::it is not a quote, rather a word in a book printed in 1834. the section is titled etymology, which means 1st known use. the only claim i made was it was in a book, i provided the source, which you have not challenged. WP does not require a secondary source to verify a word is printed in a book.
A corporate lawyer , who has her own corporation , is going to continue to be a corporate shill and corporate puppet and nothing will change for the better, just get worse, that's for sure. Woman , man , or android in office, the corporations are winning.
Amboy is actually the eastern outpost of several Quaternary volcanic centers on the Route 66 corridor within California. Approximately 8 miles west of the Amboy Lava Fields lies the Bagdad Cone Complex, a group of four agglutinate cones not much older than Amboy. These craters are interesting in that the lavas brought up chunks of unmelted mantle rock. Directly south of this field is the Ordnance Cone Complex, of a similar age. Farther west, I-40 crosses the extensive Pisgah Lava Field. The cinder cone of this field was mined for cinders at one time. Directly across Lavic Lake (dry) from the Pisgah Field is the Lavic Flow and the Sunshine Cone Flow. K-Ar dates for these flows are approximately 800ky and 200ky respectively. Still farther west, in the Rodman Mountains, lies the Malpais Flow and associated cinder cone. The cone here was also quarried at one time. Other Quaternary volcanic centers are scattered throughout the Mojave. One good example is the Cima Volcanic Field, south of the town of Baker, on the I-15 corridor.
, 2 June 2006 (UTC) ****Frankly, your arrogance is stifling. If you googled, you'll see there is no one of notability by that name. But hey! You go ahead, Mr Big Stuff - lets turn wikipedia into one big vanity publisher. Then you'll never have to admit you were wrong. Maybe they'll publish an article about you!! People like you ruin a good thing. 18:07
There are many parents and guardians struggling with teens and inappropriate conduct. Good parents; bad parents; parents new to sobriety struggling with their own issues while they genuinely want to make positive change; parents who don't want to be parents. Wealthy lifestyles and trailer park, every socioeconomic group. Not uncommon for teens to be running away from an unhealthy home life and unintentionally finding themselves in risky situations instead of rescue, getting caught up in bad stuff without meaning to. There are few resources. Where does one go? What does one do? What's the safety net? For a parent AND a teen. Particularly with 15-17 yo teens -- not old enough to access services independently (like Covenant House) but not young enough to be a priority for law enforcement and Child Protective Services. Family counseling costs money and there are a ton of barriers. Even when parents try, you can't make a teen go. What do we do? How do we address this?
" ==The misleading poll on which the introduction is now based== I think we left off on this topic with the accusation that ""your idea of using ""exactly the wording Gallup actually used"" is merely original research."" I think the complete idiocy of this remark speaks for itself. "
You say to calm down yet you continue to speak like a Democratic Spin-Maestro so I'd suggest you think outside the talking points box and really ask the tough questions about how society has created people with so little regard for human life rather than blaming an object. You'll find that much of this is in fact a result of the leftist / socialist policies I'm guessing you support (maybe not) along with the "me"-generations' attitude as a whole.
Just have the girls take a smaller cut from each drink.
" ==Why Quebec did not secede== This unexplained edit implies that Quebec remained within the Empire due to ""a strong military government at that time with a garrison of 800 British regulars overseeing an isolated population of 90,000."" It also ignores the 150,000 aboriginal inhabitants and implies that the regulars were concentrated in a garrison, when in fact they were thinly spread. The editor has explained his views of reluctance of French Canadians to join the revolution, but I do not see anyone agreeing with him and will therefore reverse. Please do not re-add without discussion. "
==Correction== I only post definitions of words you have misused,or confused, you bombastic ****. You have absolutely no conception of my vocabulary and you really need to stop make spurious comments like that. Speaking of *me* as a pain is ludicrous. You have from day one,violated {{Good faith]] Harassment, {{Spite]] etc. etc. You have referred to me as both a he and a she, so who is confused here?
Careful Pete, Trump is even threatening Dreamers.
sources do speak of these relationships.
Who the F- is Nicolas Steno? And, who cares?
