features all of Ayane's hit songs associated with the franchise up to date. The album was published by MAGES. and MAGES Inc. on July 28, 2021 and the limited edition was sold for 4950 JPY. MAGES Inc. was also in charge of distribution. The featured song Analogy was the opening theme for the TV anime . The B-side contains the newly written song Invisible Light. The album featured a newly drawn jacket by Akio Watanabe and a B2 size poster of the same was included with purchases on the date of release. This release comes along with a Blu-ray disc featuring the music videos for some of the popular songs in the track list along with footage of an online fan meeting—Ayane FAN"MEAT"ing -Online Christmas Live-, which was held on December 24, 2020. Tracklisting. <tabber> Disc1 (CD). "Vocals" Disc2 (Blu-ray). "Live Event, Video" Disc1 (CD). "Vocals" Disc2 (Blu-ray). "Live Event, Video" </tabber> =Retailer-Exclusive Merchandise= Outlets. <tabber> Set of 2L-size (photograph of Ayane with a digital autograph and message/Akio Watanabe's jacket illustration) 2L-size bromide 2 piece set (A photo of Ayane reproduced with a digital autograph and message/Jacket illustration drawn by Akio Watanabe) L size bromide photograph of Ayane with a digital autograph and message </tabber> First time orders will receive a special original B2 size poster Notes. =Trivia= =External Links=
Analogy ~Ayane HIGURASHI Song Collection~
# Andry , from COU Madagascar, is a member of the Gauntlet Knight squad Suparna. Profile. "From COU Madagascar" "A member of the 301st Aerial Augmented Infantry squad "Suparna" of the COU Combined Military Central General Corps, First Branch" "Supposedly, the reason he wasn't discovered by the national exams was because he likes to slack off, and he wasn't at school on the day of the exam." "Even though enrollment into the Aerial Augmented Infantry course usually starts at preschool, he began at age 13, becoming the latest-blooming ace on the planet, as well as the person who reached this position in the shortest period of time." Appearance. Andry has pink hair and wears a military uniform with a red scarf over it. He also wears black pants and brown shoes. His Gauntlet resembles a missile launcher and has a golden mantle hanging off of it. Personality. Andry is interested in doing anything if it means he gets paid for it, even if he has to kill someone. Even so, Andry shows concern for his squad mates. He also says "woo" a lot. Special Abilities. Sleeping Lion (SS) "Ingenious and efficient, he can perfectly carry out tasks  after seeing them just once, even if it's his first time and he hasn't studied at all." "However, either because it's the fate of all geniuses or simply because of his dandyism, he pretends to hate working and doesn't like showing off his true power." Aptitude for Long-Distance Attacks (A) "He likes to hide behind terrain, safely attacking from a secure distance, and has a strong aptitude for such tactics. He values returning home without any losses more than guaranteed positive results." Long-Distance High-Maneuverability Guided Missiles (A) "He specializes in high-maneuverability, powerful guided missiles capable of tracking even a member of the Aerial Augmented Infantry. He makes an art form of never exposing himself while one-sidedly chasing his opponent around, wearing them out and making them retreat without bloodshed." Story. Andry is first introduced in Chapter 2 alongside his squad mates at the International Battle Standard Festival. He later helps Jayden with his troubles regarding Miyao's alternate personality and subsequent relationship. In Chapter 18, Andry's squad is sent on a mission to destroy ABN agricultural plants and in the process are accused of causing civilian casualties. This catches up to them in Chapter 24 when Suparna is reprimanded for it. Rukhshana suddenly transforms into Rukhi and lets loose on the colonel in charge, and Andry steps in to defend her and ensure she stays in the squad.
# Andry/Gallery
# Andry/Sprites <tabber> </tabber>
# Ange