::Oh dear. My AGF meter is broken due to all the bozos I've met online over the years (and having engaged in a fair amount of mean and sarcastic trolling myself, I sometimes project my sarcasm onto others). I'll tell Bear I'm sorry and will cease meddling in your affairs. Take it easy, whether mourning alone, or with the love of your friends. Love,
" Please do not vandalize pages, as you did with this edit to Kick-Ass (film). If you continue to do so, you will be blocked from editing. "
Yes, just like if they'd won 2 less games when Peyton was under center. Peyton, Brock, DT, Von, Harris, Talib, Sanders, and dozens of others were all pieces of that.
Thank you for refactoring. The page seems to need work, but discussion not going anywhere. Your refactoring really helps. I only wish now that we could make the Energy Development or Sustainability project a working reality.
:Like I said, I had been looking at the Fall of Constantinople version, so I thought this article had seriously degraded and it had to be reverted to a better state. Obviously, I was wrong. -)  ] [majestic titan]
I'd say we're long past the embarrassment stage. If embarrassment were a factor Trump wouldn't be a sliver away from the Oval Office.
When does my block expire? June 3rd right?Rocky
::yes it is don't argue what u dont know.
" Some sources, such as the one I listed, indicate she said ""fuck jesus"". Note I did not refer to Detroit Free Press. "
What does "baseline" have to do with it? Men average taller than women; all you need to do to verify this is measure the male and female populations and do the simple averaging calculation. The same applies in any case of a difference between two populations; you simply compare the two populations; comparing both of them to a third "baseline" population makes no sense.
== Fully falsificated rubbish == Fully falsificated rubbish, made of course by marazmatic Hello-but.
:I suppose that guy was me. I have better things to do than keep my eye on loony-tunes talk pages, and if I knew how to get my original comment to show up again on this page,I would do it becase i amkinda pissed right now. lookatt howo many words youve wasted here. The article itself seems more or less complete, even if it dwells incessantly on one or two sujects. I think melaluca products stink (sometimes literally), and I know a guy who tried out the program but gave it up. Who cares about your glibbet, or glbt, fantasies? Just tell me more about vandersloot and any other rich republican and i'll be satisifed.
:Actually, religion has often been discussed on this talk page, and the article's last section discusses that viewpoint and links to a larger article on it.
He also added that both Billy Ray Cyrus and Miley Cyrus had died because of poison. Someone should siteban this idiot.
" I think a shade-in would be very appropriate. I discovered an article which gives the line of the Bugar-Byzantine border (also demarcated by ""The Great Fence"") in the time of Khagan Omurtag: From Develtus to Makrolivada (now Gara Zlati Dol) on the Maritza River thence to a fortress towards the mountains NORTH of Philippopolis (ie this city was Byzantine). This can be found at: http://ehr.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/XXV/XCVIII/276.pdf "
== New Plot == My intervention was aimed at making the plot shorter and easier to consult - thus to let any reader understand what the movie is about with a quick read. The new version seems to me too detailed. Encyclopedia entries about movies usually do not reach this level of detail.
" :::Pretty embarrassing for Scottish football, as a whole, of late. Oh well, the international team only has Germany to face next Sunday [stupid week of football shit!] Batter down the Cod Army! "
Many thanks to AG Chin for continuing to oppose the Muslim ban. The new Know-Nothings pushing the ban will eventually enter the history books alongside the original scalawags who eventually lost the battle to keep my Irish Catholic ancestors out of the country.
Sounds like our do nothing government strikes again. Why spend 400million if you can wait and spend 8 billion when catastrophe strikes? Same thing is happening with climate change. Why have people buy efficient vehicles when selling gas is so awesome.
::::Are you saying Muhammad was better than Jesus, because he raped women, killed people, and had sex with a 9 year old child? Please. Look, when it all comes down to it, Akkadians, are not Arabs, because Akkadians, simply were not Arabs. This is like saying that Japanese people are Africans because their ancestors migrated from Africa. Come one, cut the Arabist crap. — | 22:51 17 Aug, 2007 (UTC)
Christian tradition refer to the general belief regarding Christian mythology and folklore around the world. It's not something that is generally up to discussion. For example, the belief that Satan rebelled against God and that Satan and his following angels were subsequently thrown out of Heaven and became demons is Christian tradition.
Where to begin with this fluff piece.. Canada is as architecturally indistinct as possible...Visit Australia - a somewhat comparable country. Modern houses are commonplace, even for the most middle of the middle class. Read design magazines, they either feature very few Canadian projects (if they do, they are likely something like BIGs' new project in Calgary - BIG being Danish), or in fact are called out - like Monocle pointing out it is one of Toronto's biggest drawbacks.. Faux Chateau in Australia? Yes, they exist, but they are not celebrated as the cornerstone of design as in Canada's cookie-cutter suburbs... And as for any new high-rises in Toronto, or Vancouver... Perhaps the author could start by looking at the city he practices in, where many great structures from the early part of the 20th century were torn down, with either nothing, or dreck replacing them,......
Wrong! Complete rubbish about driveby! Superficial reading doesn't count. Read this talk page. Duh!–tired of this bald bias poving.Jase
== I uploaded this file == :File:NashvilleTeens1.jpg many years ago when I foolishly believed that it was okay. Well we were all young and stupid once, but no more. Go ahead and delete it. Einar aka
" == Hallå? == ""Var snäll att återskapa inte tidigare raderat material."" Jag gjorde ju inte det.. Det var ju du som tog bort den så fort jag skapade den!"
get a life please
== Hi == The fuck it is, vandalism is action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property. Look at the word damage I didn't damage anything and I am taking this to court.
I have read what you have written about Church history, and there are only two conclusions one can draw from that reading: (1) You are lying through your teeth; (2) you don't know what you are talking about. I chose the more charitable conclusion.
" :The only ""rumor"" here is that Glenn Spencer and his organization have any credibility left at all. I often wonder how a guy(Spencer) who cannot talk about hispanics without spewing out idiotic racist crap can have his finger on the pulse of the hispanic public and thus know about some kind of upcoming race war. "
==Zeta potential to Stability behavior table== This is a very useful table for understand zeta values, but why does the table go from 0-5, 10-30, 30-40, 40-60, 60+? Where is the 5-10 value? -
I agree with Taxpayer - so far all Trump has managed to do is wreck everything around him like an impetuous child. Rather ironic for a guy who considers himself a "builder". The man/child desperately needs a time out.
Knocked of a 'yo-yo!' by some fucking cunt of a vandal. It is one thing to vandalise Jade Goody or some other cunts page, but one of Steinbecks books, the filthy, dirty cunts.
As Performer === The Metropolitan Opera Company, New York from 1956 to 1961, Marks danced principal roles in: {| |- | Aida || Alcestis || Carmen |- | La Giaconda || The Gypsy Baron || Lucia de Lammermoor |- | Rigoletto || La Forza del Destino || Les Contes d’ Hoffmann |- | Example || Example || Example |- | Example || Example || Example |- | Example || Example || Example |} ===
== Théodore Sindikubwabo == Agreed, sorry about that. I shouldn't have marked the first of those edits as 'minor'. July 6, 2005 13:11 (UTC)
There's a somewhat recent doco out ("Semper Fi: Always Faithful") about decades of water contamination and links to birth defects, deaths, etc at the Marine Base in Camp LeJeune, N.C. as well. Interesting stuff for a service that always...ALWAYS...preaches "Marines look out for their own".
" This was a while ago. "
"::::::::::::::::yes. there's a whole range of issues that medicine recognizes as problems but is hesitant to address because they can't ascribe an etiology to them. AltMed doesn't worry about that as much, and sometimes offers apparently effective treatments. it reminds me of Freud, who originally started working with things like glove anesthesia (a physiological loss of sensation in the hands that - so he decided - was purely psychological in origins). very difficult to assess in concrete evidentiary terms. "
Re:Mere Rubbish == I also think it is mere rubbish but I also think it is not completely rubbish. According to the southeast asian history, most of the ancient rulers of this region are Hindus, some rulers came from Persia (map covered Middle east, Greece, west India - Achaemenid Empire, Seleucid Empire, Parthian Empire and Sassanid Dynasty, please look at the size of the map their conquered). Kedah is a good example where the king from Persia came and eventually he built a kingdom. In the old days, it was slavery society (no sultanate and no democracy yet), all Hindu rulers belong to higher class, common peoples and the natives belong to inferior slave class. The Hindus rulers came from India and Persia and they ruled most of the southeast asia, they called themselves high class peoples, the rest are merely slaves. Parameswara is a Hindu ruler, he is one of the descendants of the Hindu royal family that belong to higher class of Hinduism. As for the Macedonian bloodline, this is also not completely rubbish. In the old days, the Persian empire was so big, they are so proud with king Alexander the Great. Also, they ruled some of the southeast asian lands such as the Angkor, Pasai, etc. Parameswara later married Pasai's princess and adopted Persian Shah and claimed as descendant of Alexander the Great, I don't think all this is completely rubbish. Anyway, please correct me, I may be wrong too. ==
not in my place. the opposite is true
DerpDerpDerpDerpDErpDERpDERPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPDASDASDASDASDDASDASDADMAOSJDOSDOKASODKASOKDOAKSODKASDKAKSDKKDKDKKDKDKHHDHGDUIIUISISKAÖÖAPWKSJJHSUJJW 2356625859+635889856656889+63 3636 996989987865546573685446842346854562354456823464842364427464125641268416425341542 53428454235654263845486234462843568734286486484238624968543855442634562837452 542348654238544681468441235442653445286458344852475425344243454238544823448623464742 472389446824568423854542856768264843648724856482468348274584rw8ef4v8sdfauisgajhcoaJFA*ASGHFÜ AFHIOAEFPA*IPÜiojpjapfihs gjspofvjop asjsüI ij ojasdfs isdlifjsöod
== Re: Hergest Ridge cover == There are about 20 albums made by Mike and it's quite impossible to place all of the covers on the article without making it look cluttered. So, I picked the ones with the better-looking cover art and the ones which have a good reason to remain in the article because of its importance. Unless there's any good reason, I'm afraid to say that Hergest Ridge is the first one to go. ;)
== Season 7 == Wat is this jou sick uncyclopedia is better than jou they had there season of Celebrity Deathmatch all on seasen 10 and jou suck ass listen up to me a new season of MTV Celebrity Deathmatch with new celebrity's *Dane Cook *Bruce Faulconer *Wes Craven *Kane Hodder *Drake Bell *Josh Peck *Butch Hartman *Wesley Snipes *Randy Orton *Triple H *Rob Van Dam *Rey Mysterio
Additionally, several paragraphs are far too long to be read comfortably, and spacing needs to be improved.
:oh, i just reverted it to the last version, thats all... still, i cant think of a serious historian questionning the election of 1970, i dont know why he placed that there, its not really something ambiguous.
REDIRECT Talk:The Price Is Right (US)
==Documentation please== I can't understand why people just plonk down mysterious articles like this, without sources, and with no way for the reader to judge whether it's original research, a personal essay, something copied from somebody's term paper, or what. IMO this kind of thing should be deleted until the page's creator sees fit to take responsibility for it.
https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2017/10/20/quebecs-bill-62-declares-war-on-sunglasses-hbert.html It isn't drivel. Read the bill.
You got a lousy picture and put up show episodes as references while deleting real sources. You're an idiot.
A belated welcome! ]]Here's wishing you a belated welcome to Wikipedia, Chiefmiz. I see that you've already been around a while and wanted to thank you for your contributions. Though you seem to have been successful in finding your way around, you may benefit from following some of the links below, which help editors get the most out of Wikipedia: Introduction The five pillars of Wikipedia How to edit a page Help pages How to write a great article Also, when you post on talk pages you should sign your name on talk pages using four tildes (~~~~); that should automatically produce your username and the date after your post. I hope you enjoy editing here and being a Wikipedian! If you have any questions, feel free to leave me a message on , consult Wikipedia:Questions, or place on your talk page and ask your question there. Again, welcome!
:That's nice work, Michael - this article needs to improve. But I question putting the Australian range in the Introduction - it is already there in the Distribution section just under, which would be the usual place for it. I have moved to a more prominent place in the Distribution bit. By the way, do you happen to know if they were taken to New Zealand as well?
::ps. This is farcical editing. Why must anyone be dragged into this absurd bickering simply because one editor is careless, slapdash, and when corrected, just persists in finessing his useless edit until patience is exhausted?
Added Information Thank you, Ntropolis, for the extra information on Terry Zahn!
== i can´t even create an article is unbeievable the censorship that exists in this magazine oh sorry encyclopèdia
" == Miscellany for deletion nomination for == Hi Bearcat. I have nominated for my first miscellany for deletion on the mainspace draft . A user was copied from the original article List of historic places in Victoria, British Columbia to make a userspace or mainspace draft confusing the two same titles. The capital letters ""HP"" was abbreviated for ""historic places"" and ""BC"" was abbreviated for ""British Columbia"". This will be discussed at Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/User:CaroleHenson/List of HP in Victoria, BC until a consensus is reached. You are welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines for this discussion. I will see you at the miscellany for deletion page. "
It did not exist when I went to school there, which was when it was the best system in the nation. Its not quality that leads to home schooling but people who believe Darwin is a hypothesis rather than a field theory. Of course, the Catholic schools all teach Darwin.
I know! Let's replace all of the Native American mascots with caricatures of white pioneer women, or with caricatures of Daniel Boone, George Custer, Betsy Ross, Calamity Jane! Change the name from Braves to Crocketts with an image of Davy, depicting his opposition to the Indian Removal Act.
Journalist Vanessa Beeley also says that escaped civilians were desperate to tell their stories to her. Vanessa Beeley also says that she believes it would be impossible for anyone to be posting to Twitter from East Aleppo, because there is no 3G, no wi-fi, and no electricity. She suspects they're broadcasting from other regions, and pretending to be in East Aleppo. Vanessa also mentions that civilians who escaped the rebels report that anyone who was suspected of supporting the Syrian government was be executed by the rebels. Also, a woman who was begging for food was shot by the rebels in the mouth, in public. It's insanity that the garbage and evil G&M care so much about their madman ideology that they're defending and supporting these actions by shielding them from public awareness, while creating fiction to demonize the Syrian army and Russia, who are putting a stop to these things. Here's Eva Bartlett saying similar things while answering a Question: https://youtu.be/AisvBNXPdG8
::You are wasting your time (and ours) arguing this here. Either take the issue to WP:RSN or drop it. If you persist in using this talk page as a soapbox for your own ridiculous speculation, I shall ask that you be banned from contributing to the article, as you are violating policy.
== II or III? == I have renamed this article on the Norwegian (bokmål) wiki (from II to III) according to the logic on English wiki. Hopefully English wiki is correct to follow... I have noticed that this name have caused some confusions amoung the different wikies. French have the same picture of a coin on two articles Artaban II and Artaban III. Are we absolutly sure we are right? Parthia.com do use II: Artabanus II (c. A.D. 10 - 38)
Welcome! Hello, , and welcome to Wikipedia! Thank you for . I hope you like the place and decide to stay. Here are some pages that you might find helpful: *The five pillars of Wikipedia *Tutorial *How to edit a page *How to write a great article *Manual of Style I hope you enjoy editing here and being a Wikipedian! Please sign your messages on discussion pages using four tildes (~~~~); this will automatically insert your username and the date. If you need help, check out Wikipedia:Questions, ask me on , or ask your question on this page and then place {{helpme}} before the question. Again, welcome! Bienvenue, I've removed your email address from your user page - this is _NOT_ displayed. Please see User Account Settings for an alternative Wikipedia email mechanism. Thanks,
I agree with Marie Collins completely -- Card Pell should never have been allowed to 'hide out in the Vatican' (with an influential post, no less) -- reminiscent of Boston's Card Law. Is Vatican City the place where old / well-connected pedophiles go to die?
" == Real term? == It is argued that the term ""Dunning-Kruger"" is a bullshit term that is used for people to feel superior themselves. By using an obscure word that may or may not actually be from psychology, it makes the user sound authoritative."
Chelsea is a grown up now and was seen around campaigning for Hilary Clinton. Under your logic, she is also fair game. Yet no one in the media dared to attack. Even you're making excuses about Chelsea being a children when she's currently 37 years old. And how about Malia working as an intern for Weinstein? That makes her fair game too. Like I said, hypocrisy at its best and it extends to you.
After seeing the mess that this has become, I don't think that jews would want to go near this with a ten foot pole. Such tzuris for nothing.
When you think about it Trump is giving the ordinary person a window into Foreign Relations and the average American is loving it!
==Christian Brothers College & PSA== I added a section entitled Defunct Schools, and added CBC to that, is that satisfactory?
" ===Insulting email=== I don't know if I'm the only one who's been receiving insulting email from someone claiming to be Ahmad Jamal about the birth namethis abusive person holds me responsible for putting the name in the article, and tells me I should remove the name from Wikipedia or ""suffer the consequences."" You know, that really kills my desire to play his music againif it is really him. To whoever the idiot was who identified me as the ""culprit"": you're a moron, and you should look at the edit history more carefully. "
::It is not original research to say that the IAEA Board of Governors passed a resolution after receiving the report by the Director General. The report was a report to the Board - just look at the heading on the document. The GOV series of documents are reports to the Board. The Board passed its resolution after receiving the report. I really don't have a clue what the problem is here, but perhaps you could take a look here on the IAEA web site and find something that fills the gap you perceive.
:All this shit was discussed before, the sources are fine, and Modi calls himself a nationalist.
Oh yea after listing off numerous violations Comey did give Clinton a free pass, a free pass that anyone other than Clinton would not have been given, anyone else would have charged with a crime.
" What are people's thoughts on planets from books, audios etc. I added Polymos, because obviously the Nestene homeworld does exist in the series, even if it wasn't named, and hedged with an ""according to..."", but I'd be interested to know what people thought about adding, say, Heaven (Love and War)."
" :: Very strange... ;) Thanks for removing it from my talk page. - "
" == Global War for Jobs == Current.tv refers to a ""Global War for Jobs."" But a visit to Europe or South Korea reveals that this is really a ""Global War for American Jobs."" How many people have been killed in the Global War for Jobs? Was Jobs killed in the Global War for Jobs? How many Foxconn employees have been killed so far? And if an Obamamutant from Globalistan gives all the jobs to his friends, is it really necessary to win such a war?"
Did you catch the news where some Sate Trooper said " we don't go after speeders on the hi way unless they're doing 75 or more."?
Comes back to the same ideas. Publicly funded elections, election seasons, paper mail in ballots that are recorded and can be looked up online to make sure nobody messed with your vote. I mean if the GOP can give this information to a company to leave unprotected online, you should be able to see your own voting record. A national voter registration database would be fine by me. Single live person voting and no state messing with the districts like we have seen recently. Gerrymandering is an understatement.
Drop it too much poop In da pants drop it
== Threats == Don't threaten me buster. Or use childish emoticons @)).
" ***You assume (i.e. decide for yourself with no real evidence) too much in accusing me of making things up. What's my opinion based on? The fact that I was born in the UK to an Irish-American father from whom I learned much and spent several periods in New York over the past 20 years visiting relatives. As for your first point, I never said ""most Americans"": you did. It is clear from my post that I said many (i.e. not most) IRISH Americans are anti-English (you seem to agree on the fact, if not the numbers, so what's your problem?). And finally, why would I ""rant"" about how a British sport is better than a US one? What the hell are you talking about? You're the one ranting and raving because someone has posted something you do not agree with, and then claiming I have a superiority complex. What a deranged and paranoid fool you appear to be. PS Something is bunk because you've not heard it? Is any more evidence required to show you to be the arrogant one here?"
:Fine with me.
When Trump and the Republicans want to take health insurance away from millions of Americans to fund a massive tax cut for the rich, when Trump allows global warming to continue apace so that the Koch Brothers can become even richer, when Trump tries to obstruct criminal investigations, when he indulges in blatant conflicts of interest, when he flat-out lies, then it is proper to protest it. You want to call this "hateful rhetoric", as if you conservatives didn't display hateful rhetoric against Obama.
" == Piece of news/reference, where should this go in the article == I think this is useful information to add to the article. I wanted to ask where it should go. Announcing availability of Debian GNU/Linux as an endorsed distribution in Azure Marketplace Microsoft brings Debian GNU/Linux to Azure cloud ∑;3 "
* Would you please stop recrecting the article. Every time you do, it gets speedy deleted.
==Petitions== Would you mind pointing me to the conversations where the clerks have made such decisions? thanks.
== Bloodsport == Please see the talk page. I would suggest you temporarily disable your email contact, if you have not already. Hopefully by allowing them a little of their own way, they may be pacified. If any of them make any further threats, I will take the appropriate action. -